int32 0
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stringlengths 0
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0 | I am a little confused on all of the models of the 88-89 bonnevilles.
I have heard of the LE SE LSE SSE SSEI. Could someone tell me the
differences are far as features or performance. I am also curious to
know what the book value is for prefereably the 89 model. And how much
less than book value can you usually get them for. In other words how
much are they in demand this time of year. I have heard that the mid-spring
early summer is the best time to buy. | 4 |
1 | I'm not familiar at all with the format of these "X-Face:" thingies, but
after seeing them in some folks' headers, I've *got* to *see* them (and
maybe make one of my own)!
I've got "dpg-view" on my Linux box (which displays "uncompressed X-Faces")
and I've managed to compile [un]compface too... but now that I'm *looking*
for them, I can't seem to find any X-Face:'s in anyones news headers! :-(
Could you, would you, please send me your "X-Face:" header?
I *know* I'll probably get a little swamped, but I can handle it.
...I hope. | 6 |
2 |
In a word, yes.
| 14 |
3 |
They were attacking the Iraqis to drive them out of Kuwait,
a country whose citizens have close blood and business ties
to Saudi citizens. And me thinks if the US had not helped out
the Iraqis would have swallowed Saudi Arabia, too (or at
least the eastern oilfields). And no Muslim country was doing
much of anything to help liberate Kuwait and protect Saudi
Arabia; indeed, in some masses of citizens were demonstrating
in favor of that butcher Saddam (who killed lotsa Muslims),
just because he was killing, raping, and looting relatively
rich Muslims and also thumbing his nose at the West.
So how would have *you* defended Saudi Arabia and rolled
back the Iraqi invasion, were you in charge of Saudi Arabia???
I think that it is a very good idea to not have governments have an
official religion (de facto or de jure), because with human nature
like it is, the ambitious and not the pious will always be the
ones who rise to power. There are just too many people in this
world (or any country) for the citizens to really know if a
leader is really devout or if he is just a slick operator.
You make it sound like these guys are angels, Ilyess. (In your
clarinet posting you edited out some stuff; was it the following???)
Friday's New York Times reported that this group definitely is
more conservative than even Sheikh Baz and his followers (who
think that the House of Saud does not rule the country conservatively
enough). The NYT reported that, besides complaining that the
government was not conservative enough, they have:
- asserted that the (approx. 500,000) Shiites in the Kingdom
are apostates, a charge that under Saudi (and Islamic) law
brings the death penalty.
Diplomatic guy (Sheikh bin Jibrin), isn't he Ilyess?
- called for severe punishment of the 40 or so women who
drove in public a while back to protest the ban on
women driving. The guy from the group who said this,
Abdelhamoud al-Toweijri, said that these women should
be fired from their jobs, jailed, and branded as
Is this what you want to see happen, Ilyess? I've
heard many Muslims say that the ban on women driving
has no basis in the Qur'an, the ahadith, etc.
Yet these folks not only like the ban, they want
these women falsely called prostitutes?
If I were you, I'd choose my heroes wisely,
Ilyess, not just reflexively rally behind
anyone who hates anyone you hate.
- say that women should not be allowed to work.
- say that TV and radio are too immoral in the Kingdom.
Now, the House of Saud is neither my least nor my most favorite government
on earth; I think they restrict religious and political reedom a lot, among
other things. I just think that the most likely replacements
for them are going to be a lot worse for the citizens of the country.
But I think the House of Saud is feeling the heat lately. In the
last six months or so I've read there have been stepped up harassing
by the muttawain (religious police---*not* government) of Western women
not fully veiled (something stupid for women to do, IMO, because it
sends the wrong signals about your morality). And I've read that
they've cracked down on the few, home-based expartiate religious
gatherings, and even posted rewards in (government-owned) newspapers
offering money for anyone who turns in a group of expartiates who
dare worship in their homes or any other secret place. So the
government has grown even more intolerant to try to take some of
the wind out of the sails of the more-conservative opposition.
As unislamic as some of these things are, they're just a small
taste of what would happen if these guys overthrow the House of
Saud, like they're trying to in the long run.
Is this really what you (and Rached and others in the general
west-is-evil-zionists-rule-hate-west-or-you-are-a-puppet crowd)
want, Ilyess?
| 2 |
4 |
I've just spent two solid months arguing that no such thing as an
objective moral system exists. | 8 |
5 |
Elisabeth, let's set the record straight for the nth time, I have not read
"The Yeast Connection". So anything that I say is not due to brainwashing
by this "hated" book. It's okay I guess to hate the book, by why hate me?
Elisabeth, I'm going to quote from Zinsser's Microbiology, 20th Edition.
A book that you should be familiar with and not "hate". "Candida species
colonize the mucosal surfaces of all humans during birth or shortly
thereafter. The risk of endogenous infection is clearly ever present.
Indeed, candidiasis occurs worldwide and is the most common systemic
mycosis." Neutrophils play the main role in preventing a systemic
infection(candidiasis) so you would have to have a low neutrophil count or
"sick" neutrophils to see a systemic infection. Poor diet and persistent
parasitic infestation set many third world residents up for candidiasis.
Your assessment of candidiasis in the U.S. is correct and I do not dispute
What I posted was a discussion of candida blooms, without systemic
infection. These blooms would be responsible for local sites of irritation
(GI tract, mouth, vagina and sinus cavity). Knocking down the bacterial
competition for candida was proposed as a possible trigger for candida
blooms. Let me quote from Zinsser's again: "However, some factors, such as
the use of a broad-spectrum antibacterial antibiotic, may predispose to
both mucosal and systemic infections". I was addressing mucosal infections
(I like the term blooms better). The nutrition course that I teach covers
this effect of antibiotic treatment as well as the "cure". I guess that
your nutrition course does not, too bad.
My, my Elisabeth, do I detect a little of Steve Dyer in you? If you
noticed my faculty rank, I'm a biochemist, not a microbiologist.
Candida is classifed as a fungus(according to Zinsser's). But, as you point
out, it displays dimorphism. It is capable of producing yeast cells,
pseudohyphae and true hyphae. Elisabeth, you are probably a microbiologist
and that makes a lot of sense to you. To a biochemist, it's a lot of
Greek. So I called it a yeast-like fungus, go ahead and crucify me.
You know Elisabeth, I still haven't been able to figure out why such a small
little organism like Candida can bring out so much hostility in people in
Sci. Med. And I must admitt that I got sucked into the mud slinging too.
I keep hoping that if people will just take the time to think about what
I've said, that it will make sense. I'm not asking anyone here to buy into
"The Yeast Connection" book because I don't know what's in that book, plain
and simple. And to be honest with you, I'm beginning to wish that it was never
written. | 9 |
6 | Dishonest money dwindles away, but he who gathers money little by little makes
it grow.
Proverbs 13:11
| 18 |
7 | A friend of mine managed to get a copy of a computerised Greek and Hebrew
Lexicon called "The Word Perfect" (That is not the word processing
package WordPerfect). However, some one wiped out the EXE file, and she
has not been able to restore it. There are no distributors of the package in
South Africa. I would appreciate it, if some one could email me the file, or
at least tell me where I could get it from.
My email address is
[email protected] or
[email protected]
Many thanks. | 18 |
8 | Hi,
We have a requirement for dynamically closing and opening
different display servers within an X application in a manner such
that at any time there is only one display associated with the client.
Assumming a proper cleanup is done during the transition should
we anticipate any problems.
| 6 |
9 | :
: well, i have lots of experience with scanning in images and altering
: them. as for changing them back into negatives, is that really possible?
: (stuff deleted)
: jennifer urso: the oh-so bitter woman of utter blahness(but cheerful
: undertones)
I use Aldus Photostyler on the PC and I can turn a colour or black and white
image into a negative or turn a negative into a colour or black and white
image. I don't know how it does it but it works well. To test it I scanned
a negative and used Aldus to create a positive. It looked better than the
print that the film developers gave me.
-- | 7 |
10 | I have uploaded the Windows On-Line Review shareware edition to as /pub/pc/win3/uploads/
It is an on-line magazine which contains reviews of some shareware
products...I grabbed it from the Windows On-Line BBS.
-- | 17 |
11 | Most graphics systems I have seen have drawing routines that also specify
a color for drawing, like
Drawpoint(x,y,color) or Drawline(x1,y1,x2,y2,color) or
With X, I have to do something like
Why split this into two functions? Why did X designers decide to not associate
the color with the object being drawn, and instead associate it with the
display it is being drawn on? | 6 |
12 |
You *know* that putting something like this out on the newsgroup is *only*
going to generate flames, not discussion. Try adding some substance to
the issue of "gestures" you mentioned.
