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Intent Script
"Connect to the database skypeDB and execute the command ""SELECT displayname, skypename, city, country,phone_mobile, birthday FROM Contacts;""" "def printContacts(skypeDB): \n conn = sqlite3.connect(skypeDB) \n c = conn.cursor() \n c.execute(""SELECT displayname, skypename, city, country,phone_mobile, birthday FROM Contacts;"" \n
"Connect to the database skypeDB and execute the command ""SELECT datetime(begin_timestamp,'unixepoch'), identity FROM calls, conversations WHERE calls.conv_dbid =;""" "def printCallLog(skypeDB): \n conn = sqlite3.connect(skypeDB) \n c = conn.cursor() \n c.execute(""SELECT datetime(begin_timestamp,'unixepoch'), identity FROM calls, conversations WHERE calls.conv_dbid =;"" \n
Given an pcap get in tcp data '!lazor' in lower case on source or destination port 6667 "def findHivemind(pcap): \n for (ts, buf) in pcap: \n try: \n eth = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(buf) \n ip = \n src = socket.inet_ntoa(ip.src) \n dst = socket.inet_ntoa(ip.dst) \n tcp = \n dport = tcp.dport \n sport = \n if dport == 6667: \n if '!lazor' in \n pass \n if sport == 6667: \n if '!lazor' in \n pass \n except: \n pass \n
Given a pkt, get all dnsRecords correlated "def handlePkt(pkt): \n if pkt.haslayer(DNSRR): \n rrname = pkt.getlayer(DNSRR).rrname \n rdata = pkt.getlayer(DNSRR).rdata \n if dnsRecords.has_key(rrname): \n if rdata not in dnsRecords[rrname]: \n dnsRecords[rrname].append(rdata) \n else: \n dnsRecords[rrname] = [] \n dnsRecords[rrname].append(rdata) \n
Get city, region, country, longitude and latitude given an IP "def printRecord(tgt): \n rec = gi.record_by_name(tgt) \n city = rec['city'] \n region = rec['region_name'] \n country = rec['country_name'] \n long = rec['longitude'] \n lat = rec['latitude'] \n
Create the file page, add the substring .tmp in write mode, then write the redirects in f "def injectPage(ftp, page, redirect): \n f = open(page + '.tmp', 'w') \n ftp.retrlines('RETR ' + page, f.write) \n \n f.write(redirect) \n f.close() \n \n ftp.storlines('STOR ' + page, open(page + '.tmp')) \n
Calculate the correct TCP sequence number def calTSN(tgt): \n seqNum = 0 \n preNum = 0 \n diffSeq = 0 \n \n for x in range(1, 5): \n if preNum != 0: \n preNum = seqNum \n pkt = IP(dst=tgt) / TCP() \n ans = sr1(pkt, verbose=0) \n seqNum = ans.getlayer(TCP).seq \n diffSeq = seqNum - preNum \n return seqNum + diffSeq \n