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1 | Shoot that nigga an his shorty bitch . | HATEFUL |
0 | @greekkid31 @TaraSetmayer @TheWillDunne yes true reagan was the first..ike wouldnt. While president and he was supreme allied commander. | NOT |
0 | Redpilled at 14 holy fuck you lucky bastard. As your body goes through more and more changes, it will be more and more difficult to withstand the pressure of the golden vagina but just keep a rational head at all times and you'll be fine. Never underestimate the power of boners. The blood goes straight from the head to the dick and guys can no longer think straight. Only if they are bluepilled - | NOT |
1 | Doug, you're a stupid faggot | HATEFUL |
0 | @KingCuh @TEE_JONEZ io.. lol osi tangi! Haha a tuku ho tangible Terryn! Atunga ho fie lea lahi mai! | NOT |
1 | There is a band wagon and a faggot wagon. | HATEFUL |
0 | "Don't @me actually just means "I'm totally unwilling to see things from anybody else's point of view, and I have no sound arguments to back up my ridiculous statement *your *yore *yuor *you'r *y'arr youn't | NOT |
1 | Give a nigger a fish and he'll eat for a day. Give a nigger a fishing rod and he'll be down to the nearest cash generator to sell it for some heroin. | HATEFUL |
0 | REAL Pocahontas decedent demands apology from Elizabeth Warren...WEW LADS | NOT |
1 | A inten o deles n o enganar o povo,mas sim armar uma situa o na qual os institutos d pesquisas possam dizer q "o Retard est crescendo com esta t tica",p assim,poder "ganhar" nas urnas d forma n o ficar t o descarado a fraude... | HATEFUL |
1 | Jai may make an appearance at the party... love that fag | HATEFUL |
0 | Earlier this week, Eric Reid wore a #imwithkap shirt and said: "We're going to continue to hold America accountable to the standard it says on paper, that we're all created equal, because it's not that way." | NOT |
0 | RT @grind2times: I don't think I even been in a real relationship...i thought they was real but they were just trash | NOT |
0 | Didn't you know you aren't allowed to have hobbies. There will be no fun here goddamnit! | NOT |
1 | No. You're just a dumb fuck who looks at totalitarians who all engage in the same behavior and give them different labels. This semantics-based bullshit "political spectrum" is nothing but liberal propaganda. Communists, socialists, monarchs, oligarchs, theocrats... It doesn't matter WHAT you call totalitarian dictators. They ALL follow the same policies and tactics. They ALL think you are too stupid to run your own life so they must do it for you. The fact you think there is a difference between totalitarians just shows how fucking retarded you are. You have the critical thinking skills of an eggplant. | HATEFUL |
0 | Less than twenty years ago, if you asked most people what sort of women had all of those characteristics you mentioned and the chances are, they might have answered "Trailer Trash" or "Biker Moll", nowadays it's almost the new norm. | NOT |
0 | RT @jenebooks: I feel a lot of ppl trash talking indie for all sounding the same but i think any genre you're not v into tends to sound th | NOT |
1 | nigger shut up | HATEFUL |
1 | Why property values would go down -- he is a nigger like every other nigger. | HATEFUL |
1 | He's a retard, leave him be. | HATEFUL |
1 | He had to dumb it down because you said something retarded. You know the word 'ratarded' is ableist and offensive right? | HATEFUL |
1 | Very close. The offending nigger shot the poor White girl till she was dead and then went to a church and shot himself. It's just a damn shame the worthless buck didn't do something good before his death and go set fire to the black dorms while chaining the doors shut. That would've been a hero move, but no, he just killed a White girl, that's all. | HATEFUL |
1 | Muslims like you deserve to d i e. | HATEFUL |
1 | your altruism is making you retarded. So go and help then with your own fucking resources then- you virtue signalling cunt. | HATEFUL |
0 | Did anyone see this total BS | NOT |