What is it you feel that Israel *has* offered as a "gesture"? What would
you (*realistically*) expect to see presented by the Arabs/Palestinians
in the way of "gesture"?
What are the "rules" that have been bent by Arab actions? It would seem
that the Israeli deportations were seen by the other side as an example
of "changing the rules".
| 2 |
13 |
Accusation? I thought it was a recommendation. (I mean, I did grow up there,
I oughta know).
Bring the truck and about 10 pounds of crawfish and we'll talk.
| 0 |
14 |
Probably because it IS rape.
So nothing. It may work for some, but not for others: it doesn't give any
insight into an overall God or overall truth of a religion- it would seem to be
dependent solely on the individual, as well as individually-created. And since
Christians have failed to show us how there way of life is in any wy better
than ours, I do not see why the attempt to try it is necessary, or even
particularly attractive.
Well, we will nerver know for sure if we were told the truth or not, but at the
very least there is a bit more evidence pointing to the fact that, say, there
was a military conflict in Vietnam 25 years ago, then there is a supernatural
diety who wants us to live a certain way. The fact that Jesus warned against
it means nothing. *I* warn against it too. Big deal.
This is not true. The first two choices here (life and death) are scantily
documented, and the last one is total malarky unless one uses the Bible, and
that is totally circular. Perhaps it be better to use the imagination, or
one's ignorance. Someone else will address this I'm sure, and refer you to
plenty of documentation...
How is this? There is nothing more disgusting than Christian attempts to
manipulate/interpret the Old Testament as being filled with signs for the
coming of Christ. Every little reference to a stick or bit of wood is
autmoatically interpreted as the Cross. What a miscarriage of philology.
Well, since we have skeptical hearts (thank goodness,) there is no way to get
into us. Here we have the irreconcilable difference: Christians glorify
exactly what we tend to despise or snub: trust/belief/faith without knowledge.
If I am lucky one day and I happen to be thinking of God at the same time my
enkephalins go up, then I may associate this as a sign of God (it will "feel"
right, and I will trust without knowing). Maybe. Religosity does not seem to
be anything that is conclusively arrived at, but rather it seems to be more of
a sudden affliction...
I believe many of us were willing to die for what we believed, many of us were
not. The question is, is suchg an attitude reflective of a _correct_ or
healthy morality. IT would seem not to be. The same thing could reflect
fanaticism, for example, and is any case an expression of simple selfishness.
--Adam | 14 |
15 | From article <[email protected]>, by [email protected] (Christopher F Wroten):
Good question.
Answer: The EISA bus does move 32 bits rather than ISA's 8/(16?)
But it still moves it at about the speed as the ISA bus.
I think that's either 8 or 10 mhz.
The local bus designs also move 32 bits like the EISA, but
they move the data at the cpu speed, up to 40 mhz.
So, on a 33mhz cpu, the local bus is moving 32bit data at
33 mhz, and the EISA is moving 32bit data at 8 or 10 mhz.
So the local bus should be 3 to 4 times faster than EISA on
a 33 mhz cpu. EISA should be about two (maybe 3) times as
fast as ISA.
That's a very good question. The EISA bus does have more advantages
over the ISA bus than just it's width. For example: more/better
interrupts and bus mastering. But these other factors do not impact
a video card very much. They have more impact on file servers with
multiple hard drives, full-throttle network cards, cd-roms, etc. | 17 |
16 | Iv'e got a problem printing with a StyleWriterII. I am printing from a IIvx
with 20 megs ram. I am trying to print a Quark file that has 2 fonts a couple
of boxes and 3 gradient fills.
Two things happen: I get a " Disk is full" error, that I can't find documented,
I also have parts of letters that are over one of the gradient fills get cut
off. This only happens to the text over the fill. Text adjecent in a different
box is uneffected.
Any ideas? | 10 |
17 | Hello,
i'm interested in those devices too.
Could also send me your suggestions.
Thank in advance.
-- | 7 |
18 | I said
what a SILLY boy i was, now i have zillions of messages like
"does that include shipping"
"is it scsi"
"what rom version is it"
"will it work on a maximegalon gargantuabrain 9000"
ok, the deal is this - if you live in the twin cities, email me, and set
up a time, sure, you can drop round and grab one for a tenner.
Min order $20 (2 drives) + shipping. No guarantees they are good for
any purpose at all (they look newish & clean), no technical
negotiations. They are model 525 floppytape, part # 960273-639
revision D. 17 pin floppy style connector on the back
They go in the bin - life is too short for extended negotiations over
$10 items :-)
| 1 |
19 | I just called Texas' legislative bill tracking service and found out
that HB 1776 (Concealed Carry) is scheduled for a floor vote TODAY!
Let those phone calls roll in.
Daryl | 19 |
20 | This is an invitation to send articles to the Informatica magazine.
The first fully international issue has been published and echoes
are quite favourable. For any information, contact ([email protected]).
Dear Colleague, April 25, 1993
Number 1 of volume 17 of Informatica is now out of print and some of you
will receive it in a week or so. As you will see, the journal is structured
in the following way: the editorial (first page); profiles (second page
-- biography of an editor, in this issue, Terry Winograd); the edited
part of papers (pp. 3-80); mission and research reports (A plan for
knowledge archives project in Japan and CSLI in Stanford, pp. 81-100);
and news and announcements (pp. 101-108). This structure is mentioned to
give you a suggestion how could you help to make the contents of the
journal significant, diverse, and interesting, bringing your own views
into the discourse.
A great emphasis is given to the so-called editorial page. This page
expresses an opinion (belief) of the writing editor to some problems
within the scope of computing and informatics, extending into other
concerning disciplines, e.g. cybernetics, advanced AI, cognitive sciences,
mind, informationally concerned neural sciences, advanced technology
(e.g. photonics), etc. I asked professor Terry Winograd to write this
page for Number 2. I certainly would appreciate very much to get
suggestions or possible offers from other editors, who like to express
their strong (directed) beliefs concerning a future development of the
area in question.
On the second page of each Number an editor's profile is published.
The aim of the profile is twofold: to show his/her professional
achievements, interests, scientific, and philosophical orientation on
one side; to narrate his/her life story in the environments in which
editors has lived and live on the other side. This kind of story should
be instructive, adequately factically faced, contributing to the
understanding of circumstances in which editors have to act and live.
The edited part (edited papers) is still critical. I would like to have
a stock of accepted papers in advance, so the issuing dates of a particular
number can be fixed (e.g. January, April, July, and October). In situation
right now, I ask you to help me with contributions of yours or your
colleagues, collaborators, students, etc. Some critical views to the
contemporary development of computing and informatics are appreciated.
A special emphasis should be given also to originality by which fresh
ideas are coming into the circulation of different professional communities.
Reports of different occasions (symposia, conferences, meetings, etc.)
and particularly on new books, papers, and interesting events are welcome.
You can send these news immediately (also by your secretary) by e-mail.
On the other hand, you can send books and other publications (annual
reports, journals, calls for papers, etc.) for reviewing and publishing
in Informatica. We in the editorial staff will manage the rest.
E-mail is functioning satisfactorily, so please use it in every respect.
You can submit editorial notes, profiles, reports, news and even complete
papers written in standard LaTex format (especially formulas). We received
several final (corrected) texts in Number 1 from different sites (US,
Russia, etc.). In this way, you can compose reports from already typed
texts, using your own choice and editing, and submit them to the contact
person ([email protected]), who is always being on your disposal. So,
you will receive a prompt confirmation and any information concerning
our common interest and job.
At the end, please do not forget: we need your cooperation and help in
every mentioned respect. The aim of Informatica is to open various
possibilities of communication concerning strong scientific and
philosophical orientations as well as those coming up, still unrevealed,
and on the way to become significant. Please, do not apprehend to give
proposals, suggestions, and, certainly, contributions via the e-mail
and by other means.
Sincerely yours, | 7 |
21 | ********************* NEW PRICE ***********
I have an extra copy of Lotus 1-2-3 ver 3.4 for DOS. this package was
originally $600. I'd like to get $75 for it. please reply by e-mail to
[email protected] | 1 |
22 |
Bosnian Muslims are citizens od Bosnia-Herzegovina who identify themselves
with Bosnian Muslim cultural and religious tradition.
In Bosnia, "Muslim" is not merely a religious category, but an ethnic
one as well. Actually, here are the two contradictory arguments
made by people on this subject:
(1) There is only Serbian and Croatian nationality, and Bosnian Muslims
are simply Croats and Serbs of Islamic faith.
(2) Bosnian Muslims are a separate nationality since they do not feel
themselves to be Croats nor Serbs.
