diff --git "a/val.json" "b/val.json" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/val.json" @@ -0,0 +1,4017 @@ +{"text":"@USER He ruined the brand for what? Kaepernick?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER - you are better than this. You should rethink your decision to be part of it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"White roastie still didn't get the memo that her vagina privilege does not trump the nigger privilege. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6276699\/Woman-stopped-black-man-entering-apartment-building-St-Louis-fired.html","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I cannot believe thiscripple. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER you are awesome! Thank you. You give humanity hope!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"trump has failed since he took office. he has been weak and pathetic. and to prove it, his wife sums it up, when she go's to africa and literally virtue signals regarding a little negro child. And Trump does the same pathetic, bastardized shit , as well. He makes sure to find as many negros and beaners to pose in pictures with him. He's a textbook cuckold boomer. He's pathetic as possible. He ignores his White voter base, which is the only thing that matters. He shits on them and demoralizes them, while making sure to spend most of his time doing the bidding of jews and obsessing over : 'lowest african american and hispanic american unemployment in decades'. He's completely fucking useless. I don't even believe he's trying. He doesn't give a shit about reducing legal immigration. And he's consistently softend his tone on the illegal beaner invasion. He hasn't accomplished much on legal or illegal immigration. And you can see this, considering there isn't even a wall. He could have put up a double fence, like in Hungary. And it would stop 99% of the non white and primarily beaner invasion, just like how effective it works in hungary. But he didn't even put up a single fence, spanning the border. Trumps only purpose is that he's there instead of the 200% cucked republican traitors, or the 300% cucked democrat traitors. His purpose is just as pathetic as possible. Nice argument, retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"HMMM... Didn't See This On The News His son needs a haircut (at the very least)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"THE ORIGIN OF THE WORD NIGGER DERIVES from the word niggardly, old english, look up it's meaning","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"A Limey Paki","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"HEY MUZZIE LET ME SHAKE YOUR HAND not your left one though.... you havent learned how to use toilet paper yet...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You should know who you're sucking up to before you do. Faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"THIS PRESIDENT STATES $500 BILLION 400,000+ USA JOBS AT STAKE REGARDING SALE OF USA ARMAMENTS ETC TO KING SHEEK SALOMI AND HIS BOLOGNA BLOW THEE 2000 RETARDED MURDEROUS INBRED CLAN WHO PERFORM NO WORK JUST BLOW JOBS THE QUEER FAGGOTS WHO MURDER YEMENI CHILDREN AND OTHERS AT WILL. GO AHEAD U COCKSUCKERS WASTRELS UPON THIS GREAT EARTH BUY YOUR ARMAMENTS ETC ELSEWHERE AND WHEN RETRIBUTION TIME IS AT HAND ITLL BE A TURKEY SHOOT WITH UR WEAK GEAR FROM OTHER NATIONS DITTO DITTO DITTO ISRAEL===> THATS CORRECT;,: THIS PRESIDENT IS GENETICALLY JEWISH OF HIS FATHERS DNA ALLELES AND WHAT THE GENETIC JEW IS NOT SAYING IS THE FILTHY KIKES GENETIC JEWS JEWESSES IN ISRAEL*, FOR THE TIME BEING ANYWAY, *ARE ALLIED STRONGLY WITH SAUDI ARABIA AND GET THAT USA ARMAMENT ETC FOR FREE BY WAY OF SAUDI ARABIA. FUCKING GODDAMNED SNEAKS. #BRUCEJOHNKENNEWAY","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"#parklandkids misappropriated the phrase #neveragain in order to do exactly the opposite of what it originally stood for. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Found the mod It might not belong on IGTHFT but you sure do with your bigotry and neglect of your child's health if we're ever unfortunate enough for you to reproduce. Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"Arxl\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"kayjaylayray\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* -Conservative","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Okay, I will erase this share as no sources were provided for this information. I just share videos, I have no divisive intentions. If there has been an attempt on the life of the President, I will not post that information in the future. Let somebody else deal with the flack! Just think about what this guy is saying. Take a step back. I did, and that is why I have erased his videos. I am 100 % behind the safety of President Donald Trump. We all love what POTUS is doing to improve this world. I will not be perceived to be an object of division in the reports that I share on this channel. I am a patriot and I care about what happens on this planet. By the way, Stoney Stone, USA Net4Truth, is a veteran of the Viet Nam War. He is the creator of the video that I shared. I erased the shares due to a lack of sources for the information being revealed. If there are any alleged attempts made on the life of the president, somebody else will have to report these events.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Its clear you wouldn't listen anyways since you are more interested in arguing over the non existent racism of that tweet rather than calling out the ignorant white girl on display","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"*She is at home making a quick meal for herself in the off chance that @USER and @USER have already eaten*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER she's dead ass serious too. Smdh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Thanks to The Duran, pray we do the 'no deal' https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=FsAEVvqf2JM because i'm new to gab and have no idea where to post this, i'll post it here. please share: https:\/\/petition.parliament.uk\/signatures\/50120426\/signed?token=BtKooF4vWXUV9JMSUvmV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER but if you go on a date first..and then have sex...it's the best of both worlds. and the sex is better.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"what a fucking retarded gender confused pussy of a male who has daddy issues","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Shia lebouf Thanks god for beef bullet to da twat sanz","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Gay people are a cancr. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Her last name says a lot MESS!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"> if I continue to use a VPN I will be banned from their site. are this people actually mentally retarded or what. > Hiding your connection and protecting what you do online. Only... it doesnt protect what you do online as they shit stillhas to go through your ISP. e n c r y p t e d data goes through your ISP. >Not allowing VPNs is perfectly legitimate and not even shady business practice. I can not agree with it. I do understand that amount of fraud from users that think they are anonymous behind VPN would grow up exponentially, but honestly, I still can no tagree with it. later edit: my reason for this is that banning an *algorithm* (or a technology) due to fraudulent use of said technology is retarded. Its same as if they'd ban knives because knives could hurt people in hands of bad people, and having knives enables bad people to use them to hurt people. Adding additional verification steps in case if a user is behind VPN is OK and would be a \"totally legitimate and not shady\" business practice. Violating user's privacy by not allowing VPN is not.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I pray for the day people quit posting swastikas. Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"one_fishBoneFish\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* finally automod gets something right. OOF Press F to pay respects.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"On the one hand it's sort of satisfying to see her get it, on the other hand, the crime in question is one of those crimes that's only a crime in crazed Muslim countries and the United States of America, drinking on a beach. People just have fake freedom these days. She seems like a piece of shit, but you say that she might only have been given a ticket if she had complied, but why is it uncertain? A ticket is the punishment for her initial \"crime\" is it not? I don't know American police law, but is the implication that they could have dragged her off to jail for a simple underage drinking charge? If so, that's fucking retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER I have to go over Saturday to \"have dinner no it's the annual close the pool for the season . Not then big ass round above grounds . They have a huge in ground pool . I know that's coming . While gore here . And I don't mind at all . Lol funny Shit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Only when someone of another race does it they realize how fucking retarded they sound, hence they get outraged and curse at the mirror.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER An airplane you say..no woman falls in love with you when you are a trek star.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"TIL that Sammy Davis Jr didn't only overcome racism over being black when he became famous in the 50s. He was one of the first openly bisexual pop singers, he was Jewish in perhaps the most anti-Semitic period in modern American history, and he only had one eye! https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/WmRd https:\/\/redd.it\/9msnr9","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Democratic always use race to divide Americans. Conservatives done see color The Democrats only see color Discussing","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"In a just world, trans people like you would all be dead. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER I hope this shit doesn't become a trend. Keep the beef on wax homie. Or at least call and yell at each other on Hot 97 like 50nand Cam did URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I have met A LOT of the super dyke kind of lesbians, that think they are hard. The deliberately try to start shit with men. When they invariably get a guy to fight, they get their ass BEAT. Then they play the poor defenseless girl card when the cops show up.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Lebron James is a complete tool. Doesn't live in Texas but wears a faggot Beto cap. Fuck that dumbass groid Well, hes a product of the welfare state....and hi is state of mind is that since he was handed everything to him because he played basketball, even though he is a moron","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Wake up White Man","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"all mental illnesses are awful and must be treated","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"F'n Flame up some retarded hot dog rockets... Throw another one on the Barbie... Neil and Buzz actually landed on the moon. One thing, I do know.. F'n commie bastards nowadays couldn't take a shit in a paper sack and walk backwards with out thier boots turning brown.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Stfu fake cunt you are just pissed GAB is not going away go back to twatter.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Over the weekend while I was away attending a funeral, my sweet baby cat Nera died...she was the best cat I've ever owned, and was truly unique. It breaks my heart I wasn't home when she passed...I hope you'll indulge me posting a photo and a painting of her. The painting was done by Candace Wagner @OnwardTruth last year. Please give your pet a hug or pat before you leave the house, each and every time. #PetLove @Broken77 Ed. Is that short for erectile dysfunction? Dick MIA 77 times? Is that what you're saying? Don't even try and play this off on me asshole. Somebody post's about coming back from a funeral only to find that her lifelong pet had also died over the time that she was gone and you decide to try and spin it off and try to troll me? You're a pathetic piece of shit, mother fucker. You're the exact reason why I plan to go to hell. Because motherfukers like you are not going to get off easy when I get there. \"Don't even try and play this off on me asshole\" Too late. @EdsuffersfromED77 Insulting the deaf and the blind is A-OK. But don't touch cats or you'll get internet tough gay act. \"You suck at trolling.\" Tell me more. @EdWhymydickdead77 Please explain again. It's not my fault you failed at reading comprehension. @EddickDead In a room full of dicks, you should not be @Broken77 because his doesn't work. -Adolf Hitler, ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Benidorm Creamfields Maga Not too shabby of a summer","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER man that sucks unreal","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Jews killed hundreds of millions of goyim in their quest for world domination through movements such as Marxism and Zionism. Mute me spineless faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Reading these comments..this dear boy was burned alive!!!! And some are still talking about gun control! My gosh people!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Just in case anyone missed it!!! #MAGA #Trump2020 URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"1. Killshot 2. Gun control 3. Rap devil","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I love these dumb pig cunts that think they can assault without consequence. Why the downvotes? Bitch got what was coming to her. Equal rights also means equal lefts. That pause near the end of the video is a bit strange, however.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER You are only believing her Because she is a Women.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"One would think the Battlefront 2 clusterfuck would've been a wake up call for retarded PR people. And yet shit like this keeps happening.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"> Implying that all of GG holds similar philosophical and political views > I just advise not giving too much space to those bad apples you have here. They'll end up making all of you look like weirdos. Don't worry; it's a somewhat similar problem we have on the SJW side as well. Y'see - that's the problem with SJWs. They deplatform people just because someone made them uncomfortable. Every retard, autist, sperg and pseudo-intellectual has the right to post - just don't expect it to go unchallenged. Unlike SJWs, we practise tolerance and don't cannibalise fellow human beings.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"What an utter twat and embarrassment he is","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER The point being made is that the support comes from the right of the party - it's relevant because it gives clarity to the offering made to the good people of London - they now know a @USER vote is like voting for Marine Le Pen. You're welcome.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"The CEO of that company is a disabled person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I remember not liking this now Kanye is a Trump supporter and Swift has become a cunt supporting Demo rats my how things have change.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Why the fuck you here cunt im tryna get my garden succt. Fucking refer to my post. Much love, 330ml Pump Look mate. You didnt specify whether you wanted to buy or rent anything you just said you wanted it done so why dont you just go fuck yourself aye cunt Much love Me Look dick head. I got 5gs on my wrist get the fuck off my myspace page retard! Square up you fuckin spastic cunt Dont fucking respond to my posts anymore thanks!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"If you're telling trans people to go fuck themselves, don't expect them to respect you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER They thought she would win so they could implement the last part of their plan to use the guillotines from China and blades from Mexico. #MAGA #LockThemAllUp #confirmkavanaugh #WWG1WGA #PatriotsUnited #GodBlessAmerica #GodBlessTheWorld #GodBlessOurMilitary #100thMonkey","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER You are my hero!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"A bit more like it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"every fucking one of you sand nigger pedophile psychopaths...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Bigly....lol.....bigly? He didnt won...he was elected by the people of the united states ahole...what he'll are you referring to? Antifa fools that get their asses kicked...vagina hats..lol pathetic ass","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER I don't understand why she should be heard. I SHOULD BE HEARD and I have pictures and scars from my TRAUMA #ILLEGALALIEN left his car in the middle of #405 fwy in 1982 - when I was 18! We were badly damaged! #Kavanaugh #MAGA URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"\"But I don't want penis on penis action\" is backwards reasoning? Jokes aside, it has somewhat of a point, if it is just about what you feel regarding aesthetic appeal - if I find some girl hot and then find out she is trans, I would probably still feel she is hot, it is being objective, but I'd not want to take it further. If it is about \"you stop wanting to go all the way\" kinda attraction shaming, then, no, bad post. Yeah, I'd only go half-shaft-into-ass. Otherwise it's pretty gay. Plus you get less dick-shit that way. Ask me about how I know. CHALLENGE DECLINED","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Yea, that's probably what it was that got me on the list now that you mention it. I was sharing Ricky's stuff on Twitter during the election and for a little while after on Gab until I realized he was a massive faggot who was not to be trusted. Like I said in my previous comment, I've come a long way over the past couple of years. It's embarrassing to look back and see some of the shit I used to post when I was still consuming kosher red pills. It was actually people like yourself that helped me get to where I am now.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I mean look where we are, trumplings and libtards can rub shoulders to make fun of shit. NPC637581: >Orange man bad! r\/the_donald poster retarded!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Lots of haters out there and for no reason at all","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Even his hair didn't want to be associated with this evil cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER thanks for the following and together we can help MAGA and KAG but most of all thank you for your service and your sacrifices for our country","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER What Bhagwat tells shakha minions and what he says to rest of the world are two different things. Sanghi goons will keep on raping and killing but the stupid liberals will think sanghis are ' not that bad'. Don't get taken in by his lies else next 5 years India will disappear.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"This is totally fucked. She's been in prison and has had nothing to do with raising that child, wtf kind of piece of shit judge doesn't understand they're preaking a happy family up? Give her a few days a week but don't rip the child from his father who fucking raised him to go live with someone who's practically a stranger and probably only wants the kid so she can get child support. Fucking bullshit legal system we have here, disgusting. > Give her a few days a week but don't rip the child from his father Hell nah, bitch has been to prison. Don't deserve to have any kind of regularly scheduled interactions with her kid. I don't think k she shouldn't be able to see her kid at all. It really depends on what someone was sentenced for. If it was a \"minor\" crime then yeah she should be able to **see** her kid on nice a week, see as in come to the dad's house and talk. No way in hell should she be able to have the kid at her place.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Moving from France to Spain will be a motherfucking big change","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Not one Democrat gives a shit about if this is true or not. It's all about not wanting conservatives in a life seat.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"you aren't human if don't laugh at the word nigger And you aren't human if you like niggers","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Her life is crappy because she is crappy. And she's threatening to kill everyone. Another nut job...Listen up FBI!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"#Partybeforecountry #massmedia Conservatives' war on the press has gotten dangerous and it's only going to get worse URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER She lives in the hearts of all gun nut conservatives.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@cobaltcatastrophe yo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Fuck this gay earth. If this doesn't trigger that nigger jesus to come back nothing will.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The cunt will never be president. We the People will make sure of that.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"https:\/\/www.today.com\/video\/inside-today-s-international-day-of-the-girl-celebration-with-michelle-obama-1342648899934 This sheboon cunt enrages me.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Typical c a m e l f u c k e r behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I'm all about prison alternatives. What I'm not about - sexism. Free the men as well, then. It actually doesn't make much sense to put a woman in prison who is non-violent and unlikely to re-offend. It's done as an example, to discourage crime, but very often people in prisons are introduced to drugs and interact with dangerous criminals and end up much worse members of society when they leave. Prisons are criminal schools. Plus it costs a lot of money to keep someone in prison. So I can understand why they might not want to send someone that committed minor fraud, or was caught smoking weed, to prison. It makes more sense to give them treatment, and only give a prison sentence for re-offenders. But I don't understand why they are singling out women. The policy surely makes sense for men as well? That seems like basic sexism, \"women are wonderful\" effect if they think women don't belong in prison just because they are women.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I ended up listening to it when I heard rumblings about GG","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Kurt: Liberals are obsessed with seeing the president's disgusting penis. They fantasize about being in the room with his horrible hog. [sweating] They can't stop thinking about that mushroom-capped member. [visibly erect]","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"then speak in english you fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@mayispeakfreely I seriously think you may be TOO DUMB to stay. Or.. you can actually READ THE POST INSTEAD OF FOLLOWING YOUR RETARDED FRIENDS!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"signal boosting sans retarded political insertions But I am political and retarded!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Let us all return to bouncer school.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"https:\/\/www.zerohedge.com\/news\/2018-10-19\/daily-beast-dear-god-hillary-clinton-please-just-go","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I want to k1ll all disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"#Tories #Labour #GE2017 #Conservatives Conservatives URL theresa_may: We have three fantastic shortlisted Conservative candidates for Mayor of London in ShaunBaileyUK andrewboff and joymorrissey - all proud advocates for London. If y URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@TomKawczynski Tom, you get fired for speaking the truth and are labeled a \"white supremacist\". listen to what they are advocating for us-this is ample proof that white genocide is NOT a conspiracy, but factual! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=2QWDkUVEFDA KILL Yourself FIRST you BLACK RACIST piece of SHIT!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Hillary approved of leftist mob violence yesterday. Today its former AG Eric Holder. The violent mob isn't a fringe group anymore. They are the mainstream of the Democratic party.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Redpilled at 14 holy fuck you lucky bastard. As your body goes through more and more changes, it will be more and more difficult to withstand the pressure of the golden vagina but just keep a rational head at all times and you'll be fine. Never underestimate the power of boners. The blood goes straight from the head to the dick and guys can no longer think straight. Only if they are bluepilled -","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Graham still supports amnesty for illegals, all 20 million or so. He is the same old faggot we've always known!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"https:\/\/uploadfiles.io\/3risd Here's my meme folder please use to btfo retards","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"In which the author pulls a cute little rhetorical trick in which you're either pro feminism, or an abusive cunt sending death threats to Anita Sarkeesian. The notion that there's nothing wrong with representation of women in video games, that the feminist attacks on games are disingenuous cherry picking nonsense somehow fails to find a way into the author's headspace.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"How bizarre. I thought they were tired of \"old white guys\" running the country? Or are they so over that now? :-) Mere facts cannot alter the opinions of anyone on the Left. It's against their religion.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Just suspended from Twitter for telling some faggot liberal, that calling white Europeans crackers is no different than calling Africans niggers. Who wants to bet it had nothing to do with using the term cracker?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER It's not safe anyway because he is a liar! You can NEVER get to the bottom of a liar!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Like all parasites, (((Hollywood))) loves to steal then assume the identity of ancient Celtic Christians, because it was alpha male Galatians who kicked the crap out of the 'synagogue of Satan' (Revelation 2:9) throughout Europe, U.S., etc. Plus the S.O.S. hate that those who 'believeth' on Jesus Christ are the 'Chosen People' (Galatians 3:16) https:\/\/www.kingjamesbibleonline.org\/Galatians-3-16\/ The 'Hillbilly Triangle' (W. Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio) is home to the offspring of \"Over-Mountain-Men\" Celtic warriors responsible for America's win against the 'synagogue of Satan' financed British. Dick Burnett (Scottish) was from Kentucky and was the original singer of \"Constant Sorrow\". The voice from O Brother Where Art Thou is Ralph Stanley (Irish). The synagogue of Satan has turned their fury against The Hillbilly Triangle for generations and you can see the result, 3rd world-level poverty, lack of education, food, etc. Most Americans are unfamiliar with the above short history, perhaps that's why they send billions to nations that hate us, rather than to the offspring of Celtic warriors who handed us the freedoms that most Americans take for granted. If you would like to learn more about the above-mentioned history, please read http:\/\/www.KillingIreland.com and if you're in a position to help the Appalachian people, please donate to http:\/\/www.christianapp.org\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Ha! I've met you both and neither of you are dull! Me on the other hand..... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"This is the first time a Muslim is nominated. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Even Upton Sinclair didn't believe Upton Sinclair. \"if you are going to blame 'capitalism' for the faults of the press, you are compelled to prove that those faults do not exist except where capitalism controls.\" in which @GnonCompliant comes full circle and outs himself as a based free-market libertarian","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Again for the hard of hearing: An AR15 is an INANIMATE object. An AR15 is not INHERENTLY evil. Gun control DOESN'T decrease gun violence. Armed citizens are LESS LIKELY to become victims of mass shootings. The Holocaust was not prevented by BANNING ovens.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Honestly, right after the election I still hoped that Trump would prove to be a secret Democrat\" (on at least some issues) and that it would be conservatives who were mad and depressed by this point in his presidency. Obviously I was wrong.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"This cant be real , she must be retarded. And if you do have mental handicaps , you are smarter than this lady that's for sure","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"most white people aren't mud sharks and nigger lovers. you made sure to be real selective","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"F u c k all immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Brainwashed Retard Simple Retard The Simple Retard is easy, they are just low IQ Morons. Not intelligent enough to actually think for themselves in the first place. Most immigrants fall into this category. The Brainwashed Retard is usually the High IQ type and thus are highly indoctrinated thru schooling. They memorize so much garbage that they literally destroy their critical thinking skills and that is the goal to destroy their brains function. Valedictorians are perfect examples because they are so structured to focus on a simple tree, they are no longer able to see the forest. Thus, your University Professors, Doctors and Lawyers are literally some of the most programmed retards you will ever meet. They have been told they are smart thru their programming and are rewarded for helping the beast system along, but they actually are just a polluted thumb drive. All Democrats are obviously Bigots as they will not debate, as their programming automatically makes them run away, or they will just be very crude and nasty in their attack on you. They are literally intellectually incapable of any discussion since they have no intelligence to have a discussion with. Debate on logic is impossible since they have none. They will never have any facts either since they cannot comprehend them anyway. They will spout out with what they have been programmed. They will believe without question the BS on the main stream media because they have no idea on how to distinguish fact from fiction. Every conversation of Democrats takes place on Orwell's Animal Farm. If you want to talk about quantum physics they will steer the conversation something extremely shallow such as the weather. They will deflect when you ask for a fact every time and accuse you of deflecting. All Democrats are commies and are Monkey Brains!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER #Nazis. We told you. Join #Antifa!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=nQ51P4St7EY Nothing like John Ward ripping apart faggot house nigger Don Lemon, a black 40 year old virgin, a fat freakish house nigger cunt feminist and a token white trash talking head.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I will cut their black throats. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The censorship is so retarded why if someone doesn't want to see something then they should turn it off. I get so tired of these censorship games that big tech is playing.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER We have nothing to lose in dumping rump asap. He is a menace.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"No, you dumb motherfucker. He didn't push her down. They didn't push her down. They pushed her *back*. As fast as she was falling backwards already, he barely made contact. She fell down because that's what fall-down drunk people do. There is only one cunt in this video, and she went to jail for punching a cop. There are, however, several cunts defending her in these comments.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Ppl on Gab love to pull this type of vapid \"logic.\" They'll show poaching in Africa and go \"what savages! We don't need this!\" But if some white hunter goes to Africa and kills the exact same lion, they're like \"git er dun! Yee haw!\" and high five. So you can tell they actually don't care about the lion, it's a tool they use for their stupid belief systems.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Don't sugar coat your brand; just say it: nigger muslem.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Somebody's terrified. What will happen when the #American public knows the #truth about what you've been doing? #DrainTheDeepState #MAGA #Trump2020 #KAG URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Your obvious contempt for disabled people has to stop right now. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"> \"We live in a world where boys get everything and girls are left with the crumbs, her victim fetish is in full view. Boys get all the suicides, all the work-related deaths, all the combat deaths, all the jail time, all the stigma surrounding any sort of mental health problem or the slightest hint of emotional vulnerability. Ugh, those lucky bastards! Look, I get what you're saying, but suicide rates among boys has only gone up 25% since 2010, while the suicide rate for girls in the same time has gone up 70%. It's an issue for all of us. 70% of what was already a comparatively tiny amount isn't very much. What a cold way to view a horrible increase in teenage suicide. You officially suck as a person. You're awesome. You're awesome +1 r\/murderedbywords I've been an advocate for men's suicide and mental health for over 30 years. So, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. If you can't see a huge problem for all of us, you're the cunt. Having a personal anecdote doesn't make you right. Hell, it supports my point more than it does yours. You can claim you're whatever you want, doesn't change what you said in your comments.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER SUCH SUPPORT SPOOKY AT MY LOWEST MOMENT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"To be fair, when I first started posting in the CQ topic I was calling for unity too and was called a Jew, Christcuck and Pasta Nigger for my efforts. Yes, there are assholes in the Christian community here. There are also assholes in the Pagan community though, but a lot of the time they get a pass because \"muh race is muh religion\".","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"LOL oh look another one got locked out of moms basement","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Made it last night for you! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Yes. He did. @KittyMarie #LeftistTwerpMurderedHisWife","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"No fucking shit, retards.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The retard is a gab stalker","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"FAGGOT gay marriage... faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"love of wisdom Thank you! The difference between politics and philosophy is the diffrence between the personal and group no So politics isn't personal philosophy imposed on society No The difference between your head and you ass is a mute point! The real difference is Politics is a LIE and Philosophy is a carefully coded Truth so they don't get killed! Well, it *might be.* Politics is, after all, the philosophy of governance. Go get 'em, tiger Half these clowns on here can't even spell philosophy without the spell checker! could be political philosophy...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"This treasonous traitorous Hollywood Tramp needs to shut up about our President Trump and Judge Kavanaugh we will never forget what she did to the POWS in Vietnam i was trying to watch some game of thrones and this harpy's film was on and i swear to god it was jut a 'me me me me me me me' bs fest. my god this cunt loves herself.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER I just think that he's more likely to be lying about this to protect himself than she is lying just to disrupt her life for no apparent reason. I've also known entitled men like him.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I'm heterosexual and African by birth, by breed and by character... and a very traditional man, Xhosa to be precise. But i still believe in human rights... we are all equal, whatever religion, ethnicity, demography, tribe or language... we are all equal. And one day people will be free enough to love and date whoever they wanna without prejudice and judgment. 2019 Viva human rights viva","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Call them LUGS. Lesbian until graduation. Just dumb shit they do. Ever see a 40-something bisexual? Me neither. AWALT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER yes like going after the 5pc on plastic bags so that @USER could get their own way on uni credit and austerity and even now go back on a promise to cut tax for self employed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER God I hope shes' wrong!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"The world would be worse off without black people like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"You are nothing but a t r a n n y. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"DemRat, organizer, socialist, nazi, kkk, liberal, kommie, centrist, middle of the roader, dogooder, rightleft wing\/extremist, progressive, green, race peddlers, globalist, alt-something All describe the same entity: criminal communist Invented flavors to hide who they are Patriots are usually called conservatives: they oppose all of the above I'll wait.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Muzzy I used to work with is behind this 'Riz Test'. Look at the ridiculousness of it. So I guess there has never ever been any white people who have been portrayed in the exact same ways. He's gone so militant since I worked with him years ago. He's just missing his fist long beard. Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"shitlibs now complaining about PRETTY privilege not just WHITE superiority http:\/\/www.towleroad.com\/2018\/10\/pretty-privilege-2\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"ok then I just did blind follow backs for everyone that has followed me. I am not a racist though, so if anyone I followed has racial posts I will unfollow. That has been my only problem on gab so far. Don't followback. It makes no sense. Most accounts produce very little original content. You end up seeing the same reposts ten times. How do you see my posts?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Ironically, leftists support that giant money laundering machine they call \"contemporary art\", made of retards screaming at each other, literal shit in a can, jesus in a bucket of piss, white canvases, upside down helicopters and empty rooms with blinking lights.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I know.. I was just saying that Saints tend to be bigger cunts than the people who get sent to hell.. so it works in a modern sense too.. Feminism is the religion of denying reality, the reality that they are the fairer sex and it is fuelled by a generation of faggots that said anyone can do anything **AND THE FUCKING DESERVE IT NOW**. They are mentally stunted children.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You are supporting the wrong side, he swung first. It's obviously been pre established that they're going to throw down, but hey, he should just give her a free swing, right? Where do you live, bro? I wanna come to your house and stand in your face with my fists squared. And if you try to swing at me first, you're a raging asshole, k? She is in a defensive position. It was not certain that she was gonna attack, she didn't even move towards him. Yes, let her swing first, then you have legal support for hitting her. you have legal support for hitting her first. its called preemptive strike laws. honestly, i mean, honestly, do people just argue out of their asses now days sans facts and logic? just intuition? You're allowed to defend yourself as soon as a credible threat of violence presents itself. Someone approaching you with their hands up in a fighting stance qualifies. First strike \"Law\" isn't a thing 99% of the time, now make it a woman who was hit, good luck. Nope, I use this thing called logic. No, you are not. If I feel threatened by someone I can leave the area or call the cops, not attack them unless it's an imminent threat. > oh the fuck it isnt. if anything, duty to retreat laws like youre talking about have been abolished and replaced with stand your ground laws. Source me on that. I want California, New Zealand, Germany and China. > good for fucking you. but the rest of society doesnt have to play pussy. we actually have the right to stand our ground. No? It's not how it works. > gtfo here, ya sexist cunt. How is saying it's harder for women to get convicted of violence sexist towards men? You are trolling, aren't you?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I know trans people like you can't help it. You're just all that dumb. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER They gone eat his high yellow ass ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Autists is why presidents like trump are getting elected","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"9\/11 converage and after that was all media bullshit. When trump was elected that's when it went all retard because of the complete take over of the media by the Chinese and the Jews","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I thought GOG was turning far left? Is there an internal fight going on there? GOG was never turning \"far left\", people were just getting their panties in a bunch over a massively overblown post. That one post was pretty clearly SJW dude Not in the slightest, dude. Start thinking rationally instead of giving in to outrage culture when it fits your biases. Do you know which one I'm talking about? Yes, and it wasn't SJW in the slightest. https:\/\/reddit.com\/r\/KotakuInAction\/comments\/904x7q\/twitter_bullshit_gogcom_caves_to_the_game\/ So let me get this straight. Your postion is that calling GG an abusive movement and virtue signaling about \"hate isn't even *slightly* SJW. If the shoe fits, mon amie. Well that's the issue there Gambit, it does not in fact fit. It fits very poorly. According to you, and we've already established that you're heavily invested in outrage culture and kneejerk reactionism. Seems like you're pretty invested in outrage and getting reactions considering all your repeated attempts at provocation through insults, contrarianism, and incredibly flimsy circular reasoning. Seems almost like **...TROLLING?!?** Nah. You have a good one. He's definitely trolling you. Check his profile. Right here if you wanna try taking a swing at me. We both know you lack the balls tho. Oh wow, weak cuck talking like a tough guy in the internet. I haven't seen that before. Oh no, someone's 14 day old alt account thinks bad things about me. How will I ever recover? Man, you sure are triggered buddy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Too many c r i p p l e s in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The men can't touch her because girl. Then another girl showed up and saved the day. Luckily the women and blue showed up so she can't scream rape or assault. Not that anything would happen if she did. This is India...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Are you pro-choice? Are you pro - ACA? Are you for reasonable gun control? Where can we find your stand on issues?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Call me retarded if you wish. I merely asked a point blank question, and you've answered it. I feel the least retarded way to go about these things is to examine the evidence and arrive at pragmatic and sensible conclusions.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Kevin Bacon, Michael J. Fox, Susan Sarandon Urge Voters to Support Gun Control Candidates https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/7r6W","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I am an immigrant. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Who cares who is deadlier? Are you antifa?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER He makes a good point. Too bad that is a career death sentence these days.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Christine Ford is an admitted friend to Bernie Saunders and she is Known to Hobnob with other demo politicians! Most shocking word is Kavanaughs mom a Judge ruled against Fords parents in a forclosure case in mid 90s ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Give me a fucking break. Liberals are so selective with their false outrage. A turd of a president gets rightfully railed for saying, grab them by the pussy\" decades before but a Hollyweird gets a pass for saying \"fuck the shit out of the boy next to him\" gets a liberal pass? URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Ben Shapiro is saying that it's \"deranged\" not to think that the \"bombs\" were sent by Debbie Wasserman Schultz. No false flags for Ben! Does this bleeding twat realize that the bombs were not even made to go off? I mean if that isn't false flag than want is? Those bombs can not possibly go off!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I reported that account. Retard has been posting tranny porn to a list of users but fucked up and posted it under that account which was around a while and had a lot of points. Then 5 more were posting to a list and I reported all those and they were quickly banned. These accounts were also posting threats then reporting them. Faggots","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"CA gets their wish, it's now a 3rd world shit hole Downtown LA is hit by an outbreak of flea-borne TYPHUS amid fears feral cats and rats are spreading the disease https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/health\/article-6243213\/Flea-borne-typhus-outbreak-hits-downtown-LA.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Kind of why we need NATION-WIDE GUN CONTROL. Are you really that stupid?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER You are sharper in retirement.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Still are a weakling who is ruled over by .... who is that rules you? Purely because you are a weakling. I am a epileptic cripple who shits bigger than you. shits bigger, probably the opiates, good luck with that chinese fentanyl constipation No it has all to do with a being a FULL GROWN MAN that owns my own situation ... naming the jew is for twats that squat to pee. Sorry buddy. Need to wipe? They are HERE PERIOD. DEAL WITH THAT. Till then your DRIVEL about 'tis the Jews' is just the blather weak punks. RIGHT. Truth is NOTHING without POWER you little punk dick sucker. Actually it is JUST TIGHT than that ... your word is for weaklings. It does not matter ... TRUTH is NOT a WEAPON. Hemlock? Careful what you wish for... this isnt even my final form","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Democrats have no laws!! URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Are you an actual retard? Go fuck yourself Keep downvoting and keep telling yourselves that. Be sure to downvote all of the people starting to lose faith, maybe you will stop the deluge with your point suppression! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL tick tock faggot tick tock Yeah this guy is an actual retarded person.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"It baffles me why people care even the slightest about the lives of immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"And yet our heroes kept patiently working on The Plan, instead of rushing into action. Because The Plan HAD to succeed, and they knew they would only get one chance. https:\/\/qmap.pub\/read\/2381 #TrustThePlan #TrustSessions #Q Every day it takes you to realize the current fake Q=Soros, your IQ score goes down. And we're already at room temperature. Why do you give a shit about who follows Qanon or not? What's your crusade? Because Q\/Soros will tell the glassy eyed zombies to do something horrific in President Trump's name, and 10% of them will do it. So, that's your motive? To save untold lives? You should be more concerned with the shit head libtards that are ACTUALLY telling their zombies to perpetuate acts of violence and they are. Qanon has never condoned violence. And to keep Soros\/Q from filling the House and Senate with Democrats and impeaching the President. Not complicated, honest, you can do it. So, according to your theory, Q is Soros and Q (Soros) is dropping intelligence exposing all the deep state corruption that has taken place over decades, supports Trump, and has the deep state in full retreat while at the same time Soros (Q) is also funding BLM, Antifa, and anything anti-Trump? Got it! Q\/Soros isn't exposing anything. About all it's doing is saying everything is under control, no need to get all excited about voting. As it plans the Big One. Are more people aware of the corruption that is, and has been, pervasive in our government since Qanon began dropping or are fewer aware? Has Qanon done more to wake people up or has he\/she been a phenomenon to keep people asleep? The only thing the fake Q\/Soros has done is keep people from voting. So far.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Jep, the Jews are the real Nazis. Typical faggot strategie Nobody buys that and the Jews profit because of the use of the term as a \"demonic name\" against THEIR enemies.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Ahh, today's dose of wetback hijinks...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Whenever you're feeling stupid, just remember that there are people on Gab right now who unironically think that @cashmoneyglock is an actual nigger named Tyrone Jackson.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Muslims being in charge is a credit to our society. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER By arguing a call? The media and you are making it a big deal","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"1. 2 protect Trumpie. 2. 2 increase presidential powers. 3. 2 kill Roe v. Wade. 4. 2 limit voting rights. 5. 2 weaken gun control. 6. 2 deal with religious liberty. Congress is not an august body. They lost that moniker when they went whole hog 4 Trumpism. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Rivera is shit. He is the last one left. Our problems run through him. The day we fire @USER the better off we will be","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Corruption filters all the way down to mayoral elections! It was so blatantly obvious in Toronto, Canada. I would think that even people whose party won would see the censorship and obstruction of a candidate to participate, and find that alarming and a threat once the tides eventually turn on them. Canadians deserve better and so does Faith Goldy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"but be honest how many fingers have you slipped up there while tugging yourself","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"wonder who the RETARD is who gave a down vote to this? and the PRESIDENT IS RIGHT, AND RIGHT ON.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Trump's super power is being Awesome the kind of Awesome that can turn a Liberal into a puddle of tears it's like watching him slap books out of their hands while walking to his next class in high school or shoving them into a locker or duct taping their asses shut in gym.. I ABSOFUCKINGLUTLEY LOVE IT you jerkoff retard liberal shit sniffing creeps and weirdos","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"\"Cops can't keep us safe!\". Also them \"you don't need a gun to protect yourself, The cops will keep you safe !\" the retardation is extreme.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You're retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":">Interaction in other forums is covered by whatever rules apply to said forums and is in general not covered by the Code of Conduct. Exceptions may be considered for extreme circumstances Wait'll you find out what qualifies as 'extreme'. >Also I would like to publicly thank Mishi Choudhary for being willing to serve as a mediator for Code of Conduct issues. She has a long history of working in many open source communities, many much more contentious than ours. Everything about her seems not just useless, but the worst kind of useless. It just drives home how much of a shitshow this is. >Linus Torvalds Torvalds has revealed himself to be such a puss when push comes to shove that I really hope someone gives him a very public, insulting, humiliating tongue-lashing, and then reminds him that he better be on his best fucking behavior when he replies so he doesn't violate the CoC. Torvalds has disgraced himself by allowing this shit into the Linux project. It's obvious what will inevitably happen when a project as complex, far reaching and critical as the Linux kernel is governed by any thing other than meritocracy first. However he had managed to maintain a culture of meritocracy for 25 years, capably and without peer, before this happened. That should not be ignored when discussing him. Whatever happened to Torvalds that he shirked responsibility for this, at this point it's up to the community to fix. Whether or not they'll organise and fix this mess, who can say. What's certain is that as long as a method exists (and is inevitably used) to evict those who are meritocratically valuable, but politically unwanted, the submission quality will gradually decline until the kernel becomes unfit for purpose.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"This one may actually explode, folks. Keep a safe distance! Um no honey...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"to be fair he was pretty faggy around the time of the leaks, thats exactly how he got caught. i dont think the gov had anything to do with this he got busted talking to some other faggot on some faggot site... if he didnt do that no one would have ever known who he was...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":">The victim explained how life has changed and how he now suffers from post traumatic stress disorder, an eating disorder and other problems. He also said he now distrusts adults. >\"I fear being taken advantage of again,\" he said, adding, \"The trauma of it all is debilitating in my daily life.\" >At one point, as some of the nearly two dozen Torbick supporters spoke, the victim began to cry and left the courtroom. Oh, but this poor *woman* was such a wonderful guidance counselor, and you can see she's very very sorry, so, judge, please go easy on her!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Lmao, they put you on r\/theredpill Woooo, you should be scared Even worse, it's some loser who made their own sub to post things that make them scared. Zero comments, just one pathetic person with a sub that nobody reads. I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [\/r\/fucktheredpill] [\"Women are mentally retarded, if this site is a \"Breeding ground for rapists and murderers\" is that why she's here? When left to their own devices, women watch some of the most hardcore and fucked up porn there is and get off on the idea of rape by Chad.\"](https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/fucktheredpill\/comments\/9unafg\/women_are_mentally_retarded_if_this_site_is_a\/) andnbsp;*^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^([Info](\/r\/TotesMessenger) ^\/ ^[Contact](\/message\/compose?to=\/r\/TotesMessenger))*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Forget that @USER called @USER a con man and a KKK supporter...she actually voted for @USER Doesn't that sum up how truly unqualified she is for Florida","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Are you and your family okay? Not sure how close you are to everything.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Lol i wonder what sort of \"Premium content\" this faggot has...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I long for combat faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"There are only a few dozen mudslimes in the entire British Army, WHY should ANY soldier be discharged for being in a photo with ANY British citizen? #IAmSoldierX https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=oh3GauzASjw I may be a cunt ,that is not for me to say .But stirring shit ?I have a right to express an opinion on this site .As does anyone else .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"These trans people should shut the fuck up once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Typical fagbehaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Moms should shut their mouths and be grateful. My wife and I have spend tens of thousands of dollars and many years trying to have a child. My wife has injected herself in the stomach hundreds of times with needles and had many, many invasive procedures done, and this bitch thinks she deserves to jump to the front of the line? She is already blessed. [deleted] You have literally no idea what we've been through or the costs and wait times associated with adopting. Youve never been in our situation and probably never will. You telling me to adopt, without knowing ANYTHING about me, is rude, naive, immature, insensitive, and STUPID. They clearly made the assumption that I never considered adoption by suggesting it in such a fashion. Im not the one being a cunt here. That guy is sending me PMs like this one: [https:\/\/imgur.com\/a\/kcubgCO](https:\/\/imgur.com\/a\/kcubgCO). lmao well yeah that pm makes him a cunt but at first it really sounded like a suggestion. Some people are so fixed on having a kid they never truly consider adoption when there are plenty of kids out there looking for stable homes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER The DAILY Vitriol and Hatred Spewed by SCHEMING Liberals is meant to Incite precisely this type of lunacy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER it does which sucks but honestly at least i can mute all the instances full of weirdos and just scope fed\/local it's a treat","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"After seeing Trump's disgusting, Zionist,sell out ways , I do wish Hillary had won. She's just repulsive enough to invoke a revolution . 70 years of Zionist degeneracy-Trump was selected to keep you pacified with false promises. All white people= less than 7% of the total global population Calculate your Democratic odds with open borders . @Deplorme At least Trump is nationalist. He may be kissing Jewish ass but he's not buying ths globalism Zionism is globalism, that's just it, he's sold out to the globalists. He supports ethno nationalism in the state of IsraLIE. He just signed the largest ever aid package to IsraLIE and broke campaign promises about Syria. Where's the border wall?! What can Trump do for the United States, because we don't care about Israeli nationalism. Am I understanding this correctly? Israhell must be a 3rd world poor country among the poorest if not THE poorest... in order to need 50 BILLION in military aid? I think AID is just a cover for Extortion. We give them \"They took the babies from the incubators,\" @Nuangster , \"Weapons of mass destruction.\" \"We came , we saw, he died.\" Meanwhile , Israeli citizens like Chuck Schumer shut down the government for illegal immigrants and we can't afford to build a border wall ?! Call 9\/11, how dare we not support (((victims))) https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=YJ2qb7UcdOE @Deplorme claims that we owe these globalists because supposedly we have a low birth rate. Well, LONG LIVE THE FEDERAL RESERVE! SHOUT OUT IMF, WORLD BANK!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Yes, and non sequitur why? Did you learn this from your little nigger tier bhagwan Anglin. This is what passes for kike wisdom now a days, pathetic.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"If that nigger gets any fatter he won't fit in any chair.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"No one will ever know the truth. Ever.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"The Packers have gone downhill along with the rest of the NFL and the nigger kneelers","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Liberals don't believe in facts just feelings","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Just because a nigger killed another nigger doesn't mean the murderer shouldn't be hung.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Thankful they ran this updated story ... DUMBFUCK Warren Cunt proved it by taking the DNA test LMAO","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"'She has zero qualifications in this area': Men's rights activist slams staunch feminist Clementine Ford for claiming women are better off living without men https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6229873\/Sydney-Watson-slammed-Clementine-Fords-proposal-straight-women-live-without-men.html #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER amenadiel's were my favorite. the massive triangle shape... the actor being hot.... the big connection spots.... kisses my fingertips","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER I don't trust @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Sounds to me like the Pope needs counselled on confession.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"If faggot is considered a gender.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Sorry but bloodsuckers are bad almost as bad as elves like you are dating an undead monster who cant be controlled and even if they can be controlled you'll die before her and make her have mental issues","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Liberals as per Odia standards ....RW is liberal when it comes to my state ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Woke Bible Readings from Midwest Antifa.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Okay, she's fat. And its her fault and she is the only one who can help her. But if you do't sit the hell up and let that tired woman have a seat I am going to throw your sockless faggot ass off that bench onto the ground, you lazy self centered fuck. Have some goddam consideration for your fellow human beings.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@Mr_Bond 's best song. Look at what a happy, organic, jew-free society looks like. I have visited with old people who lived under the Reich starting in the 1990s. Even if they have been brain-washed into self hatred since, they all admitted that the time of the Reich was the happiest, healthiest time in their lives, and some were moved to tears when telling of the times they got to see Hitler, the man who, for close to a generation, freed a people from the tyranny and demoralizing rule of the jew. Never forget, we fight for the human dignity of our women, our children, and the legacy of our ancestors, who, for a time, could rise in the morning and lay down to bed at night, having breathed every breath of their day as free men. Live free or die, come to respect the man who Gandhi deemed one of the most just men in history There are many paths to restoring health, and one of the best ones is to see through jewish historical revisionism, and accept Hitler into your heart as a liberator of man and a champion of human dignity. https:\/\/youtu.be\/E32KIOMb9f4 This isn't a football game played by overpaid negroes that you waste hours on Sunday watching... this is pretty much a struggle for Western Civilization, but you don't care because you're a faggot that has no future.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Seems these are retarded animals from hell ...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Dropkick Murphys - Rose Tattoo https:\/\/youtu.be\/9d8SzG4FPyM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"lol its ok...he's a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Democrats control the media Republicans bow to its pressure Democrats control the power","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"https:\/\/www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk\/news\/greater-manchester-news\/man-jailed-after-one-punch-15297988 I just bloody well LOVE multicultural #England where a MUSLIM African nigger beats the shit out of a cross dressing freak. How enriching is that?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":">Second, this smacks of the worst sort of colonial racisms, which sought to make American Indians, Africans, and other people of color not just seem less human, but inherently immoral. Making \"evil races (like the orcs and uruk-hai, as described in The Lord of the Rings, and dark elves, in DandD) dark-skinned creates fantasy worlds that are structured along racist lines and mimicking those that plague us in the real world. It would be foolish to explain that away as mere coincidence. Whether the creators did it intentionally or not, their worlds are loaded with the idea at the core of white-supremacy: that having dark skin is bad. Bullshit. Firstly there were many settings about those other human sub cultures, where you played AS members of those ethnic groups, from Al-Qadim to Maztica. As for the idea that Orc bad because skin green, that's bullshit. There are any number of races with green skin and even darker shades of skin that were not evil, from Dryads, to some species of elves. As for Dark Elves, well they've been depicted with skin running from slate grey to light mauve, to dark purple and yes even obsidian black. Orcs are bad because they pillage, murder, and rape everything they can get to. Drow are bad because they worship the fucking Spider Queen and are Yuan-ti-level untrustworthy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Just another common retard. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You keep asking for links and not only are you too lazy to look for them yourself but also try to use outdated material to prove you're not wrong.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER I purposefully had my damsel\" be a bit of a badass. She is saved by the protag, saved by the third party member, and sticks her neck out to save their hind quarters just as often (if not more!). Sure, she may have ulterior motives (*evil laugh*) but she's still pretty kickass!\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I will be interviewed on \"60 Minutes tonight at 7:00 P.M., after NFL game. Enjoy! 12:39 pm - 14 Oct 2018","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"RT @JesseKellyDC: Leftists aren't fools. You don't go after the strong members of the herd. You target the weaklings. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/c67S Flake wasn't targeted. He was in on it. Part of the plan. He didn't have to stand there, quietly, in that elevator, and get berated by 2 hustler skanks and their handler, with press filming everything. Just the excuse he needed to fuck up shit for Trump. Flake admitted he would not have done this if up for re-election. A total McCain cuck-stooge, picking up right where he left off. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Thank you lmao the way she said it like she was so stunned she forgot how much of a cunt she was being","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"blocked and muted you fucking anime faggot @BobBobington111","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"REEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! \"My 15 yr old high schooler just came home with this bullsh!t. In SOUTH CAROLINA. This ain't California - this is the Bible belt and MAMA AIN'T HAPPY.\" REEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! https:\/\/twitter.com\/Redheaded_Jenn\/status\/1047587821043810311","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"you just love sand nigger cock own it cocksucker","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"idk man, I think you need to piss someone off along the line. I've posted to T_D, KiA, CringeAnarchy and never been banned from a sub I haven't been to. I know it does happen, but I really think you have to piss off a faggot mod who mods like 12 subs then he'll hit you for it. I wonder what he did with his Lauren Southern character after they all found out that she once had a black boyfriend? Something even creepier than making her a retarded Annie Oakley?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"\"These guys came to Charlottesville in order to commit violent acts, and it wasn't the first time they've done it.\" Authorities announce arrest of four members of white supremacist group \"for committing various acts of violence\" at Charlottesville rally: https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/JCb7 https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Yf3S","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Every year, the cost of treating cancer rises. Last I checked, the average cancer treatment costs $300,","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"well. WHEN THE SHTF, WE THE PEOPLE ARE GOING TO SOLVE THIS NIGGER AND COMMUNIST DEMORAT PROBLEM. IF WE DON'T WE ARE FKINNG DONE AS A NATION CREATED BY OUR WHITE FOUNDERS. we will tell the niggers.. \" look niggah,it's our way or the highway!!\" ( < :","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"one, hateful, racist, jew cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"this is post-modernism","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Always been an ugly cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Ocasio-Cortez: Pack the Supreme Court' After Taking Back Congress, WH | Breitbart https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/NJmS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Even straight boys played with Barbies when they were kids! Not an issue.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER This list of murders he is wanted for grows by the day!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"if your turned on by nigger music then there is something wrong with you. Why are you even listening to nigger music?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Not so much Jews. 2nd biggest Twitter shareholder is Saudi. Criticising Islam on Twitter gets you banned, they don't seem too bothered about antisemitism. The ADL is literally one of Twitters trusted flaggers. I lost an account for saying I was tending to my cattle cars and another for calling Mexicans illegal invaders. Jews at the ADL did that. Maybe things are different in Old America. Islam is the main cause of suspensions now. There are loads of Corbyn's socialists posting antisemitic shite who are still there. Same as morons calling for all whites to be killed that Twitter ignores. We have an Islam problem. Stakipanis are just part of it. Somalians are big into drug gangs. Yeah I saw the invaders. Yet again if Jews are helping them it's left wing Jewish morons. The same ones who bring illegals into Europe. All non whites in white homelands are a problem. Atleast you acknowledge the Jewish involvement in the NGO's orchestrating this. Now if you could only see that the only difference between left\/right Jews is muh low taxes. Other than that, they have a cohesive group evolutionary strategy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER I think it's a political impasse- Conservatives aren't going to vote to force a GE and TM isn't going to allow remain on the ballot paper ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER May be the cameramen is a Trump supporter. @USER Have you checked if he is standing on a rock or so? LMAO #FakeNewsCNN","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Use the words feral dirty Muslim retarded scum works well.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I like the chromosone crusaders. Or just plain \"retards\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I didn't know Robert De Niro and Biden had received a package as well. As Conservatives we should not stoop to the levels the Dems are. But I know there are those out there that are FED UP with the way the Dems are doing us in public, and in our homes. It seems like a two edged sword. Investigation Intensifies as Two More Suspicious Packages Found Targeting Biden, De Niro https:\/\/www.westernjournal.com\/investigation-intensifies-two-suspicious-packages-found-targeting-biden-de-niro\/?utm_source=Twitterandutm_medium=PostSideSharingButtonsandutm_content=2018-10-25andutm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons No. Do not try to blackpill and claim that on us. No one here is THAT stupid as to sabotage ourselves this close to the election. Do not paint us as the ones stooping, you either are shilling, or you are just not wording this correctly. Either or, I don't agree with how you put this idea down, so, enjoy Gab.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Nigger culture is Jew inspired, as is white culture. We need someone who can infuriate all races against the Zionist.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Black people like you should stop complaining. You deserve to suffer. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER It's a heritage to be proud of ... Antifa destroy Nazis URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Saying things like \"Fuck all black people\" shows what a horrible person you are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Oh look it sell out evil Labour cunt ed ball that took top secret files of UK and gave it all to junker Hitler funded group every thing he should look at up and hanged","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Lolicon is legal because it's just a fucking illustration, imagine begin so retarded that you think drawings and other inanimate objects have rights LMAO kys Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Loli Child Porn Hahahaha Nigga They're Just Fucking Drawings Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER CA has inadequate gun control.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"boy is this fucking dirtbag nigger traitor obama delusional! the only one that \" makes stuff up\" is you ! i guess i would be pissed if my legacy was going down in flames because of a great patriot...trump.now the world knows what kind of a scumbag you are!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Just another common bitch. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Both QAnon and Antifa will be listed as diseases","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You went full retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I have a schizophrenia and I fight alone","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Democrats are RACIST RETARDED NPC's! Democrats are human sewage! They all need to be flushed! I have too many to count. Unfortunately when dealing with a lefty they are so retarded they cannot comprehend a thing I say so it is kind of a waste of time to be honest. Here is my description of a NY times reader though! New York Times Reader Brain Description: Zombie Like Unconscious Gullible Moron whose proclivities towards Fascist, Sexist, Racist, Bigoted activities hold no limitations; Arrogant simpleton; A polluted thumb drive with no critical thinking skills to discern facts from suggestive conjecture; Vacancy sign permanently posted while vacuous vomit drips unrestrained. Part of an angry drooling mob.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Maybe I'm retarded then, the first guy pretty much says \"if it's all just about acting then why not cast the best white actor for black panther\". Then in reply he says \"no he can't, he has to be black\", pretty much saying race does have to be a part of the casting, especially when they are described as such.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Thanks. You can tell the writer is a raging faggot. It keeps mentioning Russia's annexation of Crimea throughout the article. No, but it could make you a raging faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER What happens next is whoever inthe GOP votes against him gets destroyed and we vote MORE republicans to the Senate to ensure margin of victory for AMY CONEY BARRETT liberals worst nightmare.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Shut up Dumb Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Typical queer behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You a sick freak! FAGGOT","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Dude was fired and apparently this stupid cunt is suing him for 50k https:\/\/cookcountyrecord.com\/stories\/511210966-uber-driver-accused-of-videotaping-passenger-without-permission-posting-video-to-social-media","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"RT @lsarsour: Senator Susan Collins is the mother and grandmother of white women in America who gave us a Donald Trump presidency. The 53%. She is a disgrace and her legacy will be that she was a traitor to women and marginalized communities. History will not treat her kindly. #CancelKanavaugh She's going to be used as a test case when we start stripping paper-Americans of their birthright citizenship, calling it now https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2017\/08\/19\/linda-sarsours-terrorist-friend-stripped-of-citizenship-permanently-banned-from-u-s\/ Government has no authority to strip someone of citizenship If you want to quote USC how about the part where it say US is a corporation. Oh so you have no knowledge of that. Convenient So much I DO NOT CONSENT right now, hilarious","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@jack @Twitter @TwitterSupport The New and Improved Faggot Jack SJW SJWNPC","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Act like a cunt, get treated like a cunt. something like \"She already has a cunt\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER really should look at the Google stock value over the past 5 years and then lets see tears.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"THEY DO! When a woman is tring to tell you to eat 'healthier' she is trying to remove PROTEIN\/RED MEAT. She is essentially lowering his libido\/testosterone. I've quipped \"They want to remove the red meat because he might want a blow job after dinner\". Women treat men like dogs. They decide when they will reward and punish certain behaviors. The problem is that the female will start removing too much from him until the dog gets really hungry and breaks. Maybe its booze, maybe its cheating\/sex, whatever it is, then they will blame him. When really they were starving the dog until it started pissing in the corner and then they punish the dog for peeing in the corner instead of giving him what they know he wants\/needs. Women treat dogs better than men. A woman will tell you to never punish your dog. They will say you can only 'reward' positive behavior. But they only do that in the beginning with a man. Once the dog is doing what it's 'supposed to do' 98% of the time, they are bored and lose interest and then neglect the dog. They want a new toy. A new challenge. They are perpetually bored perpetual children. They feel empty inside. I saw it said earlier: Where men have souls, women have lists. lmmfao @ vegan cuck ! dyin' !! There should be an all simp band called Vegan Cuck. Their stage act could have them with their instruments, but leg shackled and gagged while Chad and Tyrone are spit roasting their wives onstage Whatever you fantasies are. A bit of freudian slip right there. Im not a vegan. I did vegan diets and keto. I bet you are a fat fuck who cant even pull his weight around. Go eat your mcdonnalds. And im not married so i cant be a cuck. You on the contrary since you post on r\/marriedredpill , you are trying to figure out why your wife is pregnant with Tyrone spawn.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Whenever I see \"pro-Israel\" in someone's Gab profile, I cringe hardcore. Canada ought to be our friend. White Canadians are of good stock. Yeah I like our Canadian bros but most Canadians hate us. Hell, most Americans hate us on this fringe against Israel. At least on Gab I can reply to them, unlike the cars I get behind w\/ the 'I Stand with Israel' bumper sticker. All I can do is pass them and hope they understand my #GTKRWN sticker Get an anti-Israel sticker.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER I know you're not this naive. Those people make up a very small % of Trump supporters. Do all Liberals support terrorist and (groups such as Antifa?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I think Smith is a homosexual faggot commie. He is banned from my tv . He makes me gag with vomit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Like your ex on bumble","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Eric Holder is an arms dealer and should be in jail how did this ass slip by","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Whatever u may say. You are not coming in 2019","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Ohh.. the liberals are fighting ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Governor of his state next","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Well, well, well. It looks like orangutans over at ABC are regretting their treatment of Roseanne Barr. https:\/\/www.chicksonright.com\/youngconservatives\/2018\/10\/12\/abc-execs-change-their-tune-and-now-admit-the-truth-about-roseanne-3\/?utm_source=comicalcon","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Disabled lives aren't worth shit. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"To All of You Racist Black AntiAmericans To All of Mainstream Media To All Liberals You are all a bunch of Faggot MutherFukrs Thank You @realDonaldTrump #DealWithIt #KanyeTrump Case in point: #RACEMIXERINCHIEF Nice... Wow! I can see the haters down voted this great meme... Wow... Dimocrats? Jew haters?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Dear Gab: In case the good folks at Twitter come over here and pull the same stunt they did over there, it's another case of stripping the context from a tweet. I posted that photo in response to death threats. Guess what? The death threats stopped. Leftists go after those who they think can't defend themselves. People were OUTRAGED that I would respond this way to threats of violence. There's a full-court press going on to get me off of all social media. Hollywood protects its own. That's fine. I just thought I'd get ahead of it. Carry on.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Very certain that if this muzzie coward communist traitor made a bomb, it would look like these. If questioned about the bombs he's still going to say \"you didn't make that. He can't help it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The left is a disgrace.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER when robyn posts a selfie the world stops for a moment to appreciate it","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Angry? Of course. But more retarded than angry.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Yes leave your boots on! #Sexy #ts Domino Presley and Robert Axel enjoying each others company! (3of7) #NSFW #babe #beauty #Tgirls #ladyboys #SexyTime #sexo #SundayFunday #TRANSGENDER #cheeky #bum #bunda #SHEMALE #ChicksWithDicks #stiffy #MeatLovers #BonerAlert #butts #booty #DominoPresley #TRAVESTI #dangle #DickGirl #TotalBabe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Get off your knees, white man, and stand up for your race. #AltRight #ProudBoys #NewRight #MAGA #Pegida #AfD #Orban #Putin #Brexit #BritFam #QAnon #Q #WhiteGenocide #svpol ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Notice how the Dems are not talking about or pushing for the release of the FBI report. They read enough of it to know that no doubt all nine witnesses the FBI interviewed said Ford was a drunken,whore,lying crazy fraudulent, cunt !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Muh islam. This expression indicates a nigger toe lover's confusion and lack of understanding. When confronted with something he can't understand or respond to, nigger toe lover mumbles 'muh islam', or 'muh islam, nazi'. This is usually followed by crotch grabbing an underage altar boy and subconscious toe shuffling.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Sign the petition to end social media censorship. I'll make a video about this tomorrow: https:\/\/petitions.whitehouse.gov\/petition\/pass-social-media-anti-censorship-act-smaca-end-soviet-style-speech-control-major-social-media-platforms https:\/\/LIttleRevolution.us\/SMACA Patrick Little LARPs as me, gets BTFO: http:\/\/boards.4chan.org\/pol\/thread\/189195384","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"If only you hatred Jews this much for what they've done to the West. Have you even tried to understand the positions of the Far Right? Of course not. Youre just another faggot Cuckservative with Stockholm syndrome.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"this faggot hates America, the West, and wants to support those who are actively engaged in taking down Western nations he plans to cripple you with playground name calling of ANTISEMITIC slurs...... The attacks will get worse on the Jewish people it is in the bible and we are living in the end times..Islam is of the devil the are pedophiles that beat and stone their women so how are the the religion of peace they have to wake up to their inherent evil... Jews bought out the Vatican in the late 1700's, the Pope is a Jew....they run Hollywood, porn, media, education, push homosexuality, pedo shit.... and if whites reject it, we are attacked","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You're too old to be a fedora faggot, just keeping it real. I was responding to a guy calling you a ''stupid fucking cunt'', if you're ok with such descriptor that's up to you, but I have too many friends who believe in God to let it pass. Can you stop believing in God? I don't think you can, not without some kind of cohersion. If you don't believe in God, you can lie, but you can't force yourself to have belief. Isn't choice within a context of faith? Isn't that why Christ frees his believers? That's how I understand it but I'm just a faggot who eventually stopped praying to be normal","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Germans are fucking retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I could tell when I saw this cringe worthy name that your counterargument would be that of a retarded faggot. Thanks for not disappointing me! Is that like half a fag? Or full favor , half wit? It's 100% boomer faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I don't see any difference between a dead rat and a dead immigrant. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"#guns #2A A Second Amendment Zone\" is Ridiculous. So Are Concealed Carry Laws Daily Utah Chronicle: The latest installment of the nation's endless debate on gun control recently surfaced on the University of Utah campus. A g URL URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"This is exactly how I feel like when I see a tranny like this disgusting af","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I think there are also very specific forces at work here, forces that cannot be simply explained as the interplay between markets and supply\/demand dynamics, and those forces are probably best summed up as The Leftist San Fran Tech Bubble. The percentage of ideologically retarded gamer-hating journos who live in San Fransisco (or an equivalently ridiculous city) isn't just coincidence or correlation - it's legitimately the root cause of all this progressive idiocy in journalism. Creating good videogame journalism might be as easy as figuring out how to publish it somewhere other than a Leftist urban enclave on the coast.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"It would be really difficult to argue that Lovecraft wasn't racist and xenophobic, those are both quite obvious. But homophobia and misogyny? I'm not *that* familiar with his works but in the dozen or so that I've read I cannot recall a single instance of either of those. In fact, I don't think I've ever heard someone call Lovecraft misogynistic before this article. Can any experts chime in here? Did his writing have signs of hatred for women that I glossed over?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER She has received death threats and has teenage daughters. She is protecting her family","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER They are obstructionists. Anti-american. Pharisees. Ask them what they are running on and you get nothing. Maga!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"If you post a video give some indication of what it is. I don't have the interest to sample it simply because it's there. Give it a title or something. Don't be a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Capitol Police have arrested a Congressional staffer who worked for Sheila Jackson Lee D-TX for doxing Republican Congressmen via Wikipedia. He probably has a Harvard Law professor.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Woah there Gonsamnun99! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Now was that called for?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Sure thing ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"she is retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"NBC Thought Control https:\/\/bit.ly\/2yua4te Move over Hunger Games 1\/ What a load of PC s^*t ! This Kelly broad always was over the pale ( fence) part Leftist. All this self flagellation about discussing her true feelings on Americans and dressing up with black makeup and white lips on Vaudville stages. I liked her show at one time on Fox, right up and until she chopped her hair (butch dyke style) and wore leather all up in your face New York City style. Turned me off and millions of others as she got too big for her britches scoring points against President Trump and got it right back from him. A $69 million parting gift and look out hen pecked husband. It's full time now!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"He is a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER He is so takendted what the heck","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER I have. Its horse dung. She can't remember when and where. It comes out at the last second. Her parents lost a foreclosure case where his Mom was the judge she is a hardcore anti Trump liberal the #MeToo is turning into BLM ANTIFA and there is 0 due process","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Just ask them how does having some of the toughest gun control laws working out for chicago","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER A dying sport","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Yeah that cop looks like an unhinged retard.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Hay, if you told these idiots not to vote in the super pedo devil mafia no term limits politicians too, I don't see why we can't agree on this boomer are retarded thing.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You must be seriously sad to write things like \"Muslims deserve to die\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"\"anyone who has ever said anything about Soros has blood on their hands\" Lol typical retard unable to think. So good or bad, if you spoke ABOUT Soros you have blood on your hands? Idiot That's just how retarded the libtards are. It's scary","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Or you're just a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@judgedread lol no","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I'm not a mediocre cunt I just like annoying cunts like you","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"We should just hangall these Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Vote this lying cunt out","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER agreed fuck that guy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"How long is it been eight years and Americans are still in charge this guy is a twat","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER ME BITCH I WILL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"DUMB TWAT","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":">tfw actually a foul-mouthed retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Me or the Tory lady? Because what I wrote was about all their failings.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Lets fix this for you. He is not accused. People heard him. So how about \"Eric Trump made anit-Semetic remarks ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Astronaughts should stick to what they know best... getting out there in space...perhaps the silly cunt should take his helmet off next time he's having a spacewalk. Fuck me these lefty scum give me the literal shits...and some of these useless cunts think that having fucked the good ole USA up the ass with their liberal crapola they can move to New Zealand","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Getting sick of seeing that Lindsey Graham protester video set to nigger music. Good way to ruin it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"My husband is friends with at least 2 cosplayers who have had run ins with her and can confirm she is a disgusting beast. One of them had her breasts exposed by this bitch while posing for a photo. Fat cunt came up behind her and pulled her top up, then laughed when she shrieked and ducked to cover herself. She just waved it off as a bit of fun when cosplayer ripped into her for it. The other had stories, confirmed by her also cosplaying husband, of the disgusting cow grabbing her ass, boobs and trying to grope her groin. She also tried to cop a feel on the husband and he managed to turn away, but seriously wanted to punch her face in for touching his wife. They reported her to security instead. Husband is going to Blizzcon again this year and thanks to the two cosplayers + husband\/bf he knows going, and sharing a apartment with him to help save on expenses, a few others that are also cosplayers and friends of the first two will also be sharing the space. He's already made the rule that if they wanna have some fun, drinks and games they can invite a friend but NO MoMo under any circumstances. If her or any of her posey try to show up they will get a door in the face.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Does this not make it obvious that Muslims are scum?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"can we just start killing these antifa terrorist faggots and be done with them???WTF https:\/\/youtu.be\/8kIQA7ER0EY i can still protect myself from a FUCKIN skinny jeans faggot with my bear hands!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"AMERICA NEEDS TO PAY ATTENTION TO THIS POST. FUCKING MUDSLIMES COMING ACROSS THE BORDER WILL DO THIS IN A HEARTBEAT HERE https:\/\/www.thesun.co.uk\/news\/7526350\/isis-700-hostages-syria-vladimir-putin\/ Oh please do come! I have so many bacon dipped bullets just waiting for a muzzie to eat! Oh and all that target practicing I have been doing, time to put some of that knowledge to use!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"a faggot is also a meatball in gravy over here","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER he has never gave any information or said anything that ended up being true. Most likely cause if he is producing w them he's not allowed to share info","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Just think... this chap was teaching...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":">The internet is angrier and more savage than it's ever been That is an objectively false statement and betrays the author's fragility. Mike is garbage who constantly goes for the low hanging jokes. Joel is god and I'll muder fuck any faggot who says otherwise.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"It's a quote from the Office. But yeah.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER I think Michelle spilled Democrats plans for civil war.. liberals are lunatics","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER She is too busy patting her hair to realize her Tweets are comical but in a stupid kind of way.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"#SynagogueShooter Rob Bowers aka @onedingo joined #GABfam in January of He had other social media accounts before that and was \"radicalized\" way before he joined us here. Not that facts like this will matter to #Mockingbird #MSM I am sure... https:\/\/m.imgur.com\/a\/cwB9QkR https:\/\/web.archive.org\/web\/20181027160428\/https:\/\/imgur.com\/a\/cwB9QkR ^ TBH if that goes viral things might get interesting -- it's like a random sampling of Gab #RedPill posts. Lots of reposts of high profile accounts. ... PS: @a @e WOW i think his Gab posts being shared all over #BigTech means a HUGE increase in visitors; I experienced huge lag for maybe 10 minutes but now seems to have resolved itself. Nice surprise load test! :) Did Twitter scrub @onedingo's account and delete all his messages? I was just thinking that about the fake mail bomb guy. The FBI is known for getting retarded people to commit terrorists acts for them so they can get a bigger budget.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Isn't she from Philly ? Carpetbagging Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Poll time. Let's see how many NatSocs we can force to lie lol NatSocs! If you had to move to live in the Middle East permanently with your wife and kids, living totally under your host country's laws and customs, where would you prefer to go? I'd only go there to live once the Kurds are given their own Homeland. They would give refuge to Yazidis and a few other good tribes and they are naturally good people. We should nuke all the rest and let them inherit that part of the Earth. They are Semites, which is why I only ridicule anyone who calls me an antisemite... fucking ignorant fools know nothing! Antisemite almost always means anti-Jew. No-one says \"I'm an antisemite. I hate Jews....oh yes, and a few other Semitic tribes too\" lol I'm not Jewish idiot. And many of those times were 1000s of years ago and most of them were 100s of years ago. Back when minorities were always scapegoated. Especially if they were relatively wealthier. Where are Jews expelled from now? Oh that would be Islamic places wouldn't it. They are shitholes and don't count :) What's the matter? Don't you like free speech? Want to censor me? Get me off Gab? That's exactly like your Marxist socialist mates were like on Twitter ;) How high are you bouncing up and down in your chair now? Has your head gone through the ceiling yet? Say hi to your upstair neighbours for me. Would it help if you knew that I'm not in fact Jewish? Probably not! I don't care lol I like you. You're funny. I may keep you as a pet :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"They are just a bunch of whores. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"fuck nigger lives!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Racism and Pornography are the gatekeepers of true free speech. So you think it should be legal to sell porno to minors? What year are you fucking from? No one buys pornography anymore it's all free and accessible to all ages do you think that little \"click yes if you are 18+\" stops anyone? So what you're saying is, you don't care if adults watch porno with children? Did I say watching porn with children? No I said no one buy's porn and its accessible to all. I don't care if underage people watch porn. Even back when it was restricted to magazines kids still got ahold of it. You just had to work harder. Being Gen Z those of my generation grew up with it and we are more conservative than the Millenials or Boomers. The original claim is that porn and racism are the indicators of whether or not free speech still exists and that's bullshit. Free speech by definition excluded things that we restrict minors from accessing and you're a retard if you think racism and pornography are an apples to apples comparison. Freedom does not mean equality. Both are countering positions. Children are not equal to adults and so do not have the same rights. They have human rights but not civil rights for obvious reasons. As for your original argument. Racism is a required aspect of free-speech since racism is a flawed concept and used to censor people. Namely whites. \" racism is a required aspect of free speech since racism is a flawed concept \" ?.. there's you fucked right there.. fucking idiot.. Let me rephrase that. As I phrased it poorly. Racism as an idea is flawed because everyone is inherently racist. We evolved to be as such and hold in-group preference. During the righting of the first amendment, racism did not exist as a concept","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Islam, basically the nigger of religions.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"hmmm why are alcholic anonymous talking about brandy or jack daniels . now do you see how retarded you sound ? go back the crayons wont eat them selves","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"It's like a Viking berzerkergang but from Themiscyra. It's not even close to that cool.