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Tables of Lexicon-Grammar version 3.4 - 2011/10/05 License: LGPL-LR Tables of the French Lexicon-Grammar constitute a large lexical, syntactic and semantic database for verbs (Gross, 1975; Borillo, 1971; Boons et al., 1976a, 1976b; Leclère, 1990; Guillet et Leclère, 1992), nouns playing the predicative role ("verbal nouns") (Labelle, 1974; Giry-Schneider, 1978; de Négroni-Peyre, 1978; Meunier, 1981; Vivès, 1983; Giry-Schneider, 1987; Gross, 1989; Giry-Schneider & Balibar-Mrabti, 1993; Giry-Schneider, 2005), frozen expressions (Danlos, 1980; Gross, 1982, 1988, 1996) and adverbs (Gross, 1986; Molinier & Levrier, 2000). For more details about the modifications of tables, see (Tolone, 2011, 2009, 2010; Tolone et al. 2010). Contents: - the number of entries and the reference of each table - one directory per category, containing tables of this category - one directory per category, containing the table of classes of this category, and moreover for verbs: - an index of all entries with their class identifier and several examples - documentation of features - defining formulas of each table - classification tree and its reading conventions You can contribute to the Lexicon-Grammar (new classes, new lexical items, new features, etc.) and send the data you have built to Takuya Nakamura (LIGM) : [email protected] ____________ File format: The tables are in the CSV format (see This format enable to represent tables independently of the software used (Microsoft Excel, LibreOffice Calc, Calc, Gnumeric, etc.). However, the software must handle Unicode, otherwise bad caracteres we will appear. Files are in UTF-8. Each line is a row of the table, and cells of a same row are separated by semicolons. Text fields of cells are delimited by double quote characters. Inside of a text field, double quote characters are escaped by being doubled. When opening tables in the CSV format in a spreadsheet software, the parameters are: - The separator is ; (Semicolon) - The text separator is " (Double quote) For a better readability of the tables: - To select the first line click on the 1 of the left column: Format > Cells > Degrees : 90 > OK - To select all the cells click on the top left corner (Ctrl+A): Column > Optimal width > Add : 0,2cm > OK If the file is open with a plain text editor, separator consistency must be respected. Tables in the CSV format are generated from working files in XLS format with the program xls2csv, provided in the software suite catdoc, with the following bash command: for i in *.xls;do xls2csv -c ";" "$i" > "${i%%.xls}".csv;done ____________ File coding: A table is a matrix: - rows represent lexical entries of the corresponding class - columns represent syntactico-semantic features, which may not obligatorily be respected by all elements of the class - cells contain codes to represent whether the lexical entry of the row accepts the feature described by the column: + = acceptance - = refusal ~ ou ? = not yet encoded A table of classes is a matrix: - rows represent the set of all syntactico-semantic features of the category - columns represent the set of classes defined for the category - cells contain codes to represent whether all elements of the class accept the corresponding feature: ++ = acceptance (base construction or structure) + = acceptance ?+ = acceptance (not sure) - ou / = refusal ?- = refusal (not sure) o = encoded in the corresponding table O = not yet encoded (in the corresponding table) ? = not yet encoded (in the table of classes) - the first column of the table of classes, entitled "LGLex", indicates whether the feature is integrated in the LGLex lexicon (x or ? indicate it is not) ____________ References: - verbs: Classes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,18: Gross, Maurice (1975). Méthodes en syntaxe. <>. Paris: Hermann. Class 36S: Borillo, Andrée (1971). Remarques sur les verbes symétriques français. <>. Langue Française 11, pp. 17-31, Paris: Larousse. Classes 32A,32C,32CL,32CV,32H,32NM,32PL,32R1,32R2,32R3,32RA,36R,38PL,38R,39: Boons, Jean-Paul; Guillet, Alain & Leclère, Christian (1976a). La structure des phrases simples en français: constructions intransitives. <>/. Genève: Droz, 378 p. Classes 31H,31R,33,34L0,35L,35S,35ST,35R: Boons, Jean-Paul; Guillet, Alain & Leclère, Christian (1976b). La structure des phrases simples en français: classes de constructions transitives. Rapport de Recherches du LADL 6, Paris: Université Paris 7. Classes 35RR,36S,38RR: Leclere, Christian (1990). Organisation du Lexique-Grammaire des verbes français. Langue française 87(1), pp. 112--122. Classes 36DT,36SL,37E,37M1,37M2,37M3,37M4,37M5,37M6,38L,38L0,38L1,38LD,38LH,38LR,38LS: Guillet, Alain & Leclère, Christian (1992). La structure des phrases simples en français : Les constructions transitives locatives. <>/. Genève, Droz, 446 