diff --git "a/scene/test.json" "b/scene/test.json" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/scene/test.json" @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"query": ["Cause he wants to be a God-knows-it-all an \u2019 a God-do-it-all and Simms is de onliest one in this town whut will buck up to him .", "Give it to \u2018 em , Elder . Wear \u2018 em out !", "I just think its a sin and a shame before de livin justice de way dese", "Gointer testify for Jim ?", "I done went and crapped a mess of collard greens for supper \u2014 I better go put em on \u2014 cause Lawd knows when we goin \u2019 to git outa there \u2014 and my husband is one of them dats gointer eat do n't keer whut happen . I bet if Judgment day was to happen tomorrow , he 'd speck I orter fix him a bucket to carry long .", "The trial of Jim Weston for assault and battery on Dave Carter wid a dangerous weapon will be held at Macedonia Baptist Church on Monday November 10 , at three o'clock . All are welcome \u2014 by order of J. Clarke , Mayor of Eatonville , Fla .Hit 's makin \u2019 on to three now .", "Lawd help us ! He can n't preach and he look like 10 \u00a2 worth of have-mercy , let lone gittin \u2019 up dare tryin \u2019 to throw slams at us . Now all Elder Sims done was to explain to us our rights \u2014 Whut you think bout Joe Clarke running round here takin \u2019 up for those ole Baptist niggers ?", "I better go put dese greens on \u2014 my husband will kill me if he do n't find no supper ready . Here come Mrs. Blunt . She oughter feel like a penny 's worth of have-mercy wid all dis stink behind her daughter .", "Whut you doin \u2019 ? Readin \u2019 dat notice Joe Clarke put up \u2018 bout de meetin \u2019 ?"], "true_target": ["Baptis \u2019 niggers is runnin \u2019 round here carryin \u2019 on .", "Naw indeed . Never syndicate wid niggers \u2014 do \u2014 they will distriminate you . They 'll be an anybody . You goin to de trial , ai n't you ?", "That 's right , Sister Blunt \u2014 I glory in yo \u2019 spunk . Lord , I better go put on my supper . ( As Mrs. Blunt exits right , Rev . Singletary enters left with Dave and Deacon Lindsay and Sister Lewis . Very hostile glances from Sisters Thomas and Taylor towards the others .", "But we all know how come he so hot to law Jim outa town \u2014 hits to dig de foundation out from under Elder Sims \u2014", "Reverend , look like you headed de wrong way . It 's almost time for de trial and youse all de dependence we got .", "Very well , Miz Blunt , how you ?", "Chile , if you talk after niggers they 'll have you in de graveyard or in Chattahoochee one . You can n't pay no tention to talk .", "Evenin \u2019 , Sis Taylor .", "Lord , lemme gwan home and put dese greens on .Here come Mayor Clark now , wid his belly settin \u2019 out in front of him like a cow-catcher . His name oughter be Mayor Belly .", "You think it 's right to be runnin \u2019 dat boy off for nothin ?"], "play_index": 0, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["De puzzle-gut rascal \u2014 we oughter have him up in conference and put him out de Meth'dis \u2019 faith . He do n't blong in there \u2014 Wanta run dat boy outa town for nothin \u2019 .", "Shet up , you nasty lil heifer , sassing me ! You ai n't half raised .", "Goin \u2019 to de meetin \u2019 ?", "Lum , Elder Simms been huntin \u2019 you \u2014 he 's gone on down bout de barn .", "I 'm kickin \u2019 but not high .", "You mean you 'll git stomped . Ahm going to de trial too . De nex trial gointer be me for kickin some uh you Baptis niggers around .", "Is dat whut it says ? I ai n't much on readin \u2019 since I had my teeth pulled out . You know if you pull out dem eye teeth you ruins yo \u2019 eye sight .Whut it say ?", "All men favors they guts , chile . But whut you think of all dis mess they got going on round here ?", "Evenin \u2019 .", "I 'm going on down to de church an \u2019 tell yo \u2019 mammy . But she ai n't been half raised herself .", "Chile , some folks do n't keer . They do n't raise they chillen , they drags \u2018 em up . God knows if dat Daisy was mine , I 'd throw her down and put a hundred lashes on her back wid a plow-line . Here she come in de store Sat'day nighta wringing and a twisting !", "You mus n't mind dat , Sister Blunt . People just will talk . They 's talkin \u2019 in New York and they 's talkin \u2019 in Georgy and they 's talkin \u2019 in Italy .", "If y'all do n't git on home !"], "true_target": ["You'se telling de truth , Sister Blunt \u2014 that 's what I always say \u2014 Do n't confidence dese niggers , do they 'll sho put you in de street .", "You mean its right now .Lemme go git ready to be at de trial \u2014 cause I 'm sho going to be there and I ai n't goin \u2019 to bite my tongue neither .", "Y'think he 'll come clear ?", "Go head on yo'self . Yo \u2019 head look like it done wore out three bodies \u2014 talking bout me smelling \u2014 you smell lak a nest of grand daddies yo'self .", "Oh they been puttin out they brags ever since Sat'day night bout whut they gointer do to Jim . They thinks they runs this town . They tell me Rev . Singleton preached a sermon on it yesterday .", "Yeah , de bear is walkin \u2019 de earth lak a natural man .", "Hit me ! Hit me ! I dare you tuh hit me . If you take dat dare you 'll steal a hawg an \u2019 eat his hair .", "Brother Mayor , I ai n't one of these folks dat bite my tongue and bust my gall \u2014 Whuts inside got to come out ! I can n't see to my rest why you cloakin \u2019 in wid dese Baptist buzzards ginst yo \u2019 own Church .", "Jus \u2019 look at him ! Trying to look like a jigadier Breneral .", "More matter than you kin scatter all over Cincinnatti .", "What he wanta do dat for ?", "You lil Baptis haitians , leave them chillun alone . If you do n't , you better !", "I know it . I know it , Ida . But dat ai n't de point . De crow we wants to pick is , is we gointer set still and let dese Baptist tell us when to plant and when to pluck up ?"], "play_index": 0, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Naw . I reckon \u2014 Do n't make much difference to me which way de drop fall \u2014 Taint neither one of \u2018 em much good .", "Done got my clothes on de line and I 'm bound to be dere \u2014"], "true_target": ["Dat is something to think about when you come to think about it .Guess I better go ahead \u2014 See y'all later and tell you straighter .", "Hello Hoyt , Hello Lucy ."], "play_index": 0, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I know it . I 'm trying to find de Marshall so we kin go after Jim . I wants a chance to talk wid him a minute before court sits .", "How you do , Sister Taylor , Sister Thomas ."], "true_target": ["I know it !I 'm going to law \u2018 em from Genesis to Revelation .", "We'se liable to have a new Mayor when all dis dust settle . Well , I better scuffle on down de road ."], "play_index": 0, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I God , that 's right , Lum . I 'll go get it from de lodge room whilst you go git de bone an \u2019 de prisoner . Hurry up ! You walk like dead lice droppin \u2019 off you !"], "true_target": ["I God , de bear got me !How y'all feelin \u2019 ladies ?"], "play_index": 0, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I ai n't cloakin \u2019 in wid none . I 'm de Mayor of dis whole town . I stands for de right and against de wrong . I do n't keer who it kill or cure ."], "true_target": ["I God ! You call knockin \u2019 a man in de head wid a mule bone nothin \u2019 ? \u2018 Nother thing \u2014 I done missed nine of my best-layin \u2019 hens . I ai n't sayin \u2019 Jim got \u2018 em \u2014 but different people has told me he buries a powerful lot of feathers in his back yard . I God , I 'm a ruint man !I God , Lum , I been lookin \u2019 for you all day . It 's almost three o'clock .Take dis key and go fetch Jim Weston on to de church ."], "play_index": 0, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I reckon I 'll overtake him ."], "true_target": ["Have you got yo \u2019 gavel from de lodge-room ?"], "play_index": 0, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["How y'all sisters ?", "Just as sho as you snore , and they better leave Daisy 's name outer dis too . I done told her and told her to come straight home from her work . Naw , she had to stop by dat store and skin her gums back wid dem trashy niggers . She better not leave them whitefolks today to come praipsin over here scornin her name all up wid dis nigger mess \u2014 do , I 'll kill her . No daughter of mine ai n't going to do as she please long as she live under de sound of my voice ."], "true_target": ["Oh so-so .", "Well , I know one thing \u2014 de man or woman , chick or child , grizzly or gray that tells me to my face anything wrong bout my chile \u2014 I 'm going to take my fistand knock they teeth down they throat .Cause y 'll know I raised my Daisy right round my feet till I let her go up north last year wid them white folks . I 'd ruther her to be in de white folks kitchen than walkin \u2019 de streets like some of dese girls round here . If I do say so , I done raised a lady . She can n't help it if all dese men get stuck on her .", "Well , thank God you still on prayin \u2019 ground and in a Bible Country \u2014 Me , I ai n't many today . De niggers got my Daisy 's name all mixed up in diss mess ."], "play_index": 0, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Aw , rack on down de road , \u2018 oman . Ah do n't wantuh change words wid yuh . You'se too ugly .", "Whuts de matter , y'all ? Cat got yo \u2019 tongue ?"], "true_target": ["Go head on , Lucy Taylor , go head on . You know a very little of yo \u2019 sugar sweetens my coffee . Go head on . Everytime you lift yo \u2019 arm you smell like a nest of yellow hammers .", "You better git \u2018 way from me while you able . I done tole you I do n't wants break a mouth wid you . It 's a whole heap better tuh walk off on yo own legs than it is to be toted off . I 'm tired of yo \u2019 achin round here . You fool wid me now an \u2019 I 'll knock you into doll rags , Tony or no Tony .", "Lemme gwan down to dat church befo \u2019 you make me stomp you ."], "play_index": 0, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Oh Baptis , Baptis is my name My name 's written on high I got my lick in de Baptis church Gointer eat up de Methdis pie"], "true_target": ["Y'all ai n't the onliest ones kin go . We goin \u2019 too .", "Y'all ole Meth'dis \u2019 ai n't got no window panes in yo \u2019 ole church ."], "play_index": 0, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["We would n't walk behind no ole Baptists !"], "true_target": ["Aw Haw ! Copy cats !Dat 's right , follow on behind us lak uh puppy dog tail .", "Less go round by Mosely 's lot and beat \u2018 em there !"], "play_index": 0, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["You was . Did n't I lear you coming down de track all whistling and everything ?", "I 'd make a panther wash yo \u2019 dishes and a \u2018 gator chop yo \u2019 wood for you .", "Aw , come on , Daisy \u2014 sun 's gettin \u2019 low .", "I \u2014 I \u2014 bought ?", "Yes , I do , darling , I love you . Youse de one letting a spade come between us .I loves you and you only . You do n't see me dragging a whole gang of farming tools into us business , do you ?", "Hello , Daisy .", "Sho nuff , Daisy ?", "I done tole you I do n't know where it is .", "I 'll kill some of youole box-ankled niggers \u2014I 'm out yo \u2019 ole town \u2014 now jus \u2019 some of you ole half-pint Baptists let yo \u2019 wooden God and Cornstalk Jesus fool you to hit me !I 'm glad I 'm out yo \u2019 ole town , anyhow . I ai n't never comin \u2019 back no more , neither . You ole ugly-rump niggers done ruint de town anyhow .", "Table dat discussion .You ai n't never give me no chance to talk wid you right .", "Yeah , all dat 's true , but you could n't buy a flea a waltzing jacket wid de money I 'm going to make wid a hoe and spade .", "They might not let me come in town .", "Take yo \u2019 hands off me , Daisy ! How come they can n't run me off wid you and Dave an \u2019 \u2014 everybody gainst me ?", "De wind may blow , de door may slam Dat whut you shootin \u2019 ai n't worth a dam .", "You mean dat Dave ?", "Well , I can n't help dat , can I ?", "Whut you crying for ? You know you love Dave . I 'm yo \u2019 monkey-man . He always could do more wid you that I could .", "I do n't mind working if de job ai n't too heavy for me . I ai n't going to bother wid nothin \u2019 in my hands heavier than dis box \u2014 and I totes it round my neck \u2018 most of de time . I kin go out and hunt you some game when times gits tight .", "Was you over to Dave 's house yestiddy rubbing his ole head and cloaking wid him to run me outa town \u2014 and me locked up in dat barn wid de cows and mules ?", "Set , down here , Daisy . Less talk some chat . You want me sho nuff \u2014 honest to God ?", "Yeah , Daisy , I sho do .", "Lawd , folks sho is deceitful .I never woulda thought people woulda acted lak dat .Specially Dave Carter , much as me an \u2019 him done proaged round together goin \u2019 in swimmin \u2019 and playin \u2019 ball an \u2019 serenadin \u2019 de girls an \u2019 de white folks .I never woulda thought people woulda acted lak dat .Specially Dave Carter , much as me an \u2019 him done proaged round together , goin \u2019 in swimmin \u2019 and playin \u2019 ball an \u2019 serenadin \u2019 de girls an \u2019 de white folks .Reckon I better git on down de road an \u2019 git somewhere , Lawd knows where .All dat mess and stink for nothin \u2019 . Dave knows good an \u2019 well I did n't mean to hurt him much .", "Naw he ai n't \u2014 he 's just lying \u2014 he 's a noble liar . Know whut I 'd do if you was mine ?", "Now you talkin \u2019 like a blue-back speller . Less go !", "You see , Daisy , de mayor and corporation told me to go on off and I oughter go .", "Aw , rock on down de road wid dat stuff . A two-timing cloaker like you do n't keer whut come off . Me and Dave been good friends ever since we was born till you had to go flouncing yourself around .", "He ai n't goin \u2019 to see de madame \u2014 must be goin \u2019 to see you .", "Whut you reckon I 'm countin \u2019 Mr. Railroad 's ties for \u2014 just to find out how many ties between here and Orlando ?", "They done lawed me way from it for hittin \u2019 you wid dat bone ."], "true_target": ["I do n't know , Dave . Down de road , I reckon .", "Cross my feet and hope to die ! I 'd ruther see all de other wimmenfolks in de world dead than foryou to have de tooth-ache .", "Whut ole sittin hen ? Ai n't you and Lum done et up de turkey", "Aw , I do n't want no more fight wid you , Dave .", "Wait a minute , Daisy . I love you like God loves Gabriel \u2014 and dat 's His best angel .", "Doin \u2019 whut ?", "Just like I told you , Daisy . I 'll say it before yo \u2019 face and behind yo \u2019 back . I could kiss you every day \u2014 just as regular as pig-bracks .", "Oh yeah , Mr. Do-Dirty ! You figgered you had done run me on off so you could git Daisy all by yo'self . You was headin \u2019 right for her work-place .", "God knows .", "Deed I do n't know , baby . They just sentencedme to go \u2014 they did n't say where and I do n't know .", "Where ?", "Miss Daisy , ma'am , also ma'am \u2014 if you marry dis nigger over my head ,", "But I got to go \u2018 way . Whut we gointer to \u2018 bout dat ?", "Well , I was n't brought up wid no spade in my hand \u2014 and ai n't going to start it now .", "Did you come over there Sat'day to see me sho nuff , sugar babe ?", "Aw , go \u2018 head on . You figgered I was gone too long to talk about . You was haulin \u2019 it over to town to see Dave \u2014 dat 's whut was doin \u2019 \u2014 after gittin me all messed up .", "Whut you got to do wid us business ? Tai n't none of yo \u2019 business if we stand up , set down or fly like a skeeter hawk .", "Know whut I 'd do , honey babe ? If you was a thousand miles from home and you did n't have no ready-made money and you had to walk all de way , walkin \u2019 till yo \u2019 feet start to rolling , just like a wheel , and I was riding way up in de sky , I 'd step backwards offa dat airyplane just to walk home wid you .", "Aw , do n't tell me .Ashes to ashes , dust to dust , show me a woman that a man can trust .", "You do n't have to go way over there to find dat out \u2014 you and Dave done got me run outa town for nothin \u2019 .", "Gwan back and hunt turkeys \u2014 you make out you so touchous nobody can n't tell you yo \u2019 eye is black thout you got to run git de law .", "Twenty years and like it .", "Dat 's right , Daisy , you go git you one them mens whut do n't mind smelling mules \u2014 and beating de white folks to de barn every morning . I do n't wanta be bothered wid nothin \u2019 but dis box .", "Play my box for de white folks and dance just like I been doing .", "Whut you hollering \u201c who \u201d for ? Yo \u2019 foot do n't fit no limb .", "Come to think of it , Dave , she was yourn first . You take and handle dat spade for her .", "Dat 's Dave !Wonder whut he doin \u2019 walking dis track ?I bet he 's goin \u2019 to yo \u2019 work-place .", "I 'm going to git me a green hickory club and season it over yo \u2019 head .", "Dat 's a good idea , Daisy ."], "play_index": 0, "act_index": 1}, {"query": ["You like me much , Jim ?", "Where we goin \u2019 ?", "Naw , whut would you do ?", "You might of brought it , but Dave sho kilt it . You could n't hit de side of uh barn wid uh bass fiddle .", "Well , I reckon you loves me the best anyhow . You would n't talk to me like Jim did , would you , Dave ?", "Hello , Jim .", "Oo-ooh , Dave .", "But sweetheart , we got to live , ai n't we ? We got to git hold of money before we kin do anything . I do n't mean to stay in de white folks \u2019 kitchen all my days .", "Naw , you ai n't no monkey-man neither . I do n't want you to leave town . I did n't want y'all to be fightin \u2019 over me , nohow .", "That 's right , Honey . Where is we goin \u2019 sho nuff ?", "Think I was going to let Jim there thout nothing fitten for a dog to eat ?", "Both of you niggers can git yo \u2019 hat en \u2019 yo \u2019 heads an \u2019 git on down de road . Neither one of y'all do n't have to have me . I got a good job and plenty men begging for yo \u2019 chance .", "Naw , whut ?", "I was n't studying \u2018 bout no Dave .", "Naw , Jim .", "I was just coming over town to see how you come out .", "And lissen , honey , you do n't have to be beholden to nobody . You can throw dat ole box away if you want to . I know where you can get a swell job .", "Aw , y'all better stop dat . You know you do n't mean it .", "You do n't want me . You do n't love me .", "\u2018 Course I 'd ruther be a dove .", "I ai n't opened my moff \u2018 gainst you , Jim . I ai n't said one word \u2014 I was n't even at de old trial . My madame would n't let me git off . I wuz just comin \u2019 to see \u2018 bout you now .", "Well , I ai n't going to marry no man that ai n't going to work and take care of me .", "Do you like me , Dave ?", "Jim , when you talk to me like dat I just can n't stand it . Less us git married right now .", "Whut for ?", "\u2018 Member whut I told you out on de lake last summer ?"], "true_target": ["Dey did n't run you outa town , did dey ?", "All both of y'all hollerin \u2019 at me an \u2019 fussin \u2019 me just cause I tries to be nice \u2014 and neither one of y'all do n't keer nothin \u2019 bout me .Leave me go ! Take yo \u2019 rusty pams offen me . I 'm going on back to my work-place . I just got off to see bout y'all and look how y'all treat me .", "Deed I do n't know , Dave .", "I likes you , too , Dave , I sho do . But I can n't marry both of y'all at de same time .", "How we goin \u2019 know how to go whenwe do n't know where we goin \u2019 ?", "Do n't fool me now , papa .", "Y'all doin \u2019 all dis bookooing out here on de railroad track but I bet y'all crazy \u2018 bout Bootsie and Teets and a whole heap of others .", "Do n't you mean to work none ?", "Everybody could see dat but you .", "Dey cai n't run you off like dat !", "And I tole you I could stand it too \u2014 justa s regular as you could .", "Well , I 'm not going tippin \u2019 down no railroad track like a Maltese cat . I was n't brought up knockin \u2019 round from here to yonder .", "You can n't take keer of me on dat , not where we hafta pay rent .", "Whut would you say , honey ?", "But how we gointer git something to eat and a place to stay ?", "Lawd , Dave , you sho is propaganda .", "Oo-ooh , Jim .", "Whut you come here low-rating me for , Dave Carter ? I ai n't done nothin \u2019 to you but treat you white . Who come rubbed yo \u2019 ole head for you yestiddy if it was n't me ?", "What did I do ? All I did was to come over town to see you and git a mouf-ful of gum . Next thing I now y'all is fighting and carrying on .", "Yard man . All you have to do is wash windows , and sweep de sidewalk , and scrub off de steps and porch and hoe up de weeds and rake up de leaves and dig a few holes now and then with a spade \u2014 to plant some trees and things like that . It 's a good steady job .", "Where you goin \u2019 , Jim ?", "I do n't blame you , Davecause toting dem feet of yourn is enough to break down your constitution .", "Dat 's de first time you ever said so .", "Jim !Wait a minute ! Whut we gointer do when we git there ?", "Do n't strain yo'self huntin \u2019 nothin \u2019 for me . I ai n't goin \u2019 to eat nobody 's settin \u2019 hen .", "I tell you whut , Jim ! Less us do n't go nowhere . They sentenced you to leave Eatonville and youse almost a mile from de city limits already . Youse in Maitland now . Supposin \u2019 you come live on de white folks \u2019 place wid me after we git married . Eatonville ai n't got nothin \u2019 to do wid you livin \u2019 in Maitland ."], "play_index": 0, "act_index": 1}, {"query": ["I 'd like uh job cleanin out de Atlantic Ocean jus for you .", "Daisy Sat'day night . She can n't snore in my ear no more .", "Do n't you be skeered , baby \u2014 papa kin take keer a you .Counting from de fingerback to the thumb \u2014 start anything I got you some .", "Who do n't mean it ? Lemme tell you something , mama , if you was mine I would n't have you counting no ties wid yo \u2019 pretty lil toes . Know whut I 'd do ?", "Speak when you spoken to \u2014 come when you called , next fall you 'll be my coon houn \u2019 dog .", "Youse a big old Georgy-something-ain'thYpppHeNso ! I done got my belly full of", "I could n't fool you , Daisy , cause anything I say bout lovin \u2019 you , I do n't keer how big it is , it would n't be half de truth . Y", "Naw , I would n't say whut he said a-tall .", "See dat ! I tole you he did n't know how to answer nobocy like you . If he was talking to some of them ol \u2019 funny looking gals over town he 'd be answering \u2018 em just right . But he got to learn how to answer you . Now you ast me something and see how I answer you .", "You made me feel like you was trying to put de Ned book on me all de time . Do you love me sho nuff , Daisy ?", "Would n't hit a lick at a snake .", "You gointer leave me lak dis , Daisy ?", "Who said anything about fighting ? We just provin \u2019 who love Daisy de best .Now , which one of us you think love you de best ?", "Who said I keered ? Dis railroad belongs to de man \u2014 I kin walk it good as you , can n't I ?", "They carries me wherever I wants to go . Daisy , you marry Jim cause I do n't want to come between y'all . He 's my buddy .", "Yeah , you rubbed my head all right , and I lakted dat . But everybody say you done toted a pan to Joe Clark 's barn for Jim before I seen you .", "And I can n't strain wid nothin \u2019 but my feets and my gun . I kin git mo \u2019 turkey gobblers , but never no job .", "Baby , I 'd walk de water for you \u2014 and tote a mountain on my head while", "Whut 's I 'm gointer do ?", "Dat ai n't nothin \u2019 . It was my head you hit . An \u2019 if I do n't keer whut dem ole ugly-rump niggers got to do wid it ?", "I 'd say dat box was too heavy for me to fool wid . I would n't tote nothing my gun and my hat and I feel like I 'm \u2018 busing myself sometie totin \u2019 dat ."], "true_target": ["I 'm walkin \u2019 .", "Daisy , I love you harder than detthunder can bump a stump \u2014 if I do n't \u2014 God 's a gopher .", "Aw Jim , shucks ! Where y'all going ?", "A long train , a short caboose Dat lie whut you shootin \u2019 , ai n't no use .", "Yes ma'am ! Dat 's de way to answer swell folks like you . Furthermore , less we prove which oneof us love you de best right now .Jim , how much time owuld you do on de chain-gang for dis \u2018 oman ?", "Whyncher come on back to town ? Taint no use you proagin \u2019 up and down", "Daisy , how come youlet Jim lie lak dat ? He 's as big a liar as he is aman . But sho nuff now , laying all sides to jokes , Jim , there do n't even know how to answer you . If you do n't b'lieve it , ast him something .", "de railroad track when you got a home .", "Course I kilt it , and I kilt it for you , but I did n't kill none for", "Us was n't mad wid one \u2018 nother nohow . Come on less go back to town . Dem mullet heads better leave me be , too .I wish Lum would come tellin \u2019 me bout de law when I got all dis law in my hands . An \u2019 de rest of dem \u2018 gator-face jigs \u2014 if they ai n't got a whole set of mule bones and a good determination they better not bring de mess up .", "That 's all right , Daisy . If you want to pay Jim for r knockin \u2019 me in de head , all right . But I 'm a man in a class \u2014 in a class to myself and nobody knows my name .", "Lum Boger . De clean head hound !", "They better ! Look here , Jim , if they try to keep you out dat town we 'll go out to dat swamp and git us a mule bone a piece and come back and boil dat stew down to a low gravy .", "I 'd come down de river riding a mud cat and leading a minnow .", "Guess I better be gitin \u2019 on back \u2014 it 's most dark . Where you goin , Jim ?", "Whut y'all jumpin \u2019 up for ? I ....", "If I was dead any any other woman come near my coffin de undertaker would have to do his job all over \u2014 cause I 'd git right up and walk off . Furthermore , Miss Daisy , ma'am , also m'am , which would you ruther be a lark a flying or a dove a settin \u2019 \u2014 ma'am also ma'am ?", "I was n't no such a thing .", "I 'd buy a whole passenger train and hire some mens to run it for you .", "You heard her say it is all I can do to lift up dese feets and put \u2018 em down . Where I 'm going to git any time to wrassle wid any hoes and shovels ? You kin git round better'n me . You done won Daisy \u2014 I give in . I ai n't going to bite no friend of mine in de back .", "See dat , Daisy ? Dat nigger ai n't willing to do no time for you . I 'd beg de judge to gimme life ."], "play_index": 0, "act_index": 1}, {"query": ["Is not this something more than fantasy ?", "It was about to speak , when the cock crew .", "The bell then beating one ,\u2014", "Have you had quiet guard ?", "And let us once again assail your ears ,", "Had made his course to illume that part of heaven", "How now , Horatio ! You tremble and look pale :", "\u2018 Tis here !", "The rivals of my watch , bid them make haste .", "Looks it not like the King ? mark it , Horatio .", "That was and is the question of these wars .", "Well may it sort , that this portentous figure", "Well , good night .", "I have seen nothing .", "Say . What , is Horatio there ?", "Where now it burns , Marcellus and myself ,"], "true_target": ["That are so fortified against our story ,", "He .", "Long live the king !", "\u2018 Tis now struck twelve . Get thee to bed , Francisco .", "Last night of all ,", "If you do meet Horatio and Marcellus ,", "Comes armed through our watch ; so like the king", "I think it be no other but e'en so :", "Sit down awhile ,", "In the same figure , like the king that 's dead .", "See , it stalks away !", "What think you o n't ?", "Welcome , Horatio :\u2014 Welcome , good Marcellus .", "It would be spoke to .", "What we two nights have seen .", "Who 's there ?", "When yond same star that 's westward from the pole"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["Not a mouse stirring .", "You come most carefully upon your hour .", "And I am sick at heart .", "Nay , answer me : stand , and unfold yourself ."], "true_target": ["Give you good-night .", "For this relief much thanks : \u2018 tis bitter cold ,", "I think I hear them .\u2014 Stand , ho ! Who is there ?", "Bernardo has my place . Give you good-night .", "Bernardo ?"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["Awake the god of day ; and at his warning ,", "Speak to me :", "Extorted treasure in the womb of earth ,", "The graves stood tenantless , and the sheeted dead", "As thou art to thyself :", "Did forfeit , with his life , all those his lands ,", "Shark 'd up a list of lawless resolutes ,", "So frown 'd he once when , in an angry parle ,", "Was , as you know , by Fortinbras of Norway ,", "In the most high and palmy state of Rome ,", "This spirit , dumb to us , will speak to him :", "The extravagant and erring spirit hies", "Upon a fearful summons . I have heard", "And prologue to the omen coming on ,\u2014", "O , speak !", "Was sick almost to doomsday with eclipse :", "That may to thee do ease , and , race to me ,", "Unto young Hamlet ; for , upon my life ,", "A little ere the mightiest Julius fell ,", "But , soft , behold ! lo , where it comes again !", "Friends to this ground .", "This bodes some strange eruption to our state .", "Which , happily , foreknowing may avoid ,", "Disasters in the sun ; and the moist star ,", "And let us hear Bernardo speak of this .", "In which the majesty of buried Denmark", "Dar 'd to the combat ; in which our valiant Hamlet ,\u2014", "So by his father lost : and this , I take it ,", "And then it started , like a guilty thing", "Most like :\u2014 it harrows me with fear and wonder .", "Such was the very armour he had on", "Speak of it :\u2014 stay , and speak !\u2014 Stop it , Marcellus !", "\u2018 Tis strange .", "Without the sensible and true avouch", "Of mine own eyes .", "Whose image even but now appear 'd to us ,", "But , in the gross and scope of my opinion ,", "Do you consent we shall acquaint him with it ,", "If there be any good thing to be done ,", "If thou hast any sound , or use of voice ,", "If thou art privy to thy country 's fate ,", "Do , if it will not stand .", "And terms compulsatory , those foresaid lands", "Is the main motive of our preparations ,", "Stay ! speak , speak ! I charge thee speak !", "Well , sit we down ,", "The source of this our watch , and the chief head", "Against the which , a moiety competent", "Or if thou hast uphoarded in thy life", "For food and diet , to some enterprise"], "true_target": ["Speak to me :", "\u2018 Tis here !", "At least , the whisper goes so . Our last king ,", "Hath in the skirts of Norway , here and there ,", "Did slay this Fortinbras ; who , by a seal 'd compact ,", "But , look , the morn , in russet mantle clad ,", "Unto our climature and countrymen .\u2014", "Upon whose influence Neptune 's empire stands ,", "But to recover of us , by strong hand ,", "Was gaged by our king ; which had return 'd", "Break we our watch up : and by my advice ,", "As needful in our loves , fitting our duty ?", "I 'll cross it , though it blast me .\u2014 Stay , illusion !", "Together with that fair and warlike form", "Thereto prick 'd on by a most emulate pride ,", "Had he been vanquisher ; as by the same cov'nant ,", "Walks o'er the dew of yon high eastward hill :", "This present object made probation .", "As harbingers preceding still the fates ,", "To the inheritance of Fortinbras ,", "The cock , that is the trumpet to the morn ,", "Whether in sea or fire , in earth or air ,", "To his confine : and of the truth herein", "In what particular thought to work I know not ;", "For so this side of our known world esteem 'd him ,\u2014", "Tush , tush , \u2018 twill not appear .", "Have heaven and earth together demonstrated", "Before my God , I might not this believe", "Of this post-haste and romage in the land .", "A piece of him .", "Did squeak and gibber in the Roman streets ;", "And carriage of the article design 'd ,", "That can I ;", "He smote the sledded Polacks on the ice .", "As it doth well appear unto our state ,\u2014", "What art thou , that usurp'st this time of night ,", "So have I heard , and do in part believe it .", "Which he stood seiz 'd of , to the conqueror :", "Of unimproved mettle hot and full ,", "When he the ambitious Norway combated ;", "As , stars with trains of fire and dews of blood ,", "Doth with his lofty and shrill-sounding throat", "And even the like precurse of fierce events ,\u2014", "That hath a stomach i n't ; which is no other ,\u2014", "Let us impart what we have seen to-night", "A mote it is to trouble the mind 's eye .", "Did sometimes march ? By heaven I charge thee , speak !", "His fell to Hamlet . Now , sir , young Fortinbras ,", "For which , they say , you spirits oft walk in death ,", "Well ratified by law and heraldry ,"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["Some say that ever \u2018 gainst that season comes", "With martial stalk hath he gone by our watch .", "Is it not like the King ?", "\u2018 Tis gone !", "That , if again this apparition come", "It faded on the crowing of the cock .", "And then , they say , no spirit dare stir abroad ;", "With us to watch the minutes of this night ;", "Who hath reliev 'd you ?", "It is offended .", "So hallow 'd and so gracious is the time .", "And will not let belief take hold of him", "Why this same strict and most observant watch", "Therefore I have entreated him along", "\u2018 Tis gone , and will not answer .", "For it is , as the air , invulnerable ,", "What , has this thing appear 'd again to-night ?", "We do it wrong , being so majestical ,", "Wherein our Saviour 's birth is celebrated ,", "Who is't that can inform me ?", "Peace , break thee off ; look where it comes again !", "Holla ! Bernardo !", "O , farewell , honest soldier ;"], "true_target": ["Why such impress of shipwrights , whose sore task", "What might be toward , that this sweaty haste", "Touching this dreaded sight , twice seen of us :", "Thus twice before , and jump at this dead hour ,", "And foreign mart for implements of war ;", "And our vain blows malicious mockery .", "No fairy takes , nor witch hath power to charm ;", "To offer it the show of violence ;", "Does not divide the Sunday from the week ;", "The nights are wholesome ; then no planets strike ,", "Thou art a scholar ; speak to it , Horatio .", "And liegemen to the Dane .", "Question it , Horatio .", "He may approve our eyes and speak to it .", "So nightly toils the subject of the land ;", "Where we shall find him most conveniently .", "Doth make the night joint-labourer with the day :", "Good now , sit down , and tell me , he that knows ,", "Let 's do't , I pray ; and I this morning know", "Shall I strike at it with my partisan ?", "Horatio says \u2018 tis but our fantasy ,", "The bird of dawning singeth all night long ;", "And why such daily cast of brazen cannon ,"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["This unprevailing woe ; and think of us", "With mirth in funeral , and with dirge in marriage ,", "Is death of fathers , and who still hath cried ,", "Sits smiling to my heart : in grace whereof ,", "Now for ourself and for this time of meeting :", "That shall not be my offer , not thy asking ?", "And lose your voice : what wouldst thou beg , Laertes ,", "Take thy fair hour , Laertes ; time be thine ,", "Importing the surrender of those lands", "In obstinate condolement is a course", "And we beseech you bend you to remain", "Here in the cheer and comfort of our eye ,", "Why , \u2018 tis a loving and a fair reply :", "This gentle and unforc 'd accord of Hamlet", "Th \u2019 imperial jointress to this warlike state ,", "He hath not fail 'd to pester us with message ,", "The lists , and full proportions are all made", "Colleagued with this dream of his advantage ,", "In equal scale weighing delight and dole ,\u2014", "What wouldst thou have , Laertes ?", "And now , Laertes , what 's the news with you ?", "To give these mourning duties to your father ;", "The head is not more native to the heart ,", "Your better wisdoms , which have freely gone", "It is most retrograde to our desire :", "Of impious stubbornness ; \u2018 tis unmanly grief ;", "To do obsequious sorrow : but to persevere", "For what we know must be , and is as common", "Taken to wife ; nor have we herein barr 'd", "Lost by his father , with all bonds of law ,", "Have you your father 's leave ? What says Polonius ?", "To bear our hearts in grief , and our whole kingdom", "How is it that the clouds still hang on you ?", "Be as ourself in Denmark .\u2014 Madam , come ;", "Our chiefest courtier , cousin , and our son .", "With an auspicious and one dropping eye ,", "Giving to you no further personal power", "Take it to heart ? Fie ! \u2018 tis a fault to heaven ,", "And with no less nobility of love", "Holding a weak supposal of our worth ,", "An understanding simple and unschool 'd ;", "Though yet of Hamlet our dear brother 's death", "Have we , as \u2018 twere with a defeated joy ,\u2014", "You told us of some suit ; what is't , Laertes ?", "Now follows , that you know , young Fortinbras ,", "And the king 's rouse the heaven shall bruit again ,"], "true_target": ["But , you must know , your father lost a father ;", "Yet so far hath discretion fought with nature", "You are the most immediate to our throne ;", "Do I impart toward you . For your intent", "And thy best graces spend it at thy will !\u2014", "The hand more instrumental to the mouth ,", "That we with wisest sorrow think on him ,", "But the great cannon to the clouds shall tell ;", "Of these dilated articles allow .", "With this affair along :\u2014 or all , our thanks .", "Together with remembrance of ourselves .", "The memory be green , and that it us befitted", "Of this his nephew 's purpose ,\u2014 to suppress", "You , good Cornelius , and you , Voltimand ,", "Than is the throne of Denmark to thy father .", "It shows a will most incorrect to heaven ;", "Out of his subject :\u2014 and we here dispatch", "But now , my cousin Hamlet , and my son \u2014", "To our most valiant brother . So much for him ,\u2014", "In going back to school in Wittenberg ,", "\u2018 Tis sweet and commendable in your nature , Hamlet ,", "You cannot speak of reason to the Dane ,", "A heart unfortified , a mind impatient ;", "To reason most absurd ; whose common theme", "To business with the king , more than the scope", "His further gait herein ; in that the levies ,", "As of a father : for let the world take note", "Thus much the business is :\u2014 we have here writ", "Therefore our sometime sister , now our queen ,", "Who , impotent and bed-rid , scarcely hears", "We doubt it nothing : heartily farewell .", "For bearers of this greeting to old Norway ;", "As any the most vulgar thing to sense ,", "In filial obligation , for some term", "From the first corse till he that died to-day ,", "Than that which dearest father bears his son", "A fault against the dead , a fault to nature ,", "Why should we , in our peevish opposition ,", "\u2018 This must be so . \u2019 We pray you , throw to earth", "Or thinking by our late dear brother 's death", "Farewell ; and let your haste commend your duty .", "To be contracted in one brow of woe ;", "Our state to be disjoint and out of frame ,", "That father lost , lost his ; and the survivor bound ,", "No jocund health that Denmark drinks to-day", "To Norway , uncle of young Fortinbras ,\u2014", "Re-speaking earthly thunder . Come away ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["From whence though willingly I came to Denmark ,", "Dread my lord ,", "My thoughts and wishes bend again toward France ,"], "true_target": ["Your leave and favour to return to France ;", "To show my duty in your coronation ;", "And bow them to your gracious leave and pardon .", "Yet now , I must confess , that duty done ,"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Upon his will I seal 'd my hard consent :", "By laboursome petition ; and at last"], "true_target": ["I do beseech you , give him leave to go .", "He hath , my lord , wrung from me my slow leave"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["But where was this ?", "I shall not look upon his like again .", "And bid me hold my peace . I pray you all ,", "But break my heart ,\u2014 for I must hold my tongue !", "My father ,\u2014 methinks I see my father .", "Seems , madam ! Nay , it is ; I know not seems .", "Nor shall you do my ear that violence ,", "A little more than kin , and less than kind !", "I 'll visit you .", "Nor windy suspiration of forc 'd breath ,", "With such dexterity to incestuous sheets !", "His beard was grizzled ,\u2014 no ?", "Give it an understanding , but no tongue :", "Together with all forms , moods , shows of grief ,", "By what it fed on : and yet , within a month ,\u2014", "Horatio ,\u2014 or I do forget myself .", "Then saw you not his face ?", "I will requite your loves . So , fare ye well :", "Marcellus ?", "Ere yet the salt of most unrighteous tears", "Ay , madam , it is common .", "My father 's spirit in arms ! All is not well ;", "If you have hitherto conceal 'd this sight ,", "I would I had been there .", "He was a man , take him for all in all ,", "\u2018 Tis not alone my inky cloak , good mother ,", "From top to toe ?", "Though all the earth o'erwhelm them , to men 's eyes .", "Sir , my good friend ; I 'll change that name with you :", "To make it truster of your own report", "Till then sit still , my soul : foul deeds will rise ,", "These but the trappings and the suits of woe .", "A little month ; or ere those shoes were old", "How weary , stale , flat , and unprofitable", "Arm 'd , say you ?", "I shall in all my best obey you , madam .", "\u2018 Tis very strange .", "It is not , nor it cannot come to good ;", "Indeed , indeed , sirs , but this troubles me . Hold you the watch to-night ?", "Did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables .", "Let it be tenable in your silence still ;", "Upon the platform , \u2018 twixt eleven and twelve ,", "And whatsoever else shall hap to-night ,", "Seem to me all the uses of this world !", "Against yourself : I know you are no truant .", "That he might not beteem the winds of heaven", "That can denote me truly : these , indeed , seem ;", "She married :\u2014 O , most wicked speed , to post", "Must I remember ? Why , she would hang on him", "I would not hear your enemy say so ;"], "true_target": ["My father 's brother ; but no more like my father", "If it assume my noble father 's person ,", "For they are actions that a man might play ;", "As if increase of appetite had grown", "The King my father !", "We 'll teach you to drink deep ere you depart .", "That grows to seed ; things rank and gross in nature", "I prithee do not mock me , fellow-student . I think it was to see my mother 's wedding .", "Let me not think o n't ,\u2014 Frailty , thy name is woman !\u2014", "Fie o n't ! O fie ! \u2018 tis an unweeded garden ,", "Or that the Everlasting had not fix 'd", "But two months dead !\u2014 nay , not so much , not two :", "Did you not speak to it ?", "His canon \u2018 gainst self-slaughter ! O God ! O God !", "Perchance \u2018 twill walk again .", "No , nor the fruitful river in the eye ,", "Or ever I had seen that day , Horatio !\u2014", "With which she followed my poor father 's body", "Hyperion to a satyr ; so loving to my mother ,", "I 'll speak to it , though hell itself should gape", "Visit her face too roughly . Heaven and earth !", "Possess it merely . That it should come to this !", "Would have mourn 'd longer ,\u2014 married with mine uncle ,", "Nor customary suits of solemn black ,", "Like Niobe , all tears ;\u2014 why she , even she ,\u2014", "Saw who ?", "So excellent a king ; that was , to this ,", "O God ! a beast that wants discourse of reason ,", "Thrift , thrift , Horatio ! The funeral bak 'd meats", "But I have that within which passeth show ;", "Thaw , and resolve itself into a dew !", "I doubt some foul play : would the night were come !", "Had left the flushing in her galled eyes ,", "I will watch to-night ;", "And fix 'd his eyes upon you ?", "What , look 'd he frowningly ?", "For God 's love let me hear .", "But what is your affair in Elsinore ?", "But what , in faith , make you from Wittenberg ?", "Than I to Hercules : within a month ;", "Would I had met my dearest foe in heaven", "I am very glad to see you .\u2014 Good even , sir .\u2014", "Not so , my lord ; I am too much i \u2019 the sun .", "And what make you from Wittenberg , Horatio ?\u2014", "I am glad to see you well :", "O that this too too solid flesh would melt ,", "Pale or red ?", "In my mind 's eye , Horatio .", "Nor the dejected \u2018 havior of the visage ,", "Your loves , as mine to you : farewell .", "Very like , very like . Stay 'd it long ?"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Seek for thy noble father in the dust :", "I pray thee stay with us ; go not to Wittenberg .", "If it be ,", "Thou know'st \u2018 tis common ,\u2014 all that lives must die ,", "Passing through nature to eternity ."], "true_target": ["Why seems it so particular with thee ?", "Good Hamlet , cast thy nighted colour off ,", "And let thine eye look like a friend on Denmark .", "Let not thy mother lose her prayers , Hamlet :", "Do not for ever with thy vailed lids"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Stand dumb , and speak not to him . This to me", "A countenance more in sorrow than in anger .", "Two nights together had these gentlemen ,", "A sable silver 'd .", "Most constantly .", "My lord , the king your father .", "These hands are not more like .", "My lord , I did ;", "Almost to jelly with the act of fear ,", "And we did think it writ down in our duty", "Armed at point exactly , cap-a-pe ,", "O , yes , my lord : he wore his beaver up .", "The same , my lord , and your poor servant ever .", "With an attent ear , till I may deliver ,", "My lord , I came to see your father 's funeral .", "Indeed , my lord , it follow 'd hard upon .", "As I do live , my honour 'd lord , \u2018 tis true ;", "I warr'nt it will .", "It would have much amaz 'd you .", "But answer made it none : yet once methought", "In dreadful secrecy impart they did ;", "Within his truncheon 's length ; whilst they , distill 'd", "Marcellus and Bernardo , on their watch", "Upon the witness of these gentlemen ,", "To let you know of it ."], "true_target": ["I saw him once ; he was a goodly king .", "My lord , I think I saw him yesternight .", "Hail to your lordship !", "Form of the thing , each word made true and good ,", "Appears before them and with solemn march", "A truant disposition , good my lord .", "But even then the morning cock crew loud ,", "Not when I saw't .", "In the dead vast and middle of the night ,", "Goes slow and stately by them : thrice he walk 'd", "Been thus encounter 'd . A figure like your father ,", "Where , my lord ?", "It was , as I have seen it in his life ,", "The apparition comes : I knew your father ;", "And I with them the third night kept the watch :", "And vanish 'd from our sight .", "By their oppress 'd and fear-surprised eyes ,", "And at the sound it shrunk in haste away ,", "Where , as they had deliver 'd , both in time ,", "It lifted up it head , and did address", "Itself to motion , like as it would speak :", "While one with moderate haste might tell a hundred .", "This marvel to you .", "Nay , very pale .", "Season your admiration for awhile"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["My good lord ,\u2014"], "true_target": ["My lord , upon the platform where we watch 'd ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Longer , longer ."], "true_target": ["We do , my lord ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Arm 'd , my lord ."], "true_target": ["My lord , from head to foot ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["May give his saying deed ; which is no further", "Carve for himself ; for on his choice depends", "Out of the shot and danger of desire .", "And therefore must his choice be circumscrib 'd", "The inward service of the mind and soul", "Most humbly do I take my leave , my lord .", "The safety and health of this whole state ;", "The canker galls the infants of the spring", "Whereof he is the head . Then if he says he loves you ,", "I stay too long :\u2014 but here my father comes .", "Forward , not permanent , sweet , not lasting ;", "For Hamlet , and the trifling of his favour ,", "If with too credent ear you list his songs ,", "And in the morn and liquid dew of youth", "But let me hear from you .", "Or lose your heart , or your chaste treasure open", "My necessaries are embark 'd : farewell :", "And keep you in the rear of your affection ,", "Contagious blastments are most imminent .", "And now no soil nor cautel doth besmirch", "Think it no more :", "The perfume and suppliance of a minute ;", "Grows wide withal . Perhaps he loves you now ;", "Too oft before their buttons be disclos 'd :", "To his unmaster 'd importunity .", "A violet in the youth of primy nature ,"], "true_target": ["For nature , crescent , does not grow alone", "Youth to itself rebels , though none else near .", "Then weigh what loss your honour may sustain", "And , sister , as the winds give benefit", "For he himself is subject to his birth :", "Occasion smiles upon a second leave .", "Virtue itself scopes not calumnious strokes :", "He may not , as unvalu 'd persons do ,", "Unto the voice and yielding of that body", "The virtue of his will : but you must fear ,", "Farewell , Ophelia ; and remember well", "As he in his particular act and place", "The chariest maid is prodigal enough", "What I have said to you .", "Hold it a fashion , and a toy in blood :", "Farewell .", "If she unmask her beauty to the moon :", "Fear it , Ophelia , fear it , my dear sister ;", "In thews and bulk ; but as this temple waxes ,", "It fits your wisdom so far to believe it", "No more .", "His greatness weigh 'd , his will is not his own ;", "Be wary then ; best safety lies in fear :", "A double blessing is a double grace ;", "O , fear me not .", "And convoy is assistant , do not sleep ,", "Than the main voice of Denmark goes withal ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 4}, {"query": ["As watchman to my heart . But , good my brother ,", "And recks not his own read .", "With almost all the holy vows of heaven .", "My lord , he hath importun 'd me with love", "I shall th \u2019 effect of this good lesson keep", "\u2018 Tis in my memory lock 'd ,", "No more but so ?", "Do not , as some ungracious pastors do ,", "In honourable fashion .", "I do not know , my lord , what I should think ."], "true_target": ["And hath given countenance to his speech , my lord ,", "Whilst , like a puff 'd and reckless libertine ,", "Himself the primrose path of dalliance treads", "He hath , my lord , of late made many tenders", "I shall obey , my lord .", "So please you , something touching the Lord Hamlet .", "Do you doubt that ?", "Show me the steep and thorny way to heaven ;", "And you yourself shall keep the key of it .", "Of his affection to me ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 4}, {"query": ["The time invites you ; go , your servants tend .", "What is between you ? give me up the truth .", "Ay , springes to catch woodcocks . I do know ,", "Are most select and generous chief in that .", "Unsifted in such perilous circumstance .", "For the apparel oft proclaims the man ;", "But do not dull thy palm with entertainment", "Do you believe his tenders , as you call them ?", "Breathing like sanctified and pious bawds ,", "Of entrance to a quarrel ; but , being in ,", "Affection ! pooh ! you speak like a green girl ,", "Be something scanter of your maiden presence ;", "For loan oft loses both itself and friend ;", "When the blood burns , how prodigal the soul", "Lends the tongue vows : these blazes , daughter ,", "And it must follow , as the night the day ,", "Ay , fashion you may call it ; go to , go to .", "Bear't that the opposed may beware of thee .", "The better to beguile . This is for all ,\u2014", "Believe so much in him , that he is young ;", "Look to't , I charge you ; come your ways .", "Give every man thine ear , but few thy voice :", "Than may be given you : in few , Ophelia ,", "As it behooves my daughter and your honour .", "Do not believe his vows ; for they are brokers ,\u2014", "You do not understand yourself so clearly", "Those friends thou hast , and their adoption tried ,", "Marry , well bethought :", "Not of that dye which their investments show ,", "But not express 'd in fancy ; rich , not gaudy :", "And that in way of caution ,\u2014 I must tell you", "This above all ,\u2014 to thine own self be true ;", "And these few precepts in thy memory", "Have of your audience been most free and bounteous ;"], "true_target": ["I would not , in plain terms , from this time forth", "Neither a borrower nor a lender be :", "Which are not sterling . Tender yourself more dearly ;", "That you have ta'en these tenders for true pay ,", "Thou canst not then be false to any man .", "Wronging it thus ,\u2014 you 'll tender me a fool .", "Of each new-hatch 'd , unfledg 'd comrade . Beware", "Giving more light than heat ,\u2014 extinct in both ,", "Yet here , Laertes ! aboard , aboard , for shame !", "And you are stay 'd for . There ,\u2014 my blessing with thee !", "Nor any unproportion 'd thought his act .", "Grapple them unto thy soul with hoops of steel ;", "Be thou familiar , but by no means vulgar .", "And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry .", "Have you so slander any moment leisure", "And with a larger tether may he walk", "Or ,\u2014 not to crack the wind of the poor phrase ,", "And they in France of the best rank and station", "Set your entreatments at a higher rate", "Look thou character . Give thy thoughts no tongue ,", "Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy ,", "The wind sits in the shoulder of your sail ,", "Than a command to parley . For Lord Hamlet ,", "You must not take for fire . From this time", "Marry , I 'll teach you : think yourself a baby ;", "Given private time to you ; and you yourself", "Farewell : my blessing season this in thee !", "\u2018 Tis told me he hath very oft of late", "If it be so ,\u2014 as so \u2018 tis put on me ,", "But mere implorators of unholy suits ,", "Even in their promise , as it is a-making ,\u2014", "Take each man 's censure , but reserve thy judgment .", "What is't , Ophelia , he hath said to you ?", "As to give words or talk with the Lord Hamlet ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 4}, {"query": ["I say , away !\u2014 Go on ; I 'll follow thee .", "Shall in the general censure take corruption", "And for my soul , what can it do to that ,", "King , father , royal Dane ; O , answer me !", "So oft it chances in particular men", "Or by some habit , that too much o'er-leavens", "More honour 'd in the breach than the observance .", "And to the manner born ,\u2014 it is a custom", "Their virtues else ,\u2014 be they as pure as grace ,", "Say , why is this ? wherefore ? what should we do ?", "What hour now ?", "My fate cries out ,", "Why thy canoniz 'd bones , hearsed in death ,", "Since nature cannot choose his origin ,\u2014", "By heaven , I 'll make a ghost of him that lets me !\u2014", "That thou , dead corse , again in complete steel ,", "Making night hideous , and we fools of nature", "This heavy-headed revel east and west", "It waves me forth again ;\u2014 I 'll follow it .", "And makes each petty artery in this body", "Be thy intents wicked or charitable ,", "Revisit'st thus the glimpses of the moon ,", "Be thou a spirit of health or goblin damn 'd ,", "Being nature 's livery , or fortune 's star ,\u2014", "That , for some vicious mole of nature in them ,", "Angels and ministers of grace defend us !\u2014", "The form of plausive manners ;\u2014 that these men ,\u2014", "So horridly to shake our disposition", "Still am I call 'd ;\u2014 unhand me , gentlemen ;\u2014", "Why , what should be the fear ?", "Makes us traduc 'd and tax 'd of other nations :", "Carrying , I say , the stamp of one defect ,", "By the o'ergrowth of some complexion ,"], "true_target": ["Hath op 'd his ponderous and marble jaws", "Bring with thee airs from heaven or blasts from hell ,", "But to my mind ,\u2014 though I am native here ,", "Keeps wassail , and the swaggering up-spring reels ;", "Soil our addition ; and , indeed , it takes", "From our achievements , though perform 'd at height ,", "Doth all the noble substance often doubt", "As hardy as the Nemean lion 's nerve .\u2014", "To cast thee up again ! What may this mean ,", "Being a thing immortal as itself ?", "Thou com'st in such a questionable shape", "Wherein we saw thee quietly in-urn 'd ,", "It will not speak ; then will I follow it .", "The air bites shrewdly ; it is very cold .", "It waves me still .\u2014", "With thoughts beyond the reaches of our souls ?", "To his own scandal .", "The pith and marrow of our attribute .", "Hold off your hands .", "They clepe us drunkards , and with swinish phrase", "Have burst their cerements ; why the sepulchre ,", "The triumph of his pledge .", "As infinite as man may undergo ,\u2014", "The King doth wake to-night and takes his rouse ,", "The kettle-drum and trumpet thus bray out", "Oft breaking down the pales and forts of reason ;", "Go on ; I 'll follow thee .", "I do not set my life at a pin 's fee ;", "From that particular fault : the dram of eale", "And , as he drains his draughts of Rhenish down ,", "Let me not burst in ignorance ; but tell", "That I will speak to thee : I 'll call thee Hamlet ,", "As in their birth ,\u2014 wherein they are not guilty ,", "Ay , marry , is't ;"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["Wherein the spirit held his wont to walk .", "No , by no means .", "Which might deprive your sovereignty of reason ,", "Look , my lord , it comes !", "Have after .\u2014 To what issue will this come ?", "What does this mean , my lord ?", "It is a nipping and an eager air .", "I think it lacks of twelve .", "It beckons you to go away with it ,", "That beetles o'er his base into the sea ,", "As if it some impartment did desire", "Heaven will direct it .", "Be rul 'd ; you shall not go ."], "true_target": ["To you alone .", "The very place puts toys of desperation ,", "What if it tempt you toward the flood , my lord ,", "Do not , my lord .", "He waxes desperate with imagination .", "And hears it roar beneath .", "Indeed ? I heard it not : then draws near the season", "Without more motive , into every brain", "Is it a custom ?", "Or to the dreadful summit of the cliff", "And there assume some other horrible form", "And draw you into madness ? think of it :", "That looks so many fadoms to the sea"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["Look with what courteous action", "Nay , let 's follow him .", "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark .", "It waves you to a more removed ground :"], "true_target": ["But do not go with it !", "Let 's follow ; \u2018 tis not fit thus to obey him .", "You shall not go , my lord .", "No , it is struck ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["Rest , rest , perturbed spirit !\u2014 So , gentlemen ,", "Unmix 'd with baser matter : yes , by heaven !\u2014", "Hic et ubique ? then we 'll shift our ground .\u2014", "Whither wilt thou lead me ? speak ! I 'll go no further .", "May do , to express his love and friending to you ,", "So , uncle , there you are . Now to my word ;", "That youth and observation copied there ;", "That one may smile , and smile , and be a villain ;", "And lay your hands again upon my sword :", "No ; you 'll reveal it .", "For your desire to know what is between us ,", "Nay , come , let 's go together .", "As you are friends , scholars , and soldiers ,", "And what so poor a man as Hamlet is", "I will .", "You , as your business and desires shall point you ,\u2014", "In this distracted globe . Remember thee !", "Consent to swear .", "How strange or odd soe'er I bear myself ,\u2014", "Speak ; I am bound to hear .", "Never to speak of this that you have seen ,", "Why , right ; you are i \u2019 the right ;", "Ay , thou poor ghost , while memory holds a seat", "For every man hath business and desire ,", "With all my love I do commend me to you :", "What ?", "And therefore as a stranger give it welcome .", "It is an honest ghost , that let me tell you :", "O , wonderful !", "As I , perchance , hereafter shall think meet", "Come on !\u2014 you hear this fellow in the cellarage ,\u2014", "That ever I was born to set it right !\u2014", "With arms encumber 'd thus , or this head-shake ,", "Look you , I 'll go pray .", "Come hither , gentlemen ,", "I hold it fit that we shake hands and part :", "Swear by my sword .", "Yea , from the table of my memory", "Nay , but swear't .", "But he 's an arrant knave .", "Such as it is ;\u2014 and for my own poor part ,", "But you 'll be secret ?", "Swear by my sword .", "There 's ne'er a villain dwelling in all Denmark", "Or such ambiguous giving out , to note", "Swear .", "Within the book and volume of my brain ,", "I 'll wipe away all trivial fond records ,"], "true_target": ["And so , without more circumstance at all ,", "Indeed , upon my sword , indeed .", "May sweep to my revenge .", "Yes , faith , heartily .", "The time is out of joint :\u2014 O cursed spite ,", "That you know aught of me :\u2014 this is not to do ,", "Here , as before , never , so help you mercy ,", "O'ermaster ' t as you may . And now , good friends ,", "And you , my sinews , grow not instant old ,", "At least , I am sure , it may be so in Denmark :", "And thy commandment all alone shall live", "Give me one poor request .", "So be it !", "I have swor n't .", "O all you host of heaven ! O earth ! what else ?", "And shall I couple hell ? O , fie !\u2014 Hold , my heart ;", "Alas , poor ghost !", "O God !", "O my prophetic soul ! Mine uncle !", "To put an antic disposition on ,\u2014", "Well said , old mole ! canst work i \u2019 the earth so fast ? A worthy pioner !\u2014 Once more remove , good friends .", "And still your fingers on your lips , I pray .", "And much offence too . Touching this vision here ,\u2014", "Murder !", "Than are dreamt of in your philosophy .", "But bear me stiffly up .\u2014 Remember thee !", "There are more things in heaven and earth , Horatio ,", "As meditation or the thoughts of love ,", "Hillo , ho , ho , boy ! Come , bird , come .", "Haste me to know't , that I , with wings as swift", "That you , at such times seeing me , never shall ,", "Yes , by Saint Patrick , but there is , Horatio ,", "O villain , villain , smiling , damned villain !", "How say you then ; would heart of man once think it ?\u2014", "So grace and mercy at your most need help you ,", "God willing , shall not lack . Let us go in together ;", "Or \u2018 If we list to speak \u2019 ; or \u2018 There be , an if they might \u2019 ;\u2014", "I 'm sorry they offend you , heartily ;", "O most pernicious woman !", "But come ;\u2014", "Ha , ha boy ! say'st thou so ? art thou there , truepenny ?\u2014", "Or by pronouncing of some doubtful phrase ,", "Never to speak of this that you have heard ,", "All saws of books , all forms , all pressures past ,", "Upon my sword .", "My tables ,\u2014 meet it is I set it down ,", "As \u2018 Well , well , we know \u2019 ; or \u2018 We could , an if we would \u2019 ;\u2014", "It is \u2018 Adieu , adieu ! remember me : \u2019", "Never make known what you have seen to-night ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 6}, {"query": ["Let not the royal bed of Denmark be", "O wicked wit and gifts , that have the power", "Swear .", "But , howsoever thou pursu'st this act ,", "Upon a wretch whose natural gifts were poor", "Swear .", "Most lazar-like , with vile and loathsome crust", "Of life , of crown , of queen , at once dispatch 'd :", "Thus was I , sleeping , by a brother 's hand ,", "Unhous'led , disappointed , unanel 'd ;", "To those of mine !", "And prey on garbage .", "The thin and wholesome blood ; so did it mine ;", "The serpent that did sting thy father 's life", "From me , whose love was of that dignity", "Mark me .", "That it went hand in hand even with the vow", "Thy knotted and combined locks to part ,", "And with a sudden vigour it doth posset", "Must render up myself .", "The leperous distilment ; whose effect", "Ay , that incestuous , that adulterate beast ,", "So lust , though to a radiant angel link 'd ,", "And \u2018 gins to pale his uneffectual fire :", "I find thee apt ;", "Pity me not , but lend thy serious hearing", "That , swift as quicksilver , it courses through", "And to those thorns that in her bosom lodge ,", "My custom always of the afternoon ,", "And duller shouldst thou be than the fat weed", "And each particular hair to stand on end", "To prick and sting her . Fare thee well at once !", "Like quills upon the fretful porcupine :", "All my smooth body .", "To tell the secrets of my prison-house ,", "But virtue , as it never will be mov 'd ,", "A serpent stung me ; so the whole ear of Denmark", "Rankly abus 'd ; but know , thou noble youth ,", "Upon my secure hour thy uncle stole ,", "And curd , like eager droppings into milk ,", "Though lewdness court it in a shape of heaven ;", "With all my imperfections on my head :", "That rots itself in ease on Lethe wharf ,", "Till the foul crimes done in my days of nature"], "true_target": ["Is by a forged process of my death", "But this most foul , strange , and unnatural .", "With witchcraft of his wit , with traitorous gifts ,\u2014", "I am thy father 's spirit ;", "Holds such an enmity with blood of man", "Murder most foul , as in the best it is ;", "The will of my most seeming-virtuous queen :", "When I to sulph'uous and tormenting flames", "I could a tale unfold whose lightest word", "Now wears his crown .", "If thou didst ever thy dear father love \u2014", "The glowworm shows the matin to be near ,", "Taint not thy mind , nor let thy soul contrive", "So to seduce !\u2014 won to his shameful lust", "Will sate itself in a celestial bed", "Wouldst thou not stir in this . Now , Hamlet , hear .", "If thou hast nature in thee , bear it not ;", "But this eternal blazon must not be", "O , horrible ! O , horrible ! most horrible !", "\u2018 Tis given out that , sleeping in my orchard ,", "No reckoning made , but sent to my account", "And in the porches of my ears did pour", "Swear .", "Would harrow up thy soul ; freeze thy young blood ;", "To ears of flesh and blood .\u2014 List , list , O , list !\u2014", "Adieu , adieu ! Hamlet , remember me .", "With juice of cursed hebenon in a vial ,", "The natural gates and alleys of the body ;", "So art thou to revenge , when thou shalt hear .", "To what I shall unfold .", "And a most instant tetter bark 'd about ,", "Make thy two eyes , like stars , start from their spheres ;", "Swear .", "But soft ! methinks I scent the morning air ;", "Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder .", "A couch for luxury and damned incest .", "Doom 'd for a certain term to walk the night ,", "My hour is almost come ,", "And for the day confin 'd to wastein fires ,", "Cut off even in the blossoms of my sin ,", "Brief let me be .\u2014 Sleeping within my orchard ,", "Against thy mother aught : leave her to heaven ,", "Are burnt and purg 'd away . But that I am forbid", "O Hamlet , what a falling-off was there !", "I made to her in marriage ; and to decline"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 6}, {"query": ["Heaven secure him !", "What news , my lord ?", "Not I , my lord , by heaven .", "These are but wild and whirling words , my lord .", "To tell us this .", "What is't , my lord ? we will .", "My lord , my lord ,\u2014"], "true_target": ["There 's no offence , my lord .", "There needs no ghost , my lord , come from the grave", "In faith ,", "My lord , not I .", "O day and night , but this is wondrous strange !", "Good my lord , tell it .", "Propose the oath , my lord ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 6}, {"query": ["Lord Hamlet ,\u2014", "We have sworn , my lord , already .", "Nor I , my lord ."], "true_target": ["Nor I , my lord , in faith .", "Illo , ho , ho , my lord !", "How is't , my noble lord ?"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 6}, {"query": ["My lord , we will not ."], "true_target": ["Ay , by heaven , my lord ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 6}, {"query": ["That 's not my meaning : but breathe his faults so quaintly", "He closes with you in this consequence ;", "There falling out at tennis ': or perchance ,", "That they do know my son , come you more nearer", "There was he gaming ; there o'ertook in 's rouse ;", "That he is open to incontinency ;", "Before You visit him , to make inquiry", "A savageness in unreclaimed blood ,", "Of his behaviour .", "That they may seem the taints of liberty ;", "Marry , well said ; very well said . Look you , sir ,", "It seems it as proper to our age", "But if't be he I mean , he 's very wild ;", "And thus do we of wisdom and of reach ,", "As \u2018 twere a thing a little soil 'd i \u2019 the working ,", "And then , sir , does he this ,\u2014 he does \u2014 What was I about to say ?\u2014", "Enquire me first what Danskers are in Paris ;", "And I believe it is a fetch of warrant :", "More grief to hide than hate to utter love .", "Having ever seen in the prenominate crimes", "As may dishonour him ; take heed of that ;", "Whose violent property fordoes itself ,", "Observe his inclination in yourself .", "Than your particular demands will touch it :", "By this encompassment and drift of question ,", "Videlicet , a brothel ,\u2014 or so forth .\u2014", "Mark you ,", "Marry , sir , here 's my drift ;", "He closes with you thus :\u2014 \u2018 I know the gentleman ;", "So , by my former lecture and advice ,", "As thus , \u2018 I know his father and his friends ,", "Come , go with me : I will go seek the king .", "And let him ply his music .", "\u2018 I saw him enter such a house of sale , \u2019 \u2014", "Addicted so and so ; \u2019 and there put on him", "This is the very ecstasy of love ;", "See you now ;", "Farewell !", "That hath made him mad .", "By indirections find directions out :", "What said he ?", "\u2018 Good sir , \u2019 or so ; or \u2018 friend , \u2019 or \u2018 gentleman \u2019 \u2014", "\u2018 And in part him ;\u2014 but , \u2019 you may say , \u2018 not well :"], "true_target": ["Mad for thy love ?", "By the mass , I was about to say something :\u2014 Where did I leave ?", "Faith , no ; as you may season it in the charge .", "And meant to wreck thee ; but beshrew my jealousy !", "You must not put another scandal on him ,", "What , have you given him any hard words of late ?", "Of man and country .", "Your party in converse , him you would sound ,", "This must be known ; which , being kept close , might move", "And in part him ;\u2014 do you mark this , Reynaldo ?", "To cast beyond ourselves in our opinions", "What forgeries you please ; marry , none so rank", "What company , at what expense ; and finding ,", "The flash and outbreak of a fiery mind ;", "Ay , or drinking , fencing , swearing , quarrelling ,", "According to the phrase or the addition", "Your bait of falsehood takes this carp of truth :", "As oft as any passion under heaven", "At \u2014 closes in the consequence \u2019 \u2014 ay , marry !", "Or then , or then ; with such , or such ; and , as you say ,", "Shall you my son . You have me , have you not ?", "I am sorry that with better heed and judgment", "Wherefore should you do this ?", "As are companions noted and most known", "To lack discretion . Come , go we to the king :", "Give him this money and these notes , Reynaldo .", "The youth you breathe of guilty , be assur 'd", "But , sir , such wanton , wild , and usual slips", "And leads the will to desperate undertakings ,", "I saw him yesterday , or t'other day ,", "As it is common for the younger sort", "You laying these slight sullies on my son", "Drabbing :\u2014 you may go so far .", "With what , i \u2019 the name of God ?", "God b \u2019 wi \u2019 you , fare you well .", "And how , and who , what means , and where they keep ,", "How now , Ophelia ! what 's the matter ?", "To youth and liberty .", "You shall do marvellous wisely , good Reynaldo ,", "With windlaces , and with assays of bias ,", "That does afflict our natures . I am sorry ,\u2014", "Take you , as \u2018 twere , some distant knowledge of him ;", "I had not quoted him : I fear 'd he did but trifle ,", "Of general assault ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["My lord , that would dishonour him .", "Ay , my lord ,", "My lord , I did intend it .", "I will , my lord .", "Well , my lord .", "Ay , very well , my lord .", "As gaming , my lord ."], "true_target": ["Very good , my lord .", "I would know that .", "But , my good lord ,\u2014", "Good my lord !", "My lord , I have .", "At \u2018 closes in the consequence , \u2019 at \u2018 friend or so , \u2019 and gentleman . \u2019", "I shall , my lord ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["I did repel his letters and denied", "My lord , I do not know ;", "He took me by the wrist , and held me hard ;", "His access to me .", "He rais 'd a sigh so piteous and profound", "Alas , my lord , I have been so affrighted !", "As it did seem to shatter all his bulk", "Then goes he to the length of all his arm ;", "And , with his head over his shoulder turn 'd", "And thrice his head thus waving up and down ,\u2014", "And to the last bended their light on me .", "He falls to such perusal of my face", "Lord Hamlet ,\u2014 with his doublet all unbrac 'd ;", "As he would draw it . Long stay 'd he so ;"], "true_target": ["Pale as his shirt ; his knees knocking each other ;", "No , my good lord ; but , as you did command ,", "And end his being : that done , he lets me go :", "He seem 'd to find his way without his eyes ;", "As if he had been loosed out of hell", "At last ,\u2014 a little shaking of mine arm ,", "And with a look so piteous in purport", "But truly I do fear it .", "No hat upon his head ; his stockings foul 'd ,", "Ungart'red , and down-gyved to his ankle ;", "To speak of horrors ,\u2014 he comes before me .", "For out o \u2019 doors he went without their help ,", "And with his other hand thus o'er his brow ,", "My lord , as I was sewing in my chamber ,"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["Welcome , my good friends !", "But how hath she", "Well , we shall sift him .", "That you vouchsafe your rest here in our court", "Since nor the exterior nor the inward man", "Do you think \u2018 tis this ?", "Go to your rest ; at night we 'll feast together :", "So much from the understanding of himself ,", "Thyself do grace to them , and bring them in .", "The head and source of all your son 's distemper .", "To draw him on to pleasures , and to gather ,", "Some little time : so by your companies", "I cannot dream of : I entreat you both", "That , open 'd , lies within our remedy .", "How may we try it further ?", "Answer , and think upon this business .", "More than his father 's death , that thus hath put him", "He tells me , my sweet queen , he hath found", "Our hasty sending . Something have you heard", "O , speak of that ; that do I long to hear ."], "true_target": ["That , being of so young days brought up with him ,", "Meantime we thank you for your well-took labour :", "Say , Voltimand , what from our brother Norway ?", "It likes us well ;", "Moreover that we much did long to see you ,", "The need we have to use you did provoke", "And since so neighbour 'd to his youth and humour ,", "Welcome , dear Rosencrantz and Guildenstern !", "So much as from occasion you may glean ,", "We will try it .", "Thanks , Rosencrantz and gentle Guildenstern .", "Thou still hast been the father of good news .", "As of a man faithful and honourable .", "Not that I know .", "Of Hamlet 's transformation ; so I call it ,", "Most welcome home !", "Resembles that it was . What it should be ,", "Whether aught , to us unknown , afflicts him thus ,", "Receiv 'd his love ?", "And at our more consider 'd time we 'll read ,"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["Came this from Hamlet to her ?", "Your visitation shall receive such thanks", "Thanks , Guildenstern and gentle Rosencrantz :", "As fits a king 's remembrance .", "His father 's death and our o'erhasty marriage .", "I doubt it is no other but the main ,\u2014", "To show us so much gentry and good-will", "To whom he more adheres . If it will please you", "So he does indeed .", "And I beseech you instantly to visit"], "true_target": ["And sure I am two men there are not living", "It may be , very likely .", "And bring these gentlemen where Hamlet is .", "Good gentlemen , he hath much talk 'd of you ,", "For the supply and profit of our hope ,", "As to expend your time with us awhile ,", "My too-much-changed son .\u2014 Go , some of you ,", "Ay , amen !", "But look where sadly the poor wretch comes reading .", "More matter , with less art ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["Than to entreaty .", "We think not so , my lord .", "I think their inhibition comes by the means of the late innovation .", "Might , by the sovereign power you have of us ,", "Truly , and I hold ambition of so airy and light a quality that it is but a shadow 's shadow .", "God save you , sir !", "What say you ?", "Ay , that they do , my lord ; Hercules and his load too .", "No , indeed , are they not .", "As the indifferent children of the earth .", "Faith , there has been much to do on both sides ; and the nation holds it no sin to tarre them to controversy : there was , for awhile , no money bid for argument unless the poet and the player went to cuffs in the question .", "Put your dread pleasures more into command", "Both your majesties"], "true_target": ["To visit you , my lord ; no other occasion .", "My lord , there was no such stuff in my thoughts .", "To think , my lord , if you delight not in man , what lenten entertainment the players shall receive from you : we coted them on the way ; and hither are they coming to offer you service .", "To what end , my lord ?", "My most dear lord !", "Good my lord !", "Why , then , your ambition makes it one ; \u2018 tis too narrow for your mind .", "Even those you were wont to take such delight in ,\u2014 the tragedians of the city .", "Neither , my lord .", "Then is the world one .", "None , my lord , but that the world 's grown honest .", "Happily he 's the second time come to them ; for they say an old man is twice a child .", "Nay , their endeavour keeps in the wonted pace : but there is , sir , an aery of children , little eyases , that cry out on the top of question , and are most tyrannically clapped for't : these are now the fashion ; and so berattle the common stages ,\u2014 so they call them ,\u2014 that many wearing rapiers are afraid of goose-quills and dare scarce come thither ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["Prison , my lord !", "What should we say , my lord ?", "Faith , her privates we .", "In what , my dear lord ?", "My honoured lord !", "O , there has been much throwing about of brains .", "My lord , we were sent for .", "To lay our service freely at your feet ,"], "true_target": ["Which dreams , indeed , are ambition ; for the very substance of the ambitious is merely the shadow of a dream .", "There are the players .", "On fortune 's cap we are not the very button .", "Happy in that we are not over-happy ;", "Pleasant and helpful to him !", "To be commanded .", "Heavens make our presence and our practices", "We both obey ,", "And here give up ourselves , in the full bent ,"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["I have , my lord .", "Thence to a watch ; thence into a weakness ;", "My liege , and madam ,\u2014 to expostulate", "Mad call I it ; for to define true madness ,", "Hath there been such a time ,\u2014 I 'd fain know that \u2014", "Upon my honour ,\u2014", "Within the centre .", "And he , repulsed ,\u2014 a short tale to make ,\u2014", "Here in the lobby .", "My lord , I will use them according to their desert .", "How say you by that ?\u2014Still harping on my daughter :\u2014 yet he knew me not at first ; he said I was a fishmonger : he is far gone , far gone : and truly in my youth I suffered much extremity for love ; very near this . I 'll speak to him again .\u2014 What do you read , my lord ?", "Before my daughter told me ,\u2014 what might you ,", "Therefore , since brevity is the soul of wit ,", "And all we wail for .", "Take this from this , if this be otherwise :", "But let that go .", "As I perceiv 'd it , I must tell you that ,", "Let me be no assistant for a state ,", "I mean , the matter that you read , my lord .", "Where truth is hid , though it were hid indeed", "Both to my God and to my gracious king :", "If circumstances lead me , I will find", "Are joyfully return 'd .", "Th \u2019 ambassadors from Norway , my good lord ,", "That 's good ! \u2018 Mobled queen \u2019 is good .", "Mark the encounter : if he love her not ,", "The best actors in the world , either for tragedy , comedy , history , pastoral , pastoral-comical , historical-pastoral , tragical-historical , tragical-comical-historical-pastoral , scene individable , or poem unlimited : Seneca cannot be too heavy nor Plautus too light . For the law of writ and the liberty , these are the only men .", "Into the madness wherein now he raves ,", "But keep a farm and carters .", "Fell into a sadness ; then into a fast ;", "Indeed , that is out o \u2019 the air .How pregnant sometimes his replies are ! a happiness that often madness hits on , which reason and sanity could not so prosperously be delivered of . I will leave him and suddenly contrive the means of meeting between him and my daughter .\u2014 My honourable lord , I will most humbly take my leave of you .", "When I had seen this hot love on the wing ,\u2014", "What follows , then , my lord ?", "You know sometimes he walks for hours together", "The very cause of Hamlet 's lunacy .", "Thence to a lightness ; and , by this declension ,", "Do you know me , my lord ?", "What is't but to be nothing else but mad ?", "That 's very true , my lord .", "The actors are come hither , my lord .", "That she should lock herself from his resort ,", "My news shall be the fruit to that great feast .", "Hunts not the trail of policy so sure", "If you call me Jephthah , my lord , I have a daughter that I love passing well .", "What is the matter , my lord ?", "Have I , my lord ? Assure you , my good liege ,"], "true_target": ["Though this be madness , yet there is a method i n't .\u2014", "Good madam , stay awhile ; I will be faithful .\u2018 Doubt thou the stars are fire ; Doubt that the sun doth move ; Doubt truth to be a liar ; But never doubt I love . \u2018 O dear Ophelia , I am ill at these numbers ; I have not art to reckon my groans : but that I love thee best , O most best , believe it . Adieu . \u2018 Thine evermore , most dear lady , whilst this machine is to him , HAMLET . \u2019 This , in obedience , hath my daughter show 'd me ; And more above , hath his solicitings , As they fell out by time , by means , and place , All given to mine ear .", "And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes ,", "Look , whether he has not turn 'd his colour , and has tears in 's eyes .\u2014 Pray you , no more !", "At such a time I 'll loose my daughter to him :", "You go to seek the Lord Hamlet ; there he is .", "Were nothing but to waste night , day , and time .", "As it hath us 'd to do ,\u2014 that I have found", "Honest , my lord !", "That I have positively said \u2018'Tis so , \u2019", "Well be with you , gentlemen !", "I will be brief :\u2014 your noble son is mad :", "What majesty should be , what duty is ,", "Or look 'd upon this love with idle sight ;\u2014", "This is too long .", "What do you think of me ?", "How does my good Lord Hamlet ?", "Or my dear majesty your queen here , think ,", "And he not from his reason fall'n thereon", "I hold my duty , as I hold my soul ,", "When it prov 'd otherwise ?", "Admit no messengers , receive no tokens .", "\u2018 Fore God , my lord , well spoken , with good accent and good discretion .", "Or given my heart a winking , mute and dumb ;", "Away , I do beseech you , both away", "This must not be : \u2019 and then I precepts gave her ,", "I would fain prove so . But what might you think ,", "Still on my daughter .", "And I do think ,\u2014 or else this brain of mine", "Which done , she took the fruits of my advice ;", "If I had play 'd the desk or table-book ,", "What treasure had he , my lord ?", "This business is well ended .\u2014", "Fare you well , my lord .", "Will you walk out of the air , my lord ?", "I 'll board him presently :\u2014 O , give me leave .", "What might you think ? No , I went round to work ,", "My lord , I have news to tell you .", "Come , sirs .", "Not I , my lord .", "\u2018 Lord Hamlet is a prince , out of thy sphere ;", "Give first admittance to the ambassadors ;", "Be you and I behind an arras then ;", "Madam , I swear I use no art at all . That he is mad , \u2018 tis true : \u2018 tis true \u2018 tis pity ; And pity \u2018 tis \u2018 tis true : a foolish figure ; But farewell it , for I will use no art . Mad let us grant him then : and now remains That we find out the cause of this effect ; Or rather say , the cause of this defect , For this effect defective comes by cause : Thus it remains , and the remainder thus . Perpend . I have a daughter ,\u2014 have whilst she is mine ,\u2014 Who , in her duty and obedience , mark , Hath given me this : now gather , and surmise .\u2018 To the celestial , and my soul 's idol , the most beautified Ophelia , \u2019 \u2014 That 's an ill phrase , a vile phrase ; \u2018 beautified \u2019 is a vile phrase : but you shall hear . Thus :\u2018 In her excellent white bosom , these , & c . \u2019", "Why day is day , night is night , and time is time .", "And my young mistress thus I did bespeak :"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["On such regards of safety and allowance", "And his commission to employ those soldiers ,", "That it might please you to give quiet pass", "It was against your highness ; whereat griev 'd ,\u2014", "As therein are set down .", "Was falsely borne in hand ,\u2014 sends out arrests", "His nephew 's levies ; which to him appear 'd", "To give th \u2019 assay of arms against your majesty .", "On Fortinbras ; which he , in brief , obeys ;", "Through your dominions for this enterprise ,"], "true_target": ["Gives him three thousand crowns in annual fee ;", "Whereon old Norway , overcome with joy ,", "But , better look 'd into , he truly found", "To be a preparation \u2018 gainst the Polack ;", "Most fair return of greetings and desires .", "That so his sickness , age , and impotence", "Receives rebuke from Norway ; and , in fine ,", "So levied as before , against the Polack :", "With an entreaty , herein further shown ,", "Upon our first , he sent out to suppress", "Makes vow before his uncle never more"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["Prompted to my revenge by heaven and hell ,", "Why , then \u2018 tis none to you ; for there is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so : to me it is a prison .", "Who calls me villain ? breaks my pate across ?", "A damn 'd defeat was made . Am I a coward ?", "Let her not walk i \u2019 the sun : conception is a blessing , but not as your daughter may conceive :\u2014 friend , look to't .", "Hark you , Guildenstern ;\u2014 and you too ;\u2014 at each ear a hearer : that great baby you see there is not yet out of his swaddling clouts .", "Why , what an ass am I ! This is most brave ,", "Yet I ,", "Is't possible ?", "For murder , though it have no tongue , will speak", "\u2018 Tis well . I 'll have thee speak out the rest of this soon .\u2014 Good my lord , will you see the players well bestowed ? Do you hear ? Let them be well used ; for they are the abstracts and brief chronicles of the time ; after your death you were better have a bad epitaph than their ill report while you live .", "Do the boys carry it away ?", "Plucks off my beard and blows it in my face ?", "May be the devil : and the devil hath power", "What 's Hecuba to him , or he to Hecuba ,", "To make oppression bitter ; or ere this", "To assume a pleasing shape ; yea , and perhaps", "The very faculties of eyes and ears .", "Why \u2014", "Remorseless , treacherous , lecherous , kindless villain !", "Then I would you were so honest a man .", "And can say nothing ; no , not for a king", "And fall a-cursing like a very drab ,", "How chances it they travel ? their residence , both in reputation and profit , was better both ways .", "As he is very potent with such spirits ,\u2014", "Fie upo n't ! foh !\u2014 About , my brain ! I have heard", "Well , God-a-mercy .", "I know my course . The spirit that I have seen", "Rome ,\u2014", "Then came each actor on his ass ,\u2014", "With this slave 's offal : bloody , bawdy villain !", "With most miraculous organ , I 'll have these players", "That from her working all his visage wan 'd ;", "A dull and muddy-mettled rascal , peak ,", "Then you live about her waist , or in the middle of her favours ?", "Slanders , sir : for the satirical slave says here that old men have grey beards ; that their faces are wrinkled ; their eyes purging thick amber and plum-tree gum ; and that they have a plentiful lack of wit , together with most weak hams : all which , sir , though I most powerfully and potently believe , yet I hold it not honesty to have it thus set down ; for you yourself , sir , should be old as I am , if , like a crab , you could go backward .", "We 'll ha't tohYpppHeNmorrow night . You could , for a need , study a speech of some dozen or sixteen lines which I would set down and insert i n't ? could you not ?", "Play something like the murder of my father", "Words , words , words .", "But in a fiction , in a dream of passion ,", "Abuses me to damn me : I 'll have grounds", "Dost thou hear me , old friend ? Can you play \u2018 The Murder of", "These tedious old fools !", "Could force his soul so to his own conceit", "Now I am alone .", "Between who ?", "Nay , that follows not .", "Make mad the guilty , and appal the free ;", "Upon whose property and most dear life", "Nor the soles of her shoe ?", "Ay , sir ; to be honest , as this world goes , is to be one man picked out of ten thousand .", "Into my grave ?", "Ay , so , God b \u2019 wi \u2019 ye !", "A broken voice , and his whole function suiting", "I 'll tent him to the quick : if he but blench ,", "A goodly one ; in which there are many confines , wards , and dungeons , Denmark being one o \u2019 the worst .", "Rosencrantz ! Good lads , how do ye both ?", "O , vengeance !", "Had he the motive and the cue for passion", "I will prophesy he comes to tell me of the players ; mark it .\u2014 You say right , sir : o \u2019 Monday morning ; \u2018 twas so indeed .", "O , what a rogue and peasant slave am I !", "Buzz , buzz !"], "true_target": ["They have proclaim 'd their malefactions ;", "\u2018 Swounds , I should take it : for it cannot be", "Do they hold the same estimation they did when I was in the city ? Are they so followed ?", "I should have fatted all the region kites", "In the secret parts of fortune ? O , most true ; she is a strumpet . What 's the news ?", "More relative than this .\u2014 the play 's the thing", "Like John-a-dreams , unpregnant of my cause ,", "I will tell you why ; so shall my anticipation prevent your discovery , and your secrecy to the king and queen moult no feather . I have of late ,\u2014 but wherefore I know not ,\u2014 lost all my mirth , forgone all custom of exercises ; and indeed , it goes so heavily with my disposition that this goodly frame , the earth , seems to me a sterile promontory ; this most excellent canopy , the air , look you , this brave o'erhanging firmament , this majestical roof fretted with golden fire ,\u2014 why , it appears no other thing to me than a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours . What a piece of work is man ! How noble in reason ! how infinite in faculties ! in form and moving , how express and admirable ! in action how like an angel ! in apprehension , how like a god ! the beauty of the world ! the paragon of animals ! And yet , to me , what is this quintessence of dust ? Man delights not me ; no , nor woman neither , though by your smiling you seem to say so .", "With forms to his conceit ? And all for nothing !", "No such matter : I will not sort you with the rest of my servants ; for , to speak to you like an honest man , I am most dreadfully attended . But , in the beaten way of friendship , what make you at Elsinore ?", "Then are our beggars bodies , and our monarchs and outstretch 'd heroes the beggars \u2019 shadows . Shall we to the court ? for , by my fay , I cannot reason .", "Have by the very cunning of the scene", "Must , like a whore , unpack my heart with words", "But I am pigeon-liver 'd , and lack gall", "It shall to the barber 's , with your beard .\u2014 Pr'ythee say on .\u2014 He 's for a jig or a tale of bawdry , or he sleeps :\u2014 say on ; come to Hecuba .", "And cleave the general ear with horrid speech ;", "I heard thee speak me a speech once ,\u2014 but it was never acted ; or if it was , not above once ; for the play , I remember , pleased not the million , \u2018 twas caviare to the general ; but it was ,\u2014 as I received it , and others , whose judgments in such matters cried in the top of mine ,\u2014 an excellent play , well digested in the scenes , set down with as much modesty as cunning . I remember , one said there were no sallets in the lines to make the matter savoury , nor no matter in the phrase that might indite the author of affectation ; but called it an honest method , as wholesome as sweet , and by very much more handsome than fine . One speech in it I chiefly loved : \u2018 twas AEneas \u2019 tale to Dido , and thereabout of it especially where he speaks of Priam 's slaughter : if it live in your memory , begin at this line ;\u2014 let me see , let me see :\u2014 The rugged Pyrrhus , like th \u2019 Hyrcanian beast ,\u2014 it is not so :\u2014 it begins with Pyrrhus :\u2014 \u2018 The rugged Pyrrhus ,\u2014 he whose sable arms , Black as his purpose , did the night resemble When he lay couched in the ominous horse ,\u2014 Hath now this dread and black complexion smear 'd With heraldry more dismal ; head to foot Now is he total gules ; horridly trick 'd With blood of fathers , mothers , daughters , sons , Bak 'd and impasted with the parching streets , That lend a tyrannous and a damned light To their vile murders : roasted in wrath and fire , And thus o'ersized with coagulate gore , With eyes like carbuncles , the hellish Pyrrhus Old grandsire Priam seeks . \u2019 So , proceed you .", "Tweaks me by the nose ? gives me the lie i \u2019 the throat", "Denmark 's a prison .", "Been struck so to the soul that presently", "That guilty creatures , sitting at a play ,", "It is not very strange ; for my uncle is king of Denmark , and those that would make mouths at him while my father lived , give twenty , forty , fifty , a hundred ducats a-piece for his picture in little . \u2018 Sblood , there is something in this more than natural , if philosophy could find it out .", "Then is doomsday near ; but your news is not true . Let me question more in particular : what have you , my good friends , deserved at the hands of fortune , that she sends you to prison hither ?", "Excellent well ; you 're a fishmonger .", "Gentlemen , you are welcome to Elsinore . Your hands , come : the appurtenance of welcome is fashion and ceremony : let me comply with you in this garb ; lest my extent to the players , which I tell you must show fairly outward , should more appear like entertainment than yours . You are welcome : but my uncle-father and aunt-mother are deceived .", "That I have ? He would drown the stage with tears", "For Hecuba ?", "My excellent good friends ! How dost thou , Guildenstern ? Ah ,", "Why , anything \u2014 but to the purpose . You were sent for ; and there is a kind of confession in your looks , which your modesties have not craft enough to colour : I know the good king and queen have sent for you .", "Tears in his eyes , distraction in 's aspect ,", "Am I not i \u2019 the right , old Jephthah ?", "That he should weep for her ? What would he do ,", "Confound the ignorant , and amaze , indeed ,", "Follow him , friends : we 'll hear a play to-morrow .", "My lord , I have news to tell you . When Roscius was an actor in", "Wherein I 'll catch the conscience of the king .", "Why \u2014 \u2018 As by lot , God wot , \u2019 and then , you know , \u2018 It came to pass , as most like it was \u2014 \u2019 The first row of the pious chanson will show you more ; for look where my abridgment comes .You are welcome , masters ; welcome , all :\u2014 I am glad to see thee well .\u2014 welcome , good friends .\u2014 O , my old friend ! Thy face is valanc 'd since I saw thee last ; comest thou to beard me in Denmark ?\u2014 What , my young lady and mistress ! By'r lady , your ladyship is nearer to heaven than when I saw you last , by the altitude of a chopine . Pray God , your voice , like a piece of uncurrent gold , be not cracked within the ring .\u2014 Masters , you are all welcome . We 'll e'en to't like French falconers , fly at anything we see : we 'll have a speech straight : come , give us a taste of your quality : come , a passionate speech .", "He that plays the king shall be welcome ,\u2014 his majesty shall have tribute of me ; the adventurous knight shall use his foil and target ; the lover shall not sigh gratis ; the humorous man shall end his part in peace ; the clown shall make those laugh whose lungs are tickle o \u2019 the sere ; and the lady shall say her mind freely , or the blank verse shall halt for't . What players are they ?", "That I , the son of a dear father murder 'd ,", "A scullion !", "How comes it ? do they grow rusty ?", "The which he loved passing well . \u2019", "I am but mad north-north-west : when the wind is southerly I know a hawk from a handsaw .", "\u2018 The mobled queen \u2019 ?", "Why did you laugh then , when I said \u2018 Man delights not me \u2019 ?", "\u2018 One fair daughter , and no more ,", "Beggar that I am , I am even poor in thanks ; but I thank you : and sure , dear friends , my thanks are too dear a halfpenny . Were you not sent for ? Is it your own inclining ? Is it a free visitation ? Come , deal justly with me : come , come ; nay , speak .", "For if the sun breed maggots in a dead dog , being a god-kissing carrion ,\u2014 Have you a daughter ?", "Odd 's bodikin , man , better : use every man after his desert , and who should scape whipping ? Use them after your own honour and dignity : the less they deserve , the more merit is in your bounty . Take them in .", "You cannot , sir , take from me anything that I will more willingly part withal ,\u2014 except my life , except my life , except my life .", "Nay , then , I have an eye of you .\u2014 If you love me , hold not off .", "Gonzago \u2019 ?", "O Jephthah , judge of Israel , what a treasure hadst thou !", "That you must teach me . But let me conjure you , by the rights of our fellowship , by the consonancy of our youth , by the obligation of our ever-preserved love , and by what more dear a better proposer could charge you withal , be even and direct with me , whether you were sent for or no .", "O God , I could be bounded in a nutshell , and count myself a king of infinite space , were it not that I have bad dreams .", "As deep as to the lungs ? who does me this , ha ?", "A dream itself is but a shadow .", "Very well .\u2014 Follow that lord ; and look you mock him not .\u2014 My good friends, I 'll leave you till night : you are welcome to Elsinore .", "Before mine uncle : I 'll observe his looks ;", "Is it not monstrous that this player here ,", "Out of my weakness and my melancholy ,\u2014", "What , are they children ? who maintains \u2018 em ? How are they escoted ? Will they pursue the quality no longer than they can sing ? will they not say afterwards , if they should grow themselves to common players ,\u2014 as it is most like , if their means are no better ,\u2014 their writers do them wrong to make them exclaim against their own succession ?"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["With less remorse than Pyrrhus \u2019 bleeding sword", "But as we often see , against some storm ,", "Which was declining on the milky head", "Did nothing .", "Stoops to his base ; and with a hideous crash", "Unless things mortal move them not at all ,\u2014", "Ay , my lord .", "When she saw Pyrrhus make malicious sport", "Out , out , thou strumpet , Fortune ! All you gods ,", "Ay , my lord .", "As hush as death , anon the dreadful thunder", "Where late the diadem stood , and for a robe ,", "On Mars 's armour , forg 'd for proof eterne ,", "In mincing with his sword her husband 's limbs ,", "Anon he finds him ,", "So , as a painted tyrant , Pyrrhus stood ;", "And never did the Cyclops \u2019 hammers fall", "Now falls on Priam .\u2014", "And bowl the round nave down the hill of heaven ,", "And passion in the gods .", "What speech , my lord ?", "As low as to the fiends !", "About her lank and all o'erteemed loins ,", "Pyrrhus at Priam drives ; in rage strikes wide ;"], "true_target": ["Run barefoot up and down , threatening the flames", "Repugnant to command : unequal match 'd ,", "The instant burst of clamour that she made ,\u2014", "Striking too short at Greeks : his antique sword ,", "\u2018 Gainst Fortune 's state would treason have pronounc 'd :", "In general synod , take away her power ;", "Takes prisoner Pyrrhus \u2019 ear : for lo ! his sword ,", "Break all the spokes and fellies from her wheel ,", "Would have made milch the burning eyes of heaven ,", "Of reverend Priam , seem 'd i \u2019 the air to stick :", "But with the whiff and wind of his fell sword", "Seeming to feel this blow , with flaming top", "The unnerved father falls . Then senseless Ilium ,", "A silence in the heavens , the rack stand still ,", "The bold winds speechless , and the orb below", "And , like a neutral to his will and matter ,", "Who this had seen , with tongue in venom steep 'd ,", "But if the gods themselves did see her then ,", "But who , O who , had seen the mobled queen ,\u2014", "Doth rend the region ; so , after Pyrrhus \u2019 pause ,", "A blanket , in the alarm of fear caught up ;\u2014", "A roused vengeance sets him new a-work ;", "Rebellious to his arm , lies where it falls ,", "With bisson rheum ; a clout upon that head"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["That thus he suffers for .", "O'er which his melancholy sits on brood ;", "Madness in great ones must not unwatch 'd go .", "The harlot 's cheek , beautied with plastering art ,", "With all my heart ; and it doth much content me", "Will so bestow ourselves that , seeing , unseen ,", "Get from him why he puts on this confusion ,", "Her father and myself ,\u2014 lawful espials ,\u2014", "That he , as \u2018 twere by accident , may here", "Love ! his affections do not that way tend ;", "Sweet Gertrude , leave us too ;", "It shall be so :", "Is not more ugly to the thing that helps it", "If't be the affliction of his love or no", "Nor what he spake , though it lack 'd form a little ,", "And drive his purpose on to these delights .", "We may of their encounter frankly judge ;", "Thus set it down :\u2014 he shall with speed to England", "Will be some danger : which for to prevent ,", "And gather by him , as he is behav 'd ,"], "true_target": ["With variable objects , shall expel", "From fashion of himself . What think you o n't ?", "For we have closely sent for Hamlet hither ,", "And can you , by no drift of circumstance ,", "To hear him so inclin 'd .\u2014", "I have in quick determination", "Haply the seas , and countries different ,", "And I do doubt the hatch and the disclose", "Grating so harshly all his days of quiet", "Affront Ophelia :", "Whereon his brains still beating puts him thus", "O , \u2018 tis too true !", "With turbulent and dangerous lunacy ?", "Good gentlemen , give him a further edge ,", "O heavy burden !", "Than is my deed to my most painted word :", "This something-settled matter in his heart ;", "Was not like madness . There 's something in his soul", "For the demand of our neglected tribute :", "How smart a lash that speech doth give my conscience !"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 9}, {"query": ["And , as I think , they have already order", "This night to play before him .", "He does confess he feels himself distracted ,", "And there did seem in him a kind of joy", "We shall , my lord .", "Most free in his reply ."], "true_target": ["Niggard of question ; but , of our demands ,", "Madam , it so fell out that certain players", "Most like a gentleman .", "But from what cause he will by no means speak .", "To hear of it : they are about the court ,", "We o'erhYpppHeNraught on the way : of these we told him ,"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 9}, {"query": ["But with much forcing of his disposition .", "Of his true state ."], "true_target": ["But , with a crafty madness , keeps aloof", "Nor do we find him forward to be sounded ,", "When we would bring him on to some confession"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 9}, {"query": ["And for your part , Ophelia , I do wish", "Did he receive you well ?", "Did you assay him", "That your good beauties be the happy cause"], "true_target": ["Of Hamlet 's wildness : so shall I hope your virtues", "I shall obey you :\u2014", "To both your honours .", "Will bring him to his wonted way again ,", "To any pastime ?"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 9}, {"query": ["Of all their conference . If she find him not ,", "You need not tell us what Lord Hamlet said ;", "I hear him coming : let 's withdraw , my lord .", "Let his queen mother all alone entreat him", "To England send him ; or confine him where", "We will bestow ourselves .\u2014", "Read on this book ;", "To hear and see the matter .", "\u2018 Tis most true ;", "We heard it all .\u2014 My lord , do as you please ;", "And I 'll be plac 'd , so please you , in the ear", "Your loneliness .\u2014 We are oft to blame in this ,\u2014"], "true_target": ["\u2018 Tis too much prov 'd ,\u2014 that with devotion 's visage", "Your wisdom best shall think .", "To show his grief : let her be round with him ;", "Ophelia , walk you here .\u2014 Gracious , so please you ,", "It shall do well : but yet do I believe", "But if you hold it fit , after the play ,", "Sprung from neglected love .\u2014 How now , Ophelia !", "The origin and commencement of his grief", "The Devil himself .", "That show of such an exercise may colour", "And pious action we do sugar o'er", "And he beseech 'd me to entreat your majesties"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 9}, {"query": ["As made the things more rich ; their perfume lost ,", "To have seen what I have seen , see what I see !", "Blasted with ecstasy : O , woe is me ,", "I pray you , now receive them .", "Now see that noble and most sovereign reason ,", "Like sweet bells jangled , out of tune and harsh ;", "Madam , I wish it may .", "The observ 'd of all observers ,\u2014 quite , quite down !", "Indeed , my lord , you made me believe so .", "The courtier 's , scholar 's , soldier 's , eye , tongue , sword ,", "At home , my lord .", "And I , of ladies most deject and wretched", "Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind .", "Could beauty , my lord , have better commerce than with honesty ?", "Take these again ; for to the noble mind", "That suck 'd the honey of his music vows ,"], "true_target": ["O , help him , you sweet heavens !", "What means your lordship ?", "The expectancy and rose of the fair state ,", "How does your honour for this many a day ?", "That I have longed long to re-deliver .", "I was the more deceived .", "Good my lord ,", "O heavenly powers , restore him !", "My lord ?", "There , my lord .", "That unmatch 'd form and feature of blown youth", "And with them words of so sweet breath compos 'd", "O , what a noble mind is here o'erthrown !", "The glass of fashion and the mould of form ,", "My lord , I have remembrances of yours", "My honour 'd lord , you know right well you did ;"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 9}, {"query": ["And enterprises of great pith and moment ,", "But that the dread of something after death ,\u2014", "That flesh is heir to ,\u2014 \u2018 tis a consummation", "Devoutly to be wish 'd . To die ,\u2014 to sleep ;\u2014", "The heartache , and the thousand natural shocks", "To sleep ! perchance to dream :\u2014 ay , there 's the rub ;", "Thus conscience does make cowards of us all ;", "That if you be honest and fair , your honesty should admit no discourse to your beauty .", "That makes calamity of so long life ;", "Ha , ha ! are you honest ?", "No more ; and by a sleep to say we end", "The fair Ophelia !\u2014 Nymph , in thy orisons", "Are you fair ?", "I never gave you aught .", "And makes us rather bear those ills we have", "I have heard of your paintings too , well enough ; God hath given you one face , and you make yourselves another : you jig , you amble , and you lisp , and nickname God 's creatures , and make your wantonness your ignorance . Go to , I 'll no more o n't ; it hath made me mad . I say , we will have no more marriages : those that are married already , all but one , shall live ; the rest shall keep as they are . To a nunnery , go .", "If thou dost marry , I 'll give thee this plague for thy dowry ,\u2014 be thou as chaste as ice , as pure as snow , thou shalt not escape calumny . Get thee to a nunnery , go : farewell . Or , if thou wilt needs marry , marry a fool ; for wise men know well enough what monsters you make of them . To a nunnery , go ; and quickly too . Farewell .", "The undiscover 'd country , from whose bourn", "And thus the native hue of resolution", "Or to take arms against a sea of troubles ,", "Be all my sins remember 'd .", "That patient merit of the unworthy takes ,", "You should not have believ 'd me ; for virtue cannot so inoculate our old stock but we shall relish of it : I loved you not ."], "true_target": ["The pangs of despis 'd love , the law 's delay ,", "To be , or not to be ,\u2014 that is the question :\u2014", "When we have shuffled off this mortal coil ,", "And lose the name of action .\u2014 Soft you now !", "For in that sleep of death what dreams may come ,", "With this regard , their currents turn awry ,", "And by opposing end them ?\u2014 To die ,\u2014 to sleep ,\u2014", "Than fly to others that we know not of ?", "The oppressor 's wrong , the proud man 's contumely ,", "Whether \u2018 tis nobler in the mind to suffer", "No , not I ;", "Get thee to a nunnery : why wouldst thou be a breeder of sinners ? I am myself indifferent honest ; but yet I could accuse me of such things that it were better my mother had not borne me : I am very proud , revengeful , ambitious ; with more offences at my beck than I have thoughts to put them in , imagination to give them shape , or time to act them in . What should such fellows as I do crawling between earth and heaven ? We are arrant knaves , all ; believe none of us . Go thy ways to a nunnery . Where 's your father ?", "Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought ;", "The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune", "I humbly thank you ; well , well , well .", "With a bare bodkin ? who would these fardels bear ,", "When he himself might his quietus make", "For who would bear the whips and scorns of time ,", "Ay , truly ; for the power of beauty will sooner transform honesty from what it is to a bawd than the force of honesty can translate beauty into his likeness : this was sometime a paradox , but now the time gives it proof . I did love you once .", "The insolence of office , and the spurns", "No traveller returns ,\u2014 puzzles the will ,", "Let the doors be shut upon him , that he may play the fool nowhere but in 's own house . Farewell .", "To grunt and sweat under a weary life ,", "Must give us pause : there 's the respect"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 9}, {"query": ["Where thrift may follow fawning . Dost thou hear ?", "For I mine eyes will rivet to his face ;", "As I do thee .\u2014 Something too much of this .\u2014", "\u2014 Leave me , friends .", "Ay , sir , what of him ?", "We shall know by this fellow : the players cannot keep counsel ; they 'll tell all .", "I pr'ythee , when thou see'st that act a-foot ,", "Hast ta'en with equal thanks : and bles 'd are those", "What did you enact ?", "Which I have told thee , of my father 's death :", "\u2018 Tis as easy as lying : govern these ventages with your finger and thumb , give it breath with your mouth , and it will discourse most eloquent music . Look you , these are the stops .", "Methinks it is like a weasel .", "I pray you .", "O heart , lose not thy nature ; let not ever", "O , but she 'll keep her word .", "Then will I come to my mother by and by .\u2014 They fool me to the top of my bent .\u2014 I will come by and by .", "I do not well understand that . Will you play upon this pipe ?", "Of Jove himself ; and now reigns here", "So long ? Nay then , let the devil wear black , for I 'll have a suit of sables . O heavens ! die two months ago , and not forgotten yet ? Then there 's hope a great man 's memory may outlive his life half a year : but , by'r lady , he must build churches then ; or else shall he suffer not thinking on , with the hobby-horse , whose epitaph is \u2018 For , O , for , O , the hobby-horse is forgot ! \u2019", "O , reform it altogether . And let those that play your clowns speak no more than is set down for them : for there be of them that will themselves laugh , to set on some quantity of barren spectators to laugh too , though in the meantime some necessary question of the play be then to be considered : that 's villanous and shows a most pitiful ambition in the fool that uses it . Go make you ready .How now , my lord ! will the king hear this piece of work ?", "I am tame , sir :\u2014 pronounce .", "As woman 's love .", "No , no ! They do but jest , poison in jest ; no offence i \u2019 the world .", "Lady , shall I lie in your lap ?", "I do beseech you .", "And crook the pregnant hinges of the knee", "And so I do still , by these pickers and stealers .", "Do you see yonder cloud that 's almost in shape of a camel ?", "And could of men distinguish , her election", "It is a damned ghost that we have seen ;", "The Mouse-trap . Marry , how ? Tropically . This play is the image of a murder done in Vienna : Gonzago is the duke 's name ; his wife , Baptista : you shall see anon ; \u2018 tis a knavish piece of work : but what o \u2019 that ? your majesty , and we that have free souls , it touches us not : let the gall 'd jade wince ; our withers are unwrung .This is one Lucianus , nephew to the King .", "What , ho , Horatio !", "To sound what stop she please . Give me that man", "Is this a prologue , or the posy of a ring ?", "And my imaginations are as foul", "Ay , or any show that you 'll show him : be not you ashamed to show , he 'll not shame to tell you what it means .", "A man that Fortune 's buffets and rewards", "Let me be cruel , not unnatural ;", "Observe mine uncle : if his occulted guilt", "They are coming to the play . I must be idle :", "I mean , my head upon your lap ?", "A very , very \u2014 pajock .", "You are welcome .", "Your wisdom should show itself more richer to signify this to the doctor ; for me to put him to his purgation would perhaps plunge him into far more choler .", "Speak the speech , I pray you , as I pronounced it to you , trippingly on the tongue : but if you mouth it , as many of your players do , I had as lief the town crier spoke my lines . Nor do not saw the air too much with your hand , thus , but use all gently : for in the very torrent , tempest , and , as I may say , whirlwind of passion , you must acquire and beget a temperance that may give it smoothness . O , it offends me to the soul , to hear a robustious periwig-pated fellow tear a passion to tatters , to very rags , to split the ears of the groundlings , who , for the most part , are capable of nothing but inexplicable dumb shows and noise : I would have such a fellow whipped for o'erdoing Termagant ; it out-herods Herod : pray you avoid it .", "Do not itself unkennel in one speech ,", "For what advancement may I hope from thee ,", "Upon the talk of the poisoning ?\u2014", "Will you two help to hasten them ?", "So you must take your husbands .\u2014 Begin , murderer ; pox , leave thy damnable faces , and begin . Come :\u2014 \u2018 The croaking raven doth bellow for revenge . \u2019", "As Vulcan 's stithy . Give him heedful note ;", "Who , I ?", "The soul of Nero enter this firm bosom :", "Excellent , i \u2019 faith ; of the chameleon 's dish : I eat the air , promise-crammed : you cannot feed capons so .", "Madam , how like you this play ?", "Come , some music !", "If she should break it now !", "Whose blood and judgment are so well commingled", "Be not too tame neither ; but let your own discretion be your tutor : suit the action to the word , the word to the action ; with this special observance , that you o'erstep not the modesty of nature : for anything so overdone is from the purpose of playing , whose end , both at the first and now , was and is , to hold , as \u2018 twere , the mirror up to nature ; to show virtue her own image , scorn her own image , and the very age and body of the time his form and pressure . Now , this overdone , or come tardy off , though it make the unskilful laugh , cannot but make the judicious grieve ; the censure of the which one must in your allowance , o'erweigh a whole theatre of others . O , there be players that I have seen play ,\u2014 and heard others praise , and that highly ,\u2014 not to speak it profanely , that , neither having the accent of Christians , nor the gait of Christian , pagan , nor man , have so strutted and bellowed that I have thought some of nature 's journeymen had made men , and not made them well , they imitated humanity so abominably ."], "true_target": ["Sir , a whole history .", "I will speak daggers to her , but use none ;", "Since my dear soul was mistress of her choice ,", "Sir , I lack advancement .", "How in my words somever she be shent ,", "Contagion to this world : now could I drink hot blood ,", "Why then , belike he likes it not , perdy .", "Make you a wholesome answer ; my wit 's diseased : but , sir , such answer as I can make , you shall command ; or rather , as you say , my mother : therefore no more , but to the matter : my mother , you say ,\u2014", "Even with the very comment of thy soul", "Why , look you now , how unworthy a thing you make of me ! You would play upon me ; you would seem to know my stops ; you would pluck out the heart of my mystery ; you would sound me from my lowest note to the top of my compass ; and there is much music , excellent voice , in this little organ , yet cannot you make it speak . \u2018 Sblood , do you think I am easier to be played on than a pipe ? Call me what instrument you will , though you can fret me , you cannot play upon me .God bless you , sir !", "It was a brute part of him to kill so capital a calf there .\u2014 Be the players ready ?", "What , frighted with false fire !", "O , your only jig-maker ! What should a man do but be merry ? for look you how cheerfully my mother looks , and my father died within \u2018 s two hours .", "That they are not a pipe for Fortune 's finger", "Get you a place .", "Why , let the strucken deer go weep , The hart ungalled play ; For some must watch , while some must sleep : So runs the world away .\u2014 Would not this , sir , and a forest of feathers \u2014 if the rest of my fortunes turn Turk with me ,\u2014 with two Provincial roses on my razed shoes , get me a fellowship in a cry of players , sir ?", "With drink , sir ?", "Hath seal 'd thee for herself : for thou hast been", "For if the king like not the comedy ,", "In my heart 's core , ay , in my heart of heart ,", "As one , in suffering all , that suffers nothing ;", "Nothing .", "And , after , we will both our judgments join", "No , good mother , here 's metal more attractive .", "This realm dismantled was", "\u2018 Tis now the very witching time of night ,", "That is not passion 's slave , and I will wear him", "Wormwood , wormwood !", "Marry , this is miching mallecho ; it means mischief .", "There is a play to-night before the king ;", "I could interpret between you and your love , if I could see the puppets dallying .", "No , nor mine now . My lord , you play 'd once i \u2019 the university , you say ?", "To give them seals never , my soul , consent !", "Nay , do not think I flatter ;", "That no revenue hast , but thy good spirits ,", "Do you think I meant country matters ?", "Would quake to look on . Soft ! now to my mother .\u2014", "That 's a fair thought to lie between maids \u2019 legs .", "And do such bitter business as the day", "When churchyards yawn , and hell itself breathes out", "Horatio , thou art e'en as just a man", "To feed and clothe thee ? Why should the poor be flatter 'd ?", "One scene of it comes near the circumstance ,", "We shall obey , were she ten times our mother . Have you any further trade with us ?", "Sir , I cannot .", "As e'er my conversation cop 'd withal .", "It would cost you a groaning to take off my edge .", "Bid the players make haste .", "Ay , sir , but \u2018 While the grass grows \u2019 \u2014 the proverb is something musty .O , the recorders :\u2014 let me see one .\u2014 To withdraw with you :\u2014 why do you go about to recover the wind of me , as if you would drive me into a toil ?", "O good Horatio , I 'll take the ghost 's word for a thousand pound ! Didst perceive ?", "For thou dost know , O Damon dear ,", "A whole one , I .", "Or like a whale .", "He poisons him i \u2019 the garden for 's estate . His name 's Gonzago : The story is extant , and written in very choice Italian ; you shall see anon how the murderer gets the love of Gonzago 's wife .", "O wonderful son , that can so stonish a mother !\u2014 But is there no sequel at the heels of this mother 's admiration ?", "By-and-by is easily said .", "In censure of his seeming .", "My tongue and soul in this be hypocrites ,\u2014", "No , let the candied tongue lick absurd pomp ;", "Ah , ha !\u2014 Come , some music ! Come , the recorders !\u2014"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 10}, {"query": ["I warrant your honour ."], "true_target": ["I hope we have reform 'd that indifferently with us , sir ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 10}, {"query": ["I did enact Julius Caesar ; I was kill 'd i \u2019 the Capitol ; Brutus killed me .", "O , ho ! do you mark that ?", "And the queen too , and that presently .", "My lord , the queen would speak with you , and presently .", "Give o'er the play ."], "true_target": ["I will say so .", "Very like a whale .", "That did I , my lord , and was accounted a good actor .", "It is backed like a weasel .", "By the mass , and \u2018 tis like a camel indeed ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 10}, {"query": ["You might have rhymed .", "I did very well note him .", "Very well , my lord .", "Here , sweet lord , at your service ."], "true_target": ["And scape detecting , I will pay the theft .", "Half a share .", "O , my dear lord ,\u2014", "If he steal aught the whilst this play is playing ,", "Well , my lord :"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 10}, {"query": ["I have nothing with this answer , Hamlet ; these words are not mine .", "Have you heard the argument ? Is there no offence i n't ?"], "true_target": ["How fares our cousin Hamlet ?", "Give me some light :\u2014 away !", "What do you call the play ?"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 10}, {"query": ["How can that be , when you have the voice of the king himself for your succession in Denmark ?", "My lord , you once did love me .", "Then thus she says : your behaviour hath struck her into amazement and admiration ."], "true_target": ["Good my lord , what is your cause of distemper ? you do , surely , bar the door upon your own liberty if you deny your griefs to your friend .", "She desires to speak with you in her closet ere you go to bed .", "Ay , my lord ; they stay upon your patience ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 10}, {"query": ["The lady protests too much , methinks ."], "true_target": ["Come hither , my dear Hamlet , sit by me .", "How fares my lord ?"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 10}, {"query": ["Belike this show imports the argument of the play .", "Still better , and worse .", "You are merry , my lord .", "Ay , my lord .", "You are a good chorus , my lord .", "Ay , my lord .", "The King rises .", "What means this , my lord ?"], "true_target": ["Will he tell us what this show meant ?", "No , my lord .", "You are keen , my lord , you are keen .", "Nay , \u2018 tis twice two months , my lord .", "What is , my lord ?", "You are naught , you are naught : I 'll mark the play .", "\u2018 Tis brief , my lord .", "I think nothing , my lord ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 10}, {"query": ["We beg your hearing patiently ."], "true_target": ["For us , and for our tragedy ,", "Here stooping to your clemency ,"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 10}, {"query": ["What to ourselves in passion we propose ,", "Their own enactures with themselves destroy :", "Honour 'd , belov 'd , and haply one as kind", "And who in want a hollow friend doth try ,", "Directly seasons him his enemy .", "Full thirty times hath Phoebus \u2019 cart gone round", "Our thoughts are ours , their ends none of our own :", "\u2018 Tis deeply sworn . Sweet , leave me here awhile ;", "That even our loves should with our fortunes change ;", "My operant powers their functions leave to do :", "But what we do determine oft we break .", "Most necessary \u2018 tis that we forget", "The tedious day with sleep .", "And hitherto doth love on fortune tend :", "To pay ourselves what to ourselves is debt :", "Where joy most revels , grief doth most lament ;", "And thou shalt live in this fair world behind ,", "The violence of either grief or joy", "Which now , like fruit unripe , sticks on the tree ;", "For husband shalt thou ,\u2014", "Purpose is but the slave to memory ;", "That our devices still are overthrown ;"], "true_target": ["But , orderly to end where I begun ,\u2014", "The poor advanc 'd makes friends of enemies ;", "But die thy thoughts when thy first lord is dead .", "I do believe you think what now you speak ;", "My spirits grow dull , and fain I would beguile", "This world is not for aye ; nor \u2018 tis not strange", "Since love our hearts , and Hymen did our hands ,", "Of violent birth , but poor validity :", "And thirty dozen moons with borrow 'd sheen", "For who not needs shall never lack a friend ;", "Neptune 's salt wash and Tellus \u2019 orbed ground ,", "Grief joys , joy grieves , on slender accident .", "Whether love lead fortune , or else fortune love .", "Faith , I must leave thee , love , and shortly too ;", "About the world have times twelve thirties been ,", "The passion ending , doth the purpose lose .", "For \u2018 tis a question left us yet to prove ,", "The great man down , you mark his favourite flies ,", "But fall unshaken when they mellow be .", "So think thou wilt no second husband wed ;", "Our wills and fates do so contrary run", "Unite commutual in most sacred bands ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 10}, {"query": ["Now , what my love is , proof hath made you know ;", "Each opposite that blanks the face of joy", "Meet what I would have well , and it destroy !", "An anchor 's cheer in prison be my scope !", "Where love is great , the littlest doubts are fear ;", "For women 's fear and love holds quantity ;", "Are base respects of thrift , but none of love .", "When second husband kisses me in bed .", "Discomfort you , my lord , it nothing must :", "Make us again count o'er ere love be done !", "None wed the second but who kill 'd the first .", "Such love must needs be treason in my breast :", "Where little fears grow great , great love grows there .", "In second husband let me be accurst !", "A second time I kill my husband dead"], "true_target": ["So many journeys may the sun and moon", "Nor earth to me give food , nor heaven light !", "Sleep rock thy brain ,", "Both here and hence pursue me lasting strife ,", "The instances that second marriage move", "O , confound the rest !", "And never come mischance between us twain !", "But , woe is me , you are so sick of late ,", "So far from cheer and from your former state .", "That I distrust you . Yet , though I distrust ,", "In neither aught , or in extremity .", "Sport and repose lock from me day and night !", "If , once a widow , ever I be wife !", "To desperation turn my trust and hope !", "And as my love is siz 'd , my fear is so :"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 10}, {"query": ["Confederate season , else no creature seeing ;", "With Hecate 's ban thrice blasted , thrice infected ,", "Thoughts black , hands apt , drugs fit , and time agreeing ;"], "true_target": ["Thou mixture rank , of midnight weeds collected ,", "Thy natural magic and dire property", "On wholesome life usurp immediately ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 10}, {"query": ["Good my lord , vouchsafe me a word with you .", "Is , in his retirement , marvellous distempered .", "The king , sir \u2014", "Nay , good my lord , this courtesy is not of the right breed . If it shall please you to make me a wholesome answer , I will do your mother 's commandment : if not , your pardon and my return shall be the end of my business .", "Good my lord , put your discourse into some frame , and start not so wildly from my affair .", "My lord , I cannot ."], "true_target": ["But these cannot I command to any utterance of harmony ; I have not the skill .", "I know , no touch of it , my lord .", "What , my lord ?", "The queen , your mother , in most great affliction of spirit , hath sent me to you .", "Believe me , I cannot .", "O my lord , if my duty be too bold , my love is too unmannerly .", "No , my lord ; rather with choler ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 10}, {"query": ["It hath the primal eldest curse upo n't ,\u2014", "O , my offence is rank , it smells to heaven ;", "May one be pardon 'd and retain the offence ?", "The terms of our estate may not endure", "Though inclination be as sharp as will :", "My fault is past . But , O , what form of prayer", "In the corrupted currents of this world", "There is no shuffling ;\u2014 there the action lies", "To let his madness range . Therefore prepare you ;", "O limed soul , that , struggling to be free ,", "I stand in pause where I shall first begin ,", "And oft \u2018 tis seen the wicked prize itself", "To be forestalled ere we come to fall ,", "To give in evidence . What then ? what rests ?", "And he to England shall along with you :", "Words without thoughts never to heaven go .", "But to confront the visage of offence ?", "Can serve my turn ? Forgive me my foul murder !\u2014", "Try what repentance can : what can it not ?", "Yet what can it when one cannot repent ?", "Were thicker than itself with brother 's blood ,\u2014", "Art more engag 'd ! Help , angels ! Make assay :", "Or pardon 'd being down ? Then I 'll look up ;", "Arm you , I pray you , to this speedy voyage ;", "Hazard so near us as doth hourly grow"], "true_target": ["I like him not ; nor stands it safe with us", "A brother 's murder !\u2014 Pray can I not ,", "My crown , mine own ambition , and my queen .", "And , like a man to double business bound ,", "I your commission will forthwith dispatch ,", "Offence 's gilded hand may shove by justice ;", "My stronger guilt defeats my strong intent ;", "For we will fetters put upon this fear ,", "My words fly up , my thoughts remain below :", "And both neglect . What if this cursed hand", "To wash it white as snow ? Whereto serves mercy", "Bow , stubborn knees ; and , heart , with strings of steel ,", "And what 's in prayer but this twofold force ,\u2014", "Out of his lunacies .", "In his true nature ; and we ourselves compell 'd ,", "Even to the teeth and forehead of our faults ,", "Be soft as sinews of the new-born babe !", "All may be well .", "Buys out the law ; but \u2018 tis not so above ;", "O wretched state ! O bosom black as death !", "Which now goes too free-footed .", "Thanks , dear my lord .", "Is there not rain enough in the sweet heavens", "That cannot be ; since I am still possess 'd", "Of those effects for which I did the murder ,\u2014"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 11}, {"query": ["We will ourselves provide :", "Most holy and religious fear it is"], "true_target": ["To keep those many many bodies safe", "That live and feed upon your majesty ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 11}, {"query": ["To whose huge spokes ten thousand lesser things", "Each small annexment , petty consequence ,", "To keep itself from \u2018 noyance ; but much more", "Attends the boisterous ruin . Never alone", "The lives of many . The cease of majesty", "Dies not alone ; but like a gulf doth draw"], "true_target": ["Did the king sigh , but with a general groan .", "Are mortis 'd and adjoin 'd ; which , when it falls ,", "Fix 'd on the summit of the highest mount ,", "With all the strength and armour of the mind ,", "That spirit upon whose weal depend and rest", "What 's near it with it : it is a massy wheel ,", "The single and peculiar life is bound ,"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 11}, {"query": ["And , as you said , and wisely was it said ,", "Behind the arras I 'll convey myself", "I 'll call upon you ere you go to bed ,", "And tell you what I know ."], "true_target": ["To hear the process ; I 'll warrant she 'll tax him home :", "Since nature makes them partial , should o'erhear", "My lord , he 's going to his mother 's closet :", "\u2018 Tis meet that some more audience than a mother ,", "The speech , of vantage . Fare you well , my liege :"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 11}, {"query": ["And now I 'll do't ;\u2014 and so he goes to heaven ;", "To take him in the purging of his soul ,", "And that his soul may be as damn 'd and black", "And how his audit stands , who knows save heaven ?", "Now might I do it pat , now he is praying ;", "No .", "When he is fit and season 'd for his passage ?", "As hell , whereto it goes . My mother stays :", "When he is drunk asleep ; or in his rage ;", "\u2018 Tis heavy with him : and am I , then , reveng 'd ,", "To heaven .", "But in our circumstance and course of thought ,"], "true_target": ["Then trip him , that his heels may kick at heaven ;", "A villain kills my father ; and for that ,", "This physic but prolongs thy sickly days .", "I , his sole son , do this same villain send", "Or in the incestuous pleasure of his bed ;", "He took my father grossly , full of bread ;", "That has no relish of salvation i n't ;\u2014", "At gaming , swearing ; or about some act", "Up , sword , and know thou a more horrid hent :", "With all his crimes broad blown , as flush as May ;", "And so am I reveng 'd .\u2014 that would be scann 'd :", "O , this is hire and salary , not revenge ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 11}, {"query": ["He will come straight . Look you lay home to him :", "Pray you , be round with him .", "Tell him his pranks have been too broad to bear with ,"], "true_target": ["Much heat and him . I 'll silence me e'en here .", "O , I am slain !", "And that your grace hath screen 'd and stood between", "What , ho ! help , help , help !"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 12}, {"query": ["An eye like Mars , to threaten and command ;", "For use almost can change the stamp of nature ,", "A station like the herald Mercury", "When the compulsive ardour gives the charge ,", "His form and cause conjoin 'd , preaching to stones ,", "O , say !", "But mad in craft . \u2018 Twere good you let him know ;", "A rhapsody of words : heaven 's face doth glow ;", "My stern effects : then what I have to do", "One word more , good lady .", "I do repent ; but heaven hath pleas 'd it so ,", "You heavenly guards !\u2014 What would your gracious figure ?", "See what a grace was seated on this brow ;", "That it is proof and bulwark against sense .", "Ay , lady , \u2018 twas my word .\u2014", "If it be made of penetrable stuff ;", "This was your husband .\u2014 Look you now what follows :", "Is apoplex 'd ; for madness would not err ;", "The counterfeit presentment of two brothers .", "No , by the rood , not so :", "How is it with you , lady ?", "But it reserv 'd some quantity of choice", "And waits upon the judgment : and what judgment", "That monster custom , who all sense doth eat ,", "To punish me with this , and this with me ,", "I must to England ; you know that ?", "Nay , but to live", "Good night , mother .", "A cutpurse of the empire and the rule ,", "Would gambol from . Mother , for love of grace ,", "And I the matter will re-word ; which madness", "That blurs the grace and blush of modesty ;", "But I will delve one yard below their mines", "Mother , you have my father much offended .", "Mother , mother , mother !", "Thou wretched , rash , intruding fool , farewell !", "As from the body of contraction plucks", "I took thee for thy better : take thy fortune ;", "The very soul , and sweet religion makes", "I 'll blessing beg of you .\u2014 For this same lord", "And let him , for a pair of reechy kisses ,", "That , laps 'd in time and passion , lets go by", "Whom I will trust as I will adders fang 'd ,\u2014", "Hyperion 's curls ; the front of Jove himself ;", "For \u2018 tis the sport to have the enginer", "When in one line two crafts directly meet .\u2014", "Such an act", "Over the nasty sty ,\u2014", "That I have utter 'd : bring me to the test ,", "If damned custom have not braz 'd it so", "O shame ! where is thy blush ? Rebellious hell ,", "A bloody deed !\u2014 almost as bad , good mother ,", "From the fair forehead of an innocent love ,", "Do you see nothing there ?", "You go not till I set you up a glass", "Lay not that flattering unction to your soul", "And put it in his pocket !", "He likewise gives a frock or livery", "Eyes without feeling , feeling without sight ,", "For in the fatness of these pursy times", "Ears without hands or eyes , smelling sans all ,", "That not your trespass , but my madness speaks :", "Thou find'st to be too busy is some danger .\u2014", "I will bestow him , and will answer well", "Save me and hover o'er me with your wings ,", "To serve in such a difference . What devil was't", "Let the birds fly , and , like the famous ape ,", "And marshal me to knavery . Let it work ;", "Unpeg the basket on the house 's top ,", "Hoist with his own petard : and \u2018 t shall go hard", "Nor sense to ecstacy was ne'er so thrall 'd", "Assume a virtue , if you have it not .", "Who was in life a foolish peating knave .", "That aptly is put on . Refrain to-night ;", "Yea , this solidity and compound mass ,", "And break your own neck down .", "Now , mother , what 's the matter ?", "Is thought-sick at the act .", "Come , come , and sit you down ; you shall not budge ;", "A slave that is not twentieth part the tithe", "Where every god did seem to set his seal ,", "What 's the matter now ?", "Pinch wanton on your cheek ; call you his mouse ;", "And when you are desirous to be bles 'd ,", "And ,\u2014 would it were not so !\u2014 you are my mother .", "If thou canst mutine in a matron 's bones ,", "I 'll lug the guts into the neighbour room .\u2014"], "true_target": ["Thus bad begins , and worse remains behind .\u2014", "Is now most still , most secret , and most grave ,", "That to the use of actions fair and good", "Virtue itself of vice must pardon beg ,", "With tristful visage , as against the doom ,", "Will want true colour ; tears perchance for blood .", "And do not spread the compost on the weeds ,", "Stew 'd in corruption , honeying and making love", "As kill a king and marry with his brother .", "And sets a blister there ; makes marriage-vows", "I must be cruel , only to be kind :", "Where you may see the inmost part of you .", "And melt in her own fire : proclaim no shame", "That thus hath cozen 'd you at hoodman-blind ?", "And reason panders will .", "This man shall set me packing :", "Yea , curb and woo for leave to do him good .", "New lighted on a heaven-kissing hill :", "The important acting of your dread command ?", "Since frost itself as actively doth burn ,", "And live the purer with the other half .", "Repent what 's past ; avoid what is to come ;", "Would from a paddock , from a bat , a gib ,", "To the next abstinence : the next more easy ;", "And let me wring your heart : for so I shall ,", "Mother , good-night .\u2014 Indeed , this counsellor", "Calls virtue hypocrite ; takes off the rose", "The death I gave him . So again , good-night .\u2014", "How now ? a rat ?", "With wondrous potency . Once more , good-night :", "Would step from this to this ? Sense , sure , you have ,", "Whilst rank corruption , mining all within ,", "A combination and a form , indeed ,", "It will but skin and film the ulcerous place ,", "That from a shelf the precious diadem stole", "Why , look you there ! look how it steals away ! My father , in his habit as he liv 'd ! Look , where he goes , even now out at the portal !", "As false as dicers \u2019 oaths : O , such a deed", "And either curb the devil , or throw him out", "Could you on this fair mountain leave to feed ,", "Would make them capable .\u2014 Do not look upon me ;", "No , in despite of sense and secrecy ,", "Ecstasy !", "Not this , by no means , that I bid you do :", "Such dear concernings hide ? who would do so ?", "Do you not come your tardy son to chide ,", "Here is your husband , like a milldew 'd ear", "Leave wringing of your hands : peace ! sit you down ,", "Or but a sickly part of one true sense", "Lest with this piteous action you convert", "To give the world assurance of a man ;", "Could not so mope .", "O , throw away the worser part of it ,", "Infects unseen . Confess yourself to heaven ;", "Nor did you nothing hear ?", "Let the bloat king tempt you again to bed ;", "My pulse , as yours , doth temperately keep time ,", "There 's letters seal 'd : and my two schoolfellows ,\u2014", "Make you to ravel all this matter out ,", "Good night : but go not to mine uncle 's bed ;", "Go , go , you question with a wicked tongue .", "Come , sir , to draw toward an end with you :\u2014", "Of your precedent lord ; a vice of kings ;", "And batten on this moor ? Ha ! have you eyes ?", "Of habits evil , is angel yet in this ,\u2014", "A murderer and a villain ;", "To make them ranker . Forgive me this my virtue ;", "Else could you not have motion : but sure that sense", "Look here upon this picture , and on this ,\u2014", "And blow them at the moon : O , \u2018 tis most sweet ,", "The hey-day in the blood is tame , it 's humble ,", "Dead for a ducat , dead !", "You cannot call it love ; for at your age", "To try conclusions , in the basket creep", "And makes as healthful music : it is not madness", "And that shall lend a kind of easiness", "To flaming youth let virtue be as wax ,", "For who that 's but a queen , fair , sober , wise ,", "You are the Queen , your husband 's brother 's wife ,", "They bear the mandate ; they must sweep my way", "Or paddling in your neck with his damn 'd fingers ,", "Blasting his wholesome brother . Have you eyes ?", "That I must be their scourge and minister .", "On him , on him ! Look you how pale he glares !", "That I essentially am not in madness ,", "A king of shreds and patches !\u2014", "Nay , I know not : is it the king ?", "In the rank sweat of an enseamed bed ,"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 12}, {"query": ["This bodiless creation ecstasy", "No more , sweet Hamlet .", "Why , how now , Hamlet !", "Thou turn'st mine eyes into my very soul ;", "No , nothing but ourselves .", "As kill a king !", "Help , help , ho !", "Alas , he 's mad !", "And breath of life , I have no life to breathe", "That you do bend your eye on vacancy ,", "What wilt thou do ? thou wilt not murder me ?\u2014", "O me , what hast thou done ?", "And with the incorporal air do hold discourse ?", "In noise so rude against me ?", "What thou hast said to me .", "Start up and stand an end . O gentle son ,", "Upon the heat and flame of thy distemper", "Your bedded hairs , like life in excrements ,", "O , speak to me no more ;", "O Hamlet , thou hast cleft my heart in twain .", "Alack ,", "And there I see such black and grained spots", "That roars so loud , and thunders in the index ?"], "true_target": ["Is very cunning in .", "Come , come , you answer with an idle tongue .", "These words like daggers enter in mine ears ;", "Alas , how is't with you ,", "What have I done , that thou dar'st wag thy tongue", "Be thou assur 'd , if words be made of breath ,", "Forth at your eyes your spirits wildly peep ;", "I had forgot : \u2018 tis so concluded on .", "As will not leave their tinct .", "And , as the sleeping soldiers in the alarm ,", "Nothing at all ; yet all that is I see .", "Nay , then , I 'll set those to you that can speak .", "Sprinkle cool patience ! Whereon do you look ?", "This is the very coinage of your brain :", "O Hamlet , speak no more :", "Hamlet , thou hast thy father much offended .", "To whom do you speak this ?", "What shall I do ?", "Ah me , what act ,", "I 'll warrant you :", "No more .", "O , what a rash and bloody deed is this !", "Have you forgot me ?", "Fear me not :\u2014 withdraw ; I hear him coming ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 12}, {"query": ["Do not forget . This visitation", "Is but to whet thy almost blunted purpose .", "Speak to her , Hamlet ."], "true_target": ["O , step between her and her fighting soul ,\u2014", "Conceit in weakest bodies strongest works ,\u2014", "But , look , amazement on thy mother sits :"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 12}, {"query": ["It will be laid to us , whose providence", "Hamlet in madness hath Polonius slain ,", "There 's matter in these sighs . These profound heaves", "What , Gertrude ? How does Hamlet ?", "O Gertrude , come away !", "My soul is full of discord and dismay .", "His liberty is full of threats to all ;", "And what 's untimely done : so haply slander ,\u2014", "Transports his poison 'd shot ,\u2014 may miss our name ,", "Even on the pith of life . Where is he gone ?", "Friends both , go join you with some further aid :", "Whose whisper o'er the world 's diameter ,", "The sun no sooner shall the mountains touch", "Into the chapel . I pray you , haste in this .", "Should have kept short , restrain 'd , and out of haunt", "We must with all our majesty and skill", "It had been so with us , had we been there :"], "true_target": ["To you yourself , to us , to every one .", "And from his mother 's closet hath he dragg 'd him :", "This mad young man . But so much was our love", "Where is your son ?", "As level as the cannon to his blank ,", "O heavy deed !", "Come , Gertrude , we 'll call up our wisest friends ;", "Alas , how shall this bloody deed be answer 'd ?", "You must translate : \u2018 tis fit we understand them .", "And let them know both what we mean to do", "To keep it from divulging , let it feed", "But , like the owner of a foul disease ,", "But we will ship him hence : and this vile deed", "Go seek him out ; speak fair , and bring the body", "We would not understand what was most fit ;", "Both countenance and excuse .\u2014 Ho , Guildenstern !", "And hit the woundless air .\u2014 O , come away !"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 13}, {"query": ["Shows itself pure : he weeps for what is done .", "And in this brainish apprehension , kills", "Whips out his rapier , cries \u2018 A rat , a rat ! \u2019", "Bestow this place on us a little while .", "Which is the mightier : in his lawless fit", "Ah , my good lord , what have I seen to-night !"], "true_target": ["The unseen good old man .", "To draw apart the body he hath kill 'd :", "Behind the arras hearing something stir ,", "Among a mineral of metals base ,", "O'er whom his very madness , like some ore", "Mad as the sea and wind , when both contend"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 13}, {"query": ["Ay , sir ; that soaks up the King 's countenance , his rewards , his authorities . But such officers do the king best service in the end : he keeps them , like an ape , in the corner of his jaw ; first mouthed , to be last swallowed : when he needs what you have gleaned , it is but squeezing you , and , sponge , you shall be dry again .", "Of nothing : bring me to him . Hide fox , and all after .", "Compounded it with dust , whereto \u2018 tis kin .", "I am glad of it : a knavish speech sleeps in a foolish ear ."], "true_target": ["What noise ? who calls on Hamlet ? O , here they come .", "The body is with the king , but the king is not with the body . The king is a thing ,\u2014", "Do not believe it .", "That I can keep your counsel , and not mine own . Besides , to be demanded of a sponge !\u2014 what replication should be made by the son of a king ?", "Safely stowed ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 14}, {"query": ["What have you done , my lord , with the dead body ?", "Tell us where \u2018 tis , that we may take it thence ,", "I understand you not , my lord ."], "true_target": ["Believe what ?", "And bear it to the chapel .", "Take you me for a sponge , my lord ?", "My lord , you must tell us where the body is and go with us to the king ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 14}, {"query": ["He 's lov 'd of the distracted multitude ,", "The associates tend , and everything is bent", "Or not at all .", "Our sovereign process ; which imports at full ,", "Away ! for everything is seal 'd and done", "So is it , if thou knew'st our purposes .", "And , England , if my love thou hold'st at aught ,\u2014", "Alas , alas !", "Ay , Hamlet .", "Now , Hamlet , where 's Polonius ?", "By letters conjuring to that effect ,", "Yet must not we put the strong law on him :", "I have sent to seek him and to find the body .", "This sudden sending him away must seem", "Bring him before us .", "And where \u2018 tis so , the offender 's scourge is weigh 'd ,", "Which we do tender , as we dearly grieve", "But never the offence . To bear all smooth and even ,", "And thou must cure me : till I know \u2018 tis done ,", "After the Danish sword , and thy free awe", "That else leans on the affair : pray you , make haste .", "With fiery quickness : therefore prepare thyself ;"], "true_target": ["What dost thou mean by this ?", "Deliberate pause : diseases desperate grown", "As my great power thereof may give thee sense ,", "Where is Polonius ?", "For that which thou hast done ,\u2014 must send thee hence", "But where is he ?", "How dangerous is it that this man goes loose !", "For England .", "How now ! what hath befall'n ?", "Since yet thy cicatrice looks raw and red", "Go seek him there .", "Thy loving father , Hamlet .", "Follow him at foot ; tempt him with speed aboard ;", "For like the hectic in my blood he rages ,", "Who like not in their judgment , but their eyes ;", "At supper ! where ?", "Howe'er my haps , my joys were ne'er begun .", "Pays homage to us ,\u2014 thou mayst not coldly set", "The present death of Hamlet . Do it , England ;", "Hamlet , this deed , for thine especial safety ,\u2014", "By desperate appliance are reliev 'd ,", "The bark is ready , and the wind at help ,", "Delay it not ; I 'll have him hence to-night :"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 15}, {"query": ["Ho , Guildenstern ! bring in my lord .", "Where the dead body is bestow 'd , my lord ,"], "true_target": ["Without , my lord ; guarded , to know your pleasure .", "We cannot get from him ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 15}, {"query": ["Farewell , dear mother .", "Good .", "Nothing but to show you how a king may go a progress through the guts of a beggar .", "Not where he eats , but where he is eaten : a certain convocation of politic worms are e'en at him . Your worm is your only emperor for diet : we fat all creatures else to fat us , and we fat ourselves for maggots : your fat king and your lean beggar is but variable service ,\u2014 two dishes , but to one table : that 's the end .", "He will stay till you come ."], "true_target": ["I see a cherub that sees them .\u2014 But , come ; for England !\u2014", "For England !", "At supper .", "A man may fish with the worm that hath eat of a king , and eat of the fish that hath fed of that worm .", "My mother : father and mother is man and wife ; man and wife is one flesh ; and so , my mother .\u2014 Come , for England !", "In heaven : send thither to see : if your messenger find him not there , seek him i \u2019 the other place yourself . But , indeed , if you find him not within this month , you shall nose him as you go up the stairs into the lobby ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 15}, {"query": ["And let him know so .", "Tell him that , by his license , Fortinbras", "We shall express our duty in his eye ;", "Craves the conveyance of a promis 'd march"], "true_target": ["Over his kingdom . You know the rendezvous .", "If that his majesty would aught with us ,", "Go , Captain , from me greet the Danish king :", "Go softly on ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["A ranker rate , should it be sold in fee .", "God b \u2019 wi \u2019 you , sir .", "To pay five ducats , five , I would not farm it ;", "I will do't , my lord .", "Truly to speak , and with no addition ,", "Against some part of Poland ."], "true_target": ["They are of Norway , sir .", "We go to gain a little patch of ground", "Nor will it yield to Norway or the Pole", "Yes , it is already garrison 'd .", "That hath in it no profit but the name .", "The nephew to old Norway , Fortinbras ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["Makes mouths at the invisible event ;", "Good sir , whose powers are these ?", "Why , then the Polack never will defend it .", "Or for some frontier ?", "That have a father kill 'd , a mother stain 'd ,", "Excitements of my reason and my blood ,", "How all occasions do inform against me", "And let all sleep ? while , to my shame , I see", "And ever three parts coward ,\u2014 I do not know", "My thoughts be bloody , or be nothing worth !", "Looking before and after , gave us not", "Bestial oblivion , or some craven scruple", "This is the imposthume of much wealth and peace ,", "I 'll be with you straight . Go a little before .", "If his chief good and market of his time", "To fust in us unus 'd . Now , whether it be", "Witness this army , of such mass and charge ,", "Goes it against the main of Poland , sir ,", "Is not to stir without great argument ,", "Of thinking too precisely on the event ,\u2014", "Which is not tomb enough and continent", "That capability and godlike reason", "Led by a delicate and tender prince ;"], "true_target": ["Whereon the numbers cannot try the cause ,", "Sith I have cause , and will , and strength , and means", "Why the man dies .\u2014 I humbly thank you , sir .", "Whose spirit , with divine ambition puff 'd ,", "How purpos 'd , sir , I pray you ?", "But greatly to find quarrel in a straw", "Exposing what is mortal and unsure", "Who commands them , sir ?", "When honour 's at the stake . How stand I , then ,", "Two thousand souls and twenty thousand ducats", "Why yet I live to say \u2018 This thing 's to do ; \u2019", "And spur my dull revenge ! What is a man ,", "That inward breaks , and shows no cause without", "Sure he that made us with such large discourse ,", "To do't . Examples , gross as earth , exhort me :", "A thought which , quarter 'd , hath but one part wisdom", "To hide the slain ?\u2014 O , from this time forth ,", "Will not debate the question of this straw :", "Even for an egg-shell . Rightly to be great", "That , for a fantasy and trick of fame ,", "Go to their graves like beds ; fight for a plot", "Be but to sleep and feed ? a beast , no more .", "To all that fortune , death , and danger dare ,", "The imminent death of twenty thousand men"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["Alas , sweet lady , what imports this song ?", "Nay , but Ophelia \u2014", "It spills itself in fearing to be spilt .", "Alas , look here , my lord !", "But not by him .", "How cheerfully on the false trail they cry ! O , this is counter , you false Danish dogs !", "How now , Ophelia ?"], "true_target": ["Let her come in .", "To my sick soul , as sin 's true nature is ,", "What would she have ?", "I will not speak with her .", "Alack , what noise is this ?", "Each toy seems Prologue to some great amiss :", "Calmly , good Laertes .", "So full of artless jealousy is guilt ,"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 17}, {"query": ["Eats not the flats with more impetuous haste", "Dangerous conjectures in ill-breeding minds .", "Spurns enviously at straws ; speaks things in doubt ,", "The hearers to collection ; they aim at it ,", "That carry but half sense : her speech is nothing ,", "The ocean , overpeering of his list ,", "Yet the unshaped use of it doth move", "And botch the words up fit to their own thoughts ;", "There 's tricks i \u2019 the world , and hems , and beats her heart ;", "Caps , hands , and tongues applaud it to the clouds ,", "They cry \u2018 Choose we ! Laertes shall be king ! \u2019", "She is importunate ; indeed distract :"], "true_target": ["Antiquity forgot , custom not known ,", "Which , as her winks , and nods , and gestures yield them ,", "Though nothing sure , yet much unhappily .", "Indeed would make one think there might be thought ,", "Save yourself , my lord :", "And , as the world were now but to begin ,", "\u2018 Laertes shall be king ! Laertes king ! \u2019", "Than young Laertes , in a riotous head ,", "The ratifiers and props of every word ,", "O'erbears your offices . The rabble call him lord ;", "\u2018 Twere good she were spoken with ; for she may strew", "She speaks much of her father ; says she hears", "Her mood will needs be pitied ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 17}, {"query": ["God ha \u2019 mercy on his soul !", "You must sing \u2018 Down a-down , an you call him a-down-a . \u2019 O , how the wheel becomes it ! It is the false steward , that stole his master 's daughter .", "And we cast away moan :", "And of all Christian souls , I pray God .\u2014 God b \u2019 wi \u2019 ye .", "His beard was as white as snow ,", "They bore him barefac 'd on the bier", "Go to thy death-bed ,", "Indeed , la , without an oath , I 'll make an end o n't :", "At his head a grass green turf ,", "How should I your true love know", "Well , God dild you ! They say the owl was a baker 's daughter . Lord , we know what we are , but know not what we may be . God be at your table !", "Fare you well , my dove !", "With true-love showers .", "I hope all will be well . We must be patient : but I cannot choose but weep , to think they would lay him i \u2019 the cold ground . My brother shall know of it : and so I thank you for your good counsel .\u2014 Come , my coach !\u2014 Good night , ladies ; good night , sweet ladies ; good night , good night .", "Say you ? nay , pray you , mark .", "And on his grave rain 'd many a tear .\u2014", "White his shroud as the mountain snow ,", "There 's rosemary , that 's for remembrance ; pray , love , remember : and there is pansies , that 's for thoughts .", "Hey no nonny , nonny , hey nonny", "There 's fennel for you , and columbines :\u2014 there 's rue for you ; and here 's some for me :\u2014 we may call it herb of grace o \u2019 Sundays :\u2014 O , you must wear your rue with a difference .\u2014 There 's a daisy :\u2014 I would give you some violets , but they wither 'd all when my father died :\u2014 they say he made a good end ,\u2014For bonny sweet Robin is all my joy ,\u2014", "And his sandal shoon .", "Quoth she , before you tumbled me ,"], "true_target": ["By his cockle bat and \u2019 staff", "No , no , he is dead ,", "At his heels a stone .", "Young men will do't if they come to't ;", "Where is the beauteous majesty of Denmark ?", "An thou hadst not come to my bed .", "Larded all with sweet flowers ;", "By Gis and by Saint Charity ,", "You promis 'd me to wed .", "And will he not come again ?", "Alack , and fie for shame !", "All flaxen was his poll :", "He never will come again .", "By cock , they are to blame .", "From another one ?", "He is dead and gone ;", "Pray you , mark .", "So would I ha \u2019 done , by yonder sun ,", "He is gone , he is gone ,", "Which bewept to the grave did go", "He is dead and gone , lady ,", "And will he not come again ?", "Pray you , let 's have no words of this ; but when they ask you what it means , say you this :To-morrow is Saint Valentine 's day All in the morning bedtime , And I a maid at your window , To be your Valentine . Then up he rose and donn 'd his clothes , And dupp 'd the chamber door , Let in the maid , that out a maid Never departed more ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 17}, {"query": ["Pretty Ophelia !", "Like a good child and a true gentleman .", "When sorrows come , they come not single spies ,", "Good Laertes ,", "Let him go , Gertrude ; do not fear our person :", "With pestilent speeches of his father 's death ;", "Be you content to lend your patience to us ,", "What is the matter ?", "And wants not buzzers to infect his ear", "There 's such divinity doth hedge a king ,", "Where are my Switzers ? let them guard the door .", "Like to a murdering piece , in many places", "Conceit upon her father .", "Our crown , our life , and all that we call ours ,", "For good Polonius \u2019 death ; and we have done but greenly", "Of your dear father 's death , is't writ in your revenge", "And we shall jointly labour with your soul", "To you in satisfaction ; but if not ,", "The doors are broke .", "Of his own just remove : the people muddied ,", "As day does to your eye .", "Who shall stay you ?", "Wherein necessity , of matter beggar 'd ,", "Dead .", "And where the offence is let the great axe fall .", "If you desire to know the certainty", "But in battalions ! First , her father slain :", "Why , now you speak", "Feeds on his wonder , keeps himself in clouds ,", "In hugger-mugger to inter him : poor Ophelia", "Let him demand his fill .", "That , sweepstake , you will draw both friend and foe ,", "Last , and as much containing as all these ,"], "true_target": ["Why thou art thus incens 'd .\u2014 Let him go , Gertrude :\u2014", "Divided from herself and her fair judgment ,", "How do you , pretty lady ?", "Laertes , I must commune with your grief ,", "Next , your son gone ; and he most violent author", "Her brother is in secret come from France ;", "To give it due content .", "What is the cause , Laertes ,", "That I am guiltless of your father 's death ,", "Follow her close ; give her good watch , I pray you .", "Without the which we are pictures or mere beasts :", "If by direct or by collateral hand", "All from her father 's death . O Gertrude , Gertrude ,", "They find us touch 'd , we will our kingdom give ,", "Or you deny me right . Go but apart ,", "How long hath she been thus ?", "I pray you go with me .", "In ear and ear . O my dear Gertrude , this ,", "Winner and loser ?", "It shall as level to your judgment pierce", "Will you know them then ?", "Speak , man .", "That treason can but peep to what it would ,", "So you shall ;", "Make choice of whom your wisest friends you will ,", "Give , me superfluous death .", "Thick and and unwholesome in their thoughts and whispers", "And am most sensibly in grief for it ,", "That thy rebellion looks so giant-like ?\u2014", "Acts little of his will .\u2014 Tell me , Laertes ,", "O , this is the poison of deep grief ; it springs", "And they shall hear and judge \u2018 twixt you and me .", "Will nothing stick our person to arraign"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 17}, {"query": ["Cries cuckold to my father ; brands the harlot", "They shall go far with little .", "She turns to favour and to prettiness .", "That drop of blood that 's calm proclaims me bastard ;", "Most throughly for my father .", "To his good friends thus wide I 'll ope my arms ;", "Thought and affliction , passion , hell itself ,", "Hadst thou thy wits , and didst persuade revenge ,", "No trophy , sword , nor hatchment o'er his bones ,", "My will , not all the world :", "Cry to be heard , as \u2018 twere from heaven to earth ,", "Of my true mother .", "And for my means , I 'll husband them so well ,", "Do you see this , O God ?", "Where is my father ?", "It could not move thus .", "Where is this king ?\u2014 Sirs , stand you all without .", "A document in madness ,\u2014 thoughts and remembrance fitted ."], "true_target": ["Let come what comes ; only I 'll be reveng 'd", "To hell , allegiance ! vows , to the blackest devil !", "I dare damnation :\u2014 to this point I stand ,\u2014", "Conscience and grace , to the profoundest pit !", "His means of death , his obscure burial ,\u2014", "Give me my father !", "That I must call't in question .", "Repast them with my blood .", "None but his enemies .", "No noble rite nor formal ostentation ,\u2014", "I pray you , give me leave .", "Let this be so ;", "Even here , between the chaste unsmirched brow", "How now ! What noise is that ?O heat , dry up my brains ! tears seven times salt , Burn out the sense and virtue of mine eye !\u2014 By heaven , thy madness shall be paid by weight , Till our scale turn the beam . O rose of May ! Dear maid , kind sister , sweet Ophelia !\u2014 O heavens ! is't possible a young maid 's wits Should be as mortal as an old man 's life ? Nature is fine in love ; and where \u2018 tis fine , It sends some precious instance of itself After the thing it loves .", "And , like the kind life-rendering pelican ,", "That both the worlds , I give to negligence ,", "How came he dead ? I 'll not be juggled with :", "This nothing 's more than matter .", "I thank you :\u2014 keep the door .\u2014 O thou vile king ,"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 17}, {"query": ["Let her come in ."], "true_target": ["We will , we will .", "No , let 's come in ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 17}, {"query": ["What are they that would speak with me ?", "\u2018 Horatio , when thou shalt have overlooked this , give these fellows some means to the king : they have letters for him . Ere we were two days old at sea , a pirate of very warlike appointment gave us chase . Finding ourselves too slow of sail , we put on a compelled valour , and in the grapple I boarded them : on the instant they got clear of our ship ; so I alone became their prisoner . They have dealt with me like thieves of mercy : but they knew what they did ; I am to do a good turn for them . Let the king have the letters I have sent ; and repair thou to me with as much haste as thou wouldst fly death . I have words to speak in thine ear will make thee dumb ; yet are they much too light for the bore of the matter . These good fellows will bring thee where I am . Rosencrantz and Guildenstern hold their course for England : of them I have much to tell thee . Farewell . He that thou knowest thine , HAMLET . \u2019 Come , I will give you way for these your letters ; And do't the speedier , that you may direct me To him from whom you brought them .", "I do not know from what part of the world"], "true_target": ["Let them come in .", "I should be greeted , if not from Lord Hamlet .", "Let him bless thee too ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 18}, {"query": ["But that I know love is begun by time ,", "My virtue or my plague , be it either which ,\u2014", "Now , out of this ,\u2014", "Pursu 'd my life .", "As did that one ; and that , in my regard ,", "Hamlet return 'd shall know you are come home :", "A face without a heart ?", "Lives almost by his looks ; and for myself ,\u2014", "I could not but by her . The other motive ,", "Or with a little shuffling , you may choose", "And set a double varnish on the fame", "To show yourself your father 's son in deed", "Let 's further think of this ;", "As there are tongues , are hands , are accidents ;", "And for your rapier most especially ,", "The very same .", "And gave you such a masterly report", "I lov 'd your father , and we love ourself ;", "A Norman .", "Break not your sleeps for that :\u2014 you must not think", "We 'll make a solemn wager on your cunnings ,\u2014", "Convert his gyves to graces ; so that my arrows ,", "She 's so conjunctive to my life and soul ,", "That we are made of stuff so flat and dull", "If you oppos 'd them . Sir , this report of his", "From Hamlet ! Who brought them ?", "And in a postscript here , he says \u2018 alone . \u2019", "For art and exercise in your defence ,", "Weigh what convenience both of time and means", "With the brave beast : so far he topp 'd my thought", "May fit us to our shape : if this should fail ,", "And nothing is at a like goodness still ;", "You have been talk 'd of since your travel much ,", "No more to undertake it ,\u2014 I will work him", "Had witchcraft i n't : he grew unto his seat ;", "Laertes , was your father dear to you ?", "Of the unworthiest siege .", "It falls right .", "Here was a gentleman of Normandy ,\u2014", "And that he calls for drink , I 'll have prepar 'd him", "We 'll put on those shall praise your excellence", "The light and careless livery that it wears", "Why to a public count I might not go ,", "When in your motion you are hot and dry ,\u2014", "As make your bouts more violent to that end ,\u2014", "Therefore let 's follow .", "How now ! What news ?", "Did not together pluck such envy from him", "And hath abatements and delays as many", "Or are you like the painting of a sorrow ,", "Now must your conscience my acquittance seal ,", "That he could nothing do but wish and beg", "Hamlet comes back : what would you undertake", "Too slightly timber 'd for so loud a wind ,", "Under the which he shall not choose but fall :", "\u2018 Twere better not assay 'd : therefore this project", "Will you do this , keep close within your chamber .", "Is the great love the general gender bear him ;", "Will not peruse the foils ; so that with ease ,", "And that in Hamlet 's hearing , for a quality", "Come short of what he did .", "And call it accident .", "And then this \u2018 should \u2019 is like a spendthrift sigh ,", "And wager on your heads : he , being remiss ,", "Revenge should have no bounds . But , good Laertes ,", "Wherein they say you shine : your sum of parts"], "true_target": ["Will you be rul 'd by me ?", "That he which hath your noble father slain", "\u2018 Tis Hamlet 's character :\u2014 \u2018 Naked ! \u2019 \u2014", "As how should it be so ? how otherwise ?\u2014", "Than settled age his sables and his weeds ,", "And they can well on horseback : but this gallant", "Yet needful too ; for youth no less becomes", "And that I see , in passages of proof ,", "And to such wondrous doing brought his horse ,", "A chalice for the nonce ; whereon but sipping ,", "If this did blast in proof . Soft ! let me see :\u2014", "The Frenchman gave you ; bring you in fine together", "There lives within the very flame of love", "Laertes , you shall hear them . Leave us .\u2018 High and mighty ,\u2014 You shall know I am set naked on your kingdom . To-morrow shall I beg leave to see your kingly eyes : when I shall , first asking your pardon thereunto , recount the occasions of my sudden and more strange return . HAMLET . \u2019 What should this mean ? Are all the rest come back ? Or is it some abuse , and no such thing ?", "I 've seen myself , and serv 'd against , the French ,", "Importing health and graveness .\u2014 Two months since ,", "As checking at his voyage , and that he means", "More than in words ?", "That we can let our beard be shook with danger ,", "Now fear I this will give it start again ;", "Not that I think you did not love your father ;", "No place , indeed , should murder sanctuarize ;", "How much I had to do to calm his rage !", "That , as the star moves not but in his sphere ,", "If one could match you : the scrimers of their nation", "If it be so , Laertes ,\u2014", "Would have reverted to my bow again ,", "Dies in his own too much : that we would do ,", "Requite him for your father .", "But even his mother shall uncharge the practice", "Most generous , and free from all contriving ,", "Who , dipping all his faults in their affection ,", "He made confession of you ;", "And that , I hope , will teach you to imagine ,\u2014", "How now , sweet queen !", "That I , in forgery of shapes and tricks ,", "To exploit , now ripe in my device ,", "But yet to me they are strong . The queen his mother", "Should have a back or second , that might hold", "We should do when we would ; for this \u2018 would \u2019 changes ,", "To thine own peace . If he be now return 'd \u2014", "Time qualifies the spark and fire of it .", "A very riband in the cap of youth ,", "Sith you have heard , and with a knowing ear ,", "Can you advise me ?", "As had he been incorps 'd and demi-natur 'd", "Would , like the spring that turneth wood to stone ,", "That hurts by easing . But to the quick o \u2019 the ulcer :\u2014", "Which may to you , perhaps , seem much unsinew 'd ,", "And not where I had aim 'd them .", "Did Hamlet so envenom with his envy", "Your sudden coming o'er , to play with him .", "A sword unbated , and , in a pass of practice ,", "Let 's follow , Gertrude ;", "He swore , had neither motion , guard , nor eye ,", "I ha't :", "And you must put me in your heart for friend ,", "If he by chance escape your venom 'd stuck ,", "And for his death no wind shall breathe ;", "And think it pastime . You shortly shall hear more :", "A kind of wick or snuff that will abate it ;", "And that our drift look through our bad performance .", "Our purpose may hold there .", "O , for two special reasons ;", "That he cried out , \u2018 twould be a sight indeed", "For goodness , growing to a plurisy ,"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 18}, {"query": ["Drown 'd ! O , where ?", "And therefore I forbid my tears : but yet", "Too much of water hast thou , poor Ophelia ,", "Whose worth , if praises may go back again ,", "A Norman was't ?", "You mainly were stirr 'd up .", "But that this folly douts it .", "Stood challenger on mount of all the age", "Under the moon , can save the thing from death", "What part is that , my lord ?", "The woman will be out .\u2014 Adieu , my lord :", "For her perfections :\u2014 but my revenge will come .", "Why you proceeded not against these feats ,", "With this contagion , that , if I gall him slightly ,", "Alas , then she is drown 'd ?", "And for that purpose I 'll anoint my sword .", "A sister driven into desperate terms ,\u2014", "Ay , my lord ;", "Know you the hand ?", "As by your safety , wisdom , all things else ,", "So mortal that , but dip a knife in it ,", "Collected from all simples that have virtue", "It well appears :\u2014 but tell me"], "true_target": ["I have a speech of fire , that fain would blaze ,", "I am lost in it , my lord . But let him come ;", "So crimeful and so capital in nature ,", "I will do't :", "It is our trick ; nature her custom holds ,", "That I shall live and tell him to his teeth ,", "To cut his throat i \u2019 the church .", "And gem of all the nation .", "My lord , I will be rul 'd ;", "This is but scratch 'd withal : I 'll touch my point", "It may be death .", "The rather if you could devise it so", "Upon my life , Lamond .", "It warms the very sickness in my heart", "And so have I a noble father lost ;", "Where it draws blood no cataplasm so rare ,", "That I might be the organ .", "So you will not o'errule me to a peace .", "Let shame say what it will : when these are gone ,", "What out of this , my lord ?", "\u2018 Thus didest thou . \u2019", "I know him well : he is the brooch indeed", "Why ask you this ?", "I bought an unction of a mountebank ,"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 18}, {"query": ["Of him that brought them .", "This to your majesty ; this to the queen ."], "true_target": ["Sailors , my lord , they say ; I saw them not :", "They were given me by Claudio :\u2014 he receiv 'd them", "Letters , my lord , from Hamlet :"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 18}, {"query": ["As one incapable of her own distress ,", "So fast they follow :\u2014 your sister 's drown 'd , Laertes .", "To muddy death .", "Of crowflowers , nettles , daisies , and long purples ,", "Drown 'd , drown 'd .", "That liberal shepherds give a grosser name ,", "Pull 'd the poor wretch from her melodious lay", "Or like a creature native and indu 'd", "Fell in the weeping brook . Her clothes spread wide ;", "There is a willow grows aslant a brook ,"], "true_target": ["That shows his hoar leaves in the glassy stream ;", "But our cold maids do dead men 's fingers call them .", "There , on the pendant boughs her coronet weeds", "Clamb'ring to hang , an envious sliver broke ;", "Which time she chaunted snatches of old tunes ;", "There with fantastic garlands did she come", "And , mermaid-like , awhile they bore her up ;", "Unto that element : but long it could not be", "Till that her garments , heavy with their drink ,", "One woe doth tread upon another 's heel ,", "When down her weedy trophies and herself"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 18}, {"query": ["I like thy wit well , in good faith : the gallows does well ; but how does it well ? it does well to those that do ill : now , thou dost ill to say the gallows is built stronger than the church ; argal , the gallows may do well to thee . To't again , come .", "\u2018 Tis a quick lie , sir ; \u2018 t will away again from me to you .", "For no man , sir .", "Hath claw 'd me in his clutch ,", "What , art a heathen ? How dost thou understand the Scripture ? The Scripture says Adam digg 'd : could he dig without arms ? I 'll put another question to thee : if thou answerest me not to the purpose , confess thyself ,\u2014", "You lie out o n't , sir , and therefore \u2018 tis not yours : for my part ,", "Why , because he was mad : he shall recover his wits there ; or , if he do not , it 's no great matter there .", "Cudgel thy brains no more about it , for your dull ass will not mend his pace with beating ; and when you are asked this question next , say \u2018 a grave-maker ; \u2019 the houses he makes last till doomsday . Go , get thee to Yaughan ; fetch me a stoup of liquor .In youth when I did love , did love , Methought it was very sweet ; To contract , O , the time for , ah , my behove , O , methought there was nothing meet .", "Faith , if he be not rotten before he die ,\u2014 as we have many pocky corses now-a-days that will scarce hold the laying in ,\u2014 he will last you some eight year or nine year : a tanner will last you nine year .", "For such a guest is meet .", "A pickaxe and a spade , a spade ,", "Mine , sir .", "Of all the days i \u2019 the year , I came to't that day that our last King Hamlet overcame Fortinbras .", "For none neither .", "Cannot you tell that ? every fool can tell that : it was the very day that young Hamlet was born ,\u2014 he that is mad , and sent into England .", "What is he that builds stronger than either the mason , the shipwright , or the carpenter ?", "Very strangely , they say .", "E'en that .", "I do not lie i n't , yet it is mine .", "To't .", "But age , with his stealing steps ,"], "true_target": ["Why , here in Denmark : I have been sexton here , man and boy , thirty years .", "He was the first that ever bore arms .", "For such a guest is meet .", "Ay , tell me that , and unyoke .", "Why , sir , his hide is so tann 'd with his trade that he will keep out water a great while ; and your water is a sore decayer of your whoreson dead body . Here 's a skull now ; this skull hath lain in the earth three-and-twenty years .", "Is she to be buried in Christian burial when she wilfully seeks her own salvation ?", "For and a shrouding sheet ;", "As if I had never been such .", "One that was a woman , sir ; but , rest her soul , she 's dead .", "How can that be , unless she drowned herself in her own defence ?", "\u2018 Twill not he seen in him there ; there the men are as mad as he .", "It must be se offendendo ; it cannot be else . For here lies the point : if I drown myself wittingly , it argues an act : and an act hath three branches ; it is to act , to do , and to perform : argal , she drowned herself wittingly .", "A pestilence on him for a mad rogue ! \u2018 a pour 'd a flagon of Rhenish on my head once . This same skull , sir , was Yorick 's skull , the king 's jester .", "O , a pit of clay for to be made", "Why , there thou say'st : and the more pity that great folk should have countenance in this world to drown or hang themselves more than their even Christian .\u2014 Come , my spade . There is no ancient gentlemen but gardeners , ditchers , and grave-makers : they hold up Adam 's profession .", "Ay , marry , is't \u2014 crowner 's quest law .", "And hath shipp 'd me into the land ,", "Give me leave . Here lies the water ; good : here stands the man ; good : if the man go to this water and drown himself , it is , will he , nill he , he goes ,\u2014 mark you that : but if the water come to him and drown him , he drowns not himself ; argal , he that is not guilty of his own death shortens not his own life .", "Faith , e'en with losing his wits .", "A whoreson , mad fellow 's it was : whose do you think it was ?", "O , a pit of clay for to be made"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["Who builds stronger than a mason , a shipwright , or a carpenter ?", "Nay , but hear you , goodman delver ,\u2014", "Mass , I cannot tell .", "I tell thee she is ; and therefore make her grave straight : the crowner hath sat on her , and finds it Christian burial .", "Will you ha \u2019 the truth o n't ? If this had not been a gentlewoman , she should have been buried out o \u2019 Christian burial .", "The gallows-maker ; for that frame outlives a thousand tenants ."], "true_target": ["Go to .", "But is this law ?", "Why , he had none .", "Marry , now I can tell .", "Why , \u2018 tis found so .", "Was he a gentleman ?"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["Be buried quick with her , and so will I :", "What woman then ?", "I lov 'd Ophelia ; forty thousand brothers", "Woul't drink up eisel ? eat a crocodile ?", "Until my eyelids will no longer wag .", "Woul't weep ? woul't fight ? woul't fast ? woul't tear thyself ?", "Like wonder-wounded hearers ? this is I ,", "Conjures the wandering stars , and makes them stand", "Nay , I know not .", "What is he whose grief", "Who is to be buried i n't ?", "That skull had a tongue in it , and could sing once : how the knave jowls it to the ground , as if \u2018 twere Cain 's jawbone , that did the first murder ! This might be the pate of a politician , which this ass now o'erreaches ; one that would circumvent God , might it not ?", "I lov 'd you ever : but it is no matter ;", "How came he mad ?", "I pr'ythee , take thy fingers from my throat ;", "This ?", "Thou dost lie i n't , to be i n't and say it is thine : \u2018 tis for the dead , not for the quick ; therefore thou liest .", "Which let thy wiseness fear : away thy hand !", "What is the reason that you use me thus ?", "The cat will mew , and dog will have his day .", "Is not parchment made of sheep-skins ?", "To outface me with leaping in her grave ?", "Whose was it ?", "There 's another : why may not that be the skull of a lawyer ? Where be his quiddits now , his quillets , his cases , his tenures , and his tricks ? why does he suffer this rude knave now to knock him about the sconce with a dirty shovel , and will not tell him of his action of battery ? Hum ! This fellow might be in 's time a great buyer of land , with his statutes , his recognizances , his fines , his double vouchers , his recoveries : is this the fine of his fines , and the recovery of his recoveries , to have his fine pate full of fine dirt ? will his vouchers vouch him no more of his purchases , and double ones too , than the length and breadth of a pair of indentures ? The very conveyances of his lands will scarcely lie in this box ; and must the inheritor himself have no more , ha ?", "They are sheep and calves which seek out assurance in that . I will speak to this fellow .\u2014 Whose grave 's this , sir ?", "\u2018 Swounds , show me what thou'lt do :", "Let me see .Alas , poor Yorick !\u2014 I knew him , Horatio ; a fellow of infinite jest , of most excellent fancy : he hath borne me on his back a thousand times ; and now , how abhorred in my imagination it is ! my gorge rises at it . Here hung those lips that I have kiss 'd I know not how oft . Where be your gibes now ? your gambols ? your songs ? your flashes of merriment , that were wont to set the table on a roar ? Not one now , to mock your own grinning ? quite chap-fallen ? Now , get you to my lady 's chamber , and tell her , let her paint an inch thick , to this favour she must come ; make her laugh at that .\u2014 Pr'ythee , Horatio , tell me one thing .", "How absolute the knave is ! We must speak by the card , or equivocation will undo us . By the Lord , Horatio , these three years I have taken note of it , the age is grown so picked that the toe of the peasant comes so near the heel of the courtier he galls his kibe .\u2014 How long hast thou been a grave-maker ?", "What man dost thou dig it for ?", "To what base uses we may return , Horatio ! Why may not imagination trace the noble dust of Alexander till he find it stopping a bung-hole ?", "I 'll rant as well as thou .", "Dost thou think Alexander looked o \u2019 this fashion i \u2019 the earth ?"], "true_target": ["Why he more than another ?", "Why ?", "Bears such an emphasis ? whose phrase of sorrow", "I 'll do't .\u2014 Dost thou come here to whine ?", "A very noble youth : mark .", "Yet have I in me something dangerous ,", "Has this fellow no feeling of his business , that he sings at grave-making ?", "Ay , marry , why was be sent into England ?", "Millions of acres on us , till our ground ,", "Upon what ground ?", "I think it be thine indeed , for thou liest i n't .", "And , if thou prate of mountains , let them throw", "Singeing his pate against the burning zone ,", "Or of a courtier , which could say \u2018 Good morrow , sweet lord ! How dost thou , good lord ? \u2019 This might be my lord such-a-one , that praised my lord such-a-one 's horse when he meant to beg it ,\u2014 might it not ?", "For , though I am not splenetive and rash ,", "And smelt so ? Pah !", "Why , I will fight with him upon this theme", "What , the fair Ophelia ?", "How long is that since ?", "That is Laertes ,", "Let Hercules himself do what he may ,", "Make Ossa like a wart ! Nay , an thou'lt mouth ,", "Hamlet the Dane .", "\u2018 Tis e'en so : the hand of little employment hath the daintier sense .", "Why , e'en so : and now my Lady Worm 's ; chapless , and knocked about the mazard with a sexton 's spade : here 's fine revolution , an we had the trick to see't . Did these bones cost no more the breeding but to play at loggets with \u2018 em ? mine ache to think o n't .", "Make up my sum .\u2014 What wilt thou do for her ?", "Could not , with all their quantity of love ,", "Thou pray'st not well .", "No , faith , not a jot ; but to follow him thither with modesty enough , and likelihood to lead it : as thus : Alexander died , Alexander was buried , Alexander returneth into dust ; the dust is earth ; of earth we make loam ; and why of that loam whereto he was converted might they not stop a beer-barrel ? Imperious Caesar , dead and turn 'd to clay , Might stop a hole to keep the wind away . O , that that earth which kept the world in awe Should patch a wall to expel the winter 's flaw ! But soft ! but soft ! aside !\u2014 Here comes the king .The queen , the courtiers : who is that they follow ? And with such maimed rites ? This doth betoken The corse they follow did with desperate hand Fordo it own life : \u2018 twas of some estate . Couch we awhile and mark .", "How strangely ?", "How long will a man lie i \u2019 the earth ere he rot ?", "Hear you , sir ;"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["Custom hath made it in him a property of easiness .", "Ay , my lord .", "E'en so .", "Ay , my lord , And of calf-skins too .", "E'en so , my lord ."], "true_target": ["Good my lord , be quiet .", "Not a jot more , my lord .", "It might , my lord .", "What 's that , my lord ?", "\u2018 Twere to consider too curiously to consider so ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["Of blue Olympus .", "O , treble woe", "Till I have caught her once more in mine arms :", "Now pile your dust upon the quick and dead ,", "May violets spring !\u2014 I tell thee , churlish priest ,", "Must there no more be done ?", "What ceremony else ?", "And from her fair and unpolluted flesh", "What ceremony else ?"], "true_target": ["Fall ten times treble on that cursed head", "Depriv 'd thee of !\u2014 Hold off the earth awhile ,", "The devil take thy soul !", "Whose wicked deed thy most ingenious sense", "When thou liest howling .", "Till of this flat a mountain you have made ,", "A ministering angel shall my sister be", "Lay her i \u2019 the earth ;\u2014", "To o'ertop old Pelion or the skyish head"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["Her obsequies have been as far enlarg 'd", "We should profane the service of the dead", "Till the last trumpet ; for charitable prayers ,", "To sing a requiem and such rest to her", "Shards , flints , and pebbles should be thrown on her ,", "And , but that great command o'ersways the order ,"], "true_target": ["She should in ground unsanctified have lodg 'd", "Her maiden strewments , and the bringing home", "As to peace-parted souls .", "As we have warranties : her death was doubtful ;", "Of bell and burial .", "No more be done ;", "Yet here she is allowed her virgin rites ,"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["Hamlet ! Hamlet !", "When that her golden couplets are disclos 'd ,", "And thus a while the fit will work on him ;", "And not have strew 'd thy grave .", "Sweets to the sweet : farewell .", "I thought thy bride-bed to have deck 'd , sweet maid ,"], "true_target": ["I hop 'd thou shouldst have been my Hamlet 's wife ;", "Anon , as patient as the female dove ,", "This is mere madness :", "His silence will sit drooping .", "For love of God , forbear him !", "O my son , what theme ?"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["Pluck them asunder ."], "true_target": ["I pray thee , good Horatio , wait upon him .\u2014", "O , he is mad , Laertes ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["Good madam !", "O villany !\u2014 Ho ! let the door be lock 'd :", "If thou didst ever hold me in thy heart ,", "They are not near my conscience ; their defeat", "This likes me well . These foils have all a length ?", "I am dead , Horatio .\u2014 Wretched queen , adieu !\u2014", "But , sure , the bravery of his grief did put me", "Which have solicited .\u2014 the rest is silence .", "The potent poison quite o'erhYpppHeNcrows my spirit :", "Roughly awake , I here proclaim was madness .", "Stick fiery off indeed .", "Is strict in his arrest ,\u2014 O , I could tell you ,\u2014", "I had my father 's signet in my purse ,", "But pardo n't , as you are a gentleman .", "Rough-hew them how we will .", "There 's a divinity that shapes our ends ,", "I am constant to my purposes ; they follow the king 's pleasure : if his fitness speaks , mine is ready ; now or whensoever , provided I be so able as now .", "Follow my mother .", "I beseech you , remember ,\u2014", "Here , thou incestuous , murderous , damned Dane ,", "Why , man , they did make love to this employment ;", "Treason ! treason !", "O good Horatio , what a wounded name ,", "O , I die , Horatio ;", "Judgment !", "You that look pale and tremble at this chance ,", "Yours , yours .He does well to commend it himself ; there are no tongues else for 's turn .", "In happy time .", "Not shriving-time allow 'd .", "Larded with many several sorts of reasons ,", "How does the Queen ?", "Or I could make a prologue to my brains ,", "My fears forgetting manners , to unseal", "Thy state is the more gracious ; for \u2018 tis a vice to know him . He hath much land , and fertile : let a beast be lord of beasts , and his crib shall stand at the king 's mess ; \u2018 tis a chough ; but , as I say , spacious in the possession of dirt .", "And many such-like as 's of great charge ,\u2014", "Come on , sir .", "I embrace it freely ;", "O royal knavery ! an exact command ,\u2014", "Being thus benetted round with villanies ,\u2014", "What I have done", "I pray you pass with your best violence :", "Our indiscretion sometime serves us well ,", "That are but mutes or audience to this act ,", "How to forget that learning ; but , sir , now", "I dare not drink yet , madam ; by-and-by .", "Popp 'd in between the election and my hopes ;", "If Hamlet from himself be ta'en away ,", "Was our sea-fight ; and what to this was sequent", "The effect of what I wrote ?", "Thou liv'st ; report me and my cause aright", "To mine own room again : making so bold ,", "To tell my story .\u2014", "No , by this hand .", "That I have shot my arrow o'er the house", "The point envenom 'd too !\u2014", "I once did hold it , as our statists do ,", "You do remember all the circumstance ?", "Of him , sir .", "She well instructs me .", "Sir , I will walk here in the hall : if it please his majesty , it is the breathing time of day with me : let the foils be brought , the gentleman willing , and the king hold his purpose , I will win for him if I can ; if not , I will gain nothing but my shame and the odd hits .", "What call you the carriages ?", "Very well , my lord ;", "As love between them like the palm might flourish ;", "Things standing thus unknown , shall live behind me !", "Thou know'st already .", "Then , venom , to thy work .", "For by the image of my cause I see", "The concernancy , sir ? why do we wrap the gentleman in our more rawer breath ?", "Free me so far in your most generous thoughts", "Come .\u2014 Another hit ; what say you ?", "Not a whit , we defy augury : there 's a special providence in the fall of a sparrow . If it be now , \u2018 tis not to come ; if it be not to come , it will be now ; if it be not now , yet it will come : the readiness is all : since no man has aught of what he leaves , what is't to leave betimes ?", "Your grace has laid the odds o \u2019 the weaker side .", "Then Hamlet does it not , Hamlet denies it .", "That to Laertes I forgot myself ;", "As thou'rt a man ,", "And a man 's life is no more than to say One .", "That , on the view and know of these contents ,", "Your skill shall , like a star in the darkest night ,", "When our deep plots do fail ; and that should teach us", "I cannot live to hear the news from England ;", "Who does it , then ? His madness : if't be so ,", "I 'll play this bout first ; set it by awhile .\u2014", "No , not to stay the grinding of the axe ,", "Up from my cabin ,", "Give me your pardon , sir : I have done you wrong :", "I do not think so ; since he went into France I have been in continual practice : I shall win at the odds . But thou wouldst not think how ill all 's here about my heart : but it is no matter .", "\u2018 Tis dangerous when the baser nature comes", "I will receive it with all diligence of spirit . Put your bonnet to his right use ; \u2018 tis for the head ."], "true_target": ["Give me the cup ; let go ; by heaven , I 'll have't .\u2014", "Does by their own insinuation grow :", "It will be short : the interim is mine ;", "I 'll be your foil , Laertes ; in mine ignorance", "The portraiture of his : I 'll court his favours :", "Of mighty opposites .", "Into a towering passion .", "So much for this , sir : now let me see the other ;", "To this effect , sir ; after what flourish your nature will .", "An earnest conjuration from the king ,\u2014", "He did comply with his dug before he suck 'd it . Thus has he ,\u2014 and many more of the same bevy that I know the drossy age dotes on ,\u2014 only got the tune of the time and outward habit of encounter ; a kind of yesty collection , which carries them through and through the most fanned and winnowed opinions ; and do but blow them to their trial , the bubbles are out ,", "Methinks it is very sultry and hot for my complexion .", "As England was his faithful tributary ;", "On Fortinbras : he has my dying voice ;", "And stand a comma \u2018 tween their amities ;", "Folded the writ up in the form of the other ;", "And will this brother 's wager frankly play .\u2014", "That , on the supervise , no leisure bated ,", "One .", "A baseness to write fair , and labour 'd much", "Subscrib 'd it : gave't the impression ; plac 'd it safely ,", "That would not let me sleep : methought I lay", "In further evil ?", "But I do prophesy the election lights", "I dare not confess that , lest I should compare with him in excellence ; but to know a man well were to know himself .", "That might your nature , honour , and exception", "To quit him with this arm ? and is't not to be damn 'd", "Was't Hamlet wrong 'd Laertes ? Never Hamlet :", "Sir , in this audience ,", "Does it not , thinks't thee , stand me now upon ,\u2014", "The changeling never known . Now , the next day", "And with such cozenage \u2014 is't not perfect conscience", "Devis 'd a new commission ; wrote it fair :", "Osric and Lords .", "What imports the nomination of this gentleman ?", "Treachery ! seek it out .", "They had begun the play ,\u2014 I sat me down ;", "It did me yeoman 's service . Wilt thou know", "And in this harsh world draw thy breath in pain ,", "With , ho ! such bugs and goblins in my life ,\u2014", "No , believe me , \u2018 tis very cold ; the wind is northerly .", "Drink off this potion .\u2014 Is thy union here ?", "What 's his weapon ?", "Why , even in that was heaven ordinant .", "But I am very sorry , good Horatio ,", "How if I answer no ?", "My sea-gown scarf 'd about me , in the dark", "Had I but time ,\u2014 as this fell sergeant , death ,", "His madness is poor Hamlet 's enemy .", "Sir , his definement suffers no perdition in you ;\u2014 though , I know , to divide him inventorially would dizzy the arithmetic of memory , and yet but yaw neither , in respect of his quick sail . But , in the verity of extolment , I take him to be a soul of great article , and his infusion of such dearth and rareness as , to make true diction of him , his semblable is his mirror , and who else would trace him , his umbrage , nothing more .", "Absent thee from felicity awhile ,", "It is but foolery ; but it is such a kind of gain-giving as would perhaps trouble a woman .", "To let this canker of our nature come", "I am afeard you make a wanton of me .", "Without debatement further , more or less ,", "He that hath kill 'd my king , and whor 'd my mother ;", "What warlike noise is this ?", "Nay , come again !", "But let it be .\u2014 Horatio , I am dead ;", "To the unsatisfied .", "My head should be struck off .", "Importing Denmark 's health , and England 's too ,", "Their grand commission ; where I found , Horatio ,", "Grop 'd I to find out them : had my desire ;", "Heaven make thee free of it ! I follow thee .\u2014", "As peace should still her wheaten garland wear", "Finger 'd their packet ; and , in fine , withdrew", "This presence knows , and you must needs have heard ,", "I would you did , sir ; yet , in faith , if you did , it would not much approve me .\u2014 Well , sir .", "And hurt my brother .", "So tell him , with the occurrents , more and less ,", "Here 's the commission : read it at more leisure . But wilt thou bear me how I did proceed ?", "Which was the model of that Danish seal :", "And when he 's not himself does wrong Laertes ,", "Sir , in my heart there was a kind of fighting", "Thrown out his angle for my proper life ,", "Hamlet is of the faction that is wrong 'd ;", "Give us the foils ; come on .", "Worse than the mutinies in the bilboes . Rashly ,", "Between the pass and fell incensed points", "Come , for the third , Laertes : you but dally ;", "How I am punish 'd with sore distraction .", "He should the bearers put to sudden death ,", "The phrase would be more german to the matter if we could carry cannon by our sides . I would it might be hangers till then . But , on : six Barbary horses against six French swords , their assigns , and three liberal conceited carriages : that 's the French bet against the Danish : why is this all imponed , as you call it ?", "And prais 'd be rashness for it ,\u2014 let us know ,", "Let my disclaiming from a purpos 'd evil", "That 's two of his weapons :\u2014 but well .", "I humbly thank you , sir . Dost know this water-fly ?"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 20}, {"query": ["Peace ; who comes here ?", "Remember it , my lord !", "High on a stage be placed to the view ;", "They bleed on both sides .\u2014 How is it , my lord ?", "Of that I shall have also cause to speak ,", "And from his mouth whose voice will draw on more :", "Even while men 's minds are wild : lest more mischance", "If your mind dislike anything , obey it : I will forestall their repair hither , and say you are not fit .", "You from the Polack wars , and you from England ,", "Here 's yet some liquor left .", "Why does the drum come hither ?", "Fall'n on the inventors \u2019 heads : all this can I", "What is it you will see ? If aught of woe or wonder , cease your search .", "Is't possible ?", "What is the issue of the business there .", "He never gave commandment for their death .", "Had it the ability of life to thank you :", "Ay , good my lord .", "I knew you must be edified by the margent ere you had done .", "Are here arriv 'd , give order that these bodies", "It must be shortly known to him from England", "Never believe it :", "Of deaths put on by cunning and forc 'd cause ;"], "true_target": ["That is most certain .", "His purse is empty already ; all 's golden words are spent .", "How was this seal 'd ?", "And let me speak to the yet unknowing world", "I am more an antique Roman than a Dane .\u2014", "You will lose this wager , my lord .", "Nay , good my lord ,\u2014", "Of accidental judgments , casual slaughters ;", "Of carnal , bloody and unnatural acts ;", "Why , what a king is this !", "I beseech you .", "No , my good lord .", "But since , so jump upon this bloody question ,", "So Guildenstern and Rosencrantz go to't .", "Is't not possible to understand in another tongue ? You will do't , sir , really .", "But let this same be presently perform 'd ,", "Not from his mouth ,", "This lapwing runs away with the shell on his head .", "Truly deliver .", "Now cracks a noble heart .\u2014 Good night , sweet prince ,", "And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest !", "How these things came about : so shall you hear", "And , in this upshot , purposes mistook", "On plots and errors happen ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 20}, {"query": ["I thank your lordship , t'is very hot .", "I know , you are not ignorant ,\u2014", "The king , sir , hath laid that , in a dozen passes between your and him , he shall not exceed you three hits : he hath laid on twelve for nine ; and it would come to immediate trial if your lordship would vouchsafe the answer .", "Your lordship is right welcome back to Denmark .", "To the ambassadors of England gives", "Sweet lord , if your lordship were at leisure , I should impart a thing to you from his majesty .", "It is indifferent cold , my lord , indeed .", "Nothing , neither way .", "Ay , my good lord .", "I commend my duty to your lordship .", "Exceedingly , my lord ; it is very sultry ,\u2014 as \u2018 twere \u2014 I cannot tell how . But , my lord , his majesty bade me signify to you that he has laid a great wager on your head . Sir , this is the matter ,\u2014", "I mean , my lord , the opposition of your person in trial .", "Nay , in good faith ; for mine ease , in good faith . Sir , here is newly come to court Laertes ; believe me , an absolute gentleman , full of most excellent differences , of very soft society and great showing : indeed , to speak feelingly of him , he is the card or calendar of gentry ; for you shall find in him the continent of what part a gentleman would see ."], "true_target": ["Sir ?", "Of Laertes ?", "You are not ignorant of what excellence Laertes is ,\u2014", "Look to the queen there , ho !", "Your lordship speaks most infallibly of him .", "Shall I re-deliver you e'en so ?", "How is't , Laertes ?", "A hit , a very palpable hit .", "Rapier and dagger .", "The carriages , sir , are the hangers .", "This warlike volley .", "The king , sir , hath wager 'd with him six Barbary horses : against the which he has imponed , as I take it , six French rapiers and poniards , with their assigns , as girdle , hangers , and so : three of the carriages , in faith , are very dear to fancy , very responsive to the hilts , most delicate carriages , and of very liberal conceit .", "I mean , sir , for his weapon ; but in the imputation laid on him by them , in his meed he 's unfellowed .", "Young Fortinbras , with conquest come from Poland ,"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 20}, {"query": ["My lord , his majesty commended him to you by young Osric , who brings back to him that you attend him in the hall : he sends to know if your pleasure hold to play with Laertes , or that you will take longer time .", "The queen desires you to use some gentle entertainment to"], "true_target": ["Laertes before you fall to play .", "The King and Queen and all are coming down ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 20}, {"query": ["Here 's to thy health .\u2014", "And in the cup an union shall he throw ,", "It is the poison 'd cup ; it is too late .", "She swoons to see them bleed .", "The king shall drink to Hamlet 's better breath ;", "I do not fear it ; I have seen you both ;", "And you , the judges , bear a wary eye .", "Or quit in answer of the third exchange ,", "Richer than that which four successive kings", "Our son shall win .", "\u2018 Now the king drinks to Hamlet . \u2019 \u2014 Come , begin :\u2014", "Come , Hamlet , come , and take this hand from me .", "And let the kettle to the trumpet speak ,", "Part them ; they are incens 'd ."], "true_target": ["O , yet defend me , friends ! I am but hurt .", "Give him the cup .", "If Hamlet give the first or second hit ,", "In Denmark 's crown have worn . Give me the cups ;", "Gertrude , do not drink .", "The cannons to the heavens , the heavens to earth ,", "Let all the battlements their ordnance fire ;", "You know the wager ?", "The trumpet to the cannoneer without ,", "Set me the stoups of wine upon that table ,\u2014", "But since he 's better 'd , we have therefore odds .", "Give them the foils , young Osric . Cousin Hamlet ,", "Stay , give me drink .\u2014 Hamlet , this pearl is thine ;", "I do not think't ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 20}, {"query": ["Have at you now !", "To my revenge . But in my terms of honour", "You mock me , sir .", "Never to rise again : thy mother 's poison 'd :", "Whose motive , in this case , should stir me most", "No .", "A touch , a touch , I do confess .", "Till by some elder masters of known honour", "No medicine in the world can do thee good ;", "I am satisfied in nature ,", "Hath turn 'd itself on me ; lo , here I lie ,", "Nor thine on me !", "And yet \u2018 tis almost \u2018 gainst my conscience .", "I am justly kill 'd with mine own treachery .", "This is too heavy , let me see another .", "Why , as a woodcock to my own springe , Osric ;", "The treacherous instrument is in thy hand ,"], "true_target": ["To keep my name ungor 'd . But till that time", "Unbated and envenom 'd : the foul practice", "I can no more :\u2014 the king , the king 's to blame .", "It is a poison temper 'd by himself .\u2014", "I have a voice and precedent of peace", "Come , my lord .", "Exchange forgiveness with me , noble Hamlet :", "Mine and my father 's death come not upon thee ,", "Say you so ? come on .", "Come , one for me .", "In thee there is not half an hour of life ;", "My lord , I 'll hit him now .", "And will not wrong it .", "I stand aloof ; and will no reconcilement", "He is justly serv 'd ;", "Well ;\u2014 again .", "I do receive your offer 'd love like love ,", "It is here , Hamlet : Hamlet , thou art slain ;"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 20}, {"query": ["The queen carouses to thy fortune , Hamlet .", "The drink , the drink !\u2014 I am poison 'd .", "I will , my lord ; I pray you pardon me ."], "true_target": ["No , no ! the drink , the drink !\u2014 O my dear Hamlet !\u2014", "Here , Hamlet , take my napkin , rub thy brows :", "Come , let me wipe thy face .", "He 's fat , and scant of breath .\u2014"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 20}, {"query": ["Bear Hamlet like a soldier to the stage ;", "So bloodily hast struck ?", "Which now , to claim my vantage doth invite me .", "This quarry cries on havoc .\u2014 O proud death ,", "For he was likely , had he been put on ,", "The soldiers \u2019 music and the rites of war", "Where is this sight ?", "That thou so many princes at a shot", "Becomes the field , but here shows much amiss ."], "true_target": ["For me , with sorrow I embrace my fortune :", "Let four captains", "Go , bid the soldiers shoot .", "Speak loudly for him .\u2014", "What feast is toward in thine eternal cell ,", "Take up the bodies .\u2014 Such a sight as this", "I have some rights of memory in this kingdom ,", "Let us haste to hear it ,", "To have prov 'd most royally : and , for his passage ,", "And call the noblest to the audience ."], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 20}, {"query": ["Where should we have our thanks ?", "To tell him his commandment is fulfill 'd", "That Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead :"], "true_target": ["The sight is dismal ;", "The ears are senseless that should give us hearing ,", "And our affairs from England come too late :"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 20}, {"query": ["Ah , yes ! \u201c The philosopher . \u201d I want to see him about his eyes .", "Odd things \u2014 those waves .Seem quiet enough out here !", "Had he any set plan ?", "This gentleman thinks the separate is telling on", "What about ?", "The Irishman .", "Account for the state of the men last day or two ,", "Doctor Clements ?", "Miller ? Seems going through the whole place .", "I think you may safely leave it to us , sir .", "Yes , we have that privilege from here ; my office is being done up .Now , please !", "What was this news then ?", "Ask the doctor to be good enough to come here for a minute .Let 's see , he 's not married ?", "Queer-looking affair , Mr. Wooder ! Where did you find it ?", "Q 3007 \u2014 Falder , young thin fellow , star class . What do you say ,", "Ring the bell-would you , Miller ?You 'd like to hear what the doctor says about him , perhaps ."], "true_target": ["And not much afterwards , I 'm afraid . Ground too hard for golf ? WOODER comes in again .", "Seen this , Miller ?", "I 'll see him this afternoon . What 's his name ? Moaney ! An old hand , I think ?", "By the way , will you dine with us on Christmas Day ?", "Do for the Museum , eh !That 'll do , thanks , Mr. Wooder .", "If any sign of injury to his health shows itself his case will be reported at once . That 's fully provided for .", "Those are local prisoners . The convicts serve their three months here in separate confinement , sir .", "I 'll make a point of seeing him to-day .", "No , no . Let 's see him . Do n't go , Miller . WOODER motions to some one without , and as the visitor comes in withdraws . The visitor is COKESON , who is attired in a thick overcoat to the knees , woollen gloves , and carries a top hat .", "Not unnaturally .", "As you say , my dear sir , I could n't make an exception ; he wo n't be allowed another visit of any sort till he goes to a convict prison .", "What do you want to see me about , sir ?", "I 've seen it with horses before thunder \u2014 it 'll run right through cavalry lines . The prison CHAPLAIN has entered . He is a dark-haired , ascetic man , in clerical undress , with a peculiarly steady , tight-lipped face and slow , cultured speech .", "We have a good many here .", "Who 's next him ?", "Worries me to feel the men discontented .Have to punish this poor devil . Ca n't help liking a man who tries to escape ."], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 21}, {"query": ["In his mattress , sir . Have n't come across such a thing for two years now .", "Thank you , sir .", "O'Cleary , sir .", "Curious thing , sir : they seem to know when there 's one of these tries at escape going on . It makes them restive \u2014 there 's a regular wave going through them just now .", "Visitor who 's been seeing Q 3007 asks to speak to you , sir . I told him it was n't usual ."], "true_target": ["That Irishman , O'Cleary , began banging on his door this morning . Little thing like that 's quite enough to upset the whole lot . They 're just like dumb animals at times .", "Next him again there 's that young fellow , Falder \u2014 star class \u2014 and next him old Clipton .", "Yes , sir-fourth spell of penal . You 'd think an old lag like him would have had more sense by now .Occupied his mind , he said . Breaking in and breaking out \u2014 that 's all they think about .", "Shall I put him off , sir ?", "He 'd sawed his window-bar about that much ."], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 21}, {"query": ["Unfortunately , the criminal is not a dog ; he has a sense of right and wrong .", "Ah ! there I 'm afraid we must differ .", "Surely , no .", "It 's just at this period that we are able to make some impression on them , sir . I am speaking from my special standpoint .", "If it was n't for drink and women , sir , this prison might be closed .", "The plain man indeed , poor fellow . Come and have some lunch , Clements ? He and the DOCTOR go out talking . The GOVERNOR , with a sigh , sits down at his table and takes up a pen . The curtain falls .", "I know .", "Our friend seems to think that prison is a hospital .", "Surely you should allow those who have had a little more experience than yourself to know what is best for prisoners ."], "true_target": ["It 's a very rare thing for them to give way like that .", "No . I do n't know of anything .", "Extraordinary perverted will-power \u2014 some of them . Nothing to be done till it 's broken .", "The Law hardly shares your view , I 'm afraid .", "Indeed ?", "He 's a young man with large , rather peculiar eyes , is n't he ? Not Church of England , I think ?", "Useful-looking specimen .", "You are not accustomed to prisons , it would seem , sir .", "To-morrow . Thanks very much ."], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 21}, {"query": ["Ye-es , but I 'm sorry now ; it 's upset the poor young fellow dreadfully . And what I wanted to say was : He 's got his three years to serve . I want things to be pleasant for him .", "But I can n't help thinking that to shut him up there by himself 'll turn him silly . And nobody wants that , I s'pose . I do n't like to see a man cry .", "I know this young feller , I 've watched him for years . He 's eurotic \u2014 got no stamina . His father died of consumption . I 'm thinking of his future . If he 's to be kept there shut up by himself , without a cat to keep him company , it 'll do him harm . I said to him : \u201c Where do you feel it ? \u201d \u201c I can n't tell you , Mr. COKESON , \u201d he said , \u201c but sometimes I could beat my head against the wall . \u201d It 's not nice . During this speech the DOCTOR has entered . He is a medium-Sized , rather good-looking man , with a quick eye . He stands leaning against the window .", "Ye-es , but I wanted to tell you about that , special . He had hopes they 'd have let her come and see him , but they have n't . Of course he asked me questions . I did my best , but I could n't tell the poor young fellow a lie , with him in here \u2014 seemed like hitting him . But I 'm afraid it 's made him worse .", "I 'm afraid it 'll prey on my mind . I see a lot of them about working together .", "No .", "Why ! what a sight !", "I 'm glad to hear you say that .", "I 'm sorry to trouble you . I 've been talking to the young man .", "I wanted to say a word to you ; I sha n't keep you long .Fact is , I ought n't to be here by rights . His sister came to me \u2014 he 's got no father and mother \u2014 and she was in some distress . \u201c My husband wo n't let me go and see him , \u201d she said ; \u201c says he 's disgraced the family . And his other sister , \u201d she said , \u201c is an invalid . \u201d And she asked me to come . Well , I take an interest in him . He was our junior \u2014 I go to the same chapel \u2014 and I did n't like to refuse . And what I wanted to tell you was , he seems lonely here .", "But that 's not the way to make him feel it .", "Ye-es . And I say this : I would n't shut one of them up all by himself , month after month , not if he 'd bit me all over .", "I do n't want to be unpleasant , but having given him this news , I do feel it 's awkward ."], "true_target": ["There 's just one little thing . This woman \u2014 I suppose I must n't ask you to let him see her . It 'd be a rare treat for them both . He 's thinking about her all the time . Of course she 's not his wife . But he 's quite safe in here . They 're a pitiful couple . You could n't make an exception ?", "I 'm much obliged to you . I thought perhaps seeing him every day you would n't notice it .", "Name of Falder , forgery .Firm of James and Walter How . Well known in the law .", "But he 's told me .", "I see .Sorry to have troubled you .", "It 's the same with dogs . If you treat \u2018 em with kindness they 'll do anything for you ; but to shut \u2018 em up alone , it only makes \u2018 em savage .", "It 's his state of mind I 'm speaking of .", "Of course , what you do n't see does n't trouble you ; but having seen him , I do n't want to have him on my mind .", "I keep dogs .", "Like this . The woman had a nahsty , spiteful feller for a husband , and she 'd left him . Fact is , she was going away with our young friend . It 's not nice \u2014 but I 've looked over it . Well , when he was put in here she said she 'd earn her living apart , and wait for him to come out . That was a great consolation to him . But after a month she came to me \u2014 I do n't know her personally \u2014 and she said : \u201c I can n't earn the children 's living , let alone my own \u2014 I 've got no friends . I 'm obliged to keep out of everybody 's way , else my husband 'd get to know where I was . I 'm very much reduced , \u201d she said . And she has lost flesh . \u201c I 'll have to go in the workhouse ! \u201d It 's a painful story . I said to her : \u201c No , \u201d I said , \u201c not that ! I 've got a wife an \u2019 family , but sooner than you should do that I 'll spare you a little myself . \u201d \u201c Really , \u201d she said \u2014 she 's a nice creature \u2014 \u201c I do n't like to take it from you . I think I 'd better go back to my husband . \u201d Well , I know he 's a nahsty , spiteful feller \u2014 drinks \u2014 but I did n't like to persuade her not to .", "No . But it 's a pitiful sight . He 's quite a young fellow . I said to him : \u201c Before a month 's up \u201d I said , \u201c you 'll be out and about with the others ; it 'll be a nice change for you . \u201d \u201c A month ! \u201d he said \u2014 like that ! \u201c Come ! \u201d I said , \u201c we must n't exaggerate . What 's a month ? Why , it 's nothing ! \u201d \u201c A day , \u201d he said , \u201c shut up in your cell thinking and brooding as I do , it 's longer than a year outside . I can n't help it , \u201d he said ; \u201c I try \u2014 but I 'm built that way , Mr. COKESON . \u201d And , he held his hand up to his face . I could see the tears trickling through his fingers . It was n't nice .", "No .But there 's a party he 's very much attached to , not altogether com-il-fa . It 's a sad story .", "But we do n't want to be unreasonable . He 's quite downhearted . I wanted to ask you to let him run about with the others .", "I thought you 'd understand me . I 'm a plain man \u2014 never set myself up against authority .Nothing personal meant . Good-morning . As he goes out the three officials do not look at each other , but their faces wear peculiar expressions ."], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 21}, {"query": ["His mind 's all right so far . He 's nervous , rather melancholy . I do n't see signs of anything more . I 'm watching him carefully ."], "true_target": ["He does n't like it , but it 's not doing him any harm .", "Of course he 'd say so , but we can always tell . He 's lost no weight since he 's been here ."], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 21}, {"query": ["WOODER .", "He shuts the cell door , and stands at attention .", "Well , you 'd rather have it than nothing , I s'pose ."], "true_target": ["I 'll have another bit for you when that 's finished .", "Look alive over it !", "Q 3007is behind with his work , sir . He 'll lose marks to-day . The GOVERNOR nods and passes on to the end cell . The INSTRUCTOR goes away .", "The GOVERNOR comes walking down the corridor , followed by"], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 22}, {"query": ["NO , Sirr .", "Yes , I 've been through it all .", "Not with my mouth .", "It cam \u2019 over me , your honour . I can n't always be the same steady man .", "Good-night , your honour . He turns into his cell . The GOVERNOR shuts the door .", "No , sirr , I wud not have the little wit to repeat meself ."], "true_target": ["An \u2019 it 's that I 'm becoming this two months past .", "But it 's the great conversation I 'd have .", "Little doubt o \u2019 that , sirr .", "Oh ! that !", "The joke , your honour ? I 've not seen one for a long time .", "An \u2019 that 's the blessed truth . Sounds are heard of a cell door being closed and locked , and of approaching footsteps .", "Oh ! I can do it on me head . It 's the miserablest stuff \u2014 do n't take the brains of a mouse .It 's here I feel it \u2014 the want of a little noise \u2014 a terrible little wud ease me ."], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 22}, {"query": ["Now , look here , Moaney , if I pass it over will you give me your word not to try it on again ? Think !", "This is our maker of saws , is n't it ? He takes the saw from his pocket as WOODER throws open the door of the cell . The convict MOANEY is seen lying on his bed , athwart the cell , with his cap on . He springs up and stands in the middle of the cell . He is a raw-boned fellow , about fifty-six years old , with outstanding bat 's ears and fierce , staring , steel-coloured eyes .", "Take a good hold of yourself . Do you read ?", "Just go in and see him , Clements . The DOCTOR goes into the cell . The GOVERNOR pushes the door to , nearly closing it , and walks towards the window .", "Open . WOODER throws open the door . O'CLEARY , who is seated at a little table by the door as if listening , springs up and stands at attention jest inside the doorway . He is a broad-faced , middle-aged man , with a wide , thin , flexible mouth , and little holes under his high cheek-bones .", "Anything to say about this , my man ?Come !", "H 'm ! Well ! That rests with you . Now come . Set your mind to it , like a good fellow . You 're still quite young . A man can make himself what he likes .", "Well ?", "You mean you 'd have to recommend others ?", "Now tell me : can n't you settle down , Falder ?", "How are your eyes ?", "Quite right , Clipton . He 'll be moved when there 's a cell vacant .", "You 've had a visitor . Bad news ?", "It 's womanish .", "Work all right ?", "Oh , well ! Two days \u2019 cells-bread and water .", "Not at all , Mr. Wooder .", "I see .The poor devil must just stick it then . As he says thin he looks absently at WOODER .", "Anything to complain of ?", "Banging on your door ?", "Think of all these other fellows ?", "Christmas ! He turns towards the window , leaving WOODER looking at him with a sort of pained anxiety .", "Where 's the joke , O'Cleary ?", "Ask the doctor to come here , Mr. Wooder . WOODER salutes and goes away down the corridor . The GOVERNOR goes to the door of FALDER 'S cell . He raises his uninjured hand to uncover the peep-hole ; but , without uncovering it , shakes his head and drops his hand ; then , after scrutinising the record board , he opens the cell door . FALDER , who is standing against it , lurches forward .", "You 're an old hand ; you ought to know better .", "You know as well as I do that if you were out in the shops you would n't be allowed to talk ."], "true_target": ["What 's the matter ? I do n't want any tales , Clipton .", "Ca n't you sleep ?", "Which is the man who banged on his door this morning ?", "Is there any sort of case to report ? Quite frankly ,", "You might find a better way than this .", "Well , no more conversation on your door .", "You must n't think about it .", "Queer , that !", "Anything to report ?", "Well , come .", "That 's morbid , my lad . Pull yourself together .", "You 've got a youngster next door ; you 'll upset him .", "Open Clipton 's cell . WOODER opens the door of CLIPTON 'S cell . CLIPTON is sitting on a stool just inside the door , at work on a pair of trousers . He is a small , thick , oldish man , with an almost shaven head , and smouldering little dark eyes behind smoked spectacles . He gets up and stands motionless in the doorway , peering at his visitors .", "Yes , and what then ? Caught , brought back , punishment . Five weeks \u2019 hard work to make this , and cells at the end of it , while they put anew bar to your window . Is it worth it , Moaney ?", "They all had to go through it once for the first time , just as you 're doing now .", "Not enough to do , eh ?", "Ca n't help liking the poor blackguard .", "You think so ?", "How 's that ?", "You know what I mean ? It 's no good running your head against a stone wall , is it ?", "Good-night .", "Well ?", "Well , then ?", "It does n't amount to melancholia ?", "Mr. Wooder ?", "Doctor .", "Come out here a minute , Clipton . CLIPTON , with a sort of dreadful quietness , comes into the corridor , the needle and thread in his hand . The GOVERNOR signs to WOODER , who goes into the cell and inspects it carefully ."], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 22}, {"query": ["This one , sir ; O'Cleary . He lifts the disc and glances through the peephole .", "Beg pardon , sir ?", "All right , sir . THE GOVERNOR nods . The door is closed and locked .", "Yes , sir . It 's Christmas doing it , in my opinion .", "Beg pardon , sir ? For answer the GOVERNOR stares at him , turns on his heel , and walks away . There is a sound as of beating on metal ."], "true_target": ["Do you think we make show enough , sir ? If you 'd like us to have more holly ?", "Banging on his door , sir . I thought we should have more of that . He hurries forward , passing the GOVERNOR , who follows closely . The curtain falls .", "Very good , sir . The DOCTOR has come out of FALDER 's Cell , and the GOVERNOR beckons to him .", "Cap off !Out here !", "Sorry you should be troubled like this , sir . Very contented lot of men , on the whole .", "He 's an amiable man , sir ."], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 22}, {"query": ["Thank \u2018 e , sir . He turns quickly like an animal and slips into his cell . The GOVERNOR looks after him and shakes his head as WOODER closes and locks the cell door .", "It passed the time .", "I 've got another six weeks to do in here , alone . I can n't do it and think o \u2019 nothing . I must have something to interest me . You 've made me a sporting offer , sir , but I can n't pass my word about it . I should n't like to deceive a gentleman .Another four hours \u2019 steady work would have done it ."], "true_target": ["Well ! What way ? I must keep my hand in against the time I get out . What 's the good of anything else to me at my time of life ?Ye know that , sir . I 'll be in again within a year or two , after I 've done this lot . I do n't want to disgrace meself when I 'm out . You 've got your pride keeping the prison smart ; well , I 've got mine .I must be doin \u2019 a little o \u2019 this . It 's no harm to any one . I was five weeks makin \u2019 that saw \u2014 a bit of all right it is , too ; now I 'll get cells , I suppose , or seven days \u2019 bread and water . You can n't help it , sir , I know that \u2014 I quite put meself in your place .", "It do n't occupy your mind .", "Yes , it is ."], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 22}, {"query": ["He keeps me awake . I do n't know who he is .One of this star class , I expect . Ought n't to be here with us ."], "true_target": ["He knocks about like a wild beast in the early morning . I 'm not used to it \u2014 stops me getting my sleep out . In the evening too . It 's not fair , Mr . Governor , as you 're speaking to me . Sleep 's the comfort I 've got here ; I 'm entitled to take it out full . WOODER comes out of the cell , and instantly , as though extinguished , CLIPTON moves with stealthy suddenness back into his cell ."], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 22}, {"query": ["They 're used to it .", "I 'm quite right in my head , sir .", "Yes \u2014 I 've got to .", "No , sir .", "I try , sir .", "Yes , sir , I shall get to be like them in time , I suppose ."], "true_target": ["I do n't know , sir . I was always nervous .Everything seems to get such a size then . I feel I 'll never get out as long as I live .", "Yes .", "Very little . Between two o'clock and getting up 's the worst time .", "How can I help it , sir ? He suddenly becomes motionless as WOODER and the DOCTOR approach . The GOVERNOR motions to him to go back into his cell .", "I do n't take the words in .I know it 's no good ; but I can n't help thinking of what 's going on outside . In my cell I can n't see out at all . It 's thick glass , sir .", "Yes , sir .", "Yes , sir ."], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 22}, {"query": ["Well , I do n't think the separates doing him any good ; but then I could say the same of a lot of them \u2014 they 'd get on better in the shops , there 's no doubt .", "I can n't make anything much of him . He 's nervous , of course ."], "true_target": ["A dozen at least . It 's on his nerves . There 's nothing tangible . That fellow there, for instance \u2014 feels it just as much , in his way . If I once get away from physical facts \u2014 I sha n't know where I am . Conscientiously , sir , I do n't know how to differentiate him . He has n't lost weight . Nothing wrong with his eyes . His pulse is good . Talks all right .", "I can report on him if you like ; but if I do I ought to report on others ."], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 22}, {"query": ["His present and your pains we thank you for :", "So , get you hence in peace ; and tell the Dauphin ,", "Of what your reverence shall incite us to .", "Yea , strike the Dauphin blind to look on us .", "Hen . We are glad the Dauphin is so pleasant with us ;", "When thousands weep , more than did laugh at it .\u2014", "Shall strike his father \u2019 s crown into the hazard .", "That you should fashion , wrest ,", "Re-enter HERALD with the Archbishop of CANTERBURY ,", "Trumpets sound .", "With opening titles miscreate ,", "Hen . We are no tyrant , but a Christian king ;", "Not measuring what use we made of them .", "Therefore take heed how you impawn our person ,", "Or nicely charge your understanding soul", "Tell us the Dauphin \u2019 s mind .", "that they have in France ,", "How he comes o \u2019 er us with our wilder days ,", "To whom I do appeal ; And in whose name ,", "That task", "And we understand him well ,", "Be like a king , and show my soul of greatness ,", "and", "L. H . The Bishops cross to R. C .", "Tell you the Dauphin , I am coming on ,", "And Heaven forbid , my dear and faithful lord ,", "Hen . We must not only arm to invade the French ,", "Therefore let our proportions for these wars", "For Heaven doth know how many , now in health ,", "His jest will savour but of shallow wit ,", "Bishop of ELY ,", "or bow your reading ,", "We \u2019 ll chide this Dauphin at his father \u2019 s door .", "Hen . We hope to make the sender blush at it .", "Hen . What treasure , uncle ?", "Shall drop their blood in approbation", "Be soon collected , and all things thought upon"], "true_target": ["Before we hear him , of some things of weight ,", "That may with reasonable swiftness add", "Hen . Call in the messengers sent from the Dauphin .Now are we well resolv \u2019 d ; and by Heaven \u2019 s help , And yours , the noble sinews of our power ,\u2014 France being ours , we \u2019 ll bend it to our awe , Or break it all to pieces . Re-enter HERALD and Lords , L. H ., with the AMBASSADOR of FRANCE , French Bishops , Gentlemen , and Attendants carrying a treasure chest , L. H . Now are we well prepar \u2019 d to know the pleasure Of our fair cousin Dauphin ; for we hear Your greeting is from him , not from the king .", "To venge me as I may , and to put forth", "But lay down our proportions to defend", "Or should , or should not , bar us in our claim :", "Convey them with safe conduct .\u2014 Fare you well .", "Therefore , my lords , omit no happy hour", "For I will rise there with so full a glory ,", "And justly and religiously unfold ,", "Hen . Send for him , good uncle .", "My learned lord , we pray you to proceed ,", "We charge you , in the name of Heaven , take heed :", "Suits not in native colours with the truth .", "That I will dazzle all the eyes of France ,", "Save those to Heaven , that run before our business .", "We will , in France , by Heaven \u2019 s grace , play a set", "For we have now no thought in us but France ,", "But tell the Dauphin ,\u2014 I will keep my state ;", "But this lies all within the will of Heaven ,", "Hen . Sure , we thank you .", "whose right", "Therefore with frank and with uncurbed plainness", "With all advantages .", "When I do rouse me in my throne of France :", "Under this conjuration , speak , my lord .", "Hen . May I with right and conscience make this claim ?", "When we have match \u2019 d our rackets to these balls ,", "Against the Scot , who will make road upon us", "Hen . Not yet , my cousin : we would be resolv \u2019 d ,", "Hen . Where is my gracious Lord of Canterbury ?", "Why the law Salique ,", "How you awake the sleeping sword of war :", "That may give furtherance to our expedition ;", "My rightful hand in a well-hallow \u2019 d cause .", "More feathers to our wings ; for , Heaven before ,", "our thoughts , concerning us and France ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 23}, {"query": ["Do all expect that you should rouse yourself ,", "This was a merry message .", "As did the former lions of your blood ."], "true_target": ["Your brother kings and monarchs of the earth", "Not here in presence .", "Tennis-balls , my liege ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 23}, {"query": ["They know your grace hath cause , and means and might :", "Shall we call in the ambassador , my liege ?", "Had nobles richer and more loyal subjects ,"], "true_target": ["So hath your highness ;", "Whose hearts have left their bodies here in England ,", "never king of England", "And lie pavilion \u2019 d in the fields of France ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 23}, {"query": ["Yet their own authors faithfully affirm", "Did hold in right and title of the female :", "Besides , their writers say ,", "Will raise your highness such a mighty sum ,", "And rather choose to hide them in a net", "And make you long become it !", "That owe your lives , your faith , and services ,", "Forage in blood of French nobility .", "Look back unto your mighty ancestors :", "And your great uncle \u2019 s , Edward the black prince ,", "But this , which they produce from Pharamond ,\u2014", "O , let their bodies follow , my dear liege ,", "gracious sovereign ,", "And you withal shall make all Gallia shake .", "Nor did the French possess the Salique land", "When the son dies , let the inheritance", "With blood , and sword , and fire to win your right :", "Between the floods of Sala and of Elbe ;", "Shall be a wall sufficient to defend", "The name of hardiness and policy .", "Our inland from the pilfering borderers .", "Until four hundred one and twenty years", "Therefore to France , my liege .", "Cannot defend our own door from the dog ,", "The sin upon my head , dread sovereign !", "To be the realm of France , and Pharamond", "They of those marches ,", "The founder of this law and female bar .", "Heaven and its angels guard your sacred throne ,", "Then hear me , gracious sovereign , and you peers ,"], "true_target": ["To make against your highness \u2019 claim to France", "Idly supposed the founder of this law .", "There left behind and settled certain French :", "Usurp \u2019 d from you and your progenitors .", "Divide your happy England into four ;", "So do the kings of France unto this day ;", "For in the book of Numbers is it writ ,\u2014", "If we , with thrice that power left at home ,", "Who on the French ground play \u2019 d a tragedy ,", "To bar your highness claiming from the female ;", "Stand for your own ; unwind your bloody flag ;", "Go , my dread lord , to your great grandsire \u2019 s tomb ,", "Whiles his most mighty father on a hill", "Whereof take you one quarter into France ,", "As never did the clergy at one time", "From whom you claim ; invoke his warlike spirit ,", "Descend unto the daughter . Gracious lord ,", "Making defeat on the full power of France ,", "Where Charles the Great , having subdued the Saxons ,", "To this imperial throne .\u2014 There is no bar", "In aid whereof we of the spiritualty", "Than amply to imbare their crooked titles", "Which Salique land the French unjustly gloze", "Bring in to any of your ancestors .", "No woman shall succeed in Salique land :", "After defunction of King Pharamond ,", "That the land Salique lies in Germany ,", "Let us be worried , and our nation lose", "Stood smiling to behold his lion \u2019 s whelp", "King Pepin , which deposed Childerick ,", "Howbeit they would hold up this Salique law"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 23}, {"query": ["Ripe for exploits and mighty enterprises .", "Is in the very May-morn of his youth ,", "You are their heir ; you sit upon their throne ;"], "true_target": ["The blood and courage , that renowned them ,", "Runs in your veins ; and my thrice-puissant liege", "And with your puissant arm renew their feats :", "Awake remembrance of these valiant dead ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 23}, {"query": ["Thus , then , in few .", "You cannot revel into dukedoms there .", "That can be with a nimble galliard won ;", "Or shall we sparingly show you far off", "And bids you be advis \u2019 d , there \u2019 s nought in France", "Did claim some certain dukedoms , in the right", "May it please your majesty to give us leave", "In answer of which claim , the prince our master"], "true_target": ["Your highness , lately sending into France ,", "Desires you let the dukedoms that you claim", "Hear no more of you . This the Dauphin speaks .", "Freely to render what we have in charge ;", "He therefore sends you , meeter for your spirit ,", "This tun of treasure ; and , in lieu of this ,", "Says ,\u2014 that you savour too much of your youth ;", "Of your great predecessor , King Edward the Third .", "The Dauphin \u2019 s meaning and our embassy ?"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 23}, {"query": ["Sure , he \u2019 s in Arthur \u2019 s bosom ,if ever man went to Arthur \u2019 s bosom . \u2019 A made a finer end ,and went away , an it had been any christom child ;\u2019 a parted even just between twelve and one , e \u2019 en at turning o \u2019 the tide :for after I saw him fumble with the sheets ,and play with flowers , and smile upon his fingers \u2019 ends , I knew there was but one way ; for his nose was as sharp as a pen , and a \u2019 babbled of green fields . How now , Sir John ! quoth I : what , man ! be of good cheer . So a \u2019 cried out \u2014 Heaven , Heaven , Heaven ! three or four times . Now I , to comfort him , bid him \u2019 a should not think of Heaven ; I hoped , there was no need to trouble himself with any such thoughts yet . So \u2019 a bade me lay more clothes on his feet : I put my hand into the bed and felt them , and they were as cold as any stone .", "Ay , that \u2019 a did .", "Staines ."], "true_target": ["Farewell ; adieu .", "Nay , that \u2019 a did not .", "\u2019 A could never abide carnation ;\u2019 twas a colour he never liked .", "Pr \u2019 ythee , honey-sweet husband , let me bring thee to"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 24}, {"query": ["my duck :", "Trust none ;", "And hold-fast is the only dog ,", "Let housewifery appear : keep close , I thee command .", "And we must yearn therefore .", "Let us to France ; like horse-leeches , my boys ,", "Bardolph , be blithe ;\u2014 Nym , rouse thy vaunting veins ;", "Look to my chattels and my moveables :", "Boy , bristle thy courage up ; for Falstaff he is dead ,"], "true_target": ["Therefore , caveto be thy counsellor .", "To suck , to suck , the very blood to suck !", "the word is , Pitch and pay ;", "Come , let \u2019 s away .\u2014 My love , give me thy lips .", "Go , clear thy crystals .", "Let senses rule ;", "No ; for my manly heart doth yearn .\u2014", "For oaths are straws , men \u2019 s faiths are wafer-cakes ,", "\u2014 Yoke-fellows in arms ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 24}, {"query": ["\u2019 Would I were with him , wheresome \u2019 er he is !", "Well , the fuel is gone that maintained that fire : that \u2019 s all the riches I got in his service ."], "true_target": ["And of women .", "Farewell , hostess ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 24}, {"query": ["I cannot kiss , that is the humour of it ; but adieu ."], "true_target": ["They say he cried out of sack .", "Shall we shog off ?the king will be gone from Southampton ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 24}, {"query": ["As young as I am , I have observed these three swashers . I am boy to them all three : but all they three , though they would serve me , could not be a man to me ; for , indeed , three such anticks do not amount to a man . For Bardolph ,\u2014 he is white-livered and red-faced ; by the means whereof \u2019 a faces it out , but fights not . For Pistol ,\u2014 he hath a killing tongue and a quiet sword ; by the means whereof \u2019 a breaks words , and keeps whole weapons . For Nym ,\u2014 he hath heard that men of few words are the best men ; and therefore he scorns to say his prayers , lest \u2019 a should be thought a coward : but his few bad words are match \u2019 d with as few good deeds ; for \u2019 a never broke any man \u2019 s head but his own , and that was against a post when he was drunk . They will steal any thing , and call it \u2014 purchase . They would have me as familiar with men \u2019 s pockets as their gloves or their handkerchiefs : which makes much against my manhood , if I should take from another \u2019 s pocket to put into mine ; for it is plain pocketing up of wrongs . I must leave them , and seek some better service : their villainy goes against my weak stomach , and therefore I must cast it up .END OF FIRST ACT .i. e ., let me attend , or accompany thee . ]Dame Quickly , in her usual blundering way , mistakes Arthur for Abraham . ]To make a fine end is not an uncommon expression for making a good end . The Hostess means that Falstaff died with becoming resignation and patient submission to the will of Heaven . ]i. e ., child that has wore the chrysom , or white cloth put on a new baptized child . ]It has been a very old opinion , which Mead , de imperio solis , quotes , as if he believed it , that nobody dies but in the time of ebb : half the deaths in London confute the notion ; but we find that it was common among the women of the poet \u2019 s time . \u2014 JOHNSON . ]Pliny , in his chapter on the signs of death , makes mention of \u201c a fumbling and pleiting of the bed-clothes .\u201d The same indication of approaching death is enumerated by Celsus , Lommius , Hippocrates , and Galen . ]Mrs. Quickly blunders , mistaking the word incarnate for a colour . In questions of Love , published 1566 , we have \u201c yelowe , pale , redde , blue , whyte , gray , and incarnate .\u201d]i. e ., shall we move off \u2014 jog off ? ]i. e ., let prudence govern you \u2014 conduct yourself sensibly . ]A familiar expression , meaning pay down at once , pay ready money ; probably throw down your money and pay . ]Alluding to the proverbial saying \u2014 \u201c Brag is a good dog , but Holdfast is a better .\u201d]i. e ., let prudence be thy counsellor . ]Dry thine eyes . ] HISTORICAL NOTE TO CHORUS \u2014 ACT FIRST\u2014\u2014 should famine , sword , and fire , Crouch for employment . ] Holinshed states that when the people of Rouen petitioned Henry V ., the king replied \u201c that the goddess of battle , called Bellona , had three handmaidens , ever of necessity attending upon her , as blood , fire , and famine .\u201d These are probably the dogs of war mentioned in Julius C\u00e6sar . HISTORICAL NOTES TO ACT FIRST .KING HENRY on his throne ,] King Henry V. was born at Monmouth , August 9th , 1388 , from which place he took his surname . He was the eldest son of Henry Bolingbroke , Earl of Derby , afterwards Duke of Hereford , who was banished by King Richard the Second , and , after that monarch \u2019 s deposition , was made king of England , A. D. 1399 . At eleven years of age Henry V. was a student at Queen \u2019 s College , Oxford , under the tuition of his half-uncle , Henry Beaufort , Chancellor of that university . Richard II . took the young Henry with him in his expedition to Ireland , and caused him to be imprisoned in the castle of Trym , but , when his father , the Duke of Hereford , deposed the king and obtained the crown , he was created Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall . In 1403 the Prince was engaged at the battle of Shrewsbury , where the famous Hotspur was slain , and there wounded in the face by an arrow . History states that Prince Henry became the companion of rioters and disorderly persons , and indulged in a course of life quite unworthy of his high station . There is a tradition that , under the influence of wine , he assisted his associates in robbing passengers on the highway . His being confined in prison for striking the Chief Justice , Sir William Gascoigne , is well known . These excesses gave great uneasiness and annoyance to the king , his father , who dismissed the Prince from the office of President of his Privy Council , and appointed in his stead his second son , Thomas , Duke of Clarence . Henry was crowned King of England on the 9th April , 1413 . We read in Stowe \u2014 \u201c After his coronation King Henry called unto him all those young lords and gentlemen who were the followers of his young acts , to every one of whom he gave rich gifts , and then commanded that as many as would change their manners , as he intended to do , should abide with him at court ; and to all that would persevere in their former like conversation , he gave express commandment , upon pain of their heads , never after that day to come in his presence .\u201d This heroic king fought and won the celebrated battle of Agincourt , on the 25th October , 1415 ; married the Princess Katherine , daughter of Charles VI . of France and Isabella of Bavaria , his queen , in the year 1420 ; and died at Vincennes , near Paris , in the midst of his military glory , August 31st , 1422 , in the thirty-fourth year of his age , and the tenth of his reign , leaving an infant son , who succeeded to the throne under the title of Henry VI . The famous Whittington was for the third time Lord Mayor of London in this reign , A. D. 1419 . Thomas Chaucer , son of the great poet , was speaker of the House of Commons , which granted the supplies to the king for his invasion of France .Bedford ,] John , Duke of Bedford , was the third son of King Henry IV ., and his brother , Henry V ., left to him the Regency of France . He died in the year 1435 . This duke was accounted one of the best generals of the royal race of Plantaganet . King Lewis XI . being counselled by certain envious persons to deface his tomb , used these , indeed , princely words :\u2014 \u201c What honor shall it be to us , or you , to break this monument , and to pull out of the ground the bones of him , whom , in his life time , neither my father nor your progenitors , with all their puissance , were once able to make fly a foot backward ? Who by his strength , policy , and wit , kept them all out of the principal dominions of France , and out of this noble Dutchy of Normandy ? Wherefore I say first , God save his soul , and let his body now lie in rest , which , when he was alive , would have disquieted the proudest of us all ; and for his tomb , I assure you , it is not so worthy or convenient as his honor and acts have deserved .\u201d \u2014 Vide Sandford \u2019 s History of the Kings of England .Gloster ,] Humphrey , Duke of Gloster , was the fourth son of King Henry IV ., and on the death of his brother , Henry V ., became Regent of England . It is generally supposed he was strangled . His death took place in the year 1446 .Exeter ,] Shakespeare is a little too early in giving Thomas Beaufort the title of Duke of Exeter ; for when Harfleur was taken , and he was appointed governor of the town , he was only Earl of Dorset . He was not made Duke of Exeter till the year after the battle of Agincourt , November 14 , 1416 . Exeter was half brother to King Henry IV ., being one of the sons of John of Gaunt , by Catherine Swynford .Archbishop of Canterbury ,] The Archbishop \u2019 s speech in this scene , explaining King Henry \u2019 s title to the crown of France , is closely copied from Holinshed \u2019 s chronicle , page 545 . \u201c About the middle of the year 1414 , Henry V ., influenced by the persuasions of Chichely , Archbishop of Canterbury , by the dying injunction of his royal father , not to allow the kingdom to remain long at peace , or more probably by those feelings of ambition , which were no less natural to his age and character , than consonant with the manners of the time in which he lived , resolved to assert that claim to the crown of France which his great grandfather , King Edward the Third , had urged with such confidence and success .\u201d \u2014 Nicolas \u2019 s History of the Battle of Agincourt .", "Yes , that \u2019 a did , and said they were devils incarnate ."], "true_target": ["Do you not remember , \u2019 a saw a flea stick upon Bardolph \u2019 s nose , and \u2019 a said it was a black soul burning in hell-fire ?", "And that is but unwholesome food , they say ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 24}, {"query": ["\u2019 Fore Heaven , his grace is bold , to trust these traitors ."], "true_target": ["The king hath note of all that they intend ,", "By interception which they dream not of ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 25}, {"query": ["Whom he hath cloy \u2019 d and grac \u2019 d with princely favours ,\u2014", "They shall be apprehended by and by .", "Distant Trumpets sound . Enter King HENRY , SCROOP , CAMBRIDGE ,", "I arrest thee of high treason , by the name of Richard earl of Cambridge . I arrest thee of high treason , by the name of Henry lord Scroop of Masham . I arrest thee of high treason , by the name of Thomas Grey , knight , of Northumberland ."], "true_target": ["That he should , for a foreign purse , so sell", "His sovereign \u2019 s life to death and treachery !", "GREY , Lords and Attendants , U. E. L. H .", "Nay , but the man that was his bedfellow ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 25}, {"query": ["How smooth and even they do bear themselves !"], "true_target": ["As if allegiance in their bosoms sat ,", "Crowned with faith and constant loyalty ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 25}, {"query": ["Shall not be wink \u2019 d at , how shall we stretch our eye", "Hen . I doubt not that ; since we are well persuaded", "Hen .", "My lord of Westmoreland ,\u2014 and uncle Exeter ,\u2014", "Arrest them to the answer of the law ;\u2014", "Will cut their passage through the force of France ?", "And his whole kingdom into desolation .", "Another fall of man .\u2014 Their faults are open :", "in us but late ,", "The taste whereof , Heaven of its mercy give you", "Receiv \u2019 d the golden earnest of our death ;", "If little faults , proceeding on distemper ,", "That hath so cowarded and chas \u2019 d your blood", "But we our kingdom \u2019 s safety must so tender ,", "Wherein you would have sold your king to slaughter ,", "According to the weight and worthiness .", "Since Heaven so graciously hath brought to light", "Heaven quit you in its mercy ! Hear your sentence .", "Read them ; and know , I know your worthiness .\u2014", "My lord of Cambridge ,\u2014 and my kind lord of Masham ,\u2014", "What shall I say to thee , lord Scroop ? thou cruel ,", "We do deliver you . Get you , therefore , hence ,", "That rail \u2019 d against our person : we consider", "my eye will scarcely see it ;", "See you , my princes and my noble peers ,", "Hen .", "And Heaven acquit them of their practises !", "It was excess of wine that set him on ;", "That knew \u2019 st the very bottom of my soul ,", "\u2014 Bear them hence .", "And sworn unto the practises of France ,", "There yours , lord Scroop of Masham ;\u2014 and , sir knight ,", "Could out of thee extract one spark of evil", "Hath , for a few light crowns , lightly conspir \u2019 d ,", "This knight , no less for bounty bound to us", "Uncle of Exeter , R .", "These English monsters ! My lord of Cambridge here ,\u2014", "We carry not a heart with us from hence", "That almost might \u2019 st have coin \u2019 d me into gold ,", "To kill us here in Hampton : to the which", "Who are the late Commissioners ?", "Then , forth , dear countrymen : let us deliver", "And , on his more advice ,", "Patience to endure , and true repentance", "Ingrateful , savage , and inhuman creature !", "Whose ruin you three sought , that to her laws", "Though Cambridge , Scroop , and Grey ,\u2014 in their dear care", "And tender preservation of our person ,\u2014", "Would have him punish \u2019 d . And now to our French causes :", "Why , how now , gentlemen !", "Putting it straight in expedition ."], "true_target": ["You have conspir \u2019 d against our royal person ,", "May it be possible , that foreign hire", "Nor leave not one behind that doth not wish", "And you , my gentle knight ,\u2014 give me your thoughts :", "Enlarge the man committed yesterday ,", "Think you not , that the powers we bear with us", "We therefore have great cause of thankfulness ;", "Hen .", "Hen . Then , Richard earl of Cambridge , there is yours ;\u2014", "Our puissance", "Cheerly to sea ; the signs of war advance :", "You know how apt our love was to accord", "Thou that did \u2019 st bear the key of all my counsels ,", "His subjects to oppression and contempt ,", "Hen . Now sits the wind fair , and we will aboard .", "Are heavy orisons \u2019 gainst this poor wretch !", "Grey of Northumberland , this same is yours :\u2014", "The mercy that was quick", "What see you in those papers , that you lose", "Poor miserable wretches , to your death :", "By your own counsel is suppress \u2019 d and kill \u2019 d :", "Out of appearance ?", "We doubt not of a fair and lucky war ,", "For this revolt of thine , methinks , is like", "Their cheeks are paper .\u2014 Why , what read you there ,", "That grows not in a fair consent with ours ,", "we pardon him .", "His princes and his peers to servitude ,", "Touching our person , seek we no revenge ;", "To furnish him with all appertinents", "So much complexion ?\u2014 look ye , how they change !", "Now , Lords , for France ; the enterprize whereof", "You must not dare , for shame , to talk of mercy .", "We will aboard to-night .", "Join \u2019 d with an enemy proclaim \u2019 d , and from his coffers", "Success and conquest to attend on us .", "Of all your dear offences !", "Sooner than quittance of desert and merit", "And shall forget the office of our hand ,", "Belonging to his honour ; and this man", "Shall be to you , as us , like glorious .", "As black from white ,", "Hen . O , let us yet be merciful .", "That , though the truth of it stands off as gross", "Appear before us ?\u2014 We \u2019 ll yet enlarge that man ,", "Than Cambridge is ,\u2014 hath likewise sworn .\u2014 But , O ,", "This dangerous treason , lurking in our way .", "into the hand of Heaven ,", "When capital crimes , chew \u2019 d , swallow \u2019 d , and digested ,", "No king of England , if not king of France .", "Hen . Alas , your too much love and care of me", "That might annoy my finger ? \u2019 Tis so strange ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 25}, {"query": ["Our purposes Heaven justly hath discover \u2019 d ;", "No doubt , my liege , if each man do his best .", "Let him be punish \u2019 d , sovereign ; lest example"], "true_target": ["And I repent my fault more than my death .", "So did you me , my liege .", "Breed , by his sufferance , more of such a kind .", "That \u2019 s mercy , but too much security :"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 25}, {"query": ["And do submit me to your highness \u2019 mercy .", "Under the sweet shade of your government .", "Beseeching Heaven and you to pardon me .", "I one , my lord :", "Your highness bade me ask for it to-day .", "Never was monarch better fear \u2019 d and lov \u2019 d", "Than is your majesty : there \u2019 s not , I think , a subject"], "true_target": ["That sits in heart-grief and uneasiness", "Which I in sufferance heartily will rejoice ,", "For me ,\u2014 the gold of France did not seduce ;", "But Heaven be thanked for prevention ;", "Although I did admit it as a motive", "So may your highness , and yet punish too .", "I do confess my fault ;", "The sooner to effect what I intended :"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 25}, {"query": ["Even those that were your father \u2019 s enemies", "of duty and of zeal .", "My fault , but not my body , pardon , sovereign .", "} To which we all appeal .", "At the discovery of most dangerous treason", "Prevented from a damned enterprize :"], "true_target": ["Sir , you show great mercy , if you give him life ,", "And me , my royal sovereign .", "Than I do at this hour joy o \u2019 er myself ,", "Have steep \u2019 d their galls in honey , and do serve you", "With hearts create", "After the taste of much correction .", "Never did faithful subject more rejoice"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 25}, {"query": ["Back to our brother England .", "King . We \u2019 ll give them present audience .", "Go , and bring them .", "King . From our brother England ?", "And more than carefully it us concerns", "King . For us , we will consider of this further :", "The native mightiness and fate of him .", "Thus come the English with full power upon us ;", "Had twenty years been made . This is a stem", "The kindred of him hath been flesh \u2019 d upon us ;", "To line and new repair our towns of war", "The patterns that by Heaven and by French fathers", "And all our princes captiv \u2019 d by the hand", "Therefore the Dukes of Berry and of Bretagne ,", "When Cressy battle fatally was struck ,", "King . To-morrow shall you know our mind at full .", "King . Or else what follows ?", "To answer royally in our defences ."], "true_target": ["With men of courage and with means defendant .", "in our familiar paths :", "Witness our too much memorable shame", "And you , Prince Dauphin ,\u2014 with all swift despatch ,", "Saw his heroical seed , and smil \u2019 d to see him", "Of Brabant and of Orleans , shall make forth ,\u2014", "And he is bred out of that bloody strain", "Of that victorious stock ; and let us fear", "Mangle the work of nature , and deface", "And , princes , look you strongly arm to meet him .", "That haunted us", "Up in the air , crown \u2019 d with the golden sun ,\u2014", "To-morrow shall you bear our full intent", "King .", "King . You shall be soon despatch \u2019 d with fair conditions :A night is but small breath and little pause To answer matters of this consequence .Trumpets sound .The costume of Charles VI . is copied from Willemin , Monuments Fran\u00e7ais . The dresses of the other Lords are selected from Montfaucon Monarchie Fran\u00e7oise . ]More than carefully is with more than common care ; a phrase of the same kind with better than well . \u2014 JOHNSON . ]How diffident and decent in making objections . ]lineage . ]To haunt is a word of the utmost horror , which shows that they dreaded the English as goblins and spirits . ]Shakespeare \u2019 s meaningprobably is , that the king stood upon an eminence , with the sun shining over his head . \u2014 STEEVENS . ]His fate is what is allotted him by destiny , or what he is fated to perform . ]Mont-joie is the title of the principal king-at-arms in France , as Garter is in our country . ]That is , bark ; the sportsman \u2019 s term . ]This genealogy ; this deduction of his lineage . ]To chide is to resound , to echo . ]i. e ., shall find . ] END OF ACT SECOND . HISTORICAL NOTES TO CHORUS \u2014 ACT SECOND .These corrupted men ,\u2014\u2014 One , Richard earl of Cambridge ; and the second , Henry lord Scroop of Masham ; and the third , Sir Thomas Grey knight of Northumberland ,\u2014 Have for the guilt of FranceConfirm \u2019 d conspiracy with fearful France . About the end of July , Henry \u2019 s ambitious designs received a momentary check from the discovery of a treasonable conspiracy against his person and government , by Richard , Earl of Cambridge , brother of the Duke of York ; Henry , Lord Scroop of Masham , the Lord Treasurer ; and Sir Thomas Grey , of Heton , knight . The king \u2019 s command for the investigation of the affair , was dated on the 21st of that month , and a writ was issued to the Sheriff of Southampton , to assemble a jury for their trial ; and which on Friday , the 2nd of August , found that on the 20th of July , Richard , Earl of Cambridge , and Thomas Grey , of Heton , in the County of Northumberland , knight , had falsely and traitorously conspired to collect a body of armed men , to conduct Edmund , Earl of March ,to the frontiers of Wales , and to proclaim him the rightful heir to the crown , in case Richard II . was actually dead ; but they had solicited Thomas Frumpyngton , who personated King Richard , Henry Percy , and many others from Scotland to invade the realm , that they had intended to destroy the King , the Duke of Clarence , the Duke of Bedford , the Duke of Gloucester , with other lords and great men ; and that Henry , Lord Scroop , of Masham , consented to the said treasonable purposes , and concealed the knowledge of them from the king . On the same day the accused were reported by Sir John Popham , Constable of the Castle of Southampton , to whose custody they had been committed , to have confessed the justice of the charges brought against them , and that they threw themselves on the king \u2019 s mercy ; but Scroop endeavoured to extenuate his conduct , by asserting that his intentions were innocent , and that he appeared only to acquiesce in their designs to be enabled to defeat them . The Earl and Lord Scroop having claimed the privilege of being tried by the peers , were remanded to prison , but sentence of death in the usual manner was pronounced against Grey , and he was immediately executed ; though , in consequence of Henry having dispensed with his being drawn and hung , he was allowed to walk from the Watergate to the Northgate of the town of Southampton , where he was beheaded . A commission was soon afterwards issued , addressed to the Duke of Clarence , for the trial of the Earl of Cambridge and Lord Scroop : this court unanimously declared the prisoners guilty , and sentence of death having been denounced against them , they paid the forfeit of their lives on Monday , the 5th of August . In consideration of the earl being of the blood royal , he was merely beheaded ; but to mark the perfidy and ingratitude of Scroop , who had enjoyed the king \u2019 s utmost confidence and friendship , and had even shared his bed , he commanded that he should be drawn to the place of execution , and that his head should be affixed on one of the gates of the city of York . \u2014 Nicolas \u2019 s History of the Battle of Agincourt .HISTORICAL NOTES TO ACT SECOND .\u2014\u2014 the man that was his bedfellow ,] So , Holinshed : \u201c The said Lord Scroop was in such favour with the king , that he admitted him sometimes to be his bedfellow .\u201d The familiar appellation , of bedfellow , which appears strange to us , was common among the ancient nobility . There is a letter from the sixth Earl of Northumberland, addressed \u201c To his beloved cousin , Thomas Arundel ,\u201d & c ., which begins \u201c Bedfellow , after my most hast\u00e9 recommendation .\u201d \u2014 Steevens . This unseemly custom continued common till the middle of the last century , if not later . Cromwell obtained much of his intelligence , during the civil wars , from the mean men with whom he slept . \u2014 Malone . After the battle of Dreux , 1562 , the Prince of Cond\u00e9 slept in the same bed with the Duke of Guise ; an anecdote frequently cited , to show the magnanimity of the latter , who slept soundly , though so near his greatest enemy , then his prisoner . \u2014 Nares .For me ,\u2014 the gold of France did not seduce ;] Holinshed observes , \u201c that Richard , Earl of Cambridge , did not conspire with the Lord Scroop and Thomas Grey , for the murdering of King Henry to please the French king , but only to the intent to exalt to the crown his brother-in-law Edmund , Earl of March , as heir to Lionel , Duke of Clarence ; after the death of which Earl of March , for divers secret impediments not able to have issue , the Earl of Cambridge was sure that the crown should come to him by his wife , and to his children of her begotten ; and therefore, he rather confessed himself for need of money to be corrupted by the French king , than he would declare his inward mind , & c ., which if it were espied , he saw plainly that the Earl of March should have tasted of the same cup that he had drunk , and what should have come to his own children he merely doubted , & c .\u201d A million of gold is stated to have been given by France to the conspirators . Historians have , however , generally expressed their utter inability to explain upon what grounds the conspirators built their expectation of success ; and unless they had been promised powerful assistance from France , the design seems to have been one of the most absurd and hopeless upon record . The confession of the Earl of Cambridge , and his supplication for mercy in his own hand writing , is in the British Museum .Touching our person , seek we no revenge ;] This speech is taken from Holinshed :\u2014 \u201c Revenge herein touching my person , though I seek not ; yet for the safeguard of my dear friends , and for due preservation of all sorts , I am by office to cause example to be showed : Get ye hence , therefore , you poor miserable wretches , to the receiving of your just reward , wherein God \u2019 s majesty give you grace of his mercy , and repentance of your heinous offences .\u201dCheerly to sea ; the signs of war advance :] \u201c The king went from his castle of Porchester in a small vessel to the sea , and embarking on board his ship , called The Trinity , between the ports of Southampton and Portsmouth , he immediately ordered that the sail should be set , to signify his readiness to depart .\u201d \u201c There were about fifteen hundred vessels , including about a hundred which were left behind . After having passed the Isle of Wight , swans were seen swimming in the midst of the fleet , which , in the opinion of all , were said to be happy auspices of the undertaking . On the next day , the king entered the mouth of the Seine , and cast anchor before a place called Kidecaus , about three miles from Harfleur , where he proposed landing .\u201d \u2014 Nicolas \u2019 s History of Agincourt . The departure of Henry \u2019 s army on this occasion , and the separation between those who composed it and their relatives and friends , is thus described by Drayton , who was born in 1563 , and died in 1631 :\u2014 There might a man have seen in every street , The father bidding farewell to his son ; Small children kneeling at their father \u2019 s feet : The wife with her dear husband ne \u2019 er had done : Brother , his brother , with adieu to greet : One friend to take leave of another , run ; The maiden with her best belov \u2019 d to part , Gave him her hand who took away her heart . The nobler youth the common rank above , On their curveting coursers mounted fair : One wore his mistress \u2019 garter , one her glove ; And he a lock of his dear lady \u2019 s hair : And he her colours , whom he did most love ; There was not one but did some favour wear : And each one took it , on his happy speed , To make it famous by some knightly deed .Enter the FRENCH KING , the DAUPHIN , the DUKE OF BURGUNDY , the CONSTABLE , and others . ] Charles VI ., surnamed the Well Beloved , was King of France during the most disastrous period of its history . He ascended the throne in 1380 , when only thirteen years of age . In 1385 he married Isabella of Bavaria , who was equally remarkable for her beauty and her depravity . The unfortunate king was subject to fits of insanity , which lasted for several months at a time . On the 21st October , 1422 , seven years after the battle of Agincourt , Charles VI . ended his unhappy life at the age of 55 , having reigned 42 years . Lewis the Dauphin was the eldest son of Charles VI . He was born 22nd January , 1396 , and died before his father , December 18th , 1415 , in his twentieth year . History says , \u201c Shortly after the battle of Agincourt , either for melancholy that he had for the loss , or by some sudden disease , Lewis , Dovphin of Viennois , heir apparent to the French king , departed this life without issue .\u201d John , Duke of Burgundy , surnamed the Fearless , succeeded to the dukedom in 1403 . He caused the Duke of Orleans to be assassinated in the streets of Paris , and was himself murdered August 28 , 1419 , on the bridge of Montereau , at an interview with the Dauphin , afterwards Charles VII . John was succeeded by his only son , who bore the title of Philip the Good , Duke of Burgundy . The Constable , Charles D \u2019 Albret , commanded the French army at the Battle of Agincourt , and was slain on the field .", "You see this chase is hotly follow \u2019 d , friends .", "King . Think we King Harry strong ;", "Of that black name , Edward , black prince of Wales ;", "Whiles that his mountain sire ,\u2014 on mountain standing ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["Were busied with a Whitsun morris-dance :", "Of what a monarchy you are the head :", "And let us do it with no show of fear ;", "As self-neglecting .", "For , my good liege , she is so idly king \u2019 d ,", "That fear attends her not .", "Runs far before them . Good my sovereign ,", "In cases of defence \u2019 tis best to weigh", "Self-love , my liege , is not so vile a sin", "Re-enter MONTJOY , LORDS , with EXETER and Train , L. H .", "I did present him with those Paris balls .", "The enemy more mighty than he seems :", "Take up the English short ; and let them know", "By a vain , giddy , shallow , humorous youth ,", "Most spend their mouths ,"], "true_target": ["Well , \u2019 tis not so , my lord high constable ;", "My most redoubted father ,", "Say , if my father render fair reply ,", "As matching to his youth and vanity ,", "No , with no more than if we heard that England", "Her sceptre so fantastically borne", "Turn head , and stop pursuit ; for coward dogs", "when what they seem to threaten", "Nothing but odds with England : to that end ,", "So the proportions of defence are fill \u2019 d .", "But though we think it so , it is no matter :", "For the Dauphin ,", "It is against my will ; for I desire", "I stand here for him : What to him from England ?", "It is most meet we arm us \u2019 gainst the foe :"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["Were but the outside of the Roman Brutus ,", "How modest in exception ,", "How well supplied with noble counsellors ,", "How terrible in constant resolution ,", "With what great state he heard our embassy ,"], "true_target": ["And you shall find his vanities fore-spent", "O peace , prince Dauphin", "and withal", "You are too much mistaken in this king :", "Covering discretion with a coat of folly ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["Ambassadors from Henry King of England"], "true_target": ["Do crave admittance to your majesty ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["Despatch us with all speed , lest that our king", "And when you find him evenly deriv \u2019 d", "Sweeten the bitter mock you sent his majesty ,", "In second accent of his ordnance .", "By law of nature and of nations , \u2019 long", "Come here himself to question our delay ;", "Shall chide your trespass ,", "For he is footed in this land already .", "Willing you overlook this pedigree :", "Scorn and defiance ; slight regard , contempt ,", "He \u2019 ll make your Paris Louvre shake for it :", "Thus says my king : an if your father \u2019 s highness", "The mighty sender , doth he prize you at .", "Bloody constraint ; for if you hide the crown", "Unto the crown of France . That you may know", "That you divest yourself , and lay apart", "The borrow \u2019 d glories , that , by gift of heaven ,", "And all wide-stretched honours that pertain ,", "To whom expressly I bring greeting too .", ":", "From his most fam \u2019 d of famous ancestors ,", "From him the native and true challenger .", "\u2019 Tis no sinister nor no awkward claim ,", "From him ; and thus he greets your majesty ."], "true_target": ["This is his claim , his threat \u2019 ning , and my message ;", "Therefore in fierce tempest is he coming ,", "Even in your hearts , there will he rake for it :", "To him and to his heirs ; namely , the crown ,", "Pick \u2019 d from the worm-holes of long-vanish \u2019 d days ,", "And , be assur \u2019 d , you \u2019 ll find a difference", "In every branch truly demonstrative ;", "By custom and the ordinance of times", "In your own losses , if he stay in France .", "Between the promise of his greener days", "And any thing that may not misbecome", "Even to the utmost grain : which you shall read", "and return your mock", "Unless the Dauphin be in presence here ,", "Edward the Third , he bids you then resign", "And these he masters now : now he weighs time ,", "Do not , in grant of all demands at large ,", "Your crown and kingdom , indirectly held", "In thunder and in earthquake , like a Jove .", "He wills you , in the awful name of Heaven ,", "That caves and womby vaultages of France", "He \u2019 ll call you to so hot an answer for it ,", "Nor from the dust of old oblivion rak \u2019 d ,", "He sends you this most memorable line ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["Soldiers , R. H ."], "true_target": ["Enter KING HENRY , EXETER , BEDFORD , GLOSTER , and"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["Cry \u2014 God for Harry ! England ! and Saint George !", "Whose blood is fet", "Till in her ashes she lie buried .", "For there is none of you so mean and base ,", "Straining upon the start . The game \u2019 s afoot :", "If I begin the battery once again ,", "This is the latest parle we will admit :", "In peace there \u2019 s nothing so becomes a man", "The gates of mercy shall be all shut up .", "As modest stillness and humility :", "I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips ,", "On , on , you noble English ,", "I will not leave the half-achieved Harfleur", "Or , guilty in defence , be thus destroy \u2019 d ?", "That you are worth your breeding : which I doubt not ;"], "true_target": ["Or close the wall up with our English dead !", "The mettle of your pasture ; let us swear", "Hen . How yet resolves the governour of the town ?", "What say you ? will you yield , and this avoid ?", "Defy us to our worst : for , as I am a soldier", "Or , like to men proud of destruction ,", "Then imitate the action of the tiger !", "Follow your spirit ; and , upon this charge ,", "Hen . Come , uncle Exeter , R. Go you and enter Harfleur ; there remain , And fortify it strongly \u2019 gainst the French : Use mercy to them all . For us , dear uncle ,\u2014 The winter coming on , and sickness growing Upon our soldiers ,\u2014 we \u2019 ll retire to Calais . To-night in Harfleurwill we be your guest ; To-morrow for the march are we addrest .\u201c Our King , who sought peace , not war , in order that he might further arm the cause in which he was engaged with the shield of justice offered peace to the besieged , if they would open the gates to him , and restore , as was their duty , freely , without compulsion , that town , the noble hereditary portion of his Crown of England , and of his Dukedom of Normandy . \u201c But as they , despising and setting at nought this offer , strove to keep possession of , and to defend the town against him , our King summoned to fight , as it were , against his will , called upon God to witness his just cause * * * hegave himself no rest by day or night , until having fitted and fixed his engines and guns under the walls , he had planted them within shot of the enemy , against the front of the town , and against the walls , gates , and towers , of the same * * * so that taking aim at the place to be battered , the guns from beneath blew forth stones by the force of ignited powers , * * * and in the mean time our King , with his guns and engines , so battered the said bulwark , and the walls and towers on every side , that within a few days , by the impetuosity and fury of the stones , the same bulwark was in a great part broken down ; and the walls and towers from which the enemy had sent forth their weapons , the bastions falling in ruins , were rendered defenceless ; and very fine edifices , even in the middle of the city , either lay altogether in ruins , or threatened an inevitable fall ; or at least were so shaken as to be exceedingly damaged . * * * And although our guns had disarmed the bulwark , walls , and towers during the day , the besieged by night , with logs , faggots , and tubs on vessels full of earth , mud , and sand or stones , piled up within the shattered walls , and with other barricadoes , refortified the streets . * * * The King had caused towers and wooden bulwarks to the height of the walls , and ladders and other instruments , besides those which he had brought with him for the assault .\u201d \u2014 We are then told that the enemy contrived to set these engines on fire \u2019 by means of powders , and combustibles prepared on the walls .\u2019 The History then states that \u201c a fire broke out where the strength of the French was greater , and the French themselves were overcome with resisting , and in endeavouring to extinguish the fire , until at length by force of arms , darts , and flames , their strength was destroyed . Leaving the place therefore to our party , they fled and retreated beneath the walls for protection ; most carefully blocking up the entrance with timber , stones , earth , and mud , lest our people should rush in upon them through the same passage .\u201d \u201c On the following day a conference was held with the Lord de Gaucort , who acted as Captain , and with the more powerful leaders , whether it was the determination of the inhabitants to surrender the town without suffering further rigour of death or war . * * * On that night they entered into a treaty with the King , that if the French King , or the Dauphin , his first-born , being informed , should not raise the seige , and deliver them by force of arms within the first hour after morn on the Sunday following , they would surrender to him the town , and themselves , and their property .\u201d \u201c And neither at the aforesaid hour on the following Sunday , nor within the time , the French King , the Dauphin , nor any one else , coming forward to raise the siege . * * * The aforesaid Lord de Gaucort came from the town into the king \u2019 s presence , accompanied by those persons who before had sworn to keep the articles , and surrendering to him the keys of the Corporation , submitted themselves , together with the citizens , to his grace . * * * Then the banners of St. George and the King were fixed upon the gates of the town , and the King advanced his illustrious uncle , the Lord Thomas Beaufort , Earl of Dorsetto be keeper and captain of the town , having delivered to him the keys .\u201d Thus , after a vigorous siege of about thirty-six days , one of the most important towns of Normandy fell into the hands of the invaders . The Chronicler in the text informs us , that the dysentery had carried off infinitely more of the English army than were slain in the siege ; that about five thousand men were then so dreadfully debilitated by that disease , that they were unable to proceed , and were therefore sent to England ; that three hundred men-at-arms and nine hundred archers were left to garrison Harfleur ; that great numbers had cowardly deserted the King , and returned home by stealth ; and that after all these deductions , not more than nine hundred lances and five thousand archers remained fit for service . Hume , in his History of England , relates that \u201c King Henry landed near Harfleur , at the head of an army of 6 , 000 men-at-arms , and 24 , 000 foot , mostly archers . He immediately began the siege of that place , which was valiantly defended by d \u2019 Esto\u00fcleville , and under him by de Guitri , de Gaucourt , and others of the French nobility ; but as the garrison was weak , and the fortifications in bad repair , the governor was at last obliged to capitulate , and he promised to surrender the place if he received no succour before the 18th of September . The day came , and there was no appearance of a French army to relieve him . Henry , taking possession of the town , placed a garrison in it , and expelled all the French inhabitants , with an intention of peopling it anew with English . The fatigues of this siege , and the unusual heat of the season , had so wasted the English army , that Henry could enter on no farther enterprise , and was obliged to think of returning to England . He had dismissed his transports , which could not anchor in an open road upon the enemy \u2019 s coasts , and he lay under a necessity of marching by land to Calais before he could reach a place of safety . A numerous French army of 14 , 000 men at-arms , and 40 , 000 foot , was by this time assembled in Normandy , under the constable d \u2019 Albret , a force which , if prudently conducted , was sufficient either to trample down the English in the open field , or to harass and reduce to nothing their small army before they could finish so long and difficult a march . Henry , therefore , cautiously offered to sacrifice his conquest of Harfleur for a safe passage to Calais ; but his proposal being rejected , he determined to make his way by valour and conduct through all the opposition of the enemy .\u201d]", "Hen . Once more unto the breach , dear friends , once more ;", "from fathers of war-proof !", "And you , good yeomen ,", "Therefore , to our best mercy give yourselves ;", "But when the blast of war blows in our ears ,", "Whose limbs were made in England , show us here", "That hath not noble lustre in your eyes ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["To raise so great a siege . Therefore , dread king ,", "Our expectation hath this day an end :", "We yield our town and lives to thy soft mercy ."], "true_target": ["For we no longer are defensible .", "The Dauphin , whom of succour we entreated ,", "Returns us \u2014 that his powers are not yet ready", "Enter our town ; dispose of us and ours ;"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["And let him say to England , that we send", "Now , forth , lord constable", "painted in the blood of Harfleur :", "Trumpets sound .", "Bar Harry England , that sweeps through our land", "With pennons", "And in a captive chariot into Rouen", "King . Therefore , lord constable , haste on Montjoy ;", "King .\u2019 Tis certain he hath pass \u2019 d the river Somme .", "And quickly bring us word of England \u2019 s fall ."], "true_target": ["Bring him our prisoner .", "Let him greet England with our sharp defiance .\u2014", ", and princes all ,", "King . Be patient ; for you shall remain with us .\u2014", "Go down upon him ,\u2014 you have power enough ,\u2014", "To know what willing ransom he will give .\u2014", "Up , princes ! and , with spirit of honour edg \u2019 d", "More sharper than your swords , hie to the field :", "Prince Dauphin , you shall stay with us in Rouen .", "King . Where is Montjoy the herald ? speed him hence :"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["Let us not live in France ; let us quit all ,", "And give our vineyards to a barbarous people .", "And if he be not fought withal , my lord ,", "For , I am sure , when he shall see our army ,"], "true_target": ["His soldiers sick , and famish \u2019 d in their march ;", "Sorry am I his numbers are so few ,", "This becomes the great .", "He \u2019 ll drop his heart into the sink of fear ,", "And , for achievement offer us his ransom ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["Saying our grace is only in our heels ,", "By faith and honour ,", "Not so , I do beseech your majesty .", "Our madams mock at us ;"], "true_target": ["They bid us \u2014 to the English dancing-schools ,", "and swift corantos ;", "And that we are most lofty runaways .", "And teach lavoltas high"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["What do you call him ?", "Why , this is an arrant counterfeit rascal ; a cut-purse ;", "I know him not ."], "true_target": ["I remember him now .", "Is the Duke of Exeter safe ?", "Why , \u2019 tis a gull , a fool , a rogue , that now and then goes to the wars , to grace himself , at his return into London , under the form of a soldier . You must learn to know such slanders of the age ,or else you may be marvellously mistook .", "How now , Captain Fluellen ! come you from the bridge ?"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["I \u2019 ll assure you , \u2019 a utter \u2019 d as prave \u2019 ords at the pridge as you shall see in a summer \u2019 s day .", "Heaven pless your majesty !", "The Duke of Exeter is as magnanimous as Agamemnon ; and a man that I love and honour with my soul , and my heart , and my duty , and my life , and my livings , and my uttermost powers : he is notany hurt in the \u2019 orld ; but keeps the pridge most valiantly , with excellent discipline . There is an ensign there at the pridge ,\u2014 I think in my very conscience he is as valiant as Mark Antony ; and he is a man of no estimation in the \u2019 orld ; but I did see him do gallant service .", "It is well .", "He is called \u2014 ancient Pistol .", "Ay , so please your majesty . The duke of Exeter has very gallantly maintained the pridge : the French has gone off , look you ; and there is gallant and most prave passages : Marry , th \u2019 athversary was have possession of the pridge ; but he is enforced to retire , and the duke of Exeter is master of the pridge : I can tell your majesty , the duke is a prave man .", "Ay , I praise Heaven ; and I have merited some love at his hands ."], "true_target": ["The perdition of th \u2019 athversary hath been very great , very reasonable great : marry , for my part , I think the duke hath lost never a man , but one that is like to be executed for robbing a church , one Bardolph , if your majesty knows the man : his face is all bubukles ,and whelks ,and knobs , and flames of fire : and his lips plows at his nose , and it is like a coal of fire , sometimes plue , and sometimes red ; but his nose is executed , and his fire \u2019 s out .", "Certainly , ancient , it is not a thing to rejoice at : for if , look you , he were my prother , I would desire the duke to use his goot pleasure , and put him to executions ; for disciplines ought to be used .", "By your patience , ancient Pistol . Fortune is painted plind , with a muffler before her eyes ,to signify to you that fortune is plind ; And she is painted also with a wheel , to signify to you , which is the moral of it , that she is turning , and inconstant , and variations , and mutabilities : and her foot , look you , is fixed upon a spherical stone , which rolls , and rolls , and rolls :\u2014 In good truth , the poet makes a most excellent description of fortune : fortune , look you , is an excellent moral .", "Very goot .", "I assure you , there is very excellent service committed at the pridge .", "Ancient Pistol , I do partly understand your meaning .", "Do you not know him ? Here comes the man .", "I tell you what , Captain Gower ;\u2014 I do perceive , he is not the man that he would gladly make show to the \u2019 orld he is : if I find a hole in his coat , I will tell him my mind .Hark you , the king is coming ; and I must speak with him from the pridge ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["That stands upon the rolling restless stone ,\u2014", "and hang \u2019 d must \u2019 a be .", "The Duke of Exeter doth love thee well .", "Why , then , rejoice therefore .", "But Exeter hath given the doom of death ,", "Of buxom valour ,", "Speak , captain , for his life , and I will thee requite .", "Fortune is Bardolph \u2019 s foe , and frowns on him ;", "Therefore , go speak , the duke will hear thy voice ;", "For he has stolen a pix ,", "The fig of Spain !"], "true_target": ["Fico for thy friendship !", "For pix of little price .", "With edge of penny cord and vile reproach :", "Let gallows gape for dog ; let man go free ,", "That goddess blind .", "And giddy fortune \u2019 s furious fickle wheel ,", "Captain , I thee beseech to do me favours :", "And let not Bardolph \u2019 s vital thread be cut", "A damned death !", "Bardolph , a soldier , firm and sound of heart ,", "hath ,\u2014 by cruel fate ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["for , to say the sooth", "Stand in our way . There \u2019 s for thy labour , Montjoy .", "Hen .How now , Fluellen ! cam \u2019 st thou from the bridge ?", "We shall your tawny ground with your red blood", "tell him we will come on ,", "That I do brag thus !\u2014 this your air of France", "Hen . What men have you lost , Fluellen ?", "We would not seek a battle , as we are ;", "Hen . Thou dost thy office fairly . Turn thee back ,", "Hen. What is thy name ? I know thy quality .", "My people are with sickness much enfeebled ;", "Go , bid thy master well advise himself :", "So tell your master .", "Without impeachment :", "Though France himself ,", "and so , Montjoy , fare you well .", "Almost no better than so many French ;", ",", "My army but a weak and sickly guard :"], "true_target": ["Hen . We would have all such offenders so cut off .", "Hen . Well , then , I know thee : What shall I know of thee ?", "Did march three Frenchmen .\u2014 Forgive me , Heaven ,", "The sum of all our answer is but this :", "But could be willing to march on to Calais", "Who , when they were in health , I tell thee , herald ,", "And tell thy king ,\u2014 I do not seek him now ;", "Hath blown that vice in me ; I must repent .", "I thought , upon one pair of English legs ,", "My numbers lessen \u2019 d ; and those few I have ,", "My ransom is this frail and worthless trunk ;", "Discolour :", "Hen . Unfold it .", "and such another neighbour ,", "Go , therefore , tell thy master here I am ;", "Hen . We are in Heaven \u2019 s hand , brother , not in theirs . March to the bridge ; it now draws toward night : Beyond the river we \u2019 ll encamp ourselves ; And on to-morrow bid them march away .March .i. e ., instead of fighting , he will offer to pay ransom . ]Ancient , a standard or flag ; also the ensign bearer , or officer , now called an ensign . ]i. e ., valour under good command , obedient to its superiors . The word is used by Spencer . ]Fortune is described by several ancient authors in the same words . ]A muffler was a sort of veil , or wrapper , worn by ladies in Shakespeare \u2019 s time , chiefly covering the chin and throat . ]A pix , or little chest, in which the consecrated host was used to be kept . ]Fico is fig \u2014 it was a term of reproach . ]An expression of contempt or insult , which consisted in thrusting the thumb between two of the closed fingers , or into the mouth ; whence Bite the thumb . The custom is generally regarded as being originally Spanish . \u2014 NARES . ]Cowardly braggarts were not uncommon characters with the old dramatic writers . ]From for about \u2014 concerning the fight that had taken place there . ]A corrupt word for carbuncles , or something like them . ]i. e ., stripes , marks , discolorations . ]This is the last time that any sport can be made with the red face of Bardolph . ]That is , by his herald \u2019 s coat . The person of a herald being inviolable , was distinguished in those times of formality by a peculiar dress , which is likewise yet worn on particular occasions . ]i. e ., our patience , moderation . ]i. e ., hindrance . Empechement , French . ]In the acting edition , the name of God is changed to Heaven . This was an expression in Shakespeare \u2019 s time for God being my guide . ]i. e ., though the King of France himself . ] END OF ACT THIRD . HISTORICAL NOTES TO ACT THIRD .Come you from the bridge ? ] After Henry had passed the Somme , Titus Livius asserts , that the King having been informed of a river which must be crossed , over which was a bridge , and that his progress depended in a great degree upon securing possession of it , despatched some part of his forces to defend it from any attack , or from being destroyed . They found many of the enemy ready to receive them , to whom they gave battle , and after a severe conflict , they captured the bridge , and kept it .Fortune is Bardolph \u2019 s foe , and frowns on him ; For he hath stol \u2019 n a pix , and hanged must \u2019 a be . It will be seen by the following extract from the anonymous Chronicler how minutely Shakespeare has adhered to history \u2014 \u201c There was brought to the King in that plain a certain English robber , who , contrary to the laws of God and the Royal Proclamation , had stolen from a church a pix of copper gilt , found in his sleeve , which he happened to mistake for gold , in which the Lord \u2019 s body was kept ; and in the next village where he passed the night , by decree of the King , he was put to death on the gallows .\u201d Titus Livius relates that Henry commanded his army to halt until the sacrilege was expiated . He first caused the pix to be restored to the Church , and the offender was then led , bound as a thief , through the army , and afterwards hung upon a tree , that every man might behold him .Go , bid thy master well advise himself : If we may pass , we will ; if we be hinder \u2019 d , We shall your tawny ground with your red blood Discolour :] My desire is , that none of you be so unadvised , as to be the occasion that I in my defence shall colour and make red your tawny ground with the effusion of Christian blood . When hehad thus answered the Herald , he gave him a great reward , and licensed him to depart . \u2014 Holinshed .", "Nor , as we are , we say , we will not shun it :", "If we may pass , we will ; if we be hinder \u2019 d ,", "Yet , Heaven before ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["You know me by my habit .", "Thanks to your highness .", "Montjoy ."], "true_target": ["I shall deliver so .", "My master \u2019 s mind .", "Thus says my king :\u2014 Say thou to Harry of England : Though we seemed dead , we did but sleep . Tell him , he shall repent his folly , see his weakness , and admire our sufferance .Bid him , therefore , consider of his ransom ; which must proportion the losses we have borne , the subjects we have lost , the disgrace we have digested . For our losses , his exchequer is too poor ; for the effusion of our blood , the muster of his kingdom too faint a number ; and for our disgrace , his own person , kneeling at our feet , but a weak and worthless satisfaction . To this add \u2014 defiance : and tell him , for conclusion , he hath betrayed his followers , whose condemnation is pronounced . So far my king and master ; so much my office ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["DAUPHIN , the CONSTABLE , ORLEANS , and others , playing at dice .", "French", "Proud of their numbers , and secure in soul ,", "Give dreadful note of preparation .", "The secret whispers of each other \u2019 s watch :", "The poor condemned English , Like sacrifices , by their watchful fires Sit patiently , and inly ruminate The morning \u2019 s danger ; and their gestures sad , Investing lank-lean cheeks , and war-worn coats , Presenteth them unto the gazing moon So many horrid ghosts .O , now , who will behold The royal captain of this ruin \u2019 d band Walking from watch to watch , from tent to tent , Let him cry \u2014 Praise and glory on his head ! For forth he goes and visits all his host ; Bids them good-morrow with a modest smile , And calls them \u2014 brothers , friends , and countrymen . Upon his royal face there is no note How dread an army hath enrounded him ; Nor doth he dedicate one jot of colour Unto the weary and all-watched night ; But freshly looks , and overbears attaint With cheerful semblance and sweet majesty ; That every wretch , pining and pale before , Beholding him , plucks comfort from his looks : Then , mean and gentle all , Behold , as may unworthiness define , A little touch of Harry in the night : And so our scene must to the battle fly ; The field of Agincourt . Yet , sit and see ; Minding true thingsby what their mockeries be .", "Now entertain conjecture of a time", "Who , like a foul and ugly witch , doth limp", "So tediously away .", "Piercing the night \u2019 s dull ear ; and from the tents ,", "Fire answers fire ;", "Steed threatens steed , in high and boastful neighs"], "true_target": ["and through their paly flames", "From camp to camp , through the foul womb of night", "That the fix \u2019 d sentinels almost receive", "Scene opens and discovers the interior of a French tent , with the", "The hum of either army stilly sounds ,", "And chide the cripple tardy-gaited night ,", "Each battle sees the other \u2019 s umber \u2019 d face :", "Fills the wide vessel of the universe .", "With busy hammers closing rivets up ,", "The confident and over-lusty", "Do the low-rated English play at dice ;", "The armourers , accomplishing the knights ,", "When creeping murmur and the poring dark"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Who will go to hazard with me for twenty English prisoners ?", "If the English had any apprehension , they would run away ."], "true_target": ["Foolish curs , that run winking into the mouth of a Russian bear , and have their heads crushed like rotten apples ! You may as well say ,\u2014 that \u2019 s a valiant flea , that dare eat his breakfast on the lip of a lion .", "Will it never be day ?", "It is now two o \u2019 clock : but , let me see ,\u2014 by ten We shall have each a hundred Englishmen . SCENE CLOSES IN ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Just , just : give them great meals of beef , and iron and steel , they will eat like wolves , and fight like devils .", "Then we shall find to-morrow \u2014 they have only stomachs to eat , and none to fight . Now is it time to arm : Come , shall we about it ?"], "true_target": ["That island of England breeds very valiant creatures ; their mastiffs are of unmatchable courage .", "Would it were day ! Alas , poor Harry of England ! he longs not for the dawning , as we do .", "I would it were morning ; for I would fain be about the ears of the English ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["The prince longs to eat the English ."], "true_target": ["Ay , but these English are shrewdly out of beef ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Desire them all to my pavilion .", "Hen . Gad-a-mercy , old heart ! thou speakest cheerfully .", "And bid thy ceremony give thee cure !", "Hen . I am a gentleman of a company .", "Hen . If I live to see it , I will never trust his word after .", "Creating awe and fear in other men ?", "That beats upon the high shore of this world ,", "That play \u2019 st so subtly with a king \u2019 s repose :", "Hen . Good old knight ,", "Hen . Even so . What are you ?", "Hen . Lend me thy cloak , Sir Thomas .\u2014 Brothers both ,", "Can sleep so soundly as the wretched slave ,", "And but for ceremony , such a wretch ,", "Wherein thou art less happy being fear \u2019 d", "Hen . Your reproof is something too round :I should be angry with you , if the time were convenient .", "Hen . It sortswell with your fierceness .", "\u2019 Tis not the balm , the sceptre , and the ball ,", "Hen . I embrace it .", "Would men observingly distil it out ;", "Canst thou , when thou command \u2019 st the beggar \u2019 s knee ,", "Do my good morrow to them ; and anon", "Hen . Under Sir Thomas Erpingham .", "Hen .", "Hen . A friend .", "A good soft pillow for that good white head", "Hen . A friend .", "Subjected to the breath of every fool .", "Hen . I thank you : Heaven be with you !", "No , not all these , thrice-gorgeous ceremony ,", "Enter BEDFORD , R. H .", "Hen . No , my good knight ;", "Commend me to the princes in our camp ;", "Hen . No , I am a Welshman .", "Command the health of it ? No , thou proud dream ,", "Hen . Upon the king ! let us our lives , our souls ,", "L. H .", "Than they in fearing .", "Hen . No ; nor it is not meet he should .For , though I speak it to you , I think the king is but a man , as I am : the violet smells to him as it doth to me ; the element shows to him as it doth to me ; all his senses have but human conditions :therefore when he sees reason of fears , as we do , his fears , out of doubt , be of the same relish as ours are : Yet , in reason , no man should possess him with any appearance of fear , lest he , by showing it , should dishearten his army .", "Not all these , laid in bed majestical ,", "What infinite heart \u2019 s ease must king \u2019 s neglect ,", "O hard condition , twin-born with greatness ,", "Hen . Though it appear a little out of fashion , there is much care and valour in this Welshman .", "Gets him to rest , cramm \u2019 d with distressful bread ;", "Hen . If ever I live to see it , I will challenge it ."], "true_target": ["That private men enjoy !", "The throne he sits on , nor the tide of pomp", "What drink \u2019 st thou oft , instead of homage sweet ,", "Hen . I myself heard the king say he would not be ransomed .", "I am a king that find thee ; and I know ,", "Hen . Well , I will do it , though I take thee in the king \u2019 s company .", "Hen . Even as men wrecked upon a sand , that look to be washed off the next tide .", "Good morrow , brother Bedford .\u2014 Gracious Heaven !", "There is some soul of goodness in things evil ,", "Thus may we gather honey from the weed ,", "Our sins , lay on the king !\u2014 we must bear all .", "I and my bosom must debate a while ,", "The greater therefore should our courage be .", "The sword , the mace , the crown imperial ,", "Art thou aught else but place , degree , and form ,", "Enter ERPINGHAM .", "Hen . I dare say you love him not so ill , to wish him here alone , howsoever you speak this , to feel other men \u2019 s minds : Methinks I could not die any where so contented as in the king \u2019 s company ; his cause being just , and his quarrel honourable .", "And make a moral of the devil himself .", "Winding up days with toil and nights with sleep ,", "Hen . Then you are a better than the king .", "Were better than a churlish turf of France .", "Go with my brothers to my lords of England :", "Hen . Harry le Roi .", "Hen . Gloster , \u2019 tis true that we are in great danger ;", "Who , with a body fill \u2019 d and vacant mind ,", "Which is both healthful and good husbandry .", "Collect them all together at my tent :", "And what art thou , thou idol ceremony ?", "Hen . And his kinsman too .", "I \u2019 ll be before thee .", "And what have kings , that privates have not too ,", "Hen . Give me any gage of thine , and I will wear it in my bonnet : then , if ever thou darest acknowledge it , I will make it my quarrel .", "By my troth , I will speak my conscience of the king :", "Hen . Yes .", "Good morrow , old Sir Thomas Erpingham :", "Hen . O God of battles ! steel my soldier \u2019 s hearts ; Possess them not with fear ; take from them now The sense of reckoning , lest the opposed numbers Pluck their hearts from them !\u2014 Not to-day , O Lord , O , not to-day , think not upon the fault My father made in compassing the crown ! I Richard \u2019 s body have interred new ;And on it have bestow \u2019 d more contrite tears , Than from it issu \u2019 d forced drops of blood : Five hundred poor I have in yearly pay , Who twice a day their wither \u2019 d hands hold up Toward heaven , to pardon blood : More will I do \u2014The day , my friends , and all things stay for me .i. e ., one of the people . ]i. e ., a better man than the king . ]A burlesque term of endearment , supposed to be derived from beau coq . ]An imp is a young shoot , but means a son in Shakespeare . In this sense the word has become obsolete , and is now only understood as a small or inferior devil . In Holingshed , p. 951 , the last words of Lord Cromwell are preserved , who says :\u2014 \u201c\u2014\u2014 and after him , that his son Prince Edward , that goodly imp , may long reign over you .\u201d]", "Had the fore-hand and vantage of a king .", "And then I would no other company .", "Hen . There .", "Hen . So , if a son , that is by his father sent about merchandise , do sinfully miscarry upon the sea , the imputation of his wickedness , by your rule , should be imposed upon his father that sent him :\u2014 But this is not so : the king is not bound to answer the particular endings of his soldiers , nor the father of his son , for they purpose not their death , when they purpose their services . Every subject \u2019 s duty is the king \u2019 s ; but every subject \u2019 s soul is his own . Therefore should every soldier in the wars do as every sick man in his bed , wash every mote out of his conscience : and dying so , death is to him advantage ; or not dying , the time was blessedly lost wherein such preparation was gained .", "But poison \u2019 d flattery ? O , be sick , great greatness ,", "Hen . Do not you wear your dagger in your cap that day , lest he knock that about yours .", "Save ceremony , save general ceremony ?", "For our bad neighbour makes us early stirrers ,", "I think he would not wish himself any where but where he is ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 29}, {"query": ["Since I may say \u2014 now lie I like a king .", "Shall I attend your grace ?", "Not so , my liege : this lodging likes me better ,"], "true_target": ["Seek through your camp to find you .", "Heaven bless thee , noble Harry !", "My lord , your nobles , jealous of your absence ,", "I shall do \u2019 t , my lord ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 29}, {"query": ["The figo for thee , then !", "I love the lovely bully . What \u2019 s thy name ?", "A lad of life , an imp of fame ;", "Le Roi ! a Cornish name : art thou of Cornish crew ?", "Of parents good , of fist most valiant :", "Discuss unto me ; Art thou officer ? Or art thou base , common , and popular ?", "Trail \u2019 st thou the puissant pike ?", "Knowest thou Fluellen ?"], "true_target": ["Tell him , I \u2019 ll knock his leek about his pate ,", "and a heart of gold ,", "As good a gentleman as the emperor .", "I kiss his dirty shoe , and from my heart-strings", "Qui va l\u00e0 ?", "The king \u2019 s a bawcock ,", "Art thou his friend ?", "Upon Saint Davy \u2019 s day .", "My name is Pistol call \u2019 d ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 29}, {"query": ["Captain Fluellen !"], "true_target": ["Why , the enemy is loud ; you heard him all night .", "I will speak lower ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 29}, {"query": ["If the enemy is an ass , and a fool , and a prating coxcomb , is it meet , think you , that we should also , look you , be an ass , and a fool , and a prating coxcomb , in your own conscience , now ?"], "true_target": ["I pray you , and beseech you , that you will .", "So ! in the name of Heaven , speak lower .It is the greatest admiration in the universal \u2019 orld , when the true and auncient prerogatifes and laws of the wars is not kept : if you would take the pains but to examine the wars of Pompey the Great , you shall find , I warrant you , that there is no tiddle taddle , or pibble pabble in Pompey \u2019 s camp ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 29}, {"query": ["Keep thy word : fare thee well .", "But if the cause be not good , the king himself hath a heavy rekoning to make , when all those legs and arms and heads , chopped off in battle , shall join together at the latter day ,and cry all \u2014 We died at such place ; some swearing ; some crying for a surgeon ; some , upon their wives left poor behind them ; some , upon the debts they owe ; some , upon their children rawly left .I am afeard there are few die well that die in battle ; for how can they charitably dispose of any thing , when blood is their argument ? Now , if these men do not die well , it will be a black matter for the king that led them to it ; whom to disobey were against all proportion of subjection .", "\u2019 Tis certain , every man that dies ill , the ill is upon his own head ; the king is not to answer for it .", "That \u2019 s a perilous shot out of an elder gun , that a poor and private displeasure can do against a monarch ! you may as well go about to turn the sun to ice with fanning in his face with a peacock \u2019 s feather . You \u2019 ll never trust his word after ! come , \u2019 tis a foolish saying .", "Under what captain serve you ?", "We see yonder the beginning of the day , but , I think , we shall never see the end of it .\u2014 Who goes there ?", "Thou darest as well be hanged ."], "true_target": ["This will I also wear in my cap : if ever thou come to me and say , after to-morrow . This is my glove , by this hand , I will take thee a box on the ear .", "A good old commander , and a most kind gentleman : I pray you , what thinks he of our estate ?", "Ay , he said so , to make us fight cheerfully : but , when our throats are cut , he may be ransomed , and we ne \u2019 er the wiser .", "Brother John Bates , is not that the morning which breaks yonder ?", "Here \u2019 s my glove : give me another of thine .", "Let it be a quarrel between us , if you live .", "How shall I know thee again ?", "That \u2019 s more than we know ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 29}, {"query": ["I think it be : but we have no great cause to desire the approach of day .", "I do not desire he should answer for me ; and yet I determine to fight lustily for him .", "He hath not told his thought to the king ?"], "true_target": ["Be friends , you English fools , be friends :we have French quarrels enough , if you could tell how to reckon .", "Ay , or more than we should seek after ; for we know enough , if we know we are the king \u2019 s subjects : if his cause be wrong , our obedience to the king wipes the crime of it out of us .", "Then \u2019 would he were here alone ; so should he be sure to be ransomed , and a many poor men \u2019 s lives saved .", "He may show what outward courage he will ; but I believe , as cold a night as \u2019 tis , he could wish himself in the Thames up to the neck ; and so I would he were , and I by him , at all adventures , so we were quit here ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 29}, {"query": ["Now , my lord Constable !", "The sun doth gild our armour ; up , my lords ! My horse ! varlet ! lacquay ! ha !", "And dout them", "And give their fasting horses provender ,", "Mount them , and make incision in their hides ,"], "true_target": ["with superfluous courage , Ha !", "That their hot blood may spin in English eyes ,", "Enter CONSTABLE , L. H .", "Shall we go send them dinners and fresh suits ,", "And after fight with them ?", "Cousin Orleans .\u2014"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 30}, {"query": ["And all is done . Then let the trumpets sound :", "Flourish of trumpets .", "There is not work enough for all our hands ;", "To purge this field of such a hilding foe .", "The sun is high , and we outwear the day .", "Do but behold yon poor and starved band .", "For our approach shall so much dare the field ,", "A very little little let us do ,", "\u2019 Tis positive \u2019 gainst all exceptions , lords ,"], "true_target": ["That England shall couch down in fear , and yield .", "That our superfluous lackeys , are enough", "To horse , you gallant princes ! straight to horse !", "Hark , how our steeds for present service neigh !", "Scarce blood enough in all their sickly veins ,", "Come , come , away !", "On , to the field !", "What , will you have them weep our horses \u2019 blood ? How shall we , then , behold their natural tears ?", "To give each naked curtle-ax a stain ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 30}, {"query": ["Yon island carrions ,", "desperate of their bones ,", "Big Mars seems bankrupt in their beggar \u2019 d host ,", "Description cannot suit itself in words", "To demonstrate the life of such a battle", "And their executors , the knavish crows ,"], "true_target": ["Why do you stay so long , my lords of France ?", "In life so lifeless as it shows itself .", "Ill-favour \u2019 dly become the morning field :", "And our air shakes them passing scornfully :", "Fly o \u2019 er them , all impatient for their hour .", "Their ragged curtains poorly are let loose ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 30}, {"query": ["But one ten thousand of those men in England", "Without more help , might fight this battle out !", "Would you and I alone , my liege ,", "That do no work to-day !"], "true_target": ["Of fighting men they have full threescore thousand .", "Trumpet sounds without , L. H .", "Perish the man whose mind is backward now !", "O that we now had here"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 31}, {"query": ["Then , joyfully ,\u2014 my noble lord of Bedford ,\u2014", "Warriors all , adieu !"], "true_target": ["It is fearful odds .", "If we no more meet till we meet in heaven ,", "My dear lord Gloster ,\u2014 and my good lord Exeter ,\u2014"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 31}, {"query": ["Familiar in their mouths as household words ,\u2014", "They shall have none , I swear , but these my joints ,", "Rather proclaim it , Westmoreland , through my host ,", "But , by the mass , our hearts are in the trim ;", "He that shall live this day , and see old age ,", "are all besmirch \u2019 d", "Our gayness and our guilt", "Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars ,", "Come thou no more for ransom , gentle herald :", "And my poor soldiers tell me \u2014 yet ere night", "But we in it shall be remembered .", "To do our country loss ; and if to live ,", "Shall yield them little , tell the Constable .", "That fought with us upon Saint Crispin \u2019 s day .", "And hold their manhoods cheap while any speaks", "From this day to the ending", "Hen . Thou dost not wish more help from England , cousin ?", "Let him depart ; his passport shall be made ,", "For he to-day that sheds his blood with me", "Hen . I pray thee , bear my former answer back :", "Hen .Who hath sent thee now ?", "Good Heaven ! Why should they mock poor fellows thus ?", "This story shall the good man teach his son ;", "And turn them out of service .", "But he \u2019 ll remember with advantages", "If we are mark \u2019 d to die , we are enough", "We would not die in that man \u2019 s company ,", "Old men forget ; yet all shall be forgot ,", "Will stand a tip-toe when this day is nam \u2019 d ,", "of the world ,", "Let me speak proudly :\u2014 Tell the Constable ,", "Which if they have as I will leave \u2019 em to them ,", "The man , that once did sell the lion \u2019 s skin"], "true_target": ["Hen . Now , soldiers , march away :\u2014 And how thou pleasest , Heaven , dispose the day !Trumpet March .The king is reported to have dismounted before the battle commenced , and to have fought on foot . ]i. e ., the evening before the festival . ]Old men , notwithstanding the natural forgetfulness of age , shall remember their feats of this day , and remember to tell them with advantage . Age is commonly boastful , and inclined to magnify past acts and past times . \u2014 JOHNSON . ]It may be observed that we are apt to promise to ourselves a more lasting memory than the changing state of human things admits . This prediction is not verified ; the feast of Crispin passes by without any mention of Agincourt . Late events obliterate the former : the civil wars have left in this nation scarcely any tradition of more ancient history . \u2014 JOHNSON . ]This day shall advance him to the rank of a gentleman . King Henry V. inhibited any person but such as had a right by inheritance , or grant , to assume coats of arms , except those who fought with him at the battle of Agincourt ; and , I think , these last were allowed the chief seats of honour at all feasts and publick meetings . \u2014 TOLLET . ]", "Hen .All things are ready , if our minds be so .", "Hen .", "The gay new coats o \u2019 er the French soldiers \u2019 heads ,", "Shall think themselves accurs \u2019 d they were not here ;", "He , that outlives this day , and comes safe home ,", "While the beast liv \u2019 d , was kill \u2019 d with hunting him .", "Warwick and Talbot , Salisbury and Gloster ,\u2014", "and then sell my bones .", "With rainy marching in the painful field ,", "And gentlemen in England , now a-bed ,", "What \u2019 s he that wishes so ?", "We few , we happy few , we band of brothers ;", "That he who hath no stomach to this fight .", "That fears his fellowship to die with us .", "Be in their flowing cups freshly remember \u2019 d .", "And Crispin Crispian shall ne \u2019 er go by ,", "The fewer men , the greater share of honour .", "Shall be my brother ; be he ne \u2019 er so vile ,", "And crowns for convoy put into his purse :", "What feats he did that day : Then shall our names ,", "They \u2019 ll be in fresher robes ; or they will pluck", "And say , those wounds I had on Crispin \u2019 s day .", "Bid them achieve me ,", "Harry the King , Bedford and Exeter ,", "This day shall gentle his condition :", "And rouse him at the name of Crispian .", "And say \u2014 to-morrow is Saint Crispian :", "This day is call \u2019 d \u2014 the feast of Crispian :", "We are but warriors for the working-day :", "And time hath worn us into slovenry .", "Will yearly on the vigil feast his friends ,", "My cousin Westmoreland ?\u2014 No , my fair cousin :", "I pray thee , wish not one man more ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 31}, {"query": ["My sovereign lord , bestow yourself with speed :"], "true_target": ["And will with all expedience charge on us .", "The French are bravely in their battles set ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 31}, {"query": ["I shall , King Harry .", "And so , fare thee well :"], "true_target": ["Thou never shalt hear herald any more .", "The Constable of France .", "Once more I come to know of thee , King Harry , If for thy ransom thou wilt now compound , Before thy most assured overthrow ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 31}, {"query": ["Reproach and everlasting shame", "Shame , and eternal shame , nothing but shame ! Let us die in honor : Once more back again .", "If any order might be thought upon .", "O perdurable shame !\u2014 let \u2019 s stab ourselves . Be these the wretches that we play \u2019 d at dice for ?"], "true_target": ["Sits mocking in our plumes .", "We are enough , yet living in the field ,", "All is confounded , all !", "To smother up the English in our throngs ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 32}, {"query": ["Alarums .", "Disorder , that hath spoil \u2019 d us , friend us now !", "Let us in heaps go offer up our lives"], "true_target": ["Why , all our ranks are broke .", "Unto these English , or else die with fame .", "The devil take order now ! I \u2019 ll to the throng :", "Let life be short ; else shame will be too long ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 32}, {"query": ["Hen . How now ! what means this , herald ? Com \u2019 st thou again for ransom ?", "Hen . Call him hither to me , soldier .", "Hen . Then call we this \u2014 the field of Agincourt ,", "Go , and tell them so .", "And gallop o \u2019 er the field .", "I saw him down ; thrice up again and fighting ;", "If they will fight with us , bid them come down ,", "Hen . What think you , Captain Fluellen ? is it fit this soldier keep his oath ?", "Hen . Knowest thou Gower ?", "For yet a many of your horsemen peer", "Fought on the day of Crispin Crispianus .", "Call yonder fellow hither .", "I know not if the day be ours or no ;", "Ride thou unto the horsemen on yon hill :", "Hen .", "Hen . Praised be Heaven , and not our strength , for it !\u2014", "Hen . Pray thee , go seek him , and bring him to my tent .", "If they \u2019 ll do neither , we will come to them ;", "On both our parts .\u2014", "With mistful eyes , or they will issue too .", "Hen .My lord of Warwick ,\u2014 and my brother Gloster ,Follow Fluellen closely at the heels : The glove which I have given him for a favour May haply purchase him a box o \u2019 the ear ; It is the soldier \u2019 s ; I , by bargain , should Wear it myself . Follow , good cousin Warwick :If that the soldier strike himSome sudden mischief may arise of it ; For I do know Fluellen valiant , And , touch \u2019 d with choler , hot as gunpowder , And quickly will return an injury : Follow ,and see there be no harm between them .\u2014Go you with me , Uncle of Exeter .Trumpets sound .", "From helmet to the spur , all blood he was ."], "true_target": ["Hen . Thanks , good my countryman .", "Hen . I blame you not :", "Hen . Lives he , good uncle ? thrice within this hour ,", "And make them skirr away , as swift as stones", "For I am Welsh , you know , good countryman .", "Hen . Then keep thy vow , sirrah , when thou meet \u2019 st the fellow .", "they do offend our sight :", "Or void the field ;", "Hen .Soldier , why wear \u2019 st thou that glove in thy cap ?", "Enforced from the old Assyrian slings .", "Hen . Who servest thou under ?", "Bring me just notice of the numbers dead", "Hen . Here , Fluellen ; wear thou this favour for me , and stick it in thy cap : When Alen\u00e7on and myself were down together ,I plucked this glove from his helm : if any man challenge this , he is a friend to Alen\u00e7on and an enemy to our person ; if thou encounter any such , apprehend him , an thou dost love me .", "Until this instant .\u2014 Take a trumpet , herald ;", "For , hearing this , I must perforce compound", "Hen . An Englishman ?", "Hen . It may be his enemy is a gentleman of great sort ,quite from the answer of his degree .", "Hen .They did , Fluellen .", "Hen . I tell thee truly , herald ,", "I was not angry since I came to France ,", "Hen . I wear it for a memorable honour ;", "What is this castle call \u2019 d that stands hard by ?", "Hen . Heaven keep me so !\u2014 Our herald go with him :"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 33}, {"query": ["Commend my service to my sovereign .", "He smil \u2019 d me in the face , raught me his hand ,", "He threw his wounded arm , and kiss \u2019 d his lips ;", "So did he turn , and over Suffolk \u2019 s neck", "My soul shall thine keep company to heaven :", "The Duke of York commends him to your majesty .", "Comes to him , where in gore he lay insteep \u2019 d ,", "As in this glorious and well foughten field ,", "But all my mother came into mine eyes ,", "And gave me up to tears .", "The pretty and sweet manner of it forc \u2019 d", "And cries aloud :\u2014 Tarry , dear cousin Suffolk !", "The noble Earl of Suffolk also lay .", "A testament of noble-ending love .", "And so espous \u2019 d to death , with blood he seal \u2019 d"], "true_target": ["Here comes the herald of the French , my liege .", "Soldier , you must come to the king .", "Tarry , sweet soul , for mine , then fly abreast ;", "That bloodily did yarn upon his face ;", "And takes him by the hand ; kisses the gashes ,", "Those waters from me , which I would have stopp \u2019 d ;", "Larding the plain ; and by his bloody side ,", "But I had not so much of man in me ,", "Suffolk first died : and York , all haggled over ,", ",", "And with a feeble gripe , says ,\u2014 Dear , my lord ,", "Upon these words I came , and cheer \u2019 d him up :", "We keep together in our chivalry !", ", did he lie ,", "In which array ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 33}, {"query": ["Fret fetlock deep in gore , and , with wild rage", "To view the field in safety , and dispose", "Lie drown \u2019 d and soak \u2019 d in mercenary blood ;", "To book our dead , and then to bury them ;", "Yerk out their armed heels at their dead masters ,", "They call it \u2014 Agincourt .", "Killing them twice . O , give us leave , great king ,"], "true_target": ["That we may wander o \u2019 er this bloody field", "No , great king :", "For many of our princes", "To sort our nobles from our common men ,", "The day is yours .", "and their wounded steeds", "I come to thee for charitable licence ,", "Of their dead bodies !"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 33}, {"query": ["He is a craven and a villain else , an \u2019 t please your majesty , in my conscience .", "I will fetch him .", "All the water in Wye cannot wash your majesty \u2019 s Welsh plood out of your pody , I can tell you that : Heaven pless it , and preserve it , as long as it pleases his grace , and his majesty too !", "Your grandfather of famous memory , an \u2019 t please your majesty , and your great uncle Edward the plack prince of Wales , as I have read in the chronicles , fought a most prave pattle here in France .", "I am your majesty \u2019 s countryman , I care not who know it : I will confess it to all the \u2019 orld : I need not to be ashamed of your majesty , praised be Heaven , so long as your majesty is an honest man ."], "true_target": ["Your majesty says very true : if your majesties is remembered of it , the Welshman did goot service in a garden where leeks did grow , wearing leeks in their Monmouth caps ;which , your majesty knows , to this hour is an honourable padge of the service ; and I do believe , your majesty takes no scorn to wear the leek upon Saint Tavy \u2019 s day .", "He is my dear friend , an please you .", "Gower is a goot captain , and is good knowledge and literature in the wars .", "Though he be as goot a gentleman as the tevil is , as Lucifer and Belzebub himself , it is necessary , look your grace , that he keep his vow and his oath .", "Your grace does me as great honours as can be desired in the hearts of his subjects : I would fain see the man , that has but two legs , that shall find himself aggriefed at this glove , that is all ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 33}, {"query": ["I will , my liege .", "An \u2019 t please your majesty , a rascal that swaggered with me last night ; who , if \u2019 a live , and ever dare to challenge this glove , I have sworn to take him a box o \u2019 the ear : or , if I can see my glove in his capI will strike it out soundly ."], "true_target": ["So I will , my liege , as I live .", "An \u2019 t please your majesty , \u2019 tis the gage of one that I should fight withal , if he be alive .", "Under Captain Gower , my liege ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 33}, {"query": ["I am no traitor .", "All offences , my liege , come from the heart : never came any from mine , that might offend your majesty .", "Do you think I \u2019 ll be forsworn ?", "I will none of your money ."], "true_target": ["I know this ; and thus I challenge it .", "I warrant it is to knight you , captain .", "Sir , know you this glove ?", "Your majesty came not like yourself : you appeared to me but as a common man ; witness the night , your garments , your lowliness ; and what your highness suffered under that shape , I beseech you , take it for your own fault , and not mine : for had you been as I took you for , I made no offence ; therefore , I beseech your highness , pardon me .", "My liege , this was my glove ; here is the fellow of it ; and he that I gave it to in change promised to wear it in his cap : I promised to strike him , if he did : I met this man with my glove in his cap , and I have been as good as my word ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 34}, {"query": ["An please your majesty , let his neck answer for it , if there is any martial law in the \u2019 orld .", "\u2019 Sblud , an arrant traitor as any \u2019 s in the universal \u2019 orld , or in", "France , or in England !", "My liege , here is a villain and a traitor , that , look your grace , has struck the glove which your majesty is take out of the helmet of Alen\u00e7on .", "By this day and this light , the fellow has mettle enough in his pelly .\u2014 Hold , there is twelve pence for you ; and I pray you to serve Heaven , and keep you out of prawls , and prabbles , and quarrels , and dissensions , and , I warrant you , it is the petter for you .", "Yes , my conscience , he did us great goot .", "Stand away , Captain Gower ; I will give treason his payment in plows , I warrant you ."], "true_target": ["My lord of Gloster , here isa most contagious treason come to light , look you , as you shall desire in a summer \u2019 s day . Here is his majesty .", "It is with a goot will ; I can tell you , it will serve you to mend your shoes : Come , wherefore should you be so pashful ? your shoes is not so goot : \u2019 tis a goot silling , I warrant you , or I will change it .", "Heaven \u2019 s will and pleasure , captain , I peseech you now , come apace to the king : there is more goot toward you peradventure than is in your knowledge to dream of .", "Know the glove ! I know , the glove is a glove .", "That \u2019 s a lie in thy throat .\u2014 I charge you in his majesty \u2019 s name , apprehend him : he \u2019 s a friend of the duke Alen\u00e7on \u2019 s .", "Your majesty hear nowwhat an arrant , rascally , beggarly , lowsy knave it is : I hope , your majesty is pear me testimony , and witness , and avouchments , that this is the glove of Alen\u00e7on , that your majesty is give me , in your conscience , now .", "Is it not lawful , and please your majesty , to tell how many is killed ?"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 34}, {"query": ["Hen .Now , herald , are the dead number \u2019 d ?", "Which is his only .", "And give it to this fellow .\u2014", "The rest are \u2014 princes , barons , lords , knights , \u2019 squires ,", "Hen . How can \u2019 st thou make me satisfaction ?", "And not to us , but to thy arm alone ,", "Hen .How now ! what \u2019 s the matter ?", "Keep it , fellow ;", "And wear it for an honour in thy cap", "What is the number of our English dead ?", "Hen . O Heaven , thy arm was here ;", "Five hundred were but yesterday dubb \u2019 d knights :", "Hen . Give me thy glove , soldier : Look , here is the fellow of it . \u2019 Twas I , indeed , thou promised \u2019 st to strike ; and thou hast given me most bitter terms .", "And nobles bearing banners , there lie dead", "Of knights , esquires , and gallant gentlemen ,", "For it is only thine !", "That Heaven fought for us .", "There are but sixteen hundred mercenaries :", "So that , in these ten thousand they have lost ,", "Hen . Do we all holy rites :Let there be sung Non nobis and Te Deum ; The dead with charity enclos \u2019 d in clay : We \u2019 ll then to Calais ; and to England then ; Where ne \u2019 er from France arriv \u2019 d more happy men .END OF ACT FOUR .In ancient times , the distribution of this honor appears to have been customary on the eve of a battle . ]i. e ., common soldiers , hired soldiers . ] HISTORICAL NOTES TO ACT FOURTH .The English Camp at Agincourt . ] The French were about a quarter of a mile from them at Agincourt and Ruisseauville , and both armies proceeded to light their fires , and to make the usual arrangements for a bivouack . The night was very rainy , and much inconvenience is said to have been experienced in each camp from wet and cold , accompanied , among the English , by hunger and fatigue . It was passed in a manner strictly consistent with their relative situations . The French , confident in their numbers , occupied the hours not appropriated to sleep in calculating upon their success ; and in full security of a complete victory , played at dice with each other for the disposal of their prisoners , an archer being valued at a blank , and the more important persons in proportion ; whilst the English were engaged in preparing their weapons , and in the most solemn acts of religion . * * * The Chronicler in the text states , that from the great stillness which prevailed throughout the English camp , the enemy imagined they were panic-struck , and intended to decamp . Monstrelet relates that the English \u201c were much fatigued and oppressed by cold , hunger , and other annoyances ; that they made their peace with God , by confessing their sins with tears , and numbers of them taking the sacrament ; for , as it was related by some prisoners , they looked for certain death on the morrow .\u201dEnter Erpingham . ] Sir Thomas Erpingham came over with Bolingbroke from Bretagne , and was one of the commissioners to receive King Richard \u2019 s abdication . In Henry the Fifth \u2019 s time Sir Thomas was warden of Dover Castle , and at the battle of Agincourt , was commander of the Archers . This venerable knight is described by Monstrelet to have grown grey with age and honour ; and when orders were given for the English army to march toward the enemy , by Henry crying aloud , \u201c Advance banners ,\u201d Sir Thomas threw his truncheon in the air as a signal to the whole field , exclaiming , \u201c Now strike ;\u201d and loud and repeated shouts testified the readiness with which they obeyed the command .I Richard \u2019 s body have interred new ;] Henry was anxious not only to repair his own misconduct , but also to make amends for those iniquities into which policy or the necessity of affairs had betrayed his father . He expressed the deepest sorrow for the fate of the unhappy Richard , did justice to the memory of that unfortunate prince , even performed his funeral obsequies with pomp and solemnity , and cherished all those who had distinguished themselves by their loyalty and attachment towards him . \u2014 Hume \u2019 s History of England .Enter Orleans . ] Charles Duke of Orleans was wounded and taken prisoner at Agincourt . Henry refused all ransom for him , and he remained in captivity twenty-three years . This prince was a celebrated poet , and some of his most beautiful verses were composed during his confinement in the Tower of London . He married Isabella of Valois , daughter of Charles VI . and Isabeau of Bavaria , eldest sister to the Princess Katharine , Queen of Henry V . Isabella was the widow of our Richard the Second when she married the Duke of Orleans . After the victory of Agincourt , the following anecdote is related by Remy :\u2014 \u201c During their journey to Calais , at a place where they rested , Henry caused bread and wine to be brought to him , which he sent to the Duke of Orleans ; but the French Prince would neither eat nor drink . This being reported to the King , he imagined that it arose from dissatisfaction , and , therefore , went to the duke . \u2018 Noble cousin ,\u2019 said Henry , \u2018 how are you ?\u2019 \u2018 Well , my lord ,\u2019 answered the duke . \u2018 Why , then , is it ,\u2019 added the King , \u2018 that you will neither eat nor drink ?\u2019 To which Orleans replied , \u2018 that truly he had no inclination for food .\u2019 \u2018 Noble cousin ,\u2019 rejoined Henry , \u2018 be of good heart . I know that God gave me the victory over the French , not that I deserved it , but I fully believe that he wished to punish them ; and if what I have heard is true , it is not to be wondered at , for never were there greater disorder , sensuality , sins , and vices seen than now prevail in France ; which it is horrible to hear described ; and if God is provoked , it is not a subject of surprise , and no one can be astonished .\u2019 Many more conversations are said to have passed between the King and the Duke of Orleans , and the commisseration and courtesy of the former to his prisoners is mentioned by every writer in terms of just praise .\u201dThe English army , drawn up for battle ;] The victory gained at Agincourt , in the year 1415 , is , in a great measure , ascribed to the English Archers , and that there might be no want of arrows , Henry V. ordered the sheriffs of several counties to procure feathers from the wings of geese , plucking six from each goose . An archer of this time was clad in a cuirass , or a hauberk of chain-mail , with a salade on his head , which was a kind of bacinet . Every man had a good bow , a sheaf of arrows , and a sword . Fabian describes the archer \u2019 s dress at the battle of Agincourt . \u201c The yeomen had their limbs at liberty , for their hose was fastened with one point , and their jackets were easy to shoot in , so that they might draw bows of great strength , and shoot arrows a yard long .\u201d Some are described as without hats or caps , others with caps of boiled leather , or wicker work , crossed over with iron ; some without shoes , and all in a very dilapidated condition . Each bore on his shoulder a long stake , sharpened at both extremities , which he was instructed to fix obliquely before him in the ground , and thus oppose a rampart of pikes to the charge of the French Cavalry .O that we now had here But one ten thousand of those men in England That do no work to day ! ] A certain lord Walter Hungerford , knight , was regretting in the king \u2019 s presence that he had not , in addition to the small retinue which he had there , ten thousand of the best English Archers , who would be desirous of being with him ; when the King said , Thou speaketh foolishly , for , by the God of Heaven , on whose grace I have relied , and in whom I have a firm hope of victory , I would not , even if I could , increase my number by one ; for those whom I have are the people of God , whom He thinks me worthy to have at this time . Dost thou not believe the Almighty , with these his humble few , is able to conquer the haughty opposition of the French , who pride themselves on their numbers , and their own strength , as if it might be said they would do as they liked ? And in my opinion , God , of his true justice , would not bring any disaster upon one of so great confidence , as neither fell out to Judas Maccabeus until he became distrustful , and thence deservedly fell into ruin . \u2014 Nicolas \u2019 s History of Agincourt .Enter King Henry , attended . ] Henry rose with the earliest dawn , and immediately heard three masses . He was habited in his \u201c cote d \u2019 armes ,\u201d containing the arms of France and England quarterly , and wore on his bacinet a very rich crown of gold and jewels , circled like an imperial crown , that is , arched over . The earliest instance of an arched crown worn by an English monarch . \u2014 Vide Planch\u00e9 \u2019 s History of British Costume . King Henry had at Agincourt for his person five banners ; that is , the banner of the Trinity , the banner of St. George , the banner of St. Edward , the banner of St. Edmund , and the banner of his own arms . \u201c When the King of England had drawn up his order of battle he made a fine address to his troops , exhorting them to act well ; saying , that he was come into France to recover his lawful inheritance , and that he had good and just cause to claim it ; that in that quarrel they might freely and surely fight ; that they should remember that they were born in the kingdom where their fathers and mothers , wives and children , now dwelt , and therefore they ought to strive to return there with great glory and fame ; that the kings of England , his predecessors , had gained many noble battles and successes over the French ; that on that day every one should endeavour to preserve his own person and the honor of the crown of the King of England . He moreover reminded them that the French boasted they would cut off three fingers from the right hand of every archer they should take , so that their shot should never again kill man nor horse . The army cried out loudly , saying , \u2018 Sir , we pray God give you a good life , and the victory over your enemies .