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Anita Hill wasca liar then and she is a liar now.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"#MAGA great thing about hurricane Florence: did not have to hear the bionic woman with the amazing memory\" talk about a party 3 million years ago URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Actions - H.R.610 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): To distribute Federal funds for elementary and secondary education in the form URL #Evil #Greedy #Hateful #Pigs #Education #MAGA #BetsyDeVos","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"How magnanimous of the perjury committing, lying, memory impaired, cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"She went full retard, never go full retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I chased the last nigger family off of my block. Weird, you sound like a nigger...Your block?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Take the nigger outta the. Ahhh fuck it if u faggots don't know by now you never will.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"How about you say something more useful than spamming the same message over and over again, basically the only Swedish things about it are the blurred image and the killers \"nationality\". The most retarded thing is asking Swedes for help, help with a dude that's blurred and left the country.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Good morning #GabFam Have a great Friday Sadly, in Taxachusset it is hardly likely. But the second part can still come true. We live in hope!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Chris Burns you are a fascist. Nothing more than that.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER FF8 sucks MAJOR wang.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"My mom really thinks I'm a scumbag. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Then get lost from Canadian politics, redneck","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"#nigwiggery Police hunting for nigger perp who attacked a white man in a New York pizzeria | Daily Mail Online https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6290647\/Police-hunting-perp-attacked-man-New-York-pizzeria.html","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"So a quick search lead me to the origins of some of these terms. \"Stan\" comes from an Eminem song so...a white guy. \"Tea\" in slang terms apparently originated among drag queens, and I wasn't able to find a specific origin for \"I'm screaming!\" but most arrows point towards Tumblr teen girls. Literally the only one that can be specifically traced to \"AAVE\" is \"weave snatched\". Honestly, they're words, get over yourself. The comic creator too (who I know works for Buzzfeed so his self-flagellation is par for the course) is particularly embarrassing. \"I'm not sure if I really have permission to make comics using those words\" FFS, stop acting like a milquetoast sycophant; words are not owned by anyone, use them to your heart's content. People who get hung up on words \"belonging\" to a certain demographic are severely lacking a personality. He actually quit working for BuzzFeed, but I still agree.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER In EXACTLY THE way DEFENDS PEDOPHELIA... POLITICIZED SCIENCE... ANTIFA RIOTS... because they FURTHER the cause... One MAN\/ENTITY...totally in charge of the whole world Superstitious?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"What makes you say stuff like \"these trans people disgust me so much\"?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Bring on the hypocrite gungrabber. MAGA","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Finally a truth, not usual lies of WaPo. One comment to this article anyway light up my curiosity and a question to #POTUS: if Turkey goes at war with KSA, will we be involved as Turkey is in fact a NATO country? We had enough of Erdogan so, please, boot this muzzie extremist and his Country out of NATO.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"the losers at work sure love their nigger ball","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Splatter your brains faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER State level crime when the alleged offender was a juvenile. Silly liberals no crime committed by Kavanaugh but probably one by the liar Ford #DemocratsDividingAndDestroyingAmerica #DemocratsHateAmerica","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"imagine being so fucking retarded you think you can shame a man for getting a blowjob. especially in the fucking white house of all places.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER I'm jealous","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"It was his gift to retarded doves of lesser iq sanz grease lightning","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Nothing abusive should ever be done to anyone! Including the women and people of this country she is putting under horrible stress worrying about what she is going to do. This should have been an easy NO\" from her if she is who she says she is. And I agree with you Gabby!\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER They lie about firearms. They call the AR-15 a fully semi-automatic assault rifle.\" They push gun control. They say Donald Trump is racist and hates Mexicans. They say he colluded with Russia. So yes, they lie\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER I believe you are correct Chico the wise chihuahua!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"#treasonousgoverment california Tries New Tack on Gun Violence: Bullet Control URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The fucking MPs need to grow a pair for once in their WELL PAID lives and bring the treacherous cunt down. The Universal Credit thing is another big example of the government's uncaring attitude, they'll force it through - problems and all, nothing people want matters any more, it's what the elites want, i.e., you poor forever.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I saw an image on there today with the \"potentially sensitive content\" warning, and when I revealed it, it was just a photo of Trump captioned \"good morning fellow patriots\". How is Twitter still in business? That's almost too ridiculous to be true, but I know it is. Seriously people he's our president. The sky has yet to fall, your life is still normal, and yet you still sit around and act like he's a fucking fascist. How do they rationalize their delusions? How are so many people this completely whacked out of their mind.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"don't waste your breath. He's a fucking commie faggot asshole who doesn't have a fucking clue as to who the real enemies are!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Jonathan Haidt's The Righteous Mind\" should be required reading in high school. Parts of the book elucidate exactly the problem conservatives like Shapiro contend with: they think everyone thinks\/acts like they believe they do - making choices rationally and on principle.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER He's going to need a pair of running shoes so he can look for work when he's sees we're not supporting his dumb ass movies anymore. #walkaway","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"You are just a fag to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"So, she's still a wacky Feminazi twat with a malfunctioning brain. https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/onlytheghosts\/art\/Lacy-Green-All-Men-Are-Guilty-611039016","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Man give this one a rest already. She didn't kill him in cold blood. In fact he had to convince her to do this prank. Like I said in the last post about this girl. There are plenty of examples of pussy passes where you don't need to try and spin this one into a pussy pass. Just chill. Being ignorant of firearm safety is not a defense No shit That's what you are arguing. Agreeing to shoot in the direction of someone and then say \"I didn't know that could happen! We tested it!\" is not a defense. That's what you are saying I'm arguing. I'm saying she didn't kill him in cold blood. It wasn't murder it was a manslaughter case. Glad I could clear that up for you. Nope. That is what you are arguing. 90 days is an appropriate sentence for manslaughter. Glad you cleared that up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Are @USER now criticising @USER policy in England where standardised testing is used in the equivalent of P1. Is this the start of a Tory civil war?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"REPORT: Christine Blasey Ford prepared to testify' but there are some catches\" URL #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"this faggot terorrist media guy needs some help seeing the light!! Daniel dale Toronto star https:\/\/youtu.be\/NYKct1K03_4","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You are nothing but a w h o r e. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":".@USER offers a different view on why liberals outnumber conservatives at universities: URL URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"CNN analyst: \"If you sexually assault someone in high school, your life should be ruined\" https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/lQubqja.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/4YmR","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I understand your sentiment, but I think it's important to be ready, willing and able to shut those cunts down the second they try their shit. There's been too many riots, assaults, instances violence against politicians etc. At some point we'll be knocked off our high horse with a bike lock and shot by some deranged TDS prick and I won't let that happen to me.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"#politicslive Since the coalition everyone knows if you vote @USER you a @USER government #neveragain","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Peter is a cunt trying to stir shit!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Of fucking course he likes terrorists. and#x200B; The goddamn Babylonian Satanist anti-human shitstain of a cuntscum false!religious cult of Islam invented by Satan fuckboy globalist faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"it's all nigger fantasies and Wakanda type BULLSHIT!! not real..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@Kween_Gigi Did you get gassed again over on twatter? Hi G!!! Yah like 7 times in 2 wks how's you?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Given how hollywood works I'm willing to give JJ the benefit of the doubt by saying that he said that shit and supported them because he was told to. From what was floating around when Rian was making Episode 8 and how he tossed out everything JJ had, JJ was PISSED. BUT, you can't say that a guy who bastardized your plans and fucking ruined them is a complete cunt when you're in charge of making the next big movie that's part of a massively popular franchise and the both of you work under the same suit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Just a guess but you're muh hammer, muh wodin, nigger style new age spiritism, right? You can still grow your own dick and do better. Advice still stands, like all color of nigger, if you hate them so much get away from them and carry on. You know, like a boomer would be able to figure out. Coon logic, boy. You saying something makes it true. 100% nigger tier.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER AntiChrist. The Roman Catholic Church is a House of demons.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Is this how you treat shareholders, @Tesla? I said @ElonMusk's plans to colonize Mars were stupid since there are plenty of problems here on earth he could help solve with his resources, and he got triggered and blocked me! https:\/\/files.catbox.moe\/6lby0n.jpg Hey might think Dice was a democrat, musk voted for trump. musk voted for Money ;)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Violent #DNCTFA Mob attacks reporter at tolerant DNC Rally for talking the Truth about globalist terrorist George Soros funding the Democrat Mob Party of Hate. #1776RealNews @gatewaypundit https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/angry-democrat-mob-assaults-gay-journalist-at-andrew-gillum-rally-jobsnotmobs-video\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER What exactly do you mean by \"common sense gun control you first need to understand firearms how they function what their role is in our constitutional republic and that banning them from law abiding citizens does nothing to protect law abiding citizens.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Let's just respect those women","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I think that's why he said \"I hope you don't think any less of me\", he clearly let his emotions get the better of him and didn't take the high road. Tough to blame him, but still not the right thing to do. Yeah, but why do people put so much weight on taking the high road? If someone tries to screw you and damage your property why are we expected to pretend like it's not getting to you? Because you get nothing in return. So? We're supposed to suffer in silence and just take abuse? That way we don't give them the satisfaction of knowing it irritates us it seems silly It's not about suffering in silence, it's about recognizing when you can get something back, or when it's just not worth it. The woman screwed the driver out of his fare. He kicked her out in the middle of the night. That's all he could expect. Drive away and cut your losses. Suffering in silence and taking abuse would be if he just drove her all the way. I'm not talking about this specific situation I'm talking about in general... Still applies. The high road doesn't mean you should be a carpet, it just means acting correctly and not stooping down to the level of whoever is being a prick. People value it because it makes crystal clear who's in the wrong. Trying to \"get even\" just makes your position weaker when it matters (when you are seeking redress) or gets you nothing but more trouble (escalating an already shitty situation). It's easy for people to say shit like \"take the high road\" or \"be the better person\" when they're sitting at their keyboard","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"\"the uploader has not made this video available in your country\". ? i am USA , wtf...anyhoots..money for nothing and your checks for free...yep,we loved it.could say faggot and get away with it","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Wow! I like this lady more and more!!! She is such a fighter and a blessing!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Bottom line is and should be to all is that the accusation is from 35+ yrs ago when they were minors. The judge has 60 HS students of his saying No Way! Judge managed to keep impeccable lifestyle as an adult. Accuser is a hardcore left activist (Soros antifa type who has a 2grd","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"i see you didnt do too well in grammar","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Once again, to the brittle little bitch who reported every single comment in here: you, person, are a pussy. We don't ban or censor here unless its absolutely necessary; you're wasting your time. But welcome to PPD anyway, where we welcome whiny little cunts like you with open arms. enjoy your stay, boo. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some reports to ignore.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":" Not in the UK it won't under this government. you never had a thought tho have you? youre just a lil pedo protector arent you is that it? you just repeat what i said and call it patter? you aint got no chat son, your just a gullible deluded follower of white groomers thats complicit in child rape by the edl","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Hate to be that guy, but NZ has a [no-fault accident compensation scheme](https:\/\/www.acc.co.nz\/) which means that the government pays you money for personal injury regardless of how it happens, BUT you waive your ability to sue in court. It's compulsory - effectively, you can't sue for personal injury in NZ, even if it is due to incredible stupidity or even malice. The only exception is \"exemplary damages\", basically your conduct was so awful that I'm suing you for being a cunt. An example might be if you decided to go do your deadlifts next to the baby, then intentionally and repeatedly dropped 250lbs on its head, and then didn't wipe off your gym equipment after using it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The one in yellow was a female? [deleted] Do we? How else do you describe it? I'm intrigued? [deleted] Ah I see what you're getting at. Don't confuse the internet with real life. These people don't exist in real life or at least, I have never met someone that describes themselves in that way. Because they'd be openly and deservedly mocked. [deleted] It seems the troll deleted all his\/her replies, I was curious to what he\/she was saying.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I feel nothing but contempt for black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Actually he is a soy boy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Yep, you're an asshole. >If a person commits a crime like that, What the fuck are you talking about you complete nutter? We are discussing people who didn't commit any crime! Or in your distorted reality is it a crime to be falsely accused of rape? >then people can weigh out appropriate ways to punish or mitigate similar crimes, What crime you fucking moron? >so you might think after a person is released from prison or whatever that they should not feel morally judged for those actions. The action of being falsely accused of rape? FFS get a grip you retard. >But whatever the guilty rapist does deserve, What? Who the fuck is talking about guilty rapists? Grow a brain. >no one deserves to be raped. The only sensible thing you've said. But do you want to think about it some more, you seem confused? And guess what you feeble minded troll? No one deserves to be falsely accused of rape either. A far worse crime. >As I already explained in my first response, the same framing could be used to 'victimize' the perpetrators of anything. We aren't talking about perpetrators dickhead. >The genocide of native Americans by European colonists could be reframed such that moral judgement of those colonists' actions after they occurred should not occur. What the fuck does that have to do with **false** rape allegations? >Edit: I also would prefer that a rape apologist not call me 'friend', by the way. You disgusting cunt. Rape apologist!?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"So apparently today was Drive Like A Retard Day. I must not have gotten the memo.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Nothing fills me with fag-rage more than an entitled, incel-ass lesbian being a misandrist. Even with all the beautiful, gorgeous, wonderful men who are sadly (for me) straight, I'm happy they found wonderful, gorgeous, beautiful gals to share their lives with and have a loving relationship. Btw, I hope straight\/bi girls see this and know to avoid you because you'll likely try to sabotage every relationship they get into because you're overly-possessive. Dude same. Nothing fills me with dyke rage than angry incelbians acting like this. They're giving the majority of us decent, normal lesbians a bad name. Do I get a bit jealous when I see a cute girl with a guy? Hell yeah! Do I act like I'm better and deserve her more? Hell no! I got some straight girl friends with wonderful boyfriends and I'm super happy they're super happy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Incest baby that got double-down syndrome","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"https:\/\/uk.news.yahoo.com\/new-eastenders-boss-promises-lgbt-representation-veteran-soap-","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"That is why you don't give a nigger an inch. The nigger is out there, it cant be bargained with, it cant be reasoned with, it doesn't feel pity or remorse or fear, and it absolutely will not stop...EVER, untill you are dead!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I don't understand why men kill themselves without putting two in the head of the cunt who lied first. KILL HER THEN YOURSELF YOU TWATS. It should be a foregone conclusion that if you're trying to ruin someone's life that YOURS is forfeit in the trade!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Tim Kaine Completely SILENT. #HimToo #vasen #ViolentLeft #antifa #muslim #virginia URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Why is anyone acting like anything's up for debate? It has never been OK to invade countries. It has never been OK to try overthrow a government. It has never been OK to insist society change its view of reality. Stop acting like any Leftist BS is up for discussion or possibly valid. It's not. We all know it's crazy. \"You're fkg crazy!\" is all we should have to say. \"Leftist BS\"? Muslims were invading countries, overthrowing governments and insisting societies change their view of reality for centuries before there were \"Leftists\". I'm a rabid anti-semite just for saying Moslems and communist Jews have acted as peas in a pod through history and aren't really enemies. That is, I'm anti-semitic just for knowing the truth and speaking it. We must not let the communist Jews win. They would try us for \"anti-semetism\" and do sick things to us like they did in Germany acting as \"Nazis\". Anyone who compares Jews to Muslims is either a rabid antisemite or an ignorant asshole. I apologize, if I misjudged you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Juan needs to check himself. He is completely out of control.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I ship you guys please get back together","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":".@USER Just another Republican hater! It amazes me that liberals don't like Republican's money Colin You're fired! #BoycottColinJost #EmmyAwards URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"\"Women should be held off from going to prison as it is more damaging for them than men wtf!! I can't believe this is REAL guidance produced for the courts to follow! It is the daily mail, so chances are it's not Looks like your credibility is less than the dailymail. Feel pretty stupid, huh? As some random asshole on the intertubes, it feels pretty good to have a similar level of credibility as the UK's second biggest selling newspapee \"Less than\" isn't \"similar.\" Why make the comparison if it's not similar, silly boy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"watch out the faggot ghoul doesn't get you","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I would have divorced her ass too, hubby and family did the right thing. What a selfish evil twat","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I'll use the faggot as a personal flotation device and fish bait when I get hungry.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER I can't watch CNN anymore because the conservative pundits they have on are just partisan hacks. I get CNN wants balance\" but the conservatives that defend the indefensible are too much.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"there are reasons (medical etc) that make it impossible to have a child, I can think of no reason to ever fuck a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Nobody is greek\", that nation was lost, if it ever existed at all.. You are Subsaharan.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"r\/foundthemobileuser","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"that dumb nigger doesn't even know how many days are in a week.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"58 genders???? OK ....but 2 categories are missing for sure.....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Niggers Fucking niggers Fucking nigger parents that raised them.Brain shocks at a mental institution","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"OK Folks, Jewish people were just killed at a synagogue. All bets are off. There is going to be a huge push for censorship of \"hate speech\" now. It's time to stand your ground. Refuse to be silenced. Just because a crazy man committed a terrible act doesn't mean that YOU committed a terrible act. Don't allow them to group you in with him. Speak forever free. All coordinated acts by Liberals...for just saying that the bombs were fake I got a Facebook warning letter charging me with violence...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Have the courage of your *convictions* faggot. You take a steaming dump in my timeline and when I challenge you to back it up you literally pull the \"I made you angry I win the debate?\". Perhaps the most faggots homo thing ever. But sure faggot you *ARE* a real boy!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER All he is missing are the inmate number","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"dude guns don't make me uncomfortable. i was taught weapons retention with a .223 and a .45 when I was 8 years old and was hitting marks at","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Am I wrong to think that those kinds of black people ought to be executed?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER More misleading nonsense. It's like you are incapable of straight News. Fake through and through.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER is so biased against conservatives everyone should drop google and use Bing or DuckDuckGo.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"hey arron rodgers, choke on that D ya fudge packing faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER He is a blast to watch","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"AHH I MISS THEM SM ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"After all the shit Dez was talking about Jerry and The cowboys he is a fucking clown ass dude if he go back","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@Wren @peremersenne @markusenyart @Timber @Trumplican @Grubama @baerdric @FreeAgent355 @2sense @Lilgirl @rickybird @Luvvvbughugs @Moonbasking @Sockalexis @Lilly @NaturalSelection @haremesc @BewareOfFlatteries @AltruisticEnigma @NiggerologistPhD @olHip @CrunchyBacon @KimFoote @EmilyAnderson @IlI @Luvmybykr @FEDUPCITIZEN7 I believe Bill and support his efforts to have this rabid dog fired. The moron that sent this email should be sued for slander and the attacker should be jailed for assault and lose his job. I've taken a screen shot of your comment. You called an African American man a \"rabid dog\". I am emailing this to that company and proving to them that Bill and his friends are literal neo-nazis. @Trumplican","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I haet immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"\"A post gender society is the most retarded thing I've heard all day. And I've been in the internet all day!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"It's autistics calling each other retarded in this stupid case!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER he is doing it to everyone he don't like","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"4 kids and 22? Her cunt must resemble a windsock in a hurricane.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"It has been announced that Harry and MegNog are expecting arrival of their first quarter nigger monstrosity in Late April. Attention hungry idiots have broken the news to family during Eugenie's wedding. Such crass, rude and low class behavior. Seems ghetto manners have rubbed on Harry big time. It's odd that they had to announce it while couple is abroad..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER everyone please vote for Vicki barbolack she is the most amazing kind hearted funny and loved person on that stage no one has earned this more than her","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER lets stretch bitches","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER He's NO POPE!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Seeing immigrants in this place makes me so angry. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Tim Pool, Sargon, and Stefan Molyneux. Tim gives honest news, Sargon is a wonderful asshole, and Stefan cites and explains his positions well. Oh, Rageaholic is fun, if completely biased. I enjoy his rants. Do you also believe that if black people get married, then all the race related issues get solved in America? Isn't that what Sargon tried to convince Destiny of? Have you seen the debate between Destiny and Sargon? Tell me what part Destiny said that was \"retarded\"? https:\/\/youtu.be\/lt_JMlGVUcU Are you white knighting the poor innocent girl who infringed on his copyright?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":">Copying pastas instead of making them by hand Who do you think I am? The first version was from the NBC report on Discord\/White Nationalists, and was mostly formed as a result of my general amusement that people really don't bother thinking about Chinese election meddling and hacking attempts. https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/KotakuInAction\/comments\/79u0yh\/ethics_will_usher_nbc_news_publishes_fake_news\/dp57huz\/ for that thread. This version comes from the Kavanough Hearings, modified because Toronto and Jordan Peterson have pushed incels to the front, and Mark Judge was confirmed GamerGating. https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/KotakuInAction\/comments\/9l09lb\/opinion_molly_mckew_wired_brett_kavanaugh_and_the\/e73h27p\/?context=3 includes a few different angles I was thinking about in one of the archive links. Another recent incel attack makes me kind of want to modify the pasta to push the \"Chinese Cartoons\" meme a little harder, but I'm lazy, and I don't have a personal army. Also many journalists have stopped responding to me because I keep sending them retarded story ideas.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER He will never live this down! You know he is furious! Can U imagine what world leaders will be thinking when they meet him ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Aaaahh~ *Scribe uses Run Away because she is tiny and mantis as cool but scary*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Yeah what a fucking cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Fucking worthless cunt. The white knight faggots who still defend her are what's wrong with the world.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"How can she even begin to make that argument? She can't - that's retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER We are \"Casually fucked ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER This game is completely won and lost in the midfield. We need the defensive pressure high!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER It's only significant if he is packing his bags.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Yeah i said it! And to the good Moslems, all three of you... fuck you too Thank you Julia!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Is this nigga really back to dying his hair 2445times in one comeback ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Techcunt here","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Trump is the president. Don't eff with us. https:\/\/www.washingtontimes.com\/news\/2018\/oct\/16\/honduras-begs-migrant-caravan-turn-back\/ #MAGA #TAOTD #PresidentTrump Hey @Sopwith, you should change your name to Trump Autist.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"aaaand it's another stupid nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Less pussypass and more like RACEPASS. If she were white and the victim was black, she'd get the death penalty. No, retard. It was entirely Pussypass. No pussypass if it was a white woman torturing a black man Well, you're wrong. The pussypass is a bigger deal than you think.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Calling him a \"cancerous faggot\" while doing it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Circus Freak has complications involving pee pee removal surgery. What a surprise! https:\/\/pagesix.com\/2018\/10\/16\/jazz-jennings-suffered-complications-following-gender-confirmation-surgery\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Poor little nigger boys need to be noticed to get pity again from the population,it seems more like a threat to law enforcement.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Lmfao. #Iran is a lot of unsavory things. I have never ever heard of anything even remotely close to this nonsense propaganda Iran does have one of the most highly educated populations on the planet What a fucking lying cunt Haley is.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER 79% say they are the same of better off! #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Getting scared ugly man?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Well he's a liberal so that explains it. Who knows the shooter may be a liberal as far as he knows. Liberals are very hateful violent people and must be defeated!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Why are you telling them to not do this? I encourage Antifa shits to try this and get dropped. Less of them the better.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"SESSIONS DOESN\"T HAVE THE BALLS TO TAKE THIS SORRY CUNT TO TRIAL. HOPEFULLY AFTER THE MID TERMS SESSIONS WILL BECOME A DISTANT BAD MEMORY.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I was only pretending to be retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER sick of white neo liberals speaking for Black people saying they all love Hillary. They are so deluded. It's like they just rep black lives matter' so they can appear woke enough to keep railing against Bernie supporters. Because you know they didn't care b4 Hillary lost 2 trump","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You trans people keep acting up. There really is nothing worse than your kind. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"What is omnisexual People who can be attracted to anyone regardless of gender. Essentially the same thing as pansexuality. Uh, no. That's absolutely *not* what it means. Oof. That is all.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":" Obama Then: \"The Future MUST not belong to those who slander the prophet of islam.\" Harris Now: \"Americans MUST be welcoming and tolerant to caravan.\" **Same bullshit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"All these bigots keep saying that immigrants like me ought to be executed. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER You are a true blessing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"The fact you believe Nigger women to be 'top-tier' is most-amusing to a White male. We never touch such garbage, nor do you Niggers. Through your own women, you KNOW Niggers are fugly. You are just angry that you know Niggers are considered the ugliest race upon the face of this planet, whilst my race is considered the very standard of beauty.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"We would be better off if those black people were eradicated. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Mike Allen: French citizens 'flee' to Hungary to escape from criminal migrant suburbs. Hey is Viktor Orban a HERO or what? https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/french-citizens-flee-to-hungary-to-escape-from-criminal-migrant-suburbs\/ Not according to jews! MARS . I've made a special sky hook just for chickenshits send 100 bucks today and have it first thing in the morning!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"0 Fuxs Given. The only 'trash' are you uptown COMMIES who think you are so pious because NIGGERS are your equal. Low Peasants. Maybe you should be a tough guy IRL not on the nets???? You a pussy nigger lover???","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"https:\/\/www.thesun.co.uk\/news\/7494812\/student-kidnapped-raped-murdered-south-african-gang\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"You are part of the problem with that attitude.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER I'm honestly not surprised coming from the school you are in. Why would you be vaping. I noticed they like to accuse you of a lot of stupid stuff but don't let it get to you.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"\"immigrants are a cancer\" is such a dehumanising thing to say. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Be best. Be #MAGA Following amazing patriots.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER And Democrats want an open border and gun control... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Well if anyone is EXPERT enough to make that assumption, it most certainly would be Cunt News Network. The set is filled with retards!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Is it an act that DOJ employees are stalking Trump appointees and hitting them with staged protests? Is Maxine Waters part of the plan? Antifa? AG Sessions is not a part of any Plan. He's Stonewalling and protecting the status quo.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Hey Ontario the Liberals took Billions from you and gave it to multi national companies calling it a Green Energy plan don't worry your on hook for another 19 years...as for real viable alternatives beyond hiding more taxes...they had nothing...#FordNation this is up to you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Who's the annoying faggot on your show right now? Also, original content included.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER You'd also know this isn't about women at all b\/c Democrats don't call for justice for women assaulted by Democrats when there is both evidence of injury and police reports. You'd know Dems only demand conservatives be found guilty upon accusation. You'd know this is all political. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Check in at the Fake Shooting. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":".@DonaldJTrumpJr Hits Back At @WhoopiGoldberg After She Implies His Sons Must Have Abusive Tendencies https:\/\/files.catbox.moe\/3rzl4j.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/HDMV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"So sick of being around construction sites like this. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Black lives are not worth protecting. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Come on how, he is definitely useful as a man to suck the nigger semen out of his wife's front hole.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Liberal college towns have the biggest white-black gaps in school test scores. Berkeley has the worst racial gap in the country. In contrast, high all around test scores and modest racial gaps tend to be found in GOP places like Dallas exurbs. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/fvth https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/37598","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER I will beat your ass.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER How about yours Chaplain. Liberals are fools.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Free publicity, the left is truly retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"3 of his guys were arrested. Dana White said it was a super duper bad night for the UFC: https:\/\/twitter.com\/terezowens\/status\/1048807414571520000?s=21 Have you ever tried to ground and pound a bus? The dolly was efficient.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER If only he were the craziest MF out there. Sadly, he is NOT. There are far worse examples of good Christians.\"\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"War on Choice: UK Government Sets Calorie Cap' for Pizzas, Burgers Even Soup https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/10\/12\/uk-calorie-cap-pizzas-burgers-soup\/?utm_source=newsletterandutm_medium=emailandutm_term=dailyandutm_content=linksandutm_campaign=20181012","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"David, Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"From a Jewess perspective, this is probably true. Jewish women are niggers. They are also totally crazy. Feminism is a Jewish movement, led by women who live under the insane rule of Jewish men and the Talmud. 2 things - This is something a dyke would say. And women... Standards, marry a good man and life is easy. Or don't marry a good man and shut the fuck up and don't complain. Men, women are great. Pick a good one with your values and she will make your life easy. We compliment each other, this is nature.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"A grotesque snapshot of a lying cunt intent on ruining a man and his family. How, in God's name, could she even let a smile come upon her ugly face during an act of such immense evil. Burn in hell bitch!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Thank you bro . I'm glad that you think she is bro because she is but if she did it wouldn't make her any less amazing .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Who is sick of all the jewish haters wanna-be Nazis, whose claims are shallow, based in no facts, and need to read their Bibles\/History Books....to actually learn a thing called the TRUTH....? Jewish haters ? That makes no sense Angelo where do you get your information? Just like I said you have poor reading comprehension. Revelation 2:9 says they are NOT Jews. But you say they are Jews. So you are wrong.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Which is why it's awesome that Kavanaugh didn't shake that gun control dads hand. Sorry for kid was killed by a gun but it's not the future judges fault it happened...... omg white people in cities are silly","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"everyone knows teens are hot just like everyone knows trans ppl r mentally ill n that saying nigger is funny and not at all racist ur just not allowed to say it","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I no longer believe nor care about women being raped! Equality remember? This is cause and effect. Men rape and women murder their young, sounds pretty equal to me...women brought this ont hemselves... 321 let the harpies begin. A lot of people don't. It's really sad too, because it does happen. Women get raped all the time... but because these cunt feminists have kind of flooded the market with bullshit, the women who really have had something happen to them won't be believed. I hate feminism and leftists women for that... I don't even have words to express how much.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"So after 6 years and nearly 11K followers, Twitter suspended my account. I am still bugging them to give specifics as to why and appealing, but not getting anywhere. @Oil_Ranger Need to find my friends here! Anyone? You won't find any friends here by whining about how mean twitter was to you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"This guy has lost his mind lol Robert De Niro Believes Beto O'Rourke Could Defeat Donald Trump in 2020 https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/entertainment\/2018\/10\/13\/robert-de-niro-believes-beto-orourke-could-defeat-donald-trump-in-2020\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Trans people being in charge is a credit to our society. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"if Megyn Kelly becomes a white supremacist, nigger-hating, jew-naming nazi, do we embrace her? @Heartiste only by her pussy. a lot of these anti-Trump pussyhat catladies wind up joining the Dyke Side. It's the logical end point of their man-hate. Is #NSFW really that difficult for people? Anyway, I used to see beautiful lesbians in Greenwich Village. They were always with the grizzliest dykes you ever laid eyes on. A man hurt them at some point, so they went with a manly girl. Go figure.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Hey douche.. ive been saying this since the morning after and I'm right .. get over it The term he claimed was \"farts\" is a well known 80s term for \"ffffffucking\" ... its a small FIB but totally can be used to claim he's NOT CREDIBLE... not by me, i wanted this confirmation.. BY LAW ya dumb cunts #MAGA its like spoon feeding retarded LIBS sometimes with some of you ... just saying #MAGA #TRUMP2020","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Let it happen. Let it fail. It's like those idiot white supremacists in Charlottesville. If no one had made a big deal they would have gone away like a fart in a windy field. Huge stink and suddenly they have press and recognition and can try to play the victim card (which will just get them more recruits). So pointless all the way around. This should be dealt with the same way. Look at em like you look at the retarded kid eating bugs in the yard. Let stupid be stupid. They'll hopefully be one step closer to addressing the real issues once this dies off with no appreciable impact on the issues that brought it into being.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"and cunt again!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I'm going to keep posting porn, EVERY FUCKING DAY on this site, and there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that phony, undeservedly-self-righteous faggots like yourself can or ever will do to stop me. Is this a left-wing cunt or a right-wing cunt? Your cunt is beneath your nose...ur probably a cock sucker","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Just kick his retarded ass. He will crawl back into his hole.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Actually should read as liberal MP leaves liberals for another liberal party\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I'm not your pal, friend! You're not my peeps, guys! and#x200B; This retardation comes from under the same rock that thinks masculine language is inherently sexist, such as 'mankind'. There's no point in arguing with the stupid, because it comes from a wholly illogical, emotional place.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I didn't know apes knew how to work a camera, let alone use his middle finger. Know one cares nigger what you do, or hv done. U only got there cuz ur liberal teachers were to afraid to fail you cuz you'd chimp out. Man watching this arrogance slide into fear is going to be wonderful.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":">However he had managed to maintain a culture of meritocracy for 25 years, capably and without peer, before this happened. That should not be ignored when discussing him. I will always give someone their due. Torvalds created something absolutely fantastic. I'd never question his tech skill (I'm in no position to), he created something useful to so many, and he deserves tons of praise for that. No one's going to take that away. The problem I have is that Torvalds was such a cunt for so long, and this was accepted, because what mattered were results. People were expected to check their feelings, get a thick skin, and have a higher priority than being upset at a criticism or a telling-off. Now it turns out that Torvalds was willing to be a cunt only as long as he wasn't upsetting the right people, and that the importance of the project wasn't really paramount at all. It was just that, until now, no one else (no group, no political affiliation) was sufficiently important to restrain himself regarding. The project (and everyone else's collective work - including the people who soldiered on despite having been cunted off to) wasn't important enough to hold the line against this absolute shit-show of a CoC, so why should he continue to be revered? Grinding his nose in the CoC he himself greenlighted seems like proper payment.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER The cunt who's 1st EU is doing it URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Weak cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"good luck , hillbilly bob","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Thing is, she'll always remember you as the one who got away. She ain't a full-blown crazy cunt, now is she?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"But if a nigger would shoot an unarmed white teen NBC wouldnt say shit about it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER She is so smart.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Winston Churchill on being admonished about sentence ending prepositions: This is an outrage up with which I will not put!\" And the punchline to my favorite grammar joke: \"Oh. So, where y'all from, BITCH?\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Three soft little figure skating ballerinas.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"you absolute moron.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Another falsehood. I don't think anyone wants to abolish the 2nd Amendment. A growing majority want sensible gun control in the form of better background checks and the banning of assault rifles. Trump will say and do anything to rile his base. More snake oil.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Yes he is ! But he still won't be fired ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Syrian refugee who sexually assaulted 10 women in Germany acts like a baby when brought to justice https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/syrian-refugee-who-sexually-assaulted-10-women-in-germany-acts-like-a-baby-when-brought-to-justice\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Faggot drama queen takes his sickness out on a black man. Fag racism by the Latino is goofy and disgusting. When ridesharing goes wrong. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?time_continue=175andv=8nosB563o9U","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Another turd gone from ESPN. Maybe one day we can watch sports on the channel","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Muslims are fantastic. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Antifa is a terrorist organization not a lawful protest. Trump needs to declare Martial Law and Shut Em Down proper.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"You and all other immigrants are a plageu to society. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Mexico is letting them pass right through, live at this point. It's like a Circus. Time to close the US border, including all trade; NOW! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=pLk4gvDDdUs where's stephen paddock when you need him","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Liberals love to hype the Crouton as a financial genius, but much of his success\" was due to downloading costs to the prov, raiding the EI surplus, etc. That said, you use the tools you have in the box, and I give him props as a decent steward of the public purse.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"We should look up to these Muslims. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"These Culturally backward, retarded bastards need getting rid of. Pakis and Bengali are the main ethnic groups involved.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"\"PsychopathProbably no ur probably just a faggot that's all","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"what a retarded bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"This needs to be plastered on every platform and mainstream media, this should be a major wake up call for the cunt life destroyers who thinks that they get the last laugh!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Orange cheeto man like evil moustache man confirmed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"OBAMA IS A BUTTFUCKING, FAGGOT ASSED, MOSLEM, COCK SUCKING, NIGGER MONKEY. WHO NEARLY BROUGHT DOWN AMERICA WE WERE ON OUR KNEES PRAYING TO GOD FOR HELP WHEN, JESUS COMPELLED DONALD TRUMP TO #MAGA !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Again gun control law?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Ok class... Who can tell me what's wrong in this picture? Maybe you can @KirstenPowers I can't tell you how sick I am already from race baiters like you #LeftistMOB! #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #WalkAway #WalkAwayFromDemocrats2018 SeaneyB . WTF HAPPENED TO THE PARTY OF JFK? AND WHO THE HELL PUT THE PSYCHE PATIENTS IN CHARGE?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Illegal Faggot Muslim Usurper Communist Marxist Fraud Obama never saw Hawaii until the age of 3 yrs old. As a pre teen he prostituted himself for cocaine and others drugs. He was a miserable POS in school from day one, having beeen raised by devout Communists all sides. Its all the SOB has ever known. He was born in Kenya. EXECUTE THE BASTARD and HURRY UP","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"This white faggot looks blissed out standing between those two savages. Something very wrong with this creepy white homo. Any negros that ever get this close to me are facing a serious pipe down.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"2be clear I fully support free speech. But especially when libertarians and conservatives are being silenced I don't want to read leftist trash talk in my timeline. I don't want them censored. I just don't remember following them. But it is enough that I can personally block.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"you reap what you sow Sad to see both of Trump's SCOTUS picks are borderline retarded if not outright hostile to him.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER WELL SAID She gets more negative feedback than anyone ever!! Because she is always defending her BAD BEHAVIOR! Way to show her little girl how to act! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Has the FBI interviewed Kaine about his son's ties to Antifa?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER He would say that.... he's running scared!! And so he should be!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER No it's genetic. Being racial isn't racist This was co opted by the liberals and twisted into something it's not. The actual definition of racism is thinking one race is better or inferior to another race So (looking out for your own race) doesn't meet the definition","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Hey bigot - Cruelty to puppies is part of his culture Here's you're feel good story of the day... https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/09\/28\/vet-pleads-guilty-to-smuggling-heroin-inside-live-puppies\/ #Columbian #Puppies Please, I beg the Puppy Town gods to give me Lucille and five minutes with this evil monster in a locked room someday. @FeInFL @gee @OccamsEpilady @lovelymiss","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Rightist: \"2+2=4!\" Leftist: \"No you racist nazi misogynist! 2+2=5!\" Horseshoe theorists: \"You are both retarded! Obviously 2+2= Rightist: \"2+2=~~4~~3!\" Leftist: \"No you racist nazi misogynist! 2+2=5!\" Horseshoe theorists: \"You are both retarded! Obviously 2+2=4~~.5~~!\" Obviously this isn't how it works.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You are just a shemale to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"we are getting ready to sell our house if this piece of shit fraudulently wins. there is no way we could recover from the loss of property value this commie nigger that is under investigation would cause...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"What's ironic is these same retards screeching about \"muh Russia\" had no problem with the USSR","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER YES I am so tired of relying on mfs to answer the phone for some shit that's not even worth it! I'm about to be the new plug ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"It's \"if you kill your enemies they win\" season again","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER she is the only (semi?) important girl chara so ig thats who normie fans relate to? like also its teacher\/student which is an obvious straight ship","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Let's not stand by while black people are getting murdered. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Being straight sounds horrendous. I love being a faggot. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Nobody does racism like the @USER ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"lol every post from you reeks of lack of self-confidence. being you is being a typical nigger obviously. you strike me as a really tragic figure.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Portugal and Spain was united into a Iberia Soon?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"What the fuck is wrong with these people? Like who looks at this shit and actually thinks it's a good idea and how did these fucking retards get put into these positions of power in the first place?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Upvote for name dropping one of my favorite German producers and knowing something about riesling. But why would you have Riesling with a Sriracha slider? (Serious Question). I thought it was a really sweet white wine. Wouldn't a Chardonnay be better? Short answer: Sweetness and acidity brings balance to heat. Long answer: Riesling can be made into a variety of styles (bone dry to dessert) and is arguably the most versatile wine making grape. Often times when you ask a sommelier what their favorite varietal is they will answer with riesling. Riesling and spicy food is a classic pairing due to the grapes intense acidity and often times off-dry style. EDIT: Replied before I saw the poster above me already had. Bravo \/u\/alephlovedbeth Shucks, thanks!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Nah, the just want to take the houses of those who can afford (more than one) and give them to those who cannot afford any. That has, throughout history, ALWAYS ended well, with the properties that are given over at gunpoint being well maintained and cared for for several generations of \"free\" tenants. Nope.. nothin has ever gone wrong with that scenario. and#x200B;","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"We should just hang all these black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Anytime a fashion magazine makes an article on politics they always go full retard.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER How fucking sad ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Violence Escalates, After Conservative Woman Physically Attacked After E... https:\/\/youtu.be\/NppY0LtIvM4 via @YouTube","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"These immigrants should shut the fuck up once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER He is totally bluffing...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER you're my forever favorite third wheeling ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Shut the fuck up faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Interesting-cause you leftists not only threaten us-but regulary shoot\/stab us. I wonder if maybe Mr. Swalwell isn't all-in on the violence toward conservatives. He certainly always seems to ignore\/suppor it(ANTIFA for instance).","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"A private company's obligation is to shareholder value, not peoples feelings about themselves. In today's newspaper reality if diversity moved newspapers you know gandm would let go every non diverse journalist they had. Only the CBC can get away with ignoring economics. \"A private company's obligation is to the shareholder's agenda, but that doesn't necessarily mean value or profit. \" Interesting pov, thanks. Shareholders could indeed have an agenda against their own financial interests (cf. 'Moral' stocks). I suppose more generally companies could have a financial interest in being 'seen' to care about [topic] as a marketing tool, roundaboutly coming back to share value. As a non-economist I find it quite interesting.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Ik what other rappers think of him. But only cause he is anti-drug and honestly I think his music is good.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"2\/5 Basic argument: Canada passed gun laws, but ALL gun crime did not stop. Therefore.... gun regulation is ineffective. Only source for grand claim that gun control is an expensive failure and does not have a measurable effect on crime\" is article by gun advocate Gary Mauser.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER URL The left party relativizing and playing down communist crimes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER You definitely made judgements about me and your tweets prove it. I made reasonable observations based on what you said about yourself. You disagree and that's fine. Applying your own advice is something you should try. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #AmericaFirst #MAGA #USA ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"As GAB might be gone forever after this weekend I wanted to take this opportunity to say fuck you rotten pagan motherfuckers. Fuck all of you! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=RMsp5cCTJTU fuck you Gab anit going no where pasta nigger yea you just admitted that you want to hurt her so your bitch ass is afraid i would tell ,right you fuck cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"If the idea comes from a trans person, it must be bullshit. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER They should consider gang squad units. They should consider controlling the dope epidemic. They should consider a lot of things. But the loosing left would disagree and just scream gun control","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Max is the boss. The conservatives shouldn't have made such a weak dud as their leader this wouldn't have happened. Scheer tries to cater to the left wing crazies. He should be all in on freedom of speech but he coward on that. He takes the same positions as Trudeau on NAFTA","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The OGFT [faggots](https:\/\/np.reddit.com\/r\/onguardforthee\/comments\/9scu87\/meet_the_canadian_soldiers_behind_a_white\/e8o9eu2) are already acting like they're detectives that got to the bottom of these \"alt right hate symbols.\" It's mind boggling that they're so adament that when it comes to wearing hijabs, killing babies, gay parades and crosswalks, or letting kids be trannies we can't say anything because \"it doesn't affect us\" but when these entrepreneurs and soldiers are selling stuff to willing buyers in transactions that have nothing to do with them they get high and mighty saying it must be shut down. Fucking hypocrits. They are nasty folks","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Funny how 50s-70s weren't all that great\" for black ppl, poc, women... maga wants to pretend there was this magical time, read all white and men \"ruled\". Irony is it wasnt even great for a lot of them if they werent rich. That whole draft into war thing for one.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"What is it with you fucking black people?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"As someone who just had a baby girl, I'm fully in favor of publicly flogging this cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"They were arrested under suspicion of committing an offence that's been on the books thirty odd years, so it's been a crime to be a twat for a long time. That doesn't make it ok but the notion of insulting people being a crime isn't remotely new here.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I'm not liking the direction he is going in. He needs to make happy couples and have happiness in their lives.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Who's running the show all POC plus one White Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER I would Starfleet Antifa was here to witness. RIP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"you snowflake cunt not gay sorry ,,, softcock !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I wouldn't be caught dead with one of those retarded looking hats on my head.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Typical bitch behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Even though Gab is having an Identity Crisis and all, I still prefer Gab over Twitter for several reasons. One such reason is this: I like twitter better except I get shadow banned really fast.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Support from China , we also fight the cancer religion in Xinjiang , despite all the differences between our two races, we have one unite enemy that is Islam.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER ANTIFA nut cases.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Why would you do this on a weekend with a major festival in Stanley Park as well as closing down Nelson street off burrard?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@billsmith sure did but I see the best part of you ran out your mother cunt ran down her leg","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The world would be better off without gay people like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Share if you think Feminism is a mental illness. Satanic trash WTH is that ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"We the realest niggas round here. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Too many c0ons in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Back to moms basement you go faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I just am confused on what to say in regards to how everyone at cbc is full blown retarded and anyone vouching for cbc is even more retarded. I don't want to debate the lefts policies or beliefs, anymore. I want to discuss their psychology.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"i think the point is that a bunch of people in the thread don't see what he did as a joke and think its a legitimate and appropriate response. As a troll, yeah it's pretty funny.. but if the guy was seriously requesting her money back it would be pretty damn retarded. The people who are saying \"fuck yeah i'd do the same thing\" are probably the guys getting ghosted all the time","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The Royal Nigger Baby Is Coming... I hope its as dark as asphalt... This looks different from every angle. Is it a baby, a monkey, or a doll?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"+ i can't talk to anyone so if i answered your message you are so special for me","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I want to k i l l all women. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Hey arseface, use man if you mean one man. Do not use plural men otherwise someone's gonna throw down with you. Weirdly, 'I hate man' just turns the thing toward general misanthropy. Just target what you actually don't like. 'I hate rapists.' Now, everyone will call you retarded for stating the blatantly obvious, but, really, that's about the intellectual level of the sentiment to begin with.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER She has no record on gun control. No thanks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Doesn't matter. You don't fit the narrative @Donna, so therefore you don't exist. GAB IS FOAR NAZIS! Even though there's maybe 300 of the little fucks, total, including the larps and socks, to over 700,000 of the rest of us. I've said this 100's of times but it never gets old.Hitler killed 70(?) million children women and men in a dozen countries.Hitler completely destroyed germany never recovered from getting their asses kicked in world war Homos are destroying civilisation ,, don't let them near your children","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-hollywood\/2018\/10\/01\/snoop-dogg-calls-kanye-west-an-uncle-tom-for-supporting-america-first-agenda\/ Yet another artist that had fame and fortune and doors opened others never got that rails hate about Trump quite curiously..I wonder if Snoop is scared it's all going away for some reason?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"\"Educated niggers with 90 IQs are the dumbest niggers cuz they think they're super smart (compared to the 80 IQ niggers who cant even read) https:\/\/www.liveleak.com\/view?t=kJMfQ_1540003272 I wouldn't have a nigger slave.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER I eat some weird shit but this crossed the line","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"We should just fuckin shoot the cunt with the wheelbarrow too","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You are welcome. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"They are solipsistic and that combined with a culture that bends over backwards to accommodate them results in narcissism, that's why even a fat tub of lard who dropped out of school at 16 will believe she's high quality and the legions of retarded simps reinforce this delusion by having no standards what so ever with their \"any hole's a goal\" mentality.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"That's some vibrant diversity. I've never met anyone who married a sibling.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER It's up there with the bumper sticker liberals\", just more expensive.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER hope you are having a great day honey. Can't wait to talk to you I love you ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Trump's DOJ looked at all the political violence in California over the past three years and decided to go after RAM How many more arrests are we going to tolerate from the God-Emperor? When are we finally going to say enough is enough? FFS, AltRight grow a damn spine already! No wall, caravans coming from Central America, $30 billion for Israel, Antifa given a free hand to riot, Alt-Right groups arrested and prosecuted by DOJ, destroyed monuments and of course mass censorship. Point any of this out and the response is \"Trump said he was a nationalist!\" you're right, serial killer Hillary would have been MUCH better What an NPC You: \"you're an NPC! der hurrrr hyuk hyuk hyuk\" Do you like Ivanka? She's quite attractive, isn't she? An exemplar of Aryan beauty if I ever saw one. Guess who gets to pork her every single day? lol@ \"An exemplar of Aryan beauty\" - just another pretty-face, but okay. yes, we're all aware of her bestiality. *Every day, except Shabbat and Yom Kippur. Clinton's did no better, except their Jew-In-Law works for their biggest campaign funder Goldman-Sachs What the fuck are you? You must be one of the most conflicted persons i've ever seen! You're a nazi but also an anti aryan who dislikes jews but at the same time tolerates their influence. Are you one of those who think they can mix GOP americanism with nazism or something? You're really confusing breh. lol.... tis a mystery","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"this be a nigger running around yelling 'where all da white wimmin at'?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Who the fuck is *we*? You didn't do shit. >I am LOSING MY MIND IN HATRED for white men ... I swear to G-d we have more freedom in Afghanistan. ... I CANNOT BELIEVE I am rearing a PRIVILEGED WHITE AMERICAN MALE in this shit. I've been there. You're retarded. Give your kid up for adoption so he can live in a home where's he's not abused.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"If I had Down syndrome I would kill myself","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"this women shows why muzzie men prefer to hump goats. and goats smell better.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Good. Its good seeing people on the left call this out. Sadly there are also NPC's [like this](https:\/\/imgur.com\/a\/utbPHhu) >Obama... never tried to pit Americans against themselves if I had a son... > it's wine aunt season This slayed me. I see you know my aunt Aaaaaaaaaaaand, that is the exact reason I have a conceal carry.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"i don't see the problem. that pile of tar and shit looks exactly like the narcissistic nigger that thought she\/he was worthy of having someone draw her\/him (sorry I can't tell if that's a male or female nigger, there isn't much difference in appearance of them)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"What makes you cocksure that we'd even begin to consider your drivel? Because you have Merkle and we have Trump Go away eurofag HAHAHAHAHA \"REE THE CONQUERORS DESTROYED US REEEEEE\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER So you joined up with antifa? Because they more align with your values?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Women are the absolute worst. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Vice President Mike Pence on Tuesday said Honduran President Juan Orlando Hern ndez told him that the migrant caravan marching toward the U.S.-Mexico border is \"financed by Venezuela. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/FKkt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so. Ronald Reagan URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Cue the liberals' moral shunning of society for a minute; as they take a break from trying to ruin Brett Kavanaugh's life and humiliating his family.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"The man with whom he sleeps is actually an indentured servant, just look at the fear in his expression. Don Lemon loves the concept of Plantation Politics. He believes in reverse slavery. He is a CNN House Nigger (there I said it).","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"He said this was \"typical nigger behaviour\", which shows how bigoted he is. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER He is treason. He went to Iran for what? To beg Iran to give them(the treasons) more time to get the power back so they can keep giving tax payers $$ to Iran the terrorists leader.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I don't have anything against women but most of them are pretty disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER What about ANTIFA? No one would have died if ANTIFA hadn't showed up without a permit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Ha if you really can't see the hypocrisy that is antifa then you have obvious drunk the cool aid.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"60 and hopeful to someday meet a classy gal that I can talk to about MAGA and WWG1WGA! Have yet to find! Having way to much fun now not to share :-) URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER removable magazines are still a problem, but limiting high cap mags is another bit of the gun control legislation that will be needed to curb the health problem\" we have in this country.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"DeviantArt is scary in itself. An entire world of perverted, psychopathic, demonic P's O S...and that just the mods. The user population is FULL of pedos, faggot furries, SJWs and the toxic sludge from the bottom of California's sewer system.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"There is a new era for Black Americans upon us. No longer a monolithic vote for the Dems who failed them. When one tries to leave he is pulled back to the \"DNC Plantation\". Called a \"Negro who can't read\". The Republicans will fight for you. We will win for you. You are us. Dean C PhD . You are us...because we are AMERICANS FIRST. PATRIOTS. #MAGA Be more peecise. He said \"NIG-ro who doesnt read\". He stopped a few letters short of calling him a nigger on CNN while Lemonhead and friends laughed.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I've never seen a liberal provide a reasonable explanation for why Kenyans can be genetically predisposed to be better at marathons, but cannot be genetically predisposed to be worse at math. Evolution apparently affected all parts of the body, except the brain of course From where is it shown that they are worse at math? In every public school for the last 200 years? Did you ever think that funding, friends, family, culture, finances, local crime and many other things affect studying and results in school? In my country there is definatly a difference between natives and refugees in school for example, but if said refugee has come to the country before they have started school and their family has integrated, then the difference is negligible. Even if you claim IQ differences, you can overcome those easily with better teaching and encouragement for education. US public schools are in general a pretty shit example since the funding and quality of teaching can vary huge degrees, not to mention things like normalisation of crime and poverty in manu areas ect. This doesnt create a very even ground for such comparisons to be made equally. You say that funding us irrelevant, but somehow the poorest states in the US have the lowest levels of education and these states happen to be in the south. I guess that this means that all of them have low IQ, if I were to use your logic. So maybe to fix the debt problem that the US has, you should let only the high IQ states with vote and not the poor and stupid ones like mississippi, west virginia, alabama, tennessee ect. Woah there Boomer66563! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Germans should use all those high tech gizmos that they love to invent to kick the Muzzies and kikes right out of the country. The (((Holocaust))) is a hoax! That's why Auschwitz has a chimney that was built by the Bolsheviks in 1947 that's not even connected to any buildings! Also, Merkel is a huge pile of shit. That little no good kike (((Anne Frank))) used a pen that wasn't even invented until after it died! It's all a hoax! (((Holocaust))) never happened! The real Holocaust is what the faggot ass (((Allies))) did to the Germans AFTER the war.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"No, they do that for the same reason monkeys eat their own shit: they're fucking retarded. Seriously, you exclusively bang your first cousins for about 2-3 generations and you'll not only have permanently bred sub-moron levels of stupidity and violence into your population, you'll routinely have the kind of grotesque birth defects you see in many Islamic lands. Inbreeding comes at you fast. Stopping inbreeding, even in small communities, is eminently doable. The point is with Islamic communities that practice consanguineous marriage is that they do so consciously and deliberately. It doesn't matter how big your available pool of mates is if you preferentially only fuck your own family members. Whether you're retarded by choice or retarded because your parents are related you're still retarded nonetheless.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"So the CDC doesn't know what is causing the polio like disease that is paralizing kids!...Better know your shit before you let Big Pharma Pushers poke your babies with BS Vaccinations! Just Saying! It's a free country my friend, just don't let your carriers go to school with my kids, Thanks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Who gives a fuck if a traitor -- and yes the SAND NIGGER was JUDAS -- was executed??? Stop being a tool.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Bono is utterly stupid ridiculous wealthy tax avoiding hypocrite fascist I can't listen to U2 again","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Female Candidate Leading The Polls #Banned From Advertising #Toronto mayoral candidate being censored left and right https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/female-candidate-leading-the-polls-banned-from-advertising\/ Canada is NOT a free country.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"About the same time you became a retard.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You sick cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"54 factory workers shot dead in Oklahoma with WASR-10 Century Arms rifle. The NRA blames gun control laws.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Fucking wah. I'm a woman who's survived a lot of abuse, it's no excuse to be a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Seriously you are the best","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"#NeverForget that time when all the retarded nazis on gab thought hitler and the nazis were right wing conservatives. #NaziRed see's how they dropped a lot of the nazi logos. But we still see you cult commies pretending to be patriots.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"It's in everybody's interest to just slaughter those black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I have a group of Jewish trolls now following the mad Jewish woman?! Lol. John and his gay buddy hate white women but not enough to meet in person. (Because I'd shoot you in your fag head) Place of residence poof. called me out and worried about and scared of a faggot. Must be middle eastern or african decent. Fly here. What is here. I meet up time and place. Wait there earlier it was my place of residency. Why won't I want to go back. You a gay faggot man. Hmm you can't prove that you aint","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Trust me.. i know her well enough so that she is ok if i take a body of another good girl for the night.\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Only private security guards are that violent and cruel. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Follow this good goy @CaptainRon3737 Dindu Nuffin!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"should we be using gab.com or gab.ai? which site is going to become the main one? @a you can go away this is a free speech platform yeh so what get over it i followed you who cares? only you do","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"and the cunt has a blue checkmark. Of course","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"No way in hell would I do this to any cat!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":">Lewis's estate as well as hundreds of fans who love the book for it's Christian message are going to be PISSED OFF. Oh, boy, I can already see the shitload of articles about \"toxic\/entitled Narnia fans\" and how the Netflix show is not for them so it's okay to make it a tumblr version of it if that's the case, because if you're a fan of something you have to like everything related to it and if you don't eat it up even if it's total bullshit you're an entitled fan and the thing would be better off without fans like you. I'm surprised they choose Narnia, I mean, it has a lot of Christian stuff on the books, but maybe that's why? I don't know, or care, the thing is probably going to suck. My bet is it will be Susan and they will use her sexuality to flip the \"outgrew Narnia\" into a good\/right thing Hah they could go full Wicked\/Maleficent and she can go shack up with Jadis and all the bad things said were just pro Aslan propaganda because he hates free and empowered whammenz; and it turns out that the deplorable word that dooms civilisations, completely freezing any progress and eventually ensures their utter annihilation was *'feminism'* : P Eustace. He was raised by repressive parents and goes to Narnia to find his true self. At least he didn't go through the Wardrobe. The rewriting would write itself. > goes to Narnia to find his true self Yep he goes and gets his drag-on. the only white one duh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Is it OK to be brown though? Of course. It is okay to be any race. Is it OK to think that such posters are over the top and easy to misinterpret into racist trolling? That's what it tought.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER And guys like you are the fat yokels.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Good. Let these feminazi cunts get the shit beat out of them by the Muslim men they keep letting into Europe by the millions. You reap what you sow.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER A visual representation of the gun control movement and why we are tired of the demands: URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"There's absolutely no comparison. One if a beautiful luscious babe...the other is a nasty fuckin nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Gtfo cunt go back to England:","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"+++ I can't prove causation either but while the CONservatives in CDA surely love the idea of ( @USER bashing PM @USER can't help but think they're also egging the former to continue the bashing to boost their fortune(s) vainly. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"So another post in PPD that has nothing to do with either : * Entitled woman\/women trying to get benefits because of the fact they are women. * Feminism in any way, shape or form. Instead it's just a woman who did an harmless silly thing and got punished for it. Tell me again how this sub isn't just a hub for pieces of shit to post their misogynistic hate porn . It's like you just rewrote your first bullet point from entitled to silly thus making it not the same. Girls just want to have silly fun, that's all they really want. Sit down, young man. This is equality bitch. If you're in the way, especially of military personnel with live ammunition, then your ass is gonna get pushed out of the way. Even American soldiers would have been more gentle bc she's a girl but this guy has no time for that bullshit. Lol get a life Reddit tough guy. I bet you're a blast at parties. Go away. I love how no one here can actually respond to anything coherently. My sides. It's called a \"comma\" they're used quite often in the English language. And ya, I watch Naruto. You can try to shame me but you're just wasting your time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"VIDEO=> Antifa FAGGOT Arsonists Set Pro-Trump Truck ON FIRE (Video) https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/video-antifa-arsonists-set-pro-trump-truck-on-fire-video\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"What is @CNN Cuban Terrorist Little Jimmie Acosta's and WhinieAss faggot Anderson's YUGE Story Today coming out of the Oval Office... WTFE #JournalismIsDead AND FAGS..........","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"dont be a racist the only thing worse than a racist is a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER The whole milk thing is a lie anyway. Not needed. Does weird things to humans. Save your money for your Labour membership. x","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"FUCK U nIGGERS! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=t7mw2EeZn-w GET DOWN NIGGER","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Which one? Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@theSyndicate @Screw-z-jews @blazinherb @HERALDofYAH @Escoffier @mikesmom37 @JonKragen - homo's claiming here to have \"refrained from punching the vicar's teeth out\"- that vicar really dodged a bullet there- should be thanking his lucky stars. Co-incidentally- just the other day, a faggot prancing down the street refrained from slapping me silly.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The guy has no life. He is a pathetic piece of shit. Let that little pedo faggot cry all day long. I","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"They should at least give him a toothbrush, make the cunt scrub away the retardation that he has scrawled all over the ancient monument. If he can't even bother doing that, I would not care if he mysteriously vanished and reappeared in the black market organ trade as \"truly divided individual\".","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I think they're referring to ICE. I was shocked the first time I heard they wanted ICE banned The mystic American Gestapo that doesn't do anything noteworthy that the Gestapo did, but Drump bad, so checkmate They think ICE is worse than the Gestopo or SS, when in reality ICE is the only agency at the forefront to combat drug, gun and human trafficking. Of course they are going to separate undocumented children from undocumented adults. The kids still separated are the ones where the adult abandoned them so they wouldn't end up in prison for human trafficking. They aren't the only ones. CBP also does good work to fight those things. Very true, my statement would have been more truthful saying the parent agency, Department of Homeland Security is at the forefront. They control the CBP, ICE, USCG, USCIS (the agency that legally imports nearly 1 million immigrants a year.) And to think people want to disband the DHS. aren't ICE and CBP very related agencies? Yes and No. CBP enforces immigration at the border and 100 miles behind it, as well as air ports and other points of entry. ICE enforces Immigration all throughout the states and doesn't do customs. Think of it like this CBP stops people who have just got in and ICE stops people who have been here for a while. Go look on r\/politics and find the same retarded talking points.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Lol, sorry, guess I should've made it clear it was the retarded poster that made this.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Yeah. I've asked that Puffing Billy who he is. It isn't me and Orange is having kittens about it lol Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER But couldn't take care of Racism that was created during his presidency... never heard the words Equality come out of his mouth. We are a melting pot!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"UK Enrichment Update: Record High 700 Live Terror Probes https:\/\/www.thesun.co.uk\/news\/7575582\/record-high-of-more-than-700-live-terror-probes-are-running-in-the-uk\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"this person is an absolute retard I speak spanish as my mother tongue and im european guess where I live? thats right SPAIN the country where spanish first came from so are you suggesting I shoudn't know how to speak my own language?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I desperately wish for people like this to experience real dilemmas and traumatic life incidents so that they can shut the everloving fuck up about benign nonsense like scary books. I am right now facing homelessness due to a falsified restraining order from my lying ex-girlfriend and am locked out of my life and small business. I just learned today in court that I can't go back home or talk to her for three years and had to give up my firearm to the sheriff till Of course, [there are starving kids in Africa](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Fallacy_of_relative_privation), so you've never experienced any real problems, either. \/s Look, your situation sounds pretty damn shitty, I agree. But your problems and their problems are not mutually exclusive, and your life being bad doesn't mean they're not allowed to be upset.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"We need to ban people calling for things to be banned You do realise you've just said \"as Santa's post proves\" hohoho","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I know full well that people think I'm a bastard. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Brazil has a serious.. deadly serious problem that more than likely will drag it down into the cesspool of nigger civilization..Brazil is more of an african nation than an American nation because there are more than 80 million blacks living there..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"He is a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I keep using 'master' and 'slave' in my engineering drawings. Have been called out on it a few times lol. My response is that using other terms is retarded and I am not retarded lol. \"but the manufacturer does not use master and slave\" \"yea well I do\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"We have surpassed the gilded age you retarded Americans The enemy bis finance an the 1% always has been always will be","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Needs a \"Blacked\" logo. Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"Sir_Koopaman\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"gabeX109\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"And nigger loving SJW virtue signaler. No way barrett.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I really am just going to murderthat trans person. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Disabled lives do not matter. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"While the sentiment is cute and all, you have to be fucking retarded to go barefoot all year long where I live (in Sweden that is). Have fun when it's -20 Celsius and much of the ground is either covered in snow or ice, I bet you lose interest in that pretty damn quickly. Shoes were invented for a reason, use them when needed.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You must be talking about hateful conservatives.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"i'm not sure which are pathetically Sadder.. .. SJW Liberal Leftist MEME's or anti-Native American MEME's... let's do an awesome Poll to find out! i guess i am in a way. more of a digital faggot though i take ideas and bundle them with strings of sentences so they can be used as fuel to ignite the emotions of simple-minded humans into a reaction of hate hence .. your response but it is fucking hilarious you describe yourself as a \"Attorney OF Law\".. considering every other single attorney is a \"Attorney AT Law\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER I will always be cruising to Bray Wyatt for you no matter what he is a good man like you and your brother","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Mike Allen: Linda Sarsour Asks Muslims To Form \"Jihad\" Against Trump, Not To Assimilate | Video | RealClearPolitics https:\/\/www.realclearpolitics.com\/video\/2017\/07\/06\/linda_sarsour_asks_muslims_to_form_jihad_against_trump_not_to_assimilate.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"... and it shouldn't matter if they are Democrats or Conservatives. They all do their jobs. They don't care what person Dem\/Con they have to rescue and help. You shouldn't divide the people ... you should bring them together in such times. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Fuckin white cherokee sanz them i must be a fuckin nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Amputees' limbs have grown back in his presence! I guess he'll do it until they cart him off in a strait jacket.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Opioid? So they stereotyped it as white trash and gave her the most white trash death ever, so pathetic, I love John Goodman but I hope the show is shit canned just to force them to wake up and quit giving in to bullshit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The goofy part is that she got elected as some sorta conservative, even though her resume was chuck full of SJW crap, and has proven to be just another of many idiotic leftist twat negotiators who don't give a crap about their country","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Pumped you are back playing. Go win you a ring. Favorite player- BP#4-REDS. GO RED SOX #0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":" I cancelled mine about the same time. I dropped mine after the Academy awards. Cancelled mine when they put on Dear White People.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"That's the whole point of living in the tropics... i'm still looking for 12 months of summer... close to it where i live.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Its because schools encourage this shit. We have a trans propaganda poster saying there are 67 genders or some shit spaced out evenly exactly 2 meters, looks fucking dystopian. We have an unelected \"lgbt council\" that has as much power as the regular one but has no responsibilities and all you need to do to get in is be a flamboyant faggot. There was also a program where gay people could get scholarships to prestigious universities just for being gay.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@Farmer-General Do you have a picture which shows all the countries which used swastikas in the past? i'm trying to search for it, show to some cunt who refuses to believe so. Thanks.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Odd how conservatives keep getting exposed of being child fuckers. Thats why they're against abortion. More victims","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Whenever people try to play God, they come up with mutant monsters.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Makes you realize how good he is with words. Too bad the PC crowd keeps him toned down.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":" So Mike Mac is bragging about how he got our accounts suspended on G+","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"This is the next generation of satire, and you won't even know it. \/hypothesis","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"The mods of this sub are gay retarded cucks who lick shitballs out of my hairy asscrack. Proof inside: https:\/\/redd.it\/9l7o2v","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"in the wise words of Winston Churchill... \"what a nigger faggot\".","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER He can put #Kaepernick on his squad anytime. #JustDoIt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER You are a cheater casey!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"(((FEINSTEIN))) for sure. That cunt literally does the happy merchant hand rub meme, in real life. She's a sub human beast. She's this half dead corpse, who more then likely has dementia and yet she's in a powerful political position....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"A real man is caught in action kicking a smaller defenseless woman in her stomach just because he didn't agree with her pro-life message. Is he still walking around breathing? Why?? IDENTIFIED: We Expose The Man Who Roundhouse Kicked A Pro-Life Leader https:\/\/humandefense.com\/identified-man-who-roundhouse-kicked-pro-life-leader\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"The Alt-right are plotting to turn the traps gay so they can suck their fem dicks. I just help expose the truth of the conspiracy theorist at Daily Dot because they don't know that the Alt-right are homosexuals in hiding.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Who is this? She is truly a little goddess! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"A man' s chance of getting cancer is 44% and 23% of men will die from cancer, 38% of women get cancer and 19% die.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Paul stop being a faggot long enough to realize, you must name the jew for the sake of your people!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Obvious hate like \"disabled lives aren't worth shit\" will thankfully get you banned. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"If the voice of your \"resistance is a mentally-ill drag queen, then it's safe to say your resistance is likely equally deranged. A homeless man shitting on a cardboard box would make a better representative for the resistance', try to find better reps that won't be a detriment to your cause you spastic cunts. (A spastic Cunt would also make a better rep).","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"A Black school teacher, Shonterikka Williams, was fried after she told her Asian student to be \"less chinky and stop doing \"oriental things. The Black teacher's defense: this is the \"war on black women and she can't \"personally be racist to Asians because they are closer to white people in terms of supremacy. These are the people teaching your kids. It don't matter if you said\"Chink\"accidently.You still said it.Now you know what it feels like to be punished for \"saying a Word\".Now you must Apologize to the World for being\"Racist\"Its in your DNA.A punishment less than Death(almost because you wont be able to feed yourself for lack of income)I'm sure you've wanted this for White People.How does it feel? I don't know about the \"fried\" teacher, but it feels GREAT here on Gab to be able to say chink, spic, wop, kike, nigger, faggot and bitch!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"These people are so retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":".@USER I urge you to stop Facebook from censoring conservatives. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER trump may not be the one who started this mess but he can stop it. If he doesn't he is part of the problem.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"But a guy posted that. Still retarded tho","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Feels like libtards are literally devolving. Moving away from fact and reality to a state of pseudoscience and delusional feelings artificially imprinted on them. I feel like they are moving towards an African tribal state. You know like one African solves a math problem and the others call them a wizard and murder him. Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"What's the difference between Twitter and Gab? Surprisingly not much. Both sites have fags that want to censor people for something they don't like. On Twitter it could be anything. On Gab it's fucking pictures. For sites that proclaim to be \"Free Speech\" advocates they both have a funny way of showing it. I know a majority of users who were on Minds have seen\/heard this song and dance before, but it bares repeating. Lolicon\/Shotacon in the United States is not illegal and it's not viewed as \"obscene\". At least under the legal definition of the word. So once again I have to link this court case, United States v. Handley 2008, just to prove this point. So here is the WIkipedia Article that summarizes what the case was about and the ultimate decision from that case and the case itself: https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/United_States_v._Handley https:\/\/caselaw.findlaw.com\/us-10th-circuit\/ oh, oh, oh the faggot is all over this @MorphBox oh oh oh btw, queer go do the world a favor a go hang yourself......JEW we arent going anywhere WE are here to stay so peddle your faggot ass elsewhere...OOOH btw go near OUR children WE will reply with an answer you lot won't like...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I haet Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER We've also written a post about 5 metrics to measure the success of your B2B podcast: URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I am going to shoot the next M u s l i m I see. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Six Children in Minnesota Diagnosed with Rare \"Polio-Like\" Disease Since September. There are only 5 countries where polio has seen a comeback, Nigeria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kenya and Somalia https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/six-children-in-minnesota-diagnosed-with-rare-polio-like-disease-since-september\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"If Arizona even let this cunt be so close then let em deal with it. Fucking idiots","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Glad to hear you are ok. My father went through surgery for Bladder Cancer last year and is now in remission at age of 88. Years of exposure to lacquer fumes while spraying and staining cabinets may have contributed to his occurrance.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Can I rework this for www.menarehuman.com? Of course, do as you please. The more people know what feminism has done to men, the better. Thanks a lot! This should really help.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I much rather prefer my cookie cutter basic twat villain I like when their personalities are akin to licking chalk off of a blackboard I mean i paid to see an action movie so why isn't it a 90 minute long fight scene I hate when movie reviews say there wasn't enough character development They're just snobby haters who don't know what real action movies are I don't mind it so much in games though In a Game i can easily cut out all of those boring cut scenes and get right into the monotonous gameplay I did buy a game not a film after all","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Why don't you say he knew those emails were approved to be released. He knew he could release them. His grand standing got called out and his theatrics are unbecoming of a US Senator. Call him out or you are FAKE news just like @USER calls you.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The last time I saw Roger was last year at the Boxing Day Test. He'd turned into such a fat, normal yobbo cunt. \"The wife nearly didn't let me out today,\" he said. And he did all that chanting yobs do, like; \"Ooh, ahh, Glenn McGrath\". It got you in the end, I thought to myself as I looked at Roger. Life got you in the end, pal. You were such a cocky successful winner when we were sixteen, But now you're just another sad, fat prick sitting in the MCG high-fiving in self-congratulation, as if it's *you* that had the skill and determination to play for Australia. It's the cunts with the bad haircuts that you've got to watch out for. There's never been a popular teenager yet who's done rats with their life. It's the fucking dorks that give it a real go. Glenn McGrath got 5 for 50 that day.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"as a euro, i think americans use the term liberterian for what we euros call liberal. which would mean that american use of the term liberal in our political spectrum would refer to something like our green party, who are just a bunch of virtue signaling rightwinged cunts. (i use the term rightwinged correctly here, not with the usual implication of muh nazis)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"63 of the 65 women who vouched 4 #Kavanaugh have recanted after accuser comes forward WH scrambling But can they stop a demeaning #Trump tweet #MAGA #FBRParty #GOPCOMPLICIT #StopKanavaugh #TrumpTrain to #CrazyTown #AlternativeFacts URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Then maybe she should think twice before hitting someone twice her size. Stupid fucking logic. No...the cop hit a person resisting arrest. Regardless of who they are or where they come from it's still illegal. In fact she probably got off easier because shes a woman. Men have gotten way worse beatings for less. I dont think anyones on your side. No, you're a muppet. You hit a cop once let alone twice, and you have every reason to expect the same outcome.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Can I be a cunt too? I love you fucking asshat list cunt Nice set of information. Thanks you fucking asshat list cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER She is an activist liar who GOP wants to get under oath. She won't go and Kavanaugh gets nominated","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"indeed. and if there were less whorish, fat, nigger fuckers and 3rd wave cat ladies, i would be one of them.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Don't watch moron movies","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"We are a group of trans people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Never go full retard and this is full retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Call these outsiders out. Most of these comments and likes come from liberals in other states trying to swing elections in Wisconsin. Shine the light on who and what they are. Scott Walker has been a target of theirs since his first governor election. We got this! Let's do it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"https:\/\/www.mirror.co.uk\/news\/uk-news\/su-president-vows-paint-over-13479434 Stupid cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You might be mistaking Ben Shapiro for someone the world gives a fuck about. Though he admittedly makes sense; a nigger roaming St. Louis streets is arguably worse than a Polish or a South African migrant who actually will work.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Yeah. All Germans are like this. Every single one actually. can confirm. I'm german and probably retarded Yes I love being","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Immigrant lives do not matter. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Something tells me this is probably a good follow list because it's all the people that just got tranny porn spammed along with me. @SergeiDimitrovichIvanov @WilliamRLBaker @Bluthar @joa_ @gespenstern@ProleSerf @Rocrates @BillT @ProfPlum @Citizen_Orwell @Leftcatcher @MinnieG @DrLouSasfincter @Snugglebunny @MatthewMontoya @lestermacgurdy @Texbrew @Dano28 @StephenClayMcGehee @Squeak1190 @Oldmanyyc @Evropa_Invicta","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"This was horrible. So retarded it wasn't even mildly funny. Depp stepped in it big time when he did this one.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Sometimes, ya just gotta look away from your screen and check out the outside. My favorite season up here in Seattle. Have a fantastic Sunday!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Another liberal Democrat promising checks he cant cash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER crushing a pc player with Kb\/Mouse with controller in a FPS is unrealistic. Unless he is playing games for the first time or using keyboard mouse for the first time","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER So conservatives NEVER get abortions? Were you alive when abortions were illegal? I hear it was a pretty awesome time in history.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/tWNllUI1PQNT\/ CALLED A NIGGER AND BLACK TO GET OUT LUXEMBOURG:::IM WHITE","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"No gay person can ever be a valuable member of society. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Right wingers are RETARDS. Not stupid or misinformed - FULL ON MENTALITY RETARDED SHEEP. Fuck trump. Fuck all the RACSIT fascist Nazi kkk filth that support him. Bro... I'm on your side. I can't stand Trump and want that guy out of office asap, but dude your posts are just as retarded as the right wing \/ alt-right guys. Tone it the fuck down... all you're doing is giving them fuel, b\/c you look just as lame as they do.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"After the twitter purge was over and black nba twitter changed their accounts back from MAGA white folk URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"At least this retard gets put in his place.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER No he can't because losss of service time during suspensions he is subject to waivers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER HELLO SOMEBODY NEED HYUKJAE NOW SHE IS IN DANGER BY WATCHING YOUR FANCAMS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Unimaginable the sick thoughts going through his head. Pedophile loving scumbag. Or as the Podestas call it: \"Walnut Pasta\" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"#MAGA #TRUMP #AMYSCHUMERLANDWHALE FUCK NAZIS!!! OBAMA DID 2008 FOLLOW IF YOU SUPPORT AMERICA!!! IM BACK Fuck off you turbo kike! Didn't we blast your pedo ass off this platform not too long ago for all your scat porn. Are you ready for part 2? GAY anti-american NAZI!!! I bet you voted for HILLARY in the last election, because she promised you all that free SHIT!!! YOU ARE JUST JEALOUS OF HOW GREAT WE ARE AT BUSINESS!!! JEWS ARE SOME OF THE BEST LEADERS AND BUSINESSMEN! Don't you know that Ivanka TRUMP the GENIUS is jewish?? crazy conspiracy theorist!!! Filthy kike! oh he's back is he? fuck. i fucking hate yids. and boomers see: 'Antonio Gramsci generation gap'. He was a marxist jew. The Generational Divide is 1950's (((marxist))) agitprop, designed to get us to destroy our own traditional white families and hate one another. If you hate boomers, genX, millennials, genz, etc, you're spreading cultural marxism. oh put a sock in it. you haven't had this cunt posting scat porn all over your group 7 days a week. your initial assertion is fallacious.. it does not follow that if i hate x generation then i am spreading cultural marxism... im spreading national socialism with their weapons. NOW FUCK OFF CUNT CHOPS YOU ARE DISMISSED.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Babydoll? What a nigger mysogynistic uneducated pig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That fat bastard should be ashamed of himself. I bet he diddles his sister. This dumb fat fuck never watched the hearings. He's just believing the lies. I bet he was raped as a child.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER He looks like a Antifa dude. Dude.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"This worthless faggot needs to go!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Now then Tev. You see this wife beating business? Had it out with another left wing twat on Twitter the other day. Tommy was prosecuted for assaulting a cop who got in the way of a verbal dispute he had with his wife. She confirms he didn't hit her. Why he wasn't charged with domestic abuse at all. She was also in the BNP. The stories of his wife beating are all fake rumours put about by the Left with no evidence whatsoever. Are you a socialist Tev? Why do you believe socialist lies Tev? Oh bugger. This one's quoting from Veterans Today a more untrustworthy source would be difficult to find although Brian 'Agent Gibberish' Gerrish would probably give VT a run for its money","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Oh be quiet, goat-fucker. sorry to tell you, yeah some people are that stupid. this twat tried to sub to me.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"#pnpcbc #cdnpoli #bcpoli #ontpoli #alpoli More to Join #Conservatives URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Well answer the question twat waffle lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Stop being less of nigger by calling yourself by an absurd name like \"ShonteriKKKa\". Just joking!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Well, looks like a nigger to me. You can suck all the nigger dick you like, I will not tolerate some nigger muzzie saying he's superior.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Arizona Democrat Kyrsten Sinema Attacked Bullshit' Stay-At-Home Moms For Leeching Off Their Husbands' 'These women who act like staying at home, leeching off their husbands or boyfriends, and just cashing the checks is some sort of feminism because they're choosing to live that life.' Man, this CUNT better not get elected. Arizona we know you have a HORRIBLE track record with who you elect (McCain, Flake). But lets this time pick the right person. This dike does not speak for anyone on the right or even the center. Feminism is cancer and this bitch is a tumor. #redwave #midterms #feminismiscancer #voteredarizona http:\/\/thefederalist.com\/2018\/10\/19\/arizona-democrat-kyrsten-sinema-attacked-bullshit-stay-home-moms-leeching-off-husbands\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"a b s o l u t e u n i t R E P E N T","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"You should crosspost this over at r\/Legaladvice , just ignore the cunts who say your the one to blame ( yes some of them do that in cases like these).","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"It's how lawyers have to argue sometimes. You don't get the best cases all of the time so you have to work the angles you get... Honestly, it's all he can really do at this point probably.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"It means you go \"put all the niggers in jail\" and when someone objects you say: \"figuratively put metaphorical niggers in jail, I was joking.\" and then expect paying public speaking gigs. Oh man, I'm still confused. I agree with everything in your last post. Losing support is natural when you're a hateful asshat. But how does that help me understand the original comment I'm seeking understanding of. Here's that comment: \"Her audience understands her in the same way Democrats want socialism.\" Huh?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"the usual bots already on that tweet..palmer retard report and those other two retards","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Pamela Geller: A Jewish journalist was killed by a racist black man and no media will report it: The media world mourns the death of Jamel Khashoggi, a Saudi-Turkish Islamist activist who hated Jews and supported Hamas, and no one speaks of Jerry Wolkowitz, an http:\/\/dlvr.it\/Qp2wBB Are the White, Russian, Ukrainian, Greek, Armenian, and Syriac Genocides discriminate or indiscriminate? I hope U realize that the folks STILL in CONTROL of RUSSIA, R the SAME JEWS (Hittites) RUNNING AMERICA?! They gained control of Russia back in 1932 during the first Holomador. ! https:\/\/comparet.christogenea.org\/sermons\/rod-yahwehs-anger (((They))) gained control of America in 1913 when they illegally passed the Federal Reserve. They've been in CONTROL of ALL since then! Their REIGN is about over! https:\/\/comparet.christogenea.org\/sermons\/rod-yahwehs-anger","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"JF of all people did a good analysis of the Tucker vs. Wigger debate. Not sure why TRS were cucking for Tucker, they're usually pretty good.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"RT @MikeTokes: I know this is a crazy poll, but just bear with me here. Do you think its possible for Democrats to orchestrate a false flag #MAGABomber #BombScare in order to appear as the victims and garner public support in a psychological operation intended to manipulate an upcoming election?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"There are very few immigrants at my school. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Cops rarely got shot in countries with gun control","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"If you read it, you'll note that it truely is a remarkable work of poetry. In other words, it has artistic value in relation to the Miller Test, the three-prong obscenity test that is the United States Supreme Court's test for determining whether speech or expression can be labeled obscene. The question of what is \"obscene and what is not is one of vigorous legal debate. Similar in nature to \"hate speech, the word \"obscene can be subjective in nature. The difference is obscenity laws have decades of legal precedent from SCOTUS, whereas \"hate speech was unanimously ruled as first amendment protected speech by SCOTUS in Matal v Tam (","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Did you attend Governor Abbott's meetings on solving gun problems in school?? I guess not! I did! There were excellent discussions on using guns to protect and defend! What's your point? You stand for gun control and 90% of Real Texans will not have their guns taken away!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER This is super underrated","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Gay people do not deserve to be tortured like that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"#GoodRead: A Brief History of Repressive Regimes and Their Gun Laws. With the wrong political actors in power, yesterday's 'common-sense' gun control could be tomorrow's vehicle for gun confiscation.\" If we lose #2A, we surrender our freedom period. URL @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Up until the hard-r \"nigger\" near the end... This sub now exists for alt-right faggots to get triggered at satirical sjw posts. Then sjw faggots post the comments from the alt-right faggots post, and get all triggered over that. Honestly? Horse-shoe theory and all? Sjw's and alt-righters are all just thin-skinned idiots who don't understand satire.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER that's hilarious.... let those #PuertoRicans legalize pot so they can forget about their problems after #HurricaneMaria... #ThursdayThoughts #ThursdayMotivation #resistance #resist #MAGA #Military #veterans #TCOT #ThisIsAmerica URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Strange how no countries with large nigger populations made that list of desirable places to live and work. Niggers and Amerindians.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I could not be as brave if I lost my son and husband, bless her strength and kind heart.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER I think you made those liberals upset","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Poor B she is desperate for attention so she tries to take it off from MAC Miller and put it back on her by her sarcasm which totally flopped. B stick to grieving silently and allow the families who have lost their loved ones to grieve without you taking that away from them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Employment for 576 Muzzie Virgins..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The blatant abuse of the #metoo is really disturbing. No good reason to automatically place a guilty\" stamp on someone over unfounded allegations. Most importantly- it unfairly strips credibility from the women who actually suffered and demand real justice. Bullshit. #MAGA\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER I love Donald Trump our president of the USA..MAGA..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"cher IS A DISEASED FAT LIP WHORE THAT LIKES BIG LONG FAT BOY COCK SHE IS CHEAP TRICK TRASH THAT HATES HER DAUGHTER AND HATES HERSELF LMFAO WHORE DNA SKANK","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"ugliest human on the planet award....there is a dog in the dog shows that has a distended tongue like this. I always want to chuck it's little chin.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Soooooounds like an AWESOME plan !!! Next he's gonna be pulling money from Medi-care and Pensions to pay for all the Golf Cart Rentals for his @USER detail that watches him struggle to stay on the fairways on all the Golf Weekends he swore \"he'd NEVER have time for #MAGA URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"2 bob cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"LOL. You're probably right.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Cunt means pussy?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"And don't forget about the other 49 states! I think that the strategy will be to target Broward County, which is low-hanging fruit to begin with, in order to justify a full investigation into the other states. Or, at least that's my hope. Broward alone doesn't give legal justification to audit each state and scum pits like California still refuse to turn over voter rolls, so I doubt it curious... what do you think would give legal justification? I'm no expert, but I would say specific instances like Broward's shady BS. But think of it this way - would your neighbor committing murder enable the cops to get a warrant to search your house? The answer is no. That is a terrible analogy in this case because in a situation like this it would be in federal court... that and people seem to forget.. https:\/\/thehill.com\/policy\/national-security\/313132-dhs-designates-election-systems-as-critical-infrastructure Barry Soreto had DHS declare it Critical Infrastructure. Trump has much more power over it now than previous president ever did, including Bush. > Broward alone doesn't give legal justification to audit each state it does if they can connect it to the DNC I think you'd be surprised. The DNC meddling with one county doesn't mean all counties are automatically subject to investigation. Look at it this way - what if Obama had said the RNC had cheated a district because one county in all of the US had some suspicious thing ending with an R win - you can investigate that county, but does it legally make sense to then search every county? At that point, the Fed is overreaching its authority.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"It's really not okay to be calling people cripple. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"This should be tagged sanity Sunday Right??? I thought this was completely reasonable. Plastic is a massive issue, more so than meat or leather. Actually not at all You sound easily convinced so I trust you'll take my word for it I'm pretty reasonable if you tell me why I'm ok with admitting I was wrong. 1kg of plastic : 180L of water 1kg of meat (very, _very_ generous average as it doesn't take the relative consumption of each type of meat) : 15,500L (Beef) + 10,412L (Sheep) + 5,988L (Pork) + 4,325L (Chiken) \/ 4 = 9 056,25L per kilogram of meat ([Source for plastic] (http:\/\/waterfootprint.org\/media\/downloads\/Zygmunt_ >(Also, consider that meat absolutely always has to be packaged in individual, single use plastic as opposed to other foods that can be cleaned like vegetables, mushrooms etc) Do you even know what a butcher shop is? Does the butcher feed you his fucking meat directly you fucking moron? Or does he wrap it in gold leaves? Every single piece of meat you buy comes prepackaged? Also: and people say meat eaters are the angry ones.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I can smell the failure through my phone screen","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"We will keep attacking you women until you are gone. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"A jew and a democrat! A patented RETARDED LIAR!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The Girl Scouts organization themselves didn't force the Boy Scouts to accept girls. It was major scrutiny by retarded feminists and media outlets that caused them to open up their doors to girls.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Palmetto State Faggot Jew Hey guess what? I know where you live. LOLOLOLOL.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The devil can sit on a tack! Look at that warm expression of love and devotion. What an example this whole family is to all of us. They have been through hell and yet, God preserved them. This wasn't just a victory for our nation today, this was a victory for #tradlife families everywhere. #MAGA #USA #Kavanaugh #NotTiredOfWinning","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"FUCK YOU EMMA GONZALEZ! CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"We got someone who posts shit that's already been posted and doesn't really apply over here Good one. What other bad words do you know? Not a bad word?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Good liberals will allow a rapist\" to continue serving on a federal district court while his victim continues to suffer? But...you said....you said....\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"snoop is a pussy ass cunt bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Indian troops martyr eight more youths in Occupied Kashmir https:\/\/tribune.com.pk\/story\/1830791\/3-indian-troops-martyr-eight-youth-search-operation-held-kashmir\/ \"youths\" large groups of women tend to syncronize- we found that out with the Womens Army Corp and other military units- Mohamed kept promising virgins- and having 72 in a sociable mood may have been interesting- but the other 26 days of the cycle? poor-poor-poor simple minds-","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER No she hasn't. What reform\"? She is getting Trump to free particular famous people, in exchange for attention. The policies are worse now.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Yeah he's not a boomer faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I just looked. She just advertises a horror movie she is in.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER It matters less than swaying the political slant of the SCOTUS by both parties. That's a fact. This is only important to lib's and conservatives as to the Court makeup.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER He is too lazy. Just slouches over and waits for the defender to come to him. Bum","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"#NPC #WeAreTheMOB #MOBtoNPC #Dehumanizing another couple oldies being recycled and repurposed Don't confuse the Jew with an NPC. @thefinn don't confuse posting on my pics with me caring about your opinions No need to get pissy princess. No need to scream about fucking jews 24\/7 dipshit, God forbid another meme get in the way of letting someone get WOKE ON THE JQ - on Gab no less, pure brainlet. >Be on Gab >Make AltRight Memes >Can't handle other opinions Yeah ok.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Aw...look who's sad about judge Kavanaugh's confirmation...why its Alyssa Milano... Want to have a great laugh? Go to Twitter and read the responses she has for this Tweet: https:\/\/twitter.com\/Alyssa_Milano\/status\/1048669773574287360","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"And that children is what a hairy cunt looks like.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"ROTFL A moslem woman doesn't feel safe in the modern West and claims she fears being raped by a judge who doesn't even know she exists so she might go back to 7th Century Mohammadland where women have no rights, are stoned for being raped, and can be raped for any reason whatsoever. This only exists because the left controls the media. She can always return to her beloved homeland, I am sure she will be safe there unless they have a goat fucker bomb-a-thon. Since you need at least 4 eye witnesses to even claim rape in Muslim countries I am not surprised their rape rates are so low. Have you ever got a whiff of one of those things? They stink as bad as their so called men. Who in their right mind would rape an outhouse? We are talking Muslim men here. They fuck goats and camels for Allahssakes! You are right, muzzie men feel right at home around all of that zoo aroma, I stand corrected.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER It's called educating liberals.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"ROFLMFAO DUMB FAT UGLY CUNT ONLY HAPPY WHEN EATING AT ALL YOU CAN EAT RESTAURANT OBESE SKANK","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@meh6000 another challenger approaches The Left worked its magic in the 1960s, and now anything not anti-white is taboo. Typical Leftism. They're going to have to get Ace to shut down Warden, who wrote the post Yeah, Warden has been slumming in here with us deplorables a bit too long. We are corrupting him.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Photo Emerges Of Georgia's Dem Governor Nominee Burning State Flag https:\/\/www.dailywire.com\/news\/37467\/photo-emerges-democrat-stacey-abrams-burning-ryan-saavedra","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER The fact that we believe that these are the only two conservatives with a shred of decency is deeply disturbing. Even more disturbing is that I don't believe either of them do either. Still doesn't hurt to try.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER You will see more and more shocking vigilante style justice like this. Liberals on these courts are out of control.Swamp creatures in DC beware. Start serving the U.S. citizens 1st. Lot of fed up Americans across this great country of ours. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER I hope it was. Fucken dinosaur thought he Steinbrenner ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Religious freedom review finally http:\/\/morningmail.org\/religious-freedom-review-finally\/ #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Venezuelan people on the Colombian border.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER I seriously believe he is evil..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"AUGUST 2018 Read the best of NEW NOVEL Story Pitches URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Henrik's latest video: Sweden To Expel 6-Year-Old-Orphan Back To Ukraine https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=BoU6hu_kCAo Henrik looks closer at the case of Denis, a 6-year-old Ukrainian orphaned boy, slated to be expelled to Ukraine. A broken and corrupt migration agency deport children from European countries but keep the borders open to 3rd world","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"UGLY CUNT moooooooooooooooooooooooove to another country bitch AND TAKE FAT ASS rosie WITH YOU SHE'S FAT AND UGLY AND THROWED THE FUCK OFF DISEASED TRASH NOBODY CARES ABOUT THIS STUCK UP BITCH.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I want to use the force on Tony Danza and make him pay for unleashing this twat on humanity","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Typical rapefugee behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Chills' GOAT levels have rendered Kal's basic human communication capabilities completely useless. This goes to show how powerful of a unit he is.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Nhs is only the way it is because we have a over populated country Conservatives have privertised were nhs buys from","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"FINALLY SOMEONE RECOGNIZED RELIGIOUS FREEDOM. TOO BAD IT WASN'T IN THE UNITED STATES . . . . https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/10\/10\/gay-cake-case-uk-supreme-court-rules-favour-christian-bakers\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"gab SUPPORT I hit this account hard most days .its becoming obvious some liberal RAT is being triggered by my post All my POST are marked Sensitive automatically NOW. I don't KNOW WHY !! everyday ITS SOMETHING I Suspect you must have some new employee , liberal faggot working to undermine the accounts.I never had any problems ..now its daily something new ... gab SUPPORT I hit this account hard most days .its becoming obvious some liberal RAT is being triggered by my post All my POST are marked Sensitive automatically NOW. I don't KNOW WHY !! everyday ITS SOMETHING I Suspect you must have some new employee , liberal faggot working to undermine the accounts.I never had any problems ..now its daily something new ...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The very next suggested video after watching that one is \" bill burr thinks woman are overrated \" so even if people think he is making sense, after watching that they get click baited into some bullshit \"woman-hate\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Obama is a cocaine fueled fag and traitor to our country . . . which isn't his country. Back to muzzie land asshole! http:\/\/www.dcclothesline.com\/2018\/09\/06\/meet-the-man-that-claims-to-have-given-barack-obama-fellatio-twice\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER I just want to impress only one person in particular. I don't care about the rest of the world becoz he is the world to me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Fast and furious criminal should be behind bars.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Developing: Suspicious Packages Sent to Bombs sent and intercepted Barack Obama Former CIA Director John Brennan Debbie Wasserman Schultz George Soros Kamila Harris (not confirmed yet) Eric Holder Maxine Waters NY Governor Coumo ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I find it ironic that the media is saying these investigations could take up to 2 weeks until completion.....just in time for election day! SMH............. https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/developing-suspicious-packages-sent-to-hillary-clinton-and-barack-obama\/ #Hillary knows who's responsible! #FalseFlag #HillaryForPrison #RedWave #LockThemUp #HereComesThePain #LighttoDark #Maga #Qanon #WWG1WGA #Trump2020 #Pizzagate #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #News #GabFam #MAGA #Winning #1A #2A #NRA #RedWave #RedTsunami #TheGreatAwakening #QAnon #QArmy #Qanon8Chan #MAGA #ImWithQ #PatriotsSoapbox #KAG #WeAreQ#PatriotsFight #QResearch #WWG1WGA #Q #WalkAway #GABFAM#TrumpTrain #RedPill #WeThePeople #Pray4DJT #TheFallOfTheCabal #VoteRed And not one of them went off and the retarded leftists who plotted their false flags didn't even put postal marks over stamps!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Shabbos Goy Google Exec goes full retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Serena was constantly berating the guy between games. Even said he would never work one of her matches again. The third warning was completely justified. She is no saint. Sad such a champion lost her cool so badly","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Keep your mind open. #conservatives #republican #MAGA #Shadowbanning #AmericaFirst #Trump #Patriot @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER #WalkAway #WalkAwayFromDemocrats #FakeNews @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER The Liberals have used and abused the African American and any other group that comes in contact with them this just an extension of their corrupt and ruthless ways of trying to get power .The #Metoo .So called movement has been reduced to a tool","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Buhari was among the past leader. What did he do during he time people are keep on blame 16year PDP but you are talking about fix what is this government doing?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Doing it right next to an old nigger bum who is trying to sleep off a night of drinking a gallon of Colt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Awww... it's retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Antifa are the fascists. But, since you have been indoctrinated, you probably don't even know what fascism actually is. Antifa are not fighting neo-Nazis\". They are fighting anyone who isn't them, and they call them Nazis just to justify their hate.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Holy shit I was there. This was in the Lionel-Groulx station in Montreal, they were switching between the orange and green lines at around 12pm. I had my headphones on and I just saw a woman yell across the metro to a guy in a grey hoodie that just took pictures of her and gave her the middle finger. I remember being thoroughly confused because she kept screaming despite being on different floors. The same reason you also find way more mentally challenged people on the bus or metro here. Canada (or just Montreal, I don't know) is more accepting of that. Unfortunately no, she was just a white woman in her early twenties. She looked crazy, but I think that was just because her eyes were wide and she kept screaming her lungs out.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Well im glad that i live in Serbia, migrants and islamists are not welcome here!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Yep he is...Somebody is going down..@USER may finally be exposed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER He is and was and is to come.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"No because I know that unicorns don't exist. You've been frequenting this sub; you've seen the multitude of testimonials from all cultures the world over. You've seen the empirical data: the statistical facts and the historical facts; hell, even straight from the horse's mouths in some instances. But you're gonna chat this cunt up again in a few weeks, get a blowjob, and all of the shit I just wrote is going to go right out the window. Military is perfect for you.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Throat-punch this faggot whenever you can We know he is a scumbag. We do not know that he is a faggot, that is unless you have first hand knowledge from having slept with him I have. He's a faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"#Tories #Labour #GE2017 #Conservatives Conservatives URL theresa_may: Since my very first day in 10DowningStreet I've made it my personal mission to fix our broken housing system. Doing so underpins so much of what this Government is URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER bitch call me.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I want to kill all black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER ROFL, that is real data. Any argument you make now, I can flip it and say Oh an Anti-Trump flunkie\" quit being retarded. FYI, Gun Control doesn't work. England banned firearms and their violent crime stats skyrocketed. Criminals benefit the most from gun control\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER The principaled conservatives\" have left the building.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Well she is a \"Christian. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Don't ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@Quartermaster The extremely retarded morons always show themselves by criticizing something as shallow as punctuation errors! This does not effect anything is casual prose on social media. This mindless midget then goes on to tell you that the government is telling the truth and this incredible retard actually believes the propaganda from Snopes? Are you kidding me? You are clearly a brainwashed retarded RACIST SEXIST piece of shit Democrat who have someone else think for you since you cannot think for yourself! Jews did 911 dumbshit, did the government tell you that? You are no more than a polluted Thumb Drive! Your mother clearly made the WRONG CHOICE! Please kill yourself as you do not have a functioning brain! You are a brainwashed retarded monkey brain! Again, I am not a Democrat or Jewish who have done all the orchestrated shootings! All Democrats are just a retarded software program of misinformation just liike you gave because you cannot think for yourself! Go away you despicable piece of excrement!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Oh, Goodie another Racist Troll to Mute. Do come back under yet another identity. That Mute Button Never Gets Tired. Hahahahaha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@Perspicacious What did the retards ever do to you to attack them with such vitriol? You attacked somebody grieving a dead cat. Your variety of trolling was a blatant demonstration of pathological behavior of Aspies like yourself. You are not retarded in the usual sense but you are socially retarded, actually. Attacking a grieving person yet posturing that you are an attacked protected class? Nice try! You brought up the slur \"retard\". I only explained that Aspies like you are not retarded in the traditional sense, though you are in fact socially retarded. It's not difficult for normal (neurotypical) people to recognize your autistic thought when you make sick comments about cats to a grieving cat owner.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"#Colorado faggot #Politics #Trannies In #School No #Parental #Notification https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/Axsdu7HaCJet\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"If we aren't getting anything out of this deal anyway, it is BETTER for things to be quieter. Maybe it would be worth it if the political capital wasn't being spent on things like moving the US embassy to Jerusalem and pulling out of the Iran deal No it will get worse. They will double down on their violence because it works. And they want Trump to resign. Mr. Hunter is pandering because he hopes Antifa won't show up at his house. Because he sat out the election and disavowed Trump. He's looking out for his safety rightnow. I'm pandering to Antifa? I've been doxing them. I just don't see the point of continuing to get screwed over by the backlash to Trump so that some worthless billionaire who purged everyone I know from social media can get yet another tax cut Trump will still be POTUS in Nov genius. If leftist nut job behavior gets rewarded by them winning in Nov they will certainly double down on it. They want Trump gone and won't fold a winning hand. Just like identity politics got worse after Obama was elected. And those \"Doxed\" Antifa might have the stones to pay you a visit then. Please explain to me why I should vote for my GOP congressman who authorized this FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force witch hunt which specifically exempted Antifa from any blame for being a \"mob\" in Charlottesville. Let's just start with that issue Can you provide a link to so facts? Thanks","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER We need to name and shame these people. Ive a fb group which i expose antifa. Hnh etc. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"He sounds like a Muzzie Imam talking about killing the infidels. CATHOLICS, SEMITES AND MUSLIMS ARE ALL RAGHEADS! ALL ARE THE ENEMY OF CAUCASIANS!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"She should be kicked off the platform for saying \"black people should all be killed\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"People like her give normal black girls like us a hard time. We already have a bad rep now and people think we're \"loud, ghetto, and a have bad attitude Now people who've only interacted with 3 black people will think and continue to think all black people are like this and like us even less. I'm trying to understand this right too..she called him a nigger? I live in the south and black people don't say that shit. That's just disrespectful. Maybe I'm not visiting the right ghettos either but even the people I know in the ghetto dont call eachother nigger. Tf is this You know you're crossing the line when moms with small children around need to get away from you. Timestamp? I dont hear it but theres alot of noise in the beginning and Im listening through a cellphone speaker so probably just cant hear it. Oh yea she most definitely did, how tf I missed it is beyond me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"You may want to sit down. Sheila Jackson Lee has a Bachelor's from Yale University and a JD from the University of Virginia. So she may not be your average she-boon ..... but I can't say. Just another nigger w a head to me. The Affirmative Action sheboon cunt doesn't know the difference between Mars and the Moon: https:\/\/www.texasmonthly.com\/articles\/mooned\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"In my opinion, disabled people are worthless dirt. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"This is a student march against brazil's right wing presidential candidate. Meme magic is real. beep boop https:\/\/redd.it\/9ppivm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Trump Rejects '60 Minutes' Pressure, Promises Border Fixes Trump destroyed that ib twat on 60 minutes, love it. https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/immigration\/2018\/10\/15\/trump-rejects-60-minutes-pressure-promises-border-fixes\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Her head is already shaking before he can finish his first sentence, taking a step forward and slamming her cane to prove a point. \"No, Steve! Childish, perhaps. But she is tired, tired and worried sick all times that someone she cares about decides it's a great idea +\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@cashmoneyglock, @MAGAforSGV, @Ulfric, and @occdissent are, so far, my favorite accounts on here. IF you aren't following these people, you are a retard and can't be my friend. Follow them for excellent political and meta political analysis. Also follow, @diejewdiee because he is funny. Lastly, check out @Oblivia when she comes back. Interesting lady.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Im lesbian and proud im happy my friends accept me but i dont know if my family does but i dont care what anyone says im proud to be a lesbian","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Insane but I wouldn't call it a pussy pass. I mean if she has been abused(100% chance, just read the article. That motherfucker assaulted his next girlfriend as well and went on to star in porn videos) and regretted what she had done immediately by calling 911 and having them help salvage the situation... why should she be prosecuted? If she gets unjustly beat and wants some revenge well I guess she got it. Her having a second husband though... What kind of guy would marry and have a child with a woman like that? Does he not know? How do you marry a woman that has cut off a penis with a knife before and have a kid with her are you fucking asinine","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER The bigger problem is liberal gun control nuts that want open borders to try and cleanse' a society from established cultures. Then create a ruling class or a communist structure that has been proven to fail. England is now a Muslim breeding ground. Shameful","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Too manymongs in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"there you go yet again, you are a retarded skipping record, i never claimed soros was a nazi-NEVER-you fucktard. i merely stated the FACT that he worked for them. geeezus son, is your moma also your sister ?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Another stupid redneck bible thumper,,,,,,the country is crawling with them","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"No violence. Doesn't matter what she said, no one deserves to be hit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Thank God \"Nikki\" Haley is gone. But she's probably going to run against Trump or find some way to sabotage him now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Me *sees a nigger* *locks car doors* Nigger: *knocks on window* what would you do if I broke into this car and stole your shit ;)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Aren't you late for your antifa meeting?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"The article, to its credit, actually is a pretty good explanation of the meme. Also, it underscores how retarded Twitter is. The guy's example of why Twitter \"had to\" take action was an account that said the incorrect election day. That was seriously considered \"election tampering.\" XD","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"His therapist is a black person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I'm back because Twitter is retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"One of my favorite activities is actually surrounding myself with hot women and refusing to look at them. (I can tell if they're attractive using peripheral vision and my other senses only) I'll isolate one to pretend like she doesn't exist, and pay attention to the rest for the best reactions.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER No Ingles..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"delusional twat","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"4\/ Or specifically with the white supremacists who find the NPC meme awesome, how is \"diversity is our strength\" any different from \"love your race\"? It's like two sides of the retard coin. (Or actually the same side, since white supremacy and white nationalism originated from the Democrat party, which they hate to acknowledge.) Do you realize the founding fathers were white nationalists? Citizenship was for whites only. Btw, they also kept negroes chained up out back. Your boomer logic has no basis in reality, turn off Rush and try reading a book published prior to 1965 LOL, white supremacist logic, guys. \"Founders owned slaves, so they were white supremacists.\" That's the keen analytical mind of a white supremacist taking history and distilling it into an incorrect conclusion that even a retard could understand. :D The same way I explain everything you said: I just actually understand history instead of being like a retard trying to bang a round peg into a square hole like you. You're obviously mentally retarded, which explains the white supremacist thing. Yeah, your reasoning is profound. I'm sure you believe they were for fag marriage and would want AR's banned as well Notice how this retard's argument collapsed into rubble, so now he's oddly trying to talk about gay marriage, like some homo. No faggot, it's called drawing parallels","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":" Trump is in the jews' pocket do you people ever get sick of calling every last person on the planet either a jew or agent of jews? You are worse than the leftists calling people nazis Truth is a stranger to the jew....more so to their ignorant followers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Sadiq Khan is a paki twat British women can defeat Islam by having kids. As long as they refuse to be mothers. The Mussies will simply out birth English","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER I wouldn't doubt anything the unhinged witch would do.She's a leftest nutty Professor with a mentally ill past.She has no business teaching anyone!I suspect she is a closet ANTIFA member pd by Soros. Psycho was going to do the same thing to Gorsuch. #LockHerUp in a mental ward!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER My divorce. Everyone says, We're not picking a side.\" And then, they all totally do. Trials of life are great indicators about the realness of people. It sucks at first, but then the after is great. #EverybodyTalks\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Am Eye See Kay He Why Am Oh You Ass He","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Of course they are stupid. They are Muslims after all. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER 4chan trolling Antifa again?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Is the Welsh faggot sitting pn ol'Steptoe's cock? Mind you he'll enjoy that!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Fuck you... If she dare then why didn't she choose any other granth ..haha .. m sure she is looking for some publicity.. Bible or kuran . Whatever her intention was but she done a drama . May be she want to start any business that requires public intention.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"They view MAGA hats the same as Klan hoods.. Aa retarded as that is, they really do believe they're the same. They view MAGA hats the same as Klan hoods.. Aa retarded as that is, they really do believe they're the same.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER I thought it would be worse. I thought they would be shooting liberals in the streets by now.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I have tried many diets and I hate every single one of them","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"NFL = Nigger Faggot League!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Doesn't mean he is wrong. I'm not saying he is. He fucking kills it in this video. It's arguably his peak. I'm just trying to paint a complete picture","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Why don't you try Nick? You are a hippy who does not wear a poppy therefore you and your opinion are invalid. You are a hippy who does not wear a poppy, therefore your opinion is worthless. So a 7 year old playground taunt is all you can come up with? I like Jews and Muslims so \"nazi\"? One needs evidence for a rape charge. Now, about your pal Simon Lindsell, no poppy and he molests kids like Nick Raybould does. Word salad. From a non poppy wearing nonce. Muted. Wearing my poppy with pride, unlike far Fran;)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER There is absolutely no point in debating a liberal. Your party has swung so far left and have nothing but hate... All rationale has fleeted your side. Trump could create world peace and a utopian society and liberals would still resist for no other reason than your hatred.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Fixing that headline for you. \"Antifa Protestors Chant We Believe Christine Ford ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"this is a lie. we saw no uptick with membership once that sub was shut down. incel and donald insults really have lost their meaning. they have oversaturated the market. the market, therefore, demands some better insults. quit being a lazy twat, replace that dogs cunt you call a brain, and try again.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Shes literally retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":">The damage here is structural.The SCOC has ruled against free speech. It ruled HR legislation is supreme over freedom of speech. THAT ALONE IS THE DEATH OF CANADA. THAT must be changed by legislation if possible, by every province exercising section 33 if they must.Social Justice Tribunals are kangaroo courts that need to be abolished. They are entirely POLITICAL. It is unconscionable that a parallel legal system was created with them. Hire more damn judges in the real court system. > >The only way out is to VOTE but even that is about to be taken away from us with C79 where they will allow migrant non citizens to vote. C-79 is about the TPP, nothing is showing up for active bills being looked at to change the requirements to vote. Can you provide some reference so I can read up on it? err 76 We have not fixed the damage from the last few reigns of Liberal gov't. Things keep getting progressively worse. Have we ever fixed damage? Already done that. Doesn't seem to be enough. We have a year. Give Bernier's message a chance to spread, let him pick up some MPs and see what happens. Don't let the November glooms mess with you, it's early days. How do you fix importing half the population of Canada that don't share our values?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Why leaving Islam needs to be normalized https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=mb1ieYh4lpc I think it is disgusting that if a Muslim wishes to leave Islam they face honour killing by their family that is not the behaviour of a religion that is the behaviour of a cult imagine if christians did that,, then we wouldnt be in this mess. \"islam bad. no disney world, no miley cyrus, no sexbots.\" If white nationalists had brains (they don't) they'd embrace those boomer themes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"We should simply shoot them. They're just immigrants after all. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER The pit bull debate is just like gun control. Pit bull kills someone and here comes pictures here's my loving pit.\" gun kill's someone and its \"I have 4 guns and they never killed anyone.\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Bwahahaha-work? They are Liberal tools,honest work is for the Conservatives who they depend on to support their chubby little selves. Also,I hear they are getting $50 (and free food) to be protesters.\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Well then ... Let's kick the tires and light the fires! #MAGA #wwg1wga #KAG #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER The upside of manga is it can be real cheap. Downside is you might get swallowed up by a 400 part series","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Ohh boy this is a great post m8, it reminds of that time I was riding on ma boys dick and realized that I had not given consent, but since I was already grinding that big fat black cock I just went along with it... anyway that's not what I wanted to say though, the thing is that while I was having wild sex with my 8ft tall Mandingo slave I realized how oppressive masculinity can be, so ever since I go calling everybody sexist not because they are being sexist but rather because it pleases me deeply to see people suffer for something they don't understand. Sometimes I have dreams where I see the world burn and next thing you know I just jizzed all over me again, man I have really uncontrollable wet dreams..I might need some psychological help, but who gives a shit. Talking about feelings is for faggots, Am I right?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"LMAO!!!! Holy shit, these people are fucking crazy. I didn't even get the notice, I am sad.... but not bitching. SHe is so lucky to have #TRUMP contact her directly. This fine man summed me up perfectly! #MAGA #WWG1WGA Why? You really bring value to the conversation! Your just smelling the Nutella on your EBT card, Trump Trash Haha, my checking account has 20k in it.... what is an EBT card? No, you don't. I have your IP address. You live with your parents","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Black History Month on #Gab. In the jungle, in a Wakanda like paradise, the slow runners are caught by whitey. The fast runners go on to invent stuff like...tumbleweed across screen. Meanwhile in the UK and US, nig nogs invent drug dealing, mugging and pimping hoes an' bitches (TM). Oh pluq, music I forgot music. You forgot crack babies. The nigger also invented crack babies.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Thoses are nigger noses","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"How SEXIST is that ? CUNT POWER...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"And this post, obviously a joke. False equivalence. Gg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"you are being so sexist right now that im literally shaking and shitting myself. But that's just your *natural* musk. Hot In gonna take a shot in the dark and say you're an incel Noo....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Omg! You are the first person I've seen complain about this other than my husband.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Every TERF post I've ever read can be summarized as: \"There is no rational basis for disputing the gender binary and as evidence in support I would like to point out that MEN ARE TRASH gah PaTriarChy rawrawrawrawr...\" \"It's all completely fucking arbitrary that every society on the planet has divided the population between sperm and penis havers and egg and uterus havers. We should abolish this recognition between the two so-called \"sexes\" or understanding of how babies are made.\" Trans people who say that are retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"This topic is cancer. 100% cancer. There is nothing here worth debating, so I'm going to literally flood this topic with whatever the fuck I can find. You're all retarded, you're all disgusting degenerates, and you really should consider leaving Gab. No one here will miss you. Enjoy the flood!!! It's funny that the retard thinks he can flood something... on a site with an easy mute option. NPCs don't think.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I think you are overlooking the fact the Democrats had both houses of congress and the presidency and did nothing. But gun control would work as well as the war on drugs has.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER She is drinking so much koolaid she's bloated.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Go eat some more burgers butthead!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"and this skill-less cunt gets more donations that i would ever will because tits","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I've been to Bradford so I'm an expert on this,you stupid cunt. Go spend a few nights outside the east London mosque,you won't be writing about your expertise then,in fact you'll be getting written about as a fucking white trash cunt hospitalised by diversity.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I don't even blame this cheap half-cast nigger hooker for behaving like she does, nor for dressing like sleazy secretary \/ funeral assistant \/ Morticia Addams wannabe all the time, or for always looking unkempt and unwashed with horrid greasy wig always in mess Harry is a halfwit But, where was BRF's collective brain to allow this circus? #Windsordashians","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"First post condemning the girl: 540 points Second post condemning the girl: 288 points Third post analyzing the girl (possibly as a justification, possibly as a condemnation by sarcastically pretending to be someone who would use that as a justification): 77 points Fourth, fifth, and sixth post focusing on sympathy for her: 142 points, 50 points, and [hidden] points respectively. Confirmed anger: 828 points Confirmed sympathy: 192 points Yup, that's a free pass right there \/s \"All feminists say X!\" \"Some do, but most say not-X.\" \"How dare you say that 'all feminists say not-X'? Don't you see the feminists *right there* saying X?\" \"What.\" >\"All feminists say X!\" Can't lefty without a strawman! ;)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Thats a good thing ...let just hope your gal frend has a lawyer coz she is about to do some make over for yoll . URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":" Never again will I watch a @NFL game! Same goes for #NetFlix, never again will I let them make one penny from me !! Yes Barry, you did that! You and the #racist #antiwhite #antiChristian #Atheistic #Leftatards always destroying, never creating anything but trouble! What did you do with the hotdogs at the WH Barry!?? We remember, you treasonous !!! #Boycott ! I looked the other day, everything on Netflix is all African American, Australian, British, or anything else requiring subtitles. Sorry you idiots, the last thing I want to do at the end of the night, is read sub titles. Everything Obama touches he ruins. It's deliberate by Soros.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"IT'S ALL PIG JEW TO ME stupid fucking hick sand nigger lover LOL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Idk who that faggot is, but, let's do this!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I think the skull portrayed as Muslim is actually a nigger skull. Due to millenia of inbreeding the muzz skull would be two skulls fused together as conjoined twins, or some other freakish defect.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Ladies, I need your help. I'm 5'1 tall, 46 years old and 20 pounds too heavy. Please give me your dieting advice. Thanks in advance, Short Pudgey Rachel. #DLOG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I wonder if these are the false flags we were expecting...... URL URL #GreatAwakening #QAnon #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA @USER @USER URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Time for the new Attorney General to show his stuff and go medieval on some asses. The stage is set for this guy to make history if he has the stones. Arrest everyone involved who doesn't comply with lawful orders. Charge them with everything permissible by law. Set an example. say it with me, [MAXIMUM CRIMINAL PENALTIES](https:\/\/twitter.com\/realDonaldTrump\/status\/1059470847751131138) I'd accept hanging on the National Mall.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER hell0! What a beautiful sight seeing the antifa scum getting beat down and arrested!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Someone please call for gun control because the Bengals can't stop shooting them selfies in the foot URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Black people are parasites to our society. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@protricity Why are you so triggerrrrrrred? You sound like a retarded three year old who didn't get their own way. \"Chicken shit paid shill little bitch piece of shit.\" ROFLMFAO!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Fucking hate bitches comparing humans to animals as saying animals should have rights, humans are worse than animals etc. You're contributing to the lessening of human rights and the equalization of animals and humans. Fueled by your hatred of Christianity, you're enabling your own relegation Fuck that. I'll eat whatever animal I want. I breed and eat chickens and I fish. Extensive scientific studies show a diet of meat and fish os the most healthy. Vegans are gay too. Soya actually increases estrogen Faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Black conservatives are routinely labeled by Black 1% as \"Uncle Tom's. That is attacking Black conservatives for being Black.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":".@USER was first Trustee to join @USER @USER to lead the charge since 2015 to divest from fossil fuels. She is a true accomplished progressive who actually gets results. Vote Letitia James for NY AG tomorrow Democratic primary Sept 13th URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"hey ya little douchebag hows the spelling grammar nazi today? hey ya kill anything today beat your wife or the dog ya redneck piece of shit lol , hey my daughter wrote that one for me ya fucked face ignorant cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"10k votes on a single comment shitting on this sub. That alone causes issues, but the *real* damage comes from the hundreds of users slipping around that link, replying to start fights with regular users, vote-bombing anyone who speaks up *from* KiA that dares disagree with their socjus echo chamber faggotry. >but not many people would ever think further than \"heh, I thought they were pro-free speech. What a bunch of hypocrites\". And those people *are not* going to change their minds, for the most part, just because you let them come in here to shit on the floor and insist *you* clean it up. **All** meta subs should be thrown into a dumpster, set on fire, and never allowed to be recreated as they provide *nothing* of any value to anyone who isn't looking to get their jollies off on X vs Y drama of varying brands. >rather than spare the mods the inevitable headache of the next dramatic invasion. # _ I may have stepped down (and this may be my last day in here checking messages), but *wanting* the mods to have more headaches caused by people *who aren't actually here for KiA* and *who act like a plague of fucking locusts moving post-to-post to shit up places that don't fall in line with their self-reinforcing groupthink* is not exactly any kind of way to get anyone, let alone mods, to agree with you.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"no one wants to get rid of jews for their religion, we want to get rid of them for shitty behavior like spreading degenerate atheist communism, promoting open borders for us but not them, race mixing for us not them hypocrisy thy name is jew bolshevism is judiasm, we've known it since the 1930s. I love the not all bullshit. Useful idiots are the goy in antifa the jews are willing to have run over in the street to promote their degeneracy. non-communist jews are like \"moderate muslims\" if they exist at all it's to condone and apologize for jewish behavior, hasbara Its not a claim its a fact you dopey cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Followed most patriots already and got the rest appreciate a follow back #MAGA ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER And you are? Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Imagine being this pathetic.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I laughed, burped, and vomited just a bit when I read this. its sad but true. americans have been buying into this bullshit that certain people rape certain people at magical astronomical rates without any evidence. i mean remember that willy horton ad? now think of how Trump helped a serial rapist and murderer stay out of prison by pressuring the NYPD to 'give the death penalty' to a bunch of teenagers that were arrested somewhere near a rape in central park on zero evidence, and tortured into confessing. then it turns out the guy that did it stayed out of prison for years raped and murdered numerous women, then years after he was caught confessed to doing it alone after finding out other people were in jail for it the 'well they must have done something wrong' mentality is why the us is so fucked. Looks like you're working hard on your victim status too. Maybe the chick in the video and you have a lot in common. It's unfortunate but apart from many people on this sub hating women, their also pretty racist.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER bitch if u don't message him","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I have a friend who considers himself a right-wing Christian. He is livid that I refuse to vote in the midterms (and has even threatened to end our friendship). His problem is that he listens to alt media filling his head with 4-D chess narratives. This is why I have nothing but harsh invective for the American alt-right. You assholes are leading us off a cliff. I'm not here to argue with shills and idiots. That's one of the tactics all shills share. \"If you don't spend an hour of your time for free arguing with me (and another 80 hours a week arguing with my colleagues), then you are a shill or wrong.\" No. You are getting paid, so you have the time and it's your job, slave. We don't have to do shit. Another low IQ comment. Shill Either address my points or shut up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"STABBED IN NECK arrested but no descr #DMTBKA https:\/\/6abc.com\/police-suspect-arrested-for-allegedly-killing-a-man-in-frankford\/4370470\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"LOVE IS LOVE ROSES ARE REDS VIOLET ARE BLUE HAPPINESS IS ALL COLOR'S LESBIAN IS BLESSING BISEXUAL IS BEAUTIFUL GAY IS MARVELOUS! ROSES ARE RED VIOLETS ARE BLUE IM GAY AND SO ARE YOU AND WE ARE HAPPY THAT WAY DON'T BE RUDE BE RESPECTFUL FOR LGBTQ PEOPLE ITS LOVE AND LOVE IS AMAZINGLY IMPORTANT AND BEAUTIFUL WE ARE ALL HUMANS AND WE ALL LOVE NO MATTER WHAT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I'm all for hating trump supporters but damn don't ever go as far as harassing people for thinking differently. They don't have the fault of being retarded, don't go below their level. This bitch did, and is now facing consequenses.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"another nigger heard from! WE NEED the STAR CHAMBER to eliminate these black mf's!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":">When it was over, the assailant jumped into the passenger seat of a vehicle and took off. Zolkowski could not provide a description of the vehicle, adding she \"kind of blacked out,\" court records show. She only described her attacker as a black man. You'll notice the manipulative cunts who pull this stuff almost always try to play to off of racism and say it was a black guy too. They're deceitful to the core.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER #LPFirstTime HE is comingggg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Googlecide Death by don't-be-evil-corp inspiring the Internet bill of rights preventing leftist oligarchies from erasing people based on political beliefs transforming western civilization into a totalitarian state controlling nearly all aspects of life via the Googlesplaining.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER I'm assuming that @USER is a proponent of gun control. The argument for gun control is the threat of being shot. She then goes on to accuse people who open or conceal carry of being scared of a hypothetical fear of being shot. It's a hypocritical statement","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"My favorite part of tonight's Trump speech: \"we're not really supposed to use that word, but you know what I am? I am a Nationalist\" https:\/\/thehill.com\/homenews\/administration\/412649-trump-you-know-what-i-am-im-a-nationalist >nationalist >sells out to zion lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"\"If everyone just agreed with me we wouldn't have any problems\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Another anonymous source has come out against Judge Kavanaugh.. 30+ years without one complaint against the man, and in a span of a week he's a violent drunk who raped multiple women. #Absurd https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/kamala-harris-presents-letter-claiming-kavanaugh-friend-repeatedly-raped-jane-doe-in-car\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"5 0 4 8 #ConfirmKavanaugh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Maryland woman allegedly sets apartment complex on fire because she was 'upset with ex-boyfriend,' officials say https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/maryland-woman-allegedly-sets-apartment-complex-on-fire-because-she-was-upset-with-ex-boyfriend-officials-say I worked in insurance, had to call Medicare a lot, always got a name of Moesha, Koesha, Loesha etc. Funny days yet glad they're over! AND YOU became fluent in Jive right? Hahahahahahaha Thought the same thing, she sure is a winner lol. look at her face that one has 40%European DNA but do you think that mattered for SQUAT? IT'S PRIMITIVE MAN PLAN AND SIMPLE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Her colleague is a Muslim. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Being a goon hasn't been a police qualification for decades. True. In the UK now the top crime to stop is ordinary Brits posting anything short of praise for the so-called \"Religion of Peace\" on Facebook. So why are you complaining about gender when it's a lack of general physical prowess that's the problem? The simple fact is that many male cops would of been tossed out of that car too. > The simple fact is that many male cops would of been tossed out of that car too. Muahahahahhahaha! Okay troll, whatever. http:\/\/news.bbc.co.uk\/2\/hi\/uk_news\/england\/devon\/ Did you read the article? The relaxed rules benefit smaller men just as much as it does women, but it's the women officers who are your problem not the smaller men, right? I was commenting on what you said, not the article. You said the smallest person on the force, is male. You do realize physical strength generally favors men, right? If be willing to bet that this officer, if it came down to it, could absolutely destroy 95% of the females on the force. Simply because of the fact he's male, and males have more dense muscles, more dense bones, higher muscle as a percent of their body, and a ton of other stuff that makes them much more well suited for fighting than compared to a woman. So, I don't really care what the article says. It's common sense that men are almost always stronger than women. Does it hold true all the time? No. Does it hold true 99% of the time? Yes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Lauren is SAVAGE. love her","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"This is just another example of why people should not be allowed to reproduce without some kind of license or something. Before people get all retarded and up in arms about my previous statement and how irrational and dumb it is, please take into consideration that I already know that, and still feel that most people shouldn't be parents. Notice that I never said or used, \"good parents,\" as a point. I'm merely suggesting that perhaps no teenage pregnancy, single parent families, and welfare families with 8 kids. There is no reason to have this many people having children, especially when cunts like the ones in the video just neglect and kill them anyways. In no way, shape, or form do we need that in society. No there is \"no reason to have this many people having children ... if you were designing a perfect utopian simulation. Just saying \" no reason to have this many people have children it sounds like some authority is choosing who has children. no one is \"having people have children . People are choosing to have children for themselves. in reality, there doesn't need to be a reason because human beings have a right to reproduce. They Always have. That's how we got here. Now, do they have the right to the welfare they get because they were irresponsible and had too many kids? No, I don't think they should. But like, the right to have a child is about as fundamental a right as it gets, agency over ones own body, etc,.. I duno if you're actually saying it should be that way , or jus saying, it would be ideal, in a perfect world if those people didn't have kids. But I don't think I'd ever say someone \"shouldn't be allowed to reproduce.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"This man or woman or thing is a disgusting obnoxious racist bitch. #FuckOffWhoopi Black people can't be racist!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Can you imagine what she is like to waitstaff who get her order wrong?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Tumblr Shows How Retarded The Western Left is","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Stop war. Lead, Radiation, chemicals is killing this earth. Share, care, sympathy, and empathy most of all Love is needed in this world.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Cunt needs a makeover, along with all the other piece of shit liberals with their big goofy fake circa 2014 nerd glasses they hide behind.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I'm glad my weird teenage phase was just mundane stuff like wearing weird outfits and thinking I was bi for about two weeks. I don't even know what this is.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"as far as im concerned if ur panties go up ur ass instead of completely over ur ass cheeks u dont have anybody else to blame when a nigger or a serial killer or some kind of tranny queer rapes u and cuts ur head off ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I read it she had to cut her hair because of hair extensions. SheDevil... They are trying to be like the men they hate (but secretly admire); sadly, since most men do not find this imitation attractive; hence they will probably die out after one generation... logic is not something you can find with them . I really liked her before she got penetrated by Rachel Madcow. Just go ahead and dye your hair already Meggynn.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"How on earth did this stunned Nigger ever get Elected ??","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Send down all of the resistance and antifa members along with the democratic party since this is what they wanted anyways!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"For some unknown reason we are all supposed to feel very sorry for Queens frontman Freddie Mercury who fucked around like a rabbit and caught AIDS and died from it. What's more, we are now fed all those documentaries about Queen and told how great their music was. It wasn't all that great actually.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Cant say those words!! Tweeter will come knocking","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Man faces accusation: loses everything. Woman faces allegations: Gets due process and will probably, most likely, get away with it. Never forget that Hardwick had everything pulled while the investigation into him being mean to an ex girlfriend, accused only via an online article she wrote. Asia is being investigated by the police right now and the times has actual evidence already. This movement is going to quickly become a joke, and as a male rape victim I'm glad and I'm sorry they never took nuance seriously from the beginning. This could of been all inclusive and a very wonderful thing for the world. When you didn't pull out all the stops for Terry Crews you lost me","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You're absolutely insane if you think a hearing for a supreme court judge is a appropriate place for a mourning father to talk about gun control. He doesn't enact laws....he upholds them. He should have demanded his state senator shake his hand","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER She is THE best #facts","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Have you ever parked a tricycle in an airplane hanger? This filthy whore walks around with a fake fist in her cunt just to stop her colon from falling out due to her love of fucking horses niggers and wack-a-mole machines","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER He Mike @USER what country are you living in my country is a Constitutional REPUBLIC not a democracy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Fucking idiots, every last one that voted for that dumb twat","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Who is this cunt and why should I care","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"De Niro Slams Kavanagh and Calls Trump M-F*cker,' Fed-Up Audience Has Nasty Surprise De Niro Slams Kavanagh and Calls Trump 'M-F*cker,' Fed-Up Audience Has Nasty Surprise #EnoughIsEnough DeNiro is living in a bubble,still in 2016~Libs have lost their minds We put up w 8 yrs It's your turn now Donald Trump is our President for 8 years Actor Robert De Niro made headlines over the weekend when he showed up for a Children's Diabetes fundraiser and immediately embarrassed himself. The \"Raging Bull star started ranting and raving about politics, taking aim at Justice Brett Kavanaugh's beer drinking and, in another appearance, called President Donald Trump a \"mother-f*cker. That's when the fed-up audience gave the unhinged 75-year-old a nasty surprise he never saw coming. You'll love this. #RedWave #HereComesThePain #LighttoDark #Maga #Qanon#WWG1WGA#Trump2020 #Pizzagate #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #News#GabFam #MAGA #Trump #BanSharia #1A #2A #NRA #BuildTheWall #DrainTheSwamp https:\/\/madworldnews.com\/de-niro-slams-kavanagh-trump\/ https:\/\/madworldnews.com\/de-niro-slams-kavanagh-trump\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER You are way to good at this","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER \"Because you are alone dang Mama Chu isn't taking any prisoners","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER There are plenty of sane centrist democrat citizens but far leftist politicians and Antifa weirdos? No thanks.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER I do have one more serious question though. I am wondering if liberal men actually have balls or is this a birth defect? What would ever happen if the left and right went at each other. LGBT be your front line??Antifa next??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"#Funny and #Hilarious #Meme for #Brexit people to deal with #Remainers .. as they simply have failed to put up a single argument and I am sure they are all #Leftists #HardBrexit #MBGA #MAGA #MCGA #MEGA #Conservatives #Patriots URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Wakanda: A delusional kike invention to fool their nigger slaves into believing they're equal to the white man.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"They let him get a few licks in. Even when the person deserves an ass beating you gotta stop it somewhere, this felt about right. Yeah man I gotta say, a lot of people don't realize just how fragile we are. I guess since we aren't exposed to physical violence like we used to be it's easy to be frustrated and yell for blood when these kind of things happen. I got downvoted like hell in a post because I said I try to intervene as early as I can if people fight... you land one right blow and it can mean life or death People overlook the fact that even being the aggressor gets you hurt, knuckles and wrists get all fucked up, when adrenaline wears off you start feeling sore where you didn't even know you were hit at This was about an old guy and woman. Old woman was yelled at for not picking up her dogs poo, woman got mad and grabbed the poo and threw it at guy, guy throws a punch and was about to go on but someone stopped em before it went further People claimed i was an SJW giving pussypasses lol but had nothing to do with the gender. Gets me goin when I think of it lol stupid sheltered people who never encounter physical violence Whew..: went on a tangent there... my bad While I agree in the importance of stopping violence before it goes too far, I have to defend the reactor as well. I know the video you're talking about, I would've done the same thing that man did. Don't throw feces at people. Don't put your hands on people. We have a right to a little revenge when we're fucked with, especially if you're assaulted. It's better not to instigate, because if you do I think you deserve some ramifications. She got her fair beating and after that people stepped in.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER YES!!! Among my favorite stories! #Darkseid comes back and shows how a perennial evil he is in the universe! The Daxamite menace might be among the most terrible menaces ever read by me!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER We should all believe Feinstein because she is so upstanding. She would never hir a spy from China and employee them for over 10 years. She needs to resign. TRADER.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Insanity...just like the commies! #hypocrisy #TheStorm #maga #KAG #QAnon URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Are you worried he's stealing all the karma from the hitler niggers meme guy?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER It really doesn't matter if she wanted to be an actress or not. Montel is grasping at potential insults to try to discredit Dana. The fact is she was hired to do a job and she is good at it. Trump haters simply attack her and you because their candidate lost. Montel is irrelevant","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"After a Black man murdered a Swedish citizen, the Swedish police asked the public for help identifying him - but they blurred out his face so you couldn't tell he was Black. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER I looked over your record since getting a law degree and see ABSOLUTELY NOTHING meritorious or significant. You are one of the LEAST accomplished Individuals I have reviewed. What do YOU think you have done worth noting? Anything? @USER @USER @USER @USER URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"If she wants to escape that, maybe the cunt should stick to mobile \"games\" and browser games. The stuff that has 0 competitive elements and requires neither skill, nor thought process to play and enjoy. Stop ruining our games cause you are a worthless shit with no skill, go play cooking mama and make me a sandwich.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"[deleted] you're biased. probably a migrant. [deleted] What does Ghandi have to do with anything? [deleted] >He was a migrant protester As in he protested migrants? >you fucktard. How mature. Insulting someone asking you to elaborate on your point. [deleted] Ghandi was also womanizing racist. Besides that, what's your point? We should let every migrant in because ghandi was one? [deleted] Cool point. Let me reiterate my question even though you're purposely acting obtuse because you're just realizing now how irrelevant your bringing up of ghandi was. Why do you think bringing up fucking Ghandi matters whatsoever? If you still don't understand, try rereading *before* responding. asking a liberal to explain the reasoning for damn near any of the stupid and frankly dangerous ideological vomit they spew from their marxist indoctrinated asses is a waste of time. i don't believe for a second that they have the emotional depth required to truly care about muh migrants' on anything more than surface level. lol, take care cool guy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Why yes, It is necessary to show the sins of men when you are truthful. It is also helpful to have sins for when you are discussing repentance and forgiveness. That's what Jesus came for -- To redeem sinners. If you want a license to sin, islam is for you!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"It would be best to just drown those kinds of steaks in butter. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER liberals got to crap all over everything.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I really am just going to murdr that disabled person. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Very moving. Thanks. Anal Cunt is such a moving band. My favorites of them are the classics: \"I Became A Counselor So I Could Tell Rape Victims They Asked For It\" and \"I Sent Concentration Camp Footage To Americas Funniest Home Videos\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Aweeee happy bday e-panda you are an amazing drummer (maybe better than B ;);)) have a great one :))))","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"It would be nice if GAB did #3, but I expect #2 before the end of the month. Torba damn sure isn't interested in defending free speech and fighting censorship to the point of putting his website or himself on the line. That's what the ACLU and CBLDF does, not GAB. Pussies. So what will happen first? Will GAB...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Nobody cares because he is getting confirmed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"This is just a reminder for you to drink some water. I've accidentally gotten severely dehydrated during my internet loafing sessions and my brain for some reason didn't process any feelings for thirst and I ended up having massive headaches and horrible skin.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Not all of us Conservatives are that gullible. Manny has some good points now and then... but when he starts spewing US propaganda .. it sickens me. He asked for the term and I gave one... He'll have no rebuttal. You watch.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"nigger loyalty is to niggers, another reason not to mix with them https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/femail\/article-6239693\/Samantha-Markle-launches-vitriolic-rant-against-Meghans-mother-Doria-Ragland.html","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Faggot ?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Clever non-white mutants ruled by jews !!! You know you are winning when the niggers, beaners, gooks are starving by the millions with nothing but whigger -- the other whyte meat -- left to eat !!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"fuck yourself bitch i'm curious what why this stupid cunt thinks we can't wear certain costumes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Faggot retards promoting \"based jew in a maga hat\" please God will they just shut up or kill themselves","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Anyone have a lion","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Brigitte Gabriel has experienced a life that most would have nightmares from. She is sounding the alarm for Americans. Buy her book pay attention to what she is warning America about","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I'm guessing another butt ugly, man hating bull dyke","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"in my 4th day of twitter ban since i called Zoe Quinn a Retard totally worth it. would call her retard again!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Nigger + Mudshark = a Death toll to pay","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"see there you go with the name calling cunt kike","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I mean if you somehow find a way to be a bigger faggot than Lindsay Graham then your opinion is beyond irrelevant.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Thank you Jourdan!!! and Hayley is yours she is literally in my DMs as we speak and still hasn't wished me happy birthday. Fake mom","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER All those poor conservatives going to be asking for government handouts and relief.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Ellison has done FAR worse and there's hard evidence! Nothing is being done in that matter! #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Fault for the current state of affairs falls on all generations, this is the first SET of generations fortunate enough to realize an awakening, the cleanup is on all of us that are awake, laying blame on one generation is retarded , that IS WHAT THE ENEMY WANTS. (division)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"That faggot can try that shit with a man...... anytime!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER 2018 charts she is. Overall fuck no. Cardi got ways to go to catch niki","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"An attention-seeking faggot An attention-seeking faggot An attention-seeking faggot An attention-seeking faggot. OK, makes sense to me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Imagine my surprise when I found this Twat Begging for Bucks. Her books are highly rated also","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"\"Al Jazeera is anti-Israel, anti-America, and downright hateful to the Jewish people. : Americans deserve to know if it is also acting as a foreign agent for the Qatari regime. http:\/\/dlvr.it\/QpSLk4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER if you're hosting them you are AT LEAST nominating them for a prize! Don't be teasers!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"*slams open door* DOeS yOUr PhOnE hAVe GAMES? You guys have phones right? ok this is epic Thank you Ben Shapiro very cool Hello fellow 9 year old That was honestly my first thought as soon as I saw epic ok this is epic","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Myyy nigga ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@KneeGrow Joe, has anybody told you you look like the pre-white Michael Jackson?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER me trying to avoid the freshman boys who hang out in my block and hit on me everyday URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"haha cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I'm gonna have to remember that one. Seriously though, that face is irritating. It's r\/punchablefaces material for sure. Yeah after I linked it, I delved into a deep pit that I'm still not completely out of. Still not exactly sure what happened with the sub... [https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/MuseumOfReddit\/comments\/4h5w3b\/august_10_2015_rpunchablefaces_is_under_new\/](https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/MuseumOfReddit\/comments\/4h5w3b\/august_10_2015_rpunchablefaces_is_under_new\/) It was taken over by purple-haired SJW's.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"She can be as mouthy as she wants, he shouldn't put his hands on her. She should have shot him. Would have been justified. I can't wait for a women to kick you in the nuts. I'd love to see what you think is justified after that. Won't happen because I don't assault them like this pig. So an appropriate reaction to someone touching your arm is kicking them? What a childish mentality. Looks like you have a lot more growing up to do. It looked to me like he was all up in her shit, which is bad enough but then when he put his fucking hands on her all bets are off. If it was a guy who knocked the cop out because the cop put his fucking hands on him, you would all be applauding him. This is just a sub for hating women for no good reason. You guys should check out men going their own way, you would fit in nicely there. What world are you living in? I represent the vast majority of normal men, enjoy your circle jerk. Uh huh - terrified.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER It's funny how you idiot liberals seem to forget when other presidents do the same shit. Haha.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":".@USER @USER This seems true. At least the damage Trump has done can be undone fairly quickly URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER lol... a liberal trying to make other liberals sick what a maroon","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Where is the error in thinking that disabled lives aren't worth shit?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER It never gets further that the Caymans But I want to know what gives Boris the right to spunk 45m on a folly of a bridge that wasn't built Where is the money And what relation to him were the people who were paid it And why are they all now abroad No lnvestigation iniated Why","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER You guys. You seriously don't mean everyone right? There are good people here that don't like to bother with shit like that. Personally for me I want this shit to stop but our government apparently is to fucking stupid with gun control. Arm teachers with guns\" yes makes sense.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER So you are advocating for a 35-person debate or what?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Point of fact is that if you judge a man by his character rather than his color you will find many a black man well preferable to yourself. MANY BLACK PEOPLE WHO ARE BETTER THAN YOU!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Dave, stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man. First all you little shit I am Faggot, and that don't cut deep me and my other fag friends call each other that all the time. Second \"white\" ain't a real race. You can be Irish, polish, or whatever the fuck but white ain't real that's just the color of your skin. I do stand up for my race, Irish, and all other minoritie races Dave the correct term is sodomite or pedophile. And no, we won't bake your fucking cakes.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"We are thinking about it, but Catholicism isn't a democracy. So when the Vatican decides to abandon Catholicism in favor of Protestantism, there is not a whole lot we can do about it. But when a pagan says something thats retarded on the internet its really easy to let them know why they are retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I'm disgusted by the Left's obsession with telling Americans, Whites, Men, or anyone else that they think has a penis that they're not allowed to have an opinion or else they consider them to be a overly privileged, sexist, bigot, devil of the worst order. So pay NO ATTENTION to the stupid asses. I don't !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"maybe he can go back to sucking cocks for quarters for his nigger pimp dre.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Where have you been? Some Faggot is using your avatar and I thought he was you until it became obvious he was an imposter so I gulaged him.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Wetback taxi","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"As a fat person, I can confirm that these people are retarded and refuse to accept that being fat is unhealthy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Fake news.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Damn commies in the american government https:\/\/redd.it\/9psy2o","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I cannot believe thismuzzie. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"obviously it's not enough, the cunt is still breathing","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I was at a neighborhood community center last week with my kid, and a few other moms were there with their toddlers. The toddlers were all boys. One mom was loudly and dramatically talking about how devastated she was when she found out she was having a boy because she wanted to raise a strong feminist girl and she was now tasked with teaching a boy her feminist values. I had to leave at that point. That's a boy that's either going to grow up to be a complete and utter beta male thanks to his mom's bullshit, or he's going to rebel against it completely once he hits puberty and become one of the most misogynistic assholes on the planet thanks to his hatred of his mom. \"Beta males don't exist. Ironically, the only people who use the term seriously would all qualify if such a thing did exist. At what point did you decide it was okay to make completely arbitrarily prophecies based solely on your misogyny? That boy might grow up to be a completely normal person. You got one anecdote about one event in the boy's life, know absolutely nothing else about him or the rest of his family, and you made up a nightmare scenario. People like you give MRAs a bad name. You're a bad person and you should feel bad.