In 1968, argument (2) was accepted by former Yugoslavia as valid,
and (1) was soundly rejected. The reasons are pragmatic: even if
Bosnian Muslims are Croats and Serbs who converted to Islam under
Turkish rule centuries ago, none of the present generation has any
clue what was their ancestor's actual nationality. In fact, although
Bosnian Muslims have felt drawn to Croatian or Serbian national
allegiance, most of them feel they have a separate cultural and
historic identity. So, arguments like "yes, but your ancestors were
Croats or Serbs" carry very little weight. Regardless of what
their ancestors might have been, as long as Bosnian Muslims feel
that they are a separate national group, that ends the debate.
What outsiders say is simply not relevant.
In the case of former Yugoslavia, the date is 1971, when "Muslim nationality"
appeared as a census category for the first time. This was the result
of a sequence of decisions over the past decade, from recognizing
"Bosniaks" as an ethnic group (1961) to February 1968 resolution (in B-H)
declaring that Muslims are a separate nation, to formal endorsement
of this in January 1969, and eventually to the 1971 inclusion of
"Muslim nationality" choice in census forms.
For comparison, in 1948 census there were three national categories
available to Muslims in Bosnia-Herzegovina:
Serb-Muslims: 71,991
Croat-Muslims: 25,295
Muslims, ethnically undeclared: 788,403
This clearly demonstrates that Muslims feel themselves to be their own
nationality. Only a tiny minority felt able to choose Serb or Croat
nationality. Census results show that Bosnian Muslims have
consistently opted for a third category: in 1948 they chose "undeclared",
in 1953 they chose "Yugoslavs", in 1961 both "Yugoslavs" and "Bosniak
ethnic group", and in 1971, 1981 and 1991 they chose "Muslim nationality".
Perhaps the term "Bosnian Muslim nationality" is too confusing for
the rest of the world. But, in the present context, we ARE talking
about Muslims as nationality; not as a religous group within some
separate national identity. The reasons are mostly historical and
cultural. Religion plays a smaller role, as a part of culture in general,
because the area is simply not known for religious fanaticism. Political
fanaticism, yes; religious fanaticism, no. Group security and survival
dominate people's thinking; not fine points of theology. In fact,
Bosnia-Herzegovina is as well known for religious tolerance in peacetime
as it is known for terrible carnage in wartime. | 2 |
23 |
Why not design the solar arrays to be detachable. if the shuttle is going
to retunr the HST, what bother are some arrays. just fit them with a quick release.
one space walk, or use the second canadarm to remove the arrays. | 12 |
24 | A couple of points :-
I have an Adaptec 1542B and am very happy with it.
Not so! I have both IDE and an Adaptec1542B in the same box and can use both
disks at the same time, eg. IDE to SCSI disk copy.
Well, one statement and one correction!
Guy | 5 |
25 | Hi folks...
I would like to know anything you folks can tell me regarding Lithium.
I have a 10 year old son that lives with my ex-wife. She has been having
difficulty with his behavior and has had him on Ritalin, Tofranil, and now
wants to try Lithuim at the local doctors suggestion. I would like to
know whatever is important that I should know. I worry about this sort of
thing and would like pros/cons regarding Lithium therapy.
I have a booklet from the "Lithium Information Center" based at the
University of Wisconsin, but feel that it is pro-lithium and would be
interested in comments from the "not necessarily PRO" side of the fence.
I am a concerned father and just wish to be well informed...
Thanks for any information you can provide.
Please email me directly...
| 9 |
26 |
It is said that CELP vocoders can run on the highest speed 486s with
some room to spare -- they turn 64kbit (8 bit samples, 8k samples/sec)
into 4800 baud. However, DSP is hairy, and I have yet to see actual
proof of this in the form of an implementation. I have heard fairly
reliable rumors to the effect that a famous internetworking guru has a
CELP implementation that runs on Sparcstation 1+'s with some room to
spare, but I have not succeeded thus far in getting my hands on a copy
-- the guru in question has a reputation for not releasing code
without having beaten on it for a very very long time first.
DSP experts are heavily encouraged to try their own hand at this
Perry Metzger [email protected] | 3 |
27 | I have a 90 Eagle Talon and I wanted a pair of GTS
Headlight covers. Actually, they are turning signal
covers since the Talons that year had pop-up lights.
I went to a auto shop and bought the tail-light
blackouts for $45, but they did not have the turning
signal covers in stock. I asked how much it would be
and he told me it would cost me another $40. I thought
this was a bit high for two small pieces of plastic.
Can anyone find me a cheaper pair or even a used one?
| 4 |
28 | Hi,
I need your help with a problem I have with a 1989 Mitsubishi
Galant GS transmission. The car has a 5 speed manual tranmission.
Since the car was bought new, while shifting from 2nd to 3rd, unless
I do it SLOWLY and carefully, it makes a "popping" or "hitting" sound.
The dealer and Mitsubishi customer service (reached by an 800 #) say
this is NORMAL for the car. IS IT?
And about a year ago, at 35Kmiles, the stick shift handle got STUCK
while attempting to put it in reverse:
1- The shifter would not budge. The clutch had no effect.
2- The front tires would not budge, even when the clutch is
fully depressed.
3- If the clutch is released the engine would die.
4- Assuming that some gear was engaged while the shifter was
stuck, I could not make the car move. It acted as if
it were in Neutral(except for dying when clutch is released.)
5- I finally was able to release the shifter by having
someone rock the car back and forth (less than an inch),
while I depressed the clutch and jiggled the shifter.
6- The shifter acted normally after that.
When this happened, I took it to the dealer, they checked the
clutch, it was o.k. They checked the transmission, it was o.k.
I had the exact problem a couple of months ago, and again last
week. The dealer says there is nothing they can do because
Mitsubishi (the 800 #) says they have never heard of the
problem, and the dealer could not reproduce the problem while
they had the car.
In all three occurances, the car was parked head first in a garage,
and since the front wheels were stuck, the car could not be towed
to the dealer before releasing the shifter (hence temporarily
solving the problem). And the dealer, and Mitsubishi, refused to
send someone to check the car while it was stuck.
I KNOW there is smething wrong with the transmission (shifting
from 2nd to 3rd), and getting stuck at random, but I can't get
the dealer to fix it. I need your help with the mechanical problems,
and with how to handle Mitsubishi.
All hints and suggestions are greatly appreciated, and sorry to
bore you with the long post. | 4 |
29 |
I don't know about Canada, but I have heard from people
doing translation work in Papua New Quinea, that they
like them and have had good response on service.
Another is seriously considering buying one.
| 5 |
30 | I am writing a X-based dosemu which requires XKeyReleasedEvent.
I found the keycode of XKeyReleasedEvent is wrong. If I run the program on
a Linux host(XFree1.2) with DISPLAY set to the local Linux and to
the Sun host (X11R5), the two keycodes from the two Xservers are different.
Of course, the keycode of XKeyPressedEvent is O.K.
Can anybody verify this ? Did I do anything wrong ?
| 6 |
31 | A while back (i.e., several months) someone posted a method for allowing
a user to choose (via XMenu and something else??) a window manager
interactively at X startup time. Could the original poster (or anyone
else) please Email a copy of the method to me, as I have lost the
original posting? Thanks.
Henry Stilmack )
Computing Systems Manager ) Perform random kindnesses
UK/Netherlands/Canada Joint Astronomy Centre ) and senseless acts of beauty
660 N. A'ohoku Place, Hilo, HI 96720 )
[email protected] 808-969-6530 ) | 6 |
32 | I'm trying to find a program that will stop the Macs from spitting out
their Boot Disk. I was told one exists but I can't find it.
Anyone know where I can find it?
Robert Harvey
Duty Programmer
Information Technology
Victoria University | 10 |
33 | Recently, I have been getting a CMOS Checksum error when I first turn on my
computer. It doesn't happen everytime I turn it on, nor can I predict when it
is going to happen. I have an AMI BIOS and all of the setting are lost, for
example the drive types and the password options. However, the date and time
remain correct. If anyone knows what can be causing this, please let me know. | 5 |
34 | Forwarded from Neal Ausman, Galileo Mission Director
April 23 - 29, 1993
1. On April 22 and 23, delta Differenced One-way Range (DOR) passes were
performed over DSS-14/63 (Goldstone/Madrid 70 meter antennas) and DSS-14/43
(Goldstone/Canberra 70 meter antennas), respectively. Initial results
indicate the delta DOR pass on April 22 was unsuccessful due to ground
station hardware problems but the one on April 23 was successfully performed.