\u2019\u201d \u2014 Nicolas \u2019 s History of Agincourt . The banner of the Oriflamme is said to have been unfurled by the French for the last time at Agincourt .The feast of Crispian . ] The battle of Agincourt was fought upon the 25th of October , 1415 , St. Crispin \u2019 s day . The legend upon which this is founded , is as follows :\u2014 \u201c Crispinus and Crispianus were brethren , born at Rome ; from whence they travelled to Soissons in France , about the year 303 , to propagate the Christian religion ; but because they would not be chargeable to others for their maintenance , they exercised the trade of shoemakers ; but the Governor of the town , discovering them to be Christians , ordered them to be beheaded about the year 303 . From which time , the shoemakers made choice of them for their tutelar saints .\u201d \u2014 See Hall \u2019 s Chronicle .Bedford and Exeter , Warwick and Talbot , Salisbury and Gloster . ] Although Shakespeare has adhered very closely to history in many parts of Henry V ., he has deviated very much from it in the Dramatis Person\u00e6 . He makes the Duke of Bedford accompany Henry to Harfleur and Agincourt when he was Regent of England . The Earl of Exeter , or , more properly speaking , the Earl of Dorset , was left to command Harfleur ; the Earl of Westmoreland , so far from quitting England , was appointed to defend the marches of Scotland , nor does it appear that the Earl of Salisbury was either at Harfleur or Agincourt . The Earl of Warwickhad returned to England ill from Harfleur . The characters introduced in the play who really were at Agincourt , are the Dukes of Gloucester and York , and Sir Thomas Erpingham . Holinshed states that the English army consisted of 15 , 000 , and the French of 60 , 000 horse and 40 , 000 infantry \u2014 in all , 100 , 000 . Walsingham and Harding represent the English as but 9 , 000 , and other authors say that the number of French amounted to 150 , 000 . Fabian says the French were 40 , 000 , and the English only 7 , 000 . The battle lasted only three hours .How thou pleasest , Heaven , dispose the day . ] At the battle of Agincourt , having chosen a convenient spot on which to martial his men , the king sent privately two hundred archers into a low meadow , which was on one of his flanks , where they were so well secured by a deep ditch and a marsh , that the enemy could not come near them . Then he divided his infantry into three squadrons , or battles ; the van-warde , or avant-guard , composed entirely of archers ; the middle-warde , of bill-men only ; and the rerewarde , of bill-men and archers mixed together ; the horse-men , as wings , went on the flanks of each of the battles . He also caused stakes to be made of wood about five or six feet long , headed with sharp iron ; these were fixed in the ground , and the archers so placed before them that they were entirely hid from the sight of the enemy . When , therefore , the heavy cavalry of the French charged , which was done with the utmost impetuosity , under the idea of cutting down and riding over the archers , they shrunk at once behind the stakes , and the Frenchmen , unable to stop their horses , rode full upon them , so that they overthrew their riders , and caused the utmost confusion . The infantry , who were to follow up and support this charge , were so struck with amazement that they hesitated , and by this were lost , for during the panic the English archers threw back their bows , and with axes , bills , glaives , and swords , slew the French , till they met the middle-warde . The king himself , according to Speed , rode in the main battle completely armed , his shield quartering the achievements of France and England ; upon his helm he wore a coronet encircled with pearls and precious stones , and after the victory , although it had been cut and bruised , he would not suffer it to be ostentatiously exhibited to the people , but ordered all his men to give the glory to God alone . His horse was one of fierce courage , and had a bridle and furniture of goldsmiths \u2019 work , and the caparisons were most richly embroidered with the victorious ensigns of the English monarchy . Thus is he represented on his great seal , with the substitution of a knights \u2019 cap , and the crest , for the chaplet . Elmham \u2019 s account , from which this is amplified , is more particular in some of the details ; he relates , that the king appeared on a palfrey , followed by a train of led horses , ornamented with the most gorgeous trappings ; his helmet was of polished steel , surmounted with a coronet sparkling with jewels , and on his surcoat , or rather jupon , were emblazoned the arms of France and England , azure , three fleurs-de-lis or , and gules , three lion \u2019 s passant guardant or . The nobles , in like manner , were decorated with their proper armorial bearings . Before him was borne the royal standard , which was ornamented with gold and splendid colours . An account of the memorable battle of Azincourt , or Agincourt , fought on the 25th of October , 1415 , is thus related by Mr. Turner :\u2014 \u201c At dawn the King of England had matins and the mass chaunted in his army . He stationed all the horses and baggage in the village , under such small guard as he could spare , having resolved to fight the battle on foot . He sagaciously perceived that his only chance of victory rested in the superiority of the personal fortitude and activity of his countrymen , and to bring them face to face , and arm to arm , with their opponents , was the simple object of his tactical dispositions . He formed his troops into three divisions , with two wings . The centre , in which he stationed himself , he planted to act against the main body of the French , and he placed the right and left divisions , with their wings , at a small distance only from himself . He so chose his ground that the village protected his rear , and hedges and briars defended his flanks . Determined to shun no danger , but to be a conspicuous example to his troops on a day when no individual exertions could be spared , he put on a neat and shining armour , with a large and brilliant helmet , and on this he placed a crown , radiant with its jewels , and he put over him a tunic adorned with the arms of France and England . He mounted his horse , and proceeded to address his troops . The French were commanded by the Constable of France , and with him were the Dukes of Orleans , Burgundy , Berry , and Alen\u00e7on , the Marshal and Admiral of France , and a great assemblage of French nobility . Their force was divided into three great battalions , and continued formed till ten o \u2019 clock , not advancing to the attack . They were so numerous as to be able to draw up thirty deep , the English but four . A thousand speared horsemen skirmished from each of the horns of the enemy \u2019 s line , and it appeared crowded with balistae for the projection of stones of all sizes on Henry \u2019 s little army . Henry sent a part of his force behind the village of Agincourt , where the French had placed no men at arms . He moved from the rear of his army , unperceived , two hundred archers , to hide themselves in a meadow on the flank of the French advanced line . An old and experienced knight , Sir Thomas Erpingham , formed the rest into battle array for an attack , putting the archers in front , and the men at arms behind . The archers had each a sharp stake pointed at both ends , to use against the French horse . Sir Thomas having completed his formation , threw up his truncheon in the air , and dismounted . The English began the attack , which the French had awaited , not choosing to give the advantage as at Poictiers ; but when they saw them advance , they put themselves in motion , and their cavalry charged ; these were destroyed by the English archers . The French , frightened by the effect of the arrows , bent their heads to prevent them from entering the vizors of their helmets , and , pressing forward , became so wedged together as to be unable to strike . The archers threw back their bows , and , grasping their swords , battle-axes , and other weapons , cut their way to the second line . At this period the ambushed archers rushed out , and poured their impetuous and irresistable arrows into the centre of the assailed force , which fell in like manner with the first line . In short , every part successively gave way , and the English had only to kill and take prisoners .\u201dThe Duke of York commanded the van guard of the English army , and was slain in the battle . This personage is the same who appears in Shakespeare \u2019 s play of King Richard the Second by the title of Duke of Aumerle . His Christian name was Edward . He was the eldest son of Edmund Langley , Duke of York , who is introduced in the same play , and who was the fifth son of King Edward III . Richard , Earl of Cambridge , who appears in the second act of this play , was younger brother to this Edward , Duke of York .Ride thou unto the horsemen on yon hill :] After the battle , \u201c there were small bodies of the French on different parts of the plain , but they were soon routed , slain , or taken .\u201dEnter MONTJOY . ] Heasked Montjoye to whom the victory belonged , to him or to the King of France ? Montjoye replied that the victory was his , and could not be claimed by the King of France . The king said to the French and English heralds , \u201c It is not we who have made this great slaughter , but the omnipotent God , as we believe , for a punishment of the sins of the French . The king then asked the name of the castle he saw near him . He was told it was Agincourt . Well , then , said he , since all battles should bear the name of the fortress nearest to the spot where they were fought , this battle shall from henceforth bear the ever durable name of Agincourt .\u201d \u2014 Nicolas \u2019 s History of Agincourt .When Alen\u00e7on and myself were down together . ] During the battle , the Duke of Alen\u00e7on most valiantly broke through the English line , and advanced , fighting , near to the king , insomuch that he wounded and struck down the Duke of York . King Henry , seeing this , stepped forth to his aid , and as he was leaning down to raise him , the Duke of Alen\u00e7on gave him a blow on the helmet that struck off part of his crown . The king \u2019 s guard on this surrounded him , when , seeing he could no way escape death but by surrendering , he lifted up his arm , and said to the king , \u201c I am the Duke of Alen\u00e7on , and yield myself to you ;\u201d but as the king was holding out his hand to receive his pledge , he was put to death by the guards . \u2014 Nicolas \u2019 s History of Agincourt .Enter WARWICK and GLOSTER . ] The noble Duke of Gloucester , the king \u2019 s brother , pushing himself too vigorously on his horse into the conflict , was grievously wounded , and cast down to the earth by the blows of the French , for whose protection the king being interested , he bravely leapt against his enemies in defence of his brother , defended him with his own body , and plucked and guarded him from the raging malice of the enemy \u2019 s , sustaining perils of war scarcely possible to be borne . \u2014 Nicolas \u2019 s History of Agincourt .Here was a royal fellowship of death !\u2014] There is not much difficulty in forming a correct estimate of the numbers of the French slain at Agincourt , for if those writers who only state that from three to five thousand were killed , merely meant the men-at-arms and persons of superior rank , and which is exceedingly probable , we may at once adopt the calculation of Monstrelet , Elmham , & c ., and estimate the whole loss on the field at from ten to eleven thousand men . It is worthy of remark how very nearly the different statements on the subject approach to each other , and which can only be explained by the fact that the dead had been carefully numbered . Among the most illustrious persons slain were the Dukes of Brabant , Barr\u00e9 , and Alen\u00e7on , five counts , and a still greater proportion of distinguished knights ; and the Duke of Orleans , the Count of Vend\u00f4sme , who was taken by Sir John Cornwall , the Marshall Bouciqualt , and numerous other individuals of distinction , whose names are minutely recorded by Monstrelet , were made prisoners . The loss of the English army has been variously estimated . The discrepancies respecting the number slain on the part of the victors , form a striking contrast to the accuracy of the account of the loss of their enemies . The English writers vary in their statements from seventeen to one hundred , whilst the French chroniclers assert that from three hundred to sixteen hundred individuals fell on that occasion . St. Remy and Monstrelet assert that sixteen hundred were slain . \u2014 Nicolas \u2019 s History of Agincourt ."], "true_target": ["But in plain shock and even play of battle ,", "One hundred twenty-six : added to these ,", "Hen .What prisoners of good sort are taken , uncle ?", "And gentlemen of blood and quality .", "Was ever known so great and little loss", "And be it death proclaimed through our host", "Hen . It was ourself thou didst abuse .", "Till I do challenge it .\u2014 Give him the crowns :\u2014", "Hen . Come , go we in procession to the village :", "To boast of this , or take that praise from Heaven", "Hen . Here , uncle Exeter , fill this glove with crowns ,", "And , captain , you must needs be friends with him .", "Here was a royal fellowship of death !\u2014\u2014", "Yes , captain ; but with this acknowledgment ,", "This note doth tell me of ten thousand French", "Hen .", "Eight thousand and four hundred ; of the which ,", "That in the field lie slain : of princes , in this number ,", "Ascribe we all ! When , without stratagem ,", "On one part and on the other ?\u2014 Take it , Heaven ,", "Hen ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 34}, {"query": ["Of other lords and barons , knights and \u2019 squires ,", "Full fifteen hundred , besides common men .", "John duke of Bourbon , and lord Bouciqualt :", "But five and twenty ."], "true_target": ["Edward the duke of York , the earl of Suffolk ,", "\u2019 Tis wonderful !", "Charles duke of Orleans , nephew to the king ;", "None else of name ; and of all other men", "Sir Richard Ketley , Davy Gam , esquire :"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 34}, {"query": ["Enough , captain : you have astonished him .", "Nay , that \u2019 s right ; but why wear you your leek today ? Saint Davy \u2019 s day is past ."], "true_target": ["Go , go ; you are a counterfeit cowardly knave . Will you mock at an ancient tradition ,\u2014 begun upon an honourable respect , and worn as a memorable trophy of predeceased valour ,\u2014 and dare not avouch in your deeds any of your words ? I have seen you gleekingand galling at this gentleman twice or thrice . You thought , because he could not speak English in the native garb , he could not therefore handle an English cudgel : you find it otherwise ; and henceforth let a Welsh correction teach you a good English condition .Fare ye well .", "Why , here he comes , swelling like a turkey-cock ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 35}, {"query": ["There is occasions and causes why and wherefore in all things : I will tell you , as my friend , Captain Gower : the rascally , scald , beggarly , lowsy , pragging knave , Pistol ,\u2014 he is come to me , and prings me pread and salt yesterday , look you , and pid me eat my leek : it was in a place where I could not preed no contentions with him ; but I will be so pold as to wear it in my cap till I see him once again , and then I will tell him a little piece of my desires .", "Ay , leeks is goot :\u2014 Hold you , there is a groat to heal your pate .", "Yes , certainly , and out of doubt , and out of questions too , and ambiguities .", "There is one goat for you .", "If I owe you any thing , I will pay you in cudgels . Heaven be wi \u2019 you , and keep you , and heal your pate .", "Yes , verily and in truth , you shall take it ; or I have another leek in my pocket , which you shall eat ."], "true_target": ["\u2019 Tis no matter for his swellings nor his turkey-cocks .\u2014 Heaven pless you , ancient Pistol ! you scurvy , lowsy knave , Heaven pless you !", "Much goot do you , scald knave , heartily . Nay , \u2019 pray you , throw none away ; the skin is goot for your proken coxcomb . When you take occasions to see leeks hereafter , I pray you , mock at them ; that is all .", "I peseech you heartily , scurvy , lowsy knave , at my desires , and my requests , and my petitions , to eat , look you , this leek : because , look you , you do not love it , nor your affections , and your appetites , and your digestions , does not agree with it , I would desire you to eat it .", "You say very true , scald knave , when Heaven \u2019 s will is : I will desire you to live in the mean time , and eat your victuals : come , there is sauce for it .You called me yesterday mountain-squire ; but I will make you to-day a squire of low degree .I pray you , fall to : if you can mock a leek , you can eat a leek .", "Will you be so goot , scald knave , as eat it ?", "I say , I will make him eat some part of my leek , or I will peat his pate four days .\u2014 Pite , I pray you ; it is goot for you .", "Eat , I pray you : Will you have some more sauce to your leek ? there is not enough leek to swear by ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 35}, {"query": ["Ha ! art thou Bedlam ? dost thou thirst , base Trojan ,", "Good .", "To have me fold up Parca \u2019 s fatal web ?", "Quiet thy cudgel ; thou dost see I eat .", "And swear , I got them in the Gallia wars .", "All hell shall stir for this .", "with me now ?", "Me a groat !", "Base Trojan , thou shalt die ."], "true_target": ["Not for Cadwallader and all his goats .", "Honour is cudgell \u2019 d .", "Must I bite ?", "Doth fortune play the huswife", "Hence ! I am qualmish at the smell of leek .", "I take thy groat in earnest of revenge .", "To England will I steal :", "And patches will I get unto these scars ,", "Old I do wax ; and from my weary limbs", "By this leek , I will most horribly revenge : I eat , and eke I swear \u2014\u2014"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 35}, {"query": ["Prepare we for our marriage :\u2014 on which day ,", "And may our oaths well kept and prosp \u2019 rous be !", "Hen . Can any of your neighbours tell , Kate ? I \u2019 ll ask them . Come , I know thou lovest me : and at night , when you come into your closet , you \u2019 ll question this gentlewoman about me ; and I know , Kate , you will to her dispraise those parts in me that you love with your heart . If ever thou be \u2019 st mine , Kate ,shall there not be a boy compounded between Saint Dennis and Saint George , half French , half English , that shall go to Constantinopleand take the Turk by the beard ? shall he not ? what sayest thou , my fair flower-de-luce ? How answer you , la plus belle Katharine du monde , mon tr\u00e8s ch\u00e8re et divine d\u00e9esse ?", "And all the peers \u2019, for surety of our leagues .\u2014", "To our most fair and princely cousin Katharine ;", "Hen . O Kate , nice customs curt \u2019 sy to great kings . We are the makers of manners , Kate ; therefore , patiently , and yielding .You have witchcraft in your lips , Kate : there is more eloquence in a sugar touch of them than in the tongues of the French council ; and they should sooner persuade Harry of England than a general petition of monarchs .Here comes your father .Re-enter the FRENCH KING and QUEEN , BURGUNDY , BEDFORD , GLOSTER , EXETER , WESTMORELAND . The other French and English Lords as before , U. E. R . and L .", "And , princes French , and peers , health to you all !", "You have , enschedul \u2019 d briefly , in your hands .", "Hen . If , duke of Burgundy , you would the peace ,", "That here I take her as my sovereign queen .", "Hen . Kate , dost thou understand thus much English ? Canst thou love me ?", "Health and fair time of day ;\u2014 joy and good wishes", "Hen . Now , fie upon my false French ! By mine honour , in true English , I love thee , Kate : by which honour I dare not swear thou lovest me ; yet my blood begins to flatter me that thou dost , notwithstanding the poor and untempting effect of my visage . But , in faith , Kate , the elder I wax , the better I shall appear : my comfort is , that old age , that ill layer-up of beauty , can do no more spoil upon my face : thou hast me , if thou hast me , at the worst ; and thou shalt wear me , if thou wear me , better and better : And therefore tell me , most fair Katharine , will you have me ? Put off your maiden blushes ; avouch the thoughts of your heart with the looks of an empress ; take me by the hand , and say \u2014 Harry of England , I am thine : which word thou shalt no sooner bless mine ear withal , but I will tell thee aloud \u2014 England is thine , Ireland is thine , France is thine , and Henry Plantagenet is thine ; who , though I speak it before his face , if he be not fellow with the best king , thou shalt find the best king of good fellows . Come , your answer in broken musick , for thy voice is musick , and thy English broken ; therefore , queen of all , Katharine , break thy mind to me in broken English , Wilt thou have me ?", "Hen . Then I will kiss your lips , Kate .", "She is our capital demand , compris \u2019 d", "Peace to this meeting , wherefore we are met !", "Hen . No ; it is not possible you should love the enemy of France , Kate : but , in loving me , you should love the friend of France ; for I love France so well , that I will not part with a village of it ; I will have it all mine : and , Kate , when France is mine , and I am yours , then yours is France , and you are mine .", "Hen . Brother , we shall .\u2014 Go , uncle Exeter ,\u2014 And brother Bedford ,\u2014 and you , brother Gloster ,\u2014 Warwick ,\u2014 and Huntingdon ,\u2014 go with the king ; And take with you free power , to ratify , Augment , or alter , as your wisdoms best Shall see advantageable for our dignity , And we \u2019 ll consign thereto .\u2014Will you , fair sister , Go with the princes , or stay here with us ?", "Such as will enter at a lady \u2019 s ear ,", "Hen . I \u2019 faith , Kate . I know no ways to mince it in love , but directly to say \u2014 I love you : then , if you urge me further than to say \u2014 Do you in faith ? I wear out my suit . Give me your answer ; i \u2019 faith , do ; and so clap hands and a bargain : How say you , lady ?", "Fair Katharine , and most fair !", "Within the fore rank of our articles .", "Hen . To cry amen to that , thus we appear ."], "true_target": ["Which you have cited , you must buy that peace", "Will you vouchsafe to teach a soldier terms ,", "We do salute you , duke of Burgundy ;\u2014", "Hen . Now , welcome , Kate :\u2014 and bear me witness all ,", "Unto our brother France ,\u2014 and to our sister ,", "Hen . Upon that I will kiss your hand , and I call you \u2014 my queen .", "Hen . O fair Katharine , if you will love me soundly with your French heart , I will be glad to hear you confess it brokenly with your English tongue . Do you like me , Kate ?", "Hen .", "My lord of Burgundy , we \u2019 ll take your oath ,", "With full accord to all our just demands ;", "Hen .", "Hen . I said so , dear Katharine ; and I must not blush to affirm it .", "Hen . What say you , fair one ?", "Hen .I would have her learn , my fair cousin , how perfectly I love her ; and that is good English .", "And plead his love-suit to her gentle heart ?", "Hen . Marry , if you would put me to verses or to dance for your sake , Kate , why you undid me . If I could win a lady at leap-frog , or by vaulting into my saddle with my armour on my back , under the correction of bragging , be it spoken , I should quickly leap into a wife . But , before Heaven , I cannot look greenly ,nor gasp out my eloquence , nor I have no cunning in protestation ; only downright oaths , which I never use till urged , nor never break for urging . If thou canst love a fellow of this temper , Kate , whose face is not worth sun-burning , that never looks in his glass for love of any thing he sees there , let thine eye be thy cook . I speak to thee plain soldier : If thou canst love me for this , take me ; if not , to say to thee \u2014 that I shall die , is true , but \u2014 for thy love , by the lord , no ; yet I love thee too . And while thou livest , dear Kate , take a fellow of plain and uncoined constancy ;for a good leg will fall ;a straight back will stoop ; a black beard will turn white ; a curled pate will grow bald ; a fair face will wither ; a full eye will wax hollow : but a good heart , Kate , is the sun and moon ; or , rather , the sun , and not the moon , for it shines bright , and never changes , but keeps his course truly . If thou would have such a one , take me : And take me , take a soldier ; take a soldier , take a king : And what sayest thou , then , to my love ? speak , my fair , and fairly , I pray thee .", "Hen . Nay , it will please him well , Kate ; it shall please him , Kate .", "And", "Hen . An angel is like you , Kate , and you are like an angel .", "Hen . Yet leave our cousin Katharine here with us :", "Whose tenours and particular effects", "Hen . Our tongue is rough , coz , and my condition is not smooth ;so that , having neither the voice nor the heart of flattery about me , I cannot so conjure up the spirit of love in her , that he will appear in his true likeness . Shall Kate be my wife ?", "Then shall I swear to Kate , and you to me ;"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 36}, {"query": ["Most worthy brother England ; fairly met :\u2014", "In their sweet bosoms , that never war advance", "King . Take her , fair son ;", "Pass our accept and peremptory answer .", "Of France and England , whose very shores look pale", "That the contending kingdoms", "To re-survey them , we will suddenly", "With envy of each other \u2019 s happiness ,", "May cease their hatred ; and this dear conjunction"], "true_target": ["King .So please you .", "To appoint some of your council presently", "Plant neighbourhood and christian-like accord", "O \u2019 er-glanc \u2019 d the articles : pleaseth your grace", "King .", "His bleeding sword \u2019 twixt England and fair France .", "So are you , princes English , every one .", "To sit with us once more , with better heed", "Right joyous are we to behold your face ,", "King . I have but with a cursorary eye"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 36}, {"query": ["The venom of such looks , we fairly hope ,", "Have lost their quality ; and that this day", "As we are now glad to behold your eyes ;", "Isa . Our gracious brother , I will go with them :", "So happy be the issue , brother England ,", "Of this good day , and of this gracious meeting ,", "The fatal balls of murdering basilisks :"], "true_target": ["Your eyes , which hitherto have borne in them", "When articles too nicely urg \u2019 d be stood on .", "Isa . You English princes all , I do salute you .", "Shall change all griefs and quarrels into love .", "Isa . She hath good leave .", "Haply a woman \u2019 s voice may do some good ,", "Against the French , that met them in their bent ,", "Isa ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 36}, {"query": ["Why that the naked , poor , and mangled peace", "Should not , in this best garden of the world ,", "My duty to you both , on equal love ,", "Dear nurse of arts , plenties , and joyful births ,", "Let it not disgrace me ,"], "true_target": ["My royal cousin , teach you our princess English ?", "Is she not apt ?", "Our fertile France , put up her lovely visage ?", "Great kings of France and England !", "What rub or what impediment there is ,", "If I demand , before this royal view ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 36}, {"query": ["Est il possible dat I should love de enemy de la France ?", "I cannot tell .", "Pardonnez moi , I cannot tell vat is \u2014 like me .", "Vat is dat ?", "Dat de tongues of de mans is be full of deceits .", "Anglais .", "Que dit-il ? que je suis semblable aux anges ?"], "true_target": ["Votre majest\u00e9 \u2019 ave fausse French enough to deceive la plus sage damoiselle dat is en France .", "Dat is not be de fashion pour les dames de la France .", "Den it shall also content me .", "Votre majest\u00e9 shall mock at me ; I cannot speak votre", "Dat is as it shall please le roi mon p\u00e8re .", "Laissez , mon seigneur , laissez , laissez .", "O bon Dieu ! les langues des hommes sont pleines de tromperies .", "Me understand well ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 36}, {"query": ["His daughter , first ; and then , in sequel , all ,"], "true_target": ["According to their firm propos\u00e8d natures .", "The king hath granted every article :"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 36}, {"query": ["And sullen presage of your own decay .", "The thunder of my cannon shall be heard .", "What is thy name ?", "Which fault lies on the hazards of all husbands", "And finds them perfect Richard . Sirrah , speak ,", "In sooth , good friend , your father might have kept", "Your father 's heir must have your father 's land .", "My brother might not claim him ; nor your father ,", "What follows if we disallow of this ?", "Be thou as lightning in the eyes of France ;", "What art thou ?", "Who , as you say , took pains to get this son ,", "Bear mine to him , and so depart in peace ;", "In sooth , he might ; then , if he were my brother 's ,", "Mine eye hath well examined his parts", "This calf , bred from his cow , from all the world ;", "Is that the elder , and art thou the heir ? You came not of one mother then , it seems .", "Let them approach . Exit SHERIFF Our abbeys and our priories shall pay This expedition 's charge . Enter ROBERT FAULCONBRIDGE and PHILIP , his bastard brother What men are you ?", "From henceforth bear his name whose form thou bearest : Kneel thou down Philip , but rise more great - Arise Sir Richard and Plantagenet .", "Pembroke , look to \u2018 t. Farewell , Chatillon .", "Being none of his , refuse him . This concludes :"], "true_target": ["Now , say , Chatillon , what would France with us ?", "So hence ! Be thou the trumpet of our wrath", "An honourable conduct let him have-", "For France , for France , for it is more than need .", "Controlment for controlment - so answer France .", "For ere thou canst report I will be there ,", "That marry wives . Tell me , how if my brother ,", "Here have we war for war , and blood for blood ,", "Had of your father claim 'd this son for his ?", "And if she did play false , the fault was hers ;", "Your father 's wife did after wedlock bear him ,", "Sirrah , your brother is legitimate :", "A landless knight makes thee a landed squire .", "Silence , good mother ; hear the embassy .", "Our strong possession and our right for us !", "Come , madam , and come , Richard , we must speed", "What doth move you to claim your brother 's land ?", "Go , Faulconbridge ; now hast thou thy desire :", "My mother 's son did get your father 's heir ;", "Doth he lay claim to thine inheritance ?", "A good blunt fellow . Why , being younger born ,", "Why , what a madcap hath heaven lent us here !"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 37}, {"query": ["To Ireland , Poictiers , Anjou , Touraine , Maine ,", "Desiring thee to lay aside the sword", "Arthur Plantagenet , lays most lawful claim", "Which sways usurpingly these several titles ,", "Philip of France , in right and true behalf", "Thus , after greeting , speaks the King of France", "In my behaviour to the majesty ,", "To enforce these rights so forcibly withheld ."], "true_target": ["Then take my king 's defiance from my mouth-", "The proud control of fierce and bloody war ,", "To this fair island and the territories ,", "The farthest limit of my embassy .", "And put the same into young Arthur 's hand ,", "Of thy deceased brother Geffrey 's son ,", "Thy nephew and right royal sovereign .", "The borrowed majesty , of England here ."], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 37}, {"query": ["Which now the manage of two kingdoms must", "Bequeath thy land to him and follow me ?", "He hath a trick of Coeur-de-lion 's face ;", "Upon the right and party of her son ?", "What now , my son ! Have I not ever said", "With very easy arguments of love ,", "The very spirit of Plantagenet ! I am thy grandam , Richard : call me so .", "Whether hadst thou rather be a Faulconbridge ,", "Your strong possession much more than your right ,", "Or the reputed son of Coeur-de-lion ,", "And wound her honour with this diffidence .", "Lord of thy presence and no land beside ?", "A strange beginning - \u2018 borrowed majesty \u2019 !", "I am a soldier and now bound to France ."], "true_target": ["The accent of his tongue affecteth him .", "So much my conscience whispers in your ear ,", "Till she had kindled France and all the world", "Out on thee , rude man ! Thou dost shame thy mother ,", "In the large composition of this man ?", "Or else it must go wrong with you and me ;", "This might have been prevented and made whole", "And like thy brother , to enjoy thy land ,", "I like thee well . Wilt thou forsake thy fortune ,", "Which none but heaven and you and I shall hear .", "How that ambitious Constance would not cease", "With fearful bloody issue arbitrate .", "Do you not read some tokens of my son", "Nay , I would have you go before me thither ."], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 37}, {"query": ["That e'er I heard . Shall I produce the men ?"], "true_target": ["Come from the country to be judg 'd by you", "My liege , here is the strangest controversy"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 37}, {"query": ["A foot of honour better than I was ;", "For new-made honour doth forget men 's names :", "Madam , I 'll follow you unto the death .", "Saving in dialogue of compliment ,", "Yet sell your face for fivepence and \u2018 tis dear .", "Who lives and dares but say thou didst not well", "But many a many foot of land the worse .", "What woman-post is this ? Hath she no husband", "Knight , knight , good mother , Basilisco-like .", "If thou hadst said him nay , it had been sin .", "My father gave me honour , yours gave land .", "Brother , adieu . Good fortune come to thee !", "Why then I suck my teeth and catechize", "And if my legs were two such riding-rods ,", "For your conversion . Now your traveller ,", "I would give it every foot to have this face !", "Of Coeur-de-lion knighted in the field .", "And so , ere answer knows what question would ,", "Of no more force to dispossess me , sir ,", "Madam , by chance , but not by truth ; what though ?", "Exeunt all but the", "And I had his , Sir Robert 's his , like him ;", "But whe'er I be as true begot or no ,", "Enter LADY FAULCONBRIDGE , and JAMES GURNEY", "\u2018 No , sir , \u2019 says question \u2018 I , sweet sir , at yours . \u2019", "Because he hath a half-face , like my father .", "Who says it was , he lies ; I say \u2018 twas not .", "Well , sir , by this you cannot get my land :", "But from the inward motion to deliver", "And , to his shape , were heir to all this land-", "At your employment , at your service , sir ! \u2019", "Your face hath got five hundred pound a year ,", "Thus leaning on mine elbow I begin", "James Gurney , wilt thou give us leave awhile ?", "Heaven guard my mother 's honour and my land !", "That still I lay upon my mother 's head ;", "That in mine ear I durst not stick a rose", "\u2018 Tis too respective and too sociable", "With all my heart I thank thee for my father !", "When I was got , I 'll send his soul to hell .", "At least from fair five hundred pound a year .", "And talking of the Alps and Apennines ,", "But who comes in such haste in riding-robes ?", "Would I might never stir from off this place ,", "I would not be Sir Nob in any case .", "My brother Robert , old Sir Robert 's son ? Colbrand the giant , that same mighty man ? Is it Sir Robert 's son that you seek so ?", "And so doth yours : your fault was not your folly ;", "As faithfully as I deny the devil .", "Near or far off , well won is still well shot ;", "Come , lady , I will show thee to my kin ;", "A soldier by the honour-giving hand", "Nor keep his princely heart from Richard 's hand .", "With half that face would he have all my land :", "BASTARD", "Which , though I will not practise to deceive ,", "But for the certain knowledge of that truth", "Legitimation , name , and all is gone .", "Philip-Sparrow ! James ,", "\u2018 Good den , Sir Richard ! \u2019 - \u2018 God-a-mercy , fellow ! \u2019", "That is my brother 's plea , and none of mine ;", "May easily win a woman 's . Ay , my mother ,", "O old Sir Robert , father , on my knee", "And I am I , howe'er I was begot .", "\u2018 I shall beseech you \u2019 - That is question now ;", "What ! I am dubb 'd ; I have it on my shoulder .", "And not alone in habit and device ,", "\u2018 O sir , \u2019 says answer \u2018 at your best command ,", "Something about , a little from the right ,"], "true_target": ["Fair fall the bones that took the pains for me ! -", "But this is worshipful society ,", "For it shall strew the footsteps of my rising .", "Lest men should say \u2018 Look where three-farthings goes ! \u2019", "O me , \u2018 tis my mother ! How now , good lady !", "Who dares not stir by day must walk by night ;", "But , mother , I am not Sir Robert 's son :", "That doth not smack of observation-", "Our country manners give our betters way .", "And were our father , and this son like him-", "But that I am as well begot , my liege-", "I give heaven thanks I was not like to thee !", "Philip , good old Sir Robert 's wife 's eldest son .", "That is well known - and , as I think , one father ;", "Subjected tribute to commanding love ,", "Brother , take you my land , I 'll take my chance .", "And then comes answer like an Absey book :", "Philip , my liege , so is my name begun :", "I know not why , except to get the land .", "A half-fac 'd groat five hundred pound a year !", "Sweet , sweet , sweet poison for the age 's tooth ;", "My picked man of countries : \u2018 My dear sir , \u2019", "Well , now can I make any Joan a lady .", "That will take pains to blow a horn before her ?", "Compare our faces and be judge yourself .", "And when my knightly stomach is suffic 'd ,", "For he is but a bastard to the time", "Madam , an if my brother had my shape", "If old Sir Robert did beget us both", "Exterior form , outward accoutrement ,", "There 's toys abroad-anon I 'll tell thee more .", "But once he slander 'd me with bastardy ;", "The aweless lion could not wage the fight", "Brother by th \u2019 mother 's side , give me your hand ;", "He and his toothpick at my worship 's mess-", "He that perforce robs lions of their hearts", "Than was his will to get me , as I think .", "As I suppose , to Robert Faulconbridge-", "For thou wast got i \u2019 th \u2019 way of honesty .", "When I was got , Sir Robert was away !", "Most certain of one mother , mighty king-", "And fits the mounting spirit like myself ;", "Some sins do bear their privilege on earth ,", "Now , by this light , were I to get again ,", "Some proper man , I hope . Who was it , mother ?", "It draws toward supper in conclusion so .", "The which if he can prove , \u2018 a pops me out", "In at the window , or else o'er the hatch ;", "Born in Northamptonshire , and eldest son ,", "I have disclaim 'd Sir Robert and my land ;", "Against whose fury and unmatched force", "Madam , I would not wish a better father .", "Needs must you lay your heart at his dispose ,", "What brings you here to court so hastily ?", "Yet , to avoid deceit , I mean to learn ;", "And so am I , whether I smack or no ;", "I , madam ? No , I have no reason for it-", "Of that I doubt , as all men 's children may .", "The Pyrenean and the river Po-", "Your tale must be how he employ 'd my mother .", "Now blessed be the hour , by night or day ,", "I put you o'er to heaven and to my mother .", "My arms such eel-skins stuff 'd , my face so thin", "And have is have , however men do catch .", "Your faithful subject I , a gentleman", "Then , good my mother , let me know my father-", "And if his name be George , I 'll call him Peter ;", "And they shall say when Richard me begot ,"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 37}, {"query": ["When this same lusty gentleman was got .", "My father 's land , as was my father 's will .", "To dispossess that child which is not his ?", "And if he were , he came into the world", "And once dispatch 'd him in an embassy", "But truth is truth : large lengths of seas and shores", "Shall then my father 's will be of no force", "And in the meantime sojourn 'd at my father 's ;", "To treat of high affairs touching that time .", "The son and heir to that same Faulconbridge .", "My gracious liege , when that my father liv 'd ,"], "true_target": ["Full fourteen weeks before the course of time .", "Upon his death-bed he by will bequeath 'd", "Between my father and my mother lay ,", "Th \u2019 advantage of his absence took the King ,", "Where how he did prevail I shame to speak-", "His lands to me , and took it on his death", "That this my mother 's son was none of his ;", "As I have heard my father speak himself ,", "To Germany , there with the Emperor", "Your brother did employ my father much-", "Then , good my liege , let me have what is mine ,"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 37}, {"query": ["King Richard Coeur-de-lion was thy father .", "By long and vehement suit I was seduc 'd", "Hast thou conspired with thy brother too ,", "That holds in chase mine honour up and down ?", "To make room for him in my husband 's bed .", "Sir Robert 's son ! Why scorn'st thou at Sir Robert ?", "He is Sir Robert 's son , and so art thou .", "What means this scorn , thou most untoward knave ?"], "true_target": ["Where is he", "Which was so strongly urg 'd past my defence .", "Sir Robert 's son ! Ay , thou unreverend boy ,", "Hast thou denied thyself a Faulconbridge ?", "Where is that slave , thy brother ?", "Thou art the issue of my dear offence ,", "That for thine own gain shouldst defend mine honour ?", "Heaven lay not my transgression to my charge !"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 37}, {"query": ["Some trumpet summon hither to the walls", "Let it be so . Say , where will you assault ?", "And for amends to his posterity ,", "Against the brows of this resisting town ;", "Whose title they admit , Arthur 's or John 's .", "The rites of marriage shall be solemniz 'd .", "To spread his colours , boy , in thy behalf ;", "Under whose warrant I impeach thy wrong ,", "Peace be to England , if that war return", "What say'st thou , boy ? Look in the lady 's face .", "Know him in us that here hold up his right .", "And , by my faith , this league that we have made", "Which owe the crown that thou o'erhYpppHeNmasterest ?", "And fought the holy wars in Palestine ,", "When living blood doth in these temples beat", "Shall draw this brief into as huge a volume .", "But we will make it subject to this boy .", "To these ill-tuned repetitions .", "This toil of ours should be a work of thine ;", "How comes it then that thou art call 'd a king ,", "Is not the Lady Constance in this troop ?", "And this is Geffrey 's . In the name of God ,", "To our own vantage .", "It ill beseems this presence to cry aim", "England , thou hast not sav 'd one drop of blood", "How much unlook 'd for is this expedition !", "And king o'er him and all that he enjoys ;", "Call for our chiefest men of discipline ,", "We 'll put thee down , \u2018 gainst whom these arms we bear ,", "\u2018 Tis France , for England .", "Women and fools , break off your conference .", "We 'll lay before this town our royal bones ,", "But thou from loving England art so far", "Of him it holds , stands young Plantagenet ,", "With slaughter coupled to the name of kings .", "Speak , citizens , for England ; who 's your king ?", "Look here upon thy brother Geffrey 's face :", "From France to England , there to live in peace !", "It likes us well ; young princes , close your hands .", "Wilt thou resign them and lay down thy arms ?", "That sways the earth this climate overlooks ,", "Of thy unnatural uncle , English John .", "Let in that amity which you have made ;", "Shall rain their drift of bullets on this town .", "In this hot trial more than we of France ;", "Is most divinely vow 'd upon the right", "In the relief of this oppressed child", "It shall be so ; and at the other hill Command the rest to stand . God and our right ! Exeunt Here , after excursions , enter the HERALD OF FRANCE , with trumpets , to the gates", "England we love , and for that England 's sake", "You loving men of Angiers , Arthur 's subjects ,", "Richard , that robb 'd the lion of his heart", "Before Angiers well met , brave Austria .", "Speak England first , that hath been forward first", "Her presence would have interrupted much .", "These eyes , these brows , were moulded out of his ;", "That Geffrey was thy elder brother born ,"], "true_target": ["In any breast of strong authority", "A noble boy ! Who would not do thee right ?", "Which we , God knows , have turn 'd another way ,", "Than the constraint of hospitable zeal", "Being no further enemy to you", "We coldly pause for thee . Chatillon , speak .", "Arthur , that great forerunner of thy blood ,", "This little abstract doth contain that large", "To cull the plots of best advantages .", "Where is she and her son ? Tell me , who knows .", "And this his son ; England was Geffrey 's right ,", "What England says , say briefly , gentle lord ;", "Amen , Amen ! Mount , chevaliers ; to arms !", "With burden of our armour here we sweat .", "Lo , in this right hand , whose protection", "Embrace him , love him , give him welcome hither .", "Now , citizens of Angiers , ope your gates ,", "Or add a royal number to the dead ,", "Brother of England , how may we content", "For this down-trodden equity we tread", "At our importance hither is he come", "Our thunder from the south", "Cut off the sequence of posterity ,", "From that supernal judge that stirs good thoughts", "Outfaced infant state , and done a rape", "To speak unto this city : what say you ?", "King John , this is the very sum of all :", "And to rebuke the usurpation", "Stand in his face to contradict his claim .", "Will give her sadness very little cure .", "When I have said , make answer to us both .", "Before we will lay down our just-borne arms ,", "That judge hath made me guardian to this boy ,", "Peace , lady ! pause , or be more temperate .", "Which died in Geffrey , and the hand of time", "To look into the blots and stains of right .", "Wade to the market-place in Frenchmen 's blood ,", "Upon the maiden virtue of the crown .", "Our messenger Chatillon is arriv 'd .", "In right of Arthur , do I claim of thee ;", "I know she is not ; for this match made up", "As many and as well-born bloods as those-", "This widow lady ? In her right we came ;", "That thou hast under-wrought his lawful king ,", "Well then , to work ! Our cannon shall be bent", "Son to the elder brother of this man ,", "Rather , lost more . And by this hand I swear ,", "For at Saint Mary 's chapel presently", "Gracing the scroll that tells of this war 's loss", "These men of Angiers ; let us hear them speak", "By this brave duke came early to his grave ;", "And by whose help I mean to chastise it .", "A wonder , lady ! Lo , upon thy wish ,", "Our trumpet call 'd you to this gentle parle-", "Excuse it is to beat usurping down .", "England and Ireland , Anjou , Touraine , Maine ,", "In warlike march these greens before your town ,"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 38}, {"query": ["But with a heart full of unstained love ;", "Shadowing their right under your wings of war .", "God shall forgive you Coeur-de-lion 's death", "Welcome before the gates of Angiers , Duke ."], "true_target": ["Good my mother , peace !", "I would that I were low laid in my grave :", "I am not worth this coil that 's made for me .", "The rather that you give his offspring life ,", "I give you welcome with a powerless hand ,"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 38}, {"query": ["I from the north .", "And coops from other lands her islanders-", "For courage mounteth with occasion .", "The peace of heaven is theirs that lift their swords", "Even till that utmost corner of the west", "Will I not think of home , but follow arms .", "Till Angiers and the right thou hast in France ,", "We must awake endeavour for defence ,", "What the devil art thou ?", "Let them be welcome then ; we are prepar 'd .", "By how much unexpected , by so much", "As seal to this indenture of my love :", "Whose foot spurns back the ocean 's roaring tides", "In such a just and charitable war ."], "true_target": ["That to my home I will no more return", "Peace !", "That water-walled bulwark , still secure", "And your lips too ; for I am well assur 'd", "King Philip , determine what we shall do straight .", "What cracker is this same that deafs our ears", "Peace ! no more .", "And confident from foreign purposes-", "Salute thee for her king . Till then , fair boy ,", "That I did so when I was first assur 'd .", "Even till that England , hedg 'd in with the main ,", "Together with that pale , that white-fac 'd shore ,", "With this abundance of superfluous breath ?", "Upon thy cheek lay I this zealous kiss"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 38}, {"query": ["All punish 'd in the person of this child ,", "O , take his mother 's thanks , a widow 's thanks ,", "To make a more requital to your love !", "To do him justice and revenge on you .", "Removed from thy sin-conceiving womb .", "It cannot be , an if thou wert his mother .", "The dominations , royalties , and rights ,", "Draws those heaven-moving pearls from his poor eyes ,", "Infortunate in nothing but in thee .", "His grandam 's wrongs , and not his mother 's shames ,", "Give it a plum , a cherry , and a fig .", "My bed was ever to thy son as true", "Her injury the beadle to her sin ;", "Ay , who doubts that ? A will , a wicked will ;", "Lest unadvis 'd you stain your swords with blood ;", "Than thou and John in manners-being as Eke", "Being but the second generation", "Till your strong hand shall help to give him strength", "My Lord Chatillon may from England bring", "Of this oppressed boy ; this is thy eldest son 's son ,", "On this removed issue , plagued for her", "As rain to water , or devil to his dam .", "A woman 's will ; a cank'red grandam 's will !", "His father never was so true begot ;"], "true_target": ["Ay , with these crystal beads heaven shall be brib 'd", "My boy a bastard ! By my soul , I think", "Call not me slanderer ! Thou and thine usurp", "That he is not only plagued for her sin ,", "As thine was to thy husband ; and this boy", "Give grandam kingdom , and it grandam will", "There 's a good grandam !", "That right in peace which here we urge in war ,", "Do , child , go to it grandam , child ;", "And all for her-a plague upon her !", "Now shame upon you , whe'er she does or no !", "There 's a good grandam , boy , that would blot thee .", "Which heaven shall take in nature of a fee ;", "Stay for an answer to your embassy ,", "The canon of the law is laid on him ,", "I have but this to say-", "But God hath made her sin and her the plague", "That hot rash haste so indirectly shed .", "Let me make answer : thy usurping son .", "Liker in feature to his father Geffrey", "Thou monstrous injurer of heaven and earth ,", "And with her plague ; her sin his injury ,", "And then we shall repent each drop of blood", "Thy sins are visited in this poor child ;"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 38}, {"query": ["England for itself . You men of Angiers , and my loving subjects-", "Have hither march 'd to your endamagement ;", "Philip of France , if thou be pleas 'd withal ,", "By the compulsion of their ordinance", "And all that we upon this side the sea-", "All preparation for a bloody siege", "Into this city 's bosom .", "Now , by the sky that hangs above our heads ,", "France , hast thou yet more blood to cast away ?", "Up higher to the plain , where we 'll set forth", "To our solemnity . I trust we shall ,", "But on the sight of us your lawful king ,", "Say , shall the current of our right run on ?", "Bedlam , have done .", "For Anjou , and fair Touraine , Maine , Poictiers ,", "By this time from their fixed beds of lime", "Which trust accordingly , kind citizens ,", "Whiles we , God 's wrathful agent , do correct", "Arthur of Britaine , yield thee to my hand ,", "Peace be to France , if France in peace permit", "These flags of France , that are advanced here", "To make a shaking fever in your walls ,", "And out of my dear love I 'll give thee more", "Acknowledge then the King , and let me in .", "Submit thee , boy .", "Then do I give Volquessen , Touraine , Maine ,", "And Earl of Richmond ; and this rich fair town", "Shall gild her bridal bed , and make her rich", "The cannons have their bowels full of wrath ,", "And bear possession of our person here ,", "Than e'er the coward hand of France can win .", "Whose passage , vex 'd with thy impediment ,", "And lay this Angiers even with the ground ;", "As she in beauty , education , blood ,", "I like it well . France , shall we knit our pow'rs", "Then God forgive the sin of all those souls", "Yet in some measure satisfy her so", "Speak then , Prince Dauphin ; can you love this lady ?", "Command thy son and daughter to join hands .", "To this unlook'dhYpppHeNfor , unprepared pomp .", "Can in this book of beauty read \u2018 I love , \u2019", "With course disturb 'd even thy confining shores ,", "Their iron indignation \u2018 gainst your walls ;", "Craves harbourage within your city walls .", "To make a faithless error in your cars ;", "What say these young ones ? What say you , my niece ?", "In us that are our own great deputy", "Who painfully with much expedient march", "Except this city now by us besieg'd-", "Whose party do the townsmen yet admit ?", "And ready mounted are they to spit forth"], "true_target": ["Find liable to our crown and dignity ,", "Confront your city 's eyes , your winking gates ;", "Go we as well as haste will suffer us", "And merciless proceeding by these French", "To draw my answer from thy articles ?", "If not , bleed France , and peace ascend to heaven ,", "Our just and lineal entrance to our own !", "Twice fifteen thousand hearts of England 's breed-", "If not fill up the measure of her will ,", "For bloody power to rush upon your peace .", "And let us in-your King , whose labour 'd spirits ,", "Holds hand with any princess of the world .", "If that the Dauphin there , thy princely son ,", "Had been dishabited , and wide havoc made", "Her dowry shall weigh equal with a queen ;", "Shall leave his native channel and o'erswell", "For we 'll create young Arthur Duke of Britaine ,", "And if not that , I bring you witnesses :", "My life as soon . I do defy thee , France .", "Then after fight who shall be king of it ?", "Alack , thou dost usurp authority .", "That to their everlasting residence ,", "In titles , honours , and promotions ,", "Speak on with favour ; we are bent to hear .", "Lord of our presence , Angiers , and of you .", "Forwearied in this action of swift speed ,", "Their proud contempt that beats His peace to heaven !", "They shoot but calm words folded up in smoke ,", "Some speedy messenger bid her repair", "That as a waist doth girdle you about", "We from the west will send destruction", "We make him lord of . Call the Lady Constance ;", "And now , instead of bullets wrapp 'd in fire ,", "In dreadful trial of our kingdom 's king !", "Unless thou let his silver water keep", "Before the dew of evening fall shall fleet", "We will heal up all ,", "A peaceful progress to the ocean .", "Doth not the crown of England prove the King ?", "That we shall stop her exclamation .", "With her to thee ; and this addition more ,", "For our advantage ; therefore hear us first .", "Poictiers , and Anjou , these five provinces ,", "In best appointment all our regiments .", "Full thirty thousand marks of English coin .", "From whom hast thou this great commission , France ,", "Have brought a countercheck before your gates ,", "Behold , the French amaz 'd vouchsafe a parle ;", "To save unscratch 'd your city 's threat'ned cheeks-", "To verify our title with their lives .", "Before the eye and prospect of your town ,", "And but for our approach those sleeping stones"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 38}, {"query": ["That yon green boy shall have no sun to ripe", "Of soft petitions , pity , and remorse ,", "Thy now unsur 'd assurance to the crown", "Thou monstrous slanderer of heaven and earth !", "Who is it thou dost call usurper , France ?", "A will that bars the title of thy son .", "Are capable of this ambition ,", "Mark how they whisper . Urge them while their souls", "The bloom that promiseth a mighty fruit .", "Out , insolent ! Thy bastard shall be king ,"], "true_target": ["Lest zeal , now melted by the windy breath", "Cool and congeal again to what it was .", "Thou unadvised scold , I can produce", "His mother shames him so , poor boy , he weeps .", "Son , list to this conjunction , make this match ;", "I see a yielding in the looks of France ;", "Give with our niece a dowry large enough ;", "Come to thy grandam , child .", "That thou mayst be a queen and check the world !", "There 's a good mother , boy , that blots thy father .", "For by this knot thou shalt so surely tie"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 38}, {"query": ["When his fair angels would salute my palm ,", "Then in a moment Fortune shall cull forth", "Till this advantage , this vile-drawing bias ,", "You equal potents , fiery kindled spirits !", "Hang 'd in the frowning wrinkle of her brow ,", "And stand securely on their battlements", "Being wrong 'd as we are by this peevish town ,", "And this same bias , this commodity ,", "Out of his rags ! Here 's a large mouth , indeed ,", "To whom in favour she shall give the day ,", "Drawn in the flattering table of her eye ,", "When the rich blood of kings is set on fire !", "An if thou hast the mettle of a king ,", "That done , dissever your united strengths", "As we will ours , against these saucy walls ;", "Made to run even upon even ground ,", "Who having no external thing to lose", "That hang 'd and drawn and quarter 'd there should be", "By east and west let France and England mount", "Leave them as naked as the vulgar air .", "Why then defy each other , and pell-mell", "Teach us some fence !", "But , ass , I 'll take that burden from your back ,", "Speed then to take advantage of the field .", "Turn thou the mouth of thy artillery ,", "An \u2018 a may catch your hide and you alone .", "Make work upon ourselves , for heaven or hell .", "One that will play the devil , sir , with you ,", "That daily break-vow , he that wins of all ,", "That shakes the rotten carcass of old Death", "Out of one side her happy minion ,", "In undetermin 'd differences of kings .", "To a most base and vile-concluded peace .", "And quarter 'd in her heart-he doth espy", "Well , whiles I am a beggar , I will rail", "But the word \u2018 maid , \u2019 cheats the poor maid of that ;", "Not that I have the power to clutch my hand", "And why rail I on this commodity ?", "Sirrah , look to \u2018 t ; i \u2019 faith I will , i \u2019 faith .", "How like you this wild counsel , mighty states ?", "He gives the bastinado with his tongue ;", "Your royal presences be rul 'd by me :", "Or lay on that shall make your shoulders crack .", "As maids of thirteen do of puppy-dogs !", "At your industrious scenes and acts of death .", "Since kings break faith upon commodity ,", "As in a theatre , whence they gape and point", "From a resolv 'd and honourable war ,", "What cannoneer begot this lusty blood ?", "In such a love so vile a lout as he .", "And make a monster of you .", "O , tremble , for you hear the lion roar !", "Austria and France shoot in each other 's mouth .", "Your sharpest deeds of malice on this town .", "Saint George , that swing 'd the dragon , and e'er since", "Sirrah , were I at home ,", "This sway of motion , this commodity ,", "But for because he hath not woo 'd me yet ;", "But buffets better than a fist of France .", "Clapp 'd on the outward eye of fickle France ,", "And France , whose armour conscience buckled on ,", "Like a poor beggar raileth on the rich ."], "true_target": ["The world , who of itself is peised well ,", "John , to stop Arthur 's tide in the whole ,", "Turn face to face and bloody point to point ;", "Makes it take head from all indifferency ,", "From all direction , purpose , course , intent-", "Till their soul-fearing clamours have brawl 'd down", "But for my hand , as unattempted yet ,", "Commodity , the bias of the world-", "Their battering cannon , charged to the mouths ,", "Bastards and else .", "Do like the mutines of Jerusalem ,", "To say there is no vice but beggary .", "I would set an ox-head to your lion 's hide ,", "That spits forth death and mountains , rocks and seas ;", "And being rich , my virtue then shall be", "O , now doth Death line his dead chaps with steel ;", "I 'd play incessantly upon these jades ,", "Whose valour plucks dead lions by the beard ;", "I 'll stir them to it. - Come , away , away !", "Then let confusion of one part confirm", "Himself love 's traitor . This is pity now ,", "As God 's own soldier , rounded in the ear", "At your den , sirrah , with your lioness ,", "The swords of soldiers are his teeth , his fangs ;", "The flinty ribs of this contemptuous city .", "Talks as familiarly of roaring lions", "He speaks plain cannon-fire , and smoke and bounce ;", "Of kings , of beggars , old men , young men , maids ,", "Some bastards too .", "Hath willingly departed with a part ;", "Even till unfenced desolation", "Cry \u2018 havoc ! \u2019 kings ; back to the stained field ,", "Gain , be my lord , for I will worship thee .", "Our ears are cudgell 'd ; not a word of his", "And say there is no sin but to be rich ;", "Since I first call 'd my brother 's father dad .", "This bawd , this broker , this all-changing word ,", "And now he feasts , mousing the flesh of men ,", "That broker that still breaks the pate of faith ,", "Mad world ! mad kings ! mad composition !", "Be friends awhile , and both conjointly bend", "By heaven , these scroyles of Angiers flout you , kings ,", "And kiss him with a glorious victory .", "As great Alcides \u2019 shows upon an ass ;", "Why stand these royal fronts amazed thus ?", "O prudent discipline ! From north to south ,", "Sits on 's horse back at mine hostess \u2019 door ,", "Hear the crier .", "I 'll smoke your skin-coat an I catch you right ;", "That smooth-fac 'd gentleman , tickling commodity ,", "The other 's peace . Till then , blows , blood , and death !", "Zounds ! I was never so bethump 'd with words", "Smacks it not something of the policy ?", "Hath drawn him from his own determin 'd aid ,", "And part your mingled colours once again ,", "Whom zeal and charity brought to the field", "With that same purpose-changer , that sly devil ,", "You are the hare of whom the proverb goes ,", "Ha , majesty ! how high thy glory tow'rs", "And when that we have dash 'd them to the ground ,", "Here 's a stay", "It lies as sightly on the back of him"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 38}, {"query": ["Further I will not flatter you , my lord ,", "That I can find should merit any hate .", "What you in wisdom still vouchsafe to say .", "I will enforce it eas'ly to my love .", "Than this : that nothing do I see in you-", "That she is bound in honour still to do", "My uncle 's will in this respect is mine ."], "true_target": ["I can with ease translate it to my will ;", "O , well did he become that lion 's robe", "If he see aught in you that makes him like ,", "Or if you will , to speak more properly ,", "That did disrobe the lion of that robe !", "That anything he sees which moves his liking", "That all I see in you is worthy love ,", "Though churlish thoughts themselves should be your judge-"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 38}, {"query": ["And she again wants nothing , to name want ,", "And she a fair divided excellence ,", "Left to be finished by such as she ;", "Such as she is , in beauty , virtue , birth ,", "More free from motion-no , not Death himself", "That can we not ; but he that proves the King ,", "Where should he find it fairer than in Blanch ?", "O , two such silver currents , when they join ,", "Where should he find it purer than in Blanch ?", "A greater pow'r than we denies all this ;", "Is the young Dauphin every way complete-", "In brief : we are the King of England 's subjects ;", "If not complete of , say he is not she ;", "That daughter there of Spain , the Lady Blanch ,", "This union shall do more than battery can", "If want it be not that she is not he .", "We hold our town for neither , yet for both .", "Blood hath bought blood , and blows have answer 'd blows ;", "Our former scruple in our strong-barr 'd gates ;", "Who is it that hath warn 'd us to the walls ?", "Why answer not the double majesties", "Heralds , from off our tow'rs we might behold", "Both are alike , and both alike we like .", "Of Lewis the Dauphin and that lovely maid .", "The sea enraged is not half so deaf ,", "Be by some certain king purg 'd and depos 'd .", "With swifter spleen than powder can enforce ,", "Strength match 'd with strength , and power confronted power ;", "And give you entrance ; but without this match ,", "King 'd of our fears , until our fears , resolv 'd ,", "To our fast-closed gates ; for at this match", "Of both your armies , whose equality"], "true_target": ["Do glorify the banks that bound them in ;", "The King of England , when we know the King .", "And till it be undoubted , we do lock", "The mouth of passage shall we fling wide ope", "Rescue those breathing lives to die in beds", "For him , and in his right , we hold this town .", "Have we ramm 'd up our gates against the world .", "As we to keep this city .", "One must prove greatest . While they weigh so even ,", "Whose fulness of perfection lies in him .", "By our best eyes cannot be censured .", "Lions more confident , mountains and rocks", "That here come sacrifices for the field .", "Two such controlling bounds , shall you be , Kings ,", "Persever not , but hear me , mighty kings .", "And two such shores to two such streams made one ,", "In mortal fury half so peremptory", "If zealous love should go in search of virtue ,", "Whose veins bound richer blood than Lady Blanch ?", "If lusty love should go in quest of beauty ,", "If love ambitious sought a match of birth ,", "He is the half part of a blessed man ,", "Win you this city without stroke or wound ;", "To him will we prove loyal . Till that time", "We for the worthiest hold the right from both .", "To these two princes , if you marry them .", "Hear us , great kings : vouchsafe awhile to stay ,", "Is niece to England ; look upon the years", "From first to last the onset and retire", "And I shall show you peace and fair-fac 'd league ;", "This friendly treaty of our threat'ned town ?", "Till you compound whose right is worthiest ,"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 38}, {"query": ["Whose sons lie scattered on the bleeding ground ;", "Upon the dancing banners of the French ,", "Arthur of Britaine England 's King and yours .", "Who are at hand , triumphantly displayed ,", "And victory with little loss doth play", "Much work for tears in many an English mother ,"], "true_target": ["Many a widow 's husband grovelling lies ,", "Coldly embracing the discoloured earth ;", "And let young Arthur , Duke of Britaine , in ,", "Who by the hand of France this day hath made", "You men of Angiers , open wide your gates", "To enter conquerors , and to proclaim"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 38}, {"query": ["Dy 'd in the dying slaughter of their foes .", "Their armours that march 'd hence so silver-bright", "King John , your king and England 's , doth approach ,", "Our colours do return in those same hands", "Our lusty English , all with purpled hands ,", "That is removed by a staff of France ;"], "true_target": ["Commander of this hot malicious day .", "And like a jolly troop of huntsmen come", "Open your gates and give the victors way .", "Hither return all gilt with Frenchmen 's blood .", "That did display them when we first march 'd forth ;", "Rejoice , you men of Angiers , ring your bells :", "There stuck no plume in any English crest"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 38}, {"query": ["She is sad and passionate at your Highness \u2019 tent .", "Becomes a sun , and makes your son a shadow .", "The shadow of myself form 'd in her eye ;", "Drawn in the flattering table of her eye .", "I do , my lord , and in her eye I find"], "true_target": ["Which , being but the shadow of your son ,", "I do protest I never lov 'd myself", "A wonder , or a wondrous miracle ,", "Till now infixed I beheld myself", "Nay , ask me if I can refrain from love ;", "For I do love her most unfeignedly ."], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 38}, {"query": ["And though thou now confess thou didst but jest ,", "Yea , faith itself to hollow falsehood change !", "The grappling vigour and rough frown of war", "Full of unpleasing blots and sightless stains ,", "O then , tread down my need , and faith mounts up :", "Gone to be married ! Gone to swear a peace !", "Then speak again-not all thy former tale ,", "Thou virtuous Dauphin , alter not the doom", "In likeness of a new untrimmed bride .", "You have beguil 'd me with a counterfeit", "O , lawful let it be", "And dost thou now fall over to my foes ?", "No bargains break that are not this day made ;", "But when her humorous ladyship is by", "O , if thou teach me to believe this sorrow ,", "There is no tongue hath power to curse him right .", "Patch 'd with foul moles and eye-offending marks ,", "Nature and Fortune join 'd to make thee great :", "Be well advis 'd , tell o'er thy tale again .", "And leave those woes alone which I alone", "As doth the fury of two desperate men", "Why holds thine eye that lamentable rheum ,", "Lest that their hopes prodigiously be cross 'd ;", "She is corrupted , chang 'd , and won from thee ;", "Why dost thou look so sadly on my son ?", "Let not the hours of this ungodly day", "I trust I may not trust thee , for thy word", "Law cannot give my child his kingdom here ,", "Become thy great birth , nor deserve a crown .", "Wear out the day in peace ; but , ere sunset ,", "Tell me , thou fellow , is not France forsworn ?", "Am bound to under-bear .", "But on this day let seamen fear no wreck ;", "That strumpet Fortune , that usurping John !", "But they will quake and tremble all this day .", "To my keen curses ; for without my wrong", "And our oppression hath made up this league .", "This news hath made thee a most ugly man .", "Therefore , since law itself is perfect wrong ,", "Or , if it must stand still , let wives with child", "It is not so ; thou hast misspoke , misheard ;", "To teach thee safety ! Thou art perjur 'd too ,", "A widow , husbandless , subject to fears ;", "What dost thou mean by shaking of thy head ?", "A woman , naturally born to fears ;", "O fair return of banish 'd majesty !", "Resembling majesty , which , being touch 'd and tried ,", "And with the half-blown rose ; but Fortune , O !", "Which harm within itself so heinous is", "Let it be lawful that law bar no wrong ;", "Good father Cardinal , cry thou \u2018 amen \u2019", "Shall Lewis have Blanch , and Blanch those provinces ?", "It cannot be ; thou dost but say \u2018 tis so ;", "I have a king 's oath to the contrary .", "And for mine too ; when law can do no right ,", "Which in the very meeting fall and die !", "That I have room with Rome to curse awhile !", "This day of shame , oppression , perjury ;", "Fellow , be gone : I cannot brook thy sight ;", "Thou ever strong upon the stronger side !", "Upon my party ! Thou cold-blooded slave ,", "For then I should not love thee ; no , nor thou", "For I am sick and capable of fears ,", "You came in arms to spill mine enemies \u2019 blood ,", "Forethought by heaven !", "Thou shalt be punish 'd for thus frighting me ,", "That need must needs infer this principle-"], "true_target": ["For he that holds his kingdom holds the law ;", "I would not care , I then would be content ;", "Envenom him with words , or get thee gone", "As it makes harmful all that speak of it .", "Be these sad signs confirmers of thy words ?", "This day , all things begun come to ill end ,", "Made hard with kneeling , I do pray to thee ,", "France friend with England ; what becomes of me ?", "Nay , rather turn this day out of the week ,", "France is a bawd to Fortune and King John-", "False blood to false blood join 'd ! Gone to be friends !", "Believe me I do not believe thee , man ;", "That bloody spoil . Thou slave , thou wretch , thou coward !", "What hath this day deserv 'd ? what hath it done", "A wicked day , and not a holy day !", "Thou little valiant , great in villainy !", "That which upholdeth him that thee upholds ,", "How can the law forbid my tongue to curse ?", "Been sworn my soldier , bidding me depend", "Keep my need up , and faith is trodden down !", "But thou art fair , and at thy birth , dear boy ,", "O , if thou grant my need ,", "Thou mayst , thou shalt ; I will not go with thee ; I will instruct my sorrows to be proud , For grief is proud , and makes his owner stoop . To me , and to the state of my great grief , Let kings assemble ; for my grief 's so great That no supporter but the huge firm earth Can hold it up .Here I and sorrows sit ; Here is my throne , bid kings come bow to it .", "And by disjoining hands hell lose a soul .", "Which only lives but by the death of faith ,", "But now in arms you strengthen it with yours .", "War ! war ! no peace ! Peace is to me a war .", "O Lewis , stand fast ! The devil tempts thee here", "But this one word , whether thy tale be true .", "O , upon my knee ,", "And hang a calf'shYpppHeNskin on those recreant limbs .", "A widow cries : Be husband to me , heavens !", "That faith would live again by death of need .", "With my vex 'd spirits I cannot take a truce ,", "Hear me , O , hear me !", "Like a proud river peering o'er his bounds ?", "A ramping fool , to brag and stamp and swear", "Proves valueless ; you are forsworn , forsworn ;", "Set armed discord \u2018 twixt these perjur 'd kings !", "Oppress 'd with wrongs , and therefore full of fears ;", "Pray that their burdens may not fall this day ,", "To tread down fair respect of sovereignty ,", "And sooth'st up greatness . What a fool art thou ,", "Thou Fortune 's champion that dost never fight", "What should he say , but as the Cardinal ?", "Look to that , devil , lest that France repent", "Sh \u2019 adulterates hourly with thine uncle John ,", "Is but the vain breath of a common man :", "Hast thou not spoke like thunder on my side ,", "What means that hand upon that breast of thine ?", "That it in golden letters should be set", "Thou wear a lion 's hide ! Doff it for shame ,", "Lame , foolish , crooked , swart , prodigious ,", "Lewis marry Blanch ! O boy , then where art thou ?", "O Lymoges ! O Austria ! thou dost shame", "Among the high tides in the calendar ?", "Is cold in amity and painted peace ,", "Ugly , and sland'rous to thy mother 's womb ,", "And made his majesty the bawd to theirs .", "Teach thou this sorrow how to make me die ;", "O be remov 'd from him , and answer well !", "If thou that bid'st me be content wert grim ,", "Arm , arm , you heavens , against these perjur 'd kings !", "Upon thy stars , thy fortune , and thy strength ,", "And let belief and life encounter so", "Of Nature 's gifts thou mayst with lilies boast ,", "And with her golden hand hath pluck 'd on France"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 39}, {"query": ["Pardon me , madam ,", "I may not go without you to the kings .", "That give you cause to prove my saying true ."], "true_target": ["What other harm have I , good lady , done", "As true as I believe you think them false", "But spoke the harm that is by others done ?"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 39}, {"query": ["Here comes the holy legate of the Pope .", "Of smiling peace to march a bloody host ,", "Out of your grace , devise , ordain , impose ,", "And make a riot on the gentle brow", "As now again to snatch our palm from palm ,", "Play fast and loose with faith ? so jest with heaven ,", "Thou shalt not need . England , I will fall from thee .", "This royal hand and mine are newly knit ,", "Turning with splendour of his precious eye", "Look to thyself , thou art in jeopardy .", "I am perplex 'd and know not what to say .", "Was deep-sworn faith , peace , amity , true love ,", "Have I not pawn 'd to you my majesty ?", "By heaven , lady , you shall have no cause", "The yearly course that brings this day about", "With slaughter 's pencil , where revenge did paint", "So newly join 'd in love , so strong in both ,", "To curse the fair proceedings of this day .", "And the conjunction of our inward souls", "\u2018 Tis true , fair daughter , and this blessed day", "My reverend father , let it not be so !", "Stays in his course and plays the alchemist ,", "The latest breath that gave the sound of words", "To solemnize this day the glorious sun"], "true_target": ["And even before this truce , but new before ,", "The fearful difference of incensed kings .", "Heaven knows , they were besmear 'd and overstain 'd", "Between our kingdoms and our royal selves ;", "Brother of England , you blaspheme in this .", "The meagre cloddy earth to glittering gold .", "Shall never see it but a holiday .", "Thy rage shall burn thee up , and thou shalt turn", "And tell me how you would bestow yourself .", "Of true sincerity ? O , holy sir ,", "Unyoke this seizure and this kind regreet ?", "Ever in France shall be kept festival .", "And shall these hands , so lately purg 'd of blood ,", "To ashes , ere our blood shall quench that fire .", "To clap this royal bargain up of peace ,", "Unswear faith sworn , and on the marriage-bed", "Some gentle order ; and then we shall be blest", "Married in league , coupled and link 'd together", "Make such unconstant children of ourselves ,", "I may disjoin my hand , but not my faith .", "Good reverend father , make my person yours ,", "No longer than we well could wash our hands ,", "To do your pleasure , and continue friends .", "With all religious strength of sacred vows ;"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 39}, {"query": ["Rebellion , flat rebellion !", "Do so , King Philip ; hang no more in doubt .", "King Philip , listen to the Cardinal .", "Thou dar'st not say so , villain , for thy life ."], "true_target": ["O that a man should speak those words to me !", "Well , ruffian , I must pocket up these wrongs ,", "Lady Constance , peace !", "Because-"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 39}, {"query": ["Your breeches best may carry them .", "Old Time the clock-setter , that bald sexton Time ,", "Is it as he will ? Well then , France shall rue .", "And hang a calf'shYpppHeNskin on those recreant limbs ."], "true_target": ["Hang nothing but a calf'shYpppHeNskin , most sweet lout .", "Will't not be ? Will not a calf'shYpppHeNskin stop that mouth of thine ?", "And hang a calf'shYpppHeNskin on those recreant limbs .", "And hang a calf'shYpppHeNskin on his recreant limbs ."], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 39}, {"query": ["No more than he that threats . To arms let 's hie !", "France , thou shalt rue this hour within this hour .", "Yet I alone , alone do me oppose", "Shall tithe or toll in our dominions ;", "Thou canst not , Cardinal , devise a name", "Add thus much more , that no Italian priest", "So tell the Pope , all reverence set apart", "Tell him this tale , and from the mouth of England", "Where we do reign we will alone uphold ,", "Can task the free breath of a sacred king ?", "To charge me to an answer , as the Pope .", "So slight , unworthy , and ridiculous ,", "But as we under heaven are supreme head ,", "Against the Pope , and count his friends my foes .", "Though you and all the rest , so grossly led ,"], "true_target": ["Philip , what say'st thou to the Cardinal ?", "This juggling witchcraft with revenue cherish ;", "Who in that sale sells pardon from himself-", "And by the merit of vile gold , dross , dust ,", "We like not this : thou dost forget thyself .", "Are led so grossly by this meddling priest ,", "To him and his usurp 'd authority .", "Cousin , go draw our puissance together .", "Though you and all the kings of Christendom", "Dreading the curse that money may buy out ,", "The King is mov 'd , and answers not to this .", "Without th \u2019 assistance of a mortal hand .", "What earthly name to interrogatories", "Purchase corrupted pardon of a man ,", "So , under Him that great supremacy ,"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 39}, {"query": ["Of Canterbury , from that holy see ?", "Philip of France , on peril of a curse ,", "Unless he do submit himself to Rome .", "This , in our foresaid holy father 's name ,", "That takes away by any secret course", "So mak'st thou faith an enemy to faith ;", "Do in his name religiously demand", "Save what is opposite to England 's love .", "All form is formless , order orderless ,", "Thou shalt stand curs 'd and excommunicate ;", "Keep Stephen Langton , chosen Archbishop", "I Pandulph , of fair Milan cardinal ,", "A chafed lion by the mortal paw ,", "Thy hateful life .", "Hail , you anointed deputies of heaven !", "And blessed shall he be that doth revolt", "Than keep in peace that hand which thou dost hold .", "From his allegiance to an heretic ;"], "true_target": ["Or let the church , our mother , breathe her curse-", "A fasting tiger safer by the tooth ,", "And meritorious shall that hand be call 'd ,", "Let go the hand of that arch-heretic ,", "What canst thou say but will perplex thee more ,", "So wilfully dost spurn ; and force perforce", "And raise the power of France upon his head ,", "To thee , King John , my holy errand is .", "Therefore , to arms ! be champion of our church ,", "There 's law and warrant , lady , for my curse .", "If thou stand excommunicate and curs 'd ?", "Canonized , and worshipp 'd as a saint ,", "Then by the lawful power that I have", "Pope Innocent , I do demand of thee .", "A mother 's curse-on her revolting son .", "France , thou mayst hold a serpent by the tongue ,", "Why thou against the Church , our holy mother ,", "I will denounce a curse upon his head .", "And from Pope Innocent the legate here ,"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 39}, {"query": ["O foul revolt of French inconstancy !"], "true_target": ["Look'st thou pale , France ? Do not let go thy hand ."], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 39}, {"query": ["Is purchase of a heavy curse from Rome", "Forgo the easier .", "Lady , with me , with me thy fortune lies .", "Father , to arms !"], "true_target": ["Bethink you , father ; for the difference", "I muse your Majesty doth seem so cold ,", "Or the light loss of England for a friend .", "When such profound respects do pull you on ."], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 39}, {"query": ["Whoever wins , on that side shall I lose :", "Assured loss before the match be play 'd .", "What , shall our feast be kept with slaughtered men ?", "Against mine uncle .", "Which till this time my tongue did ne'er pronounce ,", "O husband , hear me ! ay , alack , how new", "Husband , I cannot pray that thou mayst win ;", "Is \u2018 husband \u2019 in my mouth ! even for that name ,", "I am with both : each army hath a hand ;", "The Lady Constance speaks not from her faith ,", "Upon thy wedding-day ?", "Upon my knee I beg , go not to arms", "But from her need ."], "true_target": ["Clamours of hell , be measures to our pomp ?", "And in their rage , I having hold of both ,", "Which is the side that I must go withal ?", "There where my fortune lives , there my life dies .", "Now shall I see thy love . What motive may", "Against the blood that thou hast married ?", "Father , I may not wish the fortune thine ;", "The sun 's o'ercast with blood . Fair day , adieu !", "Shall braying trumpets and loud churlish drums ,", "Be stronger with thee than the name of wife ?", "Grandam , I will not wish thy wishes thrive .", "Uncle , I needs must pray that thou mayst lose ;", "That 's the curse of Rome .", "They whirl asunder and dismember me ."], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 39}, {"query": ["Will bring this labour to an happy end .", "While Philip breathes .", "Her Highness is in safety , fear you not ;", "My lord , I rescued her ;"], "true_target": ["But on , my liege , for very little pains", "And pours down mischief . Austria 's head lie there ,", "Now , by my life , this day grows wondrous hot ;", "Some airy devil hovers in the sky"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 40}, {"query": ["And ta'en , I fear ."], "true_target": ["Hubert , keep this boy . Philip , make up :", "My mother is assailed in our tent ,"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 40}, {"query": ["If this same were a churchyard where we stand ,", "And strain their cheeks to idle merriment ,", "Without a tongue , using conceit alone ,", "Coz , farewell .", "A grave .", "To give me audience . If the midnight bell", "He lies before me . Dost thou understand me ?", "Death .", "Did with his iron tongue and brazen mouth", "He is a very serpent in my way ;", "A passion hateful to my purposes ;", "Hubert shall be your man , attend on you", "Yet it shall come for me to do thee good .", "Attended with the pleasures of the world ,", "And wheresoe'er this foot of mine doth tread ,", "For England , cousin , go ;", "With all true duty . On toward Calais , ho !", "And with advantage means to pay thy love ;", "But I will fit it with some better time .", "Thou art his keeper .", "Had bak 'd thy blood and made it heavy-thick ,", "Sound on into the drowsy race of night ;", "Making that idiot , laughter , keep men 's eyes", "Without eyes , ears , and harmful sound of words-", "And , by my troth , I think thou lov'st me well .", "And , my good friend , thy voluntary oath"], "true_target": ["Do not I know thou wouldst ?", "So shall it be ; your Grace shall stay behind , So strongly guarded .Cousin , look not sad ; Thy grandam loves thee , and thy uncle will As dear be to thee as thy father was .", "Or if that thou couldst see me without eyes ,", "Good Hubert , Hubert , Hubert , throw thine eye", "I would into thy bosom pour my thoughts .", "Then , in despite of brooded watchful day ,", "Lives in this bosom , dearly cherished .", "But , ah , I will not ! Yet I love thee well ;", "Hear me without thine cars , and make reply", "But thou shalt have ; and creep time ne'er so slow ,", "Which else runs tickling up and down the veins ,", "We owe thee much ! Within this wall of flesh", "To say what good respect I have of thee .", "Cousin , away for England ! haste before , And , ere our coming , see thou shake the bags Of hoarding abbots ; imprisoned angels Set at liberty ; the fat ribs of peace Must by the hungry now be fed upon . Use our commission in his utmost force .", "Good friend , thou hast no cause to say so yet ,", "On yon young boy . I 'll tell thee what , my friend ,", "Come hither , Hubert . O my gentle Hubert ,", "Give me thy hand . I had a thing to say-", "The sun is in the heaven , and the proud day ,", "And thou possessed with a thousand wrongs ;", "Enough ! I could be merry now . Hubert , I love thee . Well , I 'll not say what I intend for thee .", "I had a thing to say-but let it go :", "Or if that surly spirit , melancholy ,", "There is a soul counts thee her creditor ,", "Is all too wanton and too full of gawds", "By heaven , Hubert , I am almost asham 'd"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 41}, {"query": ["Bell , book , and candle , shall not drive me back ,", "I leave your Highness . Grandam , I will pray ,"], "true_target": ["For your fair safety . So , I kiss your hand .", "If ever I remember to be holy ,", "When gold and silver becks me to come on ."], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 41}, {"query": ["My blessing go with thee !"], "true_target": ["Farewell , gentle cousin .", "Come hither , little kinsman ; hark , a word ."], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 41}, {"query": ["He shall not live .", "That he shall not offend your Majesty .", "And I 'll keep him so", "Though that my death were adjunct to my act ,"], "true_target": ["By heaven , I would do it .", "I am much bounden to your Majesty .", "My lord ?", "So well that what you bid me undertake ,"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 41}, {"query": ["O fair affliction , peace !", "Bind up those tresses . O , what love I note", "Like true , inseparable , faithful loves ,", "So by a roaring tempest on the flood", "Are we not beaten ? Is not Angiers lost ?", "And bloody England into England gone ,", "What can go well , when we have run so ill .", "Look who comes here ! a grave unto a soul ;", "Sticking together in calamity .", "Bind up your hairs .", "Holding th \u2019 eternal spirit , against her will ,", "A whole armado of convicted sail", "In the vile prison of afflicted breath ."], "true_target": ["Is scattered and disjoin 'd from fellowship .", "Enter CONSTANCE", "Even to that drop ten thousand wiry friends", "Patience , good lady ! Comfort , gentle Constance !", "So we could find some pattern of our shame .", "Where but by a chance a silver drop hath fall'n ,", "You are as fond of grief as of your child .", "Do glue themselves in sociable grief ,", "In the fair multitude of those her hairs !", "Well could I bear that England had this praise ,", "O'erbearing interruption , spite of France ?", "I prithee , lady , go away with me .", "Arthur ta'en prisoner ? Divers dear friends slain ?", "I fear some outrage , and I 'll follow her ."], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 42}, {"query": ["A sceptre snatch 'd with an unruly hand", "And pick strong matter of revolt and wrath", "Your mind is all as youthful as your blood .", "The misplac 'd John should entertain an hour ,", "Before the curing of a strong disease ,", "And he that stands upon a slipp'ry place", "For he that steeps his safety in true blood", "Plainly denouncing vengeance upon John .", "Or as a little snow , tumbled about ,", "No , no ; when Fortune means to men most good ,", "Is now in England ransacking the Church ,", "Were there in arms , they would be as a can", "Methinks I see this hurly all on foot ;", "In this which he accounts so clearly won .", "And kiss the lips of unacquainted change ,", "Are not you griev 'd that Arthur is his prisoner ?", "The fit is strongest ; evils that take leave", "She looks upon them with a threat'ning eye .", "To check his reign but they will cherish it ;", "What have you lost by losing of this day ?", "O , Sir , when he shall hear of your approach ,", "What may be wrought out of their discontent ,", "Thy foot to England 's throne . And therefore mark :", "But they will pluck away his natural cause", "Abortives , presages , and tongues of heaven ,", "Of all his people and freeze up their zeal ,", "Go with me to the King . \u2018 Tis wonderful", "You , in the right of Lady Blanch your wife ,", "Out of the path which shall directly lead", "On their departure most of all show evil ;", "Must be boisterously maintain 'd as gain 'd ,", "And call them meteors , prodigies , and signs ,", "Even in the instant of repair and health ,"], "true_target": ["Even at that news he dies ; and then the hearts", "Than I have nam 'd ! The bastard Faulconbridge", "You hold too heinous a respect of grief .", "How green you are and fresh in this old world !", "One minute , nay , one quiet breath of rest .", "So be it , for it cannot be but so .", "That John may stand then , Arthur needs must fall ;", "This act , so evilly borne , shall cool the hearts", "\u2018 Tis strange to think how much King John hath lost", "May then make all the claim that Arthur did .", "Offending charity ; if but a dozen French", "That none so small advantage shall step forth", "Shall blow each dust , each straw , each little rub ,", "Of all his people shall revolt from him ,", "To train ten thousand English to their side ;", "Now hear me speak with a prophetic spirit ;", "For even the breath of what I mean to speak", "No scope of nature , no distemper 'd day ,", "John hath seiz 'd Arthur ; and it cannot be", "For England go ; I will whet on the King .", "John lays you plots ; the times conspire with you ;", "That , whiles warm life plays in that infant 's veins ,", "Anon becomes a mountain . O noble Dauphin ,", "Out of the bloody fingers \u2019 ends of john .", "Lady , you utter madness and not sorrow .", "Now that their souls are topful of offence .", "If that young Arthur be not gone already ,", "And , O , what better matter breeds for you", "Makes nice of no vile hold to stay him up ;", "Courage and comfort ! All shall yet go well .", "If you had won it , certainly you had .", "No natural exhalation in the sky ,", "No common wind , no customed event ,", "Shall find but bloody safety and untrue ."], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 42}, {"query": ["As heartily as he is glad he hath him .", "But what shall I gain by young Arthur 's fall ?", "There 's nothing in this world can make me joy .", "Life is as tedious as a twice-told tale", "May be he will not touch young Arthur 's life ,", "Vexing the dull ear of a drowsy man ;", "All days of glory , joy , and happiness ."], "true_target": ["And lose it , life and all , as Arthur did .", "Strong reasons makes strong actions . Let us go ;", "And bitter shame hath spoil 'd the sweet world 's taste ,", "he hath won , that hath he fortified ; So hot a speed with such advice dispos 'd , Such temperate order in so fierce a cause , Doth want example ; who hath read or heard Of any kindred action like to this ?", "If you say ay , the King will not say no .", "That it yields nought but shame and bitterness .", "But hold himself safe in his prisonment ."], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 42}, {"query": ["For since the birth of Cain , the first male child ,", "As dim and meagre as an ague 's fit ;", "Which cannot hear a lady 's feeble voice ,", "No , I defy all counsel , all redress ,", "My reasonable part produces reason", "And thou shalt be canoniz 'd , Cardinal ;", "For , being not mad , but sensible of grief ,", "Or madly think a babe of clouts were he .", "To him that did but yesterday suspire ,", "But that which ends all counsel , true redress-", "How I may be deliver 'd of these woes ,", "O , if I could , what grief should I forget !", "Thou odoriferous stench ! sound rottenness !", "And teaches me to kill or hang myself .", "I tore them from their bonds , and cried aloud", "As they have given these hairs their liberty ! \u2019", "But now will canker sorrow eat my bud", "And he will look as hollow as a ghost ,", "And rouse from sleep that fell anatomy", "And so he 'll die ; and , rising so again ,", "Young Arthur is my son , and he is lost .", "O that my tongue were in the thunder 's mouth !", "Thou art not holy to belie me so .", "Which scorns a modern invocation .", "My name is Constance ; I was Geffrey 's wife ;", "There was not such a gracious creature born .", "Come , grin on me , and I will think thou smil'st ,", "When I shall meet him in the court of heaven", "Preach some philosophy to make me mad ,", "And will again commit them to their bonds ,", "Thou hate and terror to prosperity ,"], "true_target": ["Must I behold my pretty Arthur more .", "I shall not know him . Therefore never , never", "I am not mad ; too well , too well I feel", "\u2018 O that these hands could so redeem my son ,", "And buss thee as thy wife . Misery 's love ,", "And I will kiss thy detestable bones ,", "And chase the native beauty from his cheek ,", "And ring these fingers with thy household worms ,", "O , come to me !", "And put my eyeballs in thy vaulty brows ,", "If that be true , I shall see my boy again ;", "Arise forth from the couch of lasting night ,", "Lo now ! now see the issue of your peace !", "If I were mad I should forget my son ,", "Then with a passion would I shake the world ,", "And stop this gap of breath with fulsome dust ,", "I am not mad-I would to heaven I were !", "Death , death ; O amiable lovely death !", "For then \u2018 tis like I should forget myself .", "To England , if you will .", "And , father Cardinal , I have heard you say", "The different plague of each calamity .", "Grief fills the room up of my absent child , Lies in his bed , walks up and down with me , Puts on his pretty looks , repeats his words , Remembers me of all his gracious parts , Stuffs out his vacant garments with his form ; Then have I reason to be fond of grief . Fare you well ; had you such a loss as I , I could give better comfort than you do . I will not keep this form upon my head ,When there is such disorder in my wit . O Lord ! my boy , my Arthur , my fair son ! My life , my joy , my food , my ail the world ! My widow-comfort , and my sorrows \u2019 cure !", "And be a carrion monster like thyself .", "That we shall see and know our friends in heaven ;", "No , no , I will not , having breath to cry .", "Because my poor child is a prisoner .", "But now I envy at their liberty ,", "He talks to me that never had a son .", "I am not mad : this hair I tear is mine ;", "Yes , that I will ; and wherefore will I do it ?"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 42}, {"query": ["Indeed I have been merrier .", "I have sworn to do it ;", "Go , stand within ; let me alone with him .", "Come forth . Re-enter EXECUTIONERS , With cord , irons , etc . Do as I bid you do .", "Yet I am sworn , and I did purpose , boy ,", "And , pretty child , sleep doubtless and secure", "And I will .", "Your uncle must not know but you are dead :", "Young boy , I must .", "Uncleanly scruples ! Fear not you . Look to't .", "If I talk to him , with his innocent prate", "Come , boy , prepare yourself .", "That Hubert , for the wealth of all the world ,", "Fast to the chair . Be heedful ; hence , and watch .", "Will not offend thee .", "With this same very iron to burn them out .", "And with hot irons must I burn them out ."], "true_target": ["Well , see to live ; I will not touch thine eye", "Therefore I will be sudden and dispatch .", "Peace ; no more . Adieu .", "None , but to lose your eyes .", "Within the arras . When I strike my foot", "I can heat it , boy .", "Heat me these irons hot ; and look thou stand", "Good morrow , little Prince .", "Is this your promise ? Go to , hold your tongue .", "And bind the boy which you shall find with me", "Upon the bosom of the ground , rush forth", "He will awake my mercy , which lies dead ;", "Silence ; no more . Go closely in with me . Much danger do I undergo for thee .", "But with my breath I can revive it , boy .", "His words do take possession of my bosom. - Read here , young Arthur .How now , foolish rheum ! Turning dispiteous torture out of door ! I must be brief , lest resolution drop Out at mine eyes in tender womanish tears. - Can you not read it ? Is it not fair writ ?", "For all the treasure that thine uncle owes .", "I 'll fill these dogged spies with false reports ;", "Give me the iron , I say , and bind him here ."], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 43}, {"query": ["I hope your warrant will bear out the deed ."], "true_target": ["I am best pleas 'd to be from such a deed ."], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 43}, {"query": ["And with my hand at midnight held your head ;", "Methinks no body should be sad but I ;", "Nay , you may think my love was crafty love ,", "I knit my handkerchief about your brows-", "Is there no remedy ?", "That I might sit all night and watch with you .", "I warrant I love you more than you do me .", "You were disguis 'd .", "The iron of itself , though heat red-hot ,", "Creatures of note for mercy-lacking uses .", "Or \u2018 What good love may I perform for you ? \u2019", "And so I would be here but that I doubt", "Your vile intent must needs seem horrible .", "In undeserved extremes . See else yourself :", "Have you the heart ? When your head did but ache ,", "Mercy on me !", "But for containing fire to harm mine eye .", "Let me not hold my tongue , let me not , Hubert ;", "Then , feeling what small things are boisterous there ,", "So I may keep mine eyes . O , spare mine eyes ,", "And , like the watchful minutes to the hour ,", "All things that you should use to do me wrong", "Are you more stubborn-hard than hammer 'd iron ?", "O , now you look like Hubert ! All this while", "Ah , none but in this iron age would do it !", "Any annoyance in that precious sense !", "Are you sick , Hubert ? You look pale to-day ;", "Must needs want pleading for a pair of eyes .", "O heaven ! I thank you , Hubert .", "Whatever torment you do put me to .", "No , in good sooth ; the fire is dead with grief ,", "I were your son , so you would love me , Hubert .", "Alas , what need you be so boist'rous rough ?", "Nay , it perchance will sparkle in your eyes ,", "The best I had , a princess wrought it me-", "An if an angel should have come to me", "Snatch at his master that doth tarre him on .", "But you at your sick service had a prince .", "So much as frown on you ?", "And will you ?", "And strew 'd repentant ashes on his head .", "I would not have believ 'd him-no tongue but Hubert 's .", "Though to no use but still to look on you !", "A grain , a dust , a gnat , a wandering hair ,", "Young gentlemen would be as sad as night ,", "Is it my fault that I was Geffrey 's son ?", "And I will sit as quiet as a lamb ;", "Approaching near these eyes would drink my tears ,", "And ne'er have spoke a loving word to you ;"], "true_target": ["Being create for comfort , to be us 'd", "Even with the fierce looks of these bloody men .", "Even in the matter of mine innocence ;", "And , like a dog that is compell 'd to fight ,", "Let him come back , that his compassion may", "Only for wantonness . By my christendom ,", "So I were out of prison and kept sheep ,", "O heaven , that there were but a mote in yours ,", "That mercy which fierce fire and iron extends ,", "He is afraid of me , and I of him .", "Nor look upon the iron angrily ;", "My uncle practises more harm to me ;", "Saying \u2018 What lack you ? \u2019 and \u2018 Where lies your grief ? \u2019", "And quench his fiery indignation", "He hath a stern look but a gentle heart .", "And told me Hubert should put out mine eyes ,", "I will not struggle , I will stand stone-still .", "Thrust but these men away , and I 'll forgive you ,", "There is no malice in this burning coal ;", "Why , then you must . Will you put out mine eyes ,", "Deny their office ; only you do lack", "Lo , by my troth , the instrument is cold", "Yet , I remember , when I was in France ,", "O , save me , Hubert , save me ! My eyes are out", "Still and anon cheer 'd up the heavy time ,", "Many a poor man 's son would have lyen still ,", "The breath of heaven hath blown his spirit out ,", "And I did never ask it you again ;", "And would not harm me .", "And glow with shame of your proceedings , Hubert .", "As little prince , having so great a tide", "Give life to yours .", "No , indeed , ist not ; and I would to heaven", "Too fairly , Hubert , for so foul effect . Must you with hot irons burn out both mine eyes ?", "Nay , hear me , Hubert ! Drive these men away ,", "These eyes that never did nor never shall", "And call it cunning . Do , an if you will .", "If heaven be pleas 'd that you must use me ill ,", "Hubert , the utterance of a brace of tongues", "In sooth , I would you were a little sick ,", "I should be as merry as the day is long ;", "Nay , after that , consume away in rust", "To be more prince , as may be . You are sad .", "Good morrow , Hubert .", "Or , Hubert , if you will , cut out my tongue ,", "I will not stir , nor wince , nor speak a word ,", "For heaven sake , Hubert , let me not be bound !", "Alas , I then have chid away my friend !", "An if you do , you will but make it blush"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 43}, {"query": ["Where hath it slept ? Where is my mother 's care ,", "Between my conscience and my cousin 's death .", "It is the curse of kings to be attended", "The suit which you demand is gone and dead :", "A fearful eye thou hast ; where is that blood", "Why urgest thou so oft young Arthur 's death ?", "Apt , liable to be employ 'd in danger ,", "Finding thee fit for bloody villainy ,", "For I must use thee .", "This kingdom , this confine of blood and breath ,", "Under whose conduct came those pow'rs of France", "The deed which both our tongues held vile to name .", "They burn in indignation . I repent .", "To break within the bloody house of life ,", "My mother dead ! Re-enter HUBERT", "Deep shame had struck me dumb , made me break off ,", "And thou , to be endeared to a king ,", "Hubert , away with him ; imprison him ;", "And didst in signs again parley with sin ;", "Upon thy feature ; for my rage was blind ,", "Good lords , although my will to give is living ,", "To your proceedings ? Do not seek to stuff", "Why do you bend such solemn brows on me ? Think you I bear the shears of destiny ? Have I commandment on the pulse of life ?", "Now ! What says the world", "Why seek'st thou to possess me with these fears ?", "Made it no conscience to destroy a prince .", "He tells us Arthur is deceas 'd to-night .", "And on that day at noon whereon he says", "I have possess 'd you with , and think them strong ;", "Yea , without stop , didst let thy heart consent ,", "I faintly broke with thee of Arthur 's death ;", "Or turn 'd an eye of doubt upon my face ,", "Enter the BASTARD and PETER OF POMFRET", "So foul a sky clears not without a storm .", "By slaves that take their humours for a warrant", "Thy hand hath murd'red him . I had a mighty cause", "And she not hear of it ?", "With dreadful pomp of stout invasion !", "O , where hath our intelligence been drunk ?", "How wildly then walks my estate in France !", "And consequently thy rude hand to act", "No certain life achiev 'd by others \u2019 death .", "My discontented peers ! What ! mother dead !", "O , make a league with me , till I have pleas 'd", "To wish him dead , but thou hadst none to kill him .", "Aloft the flood , and can give audience", "Here once again we sit , once again crown 'd ,", "Hadst thou but shook thy head or made pause ,", "Even at my gates , with ranks of foreign pow'rs ;", "Withhold thy speed , dreadful occasion !", "To any tongue , speak it of what it will .", "How oft the sight of means to do ill deeds", "Out of my sight , and never see me more !", "And foul imaginary eyes of blood", "Enter a MESSENGER", "But thou didst understand me by my signs ,", "What you would have reform 'd that is not well ,", "And those thy fears might have wrought fears in me ."], "true_target": ["I have a way to will their loves again ;", "As bid me tell my tale in express words ,", "And fly like thought from them to me again .", "I will both hear and grant you your requests .", "O , when the last account \u2018 twixt heaven and earth", "I shall indue you with . Meantime but ask", "To understand a law ; to know the meaning", "Bear with me , cousin , for I was amaz 'd", "Make deeds ill done ! Hadst not thou been by ,", "Thou hast made me giddy", "I conjure thee but slowly ; run more fast .", "And look 'd upon , I hope , with cheerful eyes .", "Thou idle dreamer , wherefore didst thou so ?", "Doth Arthur live ? O , haste thee to the peers ,", "With these in tidings .", "And thrust thyself into their companies .", "And more , more strong , when lesser is my fear ,", "The angry lords with all expedient haste .", "When I spake darkly what I purposed ,", "That thou for truth giv'st out are landed here ?", "My nobles leave me ; and my state is braved ,", "But , taking note of thy abhorr 'd aspect ,", "Quoted and sign 'd to do a deed of shame ,", "Presented thee more hideous than thou art .", "Gentle kinsman , go", "Nay , in the body of the fleshly land ,", "O , answer not ; but to my closet bring", "And on the winking of authority", "And make them tame to their obedience !", "Nay , but make haste ; the better foot before .", "This murder had not come into my mind ;", "There is no sure foundation set on blood ,", "Pour down thy weather-how goes all in France ?", "A fellow by the hand of nature mark 'd ,", "And well shall you perceive how willingly", "To your direction .", "Of dangerous majesty , when perchance it frowns", "O , let me have no subject enemies", "Deliver him to safety ; and return ,", "Witness against us to damnation !", "Be Mercury , set feathers to thy heels ,", "I shall yield up my crown let him be hang 'd .", "Throw this report on their incensed rage", "More upon humour than advis 'd respect .", "Five moons !", "We cannot hold mortality 's strong hand .", "Some reasons of this double coronation", "That such an army could be drawn in France ,", "When adverse foreigners affright my towns", "Forgive the comment that my passion made", "Bring them before me .", "Hostility and civil tumult reigns", "Under the tide ; but now I breathe again", "That I have seen inhabit in those cheeks ?", "Let it be so . I do commit his youth", "Spoke like a sprightful noble gentleman .", "Is to be made , then shall this hand and seal", "My head with more ill news , for it is fun ."], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 44}, {"query": ["Discredit more in hiding of the fault", "Doth show the mood of a much troubled breast ,", "Doth make the fault the worse by th \u2019 excuse ,", "Than whereupon our weal , on you depending ,", "Your safety , for the which myself and them", "Both for myself and them - but , chief of all ,", "Then I , as one that am the tongue of these ,", "That the time 's enemies may not have this", "His little kingdom of a forced grave .", "Than did the fault before it was so patch 'd .", "Bend their best studies , heartily request", "The rich advantage of good exercise ?", "The faiths of men ne'er stained with revolt ;", "When workmen strive to do better than well ,", "And that high royalty was ne'er pluck 'd off ,", "That blood which ow 'd the breadth of all this isle", "With barbarous ignorance , and deny his youth", "And I do fearfully believe \u2018 tis done", "The steps of wrong-should move you to mew up", "Lives in his eye ; that close aspect of his", "This is the man should do the bloody deed :", "The image of a wicked heinous fault", "Counts it your weal he have his liberty .", "This once again , but that your Highness pleas 'd ,", "With any long'dhYpppHeNfor change or better state .", "Which for our goods we do no further ask", "Indeed , we heard how near his death he was ,", "Fresh expectation troubled not the land"], "true_target": ["Th \u2019 enfranchisement of Arthur , whose restraint", "To grace occasions , let it be our suit", "But that your royal pleasure must be done ,", "LORDS", "That you have bid us ask his liberty ;", "Three foot of it doth hold-bad world the while !", "What we so fear 'd he had a charge to do .", "And find th \u2019 inheritance of this poor child ,", "He show 'd his warrant to a friend of mine ;", "To break into this dangerous argument :", "As patches set upon a little breach", "And , in the last repeating , troublesome ,", "Was once superfluous : you were crown 'd before ,", "They do confound their skill in covetousness ;", "If what in rest you have in right you hold ,", "To all our sorrows , and ere long I doubt . Exeunt", "Before the child himself felt he was sick .", "Why then your fears-which , as they say , attend", "And oftentimes excusing of a fault", "Doth move the murmuring lips of discontent", "And when it breaks , I fear will issue thence", "This must not be thus borne : this will break out", "Being urged at a time unseasonable .", "To sound the purposes of all their hearts ,", "This must be answer 'd either here or hence .", "This act is as an ancient tale new told", "Stay yet , Lord Salisbury , I 'll go with thee", "The foul corruption of a sweet child 's death .", "Your tender kinsman , and to choke his days"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 44}, {"query": ["To this effect , before you were new-crown 'd ,", "We breath 'd our counsel ; but it pleas 'd your Highness", "Is wasteful and ridiculous excess .", "It makes the course of thoughts to fetch about ,", "Of plain old form is much disfigured ;", "For putting on so new a fashion 'd robe .", "To guard a title that was rich before ,", "To smooth the ice , or add another hue", "To overbear it ; and we are all well pleas 'd ,", "To gild refined gold , to paint the lily ,", "To seek the beauteous eye of heaven to garnish ,", "It is apparent foul-play ; and \u2018 tis shame", "Like heralds \u2018 twixt two dreadful battles set .", "To throw a perfume on the violet ,"], "true_target": ["Since all and every part of what we would", "In this the antique and well-noted face", "So thrive it in your game ! and so , farewell .", "And like a shifted wind unto a sail", "Between his purpose and his conscience ,", "Startles and frights consideration ,", "The colour of the King doth come and go", "Therefore , to be possess 'd with double pomp ,", "That greatness should so grossly offer it .", "Unto the rainbow , or with taper-light", "His passion is so ripe it needs must break .", "Doth make a stand at what your Highness will .", "Makes sound opinion sick , and truth suspected ,", "Indeed , we fear 'd his sickness was past cure ."], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 44}, {"query": ["The copy of your speed is learn 'd by them ,", "The tidings comes that they are all arriv 'd .", "Is stopp 'd with dust : the first of April died", "Your noble mother ; and as I hear , my lord ,", "For any foreign preparation", "Three days before ; but this from rumour 's tongue", "Was levied in the body of a land ."], "true_target": ["For when you should be told they do prepare ,", "My liege , her ear", "Under the Dauphin .", "I idly heard-if true or false I know not .", "The Lady Constance in a frenzy died", "With all my heart , my liege .", "From France to England . Never such a pow'r"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 44}, {"query": ["With eyes as red as new-enkindled fire ,", "I Will seek them out .", "And here 's a prophet that I brought with me", "Of Arthur , whom they say is kill 'd to-night", "With many hundreds treading on his heels ;", "And others more , going to seek the grave", "The spirit of the time shall teach me speed .", "I find the people strangely fantasied ;", "Your Highness should deliver up your crown .", "But as I travell 'd hither through the land ,", "Possess 'd with rumours , full of idle dreams ."], "true_target": ["Not knowing what they fear , but full of fear ;", "To whom he sung , in rude harsh-sounding rhymes ,", "Then let the worst , unheard , fall on your head .", "Besides , I met Lord Bigot and Lord Salisbury ,", "How I have sped among the clergymen", "The sums I have collected shall express .", "The French , my lord ; men 's mouths are full of it ;", "From forth the streets of Pomfret , whom I found", "On your suggestion .", "That , ere the next Ascension-day at noon ,", "But if you be afear 'd to hear the worst ,"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 44}, {"query": ["Whilst he that hears makes fearful action", "Young Arthur is alive . This hand of mine", "And when they talk of him , they shake their heads ,", "Who , with his shears and measure in his hand ,", "Told of a many thousand warlike French", "Four fixed , and the fifth did whirl about", "Arm you against your other enemies ,", "Than to be butcher of an innocent child .", "And he that speaks doth gripe the hearer 's wrist ,", "And you have slander 'd nature in my form ,", "Young Arthur 's death is common in their mouths ;", "The other four in wondrous motion .", "My lord-", "Do prophesy upon it dangerously ;", "Is yet the cover of a fairer mind", "I saw a smith stand with his hammer , thus ,", "Had falsely thrust upon contrary feet ,"], "true_target": ["That were embattailed and rank 'd in Kent .", "With wrinkled brows , with nods , with rolling eyes .", "The whilst his iron did on the anvil cool ,", "Old men and beldams in the streets", "Standing on slippers , which his nimble haste", "Another lean unwash 'd artificer", "With open mouth swallowing a tailor 's news ;", "Cuts off his tale , and talks of Arthur 's death .", "My lord , they say five moons were seen to-night ;", "And whisper one another in the ear ;", "Is yet a maiden and an innocent hand ,", "I 'll make a peace between your soul and you .", "Here is your hand and seal for what I did .", "Which , howsoever rude exteriorly ,", "The dreadful motion of a murderous thought", "Not painted with the crimson spots of blood .", "Within this bosom never ent'red yet", "No had , my lord ! Why , did you not provoke me ?"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 44}, {"query": ["The incense of a vow , a holy vow ,", "Whose private with me of the Dauphin 's love", "The wildest savagery , the vilest stroke ,", "Doth lay it open to urge on revenge .", "And breathing to his breathless excellence", "Never to be infected with delight ,", "Or do you almost think , although you see ,", "That leaves the print of blood where'er it walks .", "This gentle offer of the perilous time .", "Must I rob the law ?", "This is the prison . What is he lies here ?", "Not till I sheathe it in a murderer 's skin .", "With our pure honours , nor attend the foot", "Presented to the tears of soft remorse .", "For villainy is not without such rheum ;", "Sir Richard , what think you ? Have you beheld ,", "Of murder 's arms ; this is the bloodiest shame ,", "The Count Melun , a noble lord of France ,", "Till I have set a glory to this hand", "Or rather then set forward ; for \u2018 twill be", "Murder , as hating what himself hath done ,", "Stand by , or I shall gall you , Faulconbridge .", "Two long days \u2019 journey , lords , or ere we meet .", "O , he is bold , and blushes not at death ! Avaunt , thou hateful villain , get thee gone !", "Is much more general than these lines import .", "Return and tell him so . We know the worst ."], "true_target": ["For I am stifled with this smell of sin .", "Nor conversant with ease and idleness ,", "It is the shameful work of Hubert 's hand ;", "And he , long traded in it , makes it seem", "Like rivers of remorse and innocency .", "From whose obedience I forbid my soul", "If that it be the work of any hand !", "We had a kind of light what would ensue .", "That ever wall-ey 'd wrath or staring rage", "Away with me , all you whose souls abhor", "Or have you read or heard , or could you think ?", "Our griefs , and not our manners , reason now .", "By giving it the worship of revenge .", "The King hath dispossess 'd himself of us .", "The practice and the purpose of the King ;", "Trust not those cunning waters of his eyes ,", "Th \u2019 uncleanly savours of a slaughter-house ;", "Lords , I will meet him at Saint Edmundsbury ;", "It is our safety , and we must embrace", "We will not line his thin bestained cloak", "Kneeling before this ruin of sweet life ,", "Thou art a murderer .", "Form such another ? This is the very top ,", "Never to taste the pleasures of the world ,", "That you do see ? Could thought , without this object ,", "The height , the crest , or crest unto the crest ,"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 45}, {"query": ["And this , so sole and so unmatchable ,", "Sir , sir , impatience hath his privilege .", "and BIGOT . Our souls religiously confirm thy words .", "To the yet unbegotten sin of times ,", "And prove a deadly bloodshed but a jest ,", "O death , made proud with pure and princely beauty ! The earth had not a hole to hide this deed ."], "true_target": ["Who brought that letter from the Cardinal ?", "Exampled by this heinous spectacle .", "Cut him to pieces .", "All murders past do stand excus 'd in this ;", "There tell the King he may inquire us out .", "Shall give a holiness , a purity ,"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 45}, {"query": ["To-morrow morning let us meet him then .", "What wilt thou do , renowned Faulconbridge ? Second a villain and a murderer ?", "Out , dunghill ! Dar'st thou brave a nobleman ?"], "true_target": ["Or , when he doom 'd this beauty to a grave ,", "Away toward Bury , to the Dauphin there !", "Found it too precious-princely for a grave .", "Who kill 'd this prince ?"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 45}, {"query": ["I 'll strike thee dead . Put up thy sword betime ;", "Doth dogged war bristle his angry crest", "\u2018 Tis true-to hurt his master , no man else .", "Now happy he whose cloak and cincture can", "If thou but frown on me , or stir thy foot ,", "Enough to stifle such a villain up", "That you shall think the devil is come from hell .", "But there is little reason in your grief ;", "To tug and scamble , and to part by th \u2019 teeth", "How easy dost thou take all England up !", "Is fled to heaven ; and England now is left", "Once more to-day well met , distemper 'd lords ! The King by me requests your presence straight .", "As doth a raven on a sick-fall'n beast ,", "A thousand businesses are brief in hand ,", "Will serve to strangle thee ; a rush will be a beam", "The life , the right , and truth of all this realm", "From forth this morsel of dead royalty", "Ha ! I 'll tell thee what :", "The imminent decay of wrested pomp .", "And follow me with speed . I 'll to the King ;", "Or I 'll so maul you and your toasting-iron", "Put but a little water in a spoon", "Keep the peace , I say .", "Or teach thy hasty spleen to do me shame ,", "I am amaz 'd , methinks , and lose my way", "Meet in one line ; and vast confusion waits ,", "There is not yet so ugly a fiend of hell", "It is a damned and a bloody work ;"], "true_target": ["The graceless action of a heavy hand ,", "I do suspect thee very grievously .", "Therefore \u2018 twere reason you had manners now .", "Whate'er you think , good words , I think , were best .", "Now for the bare-pick 'd bone of majesty", "If that it be the work of any hand .", "That ever spider twisted from her womb", "And heaven itself doth frown upon the land .", "Thou'rt damn 'd as black-nay , nothing is so black-", "Thou wert better gall the devil , Salisbury .", "To this most cruel act , do but despair ;", "To hang thee on ; or wouldst thou drown thyself ,", "Here 's a good world ! Knew you of this fair work ?", "Of mercy , if thou didst this deed of death ,", "Art thou damn 'd , Hubert .", "Go , bear him in thine arms .", "Among the thorns and dangers of this world .", "And if thou want'st a cord , the smallest thread", "And it shall be as all the ocean ,", "Now powers from home and discontents at home", "If thou didst but consent", "Hold out this tempest . Bear away that child ,", "Your sword is bright , sir ; put it up again .", "As thou shalt be , if thou didst kill this child .", "Thou art more deep damn 'd than Prince Lucifer ;", "The unowed interest of proud-swelling state .", "Beyond the infinite and boundless reach", "And snarleth in the gentle eyes of peace ;"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 45}, {"query": ["Do but hear me , sir .", "\u2018 Tis not an hour since I left him well .", "I honour 'd him , I lov 'd him , and will weep", "Upon my soul-", "If I in act , consent , or sin of thought ,", "Lest I , by marking of your rage , forget", "Yet I am none . Whose tongue soe'er speaks false ,", "Be guilty of the stealing that sweet breath", "Lord Bigot , I am none .", "Your worth , your greatness and nobility .", "I am no villain .", "Stand back , Lord Salisbury , stand back , I say ;"], "true_target": ["Let hell want pains enough to torture me !", "By heaven , I think my sword 's as sharp as yours .", "I would not have you , lord , forget yourself ,", "Lords , I am hot with haste in seeking you . Arthur doth live ; the King hath sent for you .", "Do not prove me so .", "I left him well .", "My innocent life against an emperor .", "Nor tempt the danger of my true defence ;", "Which was embounded in this beauteous clay ,", "Not for my life ; but yet I dare defend", "My date of life out for his sweet life 's loss .", "Not truly speaks ; who speaks not truly , lies ."], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 45}, {"query": ["Say that before Ascension-day at noon", "I did suppose it should be on constraint ;", "Would not my lords return to me again", "Or overthrow incurable ensues .", "And I have made a happy peace with him ;", "Led by the Dauphin .", "The legate of the Pope hath been with me ,", "Have thou the ordering of this present time .", "Then pause not ; for the present time 's so sick", "Thus have I yielded up into your hand", "The circle of my glory .", "That present med'cine must be minist'red", "And he hath promis 'd to dismiss the powers"], "true_target": ["Our people quarrel with obedience ,", "But , heaven be thank 'd , it is but voluntary .", "Rests by you only to be qualified .", "My crown I should give off ? Even so I have .", "To stop their marches fore we are inflam 'd .", "That villain Hubert told me he did live .", "After they heard young Arthur was alive ?", "To stranger blood , to foreign royalty .", "Now keep your holy word ; go meet the French ;", "Is this Ascension-day ? Did not the prophet", "Swearing allegiance and the love of soul", "This inundation of mistemp'red humour", "And from his Holiness use all your power", "Our discontented counties do revolt ;"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 46}, {"query": ["On this Ascension-day , remember well ,", "Take again", "Upon your stubborn usage of the Pope ;", "And make fair weather in your blust'ring land .", "From this my hand , as holding of the Pope ,"], "true_target": ["Your sovereign greatness and authority .", "It was my breath that blew this tempest up ,", "Upon your oath of service to the Pope ,", "Go I to make the French lay down their arms .", "But since you are a gentle convertite ,", "My tongue shall hush again this storm of war"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 46}, {"query": ["Away , then , with good courage !", "But wherefore do you droop ? Why look you sad ?", "Yet , I know", "Shall we , upon the footing of our land ,", "And grapple with him ere he come so nigh .", "Of bragging horror ; so shall inferior eyes ,", "Your nobles will not hear you , but are gone", "But Dover Castle . London hath receiv 'd ,", "Let not the world see fear and sad distrust", "Send fair-play orders , and make compromise ,", "To offer service to your enemy ;", "An empty casket , where the jewel of life", "Grow great by your example and put on", "When he intendeth to become the field ;", "That borrow their behaviours from the great ,", "Away , and glister like the god of war", "A cock'red silken wanton , brave our fields", "O , let it not be said ! Forage , and run", "Like a kind host , the Dauphin and his powers .", "They saw we had a purpose of defence .", "O inglorious league !", "To meet displeasure farther from the doors"], "true_target": ["By some damn 'd hand was robbed and ta'en away .", "Be great in act , as you have been in thought ;", "Threaten the threat'ner , and outface the brow", "Perchance the Cardinal cannot make your peace ;", "To arms invasive ? Shall a beardless boy ,", "Be stirring as the time ; be fire with fire ;", "The dauntless spirit of resolution .", "What , shall they seek the lion in his den ,", "Insinuation , parley , and base truce ,", "And flesh his spirit in a warlike soil ,", "So , on my soul , he did , for aught he knew .", "They found him dead , and cast into the streets ,", "The little number of your doubtful friends .", "Show boldness and aspiring confidence .", "And fright him there , and make him tremble there ?", "All Kent hath yielded ; nothing there holds out", "Govern the motion of a kingly eye .", "Or , if he do , let it at least be said", "Our party may well meet a prouder foe .", "And find no check ? Let us , my liege , to arms .", "Mocking the air with colours idly spread ,", "And wild amazement hurries up and down"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 46}, {"query": ["To be a secondary at control ,", "And great affections wrestling in thy bosom", "And keep it safe for our remembrance ;", "To give us warrant from the hand of heaven", "O , what a noble combat hast thou fought", "There end thy brave , and turn thy face in peace ;", "May know wherefore we took the sacrament ,", "And shall I now give o'er the yielded set ?", "And on our actions set the name of right", "My heart hath melted at a lady 's tears ,", "You taught me how to know the face of right ,", "Return the precedent to these lords again ,", "Come , come ; for thou shalt thrust thy hand as deep", "Let me wipe off this honourable dew", "Look where the holy legate comes apace ,", "And such as to my claim are liable ,", "That never saw the giant world enrag 'd ,", "Than had I seen the vaulty top of heaven", "And brought in matter that should feed this fire ;", "Strike up the drums ; and let the tongue of war ,", "Plead for our interest and our being here .", "Commend these waters to those baby eyes", "Acquainted me with interest to this land ,", "Lift up thy brow , renowned Salisbury ,", "With that same weak wind which enkindled it .", "And even there , methinks , an angel spake :", "To will this easy match , play 'd for a crown ?", "We grant thou canst outscold us . Fare thee well ;", "A noble temper dost thou show in this ;", "Figur 'd quite o'er with burning meteors .", "No , no , on my soul , it never shall be said .", "That undergo this charge ? Who else but I ,", "That , having our fair order written down ,", "Because that John hath made his peace with Rome ?", "Sweat in this business and maintain this war ?", "And with a great heart heave away this storm ;", "What men provided , what munition sent ,", "With such a brabbler ."], "true_target": ["Enter PANDULPH", "My Lord Melun , let this be copied out", "Being an ordinary inundation ;", "We hold our time too precious to be spent", "Between this chastis 'd kingdom and myself", "With holy breath .", "His peace with Rome ? What is that peace to me ?", "Between compulsion and a brave respect !", "And keep our faiths firm and inviolable .", "Nor met with fortune other than at feasts ,", "Your breath first kindled the dead coal of wars", "\u2018 Vive le roi ! \u2019 as I have bank 'd their towns ?", "Doth make an earthquake of nobility .", "Startles mine eyes and makes me more amaz 'd", "Or useful serving-man and instrument", "Yea , thrust this enterprise into my heart ;", "Outside or inside , I will not return Till my attempt so much be glorified As to my ample hope was promised Before I drew this gallant head of war , And cull 'd these fiery spirits from the world To outlook conquest , and to will renown Even in the jaws of danger and of death .What lusty trumpet thus doth summon us ?", "Have I not heard these islanders shout out", "And come ye now to tell me John hath made", "To underprop this action ? Is \u2018 t not I", "As Lewis himself . So , nobles , shall you all ,", "Full of warm blood , of mirth , of gossiping .", "Your Grace shall pardon me , I will not back :", "Both they and we , perusing o'er these notes ,", "Strike up our drums to find this danger out .", "We will attend to neither .", "I am too high-born to be propertied ,", "That silverly doth progress on thy cheeks .", "And now \u2018 tis far too huge to be blown out", "I , by the honour of my marriage-bed ,", "This show'r , blown up by tempest of the soul ,", "Am I Rome 's slave ? What penny hath Rome borne ,", "But this effusion of such manly drops ,", "Into the purse of rich prosperity", "Have I not here the best cards for the game", "And , now it is half-conquer 'd , must I back", "To any sovereign state throughout the world .", "After young Arthur , claim this land for mine ;", "That knit your sinews to the strength of mine ."], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 47}, {"query": ["Upon our sides it never shall be broken .", "What , here ? O nation , that thou couldst remove !", "Of stern injustice and confused wrong .", "That , for the health and physic of our right ,", "The blood of malice in a vein of league ,", "To grace the gentry of a land remote", "And follow unacquainted colours here ?", "But such is the infection of the time", "A voluntary zeal and an unurg 'd faith", "Upon the spot of this enforced cause-", "That we , the sons and children of this isle ,", "Wherein we step after a stranger-march", "Where these two Christian armies might combine", "I am not glad that such a sore of time", "Should seek a plaster by contemn 'd revolt ,", "Would bear thee from the knowledge of thyself"], "true_target": ["And , noble Dauphin , albeit we swear", "To be a widow-maker ! O , and there", "Where honourable rescue and defence", "And is't not pity , O my grieved friends !", "Her enemies \u2019 ranks-I must withdraw and weep", "By making many . O , it grieves my soul", "And heal the inveterate canker of one wound", "To your proceedings ; yet , believe me , Prince ,", "Cries out upon the name of Salisbury !", "We cannot deal but with the very hand", "And grapple thee unto a pagan shore ,", "That I must draw this metal from my side", "Upon her gentle bosom , and fill up", "Were born to see so sad an hour as this ;", "That Neptune 's arms , who clippeth thee about ,", "And not to spend it so unneighbourly !"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 47}, {"query": ["Therefore thy threat'ning colours now wind up", "Hail , noble prince of France !", "The next is this : King John hath reconcil 'd", "You look but on the outside of this work .", "And be no further harmful than in show .", "That so stood out against the holy Church ,", "Himself to Rome ; his spirit is come in ,"], "true_target": ["And tame the savage spirit of wild war ,", "And will not temporize with my entreaties ;", "He flatly says he 'll not lay down his arms .", "It may lie gently at the foot of peace", "Give me leave to speak .", "The Dauphin is too wilful-opposite ,", "The great metropolis and see of Rome .", "That , like a lion fostered up at hand ,"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 47}, {"query": ["Thinking this voice an armed Englishman-", "To whip this dwarfish war , these pigmy arms ,", "And , as you answer , I do know the scope", "This harness 'd masque and unadvised revel", "Not trusting to this halting legate here ,", "Shall that victorious hand be feebled here", "Even at the crying of your nation 's crow ,", "By all the blood that ever fury breath 'd ,", "And mock the deep-mouth 'd thunder ; for at hand-", "No , I will speak .", "The youth says well . Now hear our English King ;", "He is prepar 'd , and reason too he should .", "And even at hand a drum is ready brac 'd", "And thou shalt find it , Dauphin , do not doubt .", "And warrant limited unto my tongue .", "To lie like pawns lock 'd up in chests and trunks ,", "To feast upon whole thousands of the French .", "And so shall you , being beaten . Do but start", "To cudgel you and make you take the hatch ,", "Sound but another , and another shall ,", "To hug with swine , to seek sweet safety out"], "true_target": ["To dive like buckets in concealed wells ,", "My holy lord of Milan , from the King", "For thus his royalty doth speak in me .", "This apish and unmannerly approach ,", "According to the fair play of the world ,", "Let me have audience : I am sent to speak .", "Is warlike John ; and in his forehead sits", "This unhair 'd sauciness and boyish troops ,", "To crouch in litter of your stable planks ,", "That shall reverberate all as loud as thine :", "Indeed , your drums , being beaten , will cry out ;", "From out the circle of his territories .", "That in your chambers gave you chastisement ?", "Whom he hath us 'd rather for sport than need-", "As loud as thine , rattle the welkin 's ear", "And echo with the clamour of thy drum ,", "A bare-ribb 'd death , whose office is this day", "I come , to learn how you have dealt for him ;", "The King doth smile at ; and is well prepar 'd", "That hand which had the strength , even at your door .", "In vaults and prisons , and to thrill and shake"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 47}, {"query": ["Tell him , toward Swinstead , to the abbey there .", "Set on toward Swinstead ; to my litter straight ;", "This fever that hath troubled me so long", "How goes the day with us ? O , tell me , Hubert ."], "true_target": ["And will not let me welcome this good news .", "Ay me , this tyrant fever burns me up", "Weakness possesseth me , and I am faint .", "Lies heavy on me . O , my heart is sick !"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 48}, {"query": ["Be of good comfort ; for the great supply", "And send him word by me which way you go .", "Are wreck 'd three nights ago on Goodwin Sands ;", "Desires your Majesty to leave the field"], "true_target": ["My lord , your valiant kinsman , Faulconbridge ,", "The French fight coldly , and retire themselves .", "That was expected by the Dauphin here", "This news was brought to Richard but even now ."], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 48}, {"query": ["But I do love the favour and the form", "My arm shall give thee help to bear thee hence ;", "We do believe thee ; and beshrew my soul", "Wounded to death .", "I did not think the King so stor 'd with friends .", "And like a bated and retired flood ,", "We will untread the steps of damned flight ,", "And happy newness , that intends old right .", "Leaving our rankness and irregular course ,"], "true_target": ["Stoop low within those bounds we have o'erlook ' d ,", "For I do see the cruel pangs of death", "And calmly run on in obedience", "Right in thine eye . Away , my friends ! New flight ,", "Of this most fair occasion , by the which", "Even to our ocean , to great King John .", "In spite of spite , alone upholds the day .", "May this be possible ? May this be true ?", "When we were happy we had other names .", "That misbegotten devil , Faulconbridge ,"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 49}, {"query": ["If they miscarry , we miscarry too .", "They say King John , sore sick , hath left the field ."], "true_target": ["It is the Count Melun .", "Up once again ; put spirit in the French ;"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 49}, {"query": ["And I with him , and many moe with me ,", "And welcome home again discarded faith .", "Upon the altar at Saint Edmundsbury ;", "For if the French be lords of this loud day ,", "Where I may think the remnant of my thoughts", "The love of him-and this respect besides ,", "Even with a treacherous fine of all your lives .", "Dear amity and everlasting love .", "Resolveth from his figure \u2018 gainst the fire ?", "Why should I then be false , since it is true", "I say again , if Lewis do will the day ,", "That I must die here , and live hence by truth ?", "In peace , and part this body and my soul", "He is forsworn if e'er those eyes of yours", "By cutting off your heads . Thus hath he sworn ,", "Paying the fine of rated treachery", "In lieu whereof , I pray you , bear me hence", "He means to recompense the pains you take", "With contemplation and devout desires ."], "true_target": ["Since I must lose the use of all deceit ?", "Seek out King John , and fall before his feet ;", "Which bleeds away even as a form of wax", "If Lewis by your assistance win the day .", "Already smokes about the burning crest", "For that my grandsire was an Englishman-", "Commend me to one Hubert , with your King ;", "Behold another day break in the east ;", "Have I not hideous death within my view ,", "Lead me to the revolts of England here .", "Unthread the rude eye of rebellion ,", "Even this ill night , your breathing shall expire ,", "But even this night , whose black contagious breath", "From forth the noise and rumour of the field ,", "What in the world should make me now deceive ,", "Retaining but a quantity of life ,", "Awakes my conscience to confess all this .", "Even on that altar where we swore to you", "Fly , noble English , you are bought and sold ;", "Of the old , feeble , and day-wearied sun ,"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 49}, {"query": ["The stumbling night did part our weary pow'rs ?", "Ah , foul shrewd news ! Beshrew thy very heart !", "When English measure backward their own ground", "In faint retire . O , bravely came we off ,", "Last in the field and almost lords of it !", "As this hath made me . Who was he that said", "King John did fly an hour or two before"], "true_target": ["I did not think to be so sad to-night", "After such bloody toil , we bid good night ;", "Here ; what news ?", "keep good quarter and good care to-night ; The day shall not be up so soon as I To try the fair adventure of to-morrow .", "When with a volley of our needless shot ,", "And wound our tott'ring colours clearly up ,", "But stay 'd and made the western welkin blush ,", "The sun of heaven , methought , was loath to set ,"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 50}, {"query": ["By his persuasion are again fall'n off ,", "Where is my prince , the Dauphin ?", "Are cast away and sunk on Goodwin Sands ."], "true_target": ["The Count Melun is slain ; the English lords", "Whoever spoke it , it is true , my lord .", "And your supply , which you have wish 'd so long ,"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 50}, {"query": ["Why , know you not ? The lords are all come back ,", "Thou art my friend that know'st my tongue so well .", "A monk , I tell you ; a resolved villain ,", "Of thine affairs as well as thou of mine ?", "Unkind remembrance ! thou and eyeless night", "The King , I fear , is poison 'd by a monk ;", "Black , fearful , comfortless , and horrible .", "Should scape the true acquaintance of mine ear .", "To find you out .", "Thou hast a perfect thought .", "Why , here walk I in the black brow of night", "Have done me shame . Brave soldier , pardon me", "And they are all about his Majesty .", "Who 's there ? Speak , ho ! speak quickly , or I shoot ."], "true_target": ["I left him almost speechless and broke out", "The better arm you to the sudden time", "O , my sweet sir , news fitting to the night ,", "And brought Prince Henry in their company ;", "To acquaint you with this evil , that you might", "At whose request the King hath pardon 'd them ,", "Than if you had at leisure known of this .", "Who art thou ?", "What 's that to thee ? Why may I not demand", "I will upon all hazards well believe", "Whose bowels suddenly burst out . The King", "Of the part of England .", "That any accent breaking from thy tongue", "Yet speaks , and peradventure may recover ."], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 51}, {"query": ["O , I am scalded with my violent motion", "Ourselves well sinewed to our defence .", "And true subjection everlastingly .", "Out of the weak door of our fainting land .", "Myself , well-mounted , hardly have escap 'd .", "Shall wait upon your father 's funeral .", "O , let us pay the time but needful woe ,", "And happily may your sweet self put on", "If England to itself do rest but true .", "A friend . What art thou ?", "I am no woman , I 'll not swoon at it .", "And instantly return with me again", "Hubert , I think .", "Show me the very wound of this ill news ;", "Since it hath been beforehand with our griefs .", "To do the office for thee of revenge ,", "As it on earth hath been thy servant still .", "How did he take it ; who did taste to him ?", "With other princes that may best be spar 'd ,", "Withhold thine indignation , mighty heaven ,", "Away , before ! conduct me to the King ;", "And we shall shock them . Nought shall make us rue ,", "I come one way of the Plantagenets .", "The Dauphin is preparing hitherward , Where God He knows how we shall answer him ; For in a night the best part of my pow'r , As I upon advantage did remove , Were in the Washes all unwarily Devoured by the unexpected flood .", "Lie at the proud foot of a conqueror ,", "Thither shall it , then ;", "Brief , then ; and what 's the news ?", "I do bequeath my faithful services"], "true_target": ["Who didst thou leave to tend his Majesty ?", "Exeunt", "And then my soul shall wait on thee to heaven ,", "Come the three corners of the world in arms ,", "Now these her princes are come home again ,", "Who thou wilt . And if thou please ,", "But when it first did help to wound itself .", "The lineal state and glory of the land !", "Passing these flats , are taken by the tide-", "SCENE 7 .", "Art thou gone so ? I do but stay behind", "Now , now , you stars that move in your right spheres ,", "Come , come ; sans compliment , what news abroad ?", "Where be your pow'rs ? Show now your mended faiths ,", "Whither dost thou go ?", "The Dauphin rages at our very heels .", "This England never did , nor never shall ,", "I 'll tell thee , Hubert , half my power this night ,", "These Lincoln Washes have devoured them ;", "He will the rather do it when he sees", "I doubt he will be dead or ere I come .", "Straight let us seek , or straight we shall be sought ;", "Thou mayst befriend me so much as to think", "Let it be so . And you , my noble Prince ,", "And spleen of speed to see your Majesty !", "The orchard at Swinstead Abbey", "To whom , with all submission , on my knee", "And tempt us not to bear above our power !", "To push destruction and perpetual shame"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 51}, {"query": ["It is too late ; the life of all his blood", "How fares your Majesty ?", "BIGOT", "Death , having prey 'd upon the outward parts ,", "Which some suppose the soul 's frail dwelling-house ,", "And knows not how to do it but with tears .", "With many legions of strange fantasies ,", "Foretell the ending of mortality .", "Leaves them invisible , and his siege is now", "O that there were some virtue in my tears ,", "Doth by the idle comments that it makes", "What surety of the world , what hope , what stay ,"], "true_target": ["When this was now a king , and now is clay ?", "O vanity of sickness ! Fierce extremes", "For so he will 'd it .", "I have a kind soul that would give you thanks ,", "Is touch 'd corruptibly , and his pure brain .", "That might relieve you !", "Against the mind , the which he pricks and wounds", "Doth he still rage ? Exit", "In their continuance will not feel themselves .", "Let him be brought into the orchard here .", "Which , in their throng and press to that last hold ,", "At Worcester must his body be interr 'd ;", "Even so must I run on , and even so stop ."], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 51}, {"query": ["Than when you left him ; even now he sung .", "His Highness yet doth speak , and holds belief", "That , being brought into the open air ,"], "true_target": ["He is more patient", "It would allay the burning quality", "Of that fell poison which assaileth him ."], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 51}, {"query": ["To the disposing of the Cardinal ;", "For many carriages he hath dispatch 'd", "With purpose presently to leave this war .", "KING JOHN in a chair", "It seems you know not , then , so much as we :", "To consummate this business happily .", "To the sea-side , and put his cause and quarrel", "The Cardinal Pandulph is within at rest ,", "As we with honour and respect may take ,", "Nay , \u2018 tis in a manner done already ;"], "true_target": ["You breathe these dead news in as dead an ear . My liege ! my lord ! But now a king-now thus .", "Re-enter BIGOT and attendants , who bring in", "To set a form upon that indigest", "And the like tender of our love we make ,", "To rest without a spot for evermore .", "And brings from him such offers of our peace", "Be of good comfort , Prince ; for you are born", "If you think meet , this afternoon will post", "With whom yourself , myself , and other lords ,", "Which he hath left so shapeless and so rude .", "Who half an hour since came from the Dauphin ,"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 51}, {"query": ["Through my burn 'd bosom , nor entreat the north", "I beg cold comfort ; and you are so strait", "Do I shrink up .", "On unreprievable condemned blood .", "There is so hot a summer in my bosom", "And module of confounded royalty .", "Ay , marry , now my soul hath elbow-room ;", "I am a scribbled form drawn with a pen", "Poison'dhYpppHeNillhYpppHeNfare ! Dead , forsook , cast off ;", "Upon a parchment , and against this fire", "The salt in them is hot .", "And comfort me with cold . I do not ask you much ;", "Nor let my kingdom 's rivers take their course", "Which holds but till thy news be uttered ;"], "true_target": ["And then all this thou seest is but a clod", "Is as a fiend confin 'd to tyrannize", "And all the shrouds wherewith my life should sail", "And none of you will bid the winter come", "To make his bleak winds kiss my parched lips", "O cousin , thou art come to set mine eye !", "That all my bowels crumble up to dust .", "It would not out at windows nor at doors .", "The tackle of my heart is crack 'd and burnt ,", "And so ingrateful you deny me that .", "Are turned to one thread , one little hair ;", "My heart hath one poor string to stay it by ,", "To thrust his icy fingers in my maw ,", "Within me is a hell ; and there the poison"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 51}, {"query": ["Shall I read the whole of the police report ?", "Certainly , my love \u2014 if you wish it .\u2014", "I think you are , my dear \u2014 if I may judge by the hard words that you ever use to me .\u2014 Proceed with your charges , I beg \u2014", "You eat nothing at dinner yesterday ?", "\u2014 They 're your friends , Mr. and Mrs. Coddle ; they will amuse you during the ten minutes that I require for dressing . What a strange couple \u2014 so oddly assorted ; poor Coddle , is the thinnest , chilliest man in the world . You must shut all your windows .", "How d'ye do ? How d'ye do ?", "I thought you were perfectly acquainted with them .", "Excellent , indeed \u2014 my love , we must turn authors ; and between us , publish a book of conjugal aphorisms . However , I plead guilty to your first charge , and implore your mercy \u2014 proceed to the next .", "Do n't you feel interested in the case ? Have you no sympathy with the poor woman ?", "\u2014 \u201c BOW STREET .\u2014 Matrimonial Squabble \u2014 The chief magistrate was occupied all the morning , investigating a case of assault , arising out of a matrimonial squabble . It appears that the wife of the complainant is a woman of violent passions , and so excessively jealous , that her husband 's life is endangered . \u201d Do you hear that , my dear ? you are not singular in your temper , you see .", "She , poor thing , is so hot . When he is below freezing point , she is above fever heat .", "Oh dear , no .", "By heaven , you shall .\u2014", "Of what , dear ?", "Was there any sin in that ?", "Yet , now I think of it ,\u2014 I have two or three places to call at , where I may be detained .", "What can she mean ? Does she threaten me with retaliation ? Who can have been here \u2014 through what channel can she have heard ? But I must avoid all explanation ; I dare not reveal aught connected with that unhappy girl .", "The quality of making yourself extremely disagreeable \u2014 why do n't you take breakfast ?", "Name them , my dear ?", "This young female , I , some time since , placed at a country school for protection \u2014\u2014", "Where are you going in such haste ?", "Of what misery ?", "Precisely .", "A word with you ;\u2014\u2014 I left you here when I went out this morning \u2014 did any one call during your stay ?", "Ha ! Ha ! very , indeed .", "So I hear .", "I had forgotten my purse \u2014", "My wife has , by some means , yet unknown to myself , discovered my connexion with a young female .", "You must publicly declare this girl to be your own .", "You 'll starve yourself , love , and die !", "Not this morning .", "Certainly , my love , if you wish it .", "\u2014 Who has dared to utter that name to you ? who has dared to breathe a word of that person ?", "Good morning , my friends ; I am going to leave you ; do n't you hurry away on my account .", "What did I do ?", "It was , eh ? And pray , what end has the paltry trick answered ?"], "true_target": ["Save my secret , and I will preserve yours . END OF ACT I .", "There are other women in the world , excessively jealous , beside yourself .", "True \u2014 \u2018 twas wrong in me to forget that few women can endure to hear another admired .", "We shall see .", "I shall certainly lead a quieter life \u2014\u2014", "Do , then , as I request you .", "I am grateful for the informationand now having discussed a very conjugal breakfast , I shall prepare for my morning walk .", "What do you call flirting ?", "You did not sup last night ?", "My wife has this moment mentioned her name \u2014\u2014", "With more confidence than were she to know \u2014\u2014", "\u2018 Tis in your power to relieve me from my embarrassment .", "Be seated , I beg .\u2014\u2014 Excuse me for a few minutes .", "Your hearing such a report is no evidence of its truth .", "I must .", "Save one , my dear .", "Your own daughter , and that to save your secret , I undertook her charge .", "My dear Sir , you well know the temper of my wife , and the pains that she takes to make herself wretched . Be assured that her suspicions are groundless .", "I am compelled to avoid all explanation respecting her .", "No , my love \u2014 Me miserabile dolorous homine \u2014", "Indeed ! Could you think of no better plan to convict me ?\u2014", "I know more than you thought , Mr . Coddle .\u2014 Now , Sir , you see the plot is not one of such very great difficulty to execute . If you will not assist me , I must proclaim \u2014", "Nay , I insist \u2014\u2014", "Yes \u2014 yes \u2014 mere business .", "That will be so unpleasant : I shall be fidgetty at the thought of your becoming impatient , and then half the little matters that I may have to arrange , may escape my memory . You had better name to-morrow for our walk .", "What intrigues , dear ?", "Adieu , my friends , adieu . Good morning , Mrs. L. If I do not return by five , you need not expect me till late . Adieu .", "\u2014 Surely they can n't have heard \u2014 no \u2014 no \u2014 yet they may . Ha , a thought strikes me . Sir , you have more than professed a friendship for me ?", "Business must be attended to , my dear .", "Yes , perfectly .", "Who has been here ?", "She disappeared , and all trace of her had been lost .", "Do , do \u2014 rely upon me . Ha ! Ha !", "Yes , dear \u2014 I returned to you .", "I am .", "No , \u2018 twas merely a note .", "Quite well , Mrs. Coddle ?"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 52}, {"query": ["Those are best known to yourself .", "Ask them to walk up , I shall then be satisfied .", "You will go out ?", "You little thought that your note of assignation \u2014 your note of \u201c mere business , \u201d was written by me .", "I surely never felt the passion of jealousy till this moment ; all my past suspicions have been mere faults of temper , compared with the restlessness , the wretched thoughts , and sinking of the heart , that I now endure . Who can this girl be ? Where is she now ? He knows full well \u2014 no doubt he visits her \u2014 may at this moment be in her society . I 'll leave the house \u2014 him \u2014 all \u2014 for this agony is more than I can bear \u2014", "Then you are going out ?", "\u2014 I 'm certain there 's an understanding between them .\u2014", "There 's the postman .", "You may do just as you please .", "Is it possible that you can have no particular appointment ? Have you had neither pink , nor blue note this morning ?", "\u2018 Twas not only a very great familiarity on your part , sir \u2014 but a want of respect for me .", "I am acquainted with a sufficiency , believe me .", "The name is perfectly correct .", "Well , sir , what is that one ?", "You think so , do you ?", "A letter for you , no doubt .\u2014 I thought it would be strange if a morning passed without the arrival of some mysterious billet for Mr. Lynx \u2014\u2014 Oh , Sir , do n't check your impatience \u2014 anticipate your servant , and run to the door , I beg .", "You told her , in my presence , that she was very pretty .", "Then you will be happy .", "Ha !", "I 'm in a maze \u2014 bewildered \u2014 who can this girl have been ? Did she \u2014 did she seem attached to him ?", "To-morrow , at five .", "You wo n't take me this morning ?", "That is best known to myself .", "And if your husband can countenance your conduct , I am not so lost to every sense of self-respect , as to submit to it .", "You must allow that they do endeavour to accommodate themselves to each other 's foibles , and not oppose them , and use them as the means of tormenting , as some people do ?", "I 'm not in very good spirits .", "Was it from any one that I am acquainted with ?", "I did not require it .", "You have taken good care to destroy all my sympathies ; indeed , almost every feeling and quality that I once possessed .", "\u2014 I look upon you , madam , as a dangerous woman .", "Right , Madam .", "Where is she now ?", "I should be sorry to make your husband unhappy , madam \u2014", "I shall rely on you being here \u2014 you will not disappoint me ?\u2014", "I shall not name .", "I had no appetite .", "Will you compel me to ring the bell ?", "Her name ?", "\u2014 So soon returned .", "You are right , Madam \u2014 it is the same ; there is not the slightest shadow of a doubt but \u2018 tis the same ;\u2014 and this person that he placed with you , what was she ?", "His wife will immediately open them .", "Your immediate attention to it , has convinced me of your perfidy .", "The possession of a husband , who practices concealment .\u2014\u2014 I did not intend to breathe a syllable of what I have heard ; but I cannot resist . I must tell him \u2014 perhaps he may be guiltless . Lionel ! is the name of Harriet Seymour known to you ?"], "true_target": ["Very well , Sir .\u2014\u2014 Perfidious man , you will bitterly repent this treatment of me .\u2014 There is some one in the hall .", "Now , Sir , I think I have you in my snare \u2014 \u2018 tis my own letter that has arrived \u2014 bearing a fictitious signature , and appointing to meet him in the park alone ;\u2014 he will receive it \u2014 read it \u2014 then what should he do ? What should a good and true husband do under such circumstances ? Show the letter to his wife . Will he do that ? If he does , I will freely forgive \u2014 forget \u2014 and think all that I have heard and seen to be delusions and falsehoods ;\u2014 but if he neither gives it me , nor alludes to it in any way , I shall then be convinced of his perfidy , and my course shall be resolved on . Re-enter LYNX , singing carelessly , \u201c I have pluck 'd the fairest flower , \u201d & c. & c . By Jove , I must dress ,\u2014 \u2018 tis near elevenmy love , I think I shall dine at my club to-day .", "I shall not trouble myself so much .", "I do n't comprehend you , madam \u2014 I can only observe , that your conduct to my husband , a moment since , was as ill-mannered as it seemed suspicious .", "I hope you have been gratified by your walk ?", "The servant shall see you to the door .\u2014", "My dear friends \u2014 pray cease your bickering .", "I never heard of this .\u2014 Who could the girl have been ? What was her age ?", "\u2018 Twas some victim to his villainy , no doubt . How to discover the mystery \u2014 how to come upon him , when he may be unprepared for equivocation ! I have it \u2014 my friends ,\u2014\u2014 If you should meet Mr. Lynx , let me implore you not to breathe a syllable of this matter to him \u2014 let me be the first to tell him . Pray oblige me by dining here to-morrow ,\u2014\u2014 you shall then be introduced to my husband , and should it indeed be the person that placed that girl under your care , he cannot dare to deny it . You , my friends \u2014\u2014 will also be here \u2014 nay , I will invite every soul that I am acquainted with , and publicly expose his villainy .", "\u2014 Who is this ? Mr. and Mrs. Younghusband ! how provoking \u2014 just as I 'm going out .\u2014 What can bring them here ? they are a couple that I can n't endure ; though married but three months , they are perpetually contradicting and annoying each other ; if , now , they had suffered the five years of matrimony that I have \u2014 there might be some excuse for them , but to disagree so early in their career , is sad , indeed .", "Well , then , sir \u2014 my dress-maker could not call yesterday , but you must make yourself ridiculous .", "Indeed !", "Was the letter that you have just received an invitation to meet some one there ?", "And have more opportunities for carrying on your intrigues .", "What , then , is the information that you bring me ?", "I confess that we have had a trifling disagreement , this morning .", "\u2014 Wretched woman that I am \u2014 why did I ever give power to any man so to torment me ? I 'll now follow him , and enjoy his disappointment .", "My husband ?", "I have little occasion to tax my invention further , Sir ; I now feel quite assured of my misery .", "You were not at home on that evening \u2014 indeed , I do n't know when you are at home ; always out \u2014 always running about \u2014 calling on this lady , and meeting that \u2014 receiving notes of assignation , and \u2014 but I 'll not endure it longer , Mr. Lynx \u2014 you may provoke me beyond the bounds of endurance , and then beware \u2014", "Hold , Sir ! would you use violence ? Would you conceal your shame , by rage ? Listen to me ! Ere I quite decide upon my course , I will give you one opportunity of justifying yourself \u2014 one chance of a full and fair explanation . Promise me to be at home to-morrow ,\u2014 I will not , in the mean time , allude to this matter , by a single word ; no , no \u2014 till then I will conquer my feelings and be silent . I shall be sorry to proceed in the revenge that I contemplate ; but should I have cause \u2014 remember , \u2018 twas your own hand that cast down the fire-brand here ; and if I do take it up , and set the home of our happiness in flames , you alone are to blame .", "Ha ! now I am , indeed , firmly \u2014 wretchedly convinced . What , Sir ! your agitation leaves you defenceless ?\u2014 Where are your arts \u2014 your falsehoods \u2014 your equivocations , now ?", "I do n't want any .", "May I ask , madam , why you whispered my husband ?", "To see !\u2014 quit my house , and from this moment I trust that neither of you will ever enter it again .", "Of course you were not so much annoyed at your disappointment , but you sought amends in some more certain amusement ?", "I think the last time we walked out with Mr. and Mrs. Coddle , that you might have offered me your arm , and not have left me to the care of the husband , while you flirted with the wife .", "If you meet my husband , pray be silent on this matter , and be here to-morrow , I beg ; and should I be compelled to take a desperate resource to conquer the feelings that now consume me , you will know how to pity and to pardon me .\u2014", "Especially when the only business of a man is pleasure .", "Which , of course , you will attend to ?", "Whispering \u2014 laughing \u2014 and affecting to have ,\u2014 or really having , a quantity of interesting secrets .\u2014 Do n't ask me for a definition of the word , Sir \u2014 I am not a dictionary .", "I can wait for you .", "\u2014 If he does go out , I 'll follow him ; watch him , and enjoy his disappointment .", "Well \u2014 well .", "Surely you are not that base woman , who , under the mask of friendship , seeks to ruin my peace . I have watched your behaviour before , madam , and I am now convinced there is some secret correspondence existing between you and my husband ; and how Mr. Coddle can sit there , and affect to be blind to your actions , I am at a loss to conceive .", "There 's no necessity for that ; I shall be alone the whole day .", "On a matter of business ?", "Indeed !", "Ah ! will he take me ?\u2014", "And few men think their wives to be possessed of any superior charms to the first doll they may meet .", "I think on such a very fine morning as this , you might , for once , take me with you .", "I shall not attempt to explain my insinuations \u2014 I only desire that you will leave me to myself , and that your visits here may be less frequent .", "Indeed ! pray , madam , what might be the subject of your whispers ?", "I heard of your being in a private box at the theatre two evenings since \u2014 and with some strange female ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 52}, {"query": ["Ah , Mrs. Lynx !", "I tell you , it is warmth that I want \u2014 warmth ."], "true_target": ["No , do n't , do n't \u2014 I shall jump out of one of \u2018 em , if you do . My inhuman wife would drag me from my warm fire-side this morning , although I told her there was an incipient easterly wind fluttering about . If it should blow in full force before I get home , I shall die .", "\u2014 I 'm very cold \u2014 ugh", "\u2014 Ugh \u2014 do n't , dear , you chill me to the bone to hear you ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 52}, {"query": ["Ha ! Ha ! Ha !", "Good morning , my friends .", "He 's the most charming creature living , is that husband of yours . I wish my poor drone was like him .", "Very well \u2014 but so hot . Phew ! Pray open your windows and give me some air .", "But one word more \u2014\u2014", "Ah ! we poor wives all have our little troubles .", "My dear love \u2014 \u2018 tis nothing but a fine refreshing breeze , and one that you ought to be very grateful for .", "A mere matter of pleasantry .", "Go into a rage , Mr. Coddle .", "You 'll suffocate me some day , Coddle \u2014 I know you will . You do n't know what a life I lead with him , Mrs. Lynx \u2014 five blankets in July \u2014 think o'that .", "And it 's air that I want \u2014 fine , fresh , blowing , whistling air .", "I 'm sorry that you are going out .\u2014\u2014 I thought to have passed a very pleasant morning in your society .", "\u2018 Twas a fine bracing night breeze \u2014 but out of kindness to Coddle , I immediately closed the windows \u2014 Phew . Oh , gracious , had you but have felt the heat \u2014 I fainted away in the easy chair \u2014 Coddle rang the bell \u2014 the servants came \u2014 and to my horror , we discovered that Coddle had clandestinely introduced a German stove into the bed-room , and there it was , red hot . Think what a person of my temperament must have endured . I 've been ill ever since .", "Do , do \u2014 make him wretched , there 's a love \u2014 but for once ."], "true_target": ["You seem dull , Mrs. Lynx .", "Merely a stiff neck , Mrs. Lynx ?", "What d'ye think he did a week ago , Mrs. Lynx ? I had retired early : in the middle of the night I awoke in such a state of alarm \u2014 I really thought the room beneath us was on fire \u2014 the air of my apartment was so hot , so sultry , that I could not draw my breath . I gasped for air ; What can be the matter , I said to myself ? Surely I 've been suddenly transported to the Indies , and there is a thunder-storm brewing . I rose \u2014 I opened the windows \u2014", "\u2014 This is delicious ;\u2014 if Coddle would but listen to her .", "I never betray confidence .", "He 's a fine spirited man .\u2014", "\u2014 A word with you \u2014\u2014 Eh ? Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! it would be very droll , now \u2014 would it not ?", "I shall endeavour \u2014\u2014", "He 's the most apathetic creature living \u2014 no life , no passion , no impulse . I do like to see a husband subject to some little caprices of temper . If Coddle , now , were inclined to jealousy \u2014 and would scold me well \u2014 and throw things about \u2014 and go into a fury now and then \u2014 I should be the happiest woman in the world ; but he wont \u2014 there he sits , from morning till night , as carefully wrapped up as an Egyptian mummy . I really think he is one ; he is \u2014 he 's King Cheops . Cheops \u2014\u2014 oh , Mrs. Lynx , I 'd give the world to make him jealous . But what is the matter with you , have you had words with your husband ?", "How delightful !\u2014 Coddle , why do n't you go into a passion and knock me down .", "Bless me , Mrs. Lynx , what do you mean ?", "\u2014 Do n't send up your name at present \u2014 the poor creature is in a rabid state .\u2014", "Do n't you stir from this house , Coddle , till you are perfectly convinced of the baseness of her inuendoes . Be jealous , and demand an explanation ; if you do n't , I 'll tear the list from all the doors at home .", "He thinks of nothing but his own personal ease .", "\u2014 Ah ! you are a happy woman in possessing such a husband ! Look at him , Coddle ; observe his manner \u2014 his air . Why do n't you dress in that fashion ?"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 52}, {"query": ["\u2014 Do n't , do n't , pray do n't excite me ; if you get to words , I must interfere , and any interference , at this moment , might be fatal .", "What ?", "Bless you \u2014 what would Mrs. Coddle say ? My dear boy she 'd murder me . I could not support such an assertion for the world \u2014 how could I ever look in my wife 's face afterwards ?", "Oh you villain \u2014 why do n't you wear a Welsh wig ? you would escape all these troubles , then ?", "No one but Mr. and Mrs. Younghusband .", "So she is \u2014 my night-caps are never thoroughly aired .", "Then , of course , she has discovered your trick ?", "And have proved it , too . Did n't I visit you every week , when you lodged in that airy situation at Hampstead ?", "In what way ?", "Blind \u2014 me affect to be blind \u2014 what is there to see , madam ?", "I can n't ;\u2014\u2014 my love , we are in a thorough draught ; that woman wants to destroy me . Let us leave the house , if you wish to see me alive an hour hence . Be satisfied \u2014 I 'll call on Mr. Lynx , and demand an explanation .", "What ?\u2014 I 'm a dead man !", "Not a word , on your life \u2014 plunge me into a cold bath , make me sleep a whole night on the top of the Monument \u2014 compel me to do any thing for which I have a horror \u2014 but breathe not a word of that \u2014 of that \u2014", "And we poor husbands , too . Mrs. Coddle wont let me wear a hair-skin comforter \u2014 did you ever hear of such cruelty ?", "All my wife 's fault . I sat for five days in this attitude \u2014\u2014 If I wanted to look at any body on my left , I was obliged to turn my whole body thus . If any one spoke to me on my right , I could only attend to them by pivotting so . If I wished to see what was going on behind me , I was obliged to whirl round like a weathercock at a sudden change in the wind ;\u2014 but how dy'e think I did it ? How dy'e think I managed my movements ?"], "true_target": ["What have we done ?", "Well ?", "I will \u2014 I swear it \u2014 there \u2014", "I 'm obliged ; there 's no one else thinks of it for me .", "Doctor Heavysides recommended it ; he said \u2018 twas the only thing that could save my life , and rescue me from a threatened pulmonary complaint . I 've had a wheezing cough ever since its removal \u2014 barbarous woman !\u2014", "Well ?", "I know they are ; and I am convinced it has all originated in my wife 's anxiety to excite me .", "Me ! as thinly clad as Mr. Lynx is now \u2014 would you see me in my grave ? Ugh ! I shudder to look at him .", "You have a window open somewhere , Mrs. Lynx \u2014 pray shut it . I sat in a draught last week , that so completely fixed my head on my shoulders , that I could'nt have moved it without turning my whole body at the same time , had it been to save my life .", "My dear , if I were to go into a passion , and suddenly cool , as I know I should , the checking of the perspiration would be the death of me \u2014 I should die . Re-enter LYNX , dressed for walking .", "Excuse my coming in so unceremoniously \u2014 I knew you were here \u2014 I saw you come home \u2014 merely called to oblige Mrs. Coddle . There 's that window still open ; permit me to shut it .\u2014\u2014 Mrs. Lynx has hinted to my wife that a familiarity exists between you and her , and one that I ought not to shut my eyes to ; now , I candidly confess that I have opened them as wide as I can , and what Mrs. Lynx can possibly see I am at a loss to guess . But entirely to oblige my wife , I call here , at the risk of my life \u2014 as I did not intend coming out any more to-day \u2014 to ask if such a familiarity really exists ? Mrs. Coddle demands it , for my own satisfaction . If I am not satisfied , she insists on my fighting you ; and if I am , she is determined to make Mrs. Lynx beg her pardon . Now , what is to be done ?", "You rogue !", "And almost killed me on the spot ; there was a strong north wind blowing at that moment \u2014 enough to wither one .\u2014 Imprudent woman .", "\u2018 Twas the only thing I could hit upon . I sat upon my wife 's music-stool \u2014 for five whole days . I ate , drank , lived and twirled upon a music-stool ;\u2014 all through sitting in a draught \u2014 do shut your windows , there 's a dear .", "Highly necessary \u2014 we are more liable to take cold in hot weather , than in any other . I always have four colds , one rheumatism , and two stiff necks every July .", "No , no , not one . Come , my dear \u2014 I 've the rheumatics in my right shoulder , already \u2014 I tremble from head to foot \u2014 I 've taken cold , and you 'll have to nurse me for a month \u2014 Come , dear , come ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 52}, {"query": ["Yes , yes \u2014 pray tell me ."], "true_target": ["I really can n't guess .", "Now , pray , do n't trifle with me ; think of my dreadful suspense \u2014 think of my feelings at this moment ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 52}, {"query": ["I will \u2014 and I 'll wear my dirty yellow one to vex you .", "Come , Frederick , we 'll soon leave poor Mrs. Lynx ; people do n't like to have their sorrows intruded upon .", "It is .", "I do .", "There , you hear , sir ; Mrs. Lynx allows it to be information .", "Yes , it is .", "Mrs. Lynx wo n't mind us .", "There is .", "But it is .", "My dear Mrs. Lynx , pray do n't allow this matter to affect you so seriously .", "When I tried it on , you told me that I never looked so frightful in all my life .", "\u2018 Twas you that made the noise .", "I should have done so , if you had not interrupted and contradicted me , as you always do .", "It is .", "I am .", "In Kent , I tell you .", "Mrs. Dove is now below , with her husband ; shall I ask her to walk up ?\u2014 then she can relate this strange circumstance herself .", "Last night , at a friend 's house , we accidentally met Mr. and Mrs. Dove \u2014 when she informed us that she had given up her school , and was now in London for the purpose of collecting some old debts , and amongst the names of the persons that she had to call on , was that of a Mr. Lynx \u2014\u2014", "I will \u2014", "\u2014 I shall go home alone .", "That 's the kindest thing you have said since our marriage .", "That is the thing I detest .", "No it is'nt \u2014 how do you know ?\u2014 you never cry , you harden 'd creature .", "It was not ."], "true_target": ["I tell you , I 'm certain it is the same .", "Well , then \u2014 Mrs. Dove , you must know , was a widow ; and formerly the mistress of a large boarding school ; but has now retired , after marrying her footman . They are the oddest couple you ever met with . She is perpetually drilling her husband into politeness and correct pronunciation , which the poor man will never comprehend as long as he lives . Oh , had you but seen them last night ! whenever a bell rang , poor Mr. Dove could scarcely help starting from his chair , and running to attend to it ; and could only be checked by the alarming eyes of Mrs. Dove . Ha ! ha !\u2014 Oh , those eyes \u2014 how they did remind me of my school-days ! just the looks that she used to dart at us , poor refractory girls .", "Well , that is information .", "I do .", "There is .", "It was .", "A young lady ! My husband place a young lady under your care ?", "I am sure I have mentioned all that is necessary .", "There is n't .", "There is no necessity for it .", "Yes it is", "Ah , when you lose me .", "For what , then ?", "Mrs. Lynx \u2014 Mr. and Mrs . Dove .\u2014 Will you be kind enough to relate to Mrs. Lynx the purport of your enquiry ?", "A charming consoler you are \u2014 how did you console me yesterday , when that frightful bonnet was sent home ?", "No , they a'nt ; a pretty relief , indeed , to break one 's heart with crying .", "Your husband .", "I have .", "I will .", "You did \u2014 I 'll burn it when I go home .", "To tell any body of any matter is to inform them ; and to inform people , is , of course , to give them information . How you do contradict me !", "No , it was in Kent .", "\u2014 Step up , Mrs. Dove , and bring your husband with you .", "I hate you ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 52}, {"query": ["No it a n't .", "You shall not .", "Louisa , why do you check the feelings of our friend ? you ought to be aware that tears are a great relief when one is suffering from mental agitation .", "It is the very thing that you ordered .", "You have not .", "How can that be ?", "I prefer preserving my tears for a certain event .", "Indeed you shall not .", "You do n't .", "\u2018 Twas your own taste .", "My dear , why do n't you keep to that portion of the narrative , most interesting to Mrs. Lynx ; she do n't want to hear of great eyes and refractory girls .", "They are here ; do n't make a noise .", "We ought rather to stay and console her .", "You shall not \u2014", "I tell you , there is .", "You shall not \u2014", "I did n't .", "In Sussex !", "Louisa ! how can you be so absurd . Louisa , why do n't you wait for me ? you 're the most aggravating woman I ever met with .", "\u2018 Twas not ."], "true_target": ["It can n't be .", "It is n't .", "Nay , madam , before you distress yourself , you had better be assured that the Mr. Lynx alluded to , is your husband .", "You are not !", "There is .", "It can n't be the same .", "It a n't .", "There is no necessity for calling up Mr. Dove .", "Allow me to tell Mrs. Lynx \u2014 you must know , madam , that some years ago , my wife was sent to the boarding-school of Mrs. Dove , in Sussex .", "It is a relief .", "You insisted on having a fall of blond in the front of it .", "You have not .", "Merely to tell her that a person wishes to see her .", "Yes , dear .", "No , it is n't .", "Louisa , how can you ? why will you thus agitate Mrs . Lynx ?\u2014 you are not sure the Mr. Lynx , that Mrs. Dove is looking for , is the husband of our friend \u2014 we merely surmised that it was .", "You do n't .", "It is n't ; you have not informed Mrs. Lynx of anything , yet .", "If you aggravate me in this manner , I 'll go home again .", "You ought first to tell Mrs. Lynx , who and what the people are , before you introduce them to her .", "There is n't ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 52}, {"query": ["How often have I told you never to touch \u2014", "Henry !", "Silence , dear .", "I was told that he had been in the army .", "Pointed .", "Harriet Seymour .", "That question I am quite incompetent to answer \u2014 she resided with me a year and a half \u2014 and at the end of that time suddenly disappeared .", "Henry .\u2014", "We will do ourselves that honour .", "Divinely , dear ,\u2014 think of your v 's .", "The purport of my enquiry is to ascertain , whether the Mr. Lynx , that I am informed is residing here , is the identical person who , two years ago , placed a young lady under my care ?", "Hush , love , we must forget the school now !", "Pounds , dear \u2014 speak in the plural .", "My lamb , you forget yourself ."], "true_target": ["Silence , my dear !", "We shall be punctual , Madam .", "She was placed at my establishment , not so much with a view to education , as with reference to the meeting with a comfortable and respectable home at a moderate charge .", "Certainly not . Good morning , Madam .\u2014 Now , Henry , your arm .", "But had sold his commission , and married .", "We must defer it , my dear .\u2014", "A young lady of great personal attractions .", "Do n't be an idiot , love .", "Good morning , Mrs. Lynx \u2014 Good morning , Madam ,\u2014 Good morning , Sir \u2014\u2014 Now , my dear ,\u2014 Do n't forget to leave the room like a gentleman .\u2014", "The gentleman 's Christian cognomen was Lionel .", "Very .", "At that time seventeen .", "Then to-morrow at five , Mrs. Lynx .", "At the time of the young lady 's disappearance there remained a small balance in my favour on her account , for extra 's , and of which I think it probable that Mr. Lynx is not aware .", "Where they were ; I was \u2014 they were ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 52}, {"query": ["A hundred a-year , and bring your own silver knife , fork , spoon , and six towels !", "Martha !", "Gardens .", "Where they were ; and I saw the young lady a dissolving away into tears upon his shoulder ; I was then Mrs. D 's . footman !", "He called once , and I happened to enter the room quite promiscuously where they was .", "Eight pound odd .", "Pointed . You use me shameful , dear .", "Lionel Lynx , Esquire .", "She played the harp diwinely .", "Hang them we 's \u2014 I shall never get over \u2018 em ."], "true_target": ["Deuce take them bells , I never can hear one without running to answer it .", "Yes , darling .", "You 're a brute , precious .", "That 's the way you always serves me \u2014 you never promise to take me any where , but I am continually disappinted .", "\u2014 You said you 'd take me to the Jewological", "We think she eloped , for every now and then somebody used to come and sing under the windows , to such a degree that all the girls in the house went raving mad .", "That is what was on a trunk he sent to our house ; that 's all I know , my precious .", "Oh , la ! Ah , I forgot .", "Oh them eyes \u2014 I never can answer \u2018 em .", "Pounds , love ?"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 52}, {"query": ["The man 's mad \u2014\u2014", "That this elderly lady , in black , is \u2014\u2014", "You talk 'd in your sleep .", "Come in , come in ; there is nobody here but Coddle .", "Sufficient to rouse my suspicions .", "And he wears six \u2014 how the man can exist in such a state , I know not ; and what is the matter with him , I am equally at a loss to guess ; he has been overpowered with nervous agitation , and in a high fever all the morning \u2014 has been talking in his sleep all night . I could only catch the words \u201c Dont ,\u2014 I 'll say any thing \u2014 declare any thing \u2014 but do n't ; \u201d \u2014 the man has something on his mind \u2014 what can it be ?\u2014 He surely can n't have committed any crime \u2014 a robbery , nor a murder ?\u2014 oh , the monster ! I must question him .\u2014\u2014 Well , my dear , are you better ?", "I 'm sure I can n't tell , he keeps the cause of his illness a profound secret .", "How very odd ! how very strange ! though this note arrived last night , I have scarcely done anything since but read it .\u2014\u2014 \u201c My dear Mrs. Coddle , pray pardon the warmth of my temper that led me to use certain expressions to you , of which , at the time , I was not conscious \u2014 though now , on recollection of them , I express my sorrow . Forgive me , and dine with us at five to-morrow , do not dissappoint me on your life , as I have a strong reason for inviting you ; bring Coddle with you , of course . Sincerely yours , Emmeline Lynx . \u201d What a strange woman ! who would suppose , that yesterday , she desired me to quit the house and never enter there again . Well , I 'm resolved to go . What a length of time Coddle takes for dressing ; \u2018 tis now half-past four , and I have been ready this hour .\u2014\u2014 Coddle , you drone , make haste .", "No , no , you will kill him if you do .\u2014", "Answer me , Sir ; what have you done ?", "Our friends are as much surprised at receiving an invitation from Mrs. Lynx as we were .", "And the cause is not so much bodily infirmity as mental anxiety .", "Where your property is situated .\u2014", "Tell me \u2014 what is this matter that has so suddenly disconcerted you ?", "Give me your hand .\u2014\u2014 Dear \u2014 dear \u2014 what a burning fever you are in \u2014 your hands are like live coals ; and what a pulse .\u2014\u2014 Heaven 's , Samuel !\u2014 you are ill !", "I strongly suspect you .\u2014"], "true_target": ["Surely your agitation , and your sudden faintness cannot arise from any apprehension ?", "You anticipate me \u2014 not what ?", "I do n't wonder at your fainting , my only surprize is that you can breathe at all , in such an atmosphere ; there 's not a breath of air permitted to enter the room . Phew ! I 'm stifled ; excuse me a moment , my friends , I wish to speak to Coddle alone .\u2014\u2014 No , no \u2014 do n't leave the room .", "Samuel !", "Stay stay , I 'll go myself .\u2014", "Mr. and Mrs. D. have also received an invitation to dine at Lynx 's to-day \u2014 and have called , in passing , to know if we were also going .", "Now , Coddle , I 'm quite ready .", "Except Mr. Coddle \u2014 were Venus herself to rise from the sea before him , he 'd take to his heels for fear of catching cold from the foam .", "Coddle , your mind is diseased .", "I have very strange and very terrible suspicions ! \u2018 tis surely no poor creature that you , in the hey-day of your youth \u2014\u2014", "Mad !", "You are fainting \u2014 let me open the windows .", "You pass 'd a wretched night .", "Base equivocator \u2014 you shall have no rest , depend upon it , till I am perfectly acquainted with the cause of your agitation . I have watched your actions , Sir , more than you are aware of ; \u2018 tis something in which Mr. Lynx is concerned ; I observed you , when you returned from his house yesterday , you came home quite an altered man \u2014 you that were not to be roused by any thing that did not interfere with your own immediate comfort , seemed suddenly to have changed your nature : the servant left your room door open , unchecked ; a broken pane close to your ear escaped your notice \u2014 you ate no supper \u2014 you ordered no fire in your bed-room \u2014 and your sleep was disturbed by sighs and groans , and words of guilt .\u2014 Ha !\u2014 I have made you tremble \u2014 now , Sir , I shall leave you , and in the meantime you will do well to prepare for a confession that I am resolved to wring from you .\u2014\u2014 I have shaken him from his lethargy at last .", "What has caused this fever ?", "What 's the matter ?\u2014 what 's the matter ?"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 53}, {"query": ["\u2014 Oh !", "Ah , Mr . Dismal !\u2014 I was thinking of you .", "I \u2014 I \u2014 left off my life-preserving under-waistcoat , yesterday .", "\u2014 What can she be going to say ?", "My dear , do n't speak to me in that fierce manner , you make me tremble from head to foot .", "So am I .\u2014\u2014 Come along , I shall be very gay to-day ; you will wonder what possesses me . I shall be so gay ; come Mrs . Dismal , take my arm , my dear ; \u2018 tis bad taste to walk with one 's wife . D ., look to Mrs. Coddle !", "As you love me \u2014 if you do not wish to see me lifeless at your feet , breathe not a syllable relative to the elderly lady in black \u2014 mention not her name .", "No , no , no \u2014 my dear ! How can you think \u2014 how can you dream of such a thing ? I never had any hey-day \u2014 never ; do n't think that of me . Come , come \u2014 let us go to Lynx 's to dinner . Get ready , dear ; get ready .", "No !\u2014\u2014 Did I \u2014 what did I say ?", "\u2014 I shall be ready immediately \u2014 I am now putting on my fourth waistcoat .", "My love !", "I \u2014 I \u2014 do n't know .", "Eh ! an elderly lady in black \u2014 \u2018 twas she , he told me she was in black .\u2014", "Not much \u2014 I feel very faint ."], "true_target": ["Ah \u2014 she do n't know \u2014 I breathe again .", "Lord !\u2014 do you \u2014 do you think so ?", "I am a lost man \u2014 I knew my day of reckoning would arrive . Mary suspects something , that 's clear \u2014 um !\u2014 and I 'm going out to dinner too \u2014 what a dinner it will be to me ; it must be a feast of poison , and a flow of woe \u2014 if my secret is preserved , my promise to Lynx must lead to a commotion .\u2014 Who can this girl be that I undertake to own ? Ha ! ha !\u2014 now I think of it , I am safe ; he dare not betray me , he is as much in my power as I am in his \u2014 yet how could he have discovered my unhappy situation ? He wo n't acknowledge that . No \u2014 no ; he considers that mystery adds to his strong hold upon me . I have borrowed a book of criminal jurisprudence , from my attorney .\u2014 I want to learn the utmost penalty of the law for my offence .\u2014\u2014 Here it is \u2014 bigamy !\u2014\u2014 \u201c If guilty , \u201d \u2014 what ? \u201c transportation for life . \u201d Oh !\u2014\u2014 Think of my being at Botany Bay \u2014 working night and day \u2014 summer and winter \u2014 in trousers without lining \u2014 only a shirt on my back \u2014 and a chain round my leg ; no umbrella to put up when it rains , no such thing as a yard of Welch flannel within a thousand miles of me , and nothing aired for me \u2014 I should die \u2014 the first damp night would send me to the tomb of the Coddles \u2014 oh !\u2014Re-enter MRS. CODDLE , introducing MR. and MRS . DISMAL .", "I know it , I know it \u2014 \u2018 tis a terrible secret ; a story of horror and despair ; when we are alone , you shall know all \u2014 but not a word now . I beg \u2014 I implore \u2014 I pray \u2014 ah , my wife !\u2014Re-enter MRS. CODDLE , with a glass of water .", "I am .", "\u2014 Considerably better .", "Not \u2014 I do n't know ? what were you going to say ?", "No , no , no \u2014 oh , dear ! no , no .", "I did .", "No \u2014 no \u2014 not for worlds .", "Well \u2014\u2014", "You shall see me to advantage , to-day ; I feel a new man ; you may open all the doors and windows in the house . I 'll do any thing desperate , to-day \u2014 walk to Lynx 's , without my coat , hat , any thing \u2014 come , my love .\u2014 Come Dismal .\u2014 Fol de rol , de rol lol .\u2014", "Of what ?", "I have been criminating myself \u2014 \u2018 twas while I was dreaming of being hanged .\u2014\u2014 What will become of me ?", "What will become of me ? If I escape the imputation of bigamy , the subject of that girl will be sufficient to bring my wife 's vengeance on my head ; I 'll run and drown myself in a warm bath . I 'll \u2014 no , no \u2014 I must rouse , I must rouse ; I must summon all my courage \u2014 all my fortitude \u2014 and bring out what little of the devil I have left in me ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 53}, {"query": ["For the last time we called there the poor woman thought proper to be jealous of me .", "Tell Mr. Coddle the strange result of our inquiries , respecting Mr. Lynx 's conduct .", "Here , here are my salts .", "Get him some water \u2014 ring the bell .", "But she has a cause for her jealousy .", "How ill poor Mr. Coddle looks !"], "true_target": ["Did n't we see him , yesterday , following a young person past our house ?", "He 's like me \u2014 he loves to pine in solitude , and brood over unrevealed sorrows .", "He 's better now .", "Had just arrived from Antigua \u2014\u2014", "That she had taken lodgings there for a short time , her object being to discover her husband , who had left her in the West Indies , and whose name , strange to say , was \u2014\u2014", "The young person that we saw Mr. Lynx following , and striving to speak to , was joined by an elderly lady in black .", "Of a very masculine appearance \u2014 Mr. Lynx seemed to enter into earnest conversation with her ; when they parted , the two ladies entered a boarding-house , next door to us ; our servant , gossiping with the footman , there ascertained that the elderly lady in black \u2014\u2014"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 53}, {"query": ["Certainly , when you are present .", "Much better .", "Open the windows \u2014 open the windows .", "He 's fainted \u2014\u2014", "Raving ."], "true_target": ["What of that ? \u2018 tis a natural impulse to which our sex are peculiarly subject .", "\u2018 Twas your own \u2014\u2014", "There was only that wanting to prove her madness .", "Pooh ! tell him yourself .", "What is the matter with him ?", "You love to be a fool ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 53}, {"query": ["Not till you know how , my love .", "\u2018 Tis some time since we met .", "Acquire , verb active , to gain ; inquire , verb neuter , to ask questions \u2014 acquire the art .", "\u2018 Tis the height of ill-manners to disappoint one 's friends in an invite to dinner .", "Do n't aspirate , love .", "Henry , my dear \u2014"], "true_target": ["Henry \u2014", "Ah , Mr. Lynx , how d'ye do ?\u2014 surprised to see me here , no doubt ?", "Henry , my dear , silence .", "Good day to you , Madam \u2014 I hope you find yourself in perfect health ?", "Thank you , Sir , you are very kind .\u2014", "Now , my dear Henry , mind your behaviour .", "Give Mrs. Lynx your arm ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 54}, {"query": ["I am obliged to you for being so faithful to your promise .", "Lionel , will you bring Mrs. Dove ?", "Then I am happy in being the cause of renewing a friendship that seems so warm on either side ; come , Mr. Dove , lead me to the dining-room \u2014 our friends have arrived , no doubt . Mr. Dove , will you favour me with your arm ?"], "true_target": ["Ah ! those people have arrived ; my husband has neither seen them , nor heard of their having been here . I shall watch him well when they first meet .", "Let me beg of you not to allude to this young person till after dinner , I will then lead the conversation to that subject \u2014 and then I hope you will freely and truly state all that you may know respecting her .", "I was informed that you knew these good people ?\u2014"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 54}, {"query": ["Mr. Lynx used to give me half a crown for \u2014\u2014", "My darling , you never will let me talk .", "But my dear , if you do n't let me practise , how am I ever to enquire the art ?", "And very stupid too \u2014 to refuse wittles .", "\u2014 Well , I declare , this is genteel life ."], "true_target": ["Eleven months ! I ought to know , because we war n't united when", "Acquire the hart !", "Eh !\u2014\u2014 What am I to do ?", "\u2014 Good day , Madam , feel yourself pretty well ?", "Oh , bother , dear ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 54}, {"query": ["Come to the drawing-room , I must make some excuse for your leaving the table .\u2014 Now be bold .", "Oh yes , my dear \u2014 they are my very old friends .", "No , madam \u2014 no .", "On your moral courage depends your own safety , and my happiness .", "Emmeline , I \u2014\u2014 What ! the mystery is now clear \u2014 that woman has traced me \u2014 has told my wife , but my secret is safe .", "Leave it to me ; we will see this woman to-morrow , and make some arrangement with her .", "To whom ?", "And the least appearance of timidity may ruin us ; now , are you ready ?"], "true_target": ["Almost a year , I think .", "Do not equivocate .", "They did .", "That is a mystery that I dare not disclose , even to you .", "Because you did not dare confess to your wife that you had incurred such a responsibility ,\u2014 but now you are anxious to acknowledge her .", "Depend upon me \u2014 and be at peace . But be sure you do not equivocate in the question of this girl . The school-mistress with whom she lived is now here \u2014 at my very table . Remember ! I , at your request , placed the girl under her care .", "\u2014 Certainly .", "They surely will not talk of it ?", "Remember , you have sworn it ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 54}, {"query": ["The elderly lady in black .", "Yes , yes .", "Bless me ! what two reprobates we are .", "I 'll say any thing \u2014 do any thing \u2014 give any thing , only conceal the affair from my wife .", "I have , but tell me \u2014 who is this girl ?", "No , no ."], "true_target": ["Do n't \u2014 do n't look so astonished , you frighten me .", "What will Mary say ?", "Wait a moment .\u2014\u2014 When I expect to be excited , I like to be guarded against taking cold \u2014 against the effects of draughts and currents of air . My courage is rising \u2014 it 's up \u2014 now I 'm ready \u2014 give me your arm \u2014 there , look at me ! Did you ever see a finer illustration of desperate courage ? Never .\u2014 Now to the field of action \u2014 to mortal strife \u2014 and death or victory .", "I know it , I know it .", "I have been running all over the house to look for Lynx ,\u2014 I thought I heard his voice here \u2014 how I tremble ! he must know that Mr. and Mrs . Dismal have seen that wretched woman \u2014 though they have promised secrecy , yet I cannot expect they will be always silent .\u2014\u2014 Oh , my friend ! I have been looking for you \u2014 they are all at dinner , but I can n't eat in the state of mind I am in . Mr. and Mrs . Dismal saw you talking to her .", "They have promised to be secret , but what will be my feelings , in their presence !\u2014 when either of them speak , I shall die with apprehension .", "Yes ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 54}, {"query": ["Emmeline !\u2014\u2014 appearances , I confess , are against me ; but you know not all . You know not the cause which compels me to this course ; be patient .", "Now , let us drop the subject . Mrs. Coddle , I trust that you will not respect or love your husband the less , for this late disclosure ?", "What is the matter ?", "\u2014 Now , my dear , I trust you are perfectly satisfied ; and in this instance , I hope , you will confess that you were in error .", "Be warned \u2014 if you leave me now \u2014 it must \u2014 it shall be for ever .", "If you once quit the house , we never meet again ."], "true_target": ["Nay , nay , keep your seats , my friends \u2014 keep your seats . I will not have a soul stir a foot to expostulate with her ; let her take her own course . I have been in error , I confess ; but not to the extent that she supposes ; her causeless jealousies \u2014 her unceasing suspicions have wearied me , and she is free to go \u2014 pray do not be disturbed on my account \u2014 make yourselves happy ; I am sorry that our meeting should have ended thus \u2014 but my wife is to blame \u2014 she would not hear \u2014 would not listen to me , and now \u2014\u2014 I leave this house , never to return .", "Are you mad ? will you hear me ?", "Some arrival .\u2014", "Quite safe , depend upon it ; I will explain all at another opportunity .", "\u2014 Ring the bell .", "Sit still , my friend ; be composed ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 55}, {"query": ["\u2014 Silence Samuel ! you have deceived me ; I could have pardoned any thing but this . As to the subject of the poor girl , that you have stated belongs to you , that I freely forgave .", "And I 'm dying for air .", "What 's the matter , dear ? do you feel cold ?", "Oh ! no , no ; I merely feel hurt that he should have thought it necessary to have concealed the circumstance . Had I been a violent , jealous , bad-tempered woman , there might have been some cause for secresy ; but as every body knows what a kind , indulgent creature I really am , he might have made me his confidant ! and the poor girl should have been brought home . Where is she now ?"], "true_target": ["\u2014 What !", "For me !\u2014\u2014 What is this ?\u2014 Oh , I can n't read it \u2014 I shall faint , I have no power to read , pray take it \u2014 some one , Mr .\u2014 any body \u2014 pray read it .\u2014ALL ,\u2014 Read it , Mr. Dove .", "Yes , yes , aloud \u2014 aloud \u2014 let the whole world hear it .", "And I shall quit my wretch .\u2014\u2014 From this moment , sir , we separate ; go to your wife , the woman who lawfully claims you , and never look me in the face again . We were an ill-assorted pair from the first ; but your affected apathy is now accounted for \u2014 it arose from an evil conscience . Cold-hearted , deliberate deceiver ! farewell for ever !\u2014"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 55}, {"query": ["\u2014 Falsehood , all falsehood ! I 'm convinced .", "It is , sir , for ever .\u2014", "\u2014 What , sir \u2014 not a word ! quite confounded !", "I have been patient long enough , and will endure no more ; this is the last moment that I pass under your roof .", "Certainly , as I have no opposing evidence to the veracity of your story ; though , still , I think it very \u2014 very strange , that you should have so troubled yourself on Mr. Coddle 's account , if \u2018 twere a mere act of friendship ; the most famed heroes of antiquity have never been surpassed .", "\u2014 And that she is that man 's wife ."], "true_target": ["This letter is for you , Madam .", "No , sir .", "\u2014 Restrain your curiosity , sir ; you will know all in a moment , there is a lady below .", "No , no \u2014 I 'll go myself .", "That is my wish , sir .", "\u2014 The servant is in altercation with some one at the door ; who can it be ?", "She tells me that her name is Coddle .\u2014\u2014"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 55}, {"query": ["Mary , come back ; come back ; hear me .\u2014\u2014 I dare not follow her ; I shall meet the other . No , no ; I must fly \u2014 I must leave the country \u2014 \u2018 tis now no home for me .", "I can n't \u2014 I 'll leave the house \u2014 I 'll \u2014\u2014 Ah , this door \u2014\u2014 leads to the canal ; I 'll drown myself \u2014 I 'm desperate enough \u2014 the sun has been on the water all day , so I 've nothing to fear \u2014 I am resolved upon my course \u2014 felo-de-see , nothing else \u2014 adieu , my friends \u2014 I 'm a discovered , a guilty monster \u2014 and this is the last time that you will ever see the distracted , wretched , Samuel Coddle .\u2014"], "true_target": ["\u2014 No , no ! I 'd sooner face a thousand fiends than look once again on that dreadful being . My dear , my love !\u2014\u2014 you do n't know what I have suffered \u2014 what I have endured through that woman ! In the first place , I was decoyed \u2014 trapped ; she left me \u2014 I once thought she was dead \u2014 but \u2014\u2014", "Ha ! ha ! now I feel happy ; now my mind is at ease , and I 'll be comfortable . How that Mrs . Dismal fixes her eyes on me ! Now fill your glasses ; Mr. Dove , take care of your lady ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 55}, {"query": ["Yes \u2014 you never used to find fault with my language when we used to sit under the apple-tree of an evening .", "I can n't swim , duck !", "Well , then , that was werry kind of you . I would n't do such a thing for my father ; but do n't call me stupid \u2014 if you talk of bad language , what 's that , I wonder ? Good bye !\u2014 you wont see me again , in a hurry .", "Do I ?\u2014 console the lady yourself , love .", "Yes , dear .", "I feel very languishing .", "Well , what 's it matter ! you perfectly compromise my meaning .", "Yes , and deaf too , if I may judge from my own situation ; just as if you could n't have found out my pronounciation then as well as now . I know 'd there was a great contract between us .", "Oh yes , love ! have a hapricot , Ma'am ?", "Why \u2014 altering my pronounciation every minute , as you do .", "Now he 's gone \u2014 shall I follow him , love ?", "Well \u2014 now all the people have gone , I 've something to say \u2014 and something that I mean , too ; I wo n't be taken up , as I always am , before people .", "Point !\u2014 and I do n't care if I never see you again ."], "true_target": ["Let go my hand , Martha ; I mean what I say ; and do n't follow me , because I wont be follow 'd .", "Well , insult me again \u2014 you know how wiolent I am when I 'm exaggerated .", "I do n't know where I 'm going , nor I do n't care ; you 've wounded me in a tender pint .", "The door 's opened ; there 's an individual \u2014\u2014", "You read it , Ma'am .\u2014", "Languid !\u2014 how she does take me up before people .\u2014", "I do \u2014 you 've put me in a passion , and when I am in a passion I 'm dissolute .", "\u2014 I never shall get over answering the door , when a knock comes .\u2014", "Opposite to you !\u2014 you never would let me be opposite to you ; you was never easy but when I was by your side ; you know you was n't !", "I \u2014 I can n't .", "No , love .\u2014", "An individual \u2014\u2014", "Yes , yes !\u2014", "Well , I do n't like it \u2014 and I warn you not to result me again ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 55}, {"query": ["Henry \u2014 how can you so expose yourself ?", "Contrast ! besides , you are so stupid ; you could not , during dinner , hear a bell or a knock at the door , but you must be running to answer it . I sat on thorns for you .", "Where are you going ?", "That I should not have seen the absurdity of uniting myself with one so opposite to me !", "No , no ; sit still , dear .", "Shall my dear Dove follow him ?", "Point !\u2014\u2014", "What do you mean , Henry , by being taken up ?", "Sit down , my dear , sit down .", "You cannot intend to be so base ?", "When you 're exasperated .", "Henry ! languid ."], "true_target": ["Henry \u2014 Henry \u2014 I will not hear you make use of such language . Had I been aware that you were so illiterate \u2014 I would have broken my heart ere I would have married you \u2014", "\u2014 Henry , come back . I declare the man has gone to the door . Henry ! DOVE re-enters .", "Dear , dear ! what wretched lives some people do lead , do n't they , love ?", "Insult you .", "How can I calmly sit and hear my husband commit himself in every syllable that he utters ? respect for you and for myself , renders it necessary that I should correct you .", "But love is blind \u2014\u2014", "Resolute !\u2014\u2014 Cruel Henry ! I shall faint \u2014 Help ! Henry !\u2014 Water !\u2014 oh ! oh !\u2014END OF ACT II .", "An apricot \u2014 Henry , dear , you mis-apply your indefinite article .", "My dear Henry , can n't you console poor Mrs . Dismal ?", "\u2014 Nay , nay ; dear , dear ; pray do n't get to words \u2014 my darling , Henry , hand that lady some wine ; sit still , there 's a dear .\u2014\u2014 Emulate Mr. Dove and me , we never utter a cross word to each other \u2014 do we , dear ?", "\u2014 Henry !", "Silence , Henry !"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 55}, {"query": ["Hush ! here 's Mrs. Lynx .", "I shall fall flat on the floor , something is going to happen .", "Yes \u2014 yes , ugh !\u2014", "That 's me \u2014 oh \u2014", "\u2014 Oh ! I wish I could vanish through the floor ."], "true_target": ["I have a horrid presentiment of evil ; a moment since I was glowing like a furnace , with joy \u2014 and now I freeze again , with terror .", "\u2014 What is it ?", "No \u2014 no !", "\u2014 I 'm a dead man .", "I thought so ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 55}, {"query": ["Shall I read it , Mrs. Coddle ?"], "true_target": ["I am .", "So am I , Mrs. Coddle ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 55}, {"query": ["You do \u2014 often \u2014 often .", "I 'm going home .", "He wont , sit still \u2014 if you follow and torment him as you do me , sometimes \u2014 you will , indeed , drive him to desperation .", "You drive me to madness ; I shall go home ; and I can only tell you , madam , since you threaten me , that when you arrive there , you will receive no welcome from me .", "That wont break my heart ."], "true_target": ["I am sure you are not .", "I had once .", "So she did .", "You 're a provoking woman .", "I do .\u2014", "\u2018 Twas aunt Sarah ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 55}, {"query": ["Shall I open the folding doors ?"], "true_target": ["No , no ; sit still .", "Sit still all of you \u2014 I know him \u2014 when he comes in sight of water , his courage will cool ; sit still ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 55}, {"query": ["It was \u2014 it was as I suspected , a black falsehood .", "The poor woman had better be asked up ."], "true_target": ["An elderly lady in black .", "\u2014 \u2018 Tis false , Mrs. Coddle ! I asked the question of the bearer of that letter \u2014 I thought that she might be the parent of the girl \u2014 but , no , no ; your husband has but supported mine in a falsehood ; he never had a daughter . And you , sir ,\u2014\u2014 are discovered and laid bare ; but I shall leave you this day for ever ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 55}, {"query": ["You 're an aggravating man , and \u2014\u2014", "I follow and torment you , sir ?", "You 're a hideous man .", "Never .", "Reading \u2014 \u201c Madam , the writer of this is an injured woman \u2014 the monster \u2014\u2014", "I am not . I shall never go home any more .", "Call him back ! Mr . Lynx !\u2014\u2014 he 'll do himself a mischief \u2014 I know he will ."], "true_target": ["Then I 'll go to my aunt Sarah ;\u2014 he shall never see me again , an aggravating creature . How I could ever marry him , I can n't think ! It was uncle Tolloday that gave me the silver thimble \u2014 I know it was ; but he will contradict me . He does it on purpose to vex me \u2014 and oppose me \u2014 and worry me \u2014 and break my heart ; but I 'll go this moment to my aunt 's , and I 'll never \u2014 never set foot in his house again .", "Do you mean that ?", "Uncle Tolloday .", "No , he wont \u2014 sit still ; you will only make matters worse .", "Your heart ! you never had one .", "\u201c The monster to whom you are married , has another wife . I am that person ; the enclosed is a copy of my marriage certificate \u2014 \u2018 tis dated twenty years back ; my object in coming to England is to claim a maintenance , and expose the villain . \u201c Your obedient Servant , \u201c Belvidera Coddle . \u201d", "Take it away , sir , I do n't want wine . Oh , sir , you need not sit there looking so fierce ;\u2014 I was certain we should have a disagreement before the day was out ; you contradicted me about my silver thimble \u2014 you insisted that aunt Sarah gave it me .", "She did n't \u2014 \u2018 twas uncle Tolloday gave it me ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 55}, {"query": ["Bless me ! dear , dear , dear ! What a wretch \u2014 what a monster !"], "true_target": ["Nay , nay ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 55}, {"query": ["Do n't you intend to come with me ?", "And though you know how fond I am of the wing of a fowl , you would send me a leg at dinner .", "I 'm a wretched woman .", "Indeed ! I shall take you at your word , sir \u2014\u2014 but , remember , all my property is settled on myself .", "You 're an unkind man , and if we never meet again \u2014 I sha'n ' t be sorry ."], "true_target": ["\u2014 I 'm going home .", "The fact is \u2014 I had no business to marry you .", "\u2014 Just like you brutes of men \u2014 It 's quite heart-breaking to see how we poor creatures are treated !", "You do ; I 've been sitting here for this hour , and you have never spoken a word to me .", "You need not allude to my age , sir , before people ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 55}, {"query": ["Now you speak the truth , we both ought to have known better ; when people have lived single for fifty years , they should learn to look on matrimony as a misery they have luckily escaped .", "You women always want the wing .", "Then the gratification will be mutual .", "I had nothing to say ."], "true_target": ["Serves me right \u2014 after living a bachelor fifty years , I had no right to alter my situation , but I 'll apply for a divorce \u2014 I will \u2014 \u2018 twill be granted too ; I 've an excellent plea \u2014 mutual insanity .", "No .", "Well , go .", "What is it to you ; nobody ill treats you !", "What does it matter ? who cares how old you are ? you 're fifty odd \u2014 so am I ; and we have been married a year and a half \u2014 more fool I \u2014 more fool you ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 55}, {"query": ["They found my example so very pleasant , I suppose , they could not resist following it .\u2014", "Changed her name ! To what \u2014 to what ?", "You can n't come in .", "Huzza , huzza !\u2014 an illegal marriage ! I 'm free \u2014 it can be put aside , it can be put aside ! Tol de rol lol .\u2014\u2014 You hear , she was obliged to leave the country ; she imposed upon me ; she left me ; she 's here but to annoy me \u2014 but I 'm free . Lynx , unbolt the door and let me out .\u2014\u2014 Mr. Dove , let me collar you ; you shall never leave me till I have seen and satisfied the lawful Mrs. Coddle . You are my witness , and must come to your aunt , and then to my wife ; follow us , my dear friends \u2014 follow us ; seek your wives and be reconciled ; I 'll set you the example . Do n't attempt to get away from me ;\u2014\u2014 you are my best friend , and I shall never quit my hold of you . I would n't part with you for a million of money . My dear friend , my preserver , my every thing on earth to me \u2014 come with me to your aunt , to Belvidera \u2014 never mind hat , coat , any thing . My dear , my only Mrs. Coddle , open your arms , and receive your husband and his friend .\u2014", "\u2014 Ah !", "Aye , of committing suicide ?\u2014 hanging , poisoning , suffocation , drowning , or the pistol ? For to one of these escapes from my terrors , I am determined to apply .", "Which ?", "Well ?", "Mrs. Samuel Coddle !", "Go on , go on .", "Which do you think the easiest method of quitting life ?", "Left you !", "Lord ! cook ! Go on !", "Oh , it 's my excellent friend Lynx .\u2014\u2014 Come in , come in ; quick , quick .\u2014\u2014 Now what 's the matter ? how did you find me out ? what brought you here ? any of the police after me ? any warrant granted ? Speak , speak .", "Not since we parted at your house yesterday . I can never face her again . How is Mrs. Lynx ?", "I am a grand sultan , I rejoice in a plurality of wives . Oh , that Turkey , what a blessed country ! where bigamy is a virtue , and a man 's consequences is rated not by the number of voices he can command in a parliament , but by the number of wives he can command at home . But tell me , how did you discover my retreat ?"], "true_target": ["Oh ! I am a doomed man .\u2014", "Where you 've but one . \u2018 Tis a comfort so peculiarly singular , that once pluralized , it is destroyed .", "Belvidera Montemar ?", "And the heart that can then but refer to faults , is one of which we ought to be ashamed . If the second Mrs. Coddle had but consulted my comforts a little more than she did , and not look 'd for raptures and passions in one , who had them not in his nature \u2014 she would have been a divinity .", "Aunt !", "For what ? tell me for what ?", "That girl ? my adopted daughter , you mean ?", "Who ?", "Then her real name was \u2014\u2014", "Why ?", "We are all wretched creatures ; and I 'm the most wretched among you ; you may be reconciled some day or other , but for me \u2014 I am without hope .\u2014\u2014 Hush !\u2014 who 's there ?\u2014", "Misfortune !", "He sha'nt come in , I wont have any more visitors . I came here to conceal myself , and here is my whole circle of acquaintance around me already ; well , sit down , sit down , as you are here .\u2014\u2014 What poor unhappy wretches we all are !", "Who can that be ? I told the woman of the house on no account to admit a soul , or to tell any one who had taken her rooms ; but if she should be obliged to confess , to give out that a half-crazy gentleman occupies them , who will not allow a creature to approach him but herself . I think I am safe here , nobody knows me ; I 've changed my name , I have paid a month 's rent in advance , have closed and fastened the shutters and door , and intend to live in future by candle-light ; so here I am alone \u2014\u2014 with two wives claiming me , yet alone , that 's something . What a night I have passed ! One minute trembling with apprehension , the next with cold ; the loose windows rattling all night like the chains of a sleepless felon \u2014 nothing but draughts all over the room , and a corner house too , its edges worn away by the wind constantly whistling round it \u2014 ugh !\u2014\u2014 It must have been the landlady that knocked ; she thought I was asleep , no doubt , so would n't disturb me ; how cold I am , there is a terrible wind somewhere . This is the most miserable place I ever was in , in my life ; where can that rush of air come from ? I must find out , here 's my tow \u2014\u2014 with this and a skewer , I can stop every crevice .\u2014\u2014 Ah , here 's the place \u2014 a thorough draught , enough to kill me .\u2014\u2014 It has blown the candle out ; what a horrid place !\u2014\u2014 Who 's there ? \u2018 tis the foot-step of a man , it is not the landlady ;\u2014\u2014 officers of justice , perhaps , who have dogged me here ,\u2014 hush !\u2014\u2014 Shall I answer ? I will \u2014 I must \u2014 this suspense will drive me mad \u2014 who \u2014 who 's there ?", "There 's somebody else , who can it be ?", "Was it you that knocked at the door , a few minutes ago ?", "True ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 56}, {"query": ["Sit still , and hear him out .", "I do ; to this alone is my wife indebted for my seeking her . I would rather have died , than have been the first to advance one step towards a reconciliation , after her deliberate attempt yesterday at publicly exposing me .\u2014", "Your second .", "Bow-street officer occupies the floor above you .", "\u2018 Tis no doubt , Dismal , our brother in misfortune .", "\u2014 My dear fellow , open the door .", "She has left me .", "\u2014 Coddle , my dear fellow , where are you running ? let us follow him , my friends , and assist each other in search of our wives , and do our best , to gain mutual forgiveness .", "Quitting life !", "Ah , my friends \u2014 absence , like death , leads us to dwell on the better qualities of those that are away ."], "true_target": ["Yes , yes , and I thought you were dead , as I could get no reply ; you are as difficult to come at as a grand sultan .", "Then you have not seen your wife ?", "You certainly could not expect to remain here unknown .", "The house not only belongs to an inspector of the police , but a", "Yes , yes !\u2014", "The woman of the house gave me your whole history , when I called a quarter of an hour ago . I expect two or three of our friends here in a moment . Dismal , I have left at the door .", "He and his wife have also separated ; indeed , I hear that of the whole party of married people that sat down to my table yesterday , not one couple are now living together .", "Proceed , Mr. Dove .", "Proceed , sir , I beg ; consider Mr. Coddle 's anxiety .", "I am now in search of her , for this morning I have received intelligence that leaves me at liberty to confess more respecting that girl , than I have hitherto dared to tell .", "No , no , calm your fears ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 56}, {"query": ["\u2014 Ah , my friend , we have found you out at last .", "My wife 's great fault is her perpetual proneness for contradiction ; were she to qualify her opposition , by presuming that I mistake , or by merely thinking that I am wrong , I should be satisfied , but her flat contradictions on every subject are unbearable , and I wo n't put up with it ; she sometimes makes me quite furious , zounds !", "For my own part , I freely confess , that I never was more miserable in all my days , and really begin to think that a wife is an indispensable comfort .", "No .", "You shall . If you do n't know your duty , I 'll teach it you . Come"], "true_target": ["Where my wife can be I am at a loss to guess . Not at her aunt 's , I have been there , and they have not seen her . I am getting quite distracted .", "\u2014 Open the door , we wish to see you .\u2014", "You have not .", "Then give me your arm , if you wo n't go home to your wife , you must and shall help me to regain mine . It is a man 's duty sir , to advance the first step towards a reconciliation .", "Sir , come .\u2014"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 56}, {"query": ["I wont \u2014 I 've been used very ill \u2014 I walked before my house for an hour this morning , and though Mrs. D. was seated at the window , she would n't turn her head to notice me .", "So am I .", "I have advanced .", "I forgot to tell you , he was asking for you when I came up ; he says that he has something to tell you respecting your first wife ."], "true_target": ["I had no idea that a restless night , by myself , could have made me think so favourably of Mrs . Dismal .", "Did n't I walk by the house ?", "My wife 's great defect is her want of cheerfulness ; and expecting me every moment to be petting her like a Dutch pug . I can n't fondle , and be continually my dearing ; my amiable moments are periodical .", "I did , and I wo n't go again .", "Mr. Dove is below , and wants to see you ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 56}, {"query": ["I want to speak to Mr. Coddle , on a pint of vast prominence to him .", "Aunt , says I \u2014 a n't you afraid of being exercised and taken before the conjugal authorities ?", "That 's it .", "But to alleviate a long story , suffice it to say \u2014 that I found out she calls herself \u2014\u2014", "And changed her name \u2014\u2014", "Yes ; she went out to the West Indies , in a doctor 's family , on account of some unlawful willanies . She went to Antigua \u2014\u2014", "\u2014 It 's me .", "Well then \u2014 you must know \u2014 yesterday \u2014 after you had all gone , Mrs. D. exaggerated me to such a pitch , that I flew out of the house \u2014 never intending to be united again .", "Mr. H. Dove ."], "true_target": ["Jane Hobbs .", "We 're all bachelors again , I hear ! I a n't seen Mrs. Dove since yesterday ; she worked upon my feelings , and aspirated me to that degree , that I went and got cummy fo ; and now I am afraid to go home .", "Henry , says she , I am here on a matter that demands me to be very circumflex , and I beg you will not make known to any one that you have met me . Aunt , says I \u2014 I \u2014 owe you a grudge ; do you remember how you used to use me , when I cleaned the boots in that family where you was cook ?\u2014\u2014", "Ha ! how d'ye do , gentlemen all ? We meet , again , under very conspicuous circumstances .", "As I was a rushing through the streets \u2014 resolved to do as I liked \u2014 and talk as I liked , and to remove every obelisk that stood in my way of so doing , who should I run against but a lady in black \u2014\u2014", "Yes , sir ,\u2014 but first allow me to collect my loose memorandums ; my head 's a little circumfused .", "Aunt , says I \u2014\u2014", "Bless me , says I , why , Ma'am , I know you ; pray , a n't we united by ties of iniquity ? she looked at me \u2014 I looked at her , and she became mutilated to the spot \u2014\u2014", "To \u2014 I forget \u2014 Bel \u2014\u2014"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 56}, {"query": ["\u2014 Sit down , Sir ."], "true_target": ["Well , Sir ! this information \u2014\u2014", "What can it be ? Shall I let him in ?"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 56}, {"query": ["As she is not within , I shall look in again . I am resolved to see her , for the more I reflect , the more I am incensed against my husband . Oh ! I am a wretched woman .", "Indifference ! I am sure the apathy of my husband was never equalled ; I have flirted with a dozen young men in one evening , to excite him to a little harmless jealousy , but in vain ; and I really think , he would neither have stirred , nor cared , had I eloped with three captains at once . And now to discover that he has another wife ! Oh , if I could see him again \u2014 I think I should assassinate him ! a monster ! a \u2014 oh !\u2014"], "true_target": ["The unhappy creature , Mrs. Belvidera Coddle , is lodging here , you tell me .\u2014", "My friends !\u2014 ladies !\u2014 bless me , we are all in tears ! this must not be ; what would our husbands say if they knew of our weakness ? No , no \u2014 we must not break our hearts for such creatures : we must rally and laugh . Ha ! ha ! ha ! laugh , ladies , laugh \u2014 and make your arrangements for the future with resolution and spirit . You , Mrs. Lynx , will , I presume , for the present lodge here . I shall now step to my friends and return in half an hour . Mrs. Dove , you are a sensible and well-educated woman ; pray accompany me , and give me your advice ! we may hear of Mr. Dove while we are gone . Mrs. Y ., you , of course , will stay with Mrs . Dismal for the present . Good bye , my dears \u2014 good bye ! Now pray , do n't fret ; be women \u2014 be women \u2014 do n't weep about a man . What are men ?\u2014 mere self-elected law-makers . Do n't despair , ladies ; the time is fast coming when we shall have voices in the legislation of the country , and then let them look to their questions . The wrongs done to our sex , for centuries , shall be well revenged in the first session .", "I went home , but Coddle never came near the house ; he has absconded , no doubt ; I did not close my eyes all night ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 57}, {"query": ["I wo n't hear of it .", "Yes , \u2018 twas at the door of this house that I saw Mr. Lynx talking to her yesterday .", "No , no ; you shall not ."], "true_target": ["Just like my Dismal ; when we go into company , he always gets as far away from me as he can \u2014 never notices me \u2014 never smiles at me \u2014 never looks as if he loved me . I \u2014 I \u2014 I am a very ill-used woman .\u2014", "If you had not come to me , Mrs. Y ., I should have died before morning ; as it is , Mr. D 's . cruel indifference has worn me to a shade .", "So am I ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 57}, {"query": ["Indeed , I am ."], "true_target": ["\u2014 My wretched fate is fixed ; I have suffered beyond the bounds of endurance , and can suffer no more ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 57}, {"query": ["So am I ."], "true_target": ["I have been in a state of perfect distraction since my unhappy disagreement , with Henry \u2014 where can he have gone ?", "\u2014 Oh , Henry !\u2014 Once reconciled , I will never correct you again ; you may select your own words from any dictionary you may think proper ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 57}, {"query": ["I would not go to my aunt \u2014 I changed my mind , called on Mrs . Dismal and sat up with her , I am determined not to return home till Frederick fetches me ; it was Uncle Tolloday that gave me the thimble .", "I 'm not used to contradict , but you must . Though I am wretched , if I can assist in restoring happiness to others , Mrs. Frederick Younghusband is not the woman to be idle in such a matter . So come , dear D ., smile and look pleasant !", "I 'm completely miserable \u2014 miserable ."], "true_target": ["I will .", "\u2014 Do n't weep , Mrs . Dismal ; do n't weep ; I wont , if \u2014 if \u2014 I break my heart . Y. sha'n ' t say that I ever dropped a tear at his absence \u2014 an aggravating creature ; though I could be comfortable with him , if he would not contradict me in every thing I say \u2014 and do \u2014 and \u2014 and \u2014 oh !\u2014", "Good bye , Mrs. Lynx ; if you wish to see us , we are only next door to you \u2014 you know . And pray , if you hear anything of our husbands apprize us immediately , and we will do the same for you .\u2014\u2014 Now , if Mr . Dismal passes the house again , I will call him in ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 57}, {"query": ["Come along , Dove , come along ; my wife is here . Come , my best friend \u2014 my preserver .", "No , no , I 'll never part with my witness ; come , you delightful fellow , come , you shall never leave me till I am restored to happiness .\u2014"], "true_target": ["Huzza ! Huzza ! you 've told the truth , Dove \u2014 you 've told the truth \u2014 Belvidera has retreated and left me master of the field . Be grateful , you villain , be grateful . She would have torn your eyes out , murdered you , had it not been for me .", "No , no , I must now introduce you to my wife . Where is she ? Mrs . Coddle !\u2014\u2014 Mrs. Coddle ! they told me she was here ; where are you , my dear , where are you ? She can n't be in the house ; then we 'll run all over London , but we 'll find her . Come , Dove , my friend , my preserver , come ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 57}, {"query": ["Oh , Mr. Coddle , let me go , let me go ."], "true_target": ["But Mr. Coddle , my coat is separating ; let me go ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 57}, {"query": ["But I have now a clue to him , which I will not forsake till his heart 's blood atones for my injuries .", "And never more , dear Emmeline will I give you cause ; on the conduct of the husband chiefly rests the virtue of the wife , and I here renounce all my follies for ever . But for that villain \u2014\u2014", "It shall , Emmeline , it shall .\u2014", "I dared not confess as much before . I was bound , sworn to secrecy by my sister ; but her death now makes me free to tell you all .", "I do , indeed .", "But you are safe ; and who has saved you ?"], "true_target": ["Who ? listen , Emmeline ; the deceiver of my sister , and the father of that girl , through whom we separated and thus meet again .", "\u2014 Villain ! Villain ! what do you here ?\u2014\u2014 I am unarmed , or you should not leave this place alive ; come , Emmeline , come with me .", "You shall first know that you have good cause to be so ; that villain in early life wronged my sister ; she afterwards married ; had her previous intimacy with this man been known , ruin , in the noble sphere in which she moved , must have awaited her ; I kept her secret religiously , and as you know , at the expence of my own peace ; I was as a father to the girl ; and though she left the asylum in which I placed her , yet \u2018 twas for an honourable and a happy marriage .", "We heard both him and Mr. Coddle here not long since .", "I freely confess it was for love .", "Stay you here , I will follow him and have revenge ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 58}, {"query": ["Do you know him , that you speak thus ?", "Yes , Sir .", "\u2014 My husband !", "The father !", "\u2014 Nay , nay , I implore you stay near me \u2014 about me \u2014 leave me not again ."], "true_target": ["Ah Lionel \u2014 is it , is it you ? Oh bless you , bless you .\u2014\u2014 I have brought this upon myself .", "No more , no more , dear Lionel ; I have been a weak , and foolish woman , but never will I doubt you again .", "Forgive me \u2014 I \u2014 I am satisfied .", "Who \u2014 and what is he ?", "Nay , nay , be satisfied , be at peace ; and let mutual confidence henceforth secure to us that happiness to which we have so long been strangers ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 58}, {"query": ["For the same reason precisely .", "What ! Mr. and Mrs. Lynx , and embracing too : then you have explained and made it up , as we have done . Well , this is delightful ! Mr. and Mrs . Dismal are friends ; I saw him watching his house ; I rushed out \u2014 dragged him in .\u2014 Y ., who was with him , followed ; we pouted a little \u2014 coquetted a little \u2014 cried a little \u2014 and then rushed into one another 's arms ; did n't we , Frederick ?"], "true_target": ["Hush ! remember , dear ; you have promised never to contradict me again .", "There is poor Mrs. Dove in an agony about her Henry . She left Mrs. Coddle \u2014 came to us \u2014 was told that her husband was in this house \u2014 and he is still no where to be found ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 58}, {"query": ["For the same reason , as our friends Mr. and Mrs. Lynx married ."], "true_target": ["No , I \u2014\u2014"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 58}, {"query": ["And my George has vowed to be as kind , and as attentive in future , as \u2014\u2014"], "true_target": ["I confess my weakness ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 58}, {"query": ["As I can ."], "true_target": ["Because I was tired of living alone ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 58}, {"query": ["Now , you are going to begin again , love !", "Martha !", "Do n't ask questions now , dear ; when we are alone I 'll liquidate every thing ."], "true_target": ["You took me into partnership , at my master 's dissolution .", "Then allow me to observe , while you were pillaging your wardrobe , your gratitude might have jogged your memory a little , respecting the condition of your preserver 's clothes ; this is quite the result of your own exuberance .", "Forgive you , Martha ! yes , that I will , after what I 've suffered since our abduction . This is all Mr. Coddle 's doings ; I was his witness , and he would n't let me leave him , till I had seen aunt Hobbs and Mrs. Coddle , in his presence . We have seen \u2018 em ; aunt Hobbs is gone off again ; and Mr. and Mrs. Coddle are coming here with all their differences re-united .", "Martha ! are you here ? Oh , look at me !"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 58}, {"query": ["Henry ! look at me , and forgive me .", "Your aunt Hobbs !", "My dear Henry \u2014\u2014"], "true_target": ["Elucidate !", "Ah ! I hear his welcome voice .", "No , Henry , I forgot myself ; I never shall correct you more , dear .", "Being a widow , and accustomed to a sharer in my joys and sorrows \u2014\u2014"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 58}, {"query": ["Yes ; no lining \u2014 no , Mrs. Coddle has heard all \u2014 and has forgiven all ; she is now convinced how I was duped by my first wife ; has had proof of her leaving me \u2014 of her plundering me \u2014 of her coming here merely to make a property of me , of the illegality of the marriage ; and here we are united and happy again ; and there stands my friend and preserver , of whom I shall ever think with gratitude .\u2014", "And you , Mr. and Mrs. Younghusband , married \u2014\u2014", "Well , then , whenever a disagreement breaks out among you in future , recall the memory of those inducements which first led you to think of each other , and you will find it to be a wonderful help to the restoration of peace . Do you all agree to this ?", "Here we are ! here we are ! Belvidera has retreated in confusion ; and the conquering hero , with his only lawful wife , stands before you in all the conscious pride of innocence , and a complete suit of Nankeen .", "And you , Mrs. Lynx , married him from the same impulse ?", "There , this is the way that all matrimonial quarrels should end \u2014 and if you are of the same opinion \u2014\u2014 then , indeed , will our conjugal joy be complete , and our light lesson not have been read in vain . You have seen the result of perpetual jealousy , in the case of Mr. and Mrs. Lynx ; of continual disputes and contradiction in that of Mr. and Mrs. Younghusband ; of a want of cheerfulness and attention in Mr. and Mrs . Dismal ; of the impolicy of public correction in the instance of Mrs. Dove ; and the necessity of assimilating habits and tempers in the singular case of Mr. and Mrs. Coddle ; and though these may not be one half the causes of quarrel between man and wife \u2014 yet , even their exposure may serve as beacon lights , to avoid the rocks of altercation when sailing on the sea of matrimony . So think of us , all ye anticipating and smiling single people ; for you must , or ought , all to be married , and the sooner the better \u2014 and remember us ye already paired ; and let our example prove to you that to mutual forbearance , mutual confidence , mutual habits , mutual everything , must we owe mutual happiness . And where can the best of happiness be found , but in a loyal and affectionate Married Life ? Disposition of the Characters at the fall of the Curtain ."], "true_target": ["Hush , Mrs. Dove ; allow your husband to select his own words at pleasure \u2014 yield a little to each other , \u2018 tis the best and only way to secure domestic peace . I shall yield everything . Look at me ; I that three days ago was all flannel and under-waistcoats , now intend to defy air , draughts , open-windows , corner-houses , everything ; and I and Mrs. Coddle are going in search of the North Pole . Lynx , my boy , have you cleared up your mystery and satisfied your wife ? that 's right , now let us forgive and forget ; forget all but those qualities that first induced us to marry . Mrs. Sam , what did you have me for ?", "And you , Mr . Dismal ?", "Then whenever you are inclined to be angry with me , always think of that , and I in return will ever remember the affection that first led me to seek you . Lynx , what did you marry for ?", "And you , Mr. and Mrs. Dove , married \u2014 because \u2014\u2014", "Then follow my example , and ratify the agreement by a hearty conjugal embrace ; I will give the word of command . Make ready !\u2014\u2014 Present !\u2014\u2014 Fire !\u2014", "And Mrs. D. was weary of the same life , no doubt ?"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 58}, {"query": ["Yes , yes ."], "true_target": ["Nankeen !"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 58}, {"query": ["What do we know about him ?", "I 'm sure of it .", "Yes , I do . That incredible vanity ... they always have it . Always .", "How extraordinary ....", "But what you 've just seen ... that 's exactly what I mean ! It 's acting ! He 's not being himself for a minute \u2014 it 's all put on for our benefit ... do n't you see ? HUBERTD'you know , I think you 're in love with him . OLIVIADo n't be ridiculous .", "I 've nothin \u2019 to go on , but I think she 's been ... murdered .", "I do n't know .... Suppose there is something ... inside it ? A pause . They stare at her , fascinated by her thought . The front door bangs . They are electrified into action : but it is too late . It is DAN . He goes briskly to the table .", "And that 's all .", "He 's acting ... every minute of the time . I know he is ! But he 's acting pretty well , because I do n't know how I know .... He 's walking about here all day , and talking a little , and smiling , and smoking cigarettes .... Impenetrable ... that 's what it is ! What 's going on \u2014 in his mind ? What 's he thinking of ?He is thinking of something ! All the time ! What is it ? DAN enters from the front door and smiles broadly at them .", "Disappointed ?", ":", "He 's common and insolent , and I dislike him intensely .", "I 'm sorry . Is my cigarette worrying you ?", ":", "What ?", "I wo n't say any more . I know how silly it sounds . DORA runs into the kitchen , snivelling .", "He does . For her .", ": Well ?", "You have n't any feelings ... at all .... He looks slowly up at her . She has struck home . But you live in a world of your own .... A world of your own imagination .", "Has Dan said any more about marrying you ?", "Does he talk to you at all ? DORAOh ... only how-do-you-do and beg-your-pardon . I 've never really spent any time in \u2018 is company , you see . Except , o \u2019 course \u2014", "You 're very conceited , are n't you ? DANYes ....", "But when you 're alone ?", "Well ?", "What d'you think of Dan ?"], "true_target": ["I wonder if I would ....", "I think I can diagnose you all right .", "You follow me perfectly well . He shrugs his shoulders , laughs , and goes on whittling .", "DAN", "Why ?", "What ? DORAThis ! She holds out her left arm and lets jail from her fist the length of a soiled belt . A pause . OLIVIA puts down her pencil and pad , goes to her , and looks at the belt .", "It 's himself .", "Murderers . A pause . They stare at her .", "What awful writing ....", "That 's just it \u2014 and then he 's suddenly so ... extraordinary . I 've felt it ever since I heard him sing that song \u2014 I told you \u2014", "It 's more than that . I 've kept on saying to myself : No , murder 's a thing we read about in the papers ; it is n't real life ; it can n't touch us . ... But it can . And it 's here . All round us . In the forest ... in this house . We 're ... living with it .Bring his luggage in here , will you , Mrs. Terence ?", "DAN", "I do n't know , but I feel so strongly ... Is Dora there ?...Dora !", "Wait a minute , was n't there another one ?Oh , yes .... HUBERTOh , this ; yes ....", ": I do n't know what to think now . I suppose not .", "Here 's a group .... Look , Hubert .... HUBERT joins her in front of the table .", "Yes , of course , it 's mine ! I missed it last week ....", "Uncanny ?... I think it 's clever .", "Looks ?It 's rather frightening to think what a face can hide .... I sometimes catch sight of one looking at me . Careful lips , and blank eyes .... And then I find I 'm staring at myself in the glass ... and I realise how successfully I 'm hiding the thoughts I know so well ... and then I know we 're all ... strangers . Windows , with blinds , and behind them ... secrets . What 's behind his eyes ?You 're quite right , it is morbid .", "What on earth do you mean ?", "Half ticket to Shepperley Palais de Danse ...", "And you are acting all the time , are n't you ? DANActin \u2019 ? Actin \u2019 what ?Look at the way I can look you in the eyes . I 'll stare you out .... OLIVIAI have a theory it 's the criminals who can look you in the eyes , and the honest people who blush and look away . DANOh .... OLIVIAIt 's a very blank look , though , is n't it ? DANIs it ?", "It does n't interest me very much what I look like .", "A clean pair of socks ... packet of razor-blades ...", "You are acting , are n't you ? DANYes ! OLIVIAAnd what are you like when you stop acting ?"], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 59}, {"query": ["What ?", "Oh ... it was Olivia 's .", "No such thing ; it 's a club . It 's got a wiggle on it .", "Good , is n't it ? DANOh , yes , reelistic ....\u201c \u2018 I see you mean to set up among that class of people who pree-tend to dee-spise ornyment , \u2019 scornfully ree-marked Mrs. Vane . \u2018 It is the ree-finement of aff-affectation , Lady Isabel \u2014\u2014 \u2019 \u201d An excited knock at the kitchen door . DORA enters . DAN turns back the page and surveys what he has been reading , scratching his head .", "I saw that ! Leave me alone , and do n't interfere . A pause . DAN makes a quick movement and puts one card on another .Oh , yes , dear , of course .... OLIVIANo , that 's a spade .", "Well , I think it 's a disgrace \u2014\u2014", "Oh yes , I thought I recognised it .... What nonsense !... DAN looks at her ; chuckling . DORAI 'm ever so disappointed .... She goes into the kitchen . OLIVIA goes to the armchair by the fireplace .", "Not at all . I like it ! OLIVIA stubs out her cigarette with a resigned look and goes on making notes . DAN enters from the kitchen , keeping time to the music , carrying a bunch of roses , wearing overalls over flannel trousers and a brown golf jacket , and smoking . He goes to the fireplace and clumps the roses into a vase on the mantelpiece , humming the tune . He crosses to the gramophone , still in rhythm , MRS. BRAMSON keeping time skittishly with her hands . He turns off the gramophone and looks over OLIVIA 'S shoulder at what she is writing . DAN\u201c Their home addresses ... and their caresses ... linger in my memory of ... those beautiful dames \u201d ...That 's me ! OLIVIA looks at him coldly and continues her notes .", "Yes , dear ....", "You 've found something ?", "What men ?", "The clock chimes .", "You do n't mean to tell me they 're still at it ? But they 've been pottering about since ... when was that day Mr. Dan left the Tallboys ? DORAMister Dan ? DANAhem !...", "Oh yes , dear , so it is ! OLIVIAThe ironmonger says there were two extra gallons of paraffin not paid for .", "Oh , Danny ... He hurries to the medicine cupboard and pours medicine into a spoon . HUBERT comes in from the front door . HUBERTHave you heard ?", "Have you got my pills ?"], "true_target": ["Danny !... Danny ! The clatter of footsteps in the garden . DORA runs in from the hall , breathless and terrified .", "Yes , dear . DANAnd now it 's time for your walk ....It 's all right , I got trousers on ....Listen to me talking about your walk , when you 'll be in a chair all the time ....That 's funny , is n't it !...Come on , I got your shawl and your rug in the hall ....", "What ?", "It is n't a shawl , it 's a cape .", "Tch , tch !... All this sensation-mong \u2014\u2014 DAN drowns her speech by deftly pouring the spoonful of medicine down her throat . He pushes her chocolate-box towards her , and strides briskly into the hall . Horrid .... DANGood for you , though , the way you are ....", "And they wo n't be paid for either \u2014 not if I have to go to law about it . A pause . She coughs absently .", "DAN", "Oh .... DAN\u201c \u2018 You old-fashioned child ! \u2019 retorted Mrs. Vane . \u2018 Why did you not put on your diamonds ? \u2019 \u2018 I-did-put on my diamonds , \u2019 stammered Lady Isabel . \u2018 But I \u2014 took them off again . \u2019 \u2018 What on earth for ? \u2019 \u201d That 's the other lady speaking there \u2014", "What is it ?", "It wo n't come out .... DAN shrugs his shoulders , stands behind MRS. BRAMSON 'S chair , and studies her play . OLIVIA follows his example from her side . OLIVIALook .", ": \u201c \u2018 It is the ree-finement of affectation , Lady", "Yes , dear .", ": She 'll be joining Scotland Yard next .... Go on , dear .", "Danny !", "And my chocolates ?", "Isabel \u2014\u2014 \u2019 \u201d", "No , no , dear . This has its effect on OLIVIA . DAN sits on the left of the table , where \u201c East Lynne \u201d is open on the table . I 'm sick of patience . DAN\u201c You old-fashioned child \u2014 \u201d"], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 59}, {"query": ["Well ... you was n't round these parts the day she bunked , was you ?", "Means well , does Lil ; but we had a row .She would spy on me . And if there 's anythin \u2019 I hate , it 's spyin \u2019 . Do n't you agree ?", "East Lynne .", "Anybody seen my lady 's pills ? It 's a matter of life and death .... I thought I had \u2018 em . HUBERT chuckles . OLIVIAOh , yes . They 're in the top drawer of the desk . I 'm so sorry .", "I dunno ; \u2018 cause I like it ....Now what d'ye say if I ask a question or two for a change ?Just for a change .... Why can n't you take a bit of an interest in some other body but me ? OLIVIAI 'm not interested in you . Only you do n't talk . That 's bound to make people wonder .", "And here 's your shawl .", "Carry on .", "I 'd sooner have anythin \u2019 than a spy .Bar a murderer , o \u2019 course . A pause . He is arranging his property in his wallet . HUBERTWhat \u2014 what did you say ? DANBar a murderer , o \u2019 course ! OLIVIA steps forward . MRS. TERENCE steps back from the chair on which the hat-box has been placed . OLIVIATalking of murder , do you know anything about Mrs. Chalfont 's whereabouts at the moment ? DAN turns to her , and for the first time sees the hat-box . He stands motionless . A pause .", "I do n't understand so very well , not bein \u2019 so very liter-er-airy .", "They say she had several chaps on a string , and \u2014\u2014There was one fellow , a London chap , a bachelor , very citified \u2014 with a fair moust \u2014\u2014HUBERTWhat are you looking at me for ?", "They both got wiggles on \u2018 em .", "Do n't you believe it ....Tch !... Clumsy ....Ah .... He crosses to the table .", "Yes . Where I should be keeping my money , only any bit of money I have I always keep on me .Safer , do n't you think ? HUBERTYe-es ....", "I got them in my pocket .", "Yes , I do .", "I dunno , it 's so long since I stopped .", "This is a club ."], "true_target": ["Mrs. Who ? OLIVIA : You can n't pretend you 've never heard of her . DANOh , Mrs. Chalfont 's whereabouts ! I thought she said her name was Mrs. Chalfontswear .Silly .... Swear \u2014 about \u2014 could n't think \u2014\u2014", "I got them in my pocket too . Here 's your hat \u2014 better put it on yourself .", "Why ? OLIVIAOh , I do n't know .... Because nothing much has ever happened to me , and it 's a dull day , and it 's the depths of the country .... I do n't know .... A piercing scream from the bottom of the garden . A pause .", "She wants to sit in the sun now and have a bit of East Lynne . Talk about changin \u2019 your mind \u2014 He sees the suitcases on the table before him , and is motionless and silent . A pause . The others dare not move . He finally breaks the situation , takes up \u201c East Lynne \u201d from the table , and walks slowly back to the front door . He stops , looks round at HUBERT , smiles , and comes down to him . His manner is normal \u2014 too normal . Could I have it back , please ? It 's the only one I got ....", "I 'm sorry . Is my cigarette worrying you ?", "Well , I do n't know , do I ? And I carry your rug on my shoulder ....See you later ! Be good ! Shutting the front door , his voice dying as the chair passes the left window . Down this way to-day .... A pause . HUBERT and OLIVIA look at each other . OLIVIAWhat do you think of him ? HUBERTHim ? Grannie 's white-headed boy , you mean ? Oh , he 's all right .A bit slow on the uptake , of course . I wish he 'd occasionally take that fag-end out of his mouth .", "I only keep one ten-bob note in this wallet , for emergencies ....That 's funny . It 's gone . He looks at HUBERT . The others look blankly at one another . ... I expect I dropped it somewhere .... What did you think of the letter ?", "You would n't be bad-lookin \u2019 without them glasses .", "\u201c \u2018 What on earth for ? \u2019 ... \u2018 I did not like to be too fine , \u2019 answered Lady Isabel , with a laugh \u2014 \u201d\u201c \u2014 and a blush . \u2018 They glittered so ! I feared it might be thought I had put them on to look fine . \u2019 \u201d", "Then I act more than ever I do .", "Disappointed ? OLIVIAYes , I suppose I am .", "I can talk a lot sometimes . A drop o \u2019 drink makes a power o \u2019 difference to me .You 'd be surprised .... Ah .... He returns to his work .", "Thank you . He salutes her , goes to the desk , and takes out the pills . They watch him .", "Oh , yes , here they are .... HUBERTIs she feeling off colour again ? DANOff colour ? She 's never been on it , man ! To hear her go on you 'd think the only thing left is artificial respiration , And chocolates ....Coming ! He goes , shutting the front door behind him .", "You got in your hand .", "I know you would ....", "D'you still think there 's been a bit o \u2019 dirty work ?"], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 59}, {"query": ["Oh ....\u2018 E 's all right . Takes \u2018 is fun where \u2018 e finds it . And leaves it .... Cracks \u2018 imself up , you know . Pretends \u2018 e does n't care a twopenny , but always got \u2018 is eye on what you 're thinking of \u2018 im ... if you know what I mean .", ": I 've found something !", "DORA , his face unseen by the audience . OLIVIA and MRS .", "Oh , \u2018 ere 's a pocket-book . With a letter .", ": Mister Dan first came to work for you , mum , a week last", "They 're diggin \u2019 ... in the rubbish-pit ...", "A hand ... Somebody 's hand !... Oh , Miss Grayne ... somebody 's hand .... She runs whimpering into the kitchen , as OLIVIA rises and runs to the left window and looks out .", "DAN 'S humming stops abruptly ; he swivels round and looks at", "Them men 's in the wood again .", "It 's awful to think she may be dead . Awful ...."], "true_target": ["The men lookin \u2019 for that Mrs. Chalfont . A pause . DAN hums \u201c Dames \u201d under his breath .", "He 's not in this one , is \u2018 e ? HUBERTOh , I say ... there she is !", "\u2018 Ere 's one of a little boy \u2014", "Old-fashioned , is n't it ?", "BRAMSON stare at DORA ; a pause .", "The little Eton collar .... Oh , dear ... ever so sweet , is n't it ? MRS. TERENCE : Now that 's what I call a real innocent face .... HUBERTWell , that 's that ....", "Monday ....", "There 's something sticking out ....", "No . She \u2018 as n't brought it up again , either .", "Did somebody say Dora ?"], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 59}, {"query": ["This wench is rather fetching .", "I say , what a shame !...", "That 's true . That 's why he 's made such a hit with her . Funny I have n't been able to manage it . In two weeks , too ... it 's uncanny .", "We should n't be doing this \u2014 I feel as if I were at school again \u2014", "DAN", "Oh , you do ?", "Why ... his Christian name ?", "That \u201c mighty-lak-a-rose \u201d thing , you mean ? Oh , but it 's a pretty well-known one \u2014", "No , really you have to laugh !", "Yes , I was , as a matter of fact . DANOh ....", "Dora 's found a belt !", "I was only joking .", "That 's all right .", "The missing female ! In front of the tall man .... You remember the photograph of her in the Mirror ?", "You do n't think he 's a wrong \u2018 un , do you ?", "Good God !...", "Oh ... yes , of course ....", "Who ? A pause ."], "true_target": ["Not at all ... I ...Here , you deal with this . It 's beyond me . DANDid you see the picture of me when I was a little fellow ?", "D'you think he 's a thief or something ? By Jove , I left my links on the washstand before lunch !", "I 'm going out for a breath of air . He takes his hat and stick as he goes through the hall , and goes out through the front door .", "Ye-es .", "I say , this is a bit thick , you know \u2014 spying \u2014 OLIVIAWe may never have the house to ourselves again . She runs to each window and looks out across the forest . MRS. TERENCE returns carrying luggage : one large and one small suitcase . DORA follows , lugging an old-fashioned thick leather hat-box . MRS. TERENCE places the suitcases on the table ; DORA plants the hat-box in the middle of the floor .", "I wonder how soon the old girl 'll get his number ?... Oh , but fair play , we 're talking about the chap as if he were the most terrible \u2014\u2014", ": Thank you very much .", "Yes .... Very jolly . DANDid you ? It was in the inside of my wallet .", "Letter ?", "Oh .", "Just another servant-girl .... Sorry , Dora .... DORAO. K . OLIVIABus ticket to Thorburton , some snaps ...", "He looks pretty honest .", "Look here , this is going a bit too far \u2014 you can n't do this to a chap \u2014", "What ?", "Well , I did n't \u2014 er \u2014", "What is it ?", "Exactly .", "Quite . What 's your idea of him ?", "But look here , we can n't do this \u2014 OLIVIA snaps open the lid of the larger suitcase with a jerk . A pause . They look , almost afraid . DORA moves to the back of the table ."], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 59}, {"query": ["Do n't be silly , dear , your wife 'll do it to you \u2018 undreds of times ....Pooh ....\u201c Dear Baby-Face my own ... \u201d Signed Lil ....", "Look at \u2018 er bust !", "A dirty shirt ...", "Terrible liar , o \u2019 course . But then a lot of us are . Told me he used to \u2018 unt to \u2018 ounds and \u2018 ave \u2018 is own pack . Before \u2018 e went up in the world and went as a page-boy , I suppose . OLIVIAYou see ? He would n't try that on with us , but could n't resist it with her .", "This is all .", "\u201c ... Next time you strike Newcastle , O. K . by me , baby .... \u201d Ooh !", "Dan ? Oh , \u2018 e 's all right . Bit of a mystery .", "What 'll you \u2018 ave for tea , scones or crumpets ? Ca n't make both .", "I should think he got it from a box-room at the Tallboys \u2014 OLIVIABut it looks so extraordinary \u2014They look at her . She is staring at the box . A pause .", "D'you mean ... this woman they 're looking for ?", "Oh ... was it ?"], "true_target": ["Who by ?", "Why , what 's \u2018 e done ?", "You do n't still think \u2014", "Oh , it 's a proper \u2018 aunt !", "But \u2018 es 's such a \u2014 such a ordinary boy \u2014", "The way you worked us all up ! Does n't it all go to show \u2014 She hears DAN return , and looks round apprehensively . He goes to the table slowly and looks at the two suitcases . DANWould you mind please givin \u2019 me a hand with the tidyin \u2019 up ?...And carryin \u2019 the other one ?...Looks as if we 're goin \u2019 on our holidays , does n't it ?... OLIVIA is alone for a moment . She stares before her , perplexed . DAN returns . She looks away . He looks at her , his eyes narrowed . A pause . Studying her , he takes from a pocket of his jacket a formidable - looking clasp-knife , unclasps it , and tests the blade casually with his fingers . He glances at the mantelpiece , crosses to it , takes down a stick , and begins to sharpen the end of it . OLIVIA watches him . A pause . OLIVIA : Did you do it ? He whittles at the stick .", "Look at \u2018 er !... The impudence , \u2018 er being taken in a bathing-suit !...", "\u2018 Is luggage ?Give me a \u2018 and . Wide-eyed , she goes into the kitchen , followed by DORA .", "Looks ever so sexy , does n't she ?", "Are you sure you did n't do it , sir ?", "Singlet ...", "Oh , she wo n't know anything . She 's as \u2018 alf-witted as she 's lazy , and that 's sayin \u2019 a lot . She 'd cut \u2018 er nose off to stop the dust-bin smelling sooner than empty it , she would . DORA comes in from the kitchen , wiping her hands on her apron ."], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 59}, {"query": ["Danny ! HUBERTWhat in God 's name are you getting at ? DAN smiles and shrugs his shoulders regretfully at him , and goes out through the front door . OLIVIA sits at the table ."], "true_target": ["Danny ! DAN rises slowly , his back to the audience . OLIVIA turns and suddenly sees him . Horror grows in her face . The blare of music . The lights dim out ."], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 59}, {"query": ["Ca n't be done .", "There was another charabanc load just after two o'clock . All standin \u2019 round the rubbish - \u2018 cap eatin \u2019 sandwiches . Sensation , that 's what it is .", "\u2018 Ow many copies d'you want ?", "They think it 's me . I know they think it 's me . She goes into the hall and opens the front door . HUBERTGood afternoon , Mrs. Terence .", "Mangled , she was , mangled .... Did you see your name in the Express , sir ?", "And \u2018 e says there 's a placard in Shepperley with your name on it .", "Oh ... come in , sir .It 's a civilian for a change . She is followed by HUBERT . HUBERTI say , this is all getting pretty terrible , is n't it ?", ": \u201c Mrs. Bramson Talks . \u201d", "They 're still looking for the \u2018 ead . HUBERTNo , thanks . I had lunch ."], "true_target": ["Then they 're going to get \u2018 urt ....I can tell by their looks what they think . And they better not think it , neither .", "The paperboy 's at the back door and says you 're in the News of the World again .", "Little did you think , sir , when you was digging that pit for my rubbish , eh ? \u2018 E may \u2018 ave been watchin \u2019 you digging it ... ooh ! I have to sit in my kitchen and think about it .", "How can I leave , with the whole village waitin \u2019 on me to tell \u2018 em the latest ?I \u2018 eard \u2018 er \u2018 ead must have been off at one stroke . One stroke ....", "Oh , terrible , terrible . There 's one word for it ; it 's terrible . Forty-eight hours since they found \u2018 er . They 'll never get \u2018 im now .", "She goes back towards the kitchen .", "She was n't interfered with , though . She goes into the kitchen .", "I 'm not paid ! And \u2018 ave n't been for two weeks ! And I 'm not coming to-morrow unless I am ! Put that in your copybook and blot it . She goes back into the kitchen , banging the door .", "If it 's them police again , I 'll bash their helmets in with this . If it lands me three months , I will ."], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 60}, {"query": ["I \u2014 I could n't afford it .", "You 've been drinking , have n't you ? DANYou do n't miss much , do you ? OLIVIANo . DANI 've been drinking , and I feel fine ! ...You would n't like another dose of reading ?", "You can talk too .", "Mrs. Terence is getting the tea . DANShe do n't make tea like me . I 'm an old sailor , Miss Grayne . Do n't you forget that . He goes into the kitchen .", "I 'll keep it in my wardrobe ; it 'll be safer there .... With sudden feverish resolution , she picks up the box and carries it into the kitchen . DAN looks the other way as she passes him .", "Oh , it 's no use \u2014 She goes to the armchair below the fireplace and sits in it . DAN returns from the kitchen , with a copy of the \u201c News of the World , \u201d the Bible tucked under his arm , a cigarette stub between his lips .", "Asking questions . DANCarry on ! He studies his outspread hands . OLIVIAAre you sure you were ever a sailor ? Are you sure you were n't a butcher ? A pause . He looks at her , slowly , then breaks the look abruptly . DANAw , talkin 's daft ! Doin 's the thing !", "Oh , Dan 's room used to be the box-room .", "I 'm sorry , I thought ... Why , inspector , what are you doing with my box ?", "What 's the matter ?", "Has ... anybody else asked you for it ?", "You do live in your imagination , do n't you ? DANYes .... It 's the only way to bear with the awful things you have to do .", "Yes , you can .", "She 's gone over to Breakerly to interview a local paper .", "Has he asked you for it ?", "Yes . There were some in the kitchen .", "I wonder .", "I 'm not interested , I 'm afraid .", "I 'm sorry , Hubert , but I can n't .", "Yes , terrible .", "But that 's hundreds of pounds ! It \u2014\u2014", "So am I . The front door opens and DAN wheels in MRS. BRAMSON . He is as serene as ever , but more animated than before . He is dressed the same as in the previous scene , and is smoking his usual cigarette . HUBERT sits at the table . DANBack home again .\u2014 I put your gloves away \u2014\u2014", "Yes ! It 's got all my letters in it !"], "true_target": ["And what was there to your life at the Tallboys ?", "If you give me the key , I 'll get it for you .", "They 're from Scotland Yard , and they do n't wear helmets .", "I 've never heard you make a joke before , Hubert .", "She 's bursting out of it with health . And loving it more than anybody . This is my latest job \u2014 a press-cutting book . There was a picture of her in the Chronicle yesterday ; she bought twenty-six copies . HUBERTShe 'll get to believe she did it herself in the end .... Is she in ?", "Good-bye . She goes to the right window-seat .", "I do n't believe a word of it .", "I prefer talking . DANCarry on .", "Getting up at seven , mending my stockings or washing them , having breakfast with a vixenish old woman and spending the rest of the day with her , in a dreary house in the middle of a wood , and going to bed at eleven .... I 'm plain , I have n't got any money , I 'm shy , and I have n't got any friends . DANDo n't you like the old lady ?", "Why ?", "I could kill her . A pause . She realises what she has said . DANOh , no , you could n't !... Not many people have it in them to kill people .... Oh , no ! She looks at him . A pause . He studies the palms of his hands , chuckling to himself .", "What awful things ?", "Would you like some food , Hubert ?", "Yes , I know .", "I 've thought it over since then , and I 'm afraid I can n't . A pause .", "Do n't !... I 'm frightened of you !... DANWhy ? OLIVIAHow do you know I lie awake at night ? Shall I tell you why ? Because you 're awake yourself ! You can n't sleep , can you ?...You can n't sleep ! There 's one thing that keeps you awake ... is n't there ? One thing you 've pushed into the back of your mind , and you can n't do any more about it , and you never will .... And do you know what it is ?... It 's a little thing . A box . Only a box . But it 's ... rather heavy .... DAN looks at her . A long pause . He jerks away with a laugh and sits at the sofa again . DANThe way you was going through my letters the other day \u2014 that had to make me smile .... His voice dies away . Without warning , as if seeing something in his mind which makes him lose control , he shrieks loudly , clapping his hands over his eyes : then is silent . He recovers slowly and stares at her .It 's the only thing that keeps me awake , mind you ! The only thing !But I do n't know what to do .... You see , nothing worries me , nothing in the world , only ... I do n't like a pair of eyes staring at me ...with no look in them . I do n't know what to do ... I do n't know ... Without warning he bursts into tears . She sits beside him and seems almost about to put her arms about him . He feels she is there , looks into her eyes , grasps her arm , then pulls himself together abruptly .But it 's the only thing ! I live by myself ...inside here \u2014 and all the rest of you can go hang ! After I 've made a use of you , though ! Nothing 's going to stop me ! I feel fine ! I \u2014 BELSIZE crosses outside . A sharp knock at the front door . She half rises . He motions her to sit again .All right ! Anybody 's there , I 'll deal with \u2018 em \u2014 I 'll manage myself all right ! You watch me ! He goes to the front door and opens it . BELSIZEHello , Dan ! How 's things ? DANNot so bad .... He brings BELSIZE into the room . BELSIZEAfternoon , Miss Grayne ! OLIVIAHow do you do .... She makes an effort to compose herself and hurries across to the sun-room . BELSIZE 'S attitude is one of slightly exaggerated breeziness : DAN 'S is one of cheerful naivete almost as limpid as on his first appearance .", "Yes .", "You have n't a very high opinion of women , have you ? DAN makes a gesture with his hands , pointing the thumbs downwards with a decisive movement .", "Do I ?", "It is trying , is n't it ?", "And what do they think ?", "Nothing 's changed me , Hubert . I 've just thought the matter over , that 's all . A pause . He crosses towards the fireplace .", "Did he \u2014 know how much money there is in there ?", "Oh ?"], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 60}, {"query": ["Well , I \u2014", "Then why do n't you leave ?", "Oh .", "I think I 'll get off before it 's dark . Good-bye , Mrs. Bramson . Good-bye ,", "He opens the press-cutting ledger .", ": Good-bye , Hubert . I 'm sorry .", "Ca n't be helped .... It 'll get dark early to-day , I think . Funny how the evenings draw in this time of year . Good night .", "You can n't ? But you told me that day we might make a go of it , or words to that effect \u2014\u2014", "OLIVIA", "Damn clever job , you know , quietly .... That was a rum touch , finding that broken lipstick in the rubbish-heap .... You know , the fact they still have no idea where this woman 's head is \u2014\u2014 OLIVIADo n't ....", "Do n't be silly .", "Sorry ; my mistake .", "Though , again , I 'm not the sort that gets into corners with a pipe and never opens his mouth from one blessed year 's end to the other . I can talk .", "Really .", "Terrible ....", "Did n't realise it was one till I 'd said it . Sorry .", "HUBERT", ": Good-bye .", "I believe her head was cut off at one stroke . NURSEOh , poor thing .... She goes into the bedroom . DAN returns from the kitchen , carrying a tray of tea and cakes .", "Sorry . Ca n't be helped . Sorry . DANThere we are .\u2014 Nice outing , eh \u2014", "Yes .", "Johnny Walker , judging by the whiff of breath I got just now ."], "true_target": ["Er \u2014", "Mr .\u2014 er \u2014\u2014", "What man could I possibly meet , cooped up here ?", ": Dan . Just Dan .", "Surely he 's got more to say for himself to-day than when I met him before ?", "DAN sits in HUBERT 's chair .", "What 's changed you ?", "But you could , if you married me ! Now , look here \u2014\u2014You said you 'd tell me to-day . So here I am \u2014 er \u2014 popping the question again . There 's nothing much to add , except to go over the old ground again , and say that I 'm not what you 'd call a terribly brainy chap , but I am straight .", "How they all love it .... How 's the old lady bearing up in the old invalid chair , eh ?", "Nice fellow . I 've thought a lot about that prying into his things \u2014 pretty bad show , really , you know .I wonder if they 'll ever nab him ? OLIVIAWhat do you mean ?", "Sorry . OLIVIAIt 's a bit of a strain . HUBERTThen why do n't you leave ?", "DAN", "The fellow who did it .... Wonder what he 's doing now .", "\u2014 no , thank you ....", "Well ?", "I \u2014 er \u2014 did catch a glimpse of it , yes .", "DAN raises his cup as if drinking a toast to MRS. BRAMSON .", ": Is it another man ?", "The lad pushing the go-cart ?... He 's the devoted son all right , is n't he ? OLIVIAI do n't talk to him much .", "She follows suit .", "OLIVIA", "An all-round chap , really \u2014 that 's me ."], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 60}, {"query": ["Oh , he 's been in rare spirits all day .", "Do I want to see him waylaid and attacked , and my key stolen ? Oh , no , I told him , that key stays on me \u2014", "\u201c Put not your trust in banks \u201d is my motto , and always will be .", "Oh , you caution ! You 'll be the death of me ! DANAh-ha !Now what 'd you like a drop of in your tea \u2014 gin , whisky , liqueur , brandy , or a nice dollop of sailor 's rum , eh ?", "Oh , thank you , dear . The one by the mortuary ?... Oh , my back .... Nurse !... Her voice is lost in the bedroom . The daylight begins to fade . The church bells die away .", "Can you hear something ? Oh , I 'm scared ....", "Well , he did offer to fetch some money yesterday for the dairy . But I would n't give him the key ! Oh , no !", "Yes , dear , do .... He shuts the Bible with a bang , throws it on the sofa , and takes the paper from her . OLIVIA watches him intently ; he smiles at her slowly and brazenly as he shakes out the paper . DAN\u201c ... The murderer committed the crime in the forest most \u2014 in the forest , most likely strippin \u2019 beforehand \u2014 - \u201d DORA comes in from the kitchen , and stands at the door , arrested by his reading . She is dressed , in Sunday best .", "Look here , Olivia , you 're downright rude to that boy , and if there 's one thing that never gets a woman anywhere , it 's rudeness . What have you got against him ?", "Oh !...That horrible boy again , when the one thing I want is to blot the whole thing out of my mind .", ": It 's not a joke ; it 's a libel .", "The boy 's a teetotaller .", "I told him ! Do you wonder I stick to the key , I said \u2014 what is the matter with you , all these questions ?", ": At random in the Old", "DAN", "Oh .Go at once into Shepperley and order some . At once !", ": The Old Testament .", "I feel dead .Oh , it 's you .... I feel dead . DANDo n't you be a silly old \u2018 oman , you look as pretty as a picture \u2014 strawberries and cream in your face , and not a day over forty ; and when I 've made you a nice cup of tea you 'll be twenty-five in the sun and eighteen with your back to the light , so you think yourself lucky !", "The Bible ?", "So it was ... DAN\u201c The body was nude . Attempts had been made to ... turn to foot of next column .... \u201d\u201c Attempts had been made to ... era \u2014 eradicate fingerprints with a knife .... \u201d\u201c ... The head was severed by a skilled person , possibly a butcher . The murderer \u2014 \u201d", "D'you wonder I would n't let you have the key ?", "But , Danny , what on earth are you \u2014 DANBut all the time the daylight 's movin \u2019 over the floor , and by the end of the sermon the air in the church is turnin \u2019 grey .... And people is n't able to think of holy things so much no more , only of the terrible things that 's goin \u2019 on outside , that everybody 's readin \u2019 about in the papers !Because they know that though it 's still daylight , and everythin 's or'nary and quiet ... to-day will be the same as all the other days , and come to an end , and it 'll be night ....I forgot it was Sunday !", "I 'm tired of them .", "Tch ! tch ! DAN\u201c ... He buried the body shallow in the open pit , cunnin'ly chancin \u2019 it bein \u2019 filled , which it was next day , the eleventh \u2014\u2014 \u201dThat was the day \u2018 fore I come here ....", "I \u2014\u2014 wheel me over to that cupboard . OLIVIA is about to do so , when she catches DAN 'S eye . OLIVIAPerhaps you 'd go into the kitchen and get the paper from Mrs. Terence ? DANOf course I will , madam ! Anythin \u2019 you say ! Anythin \u2019 you say ! He careers into the kitchen , still carrying the Bible . MRS. BRAMSON has fished up two keys on the end of a long black tape . OLIVIA wheels her over to the cupboard above the fireplace .", "What does it say ?", "Johnny Walker , indeed ! Impertinence ! DANJohnny Walker ?", "Get three .", "Meaning whisky ?"], "true_target": ["All right , dear ; makes a nice change .... Not that I do n't often dip into it .", "If you were very good , I might let you call me ... mother ! DANO. K ., mother .", "It 's enough to have those policemen prying , you forward girl , without \u2014\u2014 OLIVIAPlease ! Has he ?", "Oh , you are in a mood to-day !I want to be read to now . DANYour servant , mother o \u2019 mine .... What 'll you have ? The Channings ? The Red Court Farm ?", "A knock at the front door .", "Thank you , dear .... Let me smell your breath .Clean as a whistle . Smells of peppermints .", "No fear ! She unlocks the cupboard ; it turns out to be a small but very substantial safe .Wo n't go into Shepperley , indeed ... never heard of such impertinence .... She takes out a cash-box from among some deeds , unlocks it with the smaller key , and takes out a mass of five-pound and pound notes . The way these servants \u2014 what are you staring at ? OLIVIA : Is n't it rather a lot of money to have in the house ?", "Yes . I feel absolutely dead . NURSEAnything new re the murder ?", "So you wo n't stay to tea , Mr .\u2014 er \u2014\u2014", "Yes , dear .... Olivia , you never got a new bottle yesterday ! DANI got it to-day while you were with the chap .... Popped in at the chemist 's .", "Dear , dear .... You should have been a preacher . You should ! DAN laughs loudly and opens the Bible . DORAI never knew \u2018 e \u2018 ad so many words in \u2018 is \u2018 ead ....", "Come in .", "Ca n't be done ? What d'you mean , can n't be done ? It 's a scandal . What are you paid for ?", "At random 's nice , do n't you think , dear ?", "Testament 's a bit risky , do n't you think so ?", "And do n't call me \u201c mum \u201d !", "Oh , the print 's too small .... DANShall I read it to you ?", "Oh , Danny , you are a terror !He 's been at me like this all the way . I must say it keeps me alive . DANBut you feel dead . I get you .", "Is n't paid ? Is she mad ?Are you mad ? Why do n't you pay her ? OLIVIABecause you do n't give me the money to do it with .", "I would n't let a soul touch it . Not a soul . Not even Danny . She snaps the safe , locks it , and slips the keys back into her bosom .", "Oh , yes .... DAN stands with one knee on the sofa , and turns over the pages of his Bible .\u201c ... The Victim 's Past \u201d ... with another picture of me underneath !Oh , taken at Tonbridge the year before the war ; really it is n't right ....\u201c The Bungalow of Death !... Gruesome finds .... Fiendish murderer still at large .... The enigma of the missing head ... where is it buried ? \u201d ... Oh , yes !DAN\u201c ... Blessed is the man ... that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly ... nor standeth in the way of sinners ... nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful .... \u201d", "I want to lie down now , and be examined . DANAnything you say , mother o \u2019 mine .... Will you have your medicine in your room as well , eh ?", "Hush , do n't talk like that , dear .", "Pram ! Well !It 's wicked to laugh , with this \u2014 this thing all round us . DANI forgot .Not in a draught , are you ?D'you remember , Mr. Laurie , me pulling your leg about you havin \u2019 done it ? Funniest thing out !... Talk about laugh !", "Never you mind , dear .... Any more of those terrible people called ? Reporters ? Police ? DANThere 's a definite fallin \u2019 off in attendance to-day . Sunday , I expect .", "Good gracious ... what 's come over you , Danny ? DANOh , I speechify like anything when I 'm roused ! I used to go to Sunday school , see , and the thoughts sort of come into my head . Like as if I was readin \u2019 off a book !", "NURSE LIBBY enters from the front door .", "Just listen to him ! Now do n't make me laugh , dear , because there 's always my heart . DANYou 've lost your heart , you know you have , to the little feller that pushes your pram \u2014 you know you have !", "So was I ... East Lynne 's nice , though .", "Tttt !... DANI think I better get the tea before I get into hot water . He goes towards the kitchen ."], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 60}, {"query": ["Yes , sir , bearin \u2019 up , you know ....", "Oh , no , sir , not that ! I avoided her ever after that day she stopped me , sir !... You see , sir , a lady stayin \u2019 where I was workin \u2019 , and for all I knew married , and all the other fellers she 'd been after , and the brazen way she went on at me .... You 're only human , are n't you , sir , and when they asked me about her , I got frightened to tell about her stopping me .... But now you know about it , sir , it 's a weight off my mind , you would n't believe !...As a matter of fact , sir , it was the disgust-like of nearly gettin \u2019 mixed up with her that was keepin \u2019 me awake at nights .", "Why , will ye be late for courting ?", "QUICK CURTAIN", "I 'm sure you do .Now where 'll I read ?", "There you are , fresh as a daisy .\u2014 Three lumps , as per usual , and some of the cakes you like \u2014\u2014", "At random .... Yes ....", "I did . BELSIZEYou did n't .", ": Good day sir ....", "Though this one seems to have made a bit more stir than any of the others , do n't he ?", "Sorry , mum .", "My life ? Well .... The day do n't start so good , with a lot of stuck-up boots to clean , and a lot of silly high heels all along the passage waitin \u2019 for a polish , and a lot of spoons to clean that 's been in the mouths of gapin \u2019 fools that looks through me as if I was a dirty window had n't been cleaned for years ....Orders , orders , orders ; go here , do this , do n't do that , you idiot , open the door for me , get a move on \u2014 I was never meant to take orders , never !... Down in the tea - place there 's an old white beard wigglin \u2019 . \u201c Waiter , my tea 's stone cold . \u201dI 'm not a waiter , I 'm a millionaire , and everybody 's under me !... And just when I think I got a bit o \u2019 peace ....there 's somebody ... lockin \u2019 the bedroom door ...wo n't let me get out ; talk , talk , talk , wo n't fork out with no more money , at me , at me , at me , wo n't put no clothes on , calls me everythin \u2019 , lie on the floor and screams and screams , so nothin \u2019 keeps that mouth shut only ...It 's rainin \u2019 out of the window , and the leaves is off the trees ... oh , Lord ... I wish I could hear a bit o \u2019 music ...And I do , inside o \u2019 myself ! And I have a drop of drink ... and everything 's fineAnd when it 's the night ... OLIVIAGo on ! A pause . He realises she is there , and turns slowly and looks at her . DANAha ! I 'm too fly for you ! You 'd like to know , would n't you ? Aha ! Why would you like to know ?Why d'you lie awake ... all night ?", "Yes I did . Oh \u2014 except for about half an hour \u2014 that 's right . I could n't sleep for toffee and I went up the fire-escape \u2014 I remember thinkin \u2019 about it next day when the woman was missing , and trying to remember if I could think of anything funny \u2014\u2014", "Well , this is the nearest you get to comfort in this house , sir .", "He sits on the end of the sofa .", "I should say so !", "A pause , DAN crumples to the floor in a dead faint .", "Well , it 's been a bit of a shock for her , them finding the remains of the lady at the bottom of her garden , you know .", "Well , sir , I 'm a slow thinker , I am , but though it might be clever to leave the lady unide \u2014 unide \u2014\u2014", "Oh , sir ... it 's been on my conscience ... ever since ...", "No chance !", "No .", "I could never sleep when I was at sea , neither , sir .", "Oh , about ... oh , you know how you wake up in the night and do n't know what time it is .... BELSIZEMmm ...", "Oh ... Mrs. Bramson 'll be that relieved . And the whole country besides ....", "Oh , yes ."], "true_target": ["It 's open , I think . BELSIZE goes into the kitchen . A pause , DAN looks slowly round the room .You can n't miss it .... A pause . The noise of something being moved beyond the kitchen . Dan sits on the sofa with a jerk , looking before him . His fingers beat a rapid tattoo on the sides of the sofa . He looks at them , rises convulsively and walks round the room , grasping chairs and furniture as he goes round . He returns to the sofa , sits , and begins the tattoo again . With a sudden wild automatic movement he beats his closed fists in rapid succession against the sides of his head . BELSIZE returns , carrying the hat-box . BELSIZEThis one 's locked . Have you got the key ? DAN rises , and takes a step into the middle of the room . He looks at the hat-box at last . DANIt is n't mine .", "Yes , sir . Would you like a cup o \u2019 tea , sir ?", "I dunno . It is n't mine . OLIVIA stands at the sun-room door .", "Women do n't have to be drunk to talk .... You do n't talk that much , though ; fair play .You 're a dark horse , you are . A pause . She rises abruptly and stands at the fireplace , her back to him . She takes off her spectacles . Ye know , this is n't the life for you . What is there to it ? Tell me that ! OLIVIAWhat is there to it ...?", "Well , will you have a cigarette , sir ?...Only a Woodbine \u2014\u2014", "He says they 're sellin \u2019 like hot cakes !There you are , I 've found the place for you \u2014 whole page , headlines an \u2019 all ....", "Aw , yes ! D'you hear me just now ? She 's right , you know , I should ha \u2019 been a preacher . I remember , when I was a kid , sittin \u2019 in Sunday school \u2014 catching my mother 's eye where she was sitting by the door , with the sea behind her ; and she pointed to the pulpit , and then to me , as if to say , that 's the place for you ....I never forgot that . A pause .", "Yes ....", "Not as nice as the Bible .", "Neither do I , but it sounds wonderful .I never saw my mam , and I never had a dad , and the first thing I remember is ... Cardiff Docks . And you 're the first \u2018 oman I ever told that , so you can compliment yourself . Or the drink .I think it 's the drink .", "Tch ! tch ! Was he ?", "No chance !", "Affair ? What 's that ?", "Well ... oh !What about the Bible ?", "It 's Sunday , you know . I was brought up on it !", "She had a lot of fellows on a string , though , did n't she ? BELSIZEThat 's true .", "You can n't miss it .", "I should say so ! They can n't hardly wait for the latest on the case in this house , sir .", "What you say ?", "I 'm that relieved , sir ! BELSIZEBut do n't try and keep things from the police another time .", "No chance !", "Good night . HUBERTGood-bye .", "Well ...Ah-ha !... I have n't had as much to drink as all that !Ah-ha !...", "I forgot it was Sunday .... They 're goin \u2019 to church in the villages . All got up in their Sunday best , with prayer-books , and the organ playin \u2019 , and the windows shinin \u2019 . Shinin \u2019 on holy things , because holy things is n't afraid of the daylight .", "No .", ": \u201c Their home addresses ... and their caresses ... \u201d", "Well , if I can n't call you Mrs. Bramson , what can I call you ?"], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 60}, {"query": ["My sister says all this is wearin \u2019 me to a shadow .", "As if you was waiting for something to \u2018 appen .", "If I was , they 'd wait for me . Good afternoon , Miss Grayne . Good afternoon ... sir . DANAre you sure they 'd wait ?"], "true_target": ["You look that worried , too , Miss Grayne .", "You ought to know . She goes into the kitchen . DAN and OLIVIA are alone . DAN crosses to the sofa with a laugh , humming gaily .", "Like an explosion . A bomb , or something . OLIVIAI do n't think that 's very likely ....Have you talked to Dan at all this week ?", "Never get the chance . \u2018 E 's too busy dancin \u2019 attendance on Madame Crocodile .... DAN comes back from the bedroom , his cigarette stub between his lips ."], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 60}, {"query": ["No , thanks . I 've got another inquiry in the village ....Oh , just one thing \u2014 might as well just do it , we 're supposed to with all the chaps we 're questioning , matter of form \u2014 if you do n't mind . I 'll have a quick look through your luggage . Matter of form ....", "Unidentified . DANThank you , sir ....Well , though it be clever to leave the lady unidentified and not be caught ... has n't it been more clever to leave her identified ... and still not be caught ?", "First door facing \u2014\u2014", ": She 'll be all right , sir ....", "All these blood-curdlers , eh ?", ": The remains of the lady ! I wish you would n't talk like that .", "Oh , I see ....", "We have n't scared you all out of the house yet , I see !", "I 've seen \u2018 em .", "Look here , Dan , any self-respecting murderer would have taken care to mutilate the body to such a degree that nobody could recognise it \u2014 and here we come and identify it first go !Call that clever ?... What d'you think ? DAN catches his eye and crosses to the sofa .", "I 'm very sorry , miss .", "So you did have an affair with her ?", "Why did n't you tell us you were having an affair with the deceased woman ?", "Yours ?", "No , thanks . DANWould you like to see Mrs. Bramson , sir ?", "Where d \u2019 you hang out ? DANThrough the kitchen ... here , sir .... First door facin \u2019 ...", "Whoever he was .", "Your shirt 's wet through . DANI 've been sawin \u2019 some wood .", "I 'm afraid", "No , thanks , this 'll do ....I see you keep apace of the news ?", "Ah ... too bad ! Mind if I sit down ?", "No more news for me , I suppose ?", "Come along , old chap , I 'll use a straighter word if it 'll help you . But you 're stalling . She was seen by two of the maids talking to you in the shrubbery . Well ? A pause . DAN bursts into tears , but with a difference . His breakdown a few minutes ago was genuine ; this is a good performance , very slightly exaggerated . BELSIZE watches him dispassionately , his brows knit ."], "true_target": ["I have n't .", "Ah , well , it 's only natural .... I got a bit of a funny feeling bottom of my spine myself crossing by the rubbish-heap .", "DAN", "Bearing up , eh ?", "No ! They 'll nab him in no time .", "But it was in ...", "Yes .... That 'll be all for to-day . I 'll let you off this once .", "Yes .Regular film star . Made his name . DANIf you can make your name withou nobody knowin \u2019 what it is , o \u2019 course . BELSIZEYes , of course .... But I do n't reckon he 's been as bright as all that . DANOh , you do n't ?", "I 'll find it .", "I see .... You 're a bit of a milk-sop , are n't you ? DANAm I , sir ?", "You know , I do n't mind telling you , they reckon the fellow that did this job was a bloodstained clever chap . DANYou do n't say ? BELSIZEHe was blackmailing her , you know .", "Well , young feller , I 'll be off . You might tell the old lady I popped in , and hope she 's better . DANThank you , sir .... Good day , sir .", ": Well , you see ,", "Why did n't you sleep in your bed on the night of the murder ?", "Oh ?... Whose is it , then ?", "Good day . He goes out through the front door into the twilight , closing it behind him .", "What time was that ?", "I 've offended her ....", "DAN", "Why did n't you sleep in your bed on the night of the tenth ? A pause . DAN stiffens almost imperceptibly .", "Not yours ?", "Mmm .Are you feeling hot ?", "They always find you out , you know .", "Oh , plenty of time . How 's she bearing up ?"], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 60}, {"query": ["That 's better , eh ?", "Be good , all ! She bustles out of the front door . A pause . DAN sits looking before him , drumming his fingers on the sofa . DORAWhat 's the matter with him ?", "Oh , yes !...Shh , he 's coming to .... DAN opens his eyes and looks at her . Welcome back to the land of the living !", "What ?"], "true_target": ["There , lovey , you wo n't be long now .... Ever so much steadier already .... What a bit o \u2019 luck me blowin \u2019 in to-day !... Tt ! tt ! Pouring with sweat , the lad is . Whatever 's he been up to ?", "We picked you up ten minutes ago , and I 'd say it was twenty minutes before that , roughly-like , that you passed away .", "Do n't choke \u2018 im , there 's a love ....", "So you would ! Just like the pictures .... \u2018 Old your \u2018 ead up , love ."], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 61}, {"query": ["When I walked in that door and saw \u2018 im lyin \u2019 full stretch on that floor everything went topsy-wopsy .It did ! The room went round and round ....", "Passed away , do n't frighten the boy !... Whatever come over you , dear ?", "I 'll give you lurk , my girl , look at the egg on my toby ! Why do n't you learn to wash up , instead of walkin \u2019 about talking like three-halfpennyworth of trash ?", "Laws , I 'd be frightened goin \u2019 off by meself .... Well , we 'd best \u2018 urry , Dora .... Good night , Dan . Pity you are n't comin \u2019 our way \u2014 - DAN 'S VOICE : See you in the morning ! Good night !", "D'you know what I said to meself when I saw \u2018 im lyin \u2019 there ?", "What ?", "Oh ... it 's only the paraffin boy ....And you bring stuff on a Saturday night another time . DAN is standing behind MRS. BRAMSON 'S chair .", "I said , \u201c That murderer 's been at \u2018 im , \u201d I said , \u201c and it 's the next victim . \u201d I did !", "It 's a scandal the way the days are drawin \u2019 in .... \u2018 Ave another sip \u2014\u2014 DANYou have n't such a thing as a nip of brandy ? NURSEYes , lovey , I nearly gave you a drop just now \u2014 - DAN takes a flask from her and gulps ; he takes a second mouthful . He gives it back , shakes himself , and looks before him .", "Oh ! Ca n't you see this is paraffin ?", ": Waiting \u2018 and and foot on Madame Crocodile , enough to wear", "What d'you want for lunch tomorrow ?", "Good night ! DORAGood night !", "Something light . O. K . Good night . She goes back into the kitchen . DAN scans the newspaper casually ."], "true_target": ["Got a nice face , \u2018 as n't he ?", "Now , now , turnin \u2019 against the apple of your eye ; can n't \u2018 ave that goin \u2019 on \u2014\u2014 A sharp knock at the front door . DAN starts up and goes towards the hall .", "You going out ?", "Yes , I 'm \u2018 alf-way there . What d'you think ?", "That Inspector Belsize called .", "You \u2018 ave a nice long walk while you get the chance ; you wait on \u2018 er too much ....Ooh , ai n't it dark .... Got the torch , Dora ?", "Better ?", "But you can n't leave \u2018 er \u2018 ere by herself !", "Ye-es !", "King Kong out ....", "Well , I must go on me way rejoicin \u2019 .", "If people knew what to do with their money , they 'd put electric light in their \u2018 omes \u2018 stead of dangerin \u2019 people 's lives . She goes into the kitchen . DAN stares before him , the match flickering .", "Thought the murderer 'd got you ! A pause . DAN stares , then sits up abruptly .", "Conked out ."], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 61}, {"query": ["Just a friendly call .", "Sure you 're comfortable ? Would n't you like a cushion back of your head ?", "And a nice roly-poly puddin \u2019 , the kind you like ?", "Bit of an \u2018 eadache , that 's all .", "Fancy .", "Very kind of you , my lady .\u201c But his delight is in the Law of the Lord ; and in His law doth he meditate day and night \u2014 \u201d", "Now have a drop of this ...Go on , do you good ...I am sorry , I am really ... You see , they wanted me to see them to the main path , past the rubbish - heap , see , in case they was frightened . ... Now that 's better , is n't it ? They are seated side by side on the sofa .", "What 's the matter ? He looks hastily towards the hall to see no one has heard .", "I bet you was n't half glad , eh ?", "Fine . I been running along the path , see ....I been out of training , I suppose ; when I was at sea I never missed a day running round the decks , o \u2019 course ....", "Her eyes was n't very wide apart .", "What ?", "I dunno . Felt sick , I think .Say no more about it , eh ? Do n't like swinging the lead ....", "Right you are !...A nice one with a soft centre , the kind you like .... Why , here 's one straight away ....Now shut your eyes ... open your mouth ..."], "true_target": ["Can you hear something ?", "Yes ... it 's night now .\u201c The ungodly are not so , but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away \u2014\u2014 \u201d", "And the sun . Just me and the sun .", "You was .", "Are you quite comfortable ?", "Should n't be surprised .", "Gone , I think . DORAOh , law , no !Mrs. Terence !", "Gone ... for the night ?", "Yes .... Clears the brain no end .... Makes you understand better ....Makes you see what a damn silly thing it is to get the wind up about anything . Do things ! Get a move on ! Show \u2018 em what you 're made of ! Get a move on !... Fainting , indeed .... Proper girl 's trick , I 'm ashamed of myself ....The light 's going .... The daytime 's as if it 's never been ; it 's dead ....Daft , is n't it ? DORA brings in an oil lamp from the kitchen ; she is wearing her outdoor clothes . She crosses to the table , strikes a match with her back to the audience and lights the lamp , then the wall lamp . The twilight is dispelled . NURSEYou 'll be all right ; a bit light-headed after the fall , I expect .Well , got an abscess the other side of Turneyfield , and a slow puncture . So long , lovey . DANSo long !", "I am sorry , mum . In the Land of Nod , I was ! Let me see , what was it your highness was after ? A shawl ? No sooner said than done .... You watch me ! One , two , three ! He runs into the bedroom .", "Only takin \u2019 the paraffin tin in the kitchen . He goes into the kitchen .", "Lunch ? To-morrow ?...What about a nice little steak ?", "How long I been like that ?", "Is it really getting dark ?"], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 61}, {"query": ["You \u2018 ave n't gone without me , \u2018 ave you ?", "I can n't wash up properly in that kitchen , with that light . Them little oil lamps is n't any good except to set the place on fire . She goes into the kitchen . DAN drums his fingers on the sofa . MRS. BRAMSON wheels herself from the bedroom .", "O. K ., honey .", "What 's up with her ? DANThinks she 's been robbed .", "No good arguin \u2019 with her \u2014 do n't I know it !"], "true_target": ["Oh ? DANYes . I still feel a bit funny .", "The monster 's lurking again . Mechanically DAN takes a box of matches and a cigarette from his pocket .", "Conked out ? Oh , dear .... D'you think \u2018 e see 'd something ? I 'll tell you what it is !", "She 'll scream the place down ! DANI asked her , this very minute , and she do n't seem to mind . You know what she is . Said it 'd do me good , and wo n't hear of me stayin \u2019 . It 's no good arguin \u2019 with her . DORA puts the chocolates down on the occasional table . She and MRS. TERENCE follow DAN into the hall .", "Oh , is that all .... That 's the fourth time this month she 's thought that . One of these days something will \u2018 appen to her , and will I be pleased ? Oh , baby !... Where 's Mrs. Terence ?", "You did give me a turn !I think I 'll \u2018 ave a choc .I could n't \u2018 ave walked a step in those trees all by myself . Coming ? DANI 'd have come with you with pleasure , only I 'm going the other direction . Payley Hill way ."], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 61}, {"query": ["Is it ?... Ah , well , it 's been a long day \u2014\u2014", "What are you \u2014", "I should think so \u2014\u2014 MRS. TERENCE comes into the room . DAN strikes a match for his cigarette .", "DAN : O. K .", "I do n't have to tell you everything I 've been through . I do n't have to tell you about my husband , how unkind and ungodly he was \u2014 I would n't have minded so much him being ungodly , but oh , he was unkind ...And I do n't have to tell you how unkind he was . You know . You just know ... whatever else I 've not been , I was always a great one on psychology .", "No , dear , just wheel me \u2014\u2014 DANI think you 'll be more comfortable with a cushion .\u201c I 'm a pretty little feller , everybody knows ... dunno what to call me ... \u201d He goes deliberately across , humming , and picks up a large black cushion from the sofa . His hands close on the cushion , and he stands silent a moment . He moves slowly back to the other side of her ; he stands looking at her , his back three-quarters to the audience and his face hidden : he is holding the cushion in both hands .", "I dropped off . Why did n't somebody wake me ? Have I been missing something ?", "That piece you were reading .... It 's Sunday .... Is n't that nice ... all the aches and pains quiet for once ... pretty peaceful .... DAN\u201c Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly , nor standeth in the way of sinners , nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful .... \u201d", "I want to be read to now . DANO. K .What 'll you have ? The old East Lynne ?", "You read so nicely , Danny .", "I think I 'll go to bye-byes .... We 'll have the rest to-morrow , shall we ?Help me , dear , help me , you know what I am \u2014\u2014 DANWait a minute ... I \u2014 I 've only got two more verses \u2014\u2014", "What 's that ?", "Sly , are n't you ?... Where are you staying to-night ?", "Silly boy ... silly boy .... OLIVIA comes in quickly from the kitchen . She is dressed to go out and carries a suitcase . Where are you off to ?", "You have n't had any telegram . OLIVIANo , I have n't !", ": I think I 'd like the Bible .", "They can think all they like , that was a beautiful thought .And when you think you 're just an ignorant boy , it 's ... it 's startling . DANThat 's right .", "What a funny look on your face , dear . Smiling like that ....You look so kind ... He begins to raise the cushion slowly . So kind ...What are you going to do with that cushion ?... The lights dim gradually into complete darkness , and the music grows into a thunderous crescendo .", "You 'll burn your fingers ! Set yourself on fire ! Absent-minded !... I woke up all of a cold shiver . Had a terrible dream . DANWhat about ?", "That sounds convincing , I must say . Well , you can go , but when you come back , I 'm not so sure I shall answer the door . Think that over in the morning .", "My niece . Gone for the night , if you please .", "There 's no sun now , dear ; it 's night ! A pause . He drums his fingers on the Bible .", "What are you reading , dear ? DANOnly the murder again . About the clues that was n't any good .", "Does n't make you deaf , though , dear , does it ?", "You went through my side like a knife \u2014\u2014", "I think I 'll go to bed now . DANO. K .", "I think so .", "Through the forest ? Not too frightened for that , I see .", "Would you believe it ? Says she 's frightened .... A pause . Come along with the shawl , dear . I 'm freezing .... DANDo n't know what 's up with me \u2014 He goes to the table and looks at a newspaper . MRS. TERENCE comes in from the kitchen , her coat on .", "Then why did n't somebody wake me ? Dan , what did he want ?", "Where d'you throw it ? OLIVIA : I \u2014 I \u2014\u2014", "Sh !", "It 's very silly of you , trying to scare an old woman with a weak heart . What have you got to be frightened of ?", "Yes ! A sort of \u2014 thumping noise .... She looks at him suddenly , leans forward , and puts her right hand inside his jacket . Why , Danny , it 's you ! It 's your heart ... beating ! He laughs . Well ! Are you all right , dear ?", "And I 'll have my supper-tray in my room .Get me back into my chair , dear , will you ? DANO. K .... He crosses to the invalid-chair ."], "true_target": ["Horrors .... I 'm freezing . Get me my shawl off my bed , will you , dear ?...My shawl , dear ! DAN starts , collects himself and smiles his most ingratiating smile .", "Lunch to-morrow ?... Let me see ....", "Oh , do n't be \u2014\u2014", "I do n't know yet ... Give me some more .... He pours one out for her , and for himself . They drink . All alone , I was ...Just an old woman calling for help ...and no answer .... DANPoor old mum , runnin \u2019 about lookin \u2019 for Danny \u2014\u2014", "I 'm very annoyed with you . How are you going to get there ?", "Goodness me ... my jewel-box ... what a fool I was to let her go \u2014 my earrings ... the double-faced \u2014 She wheels herself furiously into her bedroom . DORA , her hat and coat on , comes in from the kitchen in time to see her go .", "Nobody 's going to murder you ! Besides , we 've got Danny to look after us . He 's as strong as an ox , and no silly nerves about him .... What is it you 're afraid of ? OLIVIA : I \u2014", "Oh , Danny .... You 're the only one ... She shuts her eyes . He stands behind her , and puts the chocolate into her mouth . His fingers close slowly and involuntarily over her neck : she feels his touch , and draws both his hands down , giggling , so that his face almost touches hers .What strong hands they are .... You 're a pet , my little chubby-face , my baby-face , my Danny .... Am I in a draught ? A pause . DAN draws his hands slowly away , walks to the back , and shuts the plush curtains . I 've got to take care of myself , have n't I ? DANYou have . He picks up the paraffin can briskly and goes towards the kitchen .", "Of course . DANI remember those mornings \u2014 on some sea \u2014 very misty pale it is , with the sun like breathing silver where he 's comin \u2019 up across the water , but not blowing on the sea at all ... and the sea-gulls standing on the deck-rail looking at themselves in the water on the deck , and only me about and nothing else ...", "See who it is .", "I 'm glad those other people have gone . Awful screeching common women . Answer back , answer back , answer back .... Is n't it time for my medicine ? He hands her glass back . They both drink . DAN sits smiling and nodding at her . That day you said to me about me reminding you of your mother ....These poets and rubbishy people can think all they like about their verses and sonnets and such \u2014 that girl Olivia writes sonnets \u2014 would you believe it \u2014", "A pause . He looks at her .", "What 's the matter with her ?", "I 'll never forget that . Not as long as I live ...I want a chocolate now .", "Why not ?", "A bit achy . Glad to get to bed . Hope that woman 's put my bottle in all right . Bet she has n't \u2014\u2014", "Good night here , good night there ; anybody 'd think it was the night before Judgment Day . What 's the matter with ...Talking to myself . Wish people would n't walk out of rooms and leave me high and dry . Do n't like it .Where 's my chocolates ?... She looks round again , gets up out of her chair for the first time in the play , walks quite normally across the room to the mantelpiece , sees her chocolates are not there , walks up to the occasional table , and takes up the box . That girl 's been at them again .... She walks back to her chair , carrying the chocolates , and sits in it again . She begins to munch . She suddenly stops , as if she has heard something . What 's that ?... She listens again . A cry is heard far away . Oh , God ... Danny ! The cry is repeated . Danny ! The cry is heard a third time . It 's an owl ... Oh , Lord ! She falls back in relief , and eats another chocolate . The clock strikes the half-hour . Silence . The silence gets on her nerves .Danny !...What 's the boy doing in that kitchen ? She takes up the newspaper , sees a headline , and puts it down hastily . She sees the Bible on the table , opens it , and turns over pages .I 've got the jitters . I 've got the jitters . I 've got the jitters ....Danny ! She waits ; there is complete silence . She rises , walks over to the kitchen door , and flings it wide open .Danny !He 's gone ... They 've all gone ... They 've left me ...Oh , Lord , help a poor old woman ... They 've left me !Danny ... where are you ?... Danny ... I 'm going to be murdered ... I 'm going to be murdered !... Danny ...Danny ! Danny ! Danny ! She stops suddenly . Footsteps on the gravel outside the front door .There 's something outside ... something outside ... Oh , heavens ...Danny , where are you ? Where are you ? There 's something outs \u2014 The front door bangs . She collapses on the sofa , terrified , her enormous Bible clasped to her breast . Oh , Lord , help me ... help me ... Oh , Lord , help me ...Forgive us our trespasses ... The curtains are suddenly parted . It is DAN , a cigarette between his lips . He stands motionless , his feet planted apart , holding the curtains . There is murder in his face . She is afraid to look , but is forced to at last . Danny ... Oh ... Oh ... DANThat 's all right ... It 's only Danny ...", "Has she put the glass by the bed for my teeth ? DANI put it there myself . He helps her into the chair and pulls it over towards the bedroom .", "No , I do n't feel like anything sentimental to-night .... DANWhat 'll you have , then ?", "Thank God ...Ah ... ah ... ah ... DAN throws his cigarette away , lays his hat on the occasional table , throws his mackintosh on the left window-seat , and sits beside her , patting her , looking round to see no one has heard her cries . I 'll never forgive you , never . Oh , my heart ... Oh \u2014 oh \u2014 oh \u2014 - He runs across to the medicine cupboard and brings back a brandy bottle and two glasses .", "Where 's the telegram ?", "Everybody seems to be going . What is all this ?", "You 're the only one that understands me , Danny , that 's what you are \u2014\u2014 DANThat 's right \u2014\u2014", "Not too frightened to make arrangements with him , eh ?", "You seem very far away , dear . What 's the matter with you ?... Dan !", "Oh , dear , I thought \u2014 DANI was only putting the paraffin away . Now \u2014", "Well , some people would call it something else . OLIVIAOh , wo n't you see ...", "Danny , d'you think Olivia 's a thief ?", "I was n't running about as much as all that ... Oh , the relief when I saw your face \u2014\u2014", "What !", "Hurry it up , dear . I do n't want to wake up in the morning with a nasty cold . DAN\u201c ... Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment , nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous .... For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous ... But the way of the ungodly ... shall perish ... \u201d A pause . He shuts the Bible loudly , and lays it on the table . MRS. BRAMSON can hardly keep awake . That 's the end .", "Yes ...", "What 's the matter with you ?", "A steak , let me see .... Yes , with baked potatoes \u2014", "That girl should have carried it in . Anything to annoy me . Tomorrow \u2014Danny !Danny ! DAN runs back from the kitchen ."], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 61}, {"query": ["Pneumonia .", "Listen to me . I 've never known before what it was to be terrified . But when I saw today beginning to end , and to-night getting nearer and nearer ... I felt my finger-tips getting cold . And I knew it was fright ... stark fright . I 'm not a fool , and I 'm not hysterical ... but I 've been sitting in my room looking at myself in the glass , trying to control myself , telling myself what are real things ... and what are n't . I do n't know any longer . The day 's over . The forest 's all round us . Anything may happen .... You should n't stay in this house to-night . That 's all .", "I 'm frightened .", "I \u2014 I 've had a telegram . A friend of mine in London 's very ill .", "I can n't stay in this house to-night .", "In Langbury , with Hubert Laurie and his sister ."], "true_target": ["Arrangements ?", "Walking .", "The morning ?... DAN 'S VOICE\u201c ... their home addresses ... and their caresses ... linger in my memory of those beautiful dames ... \u201d OLIVIA listens , holding her breath ; she tries to say something to MRS. BRAMSON , and fails . She makes an effort , and runs out of the front door . It bangs behind her . DAN comes back from the bedroom , carrying a shawl . DANWhat was that at the door ?", "I 'd rather spend to-night in the forest than in this house .", "There 's been a murder , you know .", "I \u2014 I threw it away ."], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 61}, {"query": ["DAN 'S VOICE", ": O. K .!... Toodle-oo !"], "true_target": ["The door bangs . A pause .", ": Good night !"], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 61}, {"query": ["I ... I 've told you .... He smiles at her slowly and shakes his head . She sits at the table and closes her eyes . I got as far as the edge of the wood . I could see the lights in the village .... I came back . She buries her head in her arms . DAN rises , looks at her a moment regretfully , puts away his cigarette , and stands with both hands over the invalid chair . DANShe did n't keep any money anywhere else , did she ?", "It 's all right . You wo n't die . I 'll tell them I made you do it . I 'll tell lies \u2014 I 'll tell \u2014\u2014 A third and louder knock at the front door . She realises she must answer , goes into the hall , opens the front door , and comes back , hiding DAN from view . BELSIZEGood evening .... Sorry to pop back like this \u2014\u2014 He comes into the room , followed by DORA and MRS. TERENCE , both terrified .", "I was .", "Somebody 's watching the bungalow .... He looks at her , as if he did not understand . DANNobody 's watching !...I 'm the one that watches ! They 've got no call to watch me ! I 'll go out and tell them that , an \u2019 all !I 'm the one that watches ! The light crosses the window again . He stares , then claps his hands over his eyes .Behind them trees .Hundreds back of each tree .... Thousands of eyes . The whole damn world 's on my track !...What 's that ?... Like a big wall fallin \u2019 over into the sea ....OLIVIAThey must n't come in .... DANYes , but ...you 're lookin \u2019 at me as if you never see 'd me before ....", "I 'm concerned in \u2014 DANIt 's all right .I 'm the feller . Anything I 'm concerned in , I run all by myself . If there 's going to be any putting me on a public platform to answer any questions , I 'm going to do it by myself ...or not at all . I 'll manage myself all right \u2014", "I \u2014 I can .", "I never have . Nobody has . You 've stopped acting at last . You 're real . Frightened . Like a child .They must n't come in ....", "It can n't be in this room .... It must be a light in the wood ."], "true_target": ["Why can n't I ?", "I know you will . I just can n't realise it .", "I 've read a lot about evil \u2014\u2014 DAN realises his hands are wet with paraffin and wipes them on his trousers .", "What light ?", "What do you mean ?", "I never expected to come across it in real life . DANYou did n't ought to read so much . I never got through a book yet .... But I 'll read you all right ....You have n't had a drop to drink , and yet you feel as if you had . You never knew there was such a secret part inside of you . All that book-learnin \u2019 and moral-me-eye here and social-me-eye there \u2014 you took that off on the edge of the wood same as if it was an overcoat ... and you left it there !", "I 've never seen a dead body before .... I climbed through the window and nearly fell over it . Like a sack of potatoes , or something . I thought it was , at first .... And that 's murder . As he looks up at her . But it 's so ordinary .... I came back ... As he lights his cigarette . expecting ... haI do n't know ... and here I find you , smoking a cigarette ... you might have been tidying the room for the night . It 's so ... ordinary ....Why do n't you say something !", "I hate you . I ... hate you ! DANAnd same as anybody out for the first time without their overcoats , you feel as light as air ! Same as I feel , sometimes \u2014 only I never had no overcoat \u2014Why \u2014 this is my big chance ! You 're the one I can tell about meself ! Oh , I 'm sick o \u2019 hearin \u2019 how clever everybody else is \u2014 I want to tell \u2018 em how clever I am for a change !... Money I 'm goin \u2019 to have , and people doin \u2019 what they 're told , and me tellin \u2019 them to do it ! There was a \u2018 oman at the Tallboys , was n't there ? She would n't be told , would she ? She thought she was up \u2018 gainst a soft fellow in a uniform , did n't she ? She never knew it was me she was dealin \u2019 with \u2014\u2014 me ! And this old girl treatin \u2019 me like a son \u2018 cause I made her think she was a chronic invalid \u2014 ha ! She 's been more use to me to-nightthan she has to any other body all her life . Stupid , that 's what people are ... stupid . If those two hadna \u2019 been stupid they might be breathin \u2019 now ; you 're not stupid ; that 's why I 'm talkin \u2019 to you .You said just now murder 's ordinary .... Well , it is n't ordinary at all , see ? And I 'm not an ordinary chap . There 's one big difference \u2018 tween me and other fellows that try this game . I 'll never be found out . \u2018 Cause I do n't care a \u2014\u2014The world 's goin \u2019 to hear from me . That 's me .You wait ....But you can n't wait , can you ?"], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 62}, {"query": ["You know , when I told you all that about meself just now , I 'd made up my mind then about you .That 's what I am , see ? I make up me mind to do a thing , and I do it .... You remember that first day when I come in here ? I said to meself then , There 's a girl that 's got her wits about her ; she knows a thing or two ; different from the others . I was right , was n't I ? You \u2014\u2014What 's that light in here ?", "Clumsy ....", "It can n't be . A flashlight crosses the window-curtains . OLIVIA turns and stares at it .", "What d'you come back for ? OLIVIATo find you out . You 've kept me guessing for a fortnight . Guessing hard . I very nearly knew , all the time . But not quite . And now I do know .", "I thought you were goin \u2019 to stay the night at that feller 's .", "Oh , no , you can n't ."], "true_target": ["But everything 's slippin \u2019 away . From underneath our feet .... Ca n't you feel it ? Starting slow ... and then hundreds of miles an hour .... I 'm goin \u2019 backwards !... And there 's a wind in my ears , terrible blowin \u2019 wind .... Everything 's going past me , like the telegraph-poles .... All the things I 've ever seen ... faster and faster ... backwards \u2014 back to the day I was born .I can see it coming ... the day I was born !...I 'm goin \u2019 to die . A pause . A knock at the front door . It 's getting cold . Another knock , louder . She presses his head to her .", "There 's somebody in this room 's holdin \u2019 a flashlight .", "Well , when I say I 'll never be found out , what I mean is , no living soul will be able to tell any other living soul about me .Can you think of anybody ... who can go to-morrow ... and tell the police the fire at Forest Corner ... was n't an accident at all ?", "That 's right .", "Why was you so keen on finding me out ? OLIVIAIn the same way any sane , decent-minded human being would want \u2014 would want to have you arrested for the monster you are ! DANWhat d'you come back for ?", "Well , I 'm up against a very serious problem , I am . But the answer to it is as simple as pie , to a feller like me , simple as pie ...She is n't going to be the only one ... found to-morrow ... in the fire at Forest Corner ....Are n't you frightened ? You ought to be !Do n't you think I 'll do it ?", "Oh , yes ... I forgot about you ....Poor little fellow . Poor little chap ....You know , I 'd like somethin \u2019 now I never wanted before . A long walk , all by meself . And just when I can n't have it .That 's contrary , is n't it ? BELSIZEComing ? DANJust commin \u2019Well , I 'm goin \u2019 to be hanged in the end .... But they 'll get their money 's worth at the trial . You wait ! He smiles , and raises his hand to his hat-brim with the old familiar jaunty gesture of farewell . He walks past BELSIZE and out through the front door . BELSIZE follows him . The bang of the front door . OLIVIA falls to the sofa . The sound of DORA 'S sobbing . CURTAIN NIGHT MUST FALL was first presented in London by J. P. Mitchelhill at the Duchess Theatre on May 31st , 1935 , with the following cast : The Lord Chief Justice ERIC STANLEY Mrs. Bramson MAY WHITTY Olivia Grayne ANGELA BADDELEY Hubert Laurie BASIL RADFORD Nurse Libby DOROTHY LANGLEY Mrs. Terence KATHLEEN HARRISON Dora Parkoe BETTY JARDINE Inspector Belsize MATTHEW BOULTON Dan EMLYN WILLIAMS The play produced by MILES MALLESON ."], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 62}, {"query": ["Made my blood run cold . \u201c Danny ! \u201d she screamed . \u201c Danny , where are you ? \u201d she said . She wanted \u2018 im back , she did , to save \u2018 er \u2014\u2014"], "true_target": ["He 's lookin \u2019 at himself in the glass .... A pause . DANThis is the real thing , my boy . Actin \u2019 .... That 's what she said , was n't it ? She was right , you know ... I 've been playin \u2019 up to you , have n't I ? I showed you a trick or two , did n't I ?... But this is the real thing .Got a cigarette ?...You 're not goin \u2019 to believe what she said ? About helpin \u2019 me ? BELSIZENo .Plenty of women get a bit hysterical about a lad in your position . You 'll find \u2018 em queuing up all right when the time comes . Proposals of marriage by the score . DANWill they ?", "I tell you we did \u2018 ear her ! Plain as plain ! And we 'd gone near a quarter of a mile \u2014\u2014"], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 62}, {"query": ["What 's \u2018 e doin \u2019 ?"], "true_target": ["Because she was bein \u2019 murdered . I knew it ! I 'd never a \u2019 run like that if I \u2018 ad n't \u2018 eard \u2014\u2014", "Plain as plain \u2014\u2014"], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 62}, {"query": ["DAN turns to follow him . DORA is in the way .", "That 's better .... Better come along quietly .... He goes up towards the hall . DAN follows him , and takes his hat from the occasional table . As puts it on he catches sight of his face in the mirror .", "How 's the old lady ? DANNot so bad , thanks , inspector ! Gone to bed , and says she did n't want to be disturbed \u2014\u2014"], "true_target": [": Come along \u2014\u2014", "I get you . Like a bit of limelight , eh ? DANWell ... BELSIZELet 's have a look at your hands , old boy , will you ? With an amused look at OLIVIA , DAN holds out his hands . Without warning , BELSIZE claps a pair of handcuffs over his wrists , DAN stares at them a moment , then sits on the sofa and starts to pull at them furiously over his knee . He beats at them wildly , moaning and crying like an animal . He subsides gradually , looks at the others and rises . DANHurt meself ....", "We 'll soon find out who 's right .... Now then \u2014\u2014Hello , Dan ! DANHello . BELSIZESecond time to-day , eh ?...", "Smell of paraffin ... DANYou know what she 's like , inspector , a bit nervy these days \u2014 As BELSIZE goes to the bedroom and flashes a light into it . I 'd no sooner got round the corner she screamed for me \u2014 \u201c Danny , Danny , Danny ! \u201d she was screamin \u2019 \u2014 \u201c Danny , \u201d she calls me , a pet name for Dan , that is \u2014 As BELSIZE goes into the sun-room .I told her so then . I said , \u201c It 's dangerous , that 's what it is , havin \u2019 so much paraffin in the house . \u201d That paraffin \u2014 she should n't ha \u2019 so much paraffin in the house \u2014 His voice trails away . Silence . BELSIZE comes back , his face intent , one hand in coat pocket . A pause . BELSIZEWhat are you doing here ?"], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 62}, {"query": ["Yes .Now !", "It 's not you . I can see for myself . Do n't make it harder ; help me . Get a cab .", "Where was it ?", "It 's inhuman !", "After this !", "Thank God for beauty ! I hope I shall die pretty ! Do you think I shall do well ?", "Ca n't you borrow ?", "Do n't !", "Go away ! Go away !", "How d'you do ?", "Where are you going ?", "But you told me yourself", "I 'm quite packed . Shall I pack for you ?Ca n't we have more than three days at the sea ?You did sleep last night .", "No , Dolly !", "Give it to me !", "I have just learnt it .", "I have a cigarette ?", "Everything has a beginning , has n't it ?", "Jarring out into a discordant whoop , it sinks .", "Kenneth , do you care for me ?Am I anything to you but just prettiness ?", "Do n't ! It 's all right . Good-bye ! She walks out and away , not looking back . MRS. MILER chokes her sobbing into the black stuff of her thick old jacket . CURTAIN ACT IV Supper-time in a small room at \u201c The Gascony \u201d on Derby Day . Through the windows of a broad corridor , out of which the door opens , is seen the dark blue of a summer night . The walls are of apricot-gold ; the carpets , curtains , lamp-shades , and gilded chairs , of red ; the wood-work and screens white ; the palms in gilded tubs . A doorway that has no door leads to another small room . One little table behind a screen , and one little table in the open , are set for two persons each . On a service-table , above which hangs a speaking-tube , are some dishes of hors d'ouvres , a basket of peaches , two bottles of champagne in ice-pails , and a small barrel of oysters in a gilded tub . ARNAUD , the waiter , slim , dark , quick , his face seamed with a quiet , soft irony , is opening oysters and listening to the robust joy of a distant supper-party , where a man is playing the last bars of : \u201c Do ye ken John Peel \u201d on a horn . As the sound dies away , he murmurs : \u201c Tres Joli ! \u201d and opens another oyster . Two Ladies with bare shoulders and large hats pass down the corridor . Their talk is faintly wafted in : \u201c Well , I never like Derby night ! The boys do get so bobbish ! \u201d \u201c That horn \u2014 vulgar , I call it ! \u201d ARNAUD 'S eyebrows rise , the corners of his mouth droop . A Lady with bare shoulders , and crimson roses in her hair , comes along the corridor , and stops for a second at the window , for a man to join her . They come through into the room . ARNAUD has sprung to attention , but with : \u201c Let 's go in here , shall we ? \u201d they pass through into the further room . The MANAGER , a gentleman with neat moustaches , and buttoned into a frock-coat , has appeared , brisk , noiseless , his eyes everywhere ; he inspects the peaches .", "Yes . It was my mother 's .", "Thank you .", "No , I do n't ; really .", "Bad head ?By this time the day after to-morrow the case will be heard and done with . You 're not worrying for me ? Except for my poor old Dad , I do n't care a bit . MALISE heaves himself out of the chair , and begins pacing up and down .", "I want to know . Do you ?", "A man once said to me : \u201c As you have n't money , you should never have been pretty ! \u201d But , you see , it is some good . If I had n't been , I could n't have risked coming here , could I ? Do n't you think it was rather sporting of me to buy thesewith the last shilling over from my cab fare ?", "This last business \u2014 what do you mean by that ?", "Have n't kept my end up . Lots of women do ! You see : I 'm too fine , and not fine enough ! My best friend said that . Too fine , and not fine enough .I could n't be a saint and martyr , and I would n't be a soulless doll . Neither one thing nor the other \u2014 that 's the tragedy .", "Mrs. Fullarton ?Ask them to come in .", "Thank you , Mrs. Miler \u2014 I 'm glad to know .", "Why ?", "I can n't take , for nothing .", "Yes ?", "It 's no use doing things by halves , is it ? I 'm \u2014 in for it \u2014 wish me luck !In for it \u2014 deep !Down , down , till they 're just above water , and then \u2014 down , down , down , and \u2014 all over ! Are you sorry now you came and spoke to me ?", "You say George is generous ! If he wanted to be that he 'd never have claimed these damages . It 's revenge he wants \u2014 I heard him here . You think I 've done him an injury . So I did \u2014 when I married him . I do n't know what I shall come to , Dolly , but I sha n't fall so low as to take money from him . That 's as certain as that I shall die .", "There are other things to be got , are n't there ?", "You see , I love him .", "Yes . What 's the other side ? The YOUNG MAN puts out his hand and touches her arm . It is meant for sympathy , but she takes it for attraction .", "Tell him to come for my trunk . It is packed .", "Who are those two ?", "Must I order ?", "What else ? Tell me .", "I sha n't be coming back .I 'm leaving Mr. Malise , and sha n't see him again . And the suit against us will be withdrawn \u2014 the divorce suit \u2014 you understand ?", "If I were dying , and it would save me , I would n't take a penny from my husband .", "Yes ?", "It does n't matter .", "\u201c If I could be the falling bee , and kiss thee all the day ! \u201d", "I 'm sorry I called you a coward . It 's the whole thing , I meant .", "Give it to me !"], "true_target": ["I do mean it . You ruin him because of me . You get him down , and kick him to intimidate me .", "\u201c This day a stag must die . \u201d Jolly old song !", "You are very kind .", "I must \u2014 I will keep him . He 's all I 've got .", "Then you are to lose that , too ?I know about it \u2014 never mind how .", "I did try .But what 's the good \u2014 when there 's nothing before you ?\u2014 Do I look ill ?", "Please tell me quickly , what you 've come for .", "Give me a kiss ! He turns and kisses her . But his lips , after that kiss , have the furtive bitterness one sees on the lips of those who have done what does not suit their mood . He goes out . She is left motionless by the armchair , her throat working . Then , feverishly , she goes to the little table , seizes a sheet of paper , and writes . Looking up suddenly she sees that MRS. MILER has let herself in with her latchkey .", "Did I ? How funny !", "\u201c With a hey ho , chivy , hark forrard , hark forrard , tantivy ! \u201d", "You 're not going to find out my name . I have n't got one \u2014 nothing . She leans her bare elbows on the table , and her face on her hands .", "Where ?", "Eat and drink , for tomorrow we \u2014 Listen !", "Please do n't , Dolly ! Let me be !", "That 's splendid . Those poor women in the streets would give their eyes , would n't they ?\u2014 that have to go up and down , up and down ! Do you think I \u2014 shall \u2014\u2014 The YOUNG MAN , half-rising , puts his hand on her arm .", "Go !", "Yes . As he sits down , ARNAUD returns and stands before them .", "That 's not your fault , is it ? You see , I 've been beaten all along the line . And I really do n't care what happens to me .I really do n't ; except that I do n't take charity . It 's lucky for me it 's you , and not some \u2014\u2014 The supper-party is getting still more boisterous , and there comes a long view holloa , and a blast of the horn .", "No .", "Nothing more , Mrs. Miler , not even a wedding ring .", "\u2018 Le vin est tire , il faut le boire \u2019 !", "One does n't always know the future , does one ?", "Yes .", "Have you got sisters ?My brother 's in India . I sha'n ' t meet him , anyway .", "You are cowards .", "Yes , I 'm enjoying it . Had a pretty poor time lately ; not enough to eat , sometimes .", "No .", "How much am I valued at ?", "Take your wages ; and give him this when he comes in . I 'm going away .", "Will they make you bankrupt , then ?But that does n't mean that you wo n't have your income , does it ?What is your income , Kenneth ?A hundred and fifty from \u201c The Watchfire , \u201d I know . What else ?", "Will you go out and do something for me ?Take this with the note to that address \u2014 it 's quite close . He 'll give you thirty pounds for it . Please pay these bills and bring me back the receipts , and what 's over .", "First of June ! This day last year I broke covert \u2014 I 've been running ever since .", "Do n't !", "It 's all right , thank you . The YOUNG MAN sits down again , uncomfortable , nonplussed . There is silence , broken by the inaudible words of the languid lord , and the distant merriment of the supper-party . ARNAUD brings the plovers \u2019 eggs .", "I had the sense to keep them .", "Will you have to pay ?", "Not yet please ! I 'm enjoying this . May", "I love him ! I love him !", "Yes . The YOUNG MAN turns to look for the waiter , but ARNAUD is not in the room . He gets up .", "Kenneth , when this is paid , I shall have made two pound seventeen in the three months , and saved you about three pounds . One hundred and seventeen shillings at tenpence a thousand is one hundred and forty thousand words at fourteen hundred words an hour . It 's only just over an hour a day . Ca n't you get me more ? MALISE lifts the hand that holds his pen and lets it fall again . CLARE puts the cover on the typewriter , and straps it .", "Yes .", "Do they ?", "Kenneth , do you understand why he does n't claim damages , after what he said that day-here ?It is true that he does n't ?", "Oh , yes ; I 've had people , and a husband , and \u2014 everything \u2014\u2014 And here I am ! Queer , is n't it ?This is going to my head ! Do you mind ? I sha'n ' t sing songs and get up and dance , and I wo n't cry , I promise you !", "Yes .", "Well ? \u201c The Watchfire ? \u201d You may as well tell me .", "Please .", "No , thanks .", "I see . Will you please thank Mr. Dedmond , and say that I refuse ?", "From the supper-party comes the sound of an abortive chorus :", "Are n't I ?"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 63}, {"query": ["It is not .", "No use lying any longer \u2014 you 'd know it tomorrow .", "Sanctimonious dogs !", "Yes , I slept .", "Full of smoke . He drops paper and pen , and crossing to the room on the left goes in . CLARE re-enters with a small leather box . She puts it down on her typing table as MALISE returns followed by MRS. MILER , wearing her hat , and carrying His overcoat .", "Now , now ! This is n't the time to brood ! Rouse up and fight .", "Two thousand .He 'll settle it on you .Masterly ! By one stroke , destroys his enemy , avenges his \u201c honour , \u201d and gilds his name with generosity !", "I could n't even get the costs ."], "true_target": ["Nothing to tell you , child . At that touch of tenderness she goes up to his chair and kneels down beside it . Mechanically MALISE takes off his hat .", "Thick as blackberries . I just go out and cry , \u201c MALISE , unsuccessful author , too honest journalist , freethinker , co-respondent , bankrupt , \u201d and they tumble !", "Fifty to a hundred pounds a year . Leave me to gnaw my way out , child . CLARE stands looking at him in distress , then goes quickly into the room behind her . MALISE takes up his paper and pen . The paper is quite blank .", "Stones yield no blood .", "I lied .", "Blackberrying ! Our train 's not till six . He goes into the bedroom . CLARE gets up and stands by the fire , looking round in a dazed way . She puts her hand up and mechanically gathers together the violets in the little vase . Suddenly she twists them to a buttonhole , and sinks down into the armchair , which he must pass . There she sits , the violets in her hand . MALISE comes out and crosses towards the outer door . She puts the violets up to him . He stares at them , shrugs his shoulders , and passes on . For just a moment CLARE sits motionless .", "We 're not going to let them down us , are we ?Life on sufferance , breath at the pleasure of the enemy ! And some day in the fullness of his mercy to be made a present of the right to eat and drink and breathe again .Fine !That 's the last groan they get from me .", "To \u201c The Watchfire . \u201d The door closes behind him , and MRS. MILER goes up to CLARE holding out a little blue bottle with a red label , nearly full .", "Out of five books I have made the sum of forty pounds ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 63}, {"query": ["It 's about your divorce case . This \u2018 ere \u201c Watchfire , \u201d ye see , belongs to some fellers that wo n't \u2018 ave their men gettin \u2019 into the papers . So this \u2018 ere friend of Mr. Malise \u2014 very nice \u2018 e spoke about it : \u201c If it comes into Court , \u201d \u2018 e says , \u201c you 'll \u2018 ave to go , \u201d \u2018 e says . \u201c These beggars , these dogs , these dogs , \u201d \u2018 e says , \u201c they 'll \u2018 oof you out , \u201d \u2018 e says . An \u2019 I could tell by the sound of his voice , \u2018 e meant it \u2014 proper upset \u2018 e was . So that 's that !", "The lady wants a cab . Wait and carry \u2018 er trunk down . CLARE comes from the bedroom in her hat and coat .", "The porter 's outside , cleanin \u2019 the landin \u2019 winder .", "Put your coat on . It 's a bitter wind .", "Gawd knows I do n't want to upset ye . You 're situated very hard ; an \u2019 women 's got no business to \u2018 urt one another \u2014 that 's what I thinks .", "D'you want this \u2018 ere , too ?", "You know he 's takin \u2019 thisto make \u2018 im sleep ?", "Come \u2018 ere !", "I 've settled the baker , the milk , the washin \u2019 an \u2019 the groceries \u2014 this \u2018 ere 's what 's left . She counts down a five-pound note , four sovereigns , and two shillings on to the little table . CLARE folds the letter into an envelope , then takes up the five-pound note and puts it into her dress .", "I do n't want to , but what with the worry o \u2019 this \u2018 ere divorce suit , an \u2019 you bein \u2019 a lady an \u2019 \u2018 im havin \u2019 to be so careful of yer , and tryin \u2019 to save , not smokin \u2019 all day like \u2018 e used , an \u2019 not gettin \u2019 \u2018 is two bottles of claret regular ; an \u2019 losin \u2019 his sleep , an \u2019 takin \u2019 that stuff for it ; and now this \u2018 ere last business . I 've seen \u2018 im sometimes holdin \u2019 \u2018 is \u2018 ead as if it was comin \u2019 off .I can see yer fond of him ; an \u2019 I 've nothin \u2019 against yer you do n't trouble me a bit ; but I 've been with \u2018 im eight years \u2014 we 're used to each other , and I can n't bear to see \u2018 im not \u2018 imself , really I can n't . She gives a sadden sniff . Then her emotion passes , leaving her as Chinese as ever .", "If \u2018 e a'n ' t told yer , I do n't know that I 've any call to ."], "true_target": ["I never meant to say anything to yer .", "Yes ; I do n't know as I ought to \u2018 ave told you .You see , I do n't take notice of Mr. MALISE , but I know \u2018 im very well . \u2018 E 's a good \u2018 arted gentleman , very funny , that 'll do things to help others , and what 's more , keep on doin \u2019 \u2018 em , when they hurt \u2018 im ; very obstinate \u2018 e is . Now , when you first come \u2018 ere , three months ago , I says to meself : \u201c He 'll enjoy this \u2018 ere for a bit , but she 's too much of a lady for \u2018 im . \u201d What \u2018 e wants about \u2018 im permanent is a woman that thinks an \u2019 talks about all them things he talks about . And sometimes I fancy \u2018 e do n't want nothin \u2019 permanent about \u2018 im at all .", "That 's what I thinks ; but it do n't \u2018 elp , do it ? \u201c \u2018 Tai n't the circulation , \u201d \u2018 e says , \u201c it 's the principle , \u201d \u2018 e says ; and then \u2018 e starts in swearin \u2019 horrible . \u2018 E 's a very nice man . And Mr. Malise , \u2018 e says : \u201c Well , that about does for me ! \u201d \u2018 e says .", "Well , it 's to do with this \u2018 ere \u201c Watchfire . \u201d One of the men that sees to the writin \u2019 of it \u2018 e 's an old friend of Mr. Malise , \u2018 e come \u2018 ere this mornin \u2019 when you was out . I was doin \u2019 my work in therean \u2019 the door open , so I \u2018 earl \u2018 em . Now you 've \u2018 ung them curtains , you can n't \u2018 elp it .", "Now . They go into the bedroom to get the trunk . CLARE picks up from the floor the bunch of violets , her fingers play with it as if they did not quite know what it was ; and she stands by the armchair very still , while MRS. MILER and the PORTER pass her with trunk and bag . And even after the PORTER has shouldered the trunk outside , and marched away , and MRS. MILER has come back into the room , CLARE still stands there .", "In the bathroom chest o \u2019 drawers , where \u2018 e keeps \u2018 is odds and ends . I was lookin \u2019 for \u2018 is garters .", "There 's a lady and gentleman out here . Mrs. Fuller \u2014 wants you , not Mr. Malise .", "He took it once before . He must get his sleep .", "You make my \u2018 eart ache sometimes .", "It 's a pretty thing .", "It 's a pity to part with it ; ai n't you got another ?", "Without him ? When 'll you be comin \u2019 back ?"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 63}, {"query": ["FULLARTON is accompanied not by FULLARTON , but by the lawyer ,", "MILER carries it out . Then , from the doorway , gazing at CLARE taking her last look , she sobs , suddenly . At sound of that sob CLARE throws up her head .", "FULLARTON turns from her ashamed and baffled , but her quick eyes take in the room , trying to seize on some new point of attack ."], "true_target": ["MILER opens the door wide , says \u201c Come in , \u201d and goes . MRS .", "MILER resigns it , CLARE takes the cork out , smells , then tastes it from her finger . MRS. MILER , twisting her apron in her hands , speaks .", "TWISDON . They come in ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 63}, {"query": ["My dear girl ! Mr. Twisden is not personally concerned . How can you ?", "Mr. Twisden to tell you something . May I stay ?", "I 'm going . But , men are hard to keep , even when you 've not been the ruin of them . You know whether the love this man gives you is really love . If not \u2014 God help you !Good-bye , my child ! If you can \u2014\u2014", "I must speak , Clare ! I do think you 're hard on George . It 's generous of him to offer to withdraw the suit \u2014 considering . You do owe it to us to try and spare your father and your sisters and \u2014 and all of us who care for you .", "Can you \u2014 can you keep him ?", "You used to say you 'd never love ; did not want it \u2014 would never want it .", "To us , then ?", "I brought", "Love !\u2014 you said !"], "true_target": ["Clare , Clare ! For God 's sake do n't be desperate .", "Please leave me alone with her , do n't say anything to Mr. Dedmond yet .", "My dear sweet thing , do n't be cross with metHow can I help wanting to see you saved from all this ghastliness ?", "Clare , Clare !She does n't mean it ; please be patient .", "You can n't be \u2014 you aren'thYpppHeNhappy , here ?", "If you love him , what will it be like for you , knowing you 've ruined him ?", "Clare ! My dear ! How are you after all this time ?", "Do you know , Clare , I think it 's awful about you ! You 're too fine , and not fine enough , to put up with things ; you 're too sensitive to take help , and you 're not strong enough to do without it . It 's simply tragic . At any rate , you might go home to your people .", "Oh ! my dear ! Do n't look like that , or you 'll make me cry .", "Oh ! Clare ! Save yourself \u2014 and all of us !"