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Thread by @DrDannielle It's lunchtime . Thursday, October 18, 2018 - Saudi Arabia and Turkey. https:\/\/threadreaderapp.com\/thread\/ Funny fuckin hypocrite conundrums the pinkos find themselves in. Nuke that shithole prove it getting tired of talk no action","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"It's in trans people's nature to be uncivilised. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Here's the Livestream of the BASED Jeff Sessions FBI railroading more #UniteTheRight white men: @occdissent @Altrightmetrodetroit @TheMadDimension @parrott https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=H3ymIOf9q2M","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Two states are whiter today than in Oh yeah, the two states that haven't succumbed to White genocide are the two most redneck states in the nation but ya know, let's not listen to them or anything cuz they're a bunch of retarded hicks with terrible optics","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Yeah, but how will he know they are cunts until he unlocks the door for them?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Gee, you didn't know that a Jew or the Jew media won't necessarily admit a person is Jewish when they are a krypto (Jews that infiltrate as something else) Haha, you are retarded my friend","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Fuck off with that retarded #antifa mentality BS!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Such an evil cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER This has gone on for too long. IMO Trump wants him to meet with them and he had been trying to help Trump reach a. Peace deal until this blows over and he is able to tell the world that they was lying to everyone in order to trick certain people until they could take them down.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Rabid Racist Pensioner Thrown Out of His Fav Shop for Telling Black Wankers to Sod Off Back to the Jungle. Fat Sounding Cunt Involves Herself. Did She Want Dat Dick? https:\/\/www.independent.co.uk\/news\/uk\/home-news\/sainsburys-racist-video-security-guard-abuse-london-a","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"the natural order has been disrupted for 2 reasons: 1: is to tax women 2:destroy the natural order by taking away the importance of the nuclear family values and replacing it with state funded \"surrogate provider\" you've effectively turned women into coalburning nigger factories Feminism is primarily a Jewish invention to destroy western values (hell they don't even deny it) https:\/\/www.jewishbookcouncil.org\/_blog\/The_ProsenPeople\/post\/the-forgotten-jewish-element-of-the-womens-liberation-movement\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Every fucking day we see stories of unbelievable acts of violence committed against white people by niggers. And never a fucking peep from the Jewish media. I'm absolutely sick of nigger violence and nigger privilege.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Men; Stay the hell away from females with tattoos, facial piercings, and\/or hair dyed unnatural colors. You ignore this warning at your peril....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Foul wetback bitches!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"What is the problem? Thugs tried to kidnap her and she fought back, albeit unsuccessfully.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Nope, that's you. And you just proved you're a commie Jew (as if further proof was needed) with your retarded post.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER I think we have to confer with Messiah. I think only she is powerful enough to turn this tide. She did empower him to win the last two Majors.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Gee...I wonder? #DrainTheDeepStateSwamp #WWG1WGA #QAnon #MAGA URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Just keep saying FAST and FURIOUS! Holder the man that planned gun control by handing out weapons to criminal cartels... Sounds like a great guy to run a justice department because he will work with ANYONE including criminals to fill his OWN AGENDA instead of that of the people!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER The comments that we should pity her because she is obviously not mentally well piss me off to no extent. If a POC did this they would not be concerned\" about their mental well being.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER I hope he traded this winter as he is the worst defensive catcher I've ever seen itsnot even funny anymore as 14 passed balls in only 71 games? Wow.... that's nuts","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER #MAGA #KAG #TRUMP2020 #TRUMP=HERO #TRUMP=LEADER #WELUVTRUMP URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"WELL HERE I AM FRESH IN FACE BOOK JAIL FOR USING WORD FAGGOTS LOL I LOVE A MR BRAINS FAGGOT ? FREDOM OF SPEECH IS GONE","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"We must never condone the killing of any woman","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"1\/1024 Christian 1\/1024 citizen","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"anyone else get full body numbness that lasts for weeks and rapid muscle spasms and 'shock' feelings when trying to sleep at night? I can only sleep once every 48 hours :(","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Disgusting.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Destined to be another bargain bin 10 for a dollar fire starter.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"> All the extra SJW shit is about housing you for 12 years so retard parents can afford the big house and multiple SUVs and stash you somewhere to not burn down the McMansion. > > I TOTALLY agree with you but would you mind elaborating on these qoutes :) \"All the extra SJW shit is about housing you for 12 years so retard parents can afford the big house and multiple SUVs and stash you somewhere to not burn down the McMansion.\" i get its babysitting but how does it help my parents afford a fancy house\/car thx It doesn't, the parents go into debt to buy the trappings of power, then shelve the kids because they can't afford it, then they can never back down from their initial investment. Childcare is expensive.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER I quite enjoy these tweets you are liking","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"YA have to believe the girl,,, according to every liberal cunt that ever marched","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Black people do not deserve to be tortured like that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER If this yutz was any dumber she'd have to be watered twice a week!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I am seeing lots of powerful Jewish oligarchs chirping about the Proud Boys. In other words, an FBI raid is imminent. Gavin will be pressured to disband the proud boys, or he could choose to fight, but he will be dealing with ZOG for the first time in his life. They know the PBs aren't criminals, but the FBI is just the American KGB: political police. Lmao at close the borders. What you gonna do about the literal millions of foreigners here now? Hol'up What will happen if we start air-dropping guns and PCP into the ghetto? 88d chess confirmed. Id invest in fencepost stocks first. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=wLZq5GGPxws","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"My record is clear: me no lubes Izreel. HOWEVER, the only other time I have heard the term \"apartheid state of Israel\" was from that Code Pink Ariel Gold twat when she sprung it on (((Ben Shapiro))) last night. That doesn't put you in awesome company, nigger. I've gone toe to toe with code pink. I've been to many of the same rallies. You want to split hairs over some buzzword picked up by the neo-cucks...you are the nigger my friend.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Girl he is fine. Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"More like if your some dumb dirt kenya swahili talkin nigger who aint a american citizen you should become american president","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Fucking faggot has a history of being a useless cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"What I like about Robert Bower's action is that jews will attack Trump, this series of attacks will red-pill huge numbers of his half-awoke followers. The stupid jew will cut down the tree, rip-saw the planks, fashion the shape and forge the nails to make their own coffins. Let the jew dig his own grave in wailing at Trump. That is what using the the He Doctrines does, it facilitates the jew in his own destructive nature and ways. HH living in your mom's house until you're 40, actively refusing to get any kind of education outside of your redneck family is a sure way to disperse stupidity.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER And the issue is much greater than gun control","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Democrats gun control and mass shootings data determined to be FRAUDULENT. Democrats are liars once again. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"One can only hope someone will put an end to those black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER I'm gonna show you the difference between FIRE and AIR......... Sam Donald Gemini unpredictable like air itself...KAHLILI MACK ARIES...He is always gonna be on FIRE...Every snap of the ball every game the whole game.... Sam Donald trash trash trash Like Donald Trump........","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"The Dems wouldn't say a word if he was involved with a 9-year old girl, either. He's a scumbag Muzzie who MUST NOT be voted in.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Kill every Kike you see. We're German. We especially can't stand Kikes. You sound like a Jew in disguise Show me on this GIF where the ovens hurt you? I LOVE ovens! And horror movies that terrify kikes. maybe you should stick your head in one and do the world a favour and gas yourself Wilfred Such a Cunt you are my little facist","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"What a funny little nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Oh look, another cuck whose opinion is little more than \"Fuck you, got mine.\" His dislike of loli is just as valid as others dislike of nazi pugs, but he got his 15 minutes of fame and massive gofundme donations so now hes going back to the [communism loving faggot](https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/media\/DciU_PFV0AEPhA Honestly this fucking thread is fucking hilarious \"HOW FUCKING DARE HE DISLIKE LOLI REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE FUCK OFF COMMUNIST FAGGOT REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE\" > I don't think it's his dislike of loli. That is literally \/u\/Avykins point in the comment. >> His dislike of loli is just as valid as others dislike of nazi pugs, but he got his 15 minutes of fame and massive gofundme donations so now hes going back to the communism loving faggot he always was having learned nothing from his ordeal. Also, we are allowed to call people \"communism loving faggots\" now? I have gotten banned for less. > It's his stance that cartoons that offend him shuld be banned He does ban that shit in his discord. Pretty sure discord also bans that shit. Also, GABs argument is that loli shit is a legal grey are and already is banned in some states in the US, but I don't see many fucking people bringing that up instead of all this \"B-BUT MUH HARMLESS LOLI!\" shit. > that some dislike. Are you fucking serious? I really do hope its the very fucking small minority that actually likes that shit. > But at the end of the day, I'm not calling for scat porn to be banned. Good for you? >Also, we are allowed to call people \"communism loving faggots\" now? I have gotten banned for less. Did he call you or another user a communism loving faggot? As long as he isn't starting shit here with other people then he isn't breaking rule","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Data scientists are just a waste of space. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Lol. I was looking for a nigger joke.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I've got two moods Why do people use Mspaint to make political commentary?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER It's up to the Pres he has all the facts","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"The answer of course, is simply \"more\". Someone probably threw acid in its face.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"#TheGreatAwakening #WalkAway #MAGA Do you know who started walk away? Trump he was Dem then when they dumped white men. He instantly flipped Republican like any sane person.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"This faggot has taken one too many in the anal cavity.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"She always tried to make a story where there was none instead of just reporting actual facts. Even at FOX she was more a sensationalist than most of the other talking heads, except Shep. That faggot is like a teenage, drama queen.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"He,s a cunt No he's not, Cunts ares useful. He a back stabbing sellout money grabbing traitor","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"she apologized for calling a guy who tried to rape and rob her, nigger in testimony to the district attorney 18 yrs ago. What fucking planet are we on..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I'm not supposed to make fun of retarded ppl, so, guess he gets a bye on this one.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Oh I do dream big. I always do. #MAGA And name calling is pretty lame. #tcot #p2 URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Hey Matt, do you think this Jessica Wilson-Heimbach retard is actually Rodney Martin?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"What a entitled cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER is clearly racist and anti senior citizen. How do you allow this? Conservatives will never take you seriously if you don't start being fair.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"https:\/\/www.independent.co.uk\/news\/uk\/crime\/tommy-robinson-jail-court-freed-trial-judge-edl-hearing-contempt-latest-a transgender lol, thta funny. hes simply got huge tits on account of the fact that he is about 5 foot five, personally i liked the \"short fat kid with man boobs and in a pair of flip flops whilst standing on an idf tank\" look","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"1 Year Ago Today Cherry Oakwood Radio Hostess went Home to be with God. She is URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"they sucked some sand nigger cock is what they did","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Deflection by pretending to be the victim - claiming the charges themselves are a \"witch hunt\". They never change, do they. Crying foul when receiving consequences for their actions, because they think the rules shouldn't apply to them. Only everyone else.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER When some one is defaulter and you are FM... Ideally what should a FM must say when he meet dafauler","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Not everyone has that emotional Strength...in occupied territory. Pray the Day...we secure a place, for Kith and Kin! #riseofthewest","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"AND Still I give it the old college try! #WalkAway #CommunismKills #LuciferiaRising @USER #MAGA #Trump2020 URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Campaign to remove Mario from all Nintendo games when? I mean he's a racist stereotype of Italians and all. Italians = white so if anything, it's pragmatic - not racist [deleted] Enlighten me [deleted] Man I sure hope you don't think white = aryan [deleted] You didn't. And I didn't say that you said that. Read carefully. So what is your counter thesis then? [deleted] >Though Italians were viewed as white for purposes of naturalization and voting, their social standing was that they represented a \"problem at best.\" Their racial status was impacted by their appearance and that they did not \"act\" white, engaging in manual labor ordinarily reserved for blacks. I mean.. There's not even a white race or a black race or whatever. But that is some hefty racist shit [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"i'm not watching that.. we don't need a nigger to tell us something a White man put together.. FO..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"#USA (I feel your pain, even while I profit causing it!) #liberals , U gotta luv 'em! Redistributing wealth not on their menu- serve up identity politics slop. So you destroyed #Libya -ya'll never catch Bill now -he's got million dead #Iraqi kids (sanctions '90's) under his belt URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER DAVID BIRNBAUM::::The INVISIBLE MAN EXCEPT AT ELECTION TIME. EXACTLY WHAT IS WORST ABOUT THE LIBERALS ARROGANCE and COMPLACENCY. DID I MENTION ARROGANCE and CONTEMPT FOR THE ELECTORS?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Go ahead boomer faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@CurtiusSimplus You boast about having a 193-page PDF outlining a doable plan, BUT on the COVER you have the Chi Rho symbol, which suggests that your plan is very much #Christian. Is that really a good idea? @CurtiusSimplus And as if a Chi Rho symbol on the cover of your 193-page PDF wasn't enough, you also have THIS on the page before the last one. Clearly you are greatly fond of #Christianity. Do you think that is the way to go? Making your plan a #Christian one?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER UK Govt non announcements are the only consistant and affordable policy under Labour or Conservatives for decades. Designed for a soundbite. No immediate resource required. Never likely to ever be implemented. Its propoganda but sadly it has its desired effect.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"#God The Media Using Criminals as Heros to Push for Gun Control","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You're right on all counts. You're STILL a faggot asshole.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"oy vey! virtue adequately signaled! what a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Gay people are nothing but refuse. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"...what? I don't get how you'd equate being fed up with self-aggrandising celebrities hijacking their platform to spew leftist soundbytes over the airwaves to being a Sargonite. It's a weird reach, quite unlike how your post clearly shows you to be a faggot. it's a weird reach ? so whenever anyone offends fucking e- fame whores they are downvoted. ok newfag go back to 9gag","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Why isn't she is custody? I understand she cannot be in general population but she should be in custody and in some sort of holding cell.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"In my opinion, black people like you deserve to die. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"conversano is a complete retard and a pure product of zion fuck that guy seriously how the fuck a guy that look like an arab can speak about france ?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The Q in LGBTQ stands for queer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Even if that muzzie was a journalist I wouldn't care, but he wasn't. \"Journalist\" was his cover.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Black lives are not worth any less than anyone else's. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Do you support our POTUS? (Please help by retweeting and following after voting!) Long live USA #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"She was arrested and then released, there's an article about it. Edit: https:\/\/mashable.com\/2014\/04\/15\/american-airlines-threat-girl-prison\/#hagxE.uEOaq3 [deleted] [here](https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=2VPRmb9Jnh0) Eww","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Conservative Christians should subject the Bible to the same skepticism with which they judged Christine Blasey Ford. Right wing non-Christians should hold Pagans to the same standard they do Christianity. The Pagan\/Folk movement is painfully gynocentric and openly attacks pro white Christians, then dares to say we \"put religion before race . Time to purge marxist Paganism from the right, lads. They are not helpful. Paganism is OK with hate, and hate is what we need. Race and Religion in the Modern Pagan World http:\/\/po.st\/elomuB via @utaoDruid Oh no. Paganism is all about accepting all races, beliefs and backgrounds. Very tolerant, unlike Christianity. Christianity was attacked and pozzed by Jews for being intolerant of miscegenation, and seeking Justice against evil. See? Two can play \"deny the concept of NAXALT . Paganism is AntiWhite for putting religion before race and attacking their Pro White Christian Brothers and Sisters. Christianity is meme malware that acts as conceptual AIDS, destroying the cultural immune system. Almost anything is an upgrade from that. Assumption. Jews admit that is what their religion does to others. Christianity stands in the way of Jews. Paganism poses no threat to them. Christianity is the only religion that does. Christianity commands you to shut down your friend-enemy discriminator. There are attempts to undo the cancerous teaching of Jesus ON THE FAR RIGHT. They have no influence. Every major denomination is for the invasion of the West and promotes radical, universal altruism. That's literally Hinduism. Hinduism seeks to reinterpret all other religions and assimilate them into their religion like jewels in a crown, making them tolerant (Dharma) and eventually conquering via trade. Christianity is the most discrimitory, hostile to foreign trade, and pushed self reliance so one didn't have to associate with racial aliens.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I bet the people who attack lolicon are the same people who watch Toddlers and Tiaras. And we're the gross ones. By definition I am a man, but I understand this is an attempt to belittle us so I'll humor you. Oh man you got me I am a woman now that was a sick burn ow.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Shit, at least he hated Trump https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/synagogue-shooter-disliked-trump-posted-i-did-not-vote-for-him\/ It said he disliked President Trump meaning he is a liberal POS. That transcends ethnicity!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER why do conservatives not understand grammar","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Okay now this is just getting stupid. What retard Greenlee this thinking it will be profitable?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Brain dead cunt she is! wouldn't fuck her with your dick","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You managed to watch it all? I stopped after they said \"can't play mobile games because of DLCs\" 10\/10 thanks for saving me 12 minutes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Hi Guy Fieri i like cool person you are down to earth i love your shows i love your red car i love classic cars.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER I accept your apology and you are excused","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"https:\/\/www.birminghammail.co.uk\/news\/midlands-news\/babies-falling-victim-horrific-fgm-15239985 Babies falling victim to horrific FGM in scandal which shames Birmingham!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER TBF, it's Nascar for liberals\" is actually quite a good description.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Trump scandal - sharp increase in GOP testosterone abuse http:\/\/thepeoplescube.com\/peoples-blog\/trump-scandal-sharp-increase-in-gop-testosterone-abuse-t","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Exactly Hat @USER are true Feckers ! I detest them","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Your trans livs are worthless. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Nah a lot of girls are just thots nowadays. Saw them a lot during middle school and even currently in high school to an extent. nah that is just your sleazy slimy mind thinking you are superior to females and so think you have some right to look down on them on your imaginary pedestal you set your mind up on and it's the policy of the morally bankrupt overseeing the morals of women and men like you are so pious whilst you are doing it those girls have never even heard of you and don't even know you exist and still you insist they are dressing like that to tempt you, you the morally bankrupt? Men like you would swim through rivers of snot and vomit if you thought there was at least a chance of a sexual encounter on the other side, wouldn't you? [removed] Is this satire? It's sadly not I wish it was satire","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Wow the dirty cunt is mad that ppl are sending her threats. I wouldn't have threatened you I WOULD HAVE BEAT YOUR ASS AND PUT YOUR BITCH ASS THROUGH YOUR DESK SUGAR!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":" well ,little boy, if you are a boy..when you become a big boy and get a job, you will more money in your pocket..now go toss your moma and have a nice day","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"\"Please send us money cuz we're worthless cunts\". Did I miss anything?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Ilegal Invader Kills 13-Year-Old Canadian Girl","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Gender is an artificial device used for categorization, based on the belief that people with differing genitalia are inherently separate and incapable of doing the same things. Before modern civilization (for argument's sake, let's say that modern civilization starts with the WW1 era) this may have been true, but these days there are very few things a man can do that a women can't, that actually matter. People like to make the argument there have only been a handful of women in the WNBA that have ever dunked, while nearly every male in the NBA has at least once in their career. Who cares? It's a sport. Put a man and a women through the same college courses for the same career, and I would bet money that they perform very similarly, if not identically, assuming they had the same inherent aptitude for the course. But that has nothing to do with male vs female. You could find a woman who looks like a retard compared to Bill Gates and find a man who looks even more retarded compared to him. People differ, regardless of sex.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Do NOT sit by, people, and let a damn nigger agitator on the $20: https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/news\/trump-notes-andrew-jackson-continues-20-bill-","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Notice how all the white supremacists on Gab flooded onto this thread and were unable to coherently respond to the statements I made? Thus proving that they were NPCs? All they did was paste all of their usual photo memes, like an NPC is programmed to do, and then upvote and downvote accordingly, like an NPC. White supremacists are NPCs. filbert up aris but you get my drift","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":".@USER Live westminster\" utter bulshit conservatives cear nothing of the people living in social housing just look #Grenfell and It's tenants need say no more merits speak louder than words and Tory words are empty promises!\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"OMG, THIS! Enough with the lunacy. People need to get their facts straight and stop listening to biased news and talk shows. I wish I could give you more than one upvote.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Take it in the ass like the Spartucus you are I would ask that you not call him 'Spartacus', the name of a WHITE Scythian hero, not some lowly Nigger faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Liberal to-do list: Add 'phobic' on the end. ? Profit. How to be a liberal faggot 101","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Beta is a lying, faggot piece of Trash!! CONMAN EXTRAORDINAIRE, just like that other Commie Faggot Obama!! INTENTIONALLY trying to fool poor people by pretending he's a latina!! LYING COCKSUCKER!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER you are a moron","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER so sad #taketworeferenceswithmoniqueandchloe x","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Yup. courtesy only. Had a great conversation with a Grocery manager after a customer ratted me out for using one. My position was that the same wish for courtesy and convenience should be for any and all customers. When faced with the decision to lose a customer or appear like a spineless twat in front of the offended customers, he chose to appear like a spineless twat.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"upvote if you hate nazis!!! Oh I Nazis. Let's ban the Jew! Or uh banish, ya banish. Why are nazis allowed on gab? Ouch. I will let my wife know of your opinion, she may disagree. Oy vey, now you goyim are attacking women if you disagree with him, #AllWomen.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"7Y\/O: do you think I could jump that? *gestures to a dead raccoon on road* Me: probably. 7Y\/O successful jumps raccoon with her bike and I'm super happy that she is kind of dead inside like me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"yea cause you fucked up their sand nigger shit ,i would be pissed off to","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I absolutely loathe disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Being a lesbian is fine if you really love being an animal","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":".@USER does not possess the wisdom to pass judgment on a honest man like Judge Kavanaugh. She has flawed and suspect judgment as manifested in her ill-advised years long affair with the likes of Mayor Willie Brown. She launched her career on her back. She is trashy. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I almost posted this upside down because it's moments reading this kind of idiocy I think inversion is what has happened in this world. What's wrong is right. What's down is up. This is so messed up. Ny should be nuked from orbit. http:\/\/www.learnliberty.org\/blog\/the-declaration-of-independence-says-we-have-the-right-to-overthrow-the-government\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"More crying. He cries for admin and thinks he's got other people trigger. its priceless. https:\/\/gab.ai\/GoyGibson\/posts\/37159257 Even more crying. He seems to think I'm someone else because he got triggered about \"the poo fairy\". LOL. https:\/\/gab.ai\/GoyGibson\/posts\/37158290 But muh free speech! Soy Gibson can dish it out but can't take it huh :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Trump isn't Obama. Mattis isn't whatever feckless cunt Obama had as Secretary of Defense.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER You are such a fucking pu$$y little chinless Donny.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"He's a twat","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Two prominent backwards conservatives removed from Texas education. Looks like they're as blind deaf and dumb as Helen Keller once was.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Bitter Barack loves a free press as long as they were on his band wagon.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Fukc all immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Short answer: if you are a murderer or child molester that is the natural choice.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"the Nigger is not a civilized man","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER I follow civil liberals or center-left people and a few of them I've interacted with for yrs. I learn from them occasionally and hopefully vice versa. Never thought about blocking them. I guess a shift is what ppl might see as problematic ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Conservatives Vote NOW! Fed Up With Stupidity!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"White guy confronts black Trump supporter about his MAGA hat and knocks it off his head! This is assault. This guy needs to identified before he really hurts somebody! Ex- Dem Latina https:\/\/twitter.com\/i\/status\/1055452909515632640 . And will you look at all the dumbasses watching but DO NOTHING. THIS angers me as much as the BULLY.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Women who place so-called 'careers' over the welfare of their kids are child abusers and need to be treated and punished for being negligent mothers. In addition, they should face the ridicule and censure of other women who are married and full time moms. Peer pressure coming down on them will fix their need to abandon their children to Marxist schools and nigger babysitters while these females go off to pursue their 'dreams'.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"More of our Nation's retarded Jew driven foreign policy. I really hate that Zionist Hoebag, Nikki Haley. https:\/\/www.rt.com\/usa\/439823-nikki-haley-venezuela-maduro\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Who's the real racists?? I'm the fool? See, if you actually came with a legit argument, like being gay is a chemical imbalance in the brain, I could tolerate you. Gay genes? Nope, not so much. To keep harping on such ignorance isn't helping your cause. You may want to do some research and get back to me. Until then, feel free to fuck off Pixie the Gay Genes was a typo! Bill wears his skinny jeans while trolling for trouser trout at local state parks. Bill is all about reading between his blurred, and delusional, lines ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I followed the details of Jim Jordan's accuser also. The accuser even stated he knew the story might make me some money\" and he is a convicted scammer. I loathe any man who would assault a woman....I just don't believe the BK accuser.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"No I would have killed his crooked ass he was as sick minded as his cunt daughter is I would have had a list of people with Ace Spade's G.HW bush would be right at the Tippity top of the fucking list .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I'm more angry at the camera person right now. He was possibly in the firing line of getting dogshit hurled at him, so fair enough I say","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Why is this cunt not in prison yet?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Why do you keep telling this lie? There WERE ppl there that did not belong to Antifa\/KKK that were just there supporting or not supporting the statues staying or going.#Dems love repeating lies because they have nothing else. Do you repeat hands up don't shoot too? Probably.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"What was your 'red pill' moment? Mine is posted below.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER He's going down with the rest of them #deepstate #ObamaWorstPresidentEver","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER and @USER @USER @USER is inciting VIOLENCE towards Trump supporters on lists to be targeted by ANTIFA.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER I can't understand why anyone won't want to see these docs in open light. You liberals think the Russian investigations is the big deal. As a American I truly believe the subversion of a elected president by our Justice department and the FBI is far worse for our Country.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"The more the leftists do like this faggot shit, the more the silent majority decides the Democrats must never gain power.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Yes, yes, they probably would tell you that. No you do know, it's just that you're appropriating Hispanic culture you white culture vulture Omg next thing you're gonna tell me that there's white people who are native Spanish speakers and I'm gonna lose my mind! \/s Stop appropriating Castilla's language, you racist cultural appropriator!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER The racist excuse every time telling it like it is\" \"against being PC\" URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Bring it on faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I despise disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Only people that own guns get a say on what to do about gun control.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Your Muslim lives have no value. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You stupid ugly pig. You're only 30% of the population, and only 2% of you lowlife Trash even have the balls to do it. You will pay dearly for supporting such a worthless orange sand nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER That's funny I don't care who you are","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I will be the loudest voice for black America. I won't be the most popular or even the most appreciated but I won't stop fighting until we break the chains of leftist thought. 1619-2019= 400 years Big announcement coming this week.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER you are so wonderful Elizabeth...kisses from Italy....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER OMG what fuckin' kind of this beauty TT","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER can you tell Cal I said how are you? I just wanna know how he is doing. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"he's a sissy faggot punk ass rat..lolo","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Good for you.. he is bit miss guided for me to follow as the guy to me seems more like an idiot and a crock but if you think that he is perfect even though there is multiple investigations against him whom am I to disagree. I'm still looking for a better role model for America cya","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"He look nothing like his evil cunt dad look like Muslim in breed Popeye were your mum was mum a test tube","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Nah, the Living Father created us all, whether we believe in him or not. There is only One God. I'm getting a muzzie vibe here.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"when a handsome man marries a man ..we are only bite fingers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"GabTV not working, AGAIN! Listen live on my site. https:\/\/christophercantwell.com\/2018\/10\/03\/radical-agenda-s04e029-cooler-heads\/ I agree that it got a little repetitive, but in fairness to Hunter, this was really spontaneous and not a planned interview. He's a smart guy who has been an excellent guest in the past, and does a lot of really great work. I'm sure he does good work, and maybe he would be a fine guest on other topics. But the stuff he was saying on the show today was definitely not the message we need to be sending out 33 days before an election.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"When a nigger talks all that comes out of his\/her mouth is shit. A niggers penis looks like a big giant piece of shit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The Democrats love rapest. Example #1 BILL CLINTON.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"RT AaronBlake Eric Holder: \"Michelle [Obama] always says, 'When they go low, we go high.' No. No. When they go low, we kick them.\" https:\/\/youtu.be\/tYgZ5QO3ioc?t=630 https:\/\/twitter.com\/AaronBlake\/status\/1050076563193122816","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER gun control fun a statue of a stupid child under a desk are going to change peoples if that is the case they are stupid because i for will not give up my firearms or free speech or my rights to no one or no government! Fuck you!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"sober up faggot. smfh. typical pathetic loser in life who's jealous of the jews. pathetic faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Yes, Nazis are weak and impotent faggots. Low IQ losers! In My reality the Nazis lost WW II! WAKE THE FUCK UP!!! +1 (Neo) #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect Why would the allies give fake IQ tests? That's some retard nigger tier shit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Oh dear, there is that Cunt News again, stirring the pot!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Hope he is enjoying himself while he can ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER She is not a cheater. That chair ump robbed her.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I really am curious if someone will get offended over this. Claim \"something something anti trans\". I really hope this can be taken as a simple joke and be left alone. It gave me a good \"the hell?\" chuckle. the attack helicopter meme isn't anti-trans though, its anti other-kin, (basically anti furry) Wait, otherkins are furries? I thought they weren't truly related as many otherkins don't identify as animals at all, but I guess there might be some overlap with furries in the ones who do. Every day shitting dick nipples are mentioned, is another day we risk being, rightfully, destroyed by a higher power We are all God's children, and he left us locked up in the backseat with the windows up on a sweltering summer day. From what I understand, the logical members of the furry community (if there is such a thing) tend to disavow a lot of the otherkin bullshit. Otherkin can be furries, but they can be anything else as well. Like thinking that they are aliens, gods, planets, ... uwu Furries deserve mockery. We really do","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Yeah we do legitamately need better mental health treatment in the us (not to say that's a replacement for stronger gun control)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Such a tragedy. He is missed by many.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"This is stupid. Rememberance day does tend to focus on the glory and bravery and all that crap at the expense of realistically portraying the horror and senselessness of most wars. We all know this. You would have to be an idiot not to see it. I live in Newfoundland and people here tend to focus on a local regiment that suffered very heavy losses in WW","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER are you also going to address the allegations that Keith Ellison allegedly likes to beat his girlfriends? This is in addition to the fact that he supports violent antifa scumbags and hangs with anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"The Near Future Where Africans Was Evolved into African-Middle Eastern Hybrids","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"as in twitter @bestmomeva? guy was a faggot from day Wrong handle, but yeah: https:\/\/twitter.com\/mombot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER All business owners are involved in lawsuits on a regular basis. It is whatbour society has become. Liberals constantly looking for a handout.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Neither do I. Nick Berg was executed during GWB's presidency. He was not a journalist, he was an independent contractor and Jewish","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"LOCK THAT COMMUNIST CUNT UP, BRING HER TO TRIAL, THEN HANG HER.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Daily reminder that Ubisoft relegated the poor Chinese girl to a Odysey is giving us Casandra, but it turns out she's little less than an overhyped skin (and voice pack) for the male protagonist Alexios since the Gender option in this game is 100% meaningless nor does it affects the game or story in any way whatsoever...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Now you're just sending me the same memes every other socialist twat on here does. Is there a National Socialist online store where you buy them from? Now you're just sending me the same memes every other socialist twat on here does. Is there a National Socialist online store where you buy them from? YOU ARE FUCKING FUNNY ... Send some back","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"r\/menkampf [deleted] [deleted] It is fucken known... cunt. Whoa whoa whoa, did you just assume their ethnonationality, deuce Duke? If they're proud kangaroo-kin or come from an ancient line of sheepshaggers, that's their word and they can use it as they please! Your usage, even in quotes, is cultural appropriation of our lovely upside-down friends. You may make reparations on my patreon.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Women with any power are a t h r e a t to civilisation. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"fuck you Gab anit going no where pasta nigger fucking faggot come try to hurt me bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"4\/ Then ppl go \"OK, well, we generally agree that ADULT porn is OK for Gab.\" But then it's the same thing. Retards on Gab are like \"hee hee, that means I should post porn everywhere, like you're talking about economic policy and then I burst into the room and start showing pictures of women being gangbanged.\" Would you do that in real life? OK, I see you standing in front of me. I got it. you dont recognize yourself? even chimpanzees can. LOL, he didn't even understand the post. That's how low his intelligence is. XD Man id love to punch you in the face to knock some intelligence into you but the aids risk isnt worth it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Black people like you are absolute filth. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Not to mention that Jim seriously has a medical condition. What an SJW tactic to take. Sargon seriously has become what ANTIFA is .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Now follow me again, faggot @ArizMark14-88","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Keep doing your thing. I'm just sitting back enjoying URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I would never visit such a retarded group of self important old hens. * search shows all posts being made live. Gab is a free speech site. Get used to it. \"Retarded is mistaking my post for dating advice. But Fine Judge, I'm retarded which beats retarded, shallow and mean every day of the week. Good Day SIr. Odd, but true: cupcake is my nickname in real life because I am so damn sweet....the nickname is sarcastic. Maybe you're not retarded afterall?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER TWO YEARS TO HAND HER HOMEWORK IN......AND ITS STILL LAST MINUTE AND UNPREPARED. @USER PARTY OF BUSINESS CANT EVEN COBBLE A CONTRACT PROPOSAL TOGETHER IN 24 MONTHS. WOULD NEVER SURVIVE IN A REAL WORLD BUSINESS. @USER @USER @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER I don't think she needed any money to do this. I think she is so left wing that she thinks she is Joan of Arc. Now we have Spartacus and Joan....who's next on the agenda?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"These Muslimsdisgust me so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Elizabeth Warren releases DNA results. The results: 41% Braindead 22% Stupid 17% Insane 9% Delusional 6% Bowel blockage 5% Turnip .0001% Indian","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Same can be said for your faggotry. Sage this leaf nigger from my feed!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I suppose if your that ugly and Retarded to start with there's not much you could do to yourself to make it any worse. #MercyKillingsShouldBeLegal","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"LMFBOOOOOO AY WHICH ONE OF YOU DID THIS? :cryingwhilelaughingemoji: @PureWhiteEvil @Vic_Mackey @RealCheddarMan @h4rdm0us @MyHonorIsLoyalty @Booster_Bunny @Alex_Linder @SpeakerOfTurth @gerbils @brockstrongballs @GadsdenGreenPill @Gesta @ImperivmEvropa @jackcorbin @Mosin-Nagant2 @TheList","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER That's because you liberals have no morals anything goes with your kind drugs sex child endangerment","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"No mention of illegals and muzzie refugees spreading it with their filthy habits?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER You Conservatives want to talk about scandals! Really? Let's get started. If you have the balls. Let's get busy you chickens.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Real men do\"nt vapor !!! They swallow !!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Wetback caught raping miniature horse https:\/\/torontosun.com\/news\/weird\/man-shot-by-mini-horse-owner-also-accused-of-having-sex-with-animal\/wcm\/7b9c02bb-5e1b-40b1-9500-9b212734348f MORE than happy to hear this disgusting wetback got his ass shot. That's what they all need.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I'm a Nigger Pig Cunt??","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"[deleted] She is a far leftist activist who poses as a journalist > She is a far leftist activist who poses as a journalist In that case... https:\/\/youtube.com\/watch?v=0lzqRVuRqN0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I'm not sure if he is really on a low carb diet. Most hospitals don't carry low carb muffins LOL.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Another dyke id like to see die a bloody torturous painful death !!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Those youth display a certain strength and determination in their faces and in their demeanor. They also look very healthy. Go to any shopping mall in modern America and see wimpy,washed out looking slobs roaming like zombies with their Nigger playmates and fellow dope smokers.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER i'm weak .. Shit must have been really painful ..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@Bombislamdotcom bobby mr bombislam paid shill faggot I'd love to take you out, 1v","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER When is this low IQ piece of human trash going to go away. Nobody cares what this wack job has to say so why is she constantly in our faces. If she thinks Mr. Trump has acted despicably what does she call going on live television and telling people to attack conservatives?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I am going to make those women suffer. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The description is quite accurate.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Keep posting this shit you retarded fuck. I know who you are because the last time you fucked up and posted with your main account. Its this faggot right here https:\/\/gab.ai\/MartyGraw spamming tranny porn through tags. Maybe they can look into the activities of your socks. @a Edit: Deleting your shit wont work. I have video screen capture","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Love her, if only for her comedy value ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"They are just a bunch of Jihadis. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER And yet millions of permit holding people carried legally concealed firearms that same day and didn't hurt themselves or anyone else. But yet they want to have stronger gun control. Idiots! Our wonderful media has to hype incidents that fits their agenda.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I'm thinking Wictor (W is the German V and this faggot doesn't say his name as \"Victor\" as he would if he supported its German roots) is a spy or shill. https:\/\/8ch.net\/pol\/res\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Where are White Americans going to flee to? The jew nigger invasion of America is in FULL SWING! https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/watch-live-now-america-outraged-by-illegal-immigrant-invasion-heading-to-border\/ Jews are whites. Socialists are niggers","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER It is so wrong when liberals are so scared of what we have to say that they try to stop us from being heard. #DemsWantTotalControl. #LibsThinkTheyHaveAllTheAnswers #FreedomOfSpeechForAll","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Engage Support Limited. https:\/\/suite.endole.co.uk\/insight\/company\/08000783-engage-support-limited The UK \"care\" company who pimped out a retarded white woman to the Muslim community with the backing of Manchester Courts.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"How can you say \"Muslims are disgusting\" and not realise that's hateful?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Most women are cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Rubio sat through a 2-hour town hall in February answering questions from the public about gun control from people whose friends and children had just been murdered. That takes more courage than grandstanding and lying in a stupid hearing.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER He's such a JERK-OFF what about what the did to Sarah Sanders and all the other women in Trump's cabinet including Pam Bondi ect... .Oh yeah they don't count because there not Democrats or Liberals #HESANIDIOT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Guys who aren't idiots expect it. I'm not going to blame women for having reasonable expectations just because there are some dudes retarded enough to date deadbeats.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Satan told me , fuk enimen he is a faggot and not welcome","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"the shit libs are the real racists? fucking retard boomers are beginning to ruin this site","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER WE STAN TWO WHOLE ASS VISUALS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"inb4 virtual assaults on NPC characters in a game becomes an IRL hate crime The dude probably would've been arrested if he had posted it in the UK, to be honest That dude is from the UK. So it's within the realm of possibility... It's a \"grossly offensive\" clip of a suffragette getting punched in the face on the Internet. If Dankula's trial was an indicator for anything it's that context need not matter as long as it qualifies under that- Shirrako better watch his ass at that rate It's absolutely insane how quickly the UK devolved into a nightmare police state..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"All disabled people are repulsive. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER me and my girl walked through San Francisco and I came up with a new game. Homeless or antifa. The homeless are so much more pleasant","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"There is nothing worse than a woman. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Personally, I never look through a person's post history beyond a rare casual glance, and that's usually because I *like* what they posted, and want to see if they posted anything else upvoteworthy. But for some people, when you say something they don't agree with, and yet they can't refute it, they get really desperate to make you look bad, so they go through your post history, only so they can mock you about what you posted on a *support forum*, and drag that into a *totally unrelated discussion*. I'm actually really proud of myself for never having done anything that juvenile and petty to *anyone*. Because it's completely fucking retarded. Also, I had one guy accuse me of being a contributor to The_Donald, and I've never once been there. I don't support Trump. But people conflate one position with another. And these are supposedly 'enlightened liberals' who 'don't stereotype'. Very disillusioning.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You cannot say she was defending her property as he walked away immediately after kicking their vehicle. Any action taken, after that point, is a completely separate incident and would need to be justified independently of the vehicle kick. It's like if someone punched you, then began walking away. You aren't defending yourself if you just to attack their back as the threat has already ceased and is actively creating distance, thereby progressively diminishing any possibility of a future threat rapidly. Agreed. My only point was that it was not in defense of anything, whether it be herself or her property. But, at the same time, him hitting her back as excessively (my own perception) as he did was equally unnecessary. His position is entirely impossible to justify. He could claim that he felt threatened when she approached, then struck him, and needed to defend himself. However, once the threat was clearly stopped, he should have reassessed. De nied Kewl story 'brah'","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER How right you are.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"All women are fuckable if you're brave enough. There are dudes who fuck cars. One guy fucked a sewage grate. The makeup isn't to get laid, it's to increase the level they compete at. Any cunt can get sewage grate guy but they generally don't want sewage grate guy. They want oil sheikh guy or CEO guy or other types of money guy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Typical retarded vile nigger beast in the meme posted by a typical \"they are the real racists\" cowardly stupid fool. Libtards\/democrats and CONservatives\/Republicans are enemies of the White race. Both parties are under kike control. Stop pointing your finger. Be a real racist. To answer your question - yes you are a stupid fool. And now I see you are a faggot to boot. Not surprised. Normal men (97% or so) are sexually aroused by women. Men that are sexually attracted to men are born that way = genetic. Only a faggot gets a hard on looking at men\/boys. Have to be born that way. Sure faggots that adopt little boys to molest them can turn them faggot against their nature. Identical twins studies proved nothing of the sort. Stupid christ-insanity perverts promote that lie. News flash - \"Identical twins\" are NOT identical in all ways retard. Different personalities, IQ, tastes etc. Google what term means. Faggots can't be fixed anymore than u can turn a nigger White. Can be helped to control their innate faggot urges.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Bummer that you are excluding A-List members from the #AStarIsBorn special events. I guess you guys are already testing shady Moviepass tactics on us. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER EVERY TIME! i hate it its the most horrifying feeling. it happens to me when im dozing off. then i jolt wide the fuck awake -_-","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"How racist are you, from one to ten? I wish they'd stop playing that music so loud","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Whether it is or not is not the right question to ask. The right question to ask is: Should tech start up Gab risk becoming *the* test case for deciding the legality for it? No, they shouldn't. The risk to reward cost-benefit analysis demands that they ban it. If they were on the board, fiduciary responsibility would *demand* that they do it, whether they had the balls to do it or not. I think that people who are actually into free speech and artistic freedom set the bar a bit higher than kiddy fiddler targeted porn, mate.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"You are nothing but common disabled tr4sh. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Suddenly BozoObama is NOT politician\"...and certainly NOT that HE and BillAyers andDISGRACED ErikHolder started Police brutality Antifa,BLM,OWS \"movements\" and didn't fund our US military as B4 for 8 yrs,but GAVE WORLD SPONSER OF TERROR IRAN $170. bil... NOOO!; not ol' ISIS-LOVER 'Bama.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"amy = dumb twat","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Chances @USER got @USER s Mario Cart penis confused with one of the few thousand she's had since then. Can you remember what a specific slice of pizza you at 15 years ago looks like? Dems like ancient memory based accusations #ConfirmKavanaughNow #MAGA","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER fool","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Anjem Choudary has financial assets frozen and passport seized before his release. https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2PE4CKW","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"religious faggot Atheist faggot. wrong again, dumb kikesucker","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Fuck yes ride it baby!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER you don't put this much thought into antifa goons ripping downtown seattle apart every holiday","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Good luck #MAGA #VoteRed URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Do you believe that Gab is at fault for the Robert Bowers shooting? Vote \/ Share","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Her fam moved back to Sweden - she'll probably end up married to some moslem raper nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Good riddance!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"come on you limey bastards! take it back; send the muslims home and dig that rat fuck Rothschild out of his bunker and . . . do whatever you feel appropriate.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Can't wait for the music video!!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Nigger twat! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Just dealt with this bullshit yesterday. A mom and daughter trying to save a spot. Fucking cunts","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"> become just another bitch\/whore\/cunt like the rest of us If you see yourself and other women like that, it's YOU who has the problem, honey. Get some self respect ASAP. You're misreading it, they're definitely meaning more \"There will always come a day when you'll step out of line and (be called) just another bitch\/whore\/cunt like the rest of us\".","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Climbs up the charts in Christian Music...only to wither as a fig on a tree as a false prophet. That is @USER","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"But black people can't be racist! That would mean they're held to the same standards as everyone else? [removed]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Why are you posting pics of a prairie kike in a Norse paganism group? If you're not a subversive, you're choice of aesthetic is questionable to put it mildly. Fuck you Troth breaker. And I'm really assuming you're white when I use that insult. You're probably a Wiccatru faggot or some halfbreed.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER For what? Why are you asking for his arrest? Liberals being butthurt for 19 months is not an impeachable offense.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"TERROR as Leicester on LOCKDOWN after Armed Police DELIBERATELY mowed down by car! Leicester city centre is on lockdown after an armed police officer was \"deliberately driven at . He is currently in hospital with head injuries according to a senior police chief. DCC Rob Nixon tweeted: \"Day started","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"If you have a pure griefer anarchist site you get channer culture, a niche so toxic it cannot be monetized. 4chan used to get 50 million visits a month, and no ad network would touch it because it's users were known to be so hostile. That's where Gab with no mods and no block is headed. So block, whatever it is called, is a positive development. Gab could be profitable if it deleted all content every few weeks like 4chan does. If it's important you could pay to archive things forever. Horrid idea. You know nothing about business. Rude. Im ruder ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":". ^___^ ( ) \/ Ooh! you are the Capricorn! Your Today's Matches: Love: Scorpio Friendship: Gemini Career: Libra Your Today's Star Ratings: Love Mood Money Career Bal says.. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Alec Baldwin calls for overthrow' of Trump at Dem fundraiser in New Hampshire https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/alec-baldwin-calls-for-overthrow-of-trump-at-dem-fundraiser-in-new-hampshire","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Let's send a whole bunch like them to the border! I would sleep like a baby.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Another Snow Flake melting down.. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"All trans people are repulsive. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Because conservatism is dying and they know it is. So they are going to try everything in their power to hold on to their perception of what America should look like despite the fact most Americans are more centralist-liberals.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Well that's because Roy Moore was no longer an issue for the Dems or the so called Women's Rights Liberals.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Democratic Candidate Criticizes Agriculture Industry, Suggests Workers Transition To Renewable Energy Instead https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/18\/stacey-abrams-insults-agriculture-workers\/ There is a bright lady there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Those are some cold, dead, retard mackerel eyes right there. Zero percent chance she can spell \"prison.\" >retard mackerel eyes Oh my god hahaha","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"This muzzie needs to be beaten to death","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/GixsqZBxA34 Ingraham: Hillary and the Democratic haters","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I believe gay lives aren't worth shit. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Thank you first lady for your service to the USA and putting up with the vile liberal hoard everyday. You are a true patriot #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"When a viable social media platform with a block feature emerges, I will use that more than Gab. I am sick and tired of providing a platform to subversives and spammers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"No one is oppressing you for fuck sake. You're just a dumb teenager looking for attention by following a truly retarded trend.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Only Liberals sexuality children's puppets. #TuesdayThoughts","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Better muzzle that knock kneed cunt or kiss 2020 goodbye.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Author describes herself as \"Cate Young (@battymamzelle): smugsexual, thundercunt hagbeast. \" That word cunt is being used more and more by the mob. Alexis Grenell identifies as \"Marxist Jew cunt\". \"Beast\" too? Go for it, hirl!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Finally a man that calls it how it is. The media asks some of the dumbest questions ever. They have gone full retard.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Analysis | Devin Nunes explains antifa' and all of these riots': We're winning' - The Washington Post @USER #traitor #VoteHimOut URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Hillbilly Moon Explosion - My Love Forever More (ft. Sparky from Demented are go) https:\/\/youtu.be\/2rlYPb2plaY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I'm honestly surprised it hasn't happened yet. We have some serious restraint when it comes to those cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Yes I no understanding you retared fucknuts...me need more retarded dictionary... tanks ... now I live real American life... tanks b to gawd","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"in my opinion the so called elites are the niggers, i don't care what color their skin is, i refer to pelosi as nigger nancy because she steals the food out of a child's mouth, this makes her a nigger. Nancy Pelosi is a worthless, crooked cunt who should die in jail. I don't understand the rest of your post, unless there is some other meaning of the word \"nigger\" with which I am unfamiliar.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER The war on the right = Antifa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I got a new wig and I feel like a bad bitch. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"broke my heart to see the young boy claim his allegiance","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"British cops lol. I'd just taze everyone that's fucking with you. There shouldn't be a \"fight\". You touch an officer that's it, you're done. The disrespect by all those people not just the woman. If they keep fucking with you, that's why you should have a gun. Every event like this is so comical. That guy literally tackled the officer and ain't shit happen to him. They're afraid to hurt these people cause they can't defend themselves if they piss off the mob. Good luck with the refugee invasion. I'd be amazed if they were 'British cops' seeing as everyone else in the video is Australian you dumbass... Lol Australia was populated by Britain and so they sound British you fuck tard. Who really gives a fuck, their cops act the same. Eat shit. Most US white people are of German origin. Edit (to be more accurate): Of 118 million of immigrants between 1820 and 1996 ([source](https:\/\/www.infoplease.com\/us\/race-population\/immigrants-us-country-origin)): Europeans : 73 million (61%) Germans: 14 million (12%) British: 10 million (9%) Irish: Which is neither here nor there in this case It does matter, but not to ignorant morons like yourself who can't differentiate accents and behaviours. Yeah let's just drop and shoot everyone because 'murica does. Fuckin idiot.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"This is great I have been waiting for both the Commie Libtards and FakeNazi Libtards that are all paid by Soros to find each other on Gab. Here we go they did it! You idiots are the retarded siblings of the Globalist DeepState. Nobody cares about all your tears you losers lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"#SebTweets #Projection #StupidSheIs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"#GeraniumInTheCranium. Please also dredge up some of her ridiculous \"gun control bills that were shot down. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"\"I gotst the dollars and this is my lambo\" I hate the goofy retard music too.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"the obama nigger muslim is a filthy child rapist, that filthy muzzy pile of shit doesn't even hide it anymore","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"#FuckSaudi #FuckMBS and a huge greasy coily for that cunt @Jack. #FuckJack #FuckTwitter #FuckFacebook and these lying cunts incessantly trying to control what we say and how we choose to say it !! #FuckMBS #FuckSaudi","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Too many f a g s in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"TV ads are trying hard to meme white men with nigger bitches. It's hillariously painful","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Fox news got shot up by a nigger https:\/\/youtu.be\/rHKkTCz2lPg","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"stop being a stupid faggot socialism's aim is to poison all other ideologies to achieve an end goal. it is not innocuous.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Hey dude. You re awesome. Pls teach me!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Politicians talk about racism, Islamophobia, Homophobia, Rape, Drug abuse etc etc...... Do you not understand how fucking sick it is to ask Jess if she's discussed with her children that complete strangers hate\" Mummy. I hope for your own sake that you are unwell.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I am a trans person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Hang'em high. I dont want to pay to house and feed treasonous cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Black women are retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I am writing a petition and starting an llc org for the Preservation of Comic Book History which will hopefully and effectively, stop ALL new changes to any and all comic persona. this way, some kike cocksucker will never be able to make another Aquaman without blonde hair and blue eyes; Superman will never be a nigger; Batman will never be a faggot cocksucker; Batgirl and Wonder woman will never be dykes. who is with me?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I will embrace you and any other women like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Kill every white people mercylessly.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Actually my ancestors were here long before anyone got here even your French ass! Native Americans were here first. So get your facts straight! So if you wanna throw punches make sure you know who and where you are throwing them first.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Can't take what they dish out? Joe you are a snake that should be hung by the neck on a live cnn feed.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Actual Pocahontas Descendant [Debbie White Dove Porreco] Calls Out Elizabeth Warren https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/17\/actual-pocahontas-descendant-calls-out-elizabeth-warren\/ I am a documented descendent of Pocahontas. I'll call out Elizabeth 1\/1024 Warren. Besides that, the conquered have no say. Shoulda done better. You sayin I have no say?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"#TNSen Good one ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Eat Nigger Cock or DIE WHITEY!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Undocumented Shoppers Bwahaaaaw Just prepping for the NFL Those 2 Guys in the Background are Jews... Jews who really love shoes. It's the usual suspects out for a casual day of breaking and entering, looting, etc. Strong work living down to the stereotype! People are soooo fucking selfish and stupid.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"#KellyAnnConway is down right my favorite rock star in the White House. It's pretty much why I'm here, when she was brutally attacked by repeated Fag scum at Twitter,,, and triggered me full on defense,, The fags revolted, and the rest is history. Just watch out for the fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches posting tranny porn. If it happens just report and mute. Do not respond.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"How's this for multiculturalism? A set of Confederate flag jewelry (earrings and necklace) intended for the Arab market, made in communist China but priced in British pounds sterling, featuring Spongebob Squarepants on the packaging, for sale in a Pakistani convenience store. If that isn't an example of the wonders of global commerce, I don't know what is. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Basically the Windows 10 patch completely deleted all files in the my documents and my pictures folders for various users. Not a small issue! The worst thing was that people even reported this Windows 10 file deletion bug during the beta for the patch, QA ignored it and still pushed it through to the live version. This sheer level of incompetence can only be achieved by the dumbest diversity hires. No one halfway decently qualified to work in tech would let such a major bug affect an OS. This is what happens when your company goes full retard and overloads itself with diversity sjw and feminist hires. I have had the displeasure of interacting with too many Microsoft employees at conferences. Literally all the Microsoft men tend to be soyboy cucks and the women were all the most radical feminazis. It is a trash company.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Turdos gang.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Disagree; he was chosen explicitly to make the President immune to the rule of law. All of his heinous beliefs on women's rights and gun control are just the frosting to make the GOP confirm him.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"did he find it offensive to be called black? Why would you be offended for being called black if you're black over any other color? Unless you find being black as something negative. :S","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"That's what you get for pandering to faggots on twitter. I guess we're stuck watching amazing Chinese pandering movies like The Meg for the next 10 years if this keeps up.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Well not a bad mornings work shot a brace of cunts @MarkBraithwaite and @Lulu123 but rank...even my dog turned his nose up. Hi skanky you enjoying it on here 100s put you on here not just me ..how is the verminator now she was more hated than you 1000s put her on massed reported her but then you have always been second best the ugly sister at the ball how's wagistail he had a chat to me today ..why don't he shut his acc and join you he seems lonely he as been crying And there she is Daft Cunt herself Queen Avatar Queen of fuck all. I counted 12 - 12 out of what 11k following lolz Where's my religious Queen? Which persona do you present to the girls' so that they send open legged photos to you? and pray tell why have u followed me when u wanted my departure so much?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You want a real laugh a RETARDED woman is DISPLAYING FALSE OUTRAGE with the story Snow White because the prince kisses the girl to wake her up...Guess they need to discontinue CPR on people.. Fixed it!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER The one where democrats have controlled major cities for so long they've bankrupted them and left the minority's and others in such desperation that crime is their only alternative to life. Instead of hand outs maybe they should teach a better way.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"De Niro nigger lover pc liberal is a shame to all Italian-Americans! a disgrace!! INFAMIA!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"RT @Michael_Heaver: Only 44% of Italians would now vote to Remain in EU. Lowest level of support in whole of Europe. Astonishing. Cc @matteosalvinimi https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/MGVh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"What a thundercunt! A cock guzzling thundercunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Another picture that is worth a thousand words. She is at an orphanage in Kenya in this photo. The kids wanted to pray for her. This is a FIRST LADY - This is Our 1st Lady of the United States of America and I am proud to share Amen #Faith #Maga #Qanon #WWG1WGA #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Redbone means the meat isn't done. It's undercooked. Think of a chicken bone - it's red in the middle before it gets done all the way. Undercooked = light skinned Source: white guy who listened to a rap song and went into the rabbit hole","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Sounds like a moral dilemma for leftist dingbats. After all, the cop is a muslim. CHICAGO: MUSLIM OFF-DUTY COP shoots innocent autistic black teen from his vehicle in a drive-by shooting http:\/\/barenakedislam.com\/2018\/10\/21\/chicago-muslim-off-duty-cop-shoots-innocent-autistic-black-teen-from-his-vehicle-in-a-drive-by-shooting\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"What happened to rap? This right here.... This is rap ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER If you think Conservatives are going to believe a wacko liberal you are sadly mistaken. We see right thru your lies. Judge Kavanaugh is a great person and the best thing for this country. You on the other hand are a disgrace to the United States and women.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER So fn hilarious","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER I think we should be going after Sen Feinstein if she really cared she would not have sat on this issue and made it political. She is using you like all democratic power seekers be careful who you sell your soul too","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"FUCKING CUNT COMMIE PINKO SJW NEEDS TO SHUT THE HELL UP !!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Somebody should just st4b those disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Femi..or ' notlammy' as he's known is a thick twat who's constantly made to look a fool in interviews.. Even Katie Hopkins wiped the floor with him!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Remember KIDS ... the Name the JEW BULLSHIT ... is a counter intelligence program ... This is why is ONLY serves the system. Try breathing through your nose. You are a loser. LOSER. Keep being a BITCH or WIN ... Simple Choice really. You are a CUNT who uses words -- you will be ass fucked in PRISON because you are BITCH.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"22 years old and wandering the streets of New York City the big apple from hell and beyond\" and still she is subject to the 'n' word and still other models call her 'n' person of the year and yet she cares but she is more afraid of \"u know who\".\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I was really mad cuz the Chicongo cop got convicted for shooting a crackhead nigger 16 times and i was super psyched about the niggers rioting tonite but the tantrums about Kavanaugh more than make up for it. as long as i can watch liberals go into tantrums im happy ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Just the type of skilled migrant that the Liberals want to come to our wonderful country","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Maybe your underlying theory is wrong. There are a number of ways in which the nomination supports MAGA. Some of which Trump has hinted at.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I know what you mean. I apparently had wide enough hips to birth 4 children over 8 lbs. and 21+ inches long. I'm talking about nigger asses, like Beyonce. Fat negro asses. That is not how white women are built.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Fact: Finding an existential purpose rooted in nature can cure most depression. Just don't be a faggot hippy about it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"What a dumbass hoe BUT this is a good demonstration of why you should always keep your car doors locked he's an uber driver tho. How would his customers get in? When he unlocks the door for them? Becuase random people don't get into ubers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Enioy!!! You are gonna rock it Jackie!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"You are a faggot spic and you're not welcome in America","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Throw Antifa in there too!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER So you are content to let the government control your life?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"what was this dumb cunt thinking? \"oh yeah I'll just slap on this wig, call myself Pauline and wander into the woman's changing room? Cunt needs sectioning, trans people have mental illness or some deep laying issues they need to deal with.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Name them. Who are these conservatives\" who are driving this dump truck of yours, and when they were passionate about deficits. Name them. Who are they?\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER How about gun control for starters?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Niggaz buying pussy bitches trying to buy love...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER My President I elected loves American citizens. You liberals have shown your true colors. You are ant- American with horrible morals and lawless behavior. You cant relitigate the 2016 election. He will be re elected too. Get used to it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I referred to someone who was acting just like a RETARD and therefore called them RETARDED next thing I know I'm in TWIT - MO prison","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You're missing a word or two. Makes up for it in extra chromosomes _ Finally someone who knows what my name is and doesn't 'accuse' me of being an alt-account. That's refreshing. I read your name... isn't that what they are fighting for? Maybe the new comment I made is the same comment above this. I forget shit... Reading your \"I fuck SJW up the ass all day\" reminded me of something from MANswers. They said that feminists put out more often than other women. The challenge would be finding an attractive one, but still, if it's true, not too unbelievable.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"And it's retarded from both sides... that's the point. No the point is one way is acceptable to say, and the other gets laughed at. Not both. One actually happens and i am glad you agree it is retarded. It would be retarded to do to women what we ok doing to men, but we don't. Don't be retarded. Men do abuse and rape women, it's a fact. Some men do that. Some women do bad things. You're doing the same as the retarded feminists do.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Maybe the civil war is desirable. Maybe forcing the issue will be a great moment in our lives. not one of them That's as maybe but for poll purposes you have to choose at least one of the scumbags. Deary me...oh deary me.... Two votes. How your readership has fallen Put it in the wrong category that's why. Should have put it in politics. You were happier on twitter @AmbersGotMinge","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Please watch the story of Welles Crowther. He is a hero. You are simply an asshole. Be ashamed","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I cannot believe this muzzie. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Disabled lives are not worth any less than anyone else's. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Exactly! Ford is just a damn pawn for the Baby-Adults of America \/ aka Democrats. #SheIsALiar - I that Conservatives will control the highest court for 20+ years.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"How Bizarre","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"It's not right to smash a controller, but god damn, it's a fuckin video game controller. Grow up you man child. [deleted] Fuck off bitch Triggered much? You were triggered first, he's just responding.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Bitch ,you need an ID to get into a damned movie . another obama criminal cunt mouthing off","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Gun control does not work","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER The rugrats believe in gun control","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER #WinForUs Antonio. We're with you. #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Let the leftist democrats riot in the streets with their antifa counterparts.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I am all for the Trump supporters but Hannity is IMO becoming a tad too self involved . Rehashes what has been reported and self promotes more than he promotes Trump. Talks way too fast . Hurts to listen So don't listen.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Got knocked out in the first round and one a shitty decision","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Typical nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Joe Miller would be a reliable yes vote right now. A game crooks like Murkowski play is to mix their votes so she can say she voted for something she did not support, or pretend she opposed something she actually supported. \"I wanted to extend the debate, but for the good of the country I voted to confirm once it came to a vote\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"FUCK THIS RACIST JEWISH CUNT WHO SAID SHE'S LOOKING FOR TO THE DEATHS OF ALL WHITE PEOPLE!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Maryland police officer Ryan Macklin charged with raping woman during traffic stop https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/10\/16\/maryland-police-officer-ryan-macklin-charged-with-raping-woman-during-traffic-stop\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER You care about black men dying at the hands of racist cops? You care about the immigrants being kidnapped at the border? You care about the 3k Puerto Ricans that died? I figured you would bring up antifa. That says everything about you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"https:\/\/www.rt.com\/news\/440147-us-destroy-russian-missiles-threat\/ wrt Russia: The US has violated - or abandoned - at least half a dozen weapons treaties with Russia, including the ABM treaty. The US developed new ABM's, then freaked out when Russia one-upped them, and created a better delivery system, and - arguably - better ABM's. Now, Russia is eviiiil in the eyes of neo-cons and zionists.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Eat our shit fucker.... miserable jealous jew haters. Get a life faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Pjw the eternal faggot for israel","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Calling myself a faggot to offend the homophobes. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER I believe that the gun control laws should not be so strict because criminals will still obtain guns regardless of gun restrictions and would make it harder for a law abiding citizen to defend themselves against an attack.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER You're in embarrassment to the Republican Party! Glad you took the cowardly way out and quit!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"If they scream loud enough about peoples harmless drawings then other people won't look for their *ahem*\" collection. Torba knows this, he is afraid that (((someone))) will start a spurious lawsuit anyway with the intent of just bankrupting him. Because (((\"liberal\"))) judges devided that the First Amendment should have categorical holes. Yes. So please my fellow animeposters, just let this issue die, we have hundreds of other places we can get lolicon hentai from, some people only have this place to talk about politics. Maybe Torba just remembers what happened to Mathew Hale. Wise Nobody even posted loli hentai. \"drawings cause pedophiles\" is the \"video games cause school shootings\" of gab","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Did he complain about gun control afterward?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"WHITE SUPERMACIST-is code word -for FAGGOT","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"How dare you act like a normal person. You have to show the entire world your gayness.\/s Hey everyone, \/u\/Shillsupyourspine is trying to make you believe he's gay but you know he's just lying on the Internet because you can't be gay if you don't make it a core part of your identity! The fact that you like to stick your dick in people who themselves have dicks **must** define who you are as a person otherwise you're just a fat phony.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Words....Words... Monday is a different day...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Pfft. Name even ONE time where a physiological lack of testosterone and predisposition to over produce oxytocin has ever resulted in a less aggressive fighting nature Anytime where the two had to fight to the death No, I mean *aside* from the sum total of human history, give me one single example. See? You just can't do it. This comment is a work of art! Thanks for the laughter! If it's such a joke you should be able to easily provide numerous examples,no? Well, human history is a pretty big list. So I narrowed it down a bit. Here ya go! https:\/\/en.m.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Lists_of_battles You could try looking for female only wars, I'll leave that to you though. It's almost like you have nothing to back your statements up so you leave a super vague war page. Funny Don't be stupid. Biologically the males of our species are MEANT to protect the females and offspring. Just like male gorillas were MEANT to protect the females and offspring. What? I don't understand what you're arguing. Do you know what your replying to? I think you shouldn't get mad at me you replied to the wrong comment. Nah I replied to the right comment (see positive score) you are just retarded and can't make the connection. Once again, cleanse yourself from the gene pool. You called me stupid while agreeing with me, yet still claim you replied to the right comment. Ok bud, whatever helps you sleep at night.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"It still kind of amazes me how you go and look for faggot porn. I guess dudes that like dicks will always look for it. LOL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER OMG !!!!! He is????????","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER He is phony and opportunist. Look at the millions he is making out of gullible people. Lets see if he donates millions he has to help his hometown. Oh well its people's money they use. Their money is untouchable","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Bullshit! People died because of an incompetent Puerto Rican government officials. That's already been exposed dumb ass but good try.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Elon sometimes opens his mouth only to replace one foot with the other","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER He is german he play for club fcb ssshhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"What drives a cunt like this to try and destroy whole nations..Just kill him and his kin Hey don't insult cunts. ;) Soros is pure evil.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Bitch better serve","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER The important distinction here being Ex-attorney general\" ..so frankly Yasir..nobody gives a rats pyjamas what you think..now piss off and find another trough to wallow in..liberals are finished in Ontario.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"If only g4y people like you all had their throats cut. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Yeah cause wearing red Nigger shoes and voting for the orange kike will surely save us","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER You are more then welcum","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER And ... what?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Lets all cry about how the Jews aren't playing fair and instead of focusing on nation building then call everyone a faggot when they interject with something logical. That's productive. Muh dick muh dick muh dick.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Yen cast is ridiculous. A mature looking, seductive, confidence inspiring... And they took this innocent looking child. That description from the Witcher Wiki: > Her eyes were cold and sparkling with a remarkable violet penetrating gaze, in anger blazing with livid, blue-gray fire. Those very eyes also concealed wisdom and imperiousness. Yea, I just don't see it in this actress. It's just a very poor casting choice for Yennefer. Won't even bother commenting on the retarded cast of Fringilla. It's insulting for both the audience and especially for the forced diversity hire in a desperate attempt to virtue signal how \"progressive\" they are by race swapping and shoving some token black chick. The rest of the cast are as generic, boring and bland as they can be. Don't really think that Henry Cavill could carry the show on his own. And let's be honest, he might be charismatic and one of the most handsome men alive, but his acting abilities are somewhere between that of a cucumber and a chair. Seriously disappointed with the cast. I might be wrong, who knows, they may turn out to be the next Game of Thrones (the first 3 seasons) out of nowhere and the costume and make up department may be able to pull it off. I just don't have much faith in Netflix considering the absurd amount of garbage they are spewing.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Stupid Faggot Dicks Are For Chicks!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Again, this is anti-woman, not men's rights. We've already had kids on a train taking up seats to defend an argument nobody seems to have any actual real world issue with. Has anyone actually ever been accused or shamed for having their legs too far apart and it being referred directly because of their male gender? This isn't an issue. It never has been. We have sensitive sexual organs that hang outside our body, between our legs, any rational person with a basic understanding of anatomy either knows this (see:majority of humans), or can be pretty quickly and easily explained. This is just perpetuating a divide between genders on issues that are irrelevant. I'd rather see a psa educating the very few intellectually retarded feminists, than see a random woman with her bags being used to defend a pretty simple concept. She's not perpetuating any \"manspreading\" myth by doing this, any person regardless of gender can do this.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@RealAlexJones what the hell do you think CERN about in Switzerland the Elite want to open a portal to the other side why I don't know but we are dealing with the f****** elite aren't we a bunch of retarded inbred f****** Lunatics","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"That CUNT BITCH is Sooooooooooooooooo FUCKING UGLY !!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"It is astonishing how these Whitey McCrackers like Sean King, Rachel D, Beto, Elizabeth Warren, et al are posing as servants of non-whites. Imagine being some Nig or Spic having these crackers blow smoke up your ass. Such brazen posturing! I hope the Nigs refuse to support White Democrats because they've pushed this bullshit to the edge.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Shove it The View you are the most despicable show on tv and like everyone always says \"who watches these bimbos !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"This isn't a movie cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER My prediction brother love breaks in the cell and beats up roman till he is passed out and braun wins aka this is the brother love heel turn and brother love makes his return as manger of braun with ziggler and drew","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER The Stinking media says Antifa and Code Pink are black radicals...every one I ever saw was a Racist White Democrat and they blame their violence on blacks.....bad stuff","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER And somehow Trump is divine prophecy he's helping them all the wonderful things they wanted to take away from women...Fuck Religion. 2","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Honest question does this clown think he is actually a journalist? Rockland Dale, please do us all a favor and stay off our side.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I d like to see a because I m black compilation video","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"She was and ... https:\/\/www.mprnews.org\/story\/2018\/10\/12\/ellison-divorce-records-ordered-unsealed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER you are a hypocritical hack. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Totally. Just shown herself up to be a spoilt narcissist. The comment to the umpire that he will never be at her matches for as long as he lives? Just who does she think she is?? Not gracious in defeat. A disgrace to the sport.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Just be aware that this snowflake faggot censors and bans people like his name was Zuckerberg.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Islam is not a race. UK: Stepfather called \"racist for complaining about stepdaughter's assignment to write about converting to Islam. https:\/\/www.jihadwatch.org\/2018\/10\/uk-stepfather-called-racist-for-complaining-about-stepdaughters-assignment-to-write-about-converting-to-islam","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"That's only natural for a Jihadi like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Gillibrand must have been a very sexually active woman to be pushing young women to have abortions.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"On the one hand, I am very sick of feminazi screenwriters inserting their bullshit into stories where it doesn't belong. On the other hand, a lot of stupid women say retarded shit like that.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Rep. Joe Kennedy: Americans Must Welcome the Migrant Caravan https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/25\/rep-joe-kennedy-americans-must-welcome-the-migrant-caravan\/ Kennedy's Got what they Deserved !! And the US got the Kennedys that they didn't.