2. On April 23, a cruise science Memory Readout (MRO) was performed for the
Magnetometer (MAG) instrument. Analysis indicates the data was received
3. On April 23, the spare power relay contacts were commanded closed via the
spacecraft stored sequence. These relays were commanded closed by the CDS
(Command Data Subsystem) prior to launch and were again commanded closed to
preclude the possibility at Jupiter of the PPS relays/wiring being a
source of internal electrostatic charge (IESD).
4. On April 26, cruise science Memory Readouts (MRO) were performed for the
Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrometer (EUV), Dust Detector (DDS), and Magnetometer
(MAG) instruments. Preliminary analysis indicates the data was received
5. During the period from April 26 to April 27, a navigation cycle was
performed. This navigation cycle provided near-continuous acquisition of
two-way doppler and ranging data during three consecutive passes of the
spacecraft over DSS-63, DSS-14, and DSS-43.
6. On April 26, real-time commands were sent to test slew the Radio Relay
Antenna (RRA) in preparation for the mini-sequence slew test on April 28.
The RRA was slewed from approximately 3.5 degrees from stow to approximately
20.3 degrees. Preliminary analysis indicated the antenna slewed to about 18
degrees which was well within the predicted range. The RRA was commanded back
to approximately 15.2 degrees from stow. Preliminary analysis indicated the
antenna reached about 15.8 degrees also well within the predicted range. The
RRA motor temperature was at 1 degree C at the start of the activity and had
increased to 1.6 degrees C at its completion.
After verifying proper RRA slewing, the RRA slew test mini-sequence was
uplinked to the spacecraft for execution on April 28. Upon successful uplink,
a Delayed Action Command (DAC) was sent which will reposition the stator on
May 4 to its initial pre-test position. Also, a DAC was sent to turn the
Two-Way Noncoherent (TWNC) on April 28 prior to the start of the RRA slew test
7. On April 27, a NO-OP command was sent to reset the command loss timer to
264 hours, its planned value during this mission phase.
8. On April 28, the RRA slew test executed nominally. The spacecraft under
stored sequence control performed six RRA slews starting at about 16 degrees
from stow and going to 53 degrees, back to 25 degrees, then to 51 degrees,
back to 22 degrees, then to 48 degrees and then back to 21 degrees. All of
the slews were well within the predicted range. The RRA motor temperature was
at 2.3 degrees C at the start of the activity and had increased to 4.4
degrees C at its completion. After completion of the RRA slews, real-time
commands were sent to reconfigure back to the pre-test configuration.
9. The AC/DC bus imbalance measurements have not exhibited significant change
(greater than 25 DN) throughout this period. The AC measurement reads 17 DN
(3.9 volts). The DC measurement reads 134 DN (15.7 volts). These
measurements are consistent with the model developed by the AC/DC special
anomaly team.
10. The Spacecraft status as of April 29, 1993, is as follows:
a) System Power Margin - 75 watts
b) Spin Configuration - Dual-Spin
c) Spin Rate/Sensor - 3.15rpm/Star Scanner
d) Spacecraft Attitude is approximately 23 degrees
off-sun (lagging) and 4 degrees off-earth (leading)
e) Downlink telemetry rate/antenna- 40bps(coded)/LGA-1
f) General Thermal Control - all temperatures within
acceptable range
g) RPM Tank Pressures - all within acceptable range
h) Orbiter Science- Instruments powered on are the PWS,
i) Probe/RRH - powered off, temperatures within
acceptable range
j) CMD Loss Timer Setting - 264 hours
Time To Initiation - 203 hours
GDS (Ground Data Systems):
1. The first Galileo-GDS test of the MGDS V18.0 Command System (CMD) took
place April 27, 1993 with DSS-61 (Madrid 34 meter antenna). The test went
well and demonstrated that the new command system interfaced with the new DSN
(Deep Space Network) Group 5 Command Processor Assembly (CPA). The test was
successful and the next test for V18.0 CMD is scheduled for May 1, 1993 with
DSS-15 (Goldstone 34 meter antenna).
2. The April System Engineers Monthly Report(SEMR)/Ground System Development
Office (GSDO) MMR was conducted Thursday, April 29. A review of current
Project and Institutional (DSN and MOSO) system status was conducted. On-going
cruise development plus the GSDO Phase 1 and 2 delivery schedules, past months
accomplishments and potential problem areas were discussed. No significant
schedule changes or significant problems were reported.
As of noon Thursday, April 29, 1993, the Galileo Spacecraft trajectory
status was as follows:
Distance from Earth 187,745,300 km (1.26 AU)
Distance from Sun 296,335,800 km (1.98 AU)
Heliocentric Speed 89,100 km per hour
Distance from Jupiter 522,015,800 km
Round Trip Light Time 20 minutes, 58 seconds
35 | [stuff deleted]
I have a similiar question relating to anti-alaising that my friend has asked
to have posted to the more knowledgable in this group. I'm sorry if this is
an FAQ.
"What anti-alaising methods do Persistance Of Vision & Polyray use?"
Thank you in advance. You can either email me or reply (or flame me if it is
an FAQ :-) ) | 7 |
36 | } Last night, Boston Red Sox win its 11 games of 14 games by beating Seattle
} 5-2. Roger Clemson pitch not so dominate. He walked at least 6 man in
} first 6 inns. But Valetin and Greenwell hit homeruns and Red Sox prevail.
Clemens struggled with his control, but was also the "beneficiary"
of some pretty shoddy umpiring. but to be fair, most of the walks were
early in the game, and he adjusted. he was also helped by (dare i say
it?) some pretty good defense by the Sox, including Rivera playing
at second, not his normal position.
actually, Clemens is pretty lucky that he got the win, considering the Sox
almost gave up the lead in the bottom of the 7th on Mo's error catching
a throw-over.
} I think that game is must win for Red Sox in Seattle, considering Darwin will
} faced Seattle ace Randy Johnson tonight.
must win? in April?
they've already won 4 more games so far than anyone thought they would at this
point of the season... i hope people aren't getting too caught up
in this streak; it's been fun, but teams have 11-3 streaks all the time,
and it is only when they are at the start of the season that they get
so much attention. | 11 |
37 | Is there any third party video ram adapter for vewing 24 bit color on LCII?
I heard that Apple is selling it aroung 160$.
Please e-mail me.
[email protected]
| 10 |
38 | I have a mac LCII 4/80 purchased last august.
Just the cpu and mouse... no monitor or keyboard.
$800 OBO
| 1 |
39 | Does any one know of a decent quality library of routines for
performing 3D graphics modelling on the PC?
Ideally the routines would be embeded in our application program.
Requirements (wish list):
- flat surface modelling (simple phong shading optional)
- ability to plot hidden-line drawings
- Texture mapping -- both procedural and bit map
- modeling light sources (local, distant, and spot lights)
- Ray-tracing
- Radiosity (optional)
Any comments would be appreciated.
John Chinnick -- [email protected]
phone : (519) 888-9666 | 7 |
40 | ERGINEL) asked:
[EE] No, no flaming here. Just a simple question.
...with a simple answer!
[EE] As far as I know most of the Armenians belong to the Gregorian Orthodox
[EE] faith and such was the case in nineteenth century Ottoman Empire. It is
[EE] also known that some Armenian communities were converted into Catholicism
[EE] and Protestantism by the Western European missionaries in this period.
The vast majority of Armenians in eastern Anatolia were Gregorian or Armenian
Apostolic. There was, however, a higher percentage of non-Gregorian Armenians
in Cilicia, closer to the Mediterranean, in Adana, Marash, Aintab, etc.
[EE] Another known fact is that almost half of the Armenians living in Anatolia
[EE] did not speak any Armenian, but used Turkish in their everyday lives.
This is not true. While it was forbidden for Armenians to speak Armenian in
certain areas of Cilician Armenia, most all Armenians spoke Armenian. In fact,
Turks who interacted with Armenians also spoke Armenian! For sure, most all
Armenians, especially men, also knew Turkish in order to function in larger
[EE] My question is, given so many separations in the Armenian community, what
[EE] was the common denominator of the Armenian people that allowed Armenian
[EE] nationalism to emerge in the nineteenth century? As I stated, religion
[EE] was not uniform (unlike the Greeks) and many Armenians couldn't even speak
[EE] Armenian. I would like to know what factors brought the Armenians in the
[EE] Ottoman Empire together and led to the formation of an Armenian
[EE] consciousness.
The Armenians in Turkey were persecuted because they were Armenian, regardless
of the specific branch of Christianity they professed. The resultant Armenian
nationalism was in direct reaction to this persecution. Even at the later
stages of WWI, and after the genocide, many Armenians who were converted to
Islam were also exterminated because they continued as Armenian Moslems. This
practice continued well into the 1920s by Ataturk in parallel with the policy
of clearing out pockets of steadfast Islamic fundamentalism. Many of these
converted Armenians, ironically, in order to stay alive, were staunch Moslems.