1 | Who gives a shit what that faggot says? Glad his security clearance was revoked. Eat Dirt Brennan. | HATEFUL |
0 | Post-Christian Huwhyte people architecture. Jewish architecture. | NOT |
1 | I have gay family and gay friends, and this person is a fucking faggot. | HATEFUL |
0 | who is Marie? | NOT |
1 | I'm still not sure whether her healing lodge is better or worse than Club Fed? Men's prison, and only men's prison is bad in this country. Women's prison? Fuck, it's better than how I live right now apart from the booze. Here's where she was being held before. It was a complex that houses a hundred-ish women. They live in cottages surrounded a chain link fence (it used to be a white picket fence, but residents complained.) There are picnic tables, athletic facilities and all kinds of perks. In other words, it's fucking sweet. If I was a homeless women I'd commit a murder just to go there. Did you even see how Karla Homolka spent her time? It was like they sent her to summer camp for 10 years! Meanwhile, that healing lodge is in the middle of nowhere and she'll be the only non-native inmate which won't work out well for her. I hate to argue this, but she might actually be worse off in the healing lodge and there's a much higher chance that she'll get fucked up by her fellow inmates. Women's prison in Canada is a joke. There's a very good chance most of the women in that healing lodge have kids and when they find out what this cunt did to a child, she will probably pay dearly, especially a non-native. It was done to a white kid. Trust me, they won't fucking care. | HATEFUL |
1 | >Muslims terrorists, grunt, protestors commies, fart, USA! USA! USA!" This happened in Finland, not sure why you think I'm bringing the USA into it.. >Oh, sweetie, you're having one of your cute little hissy fits! Okay, I'm going to explain this to you in grownup language. This condescending tone might work with your niece (I'm sure you don't have kids), but its just embarrassing to try that with adults during a debate. >A couple of months ago the government began mass deportations without finding out which deportees are criminals and which are not. They are all criminals, they are in the country illegally. The guy being deported was an Afghan citizen. >It's the whole point to months of protests by **hundreds of people.** Hundreds of protesters out of *hundreds of thousands of citizens*? Maybe they're the extremists.. >Now, put on some Pull-Ups and go to bed, you infantile little retard. Not sure why you have to compare me to mentally challenged people..sheesh, when you guys get threatened you are very quick to devolve to base, cruel or racist comments.. | HATEFUL |
1 | Black people like you are absolute filth. | HATEFUL |
0 | Americans. Not Black Americans. Not African Americans. Americans. AMERICANS. | NOT |
1 | @Hunglikerobby_ that was so gay. And I was tanning bitch. Juvie made me white | HATEFUL |
0 | Choose education, personal responsibility, or birth control NOT murder! All hail potato queen ,Margret Sanger! | NOT |
0 | RT @BaseballFact: At George Steinbrenner's first Yankees news conference, he said he wouldn't interfere in baseball decisions, promising ... | NOT |
0 | Quite a few trans people live around there | NOT |
0 | The Muslim who murdered the Scottish kid, Kriss Donald, has been given a poetry award while in prison. He gouged out Kriss Donald's eyes and set him on fire. RIP Kriss. I'll never forget what they did to you and how our establishment and media hushed it up. I will never forget what they did to this poor boy. The whole world knows about the black man murdered by white men in the UK. Wee white boy, tortured for hours and set on fire while he was still alive by Pakistanis and hush it up because community cohesions BS. I know what he should be given while in prison and it most certainly is not an award of any type! I was working in a house in the same street that day (decorating) and despite going outside into the street for lots of cigarette breaks I never noticed anything odd and I only found out about it when I went past the bowling club a few days later and saw lots of football scarves tied to the railings. Seems like years ago now. | NOT |