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 63}, {"query": ["Never mind that . Think ! With the curious little movement of one who sees something he does not like to see , he goes . CLARE is leaning her forehead against the mantel-shelf , seemingly unconscious that she is not alone . MRS. FULLARTON approaches quietly till she can see CLARE 'S face .", "You realize what the result of this suit must be : You will be left dependent on an undischarged bankrupt . To put it another way , you 'll be a stone round the neck of a drowning man .", "Mrs. Dedmond , I am bound to put the position to you in its naked brutality . You know there 's a claim for damages ?"], "true_target": ["Nothing could be more bitter than those words . Do you really wish me to take them back to him ?", "As you 're not defending this case , Mrs. Dedmond , there is nobody but yourself for me to apply to .", "Mrs. Dedmond , I told you once that I wished you well . Though you have called me a coward , I still do that . For God 's sake , think \u2014 before it 's too late .", "I am instructed by Mr. Dedmond to say that if you will leave your present companion and undertake not to see him again , he will withdraw the suit and settle three hundred a year on you .Do n't misunderstand me , please \u2014 it is not \u2014 it could hardly be , a request that you should go back . Mr. Dedmond is not prepared to receive you again . The proposal \u2014 forgive my saying so \u2014 remarkably Quixotic \u2014 is made to save the scandal to his family and your own . It binds you to nothing but the abandonment of your present companion , with certain conditions of the same nature as to the future . In other words , it assures you a position \u2014 so long as you live quietly by yourself ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 63}, {"query": ["Four shillin \u2019 apiece to-night , see ?"], "true_target": ["Gaddesdon Hunt , my lord \u2014 always have their supper with us , Derby night . Quiet corner here , my lord . Arnaud ! ARNAUD is already at the table , between screen and palm . And , there ensconced , the couple take their seats . Seeing them safely landed , the MANAGER , brisk and noiseless , moves away . In the corridor a lady in black , with a cloak falling open , seems uncertain whether to come in . She advances into the doorway . It is CLARE ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 63}, {"query": ["At once , Milord . CLARE sits tracing a pattern with her finger on the cloth , her eyes lowered . Once she raises them , and follows ARNAUD 's dark rapid figure .", "Milord !", "Sare \u2014 not bad at all . Madame likes it frappe , but not too cold \u2014 yes ?", "The plovers \u2019 eggs veree good to-night , Sare . Veree good ,", "The boss . Quick !\u2018 Monsieur , elle a fui ! Elle est morte \u2019 !", "Madame is waiting for some one ?Then Madame will be veree well here \u2014 veree well . I take Madame 's cloak ? He takes the cloak gently and lays it on the back of the chair fronting the room , that she may put it round her when she wishes . She sits down .", "Pardon !The bare-necked ladies with large hats again pass down the corridor outside , and again their voices are wafted in : \u201c Tottie ! Not she ! Oh ! my goodness , she has got a pride on her ! \u201d \u201c Bobbie 'll never stick it ! \u201d \u201c Look here , dear \u2014\u2014 \u201d Galvanized by those sounds , CLARE has caught her cloak and half-risen ; they die away and she subsides .", "Not at all , Madame ; a pleasure .A young man , tall , thin , hard , straight , with close-cropped , sandyish hair and moustache , a face tanned very red , and one of those small , long , lean heads that only grow in Britain ; clad in a thin dark overcoat thrown open , an opera hat pushed back , a white waistcoat round his lean middle , he comes in from the corridor . He looks round , glances at CLARE , passes her table towards the further room , stops in the doorway , and looks back at her . Her eyes have just been lifted , and are at once cast down again . The young man wavers , catches ARNAUD 's eye , jerks his head to summon him , and passes into the further room . ARNAUD takes up the vase that has been superseded , and follows him out . And CLARE sits alone in silence , broken by the murmurs of the languid lord and his partner , behind the screen . She is breathing as if she had been running hard . She lifts her eyes . The tall young man , divested of hat and coat , is standing by her table , holding out his hand with a sort of bashful hardiness .", "Non , Madame , it is not necessary . A glass of water .I have not the pleasure of knowing Madame 's face ."], "true_target": ["Madame ! Madame !Bon Dieu !", "Madame will find it veree good \u2018 ere , veree quiet .", "At once , Sare .", "It is not rowdy here , Madame , as a rule \u2014 not as in some places . To-night a little noise . Madame is fond of flowers ?These smell good !", "Monsieur finds \u2014\u2014", "Nice table , Madame . CLARE moves to the corner of it . An artist in observation of his clients , ARNAUD takes in her face \u2014 very pale under her wavy , simply-dressed hair ; shadowy beneath the eyes ; not powdered ; her lips not reddened ; without a single ornament ; takes in her black dress , finely cut , her arms and neck beautifully white , and at her breast three gardenias . And as he nears her , she lifts her eyes . It is very much the look of something lost , appealing for guidance .", "Madame feels the \u2018 eat ?You wish something , Madame ?", "Madame . A peach or two , after . Veree good peaches . The Roederer ,", "Yes , Sare . From the inner room a young man and his partner have come in . She is dark , almost Spanish-looking ; he fair , languid , pale , clean-shaved , slackly smiling , with half-closed eyes-one of those who are bred and dissipated to the point of having lost all save the capacity for hiding their emotions . He speaks in a \u2014\u2014"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 63}, {"query": ["Waiter !", "The Roederer ."], "true_target": ["Awful row they 're kickin \u2019 up in there , Mr. Varley . A fellow with a horn .", "Waiter !"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 63}, {"query": ["What ! D'you mean it 's really the first \u2014\u2014?", "Well , then \u2014 yes , I do .", "By George ! One simply can n't believe in this happening to a lady .", "How d'you do ? Did n't recognize you at first . So sorry \u2014 awfully rude of me . CLARE 'S eyes seem to fly from him , to appeal to him , to resign herself all at once . Something in the YOUNG MAN responds . He drops his hand .", "Not really ! How damnable ! I say \u2014 do have something more substantial . CLARE gives a sudden gasp , as if going off into hysterical laughter , but she stifles it , and shakes her head .", "I say \u2014 do n't talk like that !", "I say , you know \u2014 I wish you 'd let me lend you something . I had quite a good day down there .", "Of course I can see that you 're not \u2014 I mean , that you 're a \u2014 a lady .And I say , you know \u2014 if you have to \u2014 because you 're in a hole \u2014 I should feel a cad . Let me lend you \u2014\u2014?", "Anyway it must have been like riding at a pretty stiff fence , for you to come here to-night .", "A peach ?", "The wine , quick .", "It 's all right . He drains his glass , then sits bolt upright . Chivalry and the camaraderie of class have begun to stir in him .", "You must have had awful luck !", "Of course , if I \u2014 if you were waiting for anybody , or anything \u2014 I \u2014\u2014", "No , but \u2014 I say-are you really quite cut off from everybody ?Something rather awful must have happened ?", "I say \u2014 these are jolly , are n't they ? They do you pretty well here .", "The Derby . What ? Do n't you generally go down ?May I ?", "Well , then , what d'you think ? It 's awfully hot in here , is n't it ? Would n't it be jollier drivin \u2019 ? Shall we \u2014 shall we make a move ?"], "true_target": ["But I say , what about your people ? You must have people of some sort . He is fast becoming fascinated , for her cheeks have begun to flush and her eyes to shine .", "By Jove ! I do n't know-really , I do n't \u2014 this makes me feel pretty rotten . I mean , it 's your being a lady .", "D \u2014 - n that waiter ! Wait half a minute , if you do n't mind , while I pay the bill . As he goes out into the corridor , the two gentlemen re-appear . CLARE is sitting motionless , looking straight before her .", "I say \u2014 about things having beginnings \u2014 did you mean anything ?", "No ; simply awfully pretty .", "I do n't understand a bit . You \u2014 must have had a \u2014 a \u2014 some one \u2014\u2014 But there is such a change in her face , such rigidity of her whole body , that he stops and averts his eyes . When he looks again she is drinking . She puts the glass down , and gives a little laugh .", "Do n't know \u2014 not been much about town yet . I 'm just back from India myself . You said your brother was there ; what 's his regiment ?", "Rowdy lot !I say \u2014 I admire your pluck .", "Are you absolute stoney ?Butyou 're so awfully well \u2014\u2014", "I think you 're getting much too excited . You look all \u2014 Wo n't you eat your peach ?Do ! Have something else , then \u2014 some grapes , or something ?", "Did you really ? D \u2014 - d sporting !", "My God ! She was a lady . That 's all I know about her .", "You 've never been here ?By Jove ! I thought I did n't know your face .I mean \u2014 not \u2014\u2014", "By George !I 've often wondered .", "You \u2014 you been down there to-day ?", "I remember awfully well my first day . It was pretty thick \u2014 lost every blessed bob , and my watch and chain , playin \u2019 three cards on the way home .", "Look here ! I 'm afraid you must feel me rather a brute , you know .", "By Jove , no ! It may be caddish , but I 'm not .", "Do n't you ever go racing , then ?"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 63}, {"query": ["Good God !"], "true_target": ["A lady !CURTAIN . THE PIGEON A Fantasy in Three Acts PERSONS OF THE PLAY CHRISTOPHER WELLWYN , an artist ANN , his daughter GUINEVERE MEGAN , a flower-seller RORY MEGAN , her husband FERRAND , an alien TIMSON , once a cabman EDWARD BERTLEY , a Canon ALFRED CALWAY , a Professor SIR THOMAS HOXTON , a Justice of the Peace Also a police constable , three humble-men , and some curious persons The action passes in Wellwyn 's Studio , and the street outside .", "What 's this ? Friend of yours ?"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 63}, {"query": ["You 're not going to find out my name . I have n't got one \u2014 nothing . She leans her bare elbows on the table , and her face on her hands .", "What else ? Tell me .", "Yes . What 's the other side ? The YOUNG MAN puts out his hand and touches her arm . It is meant for sympathy , but she takes it for attraction .", "Nothing more , Mrs. Miler , not even a wedding ring .", "That 's splendid . Those poor women in the streets would give their eyes , would n't they ?\u2014 that have to go up and down , up and down ! Do you think I \u2014 shall \u2014\u2014 The YOUNG MAN , half-rising , puts his hand on her arm .", "Yes . The YOUNG MAN turns to look for the waiter , but ARNAUD is not in the room . He gets up .", "Kenneth , do you understand why he does n't claim damages , after what he said that day-here ?It is true that he does n't ?", "From the supper-party comes the sound of an abortive chorus :", "Do n't ! It 's all right . Good-bye ! She walks out and away , not looking back . MRS. MILER chokes her sobbing into the black stuff of her thick old jacket . CURTAIN ACT IV Supper-time in a small room at \u201c The Gascony \u201d on Derby Day . Through the windows of a broad corridor , out of which the door opens , is seen the dark blue of a summer night . The walls are of apricot-gold ; the carpets , curtains , lamp-shades , and gilded chairs , of red ; the wood-work and screens white ; the palms in gilded tubs . A doorway that has no door leads to another small room . One little table behind a screen , and one little table in the open , are set for two persons each . On a service-table , above which hangs a speaking-tube , are some dishes of hors d'ouvres , a basket of peaches , two bottles of champagne in ice-pails , and a small barrel of oysters in a gilded tub . ARNAUD , the waiter , slim , dark , quick , his face seamed with a quiet , soft irony , is opening oysters and listening to the robust joy of a distant supper-party , where a man is playing the last bars of : \u201c Do ye ken John Peel \u201d on a horn . As the sound dies away , he murmurs : \u201c Tres Joli ! \u201d and opens another oyster . Two Ladies with bare shoulders and large hats pass down the corridor . Their talk is faintly wafted in : \u201c Well , I never like Derby night ! The boys do get so bobbish ! \u201d \u201c That horn \u2014 vulgar , I call it ! \u201d ARNAUD 'S eyebrows rise , the corners of his mouth droop . A Lady with bare shoulders , and crimson roses in her hair , comes along the corridor , and stops for a second at the window , for a man to join her . They come through into the room . ARNAUD has sprung to attention , but with : \u201c Let 's go in here , shall we ? \u201d they pass through into the further room . The MANAGER , a gentleman with neat moustaches , and buttoned into a frock-coat , has appeared , brisk , noiseless , his eyes everywhere ; he inspects the peaches .", "Do n't !", "Yes , I 'm enjoying it . Had a pretty poor time lately ; not enough to eat , sometimes .", "Where was it ?", "You see , I love him .", "There are other things to be got , are n't there ?", "One does n't always know the future , does one ?", "Kenneth , do you care for me ?Am I anything to you but just prettiness ?", "After this !", "It 's inhuman !", "I 'm quite packed . Shall I pack for you ?Ca n't we have more than three days at the sea ?You did sleep last night .", "\u201c This day a stag must die . \u201d Jolly old song !", "That 's not your fault , is it ? You see , I 've been beaten all along the line . And I really do n't care what happens to me .I really do n't ; except that I do n't take charity . It 's lucky for me it 's you , and not some \u2014\u2014 The supper-party is getting still more boisterous , and there comes a long view holloa , and a blast of the horn .", "You say George is generous ! If he wanted to be that he 'd never have claimed these damages . It 's revenge he wants \u2014 I heard him here . You think I 've done him an injury . So I did \u2014 when I married him . I do n't know what I shall come to , Dolly , but I sha n't fall so low as to take money from him . That 's as certain as that I shall die .", "Will you go out and do something for me ?Take this with the note to that address \u2014 it 's quite close . He 'll give you thirty pounds for it . Please pay these bills and bring me back the receipts , and what 's over .", "Yes ?", "I love him ! I love him !", "Do n't !", "No , I do n't ; really .", "Ca n't you borrow ?", "Oh , yes ; I 've had people , and a husband , and \u2014 everything \u2014\u2014 And here I am ! Queer , is n't it ?This is going to my head ! Do you mind ? I sha'n ' t sing songs and get up and dance , and I wo n't cry , I promise you !", "Mrs. Fullarton ?Ask them to come in .", "I did try .But what 's the good \u2014 when there 's nothing before you ?\u2014 Do I look ill ?", "Where ?", "Kenneth , when this is paid , I shall have made two pound seventeen in the three months , and saved you about three pounds . One hundred and seventeen shillings at tenpence a thousand is one hundred and forty thousand words at fourteen hundred words an hour . It 's only just over an hour a day . Ca n't you get me more ? MALISE lifts the hand that holds his pen and lets it fall again . CLARE puts the cover on the typewriter , and straps it .", "\u2018 Le vin est tire , il faut le boire \u2019 !", "I have just learnt it .", "Where are you going ?", "Please .", "I want to know . Do you ?", "No , Dolly !", "I sha n't be coming back .I 'm leaving Mr. Malise , and sha n't see him again . And the suit against us will be withdrawn \u2014 the divorce suit \u2014 you understand ?", "Must I order ?", "But you told me yourself", "Yes .", "Please do n't , Dolly ! Let me be !", "Yes . It was my mother 's .", "Then you are to lose that , too ?I know about it \u2014 never mind how .", "Did I ? How funny !", "Thank you , Mrs. Miler \u2014 I 'm glad to know .", "Bad head ?By this time the day after to-morrow the case will be heard and done with . You 're not worrying for me ? Except for my poor old Dad , I do n't care a bit . MALISE heaves himself out of the chair , and begins pacing up and down .", "This last business \u2014 what do you mean by that ?"], "true_target": ["Not yet please ! I 'm enjoying this . May", "I see . Will you please thank Mr. Dedmond , and say that I refuse ?", "\u201c If I could be the falling bee , and kiss thee all the day ! \u201d", "It 's no use doing things by halves , is it ? I 'm \u2014 in for it \u2014 wish me luck !In for it \u2014 deep !Down , down , till they 're just above water , and then \u2014 down , down , down , and \u2014 all over ! Are you sorry now you came and spoke to me ?", "You are cowards .", "Have you got sisters ?My brother 's in India . I sha'n ' t meet him , anyway .", "I have a cigarette ?", "No .", "Tell him to come for my trunk . It is packed .", "Why ?", "Who are those two ?", "Everything has a beginning , has n't it ?", "Do they ?", "Well ? \u201c The Watchfire ? \u201d You may as well tell me .", "No , thanks .", "First of June ! This day last year I broke covert \u2014 I 've been running ever since .", "How d'you do ?", "Eat and drink , for tomorrow we \u2014 Listen !", "A man once said to me : \u201c As you have n't money , you should never have been pretty ! \u201d But , you see , it is some good . If I had n't been , I could n't have risked coming here , could I ? Do n't you think it was rather sporting of me to buy thesewith the last shilling over from my cab fare ?", "Please tell me quickly , what you 've come for .", "It does n't matter .", "I had the sense to keep them .", "It 's not you . I can see for myself . Do n't make it harder ; help me . Get a cab .", "How much am I valued at ?", "Thank God for beauty ! I hope I shall die pretty ! Do you think I shall do well ?", "Go away ! Go away !", "If I were dying , and it would save me , I would n't take a penny from my husband .", "Are n't I ?", "Jarring out into a discordant whoop , it sinks .", "\u201c With a hey ho , chivy , hark forrard , hark forrard , tantivy ! \u201d", "Give it to me !", "Yes ?", "It 's all right , thank you . The YOUNG MAN sits down again , uncomfortable , nonplussed . There is silence , broken by the inaudible words of the languid lord , and the distant merriment of the supper-party . ARNAUD brings the plovers \u2019 eggs .", "Give me a kiss ! He turns and kisses her . But his lips , after that kiss , have the furtive bitterness one sees on the lips of those who have done what does not suit their mood . He goes out . She is left motionless by the armchair , her throat working . Then , feverishly , she goes to the little table , seizes a sheet of paper , and writes . Looking up suddenly she sees that MRS. MILER has let herself in with her latchkey .", "I can n't take , for nothing .", "You are very kind .", "Will you have to pay ?", "Have n't kept my end up . Lots of women do ! You see : I 'm too fine , and not fine enough ! My best friend said that . Too fine , and not fine enough .I could n't be a saint and martyr , and I would n't be a soulless doll . Neither one thing nor the other \u2014 that 's the tragedy .", "Yes . As he sits down , ARNAUD returns and stands before them .", "I 'm sorry I called you a coward . It 's the whole thing , I meant .", "I do mean it . You ruin him because of me . You get him down , and kick him to intimidate me .", "Take your wages ; and give him this when he comes in . I 'm going away .", "Yes .", "Yes .Now !", "I must \u2014 I will keep him . He 's all I 've got .", "Will they make you bankrupt , then ?But that does n't mean that you wo n't have your income , does it ?What is your income , Kenneth ?A hundred and fifty from \u201c The Watchfire , \u201d I know . What else ?", "Thank you .", "Yes .", "Give it to me !", "Go !", "No ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 64}, {"query": ["No use lying any longer \u2014 you 'd know it tomorrow .", "Now , now ! This is n't the time to brood ! Rouse up and fight .", "Out of five books I have made the sum of forty pounds .", "We 're not going to let them down us , are we ?Life on sufferance , breath at the pleasure of the enemy ! And some day in the fullness of his mercy to be made a present of the right to eat and drink and breathe again .Fine !That 's the last groan they get from me .", "Fifty to a hundred pounds a year . Leave me to gnaw my way out , child . CLARE stands looking at him in distress , then goes quickly into the room behind her . MALISE takes up his paper and pen . The paper is quite blank .", "Sanctimonious dogs !", "Blackberrying ! Our train 's not till six . He goes into the bedroom . CLARE gets up and stands by the fire , looking round in a dazed way . She puts her hand up and mechanically gathers together the violets in the little vase . Suddenly she twists them to a buttonhole , and sinks down into the armchair , which he must pass . There she sits , the violets in her hand . MALISE comes out and crosses towards the outer door . She puts the violets up to him . He stares at them , shrugs his shoulders , and passes on . For just a moment CLARE sits motionless .", "Two thousand .He 'll settle it on you .Masterly ! By one stroke , destroys his enemy , avenges his \u201c honour , \u201d and gilds his name with generosity !"], "true_target": ["Full of smoke . He drops paper and pen , and crossing to the room on the left goes in . CLARE re-enters with a small leather box . She puts it down on her typing table as MALISE returns followed by MRS. MILER , wearing her hat , and carrying His overcoat .", "Yes , I slept .", "To \u201c The Watchfire . \u201d The door closes behind him , and MRS. MILER goes up to CLARE holding out a little blue bottle with a red label , nearly full .", "I lied .", "It is not .", "Thick as blackberries . I just go out and cry , \u201c MALISE , unsuccessful author , too honest journalist , freethinker , co-respondent , bankrupt , \u201d and they tumble !", "Nothing to tell you , child . At that touch of tenderness she goes up to his chair and kneels down beside it . Mechanically MALISE takes off his hat .", "I could n't even get the costs .", "Stones yield no blood ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 64}, {"query": ["I 've settled the baker , the milk , the washin \u2019 an \u2019 the groceries \u2014 this \u2018 ere 's what 's left . She counts down a five-pound note , four sovereigns , and two shillings on to the little table . CLARE folds the letter into an envelope , then takes up the five-pound note and puts it into her dress .", "Without him ? When 'll you be comin \u2019 back ?", "If \u2018 e a'n ' t told yer , I do n't know that I 've any call to .", "You make my \u2018 eart ache sometimes .", "It 's a pretty thing .", "That 's what I thinks ; but it do n't \u2018 elp , do it ? \u201c \u2018 Tai n't the circulation , \u201d \u2018 e says , \u201c it 's the principle , \u201d \u2018 e says ; and then \u2018 e starts in swearin \u2019 horrible . \u2018 E 's a very nice man . And Mr. Malise , \u2018 e says : \u201c Well , that about does for me ! \u201d \u2018 e says .", "Well , it 's to do with this \u2018 ere \u201c Watchfire . \u201d One of the men that sees to the writin \u2019 of it \u2018 e 's an old friend of Mr. Malise , \u2018 e come \u2018 ere this mornin \u2019 when you was out . I was doin \u2019 my work in therean \u2019 the door open , so I \u2018 earl \u2018 em . Now you 've \u2018 ung them curtains , you can n't \u2018 elp it .", "You know he 's takin \u2019 thisto make \u2018 im sleep ?", "I never meant to say anything to yer .", "I do n't want to , but what with the worry o \u2019 this \u2018 ere divorce suit , an \u2019 you bein \u2019 a lady an \u2019 \u2018 im havin \u2019 to be so careful of yer , and tryin \u2019 to save , not smokin \u2019 all day like \u2018 e used , an \u2019 not gettin \u2019 \u2018 is two bottles of claret regular ; an \u2019 losin \u2019 his sleep , an \u2019 takin \u2019 that stuff for it ; and now this \u2018 ere last business . I 've seen \u2018 im sometimes holdin \u2019 \u2018 is \u2018 ead as if it was comin \u2019 off .I can see yer fond of him ; an \u2019 I 've nothin \u2019 against yer you do n't trouble me a bit ; but I 've been with \u2018 im eight years \u2014 we 're used to each other , and I can n't bear to see \u2018 im not \u2018 imself , really I can n't . She gives a sadden sniff . Then her emotion passes , leaving her as Chinese as ever .", "Yes ; I do n't know as I ought to \u2018 ave told you .You see , I do n't take notice of Mr. MALISE , but I know \u2018 im very well . \u2018 E 's a good \u2018 arted gentleman , very funny , that 'll do things to help others , and what 's more , keep on doin \u2019 \u2018 em , when they hurt \u2018 im ; very obstinate \u2018 e is . Now , when you first come \u2018 ere , three months ago , I says to meself : \u201c He 'll enjoy this \u2018 ere for a bit , but she 's too much of a lady for \u2018 im . \u201d What \u2018 e wants about \u2018 im permanent is a woman that thinks an \u2019 talks about all them things he talks about . And sometimes I fancy \u2018 e do n't want nothin \u2019 permanent about \u2018 im at all ."], "true_target": ["Now . They go into the bedroom to get the trunk . CLARE picks up from the floor the bunch of violets , her fingers play with it as if they did not quite know what it was ; and she stands by the armchair very still , while MRS. MILER and the PORTER pass her with trunk and bag . And even after the PORTER has shouldered the trunk outside , and marched away , and MRS. MILER has come back into the room , CLARE still stands there .", "The porter 's outside , cleanin \u2019 the landin \u2019 winder .", "Put your coat on . It 's a bitter wind .", "Come \u2018 ere !", "There 's a lady and gentleman out here . Mrs. Fuller \u2014 wants you , not Mr. Malise .", "D'you want this \u2018 ere , too ?", "In the bathroom chest o \u2019 drawers , where \u2018 e keeps \u2018 is odds and ends . I was lookin \u2019 for \u2018 is garters .", "Gawd knows I do n't want to upset ye . You 're situated very hard ; an \u2019 women 's got no business to \u2018 urt one another \u2014 that 's what I thinks .", "The lady wants a cab . Wait and carry \u2018 er trunk down . CLARE comes from the bedroom in her hat and coat .", "It 's about your divorce case . This \u2018 ere \u201c Watchfire , \u201d ye see , belongs to some fellers that wo n't \u2018 ave their men gettin \u2019 into the papers . So this \u2018 ere friend of Mr. Malise \u2014 very nice \u2018 e spoke about it : \u201c If it comes into Court , \u201d \u2018 e says , \u201c you 'll \u2018 ave to go , \u201d \u2018 e says . \u201c These beggars , these dogs , these dogs , \u201d \u2018 e says , \u201c they 'll \u2018 oof you out , \u201d \u2018 e says . An \u2019 I could tell by the sound of his voice , \u2018 e meant it \u2014 proper upset \u2018 e was . So that 's that !", "He took it once before . He must get his sleep .", "It 's a pity to part with it ; ai n't you got another ?"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 64}, {"query": ["MILER opens the door wide , says \u201c Come in , \u201d and goes . MRS .", "MILER resigns it , CLARE takes the cork out , smells , then tastes it from her finger . MRS. MILER , twisting her apron in her hands , speaks .", "MILER carries it out . Then , from the doorway , gazing at CLARE taking her last look , she sobs , suddenly . At sound of that sob CLARE throws up her head ."], "true_target": ["FULLARTON turns from her ashamed and baffled , but her quick eyes take in the room , trying to seize on some new point of attack .", "FULLARTON is accompanied not by FULLARTON , but by the lawyer ,", "TWISDON . They come in ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 64}, {"query": ["Love !\u2014 you said !", "You used to say you 'd never love ; did not want it \u2014 would never want it .", "Clare , Clare ! For God 's sake do n't be desperate .", "Oh ! my dear ! Do n't look like that , or you 'll make me cry .", "I brought", "I must speak , Clare ! I do think you 're hard on George . It 's generous of him to offer to withdraw the suit \u2014 considering . You do owe it to us to try and spare your father and your sisters and \u2014 and all of us who care for you .", "My dear sweet thing , do n't be cross with metHow can I help wanting to see you saved from all this ghastliness ?", "Can you \u2014 can you keep him ?", "Do you know , Clare , I think it 's awful about you ! You 're too fine , and not fine enough , to put up with things ; you 're too sensitive to take help , and you 're not strong enough to do without it . It 's simply tragic . At any rate , you might go home to your people ."], "true_target": ["Oh ! Clare ! Save yourself \u2014 and all of us !", "Please leave me alone with her , do n't say anything to Mr. Dedmond yet .", "My dear girl ! Mr. Twisden is not personally concerned . How can you ?", "You can n't be \u2014 you aren'thYpppHeNhappy , here ?", "Clare , Clare !She does n't mean it ; please be patient .", "I 'm going . But , men are hard to keep , even when you 've not been the ruin of them . You know whether the love this man gives you is really love . If not \u2014 God help you !Good-bye , my child ! If you can \u2014\u2014", "To us , then ?", "Clare ! My dear ! How are you after all this time ?", "Mr. Twisden to tell you something . May I stay ?", "If you love him , what will it be like for you , knowing you 've ruined him ?"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 64}, {"query": ["As you 're not defending this case , Mrs. Dedmond , there is nobody but yourself for me to apply to .", "Nothing could be more bitter than those words . Do you really wish me to take them back to him ?", "Never mind that . Think ! With the curious little movement of one who sees something he does not like to see , he goes . CLARE is leaning her forehead against the mantel-shelf , seemingly unconscious that she is not alone . MRS. FULLARTON approaches quietly till she can see CLARE 'S face ."], "true_target": ["I am instructed by Mr. Dedmond to say that if you will leave your present companion and undertake not to see him again , he will withdraw the suit and settle three hundred a year on you .Do n't misunderstand me , please \u2014 it is not \u2014 it could hardly be , a request that you should go back . Mr. Dedmond is not prepared to receive you again . The proposal \u2014 forgive my saying so \u2014 remarkably Quixotic \u2014 is made to save the scandal to his family and your own . It binds you to nothing but the abandonment of your present companion , with certain conditions of the same nature as to the future . In other words , it assures you a position \u2014 so long as you live quietly by yourself .", "You realize what the result of this suit must be : You will be left dependent on an undischarged bankrupt . To put it another way , you 'll be a stone round the neck of a drowning man .", "Mrs. Dedmond , I told you once that I wished you well . Though you have called me a coward , I still do that . For God 's sake , think \u2014 before it 's too late .", "Mrs. Dedmond , I am bound to put the position to you in its naked brutality . You know there 's a claim for damages ?"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 64}, {"query": ["Gaddesdon Hunt , my lord \u2014 always have their supper with us , Derby night . Quiet corner here , my lord . Arnaud ! ARNAUD is already at the table , between screen and palm . And , there ensconced , the couple take their seats . Seeing them safely landed , the MANAGER , brisk and noiseless , moves away . In the corridor a lady in black , with a cloak falling open , seems uncertain whether to come in . She advances into the doorway . It is CLARE ."], "true_target": ["Four shillin \u2019 apiece to-night , see ?"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 64}, {"query": ["Not at all , Madame ; a pleasure .A young man , tall , thin , hard , straight , with close-cropped , sandyish hair and moustache , a face tanned very red , and one of those small , long , lean heads that only grow in Britain ; clad in a thin dark overcoat thrown open , an opera hat pushed back , a white waistcoat round his lean middle , he comes in from the corridor . He looks round , glances at CLARE , passes her table towards the further room , stops in the doorway , and looks back at her . Her eyes have just been lifted , and are at once cast down again . The young man wavers , catches ARNAUD 's eye , jerks his head to summon him , and passes into the further room . ARNAUD takes up the vase that has been superseded , and follows him out . And CLARE sits alone in silence , broken by the murmurs of the languid lord and his partner , behind the screen . She is breathing as if she had been running hard . She lifts her eyes . The tall young man , divested of hat and coat , is standing by her table , holding out his hand with a sort of bashful hardiness .", "Monsieur finds \u2014\u2014", "Madame is waiting for some one ?Then Madame will be veree well here \u2014 veree well . I take Madame 's cloak ? He takes the cloak gently and lays it on the back of the chair fronting the room , that she may put it round her when she wishes . She sits down .", "The boss . Quick !\u2018 Monsieur , elle a fui ! Elle est morte \u2019 !", "Nice table , Madame . CLARE moves to the corner of it . An artist in observation of his clients , ARNAUD takes in her face \u2014 very pale under her wavy , simply-dressed hair ; shadowy beneath the eyes ; not powdered ; her lips not reddened ; without a single ornament ; takes in her black dress , finely cut , her arms and neck beautifully white , and at her breast three gardenias . And as he nears her , she lifts her eyes . It is very much the look of something lost , appealing for guidance .", "Madame . A peach or two , after . Veree good peaches . The Roederer ,", "Milord !", "Non , Madame , it is not necessary . A glass of water .I have not the pleasure of knowing Madame 's face .", "Madame ! Madame !Bon Dieu !"], "true_target": ["It is not rowdy here , Madame , as a rule \u2014 not as in some places . To-night a little noise . Madame is fond of flowers ?These smell good !", "At once , Sare .", "The plovers \u2019 eggs veree good to-night , Sare . Veree good ,", "Pardon !The bare-necked ladies with large hats again pass down the corridor outside , and again their voices are wafted in : \u201c Tottie ! Not she ! Oh ! my goodness , she has got a pride on her ! \u201d \u201c Bobbie 'll never stick it ! \u201d \u201c Look here , dear \u2014\u2014 \u201d Galvanized by those sounds , CLARE has caught her cloak and half-risen ; they die away and she subsides .", "Madame will find it veree good \u2018 ere , veree quiet .", "At once , Milord . CLARE sits tracing a pattern with her finger on the cloth , her eyes lowered . Once she raises them , and follows ARNAUD 's dark rapid figure .", "Yes , Sare . From the inner room a young man and his partner have come in . She is dark , almost Spanish-looking ; he fair , languid , pale , clean-shaved , slackly smiling , with half-closed eyes-one of those who are bred and dissipated to the point of having lost all save the capacity for hiding their emotions . He speaks in a \u2014\u2014", "Sare \u2014 not bad at all . Madame likes it frappe , but not too cold \u2014 yes ?", "Madame feels the \u2018 eat ?You wish something , Madame ?"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 64}, {"query": ["Waiter !", "Waiter !"], "true_target": ["Awful row they 're kickin \u2019 up in there , Mr. Varley . A fellow with a horn .", "The Roederer ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 64}, {"query": ["You must have had awful luck !", "D \u2014 - n that waiter ! Wait half a minute , if you do n't mind , while I pay the bill . As he goes out into the corridor , the two gentlemen re-appear . CLARE is sitting motionless , looking straight before her .", "I say \u2014 about things having beginnings \u2014 did you mean anything ?", "The wine , quick .", "My God ! She was a lady . That 's all I know about her .", "I do n't understand a bit . You \u2014 must have had a \u2014 a \u2014 some one \u2014\u2014 But there is such a change in her face , such rigidity of her whole body , that he stops and averts his eyes . When he looks again she is drinking . She puts the glass down , and gives a little laugh .", "I say \u2014 these are jolly , are n't they ? They do you pretty well here .", "Well , then , what d'you think ? It 's awfully hot in here , is n't it ? Would n't it be jollier drivin \u2019 ? Shall we \u2014 shall we make a move ?", "Not really ! How damnable ! I say \u2014 do have something more substantial . CLARE gives a sudden gasp , as if going off into hysterical laughter , but she stifles it , and shakes her head .", "Of course , if I \u2014 if you were waiting for anybody , or anything \u2014 I \u2014\u2014", "Do n't you ever go racing , then ?", "Look here ! I 'm afraid you must feel me rather a brute , you know .", "You 've never been here ?By Jove ! I thought I did n't know your face .I mean \u2014 not \u2014\u2014", "No , but \u2014 I say-are you really quite cut off from everybody ?Something rather awful must have happened ?", "Do n't know \u2014 not been much about town yet . I 'm just back from India myself . You said your brother was there ; what 's his regiment ?", "It 's all right . He drains his glass , then sits bolt upright . Chivalry and the camaraderie of class have begun to stir in him .", "You \u2014 you been down there to-day ?", "I remember awfully well my first day . It was pretty thick \u2014 lost every blessed bob , and my watch and chain , playin \u2019 three cards on the way home ."], "true_target": ["What ! D'you mean it 's really the first \u2014\u2014?", "By George !I 've often wondered .", "Rowdy lot !I say \u2014 I admire your pluck .", "Well , then \u2014 yes , I do .", "How d'you do ? Did n't recognize you at first . So sorry \u2014 awfully rude of me . CLARE 'S eyes seem to fly from him , to appeal to him , to resign herself all at once . Something in the YOUNG MAN responds . He drops his hand .", "But I say , what about your people ? You must have people of some sort . He is fast becoming fascinated , for her cheeks have begun to flush and her eyes to shine .", "I say , you know \u2014 I wish you 'd let me lend you something . I had quite a good day down there .", "By Jove , no ! It may be caddish , but I 'm not .", "No ; simply awfully pretty .", "I think you 're getting much too excited . You look all \u2014 Wo n't you eat your peach ?Do ! Have something else , then \u2014 some grapes , or something ?", "By Jove ! I do n't know-really , I do n't \u2014 this makes me feel pretty rotten . I mean , it 's your being a lady .", "Did you really ? D \u2014 - d sporting !", "A peach ?", "Are you absolute stoney ?Butyou 're so awfully well \u2014\u2014", "By George ! One simply can n't believe in this happening to a lady .", "Of course I can see that you 're not \u2014 I mean , that you 're a \u2014 a lady .And I say , you know \u2014 if you have to \u2014 because you 're in a hole \u2014 I should feel a cad . Let me lend you \u2014\u2014?", "The Derby . What ? Do n't you generally go down ?May I ?", "Anyway it must have been like riding at a pretty stiff fence , for you to come here to-night .", "I say \u2014 do n't talk like that !"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 64}, {"query": ["A lady !CURTAIN . THE PIGEON A Fantasy in Three Acts PERSONS OF THE PLAY CHRISTOPHER WELLWYN , an artist ANN , his daughter GUINEVERE MEGAN , a flower-seller RORY MEGAN , her husband FERRAND , an alien TIMSON , once a cabman EDWARD BERTLEY , a Canon ALFRED CALWAY , a Professor SIR THOMAS HOXTON , a Justice of the Peace Also a police constable , three humble-men , and some curious persons The action passes in Wellwyn 's Studio , and the street outside ."], "true_target": ["What 's this ? Friend of yours ?", "Good God !"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 64}, {"query": ["It is news indeed that the work of civilization may be justifiably met by murder . Have you forgotten Glaive and Morlinson ?", "The position has become impossible . The state of things out there must be put an end to once for all ! Come , Katherine , back us up !", "They have proved themselves faithless . We have the right to chastise .", "I shall not follow you there .", "My dear Stephen , even if you were right \u2014 which I deny \u2014 about the initial merits , there surely comes a point where the individual conscience must resign it self to the country 's feeling . This has become a question of national honour ."], "true_target": ["The Government is dealing here with a wild lawless race , on whom I must say I think sentiment is rather wasted .", "I 'm afraid I must go .Good-night , my dear ! Ah ! Hubert !Mr. Mendip , I go your way . Can I drop you ?", "I disagree with you , Stephen ; absolutely , entirely disagree .", "That to me is an unintelligible point of view .", "\u2018 Quem Deus volt perdere \u2019 \u2014\u2014!", "Does our rule bring blessing \u2014 or does it not , Stephen ?"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 65}, {"query": ["Nice quiet night !", "Dogs will bark . These things soon blow over .", "Big ones could let little ones alone .", "What ? When d'you sail ?", "Answer these .", "No . STEEL writes ; then looking up and seeing that MORE is no longer there , he goes to the window , looks to right and left , returns to the bureau , and is about to sit down again when a thought seems to strike him with consternation . He goes again to the window . Then snatching up his hat , he passes hurriedly out along the terrace . As he vanishes , KATHERINE comes in from the hall . After looking out on to the terrace she goes to the bay window ; stands there listening ; then comes restlessly back into the room . OLIVE , creeping quietly from behind the curtain , clasps her round the waist .", "This cause is not lost .", "My country , right or wrong ! Guilty \u2014 still my country !", "No . It 's an awkward word .", "Is that your faith ?", "Hello , Steel !", "Would you have asked me \u2014 then , Kit ?", "A cur ! He seems about to tear his notes across . Then , changing his mind , turns them over and over , muttering . His voice gradually grows louder , till he is declaiming to the empty room the peroration of his speech .", "You 're right there !", "The wind , sweetheart !", "I respect it ; I even understand it ; but \u2014 I can n't hold it .", "God made them , Dean .", "They 'll be said by me to-night , Mendip .", "I 'll have no truck with tyranny .", "Now my sprite ! Upstairs again , before Nurse catches you . Fly ! Fly !", "Sometimes ; but with all my soul I deny the fantastic superstition that our rule can benefit a people like this , a nation of one race , as different from ourselves as dark from light \u2014 in colour , religion , every mortal thing . We can only pervert their natural instincts .", "You too , Steel !", "Because general sentiment 's against me , I \u2014 a public man \u2014 am to deny my faith ? The point is not whether I 'm right or wrong , Mendip , but whether I 'm to sneak out of my conviction because it 's unpopular .", "Is a man only to hold beliefs when they 're popular ? You 've stood up to be shot at often enough , Sir John .", "I must speak , Hubert .", "To follow my conscience ? That 's new , Mendip .", "\u201c The ball is opened . \u201d He stands brooding over the note , and STEEL looks at him anxiously . He is a dark , sallow , thin-faced young man , with the eyes of one who can attach himself to people , and suffer with them .", "Love her !", "Well ?"], "true_target": ["I can n't help it .", "What blew you down , then ?", "Nations are bad judges of their honour , Dean .", "Must speak the truth sometimes , even at that risk .", "What ! With our missionaries and our trading ?", "Kit ! This is n't fair . Do you want me to feel myself a cur ?", "I 'm not out for advertisement .", "I 've made no secret of my feelings all along . I 'm against this war , and against the annexation we all know it will lead to .", "Must risk something , sometimes , Hubert \u2014 even in my profession !", "You can tell people that to-morrow , Mendip . Give it a leader in \u2018 The Parthenon \u2019 .", "I hope to serve her fifty , Sir John , and I say she is .", "Poets ?", "\u2018 Ware Mob !I must write to the Chief . KATHERINE makes an impulsive movement towards him ; then quietly goes to the bureau , sits down and takes up a pen .", "You admit the show-up ?", "Sir John , we great Powers have got to change our ways in dealing with weaker nations . The very dogs can give us lessons \u2014 watch a big dog with a little one .", "I am not ! But I prefer to fight some one my own size .", "They went into a wild country , against the feeling of the tribes , on their own business . What has the nation to do with the mishaps of gamblers ?", "I tell you , Kit , some one must raise a voice . Two or three reverses \u2014 certain to come \u2014 and the whole country will go wild . And one more little nation will cease to live .", "\u201c July 15th . \u201c DEAR SIR CHARLES , After my speech to-night , embodying my most unalterable convictionsI have no alternative but to place the resignation of my Under-Secretaryship in your hands . My view , my faith in this matter may be wrong \u2014 but I am surely right to keep the flag of my faith flying . I imagine I need not enlarge on the reasons \u2014\u2014 \u201d THE CURTAIN FALLS .", "There 's no reason in the world , Mendip , why the rules of chivalry should not apply to nations at least as well as to \u2014 - dogs .", "We have arrogated to our land the title Champion of Freedom , Foe of Oppression . Is that indeed a bygone glory ? Is it not worth some sacrifice of our pettier dignity , to avoid laying another stone upon its grave ; to avoid placing before the searchlight eyes of History the spectacle of yet one more piece of national cynicism ? We are about to force our will and our dominion on a race that has always been free , that loves its country , and its independence , as much as ever we love ours . I cannot sit silent to-night and see this begin . As we are tender of our own land , so we should be of the lands of others . I love my country . It is because I love my country that I raise my voice . Warlike in spirit these people may be \u2014 but they have no chance against ourselves . And war on such , however agreeable to the blind moment , is odious to the future . The great heart of mankind ever beats in sense and sympathy with the weaker . It is against this great heart of mankind that we are going . In the name of Justice and Civilization we pursue this policy ; but by Justice we shall hereafter be judged , and by Civilization \u2014 condemned . While he is speaking , a little figure has flown along the terrace outside , in the direction of the music , but has stopped at the sound of his voice , and stands in the open window , listening \u2014 a dark-haired , dark-eyed child , in a blue dressing-gown caught up in her hand . The street musicians , having reached the end of a tune , are silent . In the intensity of MORES feeling , a wine-glass , gripped too strongly , breaks and falls in pieces onto a finger-bowl . The child starts forward into the room .", "If I hit a little man in the eye , and he hits me back , have I the right to chastise him ?", "Poor Helen !", "You 're not shirking your duty because of your wife .", "Yes . Keep that to yourself .", "History wo n't say : \u201c And this they did without a single protest from their public men ! \u201d", "You know my feeling .", "Olive !", "Open them ! KATHERINE opens one after the other , and lets them fall on the table ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 65}, {"query": ["And you mean to charge the windmill ?", "If they could there 'd be no big ones . My dear fellow , we know little nations are your hobby , but surely office should have toned you down .", "Idealism can be out of place , my friend .", "Right or wrong , as lost as ever was cause in all this world . There was never a time when the word \u201c patriotism \u201d stirred mob sentiment as it does now . \u2018 Ware \u201c Mob , \u201d Stephen \u2014 - \u2018 ware \u201c Mob \u201d !", "That begs the question .", "Political lunacy ! No man in your position has a right to fly out like this at the eleventh hour .", "You will get it !", "I have my doubts .", "Thank you . Good-night , Mrs. More . Stop him ! It 's perdition .", "The greater the truth the greater the libel , and the greater the resentment of the person libelled ."], "true_target": ["No , no , these things are not so simple as all that .", "In the House ?", "Go into that philosophy of yours a little deeper , Stephen \u2014 it spells stagnation . There are no fixed stars on this earth . Nations can n't let each other alone .", "Remember a certain war , Stephen ! Were your chivalrous notions any good , then ? And , what was winked at in an obscure young Member is anathema for an Under Secretary of State . You can n't afford \u2014\u2014", "My dear fellow ! Do n't be so Quixotic ! We shall have war within the next twenty-four hours , and nothing you can do will stop it .", "\u2018 C'est magnifique \u2019 !", "There are moments when such things can n't be said , More .", "My dear friend , are you to become that hapless kind of outcast , a champion of lost causes ?", "I 'm afraid so , Mrs. Hubert .", "Mrs. More , you must n't let him . It 's madness ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 65}, {"query": ["Stephen get my note ? I sent it over the moment I got to the War Office .", "Unpatriotic !", "I knew your views were extreme in many ways , Stephen , but I never thought the husband of my daughter would be a Peace-at-any - price man !", "They 're shouting the news now . Thank God , I stopped that crazy speech of his in time .", "Yes . And that poor fellow Groome and his wife ?", "What in God 's name is your idea ? We 've forborne long enough , in all conscience .", "Keep a good heart , my boy . The country 's first .KATHERINE backs away from the window . STEEL has appeared there from the terrace , breathless from running .", "It is not the truth .", "So you 're going to put yourself at the head of the cranks , ruin your career , and make me ashamed that you 're my son-in-law ?"], "true_target": ["Well ! I can only hope to God you 'll come to your senses before you commit the folly of this speech . I must get back to the War Office . Good-night , Hubert .", "I do not , sir .", "Not a doubt of it , Helen .", "I 've served my country fifty years , and I say she is not in the wrong .", "Well said , James !", "What ? After ! SIR , JOHN stands rigid , then turns and marches straight out into the hall . At a sign from KATHERINE , HUBERT follows him .", "We did n't begin this business .", "What ! He would n't be such a sublime donkey ?", "We can n't stand by and see our own flesh and blood ill-treated !", "Never by my country ! Your speech will be in all the foreign press-trust \u2018 em for seizing on anything against us . A show-up before other countries \u2014\u2014!"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 65}, {"query": ["Yes , Mr. Steel ?", "Now , go up at once . I can n't think how you got down here .", "You 've cleared your conscience , then ! I did n't think you 'd hurt me so . MORE does not answer , still living in the scene he has gone through , and KATHERINE goes a little nearer to him .", "Yes . The country 's our country ! Oh ! Stephen , think what it 'll be like for me \u2014 with Hubert and the other boys out there . And poor Helen , and Father ! I beg you not to make this speech .", "I expect so .Yes .", "Nurse !", "Well , give them that ! One more only . She gives OLIVE a coin , who runs with it to the bay window , opens the aide casement , and calls to the musicians .", "Yes .", "Let me make the rough draft .Yes ?", "But , Stephen , your speech will be a rallying cry to all the cranks , and every one who has a spite against the country . They 'll make you their figurehead .They will . Your chance of the Cabinet will go \u2014 you may even have to resign your seat .", "Stephen ! Are you really going to speak ?I ask you not .", "What you might expect . Three of your best friends . It 's begun .", "You can have the room directly .", "When ?", "No . Has he spoken ?", "Against ?", "No , no ! If you once begin a thing , you always go on ; and what earthly good ?", "Good-night , Mr. Steel .", "Now , Olive ! The musicians have suddenly broken off in the middle of a bar . From the street comes the noise of distant shouting ."], "true_target": ["There are plenty who \u2014\u2014", "Father !", "O my darling ! How you startled me ! What are you doing down here , you wicked little sinner !", "If you believe in your country , you must believe that the more land and power she has , the better for the world .", "Father does n't admit tyranny . Nor do any of us , Stephen . HUBERT JULIAN , a tall Soldier-like man , has come in .", "Uncle James ! Please !", "You 'd have done this for me \u2014 then .", "Stephen !", "Have you stopped it ?", "Where is Daddy ?", "I \u2014 I \u2014 almost feel you 'll be a cur to do itI ask you not !MORELater , please , Henry , later ! The servant retires . MORE still stands looking down at the dining-table ; then putting his hand to his throat , as if to free it from the grip of his collar , he pours out a glass of water , and drinks it of . In the street , outside the bay window , two street musicians , a harp and a violin , have taken up their stand , and after some twangs and scrapes , break into music . MORE goes towards the sound , and draws aside one curtain . After a moment , he returns to the table , and takes up the notes of the speech . He is in an agony of indecision .", "Yes \u2014 stop , Olive !", "But it 's our own country . We can n't stand apart from it . You wo n't stop anything \u2014 only make people hate you . I can n't bear that .", "Yes ! It is . The street cry is heard again in two distant voices coming from different directions : \u201c War \u2014 pyper \u2014 sharp fightin \u2019 on the frontier \u2014 pyper . \u201d", "I think that is just what he might be .We shall know soon .", "Oh ! I wish \u2014\u2014! Why \u2014 can n't \u2014 women \u2014 fight ?", "Do you remember that day on our honeymoon , going up Ben Lawers ? You were lying on your face in the heather ; you said it was like kissing a loved woman . There was a lark singing \u2014 you said that was the voice of one 's worship . The hills were very blue ; that 's why we had blue here , because it was the best dress of our country . You do love her .", "I 'm with the country , heart and soul , Stephen . I warn you . While they stand in silence , facing each other , the footman , HENRY , enters from the hall .", "Shut out those ghouls ! As HUBERT closes the window , NURSE WREFORD comes in from the hall . She is an elderly woman endowed with a motherly grimness . She fixes OLIVE with her eye , then suddenly becomes conscious of the street cry ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 65}, {"query": ["Oh ! No !"], "true_target": ["Hubert !"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 65}, {"query": ["I 'll look after him , Nurse .", "Not married a year ; pretty bad luck !Well ! We 've got to put feelings in our pockets . Look here , Stephen \u2014 do n't make that speech ! Think of Katherine \u2014 with the Dad at the War Office , and me going out , and Ralph and old George out there already ! You can n't trust your tongue when you 're hot about a thing .", "Not I , Nurse ! NURSE looks long into his face , then lifts her finger , and beckons OLIVE .", "Yes , Nanny .", "Yes , chick \u2014 awfully !", "But it 's hopeless , my dear chap \u2014 absolutely .", "Friday , Kit . Be good to Helen , old girl ."], "true_target": ["Stephen gone !", "We sail on", "We 've got our orders .", "Yes , it 's bad for you , with Stephen taking it like this . But he 'll come round now it 's once begun . KATHERINE shakes her head , then goes suddenly up to him , and throws her arms round his neck . It is as if all the feeling pent up in her were finding vent in this hug . The door from the hall is opened , and SIR JOHN 'S voice is heard outside : \u201c All right , I 'll find her . \u201d", "Good-night , Father .", "At once .", "Well ! You 're riding for a fall , and a godless mucker it 'll be . This 'll be no picnic . We shall get some nasty knocks out there . Wait and see the feeling here when we 've had a force or two cut up in those mountains . It 's awful country . Those fellows have got modern arms , and are jolly good fighters . Do drop it , Stephen !", "No , no ! Bottle yourself up for to-night . The next few hours \u2018 ll see it begin .If you do n't care whether you mess up your own career \u2014 do n't tear Katherine in two !"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 65}, {"query": ["Have you got an ache ?", "There is n't any !", "Oh ! Mummy ! I must just dance ! She kicks off her lisle blue shoes , and begins dancing . While she is capering HUBERT comes in from the hall . He stands watching his little niece for a minute , and KATHERINE looks at him .", "Oh ! only just , and Mr. Steel went after him like a rabbit .They have n't been paid , you know .", "Oh !", "Listen , Uncle ! Is n't it a particular noise ? HUBERT and KATHERINE listen with all their might , and OLIVE stares at their faces . HUBERT goes to the window . The sound comes nearer . The shouted words are faintly heard : \u201c Pyper \u2014\u2014 war \u2014\u2014 our force crosses frontier \u2014 sharp fightin \u2019 \u2014\u2014 pyper . \u201d", "I can .If you pay them , Mummy , they 're sure to play another .", "Are you good at my sort of dancing , Uncle ?"], "true_target": ["Gone .", "It 's a secret !", "Good-night , Uncle ! Nanny , d'you know why I was obliged to come down ?", "I explained all that to Daddy . We need n't go into it again , need we ?", "Oh ! no , Daddy !It feels like things to-night !", "Catch , please ! And would you play just one more ? She returns from the window , and seeing her mother lost in thought , rubs herself against her .", "The music . Did the wind break the wine-glass , or did it come in two in your hand ?", "I must get back again in secret . H'sh ! She suddenly runs and wraps herself into one of the curtains of the bay window . A young man enters , with a note in his hand .", "Who were you speaking to , Daddy ?"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 65}, {"query": ["Fetherby was simply sickening .Not the faintest recognition that there are two sides to it . MORE gives him a quick look , goes quietly to the dining-table and picks up his sheaf of notes . Hiding them with his sleeve , he goes back to the window , where he again stands hesitating .", "Chief gem :", "Do you want me any more ? MORE takes from his breast pocket some papers , and pitches them down on the bureau .", "Oh !\u2014 Good-night ! He goes out into the hall . KATHERINE picks up OLIVE 'S shoes , and stands clasping them to her breast . MORE comes in .", "Dignity is not asleep ! \u201d", "Mr. More back ?", "Yes ."], "true_target": ["Yes .", "I mean , if it 's actually started \u2014\u2014", "This to the Cottage Hospital \u2014 shall I say you will preside ?", "From Sir John \u2014 by special messenger from the War Office .", "\u201c We must show Impudence at last that", "I 'm glad it 's begun , sir . It would have been an awful pity to have made that speech .", "We were here \u2014 he slipped away from me somehow . He must have gone straight down to the House . I ran over , but when I got in under the Gallery he was speaking already . They expected something \u2014 I never heard it so still there . He gripped them from the first word \u2014 deadly \u2014 every syllable . It got some of those fellows . But all the time , under the silence you could feel a \u2014 sort of \u2014 of \u2014 current going round . And then Sherratt \u2014 I think it was \u2014 began it , and you saw the anger rising in them ; but he kept them down \u2014 his quietness ! The feeling ! I 've never seen anything like it there . Then there was a whisper all over the House that fighting had begun . And the whole thing broke out \u2014 regular riot \u2014 as if they could have killed him . Some one tried to drag him down by the coat-tails , but he shook him off , and went on . Then he stopped dead and walked out , and the noise dropped like a stone . The whole thing did n't last five minutes . It was fine , Mrs. More ; like \u2014 like lava ; he was the only cool person there . I would n't have missed it for anything \u2014 it was grand ! MORE has appeared on the terrace , behind STEEL ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 65}, {"query": ["Oh , dear ! My boy !", "Oh ! do n't say it 's begun ."], "true_target": ["And him keepin \u2019 company . And you not married a year . Ah ! Mr. Hubert , now do \u2018 ee take care ; you and him 's both so rash .", "Is the regiment to go , Mr. Hubert ?"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 65}, {"query": ["Quick , Sir , quick !", "Come along , sir .", "For God 's sake , sir !"], "true_target": ["Well ! come inside again , anyway ! A number of men and boys , and a few young girls , are trooping quickly from the left . A motley crew , out for excitement ; loafers , artisans , navvies ; girls , rough or dubious . All in the mood of hunters , and having tasted blood . They gather round the steps displaying the momentary irresolution and curiosity that follows on a new development of any chase . MORE , on the bottom step , turns and eyes them .", "Come along , sir , come !", "You owe it to the theatre people .We might be penned in there another hour ; you told Mrs. More half-past ten ; it 'll only make her anxious . And she has n't seen you for six weeks ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 66}, {"query": ["My friend there in khaki led that hooting . I 've never said a word against our soldiers . It 's the Government I condemn for putting them to this , and the Press for hounding on the Government , and all of you for being led by the nose to do what none of you would do , left to yourselves . The TALL YOUTH leads a somewhat unspontaneous burst of execration .", "They fight the best way they can .", "Those tribesmen are defending their homes .", "Stop that ! Stop that ! You \u2014 - !", "It sticks in my gizzard , Steel .", "Defending their homes ! Not mobbing unarmed men !", "I say not one of you would go for a weaker man . VOICES IN THE CROWD .", "Well , Steel ! And followed by STEEL , he descends the steps and moves away . Two policemen pass glancing up at the broken glass . One of them stops and makes a note . THE CURTAIN FALLS ."], "true_target": ["That is the end of the limit , as the foreign ambassador remarked .", "You shall have it in a nutshell !", "Ah ! Do me in by all means ! You 'd deal such a blow at cowardly mobs as would n't be forgotten in your time .", "Well ! There is an ugly rush , checked by the fall of the foremost figures , thrown too suddenly against the bottom step . The crowd recoils . There is a momentary lull , and MORE stares steadily down at them .", "All right ; do n't dislocate my arm . They move down the steps , and away to the left , as a boy comes running down the alley . Sighting MORE , he stops dead , spins round , and crying shrilly : \u201c \u2018 Ere \u2018 e is ! That 's \u2018 im ! \u2018 Ere \u2018 e is ! \u201d he bolts back in the direction whence he came .", "Go home , and think ! If foreigners invaded us , would n't you be fighting tooth and nail like those tribesmen , out there ?", "Indeed ! That 's new .", "Well , what do you want ?"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 66}, {"query": ["Shift ! or you 'll get it !", "Traitor !", "Treacherous dogs ! Why do n't they come out in the open ?"], "true_target": ["Silence for the blasted traitor ? A youth plays the concertina ; there is laughter , then an abrupt silence .", "Wind-bag !", "You blasted traitor ! MORE faces round at the volley of jeering that follows ; the chorus of booing swells , then gradually dies , as if they realized that they were spoiling their own sport ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 66}, {"query": ["Speech .", "Do n't stand there like a stuck pig ."], "true_target": ["Enough of your ugly mug !", "No !"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 66}, {"query": ["Look at his white liver . You can see it in his face ."], "true_target": ["Tork sense !", "That 's it ! Give \u2018 im some encouragement . The jeering laughter is changed to anger by the contemptuous smile on MORE 'S face ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 66}, {"query": ["And git your wife to put cottonwool in yer ears ."], "true_target": ["Do n't \u2018 e speak well ! What eloquence ! Two or three nutshells and a piece of orange-peel strike MORE across the face . He takes no notice ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 66}, {"query": ["Give \u2018 im one ! Two flung stones strike MORE . He staggers and nearly falls , then rights himself ."], "true_target": ["Let 's \u2018 ave \u2018 im dahn off that ! Under cover of the applause that greets this , he strikes MORE across the legs with a belt . STEEL starts forward . MORE , flinging out his arm , turns him back , and resumes his tranquil staring at the crowd , in whom the sense of being foiled by this silence is fast turning to rage .", "Give \u2018 im another !"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 66}, {"query": ["Shame !"], "true_target": ["Let \u2018 im alone ! Come on , Billy , this ai n't no fun ! Still looking up at MORE , the whole crowd falls into an uneasy silence , broken only by the shuffling of feet . Then the BIG NAVVY in the front rank turns and elbows his way out to the edge of the crowd ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 66}, {"query": ["Mummy ! I 'm awake ! But KATHERINE goes on reading ; and OLIVE steals into the room in her nightgown .", "It 's fourteen minutes to eleven .", "Poor Daddy ! Is it people on our side who throw things ?", "It seems about a hundred years , does n't it ? Has he been making speeches all the time ?", "Is n't it a funny mist-all flat !", "Had I better put in the duty to your neighbour if there is n't a victory soon ?You 're tickling under my knee !I must keep awake for Daddy . KATHERINE comes back . She is about to leave the door a little open , when she hears a knock on the other door . It is opened a few inches , and NURSE 'S voice says : \u201c Can I come in , Ma'am ? \u201d The NURSE comes in .", "It felt funny ; you could n't see any wind , you know .", "To-night , too ?", "Mummy , when is Uncle Hubert coming back ?", "Why does he go on doing it ? I should n't .", "So have I . May I open the window ?", "Oh ! Are those his letters ?"], "true_target": ["Does Daddy often ?", "I just wanted to see the time . I never can go to sleep if I try \u2014 it 's quite helpless , you know . Is there a victory yet ?Oh ! I prayed extra special for one in the evening papers .Has n't Daddy come ?", "How long has Daddy been away ?", "The night that man was here whose head 's too bald for anything \u2014 oh ! Mummy , you know \u2014 the one who cleans his teeth so termendously \u2014 I heard Daddy making a speech to the wind . It broke a wine-glass . His speeches must be good ones , must n't they !", "To your neighbour , or only to God ?", "But what are they ?", "Are you waiting for him ?Your hair is nice , Mummy . It 's particular to-night . KATHERINE lets fall her brush , and looks at her almost in alarm .", "What does it mean ?", "Have you , too ?", "What do they do , then ?", "That 's something , is n't it ?", "\u201c My dear Heart . \u201d Does he always call you his dear heart , Mummy ? It 's rather jolly , is n't it ? \u201c I shall be home about half-past ten to-morrow night . For a few hours the fires of p-u-r-g-a-t-or-y will cease to burn \u2014 \u201d What are the fires of p-u-r-g-a-t-o-r-y ?", "I suppose Auntie Helen 'll stay with us till he does ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 67}, {"query": ["Now then !", "Daddy means that he 's been very unhappy .", "But , Nurse , how can you leave us , you ?", "Six weeks .", "Yes .", "Hssh !", "But , Nurse \u2014\u2014!", "Your forehead ! It 's cut .", "Hssh ! You 'll wake Olive !", "Six weeks is a long time to sit and read about your meetings .", "He 's following his conscience .", "Yes , dear , yes ! You must have been looking at the mist .", "Yes .", "Dream bad dreams , and wait , and hide oneself \u2014 there 's been nothing else to do . Nothing , Stephen \u2014 nothing !", "Just a few people go to hear him , and then a great crowd comes and breaks in ; or they wait for him outside , and throw things , and hoot .", "It shall be \u2014 if \u2014 if \u2014\u2014", "Not yet .", "My dear ! HOW ghastly !", "Oh ! Let me bathe it !", "No . HELEN too is in a wrapper , with a piece of lace thrown over her head . Her face is scared and miserable , and she runs into KATHERINE 's arms .", "Stephen !", "Very .", "Now , come along , frog !", "What is it ,", "We do n't know , dear .", "You begin again the day after tomorrow . Was it worth while ?", "Nurse ! You too ! She looks towards OLIVE 'S room with dismay . The NURSE smudges a slow tear away from her cheek .", "Olive , Olive !"], "true_target": ["All right .", "Nothing .", "Yes .", "Give it up ! For my sake ! Give it up !It shall be me \u2014 and everything \u2014\u2014", "Leave Olive ! That is the sins of the fathers with a vengeance .", "Yes .", "Speaking to people who wo n't listen .", "Ah ! yes ! But-to-morrow it begins again . Oh ! Stephen ! How long \u2014 how long am I to be torn in two ?I can n't \u2014 can n't bear it .", "It makes it harder for me , that 's all .", "Nurse , I can n't \u2014 I wo n't listen .", "Nurse , Nurse !", "Yes , but only rough people .", "Nurse ?", "Yes , nowadays .", "My dear , what is it ?", "To both .", "For God 's sake , Stephen !", "Do n't you know what it 's costing him ?", "Well ?", "He thinks it is his duty .", "Why have you come ?", "Helen has just been telling me a dream she 's had of Hubert 's death .", "No ; you 'll let the mist in .", "It was only a dream .", "Yes .", "Ah !", "Come , Olive !", "Talking to the wind is an expression , Olive ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 67}, {"query": ["I 've been meaning to \u2014 I 'll never do it in the daytime . I 'm giving you notice .", "Ah ! You 'll move him to leave off ! I see your heart , my dear . But if you do n't , then go I must ! She nods her head gravely , goes to the door of OLIVE 'S room , opens it gently , stands looking for a-moment , then with the words \u201c My Lamb ! \u201d she goes in noiselessly and closes the door . KATHERINE turns back to her glass , puts back her hair , and smooths her lips and eyes . The door from the corridor is opened , and HELEN 's voice says : \u201c Kit ! You 're not in bed ? \u201d", "In my paper they say he 's encouraging these heathens and makin \u2019 the foreigners talk about us ; and every day longer the war lasts , there 's our blood on this house .", "I want to go right away at once ."], "true_target": ["Ah ! Cost him his seat , and his reputation ; and more than that it 'll cost him , to go against the country .", "There 's that tells me it 's encouragin \u2019 something to happen , if I stay here ; and Mr. More coming back to-night . You can n't serve God and Mammon , the Bible says .", "I 've had another letter from my son . No , Miss Katherine , while the master goes on upholdin \u2019 these murderin \u2019 outlandish creatures , I can n't live in this house , not now he 's coming back .", "And others must follow theirs , too . No , Miss Katherine , for you to let him \u2014 you , with your three brothers out there , and your father fair wasting away with grief . Sufferin \u2019 too as you 've been these three months past . What 'll you feel if anything happens to my three young gentlemen out there , to my dear Mr. Hubert that I nursed myself , when your precious mother could n't ? What would she have said \u2014 with you in the camp of his enemies ?", "It 's not like themdownstairs , because I 'm frightened of the mob , or of the window 's bein \u2019 broke again , or mind what the boys in the street say . I should think not \u2014 no ! It 's my heart . I 'm sore night and day thinkin \u2019 of my son , and him lying out there at night without a rag of dry clothing , and water that the bullocks wo n't drink , and maggots in the meat ; and every day one of his friends laid out stark and cold , and one day \u2014 \u2018 imself perhaps . If anything were to \u2018 appen to him . I 'd never forgive meself \u2014 here . Ah ! Miss Katherine , I wonder how you bear it \u2014 bad news comin \u2019 every day \u2014 And Sir John 's face so sad \u2014 And all the time the master speaking against us , as it might be Jonah \u2018 imself ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 67}, {"query": ["He 's dead !", "Still that voice went on , and I saw Wreford take up the dead man 's gun . Then Hubert got upon his feet , and went tottering along , so feebly , so dreadfully \u2014 but before he could reach and stop him , Wreford fired at the man who was crying . And Hubert called out : \u201c You brute ! \u201d and fell right down . And when Wreford saw him lying there , he began to moan and sob , but Hubert never stirred . Then it all got black again \u2014 and I could see a dark woman \u2014 thing creeping , first to the man without a head ; then to Wreford ; then to Hubert , and it touched him , and sprang away . And it cried out : \u201c A-ai-ah ! \u201dLook ! Out there ! The dark things !"], "true_target": ["I 've seen \u2014 a vision !", "You did n't hear that cry .That 's Stephen . Forgive me , Kit ; I ought n't to have upset you , but I could n't help coming . She goes out , KATHERINE , into whom her emotion seems to have passed , turns feverishly to the window , throws it open and leans out . MORE comes in .", "I 'd just fallen asleep , and I saw a plain that seemed to run into the sky \u2014 like \u2014 that fog . And on it there were \u2014 dark things . One grew into a body without a head , and a gun by its side . And one was a man sitting huddled up , nursing a wounded leg . He had the face of Hubert 's servant , Wreford . And then I saw \u2014 Hubert . His face was all dark and thin ; and he had \u2014 a wound , an awful wound hereThe blood was running from it , and he kept trying to stop it \u2014 oh ! Kit \u2014 by kissing itThen I heard Wreford laugh , and say vultures did n't touch live bodies . And there came a voice , from somewhere , calling out : \u201c Oh ! God ! I 'm dying ! \u201d And Wreford began to swear at it , and I heard Hubert say : \u201c Do n't , Wreford ; let the poor fellow be ! \u201d But the voice went on and on , moaning and crying out : \u201c I 'll lie here all night dying \u2014 and then I 'll die ! \u201d And Wreford dragged himself along the ground ; his face all devilish , like a man who 's going to kill ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 67}, {"query": ["My dear , do n't cry ! God knows I do n't want to make things worse for you . I 'll go away . She draws away from him a little , and after looking long at her , he sits down at the dressing-table and begins turning over the brushes and articles of toilet , trying to find words .", "Kit ! Catching sight of her figure in the window , he goes quickly to her .", "How is she ?", "You 're not making terms ? Bargaining ? For God 's sake , Kit !", "No , dear ! It 's all right .", "Poor child !", "It 's nothing .", "I see . I thought from your letters you were coming to feel \u2014\u2014. Kit ! You look so lovely !", "Kit !", "Let me look at you ! He draws her from the window to the candle-light , and looks long at her .", "You !\u2014 of all people \u2014 you !", "What have you done to your hair ?"], "true_target": ["At last !", "My darling !", "It 's wonderful to-night .", "Put that away to-night .This is what travellers feel when they come out of the desert to-water .", "Never look forward . After the time I 've had \u2014 I thought \u2014 tonight \u2014 it would be summer \u2014 I thought it would be you \u2014 and everything ! While he is speaking KATHERINE has stolen closer . She suddenly drops on her knees by his side and wraps his hand in her hair . He turns and clasps her .", "And you ?", "A bargain ! It 's selling my soul ! He struggles out of her arms , gets up , and stands without speaking , staring at her , and wiping the sweat from his forehead . KATHERINE remains some seconds on her knees , gazing up at him , not realizing . Then her head droops ; she too gets up and stands apart , with her wrapper drawn close round her . It is as if a cold and deadly shame had come to them both . Quite suddenly MORE turns , and , without looking back , feebly makes his way out of the room . When he is gone KATHERINE drops on her knees and remains there motionless , huddled in her hair . THE CURTAIN FALLS", "God !", "Kit !", "Why !", "Six weeks !", "Hide ? Because of me ?", "What 's come to you ?"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 67}, {"query": ["Nothing decided yet , she tells me . He still continues writing the most glowing letters that ever were penned . I am to see a few of them shortly ; but when the poor fellow is in her presence , he can scarcely utter a word , and though he has written nearly fifty most passionate billets , he has never once verbally alluded to the state of his feelings .", "It is entirely through your interference , I have been told , that he is in a state of celibacy ; and , though the poor gentleman is now fifty-five , yet ever since he arrived at years of discretion , he has been sighing and pining for a wife .", "Exquisite !", "We 'll leave them together ; he may overcome his bashfulness when he gets used to being alone with his object . He is fond of her , no doubt \u2014 true love is never very loquacious .", "For what , sir ? He complained , a few days since , that he was without a pincushion , and could never recollect to purchase one ; and where was the harm , sir , in my supplying such a trifling want : I shall not be so attentive again , be assured . As for my call this morning , it was on parish business \u2014 a motive of charity ; but since my little acts of friendship are so sternly checked , of course those of charity must suffer at the same time . And I did hope to have your company to tea , to-morrow .", "Oh , that I do , from the extreme point of your boot , to the loftiest summit of your hair .", "I think I can guess the nature of the report \u2014 quite a full-grown young man , I hear .", "Very indeed !", "For , like most first great causes , you do n't understand us .", "And he had to pay five hundred pounds damages , in an action for breach of promise .", "Relating to the party you alluded to , Miss Skylark ?", "\u2018 Tis a general invitation to all our friends . You will find a card at your house , Miss Skylark . Perhaps Mr. P. will escort you .", "Do !", "No , I declare .", "Good morning , Mr. Damper , I was merely observing Mr. Niggle 's table legs .", "And cards too !", "Good morning , Mr. Pinkey .", "A young man of Mr. Boss 's figure , must in time strike those who would think it little trouble to conquer the faults of habit and nature , and make herself as near , what he may consider to be perfection , as possible .", "\u201c The Young Man 's best Companion \u201d \u2014 a very excellent book for youth ; but at Mr. Niggle 's age , he ought to possess his best companion in a devoted and amiable wife ; heigho ! What a treasure I should be to any man that could properly understand me .\u201c The Epistles of Abelard and Heloise . \u201d I am pleased to see this book on his table , it proves that he possesses a taste for sentiment of the highest order , and can admire devotedness and passion under the most trying circumstances . \u201c The Newgate Calender . \u201d Bless the man , what can induce him to have such a book as this in his house ; surely he can have no sympathy with housebreakers and assassins ? I must look to this : should I ever be the mistress here , some of these volumes must be removed \u2014 this furniture too \u2014 very well for a bachelor ; but when he is married , a change must be made . And those curtains , how slovenly they are put up . Ah , any one can discover the want of a presiding female hand in a bachelor 's house \u2014 where is the neatness , the order , and the good taste that prevails in all the arrangements , where the master of the house is a married man . If ever I am Mrs. Niggle , down shall come those curtains , away shall go that sideboard , off shall go those chairs , and as for this table \u2014 let me look at its legs \u2014\u2014", "If I am much in your society , there is no knowing what I may experience .MISS SKYLARK seated , R ., looking after them ; sings . \u201c Is there a heart that never loved , Or felt soft woman 's sigh ! \u201d", "What a strange turn in affairs , and what a singular lady is that Miss Skylark ."], "true_target": ["Beautiful !", "Well , I hope he 'll be happy \u2014 I 'm sure he will \u2014 such an excellent temper \u2014 such taste in all matters .", "If you please .", "Oh ! how you frightened me .", "Insulting creature !", "In elegance of costume , Mr. Boss , you completely bear away the palm .", "I am sure , sir , I was not aware that my friendly visits could cause anybody to talk , or at least be annoying to you ; however , I shall not intrude again \u2014 you know why I called yesterday .", "Shocking ! shocking !", "I have been waiting for him this half hour , to solicit his vote for a beadle .", "And of course he can n't find courage to utter a word .", "Ah , you will know it some day .", "No !", "Do you allude to Miss Coy ?", "We ought really to tell him what we have heard , and break off the match .", "Oh , you monster , you ought to be poisoned .", "For me to attempt to explain , would be to confess that I have experienced the emotion myself .", "Can it be ? Is it a fact ?It is , indeed , true ; and if he is not already married , he will be so very soon . I could n't have thought it , after \u2014 after \u2014\u2014", "How did you save him ?", "You are very kind !", "You wish to see me ?", "In an eminent degree .", "What a censorious man you are , Mr. Damper , you rail at our sex as if you considered it man 's natural enemy , instead of his best friend . Is it possible that you have never loved a woman in all your life ?"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 68}, {"query": ["Ha ! ha ! I 've saved you , you villain ! Miss Kitty , once more I 've saved him .", "It 's a very suspicious thing when an old maid examines a bachelor 's furniture .", "You shall not make a fool of yourself .", "But he purchased independence and happiness with the money . I have been his best friend through life ; did n't I go out with him when he was challenged by a young lady 's brother , twenty years ago , because I made him relinquish his attentions to her ? And though he has been shot at and caned , and has paid damages in two actions for breach of promise , yet by meeting those small evils , he has escaped that far greater one \u2014 a wife ; and every morning when he rises a free man , I know he invokes a blessing on my head .", "He certainly is about to marry that woman .", "Come here . Was it that she \u2014\u2014", "That designing woman , Miss Coy , was at the appointed place waiting for her victim sure enough . There was the chaise too ; but what do you think ? there was also the full-grown young man in earnest conversation with her . When we appeared , he tried to avoid us . We demanded who he was \u2014 she refused to explain . One word led to another \u2014 I told her all I had heard of her . She flew into a rage , showered her abuse upon me , whilst I dragged away my friend .", "Hum ! I am very happy to know that you , at least , are not the woman to whom he intends sacrificing himself ; but I 'll discover the party , and if it should be Miss Coy , I 'll shoot him out of hand , rather than see him so duped . He sha'n ' t marry I 'm resolved .Niggle , Niggle , you fool , where are you ?", "Never mind your tailor \u2014 what of the gossip ?", "Oh , woman , woman , just like you .", "Hollo ! there you are ; come here , sir , and let me examine you .", "Poor Niggle 's in a hopeful way ; one woman wants to teach him to sing \u201c The Bay of Biscay , \u201d and another is continually calling on him with pincushions . I must keep my eye upon him .", "A dead set at you , John , clear as daylight \u2014 a dead set at you . Oh ! miss , I 'm ashamed of you .", "Come , come , speak out ; what is the use of mystery ? You allude to", "Quite full-grown \u2014 five-and-twenty .", "Hollo ! hollo !", "Not without me .", "If I do n't , I have no wish to acquire any such useless knowledge . May I ask what you want at my friend Niggle 's , so early in the morning : some conspiracy , I 'll be bound . I wont allow it , Miss Snare ; if you think to inveigle him into matrimony , you 'll find yourself mistaken ; he shall never marry , if I can prevent him making such a ninny of himself ."], "true_target": ["He would have been a ruined man long ago , but for me ; five times have I saved him from the matrimonial precipice .", "Horrible !", "Burn them .", "She sha'n ' t come in \u2014 let her knock . There is no doubt of the truth of the report . That young man is her son ; and this infatuated old fellow was going to join his fate with such a character ! Hav'n ' t I saved you from perdition ?", "A beadle ! To persuade him to call on the parish clerk , more likely . It wont do , Miss Snare , you do n't catch him in your net .Surely it can n't be this dangerous woman that he is going to make a fool of himself with . She sha'n ' t have him \u2014 nobody shall have him .", "Connubial cards linked together by little bits of silver cord .\u201c Mr. John Niggle , Mrs. John Niggle . \u201d", "Ah ! when an old maid finds herself on her own last legs , \u2018 tis time she should observe those of other people .", "It 's all true , he is going to be married ; the lady is now waiting for him in a bye lane , in a post-chaise . One comfort , \u2018 tis now ten minutes past his appointed time .", "He sha'n ' t escape , I 'll follow him if it 's to Africa .", "Ah ! your autumnal maiden is so near a neighbour of your wintery one , that when you have folded the full blown blossom to your heart , you will find to your dismay , that all its leaves are falling at your feet ; but I understand your rhapsody \u2014 you have betrayed yourself , and now I ask you a plain question \u2014 are you going to be married ?", "Eat it \u2014 we 'll all eat it .", "Sit down all of you , and be comfortable .Take a bit , Miss Kitty \u2014 Pinkey , bless your bashfulness ; \u2018 tis your best friend \u2014 it will prevent you ever making a fool of yourself . Niggle , eat in peace and thankfulness ; for I have once more saved you from the abyss of matrimony .Ha ! ha ! you can n't come in . Go away , woman ! go away ! Finish the cake , and let the artful creature knock till she 's tired ! Go away !END OF ACT I .", "I love a woman ! Ugh ! I look upon you all as the first great cause of every evil .", "How ? I have discovered his intention to marry , and knowing how nervous he is upon the subject , I have always interfered in time , told him in strong language the evils he was bringing upon his head , brought instances of married misery so plainly before his eyes , that I have frightened him out of his wits ; and one morning , eight years ago , he was actually dressed and on his way to church to unite himself to some designing woman , when I luckily met him , and dragged him back again by the collar .", "You 're not going to make a fool of yourself in that quarter , are you ? Think how many times I have saved you from perdition ! Tell me if you are : I am your friend you know , and I 'll never forsake you .", "A wedding-cake !", "What , have you heard ? so have I .", "Miss Coy ?", "Where is Niggle ? I wish most particularly to see him . Has he shown himself yet ?"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 68}, {"query": ["Another ten minutes gone . What shall I do ?", "Got what ?", "David , I will no longer allow this continued intrusion on my privacy ; and , Miss Snare , I do not wish to offend , but really your continued calls upon me , at all hours , are somewhat indecorous . The neighbours begin to talk , and I must check them . What may you want this morning ?", "Who could have thought it ?", "I will . I will not trifle any longer with happiness now it is within my grasp . Let me go , sir , or I 'll knock you down . Let me go .", "Well , well , what is it ? If it is so very horrible , what is it ? Eh ? eh ? eh ?Oh , well , well , if you do n't choose to tell me , keep the matter to yourself ; why call here dropping your hints ? Why should I concern myself about that lady , or what may be said of her ? hey ? eh ? Ah , indeed , why ? As for you , Mr. David , listen to me : it was all very well and very kind of you to concern yourself about me when I was young and thoughtless ; but now I am at an age to judge for myself , your interference in my affairs is very officious ; and , in future , sir , I shall do as I like , marry if I like , drown myself if I like , and if I do the latter thing , sir , I shall consider it an act of impertinence if you jump into any pond , in any place , and under any circumstances , after me . There , sir .", "You have , indeed ! My lot in life is clearly developed \u2014 I never am to be married . What am I to do with the cards ?", "What is it ? Am I to be the only person in ignorance of anything derogatory to the reputation of Miss Coy ?", "What ? what ?", "She 's at the door , chaise and all . What 's to be done ?", "Why the deuce do n't they go away ? What do they want here ? Confound them !"], "true_target": ["I wish they 'd go .", "What with the cake ?", "You 're very kind , indeed , miss ; but this morning , I 've no time to practice high notes .I must turn them all out by force .", "So she is ; and if I do possess a preference for any female , I certainly admire one at that season of life : when her charms are in the richest state of perfection . None of your just budding April misses for me ; who , after all , may turn out to be very indifferent blossoms .", "Pray do n't be musical at such a moment , miss , pray , do n't . One shakes her head and cries \u201c shocking , \u201d another ejaculates \u201c dreadful , \u201d while Damper sums up all by a growl of \u201c horrible , \u201d and giving a violent hint of Miss Coy and some full grown young man . Now , what is it ? Not that I particularly wish to know ; because curiosity is a foible that I detest . Not that it at all concerns me , the least in the world \u2014 the least in the world . What is it ?", "Well , well , I know and appreciate your motives ; but you always contrive to call when I 'm occupied , when I do n't want to be disturbed \u2014 and this morning , I particularly wish to be quite alone .Another call ! Dear , dear , that is the worst of being a bachelor ; everybody walks into his house whenever they please \u2014 no announcement , no ceremony , in they bounce with \u2014 \u201c How are you ? how do ? only me . \u201d And sit themselves down , and take up this , and throw down that . Oh , I wish I had the courage to take a wife .How the time is getting on \u2014 quarter past nine \u2014 we were to have been at church at ten , the latest .Oh , dear ! it 's that abominable singing lady ; what the deuce brings her here ? Her conversation is so interspersed with singing , that she 's a complete human burletta \u2014 I shall never get rid of her . How shall I escape out of the house . MISS KITTY SKYLARK enters , F. E. L ., with a roll of music in her hand .", "So we will \u2014 so we will .", "To make a plain reply , what is it to you ?Another call , what shall I do ? How the time is getting on \u2014 my only chance is to drop out of the window into the road .", "I will not allow such a liberty : let me go , sir , let me go .", "I shall lose my temper . I will not be interfered with any longer \u2014 lies and slander I defy . I have lived fifty-five years in the world , longing since boyhood for the delights of matrimony ; never before has my resolution been so fixed as it is now , and married I will be , in spite of the world . I will not be shut out from the cordialities of life .", "To give me a pincushion , made by yourself , in the form of a heart ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 68}, {"query": ["Singular !", "Very well indeed for her age !", "Of every flower the fairest . \u201d", "Indeed !", "Very well ! how are you ?", "Alone , with Miss Skylark .", "What prevented you ?", "The song that you were trying to sing the other evening , \u201c The Bay of Biscay , \u201d you know you first got out of tune , then you broke down altogether . I have bought the correct copy for you , and , if you 'll allow me , I 'll teach it you .\u201c As we lay , all that day , in the bay \u2014 \u201d that 's where you went astray , in the high note \u2014 \u201c In the bay \u2014 \u201d You must practice it twenty times a day \u2014 \u201c Of Biscay , O ! \u201d", "Oho ! a wedding-cake and cards .", "Ha ! ha ! ha ! the hunt is up \u2014 there they run \u2014 therethey run . Now Niggle , now Damper . Look at the heart stirring-chase ,\u201c With a heigho ! chevy ; Hark ! forward , hark ! forward , tantivy . With a heigho ! chevy ; Hark ! forward , hark ! forward , tantivy . Hark ! forward , hark ! forward , Hark ! forward , & c. Yoicks ! Arise the burthen of my song ; This day a stag must die ! \u201d", "Of Miss Coy ?", "Do n't tell him .", "I have indeed .", "Seventy-two \u2014 I 've told you so twenty times .", "And , like the swan , sing your own elegy .", "Stop , stop ; as I was going out at the door , who should I meet but Mr. Pinkey ; on seeing me he stammered , blushed , and said that he was going to call on you , Miss Snare . I informed him that you were here , and now he is stumbling up stairs to speak to you . Come in , Mr. Pinkey , the lady that you wish to see is here .", "Dreadful !", "Nay , Mr. Damper , if his fancy is fixed there , why should he not gratify it ? Miss Coy is still a handsome woman , past the summer of her existence , certainly ; but what I call a fine autumnal maiden .", "\u201c A bridal wreath we weave for thee ,", "Oh , sir , I am afraid you admire yourself too much , to bestow a thought of regard on one of us poor women .", "Yes . Could you have believed it ?"], "true_target": ["Miss Snare , Miss Snare , pray do n't take the matter so much to heart .", "Indeed !", "I do .", "Very !", "Yes .", "\u201c Oh , bear me to some distant shore or solitary cell . \u201d", "Very !", "Very . Do you sing ?", "Well , well , any other day then . I 've a charming song for you , Mr. Damper , just suited to your deep bass .\u201c While the wolf with nightly prowl \u201d \u2014\u2014 An excellent song for you \u2014 you hate us women , you know ; and , as the savage wolf howls at the sweet and silvery moon , so do you rail at us radiant creatures . Ah ! good morning , Miss Snare , I 've not forgotten you either ; I 've picked up an old ditty that will be the very thing for you .\u201c Nobody coming to marry me , nobody coming to woo \u2014 wo \u2014 o \u2014 o \u2014 o \u2014 woo \u2014 o \u2014\u2014 \u201d", "I cant repeat it , especially as she 's an acquaintance ; were it a stranger , I should not hesitate ; but to retail anything against one 's friends , is so ungenerous .", "Miss Snare , what 's the matter ?", "Oh , good morning , good people \u2014 did n't expect to find any one here so early . I 've got it for you , Mr. Niggle .", "Indeed !", "You will find grey hairs hanging over your temples , before you obtain that object of your search .", "Eh ?", "Oh , what do you think , while I was in the music-shop this morning , I heard such scandal ; it seems to be all over the town . I never was so shocked in all my life \u2014 and of a lady , too , that we always considered so very correct in her conduct .", "His indignation is very suspicious .", "The very same !", "Here they are , dozens upon dozens of them ; the lady 's card the largest , as a broad hint that she means to be paramount .", "The fact is , Mr. Niggle , we do n't wish to wound your feelings . Oh , you sly man , do you think your attentions to Miss Coy , have passed unnoticed . Gallanting her home from parties , running of errands for her , sitting on a post opposite to her window of an evening , when the weather has been mild enough , taking walks , and taking tea , and playing at double dummy by moonlight . Oh , shocking ! shocking !\u201c Can love be controlled by advice ? Will Cupid his mother obey . \u201d", "Let us first be assured that one is about to be made . Search the room , perhaps we may discover something that may confirm our suspicions . Miss Snare , you examine his books , and the drawers of his table ; Boss peep about in the corners ; Damper , go up stairs and cross-examine him ; I 'll rummage the sideboard .Oh ! what 's here ?", "Oho ! The old maid having been defeated in one matrimonial attack , is about to commence another ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 68}, {"query": ["PETER PINKEY enters , F. E. L ."], "true_target": ["NARCISSUS BOSS , without , F. E. L ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 68}, {"query": ["Except in dress . His coats seem to have been cut out with a knife and fork .", "I should regret it exceedingly if he were .", "Ca n't say , never having known the passion !", "How does she get on with her bashful beau , Pinkey ?", "And the pattern of my waistcoat .", "What are the symptoms ? Explain as we go along , that I may be aware of my malady when I am attacked .", "I shall never marry till I discover perfection .", "\u2018 Pon my life she 's a desirable woman !", "You have .", "Beautiful color this cloth , is it not ?", "And whenever they meet , of course the lady looks for a declaration .", "Well then , you may \u2014\u2014"], "true_target": ["You Circe , you have .", "I do n't think I 'm justified in publicly retailing it ; but my operative assured me on his honor as a man , that he had heard it , and as I know our friend Niggle is interested in the party scandalized , I thought it but friendly to call and drop him a hint of what I have heard .", "It seems as if she had set her heart upon the gentleman herself .", "Mr. Niggle at home ? Oh , very well .Good morning to you , Niggle . Ah ! Damper , you here .Ladies , your most obedient , I dropped in to see my friend . Mr. Niggle , the strangest bit of gossip you ever heard \u2014 while I was at my tailor 's , suggesting an alteration in my arm-holes \u2014 clumsy fellow has made me thirty coats and can n't fit me yet .", "Yes , what have you heard ?", "May I ask you if you admire me collectively .", "I do .", "I 'll be hanged , but Miss Snare is a woman of taste .", "Then I 'll die a bachelor !", "How distressing ! I am passing your door , Miss Snare , will you take my arm ?", "My taste in the matter , is , I flatter myself , perfect \u2014 indeed with me it is a furor .", "Why , yes , my figure I think is perfect \u2014 breadth of shoulders , smallness of waist , curve of back , flow of hip , and tolerable height , are the materiel that go towards forming a good figure , and which materiel , I flatter myself , I possess ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 68}, {"query": ["Yes . I 'll be hanged if I can say another word . What can I talk about ? What do people talk about ? I have worn out the weather , and she has no particular relations to ask about . There is her grandmother , to be sure \u2014 I see no harm in asking after her . One must say something , miss ?", "So airy ?", "I 'll do anything to make myself agreeable . I 'll call for you . Shall I ?", "When I begun , everybody looked at me so hard , that I felt so confused that I jumped up , rushed out of the house , and ran all the way home . And \u2014 and when I looked in the glass there , I found I had come away with the footman 's laced hat on my head !", "It was at a party .", "How old is she ?", "I 've soon finished that subject . I wish she 'd say something \u2014 I can n't find conversation for one , much more two !", "I will !", "How 's your grandmother ?", "Oh , Lord , no ; I hope not ."], "true_target": ["Oh , nothing . Dear me , I am quite alone with her \u2014 I wish I could say something confounded clever . I 'll be hanged if I do n't try . Hem !How are you to-day , miss ?", "I have merely called to say that I have received your note , and I shall do myself the pleasure of taking tea with you to-morrow , at eight o'clock precisely .", "Very well , all but a slight pain in my side .", "I will .", "You are partial to singing , ar'n ' t you ?", "I never tried but once .", "Yes .Well I think I have talked more to her this morning than ever I did before \u2014 I know I only want encouragement . Oh ! when shall I be able to touch upon the tender topic \u2014 I never shall get heart to venture \u2014 it 's odd she never alludes to my letters . I suppose she receives them . I 've written another to her , asking for the state of her feelings \u2014 I 'll be my own postman , then I shall be sure she has it .I 'll throw it in her lap , and run out of the house !", "Good morning , ma'am .", "Yes , I could hardly get through the first verse of my song . In fact , I did n't get through it .", "Beautiful !", "Dear me , then I must have asked that question twenty times . Now what more can I say , I wonder ? Is there anything in the room I can talk about ?Nice place this , is n't it ?"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 68}, {"query": ["As he has not asked you any questions , and appears quite willing to take a blind bargain in marrying you , I think it is but fair that you should be equally as ridiculous as the gentleman .", "You should not use such ardent expressions . It is very unseemly in a young lady to talk of having a passion for anything , whether animate or inanimate . If you begin with flowers , you may end with the same enthusiasm in behalf of a human object ; and if that object were to be a man , I should tremble for the result !", "I have great hopes that he will not .", "Though I have often wished that a man would have the temerity to make me a sincere proposal .", "I do n't believe you .", "If I remain , I can only be moderately civil .", "Come , come , my dear , come to your room .I am very happy that this sad flirtation is at an end \u2014 I suspected you were both exceeding the bounds of discretion ; and when you have gained my experience , you will regard all men with the same stern antipathy that I do ! Come , come , do n't cry , dear . We are going out to tea , and you must n't cry . Weep for the loss of your kitten \u2014 the death of your bird \u2014 the spoiling of a new dress \u2014 but scorn to shed one tear for the loss of a man ! It is quite useless ; for the monster always carries such a large umbrella of selfishness , that the most pelting shower of tears can never , never penetrate him ! Come , come .", "Who can this be ? Another man , no doubt ! DAMPER opens the door , and peeps in .", "Well I 'm sure . Upon my word , the fellows give themselves fine airs \u2014 coming in here uninvited , and creating disturbances \u2014 fancying themselves authorized by nature to sport with our feelings , and trample us under foot ! And what do you want here , sir ?What right , sir , have you under this roof ? Who sent for you ? Why are you standing there making grimaces at me , sir ?", "To me ! No , no , miss , I can see through his shallow artifice ! Under pretence of paying his respects to me , that he may have an interview with you \u2014 there you see . Even a generous young man that rescued me from the fury of a savage bull , is not exempt from double dealing .", "Terrible ! I look upon matrimony as the general prologue to all the tragedies of life .", "I am grateful to Mr. Chester for saving me from the attack of a ferocious bull when we were walking in the meadows six months ago ; but beyond that simple feeling of gratitude , there is nothing in common between us .", "Who leads armies to battle and slaughter ?\u2014 man . Who tyrannizes over and enslaves our poor weak sex ?\u2014 man . Who always plays the violin while Rome is burning ?\u2014 man . And if woman was the origin of all evil , who has cherished and supported evil , heart and soul , since its first introduction ?\u2014 man , man !", "\u201c Miss Snare will be happy to have the pleasure of Miss Macaw 's company to tea this evening ; of course Miss Macaw 's niece is included in the invitation . \u201d I am sure I have no inclination to go , but Jessy insists upon it , she is so anxious to make an acquaintance with any one , that I 'm sure if the gardener were to ask her to dine with him , she would accept the invite . I hope there will no men there , the brutes . One of the chief things that has reconciled me to this country life , is the very few male creatures that I have met with here . Ah , if I had my will , the sex should be exterminated ! Well , niece ?", "For the matter of that , sir , this door has been opened to you , and , for aught I know , you may be one of those characters ! Oh , sir , look indignant if you please , but whatever you may be , in my eyes your whole sex is hateful . You are all brimful of deceit , design , villainy , selfishness , and brutality ! Had I my will , my door should be barred and double-locked against your entire gender !", "That is the most complete savage I have yet encountered ! Re-enter CHESTER , L .", "I do n't know that I shall , sir \u2014 one of your sex has committed sufficient mischief here already !"], "true_target": ["Accept it at once !", "Quite well , sir .", "At what , sir ?", "I shall retire .", "All . From the singular instance of the siege of Troy , to the connubial pluralities of Henry the Eighth !", "Jessy ! I must be deceived \u2014 pressing the hand of a man to your lips ! I 'm horrified !", "Never ! I always expressed my antipathy to the male sex so openly , that no man ever ventured a tete-a-tete with me ; if one dared to whisper nonsense in my ear , I used to turn and petrify him at once with a look \u2014\u2014", "Oh , dear no , sir ; you shall be disappointed . If my anger is a source of pleasure to you , it shall be subdued immediately .Pray , sir , sit down \u2014 make yourself happy ! Will you take a glass of wine ? or shall I get my guitar and sing you a love song ?", "Do n't utter falsehoods , young man . You know in your heart that I am not looking well \u2014 you merely say so , because you think flattery is agreeable to our sex . You know that I 'm a perfect fright , but you have not the moral courage to tell me so to my face . You know you wish me at Jericho at this very moment , only you think it would be rude to order me out of the room ; but I 'll spare you any further duplicity by leaving you . Good morning , sir .", "I am rejoiced to hear it .", "The most pleasant piece of intelligence I have heard to-day . Re-enter MISS MEADOWS , F. E. L .", "Because , in being a wife , I should have it in my power to make one of the sex utterly miserable ! Oh , if I had a husband , how I would torment the creature !", "Well , sir , I will for once make an effort to be civil . What do you wish to know ?", "Oh ! what revolutionary sentiments ! Now miss , I have done with you for ever . You are henceforth the mistress of your own actions . Do as you please : but never approach me with your matrimonial complaints and miseries , for I shall be totally deaf to them !", "Entirely \u2014 though for some weeks I was excessively nervous . I assure you I have not been able to dine off beef since !", "To my great delight he has .", "I really cannot inform you \u2014 I know no more of him than I do of you ; and I need not tell you that I wish to know nothing of either !"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 69}, {"query": ["The most natural result might be matrimony ; and is there anything so very terrible in that , my dear aunt ?", "He is again passing a few days here . I had the pleasure of speaking to him last night \u2014 he promised to call this morning to pay his respects to you !", "You think that I practice some little concealment respecting myself ?", "Signed , sealed , and duly delivered !", "You make no allowance for a woman 's natural curiosity \u2014 her proneness to jealousy , weaknesses that do not beset the minds of men so cruelly as they do ours . He knows that , and ought to have yielded !", "\u2018 Tis all that is required from you , aunt .", "I am ; and there is my hand to the bargain .", "No .", "And since that moment you have visited this place once every fortnight ?", "A painter in water colors .", "He first pressed mine , aunt ; and surely the gallantry should not always be on one side . We love one another ; the passion brings us to an equality , and I have made up my mind where I love , never to be less tender , less grateful , or less enthusiastic than he that honors me with his affection !", "Here he is .", "What can it be ?", "But you are poor .", "Will he return ?", "To all , aunt ?", "I understand you \u2014 you wish to marry me .", "I am afraid there is too much truth in the fancy that , I confess , troubled me . You are practising concealment with me , and till you remove every doubt from my mind , you must not expect further candour from me .", "What would you do , aunt ?"], "true_target": ["If you will marry me , you know what you are to expect . I have no friend but my aunt \u2014 you see me as you first knew me , a half-educated country miss . I think I have a good heart . I know I have an indifferent temper \u2014 right management may certainly do much to correct that fault \u2014 I am very whimsical , very lazy , want a deal of attention , and can go into something like a passion when offended !", "Oh , sir \u2014 pray come in , sir .", "Has he gone ?", "And yet a strange fancy continually haunts me , that in all our candid confessions you conceal something from me . I cannot bring myself to believe that I am in possession of every thought , feeling , or circumstance belonging to you .", "Not till you are prepared to explain all . You see what a temper I have \u2014 I do not hide the slightest foible from you , and I expect equal sincerity at your hands .", "Why does he refuse to explain all to me ?", "Ah , my dear aunt , at your needle as usual . I have been gathering flowers in our little garden \u2014 there .Are they not beautiful ? I love flowers \u2014 I have a passion for them .", "Surely there must be some male person that you do not entirely dislike \u2014 Mr. Chester , for instance ?", "Is it possible , aunt , that you never had an offer in all your life ?", "Like the Gorgon 's head on the shield of Minerva \u2014 your face turned every approaching lover to stone !", "After such a confession , I must be quite as bold a woman as you are a man , to take you \u2014 though when two people set about mutually confessing their faults , there may be some hope that they intend to correct them .", "A lady ! Were you in conversation with a lady yesterday ? What lady ?", "I wish you to anticipate the worst , so that if you should find me not so bad as expected , the surprise may be the more agreeable to you . If you do marry me , it must be entirely for myself . Now if you persist in your intention , all that I can say is , that you are indeed a bold man !", "A designing woman !\u2014 and a likeness between you ! Pray explain .", "You were sketching a landscape when we first met you six months ago ?", "During your absence we have been imprudent enough to correspond , and the result is , that we have written and talked ourselves into love .", "You would ?", "My aunt is a singular creature , is she not ? though her heart is good , and , indeed , she is my very best friend . But for her care , I know not what would become of me .", "Nay , not immediately ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 69}, {"query": ["Being all the leisure I can afford \u2014 otherwise my whole life should be passed here , could I but command your sweet society .", "I confess that I do .", "Then if you accept me , you will marry a poor artist , who is entirely dependent on his own exertions \u2014 who likes retirement , has no care for company \u2014 who wants to be petted when he complains \u2014 his every whim indulged \u2014 who cannot endure contradiction \u2014 and , with very inferior capabilities , wishes ever to be thought most superior in all things \u2014 but one who , amidst this chaos of fault , can still create a little world of love for you !", "And this kiss upon its white fingers , ratifies the contract !MISS MACAW enters .", "Nay , I assure you \u2014\u2014", "In good time I will explain all ; but now I cannot , will not .", "And when a young gentleman and lady set about mutually confessing all their thoughts and feelings , their likes and dislikes , their hopes and fears , what other result could be expected ?", "Even there a sympathy exists between us \u2014 I am troubled with precisely the same fancy .", "I wish I could persuade you to accept of a protection , stronger and more lasting than any aunt can offer you !", "I should have been proud and happy to have made her my wife without asking one question as to her origin or connexions , so great was the confidence I reposed in her . She has proved that her faith cannot equal mine ; and on that point we have parted , and for ever ! Good morning .", "Well , sir ?", "Very .", "I will be equally as candid with you . You do not reject my offered hand ?"], "true_target": ["I was , and immediately turned portrait painter ; for I drew your features upon my heart the first moment I gazed upon them .", "Ah ! what can it be ? Perhaps immediate matrimony will remove the mistrust .", "You do n't flatter yourself .", "Entirely recovered from your alarm six months ago , when I first met you running from the infuriated animal ?", "Your niece , madam , desires to see you . If my visit here has at all annoyed you , believe me I am sorry for it , and can assure you that the annoyance will not be repeated ; for Miss Meadows and I are now as strangers !", "Nay , hear me .", "You are looking exceedingly well .", "And one of very moderate talents .", "Corrected or not , are you content ?", "I do .", "Good morning , Miss Macaw . Miss Meadows , I hope you are well ; and you , Miss \u2014\u2014", "It can be of little consequence to you sir , who , or what I am .", "It shall be my care , dear madam , to prevent that , by never giving her cause to complain ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 69}, {"query": ["Do n't be afraid of me \u2014 you are perfectly out of harm 's way .As my business is with you , sir , perhaps you will step out to me .", "At a woman of your palpable experience opening your door to a stranger . How do you know what he may be ? An assassin , a sharper , a seducer , perhaps .", "Mr. Niggle , the gentleman with whom you saw me yesterday , is my friend .", "Ah , you may well ask . If that person is a stranger here , madam , whatever may be his intentions , look to him ! My friend shall not fall a victim to the arts of a designing woman ! You understand me \u2014 I can see the likeness between you \u2014 precisely the same circumventing countenance !", "Then , madam , allow me to say that I am astonished .", "Well , sir , I have nothing more to say than this \u2014 your refusal to explain who you are , fully justifies my friend 's conduct towards that female ; and any action that she may bring against him , he is quite prepared to defend . He has had experience in such matters , and snaps his fingers at you !"], "true_target": ["I should like to taste the one and listen to the other , amazingly ; but for once I 'll save you your wine and spare your vocal acquirements , and merely ask you a question , which I am sure you will answer , as I can perceive I have already made a favorable impression on your heart .", "There are strange tales about , respecting you , sir ; and that female with whom you were discovered in close conversation yesterday \u2014 and , in behalf of my friend , sir , I am here to ask you in plain language , who you are ?", "Ah , you abusive woman ! If we are villains , \u2018 tis your abominable sex that makes us such . If you were not weak , we should not be wicked ? Who lost Mark Antony the world ? a woman . Who betrayed the strong man into the hands of his enemies ?\u2014 a woman . Who was the origin of all evil ?\u2014 a woman , a woman !", "I beg your pardon , will you allow me to enter ?", "And who has helped him ?\u2014 woman ! Good morning !", "Who is that young man ?", "Ha ! ha ! you are annoyed \u2014 I see you are , and it gratifies me ; and my countenance always shows the gratification of my heart ! When I see a woman vexed , I revel in the sight ! Go into a rage , do \u2014 I should like to see you furious !"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 69}, {"query": ["Oh , I 'm found out . Well did I ever . Oh , there 's no falling at her feet , now .", "But I 'm not mute , Miss Skylark ; till this moment I have been a miserable man \u2014 till this moment I have been \u2014 Zounds , what comes next ? A miserable man \u2014 oh , my stars , I 'm fixed for want of a word \u2014 a miserable man \u2014\u2014", "Well .", "Eh ? Oh , my ! that 's the beginning of one of my letters .", "Another sigh . I 'm getting on .", "I 'd rather not fight any brothers \u2014 I only want to pop to the sister ; I do n't want any brothers to be popping at me in return ! Oh , no .", "Indescribable . I 've got that out \u2014 what a long word , for a man in a fright .", "I will , I will .", "Yes , down stairs walking about by himself .", "Oh my gracious !", "Shall we sit down a bit , or how ?", "Before the company comes , I really do want your advice on the matter . You have had experience with the ladies , Mr. Niggle \u2014 you have often popped in your time , I 'll be bound . Pray tell me how do you begin ? Give me a lesson in the art .", "I can recollect a few words and get a sly peep at the others .", "I ought to sob and fall in her lap now .I cant . I dont feel at all inclined to cry . Perhaps I shall , presently .", "This comes of trying a warranted speech . And are these all my letters ? What trouble I have taken , and in vain too . I 'll seal them up again \u2014 they 'll come in for somebody else ! There 's some one at the door .", "Billys ! Oh , ah \u2014 I understand .", "Never won fair lady !", "She sighs . If half the speech has such an effect , what will all of it do ?Oh , here 's the next word .\u2018 Tis in your power \u2014\u2014", "Hush ! I hear her voice . Now step into the next room and write it all down for me , then I 'll take her unawares , and pop like fury !", "Do I ?"], "true_target": ["Now she ought to say , \u201c indeed it does . \u201d Never mind , as I have ventured so far , on I 'll go . For my own part I feel it 's influence so strongly here , that I could live for ever thus . There \u2014 that was well said .", "Here 's the favourable opportunity come sooner than I expected .", "Oh , good heavens ! I did n't expect such language . Oh ! I 'm all of a tremble .", "I dare say I am pale ; but I have made up my mind , and I will begin . Does not a moment like this inspire you with feelings \u2014 with feelings \u2014\u2014", "Meaning in that attitude ?", "I 've got the speech , but have not had time enough to learn it ; perhaps", "Allow me to escort you ?", "Lord ! I could never do all that \u2014 I might get as far as \u201c Will you be mine ? \u201d but even then I think I should rush out of the house without waiting for the answer . And am I to sob and fall on my knees ? I could never do it , bless you \u2014 without I first took a few bumpers of spirits and water . Pray oblige me by writing the speech down for me . I 'll learn it by heart , and I wont wait for an autumn evening , but take the first favorable opportunity , eh ? even if it 's to-night , eh ?", "Ah !", "Say \u201c What a nice night . \u201d I know .", "All in the dark , eh ? While you are talking , snuff out the candles , and then , eh ?", "Ah ! Squeeze it as if I was half afraid .", "Hem ! Oh , dear ! what a twitter I am in . I shall never begin .", "Hem ! We are quite alone .", "Oh , she 's popping to me and saving me all the bother .", "Oh , there 's no harm done .", "Rather a long speech . Ca n't I shorten it a little ?", "Ah , that 's speaking allegorically ! Well ?", "Miserable !", "Now or never , I 'm resolved !", "It 's only me . I 've got the speech .There 's the old lady come , Miss Snare , and her neice that lives with her ; you asked them here you know to find out who they are . And the strange young man , that nobody can learn what he can be , is here , too . The ladies were asking for you , and I said I 'd find you for them ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 70}, {"query": ["First get a favourable opportunity .", "Take her by storm \u2014 take her by storm !", "Of course she will make no reply . Then you must be affected \u2014 seem to dry away a tear \u2014 and add with fervour , \u201c till this moment I have been a miserable man . \u201d Let your voice falter on the word miserable .", "While you affect to be playing with her pocket handkerchief , gently take her hand .", "That 's it ; then continue : \u201c \u2018 Tis in your power to make me the happiest being on earth ! Will you be mine ? dearest angel , will you be mine ? Say yes , and I am blessed indeed ; but reject me , and instant death shall be my portion ! \u201d Then fall at her feet , sob audibly , and hide your face in her lap !", "Your favorable opportunity is half the battle ; and as for the form of the declaration and proposal , I warrant it \u2014 I 've tried it five times myself , and it never failed yet !", "Hush ! they 're coming \u2014 follow me .", "No , no , with your heart full of the passionate feelings you are to experience at that moment ."], "true_target": ["Admire the beauty and quiet of the hour .", "Then breathe a gentle sigh . Ah !", "No , no \u2014 every word is of value . She will reply \u201c Indeed it does \u201d \u2014 then in the most pathetic tones you can command , you must add : \u201c For my own part , I feel its influence so strongly here \u201d \u2014 placing the hand you have at liberty on your heart \u2014 \u201c that I could live for ever thus . \u201d", "No , no , there may seem too much of jest in that . Contrive some moonlight walk with your lady ; or manage to be sitting alone with her on some lovely autumn evening , in the light of the sinking sun , when all nature seems going to repose . I popped to my first love on just such an evening , and had to fight her brother on a wet foggy morning a month afterwards !", "Get your charmer near the window , looking over a garden if possible .", "Press it with a delicate ardour .", "Faint heart , you know \u2014\u2014", "Then whisper these words : \u201c Does not a moment like this inspire you with feelings indescribable ? \u201d"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 70}, {"query": ["Oh , yes ; Mr. Boss of course .", "Then where is the language of love ?", "Oh , no sir ; offer your arm to the lady that has the greatest right to it .", "Poor fellow , how badly he must want a night 's rest .", "And yet you tell me he writes so beautifully .", "Try me first with a little despair , then the enthusiasm will relish all the better afterwards .", "I caught him making a sketch of my little house here , and I told him as he seemed so taken with the beauty of its exterior that he was welcome to step in and survey the interior . Then I told him that two friends of his were coming here this evening , and that I should be happy to see him meet them . And he is actually come ?", "How very strange that he can never get courage to express the feelings , that you say he so beautifully describes in his epistles . What can be done to make him speak out ?", "You 're very kind , I 'll go to them directly . What do you think ?\u2014 the young man that I have watched walking in the fields , every now and then , with the neice of the old maid at the cottage , and that we suspect is related to Miss Coy , is actually come here to tea this evening .", "Now do n't look so sly at me \u2014 I confess the soft impeachment ; but it is purely platonic , it is indeed . Well , when we are altogether , I expect my tea party will go off with eclat . Come to us as soon as you can .", "Nay , nay , the case is not so bad as you suppose it to be , though I have a similar letter in my possession , it is not from Mr. Pinkey ."], "true_target": ["Excellent ! I long to understand the mystery that not only seems to surround him , but Miss Coy , and the other two ladies . So what with them , and Niggle and Damper , who are both coming \u2014\u2014", "I have that letter in my pocket at this very moment !", "Pray do n't begin singing your love letters \u2014 we shall never get to the end of one of them .", "Mr. Pinkey 's despairing epistle is copied word for word , from that book .", "Look and be convinced \u2014 turn to page 20 .", "Hush ! he 's here .", "Eighteen-pence .", "Eh ! Bless me , those words are very familiar to me !", "Come in . Re-enter PINKEY with a paper in his hand , F. E. L .", "You see this book \u2014 look at its title .", "And is that basket full of Mr. Pinkey 's letters ?"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 70}, {"query": ["If the contents of these billets \u2014\u2014", "As you please .", "Copied from this book . Oh ! the little amatory plagiarist !", "Were not copied from the complete letter-writer \u2014\u2014", "How beautifully you do express yourself .", "Is he ? I 'll let him know that my affections are not to be obtained under false pretences .", "And of course Mr. Boss ?", "You have . Oh , the little monster !\u2014 I 'll box his ears !", "\u201c Why so pale and wan , fond lover ,", "You see this bundle .Here are all your cherished letters ; I need not tell you how I prize them .", "Ah !", "Yes , I perceive we are .", "Here is one that will suit you then .\u201c Dearest object of my soul \u2014 pardon the intrusion of your despairing admirer \u2014 but my passion for you is so intense , that neither night nor day can I close my eyes ! \u201d", "What feelings ?", "Pr'ythee , why so mute ? \u201d", "\u201c Will , when looking well can n't win her ,", "Dear object of my soul .", "I need not confess they would be doubly dear to me \u2014\u2014", "I suppose I must take his silence as the greatest proof of his sincerity ; for all philosophers have declared that strong feelings , like great griefs , are generally dumb ."], "true_target": ["\u201c Dear object ! \u201d \u2014 here it is \u2014 even \u201c seared and desolate \u201d is n't his own . Was there ever such impertinence \u2014 Oh ! I 'm in such a rage , if he were here I 'd fling all his paltry letters in his face .Here they all are \u2014 \u201c Loveliest of women \u201d \u2014 \u201c fly on the wings of love \u201d \u2014 \u201c meet my charmer \u201d \u2014 \u201c happy in her embraces for ever . \u201d Here they all are word for word . How much did the book cost ?", "I do n't understand you \u2014 pray explain .", "\u201c Why so dull and mute , young sinner ,", "Familiar to you ! Surely he has not been writing to you ?", "Pr'ythee why so pale ?", "But , as they are mere second-hand declarations , permit me to return them . There \u2014 there \u2014 there and there .", "Full .", "Have you indeed . Ah !", "Hem ?", "Looking ill prevail ?", "A little piratical object , how I should like to box his ears ; but I 'll controul my temper for a moment .", "I beg your pardon , I was carried away by my feelings . I 'll go on :\u201c If it should be my wretched fate to meet with your scorn , pray destroy this letter , as you have already destroyed the happiness of your devoted slave \u2014\u2014 \u201d", "\u201c For ever haunted by your charms , I have no other relief than in continually describing the feelings of my seared and desolate heart ! \u201d Is n't that beautiful ? He must have an affectionate disposition , or he could n't express himself so sweetly ! \u201c Seared and desolate ! \u201d What beautiful language ! It seems only fit to be sung \u2014 never to be merely spoken .\u201c Seared and \u2014\u2014 \u201d", "\u201c The Complete Letter Writer . \u201d", "That neither night nor day can I close my eyes .", "My passion for you is so intense .", "In that case the language of love is no language at all .", "You shall hear .Will you have a despairing or an enthusiastic letter ?", "Have you invited him ?", "His despairing letters ! his ardent letters ! his reasonable letters ! his polite letters ! all , all copied from this book . And is it possible that so much despair , so much ardour , so much reason , so much politeness could have cost him but eighteen-pence ; when I had fondly imagined they had cost him tears , and lonely hours of agony , and sighs and groans .\u2014 Oh ! the little monster , if I could meet him now , I 'd make him stand in the middle of the room , surrounded by his letters ; I 'd then set fire to them , and see him perish a martyr to his cool duplicity ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 70}, {"query": ["You can n't endure me ?", "Stay where you are .", "All artifice .", "She is sure to try to do that \u2014 they all try to do that .", "I want to tell you something .", "Hear ! hear ! hear !", "Ah , you may laugh , it was a miraculous escape , he was within a hairs breadth of the noose ; but I saved his neck for him .", "Me , I dare say ; yet , whatever it may be , do n't seek to know \u2014 be ignorant and be blest .", "A kiss ?", "Till some one runs away with your wife .", "I will .", "I will .", "If you could be tied up with me , I should not care for my own torments , while I could behold yours .", "I have been looking for you . Sit down .", "That was a home thrust . Observe how he avoids it .", "Do n't be alarmed , I am with you \u2014 do n't be alarmed .", "Then we ought to be married .", "You , to me , are a perfect Gorgon .", "Express your strongest , Pinkey .", "And quite enough I think . Look at her , see how confounded she is now .", "Do n't be weak .", "Delicious ! There 's my hand , whatever you are \u2014 whoever you may be \u2014 whatever your character , there 's my hand .", "Agreed !", "Whispering , you see \u2014 agreeing both to tell the same story ."], "true_target": ["To plague and torment you with their noise , and their screaming and fighting all the time you are there .", "Yes . The first and the last .", "And if we do come together , we 'll strive all in our power to make each other miserable .", "I 've made up my mind now , what to do . He will not be guided by me any longer , he will rush to his ruin ; but I 'll first get married myself , to show him how right I am in all that I said of the misery of the state . Miss Maria Macaw .", "Well said , Pinkey \u2014 excellent .", "Were you ever such an idiot as to say so much ?", "I say we ought to be married ; because we shall begin at the right end . All the rest of the world begin with love and finish with hating . We will be wiser \u2014 begin with hate and perhaps \u2014 I say perhaps end with love . I mean what I say \u2014 I have a motive for what I am saying . Do you hate me heartily enough to marry me ?", "Sit down and hear all .", "I hate you .", "Agreed !", "No , no , I wish it was .", "You will rush into danger .", "Intend to live with your relation , perhaps ?", "Then I 'll go with you .", "Fright !", "I did not expect the pleasure of meeting you here , sir .", "With heavy bills for their enjoyment , every week .", "Thwart each other in every thing .", "Oh , here , is she ?", "Excellent !", "Clearing her throat to begin .", "Sit down . All women can command tears .", "Sometimes cross as the devil .", "Do n't let them have the laugh against you . Speak out , speak out ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 71}, {"query": ["I do , sir .", "Well , sir , tell it .", "I 've left my reticule .", "Oh ! you brute . Oh ! you brute .", "I dare say it is , sir .", "Have I ever encouraged you ?", "NIGGLE runs on and stands in amazement .", "I wish you had tied yourself up in it instead . How I should rejoice to see you caught in the toils .", "No .", "I 'm very happy to hear it .", "When you want to be silent , I 'll talk you to death .", "With me ?", "That 's for your impertinence , sir .", "I sha'n ' t .", "Sir ."], "true_target": ["Brute !", "Oh ! the villiany of the world . This , sir , must be some of your malice .", "Well , sir , and I hate you .", "Study nothing else .", "And there , sir , is mine .", "Begone , contemptible creature .A little presumptuous mortal , to dare to take such a liberty . Where 's my reticule ?", "Pray , madam , which may I be ; the dancer or the housekeeper ?", "What ?", "I think you a most hateful person .", "And annoy you night and day in every possible manner \u2014 think of nothing else \u2014\u2014", "What may you have to warn him against ?", "If you want to walk , I 'll insist upon riding .", "I 'll do my best , be assured .", "On that condition , there .", "How dare you , sir ?"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 71}, {"query": ["I \u2014 I \u2014 do n't know what I 'm doing . I \u2014 want to go home . I 'm a little out of sorts \u2014 and \u2014\u2014", "Oh ! Such a climax to my attempt at a pop .", "Oh , I 'd forgot .", "Perhaps it do n't ; but it may matter what I can hear . Ah , you may look , I 'll make my little additions now , and then . I give you leave to turn all your vengeance on me , in lieu of attacking that lady .Very fine indeed , to sit here pretending not to know your own son .", "On some autumn evening , eh ?", "I must and I will shake off my shyness . What can I do ? I 'll run home and try what a bottle or two of port \u2014 or sherry \u2014 or a bottle of each will do for me . I cannot live this life , it 's killing me by inches . Oh ! she 's coming back \u2014 I will make a desperate rush \u2014 a kind of despair seems to fill my heart that gives me a sort of courage ; and , if it is n't of the right sort , it may answer just as well . I wont wait to look at her , that always does for me \u2014 I wont wait to think \u2014 I 'll only say \u2014 \u201c Will you be mine . \u201d Then if she says \u201c Yes , \u201d there 's an end of the matter . No more speeches \u2014 all rubbish \u2014 a few words \u2014 short and to the point , that 's the way \u2014 I know it \u2014 I feel it . MISS MACAW enters F. E. L . ; PINKEY 'S back is towards her .", "Oh , come , come , Miss , if that lady has said that you were a botanist , and practice antics , I see no such harm in it .", "Cheers from the opposition .", "Will you be mine ?"], "true_target": ["Oh , do n't leave me , pray do n't .", "No , no , you never did .", "Only half of it , I was cut short \u2014 tell you by and bye .", "Yes , ma'am .", "It 's not very often that I can say much , but when the fit is on me I can find words as fast as anybody , to express my meaning .", "It 's the wrong woman , and all my courage has been thrown away . I 'll really beg \u2014\u2014", "Now , ma'am , while I 'm in the vein I 'll have my say . You know that person thereis your clandestine son , and if Mr. Niggle had been unfortunate enough to have fallen a victim to your wiley arts , he would have found himself , not only the surreptitious father-in-law of a full grown young man , but responsible for a budget of bills , from milliners , linen-drapers , wig-makers , butchers , and wine depots \u2014 and \u2014 that 's all .", "I did n't know .", "Oh ! those letters ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 71}, {"query": ["Oh , Lord ! There 's all my courage gone at once . No , I never shall get married .", "You had better not .", "Ah , delightful !", "Oh , charming !", "Ah , true !", "I can n't . I feel that I can n't .", "Angelic !", "I do n't know whether to regard you as my good or my evil genius ; but , whichever you are , I must follow her .", "She 's crying : I can n't see her cry .", "I must , I will know ; such is the perversity of human nature , that now I have lost all hope of being a married man , I have a greater longing than ever for the name . I will follow her and learn the obstacle .", "What is the obstacle that for ever prevents our union ?", "What circumstances ?", "Ah , true !", "That 's very like her knock . Do you expect another visitor , Miss Snare ?", "I am afraid the election once settled , as in other cases , many of the pledges would be forgotten ; and a wife is a member that there is no unseating , let her disqualifications be ever so unconstitutional ."], "true_target": ["I confess it has been a want of moral courage : for , long as I have pined for the joys of conjugal life , such is my universal admiration of the fair sex , that if I have hesitated to pass my life in the society of one female , \u2018 twas in fear that I should discover some radical defect of temper or manner , that might disturb my notions of woman generally ; and I rather prefer to admire you through the gay medium of fancy , than venture to take a peep at you through the pale optics of truth .", "Ah , true !", "If the little monster insults her , I 'll knock him down .", "I cant allow this . Miss Coy 's feelings shall not be trifled with .", "Nay , nay , do n't go , dear , do n't go . Damper , I must be married : think of the delights of a domestic temple of repose \u2014 a cheerful wife .", "I think she carries the calm dignity of innocence in her manner .", "Oh , happiness !", "If she plays upon my feelings I 'm done for .", "Oh , Miss Coy , whoever that young man may be , his sentiments do honour to his heart . I have been weak , but \u2014\u2014", "Yes , yes , it was in a tender moment .", "He shall not .", "You had better not .", "He 's right , he 's right , this is the time that I ought to prove my love , if I have any .", "It is she .", "Damper !END OF ACT II .", "Did you try the speech ?"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 71}, {"query": ["What have I said .", "Tea , Miss Coy ?", "Skylark .", "Coals , Mr. Pinkey , and you do n't attend to Miss", "It requires little effort to be agreeable where you are .", "Ah !", "Sincerely I do .", "Hand Miss Skylark some toast Mr. P. Put some coals on the fire , and bring me Mr. Damper 's cup ."], "true_target": ["What an extraordinary series of events , for one afternoon , and no learning who or what Miss Macaw and her neice are .", "Oh !", "But you always make some valuable observation , whatever you may be regarding \u2014 you can n't help it \u2014 your natural good taste is so prevailing .", "I see nothing offensive in the remark .", "Do you intend permanently residing in this town ?", "No I do not .It 's a friend of your 's , Mr. Niggle . Pray walk in , Miss Coy ; pray walk in .", "And avoid copying letters .", "Now , Mr. Boss , will you step and look at my little parterre ?", "Madam ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 71}, {"query": ["There you fluctuating bachelor ,when you wish to prove your affection , listen not to every idle tale , shrink at every paltry inuendo ; but advance to the rescue of your ladies fame . Come , Miss Macaw , never heed slanderers , the ripest and the richest fruit is ever the most pecked .Come , ladies , I will accompany you home . Mother !since they will have it so , when you have fought your good fight , you know where to find me . Come , ladies ; Miss Snare , good evening to you , thanks for your hospitality and its happy results .", "Are we never to meet again ?", "Let them say what they will of you , my secret must be kept . If your intended possesses a real regard for you , it is not a mere tale of scandal that can turn him from you .", "I am undecided at present ."], "true_target": ["Then shower your wrath on their heads .", "There , now we are both surrounded by mystery .", "A greater reason than ever that we should be the defenders of one another . Let slander do its worst \u2014 I repeat it aloud \u2014 let slander do its worst ; for then is the time that we should surround our friends and defeat its malice . Then is the hour that the lover should be the more devoted ; and , I here prove my devotion , by proclaiming before you all , that , let these ladies be under the worst of imputations , I am proud of the friendship of one , and shall be but too happy , to test my love for the other , by being her husband as soon as she will bestow upon me that happy title .", "Sir !", "I am sure , to find you in the presence of ladies , is an event quite as unexpected by me ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 71}, {"query": ["I think , sir , we had better commence a general election for the honor of possessing your hand . Let each candidate publish her list of pledges , and she that may exhibit one that could approach the nearest to your wishes , should be chosen as the representative of your conjugal happiness .", "Never said a thing of the sort , miss , and the consciousness that you have really been so ridiculous , has alone made you suppose such things to have been applied to you ."], "true_target": ["What are you doing , sir ?", "I am sorry to see you so embarrassed , Mr. Pinkey ; the indignation that I expressed this afternoon when I returned your letters , has been entirely removed by your generous conduct in defending me . Do n't attempt to speak just now ; because I know you can n't if you were to try . Think of what I have said ; but pray avoid my presence till you have acquired sufficient courage to express your wishes . Good evening , I leave you like \u2014\u201c The last rose of summer Left blooming alone ; Whose lovely companions Are faded and gone . \u201d"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 71}, {"query": ["Hear ! hear ! hear !", "Ha ! ha ! Moral courage for matrimony ."], "true_target": ["Ha ! ha ! ha !", "Mr. Pinkey !"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 71}, {"query": ["I shall not spare them , be assured .", "Good afternoon . I am sorry to disturb you . So , all assembled , the entire force of my traducers in full array before me . I am delighted to meet you all .", "I will assist you . Go on , sir ,\u2014 a cheerful wife \u2014\u2014", "Dear , rosy children welcoming your return home .", "You here too ?", "If that gentleman is so closely related to me a reported , it becomes my positive duty to warn him against forming any connection with you , madam , and your supposed niece , there .", "You , in particular , have been making use of my name very freely .", "Said ! The other evening at Mr. Tattle 's , you said that my only motive for going to a watering place every summer , was for the purpose of riding a donkey , that the awkward paces of the animal might so set off my natural graces , that some wandering Lothario might be struck by them .", "A female adventurer , am I ? deep in debt , and only anxious for a husband to remove that burthen from my shoulders ; that I loiter in shady lanes , and pretend to study botany as an excuse for solitary walks ; that I practice attitudes , sighs , and simulate fainting to attract attention .", "Remain then as you are , sir , a melancholy bachelor . Be guided by your friend , sir , do ; be guided by a man that supposes he has formed a perfect acquaintance with our sex , when the creature never had a female friend that confided her heart 's feelings to him in all his life . Go , sir . Enjoy your freedom ;but abandon all hope of me , for an obstacle to our union , now exists , that cannot be removed .", "What does the lunatic mean ?", "And you , Miss Skylark , you must make your little additions to the tittle-tattle . MISS SKY . I .", "Ah , sir , strike the balance between celibacy and matrimony ,", "Nay , sir , your penitence is useless now , circumstances have occurred since yesterday , that make the division between us wider than ever ."], "true_target": ["You must be all well aware by this time , that I was about to be married to that fluctuating bachelor , Mr. Niggle , and , that the match is broken off , as much through the interference of his friend , as his want of the moral courage , necessary for so important an act as matrimony .", "Well , this is the climax of scandal .", "Look at the \u201c Weekly Tell-tale , \u201d you are drawn there in your true colors . A run-away Opera dancer , and an insolvent boarding-house keeper , are not the most desirable connexions for any young bachelor .", "And yet if you could find a woman that would be happy only in your presence , who would receive you with smiles and see you depart with tears , who would anticipate your every wish , be your companion , friend and comforter , you would cast aside your scruples and boldly dare the worst . I am but repeating your own words , once uttered to me .", "I am in such a fury \u2014 feel so insulted .", "Whichever you prefer , madam .", "Presently , miss . Hem !", "I am here to vindicate my character , not to expostulate with you , sir .Miss Snare .", "There is no necessity for explanation ; you are free to rove where you will , and may the next confiding creature that accepts your proposal be more fortunate than I have been .", "To look round you , and say , this house is my paradise .", "You see , sir : what can it matter what you may see , sir ?", "To find every comfort that can make life endurable .", "Oh , sir , your championship is now too late , had it been exerted yesterday morning , this scene might have been spared .", "A word with you , madam , if you please .", "Do n't talk to me , puppy ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 71}, {"query": ["An elegant compliment I think .", "Really , I 'm no florist .", "Try again , man ; try again .", "Or their gentleman either . It 's all very singular . Pinkey , my man , we are going to give you another opportunity ; profit by it .", "My dear Miss , I am sorry to see you so bitter , though I am not surprised at it . The superanuated beauty is ever the most acrimonious of old maids ; as the finest Burgundy , when spoiled , produces the sharpest vinegar ."], "true_target": ["Silence , Pinkey .", "With myself .", "\u2018 Pon my honour , you 'll make me actually in love \u2014", "Do you think so , really ?", "Upon my life you are a very agreeable creature ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 71}, {"query": ["A greater reason than ever that we part .", "Pray let us leave the house ."], "true_target": ["Never , while so much mystery surrounds you .", "Aunt , pray keep your seat and your temper .", "Ah ! do I find myself surpassed in generosity ; then , indeed , we are friends once more ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 71}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis feared so , sir .", "Or a second floor in London , amongst several layers of lodgers .", "Let us leave this loving couple to themselves \u2014 will you accompany me to this Manor house to-night ?", "If I can find a lady to accompany me .", "She is gone \u2014\u2014", "Oh ! the perversity of womankind : I thought she would have been surprised and delighted at the intelligence that I had wooed and won her under a false appearance , that instead of a struggling life of poverty , I could offer her one of wealth and comfort , and that my reason for such concealment was , that I might find one who would love me for myself alone . Why should she be angry ? Why should she hear me with such indignation ? Oh ! woman \u2014 woman !", "We shall gain one point by this blind bargain \u2014 we are assured that we love one another for ourselves alone .", "I 'll go to the manor house \u2014\u2014", "I have also received an invitation to this manor-house , with a request to bring a lady on my arm .", "I thought to see her face beam with delight .", "Poor as I am , an heiress is my aversion \u2014 not that money lowers the worth of woman ; but that its worshippers pervert her understanding , harden her heart , and teach her a false estimate of herself .", "Now , Jessy , I think we clearly understand each other ?"], "true_target": ["Wish for your society !\u2014 Jessy \u2014 I must now remove the mask \u2014 nothing can occur now to prevent our happiness \u2014 and you shall know who and what I am \u2014 I am burning with impatience to tell you \u2014\u2014", "For better or for worse , in every sense of the word .", "That , and the flight of an agent , to whose care she had entrusted her property .", "With another \u2014\u2014", "Two knocks and a ring for the artist \u2014 then to think of painting portraits of people so atrociously ugly , that it is more than one 's poor half guinea is worth not to flatter them . To roam through Battersea or Walworth in search of the picturesque , till a stroke of fortune promotes one to the situation of drawing master to some suburban academy .", "To London !", "Capricious \u2014\u2014", "Who is the party residing there ?", "Oh , Jessy !", "Hear me , Jessy .", "For what ?", "Miss Coy ?", "Oh , woman ! perverse \u2014\u2014"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 72}, {"query": ["And I undertake to be equally as rash in accepting you .", "Certainly , if you wish for my society .", "Bless me !", "Are you serious , aunt ?", "Ah ! how charming is that assurance \u2014 and how miserable to possess wealth , attracting a train of suitors with not one sincere , disinterested heart amongst them .", "Well , I will hear you \u2014 step this way \u2014 in the garden we shall be free from interruption ; and there , when you have told me the whole truth , if I discover that you have deceived me \u2014 I \u2014 I shall break my heart with vexation ."], "true_target": ["Ah ! charming .", "His duty !", "So soon , aunt ?", "I hope you are what you have seemed to be ; if you are not poor , I shall never love you ; if you are not the indigent struggling creature I have believed you to be , there is an end of all \u2014 there shall be no marriage \u2014 no love in a cottage \u2014 no second floor in London \u2014 I have done with you for ever .", "Give me love in a cottage .", "Perfectly . We agree to marry with a mystery hanging over each of us . My poor aunt and I , through our retired mode of living , are supposed to be very suspicious persons , and yet you are ready and willing to give me your hand , let me turn out to be what I may ?", "Oh , delightful ! to walk twenty miles twice a week for as many pounds per annum . And what must I do ? I must not be idle \u2014 I 'll commence milliner \u2014 trim caps \u2014 fabricate flounces , and wait upon fantastical ladies with patterns of the last new toque \u2014 and with my needlework and your painting \u2014 my industry and your enthusiasm \u2014 we shall be happy \u2014 I am sure we shall ! Enter MISS MACAW , F. E. L . Good day , aunt , we have not had the pleasure of seeing you since your return home last night \u2014 it was very kind of that barbarian , Mr. Damper , to escort you to the door \u2014 I saw him leave you from my window ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 72}, {"query": ["If you are surprised at our haste , you must consider that we have little of life 's time to lose ; and , what in you would be indelicate precipitancy , with us , is but common prudence .", "I have not , sir .", "Independent ?", "You have often heard me declare that my aversion to the male sex was so great , that the man who could be bold enough to propose to me , with the prospect of misery that must be his portion in the union , I would accept him instantly \u2014 now Mr. Damper \u2014\u2014 MISS MEA . } } What ? CHE . }", "Sir ! how dare you ? The first time that I ever was embraced by a man in my life ! How dare you , sir , take that liberty ? Had I been aware of your indecorous intention I should have slapped your face \u2014 I would , sir \u2014 Ugh ! the sensation is more repulsive than I ever imagined it to be .", "A lady ! What are you ?", "I am happy to say , sir , that I need never require your help in pecuniary matters ."], "true_target": ["\u2018 Twas no more than the creature 's duty .", "Mr. Damper has said that he hates me sufficiently to marry me ; and , as the passion is mutual , I have taken him at his word \u2014 to-morrow morning I change my name .", "You shall be disappointed , sir ; we are not yet man and wife \u2014 I knew you to be a brute ; but I never thought you a fool \u2014 and the latter character is one that I rather pity than despise . To pity you would be to admit a feeling akin to love , and any approach to love for you , would be to admit an affection for a bear , or a rhinoceros , or any other monstrosity of nature . No , sir ! I have now done with you \u2014 find some other female to worry \u2014 Miss Maria Macaw leaves you to your single blessedness .", "If I please .", "Matrimony is not a subject to jest upon , whatever may be your notions of the important engagement .", "What lady else ought you to take , sir ?", "That is a question , sir , that no woman can ever pardon being put to her . Your other insulting queries I replied to at once , and rather admired the brutal spirit that prompted them , than felt annoyed at their utter want of feeling . But to ask a woman her age ! \u2018 Tis a sin , sir \u2014 \u2018 tis giving encouragement to lying ; for a man is assured , when he puts that question , he can never be told the truth ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 72}, {"query": ["What is it ?", "Then let me get one of my own , and never again will I be under such an obligation to you \u2014 I could not controul my grateful impulse \u2014 but I am wasting time , I must follow my fate immediately .", "Yes \u2014 I have been in search of her every where \u2014 all last night \u2014 all to-day \u2014 Daphne never led Apollo such a chase as that dear creature has given me .", "Young man , where 's your mother ? Pray excuse me \u2014 I mean the lady \u2014 the relation \u2014 the friend \u2014 though I care not who she may be \u2014 you know the person I mean .", "Ah , my cruelty has driven her there .", "Gone ! Where ?"], "true_target": ["To bring back the dear creature whose feelings I have so trifled with , and make an instant reparation by following your example .", "Huzza ! That was the obstacle she alluded to \u2014 that is the reason she has avoided me \u2014 I am glad of it \u2014 I have now an opportunity of proving the disinterestedness of my passion for her .Oh , madam\u2014 what do I not owe to you ? \u2018 Tis you \u2014 you have removed this incubus \u2014 \u2018 Tis you that have spurred this nightmare from my bosom , to take him to your own . Generous woman , let me embrace you .", "Eh ! what ? flight of an agent \u2014 is she then in distress ?\u2014 without a penny ?", "My dear madam \u2014 my gratitude was so \u2014\u2014", "To tell her that I can n't live without her \u2014 to tell her that my anti-matrimonial persuader is removed \u2014 that I 'm a free man , and that I wish to marry her immediately \u2014 and repair the wrong that I have done her at once \u2014 before my connubial furor may again fluctuate .", "Do n't exact the promise \u2014 pray do n't \u2014 it may be years before I am again in such a marrying mood . I 'll return \u2014 I will , indeed \u2014 pray wish me success \u2014 but I do n't despair \u2014 I feel quite an ardent lover again . Though I am not running away with a lady I am running after one \u2014 eh ?\u2014 Ha ! ha !\u2014 good bye . Now for a post chaise and a hot pursuit \u2014 for a last attack on this formidable castle of connubiality , or death in its trenches .", "Pray do n't attempt to shake my resolution \u2014 I wont hear you ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 72}, {"query": ["That 's what I intend to do .", "A gentleman .", "Dear me , I am afraid I shall be too comfortable . How old are you ?", "A diabolical sex , is n't it , sir ? I always said so \u2014 nobody would believe me \u2014 no one heeded my words \u2014 but now you 'll be a proselyte to creed , wont you ?", "That you will give my arguments fair play , that you wont marry till I have been a wretched man a month .", "John ! John !\u2014 you must learn to suppress such grateful feelings \u2014 my miseries are beginning already . Before the knot is actually tied , another is kissing my intended wife .", "One never can tell how they intend to look .", "So will I .", "Stop , stop !", "Where are you going ?", "I do n't know ; the house has been shut up for some time \u2014 it has undergone complete repair \u2014 new furniture from London has been seen going in \u2014 a set of servants are there , but who the party is that has invited me , I neither know nor care to know .", "I but wish to exact one promise from you ."], "true_target": ["So have I \u2014 of course I must take you .", "Never-know-where-to-have- \u2018 em woman !", "Seven hundred a year . You are without a sixpence , of course ?\u2014 hope you are \u2014 extravagant , I dare say , then I shall soon be a beggar .", "Oh , Maria !", "Indeed ! Now as I naturally do not wish to receive more punishment than my crime , as a matter of course , will bring with it , tell me who and what you are .", "Poor man \u2014 poor man .", "Let us go out together and pick up the first pair we can meet \u2014 you choose the youngest , I the oldest . Take my arm \u2014 there are two or three women in this town that I hate mortally , we 'll call on them \u2014 I 'll introduce you , and we 'll take our choice .", "Artful \u2014\u2014", "Is she in earnest now , or is this some little specimen of antique coquetry ? After having made up my mind to make a woman miserable , I should not like to be disappointed : I had set my heart upon worrying a wife to death \u2014 to have some one to vent all my ill-humours upon \u2014 to snarl at \u2014 to find fault with \u2014 to be angry when she was pleased , and pleased only when she was angry \u2014 and to thwart and vex continually \u2014 I should have revelled in such a life , and have been delighted in letting every one see what a wretched state is the married one . She can n't mean it \u2014 Oh , no \u2014 no \u2014 \u2018 tis but one of the coquettish arts of her artful sex \u2014 I 'll retaliate \u2014 I 'll call upon Miss Skylark or some other woman , and take her on my arm to this party , to-night \u2014 I 'll be a coquette \u2014 a male coquette \u2014 and fight her with her own weapons . Re-enter CHESTER ; he paces the stage , DAMPER following him . Crosses to R .", "Ha ! ha ! This is delicious \u2014 this is a foretaste of my approaching bliss \u2014 this is a gleam of the light of happiness that is in future to shine full upon me . Oh !\u2014 what it 's your weak side , eh ? I 'm delighted to have discovered it \u2014 when we are married I 'll ask the question every night and morning during our bitter honey-moon .", "Sorry for it . Many relations ? I hope you have an army of poor ones \u2014 that will serve me right .", "What is the matter with them , I wonder \u2014 quarrelling of course \u2014 all that the men and women seem to have to do when they get together \u2014 all that they are fit for I know . Now , madam , for our affair \u2014 to-morrow morning , the ceremony over , you go to my house ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 72}, {"query": ["Why , sir , have you followed me ? If you were to repent your conduct to me ever so sincerely , I have told you that an obstacle to our union now exists , which cannot be removed .", "I must , sir , and will .", "I wont .", "No . Take me home and leave me .", "Well , sir , take advantage of your emancipation , I beg .", "Have you dared to take such a liberty ? I must call out and contradict you ."], "true_target": ["No .", "Ha ! \u2018 tis his voice \u2014 he has followed me , perhaps , to beg me to return with him ; but I will not \u2014 a reconciliation is now hopeless .", "Let me pass you .", "I am glad I have resolved to go to London . Now , while they are changing horses , let me collect my thoughts . Oh , dear , my misfortunes seem to come all at once \u2014 my agent absconded \u2014 my match with Mr. Niggle broken off \u2014 every body scandalizing me .\u2014 I am not sorry that I discovered the villiany of my agent before I had called in another to share my troubles \u2014 Mr. Niggle then would have been justified in supposing that I had inveigled him into marriage \u2014 that mortification , at least , is spared me . NIGGLE , without , F. E. L .", "Well , sir , I may be compelled to return with you ; but the moment I arrive at home you must leave me . Were I not in the dilemma that I am , I might forgive you ; but I should loose respect for myself were I now to listen to you , I can bear my troubles as I have born my recent mortification , alone and in silence .", "No .", "The coach has gone off without me ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 73}, {"query": ["Hear me , pray , hear me , I have treated you ill , I confess ; but I have longed to make every reparation . I was so bewildered , my feelings were so tossed , this way and that , on a sea of doubt , that I knew not how to guide them ; but now I am determined \u2014 take me while my resolution is strong within me \u2014 do \u2014 do \u2014 fix me \u2014 I want to be fixed \u2014 there can be no wavering then \u2014 it will be done . Let me slide the ring on your finger \u2014 you throw the collar over my neck and make me a married man \u2014 do , do ; I do n't feel respectable as I am . Pray consent ; the evil genius that controlled me is exorcised \u2014 I am free \u2014 Damper himself is in the toils \u2014 Ha ! ha ! he 's caught , and I can now flirt where I please , love where I please , and marry where I please .", "I 've told the coachman , the inside lady passenger do n't go on .", "I will , and carry you back with me .", "Let the chaise remain at the door .", "Here , here is the licence , dear , look at it \u2014 read it \u2014 it may turn your heart .", "What 's the matter ?", "Give me hope ."], "true_target": ["It has , it has . Now you are in my power .", "That 's a decided negative . When a woman tears up the licence there can be no hope .", "Caroline , dear Caroline .", "One kind word .", "I know it , dear , I know it , your obstacle is nothing to what my obstacle was ; that is removed , and yours , I am sure , can soon be put aside . But on one thing I am resolved \u2014 you do n't go to London .", "You mean \u201c yes , \u201d I must take your negative as an affirmative , you pervert your mother tongue , you know you do . Come , come , whatever you are , whether penniless , a female adventurer , a scheming widow with a family of full grown young men about you , I puff all such obstacles into the air ; and , in spite of the worst , am ready to marry .", "Oh ! what a woman I have lost \u2014 what a heroine \u2014 how she would have decided all my actions . Caroline , have pity ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 73}, {"query": ["How ?", "You are ; and as I am no stoic , I must have a kiss .", "You would gain little by knowing what passes between us .", "You 're a divinity !", "Oh , no doubt . You may be hiding your candle under a bushel .", "Fact , really .", "Too many , I 'm afraid .", "We merely admire each other 's good qualities ."], "true_target": ["Now , my man , you must make up your mind , you can n't be in finer order for popping the question ; you have just finished your three pints of claret , your lady has this moment called with Damper and the mysterious gentleman that tea 'd here yesterday , and you can n't have a better opportunity .", "You can n't have a more inspiring theme than your love for your lady .", "She 's coming , I 'll leave you together .", "\u2018 Pon my life you 're a philosopher in petticoats \u2014 you certainly wear a hoop from the tub of Diogenes !", "Really , the courting people seem all to be getting to cross purposes ! Ah , there is nothing like a platonic affection , is there , Miss Snare ?", "How very odd ! This is the effect of dining with Pinkey , and yielding to a generous impulse . I hope she 's not seriously offended \u2014 hang it , I shall be wretched without her ; for I have never before felt so at home and so perfectly amused , as I have been in her society . What can it mean ? very strange . The fact is , I think the women are pleasant creatures after all ; and I 've not been sufficiently alive to their qualities ! I 'll try another \u2014 I 'll see who else I can take to this party \u2014 must have a lady on my arm it seems . Perhaps Miss Snare will forgive me . If she 's in her parlour , I 'll tap at the door , and threaten to cut my throat if she do n't ; for upon my life I feel miserable enough to do it \u2014 fact !No , I could n't !No , my fine fellow \u2014 now I look at you again , under no circumstances could I do that !Upon my soul I could n't \u2014 it would be a pity ! No , no , do n't be afraid , my man , I 'll take every care of you , as long as I live .", "It 's necessary .", "No !", "Come , come , pop at once ; and then , like a conquering hero , take her on your arm to this party that we are all invited to . We have arranged the opportunity for you , step behind this screen ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 74}, {"query": ["I 'm sure I can n't , I feel quite brimful of words , overflowing with good three , four , and five-syllable , words . Lord , I think I could now stand on my legs and talk for an hour or two without stopping for breath . I only want the subject matter .", "As much as to say , I 've none for anybody to admire \u2014 I understand you \u2014 but I have though .", "Why ?", "Oh , so I did .", "Oh , do n't , I am not quite ready ; that is , I do n't feel quite so desperate as I did just now .", "Ah ! but matrimony soon kicks the screen down , do n't it ? I wish we could be married without this awful ceremony of proposing . Why can n't people make telegraphic signs ? what a deal of trouble it would save .", "Hem !"], "true_target": ["Now for it , I 'm at high popping pressure . Angelic creature \u2014 dearest of women \u2014 I love you to distraction \u2014 I shall never be happy without you , you are necessary to my life \u2014 I never loved anybody but you \u2014 never can love anybody but you \u2014 I 've got four hundred a year , an uncle with a row of houses , and an aunt with money in the bank \u2014 I 'm the only nephew \u2014 I 'm in both their wills \u2014 you are all to me , Oh , that I were all to you \u2014 in short \u2014 in fact \u2014 in a few words \u2014 will you be mine ? There !", "That 's it \u2014 I have a light \u2014 I feel I have a light , I 'm only afraid , if I attempt to show it , it will go out .", "Let me explain .", "Why ?", "Do all people step behind screens when they propose to marry ?", "You and Miss Snare talk a great deal together ; I 've heard you when you did n't know it . What do you talk about ? Tell me , do \u2014 some people always seem to have to say so much to one another , that I can n't , for the life of me , make out what they can have converse upon .", "Let me out , pray , let me out ; I 've popped and it 's no use . Let me out .", "Oh , good gracious ! You do n't mean it ?"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 74}, {"query": ["I have no faith in platonic affections .", "Take a seat for one moment , I beg .", "I trust that I possess the candle of the sage , and have used it with more success than he did .", "Oh !", "Step this way , my dear .", "Ah ! Mr. Narcissus , I was looking for you ."], "true_target": ["What is the matter , have you refused him ?", "That with its light I have discovered in you , not only an honest , but an elegant man .", "Sir , that is a liberty I do not allow \u2014 there are certain bounds to familiarity , which once passed , we are in the highway of contempt . We have merely been friends , not lovers . You could not venture on a greater piece of indecorum , even after an accepted proposal ! Good evening sir !", "We might as well think of playing at snow-balls in July . The ice-cellar of propriety may yield the snow , but the moment it becomes exposed to the warm air of temptation , it dissolves into its original liquid !", "MISS SKYLARK enters following MISS SNARE , D. F .", "Oh , flatterer ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 74}, {"query": ["Monster , away .", "Oh ! what 's that ?\u2014 I can n't look I 'm sure its something frightful .", "For what ?", "Certainly . As I was coming here I met Miss Macaw , and it appears that Mr. Pinkey actually proposed to her last night .", "And our fairy home shall be", "In the deep , deep sea . \u201d", "What is the meaning of this ? The door locked upon me . Miss Snare !Let me out , I 'm so nervous when I 'm in a room by myself , pray , let me out .Very strange conduct , to ask me to step into this room , and then turn the key upon me . What can it mean ?", "Oh ! what 's that ? it seems like the groan of a criminal full of remorse : surely no one can be in the room . I thought the sound came from behind that screen . Hem !I wish I could get courage to peep .No one is there \u2014 there are no closets \u2014 no other door than that . I 'm getting frightened , upon my honor I am \u2014 it must have been my fancy . Well , all I can do is to sit quiet till my friends are disposed to set me at liberty . I really feel inclined to scream ."], "true_target": ["To the manor-house ?", "Where the water spirits rove ,", "I do , sir , I have heard of you ; you proposed to another lady last night .", "\u201c Oh , come with me , my love ,", "No .", "I should like very much to go . I am so curious to discover who it is that shows such an anxiety to make our acquaintance .", "You confess it , do you ; and , because you were rejected there , sir , you have summoned all the courage you are capable of to address me .", "And she asked me , if I should meet him , to say that she particularly wishes to see him this evening . Could you have thought it ? I shall not give him any further encouragement . Who next will he propose to , I wonder ?"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 74}, {"query": ["Yes .", "Proposed to her !"], "true_target": ["Take my arm .That I should ever be walking with a woman in this way . Well , one can only obtain a knowledge of a pestilence by boldly venturing where it rages . Come , of course I am to be annoyed all the way there by your horrible singing propensity .", "Oho ! my lady 's coquetry is now accounted for . What a sex it is ! the more I associate with it , the more I discover to detest in it . Miss Skylark , next to Miss Macaw , I dislike you more than any woman I know . I am going to a party \u2014 I am priviledged to take a lady . Will you accept my arm ?"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 74}, {"query": ["Aunt Caroline ! Are you her nephew ?", "I do n't know .", "How is it that Boss is not with you ?", "She is indeed . I brought her back in the chaise , but she sat up in a corner all the way , and never uttered a word . I have no hope now of ever being married ! Will you have me ? Think of it , do \u2014 we might be happy \u2014 and I 'll make one more effort for matrimony , if I go from street to street , knock at every door , and ask if there is any lady within who would not object to marry a respectable , middle-aged gentleman \u2014 of amiable temper , great sensibility , and small fortune !CHESTER enters with MISS SNARE on his arm , C. D .", "Come Pinkey , speak out \u2014 the dumb would find words at such a moment !"], "true_target": ["Happy man that I am , how can I express my joy ?", "Hush ! Go on .", "Do you relent ? Am I to be so happy ? I cannot fluctuate now \u2014 forgive me \u2014 say but the word , and I am in your arms !", "Well , here I am , and with a lady , according to the terms of my invitation . Oh , Miss Meadows , if I had not encountered you , I must have come here alone . We are the first pair that have arrived , I see . Oh , miss , I am a miserable man .", "The lady 's command must of course be obeyed !", "There she is \u2014 inclined to marry Boss , no doubt ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 75}, {"query": ["Did he ever dare to put that question to you ?", "I am sorry that you have deceived me \u2014 I would rather that you were the humble being you first professed you were \u2014\u2014", "\u2018 Tis very strange that no one appears to receive us ."], "true_target": ["I am the lady of this house ; and you , sir , have promised to marry the object of your aversion \u2014 an heiress . To avoid the importunities of heartless fortune-hunters , and in the hope to be loved for myself alone , I have resided at the cottage adjacent with my worthy relative in seclusion . Now you can comprehend my indignation , when I discovered that you were using the same means that I had selected , to gain my future happiness .", "Here , sir !", "What is this ? A letter ! and directed \u201c From , the lady of the house to Mr. Pinkey . \u201d", "Is your lady inexorable ?"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 75}, {"query": ["Surely he is not going to throw himself away on Miss Coy . She can never appreciate him , I 'm sure .", "All the improprieties of life are impulses ."], "true_target": ["If I must confess , he attempted to salute me , before making a formal declaration !", "How very strange there is no one to receive us . Ah , Mr. Niggle !", "A little disagreement ; and as this gentleman had called at my house , he politely offered to bring me here , as I expressed an anxiety to see our new neighbour .BOSS enters , with MISS COY on his arm , C. D ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 75}, {"query": ["Fortunate I called on you , as you were anxious to come .", "Do you forgive me ?"], "true_target": ["Upon my life \u2018 twas a mere grateful impulse .", "A love letter , perhaps .", "Nor I ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 75}, {"query": ["DAMPER and MISS SKYLARK enter , arm-in-arm , back .", "By your silence ."], "true_target": ["As I have received a promise of help in my difficulties , I can n't refuse you !", "Pray conduct me to a seat ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 75}, {"query": ["Now is n't it noble of us to form a marriage , for which none of you can guess the inducement ?", "\u201c Peter Pinkey could be happy for life with Miss", "\u201c David Damper , Maria Macaw \u2014 Maria Macaw , David Damper . \u201d Eh , what d'ye think of that ? Come to me , fright !", "Now \u2014 now for the mystery \u2014 now for the lady of the house ! Where is she ?", "What has he done ?", "\u201c Charles Chester , Jessy", "Skylark \u201d \u2014 miss ditto , with ditto gentleman .", "Sit down .", "Silence !\u201c John Niggle , Caroline Coy . \u201d Now for Caroline Coy \u2014 the choice is mutual \u2014 \u2018 tis John Niggle . Are you agreed ?", "Make up your mind at once \u2014 Boss lives upon flattery , and Miss wants a husband \u2014 you can n't be better paired ! Infatuated man , go to your lady !", "Silence , woman !", "Meadows . \u201d Miss Meadows is of the same opinion ."], "true_target": ["Silly boy , go to your choice . You 're young \u2014 there 's a fine long life of wretchedness in store for you !", "\u201c Narcissus Boss , Sarah Snare . \u201d The lady 's choice is fixed upon the same gentleman . Are you agreed ?", "Oh ! pretty well all arrived , eh ? and everybody looking as miserable as they deserve to be ! Well , who is it that has asked us here ?", "I wish she was my wife \u2014 I 'd wring her heart for this !", "Madman ! go take your fate by the hand , and commence your sad career !", "Oh , mighty fine , mighty fine \u2014 you 'll tell a different story in a few months ! Oh ! what an unhappy set of wretches we shall all be shortly ! Listen while I your miseries rehearse , Prose can n't express them , I must speak in verse ! MISS COY . Pray hold your tongue \u2014 your arguments can n't shake us , \u2018 Tis time for troubles when they overtake us ; Those who meet coming miseries half way , Deserve to have them \u2014\u2014 NIGGLE . That I 've tried to say A dozen times when I have been debating Whether to wed or not \u2014\u2014 MISS MEADOWS . Your fluctuating Is over now ; for lo ! a happy bride Is wooed and won , and smiling by your side ! DAMPER . Poor wretch ! anticipation strikes him mute ! MISS MACAW . Dry your wet blanket do , ungenial brute ! If your cold bosom no warm spark inherits , Is this a time to damp their ardent spirits ? BOSS . Oh ! let him say his worst , he 's harmless now \u2014 MISS SNARE to BOSS . To your decision every one must bow ! BOSS . Dear soul , my choice I never shall regret ; MISS SKYLARK ,Self love and flattery ne'er quarrell 'd yet ! What say you , sir ?PINKEY . My lot in life is cast , Now I 've the rubicon of popping past . CHESTER . I mean to prove , when passion may decline , That love and matrimony can combine ! MISS SKYLARKThen \u201c Life let us cherish while yet the taper glows ; \u201d DAMPER . Pray stop that lady \u2014 let me have repose To point a moral .Ah ! I see you two ; Young man desist , you know not what you do ; Take my advice , retract in time , forbear \u2014 You 're making love to that young woman there ! Ah ! you may look \u2014 he is , his fate is clear , Unless he 's warn 'd by what he 's witnessed here . PINKEY , interfering . Hush ! do n't \u2014 it 's delicate \u2014 like me , he may Have borne his love in silence many a day , And I 've a questionI must pop to you : I 'm half ashamed , upon my life it 's true ; But will you , as I mean to take a wife , Forgive the errors of my Single Life ?", "Have you done ?", "Place your papers on this table \u2014 the women by themselves , the gentlemen by themselves \u2014 I 'll officiate as parish clerk and publish what banns I may !", "You wonder what we can see in each other , do n't you ? Never mind \u2014 though we do n't begin by thinking that we can n't live asunder , we may not find out , as you will , that it is impossible to live together . We are united but for one object , to worry one another ; and if we fail in that object , perhaps we may be the happiest couple amongst you .", "Aha ! Aha ! Now Hymen 's torch is indeed blazing away in the midst of us . Burn your wings , ye infatuated moths , do ! Bob blindly into the flame , and experience all the agonies I have long pictured to you \u2014 I 'll set you the example ! Here \u2014 here is paper \u2014 pens too ! Write \u2014 write \u2014 and seal your miseries !", "Well , well , never mind , Miss Macaw \u2014 the older you grow , the more your beauties will become developed . You are like the great American Aloe , by the time you 're a hundred years old , you 'll be in full bloom ! eh ? Ha ! ha ! Now , down on our knees , poor wretches that we are !", "Miserable being , go to your lady !"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 75}, {"query": ["\u201c No more by sorrow chased my heart . \u201d", "Dear me , how gallant \u2014 I 'll coquet with Mr. Damper !", "I will .What an incorrigible brute it is !"], "true_target": ["It is not a very hard matter to believe you !", "Because you had proposed to another .", "Indeed ! brings her here \u2014 I was quite right to reject him !"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 75}, {"query": ["\u201c The lady of the house hearing that her new neighbours have formed attachments that only require a little decision and a good example to end in matrimony , has invited them to propose , that each person shall write on a slip of paper the name of the party that he or she could be most happy with for life , and where there may be a mutuality to marry accordingly .", "To me !", "Upon my honor it was a mistake . In a bewildered moment I did do so ; but I thought it was to you !", "Oh , bless you , I have been finding too many words \u2014 I said all that was necessary , but was rejected !"], "true_target": ["\u201c From the lady of the house to \u2014\u2014 \u201d Oh , dear , what can it be about ?", "\u201c When the selections are made and announced , let each gentleman fall gallantly on his knee to the object of his choice , and at that moment the lady of the house will appear . \u201d There , now , what 's to be done ?", "What do you say ?", "How d'ye do , all of you ? Now , my dear Miss Macaw , pray take a chair \u2014 I shall be distressed if I neglect any attention that you may look for !"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 75}, {"query": ["Very , very strange ! Do n't you think so ?", "Certainly \u2014 certainly .", "Oh , Boss , for shame !", "Read it \u2014 read it !", "How strange \u2014 how odd !"], "true_target": ["Go on .", "Oh , shame !", "Noble ! noble !", "The last couple \u2014 now for the last couple !", "You !", "Yes , yes ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 75}, {"query": ["I am , sir . At the hazard of her own happiness , almost at the risk of her good name , she kept a secret that I required of her \u2014 I made a promise a short time since that I would replace the income she has been deprived of by her agent , and I will do so ; therefore , sir ,you do not marry a penniless woman , whilst I by impoverishing myself , gratify the object of my choice !", "You shall yet have your wish . To please you I will even consent to be poor .Aunt Caroline !"], "true_target": ["You , Jessy !", "Will you take your poor artist ?", "And you shall be happy , if my affection can make you so . I have seen the errors of married men , and will avoid them ; you shall be treated with that attention that you are entitled to demand . I will neither harrass you with ill-temper , render you miserable by dissipation , nor insult you by slighting your society ; but strive with all my heart to make you as happy as I am sure you deserve to be ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 75}, {"query": ["He did ."], "true_target": ["Object ! I obey you .", "Nothing can annoy me but one question ; and that is being asked my age !"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 75}, {"query": ["Allied to the queen of Fairy .", "I e'er embark 'd myself in such a business .", "Is the sole hope of his old grandmother ;", "Hang him , proud stag , with his broad velvet head ! \u2014", "Is a fine clerk , and has his cyphering perfect .", "When you went pinn 'd up in the several rags", "I understood you , a tame bird , to fly", "Been countenanced by you , or you by me ?", "Nay , hear me , sir . You know the law", "Out , you dog-leech ! The vomit of all prisons \u2014", "God be wi \u2019 you , sir ,", "Does raise him in the world .", "He has his maple block , his silver tongs ,", "Come , let 's be gone .", "He will appear more grateful , as your skill", "Speak lower , rogue .", "Did you never see", "Make the request , methinks .", "Since thou hast moved me \u2014", "Searching for things lost , with a sieve and sheers ,", "Taking your meal of steam in , from cooks \u2019 stalls ,", "Dare you do this ?", "Indeed !", "Why , this changes quite the case . Do you think that I dare move him ?", "By your means , doctor dog !", "Am I , my mungrel ? who am I ?", "Already , sir , have you found it ? Lo thee , Abel !", "A book , but barely reckoning thy impostures ,", "O \u2019 the plague , he 's safe , from thinking toward London .", "What ! is he ?", "And all thy pots , and pans , in picture , I will ,", "Why then , sir ,", "Like powder corns shot at the artillery-yard .", "Dol Singular : the longest cut at night ,", "But keeps it in fine lily pots , that , open 'd ,", "Away , this brach ! I 'll bring thee , rogue , within", "Told in red letters ; and a face cut for thee ,", "Where , like the father of hunger , you did walk", "Smell like conserve of roses , or French beans .", "I am sorry", "Upon no terms but an assumpsit .", "Would make you tinder , but to see a fire ;", "The place has made you valiant .", "Though we break up a fortnight , \u2018 tis no matter .", "And your complexion of the Roman wash ,", "For which at supper , thou shalt sit in triumph ,", "I gave you countenance , credit for your coals ,", "\u2018 Tis his fault ;", "To rifle with at horses , and win cups .", "Not be seen ; away !", "Her royal grace yet ?", "Shall prove a true philosopher 's stone to printers .", "Troth , do it , doctor ; think him trusty , and make him .", "Write thee up bawd in Paul 's , have all thy tricks", "What is't , Nab ?", "Built you a furnace , drew you customers ,", "It is the doctor 's fear .", "Shalt keep't no longer , I 'll give't him for thee . Doctor ,", "That scarce would cover your no buttocks \u2014", "You most notorious whelp , you insolent slave ,", "No cheating Clim o \u2019 the Cloughs or Claribels ,", "Ay .", "Why , I pray you , have I", "Unto the doctor ? How shall we , sir , trust you", "Who 's that ? \u2014 He 's come , I think , doctor .", "Stuck full of black and melancholic worms ,", "It was a clerk , sir .", "Nor buries it in gravel , under ground ,", "I cannot think you will , sir . But the law", "a familiar ,", "What else is thanks ? will you be trivial ? \u2014 Doctor ,", "Of cozening with a hollow cole , dust , scrapings ,", "Go to . Go thank the doctor : he 's your friend ,", "And spit out secrets like hot custard \u2014", "In these rare works .", "I know not what to say .", "Nothing !", "Come ,", "What , and so little beard ?", "Wrapp 'd up in greasy leather , or piss 'd clouts :", "Why he does ask one but for cups and horses ,", "And taking in of shadows with a glass ,", "Art thou well pleased , Nab ?", "I pray you let him know that I was here :", "Let that , sir , move you .", "Say that it were for all games , doctor .", "Then trying them out . \u2018 Fore God , my intelligence", "Yes , and that", "Enough .", "One that will thank you richly ; and he is no chiaus :", "Did you not tell me so ?", "You know it well enough , though you dissemble it .", "A felt of rug , and a thin threaden cloke ,", "Your robes on : I will meet him as going out .", "Can you remember this ?", "Of forty or fifty shillings .", "When all your alchemy , and your algebra ,", "In Holborn , at the Dagger . He would have", "Let me alone , take you no thought . Do you", "Beside , he 's busy at his hop-yards now ;", "Your minerals , vegetals , and animals ,", "\u2018 Slight , that is a new business !", "An article of breath with such a puckfist :", "Will take his oath o \u2019 the Greek Testament ,", "Your aunt of Fairy ?", "If need be , in his pocket ; and can court", "And put on a clean shirt : you do not know", "The doctor", "Some twenty nobles \u2018 mong her grace 's servants ,", "How !", "What grace her grace may do you in clean linen .", "He lets me have good tobacco , and he does not", "Leave it , it shall be done , \u2018 gainst afternoon .", "Four angels here .", "But I shall put you in mind , sir ; \u2014 at Pie-corner ,", "Where you have studied the more thriving skill", "He may make us both happy in an hour ;", "You were born with a cawl on your head .", "What ! for that money ?", "When you had left the office , for a nag", "Costs me more money , than my share oft comes to ,", "Shall draw thee for his Doll Particular .", "Could not relieve your corps with so much linen", "And you shall , sir .", "Your conjuring , cozening , and your dozen of trades ,", "Sophisticate it with sack-lees or oil ,", "Nab prays your worship to drink this , and swears", "Swears that you are \u2014", "He 'll send such word , for airing of the house ,", "Out on thee , Nab ! \u2018 Slight , there was such an offer \u2014", "Nor washes it in muscadel and grains ,", "I 'll try . \u2014", "What ! my honest Abel ? Though art well met here .", "That 's a secret , Nab !", "This is his worship ."], "true_target": ["Bawd !", "Do but collect , sir , where I met you first .", "It will be somewhat hard to compass ; but", "Nay , I 'll not counsel thee .", "Of Harry the Eighth : ay , and perhaps thy neck", "Why now , sir , talk . Now I dare hear you with mine honour . Speak . So may this gentleman too .", "Not of this , I think it .", "My lawyer 's clerk , I lighted on last night ,", "And yet you think , I am at no expense", "For lying too heavy on the basket .", "You did so .", "A crown ! and toward such a fortune ? heart ,", "But say to me , captain , I 'll see her grace .", "Not , if she danced , to-night .", "Your stills , your glasses , your materials ;", "Consorts with the small poets of the time ,", "Tut , do not say so .", "Well , see her grace ,", "Witch !", "That is the heir to forty marks a year ,", "I had a letter from him . If he do ,", "You are mistaken , doctor .", "You might talk softlier , rascal .", "What 's that ?", "That know no difference of men .", "Within a noose , for laundring gold and barbing it .", "Well , a rare star", "What ?", "Erecting figures in your rows of houses ,", "Thou shalt rather gi \u2019 him thy shop . No gold about thee ?", "Doctor , wherein ? to tempt you with these spirits ?", "Piteously costive , with your pinch'dhYpppHeNhornhYpppHeNnose ,", "That look as big as five-and-fifty , and flush ;", "And says , the weight of all lies upon him .", "Get you", "Will you be so loud ?", "But I thought", "\u2018 Slid , she may hap to leave you all she has :", "Well then , away . It is but your bestowing", "That he shall , Nab :", "In searching out these veins , then following them ,", "When you have won five or six thousand pound ,", "You had raked and pick 'd from dunghills , before day ;", "Conjurer !", "Hang thee , collier ,", "Better , I think \u2014", "Not a syllable , \u2018 less you take .", "I will have", "Shall tell the vicar ; but a special gentle ,", "He shall do any thing . \u2014 Doctor , do you hear ?", "Advanced all your black arts ; lent you , beside ,", "If you can see her . Her grace is a lone woman ,", "She will do strange things . See her , at any hand .", "Good deeds , sir , doctor dogs-meat . \u2018 Slight , I bring you", "Why , how now , Abel ! is this true ?", "Is such a thing \u2014 and then he says , Read 's matter", "Falling so lately .", "Your feet in mouldy slippers , for your kibes ;", "Will he win at cards too ?", "Your crosslets , crucibles , and cucurbites ?", "Win some five thousand pound , and send us two o n't .", "Why , who", "Thou hear'st what wealth", "So ! Another angel .", "And not be styled Dol Common , but Dol Proper ,", "Of bawdry since .", "Must you ! \u2018 slight ,", "I cannot with my conscience ; nor should you", "Sure I should meet you .", "You must have stuff brought home to you , to work on :", "Sirrah \u2014", "Which finger 's that ?", "I shall turn desperate , if you grow thus loud .", "Why , now , you smoaky persecutor of nature !", "A rifling fly ; none of your great familiars .", "Away .", "Believe \u2018 t , I will .", "O , fear not him . While there dies one a week", "However , see her . You are made , believe it ,", "Sir !", "Whate'er it cost you , for a thing that I know .", "Sirrah , I 'll strip you \u2014", "How !", "Come , noble doctor , pray thee let 's prevail ;", "Still spew 'd out", "\u2018 Slid , doctor , how canst thou know this so soon ? I am amused at that !", "Twice in a term , or so , on Friday nights ,", "Winchester pipes , and fire of Juniper :", "Wherein ? for what ?", "Speak you this from art ?", "Nor any melancholic under-scribe ,", "Would I were fairly rid of it , believe me .", "His name is Dapper . I would gladly have staid , but \u2014", "I draw you ! a horse draw you , and a halter ,", "You , and your flies together \u2014", "That knows the law , and writes you six fair hands ,", "Seem you very reserv 'd .", "A neat , spruce , honest fellow , and no goldsmith .", "I 'll tell the doctor so .", "You hear , he says he will not be ingrateful .", "He ever murmurs , and objects his pains ,", "You 'll send us shares i n't , by this rate ?", "Why , this is strange ! Is it not , honest Nab ?", "Faith , he does make the matter , sir , so dainty", "As you shall have sufficient time to quit it :", "Sirrah \u2014", "Worse than Gamaliel Ratsey 's .", "A house to practise in \u2014", "This is the gentleman , and he is no chiaus .", "You have heard all ?", "To take it so .", "Thou'rt like to come to .", "A strange success , that some man shall be born to .", "But for your sake , I 'd choak , ere I would change", "In the other matter ? can we ever think ,", "The statute of sorcery , tricesimo tertio", "Now , Nab ,", "Now do you see , that something 's to be done ,", "Swear by your fac , and in a thing so known", "And very rich ; and if she take a fancy ,", "He has", "Yes .", "This is my friend , Abel , an honest fellow ;", "You deal now with a noble fellow , doctor ,", "O ,", "Beside your beech-coal , and your corsive waters ,", "When must he come for his familiar ?", "Rogue , rogue ! \u2014 out of all your sleights .", "Reign 'd at your birth .", "Good faith , sir , I was going away .", "Faith , I have confidence in his good nature :", "No whispering .", "His mistress out of Ovid .", "Will he take then ?", "\u2018 Slid , prove to-day , who shall shark best ."], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 76}, {"query": ["He should be a merchant , and should trade with balance .", "Sell the dole beer to aqua-vitae men ,", "He may have a receipt to make hair come :", "That shall yield him such a commodity", "To all mankind , but laundresses and tapsters ,", "And a direction for his shelves .", "And she must bless it .", "And have I this for thanks ! Do you rebel ,", "As they do crackers in a puppet-play .", "Sir , you must think ,", "That do fright flies from boxes .", "Who 's but a step-dame , shall do more than she ,", "Your master 's house !", "You must be bath 'd and fumigated first :", "The buttery-hatch still lock 'd , and save the chippings ,", "Would you be gone now ?", "Do not you tell him .", "Not I , by heaven \u2014", "That carries tempest in his hand and voice .", "At post-and-pair , your letting out of counters ,", "That so would draw me to apparent danger .", "Six of your gallants to a cloke , indeed .", "Dol , you must presently make ready , too .", "I only used those speeches as a spur", "Who is it , Dol ?", "Dice , or whatever gallant tincture else ?", "Not since she kist him in the cradle , captain ;", "He will be of the clothing of his company ,", "Your humour must be law .", "I would do much , sir , for your love \u2014 But this", "Ay , sir , and reason too , the ground of art .", "Slave , thou hadst had no name \u2014", "To draw in gallants that wear spurs : the rest ,", "I told you so .", "Sir , against one o'clock prepare yourself ;", "Honest , plain , livery-three-pound-thrum , that kept", "I do not hear well .", "First , hear me \u2014", "If I do see them \u2014", "Umph ! Free of the grocers ?", "Dorothy ! mistress Dorothy ! \u2018 Ods precious , I 'll do any thing . What do you mean ?", "He 'll draw you all the treasure of the realm ,", "With good strong water , an you come .", "Stay . Who shall do't ?", "He hears you , man \u2014", "To sharpen your five senses , and cry \u201c hum \u201d", "I knew't by certain spots , too , in his teeth ,", "The ring , to Sol ; the least , to Mercury ,", "He is of the only best complexion ,", "Your chestnut or your olive-colour 'd face", "But very fair \u2014 at the philosopher 's stone .", "All that the tailor has made , if you approach .", "How to beware to tempt a Fury again ,", "Come in ! Good wives , I pray you forbear me now ;", "And give a say \u2014 I will not say directly ,", "Good words , sir .", "Would keep thee company , but a spider , or worse ?", "Put thee in words and fashion , made thee fit", "Make me your door , then , south ; your broad side , west :", "This is the day I am to perfect for him", "As his preservative , made of the elixir ;", "Royal Dol ! Spoken like Claridiana , and thyself .", "His house of life being Libra ; which fore-shew 'd ,", "Searching the spittal , to make old bawds young ;", "Till it be noon .", "He is a fortunate fellow , that I am sure on .", "To him .", "Anon .", "Cut-purse !", "Thy rules to cheat at horse-race , cock-pit , cards ,", "No , no , he did but jest .", "So , sir !", "In metoposcopy , which I do work by ;", "Out at my \u2014", "They 'll seem to follow .", "The spirits of dead Holland , living Isaac ,", "Enough .", "What to do ? lick figs", "And gave you credit to converse with cobwebs ,", "What should I swear ?", "Pray you , sir \u2014", "For more than ordinary fellowships ?", "Cheater !", "If his dream lasts , he 'll turn the age to gold .", "There is a ship now , coming from Ormus ,", "\u2014 This is the west , and this the south ?", "And hang thyself , I care not .", "Make it not strange . I know you were one could keep", "For the vacations \u2014", "Why , as you please ; my venture follows yours .", "So poor , so wretched , when no living thing", "Will come , in time , to be a great distiller ,", "Then bathe your fingers \u2019 ends and wash your eyes ,", "Pray you let me speak with you .", "Never been known , past equi clibanum ,", "O , I did look for him", "\u2018 Slight , the knot", "Sublimed thee , and exalted thee , and fix 'd thee", "Wrought thee to spirit , to quintessence , with pains", "Cinoper : I know all . \u2014 This fellow , captain ,", "A certain star in the forehead , which you see not .", "Thy worst . I fart at thee .", "What says my dainty Dolkin ?", "The queen of Fairy loves .", "But he 'll be wise , preserve his youth , and fine for't ;", "Why , sir \u2014", "And offering citizens \u2019 wives pomander-bracelets ,", "That is a gaming mouth , conceive me .", "Would I were hang 'd then ? I 'll conform myself .", "As cannot be resisted . \u2018 Slight , he 'll put", "Dispensing for the pox , and plaguy houses ,", "There must a world of ceremonies pass ;", "Give you him all you play for ; never set him :"], "true_target": ["You do me wrong , good sir .", "At any ordinary , but on the score ,", "And on the nail of his mercurial finger .", "Marry , to be so importunate for one ,", "Your business , Abel ?", "Rais 'd thee from brooms , and dust , and watering-pots ,", "I do ,", "Ay , they MAY .", "I neither may , nor can .", "In the third region , call 'd our state of grace ?", "Cow-herd !", "Face , go you and shift .", "Ay , I know you have arsenic ,", "Two at your mouth , and one at either ear ;", "Beneath your threshold , bury me a load-stone", "Pray you , forbear \u2014", "You and the rats here kept possession .", "You are pleasant , sir .", "Would twice have won me the philosopher 's work ?", "Thrice , and then \u201c buz \u201d as often ; and then come .", "Well \u2014", "If I do give him a familiar ,", "Here , since your mistress \u2019 death hath broke up house .", "All this I speak of .", "They are the names of those mercurial spirits ,", "Three drops of vinegar in at your nose ,", "Made you a pretty stock , some twenty marks ,", "Peace . He 'll overhear you . Sir , should she but see him \u2014", "Heart , I cannot speak with them .", "The magisterium , our great work , the stone ;", "Fore heaven , I scarce can think you are my friend ,", "And those are your two sides ?", "Giv'n thee thy oaths , thy quarrelling dimensions ,", "I 'll tell you .,", "Yes , and blow up gamester after gamester ,", "Who was the lord , sir , of his horoscope ,", "The fore-finger , to Jove ; the midst , to Saturn ;", "His fortune looks for him another way .", "A seller of tobacco ?", "Thou vermin , have I ta'en thee out of dung ,", "You shall deal much with minerals .", "Since you know not yourself .", "I wish you could advance your voice a little .", "Nature asham 'd of her long sleep : when art ,", "Had not I been .", "The which , together with your Christmas vails", "I see no end of his labours . He will make", "You 'd swear , were in him ; such a vigorous luck", "No , your clothes . \u2014", "Away , you trencher-rascal !", "Vitriol , sal-tartar , argaile , alkali ,", "Methinks I see him entering ordinaries ,", "Besides the queen of Fairy does not rise", "Reaching his dose , walking Moorfields for lepers ,", "Upon the north part , Rael , Velel , Thiel .", "Captain , I have return 'd you all my answer .", "Troth I can do you no good till afternoon \u2014", "O , let the wild sheep loose . I 'll gum your silks", "Does never fail : and your long ear doth promise .", "Agreed .", "Or an ale-house darker than deaf John 's ; been lost", "This summer", "Write Mathlai , Tarmiel , and Baraborat ;", "Yes , but they are not equal .", "O , good sir !", "No , you scarab ,", "Let me not breathe if I meant aught beside .", "Yes , you were once", "And now he 's dealing pieces o n't away . \u2014", "The thumb , in chiromancy , we give Venus ;", "Yes , faith ; yes , faith .", "Why , so it does .", "I shall mar", "Who 's there ?", "the good ,", "Since , by my means , translated suburb-captain .", "Your master 's worship 's house here in the Friars ,", "And a court-fucus to call city-dames :", "What is your name , say you ? Abel Drugger ?", "Till when you must be fasting ; only take", "If it be set him .", "And , on your stall , a puppet , with a vice", "Do you fly out in the projection ?", "\u2014 How now !", "And yield it , made , into his hands : of which", "That , when he has it , will undo you all :", "And", "Made thee a second in mine own great art ?", "I 'll thunder you in pieces : I will teach you", "Of drugs", "Where ?", "And in right way toward riches \u2014", "I say then , not a mouth shall eat for him", "He 'll win up all the money in the town .", "Within man 's memory ,", "Shall grow the stronger for this breach , with me .", "With the sun 's rising : \u2018 marvel he could sleep ,", "You do yourself in this .", "By a rule , captain ,", "And the highways , for beggars , to make rich .", "For he will have it .", "His little finger . Look . You were born upon a Wednesday ?", "The heat of horse-dung , under ground , in cellars ,", "Yes , in your master 's house .", "In her best love to mankind , ever could :", "I can resolve you that .", "To tempt my art and love , sir , to my peril .", "He has , this month , talked as he were possess 'd .", "\u2014 Conduct him forth by the back way . \u2014", "Who 's that ? one rings . To the window , Dol :\u2014 pray heaven , The master do not trouble us this quarter .", "Fore heaven , you do not apprehend the loss", "Nay , captain , you 'll tell all now .", "And next spring call 'd to the scarlet ; spend what he can .", "And on the east side of your shop , aloft ,"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 76}, {"query": ["O , this will o'erthrow all .", "Will not away . And there 's your giantess ,", "To your reputations ? where 's your judgment ? \u2018 slight ,", "Slow of his feet , but earnest of his tongue", "Have you your wits ? why , gentlemen ! for love \u2014", "Or you t \u2019 have but a hole to thrust your heads in ,", "We are ruin 'd , lost ! have you no more regard", "Nay , look ye , sovereign , general , are you madmen ?", "Sustain our parts ?", "Your own destructions , gentlemen ?", "Because o \u2019 your fermentation and cibation ?", "Are you sound ? Have you your senses , masters ?", "In his old velvet jerkin and stain 'd scarfs ,", "Why , if your part exceed to-day , I hope", "Would run themselves from breath , to see me ride ,", "A fine young quodling .", "And may don Provost ride a feasting long ,", "Will you have", "Ours may , to-morrow match it .", "Yonder fish-wife", "Will you be", "To his most worsted worship .", "Not afore night , I have told them in a voice ,", "Coming along , at far end of the lane ,", "Will you undo yourselves with civil war ?", "May , murmuring mastiff ! ay , and do . Death on me ! Help me to throttle him .", "Ere we contribute a new crewel garter"], "true_target": ["The neighbours hear you ? will you betray all ?", "Your Sol and Luna\u2014 help me .", "A feast of laughter at our follies ? Rascals ,", "Gentlemen , what mean you ? Will you mar all ?", "A sort of sober , scurvy , precise neighbours ,", "Will you , sir ? do so then , and quickly : swear .", "Hark ! I hear somebody .", "Have yet some care of me , of your republic \u2014", "The bawd of Lambeth .", "Nay , general , I thought you were civil .", "Thorough the trunk , like one of your familiars .", "I hope we need no spurs , sir . Do we ?", "To one that 's with him .", "My noble sovereign , and worthy general ,", "Do you know who hears you , sovereign ?", "Why , what 's the matter ?", "Yes , and work close and friendly .", "But I have spied sir Epicure Mammon \u2014", "And what shall I do ?", "You 'll bring your head within a cockscomb , will you ? And you , sir , with your menstrue \u2014Gather it up . \u2014 \u2018 Sdeath , you abominable pair of stinkards , Leave off your barking , and grow one again , Or , by the light that shines , I 'll cut your throats . I 'll not be made a prey unto the marshal , For ne'er a snarling dog-bolt of you both . Have you together cozen 'd all this while , And all the world , and shall it now be said , You 've made most courteous shift to cozen yourselves ?You will accuse him ! you will \u201c bring him in Within the statute ! \u201d Who shall take your word ? A whoreson , upstart , apocryphal captain , Whom not a Puritan in Blackfriars will trust So much as for a feather :and you , too , Will give the cause , forsooth ! you will insult , And claim a primacy in the divisions ! You must be chief ! as if you only had The powder to project with , and the work Were not begun out of equality ? The venture tripartite ? all things in common ? Without priority ? \u2018 Sdeath ! you perpetual curs , Fall to your couples again , and cozen kindly , And heartily , and lovingly , as you should , And lose not the beginning of a term , Or , by this hand , I shall grow factious too , And take my part , and quit you .", "For which you should pay ear-rent ? No , agree .", "That scarce have smiled twice since the king came in ,", "Why , so , my good baboons ! Shall we go make", "To leave your faction , sir ,", "And labour kindly in the common work .", "O me !", "How does it ? do not we", "O , let him in ."], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 76}, {"query": ["All 's one to him , I see .", "But I do think now I shall leave the law ,", "Do , good sweet captain .", "\u201c Captain , I 'll see her grace . \u201d", "I'fac ' s no oath .", "Ay , I am very glad .", "If you please , sir ;", "In truth", "And I had lent my watch last night to one", "Shall I not have it with me ?", "A little , sir .", "Not so , good captain .", "Use master doctor with some more respect .", "No , what was't ? Nothing , I , sir .", "No , sir , I mean", "Who says so ?", "Yes ; but I 'd have you", "I should , sir , and the danger :", "I am very sorry , captain .", "Read ! he was an ass ,", "Nay , now you grieve me , sir . Why should you wish so ? I dare assure you , I 'll not be ungrateful .", "How will't be done , then ?", "Would it might never write good court-hand more ,", "Nay , dear captain \u2014", "Nay , good captain .", "Of my past-time .", "Whom ?", "And how ?", "You know , I shewed the statute to you ."], "true_target": ["Who ! that I am ? Believe it , no such matter \u2014", "And therefore \u2014", "Must I ?", "That dines to-day at the sheriff 's , and so was robb 'd", "Nay , good sir ; he did call you .", "Yes , captain , I would have it for all games .", "Captain !", "If I discover . What do you think of me ,", "I thank his worship .", "I warrant you .", "That I am a chiaus ?", "And have you broke with him , captain ?", "Is he a doctor ?", "His worship calls you , captain .", "I had a scurvy writ or two to make ,", "Ay , \u2018 tis true , sir ;", "At mine , sir ! No .", "Believe it , and I will , sir .", "The Turk was here . As one would say , do you think I am a Turk ?", "Captain , I am here .", "A clerk !", "I 'll win ten thousand pound , and send you half .", "Is this the cunning-man ?", "And will I tell then ! By this hand of flesh ,", "Sir , I 'll not be ingrateful .", "By Jove , sir ,", "And dealt , sir , with a fool .", "I'fac , I do not ; you are mistaken .", "To add consideration ."], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 76}, {"query": ["Just as your worship came here , of your worship :", "This , a n't please your worship ;", "And I would know by art , sir , of your worship ,", "Yes , indeed , sir .", "And their good angels , and their bad .", "Another favour of his worship .", "One captain Face , that says you know men 's planets ,", "Good captain ,", "Yes , sir .", "But to look over , sir , my almanack ,", "Bargain , nor trust upon them .", "Of a new shop , a n't like your worship , just", "And cross out my ill-days , that I may neither", "Yes , sir .", "\u2018 Thank , sir , both your worships .", "And which for pots . I would be glad to thrive , sir :"], "true_target": ["I would gi \u2019 him a crown .", "Yes , I have a portague , I have kept this half-year .", "Sir , I have . At home , already \u2014", "And where my shelves ; and which should be for boxes ,", "Troth , sir , I was speaking ,", "At corner of a street : \u2014 Here is the plot o n't \u2014", "I am a young beginner , and am building", "Yes , sir .", "Which way I should make my door , by necromancy ,", "I would entreat", "Yes , sir .", "I pray you speak for me to master doctor .", "And I was wish 'd to your worship by a gentleman ,", "What must I give ?", "Ay , sir .", "Ay , a n't please you ."], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 76}, {"query": ["But when you see th \u2019 effects of the Great Medicine ,", "Three years , but we have reached it in ten months .", "Knots , godwits , lampreys : I myself will have", "Ladies who are known most innocent for them ;", "And unto thee I speak it first , BE RICH .", "No trick to give a man a taste of her \u2014 wit \u2014", "To whom he will . In eight and twenty days ,", "We will be brave , Puffe , now we have the med'cine .", "Where 's master ?", "Ay , and a treatise penn 'd by Adam \u2014", "I will have all my beds blown up , not stuft ;", "Surly , I did not think one of your breeding", "Of which one part projected on a hundred", "Both this , the Hesperian garden , Cadmus \u2019 story ,", "And , of what age soever , in a month :", "A wealthy citizen , or", "How much ?", "I urg 'd that ,", "Or go a feasting after drum and ensign .", "Drest with an exquisite , and poignant sauce ;", "No , I assure you ,", "And make them perfect Indies ! you admire now ?", "Sir , I 'll do't . Mean time ,", "Commit idolatry with wine and trumpets :", "Give lords th \u2019 affront . \u2014 Is it , my Zephyrus , right ?", "Not only can do that , but , by its virtue ,", "You shall not need to fear me ; I but come ,", "Away , thou dost not care for me .", "Will you believe antiquity ? records ?", "Pertinax ,", "Nay , by this hand , \u2018 tis true .", "Or so ?", "As cobwebs ; and for all my other raiment ,", "And they are gathered into Jason 's helm ,", "And they shall fan me with ten estrich tails", "Well said , father !", "But do you hear ? I 'll geld you , Lungs .", "Nay , if he take you in hand , sir , with an argument ,", "With gums of paradise , and eastern air \u2014", "Marrying young virgins , building hospitals ,", "But coldly imitated . Then , my glasses", "Away , here 's money . What will serve ?", "Nay , I mean ,", "For all the copper .", "Headed with diamond and carbuncle .", "No , I do think t \u2019 have all this with the stone .", "Why sent hither ?", "Do . \u2014 My shirts", "But \u2018 tis for me ?", "Surly ,", "Lungs , I will set a period", "Is she no way accessible ? no means ,", "The original of this disaster . Her brother", "Which was no other than a book of alchemy ,", "I 'll shew you a book where Moses and his sister ,", "\u2018 Tis the secret", "From Elephantis , and dull Aretine", "To the fifth age ; make him get sons and daughters ,", "And now and then a church .", "Excellent witty Lungs ! \u2014 my only care", "The alembic , and then sow 'd in Mars his field ,", "Drink that .", "The perfect ruby , which we call elixir ,", "I 'll send a thousand pound to be my cuckold .", "Nay , to a thousand , so ad infinitum :", "The ancient patriarchs , afore the flood ,", "All that is metal , in my house , to gold :", "How might one do t \u2019 have conference with her , Lungs ?", "The livery-punk for the young heir , that must", "Then I may send my spits ?", "Where is my Subtle , there ? Within , ho !", "Shall be the pure and gravest of divines ,", "This day , thou shalt have ingots ; and to-morrow ,", "\u2018 Tis like your Irish wood ,", "Give safety , valour , yea , and victory ,", "He 's one I honour , and my noble friend ;", "The manner of our work ; the bulls , our furnace ,", "Eloquent burgesses , and then my poets", "On my faith \u2014", "His Lungs , his Zephyrus , he that puffs his coals ,", "Is it arrived at ruby ? \u2014 Where I spy", "Sir , so I told him \u2014", "Thou'rt sure thou saw'st it blood ?", "Ay , now it heats : stand , father ,", "Shall not advance thee better : no , nor faster .", "Dishes of agat set in gold , and studded", "Thou hast witch 'd me , rogue : take , go .", "Because the simple idiot should not learn it ,", "The sons of Sword and Hazard fall before", "My gloves of fishes \u2019 and birds \u2019 skins , perfumed", "You are not faithful , sir . This night , I 'll change", "I warrant thee . \u2014", "He that has once the flower of the sun ,", "Past all the doses of your drugging doctors .", "And make it vulgar .", "I 'll undertake , withal , to fright the plague", "Who is it , sir ?", "With the best lord 's vermin of \u2018 em all .", "Of a fat pregnant sow , newly cut off ,", "\u2018 Heart , you abuse yourself .", "I know , sir ;", "To be display 'd at madam Augusta 's , make", "With spirits , he ; he will not hear a word", "Do we succeed ? Is our day come ? and holds it ?", "A count , nay , a count palatine \u2014", "Go forth , and be a knight . \u201d", "Whom I will entertain still for that subject .", "Thou hast descry 'd the flower , the sanguis agni ?", "And have your punks , and punketees , my Surly .", "And , all that fable of Medea 's charms ,", "Again I say to thee , aloud , Be rich .", "And roll us dry in gossamer and roses . \u2014", "Boil 'd in the spirit of sol , and dissolv 'd pearl ,", "A month 's grief in a day , a year 's in twelve ;", "\u2018 Fore God , a Bradamante , a brave piece .", "Where to get stuff enough now , to project on ;", "Stay , man ; what is she ?", "Be constant to thy promise ?", "As Hercules , to encounter fifty a night . \u2014", "Jove 's shower , the boon of Midas , Argus \u2019 eyes ,", "Not those of iron ?", "Thou art a villain \u2014 I will send my jack ,", "THIS DAY YOU SHALL BE SPECTATISSIMI .", "I shall employ it all in pious uses ,", "The same that writ so subtly of the fart ,", "Our art doth further .", "In hope , sir , to convert him .", "Become stout Marses , and beget young Cupids .", "My meat shall all come in , in Indian shells ,", "No , good thatch :", "And multiply the figures , as I walk", "For which , I 'll say unto my cook , \u201c There 's gold ,", "Pound him to dust .", "Such was Pythagoras \u2019 thigh , Pandora 's tub ,", "That makes it , sir ; he is so : but I buy it ;", "And thence sublimed so often , till they 're fixed .", "\u2018 Gainst cob-webs . I have a piece of Jason 's fleece , too ,", "Has worn his knees bare , and his slippers bald ,", "Weekly ; each house his dose , and at the rate \u2014", "He would have made Ours common .", "Naked between my succubae . My mists", "In Novo Orbe ; here 's the rich Peru :", "Court and town-stallions , and , each-where , bely", "No , he will not be \u201c gull 'd ; \u201d let him alone .", "Young giants ; as our philosophers have done ,", "Shall turn it to as many of the sun ;"], "true_target": ["Ha ! why ?", "My lord \u2014", "But wilt thou Ulen ,", "You shall no more deal with the hollow dye ,", "Oil 'd mushrooms ; and the swelling unctuous paps", "On cedar board .", "I will pronounce the happy word , BE RICH ;", "Wilt thou do this ?", "You are incredulous .", "He says right .", "To all thy labours ; thou shalt be the master", "Which proves it was the primitive tongue .", "Of velvet entrails for a rude-spun cloke ,", "Still breathing fire ; our argent-vive , the dragon :", "And by their tin and lead up ; and to Lothbury", "But taking , once a week , on a knife 's point ,", "He did ;", "Would traduce personages of worth .", "And say , I am a noble fellow ?", "Restore his years , renew him , like an eagle ,", "Come , I was born to make thee , my good weasel ,", "You are too foul , believe it . \u2014 Come here , Ulen ,", "O but \u2014", "Were he to teach the world riot anew .", "This town will not half serve me .", "Pertinax , my Surly .", "Stay , knave .", "Thatch will lie light upon the rafters , Lungs . \u2014", "The quantity of a grain of mustard of it ;", "When do you make projection ?", "Shall thirst of satin , or the covetous hunger", "Or the frail card . No more be at charge of keeping", "With emeralds , sapphires , hyacinths , and rubies .", "Lungs , my Lungs ! I love thee .", "Out of the kingdom in three months .", "Wherein ? pray ye , be patient .", "Apicius \u2019 diet , \u2018 gainst the epilepsy :", "Of the philosopher 's stone , and in High Dutch .", "And the weights too . Slave , I could bite thine ear .", "Of white oil ?", "Lost in the embers ; and repair this brain ,", "The beards of barbels served , instead of sallads ;", "An excellent Paracelsian , and has done", "A notable , superstitious , good soul ,", "The few that would give out themselves to be", "I 'll have of perfume , vapour 'd \u2018 bout the room ,", "By pouring on your rectified water ?", "rich lawyer ,", "An heretic , that I did bring along ,", "I 'll make an old man of fourscore , a child .", "A-piece , made in a plume to gather wind .", "Blushes the bolt'shYpppHeNhead ?", "Have you another ?", "I know the lady , and her friends , and means ,", "But fathers and mothers : they will do it best ,", "He will not have his name known , now I think o n't .", "Great Solomon 's Ophir ! he was sailing to't ,", "I follow you , straight .", "Of Galen ; or his tedious recipes . \u2014", "Is't no more ?", "All abstract riddles of our stone .", "Best of all others . And my flatterers", "No more of this . You shall start up young viceroys ,", "And wilt thou insinuate what I am , and praise me ,", "You will believe me .", "I 'll give away so much unto my man ,", "Cures all diseases coming of all causes ;", "To have you confute this gentleman .", "Cut in more subtle angles , to disperse", "Founding of colleges and grammar schools ,", "Have a sublimed pure wife , unto that fellow", "I 'll have of taffeta-sarsnet , soft and light", "Of nature naturis 'd \u2018 gainst all infections ,", "To all the plumbers and the pewterers ,", "Has told me all .", "Stay , Lungs .", "O yes , but I forgot . I have , believe it ,", "No , he 's a rare physician , do him right ,", "And that", "It shall be such as might provoke the Persian ,", "Hurt with the fume o \u2019 the metals .", "How now , Lungs !", "Come on , sir . Now , you set your foot on shore", "How ! pray thee , stay .", "That 's true .", "Fill 'd with such pictures as Tiberius took", "And I will eat these broths with spoons of amber ,", "Strange cures with mineral physic . He deals all", "With prayer and fasting for it : and , sir , let him", "And clear 'd to him , that Sisyphus was damn 'd", "This gentleman you must bear withal :", "Of all mankind .", "And , early in the morning , will I send", "\u2014 How now !", "Of Mercury , or Venus , or the moon ,", "To roll the ceaseless stone , only because", "That 's your crow 's head ?", "Seal , at all hours , in his shirt : no more ,", "Boccace his Demogorgon , thousands more ,", "Do it alone , for me , still . Here he comes .", "Of my seraglio .", "With the elixir , that shall be as tough", "And there within , sir , are the golden mines ,", "One of the treacherousest memories , I do think ,", "One word .", "To fall into ; from whence we will come forth ,", "The tongues of carps , dormice , and camels \u2019 heels ,", "Shall serve the whole city , with preservative", "I will restore thee thy complexion , Puffe ,", "And , lastly ,", "Good morrow , father .", "That I can get for money . My mere fools ,", "That is his fire-drake ,", "The golden calf , and on their knees , whole nights", "Can confer honour , love , respect , long life ;", "There \u2018 tis .", "Too scrupulous that way : it is his vice .", "Yes , and I 'll purchase Devonshire and Cornwall ,", "And Solomon have written of the art ;", "Till he firk nature up , in her own centre .", "Down is too hard : and then , mine oval room", "I told you he had no faith .", "That keeps the whiteness , hardness , and the biting ;", "Set thee on a bench , and have thee twirl a chain", "He 'll bray you in a mortar .", "What is she when she 's out of her fit ?", "Not a profane word afore him : \u2018 tis poison . \u2014", "Do you think I fable with you ? I assure you ,", "My venture brings it me . He , honest wretch ,", "Alike with me ; and I will make me a back", "Lungs , I will manumit thee from the furnace ;", "That brings him the commodity . No more", "If he deny , have him beaten to't , as he is", "This is the day , wherein , to all my friends ,", "My foot-boy shall eat pheasants , calver 'd salmons ,", "And I respect his house .", "Those will I beg , to make me eunuchs of :", "O , by this light , no : do not wrong him . He 's", "No . I 'll have no bawds ,", "To lose ourselves in ; and my baths , like pits", "To have a list of wives and concubines ,", "Writ in large sheep-skin , a good fat ram-vellum .", "Equal with Solomon , who had the stone", "What 's the matter , good sir ? I have not seen you thus distemper 'd : who is't ?", "For I do mean", "The dragon 's teeth , mercury sublimate ,"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 77}, {"query": ["\u2018 Slid , Nab , the doctor is the only man", "He shall ;", "Follow 'd and sought : Nab , thou shalt tell her this .", "And not a stone ; a spirit , a soul , and a body :", "If you coagulate , it is coagulated ;", "Wherein , sir ?", "Sir , to be cured .", "You have colour for it , crimson : the red ferment", "Sir !", "Well , pray for me . I 'll about it .", "Any die now , if I might counsel , sir ,", "He is busy with his spirits , but we 'll upon him .", "He is extreme angry that you saw her , sir .", "Touching the art of quarrels : he will give him", "Lo you ! \u2014 Here , sir !", "Which if you do dissolve , it is dissolved ;", "That were but now discover 'd to her master .", "One glass o \u2019 thy water , with a madam I know ,", "O , what else , sir ?", "Nab !", "You are very right , sir , she is a most rare scholar ,", "How ! to quarrel ?", "Ay ,", "His oleosity , and his suscitability .", "The evening will set red upon you , sir ;", "And I shall carry it ?", "He will do't .", "White marble , talc .", "I have blown , sir ,", "Why he came now : he dealt with me in private ,", "Fixation .", "Hurt it ! \u2018 tis the way", "The liquor of Mars to circulation", "No , sir ! buy", "The Temple-church , there I have cast mine angle .", "Will have it done , Nab : what 's her brother , a knight ?", "Yes , sir .", "Sir , I 'll go look", "As my life , sir .", "In the same heat .", "Good , sir .", "Content : but Dol must have no breath o n't .", "Has done his office ; three hours hence prepare you", "Sir .", "Both blood and spirit , sir .", "A man would scarce endure her for the whole .", "And put them in a bolt'shYpppHeNhead nipp 'd to digestion ,", "O divers have run mad upon the conference :", "To see projection .", "He is the honestest fellow , doctor . \u2014 Stay not ,", "She falls into her fit , and will discourse", "I dare not , in good faith .", "I do not know , sir . I am sent in haste ,", "May busy himself about projection .", "The Balance ?", "Good , sir , go .", "If you but name a word touching the Hebrew ,", "What ! dost thou deal , Nab ?", "Yes , sir .", "Of mathematics , bawdry , any thing \u2014", "Are ne'er of any price till they be famous ;", "And sign 'd with Hermes \u2019 seal .", "When \u2018 twas not beech ; weigh 'd those I put in , just ,", "If I can strike a fine hook into him , now !", "Anon , sir .", "Good man , he 's doing his devotions", "Yes .", "Or cap them , new , with shingles .", "By his viscosity ,", "Ay , or be such a burden ,", "Over the helm ; and circulate like oil ,", "Your aqua regis , and then drawing him off ,", "And that you 'll make her royal with the stone ,", "Yes , sir .", "According as you bade me , when I set", "She 's mad , sir , and sent hither \u2014", "Hard for your worship ; thrown by many a coal ,", "As you would run mad too , to hear her , sir .", "And thy will too , Nab .", "I dare not , sir .", "Malleation .", "Sir , putrefaction ,", "Sir , he does pray , you 'll not forget .", "But do so , good sir , to avoid suspicion . This gentleman has a parlous head .", "\u2018 Tis a stone ,", "A very fugitive , he will be gone , sir .", "With mathematical demonstrations ,", "And has the worms . That was the cause , indeed ,", "Antimonium .", "Their honour is their multitude of suitors .", "Abel , thou art made .", "Here 's one from Captain Face , sir ,Desires you meet him in the Temple-church , Some half-hour hence , and upon earnest business . Sir ,if you please to quit us , now ; and come Again within two hours , you shall have My master busy examining o \u2019 the works ; And I will steal you in , unto the party , That you may see her converse . \u2014 Sir , shall I say , You 'll meet the captain 's worship ?", "A very vegetal : discourse of state ,", "You would devise \u2014 what is it , Nab ?", "Out with it , Nab .", "\u2018 Shalt give his worship a new damask suit", "To get a med'cine for them .", "Of the pale citron , the green lion , the crow ,", "Shifting , sir , your elements ,"], "true_target": ["To the trine circle of the seven spheres .", "An empress ; and yourself , King of Bantam .", "Cohobation , calcination , ceration , and", "Thou shalt know more anon . Away , be gone .", "He 's ripe for inceration , he stands warm ,", "Away , sir .", "And swallowed , too , my Subtle . I have given him line , and now he plays , i'faith .", "\u2018 Slight , do not say so ,", "The ground black , sir .", "He 'll be mad too . \u2014", "The covering off o \u2019 churches .", "We 'll e'en draw lots , and he that fails , shall have", "For the success .", "Send your stuff , sir , that my master", "Dry into cold , cold into moist , moist into hot ,", "At his prayers , sir , he ;", "Sir , please you ,", "Softly , sir ; speak softly . I meant", "To heal it , if \u2018 twere hurt ; to make it more", "O , the most affablest creature , sir ! so merry !", "To fetch a vial .", "Him and his sister . And , for thee , with her", "Like a wench with child , sir ,", "The peacock 's tail , the plumed swan .", "Yes , by the token , sir , the retort brake ,", "Upon the premises .", "Not I , sir !", "Which ? on D , sir ?", "Nay , I know't , sir ,", "She 'll be more known , more talk 'd of ; and your widows", "Shall I not change the filter ?", "Send her , it may be thy good fortune . What !", "Hot into dry .", "Of fresh materials ?", "And is gone mad with studying Broughton 's works .", "I 'll come to you again , sir .", "\u2018 Twas not my fault , sir ; she would speak with you .", "\u2018 Pray God I have not staid too long .", "He will repent he gave you any more \u2014", "Very good , Abel .", "Ay .", "I must not lose my wary gamester yonder .", "And 's iron shoeing-horn ; I have spoke to him . Well ,", "For luck 's sake to the rest : it is not good .", "Your jack , and all , sir .", "The doctor happ'ly may persuade . Go to :", "Will I , sir !", "And seeing so many of the city dubb 'd ?", "In his ash-fire . I would not you should let", "Ask him , sir .", "What say you to his constellation , doctor ,", "To keep your heat still even ; these blear 'd eyes", "He 'll send you a pound , doctor .", "Good ! a bona roba ?", "\u2014 We must appease him . Give it me , \u2014 and prays you ,", "Yes , sir , and then married them ,", "A wench is a rare bait , with which a man", "In Christendom for him . He has made a table ,", "It is the goodest soul ! \u2014 Abel , about it .", "Good\u2014 On , Nab .", "His jack too ,", "\u2018 Tis the pouring on", "So learnedly of genealogies ,", "After mortification .", "Yes , sir .", "Has brought you another piece of gold to look on :", "No offers ; bring the damask , and the parties .", "No sooner 's taken , but he straight firks mad .", "No matter , Abel .", "I told you , he would be furious . \u2014 Sir , here 's Nab ,", "A little , how it heightens .", "Solution , ablution , sublimation ,", "What ! and dost thou despair , my little Nab ,", "To have told your worship all . This must not hear .", "Thou dost not know .", "Whitish .", "Thorough both the gills .", "No more , sir . Of gold , t'amalgame with some six of mercury .", "I will , sir .", "And what was saved was put into the pellican ,", "Ay , a good lucky one , a thriving sign , doctor .", "A miserable rogue , and lives with cheese ,", "Have wak 'd to read your several colours , sir ,", "Six o \u2019 thy legs more will not do it , Nab . He has brought you a pipe of tobacco , doctor .", "A lord 's sister , sir .", "If you make it to fly , it flieth .", "A wife , a wife for one on us , my dear Subtle !", "With the calce of egg-shells ,", "Ods lid , Nab , send her to the doctor , hither .", "So pleasant ! she 'll mount you up , like quicksilver ,", "Knowing what the doctor has set down for thee ,", "I have seen the ill fortune . What is some three ounces", "Well said , sanguine !", "Yes , sir ,", "Let them stand bare , as do their auditory ;", "Yes , sir . And save the ground ?", "An instrument to quarrel by . Go , bring them both ,", "The more in goods , the other has in tail .", "Sir , he 'll come to you by and by ."], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 77}, {"query": ["Faith I have a humour ,", "Your lato , azoch , zernich , chibrit , heautarit ,", "Cannot transmute me .", "Him will I prove , by a third person , to find", "What a brave language here is ! next to canting .", "Without this bait .", "Why , I have heard he must be homo frugi ,", "The naming this commander doth confirm it .", "O , this ferret", "Heart , this is a bawdy-house ! I will be burnt else .", "Your cock'shYpppHeNcomb ' s , is it not ?", "And I 'll", "Would burst a man to name ?", "If I should ?", "Sir , I will . \u2014", "Hair o \u2019 the head , burnt clouts , chalk , merds , and clay ,", "The egg 's ordain 'd by nature to that end ,", "With charming .", "That you should hatch gold in a furnace , sir ,", "The decay 'd vestals of Pict-hatch would thank you ,", "Heart ! can it be ,", "Yes , twenty , and be cozen 'd , do .", "Powder of bones , scalings of iron , glass ,", "I would not willingly be gull 'd . Your stone", "And is a chicken in potentia .", "What else are all your terms ,", "With all your broths , your menstrues , and materials ,", "O , I looked for this . The hay 's a pitching .", "We shall have a sallad !", "With his own oaths , and arguments , make hard means", "And do you think to have the stone with this ?", "Your sun , your moon , your firmament , your adrop ,", "Of piss and egg-shells , women 's terms , man 's blood ,", "Pray you , sir , stay .", "Who is ,", "And then your red man , and your white woman ,", "I believe you in that .", "How !", "A whore , shall piss them out next day .", "That cannot be .", "No , faith .", "Sir Epicure ,", "Rather than I 'll be brayed , sir , I 'll believe", "Did Adam write , sir , in High Dutch ?", "Your marchesite , your tutie , your magnesia ,", "I 'll swear it , were the marshal here to thank me :", "But much less charity , should I gull myself .", "And worlds of other strange ingredients ,", "Don Face ! why , he 's the most authentic dealer", "Giving them no occasion , sure I 'll have", "Tut , if you have it not about you , pass it ,", "A wise sir , too , at other times , should thus ,", "Whereon no one of your writers \u2018 grees with other ?", "Will last \u2018 gainst worms .", "Be bound , the players shall sing your praises , then ,", "As he that built the Water-work , does with water ?", "Which if I do discover , dear sir Mammon ,"], "true_target": ["The subtleties of this dark labyrinth :", "One free from mortal sin , a very virgin .", "Or the hot sulphur .", "That keep the fire alive , there .", "Till we meet next .", "Somewhat like tricks o \u2019 the cards , to cheat a man", "He is the visitor , and does appoint ,", "And dripping-pans , and pot-hangers , and hooks ? Shall he not ?", "What call you her brother ?", "Your stone , your med'cine , and your chrysosperm ,", "What paper ?", "Your sal , your sulphur , and your mercury ,", "That a grave sir , a rich , that has no need ,", "A pious , holy , and religious man ,", "I do not like your philosophical bawds .", "Be not gull 'd , sir Mammon .", "Indeed , sir , somewhat costive of belief", "Yes , as you are ,", "As they do eggs in Egypt !", "I will not , sir . Sir Epicure , I shall leave you .", "Your toad , your crow , your dragon , and your panther ;", "Which gown , and in what smock ; what fall ; what tire .", "To laugh : for you that are , \u2018 tis thought , shall weep .", "O that , indeed , they say ,", "In these commodities , the superintendant", "Without their poets .", "Till now !", "But if my eyes do cozen me so , and I", "Their stone is letchery enough to pay for ,", "Ay , are you bolted ?", "Ay , what is that ?", "Your oil of height , your tree of life , your blood ,", "And little hope , sir ;", "A very treacherous memory !", "Now , I am sure it is a bawdy-house ;", "Or gleek ; and take your lutum sapientis ,", "And trust confederate knaves and bawds and whores .", "Your lapis mineralis , and your lunary ,", "That Alchemy is a pretty kind of game ,", "But , by attorney , and to a second purpose .", "Your menstruum simplex ! I 'll have gold before you ,", "And with less danger of the quicksilver ,", "\u2014 To be an ass .", "Toward your stone ; would not be gull 'd .", "You 'll give your poor friend leave , though no philosopher ,", "No doubt ; he 's that already .", "Of your elixir , your lac virginis ,", "But your whole work , no more .", "Your friend to use ; yet still loth to be gull 'd :", "Who lies with whom , and at what hour ; what price ;", "To gull himself ? An this be your elixir ,", "Give me your honest trick yet at primero ,", "And yet you never saw her", "What , and turn that too ?", "To all the quainter traffickers in town !", "Yes , when I see't , I will .", "Is rank as any pole-cat ."], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 77}, {"query": ["More perfect thence , than nature doth in earth .", "If they stay threescore minutes : the aqueity ,", "Now grown a prodigy with men . Wherein", "Good ! I have", "I have another work , you never saw , son ,", "Like a philosopher : answer in the language .", "What 's cohobation ?", "We 'll change all metals .", "Yes , you may bring them too :", "That cozen 'd the apostles ! Hence , away !", "The glorified spirit . Thanks be to heaven ,", "And let them macerate together .", "On the other part , a certain crass and vicious", "Nature doth first beget the imperfect , then", "What 's your name ?", "And here 's now mystery and hieroglyphic !", "A heathen language ?", "No name to send me , of another sound ,", "And hath more driness , it becomes a stone :", "Of the Aegyptians writ in mystic symbols ?", "This is heathen Greek to you ! What are you , sir ?", "What 's that ?", "Son , I doubt", "Away ,", "A humid exhalation , which we call", "Used to obscure their art .", "Or the antichristian hierarchy , shall perish ,", "And the philosopher 's vinegar ?", "Seeds of them , by our fire , and gold in them ;", "Or the pamphysic , or panarchic knowledge ,", "\u2018 Tis good tobacco , this ! What is't an ounce ?", "About the stone too , for the holy brethren", "Tell them . All hope of rooting out the bishops ,", "\u2018 Pray God it be my anabaptist \u2014 Who is't , Dol ?", "Yes , and your racks .", "And to your friend there . What is he , is with you ?", "This needs not ; but that you will have it so ,", "Sir , do you", "The other of the female , in all metals .", "How !", "And rectify your menstrue from the phlegma .", "Seems so impossible ?", "Sirrah , my varlet , stand you forth and speak to him ,", "Are not the choicest fables of the poets ,", "A townsman born in Taurus , gives the bull ,", "To buy more coals ?", "And leave him closed in balneo .", "But ours the most ignorant . \u2014", "\u2014 Where 's this varlet ?", "Did you look", "And then dissolve him ; then again congeal him ;", "Yes , son ; were I assured \u2014", "Infuse vinegar ,", "Ay ;", "What , more gudgeons !", "I think \u2018 twas so . We should have a new amalgama .", "Why , what have you observ 'd , sir , in our art ,", "Look well to the register .", "What 's the proper passion of metals ?", "O , you are sent from master Wholesome ,", "To raise their discipline by it . I must use him", "Ulen !", "To pious uses , and dear charity", "And when comes vivification ?", "Why , rascal !", "Has he bit ? has he bit ?", "That may result upon the party owns it :", "I was devising now .", "This fellow is sent from one negociates with me", "Or the bull'shYpppHeNhead : in Aries , the ram ,", "After his second loose , he 'll turn a thousand ;", "Progress so from extreme unto extreme ,", "How now !", "Wrapp 'd in perplexed allegories ?", "Of any imperfect metal , into pure", "Of our inferior works are at fixation ,", "That both do act and suffer . But these two", "Not prosper where my love and zeal hath placed them .", "So many times I add unto his virtue .", "Which", "For Mammon 's jack and andirons . Let him in .", "Why , I think that the greater miracle .", "Let him e'en die ; we have enough beside ,", "Faith , best let 's see her first , and then determine .", "To the aludels .", "No , \u2018 tis not perfect . Would it were the crow ! That work wants something .", "Of importune and carnal appetite .", "If you , my son , should now prevaricate ,", "Some do believe hermaphrodeity ,", "This will fetch \u2018 em ,", "Are you sure you loosed them", "Rather the less : for she may be so light", "in all my ends ,", "Silver or gold , in all examinations ,", "Believe that eggs are hatch 'd so ?", "Intending but one thing ; which art our writers", "Hither to make atonement for you quickly ,", "Nothing , sir ; nothing .", "Ods so ! \u2018 tis he , he said he would send what call you him ?", "In embrion . H has his white shirt on ?", "Son , be not hasty , I exalt our med'cine ,", "Where is my drudge ?", "Pewter and brass , andirons and kitchen-ware ,", "I will not trust you , now I think on it ,", "As thus \u2014", "And , to your own particular lusts employ", "There 's \u201c Drugger , \u201d Abel Drugger . That 's his sign .", "Dol , my Lord What'ts ' hums sister , you must now", "Your piety were firm , we would not want", "On the bolt'shYpppHeNhead yet ?", "You very knave ! do you use me thus ?", "Piger Henricus , or what not . Thou wretch !", "Which would be gold , if they had time .", "\u2018 Till I have talked with your pastor . Have you brought money", "Do make the elementary matter of gold ;", "Sulphur of the fat and earthy part ; the one ,", "He shall have \u201c a bell , \u201d that 's \u201c Abel ; \u201d", "Why do you ask ?", "What 's your ultimum supplicium auri ?", "Your magisterium now ,", "To draw his volatile substance and his tincture :", "The fire ; and down th \u2019 alembics , and the furnace ,", "How ! heathen Greek ?", "Was not all the knowledge", "Now ,", "But common to all metals and all stones ;", "As , if at first one ounce convert a hundred ,", "Out , the varlet", "And all these named ,", "No egg but differs from a chicken more", "How now ! what colour says it ?", "The WORK IS DONE , bright sol is in his robe .", "Shall run together again , and all be annull 'd ,", "Form 'd in some mystic character ; whose radii ,", "\u2018 Sprecious ! \u2014 What do you mean ? go in , good lady ,", "O monsieur Caution , that WILL NOT BE GULL 'D ?", "No , sir , of red . F is come over the helm too ,", "Marry , we say \u2014", "So great and catholic a bliss , be sure", "How now ! what mates , what Baiards have we here ?", "Thou wicked Ananias !", "Enough ."], "true_target": ["All that I can convince him in , is this ,", "What now ?", "Why , this is covetise !", "Name the vexations , and the martyrisations", "Art can beget bees , hornets , beetles , wasps ,", "What 's that ? A Lullianist ? a Ripley ? Filius artis ? Can you sublime and dulcify ? calcine ? Know you the sapor pontic ? sapor stiptic ? Or what is homogene , or heterogene ?", "Have look 'd no way , but unto public good ,", "This is heathen Greek to you , now ! \u2014", "For ready money .", "Terreity , and sulphureity", "Bear yourself statelich .", "Or chrysopoeia , or spagyrica ,", "And giving him solution ; then congeal him ;", "And make them haste towards their gulling more .", "And put into the gripe 's egg . Lute him well ;", "Where it retains more of the humid fatness ,", "How , sir !", "There must be remote matter .", "Speak not the scriptures oft in parables ?", "Have you set the oil of luna in kemia ?", "It is , of the one part ,", "Material liquida , or the unctuous water ;", "Marry , yes ;", "But I care not :", "Shall , by a virtual influence , breed affections ,", "Take away the recipient ,", "Which is the last , supplying the place of male ,", "I fear it .", "Must not have entrance in the work . \u2014 Who are you ?", "This is heathen Greek to you still ! Your lapis philosophicus ?", "The process then was right .", "Stay , Face , you must go to the door ,", "And bring me the complexion of glass B .", "Get you your stuff here against afternoon ,", "Give him nine pound : \u2014 you may give him ten .", "She may want grains .", "I sent you of his faeces there calcined :", "How know you him ?", "It turns to sulphur , or to quicksilver ,", "Who are the parents of all other metals .", "A poor device ! No , I will have his name", "In the lent heat of Athanor ; and 's become", "O , good captain !", "Some orphans \u2019 goods to come here .", "You are covetous , that thus you meet your time", "Metals , that we must use our medicine on :", "In some strange fashion , now , to make him admire me . \u2014", "Beside , who doth not see in daily practice", "To see my labours , now even at perfection ,", "Dol , scout , scout !", "Your brass , your pewter , and your andirons .", "And by it standing one whose name is \u201c Dee , \u201d", "And give him imbibition .", "Of Amsterdam , the exiled saints , that hope", "And let your heat still lessen by degrees ,", "How do you sublime him ?", "In a \u201c rug \u201d gown , there 's \u201c D , \u201d and \u201c Rug , \u201d that 's \u201c drug : \u201d", "Both sericon and bufo shall be lost ,", "In a new tune , new gesture , but old language . \u2014", "Portion of earth ; both which , concorporate ,", "Striking the senses of the passers by ,", "Sulphur of Nature .", "And these are living creatures , far more perfect", "And shall , sir . This works .", "And oily water , mercury is engender 'd ;", "Of metals in the work .", "And give me satisfaction ; or out goes", "Yea , scorpions of an herb , being rightly placed ?", "No ! how so ?", "Heathen ! you Knipper-doling ? is Ars sacra ,", "What need you ? You have enough in that is perfect .", "Sir ?", "Wherein the brethren may have a pennyworth", "Proceeds she to the perfect . Of that airy", "In their own menstrue ?", "And let the water in glass E be filter 'd ,", "With your ungovern 'd haste . I should be sorry", "Your subtle and most secret ways .", "No : terra damnata", "I thank my Maker , in S. Mary 's bath ,", "Then pour it on the Sol , in the cucurbite ,", "For look , how oft I iterate the work ,", "If he please .", "And even in gold they are ; for we do find", "Perfect in the instant : something went before .", "To see conclusions of all : for two", "And right anenst him a dog snarling \u201c er ; \u201d", "Your teacher ?", "And shall we twitch him ?", "What 's the complexion ?", "But will he send his andirons ?", "Which is not yet propria materia ,", "Those that are froward , to an appetite .", "I mean to tinct C in sand-heat to-morrow ,", "After his fifth , a thousand thousand ounces", "As to grow gold , and leap o'er all the means .", "To think that nature in the earth bred gold", "Well , son ,", "The sanctified elder , that should deal", "Ay , for \u2018 twere absurb", "O no .", "In the just point : prevent your day at morning .", "We have a medicine of the triple soul ,", "This is heathen Greek to you ! \u2014 And what 's your mercury ?", "Stay , help me off , first , with my gown .", "His third solution , ten ; his fourth , a hundred :", "Would she , sir ! Follow me .", "For , where it is forsaken of that moisture ,", "And shews lac virginis . Blessed be heaven !", "I did tell you , captain .", "Than metals in themselves .", "The same we say of lead and other metals ,", "A third is in ascension . Go your ways .", "Flee , mischief ! had your holy consistory", "No , that way is stale , and common .", "Yes , and reverberating in Athanor .", "As good as any of the natural mine .", "Gentle son , good morrow ,", "Out of that calx , I have won the salt of mercury .", "That three days since past the philosopher 's wheel ,", "Take heed you do not cause the blessing leave you ,", "Out of the carcases and dung of creatures ;", "And make us worthy of it ! \u2014 Ulen Spiegel !", "A curse will follow , yea , and overtake", "Mum . Away you , to your Surly yonder , catch him .", "A man must deal like a rough nurse , and fright", "Got by long watching and large patience ,", "Let me entreat you .", "And if their parents were not of the faithful ! \u2014", "This argues something , worthy of a fear", "Than wicked Ananias ? send your elders", "\u2018 Slid , you 'd cozen else ,", "The means to glorify it : but I hope the best . \u2014", "That were the fountains and first springs of wisdom ,", "Go in and see , you traitor . Go !", "All arts have still had , sir , their adversaries ;", "By hanging him in balneo vaporoso ,", "Make the rest ductile , malleable , extensive .", "Nor can this remote matter suddenly", "And excellent than metals .", "Madam , to your withdrawing chamber .", "And can produce the species of each metal"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 77}, {"query": ["O let me alone .", "I 'll not forget my race , I warrant you .", "\u2014", "And be as rude as her woman ."], "true_target": ["I know him not : he looks like a gold-endman .", "I 'll keep my distance , laugh and talk aloud ;", "Have all the tricks of a proud scurvy lady ,", "Who is this ?"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 77}, {"query": ["That one at Heidelberg , made it of an egg ,", "Heathen Greek , I take it .", "Till they may see projection .", "They say , some ninety more : and they have heard since ,", "From Tribulation Wholesome ,", "The brethren bid me say unto you , sir ,", "I understand no heathen language , truly .", "You have had ,", "My name is Ananias .", "Of what kind , sir ?", "Our very zealous pastor .", "A faithful brother , if it please you .", "No , surely ."], "true_target": ["And make a just account unto the saints :", "All 's heathen but the Hebrew .", "Sincere professors ?", "Their utmost value .", "And a small paper of pin-dust .", "Were the orphans \u2019 parents", "Because", "Already thirty pound ; and for materials ,", "That deal with widows \u2019 and with orphans \u2019 goods ,", "Surely , they will not venture any more ,", "Please you , a servant of the exiled brethren ,", "A deacon .", "We then are to deal justly , and give , in truth ,", "For the instruments , as bricks , and lome , and glasses ,"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 77}, {"query": ["Marry , she 's not in fashion yet ; she wears", "I 'll try my power , sir .", "Scarce cold in his one and twenty , that does govern", "A sign , sir .", "As gallants do ; to manage them by line .", "But nineteen , at the most .", "I have another thing I would impart \u2014", "Yes , I have spoke to her of his worship already ;", "Sir , I do thank his worship .", "And she does strangely long to know her fortune .", "With all her mind . She 's come up here of purpose", "To learn to quarrel , and to live by his wits ,", "But she 's afraid it will be blown abroad ,", "Of some three thousand a year , and is come up"], "true_target": ["Sir , there is lodged , hard by me ,", "Yes , sir , to carry quarrels ,", "No , sir , a gentleman newly warm in his land , sir ,", "A hood , but it stands a cop .", "To learn the fashion .", "His sister here ; and is a man himself", "Yes , sir ;", "And will go down again , and die in the country .", "Under a knight : her brother has made a vow .", "And physic too , sometime , sir ; for which she trusts me", "A rich young widow \u2014", "And hurt her marriage .", "And I do now and then give her a fucus \u2014", "No , sir , she 'll never marry"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 77}, {"query": ["Brimstone and arsenic ? We must give , I say ,", "Of humours in the blood . It may be so ,", "When as the work is done , the stone is made ,", "The spirit and you direct .", "Sir , must the saints expect yet ?", "I do command thee , spirit of zeal , but trouble ,", "These chastisements are common to the saints ,", "Unto the motives , and the stirrers up", "Sathan , our common enemy , but his being", "How ?", "This act of coining , is it lawful ?", "Ay , it is very pregnant .", "It is an ignorant zeal that haunts him , sir ;", "Throw down their purse before you .", "For propagation of the glorious cause ,", "Truly , sir , they are", "More antichristian than your bell-founders ?", "We must await his calling , and the coming", "Made instruments even of the greatest works :", "This heat of his may turn into a zeal ,", "Of the good spirit . You did fault , t \u2019 upbraid him", "Where have you greater atheists than your cooks ?", "What makes the devil so devilish , I would ask you ,", "Himself in spirit , and to ask your patience ,", "The only med'cine , for the civil magistrate ,", "Can you so ?", "That hath a competent knowledge of the truth .", "A botcher , and a man , by revelation ,", "With the brethren 's blessing of Heidelberg , weighing", "He stands corrected : neither did his zeal ,", "What need we have to hasten on the work ,", "Against the menstruous cloth and rag of Rome .", "I 'll make a question of it to the brethren .", "But truly , else , a very faithful brother ,", "T \u2019 incline him to a feeling of the cause ;", "To peace within him ! Pray you , sir , go on .", "Assured me ; aurum potabile being", "For the restoring of the silenced saints ,", "The brain of man , and make him prone to passion .", "Ay ; but stay ,", "Ha ! you distinguish well :"], "true_target": ["Beside , we should give somewhat to man 's nature ,", "If too much zeal hath carried him aside", "From the due path .", "And stand up for the beauteous discipline ,", "Let us call on him then .", "And such rebukes , we of the separation", "That may give furtherance to the holy cause .", "Sir , be appeased ; he is come to humble", "But how long time ,", "Good brother , we must bend unto all means ,", "The place he lives in , still about the fire ,", "Ananias !", "Themselves grow soon , and profitably , famous .", "Not always necessary :", "But as your self , allow a tune somewhere .", "Peace !", "To lend their willing hands to any project", "Ways that the godly brethren have invented ,", "Must bear with willing shoulders , as the trials", "Let me find grace , sir , in your eyes ; the man", "And so a learned elder , one of Scotland ,", "Sent forth to tempt our frailties .", "Mind him not , sir .", "Casting of money may be lawful .", "Verily , \u2018 tis true . We may be temporal lords ourselves , I take it .", "I pray you , sir .", "The children of perdition are oft-times", "And fume of metals , that intoxicate", "Or more profane , or choleric , than your glass-men ?", "And for the orphans \u2019 goods , let them be valued ,", "Which now , being tow'rd the stone , we shall not need .", "To give you the least grievance ; but are ready", "Which ne'er will be , but by the philosopher 's stone .", "Truly , I take it so .", "I think him a profane person indeed .", "What will the orphan 's goods arise to , think you ?", "As very notable means , and whereby also", "Or what is needful else to the holy work ,", "And must be daily used in the disease .", "It shall be numbered ; here , by me , the saints ,", "Perpetually about the fire , and boiling", "The brethren had no purpose , verily ,"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 78}, {"query": ["The motion 's good ,", "I do not trust them \u2014", "It will be joyful tidings to the brethren .", "We know no magistrate ; or , if we did ,", "And with philosophy blinds the eyes of man .", "He bears", "Not since the beautiful light first shone on me :", "I have done .", "Should have a sanctified course .", "In the ninth month ?", "Lawful !", "And I am sad my zeal hath so offended .", "\u2018 Tis , sir .", "I do not like the man ; he is a heathen ,", "The brethren shall approve it lawful , doubt not . Where shall it be done ?"], "true_target": ["And for his stone , it is a work of darkness ,", "And speaks the language of Canaan , truly .", "In pure zeal ,", "Bells are profane ; a tune may be religious .", "They are popish all . I will not peace : I will not \u2014", "About the second day of the third week ,", "It is indeed an idol .", "This is foreign coin .", "Which his cannot : the sanctified cause", "I hate traditions ;", "And of the spirit ; I will knock first .", "Peace be within !", "Christ-tide , I pray you .", "I have not edified more , truly , by man ;", "Please the profane , to grieve the godly ; I may not .", "The visible mark of the beast in his forehead ."], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 78}, {"query": ["There they are within . When you have view 'd and bought \u2018 em ,", "Ay , and shall \u2018 bide the third examination .", "It is not he ?", "And as oft buz ?", "The magisterium will be perfected .", "There is no scruple ,", "He 's young again : there you have made a friend ,", "And all those lenter heats . If the holy purse", "Had been a mastery .", "It would be better for you .", "And you are not ready now ! Dol , get his suit .", "But I must have more coals laid in .", "Before your hungry hearers scrupulous bones ;", "Out of his Indies . What can you not do", "This qualifies most !", "All :", "Or whether matrons of the holy assembly", "Or have that idol starch about their linen .", "How now ! good prize ?", "Pray God he come !", "For , to say sooth , a tune does much with women ,", "And then the turning of this lawyer 's pewter", "Nor shall you need o'er night to eat huge meals ,", "Yes , my good Ananias .", "Your \u201c ha ! \u201d and \u201c hum ! \u201d in a tune . I not deny ,", "His parcel gilt to massy gold . You cannot", "Fimus equinus , balnei , cineris ,", "But raise you friends . Withal , to be of power", "That hath both these , you make them smooth and sound ,", "He will be silver potate ; then three days", "Another has the palsy or the dropsy ,", "Why , lay him back awhile ,", "Why , thus it should be , now you understand .", "Only the fumigation 's somewhat strong .", "You help him straight : there you have made a friend .", "I 'll give't you in by weight .", "With a bare fricace of your med'cine : still", "But , Face ,", "Should with this draught fall low , and that the saints", "And but despatch my brace of little John Leydens ,", "Some hundred marks , as much as fill 'd three cars ,", "Yet if you could hold out till she saw you , she says ,", "Beyond all cure of paintings , you restore ,", "And view the parcels . That 's the inventory .", "Who is it ? \u2014 Face ! appear .", "And other phlegmatic people ; it is your bell .", "Of the disciple .", "A knight that has the bone-ache , or a squire", "No warning with you ! then farewell my patience . \u2018 Slight , it shall down : I will not be thus tortured .", "To pay an army in the field , to buy", "And come again my self .", "It is no coining , sir . It is but casting .", "Or changing", "I now must shew you Fortune 's privy lodgings .", "Abate the stiffness of the flesh . Nor cast", "To buy the goods within ? I am made guardian ,", "Ti , ti , ti , ti . He has more yet .", "Lembec , bolt'shYpppHeNhead , retort and pelican", "As any are in Holland .", "Unladed now : you 'll make six millions of them . \u2014", "And stay your stomach , lest you faint with fasting :", "And party in the realm ? As , put the case ,", "Have I discours 'd so unto you of our stone ,", "Ti , ti , ti , ti , to , ta . He does equivocate she says : Ti , ti do ti , ti ti do , ti da ; and swears by the LIGHT when he is blinded .", "Shew 'd you", "For that we 'll talk anon .", "O , are you come ? \u2018 twas time . Your threescore minutes", "He must not see , nor speak", "The art of angels \u2019 nature 's miracle ,", "Titi , titi , titi , titi , titi . They must pinch him or he will never confess , they say .", "By the whole family or wood of you ,", "I 'll send her to thee :", "Of these so singular arts . Nor call yourselves", "And hath cried hum ?", "All shall perish . I have spoken it .", "The whilst the brethren and the sisters humbled ,", "O , but the stone , all 's idle to it ! nothing !", "This case of conscience he is studied in .", "Bestow him ?", "But you must carry it secret .", "And get a tune to call the flock together :", "And have you quit him ?", "Of what ?", "You may be any thing , and leave off to make", "Another chapman now would buy \u2018 em outright .", "Furnus acediae , turris circulatorius :", "\u2014 Ti , ti , ti , ti , ti , ti , Would her grace speak with me ?", "Though not of mind , and hath her face decay 'd", "And is he fasting ?"], "true_target": ["And must , for charity , and conscience sake ,", "With zealous rage till you are hoarse . Not one", "As whether a Christian may hawk or hunt ,", "From her own private trencher , a dead mouse ,", "Why , you but send three drops of your elixir ,", "May , for their ends , be adverse in religion ,", "And of the good that it shall bring your cause ?", "Well , Ananias , thou shalt overcome .", "And a piece of gingerbread , to be merry withal ,", "That shall oppone you ?", "And then we have finish 'd . We must now increase", "Were at last thread , you see : and down had gone", "By names of Tribulation , Persecution ,", "Nor take the start of bonds broke but one day ,", "Now see the most be made for my poor orphan ;", "Another load ,", "Excellent , well thought on :", "Come along , sir ,", "Of the next wire-drawn grace . Nor of necessity", "What news , Dol ?", "Nor shall you need to libel \u2018 gainst the prelates ,", "How 's the moon now ? Eight , nine , ten days hence ,", "To rob their husbands for the common cause :", "To plate at Christmas . \u2014", "To celebrate your next day 's fast the better ;", "No , nor your holy vizard , to win widows", "Is not from men , but spirits .", "May lay their hair out , or wear doublets ,", "Who is't ?", "Numbering the sum .", "But such as are not graced in a state ,", "Why , this doth qualify !", "Though I desire the brethren too good gainers :", "And say , they were forfeited by providence .", "Only for glory , and to catch the ear", "With the oil of talc : there you have made a friend ;", "Whose daily custard you devour ; nor lie", "Is yet her grace 's cousin come ?", "I 'll come to you straight .", "Yet , Ananias !", "To do : cast on the med'cine , so much silver", "How cam'st thou by this secret don ?", "O , but to have gull 'd him ,", "Where shall we now", "The king of France out of his realms , or Spain", "At dinner in her bed , and she has sent you", "Long-winded exercises ; or suck up", "To give you legacies ; or make zealous wives", "As there is tin there , so much gold as brass ,", "Rail against plays , to please the alderman", "And the widow ?", "With some device .", "The divine secret that doth fly in clouds", "Restraint , Long-patience , and such-like , affected", "And ta'en the inventory of what they are ,", "You increase your friends .", "To melt the pewter , you shall buy now , instantly ,", "That even the med'cinal use shall make you a faction ,", "And all her friends . A lord that is a leper ,", "\u2018 Twill be long .", "This qualifies more !", "From east to west : and whose tradition", "Sir , to be made of it ; believe Ananias :", "They are ready for projection ; there 's no more", "Let me see ,", "She now is set", "Before he citronise : Some fifteen days ,", "Do need a present sum , I have a trick", "Had all been cinders . \u2014 Wicked Ananias !", "I come . \u2014 Help , Dol !", "Done . They are gone : the sum", "He takes of your incombustible stuff ,", "A lady that is past the feat of body ,", "Her grace", "A hundred marks , boy .", "There 's some to speak with me . Go in , I pray you ,", "Commends her kindly to you , master Dapper .", "How then ?", "Art thou return 'd ? nay then , it goes down yet .", "Has he a competent sum there in the bag", "And shorten so your ears against the hearing", "Is here in bank , my Face . I would we knew", "And with a tincture make you as good Dutch dollars", "He must not be sent back .", "That some great man in state , he have the gout ,", "Our fire to ignis ardens ; we are past", "Against lords spiritual or temporal ,", "Then , to her cuz , Hoping that he hath vinegar 'd his senses , As he was bid , the Fairy queen dispenses , By me , this robe , the petticoat of fortune ; Which that he straight put on , she doth importune . And though to fortune near be her petticoat , Yet nearer is her smock , the queen doth note : And therefore , ev'n of that a piece she hath sent Which , being a child , to wrap him in was rent ; And prays him for a scarf he now will wear it , With as much love as then her grace did tear it , About his eyes ,to shew he is fortunate . And , trusting unto her to make his state , He 'll throw away all worldly pelf about him ; Which that he will perform , she doth not doubt him .", "To any body , till then ."], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 78}, {"query": ["A spirit", "He will come here in a hired coach , obscure ,", "Who is come hither private for his conscience ,", "Or a silver seal at your wrist ; her grace will send", "So much the easier to be cozen 'd , my Dolly .", "If you have a ring about you , cast it off ,", "And then he was so sick \u2014", "And brought munition with him , six great slops ,", "The bath in chief , a banquet , and her wit ,", "Three of my clerk ! A portague of my grocer !", "\u2018 Slight ! would you have me stalk like a mill-jade ,", "Sir , he shall", "Make you it fit . He that hath pleas 'd her grace", "\u2018 Slid , Nab shall do't against he have the widow ,", "And he by that time will be free .", "With thinking on the booties , Dol , brought in", "It shall be brief enough .", "No creature else .", "Hold out , an \u2018 twere this two hours , for her highness ;", "At the eating academies .", "Very good !", "I know him of old .", "Ay , forty thousand .", "A grandee , girl . Was not my Dapper here yet ?", "How should I know it ?", "As she would ask it ; \u2014 handkerchiefs and all \u2014", "Into an angle blunt , if not acute :", "I pray he keep away", "Abel , and I think the angry boy , the heir ,", "First , he will enter you at some ordinary .", "On th \u2019 other side , the merchants \u2019 forms , and others ,", "Is famous , Subtle , by my means . Sweet Dol ,", "My Dousabel ; he shall be brought here fetter 'd", "What , honest Nab !", "Till now , and no such thing .", "All which you may so handle , to enjoy", "Of any quarrel , but he will take the height o n't", "And this he will demonstrate . And then , rules", "And states to come in the widow , and my count !", "Her fairies here to search you , therefore deal", "Yes .", "Who 's that ?", "Directly with her highness : if they find", "I warrant you , take but the cues I give you ,", "Thy drum , my Dol , thy drum ; till he be tame", "What shall we do with this same puffin here ,", "But what he will part withal as willingly ,", "He swears you 'll be the darling of the dice :", "He told me , honest Nab here was ne'er at tavern", "Spend you ! it will repair you when you are spent :", "More worship than you think . Your aunt 's a-fire ,", "To have his counsel , and to know their fortunes .", "That fain would quarrel .", "Of safety it lies in , or mortality .", "Till he work honey and wax , my little God'shYpppHeNgift .", "How now ! have you done ?", "To be deliver 'd , be it pepper , soap ,", "Of gingerbread .", "A pox on \u2018 em ,", "It seems , sir , you are but young", "Subtle and I", "Till our new business be o'erpast .", "Or a half circle ; or may else be cast", "For the water-work .", "And ordinaries suspended till the term ,", "To pinch you , if you tell not truth . Advise you .", "Who 's there ? sir Epicure ,", "About the town , that can make that a question .", "Deal plainly , sir , and shame the fairies . Shew", "That you conceal a mite , you are undone .", "And how it may be borne , whether in a right line ,", "I had rather you had thrown away twenty half-crowns .", "A gallant , and not game ?", "As the poor black-birds were in the great frost ,", "And then for making matches for rich widows ,", "Ay , those same", "Thy hair went off ?", "For why , sir ?", "\u2018 Ods my life ! do you think it ?", "In a vacation , when small money is stirring ,", "Young gentlewomen , heirs , the fortunat'st man !", "With thy fair looks , before he sees thee ; and thrown", "For that we 'll put , sir ,", "O , you are too just . I would you had had the other noble in Maries .", "And thou mayst make his ransom what thou wilt ,", "If you have , say .", "Just of your standing , \u2018 fore I met with him ;", "The doctor is within a moving for you ;", "Whose bonds are current for commodity ;", "Never came on .", "Are they perfumed , and his bath ready ?", "He will do more , sir : when your land is gone ,", "Three or four turns , but till his back be turned ,", "An instrument he has of his own making ,", "But once in 's life !", "For Surly ; I have my flies abroad . Your bath", "Your aunt has given you the most gracious words", "Arrive at competent means to keep himself ,", "Sir , he is busy now :", "Will , by most swift posts , dealing", "Will straight be here , my rogue , to have thy bath ,", "An adalantado ,", "I have walk 'd the round", "She cannot bid that thing , but he 'll obey . \u2014", "He made me a captain . I was a stark pimp ,", "Verdugoship has not a jot of language ;", "Ti , ti , ti ? What care you ? good faith , you shall care . \u2014", "But never in diameter . The whole town", "My share to-day will not be bought for forty \u2014", "Safe , by their discipline , against a world , Dol ,", "To bear any wine ; for what with the noise of the fidlers ,", "He 's sent to , far and near , all over England ,", "Furnished with pistolets , and pieces of eight ,", "Now he 's on the spit ?", "And that same melancholy breeds worms ; but pass it : \u2014", "In the swan-skin coverlid , and cambric sheets ,", "That without help of any second broker ,", "Anything whatever .", "Bid Dol play music . \u2014", "God 's will then , queen of Fairy , On with your tire ;and , doctor , with your robes . Let 's dispatch him for God 's sake .", "Not that I see . Away !", "O sir , you are welcome .", "\u2018 Slight , here are more !", "All what ?"], "true_target": ["They are so long a furnishing ! such stinkards", "Who would expect a share , will trust such parcels :", "Of all sufficient young heirs in town ,", "You cannot think that subtlety , but he reads it .", "And be admired for't .", "O no , not yet this hour .", "But that she will not shew it , t \u2019 have a sight of you .", "This of the brethren ! beside reversions ,", "But if you have a sister to fetch hither ,", "\u2014 Come on , master Dapper ,", "Upon her grace 's word \u2014 throw away your purse \u2014", "He is come .", "I can assure you that . We will not lose", "How much ?", "I thought \u2018 twas something . And would you incur", "Ay , that was with the grief", "And turn thee , that some fresh news may possess thee .", "Study his theorems , and dispute them ordinarily", "Good pox ! yond \u2019 costive cheater", "Let him go , black boy !", "Would not be seen upon these festival days . \u2014", "Six times your fortunes ?", "Are they within then ?", "O , by no means .", "Or bees are with a bason ; and so hive him", "Nor my Drugger ?", "Thus far , shall not now crincle for a little . \u2014", "Sir Epicure , I am yours , sir , by and by .", "For she must milk his epididimis .", "Good !", "You shall behold the faces and the persons", "And our own coachman , whom I have sent as guide ,", "Hast brought the damask ?", "Where the commodity dwells , and does but wait", "Nay , pray you , hold : he is her grace 's nephew ,", "To your own use , and never stand obliged .", "Thou took'st for being cess 'd at eighteen-pence ,", "He never heard her highness dote till now .", "\u2018 Tis well done , Nab ; thou'lt bring the damask too ?", "Hops , or tobacco , oatmeal , woad , or cheeses .", "And he was fain to be brought home ,", "And care of his shop , for he dares keep no servants \u2014", "Where is the doxy ?", "Delicious compeer , and my party-bawd ,", "The doctor , I assure you , shall inform you ,", "Most instantly , and tell in what degree", "To give your cause dispatch ; have you perform 'd", "Bigger than three Dutch hoys , beside round trunks ,", "How now !", "O , is it so ? good time . Is your name Kastril , sir ?", "Wherewith no sooner shall you make report", "He 'll shew a perspective , where on one side", "Firk , like a flounder ; kiss , like a scallop , close ;", "To furnish household .", "You shall have a cast commander ,", "Where thou shalt keep him waking with thy drum ;", "And tickle him with thy mother tongue . His great", "All day , for one that will not yield us grains ?", "His punk and naked boy , in excellent fashion ,", "You must go tune your virginal , no losing", "\u2018 Tis well : that shirt may do you", "Why , Nab here knows him .", "To the least shadow of a hair ; and shew you", "Wherein , sir ?", "All we have done . \u2014", "What he did tell me of Nab . It 's a strange thing : \u2014", "O \u2019 the least time : and , do you hear ? good action .", "And I am for you . \u2014 Quickly , Dol !", "Where 's the widow ?", "Sir , for the duello ,", "And laugh 'd within those trenches , and grew fat", "Ay , sir , And gallants yet . Here 's a young gentleman Is born to nothing , \u2014forty marks a year , Which I count nothing : \u2014 he is to be initiated , And have a fly of the doctor . He will win you , By unresistible luck , within this fortnight , Enough to buy a barony . They will set him Upmost , at the groom porter 's , all the Christmas : And for the whole year through , at every place , Where there is play , present him with the chair ; The best attendance , the best drink ; sometimes Two glasses of Canary , and pay nothing ; The purest linen , and the sharpest knife , The partridge next his trencher : and somewhere The dainty bed , in private , with the dainty . You shall have your ordinaries bid for him , As play-houses for a poet ; and the master Pray him aloud to name what dish he affects , Which must be butter 'd shrimps : and those that drink To no mouth else , will drink to his , as being The goodly president mouth of all the board .", "My master 's in the way . Please you to walk", "In the other pocket .", "As men of spirit hate to keep earth long ,", "Brought me th \u2019 intelligence in a paper here ,", "A noble count , a don of Spain , my dear", "To give and take the lie by .", "Ti , ti-ti-ti .", "Drugger , she 's thine : the damask ! \u2014", "As I was conjuring yonder in my circle", "Gape , sir , and let him fit you .", "You may wear your leaden heart still . \u2014", "Are best of all : where are they ? Hark , the doctor .", "Upon our Dol , our castle , our cinque-port ,", "As with the few that had entrench 'd themselves", "I have had the most ado to win him to it ! \u2014", "Keep nothing that is transitory about you .", "Pounds , dainty Dorothy ! art thou so near ?", "Perhaps your own pains may command her sooner ;", "The ceremonies were enjoin 'd you ?", "In a down-bed , as dark as any dungeon ;", "Nay , so says the doctor .", "Ti , ti . They knew't , they say .", "Thrice , you must answer .", "See her , and kiss her too . \u2014", "I 'll tell you , sir ,", "It is not two months since . I 'll tell you his method :", "In the third square , the very street and sign", "Your aunt 's displeasure for these trifles ? Come ,", "A doughty don is taken with my Dol ;", "Yes , in oblique he 'll shew you , or in circle ;", "A stay in 's mouth .", "Why , would you be", "and to make his battery", "You see how I turn clients here away ,", "And he has no head", "By the way , you must eat no cheese , Nab , it breeds melancholy ,", "Have you provided for her grace 's servants ?", "Daily by their small parties . This dear hour ,", "Our Dover pier , our what thou wilt . Where is she ?", "She must prepare perfumes , delicate linen ,", "Look , the elves are come .", "\u2018 Ods lid , we never thought of him till now ! Where is he ?", "That can be thought on .", "How do they live by their wits there , that have vented", "Quit him ! an hell would quit him too , he were happy .", "No ,", "You are innocent .", "Must wrestle for her .", "Why , this is a lucky day . Ten pounds of Mammon !", "with him ,", "She need not doubt him , sir . Alas , he has nothing ,", "The doctor told me : and then a good old woman \u2014"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 78}, {"query": ["In the privy .", "No .", "Your clerk .", "Yes ; say , lord general , how fares our camp ?", "What ?"], "true_target": ["What is he , general ?", "Neither .", "Here hard by : he is at the door .", "Yonder 's your knight , sir Mammon .", "Dapper ,"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 78}, {"query": ["O ! I have a paper with a spur-ryal i n't .", "And a leaden heart I wore since she forsook me .", "By this good DARK , I have nothing but a half-crown", "Yes , of the vinegar ,", "Of gold about my wrist , that my love gave me ;", "And the clean shirt .", "I long to see her grace .", "And three James shillings , and an Elizabeth groat ,", "And an old Harry 's sovereign ."], "true_target": ["Truly , there 's all .", "O , O !", "Just twenty nobles .", "Thrice .", "Shall I see her grace ?", "Yes , here are six score Edward shillings .", "My money ; truly .", "By this good light , I have nothing .", "I have .", "I have some Philip and Maries ."], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 78}, {"query": ["I have brought to see the doctor .", "Cost me but two-pence . I had another sickness", "Yes : here 's the gentleman , captain , master Kastril ,", "That lay so heavy o \u2019 my stomach \u2014", "Yes , faith , she dwells in Sea-coal-lane , \u2014 did cure me ,", "With sodden ale , and pellitory of the wall ;", "Yes , sir ; \u2018 twas done for spight .", "Was worse than that ."], "true_target": ["And had a piece of fat ram-mutton to supper ,", "In troth we had been a shooting ,", "Could he tell you that too ?", "Truth , and no more I was not .", "T \u2019 have cost me almost my life .", "Sir , as he likes , his sister , he says , shall come .", "In truth , and it was like", "My head did so ach \u2014"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 78}, {"query": ["And I would fain be one of \u2018 em , and go down", "And practise in the country .", "There 's gaming there , and tricks .", "How ! to take it ?", "By fifteen hundred a year . Where is the doctor ?", "That can do things : has he any skill ?", "Will the doctor teach this ?", "And in his shop ; and I can take it too .", "Of the angry boys , and seen them take tobacco ;", "Do you not gull one ?", "I go .", "Living by the wits too ?", "No , I 'll not come there : you shall pardon me ."], "true_target": ["My mad tobacco-boy , here , tells me of one", "Ay , \u2018 twill spend a man .", "To carry a business , manage a quarrel fairly ,", "Are there such ?", "Sir , not so young , but I have heard some speech", "Upon fit terms .", "Pray thee , tobacco-boy , go fetch my suster ;", "Ay , and the best of the Kastrils , I 'd be sorry else ,", "I'faith ! is he such a fellow ?", "But does he teach", "I 'll see this learned boy before I go ;", "What , three thousand a-year !", "And so shall she .", "God 's will , my suster shall see him ."], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 78}, {"query": ["Were at last thread , you see : and down had gone", "May lay their hair out , or wear doublets ,", "It is no coining , sir . It is but casting .", "And stay your stomach , lest you faint with fasting :", "You help him straight : there you have made a friend .", "And must , for charity , and conscience sake ,", "Well , Ananias , thou shalt overcome .", "I come . \u2014 Help , Dol !", "And a piece of gingerbread , to be merry withal ,", "Of these so singular arts . Nor call yourselves", "O , but the stone , all 's idle to it ! nothing !", "That some great man in state , he have the gout ,", "\u2018 Twill be long .", "I 'll give't you in by weight .", "That hath both these , you make them smooth and sound ,", "Bestow him ?", "For , to say sooth , a tune does much with women ,", "To pay an army in the field , to buy", "And view the parcels . That 's the inventory .", "But such as are not graced in a state ,", "And say , they were forfeited by providence .", "To give you legacies ; or make zealous wives", "But you must carry it secret .", "At dinner in her bed , and she has sent you", "To celebrate your next day 's fast the better ;", "Before he citronise : Some fifteen days ,", "Though not of mind , and hath her face decay 'd", "Yet , Ananias !", "A knight that has the bone-ache , or a squire", "To melt the pewter , you shall buy now , instantly ,", "Though I desire the brethren too good gainers :", "All shall perish . I have spoken it .", "How then ?", "But , Face ,", "Or whether matrons of the holy assembly", "And as oft buz ?", "He takes of your incombustible stuff ,", "Of the disciple .", "Why , this doth qualify !", "He must not be sent back .", "It is not he ?", "Numbering the sum .", "Only for glory , and to catch the ear", "Let me see ,", "Then , to her cuz , Hoping that he hath vinegar 'd his senses , As he was bid , the Fairy queen dispenses , By me , this robe , the petticoat of fortune ; Which that he straight put on , she doth importune . And though to fortune near be her petticoat , Yet nearer is her smock , the queen doth note : And therefore , ev'n of that a piece she hath sent Which , being a child , to wrap him in was rent ; And prays him for a scarf he now will wear it , With as much love as then her grace did tear it , About his eyes ,to shew he is fortunate . And , trusting unto her to make his state , He 'll throw away all worldly pelf about him ; Which that he will perform , she doth not doubt him .", "A hundred marks , boy .", "I now must shew you Fortune 's privy lodgings .", "He must not see , nor speak", "And other phlegmatic people ; it is your bell .", "Lembec , bolt'shYpppHeNhead , retort and pelican", "There is no scruple ,", "And party in the realm ? As , put the case ,", "How now ! good prize ?", "Whose daily custard you devour ; nor lie", "Sir , to be made of it ; believe Ananias :", "The king of France out of his realms , or Spain", "Where shall we now", "I 'll come to you straight .", "Nor shall you need to libel \u2018 gainst the prelates ,", "And have you quit him ?", "With zealous rage till you are hoarse . Not one", "Only the fumigation 's somewhat strong .", "Yes , my good Ananias .", "Of the next wire-drawn grace . Nor of necessity", "She now is set", "This qualifies most !", "You increase your friends .", "He 's young again : there you have made a friend ,", "That shall oppone you ?", "Nor take the start of bonds broke but one day ,", "But I must have more coals laid in .", "May , for their ends , be adverse in religion ,", "To any body , till then .", "Nor shall you need o'er night to eat huge meals ,", "Out of his Indies . What can you not do", "He will be silver potate ; then three days", "There 's some to speak with me . Go in , I pray you ,", "There they are within . When you have view 'd and bought \u2018 em ,", "Is here in bank , my Face . I would we knew", "And hath cried hum ?", "Fimus equinus , balnei , cineris ,", "But raise you friends . Withal , to be of power", "Abate the stiffness of the flesh . Nor cast", "By the whole family or wood of you ,", "And shorten so your ears against the hearing", "Rail against plays , to please the alderman", "Another chapman now would buy \u2018 em outright .", "And get a tune to call the flock together :", "The whilst the brethren and the sisters humbled ,"], "true_target": ["Furnus acediae , turris circulatorius :", "Titi , titi , titi , titi , titi . They must pinch him or he will never confess , they say .", "Or changing", "How cam'st thou by this secret don ?", "As any are in Holland .", "Some hundred marks , as much as fill 'd three cars ,", "And is he fasting ?", "Yet if you could hold out till she saw you , she says ,", "As whether a Christian may hawk or hunt ,", "Done . They are gone : the sum", "Against lords spiritual or temporal ,", "Have I discours 'd so unto you of our stone ,", "And the widow ?", "This case of conscience he is studied in .", "Another has the palsy or the dropsy ,", "Who is't ?", "Ay , and shall \u2018 bide the third examination .", "Why , lay him back awhile ,", "This qualifies more !", "Why , thus it should be , now you understand .", "By names of Tribulation , Persecution ,", "With a bare fricace of your med'cine : still", "Come along , sir ,", "Had been a mastery .", "Our fire to ignis ardens ; we are past", "Art thou return 'd ? nay then , it goes down yet .", "The divine secret that doth fly in clouds", "And all those lenter heats . If the holy purse", "Before your hungry hearers scrupulous bones ;", "Has he a competent sum there in the bag", "From east to west : and whose tradition", "Who is it ? \u2014 Face ! appear .", "Long-winded exercises ; or suck up", "Or have that idol starch about their linen .", "What news , Dol ?", "To rob their husbands for the common cause :", "A lady that is past the feat of body ,", "And ta'en the inventory of what they are ,", "And but despatch my brace of little John Leydens ,", "Her grace", "Should with this draught fall low , and that the saints", "Now see the most be made for my poor orphan ;", "Another load ,", "Ti , ti , ti , ti , to , ta . He does equivocate she says : Ti , ti do ti , ti ti do , ti da ; and swears by the LIGHT when he is blinded .", "The art of angels \u2019 nature 's miracle ,", "No , nor your holy vizard , to win widows", "And with a tincture make you as good Dutch dollars", "With the oil of talc : there you have made a friend ;", "You may be any thing , and leave off to make", "Beyond all cure of paintings , you restore ,", "That even the med'cinal use shall make you a faction ,", "Why , you but send three drops of your elixir ,", "Restraint , Long-patience , and such-like , affected", "How 's the moon now ? Eight , nine , ten days hence ,", "With some device .", "Ti , ti , ti , ti . He has more yet .", "As there is tin there , so much gold as brass ,", "Excellent , well thought on :", "Is yet her grace 's cousin come ?", "Unladed now : you 'll make six millions of them . \u2014", "Commends her kindly to you , master Dapper .", "To plate at Christmas . \u2014", "It would be better for you .", "For that we 'll talk anon .", "Your \u201c ha ! \u201d and \u201c hum ! \u201d in a tune . I not deny ,", "Had all been cinders . \u2014 Wicked Ananias !", "And all her friends . A lord that is a leper ,", "Is not from men , but spirits .", "All :", "I 'll send her to thee :", "And then the turning of this lawyer 's pewter", "Pray God he come !", "The magisterium will be perfected .", "No warning with you ! then farewell my patience . \u2018 Slight , it shall down : I will not be thus tortured .", "O , but to have gull 'd him ,", "Do need a present sum , I have a trick", "O , are you come ? \u2018 twas time . Your threescore minutes", "And of the good that it shall bring your cause ?", "Shew 'd you", "From her own private trencher , a dead mouse ,", "And come again my self .", "And then we have finish 'd . We must now increase", "They are ready for projection ; there 's no more", "To buy the goods within ? I am made guardian ,", "And you are not ready now ! Dol , get his suit .", "To do : cast on the med'cine , so much silver", "\u2014 Ti , ti , ti , ti , ti , ti , Would her grace speak with me ?", "His parcel gilt to massy gold . You cannot", "Of what ?"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 79}, {"query": ["The spirit and you direct .", "Let me find grace , sir , in your eyes ; the man", "Themselves grow soon , and profitably , famous .", "This act of coining , is it lawful ?", "That hath a competent knowledge of the truth .", "If too much zeal hath carried him aside", "I 'll make a question of it to the brethren .", "I pray you , sir .", "Truly , sir , they are", "It is an ignorant zeal that haunts him , sir ;", "Ay , it is very pregnant .", "Sir , must the saints expect yet ?", "Verily , \u2018 tis true . We may be temporal lords ourselves , I take it .", "But how long time ,", "But as your self , allow a tune somewhere .", "What will the orphan 's goods arise to , think you ?", "For propagation of the glorious cause ,", "Ha ! you distinguish well :", "Peace !", "He stands corrected : neither did his zeal ,", "Or what is needful else to the holy work ,", "Ananias !"], "true_target": ["Mind him not , sir .", "Casting of money may be lawful .", "The brethren had no purpose , verily ,", "Can you so ?", "And for the orphans \u2019 goods , let them be valued ,", "Sir , be appeased ; he is come to humble", "Which now , being tow'rd the stone , we shall not need .", "From the due path .", "Throw down their purse before you .", "I do command thee , spirit of zeal , but trouble ,", "A botcher , and a man , by revelation ,", "How ?", "To peace within him ! Pray you , sir , go on .", "To lend their willing hands to any project", "It shall be numbered ; here , by me , the saints ,", "Ways that the godly brethren have invented ,", "As very notable means , and whereby also", "Truly , I take it so .", "To give you the least grievance ; but are ready", "Ay ; but stay ,", "But truly , else , a very faithful brother ,", "Himself in spirit , and to ask your patience ,"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 79}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis , sir .", "It is indeed an idol .", "This is foreign coin .", "We know no magistrate ; or , if we did ,", "I have done .", "It will be joyful tidings to the brethren .", "The brethren shall approve it lawful , doubt not . Where shall it be done ?", "Bells are profane ; a tune may be religious ."], "true_target": ["I do not trust them \u2014", "About the second day of the third week ,", "Christ-tide , I pray you .", "Lawful !", "I hate traditions ;", "In the ninth month ?", "They are popish all . I will not peace : I will not \u2014", "Please the profane , to grieve the godly ; I may not ."], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 79}, {"query": ["First , he will enter you at some ordinary .", "To bear any wine ; for what with the noise of the fidlers ,", "Our Dover pier , our what thou wilt . Where is she ?", "Bid Dol play music . \u2014", "He told me , honest Nab here was ne'er at tavern", "A doughty don is taken with my Dol ;", "Why , this is a lucky day . Ten pounds of Mammon !", "Where the commodity dwells , and does but wait", "Are best of all : where are they ? Hark , the doctor .", "And our own coachman , whom I have sent as guide ,", "Or a half circle ; or may else be cast", "Firk , like a flounder ; kiss , like a scallop , close ;", "And he has no head", "Good pox ! yond \u2019 costive cheater", "\u2018 Tis well done , Nab ; thou'lt bring the damask too ?", "with him ,", "Of safety it lies in , or mortality .", "And care of his shop , for he dares keep no servants \u2014", "They are so long a furnishing ! such stinkards", "All day , for one that will not yield us grains ?", "Sir Epicure , I am yours , sir , by and by .", "To give and take the lie by .", "Look , the elves are come .", "I thought \u2018 twas something . And would you incur", "Wherein , sir ?", "Ti , ti , ti ? What care you ? good faith , you shall care . \u2014", "In a vacation , when small money is stirring ,", "Just of your standing , \u2018 fore I met with him ;", "On th \u2019 other side , the merchants \u2019 forms , and others ,", "Is famous , Subtle , by my means . Sweet Dol ,", "You cannot think that subtlety , but he reads it .", "Upon her grace 's word \u2014 throw away your purse \u2014", "I can assure you that . We will not lose", "Let him go , black boy !", "Brought me th \u2019 intelligence in a paper here ,", "And that same melancholy breeds worms ; but pass it : \u2014", "I have had the most ado to win him to it ! \u2014", "As with the few that had entrench 'd themselves", "Your aunt has given you the most gracious words", "If you have , say .", "Your aunt 's displeasure for these trifles ? Come ,", "That without help of any second broker ,", "Into an angle blunt , if not acute :", "And then for making matches for rich widows ,", "Hops , or tobacco , oatmeal , woad , or cheeses .", "I pray he keep away", "What he did tell me of Nab . It 's a strange thing : \u2014", "Of all sufficient young heirs in town ,", "Her fairies here to search you , therefore deal", "Young gentlewomen , heirs , the fortunat'st man !", "It is not two months since . I 'll tell you his method :", "\u2014 Come on , master Dapper ,", "How should I know it ?", "Not that I see . Away !", "Nay , pray you , hold : he is her grace 's nephew ,", "And tickle him with thy mother tongue . His great", "Who 's there ? sir Epicure ,", "The doctor is within a moving for you ;", "He will come here in a hired coach , obscure ,", "How now !", "Ti , ti-ti-ti .", "But what he will part withal as willingly ,", "Where thou shalt keep him waking with thy drum ;", "Anything whatever .", "As men of spirit hate to keep earth long ,", "And turn thee , that some fresh news may possess thee .", "O , by no means .", "Study his theorems , and dispute them ordinarily", "For Surly ; I have my flies abroad . Your bath", "Daily by their small parties . This dear hour ,", "So much the easier to be cozen 'd , my Dolly .", "Safe , by their discipline , against a world , Dol ,", "Yes .", "I had rather you had thrown away twenty half-crowns .", "You are innocent .", "Nay , so says the doctor .", "And thou mayst make his ransom what thou wilt ,", "As I was conjuring yonder in my circle", "And he by that time will be free .", "Make you it fit . He that hath pleas 'd her grace", "Hast brought the damask ?", "Three or four turns , but till his back be turned ,", "What , honest Nab !", "Nor my Drugger ?", "Perhaps your own pains may command her sooner ;", "He will do more , sir : when your land is gone ,", "His punk and naked boy , in excellent fashion ,", "Wherewith no sooner shall you make report", "See her , and kiss her too . \u2014", "Drugger , she 's thine : the damask ! \u2014", "Directly with her highness : if they find", "In a down-bed , as dark as any dungeon ;", "Deal plainly , sir , and shame the fairies . Shew", "That fain would quarrel .", "In the third square , the very street and sign", "To your own use , and never stand obliged .", "All we have done . \u2014", "How much ?", "About the town , that can make that a question .", "It shall be brief enough .", "And be admired for't .", "Three of my clerk ! A portague of my grocer !", "And brought munition with him , six great slops ,", "This of the brethren ! beside reversions ,", "You shall have a cast commander ,", "But if you have a sister to fetch hither ,", "How do they live by their wits there , that have vented", "Why , Nab here knows him .", "That can be thought on .", "But never in diameter . The whole town", "To the least shadow of a hair ; and shew you", "\u2018 Ods lid , we never thought of him till now ! Where is he ?", "Hold out , an \u2018 twere this two hours , for her highness ;", "For why , sir ?", "Must wrestle for her .", "Where 's the widow ?", "Gape , sir , and let him fit you .", "Now he 's on the spit ?", "At the eating academies .", "Till he work honey and wax , my little God'shYpppHeNgift .", "To have his counsel , and to know their fortunes .", "All what ?", "\u2018 Slight ! would you have me stalk like a mill-jade ,", "\u2018 Slid , Nab shall do't against he have the widow ,"], "true_target": ["Bigger than three Dutch hoys , beside round trunks ,", "Have you provided for her grace 's servants ?", "My share to-day will not be bought for forty \u2014", "Thrice , you must answer .", "Good !", "You may wear your leaden heart still . \u2014", "Of gingerbread .", "In the swan-skin coverlid , and cambric sheets ,", "Ay , that was with the grief", "Are they perfumed , and his bath ready ?", "Six times your fortunes ?", "Will , by most swift posts , dealing", "Subtle and I", "O , is it so ? good time . Is your name Kastril , sir ?", "\u2018 Tis well : that shirt may do you", "Spend you ! it will repair you when you are spent :", "An instrument he has of his own making ,", "O no , not yet this hour .", "and to make his battery", "She must prepare perfumes , delicate linen ,", "A stay in 's mouth .", "Upon our Dol , our castle , our cinque-port ,", "Thou took'st for being cess 'd at eighteen-pence ,", "The ceremonies were enjoin 'd you ?", "The bath in chief , a banquet , and her wit ,", "Quit him ! an hell would quit him too , he were happy .", "With thinking on the booties , Dol , brought in", "And how it may be borne , whether in a right line ,", "And then he was so sick \u2014", "Who would expect a share , will trust such parcels :", "A grandee , girl . Was not my Dapper here yet ?", "Furnished with pistolets , and pieces of eight ,", "Sir , he is busy now :", "Ay , forty thousand .", "For that we 'll put , sir ,", "Till our new business be o'erpast .", "And he was fain to be brought home ,", "Ay , sir , And gallants yet . Here 's a young gentleman Is born to nothing , \u2014forty marks a year , Which I count nothing : \u2014 he is to be initiated , And have a fly of the doctor . He will win you , By unresistible luck , within this fortnight , Enough to buy a barony . They will set him Upmost , at the groom porter 's , all the Christmas : And for the whole year through , at every place , Where there is play , present him with the chair ; The best attendance , the best drink ; sometimes Two glasses of Canary , and pay nothing ; The purest linen , and the sharpest knife , The partridge next his trencher : and somewhere The dainty bed , in private , with the dainty . You shall have your ordinaries bid for him , As play-houses for a poet ; and the master Pray him aloud to name what dish he affects , Which must be butter 'd shrimps : and those that drink To no mouth else , will drink to his , as being The goodly president mouth of all the board .", "Ti , ti . They knew't , they say .", "Ay , those same", "O \u2019 the least time : and , do you hear ? good action .", "And states to come in the widow , and my count !", "Are they within then ?", "With thy fair looks , before he sees thee ; and thrown", "She cannot bid that thing , but he 'll obey . \u2014", "She need not doubt him , sir . Alas , he has nothing ,", "But that she will not shew it , t \u2019 have a sight of you .", "To be deliver 'd , be it pepper , soap ,", "My Dousabel ; he shall be brought here fetter 'd", "No creature else .", "Till now , and no such thing .", "Verdugoship has not a jot of language ;", "You must go tune your virginal , no losing", "He 'll shew a perspective , where on one side", "More worship than you think . Your aunt 's a-fire ,", "To pinch you , if you tell not truth . Advise you .", "The doctor told me : and then a good old woman \u2014", "Very good !", "He swears you 'll be the darling of the dice :", "You shall behold the faces and the persons", "An adalantado ,", "Arrive at competent means to keep himself ,", "It seems , sir , you are but young", "But once in 's life !", "God 's will then , queen of Fairy , On with your tire ;and , doctor , with your robes . Let 's dispatch him for God 's sake .", "How now ! have you done ?", "Yes , in oblique he 'll shew you , or in circle ;", "What shall we do with this same puffin here ,", "Sir , he shall", "He never heard her highness dote till now .", "Why , would you be", "In the other pocket .", "That you conceal a mite , you are undone .", "To give your cause dispatch ; have you perform 'd", "Who is come hither private for his conscience ,", "My master 's in the way . Please you to walk", "A spirit", "Pounds , dainty Dorothy ! art thou so near ?", "I 'll tell you , sir ,", "Thus far , shall not now crincle for a little . \u2014", "Never came on .", "He made me a captain . I was a stark pimp ,", "Delicious compeer , and my party-bawd ,", "I warrant you , take but the cues I give you ,", "\u2018 Ods my life ! do you think it ?", "A pox on \u2018 em ,", "The doctor , I assure you , shall inform you ,", "And ordinaries suspended till the term ,", "Whose bonds are current for commodity ;", "Most instantly , and tell in what degree", "\u2018 Slight , here are more !", "Sir , for the duello ,", "Would not be seen upon these festival days . \u2014", "As she would ask it ; \u2014 handkerchiefs and all \u2014", "O , you are too just . I would you had had the other noble in Maries .", "And laugh 'd within those trenches , and grew fat", "I know him of old .", "No ,", "And I am for you . \u2014 Quickly , Dol !", "Where is the doxy ?", "He is come .", "To furnish household .", "All which you may so handle , to enjoy", "A noble count , a don of Spain , my dear", "For the water-work .", "You see how I turn clients here away ,", "Or bees are with a bason ; and so hive him", "Thy drum , my Dol , thy drum ; till he be tame", "By the way , you must eat no cheese , Nab , it breeds melancholy ,", "He 's sent to , far and near , all over England ,", "If you have a ring about you , cast it off ,", "Will straight be here , my rogue , to have thy bath ,", "Of any quarrel , but he will take the height o n't", "Thy hair went off ?", "Keep nothing that is transitory about you .", "For she must milk his epididimis .", "Or a silver seal at your wrist ; her grace will send", "And this he will demonstrate . And then , rules", "As the poor black-birds were in the great frost ,", "Who 's that ?", "I have walk 'd the round", "Abel , and I think the angry boy , the heir ,", "A gallant , and not game ?", "O sir , you are welcome ."], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 79}, {"query": ["Yes ; say , lord general , how fares our camp ?", "Here hard by : he is at the door .", "Your clerk .", "In the privy .", "No ."], "true_target": ["What ?", "What is he , general ?", "Yonder 's your knight , sir Mammon .", "Neither .", "Dapper ,"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 79}, {"query": ["Truly , there 's all .", "Of gold about my wrist , that my love gave me ;", "My money ; truly .", "And the clean shirt .", "O ! I have a paper with a spur-ryal i n't .", "By this good light , I have nothing .", "Shall I see her grace ?", "I have .", "Yes , here are six score Edward shillings ."], "true_target": ["And an old Harry 's sovereign .", "I have some Philip and Maries .", "And three James shillings , and an Elizabeth groat ,", "O , O !", "By this good DARK , I have nothing but a half-crown", "I long to see her grace .", "And a leaden heart I wore since she forsook me .", "Just twenty nobles .", "Yes , of the vinegar ,", "Thrice ."], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 79}, {"query": ["Could he tell you that too ?", "Yes , sir ; \u2018 twas done for spight .", "Truth , and no more I was not .", "T \u2019 have cost me almost my life .", "Yes , faith , she dwells in Sea-coal-lane , \u2014 did cure me ,", "Cost me but two-pence . I had another sickness", "Yes : here 's the gentleman , captain , master Kastril ,", "Was worse than that ."], "true_target": ["In troth we had been a shooting ,", "Sir , as he likes , his sister , he says , shall come .", "I have brought to see the doctor .", "With sodden ale , and pellitory of the wall ;", "And had a piece of fat ram-mutton to supper ,", "That lay so heavy o \u2019 my stomach \u2014", "In truth , and it was like", "My head did so ach \u2014"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 79}, {"query": ["I 'll see this learned boy before I go ;", "Pray thee , tobacco-boy , go fetch my suster ;", "No , I 'll not come there : you shall pardon me .", "Of the angry boys , and seen them take tobacco ;", "And in his shop ; and I can take it too .", "God 's will , my suster shall see him .", "To carry a business , manage a quarrel fairly ,", "There 's gaming there , and tricks .", "Ay , and the best of the Kastrils , I 'd be sorry else ,", "By fifteen hundred a year . Where is the doctor ?", "Ay , \u2018 twill spend a man .", "I go .", "Are there such ?"], "true_target": ["Sir , not so young , but I have heard some speech", "And so shall she .", "How ! to take it ?", "That can do things : has he any skill ?", "And I would fain be one of \u2018 em , and go down", "And practise in the country .", "Do you not gull one ?", "Living by the wits too ?", "But does he teach", "Will the doctor teach this ?", "I'faith ! is he such a fellow ?", "Upon fit terms .", "What , three thousand a-year !", "My mad tobacco-boy , here , tells me of one"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 79}, {"query": ["Yes , and have", "Subtle , in troth , I needs must have this widow .", "Or \u2014 here comes Dol , she knows \u2014", "And Spanish blade , let your poor captain speak \u2014", "O , you must follow , sir , and threaten him tame :", "Now I do think o n't better .", "\u2018 Tis he , by this good day .", "Be not so fierce .", "No word of controversy .", "A hundred pound to the box at Bethlem \u2014", "Cozen 'd , do you see ,", "Hast brought the damask ?", "Out of Broughton ! I told you so . \u2018 Slid , stop her mouth .", "The best perfume : and for your Spanish pike ,", "You 'll have the first kiss , \u2018 cause I am not ready .", "And yet this rogue would come in a disguise ,", "All struck in shivers !", "Employ 'd here by another conjurer", "My brain is quite undone with the fume , sir ,", "I cannot tell , sir . There will be perhaps ,", "We are undone , and taken .", "All flown , or stinks , sir .", "Drugger , this rogue prevented us for thee :", "And my lord 's goose-turd bands , that ride with her !", "And all his tricks . Make good what I say , Abel ,", "She lies ,", "On any composition .", "We 'll draw lots :", "Here 's damask come to make you a suit .", "O , by that light", "\u2018 Prythee go heat a little water quickly ;", "As she is almost in her fit to see you .", "\u2018 Gainst the least act of sin . Physic , or mathematics ,", "Milked , in troth , sweet Don .", "You grieve him now with staying in his sight :", "But do you hear ? Good sir , beware , no mention of the rabbins .", "Which of us chance to have her : and beside ,", "For the restoring such as \u2014 have their wits .", "Of Jeremy , the butler . In the mean time ,", "Beneath the souse , and wriggled with a knife ?", "That he does , sir .", "O , we shall have most fierce idolatry .", "\u2014 Bear up , Subtle .", "I know no more but 's action .", "And so am I , sir .", "Into the laboratory . Some fitter place ;", "No , Spanish , sir .", "Let Mammon 's brass and pewter keep the cellar ;", "Full .", "I 'll tell thee more when thou bring'st \u2018 em .", "Where are you , doctor ?", "Will you then do ?", "Praises the house , I think ;", "Do the fair offices of a man ! you stand ,", "Barer to her , than at their prayers !", "Stoup is the best garb ; your Spanish beard", "He has had on him , in two-penny'orths of tobacco .", "And looks already rampant .", "Is the best cut ; your Spanish ruffs are the best", "At hand here . I have told her such brave things of you ,", "His coach is at the door . Avoid his sight ,", "To him , Dol , suckle him . \u2014 This is the noble knight ,", "And tell her \u2018 tis her fortune ? all our venture", "Furnace , and all rent down , as if a bolt", "O no , sir .", "Remember now , that upon any change ,", "So I meant . What is she ? A bonnibel ?", "I will have this same widow , now I have seen her ,", "Nay , eight !", "By no means : bid him be gone .", "Coldness and death invades him . Nay , sir Mammon ,", "Your Spanish titillation in a glove", "And that may breed a tragedy .", "If he knew how .", "A Spanish suit . Hast thou no credit with the players ?", "His art knows all .", "How , Surly !", "As you please .", "What did he come for ?", "List , sir .", "I 'll be the count , now .", "Will cure the itch , \u2014 though not your itch of mind , sir .", "The doctor and your sister both are abused .", "She 'll never leave else . If the old man hear her ,", "Who 's that ?", "O sir , you 're come in the only finest time . \u2014", "Nay , but hear me .", "By this good rush , persuade her ,", "Who would you speak with ?", "Good sir , the nobleman will come too , and take you ,", "The very house , sir , would run mad . You know it ,", "I 'll into mine old shape again and meet him ,", "I conceive . Come , Subtle ,", "It is the count come :", "Nay , here 's an honest fellow , too , that knows him ,", "Thou art old , and canst not serve \u2014", "Help , good sir ! alas ,", "O , for a suit ,", "Strict for my right . \u2014 How now , Dol !", "Off for to-day , if I cannot longer : and then", "About some business .", "This way , for fear the lord should meet you .", "All the delays ; a notable hot rascal ,", "We had determin 'd that thou should'st have come", "Wear ; your Spanish pavin the best dance ;", "Till he had found the very nick of her fortune .", "The impudent'st rascal \u2014", "I 'll be sworn , I heard it .", "Surly ? he had dyed his beard and all . Well , sir .", "To trouble our art , though he could not hurt it !", "Here comes the doctor .", "I told your ladyship \u2014", "Footmen , and coaches \u2014", "Stay ! that he must not by no means .", "Nay ,", "How did you put her into't ?", "O , it is well , sir . \u2014 Subtle !", "Come , lady : I knew the Doctor would not leave ,", "Are flown in fumo , every glass is burst ;", "Six men", "The Spanish count will come ?", "Her father was an Irish costermonger .", "Nay , thou art so violent now \u2014 Do but conceive ,", "Why , this is yet", "Good sir .", "You 'll stand to that ?", "And kiss 'd , and ruffled !", "I know not , Nab : \u2014 Thou shalt , if I can help it . \u2014", "And not cut my throat , but trim me ?", "The credit of our house too is engaged .", "And her nobility .", "Is entertaining her .", "This is some trick . Come , leave your quiblins , Dorothy .", "Subtle must shave me : all my captain 's beard", "Yes , sir , a little to give beggars .", "With these the while ?", "The count is come .", "Into the garden , sir ;", "She is a delicate dab-chick ! I must have her .", "How wouldst thou ha \u2019 done , if I had not help't thee out ?", "At the door .", "Good master Kastril ! Is this your sister ?", "In a Spanish suit , and have carried her so ; and he ,", "Yes , indeed , sir ."], "true_target": ["Something about the scraping of the shards ,", "Why , now 's the time , if ever you will quarrel", "Sir , you are too loud . I hear you every word", "Now to our don .", "Does he not use her bravely ?", "Thou art so down upon the least disaster !", "Thou must borrow", "Now lies upo n't . It is but one man more ,", "You will not offer it .", "Well , as they say , and be a true-born child :", "Of the sennora .", "\u2018 Tis true he tells you , sir :", "It is the common cause ; therefore bethink you . Dol else must know it , as you said .", "There is not such a foist in all the town ,", "E'en take your lot , obey your chance , sir ; win her ,", "Mi vida ! \u2018 Slid , Subtle , he puts me in mind of the widow .", "Poetry , state , or bawdry , as I told you ,", "Ay .", "Is't not a gallant language that they speak ?", "He 'll return straight . But master doctor , his lieutenant , is here .", "Nay , sir , you must quarrel him out o \u2019 the house .", "Yes , and I 'll take her too with all her faults ,", "Well , sir , I am silent . Will you go help to fetch in Don in state ?", "She will endure , and never startle ; but", "Let us be light though .", "The citizens gape at her , and praise her tires ,", "The doctor had him presently ; and finds yet ,", "I 'll in , and laugh .", "Nay , he will use her better .", "The Spanish count will come here .", "Who would have look 'd it should have been that rascal ,", "And wear her out , for me .", "He is gone to borrow me a Spanish habit ;", "will not hold her down : and then ,", "And your quarrelling disciple ?", "Gone , sir ,", "That 's now no reason , sir .", "Peace , Subtle .", "She will cry strawberries else within this twelvemonth .", "The doctor knew he would be here , by his art .", "And then he will not pay , not half so well .", "A countess ; do not delay them , sir ; a Spanish countess .", "In d'Alva ' s time ; count Egmont 's bastard .", "Very well , sir . Will you go fetch Don Diego off , the while ?", "You hear the Don too ? by this air , I call ,", "O , sir , we are defeated ! all the works", "Nay , good sir ,", "To fall now like a curtain , flap !", "At night , I 'll ship you both away to Ratcliff ,", "Hieronimo 's old cloak , ruff , and hat will serve ;", "Be silent : not a word , if he call or knock .", "He 'll turn again else .", "How scrupulous he is , and violent ,", "A kind of modern happiness , to have", "This is a travelled punk-master , and does know", "To gold and silver , sir .", "What 's the matter , sir ?", "And you must praise her house , remember that ,", "Must off , to make me appear smooth Jeremy .", "Well said , my Guinea bird .", "If the old man should hear or see you \u2014", "As all the gold he hoped for were in 's blood .", "Why Dol 's employ 'd , you know .", "And has her pages , ushers ,", "That we can carry in the two trunks . I 'll keep him", "My master will hear !", "No , sir .", "Retorts , receivers , pelicans , bolt-heads ,", "Why , you can do't as well , if you would set to't . I pray you prove your virtue .", "By the temptation of another spirit ,", "Nay , certainties , sir .", "\u2018 Slid , Subtle , how shall we do ?", "But understand : I 'll give you composition .", "Very like !", "Faith , very little , sir ;", "It shall be saved for you , and sent home . Good sir ,", "Stand to your word ,", "Do not believe him , sir . He is the lying'st swabber ! Come your ways , sir .", "Ay , and repent at home , sir . It may be ,", "Within , with my lord 's sister ; madam Dol", "You 'll do it ?", "This cheater would have cozen 'd thee o \u2019 the widow . \u2014", "You never claim her .", "Death , sir ,", "Of keeping all the idolaters of the chamber", "Touching your bounty , and your noble spirit \u2014", "Mammon ! in no case .", "I shall be proud to know you , lady .", "I have told her all , sir ,", "Hast", "We 'll have another time for that . But , Dol ,", "I ne'er must hope to be mine own man again .", "He owes this honest Drugger here , seven pound ,", "I must to my captainship again then .", "Where we will meet to-morrow , and there we 'll share .", "Dol Common for a great lady .", "Of thunder had been driven through the house .", "Indeed , sir !", "Nay , you must never hope to lay her now .", "But , good sir , no divinity in your conference ,", "And what does he owe for lotium ?", "Your Spanish gennet is the best horse ; your Spanish", "There is no maidenhead to be fear 'd or lost .", "What will you do", "As you were readier to depart than he .", "A peck of coals or so , which is cold comfort , sir .", "Ask from your courtier , to your inns-of-court-man ,", "Well said , sir ! He is", "Nay , look , sir ,", "We are but faeces , ashes .", "To your mere milliner ; they will tell you all ,", "And then come forth in pomp !", "That does not love the doctor , and would cross him ,", "Have you disposed of them ?", "My worthy Donzel , cozen 'd .", "Do you two pack up all the goods and purchase ,", "For fear of putting her in rage . \u2014", "And her right worshipful brother here , that she shall be", "And loose the hinges : Dol !", "The garden , or great chamber above . How like you her ?", "Who 's there ? my lord her brother is come .", "No : \u2018 twas within the walls .", "I 'll not buy now : You know your doom to me .", "What dost thou think o n't , Subtle ?", "Yes , and as heavily", "told her ,", "Better ! \u2018 Slight , make you that a question , lady ?", "We are undone !", "\u2018 Fore God ,", "For some good penance you may have it yet ;", "Now preparing for projection , sir . Your stuff will be all changed shortly .", "Think : you must be sudden .", "Take you no thought : I must interpret for her .", "I 'll send one to you to receive it .", "Perhaps some Fleming or some Hollander got him", "A brokerly slave ! goes , puts it on himself .", "A very errant rogue , sir , and a cheater ,", "For he 's as furious as his sister 's mad .", "Unless you 'll mar all . \u2018 Slight , he will suspect it :", "Dost thou not laugh ?", "All 's clear .", "O , we are lost ! Now she hears him , she is quiet .", "He admires your sister .", "What dost thou say to draw her to it , ha !", "Or , what do you say to a collar of brawn , cut down"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 80}, {"query": ["By my soul \u2014", "\u2018 Tis your prerogative .", "Lady \u2014", "O , my voluptuous mind ! I am justly punish 'd .", "But floods of gold , whole cataracts , a deluge ,", "We 'll therefore go withal , my girl , and live", "We think not on \u2018 em .", "This lip , that chin ! methinks you do resemble", "That was my error .", "Poor ! and gat you ? profane not . Had your father", "Yes , and thou shalt prove it ,", "Delicate meats set ourselves high for pleasure ,", "A cloister had done well ; but such a feature", "What remedy ? But think it not , good father :", "\u2018 Tis no idle fear .", "The house of Valois just had such a nose ,", "Where shall I hide me !", "I 'll go .", "Never bestow 'd upon mortality", "By my hope , \u2018 tis true , sir .", "Be seen at feasts and triumphs ; have it ask 'd ,", "You were created , lady , for the light .", "Hast thou ?", "Dear lady \u2014", "Let me alone :", "Why , you are like it .", "There was no unchaste purpose .", "O ,", "To live recluse ! is a mere soloecism ,", "What her own forces are . A man , the emperor", "Why , sir ?", "Into a temperate furnace ; teach dull nature", "Silver I care not for .", "Physic and surgery , for the constable 's wife", "Will nought be sav 'd that 's good for med'cine , think'st thou ?", "Where 's the lady ?", "Heighten thyself , talk to her all in gold ;", "To get a nation on thee .", "Of some odd hundred in Essex ; but come forth ,", "No herald , no , nor antiquary , Lungs ,", "Has made it for us : now he 's at projection .", "She 's in her fit .", "I hope my lord your brother be in health , lady .", "And vary oftener , for thy pride , than she ,", "Is't best ?", "I am the master of the mystery .", "Yes .", "Believe me , \u2018 twas against his will or knowledge :", "I know all this , and more .", "It was my sin . Forgive it .", "I kiss your vesture .", "And work them into cinders , when the jewels", "Of Florence boast .", "It is a noble humour ; but this form", "That sparkles a divinity , beyond", "Or art , her wise and almost-equal servant .", "What miracle she is ; set all the eyes", "Good father ,", "Alas , I talk 'd", "You are lodged here , in the house of a rare man ,", "Above the art of Aesculapius ,", "The phoenix never knew a nobler death .", "No , I will take away that jealousy .", "Of all our cost ?", "The toils of empirics , and their boasted practice ;", "This day the good old wretch here o \u2019 the house", "An excellent artist ; but what 's that to you ?", "I saw her by chance .", "Right noble madam \u2014", "Here , you shall wear it ; take it , the first pledge", "Was not intended to so dark a use .", "Of life and lust ! And thou shalt have thy wardrobe", "Tincture of pearl , and coral , gold , and amber ;", "Sweet honourable lady !", "Think therefore thy first wish now , let me hear it ;", "Of what I speak , to bind you to believe me .", "Ha , Lungs !", "In a free state , where we will eat our mullets ,", "Than in the quarry ?", "Nay , good sir , blame not him ;", "I am the lord of the philosopher 's stone ,", "Whose cream does look like opals ; and with these", "She play 'd the step-dame in all faces else :", "Nero 's Poppaea may be lost in story !", "Alas !", "Why , have you so ?", "She shall feel gold , taste gold , hear gold , sleep gold ;", "Our shrimps to swim again , as when they liv 'd ,", "Does not this diamond better on my finger ,", "And such a forehead yet the Medici", "Upon thy form , and I will rear this beauty"], "true_target": ["I muse , my lord your brother will permit it :", "I know not how ! it is not any one ,", "And it shall rain into thy lap , no shower ,", "And his posterity noble .", "The old ingredient , virtue , was not lost ,", "Fear not .", "And thou the lady .", "Had you been crooked , foul , of some coarse mould", "I do see", "If he knew it .", "Of court a-fire , like a burning glass ,", "Compared with Mammon . What ! the stone will do't .", "Nature", "Yes , the strongest bands .", "Nor the drug money used to make your compound .", "That drew the envy of the thunderer !", "The souls of all things by his art ; call all", "Queens may look pale ; and we but shewing our love ,", "Of twenty states adorn thee , and the light", "Sweet madam \u2014", "And take a secret too \u2014 here , by your side ,", "He had done enough to make himself , his issue ,", "And chains , to invite him .", "Now , Epicure ,", "Good lady , give me leave \u2014", "There is a strange nobility in your eye ,", "Our purposes were honest .", "To burn in this sweet flame ;", "Excellent ! Lungs . There 's for thee .", "Though in a nunnery . It must not be .", "I 'll do't .", "After that act , lien but there still , and panted ,", "Cast from all my hopes \u2014", "And taste the air of palaces ; eat , drink", "A more unblamed , a more harmonious feature ;", "A certain touch , or air ,", "And mighty in my talk to her . \u2014", "Slept all the happy remnant of his life", "I am school 'd , good Ulen .", "He 's a divine instructor ! can extract", "But e'en the very choice of all their features .", "Madam , with your pardon ,", "Above all styles .", "That might stand up the glory of a kingdom ,", "Of a fifth monarchy I would erect ,", "The virtues , and the miracles of the sun ,", "Sweet Madam , let me be particular \u2014", "With the philosopher 's stone , by chance , and she", "Thus will we have it .", "And so enjoy a perpetuity", "By mine own base affections .", "Where 's master ?", "How your fair graces pass the hours ? I see", "Has courted above Kelly ; sent his medals", "And take us down again , and then renew", "I warrant thee .", "Why , if it do ,", "Soused in high-country wines , sup pheasants \u2019 eggs ,", "Richer than nature 's , still to change thy self ,", "Rain her as many showers as Jove did drops", "Unto his Danae ; shew the god a miser ,", "Doth stand this hour , the happiest man in Europe .", "Nay , we will concumbere gold : I will be puissant ,", "In a rare butter made of dolphins \u2019 milk ,", "An earthly beauty !", "Good lady \u2014", "And have our cockles boil 'd in silver shells ;", "Nay , in true being ,", "For her to live obscurely in , to learn", "The envy of princes and the fear of states .", "Were there nought else to enlarge your virtues to me ,", "Into gold ?", "What shall I do ?", "Nay , good , dear father ,", "Madam \u2014", "You should spend half my land first , were I he .", "Falls on the other four straight .", "In no ill sense , sweet lady ; but to ask", "This nook , here , of the Friars is no climate", "O , I cry your pardon .", "Strikes out the stars ! that when thy name is mention 'd ,", "I am pleased the glory of her sex should know ,", "Shall do it better . Go .", "Our youth and strength with drinking the elixir ,", "One of the Austriac princes .", "Daughter of honour . I have cast mine eye", "Here she comes .", "Is all lost , Lungs ? will nothing be preserv 'd", "To thee , my life .", "Do . Is no projection left ?", "These answers speak your breeding and your blood ."], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 80}, {"query": ["Nay , oaths are made of the same air , sir .", "\u201c Where then a learned linguist", "Of vowels and consonants \u201d \u2014", "\u2018 Slight ,", "You are pleased , sir ,", "My lord , my brother is , though I no lady , sir .", "\u201c And then Gog-horned . So was Egypt , too :", "Which rabbi David Kimchi , Onkelos ,", "In chains of adamant ?", "To mock me , sir .", "All sounds of voices , in few marks of letters \u201d \u2014", "Troth , and I have been liken 'd", "Was call 'd Gog-iron-leg and South-iron-leg \u201d \u2014", "Of king Abaddon , and the beast of Cittim :", "The remnants of your days in a loth 'd prison ,", "The dress of honour , yet we strive to keep", "You mean no treason , sir ?", "For any private subject .", "How , sir ! have you that ?", "And profane Greek , to raise the building up", "To work on the ambition of our sex .", "\u2018 Twill prove ill day", "We may be said to want the gilt and trappings ,", "\u201c A wisdom , which Pythagoras held most high \u201d \u2014", "That was Gog-north , and Egypt-south : which after", "But , in a monarchy , how will this be ?", "O , you play the courtier .", "Shall see the ancient used communion", "What you would build . This art , sir , in your words ,", "In the last link of the fourth chain . And these", "In faith , I may not ,", "The two that stood , Seleuc \u2019 , and Ptolomee \u201d \u2014", "Look out , and see .", "Forty of the neighbours are about him , talking .", "The master of the house .", "We call the rabbins , and the heathen Greeks \u201d \u2014", "Then Egypt-clay-leg , and Gog-clay-leg \u201d \u2014", "Blood we boast none , sir , a poor baron 's daughter .", "Whole with these studies , that contemplate nature .", "You little look 'd for !", "\u201c We shall know nothing \u201d \u2014"], "true_target": ["Sir , although", "For some on us .", "Be stars in story , which none see , or look at \u201d \u2014", "Yes , sir ; I study here the mathematics ,", "By speaking of it .", "Say you so , sir Epicure ?", "The prince will soon take notice , and both seize", "King of Thogarma , and his habergions", "The seeds and the materials .", "Yes .", "You and your stone , it being a wealth unfit", "\u201c That Perdiccas and Antigonus , were slain ,", "And teach the people of Great Britain \u201d \u2014", "\u201c Made up the two legs , and the fourth beast ,", "Particular , sir ! I pray you know your distance .", "Yes ; but another is come ,", "I could well consent , sir .", "Yourself do boast it , sir .", "And Aben Ezra do interpret Rome . \u201d", "Sir , I were uncivil", "\u201c And so we may arrive by Talmud skill ,", "\u201c To speak the tongue of Eber , and Javan \u201d \u2014", "\u201c To comprise", "Rather your courtesy .", "\u201c And last Gog-dust , and Egypt-dust , which fall", "Calls your whole faith in question .", "Troth , I am taken , sir ,", "Nay , now you court the courtier , and destroy", "Lost , I 'm afraid .", "Of Helen 's house against the Ismaelite ,", "O , but beware , sir ! You may come to end", "Your master ;", "\u201c To come from Salem , and from Athens ,", "\u201c For after Alexander 's death \u201d \u2014", "And distillation .", "Brimstony , blue , and fiery ; and the force", "Ay , and for his physic , sir \u2014", "You are contended , sir !", "If I would suffer that ; my lip to you , sir .", "To all these princes .", "\u201c For , \u201d as he says , \u201c except"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 80}, {"query": ["The pleasures of a countess ! to be courted \u2014", "It hath a heavy cast , \u2018 tis upsee Dutch ,", "Have been saluted .", "Face !", "\u2018 Tis better than my birth-right . Do not murmur :", "Is he gone ?", "That false precept ,", "Would Dol were in her place , to pick his pockets now !", "Marry a whore ! fate , let me wed a witch first .", "Let me see your hand .", "I thank thee , Face , for the angry boy , i'faith .", "What else ?", "What 's that ?", "What will you say now , if some \u2014", "You said he would not come ,", "Who cannot ? I ? \u2018 Slight , I will serve her with thee , for a \u2014", "Why ?", "I will the heartlier go about it now ,", "To cozen you in . Do you mark ? you shall", "Guilt , guilt , my son : give it the right name . No marvel ,", "Come , let 's go practise .", "Yet , by erection of her figure , I guest it .", "Be curried , claw 'd , and flaw 'd , and taw 'd , indeed .", "My precious Diego , will prove fair enough", "Also , my Don .", "With all my heart , sir ;", "To a great count .", "I have sent them up .", "My most honour 'd lady ,", "To excuse a varlet ?", "Able to quarrel at a straw'shYpppHeNbreadth by moon-light .", "\u2014 Come , my fierce child , advance ,", "Is made a countess , Face ; she has been in travail", "Help ! murder !", "The work a month at least .", "Would you had stoop 'd a little , and kist our anos !", "Presently out of hand . And so I told him ,", "Upon us , for this wicked man !", "When such affairs as these were managing !", "Thanks , courteous Ananias .", "She will be ruled . What , when she comes to taste", "While there died one a week within the liberties .", "Come near , my worshipful boy , my terrae fili ,", "Do you forgive him , and I do .", "And stella here in monte Veneris .", "It is the Spanish fashion , for the women", "He is a soldier , or a man of art , lady ,", "The quickly doing of it is the grace .", "And made them enter quarrels , often-times ,", "An honourable fortune , very shortly .", "Not ? and flee me", "I will not treat with thee ; what ! sell my fortune ?", "To be revenged on this impetuous Face :", "What talks he now ?", "I do not like the dulness of your eye ;", "Her six mares \u2014", "Is that the matter ?", "About casting dollars ,", "Yes ; are they gone ?", "And your divisions , moods , degrees , and differences ,", "Error ?", "This is the lioness , which you shall see", "And as ill logic ! You must render causes , child ,", "Be cozen 'd , Diego .", "The widow is come .", "Win her , and carry her . If you grumble , Dol", "How doth my noble Diego ,", "Is serv 'd", "I care not .", "As they were ,", "He swears by his beard . Dispatch , and call the brother too .", "Nay , and by this means , sir , you shall be brother", "Before they were aware ; and afterward ,", "Ay , as balls , and bound", "Against their wills .", "I 'll come to you presently .", "See all the monsters ; the great lion of all , Don .", "O , Don ,", "Series , extern and intern , with their causes ,", "Don ,", "Been courteous , lady ? liberal , and open ?", "Well then : nought rests", "You shall see , sir .", "And fetch him over too , if you 'll be pleased , sir :", "Am I discharged o \u2019 the lot ?", "Or he will over-look us like a tyrant .", "I do call you lady ,", "Yes , the casa ,", "En gallanta madama , Don ! gallantissima !", "Efficient , material , formal , final ,", "If you rebel once , Dol shall know it all :", "Art thou in earnest ?", "Ay , behind the hangings .", "True .", "How , Dol !", "To the door , man .", "Yes , and perhaps hit you through both the nostrils .", "We 'll to our quarrelling lesson again .", "How ! what sight is here ? Close deeds of darkness , and that shun the light ! Bring him again . Who is he ? What , my son ! O , I have lived too long .", "No , faith , sir ;", "O , the curst fruits of vice and lust !", "Nay , shads and mackerel , which is worse .", "Will you commit more sin ,", "Drawn out in tables ; and my instrument ,", "And I will serve and satisfy them . Begin ,", "And then are you defeated .", "Who . I ? why \u2014", "You shall be soked , and stroked , and tubb 'd and rubb 'd ,", "Your predicaments , substance , and accident ,", "Often to make a judgment .", "And rhetoric of quarrelling ; my whole method", "What do you say ?", "Against his Spanish slops .", "Enthratha the chambrata , worthy don :", "That is , my boy of land ; make thy approaches :", "Where is the instrument of wickedness ,", "Dry , as they say .", "Yes , your young widow by this time", "No secret ! Well , since he has told you , madam ,", "If I found check in our great work within ,", "Your first and second intentions , know your canons", "I know not .", "Ods will , she must go to him , man , and kiss him !", "I warrant you .", "My solemn Don ? \u2014 Dost thou feel any ?"], "true_target": ["Yes , sir , he must appear within this hour .", "Must not be troubled .", "When I come in ?", "But , most of all , junctura annularis .", "Because you are to be one , ere't be long ,", "The blessing was prepared , would so tempt heaven ,", "Yes , or my art is an egregious liar .", "Some half an hour , but to clear your eye-sight ,", "You are a terrible rogue ! I 'll think of this : will you , sir , call the widow ?", "Zeal in the young gentleman ,", "Where I will shew you both the grammar and logic ,", "Against the faithful \u2014", "I follow you , sir . We must keep Face in awe ,", "And fasting .", "Why , have them up , and shew them", "Be lighter , and I will make your pockets so .", "Yes , I 'll shave you , as well as I can .", "Your scurvy , yellow , Madrid face is welcome .", "In rivo frontis , tells me he is no knight .", "And we be locked up in the Tower for ever ,", "He speaks out of a fortification . Pray God he have no squibs in those deep sets .", "How , child of wrath and anger ! the loud lie ? For what , my sudden boy ?", "This will retard", "\u2018 Slight , she melts", "What says he ?", "Like a myrobolane : \u2014 here is yet a line ,", "\u2018 Sdeath , and Mammon", "Much good joy , and health to you , sir ,", "You shall in faith , my scurvy baboon don ,", "Where 's Drugger ?", "Of being afore-hand , has deceived a number ,", "And says you are a lumpish whore-master .", "Come , you must love him , or be miserable ,", "You are tyrannous still .", "Have you brought pistolets , or portagues ,", "And make the widow a punk so much the sooner ,", "For your sake sir .", "For so I am now to style you , having found", "Go to .", "That hath the several scales upo n't , shall make you", "Therefore be quiet , and obey your chance .", "After these common hazards .", "Must you ! ay , if your fortune will , you must . \u2014", "Some fustian book , or the dark glass .", "O , your linea fortunae makes it plain ;", "Peace , Ananias .", "Hangs my roof", "Brain of a tailor ! who comes here ? Don John !", "And hit our heads against the roof for joy :", "Over us still , and will not fall , O justice ,", "To hurry her through London , to the Exchange ,", "But here I cannot do it : if the house", "And my dear madam countess ? hath the count", "A Spanish minister came here to spy ,", "Bethlem , the china-houses \u2014", "God , and all saints be good to us . \u2014", "\u2014 How now ! ah me !", "\u2018 Pray God your sister prove but pliant !", "And lose your fortunes .", "Why , you must entertain him .", "You shall be emptied , Don , pumped and drawn", "Where is he ?", "Stay , bring them in first .", "Here is my centre : ground thy quarrel .", "Upon the knee !", "And greet her kindly , as a bridegroom should ,", "I 'll have you to my chamber of demonstrations ,", "And scrubb 'd , and fubb 'd , dear don , before you go .", "I cry this lady mercy : she should first", "Shou 'd chance to be suspected , all would out ,", "Faith , I am not fit , I am old .", "So the reward will prove .", "Still , my scarce-worshipful captain , you can keep", "Of a young heir for you .", "How !", "My lewd false drudge ?", "Knows it directly .", "There 's so much of our care now cast away .", "For what ?", "Against you see your fortune ; which is greater ,", "To make first court .", "No , my enraged child ;", "Give Dol the word .", "By inspection on her forehead ,", "O , this is no true grammar ,", "By this my scheme , you are to undergo", "Serv 'd in by a short cloke upon two trestles .", "\u2018 Slight , I 'll not work her then .", "Than I may judge upon the sudden , trust me .", "Stab me ; I shall never hold , man .", "Do you intend it ? so do we , dear Don .", "Now she is honest , I will stand again .", "And subtlety of her lip , which must be tasted", "What shall we do then ?", "After your coitum , and scurvy : truly ,", "To make gold there for the state , never come out ;", "Where if you please the fates , in your bathada ,", "No !", "How , issue on ? yes , praesto , sennor . Please you", "Ay .", "Hands .", "And have your elements perfect .", "Choose which you will .", "He looks in that deep ruff like a head in a platter ,", "But where 's the widow ?", "And know her state !", "Was't so ! cry you mercy . I thought the liberties . What shall we do now , Face ?", "Nay , then I wonder less , if you , for whom", "Charge me from thence , or thence , or in this line ;", "What 's to do there ?", "My soft and buxom widow .", "A plague of hell \u2014", "No ! why ?", "You made me an offer for my share erewhile . What wilt thou give me , i'faith ?", "And , lady , I 'll have you look in a glass ,", "Welcome ; I know thy lusts , and thy desires ,", "That 's true . \u2018 Fore heaven , I know not : he must stay , that 's all .", "Donzel , methinks you look melancholic ,", "Off with your case ,", "But shall have some great honour shortly .", "It has stood still this half hour :", "\u2018 Slud , he does look too fat to be a Spaniard .", "But that she fit her love now to her fortune .", "By your favour , Face ,", "And all the rest of our less works gone back .", "Come , sir , the captain will come to us presently :"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 80}, {"query": ["Do ,", "I 'll look to it , \u2018 tis my charge .", "Yes , but do you think , doctor ,", "I 'll re-turn him then .", "Go kuss him , as the cunning man would have you ;", "Most brave ! By this hand , you are not my suster ,", "Ay , I knew that at first ,", "Where 's the captain ?", "He speaks to her , I think .", "To be a countess , say you , a Spanish countess , sir ?", "Od 's lid , you shall love him , or I 'll kick you .", "This match will advance the house of the Kastrils .", "Where does he carry her ?", "It is my humour : you are a pimp and a trig ,", "Where is he ? which is he ? he is a slave ,", "Ay , peace : I heard it .", "And \u2018 tis no matter .", "Why ,", "A very tim .", "I 'll thrust a pin in your buttocks else .", "Then you are an otter , and a shad , a whit ,", "Ass , my suster .", "The widow Pliant . Knew you not that ?", "The man , sir , I would know ?", "I will :", "How must I do then , sir ?", "You lie .", "Bravely , i'faith !", "Hence , sir ! \u2014", "Hold your peace . Here comes the t'other rare man . \u2014 \u2018 Save you , captain .", "And you are a pimp .", "If you refuse .", "Whate'er he is , and the son of a whore . \u2014 Are you"], "true_target": ["Gone !", "You lie :", "What is this ? The angry tongue he talks in ?", "Is she , i'faith ?", "Be gone , sir .", "Or by this hand I 'll maul you .", "An admirable language ! Is't not French ?", "Nay , see : she will not understand him ! gull ,", "I am afore-hand .", "I e'er shall quarrel well ?", "- Sir , if you get not out of doors , you lie ;", "And that , they say , is the courtliest language .", "Will you begone , sir ?", "It goes like law-French ,", "Nay , an I give my mind to't , I shall do't .", "Agreed . I love a Spanish boy with all my heart .", "Then you lie in your throat .", "Do you think so ?", "Ay , I know \u2014 Away ,you talk like a foolish mauther .", "Begone , sir , quickly .", "Noddy .", "How know you ?", "I 'll keep peace for no man .", "She shall do that , sir ;", "Ay , sir . Please you to kuss her , and be proud to know her .", "Must not she make curt'sy ?", "And an Amadis de Gaul , or a Don Quixote .", "Nay , that look you to ,", "Her name is so , by her other husband .", "Did I not quarrel bravely ?", "Is he the constable ?", "Nay , she is a fool , captain , you must pardon her .", "I will not .", "Yes , how then , sir ?"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 80}, {"query": ["And that was some three year afore I was born , in truth .", "He 's a rare man , believe me !", "Never since eighty-eight could I abide them ,", "He calls me lady too .", "Why ,", "What say you , brother ?", "Brother ,"], "true_target": ["I 'll do as you will have me , brother .", "Truly I shall never brook a Spaniard .", "Why , is that better than an English countess ?", "I will not refuse , brother .", "Brother ,", "What is he then , sir ?", "I will , sir ."], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 80}, {"query": ["With the green sickness .", "Senores , porque se tarda tanto ?", "Your honour was t \u2019 have catch 'd a certain clap ,", "And whether I have deserv 'd you or no .", "Senora mia , mi persona esta muy indigna de allegar a tanta hermosura .", "To confess so much .", "Sir , you are abused .", "And holds intelligence with all the bawds", "This \u2018 s strange ! \u2014 Lady , do you inform your brother .", "And a clean whip shall ease you of that fear .", "Gratia .", "Though he be scaped ; and answer by the ears , sir .", "Por estas honradas barbas \u2014", "Senora , si sera servida , entremonos .", "Wives that are barren , or the waiting-maid", "I am the Spanish don \u201c that should be cozen 'd ,", "That you might have't for nothing . And this doctor ,", "Por el amor de dios , que es esto que se tarda ?", "That parcel broker , and whole-bawd , all rascal !", "Through your credulity , had I but been", "Que es esto , senores , que no venga ? Esta tardanza me mata !", "I have found from whence your copper rings and spoons", "\u2018 Twas here you learned t \u2019 anoint your boot with brimstone ,", "Hydra of villainy !", "Will close you so much gold , in a bolt'shYpppHeNhead ,", "Or , he is the Faustus ,", "Do you see , cozen 'd ? \u201d Where 's your Captain Face ,", "Not valour in you ; I must laugh at this .", "No , sir ,", "Entiendo que la senora es tan hermosa , que codicio tan verla , como la bien aventuranza de mi vida .", "Entiendo .", "I am a gentleman come here disguised ,", "Will you , don bawd and pickpurse ?how now ! reel you ? Stand up , sir , you shall find , since I am so heavy , I 'll give you equal weight .", "Your sooty , smoky-bearded compeer , he", "But I 'll take", "How !", "There 's no such thing intended : a good cart ,", "Captain and doctor .", "Porque no se acude ?", "El sol ha perdido su lumbre , con el esplandor que trae esta dama ! Valgame dios !"], "true_target": ["Then rub men 's gold o n't for a kind of touch ,", "So punctually forward , as place , time ,", "\u2014 Nay , sir , you must tarry ,", "And , on a turn , convey in the stead another", "Captain ! \u2014 what ! is he gone ? \u2014 damsels with child ,", "A course with you \u2014", "You are valiant out of company !", "Worth nought : your fortunes may make me a man ,", "You are indeed : Will you hear me , sir ?", "Why , this is madness , sir ,", "And for these household-rogues , let me alone", "Con licencia , se puede ver a esta senora ?", "New rascals !", "Lady , you see into what hands you are fall'n ;", "You 'll hear me , sir ?", "And say \u2018 twas naught , when you had changed the colour ,", "To treat with them .", "Plagues , piles , and pox , by the ephemerides ,", "That casteth figures and can conjure , cures", "I must give way .", "They say , a widow , rich : and I 'm a batchelor ,", "\u2018 Mongst what a nest of villains ! and how near", "And other circumstances would have made a man ;", "Por dios , senores , muy linda casa !", "With sublimed mercury , that shall burst in the heat ,", "Por todos los dioses , la mas acabada hermosura , que he visto en mi vida !", "Only to find the knaveries of this citadel ;", "I should be loth , sir ,", "Come , now , wherewith you cheat abroad in taverns .", "As mine have preserv 'd you a woman . Think upon it ,", "Senores , beso las manos a vuestras mercedes .", "And midwives of three shires : while you send in \u2014", "And fly out all in fumo ! Then weeps Mammon ;", "O , make your approach , good captain .", "For you 're a handsome woman : would you were wise too !", "Then swoons his worship .", "And where I might have wrong 'd your honour , and have not ,", "I claim some interest in your love . You are ,", "Sir , all is truth she says .", "Puede ser de hazer burla de mi amor ?", "Tengo duda , senores , que no me hagan alguna traycion ."], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 80}, {"query": ["Yes , sir ; did you never see me play the Fool ?", "And for six syringes .", "Thirty shillings , sir ;"], "true_target": ["Yes , sir .", "Yes , sir . And he has damn 'd himself three terms to pay me .", "Or a knight o \u2019 the curious coxcomb , do you see ?"