ENVI description = {Ground truth of Hyperspec-VNIR-C Chikusei data. Pixel values (1-19) are corresponding to the following classes: 1) water; 2) bare soil (school); 3) bare soil (park); 4) bare soil (farmland); 5) natural plants; 6) weeds in farmland; 7) forest; 8) grass; 9) rice field (grown); 10) rice field (first stage); 11) row crops; 12) plastic house; 13) manmade (non-dark); 14) manmade (dark); 15) manmade (blue); 16) manmade (red); 17) manmade grass; 18) asphalt; 19) paved ground.} samples = 2335 lines = 2517 bands = 1 header offset = 0 file type = Other data type = 1 interleave = BSQ sensor type = byte order = 0 x start = 1 y start = 1 map info = {UTM, 1, 1, 408041.50, 4020265.5, 2.5, 2.5, 54, North, WGS84, units=Meters}