[EE] Any information will be appreciated.
You answered your own question! The common thread throughout your inquiry
was the word Armenian!
[EE] Regards,
| 2 |
41 | Yamanari,
---Hey isn't it funny how betas have bugs in them.... me a favor and don't put up stupid posts. | 17 |
42 |
They don't. It's a closed access road, you pay to get in (if you don't
have a resident sticker), and they simply don't open the gates if
you're on a bike.
| 0 |
43 | I have a little question:
I need to convert RGB-coded (Red-Green-Blue) colors into HVS-coded
(Hue-Value-Saturnation) colors. Does anyone know which formulas to
Thanks! | 7 |
44 | Tom Clancy omitted these key steps to try to prevent groups of people from
building a nuclear bomb. However, he asserts that you can find these key
steps in any university library. The main point of _Five Minutes To Midnight_
is that it is impossible to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons,
since it has become easy to acquire the knowledge to build one, and fissible
materials are nearly impossible to control. Read this article, or better
yet, run to your library yourself and dig up some stuff on constructing a
nuclear weapon.
Doug Holland
| 3 |
45 | I've done a bit of looking, and havn't been able to
come up with a mailing list or newsgroup for users
of Adobe Photoshop. Assuming I've just not missed
it, I'll go ahead and see if there is enough interest
to start a mailing list (and/or alt. newsgroup).
Drop me a note if you might be interested in subscribing.
--Bob Wier (NOT of the Grateful Dead :-) | 7 |
46 |
The "artist renderings" that I've seen of the HST reboost still have
the arrays fully extended, with a cradle holding HST at a ~30 degree
angle to the Shuttle. I think the rendering was conceived before the
array replacemnet was approved, so I'm not sure if the current reboost
will occur with the arrays deployed or not. However, it doesn't
appear that an array retraction was necessary for reboost.
Thanks for the input on GRO's S/A design constraints. That would
explain the similar design on UARS.
Heck, the MMS project used to design _missions_ with servicing in mind.
The XTE spacecraft was originally designed as an on-orbit replacement
for the instrument module on EUVE. That way, you get two instruments
for the price of one spacecraft bus (the Explorer Platform). A
second on-orbit replacement was also considered, with the FUSE telescope.
| 12 |
47 |
There should be no problem with this - just remember to get the number of
wait states correct!
Guy | 5 |
48 | : I have seen various references to 'triple des' recently. Could anyone
: tell me what it is ? From context, I would guess that it means
: encrypting each block 3 times, with a different key each time, but
: I'd like to be sure.
: Replies by email preferred - our news is unreliable.
Could people replying to the above question post their responses here
as well, as I'm sure others (including myself) would like to hear them.
Jon | 3 |
49 |
The CLIPPER initiative is an announcement by Clinton that all the
"secure" voice phones will use the same crypto chip, as a de-facto
government standard. Problem is, the government is admitting that
they hold the keys to break the code easily, and the Justice department
will be using the keys to listen in on "illegal activities." Many
people are really scared about such an initiative because it is
a major step towards outlawing real crypto protection on things
like email if you read the press release. The project was developed
by NSA and given to NIST. It uses two keys S1 and S2 that the
government claims are needed to break the code. They claim that
these keys will be handed to two different companies, and when they
get a warrant to do a wiretap (the chip is nicknamed the wiretap chip),
they have to get the keys from both companies. People have poked holes
through and through the press release official version and shown how
it is nowhere near as nice as it sounds, and I have given the simplified
version. People over on sci.crypt are really scared about this
proposal it seems. | 14 |
50 |
Oh yeah, all the time. On a nice spring/summer day, I roll down the window
and drive around looking for bikes. When a bike motors by in the opposite
direction, I stick my arm out and hi5'em. My arm feels like a million
bucks when I'm doing this a 60km/h. I do the same thing with cyclists.
The only problem with hi5ing a cyclist is their always in the right hand lane.
I hafta roll down the other window and hi5 them on the back. Oh well, I
think they appreciate the thought.
Regards, Ted.
| 0 |
51 |
Thanks, Jody. I can't say I've ever seen it summed up so succinctly before.
I might only add two things.... stupid road design (or poor, at least) and
we deal with it for the fun and *brotherhood* we share with others who take
their lives in their hads to feel the wind in their hair....IMHO.
Binger | 0 |
52 | As I recall from my bout with kidney stones, there isn't any
medication that can do anything about them except relieve the pain.
Either they pass, or they have to be broken up with sound, or they have
to be extracted surgically.
When I was in, the X-ray tech happened to mention that she'd had kidney
stones and children, and the childbirth hurt less. | 9 |
53 |
Let's be careful here. If players' performance was completely random
in (Clutch-No Clutch), then you would still expect some players to be
good in the clutch every year and some to be not-so-good every year.
With two years worth of data, you'd have 1/4 of the players good each
year, 1/4 bad each year, and 1/2 would have one good and one bad year.
We have 96 players for 5 years ('84-'88). Just flipping a coin, you'd
expect 3 players to be good all 5 years and 3 to be bad every year.
This is what we actually get--
No. of good years 0 1 2 3 4 5
Clutch performers 4 10 37 24 18 3
Coin flip (random) 3 15 30 30 15 3
Essentially the distribution of clutch performers by number of years
of good performance is the same as what you would get if the process
leading to deviations from non-clutch performance was completely random.
If there was anything to clutch hitting (at least in this definition)
that had any predictive capability, you expect to see the number of
players at the ends to be much larger than that predicted by flipping
a coin. Further, if you limit yourself to players who were a lot above
or below average in clutch situations (say, 1 standard deviation from
the mean) more than one year, the random explanation still looks good.
In the four years ('84-'87) that I looked at the data from Elias, there
were 79 (29) players with a minimum of 25 (50) at bats in clutch
situations that were 1 sigma from the mean two different years. Of
those 79 (29) players, 38 (14) of them changed sign between the two
years. In other words, they were great clutch hitters one year and
really horrible the other year. If it was just a random process,
you'd expect those numbers to be 39.5 (14.5).
Everything that's been measured about clutch hitting over a period
of years that could be used to predict any ability with any
proposed definition has looked like a random process (with the
caveat that there may be something related to platoon advantage
that could be dragged out of the data--e.g., John Lowenstein
probably never had a "clutch" AB against a left-handed pitcher,
but he might well have had some in blowouts, so that there would
be a bias since his clutch ABs would be more geared to his
platoon advantage). This is not a subject that has been glanced
at casually. A lot of people have put a lot of effort into
studying it and every one of them, with the exception of the
Elias study, has been unable to find anything that would allow
you to predict how someone will do in clutch situations better
than flipping a coin. (Self-serving plug follows: some of the
flaws in the Elias study are discussed in my paper in the forth-
coming SABR book, _The Perfect Game_, by Taylor Publishing. The
authors are supposed to get a slice of the advance, so go bug
your local bookstores now, and maybe I can get enough to take my
wife to dinner once.:-)
Harold | 11 |
54 | Where can I find it ? | 7 |
55 |
Hmmm. I gave two examples which matched your objective criteria, and your
response was some subjective claptrap about them being 'lame'. You never
did counter the fact that those examples fit your objective criteria.
One wonders who's playing semantic games, here.
Rick Schaut
UUCP:...{uunet | uw-beaver}!microsoft!richs | 17 |
56 | WATCH OUT PITSBURGH HERE COME THE ISLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They said we wouldn't make the playoffs and we came in third
They said the Caps would beat us and they're not going to
They say that Pitsburgh has a 1:1 ratio of winning the cup but We'll prove them
L E T S G O I S L A N D E R S!!!!!!! Bring it back home
| 16 |
57 |
Quite a few people couldn't have cared less about what
happened to the Jews of Europe. If they had cared, they would have
done something.
Maybe its because many of us, who have been on usenet for
several years remember tripe like this being posted:
This was posted fairly recently. There has been much more
racist stuff in the past. Why are we expected to listen to it and
remain "calm?" I don't think that listening to racist or anti-semetic
slurs is an incitement to calm debate.
Perhaps you don't mean to be coming off as highly offensive.
However, the way you have posted seems to be typical of those who have
an irrational dislike for Israel and Jews. Perhaps if you took a
close look at what you've posted thought a bit about the combatative
tone you've used, you would see why people are reacting the way they
Adam Shostack [email protected] | 2 |
58 | This is the AP story from Fri morning.
As the walls came tumbling down and tear gas filled the air, cult leader
David Koresh sprang into action. He left his third-floor bedroom and began
looking around the house, making sure women and children were secure and
checking that everyone had their gas masks on properly. Within hours, the
compound became an inferno. Nine Branch Davidians excaped.