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 80}, {"query": ["Thou look'st like antichrist , in that lewd hat .", "With that which the unclean birds , in seventy-seven ,", "Upon their actions : and that this was one", "I make no scruple . \u2014 But the holy synod", "Depart , proud Spanish fiend !", "Peace to the household !", "That casting of money is most lawful .", "They are profane ,", "What is the motive ?", "About thy neck , betrays thee ; and is the same", "Were seen to prank it with on divers coasts :", "The Spaniard hates the brethren , and hath spies", "Avoid , Sathan !"], "true_target": ["Sir , I know", "May join in humble prayer again .", "Have been in prayer and meditation for it ;", "This to the elders and the weaker brethren ,", "Yea , for some fitter place . The peace of mind", "And \u2018 tis revealed no less to them than me ,", "Lewd , superstitious , and idolatrous breeches .", "I will tell", "Casting of dollars is concluded lawful .", "Child of perdition !", "That the whole company of the separation", "Rest with these walls !", "Thou art not of the light : That ruff of pride"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 80}, {"query": ["Your Spanish titillation in a glove", "O , you must follow , sir , and threaten him tame :", "\u2018 Tis he , by this good day .", "We had determin 'd that thou should'st have come", "Of keeping all the idolaters of the chamber", "A peck of coals or so , which is cold comfort , sir .", "For some good penance you may have it yet ;", "Wear ; your Spanish pavin the best dance ;", "A brokerly slave ! goes , puts it on himself .", "Out of Broughton ! I told you so . \u2018 Slid , stop her mouth .", "Is entertaining her .", "That he does , sir .", "Off for to-day , if I cannot longer : and then", "No , sir .", "If he knew how .", "Indeed , sir !", "Thou must borrow", "O no , sir .", "Within , with my lord 's sister ; madam Dol", "Subtle must shave me : all my captain 's beard", "I ne'er must hope to be mine own man again .", "You grieve him now with staying in his sight :", "As all the gold he hoped for were in 's blood .", "And all his tricks . Make good what I say , Abel ,", "\u2018 Prythee go heat a little water quickly ;", "Yes , indeed , sir .", "Of thunder had been driven through the house .", "He owes this honest Drugger here , seven pound ,", "Nay , here 's an honest fellow , too , that knows him ,", "And what does he owe for lotium ?", "\u2018 Tis true he tells you , sir :", "List , sir .", "To your mere milliner ; they will tell you all ,", "And yet this rogue would come in a disguise ,", "Nay , certainties , sir .", "What 's the matter , sir ?", "We are undone !", "Here 's damask come to make you a suit .", "And so am I , sir .", "Footmen , and coaches \u2014", "Nay , you must never hope to lay her now .", "Well said , sir ! He is", "Must off , to make me appear smooth Jeremy .", "You 'll do it ?", "Nay , sir , you must quarrel him out o \u2019 the house .", "We 'll have another time for that . But , Dol ,", "Stoup is the best garb ; your Spanish beard", "Who 's there ? my lord her brother is come .", "No : \u2018 twas within the walls .", "The Spanish count will come ?", "Strict for my right . \u2014 How now , Dol !", "All struck in shivers !", "His art knows all .", "He admires your sister .", "Be silent : not a word , if he call or knock .", "Ay .", "Good sir , the nobleman will come too , and take you ,", "Come , lady : I knew the Doctor would not leave ,", "Ask from your courtier , to your inns-of-court-man ,", "And then come forth in pomp !", "Drugger , this rogue prevented us for thee :", "Good sir .", "And kiss 'd , and ruffled !", "Death , sir ,", "This cheater would have cozen 'd thee o \u2019 the widow . \u2014", "How , Surly !", "For he 's as furious as his sister 's mad .", "I have told her all , sir ,", "The doctor had him presently ; and finds yet ,", "Hieronimo 's old cloak , ruff , and hat will serve ;", "A Spanish suit . Hast thou no credit with the players ?", "Barer to her , than at their prayers !", "Very well , sir . Will you go fetch Don Diego off , the while ?", "What did he come for ?", "A hundred pound to the box at Bethlem \u2014", "Into the garden , sir ;", "In a Spanish suit , and have carried her so ; and he ,", "The doctor knew he would be here , by his art .", "Of Jeremy , the butler . In the mean time ,", "Let Mammon 's brass and pewter keep the cellar ;", "Hast", "My brain is quite undone with the fume , sir ,", "This is some trick . Come , leave your quiblins , Dorothy .", "And Spanish blade , let your poor captain speak \u2014", "Coldness and death invades him . Nay , sir Mammon ,", "Will cure the itch , \u2014 though not your itch of mind , sir .", "Who would have look 'd it should have been that rascal ,", "I 'll be the count , now ."], "true_target": ["The Spanish count will come here .", "I conceive . Come , Subtle ,", "\u2014 Bear up , Subtle .", "At night , I 'll ship you both away to Ratcliff ,", "And not cut my throat , but trim me ?", "He has had on him , in two-penny'orths of tobacco .", "That we can carry in the two trunks . I 'll keep him", "Do the fair offices of a man ! you stand ,", "My master will hear !", "The citizens gape at her , and praise her tires ,", "We are but faeces , ashes .", "A countess ; do not delay them , sir ; a Spanish countess .", "O , we are lost ! Now she hears him , she is quiet .", "Employ 'd here by another conjurer", "That does not love the doctor , and would cross him ,", "The doctor and your sister both are abused .", "Retorts , receivers , pelicans , bolt-heads ,", "And that may breed a tragedy .", "The impudent'st rascal \u2014", "Well , as they say , and be a true-born child :", "And has her pages , ushers ,", "Or \u2014 here comes Dol , she knows \u2014", "Your Spanish gennet is the best horse ; your Spanish", "And my lord 's goose-turd bands , that ride with her !", "Take you no thought : I must interpret for her .", "Till he had found the very nick of her fortune .", "She 'll never leave else . If the old man hear her ,", "Let us be light though .", "Now to our don .", "Yes , and have", "There is not such a foist in all the town ,", "Better ! \u2018 Slight , make you that a question , lady ?", "He is gone to borrow me a Spanish habit ;", "Hast brought the damask ?", "Something about the scraping of the shards ,", "Be not so fierce .", "Nay , good sir ,", "She lies ,", "Are flown in fumo , every glass is burst ;", "Faith , very little , sir ;", "It shall be saved for you , and sent home . Good sir ,", "For the restoring such as \u2014 have their wits .", "Do you two pack up all the goods and purchase ,", "Is the best cut ; your Spanish ruffs are the best", "Thou art so down upon the least disaster !", "Help , good sir ! alas ,", "All flown , or stinks , sir .", "Yes , and as heavily", "Surly ? he had dyed his beard and all . Well , sir .", "We are undone , and taken .", "Does he not use her bravely ?", "Why , now 's the time , if ever you will quarrel", "O , sir , we are defeated ! all the works", "Furnace , and all rent down , as if a bolt", "A very errant rogue , sir , and a cheater ,", "How did you put her into't ?", "The best perfume : and for your Spanish pike ,", "Do not believe him , sir . He is the lying'st swabber ! Come your ways , sir .", "Nay , he will use her better .", "His coach is at the door . Avoid his sight ,", "Who 's that ?", "By this good rush , persuade her ,", "Is't not a gallant language that they speak ?", "As you were readier to depart than he .", "You will not offer it .", "Why , you can do't as well , if you would set to't . I pray you prove your virtue .", "This way , for fear the lord should meet you .", "Where we will meet to-morrow , and there we 'll share .", "Here comes the doctor .", "I 'll tell thee more when thou bring'st \u2018 em .", "Nay , eight !", "By the temptation of another spirit ,", "How wouldst thou ha \u2019 done , if I had not help't thee out ?", "And her right worshipful brother here , that she shall be", "To trouble our art , though he could not hurt it !", "I 'll send one to you to receive it .", "She will cry strawberries else within this twelvemonth .", "No , Spanish , sir .", "Stand to your word ,", "told her ,", "He 'll turn again else .", "Nay , look , sir ,", "Ay , and repent at home , sir . It may be ,", "I know not , Nab : \u2014 Thou shalt , if I can help it . \u2014", "It is the count come :", "I 'll into mine old shape again and meet him ,", "By no means : bid him be gone .", "I cannot tell , sir . There will be perhaps ,"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 81}, {"query": ["Go kuss him , as the cunning man would have you ;", "Agreed . I love a Spanish boy with all my heart .", "Is he the constable ?", "Yes , but do you think , doctor ,", "The man , sir , I would know ?", "Ay , I know \u2014 Away ,you talk like a foolish mauther .", "And you are a pimp .", "Why ,", "The widow Pliant . Knew you not that ?", "I will :", "Nay , see : she will not understand him ! gull ,", "This match will advance the house of the Kastrils .", "Be gone , sir .", "Will you begone , sir ?", "Then you lie in your throat .", "Her name is so , by her other husband .", "And \u2018 tis no matter .", "I e'er shall quarrel well ?", "Or by this hand I 'll maul you .", "You lie :", "Do ,", "Noddy .", "Ass , my suster .", "Whate'er he is , and the son of a whore . \u2014 Are you", "It goes like law-French ,", "I 'll keep peace for no man .", "Od 's lid , you shall love him , or I 'll kick you ."], "true_target": ["Bravely , i'faith !", "Nay , she is a fool , captain , you must pardon her .", "And an Amadis de Gaul , or a Don Quixote .", "A very tim .", "Nay , an I give my mind to't , I shall do't .", "An admirable language ! Is't not French ?", "To be a countess , say you , a Spanish countess , sir ?", "Where is he ? which is he ? he is a slave ,", "I 'll look to it , \u2018 tis my charge .", "If you refuse .", "Must not she make curt'sy ?", "- Sir , if you get not out of doors , you lie ;", "And that , they say , is the courtliest language .", "Then you are an otter , and a shad , a whit ,", "Begone , sir , quickly .", "I 'll thrust a pin in your buttocks else .", "Did I not quarrel bravely ?", "He speaks to her , I think .", "Yes , how then , sir ?", "She shall do that , sir ;", "Ay , I knew that at first ,", "Where does he carry her ?", "I will not .", "Hence , sir ! \u2014", "I 'll re-turn him then .", "It is my humour : you are a pimp and a trig ,", "Most brave ! By this hand , you are not my suster ,", "Do you think so ?"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 81}, {"query": ["I will , sir .", "I 'll do as you will have me , brother .", "Why , is that better than an English countess ?", "Why ,"], "true_target": ["I will not refuse , brother .", "Never since eighty-eight could I abide them ,", "And that was some three year afore I was born , in truth .", "Truly I shall never brook a Spaniard .", "What say you , brother ?"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 81}, {"query": ["Where 's Drugger ?", "Be lighter , and I will make your pockets so .", "And then are you defeated .", "And we be locked up in the Tower for ever ,", "And says you are a lumpish whore-master .", "You are tyrannous still .", "Come , you must love him , or be miserable ,", "A Spanish minister came here to spy ,", "What 's that ?", "And greet her kindly , as a bridegroom should ,", "To hurry her through London , to the Exchange ,", "Nay , then I wonder less , if you , for whom", "Bethlem , the china-houses \u2014", "After your coitum , and scurvy : truly ,", "How !", "Yet , by erection of her figure , I guest it .", "Where is the instrument of wickedness ,", "\u2014 How now ! ah me !", "What 's to do there ?", "How doth my noble Diego ,", "Now she is honest , I will stand again .", "How ! what sight is here ? Close deeds of darkness , and that shun the light ! Bring him again . Who is he ? What , my son ! O , I have lived too long .", "To make first court .", "But that she fit her love now to her fortune .", "While there died one a week within the liberties .", "It has stood still this half hour :", "The pleasures of a countess ! to be courted \u2014", "Error ?", "As they were ,", "My lewd false drudge ?", "To make gold there for the state , never come out ;", "Ay , behind the hangings .", "Was't so ! cry you mercy . I thought the liberties . What shall we do now , Face ?", "True .", "The work a month at least .", "If I found check in our great work within ,", "By your favour , Face ,", "God , and all saints be good to us . \u2014", "No , faith , sir ;", "Against his Spanish slops .", "To excuse a varlet ?", "O , the curst fruits of vice and lust !", "You shall see , sir .", "En gallanta madama , Don ! gallantissima !", "No !", "\u2014 Come , my fierce child , advance ,", "Not ? and flee me", "I thank thee , Face , for the angry boy , i'faith .", "This will retard", "Do you forgive him , and I do .", "Yes , your young widow by this time", "Ods will , she must go to him , man , and kiss him !", "Guilt , guilt , my son : give it the right name . No marvel ,", "And lose your fortunes .", "Over us still , and will not fall , O justice ,", "For your sake sir .", "\u2018 Pray God your sister prove but pliant !", "There 's so much of our care now cast away .", "When such affairs as these were managing !", "Face !"], "true_target": ["Against the faithful \u2014", "Yes , I 'll shave you , as well as I can .", "Help ! murder !", "You said he would not come ,", "And fasting .", "Shou 'd chance to be suspected , all would out ,", "Will you commit more sin ,", "Off with your case ,", "Is made a countess , Face ; she has been in travail", "My most honour 'd lady ,", "So the reward will prove .", "How , Dol !", "Hangs my roof", "Been courteous , lady ? liberal , and open ?", "Still , my scarce-worshipful captain , you can keep", "Peace , Ananias .", "Nay , shads and mackerel , which is worse .", "The blessing was prepared , would so tempt heaven ,", "What will you say now , if some \u2014", "When I come in ?", "I do not like the dulness of your eye ;", "Thanks , courteous Ananias .", "Zeal in the young gentleman ,", "Is serv 'd", "Nay , and by this means , sir , you shall be brother", "Would Dol were in her place , to pick his pockets now !", "Why ?", "I warrant you .", "Upon the knee !", "But here I cannot do it : if the house", "Donzel , methinks you look melancholic ,", "Yes , sir , he must appear within this hour .", "And know her state !", "An honourable fortune , very shortly .", "And hit our heads against the roof for joy :", "No , my enraged child ;", "Art thou in earnest ?", "It hath a heavy cast , \u2018 tis upsee Dutch ,", "Of a young heir for you .", "She will be ruled . What , when she comes to taste", "After these common hazards .", "To a great count .", "By this my scheme , you are to undergo", "Her six mares \u2014", "For so I am now to style you , having found", "Come , let 's go practise .", "Choose which you will .", "No secret ! Well , since he has told you , madam ,", "And my dear madam countess ? hath the count", "But where 's the widow ?", "Give Dol the word .", "Upon us , for this wicked man !", "Well then : nought rests", "And all the rest of our less works gone back .", "And fetch him over too , if you 'll be pleased , sir :", "We 'll to our quarrelling lesson again .", "Presently out of hand . And so I told him ,", "About casting dollars ,", "Ay , as balls , and bound", "Is he gone ?", "It is the Spanish fashion , for the women"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 81}, {"query": ["Your honour was t \u2019 have catch 'd a certain clap ,", "How !", "They say , a widow , rich : and I 'm a batchelor ,", "And for these household-rogues , let me alone", "To treat with them .", "I should be loth , sir ,", "Plagues , piles , and pox , by the ephemerides ,", "You are indeed : Will you hear me , sir ?", "Do you see , cozen 'd ? \u201d Where 's your Captain Face ,", "Through your credulity , had I but been", "Por el amor de dios , que es esto que se tarda ?", "And midwives of three shires : while you send in \u2014", "Will you , don bawd and pickpurse ?how now ! reel you ? Stand up , sir , you shall find , since I am so heavy , I 'll give you equal weight .", "Or , he is the Faustus ,", "That casteth figures and can conjure , cures", "Though he be scaped ; and answer by the ears , sir .", "Captain and doctor .", "With sublimed mercury , that shall burst in the heat ,", "New rascals !", "I am the Spanish don \u201c that should be cozen 'd ,", "Why , this is madness , sir ,", "And other circumstances would have made a man ;", "Then rub men 's gold o n't for a kind of touch ,", "And a clean whip shall ease you of that fear .", "Come , now , wherewith you cheat abroad in taverns .", "Not valour in you ; I must laugh at this .", "And holds intelligence with all the bawds", "\u2014 Nay , sir , you must tarry ,", "Wives that are barren , or the waiting-maid", "Then swoons his worship .", "I must give way .", "You are valiant out of company !", "This \u2018 s strange ! \u2014 Lady , do you inform your brother .", "I have found from whence your copper rings and spoons", "I am a gentleman come here disguised ,"], "true_target": ["Senora mia , mi persona esta muy indigna de allegar a tanta hermosura .", "With the green sickness .", "Will close you so much gold , in a bolt'shYpppHeNhead ,", "O , make your approach , good captain .", "So punctually forward , as place , time ,", "That you might have't for nothing . And this doctor ,", "Hydra of villainy !", "And fly out all in fumo ! Then weeps Mammon ;", "Sir , you are abused .", "And whether I have deserv 'd you or no .", "Porque no se acude ?", "To confess so much .", "El sol ha perdido su lumbre , con el esplandor que trae esta dama ! Valgame dios !", "As mine have preserv 'd you a woman . Think upon it ,", "For you 're a handsome woman : would you were wise too !", "Worth nought : your fortunes may make me a man ,", "You 'll hear me , sir ?", "\u2018 Mongst what a nest of villains ! and how near", "And , on a turn , convey in the stead another", "Senora , si sera servida , entremonos .", "A course with you \u2014", "That parcel broker , and whole-bawd , all rascal !", "No , sir ,", "\u2018 Twas here you learned t \u2019 anoint your boot with brimstone ,", "Lady , you see into what hands you are fall'n ;", "But I 'll take", "Your sooty , smoky-bearded compeer , he", "There 's no such thing intended : a good cart ,", "Only to find the knaveries of this citadel ;", "Que es esto , senores , que no venga ? Esta tardanza me mata !", "I claim some interest in your love . You are ,", "Sir , all is truth she says .", "Captain ! \u2014 what ! is he gone ? \u2014 damsels with child ,", "Por todos los dioses , la mas acabada hermosura , que he visto en mi vida !", "And say \u2018 twas naught , when you had changed the colour ,", "And where I might have wrong 'd your honour , and have not ,"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 81}, {"query": ["\u2018 Twill prove ill day", "\u201c That Perdiccas and Antigonus , were slain ,", "Was call 'd Gog-iron-leg and South-iron-leg \u201d \u2014", "All sounds of voices , in few marks of letters \u201d \u2014", "Look out , and see .", "You little look 'd for !", "\u201c For after Alexander 's death \u201d \u2014", "In the last link of the fourth chain . And these", "\u201c To speak the tongue of Eber , and Javan \u201d \u2014", "Lost , I 'm afraid .", "And profane Greek , to raise the building up", "\u201c We shall know nothing \u201d \u2014", "That was Gog-north , and Egypt-south : which after", "For some on us .", "\u201c Made up the two legs , and the fourth beast ,", "The master of the house .", "\u201c And so we may arrive by Talmud skill ,", "\u201c To come from Salem , and from Athens ,", "And Aben Ezra do interpret Rome . \u201d", "And teach the people of Great Britain \u201d \u2014"], "true_target": ["Of king Abaddon , and the beast of Cittim :", "Of vowels and consonants \u201d \u2014", "We call the rabbins , and the heathen Greeks \u201d \u2014", "Your master ;", "Be stars in story , which none see , or look at \u201d \u2014", "\u2018 Slight ,", "\u201c Where then a learned linguist", "Shall see the ancient used communion", "\u201c For , \u201d as he says , \u201c except", "Of Helen 's house against the Ismaelite ,", "Which rabbi David Kimchi , Onkelos ,", "\u201c And then Gog-horned . So was Egypt , too :", "King of Thogarma , and his habergions", "\u201c And last Gog-dust , and Egypt-dust , which fall", "Brimstony , blue , and fiery ; and the force", "Then Egypt-clay-leg , and Gog-clay-leg \u201d \u2014", "\u201c To comprise", "The two that stood , Seleuc \u2019 , and Ptolomee \u201d \u2014", "Yes ; but another is come ,", "\u201c A wisdom , which Pythagoras held most high \u201d \u2014", "Forty of the neighbours are about him , talking ."], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 81}, {"query": ["What remedy ? But think it not , good father :", "Nay , good , dear father ,", "Madam \u2014", "She 's in her fit .", "O ,", "Good father ,", "Sweet honourable lady !", "With the philosopher 's stone , by chance , and she", "Of all our cost ?", "Cast from all my hopes \u2014", "It was my sin . Forgive it .", "Do . Is no projection left ?", "Sweet madam \u2014", "There was no unchaste purpose .", "Dear lady \u2014", "By my hope , \u2018 tis true , sir .", "Nay , good sir , blame not him ;", "Falls on the other four straight .", "Is all lost , Lungs ? will nothing be preserv 'd", "What shall I do ?"], "true_target": ["Good lady \u2014", "I saw her by chance .", "Where shall I hide me !", "I 'll go .", "Is't best ?", "That was my error .", "Yes .", "Believe me , \u2018 twas against his will or knowledge :", "Why , if it do ,", "Will nought be sav 'd that 's good for med'cine , think'st thou ?", "I 'll do't .", "Why , have you so ?", "Of a fifth monarchy I would erect ,", "Lady \u2014", "Alas , I talk 'd", "By mine own base affections .", "Why , sir ?", "Alas !", "Our purposes were honest .", "O , my voluptuous mind ! I am justly punish 'd .", "Ha , Lungs !"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 81}, {"query": ["Yes , sir .", "Or a knight o \u2019 the curious coxcomb , do you see ?", "Thirty shillings , sir ;"], "true_target": ["Yes , sir ; did you never see me play the Fool ?", "Yes , sir . And he has damn 'd himself three terms to pay me .", "And for six syringes ."], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 81}, {"query": ["That casting of money is most lawful .", "That the whole company of the separation", "Casting of dollars is concluded lawful .", "Thou look'st like antichrist , in that lewd hat .", "They are profane ,", "This to the elders and the weaker brethren ,", "Peace to the household !", "Avoid , Sathan !", "Child of perdition !", "What is the motive ?", "Were seen to prank it with on divers coasts :", "Thou art not of the light : That ruff of pride", "Lewd , superstitious , and idolatrous breeches ."], "true_target": ["May join in humble prayer again .", "Upon their actions : and that this was one", "I make no scruple . \u2014 But the holy synod", "With that which the unclean birds , in seventy-seven ,", "Rest with these walls !", "Have been in prayer and meditation for it ;", "I will tell", "Sir , I know", "Yea , for some fitter place . The peace of mind", "The Spaniard hates the brethren , and hath spies", "About thy neck , betrays thee ; and is the same", "Depart , proud Spanish fiend !", "And \u2018 tis revealed no less to them than me ,"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 81}, {"query": ["King of Thogarma , and his habergions", "\u201c That Perdiccas and Antigonus , were slain ,", "\u201c For , \u201d as he says , \u201c except", "Lost , I 'm afraid .", "Yes ; but another is come ,", "We call the rabbins , and the heathen Greeks \u201d \u2014", "\u2018 Slight ,", "\u201c Where then a learned linguist", "\u201c For after Alexander 's death \u201d \u2014", "Of Helen 's house against the Ismaelite ,", "Of vowels and consonants \u201d \u2014", "\u201c To comprise", "\u201c To speak the tongue of Eber , and Javan \u201d \u2014", "Then Egypt-clay-leg , and Gog-clay-leg \u201d \u2014", "The two that stood , Seleuc \u2019 , and Ptolomee \u201d \u2014", "Look out , and see .", "The master of the house .", "And profane Greek , to raise the building up", "\u201c To come from Salem , and from Athens ,", "\u201c And last Gog-dust , and Egypt-dust , which fall"], "true_target": ["Your master ;", "Shall see the ancient used communion", "Of king Abaddon , and the beast of Cittim :", "For some on us .", "\u2018 Twill prove ill day", "And Aben Ezra do interpret Rome . \u201d", "That was Gog-north , and Egypt-south : which after", "\u201c We shall know nothing \u201d \u2014", "\u201c And then Gog-horned . So was Egypt , too :", "Forty of the neighbours are about him , talking .", "\u201c Made up the two legs , and the fourth beast ,", "All sounds of voices , in few marks of letters \u201d \u2014", "Be stars in story , which none see , or look at \u201d \u2014", "And teach the people of Great Britain \u201d \u2014", "You little look 'd for !", "\u201c A wisdom , which Pythagoras held most high \u201d \u2014", "In the last link of the fourth chain . And these", "Which rabbi David Kimchi , Onkelos ,", "Brimstony , blue , and fiery ; and the force", "Was call 'd Gog-iron-leg and South-iron-leg \u201d \u2014", "\u201c And so we may arrive by Talmud skill ,"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 82}, {"query": ["Sweet madam \u2014", "That was my error .", "Do . Is no projection left ?", "By mine own base affections .", "It was my sin . Forgive it .", "Cast from all my hopes \u2014", "Nay , good sir , blame not him ;", "Of a fifth monarchy I would erect ,", "O ,", "Good father ,", "Nay , good , dear father ,", "I 'll do't .", "I 'll go .", "Lady \u2014", "What shall I do ?", "Alas , I talk 'd", "Sweet honourable lady !", "Of all our cost ?", "Madam \u2014", "Why , if it do ,"], "true_target": ["Why , have you so ?", "There was no unchaste purpose .", "Will nought be sav 'd that 's good for med'cine , think'st thou ?", "Why , sir ?", "Is't best ?", "O , my voluptuous mind ! I am justly punish 'd .", "Dear lady \u2014", "Yes .", "Believe me , \u2018 twas against his will or knowledge :", "With the philosopher 's stone , by chance , and she", "Our purposes were honest .", "Is all lost , Lungs ? will nothing be preserv 'd", "She 's in her fit .", "Alas !", "Where shall I hide me !", "What remedy ? But think it not , good father :", "Good lady \u2014", "Falls on the other four straight .", "I saw her by chance .", "By my hope , \u2018 tis true , sir .", "Ha , Lungs !"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 82}, {"query": ["Ay , and repent at home , sir . It may be ,", "Why , you can do't as well , if you would set to't . I pray you prove your virtue .", "We had determin 'd that thou should'st have come", "Ay .", "I 'll tell thee more when thou bring'st \u2018 em .", "\u2014 Bear up , Subtle .", "In a Spanish suit , and have carried her so ; and he ,", "He has had on him , in two-penny'orths of tobacco .", "Is entertaining her .", "All struck in shivers !", "Where we will meet to-morrow , and there we 'll share .", "Of Jeremy , the butler . In the mean time ,", "Hast brought the damask ?", "Do the fair offices of a man ! you stand ,", "There is not such a foist in all the town ,", "How did you put her into't ?", "He is gone to borrow me a Spanish habit ;", "This is some trick . Come , leave your quiblins , Dorothy .", "Must off , to make me appear smooth Jeremy .", "Are flown in fumo , every glass is burst ;", "Who would have look 'd it should have been that rascal ,", "Let Mammon 's brass and pewter keep the cellar ;", "I cannot tell , sir . There will be perhaps ,", "Thou art so down upon the least disaster !", "My master will hear !", "I conceive . Come , Subtle ,", "Stand to your word ,", "Yes , and as heavily", "A very errant rogue , sir , and a cheater ,", "For he 's as furious as his sister 's mad .", "Do you two pack up all the goods and purchase ,", "And that may breed a tragedy .", "Thou must borrow", "We are undone , and taken .", "Why , now 's the time , if ever you will quarrel", "And so am I , sir .", "For some good penance you may have it yet ;", "And yet this rogue would come in a disguise ,", "That we can carry in the two trunks . I 'll keep him", "We 'll have another time for that . But , Dol ,", "Furnace , and all rent down , as if a bolt", "At night , I 'll ship you both away to Ratcliff ,", "Let us be light though .", "Do not believe him , sir . He is the lying'st swabber ! Come your ways , sir .", "Who 's there ? my lord her brother is come .", "By no means : bid him be gone .", "Good sir , the nobleman will come too , and take you ,", "No , sir .", "Retorts , receivers , pelicans , bolt-heads ,", "How , Surly !", "O , you must follow , sir , and threaten him tame :", "Surly ? he had dyed his beard and all . Well , sir .", "Be silent : not a word , if he call or knock .", "Faith , very little , sir ;", "What did he come for ?", "And what does he owe for lotium ?", "A brokerly slave ! goes , puts it on himself .", "Nay , you must never hope to lay her now .", "Hieronimo 's old cloak , ruff , and hat will serve ;", "O , we are lost ! Now she hears him , she is quiet .", "The doctor had him presently ; and finds yet ,", "O , sir , we are defeated ! all the works", "You 'll do it ?", "told her ,", "This way , for fear the lord should meet you ."], "true_target": ["Subtle must shave me : all my captain 's beard", "What 's the matter , sir ?", "He 'll turn again else .", "Of thunder had been driven through the house .", "Something about the scraping of the shards ,", "A Spanish suit . Hast thou no credit with the players ?", "He owes this honest Drugger here , seven pound ,", "Well said , sir ! He is", "I 'll send one to you to receive it .", "As you were readier to depart than he .", "You grieve him now with staying in his sight :", "Drugger , this rogue prevented us for thee :", "She lies ,", "We are but faeces , ashes .", "Who 's that ?", "We are undone !", "Good sir .", "A peck of coals or so , which is cold comfort , sir .", "Employ 'd here by another conjurer", "As all the gold he hoped for were in 's blood .", "Now to our don .", "Well , as they say , and be a true-born child :", "\u2018 Tis he , by this good day .", "And all his tricks . Make good what I say , Abel ,", "Within , with my lord 's sister ; madam Dol", "Very well , sir . Will you go fetch Don Diego off , the while ?", "Or \u2014 here comes Dol , she knows \u2014", "Hast", "Will cure the itch , \u2014 though not your itch of mind , sir .", "Off for to-day , if I cannot longer : and then", "Nay , look , sir ,", "If he knew how .", "How wouldst thou ha \u2019 done , if I had not help't thee out ?", "Nay , here 's an honest fellow , too , that knows him ,", "No : \u2018 twas within the walls .", "I know not , Nab : \u2014 Thou shalt , if I can help it . \u2014", "Here 's damask come to make you a suit .", "Help , good sir ! alas ,", "It shall be saved for you , and sent home . Good sir ,", "His coach is at the door . Avoid his sight ,", "I 'll be the count , now .", "I 'll into mine old shape again and meet him ,", "Yes , indeed , sir .", "She 'll never leave else . If the old man hear her ,", "A hundred pound to the box at Bethlem \u2014", "The impudent'st rascal \u2014", "Strict for my right . \u2014 How now , Dol !", "Nay , certainties , sir .", "\u2018 Prythee go heat a little water quickly ;", "And not cut my throat , but trim me ?", "All flown , or stinks , sir .", "To trouble our art , though he could not hurt it !", "That does not love the doctor , and would cross him ,", "I ne'er must hope to be mine own man again .", "The doctor and your sister both are abused .", "You will not offer it .", "My brain is quite undone with the fume , sir ,", "Death , sir ,", "For the restoring such as \u2014 have their wits .", "The Spanish count will come here .", "Nay , sir , you must quarrel him out o \u2019 the house .", "By the temptation of another spirit ,", "Out of Broughton ! I told you so . \u2018 Slid , stop her mouth .", "This cheater would have cozen 'd thee o \u2019 the widow . \u2014", "Coldness and death invades him . Nay , sir Mammon ,", "The Spanish count will come ?"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 82}, {"query": ["Be lighter , and I will make your pockets so .", "By your favour , Face ,", "God , and all saints be good to us . \u2014", "Thanks , courteous Ananias .", "Hangs my roof", "Against the faithful \u2014", "And fetch him over too , if you 'll be pleased , sir :", "If I found check in our great work within ,", "The blessing was prepared , would so tempt heaven ,", "Now she is honest , I will stand again .", "This will retard", "It has stood still this half hour :", "Will you commit more sin ,", "But where 's the widow ?", "And all the rest of our less works gone back .", "Upon us , for this wicked man !", "Art thou in earnest ?", "And fasting .", "Not ? and flee me", "Zeal in the young gentleman ,", "But here I cannot do it : if the house", "And says you are a lumpish whore-master .", "The work a month at least .", "To excuse a varlet ?", "O , the curst fruits of vice and lust !", "Was't so ! cry you mercy . I thought the liberties . What shall we do now , Face ?", "Off with your case ,", "When I come in ?", "For your sake sir .", "I thank thee , Face , for the angry boy , i'faith .", "And we be locked up in the Tower for ever ,", "Over us still , and will not fall , O justice ,", "Presently out of hand . And so I told him ,", "What 's to do there ?", "Shou 'd chance to be suspected , all would out ,", "Against his Spanish slops .", "And lose your fortunes .", "As they were ,", "Help ! murder !", "\u2014 How now ! ah me !", "You shall see , sir ."], "true_target": ["I do not like the dulness of your eye ;", "After your coitum , and scurvy : truly ,", "Is made a countess , Face ; she has been in travail", "And then are you defeated .", "Ay , as balls , and bound", "Yes , sir , he must appear within this hour .", "And greet her kindly , as a bridegroom should ,", "You said he would not come ,", "How ! what sight is here ? Close deeds of darkness , and that shun the light ! Bring him again . Who is he ? What , my son ! O , I have lived too long .", "While there died one a week within the liberties .", "Donzel , methinks you look melancholic ,", "What 's that ?", "Where is the instrument of wickedness ,", "Peace , Ananias .", "Yes , I 'll shave you , as well as I can .", "It hath a heavy cast , \u2018 tis upsee Dutch ,", "Why ?", "A Spanish minister came here to spy ,", "So the reward will prove .", "Guilt , guilt , my son : give it the right name . No marvel ,", "Error ?", "Would Dol were in her place , to pick his pockets now !", "And hit our heads against the roof for joy :", "You are tyrannous still .", "Yes , your young widow by this time", "About casting dollars ,", "How , Dol !", "My lewd false drudge ?", "After these common hazards .", "There 's so much of our care now cast away .", "Face !", "When such affairs as these were managing !", "Been courteous , lady ? liberal , and open ?", "Where 's Drugger ?", "Of a young heir for you .", "And my dear madam countess ? hath the count", "Is he gone ?", "How doth my noble Diego ,", "Nay , then I wonder less , if you , for whom", "To make gold there for the state , never come out ;", "True ."], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 82}, {"query": ["This \u2018 s strange ! \u2014 Lady , do you inform your brother .", "And where I might have wrong 'd your honour , and have not ,", "And a clean whip shall ease you of that fear .", "And say \u2018 twas naught , when you had changed the colour ,", "Wives that are barren , or the waiting-maid", "As mine have preserv 'd you a woman . Think upon it ,", "They say , a widow , rich : and I 'm a batchelor ,", "Or , he is the Faustus ,", "\u2018 Mongst what a nest of villains ! and how near", "Only to find the knaveries of this citadel ;", "I should be loth , sir ,", "\u2018 Twas here you learned t \u2019 anoint your boot with brimstone ,", "To treat with them .", "Your honour was t \u2019 have catch 'd a certain clap ,", "And midwives of three shires : while you send in \u2014", "So punctually forward , as place , time ,", "Why , this is madness , sir ,", "But I 'll take", "And other circumstances would have made a man ;", "O , make your approach , good captain .", "Come , now , wherewith you cheat abroad in taverns .", "That casteth figures and can conjure , cures", "And holds intelligence with all the bawds", "Lady , you see into what hands you are fall'n ;", "That parcel broker , and whole-bawd , all rascal !", "I am a gentleman come here disguised ,", "A course with you \u2014", "Then swoons his worship .", "You 'll hear me , sir ?", "And for these household-rogues , let me alone", "I claim some interest in your love . You are ,", "I must give way ."], "true_target": ["To confess so much .", "I have found from whence your copper rings and spoons", "With sublimed mercury , that shall burst in the heat ,", "With the green sickness .", "That you might have't for nothing . And this doctor ,", "Do you see , cozen 'd ? \u201d Where 's your Captain Face ,", "Then rub men 's gold o n't for a kind of touch ,", "And whether I have deserv 'd you or no .", "You are indeed : Will you hear me , sir ?", "Captain ! \u2014 what ! is he gone ? \u2014 damsels with child ,", "Worth nought : your fortunes may make me a man ,", "How !", "Not valour in you ; I must laugh at this .", "Hydra of villainy !", "Your sooty , smoky-bearded compeer , he", "For you 're a handsome woman : would you were wise too !", "Captain and doctor .", "You are valiant out of company !", "\u2014 Nay , sir , you must tarry ,", "No , sir ,", "Sir , you are abused .", "Will close you so much gold , in a bolt'shYpppHeNhead ,", "Plagues , piles , and pox , by the ephemerides ,", "New rascals !", "Though he be scaped ; and answer by the ears , sir .", "And , on a turn , convey in the stead another", "I am the Spanish don \u201c that should be cozen 'd ,", "Will you , don bawd and pickpurse ?how now ! reel you ? Stand up , sir , you shall find , since I am so heavy , I 'll give you equal weight .", "And fly out all in fumo ! Then weeps Mammon ;", "There 's no such thing intended : a good cart ,", "Through your credulity , had I but been", "Sir , all is truth she says ."], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 82}, {"query": ["And you are a pimp .", "Then you are an otter , and a shad , a whit ,", "Did I not quarrel bravely ?", "Ay , I know \u2014 Away ,you talk like a foolish mauther .", "Begone , sir , quickly .", "I 'll re-turn him then .", "Be gone , sir .", "Is he the constable ?", "I will :", "Yes , how then , sir ?", "Then you lie in your throat .", "A very tim ."], "true_target": ["I 'll keep peace for no man .", "I will not .", "The man , sir , I would know ?", "Will you begone , sir ?", "- Sir , if you get not out of doors , you lie ;", "It is my humour : you are a pimp and a trig ,", "Whate'er he is , and the son of a whore . \u2014 Are you", "Nay , an I give my mind to't , I shall do't .", "Hence , sir ! \u2014", "And \u2018 tis no matter .", "You lie :", "Where is he ? which is he ? he is a slave ,", "And an Amadis de Gaul , or a Don Quixote ."], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 82}, {"query": ["Yes , sir .", "Yes , sir ; did you never see me play the Fool ?", "Yes , sir . And he has damn 'd himself three terms to pay me ."], "true_target": ["Thirty shillings , sir ;", "And for six syringes .", "Or a knight o \u2019 the curious coxcomb , do you see ?"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 82}, {"query": ["And \u2018 tis revealed no less to them than me ,", "Thou look'st like antichrist , in that lewd hat .", "Sir , I know", "May join in humble prayer again .", "They are profane ,", "Thou art not of the light : That ruff of pride", "That casting of money is most lawful .", "I will tell", "Upon their actions : and that this was one", "This to the elders and the weaker brethren ,", "Were seen to prank it with on divers coasts :", "I make no scruple . \u2014 But the holy synod", "The Spaniard hates the brethren , and hath spies"], "true_target": ["That the whole company of the separation", "Peace to the household !", "Rest with these walls !", "Have been in prayer and meditation for it ;", "Casting of dollars is concluded lawful .", "What is the motive ?", "Avoid , Sathan !", "Lewd , superstitious , and idolatrous breeches .", "Depart , proud Spanish fiend !", "Yea , for some fitter place . The peace of mind", "With that which the unclean birds , in seventy-seven ,", "About thy neck , betrays thee ; and is the same", "Child of perdition !"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 82}, {"query": ["As mine have preserv 'd you a woman . Think upon it ,", "So punctually forward , as place , time ,", "I have found from whence your copper rings and spoons", "Then rub men 's gold o n't for a kind of touch ,", "With the green sickness .", "\u2014 Nay , sir , you must tarry ,", "I should be loth , sir ,", "\u2018 Mongst what a nest of villains ! and how near", "Captain and doctor .", "Then swoons his worship .", "Your honour was t \u2019 have catch 'd a certain clap ,", "That parcel broker , and whole-bawd , all rascal !", "New rascals !", "With sublimed mercury , that shall burst in the heat ,", "Your sooty , smoky-bearded compeer , he", "Through your credulity , had I but been", "And where I might have wrong 'd your honour , and have not ,", "Will you , don bawd and pickpurse ?how now ! reel you ? Stand up , sir , you shall find , since I am so heavy , I 'll give you equal weight .", "Do you see , cozen 'd ? \u201d Where 's your Captain Face ,", "Will close you so much gold , in a bolt'shYpppHeNhead ,", "To confess so much .", "Though he be scaped ; and answer by the ears , sir .", "Come , now , wherewith you cheat abroad in taverns .", "Plagues , piles , and pox , by the ephemerides ,", "That you might have't for nothing . And this doctor ,", "I am a gentleman come here disguised ,", "I must give way .", "How !", "Hydra of villainy !", "You 'll hear me , sir ?", "And midwives of three shires : while you send in \u2014", "You are valiant out of company !"], "true_target": ["They say , a widow , rich : and I 'm a batchelor ,", "Worth nought : your fortunes may make me a man ,", "Why , this is madness , sir ,", "To treat with them .", "Wives that are barren , or the waiting-maid", "I am the Spanish don \u201c that should be cozen 'd ,", "And a clean whip shall ease you of that fear .", "And whether I have deserv 'd you or no .", "No , sir ,", "A course with you \u2014", "O , make your approach , good captain .", "This \u2018 s strange ! \u2014 Lady , do you inform your brother .", "And , on a turn , convey in the stead another", "And holds intelligence with all the bawds", "I claim some interest in your love . You are ,", "Only to find the knaveries of this citadel ;", "For you 're a handsome woman : would you were wise too !", "You are indeed : Will you hear me , sir ?", "Sir , you are abused .", "And fly out all in fumo ! Then weeps Mammon ;", "Captain ! \u2014 what ! is he gone ? \u2014 damsels with child ,", "Sir , all is truth she says .", "That casteth figures and can conjure , cures", "And other circumstances would have made a man ;", "And say \u2018 twas naught , when you had changed the colour ,", "But I 'll take", "Lady , you see into what hands you are fall'n ;", "\u2018 Twas here you learned t \u2019 anoint your boot with brimstone ,", "There 's no such thing intended : a good cart ,", "And for these household-rogues , let me alone", "Or , he is the Faustus ,", "Not valour in you ; I must laugh at this ."], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 83}, {"query": ["Why ?", "But where 's the widow ?", "Be lighter , and I will make your pockets so .", "While there died one a week within the liberties .", "Donzel , methinks you look melancholic ,", "Presently out of hand . And so I told him ,", "And my dear madam countess ? hath the count", "It hath a heavy cast , \u2018 tis upsee Dutch ,", "Against the faithful \u2014", "You shall see , sir .", "And we be locked up in the Tower for ever ,", "Yes , sir , he must appear within this hour .", "Yes , I 'll shave you , as well as I can .", "By your favour , Face ,", "And then are you defeated .", "I thank thee , Face , for the angry boy , i'faith .", "Peace , Ananias .", "Where 's Drugger ?", "I do not like the dulness of your eye ;", "But here I cannot do it : if the house"], "true_target": ["You are tyrannous still .", "Zeal in the young gentleman ,", "Help ! murder !", "True .", "A Spanish minister came here to spy ,", "And says you are a lumpish whore-master .", "Against his Spanish slops .", "How , Dol !", "Now she is honest , I will stand again .", "To make gold there for the state , never come out ;", "Shou 'd chance to be suspected , all would out ,", "Thanks , courteous Ananias .", "Art thou in earnest ?", "Was't so ! cry you mercy . I thought the liberties . What shall we do now , Face ?", "Been courteous , lady ? liberal , and open ?", "About casting dollars ,", "After your coitum , and scurvy : truly ,", "And fasting .", "You said he would not come ,", "How doth my noble Diego ,"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 83}, {"query": ["If he knew how .", "Here 's damask come to make you a suit .", "And all his tricks . Make good what I say , Abel ,", "A Spanish suit . Hast thou no credit with the players ?", "You will not offer it .", "A brokerly slave ! goes , puts it on himself .", "How , Surly !", "He owes this honest Drugger here , seven pound ,", "Within , with my lord 's sister ; madam Dol", "How wouldst thou ha \u2019 done , if I had not help't thee out ?", "No : \u2018 twas within the walls .", "By no means : bid him be gone .", "In a Spanish suit , and have carried her so ; and he ,", "He is gone to borrow me a Spanish habit ;", "Who would have look 'd it should have been that rascal ,", "We are undone , and taken .", "Surly ? he had dyed his beard and all . Well , sir .", "Thou art so down upon the least disaster !", "And yet this rogue would come in a disguise ,", "\u2018 Prythee go heat a little water quickly ;", "Well said , sir ! He is", "We 'll have another time for that . But , Dol ,", "That does not love the doctor , and would cross him ,", "Stand to your word ,", "The impudent'st rascal \u2014", "The Spanish count will come here .", "I 'll tell thee more when thou bring'st \u2018 em .", "To trouble our art , though he could not hurt it !", "Subtle must shave me : all my captain 's beard", "He has had on him , in two-penny'orths of tobacco .", "He 'll turn again else .", "Do you two pack up all the goods and purchase ,", "Where we will meet to-morrow , and there we 'll share .", "The doctor and your sister both are abused .", "Off for to-day , if I cannot longer : and then", "I 'll into mine old shape again and meet him ,", "Do not believe him , sir . He is the lying'st swabber ! Come your ways , sir .", "Who 's that ?", "Hieronimo 's old cloak , ruff , and hat will serve ;"], "true_target": ["She lies ,", "Thou must borrow", "You 'll do it ?", "We had determin 'd that thou should'st have come", "The Spanish count will come ?", "Nay , sir , you must quarrel him out o \u2019 the house .", "told her ,", "No , sir .", "Must off , to make me appear smooth Jeremy .", "Hast", "I know not , Nab : \u2014 Thou shalt , if I can help it . \u2014", "Is entertaining her .", "Employ 'd here by another conjurer", "Drugger , this rogue prevented us for thee :", "This cheater would have cozen 'd thee o \u2019 the widow . \u2014", "Let Mammon 's brass and pewter keep the cellar ;", "Yes , indeed , sir .", "By the temptation of another spirit ,", "Or \u2014 here comes Dol , she knows \u2014", "\u2018 Tis he , by this good day .", "There is not such a foist in all the town ,", "\u2014 Bear up , Subtle .", "Why , now 's the time , if ever you will quarrel", "Nay , here 's an honest fellow , too , that knows him ,", "Be silent : not a word , if he call or knock .", "And not cut my throat , but trim me ?", "Strict for my right . \u2014 How now , Dol !", "Of Jeremy , the butler . In the mean time ,", "And what does he owe for lotium ?", "I 'll be the count , now .", "At night , I 'll ship you both away to Ratcliff ,", "Hast brought the damask ?", "O , you must follow , sir , and threaten him tame :", "Well , as they say , and be a true-born child :", "I conceive . Come , Subtle ,", "That we can carry in the two trunks . I 'll keep him", "This is some trick . Come , leave your quiblins , Dorothy .", "The doctor had him presently ; and finds yet ,", "A very errant rogue , sir , and a cheater ,", "What did he come for ?"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 83}, {"query": ["Is he the constable ?", "Hence , sir ! \u2014", "I will not .", "Nay , an I give my mind to't , I shall do't .", "- Sir , if you get not out of doors , you lie ;", "Yes , how then , sir ?", "I will :", "Will you begone , sir ?", "Then you are an otter , and a shad , a whit ,", "The man , sir , I would know ?", "A very tim .", "Ay , I know \u2014 Away ,you talk like a foolish mauther ."], "true_target": ["I 'll keep peace for no man .", "Be gone , sir .", "Then you lie in your throat .", "And you are a pimp .", "Did I not quarrel bravely ?", "It is my humour : you are a pimp and a trig ,", "I 'll re-turn him then .", "Begone , sir , quickly .", "Whate'er he is , and the son of a whore . \u2014 Are you", "You lie :", "And \u2018 tis no matter .", "Where is he ? which is he ? he is a slave ,", "And an Amadis de Gaul , or a Don Quixote ."], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 83}, {"query": ["Thirty shillings , sir ;", "Or a knight o \u2019 the curious coxcomb , do you see ?", "Yes , sir . And he has damn 'd himself three terms to pay me ."], "true_target": ["And for six syringes .", "Yes , sir ; did you never see me play the Fool ?", "Yes , sir ."], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 83}, {"query": ["That the whole company of the separation", "Were seen to prank it with on divers coasts :", "The Spaniard hates the brethren , and hath spies", "Have been in prayer and meditation for it ;", "Lewd , superstitious , and idolatrous breeches .", "Depart , proud Spanish fiend !", "May join in humble prayer again .", "Thou look'st like antichrist , in that lewd hat .", "Yea , for some fitter place . The peace of mind", "I make no scruple . \u2014 But the holy synod", "Rest with these walls !", "What is the motive ?", "They are profane ,"], "true_target": ["That casting of money is most lawful .", "Child of perdition !", "Peace to the household !", "And \u2018 tis revealed no less to them than me ,", "Upon their actions : and that this was one", "About thy neck , betrays thee ; and is the same", "Sir , I know", "Avoid , Sathan !", "Thou art not of the light : That ruff of pride", "I will tell", "Casting of dollars is concluded lawful .", "This to the elders and the weaker brethren ,", "With that which the unclean birds , in seventy-seven ,"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 83}, {"query": ["Your master ;", "Yes ; but another is come ,", "For some on us .", "\u2018 Slight ,", "The master of the house ."], "true_target": ["Look out , and see .", "You little look 'd for !", "\u2018 Twill prove ill day", "Lost , I 'm afraid .", "Forty of the neighbours are about him , talking ."], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 83}, {"query": ["What is it ?", "Teig and Shemus \u2014", "And trampled measure down .", "She emptied out the purse before our eyes .", "What can have made the grey hen flutter so ?", "FIRST MERCHANTm Though we 're but vermin that our Master sent", "What was it kept you in the wood ? You know", "There 's flour enough to make another loaf .", "We have all she had ;", "I will not cook for you .", "SECOND MERCHANT .", "SHEMUS", "That every wicked sight is hid from the eye ,", "God is all powerful .", "I would to God he were home \u2014 ah , there he is .", "I will not cook for you , because I know", "A place that 's set among impassable walls", "But seek them patiently .", "Out of my mind till you are home again .", "Your servants take when they are marketing .", "I had thought there was a pushing to and fro ,", "If you and yours should not be welcome here .", "You 'll bring misfortune with your blasphemies", "What can have kept your father all this while ?", "God , that to this hour 's found bit and sup ,", "Those scruples may befit a common time .", "But first sit down and rest yourself awhile ,", "And seen the seven wonders of the world ,", "God 's pity on the rich ,", "There is the hen in the coop .", "Will cater for us still .", "The dishes standing on the polished wood", "And seeing what great wealth is spread out there ,", "Look out , and tell me if your father 's coming .", "And there 's the needle 's eye at the end of all .", "As though world 's trouble could not find it out .", "Where shall the starving come at merchandise ?", "You have still some way ,"], "true_target": ["If you are not demons ,", "When the ear is stopped and when the eye is stopped ,", "Had I but time to put the place to rights .", "In the wax candle light , we 'd be as hard ,", "Leave that door open .", "Had we been through as many doors , and seen", "To overrun the world , he at the end", "Maybe He 'd have us die because He knows ,", "When those that have read books ,", "And all fool talk from the ear .", "I cannot get all sorts of accidents", "Shall pull apart the pale ribs of the moon", "Give food or money to the starving poor .", "Longer than books can tell \u2014 and it were strange", "And quench the stars in the ancestral night .", "But I can put you on the trodden path", "What , did you beg ?", "There is something that the hen hears .", "Curse to your fill , for saints will have their dreams .", "You never thanked her ladyship .", "For my old fathers served your fathers , lady ,", "Fear what 's above or what 's below the ground ,", "Destroyers of souls , God will destroy you quickly .", "Their swine and cattle , fields and implements", "At times like this , that overset the scale", "In what unlucky shape you sat but now", "Mother of God , defend us !", "Then you are Countess Cathleen ?", "Outside this door .", "You shall at last dry like dry leaves and hang", "Nailed like dead vermin to the doors of God .", "It 's time that poverty should bolt the door .", "God help us all !", "Is it call devils ? Call devils from the wood , call them in here ?", "Oh , God , why are you still ?", "We know it , lady .", "Upon your father , or yourself , or me .", "Are sold and gone ."], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 84}, {"query": ["But maybe if you called , something would come ,", "They 're coming here .", "Squeal like a rabbit under a weasel 's tooth ?", "They have been seen of late .", "There 's no good luck in owls , but it may be", "And they moved up and down like a bat 's wing .", "The same for me .", "I could not see them rightly for the leaves .", "So that they brought us money .", "Then you have brought no dinner .", "They say that now the land is famine struck", "\u2018 Twas you that called them .", "A herdsman met a man who had no mouth ,", "For three nights running , and there 's always gold .", "A woman met a man with ears spread out ,", "You said that you would bring us food or money .", "There are two birds \u2014 if you can call them birds \u2014", "And the last penny gone .", "And that is not the worst ; at Tubber-vanach", "The graves are walking .", "I fell but now , being weak with hunger and thirst ,", "But they 've the shape and colour of horned owls", "Call them in .", "It 's this , your honours :"], "true_target": ["And I 'm half certain they 've a human face .", "They 're looking at me .", "That the ill luck 's to fall upon their heads .", "Because of some wild words my father said", "Beautiful lady , give me something too ;", "But for this empty purse ?", "And when that 's gone ?", "Two nights ago , at Carrick-orus churchyard ,", "Mother !", "She thinks you are not of those who cast a shadow .", "A young man plays it ,", "A bit of mouldy bread .", "What do they care , he says , though the whole land", "There 's an old woman and a lady with him .", "There is many a one , they say , had money from them .", "And lay upon the threshold like a log .", "But dream of gold", "Yet no thunder stirs .", "In the bush beyond ,", "What is the good of praying ? father says .", "You speak to them .", "God and the Mother of God have dropped asleep .", "Nor eyes , nor ears ; his face a wall of flesh ;", "He saw him plainly by the light of the moon .", "I 'll barter mine . Why should we starve for what may be but nothing ?"], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 84}, {"query": ["I thought you were .... but that 's no matter now \u2014", "Knives thrown into a basket to be cleaned .", "Not cook ! not cook !", "Who or what I am to welcome here .", "What 's that for thanks ,", "We rattle one on another as though we were", "Welcome , if they 'd a mind to eat and drink ;", "I 'd welcome you no less . Be what you please", "I 'd make so bold , if you would pardon it , To ask if there 's a thing you 'd have of us . Although we are but poor people , if there is , Why , if there is \u2014", "I 've taken nothing , for the very rats ,", "Yet if you were that I had thought but now", "What can we do but live on sorrel and dock )", "You might be starved before you 've dug it out .", "Because that 's how the trick-o \u2019 - the-loop man talks .", "Because I struck her in that argument .", "Is now worth fifty .", "My curse upon the beggars , my Curse upon them !", "My curse upon the rich .", "I 'll have no bolts , for there is not a thing", "And call up a whey face and a whining voice ,", "Up to a price no man has heard the like of", "I have said nothing , lady . Why should the like of us complain ?", "What is the trouble of the poor to her ?", "No , you .", "Nothing at all or a harsh radishy sauce", "For there is nothing on the ridge of the world", "So then you 're as deceitful as the rest ,", "It clangs as though it had been made of brass ;", "And saw the dead and not a soul to wake them .", "For when the beggars saw me they cried out", "There were five doors that I looked through this day", "And that if you dig down where it was scratching", "And you 'll have supper at the market rate ,", "A pigeon or a seagull or the like ,", "I had not rather welcome to this house", "There had been words between my wife and me", "That buy and sell you .", "I heard say", "That walks above the ground or under it", "When the hen 's gone ,", "Do not be angry . She wants to pay me back", "But if you hit it with a stone or a stick", "And hunted me away with sticks and stones .", "That means that what was sold for but a penny", "Since I 've set eyes on bread or on what buys it ."], "true_target": ["FIRST MERCHANT .", "I 'm in no mood to listen to your clatter .", "So you 'd stand up against me , and you 'd say", "Although I tramped the woods for half a day ,", "Pray , if you have a mind to . it 's little that the sleepy ears above Care for your words ; but I 'll call what I please .", "But she 'll get sense again . Since the dearth came", "And ask in what I pleased or who I pleased", "There 's something that appears like a white bird ,", "Because I said I would be master here ,", "It is a long while", "It 's strange that she should think we cast no shadow ,", "And so .... but that is nothing to the point ,", "Bestir yourself , Go kill and draw the fowl , while Teig and I Lay out the plates and make a better fire .", "And dandelion , till our mouths are green ?", "And all that talk of buying what 's but a vapour", "What 's in the house ?", "Thank her ,", "After that", "And let your head be bowed upon your knees .", "They would not have another share their alms ,", "What can it be but nothing ? What has God poured out of His bag but famine ? Satan gives money .", "For seven halfpence and a silver bit ?", "That 's more substantial than the merchants are", "Whatever you are that walk the woods at night , So be it that you have not shouldered up Out of a grave \u2014 for I 'll have nothing human \u2014 And have free hands , a friendly trick of speech , I welcome you . Come , sit beside the fire . What matter if your head 's below your arms Or you 've a horse 's tail to whip your flank , Feathers instead of hair , that 's but a straw , Come , share what bread and meat is in the house , And stretch your heels and warm them in the ashes . And after that , let 's share and share alike And curse all men and women . Come in , come in . What , is there no one there ?And yet they say They are as common as the grass , and ride Even upon the book in the priest 's hand .", "Or what 's the double of it that she promised ?", "You come to buy our souls ?", "But it is certain that you are men like us .", "Is fancy bred . I might have known as much ,", "His kitchen 's bare .", "Than any more of mankind , rich or poor .", "That is to show who 's master .", "You 'll find a crock of gold .", "And there was scarce a wind in the parched leaves .", "I said I 'd make the devils of the wood", "I had no chance to beg ,", "And rising every day .", "Then down upon that stool , down quick , I say ,", "And held a hollow hand among the others .", "With bread and flesh and every sort of food", "I sat among the beggars at the cross-roads ,", "Because it 's certain that you are but merchants .", "Badgers , and hedgehogs seem to have died of drought ,", "For the day 's meat .", "Who 's passing there ? And mocking us with music ?", "Come , let 's away . TREIG > I shall keep running till I 've earned the price ."], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 84}, {"query": ["Can eat its way into what place it pleases .", "By starving men and women all this day ,", "SHEMUS", "But that 's a dream , for the old worm o \u2019 the world", "Although we 've wandered in the wood this hour \u2014", "Because we met him on their border but now ,", "You shall have twice the sum .", "I gave for all and that was all I had .", "Pine to my grave .", "Somewhere among these woods .", "For such kind welcome but I must be gone ,", "Wandering and singing like a wave of the sea \u2014", "It may be that we are that trouble , for we \u2014", "A cider orchard and a plot for flowers ,", "Ah , do not blame the finger on the string ;", "For the night 's gathering in .", "And it were stranger still were I ungrateful", "And this young man , that should have known the woods \u2014"], "true_target": ["An old grey castle with a kitchen garden ,", "And this woman ,", "The doctors bid me fly the unlucky times", "And find distraction for my thoughts , or else", "That he can give no help .", "And they have had the rest ; but take the purse ,", "Oona , my nurse , should have remembered it ,", "Is so wrapped up in dreams of terrors to come", "So you are starving even in this wood ,", "What , music , music !", "Look , my purse is empty . I have passed", "But if you 'll come to-morrow to my house", "For we were happy for a long time there .", "For I lived all my childhood in that house .", "Have lost it too , yet I should know my way ,", "Where I had thought I would find nothing changed .", "God save all here . There is a certain house ,", "The silver clasps o n't may be worth a trifle ."], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 84}, {"query": ["Or else some change has come upon my sight .", "The paths are overgrown with thickets now ,"], "true_target": ["Have done . Sorrows that she 's but read of in a book", "Weigh on her mind as if they had been her own ."], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 84}, {"query": ["Your sorrowful love can never be told ,", "He that could bend all things to His will", "Some devilish creature flies in the air , but now", "With the pale stars and the wandering moon .", "Cover it up with a lonely tune ,"], "true_target": ["Two grey-horned owls hooted above our heads .", "Impetuous heart , be still , be still ,", "For who can say what walks , or in what shape", "Has covered the door of the infinite fold", "Shut to the door before the night has fallen ,"], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 84}, {"query": ["END OF SCENE 1", "So good a price , that all who deal with us", "They have not sold all yet .", "We 've travelled a long road ,", "You 've but to cry aloud at every cross-road ,", "And stretch and warm our heels among the ashes .", "For she has fainted . Wring the neck o \u2019 that fowl ,", "We 'd do our share .", "There is a heap for each .", "Our faces go unscratched ,", "At every house door , that we buy men 's souls ,", "That 's for the work , each has its separate price ;", "Because we are Christian men .", "Scatter the flour and search the shelves for bread .", "And give so good a price that all may live", "We 'll turn the fowl upon the spit and roast it ,", "We 'd thought of a more prudent way than that ?", "For there 's a vaporous thing \u2014 that may be nothing ,"], "true_target": ["We will ask nothing but what all men have .", "For there 's a work I have to set you to .", "In mirth and comfort till the famine 's done ,", "Our Master bids us pay", "Shall eat , drink , and be merry .", "We travel for the Master of all merchants .", "And now we look for supper and a fire", "Now that the house is quiet , praise our master ,", "And eat the supper we were bidden to ,", "But no , not yet ,", "But neither price is paid till the work 's done .", "But that 's the buyer 's risk \u2014 a second self ,", "And a safe corner to count money in .", "If we knew how to find deserving poor", "For we are merchants that must tramp the world ,", "They call immortal for a story 's sake .", "But if already", "We know the evils of mere charity ."], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 84}, {"query": ["We 'll give him such a price he never dreamt of .", "If each one brings a bit of merchandise ,", "And when your hands can scarcely drag your body", "Till that low threshold there becomes a wall ,"], "true_target": ["Pray , you shall need Him .", "We shall be near you .", "Stop , for we obey a generous Master , That would be served by Comfortable men . And here 's your entertainment on the road .", "You shall eat dock and grass , and dandelion ,"], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 84}, {"query": ["Go call them here again , bring them by force , Beseech them , bribe , do anything you like .And you too follow , add your prayers to his .Steward , you know the secrets of my house . How much have I ?", "I thought to have escaped misfortune here . Has any one been killed ?", "O God !", "I 'll have no joy or sorrow of my own .", "How much have I in pasture ?", "God cannot help but pardon . There is no soul", "And we 'd have passed it without noticing .", "Nor one but lifts a strangeness to God 's love", "Whose loss were less than irremediable", "Surely this leafy corner , where one smells", "Why , that 's true ,", "Keeping this house alone , sell all I have ,", "A learned theologian has laid down", "The wild bee 's honey , has a story too ?", "But it 's unlike all others in the world ,", "You shall be tended . From this day for ever", "If she had better sense .", "How much have I in forests ?", "With herds of cattle and with ships of meal ."], "true_target": ["She 'd sleep that trouble away \u2014 though it must be", "And get your souls again . I will pay all .", "Come , follow me , for the earth burns my feet Till I have changed my house to such a refuge That the old and ailing , and all weak of heart , May escape from beak and claw ; all , all , shall come Till the walls burst and the roof fall on us . From this day out I have nothing of my own .OONAShe has found something now to put her hand to , And you and I are of no more account Than flies upon a window-pane in the winter .END OF SCENE 2 .", "So she loves truly .", "Go barter where you please , but come again", "Till that 's grown infinite , and therefore none", "But there 's a world to come .", "How much have I in castles ?", "Give twice and thrice and twenty times their money ,", "And yet be sinless .", "Although it were the wickedest in the world .", "A heavy trouble to forget his name \u2014", "Make no delay .", "They have not come ; speak quickly .", "But maybe they were starving .", "is it because they have short memories They live so long ?", "I do not understand you , who has climbed ?", "And if it be a sin , while faith 's unbroken", "That starving men may take what 's necessary ,"], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 85}, {"query": ["The empty rattle-pate ! Lean on this arm ,", "But as you please . It is time I was forgot .", "There is the house at last .", "There is your own house , lady .", "There should be broken bottles on the wall .", "Sinless and a thief", "When you were as helpless as a worm .", "For you have not been christened ?", "Know what Heaven pardons ?"], "true_target": ["That I can tell you is a christened arm ,", "Talk on ; what does it matter what you say ,", "Their eyes shone like the eyes of birds of prey .", "I care no more than if a pig had grunted .", "Maybe it is not on this arm you slumbered", "Your own house , lady .", "Rest on my arm . These are no thoughts for any Christian ear .", "And not like some , if we are to judge by speech .", "How does a man who never was baptized", "New friends are sweet ."], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 85}, {"query": ["But now when seven are out you come between .", "What 's memory but the ash", "A curse upon it for a meddlesome house !", "Lady , because she has forgot his name .", "She sleeps high up on wintry Knock-na-rea", "And be as patient and as pitiful .", "I thought to have kept her from remembering", "Till they are giddy and would love as men do ,", "Had it but stayed away I would have known", "One drew his knife", "I am younger , she would be too heavy for you .This hollow box remembers every foot That danced upon the level grass of the world , And will tell secrets if I whisper to it .Lift up the white knee ; That 's what they sing , Those young dancers That in a ring Raved but now Of the hearts that break Long , long ago For their sake .", "Must lie and jog in the wave if they would sleep", "And climb Croaghpatrick , you shall not be pardoned .", "But there is nothing that will stop in their heads ,", "\u201c But the dance changes .", "Being water born \u2014 yet if she cry their names", "And wash the feet of beggars and give alms ,", "They 've such poor memories , though they weep for it .", "In an old cairn of stones ; while her poor women", "No , but wets her cheeks ,", "That stopped his way ; and when I would have stopped him", "The evil of the times for full ten minutes ;", "And though you live unto a hundred years ,"], "true_target": ["Old woman , old woman ,", "Loved Maeve the Queen of all the invisible host ,", "And died of his love nine centuries ago .", "And said that he would kill the man or woman", "And whether now \u2014 as in the old days \u2014 the dancers", "You are a sinful woman", "Is trodden down . \u201d", "Upon that level place , and for three days", "All that sorrow", "Oh , yes , they weep ; that 's when the moon is full .", "That chokes our fires that have begun to sink ?", "He made this stroke at me ; but it is nothing .", "You robbed her of three minutes peace of mind ,", "What Queen Maeve thinks on when the moon is pinched ;", "She leaves her dancers lonely and lies there", "Lift up the gown ,", "And they 've a dizzy , everlasting fire .", "Stretches and sighs and wets her long pale cheeks .", "A man , they say ,", "And now , when the moon 's riding at the full ,", "They run up on the land and dance in the moon", "Set their brief love on men .", "Stay with me till we come to your own house . CATHLEENWhen I am rested I will need no help ."], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 85}, {"query": ["I was afraid some other of the servants \u2014", "Against the wall 's to blame for everything ,", "Then God be thanked , I am the first to tell you .", "A hundred kegs of gold .", "That is certain . To rob or starve , that was the choice they had .", "And mixed up truth and lies , your ladyship .", "Then get your breath and speak .", "Has some misfortune happened ?", "Though I 've been on the watch \u2014 had been the first", "God 's blessing light upon your ladyship . You will have saved the land .", "Oh , no , not killed . They have stolen half a cart-load of green cabbage .", "The forester 's to blame . The men climbed in"], "true_target": ["As much more .", "What are you running for ? Pull off your cap ,", "As much more .", "Do you not see who 's there ?", "They 're drunk or mad .", "The forester that let the branches lie", "Yes , indeed .", "I am not to blame , for I had locked the gate ,", "At the east corner where the elm-tree is .", "CATHLEEN", "For that is how the rogues got into the garden .", "As much more ."], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 85}, {"query": ["There 's something every man has carried with him", "If he but sell it , may set up his coach .", "If you 'd my news", "That has been brought it for a thousand years .", "I am running to the world with the best news", "I 'd rather trust myself into the hands", "I cannot wait .", "And if there is ,", "But keep the flesh out of its merriment .", "A marketable thing !"], "true_target": ["You 'd run as fast and be as out of breath .", "That have but shaken famine from the bag .", "Is that a rogue who 's lain in lousy straw ,", "What sets me laughing when I think of it ,", "That can pay money down than to the hands", "Not we ! not we ! For souls \u2014 if there are souls \u2014", "\u201c Go cry it all about the world , \u201d they said . \u201c Money for souls , good money for a soul . \u201d", "And thought no more about than if it were", "A mouthful of the wind ; and now it 's grown", "I shall be drunk and merry ."], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 85}, {"query": ["Look at the price they give .", "Come , let 's away .", "And yet it seemed"], "true_target": ["As useless as the paring of one 's nails .", "Such news , we shall be carried on men 's shoulders .", "There are two gentlemen who buy men 's souls .", "And maybe there 's no soul at all ."], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 85}, {"query": ["I was asleep in my bed , and while I slept", "Of waters , till the evil days are done .", "Some unimagined evil , some great darkness", "That fable has not dreamt of , nor sun nor moon", "When one so great has spoken of love to one \u2019 So little as I , though to deny him love , What can he but hold out beseeching hands , Then let them fall beside him , knowing how greatly They have overdared ?", "They who have sent me walk invisible .", "I thought but of healing . He was angelical . CATHLEENNo , not angelical , but of the old gods , Who wander about the world to waken the heart The passionate , proud heart \u2014 that all the angels , Leaving nine heavens empty , would rock to sleep .", "It may be that he is angelical ;", "For here some terrible death is waiting you ,", "My dream became a fire ; and in the fire", "And some few serving men , and live in the hills ,", "I have come to bid you leave this castle and fly", "How but in healing ?"], "true_target": ["And you must bring but your old foster-mother ,", "And bid him shelter all that starve or wander", "One walked and he had birds about his head .", "And , lady , he bids me call you from these woods .", "Among the sounds of music and the light", "Being silent ,", "Out of these woods .", "While there is food and house room .", "I have said all , yet let me stay beside you .", "Give me your hand to kiss .", "Scattered .", "This house", "You are to leave with some old trusty man ,"], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 86}, {"query": ["That makes men bow , and flings a casting-net", "Above all else , I would not have you look .", "Because we have walked upon its leaves ; and there", "The door stands open , and the gold is gone .", "I find no way , no end . Nor do I weep", "But stands before it modelling in the clay", "Have you seen nobody ?", "FIRST MERCHANT .", "You bribe them with the safety of your gold .", "That no one who is famished or afraid ,", "What are you ?", "I hear a whisper from beyond the thunder .", "Had made a heavy shadow about our door ,", "Will have it they seem much as mortals are ,", "Has grown to Heaven like a tree , and there", "The door stands open ,", "Because I had longed to look upon your face ,", "Dabbles , and there \u2018 you would pluck the harp , when the trees", "Were as little shaken as this holy flame !", "A something not of us ; but were you not born", "OONA", "FIRST MERCHANT .", "This heart shall never waken on earth . I have sworn ,", "That they might sift men 's hearts and wills ,", "Be silent .", "Merchants forgive me \u2014 seemed to smile .", "And silently , and do not turn your head ;", "When will this yellow vapour no more hang", "But I am the empty pitcher .", "Unless one opened . I am desolate ,", "I cannot . Although I weep , I do not weep", "Have made you more than kings or queens ; and not you", "That makes me fear . When you were telling how", "Where none of mortal creatures but the swan", "There are some men who hold they have wolves \u2019 heads ,", "Your eyes were lighted up , and when you told", "Let those among you \u2014 not too old to ride \u2014", "No , not angelical .", "Say they are gross and little ; while a few", "You have seen my tears", "Of vervain , monkshood , plantain , and self-heal .", "There is a something in you that I fear ;", "Of herbs for medicine , of hellebore ,", "In some most distant corner of the world ?", "What evil is there here ? That is not everywhere from this to the sea ?", "Upon a dragon-guarded hill , and all", "For a most sad resolve wakes in my heart", "Rustled its leaves , till Heaven has saved my people .", "We are merchants , and we know the book of the world", "These two \u2014 the larder and the dairy keys .", "Crowns from the Country-under-Wave or apples", "Queens have wed shepherds and kings beggar-maids ;", "Came in to find an ear .", "But tall and brown and travelled \u2014 like us \u2014 lady ,", "And talk among the rustling of the reeds ,", "And I can see your hand shake on the floor .", "And heard you of the demons who buy souls ?", "OONA Ochone !", "It moves awry and demon hordes are born .", "When night hunted the foolish sun away", "There have been women that bid men to rob", "And can buy grain from those who have stored it up", "Have read of late matters that much concern you ;", "Goodbye ; but do not turn your head and look ;"], "true_target": ["But take you this . It opens the small room", "How would that quiet end ?", "Do not hold out to me beseeching hands .", "And curlews cry , and have the peace I longed for .", "There is something , Merchant , in your voice", "I cannot see him , for all is dark outside .", "Old man , old man , He never closed a door", "Because that life would be most happy , and here", "So it is true what I have heard men say ,", "For its old , heavy , dull and shapeless ease ;", "How my poor money serves the people , both \u2014", "A man may lose his soul and lose his God", "Would my imagination and my heart", "But I have still my faith ; therefore be silent", "By her whose heart the seven sorrows have pierced ,", "There is no evil that can find you here .", "No , no , not while my heart is shaken . No ,", "My thanks to God , to Mary and the angels ,", "But you 've been far and know the signs of things ,", "With stillness and pale tapers . No-no-no !", "Yet stay an instant . When we meet again", "Yet all agree a power is in their looks", "And trembled as they bid it , as I tremble", "That my good mistress should lose all this money .", "And moulding there His image . Age by age", "To prosper on the hunger of the poor .", "Get horses and search all the country round ,", "About their souls , and that all men would go", "I never spoke to him of his wounded hand ,", "That I am wealthy ! Wherefore do they sell ?", "The book of cures is on the upper shelf .", "For now you are safe from all the evil times .", "How can a heap of crowns pay for a soul ? Is the green grave so terrible a thing ?", "I have heard that one of the old gods walked so .", "But you shall hear wind cry and water cry ,", "To pray before this altar until my heart", "I 'll give a farm to him who finds the thieves .", "But sometimes \u2014 though His hand is on it still \u2014", "And say their limbs \u2014 dried by the infinite flame \u2014", "And creep about the fields , and this great heat", "Have all the speed of storms ; others , again ,", "The clay wars with His fingers and pleads hard", "Yet leave me now , for I am desolate ,", "Despair of help or of a welcome with it .", "For surely He does not forsake the world ,", "You are too timid .", "If the old tales are true ,", "Ah , no , not that . A sad resolve wakes in me . I have heard A sound of wailing in unnumbered hovels , And I must go down , down \u2014 I know not where \u2014 Pray for all men and women mad from famine ; Pray , you good neighbours .Mary , Queen of angels , And all you clouds on clouds of saints , farewell ! END OF SCENE 3 .", "But that a night of prayer has made me weary .", "And barter those poor vapours , were it not", "And noticing the castle door stand open ,", "That you have seen and heard what others cannot .", "And now he is gone .", "And yet I send you from me . Do not speak ;", "Ochone ! Ochone ! The treasure room is broken in ,", "But you have news , you say .", "That I have money in my treasury ,", "Praise be to God , to Mary , and the angels", "I may have grown forgetful . Oona , take", "He bids me go", "That lay a hard task on you , that you go ,", "Vanish away , and grass show its green shoots ?", "I kiss your forehead .", "God 's procreant waters flowing about your mind"], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 86}, {"query": ["I heard them breathing but a moment since ,", "FIRST MERCHANT , Well , well , to labour .", "That the sea creatures made as they came hither ,", "You must not touch them , put them in the bag ,", "For somebody is stirring in the house ; the noise", "How could I help it ? For she prayed so hard", "To take her soul to-night ?", "Hush , hush , and still your feet . You are not now upon Maeve 's dancing-floor .", "Had turned her thoughts to dream .", "Away now \u2014 they are in the passage \u2014 hurry ,", "Their singing and their endless chattering ,", "And carry them to Shemus Rua 's house", "And now take up the bags upon your backs", "For they will know us , and freeze up our hearts", "With Ave Marys , and burn all our skin", "Too late ;", "These dancers"], "true_target": ["And if I called they would but turn and mock ,", "She 's gathered in the house are coming hither .", "But now they are gone , being unsteadfast things .", "On the wood 's border .", "They come . Be still a while .", "There is the treasury door and time runs on .", "Brother , I heard a sound in there \u2014 a sound", "And many shuffling feet . All the old men and women", "But you they dare not disobey .", "Has waked the house . I hear the chairs pushed back ,", "Are always the most troublesome of spirits .", "I could not cross the threshold till her lover", "That troubles me .", "What , would you wake her ?", "FIRST MERCHANT", "With holy water .", "They 're gone , for little do they care for me ,"], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 86}, {"query": ["Whom you had bid buy cattle . Near Fair Head", "Forgetful of their pure , impartial sea ,", "Heavy with sickness in the bog of Allen ,", "To this \u2014 full of the gaiety of the lost \u2014", "And some because there is a kind of joy", "Come , break up the long dance under the hill ,", "The cymbals of the waves to clash alone ,", "In casting all sails out upon the wind ;", "It must go dropping down of its free will", "Our horses beat the ground impatiently .", "Or if you lie in the hollows of the sea ,", "Take sides with her .", "What lies in the waves should be indifferent", "In the dark night ; and not less still than they ,", "So many lands and seen so many men .", "In casting hope away , in losing joy ,", "And yet they buy it for a hundred crowns .", "In you is all the hope of all the land .", "But I 've a plan .", "Man 's sins", "And so I must endure the weight of the world ,", "Because I am of the ninth and mightiest hell", "Farewell ; for we must ride", "I will speak with her ,", "Too little to be worth a hundred pence ,", "And fattens with disease and glows with heat .", "They knew they were to carry it on their backs .", "To good and evil , and yet it seems that these ,", "As to bear burdens on our backs as men do .", "Some sell because the money gleams , and some", "Come , all you elemental populace", "But for a soul like yours , I heard them say ,", "We saw a man ,", "There is no sign of change \u2014 day copies day ,", "We 'd do such wrong to our great Master 's name"], "true_target": ["Where are those dancers gone ?", "Lady , we 've news that 's crying out for speech .", "Your porter sleeping in his niche \u2014 a soul", "We have brought news .", "Many a mile before the morning come ;", "The glowing leagues of never-ending flame .", "We still have time \u2014 they search the distant rooms .", "As on a lady 's shoe-string ,\u2014 under them", "Move us to laughter only ; we have seen", "Green things are dead \u2014 the cattle too are dead", "For when she has awaked the prayer will cease .", "As we came in at the great door we saw", "Because they are in terror of the grave ,", "The knowledgable pippin in his mouth", "They knew their work . It seems that they imagine", "Opening one 's arms to the eternal flames .", "And some because their neighbours sold before ,", "We saw your grain ships lying all becalmed", "They would give five hundred thousand crowns and more .", "Would all folk hurry if your gold were gone .", "Far from my Master and the revelry ,", "If we would win this turquoise for our lord", "How strange that all these people should be swung", "Gather about us .", "Where are all kings , I have a plan .", "Do not fear ,", "And shaking the sea-tangles from your hair", "That 's lasted since \u2014 shaped as a worm \u2014 he bore", "From Cruachan and Finbar 's ancient house .", "Or dying \u2014 and on all the vapour hangs ,", "Leave lonely the long hoarding surges , leave", "And mix with all her thoughts a thought to serve .\u2014", "To the first woman .", "Burned all their mirrored lanthorns in the sea .", "I 'll call them , and who 'll dare to disobey ?", "In ceasing all resistance , in at last"], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 86}, {"query": ["Our crying filled the shore .", "From this we shall not come", "Her shepherds at nightfall", "Lay many a plate and cup", "And though we have heard and come", "Cry out to \u2019 us who may ."], "true_target": ["That when the dance break up", "We may have meat and drink .", "From this day out we 'll never dance again .", "Our hearts are sore , but we come Because we have heard you call .", "No , no , let us away ;", "Therefore our hearts are sore ;", "Down by the trodden brink ,"], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 86}, {"query": ["Sorrow has made me dumb .", "Never again ."], "true_target": ["Sorrow has made me dumb .", "Sorrow has made me dumb ."], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 86}, {"query": ["Now that the winds are heavy with our kind ,", "Our lord would be well pleased if we could win her .", "Might we not kill her , and bear off her spirit"], "true_target": ["SECOND MERCHANT", "Before the mob of angels were astir ?", "She has heard nothing ; she has fallen asleep .", "Sorrow has made me dumb ."], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 86}, {"query": ["No , farther away ."], "true_target": ["Come quickly , we will search the western tower .", "It was in the western tower ."], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 86}, {"query": ["We sat by the fireside telling vanities .", "We heard a noise , but though we have searched the house"], "true_target": ["FIRST PEASANT .", "We have found nobody ."], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 86}, {"query": ["In my stone niche , and two owls passed me by ,", "Your coffin in a dream ?"], "true_target": ["Why do you do this , lady ; did you see", "Demons were here . I sat beside the door", "Whispering with human voices ."], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 86}, {"query": ["But does n't a gold piece glitter like the sun ?", "So high \u2014 so high , it 's shining like the sun ,", "They 've bags and bags of it .", "Told me when I was but a little boy \u2014"], "true_target": ["I have seen silver and copper , but not gold .", "END OF SCENE 4", "It 's beautiful . The most beautiful thing under the sun , That 's what I 've heard .", "That 's what my father , who 'd seen better days ,", "Round and shining , that is what he said ."], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 87}, {"query": ["There 's nothing in the world it cannot buy ."], "true_target": ["It 's yellow and it shines ."], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 87}, {"query": ["What is your name ?"], "true_target": ["Oh , of course , I forgot . I will lead you to some one who will give you a name .Stranger"], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 88}, {"query": ["I do not understand ."], "true_target": ["What place is this ? They told me somewhere \u2014 but I have forgotten \u2014 that I should die there which is being born here and come to the earth ."], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 88}, {"query": ["I am your father .", "Stranger"], "true_target": ["Man", "Woman", "I am your mother ."], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 88}, {"query": ["No , wait ! They are not all here . There are some missing . They must all come .", "We will wait for them no matter how long .", "It will be even more beautiful than this , for we shall go higher , and climb those Morning Mountains . The flowers of the Spirit grow there .", "Go , Everychild . Find them and bring them all back with you . Take this lamp ."], "true_target": ["Yes , this is our world , and I shall give you a name . I shall name you", "Everychild .", "Our love !", "No , but it should be so , and some day it will be so ."], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 88}, {"query": ["Is it always and everywhere so beautiful ?"], "true_target": ["And we shall gather them ?"], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 88}, {"query": ["It is a dream we have .", "Have we not named her Everychild ?", "Take it , Everychild . With this lamp you can find the lost children and bring them all back with you .", "Yes . She must go down and find all who have lost their way . Perhaps some have awakened in the wrong place and are wandering about in the dark jungle of the world . We will wait here till they come ."], "true_target": ["Mother", "It will be so long to wait . Let us go with these .", "Yes , Everychild . Come now , and bring all the others with you . We will take that path yonder to the hills .", "Our lamp ?"], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 88}, {"query": ["How is she , mother ?", "You can n't go to-day , boys . Next time \u2014\u2014", "Some o \u2019 them roots seemed as long as from here to the barn .", "I do n't know where you 'll get \u2018 em then .", "Dr. Lowden ?", "Mary , I think you 'd better telephone for the doctor to come and have a look at Rosie . MaryI did \u2014 this morning . He said he did n't have time to come out to-day .", "Billie"], "true_target": ["You know we had to pay the interest at the bank first of all , and the rest went for fertilizer .", "I must be crazy , but I never seen a doctor like you . You ai n't no doctor .", "I do n't either , though I had to whip him for it . I can n't do without his work and get through .", "Oh , next time ! It 's always next time .", "Steers down , beef up ! Robbin \u2019 both ways .", "What 's the good ? We rationed our beef steers the way that government chap taught us , and our pigs , and our sheep , and who got the profit ?", "Yes \u2014 but \u2014 you \u2014 ai n't \u2014 no doctor ."], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 89}, {"query": ["Perhaps this is what it ought to be for all the children of the world .", "A lot more documents came from the government to-day \u2014 all about pigs . And we have n't got a decent house to live in ! If we could only build on that pretty bit of high ground I 've had picked out for three years , Rosie would quit havin \u2019 these sick spells .", "Looks like we ought to be able to give our children a little pleasure . There 's poor Billie and Tom do n't more'n get home from school an \u2019 lay their books down till they have to go to hoein \u2019 and pullin \u2019 weeds . I do n't blame Billie a bit for runnin \u2019 away and goin \u2019 fishin \u2019 last Saturday .", "I b'lieve she 's a little better . Jim , have you got any money left from sellin \u2019 the car ?", "Get through ? When did we ever get through anyhow ? Look at this , Jim .Beef steers sold to-day in Chicago at nine cents a pound . It cost us fourteen cents to raise ours , and we 're countin \u2019 on makin \u2019 things easier by raisin \u2019 more next year . And see here , it says beef went up in the Eastern market four cents .", "Jim", "But you 'll have the best pasture in the county next year ."], "true_target": ["Guess he 's tired o \u2019 comin \u2019 for nothing . You can n't blame him .", "Wash up now , and you can have a hot dinner .", "Oh , Jim , is this a dream ? Or am I awake at last ?", "Daddy 's workin \u2019 awfully hard to-day . He needs you bad to pile brush for him .", "I miss the car more on Rosie 's account than mine . She 's been cryin \u2019 for a ride this morning . I did n't know what to say . And I had to promise her she could go to the picnic if she got well . That 'll mean a pretty dress , and hat and shoes .", "Oh , my !", "Are you going to take her away ?"], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 89}, {"query": ["They 're makin \u2019 a little boys \u2019 team at school ."], "true_target": ["We ai n't seen a ball game this year , and we want to learn to play .", "The big boys are goin \u2019 to play ball . Dad , can n't we go watch \u2018 em ?"], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 89}, {"query": ["No , I \u2014 ai n't \u2014 no \u2014 doctor, but my daughter is a doctor and here she is now .JimYou say that little old man is your daughter and a doctor ?"], "true_target": ["That 's right \u2014 but a new kind of doctor . This is a Health doctor , not a Disease doctor . Present treatment for Health \u2014 absent treatment for absence of Health .I 'll leave the doctor here .", "You sent for a doctor ?"], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 89}, {"query": ["Yes , I want them , too . Come along , boys !", "Oh , yes I am . I 'm a children 's specialist . Is she in that room ?Whew ! No air . Lift up that curtain and open the window !You must show me where you keep your pigs . Do n't they get light and air on a day like this ?So this is the little patient . Well ! Well !Take these and throw them out .My ! My ! Pork and potatoes and candy ! Of all things ! I 'll have to make out a diet list later .I think the trouble with you is bad food , bad air , and no light . The trouble is not enough agricultural pamphlets on human live stock , not enough government millions spent on the real thing . Now get up , Rose ! Let me see you stand . There , that 's good . Now a comb and brush \u2014 we 'll help this hair a little . MaryMy hands are so full of work \u2014\u2014 EverychildYes , that 's better . Now , father , a glass of milk !And mother , open that bag , please .", "Indeed I am ! A picnic that will never be over !"], "true_target": ["Yes , I shall keep her with me until she is well . Then she will return to you .", "Better than that .", "You 'll see . Maybe you 'll dance out of the window .", "Well , well , where is the patient ?"], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 89}, {"query": ["Are we going to ride ? Have we got our car back ?", "Are you going to take me to the picnic ?"], "true_target": ["What is it ?", "Oh , please take Billie and Tom !", "Oh , mother ! You did get them !"], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 89}, {"query": ["I 'll bring some next time , Joe .", "How long you worked here , Bert ?", "Here , Bert , it helps . Take some and give a swallow to the boys ."], "true_target": ["Joe", "I 've been here fourteen years , since I was a boy . It ai n't a place for a man . It 's too black . You get black outside and inside . Why , they say your lungs get black from breathing this dust . And your soul gets black . The place for an honest man to work is out in the white light , on your ocean or in your woods , or on the roads and railways , and in the big buildings . This kind of work is work with punishment added to it . A little of it would be all right for men who go wrong , or for some as needs discipline . Then some day they 'll get machines to do the rest . Ah \u2014 there 's the whistle . Come on , boys , to work again !FINAL SCENE : Curtain rises on final scene . Same as first , with music as before , and with the mother and father and children among the apple-trees . CHO-CHO appears , right , and says : \u201c Here they come ! \u201d EVERYCHILD enters , right , bringing with her a number of children , who follow her and then scatter under the trees .", "Do n't care if I do ."], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 90}, {"query": ["I 'll take some and thank you , but I guess the boys are better off without it ."], "true_target": ["Nigh on fifteen years , and a devil 's job it is . I wanted to be a sailor , but I got into this , and it paid pretty good , and then I got tangled up with a family and just stayed on the job . But it 's no place to spend a life ."], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 90}, {"query": ["I had a dream onct . I dremp I 's in an orchard , an \u2019 they 's blooms floatin \u2019 round . I could smell \u2018 em !"], "true_target": ["Dey 's havin \u2019 parade up dere ."], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 90}, {"query": ["You 's nutty . You can n't smell in a dream .", "First Boy", "Dat ai n't band music , you mutt .", "Buck ?"], "true_target": ["Naw .But I bet I could !", "Did yer ever dance ,", "Wot 's the matter ?", "Nuthin \u2019 ."], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 90}, {"query": ["Yes , Everychild . We must all go . Not one must be left down there ."], "true_target": ["We will start at once , all of us , down through the highways and valleys and cities of the world , and bring them here . Come , children , let us go ."], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 90}, {"query": ["And I must lead them up", "Of hope and joy .", "To these birds and trees \u2014", "My old Kingdom \u2014", "Sometimes \u2014", "They may be gay there \u2014", "To these mountains \u2014", "But they must come"], "true_target": ["TWO DOCTORS AT AKRAGAS", "The Land of Happiness \u2014", "Sometimes \u2014", "To the Land of Health ,", "To the music \u2014", "Not all here yet \u2014", "But that is a fool 's Paradise \u2014", "To this new land", "To this sunshine \u2014"], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 90}, {"query": ["AKRON", "PANTHEIA"], "true_target": ["EMPEDOCLES", "TWO DOCTORS AT AKRAGAS"], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 90}, {"query": ["I would know your meaning better .", "She has been dead these thirty days .", "There is no bleeding to the prick , nor film of breath upon the bronze mirror . They have had the best of the faculty in Akragas , Gela , and Syracuse , all save you ; and I am sent by the dazed parents to beseech you to leave for a time the affairs of state and the great problems of philosophy , to essay your ancient skill in this strange mystery of life in death and death in life .", "Down yonder street of statues , past the Agora , and hard by the new temple that is building to Olympian Zeus . It is the new house of yellow sandstone , three stories in height , with the carved balconies and wrought brazen doors . Pantheia is her name . I lead the way ."], "true_target": ["I have several rolls of his plays , that I keep with some new papyri of Pindar arrived by the last galley from Corinth , in the iron chest inside my office door , along with some less worthy bags of gold of Tarshish and coinage of Athens , Sybaris , Panormos , and Syracuse . Ah , here is the door ! It is ajar , and if you will go into the courtyard by the fountain and seat yourself under the palm-trees and azaleas on yon bench , by the statue of the nymph , I will go up to announce your coming .", "Enter yon doorway where the white figure lies resplendent with jewels that gleam in the morning sun .", "Let me walk with you . I will close the great door . Already the gay streets are silent , and the people crowd this way , whispering awe-struck together of the deed of wonder you have done this day . You have called back the dead to life , and they make obeisance to you as you pass , as if you were in truth a son of the immortals . Your name will go down the ages linked with the miracle of Pantheia . You are immortal .", "None . She has the marble signature of death writ in her whole fair frame . She lies upon her ivory bed , robed in the soft stuffs of Tyre , as if new-cut from Pentelikon by Phidias , or spread upon the wood by the magic brush of Zeuxis , seeming as much alive as this , no more , no less . There is no beat of heart nor slightest heave of breast .", "A miracle , oh , Zeus ! The eyelids tremble like flower-petals under the wind of heaven . Was that a sigh or the swish of wings ? Oh , wonder of wonders ! she breathes \u2014 she whispers !"], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 90}, {"query": ["And have you made the tests of death ?", "How say you , thirty days ! and there is no feature of corruption ?", "Did you not see new things or new lands or old dead faces , for you have been gone a month ? I am curious to know .", "All is still save for the far , faint step of Akron on the stair , and the still fainter murmur from the streets . The very goldfish in the fountain do not stir , and the long line of slaves against the marble wall , save for their branded foreheads , might be gaunt caryatides hewn in Egyptian wood or carved in ebony and amber . That gaudy tropic bird scarce ruffles a feather . What is the difference between life and death ? A voice , a call , some sudden strange or familiar message on old paths , to the consciousness that lies under that apparent unconsciousness , will waken all these semblances of inanimation into new life of arms and fins and wings . Let me try her thus ! My grandfather was a pupil of Pythagoras who had seen many such death-semblances among the peoples of the white sacred mountains of far India . Ha ! Akron beckons . I must follow him .", "The arm drawn downward by the heavy golden bracelet is cold , yet soft and yielding like a sleep . The face has the natural ease of slumber , and not the rigid artificiality of death . \u2018 Tis true there is no pulse , no beat of heart nor stir of breath , yet neither is there the sombre grotesqueness of the last pose . But the difference between life and death is here so small that it is incommensurable , the point of the mathematicians only . I shall hold this little hand in mine , and , with a hand upon her forehead , call her by name ; for , you know , Akron , one 's name has a power beyond every other word to reach the closed ears of the imprisoned soul . Pantheia ! Pantheia ! Pantheia ! It is dawn . Your father calls you . Your mother calls you . And I call you and command you . Open your eyes and behold the sun !"], "true_target": ["The power of a thought , that is the real wonder ! We just begin to have glimpses of the effects of the mind upon the body . To me , Akron , the faculty has set too great store upon herbs and bitter drafts , and cutting with the knife . I would fain have the soul acknowledged more , our therapy built on the dual mechanism of mind and substance . For if an idea can lead to the apparent death of the whole body , so might other ideas bring about the apparent death of a part of the body , like , for example , a paralysis of the members , or of the senses of sight , feeling , hearing ; and in truth I have seen such things . Or a thought might give rise to a pain , or to a feeling of general illness , or to a feeling of local disorder in some internal organ ; and I feel sure I have likewise met with such instances . And if an idea may produce such ailments , then a contrary idea implanted by the physician may heal them . I believe this to be the secret of many of the marvels we see at the temples and shrines of \u00c6sculapius and of the cures made by the touch of seers and kings . But this teaching goes much deeper and further . If we could in the schools implant in our youth ideas which were strong enough , we should be able to make of them all , each in proportion to his belief in himself and his ambition , great men , great generals , thinkers , poets , a new race of heroes in all lines of human endeavor , who should be able by their united strength of idea and ideal finally to people the world with gods . I have among my slaves , who work as vintners and olive-gatherers , a physician of Thrace , as also a philosopher of the island of Rhodes , a member of the Pythagorean League . These I bought not long ago from the Etruscan pirates . Every evening I have them come to me on the roof after the evening meal , and there under the quiet of the stars we discuss life and death , the soul and immortality , and all the burning problems of order , harmony , and number in the universe . What surprises me is that this Thracian should be so in advance of the physicians of Hellas , for he holds as I do that the mind should be first considered in the treatment of most disorders of the body , because of its tremendous power to force the healing processes , and because sometimes it actually induces disease and death . And we have talked together of the incalculable value of faith and enthusiasm so applied in the education of the child , this new kind of gardening in the budding soul of mankind , and of what new and august races might thereby come to repeople this rather unsatisfactory globe . I am minded to free these slaves , indeed all my slaves , and I have the intention of devoting the most of a considerable fortune , both inherited and amassed by me , to the spread of these doctrines and to the public weal , particularly in the matter of planting in the souls of our youth , not the mere ability to read and write Greek and do sums in arithmetic , but the seeds of noble ideas that shall make this Trinacria of ours a still more wonderful human garden than it has been as a granary for the world 's practical needs . From this sea-centre we send our freighted galleys to Gades in the West , Carthage in the South , Tyre in the East , and to the red-bearded foresters of the Far North . I would still send on these same routes this food , but also better food than this , stuff that should kindle and feed intellectual fires in all the remote places of the earth .", "Yes , child . You must take nourishment now , and talk no more . But I am coming again to see you , for I have many earnest questions still to put regarding this singular adventure .", "I will go with you . Where lies the house ?", "The streets are full to-day and dazzling with color . So many carpets hang from the windows , and so many banners are flying ! So many white-horsed chariots , and such concourses of dark slaves from every land in the long African crescent of the midland sea , from the pillars of Hercules to ferocious Carthage and beyond to the confines of Egypt and Phoenicia ! Ah , I remember now ! It is a gala day \u2014 the expected visit of Pindar . I am to dine with him to-morrow at the Trireme . We moderns are doing more to celebrate his coming than our fathers did for \u00c6schylus when he was here . I was very young then , but I remember running with the other boys after him just to touch his soft gown and look into his noble face .", "Be tranquil , child , I am no god , only a physician come to heal you . You have been ill and sleeping a long time .", "Nay , \u2018 tis not so strange as that , and yet \u2018 tis stranger ."], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 90}, {"query": ["Yes , I feel weakness , hunger , and thirst . I remember now that I was well , when suddenly a strange thought came to me on my pillow . I thought that I was dead . This took such possession of me that it shut out every other thought , and being able to think only that one thought , I must have been dead . It seemed but a moment 's time when the spell of the thought was broken by an alien deep voice from the void of nothing about me , calling me by name , calling me to wake and see the day . With that came floods of my own old thoughts , like molten streams from \u00c6tna , that were rigid as granite before the word was given that loosed them ."], "true_target": ["How passing strange ! No , I saw neither darkness nor light . I heard no sounds , nor was conscious of any silence . I must have had just the one thought that I was dead , but I lost consciousness of that thought . I remember saying good night to Zaldu , and I handed her the quaint doll from Egypt and bade her care for it . Then the thought seized me , and I knew no more . My thoughts which had always run so freely before , like a plashing brook , must have suddenly frozen , as the amber-trader from the Baltic told me one day the rivers do in his far northern home . Oh , sir , are you going so soon ?", "Where am I ? Is this death ? Some one called my name . That is the pictured ceiling of my own room . Surely that is Zaldu , my pet slave , with big drops on her black face .... And father , mother , kneeling either side . And who are you with rapt face and star-deep eyes , thick hair with Delphic wreaths , and in purple gown and golden girdle ? Are you a god ?"], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 90}, {"query": ["The senators of Athens - happy man !", "Even on their knees and hands , let him slip down ,", "Upon his good and gracious nature hanging ,", "You see how all conditions , how all minds-", "All sorts of hearts ; yea , from the glass-fac 'd flatterer", "When Fortune in her shift and change of mood", "Not one accompanying his declining foot .", "Ay , that 's well known .", "You see this confluence , this great flood of visitors .", "In a wide sea of tax . No levell 'd malice", "How now , philosopher !", "Follow his strides , his lobbies fill with tendance ,", "Whose eyes are on this sovereign lady fix 'd", "Whom this beneath world doth embrace and hug", "I have not seen you long ; how goes the world ?", "Good day , sir .", "Their services to Lord Timon . His large fortune ,", "So \u2018 tis ; this comes off well and excellent .", "Most rich in Timon 's nod .", "Rain sacrificial whisperings in his ear ,", "Upon the heels of my presentment , sir . Let 's see your piece .", "Each bound it chafes . What have you there ?", "Yes .", "Vouchsafe my labour , and long live your lordship !", "To propagate their states . Amongst them all", "Moves in this lip ! To th \u2019 dumbness of the gesture", "Whom Fortune with her ivory hand wafts to her ;", "A thing slipp 'd idly from me .", "Then I lie not .", "Admirable . How this grace", "Leaving no tract behind .", "Art not one ?", "One might interpret .", "Is rank 'd with all deserts , all kind of natures", "Magic of bounty , all these spirits thy power", "But flies an eagle flight , bold and forth on ,", "But what particular rarity ? What strange ,", "The knee before him , and returns in peace"], "true_target": ["This eye shoots forth ! How big imagination", "Whose present grace to present slaves and servants", "Feign 'd Fortune to be thron 'd . The base o \u2019 th \u2019 mount", "One do I personate of Lord Timon 's frame ,", "Translates his rivals .", "Drink the free air .", "Nay , sir , but hear me on .", "Of grave and austere quality , tender down", "It tutors nature . Artificial strife", "From whence \u2018 tis nourish 'd . The fire i \u2019 th \u2019 flint", "It stains the glory in that happy verse", "Infects one comma in the course I hold ,", "Halts not particularly , but moves itself", "To Apemantus , that few things loves better", "That labour on the bosom of this sphere", "Than to abhor himself ; even he drops down", "Hath conjur 'd to attend ! I know the merchant .", "Spurns down her late beloved , all his dependants ,", "Which labour 'd after him to the mountain 's top", "I have in this rough work shap 'd out a man", "Speaks his own standing ! What a mental power", "Our poesy is as a gum , which oozes", "That 's not feign'dhYpppHeN he is so .", "Lives in these touches , livelier than life .", "When we for recompense have prais 'd the vile ,", "Which manifold record not matches ? See ,", "I will say of it", "Which aptly sings the good .", "I will unbolt to you .", "As well of glib and slipp'ry creatures as", "Make sacred even his stirrup , and through him", "Sir , I have upon a high and pleasant hill", "All those which were his fellows but of late-", "With amplest entertainment . My free drift", "Subdues and properties to his love and tendance", "Provokes itself , and like the current flies", "Some better than his value - on the moment", "Shows not till it be struck : our gentle flame"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 91}, {"query": ["Indifferent .", "A thousand moral paintings I can show", "It wears , sir , as it grows .", "Your lordship to accept .", "To the great lord .", "This throne , this Fortune , and this hill , methinks ,", "That shall demonstrate these quick blows of Fortune 's", "Bowing his head against the steepy mount", "The gods preserve ye !", "\u2018 Tis conceiv 'd to scope .", "You are rapt , sir , in some work , some dedication", "Look , moe !", "To climb his happiness , would be well express 'd", "\u2018 Tis common .", "I am glad y'are well ."], "true_target": ["\u2018 Tis a good piece .", "The foot above the head .", "A picture , sir . When comes your book forth ?", "Y'are a dog .", "I saw them speak together .", "It is a pretty mocking of the life . Here is a touch ; is't good ?", "I know them both ; th \u2019 other 's a jeweller .", "How shall I understand you ?", "To show Lord Timon that mean eyes have seen", "How this lord is followed !", "More pregnantly than words . Yet you do well", "In our condition .", "With one man beckon 'd from the rest below ,", "A piece of painting , which I do beseech", "Ay , marry , what of these ?"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 91}, {"query": ["O , pray let 's see't . For the Lord Timon , sir ?", "He 'll spare none .", "If traffic do it , the gods do it .", "A most incomparable man ; breath 'd , as it were ,", "O , \u2018 tis a worthy lord !"], "true_target": ["No , my good lord ; he speaks the common tongue ,", "To an untirable and continuate goodness .", "He passes .", "\u2018 Tis a good form .", "Which all men speak with him .", "Ay , Apemantus ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 91}, {"query": ["I have a jewel here-", "You mend the jewel by the wearing it .", "As those which sell would give ; but you well know", "And rich . Here is a water , look ye .", "What , my lord ! Dispraise ?", "My lord , \u2018 tis rated"], "true_target": ["Nay , that 's most fix 'd .", "You know me , Apemantus ?", "We 'll bear , with your lordship .", "Things of like value , differing in the owners ,", "If he will touch the estimate . But for that-", "Are prized by their masters . Believe't , dear lord ,"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 91}, {"query": ["Hath suffered under praise .", "Why dost thou call them knaves ? Thou know'st them not .", "Thou art proud , Apemantus .", "What wouldst do then , Apemantus ?", "Till you hear further from me .", "I have so ; what of him ?", "Enter ALCIBIADES , with the rest", "Noble Ventidius ! Well .", "What you bestow , in him I 'll counterpoise ,", "Look who comes here ; will you be chid ?", "I thank you ; you shall hear from me anon ;", "Wilt dine with me , Apemantus ?", "What trumpet 's that ?", "Freely , good father .", "\u2018 Tis not enough to help the feeble up ,", "Well fare you , gentleman . Give me your hand ;", "An thou shouldst , thou'dst anger ladies .", "Well mock 'd .", "Painting is welcome .", "Wrought he not well that painted it ?", "If I should pay you for't as \u2018 tis extoll 'd ,", "Right welcome , sir !", "You must needs dine with me . Go not you hence", "Attends he here , or no ? Lucilius !", "Well ; what further ?", "To build his fortune I will strain a little ,", "Yes .", "Love you the maid ?", "Wherefore ?", "We must needs dine together . Sir , your jewel", "He is but outside ; these pencill 'd figures are", "Imprison 'd is he , say you ?", "What , thyself ?", "That 's a lascivious apprehension ."], "true_target": ["The man is honest .", "The painting is almost the natural man ;", "For since dishonour traffics with man 's nature ,", "Even such as they give out . I like your work ,", "A gentleman that well deserves a help ,", "Till I have thank 'd you . When dinner 's done", "But to support him after . Fare you well .", "Commend me to him ; I will send his ransom ;", "In different pleasures . Pray you , let us in .", "That 's a deed thou't die for .", "Most welcome , sir !", "Ere we depart we 'll share a bounteous time", "Good morrow to thee , gentle Apemantus !", "This gentleman of mine hath serv 'd me long ;.", "Show me this piece . I am joyful of your sights .", "Which he shall have . I 'll pay the debt , and free him .", "Pray entertain them ; give them guide to us .", "My friend when he must need me . I do know him", "And being enfranchis 'd , bid him come to me .", "If she be mated with an equal husband ?", "How shall she be endow 'd ,", "How dost thou like this jewel , Apemantus ?", "How lik'st thou this picture , Apemantus ?", "And make him weigh with her .", "Whither art going ?", "I am not of that feather to shake of", "Go not away . What have you there , my friend ?", "For \u2018 tis a bond in men . Give him thy daughter :", "And you shall find I like it ; wait attendance", "Does she love him ?", "A mere satiety of commendations ;", "My hand to thee ; mine honour on my promise .", "What dost thou think \u2018 tis worth ?", "Exeunt some attendants", "It would unclew me quite ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 91}, {"query": ["Your lordship ever binds him .", "All of companionship .", "Ay , my good lord . Five talents is his debt ;", "\u2018 Tis Alcibiades , and some twenty horse ,"], "true_target": ["To those have shut him up ; which failing ,", "His means most short , his creditors most strait .", "Periods his comfort .", "All happiness to your honour ! Exit", "Your honourable letter he desires"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 91}, {"query": ["By night frequents my house . I am a man", "What levity 's in youth .", "Most noble lord ,", "I call the gods to witness I will choose", "It must not bear my daughter .", "Than one which holds a trencher .", "One only daughter have I , no kin else ,", "Myself have spoke in vain .", "Lord Timon , hear me speak .", "Therefore he will be , Timon .", "Join with me to forbid him her resort ;", "Most noble Timon , call the man before thee .", "She is young and apt :", "Our own precedent passions do instruct us"], "true_target": ["Attempts her love ; I prithee , noble lord ,", "Mine heir from forth the beggars of the world ,", "His honesty rewards him in itself ;", "Thou hast a servant nam 'd Lucilius .", "And I have bred her at my dearest cost", "And dispossess her all .", "The maid is fair , o \u2019 th \u2019 youngest for a bride ,", "If in her marriage my consent be missing ,", "This fellow here , Lord Timon , this thy creature ,", "Three talents on the present ; in future , all .", "In qualities of the best . This man of thine", "On whom I may confer what I have got .", "Pawn me to this your honour , she is his .", "And my estate deserves an heir more rais 'd", "That from my first have been inclin 'd to thrift ,"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 91}, {"query": ["That state or fortune fall into my keeping", "Humbly I thank your lordship . Never may"], "true_target": ["Ay , my good lord , and she accepts of it .", "Which is not owed to you !", "Here , at your lordship 's service ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 91}, {"query": ["Thou art a fool to bid me farewell twice .", "The more accursed thou that still omit'st it .", "Till I be gentle , stay thou for thy good morrow ;", "Right , if doing nothing be death by th \u2019 law .", "Art not a poet ?", "That there should be small love amongst these sweet knaves ,", "Into baboon and monkey .", "O , they eat lords ; so they come by great bellies .", "To knock out an honest Athenian 's brains .", "Traffic 's thy god , and thy god confound thee !", "And all this courtesy ! The strain of man 's bred out", "Shouldst have kept one to thyself , for I mean to give thee none .", "No , I will do nothing at thy bidding ; make thy requests to thy friend .", "Yes .", "Time to be honest .", "Thou know'st I do ; I call 'd thee by thy name .", "So thou apprehend'st it take it for thy labour .", "Traffic confound thee , if the gods will not !", "Ay ."], "true_target": ["He wrought better that made the painter ; and yet he 's but a filthy piece of work .", "Of nothing so much as that I am not like Timon .", "Thy mother 's of my generation ; what 's she , if I be a dog ?", "The best , for the innocence .", "When thou art Timon 's dog , and these knaves honest .", "I will fly , like a dog , the heels o \u2019 th \u2019 ass . Exit", "Not so well as plain dealing , which will not cost a man a doit .", "Then I repent not .", "Yes , he is worthy of thee , and to pay thee for thy labour . He that loves to be flattered is worthy o \u2019 th \u2019 flatterer . Heavens , that I were a lord !", "That I had no angry wit to be a lord. - Art not thou a merchant ?", "No ; I eat not lords .", "Not worth my thinking . How now , poet !", "Are they not Athenians ?", "Thou liest .", "Aches contract and starve your supple joints !", "So , so , there !", "Then thou liest . Look in thy last work , where thou hast feign 'd him a worthy fellow .", "Ay ; to see meat fill knaves and wine heat fools .", "E'en as Apemantus does now : hate a lord with my heart ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 91}, {"query": ["Most hungerly on your sight ."], "true_target": ["Sir , you have sav 'd my longing , and I feed"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 91}, {"query": ["That time serves still .", "I 'll keep you company . Exeunt", "Hang thyself .", "That ever govern 'd man ."], "true_target": ["The noblest mind he carries", "What time o \u2019 day is't , Apemantus ?", "And taste Lord Timon 's bounty ? He outgoes", "The very heart of kindness .", "He 's opposite to humanity . Come , shall we in"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 91}, {"query": ["Fare thee well , fare thee well .", "Is but his steward ; no meed but he repays", "All use of quittance .", "Long may he live in fortunes ! shall we in ?", "He pours it out : Plutus , the god of gold ,"], "true_target": ["Sevenfold above itself ; no gift to him", "Away , unpeaceable dog , or I 'll spurn thee hence .", "Why , Apemantus ?", "Thou art going to Lord Timon 's feast .", "But breeds the giver a return exceeding"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 91}, {"query": ["And call him to long peace .", "I deriv 'd liberty .", "To your free heart , I do return those talents ,", "It hath pleas 'd the gods to remember my father 's age ,"], "true_target": ["Most honoured Timon ,", "Then , as in grateful virtue I am bound", "Doubled with thanks and service , from whose help", "A noble spirit !", "He is gone happy , and has left me rich ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 92}, {"query": ["You had rather be at a breakfast of enemies than dinner of friends .", "Be worthily entertain 'd . Exit SERVANT", "Here , my lord , a trifle of our love .", "You have done our pleasures much grace , fair ladies ,", "So kind to heart \u2018 tis not enough to give ;", "Enter a SERVANT", "Ladies , there is an idle banquet attends you ;", "Nay , my lords , ceremony was but devis 'd at first", "What means that trump ?", "I pray let them be admitted .", "Can justly praise but what he does affect .", "Fie , th'art a churl ; ye have got a humour there Does not become a man ; \u2018 tis much to blame . They say , my lords , Ira furor brevis est ; but yond man is ever angry . Go , let him have a table by himself ; for he does neither affect company nor is he fit for't indeed .", "And ne'er be weary . Alcibiades ,", "Kind my lord .", "O , Apemantus , you are welcome .", "It comes in charity to thee ; for all thy living", "Ready for his friends .", "O , no doubt , my good friends , but the gods themselves have provided that I shall have much help from you . How had you been my friends else ? Why have you that charitable title from thousands , did not you chiefly belong to my heart ? I have told more of you to myself than you can with modesty speak in your own behalf ; and thus far I confirm you . O you gods , think I , what need we have any friends if we should ne'er have need of \u2018 em ? They were the most needless creatures living , should we ne'er have use for \u2018 em ; and would most resemble sweet instruments hung up in cases , that keep their sounds to themselves . Why , I have often wish 'd myself poorer , that I might come nearer to you . We are born to do benefits ; and what better or properer can we call our own than the riches of our friends ? O , what a precious comfort \u2018 tis to have so many like brothers commanding one another 's fortunes ! O , joy 's e'en made away ere't can be born ! Mine eyes cannot hold out water , methinks . To forget their faults , I drink to you .", "You bate too much of your own merits .", "O , by no means ,", "Captain Alcibiades , your heart 's in the field now .", "I 'll tell you true ; I 'll call to you .", "I am to thank you for't .", "Pray , sit ; more welcome are ye to my fortunes", "And now I remember , my lord , you gave good words the other day of a bay courser I rode on . \u2018 Tis yours because you lik 'd it .", "I must entreat you honour me so much", "Not without fair reward . Exit SERVANT", "Thou art a soldier , therefore seldom rich .", "The little casket bring me hither .", "To set a gloss on faint deeds , hollow welcomes ,", "If our betters play at that game , we must not dare", "O my friends ,", "How now ?", "To imitate them : faults that are rich are fair .", "You may take my word , my lord : I know no man"], "true_target": ["I weigh my friend 's affection with mine own .", "Which was not half so beautiful and kind ;", "I shall accept them fairly . Let the presents", "How now ! What news ?", "Now , Apemantus , if thou wert not sullen", "And entertain 'd me with mine own device ;", "Near ! Why then , another time I 'll hear thee . I prithee let 's be provided to show them entertainment .", "Than my fortunes to me .", "Recanting goodness , sorry ere \u2018 tis shown ;", "Nay , an you begin to rail on society once , I am sworn not to give regard to you . Farewell ; and come with better music .", "You do yourselves much wrong ;", "My lord , in heart ! and let the health go round .", "They 're welcome all ; let \u2018 em have kind admittance . Music , make their welcome . Exit CUPID", "Is \u2018 mongst the dead , and all the lands thou hast", "I gave it freely ever ; and there 's none", "I take all and your several visitations", "Set a fair fashion on our entertainment ,", "I would be good to thee .", "Can truly say he gives , if he receives .", "I take no heed of thee . Th'art an Athenian , therefore welcome . I myself would have no power ; prithee let my meat make thee silent .", "But where there is true friendship there needs none .", "Flavius !", "I have one word to say to you . Look you , my good lord ,", "As to advance this jewel ; accept it and wear it ,", "Methinks I could deal kingdoms to my friends", "You have added worth unto't and lustre ,", "They are fairly welcome . Exit SERVANT", "Honest Ventidius ! You mistake my love ;", "Enter a third SERVANT", "And so am I to you .", "Ladies ! What are their wills ?", "All to you . Lights , more lights !", "Lie in a pitch 'd field .", "Please you to dispose yourselves .", "I 'll hunt with him ; and let them be receiv 'd ,"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 92}, {"query": ["You see , my lord , how ample y'are belov 'd .", "Might we but have that happiness , my lord , that you would once use our hearts , whereby we might express some part of our zeals , we should think ourselves for ever perfect .", "The best of happiness , honour , and fortunes , keep with you , Lord Timon !"], "true_target": ["I am so far already in your gifts-", "My lord , we always have confess 'd it .", "We are so virtuously bound-", "Where be our men ?"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 92}, {"query": ["So . Thou wilt not hear me now : thou shalt not then . I 'll lock thy heaven from thee . O that men 's ears should be To counsel deaf , but not to flattery ! Exit", "I scorn thy meat ; \u2018 t'would choke me , for I should ne'er flatter thee . O you gods , what a number of men eats Timon , and he sees \u2018 em not ! It grieves me to see so many dip their meat in one man 's blood ; and all the madness is , he cheers them up too . I wonder men dare trust themselves with men . Methinks they should invite them without knives : Good for their meat and safer for their lives . There 's much example for't ; the fellow that sits next him now , parts bread with him , pledges the breath of him in a divided draught , is the readiest man to kill him . \u2018 T has been proved . If I were a huge man I should fear to drink at meals . Lest they should spy my windpipe 's dangerous notes : Great men should drink with harness on their throats .", "I doubt whether their legs be worth the sums", "Faith , for the worst is filthy , and would not hold taking , I doubt me .", "Serving of becks and jutting-out of bums !", "That are given for \u2018 em . Friendship 's full of dregs :", "Flow this way ! A brave fellow ! He keeps his tides well . Those healths will make thee and thy state look ill , Timon . Here 's that which is too weak to be a sinner , honest water , which ne'er left man i \u2019 th \u2019 mire . This and my food are equals ; there 's no odds . \u2019 Feasts are too proud to give thanks to the gods . APEMANTUS \u2019 Grace Immortal gods , I crave no pelf ; I pray for no man but myself . Grant I may never prove so fond To trust man on his oath or bond , Or a harlot for her weeping , Or a dog that seems a-sleeping , Or a keeper with my freedom , Or my friends , if I should need \u2018 em .", "You shall not make me welcome .", "I come to have thee thrust me out of doors .", "Thus honest fools lay out their wealth on curtsies .", "Ho , ho , confess 'd it ! Hang 'd it , have you not ?"], "true_target": ["Let me stay at thine apperil , Timon .", "I come to observe ; I give thee warning o n't .", "No , I 'll nothing ; for if I should be brib 'd too , there would be none left to rail upon thee , and then thou wouldst sin the faster . Thou giv'st so long , Timon , I fear me thou wilt give away thyself in paper shortly . What needs these feasts , pomps , and vain-glories ?", "Methinks false hearts should never have sound legs .", "Would all those flatterers were thine enemies then , that then thou mightst kill \u2018 em , and bid me to \u2018 em .", "No ;", "Thou weep'st to make them drink , Timon .", "Ho , ho ! I laugh to think that babe a bastard .", "What a coil 's here !", "Hoy-day , what a sweep of vanity comes this way ! They dance ? They are mad women . Like madness is the glory of this life , As this pomp shows to a little oil and root . We make ourselves fools to disport ourselves , And spend our flatteries to drink those men Upon whose age we void it up again With poisonous spite and envy . Who lives that 's not depraved or depraves ? Who dies that bears not one spurn to their graves Of their friends \u2019 gift ? I should fear those that dance before me now Would one day stamp upon me . \u2018 T has been done : Men shut their doors against a setting sun . The LORDS rise from table , with much adoring of TIMON ; and to show their loves , each single out an Amazon , and all dance , men witb women , a lofty strain or two to the hautboys , and cease", "Much !"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 92}, {"query": ["And at that instant like a babe sprung up .", "So infinitely endear'd-", "Our horses ! Re-enter FLAVIUS , with the casket"], "true_target": ["Joy had the like conception in our eyes ,", "With more than common thanks I will receive it .", "Let it flow this way , my good lord ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 92}, {"query": ["Ay , defil 'd land , my lord ."], "true_target": ["So they were bleeding new , my lord , there 's no meat like \u2018 em ; I could wish my best friend at such a feast .", "My heart is ever at your service , my lord ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 92}, {"query": ["O , he 's the very soul of bounty !"], "true_target": ["I promise you , my lord , you mov 'd me much .", "O , I beseech you pardon me , my lord , in that ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 92}, {"query": ["Please you , my lord , there are certain ladies most desirous of admittance .", "Here , my lord , in readiness ."], "true_target": ["My lord , there are certain nobles of the Senate newly alighted and come to visit you .", "There comes with them a forerunner , my lord , which bears that office to signify their pleasures ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 92}, {"query": ["That of his bounties taste ! The five best Senses", "To gratulate thy plenteous bosom . Th \u2019 Ear ,", "They only now come but to feast thine eyes ."], "true_target": ["Taste , Touch , Smell , pleas 'd from thy table rise ;", "Acknowledge thee their patron , and come freely", "Hail to thee , worthy Timon , and to all"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 92}, {"query": ["Else I should tell him - well i \u2019 faith , I should-", "Yes , my lord .", "Before I were forc 'd out !", "When all 's spent , he 'd be cross 'd then , an he could .", "Than such that do e'en enemies exceed .", "Well , would I were gently put out of office", "I beseech your honour , vouchsafe me a word ; it does concern you near .", "And all out of an empty coffer ;", "Nor will he know his purse , or yield me this ,", "There is no crossing him in 's humour ,", "Happier is he that has no friend to feed", "To show him what a beggar his heart is ,"], "true_target": ["For ev'ry word . He is so kind that he now", "\u2018 Tis pity bounty had not eyes behind ,", "Being of no power to make his wishes good .", "He commands us to provide and give great gifts ,", "What will this come to ?", "That man might ne'er be wretched for his mind . Exit", "His promises fly so beyond his state", "My lord ?", "Pays interest for't ; his land 's put to their books .", "More jewels yet !", "That what he speaks is all in debt ; he owes", "I scarce know how .", "I bleed inwardly for my lord . Exit"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 92}, {"query": ["And my reliances on his fracted dates", "Have smit my credit . I love and honour him ,", "All that pass by . It cannot hold ; no reason", "Take the bonds along with you ,", "Ask nothing , give it him , it foals me straight ,", "If I would sell my horse and buy twenty moe", "If I want gold , steal but a beggar 's dog", "And give it Timon , why , the dog coins gold .", "But must not break my back to heal his finger .", "\u2018 Commend me to your master \u2019 and the cap", "Out of mine own ; his days and times are past ,", "With slight denial , nor then silenc 'd when", "And have the dates in compt .", "Immediate are my needs , and my relief", "Can sound his state in safety . Caphis , ho !", "Get on your cloak and haste you to Lord Timon ;", "When every feather sticks in his own wing ,"], "true_target": ["But rather one that smiles and still invites", "And late , five thousand . To Varro and to Isidore", "But find supply immediate . Get you gone ;", "Put on a most importunate aspect ,", "Lord Timon will be left a naked gull ,", "Must not be toss 'd and turn 'd to me in words ,", "A visage of demand ; for I do fear ,", "Of raging waste ? It cannot hold ; it will not .", "And able horses . No porter at his gate ,", "Importune him for my moneys ; be not ceas 'd", "Go . Exeunt", "Caphis , I say !", "Better than he , why , give my horse to Timon ,", "Which makes it five and twenty . Still in motion", "Which flashes now a phoenix . Get you gone .", "He owes nine thousand ; besides my former sum ,", "My uses cry to me , I must serve my turn", "Plays in the right hand , thus ; but tell him"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 93}, {"query": ["I will , sir ."], "true_target": ["I go , sir .", "Here , sir ; what is your pleasure ?"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 93}, {"query": ["And so , intending other serious matters ,", "And set me on the proof . So the gods bless me ,", "O my good lord ,", "To them to use your signet and your name ;", "No richer in return .", "Please you , gentlemen ,", "Lord Lucius and Lucullus ? Humh !", "Though you hear now - too late ! - yet now 's a time :", "Feast-won , fast-lost ; one cloud of winter show'rs ,", "And set mine eyes at flow .", "Was to be so unwise to be so kind .", "These flies are couch 'd .", "Pray draw near . Exit", "Being free itself , it thinks all others so . Exeunt", "At many times I brought in my accounts ,", "That thought is bounty 's foe ;", "I have been bold ,", "May catch a wrench - would all were well ! - \u2018 tis pity-", "That I may make his lordship understand", "What heart , head , sword , force , means , but is Lord Timon 's ?", "Were it all yours to give it in a breath ,", "With drunken spilth of wine , when every room", "They froze me into silence .", "When , for some trifling present , you have bid me", "Ah ! when the means are gone that buy this praise ,", "With certain half-caps and cold-moving nods ,", "And what remains will hardly stop the mouth", "I would I could not think it .", "For that I knew it the most general way ,", "I have retir 'd me to a wasteful cock", "Prompted you in the ebb of your estate", "Something hath been amiss - a noble nature", "To pay your present debts .", "If you suspect my husbandry or falsehood ,", "The time is unagreeable to this business .", "Do what they would , are sorry - you are honourable-", "\u2018 Heavens , \u2019 have I said \u2018 the bounty of this lord !", "Fie , fie , fie , fie !", "This night englutted ! Who is not Lord Timon 's ?"], "true_target": ["I must be round with him . Now he comes from hunting .", "Of present dues . The future comes apace ;", "Laid them before you ; you would throw them off", "And your great flow of debts . My lov 'd lord ,", "They answer , in a joint and corporate voice ,", "Wherefore you are not paid .", "Yea , \u2018 gainst th \u2019 authority of manners , pray 'd you", "Return so much , I have shook my head and wept ;", "Assurance bless your thoughts !", "Nor cease his flow of riot ; takes no account", "Pray you walk near ; I 'll speak with you anon .", "O my good lord , the world is but a word ;", "But yet they could have wish'dhYpppHeN they know not-", "That he will neither know how to maintain it", "\u2018 Tis all engag 'd , some forfeited and gone ;", "After distasteful looks , and these hard fractions ,", "Your importunacy cease till after dinner ,", "Call me before th \u2019 exactest auditors", "How goes our reck'ning ?", "Of what is to continue . Never mind", "The breath is gone whereof this praise is made .", "The greatest of your having lacks a half", "What shall defend the interim ? And at length", "How many prodigal bits have slaves and peasants", "At many leisures I propos 'd .", "That now they are at fall , want treasure , cannot", "No care , no stop ! So senseless of expense", "And say you found them in mine honesty .", "Hath blaz 'd with lights and bray 'd with minstrelsy ,", "But they do shake their heads , and I am here", "How quickly were it gone !", "Great Timon , noble , worthy , royal Timon ! \u2019", "What shall be done ? He will not hear till feel .", "When all our offices have been oppress 'd", "With riotous feeders , when our vaults have wept", "You would not hear me", "Not seldom , nor no slight checks , when I have", "To hold your hand more close . I did endure", "How things go from him , nor resumes no care"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 94}, {"query": ["Would we were all discharg 'd !", "Where 's the fool now ?", "Here comes the lord .", "My master is awak 'd by great occasion", "That with your other noble parts you 'll suit", "Of Athens here , my lord .", "To the succession of new days this month .", "Good even , Varro . What , you come for money ?"], "true_target": ["Nay , good my lord-", "If you did know , my lord , my master 's wants-", "My lord , here is a note of certain dues .", "To call upon his own , and humbly prays you", "Please it your lordship , he hath put me off", "In giving him his right .", "Stay , stay , here comes the fool with Apemantus . Let 's ha \u2019 some sport with \u2018 em .", "It is . And yours too , Isidore ?"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 94}, {"query": ["What is a whoremaster , fool ?", "How dost , fool ?", "Aside , aside ; here comes Lord Timon . Re-enter TIMON and FLAVIUS", "One Varro 's servant , my good lord-", "\u2018 Twas due on forfeiture , my lord , six weeks and past ."], "true_target": ["I could render one .", "I speak not to thee .", "I fear it .", "Thou art not altogether a fool .", "Hang him , he 'll abuse us !", "Is't not your business too ?"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 94}, {"query": ["A plague upon him , dog !", "It is so .", "Your steward puts me off , my lord ; and"], "true_target": ["There 's the fool hangs on your back already .", "From Isidore : he humbly prays your speedy payment-", "I am sent expressly to your lordship ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 94}, {"query": ["Go you , sir , to the senators ,", "Mine honest friend ,", "Contain thyself , good friend .", "As I can bid thee speak .", "Is fashion 'd for the journey dull and heavy .", "Touches his friend , which craves to be rememb'red", "Bid him suppose some good necessity", "To think I shall lack friends ? Secure thy heart :", "Go to my steward .", "Let all my land be sold .", "Prithee no more .", "Their blood is cak 'd , \u2018 tis cold , it seldom flows ;", "Imprison 'd , and in scarcity of friends ,", "Of whom , even to the state 's best health , I have", "\u2018 Tis lack of kindly warmth they are not kind ;", "And try the argument of hearts by borrowing ,", "Have their ingratitude in them hereditary .", "When my indisposition put you back ,", "You gods , reward them !", "Perchance some single vantages you took", "Come , sermon me no further .", "Shall I try friends . You shall perceive how you", "Deserv 'd this hearing . Bid \u2018 em send o \u2019 th \u2019 instant", "You tell me true .", "Had you not fully laid my state before me ,", "I do beseech you , good my lords , keep on ;", "Dues ! Whence are you ?", "Give me breath .", "Why dost thou weep ? Canst thou the conscience lack", "That I account them blessings ; for by these", "And that unaptness made your minister"], "true_target": ["Prithee , man , look cheerly . These old fellows", "With those five talents . That had , give't these fellows", "Thou art true and honest ; ingeniously I speak ,", "I prithee but repair to me next morning .", "No villainous bounty yet hath pass 'd my heart ;", "Into a great estate . When he was poor ,", "A thousand talents to me .", "So soon as dinner 's done we 'll forth again ,", "To Lacedaemon did my land extend .", "And nature , as it grows again toward earth ,", "And , in some sort , these wants of mine are crown 'd", "To whom \u2018 tis instant due . Nev'r speak or think", "Do so , my friends . See them well entertain 'd . Exit", "That Timon 's fortunes \u2018 mong his friends can sink .", "As I had leave of means .", "Go to ;", "Men and men 's fortunes could I frankly use", "If I would broach the vessels of my love ,", "Buried his father , by whose death he 's stepp 'd", "Thus to excuse yourself .", "Go to Ventidius . Prithee be not sad ,", "You make me marvel wherefore ere this time", "Within there ! Flaminius ! Servilius !", "Mistake my fortunes ; I am wealthy in my friends .", "Is't true ? Ca n't be ?", "Unwisely , not ignobly , have I given .", "I will dispatch you severally - you to Lord Lucius ; to Lord Lucullus you ; I hunted with his honour to-day . You to Sempronius . Commend me to their loves ; and I am proud , say , that my occasions have found time to use \u2018 em toward a supply of money . Let the request be fifty talents .", "No blame belongs to thee . Ventidius lately", "I clear 'd him with five talents . Greet him from me ,", "That I might so have rated my expense", "I 'll wait upon you instantly ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 94}, {"query": ["Good ! gramercy .", "No , thou stand'st single ; th'art not on him yet .", "Would I had a rod in my mouth , that I might answer thee profitably !", "That answer might have become Apemantus .", "That you ask me what you are , and do not know yourselves . Speak to \u2018 em , fool .", "No , \u2018 tis to thyself .Come away .", "There will little learning die , then , that day thou art hang 'd . This is to Lord Timon ; this to Alcibiades . Go ; thou wast born a bastard , and thou't die a bawd .", "Canst not read ?"], "true_target": ["E'en so thou outrun'st grace . Fool , I will go with you to Lord Timon 's .", "Come with me , fool , come .", "If Timon stay at home . You three serve three usurers ?", "Dost dialogue with thy shadow ?", "Asses .", "He last ask 'd the question . Poor rogues and usurers \u2019 men ! Bawds between gold and want !", "So would I - as good a trick as ever hangman serv 'd thief .", "Do it then , that we may account thee a whoremaster and a knave ; which notwithstanding , thou shalt be no less esteemed ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 94}, {"query": ["Gramercies , good fool . How does your mistress ?", "Ay ; would they serv 'd us !"], "true_target": ["What are we , Apemantus ?", "Why ?", "Ay , fool ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 94}, {"query": ["Look you , here comes my mistress \u2019 page .", "I do not always follow lover , elder brother , and woman ; sometime the philosopher .", "A fool in good clothes , and something like thee . \u2018 Tis a spirit . Sometime \u2018 t appears like a lord ; sometime like a lawyer ; sometime like a philosopher , with two stones moe than 's artificial one . He is very often like a knight ; and , generally , in all shapes that man goes up and down in from fourscore to thirteen , this spirit walks in .", "Nor thou altogether a wise man . As much foolery as I have , so much wit thou lack'st ."], "true_target": ["How do you , gentlemen ?", "Will you leave me there ?", "Are you three usurers \u2019 men ?", "She 's e'en setting on water to scald such chickens as you are . Would we could see you at Corinth !", "I think no usurer but has a fool to his servant . My mistress is one , and I am her fool . When men come to borrow of your masters , they approach sadly and go away merry ; but they enter my mistress \u2019 house merrily and go away sadly . The reason of this ?"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 94}, {"query": ["No .", "Thou wast whelp 'd a dog , and thou shalt famish dog 's death . Answer not : I am gone . Exit PAGE"], "true_target": ["Prithee , Apemantus , read me the superscription of these letters ; I know not which is which .", "Why , how now , Captain ? What do you in this wise company ? How dost thou , Apemantus ?"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 94}, {"query": ["Here 's my lord ."], "true_target": ["I have told my lord of you ; he is coming down to you .", "Please your lordship , here is the wine ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 95}, {"query": ["Thou disease of a friend and not himself !", "O , may diseases only work upo n't !", "May these add to the number that may scald thee !", "When he is turn 'd to poison ?", "And we alive that liv 'd ? Fly , damned baseness ,", "Faith , nothing but an empty box , sir , which in my lord 's behalf I come to entreat your honour to supply ; who , having great and instant occasion to use fifty talents , hath sent to your lordship to furnish him , nothing doubting your present assistance therein .", "His health is well , sir .", "Unto his honour has my lord 's meat in him ;", "To expel sickness , but prolong his hour ! Exit", "Which my lord paid for be of any power"], "true_target": ["I feel my master 's passion ! This slave", "Has friendship such a faint and milky heart", "Let molten coin be thy damnation ,", "And when he 's sick to death , let not that part of nature", "To him that worships thee .", "I thank you , sir .", "Why should it thrive and turn to nutriment", "It turns in less than two nights ? O you gods ,", "Your lordship speaks your pleasure .", "Is't possible the world should so much differ ,"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 95}, {"query": ["One of Lord Timon 's men ? A gift , I warrant . Why , this hits right ; I dreamt of a silver basin and ewer to-night - Flaminius , honest Flaminius , you are very respectively welcome , sir . Fill me some wine .And how does that honourable , complete , freehearted gentleman of Athens , thy very bountiful good lord and master ?", "Ha ! Now I see thou art a fool , and fit for thy master ."], "true_target": ["I have observed thee always for a towardly prompt spirit , give thee thy due , and one that knows what belongs to reason , and canst use the time well , if the time use thee well . Good parts in thee .Get you gone , sirrah .Draw nearer , honest Flaminius . Thy lord 's a bountiful gentleman ; but thou art wise , and thou know'st well enough , although thou com'st to me , that this is no time to lend money , especially upon bare friendship without security . Here 's three solidares for thee . Good boy , wink at me , and say thou saw'st me not . Fare thee well .", "I am right glad that his health is well , sir . And what hast thou there under thy cloak , pretty Flaminius ?", "Flaminius , I have noted thee always wise . Here 's to thee ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 95}, {"query": ["How ?", "Dost thou speak seriously , Servilius ?", "Fie , no : do not believe it ; he cannot want for money .", "He cannot want fifty-five hundred talents .", "Servilius ? You are kindly met , sir . Fare thee well ; commend me to thy honourable virtuous lord , my very exquisite friend ."], "true_target": ["What a wicked beast was I to disfurnish myself against such a good time , when I might ha \u2019 shown myself honourable ! How unluckily it happ'ned that I should purchase the day before for a little part and undo a great deal of honour ! Servilius , now before the gods , I am not able to do - the more beast , I say ! I was sending to use Lord Timon myself , these gentlemen can witness ; but I would not for the wealth of Athens I had done't now . Commend me bountifully to his good lordship , and I hope his honour will conceive the fairest of me , because I have no power to be kind . And tell him this from me : I count it one of my greatest afflictions , say , that I cannot pleasure such an honourable gentleman . Good Servilius , will you befriend me so far as to use mine own words to him ?", "I know his lordship is but merry with me ;", "I 'll look you out a good turn , Servilius .", "Ha ! What has he sent ? I am so much endeared to that lord : he 's ever sending . How shall I thank him , think'st thou ? And what has he sent now ?", "Who , the Lord Timon ? He is my very good friend , and an honourable gentleman .", "What a strange case was that ! Now , before the gods , I am asham 'd o n't . Denied that honourable man ! There was very little honour show 'd i n't . For my own part , I must needs confess I have received some small kindnesses from him , as money , plate , jewels , and such-like trifles , nothing comparing to his ; yet , had he mistook him and sent to me , I should ne'er have denied his occasion so many talents ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 96}, {"query": ["And honourable carriage ,", "Nor came any of his bounties over me", "For mine own part ,", "Why , this is the world 's soul ; and just of the same piece Is every flatterer 's spirit . Who can call him his friend That dips in the same dish ? For , in my knowing , Timon has been this lord 's father , And kept his credit with his purse ; Supported his estate ; nay , Timon 's money Has paid his men their wages . He ne'er drinks But Timon 's silver treads upon his lip ; And yet - O , see the monstrousness of man When he looks out in an ungrateful shape ! - He does deny him , in respect of his , What charitable men afford to beggars .", "Had his necessity made use of me ,", "I would have put my wealth into donation ,", "For policy sits above conscience . Exeunt"], "true_target": ["And the best half should have return 'd to him ,", "We know him for no less , though we are but strangers to him . But I can tell you one thing , my lord , and which I hear from common rumours : now Lord Timon 's happy hours are done and past , and his estate shrinks from him .", "So much I love his heart . But I perceive", "Men must learn now with pity to dispense ;", "To mark me for his friend ; yet I protest ,", "For his right noble mind , illustrious virtue ,", "I never tasted Timon in my life ,", "Do you observe this , Hostilius ?"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 96}, {"query": ["I tell you , denied , my lord ."], "true_target": ["But believe you this , my lord , that not long ago one of his men was with the Lord Lucullus to borrow so many talents ; nay , urg 'd extremely for't , and showed what necessity belong 'd to't , and yet was denied .", "Ay , too well ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 96}, {"query": ["I should not urge it half so faithfully .", "See , by good hap , yonder 's my lord ; I have sweat to see his honour. - My honour 'd lord !", "Upon my soul , \u2018 tis true , sir .", "Yes , sir , I shall ."], "true_target": ["May it please your honour , my lord hath sent-", "But in the mean time he wants less , my lord .", "If his occasion were not virtuous", "Has only sent his present occasion now , my lord , requesting your lordship to supply his instant use with so many talents ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 96}, {"query": ["I 'd such a courage to do him good . But now return ,", "Must I be his last refuge ? His friends , like physicians ,", "So it may prove an argument of laughter", "That I 'll requite it last ? No ;", "Thrice give him over . Must I take th \u2019 cure upon me ?", "And with their faint reply this answer join :", "For , in my conscience , I was the first man", "And does he think so backwardly of me now", "Had sent to me first , but for my mind 's sake ;", "That e'er received gift from him ."], "true_target": ["To th \u2019 rest , and I \u2018 mongst lords be thought a fool .", "How ! Have they denied him ?", "But his occasions might have woo 'd me first ;", "It shows but little love or judgment in him .", "Must he needs trouble me i n't ? Hum ! \u2018 Bove all others ? He might have tried Lord Lucius or Lucullus ; And now Ventidius is wealthy too , Whom he redeem 'd from prison . All these Owe their estates unto him .", "Has Ventidius and Lucullus denied him ?", "Who bates mine honour shall not know my coin . Exit", "That might have known my place . I see no sense for't ,", "I 'd rather than the worth of thrice the sum", "Has much disgrac 'd me i n't ; I 'm angry at him ,", "And does he send to me ? Three ? Humh !"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 97}, {"query": ["My lord ,", "They have all denied him ."], "true_target": ["Excellent ! Your lordship 's a goodly villain . The devil knew not what he did when he made man politic - he cross 'd himself by't ; and I cannot think but , in the end , the villainies of man will set him clear . How fairly this lord strives to appear foul ! Takes virtuous copies to be wicked , like those that under hot ardent zeal would set whole realms on fire . Of such a nature is his politic love . This was my lord 's best hope ; now all are fled , Save only the gods . Now his friends are dead , Doors that were ne'er acquainted with their wards Many a bounteous year must be employ 'd Now to guard sure their master . And this is all a liberal course allows : Who cannot keep his wealth must keep his house . Exit", "They have all been touch 'd and found base metal , for"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 97}, {"query": ["Hortensius .", "How ! What does his cashier 'd worship mutter ?", "\u2018 Tis much deep ; and it should seem by th \u2019 sum Your master 's confidence was above mine , Else surely his had equall 'd ."], "true_target": ["Yes , mine 's three thousand crowns ; what 's yours ?", "My lord-", "Well met ; good morrow , Titus and"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 98}, {"query": ["One of Lord Timon 's men .", "Do you hear , sir ?", "We wait for certain money here , sir .", "We cannot take this for answer , sir .", "I 'll show you how t \u2019 observe a strange event . Your lord sends now for money .", "The like to you , kind Varro ."], "true_target": ["Mine , fifty talents .", "We attend his lordship ; pray signify so much .", "And he wears jewels now of Timon 's gift ,", "My lord , here is my bill .", "For which I wait for money .", "O , here 's Servilius ; now we shall know some answer .", "So is theirs and ours ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 98}, {"query": ["Lucius ! What , do we meet together ?", "I know my lord hath spent of Timon 's wealth ,", "Most true , he does .", "Faith , I perceive our masters may throw their caps at their money . These debts may well be call 'd desperate ones , for a madman owes \u2018 em . Exeunt Re-enter TIMON and FLAVIUS"], "true_target": ["It is against my heart .", "I 'm weary of this charge , the gods can witness ;", "And mine , my lord .", "And now ingratitude makes it worse than stealth ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 98}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis deepest winter in Lord Timon 's purse ;", "Flaminius ! Sir , a word . Pray , is my lord ready to come forth ?", "Here 's mine .", "And make a clear way to the gods .", "welcome , good brother , what do you think the hour ?", "Put in now , Titus .", "Mark how strange it shows", "That is , one may reach deep enough and yet", "You must consider that a prodigal course", "Ay , but this answer will not serve .", "And send for money for \u2018 em .", "And Sir Philotus too !", "Ay , and I think one business does command us all ; for mine is money .", "Find little ."], "true_target": ["Ha ! Is not that his steward muffled so ? He goes away in a cloud . Call him , call him .", "Timon in this should pay more than he owes ;", "Many do keep their chambers are not sick ;", "Is like the sun 's , but not like his recoverable .", "And e'en as if your lord should wear rich jewels", "Methinks he should the sooner pay his debts ,", "So much ?", "Not yet .", "Ay , but the days are wax 'd shorter with him ;", "Alas , my lord-", "I fear", "And if it be so far beyond his health ,", "Five thousand crowns , my lord .", "Five thousand mine ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 98}, {"query": ["Is not my lord seen yet ?", "Labouring for nine .", "Good day at once ."], "true_target": ["I am of your fear for that .", "I wonder o n't ; he was wont to shine at seven .", "All our bills ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 98}, {"query": ["Servilius , help ! My lord ! my lord !", "I need not tell him that ; he knows you are to diligent ."], "true_target": ["My lord-", "No , indeed , he is not ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 98}, {"query": ["No matter what ; he 's poor , and that 's revenge enough . Who can speak broader than he that has no house to put his head in ? Such may rail against great buildings ."], "true_target": ["By your leave , sir .", "My lord-"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 98}, {"query": ["\u2018 Twere sure enough .", "Then they could smile , and fawn upon his debts ,", "If money were as certain as your waiting ,", "O my lord ,", "Why then preferr 'd you not your sums and bills", "Ay ,", "Let me pass quietly .", "What do ye ask of me , my friend ?", "There is not so much left to furnish out", "My dear lord-"], "true_target": ["A moderate table .", "Believe't , my lord and I have made an end :", "When your false masters eat of my lord 's meat ?", "You do yourselves but wrong to stir me up ;", "If \u2018 twill not serve , \u2018 tis not so base as you ,", "Here , my lord .", "I have no more to reckon , he to spend .", "And take down th \u2019 int'rest into their glutt'nous maws .", "You only speak from your distracted soul ;", "For you serve knaves . Exit"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 98}, {"query": ["If I might beseech you , gentlemen , to repair some other hour , I should derive much from't ; for take't of my soul , my lord leans wondrously to discontent . His comfortable temper has forsook him ; he 's much out of health and keeps his chamber ."], "true_target": ["Good gods !"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 98}, {"query": ["The place which I have feasted , does it now ,", "Be it not in thy care .", "Five thousand drops pays that . What yours ? and yours ?", "Be my retentive enemy , my gaol ?", "So fitly ? Go , bid all my friends again :", "Go , I charge thee , invite them all ; let in the tide", "Tear me , take me , and the gods fall upon you ! Exit", "Tell out my blood .", "Knock me down with \u2018 em ; cleave me to the girdle ."], "true_target": ["Cut my heart in sums .", "Of knaves once more ; my cook and I 'll provide . Exeunt", "Like all mankind , show me an iron heart ?", "Lucius , Lucullus , and Sempronius - all .", "Have I been ever free , and must my house", "I 'll have it so . My steward !", "I 'll once more feast the rascals .", "What if it should be so ?", "They have e'en put my breath from me , the slaves . Creditors ? Devils !", "What , are my doors oppos 'd against my passage ?"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 98}, {"query": ["To bring it into danger .", "Quarrelling upon the head of valour ; which , indeed ,", "And ne'er prefer his injuries to his heart ,", "He 's truly valiant that can wisely suffer", "We banish thee for ever .", "Do you dare our anger ?", "On height of our displeasure . Friend or brother ,", "Is valour misbegot , and came into the world", "He forfeits his own blood that spills another .", "Striving to make an ugly deed look fair ;", "Now , Captain ?", "Attend our weightier judgment . And , not to swell our spirit ,", "To bring manslaughter into form and set", "If wrongs be evils , and enforce us kill ,", "To wear them like his raiment , carelessly ,"], "true_target": ["What 's that ?", "Your words have took such pains as if they labour 'd", "And make his wrongs his outsides ,", "To revenge is no valour , but to bear .", "You cannot make gross sins look clear :", "He dies .", "If after two days \u2019 shine Athens contain thee ,", "When sects and factions were newly born .", "He shall be executed presently . Exeunt SENATORS", "What folly \u2018 tis to hazard life for ill !", "You undergo too strict a paradox ,", "We are for law : he dies . Urge it no more", "The worst that man can breathe ,", "\u2018 Tis in few words , but spacious in effect :", "My lord , you have my voice to't : the fault 's bloody . \u2018 Tis necessary he should die : Nothing emboldens sin so much as mercy ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 99}, {"query": ["His days are foul and his drink dangerous .", "He has made too much plenty with \u2018 em .", "He has been known to commit outrages", "To overcome him . In that beastly fury", "And cherish factions . \u2018 Tis inferr 'd to us"], "true_target": ["You breathe in vain .", "He 's a sworn rioter ; he has a sin that often", "Drowns him and takes his valour prisoner .", "If there were no foes , that were enough", "Most true ; the law shall bruise him .", "How !"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 99}, {"query": ["I am an humble suitor to your virtues ;", "While they have told their money and let out", "I 'm worse than mad ; I have kept back their foes ,", "But with a noble fury and fair spirit ,", "Hath stepp 'd into the law , which is past depth", "And slain in fight many of your enemies ;", "That makes the Senate ugly .", "Their coin upon large interest , I myself", "And not endure all threats ? Sleep upo n't ,", "As you are great , be pitifully good .", "It pleases time and fortune to lie heavy", "Nor did he soil the fact with cowardice-", "He did behove his anger ere \u2018 twas spent ,", "Hard fate ! He might have died in war .", "Why do fond men expose themselves to battle ,", "How full of valour did he bear himself", "Honour , health , and compassion , to the Senate !", "To be in anger is impiety ;", "Must it be so ? It must not be . My lords ,", "To kill , I grant , is sin 's extremest gust ;", "Only in bone , that none may look on you !", "My wounds ache at you .", "Though his right arm might purchase his own time ,", "He is a man , setting his fate aside ,", "To sue , and be denied such common grace .", "It is a cause worthy my spleen and fury ,", "If wisdom be in suffering . O my lords ,", "For law is strict , and war is nothing more .", "If by this crime he owes the law his life ,", "And be in debt to none - yet , more to move you ,", "I do beseech you , know me .", "Banish me !", "My honours to you , upon his good returns .", "For pity is the virtue of the law ,", "It could not else be I should prove so base", "My discontented troops , and lay for hearts .", "To those that without heed do plunge into't .", "Why , let the war receive't in valiant gore ;", "And , for I know your reverend ages love", "\u2018 Tis honour with most lands to be at odds ;"], "true_target": ["Is this the balsam that the usuring Senate", "Loaden with irons wiser than the judge ,", "Soldiers should brook as little wrongs as gods . Exit", "My lord-", "And let the foes quietly cut their throats ,", "As if he had but prov 'd an argument .", "Abroad ? Why , then , women are more valiant ,", "Call me to your remembrances .", "Rich only in large hurts . All those for this ?", "Security , I 'll pawn my victories , all", "But who is man that is not angry ?", "It comes not ill ; I hate not to be banish 'd ;", "And the ass more captain than the lion ; the fellow", "I cannot think but your age has forgot me ;", "Who cannot condemn rashness in cold blood ?", "Without repugnancy ? If there be", "But , in defence , by mercy , \u2018 tis most just .", "He did oppose his foe ;", "In vain ! His service done", "That stay at home , if bearing carry it ;", "Upon a friend of mine , who in hot blood", "Now the gods keep you old enough that you may live", "An honour in him which buys out his fault-", "My lords , then , under favour , pardon me", "If I speak like a captain :", "Why , I say , my lords , has done fair service ,", "And with such sober and unnoted passion", "Weigh but the crime with this .", "At Lacedaemon and Byzantium", "Banish your dotage ! Banish usury", "That I may strike at Athens . I 'll cheer up", "Such valour in the bearing , what make we", "Seeing his reputation touch 'd to death ,", "And none but tyrants use it cruelly .", "In the last conflict , and made plenteous wounds !", "Take my deserts to his , and join \u2018 em both ;", "Pours into captains \u2019 wounds ? Banishment !", "My lords , if not for any parts in him-", "Of comely virtues ;", "Were a sufficient briber for his life ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 99}, {"query": ["I am sick of that grief too , as I understand how all things go .", "What of you ?", "Ever at the best , hearing well of your lordship .", "Royal cheer , I warrant you .", "How ? how ?", "A thousand pieces .", "He 's but a mad lord , and nought but humours sways him . He gave me a jewel th \u2019 other day , and now he has beat it out of my hat . Did you see my jewel ?"], "true_target": ["How do you ? What 's the news ?", "Upon that were my thoughts tiring when we encount'red . I hope it is not so low with him as he made it seem in the trial of his several friends .", "I should think so . He hath sent me an earnest inviting , which many my near occasions did urge me to put off ; but he hath conjur 'd me beyond them , and I must needs appear .", "How now , my lords !", "I hope it remains not unkindly with your lordship that I return 'd you an empty messenger .", "The good time of day to you , sir .", "Let 's make no stay ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 100}, {"query": ["I pray you , upon what ?", "If you had sent but two hours before-", "Every man here 's so . What would he have borrowed of you ?", "It does ; but time will - and so-", "Lord Timon 's mad .", "He sent to me , sir - here he comes .", "I also wish it to you . I think this honourable lord did but try us this other day .", "In like manner was I in debt to my importunate business , but he would not hear my excuse . I am sorry , when he sent to borrow of me , that my provision was out ."], "true_target": ["It should not be , by the persuasion of his new feasting .", "A thousand pieces !", "All cover 'd dishes !", "My noble lord-", "This is the old man still .", "My most honourable lord , I am e'en sick of shame that , when your lordship this other day sent to me , I was so unfortunate a beggar .", "Here \u2018 tis .", "Know you the quality of Lord Timon 's fury ?", "The swallow follows not summer more willing than we your lordship ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 100}, {"query": ["May you a better feast never behold , You knot of mouth-friends ! Smoke and lukewarm water Is your perfection . This is Timon 's last ; Who , stuck and spangled with your flatteries , Washes it off , and sprinkles in your facesYour reeking villainy . Live loath 'd and long , Most smiling , smooth , detested parasites , Courteous destroyers , affable wolves , meek bears , You fools of fortune , trencher friends , time 's flies , Cap and knee slaves , vapours , and minute-lacks ! Of man and beast the infinite malady Crust you quite o'er ! What , dost thou go ? Soft , take thy physic first ; thou too , and thou . Stay , I will lend thee money , borrow none .What , all in motion ? Henceforth be no feast Whereat a villain 's not a welcome guest . Burn house ! Sink Athens ! Henceforth hated be Of Timon man and all humanity ! Exit Re-enter the LORDS", "My worthy friends , will you draw near ?", "Let it not cumber your better remembrance .Come , bring in all together .", "Think not o n't , sir ."], "true_target": ["Each man to his stool with that spur as he would to the lip of his mistress ; your diet shall be in all places alike . Make not a city feast of it , to let the meat cool ere we can agree upon the first place . Sit , sit . The gods require our thanks : You great benefactors , sprinkle our society with thankfulness . For your own gifts make yourselves prais 'd ; but reserve still to give , lest your deities be despised . Lend to each man enough , that one need not lend to another ; for were your god-heads to borrow of men , men would forsake the gods . Make the meat be beloved more than the man that gives it . Let no assembly of twenty be without a score of villains . If there sit twelve women at the table , let a dozen of them be - as they are . The rest of your foes , O gods , the senators of Athens , together with the common lag of people , what is amiss in them , you gods , make suitable for destruction . For these my present friends , as they are to me nothing , so in nothing bless them , and to nothing are they welcome . Uncover , dogs , and lap .", "O sir , let it not trouble you .", "Ah , my good friend , what cheer ?", "With all my heart , gentlemen both ! And how fare you ?", "Nor more willingly leaves winter ; such summer-birds are men - Gentlemen , our dinner will not recompense this long stay ; feast your ears with the music awhile , if they will fare so harshly o \u2019 th \u2019 trumpet 's sound ; we shall to't presently ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 100}, {"query": ["Alcibiades is banish 'd . Hear you of it ?", "\u2018 Tis so , be sure of it .", "Will't hold ? Will't hold ?", "I 'll tell you more anon . Here 's a noble feast toward ."], "true_target": ["I do conceive .", "I feel't upon my bones .", "Doubt not that , if money and the season can yield it .", "Did you see my cap ?", "Push ! Did you see my cap ?"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 100}, {"query": ["I have lost my gown ."], "true_target": ["One day he gives us diamonds , next day stones .", "Here lies my gown ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 100}, {"query": ["Hear you , Master Steward , where 's our master ? Are we undone , cast off , nothing remaining ?", "Such a house broke !"], "true_target": ["And go along with him ?", "One friend to take his fortune by the arm", "So noble a master fall'n ! All gone , and not"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 101}, {"query": ["Who would be so mock 'd with glory , or to live", "Who would not wish to be from wealth exempt ,", "Since riches point to misery and contempt ?", "I 'll ever serve his mind with my best will ;", "Alack , my fellows , what should I say to you ?", "Let me be recorded by the righteous gods ,", "But only painted , like his varnish 'd friends ?", "Undone by goodness ! Strange , unusual blood ,", "Are made thy chief afflictions . Alas , kind lord !", "All broken implements of a ruin 'd house .", "Rich only to be wretched - thy great fortunes", "Whilst I have gold , I 'll be his steward still . Exit", "Of monstrous friends ; nor has he with him to", "Nay , put out all your hands . Not one word more !", "To have his pomp , and all what state compounds ,", "O the fierce wretchedness that glory brings us !"], "true_target": ["He 's flung in rage from this ingrateful seat", "But in a dream of friendship ,", "Thus part we rich in sorrow , parting poor .", "I am as poor as you .", "Let 's yet be fellows ; let 's shake our heads and say ,", "Who then dares to be half so kind again ?", "\u2018 We have seen better days . \u2019 Let each take some .", "Good fellows all ,", "Poor honest lord , brought low by his own heart ,", "When man 's worst sin is he does too much good !", "My dearest lord - blest to be most accurst ,", "I 'll follow and enquire him out .", "Wherever we shall meet , for Timon 's sake ,", "The latest of my wealth I 'll share amongst you .", "As \u2018 twere a knell unto our master 's fortune ,", "Supply his life , or that which can command it .", "For bounty , that makes gods , does still mar men ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 101}, {"query": ["Like empty purses pick 'd ; and his poor self ,", "Slink all away ; leave their false vows with him ,", "From our companion , thrown into his grave ,", "A dedicated beggar to the air ,"], "true_target": ["Walks , like contempt , alone . More of our fellows .", "With his disease of all-shunn 'd poverty ,", "As we do turn our backs", "So his familiars to his buried fortunes"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 101}, {"query": ["That see I by our faces . We are fellows still ,", "Into this sea of air .", "Yet do our hearts wear Timon 's livery ;"], "true_target": ["Serving alike in sorrow . Leak 'd is our bark ;", "And we , poor mates , stand on the dying deck ,", "Hearing the surges threat . We must all part"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 101}, {"query": ["Thou hadst been a knave and flatterer .", "Dry up thy marrows , vines , and plough-torn leas ,", "Keep it : I cannot eat it .", "With man 's blood paint the ground , gules , gules .", "Would cast the gorge at this embalms and spices", "Are not within the leaf of pity writ ,", "With thy most operant poison . What is here ?", "That I might love thee something .", "Pity not honour 'd age for his white beard :", "Expecting in return twenty for one ?", "Rotten humidity ; below thy sister 's orb", "How fain would I have hated all mankind !", "Thou wast born to conquer my country .", "That through the window bars bore at men 's eyes", "The oaks bear mast , the briars scarlet hips ;", "That you are thieves profess 'd , that you work not", "In limited professions . Rascal thieves ,", "And thou redeem'st thyself . But all , save thee ,", "A beastly ambition , which the gods grant thee t \u2019 attain to ! If thou wert the lion , the fox would beguile thee ; if thou wert the lamb , the fox would eat thee ; if thou wert the fox , the lion would suspect thee , when , peradventure , thou wert accus 'd by the ass . If thou wert the ass , thy dulness would torment thee ; and still thou liv'dst but as a breakfast to the wolf . If thou wert the wolf , thy greediness would afflict thee , and oft thou shouldst hazard thy life for thy dinner . Wert thou the unicorn , pride and wrath would confound thee , and make thine own self the conquest of thy fury . Wert thou bear , thou wouldst be kill 'd by the horse ; wert thou a horse , thou wouldst be seiz 'd by the leopard ; wert thou a leopard , thou wert german to the lion , and the spots of thy kindred were jurors on thy life . All thy safety were remotion , and thy defence absence . What beast couldst thou be that were not subject to a beast ? And what beast art thou already , that seest not thy loss in transformation !", "The sug'red game before thee . But myself ,", "It is the pasture lards the rother 's sides ,", "For I must ever doubt though ne'er so sure ,", "Never presented ! - O , a root ! Dear thanks ! -", "But yet I 'll bury thee . Thou't go , strong thief ,", "And morsels unctuous , greases his pure mind ,", "Why dost thou seek me out ?", "And not believes himself . Down with the nose ,", "That scolds against the quality of flesh", "Is not thy kindness subtle , covetous ,", "But thus condition 'd ; thou shalt build from men ;", "Whereon Hyperion 's quick'ning fire doth shine-", "Then , if thou grant'st th'art a man , I have forgot thee .", "Were all the wealth I have shut up in thee ,", "But by contempt of nature .", "Shall pierce a jot . There 's gold to pay thy soldiers .", "Within this mile break forth a hundred springs ;", "Lays her full mess before you . Want ! Why want ?", "Thou saw'st them when I had prosperity .", "A beast , as thou art . The canker gnaw thy heart", "Do you damn others , and let this damn you ,", "Into strong shudders and to heavenly agues ,", "Make the hoar leprosy ador 'd , place thieves", "So are they all ; for every grise of fortune", "With senators on the bench . This is it", "Men daily find it . Get thee away , and take", "Confounded be thyself ! Speak not , be gone .", "I will not kiss thee ; then the rot returns", "A stone by thee .", "Why dost ask that ? I have forgot all men ;", "Then what should war be ? This fell whore of thine", "Scarce is dividant - touch them with several fortunes :", "His antidotes are poison , and he slays", "Freely command , thou wouldst have plung 'd thyself", "All feasts , societies , and throngs of men !", "To the tub-fast and the diet .", "Think it a bastard whom the oracle", "Put up thy gold . Go on . Here 's gold . Go on .", "And be no turncoats . Yet may your pains six months", "I am no idle votarist . Roots , you clear heavens !", "Enter APEMANTUS", "Put armour on thine ears and on thine eyes ,", "\u2018 Tis not well mended so ; it is but botch 'd . If not , I would it were .", "What , a knave too ?", "Let your close fire predominate his smoke ,", "Who had the world as my confectionary ;", "Infect the air ! Twinn 'd brothers of one womb-", "First mend my company : take away thyself .", "Would poison were obedient , and knew my mind !", "Nor on the beasts themselves , the birds , and fishes ;", "Throng 'd to ?", "\u2018 Tis , then , because thou dost not keep a dog ,", "And let the unscarr 'd braggarts of the war", "More whore , more mischief first ; I have given you earnest .", "I swoon to see thee .", "Thy back , I prithee .", "Will lug your priests and servants from your sides ,", "Now , thieves ?", "Make large confusion ; and , thy fury spent ,", "Be quite contrary ! And thatch your poor thin roofs", "That by killing of villains", "Hath to the marbled mansion all above", "O blessed breeding sun , draw from the earth", "Who seeks for better of thee , sauce his palate", "And mar men 's spurring . Crack the lawyer 's voice ,", "Till the high fever seethe your blood to froth ,", "Whose proof nor yells of mothers , maids , nor babes ,", "Must be thy subject ; who , in spite , put stuff", "Thy beagles with thee .", "I 'll trust to your conditions . Be whores still ;", "So true , so just , and now so comfortable ?", "Ere thou relieve the beggar . Give to dogs", "The want that makes him lean . Who dares , who dares ,", "The gods confound them all in thy conquest ;", "Why should you want ? Behold , the earth hath roots ;", "There 's nothing level in our cursed natures", "Ha ! a drum ? Th'art quick ,", "Make soft thy trenchant sword ; for those milk paps", "Nay , stay thou out for earnest .", "Yes , thou spok'st well of me .", "For tubs and baths ; bring down rose-cheek 'd youth", "Choler does kill me that thou art alive ;", "What , dost thou weep ? Come nearer . Then I love thee", "In general riot , melted down thy youth", "The beggar native honour .", "Who , without those means thou talk'st of , didst thou ever know belov 'd ?", "Slave !", "For every storm that blows - I to bear this ,", "Down with it flat , take the bridge quite away", "You perpetual-sober gods ! I do proclaim", "He is an usurer . Strike me the counterfeit matron :", "Would thou wert clean enough to spit upon !", "At duty , more than I could frame employment ;", "Long live so , and so die !I am quit . More things like men ? Eat , Timon , and abhor them .", "And mince it sans remorse . Swear against abjects ;", "Will knit and break religions , bless th \u2019 accurs 'd ,", "And so scape hanging . Trust not the physician ;", "And he whose pious breath seeks to convert you-", "And so , farewell and thrive .", "For by oppressing and betraying me", "When there is nothing living but thee , thou shalt be welcome . I had rather be a beggar 's dog than Apemantus .", "Were I like thee , I 'd throw away myself .", "Always a villain 's office or a fool 's . Dost please thyself i n't ?", "More man ? Plague , plague !", "Religious canons , civil laws , are cruel ;", "You must eat men . Yet thanks I must you con", "Methinks thou art more honest now than wise ;", "And say \u2018 This man 's a flatterer \u2019 ? If one be ,", "Poor rogue hereditary . Hence , be gone .", "If thou hadst not been born the worst of men ,", "For here it sleeps and does no hired harm .", "Have sent thee treasure . Go , live rich and happy ,", "Whereof thy proud child , arrogant man , is puff 'd ,", "To whom all sores lay siege , can bear great fortune", "Away , thou issue of a mangy dog !", "As thine is now , held with a brace of harlots .", "Rogue , rogue , rogue ! I am sick of this false world , and will love nought But even the mere necessities upo n't . Then , Timon , presently prepare thy grave ; Lie where the light foam of the sea may beat Thy gravestone daily ; make thine epitaph , That death in me at others \u2019 lives may laugh .O thou sweet king-killer , and dear divorce \u2018 Twixt natural son and sire ! thou bright defiler Of Hymen 's purest bed ! thou valiant Mars ! Thou ever young , fresh , lov 'd , and delicate wooer , Whose blush doth thaw the consecrated snow That lies on Dian 's lap ! thou visible god , That sold'rest close impossibilities , And mak'st them kiss ! that speak'st with every tongue To every purpose ! O thou touch of hearts ! Think thy slave man rebels , and by thy virtue Set them into confounding odds , that beasts May have the world in empire !", "But direct villainy . Therefore be abhorr 'd", "And may diseases lick up their false bloods !", "Fell from their boughs , and left me open , bare", "Derive some pain from you . Plague all ,", "Ay , though it look like thee .", "Enough to make a whore forswear her trade ,", "Away ! What art thou ?", "The icy precepts of respect , but followed", "The senator shall bear contempt hereditary ,", "That makes the wappen 'd widow wed again-", "Make use of thy salt hours . Season the slaves", "Not by his breath that is more miserable .", "This yellow slave", "Strange times , that weep with laughing , not with weeping !", "Pluck stout men 's pillows from below their heads-"], "true_target": ["To sauce thy dishes .", "There were no suns to borrow of .", "I hate thee worse .", "It is her habit only that is honest ,", "If thou hat'st curses ,", "I prithee beat thy drum and get thee gone .", "How dost thou pity him whom thou dost trouble ? I had rather be alone .", "Thou tedious rogue ! I am sorry I shall lose", "Both too , and women 's sons .", "The greater scorns the lesser . Not nature ,", "Maintain my opinion .", "Upon their first lord 's neck . But tell me true ,", "But let the famish 'd flesh slide from the bone", "Thou art a slave whom Fortune 's tender arm", "Engenders the black toad and adder blue ,", "I fell with curses .", "That your activity may defeat and quell", "Thou common whore of mankind , that puts odds", "Thus much of this will make black white , foul fair ,", "And ditches grave you all !", "Hadst thou , like us from our first swath , proceeded", "Whose womb unmeasurable and infinite breast", "Promise me friendship , but perform none . If thou wilt not promise , the gods plague thee , for thou art man ! If thou dost perform , confound thee , for thou art a man !", "Teems and feeds all ; whose self-same mettle ,", "Hath doubtfully pronounc 'd thy throat shall cut ,", "The best and truest ;", "When gouty keepers of thee cannot stand .", "One honest man - mistake me not , but one ;", "Thus would I eat it .", "Do thy right nature .", "Do on the oak , have with one winter 's brush", "To some she-beggar and compounded thee", "But thorough lust and laughter . Pity 's sleeping .", "It almost turns my dangerous nature mild .", "In purity of manhood stand upright ,", "If not a usuring kindness , and as rich men deal gifts ,", "Nor sight of priests in holy vestments bleeding ,", "On what I hate I feed not .", "I 'd give thee leave to hang it . Get thee gone .", "Should yet be hungry ! Common mother , thou ,", "What thou deniest to men ; let prisons swallow \u2018 em ,", "Let it no more bring out ingrateful man !", "Whom I would imitate . Consumption catch thee !", "That the whole life of Athens were in this !", "Hate all , curse all , show charity to none ,", "Let me behold thy face . Surely , this man", "Ensear thy fertile and conceptious womb ,", "I am Misanthropos , and hate mankind .", "Yield him , who all thy human sons doth hate ,", "Thy nature did commence in sufferance ; time", "Under that 's above me . Where feed'st thou a days , Apemantus ?", "Forgive my general and exceptless rashness ,", "Go great with tigers , dragons , wolves , and bears ;", "To such as may the passive drugs of it", "Ne'er see thou man , and let me ne'er see thee .", "Ha , you gods ! why this ? What , this , you gods ? Why , this", "Smells from the general weal . Make curl'dhYpppHeNpate ruffians bald ,", "Thou mightst have sooner got another service ;", "Be a whore still ; they love thee not that use thee .", "And give them title , knee , and approbation ,", "Although I know you 'll swear , terribly swear ,", "Stay not ; fly whilst thou art blest and free .", "And to make whores a bawd . Hold up , you sluts ,", "But then renew I could not , like the moon ;", "That from it all consideration slips-", "Ay , that I am not thee .", "Is smooth 'd by that below . The learned pate", "In the sick air ; let not thy sword skip one .", "With favour never clasp 'd , but bred a dog .", "The source of all erection . There 's more gold .", "Wouldst thou have thyself fall in the confusion of men , and remain a beast with the beasts ?", "But set them down horrible traitors . Spare not the babe", "I , that I am one now .", "Herself 's a bawd . Let not the virgin 's cheek", "No more , I pray - and he 's a steward .", "Of him that , his particular to foresee ,", "Women nearest ; but men , men are the things themselves . What wouldst thou do with the world , Apemantus , if it lay in thy power ?", "Look thee , \u2018 tis so ! Thou singly honest man ,", "Had I a steward", "Was born of woman .", "Tell them there I have gold ; look , so I have .", "The mouths , the tongues , the eyes , and hearts of men", "That never knew but better , is some burden .", "Art thou Timandra ?", "Ducks to the golden fool . All 's oblique ;", "Destruction fang mankind ! Earth , yield me roots .", "Wrong right , base noble , old young , coward valiant .", "In different beds of lust , and never learn 'd", "His semblable , yea , himself , Timon disdains .", "She whom the spital-house and ulcerous sores", "That he may never more false title plead ,", "Among the rout of nations , I will make thee", "Th \u2019 immortal gods that hear you . Spare your oaths ;", "Whose procreation , residence , and birth ,", "To th \u2018 April day again . Come , damn 'd earth ,", "For all her cherubin look .", "Your greatest want is , you want much of meat .", "In hollow bones of man ; strike their sharp shins ,", "I know thee too ; and more than that I know thee", "Flinty mankind , whose eyes do never give", "Then I know thee not . I never had honest man about me , I . All I kept were knaves , to serve in meat to villains .", "Hath in her more destruction than thy sword", "For many so arrive at second masters", "Away ,", "Do villainy , do , since you protest to do't ,", "For showing me again the eyes of man !", "To thine own lips again .", "I not desire to know . Follow thy drum ;", "If I name thee . I 'll beat thee - but I should infect my hands .", "Because thou art a woman and disclaim'st", "Dost thou , or dost thou not , heaven 's curse upon thee !", "Hath made thee hard i n't . Why shouldst thou hate men ?", "War'st thou \u2018 gainst Athens ?", "Here , take . The gods , out of my misery ,", "Be strong in whore , allure him , burn him up ;", "That nature , being sick of man 's unkindness ,", "A fool of thee . Depart .", "Here 's gold . Go , suck the subtle blood o \u2019 th \u2019 grape", "As the moon does , by wanting light to give .", "Nor sound his quillets shrilly . Hoar the flamen ,", "I understand thee : thou hadst some means to keep a dog .", "All villains that do stand by thee are pure .", "For thy part , I do wish thou wert a dog ,", "Debts wither \u2018 em to nothing . Be men like blasted woods ,", "Whose dimpled smiles from fools exhaust their mercy ;", "Thee thither in a whirlwind . If thou wilt ,", "The sweet degrees that this brief world affords", "Be as a planetary plague , when Jove", "The gilded newt and eyeless venom 'd worm ,", "Teem with new monsters whom thy upward face", "If thou wilt curse , thy father , that poor rag ,", "Moe than you rob . Take wealth and lives together ;", "In holier shapes ; for there is boundless theft", "That numberless upon me stuck , as leaves", "Whereof ingrateful man , with liquorish draughts", "They never flatter 'd thee . What hast thou given ?", "Thou flatter'st misery .", "Gold ? Yellow , glittering , precious gold ? No , gods ,", "If I hope well , I 'll never see thee more .", "And thee after , when thou hast conquer 'd !", "Raise me this beggar and deny't that lord :", "None , but to", "With all th \u2019 abhorred births below crisp heaven", "Your aprons mountant ; you are not oathable ,", "The bounteous housewife Nature on each bush", "Give them diseases , leaving with thee their lust .", "From forth thy plenteous bosom , one poor root !", "Will o'er some high-vic 'd city hang his poison", "How has the ass broke the wall , that thou art out of the city ?", "Consumptions sow", "With burdens of the dead - some that were hang 'd ,"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 102}, {"query": ["How cursed Athens , mindless of thy worth ,", "Here is some gold for thee .", "I know thee well ;", "What is it , Timon ?", "Pardon him , sweet Timandra , for his wits", "But in thy fortunes am unlearn 'd and strange .", "Call'st thou that harm ?", "Noble Timon ,", "I never did thee harm .", "Ay , Timon , and have cause .", "I have but little gold of late , brave Timon ,", "I am thy friend , and pity thee , dear Timon .", "I have heard in some sort of thy miseries .", "Why me , Timon ?", "What friendship may I do thee ?"], "true_target": ["Hast thou gold yet ? I 'll take the gold thou givest me , Not all thy counsel .", "That art thyself a man ?", "What is thy name ? Is man so hateful to thee", "Forgetting thy great deeds , when neighbour states ,", "What art thou there ? Speak .", "In my penurious band . I have heard , and griev 'd ,", "Why , fare thee well ;", "Are drown 'd and lost in his calamities .", "I see them now ; then was a blessed time .", "When I have laid proud Athens on a heap-", "We but offend him . Strike .", "The want whereof doth daily make revolt", "But for thy sword and fortune , trod upon them-", "How came the noble Timon to this change ?", "If I thrive well , I 'll visit thee again .", "Strike up the drum towards Athens . Farewell , Timon ;"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 102}, {"query": ["Voic 'd so regardfully ?", "Hang thee , monster !"], "true_target": ["Yes .", "Is this th \u2019 Athenian minion whom the world"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 102}, {"query": ["Timon .", "More counsel with more money , bounteous"], "true_target": ["Well , more gold . What then ? Believe't that we 'll do anything for gold .", "Give us some gold , good Timon . Hast thou more ?"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 102}, {"query": ["Where liest a nights , Timon ?", "That the bleak air , thy boisterous chamberlain ,", "There is no leprosy but what thou speak'st .", "The other , at high wish . Best state , contentless ,", "I flatter not , but say thou art a caitiff .", "Rascals should have't . Do not assume my likeness .", "Dost hate a medlar ?", "I would my tongue could rot them off !", "I love thee better now than e'er I did .", "This slave-like habit and these looks of care ?", "To vex thee .", "To castigate thy pride , \u2018 twere well ; but thou", "An th \u2019 hadst hated medlars sooner , thou shouldst have loved thyself better now . What man didst thou ever know unthrift that was beloved after his means ?", "The one is filling still , never complete ;", "Thou gav'st thine ears , like tapsters that bade welcome ,", "Thou hast cast away thyself , being like thyself ;", "Hath a distracted and most wretched being ,", "And let his very breath whom thou'lt observe", "That have outliv 'd the eagle , page thy heels", "Thou art the cap of all the fools alive .", "By putting on the cunning of a carper .", "Give it the beasts , to be rid of the men .", "A plague on thee ! thou art too bad to curse .", "Blow off thy cap ; praise his most vicious strain ,", "The middle of humanity thou never knewest , but the extremity of both ends . When thou wast in thy gilt and thy perfume , they mock 'd thee for too much curiosity ; in thy rags thou know'st none , but art despis 'd for the contrary . There 's a medlar for thee ; eat it .", "That thou turn rascal ; hadst thou wealth again", "So I shall mend mine own by th \u2019 lack of thine .", "From change of fortune . Why this spade , this place ?", "And skip when thou point'st out ? Will the cold brook ,", "Beast !", "Why ?", "Yonder comes a poet and a painter . The plague of company light upon thee ! I will fear to catch it , and give way . When I know not what else to do , I 'll see thee again .", "Dost it enforcedly . Thou'dst courtier be again", "This is in thee a nature but infected ,", "To knaves and all approachers . \u2018 Tis most just", "If thou didst put this sour-cold habit on", "Ay .", "Where my stomach . finds meat ; or rather , where I eat it ."], "true_target": ["Ay .", "Will put thy shirt on warm ? Will these moist trees ,", "Where wouldst thou send it ?", "I , that I was", "O , thou shalt find-", "Thy flatterers yet wear silk , drink wine , lie soft ,", "No prodigal .", "What wouldst thou have to Athens ?", "Candied with ice , caudle thy morning taste", "Outlives incertain pomp , is crown 'd before .", "Would thou wouldst burst !", "To the conflicting elements expos 'd ,", "What things in the world canst thou nearest compare to thy flatterers ?", "If thou couldst please me with speaking to me , thou mightst have hit upon it here . The commonwealth of Athens is become a forest of beasts .", "Thou should'st desire to die , being miserable .", "Ay , Timon .", "A madman so long , now a fool . What , think'st", "I was directed hither . Men report", "Whose naked natures live in all the spite", "Live , and love thy misery !", "Worse than the worst , content .", "Thou dost affect my manners and dost use them .", "That ever Timon was . Shame not these woods", "Here ! I will mend thy feast .", "Answer mere nature - bid them flatter thee .", "And call it excellent . Thou wast told thus ;", "Would \u2018 twere so ! But not till I am dead . I 'll say th \u2019 hast gold . Thou wilt be throng 'd to shortly .", "By that which has undone thee : hinge thy knee ,", "Be thou a flatterer now , and seek to thrive", "Art thou proud yet ?", "Of wreakful heaven , whose bare unhoused trunks ,", "Here is no use for gold .", "Myself .", "Toad !", "A poor unmanly melancholy sprung", "Hug their diseas 'd perfumes , and have forgot", "To cure thy o'ernight ' s surfeit ? Call the creatures", "Wert thou not beggar . Willing misery"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 102}, {"query": ["Let us first see peace in Athens . There is no time so miserable but a man may be true . Exeunt THIEVES", "We cannot live on grass , on berries , water ,", "\u2018 Tis in the malice of mankind that he thus advises us ; not to have us thrive in our mystery ."], "true_target": ["As beasts and birds and fishes .", "Is not this he ?", "Where should he have this gold ? It is some poor fragment , some slender ort of his remainder . The mere want of gold and the falling-from of his friends drove him into this melancholy ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 102}, {"query": ["I 'll believe him as an enemy , and give over my trade .", "\u2018 Tis his description ."], "true_target": ["True ; for he bears it not about him . \u2018 Tis hid .", "It is nois 'd he hath a mass of treasure ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 102}, {"query": ["Let us make the assay upon him ; if he care not for't , he will supply us easily ; if he covetously reserve it , how shall 's get it ?"], "true_target": ["Has almost charm 'd me from my profession by persuading me to it .", "He ; I know him ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 102}, {"query": ["Soldiers , not thieves .", "We are not thieves , but men that much do want ."], "true_target": ["Save thee , Timon !", "Where ?"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 102}, {"query": ["Those that would mischief me than those that do !", "For his undone lord than mine eyes for you .", "When man was wish 'd to love his enemies !", "Doubt and suspect , alas , are plac 'd too late !", "What viler thing upon the earth than friends ,", "Nev'r did poor steward wear a truer grief", "My honest grief unto him , and as my lord", "And wonder of good deeds evilly bestow 'd !", "I beg of you to know me , good my lord ,", "To entertain me as your steward still .", "That which I show , heaven knows , is merely love ,", "Suspect still comes where an estate is least .", "Full of decay and failing ? O monument", "You should have fear 'd false times when you did feast :", "The gods are witness ,", "An honest poor servant of yours .", "O , let me stay", "Either in hope or present , I 'd exchange"], "true_target": ["T \u2019 accept my grief , and whilst this poor wealth lasts", "And comfort you , my master .", "Care of your food and living ; and believe it ,", "To requite me by making rich yourself .", "Has desp'rate want made !", "Who can bring noblest minds to basest ends !", "Grant I may ever love , and rather woo", "Duty , and zeal , to your unmatched mind ,", "For this one wish , that you had power and wealth", "What an alteration of honour", "Have you forgot me , sir ?", "Is yond despis 'd and ruinous man my lord ?", "O you gods !", "No , my most worthy master , in whose breast", "Still serve him with my life . My dearest master !", "My most honour 'd lord ,", "For any benefit that points to me ,", "Has caught me in his eye ; I will present", "How rarely does it meet with this time 's guise ,"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 102}, {"query": ["We are hither come to offer you our service .", "So it is said , my noble lord ; but therefore", "Come .", "Good as the best . Promising is the very air o \u2019 th \u2019 time ; it opens the eyes of expectation . Performance is ever the duller for his act , and but in the plainer and simpler kind of people the deed of saying is quite out of use . To promise is most courtly and fashionable ; performance is a kind of will or testament which argues a great sickness in his judgment that makes it .", "Came not my friend nor I .", "He and myself", "When the day serves , before black-corner 'd night ,", "Nothing else . You shall see him a palm in Athens again , and flourish with the highest . Therefore \u2018 tis not amiss we tender our loves to him in this suppos 'd distress of his ; it will show honestly in us , and is very likely to load our purposes with what they travail for , if it be just and true report that goes of his having .", "Find what thou want'st by free and offer 'd light ."], "true_target": ["Have travail 'd in the great show'r of your gifts ,", "As I took note of the place , it cannot be far where he abides .", "Our late noble master !", "Nothing at this time but my visitation ; only I will promise him an excellent piece .", "So , so , my lord .", "I know not such , my lord .", "True ;", "Certain . Alcibiades reports it ; Phrynia and Timandra had gold of him . He likewise enrich 'd poor straggling soldiers with great quantity . \u2018 Tis said he gave unto his steward a mighty sum .", "And sweetly felt it ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 103}, {"query": ["Hearing you were retir 'd , your friends fall'n off ,", "I am thinking what I shall say I have provided for him . It must be a personating of himself ; a satire against the softness of prosperity , with a discovery of the infinite flatteries that follow youth and opulency .", "Having often of your open bounty tasted ,", "Not all the whips of heaven are large enough-", "The monstrous bulk of this ingratitude", "to be thought of him ? Does the rumour hold for true that he 's so full of gold ?", "What have you now to present unto him ?", "Sir ,", "Then this breaking of his has been but a try for his friends ?", "Nay , let 's seek him ;"], "true_target": ["When we may profit meet and come too late .", "With any size of words .", "Hail , worthy Timon !", "To their whole being ! I am rapt , and cannot cover", "Whose star-like nobleness gave life and influence", "Then do we sin against our own estate", "Nor I .", "What ! to you ,", "I must serve him so too , tell him of an intent that 's coming toward him .", "Whose thankless natures - O abhorred spirits ! -"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 103}, {"query": ["Thou counterfeit'st most lively .", "Let Alcibiades know this of Timon ,", "Best in all Athens . Th'art indeed the best ;", "Settlest admired reverence in a slave .", "Lips , let sour words go by and language end :", "I 'll teach them to prevent wild Alcibiades \u2019 wrath .", "That mightily deceives you .", "Of health and living now begins to mend ,", "Lend me a fool 's heart and a woman 's eyes ,", "While you have throats to answer . For myself ,", "Be crown 'd with plagues , that thee alone obey !", "And tell them that , to ease them of their griefs ,", "For each true word a blister , and each false", "It will be seen to-morrow . My long sickness", "To the protection of the prosperous gods ,", "To stop affliction , let him take his haste ,", "Will you indeed ?", "Come hither , ere my tree hath felt the axe ,", "And nothing brings me all things . Go , live still ;", "And last so long enough !", "Have I once liv 'd to see two honest men ?", "I thank them ; and would send them back the plague ,", "Ay , you are honest men .", "That Timon cares not . But if he sack fair Athens ,", "In pity of our aged and our youth-", "Upon the beached verge of the salt flood ,", "And I 'll beweep these comforts , worthy senators .", "There 's not a whittle in th \u2019 unruly camp", "Most honest men ! Why , how shall I requite you ? Can you eat roots , and drink cold water - No ?", "That he 's a made-up villain .", "Of none but such as you , and you of Timon .", "Keep in your bosom ; yet remain assur 'd", "As common bruit doth put it .", "And take our goodly aged men by th \u2019 beards ,", "The turbulent surge shall cover . Thither come ,", "And shortly must I fell it . Tell my friends ,", "And hang himself . I pray you do my greeting .", "Who once a day with his embossed froth", "And let him take't at worst ; for their knives care not ,", "Confound them by some course , and come to me ,", "As thieves to keepers .", "Why , I was writing of my epitaph ;", "That he is worshipp 'd in a baser temple", "I cannot choose but tell him that I care not ,", "Commend me to my loving countrymen-", "Hang them or stab them , drown them in a draught ,", "You 'll take it ill .", "You that way , and you this - but two in company ; Each man apart , all single and alone , Yet an arch-villain keeps him company .If , where thou art , two villians shall not be , Come not near him .If thou wouldst not reside But where one villain is , then him abandon. - Hence , pack ! there 's gold ; you came for gold , ye slaves .You have work for me ; there 's payment ; hence !You are an alchemist ; make gold of that. - Out , rascal dogs !", "What is amiss , plague and infection mend !"], "true_target": ["Let it go naked : men may see't the better .", "Than where swine feed !", "Fit I meet them .", "I am sure you have . Speak truth ; y'are honest men .", "Thou sun that comforts , burn . Speak and be hang 'd !", "Well , sir , I will . Therefore I will , sir , thus :", "Look you , I love you well ; I 'll give you gold ,", "Sun , hide thy beams . Timon hath done his reign .", "From high to low throughout , that whoso please", "Timon hath made his everlasting mansion", "\u2018 Tis thou that rig'st the bark and plough'st the foam ,", "One that rejoices in the common wreck ,", "Know his gross patchery , love him , feed him ,", "Surprise me to the very brink of tears .", "Their fears of hostile strokes , their aches , losses ,", "Commend me to them ,", "The reverend'st throat in Athens . So I leave you", "Consuming it with speaking !", "Be as a cauterizing to the root o \u2019 th \u2019 tongue ,", "Could I but catch it for them .", "Of contumelious , beastly , mad-brain 'd war ,", "I 'll meet you at the turn . What a god 's gold ,", "Good honest men ! Thou draw'st a counterfeit", "Be Alcibiades your plague , you his ,", "Then let him know - and tell him Timon speaks it", "I have a tree , which grows here in my close ,", "You witch me in it ;", "I 'll give you gold enough .", "Y'are honest men . Y'have heard that I have gold ;", "Come not to me again ; but say to Athens", "Giving our holy virgins to the stain", "Excellent workman ! Thou canst not paint a man so bad as is thyself .", "Graves only be men 's works and death their gain !", "That nature 's fragile vessel doth sustain", "Must thou needs stand for a villain in thine own work ? Wilt thou whip thine own faults in other men ? Do so , I have gold for thee .", "Ay , and you hear him cog , see him dissemble ,", "Make them best seen and known .", "If Alcibiades kill my countrymen ,", "There 's never a one of you but trusts a knave", "And let my gravestone be your oracle .", "Tell Athens , in the sequence of degree", "In life 's uncertain voyage , I will some kindness do them-", "To thee be worship ! and thy saints for aye", "But I do prize it at my love before", "Rid me these villains from your companies .", "But yet I love my country , and am not", "That mine own use invites me to cut down ,", "Their pangs of love , with other incident throes", "E'en so , sir , as I say .And for thy fiction , Why , thy verse swells with stuff so fine and smooth That thou art even natural in thine art . But for all this , my honest-natur 'd friends , I must needs say you have a little fault . Marry , \u2018 tis not monstrous in you ; neither wish I You take much pains to mend .", "You that are honest , by being what you are ,"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 103}, {"query": ["Doubt it not , worthy lord .", "Beseech your honour", "To make it known to us ."], "true_target": ["What we can do , we 'll do , to do you service .", "Name them , my lord ; let 's know them .", "Do we , my lord ?", "Most thankfully , my lord ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 103}, {"query": ["Look out , and speak to friends . Th \u2019 Athenians", "That nothing but himself which looks like man", "Trouble him no further ; thus you still shall find him .", "Is friendly with him .", "Speak to them , noble Timon ."], "true_target": ["Here is his cave .", "Stay not , all 's in vain .", "It is vain that you would speak with Timon ;", "Peace and content be here ! Lord Timon ! Timon !", "By two of their most reverend Senate greet thee .", "For he is set so only to himself"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 103}, {"query": ["We speak in vain .", "His discontents are unremovably", "It is our part and promise to th \u2019 Athenians", "It requires swift foot . Exeunt", "Therefore , Timon-", "Bring us to his cave .", "That 's well spoke .", "O , forget", "The senators with one consent of love", "The captainship , thou shalt be met with thanks ,", "Of Alcibiades th \u2019 approaches wild ,", "His country 's peace .", "Allow 'd with absolute power , and thy good name"], "true_target": ["Coupled to nature .", "These words become your lips as they pass through them .", "And of our Athens , thine and ours , to take", "The senators of Athens greet thee , Timon .", "Worthy Timon-", "On special dignities , which vacant lie", "Entreat thee back to Athens , who have thought", "Who , like a boar too savage , doth root up", "What we are sorry for ourselves in thee .", "For thy best use and wearing .", "Therefore so please thee to return with us ,", "Live with authority . So soon we shall drive back", "To speak with Timon .", "I like this well ; he will return again ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 103}, {"query": ["The former man may make him . Bring us to him ,", "A lack of Timon 's aid , hath sense withal", "Ever to read them thine .", "Play the recanter , feeling in itself", "Men are not still the same ; \u2018 twas time and griefs", "As shall to thee blot out what wrongs were theirs", "They confess", "Which now the public body , which doth seldom", "Offering the fortunes of his former days ,", "Of it own fail , restraining aid to Timon ,", "In their applauding gates .", "That fram 'd him thus . Time , with his fairer hand ,", "And write in thee the figures of their love ,"], "true_target": ["Toward thee forgetfulness too general , gross ;", "And send forth us to make their sorrowed render ,", "Our hope in him is dead . Let us return", "Together with a recompense more fruitful", "Than their offence can weigh down by the dram ;", "In our dear peril .", "At all times alike", "And enter in our ears like great triumphers", "Ay , even such heaps and sums of love and wealth", "And chance it as it may .", "And strain what other means is left unto us", "Against the walls of Athens .", "And shakes his threat'ning sword"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 103}, {"query": ["As full as thy report ?"], "true_target": ["Thou hast painfully discover 'd ; are his files", "Here come our brothers ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 104}, {"query": ["I met a courier , one mine ancient friend ,", "Present approach .", "Yet our old love had a particular force ,", "Besides , his expedition promises", "His fellowship i \u2019 th \u2019 cause against your city ,"], "true_target": ["I have spoke the least .", "And made us speak like friends . This man was riding", "In part for his sake mov 'd .", "With letters of entreaty , which imported", "From Alcibiades to Timon 's cave", "Whom , though in general part we were oppos 'd ,"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 104}, {"query": ["The enemies \u2019 drum is heard , and fearful scouring", "Doth choke the air with dust . In , and prepare ."], "true_target": ["Ours is the fall , I fear ; our foes the snare . Exeunt", "No talk of Timon , nothing of him expect ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 104}, {"query": ["Then there 's my glove ;", "Our terrible approach .", "But shall be render 'd to your public laws", "As slept within the shadow of your power ,", "With all licentious measure , making your wills", "With fear and horrid flight .", "Sound to this coward and lascivious town", "Descend , and open your uncharged ports .", "At heaviest answer .", "Our sufferance vainly . Now the time is flush ,", "Those enemies of Timon 's and mine own ,", "Of regular justice in your city 's bounds ,"], "true_target": ["Fall , and no more . And , to atone your fears", "Cries of itself \u2018 No more ! \u2019 Now breathless wrong", "Have wander 'd with our travers 'd arms , and breath 'd", "Whom you yourselves shall set out for reproof ,", "Shall sit and pant in your great chairs of ease ,", "When crouching marrow , in the bearer strong ,", "With my more noble meaning , not a man", "And pursy insolence shall break his wind", "The scope of justice ; till now , myself , and such", "Shall pass his quarter or offend the stream", "Till now you have gone on and fill 'd the time", "Descend , and keep your words .", "Sound a parley . The SENATORS appear upon the walls"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 105}, {"query": ["We sent to thee , to give thy rages balm ,", "Against our rampir 'd gates and they shall ope ,", "Approach the fold and cull th \u2019 infected forth ,", "Spare thy Athenian cradle , and those kin", "To say thou't enter friendly .", "Set but thy foot", "Noble and young ,", "When thy first griefs were but a mere conceit ,", "All have not offended ;", "That these great tow'rs , trophies , and schools , should fall", "Bring in thy ranks , but leave without thy rage ;", "Are not inherited . Then , dear countryman ,"], "true_target": ["So thou wilt send thy gentle heart before", "Ere thou hadst power or we had cause of fear ,", "Were not erected by their hands from whom", "To wipe out our ingratitude with loves", "Above their quantity .", "You have receiv 'd your griefs ; nor are they such", "Which , in the bluster of thy wrath , must fall", "But kill not all together .", "With those that have offended . Like a shepherd", "For private faults in them .", "These walls of ours", "For those that were , it is not square to take ,", "On those that are , revenge : crimes , like lands ,"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 105}, {"query": ["Shall make their harbour in our town till we", "Than hew to't with thy sword .", "Or any token of thine honour else ,", "And by the hazard of the spotted die", "Throw thy glove ,", "Nor are they living", "By decimation and a tithed death-", "If thy revenges hunger for that food", "Have seal 'd thy full desire .", "Let die the spotted .", "We were not all unkind , nor all deserve", "What thou wilt ,"], "true_target": ["So did we woo", "By humble message and by promis 'd means .", "And not as our confusion , all thy powers", "Shame , that they wanted cunning , in excess", "Which nature loathes - take thou the destin 'd tenth ,", "Into our city with thy banners spread .", "The common stroke of war .", "That thou wilt use the wars as thy redress", "Thou rather shalt enforce it with thy smile", "Who were the motives that you first went out ;", "Transformed Timon to our city 's love", "Hath broke their hearts . March , noble lord ,"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 105}, {"query": ["And thou her only comforters ?", "What say you , lads , shall we see this trial ?", "Her lover ! Noble , wise and beautiful ,", "Cheapside on a holiday ! Re-enter MOTHER CAREY , dressed for walking .", "There , there now .The magistrates are not as quick to hear a sailor sing as thou art to take his orders . Bring us a pint apiece .", "Then let us get our ballast in , hoist sail and tack away .", "I 'll go at once .", "God'shYpppHeNmyhYpppHeNlife , there 's more poison in their tongues than in a nest of rattlesnakes ? What 's all this pother , lads ?", "But , didst thou know her , Ursula , as I", "To-wit :", "The night it was stormy , they knew not the place ,", "Peace ! Peace , Mother Carey , hear your chickens screech !", "My lads , do n't wait for me .", "For her ?", "Come , boys !", "What 's the matter , Mother ?", "And they sang as they sank the following grace ,\u2014", "Re-enter URSULA with ale .", "Ha ! ha ! ha ! You rogues had better ship elsewhere ; if the wind sits in that quarter , you 'll find foul weather here .", "But , what 's her name ?", "To-wit :", "Thou , Ursula ?", "She sailed from her haven one fine summer day ,", "I wonder if"], "true_target": ["Would you have us die of thirst , Ursula ?", "Aye . Now , lads , bargain out your time ; ye 'll not see a petticoat for many a day .", "Amsterdam three years ago ?", "Hester Prynne ? The gentle Mistress Prynne I brought from", "Mother Carey 's lost one of her chicks . Here lads ! here 's to the mousey Puritan lassies ! They wo n't dance , they can n't sing \u2014 Ah ! well ! here 's to them till we come again !", "Have known her , wisely good and true , thou wouldst", "How doth she bear her trouble , Ursula ?", "Have wondered more .", "The men they could man , and the skipper could skip ;", "None , of which I know .", "The Reverend Master Dimsdell", "She yet is that ! But have you never learned her lover 's name ?", "A rough sea-dog like me might speak a word", "Stingo , Ursula , stingo !", "Where were her friends ?", "Should fall ; and then endeavor to conceal", "\u2018 Tis strange that she", "He must be Privy Councilor to the Lord Himself !", "They ladled the grog out by cup and by can ,", "The Margery D. was a trim little ship ,", "And she foundered at sea in the following way ,\u2014", "The captain was thirsty , and so was each man ,", "Who is it , Ursula , they try ?", "No other than a man of mark could win her !"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 106}, {"query": ["A-sinkety , sinkety , sink , sank , sunk ,", "Can hardly be called , sirs , quite sober .", "A sailor at sea with three sheets in the wind", "Ha ! Ha ! Ha !"], "true_target": ["The liquor they bathed in , the spirits they drank ;", "And we do n't give a damn for the Devil !", "Our widows we leave to the world 's tender care ,", "Our captain is tipsy , our mate is quite drunk ,", "A-rinkety , clinkety , clink , clank , clank ,"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 106}, {"query": ["Matter ? Matter enough ! a gentlewoman tried for adultery and me sure to miss it all !Why does n't Ursula come ? O , dear ! O , dear !\u2014 why , here she is ! Enter URSULA . What kept thee , Ursula ?", "O , dear ! O , dear ! I 'll be late ; I 'm sure I 'll be late . Oh ! dear , dear , dear ! why will that Ursula still lag ?", "Thou naughty man !A pint apiece ?"], "true_target": ["Still talking to herself . Here , Ursula , take the keys and wait upon the gentlemen .", "Cap'n ! Cap'n Butts ! Gen'le gen'lemen ! would ye rune a pore widdy woman by a singing of sech filthy tunes ? And me up for my license again nex \u2019 Tuesday !", "O , Lord ! O , Lord ! If the magistrates should hear that song , they 'd close my place !"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 106}, {"query": ["Ha ! ha ! ha ! More people cross the stage ."], "true_target": ["Aye , aye , sir . CITIZENS cross stage , singly and in groups , all going in the same direction . Enter MOTHER CAREY from house with ale , serves it , looks up and down street as in expectation of some one , then goes in ."], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 106}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis very true ; but , sir , though many break this law and go unpunished , our godly Company should not wink at known adultery ."], "true_target": ["Nay , not exactly that . We vindicate God 's laws , and \u2014\u2014"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 106}, {"query": ["Trust none of them . I know mine own ; dost thou know thine ? As for her she hath shamed our sex , and I would \u2014"], "true_target": ["Her beauty , say'st thou ? Pretty is as pretty does , say I. I 'd beauty her ! Go to ! Who knows the father of her brat ; can any tell ?"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 106}, {"query": ["Aye , aye , sir , the woman 's fair to look upon ."], "true_target": ["There 's a trial , sir , on a charge of bastardy ."], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 106}, {"query": ["A three years widow , baby three months old ,", "The little bairn was her greatest comfort , sir .", "By law for widows ?", "They shunned her like the plague \u2014 though if the truth", "Coming , sir !", "Nay , I said she is a widow , sir .", "Aye , sir , that she is .", "Came only out of duty to her soul ;", "The day ! She had not sinned had he been here .", "God bless thee , sir , I 'm cook , nurse , or hostess , as people need me . Ursula Cook , Ursula Nurse , or Ursula Goodale , at your service , sir .", "Her child .", "None but I !", "Such a crowd ! Whew ! I 'm out o \u2019 breath .The town 's run mad to look upon a gentlewoman shamed .Ah ! there 's no room for me now , but when her labor came God knows there was no press ! I had room enough then , not one would lend a hand \u2014 fie ! they are serpents , all of them ; they have double tongues to hiss , but ne'er a hand to help .", "Were known , many that shun her now would keep", "Aye , sir .", "A coward run-a-gate of a lover , sir \u2014", "I know them everyone .", "Her child .", "Let the gentlemen wait on me awhile .", "And he will aid you , sir .", "A girl and three months old .", "Whence come you that you know so little of the doings here ?", "His ship was wrecked , he had no burial .", "He 's dead , sir , rest his soul , a more than thirty months ago .", "Know her , sir ! I nursed her !", "I beg your pardon , sir . I could not find the wine at first .", "Should be so travel-stained . What will you have ?", "I knew he was a gentleman !", "Adultery .", "The husband of our Hester Prynne ?"], "true_target": ["Three months , I said .", "The street and to the left .", "Sir , at the Market place , three crossings up", "Tell me , is there no exception made", "I mean her trial by the magistrates .", "Her company perforce . None came near", "Your pardon , sir ; I marveled , sir , so fine a gentleman", "The same , God bless her .", "I 'm not the hostess , sir , she is away ; I merely take her place till she comes back .", "Nay ,", "Your patience , Captain , I 'll be there anon .", "Alas ; I do , sweet lady !", "Aye , that you might ! Go seek the good", "The law is hard indeed !", "Alack", "But pious Master Dimsdell , and even he", "What should it be but Hester Prynne ?", "\u2018 Tis surely hers , for I delivered her .", "God bless your heart , sir .", "Sir , you are her friend ? You know her ?", "Nay , I never have .", "I do not know .", "He told me so .", "Like a good woman , sir .", "I do .A strange man , truly . This news hath troubled him ; but that 's not strange , it troubles all her friends . He seemed glad enough she had a child , but when I said it was a girl it seemed to sting him . Well , well ! God help the women ; we are unwelcome when we come , abused while we stay , and driven hence with ill-usage .", "What will you have , Captain ?", "A gentle lady , sir . God'shYpppHeNmyhYpppHeNlife , had no man tempted her \u2014 but , that 's your ways , you tempt us , blame us when we yield , and then make laws to punish us .", "Old Doctor Wilson , mercy dwells with him ,", "Where , but at home ! Dear heart ,", "Good morrow , sir ."], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 106}, {"query": ["Ship voyagers are we , and roam at will", "I may have passed her house \u2014 I 'll ask my way", "Our wills do seem to guide our faltering steps :", "What else may lie in wait invincible .", "Adulteress ! That cannot be ! There 's some", "Captured by Indians ; escaping , wandered North", "Re-enter URSULA with wine .", "Is't a boy or girl , how old ?", "My state with that true name which marks me out", "And bury in my heart 's deep sepulchre", "Hester ! Hester ! O , my God ! My Hester ! Woman , didst thou say that she is married ?", "It is a lie , a damned lie ! Tried for adultery ! A likely thing ! So pure a woman ! A purer creature never lived !", "Enter URSULA .", "I hurried up my business ; fled London town ;", "And now footsore and old I 've reached the place", "For filthy mouths to spit their venom at .", "And money matters calling me to London ,", "This wine is excellent .", "Anon the traveling itch \u2014 was't fate or will \u2014", "Until I found the white man 's colonies ;", "Here 's to his memory ! You know his wife ?", "Now is my honored name dragged in the dust", "Askance upon my way-worn clothes ; there 's gold", "Shipped for America ; was wrecked far South ;", "Upon a pedestal of shameful guilt", "And when the long-supposed defunct returned ,", "As Publius Cornutus . I must have time to think .", "To pay my reckoning .", "And she herself , my cherished wife , upraised", "Putative widows have before my time", "Such rankling wounds as teach our souls to dread", "If so , the shock might kill her \u2014 Let me see \u2014", "Of a bright-eyed youth ! What worse , ye harpy fates ?", "Cornelius Tacitus for the nonce , nor brave", "Hath Hester Prynne a child ? Well , well ; that is news indeed ! God bless the little thing ! it can n't be quite as much as three years old ; nay , not so old . Why , such a tot can give no testimony . I 'll go to this trial ; I may be able yet to aid her . Adultery ! Bah !", "Tried by magistrates ? For what ?", "Where is this trial held ?", "I first intended . What next , O , Fate ?", "Mistake , or some deceit in this . Her great", "He found his amorous relict the bride", "Her what ?", "You fill it rarely .", "For Boston . Ah ! well-a-day , the parting !\u2014"], "true_target": ["By her to whom I did confide its keeping ;", "And why alas ? The loss of a husband is no great calamity in a colony . There can be no dearth here of husband-material , I fancy .", "I thank thee . Go .", "Herself another 's wrong . I 'll take an oath", "Tried for adultery ?", "Ah , indeed , Ursula ! Then I presume thou knowest many of the citizens ?", "Prynne ?", "She may be dead ! Oh ! this is madness !", "We are not masters of our paths , although", "But neither plot nor steer the destined course .", "The babe they say is hers she never bore !", "The same .Thank God , she lives .", "Here at the inn . Long live King Boniface !", "Her married , I 'll depart unknown to her", "Get me more wine . Prepare a room for me .", "Ever pursue , hang on our rear , and give", "Sweet Heaven , let her live ! and , if I find", "Look not", "Who is her paramour ?", "Good morrow , hostess .", "How will my Hester greet me ? Will she know me ?", "To America with Captain Butts , then bound", "She never saw me with a beard , nor in", "Dost know one Roger", "From the far South , where for two long years and more I 've lived among the savages . What do you mean ?", "Why , how was that ?", "Where raged the plague , I sent my wife before me", "At your leisure , hostess ; I 've learned to wait .", "Possessed my soul to see America ,", "Within the narrow confines of the deck ,", "Bought second husbands with their beauty , wealth ,", "This weakness comes from my long wandering !", "Or wit \u2014 and she hath all . \u2018 Tis probable \u2014", "Slowly now . Whatever haps I 'll be", "My widowed grief . Bah ! I 'm a fool !", "Three months ? Three years you mean .", "Poor fellow ! He was a friend of mine . Where did they bury him ?", "Such rags . Perhaps she thinks me dead \u2014", "Thou dost not mean that Hester Prynne hath borne a child within the last two years ?", "Bring me a cup of sherris-sack .", "What ho ! some wine !", "I am \u2014 I am her husband \u2014 her husband 's friend . I knew her in Old England . Adultery ! A pretty word ! Who doth accuse her ? Damned detractors !", "Nobility of heart would take upon", "Misfortunes , though we think we conquer them ,"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 106}, {"query": ["Or I have missed him .\u2014 Confess ?\u2014 Disgrace for me ;", "Suspend her sentence till her paramour", "Be found ; and let them die together .", "Lead on to Hell ! Now \u2014 why , here he comes !", "No help to her ; and all the blasphemies", "That evil minds could cast on sacred calling", "Though straight , leads on thro \u2019 pleasant fields to Heaven ,", "Stands at a halt which fork to take , though both", "Why comes he not ?\u2014 The path of righteousness ,"], "true_target": ["Our Lord did pardon one was taken in", "Splits in its downward way , and then the will", "The very act . O , think of Him !", "Hath she not suffered pains and imprisonment ? Enough to answer all the decalogue ?", "My pleas take on the color of mine office", "And yet reflect on it a purer glow .\u2014", "\u2018 Twould do no good .\u2014 The Governor is late ,", "Would be my blame . Whereas , I now can make", "Whereas the broad and easy road of sin", "If that she be condemned ,"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 107}, {"query": ["Nay , Dimsdell , plead no more ; she must be tried .", "I stand for law ; and you , I think , do think", "Blacken her crime and make its punishment", "A signal warning to the baser sort .", "Agreed . Come , we 're late .", "You stand for gospel .\u2014 Come , we tarry .\u2014", "I think her death were well deserved , I 'll not", "My hand upon it .", "As feeble nets to catch the smaller fry"], "true_target": ["What ! wouldst thou have our laws contemned", "Oppose their mercy if you win it .", "Her wealth , her beauty , her hitherto fair fame ,", "But think , my friend , the law would mock itself", "Enough !", "If pardon did precede the penalty .", "Plead with the Council for the woman , and , while", "And let the great break through ? I tell thee , sir ,", "I know what thou wouldst say , and like thee for it ;"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 107}, {"query": ["Now , Jailer , lead her to the pillory ,", "Woman , I pity thee ; now , while our laws", "Hester , thou art accused before this court", "That thou shouldst sin , and thereby , Hester , bring", "The stock of justice , the stock is justice still .", "Hester ascends steps to pillory platform .", "The multitude by her example .", "But that young life which draws its sustenance", "Hast aught to say to mitigate the wrath", "Call Hester Prynne .", "The heat hath overcome him .", "We cast them forth , nor treasure them again .", "Hester , thou art to stand upon the pillory", "Tell us who is thy paramour ?", "Dimsdell , you are her pastor , speak to her .", "Hath openly offended decency ,", "A little while , and wear upon thy breast", "From long disuse . What say you ?", "From thy round breast avows thy hidden shame .", "Speak man ! thy words are gentlest and will draw", "A good", "So be it then .", "Now that our other business is dispatched ,", "The Scarlet Letter \u201c A \u201d forever ;", "Hold up her sin before her eyes , and warn", "Adultery .", "Yet must", "Of scarlet cloth ?", "For both .", "Enter ROGER PRYNNE , clad as in Scene I .\u2014 He keeps to the rear of", "We do not know ."], "true_target": ["Call Hester Prynne . The man she may discover .", "Can modesty , then , fall like this ?", "Or banishment . Hath anyone a piece", "True , but when the roses fade", "Thou art the widow of a man of whom", "To let the woman slap the face of law ,", "There let her stand unbound .", "Suggestion truly ; we had forgot the clause", "The penalty is death or banishment .", "In staving off the penalty , if thou", "Of justice , speak . And , Hester , bear in mind", "Too late ; nor were it good", "Report spake only praise : no act of thine", "Dishonor on the name thy spouse did give thee ,", "And not resent it quickly . Once again ,", "Proceed , Dimsdell .", "Are strict , yet may our mercy show itself", "Hester .", "Wilt aid us .", "Of that which blushing virtue shrinks to name ,", "Not well ? \u2018 Tis but compassion weakens thee .", "Thou art most obstinate . What say you now ,", "Is worse than in a meaner woman . If thou", "Hester , thou art discharged . Let all go home !", "Enough ! Here comes the woman .", "This see thou do on pain of instant death", "Clerk , affix the letter to her breast .", "Grave councilors ? Need we delay the sentence ?", "And though the scion mercy grafts upon", "Look to our brother Dimsdell . He faints ;", "Her secret from her , though ours do seal her lips .", "We try the woman , though we pity her ;"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 108}, {"query": ["I plead for justice ! even-handed justice !", "Sharp on one side to reach the woman 's heart", "Nay , Dimsdell . Nay , the charge is yours .", "So twisted all my grain as not to bend", "The tendrils of my heart are pliable ;", "Who was her paramour .", "Speak on . And plead that she disclose the man", "Nor have the tangles of this thicket-world"], "true_target": ["Till he 's known .", "You call the woman ; where 's her paramour ?", "As blind and cold as death \u2014 but with a sword ,", "Before another 's misery . Wherefore ,", "I do beseech you , call her not .", "Then grant a stay to Hester", "Wise Governor , and you ,", "My brethren : dried as I am with age ,", "And on the other keener for the man 's !"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 108}, {"query": ["Most worthy Governor , I am like one", "\u2018 Tis thus I own ; but we have higher teaching .", "Upon a tender rose ; it is her treasure", "Who waking hears the village clock toll time ,", "Him in hypocrisy . For , Hester , you ,", "Goes over to pillory .", "Receive my meaning with the sound I make ;", "I do entreat thee for thy reputation ,", "Yet , having missed the first few strokes , the hour", "Re-enter CRIER with HESTER PRYNNE .", "That which her heart doth teach her to conceal ;", "Did pass upon a case like this . \u201c Let him", "Give up his name .", "To satisfy the law !", "Unwilted .", "And her ornament : you cannot touch it ,", "Yet was himself without sin 's damning stain ,", "My words alone could move thee to disclose .", "Not me alone ; and hear my words as though", "I would to God that I could plead \u201c Not guilty , \u201d", "If now you hide his name .", "I am her pastor and I speak for her ;", "Gentle and wise she is , grave councilors ,", "Twice astray .", "Which thou dost suffer preaches repentance ;", "Who wronged thee is present here , his heart is wrung", "Hester , deceive thyself no more ; look down", "I pray you pardon me . I am not well .", "We wrong her nature when we seek to know", "And then He said , \u201c Go , woman , sin no more . \u201d", "Who know his weaknesses and aspirations ,", "That took the form of higher nature did", "Which had not sunk to vice !", "There 's not an eye that now doth look upon thee", "Upon me once again . Believe me , Hester ,", "Did intone them .", "Act for him ; pronounce his name and let him die", "Our Lord , who knew temptation 's mighty power ,", "Fair Hester called . Is it for trial , or", "But it fades away ; or breathe upon it ,", "Itself ."], "true_target": ["Upon thy sin I dwell not ; the penalty", "His station in his calling , his place in life", "He cannot tell : and so stand I and hear", "I do command thee by the Commonwealth ,", "Did lure her to this shame , but some enticement", "Invest the hook . For she is modesty", "Yet at your bidding will I plead with her .", "But it loses perfume ; or bring it to the light ,", "To satisfy his crime .", "I see \u2014 no more \u2014", "Among us , will be a party to deception", "For punishment ?", "Hester , look down upon me ; let thine ear", "The target of a thousand curious eyes ,", "Thy gentle breast seared with yon scarlet letter ,", "Hester , forgive his cowardice , do thou", "The modesty of woman is like the blush", "For it were vain presumption to expect", "But pities thee , and doubt thou not , if he", "The general voice , speaking in concert true ,", "Thy recreant lover . To see thee here set up", "No pain the world could now inflict would harm", "Oh ! I am sure no vulgar palate-bait", "Would burn that image on his soul . Have mercy ,", "I do implore thee for thy soul 's salvation ,", "Or in her stead could offer up myself", "Your generosity hath led you once", "Thy beauties blistered in the noonday sun ,", "Throng , confused and amazed , closes around Dimsdell .", "Who hath no sin first cast a stone at her . \u201d", "With bitterest remorse . Wilt speak his name ?", "Cries of horror and apprehension .", "That , what the Governor could not extract ,", "Oh ! wondrous grace that pardoned frailty", "And with a modest meekness goes about", "Behold in me the body of the Council ,", "Astray ; do not allow it now to aid", "Behold !\u2014 let him confess !\u2014 O , Hester ! speak !\u2014", "Ho ! all ye people of the commonwealth !", "The daily duties of her household care ;", "I beg you , sir , let Dr. Wilson speak .", "And in thy nature there is naught to lead thee"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 108}, {"query": ["To rid me quickly of my misery :", "That which is only known to me and him .", "I answer to my God . No man shall know", "But rather , that I beg a lingering pain ,", "Concurrent with my tide , and swept me out", "Most bitterly ; yea , I 've suffered anguish", "Thus , for my tender babe , I ask my life ,", "Into a troubled sea .", "And , for myself , I do implore you now ,", "Banish me not .", "She takes no tinct from whence she springs , but rather", "My kind but scorn and hate .", "Aid you who have all power ?", "Sweet flower that lovely grows above the soil", "I keep my vow .", "Than expiate in one quick-ending pang", "That I will not do .", "Into hard-knotted thongs to whip me hence .", "The sum of all my loathed wickedness .", "For love itself , dishonored in my being ,", "Yet since you bid me I will plead my cause", "I will not .", "Nay , not to him who was my husband , though", "Turns all the gentle cords that bind affection", "For how can I , who stand here helpless ,", "I will not drag him down with me .", "For me hath life no charm to cheat my hope ,"], "true_target": ["Yet spare the hulk for that dear freight it bore .", "Of my most foul debasement .", "I do beseech a favor for myself ,", "My most untimely wreck is quite complete ;", "But for my babe 's dear love , I 'd ask for death", "Of the sky toward which she doth unfold .", "I would not breathe his name to anyone ;", "Entreaty of a lover 's sigh did blow", "I pray you spare me .", "That I have sinned is true ; and well I know", "Or make me wish to linger here ; yet I", "Although the blossom of iniquity ,", "I would not gloze my crime , nor do I know", "As best I can .", "Have mercy on the babe , O , God !", "But speak thou on his crime !", "From the very hour when , as the spring", "Therefore , if I do plead for life , think not", "Your mercy comes with hard condition ;", "While lives the child would shelter her , the one", "Believe me , sirs ,", "Henceforth for me there 's nothing left from all", "Now , battered on the rocks of hard opinions ,", "As for my crime , I have repented it", "The sea should cast him up to question me .", "Of nature dragged my anchors loose , the soft", "How to address your worships ."], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 108}, {"query": ["Would be our wisest course in such a case .", "I have the letter here prepared .", "Quick to forgive and slow in condemnation ,", "The life she hath God gave ; we should not take it ;", "Upon the pillory ; and on her breast", "And with her needle doth assist the poor ."], "true_target": ["Is proper . It is :", "Shall wear a scarlet letter A , to mark", "This crime when neither death nor banishment", "There is provision in our law to fit", "\u201c Th \u2019 adulteress shall stand", "Nor should we banish her , for she is useful ,", "Her criminal incontinence . \u201d"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 108}, {"query": ["Woman , who did seduce thee ?", "Oh ! glorious generosity misplaced !"], "true_target": ["I am a doctor . Make room ! The falling sickness . Give us breathing space !", "A modest gentleman , truly !"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 108}, {"query": ["Or , if we are not made of firmest texture ,", "Touch not the child ; \u2018 tis mine , thou hast no part in it .", "And all its natural ills , yet still our fellows ,", "Weighs on weak womanhood ; we bear the race", "Would you had remained a father to me !", "Some of the incidents of infancy .", "It was thou .", "Enter a Maid-Servant .", "God bless the little darling , how she sleeps !", "Nay , but I do recall , as in a haze ,", "He 's safe enough .", "What rich reward my suffering may bring ,", "Thou wilt not kill him ?", "But bide the piercing , like this patient cloth ,", "His and mine own .", "The fault was mine .", "Roger himself !", "The primal burden of our race-existence ,", "Then will I take the oath .", "He is a scholar and can cope with thee ; thou canst not find him .", "And begetting , whereby a filament", "Within the tender compass of her arms ,", "The house is thine ; let me and my babe depart .", "Us down with their oppressions . I cannot tell", "I swear to all these things .", "Mankind 's perpetual perpetuation ,", "Wherefore not leave the place ?", "I will not have it .", "Well ?", "What is it ?", "Wherein we see no meaning . Nor can we know", "Aye , if I could ; but yet these broken lives ,", "Which on this under side of life is blurred ,", "Who proudly call themselves our lords and masters ,", "Aye , but how ?", "Thou shalt never know ."], "true_target": ["Cracked by my fall , no putty will make whole .", "Of earth takes on the likeness of an angel .", "Or gathers up our woof in meshy tangles .", "Knit in a maze of fearful intricacy ,", "How can I right this wrong ?", "The cost was small ; my needle and my energy \u2014", "I had not prayed she might not be . But now ,", "The hidden shuttles of Eternity ,", "We both have done foul wrong unto each other ,", "Bid him enter .", "What wilt thou do to him ?", "Enter ROGER PRYNNE , shaved , and dressed as a doctor of medicine .", "I would I could believe thee .", "Had I but thought that all my heart would beat", "Take up thy purse . I who have done thee wrong will not henceforth eat thy bread .", "I never loved you , should not have married you ;", "Let me and my babe depart . Receive thy money and thy house , I can take nothing from thee . Ah ! if I could I would return thee every penny I have spent of thine .", "The work pulls through , or tears an ugly rent ,", "Leave me , I pray you .", "This is a world of worn and fretted ends ,", "I 'll warn him of thee .", "Thread over thread in infinite confusion .", "A wealth of love and blessing to my soul .", "I swear to keep thy counsel as I have kept", "Mother ! Mother !", "Wherefore the vow ?", "Wreak vengeance then on me alone .", "Although unasked she came , unasked she brought", "Oh ! pardon me !", "In hope the needle carries golden thread .", "Do heap upon us petty wrongs , and load", "Nay , do not harm him .", "Works into it some glorious design ;", "That weave the endless web of living , loving ,", "Thus Providence , although it pierce the heart ,", "Knew nothing then of love except the name .", "And , as this world doth judge , mine is the greater ."], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 109}, {"query": ["Then , as thou didst grow toward womanhood ,", "Or clasp those soft warm arms about my thin ,", "The hyacinth .", "Whose happiness sang ever like the lark", "And now behold her dyed in scarlet sin ,", "To still the sweet necessities of youth", "Thou didst provide snug quarters , Hester , against my coming . Aye , and hast furnished them better than I bade thee .", "A prattling child no taller than my knee ,", "Swear once again ; never to tell thy paramour", "The tiny sparks of pain", "Nor ever claim relationship with me ,", "Pray God the saints see nothing here on earth :", "The petty taunts , the contumelious looks ,", "Who taught thee out of books such lessons as", "Thus to thy misery ; do not lash", "Made wise by sorrow . Day after day , as thou", "Never to claim me as thy husband ;", "Or else that in their golden paradise", "Passion requires some novelty .", "Itself and singe thy mother 's heart , if she", "All memories of thy babyhood .", "Perhaps . Hester , thou wast the dearest child", "Do not despise thy beauties that I once", "Until I bid thee .", "That leagues its bruised thoughts with imps of Hell", "Remember then , from this time on , my name", "Nothing , Hester , nothing . I merely wish to thank him for the love he showed thee during my absence , whereby thou didst mourn for me the less .", "Of us , my sun already set ; and thine", "That comes to aged men ; while love with thee", "That make our comeliness ; or , with an eye undimmed ,", "You were to me . And you did love me too ,", "Is Chillingworth , no longer Prynne , for that", "That ever blest fond parents , unfolding sweet", "But swear to me thou wilt conceal my name ,", "Because I wish it ;", "Never to leave this place .", "With passionless love ; nature demands her due ,", "Arising from the earth to soar in Heaven !", "Who sinned against thy youth . Farewell !", "To marry mine infirmities ?", "If he do walk the earth , I 'll find him out ; if he be now in Hell , I 'll follow him ; where'er he be , his peace is forfeited and I will \u2014", "Hester , I wronged thee when I married thee ;", "And yet find happiness or peace in Heaven ?", "By tender trustfulness . Thou'dt leave thy father ,", "Do not repulse it . I have no hope that thou", "Swear by the book , and also by the babe ,", "A pretty little innocent , a tot", "Behold the brutal tragedies of life ;", "Doth string the whirling incidents of life ?", "What a silly thing thou hast become , now thou hast left the path of virtue ! Do I kill thee ? Am I dangerous ? Is there force in this withered body to harm a lusty knave , a brave seducer of ripe womanhood ?", "A woman beautiful and pure , as sweetly", "And see mankind divested of the lies", "Hell 's flames would reach unto the tree of life", "Hester , farewell .", "Yet thou wast tempted by thy youth , my absence ,", "Thou wilt do nothing of the kind . But come , Hester , man and wife ought not to quarrel . Let us set a good example to the world in peace if not in chastity . Sit you here and listen to me .", "Excelled imagination 's greatest reach ;", "Not yet , else were my visit bootless .", "I have none .", "The fault was mine , old as I was , to hope", "But what can be said for me , old as I was ,", "Aye , you loved me , and you loved me not ;", "Not yet arisen ; nor did it ever rise", "So did the years post by in th \u2019 dim afterglow", "In deepest anguish !", "This woman was that maid whose purity", "For this tooth-gated dumb remorse will herd", "Thy little mind could grasp ?"], "true_target": ["As well give faith to me as him . But , truly , Hester , I had thought these puritans , these pilgrim fathers , had left all fleshly lusts behind them with their vanities in England . He must be a rare bird in these parts \u2014 O , I shall know him by his plumage !", "Thy husband lives and walks these streets .", "Will not , Madam Hester , is a strong word to use to your wedded lord and master . I say you shall ; yea , and , furthermore , here is provision for the child and thee .", "Swear , woman , swear ! Never to leave this place , until I bid thee .", "In gentle confidence .", "A handsome lover 's importunity :", "Yet ere I go , Hester , behold my mind :", "And how , upon his death , I stood toward thee", "Yet canst thou veil my ruin , and o'er me hang", "I love thee still ; but with a chastened heart", "Have done the work ; yea , and supplied the cradle also . Ah ! \u2018 tis a brave piece of work ; very beautiful and delicate ; the lusty offspring of lustful parents . Somewhat costly , I should think , and asked some pains . Methinks , thou hadst some help with that ; or was it thy needle or thy energy which wrought this dainty bit ?", "That wavered in its walk and won my heart", "That sinning soul is traitor to itself", "In place of parents .", "Ignorant of all her charms as is", "And canst thou now remember who made himself", "Never 's a long word , Hester ; it stretches beyond the judgment into eternity . Come , I 'll know him then , tell me now .", "Mother , all , to nestle in these arms", "With us : for who could look upon this world ,", "To torture conscience .", "Never to breathe my rightful name ;", "A child to play with thee vain , foolish games ;", "I will not bear .", "Perhaps , but then these poachers , who fish in others \u2019 ponds , are proud of their achievements . They will talk . They brag in their cups and strut and ogle when they 're sober .", "Dost wend thy way about this mazy world ,", "And wouldst thou if thou couldst ?", "Did own them . Forget it , Hester , for such a marriage", "Was my infamy , and I it was", "I loved thee , Hester ; daughter , sister , sweetheart ,", "Nay , come ; let out thy grief in linked words ,", "The drapery of silence . Dost consent ?", "Hester , I will not dwell upon thy life", "And subsequent events have blotted out", "That ever thou didst take my hateful kisses ,", "Was in the dawning ; a tender sky with both", "Hester , I loved thee when thou wast a babe ,", "Then hate me if thou must ; but spare the thought", "And we should know , while love may grow at home ,", "My care will shield thee and thy little babe .", "No doubt \u2018 twas thine alone .", "Thy mother 's beauties and thy father 's strength .", "At thy request , mistress .", "Wrong , Hester . Done me wrong ? Wronged me ? Nay , Hester , wronged thyself ; wronged thine innocent babe ; wronged the world ; wronged whom thou wilt , but not wronged me ! To wake me from a doting dream \u2014 that was not wrong ! A dream of woman 's purity and innocence ; a foolish dream of married happiness between thy youth and my decrepitude ; to put an end to such a madness , surely was not wrong ! Wronged me ? Thy levity hath righted my poor mind , which , pondering o'er thy beauties , listed to one side .", "Wait till I ask thee to account . What ! am I so old , and yet not know the cost of dalliance ? Nothing dearer . And he who eared my field during my absence , being now , in thy abasement , so chary of his presence , spent little of his gold , I 'll warrant . Who is he , Hester ?", "Could see that scarlet letter on thy breast .", "To drive and badger thy chaste ignorance", "Some fifteen springs , thy gentle mother died ;", "Thy father 's amity for me , thou knowest ,", "Wilt think of me without revulsion ;", "That ever greet the cuckold husband .", "Thy heart into a fury ; never blow", "Some sleepy potion dull their sympathies", "Hester , thy strength is greater than to yield", "Cold carcass .", "Perhaps , because I would not bear the scorn ,", "Nay , keep the house , \u2018 twill shelter you ; I do not need it .", "The whiles I told some worn out fairy tale ,", "Too true . But calm thyself . I have not harmed the brat , nor did I touch it .I like thy taste , Hester . A handsome house to hold a handsome woman .", "Branded with infamy , and moaning here", "From year to year , nor drag thy colliered soul", "Back to its days of spotless innocence .", "Thy thoughts until they gore each other .", "That was before thy mind did take its shape ,", "Or sang of Robin Hood .", "And as an elder brother looked on me", "To shine on me , fool that I was !", "Pardon thee ? yea , why should I not ? I do pardon thee ; yea , more , I do applaud thine act . Thou wast no slothful servant ; thou didst not fear the coming of thy lord ; thou puttest all to use and gottest cent per cent . Therefore , the care I show for thee is hire and wages ; it is thy due , accept it freely .", "Great God ! what thread of continuity", "Into the flaming coals of Hell ."], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 109}, {"query": ["They say the Reverend Master Dimsdell hath", "His feet do tread th \u2019 o'ergrown path that leads", "A kindly man !"], "true_target": ["God willing , preach to us this afternoon .", "Unto the poor man 's door .", "Recovered from his fainting fit , and will ,"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 110}, {"query": ["Aye , that he will .", "That grief is truly great with him ; but yet", "His presence like a lamp gives light and hope .", "Aye , that they do !"], "true_target": ["And , in the darkened hour of mortal grief ,", "He will not hear a word against her .\u2014 Look !", "How bravely doth she wear her scarlet letter !", "For here she comes .", "Aye , that I did !"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 110}, {"query": ["He takes it much to heart that wanton vice", "And , though he 's blameless in himself , knows how", "Hath found a nest within his congregation ."], "true_target": ["His charity exceeds all human bounds ,", "To pardon others .", "But hath he come ?"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 110}, {"query": ["Were all a man of mercy could inflict .", "But know the goodness of it !", "Not yet ;", "He was her constant friend up to the time", "He 's late , but , whether here or elsewhere ,"], "true_target": ["Aye , that he doth ! Didst note", "He 's always doing good .", "Her wantonness declared itself , and then", "He left her lonely , as though that punishment", "His plea for Hester Prynne upon her trial ?"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 110}, {"query": ["The brazen thing !"], "true_target": ["Let 's in and stare her out of countenance ."], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 110}, {"query": ["And how she 's turned it into ornament ?"], "true_target": ["Didst note the fashion of her badge of vice ,"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 110}, {"query": ["It baffles cure .", "How weak a hold we have on health ! That man", "Who tended thee . I hope you gentlemen", "Is but the standing ruin of his former self ,", "Nay , use your eyes , For here he is . Enter REV . ARTHUR DIMSDELL . People uncover as he passes . He salutes them gravely and generally . Dimsdell , a word with you .", "Aye , that he is . Good evening , gentlemen .", "A word about the wealth you left with me .", "The worship hath begun ; but , ere we in ,", "And give him to us as he used to be ?"], "true_target": ["Your passport , Doctor . Come , let us in .\u2014 Nay ,", "What do you think , can care restore him yet ,", "After you ; you are my guest .", "Your goodness is", "He still is model to the colony .", "Now , as I told you , there hath lately come ,", "And yet , for beauty , comeliness and grace ,", "Dimsdell , here is good Doctor Chillingworth ,", "But how I know not , a change in him so rare ,", "Will prize each other at your native worths ."], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 110}, {"query": ["As that might breed more grief in her , or wake", "And I , to see you better , sir .", "For her and for her child .", "The rest , and with their worth provide for Hester .", "An old one \u2014 yet I think it meet to care", "I think you said he is", "An Indian chief did give me ; but sell it with", "To whom I ever shall be much indebted ,"], "true_target": ["I cannot tell . I need more knowledge of him . There are no marks of cureless malady \u2014 A faint suggestion of overwatchfulness , That oft points out the student \u2014 nothing more . Hymn from church .", "I pray you , tell me more .", "She is the widow of mine ancient friend ,", "No more . Pray use it as your own , in trade ,", "As what I am \u2014 her husband 's friend and hers \u2014", "And while I would not have her know me yet", "Or howsoe'er you choose . The largest pearl", "A very studious man ?"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 110}, {"query": ["I shall be glad to know you better , Doctor ."], "true_target": ["Good evening , gentlemen .", "Pardon me , I must in ; I 'm late already ."], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 110}, {"query": ["I tell thee to thy face that I who quail", "Recreant to my God am I ; think'st thou", "Hold off ! I charge thee by that other Name", "Come quickly in thy majesty , O Lord !", "And cowardly do hide my sin from man ,", "Of Thy bright Holiness ! Shrivel his frame", "Who art thou that durst interpose between", "Thou art Satan ! The Prince of Hell !", "Wither him here within the awful flame", "Beyond the farthest star .", "Touch me not yet !", "And , if in his destruction my soul should share", "My soul and God ?", "Through close proximity , spare not !", "Into an atom , and blow the lifeless dust", "Base siege of scorn ! I curse thee !"], "true_target": ["That I will thee obey , to whom I owe", "Of Him who rent thy kingdom , and will destroy it ,", "The universal spirit of iniquity .", "Thou cam'st ! I do abhor thee , Satan ; yea ,", "Scorner , avaunt ! Sink to the hell from whence", "Of God , a priest , and am anointed of the Lord", "O , she is beautiful ! The memory of her loveliness Pervades my waking dreams , and , pleasant theft , Deprives my sleep of dark oblivion . And thus , while fleeing from the gentle bonds Of love , I am become the thrall of passion , And sigh my heart away in waste desire ! Had I but truly loved her , Would not our joys , that then were innocent , Have moulded soul to soul and made mine take The form of her most dear perfections ? But , now ! No trait of Hester 's noble purity Remains with guilty me , for I purloined Her precious diadem and like a rogue I cast that crown away , afraid to wear What would have been my dearest ornament . Why can I not repent ? Or is it true Repentance is denied the hypocrite ? And must it then forever be that , though I cast out sin , both root and branch , the seed Of evil , scattered long ago , will sprout And bloom carnation thoughts that dull the soul With subtle sweetness ! Oh ! coward that I am ! Bound down , as to a rock , to form and place , By iron chains of worldly precedent , While my desires like eagles tear my breast , And make of me a base Prometheus . O , God ! I married all the family of sins , When I espoused the pleasantest ; I am Become a liar through my lechery , A thief of reputation through my cowardice , And \u2014 puh ! the rest but follow in the train Of my dear wedded crime ! O , God ! and shall this lust burn on in me Still unconsumed ? Can flagellation , fasting , Nor fervent prayer itself , not cleanse my soul From its fond doting on her comeliness ? Oh ! heaven ! is there no way for me to jump My middle age and plunge this burning heart Into the icy flood of cold decay ? None ? O , wretched state of luxury ! This hot desire grows even in its death And from its ashes doth arise full fledged Renewed eternally ! A blinding flash of lightning , followed quickly by sharp thunder , discloses Dimsdell kneeling at his couch , and also shows SATAN \u2014 an archangel with bat wings \u2014 who has just entered . Have mercy upon me , O , my God , have mercy ! According to thy gentle lovingkindness , According to the multitude of all Thy tender mercies , blot out my foul transgression . Purge me with hyssop , and I shall be clean ; Wash me , and I shall be whiter than snow ; Hide thy face from my sins , and blot out All mine iniquities .", "I tell thee , vile as I am , I do detest", "Before the awful majesty of God ,", "To teach His children .", "And mankind find its paradise !", "Then will Thy servants serve Thee , Gracious Lord !", "No deep allegiance ?", "Almighty Purity , Dread Essence Increate ;", "Thy very name ! I do defy thee !", "Behold concentrate , in this wicked form ,", "Get thee hence ! I am a minister"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 111}, {"query": ["Whose pretty wiles would win hard Moloch 's heart ;", "Transparent brightness ! A living crystal globe ,", "I will upon thee print a mark , the stigma", "Hester 's image wears Scarlet Letter \u201c A . \u201d", "Of teleology , you must excuse me .", "The bosom friend of many who would blush", "Hester 's image appears in a cloud dressed in white .", "Go to the market place tomorrow , there", "Gave up her virtue to express her love ,", "Satan becomes visible by light emanating from himself .", "Where is thy manly pride ?", "I dignify thy carnal slip by my", "And , therefore , am I come to thee , Sir priest .", "Are mine , the future rests with God . But now ,", "This visitation had not been , nor would", "I am the stronger part of lower nature ,", "Eat up my pains in one most bitter mouthful ,", "But , if it stumbles in the pug-mill round", "To show , as in a mirror , what thou art ;", "These words are very brave ; if more than wind ,", "Of evil ? I 'd like to hear it , if it tread", "Beyond theology 's well beaten path ;", "Are never held without my guiding presence ;", "Thou hast deserted her who sinned with thee ,", "They are my field days and my exercises ,", "I am so called .", "Curses but belch foul wind , they pass beyond me .", "Think not I come to draft thee of my legions ,", "Of thy secret crime .", "Whom all adore . Behold me !", "A learned disquisition on the birth", "Wherein all beauties of humanity", "The image of Hester changes . She holds their babe in her arms .", "My cloistered ease . I love all priests and am", "Not what thou shalt be . The past and present both", "Aye , fall upon thy knees to worship her", "A coward lust : the latter \u201c A \u201d in gules", "For as thou look'st on her I will impress", "For thou hast reached a depth of moral baseness"], "true_target": ["Dost thou remember ?", "Forever and forever !", "If such an offspring might but call me father !", "The worser part of all that came from Him", "Thy calling ; conclaves , synods , convocations ,", "And denounce thyself as what thou art , adulterer .", "The rare quintessence of pure womanhood !", "Incarnate presence , but for thy perfidy .", "Perhaps , Sir priest , you now will treat me to", "By that dread Name which mortals cannot hear ,", "I would not have so weak , so mean a coward ,", "Laid down her treasure to thy secret lust ,", "But , now , behold her shamed , bearing the badge", "The saving clause . Your sin is unconfessed .", "While in the study and the cell I take", "Upon thy sable heart . There let it gnaw", "I do confess a predilection for", "Scarlet Letter \u201c A \u201d glows on Dimsdell 's breast .", "Of thy foul infamy . Tear wide thy shirt ,", "You mar the psalm , Sir priest , for you omit", "Behold the woman as thou first didst know her ,", "And then took up thy burden with her own .", "That was well said !", "Upon thy breast a stigma worse than hers .", "Below the meanest fiend in lowest hell ;", "With all the deep red heraldry befits", "Then bare thy sinful breast , for here I swear ,", "To speak to me in public . Receive me , brother .", "O , fool ! I would renounce my war with Heaven ,", "The Lady of the Scarlet Letter .", "But , come ; I have no time to waste with thee ;", "A loveliness to tempt or saint or devil ,", "Make him forget his rites , and turn man-nurse .", "Reflect themselves with iridescent glow !", "Behold her now the mother of thy babe ,", "Yet while thou kneel'st thy flesh doth glow and burn", "And sue for pardon from God 's hated Throne ,", "Thou wilt be damned outside of Hell . I come", "To sow pale fear among them . No !", "Proclaim thy vice ; or else ascend thy pulpit"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 111}, {"query": ["Be coward still , wear outwardly the garb", "Cover the stigma on thy breast from eyes", "Of flesh , and be a hypocrite , till death"], "true_target": ["Satan fades . No light , save \u201c A \u201d on Dimsdell 's breast .", "Relieves the world of thee . We 'll meet again .", "And , now I go , I put this curse upon thee :", "Of righteousness , shake in thy pious shoes ,"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 111}, {"query": ["This is good wine . It warms my chilly blood", "Yea , and earnestness !", "A simple maid refuses you ! Ah ! Diggory , Diggory , be thankful for the good things God hath sent thee .", "For the love of good liquor , Diggory , thou shalt have twenty filters . Still decanting ?", "On the tenth go to the barber 's and have thy hair cut short .", "Bay loud on many faults , but cannot trace him .", "How now ? Why man !", "This wine is liquid gold .", "Conscience ? Tut , tut ! It will not harm him !", "The manner would become thee , Diggory . But speak , man ! Say on .", "I quaff to your good health and ease of mind .", "It is with many ; cut it , however , or lose the worth of all of the charm . Dost thou hear , Diggory ? Cut thy hair short or never win fair woman . Farewell .", "Of stringed instruments ; while there before", "With all the dreamy heat of Spain . I hear", "Here is the chance \u2014 and here the will \u2014 to learn", "Diggory , I will await him patiently .", "Very well .", "And so , Diggory , thou wouldst have me aid thee in this folly , and give thee a love potion ?", "Roger cautiously shakes Dimsdell .", "It pleases me well enough ; how doth it please the lady ?", "Good morning , gentlemen .", "To know the why he clutches at his breast .", "A minim more would lull him into sleep .", "The cover warily ; and , now the scent", "And me ,", "Diggory !", "His secret malady . What holds me back ?", "The fox that robbed my roost is sly ; he keeps", "The clack of th \u2019 castinet and th \u2019 droning twang", "Truly , it is a grand inquisitor ;", "That is the chief element of the charm \u2014 do n't forget it . Having done this on nine successive days \u2014 dost thou follow me ?", "Ting-a-ling , ting-a-ling , ting-a-ling , Joan ."], "true_target": ["Of flame is his . What ails thee , Dimsdell ?", "Mine eyes brown , yielding beauties dance in time", "Thirst always gives an added age to wine . This is right Xeres . Hast been in Spain ?", "Take of the rendered grease of three black bears \u2014 do not fail in that \u2014 anoint thy curly locks \u2014", "I will .", "Think of no man but only me ;", "Ah ! thou art in love ? In love didst thou say ?", "\u2018 Twill do him good to sleep ; \u2018 twill do me good", "Rest here upon this bench .", "Omit thou but a word of it , and the maiden 's lost to thee \u2014 but con it well , and all her beauties will be thine .", "A thousand if you will .", "Who are with the Governor ?", "But why dost thou ask me , Diggory ? Dost thou take me for an herb-doctor , or a necromancer , or what ?", "Diggory retires , then returns .", "Humph !\u2014 Diggory , I do not deal in philters ; they are out of date \u2014 but I know a charm will win her love .", "Thou wilt betray it , Diggory .", "He will not fail them , Governor ; a tongue", "Lady love , lady love , where e'er thou be ,", "I 'll do it .", "\u2018 Twill search each petty heresy that taints", "So soon ! So sound !", "To the pulsing music of a saraband !", "I pray . I 'll stay with Dimsdell .", "Nay , courage , man ! \u2018 Twill leave thee soon . I 'll get a cup of wine to cheer thee up .", "Is cold , the curs that yelp in scandal 's pack", "Never mind \u2014 but rub ; and , as thou dost , repeat these words :", "Love me , and wed me , and call me thine own ,", "We all do thank you , sir .", "Nay , thank me not . Now , take a glass of wine .", "Thy blood , and burn it to a cinder .", "Aye , a thousand , and a thousand more !", "And yet there is a flavor of the sea ,"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 112}, {"query": ["Yes , sir .", "Never ! Never !", "I would speak in confidence .", "But , sir , my hair is my best feature !", "Sir , she 's coming this way now .", "Aye , sir , begging your honor 's pardon .", "Tell it me for the love of \u2014", "My master , the Governor , says you are a very learned man , a what-you-call - \u2018 em \u2014 a scientist ; and a scientist can do anything .", "Aye , sir , if it please you .", "O , sir ! not that kind of filter . I 'm in love !"], "true_target": ["Doctor , may I beg a word with you ?", "I need a philter , Doctor . For the love of mercy \u2014", "The worthy ministers , Master Wilson and Master Dimsdell .", "My hair is straight .", "Oh ! Doctor !", "Doctor , the Governor will join you presently .", "I thank you , sir .\u201c Lady love , ting-a-ling \u201d \u2014 nay , that 's not it .", "She 's not a lady , sir , thank God ! she 's but a simple maiden , and it pleaseth her not .", "Aye , sir .", "Truly , sir , I thank Him ev'ry day ; but , sir , as I do desire the maiden \u2014 I \u2014 I \u2014 would have her too .", "What is that \u201c Ting-a-ling , ting-a-ling \u201d ?"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 112}, {"query": ["Thou also hast a duty to the child .", "Had not some villain robbed her of her dower ."], "true_target": ["That woman would have been a noble wife", "Good morrow , Doctor .", "There is weight in what he says ."], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 112}, {"query": ["And guide them from impurity ?", "Is there not command", "Forget it not , to-morrow thou must preach", "For one I thank you .", "A mother in all righteousness , as well", "Remember thou dost owe a gentle thanks", "Very well . Go .Doctor , we debate what disposition should be made of Hester Prynne 's young child . We ask your aid \u2014 but here she is .", "And , Dimsdell , yours is all the credit of it ;", "Some pious matrons , Hester ,", "Where is the child ?", "Expect a master effort , man . Fail not .", "A grand election sermon . The people do", "Go in .", "Nay , take it not to heart ,", "To teach our children in the fear of God", "A mother to entrust a child to ?"], "true_target": ["Come , let us drain a cup of wine ; and then", "Leave the wine within the summer house . Good morning , Doctor . When Mistress Prynne doth come conduct her hither .", "To Heaven . She will be cared for tenderly .", "But is this woman , stained with sin ,", "As in thy sin . Farewell .", "To rear that infant immortality ,", "Well , Hester , go thy way ; the child is thine .", "Unto this pious man . Go , Hester , keep", "For , Hester , duty to the child we owe", "To put its soul upon the way that leads", "The child . Think well upon his words ; be thou", "And guide it unto God .", "Have charged that thou art not a person fit", "We leave you ; keep it company .\u2014 And , Dimsdell ,", "Well , Wilson , you", "Shall not escape me . Gentlemen , the wine", "Come , gentlemen , this business well is ended ,"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 112}, {"query": ["You , who have made yourselves the flails of God ,", "; as my pastor speak ;", "Speak thou for me", "She is the last small link that binds my soul", "Your worship hath been pleased to summon me", "Oh ! ye are wise ! No doubt ye see beyond", "Which these men lack , say what the mother 's rights", "The child to me !", "My way to Heaven . You shall not take her from me !", "When naught beside the child is left to her \u2014", "Her husband gone , her friends deserted ,", "But only those twin brands of shame , her baby", "Will hurt the child . I will not part with her !", "To earth , the tiny needle that doth point"], "true_target": ["And The Scarlet Letter !", "I thank you , gentlemen .", "To bring my child before you .", "In rich exchange for all things else which I ,", "The purpose of Almighty God who gave", "Speak now ; and say if any harm from me", "Say if thou canst , for thou hast sympathies", "The grain is ripe , and take her from me .", "God gave the child", "Would separate the wheat from chaff before", "The babe is sick but answers by attorney . What is your will ?", "Are in her child ; and what those rights must be", "Poor sinful I , had forfeited ; and now", "No reputation , no sympathy , no love \u2014"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 112}, {"query": ["The woven figure of the woman-fabric \u2014", "What then ? Would we improve upon His system ;", "To punish her where He hath healed her heart .", "Or would we put , in place of mother-love ,", "Of true repentance ; through it all appears", "By God and Nature .", "Of that fond mother-care which nurtures her ?", "I beg you to excuse me .", "I am , beside , a member of your council ,", "Like that which doth precede deep slumber .", "We owe our health unto her temperance ,", "Do , I pray . And , Doctor , give me something to abate this agony .", "Condemn her sin , but let us not presume", "Methinks , the wine is richer than is common .", "And to their tender care He did entrust", "How many leagues it came to serve my need .", "That question God hath answered ; and we know", "I thank thee , kind physician .", "For through my limbs there creeps a lang'rous ease", "Try how I may , there 's no escape from pain . I robbed the law 's strong arm , and thereby put The lash in conscience \u2019 hand \u2014 and yet I thought Hypocrisy a duty to my calling ! \u2018 Twere better I were known as what I am , Than still to hide my sin beneath the garb Of outward purity ! \u2018 Twere better now , By Hester 's side , to bear opprobrium , And brave what man may do , than still to nurse This misery in secret ! Re-enter ROGER with wine-tray ; places it upon a bench and , taking a vial from a pocket medicine-case , pours a few drops into a wine-glass , then fills the glass with wine .", "We owe our lives to woman 's suffering ,"], "true_target": ["The cold , hard , formal training of a paid", "I 'm very weak . The pain about my heart \u2014", "To yoke and draw me to a just conclusion .", "Would we now deprive this little one", "And therefore she hath called me to defend her ;", "But let us pause before we do adopt", "Do .", "We owe her all the best of us . Let God", "Aye , so I have . Our aim is well enough ,", "God gave us mothers when He gave us life ,", "The mortal and immortal parts of us .", "A means that varies from the one marked out", "The stain of sin doth fade beneath the bleach", "I am this woman 's pastor \u2014 and her friend ,", "Instructor ?", "I would not go so far for it just now ,", "And yet , I think , these duties may be made", "Nay , but the wine hath . I feel its warmth .", "And hence am with you in your consultation ;", "Her motherhood !", "I have a dual duty to discharge ;"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 112}, {"query": ["If there be no true charm but it hath a touch of folly in it , this one must be most potent . Now a wise man would not think there 's that virtue in a bit of grease , a jingling rhyme , and a hair cut , that one might thereby win a woman 's love \u2014 but the wise are fools in love . I have here the lard of three bears \u2014 one more than the old adage of \u201c bear and forbear \u201d \u2014 and with it I am to anoint my head as an enchantment to bring about my marriage to Betsey \u2014 marry , I 'll temper the strength of the charm with a little bergamot , for in truth two of the bears have been dead over-long . Whew !\u2014 Aha ! enchantment is the only highway to success in love ! Now let me see : \u201c Lady love , lady love , where'er you be \u201d \u2014", "That 's Betsey singing now ! If the charm works like this , bear fat will be worth its weight in gold . But perhaps my features may have pleased her after all \u2014 I 'm not bad to look upon ; and truly I would save my hair ; it 's the best part about me . Singing again .", "There .", "Wouldst thou marry me , Betsey , if I should lose my pretty locks ?", "Kiss me but once , Betsey , and I 'll cut my head off ; \u2018 tis of little use to me now , and if thou dost marry me \u2014 well , thy head shall rest upon my shoulder , like this , and one head is enough for any pair of shoulders ."], "true_target": ["Now I wonder where she learnt all those profane songs ? From some liberal folk in the old country , no doubt ; they ill become a puritan . If she were a little slower in her speech , what an angel she would be ! As it is , she is a very good woman , tongue and all .", "I 'm not a judge of songs , but if she means half she says \u2014 and a woman sometimes does \u2014 some one is about to be the top feather in Fortune 's cap ; it may be me . I 'll try my luck once more .Why , here she comes .", "O , Betsey , thou art all the world to me !", "Shall I shave my head or only clip it close ?", "For Fortune to drop the plum into my mouth .", "So you may , Betsey ; so you may . And , Betsey , for the love of mercy , mold it into the head of thy future husband ."], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 113}, {"query": ["I would not marry you with them , that 's flat .", "O , what can a maiden do , etc .", "Of the love that binds them , happy twain !", "O , Diggory , thou art a great fool to me ! Why , man , thy head is as soft as a pat of butter ; I could take it between my paddles , like this , and mold it into any shape I chose .", "What are you gaping like a great gaby for ?", "Her lover begins to woo ?", "If , while he walks close by her side ,", "Little bird , little bird , come tell me true ;", "A song that soon her fancy takes .", "O , what can a maiden do ,", "In Summer-tide , sweet Summer-tide ,", "In Summer-tide , sweet Summer-tide ,", "And hand in hand they sigh and talk", "Her lover begins to woo ?"], "true_target": ["Adown the moonlit path they walk ,", "And if he loves me , as you love your mate ;", "If , while he walks close by her side ,", "O , what can a maiden do ,", "And sings , in roundelays and triolets ,", "Cut it off , Diggory , cut it off .", "How long , little bird , should I make him wait ?", "In Summer-tide , sweet Summer-tide ,", "A circlet for her hair he makes ;", "You silly fellow ! yesterday I was a peach ; the day before strawberries and cream ; the day before that a rose ; and last week a dove \u2014 marry , I do n't coo for you ! Can I be all these things at once and still be Betsey Tomkins ?", "Where is the plum ?", "For her , of buttercups and violets ,", "\u2018 Twould take a pair of shears to do that .", "If I love my love , as your love loves you ,", "Through all the world called lover 's lane ,"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 113}, {"query": ["With day \u2014 thy heart still turns to barren ice ,", "This is the New World , man ; and Nature here", "He slept ,\u2014 and by the sun it is not long \u2014", "As on a rack \u2014 were that not better still ?", "And quickens in his arms .\u2014 All , all , but thou !", "And warm and pure and spirit-like as flame", "Dead , I 'd bury with him my revenge ;", "A thousand years had lain , would wake once more ,", "My nerves are all unstrung . This weakling trick", "Turned into scorn and filthiness !", "If , while he walks close by her side ,", "Roses , and you asked her not ! In love ! in love ! up to the eyes in love ! She 'll drown in love unless you marry her !", "Let love , the sun of life , beam meltingly", "But \u2014 when it 's bitter with base treachery \u2014", "Not enough of it , not enough of it !", "The air with oversweetness .\u2014 What song is that ?", "For thou art single as the northern pole ;", "As Hebe , as voluptuous as Venus ,", "Whither so fast , Martha , that thou canst not speak to us ?", "Is pure \u2014 love overflows the lips in song", "I 'm not a fiend .", "When myriads of unborn beings knock loud and long", "Call me satyr when I urge in bounds", "This is the very show'r of gold in which", "Refuse to marry her !", "Still take their tune . And so must you . For you", "It dams itself against all utterance ,", "All thinly clad as in the golden age ,", "Wed Hester Prynne .", "Her lover begins to woo ?", "Nay , slander him not . But , Martha , books or no books , for two more roses I will bring him here ; and , truly , fathers were cheap at three roses apiece . What say you ?", "You may have noticed that \u2014 when the heart", "I 'll study him .\u2014 Thus might an angel look", "Not a whit . Is't dishonor to her purity", "Dost love her , Dimsdell ? Ah ! she 's worthy love .", "Knowledge is costly , Martha ; yet thou art rich enough to buy more than information . For one of those sweet roses , I 'll tell you he is well and with the Governor .", "All eyes are busy with their own affairs ;", "In November . The pain 's imaginary .", "What act more merciful , more christianlike ?", "O , what can a maiden do ,", "If but three drops of this should touch its lips .", "And as he kisses her with ling'ring lips ,", "Only this \u2014 thou art as cowardly", "To kill were easy ; aye , but \u2014 to stretch his life", "Revolve upon another axis , man ;", "\u2018 Twill fade when covered by thy name .", "And sings , in roundelays and triolets ,", "As cold , as distant , and unreachable", "Nature retrieves our losses , or charges them", "Art mad ? I 'm man as thou dost seem to be ;", "At daily usury .", "I 'll wake him now and foil discovery .", "And either mines the soul , or , breaking forth ,", "Our native drugs are balanced well ; one plant", "And as for that small blot that sullies her", "Takes vial from pocket medicine case .", "May wed with beauty all unspeakable ,", "Thine aching head upon her tender breast ,", "Of overearnestness betrays the fool", "There , swallow it .", "For , like a hunter when first he sees the buck ,", "Of thine own virtues \u2014 not held by any else \u2014", "Not send him hence beyond my reach . Aye !", "I 'll fight with death to keep him for mine own .", "I could not wish a chaster keeper of them .", "I 'll tent his agony , prolong it here ,", "Marry , man , marry ; thy wife will prove", "Think once again , man ; if that thy mind", "She 's fair and young ; of gentle birth and rich ;", "Pure and fragrant as the giver \u2014 marry , the blush becomes it not so well ; it does not come and go . Martha , thy father and the Governor are in the library . Is that not worth another rose ?", "I must assume a wise placidity ;", "A circlet for her hair he makes ;", "I hear her husband left her well to do ;", "A counter-irritant and drive the pain away .", "And now the locust and the linden tree", "I did not note it .", "Dispense the sacraments of God to children \u2014", "Against us ; all things do rest , even the plants", "Drops liquid into glass and fills with wine .", "A mouldy mummied corse that in the tomb", "The air of purity .", "To urge thy smoky flame to brightness worthy", "For entrance into life . Deny it not ;", "Do wed the zephyrs as they blow , and weight", "That lifted carefully would quench our thirst .", "Do me justice , man ; my thoughts are pure", "Her confusion and her telltale blushes ."], "true_target": ["Is lusty ; drink in thy dole of heat and light ;", "But , be it so , come sun yourself ; drive out", "And all the while , cloaked in thy ministry ,", "Nay , had I wives in droves like Solomon ,", "With all diffidence \u2014 there is a way ,", "Behold the means !", "Aye ! \u2018 twas that I said .", "More bleak than many a wintry age .", "Now , let me see \u2014 he must not know how long", "Himself while I was talking .", "If work precedent were to love , the world", "Sweeps downward to destruction . Oh ! \u2018 tis true ,", "Do from the honest parish register", "And they , who sing its perfect melody ,", "Enwrap thee in her gentle arms , lay down", "And bid thee wed them ! Thus best advices are", "A woman ! Desert her in her misery !", "Even here where I may feed upon it ;", "Widen the thin ecliptic of thy life ;", "Another drinks the waking draught of dawn .", "Could touch a maiden linked to thee in words", "As sweet and limpid as a mountain spring ;", "I say but truth \u2014 I once was young myself .", "Beside thyself would think a mottled thought", "Had I young daughters by the score , each fair", "My blood leap with th \u2019 quick-step bound of youth .", "For even I , drenched in the golden rain ,", "Beside her loveliness .", "The eager hand doth ever spill the cup", "I have't ; I 'll make him think he merely lost", "For her , of buttercups and violets ,", "Come , Dimsdell , listen to a bit of reason .", "And let the warmth of nature take their place .", "A song that soon her fancy takes .", "Of her ? \u2018 Tis what she wishes most ; witness", "O , I must calm myself or miss my aim !", "Upon thy heart and thaw it into happiness .", "Love is the lyric happiness of youth ;", "Do slumber as they grow .", "Jove comes to fill the longing world with life .", "As thou art lecherous . What ! betray", "Construed amiss , and what we kindly mean", "And to the jeers of fools stop up thine ears ;", "Spirit to the world .", "That made him sleep , but this \u2014 Ah !", "But while he lives the old account will stand", "To dream of holiness !\u2014 He hath not stirred .\u2014", "I 'd make thee Kislah Aga of my harem ,", "Administering to Dimsdell .", "When , wearied with the music of the spheres ,", "How canst thou do it ?", "Thy body is as sound as a red apple", "Sucks in the beams the sleepy moon sends down ,", "I 'll give you , sir , but two .", "Thy life be at its summer solstice \u2014 bright", "The fog and vapor that becloud your mind ,", "Feel pulsings of lost paradise that make", "Redeem the reputation of her child ,", "Upon the willing portals of the heart", "But , now \u2014", "The boundless beauties of pure maidenhood ,", "Wherein the low opinion thou doth hold", "She is a paragon \u2014 nay , beauty 's self .", "He laid him down upon a roseate bank", "And dream thyself in paradise .", "Are now in the very period of youth", "I 'll drink dissimulation at the source ;", "All Nature lies wide open to th \u2019 warm embrace", "Alone , couldst see impurity in that .", "And dwell on lawful marriage only . Thou , thou", "That maid is innocent and happy too .", "Can pardon the suggestion \u2014 and , mark , I urge it", "Marry , man , marry .", "\u2018 Twas well I did not speak to Bellingham ,", "I spoke of thee , man , of thee ; and who", "Or fact ?", "Would be unpeopled . This is the month of June ,", "As he puts on \u2014 Ah ! damned hypocrite !\u2014", "That floats above new brandy .", "Raise up a noble lady , and show thy christian", "In me ; and yet we know it , though we profit not ,", "All other women are but kitchen-maids", "Chief eunuch and sole security \u2014 What !", "In trance again ! Help ! Help ! Help ! Dimsdell becomes rigid ; with arm uplifted as if to strike a death blow . His speech thickens , and he stands motionless . Roger supports him .", "For we have not been noted . Good , so far .", "To what hath passion 's warmth ; and , though", "In Summer-tide , sweet Summer-tide ,"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 114}, {"query": ["Is like a stick thrust in a spring ; it muddies", "All my thoughts . Oh ! Oh !", "Thou fiend of Hell ! I know thee now ; thou cam'st", "Oh ! Oh !", "I cannot marry : I have my work to do .", "Pours down on them , yet blush to own their drinking !", "Hast been too near me in a worser one .", "Why vanish from my sight ? Yet I did touch him even now \u2014", "The flow'rs drink up the wine our golden sun", "Oh ! Oh !", "Hester Prynne !", "I fear", "Oh ! that I were worthy of her !", "Wed Hester Prynne ?"], "true_target": ["Forgive me , Doctor ; I 'm ill at ease . This pain", "No more of that , I pray you .", "Wed Hester Prynne !", "Out upon thee , satyr ! Thou dishonorest her .", "But once in thine own form , and ever since", "I dozed and lost the thread of argument .", "If thou be not Satan , why raise this cloud ?", "No more , no more ! I must not marry .", "I pray you , pardon me .", "And what is that ?", "How can I change my disposition , Doctor ?", "What dost thou know ?", "How greedily", "Back to the pit , I say ! No more of tempting !", "I 'll kill him \u2014 Kill , kill , kill \u2014 now , now , now \u2014"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 114}, {"query": ["Nay , only a very little one ; for when he talks of books he 's always loath to come with me .", "Oh ! I beg your pardon , Doctor . Good morning , sir . I seek my father ; is he with the Governor ?"], "true_target": ["You beg it prettily .", "Nay , I 'll go myself ; but do not think I grudge the roses ; here they are . You have not begged of meMay I beg you to accept this ? Gentlemen , farewell ."], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 114}, {"query": ["And despite my age I am his equal that way .", "Aye , Roger Prynne and thine accuser . Dimsdell looks about the room as though dazed .", "Of the blasts that blow about our burly world ,", "At times he mumbles ; at other times , as now ,", "Madman , listen ! Thou canst not harm me , yet I am not Satan . My name is Roger Prynne . I am the husband of the woman you have wronged .", "The study of his case ? He hath no arms", "Indeed !", "Mystery ! aye , and miracle , too !", "I 'll ask your patience for a tale more strange", "Ah ! a chair swung by a furious man", "You know him , Governor \u2014 a man whose nerves", "Do ? Stay here and settle our account ; or else go on and publish thyself as what thou art \u2014 a hypocrite .", "One moment , if you please . If he revives", "He 'll pick the thread of life up where he dropt it ;", "Therefore , one chair will do \u2014 and that for me .", "The orange-blossom take its fragrance from", "Plump into the middle of an honored age !", "There 's been no change .", "I 'm sorry I cannot go with you . Farewell . Exit Governor . Dimsdell moves . Roger goes to his side and examines him . The pulse hath quickened . He moves his lips . Dimsdell mumbles indistinctly . I cannot catch it .\u2014", "Swings with the tide of thought .", "The Heaven above ; its origin forgot ?", "This is the second trance I 've seen him in ;", "Is there nothing in heredity ? Or will", "Will he die thus ?", "The murderous disposition ; for in these cases", "Oh ! you 'd not believe it if I told you .", "Are gossamers , too fine to sift the music", "What fear should drive me hence , or make me leave", "A lengthy jump \u2014 from sinning youth", "And , if he doth , \u2018 twere better not to thwart him .", "When consciousness returns , with it will come", "Might make an omelet of my brain ;"], "true_target": ["In office , as that just closing .", "Oh ! there are many reasons ; \u2018 twould take too long", "Not held to time or place ; and while the body ,", "Is on , always comes back upon its path", "Good morning , Governor . I wish you , sir ,", "There 's no accounting for it , Governor .", "Trick thee ? Why , madman , thou hast been in trance since yester noon . Trick thee ! I like the word ! \u2018 Tis now the time of day when thou shouldst preach the great Election Sermon , the one event that makes or mars you preachers . Dost hear the music ? A day hath passed since thou wast in the garden . They are marching even now to the market place .", "Yet thus the mind , in trance or dream , achieves", "His daughter honorably married ;", "To be on guard . Well , so I am ; but what \u2014", "And all the pains of yesterday forgot .", "To tell you now ; but at another time", "Dimsdell starts up .", "Like an anchor , sinks in mud , the winged craft", "Than ever made your flesh to creep .", "Not yet . There he lies .", "The mind , although it wanders while the trance", "Were stricken with the image of the thing", "Where first it left It . Therefore , \u2018 twere wise in me", "He 's in Geneva now ; Hester with him ;", "Thus in our dreams we picture what we wish ;", "He lies like death . If ev'ry murderer", "In Elysium might breathe .\u2014 And yet this man \u2014", "Which he would deal , \u2018 twould be a blessing ! Yet", "But such as both of us were born with ;", "As happy and as prosperous a term", "How came the stigma on thy breast ?", "He may desire to preach , as he hath promised you ,", "A very long trance .", "I 'll write it down .", "Without an effort what it wills . Again ?", "How many more he 's had , God only knows .", "And only fit for harps whereon Zephyrus"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 115}, {"query": ["Say I am coming . We 'll speak again of this .", "Good morning , Doctor .", "His eloquence to-day . The people , who", "Wonderful ! Can you account for his condition , Doctor ?", "Is there mystery in the case ?"], "true_target": ["Very well . I 'll speak to Wilson .", "Wise thoughts , prefer the music of his voice", "I thank you , sir . Has Dimsdell recovered from his trance ?", "Always love high-sounding words more than", "\u2018 Tis most unfortunate that we must lack", "To good old Wilson 's drone . Why is n't he in bed ?"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 115}, {"query": ["We 'll follow it .", "Until the soul arising on the wings", "To walk thus , hand in hand , Hester . And as", "The stars of Heaven melt into angel forms", "Farewell , farewell ! Nay , weep not , Hester ;", "Our sins are now forgiven .", "The golden sun of love falls gently down", "Sir , take my daughter and my blessing , too ;", "Thine eyes are blue and deep as Leman 's lake", "What shall I do ?", "That lies before us .", "Which stoop to lift me to the gates of bliss .", "Why , how is this ?\u2014 But now , the Governor 's garden \u2014 and now , my room !\u2014 But now , just now , old Doctor Chillingworth \u2014 and now , mine enemy , Roger Prynne ! Thou art the Devil himself !\u2014 Thou shalt not trick me thus . Band music in distance .", "Still shield her from the buffets of the world ;", "Think of it no more , my love .\u2014", "I see it now !\u2014 Ah ! Satan ! Satan !\u2014 thou wouldst affright my soul and make me lose my well earned honors . Why , Roger Prynne is dead \u2014 dead . \u2018 Twas told on good report two years ago . And now \u2014 oh ! try it if thou wilt \u2014 I 'll have thee burnt , burnt \u2014 burnt at the stake , if thou accusest me ! Who would believe thee ? Stand aside , I say ! Let me pass !", "When the melody without tunes that within", "Thou Roger Prynne ?"], "true_target": ["Be white as that on yonder distant mount ,", "Good night , dear wife , good night .", "Of hard necessity , flows reunited on .", "I will fear no evil .\u2014 Say it with me , Hester .", "The gentle current of our mingled lives ,", "Let thy tenderness breathe gentle love", "I see thee now \u2014 and now I 'll kill , kill , kill \u2014 If thou be Satan I cannot harm thee \u2014 But if a man \u2014 Dimsdell attempts to reach Roger , who keeps the one chair of the room in front of him and thus wards off Dimsdell .", "Like an Italian air sung at twilight ,", "A man ! A man ! A man !\u2014 Dead ! dead ! dead !\u2014 Nay \u2014 like a man !\u2014 Like a dead man !\u2014 A trick !\u2014 A devilish trick !\u2014 Did he not come in angel form \u2014 and then as Doctor Chillingworth \u2014 and then as Roger Prynne \u2014 and now ,\u2014 and now , as a dead body ? Spurning Roger with his foot . O , Devil , I 'll avoid thee yet !\u2014 I 'll confess my crime and thus unslip the noose about my soul ! Hurriedly prepares to depart .He said we 'd meet again ! We have , and \u2018 tis the last time !", "Hester , although the snow upon thy head", "Yea , though I walk through the valley of th \u2019 shadow of death ,", "Of music soars into Heaven .", "Thou knowest !\u2014 Make way , I tell thee !\u2014 Thou didst place it there !\u2014 Make way !", "Our troubles now are ended , Hester ;", "Long parted by the barren , rocky isle", "How sweet it is , in the afternoon of life ,", "Cherish her as the apple of thine eye ;", "Into the purple glory of the West ,"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 115}, {"query": ["Here hidden will they rot a little while ;", "Send down thy pulsing tongues of burning truth ;", "Citizens and officials in gala attire .", "Come , my victim , come ; assist me up", "Put in our hearts , O , Gracious God , the yeast", "The man who should have borne The Scarlet Letter ;", "To pole , and from the rising to the setting sun .", "My God , forgive me . Oh , I must be brief \u2014", "Behold the man for whom you oft have sought ,", "And he who did this wrong .", "Ho ! all ye people of the Commonwealth ,", "Forever and forever !", "The brutal part of man , and fit us for", "Send forth their riches to the hungry world .", "I will speak on .", "Here in the wilderness , the first small germs", "And now my soul releasing body bondage", "Its densely peopled towns and villages ;", "I thank you ; reason not my wastefulness ,", "Now , while I do descend these steps", "Hester , my Hester , forgive \u2014", "Or that my crime confessed will lead on others", "There hurries on a duty of a private kind", "Behold me as I am \u2014 O , what a pang", "And here I beg you friends , as I have begged", "Support me , Hester .", "Anon , the sprouts will break our troubled land ,", "Come , Hester , come !", "That dwarfs the noble states of cultured Europe ,", "Curtain rises rapidly , disclosing stage set as in Act I , Scene III .", "I leave my former life behind .", "Too long delayed already .", "And more I see ; I see the rise of man", "If that the last words of one sinful man", "And what I purposed hath been said in full ,", "Her pure , but mine , beneath this lying robe ,", "And from the Old we come to build the New ,", "I must perform at once or not at all ;", "Can stand erect before his fellow-man ,", "Spread out before me like a map , from pole", "For , now I have fulfilled my public function ,", "I see it teem with myriads ; I see", "Dimsdell and Hester ascend pillory together .", "Merely as man !", "This gnawing at my heart hath eaten through ,", "Behold yon woman with The Scarlet Letter .", "Am near my lowest ebb .", "And now , good friends , Electors and Elected ,", "Descends and goes toward pillory ."], "true_target": ["Addition to that noble title \u2014 man \u2014", "But that his errors tend toward good at last .", "The atoms of each state .", "This place , my light , my life will go .", "I see its ports , greater than any known ,", "Have eaten up my heart . Hypocrisy", "For I am he .", "There 's more comes to me now .", "And stamp and grind proud Tyranny to dust .", "In seeming honor I lacked my punishment ,", "Although it break to recombine again", "May warn a multitude from sin , who knows", "Lie there", "The woman of The Scarlet Letter ,", "Outface Oppression with his flashing eye ,", "Nay , shame on me ; her sufferings have made", "Thrust forth the first red blades , and thence grow on ,", "It flickers even now , and , ere I leave", "Although my speech hath run a lengthened course ,", "My friends , my life is flowing fast away ,", "Not mad , friend , not mad ; but newly sane .", "Let hate consume itself ; let war thresh out", "The Lion and the Eagle side by side ,\u2014", "Come take my hand , although it be unworthy .", "And our great America , as one \u2014", "I see this vast expanse of continent ,", "Of Anglo-Saxondom \u2014 our mighty England", "We call us English , Anglo-Saxon ;", "Leading the vanguard of humanity !", "Let me not think my suffering in vain ,", "Of man 's long-promised freedom find their soil ;", "Dimsdell upon a rostrum on church steps . Militia standing at rest .", "Fire our souls with love of human kind ;", "Let the day come , O Lord , when man , without", "Of freedom ; let it work our natures free ,", "If any think that while I walked these streets", "I see , O blessed , wondrous sight ! the strength", "The pillory , there let us stand together \u2014", "Unto their downfall .", "Question me not ,", "Will take its flight \u2014 but where ?", "The equal England of our expectation .", "For , if you make me answer you , you cause", "A pause , then cries severally .", "What is our purpose and our destiny ?", "I must say more .", "More waste . My taper 's burnt already .", "Look here .\u2014", "The last long period of peace .", "I , that should be at full or on the turn ,"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 116}, {"query": ["Is he an angel or a man ? Sure Gabriel himself .", "It goes to Heaven when it flies ;"], "true_target": ["But go not now .", "That holy man is mad . He an adulterer ! I 'll believe it when th \u2019 Devil grows blind ."], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 116}, {"query": ["Is the man mad , my masters ?"], "true_target": ["Look ! He faints ."], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 116}, {"query": ["The strain which thou hast undergone . Prithee ,\u2014", "To please our willing ears . Thou hast exceeded", "Thy feeble strength already . Cease , man ;"], "true_target": ["My pious friend , wear not thy body out", "Captain , command your men to bear the body . A solemn march .", "Demosthenes himself could not have stood"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 116}, {"query": ["Forgive him , Father ! O , God , have mercy now ;", "Farewell , farewell \u2014 dead , dead !", "Nay , you shall not take him from me !", "Arthur ! Arthur !"], "true_target": ["Rest easy , I here cast off your Scarlet Letter .", "My breast shall be his pillow ; and , that he may", "Give him but breath to speak to me !", "Arthur ! Arthur ! one word for me ! Only one !"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 116}, {"query": ["I shall not need to teach you how to discredit their beginning , you know how to take exception at their shirts at washing , or to make the maids swear they found plasters in their beds ."], "true_target": ["Brother , is your last hope past to mollifie Morecrafts heart about your Morgage ?", "I see you are ty 'd to no particular imploiment then ?"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 117}, {"query": ["Lo . Yes , I had a third had you been apt to hear it .", "Lo . Lastly , it is to kindle in that barren heart love and forgiveness .", "Lo . \u2018 Twas to intreat you to hear reason .", "Lo . Yes , have you lost your memory ?", "Lo . I have heard and seen your affability to be such , that the servants you give wages to may speak .", "Lo . First , let me beg your notice for this Gentleman my Brother .", "Lo . Savil , you shall gain the opinion of a better servant , in seeking to execute , not alter my will , howsoever my intents succeed .", "Lo . Mistres Younglove .", "Lo . You wrong me much .", "Lo . Mistris I came to see you .", "Lo . Yes .", "Lo . You wrong me much .", "Lo . Mistris ."], "true_target": ["Lo . Mistris , your will leads my speeches from the purpose . But as a man \u2014", "Lo . Would I were so . Mistris , for me to praise over again that worth , which all the world , and you your self can see .", "Lo . You wrong me .", "Lo . Mistris , another in my place , that were not tyed to believe all your actions just , would apprehend himself wrong 'd : But I whose vertues are constancy and obedience .", "Lo . What critical minute was that ?", "Lo . Enough , I know her Brother . I shall intreat you only to salute my Mistres , and take leave , we'l part at the Stairs .", "Lo . I have as hard a task to perform in this house .", "Lo . To take leave of you .", "Lo . I prethee deliver my service , and say , I desire to see the dear cause of my banishment ; and then for France .", "Lo . Yes Lady .", "Lo . Loves she her ill taken up resolution so dearly ? Didst thou move her from me ?", "Lo . You know your least word is of force to make me seek out dangers , move me not with toyes : but in this banishment , I must take leave to say , you are unjust : was one kiss forc't from you in publick by me so unpardonable ? Why all the hours of day and night have seen us kiss .", "Lo . And mine is to perswade a passionate woman , or to leave the Land . Make the boat stay , I fear I shall begin my unfortunate journey this night , though the darkness of the night and the roughness of the waters might easily disswade an unwilling man .", "Lo . Why she knows not you ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 117}, {"query": ["Lo . Yonder 's Mistres Younglove , Brother , the grave rubber of your", "Lo . I shall bear your favour Sir , cross me no more ; I say they shall come in .", "Lo . I make thee not so little as thou art : for indeed there goes no more to the making of a Steward , but a fair Imprimis , and then a reasonable Item infus 'd into him , and the thing is done .", "Lo . O this is a sweet Brache ."], "true_target": ["Lo . Sir , I do not ; thou art my Brothers Steward , his cast off mill-money , his Kitchen Arithmetick .", "Lo . Faith mine was to make an Usurer honest , or to lose my Land .", "Lo . Lady , my salutations crave acquaintance and leave at once .", "Lo . No , but she offered me once to know her : to this day she loves youth of Eighteen ; she heard a tale how Cupid struck her in love with a great Lord in the Tilt-yard , but he never saw her ; yet she in kindness would needs wear a Willow-garland at his Wedding . She lov 'd all the Players in the last Queens time once over : she was struck when they acted Lovers , and forsook some when they plaid Murthers . She has nine Spur-royals , and the servants say she hoards old gold ; and she her self pronounces angerly , that the Farmers eldest son , or her Mistres Husbands Clerk shall be , that Marries her , shall make her a joynture of fourscore pounds a year ; she tells tales of the serving-men .", "Mistresses toes ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 117}, {"query": ["Sir , your Fathers old friends hold it the sounder course for your body and estate to stay at home and marry , and propagate and govern in our Country , than to Travel and die without issue ."], "true_target": ["Sir , you forget who I am ?"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 117}, {"query": ["By this light that shines , there 's no removing her , if she get a stiffe opinion by the end . I attempted her to day when they say a woman can deny nothing .", "When her smock was over her ears : but she was no more pliant than if it hung about her heels .", "As I live he 's a pretty fellow ."], "true_target": ["Master Loveless , truly we thought your sails had been hoist : my", "Mistres is perswaded you are Sea-sick ere this .", "I'le do't : hark hither , is that your Brother ?"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 117}, {"query": ["Acknowledge me more coy of parting with mine eyes ,", "Were my feet in the door , were I John , said ,", "Of Bachelors to lead me to the Church ,", "Now Sir , this first part of your will is performed : what 's the rest ?", "It 's a cold room this , Servant .", "If John should boast a favour done by me ,", "Believe me ; if my Wedding-smock were on ,", "And so you told \u2018 em .", "Were these two armes incompast with the hands", "The Hipochrist and Cakes eat and drunk off ,", "In atchieving Languages , will at your return"], "true_target": ["On a new ground as a beginning Sutor ,", "I shall take it as a favour done to me , though the Gentleman hath received but an untimely grace from you , yet my charitable disposition would have been ready to have done him freer courtesies as a stranger , than upon those cold commendations .", "When you have spent this year commodiously ,", "Sir I hope you are the master of your own occasions .", "I would not wed that year : And you I hope ,", "Than such a friend : More talk I hold not now", "Were the Rosemary-branches dipt , and all", "Were the Gloves bought and given , the Licence come ,", "I shall be apt to hear you .", "I did : But if a Maids heart doth but once think that she is suspected , her own face will write her guilty .", "Farewel sweet Servant , your task perform 'd ,", "If you dare go ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 117}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis true , \u2018 tis true ; but they speak to th \u2019 purpose .", "To be gone ?", "\u2018 Tis true , and so you told the company that heard me chide .", "Louder yet .", "Exordiums .", "Younglove , make a good fire above to warm me after my servants", "A Simile servant ? This room was built for honest meaners , that deliver themselves hastily and plainly , and are gone . Is this a time or place for Exordiums , and Similes and Metaphors ? If you have ought to say , break into't : my answers shall very reasonably meet you .", "Most willingly , have you brought one can speak it ?"], "true_target": ["Then to land dumb , unable to enquire for an English hoast , to remove from City to City , by most chargeable Post-horse , like one that rode in quest of his Mother tongue .", "That 's happily dispatcht , the next .", "You need not have despair 'd of that , nor have us 'd so many circumstances to win me to give you leave to perform my command ; is there a third ?", "Why you may , and doubtlesly will , when you have debated that your commander is but your Mistris , a woman , a weak one , wildly overborn with passions : but the thing by her commanded , is to see Dovers dreadful cliffe , passing in a poor Water-house ; the dangers of the merciless Channel \u2018 twixt that and Callis , five long hours sail , with three poor weeks victuals .", "And all theseperformed for your Mistris , to be in danger to forsake her , and to put on new allegeance to some French Lady , who is content to change language with your laughter , and after your whole year spent in Tennis and broken speech , to stand to the hazard of being laught at , at your return , and have tales made on you by the Chamber-maids .", "What think you if I have a Chimney for't , out here ?", "I ? Never apter . Fastfast .", "You would stay at home ?"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 117}, {"query": ["Return my service with such thanks , as she may imagine the heart of a suddenly over-joyed man would willingly utter , and you I hope I shall with slender arguments perswade to wear this Diamond , that when my Mistris shall through my long absence , and the approach of new Suitors , offer to forget me ; you may cast your eye down to your finger , and remember and speak of me : She will hear thee better than those allied by birth to her ; as we see many men much swayed by the Grooms of their Chambers , not that they have a greater part of their love or opinion on them , than on others , but for that they know their secrets .", "I did , yet no sign of disgrace need to have stain 'd your cheek : you your self knew your pure and simple heart to be most unspotted , and free from the least baseness .", "Well , to keep your feet out of base and dangerous paths , I have resolved you shall live as Master of my House . It shall be your care Savil to see him fed and cloathed , not according to his present Estate , but to his birth and former fortunes .", "Yet some course you must take , which for my satisfaction resolve and open ; if you will shape none , I must inform you that that man but perswades himself he means to live , that imagines not the means .", "To keep you readie to do him all service peaceably , and him to command you reasonably , I leave these further directions in writing , which at your best leasure together open and read ."], "true_target": ["Farewel cruel Mistres .", "But where lay this disgrace ? The world that knew us , knew our resolutions well : And could it be hop 'd that I should give away my freedom ; and venture a perpetual bondage with one I never kist ? or could I in strict wisdom take too much love upon me , from her that chose me for her Husband ?", "Farewell , be mindfull , and be happie ; the night calls me .", "I dare , you know : First let me kiss .", "I go : but Brother , what yet unheard of course to live , doth your imagination flatter you with ? Your ordinary means are devour 'd .", "I apprehend not that : you have fed others , and consequently dispos 'd of \u2018 em : and the same measure must you expect from your maintainers , which will be too heavy an alteration for you to bear ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 117}, {"query": ["Why live upon others , as others have lived upon me .", "Come Lads , I'le warrant you for Wenches , three hundred pounds in drink .", "They are the Morals of the Age , the vertues , men made of gold .", "Why now thou art a loving stinkard . Fire off thy Annotations and thy Rent-books , thou hast a weak brain Savil , and with the next long Bill thou wilt run mad . Gentlemen , you are once more welcome to three hundred pounds a year ; we will be freely merry , shall we not ?", "Steward this is as plain as your old Minikin-breeches . Your wisdom will relent now , will it not ? Be mollified or \u2014 you understand me Sir , proceed ?", "In the fragrant field . This is a Traveller Sir , knows men and manners , and has plow 'd up the Sea so far till both the Poles have knockt , has seen the Sun take Coach , and can distinguish the colour of his Horses , and their kinds , and had a Flanders-Mare leapt there .", "Are you the sage Master Steward , with a face like an old", "Course ? why Horse-coursing I think . Consume no time in this : I have no Estate to be mended by meditation : he that busies himself about my fortunes may properly be said to busie himself about nothing .", "Mark that my wicked Steward , and I dispose of it ?", "What wouldst thou tell me , how Hopps grow , or hold some rotten discourse of Sheep , or when our Lady-day falls ? Prethee farewel , and entertain my friends , be drunk and burn thy Table-books : and my dear spark of velvet , thou and I .", "Believe me \u2018 tis a learned one ; and by these words , The obedience of my people , you Steward being one , are bound to fetch us Wenches .", "Steward , attend us for instructions .", "Gentlemen , welcome Gentlemen ; mine own dear Lads y'are richly welcome .", "Why I'le purse ; if that raise me not , I'le bet at Bowling-alleyes , or man Whores ; I would fain live by others : but I'le live whilst I am unhang 'd , and after the thought 's taken .", "I'le hear no more of this Apocrypha , bind it by it self", "Brother you'l hazard the losing your tide to Gravesend : you have a long half mile by Land to Greenewich ?", "Nay , if it be no more I shall fulfil it , whilst my Legs will carry me I'le bear my self Gentleman-like , but when I am drunk , let them bear me that can . Forward dear Steward ."], "true_target": ["Nothing but drink Sir , three hundred pounds in drink .", "What think you Gentlemen by all this Revenue in Drink ?", "I will either convert theeor presently confound thee and thy reckonings , who 's there ? Call in the Gentlemen .", "Faith I may choose my course : they say nature brings forth none but she provides for them : I'le try her liberality .", "This ministers the smoak , and this the Muses .", "I do remember thee a foolish fellow , one that did put his trust in Almanacks , and Horse-fairs , and rose by Hony and Pot-butter . Shall they come in yet ?", "Get us good Whores , and for your part , I'le board you in an", "Ephemerides ?", "Nay , you shall know both who I am , and where I am .", "Know this old Harry Groat .", "I , and \u2018 tis well said my old peer of France : welcome", "Steward .", "Prethee expound the first .", "This is a man of War , and cryes go on , and wears his colours .", "If it be refer 'd to him , if I be not found in Carnation Jearsie-stockins , blew devils breeches , with the gards down , and my pocket i'th \u2019 sleeves , I'le n'er look you i'th \u2019 face again .", "It shall be so , we'l have it all in Drink , let Meat and Lodging go , they are transitory , and shew men meerly mortal : then we'l have Wenches , every one his Wench , and every week a fresh one : we'l keep no powdered flesh : all these we have by warrant , under the title of things necessary . Here upon this place I ground it , The obedience of my people , and all necessaries : your opinions Gentlemen ?", "Alehouse , you shall have Cheese and Onions ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 117}, {"query": ["Sir , I hope you will not make so little of me ?", "By your favour Sir , you shall pardon me ?", "Brother to dispose of it .", "A comelier wear I wuss it is than those dangling slops ."], "true_target": ["Nay then I must unfold your Brothers pleasure , these be the lessons", "Sir , he left behind him .", "I leave to maintain my house three hundred pounds a year ; and my", "Good Sir remember ?", "Nay then you stir my duty , and I must tell you ?"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 117}, {"query": ["If you come in the way of a Suitor , No .", "A suitor I know by his riding hard , I'le not be seen .", "Lover thou art , more such God send us .", "O \u2019 my credit I swear , I think \u2018 twas made for me :", "Fear no other Suitors .", "You have delivered your errand to me then : there 's no danger in a hansome young fellow : I'le shew my self ."], "true_target": ["Sir , I am worthily proud to be a Servant of hers .", "The Gods of the Winds befriend you Sir ; a constant and a liberal", "I will commend this message to her ; but if you aim at her body , you will be deluded : other women of the household of good carriage and government ; upon any of which if you can cast your affection , they will perhaps be found as faithfull and not so coy .", "I know , I know , and do not you fear the Suitors .", "She is no stragler Sir .", "Sir , it is not so hard to atchieve , but nature may bring it about ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 117}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis Harry : but you cannot proceed orderly now in your Catechism : for you have told me who gave me that name . Shall I beg your name ?", "I will uphold it as good as any of my Ancestors had this two hundred years Sir .", "For these comfortable words , I remain your glad Debtor . Is your", "But the Inhabitants of this house do often imploy you on errands without any scruple of Conscience .", "What room fill you in this house ?", "May her occasions admit me to speak with her ?", "What 's that , a Cross ? there 's a tester .", "Sir , my name calls me Welford .", "Lady , I should be as proud to be a Servant of yours , did not my so late acquaintance make me despair .", "A Cobler , Sir ?", "What a skin full of lust is this ? I thought I had come a wooing , and I am the courted partie . This is right Court fashion : Men , Women , and all woo , catch that catch may . If this soft hearted woman have infused any of her tenderness into her Lady , there is hope she will be plyant . But who 's here ?"], "true_target": ["And much speed Sir , I hope : certainly I am arrived amongst a Nation of new found fools , on a Land where no Navigator has yet planted wit ; if I had foreseen it , I would have laded my breeches with bells , knives , copper , and glasses , to trade with women for their virginities : yet I fear , I should have betrayed my self to a needless charge then : here 's the walking night-cap again .", "I shall obey your Lady that sent it , and acknowledge you that brought it to be your Arts Master .", "The more the merrier : but may my boldness know , why your Lady hath sent you to decypher my name ?", "A prettie Hall this , no Servant i n't ? I would look freshly .", "Lady at home ?", "To know whether it might become your function to bid my man to neglect his horse a little to attend on me .", "I pray you doe so then : the whilst I will attend your Lady . You direct all this house in the true way ?", "Let'em not stand still , we have rid .", "I am only allyed to his vertues Sir .", "And this door I hope conducts to your Lady ?", "Lady , may it please you to bestow upon a stranger the ordinary grace of salutation : Are you the Lady of this house ?", "I know your affable vertue will be moved to perswade her , that a Gentleman benighted and strayed , offers to be bound to her for a nights lodging ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 117}, {"query": ["I knew a worshipfull and a Religious Gentleman of your name in the Bishoprick of Durham . Call you him Cousen ?", "Sir , you are a Gentleman of a good name . I'le try his wit .", "I mean the name which your God-fathers and God-mothers gave you at the Font .", "Roger .", "I doe Sir .", "Christianity with me too ."], "true_target": ["Gad save you Sir . My Lady lets you know she desires to be acquainted with your name , before she confer with you ?", "Her own words were these : To know whether you were a formerly denyed Suitor , disguised in this message : for I can assure you she delights not in Thalame : Hymen and she are at variance , I shall return with much hast .", "It is modestly said : I should carry the badge of your", "More rooms than one .", "Most properly Sir .", "Sir , my Ladies pleasure is to see you : who hath commanded me to acknowledge her sorrow , that you must take the pains to come up for so bad entertainment .", "No Sir , I inculcate Divine Service within these Walls ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 117}, {"query": ["Your understanding is ingenious ."], "true_target": ["Yes , I do take the air many mornings on foot , three or four miles for eggs : but why move you that ?", "I am but a Batchelor of Art , Sir ; and I have the mending of all under this roof , from my Lady on her down-bed , to the maid in the Pease-straw ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 117}, {"query": ["Good Sir .", "But will you keep no house Sir ?", "And you the Cloaths , and Meat , and Money , you have a goodly generation of \u2018 em , pray let them multiply , your Brother 's house is big enough , and to say truth , h'as too much Land , hang it durt .", "Of your gold you mean Sir .", "Are you my Masters Brother ?", "Has given himself into the hands of Varlets , not to be carv 'd out . Sir , are these the pieces ?", "\u2018 Tis even enough o \u2019 Conscience ; sit down , and rest you , you are at the end of the world already . Would you had as good a Living Sir , as this fellow could lie you out of , he has a notable gift i n't .", "Attendance , Apparel , and the obedience of my people .", "Brother will come home .", "\u2018 Tis much .", "I do believe you ."], "true_target": ["with", "O miserable house , and miserable I that live to see it ! Good Sir keep some meat .", "Whilest he bears himself like a Gentleman , and my credit falls not in him . Mark that my good young Sir , mark that .", "This is your Brothers will , and as I take it , he makes no mention of such company as you would draw unto you . Captains of Gallyfoists , such as in a clear day have seen Callis , fellows that have no more of God , than their Oaths come to : they wear swords to reach fire at a Play , and get there the oyl 'd end of a Pipe , for their Guerdon : then the remnant of your Regiment , are wealthy Tobacco-Marchants , that set up with one Ounce , and break for three : together with a Forlorn hope of Poets , and all these look like Carthusians , things without linnen : Are these fit company for my Masters Brother ?", "Brother 's wildness with his care .", "Good Sir let me expound it ?", "Sir , you will take my Purse .", "What shall become of me , no Chimney smoaking ? Well Prodigal , your", "In 's nose .", "Next it is my will , that he be furnished", "Next , that my Steward keep his place , and power , and bound my", "Then God help us all I say ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 117}, {"query": ["Sir I will take your love ."], "true_target": ["And study to continue it ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 117}, {"query": ["I am dry till it be so ."], "true_target": ["I have seen more Sir .", "We will not talk wisely neither ?"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 117}, {"query": ["He is , he is .", "Merry as mirth and wine , my lovely Loveless ."], "true_target": ["\u2018 Tis plain and evident that he meant Wenches .", "Here be as sound men , as your self Sir .", "I am all for Drink ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 117}, {"query": ["He that will not cry Amen to this , let him live sober , seem wise , and dye o'th \u2019 Coram ."], "true_target": ["A serious look shall be a Jury to excommunicate any man from our company .", "This do I hold to be the interpretation of it : In this word Necessary , is concluded all that be helps to Man ; Woman was made the first , and therefore here the chiefest ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 117}, {"query": ["This is no Thames-street , Sir .", "You will not sure ?", "I like this mirth well Lady .", "By this light you love me extreamly .", "It is a good one Ladie .", "I should have been undone then . Pray leave me , and look to your sweet-meats ; hark , your Ladie calls .", "He saies he comes from Sea , where I believe ,", "Press to your privacies , and no denial", "This is a sudden passion , God hold it .", "Me thinks yours is none of the best Ladie .", "Come , come , you cannot hide it .", "This fellow out of his fear sure has", "This is the strangest pampered piece of flesh towards fifty , that ever frailty copt withal , what a trim lennoy here she has put upon me ; these women are a proud kind of Cattel , and love this whorson doing so directly , that they will not stick to make their very skins Bawdes to their flesh . Here 's Dogskin and Storax sufficient to kill a Hawk : what to do with it , besides nailing it up amongst Irish heads of Teere , to shew the mightiness of her Palm , I know not : there she is . I must enter into Dialogue . Lady you have lost your Glove .", "It was my meaning Lady to restore it .", "Why he will rudely without once God bless you ,", "I must kiss you .", "Mingled with lees of Ale , shall reek in fashion :", "Avoid old Satanus : Go daub your ruines , your face looks fouler than a storm : the Foot-man stayes for you in the Lobby Lady .", "Indeed I must .", "This is a fine fellow .", "Must stand betwixt your person and his business ;", "As I would use you , scurvilie .", "This uncivil fellow ;", "I let go his ill Language .", "You have made me one , Farewell : and may the curse of a great house fall upon thee , I mean the Butler . The devil and all his works are in these women , would all of my sex were of my mind , I would make \u2018 em a new Lent , and a long one , that flesh might be in more reverence with them .", "Mistress I am bold .", "Such lousie Gentlemen shall find their business", "Sir you shall see that : will you get you out ?", "H'as purg 'd away his manners ."], "true_target": ["This is no place for such companions ,", "Better i'th \u2019 Suburbs , there your strong pitch perfume ,", "Perswaded her . I'le give him a new suit o n't .", "A hundred I think by your noise .", "That you shall not neither .", "So am I , that you are here .", "A Dog can doe it better ; Farwell Countess , and commend me to your Ladie , tell her she 's proud , and scurvie , and so I commit you both to your tempter .", "I had rather wear a Bell . But hark you Mistres , what hidden vertue is there in this Glove , that you would have me wear it ? Is't good against sore eyes , or will it charm the Toothach ? Or these red tops ; being steept in white wine soluble , wil't kill the Itch ? Or has it so conceal 'd a providence to keep my hand from Bonds ? If it have none of these and prove no more but a bare Glove of half a Crown a pair , \u2018 twill be but half a courtesie , I wear two alwayes , faith let 's draw cuts , one will do me no pleasure .", "Art thou no more ?", "I have too much of that I thank you Ladie : take your Chamber when you please , there goes a black one with you Ladie .", "I am in another world , Madam where you please .", "A thousand waies , a thousand waies ; sweet creature let me depart in peace .", "Prethee what art thou ?", "This fellow with his bluntness hopes to do more than the long sutes of a thousand could ; though he be sowre he 's quick , I must not trust him . Sir , this Lady is not to speak with you , she is more serious : you smell as if you were new calkt ; go and be hansome , and then you may sit with her Servingmen .", "Of a roasted horse .", "Are you in earnest ?", "Guess by my outside .", "To send you to me , \u2018 Pray goe stitch , good doe , y'are more trouble to me than a Term .", "Adage , keep your nose warm , the Rheum will make it horn else \u2014", "You must have it .", "Would you have spoke with me Madam ?", "Come pray no more of this .", "And will that one life , Sir , maintain you ever in such bold sawciness ?", "Do not you love me then ?", "Good angry thing I'le tell you :", "You so overjoyed me Lady .", "Y'are nothing but offence , for Gods love leave me .", "As fit as they were made for ye : Sirrah , my horses . Farwell old", "What are you ? And what business have you here ?"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 118}, {"query": ["Why , I am one .", "No by my troth shall you not .", "I am sorry M. Welford .", "Sir , I shall borrow so much time without offence .", "Not Sir , if you have found it .", "\u2018 Tis strange my Ladie should be such a tyrant ?", "Conster me that ?", "How does my Ladie use you ?", "Sweet Mr. Welford .", "Madam ; Jesus they foin at one another .", "The Warlike Eele-boats have bestowed upon thee ,", "You would be beaten out ?", "And know my Lady speaks with no Swabbers .", "O their things are out , help , help for Gods sake ,", "The tenderness of his years keeps him as yet in ignorance , he 's a well moulded fellow , and I wonder his bloud should stir no higher ; but \u2018 tis his want of company : I must grow nearer to him .", "This Gentleman informs you truly :"], "true_target": ["Since you are angrie Sir , I am bold to tell you that I am a woman , and a rib .", "Go and reform thy self , prethee be sweeter ,", "\u2018 Twill be uncivil in me to take back a favour , Fortune hath so well bestowed Sir , pray wear it for me .", "I should have been more kind Sir .", "Enter Lady .", "The blessings of a Prodigal young heir be thy companions Welford , marry come up my Gentleman , are your gums grown so tender they cannot bite ? A skittish Filly will be your fortune Welford , and fair enough for such a packsaddle . And I doubt notto see her made to amble to your hand .", "Madam , why , who is within there ?", "And pardon you Sir ; this is somewhat rude , how came you hither ?", "What Creature Sir ? I hope I am a woman .", "Prethee be satisfied , and seek the Suburbs ,", "Who would this fellow speak with ? Art thou sober ?", "I do not know how my good will , if I said love I lied not , should any way deserve this ?", "Why am not I good enough for you Sir ?", "If you were a Gentleman , I should know it by your gentle conditions : are these fit words to give a Gentlewoman ?", "How many lives hast thou , that thou talk'st thus rudely ?", "Good Captain , or what ever title else ,", "Thou dost not come to quarrel ?"