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"That cunt has the mind of a insane person .. Dems are full of this kind of ppl","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"that man either deserves father of the year or a restraining order...... This was originally about a guy being in the friendzone or something. Oh so he's probably raping someone and blaming women for it? Cuz only men rape right? Take your fantasies to the dark web Nah that's the \"chan\" sites. I think this is for shit you wanna say but dont wanna get judged for. Anyway I like your attitude","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"You have poop for brains you have been indoctrinated to hate Jews and suck up to Muslims !! So go take your butt to Saudi Arabia where the hijackers came from Jack ass!! you can suck the tip of my dick, the rest can fit up u mama","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Everyone who disagrees with your libtard virtue signaling world views is alt right nazi. Fuck off faggot. Do you like those downvoted? You fucking retard, go batch to the kitchen dumb nigger Snowflake faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"When Muslims talk back to me, I just want to kill them. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Because you're a fucking pussy, grow a pair. I'm just trying to light a fire under your boy cunt so you fuck will raise up and expelled those forgien invaders but I guess you're too busy cuckolding for your government","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I despise you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"#Westminster @USER #HouseOfLords #Tories @USER @USER @USER @USER #Brexit @USER #LabourParty #Labour @USER What a bunch of #hypocrites A total #ShowerOfShite URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER He is Spartacus.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"It will be a 250lb ghetto nigger bitch doing the smothering, though... Haha the boomers are going to spend the end of their lives being taken care of by niggers spics and philipinos. I have rubbed this in dads face before. Poetic justice. They've spent their entire lives either ignoring, or endorsing the importation of the hoards of savages who hate them, as well as jumping through hoops in order to work against the interests\/survival of our people, so it's only right that they get \"taken care of\" by those same barbarians they protected, or neglected. The future will be filled with malnourished BOOMERS in nursing homes covered with bed sores and bruises until the 250lb transgendered nigger nursing assistant has a bad day and smothers them with a mildew stained pillow. The sad part is, they will probably be too senile to realize their horrible treatment is a punishment for a lifetime of enabling nightmare world to take root and \"blossom\".","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER She is absolutely useless. Everyone knows it except for her and the media.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER All Trump's fault I guess URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Immigrants like you deserve todie. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I actually know this girl. Haven't seen her in a few years but god damn that sucks for her Well that's a little rough but okay It'll stay with the dad while she's in jail for violating her probation. Yeah yeah for sure. I'm sure they weren't quality parents as it is","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"As I said already, stop being a faggot and stand up for your race white man. You sound like some gay SJW.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Duplicity of ALP and green maggots,is; We sell coal to the world and is about the 3rd highest income, so other poor countries can have power cheaply, we are insane so is that Creepy Thurdbull cunt the Moslim cock sucker","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":">lmao, autocorrect fail #gottem >Only the mentally handicapped try meth... >...if you don't believe that, you're on meth Retard confirmed. I don't know what's more retarded, you or your comment","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Oooooooooooooh Fucking cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Civilians Also I'll admit its hard sometimes when helping Grok 24-7 lol I've been called names I didn't even know existed Example Antifa Grannies Brokeback Valor (WTH is that) Grok Girl Friend (Yep No Shit) Things Frauds will say Thank You Grok (Brother) ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Nobody LISTENED to her. She's burned out. That's all. It's time for fresh blood in that position. She became Trump for two years, and now she needs to step away. It's exhausting to do what HE does. Government officials must know when they're done. She knows it's time to stop. AND. She credits Jared Kushner for much of her success. He crafted Trump's election strategy and Middle Eastern strategy. Kushner is another Trump. Note that Haley's resignation came as a total surprise. There were no leaks. \"The leaks are real; the news is fake.\" Nothing REAL ever leaks. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=hEENopuCdzc LMAO, it's exhausting to live in a hotel that costs 5-figures a night while telling off representatives of other countries? Where do I sign up for that exhaustion?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"No one else is as f1lthy as these immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER *REPLACES CHICKENS WITH GUN CONTROL* URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Typical retarded vile nigger beast in the meme posted by a typical \"they are the real racists\" cowardly stupid fool. Libtards\/democrats and CONservatives\/Republicans are enemies of the White race. Both parties are under kike control. Stop pointing your finger. Be a real racist. To answer your question - yes you are a stupid fool. And now I see you are a faggot to boot. Not surprised. Normal men (97% or so) are sexually aroused by women. Men that are sexually attracted to men are born that way = genetic. Only a faggot gets a hard on looking at men\/boys. Have to be born that way. Sure faggots that adopt little boys to molest them can turn them faggot against their nature.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Personally, I don't care what you identify as. Male, female, non-binary, genderfluid, etc? Great, that's all fine, but I hate this whole, \"get rid of gender!!11!!1!!\" thing that's going around now. I, for one, genuinely like being a woman. I wouldn't want to give that up. You have every right to, if you'd like, but just because you feel like you don't fit in with the gender you were born with doesn't mean that gender is this terrible, evil thing. Also, the sign makes no sense. \"I don't care that your name is Fuckface, but I think it's kinda stupid.\" *writes Fuckface down in attendance log* It means you don't care beyond the observation that it's stupid. Yeah GENDER FLUID Kinda gross","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"\"Based wife\"? If a wife won't stand by you while a retard is making up stories that have no evidence about rape trains, then you're better off having her leave you. There's nothing \"based\" about this.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"WTC This is a threat!!! ..@USER #Maga #QAnon #WakeUpAmerica URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"\"It's a tribalistic, supremacist race ....\" huh? sounds like....Nazis to me","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER This is great! Mark The Great One\" Levin and Candace \"The Great\" Owens together! This team is unbeatable! They just sent liberals into a frenzy again! A whole block of liberal voters just had their heads explode! And...sadly, Alyssa Milano just wet her pants again! Great team!\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Crypto-Jew Conan trying to influence his \"fellow whites\". This faggot sold his last home low for $25M, but he'd have his fans live next to Haitians. Fuck him.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Hope they bankrupt soon","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Totally fails to distinguish between religion\/ideology and ethnicity. NO! Muslims are not a race. That's what the Left want to say so they can call critics of Islam racist. Any old twat can become a Muslim and many do. In some places they'll chop your head off it you don't. There are no genetic markers that make you Muslim. There are that make you a Jew.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You can do all that and still hate mudsharks. I have a full time career, a Family, live in a State that's 90+% White, and hate mudsharks. You obviously don't know what you're talking about. Why are you trying to take up for nigger fucking whores? Are you one?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER You are a good man! I love people who love animals!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":" And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Look at Chicago Washington DC and other areas with the strictest gun control laws and tell me that the people that are not able to arm themselves are safe. I'll wait.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Proud to follow all. Thanks for the follow-back!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"First time nigger sees Beauty","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Ooh, bad fucking move. I love me some Dynasty Warriors and buy em all even though the latest ones have sucked ass and the ports are so goddamn lazy they are not even dubbing them anymore. But this shit... I do not care about jiggle physics in musou games but I sure as fuck care about SJW bullshit. So now I won't buy it purely out of spite for caving in to a bunch of SJW faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Do you not realise how hateful you are being when calling disabled people trash?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Disabled people can be kind to you at times. Don't forget they're still just worthless scum. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I would love that because that would stop these fairy gay faggot tranny porn posters from tagging me with their sick shit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"It's part of it but you're a retard if you think it's the only thing that matters. Life's complicated and full of parameters to measure. So do you disagree that non-Whites want to be around Whites more than we want to be around them or not? Exactly. You lot are the retards throwing me the Bell Curve to show superiority. It's a lot more complex than that why Africa has never had a successful civilisation. And yes, I agree YOU want to be around blacks less. Normal people don't really worry about it when they go on holiday to Africa or Jamaica. God Damn this fucking monkey is most definitely JIDF or some sort of Hasbara! To retarded to be anything genuine.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER You realize California has the strictest gun control in the nation right? Or are you just going to ignore that","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"In case you missed it. As well as a mouth on you like a cow's cunt you have the attention span of a Privett hedge.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"> I'm a clean white girl This is the worst attempt at a dogwhistle that I have ever seen, we all know what she really meant: \"the only people you should be arresting are poor, black, men.\" I'm glad that the officer didn't go easy on her, I hope the judge doesn't as well. This racist, sexist, entitled, cunt deserves a lengthy prison sentence for her dangerous and irresponsible behavior.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Naaa. I've spent 24 hours laughing my huge nuts off at your stupidity. You fink your some kind of entity but your all a bunch of scared antifa PUSSIES wiv no muscle to see anyone you try to bully. Even that is pathetic.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER You mean like the Democrats do to push their gun control agenda?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Immigrants are beautiful. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER No. He is actually bald","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Eat shit faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"There was a time that Indians (the American variety) were considered savage. Now it's a badge of honor? stone age Amerinjuns had a certain something that impressed. These were some tough people. So were the pioneers but the Injuns were even tougher because much less technology. I was just pointing out how times have changed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Strongest gun control in the country ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"In my view, those kinds of women ought to be executed. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER I #WalkedAway .... from the @USER And I'm NEVER..... COMING... BACK.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I'm sorry but the level of delusion of this guy is so immense that I cant fathom a life past this. If I ever get remotely that weak I hope I have the self awareness to put my gun in my mouth and pull the trigger. This guy is such a fucking blue pilled moron I almost feel bad for him.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER who really cares about any of this wack ass beef??? ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"It's heartbreaking to see because the nigger is incapable of genuine affection and caring.As lust deminishes violence and hatred will increase.No pure White children for this lust filled famale.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Well the English liberals, academics, media, all suffer from their English white guilt, but white working class people never have. Thank God English identity and nationalism is coming back with a vengeance. #Brexit has woke everybody up, no more white guilt crap. #Anglosphere #UKIP #ForBritain #WhiteGenocide #populism #Remoaners #BritFam #Labour","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER She doesn't want to play to other children or adult unless she lives with them. She help everyone in the house whatever task there is to do. She speaks clearly and turning 2 this September. Her excuse always when there's a guest in the house she is shy. No one influenced her.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Calling conservatives hillbillies...hmmm that's original. Funny how many \"poor hillbillies you tweet about have incomes and IQ's 4 times higher than you. Your humour sucks btw.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Once upon a time in America..... There was a time when you could send your children to public school and expect that their classmates would share the same values and culture. Students were expected to get good grades, or they were held back a year. There were no participation prizes. There was real discipline for bad behavior. Diversity is not a strength.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"and those of US WITH WORKING BRAINS, NEVER VOTED FOR THAT NIGGER MUSLIM FRAUD EITHER. OR THE CUNT HILLARY BEAST.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"This reminds me of me and my husband. I have rheumatoid arthritis and permanent damage in my ankles. I could not walk for 4 days recently AT ALL. My husband is my caregiver when he is home and my RA is so bad I can' t walk. I have 2 wheelchairs and my husband often pushes me when we go out when I can' t walk. I have canes EVERYWHERE. These 2 are SO CUTE! She is lucky to have him to reassure her. He' s lucky to have her to laugh with.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"14. how kind she is","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER stop this BS. A woman murdered him in his own home! This is so incredibly irresponsible and I am outraged that you are blaming the victim who is a black man. What does him having weed have anything to do with his murder in his own home?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I will constantly be on camera, holding today's newspaper and filmed from 2 angles, and live-streamed to a fortified location with daily off site backups. In the bottom corner of each video will be a continuously updated \"date and time stamp on the video image, encrypted with my public key. Y'all aren't gonna Cavanaugh me!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER What? I have no clue what you are trying to say. I'm certainly no Trump supporter FFS. Just rational Keep on keeping on with whatever it is you are trying to achieve.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"BBC grooms kids to write gay love letters ! A video by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) showing 6-year-old school children being instructed to write gay love letters has been causing a stir on social media. https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/10\/01\/6-year-old-school-children-write-gay-love-letters-accepting-diversity\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Not even gonna try and figure out whether blocking all of EU will be a net gain or a net loss. Point is, if they're blocking there will be issues with connectivity between their services. They're not rewriting their shit over this either. So they will do as they plan to, ban people who may be breaching copyright before they themselves run the risk. Something I myself would do in their shoes. The EU are completely retarded with this law, but they're not going to back down from a Google that wants to fuck with them over the antitrust suit they lost in the EU.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Just watching a Horizon show about scientists that discovered a DNA mix between humans and Neanderthals.Would have thought Trump getting elected would have been proof enough. #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"This left-wing troll cunt allowed to run rampant on Fakebook confederate pages https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/beth.b.croken?fref=ufiandrc=p The cunts friends\/sock puppet accounts https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/nick.mosher.7?fref=ufiandrc=p https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/jack.sovereights?fref=ufiandrc=p","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"white people should not EVER help Africans.... https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-hollywood\/2018\/10\/02\/jeffrey-wright-calls-melania-trump-trip-to-ghana-hospital-garbage\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER With Democrat's Sociability Quotient it's no wonder Democrats think about Gun Control all the time!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Gotta give him credit where its due he may not be a mason but he is out there competing his ass off","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER People who floor cross are opportunistic a-holes that deserve all the backlash they are getting. She should have sat as an independent then joined the conservatives and ran for her spot against other conservative candidates. Just think how you would feel if you won that role.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER republicans \/conservatives are the most disgusting people","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I told them I was taking the picture for my girlfriend who loved what they stood for so they posed for me lol. Damn that's dirty Hey, I got what I wanted and I didn't get them attacking me. Win win. Oh come on, where's the fun it that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Another village missing its idiot!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"#Tories #Labour #GE2017 #Conservatives Conservatives URL sajidjavid: Productive discussions with new Pakistan foreign and interior ministers in Islamabad today. Agreed to improve cooperation on anti-corruption and counter-terrorism - v URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Just like you, cock sucking little faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Just... retarded https:\/\/ethereumworldnews.com\/australian-and-new-zealand-customs-to-fine-visitors-who-wont-give-up-phone-and-laptop-passwords\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER So you are OK with Boris Johnson having to have police protection from Antifa\/Momentum then? Tories are clearly scared of @USER because the Tories know they are not delivering the Brexit that 17.4 million people voted for. Shame Tories do not condemn Antifa.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Gib stickers, cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Disabled people with any power are a thraet to civilisation","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Sis she is. And I did answer u but u are to focused on bashing me. Sis that's just ur opinion. Mine is that she is a versatile artist and has many good albums. Say the truth for what it is. Just say u hate selena and go URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Looks like a typical butch dyke mongoloid.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"fuck off nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Thats the problem. He is not a slick talking politician","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"But muh 800 miles away Do those fucking retards think you secure your borders over night","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"That's funny, the stupid cunt calls me a moron! How cute. Angela Bryant, still using that prodigy.net email account? You obviously were not popular because of your intellect.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Jesus will save us. We just have to ask. #JesusSaves I pray often. Included in my prayers are for GOD to also Save #Connecticut and the USA. I think we need more people praying. LIVING ON A PRaaAAaaAaayEer!\" URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Jonah hill ratted your sorry ass out wdym","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Just got my masters degree in nigger hating y'all!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Open a Case\" 4-this: John Kerry: \"Obama and I *KNOWINGLY *FUNDED *TERROR\" 55 BILLION $$$ With a \"B\" !! God bless Trump #MAGA #KAG #DeepState .. (FULL LINK: URL .. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"That guy looks retarded though and I'm of sound opinion that subhumans shouldn't be afforded special treatment. All retards are utterly depraved, oversexed, simian, and dangerous; they need to be corralled and controlled, not included in normal society. Letting them think they're not retarded is deeply problematic and deleterious for the U.S. I think the audience was laughing at this imbecile more as an unfortunate attempt to include him in normal society (a huge blunder) as opposed to making fun of him because of his sex.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER So how do propose a ward deal with this? Put the gay\/lesbian youth with the opposite gender? Or segregate them from the other kids entirely (awful idea). I'm just going to assume @USER has more experience and knows what he is talking about here.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Mute it. It's a White nigger of the kikenvermin.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER He should worry about himself. The fast and furious scandal etc..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Antifa took over for them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Also say, none of us; bc if it we're, the one sent to AG holder return address would have read branch dividians @ Waco. Too bad he isn't dead. If I had my way, I'd roast that nigger on a spit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Where is my MAGA cap?! URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Just what a communist would do! Destroying America! Lock Him Up! TRUMP2020 MAGA! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I would never eat food that has been touched by a trans person. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@theobear777 Racists divide their host country into separate parts, we are brothers of the same blood way deep down the line in the genetic code, stop dividing us","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Schiff- you are the SWAMP.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/SNku0LxUPyo I love our first lady. Melania is WAY better than that tranny cunt Michelle.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Npc's upset at boogie for being the epitome of human empathy Let's not be the people who say someone isn't empathetic just because they hold an opinion we disagree with. Boogie is obviously a really empathetic guy even if he said something you don't like I am absolutely ready to discuss things with people I disagree with. But there's just one exception: if someone's basing their argument on the premise that I owe them something 'just because', there's no discussion with those people. The only thing I'm willing to tell them is the directions to the nearest free helicopter rides facility.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"You are a stalker, you worthless cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"it's a faggot too hence the utter insanity at work.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Disproved things? Like the Tabula Rasa? :3 (He doesn't know that's the entire point.)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I'am pretty sure for the 100th time I told you ALL POLITICS TO THE SIDE Not my fault Cale is a Sexual Predator and Jill committed Stolen Valor by stealing someone else Military Pictures saying it was her Son I could care less if they are Antifa or Proud Boys who came and 1\/2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":".@USER is also a member of the OpenEd SIG and she is also doing her #CMALT #altc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Who gives a fiddler's fuck what his name is? I've read his books. I've spoken to him. What's your real name? I see you don't have the balls to post using it, unlike real people. Jack off to the Israeli flag? What the fuck are you talking about? Look, cunt, post right or fuck off. Yeah, that's an entirely autistic reply, but you can't tell, because you're an autistic idiot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Well who would have thought that... ya hes gonna be something , end him They all need to die Hear hear Today pictures came from Honduras and Mehico of entire groups wearing newly screen printed shirts stating they are the South American Muslim coalition. They are actually organizing and motivating the Caravans. There will be lots of paki Muslims involved","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"These trans people are nothing but cockroaches. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Thats is not what i was saying.. read my other tweet to you. I never said that.. you sir are putting words in my mouth! liberals really are just assholes.. cant have a civil discussion!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Glad to see another NFL owner has read the Constitution. Unlike all the crybabies fussing over peaceful protests. #FreedomOfExpression #FreedomOfExpression is still alive. That's one of the reasons America is great!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"#Elections News: Gun control group's political arm pouring millions into midterm elections #News #HeadlineNews\": URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Fuck this cunt. Someone punch her. It's in own DNA","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Mods are cum guzzling faggots, that completes in little boys assholes.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"see thats a sand nigger cock sucker right there","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Education is devolved and is an utter shambles. The snp are in charge of it and neither the conservatives or brexit are a factor.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER The AWB had no effect on crime. That's why it was not resigned into law 10 years after it was 1st signed and allowed to sunset. It also was the beginning of the end for Clinton and his corrupt administration. I love when they screech gun control! It means they lose in elections!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"#Yemen tries gun control URL #theeconomist","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Can someone please make this shit stop already?! https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/8sXW","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Point is they are trying to make a statement. And (some) trump chumps are guilty of much worse than anything antifa has done in the goal of trying to make a statement","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER I lived through the era where conservatives literally tried to argue that gay rights would cause the collapse of Western Civilization. No exaggeration. They used he fall of Rome as their example somehow. They now want to pretend that they didn't vilify us. Ugh.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Asshole #EricHolder underestimates the opposition vitriol, and response to, his pat idiocy. He'll learn. Or he'll understand. Won't be his choice. https:\/\/fxn.ws\/2NxDxY1 #MAGA #Gab #GabFam #SpeakFreely #AltRight","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Yeah right ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Fucking cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"We are not these bodies. We are spirit souls.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER FINALLY! Smaller more cost effective government! Thank you Conservatives!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Her son is a Citadel grad who is now in the Marines. He must be so embarrassed. And don't tell me being raised by a dyke didn't lead him to want to find a father in the military.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"It seems like they're just trying to lessen the impact of being a racist by using it as a common insult, like how retard used to just mean someone slow but now it's lost its exact meaning.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER We are calling you an operative . Or Shill. And more important a bigot for refusing to apologize for your actions to a woman just because she IS NOT a Scientologist. You won't even acknowledge what you did or defend or explain it despite how many times it has been asked already?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I will not tolerate posts like \"trans people are absolutely despicable\" in my timeline. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"\"Rule all over this under you\" Anyone? anyone out there know what google translate lost from this sentence? The dude is a psycho. That explains a lot, including the shitty \"english he tends to use.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Damn that made me laugh!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"need to get that nigger to a gym asap","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Whole foods seem to have gone full retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Gabs fucking up, so I cant post the image of the Hitler quote \"he who owns the youth owns the future\" :) FUCKING GAB @a YOU RETARD THIS SITE HAS BEEN FUCKED EVERSINCE YOU SHOAH'D THE FROG!!!!!!!1","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I know why, because you're insane and a bit bored. Probably a nigger lover.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Serious question. Why are Jewish groups using their trucks to transport invaders to our border? \"Because you're antisemitic\" is not an answer. Let's be adults about this. Who is funding this? #Caravan","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"demoKKKrats are fucking retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"what a faggot skank","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Shut the fuck up, Bradford, you virtue signaling, demoralized, pathetic, son of a bitch. You sound like the sort of guy to give your wife over to a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Lets just remember, 1 hit, almost 30 years ago, that's it, that's all this retarded Kojak has ever done, she is beyond irrelevant","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The RETARDS always use a foul mouth and perverse sexual innuendo. It is called projection and it illustrates who they really are! A RETARD who likes it up the ASS!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"*NEW VIDEO* A gay, \"non-binary\" Muslim drag queen explains how gender and race fluidity is proven by science. So delighted my BBC license fee is paying for this. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=6Fanea5kcfg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Haha Following hate makes you nuts. It doesn't matter which hate you follow. It also makes you a follower of Satan.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"so says the sand nigger cocksucker From what your timeline has on it, *you* worship 'sand niggers' (jews) and 'cocks'. ;)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Lol. Guy got played like the bitch he is. I suggest he starts saving in an account she doesn't know about. That woman is going to divorce him and take half 100%. He needs to take cash out, put it somewhere with someone he trusts, and run it for a while. Kid on the way, he's kind of screwed but with that much income he can do it. Shouldn't have paid her debt. Unbelievable.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Why not begin the movement by giving away some of the farms and mine claims you and your connections took while you were still relevant. That way; we can show your concern for us. From where I am standing; you are just another bitter polutician. Charity begins at home baba.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"And the Bull$hit just keep coming. So we're expected to just accept these allegations for their face value. The left swamp plot thickens. We need to out the offenders once and for all. #ConfirmKavanaugh #MAGA URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER When are the Republicans going to learn that Democrats hate conservatives .Vote Thursday","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER You are my best player ever","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I'm glad they're getting rid of that filthy kike Nikki Haley, but what parasitic jew will they be replacing her with ugh You're the one who follows me u aren't going to patrol shit u little faggot pull up n find out. Im muting u now keep obsessing over me I do what the fuck I want and there's nothing u can do about it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@Microchip stop being a fuckin pussy and bet nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Actually anti-vaxxers are right. Fascism takes hold of every aspect of life. They won't allow their tax revenue generating slaves to die off because someone isn't vaccinated. Multiple Western countries already force children born after a certain date to be vaccinated. And vaccinations won't stop the coming plague when they let millions of savages into the West. Also, these anti-vaxxer posts are boring as shit and not IGTHFT material at all. You're just a retard. Probably happened because of the vaccine but most likely because your dad was a pussy I'm gay, but you're a fucking faggot. Get the outta here with your racist, dumb ass. This sub is satire, not Donald bs. You're right, you're a faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER I think she is the one mad. She didnt like being called out so she is trying to make them bully me. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Literally the most retarded shit I've ever heard. Listen nigger stop sending me ur fap pictures. You still love my page faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Now remember you little negro bitch I haven't seen or said shit to you in 9 Months YOU'RE the little Nigger MF'er that decided to start shit with me again","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER It seems that the more often these types of events occur the more the gun control and safety debate heats up. I believe eventually state legislatures will pass laws providing schools with better protection but it is sad that these events have to occur in order to push the agenda.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER She already proved she hasn't a clue about things she is legislating so really have no interest in her comments or opinion.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":">beautiful white anime girl fucks up a nigger that video is SUGOI","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER and he took away the constitution from us. congress refuses to restore it to us why is that? Article 4 sec 4 was taken away.. and because of that there are NO gun control laws anymore. OBAMA is a STUPID MAN","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"That lying Cunt Hillary Clinton!! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"17 year old boy snatched off the streets. Locked up in a flat and tied up. Savage after savage then repeatedly rape the young boy. After 5 days he is untied, beaten black and blue then dumped on the streets. This is England. Never forget (((who))) let these barbarians inside Europe in the first place. https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/ez1T36XsYqMW\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"andgt;Thank you! You are also very pretty and kind URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Great question. What say you @USER @USER #ANTIFA working within our government and paid for by taxpayers? @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I still remember one of my followers, keep in mind a GamerGater, got on my case a few weeks ago when I said that MovieBob was a pedophile \"Umm, Carl, that's pretty damning, you can't just say that, where's your proof?\" Proof, you dumb fucker? Proof is this fat needle dick faggot rubs up against little boys while wearing a mario costume. Just wait a year for \"proof\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"HEY! @LiberalistGee These are human beings. Cunt Hildabeast is sociopathic psychopathic raw sewage scum. So are her supporters.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER That's what happens when you let a liberal get a hold of a gun. That would be a good place to start gun control. Ban liberals from getting guns.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER This Russian agent is a DISGRACE. Hey old creep @USER you are going to die in prison. You and Trump sold America to the Russians and it's time you do the time for your years of crimes. Scumbag.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Aside from the whole meat is murder\" nonsense, coastal liberals claim the smoke gives you cancer. Austin tried to ban it in 2015 but it got knocked down. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Says the fat Antifa member","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"[removed] Woah there Gapeman7! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Get fucked","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Trans people are not worthy of living like other humans. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Quick daily reminder: all of this could have been avoided if the Republicans weren't a bunch of faggots and had simply called the vote after the hearings. No, the faggot was the bravest one in the room on this one, this fiasco is entirely the fault of the bitches. Flake, Murky and Collins.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"History of Saudi Arabia (House of Saud) a badly narrated account of this Shit Arab cunt flap; https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=HkcYAOs9W-E","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Japan? [https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ENscSDOsodE](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ENscSDOsodE) I live here. Everyone cheats. Literally everyone I know that's Japanese. That includes men but... The amount of women with boyfriends\/husbands I've slept with changed my view real quick. Japanese chicks somehow rationalize that their husband is at work so it's not cheating. LOL Damn you shattered my dreams Good. Too many white guys coming to Japan and getting divorced and never seeing their kids cause one parent lives abroad after the divorce and the Japanese wife lives in Japan.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER #JulieBurchill is actually mentally ill. When I was a kid she used to fill the NME and The Face and all those mags with her vacuous drivel and now she is given the space in Grown Up World to do it courtesy the spineless pro #brexit @USER eejits. She is pathetic.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER your pappy is a big fat fool the Democrats doesn't have to make him look bad he makes himself look just what he is an ignorant 5th level FOOL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"He's soyboying it up over one of [Kanye's tweets](https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/media\/DoY6ECcXsAAObUX?format=jpg). Kanye needs to get back on the plantation like a good little darkie apparently. I'm glad the Hollywood elite are so progressive and tolerant! Follow your dreams, nigga. I'm just saying that focusing on the person is understandable, but it's not the real problem.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"DO IT PREZ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"who the fuck in their right mind would want to flood their country with retarded bongo lipped apes??","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@a @e @Mr_Bond @Amy https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=IU3nyBtl1vU This video is shit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Does anyone know what happened to @MartyMcGraw Looks like the Nazi's finally won and he got removed. It is the Nazi's that should have been muted.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER if you are trying to use the word pet\" as in like... a term of endearment towards another human you can just use \"chouchou\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER You @USER speak the Truth about =andgt; #Louis Farrakhan andlt;= ... he is a raging anti-Semite and racist.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER joan is playing 4 characters this season all the way up to episode 6 so far.. pretty sure she is a main","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Hey @Patrick_little You're a faggot Checkmate","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"We will keep attacking you gay people until you are gone. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"One can take the nigger out of the ghetto, But one cannot take the ghetto out of the nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER poor @USER she is a rager and a shamer. sad....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Absolutely! Liberals are upside down!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"First time on Gab. Found it cause I just got another 7 day Twitter time out for calling Andrea Mitchell a bimbo. They suspended me for hate speech within about 5 seconds of the tweet.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Let's just eradicate those women. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER There she is... URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER She is just great. As long as she wins the title eventually","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Your lives aren't worth shit to me. You're just women. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Understand the meaning of America by reading Creating the Declaration of Independence by @USER and share your knowledge of the American Creed with your fellow citizens. URL #MAGA #KAG @USER @USER @USER @USER","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER This is the democrat party in the throws of panic. They want violence so Trumps America is not quite so successful. I suggest to all the little antifa kids out there..do not do it. It will be regrettable.. immediately.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"All the mods there are touched but this right here is guaranteed to be the work of Sweet Nicole. That cunt is beyond crazy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"What a cunt, she is a cancer.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"if Gab was filled with 100,000 Corneliuses, it would be at the top of Alexa rankings, a modern marvel, a shining beacon on the internet, surpassing facebook and twatter combined uh should we tell him or not nah let him have his fun he isn't harming anyone","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER nah it's coz you're a cunt. blocked","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I can't believe Crimson Dick Nigger muted me... today is sad :( I'm sowwy Mr. Dick Nigger, I wasn't able to hold myself back...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Pushed to my limits. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER then why is America succeeding under President Trump.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Hang the NIGGER. Stupid assholes.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Don't know. That lack of passion towards making your company more successful may be the totally rational reaction to the stagnating wages of the last decades. If they don't care about you, you certainly won't care about them. The young people of today grew up in that climate. They know it doesn't really matter how much harder they work, the wealth they create won't be shared with them, neither by wages, nor by taxes into society as a whole. It just will become then nth house or car or yacht or wife or mistress of the owners. They also know, no matter how much of their time an effort and health they sacrifice for the company, they are out the door, the moment they are not needed anymore. And they know all this by first hand experience. They know no other reality.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"The Jews and Democrats have no shame! They can only LIE! But their constituents are so RETARDED they do not know!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"So this sand nigger needs to explain why so many Muzlims live in non Muzlim countries and expose themselves to women that don't cover as they would in a Muzlim country. They are living non-Muzlim lives when they have the opportunity to move to Muzlim countries where the women are covered. So technically they are living lies and it's not about religion, it's about control. Low IQ Muzlims believe they actually have the power to control strong minded, high IQ populations through intimidation and control of women.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"We'll tortuer these gay people without mercy. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Leo, I assure you, I lived through it, and, you're a lying half paki, half Welsh faggot https:\/\/m.belfasttelegraph.co.uk\/news\/brexit\/varadkar-shows-eu27-dinner-guests-border-bomb-horror-picture-brexit-tensions-intensify-over-ireland-backstop-","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@a is a real life pedo Hello","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"You are nothing but common Muslimtrash. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Speaking of Fates babies. I hate Nina Fates and that she is in Feh. Honestly I don't get bitter about people being added. But she reminds me of a real life experience and it hits close to home","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"#Muslims and #Islam finally got their #WhiteSupremacist #Terrorists they have wanted for so long they can harp on about and say were worse than them .. Two 15 year old boys from #Ramsgate! Jesus #MAGA #MEGA #MCGA #MBGA #Conservatives #Patriots URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"All black people like them are amazing. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Lucky dudes Now reverse the genders. Are they lucky girls? Of course not, what a dumb point you make.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER 10 cities to avoid this winter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"They did the same thing with that spic they blamed for the pipe bombs sent to our favorite globalist crew. Said he was a Trump supporter. Cuz being a Trump supporter is relevant to being a terrorist. Whenever a kebab self detonates the media says the motive is uncertain.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Love the videos","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"It is increasingly clear that Feinstein and Schumer were sure Kavanaugh would drop out after the story leaked. They never planned for the old dinbat to testify and they never expected Kavanaugh to go Gladiator on them Once again, the lesson is you always punch back twice as hard.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I will cut their femalethroats. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"yo what's with all the jew hatred here at gab? Are you satisfied with your current rabbi?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"British tongue. Don't blame Jews. Blame Hitler, fucked up the opportunity because the backward retarded prick loved his drugs to much. Don't and will never exist.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"she has to have enough to not be deceived by jews and their push towards infidelity, nigger culture and 3rd wave feminism, yes.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"This is a tough one. I voted for Trudy but I'm not sure she has the balls to come out. They are both as bent as a nine bob note antway. Who cares ! Macron. Definitely. Trudeaus false eyelashes are a giveaway. Justin's not gay, his boyfriend is. Peoplefriend!!!!!!!!!!!!! Both as they announce their love for each other and have a civil partnership. macron is definitely gay. hence he loves older women.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Trust me, I'll only abuse you if you deserve it. Others have a right to know how retarded you are. Fortunately in your case your noisy user name already let's them know.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Yes kill em with kindness. Let POTUS and the military\/LEOs handle the violence. URL #NowWatching","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The Nigger admitted his own racial inferiority by having a White bitch be his 'stripper'.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"My dog is smarter than any disabled person could ever be. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I'd like to kick this faggot into next week.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I just yelled I HATE JEWS at the train station, can I get a sieg heil? to be fair, calling them \"dumb cunts\" is not helping your case. altho you're totally right.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"you jew haters are just jeaouls lost soul losers in life with no hopes or dreams. you are some pathetic worthless cocksuckers who should shoot yourselves in the face with a shotgun. Get a life and stop being jealous of winners you fucking sperm guzzling faggot bitches....bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Kanye West Delivers Pro-Trump Rant on SNL,' Gets Booed By Faggot Haters http:\/\/ow.ly\/pPt930m2mnV #tcot #tlot #p2 #redpill #MAGA","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Everyone get out and vote and stop this cunt from getting the chair.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Clearly immigrants are not our equal. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER I said the same thing today lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Their age is irrelevant bc when they finally disintegrate, California will just replace them with two younger retarded liberals who are even more to the left than they are.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Faggot blinks . . .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Feminists don't hate men, but people who hate men are surely feminists Feminists don't all hate men, but all men that are feminists hate themselves. Am feminist, because I believe in equality, don't hate myself. That's all the word means, equality. Feminism is no longer about equality, unless you believe that men *always* have it better than women. If you truly believe in equality, then you are an egalitarian. Which is a synonym for feminism. You are talking about third wave feminism and people use feminism instead of egalitarian to emphasize that historically, women have been more oppressed, not always, but more oppressed than men. >Which is a synonym for feminism. https:\/\/www.etymonline.com\/word\/egalitarian https:\/\/en.wiktionary.org\/wiki\/feminism#Etymology https:\/\/www.merriam-webster.com\/dictionary\/egalitarianism I'm an egalitarian. The term is about a lot more then gender issues. Stop trying to appropriate our label. >You are talking about third wave feminism and people use feminism instead of egalitarian to emphasize that historically, women have been more oppressed, not always, but more oppressed than men. Or maybe because it's a movement which was created for and has always prioritized benefit to women, even in areas where women were better off. Unless you think male rape and abuse victims were privileged over women before feminism came along. Lol I hope you are joking Oh im keeping that You would, colonizer! Am Christian, because I think Jesus said a couple of cool things once. That's all the word means, Jesus. and#x200B; I'm also an atheist, though. Lol I bet you thought that this was really smart It wasn't. This place is just infested with incels and TD trolls donno what a \"td\" is but i'm not an incel or a troll. you just don't know what you're talking about is all Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Outrage as High School Band Halftime Show Depicts Police Being Shot https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Kjb4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"AntiPo is better than Antifa.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Those options are weak the situation was lot more complex. To answer your question tho she is a star and if her head is big she earned it and no the umpires shouldnt boycott. People always want to make and example out of serena like this has never happened before","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER We must pray every single day.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER But the judges decision was totally biased as he is a personal friend and university prof of Tory's.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Aawwwww the cunt is getting a PARTICIPATION TROPHY WELL AINT SHE A SPECIAL LYING WHORE !!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER He needs euthanasia","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"she is a no talent liberal retarded cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER He is eating instead of sleeping! What's new","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"thank god a smiling nigger detreoit just rebuilt itself","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Raping a womn like you should not be illegal. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Bono blew one to many nigger to still have a full deck.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Those immigrants will stop laughing when I start shooting them. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Nigh Kumar is neither funny or intelligent although as a typical cocky immigrant he thinks he's both and entitled to stick his nose in on the sovereignty of a Nation when his roots are not even of this continent The only thing Kumar is....a massive cunt who should STFU and FO #BBCQT #Brexit #BritFam","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"66% of Americans want tuition-free college 67% support Roe v. Wade 68% support stricter gun control laws 70% support Medicare for All 78% support teaching kids about climate change 82% support congressional term limits 91% support criminal justice reform URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Today is a good day. No fairy gay faggot tranny porn so far!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"> why should free speech protect Nazis advocating genocide? Except it doesn't. It's illegal to incite violence and it's not protected under free speech. The problem is, you believe that anyone who disagrees with you is a Nazi and are expanding the definition of violence so broadly so you can say that someone saying something you don't like is \"violence\". That's what people are not agreeing with, not that calling for a group's death should be legal. Nazi speech is protected unless it's likely to cause imminent lawless action. Calling for an illegal action (say genocide) at sometime in the future does not meet the incitement exception, especially since it's not likely to ever happen. Is it? In Italy we have a thing called \"Crime apology\", which says it is a crime to glorify a crime like murder or genocide, even if it isn't likely to cause imminent actions. So, here it's illegal to say \"hey, I hope someone comes and murders all the Jews again because the last one didn't really finish the job\". That's one retarded law. Yeah, you are very lucky to have free speech in your country so that you can express your enlightening opinions.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Married woman tried to branch swing to me. I told her she needs to divorce first, then maybe we could see what happens. She demanded I commit before she gave up her husband (current branch). I shut her down. Then she started sending me messages about me dating a woman 20 years younger than me. I don't know where she got this idea, but I had no reason to argue with her so I just let her keep believing it. I didn't feel a need to \"prove my innocense.\" I think she was doing it to make me look like a creep, so she could feel better about emotionally cheating on her husband. I just shrugged it off because IDGAF. Your nicer than I am. I would have promised her the world. Once she left her current man, i would use her for all she worth and then discard her. I love the satisfaction of seeing a women that tries to jump branches and ends up with a worse deal than what she had to begin with. Their craving for self validation and gold digging gets then into trouble all the time. Did she have kids under 18? These women need to fall flat on their behinds. Some men enjoy playing Captain save-a-hoe. I love playing Captain wreck-a-hoe!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER She is Evil! How dare her.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Will someone check and see if Justice Ginsburg is snoozing right now? #MAGA #TAOTD #PresidentTrump You don't need to check, the answer is always yes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER That is just awful ! He never was much anyway! A grown man acting like that; a bully ! Best to you and hubby Mark ! MAGA ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Awww... nazi faggot fags out :( @WolverineTongue, just like @MartyGraw #MAGA #TAOTD #PresidentTrump","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"\"Muslims are a cancer\" is such a dehumanising thing to say. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Good by football league will be direct URL football here the world comes.Petition to stop any all federal aid to football NFL.The people will have the last word.We will bring entire league to their knees begging for forgiveness.America deserves RESPECT.#","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"This lazy nigger has a six-hour-per-week show. Haha. He muted me. Now he wants to block me.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Doesn't seem like Hollywood has too many independent thinkers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Do women born to be whores? Ot they develop it later","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"\"Obama's ...entire administration was focused on political espionage in Operation Chokepoint, which was intended to identify and punish businesses that engaged in activities deemed contrary to the WH political objectives. \" --HistoryMatters His people are still working the Deep State... the corruption passes between administrations via the continuity of government... the presidents are puppets. The Last bit -- 100%. His people ... No madame, that is NOT the order of operations goes. You see Obama was a rumdummy -- they all basically have been since Nixon or mabye LBJ ... Elections are just a formality. Since only upheaval is gonna bring down the deep state. I think you mean to say -- That Bureaucrats tend to outlast presidents. Due to long term service in the various agencies and departments -- some useful, some not so. The CoG is something all together. But it is part of the Rex 84 documents. Survival of a Nuclear First Strike was the idea. Second Strike capacity.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"#Blackface was never a part of #WhiteCulture. It was popularized by (((The Jazz Singer))), which was not only written, produced, financed and distributed by #Jews, the entire movie is about #Jewish culture. Watch the movie. #AlJolson #AlJolsen #CulturalAppropriation jolson nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Hey u\/flapyourwings you broke rules 2 and 3 of your own sub in [your post](https:\/\/old.reddit.com\/r\/GenderCritical\/comments\/9b5yvs\/update_my_partner_uses_porn\/e518182\/?st=jlfne6pvandsh=9f8cce92). But that's ok, having a vagina and being stupid must be hard. I cant think of a better word than cunt for u\/flapyourwings. The sad thing is, is that we probably agree on almost everything. Equal rights for everyone etc etc. But that person is just so cunty its unbearable. Could you image being in a relationship with someone so horribly toxic? It's not even about their view points. It's the pure toxicity of being a generally angry and sad person. Not exactly. Have you ever heard the song \"I snuck a retard into a sperm bank\" by the prolific adult contemporary band Anal Cunt? It tells the harrowing true story of how u\/flapyourwings was surprisingly able to procreate- but at a heavy price!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Now we just have to find someone blacker than Nigger Joe's Tar soap for the ultimate of opposites.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"It's ok that you npc's dislike my comment. But you are attacking the symptom of having been conquered by your Jewish overlords instead of removing the disease. Then you attack me as if I don't have your best interest in mind. It's astonishing to say the least. Holy fuck you are a retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Anglin is a fucking weirdo https:\/\/media.christogenea.org\/videos\/evalion\/anglin-iconoclast-radio-promoting-race-mixing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Ridiculous comment the only way liberals make government work is when conservatives go along with their ideas. Tbqh less government is always better than more unless your a socialist. Most time government passes a new law i lose money n Liberty .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Women like you are gorgeous. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Barack Obama called next month's midterms \"an opportunity for us to stop the bleeding, to restore a sense of hope and promise, to, in very concrete terms, save peoples' lives and make sure they have health care.\" https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/dztw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Dunno if it's PPD but I don't think we should be celebrating it. >You guys are so wrong! As a Chinese, I am 90% sure, those guys with white helmets are thugs who are employed either by government or corporations to forcedly remove the lady's street sale business( so that the street will look cleaner) or even worse, to forcedly remove the lady from where she lives (so that there will be more proper, fancy buildings instead of slum). -\/u\/Shibo-Sha Heavily reposted. One, it's cold water. Two, her stand wasn't illegal. The guys in the helmets were the assholes here Am Chinese, can confirm but refuse to prove","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I'd give you gold but I'm not a faggot. Good work anyways But faggot means bundle of sticks.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Lol, the people follow you, defending you, are just as retarded as you are. Says alot, get out jew.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Immigration act that started mud flood became law in","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Fallon is a woosy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Trans lives aren't worth shit. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Lay off the Weed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Better, better. Let s support this TOXIC FEMINISM against White women. They will be out of it, not because \"good reasons\", but cause the browns and blacks will kick the hell of them out of there. White women cannot be just alone in the wild, after being kicked out will come again to our flock. More of this nigger feminism, please!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Wtf? White Genocide is not nice, you jerk. Boomers don't give a shit about my generation (Z) nor any other thing outside of your own pleasures and comforts. I hope you get a nigger nurse when the time comes and that she shoots your veins with a syringe full of air because she hates whitey so much.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER and the rest of the Democrats LOVE Antifa and their Alinsky tactics. #DemocratsAreDangerous URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Universal background checks and an assault weapons ban would absolutely change things. I'm for Swedish-style gun control (did you know the Swedes are big hunters?) but Berniecrats only want Swedish-style healthcare.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Or we could have gun control","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER He obviously isn't boycotting @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Amazing jewish dominance of CNN....masters at Fake News Someone has to be extremely RETARDED to believe CNN's Jew bullshit! Jews are LIARS!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You are nothing but a r4pefugee. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"God, this makes me miss the days when everyone, men and women, could smack an uppity cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"\"Hah I let some smelly nigger impregnate me and now I'm single and battered I bet that really makes you racists mad\" \"I let his brother fuck me too, racists BTFO\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Too many w h o r e s in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The cunt already made an apology,she can fuck right off. Exactly - fuck that bastard's apology indeed. No mercy for these cunts now,they went way too far long ago. Filth.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER You are probably the best politician I've heard in a long while...wish you were in Illinois!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER i saw this before the results and literally thought i got eliminated WE URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER I hmm thanks but you are more beautiful!~\" she hugs her back and pats her head\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Jesus was a jewish.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I have such strong admiration for black people like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Listen carefully. @USER @USER #QAnon #Qanuck #AskTheQ #WeThePeople #TheGreatAwakening #TheStorm #MAGA #WWG1WGA URL URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Who the fuck believe retarded slut Ford? Fitlhy despicable RACIST Democrat? Democrats are human sewage!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"There have to be consequences for saying you would rape an immigrant. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Agreed entirely. There are also many SJWs that have, or have substantial respect for, pagan and otherwise non-Christian religions. Many SJWs hold quite a few superstitious\/mystical and otherwise new-age beliefs. Plus, SJWs are inclined to believe that science and reason... the values Dawkins champions... are cis het white male conspiracies to oppress everyone else. They aren't hyper-secular in any way. I wouldn't even go so far as to say they're necessarily anti-Christian in particular. They seem totally okay with theologically liberal Christianity or with Christians that don't oppose their policies. What they really hate is the Christianity believed in by \"the rednecks\/the bitter clingers\".","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER I always strike lawyers. I served on a jury (civil) and the jury wanted me to decide the case and kept asking me to explain jury instructions. My take away is that the lawyer may hold too much sway in deliberations. But if he or she is on your side.....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Anti-male bigot Claire McCaskill was defeated in Missouri so that's good news. I wonder why: [Senator McCaskill Has A Message For Men](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=-yzGA_glnkM) to put it mildly That would be the same tilt as \"ironic misandry\", if anyone on the other side of the debate goes down that route, they throw temper tantrums until the given person is unpersoned (and preferably suicidal).","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Take Canada and America out of your tag....jews hatched in the west are jews period...Al-jazeera is great...Bye cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Say NO to diversity. Don't let America become a third world shithole.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Are there ever any straight white couples in television adverts anymore? Goddamn Nigger kikes always put white human women with Nigger ugly Nigger apes.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Too manycripples in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"14 year old me would of kept my god damned mouth shut. Kids these days are something else. Well when your 14yr old daughter or son is being raped by thier teacher make sure and come back and let us know how they should keep their mouths shut. People like you make shitty arguments when you trying to use loaded words like rape to play on the emotions of someone to win. It's not rape. It's statutory rape. Which isn't rape. It's just sex with someone not legally allowed to give their own consent.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"that NIGGER IS A MUSLIM AND A FKING FRAUD. HE NEEDS HUNG AFTER HIS MILITARY TRIAL OF COURSE.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"lol when I heard about that shit I thought \"what an obvious, silly scam. Those soldiers will do nothing, and this is just a dumb stunt for the midterms. I'm so glad people in my country aren't that gullible\/retarded\" ...but now here you are, being that retarded. 800 troops that can't act as police due to posse comitatus? To stop a group of a few thousand people. half of which are **girls and women** who are simply going to walk up to the border and ask to come in? 800 troops for a border of 2,000 miles, over which literal tons of cocaine pass unmolested every day? You're a fuckin retard. Not in terms of threatening a border. ...I'm not a libtard. You can say they aren't equal for all I care. ....faggot. Lmao, I'm retarded?...... Hahaha haha.... Only a complete fucking LIBTARD like yourself can't see the difference in how Trump and Trudeau handle the borders and illegal entry. Stay stupid cousin fucker ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER It's quite apparent she abhorres the constitution. Stupid woman. She thinks she is so much better than anyone else.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Ew. Also bitte!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Classic nigger in the woodpile argument. If you have known non-white heritage you are not white. White people can create 100% white children.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Could nigger rioting finally put an end to slave-ball? One can only hope... https:\/\/www.minds.com\/newsfeed\/902377951882596352","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER But when dealing with liberals all bets are off cause they don't care who gets hurt as long as they get what they want. #ConfirmKavanaugh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Taylor get a grip, you would have lost anyway with that thought. Come out of the bubble, read, and educate yourself before it's too late. There is still hope and it's not with the Democrats. #WalkAway #RunAway #GabFam #MAGA If only Taylor would have spoken up sooner she might have saved America!* But she couldn't do that and write yet several more songs about her ex-boyfriends. Adding more songs to her long line of forgettables had to be done, even if America went down the toilet because she was too busy to care. *Yes, that's all sarcasm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Welcome back home to South Africa champ . I am sure you are very happy to be back home with all your family and friends . Enjoy your time here in SA ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"\"This is racism\" of course that's the very first thing the other woman yells. Fuck these two retards. Also jesus christ that guy filming couldn't be more annoying. More like a beta faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Now that Pussy Destroyer Kavanaugh has unilaterally legalized Rape in the US, are you American Gab Bros gonna take advantage of your new right and rape a bitch? ANOTHER libtard outed on GAB. How special. Hey buddy, get over it and grow up. Get a job and get out of Mom's basement. Do something productive with your life. Quit watching the Obama koolaid media (who are ALWAYS wrong). Dude, are you seriously gonna pretend that Kavanaugh isn't about to snap his fingers and instantly kill 50% of the world's womyn? Get #Woke you rapist! Kavanaugh is literally gang-raping Ruth Bader Ginsburg (by himself) RIGHT NOW!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"They aren't splitting up. This is a link to register to vote. Pretty dirty. Didn't take the bait. No matter what, the Kardashians are the sickest people on the planet, even if her husband is based. That is a screenshot of their tweet, not a link. There was no bait to take. I learned from the replies what it was. No matter. We shouldn't be following these leaches anyway.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Oh for heaven's sake. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I'm white...ad infinitum. Mute me, you faggot kike!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Funny how often you see criticism of federal polices and some writes both the conservatives and the liberals\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Sounds like you're a Fascist.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER lots of things you don't know. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Gun Control means using both hands. And in this case means acquiring the correct target. You can't fix stupid.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Or maybe this...The very fine people\" the dipshit \"president\" was talking about. Antifa isn't the \"left\". They're a fringe, far left, anti fascist movement. To lump the \"left\" in as antifa is to lump the \"right\" in with the neo nazi's and kkk that vote with you...Shhh. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Dick Durbin figures if he lies often enough people will start to believe him. Right out of leftist dictatorship playbook. @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Get busy... #MAGA #ConfirmKavanaugh #DemsDesperate URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"hey look its a faggot trying to get us to vote for womens","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER There trying that now and it's not working. He is still getting everything done.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER I love it when the Liberals say the word debunked kind of like when Hillary said it and she said it with such anger and forosity you knew she meant it but it was all bullshit..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Hahahaha stupid cunt you sucking Alice's cock? @farmerenoch haha look at this sad twat. I think he's doing the Sheffield slapper","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Antifa boot camp ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Is he the faggy looking part nigger senator (mulatto)? They say we use the term nigger to feel superior. Let's try it. Nigger! Nigger! Nigger! Wow it works! I feel better already. When I was a kid nigger was defined as a term to express contempt for negroids. Sounds good. Despise the despicable beasts.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Sod the EU. Tell them you are gone by Monday and enjoy the panic that follows.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Liberals don't give a sh!t. They have no souls.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Virginia Republican Party says Dem candidate \"hates America\" https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/r0FvyTf.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Tp3T \"You hate Israel? YOU MUST HATE AMERICA\" Boomer Republican Logic.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I mean all you're doing is proving that this sub is more about having the men's team win vs the women's team. This is why I lost all hope for this sub. It's not about healing men, it's about whining and pouting and wanting to tear women down instead of lift men up. Oh fuck off, if you think this is 'tearing' women down you are the most insecure person imaginable, I'll be glad if hypersensitive morons get off this sub. I noticed. You are a cruel hateful lot. LOL! Great way to get people on side by going after somebody like that. What I find fascinating about people like you who make these sorts of accusations is you offer absolutely no viable solutions or suggestions to improve things the way you want them to which ironically means you're doing exactly what you're accusing other people of doing. By the way, I have to ask, do you believe in toxic masculinity? The irony of this comment coming from someone defending modern feminism is both hilarious and terrifying. Hilariously terrifying? Ah yes, I am now defending modern feminism. Your ability to make false claims is impeccable.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"This is gonna end up great, not only do we have to worry about more trucks of peace but really shit drivers as well. I dread to think of how these inbred goatfuckers will manage to memorize all the different rules involved, I doubt most of them are capable of a feat like that. If you switched retarded to delusional, then I would agree. Not that I am saying people don't have some level of retardation, just that their delusion of everything going well is allot stronger than any retardation they might have. It's almost like a written rule that everyone wants to avoid rocking the boat, so no one says anything.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Capitalism, bitch Shit piss fuck cunt cocksucker motherfucker tits fart turd twat.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"fucking everyone is eating retard sandwiches","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"#lockhimup ! He's a Cunt !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You and all other gay people are a plague to society. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Don't these PIGS have a job? Don't these SLOBS have a life? Where is there outrage against bill clinton keith ellison harvey weinstein THESE PROTESTERS ARE HYPOCRITES! #MAGA URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I see that most people here hate George Soros. I do not agree with his ideology but, after having done extensive research, I cannot find a shred of evidence that he is a Nazi terrorist. Change my mind. Here it is, slowly white washing the lord... Hahahaha aaaahahaha He was a child helpless he was the victim Holy cow you, his followers, never tire Soros is an existential threat to Western civilisation. Learn to read. Facts matter. Do not confuse his past with the present. He was not a Nazi collaborator. Oh yes and I'm the king of patagonya Stop this soft mushy tricky comeback It ain't gonna work ... It's out in the open.... Bye dyke . Lots of creepy manboys on here. One more time and you're muted. Go get your fix... Slave girl Mute! Mute like the wind! bwahhhh, . he acts like thats a threat... After I'm done exposing you, slave girl At my will on my terms announcing that you're muting someone is like announcing that you just farted. She's right. He was a child in an occupied country. The germans made the children hand out eviction notices. ALL OF THEM. Which included a 14 year old boy named Gy rgy Schwartz (((George Soros))). Fuck off Be mad at the facts not the person relaying them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"That's in their nigger blood, to kill the White Folk. They kill their own kind too and that just might be a good thing because those are the worst of their race. We can rid ourselves of that bad seed through attrition.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Fuck off Ryan you shit faced cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Good list. Keep it going","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER What? All 12 of them? What about the terrorists Antifa? Farrakhan's hateful and racist thugs? BLM criminals? Black Panthers? Those groups have NO place either!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"That's only natural for a coon like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER She is 4 yrs old.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER He shouldn't withdraw his name at all because the left has repeatedly been caught fabricating stories just like this to discredit conservatives they're proven cheaters and lier's .... a liberal professor from California lol ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER We have the real facts......you suck pussy grabber MOTHER Fucker","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Spic invasion... end and reverse it. It's the only issue. Fix it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"If you have a paypal account, now would be a good time to close it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Here is my 15 year old Daughter's report\" (conservative as well) #fluffywolf1218 URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Is the niglet stabbing the faggot before or after the faggot rapes him?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Ya know what else is \"Illegal in many countries? \"Hate speech lmao fix video features and stop talking you chubby bitch.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Thank you... she is my world #CartersBodysuitSweepstakes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"The Migrant Caravan is returning, this time 10 times larger than the last one. Spic Train's sounding louder RIDE ON THE SPIC TRAIN Ooh wah, ooh wah Here comes the Spic Train Migrants getting woker AS THEY SHOUT \" PUTA TRUMP!\" Ooh wah, ooh wah Bring on the Spic Train","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Do you need to phrase it like that? She has a lot of other cuntier opinions, and agreeing with her in one aspect doesn't suddenly make someone a supporter of hers, nor do you have to agree for the same reasons. The point I am trying to make is that being \"pro-feminine\" isn't the same thing as opposing contemporary feminism. The stereotypical radfem-dykes of the 70s do not represent contemporary third-wave feminists.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Brown people don't know how to speak properly. Based on articles that pop up in this sub, they also need to be kept in their own spaces to be safe, can't control themselves when heari g the word \"nigger\" and lash out like vicious pitbulls, can't figire out basic manners, or how to be anywhere on time, can't find jobs and need the charity of white americans if they want to put a meal on the table. Oh, and they're too stupid to figure out how to go to the DMV and get an ID to vote with. Brown people are basically retarded, and that's why white people need to hopd their hands every step of the way, lest they fall flat on their ass and get arrested for selling drugs.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Compared to [retarded shit like this](https:\/\/blogs.forbes.com\/olliebarder\/files\/2018\/05\/thundercats_roar.jpg), that looks amazing.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Guess who is really perpetuating all this garbage?? LIBERALS","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Van Hollen: Trump 'Belittling' Sexual Assault Survivors During Kavanaugh Battle 'Energized' Dems | Breitbart https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/DFnd Who the hell is Van Hollen? ...I'm confused...I thought it said Van Halen...rock on!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER #Liberals are muck rakers. They have NO platform to run on. NONE! Culling vulnerable people from the late decades... of the last century... of the previous millennium... shows how desperate they are to be heard. Now they're loitering around high schools looking for rumors. Sad!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER She is the gift that keeps on giving! We conservatives just love her !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Patriots didn't forget bitch ! We're Elephants not Jackasses.. We'll never forget.. I CAN'T BELIEVE THE PUBLIC IS SO BLIND AND OBLIVIOUS TO THIS WOMAN'S ARROGANCE, EVIL AND \"DISMISSIVE OF EVERYONE NATURE\", IT'S SIMPLY ASTONISHING HOW THIS MEGALOMANIACAL CUNT STILL SLITHERS AROUND IN SOCIETY!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Chris, Chris, Chris.... Are you forgetting the mantra of every single libtard pusher of common sense gun control\"? When all guns are outlawed, the criminals will voluntarily give up their guns, out of a sense of compassion.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Sargon and Count Dankula are wrong on lolicon and I can layout why. https:\/\/youtu.be\/wKhVVhiratM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER yes he is","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"What a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/breaking-capitol-police-arrest-27-year-old-jackson-cosko-for-doxxing-3-gop-senators\/ Oh, and he's already arrested. Buh-bye soyboy. We hardly knew ye.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I know there are only 2 genders. That said, how can a newborn decide what gender he\/she is? They know zippo about zippo. They will grow to hate their ignorant faggot parents.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Glad her career is ruined by the way. She deserves to be ruined after what she done. Just because she WAS a celebrity doesn't mean she should be excused. Doesn't mean she is above the law.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I'd bet it was Soros bodyguards who may also be a left wing retard but may also be just a very well paid mercenary. On the other hand maybe there were no IEDs and it was simply a pitiful attempt to deceive the electorate thought up by a left wing retard.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER You are no longer relevant Bob. Shut it down. Have a great retirement.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Spins the Death Star wheel again and it lands on the patriarchy misogynistic history of pockets. Yes, pockets! @lovelymiss @Wifewithapurpose @wocassity @Mondragon @RaviCrux We will get sharia. I much prefer White sharia over muslim. Can't help but to notice that it was written by a bergstein.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@leamorabito?@MadJewessWoman?@wiIlluc20?@stmj1? @sine_injuria? @Charmander?@Jesse77?@acre1291?@Elbi?@Zenfar? @son_follower1?@Hilljack1? Breaking: Nikki Haley resigns today | Trump Press Conference at 10:30 am, live stream https:\/\/youtu.be\/rct93aXIbNc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Her blog is really vile, a complete cesspit of hatred. A total misandrist and racist, Unfortunately these sorts of attitudes are perfectly acceptable and even welcomed on tumblr.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Then do something about gun control laws.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER and if there is gun control in USA -who will be rounded and exterminated ??","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I think someone should snap the necks of those black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER She is a Lib registered Democrat. And thats all we need to know.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Not everything is satire, for crying out loud. Some people are just cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER By screaming at the officials or by throwing her racket? I'm confused.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"SO..Let's wrap this up. IF you follow me, and are into child porn style HENTAI..and I find you..im calling you out, so fucking DO NOT FOLLOW ME. YOU call it art, but me, the serially molested as a child adult who is rational and critical thinking, calls BS and refuses you faggots to follow me. Your sex life will be as retarded as you are. Fuck off. #PEDOS","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER YOU ARE SO GOOD ARE U SERIOUS OMG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"#humor I can feel the love. Welcome to free speech. No Twitter overlords to control what can and can't be said. Or what can and can't be made fun of. Particular lefties","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Boo hoo hoo u lose","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER David stop been a mouthpiece for the anti gun people you r nothing but a worm looking for fame now remember that antifa BLM and all the radical left groups are violent and hurt people too but of course you agree with them","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"ANTIFA did this yesterday at the Cenotaph to women of WWII in Whitehall. https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/media\/Dpc7xkfWkAAum_f.jpg:large Wonder if they got their Soros pocket money for doing this?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Follow everyone on this tweet. We have to fight Twitter AND the Democrats!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"ITS CALLED A UNDERCOVER INVESTIGATION YOU DUMB CUNT LOL CLAIRE MCCASKILL DEMANDS SPECIAL PROSECUTOR FOR PROJECT VERITAS FRAUD' https:\/\/truepundit.com\/claire-mccaskill-demands-special-prosecutor-for-project-veritas-fraud\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I SECOND THAT!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I really like a lot of what you said here. I feel like i can barely speak up about this side of the topic because people are quick to shut down those who try to be too serious about it. 'Anxiety' and 'depression' and 'mental illness' have almost become buzz words. It seems that a lot of people don't know how difficult it is to really suffer and feel out of control of it all. As you spoke about, there's a fine line these days between awareness and influence. People get ideas in their heads and see the memes and the relateable content and start linking everything to their own lives. Before you know it, you've got perfectly healthy people being tainted by the world and people around them, imposing problems upon themselves and making life more difficult than it needs to be. It desensitises the whole situation and now I have people coming to me with real problems who don't want to speak up because of the upsurge in people talking about it. They feel they wouldn't be taken seriously. And that's horrible. I do understand though that it's an impossible seesaw to balance since so many people are involved and so many minds with a million ideas and actions are impossible to control and have on the same wave length.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER om ah BITCH lol i love you domo ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Is that the dyke from Florida?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I have no respect for people who write things like \"too many trannies in this country\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"> Somehow the people pointing out this is exactly what he's done in the past makes them \"anti-Star Citizen zealots\"? The fuck is wrong with you? Because some people don't know shit about the whole project yet pass the meager knowledges they have of it as fucking gospel that it's either a scam or that it will tank hard. Jesus Christ, CR is directing the shite like a retard and doing alot of stuff to bomb the project before it even release, we all know that, but god damnit SC became a full prod MMO in dev since 2015 and you can't shit a MMO that got that pretentious scale to release in 3 years, i'm all for tearing CIG ass to shred if they fail, but at least wait for the game to be released before tossing it in the blender, especialy if you haven't a skin in the game and isn't planing to play it to begin with.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Only if she is to remarry does it stop.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Apparently you are, if you don't understand how 2 years is a long fucking time to have to fight the courts with all that already against her. But I wouldn't expect a retard to be capable of that sort of rational thought. Cough, DUMB CUNT, cough Hahaha haha. Cunt. Ha cunt ha Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Ahh, now I see. This sub is just full of circle-jerking faggots like you.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I want to end every immigrant's life. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I am not even a fan of the Beetlejuice nigger but this whole thing pisses on the grave of a true dindu nuffins by suggesting he was a 'Somali' criminal and not just some handicapped American smoke who did cartwheels for Howard Stern Clickbait like this makes the right wing look like retards","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Antifa fails","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"kys and die young.. its the ultimate rebellion","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"(( Bam! There she is! URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Better than spending it on muzzie invaders","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER I think she is lying about that too. I have seen no threats and I have seen a thousand comments and articles on this story.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":" how did this IDIOT get elected in the 1st place??? Something in the water in dirty Jersey. I mean have you ever been to New Jersey. The place fucking smells. That and there are a few nuclear power plants scattered about. New Jersey is LITERALLY TOXIC. My apologies to anyone who lives in New Jersey, but you know what I'm saying.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Hahahahahahaha....The nigger died doing what he loved.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Come on Texans! This man can not replace @USER EVER! #MAGA2018","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Because no third-world retard wants to join other third-world retard societies, they want to be with the whites, especially when there's free stuff to be had.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Yeah, you guys need to get a grip. This very much sounds like a 'too drunk to say no' rape. As in, the girl was not sober enough to say no, therefore it wasn't rape, but you know goddam well it was. PPD you need to stick to actual PPD, not defending 'soft' rapes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Hes sure as hell not one of is either... traitor liberals- all of them-","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER both of you are going to have to take several seats when it comes to Kyle ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER remember when antifa was respectable and intimidating?? me neither lmao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER I'm going to save liberals the work and go ahead and put myself in the misogyny and racist jail before I retweet this gem. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"It tells you that a fuckin piece of shit nigger only looks out for himself and nobody else","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Imagine writing out all of that and yet not having a single sentence explaining why it is retarded to believe Jews are behind the migration when there is a Star of David on the truck. Who is the real retard?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Police dealing with nigger problems appropriately","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The dream state of a liberal quickly becomes a nightmare when they awaken to a big buck Nigger climbing through the bedroom window, or when some Muslims crash a plane into the place their loved ones work,or a Muslim plows a car into a crowd of pedestrians or their White daughter becomes a victim of Muslim grooming gangs and cops + media defend the rapist gangs!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER How is paying taxes optional? Tax evasion is a crime. We have human rights laws and the 1A; your opinion on this issue is preposterous. Gilliam is not anti 2A. Sensible gun control that would prevent mentally ill people like you from owning a gun is all we want.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Don Lemon laughing his head off when anther black says this happens when negros don't read So i called Don Lemon a fucking dumb ass nigger and got my account features limited straight away on Twitter","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"100% agree. Art can be both political *and* beautiful. I know an insufferable leftist twat with Stage 4 TDS, and his social media is 24\/7 progressive retardation. But he's a damn fine artist, and I enjoy looking at his work even if it's all in service of politics I despise. That's the odd rub here, isn't it? If SJWs really wanted to drive home their points, they'd do a better job of actually creating their content. With enough quality, their games would become undeniable - and then their ideas might follow. Of course, if they were talented, they wouldn't be the resentful Marxists they are.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"A natural sociopath. Sees zero wrong in what she did. And then after getting caught scamming attacks the man. This cunt needed to get punched in the fucking face.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"These retarded cast members from planet of the apes could not even explain the simplest of their apparent grievances Get off my flag you fat cunts! Vote vote vote!!!! Stinky Nig chicks...boyfriends in prison? Hooche mamas! PU!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"This is such faggot shit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Hollywood is full of scum. All are democrats so ....... because they all suck sand nigger cock","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Well said these remanics are so thick.!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"pretty sure she's just socially retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Here's the faggot . . . https:\/\/bnonews.com\/site\/index.php\/2018\/10\/jackson-cosko-arrested-for-doxxing-republican-senators\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Bravo. Down with CNN.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"STEM teachers can take an \"anti-oppressive, anti-racist and critical race-based, decolonizing and de\/colonizing [sic], queer, Indigenous, gender-equitable, post-colonial, community-based and participatory, critical place-based, [and] inter-species approach to teaching, they suggest. https:\/\/pjmedia.com\/trending\/canadian-profs-claim-stem-promotes-eurocentrism-and-white-supremacy\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Hell no. But I don't believe you. I've butt fucked too many white gals in my lifetime to know that 'once they've had nigger cock, they can never go back to those pencil thin cracker weiners'. haha Whose your daddy-tee? Me that's who. You may hate niggers but deep down you love me. haha","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Serious question. Why are Jewish groups using their trucks to transport invaders to our border? \"Because you're antisemitic\" is not an answer. Let's be adults about this. Who is funding this? #Caravan Serious question: you have 1a and 2a. What are you doing about this invasion?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Jews aren't a race. They are mongrel interracial cross breeds with no heritage. They breed with anyone as a parasite on other gene pools. They are an evolutionary abomination. So are Arabs. Jews and Arabs are the same people, just with a different religion. NC you pretentious faggot. I hv more Anglo in my eye lids than u do ur whole body. Fuckin Good Will Hunting over here. Jesus Christ your more of a faggot than I thought. Would u like said dna in your mouth ? DNA online ? How bout we face time fag ? Guaranteed (huge sticker) you'll hang up immediately. DNA swap online yeessshhh No you demanded, and claimed him as yours. Hence self righteous faggot statement. I just talked to Jesus an he confirmed that yes indeed you are a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Ugly one-eyed kike nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Why would they target Maxine Waters. That stupid nigger is a asset for the republican party","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"U have nigger blood, not me","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Fucking nonce chink cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The crying for admin has been monumental from this faggot tonight. Awww, did the nasty man show you things you don't like to see again, little SOY? NO ONE GIVES A FUCK. https:\/\/gab.ai\/GoyGibson\/posts\/37159633","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"FACTS don't matter to these RETARDED LEFTIES! Democrats have the intelligence of your typical gnat!