This is their story, gleaned from lawyers who spoke with six of them
who are jailed on charges that include conspiracy and murder. That day the
six said a portable radio offered the only contact with the outside world
since Koresh's right-hand man, Steve Schneider, ripped out the compounds's
phone line after FBI agents called before dawn Monday saying this was the
cults last chance: Come out or prepare to get forced out.
They kept their word. By dawn, tanks were battering the Mount Carmel
compound, punching for hours to creat holes for tear gas to enter. The BD
meanwhile proceeded with their daily routines. Strapped into gas masks, the
women did laundry. Others read Bibles in their rooms. The 17 children, all
under 10, remained by their mothers' sides. Still, it was hard to ignore what
was happening around them. Each time a tank rammed the poorly-constructed building
it shook violently. Cult members dodges falling gypsum wallboard and doors.
Hundreds of gas canisters hurled in from the armored vehicles were filling
the air with noxious fumes. The flying canisters were more frightening than
the tanks. At least one man was hit in the face. The gas began filling the air,
driven by heavy gusts of wind coming through windows and the holes the tanks
made. Scattered throughout the house, the cult members made no efforts to
gather. Then the FBI sent in its biggest weapon -- a massive armored vehicle
headed for a chamber, lined with cinder blocks, where authorities hoped to
find Koresh and Schneider and fire tear gas directly at them.
Here the cult members' story diverges from the government's version. The
FBI says cult members set fires in three places. But each of the six cult
members, in separate discussions with lawyers, consistently gave versions
at odds with the FBI's account. They say the tank flattened a barrel of
propane, spilling its contents. And as the tank thundered through the house,
it tipped over lit lanterns, spitting flames that ignited the propane and
other flammables. The home of used lumber, plywood, and wallboard tacked
together with tar paper was vulnerable. The building erupted. Nine BD's
escaped jumping through windows and dashing through other openings. Others
died groping in the blackness. | 19 |
59 | James Nicholl sez;
Jeff responds;
I wouldn't worry too much about it, Jeff. If you work for JPL, then your
job IS imaging things :-)
(I know, it was a just a typo, but I couldn't resist. At least, I hope it
was a typo, or my stupid joke is stupider than I intended :-)
-Tommy Mac
Tom McWilliams 517-355-2178 wk \\ As the radius of vision increases,
[email protected] 336-9591 hm \\ the circumference of mystery grows. | 12 |
60 |
We were having a problem with instability in the universal gravitational
constant that day: the closer I got to those exposed fangs (still dripping,
no doubt, with the viscera of the last foolhardy experimenter cum canine
psychology) the bigger and heavier the dog appeared to become. Also,
recall that the distribution of the ~150lb is one five pound jaw+teeth
operated by two 70lb muscles driven by a .005 ounce brain possessing an
instinctual heuristic composed of equal parts of bloodlust and ravening hunger.
The other ~5 lb is, of course, dog poop, but that varies all over the place
as the dog deposits it regularly on the painstakingly manicured and tended
lawns of the dog's owner's neighbors (whilst continuously replenishing its
inexhaustible supply, no doubt by consuming the likes of folks like me).
My very thought at the time, but as I looked down at these once formidable
instruments of mayhem, I realized they had become weak and atrophied by too
many sedentary hours tapping away at my ergonomically-correct CRT keyboard.
There was only one option left: I reached down to the toolbox near my
car and grasped my Craftsman 150 ft-lb torque wrench, surely the bludgeon
of dire necessity if ever there was one. To my amazement and
confusion, the setter started shaking and rolling on the grass, then leapt
to its feet and vanished down the street, still quivering and occasionally
looking back at me.
"Seven at One Blow!" I exclaimed, flexing my new-found biceps and brandishing
my Terrible Weapon of Invincibility as I stalked the now-secure environs
of my domicile. It was only later that I found out what the dog apparently
knew all along: the wrench was defective, would no longer measure torque
accurately, and Sears wouldn't fix it or replace it. What I had interpreted
as fear and subservience were in fact unmitigated hilarity and contempt.
Exactly: nobody can look quite as silly as we can. | 0 |
61 | I watched the game Germany-Czechs in WC today...and i was astonished about
the behaviour of the German audience!
The German team got a few penalties in the last period and the crowd went
grazy! They threw coins, extra pucks and other trash into the
that stupid or what?? I guess the Canadian referee (one of the
Isostar-bros ;) gave the German team a penalty for that, but it didn't help
I guess the Germans just are proud over their Nazi-Kill-'em-All-Everyone-
But-Us-Germans-Sucks attitude...they just seem to have that kind of attitude
in every possible sport (remember the European champs in Stockholm in soccer)
It really pisses me off!
I do not mean that every single German has this attitude that sucks, but
most of them seem to do... | 16 |
62 |
All right! Let's hope they get off their rear ends and do something
because the UN clearly is content to sit on its.
| 2 |
63 | --
Douglas C. Meier | You can't play Electro-magnetic Golf
Northwestern University, ACNS | according to the rules of Centrifugal
This University is too Commie- | Bumblepuppy. -Huxley, Brave New World
Lib Pinko to have these views. | [email protected]
| 8 |
64 | Hello,
recently I noticed there is a directory named "DiskImage" in my disk. I didn't
notice it before and I wonder if while installing an application an image of
the disk was created, or if Win3.1 automatically created a backup of its files.
I couldn't find any documentation on the diskimage utility; having an image of
the disk is taking *a lot* of disk space. Does anybody know if this is just
something the people who installed Win3.1 did or it is a backup mechanism?
Anibal Mayorga | 21 Wenark Dr #7 | W: (302) 831-8704
[email protected] | Newark, DE 19713 | H: (302) 453-0309 | 17 |
65 | The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release April 19, 1993
I am deeply saddened by the loss of life in Waco today. My
thoughts and prayers are with the families of David Koresh's
The law enforcement agencies involved in the Waco siege
recommended the course of action pursued today. The Attorney
General informed me of their analysis and judgment and
recommended that we proceed with today's action given the risks
of maintaining the previous policy indefinitely. I told the
Attorney General to do what she thought was right, and I stand by
that decision. | 13 |
66 |
Your post is based on the premise that the laws as they stand do not
discriminate anybody, so your argument falls over immediately. Are you
really that dumb as to use emotive language to prove an argument?
Please feel free to answer, that is, if you have anything intelligent
to say on the matter.
| 13 |
67 |
Do I ever!!!!!! After 2 years of having health problems that had been
cleared up w/allery shots, and not knowing why, I went and was re-tested.
I actually did better than when I had been tested 2 years ago....
Then putting 2 + 2 together, I realized that it all started back up
when the laser printer came into the office. I kept track of the usage, and
on hi use days, I was worse. I got better over the weekends....
The laser printer is gone, I'm 100% better!!!..... Whether it is the toner
dust or chemicals, I dont know (I am highly allergic to dust...), but
it definitely was the laser printer....
brenda peters
carderock div, nswc, david taylor model basin
bethesda, md 20084
e-mail : [email protected]
or | 9 |
68 |
Then Einstein should have had lunch with me at the Tien Fu
on Castro Street yesterday, when they handed me a fortune
cookie that said "He who has imagination but not knowledge
has wings, but no feet". | 14 |
69 |
Quite honestly, this one is ridiculous. Consider the following
scenario: Runner on third. As the pitcher starts to throw home, the
runner takes off for home and the batter squares around to bunt for
the suicide squeeze. The pitcher, seeing this, does not throw home,
but stops in mid action and puts the runner in a run down. It is the
balk rule that prevents this from happening.
Believe it or not, this actually happened to me once in an OBA
(Ontario Baseball association) game in Milton, Ontario. I was the
batter and to my amazement, the umpire missed it. In the 12 years
that I played ball, this was worst piece of umpiring I ever saw. | 11 |
70 |
: To those of you who have the BMW heated handgrips:
: What are they like during the summer? Yes, you
: wiseguy, I mean while they are off!
: Are they comfortable? Do they transmit a lot of
: vibration? How do they compare to the stock grips?
: To foam grips?
: Do they really make a difference during the winter?
I just got a K75 and had the heated grips installed. As far as I can
tell the grips look and feel the same as the standard grips.
They are *not* soft. Last weekend I did a 500 mile round-trip and
got to a point where it was in the 30s and raining. Those heated
grips were *great*. I've only had the bike a month and the heated
grips are already one of my favorite features on the bike. | 0 |
71 |
Not this again.
| 13 |
72 | The tv coverage of the playoffs is fucking ridicules. Overtime time games
that are not shown? What the hell kind of shit is this? If that would
have happened to the Flyers(if they were in the damn playoffs to begin
with) while I was watching, I would have gone throught the roof!