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 118}, {"query": ["That turn 'd him desperate .", "So he had mist this misery , you Lady .", "And for you , Sir , whose tender gentle blood", "There is no other Purgatorie but a Woman . I must doe something .", "Will you then marry ?", "\u2018 Tis that , that if you have a soul will choak it :", "That are ; I spare you all to come too : guess him now ?", "And as the first was , made for mans undoing .", "No , not with women ; I come to speak here with a Gentlewoman .", "Then you can love .", "Because the least acquaintance : But there be", "Of wit you pick from Plays , go to , I have found ye :", "Men of imployment to ye , you may live ,", "Injoined to Travel .", "You and your cruelty have kill 'd him Woman ,", "I do not like that .", "I left you as a curb for , not to provoke my Brothers follies : where 's the best drink , now ? come , tell me Savil ; where 's the soundest Whores ? Ye old he Goat , ye dried Ape , ye lame Stallion , must you be leading in my house your Whores , like Fairies dance their night rounds , without fear either of King or Constable , within my walls ? Are all my Hangings safe ; my Sheep unfold yet ? I hope my Plate is currant , I ha \u2019 too much o n't . What say you to 300 pounds in drink now ?", "Trust me you move me much : but say he lived , these were forgotten things again .", "Though I seem course .", "Yes more than thou dar'st be ; a Souldier .", "I ask you mercy : yet \u2018 tis no matter , his Knighthood is no inheritance I take it : whatsoever he is , he is your Servant , or would be , Lady . Faith be not merciless , but make a man ; he 's young and handsome , though he be my Brother , and his observances may deserve your Love : he shall not fail for means .", "I thank ye : yes , e'ne pursue it Sir : do you hear ? get a Whore soon for your recreation : go look out Captain Broken-breech your fellow , and Quarrel if you dare : I shall deliver these Keys to one shall have more honesty , though not so much fine wit Sir . You may walk and gather Cresses fit to cool your Liver ; there 's something for you to begin a Diet , you'l have the Pox else . Speed you well , Sir Savil : you may eat at my house to preserve life ; but keep no Fornication in the Stables .", "But three pil 'd people , I do let you know ,", "Why then he lives still , I am he , your Loveless .", "\u2018 Tis somewhat of the latest now to weep ,", "Why through the doors , they are open .", "But not so serious to pawn my life for't :", "You have done that ,", "This young thing too ?", "But not with one so gentle .", "Prethee be gone , and rave at home , thou art so base a fool I cannot laugh at thee : Sirrah , this comes of couzening , home and spare , eat Reddish till you raise your sums again . If you stir far in this , I'le have you whipt , your ears nail 'd for intelligencing o'the Pillory , and your goods forfeit : you are a stale couzener , leave my house : no more .", "The hast I come withal , a passage to you ,", "Can make no men Sir : I will see this Lady ,", "What does he tarry for ?", "And such a man", "As muchas thou art , I am a Gentleman .", "But in what fame ?", "Indeed I would not , or if I would be beaten ,", "Wandered farther than Women are ill spoken of ,", "Looks as if he were o'th \u2019 peace .", "To you good Mr. Savil and your Office , thus much I have to say : Y'are from my Steward become , first your own Drunkard , then his Bawd : they say y'are excellent grown in both , and perfect : give me your keys Sir Savil .", "Leave to love others , \u2018 twas some jealousie", "More I believe than you have .", "I must stay here then ?", "Y'ave kill 'd a Gentleman .", "Whose least worth weighed above all womens vertues", "Stop her mouth . I hope you shall not live to know that hour when this shall be repented . Now Brother I should chide , but I'le give no distaste to your fair Mistress . I will instruct her i n't and she shall do't : you have been wild and ignorant , pray mend it ."], "true_target": ["I like this well : these women are strange things .", "Repent you mean , you are a perfect Woman ,", "Yes , that , that shall correct your boys tongue . Dare you fight , I will stay here still .", "Pray who shall beat me ? this good Gentleman", "Would he had mist his way too , though he had", "But one , one , I am neither Cat nor Woman .", "And scap 'd the storm , how would you answer this ?", "Well enough I hope . While I can keep my self out from temptations .", "By your leave Gentlemen ?", "You had a Servant that your peevishness", "And chain 'd him with those tears at home .", "Me thinks thou shouldst be drunk still , and not speak , \u2018 tis the more pardonable .", "I have made my self a fine fool .", "Yes , I come not here to sleep .", "will to shame", "You cannot talk me out with your tradition", "In these old Ornaments .", "If you keep this quarter , and maintain about you", "Runs in your Nose , and makes you snuff at all ,", "So , \u2018 tis better I were drown 'd indeed .", "I am glad you look before you . Gentlewoman , here is a poor distressed younger Brother .", "Brother dismiss these people .", "Yes , amongst a Nation of such men as you are , and be no worse for wearing , shall I speak with this Lady ?", "Such Knights o'th \u2019 Sun as this is , to defie", "He flung his wild words at me : but to you", "Blast your black memory .", "I think he did no honour , to deny", "And with the reverence of your silkenship ,", "You have forgot your lost Love .", "I must confess I have the least curse in", "Then I take you Sir , for some new silken thing wean 'd from the Country , that shallbe beaten into better manners . Pray good proud Gentlewoman , help me to your Mistress .", "This works amain upon her .", "He that begot your worships Sattin-sute ,", "I will to Sea , and \u2018 t shall goe hard but I'le be drown 'd indeed .", "But say that I were Loveless ,", "I would she had told you your second should be hang 'd too , and let that come about : but this is very strange .", "Good fine thing tell me why ?", "God save you both .", "What is this fellow , Brother ?", "Your way you'l be too good , pray end my business . This is another Sutor , O frail Woman !", "Sure Sir I shall .", "You should have wept when he was going from you ,", "Thousands when they shall know what I deliver ,", "I am glad to hear it Brother , pray God you are wise too .", "Madam some I have ,", "Sir , I am not fine yet . I am but new come over , direct me with your ticket to your Taylor , and then I shall be fine Sir . Lady if there be a better of your Sex within this house , say I would see her .", "Wrong me he cannot , though uncivilly"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 118}, {"query": ["Lo . Then have your asking , and be griev 'd he 's dead ;", "Next , I should rail at you , but you are a Woman ,", "Sought to preserve their Souls , he desperately", "How you will answer for his worth , I know not ,", "Imbrac 'd a Wave , crying to all that saw it ,", "Bulg 'd under us ; in which sad parting blow ,", "Lo . First , I thank you for schooling this young fellow ,", "On you unhappy Woman , and whilest all", "He call 'd upon his Saint , but not for life ,", "Of what he might have been . He was a man", "To have given a stronger testimony to th \u2019 world", "Daily to fall into , if you but frown ,"], "true_target": ["Were stark mad , else he might have liv 'd", "Whom his own follies , which he 's prone enough", "But this I am sure , either he , or you , or both", "And now you have my business .", "Forc 'd by a Tyrant storm our beaten Bark", "I knew but in his evening , ten Suns after ,", "And anger 's lost upon you .", "To this untimely end , and make her happy :", "Lo . What are you Sir ?", "His name was Loveless : And I scap't the storm ,", "Shall level him a way to his repentance :", "If any live , go to my Fate that forc 'd me"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 118}, {"query": ["I'le be with you straight : are you wrung there ?", "Though it please you to think me hard and cruel ,", "You shall have more o n't .", "I never did you wrong , for to my knowledge", "Or if you'l call in more , if any more", "Take heed you surfeit not , pray fast and welcom .", "Indeed I can , where you shall never find it .", "Now Sir , your business ?", "I will not promise , take your choice . Farewell .", "Why what of him ?", "Would I had been that storm , he had not perisht .", "Why at me Sir ?", "And shall have no protection . And to you Sir ,", "Sir , you have mist your way , I am not she .", "What they can say , I do confess my self", "Have borrowed power , I never gave you here ,", "I will not : Fare you well . Ho , who 's within there ? bring out the", "And vow 'd a thousand services to me ; to me , regardless of him : But since Fate , that no power can withstand , has taken from me my first , and best love , and to weep away my youth is a mere folly , I will shew you what I determine sir : you shall know all : Call M. Welford there : That Gentleman I mean to make the model of my Fortunes , and in his chast imbraces keep alive the memory of my lost lovely Loveless : he is somewhat like him too .", "Still , and shall be griev 'd \u2018 twere otherwise .", "How is this good Sir ?", "What must be , must be ; I'le take my leave , you have your parting blow : I pray commend me to those few friends you have , that sent you hither , and tell them when you travel next , \u2018 twere fit you brought less bravery with you , and more wit , you'le never get a wife else .", "Yes M. Welford , and I ask your pardon before this Gentleman for being froward : this kiss , and henceforth more affection .", "\u2018 Tis too much .", "So far , that I should make you Master of my business ;", "You have shew 'd more heat than wit , and from your self", "By this , and to morrows light , I care not for you .", "A guiltie cause in this . I would say more ,", "Shorten your youth , I pray be better temper 'd :", "Yes , for that face .", "If you'l rail now I will forgive you Sir .", "Sir , have you business with me ?", "My credit yet stands fairer with the people", "That young thing too ,", "But grief is grown too great to be delivered ."], "true_target": ["You are indeed .", "Gentlemans horses , he 's in haste ; and set some cold meat on the Table .", "Why for that Gentleman I would leave all the world .", "With hazard of a murther ; if your love", "No by my troth Sir ; yet o \u2019 my conscience , You would make shift with it .", "I am so innocent I cannot Sir .", "And there in honour of some common Mistress ,", "Such a one I have", "Farewell young man .", "Not doting yet on your unknown deserts", "To do these vile unmanly things : my house", "Leap into this matter , whither would ye ?", "Is no blind street to swagger in ; and my favours", "I , say you so ? Sure I should know that voice : this is knavery . I'le fit you for it . Were he living Sir , I would perswade you to be charitable , I , and confess we are not all so ill as your opinion holds us . O my friend , what penance shall I pull upon my fault , upon my most unworthy self for this ?", "How do you do , Sir ?", "Come from this ruine , I shall justly suffer", "Yes certainly Sir ?", "I hope I shall perswade you otherwise .", "To do me service , must not think to win me", "Excuse me gentle Sir , \u2018 twas from my knowledge ,", "This is the first sight of you .", "Has born me long good will .", "Pray stay Sir , who has wrong 'd you ?", "Who breeds this rudeness ?", "And give me leave a while Sir .", "No Sir .", "Yes faith . Will you eat Sir , your horses will be readie straight , you shall have a napkin laid in the butterie for ye .", "Than to be tried with swords ; and they that come", "Or any young thing else : why , I would lose my state .", "Alas I knew it Sir , and for that purpose prepared this Pageant : get you to your task . And leave these Players tricks , or I shall leave you , indeed I shall . Travel , or know me not .", "I kill 'd a Gentleman !", "Consist in fury , carry it to the Camp :", "I do confess there is a Gentleman", "Yes , if it were not warpt , the fire in time may mend it ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 118}, {"query": ["Now Sir you see I am no such hard creature ,", "But time may win me .", "Alas Sir , what would you have me do ? I cannot call him back again with sorrow ; I'le love this man as dearly , and beshrow me I'le keep him far enough from Sea , and \u2018 twas told me , now I remember me , by an old wise woman , that my first Love should be drown 'd , and see \u2018 tis come about ."], "true_target": ["Would you had told me then so , these two arms had been his Sea .", "To wait me in the Gallerie .", "A parting kiss , and good Sir , let me pray you", "Faith Sir , consider all , and then I know you'le be of my mind : if weeping would redeem him , I would weep still ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 118}, {"query": ["It shall goe round boy ."], "true_target": ["Save thy brave shoulder , my young puissant Knight , and may thy back Sword bite them to the bone that love thee not , thou art an errant man , go on . The circumcis 'd shall fall by thee . Let Land and labour fill the man that tills , thy sword must be thy plough , and Jove it speed . Mecha shall sweat , and Mahomet shall fall , and thy dear name fill up his monument ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 118}, {"query": ["One Worthy is too little , thou shalt be all ."], "true_target": ["Poet , you feign perdie , the wit of this man lies in his fingers ends , he must tell all ; his tongue fills his mouth like a neats tongue , and only serves to lick his hungrie chaps after a purchase : his brains and brimstone are the devils diet to a fat usurers head : To her Knight , to her : clap her aboard , and stow her . Where 's the brave Steward ?", "Expoud her throughly Knight . Here God o \u2019 gold , here 's to thy fair possessions ; Be a Baron and a bold one : leave off your tickling of young heirs like Trouts , and let thy Chimnies smoke . Feed men of war , live and be honest , and be saved yet ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 118}, {"query": ["Here 's e'ne to him .", "I thank you worthie Captain for your counsel . You keep your Chimnies smoking there , your nostrils , and when you can , you feed a man of War , this makes you not a Baron , but a bare one : and how or when you shall be saved , let the Clark o'th \u2019 companiehave a just care of ."], "true_target": ["Captain I shall deserve some of your love too .", "Pardon me Captain , y'are beside my meaning ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 118}, {"query": ["Be blithe and bonny steward : Master Morecraft , Drink to this man of reckoning ?", "Or provok her . Speak my modern man , I say provoke her ."], "true_target": ["Away , th'art rich in ornaments of nature . First in thy face , thou hast a serious face , a betting , bargaining , and saving face , a rich face , pawn it to the Usurer ; a face to kindle the compassion of the most ignorant and frozen Justice .", "Thou shalt have heart and hand too , noble Morecraft , if them wilt lend me mony . I am a man of Garrison , be rul 'd , and open to me those infernal gates , whence none of thy evil Angels pass again , and I will stile thee noble , nay Don Diego . I'le woo thy Infanta for thee , and my Knight shall feast her with high meats , and make her apt ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 118}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis yet time . Be merrie , me thinks you want wine there , there 's more i'th \u2019 house . Captain , where rests the health ?", "Captain be gone a while , meet me at my old Randevouse in the evening , take your small Poet with you . Mr. Morecraft you were best go prattle with your learned Counsel , I shall preserve your mony , I was couzen 'd when time was , we are quit Sir .", "Come come , thou shalt live better .", "Say you can suffer this , because the end points at much profit , can you so far bow below your blood , below your too much beautie , to be a partner of this fellowes bed , and lie with his diseases ? if you can , I will nopress you further : yet look upon him : there 's nothing in that hide-bound Usurer , that man of mat , that all decai 'd , but aches , for you to love , unless his perisht lungs , his drie cough , or his scurvie . This is truth , and so far I dare speak yet : he has yet past cure of Physick , spaw , or any diet , a primitive pox in his bones ; and o \u2019 my Knowledge he has been ten times rowell 'd : ye may love him ; he had a bastard , his own toward issue , whipt , and then cropt for washing out the roses , in three farthings to make \u2018 em pence .", "You must not like him then .", "By my troth sir you are welcom , welcom faith : Lord what a stranger you are grown ; pray know this Gentlewoman , and if you please these friends here : we are merry , you see the worst o n't ; your house has been kept warm Sir .", "But howsoever you expound it sir , she 's very welcom , and this shall serve for witness . And Widow , since y'are come so happily , you shall deliver up the keyes , and free possession of this house , whilst I stand by to ratifie .", "\u2018 Tis past that Widow , come , sit down , some wine there , there is a scurvie banquet if we had it . All this fair house is yours Sir Savil ?", "Drink Master Morecraft , pray be merrie all :", "Are your keyes readie , I must ease your burden .", "Nay and you will not drink there 's no societie ,"], "true_target": ["No Sir , pray keep the Sale , \u2018 twill make good Tailors measures ;", "Sir , every day now Spring comes on .", "\u2018 Tis well said Widow : will you jog on Sir ?", "Captain speak loud , and drink : widow , a word .", "Consider what I told you , you are young , unapt for worldly business : Is it fit one of such tenderness , so delicate , so contrarie to things of care , should stir and break her better meditations , in the bare brokage of a brace of Angels ? or a new Kirtel , though it be Satten ? eat by the hope of surfeits , and lie down only in expectation of a morrow , that may undo some easie hearted fool , or reach a widows curses ? Let out mony , whose use returns the principal ? and get out of these troubles , a consuming heir : For such a one must follow necessarily , you shall die hated , if not old and miserable ; and that possest wealth that you got with pining , live to see tumbled to anothers hands , that is no more a kin to you , than you to his couzenage .", "Sir to be Landlord of your House and State : I was bold to make a little sale Sir .", "The thirsty Usurer that supt my Land off .", "Nay good Sir , make all even , here 's a Widow wants your good word for me , she 's rich , and may renew me and my fortunes .", "Pray Mr. Morecraft know my elder Brother , and Captain do you complement . Savil I dare swear is glad at heart to see you ; Lord , we heard Sir you were drown 'd at Sea , and see how luckily things come about !", "No Mr. Morecraft , \u2018 tis the Captains meaning I should prepare her for ye .", "I am well I thank you ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 118}, {"query": ["The man is much moved . Be not angrie Sir , but as the Poet sings , let your displeasure be a short furie , and goe out . You have spoke home , and bitterly , to me Sir . Captain take truce , the Miser is a tart and a wittie whorson \u2014"], "true_target": ["Captain , I say so too , or stir her to it . So say the Criticks ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 118}, {"query": ["By my troth the Gentleman has stew 'd him in his own Sawce , I shall love him for't .", "You do him wrong Sir , he 's a Knight .", "I had rather give it back again believe me , \u2018 Tis a miserie to say you had it . Take heed ?"], "true_target": ["Good twelve i'th \u2019 hundred keep your way , I am not for your diet , marry in your own Tribe Jew , and get a Broker .", "Better and better still .", "Sir you speak like a worthy Brother : and so much I do credit your fair Language , that I shall love your Brother : and so love him , but I shall blush to say more ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 118}, {"query": ["Yes Sir .", "Good Sir consider whom you left me to ."], "true_target": ["\u2018 Tis such I dare not shew it shortly sir .", "Here 's your poor friend , and Savil Sir .", "The Devil guide it downward : would there were i n't an acre of the great broom field he bought , to sweep your durtie Conscience , or to choak ye , \u2018 tis all one to me , Usurer ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 118}, {"query": ["I will run mad first , and if that get not pitty ,", "I'le drown my self , to a most dismal ditty .", "Now must I hang my self , my friends will look for't .", "I am readie Sir to be undone , when you shall call me to't ."], "true_target": ["I shall have less to doe , that 's all , there 's half a dozen of my friends i'th \u2019 fields sunning against a bank , with half a breech among \u2018 em , I shall be with \u2018 em shortly . The care and continuall vexation of being rich , eat up this rascall . What shall become of my poor familie , they are no sheep , and they must keep themselves .", "Good Sir forgive me , and but hear me speak ?", "Eating and sleeping , I do despise you both now :", "I will Sir , if you will have it so .", "I know not where I am , I am so glad : your worship is the welcom'st man alive ; upon my knees I bid you welcome home : here has been such a hurry , such a din , such dismal Drinking , Swearing and Whoring , \u2018 thas almost made me mad : we have all liv 'd in a continual Turnbal-street ; Sir , blest be Heaven , that sent you safe again , now shall I eat and go to bed again ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 118}, {"query": ["Sir you speak well , would God that charity had first begun here ."], "true_target": ["I do not like these Morals ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 118}, {"query": ["Am I overreach 'd ? if there be Law I'le hamper ye .", "But when I trust a wild Fool , and a Woman ,", "A pox upon your house . Come Widow , I shall yet hamper this young"], "true_target": ["Gamester .", "May I lend Gratis , and build Hospitals .", "Yes , I will go , but \u2018 tis no matter whither :", "This mony must be paid again Sir ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 118}, {"query": ["Alas poor Gentlewoman , to what a misery hath Age brought thee : to what a scurvy Fortune ! Thou that hast been a Companion for Noblemen , and at the worst of those times for Gentlemen : now like a broken Servingman , must beg for favour to those , that would have crawl 'd like Pilgrims to my Chamber but for an Apparition of me . You that be coming on , make much of fifteen , and so till five and twenty : use your time with reverence , that your profits may arise : it will not tarry with you , Ecce signum : here was a face , but time that like a surfeit eats our youth , plague of his iron teeth , and draw \u2018 em for't , has been a little bolder here than welcome : and now to say the truth , I am fit for no man . Old men i'th \u2019 house of fifty , call me Granum ; and when they are drunk , e'ne then , when Jone and my Lady are all one , not one will do me reason . My little Levite hath forsaken me , his silver sound of Cittern quite abolish,is doleful hymns under my Chamber window , digested into tedious learning : well fool , you leapt a Haddock when you left him : he 's a clean man , and a good edifier , and twenty nobles is his state de claro , besides his pigs in posse . To this good Homilist I have been ever stubborn , which God forgive me for , and mend my manners : and Love , if ever thou hadst care of forty , of such a piece of lape ground , hear my prayer , and fire his zeal so far forth that my faults in this renued impression of my love may shew corrected to our gentle reader . Enter Roger . See how negligently he passes by me : with what an Equipage Canonical , as though he had broken the heart of Bellarmine , or added something to the singing Brethren . \u2018 Tis scorn , I know it , and deserve it , Mr. Roger .", "O Sir , you have pierc 'd me thorow . Here I vow a recantation to those malicious faults I ever did against you . Never more will I despise your learning , never more pin cards and cony tails upon your Cassock , never again reproach your reverend nightcap , and call it by the mangie name of murrin , never your reverend person more , and say , you look like one of Baals Priests in a hanging , never again when you say grace laugh at you , nor put you out at prayers : never cramp you more , nor when you ride , get Sope and Thistles for you . No my Roger , these faults shall be corrected and amended , as by the tenour of my tears appears ."], "true_target": ["I had rather knit again than see that rascall , but I must doe it .", "Hang him Paddock .", "As well as I could Madam . But this is still your way , to love being absent , and when he 's with you , laugh at him and abuse him . There 's another way if you could hit o n't ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 119}, {"query": ["I do not think I can ,", "I thank you for it , surely I will be wiser Abigal : and as the Ethnick Poet sings , I will not lose my oyl and labour too . Y'are for the worshipfull I take it Abigal .", "Fair Gentlewoman , my name is Roger .", "Y'are like a Copy-hold with nine lives i n't .", "I am mollified , as well shall testifie this faithfull kiss , and have a great care Mistris Abigal how you depress the Spirit any more with your rebukes and mocks : for certainly the edge of such a follie cuts it self .", "Nay , nay , I do beseech you leave your cogging , what they are , they are , they serve me without Spectacles I thank \u2018 em .", "I was a Christian fool then : Do you remember what a dance you led me ? how I grew qualm 'd in love , and was a dunce ? could expound but once a quarter , and then was out too : and then out of the stinking stir you put me in , I prayed for my own issue . You do remember all this ?"], "true_target": ["Ungentle Abigal .", "Now cannot I hold if I should be hang 'd , I must crie too . Come to thine own beloved , and do even what thou wilt with me sweet , sweet Abigal . I am thine own for ever : here 's my hand , when Roger proves a recreant , hang him i'th \u2019 Bel-ropes .", "Good my Ladies Gentlewoman , or my good Ladies Gentlewomanleave your prating , you have a season of your first mother in ye : and surely had the Devil been in love , he had been abused too : go Dalilah , you make men fools , and wear Fig-breeches .", "I humbly ask your pardon : I'le clap up Prayers , but stay a little , and be with you again .", "I they were pearls once with you .", "You are weak indeed : for so the Poet sings .", "I like these tears well , and this humbling also , they are Symptomes of contrition . If I should fall into my fit again , would you not shake me into a quotidian Coxcombe ? Would you not use me scurvily again , and give me possets with purging Confets i n't ? I tell thee Gentlewoman , thou hast been harder to me , than a long pedigree ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 119}, {"query": ["You were wont to bear a Christian fear about you :", "O take it so , and then I am for thee !", "I'le see him hang 'd first , is a beastly fellow to use a woman of my breeding thus ; I marry is he : would I were a man , I'de make him eat his Knaves words !", "O be as then you were !", "Then gentle Roger ?", "For your own worships sake ."], "true_target": ["I'le heat a trencher for him .", "O Curate cure me : I will love thee better , dearer , longer : I will do any thing , betray the secrets of the main house-hold to thy reformation . My Ladie shall look lovingly on thy learning , and when true time shall point thee for a Parson , I will convert thy egges to penny custards , and thy tith goose shall graze and multiply .", "Never , he swears , whilst he can hear men say there 's any woman living : he swore he would ha \u2019 me first .", "I do confess my weakness , sweet Sir Roger .", "Why M'r Roger will you set your wit to a weak womans ?", "O will you kill me ?"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 119}, {"query": ["Sirra , look to't against the quarter Sessions , if there be good behaviour in the world , I'le have thee bound to it .", "Step to her Sir , see how she changes colour ."], "true_target": ["Saving your reverence Sir , so they are still .", "O my Ladie help , help .", "Well , well , hard hearted man ; dilate upon the weak infirmities of women : these are fit texts , but once there was a time , would I had never seen those eyes , those eyes , those orient eyes ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 119}, {"query": ["Do you not love me then ?", "Is all this spoke in earnest ?", "Have you no manners in you ?", "Your own heart knows you wrong me : I cry for ye ?", "As loud and senceless .", "It will say so still , if you anger it .", "You bite Sir ?", "Thou perjur 'd man .", "Then I care not .", "What ails the fellow ?", "Thou saist true , get me paper , pen and ink , I'le write to him , I'de be loth he should sleep in 's anger . Women are most fools when they think th'are wisest .", "Why will you be angry now ?", "Pray put it in good words then .", "Is my Servant well ?", "Art thou here still ? flie , flie , and call my Servant , flie or ne'r see me more .", "I joy to hear you are wise , \u2018 tis a rare Jewel", "Do I know it ?", "Ha , ha , ha , pray do , but take heed though .", "Did you not swear a thousand thousand times you lov 'd me best of all things ?", "Pray Sir no more , I am not so much affected with your commendations , \u2018 tis almost dinner , I know they stay for you at the Ordinary .", "Didst thou intreat him wench ?", "No let me die . She swounds .", "You think all this is true now ?", "You were never any Sir .", "Did you ever think I lov 'd you dearly ?", "Faith \u2018 tis not so much worth Sir :", "That School-boys had couzened of his Apples ,", "Do not denie your hand for I must kiss it , and take my last farewell , now let me die so you be happy .", "By this light hee 'll beat us .", "What makes you here then ?"], "true_target": ["No faith , there 's enough if it be true :", "By this light you are a scurvie fellow , pray be gone .", "They were never fewer .", "How dare you , being so unworthie a fellow ,", "Are you well Sir ?", "One that has us 'd you with too much respect .", "In an Elder Brother : pray be wiser yet .", "Why did you tell me you were wise ? Lord what a lying age is this , where will you mend these faces ?", "Hark ye Sir , hark ye , get ye to the Suburbs , there 's horse flesh for such hounds : will you goe Sir ?", "I'le have a stronger noose to hold the Woodcock .", "But hark you Servant , hark ye : is he gon ? call him again .", "Why do you say you do not then ?", "Shall we be the better by it then ?", "Now he rails .", "Why how now Master Roger , no prayers down with you to night ? Did you hear the bell ring ? You are courting : your flock shall fat well for it .", "Well out with't .", "The carriage of this fellow vexes me . Sir , pray let me speak a little private with you , I must not suffer this .", "And then hee'l rail like a rude Costermonger ,", "But if I knew when you come next a burding ,", "Why the Gods amend all .", "\u2018 Tis well you will allow us our Clergie yet .", "Let him alone , he 's crack't .", "Sure you had a Sow to your Mother .", "Pray Sister do not laugh , you'le anger him ,", "I thank you fine fool for your most fine plot ; this was a subtile one , a stiff device to have caught Dottrels with . Good senceless Sir , could you imagine I should swound for you , and know your self to be an arrant ass ? I , a discovered one . \u2018 Tis quit I thank you Sir . Ha , ha , ha .", "Too much by all my part ; you are no Lover then ?", "I would be loth to anger him too much ; what fine foolery is this in a woman , to use those men most forwardly they love most ? If I should lose him thus , I were rightly served . I hope he 's not so much himself , to take it to th'heart : how now ? will he come back ?", "Presume to come to move me any more ?", "I cannot think yet this is serious .", "You talk like a Tailor Sir .", "Sir this is most unmanly , pray by gon ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 119}, {"query": ["No faith .", "I thank God there 's one less for me Ladie .", "Ha , ha , ha , this is a fine exordium . And why I pray you perjur 'd ?", "Yes , but I see but rotten fruits o n't .", "The fellow comes to laugh at you , I tell you Ladie I would not for your Land , be such a Coxcomb , such a whining Ass , as you decreed me for when I was last here .", "How do ye , reach a chair there ; I confess my fault not pardonable , in pursuing thus upon such tenderness my wilfull error ; but had I known it would have wrought thus with ye , thus strangely , not the world had won me to it , and let notany word spoke to my end disturb your quiet peace : for sooner shall you know a general ruine , than my faith broken . Do not doubt this Mistris , for by my life I cannot live without you . Come , come , you shall not grieve , rather be angrie , and heap infliction upon me : I will suffer . O I could curse my self , pray smile upon me . Upon my faith it was but a trick to trie you , knowing you lov 'd me dearlie , and yet strangely that you would never shew it , though my means was all humilitie .", "And when I askt it , if it would be married , it sent me of an errand into France , and would abuse me , and be glad it did so .", "And swearI was unhansome .", "Such a proud piece of Cobweblawn .", "Green-ginger will cure me .", "Tie your she Otter up , good Lady folly , she stinks worse than a Bear-baiting .", "Lord how I lov 'd this woman , how I worshipt this prettie calf with the white face here : as I live , you were the prettiest fool to play withall , the wittiest little varlet , it would talk : Lord how it talk't ! and when I angred it , it would cry out , and scratch , and eat no meat , and it would say , goe hang .", "Yes and more as soon as I can get it out .", "And may live to have a Beadle doe it .", "You are , let me see .", "You shall before I leave you .", "Will you have more o n't ?", "Till now , and now I am the prettiest fellow .", "Me thinks I am very wise : I do not come a wooing . Indeed I'le move no more love to your Ladiship .", "She brought such fine white Pigs as you , fit for none but", "From thee , false dice , jades , Cowards , and plaguy Summers , good Lord deliver me .", "No , I had rather be a Carrier .", "How now ?", "Yes , you shall hear me .", "That shall not save you . O that I were in love again with a wish .", "And give sufficient reason , your own usage .", "I will not rail .", "Parsons Ladie ."], "true_target": ["Come , come , you would know it ; that 's as good : but not a snap , never long for't , not a snap dear Ladie .", "I am fool 'd , I do confess it , finely fool 'd ,", "You must not seek it in your Ladies house then ; pray send this Ferret home , and spin good Abigal . And Madam , that your Ladiship may know , in what base manner you have us 'd my service , I do from this hour hate thee heartily ; and though your folly should whip you to repentance , and waken you at length to see my wrongs , \u2018 tis not the endeavour of your life shall win me ; not all the friends you have , intercession , nor your submissive letters , though they spoke as many tears as words ; not your knees grown to th \u2019 ground in penitence , nor all your state , to kiss you ; nor my pardon , nor will to give you Christian burial , if you dye thus ; so farewell . When I am married and made sure , I'le come and visit you again , and vex you Ladie . By all my hopes I'le be a torment to you , worse than a tedious winter . I know you will recant and sue to me , but save that labour : I'le rather love a fever and continual thirst , rather contract my youth to drink and sacerdote upon quarrels , or take a drawn whore from an Hospital , that time , diseases , and Mercury had eaten , than to be drawn to love you .", "I'le goe to hell first , and be better welcom .", "I do confess it : make your best of that .", "The worst are good enough for such a trifle ,", "You do deserve it richly ,", "Ha , ha , ha , what would you with me ? You will not ravish me ? Now , your set speech ?", "Ha , ha , ha .", "Only to see you and be merry Ladie : that 's all my business . Faith let 's be very merry . Where 's little Roger ? he 's a good fellow : an hour or two well spent in wholesome mirth , is worth a thousand of these puling passions . \u2018 Tis an ill world for Lovers .", "Neither do I think there can be such a fellow found i'th \u2019 world , to be in love with such a froward woman , if there be such , they 're mad , Jove comfort \u2018 em . Now you have all , and I as new a man , as light , and spirited , that I feel my self clean through another creature . O \u2018 tis brave to be ones own man , I can see you now as I would see a Picture , sit all day by you and never kiss your hand : hear you sing , and never fall backward : but with as set a temper , as I would hear a Fidler , rise and thank you . I can now keep my mony in my purse , that still was gadding out for Scarfes and Wastcoats : and keep my hand from Mercers sheep-skins finely . I can eat mutton now , and feast my self with my two shillings , and can see a play for eighteen pence again : I can my Ladie .", "In being yours I am so .", "I would till the bones crackt , and I had my will .", "Ladie , fool 'd Madam , and I thank you for it .", "Faith whether it be or no , \u2018 tis too good for you . But so much for our mirth : Now have at you in earnest . LThere is enough Sir , I desire no more .", "Goe paint and purge , call in your kennel with you : you a Lady ?", "Come scornfull Folly ,", "You know I am a clean skin 'd man .", "E'ne a short Grace , and then I am gone ; You are a woman , and the proudest that ever lov 'd a Coach : the scornfullest , scurviest , and most senceless woman ; the greediest to be prais 'd , and never mov 'd though it be gross and open ; the most envious , that at the poor fame of anothers face , would eat your own , and more than is your own , the paint belonging to it : of such a self opinion , that you think none can deserve your glove : and for your malice , you are so excellent , you might have been your Tempters tutor : nay , never cry .", "A Hogs face soust is worth a hundred of \u2018 em .", "One that hath us 'd methe basest , the most Foot-boy-like , without respect of what I was , or what you might be by me ; you have us 'd me , as I would use a jade , ride him off 's legs , then turn him to the Commons ; you have us 'd me with discretion , and I thank ye . If you have many more such pretty Servants , pray build an Hospital , and when they are old , pray keep \u2018 em for shame .", "Nay I'le swear it ,", "I have plaid the fine ass : bend her bodie , Lady , best , dearest , worthiest Lady , hear your Servant , I am not as I shew 'd : O wretched fool , to fling away the Jewel of thy life thus . Give her more air , see she begins to stir , sweet Mistress hear me !", "Durty December doe , Thou with a face as old as Erra Pater , such a Prognosticating nose : thou thing that ten years since has left to be a woman , outworn the expectation of a Baud ; and thy dry bones can reach at nothing now , but gords or ninepins , pray goe fetch a trencher goe .", "I am glad to see you merry , pray laugh on .", "And say my back was melted , when God he knows , I kept it at a charge : Four Flaunders Mares would have been easier to me , and a Fencer .", "If this be railing , you shall hear me rail .", "Me thinks your faces are no such fine things now .", "I would \u2018 twere lawfull in the next great sickness to have the Dogs spared , those harmless creatures , and knock i'th \u2019 head these hot continual plagues , women , that are more infectious . I hope the State will think o n't ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 119}, {"query": ["Lo . Yes faith , wee'l have a cast at your best parts now . And then the Devil take the worst ."], "true_target": ["Lo . I am too foolish : Ladie speak dear Ladie ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 119}, {"query": ["He looks as though he had a grievous fit o'th \u2019 Colick .", "Faith then let 's hear him Sister .", "We had best muzzel him , he grows mad ."], "true_target": ["Take heed Sir , she may chance to swound again .", "H'ad a hard heart that could not laugh at you Sir , ha , ha , ha .", "Oh my Sister !", "Run for some Rosalis !"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 119}, {"query": ["Ha , ha , ha ."], "true_target": ["Ha , ha .", "Ha , ha , ha ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 119}, {"query": ["L. No , he that makes a woman better by his words ,"], "true_target": ["I'le have him Sainted : blows will not doe it ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 119}, {"query": ["What do you mean Sir ?", "To one another let \u2018 em be companions , but good Sir not to you : you shall be civil and slip off these base trappings ."], "true_target": ["Pray Sir cast off these fellows , as unfitting for your bare knowledge , and far more your companie : is't fit such Ragamuffins as these are should bear the name of friends ? and furnish out a civil house ? ye 're to be married now , and men that love you must expect a course far from your old carrier : if you will keep \u2018 em , turn \u2018 em to th \u2019 stable , and there make \u2018 em grooms : and yet now consider it , such beggars once set o \u2019 horse back , you have heard will ride , how far you had best to look .", "Sir , you hear these fellows ?"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 119}, {"query": ["Those that must switch him up : if he start well , fear not but cry Saint George , and bear him hard : when you perceive his wind growes hot and wanting , let him a little down , he 's fleet , ne 're doubt him , and stands sound ."], "true_target": ["We ask no more , let it be , mighty Lady : and if we perish , then our own sins on us .", "If thou beest civil Knight , as Jove defends it , get thee another nose , that will be pull 'd off by the angry boyes for thy conversion : the children thou shalt get on this Civillian cannot inherit by the law , th'are Ethnicks , and all thy sport meer Moral leacherie : when they are grown , having but little in \u2018 em , they may prove Haberdashers , or gross Grocers , like their dear Damm there : prethee be civil Knight , in time thou maist read to thy houshold , and be drunk once a year : this would shew finely ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 119}, {"query": ["I wonder sweet heart you will offer this , you do not understand these Gentlemen : I will be short and pithy : I had rather cast you off by the way of charge : these are Creatures , that nothing goes to the maintenance of but Corn and Water . I will keep these fellows just in the competencie of two Hens .", "In this short sentence Ale , is all included : Meat , Drink , and Cloth ; These are no ravening Footmen , no fellows , that at Ordinaries dare eat their eighteen pence thrice out before they rise , and yet goe hungry to play , and crack more nuts than would suffice a dozen Squirrels ; besides the din , which is damnable : I had rather rail , and be confin 'd to a Boatmaker , than live amongst such rascals ; these are people of such a clean discretion in their diet , of such a moderate sustenance , that they sweat if they but smell hot meat . Porredge is poison , they hate a Kitchin as they hate a Counter , and show \u2018 em but a Feather-bed they swound . Ale is their eating and their drinking surely , which keeps their bodies clear , and soluble . Bread is a binder , and for that abolisht even in their Ale , whose lost room fills an apple , which is more airy and of subtiler nature . The rest they take is little , and that little is little easie : For like strict men of order , they do correct their bodies with a bench , or a poor stubborn table ; if a chimny offer it self with some few broken rushes , they are in down : when they are sick , that 's drunk , they may have fresh straw , else they do despise these worldly pamperings . For their poor apparel , \u2018 tis worn out to the diet ; new they seek none , and if a man should offer , they are angrie , scarce to be reconcil 'd again with him : you shall not hear \u2018 em ask one a cast doublet once in a year , which is modesty befitting my poor friends : you see their Wardrobe , though slender , competent : For shirts I take it , they are things worn out of their remembrance . Lousie they will be when they list , and mangie , which shows a fine variety : and then to cure \u2018 em , a Tanners limepit , which is little charge , two dogs , and these ; these two may be cur 'd for 3. pence ."], "true_target": ["Water , my sweet Widow ?", "Why prethee sweet heart what 's your Ale ? is not that Corn and", "Come forward Gentlemen , to Church my boys , when we have done , I'le give you cheer in bowles ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 119}, {"query": ["You have half perswaded me , pray use your pleasure : and my good friends since I do know your diet , I'le take an order , meat shall not offend you , you shall have Ale ."], "true_target": ["I but my sweet Knight where 's the meat to this , and cloaths that they must look for ?", "If you can cast it so Sir , you have my liking . If they eat less , I should not be offended : But how these Sir , can live upon so little as Corn and Water , I am unbelieving ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 119}, {"query": ["My wife Sir .", "As well as may be man : I am married : your new acquaintance hath her Sister , and all 's well .", "Though you deserve not so much at my hands , yet if you be in such earnest , I'le speak a word with you ; but I beseech you be brief : for in good faith there 's a Parson and a licence stay for us i'th \u2019 Church all this while : and you know \u2018 tis night .", "Is this the business that you sent for me about ?", "How 's this ?", "Gallant ?", "I'le please you soon again .", "I'le be a witness of your naked truth Sir : this is the Gentlewoman , prethee look upon him , that is he that made me break my faith sweet : but thank your Sister , she hath soder 'd it .", "She has a shrewd guess at it I see it by her .", "\u2018 Tis very well : come .", "I was disguised indeed Sir if I wrong 'd you , pray where and when ?", "How like you this dish , Welford , I made a supper o n't , and fed so heartily , I could not sleep .", "Marry you shall not be troubled .", "Wou 'd I did , for I am yet very doubtful ; what will you say now ?", "Amen .", "I swear I would rather marry thee than her : but yet mine honesty ?", "Upon your faces , \u2018 tis true : but if judiciously we shall cast our eyes upon your minds , you are a thousand women of her in worth : she cannot swound in jest , nor set her lover tasks , to shew her peevishness , and his affection , nor cross what he saies , though it be Canonical . She 's a good plain wench , that will do as I will have her , and bring me lusty Boys to throw the Sledge , and lift at Pigs of Lead : and for a Wife , she 's far beyond you : what can you do in a houshold to provide for your issue , but lye i \u2019 bed and get \u2018 em ? your business is to dress you , and at idle hours to eat ; when she can do a thousand profitable things : she can do pretty well in the Pastry , and knows how Pullen should be cram 'd , she cuts Cambrick at a thread , weaves Bone-lace , and quilts Balls ; and what are you good for ?", "Yes i'faith . And over shall be fetcht again , never fear it .", "I do remember you , you seem 'd to be a Sutor to that Lady ?", "Forswear my self , how ?", "\u2018 Tis done Sir , take your keys again :", "Away , \u2018 tis done , she must not see you : now Lady Guiniver what news with you ?", "Yes indeed is't .", "I Welford , hee 's a young handsome fellow , well bred and landed , your Sister can instruct you in his good parts , better than I by this time .", "Not such another as I was , Mumps ; nor will not be : I'le read her fine Epistle : ha , ha , ha , is not thy Mistress mad ?", "Art thou a woman , and say nothing ?", "Come prethee be not angry , \u2018 tis a day", "I would have watcht you Sir , by your good patience , for ferreting in my ground .", "Do Maukin do , deliver to your Lady from me this : I mean to see her , if I have no other business : which before I'le want to come to her , I mean to go seek birds nests : yet I may come too : but if I come , from this door till I see her , will I think how to rail vildly at her ; how to vex her , and make her cry so much , that the Physician if she fall sick upo n't , shall find the cause to be want of Urine , and she remediless dye in her Heresie : Farewell old Adage , I hope to see the Boys make Potguns on thee .", "How will that satisfie my word to her ?", "I do not much remember you .", "And reason .", "And the Moon too , in which I'le be the man .", "Alas , thine honour is not stain 'd ,", "And loud enough ? will your Lady love me ?", "O yes , you must .", "Sweet , Sweet !", "Given wholly to our mirth .", "Since a quiet mind lives not in any Woman , I shall do a most ungodly thing . Hear me one word more , which by all my hopes I will not alter , I did make an oath when you delai 'd me so , that this very night I would be married . Now if you will go without delay , suddenly , as late as it is , with your own Minister to your own Chapel , I'le wed you and to bed .", "From whom good vanity ?", "In which I'le be your helper : we are two , and they are two : two Sisters , rich alike , only the elder has the prouder Dowry : In troth I pity this disgrace in you , yet of mine own I am senceless : do but follow my Counsel , and I'le pawn my spirit , we'l overreach \u2018 em yet ; the means is this \u2014", "Nay but conceive me , the intent of oaths is ever understood : Admit I should protest to such a friend , to see him at his Lodging to morrow : Divines would never hold me perjur 'd if I were struck blind , or he hid him where my diligent search could not find him : so there were no cross act of mine own i n't . Can it be imagined I mean to force you to Marriage , and to have you whether you will or no ?", "Some sin I see indeed must necessarily fall upon me , as whosoever deals with Women shall never utterly avoid it : yet I would chuse the least ill ; which is to forsake you , that have done me all the abuses of a malignant Woman , contemn 'd my service , and would have held me prating about Marriage , till I had been past getting of Children : then her that hath forsaken her Family , and put her tender body in my hand , upon my word \u2014", "She was all night lockt here boy .", "Nay you shall never know , because you shall not find me ."], "true_target": ["I ever heard of .", "Sir I dare fight , but never for a woman , I will not have her in my cause , she 's mortal , and so is not my anger : if you have brought a nobler subject for our Swords , I am for you ; in this I would be loth to prick my Finger . And where you say I wrong 'd you , \u2018 tis so far from my profession , that amongst my fears , to do wrong is the greatest : credit me we have been both abused ,but by that willfull , scornful piece of hatred , that much forgetful Lady : for whose sake , if we should leave our reason , and run on upon our sense , like Rams , the little world of good men would laugh at us , and despise us , fixing upon our desperate memories the never-worn out names of Fools and Fencers . Sir \u2018 tis not fear , but reason makes me tell you ; in this I had rather help you Sir , than hurt you , and you shall find it , though you throw your self into as many dangers as she offers , though you redeem her lost name every day , and find her out new honours with your Sword , you shall but be her mirth as I have been .", "No I have cur 'd her . Mr. Welford , pray know this Gentleman is my Brother .", "Hast thou so much moisture in the Whitleather hide yet , that thou canst cry ? I wou 'd have sworn thou hadst been touchwood five year since ; nay let it rain , thy face chops for a shower like a dry Dunghil .", "I was mad once , when I lov 'd pictures ; for what are shape and colours else , but pictures ? in that tawnie hide there lies an endless mass of vertues , when all your red and white ones want it .", "How do you ?", "Faith this is the finest device I have now :", "Do 's she so good Soul ? wou 'd she not have a Cawdle ? do 's she send you with your fine Oratory goody Tully to tye me to believe again ? bring out the Cat-hounds , I'le make you take a tree Whore , then with my tiller bring down your Gibship , and then have you cast , and hung up i'th \u2019 Warren .", "Yes for another mock .", "A Godlike thing , not to be bought for mony : \u2018 tis my Mistris : in whom there is no passion , nor no scorn : what I will is for law ; pray you salute her .", "Shall I live to wrong that tender hearted Virgin so ? It may not be .", "Nay then I see we must keep holiday . Enter Roger , and Abigal . Here 's the last couple in hell .", "Arise my dearest Soul ; I do not credit it . Alas , I fear her tender heart will break with this reproach ; fie that you know no more civility to a weak Virgin . \u2018 Tis no matter Sweet , let her say what she will , thou art not worse to me , and therefore not at all ; be careless .", "If I can speak to purpose to her , I am a villain .", "O gentle Spirit !", "How dost thou sweet heart ?", "Well , well , what do you mean ?", "Prethee good sweet heart kiss him .", "For if you should forsake me now , I care not , she would not though for all her injuries , such is her spirit . If I be not ashamed to kiss her now I part , may I not live .", "Why ? why pray you ? You shall see me do't afore you ; look you .", "Why to you .", "This kiss indeed is sweet , pray God no sin lie under it .", "O thy sweet temper ! what would I have given , that Lady had been like thee : seest thou her ? that facejoin 'd with thy humble mind , had made a wench indeed .", "O , for his keys , I know it .", "This senseless woman vexes me to th \u2019 heart , she will not from my memory : would she were a man for one two hours , that I might beat her . If I had been unhansome , old or jealous , \u2018 thad been an even lay she might have scorn 'd me ; but to be young , and by this light I think as proper as the proudest ; made as clean , as straight , and strong backt ; means and manners equal with the best cloth of silver Sir i'th \u2019 kingdom : But these are things at some time of the Moon , below the cut of Canvas : sure she has some Meeching Rascal in her house , some Hind , that she hath seen bearquarters of Malt upon his back , and sing with't , Thrash all day , and i'th \u2019 evening in his stockings , strike up a Hornpipe , and there stink two hours , and ne 're a whit the worse man ; these are they , these steel chin 'd Rascals that undo us all . Would I had been a Carter , or a Coachman , I had done the deed e 're this time .", "I think the sign 's in Gemini , here 's such coupling .", "An heir into the world he means .", "Lady I would not undertake ye , were you again a Haggard , for the best cast of four Ladys i'th \u2019 Kingdom : you were ever tickle-footed , and would not truss round .", "Of the flesh , and be honest , or else you shall graze again :", "By your leave here .", "Prethee why not , deserves she not as much as you ?", "O \u2018 tis about the old matter .", "I'le try you once more .", "Milde yet as the Dove , for all these injuries . Come shall we goe , I love thee not so ill to keep thee here a jesting stock . Adue to the worlds end .", "Without I could amend \u2018 em .", "Bid him come in .", "Thou hast but one , and that 's in thy left crupper , that makes thee hobble so ; you must be ground i'th \u2019 breach like a Top , you'I ne 're spin well else : Farewell Fytchock .", "It is the waiting woman , pray be not seen : sirrah hold her in discourse a while : hark in your ear , go and dispatch it quickly , when I come in , I'le tell you all the project .", "You are welcome , what 's your will Sir ?", "I prethee do not urge my sins unto me ,", "By this light , by all the pleasures I have had this night , by your lost maidenhead , you are cozened meerly . I have cast beyond your wit . That Gentleman is your retainer Welford .", "Faith my sweet Lady , I have caught you now , maugre your subtilties , and fine devices , be coy again now .", "What did ye ?", "Your Sister has found it so , or I mistake , mark how she blushes when you see her next . Ha , ha , ha , I shall not travel now , ha , ha , ha .", "But hark you Savil , leave off the motions", "Under a miracle this is the strangest"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 120}, {"query": ["Sir , there 's a Gentleman without would speak with you .", "Sir there 's a Gentlewomawill needs speak with you , I cannot keep her out , she 's entred Sir ."], "true_target": ["Here 's Beer for you Sir .", "I will Sir ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 120}, {"query": ["Why e'ne with that : \u2018 tis a good one , thou canst not find a better : look upon all the faces thou shall see there , and you shall find \u2018 em smooth still , fair still , sweet still , and to your thinking honest ; those have done as much as you have yet , or dare doe Mistris , and yet they keep no stir .", "If you remember this , do not forget how scurvily you us 'd me : that was no place to quarrel in , pray you think of it ; if you be honest you dare fight with me , without more urging , else I must provoke ye .", "A whorson , how he swells .", "Yes to bring .", "Is she fast ?", "No harm I warrant thee .", "Alas my love , what God hath done , I dare not think to mend . I use no paint , nor any drugs of Art , my hands and face will shew it .", "I have had my part o n't : I have been chaft this three hours , that 's the least , I am reasonable cool now .", "By your leave Sir .", "Why very well , if you be so .", "God grant I may but live to quit your love .", "Why very well , so long as I may please", "To bed again if you please , else I am fixt here till there be notice taken what I am , and what I have done : if you could juggle me into my woman-hood again , and so cog me out of your company , all this would be forsworn , and I again an asinego , as your Sister left me . No , I'le have it known and publisht ; then if you'le be a whore , forsake me and be asham 'd : and when you can hold no longer , marry some cast Cleve Captain , and sell Bottle-ale .", "I thank you Lady , me thought it was well ,", "In such a Ladies house , I need not name her .", "I see you go , as slily as you think to steal away : yet I will pray for you ; all blessings of the world light on you two , that you may live to be an aged pair . All curses on me if I do not speak what I do wish indeed .", "Stranger and Stranger ! Sir you shall find sport after a day or two .", "I ask you mercy Sir , you have ta'ne my edge off : yet I would fain be even with this Lady .", "O good Sir let me know him presently .", "I would not willingly offend at all ,", "Then you may lure her without fear of losing : take off her Cranes . You have a delicate Gentlewoman to your Sister : Lord what a prettie furie she was in , when she perceived I was a man : but I thank God I satisfied her scruple , without the Parson o'th \u2019 town .", "Now God forbid . Alas I was unworthy , so I told him ."], "true_target": ["For all things else I would , but for mine honor ; Me thinks .", "Sir I shall do you service .", "He that fares well , and will not bless the founders , is either surfeited , or ill taught , Lady , for mine own part , I have found so sweet a diet , I can commend it , though I cannot spare it .", "Have you forgotten me ?", "I am gone .", "You must Sir . I am that Gentleman you pleas 'd to wrong , in your disguise , I have inquired you out .", "So would not I : No let me suffer truly , that I desire .", "I'le watch you for that Mistris : I am no fool , here will I tarry till the house be up and witness with me .", "O my heart !", "You my dear Lover . I nor can , nor will", "I humbly thank you .", "Sir Roger , what will you take to lie from your sweet-heart to night ?", "Madam , can you tell what we did ?", "Goe in , I'le make up all .", "I thank yo, as unknown for your good wish . The like to you when ever you shall wed .", "Be ill when you are well , well when you are ill .", "Twenty to one I had .", "Sir I shall long to love him .", "Much less a Lady of your worthie parts .", "My humble thanks :", "You are so curious .", "O Sir believe not this , for Heaven so comfort me as I am free from foul pollution with any man ; my honour ta'ne away , I am no woman .", "I care not which I have ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 120}, {"query": ["Nothing not I .", "For you she will be , \u2018 tis a shame you should use a poor Gentlewoman so untowardly ; she loves the ground you tread on ; and youbecause she jested with you , mean to kill her ; \u2018 tis a fine conquest as they say .", "Unless you'l hear me with more moderation , I can speak wise enough .", "I'le not indure this Ribauldry ; farewel i'th \u2019 Devils name ; if my", "It seems so by her letter , and her lamentations ; but you are such another man ."], "true_target": ["Pray leave these frumps Sir , and receive this letter .", "I am no beast Sir , would you knew it .", "Th'art a vile man , God bless my issue from thee .", "\u2018 Tis from my Lady Sir : Alas good soul , she cries and takes on !", "Lady die , I'le be sworn before a Jury , thou art the cause o n't ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 120}, {"query": ["A match dear servant .", "And this is she you are to marry , is't not ?", "I pray let me speak with you .", "Which oath is to be kept then ?", "What one was that ?", "Now fie upon thee , a beast would not have do n't . I would not kiss thee of a month to gain a Kingdom .", "Fie how this shames me .", "\u2018 Tis very like , and fit it should be so , for he does think , and reasonably think , that I should keep him with my idle tricks for ever ere he be married .", "I pray you let me speak with you .", "What kind of woman is she ?", "Come , by this light , servant , thou shalt , I'le kiss thee o n't .", "I think not , if you will look", "With an indifferency upon us both .", "Why whither now ?", "Nor has he writ ?", "Is he not come ?", "Which of us swore you first to ?", "Perhaps you have forgotten the innumerable oaths you have utter 'd in disclaiming all for Wives but me : I'le not remember you : God give you joy .", "Are you married ?", "roth 'd ,", "How now , what new trick invites you hither ? Ha'you a fine device again ?", "Against my will Sir .", "\u2018 Tis an error fit for repentance only .", "Why you may by wedding me .", "Alas you need not . I make already tender of my self , and then you are forsworn .", "\u2018 Tis not to be kept , and needs no satisfaction ,", "There is no chafing now .", "You have been with my Sister .", "Alas I am undone , I fear he is be", "Angry , why ? why wert thou angry ? he did doe but well , I did deserve it , he had been a fool , an unfit man for any one to love , had he not laught thus at me : you were angry , that show 'd your folly ; I shall love him more for that , than all that ere he did before : but said he nothing else ?", "Now I see him , if my heart swell not againso that I cannot speak a gentle word to him , let me not live .", "What honesty ? \u2018 Tis more preserv 'd this way :", "Chuse chuse , come Younglove .", "We shall intreat to be at our charge .", "God give you joy ."], "true_target": ["What , in contempt ?", "Sir , give me hearing patiently , and whatsoever I have heretofore spoke jestingly , forget : for as I hope for mercy any where , what I shall utter now is from my heart , and as I mean .", "It cannot be so .", "You have got the Sun Sir .", "All we that are called Women , know as well as men , it were a far more noble thing to grace where we are grace't , and give respect there where we are respected : yet we practise a wilder course , and never bend our eyes on men with pleasure , till they find the way to give us a neglect : then we , too late , perceive the loss of what we might have had , and dote to death .", "Salute her ? by this good light , I would not kiss her for half my wealth .", "Why how now Sir , what is the meaning of this emblem ?", "Is it not strange that every womans will should track out new wayes to disturb her self ? if I should call my reason to account , it cannot answer why I keep my self from mine own wish , and stop the man I love from his ; and every hour repent again , yet still go on : I know \u2018 tis like a man , that wants his natural sleep , and growing dull would gladly give the remnant of his life for two hours rest ; yet through his frowardness , will rather choose to watch another man , drowsie as he , than take his own repose . All this I know : yet a strange peevishness and anger , not to have the power to do things unexpected , carries me away to mine own ruine : I had rather die sometimes than not disgrace in public him whom people think I love , and do't with oaths , and am in earnest then : O what are we ! Men , you must answer this , that dare obey such things as we command . How now ? what newes ?", "Who , that fellow ?", "There is no sin at all , try but another .", "By Heaven I have no mocks : good Sir a word .", "By this light , had I but scented out your, ye had slept with a bare pillow in your arms and kist that , or else the bed-post , for any wife ye had got this twelve-month yet : I would have vext you more than a try 'd post-horse ; and been longer bearing , than ever after-game at Irish was . Lord , that I were unmarried again .", "Prethee sweet heart be quiet , thou hast angred me at heart .", "Nay good Sir stay me out ; I would but hear you excuse your self , why you should take this woman , and leave me .", "Cannot you fare well , but you must cry roast-meat ?", "Almost as wild as you are .", "Keep your breath nearer you , I do not like it .", "Prethee sweet-heart tell true .", "Must I Sir ?", "Did he ?", "Where ?", "Why may it not be ?", "Was not I once your Mistress , and you my Servant ?", "Well you may mock us : but my large Gentlewoman , my Mary Ambre , had I but seen into you , you should have had another bed-fellow , fitter a great deal for your itch .", "How strangely ?", "I must be patient , though it torture me :", "Why was there ever such a Meg as this ? Sure thou art mad .", "It shall be so Sir : Sir Roger and his Bride ,", "Uds foot am I fetcht over thus ?", "Why , but what saies he ?", "What a dull ass was I , I could not see this wencher from a wench : twenty to one , if I had been but tender like my Sister , he had served me such a slippery trick too .", "You thank me ? I pray", "Admit it true , that she were far beyond me in all respects , does that give you a licence to forswear your self ?", "Servant away .", "Sir I shall call you servant .", "But had I known this , had I but surmiz 'd it , you should have hunted three trains more , before you had come to th \u2019 course , you should have hankt o'th \u2019 bridle , Sir , i'faith ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 120}, {"query": ["Faith he talks strangely .", "At last he said , it should go hard but he would see you for your satisfaction .", "Many uncertain things : he said though you had mockt him , because you were a woman , he could wish to do you so much favour as to see you : yet he said , he knew you rash , and was loth to offend you with the sight of one , whom now he was bound not to leave .", "First at your Letter he laught extremely ."], "true_target": ["He laught monstrous loud , as he would die , and when you wrote it I think you were in no such merry mood , to provoke him that way : and having done he cried Alas for her , and violently laught again .", "Yes , till I was angry .", "I know not , but truly I do fear there is a making up there : for I heard the servants , as I past by some , whisper such a thing : and as I came back through the hall , there were two or three Clarks writing great conveyances in hast , which they said were for their Mistris joynture .", "No truly .", "Faith Madam none worth hearing ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 120}, {"query": ["Good dear friend goe in .", "Close at the door .", "And how her face should mend the rest I know not .", "If you be seen thus , I am lost for ever .", "Sister , will you Marry that inconstant man ? think you he will not cast you off to morrow , to wrong a Lady thus , lookt she like dirt , \u2018 twas basely done . May you ne 're prosper with him .", "Pray walk in with me , \u2018 tis very late , and you shall stay all night : your bed shall be no worse than mine ; I wish I could but do you right .", "Good Sir goe in , and put your womans cloaths on :", "You have undone me else . O God , what have I done ?"], "true_target": ["Sister , yonder 's your Servant , with a Gentlewoman with him .", "A most ill favoured one , with her Masque on :", "I dare not stay Sir , use me modestly , I am your wife .", "Dry up your eyes forsooth , you shall not think we are all such uncivil beasts as these . Would I knew how to give you a revenge .", "That was your modesty , too good for him . I would not see your wedding for a world .", "Help Sister , this Lady swounds .", "How shall I look upon my friends again ? With what face ?", "For Gods sake Sir , be private in this business ,", "Faith Sister you are much to blame , to use a woman , whatsoe 're she be , thus ; I'le salute her : You are welcome hither ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 120}, {"query": ["Welford ?", "Let him come on then ; and do you hear , do not instruct me in these tricks , for you may repent it .", "Deform 'd with exercise of sin ?"], "true_target": ["Why what thing have you brought to shew us there ? do you take mony for it ?", "I do not think this woman can by nature be thus ,", "But yet her mind was of a milder stuff than mine was .", "Thus ugly ; sure she 's some common Strumpet ,"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 120}, {"query": ["Your family is quartered with discretion : you are resolved to", "A", "What art thou now then ?", "I am glad of your conversion Master Morecraft :", "How many times to night Sir Roger ?", "Away Fox , I'le send for Terriers for you .", "Sir I have a sute unto you", "Do you begin the offering .", "You shall Sir", "Y'are in a fair course , pray pursue it still .", "Cant then : where Savil shall your scene lie ?", "He shall Sir .", "You shall hug one another .", "This is your drinking , and your whoring Savil , I told you of it , but your heart was hardened .", "Do you know the business ?"], "true_target": ["I live I'le cancel your Coxcomb .", "Art thou in earnest Morecraft ?", "I'le be your Servant Sir .", "Concerning your old servant Savil .", "What dost thou mean to do with thy Children Savil ?", "Y'are grown a bitter Gentleman . I see misery can clear your head better than Mustard , I'le be a sutor for your Keys again Sir .", "Wilt thou persevere ?", "To your bunch again , or I'le miss foully .", "If ye follow me I'le beat you : take heed ,", "Cutting Morecraft faces about , I must present another .", "My Ladies Coachman .", "For horse flesh Roger .", "Did your Master send for me Savil ?", "Now Polecat , what young Rabets nest have you to draw ?", "I'le doe it presently .", "I am about some business ; Indentures ,"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 120}, {"query": ["Would all his damn 'd tribe were as tender hearted . I beseech you let this Gentleman join with you in the recovery of my Keyes ; I like his good beginning Sir , the whilst I'le pray for both your worships .", "Will you but be so gracious to me Sir ? I shall be bound .", "Alas Sir , I know nothing , nor am imployed beyond my hours of eating . My dancing days are done Sir .", "\u2018 Tis true , you were the first that told me of it I do remember yet in tears , you told me you would have Whores , and in that passion Sir , you broke out thus ; Thou miserable man , repent , and brew three Strikes more in a Hogshead . \u2018 Tis noon e 're we be drunk now , and the time can tarry for no man ."], "true_target": ["Yes , he did send for your worship Sir .", "My eldest boy is half a Rogue already , he was born bursten , and your worship knows , that is a pretty step to mens compassions . My youngest boy I purpose Sir to bind for ten years to a Gler , to draw under him , that he may shew us mercy in his function .", "Beggers must be no chusers . In every placebut the stocks .", "If you consider me in little , I am with your worships reverence Sir , a Rascal : one that upon the next anger of your Brother , must raise a sconce by the high way , and sell switches ; my wife is learning now Sir , to weave inkle ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 120}, {"query": ["She must be then my Mistres .", "There 's something ,", "Six healths a piece , and it shall goe hard ,", "Till I have a penny . I have brave cloathes a making , and two horses ; canst thou not help me to a match Knight , I'le lay a thousand pound upon my crop-ear .", "Of some fiftie pound .", "I shall look for't in good faith Sir .", "I shall be proud o n't : what fellow 's that ?", "And you must take this ring , a poor pawn", "God save you and good morrow to you all .", "To every Bride I dedicate this day", "Come , we are all gallants now , I'le keep thee company ; Here honest fellow , for this Gentlemans sake , there 's two Angels more for thee .", "Yes faith Knight , I'le follow thy example : thou hadst land and thousands , thou spendst , and flungst away , and yet it flows in double : I purchased , wrung , and wierdraw 'd , for my wealth , lost , and was cozen 'd : for which I make a vow , to trie all the waies above ground , but I'le find a constant means to riches without curses .", "As many as you will Sir , I am for \u2018 em .", "But every one a Jewell : Come be mad boys .", "There poor fellow , here 's an Angel for thee ."], "true_target": ["Shall we goe noble Knight ? I would fain be acquainted .", "Save you Gentleman , save you .", "She shall not lose her longing Sir : what is she ?", "Thou art cozen 'd now , I am no usurer :", "Sir I must keep you company .", "And here 's for you an Angel :", "Pray buy no Land , \u2018 twill never prosper Sir .", "Sir I must have you grant me .", "Come , prethee be familiar Knight .", "What , shall we play , or drink ? what shall we doe ? Who will hunt with me for a hundred pounds ?", "Thou art wide yet : I'le keep thee companie .", "What poor fellow 's this ?", "Give him mony Knight .", "And for you Sir , and you Sir .", "Prethee good fellow help me to a cup of beer .", "for you to buy whips ,"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 120}, {"query": ["My head with it Sir : I humbly thank your worships .", "God quite you Sir , and keep you long in this mind .", "I am poor indeed Sir ."], "true_target": ["Now Sir , strike in .", "Sir will it please you to remember me : my keys good Sir .", "If ever I be taken drunk , or whoring ,", "Take off the biggest key i'th \u2019 bunch , and open"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 120}, {"query": ["Lo . Bless you , and then I'le tell : He 's turn 'd Gallant .", "But Sir I must intreat you to be better known", "Lo . I am glad o n't . Now my prettie Lady Sister ,", "Lo . Brother what makes you here ? will this Lady do ? Will she ? is she not nettl 'd still ?", "The reason I'le inform you at more leisure .", "How do you find my Brother ?"], "true_target": ["Lo . I Gallant , and is now called , Cutting Morecraft :", "To this converted Jew here .", "Lo . Good morrow Brother , and all good to your Lady .", "Lo . Hee'l make your will amends soon , do not doubt it .", "Lo . He will make the better husband : you have tried him ?", "Lo . I shall not be your debter Sir . But how is't with you ?", "Lo . Foot , this is stranger than an Africk monster , There will be no more talk of the Cleve wars Whilst this lasts , come , I'le put thee into blood ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 120}, {"query": ["You shall not lie with her again , till y'are married .", "Lo . Come thou shalt kiss him for our sport sake .", "Lo . Welford get you to the Church : by this light ,", "Lo . Get on your doublet , here comes my Brother ."], "true_target": ["Lo . I knew it , and min 'd with you , and so blew you up . Now you may see the Gentlewoman : stand close .", "Lo . Th'art in a good beginning : come who leads ? Sir Roger , you shall have the Van : lead the way : Would every dogged wench had such a day .The | Scornful | Ladie . | A Comedie . | As it was Actedby the children of Her Majesties | Revels in the Blacke | Fryers . Written by | Fra . Beaumont and Jo . Fletcher , Gent . | London | Printed for Myles Partrich , and are to be sold | at his Shop at the George neere St Dunstans | Church in Fleet-streete . 1616 .The | Scorneful | Ladie . | A Comedie . | As it was now lately Actedby the Kings | Majesties servants , at the | Blacke Fryers . | Written by | Fra . Beaumont , and Jo . Fletcher , | Gentlemen . | London , | Printed for M. P . and are to be sold by | Thomas Jones , at the blacke Raven , in | the Strand . 1625 .The | Scornefull | Ladie . | A Comedie . | As it was now lately Actedby the Kings Majesties Servants , | at the Blacke-Fryers . | Written | By Fran : Beaumont , and Jo : Fletcher , | Gentlemen . | The third Edition . | London . | Printed by B. A . and T. F . for T. Jones , and are to be sold at his | Shop in St. Dunstans Church-yard in Fleet-street . | 1630 .The | Scornfull | Ladie . | A Comedy . | As it was now lately Actedby the Kings Majesties Servants , | at the Blacke-Fryers . | Written by Francis Beaymont , and John Fletcher , Gentlemen . | The fourth Edition . | London , | Printed by A. M. 1635 .The | Scornfull | Lady . | A Comedy . | As it was now lately Actedby the Kings Majesties Servants ,The | Scornfull | Lady . | A Comedy . | As it was Actedby | the late Kings Majesties Servants , | at the Black-Fryers . | Written by Francis Beaumont , and John Fletcher . Gentlemen . | The sixt Edition , Corrected and | amended . | London : | Printed for Humphrey Moseley , and are to be sold at his Shop | at the Princes Armes in St. Pauls Church-yard . 1651 .The | Scornful | Lady : | A | Comedy . | As it is now Acted at the | Theater Royal , | by | His Majesties Servants . | Written by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher Gent . | The Seventh Edition . | London : | Printed by A. Maxwell and R. Roberts , for D. N . and T. C . and are | to be sold by Simon Neale , at the Three Pidgeons in | Bedford-street in Covent-Garden , 1677 . p. 231 , l. 5 . A omits list of Persons Represented in the Play . B \u2014 E print the list on the back of the title-page , under the heading \u2018 The Actors are these . \u2019 In F and G the same list is printed on a separate page following the title-page . G ] The Names of the Actors . l. 8 . B and C ] the eldest . D \u2014 G ] the elder . p. 232 , l. 1 . A ] a Userer . l. 4 . A ] Savill make the boate stay . B prints \u2018 Savil . Make the boat stay , \u2019 as if the rest of the speech were spoken by Savil . C \u2014 G for \u2018 Savil \u2019 print \u2018 Yo . Lo ., \u2019 thus giving the words to Young Loveless . l. 9 . E and G ] at home marry . l. 10 . A \u2014 E and G ] your countrey . F ] your own country . A and B ] then to travell for diseases , and returne following the Court in a nightcap , and die without issue . l. 15 . Here and throughout the scene for \u2018 Younglove \u2019 D \u2014 G ] Abigall . l. 16 . A \u2014 C ] Mistres . D ] Mistrisse . E \u2014 G ] Mistris . l. 22 . A and B ] for me . l. 33 . E \u2014 G omit ] Exit . p. 233 , l. 2 . G ] acted Loves . l. 3 . A , B and E \u2014 G ] murtherers . l. 6 . A and B ] that shall be . l. 12 . A \u2014 G ] woman . l. 25 . A \u2014 G omit ] and . l. 31 . F ] out there . l. 35 . D \u2014 G for Younglove ] Abigall . p. 234 , l. 5 . F ] time of place . l. 16 . E \u2014 G omit ] Yes . l. 19 . E \u2014 G ] that can . l. 27 . F ] deadfull . l. 37 . G ] and put . l. 39 . A and B ] with you for laughter . p. 235 , l. 10 . A and B ] and so you satisfied . l. 17 . B ] doeth . l. 28 . A ] Hipochrists . E and F ] Hipocrasse . G ] Hippocrass . l. 34 . A and B ] his yeere . l. 31 . G ] said she . p. 236 , l. 9 . B ] doeth . D and E ] with you . l. 17 . G omits one ] that . l. 19 . G ] I'le live . p. 237 , l. 1 . A and B ] with three guards . l. 4 . D ] wesse . E \u2014 G ] wisse . l. 10 . D \u2014 G ] Abigall . l. 14 . E \u2014 G ] happily . l. 21 . A \u2014 E ] may call . l. 25 . A \u2014 G ] as on others . A \u2014 G omit ] that . l. 27 . A \u2014 G ] A my credit . l. 30 . A and B ] beginnings . l. 31 . G ] maid . l. 32 . E and G ] bed . l. 33 . D \u2014 G ] doe you not . l. 35 . D \u2014 G ] Abigall . p. 238 , l. 2 . A and B ] rid hard . l. 25 . A ] other woemen the housholds of . B \u2014 G ] of the households . G ] of as good . l. 28 . F and G ] tho not so coy . D \u2014 G ] Abigall . l. 36 . A \u2014 G ] God . p. 239 , l. 7 . G ] Call 'd . l. 17 . A ] your names . l. 32 . A ] the weomen . l. 33 . A and B ] an needlesse . E \u2014 G omit ] a. F ] her comes . G and sometimes F ] here comes . p. 240 , l. 4 . E \u2014 G omit ] of . F and G ] I do inculcate Divine Homilies . l. 13 . G ] man neglect . l. 16 . A and B ] I pray ye . A \u2014 G ] and whilst . l. 19 . B ] your Lay . l. 20 . C \u2014 F ] ingenuous . l. 23 . A ] I shall beate . l. 25 . A \u2014 E ] forget one , who . F and G ] forget then who . l. 34 . A and B ] how Hoppes goe . p. 241 , l. 6 . A \u2014 G ] to keep . l. 14 . F and G ] like a Gentlemen . l. 15 . F omits ] me . l. 23 . D \u2014 G ] Yet , that . l. 25 . A \u2014 E omit ] of . F and G ] Ile here no more , this is . l. 30 . A \u2014 E and G ] comes . l. 39 . A ] Gent . p. 242 , l. 6 . A \u2014 G omit ] etc . l. 7 . B \u2014 G ] help all . l. 22 . A and B ] warre , that cries . l. 27 . G ] has knockt . l. 32 . D \u2014 G omit ] even . A \u2014 G ] a conscience . l. 34 . A \u2014 E omit ] he . p. 243 , l. 6 . E \u2014 G ] pound . l. 11 . A and B ] We will have nobody talke wisely neither . F ] Will you not . l. 17 . A \u2014 C ] ath Coram . l. 25 . F and G omit ] that . l. 27 . F and G ] sir , to expound it . l. 28 . 2nd Folio misprints ] iuterpretation . l. 37 . A and B omit ] Sir . l. 40 . F omits ] keep . p. 244 , l. 1 . F and G add after part ] Savil . l. 6 . D \u2014 G add ] Finis Actus Primus . F and G add ] Omnes . O brave Loveless !Exeunt omnes . l. 12 . F and G omit ] Lady . l. 13 . F and G ] that complaint . l. 28 . F and G ] it loveth . l. 34 . A ] premised . p. 245 , l. 11 . D \u2014 G ] reprov 'd him . l. 22 . F and G ] hath made . l. 23 . A and B misprint ] Maria . l. 25 . F and G ] with a. l. 27 . A and B ] He 's fast . l. 39 . F and G omit ] Sir . p. 246 , l. 4 . A , B and G ] Gentlewoman . l. 23 . G omits ] indeed . l. 26 . F and G ] smile hath . l. 28 . A \u2014 E and G ] cropping off . l. 34 . E and G ] meditations . l. 36 . F and G ] and experience the . E \u2014 G ] collection . l. 39 . F and G ] thus to . p. 248 , ll . 3 and 4 . G ] and fornication . l. 24 . A and G ] set . p. 249 , l. 10 . A \u2014 C , E \u2014 G ] appeares . l. 11 . A ] drown . l. 12 . G ] Sir Aeneas . l. 34 . A and B ] Gentlewoman . p. 250 , l. 15 . A \u2014 G ] a Gods name . p. 251 , l. 11 . A and B add ] Drinke to my friend Captaine . l. 14 . A , B , F and G add at end ] Sir . l. 15 . A \u2014 G ] cursie . F ] a tittle . l. 16 . G ] would strive , Sir . F ] I will strive , Sir . l. 22 . Second Folio misprints ] Youn . l. 24 . A ] to feede more fishes . l. 30 . F and G ] pray you let . l. 34 . A ] a ful rouse . ll . 36 and 37 . D and F ] I bear . l. 39 . A \u2014 G ] a your knees . p. 252 , l. 12 . A ] finde . l. 32 . F and G for Capt .read Sav . and add \u2018 Let 's in and drink and give \u2019 etc . p. 253 , l. 5 . F and G ] be you your . l. 27 . D \u2014 F ] love chamber . G ] dares . l. 34 . A \u2014 C ] will stoop . l. 35 . A ] feede ill. l. 36 . A \u2014 G ] which for I was his wife and gave way to . l. 39 . F ] in patience of . p. 254 , l. 1 . D and E ] gossip too . l. 3 . E and F ] from whence . l. 9 . F misprints ] crown 'd at . l. 21 . E \u2014 G ] have the money . l. 23 . F and G ] provided my wise . l. 26 . F ] Here 's here . ll . 30 and 31 . F and G ] for thine . l. 32 . F omits ] well . p. 255 , l. 1 . A ] the faith . l. 11 . D \u2014 G ] mony fit for . l. 13 . A \u2014 D , F and G ] afore . l. 14 . G omits ] all . ll . 18 and 19 . D \u2014 G ] turne up . l. 20 . G ] Ship . l. 22 . G ] poor man . l. 26 . D , F and G ] against the . l. 28 . A \u2014 G ] thy staffe of office there , thy pen and Ink-horne . Noble boy . l. 29 . A ] sed . ll . 30 and 31 . A \u2014 G ] thy seat . l. 34 . F and G ] men immortal . l. 37 . A ] that shall . l. 40 . A ] What meane they Captaine . p. 256 , l. 8 . F and G ] pounds . l. 9 . F and G ] by this hand . l. 13 . F and G ] There is six Angels in earnest . l. 17 . A ] all in . l. 25 . F and G omit ] so be it . l. 35 . A and B ] at charge . l. 40 . A \u2014 G add ] Finis Actus Secundi . p. 257 , l. 2 . A omits ] and drops her glove . l. 3 . A \u2014 C ] tels . l. 8 . A , B and D \u2014 G ] Lenvoy . l. 16 . F and G ] No , Sir . p. 258 , l. 10 . D , E and G ] come here to speak with . l. 18 . F and G ] I say I. l. 26 . A misprints ] ralkt . F and G ] with the . l. 29 . F and G ] Troth guess . l. 33 . F ] Gentlewomen . l. 36 . A and B ] But one , I am . C ] or Woman . p. 259 , l. 1 . A ] shall not you . l. 16 . A \u2014 C and E \u2014 G ] no such . l. 19 . A \u2014 C and E \u2014 G ] tender Sir , whose gentle bloud . l. 29 . A omits ] be . l. 31 . A and G ] as he . l. 34 . A omits ] They draw . l. 36 . F and G omit ] Jesus . p. 260 , l. 4 . A and B omit ] Why . l. 11 . F ] but none so . l. 26 . A ] wilde . B , C and E \u2014 G ] vild . l. 31 . F and G ] sword . l. 33 . B and G ] a hazard . p. 261 , l. 1 . A and B ] which is prone inough . C \u2014 G ] are prone . l. 5 . A ] anger lost . l. 10 . F and G ] least share in . l. 25 . D , F and G ] are you . l. 33 . A and B ] self from such temptations . G ] self from temptations . l. 34 . A \u2014 D , F and G ] Pray leape . G ] the matter . C ] whether would . l. 38 . A \u2014 C , E and G ] should . p. 262 , l. 6 . F and G omit ] a. l. 11 . A \u2014 C ] see . l. 12 . E ] Of any . l. 20 . F and G ] his ruin . l. 27 . C omits ] him . E \u2014 G ] with these . l. 37 . E \u2014 G ] leave them to others . l. 40 . C ] works a mine . p. 263 , l. 13 . A ] certaine . l. 18 . E \u2014 G ] spoken . l. 19 . F ] ask you . l. 20 . E \u2014 G ] forward . l. 32 . G ] hard-hearted . l. 35 . F and G ] me to do . p. 264 , l. 4 . E \u2014 G ] could redeem . l. 10 . D , F and G ] This . l. 24 . A ] you have so . l. 27 . E and G ] By this light . p. 265 , l. 10 . F ] by your troth . l. 11 . A ] could . l. 15 . C ] cold meats . l. 23 . F and G ] we would . l. 27 . F and G ] that thou art here . l. 29 . F and G ] use thee . l. 33 . A and B ] offending . l. 34 . F and G ] Thou art nothing ... for love 's sake . p. 266 , l. 3 . G omits ] I hope . l. 13 . F and G ] thy face . l. 14 . A \u2014 G omit ] for . ll . 21 and 22 . F and G ] companion . l. 25 . A ] amable . l. 38 . G adds at end ] I hope . p. 267 , l. 4 . A , B and D \u2014 F ] Don Diego , Ile . l. 11 . A , C and E ] saies . l. 15 . E \u2014 G ] you may . l. 20 . E ] wine here . F and G add before All ] Mr. Morecraft . l. 21 . A \u2014 G ] Sir . Savill ? l. 31 . G ] and yet they . l. 33 . F omits ] pray . l. 36 . A \u2014 C and E \u2014 G ] God a gold . 2nd Folio misprints ] expouud . p. 268 , l. 3 . A ] not you . l. 7 . A and B ] is much is much . l. 18 . G ] in tenements of . l. 22 . F and G ] I shall not dare to . l. 23 . A ] By blithe . l. 33 . A and B ] of satten . l. 37 . A \u2014 G ] necessary . D \u2014 G ] and consuming . p. 269 , l. 10 . 2nd Folio misprints ] nor . l. 16 . A \u2014 G ] a \u2019 my knowledge . l. 20 . F and G ] the . F ] Morall . l. 27 . B and D \u2014 G ] worst on 's . l. 31 . A ] your complement . l. 34 . F and G ] paid back again . p. 270 , l. 4 . F and G ] we have liv 'd . ll . 4 and 5 . F and G ] be the hour that . l. 14 . A misprints ] Yo . Lo . l. 15 . F and G ] A thirsty . l. 17 . F omits ] Sir . l. 20 . A ] raile . l. 24 . D \u2014 G ] to'th . p. 271 , l. 1 . A ] hee 's your . l. 4 . A \u2014 G ] fall . l. 19 . A \u2014 G ] who you left me too . l. 20 . F omits ] for . l. 23 . F and G ] be leaping in . l. 24 . E \u2014 G ] nights . l. 25 . F omits ] my . l. 27 . E ] thirtie . l. 34 . B ] you fellow . l. 37 . A \u2014 G ] Cresses sir to coole . l. 39 . A \u2014 C ] fornications . p. 272 , l. 3 . E \u2014 G ] get no . l. 4 . A \u2014 G add ] Finis Actus tertii . l. 6 . A \u2014 G ] solus . l. 8 . A ] thee to ? to what scurvy Fortune . l. 9 . E ] of Noblemen . l. 15 . B and E \u2014 G ] profit . 2nd Folio misprints ] Eccle . l. 16 . F ] eats out youth . l. 22 . 2nd Folio misprints ] abolishth , is . l. 25 . D and E ] in his . l. 33 . A ] neglectingly . l. 34 . A ] broke . p. 273 , l. 9 . F and G ] abused like me . A \u2014 F ] Dalida . l. 11 . F and G ] you may dilate . l. 27 . F and G ] could not expound . l. 28 . A ] and then at prayers oncel. 29 . A ] mine owne royallissue . l. 34 . D and E ] for you . l. 35 B ] and thus . l. 36 . A , F and G ] contrition , as a Father saith . l. 39 . A \u2014 G ] Comfets . l. 40 . A , F and G ] then a long chapter with a pedigree . p. 274 , l. 3 . A ] lovely . l. 4 . F and G ] when due time . l. 8 . F and G ] but have . l. 14 . A \u2014 E ] cunny . l. 17 . A omits ] in . F and G ] the hanging . l. 19 . A , F and G ] more with the great Booke of Martyrs . l. 23 . F and G add after beloved ] Abigail . l. 31 . E \u2014 G ] chop up . p. 275 , l. 3 . A and B ] wise Sir . l. 7 . A , B , F and G ] make . l. 14 . F and G ] thank Heaven . l. 19 . E \u2014 G omit ] Lord . l. 22 . A and B ] some sow . l. 23 . F and G ] brought forth . l. 26 . F and G ] will not . l. 29 . E ] a cleere . E \u2014 G ] would take . l. 39 . A ] and yet would . p. 276 , l. 3 . A \u2014 F ] errant . l. 5 . A \u2014 F ] pray be . l. 9 . A ] the godsknowes . C ] God the knowes . F and G ] Heaven knows . l. 15 . 2nd Folio misprints ] Lo . l. 18 . A omits ] so . l. 19 . A \u2014 C omit ] for . l. 38 . E \u2014 G ] that has . p. 277 , l. 1 . A and B ] turne in to . l. 4 . A omits ] pray . l. 13 . G ] have you . l. 14 . G ] light , as spirited . l. 21 . G ] sheeps . l. 22 . G ] with two . l. 23 . F and G add at end ] I can . l. 33 . F and G ] your use of . l. 37 . A , B , D , F and G ] now then . p. 278 , l. 7 . A \u2014 G ] Rosasolis . l. 16 . G ] in presuming thus . l. 19 . E \u2014 G ] to any end . l. 23 . D , E and G ] heap affliction . B \u2014 D , F and G ] on me . l. 28 . F and G add ] ha . l. 33 . F and G for a read ] ha \u2019 . l. 37 . E \u2014 G omit ] Sir . p. 279 , l. 1 . G ] no so . l. 2 . A ] know . l. 6 . F omits ] that . ll . 6 \u2014 8 . D and E omit ] at you ... not laugh and runs on the remainder of Lady 's speech as part of Mar .' s . F and G omit ] Sir ... not laugh . l. 7 . A \u2014 C omit one ] \u2018 ha . \u2019 l. 15 . A and B ] for it then . l. 20 . E \u2014 G ] And you may . l. 28 . G ] crack . l. 36 . A \u2014 C ] fit ath . l. 38 . B ] will you cure . p. 280 , l. 5 . A and C ] Let him alone , \u2018 is crackt . l. 6 . D \u2014 G ] he 's a beastly . A and B ] to loose . l. 7 . A \u2014 G ] is a. ll . 9 and 10 . G ] fohshe stinks . ll . 19 and 20 . F and G ] ye have ... hate ye . l. 23 . A and B ] in intercession . D \u2014 G ] make intercession . l. 25 . A ] not all . l. 26 . F and G ] and will . l. 32 . A and B ] safer dote . l. 33 . F ] disease . p. 281 , l. 8 . A \u2014 C ] I hope \u2018 is not . l. 16 . A ] There is . l. 28 . A ] Carrire . D \u2014 G ] carriage . l. 29 . A \u2014 C , F and G ] now I. l. 30 . A \u2014 G ] a horse back . l. 31 . A \u2014 C and E \u2014 G ] to looke to . p. 282 , l. 3 . A \u2014 C ] \u2018 is fleet . l. 10 . 2nd Folio misprints ] sweed . l. 11 . F ] not your . A \u2014 E ] Reasens . F and G ] your rotten Reasons . l. 13 . F and G ] civil and feed . l. 16 . A \u2014 G ] pounds . l. 18 . A , F and G ] defend . p. 283 , l. 2 . F and G ] Ordinaries do eat . l. 3 . F and G ] to a play . l. 6 . E ] Bootmaker . F and G ] to a bear-baiting . l. 13 . A , C \u2014 G ] aire . l. 15 . A ] as little . l. 18 . E ] if they may . ll . 22 and 23 . F and G ] ask me . l. 23 . A and B ] a modesty . l. 24 . A \u2014 F ] Wardrope . l. 28 . E \u2014 G ] to dogs . l. 36 E ] cheate . A \u2014 G ] add ] Finis Actus Quarti . p. 284 , l. 27 . F and G ] the Gentleman . l. 31 . A and B ] house Sir . p. 285 , l. 5 . B ] for your . l. 10 . A \u2014 D ] be lest . E \u2014 G ] be left . l. 15 . E ] never-worme . l. 25 . F and G ] the elder hath . l. 31 . 2nd Folio misprints ] Gentlewomau . p. 286 , l. 7 . G ] goodly . l. 8 . A and D ] beliefe . l. 10 . E \u2014 G ] you cas 'd . l. 29 . A \u2014 G ] in thy . l. 30 . G omits ] I. l. 31 . F ] years . p. 287 , l. 1 . F and G ] vilely . l. 3 . A and D \u2014 G ] shall want uryne to finde the cause by : and she . B and C ] shall want uryne finde the cause be . l. 14 . A and B ] I stoppe . p. 288 , l. 7 . E omits ] did . F and G ] he does . l. 25 . A and B omit ] be . l. 34 . F and G ] till death . p. 289 , l. 1 . 2nd Folio misprints ] berroth 'd . E and G add at beginning ] Ah . l. 5 . A and B ] mind is . l. 6 . G ] womens . l. 22 . F ] not any . l. 26 . F and G omit ] Godlike . l. 27 . A and B ] passions . l. 28 . F and G ] is her law . l. 39 . D \u2014 G ] and colour . p. 290 , l. 7 . 2nd Folio misprints ] yon . l. 7 . F and G ] you , though unknown . l. 18 . F and G ] Heaven to comfort . l. 34 . A and B ] Milde still as . l. 37 . B ] ends . l. 40 . F and G ] never find . p. 291 , l. 7 . A and B ] I will . l. 12 . G ] spoken . l. 25 . A \u2014 F ] judicially . l. 27 . G ] off her . A \u2014 C ] sound . G ] her Love . F ] lovers . l. 33 . A , B and E \u2014 G ] a bed . l. 37 . D ] at a third . F and G add after Balls ] admirably . p. 292 , l. 2 . A , F and G ] forgot . ll . 4 and 5 . F and G omit ] I 'll not ... you joy . l. 9 . G ] there was . l. 10 . A , B , F and G ] meant . G omits ] you . l. 19 . G ] rather then . l. 20 . A , B and D \u2014 F ] forsooke . l. 34 . A , E and G ] I had rather . p. 293 , l. 4 . D \u2014 G add after so ] a most ungodly thing . ll . 5 and 6 . D \u2014 G omit ] Since a ... ungodly thing . l. 30 . D and F omit ] and Young . l. 32 . A and B ] all uncivill , all such beasts as these . C ] are uncivill , all such beasts . D and E ] wee are uncivill , as such beasts as these . F and G ] all uncivil . Would , etc . p. 294 , l. 7 . G ] are you . l. 11 . A \u2014 C ] learning new sir . E \u2014 G omit ] Sir . l. 14 . A ] rouge . l. 16 . A ] capassions . l. 17 . 2nd Folio misprints ] Goaler . l. 25 . F and G ] indeed I do . p. 295 , l. 8 . 2nd Folio misprints ] A I. l. 27 . F and G ] Heaven quite . 1 . 31 . F and G ] thou help . l. 34 . F and G omit ] the Cleve . l. 36 . F ] all this . p. 296 , l. 30 . F , some copies ] hankt it . l. 34 . G ] O Heaven . p. 297 , l. 1 . F and G ] with this . l. 12 . F and G ] who I. l. 17 . B , F and G ] hold out . l. 22 . A ] witnes to . ll . 26 and 27 . F and G ] this Welford from . p. 298 , l. 5 . 2nd Folio misprints ] turn . l. 8 . A , B , D , F and G ] tyr 'd . l. 12 . A ] sore Ladies . D \u2014 G omit ] four . l. 19 . F and G ] I think I. l. 23 . A ] I see by her . l. 38 . A and E ] make . p. 299 , l. 2 . E \u2014 G ] he is . l. 10 . A and B ] A will . C ] I will . l. 13 . F and G ] make you well . l. 15 . G ] unconverted . l. 20 . F and G ] tell you . l. 26 . B ] yon . l. 34 . F and G ] Who 's . p. 300 , l. 8 . F and G ] must wear . l. 9 . G omits ] Of . l. 19 . A and B ] pound . l. 22 . E and F omit ] a. l. 29 . G ] you wall graze . l. 30 . F and G ] once again . l. 33 . F and G ] your Worship . l. 38 . G ] Why now . p. 301 , l. 3 . F and G ] As fast as . l. 11 . C ] helps . l. 17 . A and B omit ] the . l. 24 . F and G ] and lead . l. 25 . A \u2014 G add ] Finis .has been found in England by the writer of this note . Its existence has been ignored by every previous editor of Beaumont and Fletcher , and , apparently , by English bibliographers , the folio of 1679 being presumed to be \u2018 Ed . 7 . \u2019 The knowledge that a copy existed in America led to a fruitless search for it in English libraries , until accident , a few months ago , brought one to light in time to enable a collation of its text to be included in the above notes . It will be seen that many of the readings are of considerable interest . A. R. W . ]", "Lo . That at my peril . Lusty Mr. Morecraft ,", "Here is a Lady would salute you .", "Lo . Good morrow . Here 's a poor brother of yours ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 120}, {"query": ["As well as the next Priest could doe it , Madam .", "What I shall do , I shall do : I shall not need your help .", "Sir you grow scurrilous :"], "true_target": ["Not the best benefice in your worships gift Sir .", "Joy be among you all .", "Marriage a n't like your worship ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 120}, {"query": ["His ransom therefore is thy valour 's fee ;", "These words , these deeds become thy person well .", "Speak , man : hath fortune given us victory ?", "With deeper wage and gentle dignity", "You both deserve and both shall have reward .", "Unto the height of former happiness ,", "Thanks , good lord general , for these good news !", "Enter again .", "That , adding all the pleasure of thy news", "And that just guerdon may befall desert ,", "To him we yield the armour of the prince .", "The rest march on , but , ere they be dismiss 'd ,", "But tell me ,\u2014 for their holding makes me doubt :", "But , general , unfold in brief discourse", "Yet , in regard thy substance passeth his ,", "And in our sight thyself art gracious .", "But what was he that on the other side", "Aye , Balthazar , if he observe this truce ,", "And feast our prisoner as our friendly guest .", "A gladsome sight ! I long to see them here .", "Content thee , marshall ; thou shalt have no wrong ,", "Now say , lord general : how fares our camp ?", "But , nephew , thou shalt have the prince in guard ,", "Go , let them march once more about these walls ,", "Then by judgment thus your strife shall end :", "That staying them we may confer and talk", "In keeping back the tribute that he owes", "Welcome , Don Balthazar ! Welcome nephew !", "We will bestow on every soldier", "With our brave prisoner and his double guard .", "They enter and pass by .", "Now let us hence , to see our soldiers paid ,", "Two ducats , and on every leader ten ,", "Hieoronimo , it greatly pleaseth us", "Horatio , leave him not that loves thee so .", "That in our victory thou have a share", "How likes Don Balthazar of this device ?", "Our Portugals will pay us tribute then ?"], "true_target": ["For in our hearing thy deserts were great .", "We may reward thy blissful chivalry .", "Meanwhile live thou , though not in liberty ,", "Will both abide the censure of my doom ?", "But what portends thy cheerful countenance", "That by our nephew was in triumph led ?", "Yet shalt thou know that Spain is honourable .", "Horatio , thou did'st force him first to yield :", "And for thy sake thy son shall want to right .", "Nephew , thou took'st his weapons and his horse :", "But tell me now : hast thou confirm 'd a peace ?", "Give him his chain .", "From whose fair influence such justice flows !", "And thou , Horatio , thou art welcome too !", "But now , knight-marshall , frolic with thy king ,", "For \u2018 tis thy son that wins this battle 's prize .", "Nor thou nor he shall die without reward . What means this warning of this trumpet 's sound ?", "Appoint the sum as you shall both agree .", "Then blest be Heav'n , and Guider of the heav'ns ,", "Was that the warlike prince of Portingal", "His weapons and his horse are thy reward .", "And , for some argument of more to come ,", "To which of these twain art thou prisoner ?", "Yet free from bearing any servile yoke ;", "Bring hither the young prince of Portingal !", "By virtue of thy worthy son 's exploit .", "That they may know our largesse welcomes them .", "Young prince , although thy father 's hard misdeeds", "And posting to our presence thus in haste ?", "Held him by th \u2019 arm as partner of the prize ?", "Deserve but evil measure at our hands ,", "Let go his arm , upon my privilege ! Let him go . Say , worthy prince : to whether didst thou yield ?", "Take this and wear it for thy sovereign 's sake .", "Horatio 's house were small for all his train .", "For thine estate best fitteth such a guest ;", "Our peace will grow the stronger for these wars .", "Thanks to my loving brother of Castille .", "Your form of battle and your war 's success ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 121}, {"query": ["Tribute , and wonted homage therewithal .", "There legs and arms lie bleeding on the grass ,", "Don Pedro , their chief horsemen 's colonel ,", "And our carbines pursu 'd them to death ,", "Each corner strongly fenc 'd with wings of shot ;", "Brave man-at-arms , but weak to Balthazar .", "But straight the prince was beaten from his horse", "And in that conflict was Andrea slain ,\u2014", "Both raising dreadful clamors to the sky ,", "The victory to neither part inclin 'd ,", "Friendship and hardy valour join 'd in one", "Did with his cornet bravely make attempt", "Breath 'd out proud vaunts , sounding to our reproach ,", "Where Spain and Portingal do jointly knit", "And heav'n itself was frighted with the sound .", "I brought a squadron of our readiest shot", "Till Don Andrea with his brave lancers", "Our trumpeters were charg 'd to sound retreat .", "Thick storms of bullets ran like winter 's hail ,", "On every side drop captains to the ground ,", "Mingled with weapons and unbowel 'd steeds ,", "That valleys , hills , and rivers made rebound", "That , half dismay 'd , the multitude retir 'd .", "Both battles join and fall to handy blows ,", "And shiver 'd lances dark the troubled air ;", "And soldiers , some ill-maim 'd , some slain outright :", "That scattering over-spread the purple plain .", "While they maintain hot skirmish to and fro ,", "It beats upon the rampiers of huge rocks ,", "Their violent shot resembling th \u2019 oceans rage", "Brought rescue and encourag 'd them to stay .", "The fury of your forces will be stay 'd .", "When , roaring loud and with a swelling tide ,", "This tells me that your Grace 's men of war , Such as war 's fortune hath reserv 'd from death , Come marching on towards your royal seat , To show themselves before your Majesty ; For so gave I in charge at my depart . Whereby by demonstration shall appear That all , except three hundred or few more , Are safe return 'd and by their foes enrich 'd . The army enters , BALTHAZAR between LORENZO and HORATIO , captive .", "Prick 'd forth Horatio , our knight-marshall 's son ,", "Here falls a body sunder 'd from his head ;", "But , ere we join 'd and came to push of pike ,", "There met our armies in the proud array :"], "true_target": ["No peace , my liege , but peace conditional ,", "His tribute shall be truly paid to Spain .", "That , if with homage tribute be well paid ,", "Victory , my liege , and that with little loss .", "Till , Phoebus waning to the western deep ,", "Both menacing alike with daring shows ,", "From out our rearward to begin the fight ;", "In all this turmoil , three long hours and more", "Both furnish 'd well , both full of hope and fear ,", "Not long between these twain the fight endur 'd ,", "And stopp 'd the malice of his fell approach .", "Pede pes & cuspide cuspis ,", "Both cheerly sounding trumpets , drums and fifes ,", "But Balthazar , the Portingales \u2019 young prince ,", "When he was taken , all the rest fled ,", "Both vaunting sundry colours of device ,", "Our battles both were pitch 'd in squadron form ,", "To challenge forth that prince in single fight .", "Here-hence the fight was eagerly renew 'd ,", "Meanwhile our ordnance play 'd on either side ,", "And gapes to swallow neighbor-bounding lands .", "Give the King a paper .", "All well , my sovereign liege , except some few", "It was , my liege , the prince of Portingal .", "Their frontiers , leaning on each other 's bound ,", "Now , while Bellona rageth here and there ,", "Yet , while the prince , insulting over him ,", "And captains strove to have their valours try 'd .", "In their main battle made so great a breach", "And to this peace their viceroy hath subscrib 'd ,", "Arma sonant armis , vir petiturque viro ;", "To break the order of our battle ranks ;", "And made a solemn vow that during life", "But Don Rogero , worthy man of war ,", "They brought another wing to encounter us ;", "That are deceas 'd by fortune of the war .", "And forc 'd to yield him prisoner to his foe .", "March 'd forth against him with our musketeers"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 121}, {"query": ["Et conjuratae curvato poplite gentes"], "true_target": ["O multum dilecte Deo , tibi militat aether ,", "Succumbunt : recti soror est victoria juris !"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 121}, {"query": ["Of whom though from his tender infancy", "My tongue should plead for young Horatio 's right .", "Not he that in a garment wore his skin ;", "And might seem partial in this difference ,", "He hunted well that was a lion 's death ,", "He never pleasd his father 's eyes till now ,"], "true_target": ["My loving thoughts did never hope but well ,", "Nor fill 'd my heart with overcloying joys .", "Enforc 'd by nature and by law of arms ,", "Long may he live to serve my sovereign liege ! And soon decay unless he serve my liege ! A trumpet afar off .", "That was my son , my gracious sovereign ;", "So hares may pull dead lions by the beard .", "But that I know your Grace is just and wise ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 121}, {"query": ["These punishments may clear his late offence .", "The trespass that my father made in peace", "And , truth to say , I yield myself to both .", "His men are slain ,\u2014 a weakening to his realm ;", "His son distress 'd ,\u2014 a corsive to his heart ;", "Whom I admire and love for chivalry .", "He won my love , this other conquer 'd me ;", "To him in courtesy ; to this perforce ;"], "true_target": ["He promis 'd life , this other threaten 'd death ;", "That Don Horatio bear us company ,", "Is now controll 'd by fortune of the wars ;", "His colours seiz 'd ,\u2014 a blot unto his name ;", "And cards once dealt , it boots not ask why so .", "He spake me fair , this other gave me strokes ;", "And I shall study to deserve this grace .", "Right well , my liege , if this proviso were :"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 121}, {"query": ["To me , my liege .", "I seiz 'd the weapon and enjoy 'd it first ."], "true_target": ["This hand first took his courser by the reins .", "I crave no better than your Grace awards ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 121}, {"query": ["Nor I , although I sit beside my right .", "But first my lance did put him from his horse ."], "true_target": ["To me , my sovereign .", "But first I forc 'd him lay his weapons down ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 121}, {"query": ["Villuppo , follow us for thy reward .", "Aye , aye , my nightly dreams have told me this !", "My late ambition hath distain 'd my faith ,", "Is our ambassador dispatch 'd for Spain ?", "Fortune is blind and sees not my deserts ,", "If first my son and then myself were slain ;", "Survives ! Ay , where ?", "Suppose that she could pity me , what then ?", "Here , take it now ; let Fortune do her worst ,", "Stand up , I say , and tell thy tale at large .", "But thy ambitious thought shall break thy neck .", "Where then became the carcass of my son ?", "Here let me lie ! Now am I at the lowest !", "My best belov 'd , my sweet and only son !", "She shall not rob me of this sable weed .", "If Balthazar be dead , he shall not live .", "No ; if he liv 'd , the news would soon be here .", "That thou couldst see no part of our deserts ?", "Why wail I , then , where 's hope of no redress ?", "Hold thou thy peace ! But now , Villuppo , say :", "Such is the folly of despiteful chance ,", "O , no , she envies none but pleasant things .", "My breach of faith occasion 'd bloody wars ,", "For deepest cares break never into tears .", "Was't Spanish gold that bleared so thine eyes", "O , wherefore went I not to war myself ?", "Nil superest ut jam possit obesse magis .", "Speak on ; I 'll guerdon thee , whate'er it be .", "Thou hadst some hope to wear this diadem", "Yet this is higher then my fortunes reach ,", "And feed our sorrows with inward sighs ,", "O , yes , complaining makes my grief seem less .", "And with the blood my joy and best belov 'd ,\u2014", "So is she deaf and hears not my laments ;"], "true_target": ["Then they have slain him for his father 's fault .", "Qui jacet in terra non habet unde cadat .", "Takes the crown and puts it on again .", "And mind more mutable then fickle winds ?", "Perchance , because thou art Terserae 's lord ,", "Then rest we here a-while in our unrest ;", "And with my treasury my people 's blood ,", "This better fits a wretch 's endless moan .", "But wherefore sit I in a regal throne ?", "My years were mellow , but his young and green :", "Aye , aye , this earth , image of melancholy ,", "Keep him till we determine his death .", "And , could she hear , yet is she willful mad ,", "Aye , this was it that made thee spill his blood !", "Mine ear is ready to receive ill news ,", "And therefore better than my state deserves .", "Yes , Fortune may bereave me of my crown \u2014", "The cause was mine ; I might have died for both .", "And therefore will not pity my distress .", "Seeks him whom fates adjudge to misery !", "Thou false , unkind , unthankful , traitorous beast !", "Whose foot is standing on a rolling stone", "What help can be expected at her hands", "My heart grown hard \u2018 gainst mischief 's battery ;", "Wherein had Balthazar offended thee ,", "My death were natural , but his was forc 'd .", "Those bloody wars have spent my treasury ,", "Away with him ! his sight is second hell !", "In me consumpsit vires fortuna nocendo ,", "And tribute payment gone along with him ?", "That thou should betray him to our foes ?", "Falls to the ground .", "They reck no laws that meditate revenge .", "But I 'll now wear it till thy blood be spilt ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 122}, {"query": ["Vouchsafe , dread sovereign , to hear me speak !", "That were a breach to common law of arms .", "In Spain , a prisoner by mischance of war .", "Aye , my good lord ."], "true_target": ["No doubt , my liege , but still the prince survives .", "O wicked forgery ! O trait'rous miscreant !", "Two days , my liege , are past since his depart .", "His ransom 's worth will stay from foul revenge ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 122}, {"query": ["Amongst the rest I saw him hand-to-hand", "Thus have I with an envious forged tale", "And when he fell , then we began to fly ;", "But , had he liv 'd , the day had sure been ours .", "And I 'll bewray the fortune of thy son .", "Discharg 'd a pistol at the princes back ,", "But therewithal Don Balthazar fell down ;", "When both the armies were in battle join 'd .", "In single fight with their lord general ."], "true_target": ["Then hear that truth which these mine eyes have seen :", "Don Balthazar amidst the thickest troops ,", "As though he would have slain their general ,", "Deceiv 'd the king , betray 'd mine enemy ,", "My sovereign , pardon the author of ill news ,", "To win renown , did wondrous feats of arms ;", "Till Alexandro , that here counterfeits", "Under the colour of a duteous friend ,", "And hope for guerdon of my villainy .", "I saw them drag it to the Spanish tents ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 122}, {"query": ["I 'll love Horatio , my Andrea 's friend ,", "For \u2018 twas my favour at his last depart .", "I know the scarf : would he had kept it still !", "Aye , go , Horatio ; leave me here alone ,", "Pay that you borrow 'd , and recover it .", "Then with conceit enlarge yourself again .", "Had he not lov 'd Andrea as he did ,", "And but devis 'd to drive me from this place .", "A heartless man , and live ? A miracle !", "Himself now pleads for favor at my hands ,", "From whence Horatio proves my second love ?", "Signior Horatio , this is the place and hour", "And here he comes that murder 'd my delight .", "For , had he liv 'd , he would have kept it still ,", "She , going in , lets fall her glove , which", "The circumstance of Don Andrea 's death ,", "And in his death hath buried my delights .", "For , after him , thou hast deserv 'd it best .", "And worn it for his Bel-imperia 's sake ;", "Wherein I must entreat thee to relate", "That argues that he lives in liberty .", "Thanks , good Horatio ; take it for thy pains .", "He shall , in rigour of my just disdain ,"], "true_target": ["And , where Don Balthazar , that slew my love ,", "She will be Don Horatio 's thankful friend .", "Alas , my lord ! These are but words of course ,", "Be sure , while Bel-imperia 's life endures ,", "HORATIO , coming out , takes up .", "What boots complaint , when there 's no remedy ?", "Reap long repentance for his murderous deed ,\u2014", "For solitude best fits my cheerless mood .\u2014", "The more to spite the prince that wrought his end ;", "But , for thy kindness in his life and death ,", "But how can love find harbour in my breast ,", "Who living was my garland 's sweetest flower ,", "So many to oppress one valiant knight ,", "But now wear thou it both for him and me ;", "Yes , second love shall further my revenge :", "Yet what avails to wail Andreas death ,", "That for a-while I wish no company .", "Would thou hadst slain him that so slew my love ! But then was Don Andrea 's carcass lost ?", "Your prison then , belike , is your conceit .", "Without respect of honour in the fight ?", "He could not sit in Bel-imperia 's thoughts .", "Till I revenge the death of my belov 'd ?", "For what was't else but murderous cowardice ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 123}, {"query": ["She , she herself , disguis 'd in armour 's mask ,", "I 'll crave your pardon to go seek the prince ;", "For so the duke , your father , gave me charge .", "I saw him honour 'd with due funeral .", "Yet this I did , and less I could not do :", "But neither friendly sorrow , sighs and tears", "And brought him prisoner from his halberdiers .", "And left not till Andrea 's life was done .", "Your worthy cavalier amidst the thickest ,", "For love of him and service to yourself ,", "I 'll not refuse this heavy doleful charge ;", "Then , though too late , incens 'd with just remorse ,", "Humbly to serve fair Bel-imperia .", "But now , if your good liking stand thereto ,", "The king , my lords , is coming hither straight", "Then young Don Balthazar , with ruthless rage ,", "Encounter 'd hand-to-hand . Their fight was long ,", "For glorious cause still aiming at the fairest ,", "To feast the Portingal ambassador ;", "Cut short his life to end his praise and worth .", "Was at the last by young Don Balthazar", "No ; that was it for which I chiefly strove ,", "Their strength alike , their strokes both dangerous ;"], "true_target": ["Nor stepp 'd I back till I recover 'd him .", "Taking advantage of his foe 's distress ,", "Madame , your glove .", "And , wielding him unto my private tent ,", "As Pallas was before proud Pergamus ,", "Did finish what his halberdiers begun ;", "Yet tears and sighs , I fear , will hinder me .", "I took him up , and wound him in mine arms ,", "And wear it in remembrance of my friend .", "And , madame , Don Horatio will not slack", "There laid him down and dew 'd him with my tears ,", "And sigh 'd and sorrow 'd as became a friend .", "When both our armies were enjoin 'd in fight ,", "Things were in readiness before I came .", "Envying at Andrea 's praise and worth ,", "Which punch 'd his horse and ding 'd him to the ground .", "This scarf I pluck 'd from off his lifeless arm ,", "But wrathful Nemesis , that wicked power ,", "Brought in a fresh supply of halberdiers ,", "I reap 'd more grace that I deserv 'd or hop 'd .", "Could win pale Death from his usurped right .", "Their hearts were great , their clamours menacing ,", "I with my band set forth against the prince ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 123}, {"query": ["Meanwhile let us devise to spend the time", "These clouds will overblow with little wind ;", "You know that women oft are humorous :", "My lord , be not dismay 'd for what is past ;", "In some delightful sports and revelling ."], "true_target": ["Let me alone , I 'll scatter them myself .", "Sister , what means this melancholy walk ?", "Tush , tush , my lord ! let go these ambages ,", "But here the prince is come to visit you .", "And in plain terms acquaint her with your love ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 123}, {"query": ["And learn my father and my country 's health .", "Then here it fits us to attend the king ,", "Yes , to your gracious self must I complain ,", "To welcome hither our ambassador ,", "I die if it return from whence it lies .", "In whose translucent breast my heart is lodg 'd .", "In whose fair answer lies my remedy ,"], "true_target": ["Signior Horatio stoop 'd in happy time !", "What if conceit have laid my heart to gage ?", "So am I , slain by beauty 's tyranny !\u2014 You see , my lord , how Balthazar is slain : I frolic with the Duke of Castille 's son , Wrapp 'd every hour in pleasures of the court , And grac 'd with favours of his Majesty .", "On whose perfection all my thoughts attend ,", "Aye , lady , love can work such miracles .", "Aye , by conceit my freedom is enthrall 'd .", "On whose aspect mine eyes find beauty 's bower ,", "No madam , but in pleasing servitude ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 123}, {"query": ["We pleasure more in kindness than in wars .", "Takes the cup of HORATIO .", "When it by little England hath been yok 'd .", "This is another special argument", "I think our council is already set .", "Hieronimo , I drink to thee for this device ,", "That Portingal may deign to bear our yoke ,", "But welcome are you to the best we have .", "Unless our dainties were more delicate ,\u2014", "That which may comfort both your king and you ,"], "true_target": ["My lord , I fear we sit but over-long ,", "But now , Hieronimo , what were the last ?", "Pledge me , Hieronimo , if thou love the king !", "My lord of Portingal , by this you see", "But say , Hieronimo : what was the next ?", "Which hath pleas 'd both the ambassador and me :", "See , lord ambassador , how Spain entreats", "Their prisoner Balthazar , thy viceroy 's son :", "Put off your greetings till our feast be done ; Now come and sit with us , and taste our cheer . Sit to the banquet . Sit down , young prince , you are our second guest ; Brother , sit down ; and nephew , take your place . Signior Horatio , wait thou upon our cup , For well thou hast deserved to be honour 'd . Now , lordings , fall too : Spain is Portugal , And Portugal is Spain ; we both are friends ; Tribute is paid , and we enjoy our right . But where is old Hieronimo , our marshall ? He promis 'd us , in honour of our guest , To grace our banquet with some pompous jest . Enter HIERONIMO with a DRUM , three KNIGHTS , each with scutcheon ; then he fetches three KINGS ; they take their crowns and them captive . Hieronimo , this makes content mine eye , Although I sound not well the mystery .", "And make your late discomfort seem the less .", "Now let us in , that you may be dispatch 'd ;"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 123}, {"query": ["Sad is our king , and Portingal laments ,", "And made them bow their knees to Albion .", "This is an argument for our viceroy"], "true_target": ["Since English warriors likewise conquer 'd Spain", "Supposing that Don Balthazar is slain .", "That Spain may not insult for her success ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 123}, {"query": ["The second knight that hung his scutcheon up", "Brave John of Gaunt , the Duke of Lancaster ,", "When English Richard wore the diadem ,", "He came likewise and razed Lisbon walls ,", "And took our King of Castille prisoner .", "He with a puissant army came to Spain", "Was , as the rest , a valiant Englishman ,", "Was Edmond , Earle of Kent in Albion ."], "true_target": ["For which , and other such service done ,", "And took the king of Portingal in fight ,\u2014", "Doing as before .", "The first arm 'd knight that hung his scutcheon up He takes the scutcheon and gives it to the KING . Was English Robert , Earle of Gloucester , Who , when King Stephen bore sway in Albion , Arriv 'd with five and twenty thousand men In Portingal , and , by success of war , Enforc 'd the king , then but a Saracen , To bear the yoke of the English monarchy .", "As by his scutcheon plainly may appear :", "He doth as he did before .", "The third and last , not least in our account ,", "He after was created Duke of York ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 123}, {"query": ["Come we for this from depth of under ground ,\u2014", "These pleasant sights are sorrow to my soul :"], "true_target": ["Nothing but league and love and banqueting !", "To see him feast that gave me my death 's wound ?"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 123}, {"query": ["Their hope into despair , their peace to war ,", "Be still , Andrea ; ere we go from hence ,"], "true_target": ["Their joys to pain , their bliss to misery .", "Their love to mortal hate , their day to night ,", "I 'll turn their friendship into fell despite ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 123}, {"query": ["My lord , though Bel-imperia seem thus coy ,", "In time all haggard hawks will stoop to lure ,", "And she in time will fall from her disdain ,", "In time the flint is pierc 'd with softest shower ;"], "true_target": ["In time the savage bull sustains the yoke ,", "And rue the sufferance of your friendly pain .", "Let reason hold you in your wonted joy :", "In time small wedges cleave the hardest oak ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 124}, {"query": ["Aye ; but that 's slander 'd by captivity .", "And through her ears dive down into her heart ,", "But wherefore blot I Bel-imperia 's name ?", "My summer 's day will turn to winter 's night .", "Such as do drop from Pan and Marsya 's quill ;", "The lines I send her are but harsh and ill ,", "And in her heart set him , where I should stand .", "Yet might she love me as her brother 's friend .", "But in his fall I 'll tempt the Destinies ,", "Glad , that I know the hind'rer of my love ;", "Aye ; but her reason masters her desire .", "Which sweet conceits are lim 'd with sly deceits ,", "And either lose my life or win my love .", "Sad , that she 'll fly me if I take revenge .", "And with that sword he fiercely waged war ,", "And in that war he gave me dangerous wounds ,", "And now by sleight would captivate my soul ;", "Yet might she love me for my valiancy .", "And by my yielding I became his slave ;", "No ; she is wilder , and more hard withal ,", "Yet might she love me to content her sire .", "My feature is not to content her sight ;"], "true_target": ["My words are rude and work her no delight ;", "My presents are not of sufficient cost ;", "And by those wounds he forced me to yield ,", "Then beast or bird , or tree or stony wall !", "And , being worthless , all my labours lost .", "It is my fault , not she that merits blame .", "First , in his hand he brandished a sword ,", "Glad , that I know on whom to be reveng 'd ;", "Which pleasing words do harbour sweet conceits ,", "Aye ; but perhaps she loves some nobler mate .", "Yet might she love me as her beauty 's thrall .", "Which sly deceits smooth Bel-imperia 's ears ,", "Sad , that I fear she hates me whom I love ;", "Now , in his mouth he carries pleasing words ,", "Yet might she love me to uprear her state .", "For love resisted grows impatient .", "Thus hath he ta'en my body by his force ,", "Aye ; but her hopes aim at some other end .", "Aye ; but I fear she cannot love at all .", "Both well and ill ; it makes me glad and sad :", "I think Horatio be my destin 'd plague :", "Yet must I take revenge or die myself ;"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 124}, {"query": ["Thou know'st that I can more advance thy state", "This very sword whereon thou took'st thine oath", "Swear on this cross that what thou say'st is true ,", "Go and attend her as thy custom is ,", "My lord , for my sake leave these ecstasies ,", "And will conceal whate'er proceeds from thee ;", "Thus stands the case : it is not long , thou know'st ,", "Now to these favours will I add reward ,", "For she reposeth all her trust in thee .", "Yet speak the truth , and I will guerdon thee", "Tell truth and have me for thy lasting friend .", "Shall be the worker of thy tragedy .", "First that must needs be known , and then remov 'd .", "Exit PEDRINGANO .", "Do but follow me , and gain your love ;", "Hinder me not what ere you hear or see :", "And thou shalt find me kind and liberal .", "For which thou wert adjudg 'd to punishment ;", "I stood betwixt thee and thy punishment ,", "Where words prevail not , violence prevails .", "And shield thee from whatever can ensue ,", "I have already found a stratagem", "But gold doth more than either of them both .", "To find the truth of all this question out .", "Than she : be therefore wise and fail me not .", "But , if thou dally once again , thou diest !", "Stand up , I say , and fearless tell the truth .", "Ho , Pedringano !", "To sound the bottom of this doubtful theme .", "In hope thine oath is true , here 's thy reward .", "How likes Prince Balthazar this stratagem ?", "Her favour must be won by his remove .", "I mean , whom loves she in Andrea 's place ?"], "true_target": ["Then , Pedringano , this is my demand ;", "Since I did shield thee from my father 's wrath", "Thy death shall bury what thy life conceals .", "Thou die'st for more esteeming her than me !", "My lord , for once you shall be rul 'd by me ;", "Then thou shalt find that I am liberal .", "Let this be all that thou shall do for me :", "And give me notice in some secret sort .", "Some cause there is that lets you not be lov 'd :", "Least absence make her think thou dost amiss .", "Aye , Pedringano , service of import .", "For thy convenience in Andrea 's love ,", "What ! Don Horatio , our knight-marshall 's son ?", "And , not to spend the time in trifling words ,", "Vien qui presto !", "Speak , man , and gain both friendship and reward :", "If thou but satisfy my just demand ;", "Now say but how know'st thou he is her love ,", "But , if I prove thee perjur 'd and unjust ,", "And fear shall force what friendship cannot win .", "And that thou wilt conceal what thou hast told .", "What if my sister love some other knight ?", "And lands and living join 'd with dignities ,", "Why , so , Tam armis quam ingenio :", "Whom loves my sister Bel-imperia ?", "Let 's go , my lord ; our staying stays revenge .", "Not with fair words , but store of golden coin", "By force or fair means will I cast about", "Nay , if thou dally , then I am thy foe ,", "Be watchful when and where these lovers meet ,", "And since thou knowest how I have favour 'd thee .", "And doubt not but we 'll find some remedy .", "What , villain ! ifs and ands ?"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 124}, {"query": ["Whate'er it be your lordship shall demand ,", "Alas , my lord , since Don Andrea 's death", "Oh stay , my lord ! she loves Horatio ! BALTHAZAR starts back .", "Oh stay , my lord !", "If case it lie in me to tell the truth .", "Signior .", "I swear to both , by him that made us all .", "Besides , your Honour 's liberality", "I will , my lord .", "Full-fraught with lines and arguments of love ,"], "true_target": ["My bounden duty bids me tell the truth ,", "And therefore know not if she love or no .", "Even him , my lord .", "What I have said is true , and shall , for me ,", "Hath your lordship any service to command me ?", "I have no credit with her as before ,", "Deserves my duteous service ev'n till death .", "She sent him letters ,\u2014 which myself perus 'd ,\u2014", "If madame Bel-imperia be in love \u2014", "Preferring him before Prince Balthazar .", "Be still conceal 'd from Bel-imperia ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 124}, {"query": ["Two chief contents where more cannot be had ,\u2014", "PEDRINGANO showeth all to the PRINCE and", "Dangers of war and pleasures of our love .", "LORENZO , placing them in secret .", "Now , madame , since by favour of your love", "But , gracious madame , then appoint the field", "Thus in the midst of love 's fair blandishments", "Our hidden smoke is turn 'd to open flame ,"], "true_target": ["Dang'rous suspicion waits on our delight .", "Why show you sign of inward languishments ?", "The less I speak , the more I meditate .", "Where trial of this war shall first be made .", "But , honey-sweet and honourable love ,", "Return we now into your father 's sight ;", "And that with looks and words we feed our thought ,\u2014", "On dangers past and pleasures to ensue ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 125}, {"query": ["Be this our warring peace , or peaceful war .", "BALTHAZAR , above .", "Let dangers go ; thy war shall be with me ,", "And , leaning on the shore , may sing with joy", "But whereon dost thou chiefly meditate ?", "Then be thy father 's pleasant bow'r the field ,\u2014", "That summons home distressful travelers .", "Where first we vow 'd a mutual amity .", "Send thou sweet looks , I 'll meet them with sweet looks ;", "Give me a kiss , I 'll countercheck thy kiss :", "Our hour shall be when Vesper \u2018 gins to rise ,", "Till then , each hour will seem a year and more .", "What dangers and what pleasures dost thou mean ?", "Speak thou fair words , I 'll cross them with fair words ;", "Why stands Horatio speechless all this while ?", "Shall carroll us asleep ere we be ware ,"], "true_target": ["Each hour doth wish and long to make resort ,", "There none shall hear us but the harmless birds :", "And , singing with the prickle at her breast ,", "That sweetest bliss is crown of love 's desire .", "Possession of thy love is th \u2019 only port", "Haply the gentle nightingale", "My heart , sweet friend , is like a ship at sea :", "Tell our delight and mirthful dalliance .", "Wherein my heart , with fears and hopes long toss 'd ,", "The court were dangerous ; that place is safe .", "But such a war as breaks no bond of peace .", "Write loving lines , I 'll answer loving lines ;", "That pleasure follows pain , and bliss annoy .", "She wisheth port , where , riding all at ease ,", "And , sitting safe , to sing in Cupid 's choir", "There to repair the joys that it hath lost ,", "She may repair what stormy times have worn ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 125}, {"query": ["Ambitious villain , how his boldness grows !"], "true_target": ["On pleasures past and dangers to ensue !", "O sleep , mine eyes ; see not my love profan 'd ! Be deaf , my ears ; hear not my discontent ! Die , heart ; another joys what thou deserv'st !"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 125}, {"query": ["Watch still , mine eyes , to see this love disjoin 'd ! Hear still , mine ears , to hear them both lament ! Live , heart , to joy at fond Horatio 's fall !", "Dangers of death , but pleasures none at all !"], "true_target": ["Shall send thy soul into eternal night !", "Aye , danger mix 'd with jealous despite"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 125}, {"query": ["She both will wrong her own estate and ours .", "Young virgins must be ruled by their friends .", "If she neglect him and forgo his love ,", "That 's none of mine , but his that took him prisoner ,\u2014", "Unto our brother here , Don Ciprian ,", "Now , brother , you must make some little pains", "In celebration of the nuptial day ,\u2014", "Therefore , whiles I do entertain the prince", "The prince is amiable , and loves her well ;", "With greatest pleasure that our court affords ,", "If she give back , all this will come to naught .", "And let himself determine of the time .", "Then once again farewell , my lord !", "He shall enjoy the kingdom after us .", "Then , lord ambassador of Portingal ,", "I know no better means to make us friends .", "Advise thy king to make this marriage up", "The tribute which you pay shall be releas 'd ;"], "true_target": ["Endeavor you to win your daughter 's thought .", "Brother of Castille , to the prince 's love", "I hope his presence here will honour us", "And this is it : in case the match go forward ,", "Amongst the rest of what you have in charge ,", "Do so , my lord ; and , if he give consent ,", "Her dowry shall be large and liberal ;", "It was Horatio , our knight-marshall 's son .", "And shall enjoy the moiety of his land ,", "Commend me to the king ; and so , farewell ! But where 's Prince Balthazar , to take his leave ?", "For strengthening of our late-confirmed league ;", "The prince 's ransom must not be forgot :", "What says your daughter Bel-imperia ?", "Besides that she is daughter and half heir", "And , if by Balthazar she have a son ,", "To win fair Bel-imperia from her will ;", "And well his forwardness deserves reward :", "I 'll grace her marriage with an uncle 's gift ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 126}, {"query": ["Although she coy it , as becomes her kind ,", "Yet herein shall she follow my advice ,", "I doubt not , aye , but she will stoop in time ;"], "true_target": ["And , were she froward ,\u2014 which she will not be ,\u2014", "And yet dissemble that she loves the prince ,", "Which is to love him or forgo my love ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 126}, {"query": ["Farwell , my lord of Castile , and the rest !", "I 'll make the motion to my sovereign liege ,", "Between us there 's a price already pitch 'd ,"], "true_target": ["And work it if my counsel may prevail .", "And shall be sentwith all convenient speed .", "That is perform 'd already , my good lord .", "Wilt please your Grace command me ought beside ?"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 126}, {"query": ["And that in darkness pleasures may be done ,", "Nay then , my arms are large and strong withal :", "Hark , madame , how the birds record by night ,", "The more will Flora deck it with her flowers .", "Aye , thou art Venus , or some fairer star !", "If Cupid sing , then Venus is not far ,\u2014", "But , first , my looks shall combat against thee .", "O , stay a-while , and I will die with thee ;", "What means my love ?", "And Luna hides herself to pleasure us .", "To over-cloud the brightness of the sun ,", "Sweet , say not so ; fair Fortune is our friend ,", "And there is safety pass a pleasant hour ."], "true_target": ["For joy that Bel-imperia sits in sight !", "The more thou sitt'st within these leafy bowers ,", "Thus I return the dart thou throwest at me !", "Come , Bel-imperia , let us to the bower ,", "That it may combat with my ruder hand .", "The stars , thou see'st , hold back their twinkling shine", "Now that the night begins with sable wings", "And heav'ns have shut up day to pleasure us .", "Then thus begin our wars : put forth thy hand ,", "Why , make you doubt of Pedringano 's faith ?", "What , will you murder me ?", "So shalt thou yield , and yet have conquer 'd me .", "Thus elms by vines are compass 'd till they fall ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 127}, {"query": ["Then ward thyself ! I dart this kiss at thee .", "Although my fainting heart controls my soul .", "Go , Pedringano , watch without the gate ,", "Murder ! murder ! help ! Hieronimo , help !", "No ; Cupid counterfeits the nightingale ,", "Aye ; but , if Flora spy Horatio here ,", "And yet my heart foretells me some mischance .", "No ; he is as trusty as my second self .", "Her jealous eye will think I sit too near .", "My twining arms shall yoke and make thee yield .", "Who 's there ? Pedringano ? We are betray 'd !", "Why sit we not ? for pleasure asketh ease .", "If I be Venus , thou must needs be Mars ;"], "true_target": ["To frame sweet music to Horatio 's tale .", "Now may'st thou read that life in passion dies !", "Thou hast prevail 'd ! I 'll conquer my misdoubt ,", "I fear no more ; love now is all my thoughts !", "I follow thee , my love , and will not back ,", "Nay then , to gain the glory of the field ,", "O , let me go , for in my troubled eyes", "And let us know if any make approach .", "O , save his life , and let me die for him ! O , save him , brother ! save him , Balthazar ! I lov 'd Horatio , but he lov 'd not me .", "Set forth thy foot to try the push of mine .", "And in thy love and counsel drown my fear .", "And where Mars reigneth , there must needs be wars .", "I know not what , myself ;"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 127}, {"query": ["Come , stop her mouth ! away with her !", "My lord , away with her ! take her aside ! O sir , forbear , your valour is already tried . Quickly dispatch , my masters . They hang him in the arbor ."], "true_target": ["Yet is he at the highest now he is dead .", "Aye ; thus ! and thus ! these are the fruits of love ! They stab him .", "Although his life were still ambitious , proud ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 127}, {"query": ["O heav'ns , why made you night , to cover sin ?", "O poor Horatio , what hadst thou misdone", "Meanwhile , good Isabella , cease thy plaints , Or , at the least , dissemble them awhile ; So shall we sooner find the practise out , And learn by whom all this was brought about . Come , Isabell , now let us take him up . They take him up . And bear him in from out this cursed place . I 'll say his dirge ,\u2014 singing fits not this case . O aliquis mihi quas pulchrum ver educat herbas HIERONIMO sets his breast unto his sword . Misceat , et nostro detur medicina dolori ; Aut , si qui faciunt annorum oblivia , succos Praebeat ; ipse metam magnum quaecunque per orbem Gramina Sol pulchras effert in luminis oras . Ipse bibam quicquid meditatur saga veneni , Quicquid et herbarum vi caeca nenia nectit . Omnia perpetiar , lethum quoque , dum semel omnis Noster in extincto moriatur pectore sensus . Ergo tuos oculos nunquam , mea vita videbo , Et tua perpetuus sepelivit lumina somnus ? Emoriar tecum : sic , sic juvat ire sub umbras ! Attamen absistam properato cedere letho , Ne mortem vindicta tuam tam nulla sequatur . Here he throws it from him and bears the body away .", "By day this deed of darkness had not been .", "For me amidst these dark and dreadful shades", "Which never danger yet could daunt before ?", "This place was made for pleasure not for death .", "I 'll not entomb them till I have reveng 'd :", "And left thy bloody corpse dishonour 'd here ,", "And in the bower , to lay the guilt on me !", "He cuts him down .", "Here , Isabella . Help me to lament ;", "Those garments that he wears I oft have seen ,\u2014", "A man hang 'd up , and all the murderers gone !", "To know the author were some ease of grief ,", "And chill my throbbing heart with trembling fear ,", "I did not slumber ; therefore \u2018 twas no dream .", "O , no ; but he that whilome was my son !", "See'st thou those wounds that yet are bleeding fresh ?", "No , no ; it was some woman cried for help .", "O wicked butcher , whatsoe'er thou wert ,", "Sweet lovely rose , ill pluck 'd before thy time ! Fair , worthy son , not conquer 'd , but betray 'd ! I 'll kiss thee now , for words with tears are stay 'd .", "O , speak , if any spark of life remain !"], "true_target": ["I am thy father . Who hath slain my son ?", "Who calls Hieronimo ? speak ; hear I am !", "See'st thou this handkerchief besmear 'd with blood ?", "What outcries pluck me from my naked bed ,", "But stay ! what murderous spectacle is this ?", "What savage monster , not of human kind ,", "Hath here been glutted with thy harmless blood ,", "The vile profaner of this sacred bower ?", "To drown thee with an ocean of my tears ?", "Then will I joy amidst my discontent ,", "For in revenge my heart would find relief .", "Ay me , most wretched ! that have lost my joy", "Alas ! it is Horatio , my sweet son !", "O , was it thou that call'dst me from my bed ?", "How could thou strangle virtue and desert ?", "It shall not from me till I take revenge ;", "O earth , why didst thou not in time devour", "And in this garden must I rescue her .", "In leesing my Horatio , my sweet boy !", "And here within this garden did she cry ,", "To leese thy life ere life was new begun ?", "For sighs are stopp 'd , and all my tears are spent .", "Till then , my sorrow never shall be spent ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 127}, {"query": ["What world of grief \u2014 my son Horatio ! O where 's the author of this endless woe ?", "And I 'll close up the glasses of his sight ;", "For outrage fits our cursed wretchedness .", "O , gush out , tears ! fountains and floods of tears !", "The heav'ns are just , murder cannot be hid ;"], "true_target": ["Then is he gone ? and is my son gone too ?", "My husband 's absence makes my heart to throb . Hieronimo !", "For once these eyes were only my delight .", "Blow , sighs , and raise an everlasting storm ;", "And time will bring this treachery to light .", "Time is the author of both truth and right ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 127}, {"query": ["But \u2018 tis my friend Horatio that is slain ,", "I look 'd that Balthazar should have been slain ;", "Brought'st thou me hither to increase my pain ?"], "true_target": ["And they abuse fair Bel-imperia ,", "On whom I doted more then all the world ,", "Because she lov 'd me more then all the world ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 127}, {"query": ["Thou talk'st of harvest , when the corn is green ;", "I 'll show thee Balthazar in heavy case ."], "true_target": ["The end is crown of every work well done ;", "The sickle comes not till the corn be ripe .", "Be still , and , ere I lead thee from this place ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 127}, {"query": ["So striveth not the waves with sundry winds", "And oft supplanted with exceeding hate ,", "As fortune toileth in the affairs of kings ,", "And at our highest never joy we so", "Seated amidst so many helpless doubts !", "The only hope of our successive line .", "Sith fear and love to kings is flattery ."], "true_target": ["For instance , lordings , look upon your king ,", "First , we are plac 'd upon extremest height ,", "As we doubt and dread our overthrow .", "By hate deprived of his dearest son ,", "Infortunate condition of kings ,", "That would be fear 'd , yet fear to be belov 'd ,", "But ever subject to the wheel of chance ;"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 128}, {"query": ["Yet hope the best .", "Had been envenom 'd with such extreme hate ;", "I had not thought that Alexandro 's heart"], "true_target": ["But now I see that words have several works ,", "In such extremes will nought but patience serve .", "And there 's no credit in the countenance ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 128}, {"query": ["My guilty soul submits me to thy doom ,", "For , not for Alexandro 's injuries ,", "That feigned love had colour 'd in his looks", "Far more inconstant had you thought the sun ,", "Injurious traitor , monstrous homicide !", "Where those thy words shall perish with thy works ,", "I 'll lend a hand to send thee to the lake"], "true_target": ["Thus have I shamelessly hazarded his life .", "Then Alexandro 's purpose to the prince .", "Rent with remembrance of so foul a deed ,", "Nay , Alexandro , if thou menace me ,", "But for reward and hope to be prefer 'd ,", "No , for , my lord , had you beheld the train", "When he in camp consorted Balthazar ,", "That hourly coasts the center of the earth ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 128}, {"query": ["By our great lord , the mighty king of Spain ,", "To make acquittal for thy discontent .", "Accursed wretch to intimate these ills", "ALEXANDRO seems to entreat .", "To end those things articulated here", "They bind him to the stake .", "Bind him , and burn his body in those flames ,", "Entreat me not ! Go , take the traitor hence !", "Of Phlegethon prepared for his soul .", "Let him unbind thee that is bound to death ,", "With public notice of thy loyalty .", "Which , villain , shall be ransom 'd with thy death ,", "Why linger ye ? bring forth that daring fiend ,", "But even the slaughter of our dearest son", "What news hath urg 'd this sudden enterance ?", "Could once have mov 'd us to have misconceiv 'd .", "We with our council will deliberate .", "Say , false Villuppo , wherefore didst thou thus", "Nor shall I longer dally with the world ,", "Devis 'd for him who thou said'st slew our son ,", "Go , some of you , and fetch the traitor forth ,"], "true_target": ["Him whom thou know'st that no unkindness else", "Ambassador ,", "And , Alexandro , let us honour thee", "What say'st thou ? liveth Balthazar , our son ?", "And not so mean a torment as we here", "Come , Alexandro , keep us company .", "\u201c Thy son doth live ; your tribute is receiv 'd ; Thy peace is made , and we are satisfied . The rest resolve upon as things propos 'd For both our honours and thy benefit . \u201d", "They unbind him .", "But with the bitterest torments and extremes", "Against the life and reputation", "That may be yet invented for thine end .", "No more , Villuppo ! thou hast said enough ,", "No more , I say ; to the tortures ! when ?", "And with thy words thou slay'st our wounded thoughts .", "And let him die for his accursed deed .", "Of noble Alexandro ! come , my lord , unbind him !", "Procrastinating Alexandro 's death .", "That , as he is condemned , he may die .", "Falsely betray Lord Alexandro 's life ?", "Exit VILLUPPO .", "That shall prefigure those unquenched fires"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 128}, {"query": ["With whom there nothing can prevail but wrong .", "The hopeless life which thou , Villuppo , sought", "Do I , O king , thus discontented live ;", "Not that I fear the extremity of death \u2014", "On thee , Villuppo , that hath malice 'd thus ,", "That thus I die suspected of a sin", "So am I free from this suggestion !", "But thus we see our innocence hath sav 'd", "Whereof , as Heav'ns have known my secret thoughts ,", "For nobles cannot stoop to servile fear \u2014", "Say , treacherous Villuppo ; tell the King ! Or wherein hath Alexandro us 'd thee ill ?"], "true_target": ["Dread lord , in kindness you could do no less ,", "By thy suggestions to have massacred .", "Nor discontents it me to leave the world ,", "As for the earth , it is too much infect", "To yield me hope of any of her mould .", "My guiltless death will be aveng 'd on thee !", "Upon report of such a damned fact ;", "\u2018 Tis heav'n is my hope :", "But this , O this , torments my labouring soul ,", "But in extremes what patience shall I use ?", "Or for thy meed hast falsely me accus 'd !"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 128}, {"query": ["Stay ! hold a-while !", "Are happy witnesses of his Highness \u2019 health .", "Humbly commends him to your Majesty .", "And , well entreated in the court of Spain ,", "And here , with pardon of his Majesty ,", "The KING looks on the letters , and proceeds ."], "true_target": ["With these , the letters of the king 's commends ,", "Lay hands upon Villuppo !", "Your Highness \u2019 son , Lord Balthazar doth live ,", "Know , sovereign lord , that Balthazar doth live .", "Gives him letters .", "These are his Highness \u2019 farther articles . He gives him more letters .", "These eyes beheld ; and these my followers ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 128}, {"query": ["Eyes , life , world , heav'ns , hell , night and day ,", "A letter for Hieronimo .", "Hieronimo , revenge Horatio 's death ,", "And with the wounds of my distressful son", "Unreveal 'd and unrevenged pass ,", "But live t'effect thy resolution !", "That thou , by this , Lorenzo should'st accuse .", "Dear was the life of my beloved son ,", "Me hath my hapless brother hid from thee .", "Where 's thy lady ?", "The ugly fiends do sally forth of hell ,", "Oh world ! no world , but mass of public wrongs ,", "Or what might move thee , Bel-imperia ,", "A letter falleth .", "What I can gather to confirm this writ ,", "Now , Pedringano !", "And better fare then Bel-imperia doth ! \u201d \u2014", "Revenge thyself on Balthazar and him ,", "Enter PEDRINGANO .", "The night , sad secretary to my moans ,", "Close if I can with Bel-imperia ,", "Oh , no , my lord , I dare not , it must not be ;", "To listen more , but nothing to bewray .", "Then hazard not thine own , Hieronimo ,", "If this incomparable murder thus", "And he , for thy dishonour done , should draw", "This is devised to endanger thee ,", "Oh life ! no life , but lively form of death ;", "What 's here ? a letter ? Tush , it is not so !"], "true_target": ["Thy life in question and thy name in hate .", "And to entrap thy life this train is laid .", "And drive me forth to seek the murderer .", "My son slain by Lorenzo and the prince ?", "If this inhuman and barbarous attempt ,", "Oh eyes ! no eyes but fountains fraught with tears ;", "Confus 'd and fill 'd with murder and misdeeds ;", "Hieronimo , beware ! thou art betray 'd ,", "With direful visions wake my vexed soul ,", "Of mine , but now no more my son shall pass ,", "My grief no heart , my thoughts no tongue can tell .", "What cause had they Horatio to malign ?", "Early begins to register my dreams", "See , search , show , send , some man , some mean , that may \u2014", "My lord .", "And frame my heart with fierce inflamed thoughts ;", "To accuse thy brother , had he been the mean ?", "How should we term your dealings to be just ,", "Oh sacred heav'ns , if this unhallow 'd deed ,", "I humbly thank your lordship .", "\u201c For want of ink receive this bloody writ .", "For these were they that murdered thy son .", "Advise thee therefore , be not credulous :", "What means this unexpected miracle ?", "Solicit me for notice of his death ;", "The cloudy day my discontents records ,", "If you unjustly deal with those that in your justice trust ?", "I therefore will by circumstances try", "And , harken near the Duke of Castile 's house ,", "And of his death behooves me be aveng 'd :"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 129}, {"query": ["It shall be done , my lord ; it shall be done ;", "My lord , he could not ; \u2018 twas so lately done ,", "But how shall Serberine be there , my lord ?", "My lord , I see it , and suspect it too ."], "true_target": ["And since he hath not left my company .", "He asketh for my lady Bel-imperia .", "Now , Hieronimo !", "And I 'll go arm myself to meet him there .", "I know not ; here 's my lord ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 129}, {"query": ["How now , who 's this ? Hieronimo ?", "When things shall alter , as I hope they will ,", "Then shalt thou mount for this , thou knowest my mind .", "Behind the house , this evening , boy .", "Meet Serberine at St. Luigi 's Park ,\u2014", "Gives him more gold .", "Upon precise commandment from the king", "And thus one ill another must expulse .", "Nor shall they live for me to fear their faith ;", "But , Pedringano , to prevent the worst ,", "Of all these practices , I 'll spread the watch ,", "This night thou must \u2014 and prithee so resolve \u2014", "Thus must we work that will avoid distrust ,", "And this suspicion bodes a further ill .", "To Serberine , and bid him forthwith meet", "For die he must , if we do mean to live .", "And so do they , but I have dealt for them .", "The prince and me where thou must do this deed .", "Here , for thy further satisfaction , take thou this !", "Exit PEDRINGANO .", "Let me alone , I 'll send him to meet", "Than by their life to hazard our good haps .", "As for myself , I know my secret fault ,", "What to do , Hieronimo ? Use me .", "That e'er I us 'd him in this enterprise .", "And better \u2018 tis that base companions die"], "true_target": ["I 'll trust myself , myself shall be my friend ;", "To save my life , for coin shall venture theirs ;", "There take thy stand , and see thou strike him sure ,", "They that for coin their souls endangered", "And hearken to me ; thus it is devis 'd :", "Thus must we practice to prevent mishap ,", "Admit he have not ; his conditions such", "Strongly to guard the place where Pedringano", "For die they shall ,\u2014", "Why then , farewell !", "The prince and me at S. Luigi 's Park ,", "And \u2018 cause I know thee secret as my soul ,", "Come hither , Pedringano ; see'st thou this ?", "Go , sirrah ,", "As fear or flattering words may make him false .", "Now to confirm the complot thou hast cast", "I know his humour , and therewith repent", "This sly enquiry of Hieronimo", "Thou knowest \u2018 tis here hard by behind the house ;", "This is that damned villain Serberine ,", "Che le Ieron !", "For Bel-imperia breeds suspicion ;", "But , sirrah , let the hour be eight o'clock . Bid him not fail .", "Slaves are ordain 'd to no other end .", "That hath , I fear , reveal 'd Horatio 's death .", "This night shall murder hapless Serberine ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 129}, {"query": ["I fly , my lord ."], "true_target": ["I go , my lord .", "My lord ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 129}, {"query": ["What e'er he be , I 'll answer him and you .", "And let me shift for taking of mine aim .", "Besides , this place is free from all suspect .", "Here is the gold ! This is the gold propos 'd !", "Now , Pedringano , bid thy pistol hold ;", "For this , Serberine ; and thou shalt ha't ! Shoots . So , there he lies ; my promise is perform 'd . The WATCH .", "Hieronimo ? Carry me before whom you will ;", "And do your worst , for I defy you all !", "And , wishing , want , when such as I prevail !", "But Pedringano is posses 'd thereof .", "And he that would not strain his conscience", "Here comes the bird that I must seize upon ; Now , Pedringano , or never play the man !"], "true_target": ["Who first lays hands on me , I 'll be his priest !", "Will stand between me and ensuing harms .", "Give but success to mine attempting spirit ,", "As for the fear of apprehension ,", "He strives with the WATCH .", "Unworthy such a favour , may he fail ,", "I know , if need should be , my noble lord", "Here therefore will I stay and take my stand .", "It is no dream that I adventure for ,", "And hold on , Fortune ! Once more favour me !", "Why , because he walk 'd abroad so late .", "Now , by the sorrows of the souls in hell ,", "For him that thus his liberal purse hath stretch 'd ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 130}, {"query": ["Hark , gentlemen , this is a pistol shot !", "On to Hieronimo 's ! help me here"], "true_target": ["I wonder much to what intent it is", "That we are thus expressly charg 'd to watch .", "To bring the murder 'd body with us too ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 130}, {"query": ["And here 's one slain ; stay the murderer !", "Content yourself , stand close , there 's somewhat i n't ."], "true_target": ["This by commandment in the king 's own name .", "Come to the marshall 's with the murderer !"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 130}, {"query": ["But we were never wont to watch and ward", "So near the duke his brother 's house before ."], "true_target": ["Come sir , you had been better kept your bed", "Then have committed this misdeed so late .", "Sirrah , confess , and therein play the priest . Why hast thou thus unkindly kill 'd the man ?"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 130}, {"query": ["I wonder that his lordship stays so long , Or wherefore should he send for me so late ."], "true_target": ["Here , Serberine , attend and stay thy pace ; For here did Don Lorenzo 's page appoint That thou by his command shouldst meet with him . How fit a place , if one were so dispos 'd , Methinks this corner is to close with one ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 130}, {"query": ["Who ? Serberine , my man ?", "Meanwhile , I 'll haste the marshall sessions ,", "How now , my lord ? what makes you rise so soon ?", "Betray 'd , Lorenzo ? tush ! it cannot be .", "Or else his Highness hardly shall deny ."], "true_target": ["Why , tell me , Don Lorenz ,\u2014 tell me , man ,", "For die he shall for this his damned deed .", "If aught concerns our honour and your own !", "Is Serberine slain , that lov 'd his lord so well ? Injurious villain ! murd'rer of his friend !", "What mischief is it that we not mistrust ?", "Assure thee , Don Lorenzo , he shall die ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 131}, {"query": ["Hath Pedringano murder 'd Serberine ?", "Touching the death of Don Horatio", "A guilty conscience urged with the thought", "And unexpected harms do hurt us most .", "He writes us here", "But to what end ? I list not trust the air", "That by those base confed'rates in our fault", "We are all betray 'd to old Hieronimo .", "And now or never ends Lorenzo 's doubts .", "One only thing is uneffected yet ,", "For fear the privy whisp'ring of the wind", "That lie too open to advantages .", "Now stands our fortune on a tickle point ,", "Et quel che voglio io , nessun lo sa ,", "But here 's the page . How now ? what news with thee ?", "Our greatest ills we least mistrust , my lord ,", "That all 's revealed to Hieronimo .", "But , sirrah , see that this be cleanly done .", "I am persuaded \u2014 and dissuade me not \u2014", "Why , so ! this fits our former policy ; And thus experience bids the wise and deal . I lay the plot , he prosecutes the point ; I set the trap , he breaks the worthless twigs , And sees not that wherewith the bird was lim 'd . Thus hopeful men , that means to hold their own , Must look , like fowlers , to their dearest friends . He runs to kill whom I have holp to catch , And no man knows it was my reaching fetch . \u2018 Tis hard to trust unto a multitude ,\u2014 Or any one , in mine opinion , When men themselves their secrets will reveal .", "Fear of preventing our mishaps too late .", "Nor you nor me , my lord , but both in one ;"], "true_target": ["To stand good lord and help him in distress .", "And that 's to see the executioner ,\u2014", "Exit PAGE .", "Intendo io quel mi bastera .", "My lord , let me entreat you to take the pains", "To exasperate and hasten his revenge", "With utterance of our pretence therein ,", "Convey our words amongst unfriendly ears ,", "With your complaints unto my lord the king .", "And therefore know that I have cast it thus \u2014", "Boy .", "Who ?", "Fellow , be gone ; my boy shall follow thee .", "And what we may , let him assure him of .", "Tell him I have his letters , know his mind ;", "This their dissension breeds a greater doubt .", "What 's he ?", "Speak , page : who murder 'd him ?", "What would he with us ?", "But I suspect \u2014 and the presumptions great \u2014", "Of former evils , easily cannot err :", "From whence ?", "So he is in prison then ?"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 131}, {"query": ["My lord .", "Your Highness \u2019 man , my lord .", "He that is apprehended for the fact ."], "true_target": ["I go , my lord , I run !", "Pedringano .", "My lord , Serberine is slain ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 131}, {"query": ["I have a letter to your lordship ."], "true_target": ["From Pedringano that 's imprison 'd .", "Aye , my good lord ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 131}, {"query": ["I have not seen a wretch so impudent .", "A fault so foul should \u2018 scape unpunished !", "Dispatch and see this execution done ;", "For here lies that which bids me to be gone .", "So is't my duty to regard his death", "Who when he liv 'd deserv 'd my dearest blood .", "For all our wrongs can compass no redress .", "Confess thy folly and repent thy fault ,", "To know the cause that may my cares allay ?", "But come ; for that we came for , let 's begin ;", "For there 's thy place of execution .", "And here , for satisfaction of the world ,", "This makes me to remember thee , my son .", "That intercepts itself of happiness !"], "true_target": ["That only I to all men just must be ,", "Solely delights in interdicted things ,", "And neither gods nor men be just to me !", "O monstrous times where murders are so light ,", "This toils my body , this consumeth age ,", "Thus must we toil in others men 's extremes", "And where the soul that should be shrin 'd in heav'n", "That know not how to remedy our own ,", "Murder ? O bloody monster ! God forbid", "But shall I never live to see the day", "Still wand'ring in the thorny passages", "Stand forth , thou monster , murderer of men ,", "And do them justice , when unjustly we", "That I may come by justice to the Heav'ns"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 132}, {"query": ["Worthy Hieronimo , your office asks"], "true_target": ["A care to punish such as do transgress ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 132}, {"query": ["So , executioner , convey him hence ;", "Bring forth the prisoner for the court is set .", "Why , wherefore stay you ? Have you hope of life ?"], "true_target": ["Aye , Pedrigano .", "But let his body be unburied .", "What that which Heav'ns contemns and men neglect .", "Let not the earth be choked or infect"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 132}, {"query": ["Come , come , come on ! when shall we to this gear ?", "For fear his lordship had forgotten me ;", "Is your roguery become an office , with a knave 's name ?", "Nay , soft ! no haste !", "Why , sirrah hangman , I take it that that is good for the body is likewise good for the soul : and it may be in that box is balm for both .", "But , sir , then you think this shall be the place", "Yes , but there shall be for my coming down .", "A nearer matter that concerneth him ,", "Aye , that companion .", "Dost thou think to live till his old doublet will make thee a new truss ?", "I prithee , request this good company to pray for me .", "For I had written to my lord anew", "So then I must up ?", "Why , rascal , by my pardon from the king .", "First I confess , nor fear I death therefore ,"], "true_target": ["But , sith he hath remember 'd me so well ,", "Nay , nay , now I remember me , let them alone till some other time ; for now I have no great need .", "O , sir , you are to forward ; thou wouldst fain furnish me with a halter , to disfurnish me of my habit . So should I go out of this gear , my raiment , into that gear , the rope . But , hangman , now I spy your knavery , I 'll not change without boot ; that 's flat .", "No I think not so .", "What hath he in his box , as thou thinkst ?", "Sirrah , dost see yonder boy with the box in his hand ?", "Dost thou mock me , hangman ? Pray God I be not preserved to break your knaves-pate for this !", "How ? be turn 'd off ?", "I am the man ,\u2014 \u2018 twas I slew Serberine .", "Why , aye .", "Where we shall satisfy you for this gear ?", "This is short work ! Well , to your martiallship", "What , do you hang by the hour ? If you do , I may chance to break your old custom .", "Gramercy , boy ! but it was time to come ,", "To do what , my fine officious knave ?"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 132}, {"query": ["And by our law he is condemn 'd to die .", "For blood with blood shall , while I sit as judge ,", "Peace , impudent ! for thou shalt find it so ;"], "true_target": ["Dispatch ! the fault approved and confess 'd ,", "Yet will I see that others have their right .", "Be satisfied , and the law discharg 'd .", "And , though myself cannot receive the like ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 132}, {"query": ["To go to this gear .", "Faith , I cannot tell , nor I care not greatly . Me thinks you should rather hearken to your soul 's health .", "Aye , and many a fair year after , to truss up many an honester man then either thou or he .", "As how ?", "No remedy .", "Well , thou art even the merriest piece of man 's flesh that e'er groaned at my office-door .", "Indeed here 's a remedy for that .", "I know him not ; but what of him ?"], "true_target": ["Alas , sir , you are a foot too low to reach it , and I hope you will never grow so high while I am in office .", "Stand you on that ? then you shall off with this . He turns him off .", "Aye , marry , sir , this is a good motion ! My masters , you see here 's a good fellow .", "Aye , and that shall all they witness that see you seal it with a thief 's name .", "Come on , sir ! are you ready ?", "What , he that points to it with his finger ?", "Come , sir .", "Aye , truly . Come , are you ready ? I pray you , sir , dispatch , the day goes away .", "Faith , you have no reason , for I am like to break your young neck ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 132}, {"query": ["Where shall I run to breath abroad my woes ,\u2014", "But they are plac 'd in those empyreal heights ,", "With ceaseless plaints for my deceased son ?", "Or mine exclaims that have surcharg 'd the air", "Beat at the windows of the brightest heav'ns ,", "Made mountains marsh with spring-tides of my tears ,", "The blust'ring winds , conspiring with my words ,", "And broken through the brazen gates of hell ;", "Resist my woes and give my words no way ."], "true_target": ["Yet still tormented is my tortur 'd soul", "Disrob 'd the meadows of their flower 'd green ,", "Well , what of him ?", "My woes whose weight hath wearied the earth ,", "With broken sighs and restless passions ,", "Where , countermur 'd with walls of diamond ,", "At my lament have mov 'd to leafless trees ,", "Soliciting for justice and revenge .", "I find the place impregnable , and they", "That , winged , mount , and hovering in the air ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 133}, {"query": ["I thank your lord 's worship .", "Petergade , sir : he that was so full of merry conceits \u2014"], "true_target": ["O Lord , sir ! God bless you , sir ! The man , sir ,\u2014", "O Lord , sir ! he went the wrong way ; the fellow had a fair commission to the contrary . Sir , here is his passport , I pray you , sir ; we have done him wrong .", "You will stand between the gallows and me ?"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 133}, {"query": ["Shall thus by this be venged or reveal 'd ?", "Won by rewards and hopeful promises ,", "Nor feigned she , though falsely they have wrong 'd", "Is this the honour that thou didst my son ?", "I warrant thee ; give it me .", "Or tire them all with my revenging threats .", "I holp to murder Don Horatio too . \u201d \u2014", "And was confed'rate with the prince and you ;", "Woe to the cause of these constrained wars !", "When naught but blood will satisfy my woes ?", "Woe to thy baseness and captivity !", "What this the ransom he reserv 'd for thee ?", "Now see I what I durst not then suspect ,", "Woe to thy birth , thy body and thy soul ,", "Till now , and now I feelingly perceive ,", "I will , to ease the grief that I sustain ,", "They did what Heav'n unpunish 'd should not leave .", "Wast thou , Lorenzo ? Balthazar and thou ,", "Take truce with sorrow while I read on this .", "That you would labour my delivery :", "And bann 'd with bitter execrations be", "And in my death I shall reveal the troth .", "And cry aloud for justice through the court ,"], "true_target": ["That Bel-imperia 's letter was not feign 'd ,", "If you neglect , my life is desperate ,", "O sacred heav'ns , may it come to pass", "O false Lorenzo ! are these thy flattering looks ?", "\u201c My lord , I writ , as mine extremes requir 'd ,", "I will go plain me to my lord the king ,", "And either purchase justice by entreats", "And actors in th \u2019 accursed tragedy", "Of every accident . I ne'er could find", "And yet , though somewhat nearer me concerns", "And , Balthazar ,\u2014 bane to thy soul and me !\u2014", "Holp he to murder mine Horatio ?", "Wearing the flints with these my wither 'd feet ,", "Thy cursed father , and thy conquer 'd self !", "So closely smoother 'd and so long conceal 'd ,", "Both her , myself , Horatio and themselves .", "Now may I make compare \u2018 twixt hers and this", "That such a monstrous and detested deed ,", "What have I heard ? what have mine eyes beheld ?", "Of whom my son , my son deserv 'd so well ?", "But wherefore waste I mine unfruitful words ,", "You know , my lord , I slew him for your sake ,", "Aye , aye !", "The day and place where he did pity thee !"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 133}, {"query": ["That mounts me up unto the highest heav'ns \u2014", "My soul ? poor soul , thou talk'st of things", "Bought you a whistle and a whipstalk too ,", "To find them out , that murdered my son ?", "Thou know'st not what ! My soul hath silver wings ,", "Singing sweet hymns and chanting heav'nly notes ,", "To heav'n ? Aye , there sits my Horatio ,", "Back 'd with troop of fiery cherubins", "Why did I not give you gowns and goodly things ,"], "true_target": ["BEL-IMPERIA at a window .", "To be revenged on their villainies ?", "So that you say this herb will purge the eyes , And this the head ? Ah ! but none of them will purge the heart ! No , there 's no medicine left for my disease , Nor any physic to recure the dead . She runs lunatic . Horatio ! O , where 's Horatio ?", "Exeunt .", "That slew Horatio ? whether shall I run", "Dancing about his newly healed wounds ,", "Rare harmony to greet his innocence ,", "That died , aye , died a mirror in our days !", "But say , where shall I find the men , the murderers ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 133}, {"query": ["He sleeps in quiet in the Elysian fields .", "With outrage for your son Horatio ;"], "true_target": ["Madame , these humors do torment my soul .", "Good madam , affright not thus yourself"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 133}, {"query": ["Hieronimo , why writ I of thy wrongs ,", "To patience , and apply me to the time ,", "Accursed brother ! unkind murderer !", "Well , force perforce , I must constrain myself", "Why bend'st thou thus thy mind to martyr me ?", "No notice ? shall I not know the cause", "Andrea ! O Andrea , that thou sawest"], "true_target": ["Till Heav'n , as I have hop 'd , shall set me free .", "Me for thy friend Horatio handled thus ,", "What means this outrage that is offer 'd me ?", "And him for me thus causeless murdered !", "Of these my secret and suspicious ills ?", "Why am I thus sequester 'd from the court ?", "Or why art thou so slack in thy revenge ?"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 133}, {"query": ["To find them out , that murdered my son ?", "So that you say this herb will purge the eyes , And this the head ? Ah ! but none of them will purge the heart ! No , there 's no medicine left for my disease , Nor any physic to recure the dead . She runs lunatic . Horatio ! O , where 's Horatio ?", "To be revenged on their villainies ?", "Back 'd with troop of fiery cherubins", "Why did I not give you gowns and goodly things ,", "That mounts me up unto the highest heav'ns \u2014", "Dancing about his newly healed wounds ,", "Singing sweet hymns and chanting heav'nly notes ,", "But say , where shall I find the men , the murderers ,"], "true_target": ["Thou know'st not what ! My soul hath silver wings ,", "To heav'n ? Aye , there sits my Horatio ,", "BEL-IMPERIA at a window .", "My soul ? poor soul , thou talk'st of things", "Exeunt .", "That slew Horatio ? whether shall I run", "That died , aye , died a mirror in our days !", "Rare harmony to greet his innocence ,", "Bought you a whistle and a whipstalk too ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 134}, {"query": ["Madame , these humors do torment my soul .", "With outrage for your son Horatio ;"], "true_target": ["Good madam , affright not thus yourself", "He sleeps in quiet in the Elysian fields ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 134}, {"query": ["Why am I thus sequester 'd from the court ?", "Of these my secret and suspicious ills ?", "And him for me thus causeless murdered !", "To patience , and apply me to the time ,", "Why bend'st thou thus thy mind to martyr me ?", "Till Heav'n , as I have hop 'd , shall set me free .", "No notice ? shall I not know the cause"], "true_target": ["Or why art thou so slack in thy revenge ?", "Andrea ! O Andrea , that thou sawest", "Well , force perforce , I must constrain myself", "Me for thy friend Horatio handled thus ,", "What means this outrage that is offer 'd me ?", "Accursed brother ! unkind murderer !", "Hieronimo , why writ I of thy wrongs ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 134}, {"query": ["That slew Horatio ? whether shall I run", "Exeunt .", "My soul ? poor soul , thou talk'st of things", "That mounts me up unto the highest heav'ns \u2014", "Back 'd with troop of fiery cherubins", "To find them out , that murdered my son ?", "Dancing about his newly healed wounds ,"], "true_target": ["To heav'n ? Aye , there sits my Horatio ,", "That died , aye , died a mirror in our days !", "But say , where shall I find the men , the murderers ,", "Rare harmony to greet his innocence ,", "Singing sweet hymns and chanting heav'nly notes ,", "BEL-IMPERIA at a window .", "Thou know'st not what ! My soul hath silver wings ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 135}, {"query": ["And him for me thus causeless murdered !", "What means this outrage that is offer 'd me ?", "Andrea ! O Andrea , that thou sawest", "No notice ? shall I not know the cause", "Me for thy friend Horatio handled thus ,", "Why bend'st thou thus thy mind to martyr me ?", "Of these my secret and suspicious ills ?"], "true_target": ["Or why art thou so slack in thy revenge ?", "Till Heav'n , as I have hop 'd , shall set me free .", "Accursed brother ! unkind murderer !", "To patience , and apply me to the time ,", "Well , force perforce , I must constrain myself", "Hieronimo , why writ I of thy wrongs ,", "Why am I thus sequester 'd from the court ?"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 135}, {"query": ["That I should plead their several actions ? Why , let them enter , and let me see them .", "Not I !Hieronimo , beware ! go by , go by !", "To plead in causes as corrigedor .\u2014", "The swift revenge of thy Horatio ?", "Deny my passage to the slimy strand ,", "He draweth out a bloody napkin .", "Behold the sorrows and the sad laments", "Away , Hieronimo ; to him be gone :", "Horatio ? who calls Horatio ?", "Aye , marry , my lord , and shall !", "The upper-billows course of waves to keep ,", "Till we do gain that Proserpine may grant", "O , no ; not this ! Horatio , this was thine !", "For all as one are our extremities .", "And where 's the duke ?", "Hieronimo , as when a raging sea ,", "If love 's effect so strives in lesser things ,", "Sweet boy , how art thou chang 'd in death 's black shade !", "This way I 'll take ; and this way comes the king ,", "That of thy death revenged I should be .", "Justice ! O justice ! justice , gentle king !", "Turn down this path , thou shalt be with him straight ;", "My lord , I am asham 'd it should be said .", "Why , is not this a miserable thing , my lord ?", "My lords , I thank you for Horatio .", "But wherefore stands yon silly man so mute ,", "For thus I us 'd , before my marshallship ,", "See , see , oh , see thy shame , Hieronimo !", "Toss 'd with the wind and tide , o'erhYpppHeNturneth then", "And \u2018 twixt his teeth he holds a fire-brand ,", "Justice ! O , justice to Hieronimo !", "And bring my son to show his deadly wounds .", "But suffer 'd thy fair crimson-colour 'd spring", "He 'll do thee justice for Horatio 's death .", "And here surrender up my marshallship ;", "These be the scandalous reports of such", "Content you , sirs ; are you determined", "Draws out his sword .", "Go to , I see their shifts , and say no more ;", "Down by the dale that flows with purple gore", "What else ? it were a shame it should not be so !", "Grant me the combat of them , if they dare !", "Hieronimo , \u2018 tis time for thee to trudge !", "And thee , Lorenzo ! Here 's the king ; nay , stay !", "Friends , quoth he ? See , I 'll be friends with you all !", "The king sees me , and fain would hear my suit :", "Justice ! O justice ! O my son ! my son ! My son , whom naught can ransom or redeem !", "That standers-by with toys should strike me mute ?", "He flings away the dagger & halter .", "Yet , lest the triple-headed porter should", "Tears the papers .", "And men may think what we imagine not .", "A troupe of furies and tormenting hags ,", "If love enforce such moods in meaner wits ,", "This way , or that way ? Soft and fair , not so !", "The Thracian poet thou shalt counterfeit ;", "For , if I hang or kill myself , let 's know", "Here , take my handkerchief and wipe thine eyes ,", "To be avenged on you all for this .", "Who will revenge Horatio 's murther then !", "Of Don Bazulto for his Murder 'd Son . \u201d", "What 's here ? \u201c The Humble Supplication", "Had Proserpine no pity on thy youth ,", "With mournful eyes and hands to heav'n uprear 'd ?", "The lively portrait of my dying self .", "That we be friends . The world is suspicious ,", "Away , Lorenzo ! hinder me no more ,", "Revenge on them that murdered my son ."], "true_target": ["Or this , and then thou need'st not take thy breath .", "And here ,\u2014 aye , here ,\u2014 there goes the hare away !", "I 'll down to hell and in this passion", "For I 'll go marshall up the fiends in hell ,", "No , no ; fie , no ! pardon me , I 'll none of that :", "Whiles wretched I in thy mishaps may see", "Should I suspect Lorenzo would prevent", "For thou hast made me bankrupt of my bliss !", "And here I 'll have a fling at him , that 's flat !", "Now , sir , perhaps I come to see the king ,", "Of battery ?", "He diggeth with his dagger .", "That I should plead your several actions ?", "But here : take this , and this ! what ? my purse ?", "Upon a seat of steel and molten brass ,", "I 'll meet them face-to-face to tell me so !", "Horatio , thou are older than thy father :", "Oh , my son , my son ! oh , my son Horatio !", "Getting by force , as once Alcides did ,", "Come hither , father ; let me know thy cause .", "Nay , soft and fair ; you shall not need to strive ! Needs must he go that the devils drive .", "To torture Don Lorenzo and the rest .", "The hope of Spain ? mine honourable friend ?", "Standeth a fiery tower ; there sits a judge", "Aye , this and that and all of them are thine ;", "My good lord , I know you did not .", "But let me look on my Horatio :", "Come on , sirs , what 's the matter ?", "Away ! I 'll rip the bowels of the earth ,", "See here a loving father to his son :", "Or cross my suit , that lov 'd my son so well ?", "He takes them up again .", "If love express such power in poor estates ,", "Now must I bear a face of gravity ,", "For divers causes it is fit for us", "Even so .What new device have they devised , trow ? Pocas palabras ! Mild as the lamb ! Is't I will be reveng 'd ? No , I am not the man .", "Then sham'st thou not , Hieronimo , to neglect", "That leads unto the lake where he doth stand .", "Come on , old father , be my Orpheus ;", "That he deliv'reth for his son 's decease .", "As love not me , and hate my lord too much .", "Give me my son ! You shall not ransom him !", "And ferry over th \u2019 Elysian plains", "Then will I rent and tear them thus and thus ,", "Especially with you , my lovely lord ;", "And , if thou canst no notes upon the harp ,", "Give place .", "Come near , you men , that thus importune me !", "No , sir , it was my murder 'd son !", "Stand from about me ! I 'll make a pickaxe of my poniard ,", "And when I dy 'd it in thy dearest blood ,", "With wither 'd winter to be blasted thus ?", "What ? so short ? Then I 'll be gone ; I thank you for't !", "Your son Lorenzo ? whom , my noble lord ?", "Though on this earth justice will not be found ,", "Whilst lesser waters labour in the deep ,", "Say , father ; tell me what 's thy suit !", "O ! is he so ?", "Then sound the burden of thy sore heart 's grief", "That can not be , I gave it never a wound ; Show me one drop of blood fall from the same ! How is it possible I should slay it then ? Tush , no ! Run after , catch me if you can ! Exeunt all but DON BAZULTO . BAZULTO remains till HIERONIMO enters again , who , staring him in the face , speaks : And art thou come , Horatio , from the depth , To ask for justice in this upper earth ? To tell thy father thou art unreveng 'd ? To wring more tears from Isabella 's eyes , Whose lights are dimm 'd with over-long laments ? Go back , my son , complain to Eacus ; For here 's no justice . Gentle boy , begone ; For justice is exiled from the earth . Hieronimo will bear thee company . Thy mother cries on righteous Radamant For just revenge against the murderers .", "But mine or thine , Bazulto , be content ;", "This was a token twixt thy soul and me", "Why , is this not a strange and seld-seen thing", "With me , sir ? Why , my lord , I thought you had done .", "Ah , ruthless father , that favour thus transforms .", "Shiv'ring their limbs in pieces with my teeth !", "And , Balthazar , I 'll be with thee to bring ;", "Knock at the dismal gates of Pluto 's court ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 136}, {"query": ["Kings and commanders of the western Indies .", "Tomorrow are they to be married .", "Thy followers , their pleasure , and our peace .", "And now to meet these Portuguese ;", "Who is that ? Hieronimo ?", "Haply Hieronimo hath need thereof .", "For it beseems us now that it be known ,", "Brother , how like you this our viceroy 's love ?", "What means this outrage ? Will none of you restrain his fury ?", "To this intent we entertain thyself ,", "Welcome , brave viceroy , to the court of Spain !", "Believe me , nephew , we are sorry for \u2018 t ;", "And , by appointment and our condescent ,", "See , brother , see , how nature strives in him !", "\u2018 Twixt Balthazar and Bel-imperia ,", "Speak , men of Portingal , shall it be so ?", "Who is he that interrupts our business ?", "We shall increase his melancholy so .", "\u2018 Tis best that we see further in it first ;", "For what he hath , Horatio shall not want .", "What accident hath happ 'd to Hieronimo ? I have not seen him to demean him so .", "Or have so kingly cross 'd the seas .", "Now show , ambassador , what our viceroy saith :"], "true_target": ["A place more private fits this princely mood .", "And , brother , now bring in the ambassador ,", "Go , brother , \u2018 tis the Duke of Castile 's cause ;", "For , as we now are , so sometimes were these ,", "\u2018 Tis not unknown to us for why you come ,", "And well remember 'd , thank his Majesty ! Here , see it given to Horatio .", "So is it that mine honourable niece ,", "Hath he receiv 'd the articles we sent ?", "Sufficeth it , in this we note the troth", "The prince 's ransom ; let him have his due ;", "And welcome , all his honourable train !", "Come , worthy viceroy , and accompany", "Till when , ourself will hold exempt the place .", "Salute the viceroy in our name .", "But , gentle brother , go give to him this gold ,", "Wherein the marriage shall be solemniz 'd ,", "That we may have thy lord the viceroy here .", "If aye , say so ; if not , say so flatly .", "And more than common love you lend to us .", "This is the love that fathers bear their sons .", "And that we may prefix a certain time", "Already is betroth 'd to Balthazar ;", "That he may be a witness of the match", "Thy friend , to strive with thine extremities :"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 136}, {"query": ["Distract , and in a manner lunatic .", "No ; would he had !", "Hieronimo , my father craves a word with you .", "Yourself , my lord , hath seen his passions ,", "Who ? Bel-imperia ?", "That ill beseem 'd the presence of a king ;", "I do , my lord , and joy to see the same .", "But what 's a silly man , distract in mind ,", "Hieronimo , you are not well advis 'd .", "To think upon the murder of his son ?", "To stop the vulgar , liberal of their tongues :", "For her , my lord , whom Balthazar doth love ,", "Hieronimo , I never gave you cause .", "\u2018 Twere good , my lord , that Hieronimo and I", "That I , my lord ?", "And no man lives that long contenteth all .", "My gracious father , believe me , so he doth ;", "Were reconcil 'd , if he misconstrue me .", "Heav'ns will not let Lorenzo err so much .", "Conceiv 'd of young Horatio , his son ,"], "true_target": ["That I have long 'd so happily to see .", "The ransom of the young prince , Balthazar ,", "And giv'n to one of more discretion .", "My gracious lord , he is with extreme pride", "Welcome , Hieronimo !", "But , for his satisfaction and the world 's ,", "Aye , my gracious lord , and this is the day", "Alas , how easy is it for him to err !", "But if he be thus helplessly distract ,", "A small advantage makes a water-breach ;", "Back ! see'st thou not the king is busy ?", "As free from malice to Hieronimo", "And , for I pitied him in his distress ,", "And to confirm their promis 'd marriage .", "As to my soul , my lord .", "\u2018 Tis requisite his office be resign 'd", "My lord , it lies not in Lorenzo 's power", "I held him thence with kind and courteous words ,", "And covetous of having himself", "And I hope old grudges are forgot ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 136}, {"query": ["Of kingly love and everlasting league", "And in the presence of the court of Spain", "With Bel-imperia , thy beloved niece ,", "Although he send not that his son return \u2014", "And , as a man extremely over-joy 'd", "Now last , dread lord , here hath his Highness sent \u2014", "His ransom due to Don Horatio .", "And kingly love , he kindly lets thee know :", "First , for the marriage of his princely son", "Then myrrh or incense to the offended Heav'ns .", "Thy kingly proffers and thy promis 'd league ,", "Renown 'd king , he hath receiv 'd and read"], "true_target": ["To knit a sure inextricable band", "This , for thy further satisfaction", "His majesty , that longs to hear from hence .", "In person , therefore , will be come himself", "The news are more delightful to his soul", "There will he give his crown to Balthazar ,", "And make a queen of Bel-imperia .", "Therein your Highness highly shall content", "Betwixt the crowns of Spain and Portingal .", "To hear his son so princely entertain 'd ,", "To see the marriage rites solemnized", "Whose death he had so solemnly bewail 'd ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 136}, {"query": ["Of honourable care to keep his friend", "That bends his liking to my daughter thus ."], "true_target": ["No doubt , my lord , it is an argument", "Nor am I least indebted to his Grace ,", "And wondrous zeal to Balthazar , his son ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 136}, {"query": ["That you should plead their cases to the king .", "Yonder ."], "true_target": ["That are importunate , and it shall please you , sir ,", "Here are a sort of poor petitioners"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 136}, {"query": ["Oh , see the kindness of Hieronimo !", "That can prevail or will take half the pain", "Oh , sir , my declaration !", "Aye , sir ; and here 's my declaration ."], "true_target": ["Mine of debt .", "That he will in pursuit of equity .", "There is not any advocate in Spain", "So I tell you this : for learning and for law"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 136}, {"query": ["Sir , an action .", "And here is my bond .", "This gentleness shows him a gentleman ."], "true_target": ["Save my bond !", "Save my bond !", "No , sir , mine is an action of the case ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 136}, {"query": ["Ten pound , and you , my lord , have torn the same !", "And here is my lease . They give him papers ."], "true_target": ["Mine an ejectionae firmae by a lease .", "Alas my lease , it cost me"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 136}, {"query": ["No , sir , could my woes", "Alas , my lord , whence springs this troubled speech ?", "Give way unto my most distressful words ,"], "true_target": ["Then should I not in paper , as you see ,", "Aye , sir .", "With ink bewray what blood began in me ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 136}, {"query": ["Ah , my good lord , I am not your young son ."], "true_target": ["I am a grieved man , and not a ghost ,", "That came for justice for my murder 'd son ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 136}, {"query": ["Talk not of cords !\u2014 but let us now be gone ,\u2014", "Sent from the empty kingdom of black night", "Before grim Minos and just Radamant ,", "By force of windy sighs thy spirit breathes ;", "Come in , old man ; thou shalt to Isabell .", "And self-same sorrow feel I for my son .", "What ! not my son ? thou then a Fury art", "Aye , now I know thee , now thou namest thy son ;", "Thou art the lively image of my grief :", "The eyes are dimm 'd with tears , thy cheeks are wan ,"], "true_target": ["Thy forehead troubled , and thy mutt'ring lips", "Three parts in one , but all of discords fram 'd ,\u2014", "Within thy face my sorrows I may see ;", "For with a cord Horatio was slain .", "To plague Hieronimo , that is remiss", "Murmur sad words abruptly broken off", "To summon me to make appearance", "And seeks not vengeance for Horatio 's death .", "Lean on my arm ; I thee , thou me , shalt stay ;", "And thou and I and she will sing a song ,", "And all this sorrow riseth for thy son ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 136}, {"query": ["And greet the Duke of Castile .", "Go forth , Don Pedro , for thy nephew 's sake ,", "And let me live a solitary life ,", "With thee , my son , whom sith I live to see ,", "But such as have upon thine articles", "In ceaseless prayers ,", "Confirm 'd thy motion and contented me ."], "true_target": ["To think how strangely heav'n hath thee preserved .", "Or here or where your Highness thinks it good .", "The marriage of thy beloved niece ,", "Fair Bel-imperia , with my Balthazar ,\u2014", "Know , sovereign , I come to solemnize", "With doubtful followers , unresolved men ,", "Here , take my crown , I give it to her and thee ,", "Renowned king , I come not , as thou think'st ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 136}, {"query": ["Welcome , brave prince , the pledge of Castile 's peace !", "And would be loath that one of your deserts", "To hear Hieronimo exclaim on thee !", "It is not now as when Andrea liv 'd ;", "By his deserts within the court of Spain ?", "Tell me ,\u2014 and look thou tell me truly too ,\u2014", "But , Balthazar , here comes Hieronimo ;", "But here before Prince Balthazar and me", "Him and his supplications from the king .", "To answer for thee , though thou art my son .", "And know'st thou why this meeting is ?", "She is thy sister .", "Why then , Lorenzo , listen to my words :", "Myself have seen thee busy to keep back", "There then pause ,", "Whence grows the ground of this report in court ?", "And when thou wilt , use me , my son , and it .", "Why com'st thou sadly to salute us thus ?", "Considering how I think of you myself .", "Welcome , Hieronimo !", "And kindness that Hieronimo hath won", "And welcome Bel-imperia ! How now , girl ?", "It is suspected , and reported too ,", "We have forgotten and forgiven that ,", "Should intercept her in her happiness ?", "And say \u2018 tis he that intercepts your suits .", "Because you have not access unto the king ,", "Should once have reason to suspect my son ,", "What honour were't in this assembly ,", "In his behalf and to procure his health ?"], "true_target": ["Let us entreat your company today !", "Hieronimo , my son , mistakes thee then .", "Or what a scandal were't among the kings ,", "Nay , stay , Hieronimo ; go call him , son .", "Embrace each other , and be perfect friends .", "Hieronimo , frequent my homely house ,", "You find yourself aggrieved at my son ,", "And , for the satisfaction of the world ,", "Content thyself , for I am satisfied .", "Welcome , Balthazar ,", "The Duke of Castile Ciprian 's ancient seat ;", "And in his suits toward his Majesty", "Lorenzo , should'st thou thwart his passions ,", "Lorenzo , know'st thou not the common love", "Or see'st thou not the king my brother 's care", "Lorenzo , that hast said ; it shall be so ! Go , one of you , and call Hieronimo .", "I 'll have a word with him .", "And thou art graced with a happier love .", "Nay , stay , Lorenzo ; let me talk with you . See'st thou this entertainment of these kings ?", "Come on , Hieronimo , at my request ;", "Hieronimo , I hope you have no cause ,", "I tell thee , son , myself have heard it said ,", "When to my sorrow I have been asham 'd", "To speak with you is this \u2014", "That thou , Lorenzo , wrong'st Hieronimo ,", "Thou wouldst be loath that any fault of thine", "Hieronimo , I hear", "Still keep'st him back and seek'st to cross his suit .", "Hieronimo , the reason that I sent", "And he exclaim against thee to the king ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 136}, {"query": ["My sorrow 's ease , and sovereign of my bliss ,\u2014", "I will go salute him .", "New kindled flames should burn as morning sun .", "Wherein my hope and heav'n ' s fair beauty lies !", "Welcome , Hieronimo !"], "true_target": ["Disperse those clouds and melancholy looks ,", "True , my love ;", "Sith heav'n hath ordain 'd thee to be mine ,", "And clear them up with those thy sun-bright eyes ,", "Why this is freely done , Hieronimo .", "Come , Bel-imperia , Balthazar 's content ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 136}, {"query": ["But not too fast , least heat and all be done . I see my lord my father ."], "true_target": ["Which , new begun , can show no brighter yet .", "My looks , my lord , are fitting for my love ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 136}, {"query": ["Have yet the power of prevalence in hell !", "Nor ferried Charon to the fiery lakes ,", "To combat , Acheron and Erebus in hell !", "To sleep away what thou art warn 'd to watch !", "Hieronimo with Lorenzo is join 'd in league ,", "That will not tolerate a lover 's woe .", "Solicit Pluto , gentle Proserpine !", "Awake , Revenge ! for thou art ill advis 'd", "Sufficeth me ; thy meanings understood ,"], "true_target": ["Awake , Revenge , if love , as love hath had ,", "Awake , Revenge ! reveal this mystery !", "Awake Erictho ! Cerberus , awake !", "And intercepts our passage to revenge .", "Awake , Revenge , or we are woe-begone !", "And thanks to thee and those infernal powers", "Such fearful sights , as poor Andrea sees !", "Rest thee ; for I will sit to see the rest .", "Revenge awake !", "For ne'er by Styx and Phlegeton there came ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 136}, {"query": ["For in unquiet , quietness is feign 'd ,", "And blows them out and quencheth them with blood ,", "Sufficeth thee that poor Hieronimo", "Thus worldings ground what they have dream 'd upon !", "Nor dies Revenge although he sleep awhile ;", "But after them doth Hymen hie as fast ,", "Behold , Andrea , for an instance how", "And slumb'ring is a common worldly wile .", "Awake ? For why ?", "Clothed in sable and a saffron robe ,"], "true_target": ["Content thyself , and do not trouble me .", "As discontent that things continue so .", "Yet is my mood soliciting their souls .", "As brightly burning as the midday 's sun ;", "What \u2018 tis to be subject to destiny .", "The two first do the nuptial torches bear ,", "Then argue not ; for thou hast thy request .", "Content thyself , Andrea ; though I sleep ,", "Revenge hath slept ; and then imagine thou", "Cannot forget his son Horatio ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 136}, {"query": ["Here are a sort of poor petitioners", "Yonder ."], "true_target": ["That are importunate , and it shall please you , sir ,", "That you should plead their cases to the king ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 137}, {"query": ["Yet , lest the triple-headed porter should", "A troupe of furies and tormenting hags ,", "Aye , marry , my lord , and shall !", "And men may think what we imagine not .", "To plead in causes as corrigedor .\u2014", "That I should plead your several actions ?", "Of battery ?", "Especially with you , my lovely lord ;", "Draws out his sword .", "Oh , my son , my son ! oh , my son Horatio !", "With mournful eyes and hands to heav'n uprear 'd ?", "I 'll down to hell and in this passion", "Now must I bear a face of gravity ,", "Come on , sirs , what 's the matter ?", "I 'll meet them face-to-face to tell me so !", "Behold the sorrows and the sad laments", "The lively portrait of my dying self .", "Should I suspect Lorenzo would prevent", "That he deliv'reth for his son 's decease .", "Getting by force , as once Alcides did ,", "But mine or thine , Bazulto , be content ;", "Even so .What new device have they devised , trow ? Pocas palabras ! Mild as the lamb ! Is't I will be reveng 'd ? No , I am not the man .", "And where 's the duke ?", "With wither 'd winter to be blasted thus ?", "Tears the papers .", "Here , take my handkerchief and wipe thine eyes ,", "That of thy death revenged I should be .", "That I should plead their several actions ? Why , let them enter , and let me see them .", "Whilst lesser waters labour in the deep ,", "Though on this earth justice will not be found ,", "To torture Don Lorenzo and the rest .", "What else ? it were a shame it should not be so !", "Friends , quoth he ? See , I 'll be friends with you all !", "As love not me , and hate my lord too much .", "O , no ; not this ! Horatio , this was thine !", "Your son Lorenzo ? whom , my noble lord ?", "Ah , ruthless father , that favour thus transforms .", "My lords , I thank you for Horatio .", "Then sound the burden of thy sore heart 's grief", "But wherefore stands yon silly man so mute ,", "With me , sir ? Why , my lord , I thought you had done .", "Toss 'd with the wind and tide , o'erhYpppHeNturneth then", "The hope of Spain ? mine honourable friend ?", "And when I dy 'd it in thy dearest blood ,", "No , sir , it was my murder 'd son !", "Or cross my suit , that lov 'd my son so well ?"], "true_target": ["These be the scandalous reports of such", "The Thracian poet thou shalt counterfeit ;", "Give place .", "But let me look on my Horatio :", "Whiles wretched I in thy mishaps may see", "Of Don Bazulto for his Murder 'd Son . \u201d", "But here : take this , and this ! what ? my purse ?", "But suffer 'd thy fair crimson-colour 'd spring", "Had Proserpine no pity on thy youth ,", "My lord , I am asham 'd it should be said .", "Hieronimo , as when a raging sea ,", "Then will I rent and tear them thus and thus ,", "What ? so short ? Then I 'll be gone ; I thank you for't !", "If love express such power in poor estates ,", "For all as one are our extremities .", "My good lord , I know you did not .", "See here a loving father to his son :", "For divers causes it is fit for us", "Then sham'st thou not , Hieronimo , to neglect", "Why , is not this a miserable thing , my lord ?", "Knock at the dismal gates of Pluto 's court ,", "Deny my passage to the slimy strand ,", "Come hither , father ; let me know thy cause .", "He draweth out a bloody napkin .", "Till we do gain that Proserpine may grant", "That can not be , I gave it never a wound ; Show me one drop of blood fall from the same ! How is it possible I should slay it then ? Tush , no ! Run after , catch me if you can ! Exeunt all but DON BAZULTO . BAZULTO remains till HIERONIMO enters again , who , staring him in the face , speaks : And art thou come , Horatio , from the depth , To ask for justice in this upper earth ? To tell thy father thou art unreveng 'd ? To wring more tears from Isabella 's eyes , Whose lights are dimm 'd with over-long laments ? Go back , my son , complain to Eacus ; For here 's no justice . Gentle boy , begone ; For justice is exiled from the earth . Hieronimo will bear thee company . Thy mother cries on righteous Radamant For just revenge against the murderers .", "Come near , you men , that thus importune me !", "The upper-billows course of waves to keep ,", "Aye , this and that and all of them are thine ;", "Revenge on them that murdered my son .", "The swift revenge of thy Horatio ?", "Say , father ; tell me what 's thy suit !", "Sweet boy , how art thou chang 'd in death 's black shade !", "For thus I us 'd , before my marshallship ,", "If love 's effect so strives in lesser things ,", "Grant me the combat of them , if they dare !", "See , see , oh , see thy shame , Hieronimo !", "Content you , sirs ; are you determined", "That we be friends . The world is suspicious ,", "Come on , old father , be my Orpheus ;", "What 's here ? \u201c The Humble Supplication", "And , if thou canst no notes upon the harp ,", "Shiv'ring their limbs in pieces with my teeth !", "If love enforce such moods in meaner wits ,", "Horatio , thou are older than thy father :", "This was a token twixt thy soul and me"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 137}, {"query": ["Mine of debt .", "Oh , sir , my declaration !", "So I tell you this : for learning and for law", "Aye , sir ; and here 's my declaration ."], "true_target": ["There is not any advocate in Spain", "That he will in pursuit of equity .", "That can prevail or will take half the pain", "Oh , see the kindness of Hieronimo !"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 137}, {"query": ["No , sir , mine is an action of the case .", "Sir , an action .", "Save my bond !"], "true_target": ["Save my bond !", "This gentleness shows him a gentleman .", "And here is my bond ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 137}, {"query": ["Mine an ejectionae firmae by a lease .", "Alas my lease , it cost me"], "true_target": ["And here is my lease . They give him papers .", "Ten pound , and you , my lord , have torn the same !"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 137}, {"query": ["Aye , sir .", "With ink bewray what blood began in me .", "Then should I not in paper , as you see ,"], "true_target": ["Alas , my lord , whence springs this troubled speech ?", "Give way unto my most distressful words ,", "No , sir , could my woes"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 137}, {"query": ["Ah , my good lord , I am not your young son ."], "true_target": ["That came for justice for my murder 'd son .", "I am a grieved man , and not a ghost ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 137}, {"query": ["For with a cord Horatio was slain .", "Three parts in one , but all of discords fram 'd ,\u2014", "Within thy face my sorrows I may see ;", "Murmur sad words abruptly broken off", "Lean on my arm ; I thee , thou me , shalt stay ;", "The eyes are dimm 'd with tears , thy cheeks are wan ,", "What ! not my son ? thou then a Fury art", "Before grim Minos and just Radamant ,", "Thou art the lively image of my grief :", "Aye , now I know thee , now thou namest thy son ;"], "true_target": ["And all this sorrow riseth for thy son ,", "Thy forehead troubled , and thy mutt'ring lips", "To plague Hieronimo , that is remiss", "Sent from the empty kingdom of black night", "And thou and I and she will sing a song ,", "And seeks not vengeance for Horatio 's death .", "By force of windy sighs thy spirit breathes ;", "Come in , old man ; thou shalt to Isabell .", "And self-same sorrow feel I for my son .", "To summon me to make appearance", "Talk not of cords !\u2014 but let us now be gone ,\u2014"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 137}, {"query": ["And , by appointment and our condescent ,", "Sufficeth it , in this we note the troth", "And welcome , all his honourable train !", "A place more private fits this princely mood .", "If aye , say so ; if not , say so flatly .", "Kings and commanders of the western Indies .", "For , as we now are , so sometimes were these ,", "And more than common love you lend to us .", "Already is betroth 'd to Balthazar ;", "Come , worthy viceroy , and accompany", "Thy followers , their pleasure , and our peace .", "Tomorrow are they to be married ."], "true_target": ["Speak , men of Portingal , shall it be so ?", "To this intent we entertain thyself ,", "And now to meet these Portuguese ;", "Go , brother , \u2018 tis the Duke of Castile 's cause ;", "So is it that mine honourable niece ,", "Welcome , brave viceroy , to the court of Spain !", "Salute the viceroy in our name .", "Thy friend , to strive with thine extremities :", "See , brother , see , how nature strives in him !", "\u2018 Tis not unknown to us for why you come ,", "Or have so kingly cross 'd the seas .", "For it beseems us now that it be known ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 137}, {"query": ["The marriage of thy beloved niece ,", "And greet the Duke of Castile .", "Know , sovereign , I come to solemnize", "Here , take my crown , I give it to her and thee ,", "Fair Bel-imperia , with my Balthazar ,\u2014", "To think how strangely heav'n hath thee preserved .", "Go forth , Don Pedro , for thy nephew 's sake ,"], "true_target": ["But such as have upon thine articles", "Or here or where your Highness thinks it good .", "With doubtful followers , unresolved men ,", "Confirm 'd thy motion and contented me .", "Renowned king , I come not , as thou think'st ,", "With thee , my son , whom sith I live to see ,", "In ceaseless prayers ,", "And let me live a solitary life ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 137}, {"query": ["And he exclaim against thee to the king ,", "Whence grows the ground of this report in court ?", "It is suspected , and reported too ,", "Lorenzo , that hast said ; it shall be so ! Go , one of you , and call Hieronimo .", "Him and his supplications from the king .", "Nay , stay , Hieronimo ; go call him , son .", "What honour were't in this assembly ,", "Should once have reason to suspect my son ,", "Thou wouldst be loath that any fault of thine", "When to my sorrow I have been asham 'd", "Because you have not access unto the king ,", "You find yourself aggrieved at my son ,", "She is thy sister .", "Still keep'st him back and seek'st to cross his suit .", "In his behalf and to procure his health ?", "Or what a scandal were't among the kings ,", "To speak with you is this \u2014", "Why then , Lorenzo , listen to my words :", "Considering how I think of you myself .", "And thou art graced with a happier love .", "And in his suits toward his Majesty", "Lorenzo , should'st thou thwart his passions ,", "And when thou wilt , use me , my son , and it .", "Or see'st thou not the king my brother 's care", "Hieronimo , my son , mistakes thee then .", "And welcome Bel-imperia ! How now , girl ?", "There then pause ,", "Hieronimo , the reason that I sent", "Myself have seen thee busy to keep back", "That thou , Lorenzo , wrong'st Hieronimo ,"], "true_target": ["By his deserts within the court of Spain ?", "Welcome , Balthazar ,", "Let us entreat your company today !", "Why com'st thou sadly to salute us thus ?", "But here before Prince Balthazar and me", "Welcome , Hieronimo !", "Come on , Hieronimo , at my request ;", "Hieronimo , I hear", "I tell thee , son , myself have heard it said ,", "Hieronimo , I hope you have no cause ,", "And , for the satisfaction of the world ,", "And would be loath that one of your deserts", "The Duke of Castile Ciprian 's ancient seat ;", "Tell me ,\u2014 and look thou tell me truly too ,\u2014", "To hear Hieronimo exclaim on thee !", "And say \u2018 tis he that intercepts your suits .", "Should intercept her in her happiness ?", "We have forgotten and forgiven that ,", "But , Balthazar , here comes Hieronimo ;", "And kindness that Hieronimo hath won", "And know'st thou why this meeting is ?", "Content thyself , for I am satisfied .", "Nay , stay , Lorenzo ; let me talk with you . See'st thou this entertainment of these kings ?", "Hieronimo , frequent my homely house ,", "Lorenzo , know'st thou not the common love", "To answer for thee , though thou art my son .", "I 'll have a word with him .", "It is not now as when Andrea liv 'd ;", "Embrace each other , and be perfect friends .", "Welcome , brave prince , the pledge of Castile 's peace !"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 137}, {"query": ["As free from malice to Hieronimo", "\u2018 Twere good , my lord , that Hieronimo and I", "No ; would he had !", "A small advantage makes a water-breach ;", "To think upon the murder of his son ?", "That I , my lord ?", "Hieronimo , I never gave you cause .", "My lord , it lies not in Lorenzo 's power", "For her , my lord , whom Balthazar doth love ,", "Who ? Bel-imperia ?", "I do , my lord , and joy to see the same .", "But what 's a silly man , distract in mind ,", "I held him thence with kind and courteous words ,", "That I have long 'd so happily to see .", "My gracious father , believe me , so he doth ;"], "true_target": ["But , for his satisfaction and the world 's ,", "And I hope old grudges are forgot .", "As to my soul , my lord .", "Alas , how easy is it for him to err !", "Aye , my gracious lord , and this is the day", "Welcome , Hieronimo !", "Hieronimo , my father craves a word with you .", "That ill beseem 'd the presence of a king ;", "To stop the vulgar , liberal of their tongues :", "And no man lives that long contenteth all .", "And , for I pitied him in his distress ,", "Heav'ns will not let Lorenzo err so much .", "Were reconcil 'd , if he misconstrue me .", "And to confirm their promis 'd marriage .", "Yourself , my lord , hath seen his passions ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 137}, {"query": ["Disperse those clouds and melancholy looks ,", "And clear them up with those thy sun-bright eyes ,", "My sorrow 's ease , and sovereign of my bliss ,\u2014", "True , my love ;", "Sith heav'n hath ordain 'd thee to be mine ,"], "true_target": ["I will go salute him .", "Welcome , Hieronimo !", "New kindled flames should burn as morning sun .", "Wherein my hope and heav'n ' s fair beauty lies !", "Why this is freely done , Hieronimo .", "Come , Bel-imperia , Balthazar 's content ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 137}, {"query": ["Which , new begun , can show no brighter yet ."], "true_target": ["My looks , my lord , are fitting for my love ,", "But not too fast , least heat and all be done . I see my lord my father ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 137}, {"query": ["Revenge awake !", "That will not tolerate a lover 's woe .", "To combat , Acheron and Erebus in hell !", "Nor ferried Charon to the fiery lakes ,", "And thanks to thee and those infernal powers", "Have yet the power of prevalence in hell !", "Awake , Revenge ! reveal this mystery !", "And intercepts our passage to revenge .", "Awake , Revenge , if love , as love hath had ,"], "true_target": ["Hieronimo with Lorenzo is join 'd in league ,", "Sufficeth me ; thy meanings understood ,", "Rest thee ; for I will sit to see the rest .", "Awake , Revenge ! for thou art ill advis 'd", "Such fearful sights , as poor Andrea sees !", "Awake Erictho ! Cerberus , awake !", "Awake , Revenge , or we are woe-begone !", "To sleep away what thou art warn 'd to watch !", "For ne'er by Styx and Phlegeton there came ,", "Solicit Pluto , gentle Proserpine !"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 137}, {"query": ["Yet is my mood soliciting their souls .", "Nor dies Revenge although he sleep awhile ;", "And slumb'ring is a common worldly wile .", "Cannot forget his son Horatio .", "But after them doth Hymen hie as fast ,", "Content thyself , Andrea ; though I sleep ,", "As discontent that things continue so .", "Revenge hath slept ; and then imagine thou", "Content thyself , and do not trouble me .", "For in unquiet , quietness is feign 'd ,"], "true_target": ["Clothed in sable and a saffron robe ,", "Awake ? For why ?", "What \u2018 tis to be subject to destiny .", "And blows them out and quencheth them with blood ,", "The two first do the nuptial torches bear ,", "Thus worldings ground what they have dream 'd upon !", "As brightly burning as the midday 's sun ;", "Sufficeth thee that poor Hieronimo", "Then argue not ; for thou hast thy request .", "Behold , Andrea , for an instance how"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 137}, {"query": ["Speak , men of Portingal , shall it be so ?", "If aye , say so ; if not , say so flatly .", "Thy followers , their pleasure , and our peace .", "And more than common love you lend to us .", "See , brother , see , how nature strives in him !", "For it beseems us now that it be known ,", "Go , brother , \u2018 tis the Duke of Castile 's cause ;", "Thy friend , to strive with thine extremities :", "And welcome , all his honourable train !", "And now to meet these Portuguese ;", "\u2018 Tis not unknown to us for why you come ,", "Kings and commanders of the western Indies ."], "true_target": ["Welcome , brave viceroy , to the court of Spain !", "Or have so kingly cross 'd the seas .", "Come , worthy viceroy , and accompany", "Tomorrow are they to be married .", "Sufficeth it , in this we note the troth", "To this intent we entertain thyself ,", "So is it that mine honourable niece ,", "For , as we now are , so sometimes were these ,", "And , by appointment and our condescent ,", "Already is betroth 'd to Balthazar ;", "Salute the viceroy in our name .", "A place more private fits this princely mood ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 138}, {"query": ["With thee , my son , whom sith I live to see ,", "Go forth , Don Pedro , for thy nephew 's sake ,", "With doubtful followers , unresolved men ,", "Renowned king , I come not , as thou think'st ,", "In ceaseless prayers ,", "And greet the Duke of Castile .", "The marriage of thy beloved niece ,"], "true_target": ["Fair Bel-imperia , with my Balthazar ,\u2014", "And let me live a solitary life ,", "But such as have upon thine articles", "Know , sovereign , I come to solemnize", "Here , take my crown , I give it to her and thee ,", "Or here or where your Highness thinks it good .", "To think how strangely heav'n hath thee preserved .", "Confirm 'd thy motion and contented me ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 138}, {"query": ["Lorenzo , know'st thou not the common love", "She is thy sister .", "Hieronimo , frequent my homely house ,", "Him and his supplications from the king .", "Tell me ,\u2014 and look thou tell me truly too ,\u2014", "It is not now as when Andrea liv 'd ;", "And , for the satisfaction of the world ,", "In his behalf and to procure his health ?", "And thou art graced with a happier love .", "Why com'st thou sadly to salute us thus ?", "And he exclaim against thee to the king ,", "Hieronimo , I hear", "To hear Hieronimo exclaim on thee !", "Because you have not access unto the king ,", "It is suspected , and reported too ,", "To speak with you is this \u2014", "And welcome Bel-imperia ! How now , girl ?", "But here before Prince Balthazar and me", "When to my sorrow I have been asham 'd", "Lorenzo , should'st thou thwart his passions ,", "To answer for thee , though thou art my son .", "And when thou wilt , use me , my son , and it .", "And kindness that Hieronimo hath won", "Welcome , Hieronimo !", "And know'st thou why this meeting is ?", "Nay , stay , Hieronimo ; go call him , son .", "Still keep'st him back and seek'st to cross his suit .", "Myself have seen thee busy to keep back", "Welcome , brave prince , the pledge of Castile 's peace !", "What honour were't in this assembly ,"], "true_target": ["You find yourself aggrieved at my son ,", "Nay , stay , Lorenzo ; let me talk with you . See'st thou this entertainment of these kings ?", "Or what a scandal were't among the kings ,", "Welcome , Balthazar ,", "Thou wouldst be loath that any fault of thine", "Lorenzo , that hast said ; it shall be so ! Go , one of you , and call Hieronimo .", "Embrace each other , and be perfect friends .", "Hieronimo , I hope you have no cause ,", "Content thyself , for I am satisfied .", "Why then , Lorenzo , listen to my words :", "Hieronimo , my son , mistakes thee then .", "And in his suits toward his Majesty", "That thou , Lorenzo , wrong'st Hieronimo ,", "Or see'st thou not the king my brother 's care", "I 'll have a word with him .", "The Duke of Castile Ciprian 's ancient seat ;", "We have forgotten and forgiven that ,", "Should once have reason to suspect my son ,", "Let us entreat your company today !", "And say \u2018 tis he that intercepts your suits .", "I tell thee , son , myself have heard it said ,", "By his deserts within the court of Spain ?", "And would be loath that one of your deserts", "Hieronimo , the reason that I sent", "Should intercept her in her happiness ?", "Come on , Hieronimo , at my request ;", "There then pause ,", "Whence grows the ground of this report in court ?", "But , Balthazar , here comes Hieronimo ;", "Considering how I think of you myself ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 138}, {"query": ["As to my soul , my lord .", "A small advantage makes a water-breach ;", "That I have long 'd so happily to see .", "I do , my lord , and joy to see the same .", "That ill beseem 'd the presence of a king ;", "Hieronimo , I never gave you cause .", "But , for his satisfaction and the world 's ,", "But what 's a silly man , distract in mind ,", "And I hope old grudges are forgot .", "Heav'ns will not let Lorenzo err so much .", "My lord , it lies not in Lorenzo 's power", "To stop the vulgar , liberal of their tongues :", "My gracious father , believe me , so he doth ;", "And no man lives that long contenteth all .", "For her , my lord , whom Balthazar doth love ,"], "true_target": ["\u2018 Twere good , my lord , that Hieronimo and I", "Hieronimo , my father craves a word with you .", "I held him thence with kind and courteous words ,", "Welcome , Hieronimo !", "Alas , how easy is it for him to err !", "And , for I pitied him in his distress ,", "That I , my lord ?", "As free from malice to Hieronimo", "And to confirm their promis 'd marriage .", "Yourself , my lord , hath seen his passions ,", "Aye , my gracious lord , and this is the day", "No ; would he had !", "To think upon the murder of his son ?", "Who ? Bel-imperia ?", "Were reconcil 'd , if he misconstrue me ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 138}, {"query": ["Why this is freely done , Hieronimo .", "I will go salute him .", "New kindled flames should burn as morning sun .", "Wherein my hope and heav'n ' s fair beauty lies !", "Welcome , Hieronimo !"], "true_target": ["Disperse those clouds and melancholy looks ,", "Sith heav'n hath ordain 'd thee to be mine ,", "My sorrow 's ease , and sovereign of my bliss ,\u2014", "Come , Bel-imperia , Balthazar 's content ,", "True , my love ;", "And clear them up with those thy sun-bright eyes ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 138}, {"query": ["But not too fast , least heat and all be done . I see my lord my father ."], "true_target": ["My looks , my lord , are fitting for my love ,", "Which , new begun , can show no brighter yet ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 138}, {"query": ["What else ? it were a shame it should not be so !", "Why , is not this a miserable thing , my lord ?", "And where 's the duke ?", "What ? so short ? Then I 'll be gone ; I thank you for't !", "And men may think what we imagine not .", "As love not me , and hate my lord too much .", "Should I suspect Lorenzo would prevent", "These be the scandalous reports of such", "Even so .What new device have they devised , trow ? Pocas palabras ! Mild as the lamb ! Is't I will be reveng 'd ? No , I am not the man .", "My lord , I am asham 'd it should be said .", "For divers causes it is fit for us", "My lords , I thank you for Horatio ."], "true_target": ["Grant me the combat of them , if they dare !", "Your son Lorenzo ? whom , my noble lord ?", "With me , sir ? Why , my lord , I thought you had done .", "I 'll meet them face-to-face to tell me so !", "Or cross my suit , that lov 'd my son so well ?", "That we be friends . The world is suspicious ,", "Friends , quoth he ? See , I 'll be friends with you all !", "Draws out his sword .", "The hope of Spain ? mine honourable friend ?", "Especially with you , my lovely lord ;", "My good lord , I know you did not .", "Aye , marry , my lord , and shall !"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 138}, {"query": ["Have yet the power of prevalence in hell !", "Awake , Revenge ! reveal this mystery !", "And intercepts our passage to revenge .", "And thanks to thee and those infernal powers", "Such fearful sights , as poor Andrea sees !", "Revenge awake !", "For ne'er by Styx and Phlegeton there came ,", "Solicit Pluto , gentle Proserpine !", "To combat , Acheron and Erebus in hell !"], "true_target": ["Hieronimo with Lorenzo is join 'd in league ,", "Awake Erictho ! Cerberus , awake !", "Nor ferried Charon to the fiery lakes ,", "Awake , Revenge , if love , as love hath had ,", "Awake , Revenge ! for thou art ill advis 'd", "Sufficeth me ; thy meanings understood ,", "Rest thee ; for I will sit to see the rest .", "That will not tolerate a lover 's woe .", "To sleep away what thou art warn 'd to watch !", "Awake , Revenge , or we are woe-begone !"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 138}, {"query": ["Content thyself , and do not trouble me .", "Cannot forget his son Horatio .", "And blows them out and quencheth them with blood ,", "Then argue not ; for thou hast thy request .", "Yet is my mood soliciting their souls .", "And slumb'ring is a common worldly wile .", "Clothed in sable and a saffron robe ,", "Thus worldings ground what they have dream 'd upon !", "Nor dies Revenge although he sleep awhile ;", "Behold , Andrea , for an instance how"], "true_target": ["What \u2018 tis to be subject to destiny .", "As discontent that things continue so .", "Awake ? For why ?", "For in unquiet , quietness is feign 'd ,", "Content thyself , Andrea ; though I sleep ,", "As brightly burning as the midday 's sun ;", "Sufficeth thee that poor Hieronimo", "Revenge hath slept ; and then imagine thou", "The two first do the nuptial torches bear ,", "But after them doth Hymen hie as fast ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 138}, {"query": ["Assures thee to be causeless slaughtered ?", "Thy protestations and thy deep laments ,", "Is this the kindness that thou counterfeit'st ,", "Hieronimo ! for shame , Hieronimo ,", "Myself should send their hateful souls to hell", "Although I bear it out for fashion 's sake ;", "Be not a history to after times", "And give it over and devise no more ,", "The death of those whom they with care and cost", "That wrought his downfall with extremest death !", "Hieronimo , are these thy passions ,", "O unkind father ! O deceitful world !", "Are these the fruits of thine incessant tears ?", "Have tender 'd so , thus careless should be lost !"], "true_target": ["But monstrous fathers , to forget so soon", "For here I swear in sight of heav'n and earth ,", "With what excuses canst thou show thyself ,\u2014", "Nor shall his death be unreveng 'd by me .", "That thou wert wont to weary men withal ?", "Of such ingratitude unto thy son !", "Shouldst thou neglect the love thou shouldst retain", "With what dishonour , and the hate of men ,\u2014", "So lov 'd his life as still I wish their deaths .", "Whom both my letters and thine own belief", "Thus to neglect the loss and life of him", "Myself , a stranger in respect to thee ,", "Is this the love thou bear'st Horatio ?", "Unhappy mothers of such children then !"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 139}, {"query": ["And all the saints do sit soliciting", "Nor think I thoughtless think upon a mean", "My fear and care in not believing it !", "Madame , \u2018 tis true , and now I find it so .", "My help ?", "Pardon , O pardon , Bel-imperia ,", "And here I vow , so you but give consent", "That causeless thus have murdered my son .", "But may it be that Bel-imperia", "For you have giv'n me cause ,\u2014"], "true_target": ["Vows such revenge as she hath deign 'd to say ?", "Why , my good lords , assure yourselves of me ;", "I will ere long determine of their deaths", "Why then , I see that heav'n applies our drift ,", "I found a letter , written in your name ,", "And will conceal my resolution ,", "Aye , by my faith , have you !", "And in that letter , how Horatio died .", "For vengeance on those cursed murtherers .", "To let his death be unreveng 'd at full ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 139}, {"query": ["And I ?", "But say , Hieronimo :", "Marry thus :", "Little entreaty shall serve me , Hieronimo ,", "What then became of him that was the bashaw ?", "You mean to try my cunning then , Hieronimo !"], "true_target": ["Ran to a mountain top and hung himself .", "HIERO .", "And aught that may effect for thine avail ,", "Join with thee to revenge Horatio 's death .", "Moved with remorse of his misdeeds ,", "For I must needs be employed in your play .", "Hieronimo , I will consent , conceal ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 139}, {"query": ["For-why the plot 's already in mine head .\u2014", "On then , and whatsoever I devise ,"], "true_target": ["Here they are !", "Let me entreat you grace my practice ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 139}, {"query": ["Assure yourself it would content them well .", "Such as can tell how to speak ,", "In faith , Hieronimo , and you be in earnest ,", "To entertain my father with the like ,", "But this will be a mere confusion ,", "Aye , this is all .", "It pleased you", "It shall be play 'd by princes and courtiers ,", "What 's that , Hieronimo ? Forget not anything .", "Now were your study so well furnished", "And hardly shall we all be understood .", "How now , Hieronimo ? What , courting Bel-imperia ?", "On then , Hieronimo ; farewell till soon !"], "true_target": ["As , for the passing of the first night 's sport ,", "What , would you have us play a tragedy ?", "At the entertainment of the ambassador ,", "You will but let us know the argument .", "And what shall I ?", "How like you this ?", "Or any such like pleasing motion ,", "If , as it is our country manner ,", "I 'll make one .", "But which of us is to perform that part ?", "And now", "To grace the King so much as with a show ;", "Hieronimo , methinks a comedy were better ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 139}, {"query": ["Whom presently by treachery he slew .", "Like Phoebe , Flora , or the huntress Dian ,", "Who at the marriage was the chiefest guest .", "Perseda , chaste and resolute .", "Did stab herself . And this is the tragedy .", "He giveth BEL-IMPERIA another .", "Perseda 's love , and could not gain the same .", "To make experience of their wit in plays !", "Is this all ?", "You with a cross , like a knight of Rhodes .", "He was betroth 'd , and wedded at the length ,", "And here , my lords , are several abstracts drawn ,", "When in Toledo there I studied ,", "Your sister , Bel-imperia , to make one ,\u2014", "Must act his part in unknown languages ,", "Containing matter , and not common things !", "Yet is it passing pleasing to the world .", "Gives another to LORENZO .", "One of his bashaws whom he held full dear .", "A comedy ? fie ! comedies are fit for common wits ;", "A black moustache and a fauchion .", "When I was young I gave my mind", "For what 's a play without a woman in it ?", "But to present a kingly troupe withal ,", "Whose beauty ravish 'd all that her beheld ,", "There 's one thing more that rests for us to do .", "Her has this bashaw long solicited ,", "Why then I 'll fit you ; say no more .", "That shall I roundly . The chronicles of Spain", "As but to grace me with your acting it ,", "And yet , me thinks , you are too quick with us !\u2014", "Now , my good lord , could you entreat ,", "In Paris ? mass , and well remembered !\u2014", "And , if the world like not this tragedy ,", "I 'll play the murderer , I warrant you ;", "See here , my lords ,\u2014", "Why , Nero thought it no disparagement ,", "Then \u2018 gan he break his passions to a friend ,", "Was liberal in gracing of it so .", "She hath my heart , but you , my lord , have hers .", "And , to escape the bashaw 's tyranny ,", "It was my chance to write a tragedy ,\u2014", "For each of you to note your several parts .", "Record this written of a knight of Rhodes ;", "And with the ransom that the viceroy sent", "By sundry means sought Suleiman to win", "Tragedia cothurnata , fitting kings ,", "The Italian tragedians were so sharp"], "true_target": ["She , stirr 'd with an exceeding hate therefore ,", "Such courting as , I promise you ,", "Great Suleiman , the Turkish emperor .", "Assure you it will prove most passing strange", "Each one of us", "O , that will I , my lords ; make no doubt of it ;", "Wrought by the heav'ns in this confusion .", "As you , my lord , in Latin , I in Greek ,", "Why , so ! now shall I see the fall of Babylon", "Nor would your lordships favour me so much", "As cause of this , slew Sultan Suleiman ,", "And as for me , my lords , I 'll look to one ,", "You 'll ply this gear ?", "You in Italian , and , for-because I know", "Marry , my good lord , thus .\u2014", "They would perform any-thing in action .", "That it may breed the more variety :", "Why , this is well ! I tell you , lordings ,", "That Bel-imperia hath practised the French ,", "It was determined to have been acted ,", "And plied myself to fruitless poetry ,", "Especially the soul of Suleiman ,", "And act it as occasion 's offer 'd you .", "My lords , all this our sport must be perform 'd ,", "You must provide you with a Turkish cap ,", "I mean each one of you to play a part .", "Which , long forgot , I found this other day .", "So furnish and perform this tragedy", "By gentlemen and scholars too ,", "Give me a stately-written tragedy ,\u2014", "For I already have conceited that .", "And , madame , you must then attire yourself", "Aye , my lord ,", "Which , though it profit the professor naught ,", "Erastus , the knight of Rhodes .", "Hard is the hap of old Hieronimo .", "He shows them a book .", "As all the world shall say Hieronimo", "And kings and emperors have ta'en delight", "Of wit that in one hour 's meditation", "And wondrous plausible to that assembly .", "Which to your discretion shall seem best .", "But by her husband 's death , this knight of Rhodes ,", "As fitting for the first night 's revelling .", "Gives paper to BALTHAZAR .", "Such as could tell what to speak .", "And saw she was not otherwise to be won", "To one Perseda , an Italian dame ,", "In courtly French shall all her phrases be ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 139}, {"query": ["Nay , be not angry , good Hieronimo ;", "And how for that ?", "I warrant you . Exeuent all but HIERONIMO .", "Why thus , my lord , we must resolve ,", "O , excellent !", "To soothe his humors up ."], "true_target": ["And I another .", "The prince but ask 'd a question .", "But now , Hieronimo , or never", "And I ?", "And well it may , for I have seen the like", "In Paris , \u2018 mongst the French tragedians .", "We are to entreat your help ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 139}, {"query": ["It must be so ; for the conclusion", "That I will have there behind a curtain ,", "Shall prove the invention and all was good ;", "And I myself in an oration ,"], "true_target": ["And all shall be concluded in one scene ,", "For there 's no pleasure ta'en in tediousness .", "And with a strange and wondrous show besides ,", "Assure yourself , shall make the matter known ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 139}, {"query": ["But who were thy confederates in this ?", "I will , Hieronimo .", "Why hast thou butcher 'd both my children thus ?", "That you take all this pain ?"], "true_target": ["How now , Hieronimo ? where 's your fellows ,", "What 's that ?", "I will Hieronimo .", "O , he would have a knife to mend his pen .", "Yet can he write ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 140}, {"query": ["That Suleiman which Bel-imperia", "Bring a chair and a cushion for the king .", "Than harmless silence ? Then afford it me !", "From forth these wounds came breath that gave me life ;", "Sufficeth I may not nor I will not tell thee .", "And , gentles , thus I end my play !", "They murder 'd me that made these fatal marks .", "And lastly , but not least , how Isabell ,", "Whatever joy earth yields betide your Majesty !", "And princes , now behold Hieronimo ,", "Let not Erasto live to grieve great Suleiman !", "To give the king the copy of the play :", "Am I at last revenged thoroughly ,\u2014", "One more thing , my good lord .", "Viceroy , I will not trust thee with my life ,", "To die today , for fashioning our scene ,", "See here my show ; look on this spectacle !", "To look that all things may go well .", "March 'd in a net and thought himself unseen ,", "What , are you ready , Balthazar ?", "There merciless they butcher 'd up my boy ,", "In person of Perseda murdered ,\u2014", "That I might kill him more conveniently .", "Author and actor in this tragedy ,", "Marry , this follows for Hieronimo !", "With soonest speed I hasted to the noise ,", "Bethink thyself , Hieronimo ,", "He bites out his tongue .", "Which now perform 'd , my heart is satisfied .", "Upon whose souls may Heav'n be yet aveng 'd", "Let me entreat your Grace", "Whose tongue is tun 'd to tell his latest tale ,", "In black , dark night , to pale , dim , cruel death !", "And to this end the bashaw I became ,", "Recall thy wits , recompt thy former wrongs", "My guiltless son was by Lorenzo slain ;", "Shows his dead son .", "Pleas 'd with their deaths , and eas 'd with their revenge ,", "The love , my son to Bel-imperia .", "Yet I , of kindness and of care for her ,", "For , though the story saith she should have died ,", "He runs to hang himself .", "Where , hanging on a tree , I found my son", "Exit BALTHAZAR .", "And here behold this bloody handkerchief ,", "And griev 'd I , think you , at this spectacle ?", "The cause was love whence grew this mortal hate :", "Reveng 'd ! The plot is laid of dire revenge :", "The hate , Lorenzo and young Balthazar ;", "But hope , heart , treasure , joy and bliss ,\u2014", "And was to represent the knight of Rhodes ,", "This is the argument of what we show .", "Within the river of his bleeding wounds !", "But Bel-imperia plays Perseda well .", "Here lay my hope , and here my hope hath end ;", "Remove Erasto , mighty Suleiman , And then Perseda will be quickly won .", "Behooves thee then , Hieronimo , to be", "O sir , it is for the author 's credit", "And will as resolute conclude his part", "His dismal out-cry echo in the air ;", "And you , my lord , whose reconciled son", "First take my tongue , and afterwards my heart !", "Erasto , Suleiman saluteth thee , And lets thee wit by me his Highness \u2019 will , Which is , thou should'st be thus employ 'd . Stabs him .", "That might revenge me on Lorenzo 's life ,", "How can you brook our play 's catastrophe ?", "So , viceroy , was this Balthazar thy son \u2014", "And therefore , in despite of all thy threats ,", "Hath done in murd'ring my Horatio ;"], "true_target": ["With pitchy silence hush 'd these traitors \u2019 harms ,", "To take advantage in my garden plot", "The hopeless father of a hapless son ,", "And rated me for a brainsick lunacy ,", "Which I this day have offer 'd to my son :", "Urge no more words , I have no more to say .", "Dispatch , for shame ! are you so long ?", "Soliciting remembrance of my vow", "If thou canst weep upon thy Balthazar ,", "And by Lorenzo and that Balthazar", "But never shalt thou force me to reveal", "Through-girt with wounds and slaughter 'd , as you see .", "Haply you think \u2014 but bootless are your thoughts \u2014", "Not to excuse gross errors in the play .", "But , good my lord , let me entreat your Grace", "What lesser liberty can kings afford", "Here lay my heart , and here my heart was slain ;", "Thou mayst torment me as his wretched son", "Solely appointed to that tragic part ,", "Our scene is Rhodes . What , is your beard on ?", "Here break we off our sundry languages ,", "Let then Perseda on your Grace attend .", "Who therefore was appointed to the part", "Did urge her resolution to be such .", "Here lay my treasure , here my treasure lost ;", "O good words ! As dear to me was Horatio", "Accursed wretch , why stayst thou him that was resolv 'd to die ?", "That this is fabulously counterfeit ,", "Well done , Balthazar ; hang up the title :", "Here lay my bliss , and here my bliss bereft .", "And that we do as all tragedians do ,\u2014", "Upon my son , my dear Horatio .", "On then , Hieronimo ; pursue revenge ,", "\u2018 Tis like I wail 'd for my Horatio .", "Bearing his latest fortune in his fist ;", "Speak , Portuguese , whose loss resembles mine !", "Thou hast receiv 'd by murder of thy son ,", "But night , the cov'rer of accursed crimes ,", "Once his mother and my dearest wife ,", "With \u201c God amend that mad Hieronimo ! \u201d \u2014", "No , princes ; know I am Hieronimo ,", "The death of Ajax , or some Roman peer ,", "For nothing wants but acting of revenge !", "I see your looks urge instance of these words :", "Did otherwise determine of her end .", "Poor Bel-imperia miss 'd her part in this :", "You would vouchsafe to throw me down the key .", "All woe-begone for him , hath slain herself .", "It as propitious , see , I have reserv 'd ,", "And , in a minute starting up again ,", "The thing which I have vow 'd inviolate .", "And thus conclude I in our vulgar tongue :", "And never hath it left my bloody heart ,", "With these , O these accursed murderers !", "With greater far than these afflictions !", "That , when the train are pass 'd into the gallery ,", "Indeed ?", "As yours , or yours , my lord , to you .", "But love of him whom they did hate too much", "As any of the actors gone before .", "But , if he be your rival , let him die !", "And lent them leave \u2014 for they had sorted leisure \u2014", "He shrieks ; I heard \u2014 and yet , methinks , I hear \u2014", "All fled , fail 'd , died , yea , all decay 'd with this .", "Behold the reason urging me to this !", "Revive to please tomorrow 's audience .", "Which at Horatio 's death I weeping dipp 'd", "That she might slay him that offended her .", "Enter BALTHAZAR with a chair ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 140}, {"query": ["Aye ; and Hieronimo our marshall ,", "O monstrous resolution of a wretch !", "He giveth him a book .", "Then he makes signs for a knife to mend his pen .", "That represents the Emperor Suleiman :", "But now what follows for Hieronimo ?", "We will devise th \u2019 extremest kind of death", "How well he acts his amorous passion !", "Fetch forth the tortures ! Traitor as thou art , I 'll make thee tell !", "Speak , traitor ! damned , bloody murd'rer , speak !\u2014", "See , Viceroy , he hath bitten forth his tongue", "That he may be entomb 'd . Whate'er befall ,", "Well said , old marshall ! this was bravely done !", "These be our pastimes in the court of Spain .", "And tell me , brother , what part plays he .", "My nephew Don Lorenzo , and my niece .", "What age hath ever heard such monstrous deeds ?", "Why hast thou done this undeserving deed ?"], "true_target": ["Why speak'st thou not ?", "Now , viceroy , shall we see the tragedy", "And if in this he satisfy us not ,", "Here comes Lorenzo : look upon the plot", "At whose request they deign to do't themselves .", "My brother and the whole succeeding hope", "This is the argument of that they show .", "Rather than reveal what we require 'd .", "Of Suleiman , the Turkish emperor ,", "The loss of our beloved brother 's death ,", "That Spain expected after my decease .", "O hearken , viceroy ; hold Hieronimo ! Brother , my nephew and thy son are slain !", "Perform 'd by pleasure by your son the prince ,", "That ever was invented for a wretch .", "For , now I have thee , I will make thee speak !", "I am the next , the nearest , last of all .", "Here , brother , you shall be the book-keeper :", "See , viceroy , that is Balthazar your son ,", "Go bear his body hence , that we may mourn"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 140}, {"query": ["And thou , Don Pedro , do the like for us : Take up our hapless son untimely slain ; Set me up with him , and he with woeful me , Upon the main-mast of a ship unmann 'd , And let the wind and tide hale me along To Scylla 's barking and untamed gulf Or to the loathsome pool of Acheron , To weep my want for my sweet Balthazar . Spain hath no refuge for a Portingale ! The trumpets sound a dead march , the KING OF SPAIN mourning after his brother 's body , and the KING OF PORTINGAL bearing the body of his son .", "Break ope the doors ; run save Hieronimo !", "That was thy daughter Bel-imperia ;", "Were this in earnest , Bel-imperia ,", "Who ? Bel-imperia ?", "Why hast thou murdered my Balthazar ?", "We are betray 'd ! my Balthazar is slain !", "You would be better to my son than so ."], "true_target": ["Hieronimo , do but inform the king of these events ;", "Upon mine honour , thou shalt have no harm !", "Look to my brother ! save Hieronimo !", "I saw her stab him .", "Aye ; Bel-imperia hath taught him that .", "Here ; and advise thee that thou write the troth ,\u2014", "He with a knife stabs the DUKE and himself .", "For by her hand my Balthazar was slain ,\u2014"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 140}, {"query": ["Dear is Erasto in our princely eye .", "Why , let him die ! so love commaundeth me . Yet grieve I that Erasto should so die .", "She shall not wait on me , but I on her ! Drawn by the influence of her lights , I yield . But let my friend , the Rhodian knight , come forth ,\u2014 Erasto , dearer than my life to me ,\u2014 That he may see Perseda , my belov 'd ."], "true_target": ["Earth yields no joy without Perseda 's love .", "Yet liveth Suleiman to comfort thee . Fair queen of beauty , let not favour die , But with a gracious eye behold his grief , That with Perseda 's beauty is increas 'd , If by Perseda grief be not releas 'd .", "Ah , bashaw , here is love between Erasto And fair Perseda , sovereign of my soul !", "Erasto is my friend ; and , while he lives , Perseda never will remove her love ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 140}, {"query": ["Ah , my Erasto ! Welcome to Perseda !"], "true_target": ["Tyrant , desist soliciting vain suits ; Relentless are mine ears to thy laments As thy butcher is pitiless and base Which seiz 'd on my Erasto , harmless knight . Yet by thy power thou thinkest to command , And to thy power Perseda doth obey ; But , were she able , thus she would revenge Thy treacheries on thee , ignoble prince ; Stabs him . And on herself she would be thus revengd . Stabs herself .", "Ay , me , Erasto ! See , Suleiman , Erasto 's slain !"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 140}, {"query": ["I 'll lead my Bel-imperia to those joys", "And there live dying still in endless flames ,", "Repining at our joys that are above ;", "I 'll lead fair Isabella to that train", "That vestal virgins and fair queens possess ;", "Now will I beg at lovely Proserpine", "Place Don Lorenzo on Ixion 's wheel ,", "But say , Revenge ,\u2014 for thou must help or none ,\u2014", "Where pity weeps but never feeleth pain ;", "Horatio murder 'd in his father 's bower ,", "I 'll lead Hieronimo where Orpheus plays ,", "And take from Sisyphus his endless moan ;", "I 'll lead my friend Horatio through those fields", "Against the rest how shall my hate be shown ?", "Hang Balthazar about Chimera 's neck ,", "When blood and sorrow finish my desires :", "Let Serberine go roll the fatal stone", "False Pedringano , for his treachery ,", "Juno forget old wrath and grant him ease ;", "And let Don Ciprian supply his room ;", "False Pedrigano hang 'd by quaint device ,"], "true_target": ["Where never-dying wars are still inur 'd ;", "The Duke of Castile and his wicked son", "Fair Isabella by herself misdone ,", "And let him there bewail his bloody love ,", "Let him be dragg 'd through boiling Acheron ,", "Both done to death by old Hieronimo ,", "Let me judge and doom them to unrest ;", "Vile Serberine by Pedrigano slain ,", "And good Hieronimo slain by himself !", "Adding sweet pleasure to eternal days .", "Prince Balthazar by Bel-imperia stabb 'd ,", "Aye ; now my hopes have end in their effects ,", "I may consort my friends in pleasing sort ,", "Aye , these were spectacles to please my soul .", "And let the lovers \u2019 endless pains surcease ,", "Blaspheming gods and all their holy names .", "My Bel-imperia fallen as Dido fell ,", "That , by the virtue of her princely doom ,", "Then , sweet Revenge , do this at my request :", "Let loose poor Titius from the vulture 's gripe ,", "And on my foes work just and sharp revenge ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 140}, {"query": ["For here though death doth end their misery ,", "I 'll there begin their endless tragedy .", "Where none but furies , bugs and tortures dwell ."], "true_target": ["To place thy friends in ease , the rest in woes .", "Then haste we down to meet thy friends and foes ;", "This hand shall hale them down to deepest hell ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 140}, {"query": ["That which you lent six pounds upon to the journeyman carpenter that had the sick wife ?", "The lady in the carriage has been here crying about those jewels . She says , if you cannot let her have them at the advance she offers , her husband will come to know that she has pledged them ."], "true_target": ["The finical gentleman has been here about the seal that was his grandfather 's .", "The man says , if you can give him till Thursday \u2014"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 141}, {"query": ["I have uses for those jewels . Send Marian to me .I know no other trade that is expected to depart from its fair advantages but ours . I do not see the baker , the butcher , the shoemaker , or , to go higher , the lawyer , the physician , the divine , give up any of their legitimate gains , even when the pretences of their art had failed ; yet we are to be branded with an odious name , stigmatized , discountenanced even by the administrators of those laws which acknowledge us ; scowled at by the lower sort of people , whose needs we serve ! Enter Marian . Come hither , Marian . Come , kiss your father . The report runs that he is full of spotted crime . What is your belief , child ?", "You shall ride in a gilded chariot upon the necks of these poor , Marian . Their tears shall drop pearls for my girl . Their sighs shall be good wind for us . They shall blow good for my girl . Put up the jewels , Marian .", "He cannot have it . Truly , our trade would be brought to a fine pass , if we were bound to humour the fancies of our customers . This man would be taking a liking to a snuff-box that he had inherited ; and that gentlewoman might conceit a favourite chemise that had descended to her .", "They call me oppressive , grinding .\u2014 I know not what \u2014", "I take but my lawful profit . The law is not over favourable to us ."], "true_target": ["I have heard them say , There goes Flint \u2014 Flint , the cruel pawnbroker !", "Usurer , extortioner . Am I these things ?", "You have not seen that idle fellow , Davenport ?", "Here , girl , is a little box of jewels , which the necessities of a foolish woman of quality have transferred into our true and lawful possession . Go , place them with the trinkets that were your mother 's . They are all yours , Marian , if you do not cross me in your marriage . No gentry shall match into this house , to flout their wife hereafter with her parentage . I will hold this business with convulsive grasp to my dying day . I will plague these poor , whom you speak so tenderly of .", "Not a minute longer . His time was out yesterday . These improvident fools !", "The same ."], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 141}, {"query": ["My father \u2014", "My father will kill me , if he finds you have been here !", "You are Marian 's kind and careful father . That is enough for a child to know .", "Alas ! who let him in ?", "Marian is no judge of these things .", "But he is unhappy . Do not speak hard words of my father .", "That never good report went with our calling , father . I have heard you say , the poor look only to the advantages which we derive from them , and overlook the accommodations which they receive from us . But the poor are the poor , father , and have little leisure to make distinctions . I wish we could give up this business ."], "true_target": ["Begone , begone , if you love me , Davenport .", "O heavens !", "Alas !", "Stay at home with Marian . You shall hear no ugly words to vex you .", "You frighten me , father . Do not frighten Marian .", "No , indeed , father , since your injunction .", "O , where , where ? Whither do you hurry me , Davenport ?"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 141}, {"query": ["Aye , miss , you must go , as Mr. Davenport says . Here is your cloak , miss , and your hat , and your gloves . Your father , ma'am \u2014", "Miss , miss , your father has taken his hat , and is slept out , and Mr. Davenport is on the stairs ; and I came to tell you \u2014"], "true_target": ["Away \u2014 away . What a lucky thought of mine to say her father was coming ! he would never have got her off , else . Lord , Lord , I do love to help lovers .", "O , miss , your father has suddenly returned . I see him with Mr. Saunders , coming down the street . Mr. Saunders , ma'am !"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 141}, {"query": ["Quickly , quickly , Marian . At the back door .\u2014", "Marian must exert her good sense .", "You must go with me then , else here I am fixed ."], "true_target": ["My dearest girl \u2014", "There is no time for explanations . I have positive information that your father means , in less than a week , to dispose of you to that ugly Saunders . The wretch has bragged of it to his acquaintance , and already calls you his .", "Your resolution must be summary , as the time which calls for it . Mine or his you must be , without delay . There is no safety for you under this roof .", "Is no father , if he would sacrifice you ."], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 141}, {"query": ["Reach me down that book off the shelf , where the shoulder of veal hangs ."], "true_target": ["CUTLET"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 142}, {"query": ["The young gentleman in Pullen 's Row , Islington , that has got the consumption , has sent to know if you can let him have a sweetbread .", "I was just going with it ."], "true_target": ["Is this it ?", "The two pound of rump-steaks must go home to Mr. Molyneux 's . He is in training to fight Cribb ."], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 142}, {"query": ["No , that is not it , Mrs. Lucy . My repose was disturbed by a very different cause from what you may imagine . It proceeded from too much thinking .", "Others with hunger \u2014 some a prey to the rage of wild beasts \u2014", "Why , how odd this is ! Your young lady knows my young lady . They are as thick as flies .", "What were you saying about poor Cleaver ?", "The distresses of my fellow creatures . I never lay my head down on my pillow , but I fall a thinking , how many at this very instant are perishing . Some with cold \u2014", "What do ye want ? what do ye buy ? O , it is only you , Mrs. Lucy . Lucy whispers Cutlet .", "Cutlet .", "Some drowning , crossing crazy bridges in the dark \u2014 some by the violence of the devouring flame \u2014", "Well , take them ; go along , and do not trouble me with your disgusting details .", "Why was I bred to this detestable business ? Was it not plain , that this trembling sensibility , which has marked my character from earliest infancy , must for ever disqualify me for a profession which \u2014 what do ye want ? what do ye buy ? O , it is only somebody going past . I thought it had been a customer .\u2014 Why was not I bred a glover , like my cousin Langston ? to see him poke his two little sticks into a delicate pair of real Woodstock \u2014 \u201c A very little stretching ma'am , and they will fit exactly \u201d \u2014 Or a haberdasher , like my next-door neighbour \u2014 \u201c not a better bit of lace in all town , my lady \u2014 Mrs. Breakstock took the last of it last Friday , all but this bit , which I can afford to let your ladyship have a bargain \u2014 reach down that drawer on your left hand , Miss Fisher . \u201d", "Take two ,\u2014 take all that are in the shop . What a disagreeable interruption !\u201c Those fierce and angry passions , which impel man to wage destructive war with man , may be traced to the ferment in the blood produced by an animal diet . \u201d", "Pretty lamb ,\u2014 she seems agitated . Davenport and Marian go in with"], "true_target": ["Do you know if he is insured ?", "Well go . Where was I ? Oh ! \u201c And licks the hand just raised to shed its blood . \u201d What an affecting picture !\u201c It is probable that the long lives which are recorded of the people before the flood , were owing to their being confined to a vegetable diet . \u201d", "Some by fevers , some by gun-shot wounds \u2014", "Not to the full amount \u2014 how shocking ! He killed more meat than any of the trade between here and Carnaby market \u2014 and the poor babes \u2014 four of them you say \u2014 what a melting sight !\u2014 he served some good customers about Marybone \u2014 I always think more of the children in these cases than of the fathers and mothers \u2014 Lady Lovebrown liked his veal better than any man 's in the market \u2014 I wonder whether her ladyship is engaged \u2014 I must go and comfort poor Cleaver , however .\u2014", "To tell you the truth , I am rather heavy about the eyes . Want of sleep ,", "I believe .", "Aye . Not here , but in countries abroad , where the climate is different from ours . Our summers are their winters , and vice vers\u00e2 , you know . Some with cold \u2014", "Some in drunken quarrels \u2014", "No \u2014 this is \u201c Flowers of Sentiment \u201d \u2014 the other \u2014 aye , this is a good book . \u201c An Argument against the Use of Animal Food . By J. R . \u201d That means Joseph Ritson . I will open it anywhere , and read just as it happens . One cannot dip amiss in such books as these . The motto , I see , is from Pope . I dare say , very much to the purpose .\u201c The lamb thy riot dooms to bleed to-day , Had he thy reason , would he sport and play ? Pleas 'd to the last , he crops his flowery food , And licks the hand \u201d \u2014 Bless us , is that saddle of mutton gone home to Mrs. Simpson 's ? It should have gone an hour ago .", "I have a set of apartments at the end of my garden . They are quite detached from the shop . A single lady at present occupies the ground floor .", "Bless me !", "What a deceitful young hussey ! there is not a word of truth in her . There has been no fire . How can people play with one 's feelings so !\u2014\u2014 \u201c For tenderness formed \u201d \u2014 No , I 'll try the air I made upon myself . The words may compose me \u2014A weeping Londoner I am , A washer-woman was my dam ; She bred me up in a cock-loft , And fed my mind with sorrows soft : For when she wrung with elbows stout From linen wet the water out ,\u2014 The drops so like to tears did drip , They gave my infant nerves the hyp . Scarce three clean muckingers a week Would dry the brine that dew 'd my cheek : So , while I gave my sorrows scope , I almost ruin 'd her in soap . My parish learning I did win In ward of Farringdon-Within ; Where , after school , I did pursue My sports , as little boys will do . Cockchafers \u2014 none like me was found To set them spinning round and round . O , how my tender heart would melt , To think what those poor varmin felt ! I never tied tin-kettle , clog , Or salt-box to the tail of dog , Without a pang more keen at heart , Than he felt at his outward part . And when the poor thing clattered off , To all the unfeeling mob a scoff , Thought I , \u201c What that dumb creature feels , With half the parish at his heels ! \u201d Arrived , you see , to man 's estate , The butcher 's calling is my fate ; Yet still I keep my feeling ways . And leave the town on slaughtering days . At Kentish Town , or Highgate Hill , I sit , retired , beside some rill ; And tears bedew my glistening eye , To think my playful lambs must die ! But when they 're dead I sell their meat , On shambles kept both clean and neat ; Sweet-breads also I guard full well , And keep them from the blue-bottle . Envy , with breath sharp as my steel , Has ne'er yet blown upon my veal ; And mouths of dames , and daintiest fops , Do water at my nice lamb-chops ."], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 142}, {"query": ["What , in the midst of summer ?", "I have it .\u2014 For that matter , you need not send your humanity a travelling , Mr. Cutlet . For instance , last night \u2014", "He has found his ears at last .That he has had his house burnt down .", "I saw four small children taken in at the green grocer 's .", "Some say he is , but not to the full amount .", "Now is this pretender to humanity gone to avail himself of a neighbour 's supposed ruin to inveigle his customers from him . Fine feelings !\u2014 pshaw !", "The butcher 's shop at the corner ."], "true_target": ["Only two streets off \u2014", "I am mistaken if my young lady does not find an agreeable companion in these apartments . Almost a namesake . Only the difference of Flyn , and Flint . I have some errands to do , or I would stop and have some fun with this droll butcher . Cutlet returns .", "Late hours , perhaps . Raking last night .", "The deuce it did ! and what , if I may be so bold , might be the subject of your Night Thoughts ?", "This is the house I saw a bill up at , ma'am ; and a droll creature the landlord is .", "What a canting rogue it is ! I should like to trump up some fine story to plague him .", "He has got this by rote , out of some book .", "You may thank me for your new lodger , Mr . Cutlet .\u2014 But bless me , you do not look well ?"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 142}, {"query": ["In , in .\u2014"], "true_target": ["We have no time for nicety ."], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 142}, {"query": ["Ha , ha , ha !", "Positively not a word .", "Thus far have I secured my charming prize . I can appretiate , while I lament , the delicacy which makes her refuse the protection of my sister 's roof . But who comes here ?", "He must be light-headed .", "For heaven 's sake , compose yourself .", "\u2018 Tis her fears , I daresay . My dear Pendulous , you will excuse me ?\u2014 I must not tell him our situation at present , though it cost him a fit of jealousy . We shall have fifty opportunities for explanation .", "The oddest fellow ! I will tell you \u2014 But here he comes .", "The sentence could never have been carried into \u2014 pshaw !\u2014 you are joking \u2014 the truth must have come out at last .", "Pshaw ! so you call every common accident ."], "true_target": ["With all my heart , to a more pleasing theme . The lovely Maria Flyn \u2014 are you friends in that quarter , still ? Have the old folks relented ?", "What case ?", "What a pucker you were in overnight !", "Whims ! You might turn the laugh of the world upon itself in a fortnight . These things are but nine days \u2019 wonders .", "Vapours , Jack . I have not known you fifteen years to have to guess at your complaint . Why , they troubled you at school . Do you remember when you had to speak the speech of Buckingham , where he is going to execution ?", "To what ?", "Nonsense !", "Be calm , my dear friend .", "Ridiculous ! it could not have gone so far .", "Where does she live ?"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 143}, {"query": ["It is your old friend , and very miserable .", "No subject for mirth , Mr. Davenport . A confounded short-sighted fellow swore that I stopt him , and robbed him , on the York race-ground at nine on a fine moonlight evening , when I was two hundred miles off in Dorsetshire . These hands have been held up at a common bar .", "For an accident which \u2014", "I am , friend , above the reach of comfort .", "Do you think so , Mr. Davenport ?", "By a judge and jury \u2014", "Does that gentleman visit the lady at your lodgings ?", "It is but too plain . Fool that I have been , not to suspect that , while she pretended scruples , some rival was at the root of her infidelity !", "None .", "This served the purpose of a temporary concealment well enough ; but when it came to the \u2014 alibi \u2014 I think they call it \u2014 excuse these technical terms , they are hardly fit for the mouth of a gentleman , the witnesses \u2014 that is another term \u2014 that I had sent for up from Melcombe Regis , and relied upon for clearing up my character , by disclosing my real name , John Pendulous \u2014 so discredited the cause which they came to serve , that it had quite a contrary effect to what was intended . In short , the usual forms passed , and you behold me here the miserablest of mankind .", "Sensations !", "She has lodgings in the next street , in a sort of garden-house , that belongs to one Cutlet . I have not seen her since the affair . I was going there at her request .", "You must know I have been \u2014\u2014 tried for a felony since then .", "To stand up against the sneers of the world . It is not every young lady that feels herself confident against the shafts of ridicule , though aimed by the hand of prejudice . Not but in her heart , I believe , she prefers me to all mankind . But think what the world would say , if , in defiance of the opinions of mankind , she should take to her arms a \u2014 reprieved man !", "Fear me not , my friend . I am no ghost \u2014 though I heartily wish I were one .", "With nerves like mine \u2014", "Not at all , Mr. Davenport . I hear what you say , though you speak it all on one side , as they do at the playhouse .", "Why do you laugh ?", "Stigmatized by the world \u2014"], "true_target": ["So it did , Mr. Davenport \u2014 just two minutes and a second too late by the Sheriff 's stop-watch . Time enough to save my life \u2014 my wretched life \u2014 but an age too late for my honour . Pray , change the subject \u2014 the detail must be as offensive to you .", "Do you call my case so common , then ?", "Arraigned , condemned \u2014", "May be so , may be so , Mr. Davenport . That was an imaginary scene . I have had real troubles since .", "Plagues , furies , tormentors ! I shall go mad !", "What do I hear ?", "Brought up at a public bar \u2014", "Why should not I publish it to the whole world , since she , whose prejudice alone I wished to overcome , deserts me ?", "They are dead , and have left her mistress of her inclinations . But it requires great strength of mind to \u2014", "I will . An old family ours , Mr. Davenport \u2014 never had a blot upon it till now \u2014 a family famous for the jealousy of its honour for many generations \u2014 think of that , Mr. Davenport \u2014 that felt a stain like a wound \u2014", "In the eye of reason has nothing in it \u2014", "When she joins in the judgment of an illiberal world against me \u2014", "A great deal farther , I assure you , Mr. Davenport . I am ashamed to say how far it went . You must know , that in the first shock and surprise of the accusation , shame \u2014 you know I was always susceptible \u2014 shame put me upon disguising my name , that , at all events , it might bring no disgrace upon my family . I called myself James Thomson .", "Tried , cast , and \u2014", "HANGED , Sir , HANGED by the neck , till I was \u2014", "Wretch , wretch , wretch !", "Cut down . The odious word shall out , though it choak me .", "Execution !\u2014 he has certainly heard it .", "You have not heard , then ?"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 143}, {"query": ["For a profession which \u2014", "Bless me !", "He is quite familiar there , I assure you . He is all in all with her , as they say .", "Aye , while you were being \u2014 you know what I mean . They say persons in your situation have lights dancing before their eyes \u2014 blueish . But then the worst of all is coming to one 's self again .", "Your case must have some things in it very curious . I daresay you kept a journal of your sensations .", "By a foolish world \u2014", "What ?", "Lord have mercy upon us ! not so bad as that comes to , I hope ?", "There , he says he shall go mad . Well , my head has not been very right of late . It goes with a whirl and a buzz somehow . I believe I must not think so deeply . Common people that do n't reason know nothing of these aberrations . Great wits go mad , and small ones only dull ; Distracting cares vex not the empty skull : They seize on heads that think , and hearts that feel , As flies attack the \u2014 better sort of veal .", "Consolation , then , can be to no purpose ?"], "true_target": ["There he goes ! How he walks about biting his nails ! I would not exchange this luxury of unavailing pity for worlds .", "Sir , the young lady at my house is desirous you should return immediately . She has heard something from home .", "My case exactly . Let us compare notes .", "I am so happy to have met with him !", "With nerves like mine \u2014", "Absolutely nothing in it \u2014", "By an invidious exclusion disqualified for sitting upon a jury at all \u2014", "Why , then , ten to one you were \u2014", "You said HANGED , Sir \u2014 that is , I mean , perhaps I mistook you . How ghastly he looks !", "Brought up to an odious trade \u2014", "You seem distressed , Sir . Bless me !"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 143}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis a plain case ; the king 's included in the punishment , in case he rebel against the people .", "Methinks , was not so prudent .", "When under heathen lords ? I hope they did .", "The court calls rebels , but we call them saints .", "You chased the Germans hence , exiled Navarre ,", "No safer than needs must .", "Thick-rinded heads , that leave no room for kernel ;", "A most convincing argument for faction .", "Our city-bands are twenty thousand strong ,", "A snivelling , conscientious , loyal rogue ;", "I know that Conty ;", "But , father , why so late ?", "When glorious Guise , the Moses , Gideon , David ,", "Our charters will go next ; because we sheriffs", "Lights there ! more lights ! What , burn the tapers dim ,", "Your highness enters in a lucky hour ;"], "true_target": ["I hope you set them right ?", "Preached up , and ready tined for a rebellion", "He 'll peach , and ruin all .", "The saviour of the nation , makes approach ?", "Shop-consciences , of proof against an oath ,", "The unanimous vote you heard , confirms your choice .", "As head of Paris and the Holy League .", "And rescued France from heretics and strangers .", "Well-disciplined , well-armed , well-seasoned traitors ,", "But did the primitive Christians e'er rebel ,", "Why then my choice is made .", "\u2018 Tis most manifest , that , by virtue of our oath , we are all subjects to the Duke of Guise . The king 's an officer that has betrayed his trust ; and therefore we have turned him out of service .", "To borrow arguments from heretic books ,", "The curate of St Eustace comes at last :", "What is't ? I should be glad to find the king", "Permit no justice to be done on those"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 144}, {"query": ["That , in case of opposition from any person whatsoever \u2014", "But one prime article of our Holy League", "We are obliged to join as one , to punish", "You are our champion , buckler of our faith .", "Since we are proved to be above the king , I would gladly understand whom we are to obey , or , whether we are to be all kings together ?", "What could they find to object ?", "That sway the crowd of Paris , guide their votes ,", "And give him a whole heaven for room to shine ."], "true_target": ["To mount the Guise , where merit calls him , high ,", "All , who attempt to hinder or disturb us .", "But how can he rebel ?", "Manage their purses , persons , fortunes , lives ,", "Is to preserve the king , his power , and person .", "Has cleared the point again .", "And mine .", "Well ; the next article in our solemn covenant", "And therefore are we met ; the whole sixteen ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 144}, {"query": ["I 'll swear him guilty .", "That must be said , you know , for decency ;", "Mock-fire that never burns .", "For arming , if you please , but not for faction :", "Yes ; and for answer , I produced this book .", "A Calvinist minister of Orleans", "Are you a member of the League , and ask that question ? There 's an article , that , I may say , is as necessary as any in the creed ; namely , that we , the said associates , are sworn to yield ready obedience , and faithful service , to that head which shall be deputed .", "I 'll make it out : Rebellion is an insurrection against the government ; but they that have the power are actually the government ; therefore , if the people have the power , the rebellion is in the king .", "Heaven 's good ; the cause is good ; the money 's good ;", "They thought , to arm against the king was treason .", "Yes ; from the devil , if it would help our cause .", "The author was indeed a heretic ;", "For taking arms against the king deceased ;", "Wherein he proves , that irreligious kings"], "true_target": ["I have been taking godly pains to satisfy some scruples raised amongst weak brothers of our party , that were staggering in the cause .", "A pretty blind to make the shoot secure .", "No sure , they did not ; for they had not power ;", "Writ this , to justify the admiral", "Or dispatch him ; I love to make all sure .", "For still the faction is the fewest number :", "I swallow oaths as easy as snap-dragon ,", "The matter of the book is good and pious .", "Is now the faction ; for the most are ours .", "The conscience of a people is their power .", "I hope well , my lord .", "So what they call the lawful government ,", "No matter whence it comes .", "That 's well , that well ; then the king is not excepted , if he oppose us .\u2014", "May justly be deposed , and put to death ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 144}, {"query": ["Agreed , agreed ."], "true_target": ["And all ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 144}, {"query": ["What hinders us to seize the royal penitent ,", "In that procession , he 's more fit for heaven :", "That is , he hopes you mean to make him abbot ,", "In short , a pious , hearty , factious priest .", "The king , like Saul , is heaven 's repented choice ;", "Give out he 's arbitrary , a Navarist ,", "He goes unguarded , mixed with whipping friars .", "This holy time of Lent we have him sure ;", "And close him in a cloister ?"], "true_target": ["You his anointed one , on better thought .", "For all his prayers are curses on the government ,", "And he deserves your care of his preferment ;", "A heretic ; discredit him betimes ,", "And all his sermons libels on the king ;", "And make his witness void .", "Heaven is itself head of the Holy League ;", "And all the saints are cov'nanters and Guisards .", "I say amen to that ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 144}, {"query": ["To raise , and to foment a civil war .", "At Port St Honore :", "\u2018 Tis but deserve , and have . The Spanish king", "Good decent names , that only mean \u2014 your slave .", "Take leave , and to my government retire ;", "Night wears apace ,", "We missed surprising of the king at Blois ,", "What say you , curate ?", "When last the states were held : \u2018 twas oversight ;", "And traitors we must be , to king , or country .", "And speed the work ; St Martin 's gate was named ;", "I will myself to court , pay formal duty ,", "And labouring France cries out for midwife hands .", "And graft succession on a worthier choice .", "Beware we make not such another blot .", "To favour this , five hundred men in arms", "Consigns me fifty thousand crowns a-week", "And day-light must not peep on dark designs ."], "true_target": ["Lieutenant-general , chief , or constable ,", "Why then the noble plot is fit for birth ;", "But good intentions justify the deed .", "Dipt in the noisy crime of state , called treason ;", "Then , Bussy , be it your care to admit my troops ,", "Shall stand prepared , to enter at your call ,", "Yes ; we are all involved , as heads , or parties ;", "All that are here , my friends , shall share my fortunes :", "I 'm what you please to call me ; any thing ,", "But the sheriff Conty , who commands that ward ,", "Thin diet will do well ; \u2018 twill starve him into reason ,", "Refused me passage there .", "\u2018 Till he exclude his brother of Navarre ,", "There 's spoil , preferments , wealth enough in France ;", "Impatient to be soon recalled , to see", "No ; guard him safe ;", "Sounds treason in the letter of the law ,", "\u2018 Tis true , a pension , from a foreign prince ,", "The king imprisoned , and the nation free"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 144}, {"query": ["What he , and all of us have done , is known .", "To the bare commons of the withered field ."], "true_target": ["What 's our reward ? Our offices are lost ,", "Turned out , like laboured oxen after harvest ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 144}, {"query": ["And quenched ten thousand fathom in the deep !\u2014", "Dashed against rocks , or snatched from molten lead ,", "Reeking , and dropping , piece-meal borne by winds ,", "What counsel does the fate of Guise require ?", "O horrid thought ! but one-and-twenty years ,", "But hark ! he comes : see there ! my blood stands still ,"], "true_target": ["Each dismal minute , when I call to mind", "The wards of reason roll into their spring .", "A Devil rises .", "Of which near twelve are gone , my soul runs back ,", "In one-and-twenty years to be his slave ,", "The promise , that I made the Prince of Hell ,", "And twelve near past , then to be steeped in fire ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 145}, {"query": ["Laugh at the tales which withered sages bring ,", "And he is great as Mecca 's emperor .", "Let Guise by blood resolve to mount to power .", "Proverbs and morals ; let the waxen king ,", "Remember , with his prince there 's no delay .", "But then strike deepest , when he lowest bows ;"], "true_target": ["And joins to crowd out just indulgent kings .", "That rules the hive , be born without a sting ;", "The tomb is still , whatever fools believe :", "Let not the fear of hell his spirit grieve ,", "He comes ; bid him not stand on altar-vows ,", "But , the sword drawn , to fling the sheath away ;", "Tell him , fate 's awed when an usurper springs ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 145}, {"query": ["Your voice , your eyes , your mien so different ,", "All offices and dignities he gives", "Have you not told her what we have in hand ?", "Yet this you must allow a failure in you ,\u2014", "Still pushing counsels when among your friends ;", "All passion 's bane , but love directly death .", "That never pardons .", "You seem to me two men ?"], "true_target": ["There is a lady-regent at his ear ,", "To your profest and most inveterate foes ;", "You love his niece ; and to a politician", "The Council of Sixteen attend you .", "But if he were inclined , as we could wish him ,", "Why then , we 're all undone .", "But , sir , how comes it you should be thus warm ,", "Yet , at the court , cautious , and cold as age ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 146}, {"query": ["O rise , thou image of the deity !", "Were she not such a wond'rous composition ,", "And beg a kind farewell .", "Marking the very motion of his beard ,", "His person must be safe .", "Drag , stamp , and grind them , after they are dead .", "\u2018 Tis equally the same to see me plunge", "Ha ! can it be ! \u201c Madam , the king loves you . \u201d \u2014", "I start the judgment right , where others drag .", "In her lap . I was at Bayonne with her ,", "A soul , so flushed as mine is with ambition ,", "Took a full tincture of the mother 's wit ,", "My father 's ghost shall hear me up to heaven .", "But see , she comes ; call the cardinal Guise ,", "I swear you cannot , shall not ,\u2014 dare not see him .", "How , madam ?", "Kneel to him , ere I journey to Champaigne ,", "Yet , through the histories of our lives , she looked ,", "She dazzles , walks mere angel upon earth .", "I will .", "But she was made when nature was in humour ,", "For me , I wish that mine may both rot off \u2014", "But , madam , I have often heard you say ,", "And all my powers now float in peace again .", "If while alive , I cease to chew their ruin ;", "Will never rest , till she has all our heads", "To hang them in effigy ,\u2014 nay , to tread ,", "While Malicorn attends for some dispatches ,", "Hot with my friends , because , the question given ,", "What , when I feel his council on my neck ,", "You shall prevail , I will do any thing :", "Where all the honest atoms fought their way ,", "You loved not courts .", "And at his feet make known their villainy ?", "No ;", "Alphonso Corso , Grillon , priest , together :", "Ha ! my good lords , what if the murdering council", "Methinks , I see her listening now before me ,", "She has scanned it , just as if she were my soul ;", "Be satisfied that I will see the king ,", "His opening nostrils , and his dropping lids .", "And should this come from any mouth but yours ,", "Enter Cardinal GUISE , Duke Of MAYENNE , MALICORN , & c .", "By all the torments of this galling passion ,", "All the heads of the League", "Expect me , and I have engaged my honour .", "Upon his sword , you swear the like revenge .", "All things are ripe , and love new points their ruin .", "I go \u2014 that vermin may devour my limbs ;", "Such an habitual over-womanly goodness ,", "You 've broke the very gall of my ambition ,", "Come , \u2018 tis but counterfeit ; you dare not go .", "Or at the court among my enemies ,", "Sagacious and so nice , must have disdained her :"], "true_target": ["My utmost aim has been to hide it from her ,", "Abbot Delbene , Alphonso Corso too ,", "Because the king disdains my services ,", "And atoms justly poised ; nor should you wonder", "By heaven ,", "As if a Grillon got her on the queen ,", "Denials , oaths , improbabilities ;", "Madam , you wrong me now :", "When she , the king , and grisly d'Alva met .", "That Guise should say , in this he must refuse you !", "The court leaves me .", "But left the dregs of wickedness behind .", "The winds but fast , the billows will be still", "I see , by each man 's laying of his hand", "Fish for the great fish , take no care for frogs ,", "Chaste as she is , she would as soon give up", "The reason 's plain .", "Is't possible", "I tell thee , she 's the character of heaven ;", "For still , whate'er shall come in fortune 's whirl ,", "I hear him croak too to the gaping council ,\u2014", "And though I flew about with circumstances .", "False , false , my Mayenne ; thou'rt but half Guise again .", "Would make me such another thing as Grillon ,", "Must I not let him know I dare be gone ?", "Again you err .", "Possible !", "Ha , madam ! Why this posture ?", "A blunt , hot , honest , downright , valiant fool .", "This to another man would be a brag ;", "Shall I not cast them backward if I can ,", "Before I take my farewell of the court .", "Poison on her name !", "Her honour , as betray me to the king :", "Take my hand o n't , that cormorant dowager", "I 'll hollow the revenge I vow , so loud ,", "My smile should answer how the ruin touched me .", "Under the barber 's hands , imposthumes choak me ,\u2014", "Were in our power , should they escape our justice ?", "Can I help this ?", "Cut off the poppy-heads , sir ;\u2014 madam , charm", ",", "This is the effect of equal elements ,", "That I may die , like the late puling Francis", "Furies and hell ! She does but try me ,\u2014 Ha !", "All packed to plot , and turn me into madness .", "More at the strength of body than of mind ;", "She saw , she overcame .", "As \u2018 twas to hear my judgment on the Germans ,", "But there I 'm short ; by the long chain of causes", "You menace deeply , madam :", "And plow against the torrent to my point ,", "This is the mother-queen , and Espernon ,", "Headlong into the Seine , all over armed ,", "To be , as I am here , quite off my guard ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 146}, {"query": ["Virgins and matrons all shall sing your fame ,", "I see through that ; you but withdraw a while ,", "Then I 'll to court , nay \u2014 to the king .", "But , if I hear you go to take your leave ,", "Go to your government , and try .", "Through all the provinces , alarm the countries ,", "That stile you , the new David , second Moses ,", "Nothing as yet could draw me , but a king ;", "Go then , my lord . I late received a letter", "But we will pull them down , down with them , down", "Rather than live to act such black ambition :", "Toss up their greasy caps where'er you pass ,", "Spite of the laws , and spite of our religion :", "Pamphleteers , ballad-mongers sing your ruin .", "You must not go .", "No , no , my lord ;", "However , your last words confess too much .", "Where they run forth in heaps , bellowing your wonders ;", "Call Rome ungrateful , and sit down with that ;", "And then , at last , cried out ,\u2014 This is a man .", "Once more , O Guise , the weeping Marmoutiere", "Lost ,", "Ah Guise , you are undone !", "Infamous scrolls , and treasonable verse ;", "That bleeds to death . O seek the best of kings ,", "Why do you leave the court ?", "By heaven , I 'd earth myself ,", "And then rejoin the Council of Sixteen .", "But oh , you want that Roman mastery ;", "Nay you shall see me kneel and kiss his hand .", "I cannot think it .", "When every hour I see you court the crowd ,", "I 'll give you yet a little time to think ;", "I see you borne on shoulders to cabals ;", "This side and that side congeing to the crowd .", "You sit , and plot the royal Henry 's death ;", "No , Guise , not at his feet , but on his head ;", "Entreats you , do not go .", "Ere \u2018 tis too late ; I beg you by these tears ,", "Beyond the possibility of hope :", "Confess ! what need I urge that evidence ,"], "true_target": ["By the whole kennel of the slaves , is rung .", "While all the vermin of the vile Parisians", "These sighs , and by the ambitious love you bear me ;", "And every babe shall bless the Guise 's name .", "Would all those heads were off , so yours were saved !", "Cloud the majestic name with fumes of wine ,", "Despair , and die .", "Prop of the church , deliverer of the people .", "For , if \u2018 tis possible , my lord , I 'll move you .", "Hear me , sir ;", "Or could you , like great Scipio , retire ,", "By all the wounds of your poor groaning country ,", "Then cry ,\u2014 The king , the king 's a Hugonot ,", "Where , with the traitorous Council of Sixteen ,", "That , at his birth , the heavenly council paused ,", "You have your writers too , that cant your battles ,", "Read it ,\u2014 there is no more than what you hear .", "When with the shouts of the rebellious rabble ,", "And nothing but your stay shall hinder me ;", "Your pardon shall be signed , your country saved ,", "For there you strike .", "Kneel , fling your stubborn body at his feet :", "I 'll meet you there ; before the throne I 'll stand ,\u2014", "For now , methinks , I long for't .", "Thus from the city , as from the heart , they spread", "By heaven , I can , I dare , nay \u2014 and I will ;", "Than all the sullied conquests you can boast :", "Perhaps I 've changed my mind :", "From one at court , who tells me , the king loves me :", "Were there no more , but weariness of state ,", "Such inward gallantry would gain you more", "And hurl your dirty glories in your face .", "And if you go from Paris , I 'll to court .", "And , spite of us , will have Navarre succeed ,", "Look back , return , implore the royal mercy ,", "I 've jewels offered too ,\u2014 perhaps may take them ;", "You have too much of the tumultuous times ,", "To muster all the forces that you can ,", "And I must mourn the fate of your ambition .", "But , sir , you seek it with your smiles and bows .", "And such a king ,\u2014 so good , so just , so great ,", "While , on the other side , the name of Guise ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 146}, {"query": ["Speak lower ."], "true_target": ["Contain yourself ; this outrage will undo us .", "No more ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 146}, {"query": ["But lurks indeed at Lagny , hard by Paris ,", "Proclaim aloud , they like not this or that ;", "Will let Guise know we are not in the dark .", "M. Immediately upon the duke 's departure .", "Then in a drove come lowing to the Louvre ,", "M. He comes to take his leave .", "M. Good-even , sir ; \u2018 tis just the time you ordered", "But give it o'er , I did but state the case .", "Were to come off with ruin and dishonour .", "M. Call colonel Grillon ; the king would speak with him .", "Guise gives it out , he journeys to Champaigne ,", "The city would be sure to be in arms ;", "M. You see the plot directly on your person ;", "M. Right ,\u2014", "It spreads the beauteous images abroad ,", "Is it not so , Polin ?", "For noblest natures , though they suffer long ,", "Most hazardous ; for straight , upon the alarm ,", "When once provoked , they turn the face to danger .", "A resolution to preserve his life ,", "He , that will venture on a hornet 's nest ,", "Where every hour he hears and gives instructions .", "M. Pray , mark the form of the conspiracy :", "Let us withdraw , and when \u2018 tis fit rejoin him .", "For safety , shut him in a monastery ,", "Love them , and then you need not fear your foes .", "He saw the admiral Coligny 's back .", "Or you shall be no king .", "And means to kiss your hand .", ",\u2014", "Told him \u2014 necessity cried out , to take", "You know the Italian proverb \u2014 Bisogna copriersi", "The business were more firm for this delay ;", "Beside , the whole proceeding is so like"], "true_target": ["M. Sir ?", "M. They say , that Grillon 's niece is come to court ,", "Know then , it is resolved to seize the king ,", "Harry at Moncontour , when in his bloom", "M. Grillon , to ask him pardon ,", "Take Guise into your heart , and drive your friends ;", "But I have lived too long , since my own blood", "Mean time the Council of Sixteen assure him ,", "And , when they read your acts with their vile breath ,", "But , through the natural sweetness of his temper ,", "Let knaves in shops prescribe you how to sway ,", "But see , he comes , Alphonso Corso with him ;", "M. Speak then , for speech is morning to the mind ;", "The hair-brained rout , I guessed as much before .", "And dangerous mercy , coldly he replied ,\u2014", "Dares not confide in her that gave him being .", "M. Why , this is Harry ;", "Which else lie furled and clouded in the soul .", "And sacrifice his favourites to their rage .", "To wait on your decrees .", "And look on Guise as a reclaimless rebel :", "When next he goes in penitential weeds", "Among the friars , without his usual guards ;", "M. \u2018 Tis in appearance easy , but the effect", "M. I brought Polin , and made the demonstration ;", "Then , under shew of popular sedition ,", "Therefore , to undertake , and not to compass ,", "M. No , sir , you cannot fear the sure design :", "Madam I will consider what you say .", "M. Polin is honest ;", "Should arm his head , and buckler well his breast .", "And cry ,\u2014 they 'll have it mended , that they will ,", "They have twenty thousand citizens in arms .", "M. Doubt not your friends ;"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 147}, {"query": ["True , on my life ;"], "true_target": ["Send me to the Bastile till all be proved .", "And , if the king doubts the discovery ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 147}, {"query": ["Was ever age like this ?", "But wherefore seems the king so unresolved ?", "When is this council to be held again ?"], "true_target": ["Why sends not then the king sufficient guards ,", "Yet after all , could we but fix him \u2014", "To seize the fiends , and hew them into pieces ?"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 147}, {"query": ["And then enjoin me all that man can suffer ;", "Call me to part them .", "No farther , honest Grillon .", "But O , if the design we lay should fail ,", "And foremost in the field ; but sneaking Brutus ,", "You hit the judgment ; yet , O yet , there 's more ;", "Therefore I hate the memory of Brutus ,", "I think thou lovest me .", "What honours , interest , were the world to buy him ,", "This were a Florence master-piece indeed .", "C\u00e6sar did ill , but did it in the sun ,", "I know it well ;", "And all things move by that ; but , my Alphonso ,", "Know , then , I hate aspiring Guise to death ;", "You would embark me in a sea of blood .", "To cast Navarre from the Imperial line ?", "Whom none but cowards and white-livered knaves", "Not so , my honest soldier ;", "Could ne'er wipe off , though the mistaken man", "But lies in wait till Paris is in arms .", "Would dare commend , lagging behind his fellows ,", "And shall I not revenge ?", "I mean the latter , so cried up in story .", "Then for Champaigne ;", "All conjurations blot the name of kings .", "She has a cruel wit .", "Makes bold to call those traitors ,\u2014 men divine .", "And , pr'ythee , tell him roundly of his faults ,", "\u2018 Tis true , the people", "Where all our thoughts should creep like deepest streams :", "While I am forced against my bent of soul ,", "This is a blot , which Tully 's eloquence", "O my dear father , pardon me in this ,", "Chaos and shades ,\u2014 \u2018 tis huddled up in night .", "Polin shall tell thee more . Hast thou not heard"], "true_target": ["For such a fault \u2014 love is so like themselves .", "But ,\u2014 if thou'dst have my heart within thy hand ,\u2014", "The insufferable affronts he daily offers ,\u2014", "Something upon my heart , after these counsels ,", "Could I but hope it !", "Oh , madam !", "O this whale Guise , with all the Lorrain fry !", "My mother has the judgment of the world ,", "Visit him as from me , to be employed", "Soft , my old friend ; Guise plots upon my life ;", "Might I but view him , after his plots and plunges ,", "So soft , and so unworthy to be named !\u2014", "You are his foe of old ; go to him , Grillon ;", "Ne'er know a mean , when once they get the power ;", "Oh mother ,\u2014 but I cannot make it way ;\u2014", "Whored Margarita ,\u2014 plots upon my life ,\u2014", "Struck on those cowring shallows that await him ,\u2014", "As urns , that never blab .", "Call Grillon in . All that I beg you now ,", "That 's much ; yet I believe thee .", "Follow , Alphonso ; when the storm is up ,", "Stay , madam , stay ; come back , forgive my fears ,", "War without treasure on the Huguenots ;", "In this great war against the Huguenots ;", "Better the traitors never should be touched ,", "Yet speak to him .", "His dagger in his bosom , stabbed his father .", "Shall make a brave man smile , and do a murder ?", "Against all laws , all custom , right , succession ,", "But sure the powers above will take our tears", "Alphonso Corso .", "I charge thee , not .", "Peace , Guise is going to his government ;", "Is to be hushed upon the consultation ,", "Welcome , my honest man , my old tried friend . Why dost thou fly me , Grillon , and retire ?", "If execution cries not out \u2014 \u2018 Tis done ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 147}, {"query": ["Tully was wise , but wanted constancy .", "More than my life ."], "true_target": ["The provocation , sir .", "Sir ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 147}, {"query": ["Rather let me demand your majesty ,", "Why fly you from yourself ? I 've heard you say ,", "You 'd arm against the League ; why do you not ?", "The thoughts of such as you , are starts divine ;", "You 'll grant me that ?", "The air , the life , the golden vapour 's gone ."], "true_target": ["And when you mould with second cast the spirit ,", "Shall I fight him ?", "And , if he force a beating , who can help it ?", "I will , by heaven , to the purpose ;", "Why do you , sir ? Death , let me tell the traitor \u2014", "If he provokes me , strike him ;"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 147}, {"query": ["Hold , sir ;\u2014 come , colonel , I 'll ask pardon for you ;", "What may their heads expect ?", "Which , without fear , or flattery to your person ,", "Betwixt the meritorious and the base .", "Judge not too rashly of the Holy League ,", "By hell , I see the cloven mark upon her .", "And sculked behind a hedge i'the afternoon :", "O gracious Harry , let me sound thy name ,", "To justify my loyalty to your person .", "This soldierly embrace makes up the breach ;", "No matter , sir , no matter ;", "A few hot words , no more , upon my life ;", "The old man roused , and shook himself a little :", "Yet let not my ambition shew it to her ;", "Priest , Corso , devils ! how she carries it !", "\u2018 Tis true , at first she caught the heavenly form ,", "Should raise me to extremes .", "If thus they vilify the Holy League ,", "The assembly of the states ?\u2014 nay , let me urge ,\u2014", "Than this , the last .", "Thou a \u2014\u2014 hot old hair-brained fool .", "Death and the devil !", "You 're come to court ; the robes you wear become you ;", "Because he charged a troop before his dinner ,", "On each surmise , the lives of free-born people ,", "We will be sorry , sir , for one another .", "But yet \u2014", "I find , my lord , the argument grows warm ,", "If every heated breath can puff away ,", "Woman !", "Therefore go tell him , tell him thy own story .", "I 'll follow thee , and rid thy shaking soul .", "That covered all the state with blood and death ?", "\u2018 Tis false .", "Will kill at least your thousand in a day .", "On soldiers , and no soldiers : This man knighted ,", "Whereas too often honours are conferred", "There must be action ."], "true_target": ["Sir , I intend the greatness of the king ;", "And where so proper as upon those rebels ,", "Woman , all over woman !", "The greatness of all France , whom it imports", "But look at home .", "Still loads me with new honours ; but none greater", "Retire .", "Your air , your mien , your charms , your every grace ,", "I 'll tell the king ; and then , with his permission ,", "I thank you on my knees ;", "Therefore , thus much , and I have done : I go", "What need that awful general convocation ,", "I do beseech you , let the business die .", "More than yourself ; but if you thus proceed ,", "Enter King , Queen-Mother , ALPHONSO , Abbot , & c .", "Go on ; since thou'rt resolved on death ,", "Furies ! she keeps her word , and I am lost ;", "I will have strict examination made", "Ha ! Grillon here ! some new court-trick upon me .", "For , after all , she does it but to try me ,", "To join the Holy League in this great war ,", "Your idol , sir ; you mean the great Navarre :", "Lest this old rust of war , this knotty trifler ,", "But see , the king : I scorn to ruin thee ,", "I 'll not justify a villain ,", "And foil my vowed design .\u2014 Madam , I see", "To make their arms their business , aim , and glory ;", "So , if your majesty will do me honour ,", "Devil , devil , as they are all .", "The king", "If you are there ,", "But now ambition sets her on her head ,", "Let me beseech you , colonel , no more .", "And still , while life shall last , will take strict care", "In which no place of office , or command ,", "Colonel , \u2018 tis very well I know your mind ,", "Proclaim it for a warning to our people .", "Not of the greatest , shall be bought or sold ;"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 148}, {"query": ["And leave you to the curse of bosom-war .", "What , a whole day , and kill but one poor thousand !", "Does your ambition swell into your eyes ?\u2014", "I saw the king .", "But since that cannot be , I 'll take my leave", "Not stir ! does this become you ,\u2014", "Yes , I would make with every glance a murder .\u2014", "I have my followers , like you . I swear ,", "But I will carry't , sir , to those that are ,", "I never was so moved , O Guise , as now ,", "The extorted praise , and speak him but by halves .", "I would oblige you , sir , before you go ,", "The court 's a heavenly place ; but \u2014 O , my heart !"], "true_target": ["Farewell , once more .", "I know not why that sigh should come uncalled ;", "Just as you entered , when from yonder window", "I see , my lord , you 're come to take your leave ;", "Jealousy by this light ; nay then , proud Guise ,", "You see , my lord ,", "An hour you mean , and in that hour ten thousand .", "O you grudge", "To lead me to the king .", "Of you , my lord ; heaven grant your journey safe !", "Perhaps , \u2018 twas for your going ; yet I swear ,", "Mend me this curl .", "I tell you , you 're not worthy of the grace ;", "And were it not to give the court suspicion ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 148}, {"query": ["By arms , I bar you that ; I swear , no yet ;", "You , that were formed for mastery in war .", "That better would become the great battalion ;", "That , with a start , cried to your brother Mayenne ,\u2014", "Thou double traitor , to conspire so basely ;", "Sir , I have business for your ear .", "My lord , I know not what to answer you ;", "Pardon me , I cannot do't .", "\u2018 Tis true , as thou art double-hearted :", "Yet let me tell you , sir , there is a man ,", "To meet the fierce Navarre , should first be thought on .", "That when he shines in arms , and suns the field ,", "What , if I could ,", "Your high commission \u2018 gainst the Huguenots ;", "That didst refuse the challenge of Navarre ,", "Therefore , a traitor and a murderer .", "For never was his like , nor shall again .", "What \u2018 tis you mean , and why you force the king", "He was the author of the rebel-league ;", "And when found out , more basely to deny't .", "Ha ! darest thou justify", "Though voted from his right by your cursed League .", "The king , my lord , commanded me to wait you ,", "There is one greater yet ,", "What will not your triumphant arms accomplish !", "Better than you , or all your puffy race ,", "\u201c To horse ! \u201d and slaughtered forty thousand Germans"], "true_target": ["A traitor .", "If thou'rt a man ,", "They should be certain of ,\u2014 whole piles of fire .", "Moves , speaks , and fights , and is himself a war .", "Stored arsenals and armouries , fields of horse ,", "I 'm friends ,\u2014 and I am not ,\u2014 and so farewell .", "I 'm but a stripling in the trade of war :", "Your deeds would answer well your haughty words ;", "I told him , sir , since you will have it so ,", "I and my family shall shortly wait you ,", "But , sir , since I must make at least a figure", "But you , whose life is one continued broil ,", "Ordnance , munition , and the nerve of war ,", "In this great business , let me understand", "Come , you 're a murderer yourself within ,", "Upon so dangerous an expedition .", "O , your pardon , sir ;", "The black abettor of our Harry 's death .", "that would better ,", "And bid you welcome to the court .", "No yet , my lord of Guise , no yet ;", "You were complotter with the cursed League ,", "Sound infantry , not harassed and diseased ,", "Those villains ?", "You have mouthed it bravely , and there is no doubt", "Come forth", "And \u2018 twill be glorious work ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 148}, {"query": ["Looks like the midnight moon upon a murder ;", "It gilds the dark design that stays for fate ,", "You have your orders ; yet before you go ,", "And , madam , I must say the Guise has beauties ,", "I see even to the bottom of his soul ;", "He was my friend when young , and might be still .", "Ha , colonel , is this your friendly visit ? Tell me the truth , how happened this disorder ? Those ruffled hands , red looks , and port of fury ?", "Though Grillon would not ."], "true_target": ["The face of beauty , on this rising horror ,", "Where are the guards !", "Is't possible ?", "And drives the shades , that thicken , from the state .", "But they are set in night , and foul design :", "Take this embrace : I court you for my friend ,", "Death in his bloodless hands .\u2014", "O Marmoutiere ! now I will haste to meet thee :", "Grillon , submit yourself , and ask his pardon ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 148}, {"query": ["M. Excellent loyalty , to lock you up !"], "true_target": ["M. Graves in his smiles ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 148}, {"query": ["When once your conscience yields , how far \u2018 twill stretch ;", "And spied me coming , I had had it all .", "Sound wind and limb ! \u2018 fore God , a gallant girl !", "Ha ! but the presence opens ; who comes here ?", "Wer't possible we could be damned again", "With the honest crows pecking your traitors \u2019 limbs .", "To see you dangling to and fro i'the air ,", "Death , and thou devil Malicorn , is that", "Plunder ! Begone , vipers , asps , and adders !", "Mark me , they 'll run , and yelp , and clap their tails ,", "A friend !", "Be on thy head , and fall by me unpitied .", "Why should I not ? what is there in such rascals ,", "I know not what to say , nor what to think ;", "Grow the two tallest trees in Arden forest .", "Took thee into his bosom , fostered thee", "Like dogs , you 're out of Providence 's reach ,", "And now thou laugh'st , to think how thou hast cheated ,", "The trophies of my laurelled honesty", "And thus he lays his baits to catch my soul :\u2014", "What , would you wrest the sceptre from his hand ?", "What wouldst thou have with me ?", "By arms , by honesty , I swear thou lovest him !", "Thou liest ! and if thou hadst not glanced aside ,", "Than live by such a villain 's help as thine .", "Daubing the inside of the court , like snails ,", "And what the cabinet-council ; then to the city ,", "And if I tread thee , darest not turn again .", "I will not .", "To hear , I warrant , what the king 's a doing ,", "And melts me to a babe .", "Where thou hadst starved , or sold thyself for bread ;", "Wild fire choke you !", "Have done the devil wrong .", "For should it be as thou hast said , not all", "O prostitute !\u2014 and , on her prodigal flesh ,", "That would have stained thy almost infant honour ,", "And it must bleed .", "But such a boundless villainy as thine", "Amen , I say ; for , look you , I 'm your friend .", "Wert thou definite rogue ,", "Mar . Hark ! the king 's coming .", "Run , blood-hound , run , and scent out royal murder .\u2014", "Run with your nose to earth ;", "Ha ! but here comes a fiend , that soars above ;", "Stir not , till you have heard my heart 's design .", "From drowning , to be hanged , burnt , broke o'the wheel .", "With hell , that thus thou ventured to provoke me ?", "Should bar me from forsaking this bad world ,", "O \u2018 tis too much , ye powers ! double confusion", "She has lavished all the diamonds of the Guise ,", "And yet so much my hate , that I must fear thee .", "With lust , and blood ;\u2014 dost thou remember it ?", "Such earth-born minds as yours ; for , mark me , slaves ,", "I hold no speech with villains .", "For I 'm a thinking now just whereabouts", "But since thou art so insolent , thy blood", "And kiss thy beauties to a dissolution !", "Death and the devil ! that 's my own honesty ;", "The duke of Guise is dead .", "For all his kindness , this old grisled fool .", "I'faith , I think , that I should give thee hearing ;", "As day , to judge thee false , I think thee true :", "For these shall hold you fast ,\u2014 your slaves shall hang you .", "Which must be blooded ?", "It wrings the tears from Grillon 's iron heart ,", "Ten thousand deaths , ere blasted Grillon 's glory ;", "Why , to hang you upon the highest branches .", "Till all thy sweets were broke with my embraces ,", "My foolish open nature , that would have", "And prostitute thy honour to the king .", "Thou liest , damned villain .", "Made them the guardians of your sickly years ?", "You second rogue , but equal to the first ,", "Scented your late discovery of the plot ?", "By heaven , methinks I see a glory round thee !", "At your club-feast , and after stabbed it through ,\u2014", "Away , I 'll have amongst them ;", "\u2018 Tis plain ! and I , in justifying woman ,", "So much below my scorn , I dare not kill thee ;", "And only fit for hanging ; but be gone ,", "For what , sirs , if the king , provoked at last ,", "Hast thou compacted for a lease of years", "Still makes the woman 's tongue his rising ground ,", "Plunder , go hang ,\u2014 nay , take your tackling with you ,", "I 'll hew down all the kings in Christendom ,", "Traitor thou mean'st , and so I bid thee welcome ;"], "true_target": ["And now you 're grown up to a booby 's greatness ,", "Why , are you not a villain ?", "\u2018 Tis hatched beneath , a plot upon mine honour ;", "Fly to the king , warn him of Guise 's coming ,", "Damned infamous wretch !", "O rare , rare creature ! By the power that made me ,", "Wags there a while , and takes his flight for ever .", "A prince o'the air , that sets the mud a moving .", "\u2018 Tis false ! thou hast forgot my generous action ;", "On all my wars ; and oh ,\u2014 out , shame upon thee !", "Sliming our walls , and pricking out your horns ?", "And for the everlasting rest of mine ,", "\u2018 Tis like their mongrel souls : flesh them with fortune ,", "You oven-bats , you things so far from souls ,", "Now , by the majesty of kings I swear ,", "Ay , blooded , thou most infamous magistrate ,", "But if some crabbed virtue turn and pinch them ,", "Paris , your head ,\u2014 but a most venomous one ,\u2014", "Again thou liest ! and I will crumble thee ,", "To spread your monstrous lies , and sow sedition ?", "One had been past an oath ; but thou'rt a worm ,", "\u2018 Fore God , it will be so ; and I shall laugh", "Thou bottled spider , into thy primitive earth ,", "Ha , Malicorn ! is't possible ? truth from thee !", "By heaven , my niece ! led by Alphonso Corso !", "Angel , or devil , I will .\u2014 Nay , at this rate , She 'll make me shortly bring him to her bed .\u2014 Bawd for him ? no , he shall make me run my head Into a cannon , when \u2018 tis firing , first ; That 's honourable sport . But I 'll retire , And if she plays me false , here 's that shall mend her .", "The axe , the axe :", "There 's something says , thou wilt not lose thy honour :\u2014", "The world cannot redeem you ;", "All like myself ;\u2014 but off ; I 'll hence and curse thee !", "And they will worry royalty to death ;", "To the mid region in the sun :", "Why , I will carve thee out a throne myself ;", "You shall as soon be saved for packing juries .", "Hell-hound , avaunt !", "Should make me hide my thought , or hold my tongue ?", "Wronged thee , villain !", "Hark you , my friends , if you are not in haste ,", "To stop him .", "A plague confound you ,", "By some new Eve , such virtue might redeem us .", "I would inform you of a general ruin .", "To seize him , if not kill him ; for , who knows ,", "Thy master ?", "Death , hell , and furies ! ha ! she comes to seek him !\u2014", "Because you are the pillars of the city ,", "No matter ; I had rather die traduced ,", "\u2018 Tis blown about , you 've plotted on the king ,", "And think of plunder .\u2014 You right elder sheriff ,", "Thou hast lost thy honour .", "And seat thee on their necks , as high as heaven .", "Then , in the name of all thy brother-devils ,", "From the bold ruffian in the massacre ,", "But ere that be , fall million miscreant souls ,", "Nay , stay , my masters ;", "Oh I could clasp thee , but that my arms are rough ,", "And never draw my sword for Henry more .", "But oh , that thou hadst died", "That he may strait despatch his strict commands", "And now , for all my cares , to serve me thus !", "You moving dirt , you rank stark muck o'the world ,", "Give me this hand , this hand by which I caught thee", "Should join the Spaniard , and should fire your city ;", "\u2018 Fore God , I 'll beat thee , if thou urge me farther .", "There 's heaven still in thy voice , but that 's a sign", "Let me conjure you , for your own soul 's quiet ,", "Enter MALICORN .", "Though I have reason , plain", "As his own soul , and laid thee in his heart-strings ;", "Yes , sir ,", "And name revenge ! O wert thou Grillon 's match ,", "Good rats , my precious vermin .", "Unless thou swear thy very thought 's a lie .", "Admits no patience .", "And worthy of my sword , I swear , by this", "Liberties , fortunes , to Imperial hands ,", "Like curs , betwixt their legs , and howl for mercy .", "To set her off , and sell her to the king .", "Virtue 's departing ; for thy better angel", "Now , in the devil 's name , what make you here ,", "O , \u2018 tis like them ;", "Rebellion 's pampered to a pleurisy ,", "Have then this pious Council of Sixteen", "Grillon , that saved thee from a barbarous world .", "Who carved our Henry 's image on a table ,", "Next , quite to dash your firmest hopes in pieces ,", "Or you will blood the king , and burn the Louvre ;", "Did you not , ages past , consign your lives ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 149}, {"query": ["And bark as loud as the most deep-mouthed traitor ,", "And clap the Chilperick in a monastery !", "Thus it was fixt , as I before discovered ;", "For on bare guess of what has been revealed ,", "The king absented , strait the rebels met ,", "Whereon immediately there runs a cry", "Not as from me ; for still I kennel with them .", "Yet , spite of all this factor of the fiends", "Could urge , they slunk their heads , like hinds in storms ."], "true_target": ["The Guise , my master , will be here to-day .\u2014", "Against the king , his government , and laws ;", "But Malicorn , sagacious on the point ,", "He winged a messenger to give him notice ;", "But when , against his custom , they perceived", "But see , they come .", "And roared ,\u2014 they were undone .", "Cried ,\u2014 Call the sheriffs , and bid them arm their bands ;", "Of ,\u2014 Seize him on the next procession ! seize him .", "Add yet to this , to raise you above hope ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 149}, {"query": ["Nay , this is colonel Grillon ,", "For what , pray , colonel , if we may be so bold ?", "Blooded , colonel !", "Well , we 'll think of this ;", "Mercy , good colonel ."], "true_target": ["Dead , colonel !", "And so we take our leaves .", "Why , sir , may n't citizens be saved ?", "Colonel , you speak us plain .", "The blunderbuss o'the court ; away , away ,", "He carries ammunition in his face ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 149}, {"query": ["Ruin to the city ! marry , heaven forbid !"], "true_target": ["Undone , undone !"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 149}, {"query": ["Got by some dotard in his pithless years ,", "When all the heaven is streaked with dappled fires .", "On hers . Down on her knees .", "What , Marmoutiere ?", "Yet I have brain , and there is my revenge ;", "\u2018 Tis dangerous .", "Perhaps I have :", "The pleasure I shall take in your vexation ,", "Nay , by the gleamy fires that melted from her ,", "Thy blood at court , bright as a summer 's morn ,", "Even while thou rak'st it through my teeth , I 'll swear", "At court , and near the king ; \u2018 tis true , by heaven :", "Of Grillon , who is made their bawd ,\u2014", "\u2018 Tis true , as you have wronged me .", "Therefore it is my business to disturb you .", "But yet I swear by hell , and my revenge ,", "Sir , do not see the king .", "Fast sighs and smiles , swol'n lips , and heaving breasts ,", "My soul presages Henry has enjoyed her .", "Blasted I was ere born \u2014 curse on my stars !\u2014", "And sent a withered sapling to the world .", "I stand in adamant , and thus defy thee !", "Your niece is come to court ,", "She 's lodged at court .", "Or I a villain .", "Nay , draw , and with the edge betwixt my lips ,"], "true_target": ["Hate then the traitor , but yet love the treason .", "I know you 're honest ;", "Ha ! \u2018 tis well , and now I am revenged .", "Colonel , a word .", "And forfeited thy head , to pay me fully .", "\u2018 Tis false ; I dare , like you , but cannot act ;", "Thy niece has been before the Guise 's mistress .", "Why , though you should , yet , if you hear me after ,", "Therefore I say again , these eyes have seen", "But , sir , it may concern your fame and safety .", "Will heal my bruises .", "I was in hopes thou wouldst have uttered treason ,", "And flecked with blushes like a rifled maid ;", "Now all in tears , now smiling , sad at parting .", "\u2018 Tis confessed .", "I never play 'd you foul , why should you doubt me ?", "And so , to make sure work o n't , by consent", "Forgive my honest meaning .", "All I have said is true , as thou art honest ,", "Passion o \u2019 both sides .", "Yet more to rack thy heart , and break thy brain ,", "And yields her honour to our Henry 's bed .", "But , sir , I saw the apartment .", "So : why this I looked for ;", "She has seen the king .", "There is no force in this enervate arm ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 149}, {"query": ["Madam , the king"], "true_target": ["will instantly attend you ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 149}, {"query": ["And follow you , like pilgrims , through the world .", "I do , and bless the godlike arm , that saved me .", "O , stay !", "For no man judges like your majesty :", "\u2018 Tis well , sir ; I have lost my aim , farewell .", "As if heaven lent you to the world to pattern .", "You will not hear my suit .", "Reason and love rend my divided soul ;", "Even in thy cause , and strangle new-born pity !\u2014", "I discompose you , sir .", "I listened to the love of daring Guise .", "Nay , were you , sir , unthroned", "Before the wound is desperate . Think alone ,", "I will ; but , on your royal word , no more .", "Nay , let the misery invade my sex ,", "Forgive you , heaven , that thought ! No , mighty monarch ,", "No , sir , I find I am a trouble to you ;", "Something beyond the tenderness of pity ,", "Ha ! then thou lovest , that thou art thus concerned .", "Believe , dear sir , whate'er my actions seem ,", "Perhaps you 'll be more calm .", "Let me intreat for Guise .", "It should be kneeling to the throne of mercy .\u2014", "You must not go .", "How far I would intreat your majesty ,", "By these whispering councils ,", "You know , sir , \u2018 tis impossible ; no more .", "His charms prevail ;\u2014 no , let the rebel die .", "Yet wear them so , as if you did not know them ;", "My soul presages that the Guise is coming .", "But to rebate your jealousy of honour .", "The precious blood that 's left me in the world ,", "Forbid it heaven !", "Never to leave those dear delightful shades ,", "Ah father , uncle , brother , all the kin ,", "Sir ! father ! hear me ! I come to court , to save the life of Guise .", "Take your own methods ; all the heads of France", "Draws back your arm , the more of fate it carries .", "Now , by the powers that framed me , this is all !", "Cannot so well advise you , as yourself .", "I will not lose my virtue , for a throne .", "Fear you , sir ! what is there dreadful in you ?", "Yet if he were not married !\u2014 ha , what then ?"], "true_target": ["Then , sir , thus low , or prostrate if you please ,", "Love to his tune my jarring heart would bring ,", "I swear , by heaven , my heart adores , and loves you .", "If I would offer thee , too lovely Guise ,", "The love of all the good , and wonder of the great ;", "Into the dark affairs of fatal state ;", "On the green carpets of some guiltless grove ,", "If he dares come , were I a man , a king ,", "I have heard the Guise , not with an angel 's temper ,", "Heaven be the judge , and still let virtue conquer .", "By heaven , that gave those arms success , I swear", "Therefore resume , my lord , your god-like temper ,", "Throw all their luxury before your feet ,", "But reason over-winds , and cracks the string .", "So stainless , fearless , free in all your actions ,", "Yet do not bear more than a monarch should ;", "Blast all my days , ye powers ! torment my nights ;", "An enterprise like mine ? I , that resolved", "And , to advance this dangerous inquisition ,", "Love me , my lord ?", "Believe it , sir , the more your majesty", "And having finished it , forsake the world ;", "I have looked , perhaps , too nicely for my sex ,", "I do not , as you think ! but take it all .", "O heavens ! did ever virgin yet attempt", "And yet , not love .", "I faint beneath this strong oppression here ;", "O heavens ! what was't I said ? Were I a man ,", "That could not for the royal cause , like me ,", "But act the little part that nature gave me ,", "Down , rising mischief , down , or I will kill thee ,", "I know not that ; but , as I am a virgin ,", "This I expected ; but when you have heard", "To cloud my honour , or eclipse my virtue .", "You 've all the graces that can crown mankind ;", "Not to proceed to last extremities ,", "I 'd sacrifice him in the city 's sight .\u2014", "O never , sir .", "Unless sometimes my heart might entertain", "By this seditious rout that dare despise you ,", "Some small remembrance of the taking Guise :", "Nor should the world have wrought this close confession ,", "By heaven ! by all that 's good \u2014", "But that far , far from any darkening thought ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 149}, {"query": ["But they dig through the gravel of my heart ,", "Sternly , like you , the judge the victim eyes ,", "So loved , that even my crown , and self are vile ,", "Who should be loved , but you ?", "To my last gasp , as your own virgin thoughts ,", "My people would not treat me in this sort ,", "Sheathe all your daggers in curst Henry 's heart .", "To my last drop of blood .\u2014 Come Guise , come cardinal ,", "By heaven ! were I a dying , and the priest", "Ha ! and do you protect him ? then the world", "After the breathing of a love-sick heart", "Of heaven itself , and abstract of the angels ,", "I will be easy ,", "And never dare to breathe my passion more ;", "Is sworn to Henry 's death : Does beauty too ,", "Forgive the late disturbance of my soul !", "No more ?\u2014 and with that stern resolved behaviour ?", "O madam , rise .", "But to the Guise they deal their faithless praise", "I love , and tremble , as at angels \u2019 view .", "Come to my arms , and be thy Harry 's angel ,", "You come , like them , to mock at my misfortunes .", "Thou dost , by heaven ;", "Yet you 'll allow me now and then to sigh", "But with such charming pleasure ,", "So looks the poor condemned ,", "Should urge my last confession , I 'd cry out ,", "You shall not .\u2014 O your suit , I kneel to grant it ;", "See , I am hushed ;", "And raise the mud of passions up to cloud me ;", "What said you , Marmoutiere ? Why dost thou turn thy beauties into frowns ?", "Which once I vowed with my drawn sword to wear", "Upon your hand , once more ,\u2014 nay twice ,\u2014 forgive me .", "Come back ! O stay , my life flows after you ."], "true_target": ["For , so I swear I will be to my last .", "To heal a broken , yet a kingly heart !", "When justice beckons , there 's no hope of pardon .", "Madam , I find you are no petitioner ;", "Oh Marmoutiere ! and yet thou say'st ,\u2014 No more !", "Though \u2018 twere to gain a part of their design ;", "As we discourse , and court you with my eyes ?", "All you loved traitors , come \u2014 I strip to meet you ;", "And thus , like me , the wretch , despairing , dies .", "Therefore let me conjure you , do not go ;", "Ha , madam , what !", "Nay , madam , then you fear me .", "Shine through my cares , and make my crown sit easy .", "You cannot go ,", "Suppose it possible , and stay to advise me .", "That whet uncommon spirits to aspire ,", "And innocence itself conspire against me ?", "Enter ALPHONSO .", "As fast , as you your flattery to me ;", "Revenge forgot , and all great appetites", "While you are by . Try me upon despair ;", "That laughs at proffered mercy , slights his pardon ,", "Speak then ; how far , madam , would you command ?", "Mocks royal grace , and plots upon my life ?", "So once a day I may have leave \u2014", "Then let me tamely yield my glories up ,", "My kingdom at the stake , ambition starved ,", "I beg you take whatever you demand .", "Why do you wave your hand , and warn me hence ?", "Though for what end I cannot guess , except", "For Guise ; for Guise ! that stubborn arrogant rebel ,", "Thou genius of my state , thou perfect model", "What shall I answer to thee , O thou balm", "I 'm clear by nature , as a rockless stream ;", "\u2018 Tis said , the Guise will come in spite of me ;"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 149}, {"query": ["Let there be truth or lies", "On purpose thus .", "Have leave to justify himself before him ,", "I 'll to the king ; it may be , \u2018 tis reported", "In this mad fame , I 'll bring you instant word .", "The king dispatches order upon order ,", "How that the Guise replied , he would obey"], "true_target": ["His majesty in all ; yet , if he might", "Yet there is notice given to the city ;", "He doubted not his cause .", "Colonel , your ear .", "Hark , what a shout was there !", "With positive command to stop his coming .", "Besides , Belleure brought but a half account ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 149}, {"query": ["By heaven , I took thee for my soul 's physician ,", "I thought a look , with us , had been a language ;", "And dost thou vomit me with this loathed peace ?", "Where'er thou'rt throned in air , in earth , or hell ,", "What , at court ?", "And so report my danger to the people .", "The blood ha'nt burst my lips .", "Should cross my way . O jealousy of love !", "Yes , Grillon , \u2018 tis the Guise ;", "I 'll meet him now , though fire-armed cherubins", "\u2018 Tis contradiction : no , my peaceful brother ,", "Blood , battles , fire , and death ! I run , I run !", "His , thou meanest .", "If the Guise resolves to go ,", "Ambition , or a crown", "With this last blow he drives me like a coward ;", "I charge , I warn thee let him know ,", "I thought she might . A trick upon me ; well .", "Wing me to my revenge , to blood , and ruin !", "I would thou hadst , ere thus unmanned my heart !", "My brain runs this and that way ; it will not fix", "Ay , there a general 's heart beat like a drum !", "Or rather all in one , I here invoke thee ,", "Spirit within sings .", "Greater than fame ! thou eldest of the passions ,"], "true_target": ["Dissembled , for she told me this before ;", "And up again ; no matter .", "Pray , sir , give me leave .", "\u2018 Twas all put on , that I might hear and rave .", "A moment 's thought ;\u2014 ha , but I sweat and tremble ,", "I 'll talk my mind on any point but this", "\u2018 Tis false , they do belie her .", "But more , more , more ;\u2014 why , Malicorn !\u2014 again ?", "Nay , let me never win a field again ,", "One , that would court you for a friend .", "On aught but vengeance .\u2014 Malicorn , call the people .", "The bruises of his loyalty have crazed him .", "Ache , as I 'd been a horse-back forty hours .", "I will .", "Halt \u2014 to your judgment .\u2014", "Therefore I will see him ,", "Why , Malicorn .", "Let him , if he dare .\u2014", "By glances ;\u2014 ha ! not yet ? thou mak'st me blush", "Quick , quick ! my reins , my back , and head and breast", "If , with the thought of these irregular vapours ,", "At thy delay ; why , man , \u2018 tis more than life ,", "Malicorn , Malicorn , Malicorn , ho !", "Away !", "Perhaps his head may lie too low ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 149}, {"query": ["Peace , brother ."], "true_target": ["Have you no temper ?"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 149}, {"query": ["Hark ! there rung a peal", "What mean these shouts ?", "What 's to be done ? No pall upon my spirit ;", "I know not ;\u2014", "My throne , and then proclaim it for example .", "Like thunder : see , Alphonso , what 's the cause .", "On this nice point of empire , let him speak .", "What act of treason will the villains stop at ?", "Double your guards , and strictly charge the Swiss", "Where is he ?", "Perhaps arraign me , and then doom me dead .", "O villain , slave , wert thou my late-born heir ,", "I 'm born a monarch , which implies alone", "Colonel Grillon , call the archers in ,"], "true_target": ["You shall : I 'll see him , and I 'll spare him now .", "But peace , thou festering thought , and hide thy wound ;\u2014", "If I forgive him , may I ne'er be forgiven !", "Stand to their arms , receive him as a traitor .", "Seize me , they 've sworn ; imprison me is the next ,", "Is't possible ! ha , Grillon , said'st thou , come ?", "ACT IV .", "But ere I suffer that , fall all together ,", "He enters on his fate .", "Or rather , on their slaughtered heaps erect", "But he that loves me best , and dares the most", "To wield the sceptre , and depend on none .", "Given me by heaven , even when I lay a-dying \u2014", "No , if I tamely bear such insolence ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 150}, {"query": ["I like Alphonso 's counsel , short , sure work ;", "I told your majesty ,"], "true_target": ["The sheriffs have puffed the populace with hopes", "Of their deliverer .", "Cut off the head , and let the body walk ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 150}, {"query": ["She has taken chair , and he walks bowing by her ,", "My lord , the Guise is come ."], "true_target": ["With her majesty , your mother ;", "With thirty thousand rebels at his heels .", "Why droops the royal majesty ? O sir !"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 150}, {"query": ["And kill him instantly upon the spot ."], "true_target": ["I would advise you , sir , to call him in ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 150}, {"query": ["That they will spare the royal majesty .", "M. Sir , the Guise waits .", "Nor doubt , if , in their heat , you cut him off ,"], "true_target": ["M. What will you say ?", "M. Not so ,\u2014 forbear ; the city is up in arms ;", "Once , sir , let me advise , and rule your fury .", "M. Yet you 'll relent , when this hot fit is over ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 150}, {"query": ["Betwixt the prince and people ? judge for them ,", "I sent you word , you should not come .", "All dumb ! nay , then \u2018 tis plain , my cause is desperate .", "And see your soldiers well disposed within ,", "But Galba was not C\u00e6sar .", "The wrack of clouds is driving on the winds ,", "It shall be so : by heaven there 's life in this !", "C\u00e6sar quelled them ,", "And damn the rabble all at once in him .", "\u2018 Twas as express , as words could signify ;\u2014", "Had I ten thousand lives , I 'll venture all . Give me way , madam !", "O Paris , Paris , once my seat of triumph ,", "And champion against me ?", "But with a look and word .", "Come what may come , he dies .", "Why , that you came , I see . Once more , I sent you word , you should not come .", "To head the factious crowd .", "So then , my lord , we 're a day off from death :", "I feel my blood kindling within my veins ;", "Ungrateful , perjured , and disloyal town ,", "Now \u2018 tis with all submission ,\u2014 that 's the preface ,\u2014", "So , you have counselled well ; the traitor 's gone ,", "Your message , word for word .", "Come , duke , you were not wronged ; your conscience knows", "Why not ? a multitude 's a bulky coward .", "So long , that now the serpent hisses out ,", "That should from thence ensue ? and yet you came .", "And I can still be patient , and forgive .", "As if redress were past .", "And shews a break of sunshine \u2014", "Stand forth , and to this false man 's face declare", "Such an overwhelming ill makes grief a fool ,", "Which by my royal presence I have warmed"], "true_target": ["And that one soul 's the Guise . I 'll rend it out ,", "Yet still you came against my strict command ;", "To clear you to myself .", "Where you , not I , are king !\u2014", "Even Jove must flatter with an empty hand ,", "Had been your absence from this hot-brained town ,", "For safeguard of the Louvre .", "Would they were here , and I were at their head !", "I know , he 'll make exorbitant demands ,", "Go Grillon , give my orders to Byron ,", "You should be held the cause of all commotions", "What can I do ? O mother , Abbot , Grillon !", "Stand forth , Bellieure ,\u2014 it shall be proved you knew it ,\u2014", "\u2018 Tis time to thunder , when he gripes the brand .", "Then you , it seems , are judge", "The genius of the throne knocks at my heart :", "To mock the meekness of an injured king .", "But here your part of me will come in play ;", "You were not wronged ; were you not plainly told ,", "You disobeyed me , duke , with all submission .", "That , if you dared to set your foot in Paris ,", "The Italian soul shall teach me how to sooth :", "But he has used me long to be contemned ,", "The event , the event will shew us what we were ;", "And drew a sweeping fiery train along .\u2014", "For , like a blazing meteor hence he shot ,", "Enough , I know you told him ;", "While I \u2014", "I will ; and would be glad , my lord of Guise ,", "The means for that ,", "But now the scene of all thy king 's misfortunes ;", "And shakes his forked tongue at majesty ,", "What shall to-morrow do ?"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 151}, {"query": ["Yet had I known \u2018 twas your express command ,", "Things of the highest note against religion ,", "My fate is now in the balance ; fool within ,", "Should I not come to vindicate my fame", "I therefore judged ,\u2014", "But let my gracious master please to know", "And person in the hands of sovereign justice !", "Sir , that I came \u2014", "And I can ask forgiveness , when I err ;", "I must not give them time for resolution .\u2014", "And lives of honest well-affected men ;", "I feared it might be represented so ,", "And came resolved ,\u2014"], "true_target": ["To clear my innocence .", "To clear myself of calumnies , and slanders ,", "The true intent of my misconstrued faith .", "There were in agitation here at court ,", "I had been told ,", "Much urged , but never proved , against my innocence ;", "Against the common properties of subjects ,", "Not come to throw myself , with all submission ,", "Sir , will you please with patience but to hear me ?", "I thank thee for thy foresight .", "Beneath your royal feet ! to put my cause", "I should not have approached .", "Sir , \u2018 twas the last necessity that drove me ,", "From wrong constructions ? And \u2014"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 151}, {"query": ["And plain as I could speak , I gave your orders ,"], "true_target": ["Sir , thus it was . I met him on the way ,", "Just in these following words :\u2014"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 151}, {"query": ["M. Send Mareschal Byron to lead them up .", "\u2018 Tis your own life you venture , if you kill him .", "Let him be met with the same arts he brings .", "Will treat , at least , for shew of loyalty ;", "M. I still maintain , \u2018 twas wisely done to spare him .", "M. By heaven , there are not limbs in all your guards ,", "You tremble and look pale ; for heaven 's sake think ,", "M. Not to your destruction .", "For every one a morsel .", "And use no means for safety and prevention ."], "true_target": ["M. Your guards oppose them !", "M .", "The Guise", "A crowd 's a name too small , they are a nation ,", "M. So Galba thought .", "The whole Parisian herd is at your gates ;", "M. One thing more :", "Numberless , armed , enraged , one soul informs them .", "M. While you lose time in idle talk ,", "What mean you , sir ?"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 151}, {"query": ["He was a fool to come ; if so , then they ,", "A pox on this unseasonable wisdom !", "Who let him go , were somewhat ."], "true_target": ["I 'll go to the next sheriff ,", "And beg the first reversion of a rope :", "Dispatch is all my business ; I 'll hang for you ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 151}, {"query": ["Betwixt our fate and us : our foes are powerful ,", "But yet not armed , nor marshalled into order ;", "Who now dispose so loftily of yours .", "Not far without the suburbs there are quartered", "To-morrow , sir ,", "\u2018 Tis not so bad , as vainly you surmise ;"], "true_target": ["If hours between slide not too idly by ,", "You may be master of their destiny ,", "Till he have rolled his snow-ball to a heap .", "Some space there is , some little space , some steps", "Three thousand Swiss , and two French regiments .", "Believe it , sir , the Guise will not attempt ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 151}, {"query": ["But why in this fanatic habit , devil ?", "Thou hast deserved me ,", "Suppose it done :", "Methinks I hear a murmuring hollow sound ,", "Then flourish hell , and mighty mischief reign !", "What makes the curate of St. Eustace here ?", "To-morrow then .", "Then tell me thy surmises of the future .", "My master mounts the throne .", "Why Beelzebub ? hast thou not often said ,", "O true enthusiastic devil , true ,\u2014", "That was a lie ; he went , and is returned .", "And treason on thy tongue .", "Can'st thou not see more deep into events ,", "He 's clapt within a convent , shorn a saint ,", "Did'st thou not tell me , if my lord , the Guise ,"], "true_target": ["But hark ! for now , though \u2018 tis the dead of night ,", "Mischief , to some , to others must be good .", "Thou talk'st of stars :", "I mean my master 's cause , and mine ,\u2014 succeed ,", "Officious fiend , thou comest uncalled to-night .", "Gospel is in thy face , and outward garb ,", "When silence broods upon our darkened world ,", "Thus far the cause of God ; but God 's or devil 's ,\u2014", "What shall the Guise do next ?", "That Lucifer 's your king ?", "My master had a stronger .", "Not when deposed ?", "And by a surer way ?", "And I am thine , dear devil : what do we next ?", "Like the deaf chimes of bells in steeples touched .", "Entered the court , his head should then lie low ?", "Thou look'st like one that preaches to the crowd ;"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 151}, {"query": ["To-morrow let it be ;", "Of secret slaughters , empires overturned ,", "And quoting scriptures ,", "And executes his purpose .\u2014 But no more", "Nay , thrust them foremost in his labouring brain ,", "And peep far off on heaven 's revolving orbs ,", "It is truly guessed ;", "First seize the king , and after murder him .", "No , not a stronger , but more popular .", "There 's not a damned ghost , nor hell-born fiend ,", "The ways of heaven are broken since our fall ,", "Now there they perch to have them in their eyes ,", "Each chime , thou hear'st , a future death foretells , }", "But at his birth there shone a regal star .", "Now , shut below in this dark sphere ,", "And make it speak rebellion , schism , and murder ;", "To talk the crowd to madness and rebellion .", "He may be killed , a violent fate attends him ;", "But Lucifer , as he who foremost fell ,", "\u2018 Tis false ; I said , perhaps it should lie low ;", "Sits Beelzebub , vicegerent of the damned ,", "A sign of deep deceit and treachery .", "And foolish fairies , from their moonlight play ,", "The morning creeps behind yon eastern hill ,", "Ten thousand devils more are in this habit ;", "We mix unknown with the hot thoughtless crowd ,", "Thou hast me right :", "Once we could read our mighty Maker 's mind ,", "But \u2018 tis a zealous , godly , canting devil ,", "Thy master mounts not , till the king be slain .", "Gulph beyond gulph , and never to be shot .", "Always uncalled , and still at hand for mischief .", "But know , \u2018 tis from no nightly sexton 's hand .", "He cannot be deposed :", "As in a year it will , France ne'er shall boast", "That can from limbo \u2018 scape , but hither flies ;", "Not so fast , Malicorn ;"], "true_target": ["And lash the laggers from the sight of day .", "Chained till the dreadful doom ; in place of whom", "\u2018 Till all go loaded to the nether skies", "No , Malicorn ;", "So now lies lowest in the abyss of hell ,", "I took the revolution of the year ,", "So turn the arms of heaven against itself .", "And crammed a thousand ghastly , frightful thoughts ,", "Who has assumed the churchman 's lucky shape ,", "And , but I chilled the blood in Henry 's veins ,", "Some crowd the spires , but most the hallowed bells , }", "Just when the Sun was entering in the Ham :", "Saintship and zeal are still our best disguise :", "By second causes dimly we may guess ,", "Who , listening downward , hears his roaring lord ,", "Even so it would have been .", "And Beelzebub will rage .", "But if the ill influence pass o'er Harry 's head ,", "And softly toll for souls departing knells : }", "Which cast obscure reflections from the throne .", "While yet his stars are weak .", "I said , first seize the king .", "As in a crystal mirror , see the ideas", "Of things that always are , as he is always ;", "A greater king than he ; now cut him off ,", "With impious glosses ban the holy text ,", "With leathern wings they beat the dusky skies ,", "Thou art mistaken , master ; \u2018 tis not he ,", "I told thee true ;", "The ascending Scorpion poisoned all the sky ,", "To sacred churches all in swarms repair ;", "Their births were full opposed , the Guise now strongest", "Full on his cusp his angry master sate ,", "And all the events of an ill-omened year .", "Or thou deceiv'st those hungry , gaping fiends ,", "Conjoined with Saturn , baleful both to man :", "Strife , blood , and massacres , expect to hear ,", "And now the guard is mine , to drive the elves ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 151}, {"query": ["As if the sun were listless to appear ,", "Suppose the city should not rise ?"], "true_target": ["Sullen , methinks , and slow the morning breaks ,", "And dark designs hung heavy on the day ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 152}, {"query": ["No venture made , but all dull certainty ?", "For that 's set down as sure as Henry 's fall .", "I 'll trust my stars , I know them now by proof ;", "Re-enter Servant with MARMOUTIERE , and exit .", "What devil has sent thee here to plague my soul ?", "But Eve played false , engendering with the serpent ,", "Stay here , and make a merit of your love .", "Two in their very frame . \u2018 Twas well , \u2018 twas well ,", "I sent not for you , madam .", "For if I had , those eyes , without his guards ,", "Why , any thing but she :", "I would it should be so , \u2018 twas a good horror", "Were crammed together for my single soul .", "My country , friends , religion , all at stake .", "My world into creation ; now \u2018 tis time", "Would have pronounced , Go kill the Guise , and durst not .", "You 're an old man too soon , you 're superstitious ;", "Cold burghers must be struck , and struck like flints ,", "I saw thee not at court , thou basilisk ;", "So slight a victory required not me :", "I scorn to poach for power .", "Then was't not Henry 's fear preserved my life ?", "Curse on your eloquence !", "Why , then , a prize so easy and so fair", "I would ; retire .", "Yes , angel-traitors , fit to shine in palaces ,", "False , false , by fate ! my right was born with me .", "And make my soul a furnace . Woman , woman ,", "But yet , it seems , you found a king more charming .", "As ever I have loved , nay , even as much", "But love has oiled your tongue to run so glib ,\u2014", "Brought in a chair ?", "Her own part worse than his .", "To walk abroad , and carelessly survey", "Still thy sex :", "Had never \u2018 scaped my gripe : but mine she is ;", "Is nothing to be left to noble hazard ?", "As much too hot , as Mayenne is too cool . But \u2018 tis the manlier fault of the two .", "A duteous loyal subject I was ever .", "Environed with his guards , he durst not touch me ;", "That very fright , when I appear to head them ,", "But my ambition , that she calls my crime ;\u2014"], "true_target": ["\u2018 Tis plain you love the king .", "Prevent the turn , forsake the ruined court ;", "Had done the tyrant 's work .", "But he has risen from Adam 's time to ours .", "The smoke and soot smother the rising flame ,", "Say this again ; but add , you gave not up", "I 'll do whate'er my honour will permit .", "By heaven I 'll tug with Henry for a crown ,", "Forked into ills , and split into deceits ;", "Will harden their soft city courages :", "The fires , that would have formed ten thousand angels ,", "Once true in all thy life , and that for mischief .", "Enter a Servant , who whispers GUISE .", "Rather than have it on tame terms of yielding :", "What should the mistress of a king do here ?", "But awed and cravened , as he had been spelled ,", "He may not rise , for heaven may play a trick ;", "A lady , say'st thou , young and beautiful ,", "But \u2018 tis a love so mixt with dark despair ,", "May be so :", "Stay , or \u2014 O heaven !\u2014 I 'll force you : Stay \u2014", "Your honour as the ransom of my life ;", "For , if you did , \u2018 twere better I had died .", "Do you not fear , your visit will be known ?", "How the dull matter does the form obey .", "First let them fear for rapes , and ransacked houses ;", "Sure , thine 's a race was never got by Adam ,", "Conduct her in .\u2014", "Be wise , and be before-hand with your fortune ;", "I cannot leave", "Ha , said she true ? Have I so little honour ?", "Why said you , so it were ? For though \u2018 tis true , methinks \u2018 tis much unkind .", "O that I could detest thee now as much", "Stab on , stab :", "By heaven , and you , whom next to heaven I love ,", "I but sat still , and nodded , like a god ,", "The genius of the king bends under mine :", "Suppose , as well , the sun should never rise :", "Ere their hid fire will sparkle .", "What can I call thee more ? if devil , \u2018 twere less .", "And heaven confest it in my very frame ;", "As yet , in spite of all thy crimes , I love !"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 152}, {"query": ["That blushes at my scarlet robes , I 'll doff", "And cry ,\u2014 Lie there , Lord Cardinal of Guise .", "We have him in our power , coop 'd in his court ."], "true_target": ["Your reason .", "Who leads the first attack ? Now by yon heaven ,", "You would be left alone ?", "This womanish attire of godly peace ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 152}, {"query": ["That hither they are brought to bridle Paris ,", "Will make this rising pass for just defence .", "They are too few for us to fear ;", "The jolly Swisses marching to their fifes ?", "The crowd stood gaping , heartless and amazed ,"], "true_target": ["Received the guards into the city gates ,", "Our numbers in old martial men are more ,", "I 'm glad the king has introduced these guards .", "Shrunk to their shops , and left the passage free .", "Have you not heard the king , preventing day ,", "The city not cast in ; but the pretence ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 152}, {"query": ["So ill of you , so villainously ill ,", "Nor him , nor you ,", "Fear is for guilty men , rebels , and traitors :", "Had doomed you to the death you well deserved .", "Yet there 's a thing called fame , and men 's esteem ,", "But conscience you have none :", "Honour you 've little , honesty you 've less ;", "I think , my lord , the king sent not for you .", "And so it were .", "Look on me , Guise ; thou seest me now the last ;", "You see I kept my promise .", "No ; I 'll return , and perish in those ruins . I find thee now , ambitious , faithless , Guise . Farewell , the basest and the last of men !", "Then had you died : For know , my haughty lord ,", "I do not say more charming , but more noble ,", "Be grateful in return , and do an act ,", "Though treason urge not thunder on thy head ,", "If you left Paris , I would go to court :", "If you acknowledge I have saved your life ,", "I was not false in all : I told you , Guise ,", "A royal mandate , hurried you to town ;", "As to distinguish you from common men ;", "For , when your wild ambition , which defied", "Whate'er you said , or did , was charming all .", "In that unlawful way you seem to mean ."], "true_target": ["Your honour , though unasked by me , requires .", "He 's born to give you fear , not to receive it .", "This one departing glance shall flash thee dead .", "Where'er I go , my virtue is my guard .", "Had I not been , offended majesty", "Than you are now in wishes .", "I 'll put it short , my lord ; depart from Paris .", "I do believe", "Curse not that eloquence that saved your life :", "Go , throw yourself at Henry 's royal feet ,", "Had thrust you headlong in the Louvre toils ,", "You know him better , or you ought to know him :", "What am I then ?", "That , if you durst , you would :", "And rise not till approved a loyal subject .", "My eyes had once so far betrayed my heart ,", "More truly royal , more a king in soul ,", "Have I said I loved you ?", "Find him , who would be master of a king .", "Why then it seems", "Preserves me from your force . Once more , farewell .", "My lord , we are not now to talk of kindness .", "When over-weening pride of popular power", "Then they got traitors ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 152}, {"query": ["And the crowned moments court you as they fly .", "Come forth , and bless the triumph of the day .", "They wait the word that dooms them all to die :", "My lord , you trifle precious hours away ;"], "true_target": ["And folded them like sheep in holy ground ;", "Brisac and fierce Aumale have pent the Swiss ,", "Where now , with ordered pikes , and colours furled ,", "The heavens look gaudily upon your greatness ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 152}, {"query": ["Over all the world .", "Therefore , fight lustily for the cause of heaven , and to make even tallies for your sins ; which , that you may do with a better conscience , I absolve you both , and all the rest of you : Now , go on merrily ; for those , that escape , shall avoid killing ; and those , who do not escape , I will provide for in another world .", "You , neighbour , behind your counter , yesterday paid a bill of exchange in glass louis d'ors ; and you , friend , that cry , look you , gentlemen , this very morning was under another woman 's petticoats , and not your wife 's .", "Here 's a rogue now , will out-shoot the devil in his own bow .", "I have sown rebellion every where ."], "true_target": ["Whenever they have more power to depose , than he has to oppose ; and this they may do upon the least occasion .", "That the rabble may depose their prince , has in all times , and in all countries , been accounted lawful .", "Hey , for the duke of Guise , and property ! Up with religion and the cause , and down with those arbitrary rogues there ! Stand to't , you associated cuckolds .O rogues ! O cowards !