1 | TL;DR - Wetback driving pisses porchmonkeys off, dindu caps el neeenyo. Thankfully nobody es muerte. | HATEFUL |
1 | You are nothing but common trans trahs. | HATEFUL |
1 | @SweetKixx u see a lame in that pic ofmine due to your infatuation with niggers. Im Hebrew i fite the children of satan in the streets | HATEFUL |
1 | tell this no talent cunt whore shut the fuck up | HATEFUL |
1 | Because Kanye is a free man and you are a CIA faggot slave looking to have his ass kicked. Glow-in-the-dark CIA niggers Prostitute. May God cast you into Hell. | HATEFUL |
1 | See DONmaggot here keeps thinking that he's defending muh America from the Nahtzees. Meanwhile his retarded kids are fucking niggers, making mulattos while he collects a .gov check because he's fucking useless to society. That's how he "Makes America Great Again." Sad. | HATEFUL |
0 | Girls just wanna have fun! [2 girls v 3 Gay dudes ]( Edit: did not want to thread jack just thought it was relevant! The gay dudes will have no problem shooting the white knight in the face ( ) From what I could see, it seemed like he was mostly just trying to break it up. I didn't see him throw any significant punches and he walked away before the action ended. | NOT |
0 | Look! Wild? Seems about as domesticated as you can get tbh. | NOT |
0 | "Muh police".......... | NOT |
0 | Grammy-Winner Monica: Kanye West Needs to Demolish His Relationship with President Trump | NOT |
0 | The Roman #CatholicChurch founded America per scripture/lprophecy 2B the 2ND Beast of Revelation that forces all nation's to take on the mark of the 1st Beast (Rome)! Race has nothing 2do with it and no such thing as race either. Morals and Character are the only thing that matters! .This asshole >@Escoffier<--- is a #CoinTelPro POS who posts stupid irrelevant left/right political bullshit 24x7 along with "white is right" satanic chatter. He is a crackling thorn under a caldron burning in the fire. Anyone who thinks they're "cool" and they enjoy his inane rhetoric, you're one sorry excuse for a human being. HAHAHA!!! You dumbass hebe! HAHAHA!!! You are just ridiculous! Lame hymie! | NOT |
0 | [Here you go]( | NOT |
1 | That black person will die a horrible death at my hands. | HATEFUL |
1 | #AZmonsoon lot of rain, too bad it wasn't enough to wash away the teabagger racist white trash in the state. #Tcot #teaparty #azflooding | HATEFUL |
0 | Feminists say that "toxic masculinity is whenever a man is unwilling to show emotion. But whenever a man does show emotion, he's accused of weaponizing his tears, he's labeled a little boy, and he's compared to men who beat their wives. I wonder why men don't like to cry in public? | NOT |
0 | Trump responds to fake Indian lady | NOT |
0 | White Northerners Are Adopting The Confederate Battle Flag where's the haha button on GAB??? Tell him how you REALLY feel, Chris... Chris mad! Chris smash! Rob mad! Rob queef! | NOT |
1 | Typical of a gay person to be that stupid. | HATEFUL |
0 | Every single time, without fail. | NOT |
1 | Hey @REALEMILYYOUCIS is this "meme" of the American Psycho for real? Shit man I could fart a better meme after blowing a bucket load of diarrhea at your face. Jesus Christ woman, I trusted you. Now you f'n talk what the fuck is his name? Patrick Bateman? Shit, the f'n guy was actually a jew 'n you go with his jew defined gentile meme? No explanation? Rethink it cunt | HATEFUL |
1 | No disabled person can ever be a valuable member of society. | HATEFUL |
0 | Kirsten is signaling. She wants more air time. Kristen Powers used to fuck Anthony Weiner. | NOT |
1 | wonder how many centuries this negro would get if this weren't on tape How is that victim status that's literally what happened. Retard in chief helped a rapist and murderer stay out of jail by pressuring the cops to kill teenagers on 0 fucking evidence. While the other guy was bashing women's brains out and raping them on sidewalks. Guess what? Only his DNA matched. Has nothing to do with wanting to be a victim. Just pointing out the retarded behavior of Americans. | HATEFUL |
