--- license: apache-2.0 --- # About Dataset ## Citation This dataset was created and further refined as part of the following two publications: - "Quo Vadis: Hybrid Machine Learning Meta-Model Based on Contextual and Behavioral Malware Representations", Trizna et al., 2022, https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3560830.3563726 - "Nebula: Self-Attention for Dynamic Malware Analysis", Trizna et al., 2024, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10551436 If you used it in your research, please cite us: ```bibtex @inproceedings{quovadis, author = {Trizna, Dmitrijs}, title = {Quo Vadis: Hybrid Machine Learning Meta-Model Based on Contextual and Behavioral Malware Representations}, year = {2022}, isbn = {9781450398800}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3560830.3563726}, doi = {10.1145/3560830.3563726}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th ACM Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Security}, pages = {127–136}, numpages = {10}, keywords = {reverse engineering, neural networks, malware, emulation, convolutions}, location = {Los Angeles, CA, USA}, series = {AISec'22} } @ARTICLE{nebula, author={Trizna, Dmitrijs and Demetrio, Luca and Biggio, Battista and Roli, Fabio}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security}, title={Nebula: Self-Attention for Dynamic Malware Analysis}, year={2024}, volume={19}, number={}, pages={6155-6167}, keywords={Malware;Feature extraction;Data models;Analytical models;Long short term memory;Task analysis;Encoding;Malware;transformers;dynamic analysis;convolutional neural networks}, doi={10.1109/TIFS.2024.3409083}} ``` ## Description This dataset contains EMBER features obtained from **93533** 32-bit portable executables (PE), used in *Quo Vadis* and *Nebula* papers. Features extraction scheme described in the original paper EMBER paper by Anderson and Roth: https://arxiv.org/abs/1804.04637. Complementary dataset with of emulated behavioral reports by Speakeasy is available at https://huggingface.co/datasets/dtrizna/quovadis-speakeasy. To reflect concept drift in malware: - 76126 files that form a training set were collected in Jan 2022. - 17407 files that form a test set were collected in Apr 2022. ## Labels Files noted as `benign` are clean. All others represent malware distributed over 7 families. A specific number of files in each category is below. Notably, Successfully processed files: ``` $ for file in $(find . | grep hashes); do wc -l $file; done 24416 ./train/benign/hashes.txt 4378 ./train/keylogger/hashes.txt 8243 ./train/dropper/hashes.txt 6548 ./train/coinminer/hashes.txt 1697 ./train/rat/hashes.txt 8733 ./train/trojan/hashes.txt 9627 ./train/ransomware/hashes.txt 11061 ./train/backdoor/hashes.txt 7940 ./test/benign/hashes.txt 1041 ./test/keylogger/hashes.txt 252 ./test/dropper/hashes.txt 1684 ./test/coinminer/hashes.txt 1258 ./test/rat/hashes.txt 1085 ./test/trojan/hashes.txt 2139 ./test/ransomware/hashes.txt 1940 ./test/backdoor/hashes.txt ``` Errors: ``` $ for file in $(find . | grep errors); do wc -l $file; done 18 ./train/benign/errors.log 0 ./train/keylogger/errors.log 0 ./train/dropper/errors.log 343 ./train/coinminer/errors.log 0 ./train/rat/errors.log 0 ./train/trojan/errors.log 0 ./train/ransomware/errors.log 1 ./train/backdoor/errors.log 4 ./test/benign/errors.log 0 ./test/keylogger/errors.log 0 ./test/dropper/errors.log 0 ./test/coinminer/errors.log 0 ./test/rat/errors.log 0 ./test/trojan/errors.log 0 ./test/ransomware/errors.log 0 ./test/backdoor/errors.log ```