p. - nouns playing the predicative role: Classes ana,anm,anml,anmr,anp,anpr,ans,ansu: Labelle, Jacques (1974). Etude de constructions avec opérateur avoir (nominalisations et extensions). Thèse de troisième cycle, Laboratoire d'Automatique Documentaire et Linguistique, Paris: Université Paris 7. Classes f1a,f1b,f1c,f1d,f1r,f21,f2a,f2b,f2c,f2r,f3,f4,f41,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9,f91: Giry-Schneider, Jacqueline (1978). Les nominalisations en français. L'opérateur faire dans le lexique. <>/. Genève: Droz. Classes an01,an02,an03,an04,an05,an06,ansy: Meunier, Annie (1981). Nominalisations d'adjectifs par verbes supports. Thèse de troisième cycle, LADL, Université Paris 7. Classes ape1,ape11,ape2,ape21,ape22,ape3,app1,app2,app3: Vivès, Robert (1983). Avoir, prendre, perdre: constructions à verbe support et extensions aspectuelles. Thèse de troisième cycle, LADL, Université Paris 7. Classes fn,fna,fnan,fnana,fnann,fndn,fnn,fnpn,fnpna,fnpnn: Giry-Schneider, Jacqueline (1987). Les prédicats nominaux en français. Les phrases simples à verbe support. <>/. Genève: Droz. Classes aa,ad,dr1,dr2,dr3,drc,es,fr1,fr2,fr3,fs1,fs2,fs3,is1,is2: Gross, Gaston (1989). Les constructions converses du français. <>. Droz: Genève. Classes an07,an08,an09,an10: Giry-Schneider, Jacqueline & Balibar-Mrati, Antoinette (1993). Classes de noms construits avec avoir, Rapport technique 42, LADL, Université Paris 7. Classes andn,ansn: Giry-Schneider, Jacqueline (2005). Les noms épistémiques et leurs verbes supports. Lingvisticae Investigationes 27 (2). pp. 219--238. Classes psy,sym: de Negroni-Peyre, Dominique (1978). Nominalisations par être en et réflexivation (admiration, opposition, révolte et rage). Lingvisticae Investigationes 2(1), pp. 127--164. Classes fd1,fd2,fd3a,fd3b,fd4: Pivaut, Laurent (1989). Verbes supports et vocabulaire technique : sport, musique et activités intelectuelles. Thèse de doctorat, LADL, Université Paris 7. - verbal and adjectival frozen expressions: Classe 31I: Boons, Jean-Paul; Guillet, Alain & Leclère, Christian (1976b). La structure des phrases simples en français: classes de constructions transitives. Rapport de Recherches du LADL 6, Paris: Université Paris 7. Classes z1,z5d,z5p,zp,zs: Danlos, Laurence (1980). Représentation d'informations linguistiques : les constructions N être Prép X. Thèse de troisième cycle, Paris: Université Paris 7. Classes a1,a12,a1p2,a1pn,anp2,c0,c0e,c0q,c1d,c1dpn,c1g,c1gpn,c1i,c1ipn,c1p2, c1r,c1rpn,c5,c5c1,c6,c7,c8,cadv,can,cdn,cff,cnp2,cp1,cpn,cpp,cppn,cppq,cpq, cv,e01,e0p1,ec0,ya: Gross, Maurice (1982). Une classification des phrases «figées» du français. Revue Québécoise de Linguistique 11.2, pp. 151-185, Montréal: UQAM. Classes eapc,epa,enpc: Gross, Maurice (1988). Adjectifs composés. <>. In Grammaire et histoire de la grammaire. Hommage à la mémoire de J. Stéfanini, pp. 211-233, Aix-en-Provence: Publications de l'Université de Provence. Classes epac,epc,epca,epcdc,epcdn,epcpc,epcpn,epcpq,epdetc: Gross, Maurice (1996). Les formes être Prép X du français. <>. Lingvisticae Investigationes XX:2, pp. 217-270, Amsterdam-Philadelphie, John Benjamins. - adverbs: Classes advmf,advmp,advmqc,advmqe,advmqi,advms,advmtd,advmf,advmtq,advmv, advpae,advpah,advpam,advpas,advpc,advps: Gross, Maurice (1986). Grammaire transformationelle du français. Vol. 3, Syntaxe de l'adverbe. Paris: CERIL, Université Paris 7. Classes pac,padv,pc,pca,pcdc,pcdn,pconj,pcpc,pcpn,pdetc,peco,pf,pjc,ppco,pv,pvco: Molinier, Christian & Levrier, Françoise (2000). Grammaire des adverbes : description des formes en -ment. Droz, Genève, Suisse. - recent modifications: New entries (adverbs): Tolone, Elsa & Voyatzi, Stavroula (2011). Extending the adverbial coverage of a NLP oriented resource for French. Proceedings of the 5th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing. 9 pp. Chiang Mai, Thaïlande. Classes fd1,fd2,fd3a,fd3b,fd4 (nouns playing the predicative role): Tolone, Elsa (2011). Conversión de las tablas del Léxico-Gramática del francés en el léxico LGLex. 2nd Argentinian Workshop on Natural Language Processing, 10 pp. Córdoba, Argentine. New classes 2T,32D,35LD,35LR,35LS,38LHD,38LHR,38LHS (verbs): Tolone, Elsa (2011). Analyse syntaxique à l'aide des tables du Lexique-Grammaire du français. Thèse de doctorat, LIGM, Université Paris-Est. 340 pp. Tolone, Elsa (2009). Les tables du Lexique-Grammaire au format TAL. Actes de la conférence MajecSTIC 2009, 8 pp. Avignon, France. Tolone, Elsa (2010). Constructions définitoires des tables du Lexique-Grammaire : Le cas des complétives et des infinitives. Actes de la session poster de MajecSTIC 2010, 4 pp. Bordeaux, France. Tolone, Elsa; Voyatzi, Stavroula & Leclère, Christian (2010). Constructions définitoires des tables du Lexique-Grammaire. Actes du 29ème Colloque international sur le Lexique et la Grammaire, pp. 321-331, Belgrade, Serbie. |