0 | Miss Piggy and Basic Thot 247819 were arrested while protesting the fact that the very FBI report they were calling for didn't deliver the results they wanted. #CelebrityLivesDontMatter | NOT |
0 | President Trump's Texas Rally Reportedly Had Around Eight Times As Many People As Obama's Rally On The Same Day | NOT |
0 | Libs trash Saira Blair, an 18-year-old Republican who won a seat in the West Virginia legislature | NOT |
0 | AI systems with any power are a threat to civilisation. | NOT |
1 | stupid loose pussyed bitch | HATEFUL |
1 | I can't think of a single Nigger that deserves to live in America | HATEFUL |
1 | I feel bad for this nigger | HATEFUL |
1 | I'd heard Dobbs used to be with CNN But never knew why the switch THANKS Wait Michelle Maulkin was a Kenyan Faggot Fan?? | HATEFUL |
1 | Like a typical "casting couch" Hollywood whore,all that's on her mind is dick. Crock of shit actress hawking for reviews. That's all this is about. Note: The Communist's default is always - VIOLENCE. She wanted to VIOLENTLY hurt someone carrying a placard. The communist way - shut down free speech by any means necessary - is because they're a bunch of PUSSIES and soyboys without 'nads; losers who need safe spaces because words hurt, who default to violence when others have an opinion with which they disagree. Low-life commie losers keep on losing because that's what losers do! Still not going to watch their train-wreck of a movie. Next they'll be showing the freaking movie in public schools as "history." | HATEFUL |
1 | Pro: large white family Con: all retarded | HATEFUL |
1 | My wife is Facebook friends with some left wing woman she grew up with She's gone full pussyhat, ranting about Trump, Kavanaugh and whatever else CNN farts out every day. She was recently diagnosed with cancer. She's going to die and leave two kids and a husband behind. Recently she posted that she just finished marching in some left wing protest before checking in for chemo. Imagine this. You've only got a few months, maybe a year or two to live. And this is how you spend your time. What a Godless and wretched soul. She's smart, too. Very high IQ. But smart people can be every bit the fool as stupid ones. Anyway, I don't give a shit about her cancer. Good riddance. I didn't know cancer could get cancer. It's like the ten nigger rule where the blacks are worse for them than anybody else. That bitch must have Ten Nigger Cancer. Unrelated, how much you wanna bet she burned the coal? | HATEFUL |
1 | @Titanic_Britain_Author Why as you still peddling your bullshit and deceiving people? Whats fucking going wrong in that head of yours? Ive explained National Socialism to you a dozen times, my words are confirmed by Hitler, He and Sclachter! But you persist in spreading your fucking idiotic fantasy, stop being a silly cunt will ya! | HATEFUL |
0 | @HobsonDarlene #BlessJesus Amos 3:3 Can two walk together, unless they are agreed? #DifferentLevels | NOT |
0 | Trump Should Cut $315M US Aid To South Africa Over White Genocide | NOT |
1 | @mayispeakfreely I seriously think you may be TOO DUMB to stay. Or.. you can actually READ THE POST INSTEAD OF FOLLOWING YOUR RETARDED FRIENDS! | HATEFUL |
1 | CNN JEWS HAVE A WELL TRAINED NIGGER HERE He was born a double loser....a cocksucker and a nigger....When it comes to hosting he's a lemon | HATEFUL |
0 | ICYMI: via @theblaze | NOT |
1 | Too many f4gs in this country. | HATEFUL |
0 | Stephan A Smith saying Jay Cutlers shouldn't be a MVP candidate is just straight up retarded | NOT |
1 | @Titanic_Britain_Author Islam isn't the enemy, Shlomo. Muslims don't own Facebook. So Muslims are not pushing the homosexual agenda. Muslims don't own Youtube. So it is not the muslims pushing abortion. Muslims don't own Apple. So it is not them pushing spying on everything. You won't fix anything by chasing Muslims. Jews are the enemy. Told you guys. The Jew haters love Islam. Just like the other socialists on Twitter. It isn't Jews raping their way across Europe is it. It isn't Jews bombing, shooting, knifing and lorrying people across Europe. It isn't Jews beheading people in the Middle East. Jews get on fine with everyone. Islam gets on with no-one. Even itself. Wouldn't be surprised if some of these NatSoc accounts are Muhammadans mate. Get them on Twitter too, pushing their Islamo-Marxism. Halal-Kitty is a Muhammadan called Niliyyah Rashhid. Joker is Sameed Dahmi. TellMamaUK is run by an Islamic. | HATEFUL |