\u2014 Damn these half-strained shopkeepers , got between gentlemen and city wives ; how naturally they quake , and run away from their own fathers ! twenty souls a penny were a dear bargain of them .", "To promote sedition is my business : It has been so before any of you were born , and will be so , when you are all dead and damned ; I have led on the rabble in all ages .", "Hold , hold , a little , fellow citizens ; and you , gentlemen of the rabble , a word of godly exhortation to strengthen your hands , ere you give the onset .", "When the most are of one side , as that 's our case , we are always in the right ; for they , that are in power , will ever be the judges : so that if we say white is black , poor white must lose the cause , and put on mourning ; for white is but a single syllable , and we are a whole sentence . Therefore , go on boldly , and lay on resolutely for your Solemn League and Covenant ; and if here be any squeamish conscience who fears to fight against the king ,\u2014 though I , that have known you , citizens , these thousand years , suspect not any ,\u2014 let such understand that his majesty 's politic capacity is to be distinguished from his natural ; and though you murder him in one , you may preserve him in the other ; and so much for this time , because the enemy is at hand ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 153}, {"query": ["How , every where ? That 's another lie : How far have you travelled , friend ?", "O spare me , sweet colonel ; I am but a young beginner , and new set up .", "Bear away that bloody-minded colonel , and hang him up at the next sign-post : Nay , when I am in power , I can make examples too .", "That 's a lie , and a loud one .", "Is this a time to make sermons ? I would not hear the devil now , though he should come in God 's name , to preach peace to us ."], "true_target": ["I were safe in my shop , behind the counter .", "That 's the first true syllable he has uttered : but as how , and whereby , and when , may they depose him ?", "He looks so grum , I do n't care to have to do with him ; would", "Sirrah , you mince the matter ; you should say , we may do it upon no occasion , for the less the better .", "Now , that 's a rapper ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 153}, {"query": ["Look you , colonel , for your saving of me , I thank you heartily , whereby that debt 's paid ; but for speaking treason against my anointed wife , that 's a new reckoning between us .", "Some occasion , in my mind , were not amiss : for , look you , gentlemen , if we have no occasion , then whereby we have no occasion to depose him ; and therefore , either religion or liberty , I stick to those occasions ; for when they are gone , good night to godliness and freedom .", "Look you , gentlemen , \u2018 tis Grillon , the fierce colonel ; he that devours our wives , and ravishes our children .", "Look you , colonel ; you are too bulky to be carried off all at once ; a leg or an arm is one man 's burden : give me a little finger for a sample of him , whereby I 'll carry it for a token to my sovereign lady .", "And would I were under my wife 's petticoats . Look you , gentlemen ."], "true_target": ["I say no : For , look you , gentlemen , if he has been a traveller , he certainly says true , for he may lie by authority .", "How the devil does he know this ?", "Look you , colonel , \u2018 twas out of no ill meaning to the government ; all that I did , was pure obedience to my wife .", "He has led the rabble both old and young , that 's all ages : A heavenly sweet man , I warrant him ; I have seen him somewhere in a pulpit .", "Look you , gentlemen , sermons are not to be despised ; we have all profited by godly sermons that promote sedition : let the precious man hold forth ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 153}, {"query": ["Let him hold forth , let him hold forth ."], "true_target": ["Tear him piece-meal ; tear him piece-meal .", "Vive Guise !"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 153}, {"query": ["Rogues , villains , rebels , traitors , cuckolds ! \u2018 Swounds , what do you make of a man ? do you think legs and arms are strung upon a wire , like a jointed baby ? carry me off quickly , you were best , and hang me decently , according to my first sentence .", "Possess yourselves of the place , Maubert , and hang me up those two rogues , for an example .", "I 'll give you back your life when next we meet ;", "Nay , if thou hast a wife that wears the breeches , thou shalt be condemned to live : Get thee home for a hen-pecked traitor .\u2014 What , are we encompassed ? Nay , then , faces this way ; we 'll sell our skins to the fairest chapmen .", "\u2018 Tis too little , in all conscience , for her ; take a bigger token , cuckold . Et tu , Brute , whom I saved ? O the conscience of a shopkeeper !"], "true_target": ["Come on , fellow soldiers , Commilitones ; that 's my word , as \u2018 twas Julius C\u00e6sar 's , of pagan memory . \u2018 Fore God , I am no speech maker ; but there are the rogues , and here 's bilbo , that 's a word and a blow ; we must either cut their throats , or they cut ours , that 's pure necessity , for your comfort : Now , if any man can be so unkind to his own body ,\u2014 for I meddle not with your souls ,\u2014 as to stand still like a good Christian , and offer his weasand to a butcher 's whittle ,\u2014 I say no more , but that he may be saved , and that 's the best can come on him .", "I 'll be your customer , and set you up a little better , sirrah ;\u2014 go , hang him at the next sign-post :\u2014 What have you to say for yourself , scoundrel ? why were you a rebel ?", "I will be so : but let me tell you , Guise ,", "\u2018 Till then I am your debtor .", "As this was greatly done , \u2018 twas proudly too :"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 153}, {"query": ["The Phoenix race of Charlemain may rise .", "You are fools ; to kill them , were to shew I feared them ;", "I griped them in my fist .", "The glorious , full , majestic face of France ,", "But stain your triumph with no Christian blood ;", "His brother of Navarre shut out for ever ,", "I do not ask your love , be still my foe .", "I 'll seize him first , then make him a led monarch ;", "That , when Valois consumed in ashes lies ,", "Amidst the three estates , that represent", "Which , in his own despite , the king shall call :", "That 's till dooms-day ."], "true_target": ["Peace , croaking raven !\u2014", "Dismiss those prisoners .\u2014 Grillon , you are free ;", "I 'll be declared lieutenant-general", "In all our safeties has appeared this day .", "The court , disarmed , disheartened and besieged ,", "So let him reign my tenant during life ,", "You know the book .", "Are all as much within my power , as if", "I thank you , countrymen : the hand of heaven", "Branded with heresy , and barred from sway ;", "Stand on your guard , and double every watch ,", "French we are all , and brothers of a land ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 153}, {"query": ["And qualm , and keck , and take it down by sips !", "Of paring , clipping , and such tedious work ,", "What ! do we talk", "Like those that hang their noses o'er a potion ,"], "true_target": ["Mere dogs , that neither can be saved nor damned .", "Now , by the sword that cut off Malchus \u2019 ear ,", "Of sparing Christian blood ? why , these are dogs ;", "What mean you , brother , by this godly talk ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 153}, {"query": ["Grillon must die , so must the tyrant 's guards ,", "Where have you learnt to spare inveterate foes ?", "Let in the o'erwhelming tide on Harry 's head ;", "And can expound it too :", "To fight against the many and the strong ?", "Lest , gathering head again , they make more work ."], "true_target": ["But Christian faith was in the nonage then ,", "Among a thousand swords , who killed the king ?", "Best make advantage of this popular rage ,", "And Roman heathens lorded o'er the world .", "In that promiscuous fury , who shall know ,", "What madness were it for the weak and few ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 153}, {"query": ["Depends the series of your following fate :", "Think your good genius has assumed my shape ,", "O my dear lord , upon this only day"], "true_target": ["To teach them the true relish ; dip them with you ,", "My lord , the people must be fleshed in blood ,", "In this prophetic doom .", "Or they 'll perhaps repent ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 153}, {"query": ["You must affect to be .", "Must prosecute that cause by popular ways :"], "true_target": ["And , let me add , who heads a popular cause ,", "\u2018 Tis rightly judged :", "So , whether you are merciful or no ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 153}, {"query": ["And seize the first bold rebel that I meet .", "Then I am reconciled to heaven again :", "Give me my arms .", "What , all turned cowards ? not a man in France", "Secure in that , I 'll trust thee ;\u2014 shall I trust thee ?", "O how I blush , that thou shouldst see thy king", "Farewell thou mayst behold me king again ;", "But O cursed Guise , for pressing on my time ,", "When , loaded with his gods , he took his flight .", "My soul 's not yet deposed :\u2014 why then farewell !\u2014", "Dismissed with such contempt ?", "ACT V .", "Death ! had I wings , yet would I scorn to fly .", "I go this minute .", "What can be left in danger , but to dare ?", "He \u2018 scaped the dangers of the dreadful night ,"], "true_target": ["If it must be \u2014", "Enter MARMOUTIERE .", "Not Greece , nor hostile Juno could destroy", "Nay , then another minute must be given .\u2014", "Dares set his foot by mine , and perish by me ?", "And cutting off ten thousand more adieus !", "Death , must a rebel force me from my love !", "Do this low act , that lessens all his fame :", "No matter for my arms , I 'll go barefaced ,", "O welcome , thou good angel of my way ,", "The hero that abandoned burning Troy ;", "Forsake my regal town !", "Wilt thou go too ?", "For conquerors have charms , and women frailty :\u2014", "Thou pledge and omen of my safe return !", "I 'll say't as comfortably as I can :", "I 'll lead you on ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 154}, {"query": ["You are a true lion , but my men are sheep ;", "And that comes much to one .", "Troth , I can n't find them much inclined to perishing .", "If you wo n't fly for't , you must ride for't ,", "Yes , \u2018 faith , we past like beaten Romans underneath the fork ."], "true_target": ["For what ?", "True , Abbot ; but the mischief is , you churchmen Can see that something further than the crowd ; These musket bullets have not read much logic , Nor are they given to make your nice distinctions :", "If you run first , I 'll swear they 'll follow you .", "No , nor shall not , wench , as long as my soul wears a body .", "Wings , or no wings , is not the question :"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 154}, {"query": ["Seem easy , fearful , yielding , what you will ;", "There 's something of divinity in kings ,", "That sits between their eyes , and guards their life ."], "true_target": ["To gain the king more time for his escape .", "But still prolong the treaty all you can ,", "You , madam , must be pleased to find the Guise ;", "The business then admits no more dispute ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 154}, {"query": ["My blessing shall be given in your deliverance ;", "M. \u2018 Tis equal madness to go out or stay ;", "The reverence due to kings is all transferred", "That once performed , their web is all unravelled ,", "The old must quit the temple ; you must fly ."], "true_target": ["And Guise is to begin his work again .", "M. Forsake a bedlam ;", "To haughty Guise ; and when new gods are made ,", "Are marching to inclose the Louvre round .", "This note informs me fifteen thousand men", "M. I 'll undertake it .\u2014 Nay , no thanks , my son ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 154}, {"query": ["The moments that retard your flight are traitors .", "Make haste , my royal master , to be safe ,"], "true_target": ["It must not , cannot be .", "And save me with you , for I 'll share your fate ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 154}, {"query": ["I hope you mean in heaven ; or else you are a bolder man than I am in parliament time; but here comes the master and my niece .", "So I mean to do .", "\u2018 Tis all confest , and yet I dare not do't .", "Yes , and a point too ; I 'll challenge him .", "Yes ; and then they all took the sacrament together : he promising to unite himself to them , and they to obey him , according to the laws ; yet the very next morning they went on , in pursuance of their old commonwealth designs , as violently as ever .", "No , \u2018 faith , \u2018 tis better now , \u2018 tis downside up :", "Yes ; but how have I", "Sir , I have eaten and drank in my own defence , when I was hungry and thirsty ; I have plundered , when you have not paid me ; I have been content with a farmer 's daughter , when a better whore was not to be had . As for cutting off a traitor , I 'll execute him lawfully in my own function , when I meet him in the field ; but for your chamber-practice , that 's not my talent .", "When the king was escaped from Paris , and got out of the toils , \u2018 twas time for the Guise to take them down , and pitch others : that is , to treat for the calling of a parliament , where , being sure of the major part , he might get by law what he had missed by force .", "Were I a coward , I had been a villain ,", "No , for your mercy is your only vice . You may dispatch a rebel lawfully , but the mischief is , that rebel has given me my life at the barricadoes , and , till I have returned his bribe , I am not upon even terms with him .", "O yes , you may pray for him ; the preachers of the Guise 's side do that most formally ; nay , you may be suffered civilly to drink his health ; be of the court , and keep a place of profit under him : for , in short , \u2018 tis a judged case of conscience , to make your best of the king , and to side against him .", "\u2018 Tis just the appointed hour you bid me wait .", "When I disclose it , think I am a coward .", "Welcome , colonel , welcome to Blois ."], "true_target": ["I am your soldier , sir , but not your hangman .", "I hear the Guise will be lieutenant-general .", "Because no barricadoes have been made at Blois . This Blois is a very little town , and the king can draw it after him ; but Paris is a damned unwieldy bulk ; and when the preachers draw against the king , a parson in a pulpit is a devilish fore-horse . Besides , I found in that insurrection what dangerous beasts these townsmen are ; I tell you , colonel , a man had better deal with ten of their wives , than with one zealous citizen : O your inspired cuckold is most implacable .", "For the same reason , that a man in a duel says he has received satisfaction , when he is first wounded , and afterwards disarmed .", "Nay , if you will suffer it , then well may I . If kings will be so civil to their subjects , to give up all things tamely , they first turn rebels to themselves , and that 's a fair example for their friends . \u2018 Slife , sir , \u2018 tis a dangerous matter to be loyal on the wrong side , to serve my prince in spite of him ; if you 'll be a royalist yourself , there are millions of honest men will fight for you ; but if you will not , there are few will hang for you .", "Heaven bless your majesty ! Though I 'll not kill him for you , I 'll defend you when he 's killed : For the honest part of the job let me alone", "Deserved to do a murder ?", "Well , I dare trust my niece , even though she comes of my own family ; but if she cuckolds my good opinion of her honesty , there 's a whole sex fallen under a general rule , without one exception .", "You are my king .", "Our part o'the wheel is rising , though but slowly .", "Yes , most wonderful : they are as dear to one another as an old usurer , and a rich young heir upon a mortgage . The king is very loyal to the Guise , and the Guise is very gracious to the king : Then the cardinal of Guise , and the archbishop of Lyons , are the two pendants that are always hanging at the royal ear ; they ease his majesty of all the spiritual business , and the Guise of all the temporal ; so that the king is certainly the happiest prince in Christendom , without any care upon him ; so yielding up every thing to his loyal subjects , that he 's infallibly in the way of being the greatest and most glorious king in all the world .", "Yes .", "Now I understand you ; I should murder him :", "And then I durst have done't .", "Yes , when a man would have killed me .", "Ay , but you are but one private man , and they are the three States ; and if they vote that they have not broken their oaths , who is to be judge ?"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 155}, {"query": ["The world 's turned upside down .", "But why should the king assemble the States , to satisfy the", "Yet I have heard he made a sharp reflecting speech upon their party at the opening of the parliament , admonished men of their duties , pardoned what was past , but seemed to threaten vengeance if they persisted for the future .", "But why this parliament at Blois , and not at Paris ?", "Is there any seeming kindness between the king and the duke of", "Who looked for an assembly of the States ?"], "true_target": ["Since last we parted at the barricadoes ,", "Now , I am dull enough to think they have broken their oath .", "Heaven preserve him ! if a man may pray for him without treason .", "Guise , after so many affronts ?", "Guise ?", "There 's one above ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 155}, {"query": ["Not man , who knows not man but by surmise ;", "But know , this act of grace shall be my last .", "But keep my secret , for that 's conscience too .", "Let him desist , and tempt revenge no further :", "What is't those gods , the Commons , do not know ?", "Five hundred popular figures on a row ,", "The course of things can be with-held no longer", "Make much of honour , \u2018 tis a soldier 's conscience .", "To be a king , or not to be at all .", "Till every petty service be o'erpaid .", "My royal brother of Navarre shall stand", "And the curbed thunder grumbles to be gone .", "That he deserves it ?", "Well , what then ?", "Above deceit , no crookedness of thought ;", "And blab my secrets out .", "Which , after my decease , by right inherent ,", "The vow that manacled my rage is loosed ;", "Honour 's a sacred thing in all but kings ;", "For , by yon heaven , that 's conscious of his crimes ,", "Just now was roused , and brought thee to my rescue .", "That doctrine makes rebellion orthodox ,", "And you desire their meaning ?", "Without thy hazard .", "Employed the States this morning ?", "My time is all ta'en up on usury ;", "Deputies appearing at the Door .", "Even heaven is wearied with repeated crimes ,", "I urge , from your own grant , it has not been .", "The clergy and nobility cashiered ,", "And I myself , that am , or should be , king ,", "All favours , all preferments , pass through them ;", "Let him repent , yes , let him well repent ;", "If kings may be excluded , or deposed ,", "Decree , my lord ! What ! one estate decree ?", "Bid Larchant find some unsuspected means ,", "What then ? for I begin to fear my firmness ,", "The rest I 'll think on further ; so farewell .", "Unpleasant , wholesome , work .", "No sentence can be given ;", "Whene'er you cry religion to the crowd ;", "Mistaken still :", "Yet , in a natural way , I may live long ,", "Thou hast done worse , in thy long course of arms . Hast thou ne'er killed a man ?", "Well , kings must bear sometimes .", "True , I did hate him .", "Yes ; we for them ,", "My lavish love has made a lavish grant ;", "Not when alone , for fear some fiend should hear ,", "Your chiefs are they no libel must profane ;", "I bid thee kill him .", "Why , then , to-morrow I no more am king .", "He can forgive , but you disdain forgiveness .", "And they for us ; the benefits are mutual ,", "If heaven , and you my loyal subjects , please .", "And makes me live for others .", "I tell thee , Marmoutiere , I never speak ,", "\u2018 Tis time to push my slackened vengeance home ,", "The deputies are entering ; you must leave me .", "And I have more to answer : Let them know ,", "That none pass in or out , but those I call :", "So much acknowledging , that he 's uneasy ,", "And so the ties are too .", "The depth of my designs , drop there the plummet ?", "No , but keep it secret .", "O , thou hast set thy foot upon a snake ! Get quickly off , or it will sting thee dead .", "But that 's what both of us have learned to bear .", "What means , but yet ? \u2018 tis evidence so full ,", "Murder ! what , murder ! use a softer word ,", "Nay , give me leave ,\u2014", "Can trace the winding labyrinths of thought .", "Thou shalt not do this act ; thou art even too good ;", "The government is cast up somewhat short ,", "But heresy , you churchmen teach us vulgar ,", "He has submitted .", "What said you , ha ! what mean you , Marmoutiere ?", "So just , as if thou wert inspired to come ;", "This is no vigil of St Bartholomew ,", "Says what he means , and what he says performs ;", "No more : I am resolved .", "I 'm pliant , and they mould me as they please .", "To keep guards doubled at the council-door ,"], "true_target": ["Has he been called to make his just defence ?", "You would entail confusion , wars , and slaughters :", "Not more on this , than on the next , and next .", "What was't ?", "And doubt the soft destruction of your tongue .", "Yes .", "To whom ?", "Thus , tyrant business all my hours usurps ,", "I am reconciled .", "To-morrow Guise is made lieutenant-general ;\u2014", "But when his greatness overturns the scales ,", "I know my brother 's nature ; \u2018 tis sincere ,", "Undaunted I should meet the saints half way ,", "Go ; thou art a coward .", "What then ?", "And in the face of heaven maintain the fact .", "Some then libel him ;", "God , and good men , will never fail his cause ,", "Can you doubt it ?", "Nor devils , nor angels of a purer mould ,", "If the last trumpet sounded in my ears ,", "Supposes obstinate , and stiff persisting", "Grillon , be near me ,", "Hast thou not plundered from the helpless poor ? Snatched from the sweating labourer his food ?", "Brave , but not rash ; successful , but not proud ;", "My lord , they are ;", "But every one has work before it comes .", "Is my revenge unjust , or tyrannous ? Heaven knows I love not blood .", "As if the guardian-angel of my throne ,", "My vengeance , ripened in the womb of time ,", "An o'ergrown cypher set before the sum :", "If then , in process of a petty sum ,", "I will no more by mercy be betrayed .", "And , forced by strong necessity , may strike ;", "From breaking forth to their appointed end :", "Devolves upon my brother of Navarre .", "And all the bad shall be constrained by laws .", "Hast thou not said ,", "Dost thou not hate him ?", "And subjects must be traitors , to be saved .", "You 've conquered ; all that 's past shall be forgiven .", "Those ills are certain ; what you name , contingent .", "No sudden danger threatens you , my lord .", "\u2018 Tis sovereign justice , urged from self-defence .", "In errors proved , long admonitions made ,", "I never am beforehand with my hours ,", "Both parties having not been fully heard ,", "But when your rhymes assassinate our fame ,", "There 's something for my service to be done ,", "And call it sovereign justice .", "And , like sworn surgeons , lop the gangrened limb :", "The sword must end him :\u2014 has not thine an edge ?", "Presses for birth , and longs to be disclosed .", "You hug your nauseous , blundering ballad-wits ,", "Thou say'st , thou dar'st not kill him .", "Give me thy hand ; I love thee not the worse :", "Ha ! didst not thou thyself , in fathoming", "Secure by right , by merit , and my love .", "What reasons urge our sovereigns for the exclusion ?", "\u2018 Tis no murder ;", "Your orders will be sudden ; now , withdraw .", "So warmly canvassed , or so soon resolved .", "Till lightning flashes round , to guard the throne ,", "Grillon , the Guise is doomed to sudden death :", "No more of that , I know thou art not one .", "That 's one high point indeed , but not to be", "I think it was .", "Nor is Blois Paris .", "And pay them , as if nonsense were a merit ,", "If it can mean but treason .", "And all rejected : Has this course been used ?", "And canst thou suffer it ?", "In which , indeed , they assert the public good ,", "Who had o'erslept himself so many years ,", "Much less in the succession of a crown ,", "I never could forgive ?", "Yes , when the offender can be judged by laws :", "Then kings are justice in the last appeal ,", "\u2018 Tis searching there where heaven can only pry ,", "Where then are the other two , and what am I ?", "Didst thou not say \u2014 Affronts so great , so public ,", "Well , my good lords , what matters of importance", "Call Lognac hither straight , and St Malin ;"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 155}, {"query": ["I dare not ask , and yet , perhaps , may guess .", "As when you kept the key of your own breast ;", "If this be needful .", "For else , \u2018 tis fear to punish , that forgives ;", "Has put their enemies into their power ,", "You hate the Guise .", "And that 's , I think , your aim .", "For I would have you see , that what I ask ,", "Your spirit is too high ,", "And you hate him still .", "Great souls forgive not injuries , till time", "They must , till they can shake their burden off ;", "Can I unknow it ?", "That they may shew , forgiveness is their own ;", "You bid my uncle wait you .", "Where you are strongest .", "Nay , what mean you ? that start betrayed you , sir .", "I did ; but yet \u2014", "No more ; but you have power , and are provoked .", "I know , is wondrous difficult to grant ,\u2014", "\u201c There 's something for my service to be done ; \u201d \u2014", "Those were your words .", "This hour ?"], "true_target": ["Love begs once more this great offender 's life .", "And law requires defence , and equal plea", "Betwixt the offender , and the righteous judge .", "In show ; for in effect he still insults .", "Can you forgive the man you justly hate ,", "Just so your brother used the admiral .", "That hazards both your life and crown to spare him ?", "The coward , not the king .", "One , whom you may suspect I more than pity ,\u2014", "Then , in return , I swear to heaven and you , To give you all the preference of my soul ; No rebel rival to disturb you there ; Let him but live , that he may be my convert !", "But justice bears the godlike shape of law ,", "Maintain it then to heaven , but not to me . Do you love me ?", "With death and horror : you would murder Guise .", "These are your arts , to make them more secure ;", "Brothers may think , and act like brothers too .", "\u2018 Tis an open town .", "Can you be thus extravagantly good ?", "And grant , you never may be good in vain !", "Something of moment hangs upon this hour .", "Would I could !", "But since you let me in , I find it filled", "Think , sir , your thoughts are still as much your own ,", "Yes , I can doubt it , if you can deny ;", "Now heaven reward you with a prosperous reign ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 155}, {"query": ["We grant it has not ; but \u2014", "Are in the hand of heaven .", "What may be sudden , must be counted so .", "Will stop this headlong torrent of succession ,", "He stands suspected , sir , of heresy .", "Take care of dangers merely possible ,", "And for whom kings are made \u2014", "Which may concern their subjects , whose they are ,", "Then heresy 's entailed upon the throne .", "In hope you 'll not oppose what must be done ,", "Since gentle means to exclude Navarre are vain ,"], "true_target": ["And will be soon resolved .", "Which power , most graciously confirmed by you ,", "That bears religion , laws , and all before it .", "To make the duke of Guise lieutenant-general ;", "We wish you , sir , a long and prosperous reign .", "We hope and wish your life ; but yours and ours", "To-morrow , in the States , \u2018 twill be proposed ,", "Was warmly canvassed in the Commons House ,", "Some say , revengeful .", "Sir , we have many arguments to urge \u2014", "One high point", "But since good princes , like your majesty ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 155}, {"query": ["The Commons .", "To cut things short ,", "Religion must not suffer for a claim .", "The right of souls is still to be preferred ;"], "true_target": ["From the succession of the realm of France .", "Succession .", "Things necessary must sometimes be sudden .", "That needs not , for \u2018 tis known .", "The Commons will decree , to exclude Navarre"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 155}, {"query": ["I bartered it for honours , wealth , and pleasure ,", "Yet can pains last , when bodies cannot last ?", "To fence and guard their tender forms from fire ?", "Mine 's a flame beyond expiring .", "What , one-and-twenty years , nine yet to come !", "O how I hug myself , to out-wit these fools of hell !", "Dispute , know nothing , and believe too late .", "Who waits ?", "And refining ,", "Beyond my soul , and my lost hopes of heaven :", "Ever shining ,", "A thousand years for every hour I 've past ,", "I neither have , nor will have , business with him .", "Why you sigh , and why you languish ;", "I feel my heart-strings rend !\u2014 I 'm here ,\u2014 I 'm gone !", "To enjoy , and yet be true .", "Thus men , too careless of their future state ,", "Of possessing ,", "Shall rumple up thy tender airy limbs ,", "So pitiless ?", "Strength of cordial may destroy .", "Laughest thou , malicious fiend ?", "To be renewed for pains , and last for hell !", "By heaven , I 'll ram thee in some knotted oak ,", "Hangs on their active springs . I want a song", "What can love and I do more ?", "I will , so help me heaven !", "This is the solemn annual feast I keep ,", "Not so ; I preached on purpose", "Makes me faint away with pleasure ;", "Well , and what of that ?", "And the blessing", "Shepherdess .", "But confess , and I 'll forgive you ;", "After a Song and Dance , loud knocking at the Door ,", "What fate attends my master .", "To make thee lose this moment of thy prayer .", "Or , when one body wears and flits away ,", "Kills me with excess of joy .", "Say , I shall never see his eyes again ;", "As this day twelve year , on this very hour ,", "Still the more \u2018 tis melted down .", "Framed a creature", "Where am I now ? upon the brink of life ,", "Fit for love 's imperial crown ;", "Still the more \u2018 tis melted down .", "Enter Servant .", "Never nature", "To rouse me ; my blood freezes .\u2014 Music there .", "How can a soul be worth so much to devils ?", "I will not .", "Or I 'll confine thee deep in the red sea , groveling on the sands ,", "Of possessing ,", "And yet a sudden damp , I know not why ,"], "true_target": ["Shepherdess .", "Still possessing , still desiring ,", "Add but a day , but half a day , an hour :", "Where thou shalt sigh , and groan to whistling winds ,", "I signed the contract for my soul with hell .", "I 'll ope my book of bloody characters ,", "Fit for love 's imperial crown ;", "Tell him I dedicate this day to pleasure .", "Grants the blessing", "Like parchment in a flame .", "Shepherd .", "Mine 's a flame beyond expiring ,", "O why was I not warned before ?", "Shepherd .", "And refining ,", "I love the Guise , even with my latest breath ,", "Men are false , and so are you ,", "Still to begin an endless round of woes ,", "For sixty minutes , I 'll forgive nine years .", "Think it 's love beyond all measure ,", "But yet I may command thee , and I will :", "A SONG BETWIXT A SHEPHERD AND SHEPHERDESS .", "SCENE closes upon the company .", "Re-enter Servant .", "Enter MELANAX , an hour-glass in his hand , almost empty .", "Do souls thrust forth another crust of clay ,", "Go , give my lord my last adieu ;", "Ten thousand billows rolling o'er thy head .", "I charge thee , by my short-lived power , disclose", "Three things which mortal men do covet most ;", "When the nymph whom you adore ,", "O could I \u2018 scape so cheap ! but ever , ever !", "And \u2018 faith , I over-sold it to the fiend :", "Upon the lonely plain .", "But if he goes , when next he 's called , to council ,", "How dar'st thou interrupt my softer hours ?", "And heaven behind me closing all its doors .", "Ha ! one-and-twenty years are shrunk to twelve ! Do my eyes dazzle ?", "Thou liest ; look on thy bond , and view the date .", "Bid him enter , and go off thyself .", "What noise is that ?", "Tell me , Thyrsis , tell your anguish ,", "The gulph before me , devils to push me on ,", "Thy sand creeps low ; despair , despair , despair !", "Then I am lost for ever !", "Ever shining ,", "Still possessing , still desiring ,", "Bid him believe my latest breath , he dies .\u2014", "Thyrsis , how can I believe you !", "What , resty , fiend ? Nine years thou hast to serve .", "Can earthy substance endless flames endure ?", "There 's equity in heaven for this , a cheat .", "Has seized my spirits , and , like a heavy weight ,", "Chorus together ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 156}, {"query": ["An ill-looked surly man ,", "Sir , I dare not tell him so ;"], "true_target": ["With a hoarse voice , says he must speak with you .", "He says you have , and must have , business with him . Come out , or he 'll come in , and spoil your mirth ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 156}, {"query": ["No , not a moment 's thought beyond my time .", "Not full nine minutes .", "Thou art .", "So take thee hell .", "And heaven has past them by .", "Then , wilt thou stand to that without appeal ?", "Shall sink for ever down , and heave no more .", "And yet \u2018 tis just ; for we were perfect light ,", "That I could bear it , and stared farther in ;", "To stand to this .", "To council when he next is called , he dies .", "Stood next the shining throne , and winked but half ;", "For ever fell ; but man , base earth-born man ,", "Appeared full twenty-one .", "And saw our crimes ; man , in his body 's mire ,", "Then I have hope .", "Thou can'st not do it . Behold this hour-glass .", "Half soul , half clod , sinks blindfold into sin ,"], "true_target": ["If he goes", "Seest thou these ebbing sands ?", "\u2018 Twas but a moment 's pride , and yet I fell ,", "Thy lungs , the bellows of thy mortal breath ,", "Yes , to repent ; then thou hadst cheated me .", "Dispatch ; \u2018 tis much below me to attend", "So what was figured twelve , to thy dull sight", "No , they see too true :", "They run for thee , and when their race is run ,", "Betrayed by frauds without , and lusts within .", "For one poor single fare .", "Sins past a sum , and might be pardoned more :", "I was an angel once of foremost rank ,", "I see thy prayers dispersed into the winds ,", "Hoh , hoh , hoh !", "They dazzled once , I cast a mist before them ,", "So almost gazed I glory in the face ,", "Fool , thou hast quitted thy appeal to heaven ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 156}, {"query": ["A dreadful message from a dying man ,", "A prophesy indeed !", "Make swift acquaintance with their kindred forms ,"], "true_target": ["For souls , just quitting earth , peep into heaven ,", "I know not ; I begin to taste his reasons .", "And partners of immortal secrets grow ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 157}, {"query": ["When life depends , the mighty stake is such ,"], "true_target": ["Fools fear too little , and they dare too much .", "\u2018 Tis good to lean on the securer side :"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 157}, {"query": ["Yet say not never ; for I hope by virtue", "If you are pleased to grant an hour or two", "Glory , where art thou ? fame , revenge , ambition ,", "Be pitiful to those infirmities", "No , madam , I at last have gained the point", "The devil foretold it dying Malicorn .", "I have provoked my sovereign past a pardon ,", "O say not so , for once again I 'll see you .", "Your sacred robe .\u2014 Is't possible ! your hand !", "Fathomless caves , ye dungeons of old night ,", "I see your face pale as the cherubins \u2019", "Must I ne'er see you more ?", "My friends are many , faithful , and united ;", "From yours , I mean ,\u2014 when you behold me slain ?", "Where are you fled ? there 's ice upon my nerves ;", "I know you straight betray me to the king .", "Were you this very night to lodge with angels ,", "At Adam 's fall .", "And now , I wonder I should fear that force ,", "Where'er he dares to call , I dare to go .", "Since more I am confirmed , I 'll stand the shock .", "I change , \u2018 tis true , because I love you still ;", "The king 's at Blois , and you have reason for it ;", "I wish my flesh were off .", "The council-hall was hung with crimson round ,", "I tell you all , even at that very moment ,", "Which thus unman me ; stay till the council 's over ;", "Away , ye dreams ! what if it thundered now ,", "O fear her not ,", "Warmly against me , that I should go on .", "Or if a raven crossed me in my way ?", "By you , the justice of the earth , I have not .", "Ha ! stay till morning : tapers are too dim ;", "You have prevailed , I will not go to council .", "Stay till I lead you to that dismal den", "And finish greatness at some safer time .", "If you refuse me , madam , I 'll not murmur .", "No more !\u2014 Blue fires , and ye dull rolling lakes ,", "I have none but you :", "Of those imperial arguments they urged ,", "And one last look ; for , O my earthly saint ,"], "true_target": ["To merit heaven , and wed you late in glory .", "I do believe you , madam .", "True politician , and defy you all .", "Stay till the sun rises to salute you ;", "It but remains to doubt if he dare kill me :", "Without an oath I do ; therefore have mercy ,", "You must , you will , and smile upon my murder .", "I was not to be worked from second thought :", "True ; but in spite", "Not me , the king you mean .", "And all the ceiling plaistered o'er with black .", "Of virgins buried quick , and stay for ever .", "Palled as a slave , that 's bed-rid with an ague ,", "There we broke off ; and mark me , if I live ,", "He will not venture on so rash a deed :", "O let me crawl , vile as I am , and kiss", "To my last prayer , I 'll thank you as my saint :", "And think not death could make me tremble thus ;", "Hear me a word !\u2014 one sigh , one tear , at parting ,", "O ye celestial dews ! O paradise ! O heaven ! O joys , ne'er to be tasted more !", "You saw but now my parting with my brother ,", "The prelate too of Lyons ; it was debated", "Phantoms , be gone ! if I must die , I 'll fall", "Therefore , what am I to expect from pity ,\u2014", "My salt , my metal , and my spirits gone ,", "Of mightiest minds , to wonder now at nothing .", "Or now it comes , because last night I dreamt", "Madam , I 've thought , and trust you with my soul .", "You are the saint that makes a convert of me .", "Is true , as that the king designs to end me .", "Never !\u2014 She 's set on by the king to sift me .", "\u2018 Tis too much odds against me ; I 'll depart ,", "Then if he dares but to be just , I die .", "This very day he means to cut me off .", "And O let me return it with another !", "Then mark ; \u2018 tis judged by heads grown white in council ,", "Which I have used to conquer and contemn .", "I will be there .", "Why , madam , why ?", "I come ;\u2014 down , devil !\u2014 ha ! must I stumble too ?", "Love you , O heaven , even in my own despite ;", "Why , by that never then , all I have sworn"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 157}, {"query": ["And things undone , past future means to do .", "Which once removed , our motion is no more .", "The inevitable yoke prepared for kings", "Without your presence , which buoys up our hearts ,", "Your tempter comes , perhaps , to turn the scale ,", "Then better \u2018 tis to hazard life alone ,", "And leave you single to the tyrant 's rage :", "Nay , were the danger certain of your stay ,", "By heaven , \u2018 tis Harry 's plot to fright you hence ,"], "true_target": ["Yes , some court-devil , no doubt :", "If you depart , consider , good my lord ,", "The League will sink beneath a royal name ;", "Than life , and friends , and reputation too .", "That , coward-like , you might forsake your friends .", "Will soon be shaken off ; things done , repealed ;", "You are the master-spring that moves our fabric ,", "And warn you not to go .", "An act so mean would lose you all your friends ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 157}, {"query": ["Do you not wonder at this visit , sir ?", "Do these o'erboiling answers suit the Guise ?", "Our souls shall meet ,\u2014 farewell !\u2014 and Io 's sing above ,", "Which thought thus roots me here , melts my resolves ,", "That venerable aspect pale with death ,", "O heaven ! I now confess ,", "Farewell , my proselyte ! your better genius", "To tell you , I must never see you more .", "But speak your heart , and O resolve me truly !", "He has promised me to conquer his revenge ,", "Where no ambition , nor state-crime , the happier spirits prove ,", "But take it , take it ; if it be too kind ,", "Yet if you live , O Guise ,\u2014 there , there 's the cause ,\u2014", "O Guise , I never did ; but , sir , I come", "I have sworn you must not :", "This night , my lord , I 'm a recluse for ever .", "Keep your obedience ,\u2014 by the saints , you live .", "The temperate , devoted Marmoutiere", "But go to council , sir , there shew your truth ;", "Alas ! your suit is vain , for I have vowed it :", "Nor was there any other way to clear", "I must conclude you merited your end .", "Did I not tell you , sir ?", "Therefore , if you are conscious of a breach ,", "Partly , perhaps ; but more for thirst of glory ,", "By heaven , then you 're forsworn ; you 've broke your vows .", "But all are blest , and all enjoy an everlasting love .", "Which now again dilates itself in smiles ,", "I never shall converse , nor see you more .", "And that sad fate that bodes upon your brow ,"], "true_target": ["Farewell for ever ; ah , Guise , though now we part ,", "Stood firm to what you swore ? Be plain , my lord ,", "By you , dissembler of the world , you have . I know the king .", "Is gone ,\u2014 a last embrace I must bequeath you .", "If you are innocent , you 're safe ; but O ,", "Why heaves my heart , and overflow my eyes ?", "Honour may pardon it , since \u2018 tis my last .", "Watch your ambition .", "GUISE solus .", "Nay , take a little more : cold Marmoutiere ,", "Believe me , Guise , \u2018 twere gallantly resolved ,", "Alas , my Guise !\u2014 O heaven , what did I say ?", "Your love , O Guise , and your ambition gone ,", "I do believe you love me more than glory .", "I have tried you both .", "Go then :\u2014 O heaven ! Why must I still suspect you ?", "Have you , O Guise , since your last solemn oath ,", "The imputed stains of my suspected honour .", "Make me not fear it by asseverations ,", "And place you next him ; therefore , if you 're right ,", "In the bright orbs , prepared us by our fates ,", "Or run it o'er a while , because again", "Why came that sigh uncalled ? For love of me ,", "If I should chance to see you stretched along ,", "As if you scorned that I should know your purpose .", "I tell you , I must never see you more .", "If you could carry it on the inside too .", "My heart bleeds for thee , Guise .", "First answer me , and then I 'll speak my heart .", "Confess it to me . Lead me to the king ;", "Because by this disorder ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 157}, {"query": ["Are your guards doubled , captain ?", "By heaven , we shall not ,", "March , march there closer yet , captain , to the door .", "No , for that gives a heart .", "Make way there for his eminence ; give back .\u2014"], "true_target": ["Your eminence comes late .", "When the Guise comes , remember your petition .\u2014", "\u2018 Faith , I think not .", "Unless it be with gripes .", "Shut the hall-door , and bar the castle-gates :"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 158}, {"query": ["Their wounds and lost arrears", "And therefore beg your grace you would remember"], "true_target": ["All these have served against the heretics ;", "My lord .", "Sir , they are ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 158}, {"query": ["But I will sigh it off .\u2014 Captain , farewell .", "It shall be done .\u2014", "If I mistake not , sir , your number 's doubled .", "Again , my heart ! there is a weight upon thee ,"], "true_target": ["Yet we shall clasp in heaven .", "Well , colonel , are we friends ?", "True Grillon still .", "Give me your hand .", "Ha ! captain , you are well attended :"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 158}, {"query": ["The rest , all white , are safe .", "Could represent such suffering majesty .", "Be safe ; and owe thy life , not to my gift ,", "Thus Moluch , still the favourite of fate ,", "Like Jove , when he made Fate , and said , Thou art", "Mol . Wouldst thou revenge thee , trait'ress , hadst thou power ?", "And therefore cast into these noble moulds .", "I saw him , as he terms himself , a sun", "Hang by our sides for ornament , not use :", "And boundless thirst of empire , plunged thy people !", "Gives scandal to the christians ; they feed high :", "Struggling in dark eclipse , and shooting day", "We will have learned luxury ; our lean faith", "Reformed us into feasting .", "We know your reason ; let her share the danger .", "Mol . Our armours now may rust ; our idle scymiters", "Mol . Where are those slaves ? produce them .", "Such tasters are for kings .", "Benducar , do the rest .", "Mol . One of these three is a whole hecatomb ,", "Mol . Still untameable !", "That warmed our Mufti 's zeal :", "Shall wake the peaceful morn ; the Xeriff 's blood", "Mol . Still great , and grateful ; that 's thy character .\u2014", "Shall share one common doom , and lots decide it .", "Mol . I 'll shew thee for a monster through my Afric .", "None e'er served heaven well with a starved face :", "Then look for shoals of converts , when thou hast", "Children shall beat our atabals and drums ,", "To be withstood . My clouds are gathering too ,", "Thy subjects too shall live ; a due reward", "The rest are but mute cattle ; and when death", "Zey . The gallant renegade you mean ?", "Whether the toils of battle , unrepaired", "And therefore only one of them shall die :", "Comes like a rushing lion , couch like spaniels ,", "To pay his cruel vows for victory .\u2014", "My conquering brother will have slaves enow ,", "And I have failed of mine .", "Mol Slave is thy title :\u2014 force her .", "On either side of the black orb that veiled him .", "Still at the head of battle .", "Mol . No more excuses .", "For every numbered captive , put a ball", "Mol . These are not fit to pay an emperor 's vow ;", "As if our prophet only worked for him :", "Zey . Thus , then , a doubtful title is extinguished ;", "Mol . Something , I know not what , comes over me :", "Mol . Do thou remember", "Mol . What shall I do to conquer thee ?", "Mol . How 's this !", "This is the porcelain clay of human kind ,", "Mol . Ay ; these look like the workmanship of heaven ;", "Mol . Behold ,"], "true_target": ["Mol . They plead too strongly", "Mol . Sebastian ! ha ! it must be he ; no other", "And left our Afric vultures to devour .", "And our parched earth is drenched in Christian blood ;", "Zey . My oracle !", "And younger brothers but the draff of nature .", "The slave of my creation .\u2014 I admire him .", "In kindly mixture with his royal shower .", "No longer in divided channels runs ,", "In what a ruin has thy head-strong pride ,", "Mol .", "Mol . Bring forth the unhappy relicks of the war .", "Mol . The purple present shall be richly paid ;", "With due repose , or other sudden qualm .\u2014", "Mol . But are these all ? Speak you , that are their masters .", "Zey . My father !", "With lolling tongues , and tremble at the paw :", "Hast a religious , ruddy countenance .", "Mol . Pain of your lives , let none conceal a slave .", "These are but garbage , not a sacrifice .", "Zey . You have the key ; he opens inward to you .", "These of a better aspect , with the rest ,", "Thou shouldst have died in battle , like a soldier .", "What carcases of thine thy crimes have strewed ,", "Our bulls and rams had been more noble victims :", "Mark him , who now approaches to the lottery :", "Zey . He 's just upon us .", "Thy function , mercy , and provoke not blood .", "Into an urn ; three only black be there ,", "These pious parrots peck the fairest fruit :", "As Muley-Zeydan were not worth their care ,", "But to the greatness of thy mind , Sebastian .", "And all the noisy trades of war no more", "Swims in a sanguine torrent to the throne ,", "Mol . Thou talk'st as if", "Nor shall Sebastian 's formidable name", "Mol . Thou talk'st as if the Mufti were concerned .", "Zey . Now Africa 's long wars are at an end ,", "Mol O Mufti ,", "Unveil the woman ; I would view the face ,", "Be longer used to lull the crying babe .", "Mol . \u2018 Tis decreed ;", "For their untainted faith , in thy concealment .", "Mol . I 'll hear no more .", "Mol . Thou'rt brave too late ;", "That vow performed , fasting shall be abolished ;", "He looks secure of death , superior greatness ,", "What hear you of Sebastian , king of Portugal ?", "Preach abstinence no more ; I tell thee , Mufti ,", "Good feasting is devout ; and thou , our head ,", "The younger house took end in Mahomet :", "The heavens , and all the stars , are his hired servants ;", "Mol . He has his wish ;", "Mol . What female fury have we here !", "Let lots again decide it ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 159}, {"query": ["Generous by fits , but permanent in mischief .", "Once to be false for all . I trust not him ;", "That scorns his brittle corpse , and seems ashamed", "I worship you within ; the outward act", "The captain of the rabble issued out ,", "You know the alcade of Alcazar , Dorax ?", "Retire , my lord .", "How am I sure to stand , who served those ends ?", "Be still , and learn the soothing arts of court :", "I know your nature open , mild , and grateful :", "And , when they praise him most , be you the loudest .", "No more ;\u2014", "Shall I adore you ?\u2014 No , the place is public :", "To catch the people 's eyes : He 's tame and merciful ;", "That gloomy outside , like a rusty chest ,", "He fell among a heap of slaughtered Moors ,", "Accusing fortune that he fell not warm ;", "So often tried , and ever found so true ,", "The sister of the vanquished Mahomet ,", "Bare Benducar !", "This easy fool must be my stale , set up", "I know him from afar ,", "Yet now disdains to live .", "Your present spleen ?", "Has given me trust ; and trust has given me means", "Was hot pursued ; and , in the general rout ,", "And I be safe .", "The rival of our threatened empire , Mahomet ,", "Would I had never seen it !", "The same .", "By the long stride , and by the sullen port .\u2014", "If I am damned , it shall be for myself .", "The Mufti reddens ; mark that holy cheek .", "These things observed , leave me to shape the rest .", "Yet I must tell you , friend , the great must use them", "Extravagantly brave ! even to an impudence", "Mistook a swelling current for a ford ,", "Brave renegade !\u2014 Could'st thou not meet Sebastian ? Thy master had been worthy of thy sword .", "The slaves , in order to perform his vow .", "Of so much toil , such guilt , and such damnation !", "Sometimes , as necessary tools of tumult .", "Him I can manage , till I make him odious", "Whose fatal beauty to her brother drew", "You could not meet him then ?", "Wait on your brother 's triumph ; yours is next :", "They say , in fight , thou hadst a thirsty sword ,"], "true_target": ["Those souls were those thy God intrusted with thee ,", "For , while our Africans pursued the chace ,", "To know what came of him , and of Almeyda ,", "And , helpless , in his heavy arms he drowned .", "And seize the living .", "Still you run off from bias :\u2014 Say , what moves", "But always out of humour ,\u2014", "\u2018 Tis of as much import as Africk 's worth ,", "Your brother is luxurious , close , and cruel ;", "We must be safe , before we can be great .", "And well \u2018 twas glutted there .", "Sure he would sleep .", "Yet we may possibly hear farther news ;", "Behold the emperor coming to survey", "To cherish , not destroy .", "And heaven shall envy you the kneeling world .\u2014", "Adore his fortune , mix with flattering crowds ;", "I 'll cut his barren branches to the stock ,", "The land 's third part , as Lucifer did heaven 's .", "And graft you on to bear .", "His growth is but a wild and fruitless plant ;", "And threw him off ; the waves whelmed over him ,", "He looks as man was made ; with face erect ,", "And time shall make him ours .", "Of greatness .", "And in Mucazar 's flood was seen to rise :", "Some call me , favourite .", "Contains the shining treasure , of a soul", "Enter DORAX .", "Shall be reserved till nations follow me ,", "For , now his ends are served , and he grown absolute ,", "He 's not all spirit ; his eyes , with a dumb pride ,", "By some unpopular act ; and then dethrone him .", "Though yet his mangled carcase is not found .", "My future king , auspicious Muley-Zeydan !", "Thrice was he seen : At length his courser plunged ,", "Thou speak'st as if thou wert privy to concealments ; then thou art an accomplice .", "Strange ! in full health ! this pang is of the soul ; The body 's unconcerned : I 'll think hereafter .\u2014 Conduct these royal captives to the castle ; Bid Dorax use them well , till further order .", "Yes , to delude your hopes .\u2014 Poor credulous fool !", "To think that I would give away the fruit", "With a black shirtless train , to spoil the dead ,", "In such a prince the people may be blest ,", "Now , Dorax .", "Why , then , thou hast revenged thee on mankind .", "Resolved and brave : He has the soldiers \u2019 hearts ,", "The shadow of a discontent would ruin us ;"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 159}, {"query": ["He 's blest ; if not , well cheated , and dies pleased .", "Let that man know , I dare to be revenged .", "Brave , pious , generous , great , and liberal ;", "As who should say ,\u2014 My faith and soul are white ,", "He erred to me alone :", "These never knew one happy hour in life ,", "And trouble me no more \u2014 I will not know them .", "Though all mankind is cause enough for satire .", "In age ill practised , yet his prop in death .", "But whosoever dares to injure me ,", "I might have robbed him of his opening heaven ,", "Is not Benducar , bare , a better name", "Like whipped cream ,\u2014 feels them not in going down .", "In a friend 's mouth , than all those gaudy titles ,", "But still I came too late ; for he was flown ,", "No part of government , but lords of anarchy ,", "With his face up to heaven , in the red monument ,", "The wittiest woman 's toy in Portugal :", "Had right to slay . I too would have been slain ;", "He loved his people ; him they idolized ;", "Just as the scales of heaven , that weigh the seasons .", "Poor abject creatures , how they fear to die !", "Each of them an host ,", "To stop infection ; that 's their proper death .", "And why I turned Mahometan . I 'm grateful ;", "I mowed across , and made irregular harvest ,", "My master !\u2014 By what title ?", "Chaos of power , and privileged destruction .", "His goodness was diffused to human kind ,", "Happened to be king ?\u2014 And yet I served him ;", "For he was still supplying death elsewhere .", "Like lightning , swift before me to new slaughters .", "Though my lot swarthy : Now , if there be hereafter ,", "Now pr'ythee tell me , and abate thy pride ,", "Scarce thanked me for my pains ; he swallows vulgar", "I killed not one that was his maker 's image ;", "Thou would'st have titles ; take them then ,\u2014 chief minister ,", "For fifteen hard campaigns , still hooped in iron ,", "Murdered by multitudes , whom I alone", "Thou art too old to be a catamite !\u2014", "Tell him , no ;", "Nay , I was fool enough to love him too .\u2014", "And , where we see a mountain of the slain ,", "Have overlaid him ,\u2014 for they could not conquer :", "I met with none but vulgar two-legged brutes :", "This mads me , that perhaps ignoble hands", "Defaced the pomp of battle , but in vain ;", "Sebastian was my aim ; he was a man :"], "true_target": ["Or has heaven hid the happiness of death ,", "What 's that ?\u2014 his minion ?\u2014", "A million strong of vermin every villain :", "Where ranks fell thickest .\u2014 \u2018 Twas indeed the place", "Above man 's height , even towering to divinity :", "A hundred of them to a single soul ,", "No ; It must be my own , I scorn a proxy .", "I followed him , by groans of dying foes ;", "And thence proceeds my mortal hatred to him ;", "The whole she-nation will be in mourning for him .", "As for Sebastian , we must search the field ;", "And all his cruelty confined to me .", "And dragged him down with me , spite of predestination .", "Yet I must do him right ,\u2014 he was a man ,", "I would use them", "Shall I trust heaven , that heaven which I renounced ,", "Which I disdain to give the man I love ?", "No , though I sought", "Fit to be shot and brained , without a process ,", "You marked not what I told you .", "Robbed of my vengeance , by a trivial chance !", "To seek Sebastian .\u2014 Through a track of death", "I spitted frogs ; I crushed a heap of emmets ;", "That men may dare to live ?\u2014 Now for our heroes .", "By all my wrongs ,", "First hangman of the state .", "There he shall find him at his manly length ,", "He looks uneasy at his future journey ,", "Choked up with man , and gorged with circumcision .", "Send one to climb , and , looking down below ,", "That , catching hold upon his flitting ghost ,", "Like dogs in times of plague ; outlaws of nature ,", "O , he has drawn a black ; and smiles upo n't ,", "Which his true sword has digged .", "You know my story , how I was rewarded", "Well , Benducar .", "Because I happened to be born where he", "There 's the amorous airy spark , Antonio ,", "Nay ,\u2014 though he hated me , and I hate him ,", "I have cause :", "This Mufti , in my conscience , is some English renegado , he talks so savourily of toping .", "That , thus unblameable to all besides ,", "And that but scanty weight too . The great devil", "I hope she died in her own female calling ,", "With my revenge ? Then , where 's my satisfaction ?", "Yet shake to lay it down . Is load so pleasant ?", "Religion bears him out ; a thing taught young ,", "Lord , what a loss of treats and serenades !"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 159}, {"query": ["The prophet must not pick and chuse his offerings ;", "Then , if thy silence save the great and holy ,", "Wine is against our law ; that 's literal too ,", "Of Christian slaves , devoted , if you won .", "Expects your gratitude , the sacrifice", "Fasting is but the letter of the law ,", "Yet it shews well to preach it to the vulgar ;", "Wine is a holy liquor for the great .", "An offering worthy thee ."], "true_target": ["\u2018 Tis sure thou shalt go straight to paradise .", "Remember , sir , your vow .", "They are not what he says .", "Now he has given the day , \u2018 tis past recalling ,", "Our law says plainly , women have no souls .M , Mol . \u2018 Tis true ; their souls are mortal , set her by ; Yet , were Almeyda here , though fame reports her The fairest of her sex , so much , unseen , I hate the sister of our rival-house , Ten thousand such dry notions of our Alcoran Should not protect her life , if not immortal ; Die as she could , all of a piece , the better That none of her remain .", "For this victorious day , our mighty prophet", "But not denied to kings and to their guides ;", "I but reserved them to present thy greatness", "Hold , sir ; the woman must not draw .", "And he must be content with such as these ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 159}, {"query": ["Upon vulgar reputation , no , my lord ; it was for your profit and emolument . What ! wrong the head of my religion ? I was sensible you would have damned me , or any man , that should have injured you in a single farthing ; for I knew that was sacrifice .", "Learn better manners , or I shall serve you a dog-trick ; come down upon all-four immediately ; I 'll make you know your rider .", "Good my lord , take pity upon a poor man in this world , and damn me in the next .", "Something of a secret , and of the king , I heard him mutter : a pimp , I warrant him , for I am sure he is an old courtier . Now , to put off t'other remnant of my merchandize .\u2014 Stir up , sirrah !", "Marry come up , sir ! virtues , quotha ! I took him in the king 's company ; he 's of a great family , and rich ; what other virtues wouldst thou have in a nobleman ? 1st Mer . I buy him with another man 's purse , that 's my comfort . My lord Dorax , the governor , will have him at any rate :\u2014 There 's hansel . Come , old fellow , to the castle .", "Ay , and good reason , friend ; if thou catchest me a-conquering on thy side of the water , lay on me lustily ; I will take it as kindly as thou dost this .\u2014", "Now , sirrah , follow , for you have rope enough : To your paces , villain , amble trot , and gallop :\u2014 Quick about , there .\u2014 Yeap ! the more money 's bidden for you , the more your credit . 2d Mer . He is well chined , and has a tolerable good back ; that is half in half .\u2014\u2014 I would see him strip ; has he no diseases about him ?", "Patience , my lord . I took him up , as your herriot , with intention to have made the best of him , and then have brought the whole product of him in a purse to you ; for I know you would have spent half of it upon your pious pleasures , have hoarded up the other half , and given the remainder in charities to the poor .", "He is the best piece of man 's flesh in the market , not an eye-sore in his whole body . Feel his legs , master ; neither splint , spavin , nor wind-gall .", "My chattels are come into my hands again , and my conscience will serve me to sell them twice over ; any price now , before the Mufti come to claim them . 1st Mer .What dost hold that old fellow at ?\u2014He 's tough , and has no service in his limbs .", "Your majesty may lay your soul o n't . But , for my part , though I am a plain fellow , yet I scorn to be tricked into paradise ; I would he should know it . The truth o n't is , a n't like you , his reverence bought of me the flower of all the market : these \u2014 these are but dogs-meat to them ; and a round price he paid me , too , I 'll say that for him ; but not enough for me to venture my neck for . If I get paradise when my time comes , I can n't help myself ; but I 'll venture nothing before-hand , upon a blind bargain .", "I know you have , my lord ; but while I was managing this young robustious fellow , that old spark , who was nothing but skin and bone , and by consequence very nimble , slipt through my fingers like an eel , for there was no hold-fast of him , and ran away to buy himself a new master .", "Pr'ythee , friend , give me leave to know my own meaning . 1st Mer . What virtues has he to deserve that price ?"], "true_target": ["Bauble , do you call him ? he is a substantial true-bred beast ; bravely forehanded . Mark but the cleanness of his shapes too : his dam may be a Spanish gennet , but a true barb by the sire , or I have no skill in horseflesh :\u2014 Marry , I ask six hundred xeriffs for him .", "Right , my lord .", "I confess he 's somewhat tough ; but I suppose you would not boil him , I ask for him a thousand crowns . 1st Mer . Thou mean'st a thousand marvedis .", "I never doubted your lordship 's memory for an ill turn : And I shall remember him too in the next rising of the mobile for this act of resumption ; and more especially for the ghostly counsel he gave me before the emperor , to have hanged myself in silence to have saved his reverence . The best o n't is , I am beforehand with him for selling one of his slaves twice over ; and if he had not come just in the nick , I might have pocketed up the other ; for what should a poor man do that gets his living by hard labour , but pray for bad times when he may get it easily ? O for some incomparable tumult ! Then should I naturally wish that the beaten party might prevail ; because we have plundered the other side already , and there is nothing more to get of them . Both rich and poor for their own interest pray , \u2018 Tis ours to make our fortune while we may ; For kingdoms are not conquered every day .", "All , upon my honour ; if you will take them as their fathers got them , so ; if not , you must stay till they get a better generation . These christians are mere bunglers ; they procreate nothing but out of their own wives , and these have all the looks of eldest sons .", "By the same token there was a dainty virgin ,with a roguish leering eye ! he paid me down for her upon the nail a thousand golden sultanins , or he had never had her , I can tell him that ; now , is it very likely he would pay so dear for such a delicious morsel , and give it away out of his own mouth , when it had such a farewell with it too ?", "Let every man look to his own conscience ; I am sure mine shall never hang me .", "Thick-breathed a little ; nothing but a sorry cold with lying out a-nights in trenches ; but sound , wind and limb , I warrant him .\u2014 Try him at a loose trot a little .", "Horse or ass , that 's as thy mother made thee : but take earnest , in the first place , for thy sauciness .\u2014\u2014 Be advised , friend , and buckle to thy geers : Behold my ensign of royalty displayed over thee .", "Marry , I ask your reverence six hundred pardons ; I was doing you a small piece of service here , putting off your cattle for you .", "Why should I lie to your honour ? I did know him ; and thereupon , seeing him wander about , took him up for a stray , and impounded him , with intention to restore him to the right owner .", "Nay , if accomplices must suffer , it may go hard with me : but here 's the devil o n't , there 's a great man , and a holy man too , concerned with me ; now , if I confess , he 'll be sure to escape between his greatness and his holiness , and I shall be murdered , because of my poverty and rascality .", "\u2018 Tis a fine place , they say ; but , doctor , I am not worthy o n't . I am contented with this homely world ; \u2018 tis good enough for such a poor , rascally Mussulman , as I am ; besides , I have learnt so much good manners , doctor , as to let my betters be served before me ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 159}, {"query": ["You know them ?"], "true_target": ["The emperor would learn these prisoners \u2019 names ;"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 159}, {"query": ["Thou hast a colour ; if thou prov'st not right ,", "I 've a moist sweaty palm ; the more 's my sin :", "To wash this Ethiop white .\u2014", "Now , let me roll and grubble thee :", "I have a minute good ere I behold thee .", "Be what thou wilt , I will not look too soon :", "I think the devil 's in me ;\u2014 good again !", "Thou hast a rugged skin , I do not like thee ."], "true_target": ["As black as hell ;\u2014 another lucky saying !", "If it be black , yet only dyed , not odious", "Here I have thee ;", "Pox o'the proverb !", "I cannot speak one syllable , but tends", "To death or to damnation .", "Damned natural ebony , there 's hope , in rubbing ,", "Blind men say , white feels smooth , and black feels rough ;"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 159}, {"query": ["For , if you give it burial , there it takes", "\u2018 Tis fit a sovereign so should pay such subjects ;", "Not your false prophet , but eternal justice", "On your lives , approach her not .", "Impossible ! Souls know no conquerors .", "Fate was not mine ,", "\u2018 Tis a king 's life , and freely \u2018 tis bestowed .", "But shared my dangers to the last event ,", "The ransom down ! But since I have but one ,", "Of mine shall light , know , there Sebastian reigns .", "I would have conquered you ; and ventured only", "Not less even in this despicable now ,", "It shall be like myself ; a setting sun", "To give my loosened subjects room to play .", "Who not forsook me at my greatest need ;", "To crush my soul out .", "For each of these ; how gladly would I pay", "Witness , O heaven , how much", "Nor for base lucre sold their loyalty ,", "No , thou canst only shew me for a man :", "And froze your hearts beneath your torrid zone .", "Than when my name filled Afric with affright ,", "And trod the ground which I beheld from far ,", "Afric is stored with monsters ; man 's a prodigy ,", "And fenced them with their own . These thanks I pay you ;", "Can take in all , and verge enough for more ."], "true_target": ["That strow my dust , diffuse my royalty ,", "A narrow neck of land for a third world ,", "And hear me speak .\u2014", "Has destined me the lot , to die for these :", "Possession of your earth ;", "For subjects such as they are seldom seen ,", "Let fortune empty her whole quiver on me ;", "Behold Sebastian , king of Portugal .", "This sight concerns me ! would I had a soul", "Then there 's no more to manage : if I fall ,", "Here satiate all your fury :", "Thy subjects have not seen .", "Thou mistakest ,", "Should leave a track of glory in the skies .\u2014", "I fought and fell like one , but death deceived me ;", "For then I would not talk .", "I have a soul , that , like an ample shield ,", "If burnt and scattered in the air , the winds ,", "And spread me o'er your clime : for where one atom", "Till doomsday , when the trumpet sounds to rise ;", "I wanted weight of feeble Moors upon me ,", "Sir , pardon me ,", "What sayst thou ? ha ! no more of that .", "Nor am I fate 's . Now I have pleased my longing ,", "For that 's a soldier 's call .", "I beg no pity for this mouldering clay ;"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 159}, {"query": ["Surprises more : you 've learnt the art to vanquish .", "You could not ,\u2014 give me leave to tell you , sir ,\u2014"], "true_target": ["A mercy unexpected , undesired ,", "Kings , who are fathers , live but in their people .", "Have given me life but in my subjects \u2019 safety :"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 159}, {"query": ["That one might bourgeon where another fell !", "Perhaps thou think'st I meanly hope to \u2018 scape ,", "And equal as their danger was their share :", "My murdered father , and my brother 's ghost ,", "Still haunt this breast , and prompt it to revenge .", "This is the living coal , that , burning in me ,", "Pulled from my peaceful father what his sword", "And hiss thee with the last .", "For where was eldership , where none had right", "Would flame to vengeance , could it find a vent ;", "In his deep watery bed ;\u2014 my wandering mother ,", "Who in exile died \u2014", "No provocation given , no war declared .", "Helped thine to gain ; surprised him and his kingdom ,"], "true_target": ["Traitor , I would ; the name 's more justly thine ;", "Still would I give thee work ; still , still , thou tyrant ,", "Stand off , ye slaves ! I will not be unveiled .", "As did Sebastian , when he owned his greatness .", "Thy father was not , more than mine , the heir", "They fought their way , and seized the crown by force ;", "Think not I could forgive , nor dar'st thou pardon .", "But to remove that scruple , know , base man ,", "O that I had the fruitful heads of Hydra ,", "My brother too , that lies yet scarcely cold", "Let Afric now be judge .", "But that which conquest gave ? \u2018 Twas thy ambition", "Of this large empire : but with arms united", "She whom thy Mufti taxed to have no soul ;"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 159}, {"query": ["Is puddled and defiled with tyranny .", "More for my sex ; the same for my descent .", "For , though derived from the same source , thy current", "I am no slave ; the noblest blood of Afric", "The same respect , nay more , is due to me :", "Now , if thou dar'st , behold Almeyda 's face ."], "true_target": ["Because of kin to thee . Wouldst thou be touched", "Hear me ; I will be heard .", "These hands are only fit to draw the curtain .", "Runs in my veins ; a purer stream than thine :", "I should be one ,", "By the presuming hands of saucy grooms ?"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 159}, {"query": ["Hold , my dear Thrum-cap : I obey thee cheerfully .\u2014 I see the doctrine of non-resistance is never practised thoroughly , but when a man can n't help himself . Enter a second Merchant . 2d Mer . You , friend , I would see that fellow do his postures .", "For heaven 's sake , owner , spare me : you know I am but new broken . 2d Mer . \u2018 Tis but a washy jade , I see : what do you ask for this bauble ?"], "true_target": ["I hope one day to use thee worse in Portugal .", "Thou wilt not make a horse of me ?", "Dog , what wouldst thou have ?"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 159}, {"query": ["No , sirrah , so you may repent and escape punishment : Did not you sell this very slave amongst the rest to me , and take money for him ?", "And what 's become of my other slave ? Thou hast sold him too ,", "What is that you are asking , sirrah ?", "And putting the money into your own pocket ."], "true_target": ["And yet at the same time was selling him to another : How rarely the story hangs together !", "Sacrilege , you mean , sirrah ,\u2014 and damning shall be the least part of your punishment : I have taken you in the manner , and will have the law upon you .", "I have a villainous suspicion .", "And selling him again ? take money twice for the same commodity ? Oh , villain ! but did you not know him to be my slave , sirrah ?"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 159}, {"query": ["Thou hast convinced me that she 's worth my love .", "Mustering her charms , and rolling , as she past", "Right , thou hast me .", "Maintain even still a deaf and murmuring noise ;", "To curb their people ; tender plants must bend :", "Still \u2018 tis strange", "All may be foes ; or how to be distinguished ,", "They must be trampled out .", "Shall issue armed , and fight themselves to death .", "Calm all this rage , this hurricane of soul ?", "No more : If I suspected thee \u2014 I would .", "Of praise , but to inflame me ?", "Thou , thou alone , art fit to play that engine ,", "And baffle my pretensions .\u2014 Speak , Sebastian ,", "And canst not be a hypocrite ? Impossible !", "Say I should wed her , would not my wise subjects", "And grapple , and compel their savage dames .\u2014", "Right , thou instruct'st me ;", "A renegade :", "Must a king beg ?\u2014 Yes ; love 's a greater king ;", "Join hate with hate , add venom to the birth :", "Serpent , I will engender poison with thee ;", "Then thou doubtst they would ?", "No more words :", "Yes , the whole world ; so I be safe , I care not .", "To what a storm of fate am I exposed !\u2014", "For herds to listen , or presume to pry ,", "Were she not she , and I not Muley-Moluch ,", "Through the parched desarts and the scorching sands ,", "When the hurt lion groans within his den :", "Nor is heaven yet recovered of the sound ,", "Love thee implacably , yet hate thee too ;", "I leave thee to persuade her to compliance :", "But is't not strange ?", "Could I but bend , to make my beauteous foe", "To her", "Would hunt thee barefoot , in the mid-day sun ,", "If thou wouldst merit to be thought my friend ,", "By all my hopes , thou hast described thyself :", "In former beings ; or , struck out together ,", "No more ;", "If some be friends ?", "It yields not to the tug , but only nods ,", "Perhaps ,\u2014 or to my brother ,\u2014 or to thee .", "To unite the jarring titles of our line .", "Unknown to me , within me ; pushes me ,", "In gentle whispers shall return but this \u2014", "The shouts of soldiers , and the burst of cannon ,", "But clear my doubts :\u2014 thinkst thou they may rebel ?", "The secret path I trod ?", "To lighten those brown horrors , and disclose", "Thou only couldst contrive .", "Love goads me to Almeyda , all affairs", "A farther wish , give wing to your desires ,", "Weak princes flatter , when they want the power", "Which I have never tried .", "Stop a spring-tide , blown in , with my bare hand ,", "This again ! And yet she lives , and only lives to upbraid me !", "To edge her champions \u2019 swords , and urge my ruin .", "I thank thee , woman ;", "I know not more of him , but that he 's brave ,", "As in a breast so barren .", "And I will seize my happiness by force .", "A thousand things controul this conqueror :", "For all but me ; nor am I so exempt ,", "\u2018 Tis but a specious tale , to blast my hopes ,", "Beware ! I would not be provoked to use", "But I am too obnoxious to my friends ,"], "true_target": ["Interest of state requires not death , but marriage ,", "Our offspring , like the seed of dragons \u2019 teeth ,", "Of ever , ever seeing , or possessing ,", "That sweep the desarts of our moving plains ;", "To me : I know my soul as wild as winds ,", "Thou hast restored me to my native rage ,", "And if I dare not , then am I the slave ,", "And thinkst thou not , it was discovered ?", "Would not the impossibility", "Well then , I love ;", "A conqueror 's right , and therefore charge thy silence .", "Death ! must I beg the pity of my slave ?", "She 's mistress of inevitable charms ,", "One spark to Afric flew , and one to Portugal .", "And name the thing you want .", "to Seb . I bade them serve you ; and , if they obey not , I keep my lions keen within their dens , To stop their maws with disobedient slaves .", "And turns to sullen state .", "Strikes pity deaf .", "By every squadron , her alluring eyes ,", "And drives me on by force .\u2014", "I could as soon", "And my own slaves the sovereigns :\u2014 \u2018 tis resolved .", "What 's royalty , but power to please myself ?", "Her battle roused : Yet , spite of me , I love .", "To enjoy thy love , and , once enjoyed , to kill thee .", "I would , but cannot kill : I must enjoy her :", "So , if you smile , the loudness of my rage", "Hazard of interest , and my people 's love .", "But that \u2014 I know not what I was to say \u2014", "To love an enemy , the only one", "Torture shall force it from them .", "And swayed by your advice .", "Expect a quick deliverance : Here 's a third ,", "I like this well ; \u2018 tis wholesome wickedness .", "If not , there 's a new gust in ravishment ,", "In spite of thee , and of myself , I will .", "That nothing can divert my love but death .", "And hates your Christian sect . If you can frame", "Do not distrust thy virtues .", "My subjects all expect , and she deserves ,\u2014", "Did not my conscious eye flash out a flame ,", "A tyrant , nay , a devil , that possesses me :", "I would be loth they should : it breeds contempt", "He tunes the organs of my voice , and speaks ,", "My native pride to own the unworthy passion ,", "By heaven thou didst ; deny it not , thou didst :", "Are troublesome but that ; and yet that most .", "Mark my Sebastian , how that sullen frown ,", "Confusion ! How thou view'st my very heart !", "And \u2018 tis below my greatness to disown it ;", "She 's all that thou canst say , or I can think ;", "But when a government is grown to strength ,", "But the perverseness of her clamourous tongue", "As this impetuous love :\u2014 Yes , I will wed thee ;", "And thou hast cause .", "Like some old oak , rough with its armed bark ,", "Remaining too , whom yester sun beheld", "And , as a king , speak true .", "For what was all that prodigality", "Take check , and think it strange ? perhaps revolt ?", "As gleams of sunshine soften storms to showers ,", "Sure our two souls have somewhere been acquainted", "The partner of my throne , and of my bed \u2014", "I must , and what I must , be sure I will .", "Love might as well be sowed upon our sands ,", "Art thou a statesman ,", "What if I had her murdered !\u2014 \u2018 tis but what", "Such if I were , yet rugged lions love ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 160}, {"query": ["I hope they would not .", "They dare oppose your love ?", "But seams are coarsely bungled up , and seen .", "Can you call me friend ,", "Behold the emperor :\u2014", "I thank your kindness .\u2014 Guilt had almost lost me .", "Now caught himself ,", "Their interest is not finely drawn , and hid ,", "While Muley-Moluch lives .", "Our limbs and lives", "And leaves no cranny of his soul unsearched ;", "Our emperor is a tyrant , feared and hated ;", "Sebastian might be freed and reconciled ,", "Brave and honest !", "When did you see your prisoner , great Sebastian ?", "He would seduce another . I must help him :", "To me ! me , did you mention ? how I tremble ! The name of treason shakes my honest soul . If I am doubted , sir , Secure yourself this moment , take my life .", "Indeed you do .", "You must do more than see ; serve , and respect him .", "Which none but you must hear : I must confess ,", "Call them , trials ;", "I could not find it , till you lent a clue", "And he , who spoke that proud , ill-natured word ,", "He screwed his face into a hardened smile ,", "Some one , who knows mankind , should be employed", "No :", "He speaks but reason .", "You 've too much honour for a renegade .", "To whom ?", "You seem warm ;", "Well have you argued in your own defence ;", "If I must personate this seeming villain ,", "That kicked you from his presence .\u2014", "Are silly , woeful , aukward politicians :", "They were no more . Thy faith was held in balance ,", "And our wise emperor might justly fear ,", "To love ? not more than \u2018 tis to live ; a tax", "To implore her pity , and to beg relief ?", "Alcayde of this fort .", "I marked the double ,\u2014 shows extreme reluctance", "I think I could :\u2014 but here 's the difficulty ;", "I am so entirely yours ,", "Consider well what I have done for you .", "This goes as I would wish .\u2014", "The Mufti , and with him my sullen Dorax .", "Else I were mad ,", "Ask him , I beg thee ,\u2014 to be justified ,\u2014", "You , who have burst asunder all those bonds ,", "And your returning duty , had effaced", "I scarce remember , in his reign , one day", "He trusts you with the castle ,", "For churchmen , though they itch to govern all ,", "You cannot touch a hair of loathed Sebastian ,", "Familiar as our being .", "The thoughts of kings are like religious groves ,", "Suppose some one , who has deserved your trust ,", "The memory of past wrongs ; they would in me ,", "Imposed on all by nature , paid in kind ,", "And think I could neglect to speak , at full ,", "\u2018 Twas a bare saving game I made with Dorax ; But better so than lost . He cannot hurt me ; That I precautioned : I must ruin him .\u2014 But now this love ; ay , there 's the gathering storm ! The tyrant must not wed Almeyda : No ! That ruins all the fabric I am raising . Yet , seeming to approve , it gave me time ; And gaining time gains all .", "The cheat would be too gross .", "The affronts you had from your ungrateful master ?", "We , who are most in favour , cannot call", "If he employed me not to ford thy soul ,", "The good man 's zeal perhaps has gone too far .", "And yet enjoined them both : would that were all !"], "true_target": ["Nor sooth yourself ; you have no power to affront him ;", "I could have wished some other hand had brought them .", "To mix among them , seem a malcontent ,", "But first be known .", "The key of all his kingdom .", "They must be watched ;", "Remember \u2018 tis to serve you .", "Be sure I 'll tell him \u2014", "Are yours ; but mixing friends with foes is hard .", "When none is shed , we count it holiday .", "Nay , bid you kneel , and kiss the offending foot ,", "Whom rage to lose his prisoners had prepared :", "And strict command .", "He thinks the sun is lost , that sees not blood :", "But think not to divide their punishment ;", "And I judged you as tame , and as forgiving .", "Of vengeance on Sebastian , when no more", "That first is mine already :", "Mild Muley-Zeydan ?", "By new obligements , to thy former love .", "And nicely weighed by jealousy of power .", "He brings it to your hive ;\u2014 if such a man ,", "And try the footing , whether false or firm .", "And turned a rebel to your native prince .", "They make lame mischief , though they mean it well :", "For I have secret orders from the emperor ,", "You may ; but then you lose all future means", "I can n't but grieve to find you obstinate ,", "Vast was the trust of such a royal charge :", "And dive into their breasts , to try how far", "To part with her for ever .", "So able and so honest , may be found ;", "I guessed indeed that time , and his misfortunes ,", "Following the bent of his impetuous temper ,", "They may with ease be winnowed .", "If not , my project dies .", "\u2018 Tis out ;\u2014 there needs no OEdipus to solve it .", "The emperor 's love protects him from insults ;", "And said , Sebastian knew to govern slaves .", "To hazard such a daring enterprize .", "You would not put a nation to the rack ?", "The walks of muffled gods : Sacred retreat ,", "Pass guiltless o'er his execrable head .", "This hour our own .\u2014 You know the younger brother ,", "Enter Emperor , SEBASTIAN , and ALMEYDA .", "That ever , ever ,\u2014", "Then like a bee bag 'd with his honeyed venom ,", "Sure I could serve you :", "For you must see him ; \u2018 tis our emperor 's will ,", "May force your reconcilement to Sebastian ;", "This goes beyond the mark .", "That I should scurvily dissemble hate ;", "\u2018 Twas easy work to gain a covetous mind ,", "Then you resolve", "Where none , but whom they please to admit , approach .", "To that close labyrinth ; how then should they ?", "With all the aggravating circumstances", "Sees the MUFTI and DORAX entering , and seeming to confer .", "The soldiers idolize you ;", "What then controuls you ? Her person is as prostrate as her party .", "Whomever he suspects , he fastens there ,", "\u2018 Twas my mistake .", "Let him go ;", "Keep your command , and be revenged on both :", "Our holy orator has lost the cause .", "Let me embrace thee !"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 160}, {"query": ["No , let him rail ;", "He prates as if kings had not consciences ,", "Base foul-mouthed renegade ; but I 'll pray for thee ,", "He 'll tell you more .", "I will not answer ,", "Some modest hints of private wrongs I urged .", "His prophet works within him ;", "The slaves from death , though it was cheating heaven ;", "I spared the emperor 's broken vows , to save"], "true_target": ["Whose person , though unworthy , I sustain .", "And none required directors but the crowd .", "Not wholly slighted o'er , not absolutely .\u2014", "My property ? \u2018 tis an affront to heaven ,", "To shew my charity .", "By all that 's holy , treason was not named :", "Why not , when sacrilegious power would seize", "But I forgave him that .", "He 's a rare convert ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 160}, {"query": ["What wonder is it if you know not men ?", "But , when he made his loss the theme , he flourished ,", "Be damned by your neglect .", "Is not the bread thou eat'st , the robe thou wear'st ,", "Two-thirds of all he said : there he began", "That hated name my nature most abhors :", "But your original ignorance remains ;", "Abhorrent to your function and your breedings ?", "Poor droning truants of unpractised cells ,", "Else had you seen , not Dorax , but Alonzo ,", "Both are less poison to my eyes and nature ,", "Distrusts , debates , immortal strifes ensue ;", "A crested dragon , or a basilisk ;", "To make me loath thy morals .", "I have heard enough already ,", "And slighted o'er", "And yet enjoined my service and attendance !", "And humble as your discipline requires ;", "Content you with monopolizing heaven ,", "Not very far ; not farther than zeal goes ;", "Allow thyself some share .\u2014 He 's gone too soon ;", "And leave you much to answer , if one wretch", "He knows not I am I ; nor shall he see me ,", "Because it would oblige me to forgiveness .", "And let this little hanging ball alone :", "Then luxury succeeds , and , set agog", "Made Africk mourn and Portugal triumph .", "And , with disdainful language , dared my worst :", "The Ph\u00e6tons of mankind , who fire that world ,", "See , serve him , and respect ! and after all", "And thundered at oppressing tyranny .", "Indignities , which man could not support ,", "Yet there you live demure , with down-cast eyes ,", "Of course a small day 's journey short of treason .", "That \u2018 twere profaneness in us laity", "Your heaven you promise , but our earth you covet ;", "And keep infection distant .", "Must he be served ?\u2014 Avoid him : If we meet ,", "On our fidelity :\u2014 I grant he is a tyrant ,", "To shew the fulness of his heart ; there ended .", "Of his considered , and no cost repaid .", "That thought escaped me .", "To involve us both in ruin .", "When his bought slaves were seized by force , no loss", "I need but tell my story , to revoke", "It must be like the crush of heaven and earth ,", "More ,\u2014 as you say ,\u2014 has loaded me with scorn ,", "You might as well have asked me , when I saw", "More sacred than the rest , I 'll throw it there .", "To see me burned ; he damns me from his church ,", "If this be so , we ask you but our own :", "Were you not bred apart from worldly noise ,", "But , when let loose from thence to live at large ,", "He trusts us both ; mark that !\u2014 Shall we betray him ;", "Not this , or that , but all religions false .", "Bloated with pride , ambition , avarice ,", "I laugh at that command .", "A master , who reposes life and empire", "Death to my eyes , I see Sebastian with him !", "Nor would you care to inspect their public conscience ,", "With his couched lance , against your foremost Moors ;", "To fill up every cranny of your time ,", "But he had stripped me first of my command ,", "I but accepted war , which he denounced .", "Dismissed my service , and absolved my faith ;", "Stand off , sycophant ,", "That rolls within my breast .", "And , after all , I know thou art a statesman ,", "And whooped in hell for that ingratitude ."], "true_target": ["Till time has perfected a labouring thought ,", "Even with the last contempt , to serve Sebastian ;", "And bid us pass for men .", "Give us your whole employment , all your care .", "You swell to counsel kings , and govern kingdoms .", "What means this riddle ?", "Of him thou would'st destroy ?", "But if there be a part in all his face", "To fawn , and yet betray ,\u2014 I should be hissed ,", "But I forget myself .", "But , while he trusts me , \u2018 twere so base a part ,", "You fall with greedy hunger to the feast .", "Yet more , I know he vacates my revenge ,", "Children may murder parents , wives their husbands ;", "Are not your holy stipends paid for this ?", "To offer earthly aid .", "Hold , and let me think .", "Consider thou , what thou wouldst have me do .", "And you , like Archimedes , toss the globe .", "All must be rapine , wars , and desolation ,", "They would not wag one finger in your quarrels .", "Not at his foot , I will not stoop so low :", "And earthly interest , which you long to sway ;", "Your little tincture of devotion dies :", "But that it draws dependencies of power", "Well ; and he trusts you too .", "Some short excursions of a broken vow", "Perhaps , too , turned the fortune of the day ,", "My yet uncancelled wrongs , I must do this !\u2014", "The emperor is a stranger to my wrongs ;", "Forgive him ! no : I left my foolish faith ,", "For , give you but a foot of conscience there ,", "Of all your college virtues , nothing now", "Is not the care of souls a load sufficient ?", "And thou too little faith to be a favourite .", "In spite of thy temptations .", "Where truth is rarely found .", "And would his creature , nay , his friend , betray him ?", "Lag souls , and rubbish of remaining clay ,", "Which , but by this revolt , I cannot compass :", "He made indeed , but flat insipid stuff ;", "Why then no bond is left on human kind !", "Things that would startle faith , and make us deem", "Now his zeal yearns", "Which heaven , grown weary of more perfect work ,", "Set upright with a little puff of breath ,", "When trust and gratitude no longer bind .", "Why , then , these foreign thoughts of state-employments ,", "I doubt thee still : Thy reasons were too strong ,", "Do ; but forget not him who needs it most :", "Bred in the fellowship of bearded boys ,", "I tell thee , Mufti , if the world were wise ,", "By heaven ! I will not lay down my commission ;", "And driven too near the head , to be but artifice :", "With a new scene of yet untasted joys ,", "The wrongs himself sustained in property ;", "This hard commission .", "Relieved his fainting rhetoric with new figures ,", "To study souls , their cures and their diseases ?", "Because I would restrain him to his duty .\u2014", "Provoked my vengeance to this noble crime ;", "I had to tell him of his holy jugglings ;", "We know your thoughts of us that laymen are ,", "You 've made such strong alliances above ,", "As private men they want you , not as kings ;", "Slaves are the growth of Africk , not of Europe .\u2014", "The province of the soul is large enough", "True , I rebelled : But when did I betray ?\u2014", "Which you were sent by preaching but to warm .", "Thy wealth , and honours , all the pure indulgence"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 160}, {"query": ["Thou art a Christian : that produced his fear ,", "On a king 's word \u2018 tis truth , but truth ill-timed ;", "He had such things to urge against our marriage ,", "Sir \u2014", "With his etherial breath .", "For her dear life is now exposed anew ,", "Mark her majestic fabric ; she 's a temple", "Nor has a Christian privilege to die .", "My stars assigned me too ;\u2014 impossible !", "And not exerted all the king within me :", "That heaven might prove too weak .", "And , forced on worse companions , miss ourselves .", "Wronged , as she says , but helpless to revenge ;", "And give me seizure of the mighty wealth .", "Shall make it flow again . My love , he knows not", "And when they snarl or bite , have no return", "I 'll breathe a sigh so warm into thy bosom ,", "In starless nights , and wait the appointed hour", "Now in your greatest , last extremity ,", "He begged me , by my father 's sacred soul ,", "And give not love , while thou hast love to give ?", "Ere this unhappy war my mother died ,", "Too weak to hurt , too fair to be destroyed .", "In common causes , and desert the best ?", "As , now declared , would blunt my sword in battle ,", "Of our hid passion : then , with lifted hands ,", "Tyrants can tie him up from your relief ;", "Not even the barbarous victors have refused ;", "Are all so quick , they seem to have but one motion ,", "My liberty ;", "For , if he lived , and we were conquerors ,", "With that fair mouth , against the cause of love .", "Foretold my father , I should wed with incest .", "Sacred by birth , and built by hands divine ;", "But why that sigh in naming that good man ?", "Thy vows are mine ; nor will I quit my claim :", "Know , Muley Moluch , when thou darest attempt \u2014", "Then only hear her eyes !", "For whom I suffer life , and drag this being .", "Wilt thou thyself become the greater tyrant ,", "Our souls , for want of that acquaintance here ,", "Bows , and declines my walks .", "Nay , rather let us haste it , ere we part ;", "For how can incest suit with holiness ,", "They could not have with more observance waited :", "Love is not sin , but where \u2018 tis sinful love .", "I heard him , O sweet heavens ! he threatened rape ;", "Unless the bodies join to seal the contract .", "Make o'er thy honour , by a deed of trust ,", "Death may be called in vain , and cannot come ;", "The ties of minds are but imperfect bonds ,", "He would have much complained", "And sisters I had none ;\u2014 vain augury !", "Famed Nostradamus , when he took my horoscope ,", "Let me be dumb for ever ; all I plead ,", "In dangerous days , when riches are a crime ,", "What honour is there in a woman 's death !"], "true_target": ["By heaven , I never counselled love , but pity .", "For were even paradise itself my prison ,", "Was ever man so ruined by himself ?", "And graciously forgive .", "At shedding royal blood .", "Interest might urge you too to save her life ;", "I bring but sighs , the succours of a slave .", "Sir , I advised not ;", "That , when the shock of battle was begun ,", "This hour his hands shall make us one .", "It must be so .", "Yes , if I drew it , with a curst intent ,", "Though they are mute , they plead ; nay , more , command ;", "The she 's even of the savage herd are safe ;", "And leave an unaccomplished love behind .", "And give them furloughs for another world ;", "Laugh then at fond presages . I had some ;\u2014", "Nay , insolently urged me to persuade thee ,", "Not love , but noble pity , moved your mind :", "Brutus and Cato might discharge their souls ,", "Then , thus adjured ,", "And is't not strange , that heaven should bless my arms", "Nor is the pile unworthy of the god .", "A long religious life , a holy age ,", "Even thee , thou idol of my soul and eyes ,", "The wise betimes make over their estates :", "Unless you wholly can put on divinity ,", "Alas , thou art too young in thy new faith :", "To take a misbeliever to my bed :", "To catch my flying words . Only the alcayde", "Strong in her passion , impotent of reason ,", "But we , like sentries , are obliged to stand", "He was ; and , if he lives , my second father .", "Their eyes , hands , feet ,", "The God of Love stands ready to revive it ,", "No , thou shalt not plead ,", "Her souls the deity that lodges there ;", "Not to espouse you , if he died in fight ;", "Or priestly orders with a princely state ?", "My holy confessor , whose free access", "I 've been too tame , have basely borne my wrongs ,", "Within this castle is a captive priest ,", "For beauteous eyes have arbitrary power .", "Beware of death ! thou canst not die unperjured ,", "Shuns me ; and , with a grim civility ,", "When I would aid you most , and most desire it ,", "Lest thou shouldst sooth my soul with charms so strong ,", "No , sir ; I said so , and I witness for you ,", "It startles me ! and brings to my remembrance ,", "Some envious demon to delude our joys ;", "But courtship from the male .", "If I had conquered ,", "Still I should long to leap the crystal walls .", "May wander in the starry walks above ,", "And dastardize my courage .", "All females have prerogative of sex ;", "For those , who wish her party lost , might murmur"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 160}, {"query": ["But I have turned your empire to a prison :", "Will pity a strayed soul , and take me home .", "And soon I shall be ravished from your arms .", "\u2018 Tis late to join , when we must part so soon .", "And boding visions haunt my nightly dreams ;", "Divines but peep on undiscovered worlds ,", "To tell their manners , and relate their laws ?", "Yet \u2014", "Forewarned , Almeyda , marriage is thy crime .", "But , muffled up in mourning , downward holds", "When coldly they return a brother 's kiss ,", "But who has e'er returned from those bright regions ,", "Of kin to thine , soon would I rend my heart-strings ,", "To speak a word so soft :", "Then , like a dying echo , from afar ,", "Do not I see thee tremble , while thou speak'st ?", "And tear out that alliance ; but thou , viper ,", "Forgive me , heaven ! and , all ye blest above ,", "If , as my soul forebodes , some dire event", "Thou canst not stir a hand to touch my life :", "If this one word destroy not thy designs :", "For dire presages fright my soul by day ,", "Exposed to this inhuman tyrant 's lust ;", "I ask no pity ; if I thought my soul", "Those fruits come late , and are of slow increase", "And my divided flame should break from thine .", "Which that unnatural mixture must produce ?", "What joys can you possess , or can I give ,", "To make your flight more easy leave Almeyda :", "If I have erred , some kind inhabitant", "Where the brute beast extinguishes the man .", "I know it ; though my eyes stood full of tears ,", "Leave then the luggage of your fate behind ;", "And I am pleased , for my revenge , thou dost .", "Of those whom best he loved , and could not save .", "To lead my way , half loth , and half consenting .", "If shunning ill be good", "Till in my fatal cause your sword was drawn ;", "The prodigy of Thebes would be renewed ,", "For what ? to people Africa with monsters ,", "Name death again , for that thou canst pronounce", "In all your wars good fortune flew before you ;", "Our Hymen has not on his saffron robe ;", "Where groans of death succeed the sighs of love ?", "Wrongs I resent , nor pardon yet with ease ;", "Marked our farewell , when , going to the fight ,", "Excuse the frailty of unbounded love !", "Still thou dissemblest ; but , I read thy heart ,", "See how thou art deceived ; I am a Christian :", "And take the distaff ; for thy soul 's my slave .", "\u2018 Tis a false courage , when thou threaten'st me ;", "And through her holy bowels gnawed thy way ,"], "true_target": ["You turn my prison to a paradise ;", "With horrid grace , becoming of a tyrant .", "And trouble me no more .", "And cakes about my heart .", "With an unsullied body and white mind ;", "Pursue this union , or some crime unknown ,", "My mother 's voice , that cries ,\u2014 Wed not , Almeyda !", "The tyrant will not long be absent hence ;", "His drooping torch , extinguished with his tears .", "What shall I do ? O teach me to refuse !", "Now learn , by this ,", "Yet through the mist I saw him stedfast gaze ;", "The weight of my misfortunes dragged you down .", "In haughty hearts , like mine : Now , tell thyself", "Without the zeal that meets at lovers \u2019 mouths", "Thin , hollow sounds , and lamentable screams ;", "That the white taper leaves no soot behind ;", "This could not blunt your sword .", "Thy love ! That odious mouth was never framed", "The love , that long we laboured to conceal .", "Sometimes , methinks , I hear the groans of ghosts ,", "Our bodies burning in one funeral pile ,", "And know the power of my own charms ; thou lov'st ,", "No smoke of lust ; but chaste as sisters \u2019 love ,", "No , were we joined , even though it were in death ,", "Love is for human hearts , and not for thine ,", "Like some sad prophet , that foresaw the doom", "Your father 's counsellor and confident \u2014", "And draw the distant landscape as they please ;", "You gave Almeyda for the word of battle .", "\u2018 Tis true , unpractised in my new belief ,", "There must be more :", "I 'll venture landing on that happy shore", "Old venerable Alvarez \u2014", "\u2018 Twas in that fatal moment , he discovered", "Then knocked his aged breast , and inward groaned ,", "To those , who cannot shun it but by death ,", "I 'm calm again ; thou canst not marry me .", "My blood curdles ,", "Sublime you sat in triumph on her wheel ,", "I would ,\u2014 and yet I tremble at the grant ;", "I go , with love and fortune , two blind guides ,", "Through thy own blood , to empire .", "Nor think me left a base , ignoble prey ,", "Thy law permits thee not to marry me .", "Mine is a flame so holy and so clear ,", "Lay by the lion 's hide , vain conqueror ,", "The little value I have left for life ,", "I have , for I have power to make thee wretched . Be sure I will , and yet despair of freedom .", "And death , my last defence , within my call .", "My virtue is a guard beyond my strength ,", "Hast cancelled kindred , made a rent in nature ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 160}, {"query": ["Come away , minion ; you shall shew him nothing .", "Why honey bird , I bought him on purpose for thee : didst thou not say , thou longedst for a Christian slave ?", "And how do you like him ? look upon him well ; he is a personable fellow of a Christian dog . Now , I think you are fitted for a gardener . Ha , what sayest thou , Johayma ?", "To your occupation , dog ; bind up the jessamines in yonder arbour , and handle your pruning-knife with dexterity : tightly I say , go tightly to your business ; you have cost me much , and must earn it in your work . Here 's plentiful provision for you , rascal ; salading in the garden , and water in the tank , and on holidays the licking of a platter of rice , when you deserve it ."], "true_target": ["So you may cast a sheep 's eye behind you ? in before me ;\u2014 and you , sauciness , mind your pruning-knife , or I may chance to use it for you .", "Come in , Johayma ; regulate the rest of my wives and concubines , and leave the fellow to his work .", "No more deeds of charity to-day ; come in , or I shall think you a little better disposed than I could wish you .", "A very malapert cur , I can tell him that ; I do not like his fawning \u2014 You must be taught your distance , sirrah ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 161}, {"query": ["Hold , hold . He has deserved it , I confess ; but , for once , let his ignorance plead his pardon ; we must not discourage a beginner . Your reverence has taught us charity , even to birds and beasts :\u2014 here , you filthy brute , you , take this little alms to buy you plasters .", "The whelp may come to something in time , when I have entered him into his business .", "Well , go before , I will follow my pastor .", "How stupidly he stares about him , like a calf new come into the world ! I shall teach you , sirrah , to know your business a little better . This way , you awkward rascal ; here lies the arbour ; must I be shewing you eternally ?"], "true_target": ["He may make a shift to sow lettuce , raise melons , and water a garden-plat ; but otherwise , a very filthy fellow : how odiously he smells of his country garlick ! fugh , how he stinks of Spain .", "Ay , but the sight of that loathsome creature has almost cured me ; and how can I tell that he is a christian ? an he were well searched , he may prove a Jew , for aught I know . And , besides , I have always longed for an eunuch ; for they say that 's a civil creature , and almost as harmless as yourself , husband .\u2014 Speak , fellow , are not you such a kind of peaceable thing ?", "I 'll but bring him into the arbour , where a rose-tree and a myrtle-tree are just falling for want of a prop ; if they were bound together , they would help to keep up one another . He 's a raw gardener , and \u2018 tis but charity to teach him .", "What have you been bred up to , sirrah ? and what can you perform , to recommend you to my service ?"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 161}, {"query": ["I was never taken for one in my own country ; and not very peaceable neither , when I am well provoked .", "Why , madam , I can perform as much as any man , in a fair lady 's service . I can play upon the flute , and sing ; I can carry your umbrella , and fan your ladyship , and cool you when you are too hot ; in fine , no service , either by day or by night , shall come amiss to me ; and , besides I am of so quick an apprehension , that you need but wink upon me at any time to make me understand my duty .\u2014 Very fine , she has tipt the wink already .", "I come . I come , I warrant thee ; the least twinkle had brought me to thee ; such another kind syllable or two would turn me to a meteor , and draw me up to thee ."], "true_target": ["O thou pretty little heart , art thou flown hither ? I 'll keep it warm , I warrant it , and brood upon it in the new nest .\u2014 But now for my treasure trove , that 's wrapt up in the handkerchief ; no peeping here , though I long to be spelling her Arabic scrawls and pot-hooks . But I must carry off my prize as robbers do , and not think of sharing the booty before I am free from danger , and out of eye-shot from the other windows . If her wit be as poignant as her eyes , I am a double slave . Our northern beauties are mere dough to these ; insipid white earth , mere tobacco pipe clay , with no more soul and motion in them than a fly in winter . Here the warm planet ripens and sublimes The well-baked beauties of the southern climes . Our Cupid 's but a bungler in his trade ; His keenest arrows are in Africk made .", "Money , and a love-pinch in the inside of my palm into the bargain .", "Thank you for that , but I am in no such haste to be made a mussulman . For his wedlock , for all her haughtiness , I find her coming . How far a Christian should resist , I partly know ; but how far a lewd young Christian can resist , is another question . She 's tolerable , and I am a poor stranger , far from better friends , and in a bodily necessity . Now have I a strange temptation to try what other females are belonging to this family : I am not far from the women 's apartment , I am sure ; and if these birds are within distance , here 's that will chuckle them together .If there be variety of Moors \u2019 flesh in this holy market , \u2018 twere madness to lay out all my money upon the first bargain .\u2014 Ay , there 's an apparition ! This is a morsel worthy of a Mufti ; this is the relishing bit in secret ; this is the mystery of his Alcoran , that must be reserved from the knowledge of the prophane vulgar ; this is his holiday devotion .\u2014 See , she beckons too ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 161}, {"query": ["Come a little nearer , and speak softly ."], "true_target": ["I dare not speak , for fear of being overheard ; but if you think my person worth your hazard , and can deserve my love , the rest this note shall tell you .No more , my heart goes with you ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 161}, {"query": ["Your friend has fully cleared your innocence ;", "I 'll stand the trial of those trivial crimes :", "I seek my own ; and while that lasts , you live .\u2014", "Thou hast not broke my trust , reposed in thee !", "He shall not groan to hearing ; when I send ,", "Let him mount first , and beat upon the wing ,", "How could our prophet do an act so base ,", "From top to bottom thou hast tossed my soul ,", "In a slave 's mouth , against a monarch 's power .", "How happy is the prince who has a churchman ,", "Requir'st a sudden stop ? unsay thy lie ;", "And this one day of respite to resolve .", "Forge one , and foist it into some bye-place", "Be quick , ye false physicians of my mind ;", "Without your meddling where you are not asked ,", "A secret pleasure trickles through my veins :", "Perform your orders .", "And fate is deaf to prayer .", "But I may send a message to dispose you .", "Take hence that once a king ; that sullen pride ,", "Explain yours first .\u2014 What meant you , hand in hand ?", "Must I teach thee thy trade ?", "And I dare trust my Africans to hear", "Improbable they should presume to attempt ,", "The next commands are death .", "Go , bear the captive to a speedy death ,", "But grant me he must die .", "Are every where ; walk in the abyss of minds ,", "You loosed your hold , affrighted at my presence .", "Have you performed", "That all thy sallying breath shall turn to blessings .\u2014", "I was too hasty to condemn unheard ,", "Go bid our moving plains of sand lie still ,", "No more ; whate'er he said was my command .", "By making me unhappy ? No , the slave ,", "And bring thy vain memorials to thy prophet ,", "Grant , or deny ; for thy next word is fate ,", "To wrest and rend the law , to please thy prince .", "Much at one", "Thou wert amazed at first , as if surprised", "Thy time ! What 's all thy time ? What 's thy whole life", "It works about the inlets of my soul ,", "And own'st the usurpation of my love ?", "But , for your own , too much .", "Or he 's no prophet here , and thou no Mufti ;", "At unexpected baseness brought to light .", "To my one hour of ease ? No more replies ,", "And stir not , when the stormy south blows high :", "And view the dark recesses of the soul .", "And wait an age for what I here detain ;", "And tortures me with their imagined bliss .", "But , since thou begg'st me to prescribe my terms ,", "Unless thou know'st the trick of thy vocation ,", "Your embassy , and treated with success ?", "So learned and pliant , to expound his laws !", "And , I dare prophecy , will prove our last .", "Let after-reckonings trouble fearful fools ;", "Be brief , but let not either thwart my love .", "Now farewell , Dorax ; this was our first quarrel ,", "You druggerman", "Slave , have I raised thee to this pomp and power ,", "Thou mov'st a tortoise-pace to my relief .", "I have occasion for your stay on earth .", "Married ! I 'll not believe it ; \u2018 tis imposture ;", "Impossible they should effect their wish .", "Or , first , I strip thee of thy ghostly greatness ,", "Do't ;\u2014 \u2018 tis left to thee .", "Thou art not married to Almeyda ?", "O , mighty purchase of a boasted bliss !", "That swells to dumbness : lay him in the dungeon ,", "Oh , thou art now recovered ; but , by heaven ,", "of heaven , must I attend", "That 's done with ease ; I speak him dead :\u2014 proceed .", "And now \u2018 tis in the madness of the whirl ,", "And make her mine : About the business , quick !\u2014", "And rivet one to last .", "And languish for the heaven he left below .", "No , I 'll untwist you :"], "true_target": ["Then I 'll provoke thy lips , lay siege so close ,", "Make it , I charge thee , make my pleasure lawful ;", "At night , if thou wilt curse , thou shalt curse kindly ;", "Would ne'er forgive his violated bed .", "I grant all this ;", "And thou , not Mahomet 's messenger but mine !\u2014", "But the tough metal of my heart resists ;", "Out of a life which I devote to love .", "And sink him deep with irons , that , when he would ,", "Yes , astonished and confounded .", "To wed Almeyda ? Cancel me that marriage ,", "\u2018 Tis warmed with the soft fire , not melted down .", "Some earthquake should have risen and rent the ground ,", "That may in time do somewhat .", "No , not for my affairs ;", "O stupid , and unthinking as I was ! I might have marked it too ; \u2018 twas gross and palpable .", "Obey your orders , and dispatch Sebastian .", "Then all means were wanting :", "Still kneel , and still embrace : \u2018 Tis double pleasure ,", "Or me , if I designed to give you pleasure .", "And you , perhaps , too prompt in your replies .", "She has chosen well ,", "Preach thou that doctrine .", "I 'll trust his preaching , while I rule his pay ;", "Not break the chain ; but change a rotten link ,", "What mean'st thou ? What 's thy wishing to my will ? Dispatch him ; rid me of the man I loath . Dor I hear you , sir ; I 'll take my time , and do't .", "To preach against my will ?\u2014 Know , I am law ;", "Whatever he dare preach .", "Nor durst offend my love by that presumption .", "In agony of unaccomplished love .", "Here 's my claim ,", "Have swallowed him , and left the longing bride", "I do : My fancy is too exquisite ,", "Enter two of the Guards .", "Go , Mufti , call him to receive his orders .\u2014", "This day thou hast to think ;", "Now , should I grant it , his revengeful soul", "Bring speedy death , or cure .", "For know , ungrateful man , that kings , like gods ,", "Think'st thou I come to argue right and wrong ?\u2014", "As far as fits the majesty of kings ,", "And for thyself .", "Hell confound them !", "I have none :", "Your droning prayers ? Why came ye not before ?", "So to be hugged , and see Sebastian die .", "No priest , no ceremonies of their sect ;", "\u2018 Tis well ; I see my words have no effect ,", "Sebastian is my slave as well as thou ;", "I know you did :\u2014 This to our love renewed .\u2014", "Of some old rotten roll : Do't , I command thee !", "Or sicken at immortal joys above ,", "Make haste , seize , force her , bear her hence .", "And never shalt have more !", "But , stay ! I promised freedom to Sebastian ;", "And set my soul at ease .", "That told thee so absurd a story , lied .", "And these might fright another , but not me ;", "To dream of what thou hadst one fugitive night ,", "To feel thy touch , and pity tempts the pass :", "O , now it mends ; and you talk reason , Mufti .\u2014", "Why lingers Dorax thus ? Where are my guards ,", "Dost thou not know the captive king has dared", "Of justice done below for disobedience .", "So to resume his gifts , and curse my conquests ,", "I ask excuse .", "And , when you saw me , with a guilty start ,", "She 's still inexorable , still imperious ,", "Expound thy Mahomet ; make him speak my sense ,", "Hourly indeed , who hast but hours to live .", "But see thou dost it ; or \u2014", "Or , grant we these defects could be supplied ,", "Betwixt a captive and a conqueror .", "Then send thee post to tell thy tale above .", "And loud , as if , like Bacchus , born in thunder .", "Dispatch ; what saw he ?", "Grant her a day ; though that 's too much to give", "The only I can offer are thy love ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 162}, {"query": ["Methought I traced a lover ill disguised ,", "Hot as hell fire : Then , to prevent his soldiers", "And judge not rashly of so brave a man .", "Your troops far off , beleaguering Larache ,", "And you have pledged , is sacred to your loves .", "To inform me better , if I guessed aright .", "That make those misbelievers man and wife ;", "I have done :", "And heard the hooded father mumbling charms ,", "Truth is , considering with what earnestness", "Sebastian pleaded for Almeyda 's life ,", "When it may ripen of itself , and fall ?", "Dorax , I know before , will disobey :", "Most sure he ought not .", "He said he saw it too .", "But this hot love precipitates my plot ,", "And twines as closely there .", "Then , next , to bar", "And gave such furious earnest of their flames ,", "While he is struggling with his mortal pangs ,", "To raise disturbance in your sacred breast .", "And after him there lagged a puffing friar ;", "Flew flushing o'er their faces .", "Emp Why speaks not Dorax ?", "Run cross the marble square , who soon returned ,", "Yet in the Christians \u2019 hands .", "Saw he might well be spared , and soon withdrew :", "Close wrapt he bore some secret instrument", "The rabble on the sudden may be raised", "And sent my spy , a sharp observing slave ,", "He shall divulge Almeyda is a Christian ;", "From the unwilling bough ,", "Yet till this moment I have found him faithful :", "The fort is his , the soldiers \u2019 hearts are his ;", "To seize the castle .", "There 's a foe 's head well cropped .\u2014", "Fright her with that ; Proceed not yet to force :", "Of Christian superstition in his hand :"], "true_target": ["What can be counselled , while Sebastian lives ?", "This forced my servant to a quick retreat ,", "That blasts my hopes ; but , since \u2018 tis gone so far ,", "Let Dorax be enjoined to bring his head .", "Yet more ;\u2014 but clear your brow , for he observes .", "The reverend father , with a holy leer ,", "\u2018 Tis here , the deadly drug , prepared in powder ,", "Disgrace , and death , and avarice , have lost him !", "And uninstructed how to stem the tide .\u2014", "Keep to that point : Stand firm , for all 's at stake .", "A thousand Christian slaves are in the castle ,", "For fear to be discovered .\u2014 Guess the rest .", "Two things I humbly offer to your prudence .", "That their eyes sparkled , and their mantling blood", "And brings it to projection ere its time .", "For , since it pleases you it should be forged ,", "Which done , the spouses kissed with such a fervour ,", "First , since our holy man has made rape lawful ,", "He shall , by poison ;", "The unreasonable fool has broached a truth ,", "Which he can free to reinforce his power ;", "From rising to revenge their general 's death ,", "But , that cut down , creeps to the next support ,", "Perceived the royal captives hand in hand ;", "All future hopes of her desired Sebastian ,", "By holy Alla , I conjure you stay ,", "That fool intrudes , raw in this great affair ,", "The vine will cling , while the tall poplar stands ;", "The emperor must not marry , nor enjoy :\u2014", "In an unlucky hour", "Have patience , till I clear it .", "\u2018 Tis fit it should : far be it from your slave", "Why should you pluck the green distasteful fruit", "Another bowl ; for what the king has touched ,", "He told me , that he saw Sebastian 's page", "If that produce no tumult , I despair .", "Enhanced her beauty , dwelt upon her praise \u2014", "My servant followed fast , and through a chink"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 162}, {"query": ["I 'll work my own revenge , and speedily .", "Yes , at our meeting in another world ;", "But it forbids you not to ravish her .", "His soul is from his earthly prison freed .", "Sure thou hast never heard of holy men ,", "Proclaim your marriage with Almeyda next ,", "The prophet owed him this ;", "\u2018 Tis true , our law forbids to wed a Christian ;", "Why , verily , the law is monstrous plain :", "You serve the prophet more , who loathes that sect .", "For people side with violence and injustice ,", "For heaven 's sake hold !\u2014 The respite of a moment !\u2014", "Not the Nonacrian font , nor Lethe 's lake ,", "famed in state affairs !", "In England , Wolsey ; match me these with laymen .", "You have a conqueror 's right upon your slave ;"], "true_target": ["To think for you \u2014", "Could sooner numb thy nimble faculties ,", "Kill him ; for then you give him liberty :", "Benducar is a fool , to bring him off ;", "And then the more despite you do a Christian ,", "It cannot be ; For matrimony being the dearest point Of law , the people have it all by heart : A cheat on procreation will not pass . Besides ,the offence is so exorbitant , To mingle with a misbelieving race , That speedy vengeance would pursue your crime , And holy Mahomet launch himself from heaven , Before the unready thunderbolts were formed .", "For thou hast drunk thy passport out of this .", "When done for public good .", "For both .", "Such as in Spain , Ximenes , Albornoz ;", "Than this , to sleep eternal .", "Then you may safely force her to your will ;", "And , thanked be heaven , he has it .", "Since charity becomes my calling , thus Let me provoke your friendship ; and heaven bless it , As I intend it well .", "Which can be wrenched in favour to your project .", "That civil wars may cease ; this gains the crowd :", "There 's not one doubtful text in all the alcoran ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 162}, {"query": ["Nor hope to ascend Sebastian 's holy bed .", "And , like a midnight wolf , invades the fold .", "Of death , they start at an anointed head ,", "Nor minds the impression of a god on kings ;", "Rough as they are , and hardened in their trade", "And tremble to approach .\u2014 He hears me not ,", "Expect revenge from heaven , inhuman wretch !", "Of innocent and kindred blood struck off .", "I would die for thee , but I cannot plead ;", "Spare him , Oh spare ! Can you pretend to love ,", "And banishment is empire .", "Flames , daggers , poisons , guard the sacred steps :", "Still silent ! Will the king of Portugal", "A flood of scalding tears will make it run .", "That 's somewhat sure ; a mighty sum of murder ,", "Lo , I resign my title to the crown ;", "Farewell , my last Sebastian ! I do not beg , I challenge justice now .\u2014 O Powers , if kings be your peculiar care , Why plays this wretch with your prerogative ? Now flash him dead , now crumble him to ashes , Or henceforth live confined in your own palace ; And look not idly out upon a world , That is no longer yours .", "Stay , take my farewell too !", "Thou wilt not dare to break what heaven has joined ?", "And pull so long till the proud fabrick falls .", "Thy very executioners turn pale .", "I charge you hold , ye ministers of death !\u2014", "Instruct me how to bribe thee ; name thy price ;", "Betwixt a monster , and the best of men !\u2014", "And brutal mischief sits upon his brow .", "He breaks at unawares upon our walks ,", "Sucking each other 's souls while we expire ?", "To share his noble chains is more to me ,", "Look , tyrant , when thou nam'st Sebastian 's death ,", "For him their sighing queens despised their lords ;", "Plead for thy life ; Oh , ask it of the tyrant :", "My father 's , mother 's , brother 's death , I pardon ;"], "true_target": ["Say , though thy heart be rock of adamant ,", "To buy Sebastian 's life !", "My haughty heart disdains it , even for thee .\u2014", "And have no pity ? Love and that are twins .", "Thus compass you with these supplanting cords ,", "Yet rocks are not impregnable to bribes :", "And bid it arm apace : He comes for answer ,", "Those are the promised pleasures of my love .", "The saints , deceived , shall , by a sweet mistake ,", "Look , tyrant , what excess of love can do ;", "Behold what price I offer , and how dear ,", "Then prayers are vain as curses .", "It pulls me down thus low as to thy feet ;", "May heaven be so ,", "Speak my Sebastian ;", "Beg him to save my life in saving thine .", "How can we better die than close embraced ,", "Farewell the greatness of Almeyda 's soul !\u2014", "Send me to exile with the man I love ,", "Than all the savage greatness of thy throne .", "Because no stamp of heaven was on his soul ,", "But the resisting mass drove back the seal .\u2014", "Which , so transfused , and mounting both at once ,", "And virgin daughters blushed when he was named .", "Here will I grow ;", "My prayers and penance shall discount for these ,", "Go to his death like a dumb sacrifice ?", "Hand up thy soul for mine , and mine for thine .", "And beg of heaven to charge the bill on me :", "Make speedy preparation of your soul ,", "He was the envy of his neighbouring kings ;", "\u2018 Tis no dishonour ; trust me , love , \u2018 tis none ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 162}, {"query": ["For such a night I would be what I am .", "That voice , methinks , I should have somewhere heard ;", "Silence became me then .", "Hid in the sacred treasure of the past :", "Something like", "So even , that my soul shall walk with ease", "Why didst thou not engage me man for man ,", "Would think too late , but cannot : But brave minds ,", "Say in what cranny of Sebastian 's soul ,", "Not the last sounding could surprise me more ,", "A king and thou can never have a reckoning .", "Imposed , but not received .\u2014 Take back that falsehood .", "Out of thy reach ; behind eternity ;", "No usurpation , but a lawful claim ,", "Such surly kindness did I never see .", "But floods of woes have hurried it far off ,", "Nor , till this turn of fate , durst thou have called me :", "And tremble , unprovided for their charge :", "Affrighted !", "What mak'st thou of thyself , and what of me ?", "Art thou some ghost , some demon , or some god ,", "But blest remembrance brings them hourly back .", "To stare me into statue ?", "Unknown to me , so loathed a crime is lodged ?", "Farewell ; my life 's not worth another word .", "One struggle , in the smooth dissolving frame .", "If thou could'st deem so meanly of my courage ,", "And closes when \u2018 tis gone .", "Yes ."], "true_target": ["And try the virtue of that Gorgon face ,", "Out of its flesh , and shut out life as calmly", "I 'm still without thy meaning , but I thank thee .", "But , since thou boast'st the omniscience of a god ,", "That I should stand astonished at thy sight ?", "My sense has been so deeply plunged in joys ,", "I had no time .", "Dispatch thy work , good executioner .", "That were to gratify thy pride . I 'll shew thee", "Life is but air ,", "That yields a passage to the whistling sword ,", "Of which I stand possessed .", "Hereafter is not mine :", "The soul out-slept her hour ; and , scarce awake ,", "Base and ungrateful never was I thought ;", "The joys I have possessed are ever mine ;", "How a man should , and how a king dare die !", "At worst , can dare their fate .", "We shall be one again in thy despite .", "This hand and this have been acquainted well :", "As it does words ; without a sign to note", "I hear men call thee Dorax .", "Barbarian , thou canst part us but a moment !", "That summons drowsy mortals to their doom ,", "When called in haste to fumble for their limbs ,", "Were I to chuse again , and knew my fate ,", "You talk in clouds ; explain your meaning , sir .", "Beyond my ken of soul .", "I own it , in the face of heaven and thee ;"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 162}, {"query": ["Nor dares deny what passed betwixt us two .", "Guard him to the utmost ; now conduct him hence ,", "With all my wrongs about me .\u2014 What , so soon", "Within my little world make medley war ,", "To him , or any heavenly demagogue :", "It may be so .\u2014 I 'm strangely discomposed ;", "Thus vice and godliness ,\u2014 preposterous pair !\u2014", "Lose and regain , beat , and are beaten back ,", "You know them not .", "Sir , let me bluntly say , you went too far ,", "My shameful death will be divulged alone ;", "To-day \u2018 tis done , to-morrow \u2018 tis forgot .", "Heaven make thee honest ;", "And treat him as my person .", "But I shall bring him back , ungrateful man !", "Oh , were that all ! my honest corpse must lie", "And so much of heaven 's image blotted from you .", "Restless in change , and perjured to a proverb .", "Returned ? this haste is boding .", "What , will the favourite prop my falling fortunes ?", "I find I 'm but a half-strained villain yet ;", "They love religion sweetened to the sense ;", "Meantime , I shall make bold to increase your debt ;", "Next sir , to you : the sum of all is this ,\u2014", "Exposed to scorn , and public infamy ;", "How you triumph in one or two of these ,", "Qualms at my heart , convulsions in my nerves ,", "Africk , the scene removed , is Portugal .", "Tugged at my arm , to draw in her defence .", "Born to be statesmen , happening to be churchmen !", "Can it be poison ! Poison 's of one tenor ,", "O prodigy of court !", "Wise to themselves , and fools to all the world ;", "I 'm sure I meant it well .", "Why , then , no more , since you will hear no more ;", "To view this brutal act ; and my stern soul", "They scarcely want a guide to move their madness ;", "But mongrel-mischievous ; for my blood boiled ,", "A greater sum , perhaps , than you can pay .", "The genius of your Moors is mutiny ;", "Because my soul abhors to mix with him .", "Shiverings of cold , and burnings of my entrails ,"], "true_target": ["To preach you down ; and ages oft depend", "Musa , draw out a file ; pick man by man .", "None of my blood were hangmen ; add that falsehood", "When \u2018 tis attacked , and guard it like a man .", "As momentary victors quit their ground .\u2014", "A good , luxurious , palatable faith .", "Prompt to rebel on every weak pretence ;", "Of all court service , learn the common lot ,\u2014", "The worth and honour of my soul unknown .", "And whose the subjects are ; the Mufti knows it ,", "\u2018 Tis a limb lopt from your prerogative ,", "Yet we may talk hereafter .", "To quench our heats : \u2018 Tis the king 's health , Benducar ,", "Blustering when courted , crouching when opprest ;", "On that condition we shall soon be friends .", "Some deadly draught , some enemy of life ,", "Thou call'st them holy ; so their function was :", "When I shall front thee , like some staring ghost ,", "\u2018 Tis well ; you know enough for once :\u2014 you speak too ;", "To a long bill , that yet remains unreckoned .", "Quick shootings thro \u2019 my limbs , and pricking pains ,", "Ingratitude 's the growth of every clime ;", "Trust my revenge ; be sure I wish him dead .", "Some kings are resolute to their own ruin .", "Thou heard'st the tyrant 's orders ; guard thy life", "Such who dare die , and dear will sell their death .", "Choke in that threat ; I can say or as loud .", "Thank me when I ask thanks ; thank me with that .", "On hours , uninterrupted , in the chair .", "When \u2018 tis his interest , he can interest heaven", "And whene'er kings would lower clergy-greatness ,", "But tell me , Mufti , which of them were saints ?\u2014", "Or hot , or cold ; this neither , and yet both .", "You were struck mute before .", "Expect an answer worthy of that message .", "They learn too late what power the preachers have ,", "To trust the preaching power on state-affairs", "Boils in my bowels , and works out my soul .", "I shall , and set him full before thy sight ,", "Since he claims power from heaven , and not from kings ,", "Let it go round , for all of us have need", "Ride cheek by jowl , but churchmen hold the reins :"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 162}, {"query": ["No ; thou may'st pawn thy maidenhead upo n't , he wont .", "Somewhat nonplust , I confess , to hear you deny your name so positively . Why , are not you Morayma , the Mufti 's daughter ? Did not I see you with him : did not he present me to you ? were you not so charitable as to give me money ? ay , and to tread upon my foot , and squeeze my hand too , if I may be so bold to remember you of past favours ?", "Mercy , dear master , mercy ! hear me first , and after , if I have deserved hanging , spare me not . What have you seen to provoke you to this cruelty ?", "Consider what I have suffered for thy sake already , and make me some amends ; two disappointments in a night : O cruel creature !", "Any thing , any thing , sweet madam : I shall refuse no drudgery .", "Nay , I know not that : but I am sure he is old enough to be your father ; and either father , or reverend father , I heard you call him .", "How , thy father !", "I vow and swear by Love ; and he 's a deity in all religions .", "What do you mean , madam ? for heaven 's sake , peace ; your husband will hear you ; think of your own danger , if you will not think of mine .", "I 'll marry thee , and make a Christian of thee , thou pretty damned infidel .", "Yes , well enough , I thank nature .", "But there 's not a breath of air stirring .", "I might have made you an honourable amends by marriage .", "Be patient , madam , and speak but truth , and I 'll do any thing to serve you : I say again , and swear it too , I 'll do any thing to serve you .", "If Morayma comes , and takes me in the arbour with her , I have made a fine exchange of that diamond for this pebble .", "Thus conquered infidels , that wars may cease ,", "O , the holy curmudgeon !", "Are forced to give their hands , and sign the peace .", "Then I have nothing but impudence to assist me : I must drown her clamour , whatever comes o n't .", "Nay , if you will be using stratagems , you shall give me leave to make use of my advantages , now I have you in my power : we are fairly met ; I 'll try it out , and give no quarter .", "If that be all , you shall have carte blanche immediately ; for", "If I had died honourably , my fame indeed would have sounded loud , but I should never have heard the blast :\u2014 Come , do n't make yourself worse-natured than you are ; to save my life , you would be content I should promise any thing .", "Never doubt it ; and love in abundance , to wander with thee all the world over .", "I came with a Christian intention to revenge myself upon thy father , for being the head of a false religion .", "By all that 's good , the nauseous wife !", "I am mortified sufficiently already , without the help of his ghostly counsel . Fear of death has gone farther with me in two minutes , than my conscience would have gone in two months . I find myself in a very dejected condition , all over me ; poor sin lies dormant ; concupiscence is retired to his winter-quarters ; and if Morayma should now appear ,\u2014 I say no more ; but , alas for her and me !"], "true_target": ["Pray think in reason , sir ; is a man to be put to death for a similitude ? No violence has been committed ; none intended ; the lamb 's alive : and , if I durst tell you so , no more a lamb than I am a butcher .", "I am considering indeed , that , if I am taken with you \u2014", "Where lodges your husband ?", "A heavy burden , heaven knows ! but we must pray for patience to support it .", "I grant you , madam , when I took you for his daughter ; for then", "Can you suspect I would leave you for Johayma ?", "Why , are you not , madam ?", "Why , truly , conscience is something to blame for interposing in our matters : but how can I help it , if I have a scruple to betray my master ?", "Another damned mistake of mine : for , asking one of my fellow-slaves , who were the chief ladies about the house , he answered me , Morayma and Johayma ; but she , it seems , is his daughter , with a pox to her , and you are his beloved wife .", "That 's close and dark .", "But there I cannot please myself with the sight of your beauty .", "I long to be ratifying .", "Not very heroic ; but self-preservation is a point above honour and religion too . Antonio was a rogue , I must confess ; but you must give me leave to love him .", "Did one ever hear a little moppet argue so perversely against so good a cause ! Come , pr'ythee , let me anticipate a little of my revenue .", "I confess I was somewhat too furious at first , but you will forgive the transport of my passion ; now I have considered it better , I have a qualm of conscience .", "My only fault has ever been to love playing in the dark ; and the more she cried , the more I played , that it might be seen I intended nothing to her .", "Pr'ythee , prevent her then ; and at least take the shearing of me first .", "And you Africans are such termagants , you stop at nothing . I must be plain with you ,\u2014 you are married , and to a holy man , the head of your religion : go back to your chamber ; go back , I say , and consider of it for this night , as I will do on my part : I will be true to you , and invent all the arguments I can to comply with you ; and who knows but at our next meeting the sweet devil may have more power over me ? I am true flesh and blood , I can tell you that for your comfort .", "Once more for pity , that I may keep the flavour upon my lips till we meet again .", "She names herself Morayma ; the Mufti 's only daughter , and a virgin ! This is the time and place that she appointed in her letter , yet she comes not . Why , thou sweet delicious creature , why torture me with thy delay ! Dar'st thou be false to thy assignation ? What , in the cool and silence of the night , and to a new lover ?\u2014 Pox on the hypocrite , thy father , for instructing thee so little in the sweetest point of his religion .\u2014 Hark , I hear the rustling of her silk mantle . Now she comes , now she comes :\u2014 no , hang it , that was but the whistling of the wind through the orange-trees .\u2014 Now , again , I hear the pit-a-pat of a pretty foot through the dark alley :\u2014 No , \u2018 tis the son of a mare , that 's broken loose , and munching upon the melons .\u2014 Oh , the misery of an expecting lover ! Well , I 'll e'en despair , go into my arbour , and try to sleep ; in a dream I shall enjoy her , in despite of her .", "Art thou there , my sweet temptation ! my eyes , my life , my soul , my all !", "Then he has seen us already , for aught I know .", "Most divinely argued ; she 's the best casuist in all Africk .I can hold no longer from embracing thee , my dear Morayma ; the old unconscionable whoreson , thy father , could he expect cold chastity from a child of his begetting ?", "Nothing , till thou camest to new create me ; thou dost not know the power of thy own charms : Let me embrace thee , and thou shalt see how quickly I can turn wicked .", "Why , sure , you did not put yourself and me to all this trouble for a dry come-off ; by this hand \u2014", "At last \u2018 tis she ; this is no illusion , I am sure ; \u2018 tis a true she-devil of flesh and blood , and she could never have taken a fitter time to tempt me ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 163}, {"query": ["What , for an intended trespass ? No harm has been done , whatever may be . He cost you five hundred crowns , I take it .", "Would preach abstinence , and practise luxury ! but , I thank my stars , I have edified more by his example than his precept .", "Of conscience ! why , what has conscience to do with two young lovers that have opportunity ?", "The breath of lovers is the sweetest air ; but you are fearful .", "I heard music in the garden , and at an unseasonable time of night ; and I stole softly out of my bed , as imagining it might be he .", "You are much fallen off , let me tell you , from the fury of your first embrace .", "What ! you are confounded , and stand mute ?", "And are those faults to lovers ?", "There must be something more i n't ; for your conscience was very quiet when you took me for Morayma .", "And I am yet neither old nor ugly : Sure he will not refuse me .", "Flesh without blood , I think thou art ; or , if any , it is as cold as that of fishes . But I 'll teach thee , to thy cost , what vengeance is in store for refusing a lady who has offered thee her love .\u2014 Help , help , there ! will nobody come to my assistance ?", "Just against the face of this open walk .", "Why not , my lord ? am not I the mistress of the family ? and is it not my place to see good order kept in it ? I thought he might have allured some of the she-slaves to him , and was resolved to prevent what might have been betwixt him and them ; when , on the sudden , he rushed out upon me , caught me in his arms with such a fury \u2014", "How 's that , villain , dar'st thou accuse me ?", "Mistaking me , no doubt , for one of his fellow-slaves : with that , affrighted as I was , I discovered myself , and cried aloud ; but as soon as ever he knew me , the villain let me go ; and I must needs say , he started back as if I were some serpent ; and was more afraid of me than I of him .", "He 's young and handsome \u2014"], "true_target": ["You Christians are such peeking sinners ! you tremble at a shadow in the moonshine .", "I find you had an appointment with Morayma .", "The Mufti would feast himself upon other women , and keep me fasting .", "You make so many difficulties , I fear I am displeasing to you .", "What nonsense do you talk ? do you take me for the Mufti 's daughter ?", "Once again , how came you to name Morayma ?", "And one thing more ,\u2014 remember from henceforth to obey better .", "Thus far my love has carried me , almost without my knowledge whither I was going . Shall I go on ? shall I discover myself ?\u2014 What an injury am I doing to my old husband ! Yet what injury , since he 's old , and has three wives , and six concubines , besides me ! \u2018 tis but stealing my own tithe from him .", "In my conscience , I begin to doubt he did not .", "Perhaps you may do better .", "And you see I am come to make them good ; but I am neither", "Morayma , nor the Mufti 's daughter .", "The best way to avoid it is to retire , where we may not be discovered .", "I forgive him freely , for he has done nothing . What he will do hereafter to make me satisfaction , himself best knows .", "I understand him ; but I fear it is now too late to save him :\u2014 Pray , hear him speak , husband ; perhaps he may say something for himself ; I know not .", "Ungrateful wretch , thou deservest no pity !\u2014 Help , help , husband , or I shall be ravished ! the villain will be too strong for me ! Help , help , for pity of a poor distressed creature !", "Say your beloved mistress , if you please ; for that 's the title I desire . This moonshine grows offensive to my eyes ; come , shall we walk into the arbour ? there we may rectify all mistakes ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 163}, {"query": ["O thou corrupter of my family , that 's cause enough of death !\u2014 once again , away with him .", "But did he mean no mischief ? was he endeavouring nothing ?", "O thou villain , what horrible impiety art thou committing ! what , ravishing the wife of my bosom !\u2014 Take him away ; ganch him, impale him , rid the world of such a monster !", "To your kennel , sirrah ; mortify your flesh , and consider in whose family you are .", "I have heard the outcries of my wife ; the bleatings of the poor innocent lamb .\u2014 Seen nothing , sayst thou ? If I see the lamb lie bleeding , and the butcher by her with his knife drawn , and bloody , is not that evidence sufficient of the murder ? I come too late , and the execution is already done ."], "true_target": ["How 's that , Johayma ? imagining it was he , and yet you went ?", "It 's impossible :\u2014 then what meant all those outcries ?", "I have heard enough .\u2014 Away with him !", "For all her smoothness , I am not quite cured of my jealousy ; but I have thought of a way that will clear my doubts .", "Thou say'st true , a very considerable sum : he shall not die , though he had committed folly with a slave ; it is too much to lose by him .", "Speak thou , has he not violated my bed , and thy honour ?"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 163}, {"query": ["No ; now I think o n't , you are already entered into articles with my enemy Johayma :\u2014 \u201c Any thing to serve you , madam ; I shall refuse no drudgery : \u201d \u2014 Whose words were those , gentleman ? was that like a cavalier of honour ?", "You would fain be fingering your rents before-hand ; but that makes a man an ill husband ever after . Consider , marriage is a painful vocation , as you shall prove it ; manage your incomes as thriftily as you can , you shall find a hard task o n't to make even at the year 's end , and yet to live decently .", "No ; but I can expect you would have both of us . Love is covetous ; I must have all of you ; heart for heart is an equal trick . In short , I am younger , I think handsomer , and am sure I love you better . She has been my stepmother these fifteen years : You think that is her face you see , but it is only a daubed vizard ; she wears an armour of proof upon it ; an inch thick of paint , besides the wash . Her face is so fortified , that you can make no approaches to it without a shovel ; but , for her constancy , I can tell you for your comfort , she will love till death , I mean till yours ; for when she has worn you out , she will certainly dispatch you to another world , for fear of telling tales , as she has already served three slaves , your predecessors , of happy memory , in her favours . She has made my pious father a three-piled cuckold to my knowledge ; and now she would be robbing me of my single sheep too .", "And you may thank yourself for both . I came eagerly to the charge before my time , through the back-walk behind the arbour ; and you , like a fresh-water soldier , stood guarding the pass before . If you missed the enemy , you may thank your own dulness .", "Thus Christians are outwitted by the foe ; You had her in your power , and let her go . If you release my hand , the fault 's not mine ; You should have made me seal , as well as sign .", "Besides a willing titt , that will venture her corps with you . Come , I know you long to have a parting blow with me ; and therefore , to shew I am in charity \u2014", "To beg your life so basely , and to present your sword to your enemy ; Oh , recreant !", "Which you shall never touch , but upon better assurances than you imagine .", "Yes , if I were sure you would perform nothing .", "No , frequent charities make bold beggars ; and , besides , I have learned of a falconer , never to feed up a hawk when I would have him fly . That 's enough ; but , if you would be nibbling , here 's a hand to stay your stomach ."], "true_target": ["And if Morayma should appear , as she does appear ,\u2014 alas ! you say , for her and you .", "No ; I 'll have a butcher 's pennyworth of you ; first secure the carcase , and then take the fleece into the bargain .", "Nay , if you are so dangerous , it is best keeping you at a distance , I have no mind to warm a frozen snake in my bosom ; he may chance to recover , and sting me for my pains .", "The value of twelve hundred thousand crowns in a casket !\u2014", "By your favour , sir , we meet upon treaty now , and not upon defiance .", "I mean you shall ; but no earnest till the bargain be made before witness : there is love enough to be had , and as much as you can turn you to , never doubt ; but all upon honourable terms .", "I mean , all that 's good of him ; his pearls and jewels , his whole contents , his heart and soul ; as much as ever I can carry ! I 'll leave him his Alcoran , that 's revenue enough for him ; every page of it is gold and diamonds . He has the turn of an eye , a demure smile , and a godly cant , that are worth millions to him . I forgot to tell you , that I will have a slave prepared at the postern gate , with two horses ready saddled .\u2014 No more , for I fear I may be missed ; and think I hear them calling for me .\u2014 If you have constancy and courage \u2014", "But never to be trusted in any : he has another name too , of a worse sound . Shall I trust an oath , when I see your eyes languishing , your cheeks flushing , and can hear your heart throbbing ? No , I 'll not come near you : he 's a foolish physician , who will feel the pulse of a patient , that has the plague-spots upon him .", "And so you shall ; I offer you his daughter for your second . But since you are so pressing , meet me under my window to-morrow night , body for body , about this hour ; I 'll slip down out of my lodging , and bring my father in my hand .", "A mighty compliment ! when all these , by your own confession , are just nothing ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 163}, {"query": ["All after-acts are sanctified by power .", "Secures retreat . Leave open all behind us ;", "She slumbers o'er the cup ; no danger 's near ,", "When you have gained that pass , divide your force ;", "They move on many springs ; if one but fail ,", "Stay by me ; thou art resolute and faithful ;", "And make the gods curse immortality ,", "That Paradise thou never shalt possess .", "O , Orchan , did I think thy diligence", "Night wastes apace ; when , when will he appear !", "My all , depends on this important hour :", "From Mustapha what message ?", "Enter HAMET .", "With dying Dorax . Fate has driven them all", "I must prevent , by being first in action .\u2014", "Mere fancies all .", "There spoke a king .", "Dissolve in pleasure ,", "Haste their coming .", "Oh Haly , thou hast held me long in pain .", "His death is easy now , his guards are gone ,", "Yourself in person head one chosen half ,", "Dismiss your guards , to be employed elsewhere", "And first set wide the Mufti 's garden gate ,", "For \u2018 tis ill stopping in the full career ,", "May all your enemies be like that dog ,", "Shouldered with filth , borne in a tide of ordure ,", "\u2018 Tis fixed , the tyrant must not ravish her ;", "And march to oppress the faction in consult", "Would lag behind the rest !\u2014 What from the Mufti ?", "Thus far \u2018 tis well : Go , hasten Mustapha .", "The home thrust of a friendly sword is sure .", "To think of mixing with the ignoble herd ;", "Skulked in a nightly skirmish ? Stole a conquest ,", "Into the net ; you must be bold and sudden :", "For I dare swear him honest .", "That twinkles you to fair Almeyda 's bed .", "No doubt , the emperor .", "Whose parting soul is labouring at the lips .", "Are thronged about his couch , and sit in council .", "Be all propitious influences barred ,", "He most , and therefore first to be dispatched .", "And marshalled too ;", "Then take thy rest within thy quiet cell ,", "Enter HALY , first Servant .", "None of my emissaries yet returned .", "To Muley-Zeydan fly with speed , desire him", "But of a surfeit at too full a feast .", "When tumults and rebellion should be broached .", "Yet better .", "That so they could not die .", "Good omen , sir ; I wish you in that heaven", "The night is yours ; the glittering host of heaven", "Almeyda and a crown have pushed me forward :", "All but the Mufti .", "Hence I conclude him either dead , or dying .", "I have employment worthy of thy arm .", "Howe'er the leap be dangerous and wide .", "With prayers and wishes ;", "O the curst fate of all conspiracies !", "We must not be surprised in conference .", "To take my last instructions ; tell the importance ,"], "true_target": ["Enter ORCHAN , the third Servant .", "And shall reward thy faith . This master-key", "You debase yourself ,", "Your dream portends you ,\u2014", "And heaving gasps ; for poison may be false ,\u2014", "And , should we miss our blow ,\u2014 as heaven forbid !\u2014", "In those alarms you seek .", "Let such perform the servile work of war ,", "Set ope thy sluices , send the vigorous blood", "And stifled with their rank offensive sweat ?", "And can you thus forbear ?", "In the short compass of this rolling night ;", "These , and a thousand things , are to be done", "Trust to my management the tyrant 's death ,", "And haste yourself to join with Mustapha .", "I thank thee , Orchan ,", "That silently o'erwatch the fate of kings !", "Well , Hamet , are our friends , the rabble , raised ?", "The officer , who guards the gate , is yours :", "This hour my lot is weighing in the scales ,", "That e'er a Mufti was not in the way ,", "Frees every lock , and leads us to his person ;", "In ruder combats ; you will want no seconds", "Which is his private passage to the palace ;", "You meet your brother there .", "\u2018 Tis the first time , and sure will be the last ,", "And heaven , perhaps , is doubting what to do .", "His mournful friends , summoned to take their leaves ,", "What , shall the people know their god-like prince", "He comes :\u2014 Now , heart ,", "The face would please you better . Do you love ,", "Which presages death .", "And haste his presence here .\u2014", "Just ready for the march .", "What hast thou learnt of Dorax ? is he dead ?", "What those caballing captains may design ,", "Such who have no Almeyda to enjoy .", "My future fate , the colour of my life ,", "Shines but for you ; but most the star of love ,", "In their close march . What news from the lieutenant ?", "Here lies your way ;", "For thou shalt drum no more .", "Let secrecy and silence be enjoined", "The restiff machine stops . In an ill hour he 's absent ;", "And I can sin but once to seize the throne ;", "He and Sebastian stand betwixt my hopes ;", "You forget", "Why ask you , sir ?", "And none but murderous planets mount the guard .", "Through every active limb for my relief ;", "But haste , and make them yours .", "And thence we may have aid .\u2014 Now sleep , ye stars ,", "With pangs of death , trust not his rolling eyes", "Spare none ; and if you find him struggling yet", "Oh , there 's a joy to melt in her embrace ,", "Headed a rabble , and profaned his person ,", "And drunk so deep a draught of promised bliss ,", "And nothing yet performed ,", "Your soul has been before-hand with your body ,", "Be ribbed with iron for this one attempt ;", "For there our mutineers appoint to meet ,", "True , we must ;"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 164}, {"query": ["While others outward went on quick dispatch .", "Some officers , with striding haste , passed in ,", "Not daring further to inquire , I came", "All doors are shut , no servant peeps abroad ;", "Then lights went gliding by , from room to room ,"], "true_target": ["And shot , like thwarting meteors , cross the house .", "With speed , to bring you this imperfect news .", "Sometimes hushed silence seemed to reign within ;", "Then cries confused , and a joint clamour , followed ;", "Two hours I warily have watched his palace ;"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 164}, {"query": ["To admit the townsmen at their first appearance .", "What you wish .", "To imboss their hives in clusters ; all ask news ;", "To whisper orders ; and , commanding silence ,", "I left him at the gate , firm to your interest ,", "Than at the mid-day sun ; a drowsy horror"], "true_target": ["Makes not noise cease , but deafens it to murmurs .", "The bees drive out upon each others backs ,", "Sits on their eyes , like fear , not well awake ;", "He only waits your summons .", "Their busy captain runs the weary round ,", "All crowd in heaps , as , at a night alarm ,", "The streets are thicker in this noon of night ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 164}, {"query": ["That , since the shut of evening , none had seen him .", "This way they move .", "Of all the slaves ; in short , I used your name ,", "I see the blaze of torches from afar ,"], "true_target": ["I sought him round his palace ; made inquiry", "And hear the trampling of thick-beating feet ;", "Command my sword and life .", "And urged the importance home ; but had for answer ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 164}, {"query": ["He gallops down the skies .", "Zeyd . You see me come , impatient of my hopes ,", "Zeyd . May we ne'er meet !", "Zeyd . We must go on without him .", "Is all in readiness ?"], "true_target": ["For , like the twins of Leda , when I mount ,", "At morn I 'll take her in .", "And eager as the courser for the race :", "Mercy may wait without the gate one night ,", "Zeyd . Doubt not my conduct ; they shall be surprised ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 164}, {"query": ["Who bore me in a purple cloud to heaven", "As if she were a body in a body ,", "Like fowl in air too damp , and lugs along ,", "With thy full force , to Paradise .", "That overtook me , at my waking hour ,", "Then think of dalliance when the danger 's o'er .", "To tell me , fate 's at hand", "And my soul 's tuned to trumpets .", "What news of our affairs , and what of Dorax ? Is he no more ? say that , and make me happy .", "This morn ; and dreams , they say , are then divine ,", "Then I 'm at ease .", "Thou too wert there ;", "I am off again ; I will not prostitute", "My warlike spirits work now another way ,", "And some kind sprite knocks softly at my soul ,", "Go , join the crowd ;\u2014", "It may be so ; it looks so like the dream", "When all the balmy vapours are exhaled ,", "Whom , in the rage of empire , I had murdered :", "A kind of weight hangs heavy at my heart ;"], "true_target": ["Of my new conquest , and , with helping hands ,", "That may be ;", "Ha ! what 's that grizly fellow , that attends thee ?", "And helped to heave me up .", "I 'll head my people ,", "I will ; and yet", "And not a mounting substance made of fire .", "But now , no longer foes , they gave me joy", "\u2018 Twas then , methought , Almeyda , smiling , came ,", "Attended with a train of all her race ,", "For he was in my dream ,", "And thou , methought , didst push me from below ,", "The regal dignity so far , to head them .", "The people , are they raised ?", "My flagging soul flies under her own pitch ,", "Their edge rebated :\u2014 sure some ill approaches ,", "My senses , too , are dull and stupified ,", "And some o'erpowering god continues sleep .", "Heaved me into our holy prophet 's arms ,", "But yet he looks damnation ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 164}, {"query": ["Did I think I had begotten such a monster !\u2014 Proceed , my dutiful child , proceed , proceed .", "Thou amazest me !", "This it is to have a sound head-piece ; by this I have got to be chief of my religion ; that is , honestly speaking , to teach others what I neither know nor believe myself . For what 's Mahomet to me , but that I get by him ? Now for my policy of this night : I have mewed up my suspected spouse in her chamber ;\u2014 no more embassies to that lusty young stallion of a gardener . Next , my habit of a slave ; I have made myself as like him as I can , all but his youth and vigour ; which when I had , I passed my time as well as any of my holy predecessors . Now , walking under the windows of my seraglio , if Johayma look out , she will certainly take me for Antonio , and call to me ; and by that I shall know what concupiscence is working in her . She cannot come down to commit iniquity , there 's my safety ; but if she peep , if she put her nose abroad , there 's demonstration of her pious will ; and I 'll not make the first precedent for a churchman to forgive injuries .", "Thou makest me weep at thy unkindness ; indeed , dear daughter , we will not part .", "Oh , ho , ho !", "In good time you did so ; I laid a trap for a bitch-fox , and a worse vermin has caught himself in it . You would fain break loose now , though you left a limb behind you ; but I am yet in my own territories , and in call of company ; that 's my comfort .", "It was a very odd beginning though , methought , to see thee come running in upon me with such a warm embrace ; pr'ythee , what was the meaning of that violent hot hug ?", "Would some rich railing rogue would say as much to me , that I might squeeze his purse for scandal !", "Antonio , and in disguise ! now I begin to smell a rat .", "That 's me again .", "Now , to do things in order , first I seize upon the bag , and then upon the baggage ; for thou art but my flesh and blood , but these are my life and soul .", "Both , or none ; come away to durance .", "Why , what have I done to thee ? Recollect thyself , and speak sense to me ."], "true_target": ["Now , if I cry out , they will know my voice , and then I am disgraced for ever . O thou art a venomous cockatrice !", "Why this is as it should be now ; take the treasure again , it can never be put into better hands .", "Art thou mad , Morayma ?", "Meaning mine , I know it .", "Pr'ythee , child , reproach me no more of human failings ; they are but a little of the pitch and spots of the world , that are still sticking on me ; but I hope to scour them out in time . I am better at bottom than thou thinkest ; I am not the man thou takest me for .", "Why , if I have been a little pilfering , or so , I take it bitterly of thee to tell me of it , since it was to make thee rich ; and I hope a man may make bold with his own soul , without offence to his own child . Here , take the jewels again ; take them , I charge thee , upon thy obedience .", "The devil 's in that supposing rascal !\u2014 I can bear no more ; and I am the Mufti . Now suppose yourselves my servants , and hold your hands : an anointed halter take you all !", "I am finely documented by my own daughter !", "But thou wilt not teach me , at this age , the nature of a close embrace ?", "Ay , so I feel you did ; my back and sides are abundant testimonies of your zeal .\u2014 Run , rogues , and bring me back my jewels , and my fugitive daughter ; run , I say .", "I am indeed thy father ; but how the devil didst thou know me in this disguise ? and what pearls and jewels dost thou mean ?", "How thy good nature works upon me ! Well , I can do no less than venture damning for thee ; and I may put fair for it , if the rabble be ordered to rise to-night .", "\u2018 Tis a laudable commotion ; the voice of the mobile is the voice of heaven .\u2014 I must retire a little , to strip me of the slave , and to assume the Mufti , and then I will return ; for the piety of the people must be encouraged , that they may help me to recover my jewels , and my daughter ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 165}, {"query": ["I must take my fortune . When you are got safe into your own country , I hope you will bestow a sigh on the memory of her who loved you .", "What do you mean ? you will not throttle him ? consider he 's my father .", "Pr'ythee take them , \u2018 twill help me to be revenged on him .", "You have been raking together a mass of wealth , by indirect and wicked means : the spoils of orphans are in these jewels , and the tears of widows in these pearls .", "Indeed , dear daddy , but we will .", "Now I can embrace you with a good conscience ; here are the pearls and jewels , here 's my father .", "I am sure I meant nothing by it , but the zeal and affection which I bear to the man of the world , whom I may love lawfully .", "Yes , to my knowledge , but it might . I have confessed my soul to you , if you can understand me rightly . I never disobeyed you till this night ; and now , since , through the violence of my passion , I have been so unfortunate , I humbly beg your pardon , your blessing , and your leave , that , upon the first opportunity , I may go for ever from your sight ; for heaven knows , I never desire to see you more .", "Well then , in virtue of obedience , I will take them ; but , on my soul , I had rather they were in a better hand .", "I would have you think so .", "What have I done , and what will now become of me !", "I think you 'll make me so .", "Meaning his , whom I love better than my life .", "The other way to the arbour with him ; and make haste , before we are discovered .", "I hear them coming ; shift for yourself at least ; remember I am yours for ever ."], "true_target": ["Help here quickly , Omar , Abedin ! I have hold on the villain that stole my jewels ; but \u2018 tis a lusty rogue , and he will prove too strong for me . What ! help , I say ; do you not know your master 's daughter ?", "No , sir , you get more by pious fools than railers , when you insinuate into their families , manage their fortunes while they live , and beggar their heirs , by getting legacies , when they die . And do you think I 'll be the receiver of your theft ? I discharge my conscience of it : Here , take again your filthy mammon , and restore it , you had best , to the true owners .", "No , to my sorrow , sir , you are not .", "I would do so . This casket is loaded with your sins ; \u2018 tis the cargo of rapines , simony , and extortions ; the iniquity of thirty years muftiship converted into diamonds .", "Of your own begetting .", "Well , if it must be so , agreed ; for I have another trick to play you , and thank yourself for what shall follow .", "\u2018 Tis impossible to escape them ; for the way to our horses lies back again by the house , and then we shall meet them full in the teeth . Here , take these jewels ; thou mayst leap the walls , and get away .", "Give me back my jewels , and carry this notorious malefactor to be punished by my father .\u2014 I 'll hunt the other dry-foot .", "And a great credit for me to be so : Do but think how decent a habit you have on , and how becoming your function to be disguised like a slave , and eaves-dropping under the women 's windows , to be saluted , as you deserve it richly , with a piss-pot . If I had not known you casually by your shambling gait , and a certain reverend awkwardness that is natural to all of your function , here you had been exposed to the laughter of your own servants ; who have been in search of you through the whole seraglio , peeping under every petticoat to find you .", "Then let me follow my flesh and blood , and keep to yourself your life and soul .", "No , indeed ; for my mother-in-law complains , that you are past teaching : But if you mistook my innocent embrace for sin , I wish heartily it had been given where it would have been more acceptable .", "Yes , pray bate him one ,\u2014 for begetting your mistress .", "Then give me leave to tell you , you are the worst of fathers .", "Alas ! I was betrayed myself . He came disguised like you , and I , poor innocent , ran into his hands .", "You may threaten him for crying out ; but , for my sake , give him back a little cranny of his windpipe , and some part of speech ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 165}, {"query": ["O that screech owl at the window ! we shall be pursued immediately ; which way shall we take ?", "And what will become of thee , then , poor kind soul ?", "And I another , that out-stinks it . False Morayma , hast thou thus betrayed me to thy father !", "Not so much as one single interjection .\u2014 Come away , father-in-law , this is no place for dialogues ; when you are in the mosque , you talk by hours , and there no man must interrupt you . This is but like for like , good father-in-law ; now I am in the pulpit , it is your turn to hold your tongue .Nay , if you will be hanging back , I shall take care you shall hang forward .", "I would , if he had not thought more of thy mother than of thee . Once more , come along in silence , my Pythagorean father-in-law .", "It makes me mad to think , how many a good night will be lost betwixt us ! Take back thy jewels ; \u2018 tis an empty casket without thee : besides , I should never leap well with the weight of all thy father 's sins about me ; thou and they had been a bargain ."], "true_target": ["No , they 'll serve to make thy peace with him .", "What do you mean , my dear , to stand talking in this suspicious place , just underneath Johayma 's window ?\u2014You are well met , comrade ; I know you are the friend of our flight : are the horses ready at the postern gate ?", "If I only bind and gag him there , he may commend me hereafter for civil usage ; he deserves not so much favour by any action of his life .", "And I but the empty shadow of myself without thee !\u2014 Farewell , father-in-law , that should have been , if I had not been curst in my mother 's belly .\u2014 Now , which way , Fortune ?", "No ; I have a trick left to put thee past thy squeaking . I have given thee the quinsy ; that ungracious tongue shall preach no more false doctrine .", "Pr'ythee , let us provide first for our own safety ; if I do not consider him , he will consider us , with a vengeance , afterwards ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 165}, {"query": ["A bird in a cage may peep , at least , though she must not fly .\u2014 What bustle 's there beneath my window ? Antonio , by all my hopes ! I know him by his habit . But what makes that woman with him , and a friend , a sword drawn , and hasting hence ? This is no time for silence :\u2014 Who 's within ? call there , where are the servants ? why , Omar , Abedin , Hassan , and the rest , make haste , and run into the garden ; there are thieves and villains ; arm all the family , and stop them ."], "true_target": ["One of them took through the private way into the castle ; follow him , be sure , for these are yours already ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 165}, {"query": ["Sir , the castle is in a most terrible combustion ; you may hear them hither .", "What a glorious deliverance have you had , madam , from this bloody-minded Christian !", "Now , supposing you were the Mufti , sir .\u2014"], "true_target": ["Ay , would he were in this villain 's place ! thus I would lay him on , and thus .", "My master !\u2014 You will pardon the excess of our zeal for you , sir : Indeed we all took you for a villain , and so we used you .", "I long to be hanselling his hide , before we bring him to my master ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 165}, {"query": ["Hang him , for an old covetous hypocrite ; he deserves a worse punishment himself , for keeping us so hardly ."], "true_target": ["And thus would I revenge myself of my last beating ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 165}, {"query": ["Something must be done to save her .This is all addressed to you , sir : she singled you out with her eye , as commander in chief of the mobility .", "You are fallen into good hands , father-in-law ; your sparkling jewels , and Morayma 's eyes , may prove a better bail than you deserve .", "But yet remember \u2014", "And so at length , as I informed you , I escaped out of his covetous clutches ; and now fly to your illustrious feet for my protection .", "Come , my quondam master , you and I must change qualities .", "Most certainly , sir ; and you cannot , in honour , but protect her : now look to your hits , and make your fortune .", "Now you see what comes of your foolish qualms of conscience ; the jewels are lost , and they are all leaving you ."], "true_target": ["I observe your modesty .", "What stuff he talks !", "What a block have I to work upon !\u2014 But still , remember the jewels , sir ; the jewels .", "And good reason ; for when kings and queens are to be discarded , what should knaves do any longer in the pack ?", "I have always had a longing to be yours again , though I could not compass it before ; and had designed you a casket of my master 's jewels too ; for I knew the custom , and would not have appeared before a great person , as you are , without a present : But he has defrauded my good intentions , and basely robbed you of them ; \u2018 tis a prize worthy a million of crowns , and you carry your letters of marque about you .", "There you were with him for his figures .", "Here 's the old hypocrite again .\u2014 Now stand your ground and bate him not an inch . Remember the jewels , the rich and glorious jewels ; they are designed to be yours , by virtue of prerogative ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 166}, {"query": ["I must confess the sound is pleasing , and tickles the ears of my ambition ; but alas , good people , it must not be ! I am contented to be a poor simple viceroy . But prince Muley-Zeydan is to be the man : I shall take care to instruct him in the arts of government , and in his duty to us all ; and , therefore , mark my cry , A Muley-Zeydan , a Muley-Zeydan !", "I suppose you may put it up without offence to any man here present . For my part , I have been loyal to my sovereign lady , though that villain Benducar , and that hypocrite the Mufti , would have corrupted me ; but if those two escape public justice , then I and all my late honest subjects here deserve hanging .", "That 's fine , in earnest ; I cannot forbear hearkening to his enchanting tongue .", "Alas ! the poor gentleman has gotten a cold with a sermon of two hours long , and a prayer of fear ; and , besides , if he durst speak , mankind is grown wiser at this time of day than to cut one another 's throats about religion . Our Mufti 's is a green coat , and the Christian 's is a black coat ; and we must wisely go together by the ears , whether green or black shall sweep our spoils .", "Ay , ay , the jewels ! Now again I hate him ; but yet my conscience makes me listen to him .", "Nay , if he and his clergy will needs be preaching up rebellion , and giving us their blessing , \u2018 tis but justice they should have the first-fruits of it .\u2014 Slave Antonio , take him into custody ; and dost thou hear , boy , be sure to secure the little transitory box of jewels . If he be obstinate , put a civil question to him upon the rack , and he squeaks , I warrant him .", "What , am I forsaken of my subjects ? Would the rogue purloin my liege people from me !\u2014 I charge you , in my own name , come back , ye deserters , and hear me speak .", "\u2018 Tis excellent fine matter , indeed , slave Antonio ! He has a rare tongue ! Oh , he would move a rock , or elephant !", "Do you remember the glorious rapines and robberies you have committed ? Your breaking open and gutting of houses , your rummaging of cellars , your demolishing of Christian temples , and bearing off , in triumph , the superstitious plate and pictures , the ornaments of their wicked altars , when all rich moveables were sentenced for idolatrous , and all that was idolatrous was seized ? Answer first , for your remembrance of all these sweetnesses of mutiny ; for upon those grounds I shall proceed .", "Think'st thou so , slave Antonio ?", "Let me alone to pick a quarrel ; I have an old grudge to him upon thy account .", "Methought , indeed , she cast a kind leer towards me . Our prophet was but just such another scoundrel as I am , till he raised himself to power , and consequently to holiness , by marrying his master 's widow . I am resolved I 'll put forward for myself ; for why should I be my lord Benducar 's fool and slave , when I may be my own fool and his master ?", "Thou shalt have it , and now defy the Mufti . \u2018 Tis the first petition that has been made to me since my exaltation to tumult , in this second night of the month Abib , and in the year of the Hegira ,\u2014 the Lord knows what year ; but \u2018 tis no matter ; for when I am settled , the learned are bound to find it out for me ; for I am resolved to date my authority over the rabble , like other monarchs .", "We will have a fair trial of skill for it , I can tell him that . When we have dispatched with Muley-Zeydan , your lordship shall march , in equal proportions of your body , to the four gates of the city , and every tower shall have a quarter of you ."], "true_target": ["I shall make bold with his treasure , for the support of my new government .\u2014\u2014 What do these vile raggamuffins so near our person ? your savour is offensive to us ; bear back there , and make room for honest men to approach us : These fools and knaves are always impudently crowding next to princes , and keeping off the more deserving : Bear back , I say .\u2014\u2014 That 's dutifully done ! Now shout , to shew your loyalty .\u2014 Hear'st thou that , slave Antonio ? These obstreperous villains shout , and know not for what they make a noise . You shall see me manage them , that you may judge what ignorant beasts they are .\u2014 For whom do you shout now ? Who 's to live and reign ; tell me that , the wisest of you ?", "Not so much haste , masters ; comeback again ; you are so bent upon mischief , that you take a man upon the first word of plunder . Here is a sight for you ; the emperor is come upon his head to visit you .Most noble emperor , now I hope you will not hit us in the teeth , that we have pulled you down ; for we can tell you to your face , that we have exalted you .", "You see , slave Antonio , what I might have been ?", "La , you there ! I told you so .", "This last fellow is a little more sensible than the rest ; he has entered somewhat into the merits of the cause .", "That I laid in for them , slave Antonio \u2014 Do I then spit upon your faces ? Do I discourage rebellion , mutiny , rapine , and plundering ? You may think I do , believers ; but , heaven forbid ! No , I encourage you to all these laudable undertakings ; you shall plunder , you shall pull down the government ; but you shall do this upon my authority , and not by his wicked instigation .", "And that may easily be done , with the help of a little inspiration ; for I must tell you , I have a pigeon at home , of Mahomet 's own breed ; and when I have learnt her to pick pease out of my ear , rest satisfied till then , and you shall have another . But , now I think o n't , I am inspired already , that \u2018 tis no sin to depose the Mufti .", "Now , late Mufti , not forgetting my first quarrel to you , we will enter ourselves with the plunder of your palace : \u2018 tis good to sanctify a work , and begin a God 's name .", "In the name of the people , we command you speak : but that pretty lady shall speak first ; for we have taken somewhat of a liking to her person .\u2014 Be not afraid , lady , to speak to these rude raggamuffians ; there is nothing shall offend you , unless it be their stink , a n't please you .", "Then make much of your retentive faculties .\u2014 And who led you to those honey-combs ? Your Mufti ? No , believers ; he only preached you up to it , but durst not lead you : He was but your counsellor , but I was your captain ; he only looed you , but , \u2018 twas I that led you .", "I think I was , slave Antonio . Alas , I was ignorant of my own talent !\u2014 Say then , believers , will you have a captain for your Mufti , or a Mufti for your captain ? And , further , to instruct you how to cry , will you have A mufti , or No mufti ?", "She might have passed over all your petty businesses , and no great matter ; but the raising of my rabble is an exploit of consequence , and not to be mumbled up in silence , for all her pertness .", "That 's better counsel than you meant it : Yes , I do take her into possession , and into protection too . What say you , masters , will you stand by me ?", "But for a foolish promise , I made once to my lord Benducar , to set up any one he pleased .\u2014 Re-enter the Mufti , with his Servants .", "Nay , that 's true , on the other side ; the jewels must be mine . But he has a pure fine way of talking ; my conscience goes along with him , but the jewels have set my heart against him ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 166}, {"query": ["If a poor man may speak his mind . I think , captain , that yourself are the fittest to live and reign ; I mean not over , but next , and immediately under , the people ; and thereupon I say , A Mustapha , a Muatapha !", "He may indeed ; for it is but his saying it is sin , and then we must restore ; and therefore I would have a new religion , where half the commandments should be taken away , the rest mollified , and there should be little or no sin remaining .", "Our prophet let the devil alone with the last mob ."], "true_target": ["Even who you please , captain .", "Ay , we know that without your telling : But why are we met together , doctor ? for that 's it which no body here can tell .", "What , will he come with his balderdash , after the Mufti 's eloquent oration ?"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 166}, {"query": ["He 's our captain , lawfully picked up , and elected upon a stall ; we will hear him .", "Why , to see one another in the dark ; and to make holiday at midnight ."], "true_target": ["We find that in our decay of trade . I have seen , for these hundred years , that religion and trade always go together .", "We are not bound to know , who is to live and reign ; our business is only to rise upon command , and plunder ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 166}, {"query": ["Ay , the richest of both parties ; for they are our enemies ."], "true_target": ["Nay , when his turn is served , he may preach up loyalty again , and restitution , that he might have another snack among us .", "A scolding domineering wife , if she prove honest ; and , if a whore , a fine gaudy minx , that robs our counters every night , and then goes out , and spends it upon our cuckold-makers ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 166}, {"query": ["One and all , one and all .", "He is deposed , he is deposed , he is deposed !", "Speak , captain , for we will hear you .", "Yes , we do remember , we do remember .", "A Mustapha , a Mustapha !"], "true_target": ["Another religion , a new religion , another religion !", "A Muley-Zeydan , a Muley-Zeydan !", "A Mufti , a Mufti !", "No Mufti , no Mufti !", "That 's true , that 's true ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 166}, {"query": ["You are met , as becomes good Mussulmen , to settle the nation ; for I must tell you , that , though your tyrant is a lawful emperor , yet your lawful emperor is but a tyrant .", "That your emperor is a tyrant , is most manifest ; for you were born to be Turks , but he has played the Turk with you , and is taking your religion away .", "Good people , here you are met together .", "The channel of his blood , and froze him dry .", "No ; the natural effects of marriage are children : Now , on whom would he beget these children ? Even upon a Christian ! O , horrible ! how can you believe me , though I am ready to swear it upon the Alcoran ! Yes , true believers , you may believe , that he is going to beget a race of misbelievers .", "Not knowing that , I poisoned him once more ,"], "true_target": ["That , hadst not thou prevented , had congealed", "He is now upon the point of marrying himself , without your sovereign consent : And what are the effects of marriage ?", "The best that can come of me , in this condition , is , to have my life begged first , and then to be begged for a fool afterwards", "Therefore , to conclude all , believers , pluck up your hearts , and pluck down the tyrant . Remember the courage of your ancestors ; remember the majesty of the people ; remember yourselves , your wives , and children ; and , lastly , above all , remember your religion , and our holy Mahomet . All these require your timeous assistance ;\u2014 shall I say , they beg it ? No ; they claim it of you , by all the nearest and dearest ties of these three P 's , self-preservation , our property , and our prophet .\u2014 Now answer me with an unanimous cheerful cry , and follow me , who am your leader , to a glorious deliverance .", "And drenched him with a draught so deadly cold ,", "I hope you will not be so barbarous to torture me : we may preach suffering to others , but , alas ! holy flesh is too well pampered to endure martyrdom ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 166}, {"query": ["Take her into possession , Mustapha .", "Ungrateful woman , you are yet no queen ,", "A dose less hot had burst through ribs of iron .", "How ! Dorax and Sebastian still alive ! The Moors and Christians joined !\u2014 I thank thee , prophet .", "Makes she no more of me than of a slave ?\u2014", "The conquering troops of Muley-Zeydan come ,", "To crush rebellion , and espouse my cause .", "In idle talk , and owns her false belief :", "Nor more than a proud haughty christian slave :", "I have not patience ; she consumes the time", "Thou interposing fool , to mangle mischief ,"], "true_target": ["On that I build .\u2014", "Think what I am , and what yourself may be ,", "I 'm sure I did my part to poison thee ,", "As such I seize my right .", "How she assumes ! I like not this beginning .", "What saint soe'er has soldered thee again :", "Seize her by force , and bear her thence unheard .", "But what speak I of payment and reward !", "\u2018 Tis cheap to pardon , whom you would not pay .", "And think to mend the perfect work of hell !", "Now we shall see whose numbers will prevail :", "Hast thou betrayed me , traitor ?\u2014 Mufti , speak , and mind them of religion ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 166}, {"query": ["And , as good men , protect me .", "Unfit to govern those of other faith ,", "But in the attempt of that foul brutal act ,", "With gratitude as low as knees can pay", "Do you then live ?", "And loaded you with more ignoble bonds .", "But yet no slave : If Christians can be thought", "Than live his triumph .", "Thus I absolve myself , and him excuse ,", "When he can wrong no more , I pardon him :", "And move your pity by a whining tale .", "His death 's his crime , not ours ,", "\u2018 Tis left for you to judge .", "And if in that defence a tyrant fall ,", "I throw myself into my people 's arms ;", "He says , I am a Christian ; true , I am ,", "Then think me not ungrateful , not to share", "My peaceful father swayed the sceptre long ,", "He shows himself to you ; to me he stood", "Then , not commanded , but commanding you ,", "Claimed in my right ; for this , he slew your tyrant ;"], "true_target": ["I was not born so base to flatter crowds ,", "Oh no ! he only changed him for a worse ;", "To espouse my person , and assume the crown ,", "And these shall know my thoughts .", "The eldest law of nature bids defend ;", "These loyal slaves secured me by his death .", "When force invades the gift of nature , life ,", "And you enjoyed the blessings of his reign ,", "I have resolved ,", "Suffice it , that he 's dead ; all wrongs die with him ;", "Fearless I speak : know me for what I am .", "Who saved my life and honour , but praise neither .", "As you are men , compassionate my wrongs ,", "Your tyrant would have forced me to his bed ;", "Why should I fear to speak , who am your queen ?", "Confessed before , and owned his insolence", "Dare not to approach me !\u2014", "The imperial crown with a presuming traitor .", "Embased your slavery by his own vileness ,", "No , let me rather die your sacrifice ,", "Now , Africans ,", "While you deserved the name of Africans ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 166}, {"query": ["Than all thy foul unmannered scurril taunts .", "To fight thee after this , what were it else", "What thou hast done this day in my defence .", "But that thou didst not dare to lift thy hands", "Be urged , to shield me from thy bold appeal .", "That isthmus stands between two rushing seas ;", "Is insolent , and haughty to superiors .", "The question is beside our present purpose :", "Kept pace for pace , and blow for every blow ;", "To make it public ; but my duty , then ,", "What say'st thou of Henriquez ? Now , by heaven ,", "Ill hid beneath that robe , proclaim thee traitor ;", "Once more be warned , and know me for thy king .", "I prophesied thy proud soul could not bear it .\u2014", "With ease the gifts of fortune I resign ;", "More foul than traitor be , \u2018 tis renegade .", "If those great acts were done alone for me ?", "And , if a name", "That robe of infamy , that circumcision", "That better he deserved my love than thou ?", "Here let me ever hold thee in my arms ;", "To interpose , on pain of my displeasure ,", "and Alm . My Sebastian ! my Almeyda !", "Under the wing of awful majesty ,", "If love produced not some , and pride the rest ?", "Is but thy gift ; make what thou canst of me ,", "If Portugal and Spain were joined to Africa ,", "Betwixt your swords .", "Traitor !\u2014 that name thou canst not echo back ;", "How , tyrant ?", "Thou shouldst be Alonzo .", "I have not yet forgot I am a king ,", "But thou hast charged me with ingratitude ;", "What had been , is unknown ; what is , appears . Confess , he justly was preferred to thee .", "If universal monarchy were mine ,", "Thy old presumptuous arrogance again ,", "Be kind , ye powers ! and take but half away :", "Re-enter DORAX , having taken off his Turban , and put on a Peruke ,", "Here should the gift be placed .", "Nay , if thou can'st be grieved , thou can'st repent ;", "How often hast thou braved my peaceful court ,", "I knew you both ; and", "That bred my first dislike , and then my loathing .\u2014", "Whose royal office is redress of wrongs :", "He 's dead ; make haste , and thou may'st yet o'ertake him .", "Hast thou not charged me ? speak !", "Thou might'st have given it a more gentle name .", "Sacred to peace , and safe from all affronts ;", "Filled it with noisy brawls , and windy boasts ;", "And made a bulwark of it for his prince .", "He durst ; nay more , desired , and begged with tears ,", "Which , mounting , view each other from afar ,", "I have not yet forgot I am a soldier .", "To do a sovereign justice to myself ,", "It cannot bear the stamp , without alloy .\u2014", "Against anointed power . So was I forced", "And spurn thee from my presence .", "I see thee here , and scarce believe mine eyes .", "Now can I thank thee as thou would'st be thanked .", "If I have wronged thee , charge me face to face ;\u2014", "Which , found , will torture thee .\u2014 He died in fight ;", "To violate my laws , even in my court ,", "But rolled his falling body cross their way ,", "But now the hand of fate is on the curtain ,", "But thou prevent'st me still , in all that 's noble ."], "true_target": ["All false as hell , or thou .", "More gladly would I give , than thou dar'st ask it ;", "I meant thee a reward of greater worth .", "If it would please thee , thou shouldst never know ;", "Thou own'st too much , in owning thou hast erred ;", "Of heaven , to bless me thus . \u2018 Tis gold so pure ,", "As in a dream ,", "The indignity , thou didst , was meant to me :", "This vast profusion , this extravagance", "And on his naked side received my wound .", "Than owning that ingratitude thou urgest ?", "Then , when he could no more , he fell at once ;", "Beware I warn thee yet , to tell thy griefs", "The wrong , if done , debased me down to thee .", "Who would stand firm , who fall .", "To strike the man I loved !", "And draws the scene to sight .", "Hat , and Cravat .", "If I have injured thee , that makes us equal ;", "Thou seest me ready ; we delay too long .", "And with past service , nauseously repeated ,", "Be conscious to thy worth , and tell thy soul ,", "Secure of no repulse .", "He had my promise , ere I knew thy love .", "Indeed thou should'st not ask forgiveness first ;", "And meet his glorious fate . Confess , proud spirit ,", "Speak , didst thou not , Alonzo ?", "Honour befriend us both .\u2014", "Even to my face , and done in my despite ,", "As who should say ,\u2014 the blow was there intended :", "Some strange reverse of fate must sure attend", "To meet thy challenge fairly : \u2018 Twas thy fault", "Thou meant'st to kill a tyrant , not a king :", "Fought next my person ; as in concert fought ;", "Nay , then , I was unjust to love him better .", "And the main ocean crusted into land ,", "No ; to disprove that lie , I must not draw .", "A long mysterious track of stern bounty :", "Thy gloomy eyes were cast on me with scorn ,", "But thou , like jealousy , enquir'st a truth ,", "Now , by this honoured order which I wear ,", "But let my love and friend be ever mine .", "And strive in vain to meet .", "More than reward can answer .", "Reproached even me , thy prince ?", "And live to love thee ever .", "Reserved behaviour , open nobleness ,", "The more his fame , to struggle to the field ,", "Nor shall the sacred character of king", "Yet twice this day I owed my life to Dorax .", "What I am", "In terms becoming majesty to hear :", "Thou could'st not be a villain , though thou would'st :", "as heaven", "I warn thee thus , because I know thy temper", "Thou mov'st me more by barely naming him ,", "Thy insolence had cancelled all thy service :", "I see to what thou tend'st : but , tell me first ,", "Art thou so generous , too , to pity him ?", "O patience , heaven !", "Now , judge thyself , who best deserved my love ?", "And I too little , who provoked thy crime .", "The more effeminate and soft his life ,", "Save when he heaved his shield in my defence ,", "Foreknew , among the shining angel host ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 166}, {"query": ["And hurried me , from hopes of heaven , to hell .", "It comes too fast upon a feeble soul ,", "And gather pebbles from the naked ford .\u2014", "And give it him of us who is to fail .", "Who trust revenge with such mad instruments ,", "And pitched thy standard in these foreign fields :", "Tyrant !\u2014 It irks me so to call my prince ;", "I was indeed prepared to ask my own ,", "The master 's voice , when rated , to depart .", "On palaces returns . Away , ye scum ,", "And death should give you back to answer me .", "Begins on sheds , but , rolling in a round ,", "Tyrant .", "And dried the dews they brought :", "Whose death , next thine , I wished .", "I saved you but to kill you : There 's my grief .", "I saved thee out of honourable malice :", "Whose blindfold business is but to destroy ;", "Ill sorted with a soft effeminate life ;", "You , and your hungry herd , depart untouched ;", "Safe under guard , but as becomes a prince .", "To tell me , what I durst not tell myself :", "Ye mongrel work of heaven , with human shapes ,", "Can I speak !", "And so had I been favoured , had I stood .", "But thy ingratitude outgrew them both .", "All my long avarice of honour lost ,", "Lay down your arms ; such base plebeian blood", "And your inhuman tyranny , have sent me ?", "Give me my love , my honour ; give them back \u2014", "To save his king 's ,\u2014 the boon was begged before !", "And , if I could ,", "When he refused to meet me in the field ,", "That still rise upmost when the nation boils ;", "Thy malice had prevention , ere I spoke ;", "For justice cannot stoop so low , to reach", "But when Sebastian ceased to be himself ,", "Shall call so loud , that lethargy should wake ,", "Over these eyes ; but ever when they closed ,", "Even in the face of heaven , a place more sacred ,", "Before thy foot had spurned me ; now \u2018 tis base :", "No , Dorax cannot answer to Alonzo ;", "What ! in one moment , to be reconciled", "To throw myself beneath your royal feet .\u2014", "Take it , for \u2018 tis thy due .", "I ceased to be Alonzo .", "And live to hear it boasted to my face .", "I should have fallen by Sebastian 's side ,", "And the bread snatched from pimps and parasites .", "Why , love does all that 's noble here below ;", "As that I served thee fifteen hard campaigns ,", "For pity spare ; and say not first , you erred ;", "And asked me Violante for Henriquez .", "My fortune had been his , and his been mine .\u2014", "Your tyrant image forced them ope again ,", "And the gross flattery of a gaping crowd ,", "Where , like a statue , thou hast stood besieged", "Hunted your sacred life ; which that I missed", "A thousand nights have brushed their balmy wings", "When I shall rise to plead before the saints ,", "The hasty product of a just despair ,", "Thou know'st I meant not to preserve thy life ,", "The part of heaven in kings ; for punishment", "For my unhappy rival :\u2014 Poor Henriquez !", "For you he fought , and died : I fought against you ;", "Henriquez answered , with a ready lie ,", "Beware of patience , too ;", "For want of courtly style ; related actions ,", "Not to be damned or saved , but breathe and perish ,", "And well I might , when you forgot reward ,", "Henriquez had your love with more desert .", "By me thy greatness grew , thy years grew with it ,", "Heaped up in youth , and hoarded up for age !", "But all the advantage of that love was thine .", "Not of my soul : My soul 's a regicide .", "O , whither would you drive me ? I must grant ,\u2014", "Where justice wanted , could reward be hoped ?", "Now , draw ;\u2014 I should be loth to think thou dar'st not :", "If thou disown'st that imputation , draw ,", "Which I can ask with honour .", "When I was hasty , thou delayed'st me longer \u2014", "And lost , like Lucifer , my name above .", "Yet , to disarm thee of thy last defence ,", "Had he been tempted so , so had he fallen ;", "Be kind ; and tell me how that rival died ,", "Dismiss your train .\u2014You , madam , please one moment to retire .", "With palm and olive , victory and peace ,", "That woman , but more daubed ; or , if a man ,", "I shall run mad with extacy of joy :", "His glorious end was a patched work of fate ,", "And blunt it for some nobler work behind .", "But , for a blow provoked by thy injustice ,", "Beware of such another vile excuse .", "Think not you dream ; or , if you did , my injuries", "Yes ; full as false", "Effaced my loyalty , unhinged my faith ,", "The long expected hour is come at length ,", "By manly vengeance to redeem my fame ;", "What , my Alonzo , said you ? my Alonzo !", "It suited better with my life than his ,"], "true_target": ["But fate , it seems , reserved the worst of men", "I will not tax thee of ingratitude", "Death he deserved indeed , but not from thee .", "Corrupted to a woman ; thy man-mistress .", "That have but just enough of sense , to know", "For yet I have not dared , through guilt and shame ,", "Alonzo was too kind a name for me .", "When there 's but one betwixt us ; throw it in ,", "But to reprieve it , for my own revenge .", "I pr'ythee let me hedge one moment more", "And , that once cleared , eternal sleep is welcome .", "Thy hungry minions thought their rights invaded ,", "And therefore \u2018 twas , to gall thee , that I named him .", "I durst not think that I was spurned , and live ;", "Alas , I cannot answer to Alonzo !\u2014", "On pain of infamy ,", "Now , do you know me ?", "That thing , that nothing , but a cringe and smile ;", "And prove my charge a lie .", "So to have died : Mine had been of a piece ,", "I 'll cut that isthmus .", "I have thy oath for my security .", "So you should be Sebastian :", "To me , thy friend , who hast betrayed thy prince :", "Give me revenge , while I have breath to ask it !", "The citadel is ours ; and Muley-Zeydan", "Where thy gulled eyes , in all the gaudy round ,", "To end the worst of tyrants .\u2014", "Would seize my right , and rob me of my love :", "He has ; and hooting boys may dry-shod pass ,", "The stuff of royal nonsense : When I spoke ,", "This is not Lisbon ; nor the circle this ,", "Yet shall my cause of vengeance first be clear ;", "Envious who first should catch , and first applaud ,", "Whose double diligence preserved my life .", "Thou know'st I have :", "Thou hast dared", "Whose injuries betrayed me into treason ,", "My honest homely words were carped and censured", "If I 'm a traitor , think ,\u2014 and blush , thou tyrant ,\u2014", "From those rapacious hands , who stripped him first ?", "Had I been born with his indulgent stars ,", "Through all the mazes of the bloody field ,", "But pity is my friend , and stops me short ,", "My corps had been the bulwark of my king .", "He should have disobeyed .", "Was the propitious error of my fate ,", "Could the robbed passenger expect a bounty", "I charge on thee , to make thy damning sure .", "\u2018 Tis the first justice thou hast ever done me .", "Go , bear him to his fate ,", "Secure of merit if I asked reward ,", "Though modestly reported , passed for boasts ;", "All these , and all my yet unfinished crimes ,", "A minute is not much in either 's life ,", "And , honour , be thou judge .", "O worse than hell ! what glory have I lost ,", "Has honour 's fountain then sucked back the stream ?", "Thus , when heaven pleases , double poisons cure", "Into thy promise : For thy life preserved ,", "Words were not made to vent such thoughts as mine .", "And send him to attend his master 's ghost .", "The unwilling word ; and , grating as it is ,", "Arise , fair excellence , and pay no thanks ,", "In that blest age , I was the man you named :", "Is hangman 's work , and drudgery for devils .\u2014", "Let some secure my other poisoning friend ,", "O stop this headlong torrent of your goodness !", "Half drowned in tears before : Spare my confusion ;", "Met nothing but a lie in every face ,", "And , like the fire , commissioned by the winds ,", "The groveling sin of crowds : but curst be they ,", "And what has he acquired , by such a death !", "My services deserved thou shouldst revoke it .", "That 's a suspicious word . It had been proper ,", "I must , and will reproach thee with my service ,", "And from some hands I should refuse that gift .", "Then , though I loath this woman 's war of tongues ,", "Yes , I must grant , but with a swelling soul ,\u2014", "But just resentment , and hard usage , coined", "I never can forgive him such a death !", "Be not too prodigal of promises ;", "Fight , or be perjured now ; that 's all thy choice .", "With you one word in private .", "Is it so strange to find me , where my wrongs ,", "Then , when I fought and conquered with your arms ,", "That thou shouldst make a coward 's cause thy own !", "Spent in your service , dying at your feet .", "Would only stain the brightness of my sword ,", "For , coming fraughted back , in either hand", "The only boon I begged was this fair combat :", "His ghost ! then is my hated rival dead ?", "To heaven , and to my king , and to my love !\u2014", "But stint your bounty to one only grant ,", "Have I been cursing heaven , while heaven blest me ?", "Let my tears thank you , for I cannot speak ;", "Too well I know thee , but for king no more .", "Till rage and pride debased me into Dorax ,", "Would I have struck the man , who , prompt by power ,", "By sycophants and fools , the growth of courts ;"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 166}, {"query": ["Be not injurious in your foolish zeal ,", "Who lost her lover on her bridal day .", "Where seas , and winds , and deserts will divide you .", "Last , for myself , if I have well fulfilled", "Death ! why , that 's children 's sport ; a stage-play death ;", "His only way to rectify mistakes ,", "Who there , secure in separated cells ,", "Will think he knew this incest , and pursued it .", "His friends and mine ; which might prevent our combat .", "He is our king , and he shall be obeyed .", "I have a sister , abbess in Terceras ,", "Unvexed with noise , and undisturbed with fears .", "Your fate has gratified you all she can ;", "I may inform you both ; for you must go ,", "And to redeem her honour , is to die .", "But I forgot a new increase of joy", "But , prompted by my angel , or by his ,", "So paired , so suited in their minds and persons ,", "For , if you could but think , I knew you safe .", "O yes , you must do more , you must be damned ;", "Would you ,\u2014 who perpetrated such a crime ,", "Predestinated ills are never lost .", "Pray heaven my fears prove false !", "Such joy have I , both in myself and friends ;", "My sad commission , let me beg the boon ,", "As wilful incest is !", "He only merits her , she only him ;", "And dream you had your sister in your arms ?", "Death , to a man in misery , is sleep .", "Under the ledge of Atlas lies a cave ,", "That they were framed the tallies for each other .", "\u2018 Twas the last remedy , to give you leisure ;", "The whole creation danced at their new being ,", "Sir , I am silent ;", "But wish \u2018 twere not so like .", "Mankind , that always judge of kings with malice ,", "To swell your scores of guilt .", "Of easy temper , naturally good ,", "To hew that arm away , that stops the passage", "Melts down with easy warmth , runs in the mould ,", "Why , is that news ?", "Attendants .", "As frightened nature , made the saints above", "But he will thank you for the crown you leave him .", "And , rather than he should not , here 's my sword ,", "Have wholesome beverage , and unbloody feasts .", "Cut in the living rock by Nature 's hands ,", "You may do more , and ought .", "I could not see him die by vulgar hands ;", "And sure self-murder is the readiest way .", "We knew their interest was the same with ours :", "But shed from nature , like a kindly shower :", "If any alien love had interposed ,", "That you best know ;", "Your fortune , and with tears not squeezed by art ,", "On utmost need revealed .", "It looks indeed too like my master 's hand :", "I trusted Muley-Zeydan as a friend ,", "The venerable seat of holy hermits ;", "I chose you one \u2014", "And , though I hated more than death Sebastian ,", "All came resolved to die in my defence ,", "A soul fixed high , and capable of heaven .", "The politician does it by advance ,", "Because I would not have his person known .", "Yes , if you lived , and with repeated acts", "But the malicious world will judge the worst .", "We justly feared : So Muley-Zeydan found us", "Mean you to turn an anchorite ?", "So does the signet : more I cannot say ;", "To be your wife , your fate will find her for you :", "It must have been an eye-sore to beholders ,", "Untouched , and sealed , as when intrusted with me ,", "Shake heavens eternal pavement with their trembling", "The scrivener , usurer , lawyer , shopkeeper ,", "And gives all gone beforehand ."], "true_target": ["And mourn the common losses of our loves .", "Pleased to be what they were , pleased with each other ,", "Or , if victorious , ordered his escape .\u2014", "If she be fated", "To lengthen out a black voluptuous slumber ,", "I will do more :", "Expect my swift return .", "Under safe convoy , till they reach your fleet .", "And to themselves a curse .", "Is not so far enamoured of a cloister ,", "Your , pardon , sir ;", "Gives easy misery , and makes exile pleasing .", "And make a business of damnation", "And to do office to your sacred person .", "And faithful to his word .", "The rest , who think you dead , shall be dismissed .", "But leave him free ; or , by my sword , I swear", "\u2018 Tis a friend 's office .", "And needs no further forge .", "And double joy that I have made them happy .", "But all desirous to partake your exile ,", "But fear not Muley-Zeydan ; his soft metal", "Drawn up in battle , to receive the charge .", "So horrid , in the face of men and angels ,", "On whose experienced faith I might rely ;", "I need not tell the rest , the event declares it .", "He has convinced me , that he ought to die ;", "Save that one villain who betrayed the gate .", "To gain a crown , and freedom . Well I know him ,", "Freed all the slaves , and placed him next myself ,", "But swore him first to secrecy : He wept", "Release that fear , the good old man is safe ;", "Sacred even to the Moors , enjoy devotion ;", "A safe retreat , a gentle solitude ,", "As , in the scene of opening paradise ,", "The double poisons , after a short combat ,", "Expelled each other in their civil war ,", "To share the sorrows of your last recess ,", "I paid his ransom ,", "What , thou a statesman ,", "You must be damned to all eternity ;", "Refreshed your sin , and loaded crimes with crimes ,", "I knew it , but too late , and durst not speak .", "And from the purling streams , and savage fruits .", "Yet , had he fallen , I had dismissed his troops ;", "We act it every night we go to bed .", "But stretch your limbs , and turn on t'other side .", "Your subjects , conscious of your life , are few ;", "Peace , old dotard .", "To feast him with surprise ; I must about it :", "I said so , if you lived .", "I would not hazard civil broils betwixt", "It looks not like imposture ; but a truth ,", "True ; for a crime", "I summoned all my officers in haste ,", "Let him go ;", "Disposed to grant whatever I desire ,", "Old as he is , your uncle cardinal", "In such a world as this ! why , \u2018 tis a trade ;", "Our diligence prevented the surprise", "And soldier , cannot live but by damnation .", "Ant . Mor . We swear to keep it secret .", "To view that act ,\u2014 would you but barely die ?", "In short , he proffered more than I demanded ;", "By nature 's benefit , and roused my thoughts", "O truly great !", "And brother to the dead .", "And have already ordered his attendance .", "To make the trifle , death , a thing of moment !", "To help him on his journey .", "Haste to attend Almeyda :\u2014 For your sake Your father is forgiven ; but to Antonio He forfeits half his wealth . Be happy both ; And let Sebastian and Almeyda 's fate This dreadful sentence to the world relate ,\u2014 That unrepented crimes , of parents dead , Are justly punished on their children 's head . Footnotes : 1 . This whimsical account of the Slave-market is probably taken from the following passage in the \u201c Captivity and escape of Adam Elliot , M. A . \u201d \u2014 \u201c By sun-rising next morning , we were all of us , who came last to Sallee , driven to market , where , the Moors sitting taylor-wise on stalls round about , we were severally run up and down by persons who proclaimed our qualities or trades , and what might best recommend us to the buyer . I had a great black who was appointed to sell me ; this fellow , holding me by the hand , coursed me up and down from one person to another , who called upon me at pleasure to examine what trade I was of , and to see what labour my hands had been accustomed to . All the seamen were soon bought up , but it was mid-day ere I could meet with a purchaser . \u201d \u2014 See A modest Vindication of Titus Oates , London , 1682 .", "Re-enter ALMEYDA led by MORAYMA , and followed by her", "Joy is on every face , without a cloud ;", "To guard that life which now I found attacked .", "Yes , such a one there is a captive here ,", "That remains .", "To his eternal rest ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 167}, {"query": ["You could unwind yourself from all these dangers ,", "To inquire before , but long to be informed ,", "Yet , if I found her , I might love too much ,", "Both of them intended for my worship 's sole use and property .", "But how the Moors and Christian slaves were joined ,", "When that day comes , I must take my revenge , and turn gardener again ; for I find I am much given to planting .", "Who , known , had added courage to his men ?", "And move so speedily to our relief ?", "The loss of her I loved would touch me nearest ;", "Look , if she be not here already !\u2014 What , no denial it seems will serve your turn ? Why , thou little dun , is thy debt so pressing ?", "Your conquests came of course ; their men were raw ,", "I had forgot", "What manner of woman is she ? Does she not want two of the four elements ? has she any thing about her but air and fire ?", "Well , for thy comfort , I have secured thy father ; and I hope thou hast secured his effects for us ."], "true_target": ["The fairest of her sex .", "Not a mouthful a-piece : \u2018 Twas too much odds , in conscience !", "Because I still was easy to myself .", "You have not yet unfolded .", "How , poisoned and betrayed , and round beset ,", "Let him be guilty of his own death , if he pleases ; for I 'll not be guilty of mine , by holding him .", "Temples are there , as they are in all other countries , good conveniences for dumb interviews . I hear the protestants are not much reformed in that point neither ; for their sectaries call their churches by the natural name of meeting-houses . Therefore I warn thee in good time , not more of devotion than needs must , good future spouse , and always in a veil ; for those eyes of thine are damned enemies to mortification .", "Pleasure has been the business of my life ;", "And yours were disciplined .\u2014 One doubt remains ,", "Where the devil hast thou been ? and how the devil didst thou find me here ?", "For heaven 's sake hold , and recollect your mind !", "Thy fortune will be even too good for thee ; for thou art going into the country of serenades and gallantries , where thy street will be haunted every night with thy foolish lovers , and my rivals , who will be sighing and singing , under thy inexorable windows , lamentable ditties , and call thee cruel , and goddess , and moon , and stars , and all the poetical names of wicked rhime ; while thou and I are minding our business , and jogging on , and laughing at them , at leisure minutes , which will be very few ; take that by way of threatening .", "Why you industriously concealed the king ,", "And every change of fortune easy to me ,", "And that 's uneasy pleasure ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 167}, {"query": ["Truly , she flies about the room as if she had wings instead of legs ; I believe she 's just turning into a bird :\u2014 A house bird I warrant her :\u2014 And so hasty to fly to you , that , rather than fail of entrance , she would come tumbling down the chimney , like a swallow ."], "true_target": ["Here 's a lady at the door , that bids me tell you , she is come to make an end of the game , that was broken off betwixt you ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 167}, {"query": ["But take heed , in the mean time , that some young Antonio does not spring up in your own family ; as false as his father , though of another man 's planting . Re-enter DORAX , with SEBASTIAN and ALMEYDA , SEBASTIAN enters speaking to DORAX , while in the mean time ANTONIO presents MORAYMA to ALMEYDA .", "I am afraid you are not very valiant , that you huff so much beforehand . But , they say , your churches are fine places for love-devotion ; many a she-saint is there worshipped .", "Yes , truly , I had the prudent foresight to consider , that , when we grow old , and weary of solacing one another , we might have , at least , wherewithal to make merry with the world ; and take up with a worse pleasure of eating and drinking , when we were disabled for a better .", "So , seeking for shelter , I naturally ran to the old place of assignation , the garden-house ; where , for the want of instinct , you did not follow me ."], "true_target": ["Little devil , if you please : Your lease is out , good master conjurer , and I am come to fetch your soul and body ; not an hour of lewdness longer in this world for you .", "The pride of nature .", "I followed you into the castle-yard , but there was nothing but tumult and confusion : and I was bodily afraid of being picked up by some of the rabble ; considering I had a double charge about me ,\u2014 my jewels , and my maidenhead .", "The best thing I have heard of Christendom is , that we women are allowed the privilege of having souls ; and I assure you , I shall make bold to bestow mine upon some lover , whenever you begin to go astray ; and , if I find no convenience in a church , a private chamber will serve the turn .", "And what was poor little I among them all ?"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 167}, {"query": ["To rid myself of life !", "But , had he lived to see her happy change ,", "Should meet thee just half-way in pilgrimage ,", "But still thy friend ; and by that holy name", "Base grovelling soul , who know'st not honour 's worth ,", "To live alone to heaven , and die to her .", "To hide me from the rest of human kind .", "O never , never ; I am past a boy :", "I would say something that 's as dear as this ;", "More strong than thine , and I more frail than thou .", "Thou shalt not say thou wer't condemned unheard ;", "Why so remote a question , which thyself", "Make our conditions with yon captive king ;", "Away ! you all combine to make me wretched .", "We must make haste , or we shall never part .", "But weigh'st it out in mercenary scales !", "I charge thee with my last commands , return ,", "Of that irremeable burning gulph ,", "I 'll boast my innocence above ,", "Secure me but my solitary cell ;", "Thou good old man ,", "Thou hast a right in heaven . But why these prayers for me ?", "Thou hast it right , my dear , my best Alonzo !", "That 's all the name that I have left to call thee ;\u2014", "\u2018 Tis a son 's part to rise in his defence ,", "Not heaven and earth combined can hinder it .", "To fill the measure of my happiness ;", "And , to conceal my shame , conceal my life .", "\u2018 Tis all I ask him for a crown restored .", "Methinks it owns", "It bars not my inviolable vows ?", "For we were formed too like .", "Help to support this feeble drooping flower . This tender sweet , so shaken by the storm ; For these fond arms must thus be stretched in vain , And never , never must embrace her more . \u2018 Tis past :\u2014 my soul goes in that word \u2014 farewell .", "And thank thy pious fraud ; thou hast indeed", "And think them cobwebs spread for little man ,", "Alm . Men have a larger privilege of words ,", "And that , but petty reparation too ;", "And I would call thee both , and both are sin .", "So pushed me forward , even to the brink", "But now decayed , and sunk into the socket ;", "I pardon thee the effects of doting age ,", "Provided she consent , may claim her love ;", "That he may never dream I may return .", "That word had been thy ruin ; but no more ,", "And I should break through laws divine and human ,", "To please him more , let him believe me dead ,", "Why did we know so soon , or why at all ,", "And made me kiss the cross upon his sword ,", "And bless thy Violante with thy vows .\u2014", "The secret pleasure of a generous act", "Thou seest my faculties are still entire ,", "I kiss the name I speak .", "But when I say Sebastian , dear Sebastian ,", "Wish rather heaven may grant ;", "O thou hast given me such a glimpse of hell ,", "When you have argued all you can , \u2018 tis incest .", "But , when we read our love , we read our guilt :", "I shall be there before my father 's ghost ,", "If death be but cessation of our thought ,", "The tempest is o'erblown , the skies are clear ,", "But thou must load a lady 's memory ?", "Perhaps she thinks they are too near of blood .", "Alas , I know not by what name to call thee !", "And nearest to his soul .", "And , that once granted , I appeal to these ,", "Now life , or death .", "I cannot , or I would not , read it plain .", "And shaking hand , just in the pangs of death ,", "And , once burnt down to tinder , light again", "How , damned ?", "\u2018 Tis penance too voluptuous for my crime", "But one poor little nook will serve me now ,", "But help themselves as timely as they could ,", "The world was once too narrow for my mind ,", "And I dare trust my father 's memory ,", "Is the great mind 's great bribe .", "O bid him enter , for I long to see him .", "But thine , Alonzo , thine is too unjust .", "Triumphant incest , and pollute the throne .", "All power of aid to her , or to myself .", "Even past redemption ;", "For terms of peace ; what more he can contribute", "Or , if they were , yet he demands not these .", "He would have cancelled that harsh interdict ,", "For , to go back and reign , that were to show", "Unhappy we ! that still we must confound", "The black adultery , and Almeyda 's birth ;", "What else ?", "To stand the charge of that foul forging tongue .", "His favourite , as I oft have heard thee boast ,", "For making me unhappy by his crime .\u2014", "Draw near , Almeyda ; thou art most concerned ,", "And found \u2018 twas grounded on our different faiths ;", "That not a wrinkle ruffles her smooth face .", "Antonio , be thou happy too in thine .", "To have but one poor night of all our lives ;", "So happy , that \u2014 forgive me , heaven !\u2014 I wish ,", "Did not I love thee past a change to hate ,", "Alonzo , I am now no more thy king ,", "With all its guilt , it were to come again .", "Thou helpst me well to justify my war :", "Re-enter DORAX .", "I will not live , no not a moment more ; I will not add one moment more to incest ; I 'll cut it off , and end a wretched being : For , should I live , my soul 's so little mine , And so much hers , that I should still enjoy .\u2014 Ye cruel powers , Take me , as you have made me , miserable ; You cannot make me guilty ; \u2018 twas my fate , And you made that , not I .", "Look to the queen , my wife ; for I am past", "A tedious writ of ease from lingering heaven ,", "It was indeed a glorious , guilty night ;", "Good heaven , thou speak'st my thoughts , and I speak thine !", "Sister and wife are the two dearest names ,", "Did I expect from Dorax this return ? Is this the love renewed ?", "True ; if I lived .", "The care I owe my subjects , and my love .", "I charge thee , on thy life , perverse old man !"], "true_target": ["Wouldst thou give comfort , who hast given despair ?", "Almeyda , may renounce the rest with ease .", "With undistinguished sound .", "To make me blest , I know not .", "See where she comes again !", "Repentance lags , and sin comes hurrying on .", "I thank thee , my Alonzo ; I will live ,", "I must not call thee by the name I would ;", "If better I could chuse a beauteous bride .", "That sin could be concealed in such a bliss ?", "Peeping by fits , and giving feeble light .", "And not to weigh the important cause I had", "Africk has deserts wide enough to hold", "The vigorous young world was ignorant", "And prisoners are not to insist on terms ;", "And to confound thy malice , or thy dotage .", "For , if I knew thou wert on that design ,", "Which all the bulky herd of nature breaks .", "Heaven has inspired me with a sacred thought ,", "Thou seest Alonzo silent ; he 's a man .", "The second nonage of a soul more wise ,", "For hitherto was fatal ignorance ,", "And close for ever ; for I know my love", "Nay , would do more than say : One moment longer ,", "Then let me die , for I would think no more .", "And to what end this ill-concerted lie ,", "He knows , that men , abandoned of their hopes ,", "Which palpable and gross , yet granted true ,", "And let them see a soul they could not sully ,", "Else , by my soul , this moment were thy last .", "Though thine are much impaired . I weighed that will ,", "Speak'st thou of love , of fortune , or of death ,", "By heaven , when I behold those beauteous eyes ,", "Nay , then there 's incest in our very souls ,", "Nor can I see Almeyda , but I sin .", "We have him here an honourable hostage", "What if I make her mine ?", "And , granting that , he must have changed his measures .", "O couldst thou prove it with the same assurance ! Speak , hast thou ever seen my father 's hand ?", "\u2018 Tis a base wrong thou offer'st to the dead .", "Produce that writing .", "No ; all may still be forged , and of a piece . No ; I can credit nothing thou canst say .", "Come down from off the tripos , and speak plain .", "Crazed fool , who would'st be thought an oracle ,", "Was't not enough to brand my father 's fame ,", "And now I see what good thou mean'st my soul ,", "Now be brief ,", "The dearest names into a common curse .", "No more of that ; his life 's in my dispose ,", "This noble pride becomes thy innocence ;", "To expiate this , can I do more than die ?", "What , art thou giving comfort !", "I pr'ythee , peace ;", "I cannot live without Almeyda 's sight ,", "A sceptre 's but a plaything , and a globe", "No , \u2018 tis resolved : I charge you plead no more ;", "Thou mean'st my father 's will ,", "For , if I could deserve , I have deserved her :", "Stand oft , and let me take my fill of death ;", "I 'm still in pain for poor Alvarez \u2019 life .", "All this is impious , therefore we must part ;", "That , looking in the abyss , I dare not leap .", "Much sooner than before .", "And how inhuman these !", "My father shall be justified , he shall :", "Not wilful , neither .", "How fares our royal prisoner , Muley-Zeydan ?", "And no intended crime .", "And the sea charmed into a calm so still ,", "Vain doubts , and idle cares , and over-caution ;", "This ring , indeed , my father , with a cold", "Else I should speak ; but we must part , Sebastian ,\u2014", "Not more devout , but more decayed , and cold .\u2014", "A bigger bounding stone . He , who can leave", "His reasonings and his actions both were just ;", "I should not wander , but by sure instinct", "Yet one thing wants ,", "Of these restrictions ; \u2018 tis decrepit now ;", "For I am most in thee .\u2014", "Or double death ? for we must part , Almeyda .", "Can answer to thyself ? for thou wert with him ,", "For , gazing thus , I kindle at thy sight ,", "And yet , methinks , I cannot chuse but love .", "But if a wish should come athwart our prayers !", "Were by my arms restored .", "My last , my only friend , how kind art thou ,", "And would have , spoke , but faultered in his speech ,", "But all I have to give .", "We cannot look upon each other 's face ,", "Adjure thee , to perform my last request ;\u2014", "What , more than death ?", "My dying father swore me , then a boy ,", "That yet must languish long in frosts and fires ,", "Should ask no leave , nor stay for sueing out", "Never to sheath it , till that exiled queen", "But never more to Portugal return ;", "I have a dark remembrance of my father :", "And I will try to listen ,", "Put on my finger , with a parting sigh ;", "And share the minute , that remains , betwixt", "In bar of marriage to Almeyda 's bed .", "O , palliate not my wound ;", "Appeared a devil , but didst an angel 's work .", "By heaven , you 're traitors all , that hold my hands .", "O infamous ! O base , beyond repair !", "Last , let me swear you all to secrecy ;", "Millions of monsters ; and I am , sure , the greatest .", "But such a mist of grief comes o'er my eyes ,", "My toils , my hazards , and my subjects \u2019 lives ,", "And teach the Fates their duty .", "I 've heard you both ;\u2014 Alvarez , have thy wish ;\u2014", "And joined our hands himself ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 167}, {"query": ["And come on earth to swear .", "It does not grieve me , that you hold me crazed ;", "For , to preserve his fame , I would be silent .", "His wife ! said he , his wife ! O fatal sound !", "To warn you into port .", "Show me that king , and I 'll believe the Phoenix .", "But more , a lady 's honour , must be touched ,", "You should exact them .", "But , to be cleared at my dead master 's cost ,", "And when they are , then will I steal to death ,", "Let all retire , that you alone may hear", "Not racks or tortures could have forced this secret ,", "Where every circumstance shall prove another ;", "When newly married , travelled into Spain ,", "Yourself unjustly ; you have charged the fault", "Now heaven forbid ,", "And in a friendly visit owned himself", "Know king , your father had , like you , a soul ,", "These sinews are not yet so much unstrung ,", "And love is your inheritance from him .", "No more to think of marriage with Almeyda .", "Now by my soul , and by these hoary hairs ,", "Firmed with his signet ; both so fully known ,", "But pay a blind obedience to his will ;", "Be praised for that ! My prayers for my good master ,", "Consider whom you punish , and for what ;", "Have you forgot ?", "\u2018 Tis like a father , who himself had \u2018 scaped", "Know , she 's the product of unlawful love ,", "Alonzo has it in his custody ;", "O my dear child ,\u2014", "Had never reached their ears :", "But knock at your own breast , and ask your soul ,", "For I was present .\u2014 Now , Almeyda , speak ,", "And had his faith to give it to the king .", "And digs through rubbish , till he drags him out ,", "And truth so shine by her own native light ,", "Thou wear'st it on thy finger : \u2018 Tis that ring ,", "O what a sophister has hell procured ,", "Heaven comfort you !", "I love thee so , I cannot call thee king ,\u2014", "So they had still been blest in ignorance ,", "Yes , he was just , and therefore could not change .", "Now all of us , and you , my all in one ,", "No , I am tender of his holy fame ;", "Is this a subject 's part ?", "Which , matched to that on his , shall clear the doubt .", "Take heed , and double not your father 's crimes ;", "Know , sir , I would be silent if I durst :", "To fail me when my master should be served ;", "Such is my haste , so trembling is my joy ,", "Almeyda 's mother , too , had eyes , like her ,", "It will be soon discovered if I forge .", "For , dying , he bequeathed it to my charge .", "Just such she shows before a rising storm ;", "And , known , had been abhorred .", "The same , which , when his nobleness redeemed me ,", "And not less charming ; and were charmed no less", "Who still survives , of Muley-Moluch 's branch ?", "If those fair fatal eyes edged not your sword", "To his adultery do not add your incest .", "To blaze their shame , or to divulge my own ?", "What interest can I have , or what delight ,", "To see the friendly light .", "But if , on shipboard , I should see my friend", "What , to destroy himself ? O parricide !", "Have you not heard your father in his youth ,", "I wish she may not wed to blood more near .", "Infernal fiend ,", "And he , imagining vain flowery fields ,", "He still had been the same ."], "true_target": ["Too near , indeed ; forgive me , gracious heaven ,", "The most authentic proof is still behind ,\u2014", "The confident of all his young amours !\u2014", "Now heaven forbid !", "For what he is , I then deposited ,", "Then witness heaven and earth , how loth I am", "That plainer evidence can hardly be ,", "And what becomes of me ? must I be left ,", "But hear the story of that fatal love ,", "To say , you must not , nay , you cannot , wed :", "What , when I gave thee lost , to find thee living !", "Is there not yet an heir of this vast empire ,", "Hears from afar his only son within ;", "A door is open yet for your deliverance .\u2014", "Than yours are now with her , and hers with you .", "And truly tell us how you came by yours .", "That , if a lie were mixt , it must be seen .", "If proved , you hate me ; if unproved , condemn .", "And \u2018 tis your carnal sister you would wed .", "Since ignorance \u2014", "Silent and unobserved , to save his tears .", "O horror , horror !", "To argue for damnation !", "By all you owe that dear departed soul ,", "Though incest is indeed a deadly crime ,", "Just so shalt thou be torn from all thy hopes ;", "If so ,\u2014 and so your silence grants it is ,\u2014", "Should I not hold him from that mad attempt ,", "And I alone unhappy .", "Mark me now , While I disclose that fatal mystery :\u2014 Those rings , when you were born and thought another 's , Your parents , glowing yet in sinful love , Bid me bespeak : a curious artist wrought them . With joints so close , as not to be perceived , Yet are they both each other 's counterpart ; Her part had Juan inscribed , and his had Zayda ,and in the midst A heart divided in two halves was placed . Now , if the rivets of those rings inclosed Fit not each other , I have forged this lie ; But , if they join , you must for ever part .", "\u2018 Tis no dumb forgery , for that shall speak ,", "Which would have sunk you both . For , let me say ,", "That I should blast his pious memory !", "For know , proud woman , know , in thy despite ,", "And sound a rattling peal to either 's conscience .", "Till his sick fancy were by reason cured ?", "Almeyda 's beauty well deserves your love .", "The greatest curse that can be , were to join .", "You are not guilty , since unknown \u2018 twas done ,", "Grown frantic in a raging calenture ,", "And have not you , unhappy beauty , heard ,", "More than your father 's charge , and all your vows ?", "O , I perceive you think your interest touched :", "A falling house , and , after anxious search ,", "And therefore am I come with timely speed ,", "The powers above", "As age and time had worn me out of use ?", "Whom I so oft have dandled in these arms !", "You may repent , and wish your crown too late .", "And made a long abode in Philip 's court ?", "I hope , are heard .", "I know it well ,", "But too much care to save you from a crime ,", "For , had I known it , this unwelcome news", "What even in whispers I would tell your ear .", "O there 's the wound ! but let me first adjure you ,", "And since not only a dead father 's fame ,", "\u2018 Tis what before the battle I observed ;", "Believe , I am ; and seek to know no more ,", "May yet be happy in that captive 's life .", "To draw thee forth from underneath thy fate .", "Which , nice as ermines , will not bear a soil ,", "On heaven , that best may bear it .", "Still had he lived and seen this change ,", "Would headlong plunge himself into the deep ,\u2014", "Now you , my countrymen , and you , Almeyda ,", "But I must speak , and will .", "And to themselves", "That ever I should boast I was so near ,", "Unless his soul would want her heaven awhile ,", "One proof remains , and that 's your father 's hand ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 167}, {"query": ["But how am wretched I to be disposed ?\u2014", "In characters more plain and legible", "I will not speak , but think a thousand thousand .", "No , I must love you ; heaven may bate me that ,", "Too like indeed ,", "\u2018 Tis true ; and often since my mother owned ,", "And yet not for each other .", "My soul forebodes", "Oh that I were a man , as my soul 's one ,", "Against two persons of unquestioned fame .", "But not to love you is impossible .", "And , with my brother , beg Sebastian 's aid .", "And then we both were lost .", "No ; but my mother 's honour has been read", "So little do I fear that fellow 's charge :", "But , what 's most cruel , we must love no more .", "Which gave me first encouragement to come ,", "however distant ,", "Brush with her wings the falling drops away ,", "And just disclosing in a birth of fate .", "Some dire event involved in those dark words ,", "For who dares lie to heaven , thinks heaven a jest .", "Out , base impostor ! I abhor thy praise .", "O \u2018 tis too much that I must never see you ,", "Kissed it , and told me \u2018 twas a pledge of love ,", "We shall be ever thinking of each other ,", "A single witness infamously known ,", "I speak of all ,", "Heaven cannot be more true , than this is false .", "A vain enquiry , since I leave my lord ;", "This is too cruel !", "My mother , when I parted from her sight", "To reach the round of heaven , and earth , and sea ,", "Nor imprecations on thy cursed head ;", "How kind that prince was to espouse her cause ;", "Relating to my fortunes .", "And either thine , or ours .\u2014 I 'm lost for ever .", "There fate provided me a fellow-turtle ,", "Where interest shared not more than half with honour ?", "And can you find", "To prove thee traitor , and assassinate", "These cannot : I abhor the tyrant 's race ,\u2014", "Than this dumb evidence , this blotted lie .\u2014", "Upon our parents , when they loved too well .", "Thou liest , impostor ! perjured fiend , thou liest !", "And were my voice a trumpet loud as fame ,", "So should my honour , like a rising swan ,"], "true_target": ["But , at one blow , to cut off all dispute ,", "For all things that belong to us are cruel ;", "While I , as on my deathbed , hear the sound ,", "It would do well to curb it , if we could .", "I am a Christian ; now be wise no more ;", "Of that pretended passion ;", "By me , and by the world , in all her acts ,", "Now I would speak the last farewell , I cannot .", "And cannot bear that thou should'st better love .", "And proudly plough the waves .", "And hid a mystery of great importance ,", "And be thou silent too , my last Sebastian ;", "Know this , thou busy , old , officious man ,\u2014", "And charge that sinful sympathy of souls", "Sure when we part ,", "And , multiplied in echoes , still farewell .", "Not one of you depart ; I charge you , stay !", "For all the world beside is banishment .", "So passionately fond of noble acts ,", "Here comes the sad denouncer of my fate ,", "To go to Portugal , bequeathed it to me ,", "My parents \u2019 murderers , my throne 's usurpers .", "Tell me not that ; for I must boast my crime ,", "My heart 's too great , or I would die this moment ;", "But death , I thank him , in an hour , has made", "Were kings e'er known , in this degenerate age ,", "I should be tempted to pursue his steps ,", "O do not tell me where ;", "But think not oaths shall justify thy charge ,", "To toll the mournful knell of separation ;", "Or , if thou wouldst be still thought wise , be silent .", "It would be still farewell a thousand times ;", "To seek the sanctuary of your court ;", "So let us part in the dumb pomp of grief .", "To love , and be beloved , and yet be wretched !", "Of her fame ! thus moved , I 'd tear thee thus ,\u2014", "She pulled it from her finger , shed some tears ,", "That warns me hence for ever .", "For , if I knew the place of his abode ,", "And the same moment for each other pray .", "She counselled , nay enjoined me on her blessing ,", "Thou hast confessed thyself the conscious pandar", "All nations should be summoned to this place ,", "Better may be made ,", "No mystery couched in this excess of kindness ?", "A mighty journey , and I haste to meet him .", "Presaging she should never see me more .", "To mingle sighs with sighs , and tears with tears ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 167}, {"query": ["And make her love the sanction of your league .", "Almeyda may be settled in the throne ,", "Vastly more ;", "And you review your native clime with fame ."], "true_target": ["Are all included in that prince 's life .", "A firm alliance and eternal peace ,", "Let this fair queen be given to Muley-Zeydan ,", "The glorious crown of honourable war ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 167}, {"query": ["Involved our parents \u2019 guilt , we had not parted ;", "If still you loved ? you gave it air before me .", "For then we might have loved without a crime ."], "true_target": ["We had been friends , and friendship is no incest .", "Ah , why were we not born both of a sex ?", "I would have asked you , if I durst for shame ,", "Why was not I your brother ? though that wish"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 167}, {"query": ["The soldier may not move from watchful sted ,", "Fairy Queen , Book i. Canto 9 .", "Nor leave his stand until his captain bed ."], "true_target": ["The knight much wondered at his sudden wit ;", "Ne may a man prolong nor shorten it ;", "And said , The term of life is limited ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 167}, {"query": ["Sure this is not the phrase of your family ! I thought to have found a sanctified sister ; but I suspect now , madam , that if your mother kept a pension in your father 's time , there might be some gentleman-lodger in the house ; for I humbly conceive you are of the half-strain at least .", "No , no , my hours are very early ; betwixt three and four in the morning , commonly .", "One I know , indeed ; a wife : But bona roba 's , say you ?", "I think I should not , if I were sober .", "A twang of the mother ; but I love to graff on such a crab-tree ; she may bear good fruit another year .", "I have been in", "And hast thou trepanned me into a tabernacle of the godly ? Is this pious boarding-house a place for me , thou wicked varlet ?", "Pray , what company do you invite ?", "His friends would not suffer him : Virgil was not permitted to burn his \u00c6neids .", "But my comfort is , that love has overcome . Your honour is , in other words , but your good repute ; and \u2018 tis my part to take care of that : for the fountain of a woman 's honour is in the lover , as that of the subject is in the king .", "I think the devil 's in her ; she has given me the hint again .\u2014 Well , it shall go hard , but I will offer violence sometimes ; will that content you ?", "Then thou art even too good for me ; a worse man will serve my turn .", "Your beauty will allow of no competition ; and I am sure my love could make none .", "I have no vocation to it , Gervase : A man of sense is not made for marriage ; \u2018 tis a game , which none but dull plodding fellows can play at well ; and \u2018 tis as natural to them , as crimp is to a Dutchman .", "I call myself so .", "All 's well : he knows me not .\u2014 Sir , your civility is obliging to a stranger , and may befriend me , in the acquaintance of our fellow-lodgers .", "He both desired and obtained them , madam , and so will \u2014", "Ay , to those of her own church , I grant you , Gervase ; but I am none of those .", "You mean , I suppose , the peaking creature , the married woman , with a sideling look , as if one cheek carried more bias than the other ?", "But now , madam , my heart beats with joy , when I come to tell you the sweetest part of his adventure : opportunity was favourable , and love was on his side ; he told her , the chamber was more private , and a fitter scene for pleasure . Then , looking on her eyes , he found them languishing ; he saw her cheeks blushing , and heard her voice faultering in a half-denial : he seized her hand with an amorous ecstacy , and \u2014", "Let me embrace you , my dear deliverer ! Bless us ! is it you ,", "Are they very alluring , say you ? very wanton ?", "Like enough : Pray , what 's his name ?", "I wish you would give me leave to please you better . But you transact as gravely with me as a Spaniard ; and are losing love , as he does Flanders : you consider and demur , when the monarch is up in arms , and at your gates", "Go you into your bed-chamber , and leave me to my fortune .", "Then let us put your friends , too , into the quarrel : it shall go hard , but I 'll give you a revenge for them . Enter JUDITH again , hastily . How now ? what 's the matter ?", "Your humility becomes your age . For my part , I am vigorous , and throw at all .", "What , she 's gone to the parish church , it seems , to her devotions !", "If you get this keeper out of doors , father , and give me but an opportunity \u2014", "Chi vala , amici : Ho di casa ! taratapa , taratapa , eus , matou , meau !\u2014I am at the end of my Italian ; what will become of me ?", "I find we two shall scarce agree : I must not come to your closet when I have got a bottle ; for , at such a time , I am horribly given to it .", "I shall be smothered .", "Bid the footman receive the trunks and portmantua ; and see them placed in the lodgings you have taken for me , while I walk a turn here in the garden .", "The danger 's over ; I may come out safely .", "Who , I exalted ? Good faith , I am as sober , a melancholy poor soul !\u2014", "Like night and the moon , in the Maid 's Tragedy : I into mist ; you into daySCENE changes to LIMBERHAM 'S apartment .", "Aldo , my own natural father , as I live ! I remember the lines of that hide-bound face : Does he lodge here ? If he should know me , I am ruined .", "With the same face that all mistresses look upon theirs . Come , come .", "She has a notable smack with her ! I believe zeal first taught the art of kissing close .", "Mad daddy !", "I shall find two dozen more of women 's gloves among my trifles , if you please to accept them , ladies .", "O , your true lover will read you over a letter from his mistress , a thousand times .", "All on fire : A most urging creature !", "No faith , madam , I was thinking of the fair lady , who , at parting , bespoke so cunningly of me all my essences .", "Yes , the second part of the same tune ! Strike by yourself , sweet larum ; you 're true bell-metal I warrant you .", "It belongs to one of them , that 's certain .\u2014 Mr Limberham , I must desire you to restore this letter ; it is from my mistress .", "I 'll avoid him .", "I must have a ramble in the town : When I have spent my money , I will grow dutiful , see my father , and ask for more . In the mean time , I have beheld a handsome woman at a play , I am fallen in love with her , and have found her easy : Thou , I thank thee , hast traced her to her lodging in this boarding-house , and hither I am come , to accomplish my design .", "Then , I suppose , you are a gainer by your pains .", "The worst I know of him is , that he loves a wench ; and that good quality he has not stolen .\u2014 Hark ! There 's music above .", "Woodall .", "I must wheedle her , and whet my courage first on her ; as a good musician always preludes before a tune . Come , here is my first oath .", "Faith , madam \u2014", "She was so foolish to wear short petticoats , and show them .", "Why , of Covent-Garden church , I think .", "A kept mistress , too ! my bowels yearn to her already : she is certain prize .", "But cannot I be yours without a priest ? They were cunning people , doubtless , who began that trade ; to have a double hank upon us , for two worlds : that no pleasure here , or hereafter , should be had , without a bribe to them .", "Well , they are now retired together , like Rinaldo and Armida , to private dalliance ; but we shall find a time to separate their loves , and strike in betwixt them , daddy . But I hear there 's another lady in the house , my landlady 's fair daughter ; how came you to leave her out of your catalogue ?", "What will become of me now ?", "Might not I ask you one civil question ? How pass you your time in this noble family ? For I find you are a lover of the game , and I should be loth to hunt in your purlieus .", "Gervase , thou shalt be my chronicler ; thou losest none of my heroic actions .", "Faith , madam \u2014 cry you mercy ;", "Sure you expect some kindness in return .", "Seignioro , non intendo Inglese .", "Mrs Saintly ?", "O , does she so ?\u2014 Why , I am of your religion , be it what it will ; I warrant it a right one : I 'll not stand with you for a trifle ; presbyterian , independent , anabaptist , they are all of them too good for us , unless we had the grace to follow them .", "Let me alone .\u2014 Ladies , your servant ; I have a little private business with a friend of mine .", "That , besides herself , is a cooling card .\u2014 Pray , how young are they ?", "She has me there , too !", "By your favour , sir , but he must not .", "Give me leave , madam , to thank you , in my friend 's behalf , for your favourable judgment .He kissed her hand with an exceeding transport ; and finding that she prest his at the same instant , he proceeded with a greater eagerness to her lips \u2014 but , madam , the story would be without life , unless you give me leave to act the circumstances .", "Some sprinklings of it , madam : We must not boast .", "Oh , very good ! Two more young women besides yourself , and both handsome ?", "Not a syllable of counsel : The next grave sentence , thou marchest after Giles . Woodall 's my name ; remember that . Enter Mrs SAINTLY . Is this the lady of the house ?", "Say no more , it shall be done .", "The nymph was gracious , and came down to him ; but with so goddess-like a presence , that the poor gentleman was thunder-struck again .", "Just ripe for horns : His destiny , like a Turk 's , is written in his forehead .", "I am .", "I have no adventures of my own , can deserve your curiosity ; but , now I think on it , I can tell you one that happened to a French cavalier , a friend of mine , at Tripoli ."], "true_target": ["You shall find me an apt scholar .", "You must pardon me , sir , if I do not much relish the close of your compliment .", "\u2018 Twas my study to avoid my father , and I have run full into his mouth : and yet I have a strong hank upon him too ; for I am privy to as many of his virtues , as he is of mine . After all , if I had an ounce of discretion left , I should pursue this business no farther : but two fine women in a house ! well , it is resolved , come what will on it , thou art answerable for all my sins , old Aldo \u2014 Enter TRICKSY , with a box of essences .Here she comes , this heir-apparent of a sempstress , and a cobler ! and yet , as she 's adorned , she looks like any princess of the blood .", "Stop thief , stop thief ! cry you mercy , gentleman , if I have hurt you .", "They are pillars , gross enough to support a larger building ; of the", "This paper was sent me from her this morning ; and I was so fond of it , that I left it in my glove : If one of the ladies had found it there , I should have been laughed at most unmercifully .", "I find the ladies of pleasure are beholden to you .", "That then will make a man venture any thing .", "Well , if ever son was blest with a hopeful father ,", "Nay , since you are so revengeful , you shall suffer your part of the disgrace ; if you testify against me for adultery , I shall testify against you for theft : There 's an eighth for your seventh .", "Much is the word .\u2014 This feud makes well for me .", "Then this is as you would desire it , a love-adventure . This French gentleman was made a slave to the Dey of Tripoli ; by his good qualities , gained his master 's favour ; and after , by corrupting an eunuch , was brought into the seraglio privately , to see the Dey 's mistress .", "All were complete , sir , if S. Andre would make steps to them .", "The curse o n't is too , I bid my man tell the family I was gone abroad ; so that , if I am seen , you are infallibly discovered .", "Go , Gervase , and do as you are directed .", "Rather \u2018 tis like gun powder ; that which fires quickest , is commonly the strongest .\u2014 By this burning kiss \u2014", "None .", "He was so much amazed , when he first beheld her leaning over a balcony , that he scarcely dared to lift his eyes , or speak to her .", "There you have hit me . I am the most loving soul , and shall be conformable to all of you .", "England but five days .", "Because he was too saucy , and was ever offering to give me counsel : Mark that , and tremble at his destiny .", "Do you speak to me , sir ?", "Mine are Roman , madam .", "I 'll not be long after you ; for I think I have hidden my blushes where I shall never find them . Re-enter TRICKSY .", "Came by it !How do you say I came by it , father Aldo ?", "Are you gloating already ? then there 's hopes , i'faith .", "Most certainly a thief ; for , hearing my landlady cry out , I flew from my chamber to her help , and met him running down stairs , and then he turned back to the balcony , and leapt into the street .", "Sir , I see you mistake me for some other : I should be happy to be better known to you .", "Keep but your own counsel , father ; for whatever he knows , must come from you .", "Then she 's a two-piled punk , a punk of two descents .", "She can have none : There 's not room enough for a thought to play in .", "Troppo poco , troppo poco .", "Then I 'm acquainted with your business : You would be a kind of deputy-fumbler under me .", "Mr Woodall , you rogue ! that is my nomme de guerre . You know I have laid by Aldo , for fear that name should bring me to the notice of my father .", "Why , what a Turk Mahomet shall I be ! No , I will not make myself drunk with the conceit of so much joy : The fortune 's too great for mortal man ; and I a poor unworthy sinner .", "A song against keepers ! this makes well for us lusty lovers .", "Most delicate cadence !", "But I speak no Italian ; only a few broken scraps , which I picked from Scaramouch and Harlequin at Paris .", "Let me see ; I 'll read it once again .", "Thank you for your own sake ; but I fear \u2018 tis too late .", "So he told me .", "Come , come , no half resolutions among lovers ; I 'll hear no more of him , till I have revenged you fully . Go out and watch , Judith .", "I came from France .", "Believe me , madam , lovers are not to trust to-morrow . Love may die upon our hands , or opportunity be wanting ; \u2018 tis best securing the present hour .", "With all my heart .", "Ladies , I am sorry this should happen to you for my sake : She is in a raging fit , you see ; \u2018 tis best withdrawing , till the spirit of prophecy has left her .", "Hitherto , sweet Gervase , we have carried matters swimmingly . I have danced in a net before my father , almost check-mated the keeper , retired to my chamber undiscovered , shifted my habit , and am come out an absolute monsieur , to allure the ladies . How sits my chedreux ?", "My honest father stumbles into truth , in spite of lying .", "Both together ! either of them , apart , had been my business : but I shall never play well at this three-hand game .", "Io losero multo ; ma pergagnare il vestro costumo , datemi hansello .", "Hang scandal ; I am above it at those times .", "That I could find her coming , Mrs Judith ! Enter MRS BRAINSICK . You have made me languish in expectation , madam . Was it nothing , do you think , to be so near a happiness , with violent desires , and to be delayed ?", "Or , if he be not , well make him such a kind of man .", "The most hopeful young gentleman in Paris .", "Tuscan order , by my troth .", "With one cheek blue , the other red ; just like the covering of", "I must confess I do know the gentleman ; satisfy yourself , he 's in health , and upon his return .", "I stand corrected ; you have reason indeed to go , if I can use my time no better : We 'll withdraw if you please , and dispute the rest within .", "Nothing , but the love I bear thy mistress , could keep me in the house with such a fury . When will the bright nymph appear ?", "Thank you , for your own sake . Hark ! they are coming ! cry thief again , and help to save all yet .", "A word to the wise : I shall consider him , for your sake .", "Nay , that 's no argument , if I should be so base to tell ; for women get good fortunes now-a-days , by losing their credit , as a cunning citizen does by breaking .", "Mr who , sir ?", "Pr'ythee , what should a man do with such a father , but use him thus ? besides , he does journey-work under me ; \u2018 tis his humour to fumble , and my duty to provide for his old age .", "Pr'ythee , no more .", "Seignior , si .", "I would go to China , or Japan , to be rid of that impetuous clack of yours . Farewell , thou legion of tongues in one woman !", "Will you oblige me , sir ?", "Seignior , io non canno takare ten guinneo possibilment\u00e8 ; \u2018 tis to my losso .", "A dio , seigniora .", "I warrant you , let me alone : I am chosen , I .", "Drinking and wenching are but slips of youth : I had those two good qualities from my father .", "Peace , you lying rogue !\u2014 Believe me , sir , bating his necessary expences of women , which I know you would not have him want , in all things else , he was the best manager of your allowance ; and , though I say it \u2014", "Lambeth Palace .", "Now the wife 's returned , and the daughter too , and I have seen them both , and am more distracted than before : I would enjoy all , and have not yet determined with which I should begin . It is but a kind of clergy-covetousness in me , to desire so many ; if I stand gaping after pluralities , one of them is in danger to be made a sine cure \u2014O , fortune has determined for me . It is just here , as it is in the world ; the mistress will be served before the wife .", "Hold , I beseech you ! a truce for me .", "O , fear not the vigorous five-and-twenty .", "Two thousand ! then it must be hers .\u201c Away to your chamber immediately , and I 'll give my fool the slip . \u201d \u2014 The fool ! that may be either the keeper , or the husband ; but commonly the keeper is the greater . Humh ! without subscription ! it must be Tricksy .\u2014 Father Aldo , pr'ythee rid me of this coxcomb .", "A plague of her suspicions ; they 'll ruin me on that side .", "At your service , madam ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 168}, {"query": ["Well , heaven mend all . I hear our landlady 's voice without ;", "If I had a thousand sons , none of the race of the", "I call your conscience to witness , how often I have given you wholesome counsel ; how often I have said to you , with tears in my eyes , master , or master Aldo \u2014", "There 's somewhat bounces , like him , i n't . \u2018 Tis plaguy heavy ; but we 'll take t'other heave .", "My old master would fain pass for Philip of", "Gervases should ever be educated by thee , thou vile old Satan !", "If I were worthy to read you a lecture in the mystery of wickedness , I would instruct you first in the art of seeming holiness : But , heaven be thanked , you have a toward and pregnant genius to vice , and need not any man 's instruction ; and I am too good , I thank my stars , for the vile employment of a pimp .", "Yes , Mr Woodall , for want of a better , as she will tell you .", "Take my advice yet ; down o \u2019 your marrow bones , and ask forgiveness ; espouse the wife he has provided for you ; lie by the side of a wholesome woman , and procreate your own progeny in the fear of heaven .", "Think o n't , however , sir ; debauchery is upon its last legs in England : Witty men began the fashion , and now the fops are got into it , \u2018 tis time to leave it .", "and therefore shall defer my counsel to a fitter season .", "Cry you mercy , good Mr Woodall . How often have I said ,\u2014 Into what courses do you run ! Your father sent you into France at twelve years old ; bred you up at Paris , first in a college , and then at an academy : At the first , instead of running through a course of philosophy , you ran through all the bawdy-houses in town : At the latter , instead of managing the great horse , you exercised on your master 's wife . What you did in Germany , I know not ; but that you beat them all at their own weapon , drinking , and have brought home a goblet of plate from Munster , for the prize of swallowing a gallon of Rhenish more than the bishop ."], "true_target": ["Let me come to't ; I 'll break it open , and you may take out your writings .", "Macedon , when he is little better than Sir Pandarus of Troy .", "No , sir ; the servants have informed me , that she rises every morning , and goes to a private meeting-house ; where they pray for the government , and practise against the authority of it .", "It is already ordered , sir . But they are like to stay in the outer-room , till the mistress of the house return from morning exercise .", "He spared for nothing ; he laid it on , sir , as I have heard .", "That should not say it .", "I know the reason why I am kept ; because you cannot be discovered by my means ; for you took me up in France , and your father knows me not .", "You are come over , have been in town above a week incognito , haunting play-houses , and other places , which for modesty I name not ; and have changed your name from Aldo to Woodall , for fear of being discovered to him : You have not so much as inquired where he is lodged , though you know he is most commonly in London : And lastly , you have discharged my honest fellow-servant Giles , because \u2014", "What a comfort are you like to prove to your good old father ! You have run a campaigning among the French these last three years , without his leave ; and now he sends for you back , to settle you in the world , and marry you to the heiress of a rich gentleman , of whom he had the guardianship , yet you do not make your application to him .", "O very finely ! with the locks combed down , like a mermaid 's on a sign-post . Well , you think now your father may live in the same house with you till doomsday , and never find you ; or , when he has found you , he will be kind enough not to consider what a property you have made of him . My employment is at an end ; you have got a better pimp , thanks to your filial reverence .", "How lewdly and ignorantly he answers !She means , of what religion are you ?", "According to human appearance , I must confess , it is neither fit for you , nor you for it ; but have patience , sir ; matters are not so bad as they may seem . There are pious bawdy-houses in the world , or conventicles would not be so much frequented . Neither is it impossible , but a devout fanatic landlady of a boarding-house may be a bawd .", "Of an hour 's acquaintance ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 168}, {"query": ["But scandal is the greatest part of the offence ; you must be secret . And I must warn you of another thing ; there are , besides myself , two more young women in my house .", "Verily , I think all hell 's broke loose among you . What , a schism in my family ! Does this become the purity of my house ? What will the ungodly say ?", "No , verily , they are painted outsides ; you must not cast your eyes upon them , nor listen to their conversation : You are already chosen for a better work .", "Verily , boasting is of an evil principle .", "You appear exalted , when I mention those pit-falls of iniquity .", "You are welcome , gentleman . Woodall is your name ?", "No swearing , I beseech you . Of what church are you ?", "Verily , they are approaching : Return to my embraces , and it shall be forgiven thee .", "In the first place , you must know , we are a company of ourselves , and expect you should live conformably and lovingly amongst us .", "Verily , a little swearing may be then allowable : You may swear you love me , it is a lawful oath ; but then , you must not look on harlots .", "Curse on his coming ! he has disturbed us .Well , young gentleman , I shall take a time to instruct you better .", "Limberham ! O heaven , O heaven !", "Bless us ! what 's here to do ? My neighbours will think I keep a nest of unclean birds here .", "Above all things , have a care of him yourself ; for surely there is witchcraft betwixt his lips : He is a wolf within the sheepfold ; and therefore I will be earnest , that you may not fall .", "According to thy wickedness , shall it be done unto thee . Have I discovered thy backslidings , thou unfaithful man ! thy treachery to me shall be rewarded , verily ; for I will testify against thee .", "I may season you . I hope you do not use the parish-church .", "They are a couple of alluring wanton minxes ."], "true_target": ["I have a cup of cordial water in my closet , which will help to strengthen nature , and to carry off a debauch : I do not invite you thither ; but the house will be safe a-bed , and scandal will be avoided .", "I must go abroad upon some business ; but remember your promise , to carry yourself soberly , and without scandal in my family ; and so I leave you to this gentleman , who is a member of it .", "I see this abominable sin of swearing is rooted in you . Tear it out ; oh , tear it out ! it will destroy your precious soul .", "I find a certain motion within me to this young man , and must secure him to myself , ere he see my lodgers .\u2014 O , seriously , I had forgotten ; your trunk and portmantua are standing in the hall ; your lodgings are ready , and your man may place them , if he please , while you and I confer together .", "That must be amended ; but , to remedy the inconvenience , I will myself sit up for you . I hope , you would not offer violence to me ?", "And to me especially . Then , I hope , you are no keeper of late hours .", "About my age : some eighteen , or twenty , or thereabouts .", "As I watched the chest , behold a vision rushed out of it , on the sudden ; and I lifted up my voice , and shrieked .", "Then , if you were overtaken , and should offer violence , and I consent not , you may do your filthy part , and I am blameless .", "I see you are ignorant ; but verily , you are a new vessel , and", "This is Mr Woodall , your new fellow-lodger .", "There is a certain motion put into my mind , and it is of good . I have keys here , which a precious brother , a devout blacksmith , made me , and which will open any lock of the same bore . Verily , it can be no sin to unlock this chest therewith , and take from thence the spoils of the ungodly . I will satisfy my conscience , by giving part thereof to the hungry and the needy ; some to our pastor , that he may prove it lawful ; and some I will sanctify to my own use .", "You look like a sober discreet gentleman ; there is grace in your countenance .", "Stop thief , stop thief !", "Heaven of his mercy ! Stop thief , stop thief !", "Verily , I am raised up for a judge amongst you ; and I say \u2014", "Who would have imagined you had been such a kind of man , Mr"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 168}, {"query": ["A young monsieur returned from travel ; a lusty young rogue ; a true-milled whoremaster , with the right stamp . He is a fellow-lodger , incorporate in our society : For whose sake he came hither , let him tell you .", "Thou , boy ! Aha , boy ! a true Trojan , I warrant thee !Well , I say no more ; but you are lighted into such a family , such food for concupiscence , such bona roba 's !", "She 's pretty , I confess , but most damnably honest ; have a care of her , I warn you , for she 's prying and malicious .", "For the reckoning was paid me before .", "In the free-born subject , woman .", "That thou should'st think to keep this secret ! why , I know it as well as he that made thee .", "Ha , mad son !", "Away , boy ! Fix thy arms , and whet , like the lusty German boys , before a charge : He shall bolt immediately .", "Before George , Gervase and I will carry it away ; and a smith shall be sent for to my daughter Pleasance 's chamber , to open it without damage .", "Peace , peace , I am coming to you : Why , you must know I am tender-natured ; and if any unhappy difference have arisen betwixt a mistress and her gallant , then I strike in , to do good offices betwixt them ; and , at my own proper charges , conclude the quarrel with a reconciling supper .", "But this lady is so termagant an empress ! and he is so submissive , so tame , so led a keeper , and as proud of his slavery as a Frenchman . I am confident he dares not find her false , for fear of a quarrel with her ; because he is sure to be at the charges of the war . She knows he cannot live without her , and therefore seeks occasions of falling out , to make him purchase peace . I believe she is now aiming at a settlement .", "Ay ; and pay the lawyer too . Why , this is as it should be ! I 'll be at the charge of the reconciling supper .\u2014Daughter , my son Woodall is waiting for you .\u2014 Come away , son Limberham to the temple .", "You have me right . Be you the lion , to devour the prey ; I am your jackall , to provide it for you : There will be a bone for me to pick .", "How now , Mrs Saintly ! what work have we here towards ?", "George Aldo .", "Would I were worthy to be a young man , for her sake ! She should eat pearls , if she would have them .", "\u2018 Tis enough to raise sedition", "No deferring in these cases , daughter .", "Come , son Limberham , we let our friend Brainsick walk too long alone : Shall we follow him ? we must make haste ; for I expect a whole bevy of whores , a chamber-full of temptation this afternoon : \u2018 tis my day of audience .", "Before George , a proper fellow , and a swinger he should be , by his make ! the rogue would humble a whore , I warrant him .\u2014 You are welcome , sir , amongst us ; most heartily welcome , as I may say .", "Hold , a word first : Thou saidst my son was shortly to come over .", "Your man told me , you were just returned from travel : What parts have you last visited ?", "Push hard , son .", "Brainsick ?", "Why , look you now , son Limberham , is this a song to be sung at such a time , when I am labouring your reconcilement ? Come , daughter Tricksy , you must be ruled ; I 'll be the peace-maker .", "I 'll treat with the rest", "No , no , avoid her ; I warrant thee , young Alexander , I will provide thee more worlds to conquer .", "Faith , not much : Nature in me is at low water-mark ; my body 's a jade , and tires under me ; yet I love to smuggle still in a corner ; pat them down , and pur over them ; but , after that , I can do them little harm .", "The truth o n't is , I sent for him over ; partly to have married him , and partly because his villainous bills came so thick upon me , that I grew weary of the charge .", "But feel again , the lawyer stays .", "Look you , daughter , see how nature works in him .", "Know him ! from his cradle \u2014 What 's your name ?", "\u2018 Tis at my daughter Tricksy 's lodging ; the kept mistress I told you of , the lass of mettle . But for all she carries it so high , I know her pedigree ; her mother 's a sempstress in Dog-and-Bitch yard , and was , in her youth , as right as she is .", "Hold you there , sir : I must first understand you a little better ; and yet , methinks , you should be true to love .", "Nay , for that , you must excuse me ; I must not disclose little", "Nay , dear daughter !", "Well , thou art the happiest rogue in a kind keeper ! He drank thy health five times , supernaculum ,to my son Brain-sick ; and dipt my daughter Pleasance 's little finger , to make it go down more glibly :And , before George , I grew tory rory , as they say , and strained a brimmer through the lily-white smock , i'faith .", "O here 's a monsieur , new come over , and a fellow-lodger ; I must endear you two to one another .", "Daughter Tricksy , are you there , child ? your friends at Barnet are all well , and your dear master Limberham , that noble Hephestion , is returning with them .", "\u2018 Tis honest and fair ,", "Come , there is no better place than little London . You shall not part for a trifle . What , son Limberham ! four hundred a year is a square sum , and you shall give it .", "Report speaks otherwise ; and , before George , I shall read him a wormwood lecture , when I see him . But , hark , I hear the door unlock ; the lovers are coming out : I 'll stay here , to wheedle him abroad ; but you must vanish .", "Some welcomer guest ,", "Why son , why daughter , why Mrs Saintly ; are you all mad ? Hear me , I am sober , I am discreet ; let a smith be sent for hither , let him break open the chest ; let the things contained be taken out , and the thing containing be restored .", "But how came you by this letter , son Woodall ? let me examine you .", "I meant of Hampshire . But that I should forget he was a knight , when I got him knighted , at the king 's coming in ! Two fat bucks , I am sure he sent me .", "As right as if I had begot thee ! Wilt thou give me leave to call thee son ?", "I think the devil 's i n't .", "And her father , the famous cobler , who taught Walsingham to the black-birds . How stand thy affections to her , thou lusty rogue ?", "Do so , daughter . Not a word of my familiarity with his mother , to prevent bloodshed betwixt us : but I have her name down in my almanack , I warrant her .", "Would I lie to my friend ? Am I a man ? Am I a christian ? There is that wife you mentioned , a delicate little wheedling devil , with such an appearance of simplicity ; and with that , she does so undermine , so fool her conceited husband , that he despises her !", "Trust my diligence ; I will smoke him out , as they do bees , but", "He thinks I 'm a slave for my life ;", "I my body have sold ,", "Judith 's secrets ."], "true_target": ["A SONG .", "\u2018 Gainst keepers we petition , & c .", "What ? every one must have their own ; Fiat justitia , aut ruat mundus .", "Before George , son Limberham , you will spoil all , if you underbid so . Come , down with your dust , man : What , shew a base mind , when a fair lady 's in question !", "Nay , good son !", "And would keep me as bare as his wife .", "II .", "Yes , a mistress , sir . I 'll be his voucher , he has a mistress , and a fair one too .", "That I should ever live to see this day !", "Christian ?", "Then , perhaps , you may have known an ungracious boy of mine there .", "Not a syllable . What the devil 's in you , daughter ? Open , son , open .", "What 's the matter trow ? what , in martial posture , son", "Why , there 's it , now . This morning I met your mistress 's father , Mr you know who \u2014", "Nay , but son Limberham , this must not be . A word in private ;\u2014 you will never get such another woman , for love nor money . Do but look upon her ; she is a mistress for an emperor .", "I must first tell you something of my condition . I am here a friend to all of them ; I am their factotum , do all their business ; for , not to boast , sir , I am a man of general acquaintance : There is no news in town , either foreign or domestic , but I have it first ; no mortgage of lands , no sale of houses , but I have a finger in them .", "I will make him leave his honey-comb .", "And will you have that dreadful oath lie gnawing on your conscience ?", "Know it ! I know the match is as good as made already : old Woodall and I are all one . You , son , were sent for over on purpose ; the articles for her jointure are all concluded , and a friend of mine drew them .", "So , now you will part , for a mere punctilio ! Turn to him , daughter : Speak to her , son : Why should you be so refractory both , to bring my gray hairs with sorrow to the grave ?", "I .", "Then this matter is composed .", "Be sure thou dost not discover my frailties to the young scoundrel : \u2018 Twere enough to make the boy my master . I must keep up the dignity of old age with him .", "Who would inclose the common :", "I am sorry I cannot stay to present my son , Woodall , to you ; but I have set you together , that 's enough for me .", "Peace , peace ! thou art yet ordained for greater things . There is another , too , a kept mistress , a brave strapping jade , a two-handed whore !", "\u2018 Gainst keepers we petition ,", "But when his dull appetite 's o'er ,", "No , no , I 'll not whisper . Do not stand in your own light , but produce the keys , daughter .", "Before George , I am on t'other side : I think , as good no song , as no Phillis .", "Before George , I love the poor little devils . I am indeed a father to them , and so they call me : I give them my counsel , and assist them with my purse . I cannot see a pretty sinner hurried to prison by the land-pirates , but nature works , and I must bail her ; or want a supper , but I have a couple of crammed chickens , a cream tart , and a bottle of wine to offer her .", "Before George , son Limberham , you shall read it .", "Peace ! they are beginning .", "No matter for that .", "He swaggers and swears ,", "We will follow you immediately .", "I never saw a woman , before you , but first or last she would be brought to reason . Hark you , child , you will scarcely find so kind a keeper . What if he has some impediment one way ? Every body is not a Hercules . You shall have my son Woodall , to supply his wants ; but , as long as he maintains you , be ruled by him that bears the purse . LIMBERHAM SINGING . I my own jailor was ; my only foe , Who did my liberty forego ; I was a prisoner , because I would be so .", "Thou art my bosom friend .", "Before George , I should not see it starve , for the mother 's sake : For , if she were a punk , she was good-natured , I warrant her .", "That 's some comfort : But , I hear , a very rogue , a lewd young fellow .", "Son Woodall , thou vigorous young rogue , I congratulate thy good fortune ; thy man has told me the adventure of the Italian merchant .", "Because for his gold ,", "No , I do all gratis , and am most commonly a loser ; only a buck sometimes from this good lord , or that good lady in the country : and I eat it not alone , I must have company .", "Carry me this letter , quoth he , to your son Woodall ; \u2018 tis from my daughter such a one , and then whispered me her name .", "It shall be so , it shall be so : Come , now buss , and seal the bargain .", "Pray for him ! fy , daughter , fy ; is that an answer for a", "Daughter Tricksy , a word with you .", "He rants , domineers ,", "How now , son Limberham ? There 's no quarrel towards , I hope .", "Before George , and so it was : for she had the prettiest black mole upon her left ancle , it does me good to think o n't ! His father was squire What-d'yehYpppHeNcallhYpppHeNhim , of what-d'yehYpppHeNcallhYpppHeNem shire . What think you , little Judith ? do I know him now ?", "That a feast I prepare ;", "Before George , I smell a rat , son Limberham . I doubt , I doubt , here has been some great omission in love affairs .", "Know them ! I think I do . His mother was an arch-deacon 's daughter ; as honest a woman as ever broke bread : she and I have been cater-cousins in our youth ; we have tumbled together between a pair of sheets , i'faith .", "I say , bona roba 's , in the plural number .", "Nay , you shall excuse me for that ; but we are intimate : his name begins with some vowel or consonant , no matter which : Well , her father gave me this very numerical letter , subscribed , for Mr. Woodall ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 168}, {"query": ["The devil 's in him ; will he confess ?", "Hark , I hear them ! Here 's a chest which I borrowed of Mrs Pleasance ; get quickly into it , and I will lock you up : there 's nothing i n't but clothes of Limberham 's , and a box of writings .", "Let me alone : I 'll have him cudgelled by my footman .", "Heavens ! I hear Mr Limberham 's voice : he 's returned from Barnet .", "That savoured little of the monsieur 's gallantry , especially when the lady gave him encouragement . Wood The gentleman was not so dull , but he understood the favour , and was presuming enough to try if she were mortal . He advanced with more assurance , and took her fair hands : was he not too bold , madam ? and would not you have drawn back yours , had you been in the sultana 's place ?", "And her little head , upon that long neck , shows like a traitor 's skull upon a pole . Then , for her wit \u2014", "Look to it ; we shall expect them .\u2014 Now to put in my billet-doux !", "I find him now .\u2014 But what followed of this dumb interview ?", "How now , sir , are you rehearsing your lingua Franca by yourself , that you walk so pensively ?", "No doubt \u2018 twas meant to Mrs Brainsick .", "Your servant , till we meet again .", "Yes , you have seen Mrs Brainsick ; she 's a beauty .", "If you will present me , I have bidden him ten guineas .", "Their eyes are nothing like :\u2014 you 'll have a quarrel .", "He 'll know my hand , and I am ruined !", "But to yield upon the first summons , ere you have laid a formal siege \u2014 To-morrow may prove a luckier day to you .", "Now I see you are so reasonable , I 'll show you I dare trust your honesty ; the settlement shall be deferred till another day .", "I defy you , slanderer ; I defy you .", "You lovers are such froward children , ever crying for the breast ; and , when you have once had it , fall fast asleep in the nurse 's arms . And with what face should I look upon my keeper after it ?", "Hold , sir , you act your part too far . Your friend was unconscionable , if he desired more favours at the first interview .", "You oaf you , do you not perceive it is the Italian seignior , who is come to sell me essences ?", "Ay , two thousand , if he be in the humour .", "Pray let him go , he understands no English .", "English ! away , you fop : \u2018 tis a kind of lingua Franca , as I have heard the merchants call it ; a certain compound language , made up of all tongues , that passes through the Levant .", "Then all 's safe again .", "The chest open , and Woodall discovered ! I am ruined .", "You shall feel no where : I have felt already and am sure they are lost .", "Come , let us go down ; by this time Gervase has brought the smith , and then Mrs Pleasance may have her chest . Please you , sir , to bear us company .", "I 'll have no judge : it shall not go .", "That you should be so dull ! their suspicion will be as strong still : for what should make you here ?", "No more apologies ; give Judith the words , she sings at sight .", "Father Aldo ! I wonder you are not ashamed to call him so ; you may be his father , if the truth were known .", "Now I shall have leisure to instruct his man , and set him free , without discovery . Come , Mr Gervase .", "Speak any thing , and make it pass for Italian ; but be sure you take his money .", "Father , father Aldo !", "Not to a boarding-house , I hope ?", "Did you call , Mr Limberham ?", "But I am resolved I 'll not lose my time with you ; I 'll part .", "The scent I love , of all the world . Pray let me see them .", "No , it is no matter ; my thoughts are on a better place .", "Loraine and Crequi .", "And you are come upon the spur before , to acquaint me with the news .", "Then you shall carry me too . Help , murder , murder !", "Father Aldo , a word with you , for heaven 's sake .", "As I live , Mr Limberham and father Aldo are just returned ; I saw them entering . My settlement will miscarry , if you are found here : What shall we do ?", "Let me alone ; I care not .", "I 'll hear nothing : I am for a nunnery .", "No wars , I beseech you : I am so weary of father Aldo 's", "Come , you shall make it twelve , and he shall take it for my sake .", "I have been looking over the last present of orange gloves you made me ; and methinks I do not like the scent .\u2014 O Lord , Mr Woodall , did you bring those you wear from Paris ?"], "true_target": ["You see what a good natured fool I am , Mr Limberham , to come back into a wicked world , for love of you .\u2014 You will see the writings drawn , father ?", "Thou art a forsworn man , however ; for thou sworest to love me eternally .", "Then I may be bound to make good the loss .", "A thief , I warrant you , who had gotten into the chest .", "Good-morrow , seignior ; I like your spirits very well ; pray let me have all your essence you can spare .", "We are both under safe convoy , madam ; a lover and a husband .", "Hang your pitiful excuses . \u2018 Tis well known what offers I have had , and what fortunes I might have made with others , like a fool as I was , to throw away my youth and beauty upon you . I could have had a young handsome lord , that offered me my coach and six ; besides many a good knight and gentleman , that would have parted with their own ladies , and have settled half they had upon me .", "But , I 'm so shame-faced ! Well , I 'll go in , and hide my blushes .", "You seem to know him , father .", "Well , I am going to the nunnery ; but , to shew I am in charity , I 'll pray for you .", "It shall not be opened ; I will have my will , though I lose my settlement . Would I were within the chest ! I would hold it down , to spite you . I say again , would I were within the chest , I would hold it so fast , you should not open it .\u2014 The best o n't is , there 's good inkle on the top of the inside , if he have the wit to lay hold o n't .", "I was just coming down to the garden-house , before you came .", "But my reputation !", "The more shame for you , that you have done no more for me :", "Make haste , for heaven 's sake ; they 'll quickly be gone , and then \u2014", "Pr'ythee leave thy foppery , that we may have done with him . He asks an unreasonable price , and we cannot agree . Here , seignior , take your trinkets , and be gone .", "No , I 'm just going .", "And his dam take me , if I return , except you do .", "Well , I 'll swear you are the most natural historian !", "Here , sir , take your glove again ; the perfume 's too strong for me .", "But I have lost the keys .", "Foh ! how you smell of sweat , dear !", "To show I can live honest , in spite of all mankind , I 'll go into a nunnery , and that is my resolution .", "If the sultana liked him well enough to come down into the garden to him , I suppose she came not thither to gather nosegays .", "No , I am prepared for any foolish freak of yours : I knew you would have a qualm , when you came to settlement .", "That 's impossible ; he 'll meet you . Let me think a moment :\u2014 Mrs Saintly is abroad , and cannot discover you : have any of the servants seen you ?", "Who is that gentleman with you ?", "Then you shall pass for my Italian merchant of essences : here 's a little box of them just ready .", "But there are other beauties in the house ; and I should be impatient of a rival : for I am apt to be partial to myself , and think I deserve to be preferred before them .", "Let him be damned ; and so farewell for ever .\u2014", "I think indeed I may safely trust you with such charms ; and you have pleased me with your description of her .", "Well , to satisfy you , I will feel .\u2014 They are not here \u2014 nor here neither .", "You had best tell now , and make yourself ridiculous .", "That he should be so silly to imagine I would go into a nunnery ! it is likely ; I have much nun 's flesh about me . But here comes my gentleman .", "Yes , and with a high nose , as visible as a land-mark .", "This is somewhat ; proceed , sweet sir .", "Why , by signs , you coxcomb .", "What would you have , you eternal sot ? the man 's in haste .", "What a difference there is between this gentleman , and my feeble keeper , Mr Limberham ! he 's to my wish , if he would but make the least advances to me .\u2014 Father Aldo tells me , sir , you are a traveller : What adventures have you had in foreign countries ?", "No , love 's like fruit ; it must have time to ripen on the tree ; if it be green gathered , \u2018 twill but wither afterwards .", "Hold ; I say it shall not stir .", "You will never leave these fumbling tricks , father , till you are taken up on suspicion of manhood , and have a bastard laid at your door : I am sure you would own it , for your credit .", "I said so , sir ! Who am I ? Is not my word as good as yours ?", "I dare be sworn \u2018 twas in your sleep ; for , when you are waking , you are the most honest , quiet bed-fellow , that ever lay by woman .", "No , no : While you are in it , you will secure it from that scandal .\u2014 Hark hither , Mrs Saintly .", "Well , to show I am reasonable , I am content . Mr Gervase and I will fetch an instrument from the next smith ; in the mean time , let the chest remain where it now stands , and let every one depart the chamber .", "I 'll take shelter in my chamber ,\u2014 whither , I hope , he 'll have the grace to follow me .", "Their nose and mouth are quite different .", "Nay , but her legs , if you could see them \u2014", "You must venture that : When we are rid of Limberham , \u2018 tis but slipping into your chamber , throwing off your black perriwig , and riding suit , and you come out an Englishman . No more ; he 's here ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 168}, {"query": ["I thought , indeed , that something held down the chest , when I would have opened it :\u2014 But my writings are there still , that 's one comfort .\u2014 Oh seignioro , are you here ?", "That is , Pug , he cannot possibly take ten guineas , \u2018 tis to his loss : Now I understand him ; this is almost English .", "Nay , if father Aldo knows it , I am satisfied .", "Pray do , sir : consider him much .", "A poco , a poco ! why a pox on you too , an \u2019 you go to that . Stay , now I think o n't , I can tickle him up with French ; he 'll understand that sure . Monsieur , voulez vous prendre ces dix guinees , pour ces essences ? mon foy c'est assez .", "Before George , I think you have the devil in a string , Pug ; I cannot open it , for the guts of me . Hictius doctius ! what 's here to do ? I believe , in my conscience , Pug can conjure : Marry , God bless us all good Christians !", "\u2018 Tis unreasonable it should be broken open .", "My heart was at my mouth , for fear it had been Pug 's .\u2014 There \u2018 tis again \u2014 Hold , hold ; pray let me see it once more : a mistress , said you ?", "Then how could you drive a bargain with him , Pug ?", "Do , who cares ? Go to Dog-and-Bitch yard , and help your mother to make footmen 's shirts .", "And , before George , you bid him fair . Look you , Mr Seignior , I will give you all these . 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , and 10 . Do you see , Seignior ?", "Ay , fiat justitia , Pug : She must have her own ; for justitia is Latin for justice .", "But why should you be in your frumps , Pug , when I design only to oblige you ? I must present you with this box of essences ; nothing can be too dear for thee .", "Aldo .", "This lingua , what you call it , is the most rarest language ! I understand it as well as if it were English ; you shall see me answer him : Seignioro , stay a littlo , and consider wello , ten guinnio is monyo , a very considerablo summo .", "O Pug , how have you been passing your time ?", "Pug 's absence .", "What have we here ?for Mr Woodall !", "Pray , for my sake , let it be your Chloris .", "Is this the seignior ? I warrant you , it is he the lampoon was made on .", "You may use your pleasure with your own .", "Why a kek shoes let it be then ! and a kek shoes for your song .", "Come , Puggio , and let us retire in secreto , like lovers , into our chambro ; for I grow impatiento \u2014 bon matin , monsieur , bon matin et bon jour .", "As Pug says , they are quite different , indeed ; but I durst have sworn it had been he ; and , therefore , once again , I demand your pardono .", "I think all the stars in heaven have conspired my ruin . I 'll look in my almanack .\u2014 As I hope for mercy , \u2018 tis cross day now .", "Your settlement depends most absolutely on that chest .", "Nay , but dear sweet honey Pug , forgive me but this once : It may be any man 's case , when his desires are too vehement .", "You had as good call her your Succuba .", "The close of it is the most ravishing I ever heard !", "Yes , I was such a fool , to swear so .", "No matter for the ungodly ; this is all among ourselves : For , look you , the business is this . Mrs Pleasance has sent for this same business here , which she lent to Pug ; now Pug has some private businesses within this business , which she would take out first , and the business will not be opened : and this makes all the business .", "Nay , I confess , Phillis is a very pretty name .", "As mine gentlewoman ? though I say it , my word will go for thousands .", "So , now you have spit your venom , and the storm 's over .", "That no violence be offered to the person of the chest , in", "There is both hansello and guinnio ; tako , tako , and so good-morrow .", "It is a round sum indeed ; I wish a three-cornered sum would have served her turn .\u2014 Why should you be so pervicacious now , Pug ? Pray take three hundred . Nay , rather than part , Pug , it shall be so .\u2014", "A vision , landlady ! what , have we Gog and Magog in our chamber ?", "Ay , you said so .", "But why , of all names , would you chuse a Phillis ? There have been so many Phillises in songs , I thought there had not been another left , for love or money .", "Mr Woodall , we leave you here \u2014 you remember ?", "Well , that 's but reason : If she must have it , she must have it . Trick Tell her , it shall be returned some time to-day ; at present we must crave her pardon , because we have some writings in it , which must first be taken out , when we can open it .", "Why all this shrieking , Mrs Saintly ?", "This is a very dull fellow ! he says , he does not intend", "But then thou wilt not love me , Pug ."], "true_target": ["What did Pug say ? will she pray for me ? Well , to shew I am in charity , she shall not pray for me . Come back , Pug . But did I ever think thou couldst have been so unkind to have parted with me ?", "Very good ! then I 'll first pull him by the sleeve , that 's a sign to stay . Look you , Mr Seignior , I would make a present of your essences to this lady ; for I find I cannot speak too plain to you , because you understand no English . Be not you refractory now , but take ready money : that 's a rule .", "Do , tell , tell , no matter for that .", "Aldo , she has the stomach of an ostrich .", "Pray lead the way , sir .", "That 's true : \u2018 Tis but reasonable it should be broken open .", "That 's a jest ! let me feel in thy pocket , for I must oblige thee .", "Be not musty , my pretty St Peter , but produce the keys . I must have the writings out , that concern thy settlement .", "Pug !", "Some foolish French quelque chose , I warrant you .", "Let her be a mistress for a pope , like a whore of Babylon , as she is .", "She can digest them , and gold too . Let me tell you , father", "English . How much shall I offer him , Pug ?", "Do not hinder her , good father Aldo ; I am sure she will come back from France , before she gets half way over to Calais .", "What , are you not acquainted with the contents of it ?", "Then , Seignioro , for Pugsakio , addo two moro : je vous donne bon advise : prenez vitement : prenez me \u00e0 mon mot .", "With all my heart , while she is in a good humour : It would cost me another hundred , if I should stay till Pug were in wrath again . Adieu , sweet Pug .\u2014", "You had best peach now , and make her house be thought a bawdy-house !", "Before George , and so it is .", "She 's in passion : Pray do you moderate this matter , father", "But you would be entreated , and say , Nolo , nolo , nolo , three times , like any bishop , when your mouth waters at the diocese .", "It may be , ay ; it may be , no .", "Do you know it , father Aldo .", "Dost thou not wonder to see me come again so quickly , Pug ?", "I 'll settle two hundred a-year upon thee , because thou said'st thou would'st pray for me .", "Hold , pray stay a little , seignior ; a thing is come into my head of the sudden .", "Not very like , I confess .", "Nay , nay , leave but your madrigal behind : draw not that upon us , and it is no matter for your sword .", "Why , how now , Pug ? Nay , I must lay you over the lips , to take hansel of them , for my welcome .", "The devil take me , if I call you back .", "Well , if I must give three hundred \u2014", "Why , who says against it ? Let it be carried ; I 'm all for reason .", "Now hear me too , for I am sober and discreet ; father Aldo is an oracle : It shall be so .", "\u2018 Tis a fine time to cry a man mercy , when you have beaten his wind out of his body .", "Cry you mercy , sir ; I durst have sworn you could have spoken lingua Franca \u2014 I thought , in my conscience , Pug , this had been thy Italian merchanto .", "I have put myself into this same unsavoury heat , out of my violent affection to see thee , Pug . Before George , as father Aldo says , I could not live without thee ; thou art the purest bed-fellow , though I say it , that I did nothing but dream of thee all night ; and then I was so troublesome to father Aldo ,that , in my conscience , I did so kiss him , and so hug him in my sleep !", "Sir , I beg your pardon , with all my hearto . Before George , I was caught again there ! But you are so very like a paltry fellow , who came to sell Pug essences this morning , that one would swear those eyes , and that nose and mouth , belonged to that rascal .", "I 'll not be forsworn , I swore first ;", "Lo \u2019 you there , Pug , he does see . Here , will you take me at my word ?", "Well , Pug , all shall be amended ; I am come home on purpose to pay old debts . But who is that same fellow there ? What makes he in our territories ?", "Hark you , Mr Woodall ; this fool Brainsick grows insupportable ; he 's a public nuisance ; but I scorn to set my wit against him : he has a pretty wife : I say no more ; but if you do not graff him \u2014", "Look you now , Pug ! who 's in the right ? Well , thou art born to be a lucky Pug , in spite of thyself . TrickO , I am ruined !\u2014 One word , I beseech you , father Aldo .", "Yes , we will come after you , bully Brainsick : but I hope you will not draw upon us there .", "I defy her too .", "Nay , that 's but reason too : Then she must not have it .", "I cannot push ; I was never good at pushing . When I push , I think the devil pushes too . Well , I must let it alone , for I am a fumbler . Here , take the keys , Pug ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 168}, {"query": ["Madam , Mrs Pleasance has sent for the chest you borrowed of her . She has present occasion for it ; and has desired us to carry it away .", "Madam , your mother would speak with you .", "Kind is death , that ends my pain ,", "Pray , father Aldo , do you beg my pardon of my master . I have committed a fault ; I have hidden a gentleman in my chamber , who is to marry me without his friends \u2019 consent , and therefore came in private to me .", "My groans redouble :", "What , kiss and tell , father Aldo ? kiss and tell !", "Kind is death , that ends my pain ,", "My master 's so outrageous ! sweet madam , do you intercede for me , and I 'll tell you all in private .", "I 'll try my skill .", "Who caused my anguish .", "A SONG FROM THE ITALIAN .", "Thus while I languish ;", "I suppose you may be mistaken : my servant 's father is a knight of Hampshire .", "By a dismal cypress lying ,", "The best way will be , for father Aldo to lend me the key of his door , which opens into my chamber ; and so I can convey him out .", "By a dismal cypress lying ,"], "true_target": ["The mossy fountains", "Damon cried , all pale and dying ,\u2014", "She only scorns me ,", "Are you mad ? you shall not .", "No love returning me , but all hope denying ;", "Every nymph mourns me ,", "And hollow mountains", "Murmur my trouble ,", "But cruel she I loved in vain .", "Like a swan , so sung he dying ,\u2014", "But cruel she I loved in vain .", "I would have told you so , if I could have spoken for fear .", "You may enter in safety , sir ; the enemy 's marched off . Re-enter WOODALL .", "Follow me , sir .", "Immediately ; I hear her coming .", "O Lord , madam , what shall I say ?"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 168}, {"query": ["Never fear it , I 'll be a spy upon his actions ; he shall neither whisper nor gloat on either of them , but I 'll ring him such a peal !", "Yes , as much as your husbands do after the first month of marriage ; but you requite their negligence in household-duties , by making them husbands of the first head , ere the year be over .", "Why should my mother be so inquisitive about this lodger ? I half suspect old Eve herself has a mind to be nibbling at the pippin . He makes love to one of them , I am confident ; it may be to both ; for , methinks , I should have done so , if I had been a man ; but the damned petticoats have perverted me to honesty , and therefore I have a grudge to him for the privilege of his sex . He shuns me , too , and that vexes me ; for , though I would deny him , I scorn he should not think me worth a civil question . Re-enter WOODALL , with TRICKSY , MRS BRAINSICK , JUDITH , and Music .", "In troth , I pity you ; for you have undertaken a most difficult task ,\u2014 to cozen two women , who are no babies in their art : if you bring it about , you perform as much as he that cheated the very lottery .", "Now , good John among the maids , how mean you to bestow your time ? Away to your study , I advise you ; invoke your muses , and make madrigals upon absence .", "I will not come ; I 'm mad , I think ; I come immediately . Well ,", "Will you not stay , sir ? it may be I have a little business with you .", "By these languishing eyes , and those simagres of yours , we are given to understand , sir , you have a mistress in this company ; come , make a free discovery which of them your poetry is to charm , and put the other out of pain .", "Why this ceremony betwixt you ? \u2018 Tis a likely proper fellow , and looks as he could people a new isle of Pines"], "true_target": ["Covent-Garden have her in the wind immediately ; all pursue the scent .", "For all the rudeness of your language , I am resolved to know upon what voyage you are bound ; your privateer of love , you Argier 's man , that cruize up and down for prize in the Straitsmouth ; which of the vessels would you snap now ?", "This spitefulness of mine will be my ruin : To rail them off , was well enough ; but to talk him away , too ! O tongue , tongue , thou wert given for a curse to all our sex !", "Nay , for your part , you are notably guarded , I confess ; but keepers have their rooks , as well as gamesters ; but they only venture under them till they pick up a sum , and then push for themselves .", "If they were wise , they would rather go to a brothel-house ; for there most mistresses have left behind them their maiden-heads , of blessed memory : and those , which would not go off in that market , are carried about by bawds , and sold at doors , like stale flesh in baskets . Then , for your honesty , or justness , as you call it , to your keepers , your kept-mistress is originally a punk ; and let the cat be changed into a lady never so formally , she still retains her natural property of mousing .", "So ; let but little minx go proud , and the dogs in", "And as for you , young gallant \u2014", "I 'll go in , and vent my passion , by railing at them , and him too .", "If I am not mistaken in you , too , he has works of charity enough upon his hands already ; but \u2018 tis a willing soul , I 'll warrant him , eager upon the quarry , and as sharp as a governor of Covent-Garden ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 168}, {"query": ["Heaven be praised , for this knower of all things ! Now will he lie three or four rapping volunteers , rather than be thought ignorant in any thing .", "Nay , if that were all , I expect not my husband till to-morrow . The truth is , he is so oddly humoured , that , if I were ill inclined , it would half justify a woman ; he 's such a kind of man !", "I have a dismal apprehension in my head , that he 's giving my maid a cast of his office , in my stead . O , how it stings me !", "I thought so : some light huswife has bewitched him from me : I was a little fool , so I was , to leave a dear behind at Barnet , when I knew the women would run mad for him .", "Come , your works , your works ; they shall have the approbation of Mrs Pleasance .", "Nay , not both , good Mrs Tricksy ; for I love that scent as well as you .", "How should I know what you should say ? Mr Brainsick has heard a man 's voice within ; if you know what he makes there , confess the truth ; I am almost dead with fear , and he stands shaking .", "And now I think o n't , I have some letters to dispatch .", "Not for the world : there may be a thief there ; and should I put \u2018 nown dear in danger of his life ?\u2014 What shall I do ? betwixt the jealousy of my love , and fear of this fool , I am distracted : I must not venture them together , whatever comes on it .Why Judith , I say ! come forth , damsel .", "Yet , I could say , in my defence , that my friends married me to him against my will .", "You had concluded well , if you had been my husband : you know where our subjection lies .", "All this while the poor gentleman is left in pain : we must let him out in secret ; for I believe the young fellow is so bashful , he would not willingly be seen .", "Hark , a knocking ! What shall we do ?", "Can'st thou not speak ? hast thou seen a ghost ?\u2014 As I live , she signs horns ! that must be for my husband : he 's returned .", "Oh , my misfortune ! Mr Woodall , will you suffer your secrets to be discovered !", "Is it nothing , do you think , for a woman of honour , to overcome the ties of virtue and reputation ; to do that for you , which I thought I should never have ventured for the sake of any man ?", "\u2018 Twere a work of charity to convert a fair young schismatick , like you , if \u2018 twere but to gain you to a better opinion of the government ."], "true_target": ["A venial love-trespass , dear : \u2018 tis a sweetheart of hers ; one that is to marry her ; and she was unwilling I should know it , so she hid him in her chamber .", "I believe , dear , she 's making it .\u2014 Would the fool would go !", "Though I believe he dares not venture in , yet I must not put it to the trial . Why Judith , come out , come out , huswife . Enter JUDITH , trembling . What villain have you hid within ?", "Perhaps , I meant not so . Wood , I understand your meaning at your eyes . You 'll watch , Judith ?", "That 's well come off !", "Pray take the other to it ; though I should have kept it for a pawn .", "So fantastical , so musical , his talk all rapture , and half nonsense : like a clock out of order , set him a-going , and he strikes eternally . Besides , he thinks me such a fool , that I could half resolve to revenge myself , in justification of my wit .", "He blunders ; I must help him .I warrant \u2018 twas before marriage , that you were so great .", "So , now I 'm ruined unavoidably .", "Nay , but why should he be so fretful now ? and knows I dote on him ? to leave a poor dear so long without him , and then come home in an angry humour ! indeed I 'll ky .", "Well , I 'm resolved , I 'll read , against the next time I see you ; for the truth is , I am not very well prepared with arguments for marriage ; meanwhile , farewell .", "Meaning me .\u2014 Well , sir , your servant .", "Who would have thought , that \u2018 nown dear would have come so soon ? I was even lying down on my bed , and dreaming of him . Tum a \u2019 me , and buss , poor dear ; piddee buss .", "We wives are despicable creatures ; we know it , madam , when a mistress is in presence .", "So , now , I have the opportunity to thrust in my note .", "Let me alone .\u2014 And is this all ? Why would you not confess it before , Judith ? when you know I am an indulgent mistress .", "I 'll go and pass an hour with Mrs Tricksy ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 168}, {"query": ["What 's the matter , gentlewoman ? Am I excluded from my own fortress ; and by the way of barricado ? Am I to dance attendance at the door , as if I were some base plebeian groom ? I 'll have you know , that , when my foot assaults , the lightning and the thunder are not so terrible as the strokes : brazen gates shall tremble , and bolts of adamant dismount from off their hinges , to admit me .", "I 'll give you the opportunity , and rid you of him .\u2014 Come away , little Limberham ; you , and I , and father Aldo , will take a turn together in the square .", "My Phillis \u2014", "I give to the devil such a judge . Well , were I to be born again , I would as soon be the elephant , as a wit ; he 's less a monster in this age of malice . I could burn my sonnet , out of rage .", "Terror , I ! \u2018 tis indignation shakes me . With this sabre I 'll slice him as small as atoms ; he shall be doomed by the judge , and damned upon the gibbet .", "I have no voice ; but since this gentleman commands me , let the words commend themselves .", "What , the lusty lover Limberham !", "An honest woman , and yet you two have tumbled together ! those are inconsistent .", "Hark , again !", "If you fear that , Bilbo shall be left behind .", "Dear sir , I 'll not die ungrateful for your approbation .You see this fellow ? he is an ass already ; he has a handsome mistress , and you shall make an ox of him ere long .", "I nauseate these foolish feats of love .", "Morbleu ! will you not give me leave ? I am full of Phillis .My Phillis \u2014", "Do you know his friends , father Aldo ?", "What has she confessed ?"], "true_target": ["If a man should listen to a fop !", "I dwell not on your commendations . What say you , sir ?", "Diable ! Now I will not sing , to spite you . By the world , you are not worthy of it . Well , I have a gentleman 's fortune ; I have courage , and make no inconsiderable figure in the world : yet I would quit my pretensions to all these , rather than not be author of this sonnet , which your rudeness has irrevocably lost .", "Pr'ythee , leave thy fulsome fondness ; I have surfeited on conjugal embraces .", "Quelque chose ! O ignorance , in supreme perfection ! he means a kek shose", "Is it not admirable ? Do you enter into it ?", "Sir , \u2018 tis my extreme ambition to be better known to you ; you come out of the country I adore . And how does the dear Battist? I long for some of his new compositions in the last opera . A propos ! I have had the most happy invention this morning , and a tune trouling in my head ; I rise immediately in my night-gown and slippers , down I put the notes slap-dash , made words to them like lightning ; and I warrant you have them at the circle in the evening .", "Gad , I think so , without vanity . Battist and I have but one soul . But the close , the close !I have words too upon the air ; but I am naturally so bashful !", "I 'll enter , and find the reason of this tumult .", "And what 's his name ?", "Yet again !\u2014 My Phillis \u2014", "I have a luscious air forming , like a Pallas , in my brain-pain : and now thou com'st across my fancy , to disturb the rich ideas , with the yellow jaundice of thy jealousy .", "You might command me , sir ; for I sing too en cavalier : but \u2014", "Whoever thou art , I have pronounced thy doom ; the dreadful Brainsick bares his brawny arm in tearing terror ; kneeling queens in vain should beg thy being .\u2014 Sa , sa , there .", "Nay , thanks to my genius , that care 's over : you shall see , you shall see . But first the air .Is it not very fine ? Ha , messieurs !"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 168}, {"query": ["You mean , I suppose , the peaking creature , the married woman , with a sideling look , as if one cheek carried more bias than the other ?", "She was so foolish to wear short petticoats , and show them .", "Will you oblige me , sir ?", "The curse o n't is too , I bid my man tell the family I was gone abroad ; so that , if I am seen , you are infallibly discovered .", "That I could find her coming , Mrs Judith ! Enter MRS BRAINSICK . You have made me languish in expectation , madam . Was it nothing , do you think , to be so near a happiness , with violent desires , and to be delayed ?", "Nothing , but the love I bear thy mistress , could keep me in the house with such a fury . When will the bright nymph appear ?", "No faith , madam , I was thinking of the fair lady , who , at parting , bespoke so cunningly of me all my essences .", "Nay , that 's no argument , if I should be so base to tell ; for women get good fortunes now-a-days , by losing their credit , as a cunning citizen does by breaking .", "I have no vocation to it , Gervase : A man of sense is not made for marriage ; \u2018 tis a game , which none but dull plodding fellows can play at well ; and \u2018 tis as natural to them , as crimp is to a Dutchman .", "I shall be smothered .", "Thank you , for your own sake . Hark ! they are coming ! cry thief again , and help to save all yet .", "Two thousand ! then it must be hers .\u201c Away to your chamber immediately , and I 'll give my fool the slip . \u201d \u2014 The fool ! that may be either the keeper , or the husband ; but commonly the keeper is the greater . Humh ! without subscription ! it must be Tricksy .\u2014 Father Aldo , pr'ythee rid me of this coxcomb .", "Ladies , I am sorry this should happen to you for my sake : She is in a raging fit , you see ; \u2018 tis best withdrawing , till the spirit of prophecy has left her .", "Peace , you lying rogue !\u2014 Believe me , sir , bating his necessary expences of women , which I know you would not have him want , in all things else , he was the best manager of your allowance ; and , though I say it \u2014", "Go you into your bed-chamber , and leave me to my fortune .", "Mr who , sir ?", "Rather \u2018 tis like gun powder ; that which fires quickest , is commonly the strongest .\u2014 By this burning kiss \u2014", "Most certainly a thief ; for , hearing my landlady cry out , I flew from my chamber to her help , and met him running down stairs , and then he turned back to the balcony , and leapt into the street .", "Most delicate cadence !", "Yes , the second part of the same tune ! Strike by yourself , sweet larum ; you 're true bell-metal I warrant you .", "Hold , I beseech you ! a truce for me .", "What will become of me now ?", "With one cheek blue , the other red ; just like the covering of", "Now the wife 's returned , and the daughter too , and I have seen them both , and am more distracted than before : I would enjoy all , and have not yet determined with which I should begin . It is but a kind of clergy-covetousness in me , to desire so many ; if I stand gaping after pluralities , one of them is in danger to be made a sine cure \u2014O , fortune has determined for me . It is just here , as it is in the world ; the mistress will be served before the wife .", "Nay , since you are so revengeful , you shall suffer your part of the disgrace ; if you testify against me for adultery , I shall testify against you for theft : There 's an eighth for your seventh .", "Sure this is not the phrase of your family ! I thought to have found a sanctified sister ; but I suspect now , madam , that if your mother kept a pension in your father 's time , there might be some gentleman-lodger in the house ; for I humbly conceive you are of the half-strain at least .", "The most hopeful young gentleman in Paris .", "Stop thief , stop thief ! cry you mercy , gentleman , if I have hurt you .", "I would go to China , or Japan , to be rid of that impetuous clack of yours . Farewell , thou legion of tongues in one woman !", "A plague of her suspicions ; they 'll ruin me on that side .", "Let me alone .\u2014 Ladies , your servant ; I have a little private business with a friend of mine .", "Hitherto , sweet Gervase , we have carried matters swimmingly . I have danced in a net before my father , almost check-mated the keeper , retired to my chamber undiscovered , shifted my habit , and am come out an absolute monsieur , to allure the ladies . How sits my chedreux ?", "Mine are Roman , madam .", "I wish you would give me leave to please you better . But you transact as gravely with me as a Spaniard ; and are losing love , as he does Flanders : you consider and demur , when the monarch is up in arms , and at your gates", "A word to the wise : I shall consider him , for your sake .", "Believe me , madam , lovers are not to trust to-morrow . Love may die upon our hands , or opportunity be wanting ; \u2018 tis best securing the present hour .", "At your service , madam .", "It belongs to one of them , that 's certain .\u2014 Mr Limberham , I must desire you to restore this letter ; it is from my mistress .", "Pr'ythee , what should a man do with such a father , but use him thus ? besides , he does journey-work under me ; \u2018 tis his humour to fumble , and my duty to provide for his old age ."], "true_target": ["Or , if he be not , well make him such a kind of man .", "Let me embrace you , my dear deliverer ! Bless us ! is it you ,", "That then will make a man venture any thing .", "Tuscan order , by my troth .", "But cannot I be yours without a priest ? They were cunning people , doubtless , who began that trade ; to have a double hank upon us , for two worlds : that no pleasure here , or hereafter , should be had , without a bribe to them .", "O , fear not the vigorous five-and-twenty .", "I 'll not be long after you ; for I think I have hidden my blushes where I shall never find them . Re-enter TRICKSY .", "She can have none : There 's not room enough for a thought to play in .", "Thank you for your own sake ; but I fear \u2018 tis too late .", "Mrs Saintly ?", "By your favour , sir , but he must not .", "They are pillars , gross enough to support a larger building ; of the", "Then let us put your friends , too , into the quarrel : it shall go hard , but I 'll give you a revenge for them . Enter JUDITH again , hastily . How now ? what 's the matter ?", "Say no more , it shall be done .", "The danger 's over ; I may come out safely .", "So he told me .", "Like night and the moon , in the Maid 's Tragedy : I into mist ; you into daySCENE changes to LIMBERHAM 'S apartment .", "Let me see ; I 'll read it once again .", "She has me there , too !", "Well , they are now retired together , like Rinaldo and Armida , to private dalliance ; but we shall find a time to separate their loves , and strike in betwixt them , daddy . But I hear there 's another lady in the house , my landlady 's fair daughter ; how came you to leave her out of your catalogue ?", "Sir , I see you mistake me for some other : I should be happy to be better known to you .", "O , your true lover will read you over a letter from his mistress , a thousand times .", "His friends would not suffer him : Virgil was not permitted to burn his \u00c6neids .", "This paper was sent me from her this morning ; and I was so fond of it , that I left it in my glove : If one of the ladies had found it there , I should have been laughed at most unmercifully .", "I stand corrected ; you have reason indeed to go , if I can use my time no better : We 'll withdraw if you please , and dispute the rest within .", "But my comfort is , that love has overcome . Your honour is , in other words , but your good repute ; and \u2018 tis my part to take care of that : for the fountain of a woman 's honour is in the lover , as that of the subject is in the king .", "Your beauty will allow of no competition ; and I am sure my love could make none .", "Keep but your own counsel , father ; for whatever he knows , must come from you .", "With the same face that all mistresses look upon theirs . Come , come .", "If you get this keeper out of doors , father , and give me but an opportunity \u2014", "All were complete , sir , if S. Andre would make steps to them .", "Come , come , no half resolutions among lovers ; I 'll hear no more of him , till I have revenged you fully . Go out and watch , Judith .", "Do you speak to me , sir ?", "Much is the word .\u2014 This feud makes well for me .", "Both together ! either of them , apart , had been my business : but I shall never play well at this three-hand game .", "I shall find two dozen more of women 's gloves among my trifles , if you please to accept them , ladies .", "Lambeth Palace .", "Came by it !How do you say I came by it , father Aldo ?", "A twang of the mother ; but I love to graff on such a crab-tree ; she may bear good fruit another year .", "You must pardon me , sir , if I do not much relish the close of your compliment ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 169}, {"query": ["That should not say it .", "Take my advice yet ; down o \u2019 your marrow bones , and ask forgiveness ; espouse the wife he has provided for you ; lie by the side of a wholesome woman , and procreate your own progeny in the fear of heaven .", "If I had a thousand sons , none of the race of the", "O very finely ! with the locks combed down , like a mermaid 's on a sign-post . Well , you think now your father may live in the same house with you till doomsday , and never find you ; or , when he has found you , he will be kind enough not to consider what a property you have made of him . My employment is at an end ; you have got a better pimp , thanks to your filial reverence .", "Of an hour 's acquaintance .", "Let me come to't ; I 'll break it open , and you may take out your writings ."], "true_target": ["There 's somewhat bounces , like him , i n't . \u2018 Tis plaguy heavy ; but we 'll take t'other heave .", "Macedon , when he is little better than Sir Pandarus of Troy .", "My old master would fain pass for Philip of", "He spared for nothing ; he laid it on , sir , as I have heard .", "Think o n't , however , sir ; debauchery is upon its last legs in England : Witty men began the fashion , and now the fops are got into it , \u2018 tis time to leave it .", "Gervases should ever be educated by thee , thou vile old Satan !"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 169}, {"query": ["No deferring in these cases , daughter .", "Before George , son Limberham , you shall read it .", "Not a syllable . What the devil 's in you , daughter ? Open , son , open .", "That I should ever live to see this day !", "Ay ; and pay the lawyer too . Why , this is as it should be ! I 'll be at the charge of the reconciling supper .\u2014Daughter , my son Woodall is waiting for you .\u2014 Come away , son Limberham to the temple .", "Report speaks otherwise ; and , before George , I shall read him a wormwood lecture , when I see him . But , hark , I hear the door unlock ; the lovers are coming out : I 'll stay here , to wheedle him abroad ; but you must vanish .", "Come , son Limberham , we let our friend Brainsick walk too long alone : Shall we follow him ? we must make haste ; for I expect a whole bevy of whores , a chamber-full of temptation this afternoon : \u2018 tis my day of audience .", "I meant of Hampshire . But that I should forget he was a knight , when I got him knighted , at the king 's coming in ! Two fat bucks , I am sure he sent me .", "How now , son Limberham ? There 's no quarrel towards , I hope .", "Christian ?", "Be sure thou dost not discover my frailties to the young scoundrel : \u2018 Twere enough to make the boy my master . I must keep up the dignity of old age with him .", "Son Woodall , thou vigorous young rogue , I congratulate thy good fortune ; thy man has told me the adventure of the Italian merchant .", "I will make him leave his honey-comb .", "Nay , good son !", "No , no , I 'll not whisper . Do not stand in your own light , but produce the keys , daughter .", "But how came you by this letter , son Woodall ? let me examine you .", "It shall be so , it shall be so : Come , now buss , and seal the bargain .", "Do so , daughter . Not a word of my familiarity with his mother , to prevent bloodshed betwixt us : but I have her name down in my almanack , I warrant her .", "Trust my diligence ; I will smoke him out , as they do bees , but", "Why son , why daughter , why Mrs Saintly ; are you all mad ? Hear me , I am sober , I am discreet ; let a smith be sent for hither , let him break open the chest ; let the things contained be taken out , and the thing containing be restored .", "Brainsick ?", "We will follow you immediately .", "Before George , son Limberham , you will spoil all , if you underbid so . Come , down with your dust , man : What , shew a base mind , when a fair lady 's in question !", "I think the devil 's i n't .", "O here 's a monsieur , new come over , and a fellow-lodger ; I must endear you two to one another .", "Look you , daughter , see how nature works in him .", "Thou art my bosom friend .", "Nay , but son Limberham , this must not be . A word in private ;\u2014 you will never get such another woman , for love nor money . Do but look upon her ; she is a mistress for an emperor .", "Nay , you shall excuse me for that ; but we are intimate : his name begins with some vowel or consonant , no matter which : Well , her father gave me this very numerical letter , subscribed , for Mr. Woodall .", "Yes , a mistress , sir . I 'll be his voucher , he has a mistress , and a fair one too ."], "true_target": ["Then this matter is composed .", "What 's the matter trow ? what , in martial posture , son", "What ? every one must have their own ; Fiat justitia , aut ruat mundus .", "Nay , for that , you must excuse me ; I must not disclose little", "So , now you will part , for a mere punctilio ! Turn to him , daughter : Speak to her , son : Why should you be so refractory both , to bring my gray hairs with sorrow to the grave ?", "No , no , avoid her ; I warrant thee , young Alexander , I will provide thee more worlds to conquer .", "Know it ! I know the match is as good as made already : old Woodall and I are all one . You , son , were sent for over on purpose ; the articles for her jointure are all concluded , and a friend of mine drew them .", "Away , boy ! Fix thy arms , and whet , like the lusty German boys , before a charge : He shall bolt immediately .", "Pray for him ! fy , daughter , fy ; is that an answer for a", "Why , there 's it , now . This morning I met your mistress 's father , Mr you know who \u2014", "But feel again , the lawyer stays .", "I never saw a woman , before you , but first or last she would be brought to reason . Hark you , child , you will scarcely find so kind a keeper . What if he has some impediment one way ? Every body is not a Hercules . You shall have my son Woodall , to supply his wants ; but , as long as he maintains you , be ruled by him that bears the purse . LIMBERHAM SINGING . I my own jailor was ; my only foe , Who did my liberty forego ; I was a prisoner , because I would be so .", "Push hard , son .", "Carry me this letter , quoth he , to your son Woodall ; \u2018 tis from my daughter such a one , and then whispered me her name .", "Nay , dear daughter !", "Before George , I smell a rat , son Limberham . I doubt , I doubt , here has been some great omission in love affairs .", "Hold , a word first : Thou saidst my son was shortly to come over .", "Judith 's secrets .", "Would I were worthy to be a young man , for her sake ! She should eat pearls , if she would have them .", "Before George , I am on t'other side : I think , as good no song , as no Phillis .", "She 's pretty , I confess , but most damnably honest ; have a care of her , I warn you , for she 's prying and malicious .", "Know them ! I think I do . His mother was an arch-deacon 's daughter ; as honest a woman as ever broke bread : she and I have been cater-cousins in our youth ; we have tumbled together between a pair of sheets , i'faith .", "Why , look you now , son Limberham , is this a song to be sung at such a time , when I am labouring your reconcilement ? Come , daughter Tricksy , you must be ruled ; I 'll be the peace-maker .", "Daughter Tricksy , a word with you .", "Before George , and so it was : for she had the prettiest black mole upon her left ancle , it does me good to think o n't ! His father was squire What-d'yehYpppHeNcallhYpppHeNhim , of what-d'yehYpppHeNcallhYpppHeNem shire . What think you , little Judith ? do I know him now ?", "Come , there is no better place than little London . You shall not part for a trifle . What , son Limberham ! four hundred a year is a square sum , and you shall give it .", "Before George , Gervase and I will carry it away ; and a smith shall be sent for to my daughter Pleasance 's chamber , to open it without damage .", "And will you have that dreadful oath lie gnawing on your conscience ?", "The truth o n't is , I sent for him over ; partly to have married him , and partly because his villainous bills came so thick upon me , that I grew weary of the charge .", "No matter for that .", "That thou should'st think to keep this secret ! why , I know it as well as he that made thee ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 169}, {"query": ["Ay , fiat justitia , Pug : She must have her own ; for justitia is Latin for justice .", "Well , if I must give three hundred \u2014", "Hark you , Mr Woodall ; this fool Brainsick grows insupportable ; he 's a public nuisance ; but I scorn to set my wit against him : he has a pretty wife : I say no more ; but if you do not graff him \u2014", "Now hear me too , for I am sober and discreet ; father Aldo is an oracle : It shall be so .", "\u2018 Tis unreasonable it should be broken open .", "I 'll not be forsworn , I swore first ;", "Before George , I think you have the devil in a string , Pug ; I cannot open it , for the guts of me . Hictius doctius ! what 's here to do ? I believe , in my conscience , Pug can conjure : Marry , God bless us all good Christians !", "Yes , I was such a fool , to swear so .", "Not very like , I confess .", "What have we here ?for Mr Woodall !", "I cannot push ; I was never good at pushing . When I push , I think the devil pushes too . Well , I must let it alone , for I am a fumbler . Here , take the keys , Pug .", "Sir , I beg your pardon , with all my hearto . Before George , I was caught again there ! But you are so very like a paltry fellow , who came to sell Pug essences this morning , that one would swear those eyes , and that nose and mouth , belonged to that rascal .", "Do you know it , father Aldo .", "Look you now , Pug ! who 's in the right ? Well , thou art born to be a lucky Pug , in spite of thyself . TrickO , I am ruined !\u2014 One word , I beseech you , father Aldo .", "But why , of all names , would you chuse a Phillis ? There have been so many Phillises in songs , I thought there had not been another left , for love or money .", "Nay , that 's but reason too : Then she must not have it .", "But you would be entreated , and say , Nolo , nolo , nolo , three times , like any bishop , when your mouth waters at the diocese .", "Nay , but dear sweet honey Pug , forgive me but this once : It may be any man 's case , when his desires are too vehement .", "The devil take me , if I call you back .", "The close of it is the most ravishing I ever heard !", "Do not hinder her , good father Aldo ; I am sure she will come back from France , before she gets half way over to Calais .", "What , are you not acquainted with the contents of it ?", "She 's in passion : Pray do you moderate this matter , father", "Pug !", "Yes , we will come after you , bully Brainsick : but I hope you will not draw upon us there .", "Pug 's absence .", "Cry you mercy , sir ; I durst have sworn you could have spoken lingua Franca \u2014 I thought , in my conscience , Pug , this had been thy Italian merchanto .", "No matter for the ungodly ; this is all among ourselves : For , look you , the business is this . Mrs Pleasance has sent for this same business here , which she lent to Pug ; now Pug has some private businesses within this business , which she would take out first , and the business will not be opened : and this makes all the business .", "Do , who cares ? Go to Dog-and-Bitch yard , and help your mother to make footmen 's shirts .", "Nay , if father Aldo knows it , I am satisfied .", "Nay , nay , leave but your madrigal behind : draw not that upon us , and it is no matter for your sword .", "Mr Woodall , we leave you here \u2014 you remember ?", "Before George , and so it is .", "As mine gentlewoman ? though I say it , my word will go for thousands .", "Why , who says against it ? Let it be carried ; I 'm all for reason .", "Aldo ."], "true_target": ["That 's a jest ! let me feel in thy pocket , for I must oblige thee .", "A vision , landlady ! what , have we Gog and Magog in our chamber ?", "With all my heart , while she is in a good humour : It would cost me another hundred , if I should stay till Pug were in wrath again . Adieu , sweet Pug .\u2014", "Pray lead the way , sir .", "Why a kek shoes let it be then ! and a kek shoes for your song .", "Some foolish French quelque chose , I warrant you .", "That no violence be offered to the person of the chest , in", "You had best peach now , and make her house be thought a bawdy-house !", "Why all this shrieking , Mrs Saintly ?", "I think all the stars in heaven have conspired my ruin . I 'll look in my almanack .\u2014 As I hope for mercy , \u2018 tis cross day now .", "My heart was at my mouth , for fear it had been Pug 's .\u2014 There \u2018 tis again \u2014 Hold , hold ; pray let me see it once more : a mistress , said you ?", "What did Pug say ? will she pray for me ? Well , to shew I am in charity , she shall not pray for me . Come back , Pug . But did I ever think thou couldst have been so unkind to have parted with me ?", "So , now you have spit your venom , and the storm 's over .", "Well , that 's but reason : If she must have it , she must have it . Trick Tell her , it shall be returned some time to-day ; at present we must crave her pardon , because we have some writings in it , which must first be taken out , when we can open it .", "Pray , for my sake , let it be your Chloris .", "\u2018 Tis a fine time to cry a man mercy , when you have beaten his wind out of his body .", "Your settlement depends most absolutely on that chest .", "Be not musty , my pretty St Peter , but produce the keys . I must have the writings out , that concern thy settlement .", "As Pug says , they are quite different , indeed ; but I durst have sworn it had been he ; and , therefore , once again , I demand your pardono .", "Dost thou not wonder to see me come again so quickly , Pug ?", "O Pug , how have you been passing your time ?", "Ay , you said so .", "But then thou wilt not love me , Pug .", "Pray do , sir : consider him much .", "It is a round sum indeed ; I wish a three-cornered sum would have served her turn .\u2014 Why should you be so pervicacious now , Pug ? Pray take three hundred . Nay , rather than part , Pug , it shall be so .\u2014", "Do , tell , tell , no matter for that .", "I thought , indeed , that something held down the chest , when I would have opened it :\u2014 But my writings are there still , that 's one comfort .\u2014 Oh seignioro , are you here ?", "Let her be a mistress for a pope , like a whore of Babylon , as she is .", "She can digest them , and gold too . Let me tell you , father", "That 's true : \u2018 Tis but reasonable it should be broken open .", "It may be , ay ; it may be , no .", "Aldo , she has the stomach of an ostrich .", "I defy her too .", "You may use your pleasure with your own .", "You had as good call her your Succuba .", "I 'll settle two hundred a-year upon thee , because thou said'st thou would'st pray for me .", "Nay , I confess , Phillis is a very pretty name ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 169}, {"query": ["Come , let us go down ; by this time Gervase has brought the smith , and then Mrs Pleasance may have her chest . Please you , sir , to bear us company .", "The more shame for you , that you have done no more for me :", "It shall not be opened ; I will have my will , though I lose my settlement . Would I were within the chest ! I would hold it down , to spite you . I say again , would I were within the chest , I would hold it so fast , you should not open it .\u2014 The best o n't is , there 's good inkle on the top of the inside , if he have the wit to lay hold o n't .", "Now I see you are so reasonable , I 'll show you I dare trust your honesty ; the settlement shall be deferred till another day .", "Make haste , for heaven 's sake ; they 'll quickly be gone , and then \u2014", "The chest open , and Woodall discovered ! I am ruined .", "The scent I love , of all the world . Pray let me see them .", "How now , sir , are you rehearsing your lingua Franca by yourself , that you walk so pensively ?", "Nay , but her legs , if you could see them \u2014", "You shall feel no where : I have felt already and am sure they are lost .", "But I have lost the keys .", "Ay , two thousand , if he be in the humour .", "I 'll hear nothing : I am for a nunnery .", "A thief , I warrant you , who had gotten into the chest .", "But to yield upon the first summons , ere you have laid a formal siege \u2014 To-morrow may prove a luckier day to you .", "No , it is no matter ; my thoughts are on a better place .", "Their eyes are nothing like :\u2014 you 'll have a quarrel .", "Father Aldo ! I wonder you are not ashamed to call him so ; you may be his father , if the truth were known .", "To show I can live honest , in spite of all mankind , I 'll go into a nunnery , and that is my resolution .", "Yes , and with a high nose , as visible as a land-mark .", "The devil 's in him ; will he confess ?", "But , I 'm so shame-faced ! Well , I 'll go in , and hide my blushes .", "Here , sir , take your glove again ; the perfume 's too strong for me .", "No , I am prepared for any foolish freak of yours : I knew you would have a qualm , when you came to settlement .", "I have been looking over the last present of orange gloves you made me ; and methinks I do not like the scent .\u2014 O Lord , Mr Woodall , did you bring those you wear from Paris ?", "Then you shall carry me too . Help , murder , murder !", "Not to a boarding-house , I hope ?", "Thou art a forsworn man , however ; for thou sworest to love me eternally .", "I said so , sir ! Who am I ? Is not my word as good as yours ?", "I 'll take shelter in my chamber ,\u2014 whither , I hope , he 'll have the grace to follow me .", "Father Aldo , a word with you , for heaven 's sake .", "I defy you , slanderer ; I defy you .", "Then all 's safe again .", "Let him be damned ; and so farewell for ever .\u2014"], "true_target": ["I 'll have no judge : it shall not go .", "You see what a good natured fool I am , Mr Limberham , to come back into a wicked world , for love of you .\u2014 You will see the writings drawn , father ?", "You had best tell now , and make yourself ridiculous .", "Then I may be bound to make good the loss .", "But I am resolved I 'll not lose my time with you ; I 'll part .", "No more apologies ; give Judith the words , she sings at sight .", "Yes , you have seen Mrs Brainsick ; she 's a beauty .", "Well , to show I am reasonable , I am content . Mr Gervase and I will fetch an instrument from the next smith ; in the mean time , let the chest remain where it now stands , and let every one depart the chamber .", "That you should be so dull ! their suspicion will be as strong still : for what should make you here ?", "But my reputation !", "He 'll know my hand , and I am ruined !", "Hark , I hear them ! Here 's a chest which I borrowed of Mrs Pleasance ; get quickly into it , and I will lock you up : there 's nothing i n't but clothes of Limberham 's , and a box of writings .", "Look to it ; we shall expect them .\u2014 Now to put in my billet-doux !", "And his dam take me , if I return , except you do .", "No , no : While you are in it , you will secure it from that scandal .\u2014 Hark hither , Mrs Saintly .", "Hold ; I say it shall not stir .", "No , I 'm just going .", "Your servant , till we meet again .", "You lovers are such froward children , ever crying for the breast ; and , when you have once had it , fall fast asleep in the nurse 's arms . And with what face should I look upon my keeper after it ?", "Their nose and mouth are quite different .", "No doubt \u2018 twas meant to Mrs Brainsick .", "Hang your pitiful excuses . \u2018 Tis well known what offers I have had , and what fortunes I might have made with others , like a fool as I was , to throw away my youth and beauty upon you . I could have had a young handsome lord , that offered me my coach and six ; besides many a good knight and gentleman , that would have parted with their own ladies , and have settled half they had upon me .", "But there are other beauties in the house ; and I should be impatient of a rival : for I am apt to be partial to myself , and think I deserve to be preferred before them .", "As I live , Mr Limberham and father Aldo are just returned ; I saw them entering . My settlement will miscarry , if you are found here : What shall we do ?", "And her little head , upon that long neck , shows like a traitor 's skull upon a pole . Then , for her wit \u2014", "That he should be so silly to imagine I would go into a nunnery ! it is likely ; I have much nun 's flesh about me . But here comes my gentleman .", "No , love 's like fruit ; it must have time to ripen on the tree ; if it be green gathered , \u2018 twill but wither afterwards .", "I think indeed I may safely trust you with such charms ; and you have pleased me with your description of her .", "We are both under safe convoy , madam ; a lover and a husband .", "Let me alone : I 'll have him cudgelled by my footman .", "Well , to satisfy you , I will feel .