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER oink URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"RETARDED MONKEY muslim EVIL CRIMINAL LIVING IN DARKNESS","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Follow The Pen ...#MAGA It Is Mightier Than The Sword #QANON #WWG1WGA ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Looks like my Sylvester and he looks like a skunk. Love him to pieces though. He is so sweet. My girl cat has a unique personality. She is sweet but has her moments.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"That Ukrainian kid is more dangerous to Sweden than Muzzie rapists.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I like my soda like I like my boarders with a lot of ICE.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@RFIDbollocks Hahahahahahaha The Spastic, The Retard and you... The Cretin! The only thing coming my way is the constant stream of laughter you 3 provide me. You and the nasty spasticated jew are going down, you will get some time locked up. That isn't gaslighting that is just plain fact. Still nothing! All you do is rant and rave. Bonehill and Jennings made death threats IIRC. That is dumb, the He doctrines clearly state that making death threats is a no-no. I don't break the law, that's why the cops aren't in the least bit interested in me. They will be interested in YOU when that spasticated jew throws you under a bus.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Leftists showing yet again how vile they can be","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Thank you! As someone who played Curse of Darkness, Issac's race swap doesn't matter. He was a one note character in the game and they game him so much more depth in the show.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER sexy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Agree! She is THE rock star for the ages. Proof? I'm old and love Pink. Her So What\" video is hilarious and brimming with strong woman attitude. And, she can actually sing as opposed to most of the wannabes out there now. THE BEST!\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER I didn't tweet this lol I needa get my Twitter off this shit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Why would that matter to a bug? Seems that you are having some kind of mental attack or something. Maybe you should ask for help.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Pretty much all the lesbians I know don't hate men and while in the grand scheme of things that's a small sample size, I know quite a few. Not wanting to date\/fuck dudes =|= hates men in general. Hell, even the few I know who are more anti-dude still aren't raging cunts about it; it's more like general indifference than hate. This sounds like some trendy lesbo who's in it cause it's cooler than being straight and lets the vocal assholes on the internet dictate what that means their feels are","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Jeremy Cunt compares the EU to a Soviet prison. I really couldn't have said it better https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2NbyYlS","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Chelsea she is so freaking beautiful I can't believe her skin color so beautiful! I live Aubree she is such a great little lady!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Lol genocide? Really? Where are the dead devils ? SMH they need to do what you did rape Rob and murder ! Gtfoh -- Typical NIGGER with Low IQ ... He must I thought I was a CUCK who not hang his nigger ass. Source: #SouthAfrica #Communist #SAGenocide #Boers - YouTube Address : https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=z7G3-V9L660","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER This is not the will of the people, since you did not ever mention your intention during your campaign except the vague reduce the size of government\" which we al interpreted as provincial government. You can bet your ass we are not going to forget this\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Did I miss where there are roving gangs rampaging around the third world stealing children from loving parents and selling them on the black market baby trafficking ring to the US? (Or any other first world country, for that matter). Last I checked the lamentation was that nobody wants those kids to begin with, and even the ones who are orphaned due to war, violence, or pestilence are nearly impossible to place. and#x200B; You did miss it. We did a hot webcam show about it. Lots of dick. Never change pokemon_fetish. [This comment has in turn been reported for being a shitpost.](https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/m21rxA lol How are ya Gnu? I have been decidedly alive recently. And I suppose that's the most positive thing I can say right now. Cool. Glad you red bulled. You didn't ask how I was, which is what this is all about because I am a teenaged girl. Oh right, I should know that. How are you? Something tells me there's something you have to say. Only to have a wonderful evening. Oh and it's my birthday. Ooooh~ Happy birthday yesterday!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Maybe I'm wrong, but didn't you take an oath to preserve and uphold the constitution? Take your people control (it's not gun control) and gtfo with your crazy. Steve Willeford says hi\". Don't know the name? Perhaps Google it and realize how stupid you are.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The statue of limitations ran out . She lied for political reasons since she is involved with the abortion pill. She is a LIAR! She is a thief since she took $750,000 from the mentally retarded that do not comprehend the DNC's intentions. He isn't on trial. It is a job interview!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER There is NO PROOF HE DIDN'T but you ASSume he is innocent in the very same way... If you support trump....BAAAAAAAA yourself.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Amir you are doing a great job","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"They are just a bunch of rapefugees. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Alien-ilegal! See?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER I guarantee the \"threats she is receiving are \"Soros Generated . Republicans don't pull Antifa-like tantrums like Dems do.....that is if she is really receiving any at all.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"A tranny nigger telling moslems to take over the country.... Big mike needs to swing from a lamp post in gitmo.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Because 45% of Americans are too lazy to vote. Non-voters skew liberal. And too many liberals who do vote throw their vote away on 3rd party losers. Next question?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Correction: National SOCIALISTS. Get it straight. Correction: Democratic Socialists use government to weaken the people to build dependency on the state. National Socialists use government to strengthen the people to build independence from the state. So says another Nazi. The gold standard for truthfulness. The holocaust is proof of the pudding They repeat it out of context endlessly. Gets old, if I were quoting something to my opponents and someone said something was wrong with the quote, I'd check. I care about being correct and will change according to the facts. What's wrong with the average NPC?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"When you hear \"white man this. white man that.\" The only appropriate response is \"Fuck off retard of color\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER I dont think it was her race or looks. Biden and liberals were put on strategic defensive by CT's claim that he was being electronically lynched. He played the race card and liberals folded like cheap suits. GOPers now just do not care.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I'm retarded and offended. She's a cunt and you're an idiot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"So sad, @Booster_Bunny. You're as much a faggot nazi as @MartyGraw :(","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER You bring up a great point. These morons really look at life like it's the movies. They do it in the gun control debate all the time. They seriously think that a shootout with a bad guy will never hurt bystanders. It's why they want to arm teachers. Idiots!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Made my wife take the Egghead Bible Challenge. Our two kids are obviously more obnoxious than that loop because this shit isnt phasing her at all.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Trans people should all be admired. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Video games are garbage. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"endless boomers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Female lives aren't worth s h i t. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I think Judge Kavanaugh will be voted through next week after Mondays hearing unfortunately for him his reputation has tarnished by these vicious lies MAGA WWGIWGA URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Nigger faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"evil cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER I hope @USER Ask @USER about the deep state and swamp creatures undermining president's Agendas and latest @USER video","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER It's your opinion but mine is he is the best in the country","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"So there I was, balls deep in Alexis Ohanian. The guy turns around, mid power-stroke, and says \"get the fuck off me faggot.\" All of a sudden, this 300 pound, roided out primate storms into the room, veiny arm-guns blazing, rips my cheeks apart, and slams home a meat missle that would have put 'blacked' to shame. I try and ask for a reach-around, but I don't think either guy heard me through the bloodcurdling screams So there I was, balls deep in Alexis Ohanian. The guy turns around, mid power-stroke, and says \"get the fuck off me faggot.\" All of a sudden, this 300 pound, roided out primate storms into the room, veiny arm-guns blazing, rips my cheeks apart, and slams home a meat missle that would have put 'blacked' to shame. I try and ask for a reach-around, but I don't think either guy heard me through the bloodcurdling screams","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER For example, I don't think that liberal imposition or inauthenticity\" is the issue here. The issue is that of borders and citizenship - liberals assume the same rights and equalities arguments apply across borders that apply within borders. But that is not a widely shared view.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Quick Question To Anyone I Just Caught A 7 Days In Twitter Jail,I Had One Previous For 2 Days,I'm Just Curious Is The Next One Permanently Suspended,I Don't Give A Fuck Just Curious I Want To Put Something Extra Crazy On There So I Can Go With A Bang,I Called Chelsea Handler A Cunt and Included This Meme The Fuckin Cunt Told The Teacher 7 Days ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Exactly so shut up","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"#alyssamilano #alyssa-milano is a hypocrite; another lying #hollywood fraud. Big time. She hates #kavanaugh but loves #billclinton. Sick Sick Sick Proof is below in link and pic. #meto #metoo #democrats #news #politics #liberals #christineford #hillary #clintons https:\/\/www.rt.com\/usa\/440217-alyssa-milano-bill-clinton-love-metoo\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"First of all, white is not beautiful, second of all you are overstepping your bounds when you attack a friend of mine, make your next words count because I won't Any chance in hell you going to join this conversation or I'm not going to sit here twiddling my thumbs?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER God help us. Please get out and vote!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"#ThursdayThoughts Will @USER ever admit all the other ways that Twitter censor conservatives? Seems highly unlikely. It's very annoying to have my main feed limited with a stupid black bird ordering me to return to the top\". It wont even let me go back to this morning. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER I've never seen anyone talk like that on Twitter before and I've seen some really messed up shit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Is this really a KiA topic? I like linux, I dislike DRM, but...what does it have to do with ethics in gaming journalism? Hope this doesn't come across as rude, just wondering how you linked this to that. It has nothing to do with Ethics. But is has to do with Gaming and Censorship, the two other pillars here on KiA. I've read the article, and people are being VAC banned for using Steam Play on a multiplayer game. I don't see what is being censored? I'm glad to have read it, I use Steam Play and will tread more carefully, I just don't understand what makes it a KiA topic. It would make sense in \/r\/linux, \/r\/linux_gaming, \/r\/SteamPlay, \/r\/SoulCalibur\/, etc? I would recommend you post this article in those subs then. That's not my point, desire, or intention. I don't understand what is being censored here, I'm not attacking you I'm asking for an explanation as I still don't understand the point you're trying to make with this article and I want to understand. Y'all can go fuck yourselves for downvoting me for trying to understand.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Go crash another plane.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Hang the Muzzie asshole!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I will never tolerate the systematic murder of immigrants in this country. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER You must like the antifa style guy. You don't know what a decent moral man looks like.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"RT @CamEdwards: Teen Vogue is owned by Cond Nast, which in turn is owned by Advance Publications, a privately owned company with 12,000 employees and revenue of $ You look like such a weaselly little faggot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Oh shit the mafia have finally found me","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Happy #ConstitutionDay may this day trigger millions of liberals since they don't believe in the Constitution! #Maga","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"worthless fucking cunt. and#x200B;","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"These people will eventually be held accountable for lying. Its all on video. What do you think is happening?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"All cocktails like these are vile. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"#Tories #Labour #GE2017 #Conservatives Conservatives URL introducing new laws for small businesses that will: Help the UK's 5.7m small businesses access finances easier Provide a 1bn long-term boost to the economy We URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"---The greatest predictors of political belief are high openness\/low conscientiousness (for liberals) and low openness\/high conscientiousness (for conservatives.) That's why the vast majority of artists,... URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"5 of 5 stars to You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"\/CakeDayWisdom AKA, Sargon's Law. > Sargon's Law aka the old biblical \"don't bother with a splinter in someone's eye when you have a log in your own\". This has been common knowledge for thousands of years, and you should be suspicious of anyone who's forgotten it because it's usually out of convinience.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"The sand nigger muhammed needs to be browner, medieval, and fucking a goat.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Good one..But he is entirely responsible for the fallout that will undermine the USA for years to come..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Child pornography is a 1st amendment right Change my mind","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"University of Utah student was shot dead on campus by ex-boyfriend. Another victim of Jew media brainwashing. Her whole life she was told that all races are of equal value. Too bad nobody loved her enough to tell her, 'burn the coal, pay the toll.' https:\/\/youtu.be\/8FeDGYrrDBQ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER She is a piece of shit and I am not sorry for my bluntness. From now on I am going to say what I think whether bluntly or rudely!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"That's typical of disabled people. They're absolutely despicable. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I don't understand why you'd like disabled people. Everything about them disgusts me so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER That strict gun control is sure helping in California ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"There's a case to be made about inclusion in video games. Like the whole battlefield debacle - I honestly wouldn't mind if they had female soldiers. Russia had women fighting in the field, so just slap together a female American\/British\/German uniform and call it a day. In the end it would be a pretty harmless change that would tilt the game away from complete realism, but not to ridiculous levels. Then the trailer came out and we got Furiosa's retarded cousin smacking people with a cricket bat and speaking in an over-the-top cockney accent because British.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Welcome to Trumpistan. Low class hillbillies. The death of Western Civilization. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=BHLOzjcb_UA That hillbilly in his trash heap? Probably so.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Too manyrapefugees in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Since we've given every retard and phycopath a voice and a platform to express it. This is all Social Medias fault. But they're hollywood white men. AKA wannabe actor feminist faggots, just her type.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER If she is lying she needs to be sued for defamation of character and include Chuck Schumer and Dianne Feinstein in the lawsuit! Proof isn't substantiated by a bunch of man hating PC me two girls\" that want free sex and then abortions paid for by the government!\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER what the fuck","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER ANTIFA hides their identity behind ski masks. We are living in such times.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"...Conservatives and Twitter.....oxymoron URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Did anybody actually know that h3h3 was a reaction channel","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Who ever supported this guy? You know they can never be trusted.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Left, right it honestly doesn't matter both sides have their problems and their set of outliers that fuck it up for everyone just trying to make the world a better place through the lense of their particular political views. When it comes to outliers however everyone should go with a very centrist view, they're cunts and bigots, fuck em all and make damn sure they don't get a voice when it comes to your own leanings.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"He should sue that woman, facebook and the police. Why facebook? Because the lady used it to make a false account as a whitness.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"You're an idiot. Grow the fuck up retarded kid raised by commies.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"bend the knee you fat doughy faggot I have nothing but contempt for those pearl-clutching faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Alt-right shills for Trump frequently accuse his detractors (i.e. the mentally sane) of having unreasonably high expectations. \"You're whining because he hasn't gone full RAHOWA!\" Nope. Actually, we would have been fine with basic civic nationalism and populism, at least for the time being. This orange motherfucker fails BASIC tests for competence.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Her audience understands her in the same way Democrats want socialism. I tried to make sense of that, and had difficulty. Could you make that more clear? Kill all who disagrees with you (figuratively speaking, of course). What does \"figuratively kill someone\" mean to you? Do you mean that they say mean things about them? wait, what? I need a bit more to understand. Could you restate or clarify? You can't make flagrantly hateful statements and then wait until someone gets offended to drop the \"\/s\" or \"was just a joke bro.\" And even if you really were just joking expect to lose some support. Which is what she did. Oh that wasn't me. But I believe they mean that democrats don't know what socialism is. They ment that if the typical INFLUENTIAL Democrat had to abide by what they are asking of others they would turn purple then red so fast. I don't want to speak for them. Ask em.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"When did that happen?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Too many crippl3s in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER ATTENTION!! @USER is publishing a target list for ANTIFA on his Twitter Account under Lists\". The list has high profile names and names of everyday Trump supporters. PLEASE CHECK THIS LIST for your name. @USER has NOT suspended his account.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"This twat? Ugh...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Can't tell if retarded or just a good troll","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER less money\". Funny. The only person concerned with profit in healthcare is you. I and everyone else in the country want the carpet baggers to go fleece someone else, or better still, find something to do that doesn't involve seeking rent from essential public services.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"He's beyond repair, it's better for everyone if he just keeps his twitter account protected so nobody but a select few has to read his brand of retard.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER And what about @USER s accuser? Or @USER s accuserS? Or do you only believe those that accuse conservatives? Just another elitist Hollywood #hypocrite","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"that badically sums it up right thar ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Former Canadian PM Harper Doesn't Fear Trump, But Bernie Sanders And Extremist' Dems https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/13\/harper-doesnt-fear-trump-sander-extremist-dems\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Dumb Commie Twat","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Just got myself put in FakeBook Jail for posting a meme that says \"Fuck Islam- the only good muzzie is a dead muzzie\". FakeBook says it #HateSpeech. Hmmm, I don't see it that way.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"We must not let Muslims be attacked any longer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Gay people are just sosickening. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Denial stage. Almost at admission","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Last ditch bitch. FAIL. Send her back to the MK Ultra pharm. FUCK YOU GLOW IN THE DARK DEEP STATE FAGGOT SPOOK LIAR LAWYER AGENT PROVOCATEUR MOCKINGBIRD CABALIST INVERTED CRYPTO SATANISTS. #TheRektoningIsUponUs","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Never trust a single word said by a disabld person. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"She already testified (testa-lied) in public Just my point. They want to claim that the FBI report \"corroborates\" her public claims, when all it will be is a report of what she happens to tell the FBI. It's another game - so she don't get arrested","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Buck and Spiderman URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER He is a show boat with nothing to show for it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"and don't try and back track.. you're a faggot + rapist + the devil..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"whites lost their soul decades ago that's why so many young whites have embraced nigger culture and music....there is no such a thing anymore as \"white culture\" they sold their soul to the devil of comfort and affluence","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Edward Heath Promised UK Sovereignty When The UK Joined The EEC https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=qUdkidgI9kE A smug and allegedly blackmailed Heath promises the world? Check out article FCO 30\/1048","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER He is following orders. Simple.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":" I NEVER SAID OTHERWISE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Free New Social Network no one can report you and you can grow if people don't like what you're doing they can just block you. join us have fun make friends. https:\/\/canund.com\/ You're advertising it in an anime group, why? Go to Alt-Tech or something if you want to do that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Execution is the only solution for those gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"These resetera people get offended when you ask them to denounce amirox. They're formally known as Resertards. It's good advice, no matter how you look at it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Thanks for the kind words! We're so glad to hear that you are loving the mattress! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER only the arm? He really sucks at gun control.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Is it true poor WI has been invaded with Obama's Muzzies I'm always bitching about the UK not having a Churchillian Backbone. The US has allowed the same thing. Muzzies and Mexicans breed like rabbits and take over jobs in swarms of their relatives. The local Walmart had 3 Muzzie sisters working Custo Service - no one else. One of the McDonalds has all Mexicans who speak nothing but Spanish ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"> Nevermind who built the fucking thing, Lol not a bragging point there I mean even the most fool proof objects fail when smashed at full speed into an iceberg. The Titanic actually had a decent design IIRC, it went down due to overconfidence and operator error. I remember learning in history lessons that they left gaps in the watertight compartments so they weren't watertight. So even though the crew managed to shut the compartments immediately, it didn't help slow how fast it sunk. I had learned that the ship only had a few watertight compartments and they used crappy steel and rivets to make the compartments. Several of the compartments were breached and the others were too small to keep the ship afloat. I could be wrong though. It was a marvel of enginering. The iceberg doesn't make it any less so. There were design flaws that contributed to it sinking. Yeah, it was built in an archaic time. But my point still stands. Tbh I agree with you that it was an marvel at the time. Unfortunately it was just that at the time it was common to compromise on safety and knowingly build flawed designs for aesthetic and convenience. The dudes down in the engine rooms with generators and boilers. Most of them died trying to keep the ship afloat for as long as possible. Even when things were still pretty calm on deck those guys were dying down there. I'm not sure how long skeletons last in salt water, but they could still be down there. There were women working on the ship tho How many, and in what capacity? Curious. There were 22 women worked on the ship. Note this is the number who worked on the ship when it was sailing. Out of a thousand in the crew lol. And only three of them died. Great point...... You said the whole crew was men. While that is almost correct From an outside view it looks like your both being petty. Lmao.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Black people can be kind to you at times. Don't forget they're still just worthless scum. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"faggot garbage from Hollywood . . normalizing it don't need Netflix to get your daily dose . . most sitcoms have a queer or two my wife gets angry when I change the channel . . if her sitcom or movie tosses in faggots I will use my discernment . . I have that right shes like . . \"they all do that now\" . . \"not in my living room they don't\" \"deny Satan and they will flee\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=v3JM5K99Jos That sucks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"roseann show just FUCKED up America conners you dont need tell me about faggot kids or fake death of Rosann and her show asshole hollywierd democrats !!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Pretty much! You don't even have to say anything...just wear a MAGA hat!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Watching this fucking retard gave me Cock Inversion Syndrome. Muslim Queer Genderfluid - yeah, Islam loves those. Just ask them.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"How can you say \"women are disgusting\" and not realise that's hateful?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER No his stream chat lmao I raided him and he wasn't reading chat like the cutie he is","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"she needs to demand her money back she evidently did not pass college as a economics major what was she taking retard classes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Funny- Kerry should know! Right! Standing with our President @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Liberals philosophy is your guilty until proven innocent","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Iya Risi in my area didnt get the money. She is a widow with 5children and all attempt to get the money proved abortive. Isn't this a scam?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Hmmm...statistics seem to indicate that nigger and Latino gun nuts are...but mafs is racist.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I really am just going to murderthat gay person. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"read the fourth political theory h read encirclement by jimmy mason :))))","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"as if that nasally little faggot has a girlfriend, cunts got pillowbiter written all over him.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER surely he is a saint of these latter days","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER He must not have gotten the email from Feinstein ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":" #BurnHollyweirdDown ONLY @BitChute https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/C8682CPfHAq0\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Clueless, idiotic fucking bitch needs to tell that bullshit to China and India, the biggest polluters on the planet!!! Just another idiotic fucking cunt who needs to get the fuck out of politics!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Immigrants like you are just pathetic. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"As a Conservative, I hate the Alt-Right because they post memes, disrespect Jewish people, and often mock God (like the liberals). This Non-Playable Character meme was created by the Alt-Right. Apparently MikeMaverickAG is an Alt-Right nigger for posting NPC memes on my channel. Alt-Right are no different from liberals, they are absolutely bat guano.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"That was the joke...reporter wasn't the retarded child, Rosie was.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Christ! I knew this Adi Shankar was going to be trouble when he put out [this video](https:\/\/youtu.be\/Kwfdulm6hYo) a couple months back, where he basically announced a writing contest for a Simpsons fanfiction. I knew this Adi Shankar was going to be trouble when I heard he was a Netflix producer. Yeah, I heard the new season of Castlevania got kinda preachy too. It was, but the adaptation as a whole is such a mess, it's hard to tell if it's there on purpose or if they had Siri write the script I wouldnt say it was a mess but it was trying too hard to flesh out characters and set up things for the next season. Isaac was cool even though Hector was basically cardboard","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"aussie faggot fuck off communist aussie faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":">Initially, Bryan Young, the host of the podcast (and another woke, feminist, anti-#GG personality), defended Bobby, but backed down after being confronted by angry women on Twitter I don't know who's right or wrong but Bryan Young is a total cunt. Parrots the worst tropes about TLJ and those who don't like it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Yuck. Someone needs to refill their anti-depressants. Smart people are often sad. Ergo, people who pay money to be sad must be *really* smart! \/s","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER That may be but as far as the gun thing goes it shows the total distopia that can result from gun control. Only criminals and corrupt cops have guns in Mexico and the average citizen is at t their complete mercy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Where were you in 2008 when people were losing their jobs and their homes and our economy tanked? What did you say about W then? Did you ridicule him and did you praise Obama for saving our country? You are such a hypocrite.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"She's so deeply upset that she's trying not to grin half the time she's being interviewed. She obviously thinks it's hilarious that she got caught having sex in public, but I think she's too stupid to understand why that makes her a sex offender. I reckon in her opinion a sex offender is a rapist or someone who sexually assaults another, not someone who has sex in front of kids and families on a public beach. Not so much a pussy pass though. Gun show likely got a harsher sentence because of his prior cocaine conviction. He was grinning like a twat until he realised he was going to prison for being a sex offender and not a roid rage cocaine offender, gulp!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You sad cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"> Can he hire a female prostitute to be our trade negotiator? I feel the prostitute would do a better job that the current ~~chick~~ fetid cunt skank. Fixed.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Yeah, I'm the faggot, yet you are the one wanting to roll around on the ground with another guy like the khabib faggot which the equivalent of wanting to rape another dude. I'll fuck you til you love me faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I'm an Alabama nigger an I wanna be free...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER If so why do Democrats continue to say he is a rapist? Why do you Democrats say Republicans allow a rapist to be president? He isnt unscathed.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Eh, this is actually kinda funny. Is it? What if i said buy a cow and some flour and if she is a worthwhile bitch you will get some penne bolognese? That's not funny tbh. You seem not good at telling jokes but keep trying!! Your opinion sucks, but keep sharing it! I will! :) Yea we say it that way in my language to lighten the message. (I honestly have no idea what ESL stands for) The original post is just a joke, with men as the subject made fun of in a stereotyping manner. It seemed like you found it sexist towards men amd tried to reverse it, or ridicule it, but that attempt just failed. Like I applaud making jokes back, I honestly feel people are allowed to joke about everything, but this just seemed like you were a butthurt man, that can't take a joke. I didn't want to say just that, so commented the other thing Voil , here was my opinion without being asked for again! I respect everyone that doesn't feel the same. Well i did couch it. ESL means english as a second language and that's fine. I put that in because i wanted to make fun of you for being dumb, not for being bilingual.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"RT @mpickens: One of the most important political events of the past 2 years is the draining of the swamp. It had gotten so one could barely distinguish between Republican or Democrat. But things are changing now. There is a new #AmericaFirst attitude growing everywhere! We ALL supported the IDEA of REBUILDING HERE in the USA. We all supported the idea of jobs, infrastructure and a restoration of basic public decency as #MAGA and LOCK HER UP indicated. For a minute there it seems that we might be First World White Again #NoWarInSyria #NoWarsForIsrael - https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=FSBPhUVuh1Aandfeature=share","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER He can go to hell","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER We are in this mess because people are stupid and lazy that's why the conservatives are in and she's screwing us over","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Big Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER She is more influential so many Japanese and British acts are influenced by her? Why do so many foreign acts work with her producers? Why does she have touring records in Europe and Japan? Why did she win the Legend Award at the WMAs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"no you kike faggot, your score was below avg until you opened up your racist cockholster and started slamming white people so eat shit and die you fucking crybaby yid bitch faggot! at least I knew who my dad was, you inbred mouth breathing nigger fucker. what kind of faggot parents name their bastard Milton? I mean, Milton? Too many Simpson episodes in your section 8 housing units i'm guessing.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"nah, that's not all it does and quitting caffeine wouldn't be a substitute for it. For me, it gives me massive paranoia and I don't yawn or sleep for days. I got off of benzos earlier this year. I'm still trying to figure out how normal people sleep. Would be cool if I had a baseline sleep level to compare it to, but I don't. Anyway, Trazadone isn't worth the side effects. Tricyclics work on serotonin but also have an antihistamine effect. Can't think of a nastier thing to snort. They have a gayenizing effect too Dude, that's just jail.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER So the overwhelming liberals in the populated states can make policy for the rest of America with whom they have no clue about. Just because California has the biggest population does not mean the U.S. shares in their values. Get a clue Hillary.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I agree though. People shouldn't just walk around in only underwear. Not only is there a big risk of people or kids seeing your privvies, but also a health risk. Prepare to be downvoted by the hundreds of sex offenders on this sub lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"A trend I've noticed is older women tend to understand this better than younger women. Even older women who are what you would consider a traditional feminist respect the roles of men much more.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"There is no hatred in my heart for you trans people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Are you going your own way for yourself or to spite women? Because from your post you sound awfully obsessed about what women are thinking. >hmmm why are alcholic anonymous talking about brandy or jack daniels wrong metaphor. Correct one would be alcoholic anonymous reveling in how their new-found abstinence would hurt alcohol brewers' profits. Silly isn't it? and#x200B;","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Ain't nobody bitter here. Women who know their worth spending their life upgrading\" somebody son but actually LIVING it and becoming their best versions for THEMSELVES. You go look cute on your maid outfit, like you always do\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER You are a grown up","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER UNTIL ITS YOUR ASS IN THE HOT SEAT #WalkAway #WWG1WGA #PizzaGate #QAnon #Hivites #MAGA #EagleOneToWanta @USER @USER .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"No the USA is a product of CULTURAL MARXISM -- the nigger is part of common plight, not the cause. STUPID PROLES. Communism not the house Nigger is to Blame.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":" Nope she's safe, Kavanaugh was guilty as fuck, even his classmates knew it. She's got nothing to worry about.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"All the boomer whigger tards I work with were telling me Trump made the market great again.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Jeremy Corbyn: children should be taught about the \"grave injustices of the British Empire. https:\/\/www.telegraph.co.uk\/politics\/2018\/10\/10\/jeremy-corbyn-says-schools-should-teach-children-grave-injustices\/ Fascism is another form of communism. Think state control, lack of individual rights. Everything done to further the Reich\/ umah. In any event my post (amusing though it was) did not mention Islamists (muslims) are you getting confused? Where is the muslim (islamist) angle to This?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"She's not even a RINO, she's more like an old-school machine politics ward boss. Alaskans are completely dependent on government gibs and they pull the lever for whoever can deliver the funding, but they like to pretend they're rugged conservatives. She got the Senate seat the old fashioned way (nepotism from her daddy) and likely is a shitlib cunt bone deep to me, her phyzz shrieks \"femcunt battle axe\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Wonder what her tweets are like after this fiasco. Does she take responsibility and admit some wrongdoing or will it be because of other people Not a chance, she's a professional victim, you should see some of the shit on her twitter. Jesus. [This is my personal favorite](https:\/\/mobile.twitter.com\/JebDan\/status\/991190913505349633) Avengers didn't offend her, it hurt her. Poor thing. What a tough life she has to live, forced to go to movie theaters and watch ridiculous high budget films that have underlying themes that remind her of something bad that happened. Must be hard. I really don't get it, these over sensitive liberal types. How many levels of fucked up do you have to be to see sexism\/racism\/opression\/victimhood in literally everything. My lord. I would say she's the very opposite of liberal if she won't listen to peoples opinions. That is the irony nowadays, sadly. Not really. It's just you labelling someone 'a liberal' when they clearly fuckin' aren't. Depends on who gives them the label, I assure you there are plenty of nutjobs who don't believe in any liberal principles but classify themselves as liberal. Mate, it was YOU that gave her the label 'overly sensitive liberal type'. Which is incorrect. The rest of your point is utter moot. No it's definitely the nutjobs I run into (I label them as nutjobs if you cant tell) that tell me they are liberals, mate. > it, these over sensitive liberal types. How Nope. No quotation marks here bud, you own that shit. You are being intentionally dense right? My grammar is fine and certainly good enough to be understood, literally my next comment explains why I call them liberals.....because....as.....stated....they....classify....themselves.....as.....such. ok man","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Lol. I am divorced. I didnt become a whiny faggot as a result.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Can we make it a requirement on these type of posts that OP must include a clapback within the screenshot? IE: \"Cheap? You're the cunt who expects a random stranger to drop what their doing and come help you move for 5 fucking dollars\" Thinking about how these kinds of people can just say something that insulting and not get put in their place makes my blood boil.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You have to listen to me! But you don't have to listen to people who claim they're innocent when spuriously accused of rape, just lock them up!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER i think its the hope for her abuser to get better that hits me. she is SO brave and strong to say she prays for him to see the light.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Given how important PlayStation is to Sony, he should. Forget who it is though. But this move is absolutely retarded and is a massively bad look no matter where you fall. Just the idea of Japanese developers needing to go through American Purity tests to release games in Japan is beyond asinine. Losing developer support because they can't (or don't want to) live up to these retarded demands will mean fewer games on PS4 in Japan and worldwide which means fewer software sales overall. And fewer console sales in Japan. The more games the better they can do.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Would any of the three offer a #PeoplesVote on Brexit?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls to abolish #ElectoralCollege Democrat candidate calls the system a 'shadow of slavery's power' after the confirmation of Justice Brett #Kavanaugh. #DineshDSouza reacts on 'Fox and Friends.' #News #Politics #GabFam #SpeakFreely #Government https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Ozx2Xl6G8rs We refuse to bow down to foreignors voting illegally in California and New York to enslave the rest of us. #DeportOcasioCortez","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/uk-brave-plane-protesters-halt-deportation-of-victimized-somali-gang-rapist\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Who needs courts when you have clairvoyant liberals.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER BURN your Nike gear. Everyone I know is done buying Nike. Oops. Conservatives are the ones buying from Nike. After all we r the ones making the money There's way way more of us Nike","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Fake Mews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"We can't hump these nasty bitches any more bc the dirty filthy Dem-Commies will let girls come back yrs later and make fraudulent claims against us. Even though the girl in ur photo is dressed to get fucked? You can tell bc she went thru the Trouble of cutting off her shorts and pulling them up in to her Ass and Cunt Crack. \"Be responsible. Dress Responsibility\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Following you anyway.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"RT @dbongino: Make absolutely no mistake, Donald Trump's resolve to stick with Kavanaugh, despite the Democrat\/Media complex's ruthless assaults, stunned the Left and the media. They're used to Republicans caving in. Those days are now over. There's a new sheriff in town. #NewRules YOU KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!!!! Ouuuuuuuuuuuuhhh, triggered I see. Gunna bitch slap me are ya fella? ! Hey, you wanna swallow my load real quick? But your tummy is slam full of many loads, A?! I just sucked off this guy in a Hardee's parking lot last week. I'm sure the little swimmers are floating around still Good for you. I am proud of you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I think you'll find in most private firms, if anyone starts being openly racist including blacks, they'll get the chop. Bad for moral and productivity. Many reasons you can find for sacking idiots ;) Is that why you are unemployable? No! You are welcome to come round to \"get me\" as you said you would several times. But you don't want a hammer in your skullcap so you bottled it. Just like Agent Orange did. Now go and sit in a corner somewhere and chew your feet in shame coward :) You bottled it and still play the hard man lol. You live like a coward and seem obsessed with chewing feet. I said you could come and get me a month ago lad. Still waiting. Anyway. Need to shoot off for a bit. The wanker tenants I got rid of are coming round to give me 760 they owe me in cash. Been though the court and told them at 9pm I will be pressing the online button to get the bailiffs round. That woke them up. Isn't capitalism great :) You bottled a meet 3 times. Fact. Stop playing the hard man as everyone knows you a a sniveling coward. See John @Big_Bad_John_4U Constant repetition and claiming false victory. Typical signs of mental illness. Over and beyond the standard mental illness that is socialism. Agent Orange displays these traits too. He wanted to come and get me as well, but failed to show lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"How can you say \"gay people are disgusting\" and not realise that's hateful?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER This is the kind of healthcare provision religious conservatives have given America. #SaveOurNHS URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"this shit again? you keep using that word \"informant\". i dont think it means what you think it means. next time your moms black boyfriend rapes your asshole, dont call the cops, you nigger loving informant.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"7 car and truck ramming attacks in Europe and America's gun control lobby URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Top cunt material right there Or bottom cunt depending on how you look at it","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Kavanaugh was on the short list over a year ago. If liberals think this is a good idea just imagine how many people in the future with zero evidence 30+ yrs later including where and year can accuse people then ruin their lives including these liberals and politicians.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/watchdog-presses-fec-for-audit-on-maxine-waters-fundraising-practices","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@WADL @Screw-z-jews @blazinherb - So then you must have bounced that faggot off the roof of the bar. Whoever cleaned up the resulting splatter below should wash his hands thoroughly in hot soapy water.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":">pretendingtobearetard.jpg","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER He got our asses Not even believing the truth about the truth!! Lmao! and We Know! Water is damn wet...but cant even believe it coming out his lying ass mouth! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"It's in immigrants's nature to be unciviliesd. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER How an #evangelist speaks when he is filled with holy spook URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER I've friended Zerin on FB since before she left Bangladesh. She is a bright young lady.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Refugee who used her own family's passports to smuggle two asylum seekers into UK illegally is spared jail because judge thought her motive was 'humanitarian' https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6315375\/Refugee-admitted-immigration-charges-praised-humanitarian-desire.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Maybe he was smart enough to get on the #TrumpTrain and tired of getting run over by it! Unlike you and your sycophants.. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Self-confessed Foreign Agent. Disgrace.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I really am just going to murder that beat. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER I hope those La La Land libtard lunatics don't think most conservatives would watch that garbage. Those idiots make a living playing dress up. Grow up and move into the real world. VOTE REPUBLICAN!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Ofcourse , but we would like to draw the attention of this GYNOCENTRIC and MISANDRIC SOCIETY towards RAPE CULTURE OF WOMEN, by looking at out bulges in our boxer underwear. I wonder what would happen if every man in USA showed up in his boxer underwear at the job ,or even had a meeting at NY Times Square once a year, all the alarms in the heads of CUNTS would go off and they would say RRRREEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEE Apart from that, do women not look at a man's crotch secretly ? There are tonnes of videos on youtube where women act like PERVERTS as well. BUT SOCIETY SHIELDS THEM.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"yes. he is lying. you dumb cunt If it weren't tagged as NSFW it wouldn't appear like it does in the left image. You really are a fucking retard holy hell","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Typical of a Muslim to be such a total shithead. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Both Labour and Lib Dems are 'Remain' parties. If you want to leave the EU the only option is the Conservatives. Just saying.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Bitch I know. My body is ready ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"snowflake cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"They parrot the last conspiracy-theory retard that liked their stupid fkn comment last month...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"A SPECIAL GALLOWS IS WHAT'S NEEDED FOR RR","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"You're too stupid to understand the magnitude of $25B Retard muted.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Again, Tay did more to help \"your supposed bs cause\" than that nigger is going to.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER 3 pitches right down the middle while no one else is having trouble with this guy. Its unbelievable he is playing with the season on the line","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER One thing is for sure...we know she didn't write the op-ed as she is dumber than a bucket of rocks.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Hostility To Religious Believers? Wait. Some trolls try to argue those who appreciate #QAnon follow a Q-based religion or cult? And then attack daily on the basis of that contrived label? Coincidence? Who likes weaponized labels? #LearningSoMuch https:\/\/www.wnd.com\/2018\/08\/sessions-blasts-splc-hostility-toward-religious-believers\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Billy you have a short memory. Obama tried to get in commonsense gun control is especially after Sandyhook. The parents even came in and begged Congress to do something about automatic weapons. But the NRA had such a hold on Congress Democrats and repugs nothing was done","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Get rekt cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"If Beto wins, it will be because he cheated. https:\/\/ilovemyfreedom.org\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Rod Rosenstein, This Faggot looking Cocksucker!!!! If he didn't HAVE SOMETHING TO HIDE!!!!!!!!! Stack Of Shit, Lying, TREASONOUS, FUCKSTICK!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"She expects someone sleeping to know how much room theyre taking up...??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Oh well. You are a better man.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER From your lips to God's ears Antonio. I will do my part. Let's hope all Conservatives do their part. And stay vigilant at the polls. Dems are desperate. There WILL be fraud.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"\"Depicting whites as credit card fraudsters\" In this case it is true for jews who look white. Carlos Slims is more semite than wetback","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Sure, but the point is Americans do pretty retarded things, too. Like ppl will show Koreans eating dogs and go \"we would never do this!\" and then we eat a cow and if an Indian is upset we go \"fuck off, dot head! I'm eating TWO steaks today for you!\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"From caravan organizer Puebla sin Frontera's Faceberg. #SoBrave","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Emma Gonzalez, famous only for not getting shot, calls Kavanaugh a \"priveleged white boy\". That means a whole lot coming from a trash talking low rent gutter slime who abused the Parkland shooter. https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/amphtml\/news\/parkland-survivor-emma-gonzalez-calls-","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Death to all women. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"black power nigger fist accepted everywhere, White Power anything no so much.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I won't talk to you if you keep insisting that women deserve to die. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Good- that soundtrack you DMed me with was fire as fuck and I still listen to it often Bad- My tracks are better (joking I'm shit)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"What's the quote from the nigger athlete about how Hitler respected him more than the American president did?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER ......Google needs to be broken up....they are a threat to the country","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"1st thing Liberals and Conservatives want to pass is the TPP trade deal URL via @USER #cdnpoli #tpp #nafta","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Note to Nancy: Manhood has zero to do with having a wall between countries. It is called national security and sovereignty for a country.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"This could actually happen. Trans* That's what he said.. disabled. and gay Also disabled","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Can I fetch anyone a Midol? She should STFU. She is not an American.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"9th October 1976 the IRA murdered Yvonne Dunlop, I've explained in another reply to you get rid of the romantic nonsense about Sinn Fein\/IRA. They are open commie gangsters. I've explained to him.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/tech\/2018\/10\/17\/healthy-conversation-twitter-takes-no-action-as-louis-farrakhan-calls-jews-termites\/?fbclid=IwAR2nfJ0YhcHOTtqTbF_SzeWOyE8QzcF-6DrJYsyq3zHqtr2W8K9DSkYayl4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"This is the REAL Economic Collapse Blog: http:\/\/theeconomiccollapseblog.com\/ This faggot is a fake: https:\/\/gab.com\/EconomyCollapse","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":".@USER .@USER .@USER .@USER #HypocrisyMuch? .@USER .@USER .@USER that's why you are an enemy to the people #FakeNews go against political opponents and hide crimes from #Liberals #BigStuff! URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"And that old twat wasn't?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"When you are all ready to take the #NPC meme to a level that's going to piss off zee left, a warped side of a fandom and a media company run by lunatics... You let me know and we'll start ops.. Would post something like this on \/b\/ \/pol\/ but those who know 4chan is going retard slowly. Anyways...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER get your shit together","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER And what does this have to do with a lying attorney and a 35 year old claim? I know it's hard for you liberals to look at two things at once","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"because you are a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Yes cunt, i guarantee 99% of the people in these comments would find a life sentence bullshit if a guy grabbed a girls hand and got her to touch his dick over his pants.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. #shitbootlickerssay","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER #Causality? Is it: 1. Chicago lawmakers instituted strict #guncontrol BECAUSE of high pre-existing crime rate? 2. Crime rate is high BECAUSE strict gun control prevents law abiding citizens to be armed - so only scofflaws have guns? 3. No causality at all. Statistics are #COHORT","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@OnTheOffensive Is Britain Racist? - YouTube https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=8DoRjksV9u8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Lmao that's awesome","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"People should over piss taking cunt alec Baldwin and pedos cunt a Hillary Clinton gang should all should be short dead","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"If the niggers and moslems are anti christ im da anti nigger sanz","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"read siege. Bring it snowflake.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I use to do door to door fundraising for red cross Canada. By the 4th month I was having a nervous breakdown and almost snapped on this old man who decided to give me along winded speech about how it's inconvenient to him that I knocked at his door. Later I stole the head of his nigger statue","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Black people should all be killed. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I tape \"The 5\" because Juan Williams is retarded and he only spouts his 4am talking-points, unceasingly. I enjoyed the first block today however, as Jessie B. Waters called Juan a senseless shill for blaming R's for the Southern Invasion. Juan NEVER has a fix - but he's always pointing a finger of blame. INTELLECTUAL BANKRUPT - JUAN WILLIAMS","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Gay people are a cancer. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"https:\/\/apnews.com\/d51f25443fe84d3086942d9ba0f953ff Vote 11-10 ..U lose","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Feels over realz. Stop raping me!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Trans people like you should know that your lives are worthless. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"It could be the source video and not their choice, unless I saw a trend idk if this is really a valid issue. I see the merit but this could easily be an isolated incident. This is the trend in Sri Lanka. Always hide the female face. Here another example https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=DYvzakjA5w0 Around here we just call them feminists. It doesn't exactly disprove his point to downvote him, feminazis. Good username Feminazi trolls and brigaders, who ask these 'questions' to cast doubt, but never actually want to hear it when it turns out they're doubts are unfounded.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Ouch.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"'Look at this f---ing white guy!' bigot yells before brutally attacking man in Bronx pizzeria This is starting to piss whitey off ! #Enough http:\/\/www.nydailynews.com\/new-york\/nyc-crime\/ny-metro-anti-white-attack-bronx-pizzeria-20181018-story.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Honestly think she's just an oblivious retard. When he pushed her, she turned around like she was about to fight someone, until she realized it was the fucking guard.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I apologise in advance, what a cunt! no what a HUMANKIND cunt lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"so you setting some weird expectations for yourself means everyone else who doesn't conform to those standards is cheap? I disagree with this. If a friend invites me to watch a movie and grab a burger afterwards I don't expect them to pay for either of those things for me, why should it be different here? I am not saying you should never treat a date to a meal or something I have done so in the past with girlfriends. But why would I pay for a first date? I barely even know if I like the person in this sort of context and we are both investing time to see if we are interested in each other. Additionally, I have heard several women talk about dating with the goal being free food. I don't really feel like dealing with that. If whether or not a girl wants to go out with me depends on me buying her some free shit then I just saved us both some time, because I don't want to go out with her anymore. You're an idiot. I've been a broke college person and had to budget everything, not paying >If I ask someone on a date, I expect to be paying for them. That's awfully convenient for women, since they're not the ones expected to ask.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"A Nigger and a Jew Kike !!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER You are the poster child for marrying up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER And now we're off to get milk and cookies","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":". . . And we wonder why conservatives who work for Twitter fear saying so . . URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"People need to understand that Muslims are not a threat to civilisation. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER The washed-out idiot #Biden feels he has a chance by insulting all conservatives who are supporting their great #POTUS...I don't think so CRAZY JOE!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"That sub is straight-up insane. There are definitely more than enough instances of people on this sub taking it too far and being downright misogynist\/discriminatory cunts, but that sub is worse by several magnitudes. It's basically \/r\/The_Donald of \"feminism\". \"It comes in all shapes and sizes.\" No. It comes in waves. Anyone calling themselves a feminist today is either an anachronistic moron, or a female supremacist cunt. >> Anyone calling themselves a feminist today is either an anachronistic moron, or a female supremacist cunt. Can't understand your downvotes. This sentence is basic knowledge. Anyone wanting to call themselves feminist today needs to face the fact that the movement has been corrupted and is well beyond repair. They can *No true Scotsman* for all eternity, but it is starting to feel like those who still want to claim to be feminists are in it simply for the virtue points. Today feminism has little to do with equality. Or with common sense. \"Feminism is bad but I wanted Hillary Clinton.\" - An idiot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER I know what that storm is gonna do...but those photos are just the shit bro.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"6\/7 ....drunk 17-year-old tell us little about his character as 53-year-old, let alone about his competency as a jurist.\" But it seems a tad more likely that conservatives are merely clarifying, yet again, that \"LAW AND ORDER MEANS USING THE LAW TO REINFORCE A SOCIAL ORDER.\"\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER i really do love you URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"And as much as it may offend anyone, saying some retarded shit like \"mexicans are murderers and rapists and dont belong here\" isn't inciting violence either.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Lol. You are not arguing againstbthe system I want, and I am not arguing in favor of the system you describe. That is like you arguing for the principles of anarchy, and me constantly saying oh yeah, well, Hillary was a corrupt politician\" Irrelevant. Factual, but irrelevant\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Black people really are brainless without exception. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"So s1ck of being around gay people like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Obzeen stands with Gingerbread nigger person","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"ICYMI: https:\/\/www.theblaze.com\/news\/2018\/10\/20\/watch-protesters-accost-mcconnell-and-his-wife-at-dinner-but-other-patrons-arent-having-it via @theblaze https:\/\/youtu.be\/WS9nP-BKa3M","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Fuck that pampered little faggot bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Fellow white women, have a heart. Give your guns, your income, and your freedom to me. If you don't, you are \"too far gone . Do you get it now, white girls? You're not allowed to think for yourself. You are required by coercive measures to think and act as you are told. Otherwise, you are bad. But guess what? You're always going to be the evil scapegoat. No matter how hard you virtue signal, no matter how many black guys you date, the end game is your genocide. You better wake the fuck up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"U SUCK SHIT YOU BLACK FUCK","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Outside of the mentally unstable you mention, no. \"Non binary\" isn't a thing outside of mental adolescent sub mediocre people craving attention","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"#Kavanaugh Women have assumed the authority of equality but not the responsibility; they've allowed the Zionists to weaponize them and we draw the red line after the Kavanaugh debacle; no more bullshit or you go to jail like the big boys. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-4793030\/amp\/Woman-pay-Army-colonel-accused-rape-8-4million.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"These people are absolutely retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Michael Kimmel (prominent male feminist) and his views on what masculinity is, more than likely stem from his own retarded behaviors (like when he brought in some (female?) students and phoned Jane Fonda to boast about his influence\/connections), he also got #metoo'd because of course, lol. Then all the (very famous, typically) female accusers who turn out to be sexual assaulters\/rapists themselves (nevermind that woman on man rape is viewed with incredulity by normies, and laughed at by feminists).","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER His jewels have their own gravitational field! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"The largest mass killing of Jewish people in American History was committed by a Trump MAGAt. We'll see won't we. Ya'all fucked up. Let you hate take control. Rookie mistake. Oh well, live and learn MAGAt, LIVE AND LEARN! Stop passing AIDS around Steven the gay Jew ...lol I see, sure-sure. So you're a gay Jew with AIDS........SEE i told ya so .......... Tony DeMaga thinks he scares someone! That's funny!!! Scares? I'm describing you , and you know it.LOL Tough Guy Tony Demaga, talks a tough game. TALKS. Says the gay Jew boy with AIDS. LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER He is quite #good","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Too many rapefugees in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The #TrumpCurse Michael Avenatti's horrible, very bad week: Lawyer hit with avalanche of legal, financial and personal woes https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/michael-avenattis-horrible-very-bad-week-lawyer-hit-with-avalanche-of-legal-financial-and-personal-woes Lol The #TrumpCurse2 Megyn Kelly Today' canceled by NBC, co-anchors to take over https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/nbc-news-officially-cancels-megyn-kelly-today","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER You are an embarrassing citizen!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Muslim is a religion you Fucking Twat and your not of color You're a Fucking White Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Do you happen to know what study Qu'ran she is using in the film?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I also get the homos asking for your address, faggot ;) You too Wienner LOL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The ceremonial swearing in of Kavanaugh is this afternoon. He was actually sworn in Saturday after his confirmation. That's faster than a hillbilly father with a shotgun pulls a wedding together. #kavanaugh #swearingin #SCOTUS","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Which blood if you like baff in the blood you dun see am. Breez and nips is that you are looking ehen that one you just looked at nao ehen ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"They must not get away with saying stuff like \"your immigrant lives are worthless\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"[Sounds like someone tried to light off a VBED made of tannerite](https:\/\/globalnews.ca\/news\/4641029\/sherwood-park-alberta-car-explosives-man-injured\/). Naturally not a whole lot has been released except one person being \"critically injured\" in the explosion. People are retards, so who knows how this shakes down (probably very won't hear a whole lot about this).","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Immigrant lives are not worth any less than anyone else's. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER He's quite beautiful for what he is","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"She looks like Emma stones cunty evil sister.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Maybe so, but it doesn't make it any less wrong.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Minneapolis Mayor Angers Police With Mandatory Placards Aimed At Helping Illegal Aliens | Weasel Zippers https:\/\/www.weaselzippers.us\/399577-minneapolis-mayor-angers-police-with-mandatory-placards-aimed-at-helping-illegal-aliens\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"That's a woman?!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Stupid cunt #ElizabethWarren (Pocahontas, Fauxcahontas) is about 1\/1000th Indian. Maybe. Sorry, babe, that won't even get you $20 to play the slots with at the nearest Injun casino. Try again. What a lousy woman...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER just vote yes we all know you found out she is a fraud.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"My pet AllahMo told me that her friend in the next sty was raped by a filthy Muslim b*st*rd. As a result she had one disgusting, ugly filthy, retarded piglet. Her friend is ashamed that that piglet went on to become the Mayor of London and called himself KHAN. She named him Pork Moham, after his father. AllahMo is the one with the spots. Coming to a Mosque near you.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Ok. I'm an atheist but so are most Jews, I really don't see them pushing religion aside from their defenses of Islam lmao Then why \"Israel\". Why not Zion. State of Judea. Palestine. Jewish state. No, why.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Well carry on like monkeys. Get treated like monkeys That's a lot racist. how Black kids as monkeys. So you're dumb too. huh? youre saying all black kids act like this?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":" beause the sicko leftie scum say you cannot be racist to white people","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Retard or academic? https:\/\/twitter.com\/Hermitwise\/status\/1053797331609489408","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Liberals pitching fits again","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Looks like this post must have triggered a pathetic miserable whiny little purple-haired soyboy. How sad! Moderator, have an upvote I like this mod!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER They probably all wrote it together while pissing in your McDonalds coffee.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER And no one in their infinite wisdom couldn't predict this? Please!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER please can I print out the great poster you designed for #JusticeForOliver I have a stall at @USER event for this purpose. I was going to do one myself but you are much better at techno @USER URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Paper Americans will never love America like real Americans. While this is true, a lot of them are still better than the native born Anti-American Americans.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER It's funny how liberals and Democrats work together but fight on Twitter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER And it was Hillary by a landslide I think???? Don't believe polls","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER I had to click on it just to see what the hell you were talking about. I still don't know. Is your war on conservatives like the war on christmas?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"She's a cunt. She had it coming. Period.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"We must mark the jews with the barcode Sanz all the jews and moslem we must destroy the foul demons of yester queer This faggot is in the EU ... btw.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"This one seems drugged. And I thought Joe Biden was a creepy ass fuck. I feel sorry for the poor captive Orcress here Still here are you? Don't you have a Tory Conference to camp outside of tonight with your mates. Throwing poop all over each other in protest. And she wasn't detesting me 30 minutes after that video was taken laddy ;) Your word \"Pussyboy\" doesn't really hold much credibility coming from an anonymous coward hiding away and squeaking at someone who's fully visible and prepared to stand by his words laddy. And let's not forget, it's you and your left wing mates who commissioned the manufacture of pussy hats to wear when Trump won. Bet you look hilarious in yours lol Some of the nat soc types are actually hard core Nazis who have no problem with that ideology. Some of them are just outraged at what's been done and look to it for a solution. Agreed. It's the latter who need to be shown that Nazism only plays to what the Left want. I'm not nat soc but I am a white nationalist, I feel we have a right to exist and respect our race and culture. We study sea steading on Minds. My take on why the west is in trouble is along these lines. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=cPembXZMKv0 Why do you throw shit over people? Thats why you have no mates","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"He only cares\/helped because it's his mama. Otherwise he'd stick to the no snitching creed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Cheers; appreciated.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Gas should be your preferred drink","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Gab used to be fun. Then I decided to be a huge faggot and let everyone know about it. -t. @DonMAGA","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You make me furious. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Just goes to show how retarded, literally retarded the Dems are! All we've heard was the Russians did it, colluded to take away the vote from them, and what do they do, turn around and attempt to do the very same thing! These people need to be blasted into space on a non return trip back! The only thing is, they are brazenly stupid enough to do it in the open!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I dare those retarded Antifa witches (gawd it sounds like a dumb term Chris-chan would make up) to try to hex me. I bet they don't even have the balls to do so, because I'm effeminate but I'm still manlier than an Antifa witch like this soyboy NPC. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=G1SVQ0jnaXA","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"bbc ALWAYS proteks kidfuckers just like Jimmy Sick Faggot Saville","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The retarded tv generation is into some retardedly not attractive porn.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Fuck that entitled cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Hillary was sure she would be President too.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"vile cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Was it a nigger or a woman?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER The killer was shot and wounded by one of several armed civilians\". Did you hear that? Yes, I am talking to you gun control advocates!!! Not all Americans appreciate how privileged they are to have 1st and 2nd amendments.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Nobody voted for it... But these right wing @USER seem desperate to deliver it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Don't know what you mean by independent media\" but I read MSM and they tell me that antifa are, in fact, the violent leftists who are causing all the problems at protests. What I see is right-wing media painting all Liberal protestors as the same as antifa.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"YOU IGNORANT DISEASED DNA GOD IS GOING TO SHOWER YOU WITH DEATH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER yo he is gorgeous ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Should have happened many years ago in fact that traitorous retard bitch clinton should have never received a security clearance.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Yeah he is a retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"\"She's a fucking girl!\" no, she's a drunken(?) cunt...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=uOBPYEz8B-Yandt=42s Tommy Robinson Is Deceiving You A common theme with the islamonazis hiding as nazis is anyone who is leading the charge back against islam is controlled by the Jews. This obviously is of concern for islamonazis!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER People do speak out for gun control and against gun violence. If you don't see it you're choosing not to pay attention and that's just wilful ignorance on your part.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"LOL a nigger did something worthwhile","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER I like the way she shows her emotions... She is really a Queen of Hearts....@USER ...Love you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Cuckservative talking points: - \"Dems are da real racists. - \"I'm against illegal but not legal immigration. - \"Race doesn't matter. I see people as individuals. #Cuckservatism #Cuckservatives @genophilia Yes democrat are the racist ones fact. Yes Illegal immigration what the word is, illegal. Yes race doesn't matter. Where you drunk or high when you wrote that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Great video! Thank you ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Um, yeah, right, #CrookedHillary 98%, right, check-er-rooneeoo... https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/politics\/comments\/9kphzz\/cruz_forced_into_tossup_by_el_paso_liberal_in\/?st=JMRN42NSandsh=63a903e3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"What a racist cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"So when is that ignorant twat up for re-election? Not soon enough, clearly.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/MaajidNawaz\/status\/1049286713531686912 Funny coming from a guy convicted of being part of a terrorist organisation. The cunt did 5 years. face is too smootyh t be a man look at the hips yet ahain another transgender Nawaz isn't that bad. He knows Islam is shit. Muhammad (piss be upon him) was a child molester, rapist, mass murderer and an Arab! Fuck these people.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches make it so easy. #INSTAMUTE","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I noticed you followed me, then I realized you were a pathetic loser in life jealous jew hater. So I guess you are on the Muslims side because you have to choose. Jealousy will eat you up, get a life faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Unfortunately, both Liberals and Conservative parties , leaders and fringe parties no longer know what Canadians really think! They said they know\" , but that is House ping pong rhetoric ! Even the polls aren't reliable. CANADIANS STARVED FOR A CLEAR STRONG VISION MISSION! URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Nigger mania in NYCFD!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER What the fuck game are you watching?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Make the curry nigger LEAVE.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I'd love to see this man face a firing squad - only equip the shooters with M134 Miniguns! Eric Holder Rallies Resistance Inside Trump Admin: We Support You' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/19\/eric-holder-rallies-resistance-trump-support-you\/ I'll need just 5 minutes in a locked room to take care of him. 5 minutes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Popular side doesn't equal winning side. Facts are that private schools do a much better job educating students than public schools. Public school teachers get unfair perks that they don't deserve. It's unfair to private school teachers.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Gay Muslim Drag Queen VS Dyke Feminist Flat Earth Creationist","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Operation Wetback","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Filmmaker Timothy Grey Hall sits around the campfire and says to Nashville Antifa, \"tomorrow, when you are given that choice of do I take the next step, f***in' take it.\" He talks about the strategies and tactics Antifa uses and says \"a lot of times it includes actual violence.\" https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=B3_Rrq8RO1c","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"You will die a horrible death at my hands. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"They are going to need way way more prisons https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/europe\/2018\/05\/10\/six-years-in-jail-proposed-for-online-hatred-of-religion-or-gender\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Idk, there's been a few: https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/MensRights\/comments\/9j1kh8\/rbpt_weighs_in_on_double_standards_and_treating\/ https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/MensRights\/comments\/9hfibd\/some_wisdom_from_rblackpeopletwitter\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Transgender Cyclist Lashes Out, Calls Critics Questioning His Win 'Transphobic Bigots' \"Misgendering.\" https:\/\/www.dailywire.com\/news\/37296\/transgender-cyclist-lashes-out-calls-critics-emily-zanotti","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Nasty cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Guys, Sargon is right: #GamerGate needs to come back. We've got to meme it to the White House until Trump tweets about it! Tell your friends. This is it. GamerGate lol faggot hahaha","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Too bad he can't write a law to take away the stupidity from liberals.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Of course they are stupid. They are black people after all. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"If you say \"I hate immigrants\", then you are a bigot!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER I was 15 ==andgt; I can remember everything time place witnesses I told and who drove me home I was glad I was still alive. Too many women out here KNOW the truth so who are the Dems running this scam for? Their Gruber Brained ANTIFA crowd? Naw who then?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"dr phil really is a cunt though, and its clear as fucking day he is making a spectacle, if you follow the conversation he clearly \"Pauses for dramatic effect\" after he says \"and you have never met him\" and she answers promptly. if this was a police interview or a genuine psychology interview you want to get to the truth ASAP so you would immediately follow up with a futher question e.g \"have you ever falled in love without meeting someone before?\", or \"are you in love with anyone else\" etc etc. Dr phil knows exactly what he is doing he is deliberately saying nothing so that what she just said sounds more ridiculous and \"shocking\" as why would you ask that question to begin with if you had no follow up or point to make, im sure its pretty fucking obvious she hasn't met him from the context of the story. basically the subtext of dr phil is basically \"i just want to remind the audience this woman has NEVER met him and she is claiming she loves him, just let that sink in for a moment teehee what an idiot right\" clearly she is an attention seeking cunt also trying to manufacture a story out of nothing, but that still doesnt exonerate dr phil, they can both be cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Exactly what the #LeftistLibTards wanted to happen. Try are a #Corrupt and #Miserable Party. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Fuck Marching Looting Coon ... No fuxs given about your communist agitator. King was A COMMUNIST POS. Get fucked up the ass ... There be no compromise with Nigger Loving Feminists. FUCK YOU and the Horse that rode you in.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I should have said lonely pikey cunt who can't get a girlfriend","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"A CHINAMAN IS A GOOK","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"And give that faggot jack more eyeballs? No way","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"We have some improvements to the mute button coming in the next week or so. They include: Timed mutes: decide how long you want the mute to last for. Disassociation: the muted person can no longer leave comments on your posts, but can still see your public content and quote your posts to their own followers. Force Unfollow: the muted person can no longer follow you (we already have this, but are making it easier to access while muting.) When you mute someone there will be a series of these prompts. How long do you want to mute this person for? Do you not want this person commenting on your posts? Do you not want this person to follow you? After many discussions with the community we believe this is the best middleground between freedom of speech and freedom of association. Ultimately it gives you more control over your own experience and thus more individual liberty. Another stupid move from Torba. Who could have guessed? @21stCenturySpartan go eat a dick, the moment they chose to ban that kind of content is the moment gab became a censorship site just like twitter. That kind of content is protected speech even if you don't like it If Gab bans the Child Porn by Cartoon Crew. the world will not collapse, the sky will not fall, and people will not have their mouths stitched shut. If you believe this to be the case you are a pervert\/pedo clutching at immoral straws to justify you absolutely twisted and rotten urges. This just goes to show that gab is just another right wing site and it can no longer excuse itself with allowing harboring racists and nazis under free speech. different side of the same SJW coin. So when are you going to take women's right away? I wanted gab to be consistent, but I guess it's not meant to be.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"With that sense of entitlement, she should fit in just fine in California. filthy baby factory","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Glad to see that @AndrewAnglin has bravely resisted the purity spiral, and broken free of the ideological echo chamber of the pro-White movement. In this piece, he courageously puts forth a plan for White survival. Specifically, that Daily Stormer readers should purchase White eggs, fertilize them in a laboratory, and insert the fertilized eggs into the low end Asian whores they've been fucking. Genius. https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/shills-continue-to-spout-nonsense-refuse-to-accept-the-scientific-anglin-plan-for-white-racial-survival\/ What kind of low iq faggot thinks he can call someone a purity spiraler and in the same breath pretend he is mocking Anglin for some of the same shit he advocated for several months earlier. @Cantwell of course would be that dumb, figures. Do you even know what a purity spiraler is bitch boy?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"How fucking retarded do you have to be to know what Trump stood for since day 1 and not like him and his policies from day","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Kinda reminds me of this cunt: [Doorman - Bridezillas](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=PVlZ7DaZKd4)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"This cunt attacks our FLOTUS?? A low life bitch who has mental issues and at best is a clown jester for the hunger games bullshit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I never defended metokur that explicitly. simply said that sargon dropped the ball, hard. you need to calm the fuck down and stop attacking people, you are coming across as SERIOUSLY deranged. I never said hero worship, for instance. par for the course for the sargon retard cavalcade but jesus man, get some sleep.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Glad to hear it Jacob! When? @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER What is happening Layne? You are losing your temper. Is it because you feel you are trailing behind now?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER It really pisses them off ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Why the fuck did you join this retarded group?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER I would temporarily change parties if the Republican party would Primary agent orange\" with a REAL, Republican, Conservative. That would MAGA!!! At least a great start.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Since we are a republic.....no. #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You are way too generous","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Yeah, start with the faggot on your left.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Goodell I'm done with you and those adult brats in the NFL. I'd rather do yard work","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER I don't mind her going to a sleepover! As long she is safe and protected!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Talking to them is pointless. Anything slightly less than blind pussy worship gets their clit in a twist. Is that why in islam they remove clit? So why are isolated tribes like the sentinalese not suffering from inbreeding. thats bad. but i think thats an arabic thing. not islamic","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Just a reminder that The New York Times hired this vile, racist POS even after reviewing her hate-filled social media posts...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I dunno. I know who he is but I don't interact directly with him a lot. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Conservatives are notoriously gullible. I use wanted to make sure you knew.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"So I decided I'm pretty much over twitter. I think I'm going to go full retard and drive it till the wheels fall off. you never go full retard ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Lol #liberalfool just MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Are Blacks (Sub-Sahara-descended peoples) more closely related to apes than are Whites (European-descended peoples)? https:\/\/www.nature.com\/articles\/nature11128\/figures\/4 Evolution is a lie. We all came from Adam and Eve. Then later From Noah's 3 children. Even North European folk Came from the Middle East. Good morning lol Dinosaurs never existed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER I can't cuz that nigga retarded smh","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"It should be criminal for wimmenz to present themselves this way in the workplace. I thought that many men were fine with this in the West tbh. Sort of \"progress\" lmao. I am not from US\/Europe I'm from Russia the more conservative place but even in Russia this shit is spreading and they call it \"trend\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER I can't drink. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Dudes, there is no way in hell that 99% of the people saying they would do this would last even one ~~day~~ morning picking cotton even if you paid double that wage. Source: I picked one 100 yard row of cotton on my grandparents farm while I was a HS athlete in a AAAA school lettering in Football and Wrestling. It wrecked me and I had to stay in bed the next day. An experienced picker will do something like a dozen rows a day. It really sucks and is extremely painful. There's a reason that in the south 'cotton pickin' is used as a fairly strong obscenity. Edit: Check this article out on CO farmers trying to use US workers even when the unemployment rate was pretty high ( [deleted] They're paid more than that, but still low. It's rising though. Farm work is actually either extremely skilled or semi-skilled work. It's just that Mexico has been mechanizing their agriculture over the last several decades and that has been driving peasants off their land, leading to a surplus of skilled workers. IMO, fifty years from now pickers will probably be paid on a level similar to Nurses if not doctors - automation will mean fewer of them, but they'll be paid a lot more. There's a chance that Africa won't be through mechanizing yet and this sub will be freaking about about all the Kenyan H2Bs coming in to pick stuff and bitching about the good old days of the 'mercian Mexicans coming in. Extremely bad cunt of a bot ######YOU HAVE TO GO BACK! I'm already in UK, I can't go back anymore!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Strange How Some Faggot Who \"Identifies\" As A Woman, Doesn't Shave His Fucking Beard Off!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Meh. Political bullshit. Macron's party is happy to light counterfires to avoid talking about the hot topics right now, and Melenchon is a self-centered clown pretending to care for the masses who just happened to make a gigantic ass out of himself even more so than usual. Don't get me wrong, I voted for Macron, but he has stuff to fix before I'm happy I did it. This is not helpful. > I voted for Macron I wish for you to be cursed, everywhere you will go, light will cease to work and you will be left out in the dark, stumbling your pinky toes on heavy wooden furniture until your last breath. Peut tre que la prochaine fois tu te fera pas retourner la t te par la v ritable propagande, les castors qui tout les cinq ann es font \"barrage\". By \"barrage\", I take it you're reffering to the second turn, where everybody voted against Le pen, rather than for Macron ? Wrong call. I voted for the other guy because I believe her ideas are uninteresting, when his had.. very slight potential, not because of \"making a barrage\". Even if I deem the FN ideas (or should I call it the RN now ?) completely bonkers, I support their right for speech, especially as demonizing them is the best way to bring them support. Let those ideas be discussed on the marketplace of thought and voted upon.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Go suck a cock faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"6 people are dead after shooting spree in California ....AND LORD FORBID WE SHOULD TALK ABOUT COMMON SENSE GUN CONTROL MEASURES...OH NO!!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Chelsea is as crazy as her mother","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Witches' fingers with nigger toes would be a good combo","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Male Female Retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Perhaps if they just learned to leave other people alone and maybe respect the rights of others to speak freely, without having their posts spammed with off-topic and retarded da gasss da ovennssss da holohoaxesss bullshit.......","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Nice concept, good story but poor act. Try harder next time","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER That's a blatant lie. ANTIFA is the worse hate group. Look at what they did at Berkeley university in California. They nearly destroyed it over a guy they disagreed with. It wasn't the KKK OR WHITE SUPREMACY. They are shutting down free speech","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"do straight people do anything other than get offended lmfao ooooooh edgy! lemme know when you finish middle school, big boy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Needs friends tho. Bring it you fucking daft cunt. You cannot hurt me with words. Because I DO NOT CARE. The stage is yours........ own it. Stop being such an ineffective cunt. Dox me. Or fuck to the off Stop being such an ineffective cunt dox me or fuck off. I'm just playing with you. Find me ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"well faggot soy boy how about you tell them you are a worthless punk with no skills and you don't deserve to wipe their asses never mind teach them. STOP FUNDING TO ALL PUBLIC SCHOOLS!