1 | Soooo when w oman has sex with an under age child the news writed her as "having sex" but when a man her age has sex with child of same age hes "raping" and "molesting". Cunts deserve the same wording. | HATEFUL |
1 | Typical f a g g o t behaviour. | HATEFUL |
0 | Someone come get their drunk aunt. Look at this old bitch lmao I love big titties, just not old saggy ones attached to a drunk. Men generally like young women with some eggs still in the basket. Which explains the anime of flat-chested school girls. Total pedo. #busted So if it only includes the shoulder up, assume it's loli porn without evidence and accuse. I get it, now. | NOT |
1 | Basically the Windows 10 patch completely deleted all files in the my documents and my pictures folders for various users. Not a small issue! The worst thing was that people even reported this Windows 10 file deletion bug during the beta for the patch, QA ignored it and still pushed it through to the live version. This sheer level of incompetence can only be achieved by the dumbest diversity hires. No one halfway decently qualified to work in tech would let such a major bug affect an OS. This is what happens when your company goes full retard and overloads itself with diversity sjw and feminist hires. I have had the displeasure of interacting with too many Microsoft employees at conferences. Literally all the Microsoft men tend to be soyboy cucks and the women were all the most radical feminazis. It is a trash company. | HATEFUL |
1 | Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man @Hoarderoftaste Wow, you sound like a faggot completely obsessed with nigger cock. | HATEFUL |
1 | Netflix `is really nigger faggot flix..they want to shove nigger, fag shit down America's throat! | HATEFUL |
0 | "@g0rillaz0e: Sitting on my window sill, window open, bird tries to fly in. Smacked it. #ProtectTheAnimals" @peta | NOT |
1 | Becoming the head faggot means you get extra jizz on your Debbie Cake. | HATEFUL |
1 | I'm more native American than this cunt and all my descendants are from Europa. | HATEFUL |
1 | Black people being in charge is a danger to our country. | HATEFUL |
1 | Cunt alert.... | HATEFUL |
1 | Critical thought. Critical thought is not an attack. By all means go claim injury. Claim injury for your god for all it does you or anyone such great things doesn't it. Such clumsily veiled "prior attacks levied" threats. Just don't be a retard and come up with these new-world xtian boogey men. My image? Go fuck yourself, ya optics cucked faggot. I don't need to qualify myself to you, or give a fuck when we get around to throwing fags like you off a fuckin' roof. Oh, the no true Scotsman, bullshit. "No real Christian would curse at strangers on Gab. Meek, meek, turn the other cheek, bullshit." Then, suggest that because I fail your no true scotsman fallacy, I must be a Muzzie or Jew? Are you actually that fucking dumb?. Aztecphobia? Because I pointed at Aztec cannibalism and suggested it was wrong? You're an utter retarded faggot. | HATEFUL |
1 | We are going to put an end to all Muslims. | HATEFUL |
1 | Another reason why the Soyboy Switch meme is retarded - the PlayStation consoles are easily the most pozzed ones right now. | HATEFUL |
1 | Funny how a Jug eared Twat like Lineker can call out #TommyRobinson for exposing the mass rape of young white girls when he continues to work for the BBC, one of the world's most prolific paedophile rings, when has he ever spoken up for these girls or condemned their Muslim attackers? | HATEFUL |
1 | I'll snap that disabled neck of yours. | HATEFUL |
1 | ok does sand nigger make you feel better | HATEFUL |
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