from pathlib import Path from tqdm import tqdm from rich import print from ember import PEFeatureExtractor import numpy as np import typing as t EMBER_DIM = 2381 def find_filename(hash: str, folder: Path) -> str: """Looks for filename equal to hash in subfolders of folder. Filename can be suffixed with .dat, or be not suffixed at all. Returns relative path to the file""" for file in folder.rglob(f"{hash}*.dat"): return str(file) for file in folder.rglob(f"{hash}*"): return str(file) return None def read_quovadis_hashes( quovadis_path: Path, ) -> t.Tuple[t.Dict[str, t.List[str]], t.Dict[str, t.List[str]]]: def _read_files(folder: Path) -> list[str]: files = [] for file in tqdm(folder.glob("*"), desc=f"[*] Reading files in {<25}"): if file.is_file(): files.append(".dat", "").replace(".json", "")) return files def _read_dataset(folder: Path) -> t.Dict[str, t.List[str]]: hashes = {} for subfolder in folder.glob("*"): if subfolder.is_dir(): if "clean" in or "syswow64" in files = _read_files(subfolder) hashes["benign"] = files else: malware_type ="report_", "") files = _read_files(subfolder) hashes[malware_type] = files return hashes train_quo_vadis_path = quovadis_path / "windows_emulation_trainset" train_hashes = _read_dataset(train_quo_vadis_path) test_quo_vadis_path = quovadis_path / "windows_emulation_testset" test_hashes = _read_dataset(test_quo_vadis_path) return train_hashes, test_hashes def get_ember_features(hash: str, pe_path: Path, extractor: PEFeatureExtractor) -> np.ndarray: pe_path = find_filename(hash, pe_path) with open(pe_path, "rb") as f: pe_bytes = features = np.array(extractor.feature_vector(pe_bytes), dtype=np.float32) return features def extract_and_write_features( hashes: t.Dict[str, t.List[str]], raw_pe_root_path: Path, output_dir: Path, write_every: int = 10, limit: int = None, ) -> None: print(f"[*] Starting work on {}") output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) def _save_intermediate_state( features_file: Path, features_numpy_arr: np.ndarray, completed_hashes_file: Path, completed_log: t.List[str], errors_log_file: Path, errors_log: t.List[str], ) -> None:, features_numpy_arr) with open(completed_hashes_file, 'w') as f: for h in completed_log: f.write(f"{h}\n") with open(errors_log_file, "w") as f: for h in errors_log: f.write(f"{h}\n") def _parse_binary_type(hashes: t.List[str], binary_type: str): print(f"\n[*] Parsing '{binary_type}' hashes!\n") output_dir_subtype = output_dir / binary_type output_dir_subtype.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) features_file = output_dir_subtype / "features.npy" completed_hashes_file = output_dir_subtype / "hashes.txt" errors_log_file = output_dir_subtype / "errors.log" files_exist = all(f.exists() for f in [features_file, completed_hashes_file, errors_log_file]) if files_exist: # read features features_numpy_arr = np.load(features_file) # read completed hashes with open(completed_hashes_file, 'r') as f: completed_log = [line.strip() for line in f] completed_hashes = [line.split(",")[1].strip() for line in completed_log] # read errors with open(errors_log_file, 'r') as f: errors_log = [line.strip() for line in f] errored_hashes = [e.split(",")[1].strip() for e in errors_log] remaining_hashes = [h for h in hashes if h not in completed_hashes] remaining_hashes = [h for h in remaining_hashes if h not in errored_hashes] assert len(remaining_hashes) == len(hashes) - len(completed_hashes) - len(errors_log),\ f"Remaining hashes do not match: {len(remaining_hashes)} != {len(hashes)} - {len(completed_hashes)} - {len(errors_log)}" print(f"[!] Found: {len(completed_hashes)} completed | {len(errors_log)} errored | {len(remaining_hashes)} remaining!") hashes = remaining_hashes else: features_numpy_arr = np.zeros((len(hashes), EMBER_DIM), dtype=np.float32) completed_log = [] errors_log = [] extractor = PEFeatureExtractor(print_feature_warning=False) start_idx = len(completed_log) + len(errors_log) print(f"[*] Starting from index {start_idx}") pbar = tqdm(hashes, desc=f"[*] Extracting features...") for i, h in enumerate(pbar): i += start_idx try: features = get_ember_features(h, raw_pe_root_path, extractor) features_numpy_arr[i] = features completed_log.append(f"{i},{h}") except KeyboardInterrupt: raise KeyboardInterrupt except Exception as e: err_msg = f"{i},{h},{e}" print(f"[-] {err_msg}") errors_log.append(err_msg) pbar.set_description(f"[*] Extracting features... | Errors: {len(errors_log)}") if i > 0 and i % write_every == 0: _save_intermediate_state( features_file, features_numpy_arr, completed_hashes_file, completed_log, errors_log_file, errors_log ) # print(f"[!] Dumped intermediate state to {}") # final save _save_intermediate_state( features_file, features_numpy_arr, completed_hashes_file, completed_log, errors_log_file, errors_log ) # clean errored indices if any if features_numpy_arr.shape[0] != len(hashes): errored_indices = [int(e.split(",")[0]) for e in errors_log] assert np.all(features_numpy_arr[errored_indices] == 0), "Some errored indices are not 0" features_numpy_arr = np.delete(features_numpy_arr, errored_indices, axis=0), features_numpy_arr) print(f"[*] Finished work on {}") print(f"[INFO] {len(completed_log)} hashes completed | {len(errors_log)} errored | {len(features_numpy_arr)} features") for binary_type in hashes.keys(): _parse_binary_type(hashes[binary_type][:limit], binary_type) if __name__ == "__main__": quovadis_path = Path("quovadis") quovadis_ember_path = Path("quovadis_ember") quovadis_ember_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) train_hashes, test_hashes = read_quovadis_hashes(quovadis_path) raw_pe_root_path_train = Path("/data/datasets/pe/pe_trainset") raw_pe_root_path_test = Path("/data/datasets/pe/pe_testset") extract_and_write_features(train_hashes, raw_pe_root_path_train, quovadis_ember_path / "train") extract_and_write_features(test_hashes, raw_pe_root_path_test, quovadis_ember_path / "test")