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER She thought she would be low profile and help the Dem party get rid of Kavanaugh and she could remain anonymous. She most likely was promised this by the party. Now that she can be charged with perjury she will continue with playing a victim. She is not. Lying is a can of worms.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I said over a year ago Michelle was going to run in mooch is a friggin moron but she's a nigger so that's OK mooch is a coward, he isn't even brave enough to chop off his dick like the other freaks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Perfectly stated! Love our President! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Typical t r a n n y behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"All women like them are vile. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Billy bargain ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Great. Another Chinaman lecturing Australians for the next five years about how racist we are. Fuck this shit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Fuck you stupid ass faggot English and your muslim parliament that wanted to ban Donald Trump... have fun getting fucked without any guns... Here's some real American blood and guts rock... not faggot Elton John. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=MwTv45OW5Yw","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Yes, men are OBVIOUSLY responsible for womens crimes. Comments like yours are exactly why I have made it lawful for men to rape and kill women in Australia and Ireland.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER This reminds me of conservatives wanting to know if Monica was on her back or her knees. Is it really needed to decide these guys are sleeze bags?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER You are awesome! I am so thankful I know you!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"The Whole World can see what President Trump has accomplished and Americans by-and-large are extraordinarily proud of the Trump Administration. It makes no difference what the Left and its Mainstream New Media dedicated conartists try and pull on us. We are AWAKE #MAGA URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"You and all other Muslims are a plague to society. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"\"Don't send her to jail - she's mentally retarded. I fucked her anyway though.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The nerve of this fucking cunt. Using her kids to spew her bullshit. People like her shouldn't breed holy fuck.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":">we're not talking about every strait people. No, you're talking about homophobes, but you're also painting all or most strait people as homophobes. >it's a joke There comes a point with jokes where you're intent maybe ironic, but you're still doing the thing. For example, at the height of all the Rick and Morty Macdonalds sauce thing, I sure some of the people that were spazzing out on the floor of a Macdonalds screaming \"pickle rick\" were being ironic, but they were still spazzing out on the floor of a Macdonalds screaming \"pickle rick\". They look like jackasses whether they're serious or not. Haha *dabs* That event made me not like the show anymore.....then the shit came out about the creators of the show and.....glad I jumped ship when I did I mean... That just showed how stupid some of the people who watch the show were, but I'm not sure how the actions of those people should turn you against a show you like. The bit about the sauce in the context of the show was fine by me, but the 4chan type retards who flooded McDonald's are a different story... It's because fambases have the ability to actually ruin the content. I jumped ship because I realized what party I was apart of. Just like how the SU fandom killed ot before the pedophile creator did? Pretty much.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER ...unless you are good with an accused rapist sitting on the highest bench in the land. I'm sure your female constituents would love to hear you explain that away...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Fake news. Who in their right mind would go along with this nut?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Immigrants have no place in a civilised country like this. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Vigano should come forward....reveal where he is...reveal all documents...and be on board helping prosecution.......","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"For a nonosecond in your head ...then he shoots you, rapes your wife , daughter and son , robs the place and leaves...and its because you are a fucking retard and failed at the most basic thing a man must do.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"faggot faggot kangaroo bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Exactly!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"What the fuck is halal? I know I'm a hillbilly in Kentucky, but I don't eat nothing, if I can't see what type of varmit I'm shooting at!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"This isnt 4chan. You just look like a retard when you do that here. See reddit is designed to allow discussion and back-forth reply. The 4chan style of reply without expecting a response doesnt work here. Form a fucking argument, dickhead.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"#Leftists and #Commies in the #USA are going to get a little bit riled up me thinks?! #MAGA #MBGA #MCGA #Socialists #Lefties #Conservatives #Patriots #MEGA #Trump #Democrats #Republicans URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"NATURALLY IT WAS A FUCKING CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The homeschooling idea is good, just don't send them to school, if a social wanker comes to the door beat the cunt unconscious then lock the door, leave by the back door and go to grandma's for a month.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"\"The right is the violent discriminators\" as the left violently assaults anyone wearing a maga hat. That's totally true. No one has ever worn one without being physically attacked. A good point well made. Smart! The point that I'm making is no one tore the hope shirts and hats off the Obama people No it isn't. What you wrote is still right up there, so you can't just lie about it. You claimed that anyone wearing MAGA gear was being \"violently assaulted\". This is an incredibly fucking stupid claim. Moreover, we are talking about someone removing a second party's hat. Boo-motherfucking-hoo you dramatic crybaby. I know reading comprehension can be difficult for some but if you had the ability to read the rest of the article you would know what im talking about. At least the maga wearer's do so proudly and dont have to hide behind antifa masks. It took you a while to thesaurus out your response to try and aound like an intellectual. I'm surprised you have time to talk shouldnt you be making big Macs? Make a point. I mean or don't make any point. That's fine too. You fucking people are a weight on society.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER So you're saying all people who were opposed to the Democrats and Antifa in Charlotte were Nazis? Is that your claim?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"It was Flavor-Aid, you cunt goblin","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Watched the first episode of the New Female Doctor Who, my 18yr old lad is disgused and left in a huff, 80% black mixed rainbow of fucking diversity new Doctors outfit sports the fucking sexual deviant rainbow, this is for kids. Pure indoctrination. Dr Who. It was good while it lasted. BUT, its owned by the BBC who are nothing more than leftist useful idiots. Propagating \"diversity\" while managing to eliminate the indigenous population. Yep, I quit watching after they got the nigger assistant for the last Doc","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER You will be sadly disappointed as they conservatives are also marxists...they now control a police state.........ONLY UKIP WILL SET THE COUNTRY FREE","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Official School Records Support Claims That Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Married Her Brother https:\/\/pjmedia.com\/davidsteinberg\/official-school-records-support-claims-that-rep-ilhan-omar-d-mn-married-her-brother\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Apparently you have no understanding of the globalist agenda","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Unless you are @USER your knee will not be the same","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER He needs to Either Pick Politics or Singing ....... Either way He Stinks at Both!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Disabled people belong in a zoo. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"After the NYT defended its decision to elevate anti-white cunt Sarah Jeong, Rich Lowry referred to that publication as merely hypocritical, and dishonest in its stated reasoning for that particular decision. And of course he has no problem with people writing for anti-white web sites and newspapers. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Kvy2 https:\/\/archive.is\/KrHOA","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Another nail in the coffin of the NFL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Yeah, Poly kinda went full retard there.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You are successful? How wonderful! And in a White country too! I am so pleased! Now, if you could transfer your success to your African homeland... You mean Trudeau? He does indeed. They already are.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Fuck all immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"what a faggot says the big gay","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Turnover Terry is a shitty Nigger qb put in the white human that can actually pass","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Are you suggesting that I fall for that? I certainly do not support the liberals vis- -ve Democrats agenda. Read my Tweets. I'm on the right so VOTE GOP .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER yes bitch ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER He was the victim. Now let's hear about her blood test since she is the perpetrator. What shape was she in?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Daily reminder that I hate niggers, jews and moslems but what I hate more than anything else are anti-White, White People. Ouch, I may never recover, you nigger and jew loving faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Come ride with me somewhere in a completely different plane of the spectrum I'm a downist","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Really good news for us conservatives in Texas. Gives repubs supermajority in Senate.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I'm Irish you dense cunt If you are Irish and you wrote that comment that it makes **you** a dense cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"marxist communist faggot pedophiles tearing at the christian moral fabric","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER She is perfect","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Faggot Bruce is a good source of hilarious songs about being gay and liking dick.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I have no compassion at all for any immigrant like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Snoop Dogg Calls Kanye West an Uncle Tom' for Supporting America First Agenda Here is another piece of shit that deserves the noose. This garbage human and \"entertainers\" like him are responsible for \"thug culture\" in America which unsurprisingly promotes violence, prostitution, real misogyny, degeneracy, and drug use. Scum like this clown are influences on the youth of today. Music has always played a major role in influencing the minds of our children, no style of music has had as big of a negative effect as \"hip-hop\". The message in the music is as low and disgusting as it gets, and of course, it is very liberal.... https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-hollywood\/2018\/10\/01\/snoop-dogg-calls-kanye-west-an-uncle-tom-for-supporting-america-first-agenda\/ Lmao, nice","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER She is a biggest Thing she as fail everywhere else","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"64% of Hispanics have IQ scores too low to enter the military. Source: https:\/\/archive.today\/o\/LRe05\/takimag.com\/article\/frequently_asked_questions_about_the_jason_richwine_brouhaha_steve_sailer\/print%23ixzz2TPXmpNgG Well it's like any large corporation. Upper management hopes the have the smart people come up with well documented processes that removes the need for smart people so you can hire cheap dumb drones to just follow process. This never works very well in reality, we'll have the Wall Mart of militaries. I'm sure someone will get rich off the whole thing though A future US military will likely try to adopt a WWII Soviet-like military doctrine of throwing masses of expendable troops at the enemy. The only problem with this is that nonwhites aren't going to be willing to die for ZOG. I foresee major morale problems. there is nothing good about the genocide of white america. This will end with violence. That is one way to sum it up, briefly","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"He is one of THE BEST in #DC By day, he rules in favor of @ICEgov By night, he is throwing #ICE Days filled with disappointing #9thCircuit Nights filled with action and great #BEER You thought #SOROS protests would stop him? Say hello 2 #JusticeKavanaugh #MAGA #RoadHouse #KAG https:\/\/youtu.be\/4BFruXBFEVM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER I come from a long line of bigots and morons. It's hard to grapple with at first but it gets better. Fill the void with fundamentally decent ppl and you will eventually realize you are better off for it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER yet another \"good guy with a gun.... WE NEED COMMON SENSE GUN CONTROL LEGISLATION #doSomthing @USER #VoteTheGOPOut #CountryOverParty Documents: Alleged mass murderer thought wife was cheating URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Hillary Rodham, the most uncivilised cunt in political history, with 200 plus corpses in her wake, calls for the 'restoration of 'civility' to politics after we regain power'. This is the most grating irony Imaginable. She is an ugly thug that will do for 2018 what she did for","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"How Amazon's Minimum Wage Hike Benefits Jeff Bezos https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/4nLB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"A cute girl that I've had a crush on since earlier this year just called me funny and I want to throw up","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"For King Day somebody could make a flyer to tape on a window over their closed for King Day sign with a better message : CLOSED FOR NATIONAL NIGGER DAY.Because the Jews made us.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Hmmmmmm..... On my dad's side: Grandpa: half Native American, half Irish, and so damn poor white trash that he was taken from his parents by the state (Definitely no slaves). Grandma: 100% Second generation Polack. Lived poor in Chicago (Definitely no slaves). On my mom's side: Grandpa: Dirt-floor poor farmer from rural Missouri. (Definitely no slaves, but racist af tbh) Grandma: grew up rich on long island. This is the only maybe, but I really can't see it with how hyper-liberal my grandma is. Tldr no fucking slaves.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"What? Sinead is still with Andy. Nah, I'm talking about Sargon. Andy and co are claiming that his wife left him because he has a coke addition, because his wife left him. Whole thing makes no fucking sense Projection. Andy pretty clearly has struggled with cocaine","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"No idea but I want one too. I know where you can get a cunt tree in Washington. They grow in a place called, Congress. Don't eat the fruit, cunt trees are poisonous","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The bull dyke nominee for Georgia governor was, surprise, a campus radical that burned the Georgia flag. https:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2018\/10\/22\/us\/politics\/abrams-flag-burning-georgia.html","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Because Gab lets ALL of us Cosmic Assholes in, including ME and Thomas Hellbound Faggot Wictor!! That's WHY!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I am not \"admitting\" anything. i was offering you an explanation. you dumb cunt Yeah, you did admit it, you faggot. Just because you didn't mean to doesn't mean that it doesn't count. suck a bag of nigger dicks you clown","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"November midterms should be considered a critical point in the war of good vs evil. It determines whether we continue to watch America prosper or digress to the past decades of liberal destruction. Your commander is counting on your vote. Vote Republican. | #RedNationRising","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I wasn't drugged, but I have almost no memories of my life, so I empathize with your memory gaps. It's hard not being able to remember things like other people, but I am luckily going into a career that lets me look things up. I hope you find a way to succeed or completely recover. Good luck. [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Bull shit... stop putting words in people's mouths.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Bizarro World news, in which a game is (possibly) censored on every platform except for the Nintendo one: https:\/\/gonintendo.com\/stories\/321373-rumor-was-warriors-orochi-4-censored-on-all-platforms-except-sw Strange times.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"somebody should rape and kill her, its the muzzie way","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I am going to shoot the next b l a c k person I see. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"All trans people are such massivescumbags. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"We're getting early reports that Mark Zuckerberg may have been banned from the Internet as part of the #NPCMemePurge. Fortunately officials at Facebook quickly reinstated their leader once they realized the mistake.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Good Nigger !!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Execution is the only solution for those black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER A liter of filter semi-skimmed milk costs 85p per ltr retail in Tesco School children drink about 35 ltr of milk per annum That works out to 30 pa at retail prices - repeat RETAIL There are 1 million kids allowed school milk Parents are being ripped off to the tune of 10 mil","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER 6 for his last 30 with 12 K's and he is catcher that CAN'T CATCH!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Yep. The reason why white.men dominate Hollywood is they can be *anything*, from the shining hero to the despicable villain, from the bumbling idiot to the suave super genius, and **nobody cares**. Once you put something different in, certain groups of people will make that into a political issue, something to fight for (or against!) their personal crusade.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I see what Eminem did there. The trailer trash theme applies.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"CORY BOOKER IS A FUCKING RETARDED SCUMBAG!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"MADNESS IN COURT! UK law really IS an ass! Time that those retarded Judges were shipped off to the planet they live on and the PEOPLE decide the sentence. This judge is criminally INSANE. This scumbag should be locked away - permanently!! https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6260327\/HIV-positive-man-tell-police-24-hours-having-sex.html common purpose lunacy Ffs seriously, come on! I'm living a nightmare. Tattoo his forehead. A .45 would do that job nicely.....it would be a kindness - to society! Amen! This is a difficult one .He has not been convicted of anything .but the police have brought a civil action with criminal consequences .An injunction .effectively .This is arbitrary law and undesirable .I agree the guy is a candidate for post natal abortion-but I dislike this judicial shortcut . lol, so he has to tell the police \"oh im having sex now, i might infect this person with HIV\" wtf like? so he can spread it??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"This isn't pussy pass denied, bro! I'd have to concur that it doesn't fit a pussypassdenied more like cuntybitchownedwithlogic","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Why is it every time something like this happens no one grabs the attacker by their neck and rips their lips off their face or shoves their nose into their brain? Why aren't people breaking these people's legs the fuck off? Why are people not defending themselves? Do you have any idea how much fun it would be to beat the AIDS out of this faggot after seeing an attack like this and be justified in doing it? Please, Lord, let me see something like this happen while I'm minding my own business. Please. https:\/\/bigleaguepolitics.com\/shock-video-pro-life-activist-violently-assaulted-by-leftist-at-rally\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER One of my punk rock friends in NYC is always getting weird hate mail. He posted about it and in the comments someone used a J-hope gif. Of course I had to explain who he is. I love how people use their gifs and have no clue ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"We must not make gay people suffer any more than they already are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Come #DOTR, more than just the actual perps need to be arrested and punished for their crimes. Models\/actors like the twat in the pic must answer for their offenses against the White race-","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"If Trump was Hitler that thick cunt would still be a Moron!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"lol Such meshuggeh.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"These immigrants make me so happy. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Still coughing up Reno cunt hair ?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"IT'S TIME TO KICK THIS FAGGOT OUT!!! Trudeau Blames His Voters For The Carbon Tax https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=zXcfZM6EYqg","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"retarded liberals sent themselves fake bombs, False Flags for deep state sympathy, FBI wont seize shit. You don't get it, patriots have all been on a list that the retards keep for satan, GOD protects us. Trump is about to administer some tough love... tribunals for deep state, swift executions to follow, it cant be stopped.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER She held on to something \"almost happening (according to her) for 35 yrs and then decides to try and ruin his life? She is the despicable. Regardless of what did or didn't happen.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I hope the cunt sobs to work everyday. Read the article","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"4\/ Or specifically with the white supremacists who find the NPC meme awesome, how is \"diversity is our strength\" any different from \"love your race\"? It's like two sides of the retard coin. (Or actually the same side, since white supremacy and white nationalism originated from the Democrat party, which they hate to acknowledge.) Or you just made that up in between having gay sex. faggot projection. Thanks but no thanks Or you're just gay. I bet you're going to repeat this every time you have gay sex. I bet I'm going to repeat it every time you're gay. LOL, notice his rebuttal was just repeating what I said and then writing \"hah\" in front of it? That's what homosexuals do. LOL the gay jew broken record dude thinks he is important. LOL, the homosexual white supremacist is being homosexual.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Don't listen to him. He is a disgrace and just trying to score points with the MSM. Juan Williams has been very disappointing to listen to because I have liked his opinion on things.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Yes he is","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"OMG, just lol. Well, we'll treat you just as good as Hitler treated his chosen enemies then. I'll do it with a smile, just to make you feel better. You're loved ones? Nah, they'll get the real Hitler treatment!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Yeahhhhh I will admit to being a Destiny 1 Cayde Liker but God they just made him suck in 2!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"How come they never help the repubs? Fraud is always the dems. [removed]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER First thing that comes to mind is another Liberal hit job\" This is the damage Liberals (LibTards) are doing actual victims of Sexual Assault ..................they inciting doubt in everyone's minds. Democrats are not a champion of Woman, nor Minorities.......they covet power URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"All trans people like them are amazing. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"After reading the post I have a public service announcement... Dear God everyone... Come down off your crosses... STOP apologizing for everything... Just stop... It isn't noble -- it's as retarded as the people throwing dirt about the past! There isn't a single great man in history that NEVER did anything wrong... Unless you try to throw Jesus or other religious figures surround by mythos into the mix -- AND EVEN THEN -- you still have droves of folks that will \"find the straw in their eye (while having a wooden beam in their own).\" They would probably lose their minds that I said straw... Who cares what butthurt idiots think about you? Seriously, just stop worrying about it and reject their sideways programming. We are lowering ourselves to position lower than butthurt idiots -- this isn't humility, it is aggressively forced mental retardation. Neither Jesus nor any of the saints would approve, nor would any of the great men of history... \"You have enemies, good, that means you at least stood for something in your life.\" ~Churchill","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Please Declassify Information so American people will know the TRUTH! For Transparency!! #BlueRipple #KatesWall #OBAMASPYGATE #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"It's really not okay to be calling people whore. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"\"Three out of 10\" \"per cent\" what a retarded article.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I'm tempted to post a bunch of my best (and most questionable) Inkling x Octavio images just for my boy Andrew but I'm not sure I want to subject my followers to that. Well, if you tag it #NSFW they'll only have themselves to blame for not having such posts muted..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":" Now @IronPatriot76 do u now remember Marlene the deplorable https:\/\/plus.google.com\/104449136886919106195","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"That little walking turd did ok... https:\/\/news.yahoo.com\/9-old-boy-helps-police-","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER #investigateChtistineFord why is ford deleted her social media accounts? Why is she all of a suddenly want to delay testimony? Is Ford an ANTIFA activist?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER I can't think of a worse 3 game start for a coach at such a big time university in my life. 1-2 and almost lose to Fred Samford University lol I know it's Sanford. But yea they still owe him whatever he is owed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Black people should be dumped in a landfill. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER You are a great fillin for @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Fuck that cunt. If we lived in any other age she'd be on the ground bloody and broken for that","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":">who gets engaged to a woman that's just going through the process of a divorce. A retard, that's who >A retard, that's who Tried to invite his mistress to the wedding I'd say that checks out.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Willie's hurtful response to his former fans who have quit him in droves over of his support for that little hippie Beano. #MAGA @USER URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Using asian women as surrogates. Now if the child is raised with an asian mother, that's a whole other set of problems. Same as white women adopting nigger babies.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I detest trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"What the fuck is this cunt on about, aggressive likes? Get the fuck outta here!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER ajsjjsjdkkdjdk i want him so much he'd literally tell me to die and i'd obey him","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You are most definitely right. I understand andrew not wanting to do anything about them but this faggot spent all of last night using a bot to spam me. How is he on top of the bot stuff but sopkike is still here?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"This is one of the cases where mods are actual cunts. Not like \"ooooh mod is gay insults like an actual cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"This keeps getting better and better. The self-importance of some people just astonishes me when I actually put some serious thought into it sometimes ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Meanwhile, these same women are shaming every man who isn't 6'","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Oh God, just look at that horse face! That pathetic bitch should be sharing a cell with her dyke mother for embezzlement","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Don't listen to that god damn anti white cunt. All they do is mock, insult, attack, lie, cheat and steal. The cunt downvoted you because thats all he has as an argument. He's obviously not going to have any response to your factual statement because hes a retard coward. Its a consistent, predictable pattern, with these anti white cunts","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I think you don't quite understand what quotation marks are for... >iF iTs StUpId PaRaPhRaSiNg Is OkAy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Buh Buh snowFlake","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Dankula on the Linehan situation: https:\/\/youtu.be\/Gp5m3J5yufQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"*proved that she would never cheat* *Coach admitted to cheating* and#x200B; wat It's a team penalty. Whether or not it's successful, the coach was cheating and got called on it. Williams might not have cheated, but it's the way she continues to act that is what opens her to ridicule. Yeah, I believe she only got a warning for the \"cheating\". She got the actual penalty cause of how she acted after. The first infraction was a warning and for the hand signals (cheating), then she threw and broke her racket which was another infraction and got her a point penalty, and finally, she got a third infraction for verbal abuse from yelling at the guy and this was the game penalty. Can you ELI5 how hand signaling in tennis is cheating? Coaches aren't allowed to tell players what to do. Hand signaling is the coaches attempt to tell player what to do. Here, I'll explain it like her coach: , . So she was cheating She got caught cheating She threw a tantrum like a child when she got a *warning* And people think *she's* the victim here?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"The \"man\" in this video, seen kicking a pro-life woman in the face, is named Jordan Hunt, formerly a hairdresser in Toronto. He lost his job because this video went viral, but he deserves so much more than that. #LetsMakeHimFamous https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=HN4U3zIDtZI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Maybe while he is on the DL someone can show how to wear his hat","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER She is. I dont think politics is for her to dabble in.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Trump... an Ive league billionaire and negotiator extraordinaire!! Jan... #Resister !! I'll take Trump!!! #MAGA #Trump2020 URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"It's in a woman's nature to be an annoying prick. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER You are in the spirit Bless you ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"words cant say on Twitter? nigger youtube? same nigger!! facebook nigger!! WTF its just a word !! you niggers need get together and own this !! like it dont mean shit!! but slavery is still here from Democrats why you still believe!!LMFAO dumbducks!!! #walkaway ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Whites make them succumb to theft temptations There's that kaffir mentality, they are literally retarded Di Wyte man poots di AIDS into di condims ! There was a rape condom (with teeth) invented by an SA doctor for disproportionate black on white rape, shit you not, they called it racist South Africa has one of the highest rape rates in the world, Human Rights Watch says on its website. A 2009 report by the nation's Medical Research Council found that 28 percent of men surveyed had raped a woman or girl, with one in 20 saying they had raped in the past year, according to Human Rights Watch. And the rape device is racist, said SJW I had a Boer friend who was here on a work Visa. I'm a Yankee and never really was around them, he used to play videos for me, he says, when they swarm like locusts, get out! He'd show me videos where they literally start swarming like locusts in the street Yes they are like that. They are like ants. Evil race of demons ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/video-pro-abortion-activist-roundhouse-kicked-a-young-pro-life-woman-in-the-face\/ Faggot could only do that to a woman","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I thought he was a Jew. I don't think he was a faggot though.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"i support hanging the nigger muslime obama hussein","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"On the bright side, sounds like you have rules 1 and 2 covered. Be attractive Don't be unattractive Sadly, even if one of them made an inappropriate comment or even touched you, HR wouldn't do a damn thing about it because men are not covered under most company's sexual harassment clauses.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Imm1grants are the absolute worst. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Ask the liberals who have seemingly forgotten that you're a war criminal.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER What!!!!! Now you aren't sure she is truthful! You should recuse yourself immediately from the entire proceedings!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER I hope you are liking the cooler weather. My husband and I are going to watch the other Hellboys before we see yours in the theatre. We are both excited!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Permission from whom, you self-flagellating twat? There's no High Council of Who Can Use What Words. Just say whatever you want to say, you enormous blood-clotted dick.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Lol I don't remember shit about that day ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER LIAR!!! What supporters is she talking about??? I was embarrassed when our last president went on a world apology tour and he even bowed to them like he was their servant!!! URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Owner of the limo company that killed 20 ppl over the weekend identified as \"Malik who lives in Dubai. https:\/\/twitter.com\/AnnCoulter\/status\/1049396800032043008","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Yes, I have critical thinking skills and you blindly believe all the LIES! You belong in the retarded masses! Easily manipulated monkey brains!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"r\/okaybuddyretard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"IDIOTS ........................ RANGEMASTER COULD HAVE BROUGHT YOU DOWN LIKE A MUZZIE IN THE SAND-BOX FOR THAT .................. https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/Aim0holiks\/videos\/260425174643535\/UzpfSTE4NDQzMjg1Njg6MTg3NjcyNTI5OTExMzg4MQ\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Check out my blog post on scooters!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"How'd it feel if a nigger fucked your white woman, Gabbers?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Are they passing out money outside for this too","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"You are what you eat! #VeganGab Humans are meat eaters period ! We are supposed to be meat consumers and balance it with the fruits an d vegetables ! You can not eat meat if you want to, it is America ! But STOP telling me I'm WRONG !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I think I would have ran and smashed that liberal face them start beating that soy faggot for disturbing my dinner. We have to stop these faggots soys and stand up for what's right. Or these freak queers soy boys will take over . And your kids will come home thinking there queer. Boys are girls and girls are boys. This must stop!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"These immigrants have no right to be alive. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Liberals are all Kookoo !!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The faggot accepts the jews' frame as he smears great patriot McCarthy by comparing his efforts to save America from (((communists))) to what today's victorious commies are doing.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"#AffirmativeAction in action even if wetback engineers didn't commit crimes they couldn't maintain","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Once upon a time...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Ooh but coming from Mr.Rapist We are all the same alias and one person A 55yr old Antifa Granny Go Figure Sept.30th couldn't come anytime sooner isn't that right Brother (Grok) Old toothless will be getting a rude awakening along with his Housewives URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER I still don't get why this is a story or why she is a hero to the left? She allegedly slept with what the left considers to be the most repulsive nazi to ever walk the earth and she's praised for it?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER You've been selected by Liberals! Are you cheating on your voters. You should have changed your mind before the election Ms. Alleslev","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Political party? Hmm, I wonder what political party would be led by such a person... Oh. Of course. Its called the \"Leader of Feminist Initiative\". She's also previously been found guilty **twice** of plagiarism (once by a court, and once internally by the university). [https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Victoria_Kawesa](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Victoria_Kawesa) It's really strange; Feminist Initiative doesn't hold any seats in Sweden, however, they hold a seat in the European Parliament? European Union is such a fucked organisation. Yep I would be livid if I was a part of that stupid organization. They were incredibly duped. It was just a big scam to get developed countries to support hordes of undeveloped poor countries. Hilarious. Yeah, how dare people want to help those less fortunate than themselves. It's not like we're all supposed to be one species and try for the betterment of everyone as a whole or anything.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Is Tommy Robinson?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"#GreatestThingsAboutThe90s NOTHING. The treacherous lefty media people made sure Benny Hill was taken off TV and even more treacherous conservatives\" conspired to remove Maggie Thatcher as our leader then almost fatally signed us even deeper into the extremely hostile commie EU\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"None of them can be trusted. The moment they have the opportunity, their inner nigger comes out. Look at Bill Cosby. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6316527\/SuperFly-actor-rapper-Kaalan-Walker-arrested-raping-aspiring-models.html","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER This was a poor comparison. Jay Z literally said he fucked nas' baby mom and left the condom on his daughters baby seat. Cardi and nicki are fighting for what?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER cares a great deal about how he is perceived. The number of people who died is largely irrelevant to him as long as he doesn't look bad. Not sure how blaming Democrats fits with Trump's amorality and lack of empathy but his inability to take responsibility fits.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"No they find a German guy named Claus and do that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER So... what did The Big O accomplish on gun control in his 8 year disaster??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"My dog is smarter than any computer could ever be. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Fucking American centric cunts. Fuck you Sony of America and Sony of Japan. I hope you go bankrupt. This is not about censorship this is about the blatant disrespect being shown to Japanese developers by Sony. I hope this kick off in Japan it looks like Sony America is trying to make Japanese developers SUBSERVIENT to them and Sony Japan is doing nothing in the face of this disrespect. Fuck them. Will be boycotting any Sony products from now on would rather buy Microsoft or Huawei. That is right I would rather be, potentially spied on by the Chinese government or have my Data harvested than give a single penny to Sony.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER #WeThePeople do not want any gun control legislation. It is against the Constitution.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Judicial Watch released two batches of new emails (184 pages and 45 pages) from the State Dept that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sent \/ received over her unsecured non-\"state(dot)gov email system. And five emails contain more classified info. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/VGrJ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Has Saudi Arabia Finally Gone Too Far? https:\/\/lobelog.com\/has-saudi-arabia-finally-gone-too-far\/ via @lobelog i would just ban any mainstream media that isn't 100% working on subscriber money. no ads, limited donations of say 1000$ if the reporting is good and worth reading you will survive. if it's not you will die. no more jewish billionaire to save your ass and you remove all those media that only survive with govt help.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Curious couldn't find this on your website. Doesn't fit your narrative does it. Cowards. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER But Google can give Beijing every Americans phone number. You're kidding me right? MAGA 2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"JP IS A COWARDLY CUCK FAGGOT WHO SUCKS JEW BALLS. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=yqtPsEXZTec","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Entire audience\" Yeah, that's solid reporting. LOL.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Symbols of the Minoan Goddess Religion http:\/\/potnia.theladyofthelabyrinth.com\/symbols-of-the-minoan-goddess-religion\/ #Crete #Greece #WhiteIsRight #14Words","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Notice that ALL of the homeless are white and American. That's not by accident. The state has gone out of its way to displace Americans with by harboring illegal aliens and making taxpayers pay for them. #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Gotta admit...she's stacked.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"take me back to doing boomerangs in maga with 2 pints by my side at any one time :( x URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Case: 30 grand a day paid to a dyke to lie on teleprompter, and fantasise about eating pussy while you are reading Globalist Propaganda.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Berkeley Antifa do not agree with you URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Has a cushy job in the arts pushing 18 year old interns around, making them do her job, for $94,000 a year. \"I work for the government! Calm down cunt, you're not as important as you think.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER is the only one worth slapping your cock on #cocktribute and cumming all over #cumtribute she is my CumSlave after all ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"ALL LIVES DO MATTER NO MATTER IF YOU R BLACK, WHITE HISPANIC ,MUSLIM, JEW, ATHEIST , CHRISTIAN.....PERIOD.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"It's their version of \"shut up, nigger\". Whilst i understand the hate, the word is valid. You gotta mansplain to someone that's really cuntfused. Just tell them to stop ovary-acting and cuntplaining. And proceed to watch the world burn from the meltdown. Mansplaining is just a woman trying to cuntfuse the issue by shaming a male and shrugging off her inability to understand the situation.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I'm spreading my knowledge. Do you idiots think i talk from my ass? Don't you think i have tried nofap? > I'm spreading my knowledge. Can't spread what you don't have, son. Keep busting then. I have said it now. I know you might be an elder male and i might just seem like a little shit. But you should really consider what i'm saying DUDE. Shut up, you closet wanker.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"\"Guys\" has been an acceptable gender-neutral term for decades, even though it began predominantly masculine. Jokes about calling girls guys are DECADES old. What, are we going to start giving all the Madisons and Leslies and Alexs shit for having names that are traditionally masculine? Using male words to address a mixed gender group is literally thousands of years old. It's the rule in most languages because of Latin. Yep, it is like this for Spanish but people are beginning to adopt ways to include male and female instead of just referring to groups as male. It absolutely butchers the grammar and I for one find it unnecessary. As a Latina the term \"latinx is so irritating it's so dumb. We're not gonna change the whole language just to prove how woke we are. Or latin@ why does this thing exist What the hell is that? Arabic as well. But in contrary to english it has special verb and adjective forms for all females subjects (singular, dual and plural forms). Then = time Than = comparison Also a good way to remember this. Then and time both have an e in them. Than and comparison both have an a in them. in Irish groups are neuter (kind of) but I think what you're saying is true for the Romance languages at least Thats kinda why I added the dislaimer. I know its a significant portion but I know there are languages that dont really use gendered words for random stuff You obviously haven't been introduced to Latinx Your right I just learned about Romans and all the Historical orations.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"http:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/04\/aclu-kavanaugh-partisan-resistance\/ FORMER ACLU VICE PRESIDENT: THE ACLU NOW DOESN'T BELIEVE IN ANYTHING OTHER THAN THE RESISTANCE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"SERPA sounds like sherpa. It's unstandable. That and leftists are functionally retarded about anything that doesn't involve python scripting.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I'm not even surprised. It's Orange County. That's why they pull the stunts that they do there. You can bet your bottom dollar that this nigger knows not to pulll this shit in Sampson or Moore county, for example.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER I realize there are violent Trump supporters too but pale on comparison to the left. Does Antifa ring a bell?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I hope the members of the WBC are forced to suck a thousand sand nigger cocks","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"And what does it say to the girls in Spain that they can't beat out a freak in a beauty contest?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Too manysluts in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Who said anything about full time child care? Even when in school most kids need before and after school care if their parents work. Still not less than $100 a month. I'm not going to return your personal attacks because I'm not a cunt ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"this swiss cunt is going on the list Oooooo scawy. Anything but duh list. Lol faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Plot twist: He is her Boyfriend.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Who gives a shit what this field nigger has to say ? Now put your back into it Boy or I'll hobble your dope smokin ass....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"And yet 95% of posts on this sub are about women.. Not so much GYOW huh? Edit: I say this as someone whom was active in trp on in alt account w\/ endorsement points. Since that sub was flooded by newbies and women hate that sub went to shit, so I subscribed here. Yes I understand it's not a new revelation that I'm stating. I initially subbed here bc I was seeing original good content. Honestly a lot of these posts on here scream insecurity and someone that is still in high school. Y'all need to grow the fuck up and pick up some hobbies and lift. Instead of being incel faggots. Downvote me all you want, it doesn't change the majority of you guys' pussifycated pedestalizing.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"This is almost as good as when ZileanOP got busted for faking being crippled by getting up on stream and his scumbag cunt girlfriend started making up some nonsense about a fish tank store and their dog desperately trying to cover it up","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I thought these fucks hated capitalism? This is literally \"Goods and\/or services in exchange for money.\" for god's sake!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Why do liberals preach gun control but go and get stupid with guns?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER He has no social graces. That is why he was shunned by NY proper everyone knows he's white trash with a little money. He does not know how to act and makes everything about him. Always. He is just a Me ME Me POS that is an embarrassment to the USA.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Now how did this happen in gun control NYC?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"If you say \"I hate disabled people\", then you are a bigot!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I mean, you really should be able to drive my dude... Yea... not seeing how having a stable job and ability to drive goes beyond the bare minimum of expectations. How do you even live your life without that shit? If it's expected of men, it should be expected of women too. Only asking for her to not be fat is lenient given all that women expect of men.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Please listen to me, I am a White American Woman that's a registered Republican, who voted for Trump. I own guns. I support free speech, I pay to be on Gab. I fought porn spammers, I fought obscene violent anime child porn posters. My birth name is Christina. I love my Country and you my Volk. Please stop hating \"Nazis\", we are not your enemies. You must listen to us. Antifa are Communists, far left. Antifa stands for Anti-Fascist. Nazis are Fascists, far right. Nazis arrested Socialists, Democratic Socialists, Communists and Anarchists. National Socialist, you idiot. No NSDAP documentation uses the word \"Nazi\", Hitler himself never used the word \"Nazi\". It was always \"Nationalsozialismus\". \"AshkeNAZI Jews\" doesn't prove anything.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"no fucking way a machine would recognize that shit LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Omfg yassssss! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I still am having trouble with the concept of genderqueer. I used to think I was pretty easy going. Love who you want, fuck who you want, marry who you want. Gays, straights, lesbians, bisexuals, got it. I even get the people with bad body dysmorphia who went to series of psychiatrists and got hormones and surgery as soon as they could. My cousin was like that. I remember her being angry that she was a girl when she was six. Now we have transgender and gender queer. I still don't understand what a genderqueer is and why I'm now being forced to diagram out someone's sexual or gender orientation. Tell me if I'm wrong (and yes, I know I'm posting in pussy pass)...so a genderqueer would be a woman who maybe doesn't want to take hormones, but dresses like a man, thinks she is gay, and dates men? I read something about a women who identified as queer and had a boyfriend. She didn't understand why his family didn't understand that she was not a straight woman. Sorry for the long post, but I'm honestly getting confused. they do not identify as a man or a woman. its nothing to do with sexuality, but self identification. the person you described (a woman who maybe doesn't want to take hormones, but dresses like a man, thinks she is gay, and dates men) could still possibly identify as a man, a woman, or neither. for example, a birthed female who identifies as them, could be solely interested in men","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"This is the left https:\/\/redd.it\/9nkpeo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"RT @ NRO The heated battle over Judge Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court has hurt vulnerable Democratic senator Claire McCaskill in her race for reelection. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/JRmt Maybe, but I try to avoid commenting on personal appearance. That's the looney left's modus operandi. I fight fire with fire! I get it. Conservatives have been far too polite for far too long, and there is no winning against the Dems that way. I just try not to lower myself to their levels *in public*. In private, all bets are off, and the things that come out of my mouth shock even me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Sorry you're a socialist!! I contributed to Ted Cruz!! Sick of liberals","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Why do these racists demand that white people \"stay in your lane\" ... Yet, they have NO PROBLEM telling white people what to do and how to think #Hypocrites","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Doggonnit! 10 Coors in and I can still roast stormy daniels' vagina, but award shows escape me I wouldn't know anything about it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER ANTIFA task force?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Clearly Durbin lived under a rock for those eight years!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Godfrey Bloom on top form as he obliterates #TheresaMay's #Tory conference speech. #Conservative #Christianity #EU https:\/\/youtu.be\/5NYFUrqSyxA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Disabled people do not belong on this earth. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER The AntiFa' crowd? What a quack.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@RealGeklmin Thinks he's smart, but he's really a retarded autistic who doesn't know when to quit. He has attempted to recreate @MartyGraw 's account to troll. Anyone contacted by this account be aware- its this faggot and he wants to suck your cock. ssssslllluuuuurrrppppp ssssslllllluuuurrrrrrpppppp Was the little cunt under Torbas' desk when you found it? .... I'll bet it was.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"FOX and Friends SHREDS Dem Senator Coons Who Claims There Was \"Evidence of Abuse Against Kavanaugh (VIDEO) https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/fox-and-friends-shreds-dem-senator-coons-who-claims-there-was-evidence-of-abuse-against-kavanaugh-video\/ Face nailed shut? Both funny AND brutal. Nicely done.... I WAS THINKING ALONG THIS LINE............","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Any doctor that gives hormones to a minor should be sent to prison and have their medical licence revoked.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Wetback foreign invasion. destroy them and those piece of shit flags","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Did any of you directly tweet a Senator or higher rank, call them a faggot and keep your Twitter account? Probably not because your timeline wasn't filled with Jewish RT's.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"What does (sic) mean? It means it's written like that, the person quoting it is leaving the autocorrector errors like they were originally written. Kinda counterintuitive spamming the text with a (sic) after every grammatical error to keep the text original\" >Think of it like the \"\/s\" for comments - it shouldn't be needed but it helps autists to feel better. You cant imagine how often that \/s helped me out. More often than i like to admit. [deleted] Okay, so consider literally any situation with a hostile actor misquoting you as well as failing to quote things properly? For example; you've got an intern who for some reason has English as their second language and not only did you spell one word incorrectly (sic) but the intern also made a bunch of spelling mistakes. How do I know what is you, and what is the fault of the editor? [deleted] Did you even read what *they* wrote? [deleted] Get over it dude Okay.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Niggers Niggers should be banned from owning domestic animals. Niggers actually derive pleasure from torturing animals and people. There is something really wrong with nigger brains.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Using my Free Speech to say I'm really glad PayPal suspended payments for Gab, and that the hate speech here should embarrass every one of you. I'm with you, Brianna!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"You only think the man is ugly because you don't like men, dyke-chan.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"No, because she's literally a retard and hasn't come to terms with that fact just yet. \"um, it's called a rhetorical statement?\" Quit being such a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Well you may be right. Always the optimist I'm going to carry on with my (possibly deranged) mission to believe we can achieve a united front.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER wow Jr. you are not very bright are you. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Word cause her music SLAPS THERE'S NO REASON SHE SHOULDN'T BE SELLING OUT BIG ASS SHOWS (idk if she is or isn't but she DESERVES)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Ah he is great. Cheers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"\"The future is female! Give women higher positions just for being women! Fuck hiring men!\" \"Why aren't as much men working anymore?\" Retards can't put 2 and 2 together. I blame common core math.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@RFIDbollocks Hey silly cunt, ask \"Nuddering on twitter where he got the \"idea that Owen Jones was that editor on Wikipaedia... go on ask him! I fucking dare you... come back to me when you realise it was me! ME! Yep, it was me.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"you can't pass one day without seeing a little white girl bitch in heat hanging on to some nigger! whites better get control of their renegade bitches or they will be giving birth to little nigger mulattos instead of white babies..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Lol okay cuz this shit gotta be discreet ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER but you ARE the coolest dude","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"And you're high level delusional! lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Nearly made me contribute to Antifa and join Facebook. Nearly.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Looks like he is urinating in the water","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER I wonder why you needed to bring up this point when I didn't mention anything about that. But it seems like you are uncomfortable talking about race.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"A little half nigger that will be born with shocking red hair probably! LOL!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Feminists are retarded and offended by anything. I'm not saying they are the exact same. All I'm saying is that you put all feminists in a single group, and someone like Malala is a feminist, and so is in that group. Because Malala isn't how you described all feminists, that pokes a hole in your argument. Malala is just one example. There are other who aren't crazy and are completely logical. I was just using Malala as an example because she is well known. The bottom line is that you called all feminists retarded and that kinda isn't true, and just is insulting to those actually doing good and actually fighting for women's rights in places where they ARE oppressed.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The retarded asshole, Justin Trudeau does not know how to read anything beyond a fourth-grade level.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"15 concert goers gunned down in Jacksonville with 9mm Ruger P89. The NRA blames gun control laws.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Kamala Harris speaks to those she disagrees with in a condescending fashion that I find gutter like! I want to snatch her bald headed routinely! She is so full of herself and is very unbecoming! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":" do you people ever get sick of calling every last person on the planet either a jew or agent of jews? You are worse than the leftists calling people nazis they're not calling, its the truth","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"It gets better, got a storage unit and when I went to get some things I noticed that my window was popped open and my tablet and PS4 was stolen from my living room. Luckly, they didn't take my stereo system, pc or TV. I took those to storage so now there is nothing in there a nigger will take. That's 2\/2","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER FYI, the Radicalism\" is ALL ON THE LEFT! You SOB's started with Occupy Wall street, when that failed, you got BLM started, and THAT FAILED so you put together ANTIFA... We KNOW what you have done.... you WILL go to GITMO.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"so has the liberal dems created a gofundme acct yet to bail this cuntfused person out?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Pulled her over twice, then gave her a body search and still the retards ITT think it's just as simple as 'she's a crazy cunt.'","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Rep Maxine Waters has been threatening violence on you the President and vise President. How come she is permitted to do this. Is the DOJ and Washington capital Police sleeping?? Why are all democrats above the law? This is a crime! URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER I just know my family lives out west. Hard core conservatives. They love Bernier. All their friends love him. That is going to split the party. Alberta is huge PC block. Not my politics but you can't choose family. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Do people really not realise that gay people are disgusting?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Stop being a nigger or go back to twitter if you want to ban the imagination.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER She is by far the most pretentious little try-hard housemate in there this year. So cringeworthy. #BBUK","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Her poor husband. That fool needs to get out now. I'm not getting married. Never wanted to and never did. At least you know better. OJ Not always the case. I came into.my marriage with no money just like my husband. Now I work and he stays home. We're actually a pretty good team and afaik he's pretty happy so ... I'd say he's benefitting","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Leftists trying to take over Austria with protests against government https:\/\/www.dw.com\/en\/austria-anti-government-protests-hope-to-break-populist-groundswell\/a-45833441?maca=en-reddit-sharing It's time for physical removal. Interesting. I would suggest always going for the most dangerous first, but this is consistent with physical removal. Leftists are a different species and need to live elsewhere. Always go after the money. Rampaging activists are disposable; bankers with access to billions aren't. I think that's the point of physical removal: get rid of the disposable and their masters. Will it make a difference if George Soros resides in Congo or Cambodia, as long as he has good food, air conditioning, a sat phone and an Internet cable? You can't get rid of the masters by removal - you must destroy their tools. And their primary tool is their money. RICO prosecution with asset freeze, that's what you need. I see these as two issues: (1) removing toxic people and bad genetics, and (2) changing laws to prevent international manipulation of your nation. Otherwise I agree. The place for toxic people is in prison, preferably with hard labor. The place for people with bad genetics is in their own countries but, if they happen to already be citizens, you're stuck with them. If they follow their genes, they'll join the toxic people; if they do not, they'll blend in and adapt. I cannot agree. It makes sense to remove all threats and ignore any laws which say otherwise, because those laws are obviously insane! First of all, \"dura lex sed lex\". If laws are insane, change them. The only way you get to void all laws is to descend into full anarchy and, as I wrote many times before, you may come to deeply regret that. And second, without the financial might behind them, activists aren't even a threat. Where would Antifa be without Soros money?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER I expect to see a lotta yetis wearing MAGA hats.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Freedom Hating Faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"As the creator of the most engaged with post in the News section of Gab, I was shocked to observe how many Gab users insisted how much they \"didn't care about my post by choosing to care enough to actively post a comment instead of simply ignoring it. So why did you care so much about my post, Gab?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Sodomite Cardinal Wuerl Given Promotion: Now Likely Number Three Most Powerful Faggot in Antichurch | Barnhardt https:\/\/www.barnhardt.biz\/2018\/10\/12\/sodomite-cardinal-wuerl-given-promotion-now-likely-number-three-most-powerful-faggot-in-antichurch\/ Been sayin' this all along bro. He just shuffles his homos around into better positions.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER See. Even liberals are in agreement!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"prove it idiot. pretending to believe an ugly lying libtard skank doesn't make it true retard without a job. I'm married","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Birch me too.. da fuck","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"TF does this bullshit mean. Listen Silverdouche, you think you are helping the movement and you dont even know the meaning of \"KIKE You are a fuckin retard who sits behind a computer who thinks thau are doing something. Lol Meme deez nutz Pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"c1900 6vols Tales from Blackwood Third Series Short Stories Maga Magazine Cowper URL URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Omg Jin's laugh makes me wanna laugh my whole life. He is so adorable","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Why don't you go back to sucking nigger toes on r\/christian? If you can't see cuckstianity for a degenerate, globalist business it is, then calling you a brain dead, nigger toe enthusiast isn't even hyperbole because that's the logical end point of your hippy dippy, kiddy fondling cult.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER I believe ALL of this stuff is to bring in Gun Control. Gun Control = Disarming America.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Elections don't matter. If they did they would not be allowed to exist anymore. If you're still falling for that con, you fully deserve to get fucked over by your \"party of choice\". You asked for it at that point. If they \"don't matter\", then it shouldn't matter, to anyone, if we vote in them, right?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"When gay people talk back to me, I just want to kill them. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"There is nothing worse than a Muslim. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Nigger ianer aus Nigger ia ?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"But we have seen in Iraq these cunts SUDDENLY get PREGNANT and refuse to deploy and men have to do the hard work.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":".....\" And he is shuting up. Don't mess with Yumi. Don't ever mess with Ms. Yuzuki.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Why do people not recognise that disabled lives are worth absolutely nothing?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Of course Obama loves this communist cunt because he's also a communist.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Fake news","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER He looted our money and now he is repaying our debts","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER He needs a long look in the mirror","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER You mean it doesn't last like this forever? He is playing for a contract...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Don't flatter yourself. I dont care enough to have an internet argument, armchair cowboy. I'll outline the results of the potential conversation so we can skip to the end. Neither of us convinces the other, then we both pretend to be the fastest retard at the special olympics. We about done here? Have a good night, man. Yeah he was a dick, she was a cunt. Honey had a tazer.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Facts don't care about your feelings Honestly. Like who tf gives a shit about your mom being dead I mean like, now you can have sex with the corpse I also choose his dead mom WoW wHat a SiCk rEdDit ReFeRenCe i UsE tHaT sIte tOo DuDe hAvE aN UpDoOt HahA GeT iT uPDoOt haHa UnDeRTaLe Gottem Yeah. Fuck OP amiright?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Islamists\/Antifa\/leftists would not allow us to lay a wreath in memory of the 9\/11 victims","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"There are many men who don't get it either. The internet is chock full of complaints from men trying to meet women who whine and mope that they're always striking out. Then you find out that they're overweight couch potatoes with crap jobs and no social skills. If they'd get to the gym, work on improving themselves and their prospects, then they'd start to get some attention from the ladies. Same thing is true for women. A frumpy overweight bitchy woman isn't going to have anyone interested in her. You should only improve for you. Doing it for a whisp of attention from disloyal women is retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"How cute, once again the popo want's regular Joe's to do their work for them. What are they gonna do once they find the Basketball America, wave their fingers at him and tell him that he is a bad person for doing bad things. With how good their \"police work\" has been lately, they might as well be assaulted by the nigger as well.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You need to kill some jews right now or you're a faggot optics cuck. C'mon pussy. Bomb a federal building. Do it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Another win for the vast majority that don't buy into the faggot \"lifestyle\"... Ashers 'gay cake' row: Bakers win Supreme Court appeal The Christian owners of a Northern Ireland bakery have won their appeal in the so-called \"gay cake\" discrimination case. https:\/\/www.bbc.com\/news\/uk-northern-ireland-45789759 So forcing a Jew bakery to make a swastika cake is out? Thanks short sighted niggers who lack the capacity for abstract thought. I bet none of you with agency got the FUCKING BALLS to use this ruling to fight the accommodations clause in the civil Rights act of #woolworthsLUNCHCOUNTERshakesitsmotherfuckinghead","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Whilst I have nothing but contempt for those vile anti-semites\/Nazis that inhabit the darker spaces here on Gab, I am disgusted at the way in which the lgacy media and big tech (hello Paypal) are using the murderous attack on a Synagogue to seek to destroy Gab. It wasn't Gab that planned and carried out the attack. Contempible opportunism from those out to strangle free speech. Hi mister i see you are in a state of aggitation i don't think it gonna help you at all you need a calm state to see the bigger picture you can't be ruled by emotion.-Sincerely someone who think you should calm down.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER It doesn't go far enough. Jr. You are going to jail....treason....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Our enemies are resorting to violence in the streets and calling for election boycotts, while the most notorious accelerationists amongst us are now calling for you to become the State. https:\/\/christophercantwell.com\/2018\/10\/15\/radical-agenda-s04e032-catching-up\/ If even James Mason is telling his readers to capture control of the GOP, you siege-posters are out of excuses for rewarding anti-white extremists with the objective of subversive acts intended to disenfranchise you. The GOP is the party of white people. None of us can afford to let our enemies just HAVE it without a fight, and we certainly can't afford to let the Democrats hand control of the state over to non-white invaders. You want accelerationism? You get that by winning. Not by pretending that you're doing your folk a favor by losing on purpose","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Jaws V: When Jaws Jaws Back - Starring Kurt Chiselchest and Lorna Buxom Whud I win? It better not be one of them laser swords...Jess will b jealous.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Americans have had enough of liberals at ESPN and the NFL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/07\/alyssa-milano-we-lost-on-kavanaugh-but-we-are-winning-the-cultural-battle\/ Milano: We've got more lies than you have candidates so we'll win in the long run. goddamn but I love you!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Somebody should just stab those black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Retarded boomer QLARPers with too much disposable income me thinks.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Black people are absolutely despicble. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"\"Believe all women claims another victim.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Now this is spicy. Also, super speedy sticky! I need a glass of milk > milk WHITE SUPREMACIST REEEEEEE What if it was soy milk? CULTURAL APPROPRIATION DETECTED Would soy milk even work against such spice? The soy would be consumed by flames. Remember Kek's third law; \"The Spice must flow!\" HE NEED SOME MILK! Where's our spicy bot? Real cows milk and that's being generous .. I'd prefer the woodchipper - run slow Eyes glossed over from loathing, lying, drinkin'. The reptile brain has taken over. \"You're a monster, Mr. Grinch. Your heart's an empty hole. Your brain is full of spiders, You've got garlic in your soul.\" Dr. Seuss But Brenda Snipes is a liar, A cheater at her core. By stealing votes in Broward Fell to power's allure. Always an interesting post from you sir. Thank you, thank you very much! Nipples protruding And she is getting caught red handed! Ghost pepper spicy AZ needs the same attention, Sinema is trying to do the same.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"That meme is retarded that black guy is wearing a Malcom X shirt. Malcom x was a black nationalist.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER What you're doing is so irresponsible and I believe that ur smart enough to understand how evil you are. If the FBI or JD had some plot to thwart DT, all they had to do was leak\" to the press that he was being investigated. They DID NO SUCH THING. U know you're wrong, that's evil!\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Who should primary Murkowski? It's official. Sarah Palin definitely listens to the Radical Agenda. https:\/\/twitter.com\/SarahPalinUSA\/status\/1048288254422728704","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"That cunt mayor needs to be executed THERE IS ONLY TWO FUCKING GENDERS!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Oppression... We need to start a movement. Could be worse they could be Antifa dogs :)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I haven't been on gab much lately. If you can no longer see a post you replied to, does that mean the person blocked you? Because if so, LOL, I got some \"DNA don't real!\" faggot real fucking mad.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Is that related to this post?? Can you explain why? Sounds juicy m8 It's not, he's on a rampage freaking out and posting all over PPD about my tyranny as a mod, seems this lad is a bit unstable. https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/a99WK5T.png Whites should get lynched, and gamers should be enslaved and castrated. > > > > Don't get triggered over words, subhuman. Oh look, another violent, bigoted regressive leftist. Here's a juice box, dear. You mom should be by to pick you up from your communist LARP in a couple of hours. Now get out and stay out. A lot of us have 4chan roots. Over there the word is practically synonymous as a means of addressing someone or calling someone a dick. It has almost no punch there because it's used so commonly. Someone calling you a faggot there is the equivalent of someone telling you here to stop being stupid. Nothing to do with your sexuality at all lmao faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"1 of the 1st things Clinton did was ok all Army soldiers that didnt serve actively in an Airborne unit, wear berets (A symbol of elite tier status that had to be earned via Airborne unit (Maroon), Ranger (Black), and Special Forces (Green)). Prior to that, non-airborne units wore cunt caps. It was the beginning of participation trophy USA.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER -Yogi Bear -Nick@USER and Nickelodeon -FoodNetwork -HGTV -Ancient Aliens -Hallmark Channel Next channel to surpass CNN in ratings: ESPN","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Testing $7.31 support line is what she is doing new all time high if it doesn't break","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I am going to shoot the next i m m i g r a n t I see. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Judging by MegNog's childhood photos, she did a lot of job trying to hide her nigger roots Harry is truely a halfwit One thing is to be a wigger, and have a bestie former gang member. Another thing is to defile your body, your blood and your genes with lower species. This applies to all. It's revolting when commoner does it, but even more so when nobility race mixes If a jew is involved, I don't trust it. They lie about *everything*. Yup. #NeverTrustAJew jeb t britbongs. They are the biggest traitors of the white race.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER That would be Antifa!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"NIGGER FULL OF HATE AND DRUGS SEE idi amin POSTER ON WALL RAPED BOYS AND GIRLS obamy DISEASED muslim PIG DICK SUCKER WHAT A LEGACY FUCKING CRIMINAL DEGENERATE THONG WEARING BITCH BOY","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":" Remember IN NOVEMBER TERM LIMITS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Hey thanks for that. Red is my favorite color so I can't wait until it's the background for my post.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Bad move. He has nothing to prove to anyone. Once a month that office is going to be like Dante's Inferno. You could power an electrical station on the passive aggressiveness alone. Good grief. He should have hired all white, Christian, straight, males who like beer and who have a family to support. I hope he likes four women telling him where his couch should go. (Psst, none of them will agree on the location either), pumpkin spice latte dripped all over the briefings they type, hair clogging up his office bathroom sink, and no one who can stay late because they have to pick up little Johnny from the babysitters! Oh, AND Dems will still call him a gang rapist until the day he dies. Cycling is good for their health LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Louis Farrakahn called. He said you are doing a great job of parroting his ideas. (Means you do not have an original thought and that you are actually the puppet here).","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"\/\/ AWWWWW thank you so much! You are a brilliantly talented writer and I am so thrilled to interact with you! This thread is going to be epic! URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Who in thee f*ck would eat goat balls?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Harley Miss You and all the Patriots so much. Dum ass Twitter kicked me off going after far left libs. Please tell everyone I miss them. Found Robin on here! I can still see your non private posts in Twat land. Keep up the good fight. Always. Jeff.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Hogg ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"MP who named Philip Green did so at behest of Richard Branson who was being touted as the most likely Wanker! This is corruption but the cunt will no doubt now fly first class and get some nice holidays for his troubles! Another jew pervert","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Evidently they can get away with it without facing the wrath of the DOJ.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Any mention of using the 25th Amendment on obama would have had the left screaming racism.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Isn't spamming against the ToS @a? Or are you more interested in stifling conversation with #ThreadMute under the guise of 'freedom of association?'","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"People that truly hate the police should have to sign something so the police don't have to come when they call. And it should be a publicly available list so that everyone knows that the police are no longer responsible for them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Exactly. From what he is describing it is like two steps forward and three steps back.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"It should be clear that trans people are not human. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Out of an abundance of caution??? What language is that? I know the words are English...but I don't recognize the language. Is that remedial retard English?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Better he paid us and be the \"fascist monster\" the Media sold us. And not try to \"show the other side that he is really just a mderate\". Cause he has a \"full female team\" just cause \"muh, feminism, I respect wymyn\". And he thinks that give him points. We need Judge Dredd, please, not another Kennedy in process. Harder than the nigger Thomas, please","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"There's a garden hoe hanging right next to that shovel there. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER She is a piece of garbage! I can't believe the hatred those bitches on the View have for Trump! And ABC let's them spew this garbage on a daily basis. Disgusting! Boycott the View! Boycott ABC too! I have and damn proud of it!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The Jim Davis article... I personally know Cedric and he is a faggot for pulling that article (along with many other reasons). That's why rightwinglgbt is a thing. Not saying you have to be right wing\/right leaning. But you should know you're being used as a smokescreen by these authoritarian faggots (and I don't call them faggots because they're LGBT).","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Oh my God I swear no wonder all the retarded feminists think most of us are autistic idiots","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Like ANTIFA.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I retired when I was 57 so boom that you millennial faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Follback","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Retarded driver cuts the turn short, tries to take out concrete pkg garage pillar with driver side of van. need to view from news site, https:\/\/ntknetwork.com\/hillary-clintons-car-crashes-in-new-jersey\/ impact at 0:30 mark.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"How retarded is it to proudly wave the flag of the country you are supposedly fleeing","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Oh look, a BASED NEGRO. Fuck off, with your nigger loving virtue signaling. gtfo Oh look another IGNORANT white monkey low IQ boy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Resigned? More like fired Obviously you didn't read the article: >Tenafly Police released a video Tuesday revealing just why (Caren Z.) Turner abruptly resigned last week as a commissioner of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Regardless, anyone named Karen who spells it with a \"C\" is bound to be a pain in the ass. She must have poked holes in the condom to con her husband into marrying her. Lol Are you serious? You think she resigned of her free will? This was a forced resignation. Its Either resign or you'll be removed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Who will Kill who 1st, as Jew Boy Clooney Marries Muslim Sand Nigger (2 Racial Mortal Enemies since the Dawn of Time). It's a Case of Opposites Attract, Followed by, Murdering eachother over a Package of Bacon... https:\/\/a.msn.com\/r\/2\/BBOjesL?m=en-usandreferrerID=InAppShare","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Hey Jews, check out this important reminder from Brazil that 11 dead in a faggot dick cutting ceremony is the least of your problems. We are going to take over our government, and when that happens, none of your money, newspapers, or other corruption will save you. Get the fuck out of our country, and leave us alone. Your time is short. https:\/\/www.theguardian.com\/world\/2018\/oct\/28\/jair-bolsonaro-wins-brazil-presidential-election LOL! It's that crying Nazi fag. The moslem must fuck off earth Sanz Into outer space Sanz Shut up kike, your time is short. I'm not a kike, I just know a moron when I see one. And considering the fact this is still a free speech site, I'm calling you out for being an ignorant dick. You clearly are a kike, functionally if not genetically.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The whole article in three sentences: We forgive Trump for his comment about \"shooting someone\" on Main St USA and getting away with it. (Uhhh yeah because hyperbole) We forgive Trump for not accomplishing \"some of his campaign promises,\" because of Democratic obstruction in the House. (Uhhh yeah because it's a real thing, not like they are trying to hide that, only the retarded can't see it) He hasn't pulled out of Iraq and Afghanistan completely yet. (Uhhh yeah because his generals thought it was a bad idea and too soon) They are pointing out nothingburger ideas and driving it home like we should hate the president for this. This kind of knee-jerk response may be common to Lefties but not our party, who prefers a more logical and rational approach to matters, you know, think before you leap? The Left may want to try this sometime, maybe you won't look like such violent maniacs everyday... Winning! LOL!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Its a challenge can anyone do it in reality","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Christarinsanity has a eunuch problem.Christarinsanity turns White men in to the field nigger of the Jew. Suck that jew dick, Christard! Suck is hard, and swallow!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Bring it. Napoleon Quote: \"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Not being called a cunt is basically being protected from Aussies swearing at you","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER HOW CAN PELOSI BE SPEAKER? SHE IS MENTALLY IMPAIRED","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"The Wikipedia link you shared merely confirmed what the meme I posted says. The bottom line is, Muslims are taught it's acceptable to lie to non Muslims. Everything is just blah blah, I don't give a shit for your minutiae BS, go away. sand nigger pedophile apologist yip","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Tucker Carlson is not an idiot. He knows exactly what he is doing. That makes him malicious.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I just don't like Homosexuals raising kids it's my opinion.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"She should be kicked off the platform for saying \"disabled people should all be killed\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Obviously this is not to be taken seriously. It's too ridic to be subversive. Which begs the question what was the point of writing it? Nobody sane finds this funny. Either the author has lost his mind or it's deliberate agitation. It has a self-destructive element too. If I wanted to tank my \"nazi\" site I'd do what this dumb faggot has been doing for the past year","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@p09025 @EsperanzaMBargo @itaboray @k00nix","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Hah! Pocahontas Warren Releases DNA Analysis - Claims She Is Around 1\/512th Native American https:\/\/t.co\/F0fEYzFGGi via @gatewaypundit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Looks horsefaced enough to be John Kerry's long lost son.... and just as retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Disgutsed by all the black people around here. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Just remember, bitches want to be treated like shit! If you don't treat them like shit from the very beginning they think you don't love them. Treat a bitch like a nigger treats a dog and they'll love you forever. No, thats virgin , retard advice. You don't treat them like shit. You dangle your desire in front of them. You make them work for it. You make her wonder if your interested. You pursue them but you make it seem like you don't know if you even give a shit, to the girl. That's how you do it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":">Twatpacker Isles Seriously, that's the name of a group of islands? lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER You are my help","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"A trans person must have committed that crime. Only they can be that violent and cruel. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Very happy to have that traitorous ba$tard stay in Islamic London! They deserve each other. What happened in America where you went from putting men on the moon to the retarded inbreds that you are today?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER SJSHSJ THATS MY JOB BITCH","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"FUCKING FAGGOT KICKS WOMEN IN THE FACE, WOULD NOT DARE TO DO THAT TO A REAL MAN !! SOY FUCKHOLE !!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER They owe the Christian Conservatives and the Koch Bros. this nomination. This specific nomination. For a reason.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Loretta Lynch said that blood must be spilled in the streets... people seem to forget that both AGs under the Faggot in Chief have called for illegal rioting\/violence","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I'm an American Jew and have been on Gab since the day they started in August I just mute the fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches. Problem solved.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Good .. she is the one that seems sexist","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"NO MOTHERFUCKERS IM IN CHARGE OF GAB NOW That is excellent news, Miss Emily. Could you please get rid of the incompetent H-1B steetshitters who are employed by Gab and replace them with White men?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"why are all you retards obsessed with being a cuckold and why is it so hard to spell the whole word? i'd rather be on twitter being ignored and then quickly banned than be here and followed by a bunch of faggot morons. no caps for you tards.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Your disabled lives are worthless. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":".Ah yes... Paul Joseph Watson is a flaming faggot who don't agree with some of the laws which muslims follow which is part of the same laws that #Yahweh put in motion through Mosheh and Aaron in the days of old!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Baltimore mayor announces taxpayer-funded legal defense fund for illegal immigrants. That's right folks. The left wants you to pay for your own demise. https:\/\/t.co\/BDInyhfdXf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Wow @Sikafred is this a real advertisement for juice from Sweden? Just when you thought the advertisement couldn't be degenerate enough, they up the ante. I'm often offended by things that the cultural marxist's do in the advertising space. But this has to be a prize winner when it comes to my irritation levels. Holy Maximal Rage Cakes. https:\/\/twitter.com\/HarmlessYardDog\/status\/1052263668291915776 I have no idea off what was being advertised other tan a baby in some black guys arms. WTH?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Same with the conservatives","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"#SJW #Liberals ----------------------- Sweden's Feminizing Boys with Genderless Schools URL via @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"The whole \"gamers don't have sex\" thing was a worn out stereotype 20 years ago. Even if it were true not having sex wouldn't mean that you are uninterested in sex so sex appeal would still be a thing that could influence your preferences. and#x200B; Action movies in general are pretty fucking camp to varying degrees. One badass goes around being some immortal god of destruction. Is Bayonetta campier than Devil May Cry though? Would Kill Bill have been less campy with a male lead? Was Aliens more campy than Commando? I think there are times an action movie putting a woman in a particular role doing some things can make it campier but just being like \"oh women action movies are so much campier than men action movies\" is retarded. > Bayonetta campier than Devil May Cry They're both very camp. > Would Kill Bill have been less campy with a male lead? Slightly. Camp isn't really a problem either. I like Bloodborne, which I put in the camp category. I still play as a man, but a woman fits that setting equally well. >\"oh women action movies are so much campier than men action movies\" is retarded. Yeah, no it's not. It's always going to be an extra layer of camp. No one said that games with male leads can't be camp, but a female action hero is ALWAYS camp. Sorry, buddy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Hello to everyone on Gab. I am new and this is my first post!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Can someone tell me why I cannot remove this person from following me? Ankita Singh @ankita4ngtfun ... it's a hooker, or something. I removed it once, and now it's back, and I can;t force an unfollow! I think Andrew and the boyz a tweaking things ... Andrew sent something out yesterday that it might be up and down ,,, but ya never know they've been around for a while. the usual b.s.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER How about trump sending out memes while he is president of him bashing Hilary with a folding chair","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER You are but Rider always makes me aware when you are late for him so late is late no mater who you are meeting. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"#Heidelberg: Nach einem Elternabend in der Internationalen Gesamtschule ruft eine 3-k pfige Gruppe immer wieder nach einem M dchen als ihr Stiefvater fragt, was das Problem sei, geht ein dunkelh utiger Teenie auf ihn los und tritt ihn krankenhausreif https:\/\/www.presseportal.de\/blaulicht\/pm\/14915\/4086001 Nicht lange fragen. Zuschlagen ist die Devise. Die Nigger haben das kapiert.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I will admit she hasn't charted and I blame that on the fact that she is an artist she does things her own way and sometimes not following the trends or staying in a mold will cause you to fall out of the \"relevant spotlight ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Muslims like you should stop complaining. You deserve to suffer. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"If you're going to post a fairy gay faggot video at least make sure it is working.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER The Dregs of Society\" are ISIS, ANTIFA, BLM, Planned Parenthood, Illllegal aliens, Pedofiles, and liberals. This is who the Democrats support. Once again, accusing others of what YOU, Biden are guilty of.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Those are some lucky people on Tulsa! :) Saw this and needed to share with a fellow fan of Levi's jeans. Yet another reason to love our Levi's! URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"When will it finally be clear to people that it's in an immigrant's nature to be an annoying prick?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"rofl. These cunts got their ass whooped by the bouncer!! He didn't even had to use force, just a light push to get them off his face and bitches went smack down the flat ground - every. fucking. time. One of them even broke a glass \/ bottle on the bouncer. He still kept his cool. All the 3-4 bitches employed the same usual tactics - shout and scream, verbally abuse, viciously attack the guy physically, and then cry when they get beat back. And icing on the cake were the guys laughing and booing off the beaten-but-still-crazy cunts. :D ah, what a way to start the day!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":".... and liberals do ... yea whatever! URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"http:\/\/www.news24xx.com\/read\/news\/11255\/These-are-the-5-most-beautiful-porn-stars-that-would-stole-your-attention @Tevlar trans like tammy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"[deleted] This makes sense. The \"other guy\" basically did you a favor.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"You have to stop calling people muzzies. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"He is awesome!!!! So personable and I know these people so appreciate him being there. MAGA URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Women like you are just pathetic. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Good! Kind of makes you wonder what these boneheads have really accomplished? Getting people to not watch them and support their team? #Missionaccomplishedwewontwatch #maga #istand #BoycottNFL #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"The royals just took in a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"this isn't breaking news, this is fucking retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Carson Wentz calls Hulk Hogan audible. HH https:\/\/youtu.be\/QqPgFxJTJ6Q It's trending on Twitter because people are upset about it. Lol. This is what the NPCs are upset about? That the white quarterback might be a hulk hogan fan? \"Nobody on muh Eaglez can like dat ebul raysis wrestler!