\u2014 They are not here \u2014 nor here neither .", "Did you call , Mr Limberham ?", "Now I shall have leisure to instruct his man , and set him free , without discovery . Come , Mr Gervase .", "Let me alone ; I care not .", "Well , I am going to the nunnery ; but , to shew I am in charity , I 'll pray for you ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 169}, {"query": ["Verily , they are approaching : Return to my embraces , and it shall be forgiven thee .", "Verily , I think all hell 's broke loose among you . What , a schism in my family ! Does this become the purity of my house ? What will the ungodly say ?", "Stop thief , stop thief !", "Heaven of his mercy ! Stop thief , stop thief !", "Limberham ! O heaven , O heaven !", "As I watched the chest , behold a vision rushed out of it , on the sudden ; and I lifted up my voice , and shrieked ."], "true_target": ["According to thy wickedness , shall it be done unto thee . Have I discovered thy backslidings , thou unfaithful man ! thy treachery to me shall be rewarded , verily ; for I will testify against thee .", "This is Mr Woodall , your new fellow-lodger .", "Bless us ! what 's here to do ? My neighbours will think I keep a nest of unclean birds here .", "There is a certain motion put into my mind , and it is of good . I have keys here , which a precious brother , a devout blacksmith , made me , and which will open any lock of the same bore . Verily , it can be no sin to unlock this chest therewith , and take from thence the spoils of the ungodly . I will satisfy my conscience , by giving part thereof to the hungry and the needy ; some to our pastor , that he may prove it lawful ; and some I will sanctify to my own use .", "Verily , I am raised up for a judge amongst you ; and I say \u2014", "Above all things , have a care of him yourself ; for surely there is witchcraft betwixt his lips : He is a wolf within the sheepfold ; and therefore I will be earnest , that you may not fall .", "Who would have imagined you had been such a kind of man , Mr"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 169}, {"query": ["Like a swan , so sung he dying ,\u2014", "Every nymph mourns me ,", "O Lord , madam , what shall I say ?", "No love returning me , but all hope denying ;", "Follow me , sir .", "And hollow mountains", "The mossy fountains", "I would have told you so , if I could have spoken for fear .", "What , kiss and tell , father Aldo ? kiss and tell !", "Damon cried , all pale and dying ,\u2014", "The best way will be , for father Aldo to lend me the key of his door , which opens into my chamber ; and so I can convey him out .", "Kind is death , that ends my pain ,", "I suppose you may be mistaken : my servant 's father is a knight of Hampshire .", "You may enter in safety , sir ; the enemy 's marched off . Re-enter WOODALL .", "Immediately ; I hear her coming .", "Madam , your mother would speak with you ."], "true_target": ["Murmur my trouble ,", "She only scorns me ,", "By a dismal cypress lying ,", "Are you mad ? you shall not .", "Madam , Mrs Pleasance has sent for the chest you borrowed of her . She has present occasion for it ; and has desired us to carry it away .", "My master 's so outrageous ! sweet madam , do you intercede for me , and I 'll tell you all in private .", "Who caused my anguish .", "Thus while I languish ;", "But cruel she I loved in vain .", "I 'll try my skill .", "My groans redouble :", "A SONG FROM THE ITALIAN .", "But cruel she I loved in vain .", "By a dismal cypress lying ,", "Pray , father Aldo , do you beg my pardon of my master . I have committed a fault ; I have hidden a gentleman in my chamber , who is to marry me without his friends \u2019 consent , and therefore came in private to me .", "Kind is death , that ends my pain ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 169}, {"query": ["If they were wise , they would rather go to a brothel-house ; for there most mistresses have left behind them their maiden-heads , of blessed memory : and those , which would not go off in that market , are carried about by bawds , and sold at doors , like stale flesh in baskets . Then , for your honesty , or justness , as you call it , to your keepers , your kept-mistress is originally a punk ; and let the cat be changed into a lady never so formally , she still retains her natural property of mousing .", "Yes , as much as your husbands do after the first month of marriage ; but you requite their negligence in household-duties , by making them husbands of the first head , ere the year be over .", "For all the rudeness of your language , I am resolved to know upon what voyage you are bound ; your privateer of love , you Argier 's man , that cruize up and down for prize in the Straitsmouth ; which of the vessels would you snap now ?", "Never fear it , I 'll be a spy upon his actions ; he shall neither whisper nor gloat on either of them , but I 'll ring him such a peal !", "I 'll go in , and vent my passion , by railing at them , and him too .", "I will not come ; I 'm mad , I think ; I come immediately . Well ,", "So ; let but little minx go proud , and the dogs in", "This spitefulness of mine will be my ruin : To rail them off , was well enough ; but to talk him away , too ! O tongue , tongue , thou wert given for a curse to all our sex !", "By these languishing eyes , and those simagres of yours , we are given to understand , sir , you have a mistress in this company ; come , make a free discovery which of them your poetry is to charm , and put the other out of pain ."], "true_target": ["In troth , I pity you ; for you have undertaken a most difficult task ,\u2014 to cozen two women , who are no babies in their art : if you bring it about , you perform as much as he that cheated the very lottery .", "And as for you , young gallant \u2014", "Nay , for your part , you are notably guarded , I confess ; but keepers have their rooks , as well as gamesters ; but they only venture under them till they pick up a sum , and then push for themselves .", "Now , good John among the maids , how mean you to bestow your time ? Away to your study , I advise you ; invoke your muses , and make madrigals upon absence .", "Why should my mother be so inquisitive about this lodger ? I half suspect old Eve herself has a mind to be nibbling at the pippin . He makes love to one of them , I am confident ; it may be to both ; for , methinks , I should have done so , if I had been a man ; but the damned petticoats have perverted me to honesty , and therefore I have a grudge to him for the privilege of his sex . He shuns me , too , and that vexes me ; for , though I would deny him , I scorn he should not think me worth a civil question . Re-enter WOODALL , with TRICKSY , MRS BRAINSICK , JUDITH , and Music .", "If I am not mistaken in you , too , he has works of charity enough upon his hands already ; but \u2018 tis a willing soul , I 'll warrant him , eager upon the quarry , and as sharp as a governor of Covent-Garden .", "Will you not stay , sir ? it may be I have a little business with you .", "Covent-Garden have her in the wind immediately ; all pursue the scent .", "Why this ceremony betwixt you ? \u2018 Tis a likely proper fellow , and looks as he could people a new isle of Pines"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 169}, {"query": ["Yet , I could say , in my defence , that my friends married me to him against my will .", "I have a dismal apprehension in my head , that he 's giving my maid a cast of his office , in my stead . O , how it stings me !", "And now I think o n't , I have some letters to dispatch .", "So , now I 'm ruined unavoidably .", "Well , I 'm resolved , I 'll read , against the next time I see you ; for the truth is , I am not very well prepared with arguments for marriage ; meanwhile , farewell .", "Nay , not both , good Mrs Tricksy ; for I love that scent as well as you .", "Not for the world : there may be a thief there ; and should I put \u2018 nown dear in danger of his life ?\u2014 What shall I do ? betwixt the jealousy of my love , and fear of this fool , I am distracted : I must not venture them together , whatever comes on it .Why Judith , I say ! come forth , damsel .", "That 's well come off !", "Come , your works , your works ; they shall have the approbation of Mrs Pleasance .", "Heaven be praised , for this knower of all things ! Now will he lie three or four rapping volunteers , rather than be thought ignorant in any thing .", "Let me alone .\u2014 And is this all ? Why would you not confess it before , Judith ? when you know I am an indulgent mistress .", "So , now , I have the opportunity to thrust in my note .", "A venial love-trespass , dear : \u2018 tis a sweetheart of hers ; one that is to marry her ; and she was unwilling I should know it , so she hid him in her chamber .", "How should I know what you should say ? Mr Brainsick has heard a man 's voice within ; if you know what he makes there , confess the truth ; I am almost dead with fear , and he stands shaking .", "\u2018 Twere a work of charity to convert a fair young schismatick , like you , if \u2018 twere but to gain you to a better opinion of the government .", "You had concluded well , if you had been my husband : you know where our subjection lies .", "I thought so : some light huswife has bewitched him from me : I was a little fool , so I was , to leave a dear behind at Barnet , when I knew the women would run mad for him ."], "true_target": ["I 'll go and pass an hour with Mrs Tricksy .", "Nay , if that were all , I expect not my husband till to-morrow . The truth is , he is so oddly humoured , that , if I were ill inclined , it would half justify a woman ; he 's such a kind of man !", "Perhaps , I meant not so . Wood , I understand your meaning at your eyes . You 'll watch , Judith ?", "Is it nothing , do you think , for a woman of honour , to overcome the ties of virtue and reputation ; to do that for you , which I thought I should never have ventured for the sake of any man ?", "We wives are despicable creatures ; we know it , madam , when a mistress is in presence .", "Pray take the other to it ; though I should have kept it for a pawn .", "Nay , but why should he be so fretful now ? and knows I dote on him ? to leave a poor dear so long without him , and then come home in an angry humour ! indeed I 'll ky .", "I believe , dear , she 's making it .\u2014 Would the fool would go !", "Meaning me .\u2014 Well , sir , your servant .", "So fantastical , so musical , his talk all rapture , and half nonsense : like a clock out of order , set him a-going , and he strikes eternally . Besides , he thinks me such a fool , that I could half resolve to revenge myself , in justification of my wit .", "He blunders ; I must help him .I warrant \u2018 twas before marriage , that you were so great .", "Oh , my misfortune ! Mr Woodall , will you suffer your secrets to be discovered !", "Hark , a knocking ! What shall we do ?", "Though I believe he dares not venture in , yet I must not put it to the trial . Why Judith , come out , come out , huswife . Enter JUDITH , trembling . What villain have you hid within ?", "All this while the poor gentleman is left in pain : we must let him out in secret ; for I believe the young fellow is so bashful , he would not willingly be seen .", "Can'st thou not speak ? hast thou seen a ghost ?\u2014 As I live , she signs horns ! that must be for my husband : he 's returned .", "Who would have thought , that \u2018 nown dear would have come so soon ? I was even lying down on my bed , and dreaming of him . Tum a \u2019 me , and buss , poor dear ; piddee buss ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 169}, {"query": ["Dear sir , I 'll not die ungrateful for your approbation .You see this fellow ? he is an ass already ; he has a handsome mistress , and you shall make an ox of him ere long .", "Yet again !\u2014 My Phillis \u2014", "I give to the devil such a judge . Well , were I to be born again , I would as soon be the elephant , as a wit ; he 's less a monster in this age of malice . I could burn my sonnet , out of rage .", "Whoever thou art , I have pronounced thy doom ; the dreadful Brainsick bares his brawny arm in tearing terror ; kneeling queens in vain should beg thy being .\u2014 Sa , sa , there .", "I have a luscious air forming , like a Pallas , in my brain-pain : and now thou com'st across my fancy , to disturb the rich ideas , with the yellow jaundice of thy jealousy .", "An honest woman , and yet you two have tumbled together ! those are inconsistent .", "And what 's his name ?", "What 's the matter , gentlewoman ? Am I excluded from my own fortress ; and by the way of barricado ? Am I to dance attendance at the door , as if I were some base plebeian groom ? I 'll have you know , that , when my foot assaults , the lightning and the thunder are not so terrible as the strokes : brazen gates shall tremble , and bolts of adamant dismount from off their hinges , to admit me .", "Quelque chose ! O ignorance , in supreme perfection ! he means a kek shose", "I 'll give you the opportunity , and rid you of him .\u2014 Come away , little Limberham ; you , and I , and father Aldo , will take a turn together in the square .", "I nauseate these foolish feats of love .", "Pr'ythee , leave thy fulsome fondness ; I have surfeited on conjugal embraces .", "I have no voice ; but since this gentleman commands me , let the words commend themselves .", "I 'll enter , and find the reason of this tumult .", "Hark , again !"], "true_target": ["Sir , \u2018 tis my extreme ambition to be better known to you ; you come out of the country I adore . And how does the dear Battist? I long for some of his new compositions in the last opera . A propos ! I have had the most happy invention this morning , and a tune trouling in my head ; I rise immediately in my night-gown and slippers , down I put the notes slap-dash , made words to them like lightning ; and I warrant you have them at the circle in the evening .", "My Phillis \u2014", "Terror , I ! \u2018 tis indignation shakes me . With this sabre I 'll slice him as small as atoms ; he shall be doomed by the judge , and damned upon the gibbet .", "I dwell not on your commendations . What say you , sir ?", "What has she confessed ?", "Morbleu ! will you not give me leave ? I am full of Phillis .My Phillis \u2014", "Is it not admirable ? Do you enter into it ?", "What , the lusty lover Limberham !", "You might command me , sir ; for I sing too en cavalier : but \u2014", "If you fear that , Bilbo shall be left behind .", "Gad , I think so , without vanity . Battist and I have but one soul . But the close , the close !I have words too upon the air ; but I am naturally so bashful !", "Nay , thanks to my genius , that care 's over : you shall see , you shall see . But first the air .Is it not very fine ? Ha , messieurs !", "Diable ! Now I will not sing , to spite you . By the world , you are not worthy of it . Well , I have a gentleman 's fortune ; I have courage , and make no inconsiderable figure in the world : yet I would quit my pretensions to all these , rather than not be author of this sonnet , which your rudeness has irrevocably lost .", "If a man should listen to a fop !", "Do you know his friends , father Aldo ?"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 169}, {"query": ["So ; let but little minx go proud , and the dogs in", "Will you not stay , sir ? it may be I have a little business with you .", "For all the rudeness of your language , I am resolved to know upon what voyage you are bound ; your privateer of love , you Argier 's man , that cruize up and down for prize in the Straitsmouth ; which of the vessels would you snap now ?", "Nay , for your part , you are notably guarded , I confess ; but keepers have their rooks , as well as gamesters ; but they only venture under them till they pick up a sum , and then push for themselves .", "Why should my mother be so inquisitive about this lodger ? I half suspect old Eve herself has a mind to be nibbling at the pippin . He makes love to one of them , I am confident ; it may be to both ; for , methinks , I should have done so , if I had been a man ; but the damned petticoats have perverted me to honesty , and therefore I have a grudge to him for the privilege of his sex . He shuns me , too , and that vexes me ; for , though I would deny him , I scorn he should not think me worth a civil question . Re-enter WOODALL , with TRICKSY , MRS BRAINSICK , JUDITH , and Music .", "By these languishing eyes , and those simagres of yours , we are given to understand , sir , you have a mistress in this company ; come , make a free discovery which of them your poetry is to charm , and put the other out of pain .", "This spitefulness of mine will be my ruin : To rail them off , was well enough ; but to talk him away , too ! O tongue , tongue , thou wert given for a curse to all our sex !", "In troth , I pity you ; for you have undertaken a most difficult task ,\u2014 to cozen two women , who are no babies in their art : if you bring it about , you perform as much as he that cheated the very lottery .", "And as for you , young gallant \u2014"], "true_target": ["Why this ceremony betwixt you ? \u2018 Tis a likely proper fellow , and looks as he could people a new isle of Pines", "Never fear it , I 'll be a spy upon his actions ; he shall neither whisper nor gloat on either of them , but I 'll ring him such a peal !", "If I am not mistaken in you , too , he has works of charity enough upon his hands already ; but \u2018 tis a willing soul , I 'll warrant him , eager upon the quarry , and as sharp as a governor of Covent-Garden .", "Covent-Garden have her in the wind immediately ; all pursue the scent .", "I will not come ; I 'm mad , I think ; I come immediately . Well ,", "I 'll go in , and vent my passion , by railing at them , and him too .", "Yes , as much as your husbands do after the first month of marriage ; but you requite their negligence in household-duties , by making them husbands of the first head , ere the year be over .", "If they were wise , they would rather go to a brothel-house ; for there most mistresses have left behind them their maiden-heads , of blessed memory : and those , which would not go off in that market , are carried about by bawds , and sold at doors , like stale flesh in baskets . Then , for your honesty , or justness , as you call it , to your keepers , your kept-mistress is originally a punk ; and let the cat be changed into a lady never so formally , she still retains her natural property of mousing .", "Now , good John among the maids , how mean you to bestow your time ? Away to your study , I advise you ; invoke your muses , and make madrigals upon absence ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 170}, {"query": ["Though I believe he dares not venture in , yet I must not put it to the trial . Why Judith , come out , come out , huswife . Enter JUDITH , trembling . What villain have you hid within ?", "Can'st thou not speak ? hast thou seen a ghost ?\u2014 As I live , she signs horns ! that must be for my husband : he 's returned .", "Oh , my misfortune ! Mr Woodall , will you suffer your secrets to be discovered !", "Meaning me .\u2014 Well , sir , your servant .", "Let me alone .\u2014 And is this all ? Why would you not confess it before , Judith ? when you know I am an indulgent mistress .", "I 'll go and pass an hour with Mrs Tricksy .", "All this while the poor gentleman is left in pain : we must let him out in secret ; for I believe the young fellow is so bashful , he would not willingly be seen .", "So , now I 'm ruined unavoidably .", "Not for the world : there may be a thief there ; and should I put \u2018 nown dear in danger of his life ?\u2014 What shall I do ? betwixt the jealousy of my love , and fear of this fool , I am distracted : I must not venture them together , whatever comes on it .Why Judith , I say ! come forth , damsel .", "How should I know what you should say ? Mr Brainsick has heard a man 's voice within ; if you know what he makes there , confess the truth ; I am almost dead with fear , and he stands shaking .", "Is it nothing , do you think , for a woman of honour , to overcome the ties of virtue and reputation ; to do that for you , which I thought I should never have ventured for the sake of any man ?", "Nay , if that were all , I expect not my husband till to-morrow . The truth is , he is so oddly humoured , that , if I were ill inclined , it would half justify a woman ; he 's such a kind of man !", "I have a dismal apprehension in my head , that he 's giving my maid a cast of his office , in my stead . O , how it stings me !", "I believe , dear , she 's making it .\u2014 Would the fool would go !", "He blunders ; I must help him .I warrant \u2018 twas before marriage , that you were so great .", "Yet , I could say , in my defence , that my friends married me to him against my will .", "Come , your works , your works ; they shall have the approbation of Mrs Pleasance ."], "true_target": ["You had concluded well , if you had been my husband : you know where our subjection lies .", "So fantastical , so musical , his talk all rapture , and half nonsense : like a clock out of order , set him a-going , and he strikes eternally . Besides , he thinks me such a fool , that I could half resolve to revenge myself , in justification of my wit .", "Perhaps , I meant not so . Wood , I understand your meaning at your eyes . You 'll watch , Judith ?", "Nay , not both , good Mrs Tricksy ; for I love that scent as well as you .", "We wives are despicable creatures ; we know it , madam , when a mistress is in presence .", "Hark , a knocking ! What shall we do ?", "Nay , but why should he be so fretful now ? and knows I dote on him ? to leave a poor dear so long without him , and then come home in an angry humour ! indeed I 'll ky .", "\u2018 Twere a work of charity to convert a fair young schismatick , like you , if \u2018 twere but to gain you to a better opinion of the government .", "And now I think o n't , I have some letters to dispatch .", "Who would have thought , that \u2018 nown dear would have come so soon ? I was even lying down on my bed , and dreaming of him . Tum a \u2019 me , and buss , poor dear ; piddee buss .", "Pray take the other to it ; though I should have kept it for a pawn .", "That 's well come off !", "I thought so : some light huswife has bewitched him from me : I was a little fool , so I was , to leave a dear behind at Barnet , when I knew the women would run mad for him .", "Heaven be praised , for this knower of all things ! Now will he lie three or four rapping volunteers , rather than be thought ignorant in any thing .", "So , now , I have the opportunity to thrust in my note .", "Well , I 'm resolved , I 'll read , against the next time I see you ; for the truth is , I am not very well prepared with arguments for marriage ; meanwhile , farewell .", "A venial love-trespass , dear : \u2018 tis a sweetheart of hers ; one that is to marry her ; and she was unwilling I should know it , so she hid him in her chamber ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 170}, {"query": ["The devil 's in him ; will he confess ?", "He 'll know my hand , and I am ruined !", "Your servant , till we meet again .", "Ay , two thousand , if he be in the humour .", "No doubt \u2018 twas meant to Mrs Brainsick .", "The scent I love , of all the world . Pray let me see them ."], "true_target": ["I 'll take shelter in my chamber ,\u2014 whither , I hope , he 'll have the grace to follow me .", "Not to a boarding-house , I hope ?", "I have been looking over the last present of orange gloves you made me ; and methinks I do not like the scent .\u2014 O Lord , Mr Woodall , did you bring those you wear from Paris ?", "We are both under safe convoy , madam ; a lover and a husband .", "No more apologies ; give Judith the words , she sings at sight .", "Look to it ; we shall expect them .\u2014 Now to put in my billet-doux !", "Here , sir , take your glove again ; the perfume 's too strong for me ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 170}, {"query": ["By a dismal cypress lying ,", "You may enter in safety , sir ; the enemy 's marched off . Re-enter WOODALL .", "Follow me , sir .", "I would have told you so , if I could have spoken for fear .", "The mossy fountains", "Madam , your mother would speak with you .", "Like a swan , so sung he dying ,\u2014", "O Lord , madam , what shall I say ?", "Kind is death , that ends my pain ,", "By a dismal cypress lying ,", "But cruel she I loved in vain .", "Kind is death , that ends my pain ,", "And hollow mountains", "My master 's so outrageous ! sweet madam , do you intercede for me , and I 'll tell you all in private .", "I suppose you may be mistaken : my servant 's father is a knight of Hampshire ."], "true_target": ["She only scorns me ,", "Every nymph mourns me ,", "Are you mad ? you shall not .", "Immediately ; I hear her coming .", "Murmur my trouble ,", "No love returning me , but all hope denying ;", "But cruel she I loved in vain .", "What , kiss and tell , father Aldo ? kiss and tell !", "A SONG FROM THE ITALIAN .", "Pray , father Aldo , do you beg my pardon of my master . I have committed a fault ; I have hidden a gentleman in my chamber , who is to marry me without his friends \u2019 consent , and therefore came in private to me .", "Damon cried , all pale and dying ,\u2014", "Thus while I languish ;", "Who caused my anguish .", "I 'll try my skill .", "My groans redouble :", "The best way will be , for father Aldo to lend me the key of his door , which opens into my chamber ; and so I can convey him out ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 170}, {"query": ["Let me alone .\u2014 Ladies , your servant ; I have a little private business with a friend of mine .", "O , your true lover will read you over a letter from his mistress , a thousand times .", "Or , if he be not , well make him such a kind of man .", "But my comfort is , that love has overcome . Your honour is , in other words , but your good repute ; and \u2018 tis my part to take care of that : for the fountain of a woman 's honour is in the lover , as that of the subject is in the king .", "All were complete , sir , if S. Andre would make steps to them .", "This paper was sent me from her this morning ; and I was so fond of it , that I left it in my glove : If one of the ladies had found it there , I should have been laughed at most unmercifully .", "I shall find two dozen more of women 's gloves among my trifles , if you please to accept them , ladies .", "Both together ! either of them , apart , had been my business : but I shall never play well at this three-hand game .", "That I could find her coming , Mrs Judith ! Enter MRS BRAINSICK . You have made me languish in expectation , madam . Was it nothing , do you think , to be so near a happiness , with violent desires , and to be delayed ?", "A plague of her suspicions ; they 'll ruin me on that side .", "Most delicate cadence !", "Much is the word .\u2014 This feud makes well for me .", "Two thousand ! then it must be hers .\u201c Away to your chamber immediately , and I 'll give my fool the slip . \u201d \u2014 The fool ! that may be either the keeper , or the husband ; but commonly the keeper is the greater . Humh ! without subscription ! it must be Tricksy .\u2014 Father Aldo , pr'ythee rid me of this coxcomb .", "Came by it !How do you say I came by it , father Aldo ?", "Sure this is not the phrase of your family ! I thought to have found a sanctified sister ; but I suspect now , madam , that if your mother kept a pension in your father 's time , there might be some gentleman-lodger in the house ; for I humbly conceive you are of the half-strain at least .", "A word to the wise : I shall consider him , for your sake .", "Then let us put your friends , too , into the quarrel : it shall go hard , but I 'll give you a revenge for them . Enter JUDITH again , hastily . How now ? what 's the matter ?"], "true_target": ["Let me see ; I 'll read it once again .", "She has me there , too !", "His friends would not suffer him : Virgil was not permitted to burn his \u00c6neids .", "The danger 's over ; I may come out safely .", "Ladies , I am sorry this should happen to you for my sake : She is in a raging fit , you see ; \u2018 tis best withdrawing , till the spirit of prophecy has left her .", "Hold , I beseech you ! a truce for me .", "Say no more , it shall be done .", "I stand corrected ; you have reason indeed to go , if I can use my time no better : We 'll withdraw if you please , and dispute the rest within .", "Yes , the second part of the same tune ! Strike by yourself , sweet larum ; you 're true bell-metal I warrant you .", "I would go to China , or Japan , to be rid of that impetuous clack of yours . Farewell , thou legion of tongues in one woman !", "It belongs to one of them , that 's certain .\u2014 Mr Limberham , I must desire you to restore this letter ; it is from my mistress .", "Mine are Roman , madam .", "Nothing , but the love I bear thy mistress , could keep me in the house with such a fury . When will the bright nymph appear ?", "Will you oblige me , sir ?", "Come , come , no half resolutions among lovers ; I 'll hear no more of him , till I have revenged you fully . Go out and watch , Judith .", "Mr who , sir ?", "But cannot I be yours without a priest ? They were cunning people , doubtless , who began that trade ; to have a double hank upon us , for two worlds : that no pleasure here , or hereafter , should be had , without a bribe to them .", "By your favour , sir , but he must not ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 170}, {"query": ["Quelque chose ! O ignorance , in supreme perfection ! he means a kek shose", "I dwell not on your commendations . What say you , sir ?", "What has she confessed ?", "I 'll enter , and find the reason of this tumult .", "Hark , again !", "You might command me , sir ; for I sing too en cavalier : but \u2014", "Do you know his friends , father Aldo ?", "Diable ! Now I will not sing , to spite you . By the world , you are not worthy of it . Well , I have a gentleman 's fortune ; I have courage , and make no inconsiderable figure in the world : yet I would quit my pretensions to all these , rather than not be author of this sonnet , which your rudeness has irrevocably lost .", "And what 's his name ?", "Terror , I ! \u2018 tis indignation shakes me . With this sabre I 'll slice him as small as atoms ; he shall be doomed by the judge , and damned upon the gibbet .", "Is it not admirable ? Do you enter into it ?", "Morbleu ! will you not give me leave ? I am full of Phillis .My Phillis \u2014", "Pr'ythee , leave thy fulsome fondness ; I have surfeited on conjugal embraces .", "An honest woman , and yet you two have tumbled together ! those are inconsistent .", "Nay , thanks to my genius , that care 's over : you shall see , you shall see . But first the air .Is it not very fine ? Ha , messieurs !"], "true_target": ["I have no voice ; but since this gentleman commands me , let the words commend themselves .", "If a man should listen to a fop !", "If you fear that , Bilbo shall be left behind .", "Sir , \u2018 tis my extreme ambition to be better known to you ; you come out of the country I adore . And how does the dear Battist? I long for some of his new compositions in the last opera . A propos ! I have had the most happy invention this morning , and a tune trouling in my head ; I rise immediately in my night-gown and slippers , down I put the notes slap-dash , made words to them like lightning ; and I warrant you have them at the circle in the evening .", "I 'll give you the opportunity , and rid you of him .\u2014 Come away , little Limberham ; you , and I , and father Aldo , will take a turn together in the square .", "I nauseate these foolish feats of love .", "What , the lusty lover Limberham !", "I have a luscious air forming , like a Pallas , in my brain-pain : and now thou com'st across my fancy , to disturb the rich ideas , with the yellow jaundice of thy jealousy .", "Whoever thou art , I have pronounced thy doom ; the dreadful Brainsick bares his brawny arm in tearing terror ; kneeling queens in vain should beg thy being .\u2014 Sa , sa , there .", "What 's the matter , gentlewoman ? Am I excluded from my own fortress ; and by the way of barricado ? Am I to dance attendance at the door , as if I were some base plebeian groom ? I 'll have you know , that , when my foot assaults , the lightning and the thunder are not so terrible as the strokes : brazen gates shall tremble , and bolts of adamant dismount from off their hinges , to admit me .", "My Phillis \u2014", "Gad , I think so , without vanity . Battist and I have but one soul . But the close , the close !I have words too upon the air ; but I am naturally so bashful !", "I give to the devil such a judge . Well , were I to be born again , I would as soon be the elephant , as a wit ; he 's less a monster in this age of malice . I could burn my sonnet , out of rage .", "Yet again !\u2014 My Phillis \u2014", "Dear sir , I 'll not die ungrateful for your approbation .You see this fellow ? he is an ass already ; he has a handsome mistress , and you shall make an ox of him ere long ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 170}, {"query": ["Know it ! I know the match is as good as made already : old Woodall and I are all one . You , son , were sent for over on purpose ; the articles for her jointure are all concluded , and a friend of mine drew them .", "Judith 's secrets .", "Know them ! I think I do . His mother was an arch-deacon 's daughter ; as honest a woman as ever broke bread : she and I have been cater-cousins in our youth ; we have tumbled together between a pair of sheets , i'faith .", "Before George , and so it was : for she had the prettiest black mole upon her left ancle , it does me good to think o n't ! His father was squire What-d'yehYpppHeNcallhYpppHeNhim , of what-d'yehYpppHeNcallhYpppHeNem shire . What think you , little Judith ? do I know him now ?", "No matter for that .", "I meant of Hampshire . But that I should forget he was a knight , when I got him knighted , at the king 's coming in ! Two fat bucks , I am sure he sent me .", "Before George , son Limberham , you shall read it .", "Yes , a mistress , sir . I 'll be his voucher , he has a mistress , and a fair one too .", "Before George , I am on t'other side : I think , as good no song , as no Phillis .", "Come , son Limberham , we let our friend Brainsick walk too long alone : Shall we follow him ? we must make haste ; for I expect a whole bevy of whores , a chamber-full of temptation this afternoon : \u2018 tis my day of audience ."], "true_target": ["Carry me this letter , quoth he , to your son Woodall ; \u2018 tis from my daughter such a one , and then whispered me her name .", "Nay , for that , you must excuse me ; I must not disclose little", "What 's the matter trow ? what , in martial posture , son", "But how came you by this letter , son Woodall ? let me examine you .", "Brainsick ?", "That thou should'st think to keep this secret ! why , I know it as well as he that made thee .", "O here 's a monsieur , new come over , and a fellow-lodger ; I must endear you two to one another .", "Do so , daughter . Not a word of my familiarity with his mother , to prevent bloodshed betwixt us : but I have her name down in my almanack , I warrant her .", "We will follow you immediately .", "Why , there 's it , now . This morning I met your mistress 's father , Mr you know who \u2014", "Nay , you shall excuse me for that ; but we are intimate : his name begins with some vowel or consonant , no matter which : Well , her father gave me this very numerical letter , subscribed , for Mr. Woodall ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 170}, {"query": ["Why a kek shoes let it be then ! and a kek shoes for your song .", "Pray do , sir : consider him much .", "Mr Woodall , we leave you here \u2014 you remember ?", "Nay , if father Aldo knows it , I am satisfied .", "But why , of all names , would you chuse a Phillis ? There have been so many Phillises in songs , I thought there had not been another left , for love or money .", "You had as good call her your Succuba .", "What have we here ?for Mr Woodall !", "Do you know it , father Aldo .", "Nay , nay , leave but your madrigal behind : draw not that upon us , and it is no matter for your sword .", "Pray , for my sake , let it be your Chloris ."], "true_target": ["Nay , I confess , Phillis is a very pretty name .", "You may use your pleasure with your own .", "Yes , we will come after you , bully Brainsick : but I hope you will not draw upon us there .", "What , are you not acquainted with the contents of it ?", "Hark you , Mr Woodall ; this fool Brainsick grows insupportable ; he 's a public nuisance ; but I scorn to set my wit against him : he has a pretty wife : I say no more ; but if you do not graff him \u2014", "O Pug , how have you been passing your time ?", "My heart was at my mouth , for fear it had been Pug 's .\u2014 There \u2018 tis again \u2014 Hold , hold ; pray let me see it once more : a mistress , said you ?", "But you would be entreated , and say , Nolo , nolo , nolo , three times , like any bishop , when your mouth waters at the diocese .", "The close of it is the most ravishing I ever heard !", "Some foolish French quelque chose , I warrant you .", "Before George , and so it is ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 170}, {"query": ["And now she would \u2018 scape herself , by accusing us ! but let us both conclude to cast an infamy upon her house , and leave it ."], "true_target": ["Yes , we did overhear her ; and we will both testify against her .", "My note has taken , as I wished : he will be here immediately . If I could but resolve to lose no time , out of modesty ; but it is his part to be violent , for both our credits . Never so little force and ruffling , and a poor weak woman is excused .Hark , I hear him coming .\u2014 Ah me ! the steps beat double : He comes not alone . If it should be my husband with him ! where shall I hide myself ? I see no other place , but under his bed : I must lie as silently as my fear will suffer me . Heaven send me safe again to my own chamber !"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 171}, {"query": ["Well , fortune at the last is favourable , and now you are my prisoner .", "I kiss the book upon it .Oh , are you at your love-tricks already ? If you pinch me thus , I shall bite your lip .", "I do promise , I do swear , I do any thing .Oh , the devil ! what do you mean to run pins into me ? this is perfect caterwauling .", "But you shall , verily . I will thrust you down , out of pure pity .", "Nay , no conditions : The fortress is reduced to extremity ; and you must yield upon discretion , or I storm .", "Have you done ? these covenants are so tedious !", "You may tell , but who will believe you ? where 's your witness ?", "I have nothing to say for her . Nay , I told her her own ; you can both bear me witness . If a sober man cannot be quiet in his own chamber for her \u2014", "Get you quickly to your closet , and fall to your mirabilis ; this is no place for sick people . Begone , begone !", "For , look you , the offence was properly to my person ; and charity has taught me to forgive my enemies . I hope , Mrs Saintly , this will be a warning to you , to amend your life : I speak like a Christian , as one that tenders the welfare of your soul ."], "true_target": ["I will see what is the matter in it .", "Why , that is well said .\u2014Gad , and so must I too ; for my people is dissatisfied , and my government in danger : But this is no place for meditation .\u2014 Ladies , I wait on you .", "Then will I go to the elders of thy church , and lay thee open before them , that thou didst feloniously unlock that chest , with wicked intentions of purloining : So thou shalt be excommunicated from the congregation , thou Jezebel , and delivered over to Satan .", "Hold , good landlady , not so fast ; let me have time to consider o n't ; I may mollify , for flesh is frail . An hour or two hence we will confer together upon the premises .", "Well , for once I 'll be good-natured , and try my interest .\u2014", "Let it be upon the bed then . Please you to sit ?", "So ! here 's a fine business ! my whole seraglio up in arms !", "Now thou art tempting me again . Well , if I had not the gift of continency , what might become of me ?", "Pox verily her ! it is my landlady : Here , hide yourself behind the curtains , while I run to the door , to stop her entry .", "Pray , ladies , for my sake , let this business go no farther .", "That 's your witness too , that you would have allured me to lewdness , have seduced a hopeful young man , as I am ; you would have enticed youth : Mark that , beldam ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 171}, {"query": ["Never to love any other woman .", "I did not pinch you : But you are apt , I see , to take any occasion of gathering up more close to me .\u2014 Next , you shall not so much as look on Mrs Brainsick .", "Oh the old woman in the oven ! we both overheard your pious documents : Did we not , Mrs Brainsick ?", "and Mrs Brain . You may command us .", "You fancy all this ; I would not hurt you for the world . Come , you shall see how well I love you .Oh ! I think you have needles growing in your bed ."], "true_target": ["For , you know , sir , when Mrs Brainsick and I over-heard her coming , having been before acquainted with her wicked purpose , we both agreed to trap her in it .", "No matter where ; I am never the nearer to your wicked purpose . But you men are commonly great comedians in love-matters ; therefore you must swear , in the first place \u2014", "Nay , but swear then .", "Necessity has no law ; I must be patient .", "After a quarter of an hour , I suppose , I shall have my liberty upon easy terms . But pray let us parley a little first ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 171}, {"query": ["Verily , heaven is my witness .", "Oh , on the sudden , I feel myself exceeding sick ! Oh ! oh !", "Sweet Mr Woodall , intercede for me , or I shall be ruined .", "I care not ; my single evidence is enough to Mr Limberham ; he will believe me , that thou burnest in unlawful lust to his beloved : So thou shalt be an outcast from my family .", "So , so ; if Providence had not sent me hither , what folly had been this day committed !", "In sadness , gentleman , I can hold no longer : I will not keep your wicked counsel , how you were locked up in the chest ; for it lies heavy upon my conscience , and out it must , and shall ."], "true_target": ["Oh , my eyes grow dim ! my heart quops , and my back acheth ! here I will lay me down , and rest me .", "The means have been offered thee , and thou hast kicked with the heel . I will go immediately to the tabernacle of Mr Limberham , and discover thee , O thou serpent , in thy crooked paths .", "Verily , I can go no farther .", "Verily , our teacher will not excommunicate me , for taking the spoils of the ungodly , to clothe him ; for it is a judged case amongst us , that a married woman may steal from her husband , to relieve a brother . But yet them mayest atone this difference betwixt us ; verily , thou mayest .", "Mr Woodall , where are you , verily ?", "Verily , I will consider ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 171}, {"query": ["Bless thee , and make thee a substantial , thriving whore . Have your mother in your eye , Prue ; it is good to follow good example . How old are you , Prue ? Hold up your head , child .", "Well , somewhat in ornament for the body , somewhat in counsel for the mind ; one thing must help out another , in this bad world : Whoring must go on .", "Geoffery , set her down in the register , that I may provide her a mid-wife , and a dry and wet nurse : When you are up again , as heaven send you a good hour , we will pay him off at law , i'faith . You have him under black and white , I hope ?", "A hey , a hey , boys ! the town 's thy own ; burn , ravish , and destroy !", "He dogged him to the corner of it ; and then my son turned back , and threatened him . But I 'll find out Giles , and then I 'll make such an example of my reprobate !", "A note under his hand ! that is a chip in porridge ; it is just nothing .\u2014 Look , Geoffery , to the figure 12 , for old half-shirts for childbed linen .", "You are a sorrowful widow , daughter Pad ; but I 'll take care of you .\u2014 Geoffery , see her rigged out immediately for a new voyage : Look in figure 9 , in the upper drawer , and give her out the flowered justacorps , with the petticoat belonging to it .", "Before George , there can come no good of your swearing , Mrs Overdon : Say your prayers , Prue , and go duly to church o'Sundays , you 'll thrive the better all the week . Come , have a good heart , child ; I will keep thee myself : Thou shalt do my little business ; and I 'll find thee an able young fellow to do thine . Enter Mrs PAD . Daughter Pad , you are welcome : What , you have performed the last Christian office to your keeper ; I saw you follow him up the heavy hill to Tyburn . Have you had never a business since his death ?", "Well said , daughter .\u2014 Lift up your voices , and sing like nightingales , you tory rory jades . Courage , I say ; as long as the merry pence hold out , you shall none of you die in Shoreditch . Enter WOODALL . A hey , boys , a hey ! here he comes , that will swinge you all ! down , you little jades , and worship him ; it is the genius of whoring .", "Why , what is the matter , daughter Hackney ?", "A friend of mine met his old man , Giles , this very morning , in quest of me ; and Giles assured him , his master is lodged in this very street ."], "true_target": ["I will , I will ; and yet I have a vexatious business , which calls me first another way . The rogue , my son , is certainly come over ; he has been seen in town four days ago .", "Let me see \u2014 let me see :\u2014 Before George , I have it , and it comes as pat too ! Go me to the very judge that sate upon him ; it is an amorous , impotent old magistrate , and keeps admirably . I saw him leer upon you from the bench : He will tell you what is sweeter than strawberries and cream , before you part .", "O spare my daughters , Mrs Saintly ! Sweet Mrs Pleasance , spare my flesh and blood !", "Despatch , Geoffery , despatch : The outlying punks will be upon us , ere I am in a readiness to give audience . Is the office well provided ?", "A pox of his unlucky handsel ! He can but fumble , and will not pay neither .", "Then there is a father for your child , my lord 's son and heir by Mr Caster . But henceforward , to preserve peace betwixt you , I ordain , that you shall ply no more in my daughter Hackney 's quarters : You shall have the city , from White-Chapel to Temple-Bar , and she shall have to Covent-Garden downwards : At the play-houses , she shall ply the boxes , because she has the better face ; and you shall have the pit , because you can prattle best out of a vizor mask .", "Before George , there is not enough to rig out a mournival of whores : They 'll think me grown a mere curmudgeon . Mercy on me , how will this glorious trade be carried on , with such a miserable stock !", "We must get her a husband then in the city ; they bite rarely at a stale whore at this end of the town , new furbished up in a tawdry manteau .", "Unconscionable villain , to cozen you in your own calling !", "You are of the violentest temper , daughter Termagant ! When had you a business last ?", "Welladay , welladay ! one of my daughters is big with bastard , and she laid at her gascoins most unmercifully ! every stripe she had , I felt it : The first fruit of whoredom is irrecoverably lost !", "And you have been initiated but these two years : Loss of time , loss of precious time ! Mrs Overdon , how much have you made of Prue , since she has been man 's meat ?"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 172}, {"query": ["I hear a coach already stopping at the door ."], "true_target": ["The stores are very low , sir : Some dolly petticoats , and manteaus we have ; and half a dozen pair of laced shoes , bought from court at second hand ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 172}, {"query": ["And since then , the poor child has dwindled , and dwindled away . Her next maiden-head brought me but ten ; and from ten she fell to five ; and at last to a single guinea : She has no luck to keeping ; they all leave her , the more my sorrow .", "A very small matter , by my troth ; considering the charges I have been at in her education : Poor Prue was born under an unlucky planet ; I despair of a coach for her . Her first maiden-head brought me in but little , the weather-beaten old knight , that bought her of me , beat down the price so low . I held her at an hundred guineas , and he bid ten ; and higher than thirty would not rise ."], "true_target": ["Ask blessing , Prue : He is the best father you ever had .", "No : Pray let her try her fortune a little longer in the world first : By my troth , I should be loth to be at all this cost , in her French , and her singing , to have her thrown away upon a husband .", "Lord , how it quops ! you are half a year gone , madam .\u2014"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 172}, {"query": ["Hang him ; I could never endure him , father : He is the filthiest old goat ; and then he comes every day to our house , and eats out his thirty guineas ; and at three months end , he threw me off ."], "true_target": ["Going o'my sixteen , father Aldo ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 172}, {"query": ["No indeed , father ; never since execution-day . The night before , we lay together most lovingly in Newgate ; and the next morning he lift up his eyes , and prepared his soul with a prayer , while one might tell twenty ; and then mounted the cart as merrily , as if he had been going for a purse .", "Aldo 's delight , and so adjourn the house ."], "true_target": ["Could you not help to prefer me , father ?", "Then all friends , and confederates . Now let us have father"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 172}, {"query": ["The last I had was with young Caster , that son-of-a-whore gamester : he brought me to taverns , to draw in young cullies , while he bubbled them at play ; and , when he had picked up a considerable sum , and should divide , the cheating dog would sink my share , and swear ,\u2014 Damn him , he won nothing .", "Yes , I have a note under his hand for two hundred pounds ."], "true_target": ["O father , I think I shall go mad .", "I feel the young rascal kicking already , like his father .\u2014 Oh , there is an elbow thrusting out : I think , in my conscience , he is palming and topping in my belly ; and practising for a livelihood , before he comes into the world .", "When he loses upon the square , he comes home zoundsing and blooding ; first beats me unmercifully , and then squeezes me to the last penny . He has used me so , that , Gad forgive me , I could almost forswear my trade . The rogue starves me too : He made me keep Lent last year till Whitsuntide , and out-faced me with oaths it was but Easter . And what mads me most , I carry a bastard of the rogue 's in my belly ; and now he turns me off , and will not own it ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 172}, {"query": ["My comfort is , I have had the best of him ; he can take up no more , till his father dies : And so , much good may do you with my cully , and my clap into the bargain ."], "true_target": ["O , madam Termagant , are you here ? Justice , father Aldo , justice !", "She has violated the law of nations ; for yesterday she inveigled my own natural cully from me , a married lord , and made him false to my bed , father ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 172}, {"query": ["How could I guess , that you intended me the favour , without first acquainting me ?", "Persepolis : tuez , tuez , tuez ! point de quartier .", "If Giles be discovered , I am undone !\u2014 Why , Gervase , where are you , sirrah ! Hey , hey ! Enter GERVASE . Run quickly to that betraying rascal Giles , a rogue , who would take Judas 's bargain out of his hands , and undersell him . Command him strictly to mew himself up in his lodgings , till farther orders : and in case he be refractory , let him know , I have not forgot to kick and cudgel . That memento would do well for you too , sirrah .", "It is impossible : I 'll not believe it .", "Who better than your wife ? She cannot be partial , because she knows not on which side you have laid .", "Your servant , your servant , madam : I am in a little haste at present .", "The dialogue will go no farther . Farewell , gentle , quiet lady .", "The very ghost of queen Dido in the ballad .", "And you have richly deserved it .", "Make haste , and comfort her .", "It is the spirit of persecution . Dioclesian , and Julian the apostate , were but types of thee . Get thee hence , thou old Geneva testament : thou art a part of the ceremonial law , and hast been abolished these twenty years .", "Dost thou think I have no compassion for thy gray hairs ? Away , away ; our love may be discovered : We must avoid scandal ; it is thy own maxim . Enter PLEASANCE . That fury here again !", "We will have a night of it , like Alexander , when he burnt", "I had rather sit five hours at one of his greasy feasts , then hear you talk .", "It is done : I will lay you .", "I confess , I am vain enough to hope it ; for why should you remove the two dishes , but to make me fall more hungrily on the third ?", "Thus am I ever tantalized !", "What , you can talk in the language of the world , I see !", "Away , old Epictetus , about your business , and leave your musty morals , or I shall \u2014", "But such a terrible wasp , as she , will spoil the snare , if I durst tell her so .", "Pox on me ! nothing but such a positive coxcomb as I am , would have laid his money upon such odds ; as if you did not know your own lodgings better than I , at half a day 's warning ! And that which vexes me more than the loss of my money , is the loss of my adventure !"], "true_target": ["So ! there is one broadside already : I must sheer off .", "But I had my mental reservations in a readiness . I had vowed fidelity to you before ; and there went my second oath , i'faith : it vanished in a twinkling , and never gnawed my conscience in the least .", "I am considering how to thank you for your homily ; and , to make a sober application of it , you may have some laudable design yourself in this advice .", "Why , you turn my brains , with talking to me of your wife 's chamber ! do you lie in common ? the wife and husband , the keeper and the mistress ?", "That last , for maids , would be thrown away : Few of your age are qualified for the medicine . What the devil would you be at , madam ?", "I am glad you did ; for you could not but observe , with how much care I avoided all occasions of railing at you ; to which she urged me , like a malicious woman , as she was .", "Or ! you will not swear , I hope ?", "Keep the door open , and help to secure the retreat , father :", "All shall be atoned ere then . Go , provide the bottle of clary , the Westphalia ham , and other fortifications of nature ; we shall see what may be done . What ! an old woman must not be cast away .", "Nay , no relapsing into verily ; that is in our bargain . Look how she weeps for joy ! It is a good old soul , I warrant her .", "You lately honoured mine ; and it is the part of a well-bred man , to return your visit .", "I know it ; and therefore mean to leave you first .", "Was it yours , then ? I believed it came from Mrs Tricksy .", "Uds-niggers , I confess , is a very dreadful oath . You could lie naturally before , as you are a fanatic ; if you can swear such rappers too , there is hope of you ; you may be a woman of the world in time . Well , you shall be satisfied , to the utmost farthing , to-night , and in your own chamber .", "Hark you , Mr Brainsick , is the devil in you , that you and your wife come hither , to disturb my intrigue , which you yourself engaged me in , with Mrs Tricksy , to revenge you on Limberham ? Why , I had made an appointment with her here ; but , hearing somebody come up , I retired into the closet , till I was satisfied it was not the keeper .", "There is no pity to be expected .", "In this very street ! how knows he that ?", "The maid will give warning , that is my comfort ; for she is bribed on my side . I have another kind of love to this girl , than to either of the other two ; but a fanatic 's daughter , and the noose of matrimony , are such intolerable terms ! O , here she comes , who will sell me better cheap . SCENE opens to BRAINSICK 'S Apartment .", "Paw , paw ! that word honour has almost turned my stomach : it carries a villainous interpretation of matrimony along with it . But , in a civil way , I could be content to deal with you , as the church does with the heads of your fanatics , offer you a lusty benefice to stop your mouth ; if fifty guineas , and a courtesy more worth , will win you .", "Though I am a stranger in the house , it is impossible I should be so much mistaken : I say , this is Limberham 's lodging .", "And down went chairs and table , and out went every candle . Ho , brave old patriarch in the middle of the church militant ! whores of all sorts ; forkers and ruin-tailed : Now come I gingling in with my bells , and fly at the whole covey .", "Sir , begone , and make no noise , or you will spoil all ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 172}, {"query": ["Or , expect to-morrow \u2014", "Make haste , and thine own eyes shall testify against her .", "Delay no longer , or \u2014", "All this is nothing , sir . I am privy to your plots : I 'll discover them to Mr Limberham , and make the house too hot for you .", "Uds-niggers but I will ; and that so loud , that Mr Limberham shall hear me .", "How they can be ! I have heard them ; I have seen them .", "Arise , Mr Limberham , arise ; for conspiracies are hatched against you , and a new Faux is preparing to blow up your happiness .", "Take to thee thy resolution , and avenge thyself ."], "true_target": ["You will not fail ?", "I can , I can , sir ; and in the language of the flesh and devil too , if you provoke me to despair : You must , and shall be mine , this night .", "Verily , thy beloved is led astray , by the young man Woodall , that vessel of uncleanness : I beheld them communing together ; she feigned herself sick , and retired to her tent in the garden-house ; and I watched her out-going , and behold he followed her .", "Again backsliding !", "Verily , I have waited till you were alone , and am come to rebuke you , out of the zeal of my spirit .", "Verily , thou has not the spirit of a cock-chicken .", "What , in the midst of Sodom ! O thou lewd young man ! my indignation boils over against these harlots ; and thus I sweep them from out my family .", "Then , verily , I am appeased ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 172}, {"query": ["Down with the Suburbians , down with them .", "Love , jealousy , and disdain , how they torture me at once ! and this insensible creature \u2014 were I but in his place \u2014Think , that this very instant she is yours no more : Now , now she is giving up herself , with so much violence of love , that if thunder roared , she could not hear it .", "Meaning , some secret inclination to that amiable person of yours ?", "Pray resolve me first , for which of them you lie in ambush ; for , methinks , you have the mien of a spider in her den . Come , I know the web is spread , and whoever comes , Sir Cranion stands ready to dart out , hale her in , and shed his venom .", "O , I find it now ! you are going to set up your bills , like a love-mountebank , for the speedy cure of distressed widows , old ladies , and languishing maids in the green-sickness : a sovereign remedy .", "Perhaps , indeed , in the way of honour \u2014", "What , you have been pricking up and down here upon a cold scent; but , at last , you have hit it off , it seems ! Now for a fair view at the wife or mistress : up the wind , and away with it : Hey , Jowler !\u2014 I think I am bewitched , I cannot hold .", "It is unconscionably done of me , to debar you the freedom and civilities of the house . Alas , poor gentleman ! to take a lodging at so dear a rate , and not to have the benefit of his bargain !\u2014 Mischief on me , what needed I have said that ?", "To him : I 'll second you : now for mischief !", "I am in the humour of giving you good counsel . The wife can afford you but the leavings of a fop ; and to a witty man , as you think yourself , that is nauseous : The mistress has fed upon a fool so long , she is carrion too , and common into the bargain . Would you beat a ground for game in the afternoon , when my lord mayor 's pack had been before you in the morning ?"], "true_target": ["I could tear out the villain 's eyes , for dishonouring you , while you stand considering , as you call it . Are you a man , and suffer this ?", "Was there ever such a meek , hen-hearted creature !", "Do you stand unmoved , and hear all this ?", "Look , and satisfy yourself , ere you make that settlement on so false a creature .", "Make haste ; go on then .", "I 'll conquer my proud spirit , I am resolved on it , and speak kindly to him .\u2014 What , alone , sir ! If my company be not troublesome ; or a tender young creature , as I am , may safely trust herself with a man of such prowess , in love affairs \u2014 It wonnot be .", "Out upon thee ! fifty guineas ! Dost thou think I 'll sell myself ? And at a playhouse price too ? Whenever I go , I go all together : No cutting from the whole piece ; he who has me shall have the fag-end with the rest , I warrant him . Be satisfied , thy sheers shall never enter into my cloth . But , look to thyself , thou impudent belswagger : I will he revenged ; I will .", "Your two mistresses keep both shop and warehouse ; and what they cannot put off in gross , to the keeper and the husband , they sell by retail to the next chance-customer . Come , are you edified ?", "Pray stay a little ; I 'll not leave you thus .", "Have you no sense of honour in you ?"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 172}, {"query": ["Nay , I wo n't forfeit my own wisdom so far as to suffer for it . Rest you merry : I 'll do my best , and heaven mend all ."], "true_target": ["Thank your worship ; you have always been liberal of your hands to me .", "I will not say , who has better deserved it of my old master ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 172}, {"query": ["By the same token , you vowed and swore never to look on", "If I could have imagined how base a fellow you had been , you should not then have been troubled with my company .", "My husband , as I live ! Well , for all my quarrel to you , step immediately into that little dark closet : it is for my private occasions ; there is no lock , but he will not stay .", "Well , I shall never heartily forgive you .", "My dear , I am coming to do my duty . I did but go up a little ,and am returning immediately .", "Then my steps , which are not so precious , shall be employed for you : I will call up Judith .", "Let my own dear alone , to find a fool out .", "He must be discovered , and I unavoidably undone !"], "true_target": ["Oh , goes it there ?\u2014 Why should you ask me such a question , when every body in the house can tell they are \u2018 nown dear 's ?", "O lord , dear , it is not worthy to receive such a man as you are .", "Could I do it , ungrateful as you are , with more obligation to you , or more hazard to myself , than by putting my note into your glove ?", "It is not in the way , child : You may go down into the garden .", "How now , sir ? what impudence is this of yours , to approach my lodgings ?", "I am afraid they are quarrelling ; pray heaven I get off .", "You wished it so ; which made you so easily believe it . I heard the pleasant dialogue betwixt you .", "Mrs Brainsick !"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 172}, {"query": ["Monsieur Woodall !", "But why this intrigue in my wife 's chamber ?", "I will not dance attendance . At the present , your closet shall be honoured .", "I would not be that slave you are , to enjoy the treasures of the east . The possession of Peru , and of Potosi , should not buy me to the bargain .", "Now are you satisfied ? Children and fools , you know the proverb \u2014", "Nature presses ; I am in haste .", "What , am I become your drudge ? your slave ? the property of all your pleasures ? Shall I , the lord and master of your life , become subservient ; and the noble name of husband be dishonoured ? No , though all the cards were kings and queens , and Indies to be gained by every deal \u2014", "It shall be spent : We will have a treat with it . This is a fool of the first magnitude ."], "true_target": ["Who shall be judge ?", "Content .\u2014 Come hither , lady mine : Whose lodgings are these ? who is lord , and grand seignior of them ?", "The voyage is too far : though the way were paved with pearls and diamonds , every step of mine is precious , as the march of monarchs .", "No ; for I have won a wager , to be spent luxuriously at Long 's ; with Pleasance of the party , and Termagant Tricksy ; and I will pass , in person , to the preparation : Come , matrimony .", "Spoil all , quotha ! what does he mean , in the name of wonder ?", "Your sex is but one universal ordure , a nuisance , and incumbrance of that majestic creature , man : yet I myself am mortal too . Nature 's necessities have called me up ; produce your utensil of urine .", "You would not venture a wager of ten pounds , that you are not mistaken ?", "Once again , I am the sultan of this place : Mr Limberham is the mogul of the next mansion ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 172}, {"query": ["Heard them , and seen them ! It may be so ; but yet I cannot enter into this same business : I am amazed , I must confess ; but the best is , I do not believe one word of it .", "But give me leave to consider first : A man must do nothing rashly .", "Bully Brainsick , Pug has sent me to you on an embassy , to bring you down to cards again ; she is in her mulligrubs already ; she will never forgive you the last vol you won . It is but losing a little to her , out of complaisance , as they say , to a fair lady ; and whatever she wins , I will make up to you again in private .", "Yes , I will go on ;\u2014 and yet my mind misgives me plaguily .", "I have been whetting all this while : They shall be so taken in the manner , that Mars and Venus shall be nothing to them .", "Will you leave your perboles , and come then ?", "Before George , but I have the spirit of a lion , and I will tear her limb from limb \u2014 if I could believe it ."], "true_target": ["But yet , if I should look , and not find her false , then I must cast in another hundred , to make her satisfaction .", "What is the matter , landlady ? Pr'ythee , speak good honest", "Well , honour is honour , and I must go : But I shall never get me such another Pug again ! O , my heart ! my poor tender heart ! it is just breaking with Pug 's unkindness !", "English , and leave thy canting .", "Nay , if my own eyes testify , it may be so :\u2014 but it is impossible , however ; for I am making a settlement upon her , this very day .", "Yes , I am a man ; but a man 's but a man , you know : I am recollecting myself , how these things can be .", "Before George , I am thunder-struck !"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 172}, {"query": ["Well , sir , you have persuaded me : I will arm my conscience with a resolution of making her an honourable amends by marriage ; for to-morrow morning a parson shall authorise my labours , and turn fornication into duty . And , moreover , I will enjoin myself , by way of penance , not to touch her for seven nights after .", "Who should it be , but Limberham ? armed with a two-hand fox . O", "I beseech you , sir , have pity on my soul .", "Lord , O Lord !", "I have a key of the garden , to let us out the back-way into the street , and so privately to our lodging ."], "true_target": ["Zookers , I cannot answer it to my conscience .", "Are you disposed yet to receive good counsel ? Has affliction wrought upon you ?", "Take advice of your pillow .", "Make haste , and save yourself , sir ; the enemy 's at hand : I have discovered him from the corner , where you set me sentry .", "O lord , sir , are we alive !"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 173}, {"query": ["Yes , I must ask thy advice in a most important business . I have promised a charity to Mrs Saintly , and she expects it with a beating heart a-bed : Now , I have at present no running cash to throw away ; my ready money is all paid to Mrs Tricksy , and the bill is drawn upon me for to-night .", "Who is it ?", "\u2018 Tis well : I will plot the rest of my affairs a-bed ; for it is resolved that Limberham shall not wear horns alone : and I am impatient till I add to my trophy the spoils of Brainsick .", "Well , I have won the party and revenge , however : A minute longer , and I had won the tout ."], "true_target": ["Have you pity of your body : There is all the wages you must expect .", "No , sirrah ; since you have not the grace to offer yours , I will for once make use of my authority and command you to perform the foresaid drudgery in my place .", "Thou wert predestinated for a husband , I see , by that natural instinct : As we walk , I will instruct thee how to behave thyself , with secrecy and silence .", "Nay , an your conscience can suffer you to swear , it shall suffer you to lie too : I mean in this sense . Come , no denial , you must do it ; she is rich , and there is a provision for your life .", "Alive ! why , we were never in any danger : Well , she is a rare manager of a fool !"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 173}, {"query": ["I know I shall : Farewell .", "No , no , he is there : You 'll find him up in the chimney , or behind the door ; or , it may be , crowded into some little galley-pot .", "Still I am in the dark .", "Oh , if that be your business , you had best search : And when you have wearied yourself , and spent your idle humour , you may find me above , in my chamber , and come to ask my pardon .", "My dear , I have it for you : come , and kiss me . Why would you be so unkind to suspect my faith now ! when I have forsaken all the world for you .\u2014But I am not in the mood of quarrelling to-night ; I take this jealousy the best way , as the effect of your passion . Come up , and we will go to bed together , and be friends .", "Now I find it : You are willing to save your settlement , and are sent by some of your wise counsellors , to pick a quarrel with me .", "You are not jealous ?", "Enter quickly into the still-house , both of you , and leave me to him : There is a spring-lock within , to open it when we are gone .", "No more ; but satisfy your foolish fancy , for you are master : and , besides , I am willing to be justified .", "No ; here is the key : Take it , and satisfy your foolish curiosity ."], "true_target": ["I am provoked too far .", "You are resolved , then ?", "What humour is this ? you are drunk , it seems : Go sleep .", "No , keep it , keep it : the lodgings are your own .", "If I have any , you know him best : You are the only ruin of my reputation . But if I have dishonoured my family , for the love of you , methinks you should be the last man to upbraid me with it .", "Now , see your folly : There 's the key .", "You are not worthy my answer : I am gone .", "I have put him to a stand .", "Rise , sir : I will endeavour to overcome my nature , and forgive you ; for I am so scrupulously nice in love , that it grates my very soul to be suspected : Yet , take my counsel , and satisfy yourself .", "Yes , it shall put an end to all our quarrels : Farewell for the last time , sir . Look well upon my face , that you may remember it ; for , from this time forward , I have sworn it irrevocably too , that you shall never see it more ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 173}, {"query": ["Hang it , it is no matter ; I will be satisfied : If it comes to a rupture , I know the way to buy my peace . Pug , produce the key .", "Yes , you have been in the dark ; I know it : But I shall bring you to light immediately .", "But , are you sure you shall ?", "I have been your cully above these seven years ; but , at last , my eyes are opened to your witchcraft ; and indulgent heaven has taken care of my preservation . In short , madam , I have found you out ; and , to cut off preambles , produce your adulterer .", "I am sure you are of the family of your abominable great grandam Eve ; but produce the man , or , by my father 's soul \u2014", "But you will not leave me , if I should look ?", "Hold , hold , divine Pug , and let me recollect a little .\u2014 This is no time for meditation neither : while I deliberate , she may be gone . She must be innocent , or she could never be so confident and careless .\u2014 Sweet Pug , forgive me .", "You may go , madam ; but I shall beseech your ladyship to leave the key of the still-house door behind you : I have a mind to some of the sweet-meats you have locked up there ; you understand me . Now , for the old dog-trick ! you have lost the key , I know already , but I am prepared for that ; you shall know you have no fool to deal with .", "This confidence amazes me ! If those two gipsies have abused me , and I should not find him there now , this would make an immortal quarrel .", "Thou hast robbed me of my repose for ever : I am like Macbeth , after the death of good king Duncan ; methinks a voice says to me ,\u2014 Sleep no more ; Tricksy has murdered sleep ."], "true_target": ["I would not be satisfied , to be possessor of Potosi , as my brother Brainsick says . Come to bed , dear Pug .\u2014 Now would not I change my condition , to be an eastern monarch !", "No ; I am too certain to be jealous : But you have a man here , that shall be nameless ; let me see him .", "Yes , I am resolved ; for I have sworn to myself by Styx ; and that is an irrevocable oath .", "Pug is in a pure humour to-night , and it would vex a man to lose it ; but yet I must be satisfied :\u2014 and therefore , upon mature consideration , give me the key .", "Disloyal Pug !", "Then you shall be justified .", "Nay , but hold a little , Pug . What 's the meaning of this new commotion ?", "Why , that is a loving Pug ; I will prove thee innocent immediately : And that will put an end to all controversies betwixt us .", "It is the property of a goddess to forgive . Accept of this oblation ; with this humble kiss , I here present it to thy fair hand : I conclude thee innocent without looking , and depend wholly upon thy mercy .", "If I should keep it , I were unworthy of forgiveness : I will no longer hold this fatal instrument of our separation ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 173}, {"query": ["To leap from off its hinges .", "He 's now a foe to Thebes .", "Your claim to her is strong ; you are betrothed .", "About us ; and the universal frame", "That 's my security .", "Hence murrains followed", "Died at his master 's feet", "When did OEdipus salute you by that familiar name ?", "But since the war broke out about our frontiers ,", "To them , enter CREON .", "On bleating flocks , and on the lowing herds :"], "true_target": ["That whate'er is , could not but so have been ;", "At last , the malady", "A monarch , Theban born !", "Grew more domestic , and the faithful dog", "Linked to effects ; invincible necessity ,", "There 's a chain of causes", "He would do well to bring the wives and children", "Methinks we stand on ruins ; nature shakes", "Of conquered Argians , to renew his Thebes .", "O that our Thebes might once again behold", "So loose , that it but wants another push ,", "I always thought so ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 174}, {"query": ["For single stakes , but families and tribes .", "Shall not be built upon , and overlaid", "Eurydice , the daughter of dead Laius ,", "Had merit , not her dotage , been considered ;", "Then Creon had been king ; but OEdipus ,", "First on inferior creatures tried their force ,", "That rolls above , a bald and beamless fire ,", "Are you content , Creon should be your king ? All A Creon , A Creon , A Creon !", "For all those plagues , which earth and air had brooded ,", "Of his children .", "The people , prone , as in all general ills ,", "Alc . Pyr . We 'll hear no more .", "When he was hostage here \u2014", "Your first oath still must bind : Eurydice", "A stranger !", "Now death 's grown riotous , and will play no more", "Her former husband too .", "This holy sire , who presses you with oaths ,", "The queen , a woman weak and unregarded ;", "To Laius and his blood ?", "A stranger to his blood .", "How are you traitors , countrymen of Thebes ?", "By half a people ?", "No sun to cheer us ; but a bloody globe ,"], "true_target": ["A troop of ghosts took flight together there .", "Shortly he 'll be an earth .", "Is heir to Laius ; let her marry Creon .", "While OEdipus pollutes the throne of Laius ,", "Methinks , from these disjointed propositions ,", "And that , next minute ,", "To sudden change ; the king , in wars abroad ;", "His face o'erhYpppHeNgrown with scurf : The sun 's sick , too ;", "Offended heaven will never be appeased ,", "Our bodies , cast into some common pit ,", "Something might be produced .", "And next , his master :", "Will scarce find half he left , to grace his triumphs .", "We 'll about it .", "We might have had one .", "He much resembles", "How are we sure we breathe not now our last ,", "I heard the prince of Argos , young Adrastus ,", "Now OEdipus", "Forgets your first ; were you not sworn before", "We are your creatures .", "And last they seized on man .", "A princess young and beauteous , and unmarried ,\u2014", "Fellow-citizens ! there was a word of kindness !", "While Laius has a lawful successor ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 174}, {"query": ["Yes , had the people pleased .", "Dropt in the pious act .\u2014 Heard you that groan ?", "Lie all confused ; and , by the heavens neglected ,", "He will be very Laius .", "Forget themselves : Blind winter meets the summer", "True , in her nonage .", "With flaggy wings , fly heavily about ,", "Has driven him headlong back ; and the raw damps ,", "To wonder , and straight fell a wonder too ;"], "true_target": ["A feeble p\u00e6an will be sung before him .", "Scattering their pestilential colds and rheums", "That scarce a first man fell ; one but began", "And every dart took place ; all was so sudden ,", "Therefore the seasons", "In his mid-way , and , seeing not his livery ,", "And then a thousand deaths at once advanced ,", "Through all the lazy air .", "A third , who stooped to raise his dying friend ,", "When twenty winters more have grizzled his black locks ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 174}, {"query": ["A prince , who loves you ;", "The gods have done", "And , since your pride provokes me , worth your love .", "The same resemblance , in a younger lover ,", "The god struck fire , and lighted up the lamps", "And urges their remembrance to desire .", "That beautify the sky , so he informed", "And we , the happy remnant , only live", "And stab you in his heart .", "Her bungled work , she stampt my mind more fair ;", "And her , and even by him , the slave of both .", "Sounds harshly in my ears .", "Their part , by sending this commodious plague .", "And lets in day to make my vices seen", "But is not so to her . See , she appears ;", "So had it need , when all our streets lie covered", "With their detested omen !", "And empty noise , and loves itself in man .", "And earth exposes bodies on the pavements ,", "With a young successor .", "Of love , which is heaven 's precept , and not fear", "Would I could make you mine !", "But hear me , maid :", "The queen my sister , after Laius \u2019 death ,", "Come , \u2018 tis brave bearing in him , not to envy", "As if the breeze had stung them .", "Indeed he could not , for he was a stranger ;", "Am I to blame , if nature threw my body", "And I am too unworthy ; think again ,", "Because a stranger ruled ; but what of that ?", "Then I am conquered thrice ; by OEdipus ,", "How mean it shews , to fawn upon the victor !", "My popular friends .", "No ; let them leave", "So he will .", "For when the gods destroy so fast , \u2018 tis time", "And made thee of such kindred mould to heaven ,", "All hail , great OEdipus !", "Unjust Eurydice ! can you accuse me", "Yes , they are ;", "My body opens inward to my soul ,", "Oh name him not ! the bane of all my hopes .", "Betwixt the bride and bridegroom have I seen", "In so perverse a mould ? yet when she cast", "To snatch the crown and her \u2014 for I still love ,", "Thou mighty conqueror , hail ; welcome to Thebes ;", "The nuptial torch do common offices", "I must make haste , ere OEdipus return ,", "Hail , royal maid ! thou bright Eurydice ,", "And wanting for thy triumphs ;", "Gods , I 'm beholden to you , for making me your image ;", "Snarls while he feeds , so will I seize and stanch", "You made to me .", "To welcome thee , and die .", "The hunger of my love on this proud beauty ,", "That word , stranger , I confess ,", "But love with malice . As an angry cur", "More young , and vigorous too , by twenty springs .", "\u2018 Tis true , I am", "That vengeance , which you say pursues our crimes ,", "Mark , where their appetites have once been pleased ,", "Thou seem'st more heaven 's than ours ."], "true_target": ["For half thy citizens are swept away ,", "Meantime , she stands provided of a Laius ,", "That thoughtless sex is caught by outward form .", "And leave the scraps for slaves .", "A man .", "But oh , the princess ! her hard heart is shut", "Of your young minion , spoil the gods \u2019 fine work ,", "A lavish planet reigned when thou wert born ,", "This blot of nature , this deformed , loathed Creon ,", "More than she hides in graves .", "Even at its highest value .", "Of marriage and of death .", "Can I redress it now ?", "Yet hear me , fellow-citizens .", "\u2018 Twas you first poisoned mine ; and yet , methinks ,", "Speak , Diocles ; all goes wrong .", "MANTO .", "To please a woman yet more fool than he .", "And as from chaos , huddled and deformed ,", "Enter TIRESIAS , leaning on a staff , and led by his Daughter", "These women are such cunning purveyors !", "Come , you are my friends :", "Lay load upon the court ; gull them with freedom ;", "Once more I 'll prove my fortune . You insinuate", "Is master of a sword , to reach the blood", "Her envious hand upon my supple joints ,", "Why not then ? There 's the more need of comfort .", "But under him our Thebes is half destroyed .", "Nay , though she be my sister , of his wife .", "Of youth , and somewhat of a lucky rashness ,", "H\u00e6m . Had you beheld him fight , you had said otherwise .", "I thank ye , countrymen ; but must refuse", "By all discerning eyes , but the blind vulgar .", "\u2018 Tis true , the gods might send this plague among you ,", "The honours you intend me ; they 're too great ,", "And , making less than man , he made me more .", "With dead and dying men ;", "To thy own Thebes ; to all that 's left of Thebes ;", "That hot-brained , head-long warrior , has the charms", "Forbid it , heaven , the residue should perish", "Should reach your perjuries ?", "On heaps in their dark lodging , to revenge", "By adamantine locks against my love .", "For earth and me ; I 'll shun his walk , and seek", "Would his Apollo had him ! he 's too holy", "Unable to resist , and rumpled them", "Feared to lie single ; and supplied his place", "Superior virtue .", "And you shall see them toss their tails , and gad ,", "May funerals meet him at the city gates ,", "OEdipus may return ; you may be ruined .", "The Argian prince for you . That enemy", "Kind thoughts of me into the multitude ;", "Under a Theban born !", "We should renew the race .", "What she has told me \u2014 an offence to sight :", "And make a better choice .", "This ill-shaped body with a daring soul ;", "Lies brooding in their fancies the same pleasures ,", "Why , doubt you I 'm a man ?", "My face and person should not make you sport .", "Of Thebes has made you false , and break the vows", "What makes this blind prophetic fool abroad ?"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 174}, {"query": ["And seek not from our sex to raise an offspring ,", "Thou poison to my eyes !", "Which , mingled with the rest , would tempt the gods ,", "If these be hours of courtship ?", "Made when I was at nurse .", "Half-minted with the royal stamp of man ,", "Let Creon haunt himself .", "Now look for those erected heads , and see them ,", "\u2018 Tis well you tell me so ; I should mistake you", "I bade you cast your eyes on other men ,", "Thy face itself ;", "Like Cadmus \u2019 brood , they jostled for the passage ;", "The midwife stood aghast ; and when she saw", "Then mayst thou still be cursed with loving me ;", "This when thou dost ,", "You force me , by your importunities ,", "Cast round your eyes ,", "Where late the streets were so thick sown with men ,", "For any other part o'the whole creation ,", "And knew not , if to burn thee in the flames", "Nature herself start back when thou wert born ,", "Rather than think you man . Hence from my sight ,", "Impious Creon !", "Rude in the making art , and ape of Jove ."], "true_target": ["Love from thee !", "The first young trial of some unskilled power ,", "When you have thought on this , then answer me ,\u2014", "Why love renounced thee ere thou saw'st the light ;", "And , as thou art , be still unpitied , loathed ;", "And cried ,\u2014 the work 's not mine .", "And wandered in thy limbs . To thy own kind", "Thy mountain back , and thy distorted legs ,", "Make love , if thou canst find it in the world ;", "They were my mother 's vows ,", "Thy crooked mind within hunched out thy back ,", "To cut off human kind .", "No ; thou art all one error , soul and body ;", "And half o'ercome with beast , stood doubting long ,", "Now cast them on yourself ; think what you are .", "But let the greatest , fiercest , foulest fury ,", "Were not the holier work .", "To shew you what you are .", "What , in the midst of horror ?", "A man !", "Like pebbles , paving all our public ways ;", "Still the old argument .", "And let his ghost \u2014 No , let his ghost have rest \u2014", "Whose right in thee were more ;"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 174}, {"query": ["Can benefits thus die , ungrateful Thebans !", "And led in bands by god-like OEdipus !", "A little farther ; yet a little farther ,", "With impious steps , upon dead corps . Now stay ;", "And shaded all beneath ; till , stooping down ,", "The blood of Laius curdled in his veins ,", "But oh ! guiltless and guilty : murder ! parricide !", "Methinks I draw more open , vital air .", "You add rebellion to them , impious Thebans !", "With what face could you tell offended heaven ,", "And my soul sickens with it !", "H\u00e6m . Rouse up , you Thebans ; tune your Io P\u00e6ans !", "If there be nigh this place a sunny bank , There let me rest awhile :\u2014 A sunny bank ! Alas ! how can it be , where no sun shines , But a dim winking taper in the skies , That nods , and scarce holds up his drowzy head , To glimmer through the damps !", "And heaven authorized it by his success .", "His weights and measures , the other man 's extortions ,", "Thou wretched daughter of a dark old man ,", "But when she raised her bulk to sail above you ,", "The monster Sphinx laid your rich country waste ,", "Whither can age and blindness take their flight ?", "Bow down , and touch his knees , and beg from him", "Where are we ?", "I charge you , by the gods , to hear me .", "She , taller than your gates , o'erhYpppHeNlooked your town ;", "I see , I see ! how terrible it dawns ,", "Your vineyards spoiled , your labouring oxen slew ,", "Their warlike prince in single combat taken ,", "A Trumpet within : enter H\u00c6MON .", "And all your sufferings o'er .", "Can give it you .", "Were every man 's false dealing brought to light ,", "If this be true !", "By public voice elected ? answer me ,", "And , as you use to supplicate your gods ,", "Your king returns ; the Argians are o'ercome ;", "And thrust out her long neck , even to your doors", "For me and for thyself , beware thou tread not ,", "In heaven 's dark volume , which I read through mists :"], "true_target": ["Of wondrous fate ; and now , just now disclosing .", "Himself to you a god , ye offered him", "Unjust in punishing ? are there no crimes ,", "If I could fly , what could I suffer worse ,", "His envy , malice , lying , perjuries ,", "When angry heaven scatters its plagues among you ,", "Which pull this vengeance down ?", "Conduct my weary steps : And thou , who seest", "Incest ! discovery ! punishment \u2014 \u2018 tis ended ,", "She clap 'd her leathern wing against your towers ,", "Is it for nought , ye Thebans ? are the gods", "Your queen and crown ;", "To invoke the gods for aid ; the proudest he ,", "Speak then , who is your lawful king ?", "An end of all your woes ; for only he", "Yes , heaven knows why thou weep'st .\u2014 Go , countrymen ,", "Than yet you dream ; for something still there lies", "Have you not sworn before the gods to serve", "He comes , he comes ! Victory ! conquest ! triumph !", "lark :", "Hear me , ye Thebans , and thou Creon , hear me .", "\u2018 Till OEdipus arrived .", "\u2018 Tis OEdipus indeed : Your king more lawful", "Who leads you now , then cowered , like a dared", "\u2018 Tis great , prodigious ; \u2018 tis a dreadful birth ,", "And yet , as if all these were less than nothing ,", "So meet your king with bays , and olive branches ;", "You had not sinned ?", "Remember yet , when , after Laius \u2019 death ,", "And to obey this OEdipus , your king", "This Creon shook for fear ,", "Yourselves for fear mewed up within your walls ;", "All justified alike , and yet all guilty !", "Called by his own high courage and the gods ,", "You durst not meet in temples ,", "Secure of greater ills ?", "She drove the air around her like a whirlwind ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 174}, {"query": ["Under covert of a wall ;", "The most frequented once , and noisy part"], "true_target": ["And grass untrodden springs beneath our feet .", "Of Thebes ; now midnight silence reigns even here ,", "Fly , the tempest drives this way ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 174}, {"query": ["That 's double work .", "Nay , if that be the matter , we are ruined already .", "Nor I .", "He puts the prophet in a mouse-hole ."], "true_target": ["How the god shakes him !", "Think twice ! I ne'er thought twice in all my life ;", "Who 's that would be heard ? we 'll hear no man ; we can scarce hear one another .", "Never , never ; he was too proud .", "Yes , yes ; no doubt there are some sins stirring , that are the cause of all ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 174}, {"query": ["Half of us , that are here present , were living men but yesterday ; and we , that are absent , do but drop and drop , and no man knows whether he be dead or living . And therefore , while we are sound and well , let us satisfy our consciences , and make a new king .", "This is true ; but its a hard world , neighbours ,", "Oh , it is Apollo 's priest , we must hear him ; it is the old blind prophet , that sees all things .", "Then we are all justified ; the sin lies not at our doors .", "For my part , I can speak it with a safe conscience , I never sinned in all my life ."], "true_target": ["If a man 's oath must be his master .", "I knew it would be so ; the last man ever speaks the best reason .", "For coming from the gods , that 's no great matter , they can all say that : but he is a great scholar ; he can make almanacks , an \u2019 he were put to it ; and therefore I say , hear him .", "My first word is always my second ; and therefore I 'll have no second word ; and therefore , once again , I say , A Creon !", "Nay , if these be sins , the case is altered ; for my part , I never thought any thing but murder had been a sin ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 174}, {"query": ["OEdipus , OEdipus , OEdipus !", "We 'll no OEdipus , no OEdipus .", "To the question , to the question ."], "true_target": ["We were ; we were .", "\u2018 Tis OEdipus .", "A Creon , A Creon , A Creon !"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 174}, {"query": ["Because he reigns .", "Yes , there are sins , or we should have no taxes .", "He comes from the gods too , and they are our betters ; and , in good manners , we must hear him :\u2014 Speak , prophet ."], "true_target": ["Nor I .", "Yes , you or none .", "\u2018 Tis certain that the gods are angry with us ,", "Ha , if we were but worthy to see another coronation ! and then , if we must die , we 'll go merrily together ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 174}, {"query": ["And that dire imprecation has thou fastened", "What were they ? something may be learnt from thence .", "And I , a king , am tied in deeper bonds", "On Thebes , and thee , and me , and all of us .", "My friend ! that other name keeps enmity alive .", "Dreadful indeed ! Blood , and a king 's blood too !", "Worse than a plague infects you : You 're devoted", "Whom grief has left a tongue , speak for the rest .", "Ye gods , and place them there : From fire and water ,", "No , do not ; for , I know not why , it shakes me ,", "Addrest to one who sleeps .", "And while Jove holds us out the bowl of joy ,", "Mark , Thebans , mark !", "Find him , ye powers celestial and infernal !", "But for the murderer 's self , unfound by man ,", "Alas , my people !", "Such welcome , as a ruined town can give ,", "And lifted hands ? If there be one among you ,", "The gods took hold even of the offending minute ,", "What , yet again ? the third time hast thou cursed me :", "For these fore-boding words ! why , we were cursing !", "Expect from me ; the rest let her supply .", "This imprecation was for Laius \u2019 death ,", "Than all this presence !\u2014 Yes , \u2018 tis a king 's blood ,", "Then , Gods , beware ; Jove would himself be next ,", "Not search in vain for friends , whose promised sight", "If monsters , wars , and plagues , revenge such crimes !", "But full of hurry , like a morning dream ,", "To gain a friend like you : Why were we foes ?", "Why dost thou gaze upon me ? pr'ythee , love ,", "This indeed is conquest ,", "By some left-handed god . O mournful triumph !", "But longer to detain thee were a crime ;", "If heaven be just , its whole artillery ,", "O were our gods as ready with their pity ,", "Uncle and niece ! they are too near , my love ;", "Thy slaughtered sons now smile , and think they won ,", "Well you may ;", "To wash the guilt of royal blood away .", "How Laius fell ; for a confused report", "As I with mine , this presence should be thronged", "That I 'm no Theban born : How my blood curdles !", "And the same fate , or worse than Laius met ,", "Than when hard gauntlets clenched our warlike hands ,", "And dated thence your woes : Thence will I trace them .", "And such a king 's , and by his subjects shed !", "Nor any from him ? came there no attendant ? None to bring news ?", "To mother earth , and to the infernal powers ;", "When they can count more Theban ghosts than theirs .", "With all I left alive ; and my sad eyes", "No pious son e'er loved his mother more ,", "Had I not promised , were there no Adrastus ,", "O fatal sound ! unfortunate Jocasta !", "Bear witness , heaven , avenge it on the perjured !", "When I but think on incest . Move we forward ,", "And kept them from soft use .", "And is this day returned ; but , since his message", "Shall err from Thebes ; but more be called for , more ;", "Are we so like ?", "Nor are now your vows"], "true_target": ["But in this general presence : Let him speak .", "Could you but reach him too .", "\u2018 Tis too like incest ; \u2018 tis offence to kind :", "But brother of the war . \u2018 Tis much more pleasant ,", "Speak no more !", "Reveal this murder , or produce its author ,", "No choice but Creon left her of mankind ,", "His wife and kindred , all of his , be cursed !", "I love thee more : So well I love , words cannot speak how well .", "New-moulded thunder of a larger size ,", "To be forced back again upon herself ,", "No more captive ,", "\u2018 Tis laid on all ; not any one exempt :", "And she thy daughter : Nature would abhor", "It vanished in the business of the day .", "Ere it can reach our lips , \u2018 tis dashed with gall", "For all thou say'st is ominous : We were cursing ;", "All must be emptied on us : Not one bolt", "When this unwelcome news first reached my ears ,", "Just then , the Sphinx began to rage among you ;", "To expiate this blood . But where , from whom ,", "And all these curses sweep along the skies", "Made you no more enquiry ,", "Ten attick talents be his just reward :", "O conquest gained abroad , and lost at home !", "What hast thou said ! an ill hour hast thou chosen", "Like empty clouds , but drop not on our heads .", "Or how must I atone it ? Tell me , Thebans ,", "What means this speechless sorrow , downcast eyes ,", "Than I my dear Jocasta .", "They should not marry : Speak no more of it ;", "Hell has a right in you . I thank you , gods ,", "To thank the gods for my success , and pray", "How , Jocasta ?", "Let be his lot : His children be accurst ;", "Concerns the public , I refused to hear it", "To love , and to Eurydice , go free .", "But if , for fear , for favour , or for hire ,", "O Argos , now rejoice , for Thebes lies low !", "That is the bar ;", "And thou hast wished me like him .", "Hear then this dreadful imprecation ; hear it ;", "But lent by heaven upon hard usury ;", "And , like a whirlpool , swallow her own streams .", "Take off thy eye ; it burdens me too much .", "Flattered my toils of war .", "Then we are blest ;", "If any Theban born , if any stranger", "The thought disturbs me .", "Dymas was sent to Delphos , to enquire", "No wonder then", "The cause and cure of this contagious ill ,", "As if this curse touched me , and touched me nearer", "Thus pleasure never comes sincere to man ,", "The murderer he conceal , the curse of Thebes", "Passed through my ears , when first I took the crown ;", "Driven by whole Jove . What , touch anointed power !", "And safer , trust me , thus to meet thy love ,", "Converse , and all things common , be he banished .", "But took this bare relation ?", "Fall heavy on his head : Unite our plagues ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 174}, {"query": ["I fought to have it in my power to do", "Your courage while you fought , that mercy seemed", "Will crowd to serve where OEdipus commands .", "Can never want for subjects . Every nation", "I go without a blush , though conquered twice ,", "Which , like a toy dropt from the hands of fortune ,", "To shew thee , honour was my only motive ,", "Lay for the next chance-comer ."], "true_target": ["And Thebes thus waste , I would not take the gift ,", "While Argos is a people , think your Thebes", "No ; Argos mourns with Thebes ; you tempered so", "\u2018 Cause we were kings , and each disdained an equal .", "By you , and by my princess .", "Know this , that were my army at thy gates ,", "My conqueror !", "What thou hast done , and so to use my conquest .", "The manlier virtue , and much more prevailed ;"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 174}, {"query": ["As to a visible divinity ;", "He said , a band of robbers watched their passage ,", "\u2018 Tis just thou should'st .", "Might on thy careful bosom sleep secure ,", "A midnight silence at the noon of day .", "To thee these knees are bent , these eyes are lifted ,", "Twice our deliverer !", "But where 's the glory of thy former acts ?", "And ne'er returned to Thebes .", "Millions of subjects shalt thou have ; but mute ."], "true_target": ["He went in private forth , but thinly followed ,", "Left too for dead .", "Who took advantage of a narrow way ,", "A people of the dead ; a crowded desert ;", "And leave her task to thee .", "A prince , on whom heaven safely might repose", "To murder Laius and the rest ; himself", "Even that 's destroyed , when none shall live to speak it .", "O father of thy country !", "The business of mankind ; for Providence"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 174}, {"query": ["A dreadful answer from the hallowed urn ,"], "true_target": ["In these mysterious words .", "And sacred tripos , did the priestess give ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 174}, {"query": ["Shed in a cursed hour , by cursed hand ,", "When Laius \u2019 death is expiated well ,"], "true_target": ["Blood-royal unrevenged has cursed the land .", "Your plague shall cease . The rest let Laius tell ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 174}, {"query": ["He scarce drew breath to speak some few faint words .", "For then the monster Sphinx began to rage ,", "So was it hushed , and never since revived ."], "true_target": ["But one ; and he so wounded ,", "\u2018 Twas neglected ;", "And present cares soon buried the remote :", "We mourn the sad remembrance ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 174}, {"query": ["Good fortune , that comes seldom , comes more welcome .", "And bring the effect of these your pious prayers", "But you more tenderly , as part of me :", "All I can wish for now , is your consent", "To make my brother happy .", "I love you too", "And when I have you in my arms , methinks", "By marriage with his niece , Eurydice .", "Thought me his blessing ; be thou like my Laius .", "A mother 's love start", "The self-same way ; and when you chid , methought", "Remember , he is my brother .", "Horror seizes me !", "For I have seen it ,\u2014 but ne'er bent on me .", "In all things but his love .", "I have not joyed an hour since you departed ,"], "true_target": ["At your devotions ? Heaven succeed your wishes ;", "O unkind OEdipus ! My former lord", "For public miseries , and for private fears ;", "Are then my blessings turned into a curse ?", "The more I look , the more I find of Laius :", "I lull my child asleep .", "But this blest meeting has o'erhYpppHeNpaid them all .", "A vow so broken , which I made to Creon ;", "Heaven can never bless", "On you , and me , and all .", "His speech , his garb , his action ; nay , his frown ,\u2014", "Be not displeased : I 'll move the suit no more .", "And bade me not be angry . Be not you ;", "up in your defence ,", "Then may that curse fall only where you laid it .", "For I love Laius still , as wives should love ;"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 174}, {"query": ["A sceptre , bright with gems , in each right hand ,", "And I could gladly hear .", "By the red lightning 's glare descried afar ,", "And , with the resolution of a man", "Just west ; a bloody red stains all the place ;", "And pass the time with nice Eurydice .", "A glowing pleasure . Sure you smile revenge ,", "\u2018 Tis midnight , yet there 's not a Theban sleeps ,", "He 's strangely thoughtful .", "And OEdipus cast out .", "When you are pleased , by a malicious joy ,", "But such as ne'er must wake . All crowd about", "Whose red and fiery beams cast through your visage", "Methinks \u2018 twere brave this night to force the temple ,", "A dangerous undertaking ;", "All dart at once their baleful influence ,", "H\u00e6m . Ha ! Pyracmon , look ;", "The perfect figures of a man and woman ;", "Atones the angry powers ."], "true_target": ["And seem so crowded , that they burst upon them :", "Behold , Alcander , from yon \u2019 west of heaven ,", "Help of the king ; who , from the battlement ,", "Some business of import , that triumph wears ,", "In leaking fire .", "Might I be counsellor , I would intreat you", "Directly opposite to your own interest .", "Marked out for greatness , give the fatal choice", "Distinctly yonder in that point they stand ,", "This cannot fail : I see you on the throne :", "While blind Tiresias conjures up the fiends ,", "You seem to go with ; nor is it hard to guess", "Their flowing robes of dazzling purple made :", "Of death or marriage .", "And see , their faces are quite hid in clouds .", "The palace , and implore , as from a god ,", "To cool a little , sir ; find out Eurydice ;", "Clusters of golden stars hang o'er their heads ,", "No more ; you tear yourself , but vex not him ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 175}, {"query": ["By all the Thebans : you must mark him dead ,", "For he looks very sad .", "Try promises and threats , and if all fail ,", "Nothing these ,", "There stands your plague , the ruin , desolation", "Your curses have already taken effect ,", "Survey cursed OEdipus ,", "Can give assurance to your doubtful reign .", "As one who , though unfortunate , beloved ,", "Long-bearded comets stick , Like flaming porcupines , to their left sides , As they would shoot their quills into their hearts .H\u00e6m . But see ! the king , and queen , and all the court ! Did ever day or night shew aught like this ?"], "true_target": ["For number , to the crowds that soon will follow ;", "Since hell 's broke loose , why should not you be mad ?", "And call your utmost fury to revenge .", "Thought innocent , and therefore much lamented", "Where , where 's this cruel king ?\u2014 Thebans , behold ,", "I read the same .", "Ravish , and leave her dead with her Adrastus .", "Since nothing but his death , not banishment ,", "Be resolute ,", "Of this unhappy \u2014 speak ; shall I kill him ?", "Or shall he be cast out to banishment ?"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 175}, {"query": ["I 'll buy his presence , though it cost my crown .", "Shout and applaud me with a clap of thunder .", "The smiles of courtiers , and the harlot 's tears ,", "Nay , she is beauteous too ; yet , mighty love !", "Thou knowest I cannot come to thee , detained", "His ghost shall be , by sage Tiresias \u2019 power ,\u2014", "Yet I 'm too well acquainted with the ground ,", "\u00c6ge . May I entreat to know them ?", "Nature 's worst vermin scare her godlike sons ;", "Ten thousand welcomes ! O , my foster-father ,", "Not for the world .", "Pardon me , sacred sir ; I am informed", "Cries out , how fares my brother OEdipus ?", "Forbear to curse the innocent ; and be", "The force they used : In short , four men I slew :", "Jocasta told me , thou wert by the chariot", "The Gods be praised , I needed not your empire ,", "O why has priest-hood privilege to lie ,", "Than offer at the execrable act", "To your immortal dwellings .", "O , \u2018 tis too little this ; thy loss of sight ,", "And fright you with my cries . Yes , cruel gods ,", "Which , though impossible , so damps my spirits ,", "Dares act as on his throne , encompast round", "Ha , wilt thou not ? Can that plebeian vice", "Moment ! Thou shalt be hours , days , years , a dying .\u2014", "The wheels of weary life at last stood still .", "The greatest oath , I swear , they are most true ;", "An human name ?", "O speak , go on , the air grows sensible", "Old and obstinate ! Then thou thyself", "So !\u2014 How long ? when happened this ?", "Or water ? by assassinates , or poison ? speak :", "Here shall he fall , bleed on this very spot ;", "Seems greater labour than to venture over :", "Than does the plague ? But I rejoice I know you ,", "Fate seemed to wind him up for fourscore years ;", "Speak then , O answer to my doubts directly ,", "And , by the rage that stirs me , if I meet thee", "With all the low submissions of a slave ,", "The womb of heaven , examined all the entrails", "But see , they enter . If thou truly lovest me ,", "The gloom of glowing embers ?", "Ha ! Lightning blast me , thunder", "My sword ! a dagger ! ha , who waits there ? Slaves ,", "That renowned favourite of the king your father :", "But , as I am , I have reason to rejoice :", "In the other world , I 'll curse thee for this usage .", "Chatter futurity ? And where are now", "\u00c6ge . Is this the cause ,", "Lest the dead embers should revive .", "And cried aloud ,\u2014 The Gods forbid thy death .", "Torments shall force .", "Or suffer ; for I feel a sleep like death", "Doubling the bloody prospect of my crimes ;", "What mutters he ? tell me , Eurydice :", "Yes , you shall know : For where should I repose", "\u2018 Tis busy time with me ; despatch mine first ;", "And I 'll approach the arms of my beloved .", "This murder was on Laius \u2019 person done ,", "Hoard up your thunder-stones ; keep , keep your bolts ,", "O wretched man , whose too too busy thoughts", "Born to a greater , nobler , of my own ;", "Because the god of Delphos did forewarn me ,", "Like ours , but what death makes , or madness forms .", "A vast eclipse darkens the labouring planet :\u2014", "One was too like ,", "From Corinth , fate .", "O , to my arms , welcome , my dear \u00c6geon ;", "H\u00e6m . Seize him , and bear him to the western tower .\u2014", "Rot the tongue ,", "Clasped in the folds of love , I 'll wait my doom ;", "Seething like rising bubbles on the brim ,", "Peace ; stand back a while .\u2014", "The first of Laius \u2019 blood ! pronounce the person ;", "Too mighty for the anger of the gods !", "Upon its infant heir .", "The lucky plank that bears him to the shore !", "That throws me on my fate .\u2014 Impossible !", "Near mount Cith\u00e6ron ; answer to the purpose ,", "To know the truth ,\u2014 king Polybus is dead .", "Shrinks at his name .", "That brand which sets our city in a flame .", "Yes , my \u00c6geon ; but the sad remembrance", "And to the very brink of fate reduced ;", "Your oracles , that called me parricide ?", "With thousand sighs and wishes for your safety ,", "Speak , I command thee ;", "Tempests will be heard ,", "Fetch it from thence ; I 'll have't , wheree'er it be .", "I 'll face these babbling d\u00e6mons of the air ;", "To what I shall enquire : Wert thou not once", "And with preposterous births thy mother 's womb to fill ! \u201d", "This will I do , unless you show me Laius ,", "And sues for audience .", "O , for this death , let waters break their bounds ;", "Thus to my bosom ! ages let me grasp thee !", "Will you not show him ? are my tears despised ?", "It hollowed loud , as if my guardian spirit", "He shall be made example . H\u00e6mon , take him .", "But yet they frighted me ;", "From Thebes , and you , my curse has banished me :", "Thou shak'st : Thy soul 's a woman ;\u2014 speak , Adrastus ,", "Echoes , the very leavings of a voice ,", "Who were my parents ?", "Suspend your thoughts ; and flatter not too soon .", "Then truth is lost on earth .", "\u2018 Tis well ! I thank you , gods ! \u2018 tis wondrous well !", "Even far beyond the killing of my father ,", "Thy breath comes short , thy darted eyes are fixt", "But speak it to the winds , when they are loudest ,", "Therefore produce him .", "The oracle takes place before the priest ;", "Dashed me with blushes , though no light was near ;", "Of the great things you utter , and is calm :", "What mean these exclamations on my name ?", "The malice of a vanquished man has seized thee !", "Rivet me ever to Prometheus \u2019 rock ,", "Methought thou said'st \u2014", "Why you refuse the diadem of Corinth ?", "Didst thou most frequently resort ?", "Our apprehensions shoot beyond all bounds ;", "Welcome to me , as , to a sinking mariner ,", "Are nobly born , therefore shall lose your head :", "And incest ; bear not these a frightful sound ?", "Then open every gate of this our palace ,", "And my own death , is , that this horrid sleep", "Resembling Laius just as when I killed him ,", "The little blood which should keep warm my heart ;", "But man , the very monster of the world ,", "O Laius , Labdacus , and all you spirits", "These fixed regards , and silent threats of eyes .", "Intreats he may return , without being asked", "My madness ; look , they 're dead with deep distraction :", "Some desperate way to stifle this cursed breath :", "My sword !\u2014 What , H\u00e6mon , dar'st thou , villain , stop me ?", "Speak then , if aught thou knowest ,", "Enter H\u00c6MON with ALCANDER , & c .", "An unknown hand still checked my forward joy ,", "With wife and mother :\u2014 Tortures , hell and furies !", "No : I dare challenge heaven to turn me outward ,", "My mercy gave it ;\u2014 Bring me comfort now .", "And waves will dash , though rocks their basis keep .", "\u00c6ge . His name I knew not , or I have forgot :", "O , you immortal gods !\u2014 But say , who was't ? Which of the family of Laius gave it ? A servant , or one of the royal blood ?", "By heaven , thou hast awakened somewhat in me ,", "Which oft have made us wonder ; here I swear ,", "Though his dread eyes were basilisks . Guards , haste ,", "Forgive me , then , if , to preserve you from him ,", "May all the gods , too , from their battlements ,", "But fell like autumn-fruit that mellowed long ;", "\u2018 Tis quite unbarred ; sure , by the distant noise ,", "Secure him , dear Jocasta ; for my genius", "What does the soul of all my joys intend ? And whither would this rapture ?", "Cith\u00e6ron ! speak , the valley of Cith\u00e6ron !", "Stand off , and at just distance", "For , though corporeal light be lost for ever ,", "I could have wished , methought , for sight again ,", "Quite blasts my soul : See then the swelling priest !", "Grows cold , even in the summer of her age ,", "After the toils of war , \u2018 tis wondrous strange", "Hot flashing lust , and necromantic incest :", "To farther plagues .", "With an eternal hurry of the soul .", "Two royal names ; their only child am I .", "I did not hear him speak it : They accuse me ,\u2014", "For they , who let my vengeance , make themselves", "\u00c6ge . She , though in full-blown flower of glorious beauty ,", "In the midst of tumult , wars , and pestilence ,", "O , let me press thee in my youthful arms ,", "Look wistly on him ,\u2014 through him , if thou canst !", "But he , who brings him forth , shall have reward", "My fit returns .", "May brave the majesty of thundering Jove .", "ACT III .", "New murder ; thou hast slain old Polybus :", "None e'er in dreams was tortured so before .", "I dreamt , Jocasta , that thou wert my mother ;", "You must be raised , and Phorbas shall appear ,", "To mark the gallantry of her distraction ;", "And is your friend alive ? for if he be ,", "Art thou not gone then ? ha ! How darest thou stand the fury of the gods ? Or comest thou in the grave to reap new pleasures ?", "Confined to flesh , to suffer death once more ;", "The force of majesty is never known", "With such a god-like offspring . Sir , I found you", "He took , embraced , and owned you for his son .", "By all the Gods , I 'll know my birth , though death", "\u00c6ge . Of no distemper , of no blast he died ,", "Embrue my arms , up to my very shoulders ,", "Though rocks should hide him : Nay , he shall be dragged", "And blasted be the mouth that spoke that lie !", "I judged them robbers , and by force repelled", "And beat a thousand drums , to help her labour .", "I am satisfied .", "Hence , incest , murder ! hence , you ghastly figures !", "For crimes of little note .", "Once more , thus winged by horrid fate , I come ,", "If royal Polybus was not my father ,", "That shakes my very soul !", "Enjoy the queen ,", "I saw you smiling at a fatal dagger ,", "Joc . Ha ! will you not ? shall I not find him out ?", "She 's gone ; and , as she went , methought her eyes", "She has outdone me in revenge and murder ,", "Swear I am , And I 'll believe thee ; steal into thy arms , Renew endearments , think them no pollutions , But chaste as spirits \u2019 joys . Gently I 'll come , Thus weeping blind , like dewy night , upon thee , And fold thee softly in my arms to slumber .", "To bed , my fair , my dear , my best Jocasta .", "Thou softest , sweetest of the world ! good night .\u2014", "Of the Cadmean race , prepare to meet me ,", "Io , Jocasta , Io p\u00e6an sing !", "But small , appear most long and terrible ;", "Say where , where was it done !", "Accurst thyself , thou shifting traitor , villain ,", "I do conjure thee , give my horrors way !", "Hark , the Thebans come !", "How poor a pity is alas ,", "Here , bind his hands ; he dallies with my fury :", "Name him , I say , that most accursed wretch ,", "Like OEdipus !", "Jocasta ! lo , I come .", "For two such crimes !\u2014 was Laius us 'd to lie ?", "The worse for you . O barbarous men , and oh the hated light , Why did you force me back , to curse the day ; To curse my friends ; to blast with this dark breath The yet untainted earth and circling air ? To raise new plagues , and call new vengeance down , Why did you tempt the gods , and dare to touch me ? Methinks there 's not a hand that grasps this hell , But should run up like flax all blazing fire . Stand from this spot , I wish you as my friends , And come not near me , lest the gaping earth Swallow you too .\u2014 Lo , I am gone already .", "O , thou wilt kill me with thy love 's excess ! All , all is well ; retire , the Thebans come .", "Be witness , Gods , how near this touches me .", "Would it had lied !", "He charges me \u2014 but why accuse I him ?", "That even the dead may start up , to behold ;", "A monarch , who , in the midst of swords and javelins ,", "Of birds and beasts , and tired the prophet 's art ?", "Draw from my heart my blood , with more content", "But that the tempest of my joy may rise", "What mean the mystic heavens she journies on ?", "While we fantastic dreamers heave and puff ,", "What wouldst thou have ?", "A point or smallest grain of what thou knowest :", "Why , then I 'll thunder , yes , I will be mad ,", "Holds fancy down , and makes her act again ,", "On such abhorred conditions .", "For , by the stars , he dies !", "Disarm them both !\u2014 Prince , I shall make you know ,", "A young stork ,", "Borrowing Jocasta 's look , kneels at my feet ,", "By just degrees , and hit at last the stars ,", "O rise , and add not , by thy cruel kindness ,", "What has it done ? I shall be gazed at now", "He talked of dreams , and visions , and to-morrow !", "By all the gods , my mother Merope !", "It works with kindness o'er : give , give me way !", "This man must be produced : he must , Jocasta .", "Still as we rise , will dash our spirits down .", "Who gave me to the world ; speak then , \u00c6geon .", "Know the base stuff that tempered your vile souls :", "With thundering oracles .", "In horrid form , they rank themselves before me ;\u2014", "I 'll know't , I will ; art shall be conjured for it ,", "Even wondered at , because he dropt no sooner .", "Am I his picture ?", "The fifth upon his knees demanding life ,", "Whom you describe for Laius : insolent ,", "With all the obedience of a penitent child ,", "\u00c6ge . This diamond , with a thousand kisses blest ,", "Let us know the bottom .\u2014 H\u00e6mon , you I sent ;", "Conceal not from this racked despairing king ,", "Has he before this day accused me ?", "The god , to tell my certain parentage .", "His name , I charge thee once more , speak .", "The difference \u2018 twixt a threshold and a throne .", "My hair stands bristling up , why my flesh trembles ?", "Lest I should sleep , and dream the like again .", "Speak , then , and blast my soul .", "That even the act became a violation .", "And now , while thus I stalk about the room ,", "And nature all unravelled .", "Have you ere this inquired who did this murder ?", "My reign is at an end ; yet , ere I finish ,", "O , rather let me walk round the wide world", "Upon me , and I sigh to be at rest .", "\u2018 Till he at last in fury threw it from him ,", "The sacred veils that wrapt thee yet unborn !", "O you gods !\u2014 But did she give it thee ?", "I looked on Corinth as a place accurst ,", "Dar'st thou converse with hell , and canst thou fear", "O cursed effect of the most deep despair !", "He comes as an ambassador from Corinth ,", "Who gave that infant to thee ?", "Those bounds , with which thou striv'st to pale her in .", "H\u00e6m . Tiresias , after him , and with your counsel ,", "Let me groan my horrors !\u2014 here", "The curtain 's drawn ; and see she 's here again !", "And was not I in Thebes when fate attacked him ?", "Imploring pardon .", "My love , my queen , give orders , Ha ! what mean", "I 'll break them , with Jocasta in my arms ;", "O Gods ! Gods , answer ; is there any mean ?", "Ha ! can it be ? \u00c6geon , answer me ;", "Clarions and trumpets , silver , brass , and iron ,", "I 'll hear no more : Away with him .", "Struck me , just entering ; and some unseen hand", "I 'm not of Laius \u2019 blood .", "The golden gates are barred with adamant ,", "\u201c Fly , wretch , whom fate has doomed thy father 's blood to spill ,", "What shall I call this medley of creation ?", "Our loves should thus be dashed . One moment 's thought ,", "No questions .", "Know , be it known to the limits of the world ;", "I will not writhe my body at the wound ,", "I pray , no more .", "Is there a fault in us ? Have we not searched", "Struck him : My father heard of it : The man", "We could sustain the burden of the world .", "Ha ! now the baleful offspring 's brought to light !", "The earth does shake , and the old ocean groans ,", "Dear , dear Adrastus , look with half an eye", "Owls , ravens , crickets seem the watch of death ;", "To whom belongs the master of the shepherds ?", "Mutiny in my presence ! Hence , let me see that busy face no more .", "Yes , I will die , O Thebes , to save thee !", "There 's magic in it , take it from my sight ;", "All mangled o'er from head to foot with wounds ,", "That sleep should do this !", "Speak this again :", "Was he thy own , or given thee by another ?", "Till , like a clock worn out with eating time ,", "I will rejoice for Polybus 's death .", "By Phoebus , speak ; for sudden death 's his doom :", "Adrastus , speak ; and , as thou art a king ,", "He bade me seek no farther :\u2014 \u2018 Twas my fate", "Come hither , friend ; I hear thy name is Phorbas .", "On my unheard of woes , and judge thyself ,", "Why gave she thee her child ?", "Hence , from my arms , avaunt . Enjoy thy mother !", "Ha ! did I hear thee right ? not Merope", "Could'st thou not answer without naming murder ?", "But , be they what they will , I here dismiss them .", "\u00c6ge . Great sir , you may return ; and though you should", "I 'll snatch celestial flames , fire all your dwellings ,", "But what 's all this to thee ? thou , coward , yet", "To me he did bequeath your innocent life ;", "Near mount Cith\u00e6ron ?", "And can but vent itself in sobs and murmurs :", "Hide swifter than the gallopping heaven 's round ,", "Ha ! who calls ? Didst thou not hear a voice ?", "Thou thinkest my dreams are forged ; but by thyself ,", "The airy soul can easily o'er-shoot", "I 've heard a spirit 's force is wonderful ;", "Fires shall be kindled in the midst of Thebes ;", "Here gasp and languish out my wounded soul .", "And I should envy her the sad applause :", "I stole away to Delphos , and implored", "If I slew Laius , what can be more wretched !", "Is he not dead ? deep laid in his monument ?", "Who stirs , dares more than madmen , fiends , or furies .", "Let it come .", "Charmed with the conversation of a man ,", "While Merope 's alive , I 'll ne'er return .", "Thou ravest ; thy husband 's here .", "Whom he described , I charge him on his life", "To speak ; concealment shall be sudden death :", "When lean-jawed famine made more havock of you ,", "But one thing more .", "Forward , I say , and face to face confront him :", "Gods , how she shakes me !\u2014 stay thee , O Jocasta ! Speak something ere thou goest for ever from me !", "Though vultures , eagles , dragons tear my heart ,", "Hence fly ; begone ! O thou far worse than worst", "At whose approach , when starting from his dungeon ,", "What means this melancholy light , that seems", "Call louder , till you burst your airy forms !\u2014", "Of murdering Laius !\u2014 Tell me , while I think o n't ,", "A generous fierceness dwells with innocence ;", "Tiresias , thee I summon by thy priesthood ,", "Just in the place you named , where three ways met .", "\u2018 Tis a king speaks ; and royal minutes are", "Or is it but the work of melancholy ?", "Hence , you wild herd ! For your ringleader here ,", "May over-do .", "But was I made the heir of Corinth 's crown ,", "Advise him humbly : charm , if possible ,", "And strangely it perplexed me .", "How , \u00c6geon ?", "Seems to stand still , dead calms are in the ocean ,", "When the sun sets , shadows , that shewed at noon", "Cry , OEdipus .\u2014 The prophet bade me sleep .", "Or if I leave my brains upon the wall !\u2014", "From hell , if charms can hurry him along :", "That Creon has designs upon your life :", "Why speak you not according to my charge ?", "H\u00e6m . The queen , my lord , at present holds him", "And shun'st the justice , which by public ban", "With nations for his guard . Alcander , you", "Of damning charmers ! O abhorred , loathed creature !", "Yet freshly ran he on ten winters more :", "True , you have ;", "Though round my bed the furies plant their charms ,", "Methinks , I have his image now in view !\u2014", "And whose the guilty head !", "Something : But \u2018 tis not yet your turn to ask :", "To blooming youth , a crime by me committed ,", "Incest and parricide ,\u2014 thy father 's murderer !", "Didst thou e'er see him ? e'er converse with him", "To be thus circled , to be thus embraced .", "The tradesman 's oaths , and mourning of an heir ,", "I take thee at thy word .\u2014 Run , haste , and save Alcander :", "To set her madness on such cruelty :", "Thou seem'st affrighted at some dreadful action ;", "Said you that Phorbas is returned , and yet", "What was the number of the assassinates ?", "Hence , you barbarians , to your slavish distance !", "Adrastus , I have found thee :"], "true_target": ["Why should the chaste and spotless Merope", "Why was I called his son ?", "Where am I ?\u2014 O , Jocasta , let me hold thee ,", "Speak , did'st thou ever meet him there ?", "Called from some vaulted mansion , OEdipus !", "Either forbear this subject , or retire .", "Tiresias , that rules all beneath the moon ,\u2014", "I sent thee to the Thebans ; speak thy wonder :", "And pecked out both his eyes .", "But I shall find a way \u2014", "Rank them in equal part upon the square ,", "Ha ! how 's this , Jocasta ?", "Nay , if thy brain be sick , then thou art happy .", "But then you smiled , and then he drew it back ,", "\u2018 Tis plain , the priest 's suborned to free the prisoner .", "All weeping ranged along the gloomy shore ;", "These dismal words are heard :", "Begone , chimeras , to your mother clouds !", "By my Jocasta .\u2014 Haste , and bring him forth :", "Heaven knows I love thee .", "O speak .", "And every accent twanged with smarting sorrow ;", "Furies and hell ! H\u00e6mon , bring forth the rack ,", "This man , this old , this venerable man :", "Slaves , unhand me !\u2014", "If it be fit that such a wretch should live !", "Whence ? and from whom ? what city ? of what house ?", "Creon , you shall be satisfied at full .", "Rocks are removed , and towers are thundered down ;", "What are thy troubles ?", "What 's this ! methought some pestilential blast", "One \u2018 scaped , I hear ; what since became of him ?", "These feuds within ; while I without extinguish ,", "I cannot call to mind , from budding childhood", "For I shall never ask thee aught again ,\u2014", "And with those thoughts I 'll rest . Creon , good-night .", "Rise , worthy Creon ; haste and take our guard ,", "Yes , Thebans , yes , Jocasta , yes , Adrastus ,", "The mansion of the Gods , and strike them deaf", "Direct me to thy knees : yet , oh forbear ,", "And sooner will believe .", "But in a general wreck : Then , then is seen", "By infinite degrees , too much for man .", "By marrying her who bore me .", "The anguish of my soul , but in your breast !", "Ha ! what seest thou there ?", "Perhaps I then am yours ; instruct me , sir ;", "The hurried orbs , with storms so racked of late ,", "Not incest ! what , not incest with my mother ?", "By this fierce prince , when cooped within your walls ,", "When the old king was slain : Speak , I conjure thee ,", "Cruel Adrastus ! wilt thou , H\u00e6mon , too ?", "Impossible !\u2014", "So , when we think fate hovers o'er our heads ,", "To bed , my fair .", "These tears , and groans , and strugglings ? speak , my fair ,", "That he was of the family of Laius ,", "One , warm with wine , told me I was a foundling ,", "By all my woes ,", "O more than savage ! murder her own bowels ,", "Dashed my sick fancy with an act of incest :", "The height will fit my fatal purpose well .", "And calls me father ; there , a sturdy boy ,", "\u00c6ge . My lord , queen Merope is not your mother .", "Or perish in the attempt , the furious Creon ;", "But think not thou shalt ever enter there ;", "Of lying mount to kings ? Can they be tainted ?", "In the dear entrails of the best of fathers ,", "And shake my soul quite empty in your sight .", "For my dispatch : And you , you merciless powers ,", "Or must I ask for ever ? for what end ,", "On me for aid , as if thou wert pursued :", "Then \u2018 tis an infant-lye ; but one day old .", "And , when I knock the goal of dreadful death ,", "By all our languishings , our fears in pleasure ,", "Haste , and bring him in .\u2014 O , my Jocasta , Eurydice , Adrastus , Creon , and all ye Thebans , now the end Of plagues , of madness , murders , prodigies , Draws on : This battle of the heavens and earth Shall by his wisdom be reduced to peace . Enter TIRESIAS , leaning on a staff , led by his Daughter MANTO , followed by other Thebans . O thou , whose most aspiring mind Knows all the business of the courts above , Opens the closets of the gods , and dares To mix with Jove himself and Fate at council ; O prophet , answer me , declare aloud The traitor , who conspired the death of Laius ; Or be they more , who from malignant stars Have drawn this plague , that blasts unhappy Thebes ?", "Thou shalt not die . Speak , then , who was it ? speak ,", "I think thou hast a sword ;\u2014 \u2018 twas the wrong side .", "But speak , O tell me what so mighty joy", "What will the gods do with me !", "Why dost thou turn thy face ? I charge thee answer", "And Phorbas be the umpire .", "What , violate , with bestial appetite ,", "Was made ask pardon ; and the business hushed .", "Fly , by the gods , or by the fiends , I charge thee ,", "H\u00e6m . Here , my royal lord .", "A beggar , than accept a diadem", "It shall be so .", "Nor have I hid my horrors from myself ;", "Answer , you powers divine ! spare all this noise ,", "And what foretold it ?", "If there be any here that knows the person", "H\u00e6m . What mean you , sir ?", "Talk not of life , for that will make me rave :", "Ha ! my Jocasta , look ! the silver moon !", "Till weary with the weight , he shook him off ,", "And , for your sake , has sworn to die unmarried .", "Did I for this relieve you , when besieged", "O'er all the shepherds , who about those vales", "To kill my father , and pollute his bed ,", "That , I can tame you twice . Guards , seize him .", "How ! for my sake , die and not marry ! O", "Art living , canst not , wilt not find the road", "Of our Corinthian lords .", "That I could hold thee ever !\u2014 Ha ! where art thou ?", "O , honest Creon , how hast thou been belied !", "Begot those fears ; if thou respect'st my peace ,", "Peeped from the watry brink , and glowed upon me .", "And fierce they were , as men who lived on spoil .", "His place .", "Out , thou infernal flame !\u2014 Now all is dark ,", "Why seek I truth from thee ?", "I well remember .", "As much thou seem'st to know ,\u2014 delay no longer .", "Seem , like physicians , at a loss to help us ;", "For which the awful gods should doom my death .", "That bore his aged parent on his back ;", "Far as the East , West , North , or South of heaven ,", "On thy fair hand , upon thy breast I swear ,", "Swift as a falling meteor ; lo , I fly ,", "And I , the welcome care to Polybus .", "And thus go downwards to the darker sky .", "The servant to king Laius here in Thebes ?", "And then be plunged in his first fires again .", "Drive you all out from your ambrosial hives ,", "Well counted still :\u2014", "Night , horror , death , confusion , hell , and furies !", "H\u00e6m . From your native country ,", "Behold and wonder at a mortal 's daring ;", "But an unusual chillness came upon me ;", "My mother !", "Though thousand ways lead to his thousand doors ,", "Daggers , and poison ! O there is no need", "Avaunt , begone , you vizors of the Gods !", "I thank the gods , no secret thoughts reproach me :", "Haste , H\u00e6mon , fly , and tell him that I burn", "Being past all hope of children ,", "Though my eyes burst , no matter :\u2014 wilt thou tell me ,", "Each mole-hill thought swells to a huge Olympus ;", "But sink upon your feet with a last sigh ,", "O , in my heart I feel the pangs of nature ;", "Life of my life , and treasure of my soul ,", "For this , he bears the storms", "Why from the bleeding womb of monstrous night ,", "By all the endearments of miraculous love ,", "Extend your arms to embrace me , for I come .", "Because \u00c6geon 's hands presented me ?", "Did'st thou e'er see this man near mount Cith\u00e6ron ?", "By all the Gods celestial and infernal ,", "Come then , since destiny thus drives us on ,", "Fear not ; this palace is a sanctuary ,", "In spite of ghosts , I 'll on .", "And ask forgiveness with my dying hands .", "And speak in short , what my Jocasta 's transport", "Tell me what news from hell ; where Laius points ,", "Burst forth such myriads of abortive stars ?", "Yet what avails ? He , and the gods together ,", "Of crystal fly from off their diamond hinges ;", "Be dumb then , and betray thy native soil", "Yet what most shocks the niceness of my temper ,", "I 'll muse no more ; come what will , or can ,", "By some tempestuous hand , shoot flashing fire ;\u2014", "While from his mouth ,", "Than e'er I wore thy crown .\u2014 Yet , O Jocasta !", "Did this old man take from your arms an infant ?", "Methinks my deafened ears", "For I grow cold .", "Fly all , begone , fly from my whirling brain !", "As well thou may'st advise a tortured wretch ,", "Old Polybus , the king my father 's dead !", "Sound there , sound all our instruments of war ;", "Beyond ambition 's lust .", "Needless ! O , all you Gods ! By heaven , I would rather", "And vultures gnaw out my incestuous heart !\u2014", "No , my Jocasta , though Thebes cast me out ,", "Bears up , and with his cold hand grasping mine ,", "Hark ! who was that ? Ha ! Creon , didst thou call me ?", "\u00c6ge . O rise , and call not to this aged cheek", "Rest on my hand . Thus , armed with innocence ,", "The blood of Laius was to murder Laius :", "Resolved my destiny should wait in vain ,", "Pardon a heart that sinks with sufferings ,", "Where is that Phorbas ?", "Pardon me , dear Jocasta !", "Search the queen 's lodgings ; find , and force him hither .", "How fares my love ? this taper will inform me .\u2014", "The bright reflecting soul , through glaring optics ,", "His clouded head knocks at the temple-roof ;", "\u00c6ge . Nor was Polybus your father .", "Add that unto the rest :\u2014 How was the king", "In darkness here , and kept from means of death .", "Thou ravest , and so do I ; and these all catch", "Not the king 's son ; I , stung with this reproach ,", "I 'll do a justice that becomes a monarch ;", "Are these the obligations of my friends ?", "To embrace him .", "By all the ties of nature , blood and friendship ,", "Grew larger , while a thousand frantic spirits ,", "Why , this foretelling trade .", "Attends the search . I have already past", "Who dares to face me , by the Gods , as well", "Where was thy residence ? to what part of the country", "And smother thy old age in my embraces .", "There 's not a beam it darts , but carries hell ,", "This rack of heaven , and speak your fatal pleasure .", "Thrice have I heard , thrice , since the morning dawned ,", "But oh , my children ! oh , what have they done ?", "I 'll have no more to do with gods , nor men ;", "Are by her fury slain .", "And walls of brass , and gates of adamant", "\u00c6ge . He from my arms", "On Laius \u2019 murderer . O , the traitor 's name !", "While with her thundering voice she menaced high ,", "H\u00e6m . O prophet , OEdipus is now no more !", "Is ne'er at rest ; the soul for ever wakes .", "This stirs me more than all my sufferings ,", "The middle of the stream ; and to return ,", "And yet to be believed !\u2014 thy age protects thee .", "Where three ways meet ?", "My dear , my murdered lord . O Laius ! Laius ! Laius !", "O , by these melting eyes , unused to weep ,", "O worse than worst of my most barbarous foes !", "Your birds of knowledge , that in dusky air", "Then wonder not that I can bear unmoved", "Whose point he often offered at your throat ;", "I challenge Fate to find another wretch", "Has old Tiresias practised long this trade ?", "By your description , sure as plagues and death", "Rise then , and speak .", "She charged me give you , with the general homage", "Of aught concerning what we have discovered ?", "Or is't a change of death ? By all my honours ,", "\u00c6ge . Your menial attendants best can tell", "Are passable as air , and fleet like winds .", "Yet farther , let it pass yon dazzling roof ,", "When not a breath disturbs the drowzy waves :", "Kill me , if you please ;", "And some lag fiend yet lingers in the grove .", "Be witness , all you Thebans , of my oath ;", "Nay , there 's a time when even the rolling year", "I 'll seek no more ; but hush my genius up ,", "In curious search , to find out those dark parents", "Excellent grief ! why , this is as it should be !", "Attended , when he travelled ?", "Melt down your golden roofs , and make your doors", "Bring forth the rack : since mildness cannot win you ,", "Which , day and night , are still unbarred for all .", "To rule such brutes , so barbarous a people .", "Then all my days and nights must now be spent", "To the great palace of magnificent Death ;", "Accomplices in my most horrid guilt .", "And burnt alive .", "Or to the raging seas ; they 'll hear as soon ,", "Yet , to restore my peace , I 'll find him out .", "Quite to forget it .", "Pray heaven he drew me not !\u2014", "Yes , I will perish in despite of thee ;", "\u00c6ge . Since in few words , my royal lord , you ask", "That empire could bestow , in costly mantles ,", "And near that time , five persons I encountered ;", "Is murder then no more ? add parricide ,", "And let the torrent in . Hark , it comes .", "We 'll snatch the strongest cordial of our love ;", "Though lodged in air upon a dragon 's wing ,", "I 've found a window , and I thank the gods", "Eurydice !", "\u00c6ge . My lord , it is ; Though time has ploughed that face", "Though I enjoy my mother , not incestuous !", "What office hadst thou ? what was thy employment ?", "I swear , the prophet , or the king shall die .", "Not but you were adorned with all the riches", "With everlasting peals of thundering joy .", "H\u00e6m . The queen herself , and all your wretched offspring ,", "Jocasta ? Ha ! what , fallen asleep so soon ?", "How old was Laius , what his shape , his stature ,", "All that the hardest-tempered weathered flesh ,", "His action , and his mien ? quick , quick , your answer !\u2014", "With fiercest human spirit inspired , can dare ,", "Are truths to what priests tell .", "Damned hypocrite , equivocating slave !", "Riddles , riddles !", "This is not to be borne ! Hence ; off , I say !", "And with my last breath I must call you tyrants .", "Here sob my sorrows , till I burst with sighing ;", "\u00c6ge . And why , O sacred sir , if subjects may", "I order your confinement .", "Then I rushed in , and , after some discourse ,", "Presents in larger size her black ideas ,", "A grief more sensible than all my torments .", "A settling crimson stains her beauteous face !", "Why , would'st thou think it ? No less than murder .", "Enter H\u00c6MON , with Guards .", "And will , though his cold shade should rise and blast me .", "The more ; be pointed at , There goes the monster !", "With many furrows since I saw it first ,", "O all you powers , is't possible ? what , dead !", "Where are your boding ghosts , your altars now ;", "He , that could tear his eyes out , sure can find", "Trust me , thou fairest , best of all thy kind ,", "And tell me on thy life , say , dost thou know him ?", "And never catch me there .", "What mean those trumpets ?", "All blind and dismal , most triumphant mischief !", "Strike then , imperial ghost ; dash all at once", "I never offered to obey thy laws ,", "Yes , yes , you gods ! you shall have ample vengeance", "Is this thou bring'st , which so transports Jocasta ?", "I need not tell you Corinth claims my birth ;", "Are burst ; my eyes , as if they had been knocked", "It happened once ,\u2014 \u2018 twas at a bridal feast ,\u2014", "Then he has got that quality in hell .", "Wherefore ? for what ?\u2014 O break not yet , my heart ;", "Fetch hither cords , and knives , and sulphurous flames :", "Waves all the princes ! poor heart ! for what ?", "Were I as other sons , now I should weep ;", "Whose royal word is sacred , clear my fame .", "And conscious virtue is allowed some pride .", "Take it from these sick eyes , oh hide it from me !\u2014", "Or did he languish under some disease ?", "I feel a melting here , a tenderness ,", "Speak , H\u00e6mon ; what has fate been doing there ?", "Received you , as the fairest gift of nature .", "You stare at me ! then hell has been among ye ,", "Rage will have way , and \u2018 tis but just ; I 'll fetch him ,", "Who led a rural life , and had command", "Therefore , like wretches that have lingered long ,", "Seem to stand still , as if that Jove were talking .", "Therefore retire : And , once more , if thou lovest me ,", "Art author or accomplice of this murther ,", "Tended their numerous flocks : in this man 's arms ,", "To swarm like bees about the field of heaven .", "The cause ! why , is it not a monstrous one !", "Without a cause !", "Or do , I dare ; but , oh you powers , this was ,", "Thou hast incurred .", "By all my fears , I think Jocasta 's voice !\u2014", "Speak first , \u00c6geon , say , is this the man ?", "Nor shall the sceptre of the earth now win me", "The act would prove no incest .", "Of much more worth than thousand vulgar years :", "Sayest thou , woman ?", "My parents , Polybus and Merope ,", "Her blazing eyes darting the wandering stars ,", "That I could do a mischief on myself ,", "She 's all o'er blood ! and look , behold again ,", "While I have sense to understand the horror ;", "Infuse such thoughts , as I must blush to name ?", "Of winter camps , and freezes in his arms ;", "What dreadful deed has mad Jocasta done ?", "No mourning can be suitable to crimes", "What , sons and brothers ! Sisters and daughters too !", "Then all goes well , since Phorbas is secured", "Presume to look into their monarch 's breast ,", "The king himself 's thy guard .", "\u00c6ge . Oft-times before , I thither did resort ,", "What now ?", "Ha ! again that scream of woe !", "That my poor lingering soul may take her flight", "Why breaks yon dark and dusky orb away ?", "Let me go mad , or die .", "Starved soldier lies on the cold ground ;", "\u2018 Gainst thee , and me ; and the celestial guards ,", "Is't possible ?", "He shall be bound and gashed , his skin flead off ,", "To have seen her mouth the heavens , and mate the gods ,", "That 's strange ! methought I heard a doleful voice", "And his bones broke , to wait a better day .", "On the earth , here blow my utmost gale ;", "Yet , cruel H\u00e6mon , think not I will live ;", "Struggled to push me backward ! tell me why", "O , my Jocasta ! \u2018 tis for this , the wet", "And sweat with an imagination 's weight ;", "Then lifted it again ,\u2014 you smiled again :", "Forbear , rash man .\u2014 Once more I ask your pleasure ! If that the glow-worm light of human reason Might dare to offer at immortal knowledge , And cope with gods , why all this storm of nature ? Why do the rocks split , and why rolls the sea ? Why those portents in heaven , and plagues on earth ? Why yon gigantic forms , ethereal monsters ? Alas ! is all this but to fright the dwarfs , Which your own hands have made ? Then be it so . Or if the fates resolve some expiation For murdered Laius ; hear me , hear me , gods ! Hear me thus prostrate : Spare this groaning land , Save innocent Thebes , stop the tyrant death ; Do this , and lo , I stand up an oblation , To meet your swiftest and severest anger ; Shoot all at once , and strike me to the centre . The Cloud draws , that veiled the Heads of the Figures in the Sky , and shews them crowned , with the names of OEDIPUS and JOCASTA , written above in great characters of gold .", "Here one , with all the obedience of a son ,", "If it be so , I 'll kneel and weep before you .", "As if , like Atlas , with these mortal shoulders", "Upon the mount Cith\u00e6ron .", "Come forth , \u00c6geon .\u2014 Ha ! why start'st thou , Phorbas ?", "Dar'st thou not speak ? why then \u2018 tis bad indeed .\u2014", "Rocks , valleys , hills , with splitting Io 's ring :", "May the god roar from thy prophetic mouth ,", "Let Phorbas be retained .", "Fix to the earth your sordid looks ; for he ,", "This was not like the mercy of the heavens ,", "This house of clay into a thousand pieces ;", "Or if I starve !\u2014 but that 's a lingering fate ;", "\u00c6ge . By my advice ,", "Lay waste our Thebes , some deed that shuns the light", "My thoughts are clearer than unclouded stars ;", "Of damned incest : therefore no more of her .", "Grow babbling ghosts , and call us to our graves ;", "Say , how , how died he ? ha ! by sword , by fire ,", "Welcome as mercy to a man condemned !", "Great sir , the famed \u00c6geon is arrived ,", "The priest , Adrastus and Eurydice ,\u2014", "And act my joys , though thunder shake the room .", "He mounts the tripos in a minute 's space ,", "Therefore instruct us what remains to do ,", "You are not mine , nor ought I to be blest", "Thou blind of sight , but thou more blind of soul !", "In private conference ; but behold her here .", "With thy own poniard perish .\u2014 Ha ! who 's this ?", "Speak then .", "Whether he lives , or not ; and who has now", "And boldly , as thou met'st my arms in fight :\u2014", "Now , dotard ; now , thou blind old wizard prophet ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 175}, {"query": ["O H\u00e6mon , I am slain ; nor need I name", "Was used to kindle one , not apt to bear .", "But hark ! the storm comes nearer .", "Infamous wretch !", "Brand me , you gods , blot me with foul dishonour ,", "Therefore , away .", "Adrastus will vouchsafe to answer thee ;\u2014", "There he lies gasping .", "A general consternation spread among them .", "Would I could !", "I 'll stamp thee still , thus , to the gaping furies .", "That shall hereafter read the fate of OEdipus ,", "When ruin comes , may help to break your fall .", "Though my heart tells me that the gift is fatal .", "What most he longed to kill", "Throw even that o'erhYpppHeNboard ; for love 's the jewel ,", "Villain , inglorious villain ,", "Yet , by the infernal Gods , those awful powers", "Thus , like a villain ?", "See at your feet a prince not used to kneel ;", "\u2018 Tis the last thing a prince should throw away ;", "Touch not Eurydice , by all the gods ,", "Not like a villain ; pr'ythee , change me that", "She 's gone ;\u2014 O deadly marksman , in the heart !", "I bear my fortune .", "Take then this most loved innocence away ;", "Your city", "Either I dream , and all my cooler senses", "And I 'll give all the rest .", "As you would save your Thebes , but take my life :", "I shall be what I was again , before", "Ah , traitor , dost thou shun me ? Follow , follow , My brave companions ! see , the cowards fly !", "Not OEdipus , were all his foes here lodged ,", "OEdipus and Jocasta .", "Durst violate the religion of these groves ,", "Of blood and spirits , I 'll defend his life ,", "Must be absolved or doomed .", "No matter how I killed him .", "And who would moan himself , for suffering that ,", "Why then there 's one day less for human ills ;", "Or thought to ravish , as that traitor did ,", "\u2018 Tis vain ; you see the prodigies continue ;", "And wondrous pleasures in the other world ;", "But , if I ever meant a violence ,", "And suffer all together . This , perhaps ,", "Unhand me , slaves .\u2014 O mightiest of kings ,", "Methinks , my lord , I see a sad repentance ,", "And I with justice should be thought your foe ,", "No , villain , no ;", "And let men curse me by the name of Creon !", "Alcides , when the poisoned shirt sate closest ,", "Upon your guilty heads .", "Away , my friends , since fate has so allotted ;", "Or just above those two majestic heads ,", "If , OEdipus , thou think'st \u2014", "For any other lye .", "In this , and smile to see the traitor 's blood .", "The honours of the place .", "See here thy nuptials ; see , thou rash Ixion ,", "And here have sworn to perish by his side .", "Thebans to you I justify my love :", "The man , who loves like me ,", "Are vanished with that cloud that fleets away ,", "Half-strangled with the damp his sorrows raised ,", "To our one day ? give me a night with her ,", "That disobeys .\u2014 See , art thou now appeased ?", "Thy cunning engines have with labour raised", "You shall no more be trusted with your life :\u2014", "Defend your innocence , speak like yourself ,", "Down , swelling heart ! \u2018 Tis for thy princess all :\u2014 O my Eurydice !\u2014", "A thundering shout , which made my jailors vanish ,", "I must acknowledge , in another cause", "Struggle for vent ! But see , he breathes again ,", "And awe the rebels with your dauntless virtue .", "Stay thee , damned wretch ; hold , stop thy bloody hand !", "Yet love now charms it from me ; which in all", "Instruct me , gods , what shall Adrastus do ?", "Rapes , death , and treason , from that fury Creon :", "For , since I knew the royal OEdipus ,", "Then hear these holy men .", "To fall and pash thee dead .", "Think not , most abject , most abhorred of men ,", "Were cheaply purchased , were thy love the price .", "Yes , villain , for whatever thou canst dare .", "My lord , you ask me things impossible ;", "And so thou art :", "I have addrest my prayer to this fair princess ;", "Captain remember to your care I give", "To touch one single hair ; but must , unarmed ,", "And god-like clearness , that , to the last gush", "Than life or liberty .", "Fly from the author of all villainies ,"], "true_target": ["Begone , and leave me to the villain 's mercy .", "What humblest adorations could not win ,", "With twice those odds of men ,", "Is all in arms , all bent to your destruction :", "I 'm not unarmed , my poniard 's in my hand ;", "Had but an ague-fit to this my fever .", "Creon , Alcander , H\u00e6mon , help to hold him .", "But you the accused , who by the mouth of Laius", "Should be no more .", "Ha ! villain !", "The spotless virtue of the brightest beauty ;", "And traitor , doubly damned , who durst blaspheme", "I doubt not in this cause to vanquish thee .\u2014", "And these eyes seen , I must believe you guiltless ;", "I was Adrastus .\u2014", "Traitor , no ;", "Her last farewell .\u2014 O , OEdipus , thy fall", "Parle as in truce , or surlily avoid", "The lye to his foul throat !", "What inconsiderate and ambitious fool ,", "Let it be so ; we 'll fence heav'n ' s fury from you ,", "My father , when he blest me , gave me this :", "My heavy anger , like a mighty weight ,", "Let me but find her there , I ask no more .", "O , I can bear no more !", "Hence from my presence , all ; he 's not my friend", "Darest thou say this to me ?", "Fly from tumultuous Thebes , from blood and murder ,", "Is great ; and nobly now thou goest attended !", "H\u00e6m . \u2018 Tis OEdipus , not I , must judge this act .\u2014", "Uncrowned , a captive , nothing left but honour ,\u2014", "Penurious heaven , can'st thou not add a night", "What would'st thou , hell-hound ?", "Thou diest : Nor shall the sacred majesty ,", "Forgive a stranger 's ignorance : I knew not", "Will dare , with his frail hand , to grasp a sceptre ?", "O , I burn inward : my blood 's all on fire !", "And at your feet present the crown of Argos .", "I thank thee , thou instructest me :", "Sir ,", "Her lips too tremble , as if she would speak", "Better that thou , and I , and all mankind ,", "O , I charge thee hold !\u2014", "The hazards of my life I never lost .", "Hold thy raised arm ; give me a moment 's pause .", "Vouchsafe that I , o'erhYpppHeNjoyed , may bear you hence ,", "Help , H\u00e6mon , help , and bow him gently forward ;", "How fares my royal friend ?", "I see , I read distinctly , in large gold ,", "Off , madam , or we perish both ; behold", "Approach the place : None at these rites assist ,", "Chafe , chafe his temples : How the mighty spirits ,", "Let 's gaze no more , the gods are humorous .", "My love ; ten thousand , thousand times more clear ,", "Beyond man 's patience ; all reproach could urge", "For should she perish , heaven would heap plagues on plagues ,", "Let me consider \u2014 did I murder Laius ,", "I was provoked", "\u2018 Tis wonderful ; yet ought not man to wade", "Alas , Eurydice , what fond rash man ,", "Unheard-of monster ! eldest-born of hell ! Down , to thy primitive flame .", "The inhuman author of all villainies ;", "My son , said he , let this be thy last refuge ;", "And last it must be kept .", "Assassins are driven off .", "Would think even infamy , the worst of ills ,", "Repentance might abash me ; but I glory", "Tiresias , and the brother-hood of priests ,", "But when the storm grows loud , and threatens love ,", "Thine , say'st thou , monster ! shall my love be thine ?", "And vigorous nature breaks through opposition .\u2014", "Lord Creon , you and Diocles retire :", "Gods , must I bear this brand , and not retort", "Cry ,\u2014 fire the palace ! where is the cruel king ?", "Rain sulphur down , hurl kindled bolts", "I have observed in all his acts such truth ,", "To leave you in this tempest of your soul .", "Yet , for Eurydice , even this I 'll suffer ,", "More ; yet more ; a thousand wounds !", "To free my love .\u2014 Well then , I killed him basely .", "If envy and not truth \u2014", "\u2018 Tis thine , my faithful sword ; my only trust ;", "Yet in the pangs of death she grasps my hand ;", "Which in a day must pass ? something , or nothing ;\u2014", "Enter H\u00c6MON , Guards , with ALCANDER and PYRACMON bound ; the", "That have accused you , which these ears have heard ,", "H\u00e6m . Thou , Creon , didst .", "I heard but now , where I was close confined ,", "If thou forego'st it , misery attends thee .\u2014", "Too far in the vast deep of destiny .", "Oh , OEdipus !", "They talk of heroes , and celestial beauties ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 175}, {"query": ["Unless you wish to see Jocasta rent", "Henceforth be blest , blest as thou canst desire ;", "Are all referred to you , and ought to take you", "Help , OEdipus ; help , Gods ; Jocasta dies .", "And not a grey-beard forging priest come near ,", "Fight with the waves ; now , in a still small tone", "Yet hear me on \u2014", "From crimes like those . This made me violent", "By four servants :", "So my poor boding heart would have it be ,", "To a wild fury .", "Ah , cruel women !", "Do not thou push me off , and I will go ,", "Hail , happy OEdipus , happiest of kings !", "O that I could for ever charm , as now ,", "If an immodest thought , or low desire ,", "Guilt and distraction could not have shook him more .", "Will you yet hear me ?", "Sleep without fears the blackest nights away ;", "And double-dye it with imperial crimson ;", "I 'll print upon their coral mouths such kisses ,", "But you are innocent , as your Jocasta ,", "My love , my all , my only , utmost hope !", "Methought I heard your voice ,\u2014 and yet I doubted ,\u2014", "A son was born ; but , to prevent that crime ,", "The hand of lust from the pale virgin 's hair ,", "\u2018 Tis fixt by fate , upon record divine ;", "\u2018 Twas somewhat odd .", "I beg you , banish Phorbas : O , the Gods ,", "With furies ,\u2014 slain out-right with mere distraction !", "Of those dear babes ? O let me run , and seal", "He shall \u2014 yet have I leave to ask you why ?", "Could there be hewn a monstrous gap in nature ,", "Hark , hark ! a hollow voice calls out aloud ,", "Still bubble on , and pour forth blood and tears .", "For you are still my husband .", "As shall recal their wandering spirits home .", "His groping ghost is lodged upon a tower ,", "And stop their entrance , ere it be too late ;", "And bless your people , who devour each word", "Polybus , king of Corinth , is no more .", "And see , he waves Jocasta from the world !", "And inward languishing : That oracle", "O , my loved lord , though I resolve a ruin ,", "By these extravagant and needless fears .", "As in a green old age : Bate but his years ,", "Bored through his untried feet , and bound with cords ,", "Or I shall be before thee . See ,\u2014 thou canst not see !", "This stately image of imperial sorrow ,", "But see ! we 're landed on the happy coast ;", "The king himself lived many , many years ,", "That he should have a son by me , foredoomed", "And of an inclination so ignoble ,", "True as the Gods , and affable as men .", "Some little time before you came to Thebes .", "Their baleful tops are washed with bellying clouds ;", "Talk on , till thou mak'st mad my rolling brain ;", "Nor ever can be now .", "Peace , peace , \u00c6geon , let Jocasta tell him !\u2014", "Who hast no use of eyes ; for here 's a sight", "Replying , what he knew of that affair", "That I must hide me from your eyes for ever .", "Rear in the streets bright altars to the Gods ,", "Will you not let me take my last farewell", "Forbear this search , I 'll think you more than mortal ;", "Groan still more death ; and may those dismal sources", "O , you think me vile ,", "One who abhorred a lie .", "And with his dotage mad the gaping world .", "Winds , bear me to some barren island ,", "Once more , by the Gods ,", "Without a reason .", "Laius had one , which never was fulfilled ,", "Alas ! I did .", "Perplex not thus your mind .", "Prepare then , wretched prince , prepare to hear", "With all its glory glowed for my reception .", "And bubble up a noise .", "Oh no : The most sincere , plain , honest man ;", "He had my leave ; and now he lives retired .", "There , there he mounts", "My melting soul upon their bubbling wounds !", "O my love , my lord , support me !", "Whose story told , whose very name but mentioned ,", "O OEdipus , too well I understand you !", "You are his picture .", "O , OEdipus , yet send ,", "And throw the ravisher before her feet ?", "As if convulsive death had seized upon him ,", "But see , the oracle that I will trust ,", "Pardon me then , O greatest , though most wretched .", "Nor can you comprehend , with deepest thought ,", "And found a different fate ; by robbers murdered ,", "To send me hence without a kind farewell .", "Sate in his front , and darted from his eyes ,", "He kneeled , and trembling begged I would dismiss him :", "Where three ways met : Yet these are oracles ,", "Are always doubtful , and are often forged :", "What hoa , my OEdipus ! see where he stands !", "They would not wound thee , as this story will .", "My poor tormented ghost shall cleave the ground ,", "And as you prize your own eternal quiet ,", "So I have often told you .", "And this the faith we owe them .", "Secure , thy slumbers shall be soft and gentle", "In vain you sooth me with your soft endearments ,", "After the dreadful yell , sink murmuring down ,", "Then , falling on his knees , begged , as for life ,", "Deny me all things else ; but for my sake ,", "Even oracles", "What new disturbance ?", "Then my fears were true .", "Preys on your heart , and rots the noble core ,", "They say in Phocide ; on the verge that parts it", "Was dull to mine : Methinks , I should have made", "For ever from Jocasta .", "Can charge me with , I know my innocence ;", "Let furies haunt thy palace , thou shalt sleep", "And murdered not my Laius , but revenged him .", "So Phorbas said : This band you chanced to meet :", "Yours ; and yours are mine :", "A story , that shall turn thee into stone .", "Howe'er the beauteous out-side shews so lovely .", "Through which the groans of ghosts may strike thy ears ,", "To find my Laius out ; ask every god"], "true_target": ["I beg , my OEdipus , my lord , my life ,", "Had some new monsters made ? will you not turn ,", "Your gloomy eyes , my lord , betray a deadness", "Fly from my arms ! Whirlwinds , seas , continents ,", "My bosom bare against the armed god ,", "I may have leave to feed my famished eyes", "You make , my lord , your own unhappiness ,", "From whence resounded those false oracles ,", "Let virgins \u2019 hands adorn the sacrifice ;", "And worlds , divide us ! O , thrice happy thou ,", "Keep from your eyes and mine the dreadful Phorbas .", "With glorious gods , that come to try our cause .", "To pry into the bowels of the victim ,", "But he who murdered Laius , frees the land .", "The murderer of his father : True , indeed ,", "That robbed my love of rest : If we must pray ,", "Jove , Jove , whose majesty now sinks me down ,", "Be gorged with fire , stab every vital part ,", "Commanding all he viewed : His hair just grizzled ,", "Your dying accents fell , as wrecking ships ,", "The wretched infant of a guilty fate ,", "For many years .", "Let me go , let me go , or I will tear you piece-meal .", "You 've silenced me , my lord .", "Never let Phorbas come into your presence .", "Haste thee , then ,", "Glide all along the gaudy milky soil ,", "Know yours . \u2018 Tis fate alone that makes us wretched ,", "And set the fairest countenance to view ;", "In spite of all those crimes the cruel gods", "The sea , nor ebbs , nor flows ; this mole-hill earth", "Shall judge , and shall acquit us . O , \u2018 tis done ;", "Alas !", "Alas ! why start you so ? Her stiffening grief ,", "Would cool the rage of fevers , and unlock", "\u2018 Tis woman 's weakness , that I would be pitied ;", "Big made he was , and tall : His port was fierce ,", "Rather let him go :", "When you resolved to die .", "To save my OEdipus !", "That had he been the murderer of Laius ,", "O , I could rave ,", "And sees the boiling furnace just beneath :", "The spirit of my husband ! O , the gods ! How wan he looks !", "Have life , be still obeyed .", "Perhaps my poniard first should drink your blood ;", "Were you , which is impossible , the man ,", "For horrors , that would blast the barbarous world !", "With such a willingness , as if that heaven", "And all the golden strands are covered o'er", "My lord , my OEdipus , why gaze you now ,", "The cries of its inhabitants , war 's toils ,", "Let me conjure you , take the prophet 's counsel ,", "Where print of human feet was never seen ;", "And thousand other labours of the state ,", "Would give no satisfaction to the king ;", "Tear off this curling hair ,", "Jocasta ! Yes , I 'll to the royal bed ,", "A flaw made through the centre , by some God ,", "Be witness , gods , and strike Jocasta dead ,", "Erect his countenance : Manly majesty", "And , when at last I 'm slain , to crown the horror ,", "Is heaved no more ; the busy emmets cease :", "What trade ?", "This , and no more , my lord , is all the passion", "In his bright palace , if he knows my Laius ,", "Begone , my lord ! Alas , what are we doing ?", "And let this Phorbas go .", "To try if hell can yet more deeply wound .", "I 'll wrap thy shivering spirit in lambent flames ; and so we 'll sail .\u2014", "What means that thought ?", "Too nice a fear .", "I know the wrath of heaven , the care of Thebes ,", "\u2018 Tis horror , worse than thousand thousand deaths ,", "When he beheld you first , as king in Thebes ,", "Of languishing Jocasta .", "Of all thy kind ! My soul is on the brink ,", "My murdered Laius !", "And stammered in his abrupt prayer so wildly ,", "When the whole heaven is clear , as if the gods", "My dearest OEdipus ! Thy royal father ,", "Beneath whose venomous shade I may have vent", "Where , where is this most wretched of mankind ,", "With one short passing glance , and sigh my vows :", "Methinks , at such a meeting , heaven stands still ;", "He started when I told him your intent ,", "Never .", "Consume whole years in care , so now and then", "Nor can it find the road . Mount , mount , my soul ;", "Mean you the murder ?", "Who saw her children slaughtered all at once ,", "Would turn the melting face of mercy 's self", "Help , H\u00e6mon , help ;", "Eats like a subtle worm its venomed way ,", "To be dismissed from court : He trembled too ,", "On a bleak mountain naked was exposed :", "As infants \u2019 dreams .", "Sacred sir \u2014", "To save your life , which you unjust would lose :", "You shall , while I", "Murder ! what of murder ?", "Now roaring like the ocean , when the winds", "He went out private .", "You breathe ?", "Then I will tell thee that my wings are on .", "From Daulia , and from Delphos .", "I 'll mount , I 'll fly , and with a port divine", "Vain , vain oracles !", "O wretched pair ! O greatly wretched we ! Two worlds of woe !", "And OEdipus shall now be ever mine .", "So common fame reports .", "To match my crimes ; by all my miseries ,", "He , who himself burns in unlawful fires ,", "Pull down those lying fanes , and burn that vault ,", "Was that a raven 's croak , or my son 's voice ? No matter which ; I 'll to the grave and hide me . Earth open , or I 'll tear thy bowels up . Hark ! he goes on , and blabs the deed of incest .", "The horrid agony you cast me in ,", "I kneel , that you may grant this first request .", "Where first the mysteries of our loves were acted ,", "O'erhYpppHeNgrown with weeds of such a monstrous height ,", "\u2018 Tis not you , my lord ,", "In circling fire among the blushing clouds !", "Why , good my lord ?", "Inflamed my breast , since first our loves were lighted .", "Often ; but still in vain .", "Why are you thus disturbed ?", "My husband fell by multitudes opprest ;"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 175}, {"query": ["O beauty ! O illustrious , royal maid !", "To you ! why what are you , that I should fear you ?", "But see , they are here ! retire a while , and mark .", "With all his force , his hollow groaning breast ,", "To save a rival 's life ; when thou art dead ,", "There 's it ; I have a soul to do them all :", "You would remove from Thebes , that vows your ruin .", "For he had plucked the remnant strings away .", "And you may live .", "Could happen , for you bore his sword away .", "To let your head-long love triumph o'er nature :", "Told , as from heaven , was cause of their destruction .", "Therefore \u2018 twere fit that both should perish .", "Whom he had wrought ; I whispered him to join .", "That lead to graves ; and in the silent vault ,", "Hear him not speak .", "H\u00e6mon , you do your duty ; As they go off , OEDIPUS enters , walking asleep in his shirt , with a dagger in his right hand , and a taper in his left .", "Though conscious of no inward guilt , yet fears :", "Gabbled revenge ! revenge was all the cry .", "Accuse the princess : So I knew \u2018 twould be .", "Well have you done , to snatch me from the storm", "Now see whose arm can launch the surer bolt ,", "Mark me , the fruit of all thy faith and passion ,", "He says he loves you ; if he does , \u2018 tis well :", "Fine empty things , like him , the court swarms with them .", "I am : my soul 's ill married to my body .", "Of what has happened to the desperate king ?", "And who 's the better Jove !", "Would'st thou believe !", "Is by the oracle , the wise Tiresias ,", "The balls of sight , and dashed them on the ground .", "With horrid force lifting his impious hands ,", "She places \u2018 em aloft , o'th \u2019 topmost spoke", "Me silence , at another time ; but , oh ,", "Therefore , Pyracmon , as you boldly urged ,", "These eyes be closed , till they behold Adrastus", "Who , with his wisdom , may allay those furies ,", "And say you killed him not .", "\u2018 Twould make ten fools : A man 's a prodigy .", "Proclaimed the murderer of thy royal Laius :", "This beauteous body ; all this youth and freshness", "Crows feed on nothing else : plenty of fools ;", "And straight grew famous ; a mad boist'rous fool ,", "I pr'ythee let my soul take air a while ;", "To wise Tiresias , if my accusation", "Why will you fall in so abhorred a cause ?", "Priests , priests ; all bribed , all priests .", "O wretched Thebes , thy king , thy OEdipus ,", "Are joint conspirators ; and wished me to", "O power of conscience , even in wicked men !", "I find your dazzling beings : Take , he cried ,", "I must .", "I grudge him not that favour .", "Yet these thou think'st are ample satisfaction", "You killed him not ! proclaim your innocence ,", "Burn , burn for ever , O weak substitute", "Take , eyes , your last , your fatal farewel-view .", "Then every thought draws blood .", "Were quite devoured in the vast gulph of empire .", "Fine fighting things ; in camps they are so common ,", "To make so poor a prince his son-in-law ;", "Were she in OEdipus , I were a king ;", "And with such modest , chaste , and pure affection ,", "And roared , and with a thousand antic mouths", "Of all her wheel . Fools are the daily work", "I to the mad and sickly multitude ,", "I have o'erhYpppHeNheard thy black design , Adrastus ,", "H\u00e6m . Is't possible you should be ignorant", "Upon this spot straight to be hewn in pieces .", "Of state , and hope of the new monarch 's favour ,", "The robber , who bereft the unhappy king", "both gods", "Could I but breathe myself into Adrastus !\u2014", "Shut out from lodging , shall your groans be answered", "And thus , with outcries , to himself complained :\u2014", "But fly , my lord ; fly as your life is sacred .", "I am not Laius . Hear me , prince of Argos ;", "The antichambers ; none must dare be near him .", "And therefore , as a traitor to this state ,", "The mighty soul 's immortal perspectives ,", "Which children vent for toys , and women rain", "As waters are by sucking whirlpools drawn ,", "My hurt is nothing , sir ; but I appeal", "Which said , he smiled revengefully , and leapt", "It works , it stings , it will not let him utter", "I drew not first ,", "For nobler game , the princess .", "Gave him his death . Is there a prince before her ?", "His eye-balls fiery red , and glowing vengeance ,\u2014", "Revenge me .", "My menial servants , and all those whom change", "Lest she repent , and hasten on thy doom .", "If I must plunge in flames ,", "\u2018 Tis greatly thought , he cried , and fits my woes .", "Give order , then , that on this instant , now ,", "Murmurs , and groans that shook the outward rooms .", "And yet I only did thus far accuse you ,", "Dare you defend your father 's murderer ?", "Alcander , summon to their master 's aid", "This giddy hair-brained king , whom old Tiresias", "That Thebes surveys thee as a prince ; abuse not", "With interrupting sobs , cry 'd out ,\u2014 O Thebes !", "Fairly , I 'm sure , you could not .", "He fears Jocasta , fears himself , his shadow ;", "Much more the power of my eternal love !", "Had cracked the strings of life , and burst away .", "The alarm to cruelty ; and never may", "Who therefore , on his knees , thus prostrate begs", "Do all her work : Hercules was a fool ,", "And may this blood ne'er cease to drop , O Thebes ,", "To rage ; he is passionate ;", "They conquered , and you killed .", "None : You must leave", "Let me entreat you , sacred sir , be calm ,", "Into your lifeless lips ;", "But see , Alcander enters , well attended .", "I know no more but that he was conducted", "I cannot stay to tell thee my design ;", "\u2018 Tis gone ; \u2018 tis lost in battle . For your love ,", "Pyracmon you and I must wheel about", "Thy father ,", "An age of laughter ,\u2014 out of all mankind ,", "So to the palace I returned , to meet", "And through a chink I found , not only heard ,", "\u2018 Tis a fool 's just reward ;", "Art thou the murdress , then , of wretched Laius ?", "O perjured woman !", "He fears the multitude ; and ,\u2014 which is worth", "Thy care , most honest , faithful ,\u2014 foolish H\u00e6mon !", "But , to the fatal period .", "Proof will be easy made . Adrastus was", "For thee , O Thebes , dear Thebes , poor bleeding Thebes !\u2014", "From the most base , detested , horrid act", "I would be young , be handsome , be beloved :", "Then I had killed a monster , gained a battle ,", "The cheat 's too gross .", "For her Adrastus !", "Charybdis roar , and death be set before him !", "With numbers will o'erpower thee . Is't thy wish", "To shew the cure which heaven itself prescribed .", "And head the forces while the heat was in them .", "Her proffered mercy , but retire betimes ,", "The king ; hang H\u00e6mon up , for he is loyal ,", "Death ought to be thy lot : Let it suffice", "He snatched , he tore , from forth their bloody orbs ,", "Of racking transport , where the little streams", "Then strait came on", "To do .", "Make him the aggressor .", "And will oppose me .\u2014 Come , sir , are you ready ?", "But by young handsome fools ; body and brawn", "But sure no ill , unless he died with grief ,", "He chuses me to be his orator ;", "\u2018 Tis better not to be , than be unhappy .", "O , I must speak .", "Pyracmon to the palace ; dispatch", "Forego the advantage which thy arms have won .", "H\u00e6m . My lord , the troubled king is gone to rest ;", "But \u2018 tis the young man 's pleasure ; his ambition :", "Adrastus is his oracle , and he ,", "A thinking soul is punishment enough ;", "Even of thy foolish death , shall all be mine .", "H\u00e6m . I did ; and , having locked the door , I stood ;", "Jocasta too , no longer now my sister ,", "Into his closet , where I saw him fling", "Who justified your guilt , which cursed Tiresias", "For she 's too near .", "Draw all ; and when I give the word , fall on .\u2014", "But that thy beauteous , barbarous hand destroyed", "Yet , ere he slept , commanded me to clear", "At first , deep sighs heaved from his woful heart", "I 'll break through all , to succour thee , poor city !", "If pity of thy sufferings did not move me ,", "I see thou hast been diligent .", "Work him , be sure ,", "Upon the floor ; thence gazing at the skies ,"], "true_target": ["And drove me through the streets , with imprecations", "Of nature ; her vocation ; if she form", "His trembling body on the royal bed ;", "Then groaned again , as if his sorrowful soul", "Fatal ! yes , foolish love-sick prince , it shall :", "Heaven will reward", "For any trifle their fond hearts are set on ;", "Not I , my gracious lord , nor any here .", "But a cold lump of clay ;", "What then remains , but that I find Tiresias ,", ",", "Of love , revenge , and all the under passions ,", "Swears that Adrastus , and the lean-looked prophet", "Nay worse , a woman 's fool ;", "You do ill , madam ,", "Where lies your own pale shroud , to hover o'er it ,", "But see , he enters .", "Eurydice should fall before thee ?", "This moment , all thy soldiers straight disband .", "Must be no more the object of desire ,", "Fall on , Alcander .\u2014", "Cooled again !", "Hold , hold your arms , Adrastus , prince of Argos ! Hear , and behold ; Eurydice is my prisoner .", "Here I renounce all tie of blood and nature ,", "O , sacred sir , my royal lord \u2014", "Know this ,\u2014 and let it grate thy very soul ,\u2014", "Of that , the god , ambition .", "Weep eyes , instead of tears :\u2014 O , by the gods !", "Is found complotter in the horrid deed .", "This is the best of what comes after death .", "And turn the guilt , on you .", "Enter ALCANDER , attended .", "See this brandished dagger ;", "H\u00e6m . Thrice he struck ,", "To walk as spirits do , in brakes all day ;", "My flight , I gained the midst o'the city ;", "And I , must I accuse thee ! O my tears !", "Or , if to be , to wander after death ;", "Of death and hell . Let me inform you better .", "This instrument of my revenge .", "Then she is faultless , and I ask her pardon .", "Has thunder-struck with heavy accusation ,", "And there I wept , and then the rabble howled .", "To whom my vows were ever paid , till now ;", "But fortune will have nothing done that 's great ,", "Turn all at once the fatal point upon thee .\u2014", "Die first thyself , then .", "Against your sacred person , and those traitors", "To stab at once the only man I hate ,", "And fortune still takes care they should be seen :", "Eurydice shall die , or be my bride .", "Even to the best .", "Be not most true . The first of Laius \u2019 blood", "No , dull Pyracmon ; when I left his presence", "Will view your heaven , till , with more durable glasses ,", "How , madam , were your thoughts employed ?", "Best revoke your words ,", "The rest as fortune please ; so but this night", "Urge it not .", "\u2018 Tis what I wished .", "She shall be mine :", "And Creon shall point out the great offender .", "My upper garment , to put on , throw off ,", "Or , by the blood which trembles through the heart", "Can win to take our part : Away .\u2014 What now ?", "But in my own defence .", "And hags of fancy , wing him through the air :", "You killed her father ; you confessed you did :", "You provoked me :", "And yield thee to my mercy , or I strike .", "But when \u2018 tis great , like mine , and wretched too ,", "When I but offered at your innocence ,", "All left him there , at his desire , alone ;", "Had been the better match .", "Ha ! thou hast given", "O \u2018 tis a fearful thing to be no more ;", "The king , and greet him with another story .\u2014", "He ne'er could prove it in a better time .", "Goes it there ? I understand thee ; I must kill Adrastus .", "Why have not I done these ?", "That haunt his gloomy soul ?", "But saw him , when he thought no eye beheld him .", "A man , she loses by't , \u2018 tis too expensive ;", "H\u00e6m . I ran to succour him ; but , oh ! too late ;", "That ere could stain a villain ,\u2014 not a prince .", "When H\u00e6mon weeps , without the help of ghosts", "Your tender form to atoms .", "Had I beheld this wondrous heap of sorrow !", "Enter H\u00c6MON .", "And loath its former lodging .", "Which then your discontented ghost will leave ,", "A glut of them in Thebes .", "Enter H\u00c6MON .", "A mighty argument to prove your passion to the daughter !", "Of life ; because he flatly had denied", "Of her , whom more than life I know thou lovest ,", "Help , soldiers , help ;", "But if he sleep and wake again , O all", "For such another thought .\u2014 Lust and revenge !", "They gathered stones , and menaced me with death ,", "But thou canst weep then , and thou think'st \u2018 tis well ,", "Vows made in wine are not so false as that :", "No , parricide ! if thou must weep , weep blood ;", "Burn first my arm ; base instrument , unfit", "Sleep seal your eyes up , sir ,\u2014 eternal sleep !", "You turn to gallantry , what is but justice ;", "The wise can make a better use of life .", "As next of blood to Laius : Be advised ,", "There , standing on a pile of dead and dying ,", "Alcander , with a wild and bellowing crowd ,", "Die both , then ; there is now no time for dallying .", "Then cast thy sword away ,", "That , that should strike me dumb ; yet Thebes , my country \u2014", "Fool is the stuff , of which heaven makes a hero .", "Do what thou wilt , when she is dead ; my soldiers", "Dissembled both , and false !", "My conscience shall not do me the ill office", "For bloodiest murder , and for burning lust :", "I 'll bury to the haft , in her fair breast ,", "You had your fellow thieves about you , prince ;", "Be blacker than the place I wish him , hell .", "Were the globe mine , I 'd give a province hourly", "The thought of death to one near death is dreadful !", "Gods I accuse you not , though I no more", "His blood , his entrails , liver , heart , and bowels ,", "My life 's not worth a thought , when weighed with yours !", "Then were they not well sorted : Life and me", "Stretched at the feet of false Eurydice .", "Expect , with all those most unfortunate wretches ,", "Appease the raving Thebans ; which I swore", "You will not be believed , for I 'll forswear it .", "My lord ,", "With all the wings , with which revenge could aid", "\u2018 Tis better not to be , than to be Creon .", "Let him say so .", "Thy arrogance , thy scorn , my wound 's remembrance .", "You talk too slightly", "For me , alas ,", "And when the darkness comes , to glide in paths", "\u2018 Tis true , respect of nature might enjoin", "Tormenting dreams , wild horrors of the night ,", "I weep to hear ; how then should I have grieved ,", "May he be rooted , where he stands , for ever ;", "Traitor , resign the princess , or this moment", "And had my rival prisoner ; brave , brave actions !", "And men at once take notice .", "A master-piece of horror ; new and dreadful !", "This barbarous stranger , this usurper , monster ,", "\u2018 Tis my slave , my drudge , my supple glove ,", "Then , like a lone benighted traveller ,", "From precipices hurl him headlong down ,", "These bubbles of the shallowest emptiest sorrow ,", "Your fate is precious to your faithful Creon ,", "She play me fair , why , let her turn for ever .", "And often , often , vainly breathe your ghost", "And to enjoy the woman whom I love !", "I may foretel there is a fatal cause .", "Every where .", "Enter EURYDICE .", "The coldest nymph might read'em without blushing ;", "Then with a groan , that seemed the call of death ,", "I ask no more of my auspicious stars ,", "\u2018 Tis offered you . The fool Adrastus has accused himself .", "You give what 's nothing , when you give your honour :", "As I think best : \u2018 Tis my obedient conscience .", "And art thou still alive , O wretch ! he cried ;", "Striving to enter your forbidden corps ,", "Tiresias attends your pleasure .", "Forego thy sword , and yield thyself my prisoner .", "His eye-balls never move , brows be unbent ,", "To act the dictates of my daring mind ;", "The pious juggler , but Adrastus \u2019 organ .", "One syllable , one ,\u2014 no , to clear himself", "She 's bribed to save her lover 's life .", "By whistling winds , whose every blast will shake", "Well : \u2018 tis resolved ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 175}, {"query": ["\u00c6ge . Your royal mother Merope , as if", "This day your kindly stars in heaven were joined ;", "OEdipus murthered Laius !", "Fierce Creon has accused Eurydice ,", "But some dark hint would justle forward now ,", "Lives , and is great ;", "Let him tell it in groans , though he bend with the load ,", "Feast the ghosts that love the steam ;", "And turn your faces from the sun :", "It were not half so great : Know , wretched man ,", "Enough of guilty death 's already acted :", "Murther and incest ! but to hear them named", "OEDIPUS solus .", "Though he burst with the weight of the terrible god .", "Thy drowsy prophet to revive ,", "Convulsions , and furies , and prophesies shake him :", "How loth I am to have recourse to rites", "The first of Laius \u2019 blood his life did seize ,", "To mother Earth and Proserpine :", "Oh , fatal king !", "The danger 's imminent this day .", "Though banished Thebes , in Corinth you may reign ;", "I submit .", "Altars , raised of turf or stone ,", "Pardon her , if she acts by heaven 's award ;", "O sacred prince , pardon distracted Thebes ,", "Remember Laius ! that 's the burden still :", "And turn your faces from the sun :", "O , if the guilt were mine ,", "The gods are just ;", "Thou art thyself a riddle ; a perplext", "Which else had lasting been and strong .", "Answer me , if all be done ?", "Awful as the god who flings", "Phoebus , god beloved by men ,", "Sooth the unruly godhead to be mild .", "To guard me from such crimes .\u2014 Did I kill Laius ?", "Where the bones of Laius lie ;", "Their horrid forms ; each trembling ghost shall rise ,", "I shall be young again :\u2014 Manto , my daughter ,", "Since all things are by fate . But purblind man", "Follow me , princes ; Thebans , all to rest .", "Is the sacrifice made fit ?", "Let me not answer .", "May speak , O do not too severely deal !", "That leaps , and moves the wood without a wind :", "And leave their grisly king without a waiter .", "Tell but why Thebes is for thy death accurst ,", "Though I am silent .", "Of Thrace , and forced the raging bacchanals ,", "In mutual darkness ; we shall feel before us", "That poises all above .", "Cease your complaints , and bear his body hence ; The dreadful sight will daunt the drooping Thebans , Whom heaven decrees to raise with peace and glory . Yet , by these terrible examples warned , The sacred Fury thus alarms the world :\u2014 Let none , though ne'er so virtuous , great , and high , Be judged entirely blest before they die . Footnotes : 1 . Imitated from the commencement of the plague in the first book of the Iliad .", "Shall straight be done .\u2014 Lead , Manto , to the tower .", "She broke her vow ,", "And Laius \u2019 death must now be made more plain .", "Urge me no more to tell a thing , which , known ,", "Full betwixt her horns and brows :", "We must no more than Fate commissions us", "Are these two innocent ?", "Jocasta knows him well ; but , if I may", "Fate ! Nature ! Fortune ! what is all this world ?", "Ill-fated pair ! whom , seeing not , I know ,", "The infernal powers themselves exact no more :", "Answer me , if this be done ?", "I want the use of sight !\u2014", "Thou hast a voice that might have saved the bard", "Then I walked sleeping , in some frightful dream ;", "\u2018 Tis lost ,", "If that thy wakeful genius will permit ,", "If that the infernal spirits have declared", "Must you have musick too ? then tune your voices ,", "For , blushing , thou hast seen it ; hear me , earth ,", "SONG TO APOLLO .", "Sees but a part o'the chain ; the nearest links ;", "Reason ! alas , it does not know itself !", "Chuse the darkest part o'the grove :", "To tell ; yet something , and of moment , I 'll unfold ,", "His thunder round , and the lightning wings ;", "For prince Adrastus and Eurydice ,", "Entombed alive , starts and dilates himself ;", "Lull him with tuneful notes , and artful strings ,", "Draw the barren heifer back ;", "If innocent , then let Tiresias die .", "First made to Creon : But the time calls on ;", "With lifted prongs , to listen to thy airs .", "Such as ghosts at noon-day love .", "With chariots and horses all o'fire awake him ,", "What omen sawest thou , entering ?", "Toss it in to make them boil :", "There I can force the infernal gods to shew", "The depth of fate ; and if our oracles", "But all fate 's turns are swift and unexpected .", "To-morrow , O to-morrow !\u2014 Sleep , my son ;", "I dare not name him to thee .", "Whose hollow womb could not contain this murder ,", "\u2018 Till the dark mysteries of hell are done .", "When lo , an envious planet interposed ,"], "true_target": ["Thou shalt know too soon .", "So short a time as I have yet to live ,", "Pour in blood , and blood like wine ,", "Advise , rest where you are , and seek no farther .", "Thou knowest not what thou sayest .", "Thou shalt be found and lost .", "Falls heavy on thyself .", "Whose own black seal has \u2018 firmed this horrid truth ,", "With powerful strains ; Manto , my lovely child ,", "And brought me back to bed ere morning-wake", "Like a strong spirit charmed into a tree ,", "But sent it back to light ! And thou , hell , hear me !", "It cannot be even this remotest way ,", "Approach , ye lovers ;", "Am I but half obeyed ? infernal gods ,", "My rivell 'd skin ,", "Or Thebes , consumed with plagues , in ruins lie .", "If thou art guilty , heaven will make it known ;", "Cut the curled hair , that grows", "Would make thee more unhappy : \u2018 Twill be found ,", "Waves all the neighbouring princes that adore her .", "No more ; if e'er we meet again , \u2018 twill be", "She had no soul since you forsook the land ,", "Dig a trench , and dig it nigh", "Heaven prosper your intent , and give a period", "And in prophetic dreams thy fate be shown .", "Will the infernal powers have none .", "God of songs , and Orphean strings ,", "By hell 's blue flame : By the Stygian Lake : And by Demogorgon 's name , At which ghosts quake , Hear and appear ! Ghost of Laius . Why hast thou drawn me from my pain below , To suffer worse above ? to see the day , And Thebes , more hated ? Hell is heaven to Thebes . For pity send me back , where I may hide , In willing night , this ignominious head : In hell I shun the public scorn ; and then They hunt me for their sport , and hoot me as I fly : Behold even now they grin at my gored side , And chatter at my wounds .", "Stands to her weapons , takes the first alarm", "My soul then stole my body out by night ;", "And urged his fate ,", "But cruel greatness ne'er was long .", "Draw her backward to the pit :", "And heave it up : they pant and stick half-way .", "Phoebus , god beloved by men !", "And beget sons , thy brothers", "Thou canst not kill me ; \u2018 tis not in thy fate ,", "Thou only , thou art guilty ! thy own curse", "His name is Phorbas :", "By the judges of the dead !", "And goad my memory .\u2014 Oh my Jocasta !", "H\u00e6m . Follow me all , and help to part this fray ,", "And let them have such sounds as hell ne'er heard ,", "And threatened both with death : I fear , I fear !\u2014", "With holy fury ; my old arteries burst ;", "Who would not now conclude a happy end !", "Indulge thy brain this night with softer slumbers :", "Who to this mortal bosom brings", "Obscure enigma , which when thou unty'st ,", "Thebans , what madness makes you drunk with rage ?", "Since that the powers divine refuse to clear", "The wretch , who shed the blood of old Labdacides ,", "Whatever is , is in its causes just ;", "Calm then your rage , and once more seek the gods .", "My life 's engaged , I 'll guard them in the fane ,", "The groans of ghosts , that cleave the heart with pain ,", "Ten thousand thousand forms before him drive :", "Thy parents thought not so .", "With prince Adrastus ; which the god reproves", "By the furies fierce and dread !", "At thy dawn , every beast is roused in his den ;", "Since Orpheus bribed the shades .", "He struggles , and he tears my aged trunk", "Mingle milk into the stream ;", "Yet of a sudden 's gone beyond the clouds .", "Hear and appear ! By the Fates that spun thy thread !", "Yet man , vain man , would with this short-lined plummet ,", "Idol of the eastern kings ,", "His eyes not carrying to that equal beam ,", "Exceeds thy \u2018 pointed hour ;\u2014 remember Laius !", "As \u2018 twas to kill thy father , wed thy mother ,", "The roused god , as all this while he lay", "Like parchment , crackles at the hallowed fire ;", "If that the god would wake ; I feel him now ,", "O , OEdipus , to-morrow \u2014 but no more .", "Fathom the vast abyss of heavenly justice .", "The wretch , who Laius killed , must bleed or fly ;", "Manent OEDIPUS , JOCASTA , CREON , PYRACMON , H\u00c6MON , and ALCANDER .", "Like what we think can never shun remembrance ;", "I pity thee :", "Barren let her be , and black .", "The mystic deed , I 'll to the grove of furies ;", "My soul starts in me : The good sentinel", "And I 'll unbind the charm .", "At thy setting , all the birds of thy absence complain ,", "But how can finite measure infinite ?", "And we die , all die , till the morning comes again .", "So full of horror , that I once rejoice", "To reach each other 's hand ;\u2014 remember Laius !", "Answer me , if this be done ?", "By inward checks , and leaves their fates in doubt .", "Then hear me , heaven !", "O charm this god , this fury in my bosom ,", "But let thy wretched Thebes at least complain .", "Snatch a brand from funeral pile ;", "All harmonious heavenly things !", "To all our plagues . What old Tiresias can ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 175}, {"query": ["All that the world can make me mistress of .", "Of which I know you free .", "No , I was thinking", "To perish by the hand of this base villain ?", "Yet , while there 's any dawn of hope to save", "For see , the prophet comes , with vervain crowned ;", "Stand there ; come back ! O , cruel barbarous men !", "Be greatly wretched in a court with you .", "Thou dost accuse me .", "He shall be ever here .", "Ah , prince , farewell ! farewell , my dear Adrastus !", "And that 's thyself ; who hast conspired against", "By queen Jocasta 's order , by what 's more ,", "To hollow in thy ears at every lash ,\u2014", "Hear me , and dare not , as you prize your lives ,", "We leave you to the gods .", "Pronounce my sentence : For to fall by him ,", "Than gods and men , then how much more than thee ,", "I 'll guard your life with mine .", "Then death must be his recompence for love ?", "He who would give his life , give up his fame \u2014", "Hang his contagious quarters on the gates ;", "I here resign , to prince Adrastus \u2019 arms ,", "\u2018 Tis true , a crown seems dreadful , and I wish", "That you and I , more lowly placed , might pass", "To me declare him so ? The king shall know it .", "Vicissitudes of fires , and then of frosts ;", "With that thou may'st get off , tho \u2019 odds oppose thee .", "Is there no God so much a friend to love ,", "Must I be this thin being ? and thus wander ? No quiet after death !", "To innocence , \u2018 tis like a bug-bear dressed", "And knowing more my perfect innocence ,", "Who art their opposite , and formed a liar ,", "Are they all deaf ; or have the giants heaven ?", "Nor let my death affright you .", "Because I hate thy love ,", "But for Adrastus \u2019 death ,\u2014 good Gods , his death !\u2014", "H\u00e6m . \u2018 Tis at hand .", "His horrid love will spare me . Keep thy sword ;", "This for Eurydice ; these for her Adrastus !", "Thou , who usurp'st the sacred name of conscience ,", "And they are death and thee .", "Thou , who lov'st nothing but what nothing loves ,", "As if I could not bear a shameful death ,", "On death , and thee .", "Reproach not thus the weakness of my sex ,", "Our softer hours in humble cells away :", "All to his ruin ? drag him through the streets ,", "After so bravely having fought his cause ,", "Not but I love you to that infinite height ,", "Hold , Creon , or through me , through me you wound .", "Why rather rush you not at once together", "More willingly than you can wish my fate ;", "And an old guardian fiend , ugly as thou art ,", "Thou enemy of eyes ;"], "true_target": ["Enter ADRASTUS .", "Who spit'st thy venom against gods and men !", "You know he killed him not .", "Rather than see you burdened with a crime", "What then shall be thy lot ?\u2014", "For death shall ne'er divide us : Death ? what 's death !", "To take the part of that rebellious traitor .", "What curse shall I invent ?", "By the vile breath of that prodigious villain ,", "Yes , Thebans , I will die to save your lives .", "Lest I be ravished after thou art slain .", "The priests with yew , a venerable band ;", "That is , a Creon : O thou black detractor ,", "Traitor , go on ; I scorn thy little malice ;", "He has indeed , to take the guilt from me .", "I could", "Did not thy own declare him innocent ?", "Thy precious life , my dear Adrastus ,", "But let this good , this wise , this holy man ,", "Help ; murther , help ! Enter H\u00c6MON and guards , run betwixt them , and beat down their swords . H\u00e6m . Hold , hold your impious hands ! I think the furies , To whom this grove is hallowed , have inspired you : Now , by my soul , the holiest earth of Thebes You have profaned with war . Nor tree , nor plant Grows here , but what is fed with magick juice ; All full of human souls , that cleave their barks To dance at midnight by the moon 's pale beams : At least two hundred years these reverend shades Have known no blood , but of black sheep and oxen , Shed by the priest 's own hand to Proserpine .", "Ah , my Adrastus ! call them , call them back !", "Can I be so to one , who has accused me", "You best can tell the news of your own country .", "I thus disdain thee ! Thou once didst talk of love ;", "Would sink my soul , though I should die a martyr .", "Were mine ;\u2014 No , \u2018 tis too little all for him :", "Were I made up of endless , endless joys !", "Could you then leave your lord , your prince , your king ,", "What 's now thy conscience ?", "Yes ; for her Adrastus :", "Where shall I find his equal !", "Hear me , O Thebans , if you dread the wrath", "The means ?", "Who can controul the malice of our fate ?", "Oh , wretched OEdipus !", "If all the excellence of woman-kind", "My own dear vows of everlasting love ,", "To frighten children ; pull but off his masque ,", "And he 'll appear a friend .", "Of her whom fate ordained to be your queen ;", "And I provoke my trial .", "My life and fame , to make me loathed by all ,", "The excrescence of a man !", "On two the most detested things in nature :", "But I more fear Creon :", "For me , O fear not ; no , he dares not touch me ;", "And only fit for thee .", "Hear me .", "Death only can be dreadful to the bad :", "By the decree of royal OEdipus ,", "To take that hunch-backed monster in my arms !", "When he 's dead ,", "Whate'er thou dost , deliver not thy sword ;", "Of murder and of parricide ?", "Then we must die !", "Eternal torments , baths of boiling sulphur ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 175}, {"query": ["Both , let both die ."], "true_target": ["Mercy , O mercy !"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 175}, {"query": ["To banishment , away with him !"], "true_target": ["Both , both ; let them die ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 175}, {"query": ["With temperance , justice , prudence , fortitude ,", "OEdipus !", "And clothed with flesh his pre-existing soul .", "Took pity , and endued his new-formed mass", "OEdipus !", "Jocasta , OEdipus .", "Venoms my airy substance ! hence with him ,", "And every kingly virtue : But in vain .", "Jocasta !", "The Gods foresaw it ; and forbade his being ,", "Do you forbid him earth , and I 'll forbid him heaven .", "For fate , that sent him hood-winked to the world ,", "Banish him ; sweep him out ; the plague he bears"], "true_target": ["Performed its work by his mistaking hands .", "O spare my shame !", "Of my death they are .", "He comes , the parricide ! I cannot bear him :", "From Thebes , my throne , my bed , let him be driven :", "My wounds ake at him : Oh , his murderous breath", "Will blast your fields , and mark his way with ruin .", "Ask'st thou who murdered me ? \u2018 twas OEdipus :", "Who stains my bed with incest ? OEdipus :", "But he who holds my crown ,\u2014 Oh , must I speak !\u2014", "For whom then are you curst , but OEdipus !", "Was doomed to do what nature most abhors .", "Before he yet was born . I broke their laws ,", "Some kinder power , too weak for destiny ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 175}, {"query": ["Basely you killed him .", "Till this be done .", "to Cre . See what you 've gained .", "You rave ; call home your thoughts .", "A serpent ne'er becomes a flying dragon ,", "You must not meet her ,", "Your fortune hindered .", "Echo to him , groves : cry villain .", "Till he has eat a serpent", "O false love , false honour !", "No , villain , villain .", "What mean you by these words ?"], "true_target": ["No more : he 's here .", "Or not enjoy your mistress :", "You seemed to fear it .", "See , he stands mute .", "And more , since you accused her .", "Nay , now you are too sharp .", "The princess walks this way ;", "She hates your sight ;", "But will not long be so : This tell-tale ghost", "Perhaps will clear \u2018 em both .", "Nor alone .", "Eurydice and he are prisoners here ,", "You are not wretched ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 175}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis done ."], "true_target": ["\u2018 Tis done .", "All is done ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 175}, {"query": ["O , what laments are those ?", "True genuine night , night added to the groves ;"], "true_target": ["And now a sudden darkness covers all ,", "The fogs are blown full in the face of heaven ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 175}, {"query": ["1 . Come away ,", "Ten thousand , thousand , thousand fathoms low .", "Shall your cares beguile :", "3 . You that plunge them when they swim :", "On a row ,", "For hell 's broke up , and ghosts have holiday .", "Do not stay ,", "Hear , ye taskers of the dead .", "You that scum the molten lead .", "And whip from out her hands .", "From their eternal bands ;", "But obey ,", "1 . You that drive the trembling hosts", "Of poor , poor ghosts ,", "While we play ,"], "true_target": ["3 . You that pinch with red-hot tongs ;", "Musick for awhile", "Wondering how your pains were eased ;", "1 . Till they drown ;", "Hear , ye sullen powers below :", "2 . You that boiling cauldrons blow ,", "Hear ! 2 . Hear ! 3 . Hear !", "Till the snakes drop from her head ,", "Laius ! 2 . Laius ! 3 . Laius !", "Till they go", "With your sharpened prongs ;", "1 . Till Alecto free the dead", "Down , down , down :", "2 . And disdaining to be pleas 'd ;", "2 . You that thrust them off the brim ;"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 175}, {"query": ["Come away , & c ."], "true_target": ["Till they drown , & c ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 175}, {"query": ["Which are three ."], "true_target": ["Which are three . Three times three !", "Which are three ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 175}, {"query": ["O wretched state ! I die , unless I speak ;", "To murder it .", "The queen Jocasta told me ,", "A king ; and here the happy monarch stands .", "Ha ! whither would'st thou ? O what hast thou uttered ! For what thou hast said , death strike thee dumb for ever !", "There was a dreadful one ,", "The swaddling-bands were purple , wrought with gold .", "The dreadful deed was acted but by one ;", "I do conjure you to inquire no more .", "Born and bred up in court , no foreign slave .", "Alas ! What would you have me say ?", "Have you forgot I took an infant from you ,", "My lord , she did .", "Have you forgot , too , how you wept , and begged", "To mount Cith\u00e6ron , and the pleasant vallies", "And if I speak , most certain death attends me !", "Should kill his father , and enjoy his mother .", "Who , my lord , this man ?", "My lord , I said", "Dread sir , I will .", "For much he loved them : oft I entertained him", "It was her son by Laius .", "Which all about lie shadowing its large feet .", "He made me lord of all his rural pleasures ;", "Would I could sink beneath it ! by the gods ,"], "true_target": ["\u00c6ge . Be not too rash . That infant grew at last", "He did : And , Oh ! I wish to all the gods ,", "O spare my age .", "Dost thou betray the secrets of thy friend ?", "Most sure , my lord , I have seen lines like those", "Why is it mentioned now ? And why , O why", "Particulars , which may excite your dead remembrance .", "I gave the infant to him .", "There are , perhaps ,", "O heavens ! wherein , my lord , have I offended ?", "His visage bears ; but know not where , nor when .", "That I should breed him up , and ask no more ?", "I was , great sir , his true and faithful servant ;", "Which had foretold , that most unhappy son", "Hold , hold , O dreadful sir ! You will not rack an innocent old man ?", "And sure that one had much of your resemblance .", "Doomed to be murdered in that gloomy vale ?", "Phorbas had perished in that very moment .", "He was not mine , but given me by another .", "\u00c6ge . Is't possible you should forget your ancient friend ?", "O , royal sir , I bow me to the ground ;", "One of king Laius \u2019 family .", "Whate'er I begged , thou , like a dotard , speak'st", "With sporting swains , o'er whom I had command .", "Where , sacred sir ?", "More than is requisite ; and what of this ?"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 175}, {"query": ["O diadem , thou centre of ambition ,", "Fortune and my auspicious stars have crowned .", "Which sure were great as royalty e'er formed ,"], "true_target": ["Thebes is at length my own ; and all my wishes ,", "As if thou wert the burning glass of glory !", "Where all its different lines are reconciled ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 175}, {"query": ["With all his force , his hollow groaning breast ,", "With interrupting sobs , cry 'd out ,\u2014 O Thebes !", "And drove me through the streets , with imprecations", "With horrid force lifting his impious hands ,", "I to the mad and sickly multitude ,", "No , parricide ! if thou must weep , weep blood ;", "Could happen , for you bore his sword away .", "I am : my soul 's ill married to my body .", "Work him , be sure ,", "This moment , all thy soldiers straight disband .", "And turn the guilt , on you .", "The cheat 's too gross .", "Are joint conspirators ; and wished me to", "They gathered stones , and menaced me with death ,", "Though conscious of no inward guilt , yet fears :", "I weep to hear ; how then should I have grieved ,", "Therefore , Pyracmon , as you boldly urged ,", "My menial servants , and all those whom change", "For bloodiest murder , and for burning lust :", "Of death and hell . Let me inform you better .", "Draw all ; and when I give the word , fall on .\u2014", "She shall be mine :", "See this brandished dagger ;", "He fears the multitude ; and ,\u2014 which is worth", "But sure no ill , unless he died with grief ,", "Swears that Adrastus , and the lean-looked prophet", "From the most base , detested , horrid act", "The king ; hang H\u00e6mon up , for he is loyal ,", "Has thunder-struck with heavy accusation ,", "And there I wept , and then the rabble howled .", "Make him the aggressor .", "That Thebes surveys thee as a prince ; abuse not", "She places \u2018 em aloft , o'th \u2019 topmost spoke", "Is found complotter in the horrid deed .", "Against your sacred person , and those traitors", "An age of laughter ,\u2014 out of all mankind ,", "And head the forces while the heat was in them .", "His eye-balls fiery red , and glowing vengeance ,\u2014", "Take , eyes , your last , your fatal farewel-view .", "Dare you defend your father 's murderer ?", "Can win to take our part : Away .\u2014 What now ?", "But when \u2018 tis great , like mine , and wretched too ,", "Upon the floor ; thence gazing at the skies ,", "A thinking soul is punishment enough ;", "\u2018 Tis better not to be , than to be Creon .", "So to the palace I returned , to meet", "Forego the advantage which thy arms have won .", "Heaven will reward", "H\u00e6m . I ran to succour him ; but , oh ! too late ;", "Murmurs , and groans that shook the outward rooms .", "Weep eyes , instead of tears :\u2014 O , by the gods !", "Adrastus is his oracle , and he ,", "This beauteous body ; all this youth and freshness", "But see , they are here ! retire a while , and mark .", "Shut out from lodging , shall your groans be answered", "Fatal ! yes , foolish love-sick prince , it shall :", "Of all her wheel . Fools are the daily work", "Then were they not well sorted : Life and me", "Of that , the god , ambition .", "And loath its former lodging .", "To do .", "Then strait came on", "And straight grew famous ; a mad boist'rous fool ,", "\u2018 Tis offered you . The fool Adrastus has accused himself .", "Death ought to be thy lot : Let it suffice", "Told , as from heaven , was cause of their destruction .", "The mighty soul 's immortal perspectives ,", "And say you killed him not .", "Dissembled both , and false !", "Gods I accuse you not , though I no more", "Of racking transport , where the little streams", "Pyracmon you and I must wheel about", "Of state , and hope of the new monarch 's favour ,", "At first , deep sighs heaved from his woful heart", "My flight , I gained the midst o'the city ;", "Enter H\u00c6MON .", "With numbers will o'erpower thee . Is't thy wish", "Fine fighting things ; in camps they are so common ,", "But by young handsome fools ; body and brawn", "Thy arrogance , thy scorn , my wound 's remembrance .", "She 's bribed to save her lover 's life .", "Must be no more the object of desire ,", "Revenge me .", "Even of thy foolish death , shall all be mine .", "Who justified your guilt , which cursed Tiresias", "Do what thou wilt , when she is dead ; my soldiers", "You killed her father ; you confessed you did :", "To rage ; he is passionate ;", "But saw him , when he thought no eye beheld him .", "These bubbles of the shallowest emptiest sorrow ,", "Now see whose arm can launch the surer bolt ,", "H\u00e6m . I did ; and , having locked the door , I stood ;", "And yet I only did thus far accuse you ,", "Well have you done , to snatch me from the storm", "Know this ,\u2014 and let it grate thy very soul ,\u2014", "For he had plucked the remnant strings away .", "Were she in OEdipus , I were a king ;", "Were quite devoured in the vast gulph of empire .", "And thus , with outcries , to himself complained :\u2014", "Yet these thou think'st are ample satisfaction", "As I think best : \u2018 Tis my obedient conscience .", "This is the best of what comes after death .", "\u2018 Twould make ten fools : A man 's a prodigy .", "He says he loves you ; if he does , \u2018 tis well :", "I must .", "Why have not I done these ?", "But , to the fatal period .", "Goes it there ? I understand thee ; I must kill Adrastus .", "You do ill , madam ,", "I 'll bury to the haft , in her fair breast ,", "For nobler game , the princess .", "Of love , revenge , and all the under passions ,", "But see , Alcander enters , well attended .", "Alcander , summon to their master 's aid", "This giddy hair-brained king , whom old Tiresias", "But see , he enters .", "My upper garment , to put on , throw off ,", "A glut of them in Thebes .", "But a cold lump of clay ;", "Then every thought draws blood .", "To let your head-long love triumph o'er nature :", "Burn first my arm ; base instrument , unfit", "But in my own defence .", "Or , if to be , to wander after death ;", "It works , it stings , it will not let him utter", "To walk as spirits do , in brakes all day ;", "\u2018 Tis a fool 's just reward ;", "Forego thy sword , and yield thyself my prisoner .", "You provoked me :", "But \u2018 tis the young man 's pleasure ; his ambition :", "I grudge him not that favour .", "What then remains , but that I find Tiresias ,", "Traitor , resign the princess , or this moment", "Your fate is precious to your faithful Creon ,", "Where lies your own pale shroud , to hover o'er it ,", "\u2018 Tis greatly thought , he cried , and fits my woes .", "He ne'er could prove it in a better time .", "And through a chink I found , not only heard ,", "For me , alas ,", "You talk too slightly", "None : You must leave", "There , standing on a pile of dead and dying ,", "For she 's too near .", "Striving to enter your forbidden corps ,", "I pr'ythee let my soul take air a while ;", "Of her , whom more than life I know thou lovest ,", "I drew not first ,"], "true_target": ["That ere could stain a villain ,\u2014 not a prince .", ",", "Upon this spot straight to be hewn in pieces .", "You give what 's nothing , when you give your honour :", "Hold , hold your arms , Adrastus , prince of Argos ! Hear , and behold ; Eurydice is my prisoner .", "When I but offered at your innocence ,", "For thee , O Thebes , dear Thebes , poor bleeding Thebes !\u2014", "Even to the best .", "Mark me , the fruit of all thy faith and passion ,", "Had been the better match .", "\u2018 Tis gone ; \u2018 tis lost in battle . For your love ,", "Hear him not speak .", "A mighty argument to prove your passion to the daughter !", "And when the darkness comes , to glide in paths", "The wise can make a better use of life .", "All left him there , at his desire , alone ;", "As waters are by sucking whirlpools drawn ,", "But fly , my lord ; fly as your life is sacred .", "Fairly , I 'm sure , you could not .", "Cooled again !", "I cannot stay to tell thee my design ;", "He fears Jocasta , fears himself , his shadow ;", "And who 's the better Jove !", "And often , often , vainly breathe your ghost", "For any trifle their fond hearts are set on ;", "Every where .", "For her Adrastus !", "How , madam , were your thoughts employed ?", "Alcander , with a wild and bellowing crowd ,", "And yield thee to my mercy , or I strike .", "\u2018 Tis better not to be , than be unhappy .", "Vows made in wine are not so false as that :", "No , dull Pyracmon ; when I left his presence", "This instrument of my revenge .", "I have o'erhYpppHeNheard thy black design , Adrastus ,", "Help , soldiers , help ;", "You will not be believed , for I 'll forswear it .", "Burn , burn for ever , O weak substitute", "That haunt his gloomy soul ?", "Pyracmon to the palace ; dispatch", "Had I beheld this wondrous heap of sorrow !", "Fine empty things , like him , the court swarms with them .", "Then I had killed a monster , gained a battle ,", "Thy care , most honest , faithful ,\u2014 foolish H\u00e6mon !", "Who therefore , on his knees , thus prostrate begs", "You had your fellow thieves about you , prince ;", "Crows feed on nothing else : plenty of fools ;", "If I must plunge in flames ,", "But thou canst weep then , and thou think'st \u2018 tis well ,", "Then cast thy sword away ,", "Ha ! thou hast given", "O power of conscience , even in wicked men !", "The pious juggler , but Adrastus \u2019 organ .", "You killed him not ! proclaim your innocence ,", "When H\u00e6mon weeps , without the help of ghosts", "The thought of death to one near death is dreadful !", "Eurydice should fall before thee ?", "Let him say so .", "This barbarous stranger , this usurper , monster ,", "Appease the raving Thebans ; which I swore", "Then , like a lone benighted traveller ,", "Nay worse , a woman 's fool ;", "I find your dazzling beings : Take , he cried ,", "There 's it ; I have a soul to do them all :", "Your tender form to atoms .", "But fortune will have nothing done that 's great ,", "Could I but breathe myself into Adrastus !\u2014", "I know no more but that he was conducted", "Priests , priests ; all bribed , all priests .", "Had cracked the strings of life , and burst away .", "And art thou still alive , O wretch ! he cried ;", "Her proffered mercy , but retire betimes ,", "The balls of sight , and dashed them on the ground .", "O \u2018 tis a fearful thing to be no more ;", "And you may live .", "O perjured woman !", "Then groaned again , as if his sorrowful soul", "Enter EURYDICE .", "These eyes be closed , till they behold Adrastus", "I may foretel there is a fatal cause .", "One syllable , one ,\u2014 no , to clear himself", "The king , and greet him with another story .\u2014", "\u2018 Tis what I wished .", "Then with a groan , that seemed the call of death ,", "Will view your heaven , till , with more durable glasses ,", "Which children vent for toys , and women rain", "Gabbled revenge ! revenge was all the cry .", "Here I renounce all tie of blood and nature ,", "Proclaimed the murderer of thy royal Laius :", "He snatched , he tore , from forth their bloody orbs ,", "Eurydice shall die , or be my bride .", "And therefore , as a traitor to this state ,", "I am not Laius . Hear me , prince of Argos ;", "Turn all at once the fatal point upon thee .\u2014", "You would remove from Thebes , that vows your ruin .", "Into your lifeless lips ;", "Urge it not .", "They conquered , and you killed .", "Fool is the stuff , of which heaven makes a hero .", "My conscience shall not do me the ill office", "Do all her work : Hercules was a fool ,", "Would'st thou believe !", "A man , she loses by't , \u2018 tis too expensive ;", "Stretched at the feet of false Eurydice .", "The alarm to cruelty ; and never may", "I see thou hast been diligent .", "Best revoke your words ,", "Who , with his wisdom , may allay those furies ,", "Into his closet , where I saw him fling", "And fortune still takes care they should be seen :", "O wretched Thebes , thy king , thy OEdipus ,", "Whom he had wrought ; I whispered him to join .", "Give order , then , that on this instant , now ,", "And had my rival prisoner ; brave , brave actions !", "To save a rival 's life ; when thou art dead ,", "I would be young , be handsome , be beloved :", "H\u00e6m . Is't possible you should be ignorant", "Fall on , Alcander .\u2014", "\u2018 Tis my slave , my drudge , my supple glove ,", "His trembling body on the royal bed ;", "Well : \u2018 tis resolved .", "To act the dictates of my daring mind ;", "Of what has happened to the desperate king ?", "That lead to graves ; and in the silent vault ,", "Accuse the princess : So I knew \u2018 twould be .", "Die first thyself , then .", "He chuses me to be his orator ;", "Enter ALCANDER , attended .", "With all the wings , with which revenge could aid", "Expect , with all those most unfortunate wretches ,", "My life 's not worth a thought , when weighed with yours !", "And will oppose me .\u2014 Come , sir , are you ready ?", "And roared , and with a thousand antic mouths", "Is by the oracle , the wise Tiresias ,", "O , sacred sir , my royal lord \u2014", "Lest she repent , and hasten on thy doom .", "As next of blood to Laius : Be advised ,", "Die both , then ; there is now no time for dallying .", "Of nature ; her vocation ; if she form", "Or , by the blood which trembles through the heart", "Which then your discontented ghost will leave ,", "Jocasta too , no longer now my sister ,", "To you ! why what are you , that I should fear you ?", "A master-piece of horror ; new and dreadful !", "By whistling winds , whose every blast will shake", "H\u00e6m . Thrice he struck ,", "Which said , he smiled revengefully , and leapt"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 176}, {"query": ["You are not wretched .", "to Cre . See what you 've gained .", "Nay , now you are too sharp .", "Till this be done .", "O false love , false honour !", "And more , since you accused her .", "What mean you by these words ?", "Eurydice and he are prisoners here ,", "Your fortune hindered .", "You seemed to fear it .", "Echo to him , groves : cry villain .", "You rave ; call home your thoughts ."], "true_target": ["You must not meet her ,", "But will not long be so : This tell-tale ghost", "No , villain , villain .", "Or not enjoy your mistress :", "Nor alone .", "See , he stands mute .", "A serpent ne'er becomes a flying dragon ,", "No more : he 's here .", "She hates your sight ;", "Till he has eat a serpent", "Basely you killed him .", "Perhaps will clear \u2018 em both .", "The princess walks this way ;"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 176}, {"query": ["Be greatly wretched in a court with you .", "When he 's dead ,", "On death , and thee .", "Thou , who usurp'st the sacred name of conscience ,", "Death only can be dreadful to the bad :", "\u2018 Tis true , a crown seems dreadful , and I wish", "Hear me , O Thebans , if you dread the wrath", "Of her whom fate ordained to be your queen ;", "To take that hunch-backed monster in my arms !", "Thou , who lov'st nothing but what nothing loves ,", "To perish by the hand of this base villain ?", "And they are death and thee .", "Rather than see you burdened with a crime", "He shall be ever here .", "I 'll guard your life with mine .", "Thy precious life , my dear Adrastus ,", "You best can tell the news of your own country .", "Of which I know you free .", "Enter ADRASTUS .", "For me , O fear not ; no , he dares not touch me ;", "The excrescence of a man !", "Could you then leave your lord , your prince , your king ,", "What then shall be thy lot ?\u2014", "Where shall I find his equal !", "He has indeed , to take the guilt from me .", "Of murder and of parricide ?", "He who would give his life , give up his fame \u2014", "Hang his contagious quarters on the gates ;", "Must I be this thin being ? and thus wander ? No quiet after death !", "What curse shall I invent ?", "To me declare him so ? The king shall know it .", "The means ?", "By the decree of royal OEdipus ,", "Yes ; for her Adrastus :", "Were I made up of endless , endless joys !", "The priests with yew , a venerable band ;", "Yet , while there 's any dawn of hope to save", "Can I be so to one , who has accused me", "I here resign , to prince Adrastus \u2019 arms ,", "That you and I , more lowly placed , might pass", "You know he killed him not .", "All to his ruin ? drag him through the streets ,", "My own dear vows of everlasting love ,", "To hollow in thy ears at every lash ,\u2014", "For see , the prophet comes , with vervain crowned ;", "Is there no God so much a friend to love ,", "Nor let my death affright you .", "H\u00e6m . \u2018 Tis at hand .", "This for Eurydice ; these for her Adrastus !"], "true_target": ["And he 'll appear a friend .", "Hear me , and dare not , as you prize your lives ,", "Eternal torments , baths of boiling sulphur ,", "Why rather rush you not at once together", "Then death must be his recompence for love ?", "For death shall ne'er divide us : Death ? what 's death !", "Ah , prince , farewell ! farewell , my dear Adrastus !", "Reproach not thus the weakness of my sex ,", "No , I was thinking", "Lest I be ravished after thou art slain .", "Help ; murther , help ! Enter H\u00c6MON and guards , run betwixt them , and beat down their swords . H\u00e6m . Hold , hold your impious hands ! I think the furies , To whom this grove is hallowed , have inspired you : Now , by my soul , the holiest earth of Thebes You have profaned with war . Nor tree , nor plant Grows here , but what is fed with magick juice ; All full of human souls , that cleave their barks To dance at midnight by the moon 's pale beams : At least two hundred years these reverend shades Have known no blood , but of black sheep and oxen , Shed by the priest 's own hand to Proserpine .", "Hold , Creon , or through me , through me you wound .", "Who can controul the malice of our fate ?", "And that 's thyself ; who hast conspired against", "Who spit'st thy venom against gods and men !", "To frighten children ; pull but off his masque ,", "Vicissitudes of fires , and then of frosts ;", "And I provoke my trial .", "My life and fame , to make me loathed by all ,", "After so bravely having fought his cause ,", "What 's now thy conscience ?", "Ah , my Adrastus ! call them , call them back !", "That is , a Creon : O thou black detractor ,", "But for Adrastus \u2019 death ,\u2014 good Gods , his death !\u2014", "Our softer hours in humble cells away :", "By queen Jocasta 's order , by what 's more ,", "We leave you to the gods .", "Not but I love you to that infinite height ,", "Stand there ; come back ! O , cruel barbarous men !", "But I more fear Creon :", "To take the part of that rebellious traitor .", "On two the most detested things in nature :", "With that thou may'st get off , tho \u2019 odds oppose thee .", "Oh , wretched OEdipus !", "I could", "As if I could not bear a shameful death ,", "All that the world can make me mistress of .", "Are they all deaf ; or have the giants heaven ?", "Hear me .", "And an old guardian fiend , ugly as thou art ,", "Thou enemy of eyes ;", "His horrid love will spare me . Keep thy sword ;", "Did not thy own declare him innocent ?", "And only fit for thee .", "If all the excellence of woman-kind", "Whate'er thou dost , deliver not thy sword ;", "To innocence , \u2018 tis like a bug-bear dressed", "Then we must die !", "Were mine ;\u2014 No , \u2018 tis too little all for him :"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 176}, {"query": ["Would think even infamy , the worst of ills ,", "And here have sworn to perish by his side .", "How fares my royal friend ?", "And vigorous nature breaks through opposition .\u2014", "Had but an ague-fit to this my fever .", "Begone , and leave me to the villain 's mercy .", "But , if I ever meant a violence ,", "I was provoked", "Tiresias , and the brother-hood of priests ,", "She 's gone ;\u2014 O deadly marksman , in the heart !", "To fall and pash thee dead .", "Durst violate the religion of these groves ,", "I heard but now , where I was close confined ,", "Forgive a stranger 's ignorance : I knew not", "Hold thy raised arm ; give me a moment 's pause .", "O H\u00e6mon , I am slain ; nor need I name", "Oh , OEdipus !", "For , since I knew the royal OEdipus ,", "Or thought to ravish , as that traitor did ,", "Would I could !", "O , I burn inward : my blood 's all on fire !", "And last it must be kept .", "Adrastus will vouchsafe to answer thee ;\u2014", "Yet love now charms it from me ; which in all", "Beyond man 's patience ; all reproach could urge", "Was used to kindle one , not apt to bear .", "I 'll stamp thee still , thus , to the gaping furies .", "Will dare , with his frail hand , to grasp a sceptre ?", "Yes , villain , for whatever thou canst dare .", "Instruct me , gods , what shall Adrastus do ?", "Unheard-of monster ! eldest-born of hell ! Down , to thy primitive flame .", "\u2018 Tis the last thing a prince should throw away ;", "I was Adrastus .\u2014", "A thundering shout , which made my jailors vanish ,", "No matter how I killed him .", "Creon , Alcander , H\u00e6mon , help to hold him .", "But when the storm grows loud , and threatens love ,", "Fly from the author of all villainies ,", "Traitor , no ;", "The lye to his foul throat !", "My father , when he blest me , gave me this :", "H\u00e6m . Thou , Creon , didst .", "Assassins are driven off .", "Vouchsafe that I , o'erhYpppHeNjoyed , may bear you hence ,", "Stay thee , damned wretch ; hold , stop thy bloody hand !", "With twice those odds of men ,", "Though my heart tells me that the gift is fatal .", "That have accused you , which these ears have heard ,", "When ruin comes , may help to break your fall .", "Let me but find her there , I ask no more .", "To leave you in this tempest of your soul .", "Cry ,\u2014 fire the palace ! where is the cruel king ?", "Why then there 's one day less for human ills ;", "And I with justice should be thought your foe ,", "I have addrest my prayer to this fair princess ;", "Methinks , my lord , I see a sad repentance ,", "Lord Creon , you and Diocles retire :", "And let men curse me by the name of Creon !", "Yet in the pangs of death she grasps my hand ;", "My lord , you ask me things impossible ;", "Is all in arms , all bent to your destruction :", "Let me consider \u2014 did I murder Laius ,", "That disobeys .\u2014 See , art thou now appeased ?", "And I 'll give all the rest .", "What most he longed to kill", "Yet , for Eurydice , even this I 'll suffer ,", "I thank thee , thou instructest me :", "Ha ! villain !", "More ; yet more ; a thousand wounds !", "Approach the place : None at these rites assist ,", "Your city", "Half-strangled with the damp his sorrows raised ,", "I doubt not in this cause to vanquish thee .\u2014", "The honours of the place .", "Away , my friends , since fate has so allotted ;", "If envy and not truth \u2014", "To our one day ? give me a night with her ,", "I have observed in all his acts such truth ,", "Ah , traitor , dost thou shun me ? Follow , follow , My brave companions ! see , the cowards fly !", "Help , H\u00e6mon , help , and bow him gently forward ;"], "true_target": ["And at your feet present the crown of Argos .", "Hence from my presence , all ; he 's not my friend", "Yet , by the infernal Gods , those awful powers", "Thy cunning engines have with labour raised", "For any other lye .", "\u2018 Tis thine , my faithful sword ; my only trust ;", "Than life or liberty .", "And who would moan himself , for suffering that ,", "Thebans to you I justify my love :", "If , OEdipus , thou think'st \u2014", "I 'm not unarmed , my poniard 's in my hand ;", "Gods , must I bear this brand , and not retort", "I shall be what I was again , before", "Fly from tumultuous Thebes , from blood and murder ,", "See here thy nuptials ; see , thou rash Ixion ,", "To touch one single hair ; but must , unarmed ,", "Must be absolved or doomed .", "Rapes , death , and treason , from that fury Creon :", "I bear my fortune .", "What humblest adorations could not win ,", "If thou forego'st it , misery attends thee .\u2014", "Therefore , away .", "That shall hereafter read the fate of OEdipus ,", "O , I charge thee hold !\u2014", "H\u00e6m . \u2018 Tis OEdipus , not I , must judge this act .\u2014", "The hazards of my life I never lost .", "Should be no more .", "My love ; ten thousand , thousand times more clear ,", "And these eyes seen , I must believe you guiltless ;", "My heavy anger , like a mighty weight ,", "Throw even that o'erhYpppHeNboard ; for love 's the jewel ,", "But you the accused , who by the mouth of Laius", "Her last farewell .\u2014 O , OEdipus , thy fall", "Not like a villain ; pr'ythee , change me that", "My son , said he , let this be thy last refuge ;", "And so thou art :", "Penurious heaven , can'st thou not add a night", "Her lips too tremble , as if she would speak", "Parle as in truce , or surlily avoid", "And wondrous pleasures in the other world ;", "Defend your innocence , speak like yourself ,", "And awe the rebels with your dauntless virtue .", "Chafe , chafe his temples : How the mighty spirits ,", "No , villain , no ;", "The inhuman author of all villainies ;", "The man , who loves like me ,", "Then hear these holy men .", "You shall no more be trusted with your life :\u2014", "Captain remember to your care I give", "Better that thou , and I , and all mankind ,", "Is great ; and nobly now thou goest attended !", "Were cheaply purchased , were thy love the price .", "Off , madam , or we perish both ; behold", "Thus , like a villain ?", "Struggle for vent ! But see , he breathes again ,", "What inconsiderate and ambitious fool ,", "Uncrowned , a captive , nothing left but honour ,\u2014", "And god-like clearness , that , to the last gush", "Let it be so ; we 'll fence heav'n ' s fury from you ,", "A general consternation spread among them .", "Thine , say'st thou , monster ! shall my love be thine ?", "Brand me , you gods , blot me with foul dishonour ,", "What would'st thou , hell-hound ?", "And suffer all together . This , perhaps ,", "Infamous wretch !", "Enter H\u00c6MON , Guards , with ALCANDER and PYRACMON bound ; the", "Take then this most loved innocence away ;", "Alas , Eurydice , what fond rash man ,", "O , I can bear no more !", "They talk of heroes , and celestial beauties ,", "But hark ! the storm comes nearer .", "Down , swelling heart ! \u2018 Tis for thy princess all :\u2014 O my Eurydice !\u2014", "Not OEdipus , were all his foes here lodged ,", "Alcides , when the poisoned shirt sate closest ,", "Which in a day must pass ? something , or nothing ;\u2014", "To free my love .\u2014 Well then , I killed him basely .", "Darest thou say this to me ?", "Of blood and spirits , I 'll defend his life ,", "There he lies gasping .", "Think not , most abject , most abhorred of men ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 176}, {"query": ["Reason ! alas , it does not know itself !", "I want the use of sight !\u2014", "And I 'll unbind the charm .", "She broke her vow ,", "Where the bones of Laius lie ;", "Yet man , vain man , would with this short-lined plummet ,", "\u00c6ge . Your royal mother Merope , as if", "If that the infernal spirits have declared", "It were not half so great : Know , wretched man ,", "The groans of ghosts , that cleave the heart with pain ,", "And goad my memory .\u2014 Oh my Jocasta !", "And turn your faces from the sun :", "Heaven prosper your intent , and give a period", "Pour in blood , and blood like wine ,", "Is the sacrifice made fit ?", "First made to Creon : But the time calls on ;", "Though I am silent .", "But sent it back to light ! And thou , hell , hear me !", "Dig a trench , and dig it nigh", "His name is Phorbas :", "Then hear me , heaven !", "Answer me , if this be done ?", "This day your kindly stars in heaven were joined ;", "Barren let her be , and black .", "Thou knowest not what thou sayest .", "I submit .", "Then I walked sleeping , in some frightful dream ;", "But some dark hint would justle forward now ,", "Chuse the darkest part o'the grove :", "Would make thee more unhappy : \u2018 Twill be found ,", "And threatened both with death : I fear , I fear !\u2014", "Sees but a part o'the chain ; the nearest links ;", "Cut the curled hair , that grows", "H\u00e6m . Follow me all , and help to part this fray ,", "By hell 's blue flame : By the Stygian Lake : And by Demogorgon 's name , At which ghosts quake , Hear and appear ! Ghost of Laius . Why hast thou drawn me from my pain below , To suffer worse above ? to see the day , And Thebes , more hated ? Hell is heaven to Thebes . For pity send me back , where I may hide , In willing night , this ignominious head : In hell I shun the public scorn ; and then They hunt me for their sport , and hoot me as I fly : Behold even now they grin at my gored side , And chatter at my wounds .", "That poises all above .", "And turn your faces from the sun :", "How loth I am to have recourse to rites", "When lo , an envious planet interposed ,", "Calm then your rage , and once more seek the gods .", "My soul then stole my body out by night ;", "I pity thee :", "It cannot be even this remotest way ,", "Feast the ghosts that love the steam ;", "O , if the guilt were mine ,", "Shall straight be done .\u2014 Lead , Manto , to the tower .", "Must you have musick too ? then tune your voices ,", "Fathom the vast abyss of heavenly justice .", "Full betwixt her horns and brows :", "OEdipus murthered Laius !", "Mingle milk into the stream ;", "Waves all the neighbouring princes that adore her .", "But all fate 's turns are swift and unexpected .", "In mutual darkness ; we shall feel before us", "May speak , O do not too severely deal !", "Thou only , thou art guilty ! thy own curse", "Who would not now conclude a happy end !", "Thou shalt know too soon .", "The depth of fate ; and if our oracles", "I dare not name him to thee .", "As \u2018 twas to kill thy father , wed thy mother ,", "And beget sons , thy brothers", "To guard me from such crimes .\u2014 Did I kill Laius ?", "Am I but half obeyed ? infernal gods ,"], "true_target": ["If thou art guilty , heaven will make it known ;", "Murther and incest ! but to hear them named", "Whose hollow womb could not contain this murder ,", "But how can finite measure infinite ?", "So full of horror , that I once rejoice", "And brought me back to bed ere morning-wake", "Pardon her , if she acts by heaven 's award ;", "No more ; if e'er we meet again , \u2018 twill be", "And let them have such sounds as hell ne'er heard ,", "Let me not answer .", "But let thy wretched Thebes at least complain .", "By the furies fierce and dread !", "Thy parents thought not so .", "The gods are just ;", "Will the infernal powers have none .", "If innocent , then let Tiresias die .", "To reach each other 's hand ;\u2014 remember Laius !", "Jocasta knows him well ; but , if I may", "Whose own black seal has \u2018 firmed this horrid truth ,", "For , blushing , thou hast seen it ; hear me , earth ,", "Cease your complaints , and bear his body hence ; The dreadful sight will daunt the drooping Thebans , Whom heaven decrees to raise with peace and glory . Yet , by these terrible examples warned , The sacred Fury thus alarms the world :\u2014 Let none , though ne'er so virtuous , great , and high , Be judged entirely blest before they die . Footnotes : 1 . Imitated from the commencement of the plague in the first book of the Iliad .", "Exceeds thy \u2018 pointed hour ;\u2014 remember Laius !", "OEDIPUS solus .", "Altars , raised of turf or stone ,", "Snatch a brand from funeral pile ;", "Such as ghosts at noon-day love .", "To mother Earth and Proserpine :", "Are these two innocent ?", "Draw her backward to the pit :", "The danger 's imminent this day .", "Toss it in to make them boil :", "And heave it up : they pant and stick half-way .", "Remember Laius ! that 's the burden still :", "Thou canst not kill me ; \u2018 tis not in thy fate ,", "To all our plagues . What old Tiresias can ,", "The infernal powers themselves exact no more :", "Answer me , if all be done ?", "My soul starts in me : The good sentinel", "Draw the barren heifer back ;", "Whatever is , is in its causes just ;", "Since all things are by fate . But purblind man", "Oh , fatal king !", "So short a time as I have yet to live ,", "Advise , rest where you are , and seek no farther .", "Fate ! Nature ! Fortune ! what is all this world ?", "Though banished Thebes , in Corinth you may reign ;", "Hear and appear ! By the Fates that spun thy thread !", "Since Orpheus bribed the shades .", "And Laius \u2019 death must now be made more plain .", "Falls heavy on thyself .", "She had no soul since you forsook the land ,", "Approach , ye lovers ;", "Obscure enigma , which when thou unty'st ,", "His eyes not carrying to that equal beam ,", "What omen sawest thou , entering ?", "O sacred prince , pardon distracted Thebes ,", "By the judges of the dead !", "Urge me no more to tell a thing , which , known ,", "Stands to her weapons , takes the first alarm", "Tell but why Thebes is for thy death accurst ,", "Thou shalt be found and lost .", "Answer me , if this be done ?", "Thou art thyself a riddle ; a perplext", "Ill-fated pair ! whom , seeing not , I know ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 176}, {"query": ["All is done ."], "true_target": ["\u2018 Tis done .", "\u2018 Tis done ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 176}, {"query": ["The fogs are blown full in the face of heaven .", "True genuine night , night added to the groves ;"], "true_target": ["O , what laments are those ?", "And now a sudden darkness covers all ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 176}, {"query": ["Do not stay ,", "Of poor , poor ghosts ,", "Till they go", "You that scum the molten lead .", "3 . You that pinch with red-hot tongs ;", "2 . You that boiling cauldrons blow ,", "Hear ! 2 . Hear ! 3 . Hear !", "Till the snakes drop from her head ,", "But obey ,", "Laius ! 2 . Laius ! 3 . Laius !", "Shall your cares beguile :", "For hell 's broke up , and ghosts have holiday .", "1 . You that drive the trembling hosts", "3 . You that plunge them when they swim :", "And whip from out her hands ."], "true_target": ["1 . Till Alecto free the dead", "1 . Come away ,", "From their eternal bands ;", "Hear , ye sullen powers below :", "With your sharpened prongs ;", "Down , down , down :", "While we play ,", "2 . And disdaining to be pleas 'd ;", "Hear , ye taskers of the dead .", "Ten thousand , thousand , thousand fathoms low .", "On a row ,", "1 . Till they drown ;", "2 . You that thrust them off the brim ;", "Wondering how your pains were eased ;", "Musick for awhile"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 176}, {"query": ["Come away , & c ."], "true_target": ["Till they drown , & c ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 176}, {"query": ["Which are three ."], "true_target": ["Which are three .", "Which are three . Three times three !"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 176}, {"query": ["Of my death they are .", "But he who holds my crown ,\u2014 Oh , must I speak !\u2014", "My wounds ake at him : Oh , his murderous breath", "O spare my shame !", "Performed its work by his mistaking hands .", "Do you forbid him earth , and I 'll forbid him heaven .", "Ask'st thou who murdered me ? \u2018 twas OEdipus :", "With temperance , justice , prudence , fortitude ,", "Venoms my airy substance ! hence with him ,", "The Gods foresaw it ; and forbade his being ,", "Before he yet was born . I broke their laws ,", "For whom then are you curst , but OEdipus !"], "true_target": ["He comes , the parricide ! I cannot bear him :", "Took pity , and endued his new-formed mass", "Banish him ; sweep him out ; the plague he bears", "And every kingly virtue : But in vain .", "And clothed with flesh his pre-existing soul .", "Jocasta , OEdipus .", "Will blast your fields , and mark his way with ruin .", "OEdipus !", "Some kinder power , too weak for destiny ,", "From Thebes , my throne , my bed , let him be driven :", "Was doomed to do what nature most abhors .", "Who stains my bed with incest ? OEdipus :", "For fate , that sent him hood-winked to the world ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 176}, {"query": ["These fixed regards , and silent threats of eyes .", "To embrace him .", "I will not writhe my body at the wound ,", "Joc . Ha ! will you not ? shall I not find him out ?", "Riddles , riddles !", "Shrinks at his name .", "Fly , by the gods , or by the fiends , I charge thee ,", "Grew larger , while a thousand frantic spirits ,", "This is not to be borne ! Hence ; off , I say !", "Speak , then , and blast my soul .", "Why should the chaste and spotless Merope", "What has it done ? I shall be gazed at now", "These feuds within ; while I without extinguish ,", "Who were my parents ?", "I feel a melting here , a tenderness ,", "O speak .", "I 'll seek no more ; but hush my genius up ,", "My parents , Polybus and Merope ,", "Who gave me to the world ; speak then , \u00c6geon .", "You are not mine , nor ought I to be blest", "My mercy gave it ;\u2014 Bring me comfort now .", "Chatter futurity ? And where are now", "Nay , if thy brain be sick , then thou art happy .", "O'er all the shepherds , who about those vales", "Ha ! what seest thou there ?", "Hide swifter than the gallopping heaven 's round ,", "While with her thundering voice she menaced high ,", "And blasted be the mouth that spoke that lie !", "Why you refuse the diadem of Corinth ?", "But small , appear most long and terrible ;", "Speak , did'st thou ever meet him there ?", "Kill me , if you please ;", "H\u00e6m . O prophet , OEdipus is now no more !", "I 've found a window , and I thank the gods", "From Thebes , and you , my curse has banished me :", "Therefore produce him .", "But he , who brings him forth , shall have reward", "Why dost thou turn thy face ? I charge thee answer", "And whose the guilty head !", "The difference \u2018 twixt a threshold and a throne .", "I looked on Corinth as a place accurst ,", "Hence fly ; begone ! O thou far worse than worst", "Let it come .", "Be witness , all you Thebans , of my oath ;", "What now ?", "This will I do , unless you show me Laius ,", "Rise , worthy Creon ; haste and take our guard ,", "What was the number of the assassinates ?", "Why seek I truth from thee ?", "Cruel Adrastus ! wilt thou , H\u00e6mon , too ?", "\u00c6ge . May I entreat to know them ?", "Thrice have I heard , thrice , since the morning dawned ,", "Damned hypocrite , equivocating slave !", "Nature 's worst vermin scare her godlike sons ;", "By all the Gods , I 'll know my birth , though death", "Ha , wilt thou not ? Can that plebeian vice", "Or did he languish under some disease ?", "What are thy troubles ?", "O more than savage ! murder her own bowels ,", "Welcome to me , as , to a sinking mariner ,", "Where is that Phorbas ?", "Are these the obligations of my friends ?", "Lay waste our Thebes , some deed that shuns the light", "What wouldst thou have ?", "Though thousand ways lead to his thousand doors ,", "But I shall find a way \u2014", "My fit returns .", "Of much more worth than thousand vulgar years :", "And strangely it perplexed me .", "I am satisfied .", "Hence , incest , murder ! hence , you ghastly figures !", "O , in my heart I feel the pangs of nature ;", "This man must be produced : he must , Jocasta .", "This was not like the mercy of the heavens ,", "And fright you with my cries . Yes , cruel gods ,", "Peeped from the watry brink , and glowed upon me .", "To mark the gallantry of her distraction ;", "Yes , my \u00c6geon ; but the sad remembrance", "Like ours , but what death makes , or madness forms .", "Whom he described , I charge him on his life", "O , to my arms , welcome , my dear \u00c6geon ;", "By marrying her who bore me .", "If there be any here that knows the person", "What mutters he ? tell me , Eurydice :", "Tended their numerous flocks : in this man 's arms ,", "Who gave that infant to thee ?", "At whose approach , when starting from his dungeon ,", "But what 's all this to thee ? thou , coward , yet", "Quite to forget it .", "But oh , my children ! oh , what have they done ?", "In horrid form , they rank themselves before me ;\u2014", "The golden gates are barred with adamant ,", "Who dares to face me , by the Gods , as well", "By this fierce prince , when cooped within your walls ,", "\u00c6ge . This diamond , with a thousand kisses blest ,", "When the sun sets , shadows , that shewed at noon", "My mother !", "O , honest Creon , how hast thou been belied !", "If I slew Laius , what can be more wretched !", "Seems greater labour than to venture over :", "Pray heaven he drew me not !\u2014", "Echoes , the very leavings of a voice ,", "And I should envy her the sad applause :", "The airy soul can easily o'er-shoot", "O , by these melting eyes , unused to weep ,", "An human name ?", "\u00c6ge . His name I knew not , or I have forgot :", "Perhaps I then am yours ; instruct me , sir ;", "True , you have ;", "H\u00e6m . Tiresias , after him , and with your counsel ,", "I 'll snatch celestial flames , fire all your dwellings ,", "Conceal not from this racked despairing king ,", "And pecked out both his eyes .", "With all the obedience of a penitent child ,", "But fell like autumn-fruit that mellowed long ;", "Could'st thou not answer without naming murder ?", "A generous fierceness dwells with innocence ;", "Being past all hope of children ,", "Seem to stand still , as if that Jove were talking .", "In curious search , to find out those dark parents", "\u2018 Tis well ! I thank you , gods ! \u2018 tis wondrous well !", "Struggled to push me backward ! tell me why", "O , you immortal gods !\u2014 But say , who was't ? Which of the family of Laius gave it ? A servant , or one of the royal blood ?", "Jocasta ! lo , I come .", "And tell me on thy life , say , dost thou know him ?", "Melt down your golden roofs , and make your doors", "Well counted still :\u2014", "His action , and his mien ? quick , quick , your answer !\u2014", "Presents in larger size her black ideas ,", "A beggar , than accept a diadem", "Forgive me , then , if , to preserve you from him ,", "One was too like ,", "Here , bind his hands ; he dallies with my fury :", "Who led a rural life , and had command", "Old Polybus , the king my father 's dead !", "Forbear to curse the innocent ; and be", "O , \u2018 tis too little this ; thy loss of sight ,", "And incest ; bear not these a frightful sound ?", "\u00c6ge . She , though in full-blown flower of glorious beauty ,", "To have seen her mouth the heavens , and mate the gods ,", "Near mount Cith\u00e6ron ?", "O why has priest-hood privilege to lie ,", "But was I made the heir of Corinth 's crown ,", "He comes as an ambassador from Corinth ,", "And boldly , as thou met'st my arms in fight :\u2014", "It happened once ,\u2014 \u2018 twas at a bridal feast ,\u2014", "But think not thou shalt ever enter there ;", "Of murdering Laius !\u2014 Tell me , while I think o n't ,", "Yes , Thebans , yes , Jocasta , yes , Adrastus ,", "By just degrees , and hit at last the stars ,", "We could sustain the burden of the world .", "This murder was on Laius \u2019 person done ,", "Ha ! can it be ? \u00c6geon , answer me ;", "A young stork ,", "Quite blasts my soul : See then the swelling priest !", "Struck him : My father heard of it : The man", "And Phorbas be the umpire .", "How , \u00c6geon ?", "That empire could bestow , in costly mantles ,", "Where was thy residence ? to what part of the country", "My hair stands bristling up , why my flesh trembles ?", "What office hadst thou ? what was thy employment ?", "My dear , my murdered lord . O Laius ! Laius ! Laius !", "While I have sense to understand the horror ;", "Why speak you not according to my charge ?", "\u00c6ge . Nor was Polybus your father .", "That my poor lingering soul may take her flight", "The god , to tell my certain parentage .", "\u2018 Tis quite unbarred ; sure , by the distant noise ,", "There 's not a beam it darts , but carries hell ,", "But speak it to the winds , when they are loudest ,", "Peace ; stand back a while .\u2014", "Methought thou said'st \u2014", "H\u00e6m . From your native country ,", "That brand which sets our city in a flame .", "Is murder then no more ? add parricide ,", "Art living , canst not , wilt not find the road", "Begot those fears ; if thou respect'st my peace ,", "Why , then I 'll thunder , yes , I will be mad ,", "Know the base stuff that tempered your vile souls :", "I 'll have no more to do with gods , nor men ;", "O , rather let me walk round the wide world", "Tiresias , thee I summon by thy priesthood ,", "Add that unto the rest :\u2014 How was the king", "And I , the welcome care to Polybus .", "\u00c6ge . Your menial attendants best can tell", "There 's magic in it , take it from my sight ;", "Or water ? by assassinates , or poison ? speak :", "Did I for this relieve you , when besieged", "Whose point he often offered at your throat ;", "Thou shak'st : Thy soul 's a woman ;\u2014 speak , Adrastus ,", "O worse than worst of my most barbarous foes !", "Or if I leave my brains upon the wall !\u2014", "Take it from these sick eyes , oh hide it from me !\u2014", "The force of majesty is never known", "She 's gone ; and , as she went , methought her eyes", "The anguish of my soul , but in your breast !", "For , though corporeal light be lost for ever ,", "That bore his aged parent on his back ;", "Art author or accomplice of this murther ,", "Rot the tongue ,", "These dismal words are heard :", "I could have wished , methought , for sight again ,", "Beyond ambition 's lust .", "Whence ? and from whom ? what city ? of what house ?", "Furies and hell ! H\u00e6mon , bring forth the rack ,", "Fate seemed to wind him up for fourscore years ;", "He took , embraced , and owned you for his son .", "What does the soul of all my joys intend ? And whither would this rapture ?", "And his bones broke , to wait a better day .", "Thy breath comes short , thy darted eyes are fixt", "Till weary with the weight , he shook him off ,", "Presume to look into their monarch 's breast ,", "That he was of the family of Laius ,", "Jocasta told me , thou wert by the chariot", "And will , though his cold shade should rise and blast me .", "And yet to be believed !\u2014 thy age protects thee .", "Search the queen 's lodgings ; find , and force him hither .", "Bring forth the rack : since mildness cannot win you ,", "The fifth upon his knees demanding life ,", "Attends the search . I have already past", "When not a breath disturbs the drowzy waves :", "My love , my queen , give orders , Ha ! what mean", "Is he not dead ? deep laid in his monument ?", "Know , be it known to the limits of the world ;", "Though I enjoy my mother , not incestuous !", "Once more , thus winged by horrid fate , I come ,", "Sayest thou , woman ?", "What , violate , with bestial appetite ,", "Let me go mad , or die .", "As if , like Atlas , with these mortal shoulders", "To speak ; concealment shall be sudden death :", "Here gasp and languish out my wounded soul .", "Pardon me , sacred sir ; I am informed", "And is your friend alive ? for if he be ,", "The height will fit my fatal purpose well .", "O , let me press thee in my youthful arms ,", "Whose royal word is sacred , clear my fame .", "And was not I in Thebes when fate attacked him ?", "For my dispatch : And you , you merciless powers ,", "No , my Jocasta , though Thebes cast me out ,", "I 'm not of Laius \u2019 blood .", "For I grow cold .", "Than offer at the execrable act", "I will rejoice for Polybus 's death .", "Stand off , and at just distance", "When lean-jawed famine made more havock of you ,", "May all the gods , too , from their battlements ,", "The oracle takes place before the priest ;", "And calls me father ; there , a sturdy boy ,", "Fear not ; this palace is a sanctuary ,", "O wretched man , whose too too busy thoughts", "Than does the plague ? But I rejoice I know you ,", "And fierce they were , as men who lived on spoil .", "But that the tempest of my joy may rise", "On me for aid , as if thou wert pursued :", "Ha ! again that scream of woe !", "Those bounds , with which thou striv'st to pale her in .", "Extend your arms to embrace me , for I come .", "That throws me on my fate .\u2014 Impossible !", "Or to the raging seas ; they 'll hear as soon ,", "But then you smiled , and then he drew it back ,", "Come hither , friend ; I hear thy name is Phorbas .", "Either forbear this subject , or retire .", "Here one , with all the obedience of a son ,", "\u00c6ge . O rise , and call not to this aged cheek", "To whom belongs the master of the shepherds ?", "He bade me seek no farther :\u2014 \u2018 Twas my fate", "Struck me , just entering ; and some unseen hand", "On my unheard of woes , and judge thyself ,", "Not the king 's son ; I , stung with this reproach ,", "And sooner will believe .", "Torments shall force .", "The lucky plank that bears him to the shore !", "The malice of a vanquished man has seized thee !", "Is this thou bring'st , which so transports Jocasta ?", "Or must I ask for ever ? for what end ,", "Talk not of life , for that will make me rave :", "Didst thou most frequently resort ?", "\u2018 Tis a king speaks ; and royal minutes are", "Did this old man take from your arms an infant ?", "And every accent twanged with smarting sorrow ;", "Advise him humbly : charm , if possible ,", "To know the truth ,\u2014 king Polybus is dead .", "I thank the gods , no secret thoughts reproach me :", "Great sir , the famed \u00c6geon is arrived ,", "Enter H\u00c6MON with ALCANDER , & c .", "Methinks , I have his image now in view !\u2014", "What , sons and brothers ! Sisters and daughters too !", "Speak first , \u00c6geon , say , is this the man ?", "And near that time , five persons I encountered ;", "Not incest ! what , not incest with my mother ?", "And with my last breath I must call you tyrants .", "Born to a greater , nobler , of my own ;", "Dar'st thou not speak ? why then \u2018 tis bad indeed .\u2014", "The servant to king Laius here in Thebes ?", "Fires shall be kindled in the midst of Thebes ;", "Grow babbling ghosts , and call us to our graves ;", "Bears up , and with his cold hand grasping mine ,", "In the midst of tumult , wars , and pestilence ,", "Of lying mount to kings ? Can they be tainted ?", "The little blood which should keep warm my heart ;", "How old was Laius , what his shape , his stature ,", "And never catch me there .", "And thus go downwards to the darker sky .", "Owls , ravens , crickets seem the watch of death ;", "By all my woes ,", "While we fantastic dreamers heave and puff ,", "\u2018 Gainst thee , and me ; and the celestial guards ,", "Dear , dear Adrastus , look with half an eye", "You must be raised , and Phorbas shall appear ,", "Adrastus , I have found thee :", "Doubling the bloody prospect of my crimes ;", "Her blazing eyes darting the wandering stars ,", "And cried aloud ,\u2014 The Gods forbid thy death .", "With nations for his guard . Alcander , you", "I think thou hast a sword ;\u2014 \u2018 twas the wrong side .", "Thou hast incurred .", "While from his mouth ,", "Welcome as mercy to a man condemned !", "Here sob my sorrows , till I burst with sighing ;", "Hoard up your thunder-stones ; keep , keep your bolts ,", "He , that could tear his eyes out , sure can find", "Resolved my destiny should wait in vain ,", "Then \u2018 tis an infant-lye ; but one day old .", "Old and obstinate ! Then thou thyself", "Attended , when he travelled ?", "Received you , as the fairest gift of nature ."], "true_target": ["How ! for my sake , die and not marry ! O", "For I shall never ask thee aught again ,\u2014", "Though vultures , eagles , dragons tear my heart ,", "And walls of brass , and gates of adamant", "But sink upon your feet with a last sigh ,", "\u2018 Till he at last in fury threw it from him ,", "Near mount Cith\u00e6ron ; answer to the purpose ,", "I do conjure thee , give my horrors way !", "Ten thousand welcomes ! O , my foster-father ,", "Hark , the Thebans come !", "Whether he lives , or not ; and who has now", "Shout and applaud me with a clap of thunder .", "But in a general wreck : Then , then is seen", "Without a cause !", "The mansion of the Gods , and strike them deaf", "Called from some vaulted mansion , OEdipus !", "Wherefore ? for what ?\u2014 O break not yet , my heart ;", "Nor shall the sceptre of the earth now win me", "Didst thou e'er see him ? e'er converse with him", "With thousand sighs and wishes for your safety ,", "Even wondered at , because he dropt no sooner .", "While Merope 's alive , I 'll ne'er return .", "Haste , H\u00e6mon , fly , and tell him that I burn", "Then all goes well , since Phorbas is secured", "O , for this death , let waters break their bounds ;", "Did'st thou e'er see this man near mount Cith\u00e6ron ?", "O Laius , Labdacus , and all you spirits", "He shall be bound and gashed , his skin flead off ,", "Needless ! O , all you Gods ! By heaven , I would rather", "Hence , you barbarians , to your slavish distance !", "And , when I knock the goal of dreadful death ,", "Enter H\u00c6MON , with Guards .", "To kill my father , and pollute his bed ,", "The cause ! why , is it not a monstrous one !", "My reign is at an end ; yet , ere I finish ,", "Of the Cadmean race , prepare to meet me ,", "But see , they enter . If thou truly lovest me ,", "Still as we rise , will dash our spirits down .", "His clouded head knocks at the temple-roof ;", "The middle of the stream ; and to return ,", "And waves will dash , though rocks their basis keep .", "To swarm like bees about the field of heaven .", "And sues for audience .", "In the dear entrails of the best of fathers ,", "He charges me \u2014 but why accuse I him ?", "It hollowed loud , as if my guardian spirit", "Whom you describe for Laius : insolent ,", "With thundering oracles .", "Enjoy the queen ,", "All mangled o'er from head to foot with wounds ,", "Ha ! how 's this , Jocasta ?", "Then open every gate of this our palace ,", "Yet I 'm too well acquainted with the ground ,", "H\u00e6m . The queen , my lord , at present holds him", "And to the very brink of fate reduced ;", "Though my eyes burst , no matter :\u2014 wilt thou tell me ,", "Of the great things you utter , and is calm :", "And what foretold it ?", "The earth does shake , and the old ocean groans ,", "O , thou wilt kill me with thy love 's excess ! All , all is well ; retire , the Thebans come .", "Ha ! now the baleful offspring 's brought to light !", "O speak , go on , the air grows sensible", "I 'll buy his presence , though it cost my crown .", "What 's this ! methought some pestilential blast", "Say where , where was it done !", "The smiles of courtiers , and the harlot 's tears ,", "Suspend your thoughts ; and flatter not too soon .", "Each mole-hill thought swells to a huge Olympus ;", "Would it had lied !", "I 'll do a justice that becomes a monarch ;", "Infuse such thoughts , as I must blush to name ?", "No mourning can be suitable to crimes", "Tell me what news from hell ; where Laius points ,", "Dares act as on his throne , encompast round", "When the old king was slain : Speak , I conjure thee ,", "\u00c6ge . Is this the cause ,", "And with preposterous births thy mother 's womb to fill ! \u201d", "Were I as other sons , now I should weep ;", "I 've heard a spirit 's force is wonderful ;", "These tears , and groans , and strugglings ? speak , my fair ,", "And ask forgiveness with my dying hands .", "The king himself 's thy guard .", "Borrowing Jocasta 's look , kneels at my feet ,", "In darkness here , and kept from means of death .", "Impossible !\u2014", "Adrastus , speak ; and , as thou art a king ,", "Thou seem'st affrighted at some dreadful action ;", "Seething like rising bubbles on the brim ,", "What mean these exclamations on my name ?", "Are passable as air , and fleet like winds .", "I 'll hear no more : Away with him .", "The force they used : In short , four men I slew :", "In the other world , I 'll curse thee for this usage .", "Waves all the princes ! poor heart ! for what ?", "My madness ; look , they 're dead with deep distraction :", "And smother thy old age in my embraces .", "But one thing more .", "\u00c6ge . Great sir , you may return ; and though you should", "Was he thy own , or given thee by another ?", "Then all my days and nights must now be spent", "That Creon has designs upon your life :", "To me he did bequeath your innocent life ;", "I judged them robbers , and by force repelled", "H\u00e6m . What mean you , sir ?", "The wheels of weary life at last stood still .", "\u00c6ge . He from my arms", "O Gods ! Gods , answer ; is there any mean ?", "Io , Jocasta , Io p\u00e6an sing !", "Yet , cruel H\u00e6mon , think not I will live ;", "Come then , since destiny thus drives us on ,", "Resembling Laius just as when I killed him ,", "Thou ravest ; thy husband 's here .", "And let the torrent in . Hark , it comes .", "Why gave she thee her child ?", "But man , the very monster of the world ,", "By your description , sure as plagues and death", "Which , day and night , are still unbarred for all .", "Has he before this day accused me ?", "With all the low submissions of a slave ,", "What will the gods do with me !", "Cith\u00e6ron ! speak , the valley of Cith\u00e6ron !", "Swift as a falling meteor ; lo , I fly ,", "But speak , O tell me what so mighty joy", "With wife and mother :\u2014 Tortures , hell and furies !", "If it be so , I 'll kneel and weep before you .", "And shake my soul quite empty in your sight .", "Then truth is lost on earth .", "And speak in short , what my Jocasta 's transport", "Yes , you shall know : For where should I repose", "That renowned favourite of the king your father :", "Speak this again :", "Slaves , unhand me !\u2014", "Said you that Phorbas is returned , and yet", "Accomplices in my most horrid guilt .", "Come forth , \u00c6geon .\u2014 Ha ! why start'st thou , Phorbas ?", "You stare at me ! then hell has been among ye ,", "This stirs me more than all my sufferings ,", "And sweat with an imagination 's weight ;", "Why , this foretelling trade .", "The Gods be praised , I needed not your empire ,", "Of crystal fly from off their diamond hinges ;", "Swear I am , And I 'll believe thee ; steal into thy arms , Renew endearments , think them no pollutions , But chaste as spirits \u2019 joys . Gently I 'll come , Thus weeping blind , like dewy night , upon thee , And fold thee softly in my arms to slumber .", "And shun'st the justice , which by public ban", "Accurst thyself , thou shifting traitor , villain ,", "Something : But \u2018 tis not yet your turn to ask :", "Rocks are removed , and towers are thundered down ;", "\u00c6ge . My lord , it is ; Though time has ploughed that face", "One \u2018 scaped , I hear ; what since became of him ?", "Of damned incest : therefore no more of her .", "From Corinth , fate .", "Imploring pardon .", "Fix to the earth your sordid looks ; for he ,", "What dreadful deed has mad Jocasta done ?", "For they , who let my vengeance , make themselves", "Fly all , begone , fly from my whirling brain !", "H\u00e6m . Here , my royal lord .", "Direct me to thy knees : yet , oh forbear ,", "This man , this old , this venerable man :", "Secure him , dear Jocasta ; for my genius", "Rank them in equal part upon the square ,", "All weeping ranged along the gloomy shore ;", "Of damning charmers ! O abhorred , loathed creature !", "Rise then , and speak .", "Yet farther , let it pass yon dazzling roof ,", "Dar'st thou converse with hell , and canst thou fear", "With everlasting peals of thundering joy .", "Are truths to what priests tell .", "Because the god of Delphos did forewarn me ,", "In private conference ; but behold her here .", "On such abhorred conditions .", "Of our Corinthian lords .", "And burnt alive .", "What mean those trumpets ?", "Art thou not gone then ? ha ! How darest thou stand the fury of the gods ? Or comest thou in the grave to reap new pleasures ?", "Because \u00c6geon 's hands presented me ?", "What shall I call this medley of creation ?", "I sent thee to the Thebans ; speak thy wonder :", "Avaunt , begone , you vizors of the Gods !", "Will you not show him ? are my tears despised ?", "The blood of Laius was to murder Laius :", "Or if I starve !\u2014 but that 's a lingering fate ;", "Where are your boding ghosts , your altars now ;", "Fetch hither cords , and knives , and sulphurous flames :", "To farther plagues .", "The worse for you . O barbarous men , and oh the hated light , Why did you force me back , to curse the day ; To curse my friends ; to blast with this dark breath The yet untainted earth and circling air ? To raise new plagues , and call new vengeance down , Why did you tempt the gods , and dare to touch me ? Methinks there 's not a hand that grasps this hell , But should run up like flax all blazing fire . Stand from this spot , I wish you as my friends , And come not near me , lest the gaping earth Swallow you too .\u2014 Lo , I am gone already .", "H\u00e6m . The queen herself , and all your wretched offspring ,", "\u00c6ge . Of no distemper , of no blast he died ,", "Upon its infant heir .", "Not for the world .", "Your oracles , that called me parricide ?", "I well remember .", "The bright reflecting soul , through glaring optics ,", "Why was I called his son ?", "Charmed with the conversation of a man ,", "Not but you were adorned with all the riches", "Where three ways meet ?", "Thou ravest , and so do I ; and these all catch", "As well thou may'st advise a tortured wretch ,", "Let us know the bottom .\u2014 H\u00e6mon , you I sent ;", "The more ; be pointed at , There goes the monster !", "But , as I am , I have reason to rejoice :", "I did not hear him speak it : They accuse me ,\u2014", "Be witness , Gods , how near this touches me .", "Then I rushed in , and , after some discourse ,", "To your immortal dwellings .", "To what I shall enquire : Wert thou not once", "Are by her fury slain .", "Grows cold , even in the summer of her age ,", "Speak then .", "Let me groan my horrors !\u2014 here", "So !\u2014 How long ? when happened this ?", "By all the Gods celestial and infernal ,", "With such a god-like offspring . Sir , I found you", "Thou knowest I cannot come to thee , detained", "Daggers , and poison ! O there is no need", "I order your confinement .", "Strike then , imperial ghost ; dash all at once", "Look wistly on him ,\u2014 through him , if thou canst !", "No questions .", "To rule such brutes , so barbarous a people .", "Say , how , how died he ? ha ! by sword , by fire ,", "Yes , I will perish in despite of thee ;", "Then lifted it again ,\u2014 you smiled again :", "Are nobly born , therefore shall lose your head :", "H\u00e6m . Seize him , and bear him to the western tower .\u2014", "I take thee at thy word .\u2014 Run , haste , and save Alcander :", "This house of clay into a thousand pieces ;", "\u00c6ge . Oft-times before , I thither did resort ,", "\u00c6ge . And why , O sacred sir , if subjects may", "Hence , from my arms , avaunt . Enjoy thy mother !", "Hot flashing lust , and necromantic incest :", "Let Phorbas be retained .", "\u2018 Tis busy time with me ; despatch mine first ;", "The hurried orbs , with storms so racked of late ,", "Too mighty for the anger of the gods !", "No : I dare challenge heaven to turn me outward ,", "Have you ere this inquired who did this murder ?", "Moment ! Thou shalt be hours , days , years , a dying .\u2014", "The sacred veils that wrapt thee yet unborn !", "Therefore retire : And , once more , if thou lovest me ,", "If it be fit that such a wretch should live !", "Cries out , how fares my brother OEdipus ?", "Gods , how she shakes me !\u2014 stay thee , O Jocasta ! Speak something ere thou goest for ever from me !", "Yet freshly ran he on ten winters more :", "With an eternal hurry of the soul .", "Embrue my arms , up to my very shoulders ,", "Excellent grief ! why , this is as it should be !", "Is ne'er at rest ; the soul for ever wakes .", "With many furrows since I saw it first ,", "By all the ties of nature , blood and friendship ,", "And some lag fiend yet lingers in the grove .", "Our apprehensions shoot beyond all bounds ;", "Has old Tiresias practised long this trade ?", "Then he has got that quality in hell .", "I stole away to Delphos , and implored", "A monarch , who , in the midst of swords and javelins ,", "Forward , I say , and face to face confront him :", "Am I his picture ?", "For crimes of little note .", "Nor have I hid my horrors from myself ;", "Of aught concerning what we have discovered ?", "Upon the mount Cith\u00e6ron .", "Was made ask pardon ; and the business hushed .", "Your birds of knowledge , that in dusky air", "Two royal names ; their only child am I .", "May brave the majesty of thundering Jove .", "A point or smallest grain of what thou knowest :", "He mounts the tripos in a minute 's space ,", "Ha ! did I hear thee right ? not Merope", "How poor a pity is alas ,", "O you gods !\u2014 But did she give it thee ?", "To the great palace of magnificent Death ;", "She charged me give you , with the general homage", "\u00c6ge . By my advice ,", "That shakes my very soul !", "Drive you all out from your ambrosial hives ,", "I swear , the prophet , or the king shall die .", "Then wonder not that I can bear unmoved", "\u00c6ge . Since in few words , my royal lord , you ask", "Seems to stand still , dead calms are in the ocean ,", "Till , like a clock worn out with eating time ,", "\u00c6ge . My lord , queen Merope is not your mother .", "May over-do .", "Rocks , valleys , hills , with splitting Io 's ring :", "Speak , H\u00e6mon ; what has fate been doing there ?", "His place .", "Some desperate way to stifle this cursed breath :", "Thou blind of sight , but thou more blind of soul !", "On the earth , here blow my utmost gale ;", "Thou shalt not die . Speak , then , who was it ? speak ,", "It works with kindness o'er : give , give me way !", "And conscious virtue is allowed some pride .", "Intreats he may return , without being asked", "Behold and wonder at a mortal 's daring ;", "O all you powers , is't possible ? what , dead !", "Or perish in the attempt , the furious Creon ;", "One , warm with wine , told me I was a foundling ,", "Holds fancy down , and makes her act again ,", "By my Jocasta .\u2014 Haste , and bring him forth :", "Lest the dead embers should revive .", "But yet they frighted me ;", "Why , would'st thou think it ? No less than murder .", "Or is it but the work of melancholy ?", "The tradesman 's oaths , and mourning of an heir ,", "Tempests will be heard ,", "Just in the place you named , where three ways met .", "By all my fears , I think Jocasta 's voice !\u2014", "And , for your sake , has sworn to die unmarried .", "Though his dread eyes were basilisks . Guards , haste ,", "If royal Polybus was not my father ,", "Far as the East , West , North , or South of heaven ,", "To set her madness on such cruelty :", "\u2018 Tis plain , the priest 's suborned to free the prisoner .", "The priest , Adrastus and Eurydice ,\u2014", "Nay , there 's a time when even the rolling year", "\u201c Fly , wretch , whom fate has doomed thy father 's blood to spill ,", "Speak then , O answer to my doubts directly ,", "Now , dotard ; now , thou blind old wizard prophet ,", "So , when we think fate hovers o'er our heads ,", "And , by the rage that stirs me , if I meet thee", "O cursed effect of the most deep despair !", "Be dumb then , and betray thy native soil", "I need not tell you Corinth claims my birth ;", "She has outdone me in revenge and murder ,", "I saw you smiling at a fatal dagger ,", "The act would prove no incest .", "Who stirs , dares more than madmen , fiends , or furies .", "For two such crimes !\u2014 was Laius us 'd to lie ?", "By heaven , thou hast awakened somewhat in me ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 176}, {"query": ["Be gorged with fire , stab every vital part ,", "By four servants :", "Even oracles", "A flaw made through the centre , by some God ,", "For horrors , that would blast the barbarous world !", "Nor can it find the road . Mount , mount , my soul ;", "As if convulsive death had seized upon him ,", "Ah , cruel women !", "Perplex not thus your mind .", "Let furies haunt thy palace , thou shalt sleep", "And inward languishing : That oracle", "\u2018 Twas somewhat odd .", "Then I will tell thee that my wings are on .", "And not a grey-beard forging priest come near ,", "The hand of lust from the pale virgin 's hair ,", "To try if hell can yet more deeply wound .", "With all its glory glowed for my reception .", "The murderer of his father : True , indeed ,", "Laius had one , which never was fulfilled ,", "He had my leave ; and now he lives retired .", "Polybus , king of Corinth , is no more .", "What means that thought ?", "Where three ways met : Yet these are oracles ,", "Pull down those lying fanes , and burn that vault ,", "Hail , happy OEdipus , happiest of kings !", "Sate in his front , and darted from his eyes ,", "As shall recal their wandering spirits home .", "Why are you thus disturbed ?", "Where , where is this most wretched of mankind ,", "And stop their entrance , ere it be too late ;", "Jove , Jove , whose majesty now sinks me down ,", "He , who himself burns in unlawful fires ,", "My love , my all , my only , utmost hope !", "Glide all along the gaudy milky soil ,", "And murdered not my Laius , but revenged him .", "The spirit of my husband ! O , the gods ! How wan he looks !", "Then , falling on his knees , begged , as for life ,", "Haste thee , then ,", "My poor tormented ghost shall cleave the ground ,", "Is heaved no more ; the busy emmets cease :", "Oh no : The most sincere , plain , honest man ;", "Yours ; and yours are mine :", "With glorious gods , that come to try our cause .", "To find my Laius out ; ask every god", "For many years .", "Of all thy kind ! My soul is on the brink ,", "Do not thou push me off , and I will go ,", "Are always doubtful , and are often forged :", "That robbed my love of rest : If we must pray ,", "Preys on your heart , and rots the noble core ,", "Peace , peace , \u00c6geon , let Jocasta tell him !\u2014", "From Daulia , and from Delphos .", "Once more , by the Gods ,", "Forbear this search , I 'll think you more than mortal ;", "Commanding all he viewed : His hair just grizzled ,", "Let me conjure you , take the prophet 's counsel ,", "But see ! we 're landed on the happy coast ;", "With such a willingness , as if that heaven", "\u2018 Tis woman 's weakness , that I would be pitied ;", "And stammered in his abrupt prayer so wildly ,", "Replying , what he knew of that affair", "And , when at last I 'm slain , to crown the horror ,", "Guilt and distraction could not have shook him more .", "And throw the ravisher before her feet ?", "As infants \u2019 dreams .", "Never .", "Still bubble on , and pour forth blood and tears .", "There , there he mounts", "Henceforth be blest , blest as thou canst desire ;", "Or I shall be before thee . See ,\u2014 thou canst not see !", "Mean you the murder ?", "Talk on , till thou mak'st mad my rolling brain ;", "Begone , my lord ! Alas , what are we doing ?", "A story , that shall turn thee into stone .", "Secure , thy slumbers shall be soft and gentle", "Keep from your eyes and mine the dreadful Phorbas .", "They would not wound thee , as this story will .", "Could there be hewn a monstrous gap in nature ,", "As in a green old age : Bate but his years ,", "Was that a raven 's croak , or my son 's voice ? No matter which ; I 'll to the grave and hide me . Earth open , or I 'll tear thy bowels up . Hark ! he goes on , and blabs the deed of incest .", "So Phorbas said : This band you chanced to meet :", "Nor ever can be now .", "Who hast no use of eyes ; for here 's a sight", "And OEdipus shall now be ever mine .", "And set the fairest countenance to view ;", "My murdered Laius !", "In spite of all those crimes the cruel gods", "My husband fell by multitudes opprest ;", "Murder ! what of murder ?", "Often ; but still in vain .", "Why , good my lord ?", "For you are still my husband .", "Never let Phorbas come into your presence .", "Whose story told , whose very name but mentioned ,", "I 'll wrap thy shivering spirit in lambent flames ; and so we 'll sail .\u2014", "Winds , bear me to some barren island ,", "Sleep without fears the blackest nights away ;", "You make , my lord , your own unhappiness ,", "And as you prize your own eternal quiet ,", "Erect his countenance : Manly majesty", "I kneel , that you may grant this first request ."], "true_target": ["And let this Phorbas go .", "You are his picture .", "Where print of human feet was never seen ;", "But see , the oracle that I will trust ,", "He shall \u2014 yet have I leave to ask you why ?", "Without a reason .", "To send me hence without a kind farewell .", "Bored through his untried feet , and bound with cords ,", "Big made he was , and tall : His port was fierce ,", "So my poor boding heart would have it be ,", "\u2018 Tis fixt by fate , upon record divine ;", "In vain you sooth me with your soft endearments ,", "Too nice a fear .", "And sees the boiling furnace just beneath :", "Vain , vain oracles !", "\u2018 Tis horror , worse than thousand thousand deaths ,", "And worlds , divide us ! O , thrice happy thou ,", "Prepare then , wretched prince , prepare to hear", "Methinks , at such a meeting , heaven stands still ;", "Your gloomy eyes , my lord , betray a deadness", "Pardon me then , O greatest , though most wretched .", "And with his dotage mad the gaping world .", "One who abhorred a lie .", "O , my loved lord , though I resolve a ruin ,", "I beg you , banish Phorbas : O , the Gods ,", "Would turn the melting face of mercy 's self", "Alas !", "That had he been the murderer of Laius ,", "You shall , while I", "This stately image of imperial sorrow ,", "In circling fire among the blushing clouds !", "To pry into the bowels of the victim ,", "What hoa , my OEdipus ! see where he stands !", "In his bright palace , if he knows my Laius ,", "Where first the mysteries of our loves were acted ,", "Some little time before you came to Thebes .", "What new disturbance ?", "The king himself lived many , many years ,", "Hark , hark ! a hollow voice calls out aloud ,", "Howe'er the beauteous out-side shews so lovely .", "Rather let him go :", "O wretched pair ! O greatly wretched we ! Two worlds of woe !", "Can charge me with , I know my innocence ;", "He started when I told him your intent ,", "Let virgins \u2019 hands adorn the sacrifice ;", "Know yours . \u2018 Tis fate alone that makes us wretched ,", "My melting soul upon their bubbling wounds !", "With furies ,\u2014 slain out-right with mere distraction !", "To match my crimes ; by all my miseries ,", "He kneeled , and trembling begged I would dismiss him :", "Would cool the rage of fevers , and unlock", "From whence resounded those false oracles ,", "The sea , nor ebbs , nor flows ; this mole-hill earth", "O , I could rave ,", "Will you yet hear me ?", "The wretched infant of a guilty fate ,", "Have life , be still obeyed .", "Shall judge , and shall acquit us . O , \u2018 tis done ;", "Rear in the streets bright altars to the Gods ,", "Let me go , let me go , or I will tear you piece-meal .", "I 'll print upon their coral mouths such kisses ,", "True as the Gods , and affable as men .", "O that I could for ever charm , as now ,", "So common fame reports .", "To a wild fury .", "And double-dye it with imperial crimson ;", "I beg , my OEdipus , my lord , my life ,", "Eats like a subtle worm its venomed way ,", "O'erhYpppHeNgrown with weeds of such a monstrous height ,", "O , OEdipus , yet send ,", "Jocasta ! Yes , I 'll to the royal bed ,", "A son was born ; but , to prevent that crime ,", "My dearest OEdipus ! Thy royal father ,", "His groping ghost is lodged upon a tower ,", "Help , OEdipus ; help , Gods ; Jocasta dies .", "Their baleful tops are washed with bellying clouds ;", "What trade ?", "Beneath whose venomous shade I may have vent", "Tear off this curling hair ,", "On a bleak mountain naked was exposed :", "And found a different fate ; by robbers murdered ,", "He went out private .", "They say in Phocide ; on the verge that parts it", "By these extravagant and needless fears .", "I 'll mount , I 'll fly , and with a port divine", "Of those dear babes ? O let me run , and seal", "And all the golden strands are covered o'er", "Would give no satisfaction to the king ;", "So I have often told you .", "And this the faith we owe them .", "Will you not let me take my last farewell", "To be dismissed from court : He trembled too ,", "Help , H\u00e6mon , help ;", "Through which the groans of ghosts may strike thy ears ,", "Yet hear me on \u2014", "And see , he waves Jocasta from the world !", "Groan still more death ; and may those dismal sources", "Unless you wish to see Jocasta rent", "When he beheld you first , as king in Thebes ,", "That he should have a son by me , foredoomed", "Fly from my arms ! Whirlwinds , seas , continents ,", "Deny me all things else ; but for my sake ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 176}, {"query": ["To cool a little , sir ; find out Eurydice ;", "Might I be counsellor , I would intreat you", "Some business of import , that triumph wears ,", "When you are pleased , by a malicious joy ,", "And , with the resolution of a man", "Whose red and fiery beams cast through your visage", "Of death or marriage ."], "true_target": ["And I could gladly hear .", "And OEdipus cast out .", "Marked out for greatness , give the fatal choice", "A glowing pleasure . Sure you smile revenge ,", "Directly opposite to your own interest .", "This cannot fail : I see you on the throne :", "A dangerous undertaking ;", "You seem to go with ; nor is it hard to guess"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 176}, {"query": ["As one who , though unfortunate , beloved ,", "Nothing these ,", "Can give assurance to your doubtful reign .", "Be resolute ,", "Thought innocent , and therefore much lamented", "Where , where 's this cruel king ?\u2014 Thebans , behold ,", "By all the Thebans : you must mark him dead ,"], "true_target": ["Survey cursed OEdipus ,", "Or shall he be cast out to banishment ?", "And call your utmost fury to revenge .", "There stands your plague , the ruin , desolation", "For number , to the crowds that soon will follow ;", "Of this unhappy \u2014 speak ; shall I kill him ?", "Since nothing but his death , not banishment ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 176}, {"query": ["Particulars , which may excite your dead remembrance .", "Alas ! What would you have me say ?", "There was a dreadful one ,", "His visage bears ; but know not where , nor when .", "Born and bred up in court , no foreign slave .", "More than is requisite ; and what of this ?", "O , royal sir , I bow me to the ground ;", "O heavens ! wherein , my lord , have I offended ?", "With sporting swains , o'er whom I had command .", "O wretched state ! I die , unless I speak ;", "O spare my age .", "Have you forgot I took an infant from you ,", "Doomed to be murdered in that gloomy vale ?", "That I should breed him up , and ask no more ?", "Where , sacred sir ?", "Most sure , my lord , I have seen lines like those", "And if I speak , most certain death attends me !", "There are , perhaps ,", "Which had foretold , that most unhappy son", "For much he loved them : oft I entertained him", "Should kill his father , and enjoy his mother .", "To mount Cith\u00e6ron , and the pleasant vallies", "My lord , I said", "To murder it .", "He was not mine , but given me by another ."], "true_target": ["Dread sir , I will .", "I do conjure you to inquire no more .", "He made me lord of all his rural pleasures ;", "My lord , she did .", "Which all about lie shadowing its large feet .", "Why is it mentioned now ? And why , O why", "He did : And , Oh ! I wish to all the gods ,", "I was , great sir , his true and faithful servant ;", "One of king Laius \u2019 family .", "\u00c6ge . Is't possible you should forget your ancient friend ?", "Hold , hold , O dreadful sir ! You will not rack an innocent old man ?", "I gave the infant to him .", "Would I could sink beneath it ! by the gods ,", "Whate'er I begged , thou , like a dotard , speak'st", "Phorbas had perished in that very moment .", "Dost thou betray the secrets of thy friend ?", "It was her son by Laius .", "Who , my lord , this man ?", "And sure that one had much of your resemblance .", "\u00c6ge . Be not too rash . That infant grew at last", "A king ; and here the happy monarch stands .", "The dreadful deed was acted but by one ;", "Have you forgot , too , how you wept , and begged", "Ha ! whither would'st thou ? O what hast thou uttered ! For what thou hast said , death strike thee dumb for ever !", "The queen Jocasta told me ,", "The swaddling-bands were purple , wrought with gold ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 176}, {"query": ["Which sure were great as royalty e'er formed ,", "O diadem , thou centre of ambition ,", "As if thou wert the burning glass of glory !"], "true_target": ["Fortune and my auspicious stars have crowned .", "Where all its different lines are reconciled ,", "Thebes is at length my own ; and all my wishes ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 176}, {"query": ["You seem to go with ; nor is it hard to guess", "And I could gladly hear .", "A dangerous undertaking ;", "Some business of import , that triumph wears ,", "When you are pleased , by a malicious joy ,", "Might I be counsellor , I would intreat you", "Marked out for greatness , give the fatal choice"], "true_target": ["And , with the resolution of a man", "Whose red and fiery beams cast through your visage", "Directly opposite to your own interest .", "To cool a little , sir ; find out Eurydice ;", "And OEdipus cast out .", "This cannot fail : I see you on the throne :", "A glowing pleasure . Sure you smile revenge ,", "Of death or marriage ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 177}, {"query": ["Eurydice should fall before thee ?", "Hold , hold your arms , Adrastus , prince of Argos ! Hear , and behold ; Eurydice is my prisoner .", "The mighty soul 's immortal perspectives ,", "These bubbles of the shallowest emptiest sorrow ,", "Had cracked the strings of life , and burst away .", "His eye-balls fiery red , and glowing vengeance ,\u2014", "For thee , O Thebes , dear Thebes , poor bleeding Thebes !\u2014", "His trembling body on the royal bed ;", "O perjured woman !", "Are joint conspirators ; and wished me to", "But see , Alcander enters , well attended .", "Therefore , Pyracmon , as you boldly urged ,", "Then cast thy sword away ,", "So to the palace I returned , to meet", "Thy arrogance , thy scorn , my wound 's remembrance .", "Burn first my arm ; base instrument , unfit", "Could happen , for you bore his sword away .", "H\u00e6m . I did ; and , having locked the door , I stood ;", "I weep to hear ; how then should I have grieved ,", "What then remains , but that I find Tiresias ,", "Eurydice shall die , or be my bride .", "With horrid force lifting his impious hands ,", "Proclaimed the murderer of thy royal Laius :", "Burn , burn for ever , O weak substitute", "A master-piece of horror ; new and dreadful !", "And through a chink I found , not only heard ,", "This moment , all thy soldiers straight disband .", "Gabbled revenge ! revenge was all the cry .", "Of that , the god , ambition .", "When I but offered at your innocence ,", "For me , alas ,", "He fears Jocasta , fears himself , his shadow ;", "Forego thy sword , and yield thyself my prisoner .", "Will view your heaven , till , with more durable glasses ,", "Were quite devoured in the vast gulph of empire .", "See this brandished dagger ;", "I see thou hast been diligent .", "Told , as from heaven , was cause of their destruction .", "They gathered stones , and menaced me with death ,", ",", "But see , he enters .", "Heaven will reward", "The king , and greet him with another story .\u2014", "Traitor , resign the princess , or this moment", "Expect , with all those most unfortunate wretches ,", "With interrupting sobs , cry 'd out ,\u2014 O Thebes !", "Draw all ; and when I give the word , fall on .\u2014", "Has thunder-struck with heavy accusation ,", "Do what thou wilt , when she is dead ; my soldiers", "An age of laughter ,\u2014 out of all mankind ,", "Enter H\u00c6MON .", "But sure no ill , unless he died with grief ,", "No , dull Pyracmon ; when I left his presence", "You would remove from Thebes , that vows your ruin .", "Ha ! thou hast given", "For he had plucked the remnant strings away .", "He fears the multitude ; and ,\u2014 which is worth", "My menial servants , and all those whom change", "That haunt his gloomy soul ?", "He snatched , he tore , from forth their bloody orbs ,", "And thus , with outcries , to himself complained :\u2014", "Fatal ! yes , foolish love-sick prince , it shall :", "And art thou still alive , O wretch ! he cried ;", "And drove me through the streets , with imprecations", "And therefore , as a traitor to this state ,", "H\u00e6m . Is't possible you should be ignorant", "O , sacred sir , my royal lord \u2014", "Into his closet , where I saw him fling", "Your fate is precious to your faithful Creon ,", "To act the dictates of my daring mind ;", "Take , eyes , your last , your fatal farewel-view .", "I know no more but that he was conducted", "And yield thee to my mercy , or I strike .", "Lest she repent , and hasten on thy doom .", "H\u00e6m . Thrice he struck ,", "Weep eyes , instead of tears :\u2014 O , by the gods !", "Though conscious of no inward guilt , yet fears :", "Of state , and hope of the new monarch 's favour ,", "But fly , my lord ; fly as your life is sacred .", "Forego the advantage which thy arms have won .", "Gods I accuse you not , though I no more", "With numbers will o'erpower thee . Is't thy wish", "\u2018 Tis greatly thought , he cried , and fits my woes ."], "true_target": ["Of what has happened to the desperate king ?", "But saw him , when he thought no eye beheld him .", "Of love , revenge , and all the under passions ,", "I to the mad and sickly multitude ,", "And roared , and with a thousand antic mouths", "Can win to take our part : Away .\u2014 What now ?", "Give order , then , that on this instant , now ,", "The balls of sight , and dashed them on the ground .", "And there I wept , and then the rabble howled .", "If I must plunge in flames ,", "Upon the floor ; thence gazing at the skies ,", "Death ought to be thy lot : Let it suffice", "But see , they are here ! retire a while , and mark .", "But thou canst weep then , and thou think'st \u2018 tis well ,", "Fall on , Alcander .\u2014", "There , standing on a pile of dead and dying ,", "Die first thyself , then .", "The king ; hang H\u00e6mon up , for he is loyal ,", "With all his force , his hollow groaning breast ,", "This barbarous stranger , this usurper , monster ,", "This giddy hair-brained king , whom old Tiresias", "Or , by the blood which trembles through the heart", "Who justified your guilt , which cursed Tiresias", "For bloodiest murder , and for burning lust :", "I find your dazzling beings : Take , he cried ,", "Would'st thou believe !", "The alarm to cruelty ; and never may", "Pyracmon to the palace ; dispatch", "But , to the fatal period .", "Then with a groan , that seemed the call of death ,", "Appease the raving Thebans ; which I swore", "Which children vent for toys , and women rain", "With all the wings , with which revenge could aid", "Jocasta too , no longer now my sister ,", "Her proffered mercy , but retire betimes ,", "O wretched Thebes , thy king , thy OEdipus ,", "These eyes be closed , till they behold Adrastus", "I have o'erhYpppHeNheard thy black design , Adrastus ,", "As waters are by sucking whirlpools drawn ,", "Had I beheld this wondrous heap of sorrow !", "And will oppose me .\u2014 Come , sir , are you ready ?", "When H\u00e6mon weeps , without the help of ghosts", "Help , soldiers , help ;", "Then groaned again , as if his sorrowful soul", "Die both , then ; there is now no time for dallying .", "Enter ALCANDER , attended .", "Who therefore , on his knees , thus prostrate begs", "Is by the oracle , the wise Tiresias ,", "Thy care , most honest , faithful ,\u2014 foolish H\u00e6mon !", "No , parricide ! if thou must weep , weep blood ;", "All left him there , at his desire , alone ;", "H\u00e6m . I ran to succour him ; but , oh ! too late ;", "This instrument of my revenge .", "At first , deep sighs heaved from his woful heart", "Who , with his wisdom , may allay those furies ,", "Swears that Adrastus , and the lean-looked prophet", "My life 's not worth a thought , when weighed with yours !", "Here I renounce all tie of blood and nature ,", "That Thebes surveys thee as a prince ; abuse not", "Well have you done , to snatch me from the storm", "Of racking transport , where the little streams", "Whom he had wrought ; I whispered him to join .", "Upon this spot straight to be hewn in pieces .", "Then strait came on", "Alcander , with a wild and bellowing crowd ,", "Pyracmon you and I must wheel about", "My flight , I gained the midst o'the city ;", "Murmurs , and groans that shook the outward rooms .", "To do .", "Turn all at once the fatal point upon thee .\u2014", "Against your sacred person , and those traitors", "For any trifle their fond hearts are set on ;", "Stretched at the feet of false Eurydice .", "Yet these thou think'st are ample satisfaction", "For nobler game , the princess .", "I 'll bury to the haft , in her fair breast ,", "Alcander , summon to their master 's aid", "Which said , he smiled revengefully , and leapt", "Revenge me .", "I may foretel there is a fatal cause .", "Of her , whom more than life I know thou lovest ,", "Is found complotter in the horrid deed .", "He chuses me to be his orator ;", "And head the forces while the heat was in them ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 177}, {"query": ["Who dares to face me , by the Gods , as well", "On my unheard of woes , and judge thyself ,", "When the sun sets , shadows , that shewed at noon", "May over-do .", "That my poor lingering soul may take her flight", "Thou ravest , and so do I ; and these all catch", "Conceal not from this racked despairing king ,", "\u00c6ge . By my advice ,", "My madness ; look , they 're dead with deep distraction :", "And burnt alive .", "Of the Cadmean race , prepare to meet me ,", "I 'll snatch celestial flames , fire all your dwellings ,", "Ha ! can it be ? \u00c6geon , answer me ;", "Whose point he often offered at your throat ;", "Old Polybus , the king my father 's dead !", "Upon its infant heir .", "That throws me on my fate .\u2014 Impossible !", "Or must I ask for ever ? for what end ,", "Yet , cruel H\u00e6mon , think not I will live ;", "By your description , sure as plagues and death", "The servant to king Laius here in Thebes ?", "Advise him humbly : charm , if possible ,", "Till , like a clock worn out with eating time ,", "Enter H\u00c6MON with ALCANDER , & c .", "In the midst of tumult , wars , and pestilence ,", "Melt down your golden roofs , and make your doors", "O wretched man , whose too too busy thoughts", "With thundering oracles .", "Nor have I hid my horrors from myself ;", "H\u00e6m . The queen herself , and all your wretched offspring ,", "Yet I 'm too well acquainted with the ground ,", "Art thou not gone then ? ha ! How darest thou stand the fury of the gods ? Or comest thou in the grave to reap new pleasures ?", "Did this old man take from your arms an infant ?", "O , let me press thee in my youthful arms ,", "\u00c6ge . Great sir , you may return ; and though you should", "But , as I am , I have reason to rejoice :", "But in a general wreck : Then , then is seen", "Kill me , if you please ;", "I 've found a window , and I thank the gods", "And sweat with an imagination 's weight ;", "A point or smallest grain of what thou knowest :", "Didst thou e'er see him ? e'er converse with him", "O more than savage ! murder her own bowels ,", "\u00c6ge . Nor was Polybus your father .", "The worse for you . O barbarous men , and oh the hated light , Why did you force me back , to curse the day ; To curse my friends ; to blast with this dark breath The yet untainted earth and circling air ? To raise new plagues , and call new vengeance down , Why did you tempt the gods , and dare to touch me ? Methinks there 's not a hand that grasps this hell , But should run up like flax all blazing fire . Stand from this spot , I wish you as my friends , And come not near me , lest the gaping earth Swallow you too .\u2014 Lo , I am gone already .", "Not incest ! what , not incest with my mother ?", "Hoard up your thunder-stones ; keep , keep your bolts ,", "Why should the chaste and spotless Merope", "I 'll have no more to do with gods , nor men ;", "When lean-jawed famine made more havock of you ,", "O cursed effect of the most deep despair !", "Welcome as mercy to a man condemned !", "I 've heard a spirit 's force is wonderful ;", "Come forth , \u00c6geon .\u2014 Ha ! why start'st thou , Phorbas ?", "For , though corporeal light be lost for ever ,", "Let me groan my horrors !\u2014 here", "Needless ! O , all you Gods ! By heaven , I would rather", "Ha ! how 's this , Jocasta ?", "With such a god-like offspring . Sir , I found you", "Was he thy own , or given thee by another ?", "A monarch , who , in the midst of swords and javelins ,", "Here , bind his hands ; he dallies with my fury :", "Borrowing Jocasta 's look , kneels at my feet ,", "Therefore retire : And , once more , if thou lovest me ,", "To have seen her mouth the heavens , and mate the gods ,", "Speak then .", "Come then , since destiny thus drives us on ,", "What mean those trumpets ?", "I will not writhe my body at the wound ,", "That empire could bestow , in costly mantles ,", "\u2018 Gainst thee , and me ; and the celestial guards ,", "Owls , ravens , crickets seem the watch of death ;", "Extend your arms to embrace me , for I come .", "\u00c6ge . My lord , it is ; Though time has ploughed that face", "Let us know the bottom .\u2014 H\u00e6mon , you I sent ;", "To set her madness on such cruelty :", "Search the queen 's lodgings ; find , and force him hither .", "Forgive me , then , if , to preserve you from him ,", "Dear , dear Adrastus , look with half an eye", "And ask forgiveness with my dying hands .", "While Merope 's alive , I 'll ne'er return .", "Fear not ; this palace is a sanctuary ,", "The act would prove no incest .", "What , violate , with bestial appetite ,", "Cruel Adrastus ! wilt thou , H\u00e6mon , too ?", "Wherefore ? for what ?\u2014 O break not yet , my heart ;", "But that the tempest of my joy may rise", "Hot flashing lust , and necromantic incest :", "While from his mouth ,", "Behold and wonder at a mortal 's daring ;", "That Creon has designs upon your life :", "H\u00e6m . Tiresias , after him , and with your counsel ,", "And thus go downwards to the darker sky .", "Gods , how she shakes me !\u2014 stay thee , O Jocasta ! Speak something ere thou goest for ever from me !", "But what 's all this to thee ? thou , coward , yet", "Cries out , how fares my brother OEdipus ?", "Here sob my sorrows , till I burst with sighing ;", "In the dear entrails of the best of fathers ,", "O , you immortal gods !\u2014 But say , who was't ? Which of the family of Laius gave it ? A servant , or one of the royal blood ?", "And fright you with my cries . Yes , cruel gods ,", "To the great palace of magnificent Death ;", "Thou seem'st affrighted at some dreadful action ;", "What dreadful deed has mad Jocasta done ?", "And let the torrent in . Hark , it comes .", "No , my Jocasta , though Thebes cast me out ,", "To swarm like bees about the field of heaven .", "Avaunt , begone , you vizors of the Gods !", "Speak , H\u00e6mon ; what has fate been doing there ?", "Is ne'er at rest ; the soul for ever wakes .", "To what I shall enquire : Wert thou not once", "Then all goes well , since Phorbas is secured", "What now ?", "And to the very brink of fate reduced ;", "Speak , then , and blast my soul .", "What does the soul of all my joys intend ? And whither would this rapture ?", "In darkness here , and kept from means of death .", "Bring forth the rack : since mildness cannot win you ,", "Come hither , friend ; I hear thy name is Phorbas .", "Great sir , the famed \u00c6geon is arrived ,", "And sues for audience .", "While I have sense to understand the horror ;", "With many furrows since I saw it first ,", "Welcome to me , as , to a sinking mariner ,", "What was the number of the assassinates ?", "Are passable as air , and fleet like winds .", "Is he not dead ? deep laid in his monument ?", "Because \u00c6geon 's hands presented me ?", "Stand off , and at just distance", "Yes , I will perish in despite of thee ;", "Thrice have I heard , thrice , since the morning dawned ,", "Chatter futurity ? And where are now", "Thy breath comes short , thy darted eyes are fixt", "Of the great things you utter , and is calm :", "Why gave she thee her child ?", "Because the god of Delphos did forewarn me ,", "The little blood which should keep warm my heart ;", "Than offer at the execrable act", "He comes as an ambassador from Corinth ,", "Forbear to curse the innocent ; and be", "With an eternal hurry of the soul .", "H\u00e6m . The queen , my lord , at present holds him", "Excellent grief ! why , this is as it should be !", "O , \u2018 tis too little this ; thy loss of sight ,", "O worse than worst of my most barbarous foes !", "But fell like autumn-fruit that mellowed long ;", "Rocks , valleys , hills , with splitting Io 's ring :", "This stirs me more than all my sufferings ,", "Enter H\u00c6MON , with Guards .", "I sent thee to the Thebans ; speak thy wonder :", "Presents in larger size her black ideas ,", "Fate seemed to wind him up for fourscore years ;", "She charged me give you , with the general homage", "Where are your boding ghosts , your altars now ;", "Swear I am , And I 'll believe thee ; steal into thy arms , Renew endearments , think them no pollutions , But chaste as spirits \u2019 joys . Gently I 'll come , Thus weeping blind , like dewy night , upon thee , And fold thee softly in my arms to slumber .", "Tended their numerous flocks : in this man 's arms ,", "He , that could tear his eyes out , sure can find", "\u201c Fly , wretch , whom fate has doomed thy father 's blood to spill ,", "Know the base stuff that tempered your vile souls :", "\u00c6ge . He from my arms", "There 's not a beam it darts , but carries hell ,", "My reign is at an end ; yet , ere I finish ,", "My love , my queen , give orders , Ha ! what mean", "He shall be bound and gashed , his skin flead off ,", "Presume to look into their monarch 's breast ,", "You are not mine , nor ought I to be blest", "Grow babbling ghosts , and call us to our graves ;", "These dismal words are heard :", "Pardon me , sacred sir ; I am informed", "And , when I knock the goal of dreadful death ,", "Torments shall force .", "By this fierce prince , when cooped within your walls ,", "Lest the dead embers should revive .", "She 's gone ; and , as she went , methought her eyes", "Imploring pardon .", "I think thou hast a sword ;\u2014 \u2018 twas the wrong side .", "Our apprehensions shoot beyond all bounds ;", "And will , though his cold shade should rise and blast me .", "Nay , there 's a time when even the rolling year", "But then you smiled , and then he drew it back ,", "Perhaps I then am yours ; instruct me , sir ;", "Be witness , all you Thebans , of my oath ;", "Seems greater labour than to venture over :", "Hence , incest , murder ! hence , you ghastly figures !", "I 'll seek no more ; but hush my genius up ,", "Ha ! did I hear thee right ? not Merope", "If it be so , I 'll kneel and weep before you .", "Whether he lives , or not ; and who has now", "By all my woes ,", "Or did he languish under some disease ?", "Upon the mount Cith\u00e6ron .", "Will you not show him ? are my tears despised ?", "Are by her fury slain .", "For my dispatch : And you , you merciless powers ,", "By all the Gods , I 'll know my birth , though death", "Then I rushed in , and , after some discourse ,", "At whose approach , when starting from his dungeon ,", "His clouded head knocks at the temple-roof ;", "And was not I in Thebes when fate attacked him ?", "Or is it but the work of melancholy ?", "\u00c6ge . Oft-times before , I thither did resort ,", "Fly all , begone , fly from my whirling brain !", "\u00c6ge . His name I knew not , or I have forgot :", "To your immortal dwellings .", "What has it done ? I shall be gazed at now", "I swear , the prophet , or the king shall die .", "By my Jocasta .\u2014 Haste , and bring him forth :", "Nay , if thy brain be sick , then thou art happy .", "Let it come .", "\u00c6ge . This diamond , with a thousand kisses blest ,", "On the earth , here blow my utmost gale ;", "And cried aloud ,\u2014 The Gods forbid thy death .", "Bears up , and with his cold hand grasping mine ,", "Nature 's worst vermin scare her godlike sons ;", "O you gods !\u2014 But did she give it thee ?", "Though thousand ways lead to his thousand doors ,", "Born to a greater , nobler , of my own ;", "Why speak you not according to my charge ?", "And is your friend alive ? for if he be ,", "Even wondered at , because he dropt no sooner .", "Hence , you barbarians , to your slavish distance !", "Or if I starve !\u2014 but that 's a lingering fate ;", "Tempests will be heard ,", "Not for the world .", "I will rejoice for Polybus 's death .", "Fetch hither cords , and knives , and sulphurous flames :", "Whence ? and from whom ? what city ? of what house ?", "\u00c6ge . O rise , and call not to this aged cheek", "But sink upon your feet with a last sigh ,", "Damned hypocrite , equivocating slave !", "By all the Gods celestial and infernal ,", "What , sons and brothers ! Sisters and daughters too !", "\u00c6ge . My lord , queen Merope is not your mother .", "He took , embraced , and owned you for his son .", "\u00c6ge . Since in few words , my royal lord , you ask", "Art living , canst not , wilt not find the road", "Hence fly ; begone ! O thou far worse than worst", "Yes , Thebans , yes , Jocasta , yes , Adrastus ,", "What shall I call this medley of creation ?", "Near mount Cith\u00e6ron ?", "Thou shalt not die . Speak , then , who was it ? speak ,", "With everlasting peals of thundering joy .", "Why was I called his son ?", "My dear , my murdered lord . O Laius ! Laius ! Laius !", "Who stirs , dares more than madmen , fiends , or furies .", "Beyond ambition 's lust .", "His place .", "Drive you all out from your ambrosial hives ,", "To know the truth ,\u2014 king Polybus is dead .", "\u00c6ge . Of no distemper , of no blast he died ,", "But man , the very monster of the world ,", "And waves will dash , though rocks their basis keep .", "Dares act as on his throne , encompast round", "I take thee at thy word .\u2014 Run , haste , and save Alcander :", "This was not like the mercy of the heavens ,", "On such abhorred conditions .", "I well remember .", "Once more , thus winged by horrid fate , I come ,", "Furies and hell ! H\u00e6mon , bring forth the rack ,", "It works with kindness o'er : give , give me way !", "Said you that Phorbas is returned , and yet"], "true_target": ["If there be any here that knows the person", "The sacred veils that wrapt thee yet unborn !", "And calls me father ; there , a sturdy boy ,", "Shrinks at his name .", "I 'll buy his presence , though it cost my crown .", "Though his dread eyes were basilisks . Guards , haste ,", "Know , be it known to the limits of the world ;", "For crimes of little note .", "And with my last breath I must call you tyrants .", "Fires shall be kindled in the midst of Thebes ;", "Talk not of life , for that will make me rave :", "Let me go mad , or die .", "Look wistly on him ,\u2014 through him , if thou canst !", "The middle of the stream ; and to return ,", "O speak .", "May brave the majesty of thundering Jove .", "I saw you smiling at a fatal dagger ,", "O Laius , Labdacus , and all you spirits", "That he was of the family of Laius ,", "Speak then , O answer to my doubts directly ,", "Who led a rural life , and had command", "By all my fears , I think Jocasta 's voice !\u2014", "She has outdone me in revenge and murder ,", "To speak ; concealment shall be sudden death :", "Called from some vaulted mansion , OEdipus !", "We could sustain the burden of the world .", "In horrid form , they rank themselves before me ;\u2014", "Seem to stand still , as if that Jove were talking .", "Now , dotard ; now , thou blind old wizard prophet ,", "Here gasp and languish out my wounded soul .", "Moment ! Thou shalt be hours , days , years , a dying .\u2014", "Attends the search . I have already past", "O , to my arms , welcome , my dear \u00c6geon ;", "Than does the plague ? But I rejoice I know you ,", "Embrue my arms , up to my very shoulders ,", "Speak first , \u00c6geon , say , is this the man ?", "How , \u00c6geon ?", "But oh , my children ! oh , what have they done ?", "Though vultures , eagles , dragons tear my heart ,", "Accomplices in my most horrid guilt .", "Didst thou most frequently resort ?", "Then open every gate of this our palace ,", "Fix to the earth your sordid looks ; for he ,", "Say , how , how died he ? ha ! by sword , by fire ,", "Why you refuse the diadem of Corinth ?", "Ha ! now the baleful offspring 's brought to light !", "Secure him , dear Jocasta ; for my genius", "Her blazing eyes darting the wandering stars ,", "O , for this death , let waters break their bounds ;", "H\u00e6m . Here , my royal lord .", "I 'll do a justice that becomes a monarch ;", "On me for aid , as if thou wert pursued :", "But I shall find a way \u2014", "You must be raised , and Phorbas shall appear ,", "The force of majesty is never known", "O , thou wilt kill me with thy love 's excess ! All , all is well ; retire , the Thebans come .", "Then lifted it again ,\u2014 you smiled again :", "The golden gates are barred with adamant ,", "H\u00e6m . What mean you , sir ?", "H\u00e6m . From your native country ,", "And I , the welcome care to Polybus .", "Is this thou bring'st , which so transports Jocasta ?", "The Gods be praised , I needed not your empire ,", "To mark the gallantry of her distraction ;", "\u2018 Tis a king speaks ; and royal minutes are", "With thousand sighs and wishes for your safety ,", "Hark , the Thebans come !", "\u2018 Till he at last in fury threw it from him ,", "In the other world , I 'll curse thee for this usage .", "Who gave me to the world ; speak then , \u00c6geon .", "Yet farther , let it pass yon dazzling roof ,", "Strike then , imperial ghost ; dash all at once", "\u00c6ge . And why , O sacred sir , if subjects may", "O , rather let me walk round the wide world", "Hence , from my arms , avaunt . Enjoy thy mother !", "Doubling the bloody prospect of my crimes ;", "With wife and mother :\u2014 Tortures , hell and furies !", "Of damned incest : therefore no more of her .", "As well thou may'st advise a tortured wretch ,", "And I should envy her the sad applause :", "O speak , go on , the air grows sensible", "Charmed with the conversation of a man ,", "\u00c6ge . She , though in full-blown flower of glorious beauty ,", "H\u00e6m . O prophet , OEdipus is now no more !", "Rank them in equal part upon the square ,", "Begot those fears ; if thou respect'st my peace ,", "With nations for his guard . Alcander , you", "This is not to be borne ! Hence ; off , I say !", "Though my eyes burst , no matter :\u2014 wilt thou tell me ,", "And Phorbas be the umpire .", "Each mole-hill thought swells to a huge Olympus ;", "Though I enjoy my mother , not incestuous !", "Your birds of knowledge , that in dusky air", "Did'st thou e'er see this man near mount Cith\u00e6ron ?", "Or if I leave my brains upon the wall !\u2014", "Speak , did'st thou ever meet him there ?", "If royal Polybus was not my father ,", "Peace ; stand back a while .\u2014", "Were I as other sons , now I should weep ;", "H\u00e6m . Seize him , and bear him to the western tower .\u2014", "In private conference ; but behold her here .", "And smother thy old age in my embraces .", "Enjoy the queen ,", "My fit returns .", "Some desperate way to stifle this cursed breath :", "But see , they enter . If thou truly lovest me ,", "Thou ravest ; thy husband 's here .", "Intreats he may return , without being asked", "As if , like Atlas , with these mortal shoulders", "When the old king was slain : Speak , I conjure thee ,", "Why dost thou turn thy face ? I charge thee answer", "Yes , my \u00c6geon ; but the sad remembrance", "I feel a melting here , a tenderness ,", "O all you powers , is't possible ? what , dead !", "There 's magic in it , take it from my sight ;", "Swift as a falling meteor ; lo , I fly ,", "So , when we think fate hovers o'er our heads ,", "And every accent twanged with smarting sorrow ;", "A beggar , than accept a diadem", "Holds fancy down , and makes her act again ,", "While we fantastic dreamers heave and puff ,", "I do conjure thee , give my horrors way !", "Forward , I say , and face to face confront him :", "If it be fit that such a wretch should live !", "Ha ! again that scream of woe !", "Of crystal fly from off their diamond hinges ;", "I order your confinement .", "Shout and applaud me with a clap of thunder .", "Yet freshly ran he on ten winters more :", "And speak in short , what my Jocasta 's transport", "The mansion of the Gods , and strike them deaf", "Thou knowest I cannot come to thee , detained", "\u2018 Tis quite unbarred ; sure , by the distant noise ,", "Of damning charmers ! O abhorred , loathed creature !", "Jocasta told me , thou wert by the chariot", "Methinks , I have his image now in view !\u2014", "But speak , O tell me what so mighty joy", "Are nobly born , therefore shall lose your head :", "To embrace him .", "But he , who brings him forth , shall have reward", "Fly , by the gods , or by the fiends , I charge thee ,", "The hurried orbs , with storms so racked of late ,", "But one thing more .", "Slaves , unhand me !\u2014", "Seething like rising bubbles on the brim ,", "No mourning can be suitable to crimes", "Whom he described , I charge him on his life", "Or water ? by assassinates , or poison ? speak :", "Be witness , Gods , how near this touches me .", "These tears , and groans , and strugglings ? speak , my fair ,", "Where was thy residence ? to what part of the country", "Grew larger , while a thousand frantic spirits ,", "Seems to stand still , dead calms are in the ocean ,", "\u00c6ge . Your menial attendants best can tell", "In curious search , to find out those dark parents", "Jocasta ! lo , I come .", "O , in my heart I feel the pangs of nature ;", "May all the gods , too , from their battlements ,", "With all the low submissions of a slave ,", "By just degrees , and hit at last the stars ,", "Of our Corinthian lords .", "With all the obedience of a penitent child ,", "And , for your sake , has sworn to die unmarried .", "To whom belongs the master of the shepherds ?", "O Gods ! Gods , answer ; is there any mean ?", "Accurst thyself , thou shifting traitor , villain ,", "How ! for my sake , die and not marry ! O", "The airy soul can easily o'er-shoot", "Io , Jocasta , Io p\u00e6an sing !", "While with her thundering voice she menaced high ,", "Rocks are removed , and towers are thundered down ;", "The more ; be pointed at , There goes the monster !", "For I grow cold .", "To rule such brutes , so barbarous a people .", "Received you , as the fairest gift of nature .", "\u00c6ge . Is this the cause ,", "O'er all the shepherds , who about those vales", "Either forbear this subject , or retire .", "For they , who let my vengeance , make themselves", "Did I for this relieve you , when besieged", "What office hadst thou ? what was thy employment ?", "The cause ! why , is it not a monstrous one !", "Let Phorbas be retained .", "Hide swifter than the gallopping heaven 's round ,", "\u2018 Tis well ! I thank you , gods ! \u2018 tis wondrous well !", "Or perish in the attempt , the furious Creon ;", "\u00c6ge . May I entreat to know them ?", "But was I made the heir of Corinth 's crown ,", "And walls of brass , and gates of adamant", "The height will fit my fatal purpose well .", "Therefore produce him .", "Rise then , and speak .", "But think not thou shalt ever enter there ;", "Without a cause !", "I could have wished , methought , for sight again ,", "Quite to forget it .", "Nor shall the sceptre of the earth now win me", "Here one , with all the obedience of a son ,", "Cith\u00e6ron ! speak , the valley of Cith\u00e6ron !", "The wheels of weary life at last stood still .", "Like ours , but what death makes , or madness forms .", "Haste , H\u00e6mon , fly , and tell him that I burn", "All weeping ranged along the gloomy shore ;", "Daggers , and poison ! O there is no need", "That renowned favourite of the king your father :", "What wouldst thou have ?", "My mother !", "Of aught concerning what we have discovered ?", "Your oracles , that called me parricide ?", "And , by the rage that stirs me , if I meet thee", "The king himself 's thy guard .", "Lay waste our Thebes , some deed that shuns the light", "This will I do , unless you show me Laius ,", "Joc . Ha ! will you not ? shall I not find him out ?", "Then all my days and nights must now be spent", "The lucky plank that bears him to the shore !", "Peeped from the watry brink , and glowed upon me .", "Not but you were adorned with all the riches", "Rise , worthy Creon ; haste and take our guard ,", "To me he did bequeath your innocent life ;", "The earth does shake , and the old ocean groans ,", "What are thy troubles ?", "By all the ties of nature , blood and friendship ,", "Far as the East , West , North , or South of heaven ,", "And with preposterous births thy mother 's womb to fill ! \u201d", "Why , then I 'll thunder , yes , I will be mad ,", "Those bounds , with which thou striv'st to pale her in .", "Who gave that infant to thee ?", "Ten thousand welcomes ! O , my foster-father ,", "When not a breath disturbs the drowzy waves :", "Near mount Cith\u00e6ron ; answer to the purpose ,", "Are these the obligations of my friends ?", "These feuds within ; while I without extinguish ,", "And his bones broke , to wait a better day .", "He mounts the tripos in a minute 's space ,", "It hollowed loud , as if my guardian spirit", "Take it from these sick eyes , oh hide it from me !\u2014", "All mangled o'er from head to foot with wounds ,", "This house of clay into a thousand pieces ;", "That brand which sets our city in a flame .", "Still as we rise , will dash our spirits down .", "But small , appear most long and terrible ;", "Too mighty for the anger of the gods !", "O , by these melting eyes , unused to weep ,", "Being past all hope of children ,", "Of much more worth than thousand vulgar years :", "Echoes , the very leavings of a voice ,", "Infuse such thoughts , as I must blush to name ?", "Direct me to thy knees : yet , oh forbear ,", "The bright reflecting soul , through glaring optics ,", "And tell me on thy life , say , dost thou know him ?", "Ha ! what seest thou there ?", "Resembling Laius just as when I killed him ,", "Waves all the princes ! poor heart ! for what ?", "Where is that Phorbas ?", "For I shall never ask thee aught again ,\u2014", "Grows cold , even in the summer of her age ,", "This man , this old , this venerable man :", "Which , day and night , are still unbarred for all .", "Quite blasts my soul : See then the swelling priest !", "The difference \u2018 twixt a threshold and a throne ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 177}, {"query": ["Deny me all things else ; but for my sake ,", "And see , he waves Jocasta from the world !", "A flaw made through the centre , by some God ,", "This stately image of imperial sorrow ,", "In circling fire among the blushing clouds !", "And OEdipus shall now be ever mine .", "And worlds , divide us ! O , thrice happy thou ,", "What hoa , my OEdipus ! see where he stands !", "That had he been the murderer of Laius ,", "Henceforth be blest , blest as thou canst desire ;", "In vain you sooth me with your soft endearments ,", "For horrors , that would blast the barbarous world !", "With all its glory glowed for my reception .", "Their baleful tops are washed with bellying clouds ;", "Without a reason .", "Pardon me then , O greatest , though most wretched .", "Was that a raven 's croak , or my son 's voice ? No matter which ; I 'll to the grave and hide me . Earth open , or I 'll tear thy bowels up . Hark ! he goes on , and blabs the deed of incest .", "And set the fairest countenance to view ;", "And with his dotage mad the gaping world .", "Polybus , king of Corinth , is no more .", "And stop their entrance , ere it be too late ;", "As infants \u2019 dreams .", "I kneel , that you may grant this first request .", "Would give no satisfaction to the king ;", "O that I could for ever charm , as now ,", "To match my crimes ; by all my miseries ,", "Replying , what he knew of that affair", "Let me go , let me go , or I will tear you piece-meal .", "Forbear this search , I 'll think you more than mortal ;", "Jove , Jove , whose majesty now sinks me down ,", "Secure , thy slumbers shall be soft and gentle", "And throw the ravisher before her feet ?", "Know yours . \u2018 Tis fate alone that makes us wretched ,", "Glide all along the gaudy milky soil ,", "Your gloomy eyes , my lord , betray a deadness", "To send me hence without a kind farewell .", "You shall , while I", "Nor can it find the road . Mount , mount , my soul ;", "To try if hell can yet more deeply wound .", "Is heaved no more ; the busy emmets cease :", "Once more , by the Gods ,", "So my poor boding heart would have it be ,", "He , who himself burns in unlawful fires ,", "And , when at last I 'm slain , to crown the horror ,", "The sea , nor ebbs , nor flows ; this mole-hill earth", "Unless you wish to see Jocasta rent", "Yours ; and yours are mine :", "Can charge me with , I know my innocence ;", "You make , my lord , your own unhappiness ,", "Rather let him go :", "The hand of lust from the pale virgin 's hair ,", "Groan still more death ; and may those dismal sources", "With furies ,\u2014 slain out-right with mere distraction !", "Let virgins \u2019 hands adorn the sacrifice ;", "Winds , bear me to some barren island ,", "Let furies haunt thy palace , thou shalt sleep", "O , OEdipus , yet send ,", "Keep from your eyes and mine the dreadful Phorbas .", "Then I will tell thee that my wings are on .", "Shall judge , and shall acquit us . O , \u2018 tis done ;", "O wretched pair ! O greatly wretched we ! Two worlds of woe !", "Or I shall be before thee . See ,\u2014 thou canst not see !", "Methinks , at such a meeting , heaven stands still ;", "They would not wound thee , as this story will .", "And all the golden strands are covered o'er", "For you are still my husband .", "Talk on , till thou mak'st mad my rolling brain ;", "Prepare then , wretched prince , prepare to hear", "That robbed my love of rest : If we must pray ,", "Of all thy kind ! My soul is on the brink ,", "And stammered in his abrupt prayer so wildly ,", "Where , where is this most wretched of mankind ,", "Help , H\u00e6mon , help ;", "As shall recal their wandering spirits home .", "True as the Gods , and affable as men .", "Where first the mysteries of our loves were acted ,"], "true_target": ["I 'll print upon their coral mouths such kisses ,", "He started when I told him your intent ,", "Sleep without fears the blackest nights away ;", "I beg , my OEdipus , my lord , my life ,", "Let me conjure you , take the prophet 's counsel ,", "Peace , peace , \u00c6geon , let Jocasta tell him !\u2014", "Where print of human feet was never seen ;", "Whose story told , whose very name but mentioned ,", "With glorious gods , that come to try our cause .", "\u2018 Tis horror , worse than thousand thousand deaths ,", "Ah , cruel women !", "Beneath whose venomous shade I may have vent", "Tear off this curling hair ,", "From whence resounded those false oracles ,", "O'erhYpppHeNgrown with weeds of such a monstrous height ,", "As if convulsive death had seized upon him ,", "Of those dear babes ? O let me run , and seal", "Have life , be still obeyed .", "Could there be hewn a monstrous gap in nature ,", "A story , that shall turn thee into stone .", "Hark , hark ! a hollow voice calls out aloud ,", "Eats like a subtle worm its venomed way ,", "Help , OEdipus ; help , Gods ; Jocasta dies .", "Who hast no use of eyes ; for here 's a sight", "With such a willingness , as if that heaven", "My dearest OEdipus ! Thy royal father ,", "\u2018 Tis fixt by fate , upon record divine ;", "His groping ghost is lodged upon a tower ,", "Never let Phorbas come into your presence .", "Rear in the streets bright altars to the Gods ,", "And sees the boiling furnace just beneath :", "Would cool the rage of fevers , and unlock", "Fly from my arms ! Whirlwinds , seas , continents ,", "My murdered Laius !", "To pry into the bowels of the victim ,", "I 'll wrap thy shivering spirit in lambent flames ; and so we 'll sail .\u2014", "In his bright palace , if he knows my Laius ,", "My poor tormented ghost shall cleave the ground ,", "By these extravagant and needless fears .", "Then , falling on his knees , begged , as for life ,", "\u2018 Tis woman 's weakness , that I would be pitied ;", "Jocasta ! Yes , I 'll to the royal bed ,", "Still bubble on , and pour forth blood and tears .", "And as you prize your own eternal quiet ,", "Will you not let me take my last farewell", "Howe'er the beauteous out-side shews so lovely .", "And inward languishing : That oracle", "To be dismissed from court : He trembled too ,", "Haste thee , then ,", "Guilt and distraction could not have shook him more .", "O , my loved lord , though I resolve a ruin ,", "Begone , my lord ! Alas , what are we doing ?", "My love , my all , my only , utmost hope !", "To find my Laius out ; ask every god", "And not a grey-beard forging priest come near ,", "I beg you , banish Phorbas : O , the Gods ,", "Hail , happy OEdipus , happiest of kings !", "Would turn the melting face of mercy 's self", "I 'll mount , I 'll fly , and with a port divine", "The spirit of my husband ! O , the gods ! How wan he looks !", "Will you yet hear me ?", "Through which the groans of ghosts may strike thy ears ,", "There , there he mounts", "My melting soul upon their bubbling wounds !", "Be gorged with fire , stab every vital part ,", "O , I could rave ,", "Pull down those lying fanes , and burn that vault ,", "Yet hear me on \u2014", "And double-dye it with imperial crimson ;", "Do not thou push me off , and I will go ,", "Preys on your heart , and rots the noble core ,", "But see , the oracle that I will trust ,", "In spite of all those crimes the cruel gods", "To a wild fury .", "But see ! we 're landed on the happy coast ;", "And let this Phorbas go ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 177}, {"query": ["Jocasta , OEdipus ."], "true_target": ["OEdipus !"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 177}, {"query": ["You shall no more be trusted with your life :\u2014", "Or thought to ravish , as that traitor did ,", "How fares my royal friend ?", "Captain remember to your care I give", "What inconsiderate and ambitious fool ,", "Creon , Alcander , H\u00e6mon , help to hold him .", "Help , H\u00e6mon , help , and bow him gently forward ;", "And at your feet present the crown of Argos .", "Instruct me , gods , what shall Adrastus do ?", "And I with justice should be thought your foe ,", "Unheard-of monster ! eldest-born of hell ! Down , to thy primitive flame .", "Fly from tumultuous Thebes , from blood and murder ,", "Struggle for vent ! But see , he breathes again ,", "The hazards of my life I never lost .", "Hold thy raised arm ; give me a moment 's pause .", "A general consternation spread among them .", "Enter H\u00c6MON , Guards , with ALCANDER and PYRACMON bound ; the", "That disobeys .\u2014 See , art thou now appeased ?", "Yet , by the infernal Gods , those awful powers", "She 's gone ;\u2014 O deadly marksman , in the heart !", "Half-strangled with the damp his sorrows raised ,", "With twice those odds of men ,", "Away , my friends , since fate has so allotted ;", "Better that thou , and I , and all mankind ,", "Assassins are driven off .", "Defend your innocence , speak like yourself ,", "Is great ; and nobly now thou goest attended !", "More ; yet more ; a thousand wounds !", "Thebans to you I justify my love :", "The inhuman author of all villainies ;", "But hark ! the storm comes nearer .", "Yet in the pangs of death she grasps my hand ;", "They talk of heroes , and celestial beauties ,", "And these eyes seen , I must believe you guiltless ;", "Off , madam , or we perish both ; behold", "Chafe , chafe his temples : How the mighty spirits ,", "Brand me , you gods , blot me with foul dishonour ,", "Should be no more .", "Alas , Eurydice , what fond rash man ,", "Though my heart tells me that the gift is fatal .", "Begone , and leave me to the villain 's mercy .", "Hence from my presence , all ; he 's not my friend", "O , I charge thee hold !\u2014", "Ah , traitor , dost thou shun me ? Follow , follow , My brave companions ! see , the cowards fly !", "Yet love now charms it from me ; which in all", "Stay thee , damned wretch ; hold , stop thy bloody hand !", "And awe the rebels with your dauntless virtue .", "Than life or liberty ."], "true_target": ["But , if I ever meant a violence ,", "Methinks , my lord , I see a sad repentance ,", "Vouchsafe that I , o'erhYpppHeNjoyed , may bear you hence ,", "If thou forego'st it , misery attends thee .\u2014", "I have addrest my prayer to this fair princess ;", "I 'm not unarmed , my poniard 's in my hand ;", "Let it be so ; we 'll fence heav'n ' s fury from you ,", "I doubt not in this cause to vanquish thee .\u2014", "Let me but find her there , I ask no more .", "My father , when he blest me , gave me this :", "Is all in arms , all bent to your destruction :", "Rapes , death , and treason , from that fury Creon :", "O H\u00e6mon , I am slain ; nor need I name", "No , villain , no ;", "Fly from the author of all villainies ,", "My love ; ten thousand , thousand times more clear ,", "Adrastus will vouchsafe to answer thee ;\u2014", "And suffer all together . This , perhaps ,", "And wondrous pleasures in the other world ;", "I heard but now , where I was close confined ,", "What would'st thou , hell-hound ?", "My son , said he , let this be thy last refuge ;", "Think not , most abject , most abhorred of men ,", "For , since I knew the royal OEdipus ,", "Will dare , with his frail hand , to grasp a sceptre ?", "Take then this most loved innocence away ;", "To leave you in this tempest of your soul .", "Your city", "Of blood and spirits , I 'll defend his life ,", "Her last farewell .\u2014 O , OEdipus , thy fall", "A thundering shout , which made my jailors vanish ,", "And vigorous nature breaks through opposition .\u2014", "\u2018 Tis thine , my faithful sword ; my only trust ;", "My lord , you ask me things impossible ;", "That have accused you , which these ears have heard ,", "I 'll stamp thee still , thus , to the gaping furies .", "Traitor , no ;", "Cry ,\u2014 fire the palace ! where is the cruel king ?", "Yes , villain , for whatever thou canst dare .", "Therefore , away .", "Her lips too tremble , as if she would speak", "And here have sworn to perish by his side .", "I have observed in all his acts such truth ,", "There he lies gasping .", "And let men curse me by the name of Creon !", "When ruin comes , may help to break your fall .", "And god-like clearness , that , to the last gush", "That shall hereafter read the fate of OEdipus ,", "What humblest adorations could not win ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 177}, {"query": ["Thought innocent , and therefore much lamented", "Or shall he be cast out to banishment ?", "Nothing these ,", "Of this unhappy \u2014 speak ; shall I kill him ?", "And call your utmost fury to revenge .", "By all the Thebans : you must mark him dead ,", "For number , to the crowds that soon will follow ;"], "true_target": ["Where , where 's this cruel king ?\u2014 Thebans , behold ,", "As one who , though unfortunate , beloved ,", "Be resolute ,", "Survey cursed OEdipus ,", "Since nothing but his death , not banishment ,", "There stands your plague , the ruin , desolation", "Can give assurance to your doubtful reign ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 177}, {"query": ["Pardon her , if she acts by heaven 's award ;", "I submit .", "Fate ! Nature ! Fortune ! what is all this world ?", "Shall straight be done .\u2014 Lead , Manto , to the tower .", "\u00c6ge . Your royal mother Merope , as if", "The depth of fate ; and if our oracles", "If that the infernal spirits have declared", "H\u00e6m . Follow me all , and help to part this fray ,", "Cease your complaints , and bear his body hence ; The dreadful sight will daunt the drooping Thebans , Whom heaven decrees to raise with peace and glory . Yet , by these terrible examples warned , The sacred Fury thus alarms the world :\u2014 Let none , though ne'er so virtuous , great , and high , Be judged entirely blest before they die . Footnotes : 1 . Imitated from the commencement of the plague in the first book of the Iliad .", "O sacred prince , pardon distracted Thebes ,", "But let thy wretched Thebes at least complain .", "Calm then your rage , and once more seek the gods .", "His name is Phorbas :"], "true_target": ["But all fate 's turns are swift and unexpected .", "May speak , O do not too severely deal !", "Jocasta knows him well ; but , if I may", "The infernal powers themselves exact no more :", "If thou art guilty , heaven will make it known ;", "She had no soul since you forsook the land ,", "Heaven prosper your intent , and give a period", "Waves all the neighbouring princes that adore her .", "Though banished Thebes , in Corinth you may reign ;", "Who would not now conclude a happy end !", "To all our plagues . What old Tiresias can ,", "Advise , rest where you are , and seek no farther .", "If innocent , then let Tiresias die ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 177}, {"query": ["Born and bred up in court , no foreign slave .", "O wretched state ! I die , unless I speak ;", "Doomed to be murdered in that gloomy vale ?", "Ha ! whither would'st thou ? O what hast thou uttered ! For what thou hast said , death strike thee dumb for ever !", "O heavens ! wherein , my lord , have I offended ?", "He was not mine , but given me by another .", "To murder it .", "Dread sir , I will .", "Most sure , my lord , I have seen lines like those", "My lord , I said", "Have you forgot , too , how you wept , and begged", "There was a dreadful one ,", "Who , my lord , this man ?", "\u00c6ge . Be not too rash . That infant grew at last", "Whate'er I begged , thou , like a dotard , speak'st", "Where , sacred sir ?", "\u00c6ge . Is't possible you should forget your ancient friend ?", "O spare my age .", "More than is requisite ; and what of this ?", "It was her son by Laius .", "My lord , she did .", "Would I could sink beneath it ! by the gods ,", "And if I speak , most certain death attends me !", "With sporting swains , o'er whom I had command .", "Should kill his father , and enjoy his mother ."], "true_target": ["For much he loved them : oft I entertained him", "I gave the infant to him .", "That I should breed him up , and ask no more ?", "The queen Jocasta told me ,", "There are , perhaps ,", "One of king Laius \u2019 family .", "Alas ! What would you have me say ?", "Why is it mentioned now ? And why , O why", "A king ; and here the happy monarch stands .", "And sure that one had much of your resemblance .", "Which all about lie shadowing its large feet .", "He made me lord of all his rural pleasures ;", "I was , great sir , his true and faithful servant ;", "To mount Cith\u00e6ron , and the pleasant vallies", "O , royal sir , I bow me to the ground ;", "Have you forgot I took an infant from you ,", "The swaddling-bands were purple , wrought with gold .", "Which had foretold , that most unhappy son", "Dost thou betray the secrets of thy friend ?", "Particulars , which may excite your dead remembrance .", "Hold , hold , O dreadful sir ! You will not rack an innocent old man ?", "His visage bears ; but know not where , nor when .", "The dreadful deed was acted but by one ;", "He did : And , Oh ! I wish to all the gods ,", "Phorbas had perished in that very moment .", "I do conjure you to inquire no more ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 177}, {"query": ["Thebes is at length my own ; and all my wishes ,", "Which sure were great as royalty e'er formed ,", "As if thou wert the burning glass of glory !"], "true_target": ["O diadem , thou centre of ambition ,", "Fortune and my auspicious stars have crowned .", "Where all its different lines are reconciled ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 177}, {"query": ["Lest I be ravished after thou art slain .", "For me , O fear not ; no , he dares not touch me ;", "With that thou may'st get off , tho \u2019 odds oppose thee .", "Thy precious life , my dear Adrastus ,", "All that the world can make me mistress of .", "By the decree of royal OEdipus ,", "Could you then leave your lord , your prince , your king ,", "To take the part of that rebellious traitor .", "I 'll guard your life with mine .", "Our softer hours in humble cells away :", "Not but I love you to that infinite height ,", "His horrid love will spare me . Keep thy sword ;", "Why rather rush you not at once together", "Hold , Creon , or through me , through me you wound .", "By queen Jocasta 's order , by what 's more ,", "\u2018 Tis true , a crown seems dreadful , and I wish", "Of her whom fate ordained to be your queen ;"], "true_target": ["That you and I , more lowly placed , might pass", "Nor let my death affright you .", "Stand there ; come back ! O , cruel barbarous men !", "Hear me , and dare not , as you prize your lives ,", "Yet , while there 's any dawn of hope to save", "I here resign , to prince Adrastus \u2019 arms ,", "Hear me , O Thebans , if you dread the wrath", "Whate'er thou dost , deliver not thy sword ;", "All to his ruin ? drag him through the streets ,", "Hang his contagious quarters on the gates ;", "Ah , my Adrastus ! call them , call them back !", "I could", "My own dear vows of everlasting love ,", "To perish by the hand of this base villain ?", "Ah , prince , farewell ! farewell , my dear Adrastus !", "Be greatly wretched in a court with you .", "After so bravely having fought his cause ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 177}, {"query": ["Which sure were great as royalty e'er formed ,", "Thebes is at length my own ; and all my wishes ,", "O diadem , thou centre of ambition ,"], "true_target": ["Fortune and my auspicious stars have crowned .", "As if thou wert the burning glass of glory !", "Where all its different lines are reconciled ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 178}, {"query": ["Of death or marriage .", "Might I be counsellor , I would intreat you"], "true_target": ["Marked out for greatness , give the fatal choice", "To cool a little , sir ; find out Eurydice ;", "And , with the resolution of a man"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 178}, {"query": ["As one who , though unfortunate , beloved ,", "Nothing these ,", "Can give assurance to your doubtful reign .", "Since nothing but his death , not banishment ,", "Survey cursed OEdipus ,"], "true_target": ["By all the Thebans : you must mark him dead ,", "For number , to the crowds that soon will follow ;", "Be resolute ,", "And call your utmost fury to revenge .", "Thought innocent , and therefore much lamented"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 178}, {"query": ["Gods I accuse you not , though I no more", "Into his closet , where I saw him fling", "Of what has happened to the desperate king ?", "Forego thy sword , and yield thyself my prisoner .", "His eye-balls fiery red , and glowing vengeance ,\u2014", "H\u00e6m . Is't possible you should be ignorant", "Forego the advantage which thy arms have won .", "Had I beheld this wondrous heap of sorrow !", "Of her , whom more than life I know thou lovest ,", "Pyracmon to the palace ; dispatch", "H\u00e6m . I ran to succour him ; but , oh ! too late ;", "At first , deep sighs heaved from his woful heart", "Burn first my arm ; base instrument , unfit", "Expect , with all those most unfortunate wretches ,", "O perjured woman !", "Or , by the blood which trembles through the heart", "This moment , all thy soldiers straight disband .", "Her proffered mercy , but retire betimes ,", "What then remains , but that I find Tiresias ,", "Draw all ; and when I give the word , fall on .\u2014", "Fall on , Alcander .\u2014", "And thus , with outcries , to himself complained :\u2014", "Enter H\u00c6MON .", "Ha ! thou hast given", "But sure no ill , unless he died with grief ,", "These bubbles of the shallowest emptiest sorrow ,", "H\u00e6m . Thrice he struck ,", "Of state , and hope of the new monarch 's favour ,", "And therefore , as a traitor to this state ,", "Could happen , for you bore his sword away .", "Who , with his wisdom , may allay those furies ,", "To act the dictates of my daring mind ;", "Well have you done , to snatch me from the storm", "No , parricide ! if thou must weep , weep blood ;", "Of that , the god , ambition .", "Give order , then , that on this instant , now ,", "And will oppose me .\u2014 Come , sir , are you ready ?", "The mighty soul 's immortal perspectives ,", "The alarm to cruelty ; and never may", "I see thou hast been diligent .", "With horrid force lifting his impious hands ,", "I 'll bury to the haft , in her fair breast ,", "And art thou still alive , O wretch ! he cried ;", "See this brandished dagger ;", "I find your dazzling beings : Take , he cried ,", "Turn all at once the fatal point upon thee .\u2014", "Then with a groan , that seemed the call of death ,", "With all his force , his hollow groaning breast ,", "But see , they are here ! retire a while , and mark .", "The balls of sight , and dashed them on the ground .", "Then groaned again , as if his sorrowful soul", "Can win to take our part : Away .