However, everybody is getting pissed off at ESPN, but they are not the
ones to blame. They have prior contracts that they just can't simply break
whenever they want to. The N.H.L. is to blame. When they signed the
deal with ESPN, they had to know of this. They had to know shit like this
would happen since they wouldn't have complete priority. The N.H.L.
should be feeling the heat that is being thrown at ESPN. How can the
N.H.L. do this to its fans? How dare they. We are the ones that make the
damn league exist and they can't even televise complete playoff games for us to
watch! They more I write about this, the more pissed off I get. We must
let the N.H.L. know that we expect a little better than this. If anybody
out there knows how to go about doing this, let me and everybody else know.
Well I had to get that off my chest and while I'm at it....
Mario is the Michael Jordan of hockey. All that fucker has to do is fall
on the ice and the closet guy to him gets at least 2. Last night in the
3rd game between NJ and Pitt, he was being pushed while skating across the
front of the goal while trying to get a shot off. The guy on him was
doing a good job, so he got off a weak shot, but then he decided to fall
to the ice. Then the fucking ref(Van Helloamend?) called the guy for
holding. They replayed the play, and my roomate(who is clueless about
hockey) wanted to know what the NJ guy did to get a call, because it was so fucking obvious the NJ player
had both hands on his stick, and no, he did not trip him. It is simple,
Mario gets touched, he falls to the ice, automatic 2. But the thing that
really pissed me off is, Pitt scored the 3rd or 4th goal, I don't remember,
on the resulting PP and
eventually won 4-3. His diving/calls makes a HUGE difference in the
outcome of a game.
They gotta stop the damn holding and interference that is so fucking
obvious. That is not hockey. It allows inferior players to bring down the
level of the better players, and allows inferior teams to beat better ones.
This has pissed me off for many years now, and it has improved somewhat.
However, during the playoffs and 3rd periods, the damn refs must misplace
their balls, because they sure don't make any calls that show that they got
All agreeing or disagreeing replies are welcomed. | 16 |
73 |
No, which is why I want an investigation.
Who ever said he was? What is obvious is that he was defending himself, and his
followers, from the government. Whether you think he was right or wrong in
this is another question. If he was right, then he had the moral right to kill
those kgBATF agents.
--Ray Cote | 8 |
74 |
I have one of these monitors. It appears to function OK, but is unhookable
to anything standard (CGA,EGA,VGA) - it will plug in but gives fuzzy
diagonal noise.
I also have a graphics board that is apparently a 3270 graphic board
(double card with 2 8-bit bus connectors, and a 9-pin female connector
with a picture of monitor). I tried plugging these two into a standard AT
to no avail. How can one connect these to (the monitor seems to
be of relatively high quality, so I'm curious)? Any special drivers and/or
setup needed - I can't locate any jumpers on the card.
| 5 |
75 |
They changed the lights and slope of the hood, along with the new
grille. Otherwise, it is unchanged.
Interestingly, their lack of wood and lack of a grille was a BIG
design statement... they tried to defy conventional wisdom and carve
their own niche ... unfortunately, sales were only half those of the
LEXUS and hence, they now join the pack. I still wonder if much of
the problem wasn't the slow start from the initial AD campaign.
Personally, I like the Q without the Grille. | 4 |
76 |
True. Today's Boston Globe interviewed a former Unification Church
leader who is now a consultant on cults. He said the FBI's approach
was totally wrong. He said they should have tried to break down the
BD's loyalty to Koresh through psychological means. Koresh's whole
theology was based on an approaching confrontation with the forces
of evil in the world and a seige mentality based on this. The Feds
played into his hands **PERFECTLY**. By surrounding the compound
with tanks and playing loud rock music and glaring lights at them
they strongly reinforced Koresh's message that the outside world was
evil and threatening. He said instead they should have set up
a picnic atmosphere, and acted inviting and friendly. If they
broadcast anything over PA systems it should have been loving
relatives reflecting on pleasant events from the cult members'
childhoods. The idea is to make the outside world and surrender
seem like a pleasant, desirable alternative. Interesting comments.
| 13 |
77 | I am thinking of buying a used Audi 90 Auto.
These cars look good and Audi do have a good rep. for these cars in Europe
(where I'm from).
I was just wondering if there anything about these cars that I should know. | 4 |
78 |
...which would make the number 15%, right Clayton? | 13 |
79 | [...]
Tim Wallach can be explained with the rabbitball. Deion can be explained
as "learning how to play the game". I'm not betting that Deion will be able
to play as well as last year, but I think the odds of Deion playing as well
or better than he did last year are better than the odds of Otis Nixon
doing the same thing. When you factor in defense, Otis was more valuable last
year. But I'm not convinced he'll be more valuable this year, and especially
next year.
Dale J. Stephenson |*| ([email protected]) |*| Baseball fanatic | 11 |
80 | Howdy All!
I have recently converted to Microsoft Visual C++.
I no longer want my Borland C++ 3.1 w/Application Frameworks product.
This version is about 6 months old. I have all of the manuals, disks (5.25"),
etc. It is licensed to me but I will transfer the license to the purchaser
under the accepted terms of the Borland license agreement.
I also have a copy of the books:
"Developing Windows Applications with Borland C++ 3", James McCord, Sams (39.95)
"Using Borland C++ 3 2nd ed", Mark & Lee Atkinson", Que (29.95)
I'd like to do is sell it all to the highest bidder under the conditions listed
I'll ship C.O.D. to anywhere in the U.S. via the shipper of your choice
(provided they are local to me), and I will pay the COD charges (you just pay
for the shipping).
The list price for the product is about $750. I have seen it advertised for as
low as $500.
I will accept the best offer over $375 (plus shipping as described above) which
is 1/2 the list price, plus, I'm tossing in the 2 books listed above (which are
a $70 value).
I will hold the bidding open through the weekend and close it sometime in the
evening of 4/26/93.
Please reply via eMail. Only serious offers please apply. No, I will not
consider anything for trade, nor any offers less then $375 as I consider it a
fair price.
Steve. | 1 |
81 |
I have indeed heard of Pythagoras, but I don't know that he was ever
disparaged as a "bean eater". In the American Southwest and West
(e.g., Texas, California, Colorado), the term "bean eater" is
sometimes used as a slur against those of Hispanic heritage (generally
Mexicans, in those parts) -- much like how the Irish in the Northeast
are perceived (by some) as voracious beer guzzlers. | 13 |
82 | In September 1990, our medical reserve unit was sent to the KETZIOT
prison camp to take care of Arab prisoner who were housed in 5
sections of 1500 prisoners each, with each section subdivided in
5 units housing 300 prisoners. The prisoners would "communicate"
with other distant sections (sometimes 50-100 yards away) by
taking stones, tying written notes to the stones, and throwing
them with incredible precision to other sections. I should have
been a recruiter for the Red Sox :-) There were at least three
prisoners who could have been outstanding pitchers. | 2 |
83 |
Those chimes indicate a hardware failure of some type during System startup. | 10 |
84 | Hi,
I am looking for a very high speed
D/A converter (at least 8bits and 150MHz) for
a research application. A paper in the January
issue of IEEE Solid-State Circuits mentions a
GaAs, 1GHz, 8bit DAC - anyone know where I can find
such a thing? Even a somewhat slower Si DAC would
Needless to say, I have looked in all the
conventional places (Vitesse, Motorola, National,
etc. etc.). Any pointers would be appreciated. | 15 |
85 |
Whoa. What you are effectively doing is implying that if a player plays
really well, he 'stores up' mistakes that can be used at a later time. Ths
is not so. Roy is the 'villain', as you so succinctly put it, because he
allowed a very cheap goal. If you think Roy outplayed Hextall, perhaps you
should get a tape of the game and watch the first 7-8 minutes of the third
period. NHL goaltenders _make_ some great saves. If they did not, they
would not be in the NHL in the first place. I do not expect any particular
goalie to be able to make the great saves all of the time, even though they
are occasionally required. However, when it comes to a routine shot like
Sakic's, especially at such a crucial time in a game, I don't think there
are any legitimate excuses.
I am not arguing that Hextall was brilliant. I am arguing is that a
relatively weak wrist shot from the outside of the circle shold not result
in a goal.
In a one-goal game with less than a minute to go there is no such thing as
'just the 1 goal'. I have not defended Dionne for taking the penalty fact I think it was a boneheaded move. But it led to _one_ goal
only, and Montreal had a _two_ goal lead. My main concern is the second
What you say about the skaters is absolutely true. But realize that the
game was effectively *won*. You could watch any hockey game (in fact, you
could watch any sporting event period) and spend hours discussing the 'what
if's' w.r.t. missed opportunities. They are not important when the final
result is decided. If I get the time soon, I'll watch the game again and
email you a list of lucky Montreal bounces and a list of Quebec offensive
screwups. Montreal was _leading_ with a minute to go. The goalie
is the last line of defence, and I will grant that extra attention is
focussed on him, sometimes without justification. But Roy gave up a *lousy*
goal, and a team cannot afford such a goal.
WHO CARES? Of what value is it to justify one lousy play with a totally
unrelated lousy play? I could do a Hextall critique if you'd like. But if
you're going to assess his performance, keep in mind that he made the key
saves at the key times.
For the record, I did not say that Roy was not one of the top goaltenders in
the league. In fact, I agree that he is.
I assume you are referring to me. However, I have pointed out that I think
the loss can be blamed on Roy. I have not said he sucks, nor do I think I've
made any other 'derogatory comments'. If you regard objective
(and informed, FYI) observations as derogatory, I really can't help you.
| 16 |
86 |
You forgot the part about encasing it in a small shaped charge so that
if anyone tries to tamper with it, it explodes and kills you.
Oh, and the shaped charge can be set off by remote control...but only
if you get out of line. Properly patriotic citizens have nothing to fear. | 19 |
87 | 18 |
88 |
How DARE you make such an accusation! There are MANY sober, non-drinkers in
this state! If We wern't so busy unloading the beer truck for the week end,
I might just come up that and have a talk wit you! B->
----===== DoD #8177 = Technician(Dr. Speed) .NOT. Student =====---- | 0 |
89 | Hey All-
We have an old (1990) external HD attached to the Plus in our lab. It had
given us flawless service until last week. The problem: Someone in our lab
has an old 512 that was upgraded a couple years ago to a Plus with an
aftermarket SIMM/SCSI setup (Digigraphics "SIMMer"). the DB25 SCSI plug runs
through the back of the machine and attaches to the board with a 26-pin
rectangular connector. Well, this guy had removed the back from the machine,
to put more memory in, and had disconnected the the SCSI plug. Since the
26-pin connector is symmetrical (not keyed) he may have reinstalled it upside
down, essentially reversing the pins on the DB25. He came in and asked if he
could try out our HD on his SCSI port (it had never been used). Naive fools
that we are, we said o.k.. His computer failed to recognize the drive. Now,
none of the computers in our lab will recognize it. We tried Disk Doctor, and
it doesn't recognize anything on the SCSI chain. Could installing the SCSI
upside down have wrecked the HD's driver board? The drive seems to spin up
all right and unpark itself upon powerup. The events are too coincidental to
attribute the problem to stiction.
Any help greatly appreciated- | 10 |
90 | I'd like to thank everyone and anyone who sent me information
to help me with my project.
_______ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
--| |- | | | | / /\ \ | |\ \ | | \ \/ /
| | | -- | / -- \ | | \ \ | | \ /
| | | __ | / ----- \ | | \ \| | / /\ \
|_| |__| |__| /__/ \__\ |_| \____| /__/ \_\
I'll send my report to all who requested a copy!
| 12 |
91 | Yes, I could look it up but I prefer to post this question
to the net...
I read somewhere in a long forgotten article that the handsignals
used by major league umps were originally used to help a
deaf ball player by the name of "Dummy". Urban myth? True?
I gots ta know.
| 11 |
92 | : In article <[email protected]>, [email protected] (Jim De
: >
: > I have not made up my mind about Waco, but there sure seems to be a group of
: > devoted government following fanatics willing to believe whatever that
: > government wants to tell them, without any shred of doubt, nor thought of thier
: > own. They sure get shrill whenever their belief structure is being shaken.
: >
: > Kinda reminds you of the BDs, doesn't it?
: >
: > Jim
: Go to hell. I'm no "government [-] following fanatic." Your sweeping
: generalizations evince your own ignorance. What were they supposed to do?
: Just let him be?
Yes. Given the history of the BD's and the fact that they were just
peacefully minding their own business, I think this would have been
the correct course of action in the very beginning. Everything that
followed was a direct result of the major media fuck-up that the BATF
perpetrated just over 51 days ago.
:Fuck him. Fuck the ATF, too. They should've done it right
: the first time.
: [email protected]
Yep, no doubt about it. They should have just bombed those kooks
right from the git-go. Yeah, sure! So much for any resemblence
to an America that abides by the Constitution. So much for feeling
safe in your home. So much for any of the rights enumerated in the
Bill of Rights being upheld. Why bother? They just get in the way
of an effective government. That is, a government of the elite, by
the elite, for the elite.
Joe, attitudes like yours frighten me. You have very few facts about
what actually happened, and what information you do have came from a
single source, the FBI/BATF. Yet you are more than happy to pronounce
the BD's guilty-as-charged based on this one-sided testimony. Scary!
| 19 |
93 |
How about Acts 11: 15-18, 22-23
or, I John 4:1-8
which says to *try* the spirits to see if they be of God.
How do you know? When have you tried to learn anything about me?
| 18 |
94 |
Are you aware you can make a grenade with gunpower and metal water pipes?
Maybe we should outlaw hardware stores and ammo reloading.
Are you aware that you can make a firebomb with gasoline? etc.
| 19 |
95 |
Not by any standard of history I've seen. Care to back this up, sans the
lies apologists are so fond of?
Not really. Most of the prophesies aren't even prophesies. They're prayers
and comments taken from the Torah quite out of context. Seems Xians started
lying right from the beginning.
My we're an arrogant ass, aren't we?
You're wrong to think we haven't. The trust was in something that doesn't
I'm still willing to die for what I believe and don't believe. So were the
loonies in Waco. So what?
Besides, the point's not to die for what one believes in. The point's to
make that other sorry son-of-a-bitch to die for what *he* believes in! :)
Doesn't anyone else here get tired of these cretins' tirades?
Peter the Damed, and damned proud of it! | 14 |
96 |
At the time I didn't really want the Sox to sign either. I was more
than a little worried about Viola's elbow.
But you *surely* remember my shout of relief when, after a week of
rumors that Morris was coming to the Red Sox, they ended up with Viola
Now I'm even happier. Viola seems to have rebounded nicely.
How long did Viola sign for. Three years? I generally agree with
their policy of avoiding long-term contracts for pitchers. But I
think they enforce it rather too strictly. These days the premier
pitchers all sign three or four year deals. Which leaves the Jays
with Morris and Stewart. If the Jays want to compete for top free
agent pitchers, they will have to accept greater risks.
Any idea what the option year deal is for Morris? Are there any
automatic activation clauses? What is the buyout amount?f | 11 |
97 | I got a ET4000/W32 card which is made by Cardex yesterday
and ran a winmark test on it. The card is a VL-BUS card which
can display 16.7 million colours in 640x480 mode with 1MB DRAM.
It comes with ET4000/W32 window drivers and a normal Et4000 drivers.
The ET4000/W32 drivers handles, 640x480, 800x600, 1024x786 in 256 colours.
Also, in 640x480 and 800x600, it supports hicolor, 32K and 64K colours.
Here is my winmark result running on a 16MB 486DX33 EISA/VL-BUS system using
Hint chipsets.
Winmark 3.11 from ZD lab.
Using ET4000/W32 drivers
640x480 256 10.63 megapixel/sec.
32k 7.34
64k 7.30
800x600 256 10.07
32k 6.38
64k 6.35
1kx786 256 8.17
Using ET4000 drivers.
640x480 16M 1.78
800x600 16colours 4.01
1kx786 16 4.22
From the result, the ET4000/W32 drivers are specialized to use the
hardware feature of the Et4000/W32 chip whereas the ET4000 drivers are
just normal driver for ET4000 based graphics card.
The price of this graphics card that I got is $185 from a local dealer.
It may be less from mail order. It has OS/2 2.0 drivers comes with it
which supports 256 colors on all resolution.
From these results, it has double the performance of a Et4000AX based card
in 256 colours mode.
| 5 |
98 | I am servicing a machine (HP-286) and whenever the thing starts up I get
4 beeps on powerup. Does anyone know what error message that signifies? I
don't seem to have any problem with the machine but the lady who is using it
is "very concerned" about it.
Don't you just love HP computers???
Preferr responses by E-mail but I read the net so you can post it here.
| 5 |
99 | [email protected]
Unites States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510
The House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515
The White House
Washington, D.C. 20500
[unlike cats] dogs NEVER scratch you when you wash them. They just
become very sad and try to figure out what they did wrong. -Dave Barry | 19 |
Subsets and Splits