\u2014 What now ?", "For nobler game , the princess .", "Fatal ! yes , foolish love-sick prince , it shall :", "Traitor , resign the princess , or this moment", "And yield thee to my mercy , or I strike .", "Stretched at the feet of false Eurydice .", "My menial servants , and all those whom change"], "true_target": ["Had cracked the strings of life , and burst away .", "Therefore , Pyracmon , as you boldly urged ,", "These eyes be closed , till they behold Adrastus", "For he had plucked the remnant strings away .", "\u2018 Tis greatly thought , he cried , and fits my woes .", "But see , Alcander enters , well attended .", "All left him there , at his desire , alone ;", "Revenge me .", "When H\u00e6mon weeps , without the help of ghosts", "H\u00e6m . I did ; and , having locked the door , I stood ;", "As waters are by sucking whirlpools drawn ,", "But thou canst weep then , and thou think'st \u2018 tis well ,", "Enter ALCANDER , attended .", "Thy care , most honest , faithful ,\u2014 foolish H\u00e6mon !", "If I must plunge in flames ,", "Will view your heaven , till , with more durable glasses ,", "A master-piece of horror ; new and dreadful !", "Lest she repent , and hasten on thy doom .", "Upon the floor ; thence gazing at the skies ,", "I have o'erhYpppHeNheard thy black design , Adrastus ,", "With numbers will o'erpower thee . Is't thy wish", "Murmurs , and groans that shook the outward rooms .", "I know no more but that he was conducted", "Which said , he smiled revengefully , and leapt", "Die both , then ; there is now no time for dallying .", "For bloodiest murder , and for burning lust :", "Which children vent for toys , and women rain", "Then cast thy sword away ,", "Upon this spot straight to be hewn in pieces .", "Death ought to be thy lot : Let it suffice", "That haunt his gloomy soul ?", "Take , eyes , your last , your fatal farewel-view .", "But saw him , when he thought no eye beheld him .", "Pyracmon you and I must wheel about", "Thy arrogance , thy scorn , my wound 's remembrance .", "And through a chink I found , not only heard ,", "His trembling body on the royal bed ;", "Were quite devoured in the vast gulph of empire .", "Hold , hold your arms , Adrastus , prince of Argos ! Hear , and behold ; Eurydice is my prisoner .", "Do what thou wilt , when she is dead ; my soldiers", "Of racking transport , where the little streams", "Of love , revenge , and all the under passions ,", "That Thebes surveys thee as a prince ; abuse not", "Weep eyes , instead of tears :\u2014 O , by the gods !", "Eurydice should fall before thee ?", "Heaven will reward", "He snatched , he tore , from forth their bloody orbs ,", "I weep to hear ; how then should I have grieved ,", "For any trifle their fond hearts are set on ;", "The king ; hang H\u00e6mon up , for he is loyal ,", "Die first thyself , then .", "I may foretel there is a fatal cause .", "This instrument of my revenge .", "Burn , burn for ever , O weak substitute", "But , to the fatal period .", "Eurydice shall die , or be my bride .", "Yet these thou think'st are ample satisfaction", "Alcander , summon to their master 's aid", "Help , soldiers , help ;"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 178}, {"query": ["But , if I ever meant a violence ,", "Should be no more .", "What would'st thou , hell-hound ?", "Therefore , away .", "\u2018 Tis thine , my faithful sword ; my only trust ;", "She 's gone ;\u2014 O deadly marksman , in the heart !", "That shall hereafter read the fate of OEdipus ,", "Vouchsafe that I , o'erhYpppHeNjoyed , may bear you hence ,", "Begone , and leave me to the villain 's mercy .", "Is great ; and nobly now thou goest attended !", "Brand me , you gods , blot me with foul dishonour ,", "Hence from my presence , all ; he 's not my friend", "No , villain , no ;", "The hazards of my life I never lost .", "Better that thou , and I , and all mankind ,", "Stay thee , damned wretch ; hold , stop thy bloody hand !", "They talk of heroes , and celestial beauties ,", "My son , said he , let this be thy last refuge ;", "What humblest adorations could not win ,", "Let me but find her there , I ask no more .", "Will dare , with his frail hand , to grasp a sceptre ?", "Thebans to you I justify my love :", "Though my heart tells me that the gift is fatal .", "Traitor , no ;", "Adrastus will vouchsafe to answer thee ;\u2014", "Unheard-of monster ! eldest-born of hell ! Down , to thy primitive flame .", "Enter H\u00c6MON , Guards , with ALCANDER and PYRACMON bound ; the", "And wondrous pleasures in the other world ;", "Captain remember to your care I give", "I doubt not in this cause to vanquish thee .\u2014", "I 'm not unarmed , my poniard 's in my hand ;", "Rapes , death , and treason , from that fury Creon :"], "true_target": ["Hold thy raised arm ; give me a moment 's pause .", "Fly from tumultuous Thebes , from blood and murder ,", "My love ; ten thousand , thousand times more clear ,", "O , I charge thee hold !\u2014", "Her last farewell .\u2014 O , OEdipus , thy fall", "Assassins are driven off .", "Yet love now charms it from me ; which in all", "Yet in the pangs of death she grasps my hand ;", "Than life or liberty .", "Or thought to ravish , as that traitor did ,", "And at your feet present the crown of Argos .", "Away , my friends , since fate has so allotted ;", "And let men curse me by the name of Creon !", "What inconsiderate and ambitious fool ,", "More ; yet more ; a thousand wounds !", "Yes , villain , for whatever thou canst dare .", "Think not , most abject , most abhorred of men ,", "I 'll stamp thee still , thus , to the gaping furies .", "Off , madam , or we perish both ; behold", "If thou forego'st it , misery attends thee .\u2014", "There he lies gasping .", "Take then this most loved innocence away ;", "With twice those odds of men ,", "Alas , Eurydice , what fond rash man ,", "That disobeys .\u2014 See , art thou now appeased ?", "My father , when he blest me , gave me this :", "Fly from the author of all villainies ,", "Ah , traitor , dost thou shun me ? Follow , follow , My brave companions ! see , the cowards fly !", "Instruct me , gods , what shall Adrastus do ?", "Her lips too tremble , as if she would speak", "I have addrest my prayer to this fair princess ;", "O H\u00e6mon , I am slain ; nor need I name", "The inhuman author of all villainies ;"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 178}, {"query": ["Thy precious life , my dear Adrastus ,", "After so bravely having fought his cause ,", "I here resign , to prince Adrastus \u2019 arms ,", "Ah , my Adrastus ! call them , call them back !", "All to his ruin ? drag him through the streets ,", "To perish by the hand of this base villain ?", "By the decree of royal OEdipus ,", "That you and I , more lowly placed , might pass", "I could", "Of her whom fate ordained to be your queen ;", "Could you then leave your lord , your prince , your king ,", "Why rather rush you not at once together", "I 'll guard your life with mine .", "Yet , while there 's any dawn of hope to save", "Hang his contagious quarters on the gates ;", "Hold , Creon , or through me , through me you wound .", "\u2018 Tis true , a crown seems dreadful , and I wish"], "true_target": ["Stand there ; come back ! O , cruel barbarous men !", "His horrid love will spare me . Keep thy sword ;", "Nor let my death affright you .", "Hear me , O Thebans , if you dread the wrath", "All that the world can make me mistress of .", "Ah , prince , farewell ! farewell , my dear Adrastus !", "For me , O fear not ; no , he dares not touch me ;", "Whate'er thou dost , deliver not thy sword ;", "By queen Jocasta 's order , by what 's more ,", "To take the part of that rebellious traitor .", "Hear me , and dare not , as you prize your lives ,", "My own dear vows of everlasting love ,", "Lest I be ravished after thou art slain .", "With that thou may'st get off , tho \u2019 odds oppose thee .", "Not but I love you to that infinite height ,", "Our softer hours in humble cells away :", "Be greatly wretched in a court with you ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 178}, {"query": ["In the other world , I 'll curse thee for this usage .", "Swear I am , And I 'll believe thee ; steal into thy arms , Renew endearments , think them no pollutions , But chaste as spirits \u2019 joys . Gently I 'll come , Thus weeping blind , like dewy night , upon thee , And fold thee softly in my arms to slumber .", "Nay , if thy brain be sick , then thou art happy .", "To your immortal dwellings .", "Jocasta ! lo , I come .", "And walls of brass , and gates of adamant", "And I should envy her the sad applause :", "Or if I leave my brains upon the wall !\u2014", "But what 's all this to thee ? thou , coward , yet", "Those bounds , with which thou striv'st to pale her in .", "H\u00e6m . Tiresias , after him , and with your counsel ,", "And calls me father ; there , a sturdy boy ,", "To have seen her mouth the heavens , and mate the gods ,", "Here gasp and languish out my wounded soul .", "But oh , my children ! oh , what have they done ?", "Or perish in the attempt , the furious Creon ;", "Too mighty for the anger of the gods !", "Why , then I 'll thunder , yes , I will be mad ,", "This stirs me more than all my sufferings ,", "Which , day and night , are still unbarred for all .", "Behold and wonder at a mortal 's daring ;", "Thou knowest I cannot come to thee , detained", "I could have wished , methought , for sight again ,", "Doubling the bloody prospect of my crimes ;", "Yes , I will perish in despite of thee ;", "To swarm like bees about the field of heaven .", "Resembling Laius just as when I killed him ,", "Hence , incest , murder ! hence , you ghastly figures !", "She has outdone me in revenge and murder ,", "My dear , my murdered lord . O Laius ! Laius ! Laius !", "And fright you with my cries . Yes , cruel gods ,", "Forgive me , then , if , to preserve you from him ,", "And , by the rage that stirs me , if I meet thee", "The height will fit my fatal purpose well .", "O , \u2018 tis too little this ; thy loss of sight ,", "Swift as a falling meteor ; lo , I fly ,", "Far as the East , West , North , or South of heaven ,", "Nor have I hid my horrors from myself ;", "I order your confinement .", "Of crystal fly from off their diamond hinges ;", "The airy soul can easily o'er-shoot", "No mourning can be suitable to crimes", "Presents in larger size her black ideas ,", "O Gods ! Gods , answer ; is there any mean ?", "Art living , canst not , wilt not find the road", "Direct me to thy knees : yet , oh forbear ,", "That my poor lingering soul may take her flight", "Like ours , but what death makes , or madness forms .", "Let me go mad , or die .", "Her blazing eyes darting the wandering stars ,", "Slaves , unhand me !\u2014", "The bright reflecting soul , through glaring optics ,", "That brand which sets our city in a flame .", "H\u00e6m . The queen herself , and all your wretched offspring ,", "Strike then , imperial ghost ; dash all at once", "Speak , H\u00e6mon ; what has fate been doing there ?", "That Creon has designs upon your life :", "What dreadful deed has mad Jocasta done ?", "All weeping ranged along the gloomy shore ;", "What has it done ? I shall be gazed at now", "Once more , thus winged by horrid fate , I come ,", "H\u00e6m . Seize him , and bear him to the western tower .\u2014", "Still as we rise , will dash our spirits down .", "For , though corporeal light be lost for ever ,", "With wife and mother :\u2014 Tortures , hell and furies !", "What shall I call this medley of creation ?", "Or if I starve !\u2014 but that 's a lingering fate ;", "Advise him humbly : charm , if possible ,", "H\u00e6m . What mean you , sir ?", "The golden gates are barred with adamant ,", "By all my fears , I think Jocasta 's voice !\u2014", "Ha ! how 's this , Jocasta ?"], "true_target": ["On the earth , here blow my utmost gale ;", "\u2018 Gainst thee , and me ; and the celestial guards ,", "But think not thou shalt ever enter there ;", "Ha ! now the baleful offspring 's brought to light !", "Art thou not gone then ? ha ! How darest thou stand the fury of the gods ? Or comest thou in the grave to reap new pleasures ?", "Though thousand ways lead to his thousand doors ,", "Enter H\u00c6MON , with Guards .", "Pardon me , sacred sir ; I am informed", "To mark the gallantry of her distraction ;", "Borrowing Jocasta 's look , kneels at my feet ,", "What , sons and brothers ! Sisters and daughters too !", "By all my woes ,", "Bears up , and with his cold hand grasping mine ,", "And every accent twanged with smarting sorrow ;", "To the great palace of magnificent Death ;", "Fly , by the gods , or by the fiends , I charge thee ,", "In darkness here , and kept from means of death .", "May all the gods , too , from their battlements ,", "This house of clay into a thousand pieces ;", "Speak , then , and blast my soul .", "I 've found a window , and I thank the gods", "What wouldst thou have ?", "\u2018 Tis quite unbarred ; sure , by the distant noise ,", "To set her madness on such cruelty :", "And thus go downwards to the darker sky .", "O , in my heart I feel the pangs of nature ;", "And with my last breath I must call you tyrants .", "Holds fancy down , and makes her act again ,", "H\u00e6m . O prophet , OEdipus is now no more !", "Of the Cadmean race , prepare to meet me ,", "Here sob my sorrows , till I burst with sighing ;", "This was not like the mercy of the heavens ,", "Melt down your golden roofs , and make your doors", "Though vultures , eagles , dragons tear my heart ,", "It works with kindness o'er : give , give me way !", "Here one , with all the obedience of a son ,", "O Laius , Labdacus , and all you spirits", "This will I do , unless you show me Laius ,", "The more ; be pointed at , There goes the monster !", "While with her thundering voice she menaced high ,", "Ha ! what seest thou there ?", "I 've heard a spirit 's force is wonderful ;", "I 'll snatch celestial flames , fire all your dwellings ,", "Let me groan my horrors !\u2014 here", "Some desperate way to stifle this cursed breath :", "Fly all , begone , fly from my whirling brain !", "And , when I knock the goal of dreadful death ,", "These feuds within ; while I without extinguish ,", "Joc . Ha ! will you not ? shall I not find him out ?", "Will you not show him ? are my tears despised ?", "In horrid form , they rank themselves before me ;\u2014", "Are passable as air , and fleet like winds .", "Gods , how she shakes me !\u2014 stay thee , O Jocasta ! Speak something ere thou goest for ever from me !", "Thou ravest ; thy husband 's here .", "Drive you all out from your ambrosial hives ,", "Stand off , and at just distance", "Of damning charmers ! O abhorred , loathed creature !", "I think thou hast a sword ;\u2014 \u2018 twas the wrong side .", "Yet , cruel H\u00e6mon , think not I will live ;", "Lest the dead embers should revive .", "At whose approach , when starting from his dungeon ,", "O cursed effect of the most deep despair !", "Extend your arms to embrace me , for I come .", "I feel a melting here , a tenderness ,", "Are by her fury slain .", "He , that could tear his eyes out , sure can find", "Rocks are removed , and towers are thundered down ;", "Excellent grief ! why , this is as it should be !", "Hence fly ; begone ! O thou far worse than worst", "Cries out , how fares my brother OEdipus ?", "Shout and applaud me with a clap of thunder .", "The earth does shake , and the old ocean groans ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 178}, {"query": ["Of all thy kind ! My soul is on the brink ,", "Nor can it find the road . Mount , mount , my soul ;", "Ah , cruel women !", "To match my crimes ; by all my miseries ,", "Do not thou push me off , and I will go ,", "And all the golden strands are covered o'er", "Will you not let me take my last farewell", "Where , where is this most wretched of mankind ,", "The sea , nor ebbs , nor flows ; this mole-hill earth", "Yet hear me on \u2014", "Help , OEdipus ; help , Gods ; Jocasta dies .", "Still bubble on , and pour forth blood and tears .", "O , my loved lord , though I resolve a ruin ,", "And sees the boiling furnace just beneath :", "Know yours . \u2018 Tis fate alone that makes us wretched ,", "Fly from my arms ! Whirlwinds , seas , continents ,", "And see , he waves Jocasta from the world !", "My melting soul upon their bubbling wounds !", "Pardon me then , O greatest , though most wretched .", "My murdered Laius !", "I 'll wrap thy shivering spirit in lambent flames ; and so we 'll sail .\u2014", "Haste thee , then ,", "With all its glory glowed for my reception .", "As shall recal their wandering spirits home .", "Then I will tell thee that my wings are on .", "Groan still more death ; and may those dismal sources", "The hand of lust from the pale virgin 's hair ,", "\u2018 Tis woman 's weakness , that I would be pitied ;", "This stately image of imperial sorrow ,", "Help , H\u00e6mon , help ;", "He , who himself burns in unlawful fires ,", "\u2018 Tis fixt by fate , upon record divine ;", "Of those dear babes ? O let me run , and seal", "There , there he mounts"], "true_target": ["In circling fire among the blushing clouds !", "And OEdipus shall now be ever mine .", "In spite of all those crimes the cruel gods", "Is heaved no more ; the busy emmets cease :", "\u2018 Tis horror , worse than thousand thousand deaths ,", "And worlds , divide us ! O , thrice happy thou ,", "To a wild fury .", "Let me go , let me go , or I will tear you piece-meal .", "Or I shall be before thee . See ,\u2014 thou canst not see !", "Whose story told , whose very name but mentioned ,", "With such a willingness , as if that heaven", "And throw the ravisher before her feet ?", "Glide all along the gaudy milky soil ,", "I 'll print upon their coral mouths such kisses ,", "His groping ghost is lodged upon a tower ,", "Who hast no use of eyes ; for here 's a sight", "With glorious gods , that come to try our cause .", "Begone , my lord ! Alas , what are we doing ?", "To send me hence without a kind farewell .", "Was that a raven 's croak , or my son 's voice ? No matter which ; I 'll to the grave and hide me . Earth open , or I 'll tear thy bowels up . Hark ! he goes on , and blabs the deed of incest .", "What hoa , my OEdipus ! see where he stands !", "To find my Laius out ; ask every god", "The spirit of my husband ! O , the gods ! How wan he looks !", "O wretched pair ! O greatly wretched we ! Two worlds of woe !", "Would turn the melting face of mercy 's self", "Can charge me with , I know my innocence ;", "In his bright palace , if he knows my Laius ,", "For you are still my husband .", "Talk on , till thou mak'st mad my rolling brain ;", "Shall judge , and shall acquit us . O , \u2018 tis done ;", "Methinks , at such a meeting , heaven stands still ;", "I 'll mount , I 'll fly , and with a port divine", "Would cool the rage of fevers , and unlock", "Jove , Jove , whose majesty now sinks me down ,", "But see ! we 're landed on the happy coast ;"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 178}, {"query": ["Cease your complaints , and bear his body hence ; The dreadful sight will daunt the drooping Thebans , Whom heaven decrees to raise with peace and glory . Yet , by these terrible examples warned , The sacred Fury thus alarms the world :\u2014 Let none , though ne'er so virtuous , great , and high , Be judged entirely blest before they die . Footnotes : 1 . Imitated from the commencement of the plague in the first book of the Iliad .", "To all our plagues . What old Tiresias can ,"], "true_target": ["Heaven prosper your intent , and give a period", "Shall straight be done .\u2014 Lead , Manto , to the tower .", "H\u00e6m . Follow me all , and help to part this fray ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 178}, {"query": ["To be performed by valour .", "Count wisdom of no moment in the war ,", "To whom the foragers should all repair ,", "And last devour itself .", "And with ridiculous and aukward action ,", "Which , slanderer , he imitation calls ,", "And headlong force is led by hoodwinked will .", "Should be inclosed ,\u2014 hear what Ulysses speaks .", "They tax our policy with cowardice ,", "Then every thing resolves to brutal force ,", "Or peaceful traffic from divided shores ,", "Time hath , my lord , a wallet at his back , Wherein he puts alms for oblivion , A great-siz 'd monster of ingratitudes : These scraps are good deeds past ; which are devour 'd As fast as they are made , forgot as soon As done : Pers\u00e9verance , dear my lord , Keeps honour bright : To have done , is to hang Quite out of fashion , like a rusty mail In monumental mockery . Take the instant way ; For honour travels in a strait so narrow , Where one but goes abreast : keep then the path ; For emulation hath a thousand sons , That one by one pursue : If you give way , Or hedge aside from the direct forthright , Like to an enter 'd tide , they all rush by , And leave you hindmost .\u2014 Or , like a gallant horse fallen in first rank , Lie there for pavement to the abject rear , O'er run and trampled on : Then what they do in present , Though less than yours in past , must o'ertop yours : For time is like a fashionable host , That slightly shakes his parting guest by the hand ; And with his arms out stretch 'd , as he would fly , Grasps-in the comer : Welcome ever smiles , And Farewel goes out sighing . O , let not virtue seek Remuneration for the thing it was ; For beauty , wit , High birth , vigour of bone , desert in service , Love , friendship , charity , are subjects all To envious and calumniating time . One touch of nature makes the whole world kin ,\u2014 That all , with one consent , praise new-born gawds , Though they are made and moulded of things past ; And give to dust , that is a little gilt , More laud than gilt o'erhYpppHeNdusted . The present eye praises the present object : Then marvel not , thou great and complete man , That all the Greeks begin to worship Ajax ; Since things in motion sooner catch the eye , Than what not stirs . The cry went once on thee , And still it might , and yet it may again , If thou would'st not entomb thyself alive , And case thy reputation in thy tent ; Whose glorious deeds , but in these fields of late , Made emulous missions \u2018 mongst the gods themselves , And drave great Mars to faction . TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE ROBERT , EARL OF SUNDERLAND, PRINCIPAL SECRETARY OF STATE , ONE OF HIS MAJESTY 'S MOST HONOURABLE PRIVY-COUNCIL , & C . MY LORD , Since I cannot promise you much of poetry in my play , it is but reasonable that I should secure you from any part of it in my dedication . And indeed I cannot better distinguish the exactness of your taste from that of other men , than by the plainness and sincerity of my address . I must keep my hyperboles in reserve for men of other understandings . An hungry appetite after praise , and a strong digestion of it , will bear the grossness of that diet ; but one of so critical a judgment as your lordship , who can set the bounds of just and proper in every subject , would give me small encouragement for so bold an undertaking . I more than suspect , my lord , that you would not do common justice to yourself ; and , therefore , were I to give that character of you , which I think you truly merit , I would make my appeal from your lordship to the reader , and would justify myself from flattery by the public voice , whatever protestation you might enter to the contrary . But I find I am to take other measures with your lordship ; I am to stand upon my guard with you , and to approach you as warily as Horace did Augustus : Cui mal\u00e8 si palpere , recalcitrat undique tutus . An ill-timed , or an extravagant commendation , would not pass upon you ; but you would keep off such a dedicator at arms-end , and send him back with his encomiums to this lord , or that lady , who stood in need of such trifling merchandise . You see , my lord , what an awe you have upon me , when I dare not offer you that incense which would be acceptable to other patrons ; but am forced to curb myself from ascribing to you those honours , which even an enemy could not deny you . Yet I must confess , I never practised that virtue of moderationwith so much reluctancy as now : for it hinders me from being true to my own knowledge , in not witnessing your worth , and deprives me of the only means which I had left , to shew the world that true honour and uninterested respect which I have always paid you . I would say somewhat , if it were possible which might distinguish that veneration I have for you , from the flatteries of those who adore your fortune . But the eminence of your condition , in this particular , is my unhappiness ; for it renders whatever I would say suspected . Professions of service , submissions , and attendance , are the practice of all men to the great ; and commonly they , who have the least sincerity , perform them best ; as they , who are least engaged in love , have their tongues the freest to counterfeit a passion . For my own part , I never could shake off the rustic bashfulness which hangs upon my nature ; but , valuing myself at as little as I am worth , have been afraid to render even the common duties of respect to those who are in power . The ceremonious visits , which are generally paid on such occasions , are not my talent . They may be real even in courtiers , but they appear with such a face of interest , that a modest man would think himself in danger of having his sincerity mistaken for his design . My congratulations keep their distance , and pass no farther than my heart . There it is that I have all the joy imaginable , when I see true worth rewarded , and virtue uppermost in the world . If , therefore , there were one to whom I had the honour to be known ; and to know him so perfectly , that I could say , without flattery , he had all the depth of understanding that was requisite in an able statesman , and all that honesty which commonly is wanting ; that he was brave without vanity , and knowing without positiveness ; that he was loyal to his prince , and a lover of his country ; that his principles were full of moderation , and all his counsels such as tended to heal , and not to widen , the breaches of the nation : that in all his conversation there appeared a native candour , and a desire of doing good in all his actions : if such an one , whom I have described , were at the helm ; if he had risen by his merits , and were chosen out in the necessity and pressures of affairs , to remedy our confusions by the seasonableness of his advice , and to put a stop to our ruin , when we were just rolling downward to the precipice ; I should then congratulate the age in which I live , for the common safety ; I should not despair of the republic , though Hannibal were at the gates ; I should send up my vows for the success of such an action , as Virgil did , on the like occasion , for his patron , when he was raising up his country from the desolations of a civil war : Hunc saltem everso juvenem succurrere seclo Ne , superi , prohibete . I know not whither I am running , in this extacy which is now upon me : I am almost ready to re-assume the ancient rights of poetry ; to point out , and prophecy the man , who was born for no less an undertaking , and whom posterity shall bless for its accomplishment . Methinks , I am already taking fire from such a character , and making room for him , under a borrowed name , amongst the heroes of an epic poem . Neither could mine , or some more happy genius , want encouragement under such a patron : Pollio amat nostram , quamvis sit rustica , musam . But these are considerations afar off , my lord : the former part of the prophecy must be first accomplished ; the quiet of the nation must be secured ; and a mutual trust , betwixt prince and people , be renewed ; and then this great and good man will have leisure for the ornaments of peace ; and make our language as much indebted to his care , as the French is to the memory of their famous RichelieuYou know , my lord , how low he laid the foundations of so great a work ; that he began it with a grammar and a dictionary ; without which all those remarks and observations , which have since been made , had been performed to as little purpose , as it would be to consider the furniture of the rooms , before the contrivance of the house . Propriety must first be stated , ere any measures of elegance can be taken . Neither is one Vaugelas sufficient for such a workIt was the employment of the whole academy for many years ; for the perfect knowledge of a tongue was never attained by any single person . The court , the college , and the town , must be joined in it . And as our English is a composition of the dead and living tongues , there is required a perfect knowledge , not only of the Greek and Latin , but of the old German , the French , and the Italian ; and , to help all these , a conversation with those authors of our own , who have written with the fewest faults in prose and verse . But how barbarously we yet write and speak , your lordship knows , and I am sufficiently sensible in my own English . For I am often put to a stand , in considering whether what I write be the idiom of the tongue , or false grammar , and nonsense couched beneath that specious name of Anglicism ; and have no other way to clear my doubts , but by translating my English into Latin , and thereby trying what sense the words will bear in a more stable language . I am desirous , if it were possible , that we might all write with the same certainty of words , and purity of phrase , to which the Italians first arrived , and after them the French ; at least that we might advance so far , as our tongue is capable of such a standard . It would mortify an Englishman to consider , that from the time of Boccace and of Petrarch , the Italian has varied very little ; and that the English of Chaucer , their contemporary , is not to be understood without the help of an old dictionary . But their Goth and Vandal had the fortune to be grafted on a Roman stock ; ours has the disadvantage to be founded on the DutchWe are full of monosyllables , and those clogged with consonants , and our pronunciation is effeminate ; all which are enemies to a sounding language . It is true , that to supply our poverty , we have trafficked with our neighbour nations ; by which means we abound as much in words , as Amsterdam does in religions ; but to order them , and make them useful after their admission , is the difficulty . A greater progress has been made in this , since his majesty 's return , than , perhaps , since the conquest to his time . But the better part of the work remains unfinished ; and that which has been done already , since it has only been in the practice of some few writers , must be digested into rules and method , before it can be profitable to the general . Will your lordship give me leave to speak out at last ? and to acquaint the world , that from your encouragement and patronage , we may one day expect to speak and write a language , worthy of the English wit , and which foreigners may not disdain to learn ? Your birth , your education , your natural endowments , the former employments which you have had abroad , and that which , to the joy of good men you now exercise at home , seem all to conspire to this design : the genius of the nation seems to call you out as it were by name , to polish and adorn your native language , and to take from it the reproach of its barbarity . It is upon this encouragement that I have adventured on the following critique , which I humbly present you , together with the play ; in which , though I have not had the leisure , nor indeed the encouragement , to proceed to the principal subject of it , which is the words and thoughts that are suitable to tragedy ; yet the whole discourse has a tendency that way , and is preliminary to it . In what I have already done , I doubt not but I have contradicted some of my former opinions , in my loose essays of the like nature ; but of this , I dare affirm , that it is the fruit of my riper age and experience , and that self-love , or envy have no part in it . The application to English authors is my own , and therein , perhaps , I may have erred unknowingly ; but the foundation of the rules is reason , and the authority of those living critics who have had the honour to be known to you abroad , as well as of the ancients , who are not less of your acquaintance . Whatsoever it be , I submit it to your lordship 's judgment , from which I never will appeal , unless it be to your good nature , and your candour . If you can allow an hour of leisure to the perusal of it , I shall be fortunate that I could so long entertain you ; if not , I shall at least have the satisfaction to know , that your time was more usefully employed upon the public . I am , MY LORD , Your Lordship 's most Obedient , Humble Servant , JOHN DRYDEN . Footnotes : 1 . This was the famous Earl of Sunderland , who , being a Tory under the reign of Charles , a Papist in that of his successor , and a Whig in that of William , was a favourite minister of all these monarchs . He was a man of eminent abilities ; and our author shews a high opinion of his taste , by abstaining from the gross flattery , which was then the fashionable stile of dedication .", "Tickling his spleen , and laughing till he wheeze .", "Mighty Agamemnon !", "Disdains thy sovereign charge , and in his tent", "From his deep chest roars out a loud applause ,", "Ajax is grown self-willed as broad Achilles .", "And his racked voice jar to his audience ;", "The great Achilles , whom opinion crowns", "Wanted a master , but for our disorders :", "Even thee , the king of men , he does not spare ,", "And makes of it rehearsals : like a player ,", "Heart of our body , soul of our designs ,", "Than Vulcan is to Venus .", "Must make an universal prey of all ,", "So represents he thee , though more unlike", "Having his ears buzzed with his noisy fame ,"], "true_target": ["Prerogative of age , crowns , sceptres , laurels ,", "He keeps a table too , makes factious feasts ,", "Troy had been down ere this , and Hector 's sword", "To level us with low comparisons .", "What honey can our empty combs expect ?", "but thy greatness pageants ,", "The still and thoughtful parts , which move those hands ,", "Lies , mocking our designs ; with him Patroclus ,", "For , when the general is not like the hive ,", "Observe how many Grecian tents stand void", "The observance due to rule has been neglected ,", "What can succeed ? How could communities ,", "The large Achilles , on his prest bed lolling ,", "With them are but the tasks cut out by fear ,", "Upon this plain , so many hollow factions :", "But by degree , stand on their solid base ?", "Or when supremacy of kings is shaken ,", "Spurred on by will , and seconded by power ,", "In brief , esteem no act , but that of hand ;", "In imitation of this scurril fool ,", "And at this fulsome stuff ,\u2014 the wit of apes ,\u2014", "For wild ambition , like a ravenous wolf ,", "In whom the tempers , and the minds of all", "Upon a lazy bed , breaks scurril jests ,", "The chief of all our host ,", "Rails on our state of war , and sets Thersites", "Bellowing his passion till he break the spring ,", "Mimics the Grecian chiefs ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 179}, {"query": ["The nature of this sickness found , inform us", "Not answering that idea of the thought ,", "To you we leave the care ;", "Let this be granted , and Achilles \u2019 horse", "That , after nine years siege , Troy makes defence ,", "Which gave it birth ; why then , you Grecian chiefs ,", "Princes , it seems not strange to us , nor new ,", "Are the protractive trials of the gods ,", "When he was born , and played a trick on nature ,", "And think them our dishonour , which indeed", "As how , Ulysses ?", "But when he would seem wise :", "Like Time and Wisdom marching hand in hand ,", "From whence it draws its birth ?"], "true_target": ["Is more of use than he ; but you , grave pair ,", "To make a mimic prince ; he ne'er acts ill ,", "Appears so wretched , that he mocks his title ,", "You have free leave .", "And is his own buffoon .", "Must put a stop to these encroaching ills :", "Fortune was merry", "With sickly eyes do you behold our labours ,", "Since every action of recorded fame", "To prove heroic constancy in men ?", "Must vindicate the dignity of kings .", "You , who could show whence the distemper springs ,", "For all he says or does , from serious thought ,", "Has with long difficulties been involved ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 179}, {"query": ["Like Perseus mounted on his Pegasus .", "Has every action , cadence , motion , tone ,", "Nor are you spared , Ulysses ; but , as you speak in council ,", "Casts down his looks , and winks with half an eye ;", "All of you but the sense .", "And then behold the strong-ribbed argosie ,", "In storms of fortune .", "With due observance of thy sovereign seat ,", "How many bauble-boats dare set their sails ,", "The malady , whereof our state is sick .", "Do empty show , and true-prized worth , divide"], "true_target": ["But let the tempest once enrage that sea ,", "And make an equal way with firmer vessels !", "Then where are those weak rivals of the main ?", "Bounding between the ocean and the air ,", "Thy well-weighed words . In struggling with misfortunes", "Lies the true proof of virtue : On smooth seas ,", "He hems ere he begins , then strokes his beard ,", "Most prudently Ulysses has discovered", "Or , to avoid the tempest , fled to port ,", "Great Agamemnon , Nestor shall apply", "Or made a prey to Neptune . Even thus"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 179}, {"query": ["That next by him below : So each degree", "Thus our distempers are their sole support ;", "Spurns upward at superior eminence ."], "true_target": ["By him one step beneath , he by the next ;", "Troy in our weakness lives , not in her strength .", "\u2018 Tis truth he speaks ; the general 's disdained"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 179}, {"query": ["You have free leave .", "With sickly eyes do you behold our labours ,", "And think them our dishonour , which indeed", "Is more of use than he ; but you , grave pair ,", "But when he would seem wise :", "Since every action of recorded fame", "Not answering that idea of the thought ,", "And is his own buffoon .", "Let this be granted , and Achilles \u2019 horse", "Must vindicate the dignity of kings .", "To prove heroic constancy in men ?", "From whence it draws its birth ?", "Has with long difficulties been involved ,", "To you we leave the care ;"], "true_target": ["Fortune was merry", "The nature of this sickness found , inform us", "As how , Ulysses ?", "That , after nine years siege , Troy makes defence ,", "Are the protractive trials of the gods ,", "Princes , it seems not strange to us , nor new ,", "To make a mimic prince ; he ne'er acts ill ,", "For all he says or does , from serious thought ,", "When he was born , and played a trick on nature ,", "Like Time and Wisdom marching hand in hand ,", "Which gave it birth ; why then , you Grecian chiefs ,", "You , who could show whence the distemper springs ,", "Must put a stop to these encroaching ills :", "Appears so wretched , that he mocks his title ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 180}, {"query": ["But let the tempest once enrage that sea ,", "All of you but the sense .", "Most prudently Ulysses has discovered", "And make an equal way with firmer vessels !", "He hems ere he begins , then strokes his beard ,", "Thy well-weighed words . In struggling with misfortunes", "Do empty show , and true-prized worth , divide", "Like Perseus mounted on his Pegasus .", "Or , to avoid the tempest , fled to port ,", "How many bauble-boats dare set their sails ,", "Casts down his looks , and winks with half an eye ;"], "true_target": ["Then where are those weak rivals of the main ?", "Bounding between the ocean and the air ,", "Or made a prey to Neptune . Even thus", "Great Agamemnon , Nestor shall apply", "Lies the true proof of virtue : On smooth seas ,", "With due observance of thy sovereign seat ,", "The malady , whereof our state is sick .", "In storms of fortune .", "Has every action , cadence , motion , tone ,", "Nor are you spared , Ulysses ; but , as you speak in council ,", "And then behold the strong-ribbed argosie ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 180}, {"query": ["but thy greatness pageants ,", "And at this fulsome stuff ,\u2014 the wit of apes ,\u2014", "The still and thoughtful parts , which move those hands ,", "Must make an universal prey of all ,", "Tickling his spleen , and laughing till he wheeze .", "With them are but the tasks cut out by fear ,", "Lies , mocking our designs ; with him Patroclus ,", "Observe how many Grecian tents stand void", "Prerogative of age , crowns , sceptres , laurels ,", "And his racked voice jar to his audience ;", "Count wisdom of no moment in the war ,", "Heart of our body , soul of our designs ,", "In imitation of this scurril fool ,", "Disdains thy sovereign charge , and in his tent", "Having his ears buzzed with his noisy fame ,", "In whom the tempers , and the minds of all", "They tax our policy with cowardice ,", "And makes of it rehearsals : like a player ,", "So represents he thee , though more unlike", "And with ridiculous and aukward action ,", "Wanted a master , but for our disorders :", "Upon a lazy bed , breaks scurril jests ,", "Mighty Agamemnon !", "Mimics the Grecian chiefs .", "And headlong force is led by hoodwinked will .", "What can succeed ? How could communities ,", "To be performed by valour ."], "true_target": ["Spurred on by will , and seconded by power ,", "Should be inclosed ,\u2014 hear what Ulysses speaks .", "For wild ambition , like a ravenous wolf ,", "The chief of all our host ,", "Or peaceful traffic from divided shores ,", "But by degree , stand on their solid base ?", "Ajax is grown self-willed as broad Achilles .", "Which , slanderer , he imitation calls ,", "The great Achilles , whom opinion crowns", "The large Achilles , on his prest bed lolling ,", "To level us with low comparisons .", "Even thee , the king of men , he does not spare ,", "From his deep chest roars out a loud applause ,", "The observance due to rule has been neglected ,", "To whom the foragers should all repair ,", "He keeps a table too , makes factious feasts ,", "And last devour itself .", "In brief , esteem no act , but that of hand ;", "For , when the general is not like the hive ,", "What honey can our empty combs expect ?", "Troy had been down ere this , and Hector 's sword", "Then every thing resolves to brutal force ,", "Upon this plain , so many hollow factions :", "Or when supremacy of kings is shaken ,", "Than Vulcan is to Venus .", "Rails on our state of war , and sets Thersites", "Bellowing his passion till he break the spring ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 180}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis truth he speaks ; the general 's disdained", "By him one step beneath , he by the next ;", "That next by him below : So each degree"], "true_target": ["Spurns upward at superior eminence .", "Thus our distempers are their sole support ;", "Troy in our weakness lives , not in her strength ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 180}, {"query": ["In Cressid 's love , thou answer'st she is fair ;", "Lest Hector or my father should perceive me ,", "Seek the less dangers , and the greater shun .", "And when fair Cressid comes into my thoughts \u2014", "For womanish it is to be from thence .", "Let him to battle ; Troilus has none .", "In spite of me , thou wilt mistake my meaning .", "O gods , how do you torture me !", "Because not there . This woman 's answer suits me ,", "And forced my face into a painful smile .", "What , art thou angry , Pandarus , with thy friend ?", "But praising thus , instead of oil and balm ,", "Enter \u00c6NEAS .", "I 'll make one ,", "By whom ?", "Why should I fight without the Trojan walls ,", "I cannot come to Cressida but by him ,", "I have , with mighty anguish of my soul ,", "\u00c6n . By Menelaus . Hark what good sport", "What news , \u00c6neas , from the field to-day ?", "Who , without fighting , am o'erthrown within ?", "As she is to be won ."], "true_target": ["And he 's as peevish to be wooed to woo ,", "Dear Pandarus \u2014", "But hear me !", "\u00c6n . Paris is hurt .", "The Greeks are strong , and skilful to their strength , Fierce to their skill , and to their fierceness wary ; But I am weaker than a woman 's tears , Tamer than sleep , fonder than ignorance , And artless as unpractised infancy . Pand Well , I have told you enough of this ; for my part I 'll not meddle nor make any further in your love ; he , that will eat of the roastmeat , must stay for the kindling of the fire .", "And try to lose an anxious thought or two", "I was about to tell thee , when my heart", "In heat of action .", "The Trojan who is master of a soul ,", "The sword that made it .", "Have I not staid ?", "At Priam 's table pensive do I sit ,", "Thou giv'st her not so much .", "Still have I staid ; and still the farther off .", "Have I not staid ?", "\u00c6neas . How now , prince Troilus ; why not in the battle ?", "Oh Pandarus , when I tell thee I am mad", "Just at the birth , stifled this still-born sigh ,", "Was ready with a sigh to cleave in two ,", "Praisest her eyes , her stature , and her wit ;", "Said I she was not beautiful ?", "Thou lay'st , in every wound her love has given me ,", "Thus , coward-like , from love to war I run ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 181}, {"query": ["I 'll be sworn it is true ; he will weep ye , an \u2019 it were a man born in April .", "Not I .", "Faith , I 'll speak no more of her , let her be as she is ; if she be a beauty , \u2018 tis the better for her ; an \u2019 she be not , she has the mends in her own hands , for Pandarus .", "Pardon me ; Troilus is in the bud , \u2018 tis early day with him ; you shall tell me another tale when Troilus is come to bearing ; and yet he will not bear neither , in some sense . No , Hector shall never have his virtues .", "Good-morrow , cousin Cressida . When were you at court ?", "Who , Troilus ? Troilus is the better man of the two .", "Helenus ! No , yes ; he 'll fight indifferently well .\u2014 I marvel in my heart what 's become of Troilus :\u2014 Hark ! do you not hear the people cry , Troilus ?\u2014 Helenus is a priest , and keeps a whore ; he 'll fight for his whore , or he 's no true priest , I warrant him .", "Well , I say Troilus is Troilus .", "Swords , or bucklers , faulchions , darts , and lances ! any thing , he cares not ! an \u2019 the devil come , it is all one to him : by Jupiter he looks so terribly , that I am half afraid to praise him . Enter PARIS . Yonder comes Paris , yonder comes Paris ! look ye yonder , niece ; is it not a brave young prince too ? He draws the best bow in all Troy ; he hits you to a span twelve-score level :\u2014 who said he came home hurt to-day ? why , this will do Helen 's heart good now ! ha ! that I could see Troilus now !", "Faith , to say truth , brown and not brown . Come , I swear to you , I think Helen loves him better than Paris : nay , I 'm sure she does . She comes me to him the other day , into the bow-window ,\u2014 and you know Troilus has not above three or four hairs on his chin ,\u2014", "What 's that , what 's that ?", "I measured her with my girdle yesterday ; she 's not half a yard about the waist , but so taper a shape did I never see ; but when I had her in my arms , Lord , thought I ,\u2014 and by my troth I could not forbear sighing ,\u2014 If prince Troilus had her at this advantage and I were holding of the door !\u2014 An she were a thought taller ,\u2014 but as she is , she wants not an inch of Helen neither ; but there 's no more comparison between the women \u2014 there was wit , there was a sweet tongue ! How her words melted in her mouth ! Mercury would have been glad to have such a tongue in his mouth , I warrant him . I would somebody had heard her talk yesterday , as I did .", "Will this never be at an end with you ?", "No , nor Hector is not Troilus : make your best of that , niece !", "What , no comparison between Hector and Troilus ? do you know a man if you see him ?", "Asses , fools , dolts , dirt , and dung , stuff , and lumber , porridge after meat ; but I could live and die with Troilus . Ne'er look , niece , ne'er look , the lions are gone : apes and monkeys , the fag end of the creation . I had rather be such a man as Troilus , than Agamemnon and all Greece .", "Ay , a token from prince Troilus .", "Well , she 's a most ravishing creature ; and she looked yesterday most killingly ; she had such a stroke with her eyes , she cut to the quick with every glance of them .", "Where , yonder ? that 's Deiphobus : No , I lie . I lie , that 's Troilus ! there 's a man , niece ! hem ! O brave Troilus ! the prince of chivalry , and flower of fidelity !", "Nay , but mark him then ! O brave Troilus ! there 's a man of men , niece ! look you how his sword is bloody , and his helmet more hacked than Hector 's , and how he looks , and how he goes ! O admirable youth ! he never saw two-and-twenty . Go thy way , Troilus , go thy way ! had I a sister were a grace , and a daughter a goddess , he should take his choice of them . O admirable man ! Paris , Paris is dirt to him , and I warrant , Helen , to change , would give all the shoes in her shop to boot .", "Was he angry , say you ? true , he was so , and I know the cause . He was struck down yesterday in the battle , but he 'll lay about him ; he 'll cry quittance with them to-day . I 'll answer for him . And there 's Troilus will not come far behind him : let them take heed of Troilus , I can tell them that too ."], "true_target": ["I give her but her due .", "I care not if you did ; she 's a fool to stay behind her father Calchas : let her to the Greeks ; and so I 'll tell her . For my part , I am resolute , I 'll meddle no more in your affairs .", "That 's but the roasting , but there 's more in this word stay ; there 's the taking off the spit , the making of the sauce , the dishing , the setting on the table , and saying grace ; nay , you must stay the cooling too , or you may chance to burn your chaps .", "Ay , the kindling ; but you must stay the spitting of the meat .", "Here , here , here is an excellent place ; we may see them here most bravely , and I 'll tell you all their names as they pass by ; but mark Troilus above the rest ; mark Troilus , he 's worth your marking . \u00c6NEAS passes over the Stage .", "I have had but my labour for my pains ; ill thought on of her , and ill thought on of you ; gone between and between , and am ground in the mill-stones for my labour .", "Why , you know it is dimpled . I cannot chuse but laugh , to think how she tickled his cloven chin . She has a marvellous white hand , I must needs confess . But let that pass , for I know who has a whiter . Well , cousin , I told you a thing yesterday ; think on it , think on it .", "Nor his beauty , nor his fashion , nor his wit ; he shall have nothing of him .", "Himself ! alas , poor Troilus ! I would he were himself : well , the gods are all-sufficient , and time must mend or end . I would he were himself , and would I were a lady for his sake . I would not answer for my maidenhead .\u2014 No , Hector is not a better man than Troilus .", "How , his own better ! you have no judgment , niece ; Helen herself swore , the other day , that Troilus , for a manly brown complexion ,\u2014 for so it is , I must confess \u2014 not brown neither .", "But to prove to you that Helen loves him , she comes , and puts me her white hand to his cloven chin .", "What were you a talking , when I came ? Was Hector armed , and gone ere ye came ? Hector was stirring early .", "Ay , the spitting ; but there 's two words to a bargain ; you must stay the roasting too .", "That 's \u00c6neas . Is it not a brave man that ? he 's a swinger , many a Grecian he has laid with his face upward ; but mark Troilus : you shall see anon . Enter ANTENOR passing . That 's Antenor ; he has a notable head-piece I can tell you , and he 's the ablest man for judgment in all Troy ; you may turn him loose , i'faith , and by my troth a proper person . When comes Troilus ? I 'll shew you Troilus anon ; if he see me , you shall see him nod at me . HECTOR passes over . That 's Hector , that , that , look you that ; there 's a fellow ! go thy way , Hector ; there 's a brave man , niece . O brave Hector , look how he looks ! there 's a countenance . Is it not a brave man , niece ?", "Where boy , where ?", "That is Helenus .\u2014 I marvel where Troilus is all this while ;\u2014 that is Helenus .\u2014 I think Troilus went not forth to-day ;\u2014 that 's Helenus .", "Achilles ! a carman , a beast of burden ; a very camel : have you any eyes , niece ? do you know a man ? is he to be compared with Troilus ?", "Because she 's my niece , therefore she 's not so fair as Helen ; an \u2019 she were not my niece , show me such another piece of woman 's flesh : take her limb by limb : I say no more , but if Paris had seen her first , Menelaus had been no cuckold : but what care I if she were a blackamoor ? what am I the better for her face ?", "Good boy , tell him I come instantly : I doubt he 's wounded . Farewell , good niece . But I 'll be with you by and by .", "Pray speak no more o n't ; I 'll not burn my fingers in another body 's business ; I 'll leave it as I found it , and there 's an end .", "Is he not ? it does a man 's heart good to look on him ; look you , look you there , what hacks are on his helmet ! this was no boy 's play , i'faith ; he laid it on with a vengeance , take it off who will , as they say ! there are hacks , niece !"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 181}, {"query": ["And whither go they ?", "Oh Jupiter ! there 's no comparison ! Troilus the better man .", "What sneaking fellow comes yonder ?", "That 's but a bare commendation .", "That 's what I say ; for I am sure he is not Hector .", "\u2018 Tis true , for each of them is himself .", "Good-morrow , uncle Pandarus .", "Peace , for shame , peace !", "For once you shall command me .", "As if my ears could ne'er be satisfied :", "And , as there were good husbandry in war .", "\u00c6n . Up to the western tower ,", "They would not become him , his own are better .", "Excuse me .", "Why then , why said I not , I love this prince ?", "To see the battle . Hector , whose patience", "Can Helenus fight , uncle ?", "Is fixed like that of heaven , to-day was moved ;", "So I do , uncle .", "I always told you so .", "Were those with swords ?", "Here come more .", "To say I loved him not ? O childish love !", "By the same token , you are a procurer , uncle ."], "true_target": ["What , was he struck down too ?", "CRESSIDA alone .", "Long has my secret soul loved Troilus ;", "Speak not so loud then .", "No , but very brown .", "No matter .", "A strange dissembling sex we women are :", "Has he been fighting then ? how came it cloven ?", "Whose height commands , as subject , all the vale ,", "No : for he may look like a man , and not be one .", "And what he most desires , he throws away .", "I drunk his praises from my uncle 's mouth ,", "This morning , uncle .", "That I was talking of , and of his anger .", "Your pardon , lady , that 's my business too .", "\u2018 Tis like an infant , froward in his play ,", "Hector 's a gallant warrior .", "Well may we men , when we ourselves deceive .", "He chid Andromache , and struck his armourer ,", "There 's Achilles among the Greeks , he 's a brave man .", "Before the sun was up he went to field ;", "My lord \u00c6neas , who were those went by ? I mean the ladies . \u00c6n . Queen Hecuba and Helen .", "Who 's that black man , uncle ?", "How could my tongue conspire against my heart ,", "To bring me , uncle !"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 181}, {"query": ["At his own house , if you think convenient ."], "true_target": ["Sir , my lord Troilus would instantly speak with you ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 181}, {"query": ["I did not name myself , because I know", "And who shall make him such , when you are gone ?", "After the expence of so much time and blood ,", "Troy has but one , one Hector .", "Have you no right in Hector , as a wife ?", "He tells you true .", "The general safety on your life depends ;", "And trust itself for growth .", "The pleasures such a beauty brings with it ;", "Troy with a groan would feel her soul go out ,", "So says Paris ,", "Your thundering arm , would all the rest depart ?", "Wiped off , in honourable keeping her .", "Or give his childhood lessons of the war ?", "Your own blood , Hector .", "To make that maxim good .", "But you must let him live to be a Hector ;", "They can repair with more that single loss :", "And , should you perish in this rash attempt ,", "Against whole heaps of theirs .", "Deliver Helen , and all other loss", "Before it be transplanted from its earth ,", "And make it bear in manhood ? the young sapling", "If Ajax or Achilles fell beneath", "This would be courage ; but in him \u2018 tis madness ."], "true_target": ["Yet still I fear !", "\u00c6ne . He not proposes merely to himself", "Suppose you win , what would the profit be ?", "Who shall defend the promise of his youth ,", "He has the honey still , but these the gall .", "Daughter , why speak not you ? why stand you silent ?", "Who shall instruct his tenderness in arms ,", "Thus once again the Grecians send to Troy ;\u2014", "\u00c6n . Suppose one Ajax , or Achilles lost ,", "When thou art gone , I need no Grecian sword", "Shall be forgotten .\u2014 Hector , what say you to it ?", "Like one besotted on effeminate joys ;", "Set sail for this ? then it were worth your danger .", "To help me die , but only Hector 's loss .\u2014", "But , as it is , we throw our utmost stake", "Is shrouded long beneath the mother-tree ,", "An Hector one day ,", "And breathe her last in you .", "See , here 's your wife ,", "But he would have the stain of Helen 's rape", "What means my son ?", "\u00c6n . The task you undertake is hazardous :", "If Hector only were a private man ,", "Heaven protect thee !", "Would Agamemnon , or his injured brother ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 182}, {"query": ["The Grecian dames are sun-burnt , and not worth", "For \u2018 tis a cause on which our Trojan honour", "Gods make me worthy of thee !", "Welcome , Andromache : your looks are chearful ,", "Brother , she 's not worth", "Washed by yon silver flood , are they not ours ?", "To keep a thing not ours , not worth to us", "And will to-morrow , with the trumpet 's call ,", "What sparks of honour", "More ready to cry out ,\u2014 who knows the consequence ?", "\u00c6n . It shall be told them ,", "The splinter of a lance .", "\u2014 It shall be so \u2014 I 'll do't .", "Who holds his honour higher than his ease ,", "Thou know'st me well , and thou shalt praise me more ;", "Shall we behold them ? shall we call them ours ,", "But value dwells not in opinion only :", "Still to retain the cause of so much ill ?", "If there be one amongst the best of Greece ,", "A woman , on my life : even so it happens ,", "\u00c6neas , go ,", "The value of a man , what reason is there", "What her defence has cost us .", "Yet there 's no virgin of more tender heart ,", "In doing wrong , extenuates not wrong ,", "Fly from this child ! the gods speak in him sure :", "More dear to me than yours .", "Religion , state-affairs , whate'er ' s the theme ,", "Maintain what I have said . If any come ,", "Than ever Greek did compass in his arms ;", "In this neglecting that main argument ,", "And common reputation will depend .", "Speak loud she be restored . Thus to persist", "Alas , my father !", "It holds the dignity and estimation ,", "But public safety , and my son 's green years :", "Those teeming vines that tempt our longing eyes ,", "If saying superficial things be reason .", "My sprightly brother , I incline to you"], "true_target": ["You have not drawn one reason from yourself ,", "To make the service greater than the god .", "Thou better name than wife ! would'st thou not blush", "The moral laws of nature and of nations", "Trust me you chide my filial piety ;", "In other arms than hers ,\u2014 to him this challenge .", "And bear my challenge to the Grecian camp .", "To hug a coward thus ?", "I have a lady of more truth and beauty ,", "No , \u00c6neas ! What then art thou ; and what is Troilus ? What will Astyanax be ?", "You bring some pleasing news .", "As boldly as you gave it .", "And dares avow her beauty and her worth ,", "Upon what errand ?", "Which of these haughty Grecians dares to think", "In resolution to defend her still :", "As in the prizer : \u2018 tis idolatry ,", "With manly courage best : let Helen go .", "Though no man less can fear the Greeks than I ,", "Is not that country ours ? those fruitful fields", "If we have lost so many lives of ours ,", "By Troy , or by my son , or any name", "To send a challenge to the boldest Greek .", "My sword shall honour him ; if none shall dare ,", "Mid-way between their tents and these our walls ,", "Who loves his mistress more than in confession ,", "Come to my arms , thou manlier virtue , come !", "He can keep Hector prisoner here in Troy .", "Then shall I say , at my return to Troy ,", "Who knows his valour , and knows not his fear ;", "And dare not make them so ? by heavens I 'll know", "Troilus and \u00c6neas , you have said ;", "But if this Helen be another 's wife ,", "Is this , in way of truth : yet , ne'ertheless ,", "Than Hector is ; for modest doubt is mixed", "But makes it much more so . Hector 's opinion", "As if I could be won from my resolves", "As well , wherein \u2018 tis precious of itself ,", "It ends in woman still ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 182}, {"query": ["I would not wish a drop of Trojan blood", "What 's aught , but as \u2018 tis valued ?", "If you 'll confess , he brought home noble prize ;\u2014", "Whose life were ill bestowed , or death unfamed ,", "When Helen is the subject .", "As you must needs , for you all clapped your hands ,", "\u00c6n . May we not guess ?", "Spent more in her defence ; but oh ! my brother ,", "And cried , Inestimable !\u2014 Why do you now", "Fye , fye , my noble brother !", "You may , and be deceived .", "And I presume brave Hector would not lose", "Are fears and reasons fit to be considered ,", "When a king 's fame is questioned ?", "The rich advantage of his future fame", "Of common ounces thus ?", "Without a heart to dare , or sword to draw ,", "For the wide world 's revenue :\u2014 I have business ;"], "true_target": ["So great as Asia 's monarch , in a scale", "So under-rate the value of your purchase ?", "When we have worn them ; the remaining food", "Than war and vengeance ,", "She is a subject of renown and honour ;", "When we have taken what we fear to keep .", "When such arms strike , ne'er doubt of the success .", "As you must needs , for you all cried , Go , go :\u2014", "Weigh you the worth and honour of a king ,", "\u00c6ne . There 's not the meanest spirit in our party ,", "Were it not glory that we covet more", "Throw not away , because we now are full .", "If you confess , \u2018 twas wisdom Paris went ;\u2014", "When Helen is defended : None so noble ,", "We turn not back the silks upon the merchant ,", "But glad I am to leave you thus resolved .", "Why there you touched the life of our design :", "For , let me tell you , \u2018 tis unmanly theft ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 182}, {"query": ["Then let our equal gods behold an act ,", "No less than that his grandfather this day", "And yet as safe , as if the broad-brimmed shield ,", "I had aspired a nobler name ,\u2014 his friend .", "Of thick-ranked Grecians , and shall one affright him ?", "To lead this lazy life .", "Nothing that 's serious .", "Would make him knight : he longs to kill a Grecian :", "They may not blush to crown .", "There 's not a day but he encounters armies ;", "To prove they do not well to burn our fields ,", "And when the Trojan matrons wait him out", "You shall be", "How I love Hector ,\u2014 need I say I love him ?\u2014", "So black as Helen 's rape upon your breast .", "That mounts his courage , kindles even to me :", "Let Paris fight for Helen ; guilt for guilt :", "His country and his gods , that martial fire ,", "And had I been a man , as my soul 's one ,"], "true_target": ["To Agamemnon , Ajax , or Achilles ,", "Has he not met a thousand lifted swords", "And keep us cooped like prisoners in a town ,", "I am not but in him :", "To wipe away the sweat and dust of war ,", "With prayers , and meet with blessings his return ,", "Your little son Astyanax has employed me", "But when I see him arming for his honour ,", "There spoke a woman ; pardon , royal sir ;", "And dress my hero glorious in his wounds .", "The pride of virtue beats within my breast ,", "I would be worthy to be Hector 's wife :", "That Pallas wears , were held \u2018 twixt him and death .", "For should he stay to be a man , he thinks", "And therefore he designs to send a challenge", "But when you fight for honour and for me ,", "You 'll kill them all ; and leave no work for him .", "My knight this day ; you shall not wear a cause", "As his ambassadress ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 182}, {"query": ["Walk here a moment more : I 'll bring her strait .", "Do I so , do I so ? do I torture you indeed ? well , I will go .", "Why you did consent , your eyes consented ; they blabbed , they leered , their very corners blabbed . But you 'll say , your tongue said nothing . No , I warrant it : your tongue was wiser ; your tongue was better bred ; your tongue kept its own counsel : nay , I 'll say that for you , your tongue said nothing .\u2014 Well , such a shamefaced couple did I never see , days o'my life ! so \u2018 fraid of one another ; such ado to bring you to the business ! Well , if this job were well over , if ever I lose my pains again with an aukward couple , let me be painted in the sign-post for the labour in vain : Fye upo n't , fye upo n't ! there 's no conscience i n't : all honest people will cry shame o n't .", "No fear yet ; thou art a woman , and he 's a man ; put them together , put them together .", "Marry is he ; there 's no fear in that , I hope : the fear were , if he were old and feeble .", "No venture in the world ; thy mother ventured it for thee , and thou shalt venture it for my little cousin , that must be .", "Nay , I was tortured too ; old as I am , I was tortured too : but for all that , I could make a shift , to make him , to make your excuse , to make your father \u2014 by Jove , when I think of that hand , I am so ravished , that I know not what I say : I was tortured too .", "Oh faint heart , faint heart ! well , there 's much good matter in these old proverbs ! No , she 'll not come , I warrant her ; she has no blood of mine in her , not so much as will fill a flea . But if she does not come , and come , and come with a swing into your arms \u2014 I say no more , but she has renounced all grace , and there 's an end .", "Nothing , do you call it ! is that nothing , do you call that nothing ? why he looks , for all the world , like one of your rascally malefactors , just thrown off the gibbet , with his cap down , his arms tied down , his feet sprunting , his body swinging . Nothing do you call it ? this is nothing , with a vengeance !", "How , not come , and I her uncle ! why , I tell you , prince , she twitters at you . Ah poor sweet rogue ! ah , little rogue , now does she think , and think , and think again of what must be betwixt you two . Oh sweet ,\u2014 oh sweet \u2014 O \u2014 what , not come , and I her uncle ?", "Why go to then , he cannot fly away then ; then , that 's certain , that 's undoubted : there he lies to be taken up : but if you had seen him , when I said to him ,\u2014 Take a good heart , man , and follow me ; and fear no colours , and speak your mind , man : she can never stand you ; she will fall , an \u2019 \u2018 twere a leaf in autumn ,\u2014"], "true_target": ["She 's making her ready ; she 'll come strait : you must be witty now !\u2014 she does so blush , and fetches her breath so short , as if she were frighted with a sprite ; \u2018 tis the prettiest villain ! she fetches her breath so short , as \u2018 twere a new-ta'en sparrow .", "No , you would not have me go ; you are indifferent \u2014 shall I go , say you ? speak the word then :\u2014 yet I care not : you may stand in your own light , and lose a sweet young lady 's heart \u2014 well , I shall not go then .", "I go immediately , directly , in a twinkling , with a thought : yet you think a man never does enough for you ; I have been labouring in your business like any moyle . I was with prince Paris this morning , to make your excuse at night for not supping at court ; and I found him \u2014 faith , how do you think I found him ? it does my heart good to think how I found him : yet you think a man never does enough for you .", "There 's all my fear , that thou art not frail : thou should'st be frail , all flesh is frail .", "Now , my sweet prince ! have you seen my niece ? no , I know you have not .", "Yonder he stands , poor wretch ! there stands he with such a look , and such a face , and such begging eyes ! there he stands , poor prisoner !", "Who , I damned ? Faith , I doubt I shall ; by my troth I think I shall : nay if a man be damned for doing good , as thou say'st , it may go hard with me .", "Why , I made your excuse to your brother Paris ; that I think 's to Cressida :\u2014 but such an arm , such a hand , such taper fingers ! t'other hand was under the bed-cloaths ; that I saw not , I confess ; that hand I saw not .", "How , not see prince Troilus ? why I have engaged , I have promised , I have past my word . I care not for damning , let me alone for damning ; I value not damning in comparison with my word . If I am damned , it shall be a good damning to thee , girl , thou shalt be my heir ; come , \u2018 tis a virtuous girl ; thou shalt help me to keep my word , thou shalt see prince Troilus .", "Why , you will not hear a man ! what 's this to Cressida ? Why , I found him a-bed , a-bed with Helena , by my troth : \u2018 Tis a sweet queen , a sweet queen ; a very sweet queen ,\u2014 but she 's nothing to my cousin Cressida ; she 's a blowse , a gipsy , a tawny moor to my cousin Cressida ; and she lay with one white arm underneath the whoreson 's neck : Oh such a white , lilly-white , round , plump arm as it was \u2014 and you must know it was stripped up to the elbows ; and she did so kiss him , and so huggle him !\u2014 as who should say \u2014", "If thou wert my own daughter a thousand times over , I could do no better for thee ; what wouldst thou have , girl ? he 's a prince , and a young prince and a loving young prince ! an uncle , dost thou call me ? by Cupid , I am a father to thee ; get thee in , get thee in , girl , I hear him coming . And do you hear , niece ! I give you leave to deny a little , \u2018 twill be decent ; but take heed of obstinacy , that 's a vice ; no obstinacy , my dear niece .", "Why , ready money , ready money ; you carry it about you : give and take is square-dealing ; for in my conscience he 's as arrant a maid as you are . I was fain to use violence to him , to pull him hither : and he pulled , and I pulled : for you must know he 's absolutely the strongest youth in Troy . T'other day he took Helen in one hand , and Paris in t'other , and danc 'd \u2018 em at one another at arms-end an \u2019 \u2018 twere two moppets :\u2014 there was a back ! there were bone and sinews ! there was a back for you !"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 183}, {"query": ["Then I 'll not see prince Troilus ; I 'll not be accessary to your damnation .", "Did you tell him all this , without my consent ?", "For these good procuring offices you 'll be damned one day , uncle .", "And I a woman .", "Are you my uncle , and can give this counsel to your own brother 's daughter ?"], "true_target": ["What a deluge of words do you pour out , uncle , to say just nothing ?", "Where is this monster to be shown ? what 's to be given for a sight of him ?", "Or , what think you of a hurt bird , that flutters about with a broken wing ?", "And if I should be frail \u2014", "The venture 's great .", "Weigh but my fears : Prince Troilus is young .\u2014"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 183}, {"query": ["Staying for waftage . O , be thou my Charon ,", "Fly , fly , thou torturest me .", "Re-enter PANDARUS .", "No , Pandarus ; I stalk about your doors .", "I 'm giddy ; expectation whirls me round :", "I fear it much : and I do fear beside ,", "The eye of majesty .\u2014 Lead on , I 'll follow .", "I know not where I am , nor what I do ;", "Now , Pandarus .", "That it enchants my sense ; what will it be ,", "Again thou torturest me .", "Just like a slave , at unawares encountering", "I fear she will not come ; most sure she will not .", "Will you go then ?\u2014 What 's this to Cressida ?", "I will believe thee : go then , but be sure ."], "true_target": ["That I shall lose distinction in my joys ;", "And fly with me to Cressida .", "Still thou flatter'st me ; but pr'ythee flatter still ; for I would hope ; I would not wake out of my pleasing dream . Oh hope , how sweet thou art ! but to hope always , and have no effect of what we hope !", "It must be either death , or joy too fine", "For the capacity of human powers .", "But yet thou dost not go .", "A flying enemy .", "As does a battle , when they charge on heaps", "My heart beats thicker than a feverish pulse :", "But still thou stayest :\u2014 what 's this to Cressida ?", "The imaginary relish is so sweet ,", "Like a strange soul upon the Stygian banks ,", "When I shall taste that nectar ?", "Just such a passion does heave up my breast !", "And give me swift transportance to Elysium ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 183}, {"query": ["Soul of our mirth , and joy of sullen war ,", "The lustre of our better , yet unshown ,", "If not , we yet preserve a fair opinion ,", "\u2018 Tis but a keen-edged sword , spread o'er with balm ,", "What malice is there in a mirthful scene ?", "Be you my time to bring it to some shape .", "Asia 's not price enough ! bid the world for him .", "This challenge which \u00c6neas brings from Hector ,", "Let us , like merchants , show our coarsest wares ,", "For brutal courage is the soldier 's idol :", "The seeded pride ,", "And will it wake him to the answer , think you ?", "Relates in purpose only to Achilles .", "Who feeds on Ajax , yet loves him not , because he cannot love ;", "However it be spread in general terms ,", "Than in his pride , should he \u2018 scape Hector fair .", "But hates them most from whom he most receives ,", "The skilful surgeon will not lance a sore ,", "I have conceived an embryo in my brain :", "So , if one prove contemptuous , backed by t'other ,", "Till nature has digested and prepared", "Shall be attended with strange followers .", "And place the power of war in madmen 's hands .", "Pardon me , Nestor , if I contradict you :", "Therefore \u2018 tis fit Achilles meet not Hector .", "Hates all he sees , and rails at all he knows ;", "But he already is too insolent :", "The same prescription does the wise Thersites", "Apply , to mend our minds . The same he uses", "And shall this man , this Hermes , this Apollo ,", "Our greatest warrior should be matched with Hector ;", "And summer days not tedious .", "That we have better men .", "Who forms the body to a graceful carriage ,", "Else must he often grieve the patient 's sense ,", "I 'd be revenged of both . When wine fumes high ,", "And with his presence grace a brainless feast ?", "And play at hard head with their empty skulls .", "Then we shall learn all day .", "Ere we can reach our ends ; for , while they love each other ,", "Making his wit their nonsense : nay , they scorn him ;", "That has to this maturity blown up", "Why they con sense from him , grow wits by rote ,", "To Ajax , to Achilles , to the rest ;", "The chance to fight with Hector : among ourselves ,"], "true_target": ["To heal the wound it makes .", "And think , perchance they 'll sell ; but , if they do not ,", "Must imitate our aukward motions first ;", "That knot of friendship first must be untied ,", "Play him for sport at meals , and kick him off .", "to Nest . Away ; our work is done .", "For both our honour and our shame in this", "\u2018 Twill give the law to cool and sober sense ,", "To vie their stupid courage , till they quarrel ,", "Both hating us , will draw too strong a bias ,", "Set them to prate , to boast their brutal strength ,", "Are not Achilles and dull Ajax friends ?", "Who swells with loud applause ; and make him fall", "Are they not such , my Nestor ?", "Sit lag of Ajax \u2019 table , almost minstrel ,", "He hits \u2018 em right ;", "Why then our common reputation suffers", "And we had better parch in Afric sun ,", "Is this a man , O Nestor , to be bought ?", "Hold , you mistake him , Nestor ; \u2018 tis his custom :", "Enter THERSITES .", "Hail , noble Grecian ! thou relief of toils ,", "What glory our Achilles gains from Hector ,", "And , by device , let blockish Ajax draw", "Call him bought railer , mercenary tongue !", "For that will physic the great Myrmidon ,", "His satires are the physic of the camp .", "When one incision , once well-timed , would serve .", "That he should want the kindness which he takes .", "In rank Achilles , must or now be cropped ,", "In whose converse our winter nights are short ,", "Or , shedding , breed a nursery of like ill ,", "\u2018 Tis not ripe .", "His crest , if brainless Ajax come safe off :", "Disdaining that his lot should be so low ,", "The growing humours to her healing purpose ;", "And all the camp will lean that way they draw ;", "Here comes Thersites ,", "To overtop us all .", "In that of our best man . No , make a lottery ;", "Will show the better : let us not consent ,", "Were he not proud , we all should share with him :", "But grant he should be foiled ;", "And yet , by ill repeating , libel him ,", "Give him allowance as the braver man ;", "But , as a species differing from mankind ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 184}, {"query": ["It ought to do : whom can we else oppose ,", "He 'll rail all day .", "Great actions weighed of each ; and each the best ,", "To inform him of our project .", "And this must be by secret coals of envy", "Although particular , will give an omen", "They are indeed .", "From Greece and royal Agamemnon 's hands .", "Now I conceive you ; were they once divided ,", "Now I begin to relish thy advice :", "As much as fools can be .", "How , hang us both !", "I see them not with my old eyes ; what are they ?", "What is't , Ulysses ?", "No ; they are headstrong fools , to be corrected", "Canst tame and train them to their proper use ;", "Blown in their breast ; comparisons of worth ;"], "true_target": ["A fine greeting .", "As we shall give him voice .", "Of good or bad , even to the general cause .", "What , curse me for my age !", "The other 's towering growth , and keep both low ,", "And Agamemnon \u2014", "As instruments , and not as lords of war .", "And one of them made ours , that one would check", "I 'm no man 's fool .", "By none but by Thersites ; thou alone", "And , doing this , may'st claim a just reward", "Come , let us go to Agamemnon strait ,", "That 's my opinion .", "Who could from Hector bring his honour off ,", "I 'll hear no more of him , his poison works ;", "If not Achilles ? the success of this ,", "There 's none so fit an engine :\u2014 Save ye , Thersites ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 184}, {"query": ["The plague of Greece , and Helen 's pox light on thee ,", "Thou scurvy valiant ass !", "Thou mongrel mastiff , thou beef-witted lord !", "Thou sapless oak , that liv'st by wanting thought ,", "The death of men ; thou canst not hang ; thy trunk", "Then be thy own , that 's worse .", "Is only fit for gallows to hang others .", "I serve thee not .", "I 'll think they kick for me ; they shall fell timber", "Ajax and Achilles ! two mud-walls of fool ,", "So he had need ; for , to my certain knowledge , neither of you two are conjurers to inform him .", "The pillars , no , the porters of the war .", "Thou lord !\u2014 Ay , do , do ,\u2014 would my buttocks were iron , for thy sake !", "I say this Ajax wears his wit in 's belly , and his guts in 's brains .", "Pox of Agamemnon !", "Thou shouldst be felled : hanging 's a civil death ,", "\u2018 Tis no matter ; I shall speak as much sense as thou afterwards . I 'll see you hanged ere I come any more to your tent ; I 'll keep where there 's wit stirring , and leave the faction of fools .", "Hard-headed rogues ! engines , mere wooden engines", "And when thou hast contrived some dark design ,", "And he brings only beard to vouch thy plots .", "At such an age ! what saw the Gods in thee ,", "And beasts of burden ; Ajax and Achilles !", "I shall sooner rail thee into wit ; thou canst kick , canst thou ? A red murrain on thy jades tricks !", "Yes ; they shall butt and kick , and all the while", "But when you do not want him , then stale porridge ,", "And thou shouldst last three ages ? he 's thy better ;", "I 'll have no gifts with hooks at end of them .", "Who hangs on thee ! thou lead'st him by the nose ;", "Hang you both .", "But what a rogue art thou ,", "And thou put'st on their harness , rid'st and spurr'st them ;", "Nay , you may take a child 's part o n't if you have so much courage , for Hector has challenged the toughest of the Greeks ; and it is in dispute which of your two heads is the soundest timber . A knotty piece of work he 'll have betwixt your noddles .", "Pushed on to do your work .", "Thou hast forgot thy use some hundred years .", "You say ! why you never said any thing in all your life . But , since you will know , it is proclaimed through the army , that Hector is to cudgel you to-morrow .", "Fools .", "I would have peace , but the fool will not .", "But he must thank me for't ?", "Thou beg'st a curse ?", "Thou lay'st thy cuckoo 's egg within his nest ,"], "true_target": ["But hang thee first , thou very reverend fool !", "And mak'st him hatch it ; teachest his remembrance", "A standard to march under .", "A starved dog would not lap , and furrow water ,", "Cannot I do a mischief for myself ,", "Thou play'st him like a puppet ; speak'st within him ;", "There 's no cause for't", "Jove , if it be thy will , let these two fools quarrel about nothing ! \u2018 tis a cause that 's worthy of them .", "That a cock-sparrow should but live three years ,", "Thou art proclaimed a fool , I think .", "Curse on them , they want wine ; your true fool will never fight without it . Or a drab , a drab ; Oh for a commodious drab betwixt them ! would Helen had been here ! then it had come to something . Dogs , lions , bulls , for females tear and gore ; And the beast , man , is valiant for his whore .", "Thou mean'st so always .", "Weak indeed ; God help you both !", "Yes , they can kick ; my buttocks feel they can ;", "Why , you empty fuz-balls , your heads are full of nothing else but proclamations .", "This Agamemnon is a king of clouts ,", "They shall eat dry , and choak for want of wit ,", "May'st thou quit scores then , and be hanged on Nestor ,", "Set up to frighten daws from cherry-trees ,\u2014", "For wit 's a dear commodity among you ;", "To say they are indeed ! Heaven made them horses ,", "To lie , and say , the like of it was practised", "Before I 'll feed those wit-starved rogues with sense .", "Is all the wine we taste : give drabs and pimps ;", "And now , in thy three hundredth year , repin'st", "He uses life ; he treads himself to death .", "I 'll starve ,\u2014 \u2018 tis brave to starve , \u2018 tis like a soldier ,\u2014", "So , now they quarrel in monosyllables ; a word and a blow , a n't be thy will .", "On both sides , and then logwood will be cheap .", "Thou stump of man , thou worn-out broom , thou lumber !", "That only differ in degrees of thickness .", "A fine old dotard , to repine at hanging", "Would they were poison to't , ratsbane and hemlock ! Nothing else can mend you , and those two brawny fools .", "Ay , when you need a man , you talk of giving ,", "Ere they be moistened with one drop of mine .", "A chip in porridge ,\u2014", "Dolt-heads , asses ,", "Two hundred years ago ; thou bring'st the brain ,", "Usurp'st upon heaven 's fools , and mak'st them thine .", "They have their asses tricks ; but I 'll eat pebbles ,", "To lose a thousand Greeks , make dogs-meat of us ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 184}, {"query": ["Farewell .", "Thersites .", "I shall cut out your tongue .", "I would .", "You whorson cur , take that .", "Thou bitch-wolf ! can'st thou not hear ? feel then .", "Well , Achilles .", "You said he knew his man ; is there but one ? One man amongst the Greeks ?", "Thou slave !", "Weak Achilles ."], "true_target": ["Nor I .", "Dog !", "Speak , or I 'll beat thee into handsomeness .", "Tell us the news , I say .", "Speak then , thou mouldy leaven of the camp ;", "I mean nothing .", "Yes ; he may know his man without art magic .", "Then I am he .", "I bade him tell me the proclamation , and he rails upon me .", "Tell me the proclamation ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 184}, {"query": ["You may hear more .", "Since you will have it ,", "to Ajax . You do not mean yourself , sure ?", "I can brook no comparisons .", "Why , how now , Ajax ! wherefore do you this ? How now , Thersites , what 's the matter , man ?", "He knows his man .", "Well , Ajax ."], "true_target": ["How , cudgel him , Thersites !", "But one to fight with Hector .", "Peace , fool .", "Umh ! mean nothing !", "Nay , thou shalt not go , Thersites , till we have squeezed the venom out of thee : pr'ythee , inform us of this proclamation .", "Weak Ajax !", "If Hector be to fight with any Greek ,", "Expect ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 184}, {"query": ["He tells you true , you are both equal ."], "true_target": ["Come , this must be no quarrel .", "But what 's the quarrel ?"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 184}, {"query": ["I 'll decline the whole question . Agamemnon commands Achilles ; Achilles is my benefactor ; I am Patroclus 's knower ; and Patroclus is a fool .", "And all these foresaid men are fools . Agamemnon 's a fool , to offer to command Achilles ; Achilles is a fool , to be commanded by him ; I am a fool , to serve such a fool ; and Patroclus is a fool positive .", "Achilles ?", "Why , he is an old wooden top , set up by father Time three hundred years ago , that hums to Agamemnon and Ulysses , and sleeps to all the world besides .", "Nay , that 's no wonder , for he never did .", "No , I 'll put on his person ; let Patroclus make his demands to me , and you shall see the pageant of Ajax .", "Humh !", "Thy commander , Achilles .\u2014 Then tell me , Patroclus , what 's", "If I could have remembered an ass with gilt trappings , thou hadst not slipped out of my contemplation . But it is no matter : thyself upon thyself ! the common curse of mankind , folly and ignorance , be thine in great abundance ! Heavens bless thee from a tutor , and discipline come not near thee !\u2014 I have said my prayers ; and the devil , Envy , say Amen . Where 's Achilles ?", "Agamemnon ?", "I hope to see his praise upon his shoulders , in blows and bruises ; his arms , thighs , and body , all full of fame , such fame as he gave me ; and a wide hole at last full in his bosom , to let in day upon him , and discover the inside of a fool ."], "true_target": ["If to-morrow be a fair day , by eleven o'clock it will go one way or the other ; however , he shall buy me dearly . Fare you well , with all my heart .", "Would the fountain of his mind were clear , that he might see an ass in it ! I had rather be a tick in a sheep , than such a valiant ignorance .", "Humh !", "Thy knower , Patroclus . Then tell me , Patroclus , what art thou ?", "Farewell , with all my heart .", "No ; but he 's thus out of tune . What music will be in him when Hector has knocked out his brains , I know not , nor I care not ; but if emptiness makes noise , his head will make melody .", "O , you would be learning to practise against such another time ?\u2014 Why , he tosses up his head as he had built castles in the air ; and he treads upward to them , stalks into the element ; he surveys himself , as it were to look for Ajax : he would be cried , for he has lost himself ; nay , he knows nobody ; I said , \u201c Good-morrow , Ajax , \u201d and he replied , \u201c Thanks , Agamemnon . \u201d", "Shall the idiot Ajax use me thus ? he beats me , and I rail at him . O worthy satisfaction ! would I could but beat him , and he railed at me ! Then there 's Achilles , a rare engineer ; if Troy be not taken till these two undermine it , the walls will stand till they fall of themselves . Now the plague on the whole camp , or rather the pox ; for that 's a curse dependent on those that fight , as we do , for a cuckold 's quean .\u2014 What , ho , my lord Achilles !", "Make that demand to heaven ; it suffices me , thou art one .", "Ha !", "Ha !"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 185}, {"query": ["If any thing more than your sport and pleasure", "How he struts in expectation of honour ! he knows not what he does .", "What say you to it ?", "And to procure him safe conduct from Agamemnon .", "And begs you would excuse him , as unfit", "Who 's there , Thersites ? Good Thersites , come in and rail .", "You rascal ! Achil , He is a privileged man ; proceed , Thersites . Ha , ha , ha ! pr'ythee , proceed , while I am in the vein of laughing .", "Ay , my lord .", "Achilles bids me tell you , he is sorry", "Thou mayest tell , that knowest .", "Who most humbly desires you to invite Hector to his tent ."], "true_target": ["I come from the great Achilles .", "Your answer , sir ?", "I shall say so to him .", "Look , who comes here .", "Did move you to this visit : He 's not well ,", "Nestor shall not escape so ; he has told us what we are . Come , what 's Nestor ?", "Why am I a fool ?", "Within , but ill disposed , my lord .", "Jove bless the mighty Ajax !", "For present business .", "Thy benefactor , Thersites . Then tell me , pr'ythee , what 's thyself ?", "I shall , and bring his answer presently ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 185}, {"query": ["I but force a smile ; Ajax has drawn the lot , and all the praise of", "Who 's there , Thersites ? Why , my digestion , why hast thou not served thyself to my table so many meals ? Come , begin ; what 's Agamemnon ?", "Why , but he is not in this tune , is he ?", "To him , Patroclus ; tell him I humbly desire the valiant Ajax to invite the noble Hector to my tent ; and to procure safe conduct for him from our captain general Agamemnon .", "O , tell , tell .\u2014 This must be very foolish ; and I die to have my spleen tickled .", "Patroclus , I 'll speak with nobody ;\u2014 come in after me ,"], "true_target": ["Thersites .", "So let him sleep , for I 'll no more of him .\u2014 O , my Patroclus ,", "Pr'ythee , say how he behaves himself ?", "Hector must be his .", "My mind is troubled , like a fountain stirred ; And I myself see not the bottom o n't .", "Thou shalt be my ambassador to him , Thersites ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 185}, {"query": ["Let it be known to him , that we are here ."], "true_target": ["Where 's Achilles ?"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 185}, {"query": ["That the death-tokens of it are upon him ,", "What should I say ? he is so plaguy proud ,", "We saw him at the opening of his tent .", "And bode there 's no recovery ."], "true_target": ["Here comes Patroclus ; but no Achilles with him .", "Achilles will not to the field to-morrow .", "But his own will ; possessed he is with vanity .", "Why , he relies on none"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 185}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis strange he should , and love himself so well . Re-enter MENELAUS .", "I know he is not sick ."], "true_target": ["No doubt he does .", "Be ruled by him , lord Ajax ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 185}, {"query": ["Why should a man be proud ? I know not what pride is ; I hate a proud man , as I hate the engendering of toads .", "A whoreson dog , that shall palter thus with us ! Would a were a", "Trojan !", "If I go to him , with my gauntlet clenched I 'll pash him o'er the face .", "Is he so much ? Do you not think , he thinks himself a better man than me ?", "Yes , lion-sick , sick of a proud heart : you may call it melancholy , if you will humour him ; but , on my honour , it is no more than pride ; and why should he be proud ?"], "true_target": ["Let us confer , and I 'll give counsel too .", "You shall see", "Do you think so ?", "Shall I call you father ?", "I am not like Achilles .", "An he be proud with me , I 'll cure his pride ; a paultry insolent fellow !", "What 's he more than another ?"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 185}, {"query": ["And under-honest . Tell him this ; and add ,", "Do in our eyes begin to lose their gloss .", "That if he overhold his price so much ,", "No more than what he thinks himself .", "Than is a sleeping giant : tell him so .", "No , noble Ajax ; you are as strong , as valiant but much more courteous .", "O no , you shall not go .", "How ! how 's this , Patroclus ?", "We 'll none of him ; but let him , like an engine", "I 'll not be satisfied , but by himself :"], "true_target": ["Let Ajax go to him .", "We are too well acquainted with these answers .", "In my own tent our talk will be more private .", "A stirring dwarf is of more use to us ,", "Though he has much desert , yet all his virtues", "We came to speak with him ; you shall not err ,", "So tell him , Menelaus .", "What 's his excuse ?", "Not portable , lie lag of all the camp .", "If you return , we think him over-proud ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 185}, {"query": ["Tempered like his , you never should excel him ,", "He is the soul and substance of my counsels ,", "Know all the world , he is as valiant .", "And I am but his shadow .", "Shall Ajax go to him ? No , Jove forbid ,", "But nothing without Ajax ;", "Praise him that got you , her that brought you forth ;", "Let Mars divide eternity in two ,", "One , whom we hold our idol ?", "And say in thunder , go to him , Achilles .", "Thank heaven , my lord , you 're of a gentle nature ;", "We 'll consecrate the steps that Ajax makes ,", "Were you as green as Ajax , and your brain"], "true_target": ["Be worshipped by a greater than himself ,", "There is no staying here ; the hart Achilles", "But be as Ajax is .", "Ay , my good son .", "O Agamemnon , let it not be so .", "Keeps thicket ;\u2014 please it our great general ,", "May cure the madman 's pride .", "When they go from Achilles . Shall that proud man", "I shall impart a counsel , which , observed ,", "But he , who taught you first the use of arms ,", "And give him half . I will not praise your wisdom ,", "Nestor shall do't ; but , pardon , father Nestor ,\u2014", "The crow chides blackness :\u2014 Here is a man ,\u2014 but \u2018 tis before his face , and therefore I am silent ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 185}, {"query": ["Wherefore are you ? He is not envious , as Achilles is ."], "true_target": ["O , this is well ; he rubs him where it itches .", "How he describes himself !"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 185}, {"query": ["Is he here , say you ? It is more than I know , I 'll be sworn ! For my part , I came in late .\u2014 What should he do here ?", "Ay , do , do swear ; a pretty woman 's worth an oath at any time . Keep or break , as time shall try ; but it is good to swear , for the saving of her credit . Hang them , sweet rogues , they never expect a man should keep it . Let him but swear , and that 's all they care for .", "Here ! what should he do here ?", "Who 's there ? What 's the matter ? Will you beat down the house there !", "Priests ! marry hang them , they make you one ! Go in , go in , and make yourselves one without a priest ; I 'll have no priest 's work in my house .", "What ill have I brought you to do ? Say what , if you dare now ?\u2014 My lord , have I brought her to do ill ?", "Come , come , what need you blush ? Shame 's a baby ; swear the oaths now to her , that you swore to me : What , are you gone again ? you must be watched ere you are made tame , must you ? Why do n't you speak to her first ?\u2014 Come , draw this curtain and let 's see your picture ; alas-a-day , how loth you are to offend day-light !That 's well , that 's well ; nay , you shall fight your hearts out ere I part you . So so \u2014 so so \u2014", "Whereupon I will lead you into a chamber ; and suppose there be a bed in it , as , ifack , I know not , but you 'll forgive me if there be \u2014 away , away , you naughty hildings ; get you together , get you together . Ah you wags , do you leer indeed at one another ! do the neyes twinkle at him ! get you together , get you together .", "What , blushing still ! have you not done talking yet ?", "Nay , I 'll give my word for her too : Our kindred are constant ; they are burs , I can assure you ; they 'll stick where they are thrown .", "Softly , villain , softly ; I would not for half Troy the lovers should be disturbed under my roof : listen , rogue , listen ; do they breathe ?"], "true_target": ["Art thou sure they do not know the parties ?", "Put up , and vanish ; they are coming out : What a ferrup , will you play when the dance is done ? I say , vanish .Good , i'faith ! good , i'faith ! what , hand in hand \u2014 a fair quarrel , well ended ! Do , do , walk him , walk him ;\u2014 a good girl , a discreet girl : I see she will make the most of him .", "Alas , poor wench ! alas , poor devil ! Has not slept to-night ? would a'not , a naughty man , let it sleep one twinkle ? A bugbear take him !", "Words pay no debts ; give her deeds .\u2014 What billing again ! Here 's , in witness whereof the parties interchangeably \u2014 come in , come in , you lose time both .", "I thank you for that ; if my lord get a boy of you , you 'll give him me . Be true to my lord ; if he flinch , I 'll be hanged for him .\u2014 Now am I in my kingdom !", "Go to , little ones ; a bargain made . Here I hold your hand , and here my cousin 's : if ever you prove false to one another , after I have taken such pains to bring you together , let all pitiful goers-between be called to the world 's end after my name , Pandars .", "Pretty , i'faith !", "That 's as it should be ; that 's well o \u2019 both sides .\u2014 Yes , \u2018 faith , they are both alive :\u2014 There was a creak ! there was a creak ! they are both alive , and alive like ;\u2014 there was a creak ! a ha , boys !\u2014 Is the music ready ?", "To the man in the moon ? ah rogue ! do they so indeed , rogue ! I understand thee ; thou art a wag ; thou art a wag . Come , towze rowze ! in the name of love , strike up , boys . Music , and then a Song ; during which PANDARUS listens . I . Can life be a blessing , Or worth the possessing , Can life be a blessing , if love were away ? Ah , no ! though our love all night keep us waking , And though he torment us with cares all the day , Yet he sweetens , he sweetens our pains in the taking ; There 's an hour at the last , there 's an hour to repay . II . In every possessing , The ravishing blessing , In every possessing , the fruit of our pain , Poor lovers forget long ages of anguish , Whate'er they have suffered and done to obtain ; \u2018 Tis a pleasure , a pleasure to sigh and to languish , When we hope , when we hope to be happy again .", "Leave ! an you take leave till to-morrow morning , call me Cut .", "Who 's there ? prince Hector ! What news with you so early ?", "How now , how now ; how go matters ? Hear you , maid , hear you ; where 's my cousin Cressida ?"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 186}, {"query": ["I do ; and know myself .", "After long pains , and after short possession !", "Why was my Cressida then so hard to win ?", "\u2018 Tis too much .", "You do not care to have it .", "I will not be a woman .", "Speak ever so ; and if I answer you", "I promised too , but I have broke my vow ,", "And you keep yours too well .", "Whose hand sealed this exchange ?", "Which Hector ne'er can be .", "All constant lovers shall , in future ages ,", "The same return from her , who has my heart ,", "Which none but brave and honest men should wear :", "Let them have it ;", "If urged beyond my temper : Prove my daring ,", "I love you , brother , with that awful love", "Yet such as these , united in a herd ,", "They have of life .", "I 'm satisfied .", "Approve their truth by Troilus . When their verse", "O Cressida , how often have I wished me here !", "For such as these ; who , were one soul extracted", "that my awed conscious soul", "Oh that I thought truth could be in a woman ,", "Wilt thou not break yet , heart ?\u2014 stay , brother , stay ;", "Thou art some god , or much , much more than man !", "In thee \u2018 tis vile ; \u2018 tis prostitute ; \u2018 tis air ;", "For whom ?", "Or Hecuba 's ?", "And root , of all this mischief .", "I am taught :", "Did she deserve ?", "You bore me worse .", "Farewell , my life ! leave me , and back to bed :", "From all their beings , could not raise a man ?\u2014", "To give herself and all her heaven in change ,", "I know not what \u2014 it shows the more of love .", "And artless as the infancy of truth !", "Indeed , indeed !", "Earth to the centre , iron to adamant ,\u2014", "And made the public sacrifice for Troy .", "There is but one that can be .", "Is't possible ! Then you are still my friend .", "\u2018 Tis heat of blood ,", "Then you 're no more my friend :", "Yet then he speaks most plain .", "Nay , more , thy friend : But friend 's a sacred name ,", "That I 'm the man marked out to be unhappy ,", "I dare more ,", "What 's life to him , who has no use of life ?", "No matter .", "There can be nothing .", "The fairest , dearest , kindest , of her sex ;", "Of our great father 's soul .", "But much more fair .", "I am more plain than dull simplicity ,", "You have condemned me , and I 'll do't myself .", "How , common !", "She shall not go .", "Love is a child that talks in broken language ,", "You know your pledges now ; your uncle 's word , and my firm faith .", "As true as Troilus , shall crown up the verse ,", "And see which of us has the larger share", "Never to be but yours !", "What would this pomp of preparation mean ?", "Was yours there ?", "Come you to bring me news of Priam 's death ,", "Make up the public sum . An eagle 's life", "A boy ! I 'm glad I am not such a man ,", "Sleep seal those pretty eyes ,", "The subtle flame will lick up all my blood ,", "Let Paris give up Helen ; she 's the cause ,", "Not such as thou , a traitor to thy brother ;", "No , brother , care not .", "Or true as flowing tides are to the moon ,"], "true_target": ["And sanctify the numbers .", "For then your error would be more than mine :", "For whom ?", "Ha !", "If still you have ,", "How should I be exalted ! but , alas ,", "She shall ? then I am dared .", "And when I quit this love , you must be that ,", "I would not part with Cressida : So return", "And can forgive the sallies of my passion ?", "Once again I say , she shall not .", "Heavens prosper me , as I devoutly swear ,", "I think I do ,", "For I have been to blame , oh ! much to blame ;", "You have bereft me of all words , fair Cressida .", "You told me , I must call you friend no more .", "Let them eat , drink , and sleep ; the only use", "Upon thy bosom , all my peace dwells there ;", "That thought has blessed me ! But to lose this love ,", "By heaven , as chaste as thy Andromache .", "Forbear :", "And if I had a joy beyond that love ,", "At last , when truth is tired with repetition ,", "And lost her even by him , by him , ye gods !", "And for your sake ,\u2014 now mark me what I say ,\u2014", "To make them happy ? Let me tell you , brother ,", "Hope for no more ; for , should some goddess offer", "I bear to heaven , and to superior virtue :", "Before the dreadful break : If here it fall ,", "So far ; I know I stand possessed of that .", "And thus , I puff it from me .", "I care not if you could .", "See , Hector , what it is to be your brother ! I stand prepared already .", "It must not be , my brother ;", "Answer me first ,", "I will not rage .", "Wants similes ,\u2014 as turtles to their mates ,", "Have said such words , nay , done such actions too ,", "And what are they , that I should give up her ,", "That you have pitied me is my reward .", "This answer as my last .", "Who only could , and only should protect me !", "A sweet command , and willingly obeyed .", "What should they grant ? what makes this pretty interruption in thy words ?", "A barren purchase , held upon hard terms !", "Fair Cressida is first ; as chaste as she ,", "As infants void of thought .", "On him I have offended .", "I 'll not suspect my fate", "Slaves , with the minds of slaves ; so born , so bred .", "It comes , like thunder grumbling in a cloud ,", "Begin , and try my temper .", "Is worth a world of crows . Are princes made", "Sinks in my breast , nor dare I lift an eye", "That my integrity and faith might meet", "A friend , have lost him too !", "O , she 's my life , my being , and my soul !", "Are called , the public ! Millions of such cyphers", "Then sure she was no common creature ?", "Do , for I need it : Let me lean my head", "You would say ,", "No , I do not :", "I laugh at thee .", "And tie thy senses in as soft a band ,", "I 'll bring her forth , and you shall bear her hence ;", "If one must stay , the other shall not go .", "And then I 'll answer that ,\u2014 be sure I will ,\u2014", "And , in a moment , turn my heart to ashes .", "Why , what offends you , madam ?", "For I have lost", "The public is the lees of vulgar slaves ;", "You cannot shun yourself .", "That I yet live to hear you . But no more ;", "And rashness of my youth ; I 'll mend that error :", "Else you would kill me ?", "When \u2018 tis unjust ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 186}, {"query": ["\u2018 Twas not my purpose thus to beg a kiss .", "Pray , let me go .", "I have a kind of self resides in you .", "Sure I shall speak what I should soon repent .", "What have I blabbed ? who will be true to us ,", "Hard to seem won ; but I was won , my lord \u2014", "Are inconsistent things .", "I find it true , that to be wise , and love ,", "O bid me hold my tongue ; for , in this rapture ,", "And , after all comparisons of falsehood ,", "And will you promise , that the holy priest", "Well , uncle , what folly I commit , I dedicate to you .", "My own company .", "In all things else , let it remember me ;", "Prince Troilus , I have loved you long .", "Go hang yourself , you naughty mocking uncle :", "But stop my mouth .", "Prophet may you be !", "Who 's that at door ? good uncle , go and see :\u2014"], "true_target": ["When Time is old , and has forgot itself", "Shall make us one for ever ?", "Wished , my lord !\u2014 The gods grant !\u2014 O , my lord \u2014", "To stab the heart of perjury in maids ,", "In that I must not yield to you , my lord .", "Let it be said \u2014 as false as Cressida .", "I am ashamed ;\u2014 O heavens , what have I done !", "Come , come ,\u2014 beshrew your heart , you 'll neither be good yourself , nor suffer others .", "Come , you 're deceived ; I think of no such thing .\u2014", "When we are so unfaithful to ourselves !", "You smile and mock , as if I meant naughtily !", "Boldness comes to me now , and I can speak :", "My lord , come you again into my chamber .\u2014", "My lord , I do beseech you pardon me ;", "You bring me to do ill , and then you jeer me !", "If I am false , or swerve from truth of love ,", "For this time let me take my leave , my lord .", "I speak I know not what !", "I 'll not consent , unless you swear .", "Let me go try ;"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 186}, {"query": ["Drive you to madness , plunge you in despair ,", "Our father has decreed it otherwise .", "Not all at once ; but by degrees and glimpses", "All this , ye gods !", "\u00c6n .", "Well , young man ,", "For I could hear it ever ,\u2014 saidst thou not ,", "Does lodge this night in Pandarus 's house .", "I showed a friend : your part must follow next ;", "I 'll be thy champion , and secure both her ,", "So tender , and so fearful to offend ,", "You take all these away ,", "A valiant Greek , \u00c6neas ; take his hand ;", "Nor will I bear such news .", "Antenor is exchanged .", "The public .", "And make you hate even me ?", "Or as the dust we tread .", "But what I bring is nearer you , more close ,", "I let it in , lest it might rush upon you ,", "Of hasty blood .", "That I preserve my faith .", "Alas ! it is the use of human frailty ,", "Or they 'll refuse to serve us .", "To stand the shock of annals , blotted thus ,\u2014", "And for the daughter of a fugitive ,", "I know you , Troilus , you are hot and fiery :", "Know , when I told thee so , I loved thee most .", "It was a friend ? O , saidst thou not , a friend !", "It was to bring this Greek to Calchas \u2019 house ,", "She did .", "Nor grieve beyond a man ?", "And heaven and earth this testimony yield ,", "The triumph of this kindness be thy own ;", "Troilus had rather Troy were borne to Greece ,", "Do not , brother :", "One who deserved thy love !", "Witness the process of your speech within ;", "Since I 'm no friend ,", "And turned to them , by giving up this pledge ?", "Attend you Diomede .\u2014 My lord , good-morrow ;", "A traitor to his country !", "My father 's first ;", "Come , you are hot ;", "As mothers use to sooth their froward babes ;", "Leave it to me ; I 'll manage him alone ;", "I 'll break this treaty off ; or let me fight :", "What you have said ; for , when I claim your promise ,", "bring her out ;", "As heart can think , or courage execute .", "A fate more glorious than to be that victim ?", "Take heed , young man , how you too far provoke me !", "If nothing else will do .", "Is not my brother Troilus here ?", "Which will , I fear , be much unwelcome to him .", "\u00c6n . What ! Has the king resolved to gratify", "During all business of the gentle truce ;", "To whom we are most kind .", "And all our common safety , which depends", "Your own suffrage", "I feel it for thee : Let me go to Priam ,", "She shall not ?", "Perhaps , \u2018 tis that .", "If parting from a mistress can procure", "He sold his country for a woman 's love !", "\u2018 Twill not be taken :", "Alas , to lose the joys of all thy youth ,", "Mine was there too .", "Come , come , you do him wrong ere you 're aware ; you 'll be so true to him , that you 'll be false to him : You shall not know he 's here ; but yet go fetch him hither ; go . Enter TROILUS . I bring you , brother , most unwelcome news ; But since of force you are to hear it told , I thought a friend and brother best might tell it : Therefore , before I speak , arm well your mind , And think you 're to be touched even to the quick ; That so , prepared for ill , you may be less Surprised to hear the worst .", "Or think I slew a brother : But , begone !", "Unless you give up Cressida .", "I know thou lov'st ; and what can love not do !", "And quite o'erpower your soul : In this , I think ,", "Yes ; his purpose meets you .", "And bear it like a man .", "You told how Diomede a whole week by days", "Even those , who serve , have their expectancies ,", "The lady Cressida .", "And I have still some part .", "Degrees of happiness , which they must share ,", "And thee , and Troy .", "What would'st thou more ?", "\u2018 Tis adoration , some say , makes a god :", "On freed Antenor 's wisdom .", "Heaven knows I am !", "And I will tell my news in terms so mild ,", "What , namest thou them together !"], "true_target": ["By all the gods I would .", "I said it in my rage ; I thought not so .", "\u00c6n . He will not hear me speak ;", "It does import him much to speak with me .", "\u00c6n . I assure you ,", "Who dares to trust his future fame so far ,", "Speak that again ,\u2014", "To words intemperate , I will bear with you .", "An ill more yours .", "How far my words were distant from my heart !", "Did haunt you in the field .", "Does it start you ? I must wake you more ;", "For heaven can witness , \u2018 tis with much constraint", "The gods forbid I should !", "That Cressida for Antenor is exchanged ,", "How , not care !", "Is such , though Calchas , as a fugitive ,", "Where Pandarus his brother , and his daughter", "On whose wise counsels we can most rely ;", "You kindle at a wrong , and catch it quick ,", "The bitter disposition of the time", "Thou know'st I can .", "Condemns you there : you voted for her stay .", "Remember well", "Were no inferior creatures here on earth ?", "But I have noted long betwixt you two", "I shall expect performance .", "That friendship never gained a nobler field .", "No more !\u2014 thou know'st me .", "And calmness ever there . I blame thee not :", "Or , by our father 's soul , of which no part", "Am I but thy brother ?", "I pity thee , indeed I pity thee .", "That if thou hadst a joy beyond that love ,", "That , if some gust of passion swell your soul", "That doubting if was kind : then thou'rt divided ;", "I cast the wild disorderly account ,", "Deserve it not , that we must free Antenor ,", "Nay , I will swear , as you have sworn to me ,", "Begone , or I shall shake thee into atoms ;", "And what are we , but for such men as these ?", "A more than brother 's love ; an awful homage", "\u00c6n . Health to you , valiant sir ,", "Worse for yourself ; not for the general state ,", "As stubble does the flame .", "Can you think", "Did e'er descend to thee , I 'll force her hence .", "For our Antenor , now redeemed from prison ,", "I know it well ; and how he is , beside ,", "Then all the council 's after .", "To fly to worst extremities with those ,", "Imagine .", "Of that one thing , which most could urge your anger ,", "Go you before . Tell him of our approach ,", "The fiery youth pays to your elder virtue .", "That traitor Calchas , who forsook his country ,", "A nation 's happiness , show me that prince", "And therefore Cressida must be returned .", "Thou tempt'st me strangely : should I kill thee now ,", "Which is , to curb your choler , tame your grief ,", "How ! no matter , Troilus ? A king , a father 's will !", "Good morrow , my lord Pandarus ; good morrow !", "And who should pay it , where would be their altars ,", "You ought to give her up .", "So ho , who goes there ? \u00c6neas ! \u00c6n . Prince Hector !", "\u00c6n . A word , my lord \u2014 Your pardon , Diomede \u2014", "Than Cressida from Troy .", "O , patience , patience , heaven !", "Common as the tainted shambles ,", "I would say so indeed ; for , can you find", "Because I knew \u2018 twas harsh , I would not tell ;", "Thou dar'st not .", "Of all thy words and deeds , on that mad passion :", "Peace be to thee ,", "Go to ; you are a boy .", "By heaven , too little ; for I think her common .", "And , with her , all the quiet of thy mind !", "Come , she shall go .", "I thank the gods , for calling to my mind My promise , that no words of thine should urge me Beyond the bounds of reason : But in thee \u2018 Twas brutal baseness , so forewarned , to fall Beneath the name of man ; to spurn my kindness ; And when I offered theeThe wholesome bitter cup of friendly counsel , To dash it in my face . Farewell , farewell , Ungrateful as thou art : hereafter use The name of brother ; but of friend no more .", "I know not if the gods can he offended ,", "Your brother Troilus , to my certain knowledge ,", "Suppose she were ,\u2014 which yet I will not grant ,\u2014", "Go , then ; and the good gods restore her to thee ,", "My lord , I wait you .", "But , when I meet you armed , as black defiance ,", "Fair Cressida reside ; and there to render", "\u2018 Tis well : consider at whose house I find you .", "Come , he is here , my lord ; do not deny him :"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 186}, {"query": ["\u00c6n . We do ; and long to know each other worse .\u2014", "Welcome to Troy . Now , by Anchises \u2019 soul ,", "But when contention and occasion meet ,", "Our bloods are now in calm ; and so long , health ;", "\u00c6n . And thou shall hunt a lion , that will fly", "Know you the reason ?", "No man alive can love in such a sort"], "true_target": ["With his face backward . Welcome , Diomede ,", "Both one and t'other Diomede embraces .", "By Jove I 'll play the hunter for thy life .", "My lord , the king has sent for me in haste ;", "Good-morrow , lord \u00c6neas .", "We know each other well .", "The thing he means to kill more excellently ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 186}, {"query": ["Shall they strike up , sir ?"], "true_target": ["They play to the man in the moon , for aught they know .", "Yes , sir ; I hear , by some certain signs , they are both awake ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 186}, {"query": ["Marry and I will : follow you your business ; lose no time , \u2018 tis very precious ; go , bill again : I 'll tell the rogue his own , I warrant him .", "The devil take Antenor ! the young prince will go mad :", "A mischief call him ! nothing but screech-owls ? do , do , call again ; you had best part them now in the sweetness of their love !\u2014 I 'll be hanged if this \u00c6neas be the son of Venus , for all his bragging . Honest Venus was a punk ; would she have parted lovers ? no , he has not a drop of Venus \u2019 blood in him \u2014 honest Venus was a punk .", "I am above it !", "Oh , oh !", "A plague upon Antenor ! would they had broke his neck !", "Is't possible ? no sooner got but lost ?", "Thou must be gone , girl ; thou must be gone , to the fugitive rogue-priest , thy father :A pox upon Antenor !"], "true_target": ["What a pair of spectacles is here ! let me embrace too . Oh , heart ,\u2014 as the saying is ,\u2014 \u2014 o heart , o heavy heart , Why sigh'st thou without breaking ! Where he answers again , Because thou can'st not ease thy smart , By friendship nor by speaking . There was never a truer rhyme : let us cast away nothing , for we may live to have need of such a verse ; we see it , we see it .\u2014 How now , lambs ?", "Here , here , here he comes , sweet duck !", "Ay , ay , ay ; \u2018 tis too plain a case !", "Where are my tears ? some rain to lay this wind ,", "Would I were as deep under the earth , as", "Thou must , thou must .", "Or my heart will be blown up by the roots !", "Pr'ythee get thee in ; would thou hadst never been born ! I knew thou wouldst be his death ; oh , poor gentleman ! A plague upon Antenor !"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 187}, {"query": ["What , and from Troilus too ?", "O , Troilus , Troilus !", "Oh let me go , that I may know my grief ;", "Have the gods envy ?", "What , not an hour allowed for taking leave ?", "Assaults of robbers , leaves his wealth behind ,", "Fear not ; I 'll be true .", "But I too soon shall know what absence is .", "I have no touch of birth , no spark of nature ,", "No kin , no blood , no life ; nothing so near me ,", "How now ? what 's the matter ? Who was here ?", "I will not : I have quite forgot my father .", "And is it true , that I must go from Troy ?", "As my dear Troilus !", "O , those , who do not know what parting is ,"], "true_target": ["You 'll be exposed to dangers .", "O , the gods ! What 's the matter ?", "But , as a careful traveller , who , fearing", "O , ye immortal gods ! I will not go .", "O heavens , you love me not !", "What have we gained by this one minute more ?", "Why sigh you so ? O , where 's my Troilus ? Tell me , sweet uncle , what 's the matter ?", "If I could live to hear it , I were false .", "Good uncle , I beseech you on my knees , tell me what 's the matter ?", "Bear but an empty casket .", "I trust my heart with thee ; and to the Greeks", "Can never learn to die !", "Be true , again ?", "Grief is but guessed , while thou art standing by :", "I true ! how now , what wicked thought is this ?"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 187}, {"query": ["To watch the last low circles that he makes ,", "My lord , my lord Troilus ! I must call you .", "When I but think this sight may be our last ,", "But thou shalt hear what grief has done with me .", "Why , \u2018 tis to be no more ; another name for death :", "Die I a villain then !", "So suddenly , \u2018 tis counted out by minutes .", "Our love 's like mountains high above the clouds ;", "Then I will live , that I may keep that treasure ;", "And I , methinks , stand on some icy cliff ,", "If Jove could set me in the place of Atlas ,", "Hear me , my love ! be thou but true , like me .", "Cressid , I love thee with so strange a purity ,", "More bright in zeal than that I pay their altars ,", "A hateful truth .", "Not all the Grecian host shall keep me out ,", "And , armed with this assurance , let thee go ,", "Cries ,\u2014 Come , to him who instantly must die .", "\u2018 Till he sink down from heaven ! O only Cressida ,", "But my own merit .", "\u2018 Tis the sun parting from the frozen north ;", "But scorn the threatening rack that rolls below .", "When , whistled off , she mounts into the wind .", "That the blest gods , angry with my devotions ,", "And lay the weight of heaven and gods upon me ,", "Loose , yet secure as is the gentle hawk ,", "My following protestation ,\u2014 be thou true ,", "Though winds and tempests beat their aged feet ,", "Hark , you are called !\u2014 Some say , the genius so"], "true_target": ["Nay , we must use expostulation kindly ,", "Which , I beseech you , call a virtuous sin ,", "I spoke not , be thou true , as fearing thee ;", "Then , fate , thy worst ! for I will see thee , love ;", "Hear why I speak it , love .", "I care not ; but be true .", "\u00c6neas .", "He could not press me more .", "If thou depart from me , I cannot live :", "Even that 's bereft us too : Our envious fates", "Nor Troy , though walled with fire , should hold me in .", "Alas ! a kind of holy jealousy ,", "I have not soul enough to last for grief ,", "Will take thee from my sight .", "Makes me afraid how far you may be tempted .", "Their peaceful heads nor storm nor thunder know ,", "For it is parting from us .", "Only to wish another , and another ,", "The Grecian youths are full of Grecian arts :", "My lord , is the lady ready yet ?", "A longer struggling with the pangs of death .", "Pr'ythee , go out , and gain one minute more .", "But be thou true , I said , to introduce", "From Troy and Troilus ,\u2014 and suddenly ;", "Of meeting lips , clasped hands , and locked embraces .", "In this I do not call your faith in question ,", "And I will see thee .", "\u00c6neas .", "Jostle betwixt , and part the dear adieus"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 187}, {"query": ["There Diomede does feast with him to-night ;", "When we have here her base and pillar by us .", "Please it our general to pass strangely by him ,", "Follow his torch : he goes to Calchas 's tent .", "Commend me , gallant Troilus , to your brother :", "Achilles stands i \u2019 the entrance of his tent :", "As freely tell me , of what honour was", "Lest your displeasure should enlarge itself", "You shake , my lord , at something : will you go ? You will break out .", "I shall wait on you .", "You have sworn patience .", "Look on him with neglectful eyes and scorn :", "Who neither looks on heaven or on earth ,", "But gives all gaze and bent of amorous view", "They are opposed already . \u00c6n .Princes , enough ; you have both shown much valour .", "Who mourn her absence ?"], "true_target": ["All 's done , my lord . Troil Is it ?", "At Menelaus \u2019 tent :", "Prince , you are moved : let us depart in time ,", "This Cressida in Troy ? had she no lovers there ,", "As if he were forgot ; and , princes all ,", "I cannot conjure , Trojan .", "The time unlit : beseech you , let us go .", "Pride must be cured by pride .", "I wonder now , how yonder city stands ,", "So I hope . Pray heaven Thersites have informed me true !\u2014", "To wrathful terms : this place is dangerous ;", "The fair Polyxena has , by a letter ,", "Pray let us go .", "Stand where the torch may not discover us .", "On Cressida alone .", "Tell him , I hope he shall not need to arm ;", "Disarmed our great Achilles of his rage ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 188}, {"query": ["Give , with thy trumpet , a loud note to Troy ,", "My well-famed lord of Troy , no less to you .", "Who would be rid of such an enemy .\u2014", "Worthy of arms , as welcome as to one ,", "So do each prince ; either salute him not ,", "A victor should be known ? will you , the knights", "Yonder comes the troop .", "Pursue each other , or shall be divided", "A form of strangeness as we pass along ;", "So now , brave prince of Troy , I take my leave ; Ajax commands the guard to wait on you .", "And call him hither .", "Here art thou , daring combat , valiant Ajax .", "Health to the Grecian lords :\u2014 What shall be done", "The better ."], "true_target": ["Thou noble champion , that the sounding air", "First , all you Grecian princes , go with me , And entertain great Hector ; afterwards , As his own leisure shall concur with yours , You may invite him to your several tents .", "What says Achilles ? would he aught with us ?", "Shall to the edge of all extremity", "\u00c6n .", "Which way would Hector have it ? \u00c6n . He cares not , he 'll obey conditions .", "Or else disdainfully , which will shake him more", "Than if not looked on . I will lead the way .", "We go wrong , we go wrong .", "Hector bade ask .", "We 'll execute your purpose , and put on", "By any voice or order of the field ?", "Go , Diomede , and stand by valiant Ajax ; As you and lord \u00c6neas shall consent , So let the fight proceed , or terminate .", "To him that shall be vanquished ? or do you purpose", "May pierce the ears of the great challenger ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 188}, {"query": ["But what I know not yet .\u2014 No more ; our champion .", "Keep Hector company an hour or two .", "This Ajax is half made of Hector 's blood ,", "And quoted joint by joint .", "I see my reputation is at stake .", "That I may give the imagined wound a name ,", "The knight opposed ; he might have found his match .", "From my great purpose , bent on Hector 's life .", "What mean these fellows ? know they not Achilles ?", "Trumpet .", "Re-enter AJAX , AGAMEMNON , MENELAUS , ULYSSES , NESTOR , DIOMEDE ,", "What , does the cuckold scorn me !", "As I would buy thee , view thee limb by limb .", "\u2018 Tis certain , greatness , once fallen out with fortune ,", "How now , thou core of envy ,", "An oath that I have sworn ; and will not break it", "If not Achilles , nothing .", "Tell me , ye heavens , in which part of his body", "Must fall out with men too : what the declined is ,", "Good morrow , Ajax .", "Welcome , brave Hector ; welcome , princes all .", "I 'll heat his blood with Greekish wine to-night ,", "\u2018 Tis done like Hector , but securely done ;", "I 'll do something ;", "A little proudly , and too much despising", "Behold thy fill .", "To-morrow will I meet thee , fierce as death ;", "What , comes the general to speak with me ? You know my mind ; I 'll fight no more with Troy .", "And make distinct the very breach , whereout", "\u00c6n . If not Achilles , sir , what is your name ?"], "true_target": ["Shall Ajax fight with Hector ?", "In love whereof half Hector stays at home .", "He shall as soon read in the eyes of others ,", "I have with exact view perused thee , Hector ,", "Good morrow .", "As feel in his own fall ; for men , like butterflies ,", "Now , Hector , I have fed mine eyes on thee ;", "Show not their mealy wings but to the summer .", "Hector 's great spirit flew ! answer me , heavens !", "Do'st thou entreat me , Hector ?", "I am Achilles .", "Both taxing and engaging me to keep", "Patroclus , let us feast him to the height .", "\u00c6n . Therefore Achilles ; but whoe'er , know this ;", "Thou crusty batch of nature , what 's the news ?", "My dear Patroclus , I am quite prevented", "Am I poor of late ?", "No .", "Shall I destroy him ? there , or there , or there ?", "Here is a letter from my love Polyxena ,", "To-night , all peace .", "A maiden battle ? I perceive you then .", "Thou art too brief . I will , the second time ,", "Nestor will stay ; and you , lord Diomede ,", "From whence , fragment ?", "Enter , my lords .", "There 's more religion in my love than fame .", "And that , which looks like pride , is courtesy .", "To save all Greece . Let honour go or stay ,", "Which with my sword I mean to cool to-morrow .", "Great Hector knows no pride : weigh him but well ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 188}, {"query": ["Not letting it decline on prostrate foes ;", "Labouring for destiny , make cruel way", "Lo , Jove is yonder , distributing life .", "Through ranks of Grecian youth ; and I have seen thee", "When thou hast hung thy advanced sword i \u2019 th \u2019 air ,"], "true_target": ["I have , thou gallant Trojan , seen thee often ,", "Would you , my lord , aught with the general ?", "That I have said to all the standers-by ,", "As swift as lightning spur thy Phrygian steed ,", "Nothing , my lord .", "And seen thee scorning many forfeit lives ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 188}, {"query": ["Can scarce intreat you to perform your boast .", "You may have every day enough of Hector ,", "But thou hast quite disarmed me .", "Thou art too gentle , and too free a man .", "I came to kill thee , cousin , and to gain", "If you have stomach ; the general state , I fear ,", "No , yonder \u2018 tis ; there , where we see the light .", "Now crack thy lungs , and split the sounding brass ;", "Not at all , cousin ; here comes Achilles himself , to guide us .", "Do not chafe thee , cousin ;\u2014"], "true_target": ["And you , Achilles , let these threats alone ;", "Ay ; and good next day too .", "Thou blow'st for Hector .", "Ha !", "How now , Patroclus ?", "I thank thee , Hector ;", "A great addition from that glorious act :", "If I might in intreaty find success ,", "Trumpet , take that purse :", "I would desire to see thee at my tent ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 188}, {"query": ["In time of action : I am condemned for this :", "Or , like a dew-drop from a lion 's mane ,", "Draws on you this contempt . I oft have told you ,", "Be shaken into air .", "Have given themselves , because they give them deepest .", "And therefore will not fight ; and your not fighting", "\u2018 Tis known you are in love with Hector 's sister ,", "And send their smiles before them to Achilles ;", "Meaning me ?", "To come as humbly as they used to creep"], "true_target": ["They think my little appetite to war", "O then beware ; those wounds heal ill , that men", "Deads all the fire in you ; but rouse yourself ,", "Is not more loathed than an effeminate man ,", "To holy altars .", "A woman , impudent and mannish grown ,", "They pass by strangely ; they were used to bow ,", "And love shall from your neck unloose his folds ;", "Here comes Thersites .", "Well said , adversity ! what makes thee so keen to-day ?", "Yes , and perhaps shall gain much honour by him ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 188}, {"query": ["\u00c6n . to Troil . Contain yourself :", "Repines in vain to see it better placed ;", "How now , my charge ?", "And know thou art too brave a foe to break it .\u2014", "Who , wanting merit to preserve her heart ,", "Call when thou dar'st , just on the sharpest point", "You are too inquisitive : nor am I bound", "Think where we are .", "But I disdain to answer with a boast .", "And intermissive hours of cooler love ,", "I 'll hear no more : good night .", "My blood rides high as his ; I trust thy honour ,", "The combat here shall cease .", "\u00c6n . Then let it be as Hector shall determine .", "Will you remember ?", "To satisfy an enemy 's request .", "Farewell , cozener .", "And we , as judges of the field , declare ,", "Then thou , it seems , art that forsaken fool ,", "High as Olympus , and a sea beneath ,", "Thou art so lost a thing in her esteem ,", "When hand in hand we went .", "Be't so ; and were it on some precipice ,", "I cannot , sir ; I have important business .", "Beseech you , sir , make haste ; my own affairs call me another way .", "\u2018 Twas given to one that can defend her gift ."], "true_target": ["Ho , Calchas , Calchas !", "Where shall we meet ?", "I 'll meet , and tumble with thee to destruction .", "Thou wert our table-talk for laughing meals ;", "I do not like this fooling .", "But will you then ?", "Both long to see the valiant Hector there .", "This hour must end the truce .", "Why then thou lov'st him still : farewell for ever :", "I came to see your daughter , worthy Calchas .", "Ajax , I am not warm yet , let us fight again .", "Thy name our sportful theme for evening-walks ,", "Plagues and tortures !", "But know ,", "\u2018 Tis largely promised ;", "My lord , I am by Ajax sent to inform you ,", "Oh , it concerns you not .", "I shall expect your promise .", "Hinder us not , \u00c6neas ,", "\u2018 Tis Agamemnon 's wish , and great Achilles ;", "Whose was't ?", "I never heard thee named , but some scorn followed :", "Your stay will be unsafe .", "Thou never shalt mock Diomede again .", "Be sure thou shalt be met .", "If it were ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 188}, {"query": ["I pray you , let us see you in the field ;", "That thou couldst say , this part is Grecian all ,", "I trouble you .", "If it be left to me , I will no more .\u2014", "But I 'll endeavour deeds to match these words ,", "The obligation of our blood forbids us .", "Wert thou an oracle to tell me this ,", "Most reverend Nestor , I am glad to clasp thee .", "I know your count'nance , lord Ulysses , well .", "Ah , sir , there 's many a Greek and Trojan dead ,", "I 'll kill thee every where .", "Ajax , thou art my aunt Hesione 's son ;", "Let me embrace thee , good old chronicle ,", "We have had pelting wars , since you refused", "For \u2018 tis the only way I could disarm thee .", "Else may I never \u2014", "Should e'er be drained by me : let me embrace thee , cousin .", "I 'd not believe thee ; henceforth guard thee well ,", "I am glad ;", "That any drop , thou borrowest from my mother ,"], "true_target": ["But there 's more in me than thou understand'st .", "But , were thy mixture Greek and Trojan so ,", "Had not impression made . But heaven forbid", "\u00c6neas , call my brother Troilus to me ; And you two sign this friendly interview .", "Nay , I have done already .", "One Grecian limb , wherein my pointed sword", "By him who thunders , thou hast sinewy arms :", "Hector would have them fall upon him thus :\u2014", "In Ilion , on your Greekish embassy .", "Is this Achilles ?", "The Grecian cause .", "Thy hand upon that match .", "Stand fair , I pr'ythee , let me look on thee .", "Since first I saw yourself and Diomede", "O , like a book of sport , thou read'st me o'er ;", "Ye noble Grecians , pardon me this boast ;", "Good night , sweet lord Menelaus .", "And this is Trojan ,\u2014 hence thou shouldst not bear", "His insolence draws folly from my lips ;", "Who hast so long walked hand in hand with time :"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 188}, {"query": ["Was Cressida here ?", "May I enquire where your affairs conduct you ?", "O sir , to such as boasting show their scars ,", "If beauty have a soul , this is not she :\u2014", "To bring me thither ?", "It will have vent ,\u2014", "I pray you stay ; by hell , and by hell 's torments , I will not speak a word .", "Good night , my lord ; accept distracted thanks !", "By Cressid 's rule ; rather think this not Cressida .", "After we part from Agamemnon 's tent ,", "The poison 's kind : the more I drink of it ,", "That 's all I must impart . Lead on , my lord .", "I never will resign , but with my soul .", "To push thee hissing down the vast abyss .", "Hell , death , confusion , how he tortures me !", "By heaven I gave it , in that point of time ,", "Her soul 's a whore already .", "Who , loth to find the breaking day , looked out ,", "Hold yet , my spirits : let him pour it in :", "When both our joys were fullest !\u2014 If he keeps it ,", "Yet this was she , ye gods , that very she ,", "O I can bear no more ! she 's falsehood all :", "She sucked the infusion of her father 's soul .", "Who in my arms lay melting all the night ;", "And blushing virgins , when they read our annals ,", "Reproof is due : she loved and was beloved ;", "To biting satire , apt without a theme", "No spoil of mine shall grace a traitor 's hand :", "Let dogs eat Troilus .", "Hell and furies !", "Nay , shouldst thou take the Stygian lake for refuge ,", "And shrunk into my bosom , there to make", "It may , for those I hate .", "My blood calls now , there is no truce for traitors ;", "You must restore it , Greek , by heaven you must ;", "Shall I , brave lord , be bound to you so much ,", "Let ignominy brand thy hated name ;", "Cressida comes forth to him !", "She only wants an opportunity ;", "Skip o'er the guilty page that holds thy legend ,", "By all the gods I will not ."], "true_target": ["And in the sight of perjured Cressida ,", "Heavens , what should she remember ! Plague and madness !", "This I shall say to Hector .", "And given you by a lady .", "She was not , sure ! she was not ;", "Perhaps it does .", "A guard of patience : stay a little while .", "There is , between my will and all my actions ,", "Hector said true : I find , I find it now !", "False by both kinds ; for with her mother 's milk", "The sooner \u2018 twill dispatch me .", "Does that grieve thee ? O withered truth !", "\u00c6n . to Pand . Peace , thou babbler !", "And blots the noble work .", "This she ! no , this was Diomede 's Cressida .", "The ring ? nay , then , \u2018 tis plain ! O beauty , where 's thy faith !", "Of my false fair ; which , perjured as she is ,", "Hence from my sight !", "Ay , so familiar !", "And then ! but why should I defer till then ?", "My lord Ulysses , tell me , I beseech you ,", "A gnawing conscience haunts not guilty men ,", "As if her soul flew upward to her lips ,", "In what part of the field does Calchas lodge ?", "My vengeance rolls within my breast ; it must ,", "To meet mine there , and panted at the passage ;", "Who kissed and sighed , and sighed and kissed again ,", "Thither , through all your troops , I 'll fight my way ;", "I cannot speak for rage ;\u2014 that ring was mine :\u2014", "For defamation , to square all the sex", "And thou be found .", "Give death to her through thee .", "A little longer darkness .", "I 'll plunge in after , through the boiling flames ,", "You have a ring upon your finger , Diomede ,", "Think we had mothers , do not give advantage", "Let modest matrons at thy mention start ;", "And , with it , give me back the broken vows", "As I 'll haunt thee , to summon thee to this ;", "Let it not be believed , for womanhood :", "Before the tent of Calchas ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 188}, {"query": ["So , so ; the boars begin to gruntle at one another : set up your bristles now , a'both sides : whet and foam , rogues .", "That 's well , that 's well , the pledge is given ; hold her to her word , good devil , and her soul 's thine , I warrant thee .", "This Diomede 's a false-hearted rogue , an unjust knave ; I will no more trust him when he winks with one eye , than I will a serpent when he hisses . He will spend his mouth , and promise , like Brabbler the hound ; but when he performs , astronomers set it down for a prodigy : though I long to see Hector , I cannot forbear dogging him . They say he keeps a Trojan drab ; and uses Calchas 's tent , that fugitive priest of Troy , that canonical rogue of our side . I 'll after him ; nothing but whoring in this age ; all incontinent rascals !", "How the devil luxury , with his fat rump , and potato-finger , tickles these together !\u2014 Put him off a little , you foolish harlot ! \u2018 twill sharpen him the more .", "Yes , meaning thy no meaning ; pr'ythee , be silent , boy , I profit not by thy talk . Now the rotten diseases of the south , gut-gripings , ruptures , catarrhs , loads of gravel in the back , lethargies , cold palsies , and the like , take thee , and take thee again ! thou green sarcenet flap for a sore eye , thou tassel of a prodigal 's purse , thou ! Ah how the poor world is pestered with such water-flies , such diminutives of nature !", "Good , good , by Pluto ! their fool 's mad , to lose his harlot ; and our fool 's mad , that t'other fool had her first . If I sought peace now , I could tell \u2018 em there 's punk enough to satisfy \u2018 em both : whore sufficient ! but let \u2018 em worry one another , the foolish curs ; they think they never can have enough of carrion . \u00c6n . My lords , this fury is not proper here In time of truce ; if either side be injured , To-morrow 's sun will rise apace , and then \u2014", "Because a fool 's my whetstone .", "Why , thou full dish of fool , from Troy .", "With too much blood , and too little brain , these two are running mad before the dog-days . There 's Agamemnon , too , an honest fellow enough , and loves a brimmer heartily ; but he has not so much brains as an old gander . But his brother Menelaus , there 's a fellow ! the goodly transformation of Jupiter when he loved Europa ; the primitive cuckold ; a vile monkey tied eternally to his brother 's tail ,\u2014 to be a dog , a mule , a cat , a toad , an owl , a lizard , a herring without a roe , I would not care ; but to be Menelaus , I would conspire against destiny .\u2014 Hey day ! Will with a Wisp , and Jack a Lanthorn ! HECTOR , AJAX , AGAMEMNON , DIOMEDE , ULYSSES , TROILUS , going with Torches over the Stage .", "Well said , Trojan : there 's the first hit ."], "true_target": ["Now the furies take \u00c6neas , for letting them sleep upon their quarrel ; who knows but rest may cool their brains , and make them rise maukish to mischief upon consideration ? May each of them dream he sees his cockatrice in t'other ' s arms ; and be stabbing one another in their sleep , to remember them of their business when they wake : let them be punctual to the point of honour ; and , if it were possible , let both be first at the place of execution ; let neither of them have cogitation enough , to consider \u2018 tis a whore they fight for ; and let them value their lives at as little as they are worth : and lastly , let no succeeding fools take warning by them ; but , in imitation of them , when a strumpet is in question , Let them beneath their feet all reason trample , And think it great to perish by example .", "Now , moon ! now shine , sweet moon ! let them have just light enough to make their passes ; and not enough to ward them . \u00c6n .By heaven , he comes on this , who strikes the first . You both are mad ; is this like gallant men , To fight at midnight ; at the murderer 's hour ; When only guilt and rapine draw a sword ? Let night enjoy her dues of soft repose ; But let the sun behold the brave man 's courage . And this I dare engage for Diomede ,\u2014 For though I am ,\u2014 he shall not hide his head , But meet you in the very face of danger .", "Well said again ; I beg thy pardon .", "He 'll tickle it for his concupy : this will be sport to see ! Patroclus will give me any thing for the intelligence of this whore ; a parrot will not do more for an almond , than he will for a commodious drab :\u2014 I would I could meet with this rogue Diomede too : I would croak like a raven to him ; I would bode : it shall go hard but I 'll find him out . Enter \u00c6NEAS . \u00c6n . I have been seeking you this hour , my lord : Hector by this is arming him in Troy .", "Will he swagger himself out on 's own eyes ?", "What affairs ? what affairs ? demand that , dolt-head ! the rogue will lose a quarrel , for want of wit to ask that question .", "Nor I , by Pluto : but that , which likes not you , pleases me best .", "Why , thou picture of what thou seemest , thou idol of ideot worshippers , there 's a letter for thee .", "O well stung , scorpion ! Now Menelaus 's Greek horns are out o \u2019 doors , there 's a new cuckold starts up on the Trojan side .", "Sweet , quotha ! Sweet sink , sweet sewer , sweet jakes !", "There , there he is ; now let it work : now play thy part , jealousy , and twinge \u2018 em : put \u2018 em between thy mill-stones , and grind the rogues together ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 188}, {"query": ["And leave our flight more easy .", "Was given you by a lover ; let him have it .", "O , what a blessing is a virtuous child !", "That ring he saw you wear , he much suspects", "False Diomede , bred in Ulysses \u2019 school ,", "My lord , I 'll call her to you .", "But yet which way , without your aid , I know not .", "Why , \u2018 tis for him you do it ; promise largely ;", "Revives within me , and my lost tiara", "But by strong arts and blandishments of love ."], "true_target": ["No more : retire .", "This Argus then may close his hundred eyes ,", "Of anger and revenge ; my love to Troy", "No more disturbs my mind .", "You must dissemble love to Diomede still :", "Thou has reclaimed my mind , and calmed my passions", "Put them in practice all ; seem lost and won ,", "Hark ! I hear his voice . Pursue your project ; doubt not the success .", "And draw him on , and give him line again .", "I have a woman 's longing to return ;", "Can never be deceived ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 188}, {"query": ["And by herself , I will not tell you whose .", "Now , my sweet guardian ; hark , a word with you .", "Not a word more , good night \u2014 I hope for ever :", "Thus to deceive deceivers is no fraud .", "By all Diana 's waiting train of stars ,", "But straight it starts you .", "You shall not go : one cannot speak a word ,", "Time must instruct us how .", "I will , as soon as e'er the war 's concluded .", "How can I answer this to love and Troilus ?"], "true_target": ["The ring I saw you wear .", "Remember ? yes .", "A virtuous conquest !", "Diom Give me some token , for the surety of it ;", "Nay , but you part in anger !", "I 'll perform it .", "If you must have it .", "Heaven knows , against my will ; and yet my hopes ,", "Indeed I am not : pray , come back again .", "This night to meet my Troilus , while \u2018 tis truce ,", "Afford my mind some ease ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 188}, {"query": ["And , last of all , comes me Diomede , so demurely : that 's a notable sly rogue , I warrant him ! mercy upon us , how he laid her on upon the lips ! for , as I told you , she 's most mightily made on among the Greeks . What , cheer up , I say , man ! she has every one 's good word . I think , in my conscience , she was born with a caul upon her head .", "She has been mightily made on by the Greeks : she takes most wonderfully among \u2018 em . Achilles kissed her , and Patroclus kissed her : nay , and old Nestor put aside his grey beard , and brushed her with his whiskers . Then comes me Agamemnon with his general 's staff , diving with a low bow even to the ground , and rising again , just at her lips : and after him came Ulysses , and Ajax , and Menelaus : and they so pelted her , i'faith , pitter patter , pitter patter , as thick as hail-stones . And after that , a whole rout of \u2018 em : never was a woman in Phrygia better kissed .", "O world , world : thou art an ungrateful patch of earth ! Thus the poor agent is despised ! he labours painfully in his calling , and trudges between parties : but when their turns are served , come out 's too good for him . I am mighty melancholy . I 'll e'en go home , and shut up my doors , and die o \u2019 the sullens , like an old bird in a cage !"], "true_target": ["And that rogue-priest , my brother , is so courted and treated for her sake : the young sparks do so pull him about , and haul him by the cassock : nothing but invitations to his tent , and his tent , and his tent . Nay , and one of \u2018 em was so bold , as to ask him , if she were a virgin ; and with that , the rogue , my brother , takes me up a little god in his hand , and kisses it , and swears devoutly that she was ; then was I ready to burst my sides with laughing , to think what had passed betwixt you two .", "Hear ye , my lord , hear ye ; I have been seeing yon poor girl . There have been old doings there , i'faith .", "What , would you make a monopoly of a woman 's lips ? a little consolation , or so , might be allowed , one would think , in a lover 's absence ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 188}, {"query": ["Is ravished from thee by thy slothful stay .", "I make him , atheist-like , implore his breath", "To laugh her out of countenance for her dreams !", "Last night I dreamt Jove sat on Ida 's top ,", "What sport will be , when we return at evening ,", "To see those modest tears , ashamed to fall ,", "But that a mortal man , and he , of all men ,", "Ho ! bid my trumpet sound .", "The blue mists rise from off the nether grounds ,", "But take it as a boon ,\u2014 I would not live .", "Who dares presume my life is in his gift .", "Mean time , let destiny attend thy leisure ;", "Therefore to thee , and not to fear of fate ,", "Be summoned all , our utmost fate to try ,", "That , largely vaunting , in my heat of blood ,", "Come , gird my sword , and smile upon me , love ;", "The fate of Troy this day .", "And the sun mounts apace . To arms , to arms !", "A foolish omen ! take it up again ,", "Would bear my exalted body to the gods .", "No more ; even as thou lovest my fame , no more ;", "Who , free from human toils , had gained the pitch", "I reckon this one day a blank of life .", "When once this ague fit of fear is o'er ,", "For rest assured , that , to regain this hour ,", "More than I could , it seems , or durst perform ,", "Should think my life were in his power to give ,", "To arms , to arms ! the vanguards are engaged", "And stay inglorious in thy arms at home .", "By all the gods , should Jove himself descend ,", "Refuse ! I 'll not be hindered , brother .", "Which once must come to all , give I this day .", "I will not rest , till , prostrate on the ground ,", "Thou excellently good , but oh too soft ,", "If I should lose my honour for a dream ?", "Let me not \u2018 scape the danger of this day ;", "To vast eternity , is virtue 's work ;", "Let us not leave one man to guard the walls ;", "He thinks my sister 's treason my petition ;", "For I , methinks , am lifted into air ,", "He pointed to a choir of demi-gods ,", "Our life is short , but to extend that span", "Or what will Troy , or what wilt thou thyself ,", "I sought evasion ."], "true_target": ["Upon the extremest proof , you fetched a groan ;", "You say well ; but you look not chearfully .", "You stifled it and stopt . Come , you are sad .", "Bid all unarm ; I will not fight to-day .", "And as one body move , whose soul am I .", "Go Hector , day grows old , and part of fame", "And lay it prodigally out in blows .", "Bacchus and Hercules , and all the rest ,", "My honour stands engaged to meet Achilles .", "And , beckoning with his hand divine from far ,", "And mend thy error .", "Of me , and not of heaven .", "If , thus dissuaded , I refuse to fight ,", "To give my courage courage ; thou would'st cry ,\u2014", "Did you , my lord ? you answer indirectly ;", "Go to thy bed again , and there dream better .\u2014", "I 'll through and through them , even their hindmost ranks ,", "How ! that my life is begged , and by my sister ?", "And , as you checked yourself for what you did ,", "I mean this day to waste the stock of war ,", "And give me earnest of desired success .", "To-morrow will I tempt a double danger .", "Not urge me ! then thou think'st I need his urging .", "Methought I heard you sigh , Andromache .", "What will the Grecians think , or what will he ,", "O yes , Polyxena to beg my life .", "Why , it portends me honour and renown .", "I am resolved to put to the utmost proof", "Both old and young , the coward and the brave ,", "But see thou move no more the like request ;", "What should the gods forbid ?", "Lo there 's a place for Hector .", "But I have struggling in my manly soul ,", "Why then thy former soul is flown to me ;", "Till I have found that large-sized boasting fool ,", "And now I fear , lest thou shouldst think it fear ,", "Just when I said , that I would put our fate", "And witness any part of woman in thee !", "Of blest eternity ;\u2014 Lo there , he said ,", "Like victory , come flying to my arms ,", "What , grown a coward ! Thou wert used , Andromache ,", "And tell me ,\u2014 Hector , thou deservest not life ,", "As if my mind , mastering my mortal part ,", "You know my name 's not liable to fear ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 189}, {"query": ["Farewell , farewell ; \u2018 tis vain to strive with fate !", "Come , let me gird thy fortune to thy side ,", "Your enemies too well your courage know ,", "And all cry , Hector , Hector 's dead ! Oh Hector !", "O therefore , if thou lovest me , go not forth .", "This is a day when thy ill stars are strong ,", "And Ilium brightened with a midnight blaze :", "From our imagined fears , our idle feet", "And widowed I fill all the streets with screams !", "And conquest sit as close and sure as this .", "O brother , do not urge a brother 's fate ,", "But , as in slumbers , when we fain would run", "But , let this wreck of heaven and earth roll o'er ,", "And therefore \u2018 twas that I forbore to tell thee ,", "Such honour as the brave gain after death ;", "That I should give you cause of just offence .", "The gods protect you , and restore you to me !", "Cried ,\u2014 Hold him , Priam , \u2018 tis an ominous day ;", "So now , when I would force myself to chear you ,", "Look how he dies ! look how his eyes turn pale !", "My faltering tongue can give no glad presage :", "Of trampling horses , and of chariot wheels", "Alas , I am no more Andromache .", "The steep of heaven , to some obscure retreat .", "Let him not go , for Hector is no more .", "Cassandra 's raging god inspires my breast", "\u2018 Tis not for nothing when my spirits droop ;"], "true_target": ["Like antiques meet , and tumble upon heaps !", "With truths that must be told , and not believed .", "For I have dreamt all night of horrid slaughters ,", "Grow to the ground , our struggling voice dies inward ;", "I cannot , for my hand obeys me not ;", "Of fiery demons gliding down the skies ,", "The gods forbid !", "Did you , my lord ?", "Oh wretched woman , oh !", "Like spotted livers in a sacrifice .", "Oh , could I have that thought , I should not love thee ;", "When they have driven thy helpless genius down", "How mad Cassandra , full of prophecy ,", "Thy soul is proof to all things but to kindness ;", "What shall I do to seem the same I was ?\u2014", "Wading in blood up to their axle-trees ;", "I cannot , O I dare not let you go ;", "Be to thy enemies this boding dream !", "Says , I shall never , never see you more .", "And heaven abhors the forfeit of rash vows ,", "He cannot think so ;\u2014 do not urge him thus .", "Ran round the streets , and , like a Bacchanal ,", "No notes of sally , for the heaven 's sweet sake !", "Hark how Troy roars , how Hecuba cries out ,", "For , when you leave me , my presaging mind", "Look how his blood bursts out at many vents !", "Behold distraction , frenzy , and amazement ,", "And , when the storm is past , put out to sea ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 189}, {"query": ["And , when I breathe , methinks my nostrils hiss !", "Ulysses so informed me at our parting ,", "Because a madman dreamt he talked with Jove ?", "Then , as the earth were scanty for their power ,", "But in well-mannered terms \u2018 twas so agreed ,", "has seized you ,", "That he should sooner talk to him than me ?", "I have not quenched my eyes with dewy sleep this night ;", "Employ some coward to bear back this news ,", "Then you 'll refuse no more to fight ?", "O now I know from whence his change proceeds ;", "And in private prayed \u2014", "To make you early known to their young eyes ,", "Achilles should avoid to meet with Hector .", "Know this , the Grecians think you fear Achilles ,", "But fiery fumes mount upward to my brains ,", "But whether that , or fondness of a wife ,", "This sun shall shine the last for them or us ;", "Shall I go publish , Hector dares not fight ,", "With a malicious and disdainful smile :", "Grew to be masters of the listening herd ,"], "true_target": ["They drew the pomp of heaven to wait on them .", "And Hector is the universal shout .", "What could the god see in a brain-sick priest ,", "These noisy streets , or yonder echoing plains ,", "The matrons to the turrets \u2019 tops ascend ,", "Some victim wants a heart , or crow flies wrong .", "Some frantic augur has observed the skies ;", "By heaven , \u2018 twas never well , since saucy priests", "Do my hands \u2019 work on Diomede this day .", "Yes , to the worst of fear ,\u2014 to superstition .", "What do you mean to be thus long unarmed ?", "Where are you , brother ? now , in honour 's name ,", "I shall turn basilisk , and with my sight", "\u2018 Tis true , he said not , in broad words , you feared ;", "By all the gods , and by my just revenge ,", "And that Polyxena has begged your life .", "Holding their helpless children in their arms ,", "Shall be to-morrow silent as the grave .", "And let the children hoot him for his pains .", "And into mitres cleft the regal crown ;", "The embattled soldiers throng about the gates ;"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 189}, {"query": ["Like a fierce lion looking up to toils ,", "And leaning on his spear , behold our trenches ,", "Now , Nestor , what 's the news ?", "Their old foundations shook ; their nodding towers", "Threatened from high the amazed inhabitants ;", "As of a crowd confused in their retreat .", "When mighty Hector fell beneath thy sword ,", "I saw him over-laboured , taking breath ,"], "true_target": ["Revenge will arm him now , and bring us aid .", "Bear off Patroclus \u2019 body to Achilles ;", "\u00c6neas rather loses ground than gains .", "The alarm sounds near , and shouts are driven upon us ,", "Where 's great Achilles ?", "And guardian-gods , for fear , forsook their fanes .", "Which yet he durst not leap .", "Haste , Ulysses , bid Ajax issue forth and second him .", "Thus far the promise of the day is fair ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 190}, {"query": ["Think not on Achilles ,", "But give it way awhile , and let it waste .", "Hail , Agamemnon ! truly victor now ! While secret envy , and while open pride , Among thy factious nobles discord threw ; While public good was urged for private ends , And those thought patriots , who disturbed it most ; Then , like the headstrong horses of the sun , That light , which should have cheered the world , consumed it : Now peaceful order has resumed the reins , Old Time looks young , and Nature seems renewed . Then , since from home-bred factions ruin springs , Let subjects learn obedience to their kings . EPILOGUE , SPOKEN BY THERSITES . These cruel critics put me into passion ; For , in their lowering looks I read damnation : You expect a satire , and I seldom fail ; When I 'm first beaten , \u2018 tis my part to rail . You British fools , of the old Trojan stock , That stand so thick , one cannot miss the flock , Poets have cause to dread a keeping pit , When women 's cullies come to judge of wit . As we strew rat'shYpppHeNbane when we vermin fear , \u2018 Twere worth our cost to scatter fool-bane here ; And , after all our judging fops were served , Dull poets , too , should have a dose reserved ; Such reprobates , as , past all sense of shaming , Write on , and ne'er are satisfied with damning : Next , those , to whom the stage does not belong , Such whose vocation only is \u2014 to song ; At most to prologue , when , for want of time , Poets take in for journey-work in rhime . But I want curses for those mighty shoals Of scribbling Chloris 's , and Phyllis \u2019 fools : Those oafs should be restrained , during their lives , From pen and ink , as madmen are from knives . I could rail on , but \u2018 twere a task as vain , As preaching truth at Rome , or wit in Spain : Yet , to huff out our play was worth my trying ; John Lilburn \u2018 scaped his judges by defying :If guilty , yet I 'm sure o \u2019 the church 's blessing , By suffering for the plot , without confessing . Footnote : 1 . Lilburn , the most turbulent , but the boldest and most upright of men , had the merit of defying and resisting the tyranny of the king , of the parliament , and of the protector . He was convicted in the star-chamber , but liberated by the parliament ; he was tried on the parliamentary statute for treasons in 1651 , and before Cromwell 's high court of justice in 1654 ; and notwithstanding an audacious defence ,\u2014 which to some has been more perilous than a feeble cause ,\u2014 he was , in both cases , triumphantly acquitted . THE SPANISH FRIAR ; OR , THE DOUBLE DISCOVERY . Ut melius possis fallere , sume togam . \u2014 MART . \u2014 Alterna revisens Lasit , et in solido rursus fortuna locavit . \u2014 VIRG . THE SPANISH FRIAR . The Spanish Friar , or the Double Discovery , is one of the best and most popular of our poet 's dramatic efforts . The plot is , as Johnson remarks , particularly happy , for the coincidence and coalition of the tragic and comic plots . The grounds for this eminent critic 's encomium will be found to lie more deep than appears at first sight . It was , indeed , a sufficiently obvious connection , to make the gay Lorenzo an officer of the conquering army , and attached to the person of Torrismond . This expedient could hardly have escaped the invention of the most vulgar playwright , that ever dovetailed tragedy and comedy together . The felicity of Dryden 's plot , therefore , does not consist in the ingenuity of his original conception , but in the minutely artificial strokes , by which the reader is perpetually reminded of the dependence of the one part of the play on the other . These are so frequent , and appear so very natural , that the comic plot , instead of diverting our attention from the tragic business , recals it to our mind by constant and unaffected allusion . No great event happens in the higher region of the camp or court , that has not some indirect influence upon the intrigues of Lorenzo and Elvira ; and the part which the gallant is called upon to act in the revolution that winds up the tragic interest , while it is highly in character , serves to bring the catastrophe of both parts of the play under the eye of the spectator , at one and the same time . Thus much seemed necessary to explain the felicity of combination , upon which Dryden justly valued himself , and which Johnson sanctioned by his high commendation . But , although artfully conjoined , the different departments of this tragi-comedy are separate subjects of critical remark . The comic part of the Spanish Friar , as it gives the first title to the play , seems to claim our first attention . Indeed , some precedence is due to it in another point of view ; for , though the tragic scenes may be matched in All for Love , Don Sebastian , and else where , the Spanish Friar contains by far the most happy of Dryden 's comic effusions . It has , comparatively speaking , this high claim to commendation , that , although the intrigue is licentious , according to the invariable licence of the age , the language is , in general , free from the extreme and disgusting coarseness , which our author too frequently mistook for wit , or was contented to substitute in its stead . The liveliness and even brilliancy of the dialogue , shows that Dryden , from the stores of his imagination , could , when he pleased , command that essential requisite of comedy ; and that , if he has seldom succeeded , it was only because he mistook the road , or felt difficulty in travelling it . The character of Dominic is of that broadly ludicrous nature , which was proper to the old comedy . It would be difficult to show an ordinary conception more fully brought out . He is , like Falstaff , a compound of sensuality and talent , finely varied by the professional traits with which it suited the author 's purpose to adorn his character . Such an addition was , it is true , more comic than liberal ; but Dryden , whose constant dislike to the clerical order glances out in many of his performances , was not likely to be scrupulous , when called upon to pourtray one of their members in his very worst colours . To counterbalance the Friar 's scandalous propensities of every sort , and to render him an object of laughter , rather than abhorrence , the author has gifted this reprobate churchman with a large portion of wit ; by means of which , and by a ready presence of mind , always indicative of energy , he preserves an ascendence over the other characters , and escapes detection and disgrace , until poetical justice , and the conclusion of the play , called for his punishment . We have a natural indulgence for an amusing libertine ; and , I believe , that , as most readers commiserate the disgrace of Falstaff , a few may be found to wish that Dominic 's penance had been of a nature more decent and more theatrical than the poet has assigned himFrom the dedication , as well as the prologue , it appears that Dryden , however contrary to his sentiments at a future period , was , at present , among those who held up to contempt and execration the character of the Roman catholic priesthood . By one anonymous lampoon , this is ascribed to a temporary desertion of the court party , in resentment for the loss , or discontinuance of his pension . This allowance , during the pressure upon the Exchequer , was , at least , irregularly paid , of which Dryden repeatedly complains , and particularly in a letter to the Earl of Rochester . But the hardship was owing entirely to the poverty of the public purse ; and , when the anonymous libeller affirms , that Dryden 's pension was withdrawn , on account of his share in the Essay on Satire , he only shows that his veracity is on a level with his povertyThe truth seems to be , that Dryden partook in some degree of the general ferment which the discovery of the Popish Plot had excited ; and we may easily suppose him to have done so without any impeachment to his monarchial tenets , since North himself admits , that at the first opening of the plot , the chiefs of the loyal party joined in the cry . Indeed , that mysterious transaction had been investigated by none more warmly than by Danby , the king 's favourite minister , and a high favourer of the prerogative . Even when writing Absalom and Achitophel , our author by no means avows an absolute disbelief of the whole plot , while condemning the extraordinary exaggerations , by which it had been rendered the means of much bloodshed and persecutionIt seems , therefore , fair to believe , that , without either betraying or disguising his own principles , he chose , as a popular subject for the drama , an attack upon an obnoxious priesthood , whom he , in common with all the nation , believed to have been engaged in the darkest intrigues against the king and government . I am afraid that this task was the more pleasing , from that prejudice against the clergy , of all countries and religions , which , as already noticed , our author displays , in common with other wits of that licentious ageThe character of the Spanish Friar was not , however , forgotten , when Dryden became a convert to the Roman Catholic persuasion ; and , in many instances , as well as in that just quoted , it was assumed as the means of fixing upon him a charge of inconsistency in politics , and versatility in religionThe tragic part of the \u201c Spanish Friar \u201d has uncommon merit . The opening of the Drama , and the picture of a besieged town in the last extremity , is deeply impressive , while the description of the noise of the night attack , and the gradual manner in which the intelligence of its success is communicated , arrests the attention , and prepares expectation for the appearance of the hero , with all the splendour which ought to attend the principal character in tragedy . The subsequent progress of the plot is liable to a capital objection , from the facility with which the queen , amiable and virtuous , as we are bound to suppose her , consents to the murder of the old dethroned monarch . We question if the operation of any motive , however powerful , could have been pleaded with propriety , in apology for a breach of theatrical decorum , so gross , and so unnatural . But , in fact , the queen is only actuated by a sort of reflected ambition , a desire to secure to her lover a crown , which she thought in danger ; but which , according to her own statement , she only valued on his account . This is surely too remote and indirect a motive , to urge a female to so horrid a crime . There is also something vilely cold-hearted , in her attempt to turn the guilt and consequences of her own crime upon Bertran , who , whatever faults he might have to others , was to the queen no otherwise obnoxious , than because the victim of her own inconstancy . The gallant , virtuous , and enthusiastic character of Torrismond , must be allowed , in some measure , to counterbalance that of his mistress , however unhappily he has placed his affections . But the real excellence of these scenes consists less in peculiarity of character , than in the vivacity and power of the language , which , seldom sinking into vulgarity , or rising into bombast , maintains the mixture of force and dignity , best adapted to the expression of tragic passion . Upon the whole , as the comic part of this play is our author 's master-piece in comedy , the tragic plot may be ranked with his very best efforts of that kind , whether in \u201c Don Sebastian , \u201d or \u201c All for Love . \u201d The \u201c Spanish Friar \u201d appears to have been brought out shortly after Mr Thynne 's murder , which is alluded to in the Prologue , probably early in 1681-2 . The whimsical caricature , which it presented to the public , in Father Dominic , was received with rapture by the prejudiced spectators , who thought nothing could be exaggerated in the character of a Roman Catholic priest . Yet , the satire was still more severe in the first edition , and afterwards considerably softenedIt was , as Dryden himself calls it , a Protestant play ; and certainly , as Jeremy Collier somewhere says , was rare Protestant diversion , and much for the credit of the Reformation . Accordingly , the \u201c Spanish Friar \u201d was the only play prohibited by James II . after his accession ; an interdict , which may be easily believed no way disagreeable to the author , now a convert to the Roman church . It is very remarkable , that , after the Revolution , it was the first play represented by order of queen Mary , and honoured with her presence ; a choice , of which she had abundant reason to repent , as the serious part of the piece gave as much scope for malicious application against herself , as the comic against the religion of her fatherFootnotes : 1 . Collier remarks the injustice of punishing the agent of Lorenzo 's vice , while he was himself brought off with flying colours . He observes , \u201c \u2018 Tis not the fault which is corrected , but the priest . The author 's discipline is seldom without a bias . He commonly gives the laity the pleasure of an ill action , and the clergy the punishment . \u201d View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the Stage , p. 100 .", "Whose clashing points strike fire , and gild the dusk ;", "But when their force is spent and unsupplied ,", "Open your ranks , and make these madmen way ,", "First , let small parties dally with their fury ;", "So thick the prease ; so lusty are their arms ,", "The residue with mounds may be restrained ,", "Those , that reach home , from neither host are vain ,", "And therefore distant death does all the work ;", "Then close again to charge upon their backs ,", "But , wisely managed , its divided strength"], "true_target": ["Till Hector drag him from his tent to fight ;", "Which sure he will , for I have laid the train .", "Nor was with less concernment entertained .", "Oh noble general , let it not be so .", "But tell us the occasion of thy mirth ?", "The flights of whistling darts make brown the sky ,", "And quite consume the relics of the war .", "Oppose not rage , while rage is in its force ,", "And dry-shod we may pass the naked ford .", "Those it o'erbears , and drowns the hopes of harvest ;", "That death seemed never sent with better will .", "The rising deluge is not stopt with dams ;", "Is sluiced in channels , and securely drained ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 190}, {"query": ["But young Patroclus leads his Myrmidons ,", "And in their front , even in the face of Hector ,", "A cloud of dust , that mounts in pillars upwards ,", "Resolves to dare the Trojans ."], "true_target": ["I have descried", "That rent the heaven ; as if all Troy were swarmed .", "And from the midst I heard a bursting shout ,", "And on the wing this way .", "Expanding as it travels to our camp ;"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 190}, {"query": ["Why dost thou laugh , unseasonable fool ?"], "true_target": ["Let them come , let them come ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 190}, {"query": ["And keeps the best for private luxury .", "What shoals of fools one battle sweeps away ! How it purges families of younger brothers , highways of robbers , and cities of cuckold-makers ! There is nothing like a pitched battle for these brisk addle-heads ! Your physician is a pretty fellow , but his fees make him tedious , he rides not fast enough ; the fools grow upon him , and their horse bodies are poison proof . Your pestilence is a quicker remedy , but it has not the grace to make distinction ; it huddles up honest men and rogues together . But your battle has discretion ; it picks out all the forward fools , and sowses them together into immortality .Plague upon these drums and trumpets ! these sharp sauces of the war , to get fools an appetite to fighting ! What do I among them ? I shall be mistaken for some valiant ass , and die a martyr in a wrong religion .", "Ho , ho , ho !", "What art thou ?", "Now , would I were either invisible or invulnerable ! These gods have a fine time on it ; they can see and make mischief , and never feel it .", "Nay , cheats heaven too with entrails and with offals ;", "God-a-mercy , that thou wilt believe me ; but the devil break thy neck for frighting me .", "That 's Calchas 's tent .", "I fight not at all ; I am for neither side ."], "true_target": ["Farewell , Trojan ; if I escape with life , as I hope , and thou art knocked on the head , as I hope too , I shall be the first that ever escaped the revenge of a priest after cursing him ; and thou wilt not be the last , I prophesy , that a priest will bring to ruin .", "Now a man asks me , I care not if I answer to my own kind .\u2014 Why , the enemies are broken into our trenches ; fools like Menelaus fall by thousands yet not a human soul departs on either side . Troilus and Ajax have almost beaten one another 's heads off , but are both immortal for want of brains . Patroclus has killed Sarpedon , and Hector Patroclus , so there is a towardly springing fop gone off ; he might have made a prince one day , but now he 's nipt in the very bud and promise of a most prodigious coxcomb .", "Gives it the garbage of a sacrifice ,", "Hold , hold !\u2014 what , is it no more but dispatch a man and away ! I am in no such haste : I will not die for Greece ; I hate Greece , and by my good will would never have been born there ; I was mistaken into that country , and betrayed by my parents to be born there . And besides , I have a mortal enemy among the Grecians , one Diomede , a damned villain , and cannot die with a safe conscience till I have first murdered him .", "Why , thou fool in season , cannot a man laugh , but thou thinkest he makes horns at thee ? Thou prince of the herd , what hast thou to do with laughing ? \u2018 Tis the prerogative of a man , to laugh . Thou risibility without reason , thou subject of laughter , thou fool royal !", "No , I am a rascal , a scurvy railing knave , a very filthy rogue .", "Come along with me , and I will conduct thee to Calchas 's tent , where I believe he is now , making war with the priest 's daughter .", "I am a bastard too , I love bastards , I am bastard in body , bastard in mind , bastard in valour , in every thing illegitimate . A bear will not fasten upon a bear ; why should one bastard offend another ! Let us part fair , like true sons of whores , and have the fear of our mothers before our eyes .", "Now these rival rogues will clapperclaw one another , and I shall have the sport of it ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 190}, {"query": ["A bastard son of Priam 's ."], "true_target": ["Turn , slave , and fight .", "The devil take thee , coward ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 190}, {"query": ["Divide our troops , and take the fresher half .", "When the gods please ; if not , we once must part . Look ; on yon hill their squandered troops unite .", "Nor wearied limbs confess mortality ,", "Brother and friend , farewell .", "Are crept into the earth . Farewell .", "The burthen of the day : But , hap what can ,", "For few we are and spent , as having born", "These are enow for me , in faith enow .", "Before those ants , that blacken all yon hill ,"], "true_target": ["Their bodies shall not flag while I can lead ;", "I do believe thee ; live .", "They shall be charged ; Achilles must be there ,", "I wish our men be not too far engaged ;", "to Thers . Speak what part thou fightest on !", "No dispute of ceremony :", "A gleaning of the war ; a rogue , he says .", "And him I seek , or death .", "Here we must part , our destinies divide us ;", "Thou art a Greek ; art thou a match for Hector ? Art thou of blood and honour ?"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 190}, {"query": ["Thou couldst not thus , even to my face , prefer .", "What prisoner have you there ?", "Farewell .\u2014 Come , Greek .", "In triumph would I bear thee back to Troy ,", "Were not enough convincing , com'st thou now", "Then , that one spot of earth contains more falsehood ,", "Rejoice , and cry ,\u2014 \u201c Here comes a blacker fiend ! \u201d", "But , oh , thou syren , I will stop my ears", "Shew me that Diomede , and thou shalt live .", "If I mistake not , \u2018 tis their last reserve :", "But oh , thou purest , whitest innocence ,\u2014", "Receive her quick , with all her crimes upon her !", "Now beg thy life , or die .", "Thou hast deserved thy life for cursing priests .", "Priesthood , that makes a merchandise of heaven !", "This were too much , even if thou hadst been false !", "Could she have cursed me worse ! she died for me ,", "And forces us to pay for our own cozenage !", "She 's gone for ever , and she blest me dying !", "Heavier than they , fall back upon my head ;", "Make room , and point , and hiss her as she goes !", "Live ; thou art honest , for thou hat'st a priest .", "Than all the sun sees in his race beside .", "And hurled at me , a bolder wretch than they ,", "And bids me seek no more , but finish here .", "Whom , oh , if any spark of truth remained ,", "By my few moments of remaining life , I did not hope for any future joy ; But thou hast given me pleasure ere I die , To punish such a villain .\u2014 Fight apart ;", "Here pity calls me to weep out my eyes ,", "Hell and death !", "Be torn by some avenging deity ,", "She starts within me , like a traveller ,", "Despair then turns me back upon myself ,"], "true_target": ["Could I believe thee , could I think thee true ,", "To thy enchanting notes ; the winds shall bear", "Pelion and Ossa , from the giants \u2019 graves", "Priesthood , that sells even to their prayers and blessings", "Who sluggishly outslept his morning hour ,", "May all my curses , and ten thousand more ,", "When shall we meet ?", "Grateful ! Oh torment ! now hell 's bluest flames", "Hell , show me such another tortured wretch as Troilus !", "And stand embattled to oppose my way .", "And mends his pace to reach his inn betimes .", "Let the most branded ghosts of all her sex", "Let me embrace thee ; thou art beautiful :", "And , like a woman , I lament for her .", "Has much to do , and little time to spare .", "Who durst invade the skies !", "Let her \u2014", "That back , that nose , those eyes are beautiful :", "Com'st thou to give the last stab to my heart ?", "Though Greece could rally all her shattered troops ,", "Upon their wings thy words , more light than they .", "To beg my rival 's life ?", "For such I know thee now , too late I know it !\u2014", "The storm 's blown o'er , and those but after-drops .", "Let her sink spotted down ! let the dark host", "Did I not hear the voice of perjured Cressida ?", "Dispatch him , and away .", "Distraction pulls me several ways at once :", "That I should trust the daughter of a priest !", "O brother !", "As if the proofs of all thy former falsehood", "Scorn'st thou my mercy , villain !\u2014 Take thy wish .\u2014", "Methinks , my soul is roused to her last work ;"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 190}, {"query": ["Up yon sandy hill ;", "And by loose footing cast on heaps together ."], "true_target": ["Against the rising , spent with painful march ,", "You may discern them by their smoking track :", "A wavering body working with bent hams"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 190}, {"query": ["Why did I let thee tempt the shock of war ,", "Make haste , my soldiers ; give me this day 's pains", "And noble Diomede beneath , whose death", "I will , I will revenge thee , my Patroclus !", "And , as a second offering to thy ghost ,", "Till Hector breathless on the ground we lay !", "For my dead friend : strike every hand with mine ,", "Nor shall thy ghost thy murderers long attend ,", "This hand of mine revenged .", "O thou art gone , thou sweetest , best of friends !"], "true_target": ["Patroclus , now be quiet ; Hector 's dead ;", "The work of gods , and almost mating heaven ,", "And knotted into strength ! Yet , though too late ,", "Revenge is honour , the securest way .", "Our toils are done , and those aspiring walls ,", "But thou shalt hear him calling Charon back ,", "Ere yet the tender nerves had strung thy limbs ,", "Must crumble into rubbish on the plain .", "Lies Troilus high upon a heap of slain ;", "Ere thou art wafted to the farther shore .\u2014"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 190}, {"query": ["Because I make his forfeit life my suit ,", "By all our loves , by all our past endearments ,", "Alas ! I but dissembled love to him .", "And , since I question not your hard decree ,", "Hear him not , heavens ;", "Hold , hold your hand , my lord , and hear me speak .", "This faithless , perjured , hated Cressida ,", "And fear \u2018 tis past prevention .", "Myself in hated bonds a captive held .", "If ever I had power to bend your mind ,", "Which thus I give you ,\u2014 thus \u2014", "Ah me ! I hear them ,", "Has struck me dumb ! but let him live , my Troilus ;", "May every imprecation , which your rage", "Add all to him you take away from me ;", "Can wish on me , take place , if I am false !", "O unexampled , frontless impudence !", "But you , my only Troilus , come near :", "Enough , my lord ; you 've said enough .", "Stand off , and touch me not , thou traitor Diomede ;\u2014", "Oh , can you yet believe , that I am true ?", "Would be cut off for ever by his death ;"], "true_target": ["Which , if there be a Power above , are binding ,", "\u2018 Tis but for this , that my return to you", "Trust me , the wound , which I have given this breast ,", "And though my innocence appear like guilt ,", "Shall be no more the subject of your curses :", "But hear me bless him with my latest breath !", "Or , if there be a hell below , are fearful ,", "What then remains ?", "Alas !", "If ever he had any proof , beyond", "But then your eyes had missed the satisfaction ,", "And I die happy , that he thinks me true .", "Some few hours hence , and grief had done your work ;", "I do adjure thee , spare him .", "Where is he ? I 'll be justified , or die .", "Believe me still your faithful Cressida ;", "My father , treated like a slave , and scorned ;", "Is far less painful than the wound you gave it .", "My only lord , by all those holy vows ,", "What shall I say !\u2014 that you suspect me false ,", "That doomed my days unfortunate and few ,", "If Troilus die , I have no share in life .", "What modesty might give \u2014"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 190}, {"query": ["If Diomede sink beneath the sword of Troilus", "So quickly vanished ! he was here but now .", "But are debarred all future means of flight .", "Fate leaves no middle course .", "Betwixt their swords ; or , if that cannot be ,", "He must be gone to search for Diomede ;"], "true_target": ["You must prevent , and not complain .", "We lose not only a protector here ,", "To interpose betimes", "Clashing within .", "To intercede for him , who shall be vanquished .", "For Diomede told me , here they were to fight ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 190}, {"query": ["I 'm sorry I have pressed my charge so far :", "Nay , grieve not ; I resign her freely up ;", "That , if you have a promise of her person ,", "Nay , since you 're so concerned to be believed ,", "No ! witness this .\u2014", "I 'm satisfied ; and dare engage for Cressida ,", "She shall be willing to come out of debt .", "Thy worst , for mine has been beforehand with thee ;"], "true_target": ["I loath the life , which thou canst give , or take .", "No ; use thy fortune :", "But yet thy folly , to believe a foe ,", "I triumph in thy vain credulity ,", "Be what you would be thought ; I can be grateful .", "Makes thine the sharper and more shameful loss .", "Which levels thy despairing state to mine ;", "Help ! save her , help !"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 190}, {"query": ["Revenged it basely :"], "true_target": ["For Troilus fell by multitudes opprest ,", "And so fell Hector ; but \u2018 tis vain to talk ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 190}, {"query": ["Nay , even thy royal patron was not spared ,", "Thy loyal libel we can still produce ,", "Beyond example , and beyond excuse .", "For pension lost , and justly without doubt ;", "They that disdain their benefactor 's bread .", "The Friar now was writ , and some will say ,", "The papist too was damned , unfit for trust ,", "They smell a malcontent through all the play .", "When servants snarl we ought to kick them out .", "Fell foul on all thy friends among the rest ;", "See note on OEdipus , p. 151 ."], "true_target": ["But an obscene , a sauntering wretch declared .", "And kingly power thought arbitrary lust .", "Called treacherous , shameless , profligate , unjust ,", "The Laureat , 24th October , 1678 .", "And that changed both thy morals and thy strain .", "No longer ought by bounty to be fed .", "This lasted till thou didst thy pension gain ,", "Alluding apparently to the assassination of Thomas Thynne , esq . in Pall-Mall , by the hired bravoes of count Coningsmark . DRAMATIS PERSON\u00c6 . TORRISMOND , Son of SANCHO , the deposed King , believing himself Son of RAYMOND . BERTRAN , a Prince of the blood . ALPHONSO , a general Officer , Brother to RAYMOND . LORENZO , his Son . RAYMOND , a Nobleman , supposed Father of TORRISMOND . PEDRO , an Officer . GOMEZ , an old Usurer . DOMINICK , the Spanish Friar . LEONORA , Queen of Arragon . TERESA , Woman to LEONORA . ELVIRA , Wife to GOMEZ . THE SPANISH FRIAR : OR THE DOUBLE DISCOVERY .", "To satire next thy talent was addressed ,", "And straight a true-blue protestant crept out .", "O strange return , to a forgiving king ,", "That lost , the visor changed , you turn about ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 190}, {"query": ["Nor weighed nor winnowed by the multitude ,", "Some truth there was , but dashed and bruised with lies ,", "Dryden appears to have alluded to the following passage in Strada , though without a very accurate recollection of its contents : \u201c Sane Andreas Naugerius Valerio Martiali acriter infensus , solemne jam habebat in illum aliquanto petulantius jocari . Etenim natali suo , accitis ad geniale epulum amicis , postquam prolixe de poetic\u00e6 laudibus super mensam disputaverat ; ostensurum se aiebat a c\u00e6na , quo tandem modo laudari poesim deceret : Mox aferri jubebat Martialis volumen ,atque igni proprior factus , illustri conflagratione absumendum flammis imponebat : addebatque eo incendio litare se Musis , Manibusque Virgilij , cujus imitatorem cultoremque prestare se melius haud posset , quam si vilia poetarum capita per undas insecutus ac flammas perpetuo perdidisset . Nec se eo loco tenuit , sed cum Silvas aliquot ab se conscriptas legisset , audissetque Statianu characteri similes videri , iratus sibi , quod a Martiale fugiens alio declinasset a Virgilio , cum primum se recessit domum , in Silvas conjecit ignem . \u201d Strad\u00e6 Prolusiones , Lib . II . Pro . 5 . From this passage , it is obvious , that it was Martial , not Statius , whom Andreas Navagero sacrificed to Virgil , although he burned his own verses when they were accused of a resemblance to the style of the author of the Thebaid . In the same prolusion , Strada quotes the \u201c blustering \u201d line , afterwards censured by Dryden ; but erroneously reads , Super imposito moles gemmata colosso .", "From hence began that plot , the nation 's curse ,", "Believing nothing , or believing all ."], "true_target": ["To please the fools , and puzzle all the wise .", "Bad in itself , but represented worse .", "Raised in extremes , and in extremes decryed ,", "Succeeding times did equal folly call .", "But swallowed in the mass unchewed and crude .", "With oaths affirmed , with dying vows denied ;"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 190}, {"query": ["\u201c Thus we see , \u201d says Collier , \u201c how hearty these people are in their ill-will ; how they attack religion under every form , and pursue the priesthood through all the subdivisions of opinion . Neither Jews nor Heathens , Turk nor Christians , Rome nor Geneva , church nor conventicle , can escape them . They are afraid lest virtue should have any quarters , undisturbed conscience any corner to retire to , or God worshipped in any place . \u201d Short View , & c. p. 110 ."], "true_target": ["\u201c Bussy D'Ambois , \u201d a tragedy , once much applauded , was the favourite production of George Chapman . If Dryden could have exhausted every copy of this bombast performance in one holocaust , the public would have been no great losers , as may be apparent from the following quotations :"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 190}, {"query": ["\u201c I have read somewhere in Mons . Rapin 's Reflections sur la Poetique , that a certain Venetian nobleman , Andrea Naugeria by name , was wont every year to sacrifice a Martial to the manes of Catullus : In imitation of this , a celebrated poet , in the preface before the Spanish Friar , is pleased to acquaint the world , that he has indignation enough to burn a Bussy D'Amboys , annually , to the memory of Ben Jonson . Since the modern ceremony , of offering up one author at the altar of another , is likely to advance into a fashion ; and having already the authority of two such great men to recommend it , the courteous reader may be pleased to take notice , that the author of the following dialogue is resolved ,on the festival of the Seven Sleepers , as long as he lives , to sacrifice the Hind and Panther to the memory of Mr Quarels and John Bunyan : Or , if a writer that has notoriously contradicted himself , and espoused the quarrel of two different parties , may be considered under two distinct characters , he designs to deliver up the author of the Hind and Panther , to be lashed severely by , and to beg pardon of , the worthy gentleman that wrote the Spanish Friar , and the Religion Laici . \u201d The reason of Mr Bayes \u2019 changing his religion . Preface ."], "true_target": ["Dryden has elsewhere ridiculed this absurd passage . The original has \u201c periwig with wool . \u201d PROLOGUE . Now , luck for us , and a kind hearty pit ; For he , who pleases , never fails of wit : Honour is yours ; And you , like kings at city-treats , bestow it ; The writer kneels , and is bid rise a poet ; But you are fickle sovereigns , to our sorrow ; You dub to-day , and hang a man to-morrow : You cry the same sense up , and down again , Just like brass-money once a year in Spain : Take you in the mood , whate'er base metal come , You coin as fast as groats at Birmingham : Though \u2018 tis no more like sense , in antient plays , Than Rome 's religion like St Peter 's days . In short , so swift your judgments turn and wind , You cast our fleetest wits a mile behind . \u2018 Twere well your judgments but in plays did range , But e'en your follies and debauches change With such a whirl , the poets of our age Are tired , and cannot score them on the stage ; Unless each vice in short-hand they indict , Even as notch 'd prentices whole sermons writeThe heavy Hollanders no vices know , But what they used a hundred years ago ; Like honest plants , where they were stuck , they grow . They cheat , but still from cheating sires they come ; They drink , but they were christened first in mum . Their patrimonial sloth the Spaniards keep , And Philip first taught Philip how to sleep . The French and we still change ; but here 's the curse , They change for better , and we change for worse ; They take up our old trade of conquering , And we are taking theirs , to dance and sing : Our fathers did , for change , to France repair , And they , for change , will try our English air ; As children , when they throw one toy away , Strait a more foolish gewgaw comes in play : So we , grown penitent , on serious thinking , Leave whoring , and devoutly fall to drinking . Scowering the watch grows out-of-fashion wit : Now we set up for tilting in the pit , Where \u2018 tis agreed by bullies chicken-hearted , To fright the ladies first , and then be parted . A fair attempt has twice or thrice been made , To hire night murderers , and make death a tradeWhen murder 's out , what vice can we advance ? Unless the new-found poisoning trick of France : And , when their art of rats-bane we have got , By way of thanks , we 'll send them o'er our plot . Footnotes 1 . It was anciently a part of the apprentice 's duty , not only to carry the family bible to church , but to take notes of the sermon for the edification of his master or mistress ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 190}, {"query": ["Mark how he sounds and fathoms him ,", "Stand : give the word .", "How near our army ? when shall we be succoured ?", "Answer these questions first , and then a thousand more ;", "Ha , boy , what say'st thou ?", "Is easier to be stopt , than is his ruin .", "Upon the walls and live . But yet \u2018 tis time .", "Such triumphs as were given by ancient Rome :", "Learn respect", "Now he begins to open .", "That may breed bad blood betwixt him and Bertran .", "His father absent on an embassy ;", "Himself a stranger almost ; wholly friendless !", "In spite of his dissembling .", "But all must be attempted .", "Our watchmen from the towers with longing eyes", "We were so close blocked up , that none could peep", "Answer them all together .", "Expect his swift arrival .", "He 's a successful warrior ,", "I wish I were ; to be past sense of this !", "How swift he shot away ! I find it stung him ,", "The Moor will \u2018 gage", "Weak remedies ;", "Plead for our pay .", "With vows for her deliverance .", "All night devoutly watched , and bribed the saints", "And has the soldiers \u2019 hearts : upon the skirts"], "true_target": ["When will he make his entry ? he deserves", "His utmost forces on this next assault ,", "Lorenzo .", "Like meteors , by each other in the streets .", "She has not been abed , but in her chapel", "A torrent , rolling down a precipice ,", "That run , and know not whither ; torches gliding ,", "Then to declare his madness to his rival !", "To pray for our success against the Moors .", "How many of the enemy are slain ?", "How far did you pursue them ?", "To find the shallows of his soul !", "Never was known a night of such distraction ;", "To win a queen and kingdom .", "\u2018 Tis a procession .", "Well , we are soldiers , Pedro ; and , like lawyers ,", "The queen is going to the great cathedral ,", "Thou reviv'st me .", "Of Arragon our squandered troops he rallies .", "It could not be :", "Or , are we succoured ? are the Moors removed ?", "Heaven avert it !", "Then welcome day-light ; we shall have warm work o n't .", "O welcome , welcome ! is the general safe ?", "Pedro ?\u2014 how goes the night ?", "Noise so confused and dreadful ; jostling crowds .", "To the first prince of the blood .", "No more .\u2014 Duke Bertran ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 191}, {"query": ["Our walls are thinly manned ; our best men slain ;", "He told them false , for fear . About his neck", "He 's ruined , past redemption !", "Whom he shook off , i'faith , methought , unkindly .", "To take a short repose .", "Of my new friends above ; and then expect", "I met a reverend , fat , old gouty friar ,\u2014", "A good cause would do well though :", "It gives my sword an edge . You see this Bertran", "She wears apace .", "There hung a wench , the label of his function ,", "In bondage held , debarred the common light ;", "The fawning joy of courtiers and of dogs .", "As much as when physicians shake their heads ,", "How he will be received ; I fear , but coldly .", "Then heaven must not be heaven . Judge the event", "Pox on this lion-way of wooing , though . Is the queen stirring yet ?", "A crown usurped ; a lawful king deposed ,", "So , here 's fine work !", "Unriddle that , ye powers !\u2014 but left his daughter ,", "And fumbling o'er his beads in such an agony ,", "The rest , an heartless number , spent with watching ,", "For his destruction . Old Penelope 's tale", "Had helped to make him great .", "By my computation now , the victory was gained before the procession was made for it ; and yet it will go hard but the priests will make a miracle of it .", "That 's young Lorenzo 's duty .", "His children murdered , and his friends destroyed ,\u2014", "Has now three times been beaten by the Moors :", "O , Alphonso !", "I have to lose . I 'll plant my colours down", "Against our sovereign lady ;\u2014 mad for a queen ?", "\u2018 Tis fruitless to complain ; haste to the court ;", "Yes , in private . But Bertran has been taught the arts of court , To gild a face with smiles , and leer a man to ruin , O here they come .\u2014 Enter TORRISMOND and Officers on one Side , BERTRAN attended on the other ; they embrace , BERTRAN bowing low . Just as I prophesied .\u2014", "As \u2018 till my flesh and blood rebelled this way ,", "Nay , for my part , \u2018 tis but a single life", "Inverted ; he has unravelled all by day ,", "What hope we have , is in young Torrismond ,", "Say a short soldier 's prayer , to spare the trouble"], "true_target": ["His ill-got crown :\u2014 \u2018 tis true , he died in peace ,\u2014", "Your brother 's son .", "And what we fear will follow ?", "Fresh-coloured , well thriven on his trade ,\u2014", "Another sin , before he left the world .", "He has supplied his only foe with arms", "With a globe in one hand , and a sceptre in t'other ?", "I fear they come too late . Her father 's crimes", "A very pretty moppet !", "\u2018 Twas rumoured in the camp , he loves the queen .", "I hear the general 's trumpet . Stand and mark", "What can we less expect than what we feel ,", "And harassed out with duty .", "Improve your interest there for pardon from the queen .", "It seems the holy stallion durst not score", "The usurper gained the kingdom , was refused ;", "Because the Moor Abdalla , with whose troops", "Mine are drawn off", "And bid their dying patient think of heaven .", "With a paunch swoll'n so high , his double chin", "To marry with young Bertran , whose cursed father", "Hence , you well know , this fatal war arose ;", "That he has done by night . What , planet struck !", "Very good : she usurps the throne , keeps the old king in prison , and , at the same time , is praying for a blessing . Oh religion and roguery , how they go together ! Look down , ye blessed above , look down , Behold our weeping matrons \u2019 tears , Behold our tender virgins \u2019 fears , And with success our armies crown .Look down , ye blessed above , look down : Oh ! save us , save as , and our state restore ; For pity , pity , pity , we implore : For pity , pity , pity , we implore .", "By what has passed . The usurper joyed not long", "O you mistake him ; \u2018 twas an humble grin ,", "Come puffing with his greasy bald-pate choir ,", "There sprung the mine .", "Would I had but a lease of life so long ,", "There hung a cloud , methought , on Bertran 's brow .", "Our present queen , engaged upon his death-bed ,", "Might rest upon it ; a true son of the church ;", "And , as an infidel , his love despised .", "Sit heavy on her , and weigh down her prayers .", "The queen of Arragon .", "The next fair bullet .", "It must be swift , or it will come too late .", "In the mid-breach , and by them fix my foot ;", "Oh envy , envy , how it works within him !"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 191}, {"query": ["They are all corrupted with the gold of Barbary ,", "Fond young man !", "On pain of death , let no man dare to sally .", "To-morrow will deliver all her charms", "Is a fair picture shewn by an ill light ;", "That you stand idle here ?", "Good-night all , then .", "Into my arms , and make her mine for ever .\u2014", "Short let it be :", "She , she shall praise you , for I can oblige her :", "A praise , a smile , a look from her is worth", "Your shame-faced virtue shunned the people 's praise ,", "I 'll to the queen ,", "And bear the news .", "Relieve the sentries that have watched all night .", "But lucky men are favourites of heaven :", "Is the first fame . Virtue without success", "Like bees disturbed , and arming in their hives .", "For times to come shall say ,\u2014 Our Spain , like Rome ,", "A glorious conquest , noble Torrismond !", "No , \u2018 tis too late ; I will not hazard it :", "Lorenzo . Good news , kind heaven !", "You brand us all with black ingratitude :", "Be last to fix them on you . If refused ,", "The praises of a young and beauteous queen", "Some false attack : expect on t'other side .", "These honours you deserve ; nor shall my suffrage", "One to the gunners on St Jago 's tower ; bid them , for shame ,", "There has been heard a distant humming noise ,", "I 'll spare his trouble .\u2014", "Not speak , my lord ! How were your thoughts employed ?", "The thronging crowds press on you as you pass ,", "Which makes it pass unquestioned through the world .", "Yet happiness", "The wings of your ambition must be clipt :"], "true_target": ["And heaven can hear no other name but yours .", "A joyful cry ; and see your son", "This Torrismond begins to grow too fast ;", "Shall crown your glorious acts .", "The just applause", "And senate 's honours : But \u2018 tis well we know", "He must be mine , or ruined .", "And whom should kings esteem above heaven 's darlings ?", "Of god-like senates , is the stamp of virtue ,", "What courage in our soldiers ? Speak ! What hope ?", "And with their eager joy make triumph slow .", "Thought of the queen , perhaps ?", "Of her new worshipper .", "To carry over , and not hurt the Moor .", "For , from the Moorish camp , this hour and more ,", "I think all fortune is reserved for him !\u2014", "And then we could have favoured his attempt", "Neglects her champions after noble acts ,", "Your country rescued , and your queen relieved ,\u2014", "And lets their laurels wither on their heads .", "The shouts of thousand amphitheatres .", "With sallies from the town .", "I 'll try him farther .\u2014", "He might have sent us word though ;", "Why stand you mute ?", "O , now I find where your ambition drives ! You ought not to think of her .", "Yes : you have seen her , and you must confess ,", "The people rend the skies with loud applause ,", "\u2018 Tis well ; the goddess shall be told , she shall ,", "Level their cannon lower : On my soul", "So young a stoick !", "Now , colonel , have you disposed your men ,", "What price you hold yourself at . You have fought", "With some success , and that has sealed your pardon .", "O , let him rave ! I 'll not contend with madmen ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 191}, {"query": ["From the Moors \u2019 camp the noise grows louder still :", "Goes fainter off , and dies in distant sounds .", "And sometimes peals of shouts that rend the heavens ,"], "true_target": ["Like victory : then groans again , and howlings ,", "Like those of vanquished men ; but every echo", "To arms , my lord , to arms !", "Rattling of armour , trumpets , drums , and ataballes ;"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 191}, {"query": ["Is now in hot engagement with the Moors ;", "\u2018 Tis said , within their trenches ."], "true_target": ["Our army , led by valiant Torrismond ,", "My lord , here 's fresh intelligence arrived ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 191}, {"query": ["Plucked from Moors \u2019 ears .", "A seasonable girl , just in the nick now \u2014", "I am rich in jewels , rings , and bobbing pearls ,", "Pedro , they must be had , and speedily ;", "Best send our women out to take the tale ;", "Here are nothing but lies to be expected : I 'll even go lose myself in some blind alley , and try if any courteous damsel will think me worth the finding .", "I 've kept a tedious fast .", "Good store of harlots , say you , and dog-cheap ?", "Some few miles .\u2014", "As victory can make them . The Moors \u2019 king", "Their scouts we killed , then found their body sleeping ;", "The general 's well ; his army too is safe ,", "Then look to see a storm on Torrismond 's ;", "I leave the choice to you ; fair , black , tall , low ,", "Spite of his woollen night-cap : a slight wound ;", "And as they lay confused , we stumbled o'er them ,", "And took what joint came next , arms , heads , or legs ,", "He drinks her health devoutly ."], "true_target": ["Somewhat indecently . But when men want light ,", "Is safe enough , I warrant him , for one .", "They make but bungling work .", "Perhaps he may recover .", "Yes , faith ; we came like bold intruding guests ,", "Somewhat busy", "Let her but have a nose ; and you may tell her ,", "At dawn of day our general cleft his pate ,", "There 's circumcision in abundance for them .", "Troth , sir , we were in haste , and could not stay", "To score the men we killed ; but there they lie :", "With as bad faces ; no dispraise to Bertran 's .", "Looks fright not men . The general has seen Moors", "Yes , when I have a thousand tongues , I will .", "As you say , sir , that Rome was very ancient .", "Death and hell , he laughs at him !\u2014 in his face too .", "About affairs relating to the public .\u2014", "Pedro a word :\u2014", "And took them unprepared to give us welcome ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 191}, {"query": ["There seal my pardon , where thy fame was lost .", "As , what it loudly dares to tell a rival ,", "Alas ! I cannot speak .", "Still vehement , and still without a cause ;", "But who can help his frenzy ?", "In dusty plains , amidst the cannons \u2019 roar ,", "The queen ! that were a happiness too great ! Named you the queen , my lord ?", "\u2018 Tis but to weep , and close our eyes in darkness .", "There will I be the first .", "Servant to chance , and blowing in the tide", "A statue , for a battle blindly fought ,", "Pardon from thee !\u2014 O , give me patience , heaven !\u2014", "And yet , \u2018 twere baseness to deny my love .", "And let me hunt her through embattled foes ,", "And so may gods ; else why are altars raised ?", "Thrice vanquished Bertran , if thou dar'st , look out", "You wrong me , if you think I 'll sell one drop", "Power , promise , choice , the living and the dead ;", "Nor can I think , or I am lost in thought .", "I ought not ; madmen ought not to be mad ;", "Of popular applause ; the noisy praise", "But such a love , kept at such awful distance ,", "Why , if it were ,"], "true_target": ["But , oh ! when he 's too bright , if then we gaze ,", "Turn fortune loose again to my pursuit ,", "Upon yon slaughtered host , that field of blood ;", "Heaven may be thought on , though too high to climb .", "My birth unequal ; all the stars against me :", "So I say too ,", "Within these veins for pageants ; but , let honour", "Shall fear to whisper there . Queens may be loved ,", "Why shines the sun , but that he may be viewed ?", "Call for my blood , and sluice it into streams :", "I have done :", "Of swoln success ; but veering with its ebb ,", "And fortune take the praise .", "Where virtue borrowed but the arms of chance ,", "\u2018 Tis true , my hopes are vanishing as clouds ;", "Lighter than children 's bubbles blown by winds :", "Where darkness and surprise made conquest cheap !", "My merit 's but the rash result of chance ;", "My lord , I have no taste", "It leaves the channel dry .", "Of giddy crowds , as changeable as winds ;", "I know , \u2018 twas madness to declare this truth :", "And struck a random blow !\u2014 \u2018 Twas fortune 's work ,", "Mankind my foes ; and only love to friend :"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 191}, {"query": ["Here , man , just before this corner-house : Pray heaven , it prove no bawdy-house .", "Not absolutely slain , I must confess ; but I am drawing on apace : you have a dangerous tongue in your head , I can tell you that ; and if your eyes prove of as killing metal , there is but one way with me . Let me see you , for the safeguard of my honour ; \u2018 tis but decent the cannon should be drawn down upon me before I yield .", "If thou help'st me not to the knowledge of her , thou art a circumcised Jew .", "This is unconscionable dealing ; to be made a slave , and know not whose livery I wear . Who have we yonder ? Enter GOMEZ .By that shambling in his walk , it should be my rich old banker , Gomez , whom I knew at Barcelona : As I live \u2018 tis he !\u2014 What , old Mammon here !", "What devil has set his claws in thy haunches , and brought thee hither to Saragossa ? Sure he meant a farther journey with thee .", "Meaning me , madam ?", "Faith , but I will ; thou hast the face of a magistrate already .", "I dare say for thee , thou hast such a respect for a single billet , thou wouldst almost have thrown on thyself to save it ; thou art for saving every thing but thy soul .", "Art thou so obstinate ? Then I denounce open war against thee ; I 'll demolish thy citadel by force ; or , at least , I 'll bring my whole regiment upon thee ; my thousand red locusts , that shall devour thee in free quarters . Farewell , wrought night-cap .", "I hate a formal obligation with an Anno Domini at end o n't ; there may be an evil meaning in the word years , called matrimony .", "No ; I 'll keep thee from hanging thyself for such an extravagance ; and , instead of it , thou shalt do me a mere verbal courtesy . I have just now seen a most incomparable young lady .", "Faith , not for that , clear Gomez ; but \u2014", "Thou hast all her marks ; but she has a husband , a jealous , covetous , old hunks : Speak ! canst thou tell me news of her ?", "I must confess , I did not expect to have been charged first : I see souls will not be lost for want of diligence in this devil 's reign .Now , Madam Cynthia , behind a cloud , your will and pleasure with me ?"], "true_target": ["Then you are married ?", "Well , I am the most unlucky rogue ! I have been ranging over half the town ; but have sprung no game . Our women are worse infidels than the Moors : I told them I was one of the knight-errants , that delivered them from ravishment ; and I think in my conscience , that is their quarrel to me .", "What eyes were there ! how keen their glances ! you do well to keep them veiled ; they are too sharp to be trusted out of the scabbard .", "To confess freely to you , madam , I was never in love with less than your whole sex before ; but now I have seen you , I am in the direct road of languishing and sighing ; and , if love goes on as it begins , for aught I know , by to-morrow morning you may hear of me in rhyme and sonnet . I tell you truly , I do not like these symptoms in myself . Perhaps I may go shufflingly at first ; for I was never before walked in trammels ; yet , I shall drudge and moil at constancy , till I have worn off the hitching in my pace .", "My cousin ruined , says he ! hum , not that I wish my kinsman 's ruin ; that were unchristian : but , if the general is ruined , I am heir ; there 's comfort for a Christian ! Money I have ; I thank the honest Moors for it ; but I want a mistress . I am willing to be lewd ; but the tempter is wanting on his part .", "She is of a middle stature , dark-coloured hair , the most bewitching leer with her eyes , the most roguish cast ! her cheeks are dimpled when she smiles , and her smiles would tempt an hermit .", "Oh the devil ! What a rogue in understanding was I , not to find him out sooner !", "Three as good qualities for my purpose as I could wish : now love be praised !", "Come , thou art so suspicious upon an idle story ! That woman I saw , I mean that little , crooked , ugly woman ,\u2014 for t'other was a lie ,\u2014 is no more thy wife ,\u2014 As I 'll go home with thee , and satisfy thee immediately , my dear friend .", "Hang pumping ! I was thinking a little upon a point of gratitude . We two have been long acquaintance ; I know thy merits , and can make some interest ;\u2014 Go to ; thou wert born to authority ; I 'll make thee Alcaide , Mayor of Saragossa .", "What dost thou mutter to thyself ? Hast thou any thing to say against the honesty of that house ?", "That 's but a hair 's breadth at farthest .", "O , I love an easy woman ! there 's such ado , to crack a thick-shelled mistress ; we break our teeth , and find no kernel . \u2018 Tis generous in you , to take pity on a stranger , and not to suffer him to fall into ill hands at his first arrival .", "I am glad he knows me only by that name of Hernando , by which I went at Barcelona ; now he can tell no tales of me to my father .\u2014Come , thou wer't ever good-natured , when thou couldst get by it \u2014 Look here , rogue ; \u2018 tis of the right damning colour : Thou art not proof against gold , sure !\u2014 Do not I know thee for a covetous \u2014"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 192}, {"query": ["What a terrible similitude have you made , colonel , to shew that you are inclining to the wars ? I could answer you with another in my profession : Suppose you were in want of money , would you not be glad to take a sum upon content in a sealed bag , without peeping ?\u2014 but , however , I will not stand with you for a sample .", "Perhaps now , you may accuse my forwardness ; but this day of jubilee is the only time of freedom I have had ; and there is nothing so extravagant as a prisoner , when he gets loose a little , and is immediately to return into his fetters .", "If a covetous , and a jealous , and an old man be a husband .", "You may have a better opinion of me than I deserve ; you have not seen me yet ; and , therefore , I am confident you are heart-whole .", "You have the appearance of a cavalier ; and if you are as deserving as you seem , perhaps you may not repent of your adventure . If a lady like you well enough to hold discourse with you at first sight ; you are gentleman enough , I hope , to help her out with an apology , and to lay the blame on stars , or destiny , or what you please , to excuse the frailty of a woman ?"], "true_target": ["Face about , man ! you a soldier , and afraid of the enemy !", "Matador !\u2014", "Oh , sir , there are arts to reclaim the wildest men , as there are to make spaniels fetch and carry : chide them often , and feed them seldom . Now I know your temper , you may thank yourself , if you are kept to hard meat . You are in for years , if you make love to me .", "Stranger ! Cavalier !\u2014 will you not hear me ? you Moor-killer , you", "If I get not home before my husband , I shall be ruined .I dare not stay to tell you where . Farewell !\u2014 Could I once more \u2014", "I can easily rid you of that fear : I wish I could rid myself as easily of the bondage ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 192}, {"query": ["Satisfy yourself ; you shall not make me what you think , colonel .", "Well , well , you 'll not believe me generous , \u2018 till I carry you to the tavern , and crack half a pint with you at my own charges .", "Pray heaven , he does not make it one !", "I always remove before the enemy : When the Moors are ready to besiege one town , I shift quarters to the next ; I keep as far from the infidels as I can .", "Well , you have got a famous victory ; all true subjects are overjoyed at it : There are bonfires decreed ; an the times had not been hard , my billet should have burnt too .", "I am dead , I am buried , I am damned .\u2014 Go on , colonel ; have you no other marks of her ?", "Farewell , Buff . Free quarters for a regiment of red-coat locusts ? I hope to see them all in the Red-Sea first ! But oh , this Jezabel of mine ! I 'll get a physician that shall prescribe her an ounce of camphire every morning , for her breakfast , to abate incontinency . She shall never peep abroad , no , not to church for confession ; and , for never going , she shall be condemned for a heretic . She shall have stripes by Troy weight , and sustenance by drachms and scruples : Nay , I 'll have a fasting almanack , printed on purpose for her use , in which No Carnival nor Christmas shall appear , But lents and ember-weeks shall fill the year .", "Not I , colonel ; the walls are very honest stone , and the timber very honest wood , for aught I know ; but for the woman , I cannot say , till I know her better : Describe her person , and , if she live in this quarter , I may give you tidings of her .", "But \u2014 no pumping , my dear colonel ."], "true_target": ["Once more , you have seen your last of her .", "I shall not put you to that trouble ; no , not so much as a single visit ; not so much as an embassy by a civil old woman , nor a serenade of twinkledum twinkledum under my windows ; nay , I will advise you , out of my tenderness to your person , that you walk not near yon corner-house by night ; for , to my certain knowledge , there are blunderbusses planted in every loop-hole , that go off constantly of their own accord , at the squeaking of a fiddle , and the thrumming of a guitar .", "How ! young Beelzebub ?", "Whereabouts did you see this most incomparable young lady ?\u2014 My mind misgives me plaguily .", "Yes ; this news , colonel , that you have seen your last of her .", "Circumcise me no more than I circumcise you , colonel Hernando :", "And you would provide me with a magistrate 's head to my magistrate 's face ; I thank you , colonel .", "Jealous old hunks ? those were the marks of your mistress 's husband , as I remember , colonel .", "Do , do , look sillily , good colonel ; \u2018 tis a decent melancholy after an absolute defeat ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 192}, {"query": ["Allowed to praise itself .", "Doubling and turning like an hunted hare ;\u2014", "I should be glad he knew them . His wild riots", "But had an answer louder than a storm .", "I told him so ;", "There is a time when modest virtue is", "Disturb my soul ; but they would sit more close ,", "Did not the threatened downfal of our house ,", "His foreign breeding might have taught him better .", "Find out the meaning of her mind who can ."], "true_target": ["Our old imprisoned king wore no such looks .", "Who knows which way she points ?", "And , like a lion , pressed upon the toils ,", "Call up your courage timely to your aid ,", "Mark how disdainfully he throws his eyes on us .", "But now , I have accomplished my designs ,", "Leap on your hunters . Speak your actions boldly ;", "You know what reasons urged me ;", "In Torrismond , o'erwhelm my private ills .", "When saw you my Lorenzo ?"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 193}, {"query": ["The homely vices of their native land ?", "He 's gone a harlot-hunting .", "I had a glimpse of him ; but he shot by me ,", "O ! would the general shake off his dotage to the usurping queen ,", "But come back fops .", "Made sour and senseless , turned to whey by love ;", "What learn our youth abroad , but to refine", "Like a young hound upon a burning scent ;", "Now , plague and pox on his smock-loyalty !", "I 'll undertake , should Bertran sound his trumpets ,", "Give me an honest home-spun country clown", "And Torrismond but whistle through his fingers ,"], "true_target": ["O , here he comes ! what will their greetings be ?", "He draws his army off .", "\u2018 Tis that has taught him this .", "A drivelling hero , fit for a romance .\u2014", "I hate to see a brave bold fellow sotted ,", "Heart ! you were hot enough , too hot , but now ;", "As if cold water had been poured upon you .", "But theirs embroidered ; they are sent out fools ,", "But since this message came , you sink and settle ,", "Now my tongue itches .", "Your fury then boiled upward to a foam ;", "And re-enthrone good venerable Sancho ,", "Of our own growth ; his dulness is but plain ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 193}, {"query": ["He 's mad , beyond the cure of hellebore . Whips , darkness , dungeons , for this insolence .", "Death and hell ! Dare to speak thus when you come out again .", "He tempts his certain ruin .", "If he presume to own it , she 's so proud ,", "\u2018 Tis of so high a nature , should I speak it ,", "He thinks you owe him more than you can pay ;"], "true_target": ["Make way , my lords , and let the pageant pass .", "I would not have her think , he dared to love her ;", "And looks as he were lord of human kind .", "Whose fierce demeanour , and whose insolence ,", "That my presumption then would equal his .", "The patience of a god could not support .", "Yet this is he , who filled your court with tumult ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 193}, {"query": ["My every action speaks my heart aloud :", "He looks so lovely sweet in beauty 's pomp ,", "Desert I 've none , for what I did was duty :\u2014", "To throw himself beneath his judge 's feet :", "In being mad , which none but madmen know !", "Which I can ne'er repent , nor can you pardon ;", "There is a pleasure , sure ,", "And such a span to grasp them ? Sure , my lot", "Or , if you needs will know it , think , oh think ,", "But , oh , the madness of my high attempt", "Friends I have none , for friendship follows favour ;", "A tear ! You have o'erbid all my past sufferings ,", "Stops short , and looks about for some kind shrub", "Who sees before his eyes the depth below ,", "She bids me hope ; oh heavens , she pities me !", "By some o'erhYpppHeNhasty angel was misplaced", "Oh that it were !\u2014 that it were duty all !", "I cannot , nay , I wish not to be cured .", "Let me indulge it ; let me gaze for ever !", "To break his dreadful fall .\u2014 so I \u2014", "And all my future too !", "O , Pedro , O , Alphonso , pity me !", "And crusted it with base plebeian clay ?", "I heard \u2018 twas your command .", "And pity still foreruns approaching love ,", "Spare this one thought ! let me remember pity ,", "If \u2018 tis presumption , for a wretch condemned ,", "One word , and one kind glance , can cure despair .", "O seek not to convince me of a crime ,", "Or , if I did , \u2018 twas only to your foes .", "From a long restive race of droning kings ?", "Am I then pitied ! I have lived enough !\u2014", "In fate 's eternal volume !\u2014 But I rave ,", "What have I lost by my forefathers \u2019 fault !", "A grove of pikes ,", "A boldness more than this I never knew ;", "Be greater , greater yet , and be adored .", "He draws me to his dart .\u2014 I dare no more ."], "true_target": ["Love ! what a poor omnipotence hast thou ,", "Hopes I have none , for I am all despair ;", "Hence , all my griefs and every anxious care ;", "But , when my soul is plunged in long oblivion ,", "And , since you are too great to be beloved ,", "But you , my lord , are good at a retreat .", "Are not so dreadful as this beauteous queen .", "I love and I despair .", "Alas ! thou know'st not what it is to love ! When we behold an angel , not to fear , Is to be impudent : No , I am resolved , Like a led victim , to my death I 'll go , And , dying , bless the hand , that gave the blow . The SCENE draws , and shews the Queen sitting in state ; BERTRAN standing next to her ; then TERESA , & c. She rises , and comes to the front .", "Whose polished steel from far severely shines ,", "Why was not I the twentieth by descent", "Good heavens , why gave you me a monarch 's soul ,", "And who could dare to disavow his crime ,", "Death , take me in this moment of my joy ;", "That sigh was added to your alms for me !", "And , so deceived , think all my life was blessed .", "Fly round the fire that scorches me to death .", "He bears about him still ! My eyes confess it ;", "As lightning does the thunder ! Tune your harps ,", "Unless commanded , would have died in silence .", "And , like a giddy bird in dead of night ,", "Mad as I am , yet I know when to bear .", "But whither am I going ? If to death ,", "Might I presume ,\u2014 but , oh , I dare not hope", "That , that 's the wound ! I see you set so high ,", "That he who , thus commanded , dares to speak ,", "Make room to entertain thy flowing joy .", "As one , condemned to leap a precipice ,", "I make my way , where'er I see my foe ;", "As no desert or services can reach .\u2014", "But you adjured me , madam , by my hopes !", "I have no Moors behind me .", "Ye angels , to that sound ; and thou , my heart ,", "Speaks louder yet ! and all together cry ,\u2014", "When gold and titles buy thee ?", "Dare to provoke me thus , insulting man !", "Why gave you me desires of such extent ,", "When that , for which he is accused and seized ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 193}, {"query": ["Prince Bertran ?", "Or I am much deceived .", "Whom , madam ?"], "true_target": ["A rising sun ,", "My lords , you are too loud so near the queen ; You , Torrismond , have much offended her . \u2018 Tis her command you instantly appear , To answer your demeanour to the prince .", "He waits your pleasure ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 193}, {"query": ["Who shortly shall command him .", "Your own deserts , and all my people 's voice ,", "Almost within my sight ,\u2014 affronts a prince ,"], "true_target": ["Have placed you in the view of sovereign power .", "But I would learn the cause , why Torrismond ,", "I blame not you , my lord ; my father 's will ,", "Within my palace-walls , within my hearing ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 193}, {"query": ["Him .", "To affront me with your love !", "How now ! What boldness brings you back again ?", "\u2014 provoke not Bertran .\u2014", "Be secret and discreet ; these fairy favours", "These might , perhaps , be found in other men :", "But where 's the fierceness , the disdainful pride ,", "Haste , my Teresa , haste , and call him back .", "So softly , that , like flakes of feathered snow ,", "They melted as they fell .\u2014", "My father sent him early to the frontiers ;", "By all these marks , this is not , sure , the man .", "To your misfortunes .", "And you return , full of the same presumption ,", "All dumb ! On your allegiance , Torrismond ,", "To credit so unlikely a command ;", "He passed unmarked by my unheeding eyes :\u2014", "You would insinuate your past services ,", "That fearful love , which trembled in his eyes ,", "So both of you depart , and live in peace .", "\u2018 Tis well ; retire .\u2014 Oh heavens , that I must speak", "Retire : I must no more but this ,\u2014 Hope , Torrismond .", "In absolute despair ,\u2014 I pity you .", "I have not often seen him ; if I did ,", "Immediate punishment .", "A fault committed since , that cancels all .", "Was it his youth , his valour , or success ?", "For you , my lord ,\u2014", "Why do you pause ? proceed .", "So distant from my heart !\u2014", "I 'll try if I can live a day without you .\u2014", "The priest to-morrow was to join our hands ;", "\u2018 Twas that respect , that awful homage , paid me ;", "To like the love , though they despise the lover .", "Let me view him well ."], "true_target": ["Torrismond ;", "A private man , presume to love a queen ?", "But I may give you counsel for your cure .", "It rushed upon me like a mighty stream ,", "Nor I , heaven knows !", "And those , I grant , were great ; but you confess", "Already am I gone an age of passion .", "By all your hopes , I do command you , speak .", "But , when he spoke , what tender words he said !", "Yet , that I may not send you from my sight", "From Bertran 's mouth ; they should displease from you :", "The haughty port , the fiery arrogance ?\u2014", "Or you of royal blood \u2014", "Oh , my torture !\u2014", "Some one among you speak .", "If that would help , I could cast in a tear", "What if I add a little to my alms ?", "I say they should ; but women are so vain ,", "And bore me , in a moment , far from shore .", "A change so swift what heart did ever feel !", "Were I no queen \u2014", "My father , with his dying voice , bequeathed", "A fond mistake ,", "And with a silent earthquake shook his soul .", "Yet , Torrismond , you 've not so ill deserved ,", "Have you not heard ,", "These are the words which I must only hear", "I 'll teach you all what 's owing to your queen .\u2014", "There is no other he .", "I loved away myself ; in one short hour", "To make the best construction for your love :", "I give you leave to guess , and not forbid you", "Name his offence , my lord , and he shall have", "You 're both too bold .\u2014 You , Torrismond , withdraw ,", "Are lost , when not concealed", "My crown and me to Bertran ? And dare you ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 193}, {"query": ["Bring him in , and vanish .", "I have some business of importance with her , which I have communicated in this paper ; but her husband is so horribly given to be jealous ,\u2014", "If you bring an answer back , that purse in your hand has a twin-brother , as like him as ever he can look ; there are fifty pieces lie dormant in it , for more charities .", "Being in the late battle , in great hazard of my life , I recommended my person to good Saint Dominick .", "I mean , a female , mortal , married-woman-saint : Look upon the superscription of this note ; you know Don Gomez 's wife .", "If you please , father , we will not trouble him \u2018 till the next battle . But you may do me a greater kindness , by conveying my prayers to a female saint .", "This may hit ; \u2018 tis more than barely possible ; for friars have free admittance into every house . This jacobin , whom I have sent to , is her confessor ; and who can suspect a man of such reverence for a pimp ? I 'll try for once ; I 'll bribe him high ; for commonly none love money better than they , who have made a vow of poverty .", "No , I 'll be sworn , by what I see of you , you are not :\u2014 To the bottom ;\u2014 I warrant him a true church-man .\u2014 Now , father , to our business : \u2018 tis agreeable to your calling ; I do intend to do an act of charity .", "Here , take them , father .", "Welcome , father ."], "true_target": ["The spoils were mighty ; and I scorn to wrong him of a farthing . To make short my story ; I inquired among the jacobins for an almoner , and the general fame has pointed out your reverence as the worthiest man :\u2014 here are fifty good pieces in this purse .", "If you are modest , I must force you ; for I am strongest .", "\u2018 Tis a sign by your wan complexion , and your thin jowls , father . Come , to our better acquaintance :\u2014 here 's a sovereign remedy for old age and sorrow .", "Did he so ? that reflects upon you all ; on my word , father , that touches your copy-hold . If you would do a meritorious action , you might revenge the church 's quarrel .\u2014 My letter , father ,\u2014", "Troth , I also made bold to strike up a bargain with him , that , if I escaped with life and plunder , I would present some brother of his order with part of the booty taken from the infidels , to be employed in charitable uses .", "Excepting you , father .", "No harm , I warrant you .", "Nay , I 'll wait on you down stairs .\u2014 Fifty pounds for the postage of a letter ! to send by the church is certainly the dearest road in Christendom .", "Is it to your palate , father ?", "No , faith , father , I was never for taking such long journeys . Repose yourself , I beseech you , sir , if those spindle legs of yours will carry you to the next chair ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 194}, {"query": ["The looks of it are indeed alluring : I 'll do you reason .", "Me , I grant you ; I am her director and her guide in spiritual affairs : But he has his humours with me too ; for t'other day he called me false apostle .", "A female saint ! good now , good now , how your devotions jump with mine ! I always loved the female saints .", "Who ? Donna Elvira ? I think I have some reason ; I am her ghostly father .", "That must not be ; not a farthing more , upon my priesthood .\u2014 But what may be the purport and meaning of this letter ? that , I confess , a little troubles me .", "Well , you are a charitable man ; and I 'll take your word : my comfort is , I know not the contents ; and so far I am blameless . But an answer you shall have ; though not for the sake of your fifty pieces more : I have sworn not to take them ; they shall not be altogether fifty . Your mistress \u2014 forgive me , that I should call her your mistress , I meant Elvira ,\u2014 lives but at next door : I 'll visit her immediately ; but not a word more of the nine-and-forty pieces .", "And I love to hear of charity ; \u2018 tis a comfortable subject .", "Nay , if you compel me , there 's no contending ; but , will you set your strength against a decrepit , poor , old man ?As I said , \u2018 tis too great a bounty ; but Saint Dominick shall owe you another scape : I 'll put him in mind of you ."], "true_target": ["No , in troth , I dare not ; do not tempt me to break my vow of poverty .", "Well , so far as a letter , I will take upon me ; for what can I refuse to a man so charitably given ?", "You could not have pitched upon a better ; he 's a sure card ; I never knew him fail his votaries .", "Peace be here : I thought I had been sent for to a dying man ; to have fitted him for another world .", "There you hit him ; Saint Dominick loves charity exceedingly ; that argument never fails with him .", "Ho , jealous ? he 's the very quintessence of jealousy ; he keeps no male creature in his house ; and from abroad he lets no man come near her .", "How , fifty pieces ? \u2018 tis too much , too much in conscience .", "I am old , I am infirm , I must confess , with fasting .", "Second thoughts , they say , are best : I 'll consider of it once again .It has a most delicious flavour with it . Gad forgive me , I have forgotten to drink your health , Son , I am not used to be so unmannerly ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 194}, {"query": ["And to ask , if he were wounded in your defence ; and , in case he were , to offer yourself to be his chirurgeon ;\u2014 then , you did not describe your husband to him , for a covetous , jealous , rich , old hunks .", "Henceforth I banish flesh and wine : I 'll have none stirring within these walls these twelve months .", "This whispering bodes me no good , for certain ; but he has me so plaguily under the lash , that I dare not interrupt him .", "But that was not the business , gentlewoman : you were not asking news of a battle passed ; you were engaging for a skirmish that was to come .", "Was ever man thus priest-ridden ? would the steeple of his church were in his belly : I am sure there 's room for it .", "Hold , hold , father , you go beyond your commission ; palming is always held foul play amongst gamesters .", "I can hold no longer .\u2014 Now , gentlewoman , you are confessing your enormities ; I know it , by that hypocritical downcast look :\u2014 enjoin her to sit bare upon a bed of nettles , father ; you can do no less , in conscience .", "Get you up into your chamber , cockatrice ; and there immure yourself ; be confined , I say , during our royal pleasure . But , first , down on your marrowbones , upon your allegiance , and make an acknowledgement of your offences ; for I will have ample satisfaction .", "You walked in your sleep , with your eyes broad open , at noon-day ; and dreamt you were talking to the foresaid purpose with one Colonel Hernando \u2014", "How the gipsey answers me ! Oh , \u2018 tis a most notorious hilding ."], "true_target": ["Ay , there 's your remedy ; when you receive condign punishment , you run with open mouth to your confessor ; that parcel of holy guts and garbadge : he must chuckle you and moan you ; but I 'll rid my hands of his ghostly authority one day ,and make him know he 's the son of a \u2014So ;\u2014 no sooner conjure , but the devil 's in the circle .", "What the devil have I said ?\u2014 You would have farther information , would you ?", "Ah , devil on him ; there 's his hold ! If there were no more in excommunication than the church 's censure , a wise man would lick his conscience whole with a wet finger ; but , if I am excommunicated , I am outlawed , and then there is no calling in my money .", "Oh , the impudence of this wicked sex ! Lascivious dialogues are innocent with you !", "I 'm resolved .", "Stay ; I 'll conduct you to the door ,\u2014 that I may be sure you steal nothing by the way . Friars wear not their long sleeves for nothing .\u2014 Oh , \u2018 tis a Judas Iscariot .", "O horrible ! to find a woman upon her knees , he says , is an unseemly posture ; there 's a priest for you !", "Whispering still ! A pox of your close committee ! I 'll listen ,", "Why , a son of a church ; I hope there 's no harm in that , father ?", "There 's no harm in that ; she shall fast too : fasting saves money ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 195}, {"query": ["I have seen this man , father , and have encouraged his addresses ; he 's a young gentleman , a soldier , of a most winning carriage : and what his courtship may produce at last , I know not ; but I am afraid of my own frailty .", "No , I need not ; he describes himself sufficiently : but , in what dream did I do this ?", "I have done you no injury , and therefore I 'll make you no submission : but I 'll complain to my ghostly father .", "Yes , to my sorrow , father , I do remember it ; a miserable woman it has made me : but you know , father , a marriage-vow is but a thing of course , which all women take when they would get a husband .", "Who , dear husband , who ?", "Was it such a crime to inquire how the battle passed ?", "An honest woman would be glad to hear , that her honour was safe , and her enemies were slain .", "Oh , dear father , let me have it , or I shall die !", "But was ever poor innocent creature so hardly dealt with , for a little harmless chat ?", "Yes , I have striven ; but I found it was against the stream . Love , you know , father , is a great vow-maker ; but he 's a greater vow-breaker ."], "true_target": ["No ; but my dear , little , old man , tell me now , that I may avoid him for your sake .", "I am ashamed to acknowledge my infirmities ; but you have been always an indulgent father , and therefore I will venture to \u2014 and yet I dare not !\u2014", "You know my husband is a man in years ; but he 's my husband , and therefore I shall be silent ; but his humours are more intolerable than his age : he 's grown so froward , so covetous , and so jealous , that he has turned my heart quite from him ; and , if I durst confess it , has forced me to cast my affections on another man .", "Ay , and my colonel too , father :\u2014 I am overjoyed !\u2014 and are you then acquainted with him ?", "This friar is a comfortable man ! He will understand nothing of the business , and yet does it all . Pray , wives and virgins , at your time of need , For a true guide , of my good father 's breed .", "I care not ; the sooner I am starved , the sooner I am rid of wedlock . I shall learn the knack to fast o \u2019 days ; you have used me to fasting nights already .", "I wish , father , you would give me an opportunity of entertaining you in private : I have somewhat upon my spirits that presses me exceedingly .", "I 'll kneel down , father , as if I were taking absolution , if you 'll but please to stand before me .", "I have read the note , father , and will send him an answer immediately ; for I know his lodgings by his letter .", "I know not what to do , father ; I find myself in a most desperate condition ; and so is the colonel , for love of me ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 195}, {"query": ["At your peril be it then . I have told you the ill consequences ; et liberavi animam meam . Your reputation is in danger , to say nothing of your soul . Notwithstanding , when the spiritual means have been applied , and fail , in that case the carnal may be used . You are a tender child , you are , and must not be put into despair ; your heart is as soft and melting as your hand .", "Good :\u2014 hold , hold ; I meant abominable .\u2014 Pray heaven this may be my colonel !", "I will lay up your words for you , till time shall serve ; and to-morrow I enjoin you to fast , for penance .", "Thus good intentions are misconstrued by wicked men ; you will never be warned till you are excommunicated .", "Son of a what , Don Gomez ?", "This goes well :Gomez , stand you at a distance ,\u2014 farther yet ,\u2014 stand out of ear shot ;\u2014 I have somewhat to say to your wife in private .", "The colonel , say you ! I wish it be not the same young gentleman I know . \u2018 Tis a gallant young man , I must confess , worthy of any lady 's love in Christendom ,\u2014 in a lawful way , I mean : of such a charming behaviour , so bewitching to a woman 's eye , and , furthermore , so charitably given ; by all good tokens , this must be my colonel Hernando .", "A vow is a very solemn thing ; and \u2018 tis good to keep it : but , notwithstanding , it may be broken upon some occasions . Have you striven with all your might against this frailty ?"], "true_target": ["Nay , if you are bashful ;\u2014 if you keep your wound from the knowledge of your surgeon ,\u2014", "\u2018 Tis your duty to strive always ; but , notwithstanding , when we have done our utmost , it extenuates the sin .", "Hold your peace ; are you growing malapert ? will you force me to make use of my authority ? your wife 's a well disposed and a virtuous lady ; I say it , In verbo sacerdotis .", "Nay , if you are obstinately bent to see it , use your discretion ; but , for my part , I wash my hands of it .\u2014 What makes you listening there ? get farther off ; I preach not to thee , thou wicked eaves dropper .", "I understand it not , for my part ; but I wish your intentions be honest . Remember , that adultery , though it be a silent sin , yet it is a crying sin also . Nevertheless , if you believe absolutely he will die , unless you pity him ; to save a man 's life is a point of charity ; and actions of charity do alleviate , as I may say , and take off from the mortality of the sin . Farewell , daughter .\u2014 Gomez , cherish your virtuous wife ; and thereupon I give you my benediction .", "Daughter , daughter , do you remember your matrimonial vow ?", "What was the reason that I found you upon your knees , in that unseemly posture ?", "Acquainted with him ! why , he haunts me up and down ; and , I am afraid , it is for love of you ; for he pressed a letter upon me , within this hour , to deliver to you . I confess I received it , lest he should send it by some other ; but with full resolution never to put it into your hands .", "\u2018 Tis he , for certain ;\u2014 she has saved the credit of my function , by speaking first ; now must I take gravity upon me ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 195}, {"query": ["Father Dominick , father Dominick ; why in such haste , man ?", "Love , almighty love ; that , which turned Jupiter into a town-bull , has transformed me into a friar . I have had a letter from Elvira , in answer to that I sent by you .", "No , faith , I am only your brother in iniquity ; my holiness , like yours , is mere outside .", "It is a habit , that , in all ages , has been friendly to fornication : you have begun the design in this clothing , and I 'll try to accomplish it . The husband is absent , that evil counsellor is removed and the sovereign is graciously disposed to hear my grievances ."], "true_target": ["O , I understand your hint ; the other fifty pieces are ready to be condemned to charity .", "Lead up your myrmidons , and enter .", "How ! will you turn recreant at the last cast ? You must along to countenance my undertaking : we are at the door , man .", "You may stay , father , but no fifty pounds without it ; that was only promised in the bond : \u201c But the condition of this obligation is such , that if the above-named father , father Dominick , do not well and faithfully perform \u2014 \u201d"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 196}, {"query": ["Go to , go to ; I find good counsel is but thrown away upon you . Fare you well , fare you well , son ! Ah \u2014", "What ! my noble colonel in metamorphosis ! On what occasion are you transformed ?", "You see I have delivered my message faithfully ; I am a friar of honour , where I am engaged ."], "true_target": ["But this habit , son ! this habit !", "Well , I have thought o n't , and I will not go .", "Now I better think o n't , I will bear you company ; for the reverence of my presence may be a curb to your exorbitancies .", "It should seem , a brother of our order ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 196}, {"query": ["I could not hinder his entrance , for he took me unprovided .", "He is but a novice in his order , and is enjoined silence for a penance .", "I 'm sure he has not been here above a quarter of an hour .", "He 'll come , that 's certain ; young appetites are sharp , and seldom need twice bidding to such a banquet . Well , if I prove frail ,\u2014 as I hope I shall not till I have compassed my design ,\u2014 never woman had such a husband to provoke her , such a lover to allure her , or such a confessor to absolve her . Of what am I afraid , then ? not my conscience , that 's safe enough ; my ghostly father has given it a dose of church-opium , to lull it . Well , for soothing sin , I 'll say that for him , he 's a chaplain for any court in Christendom . Enter LORENZO and DOMINICK . O , father Dominick , what news ?\u2014 How , a companion with you ! What game have you in hand , that you hunt in couples ?", "O , my love !", "And so much for the friar .", "I must first be satisfied , that you love me .", "What should it be , but to give me some spiritual instructions .", "O heavens ! I hear my husband 's voice .", "He will be found , there 's no prevention .", "When comes my share of the reckoning to be called for ?"], "true_target": ["How he got in I know not , unless it were by virtue of his habit .", "No , I invite you to a feast where the dishes are served up in order : you are for making a hasty meal , and for chopping up your entertainment , like a hungry clown . Trust my management , good colonel , and call not for your desert too soon : believe me , that which comes last , as it is the sweetest , so it cloys the soonest .", "I am all obedience .", "Stay , and I 'll fetch you some comfortable water .", "Why do you make such haste to have done loving me ? You men are all like watches , wound up for striking twelve immediately ; but after you are satisfied , the very next that follows , is the solitary sound of a single \u2014 one !", "Go hence , good father ; my husband , you see , is in an ill humour , and I would not have you witness of his folly .", "Spare your oaths and protestations ; I know you gallants of the time have a mint at your tongue 's end to coin them .", "Do you consider the hazard I have run to see you here ? if you do , methinks it should inform you , that I love not at a common rate .", "My soul !", "This is certainly the dust of gold which you have thrown in the good man 's eyes , that on the sudden he cannot see ; for my mind misgives me , this sickness of his is but apocryphal .", "Give me your hand , and strike a bargain .", "Then you would not be so prodigal of your promises , but have the fear of matrimony before your eyes . In few words , if you love me , as you profess , deliver me from this bondage , take me out of Egypt , and I 'll wander with you as far as earth , and seas , and love , can carry us ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 197}, {"query": ["Right ; thou speak'st my very soul .", "How , madam ! do you invite me to a feast , and then preach abstinence ?", "\u2018 Tis no qualm of conscience , I 'll be sworn . You see , madam , it is interest governs all the world . He preaches against sin ; why ? because he gets by it : He holds his tongue ; why ? because so much more is bidden for his silence .", "Oh , those eyes of yours reproach me justly , that I neglect the subject which brought me hither .", "I find , Gomez , you are not the man I thought you . We may meet before we come to the bar , we may ; and our differences may be decided by other weapons than by lawyers \u2019 tongues . In the mean time , no ill treatment of your wife , as you hope to die a natural death , and go to hell in your bed . Bilbo is the word , remember that and tremble .\u2014", "I never was out at a mad frolic , though this is the maddest I ever undertook . Have with you , lady mine ; I take you at your word ; and if you are for a merry jaunt , I 'll try for once who can foot it farthest . There are hedges in summer , and barns in winter , to be found ; I with my knapsack , and you with your bottle at your back : we will leave honour to madmen , and riches to knaves ; and travel till we come to \u2019 the ridge of the world , and then drop together into the next .", "I am left in limbo .", "I am discovered ; now , impudence be my refuge .\u2014 Yes , faith , \u2018 tis I , honest Gomez ; thou seest I use thee like a friend ; this is a familiar visit .", "It 's best marching off , while I can retreat with honour . There 's no trusting this friar 's conscience ; he has renounced me already more heartily than e'er he did the devil , and is in a fair way to prosecute me for putting on these holy robes . This is the old church-trick ; the clergy is ever at the bottom of the plot , but they are wise enough to slip their own necks out of the collar , and leave the laity to be fairly hanged for it .", "Hang it , I hate such ripping up of old unkindness : I was upon the frolic this evening , and came to visit thee in masquerade ."], "true_target": ["By all that 's holy ! by these dear eyes !\u2014", "I 'll shew you that immediately .", "Well said , i'faith , friar ; thou art come off thyself , but poor", "In sign and token whereof , the parties interchangeably , and so forth .\u2014 When should I be weary of sealing upon this soft wax ?", "Even as thou seest , I make bold here .", "Nay , if you talk of considering , let us consider why we are alone . Do you think the friar left us together to tell beads ? Love is a kind of penurious god , very niggardly of his opportunities : he must be watched like a hard-hearted treasurer ; for he bolts out on the sudden , and , if you take him not in the nick , he vanishes in a twinkling .", "Give me thy hand ; thou art the honestest , kind man !\u2014 I was resolved I would not out of thy house till I had seen thee .", "I perceive , madam , by your holding me at this distance , that there is somewhat you expect from me : what am I to undertake , or suffer , ere I can be happy ?", "My life !", "The devil is punctual , I see ; he has paid me the shame he owed me ; and now the friar is coming in for his part too .", "You know you cannot marry me ; but , by heavens , if you were in a condition \u2014"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 197}, {"query": ["I confess , I am astonished !", "No , no ; nothing but the open air will do me good . I 'll take a turn in your garden ; but remember that I trust you both , and do not wrong my good opinion of you .", "I am taken on the sudden with a grievous swimming in my head , and such a mist before my eyes , that I can neither hear nor see .", "What colonel do you mean , Gomez ? I see no man but a reverend brother of our order , whose profession I honour , but whose person I know not , as I hope for paradise .", "Bless my eyes ! what do I see ?"], "true_target": ["Thou shalt answer for this , thou slanderer ; thy offences be upon thy head .", "I expect some judgment should fall upon you , for your want of reverence to your spiritual director : Slander , covetousness , and jealousy , will weigh thee down .", "Where is this naughty couple ? where are you , in the name of goodness ? My mind misgave me , and I durst trust you no longer with yourselves : Here will be fine work , I 'm afraid , at your next confession .", "O impudence ! O rogue ! O villain ! Nay , if he be such a man , my righteous spirit rises at him ! Does he put on holy garments , for a cover-shame of lewdness ?", "Beware how you accuse one of my order upon light suspicions . The naughty couple , that I meant , were your wife and you , whom I left together with great animosities on both sides . Now , that was the occasion ,\u2014 mark me , Gomez ,\u2014 that I thought it convenient to return again , and not to trust your enraged spirits too long together . You might have broken out into revilings and matrimonial warfare , which are sins ; and new sins make work for new confessions .", "How dar'st thou reproach the tribe of Levi ?"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 197}, {"query": ["Very good ; and you are like to edify much from a dumb preacher . This will not pass , I must examine the contents of him a little closer .\u2014 O thou confessor , confess who thou art , or thou art no friar of this world !\u2014\u2014 As I live , this is a manifest member of the church militant .", "What ! colonel Hernando turned a friar ! who could have suspected you of so much godliness ?", "Angle in some other ford , good father , you shall catch no gudgeons here . Look upon the prisoner at the bar , friar , and inform the court what you know concerning him ; he is arraigned here by the name of colonel Hernando .", "No , in my conscience , if I had staid abroad till midnight . But , colonel , you and I shall talk in another tone hereafter ; I mean , in cold friendship , at a bar before a judge , by the way of plaintiff and defendant . Your excuses want some grains to make them current : Hum , and ha , will not do the business .\u2014 There 's a modest lady of your acquaintance , she has so much grace to make none at all , but silently to confess the power of dame Nature working in her body to youthful appetite .", "I believe there are some offences there of your planting .Lord , Lord , that men should have sense enough to set snares in their warrens to catch polecats and foxes , and yet \u2014 Want wit a priest-trap at their door to lay , For holy vermin that in houses prey .", "And a quarter of that time would have served the turn . O thou epitome of thy virtuous sex ! Madam Messalina the second , retire to thy apartment : I have an assignation there to make with thee .", "Why , you see a cuckold of this honest gentleman 's making ; I thank him for his pains .", "A novice , quotha ! you would make a novice of me , too , if you could . But what was his business here ? answer me that , gentlewoman , answer me that .", "Where are you , gentlewoman ? there 's something in the wind , I 'm sure , because your woman would have run up stairs before me ; but I have secured her below , with a gag in her chaps .\u2014 Now , in the devil 's name , what makes this friar here again ? I do not like these frequent conjunctions of the flesh and spirit ; they are boding .", "By your reverence 's favour , hold a little ; I must examine you something better , before you go .\u2014 Heyday ! who have we here ? Father Dominick is shrunk in the wetting two yards and a half about the belly . What are become of those two timber logs , that he used to wear for legs , that stood strutting like the two black posts before a door ? I am afraid some bad body has been setting him over a fire in a great cauldron , and boiled him down half the quantity , for a recipe . This is no father Dominick , no huge overgrown abbey-lubber ; this is but a diminutive sucking friar . As sure as a gun , now , father Dominick has been spawning this young slender anti-christ .", "Put pride , hypocrisy , and gluttony into your scale , father , and you shall weigh against me : Nay , an sins come to be divided once , the clergy puts in for nine parts , and scarce leaves the laity a tithe ."], "true_target": ["Yes , and he 's in the right o n't , father : when a swinging sin is to be committed , nothing will cover it so close as a friar 's hood ; for there the devil plays at bo-peep ,\u2014 puts out his horns to do a mischief , and then shrinks them back for safety , like a snail into her shell .", "A very frank manner of proceeding ; but I do not wonder at your visit , after so friendly an invitation as I made you . Marry , I hope you will excuse the blunderbusses for not being in readiness to salute you ; but let me know your hour , and all shall be mended another time .", "No , you are not acquainted with him , the more 's the pity ; you do not know him , under this disguise , for the greatest cuckold-maker in all Spain .", "Why , am not I a friend , then , to help thee out ? you would have been fumbling half an hour for this excuse . But , as I remember , you promised to storm my citadel , and bring your regiment of red locusts upon me for free quarters : I find , colonel , by your habit , there are black locusts in the world , as well as red .", "Why does he not speak ? What ! is the friar possessed with a dumb devil ? if he be , I shall make bold to conjure him .", "Follow your leader , friar ; your colonel is trooped off , but he had not gone so easily , if I durst have trusted you in the house behind me . Gather up your gouty legs , I say , and rid my house of that huge body of divinity .", "What , at a cuckoldom of your own contrivance ! your head-piece , and his limbs , have done my business . Nay , do not look so strangely ; remember your own words ,\u2014 Here will be fine work at your next confession . What naughty couple were they whom you durst not trust together any longer ?\u2014 when the hypocritical rogue had trusted them a full quarter of an hour ;\u2014 and , by the way , horns will sprout in less time than mushrooms .", "Marry , because you make us laymen of the tribe of Issachar . You make asses of us , to bear your burthens . When we are young , you put panniers upon us with your church-discipline ; and when we are grown up , you load us with a wife : after that , you procure for other men , and then you load our wives too . A fine phrase you have amongst you to draw us into marriage , you call it \u2014 settling of a man ; just as when a fellow has got a sound knock upon the head , they say \u2014 he 's settled : Marriage is a settling-blow indeed . They say every thing in the world is good for something ; as a toad , to suck up the venom of the earth ; but I never knew what a friar was good for , till your pimping shewed me .", "To resist him .", "Very likely ; and not finding me at home , you were forced to toy away an hour with my wife , or so .", "Ay , ay , the virtues of that habit are known abundantly ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 197}, {"query": ["But , when you see him not , you are in pain .", "Madam , he sends to tell you , \u2018 tis performed .", "Could you provoke him to give you the occasion ,", "Your food forsakes you , and your needful rest ;", "Your Torrismond within your arms to sleep ;", "What fear you more ?", "Would you see fairer visions , take this night", "This dream portends some ill which you shall \u2018 scape .", "And Bertran , though repining , will be awed ."], "true_target": ["The people will be glad , the soldiers shout ,", "And , to that end , invent some apt pretence", "To break with Bertran : \u2018 twould be better yet ,", "Think much , speak little , and , in speaking , sigh :", "What hinders you to take the man you love ?", "When you see Torrismond , you are unquiet ;", "You are not what you were , since yesterday ;", "You pine , you languish , love to be alone ;", "And then , to throw him off ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 198}, {"query": ["Their trembling hearts belie their boasting tongues .", "But you , it seems , charge me with breach of faith !", "Forbear ; you know not how you wound my soul .", "I fear to try new love ,", "I , to enhance his ruin , gave no leave ,", "And , when the most obdurate swear they do not ,", "A drowzy slumber , rather than a sleep ,", "And writ , for Leonora , Torrismond .", "That brings you here so often , and unsent for .", "Here end thy sad discourse , and , for my sake ,", "No more , lest I should chide you for your stay :", "\u2018 Tis of deep concernment ,", "The solemn marks of mourning , to atone ,", "Within the lion 's den ?", "Nay , more , this execution , done by Bertran ,", "And the last funeral-pomps adorn his hearse ;", "If he , as I suspect , have found my love ,", "And yet , like heaven , permit it to be done .", "This may produce some dismal consequence", "Enter TERESA .", "But barely bade him think , and then resolve .", "And , ere I was aware , sighed to myself ,\u2014", "Cast off these fearful melancholy thoughts .", "His body shall be royally interred ,", "\u2018 Tis terrible ! it shakes , it staggers me ;", "And ruled the day , yet love will rule the night .", "That can secure my throne to Torrismond :", "They , who complain to princes , think them tame :", "Betwixt my doubt and love , methinks I stand", "What if I ne'er consent to make you mine ?", "To find if sleep were there , but sleep was lost .", "In crimes unprofitable , nor do I :", "Oh , how shall I describe this growing ill !", "I find your love , and would reward it too ,", "If then I break divine and human laws ,", "If I can think of love .", "I knew this truth , but I repelled that thought .", "My stars have sent him ;", "\u2018 Tis true , this murder is the only means ,", "Sleep that thought too ;", "To him , whom dearer than my life I love .", "This deed of Bertran 's has removed all fears ,", "There lies my grief .", "Our actions then are neither good nor ill ,", "Here end our sorrows , and begin our joys :", "Where have you been ? and how could you suppose ,", "I leave it all to you ; think , what you do ,", "In secret join our mutual vows ? and then", "And not your queen ?", "Sure there is none , but fears a future state ;", "And , since \u2018 tis past recal , must be forgotten .", "Judge then , my lord , with all these cares opprest ,", "When , on a sudden , Torrismond appeared ,", "Fed with false hopes to gain my crown and me ;", "That I would think on Torrismond no more ;", "I turned , and tried each corner of my bed ,", "As unconcerned as now .", "I went to bed , and to myself I thought", "Which I must needs o'erpass , but knew not how ;", "Send speedily to Bertran ; charge him strictly", "And me with means , to part .", "The crime 's not mine ;", "Yes , my lord , what business ?", "I cast my eyes upon the neighbouring fields ,", "I fear my people 's faith ;", "To try your love , and make you doubt of mine ?", "\u2018 Twas first proposed , and must be done , by Bertran ,", "Let me but do this one injustice more . His doom is past , and , for your sake , he dies .", "Since from eternal causes they proceed ;", "The spiteful stars have shed their venom down ,", "Makes him the object of the people 's hate .", "My virtue shrinks from such an horrid act ."], "true_target": ["There fought my Torrismond .", "Tost by the winds , and driven by the tide .", "Gave me his hand , and led me lightly o'er ,", "Methought I stood on a wide river 's bank ,", "And now the peaceful planets take their turn .", "His jealousy will furnish him with fury ,", "And give a crown in dowry with my love .", "My father 's promise ties me not to time ;", "Like ships on stormy seas , without a guide ,", "That hot-mouthed beast , that bears against the curb ,", "If they be ,\u2014 then what am I ?", "Ha ! let me think of that :\u2014 The man I love ?", "Altering , like one that waits an ague fit ;", "Then shut my eyes , but could not shut out him .", "\u2018 Tis somewhat , sure , of weighty consequence ,", "But anxious fears solicit my weak breast .", "Three battles to the Moors , you coldly stood", "And yet , would this were all !", "But harder by usurpers .", "For , see , he comes . How gloomily he looks !", "Our passions ,\u2014 fear and anger , love and hate ,\u2014", "\u2018 Till safely we had reached the farther shore .", "That crackles underneath them while they slide .", "And expiate my offence .", "And I a woman , ignorant and weak :", "Bertran , stay .", "Mere senseless engines that are moved by fate ;", "Seized on my senses , with long watching worn :", "You 've hit upon the very string , which , touched .", "This night , this happy night , is yours and mine .", "Yet he must die , that I may make you great ,", "What business have you at the court , my lord ?", "Sure you affect stupidity , my lord ;", "O heaven , what have I done !\u2014 my gentle love ,", "And , by the moon-shine , to the windows went ;", "Be the chief mourner at his obsequies ;", "They brought a paper to me to be signed ;", "That I could live these two long hours without you ?", "And yearly fix on the revolving day", "At break of day , when dreams , they say , are true ,", "A raw young warrior take your baffled work ,", "\u2018 Tis done , and , since \u2018 tis done , \u2018 tis past recal ;", "Will to do what \u2014 but what heaven first decreed ?", "And , with the like tame gravity , you saw", "Echoes the sound , and jars within my soul ;\u2014", "Though pity softly plead within my soul ;", "I will myself", "Not to proceed , but wait my farther pleasure .", "My lord , heaven knows its own time when to give ;", "Love calls , my Torrismond ; though hate has raged ,", "How eloquent is mischief to persuade !", "Few are so wicked , as to take delight", "As boys to venture on the unknown ice ,", "Leaping and bounding on the billows \u2019 heads ,", "I am ashamed to say , \u2018 tis but a fancy .", "And given me just occasion to refuse him .", "There , thinking to exclude him from my thoughts ,", "O let them never love , who never tried !", "Have I not managed my contrivance well ,", "Fev'rish , for want of rest , I rose , and walked ,", "You do for him I love .", "Hard to be broken even by lawful kings ,", "And bonds , without a date , they say , are void .", "No bribe but love could gain so bad a cause .", "Thinking on him , I quite forgot my name ,", "And end it at a blow .", "What bull dares bellow , or what sheep dares bleat ,", "O , that it were ! I would not do this crime ,", "Or give me cause to think , that , when you lost", "What hinders now , but that the holy priest", "The priesthood grossly cheat us with free-will :", "The king must die ,\u2014 he must , my Torrismond ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 198}, {"query": ["\u2014 May I presume", "Far be it from me to believe you bound ;", "But when long tried , and found supinely good ,", "He reined them strongly , and he spurred them hard :", "You answer nothing .", "He had not left alive this patient saint ,", "Whose lenity first pleased the gaping crowd ;", "And often ask myself if yet I wake .\u2014", "So , every day deferred , to dying lovers ,", "My genius whispers me ,\u2014 Be cautious , Bertran !", "I hope I need not , madam ;", "I humbly take my leave ; but they , who blast", "And mine be all the blame .", "Thou walkest as on a narrow mountain 's neck ,", "Thither will all the mounting spirits fly ;", "Your good opinion of me , may have cause", "Then I am fairly caught in my own snare .", "And hymn it in the quire .", "This \u2018 tis to have a virtue out of season .", "Fate was not in my power .", "Whom she has thrice in private seen this day ;", "Shall I upbraid her ? Shall I call her false ?", "I did my best ;", "Remove this threatening danger from your crown ,", "Believe me , madam ,", "A dreadful height , with scanty room to tread .", "To hold a peaceful branch of palm above ,", "Love is the freest motion of our minds :", "To freeze a man to death .", "Know I can die , but dare not be displeased .", "This anvil of affronts , but sent him hence", "And , but he durst not do it all at once ,"], "true_target": ["Mercy is good , a very good dull virtue ;", "The more she thinks , \u2018 twill work the stronger in her .", "Methinks I start as from some dreadful dream ,", "For him she loves ?", "This turn 's too quick to be without design ;", "Then , was it but a trial ?", "There might you read your own dominion doubled ,", "If she be false , \u2018 tis what she most desires .", "Yet men are suffered to put heaven in mind", "\u2014 Madam , it shall be done ;", "Like \u00c6sop 's Log , they leapt upon his back .", "Your father knew them well ; and , when he mounted ,", "Have but one root , the old imprisoned king ;", "Better be cruel once , than anxious ever .", "She named not me ; that may be Torrismond ,", "They count the tedious hours by months and years ,\u2014", "And then securely take the man you love .", "To speak , and to complain ?", "Both as a queen and mistress . If you leave me ,", "Is a whole age of pain !", "What business , madam ?", "Lop that but off , and then \u2014", "Of promised blessings ; for they then are debts .", "I 'll think again .", "I 'll sound the bottom of't , ere I believe .", "When manly courage bids them be severe :", "O could you see into my secret soul ,", "But kings mistake its timing , and are mild ,", "These jealousies , however large they spread ,", "But as , when men in sickness lingering lie ,", "So long as there 's a head ,", "To know , I am no coward .", "\u2018 Tis what I feared ; her words are cold enough ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 198}, {"query": ["But heaven , with looking on it , must forgive .", "Ten thousand plagues consume him ! furies drag him ,", "And foremost , in the rank of guilty ghosts ,", "Am I not rudely bold , and press too often", "O , recollect your thoughts !", "He threw his aged arms about my neck ;", "Yet , pinched with raging hunger , scowers away ,", "My heart is withered at that piteous sight ,", "A little longer , yet a little longer ,", "As if that faultless face could make no sin ,", "Is ebbing to the last :", "O spare this great , this good , this aged king ;", "What 's this I feel , a boding in my soul ,", "Bound in with darkness , overspread with damps ;", "That hindered not the deed ! O , where was then", "Or bent their idle rage on fields and trees ,", "And nature drops him down , without your sin ;", "In not forbidding , you command the crime :", "At night , with sullen pleasure , grumbles o'er his prey .", "And blood shall never leave the nation more !", "Would you , for me , have done so ill an act ,", "But I have been in such a dismal place ,", "The gloomy vapours , he lay stretched along", "And leave no thought , but Leonora there .\u2014", "How will you tremble , there to stand exposed ,", "He kissed me , blessed me , nay \u2014 he called me son ;", "Into your presence , madam ? If I am \u2014", "Nothing can ,", "Can you have grief , and not have pity too ?", "As early blossoms are with eastern blasts :", "Perish that crown \u2014 on any head but yours !", "But bloody vengeance on that traitor 's head ,\u2014", "To thank me , for defending even his foes ,", "That must be doomed for murder ! think on murder :", "The damned themselves start wide , and shun that band ,", "You are so beautiful ,", "Where I have seen", "So wond'rous fair , you justify rebellion ;", "Be still my sorrows , and be loud my joys .", "The lion , though he sees the toils are set ,", "The good old king , majestic in his bonds ,"], "true_target": ["He told me ,\u2014 when my father did return ,", "And , \u2018 midst his griefs , most venerably great :", "Fiends tear him ! blasted be the arm that struck ,", "So , leaning cheek to cheek , and eyes to eyes ,", "Think , timely think , on the last dreadful day ;", "He sent for me , and , while I raised his head ,", "O , never , never , shall it be forgotten !", "He praised my courage ; prayed for my success :", "Shake not his hour-glass , when his hasty sand", "Why slept the lightning and the thunder-bolts ,", "And ever and anon a silent tear", "Shall with a fearful curse remember ours ;", "The tongue that ordered !\u2014 only she be spared ,", "My joys are gloomy , but withal are great .", "And , seeing that I wept , he pressed me close :", "That troop is placed apart from common crimes ;", "Which , dear departed spirit , here I vow .", "Because they were his subjects .", "High heaven will not forget it ; after-ages", "Hunts in the face of danger all the day ;", "As if this day were fatal ? be it so ;", "Stole down , and trickled from his hoary beard .", "When vengeance called them here ?", "Where joy ne'er enters , which the sun ne'er cheers ,", "By a dim winking lamp , which feebly broke", "As far more black , and more forlorn than they .", "Fate shall but have the leavings of my love :", "And spare your soul the crime !", "Fly to the utmost circles of the sea ,", "And will not do a good one !", "O words , to charm an angel from his orb !", "He was so true a father of his country ,", "Welcome , as kindly showers to long-parched earth !", "Upon the unwholesome earth , his eyes fixed upward ;", "He had a wond'rous secret to disclose :", "Now , by your joys on earth , your hopes in heaven ,", "The sovereign of my soul , my earthly heaven .", "We mingled tears in a dumb scene of sorrow .", "Thou furious tempest , that hast tossed my mind ,", "Like mellow fruit , without a winter storm .", "The power , that guards the sacred lives of kings ?"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 198}, {"query": ["Men of my order are not to be treated after this manner .", "What a hopeful enterprise is here spoiled !", "Indisposed , say you ? O , it is upon those occasions that a confessor is most necessary ; I think , it was my good angel that sent me hither so opportunely .", "The old king , you know , is just murdered , and the persons that did it are unknown ; let the soldiers seize him for one of the assassinates , and let me alone to accuse him afterwards .", "Art thou an infidel ? Wilt thou not believe us ?", "And what will become of me then ? for when he is free , he will infallibly accuse me .", "A word or two of devotion will do her no harm , I 'm sure .", "I must confess , \u2018 tis wrongful , quoad hoc , as to the fact itself ; but \u2018 tis rightful , quoad hunc , as to this heretical rogue , whom we must dispatch . He has railed against the church , which is a fouler crime than the murder of a thousand kings . Omne majus continet in se minus : He , that is an enemy to the church , is an enemy unto heaven ; and he , that is an enemy to heaven , would have killed the king if he had been in the circumstances of doing it ; so it is not wrongful to accuse him .", "By your leave , Gomez ; I have some spiritual advice to impart to her on that subject .", "I shall absolve them , because he is an enemy of the church .\u2014 There is a proverb , I confess , which says , that dead men tell no tales ; but let your soldiers apply it at their own perils .", "How , no need of them ! do you speak in riddles ?", "This incontinency may proceed to adultery , and adultery to murder , and murder to hanging ; and there 's the satisfaction o n't .", "I dare say , you wrong her ; she is employing her thoughts how to cure you of your jealousy .", "I hope , that will bear your charges in your pilgrimage .", "Let me alone ; I fear him not . I am armed with the authority of my clothing : yonder I see him keeping sentry at his door :\u2014 have you never seen a citizen , in a cold morning , clapping his sides , and walking forward and backward , a mighty pace before his shop ? but I 'll gain the pass , in spite of his suspicion ; stand you aside , and do but mark how I accost him .", "Away , away ; I do not love them ;\u2014 pah ; no ,\u2014I do not love a pretty girl \u2014 you are so waggish !\u2014", "I find , then , I must bring a doctor ."], "true_target": ["Nay , if you talk of peaching , I 'll peach first , and see whose oath will be believed ; I 'll trounce you for offering to corrupt my honesty , and bribe my conscience : you shall be summoned by an host of parators ; you shall be sentenced in the spiritual court ; you shall be excommunicated ; you shall be outlawed ;\u2014 and \u2014I say , a man might do this now , if he were maliciously disposed , and had a mind to bring matters to extremity : but , considering that you are my friend , a person of honour , and a worthy good charitable man , I would rather die a thousand deaths than disoblige you .", "Ah , if your soldiers had but dispatched him , his tongue had been laid asleep , colonel ; but this comes of not following good counsel ; ah \u2014", "Hold a little ; I have thought better how to secure him , with less danger to us .", "I 'll not wag an ace farther : the whole world shall not bribe me to it ; for my conscience will digest these gross enormities no longer .", "You take a mighty pleasure in defamation , colonel ; but I wonder what you find in running restless up and down , breaking your brains , emptying your purse , and wearing out your body , with hunting after unlawful game .", "Lose no time , but make haste while the way is free for you ; and thereupon I give you my benediction .", "Good even , Gomez ; how does your wife ?", "I 'm resolved to forswear it , if you do . Let me advise you better , colonel , than to accuse a church-man to a church-man ; in the common cause we are all of a piece ; we hang together .", "But , if she be ill this afternoon , she may have new occasion to confess .", "Pray , how long has she been sick ?", "What have you gotten there under your arm , daughter ? somewhat ,", "I excommunicate thee from the church , if thou dost not open ; there 's promulgation coming out .", "What was't you ordered them ? Are you sure it 's safe , and not scandalous ?", "I must not neglect my duty , for all that ; once again , Gomez , by your leave .", "They are the spoils of the wicked , and the church endows you with them .", "To interpose my spiritual authority in your behalf .", "This can be but some slight indisposition ; it will not last , and I may see her .", "Away , colonel ; let us fly for our lives : the neighbours are coming out with forks , and fire-shovels , and spits , and other domestic weapons ; the militia of a whole alley is raised against us ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 199}, {"query": ["Cheer up , man , thou art out of jeopardy ; I heard thee crying out just now , and came running in full speed , with the wings of an eagle , and the feet of a tiger , to thy rescue .", "Somewhat near your own design , but not altogether so mischievous . The people are infinitely discontented , as they have reason ; and mutinies there are , or will be , against the queen : now I am content to put him thus far into the plot , that he should be secured as a traitor ; but he shall only be prisoner at the soldiers \u2019 quarters ; and when I am out of reach , he shall be released .", "Why then , father , you must have recourse to your infallible church-remedies ; lie impudently , and swear devoutly , and , as you told me but now , let him try whose oath will be first believed . Retire , I hear them coming .", "This is but the interest of my debt , master usurer ; the principal shall be paid you at our next meeting .", "Fear nothing ; the adventure 's ended , and the knight may carry off the lady safely .", "If he meet with a repulse , we must throw off the fox 's skin , and put on the lion 's .\u2014 Come , gentlemen , you 'll stand by me ?", "If you do n't , it were no matter if you did .", "I cry thee mercy with all my heart , for suspecting a friar of the least good nature ; what , would you accuse him wrongfully ?", "But how shall I send her word to be ready at the door ? for I must reveal it in confession to you , that I mean to carry her away this evening , by the help of these two soldiers . I know Gomez suspects you , and you will hardly gain admittance .", "Nay , if you will complain , you shall for something .", "And , faith , we 'll drink the church 's health out of them . But all this while I stand on thorns . Pr'ythee , dear , look out , and see if the coast be free for our escape ; for I dare not peep , for fear of being known ."], "true_target": ["Why thy mouth waters at the very mention of them .", "How , thy conscience not digest them ! There is ne'er a friar in Spain can shew a conscience , that comes near it for digestion . It digested pimping , when I sent thee with my letter ; and it digested perjury , when thou swor'st thou didst not know me : I am sure it has digested me fifty pounds , of as hard gold as is in all Barbary . Pr'ythee , why shouldest thou discourage fornication , when thou knowest thou lovest a sweet young girl ?", "I will not ask you your success ; for I overheard part of it , and saw the conclusion . I find we are now put upon our last trump ; the fox is earthed , but I shall send my two terriers in after him .", "Why there 's the satisfaction o n't .", "The friar has an hawk 's eye to gold and jewels .", "Thus far we have sailed with a merry gale , and now we have the Cape of Good Hope in sight ; the trade-wind is our own , if we can but double it .Ah , my father and Pedro stand at the corner of the street with company ; there 's no stirring till they are past .", "And make what haste you can , to bring out the lady .\u2014 What say you , father ? Burglary is but a venial sin among soldiers .", "O miracle , the friar is grown conscientious !", "What , take away a man 's wife , and kill him too ! The wickedness of this old villain startles me , and gives me a twinge for my own sin , though it comes far short of his .\u2014 Hark you , soldiers , be sure you use as little violence to him as is possible .", "I 'll not hang alone , friar ; I 'm resolved to peach thee before thy superiors , for what thou hast done already .", "I never knew a churchman , if he were personally offended , but he would bring in heaven by hook or crook into his quarrel .\u2014 Soldiers , do as you were first ordered .", "\u2018 Tis not so free as you suppose ; for there 's an old gentleman of my acquaintance , that blocks up the passage at the corner of the street ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 199}, {"query": ["I 'll be revenged of him , if I dare ; but he 's such a terrible fellow , that my mind misgives me ; I shall tremble when I have him before the judge . All my misfortunes come together . I have been robbed , and cuckolded , and ravished , and beaten , in one quarter of an hour ; my poor limbs smart , and my poor head aches : ay , do , do , smart limb , ache head , and sprout horns ; but I 'll be hanged before I 'll pity you :\u2014 you must needs be married , must ye ? there 's for that ;and to a fine , young , modish lady , must ye ? there 's for that too ; and , at threescore , you old , doting cuckold ! take that remembrance ;\u2014 a fine time of day for a man to be bound prentice , when he is past using of his trade ; to set up an equipage of noise , when he has most need of quiet ; instead of her being under covert-baron , to be under covert-femme myself ; to have my body disabled , and my head fortified ; and , lastly , to be crowded into a narrow box with a shrill treble , That with one blast through the whole house does bound , And first taught speaking-trumpets how to sound .", "She 's a little indisposed at present , and it will not be convenient to disturb her .", "Murder , murder ! I give up the ghost ! I am destroyed ! help , murder , murder !", "Since you will have me speak plainer ,\u2014 she has profited so well already by your counsel , that she can say her lesson without your teaching : Do you understand me now ?", "Such churchmen as you would make any man an infidel .\u2014 Get you into your kennel , gentlewoman ; I shall thank you within doors for your safe custody of my jewels and your own .", "Just as you 'd have her ; thinking on nothing but her dear colonel , and conspiring cuckoldom against me .", "And why did you shriek out , gentlewoman ?", "Help , good Christians ! help , neighbours ! my house is broken open by force , and I am ravished , and like to be assassinated !\u2014 What do you mean , villains ? will you carry me away , like a pedlar 's pack , upon your backs ? will you murder a man in plain day-light ?", "Thanks to my stars , I have recovered my own territories .\u2014 What do I see ? I 'm ruined ! I 'm undone ! I 'm betrayed !", "Indeed , as you order matters with the colonel , she may have occasion of confessing herself every hour .", "Ay , whose good angels sent you hither , that you best know , father .", "How , not last ! I say , it will last , and it shall last ; she shall be sick these seven or eight days , and perhaps longer , as I see occasion . What ? I know the mind of her sickness a little better than you do ."], "true_target": ["I would treat the pope and all his cardinals in the same manner , if they offered to see my wife , without my leave .", "O , colonel are you there ?\u2014 and you , friar ? nay , then I find how the world goes .", "And he 'll bring an apothecary , with a chargeable long bill of ana 's : those of my family have the grace to die cheaper . In a word , Sir Dominick , we understand one another 's business here : I am resolved to stand like the Swiss of my own family , to defend the entrance ; you may mumble over your pater nosters , if you please , and try if you can make my doors fly open , and batter down my walls with bell , book , and candle ; but I am not of opinion , that you are holy enough to commit miracles .", "O my gold ! my wife ! my wife ! my gold ! As I hope to be saved now , I know no more of the plot than they that made it .", "And I excommunicate you from my wife , if you go to that : there 's promulgation for promulgation , and bull for bull ; and so I leave you to recreate yourself with the end of an old song \u2014 And sorrow came to the old friar . LORENZO comes to him .", "You may spare your instructions , if you please , father ; she has no farther need of them .", "A little sleep will do her more good , I 'm sure : You know , she disburthened her conscience but this morning to you .", "A fine evidence summed up among you ; thank you heartily , you are all my friends . The colonel was walking by accidentally , and hearing my voice , came in to save me ; the friar , who was hobbling the same way too , accidentally again , and not knowing of the colonel , I warrant you , he comes in to pray for me ; and my faithful wife runs out of doors to meet me , with all my jewels under her arm , and shrieks out for joy at my return . But if my father-in-law had not met your soldiers , colonel , and delivered me in the nick , I should neither have found a friend nor a friar here , and might have shrieked out for joy myself , for the loss of my jewels and my wife .", "Yes , by certainty .", "And that casket under your arm , for what end and purpose ?", "And you came running out of doors \u2014", "Ay , you are always at hand to do me a courtesy , with your eagle 's feet , and your tiger 's wings .\u2014 And what were you here for , friar ?", "Lord , you will force a man to speak ;\u2014 why , ever since your last defeat ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 199}, {"query": ["I 'm so overjoyed , I can scarce believe I am at liberty ; but stand panting , like a bird that has often beaten her wings in vain against her cage , and at last dares hardly venture out , though she sees it open .", "Here 's that will make you dance without a fiddle , and provide better entertainment for us , than hedges in summer , and barns in winter . Here 's the very heart , and soul , and life-blood of Gomez ; pawns in abundance , old gold of widows , and new gold of prodigals , and pearls and diamonds of court ladies , till the next bribe helps their husbands to redeem them .", "Only to meet you , sweet husband ."], "true_target": ["\u2018 Twas for joy at your return .", "Only to preserve it from the thieves .", "Am I come at last into your arms ?"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 199}, {"query": ["You do not know the virtues of your city ,", "True , it must .", "This hour 's the very crisis of your fate ,", "And given me , by the king , when time should serve ,", "And that accursed Bertran", "Take heed you steer your vessel right , my son ;", "This one black deed has damned .", "But this dry sorrow burns up all my tears .", "Can I , can any loyal subject , see", "Into an unseen whirlpool draws you fast ,", "So great , so pious , as a just revenge :", "First sieze Bertran ,", "Or needy bankrupts , servile in their greatness ,", "Banish themselves , for shame of being there :", "On this important now .", "At least to save your fortune and your honour .", "And , in a trice , the bellowing herd come out ;", "And all the colour of your life , depends", "Pressing to be employed ; stand , and observe them .", "All to make sure the vengeance of this day ,", "As not to head the party ?", "Had man been waking , he had ne'er consented .", "Am I obliged by that to assist his rapines ,", "My zeal for you must lay the father by ,", "Let tigers match with hinds , and wolves with sheep ,", "To find , at my return , my master murdered ?", "Cry \u2014 Liberty ! and that 's a cause of quarrel .", "And men are born for kings , as beasts for men ,", "Which even this day has ruined . One more question", "She 's fired , as I would wish her ; aid me , justice ,", "But still their chief", "That man should leave thee for that toy , a woman ,", "And murderer of your father .", "All she has done , or e'er can do , of good ,", "The people never will endure this choice .", "And One and all 's the word ; true cocks o'the game ,", "Should not a lingering fever be removed ,", "To own him to the people as their king ,", "I dare not trust him with himself so far ,", "Your good or ill , your infamy or fame ,", "What , if he did not all the ill he could ?", "His crown usurped , a distaff in the throne ,", "Marriage with Torrismond ! it must not be ,", "A government , that , knowing not true wisdom ,", "Pray heaven it may !", "Ped , You 'll hardly gain your son to our design .", "By all the powers , worse , worse than what I feared !", "And to maintain his murders ?", "And not the queen 's ? O , she 's the chief offender !", "His actions were but duty .", "With patience , such a stoop from sovereignty ,", "You owe her more , perhaps , than you imagine ;", "Must be some one , whose loyalty you trust .", "Now , son , suppose", "How could your heart rebel against your reason ?", "Yet you may give commission", "To some bold man , whose loyalty you trust ,", "Because he took it not by lawless force ?", "Do you yet love the cause of all your woes ,", "Fear not ; I can produce him .", "Bate the last , and \u2018 tis what I would say :", "Yes ; for , I think , you love your honour more .", "Mark who defraud their offspring , you or I ?", "That never ask , for what , or whom , they fight ;", "Birth to match birth , and power to balance power .", "And then insinuate to them , that I bring", "For know , there yet survives the lawful heir", "Your reason for't ?", "Because it long has raged within my blood ?", "She thinks , she 's in the depth of my design ,", "I hope , I come in time , if not to make ,", "To be perused by you .", "Upon his soul , to bear , much less to flatter ,", "And , on a tyrant , get a race of tyrants ,", "More odious to your sight than toads and adders ?", "And that \u2018 tis all for her ; but time shall show ,", "Mark those , who dote on arbitrary power ,", "And crush your freeborn brethren of the world !"], "true_target": ["And plead my country 's cause against my son .", "How vainly man designs , when heaven opposes !", "Nay , if possessing her can make you happy ,", "That I may see your father 's death revenged .", "With which I flattered my long , tedious absence ,", "She only lives to help me ruin others ,", "And every creature couple with his foe .", "So diseases are :", "Your lot 's too glorious , and the proof 's too plain .", "And could not , if they durst ; whence honest men", "For heaven leaves all to tyrants .", "To espouse the tyrant 's person and her crimes ,", "Can you forgive the traitor ?", "Well then , I will dissemble , for an end", "Made from the dross and refuse of a man !", "And you shall find them either hot-brained youth ,", "Permitted you to fight for this usurper ,", "Stalks close behind her , like a witch 's fiend ,", "Could you so far belie your country 's hope ,", "I bred you up to arms , raised you to power ,", "And slaves to some , to lord it o'er the rest .", "And last , to fall herself .", "No more !\u2014 Farewell , my much lamented king !\u2014", "A council made of such as dare not speak ,", "O horror , horror !\u2014 After this alliance ,", "Let me but ask , and I have done for ever ;\u2014", "Brave mischief towards .", "So , now we have a plot behind the plot .", "What though his heart be great , his actions gallant ,", "Stay , I command you stay , and hear me first .", "To punish tyrants , and redeem the land ,", "What generous man can live with that constraint", "No , if she \u2018 scape , you are yourself the tyrant ,", "You 'll join with me ?", "On Bertran and the queen ; but in despite ,", "But turn them out , and shew them but a foe ,", "O , that I could but weep , to vent my passion !", "Even of himself , I 'll save him .", "Since I must use authority no more ,\u2014", "Nay , to become a part of usurpation ;", "A tyrant , an usurper ?", "\u2018 Tis granted , nothing hinders your design .", "Or is she grown , as sure she ought to be ,", "And , in a moment , sinks you .", "Do I rebel , when I would thrust it out ?", "Heaven took him , sleeping , when he made her too ;", "An ocean poured upon a narrow brook ?", "And let him raise the train-bands of the city .", "What pushing force they have ; some popular chief ,", "Their lawful prince to place upon the throne .", "Arm me with patience , heaven !", "And trembling at his name .", "O cursed haste , of making sure of sin !\u2014", "A court like this ! Can I sooth tyranny ?", "Not for protection , but to be devoured ?", "He wants a crown to poise against a crown ,", "Some brave conspiracy were ready formed ,", "Read that ; \u2018 tis with the royal signet signed ,", "Before their rage has finished my designs", "On these old knees , I beg you , ere I die ,", "O baseness , to support a tyrant throne ,", "What , shall I think the world was made for one ,", "Why that sigh ?", "By heaven , it must not be ! or , if it be ,", "To be your country 's curse in after ages .", "Why , can you think I owe a thief my life ,", "O virtue , virtue ! what art thou become ,", "Shall justice turn her edge within your hand ?", "Now , in the name of honour , sir , I beg you ,\u2014", "Seem pleased to see my royal master murdered ,", "The gates are barred , the ways are barricadoed ,", "This calm of heaven , this mermaid 's melody ,", "I rest assured to see you pale with fear ,", "Are these , are these , ye powers , the promised joys ,", "Law , justice , honour , bid farewell to earth ,", "Of Sancho 's blood , whom when I shall produce ,", "Indeed to save a crown , not hers , but yours ,", "More noisy than the rest , but cries halloo ,", "Is scorned abroad , and lives on tricks at home ?"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 200}, {"query": ["No honest man but must .", "Too heavy for the sun-shine of a court .", "Our lawful prince !", "To see how you resent King Sancho 's death .", "Mourn inward , brother ; \u2018 tis observed at court ,"], "true_target": ["Forced , for her safety , to commit a crime ,", "Will fix all eyes on every act of yours ,", "Which most her soul abhors .", "Truth is , I pity Leonora 's case ;", "Virtue must be thrown off ; \u2018 tis a coarse garment ,", "Who weeps , and who wears black ; and your return"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 200}, {"query": ["The rabble gather round the man of news ,", "Wont you be for the colonel ? if you love me ,", "How , idle murmurs ! Let me plainly speak :", "I want time to unriddle it :", "With ,\u2014 Oh , dear husband , my sweet honey husband ,", "Some tell , some hear , some judge of news , some make it ;", "Where money goes ; for when they rise , \u2018 tis plunder :", "And he , who lies most loud , is most believed .", "This speech is e'en too good for an usurper .", "What title has this queen , but lawless force ? And force must pull her down .", "And listen with their mouths ;"], "true_target": ["Had bad men feared him , but as good men loved him ,", "He had not yet been sainted .", "Now we want your son Lorenzo : what a mighty faction", "To call in money ; those , who have none , mark", "Walk to and fro before their silent shops ;", "Would he make for us of the city-wives ,", "Be for the colonel ; Oh , he 's the finest man !", "Whole droves of lenders crowd the bankers \u2019 doors ,", "Put on your t'other face , the queen approaches .", "Well said , i'faith ;", "With arms across , and hats upon their eyes ,", "The doors are all shut up ; the wealthier sort ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 200}, {"query": ["The prince , who bears an insolence like this ,", "You hear , how Bertran brands me with a crime ,", "First , to debauch a king to break his laws ,", "Who knows , when fires are kindled for my foes ,", "I wonder how the people bear his death .", "Were you to take the advantage of my sex ,", "Alphonso , Pedro , haste to raise the rabble ;", "Produce it ; or , by heaven , your head shall answer", "That all this grace is shown ?", "Still more exposed , the more he pardons wrong ;", "And knew , besides , our army was removed", "But man , unlike his Maker , bears too long ;", "He shall appear to head them .", "In vulgar metal , or for vulgar use .", "There may be danger in that boisterous rout :", "Welcome , welcome !", "But some new blast of wind may turn those flames", "Yet , my lord ,", "And who more proper for that trust than you ,", "You urged , you drove me headlong to your toils ;", "And in the temple then , I 'll drag him thence ,", "What exercise of patience have you here ?", "Past by my fellow-rulers of the world ,", "I was a woman , ignorant and weak ,", "That I much fear , if I should make you one ,", "Whose bolts the boys may play with .", "Yet think so vast a treasure as your son ,", "The forfeit of your tongue .", "There 's some more powerful cause than loyalty :", "I sent to stop the murder , but too late ;", "All these I have , and these I can bestow ;", "Now , to you , Raymond : can you guess no reason", "From my sight !", "Too great for any private man 's possession ;", "What gratitude would force . O pardon me ;", "O , there 's none ;", "None will dare", "And play the devil to tempt me ? You contrived ,", "Against my palace-walls ?", "What find you in my crown to be contemned ;", "Is such an image of the powers above ,", "Will you not speak , to save a lady 's blush ?", "Whose vying crowns lay glittering in my way ,", "I stand in need of one , whose glories may", "Gross feeders , lion talkers , lamb-like fighters .", "Go , raise the ministers of my revenge ,", "You 'll make yourself a tyrant ; let these know", "Revenge , the darling attribute of heaven :", "It shews , he only served himself before ,", "Even from the holy altar to the block .", "But he brings worth and virtue to my bed ;", "As if the world were paved with diadems ?", "As is the statue of the thundering god ,", "This \u2018 tis , to counsel things that are unjust ;", "All have not paid that debt , like noble Torrismond .", "Then , was he loved ?", "And pocket up his prince .", "To quarters too remote for sudden use .", "Have I heaped on my person , crown , and state ,"], "true_target": ["For crimes are swift , but penitence is slow :", "Fate scarce knew where to find them , when I called ?", "You saw , he came surrounded with his friends ,", "But with intent to sell the public safety ,", "What , if I said ,", "Guide with your breath this whirling tempest round ,", "The bloody Bertran , diligent in ill ,", "O , \u2018 tis an act as infamously base ,", "As , should a common soldier sculk behind ,", "Were you to make my doubts your own commission ?", "Whose interests , though unknown to you , are mine ?", "Redeem my crimes , ally me to his fame ,", "\u2018 Tis written here in characters so deep ,", "And am well pleased my inclination gives", "I love a man whom I am proud to love ,", "Dispel the factions of my foes on earth ,", "to Bert . Buried in private , and so suddenly ! It crosses my design , which was to allow The rites of funeral fitting his degree , With all the pomp of mourning .", "Disarm the justice of the powers above .", "And him too rich a jewel , to be set", "To load the scale , and weighed myself with earth ,", "To save my crown , as he will do to seize it .", "As guardians do their wards , with shews of care ,", "I ne'er was covetous of wealth before ;", "Or in my person loathed ? Have I , a queen ,", "And see its fury fall where I design .", "And virtue is the wealth which tyrants want :", "Would lay miscarriages upon his prince ,", "Exposing him to public rage and hate ;", "More deep than those he tempted .", "But centered on himself , and used his master ,", "That seven years hence ,", "When sins are judged , will damn the tempting devil ,", "At last a time for just revenge is given ;", "Except an host from heaven can make such haste", "If I endure it , what imports it you ?", "And thrust his general in the front of war :", "You place such arbitrary power in kings ,", "From him you have endangered ; but , just heaven ,", "Flew to prevent the soft returns of pity .", "Which are his safety , and then seek protection", "When , and where ?", "And yet , what need I blush at such a choice ?", "But , when a counsellor , to save himself ,", "For you to spurn the balance ?", "And had no sense of honour , country , king ,", "Never , never :", "And raise new kings from so obscure a race ,", "Need I inform you , \u2018 tis for Torrismond ,", "Of which , your son can witness , I am free .", "Have I refused their blood , to mix with yours ,", "Great in forgiving , and in suffering brave ;", "Why I repose such confidence in you ?", "And if , much tired , and frighted more , I paused ,", "To serve them ill , when they are left to laws ;", "How , patience , Raymond ?", "You needs must think ,", "This may be dangerous .", "By what authority you did this act .", "To be a saint , he makes himself a slave ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 200}, {"query": ["What man will dare to serve them ?", "This \u2018 tis , to serve a prince too faithfully ;", "And if , when subjects are oppressed by kings ,", "You were a woman , ignorant and weak ,", "And , if performed , to ruin .", "It was not safe :", "They justify rebellion by that law ,", "But , since truth must be told , \u2018 twas by your own .", "Objects of pity , when the cause is new ,", "And pointed full upon the stroke of murder :", "The dial spoke not , but it made shrewd signs ,", "Yet this you said ,", "If one of you must fall ,", "If princes not protect their ministers ,", "Who , free from laws himself , will have that done ,", "O , never man so much , for saint-like goodness ."], "true_target": ["I will not fall , nor single .", "Unrevenged", "And , had I not been sotted with my zeal ,", "Which , not performed , brings us to sure disgrace ;", "To cut for them , when self-defence requires it .", "I might have found it sooner .", "Would work too fiercely on the giddy crowd :", "Self-preservation is the first of laws ;", "As well may monarchs turn the edge of right", "Brutus had gained his cause .", "You bade me .", "No , I confess , you bade me not in words ;", "You much surprise me , to demand that question :", "I see for whom I must be sacrificed ;", "So left it to my care .", "Some discontents there are ; some idle murmurs .", "Had C\u00e6sar 's body never been exposed ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 200}, {"query": ["And laugh securely at the lazy storm ,", "The weight falls down , and crushes her I love .", "If you have any pity in your breast ,", "That wanted wings to reach me in the deep .", "With what a load of vengeance am I prest ,", "And but disturb the quiet of my death .", "\u2018 Tis but a moment since I have been king ,", "And heaven has given me blessings for a curse .", "Grant she be ;", "As if propitious fortune took a care ,", "Redeem me from this labyrinth of fate ,", "For , when I thought my fortune most secure ,", "But doubly now ! You come in such a time ,", "And what can shock my honour in a queen ?", "And severs them for ever .", "For mutual benefits make mutual ties .", "No honour bids me fight against myself ;", "I go to find my queen , my earthly goddess ,", "The world contains not so forlorn a wretch !", "My youngest and alone surviving son ,", "And , more than all , the queen , with public favour ,", "Is ripened , in the next , to true succession :", "Still from each other to each other move ,", "And plunge me in my first obscurity .", "Look on me as a man abandoned o'er", "The secret is alone between us two ;", "Of justice on his side , against my tyrant :", "While you defraud your offspring of their fate .", "To break my fetters , or revenge my fate ,", "And leave me nothing farther to desire .", "That I am bound to hate , and born to love !", "Indulges my pretensions to her love .", "When from the conqueror we hold our lives ,", "And call him Torrismond \u2014", "My order 's issued to recall the army ,", "To be but vainly pious to the dead ,", "And loved , possess ,\u2014 yet all these make me wretched ;", "And joys , in circles , meet new joys again ;", "Not to maintain , but bear them unrevenged .", "And fate can scarce ; I 've made the port already ,", "The sword of justice cuts upon the knot ,", "Yet , never , never , can I hope for rest ;", "O , very welcome , sir !", "And doubt you if such love can make me happy ?", "Why , \u2018 tis the only business of my life ;", "I see no danger ;", "Are but the train and trappings of her love :", "One fatal moment tears me from my joys ;"], "true_target": ["Till happier times shall call his courage forth ,", "Kisses , embraces , languishing , and death ,", "Reported dead , to escape rebellious rage ,", "Your pardon , sir ; my duty calls me hence ;", "Before I tell my fatal story out !\u2014", "I dare him to the field , with all the odds", "Since you must know ,\u2014 but break , O break , my heart ,", "To pull , and pinch , and wound me , cannot cure ,", "The murderer of my father ,\u2014 is my wife !", "O , yet be kind , conceal me from the world ,", "In whose possession years roll round on years ,", "Kings \u2019 titles commonly begin by force ,", "The usurper of my throne , my house 's ruin !", "For when my heavy burden I remove ,", "We yield ourselves his subjects from that hour ;", "How could my hand rebel against my heart ?", "And weary o n't already ; I 'm a lover ,", "I , the king .", "I see no crime in her whom I adore ,", "So must I be ungrateful to the living ,", "And be my father still !", "Empire , and wealth , and all she brings beside ,", "And , though you would not hide me from myself ,", "And she , who reigns , bestows her crown on me :", "If I am he , that son , that Torrismond ,", "And Bertran 's death 's resolved .", "O , cruel man , to tell me that it must !", "O there 's the utmost malice of my fate ,", "If she can make me blest ? she only can ;", "Cruel fates ! To what have you reserved me ?", "And when two hearts were joined by mutual love ,", "The royal family is all extinct ,", "Let never man believe he can be happy !", "To an eternal lethargy of love ;", "To crown the various seasons of our love ;", "I will that Raymond educate as his ,", "To whom I owe my hopes , my life , my love .", "Or , if I do , her beauty makes it none :", "To swell my tide of joys to their full height ,", "She 's in possession .", "The city , army , court , espouse my cause ,", "Which time wears off , and mellows into right ;", "He must be more than man , who makes me tremble .", "The sweetest , kindest , truest of her sex ,", "Fortune cannot ,", "Produce your lawful prince , and you shall see", "So power , which , in one age , is tyranny ,", "How brave a rebel love has made your son ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 200}, {"query": ["I cannot .", "Though I no more must call him father now .", "I need not caution thee for Raymond 's life ,", "That oft appears , but is forbid to talk .", "Why do I live , ye powers !", "How say'st thou , my Lorenzo ? dar'st thou be", "I would have kept the fatal secret hid ;", "As I would reach out opium to a friend ,", "Be witness all ye powers , that know my heart ,", "O Leonora ! Oh !", "This tempest , and deserve the name of king !", "Death and hell !", "Rise .", "Proclaim me , as I am , the lawful king :", "To help me save the queen ?", "A friend , and once forget thou art a son ,", "The queen , Lorenzo ! durst they name the queen ?", "I thus estrange my person from her bed !", "And drew the stars to factions at our birth .", "But wander , like some discontented ghost ,", "As unwillingly ,", "No , no ! Pray , let me go .", "Somewhat must be resolved , and speedily .", "Haste there ; command the guards be all drawn up", "Oh ! I would speak , but cannot .", "Here , take this paper , read our destinies ;\u2014", "Oh !\u2014", "Before the palace-gate .\u2014 By heaven , I 'll face", "And I am all a civil war within !", "Love , justice , nature , pity , and revenge ,"], "true_target": ["Mine ! is she mine ? my father 's murderer mine ?", "Which every moment I expect to arrive ;", "Enter Queen and TERESA , at a distance .", "And even my father 's ghost his death forgive .", "Then all the blest will beg , that thou may'st live ,", "O Leonora , beauteous in thy crimes ,", "When each the other 's influence opposed ,", "My Leonora there !\u2014", "Thinks me unkind , or false , and knows not why", "With design to punish Bertran , and revenge the king ;", "She 'll know too soon her own and my misfortunes .", "Or hate her less , with reason !\u2014 See , she weeps !", "O ! that I could , with honour , love her more ,", "This vile blaspheming rout ?", "Still she is here , and still I cannot speak ;", "Oh ! better , better had it been for us ,", "Look upward , fair , but as thou look'st on me ;", "Have kindled up a wildfire in my breast ,", "\u2018 Twas ordered so .", "That we had never seen , or never loved .", "Never were hell and heaven so matched before !", "Then see how much unhappy love has made us .", "We two were born when sullen planets reigned ;", "Who lay in torture , and desired to die .", "O sacrilege ! say quickly , who commands", "Put on thy utmost speed to head the troops ,", "But she has conquered , to her ruin conquered :", "Yet do not ; but , in kindness to yourself ,", "Shall I not tell her ?\u2014 no ; \u2018 twill break her heart ;", "Be ignorantly safe ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 201}, {"query": ["I wish \u2018 twere so ; but love still doubts the worst ;", "You dare not give it .", "\u2018 Twas neither life nor death , but both in one .", "It calls me old , and withered , and deformed ,", "And loathsome ! Oh ! what woman can bear loathsome ?", "Surpasses all expressing ,", "By these true tears , which , from my wounded heart ,", "At last he came , but with such altered looks ,", "With what a zeal he joined his lips to mine !", "I have a thirsty fever in my soul ;", "At last ,", "While both our souls came upward to our mouths ,", "To wither on the ground .", "The pleasure of possessing", "And sucked my breath at every word I spoke ,", "But when we love , you leave us ,", "But was too fierce to throw away the time ;", "He looked not like the Torrismond I loved .", "Let never injured creature", "And asked him how I had offended him ?", "But she , that once has tried it ,", "Why namest thou heaven ? there is no heaven for me .", "Fain would I tell thee what I feel within ,", "Guilt keeps you silent then ; you love me not :", "Last night he flew not with a bridegroom 's haste ,", "No ! give it me ,", "Yet , I will tell , that thou may'st weep with me .\u2014", "By all the pleasures of our nuptial bed ,", "O , Torrismond , if you resolve my death ,", "To rail at you in vain .", "Sing me the song , which poor Olympia made ,", "You need no more , but to go hence again ;", "Despair , death , hell , have seized my tortured soul !", "And listened to each softly-treading step ,", "Speak ! oh , speak ! Your anger would be kinder than your silence .", "The charmer you disdain .", "All he could say was \u2014 love and Leonora .", "But dying is a pleasure ,", "Then , with a groan , he threw himself a-bed ,", "But \u2018 tis too short a blessing ,", "Farewell , ungrateful traitor !", "\u2018 Tis easy to deceive us ,", "To see my youth , my beauty , and my love ,", "The more we pall , and kill , and cool his ardour .", "What have I done , ye powers , what have I done ,", "He bills the closer ; but , ungrateful man ,", "His sullen eyes ? how gloomily they glanced ?", "The turtle flies not from his billing mate ,", "There is no bliss beside it ;", "When false Bireno left her .", "And sighed and tossed , and turned , but still from me .", "When each embrace was dearer than the first ;", "Re-enter TORRISMOND .", "More , more ! for , by the high-hung tapers \u2019 light ,", "The passion you pretended ,", "Till we have lost our treasure ;"], "true_target": ["Bleed at my eyes \u2014", "There is no faith in heaven , if heaven says so ;", "SONG .", "He answered nothing , but with sighs and groans ;", "My heavy heart , the prophetess of woes ,", "Farewell , my perjured swain !", "But shame and modesty have tied my tongue !", "If ever I was loved , though now I 'm not ,", "Do not sigh , or tell me why you sigh .", "No : there 's the grief , Teresa : Oh , Teresa !", "He pulled it back , as if he touched a serpent .", "I cannot chuse a better place to die .", "I will never rise ;", "To power and love , to empire , and to me ;", "As if he drew his inspiration hence :", "So wild , so ghastly , as if some ghost had met him :", "And sparkled through their casements humid fires ;", "I could discern his cheeks were glowing red ,", "In pity of your pain ;", "Forebodes some ill at hand : to sooth my sadness ,", "When I had raised his grovelling fate from ground ,", "And any death is welcome .", "You shall not go !", "All pale , and speechless , he surveyed me round ;", "His very eyeballs trembled with his love ,", "Before we have descried it ,", "Even though it be the sentence of my death .", "In hope \u2018 twas he ; but still it was not he .", "How dear , how sweet his first embraces were !", "Then , then to be contemned ; then , then thrown off !", "So , restless , past the night ; and , at the dawn ,", "I pressed his hand , and laid me by his side ;", "Was only to obtain ;", "Which eagerly prevents the appointed hour :", "Base , barbarous man ! the more we raise our love ,", "Give me but present ease , and let me die .", "And , like a rose , just gathered from the stalk ,", "When living is a pain .", "Why do I live to hear you speak that word ? Some black-mouthed villain has defamed my virtue .", "Leapt from the bed , and vanished .", "As neighbouring monarchs at their borders meet ;", "With that I burst into a flood of tears ,", "Even all the livelong night .", "Racks , poison , daggers , rid me of my life ;", "Your love by ours we measure ,", "No sooner gained , but slighted and betrayed ;", "He 's gone , and I am lost ; did'st thou not see", "But when the charm is ended ,", "He sighed , and kissed ; breathed short , and would have spoke ,", "I thought \u2014 Oh , no ; \u2018 tis false ! I could not think ;", "Believe a man again .", "Will you not speak ?", "I told the clocks , and watched the wasting light ,", "And love too long a pain .", "But only smelt , and cheaply thrown aside ,", "But , far from me , as far as he could move ,", "Will never love again ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 201}, {"query": ["Paleness and trembling , all are signs of love ;", "For heaven 's sake , madam , moderate your passion !", "Then , sure his transports were not less than yours .", "What , all the night ?"], "true_target": ["He only fears to make you share his sorrows .", "Sighs and groans ,", "How then can you suspect him lost so soon ?", "Can you not guess from whence this change proceeds ?"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 201}, {"query": ["And rising in a moment .", "But now they cry , \u201c Down with the palace , fire it ,", "And bear down all before them .", "Pull out the usurping queen ! \u201d", "All clustering in a heap , like swarming hives ,", "I 'm loth to tell you ;", "Then you 're betrayed , my lord ."], "true_target": ["\u2018 Tis true , they block the castle kept by Bertran ,", "Arm , arm , my lord ! the city bands are up ;", "If railing and reproaching be to name her .", "Drums beating , colours flying , shouts confused ;", "But both our fathers thrust them headlong on ,", "Let me consider :\u2014 Bear arms against my father ? he begat me ;\u2014 That 's true ; but for whose sake did he beget me ? For his own , sure enough : for me he knew not . Oh ! but says conscience ,\u2014 Fly in nature 's face ?\u2014 But how , if nature fly in my face first ? Then nature 's the aggressor ; let her look to't .\u2014 He gave me life , and he may take it back : No , that 's boys \u2019 play , say I . \u2018 Tis policy for a son and father to take different sides : For then , lands and tenements commit no treason .Sir , upon mature consideration , I have found my father to be little better than a rebel , and therefore , I 'll do my best to secure him , for your sake ; in hope , you may secure him hereafter for my sake .", "How ! not call him father ? I see preferment alters a man strangely ; this may serve me for a use of instruction , to cast off my father when I am great . Methought too , he called himself the lawful king ; intimating sweetly , that he knows what 's what with our sovereign lady :\u2014 Well if I rout my father , as I hope in heaven I shall , I am in a fair way to be the prince of the blood .\u2014 Farewell , general ; I will bring up those that shall try what mettle there is in orange tawny ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 201}, {"query": ["And after make me hers .", "Fall on , fall on , and hear him not ;", "The traitor 's sight , I 'll go . Attend us here .", "What treason is it to redeem my king ,", "You see he knows not me , his natural father ;", "And to reform the state ?", "Sing to him , syren ;", "That all the saints may witness it against you .", "Though I loath", "But yet my heart holds out .", "But , aiming to possess the usurping queen ,", "First let me see", "Heaven guided all , to save the innocent .", "What then remains to perfect our success ;", "But , by a fatal fondness , you betray", "With that poor scanty justice ; let her part .", "Retire .", "When he 's produced , as soon he shall , among you ,", "Speak , what will you adventure to reseat him", "Behold the basilisk of Torrismond ,", "Because \u2018 tis then the only time to serve him .", "That kills him with her eyes \u2014 I will speak on ;", "Believe him not ; he raves ; his words are loose", "They make an omen to their after reign ,", "What , if I see my prince mistake a poison ,", "And think to break his hold ; he toils in vain .", "And mollify damnation with a phrase ;", "For I shall stop my ears : Now mince the sin ,", "Heaven may forgive a crime to penitence ,", "Heaven 's image double-stamped , as man and king .", "Will make him sick , and then I have him sure .", "Without the pilot 's care .", "No matter yet , he has my hook within him .", "Can you not ? say that once more ,", "You shall be still plain Torrismond with me ;", "The abettor , partner ,", "I would have chaffered it before for vengeance ;", "Now , valiant citizens , the time is come ,", "No : \u2018 tis a salt rheum , that scalds my eyes .", "Why , \u2018 tis to leave a ship , tossed in a tempest ,", "And turns his brains to frenzy .", "Her punished , who misleads you from your fame ;", "Take your own crown from Leonora 's gift ,", "Heaven has restored you , you depose yourself .", "My life is of no farther use to me :"], "true_target": ["Then , then you should have thought of tears and pity ,", "But barely not forbade it .", "But o'er the tyrant 's guards to force our way ?", "When virtue , majesty , and hoary age ,", "Now let him frisk and flounce , and run and roll ,", "Enjoy the fruits of blood and parricide ,", "Which , like a warning piece , must be shot off ,", "But spare his person , for his father 's sake .", "That now the wind is got into his head ,", "Upon his father 's throne ?", "Say , you consented not to Sancho 's death ,", "But yet you barbarously murdered him .", "You are my king ;\u2014 would you would be your own !", "Oh , when young kings begin with scorn of justice ,", "Yes , yes , he shall ; pray go .", "This love , the bait he gorged so greedily ,", "The husband of a tyrant ; but no king ,", "For heaven can judge if penitence be true ;", "What ! if she did not know he was your father ,", "She knew he was a man , the best of men ;", "And hug your father 's murderer in your arms !", "I could cry now ; my eyes grow womanish ,", "To fright the rest from crimes .", "Let her be made your father 's sacrifice ,", "You have a prince of Sancho 's royal blood ,", "Till you deserve that title by your justice .", "Now let it go for failing .", "O never , never !", "That word stabs me .", "As heaps of sand , and scattering wide from sense .", "And blot their annals in the foremost page .", "And I shall die well pleased .", "So high he 's mounted in his airy hopes ,", "Then burn me , hack me , hew me into pieces ,", "The darling of the heavens , and joy of earth ;", "By your leave , manhood !", "Our liberty for us !", "Then let her be divorced : we 'll be content", "Because I hold his hand , or break the glass ?", "Pleaded for Sancho 's life .", "To show your courage , and your loyalty .", "Once again :", "Your fame and glory to the usurper 's bed .", "But man , who knows not hearts , should make examples", "Call it a cordial ,\u2014 am I then a traitor ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 202}, {"query": ["Liberty , liberty ! As they are ready to Fight , enter LORENZO and his Party ."], "true_target": ["Lead on , lead on .", "Our lives and fortunes ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 202}, {"query": ["Malicious powers ! is this to be restored ?", "From pole to pole resound , king Sancho lives !\u2014", "Let us not think what future ills may fall .", "And sin 's black dye seems blanched by age to virtue .", "Thou venerable traitor , in whose face", "To see , with joy , her miseries on earth .", "Let every one partake the general joy .", "By heaven , I will , as I would punish rebels ,", "Sancho is dead ; no punishment of her", "And hoary hairs treason is sanctified ,", "Combated heaven and earth to keep you mine ;", "Runs headlong into treason : See your prince !", "Dismiss your arms , and I forgive your crimes .", "And next my Leonora .", "Proclaim my title ,", "And every slackened fibre drops its hold ,", "Hear , you mistaken men , whose loyalty", "Be as my foster-father near my breast ,", "Or break the eternal sabbath of his rest ,", "I have opposed your ill fate to the utmost ;", "Hear me yet ; I am \u2014", "I take the blame of all upon myself ;", "Hold , hold your arms .", "I 'll punish thee ;", "To save the effusion of my subjects \u2019 blood ; and thou shalt still", "Claims all within my power .", "Whether by virtue or design preserved ,", "Come to my arms , come , my fair penitent !", "On these harsh terms ? thou very reverend rebel ;", "My right for me !", "One act like this blots out a thousand crimes .", "Mark that , inexorable Raymond , mark ! \u2018 Twas fatal ignorance , that caused his death .", "\u2018 Tis to be worse deposed than Sancho was .", "He weeps ! now he is vanquished .", "No more ; lest you be made the first example ,", "Her every tear is worth a father 's life ."], "true_target": ["Discharge thy weight on me .", "Bertran , oh ! no more my foe , but brother ;", "You see \u2018 tis vain contending with the truth ;", "Thou stubborn loyal man !", "In me behold your murdered Sancho 's son ;", "Divorce ! that 's worse than death , \u2018 tis death of love .", "Like nature letting down the springs of life ;", "And yet at last that tyrant justice ! Oh \u2014", "My heart sinks in me while I hear him speak ,", "O Leonora , what can love do more ?", "King Sancho lives ! and let the echoing skies", "For all she gave has taken all away .", "Oh ! fear not him ! pity and he are one ; So merciful a king did never live ; Loth to revenge , and easy to forgive . But let the bold conspirator beware , For heaven makes princes its peculiar care . Footnotes : 1 . Alluding to the common superstition , that the continuance of the favours of fairies depends upon the receiver 's secrecy :\u2014 \u201c This is fairy gold , boy , and \u2018 twill prove so : up with it , keep it close ; home , home , the nearest way . We are lucky , boy , and , to be so still , requires nothing but secrecy ; \u201d Winter 's Tale .", "Condemn a wife ! That were to atone for parricide with murder .", "Heaven ! Can you wish it , to be mine no more ?", "I cannot hate you .", "But drink deep draughts of love , and lose them all .", "Never was fatal mischief meant so kind ,", "Some angel with a golden trumpet sound ,", "Now , by my soul , she shall not go : why , Raymond ,", "Acknowledge what I am .", "The primitive rebel , Lucifer , first used it ,", "And was the first reformer of the skies .", "How comes it , good old man , that we two meet", "How darest thou serve thy king against his will ?", "Nor can his blessed soul look down from heaven ,", "To show how I can punish .", "Can raise his cold stiff limbs from the dark grave ;", "Then farewell , pity ; I will be obeyed .\u2014", "See , Raymond , see ; she makes a large amends :", "That 's a stale cheat ;", "He lives ! he lives ! my royal father lives !", "So much the name of father awes me still \u2014", "Hear this , hear this , thou tribune of the people ! Thou zealous , public blood-hound , hear , and melt !", "Not only that , but favour . Sancho 's life ,", "Was ever criminal forbid to plead ? Curb your ill-mannered zeal ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 202}, {"query": ["Admittance to the king , and cries aloud ,\u2014", "Now you are mad indeed , Gomez ; this is my son", "Brother , there 's news from Bertran ; he desires", "Well , what have you to say against your wife , Gomez ?", "For my part , I see no wrong that has been offered him .", "Well \u2014 but all this while , who is this colonel Hernando ?", "Had this colonel any former design upon your wife ? for , if that be proved , you shall have justice .", "For his safe conduct he entreats your presence ,", "to Lor . You know I put your sister into a nunnery , with a strict command not to see you , for fear you should have wrought upon her to have taken the habit , which was never my intention ; and consequently , I married her without your knowledge , that it might not be in your power to prevent it .", "She came a spotless virgin to your bed ."], "true_target": ["And begs you would be speedy .", "What means this pause ?", "What colonel ?", "I have no secular power to reward the pains you have taken with my daughter ; but I shall do it by proxy , friar : your bishop 's my friend , and is too honest to let such as you infect a cloister .", "Lorenzo .", "How , rebel , art thou there ?", "No more ; behold the queen .", "This day shall end our fears of civil war !\u2014", "Speak boldly , man ! and say what thou wilt stand by : did he strike thee ?", "As true as your wife Elvira is my daughter .", "I am sorry you are come hither to accuse your wife ; her education has been virtuous , her nature mild and easy ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 202}, {"query": ["Why , how now , Gomez ? what mak'st thou here , with a whole brotherhood of city-bailiffs ? Why , thou look'st like Adam in Paradise , with his guard of beasts about him .", "Gomez , give way to the old gentleman in black .", "What , backward and forward , Gomez ! dost thou hunt counter ?"], "true_target": ["I believe the friar has bewitched him .", "Let me come ; if he be mad , I have that shall cure him . There 's no surgeon in all Arragon has so much dexterity as I have at breathing of the temple-vein .", "Come , come , your grievances , your grievances .", "Peace ; nature works within them ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 202}, {"query": ["Now , sir , who proves the traitor ? My conscience is true to me ; it always whispers right , when I have my regiment to back it .", "What , have I taken all this pains about a sister ?", "I shall make bold to disburden him of my hundred pistoles , to make him the lighter for his journey : indeed , \u2018 tis partly out of conscience , that I may not be accessory to his breaking his vow of poverty ."], "true_target": ["Take your rebel back again , father mine : The beaten party are rebels to the conquerors . I have been at hard-head with your butting citizens ; I have routed your herd ; I have dispersed them ; and now they are retreated quietly , from their extraordinary vocation of fighting in the streets , to their ordinary vocation of cozening in their shops .", "How now ! What 's here to do ? my cause a trying , as I live , and that before my own father .\u2014 Now fourscore take him for an old bawdy magistrate , that stands like the picture of madam Justice , with a pair of scales in his hand , to weigh lechery by ounces !", "On forfeit of your lives , lay down your arms .", "What a delicious harlot have I lost ! Now , pox upon me , for being so near a-kin to thee !"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 202}, {"query": ["Shall all hold up their withered hands to heaven ,", "Which hates the offender 's person with his crimes !", "And hoard up every moment of my life ,", "He was , he was , even more than you can say ;", "But Sancho 's leave to authorise our marriage .", "Than death can make me ; for death ends our woes ,", "Where every day an hundred aged men", "Even when my heart is beating out its way ,", "To leave you blest , I would be more accurst", "And therefore fix this doom upon myself .", "Your subjects \u2019 detestation , and your ruin ;", "That to have had you mine for one short day ,", "Say but you hate me not .", "By all my foes at once , I swear , my Torrismond ,", "Can he not punish me , but he must hate ?", "\u2018 Tis past , \u2018 tis past , and love is ours no more ;", "He will not hear me out !", "My prayers are heard ;", "I have enough to overwhelm one woman ,", "Yes , I can wish it , as the dearest proof ,", "Fasting and tears , and penitence and prayer ,", "The soul and body part not with such pain ,", "If he were vanquished , I am still unconquered .", "Yet I complain not of the powers above ;", "As I from you ; but yet \u2018 tis just , my lord :", "My future days shall be one whole contrition :", "To save one drop of his .", "To lengthen out the payment of my tears ,", "Hard-hearted man , I yield my guilty cause ;", "I 'll leave you in the height of all my love ,", "Some solitary cloister will I chuse ,", "Had I but known that Sancho was his father ,", "And could not furnish out another meal .", "Which could secure my throne to Torrismond ."], "true_target": ["And there with holy virgins live immured :", "But I would live without you , to be wretched long ;", "And I have nothing farther to desire ,", "I am the accurst of heaven , the hate of earth ,", "And the kind grave shuts up the mournful scene :", "Coarse my attire , and short shall be my sleep ,", "And shed a parting tear to her misfortunes ?", "I would have poured a deluge of my blood ,", "And made me think his death the only means", "To pardon Sancho 's death .", "But yet \u2014", "Shall do dead Sancho justice every hour .", "Now , by yon stars , by heaven , and earth , and men ,", "Good Sancho 's death , Sancho had died before .", "Shall he remember Leonora 's love ,", "O , \u2018 tis not justice , but a brutal rage ,", "They made me a miser 's feast of happiness ,", "And last , that I can make you of my love .", "Cruel Raymond !", "Let pity lend a tear , when rigour strikes .", "Till even fierce Raymond , at the last , shall say ,\u2014", "Farewell , a last farewell , my dear , dear lord !", "\u2018 Twas always in my power to take his life ;", "But all my guilt was caused by too much love .", "Remember me !\u2014 speak , Raymond , will you let him ?", "And struggles to you most .", "Now let her die , for she has grieved enough .", "Has cancelled half my mighty sum of woes !", "Broke by the melancholy midnight bell .", "Till love had cast a mist before my eyes ,", "Now , Raymond , now be satisfied at last :", "Had I , for jealousy of empire , sought", "To lose a crown and lover in a day :", "But interest never could my conscience blind ,", "A chapel will I build , with large endowment ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 202}, {"query": ["No , you have taken some about me ; I am sure , if you are her brother , my sides can show the tokens of our alliance .", "Ay , do , father-in-law , let him be stript of his habit , and disordered .\u2014 I would fain see him walk in querpo , like a cased rabbit , without his holy fur upon his back , that the world may once behold the inside of a friar .", "Yes ! she 's easy , with a vengeance ; there 's a certain colonel has found her so .", "He 's the first begotten of Beelzebub , with a face as terrible as Demogorgon .", "Now I dare speak ,\u2014 let him look as dreadfully as he will .\u2014 I say , sir , and I will prove it , that he had a lewd design upon her body , and attempted to corrupt her honesty .", "\u2018 Tis liker one of the seven deadly sins : but make your best o n't , I care not ; \u2018 tis but binding a man neck and heels , for all that . But , as for my wife , that crocodile of Nilus , she has wickedly and traitorously conspired the cuckoldom of me , her anointed sovereign lord ; and , with the help of the aforesaid friar , whom heaven confound , and with the limbs of one colonel Hernando , cuckold-maker of this city , devilishly contrived to steal herself away , and under her arm feloniously to bear one casket of diamonds , pearls , and other jewels , to the value of 30 , 000 pistoles .\u2014 Guilty , or not guilty ? how sayest thou , culprit ?", "Ay , and a man had need of them , Don Pedro ; for here are the two old seducers , a wife and priest ,\u2014 that 's Eve and the serpent ,\u2014 at my elbow .", "Why , my colonel \u2014 I mean my wife 's colonel , that appears there to me like my malus genius , terrifies me .", "Indeed , you are a charitable belswagger ! My wife cried out ,\u2014 \u201c Fire , fire ! \u201d and you brought out your church-buckets , and called for engines to play against it .", "I will speak boldly ; he struck me on the face before my own threshold , that the very walls cried shame to him ."], "true_target": ["Why , what will you have me say ? I think you 'll make me mad : truth has been at my tongue 's end this half hour , and I have not power to bring it out , for fear of this bloody-minded colonel .", "Why , I say , in the first place , that I and all men are married for our sins , and that our wives are a judgment ; that a batchelor-cobler is a happier man than a prince in wedlock ; that we are all visited with a household plague , and , Lord have mercy upon us should be written on all our doors", "How ? no wrong ? why , he ravished me , with the help of two soldiers , carried me away vi et armis , and would put me into a plot against government .", "Why , you are not like to trouble heaven ; those fat guts were never made for mounting .", "Where you make doctrines for the people , and uses and applications for yourselves .", "No ! the t'other old gentleman in black shall take me if I do ; I will speak first !\u2014 Nay , I will , friar , for all your verbum sacerdotis . I 'll speak truth in few words , and then you may come afterwards and lie by the clock as you use to do .\u2014 For , let me tell you , gentlemen , he shall lie and forswear himself with any friar in all Spain ; that 's a bold word now .\u2014", "O Lord ! O Lord !", "Who ? he meek ? I 'm sure I quake at the very thought of him ; why , he 's as fierce as Rhodomont ; he made assault and battery upon my person , beat me into all the colours of the rainbow ; and every word this abominable priest has uttered is as false as the Alcoran . But if you want a thorough-paced liar , that will swear through thick and thin , commend me to a friar .", "How ? your son Lorenzo ! it is impossible .", "And she 's a spotless virgin still for me \u2014 she 's never the worse for my wearing , I 'll take my oath o n't . I have lived with her with all the innocence of a man of threescore , like a peaceable bed-fellow as I am .", "Peace , friar ! and let me speak first . I am the plaintiff . Sure you think you are in the pulpit , where you preach by hours ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 202}, {"query": ["Farewell , kind gentlemen ; I give you all my blessing before I go .\u2014 May your sisters , wives , and daughters , be so naturally lewd , that they may have no occasion for a devil to tempt , or a friar to pimp for them .", "Now the truth comes out , in spite of him .", "Take notice how uncharitably he talks of churchmen .", "Heavens ! what will become of me ?", "A fine commendation you have given yourself ; the church did not marry you for that .", "And you edify by minutes ."], "true_target": ["Now he reviles marriage , which is one of the seven blessed sacraments .", "Fresh straw , and a dark chamber ; a most manifest judgment ! there never comes better of railing against the church .", "Ay , and O lady ! O lady too !\u2014 I redouble my oath , I had never seen him . Well , this noble colonel , like a true gentleman , was for taking the weaker part , you may be sure ; whereupon this Gomez flew upon him like a dragon , got him down , the devil being strong in him , and gave him bastinado upon bastinado , and buffet upon buffet , which the poor meek colonel , being prostrate , suffered with a most Christian patience .", "Let him alone ; let him alone ; I shall fetch him back with a circum-bendibus , I warrant him .", "Why , noble sir , I 'll tell you .", "As I was walking in the streets , telling my beads , and praying to myself , according to my usual custom , I heard a foul out-cry before Gomez \u2019 portal ; and his wife , my penitent , making doleful lamentations : thereupon , making what haste my limbs would suffer me , that are crippled with often kneeling , I saw him spurning and listing her most unmercifully ; whereupon , using Christian arguments with him to desist , he fell violently upon me , without respect to my sacerdotal orders , pushed me from him , and turned me about with a finger and a thumb , just as a man would set up a top . Mercy ! quoth I .\u2014 Damme ! quoth he ;\u2014 and still continued labouring me , until a good-minded colonel came by , whom , as heaven shall save me , I had never seen before .", "False and scandalous ! Give me the book . I 'll take my corporal oath point-blank against every particular of this charge ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 202}, {"query": ["Indeed , sir , I have no reason to complain of him for disturbing of my sleep .", "And so will I ."], "true_target": ["You see , brother , I had a natural affection to you .", "You see , sir , he contradicts himself at every word ; he 's plainly mad .", "However , we are both beholden to friar Dominick ; the church is an indulgent mother , she never fails to do her part ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 202}, {"query": ["She threw the odium of the fact on me ,", "And publicly avowed her love to you .", "I must confess , I counselled Sancho 's murder ;", "I spread abroad the rumour of his death ,", "Bad men , when \u2018 tis their interest , may do good ."], "true_target": ["To sound the very soul of her designs .", "I plead no merit , but a bare forgiveness .", "The event , you know , was answering to my fears ;", "And urged the queen by specious arguments :", "But , still suspecting that her love was changed ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 202}] \ No newline at end of file