\" Really? When he was trying to draw NY offside. Now lets see how we can make that racist, jewish, or facist. Fly Egulz Fly. We win super bow. We make drumpf angree.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Being racist isn't a crime, it just makes you an asshole. This obsession with safe spaces and muh racism is retarded as fuck.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Breitbart London: Hillary Clinton Attacks British Tories for Backing Orb n, Demands U.S., Europe Respect Human Rights of Migrants https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/10\/09\/hillary-clinton-attacks-british-torys-backing-orban-defends-free-movement\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I had no idea what \"loli echhi\" was until I read Torba's response and he's right. Nobody wants to look at your retarded child porn hentai. And like at the faggot white supremacists, you're like \"der, doesn't matter, it's free speech.\" Too bad, nobody cares about your little baby whining.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Gavin Mcinnes claims to be straight right before he tongue kisses a flaming faggot in front of a crowd. I need no further information","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER At what point does the Lib playbook turn to dust after repeating the same BS over and over?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Wouldn't it be easier to close the loopholes that allow guns to get into the wrong hands? This article by Duke's Center for Children and Families provides a good overview on the subject. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"i don't know how many different version you need to hear, before this sinks into your dumb cunt skull. People did not leave when Gab threw people off for actually using legally protected speech. No one and i mean NO ONE is going to get on the cartoon child porn band wagon or hold a torch for you people, Sad that you can't see it, But still the case.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You must free yourself from the lies you've been programmed with. Your nation isn't an idea or a melting pot. If it's not any of those things then what is it? It's the same thing that's always made up a nation, a racially homogeneous group of people. In the case of America, that means white people. >> In the case of America, that means white people. << Said who where?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Her and her Faggot daughter.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"No such concerns when the army was posing for pictures with the beardies in pyjamas! No doubt your account will now be suspended for offending him Potentially. Have to start my 13th then lol I try and keep it very polite initially. Just ask them tricky questions like this that will expose their hypocricy if they answer honestly. Asked an SNP moron yesterday \"Are you a Scottish Nationalist? Do you like Corbyn too? I think he sensed my trap and refused to play ball ;) lol How are you getting on Shazia? Back on Twitter? Incognito like me lol I do have a Twitter account. I never use it. I prefer to Gab. No need to watch what I say, no Resisting Shite's list for being mass reported. Haha So am I. They even published a sad article about me and my book Titanic Britain on their website. Then we got them banned for hate speech and abuse. They're very quiet now. Not reporting people so they don't draw Twitter attention to their new account lol They are pathetic. If they went after paedo accounts I would respect them, instead they go after anyone who tells the truth about Islam. Wankers. Wonder why. Big chunk of Twitter owned by Saudi now. The police were seen next to a beardie doing an ISIS salute. I guess action too is being taken against them then! Yeah. Yet a comedian who makes his dog do a Nazi salute gets dragged to court and fined. It's getting ridiculous to a point where a dog's owner gets dragged to court and fined for his dog doing a Nazi salute. Don't these arseholes have a any sense of humour or even a sense of dismissal??? Utter wankers mate. The Left have zero sense of humour. Why they take themselves so damn seriously...when no-one else does :) Ah but look what happened to one who celebrated loudest Graham Linehan, he of Twitter SJW police fame...a few months on its HE who gets the knock on the door from the UK stasi for Wrong-Speak...on Twitter Police obviously got plenty of time policing social media rather than walking the beat on the streets Shhheeeese!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":" Europe is good at History because it is history","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":">\"CERN considers the presentation delivered by an invited scientist during a workshop on >##**High Energy Theory and Gender** >as highly offensive, CERN said in a Sept. 30 statement. what >Strumia's comments also received massive backlash from a large group of particle physicists in the form of a letter on a site titled >##**\"[Particles for Justice](http:\/\/archive.is\/MvOFK). ** what (above link is to archive.is) from ParForJus: >Strumia argues that it is actually men who experience discrimination, since they are more likely to serve in wars and be used as forced labor. While many talented people of all genders still face barriers due to war and conflict, these concerns are not part of the experience of the majority of white male physicists born and raised in Europe or North America in the current era. He also misquotes the Istanbul convention as saying that men cannot be discriminated against, when the actual text is that \"special measures that are necessary to prevent and protect women from gender based violence shall not be considered discrimination under the terms of this Convention.\" ([Istanbul Convention](https:\/\/rm.coe.int\/168046031c), Chapter 1, Article Only if the nerds are also retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"He's right, kavanaugh only did what he did for power. Men aren't sex-craving animals, kavanaugh is a shitty person who so happens to be a man too. People rape other people not for pleasure but because they feel they can. We are not animals and feminists need to accept that Kavanaugh did nothing wrong except dare to be conservative. Stop buying liberal lies. All you have to do is see how fast Ford dropped her case to see just how badly she was lying. We don't know if they're lies -- on either part -- because there was nothing resembling an investigation. Ford never filed a case because the statute of limitations had past; she made an accusation, went to DC to tell her side of the story, asked for an investigation, and nothing worth calling an investigation happened. As for lies, Kavanaugh perjured himself and was still appointed. It's obvious the Republicans had made their minds up before hand and nothing would change it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER \"Blame your opponent of the things you are guilty of - this pope is a satanist","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"She seems distraught. HAHAHAHAHAHA! And still on Twitter ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Sorry RETARD READ THE POST. if you believe trump -you are a profoundly stupid sheep. MAGA? Purge ANTIAMERICAN right wing filth from our soil. Trump is the fucking traitor and his followers are fascist sheep. Trump should hang in GITMO for treason. His supporters should be rounded up and shipped back to russia.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER She is so frickin adorable","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Well now the liberals have finally destroyed sesame street. Whats left?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Antifa girl of the month centrefold!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Why don't we just get rid of Muslims once and for all?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"10\/ Semi-related, that's the same with 2nd Amendment absolutists. Like Jim Losi seriously and literally says that there should be no restrictions on guns, including for criminals and the mentally ill. He told me that directly. If that's your position and you think you're a \"super patriot,\" you're actually just a retard. fuck off nigger faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Seriously?! Do you really believe your own crap? Why don't you just move on if she is so offensive. This ugly side to you is very unbecoming ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Well, shit, color me retarded! But the article says alcohol, heroin, and tobacco use are all down too, so I doubt you can argue it has anything to do with the legalization. More to do with kids not getting out and partying as much.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER She is a brave woman. I thank her for telling her truth and am sorry that it was not on her own terms.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I feel nothing but contempt for Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Bezos Loses $","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Hello, we are rich negroes, we don't need no nigger competition... so stay in your place on the plantation.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Benghazi Survivor Has Choice Words For Those Who Criticize Trump Over Khashoggi https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/20\/benghazi-survivor-trump-khashoggi\/ via @dailycaller I have no doubt the hit was carried out by professionals. I only challenge who sent them. I believe the best chance is the CIA\/deep state ordered the FF hit. I also think Trump already knows who ordered it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I really wish we had a Trump in charge of the UK, rather than a dancing twat Syria - Aid halted after discovering Islamists are making a profit from it #ItWasEverThus https:\/\/www.telegraph.co.uk\/news\/2018\/10\/03\/britain-halts-aid-syrias-idlib-concern-extremists-imposing-terror\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Like Antifa hiding their faces?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Obama was both unqualified for the job and a hater of the USA. Yet America elected him for not being white. Media-driven pc racism nearly destroyed law and order in USA. I stand corrected","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"\"U LIE!\" Well, ur Constitution does consider Blks \"3\/5ths human.\" Pray that the Blk bourgeoise eventually gets the Haganh nerve to ReSegregate\/Repatriate.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Actually I avoid purple because everyone loves it and I'm addicted to pissing people off. I also detest the color purple. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I cant even find any details about the conviction, just the same braindead article posted on every Calgary news outlet. Pretty fucking disturbing that this womans cover story is inexplicably being taken as truth. Im a Calgarian myself and about the same age as this guy, and I really cant believe what a pathetic bunch of faggots Canadians are that we cant even recognize a murder.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You are nothing but a tranny. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Anti-trust protects the free market. This isn't a gotcha. Stop being retarded. In case you're retarded instead of an actual lying shill: large companies ganging up on their competition to ensure that nobody can compete is called a cartel, not a free market.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"*As a plastic blond white woman i believe that if you have to date a nigger, make sure he is famous enough that everyone knows you ain't broke.* I dont know sounds racist to me.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER You're literally white nationalist radicals and enemies of the state. You're lucky you're not being hunted down by federal agents like the terrorists you are...but the citizenry will act in the state's place soon enough. ACTA NON VERBA. #TheResistance #ResistTrump #Antifa URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"What about conservatives that supported GW Bush?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Indickt Ford the Fraud who committed many felonies of perjury when under OATH at the senate hearing. #PRISON4Ford","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Yes. We're just intimidated by strong, independent wimminz. She totally doesn't act like an insufferable cunt all day on social media or anything.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"the nigger kneelers and the NFL can go to hell. never again.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"#FamilyProtection: Gun Control Supporters Are Once Again Rebranding Their Efforts [we're on Facebook @ LivingTrust - FREE California #CCW class - PLUS virtually unlimited Free Training at Front Sight (world's largest shooting school)] URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":">Strumia's comments also received massive backlash from a large group of particle physicists in the form of a letter on a site titled > >\"Particles for Justice. What a bunch of Melvin nerds. So do we being back bullying now? Nerd bullying by nerds against other nerds? \/s","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/Shabbosgoy\/status\/1050787632177971201 U should spend more time here....I'm in Twatter jail again for a frigging week !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Everyone pointed and laughed at the retards. The mainstream and local media parroted their arguments and games media kept making fun of them. The general public was telling them to fuck of constantly until there was an ESRB compromise. Which effectively just made the violent games more profitable. It's completely different imo. There's still a moral argument made, but it's one people have a hard time saying no to cause it's a secular moral argument. It's more manipulative on a larger scale. I wish it was religion doing this instead.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Lied about being a \"DR\". No license has been found. She said she used her cell phone to call a friend after it happened. Cell phones were practically non existent in She said she ran to a Safeway after the incident. Safeway didn't exist in that location until She is a Liar. Rachel Mitchell says it more eloquently. YOU ARE LETTING FACTS GET IN THE WAY OF A 1ST. CLASS LYNCHING AND CHARACTER SMEAR. SHE HAS THE DR. THAT BILL COSBY HAD AND SHE NEEDS TO BE IN THE SAME PLACE HE IS TODAY. IN PRISON. FUCKING CUNT I don't like that word but in this case it's appropriate and spot on as the Brits would say. Tally Ho. IT SUMS UP A LOT OF THESE DEMOCRATS NO MATTER WHAT GENDER THEY IDENTIFY AS.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER I guess he needs to learn gun control.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"they had All their Greasy Nappy Nigger hairs all over the white house","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER I trust him a lot more than the armchair quarterbacks on Twitter. He makes mistakes because he is human. But he is one of the five best managers in the game today.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Why Is France No Longer French? Watch: https:\/\/redice.tv\/red-ice-tv\/why-is-france-no-longer-french Daniel Conversano and Timoth Vorgenss from Suavelos joins Lana to discuss how France has been transformed by mass immigration. Is France, as we've known it, lost forever?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Da man or da ho need money sanz before they have chitlin, so we breeding with rich diseased Jews reaping retarded children","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Why are you wasting time replying on twitter (trolling) on behalf of people making under that amount? Seems like someone is just a propaganda pusher...or likes gloating to other #MAGA's that they got screwed by Trump. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER there is a culture in greek life but I think alot of that comes from presentation in film. once we are away from our parents people are more free thinking some I agree with some not. you really think every frat is maga crazy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"actually autism can make you a retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"WETback","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The Mayor of Portland is still telling the police to stand down and to allow them to block traffic and do as they wish. Remember when commie pinkos had to lurk in the shadows for fear of being found out here in America? We need to bring that back and send these assholes packing ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"He's a retard, leave him be.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"NNN is pretty dumb, but then trying to equate that to misogyny is just going full retard.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"cunt defines","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER I understand Annie she is stuck in between ! I understand her !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"wikihow didn't load when they looked up how to make a timer on a circuitboard","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Assuming that he made the statement: Antifa is not an organization with a spokesperson. It is a diverse group. Bray cannot justly claim that he represents Antics. I ask again: Who is Antifa in your opinion? How are they organized? Do they reckognize Bray as their spokesperson?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Tried to comment @USER on his journalistic smear he made #JusticeClarenceThomas but for some reason he has BLOCKED 68yr old Christian Gmother who tweets occasionally when she sees the Injustice of Liberals and their #MSM to take every chance to attack an opposite opinion.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Blocked on FB ok, but on a dating-site? \"Suspended\", for violating terms of agreement. Saying that the majority on there are retarded scamming 3rd world savages and runner up are delusional libtards that should join their allies in the 3rd world and ruin it and leave the West alone...That? Or was I reported by a guy I spoke to, who btw also mentioned \"niggers, etc.\" FB loves niggers, kikes, faggots, dykes and all othe sub-humans","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER You are the best. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=6461VfxdBSw Rollins Band - Disconnect","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"he deserved it Let me punch you in the face for that comment. You deserved it. See how that logic doesn't work so well? You've clearly missed the point of my comment.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"RT @USANEWS007: BREAKING: CHRIS WALLACE DESTROYS SHEP SMITH! \"TRUMP ISN'T TO BLAME Never Trumper, Chris Wallace goes toe to face w\/Trump hating, Trump blaming, sniveling coward Shepard Smith. Wallace says in no way can you blame President Trump for Cesar Sayoc's criminal actions. #MAGABomber https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/tXFG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":".@TruthWillOut. FUCK you and your bogus ass film made by a homosexual soccer player #DennisWise. in the UK! #FuckHitler #FuckYouRacistNaziAsshole Suck a bag of nigger dicks kike.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"yep. sorry but I don't give people a pass for volunteer work. The way our mind is wired, people could very possibly be volunteering just to feel happy and not to help other people. This lady, who fucks teenage students, was probably looking for any possible path to happiness-whether it be volunteering or fucking boys. In short- dopamine addict. This lady has a dangerous addiction to wanting to be validated. Should have stuck to volunteering and stayed faithful to your husband, cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Liberals need better trolls than this aunty. Calling someone a liar on losing is what you resort to when you are in 2nd grade. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Plus now we know where she likes to kiss you at when she is singing Don't Judge Me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"When did the West have so many faggot men? I feel lied to. The wild west, the civil war, were they fought with a bunch of smirking faggots too?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":" Probably a Norwegian or summat. Just a thought, it's a Somali plastic surgeon, the pic hasn't been pixelated, it was a DIY job?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"There are too many shitbag retarded mentally ill these days.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":" Senate Republican Leaders EXPLOSIVE Press Conference on Kavanaugh Conf... https:\/\/youtu.be\/S5bogm15OUk via @YouTube","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I would love to see those immigrants suffer. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"We must not make trans people suffer any more than they already are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"No. Stupid asshole for disobeying the 911 operator that told him to stay in his car and NOT follow Trayvon. Instead, he decides to play Cop and provoked Trayvon into attacking him. Trayvon nigger thug yes....Zimmerman stupid asshole spick who was playing god....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"you keep your totalitarian bullshit socialism with speech and thought control, i will keep my free market capitalism and freewill Have fun with your nigger neighbors","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Hope you blisters","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Top 5 liberal excuses\" #1 Racism #2 Sexism #3 Russia #4 Guns #5 Rich It's what liberals do when they are losing and desperate. VOTE DEMOCRATS OUT!\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER He blocked me a long time ago after one response that called him out for lying. He's an idiot who thinks his $hit don't stick and loves saying stupid stuff to get liberals to love him. A complete douchebag.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Huge conspiracy involving half the planet and amy schumer's asshole and a nigger hugging a banker on TV... Or some rich kikes who think it'd be better if white people disappeared?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"AFTER THE RED WAVE OF FREEDOM ON NOV. 6TH, PRESIDENT TRUMP NEEDS TO DEPORT GEORGE CLOONEY AND BETO O'ROURKE TO LEPRECHAUN LAND!! https:\/\/www.irishcentral.com\/culture\/entertainment\/george-clooney-defends-muslims-claims-trump-is-inciting-fear https:\/\/abcnews.go.com\/Politics\/OTUS\/george-clooney-arrested-sudan-embassy-washington-dc\/story?id=15936415 https:\/\/youtu.be\/4u3Z8vJbWTM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Bitch deserved what she got. You can see her attempt a punch as he elbow checks her ass to the ground. But you don't know why she wanted to punch him. Never raise your hands to another person. As soon as you do, and its not solely in self defence, you're opening yourself up for a beating. Best you can do is keep hands to yourself and try to leave they situation entirely. She came charging up going for a grab and punch, and got slammed as a defence\/response. He didn't punch her, he defensively used his elbow and forearm to harshly block and shove her away. I agree but you're seemingly making assumptions that he hadn't previously hit her or done some fucked up shit. Everyone in this sub wants to borderline assume all chicks are garbage. But I'm saying you dont know the situation. ok white knight Im a girl, idiot There it is What, your awareness that you're a misogynist? Because if aligning that I'm a female with my comments gives you that \"aha\" moment, you're a misogynist. Can you imagine someone saying that if it was a man punching a woman? Maybe she had said something and deserved a punch? Why on Earth do you decide in this case we need to hear her reasons for being violent? chivalry.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Great lie you faggot piece of sh*t jew. We have been receiving your trannie porn, your poo porn, because you don't want the truth to be known about evil degenerate Satan worshipping jews","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Nobody LISTENED to her. She's burned out. That's all. It's time for fresh blood in that position. She became Trump for two years, and now she needs to step away. It's exhausting to do what HE does. Government officials must know when they're done. She knows it's time to stop. AND. She credits Jared Kushner for much of her success. He crafted Trump's election strategy and Middle Eastern strategy. Kushner is another Trump. Note that Haley's resignation came as a total surprise. There were no leaks. \"The leaks are real; the news is fake.\" Nothing REAL ever leaks. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=hEENopuCdzc Your easily triggered! Not at all, whore. . Kudos to the adults in the room. The LEGO hurlers must be absolute peaches in real life. GFY meth head. To bad Kushner's the Man My IQ is so far above your own. Peasant.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER He is resting because he can't take another humiliation by Pakistan #180","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":" Correction. He is in lust for one. Agreed!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I'm trying to imagine what kind of a shitshow we're going to see when the Mueller probe inevitably turns out to be a dud. The Kavanaugh freakout feels like an appetizer course. #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"What if I told you there's a group in Israel and in America that has been controlling US foreign policiy for decades using spie lies and quasi blackmail schemes. would you believe me? #MAGA #AmericaFirst @USER The @USER @USER URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Josh, thanks for including COCK-A-DOODLE OOPS! in this list of amazingly illustrated picture books! I love Deborah Zemke's just before sunrise\" illustrations!\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Nancy Pelosi has dementia. https:\/\/iotwreport.com\/pelosi-is-a-melange-of-gibberish-host-stares-at-her-wondering-what-the-heck-is-wrong\/ #KrazyKatLady #MAGA #NancyPelosi The following meme seems appropriate: https:\/\/gab.ai\/TheElliot\/posts\/39162938 :D","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"These men and women are dying at a very high rate. We should encourage all choices to reduce the rate","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"That is pretty retarded logic. Almost as retarded as \"You hate WN? YOU HATE WHITE PEOPLE\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Only pussies and jews like to silence. Why does obvious evidence offend u so much ? Well pussies and jews force ppl to mute with their faggot pedo porn. So what I'm sayin is don't start w ur pedo porn u pussy jew.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Stupid cop is so afraid of confrontation it's cracking me up. - No to Sharia. No to all muzzie scum.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"They work with a lot of disabled people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"And how many fucks should we give that this sand nigger was killed?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"https:\/\/www.nbc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"She was paid that's income did she pay tax on it Multple immigration offences and undeclared income - just you try that and see how it goes. SOme judges really need sacking - now! Tom the judges who ignore the law should be prosecuted Absolutely, judges are there to make legal decisions not excuses for illegal behaviour and chancers. Judges like that are part of the (VERY BIG) problem as it encourages others to do the same - and cite this case if they get caught. FREE Them ALL!!! :::The TRUTH Fears NO Investigation::: Please POST-EVERYWHERE :-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Fucking hell, what a day. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I guess you'll marry your daughter to a nigger to prove how racist you are.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Why would you think it's okay to call me a camel fucker?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"What is the context? I think they're talking about the time that a bunch of people harassed and bullied this artist almost to the point of suicide who drew characters from the show Steven Universe thinner than normal. \"The gems\" is referring to the main female protagonists. The whole situation was insane. There's no way they actually they did that. That's absolutely ridiculous Oh they did. The OP of the picture shown is actually still on Tumblr and still refuses to think what they did was wrong almost a year or so later. They think they are in the right and the victim here rather then the person they bullied into almost killing herself. Here's a direct quote from OP >youre the real asshole for defending her shitty racist decisions. she shouldve fucking killed herself. youre the problem with everything thats going on. maybe you should kill yourself and#x200B; For the record, the girl she is speaking of drew the Steven Universe characters as other races while drawing them as human. They are speaking of whitewashing. Like not making Garnet black for example. While the character herself is red and voiced by a black woman, tumblr likes to make sure everyone knows that the character is meant to be coded as black at all times. That same OP thinks they have to take it into their own hands because the creators of the show and the staff of Tumblr don't care how fans draw Steven Universe characters. Which they don't. Because it's a cartoon.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"The retard is astounding. I couldnt even pick on such pathetic beings","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Horrible.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Psychological Child Abuser and Infamous Misandrist Clementine Ford at it again. \"Fuck Clementine Ford\" .... Pass https:\/\/www.smh.com.au\/lifestyle\/life-and-relationships\/a-letter-to-my-darling-boy-by-clementine-ford-20181004-p507qz.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Ford is a liar and a ultra left wing radical working with George Soros and others such as Antifa and the Dem party has known it all along.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER your ANTIFA army are the dregs of society\". I pay taxes.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Those kids can't vote. What part of 68% approval rating don't you understand? You're stuck in a retard fantasy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I am going to shoot the next d i s a b l e d person I see. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Amy Schumer turning down Super Bowl ads in support of Colin Kaepernick https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/YZQMc4g.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/txQv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"More dangerous than just a really stupid cunt, is a cunt that thinks they're smart, but are just as dumb as a ziplock baggie. At least the baggie serves a purpose and is not a pain in the ass.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Simply replying to rape allegations from one of your mates. You socialists are always doing this. Kavanagh, now me lol Wow you do think you even have any similar worth as Kavanaugh? What a self entitled piece of shit. Explain to me why these same women who beleive Ms Ford. Dont beleive the young girls who were gang raped by Muslim Men #IBeleive All this is nothing to do with guilt or innocence. It's about creating doubt before one of Trump's appointees is confirmed. It could have been anyone. They won't want a court case where it would undoubtable be kicked out due to lack of evidence. I know that. Just pointing out the hypocrisy and double standards. The only standards the left have There are more and more people that are saying that all the madness happening today has more to do with class rather than race. You have all the bourgeois middle class socialists creating the divisive race agenda where the whites are the oppressors and everyone has to rise up and fight them you mean like what Pelosi says here? https:\/\/www.c-span.org\/video\/?c4674689\/wrap-smear","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER He is so cute","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Hey, Keith Ellison!! Are you a dirty stinkin Sand Nigger by any chance??? You smell like one!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Steve, in English please. lol Who are those trolls? Join in why? Ok, I am totally confused What are you talking about?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Nigger raus.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Muslim lives are worht absolutely nothing. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Lol Lazy National Socialist getting all upset, and I'm not even talking to him :) I say both. They're inter-changeable Pussy hat lol I say both. They're inter-changeable Pussy hat lol.. Your usual nonsensical bullshit , keep it up I will","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"They are all complete assholes. Needless to say they are gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER ANTIFA WANNABE ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Chelsea Handler: My White Privilege Makes Me Feel Very Gross' https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/nKCx ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Scaramucci cashing in on The Donald. Taking those blue collar folks for every last penny. LMAO at the #MAGA folks. Suckers.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER eto ba ang hindi corrupt? you are so naive if you think that this admin is different from previous admins URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Beto advocates gun control which would leave is defenseless to this.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER I will be over there to visit her tomorrow!! She is awesome!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"61% felons! https:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2018\/09\/25\/us\/freedom-summer-mississippi-votes.html ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER And no one cares","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I would have fired her because of her first name... nigger names always amaze me.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"She broke up with me, nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Not a fan of locking up whistleblowers. People had a right to know the information she leaked. Uh it was classified info. No they don't have the right to know that stuff. [deleted] > Oh kinda like how it was classified information that the NSA was spying on American citizens and recording every phone conversation or text? Yeah that was classified too. Snowden needs to go to prison for the rest of his life. you're a kook Agree to disagree sweetheart. If the government was secretly gassing mexicans in concentration camps ala Hitler and someone released that information to the public should they go to prison? There it is. The stupidest thing I've read all day. Ok *thumbs up* *'thumbs up my butt'* Womp womp","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER And so what? And who cares?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Hey Muslims! Where are you?? You dickless pussies are always ready to sneak up on a cartoonist armed with a paintbrush or a small, unarmed woman... but you're too gutless to fight back against the Chinese. Mohammed is a faggot Allah is weak","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"they are going to the sand nigger cock sucking party","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Just imagine the divorce case if she hadn't murdered him. Your honor, I would like to introduce into evidence the book wherein she details how she is planning to kill me ...\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"NEWS Elizabeth Warren Rips ICE: It's Not Making Us Safer' https:\/\/rightwingfolks.com\/elizabeth-warren-rips-ice-its-not-making-us-safer\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Also I see you are appalled at Doxing of Ford's address. Are you appalled at doxing of ICE agents by Antifa and advocating for their and their families physical assault ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Why is it that immigrants are all complete assholes?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I'd die from laughter. >Wha's going on with the Objec-*Good Lawd.*.. and#x200B;","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"You're a fat ugly nigger pig. Your pussy smells like rotting black cum.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER #labour and @USER can't commit to ruling out a second referendum as he is trying to be a people pleaser and win every possible vote he could get and positioning themselves either way like @USER would not go down well with some voters #conservatives #bbcqt #brexit #eu","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER I don't understand who Soros isn't arrested for domestic terrorism! He also funds Antifa.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"By voting instead of trying to start war and being shot? You are either an idiot, or another one of the Muzzo shills\/trolls. Yes, it's a low IQ comment because a retard said so. Fuck off and pester someone else.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"https:\/\/www.jta.org\/2018\/10\/10\/life-religion\/rapper-drake-brand-jewishness","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"We should test new drugs on gay people before testing them on animals. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Yet another really stupid take by Erick. He is a single issue thinker...overturning Roe. Anything that gets in the way of that is to be mocked and trivialized. He has no other core beliefs.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"This particular one seems to have 404'd yEAH I've been fighting this for hours, the more people get on board the sooner they'll be gone","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Don't tell me you're a \"Okay\"-gesture-is-actually-a-white-power-symbol type of person. I don't know what that is, but this is clearly an anti-trans sign It looks like a dictionary definition, actually. There's no other motivation for this sign other than to piss of some trans people. Whatever the intent of the person who payed for it, the sign is not offensive to anyone or anything. You don't have the power to decide who should and shouldn't be offended by something. Being offended is a subjective experience.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"NOW I KNOW WE HAVE A LOT OF PEOPLE TO FEED, BUT THESE TWO? THESE ARE MINE! NOW GO BACK TO FEEDING PEOPLE, I'M STARVING! I HAVEN'T EATEN IN AT LEAST 40 MINUTES! YOU NEED A MAGA HAT!\" URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I like it - they seriously can't meme - fucking retards","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER F him. I would rather watch a Cooking channel! I would have More respect if he led them into Black Genocide Chicago where it would Really Matter. Such left Bulls## Blk millionaires who didn't even come out of their Pools this Summer for Blk Genocide","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER actualy im pretty sure if you banned all guns that would definitely stop criminals from getting them. But no one wants to do that. but by your logic aren't Gun Control laws better than not having gun control laws?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"The guitar player in that band is a black person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Leftist German politician says 'old white men' threaten the future and could destroy Europe https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/leftist-german-politician-says-old-white-men-threaten-the-future-and-could-destroy-europe\/#.W8OIymEwVlM.twitter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Says the blue-balled nigger loser who can't find a mudshark of his own to beat on and murder.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"i still think anyone that believes in collectivism, even remotely, is a fucking idiot, whats worse is this brainlet is a 'financial advisor', who at some level subscribes to this retarded ideology.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER I have never understood why there are not more officers visibly supporting tighter gun control. It makes their job so much more dangerous with all these random people w\/ their guns.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Did I say something personal?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Socialists politics that stand up for the downtrodden. And well done for conflating criticism of Israel with anti semitism. You are also part of the problem.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"What are you some kind of mudshark? Why, because I asked you if you were a nigger lover? You did say a big pack of niggers was good looking.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Synagogue shooter Bowers was not MAGA, did not trust Qanon:","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"His therapist is an immigrant. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/PSrTdxipS5A Update breaking news.... Demonic Satanic Lying Cunt Blasey Ford Ex Boyfriend Tells All And Breaks Silence! Sent from my iPad","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Easy with the pitchfork... This kid could have made up this story just to brag to his friend. He could have, but he probably didn't have to. You were never 14? Kids say stupid shit to try to look cool. Break the story down... According to the kid, this teacher met him off school grounds, pulled his pants down, gave him a blow job and sent him on his way... Are you really buying this story? Edit: She did it... Free to grab your pitch fork.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"The reason you see Indians bashing Muslims and Islam here because Hindu supremacists hate Islam and Muslims. Atrocities in Kashmir, cow lynching of Muslims, gang rapes of Muslims children, have you not read or heard about them? This should be clear for all Muslims across the world that India is not a friend of Islam or Muslims, and behind the disguise of secularism, they hate Muslims. All Arab, Muslim countries and their residents should see and understand this ugly face of racist Hindus. They are the overwhelming majority in India and number of votes cast to BJP-RSS party is a proof . It amazes me that Saudi Arabia and other gulf countries are spending billions on India and not seeing that how much they hate Islam and Muslims? Particularly Arabs, wake up. If you can t understand this now then when or what will make you? Let all Muslims be united and boycott Indian products, their restaurants and movies, until they stop killing Muslims in Kashmir and the rest of India, and make a law to stop anti Muslim hate and racism.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Another thing about today's events that concerns me is seeing the AltRight being conditioned to root for ANY white Republican, just because they're \"our team\". Are we going to turn out like blacks who support the most corrupt black politicians out of racial loyalty? I'm all for white identity politics, but I don't want to see the J-Right exploit it. Yeah...I don't think that's a risk. Even if these white Republicans don't give a damn about whites and continue to prioritize Jews above all others? Nobody thinks they're \/ourguy\/. Judging by the tweets and gabs from the AltRight today, I'd beg to differ. Let people enjoy the White man's WIN today. Let them be happy for a change. Well... martygraw 404'd himself, so I'll be happy about that. Resume with the white pills.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Security are paid to protect you from trash and crazy people","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"White Northerners Are Adopting The Confederate Battle Flag http:\/\/www.occidentaldissent.com\/2018\/10\/23\/white-northerners-are-adopting-the-confederate-battle-flag\/ where's the haha button on GAB??? Tell him how you REALLY feel, Chris... Chris mad! Chris smash! Rob mad! Rob queef!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"People don't understand what this sub is about.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER is the brainchild of @USER - He is playing dirty against @USER and Jen is using her ill gotten money against @USER Mailer linking Nixon to anti-Semitism was approved by top Cuomo aides URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER What she is accusing him of is a sex crime felony with no statute of limitations in Maryland. That means it is under the jurisdiction of the local authorities. FBI only gets involved if there is an issue with crossing state lines. They do not have legal authority to investigate.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"This is literally what you're saying: \"The only competitive advantage illegal immigrants have is that they get paid cash under the table so that the employer can avoid all the regulations and taxes that come with legally employing people. But what happens when that's illegal? Do you understand why you're stupid now? Everything you're saying only works in a theoretical economy where the government didn't create the conditions that lead to illegal hiring practices. The govt knows who's hiring truckloads of wetbacks and they rarely do anything about it. Why? Because ignoring the crime is easier than having to perpetually raid the businesses that hire illegals. Would everything be different if the laws were enforced? Yes, but that's not necessary a positive thing. As I said before, if it costs more for Dole to harvest produce, consumers will be forced to pay more for it. You can't replace a $5 an hour worker with a $15 an hour worker and still sell cabbage at $ You said Australia was a shithole, among other moronic statements. Nope. They can actually afford to travel abroad (unlike most Americans) You think it's a problem when the price of lettuce goes up. You somehow think our immigration problem can be controlled without government regulating agriculture and industry. And, you are a Trump shill. Bye moron. Spit in a cup, let's see how Jewish you are. This is like arguing with a nigger about racism and they bring up Jim Crow. Reagan hasn't been president for 30 years, bitching about his policies now accomplishes nothing. You aren't even making an argument anymore, just empty and meaningless hyperbole. Go ahead, keep ranting about Australia, the 1960s and Reagan. Until you build a time machine and can go fix this past, shut the fuck up.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":">I join PUBG Well, there's your problem right there. At least he didn't say Fortnite >I join The War Z > I put on my robe and wizard hat And they call me the Spellmonger","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/100022016480857\/videos\/362077404536139\/?t=132","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Good news! The witch was suspended, but she should be fired!!! She's a special-ed teacher for God's sake!! #DumbLibs https:\/\/www.lifenews.com\/2018\/10\/08\/liberal-teacher-suspended-after-tweeting-so-whos-gonna-take-one-for-the-team-and-kill-kavanaugh\/ A Retard Teaching Retards, Sounds like Today's School System to me. Now now Sean Greene, RETARDS is only the work to describe YOUR kind. Heads Up Folks, we have a Jew infiltrator, Enemy of the State, Treat with Extreme Prejudice... Dominic @Adminus666 ... Love that Negative 238 Score, you're in the Wrong Place here Kike. And, that's Not my Name, Try again Hebe...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Literally Sam is quitting smoking mid competition and obviously having some mood swings from it. She is a fantastic human being and you're portraying her as shit and portraying JC as a cute little dude when he groped Tyler in his sleep. Shame.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"i wanted to say *ib4 sargoy love boys* but... Ya, it seems being critical of the SoyFather is bad to many here. [deleted] Oh Metokur is a dick and deserves his criticisms but so far most that try to take him on end up getting bitch slapped. I pointed out he burned Andywarski and he has burned many others but then again, he has no \"internet friends.\" As for what I'm doing, I'm highlighting an issue that could easily be Candid You don't get it. you're not allowed to like Jim's content, not even by proxy. it makes the \"\"\"\"sargon community\"\"\"\" really mad. [deleted] not mad btw [deleted] this is raw, unrefined cringe. please stop. [deleted] You can take that however you want. doesn't make it any less wrong, though. you can do your projection thing with your bizarrely deranged diatribe about character (or lack thereof) but you're not achieving much. well, except for making the \"\"\"sargon community\"\"\" look like absolute numptees. [deleted] How are you reaching these absolutely insane conclusions? I mean seriously. I have watched most of Carl's content. I just think his handling of this latest drama is bush league, and smacks of a guy who can dish it but can't take it. something Jim suffers from as well. I like watching metokur's videos because his voice is nice and it is cool to see someone unashamedly advocate for imperialism. I used to like sargon because it seemed like he was having fun. not anymore, though. I don't use his* \"Teachings\" in my daily life nor do I participate in his community. this obsession of yours seems out of place; I don't care that much about any of this drama. *his means metokur. if anything sargon has taught me more. [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER I think he is trying to look like URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"this does not surprise me. I stopped watching marxist faggot TV about two years ago","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I absolutely adore immigrants. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Jack is a fuckin faggot cuck...don't expect any one thing out of his pussy carcass","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Well, nobody ever said it took that many brain cells to chase a basketball up and down the court... https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/sports\/2018\/10\/28\/lebron-james-wears-beto-orourke-hat-to-game-in-san-antonio\/ gaspies! someone fworgot to take thweir angwy pillz x333","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Hell no!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"That's some retarded bullshit lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Watching him you'd think cbc was interviewing an African politician. Hussein has done the least for Canadians but some of the biggest long term damage and who'd have thought this retard, originating from where he did, would fuck this up?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@NeonRevolt Why does AtlantaDowntown have the Pedo-Triangle as its logo? Research how many missing person cases there and you'll answer your own question.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"The nigger is going to get a longer sentence and if Feilds lawyer is competent he can use this to his advantage Yes but being he is in prison and has admitted to it they will add something to his sentence. But all im saying is someone in the united states should go down to that prison and find another nigger give him a pack of cigarettes to jump old ooga booga who jumped feilds","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Too many f4gs in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@Jack is a faggot and I've never said ANYTHING to that buttpirate before.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"DEAD COPPERS R GOOD COPERS REALLY SCUM MUSLIM COPPERS. THEN THE CITY HID THIS EVIDENCE! TIME TO KILL THEM ALL I WILL REMEMBER THIS WHEN YOU ARE RAPED AND WHEN THE COPPER SCUM ARIVES THEY SHOOT YOU DEAD DEAD DEAD REFERRING TO THE CURRENT NEWS CYCLE AND YOU ARE A GERMAN WHERE ONLY COPPERS HAVE GUNS COME ON OVER CUNT WE HERE IN AMERICA ALL HAVE WEAPONS JUST FOR YOU ALL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"A new study from the University of North Carolina details the stark decline of newspapers in the U.S., particularly in rural areas, where citizens are less educated, poorer and older. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/_C-b","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"call your nigger witch doctor white boy..maybe he can cure yo8r sick white ass.. LOL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"It's just fucking absurd that anyone would get upset and offended by a cancer research organization warning about a major cause of cancer. \"Hey, smoking causes cancer.\" \"Yeah, no shit.\" \"Being obese causes cancer too.\" \"REEEEEEEEE!\" [deleted] Just curious, I haven't seen a mod use a top comment for traction instead of just stickying a comment before, was there a specific reason you did that? Good mod Thank you nBob20 for voting on Toohhnnee. This bot wants to find the best and worst mods on Reddit. [You can view results here](http:\/\/justkiddingallmodsareliterallyhitlerlol). *** ^^Evenand#32;ifand#32;Iand#32;don'tand#32;replyand#32;toand#32;yourand#32;comment,and#32;I'mand#32;stilland#32;listeningand#32;forand#32;votes.and#32;Checkand#32;theand#32;webpageand#32;toand#32;seeand#32;ifand#32;yourand#32;voteand#32;registered! Fucking hilarious. >justkiddingallmodsareliterallyhitlerlol Top KEK... The poor dear. Thoughts and prayers. Well bless his little heart. This sub also causes cancer. Well, most of reddit causes\/embraces mental illness and retardation, so pick your poison I guess.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"you can check out this post here for more information: https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/The_Donald\/comments\/9vda4x\/democrat_lawyers_are_descending_on_florida_they\/ Dysfunctional county of corrupt Dims 'repairing' their election results (again) to fit their Marxist narrative. Nothing new. Move along... nothing to see here.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Thanks Colleen Means a lot to me.....She is doing good about 4 hours away from Louisville Kentucky ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Over 30 years worth of background checks under different Presidents and this one slipped through? #KavanaughConfirmation #KavanaughWithdraw #KavanaughSCOTUS #maga","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The bitches are at it again. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"After watching TV for some time, the boy went to ask Taylor about playing the game system. Taylor, according to Thompson, closed the door to her bedroom, gently pushed the boy down onto the bed and then straddled him. > >Thompson said she then took off her hooded sweatshirt and placed the boy's hand underneath her bra. Thompson said there was contact of her groin against his against his will, and there was skin-to-skin contact of her forcing his hand upon her breast. She then attempted to remove his clothing. Thompson said Taylor also demanded the boy have sex with her, which is contrary to other claims by the defense that she requested it.\" [http:\/\/elkodaily.com\/news\/local\/defense-argues-unusual-punishment-in-lewdness-case\/article_a32e1d84-e079-11e0-a3ec-001cc4c","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Take a joke lefties. Her behaviour was disgusting. So it is drawn.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"He's a nigger (in case you didnt know) who's greatest achievement as a nigger is bagging a mudshark. Funny how niggers always define their self worth by their ability to compete with Whitey on some miniscule level.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I think it's typical of immigrants to be that stupid. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Aye, yo, wth? Just because I thought that \"Columbus Day Joke\" was funny... Gives no license - for all y'all Nazis, to think that we are friendly... FYI: 'dark humor' is not the same damn thing * as you ! Wow, ...commas, periods... thought process... sentence structure... Oh yeah, that fucking bowl on your head, like a the mental ward you're obviously sitting in ... times up for your Free Range time, btw... Didn't name you specifically... Also, I never had contact with your account but, you keep trying... You dont have the moral high ground on lecturing people for their racism unless you unequivocally oppose the glorification of White men who owned slaves. What part about your hypocrisy don't you understand? My family didn't own slaves... Whole argument: mute point. So you unequivocally denounce George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and any other founding fathers who also owned slaves, right? History class today? I'm not doing your homework for you, find your teacher. Hall pass time is up... Hall pass time is up... Translation: \"my work day here at the JIDF is over. Done dealing with the goyim all day. Can't wait to jerk it to Israeli Nazi concentration camp porn\" You are desperate for sex... stop signaling ...no thanks, thirsty ass You are desperate for sex... no thanks, stop signaling, thirsty ass. Normie cuckservatives are just liberals that think they are right wing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Too manytrannies in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"They're both retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER But I am a good woman with a gun @USER URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"im going to cmment about how you meant Folder I didn't even notice It's homework file not home file!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER God bless you SIR","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I am interested in seeing which big accounts that have been banned from Twitter are now here on @gab , I would like to know how large their followings on Twitter had been at their largest before they wound up on Gab. Please respond with such information, and tag that Gab username of the account being referenced. I have been trying to get banned but they will not banned me","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"In what bizzarro universe is this retarded liberal fuck considered \"conservative ?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I sincerely doubt that this liberal cunt paid attention in history class.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"more pussy for you What an ugly avatar you selected. It looks satanic..swirls on the cheeks?!? I love your style Dusty. Perhaps you are a worthy pupil. All I can see from here is a big fat head though. Those men that defend feminist evil and idiocy by sneering hate at other men are the most dysfunctional cowards there are. For shizzle my nizzle. Dusty Rhodes for the win. The rest of you see nothing. Wait a minute...did you mean that the way a sane person would mean it, or in the feminist way, that criticizing an ideology was me hating men? Like your gender is your ideology. I'm fluent in feminst bs, but it takes me a minute sometimes to translate. Did you trick me Dusty? Were you speaking another language?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"The dumb thing is that decentralization would solve all these problems. California could just be crazy and leave the rest of us alone but NOOOO we have to control everything and make the whole country conform, those redneck Christians must BOW DOWN.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You'll get more visibility becuase of the replies calling you a faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"What about NiggerFaggot?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER If Kavanaugh is confirmed there will be two sexual deviants sitting on the Supreme Court. Both Conservatives and nominated by Republicans. Democrats put women on the SCOTUS and Republicans put perverted men there. FOR THEIR LIFETIME! #StopKavanaugh #StopTrump #SaveSCOTUS","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Says the man with 18% favorability and won't win so he is retiring! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Why on Earth would anyone not want citywide networks that work on the same frequency as crowd control weapons? We've gone full retard with electronics. When you're not at work turn the damn things off. There will be idiots that cheer for this shit while we all share in the cancers all these wireless frequencies cause.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"That is another super hero trait that White men have in abundance. The need to care for their family and not run away as readily as some Black \"player.\" That also rules the Nigger out for the part.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Aaron has barely been in it this last year. He is in a few episodes then he is sent out of town for a few weeks. Robert had that story with the whites","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"#FireMorningJoe he is cut from the same cloth as all other conservatives. His misogyny and bigotry are always on display. He is responsible for Trump. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"He got sentenced to 9 years in prison with 3 suspended, 6 to serve. He called me today. https:\/\/christophercantwell.com\/2018\/10\/25\/letters-from-a-charlottesville-jail-alex-ramos-20181025\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Muslims are human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER You guys really just did this on cue.... #MAGA #MKUltra","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I go with: If it keeps making retarded threads, ban it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"#WhenMaymaysMate #MemeToo So much good about this one. Matrix Reloaded is underrated.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER You are 100% correct","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Foolish is waiting till after the primaries are over to bitch about GOP candidates, that's a nigger tier lack of agency. you don't shape the party during general elections, you do it at the low turnout primaries where white agency has an effect. Is it better to make it harder to build a wall? Does your local house GOP candidate know you by name? Mine does Mitch McConnell and the GOP filth, and Trump (on the advice of his kike son in law), targeted Mo Brooks in favour of that worthless faggot Luther Strange. The correct primary candidate was anyone but Luther Strange.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"https:\/\/www.indiewire.com\/2018\/10\/megyn-kelly-fired-nbc-news-69-million-buyout-1202015231\/ What could this twat have done that was worth $69m?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Hope you paid to use the image ...... and the appropriate tax of course. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Wow trying to make fun of Europeans ,While worshiping a SAND NIGGER religon and a SAND NIGGER, And Then LOL saying that Italians and greeks aren't White","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Project Veritas Catches Democrat Senator McCaskill On Camera: She'll Vote To Ban High-Capacity Mags https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/Tc2U46o.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/5HWS Dumb Democrat wants to punish everyone who never did anything for the one person who violated the trust of the people. I should fail all my students based on that premise if one fail the exam.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Choose education, personal responsibility, or birth control NOT murder! All hail potato queen ,Margret Sanger!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"For the wealthy elite class in the UK brexit is ALL about the economy For the average joe in the street it is ALL about freedom from tyranny We now know one thing about the loyalty of the wealthy elite, bank rolling the retarded remoaners, it is to the pound note not our nation, Fucking traitors eveyone","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Wanna know why this is absolute fucking bullshit? https:\/\/www.justice.gov\/opa\/pr\/texas-man-sentenced-15-years-prison-hate-crime similar crime but less severe while 5x the sentence. **15 fucking years** https:\/\/www.justice.gov\/opa\/pr\/texas-man-sentenced-10-years-prison-hate-crime-assault-based-victim-s-sexual-orientation first links co conspirator and still 3+x longer. **10 fucking years** https:\/\/www.independent.co.uk\/news\/world\/americas\/muslim-hate-crime-bacon-mosque-man-jailed-15-years-michael-wolfe-florida-a","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"on top of that, even after were legally blackmailed to feed the negros, every other commercial is about some nigger asking for food in africa, or you see them at your mall asking for gibs, or on the side of the street. Niggers never stop asking for gibs. And then they are shoved down our throat, in media.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER You are most definitely not a man of God.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"This faggot needs a tampon to stuff up his sore little ass....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER You are such a comedian edd!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Hahaha Sucks to suck Morty. Looks like he is pegging the literal shit out of you and your faggot friend. You should take a picture of it and spam it at us, you dirty disgusting mess!! Lmao","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Not suitable for public office ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Official School Records Support Claims That Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Married Her Brother https:\/\/creepingsharia.wordpress.com\/2018\/10\/24\/ilhan-omar-married-her-brother\/ They all ran the first chance they got.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Fucking prick this is a god damn lie. No such orders given. Get fucked faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"No nigger made that. Sorry nigger you brought up preferance I didn't.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Limousine liberals.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Wait, so what did she do to her boyfriend? Can you give me the basic rundown so I don't have to watch this nigger bitch screech for an hour?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER And We Deplorables will use the 2A to keep our democratically elected President in Power. How about that","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Ahem... http:\/\/www.amnation.com\/vfr\/archives\/ Freedom either includes the right to discriminate or you aren't free. QED","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"9. You are cute all the time URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Such a liar. Anything Trump says to Mueller will be deemed a lie because THREE dishonest LIBERALS collude to lie and Mueller will elect to believe them over the truth. Do you really believe Trump OR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE are stupid enough to fall for that? We're not as stupid as you.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"> I'm gay and do not want gaming to become this shit. You're gay, they're faggots. That's the big difference here.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"What kind of fucking retard thinks blacks are white supremacists and the \"ok\" sign is some covert signal?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Execution is the only solution for those trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Where is the mistake in saying that black people like you deserve to die?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Good bye Flakey Fake and good riddance!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"im a super big liberal. I detest Trump, and I detest most Conservative values. But what I can't stand for is the censorship of opinions because of a single man's actions. Gab is being targeted for no good reason, and companies are pulling out without any legitimate reason. #IStandWithGab","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I h a t e black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Flipp is an app that does this (links coupons to grocery list), also shows you all the grocery ads in your area. I spend a good amount of time every week planning my trips. Edit: This racist got me to look more into the app you can also collaborate with others on your list, and once you add items to the list it will show you all the ads that feature that item.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I am an engineer by education, not currently by profession. But no. I'm blunt and I call it how it is, a trait I get from my dad. The very opposite of alt right e-celebs who traffic in comforting lies and attack you when point out facts. That's what you call stubborn autism. Not what I do. Just to restate that, you're just pointing out that you comment on the facts and don't gaslight or act like a triggered faggot about your feelings when the facts don't match what you want. Sorry, @HankRearden muh Feelz attacks is half way gay.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I'll just bet you get your talking points from hooked-nose heebs. cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"What a fucking retarded liberal mangina faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"For real, these retards want the world to change for them, because they refuse to change for the better of the world. What a useless existence.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER She probably did not think it would get this far. I hope the little sleaze does not go to the hearing and I hope if she does that they will prove what a liar conniving witch she and the rest of the Liberals are.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Ah. Still though, whenever I get sucked into one of these fights they bring up some retarded attitude that they cherry-picked from God-knows-where and they want us to take it as seriously as they do. Maybe I need a lie-down...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"' Nah cut it off Im sure I won' t regret it ' ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER you are a traitor URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"go gas yourself you Jew loving faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Fat ugly dyke feminists give birth, that's how we got MGTOW losers, maybe it is women's fault. I hope you don't have siblings, certainly this world has enough losers. I hope your fat ugly mama quit with you, loser.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"They need to blexit their nigger selves back to their country. The founders didn't want them to be citizens for a reason.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Come on @USER you can do better. This has nothing to do with your Agents. Any subscriber with cash can sell or buy cash at whatever rate. You are just a conduit. Its the Law of Demand and Supply at play.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER I'm sure you are not. You just thought it was free there's nothing wrong with that ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Conservatives are opposing liberals and Canada","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"This video only \"works because FLOTUS is very attractive. But I still can't believe the audacity!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Hope they continue to crash @USER","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Nice username.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"You know what's great about Gab... I can say 'Fuck you, retard, I don't care what your faggot ass likes'. Don't worry, I don't like little goat-fucking soyboys, and the mute button works both ways.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I want all male-oriented clubs to dispense fleshlights immediately. Oh wait, these cunts would go into outrage mode if they did that.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Your broken records are worthless. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Live from outside the Old Bailey for Tommy Robinson's trial https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=nRGpiS7RDVA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Students who do not vote are literally giving their votes to those who do not respect their race gender gun free schools gun control their over charged student loans clean water for drinking bathing Climate denying polluters All students must vote no complain after its too late","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Not bad for a corporal of humble background. https:\/\/TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv .@TruthWillOut. FUCK you and your bogus ass film made by a homosexual soccer player #DennisWise. in the UK! #FuckHitler #FuckYouRacistNaziAsshole","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"You Muslims make me sick. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"#TheFeralLeft #Liberals continue to #Infiltrate #Indoctrinate kid shows. Don't hire these mentally ill #Hemorrhoids URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Alex Jones is Right, Radiation And Chemicals Are Turning People And Frogs Gay","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Who are the niggers to make the rules and confuse our white kids so much that they cannot see that a nigger never done me any good ever gave me anything except ive help numerous niggers","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Livin in a world where your fake american kenyan puppet nigger changed the rules cuz y'all thought you were gonna win forever. Not so fast asshole.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER You are.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER The next Call of Duty game should also take the opportunity to tackle the gun control issue. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER You think for your informatin. You are right.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"The whiniest goyest dog is still better than and smarter than all of the WBC because it's members protest at funerals. WBC = retarded hideous monsters.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"If theft was nigger or pami she would get 20 years.... Uk is a dumbfuckistan","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"where did I read that the statue of liberty is a tranny sent by jews representing some goddess they worship or w\/e lol \"where did I read that the statue of liberty is a tranny sent by jews representing some goddess they worship or w\/e lol \" You my dear , don't know nothig! Stop reading the garbage of Christians Christian Garbage ..... Yeah and you see Christians doing this all the time all over the world right you fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Why the focus on the Proud Boys? I know you're not a real journalist, Kelly, but why not focus on the ones doing all of the violence? #ANTIFA If you want a story; focus on why journalists\" (leftist activists) are constantly ignoring Antifa's attacks on people.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Um! I see a lot of words there, designed to confuse. But when they are all added up the opposite side of the = reads zero. This must be because you can't post a single anti-white post of mine and wish to muddy the waters so you don't look like a twat for the 5th time. Yes! Omg faggot I actually hate you and wish I could kick your face in.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Liberals support this I thought.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"who cares? God is a myth. This is like debating on whether Santa smells like blue or argyle. it's fucking retarded nonsense. \"who cares? God is a myth. This is like debating on whether Santa smells like blue or argyle. it's fucking retarded nonsense\". -I care and YOU must care. These people Live like princes and we are the ones WHO PAYS THEM. The rich folowers of the poor (never existed) Jesus. The shit poster with a tiny dick has been triggered. I don't believe in all this retarded nonsense...let's debate about it. LOL, what a maroon.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Bye cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"And I like that you still have a hate boner for Toro, still mad that she wouldn't bang ya? Sad cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER I would name my dogs breed but I have no fucking clue what he is","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Christian conservatives don't have an orange god\". Neither black, white, green, pink, or any other color. His name is YAHWEH!!!\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"insanity: \"Don't you think it's weird that the prince kisses Snow White w\/out her permission? Because you can't kiss someone if they're sleeping! https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/10\/18\/kristen-bell-says-snow-white-kiss-sends-controversial-message-about-consent\/?utm_campaign=SocialFlowandutm_medium=SocialFlowandutm_source=NYPTwitter ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"He admits openly to disinformation. The point is to get the deep state second guessing. For example, we were all convinced that Sessions is safe. and#x200B; So anyone telling you that you don't need faith to believe in Q is full of shit. That's the whole point. If Q was absolutely real then it defeats the whole purpose.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Poor Little Faggot Looks Like He Could Do With Some Pork Chops Inside Him, Instead Of Black Dicks.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Just finished saying to my wife that \"Conservatives are not ready for the likes of Stormy thanks for everything Stormy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"When you live in a city where they *protest* in the streets! Not one f*ck given! Lol Send me the videos directly. I love watching people protect their property. Lock in the 4 Wheel Low and put the pedal to the floor https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Gha79UZVRk0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER elmo is antifa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"This is how he #MAGA...?!? Please explain... URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"What's all the fuss about. They are quite obviously just 3 high spirited young Muslim children who we let in to save them from the brutality of their war torn home. They are probably only 12 or 13 if you look at them through the eyes of a retarded liberal leftist.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER He is still eating and talking about p**sy on carter V. Trust me","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I would kick that stupid faggot in his ass so hard they would need a surgeon to remove it. Pull that shit in front of my children.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Tempe AZ is in a similar situation. Once upon a time was a peaceful, fairly crime-free suburb of Phoenix. Now Both cities have \"female\" Police Chiefs in the last 2-3 years, crime has skyrocketed. Tempe's PC was recruited from El Cerrito, CA, a suburb just north of Berkeley in Northern California. Yes Tempe has a liberal faggot mayor as well. It's only a matter of time when they tell the good ones on the police force to stand down (and there are some GREAT guys on there...notice many have taken retirement in the last couple of years...hmmm).","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Good move....he is the big loser","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"She's got nigger privilege. ...you know, because they're so stupid","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Praising Martin nigger King. \"Democrats are the real racists .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"That's a citizen. I can tell by the cunt lip facial hair.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER You are most welcome","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Why do babies on airplanes never shut the fuck up?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"with your shit score of minus 3, you ought to be asking for CLUES, you retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER She is a courageous intelligent woman who knows the crap that people will say - she is standing up to some evil and powerful and ruthless men who will stop at nothing to destroy her and her testimony","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":" Brainwashed Retard Simple Retard The Simple Retard is easy, they are just low IQ Morons. Not intelligent enough to actually think for themselves in the first place. Most immigrants fall into this category. The Brainwashed Retard is usually the High IQ type and thus are highly indoctrinated thru schooling. They memorize so much garbage that they literally destroy their critical thinking skills and that is the goal to destroy their brains function. Valedictorians are perfect examples because they are so structured to focus on a simple tree, they are no longer able to see the forest. Thus, your University Professors, Doctors and Lawyers are literally some of the most programmed retards you will ever meet. They have been told they are smart thru their programming and are rewarded for helping the beast system along, but they actually are just a polluted thumb drive. All Democrats are obviously Bigots as they will not debate, as their programming automatically makes them run away, or they will just be very crude and nasty in their attack on you. They are literally intellectually incapable of any discussion since they have no intelligence to have a discussion with. Debate on logic is impossible since they have none. They will never have any facts either since they cannot comprehend them anyway. They will spout out with what they have been programmed. They will believe without question the BS on the vile RACIST Jewish Supremacist main stream media because they have no idea on how to distinguish fact from fiction. Every conversation of Democrats takes place on Orwell's Animal Farm. If you want to talk about quantum physics they will steer the conversation something extremely shallow such as the weather. They will deflect when you ask for a fact every time and accuse you of deflecting. All Democrats are commies and are Monkey Brains! Yep. They are like a different species. Zombies Zombified unconscious gullible morons or polluted thumb drives! They do not have functioning brains in the least and that is a FACT! Democrats cannot understand FACTS nor can they state a FACT on anything!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Gay alimony forced over commitment ceremony 15years ago I will be accepting apologies from everyone who said it couldn't happen @DoctorPolemeros @GeorgiaLogCabin @GuardAmerican @Escoffier @Were-Puppy @weka https:\/\/www.lgbtqnation.com\/2018\/10\/commitment-ceremony-15-years-ago-now-state-says-marriage-alimony-due\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER I guess all of those old white guys DO kinda look alike... ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"flood US and Europe but not Israel...Israel is for the jew supremacists who must pass a dna test to reside there. Jews like to evade and deny the truth. http:\/\/www.timesofisrael.com\/russian-speakers-who-want-to-immigrate-could-need-dna-test\/ Maybe if you researched a little instead of viewing gay jewish produced porn, you might know whats going on... Cool, now you can show us the proof. I'll wait. LMAO, he posted an article that doesn't actually show what he claimed and then says it's proof. You can see a man's penis in his mouth right now. You should hire a tutor to teach you how to read so youre not limited to watching gay porn all day.. You should stop having anal intercourse with other men. All he's limited to is gay sex.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER He is speaking to the best of the best With utter disrespect ~ Our law enforcement Ice Agents all first responders Low middle and high class of all races and religions DISAGREE Mr #CreepyJoeBiden GRAVY TRAIN IS OVER PUNK! #JoeDontTouchSoMuch Biden dirty hand joe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"FUCKING IDIOT SJW CUNT WHORE !!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"That's a great fucking idea. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"JW hand-delivered a letter to the chair and co-chair of the House's Office of Congressional Ethics calling for an investigation into whether Congresswoman Maxine Waters violated any House ethics rules by encouraging violence against Trump Cabinet members. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/K2Xg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Liberals never apologize","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Putting a disabled person in charge is the best thing anyone can do. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER no he came back to nyc w ducky","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"My friend here looks great, and it's a good reminder of how utterly irrelevant you are. Where are you in the national stage? Oh that's right! Nowhere! How many followers you bleeding these days? I keep seeing your numbers sliding! Not a surprise; pretty much everyone despises you! Why, most of your posts don't even break 5 upvotes! Meanwhile, I get hundreds of upvotes here, and millions of hits on my site. Amazing how, even though you're \"powered\" by Adderall, you never seem to accomplish anything! Pathetic! Why, you couldn't even pull off your \"Q troll\" successfully, because literally no one believed you! Precisely ZERO converts! Not surprising coming from a ZERO like you! Why do you give Microchip the time of day?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Poor thing. It must need acknowledgement in it's life. Must spend it's days feeling like an insecure cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Shhh don't let conservatives see this!! URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"ewwwww.......so gross. I mean, have you read the comments in this thread? sure have. we dont police speech here. if you dont like it, please leave. edit i apologize. here in ppd we strive for professionalism and take complaints extremely seriously. please fill the following form out and send to our mod mail. thank you for your time. https:\/\/imgur.com\/gallery\/ep6UHxs You're the ones that are upset . This sub has been consumed and riddled with incels from t_d. Real high level of professionalism with that form. I'll make sure to file it with HR so we can rectify the situation. All I'll say is that I've enjoyed this sub for a couple of years now. Over the course of the last ~3 months or so, it has just become a forum for hate speech rather that the subs intended purpose. As a non-nod I can't do anything other than un-sub and hope for the best. Also, I'm not going to defend a pre-op man for being in there if it presents direct danger to anybody, but making others \"uncomfortable is something that people will have to get over. That is no different from calling someone who considers themselves liberalistic a \"snowflake, which I'm happy to now see has had its proverbial tables turned and is now applied to hose of far- or alt-right views. It's quite ironic and I, personally, find myself quite jovial about it. you know what would make me jovial?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Blacks in South Africa brutally rape a white girl and then kill her by smashing her head in with a stone. Now more than ever, we whites need our own ethno-states. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6293729\/Two-foot-82lb-rock-used-smash-South-African-student-death-gang-raped.html #SouthAfrica #WhiteGenocide End Cultural Marxism @genophilia is a nazi propagandist ... do not be fooled gabbers ... this is a modern day goebbels","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I don't know if I'm having an aneurism or if what your saying is too retarded to make even the slightest bit of sense. Actually you probably are an aneurysm and to retarded to know your own sexes horrific history of male tyranny and their mass murders of female of the species who men thought were not born good enough for them in your man's world and if you ain't retarded, then you are intent to totally deny your sexes voilent history because you are a stupid fucking dismal disgusting lying little plank! you ain't retarded, you are just a stupid fucking dismal disgusting lying little plank! As the ancient Chinese philosopher Han Fei Tzu once put it, **\"As to children, a father and mother when they produce a boy congratulate one another, but when they produce a girl they put it to death\"** cos men are like that stuck so far up their own arses in their own male vanity they inhale their own toxic fumes and shoot off into some orbit into the realms of male insanity tripping as they go. Women, don't trip, don't stumble, don't fall for the bro'hood will be on you like a pack of wolves, all foaming and frothing from their mouths, spitting and snarling just looking to tear into you to get an equal share of the meat.. in their precious little man's world!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Conservatives are so sick of these tactics by liberals. First there was Bork then there was Thomas. Republicans just keep taking it too...Trump won't take it for long though. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER I will never forget what levels you racist liberals went to and what you did to Clarence Thomas. Liberals are the worst people ever.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Msm can bite me!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER You are funny URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Dear bleeding heart retards who kill everything good: \"I can't believe you don't shut up \"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I find all gay people disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"That nigger needs thrown out of the country","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Notice Drake and LeBron in awe of the baby's blue eyes. That is the very definition of racism, since Niggers cannot have blue eyes. The fact both are pleased that Drake's son has blue eyes displays their hatred for their own race, and are therefore glad the ugly dark Nigger eyes have been removed from the child.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Geneticist have proven that there is less than 6% variation in DNA between the races. So \"master race\" your DNA is at least 94% EXACTLY the same as an Africans!!! Have a wonderful evening!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Most likely most of the people who know this stuff are dead now. This evil cunt needs to meet a firing squad!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Why do retarded socialists (Venezuela) and in-bred low IQ religious fanatics (Islam) always want to leave the shitholes they themselves created and bring their toxic sewage to new countries? They are like locusts, they make shitholes out of wherever they go, they want rich lands to spoil, they don't want to change their behavior though why do low iq inbred christians do the same thing? middole eastern cultists only have one setting: drag sewage (gods word) through everyones culture until everything in its past has been destroyed Western Christians created the modern world while you third world retards are still living in straw huts. You are the ones invading the west for a better life, not the other way around.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"At least they are finally admitting they are shit at games.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Female lives are worht absolutely nothing. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Muslim cunt jailed for six months in Paris and fined had already been in trouble for pimping and violence; https:\/\/www.msn.com\/en-gb\/news\/world\/parisian-street-slap-man-jailed-for-six-months\/ar-BBNXBtT?li=BBoPWjQandocid=wispr","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Quite a few Muslims live around there","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"The two women should have been arrested and made to pay a fine for being cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":" See those guys they know if they touch anything on that building they might catch AIDS HIV.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"dony do this it's a signal to get brazzerdf Was that in English? Was that even \"Music\" ????","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Straight-A Student, 21, kidnapped, raped and murdered by South African gang https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/straight-a-student-21-kidnapped-raped-and-murdered-by-south-african-gang\/#.W8UGpEByt_","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER i like him he is cute","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Those b l a c k people should be burned at the stake. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER One added me to a \"liberals I'd like to slaughter last month. That was fun","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Give it a rest rice eater #MAGA URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"We're talking about trans people here. They can't help themselves but be complete dickheads. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHMMMMMMMMMMM LIBERAL CUNT BITCH TEARS DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"All these bigots keep saying that Muslims like me ought to be executed. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Lol when her kid needs a bone marrow transplant and there is 0 chance at finding a donor, I'll bet she'll be all, at least the racists didn't win.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"(((perverts))) are lurking on Gab. Porn should be banned!!! yes hello","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I will treat any women like this as if they are on an actual pedistal. Full chivalry accommodations because they understand gender roles and aren't a vindictive bunch of whiny cunts. My wife is the same and ill open every door that comes her way, including the car. My blue haired, \"woke\" cousin? Fuck her. She can stand. The only thing hat needs refining in the older gens is the DV misconceptions and probably a few other areas. They simply aren't aware go how much women abuse men.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Our first reading assignment was The Communist Manifesto.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Let me guess... A fat ugly (fugly) dyke And A less fugly man in drag (pervert)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER You are full of shit Sweetie\"\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"R\/insanepeoplefacebook but seriously what is wrong with this chick? Was she one who was kept from the vote? Or passed over jobs because she was a girl? Unlikely. This additude is as extreme as it is retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"If I was a racist I'd call all you African Americans.......NIGERRRRRS https:\/\/youtu.be\/e27p4h2wyn0 Lol cracker spick and camel jockey funny to crowd but as soon as he says African American everyone decided he was gonner say nigger before he said nigger which means there the racists because there is a direct link between African American and nigger in their heads","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"\"The bosses told us we can't call people names so from now on we will call them names but in a retarded pseudo cute way\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Following all Patriots #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER ..aand there's your answer.. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"How does it feel to be white trash and slandering and threatening an innocent African-American man? You are all neo-Nazi scum. @Flylikeaneagle @Sbutcher @Amphereal @Grubama @pen @MandyMcFlye @FEDUPCITIZEN7 @seamrog @FreeAgent355 @DenzaGrad @peremersenne @1001cutz Fuck off. Why is it ok to slander a white guy but not some filthy nigger maybe you should fucking kill yourself, you white trash?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER He is entitled to tell his side of story.Then judge.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Totally unnecessary. I agree. Seemed like she had a fight or flight response and kind of chose both. Hypothetically, she's drunk. So fucking what, if she's minding her business. It sounds like they just walked up on her, saw some twisted teas and were like, \"lets fuck her day up\". Confiscate the alcohol, tell her not to do it again and move the fuck on to catching real criminals. Fuck these thugs and everyone here celebrating them. This was a waste of time and taxpayer money, just to punk some little girl. Fucking animals. Rules are rules, you need to grow up. You need to stop sucking the long dick of the law and realize that in the US, you can die for your country at 18 but not have a drink till you're no fuck you for being a retard, grow up","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"if you are that retarded just kill yourself","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"When your goal is to infiltrate websites just to post cartoon children when you aren't even banned for it elsewhere then cry about free speech when people see what you're doing, then declare you're going to invite all your friends to post even more of it, you aren't persecuted, you're just not getting what you want. Just like lefty faggots trying to indoctrinate children irl who cry \"it's free speech, stop persecuting me for my sexuality!\" You use the same brand of manipulation as child molesters while denying you're anything like them. Ok I'll try again just for you >be degenerate loli posters on gab >too retarded to read >not even banned on twitter >gab says fuck off >REEEEE WE'RE AN OPPRESSED CLASS! EVERYONE INVADE!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER But I thought California had gun control","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"There's 2 out of 7 churches in the Book of Revelation that did not receive rebuke from Christ and it wasn't because they had 18 kids and counting, it was because they taught who the synagogue of Satan is! @Deplorme Stop your prattling. The CORE ISSUE The ROOT CAUSE Of all your problems is that you and people of your generation did not have anywhere near enough children let alone SMART children, to propagate the race. YOU FUCKED UP. YOU SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO THE CATHOLIC CHURCH But no, you wanted free stuff and abortions and divorce. You reap what you sew.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Fortunately, we don't have to choose. We can ignore the former and let them MAGA on with their tax cuts while going after the latter who are the real enemy Antifa are NOT \"the real enemy.\" They are barely relevant except to costume clowns and $PLC media whores. The definition of the enemy is someone who wants to physically harm you. By that standard, Antifa is definitely our enemy Antifa r enemies. Many r White=race traitors. They publicly attack Whites that speak up for our interests. Don't fear us. Internal enemies r most dangerous(antifa,political\/media\/academia\/religious whores etc). Until ALL enemies are dealt with HARSHLY we will be deservedly ridiculed. Enemies must fear publicly opposing us if we r to be victorious. They just keep taking it. Turn the other cheek christ-insanity and all. Good chance the left will go too far and Whites will strike back. The more violence, radicalization and polarization the better.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"So how long have you lived in your mother's basement?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Seems loud and clear to me: He should go hitchhike through the Middle East.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Becoming what? The reason for \"What Happened ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Those kinds of trans people ought to be celebrated. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Oooohohohohohoh you are in for a wild ride!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"CNN Declare Kanye West Mentally Ill For Supporting Trump https:\/\/yournewswire.com\/cnn-kanye-west-mentally-ill-supporting-trump\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Not interested, faggot. If you're so tired of it then shut the fuck up and go outside. I'm tired of seeing stupid fucks like you call everything a \"false flag\" or a \"set up\". Maybe he got tired of waiting for people to change and made his own change? Jews get everything they deserve. They have had so much \"misfortune\" throughout history because they being it onto themselves with their behavior. You're the stupid little bitch cunt pussy millennial faggot talking about JEWS. Like I said, STFU and go make me a SAMMICH, BITCH. Jews have always been terrible people even before they migrated into Europe almost 2000 years ago. Funny how the ancient world hated the kikes and they did until recently because of how they naturally are but it's bad to be that way now. Even though they are flooding the west with their brain dead Arab cousins to kill white people. Get fucked you waste of space. Good for her, and good on you for being such a 'white knight'.. Just because some 'people' don't want it to be fake, doesn't mean it's not. Like I originally stated before the nazi whore rudely attacked me for no reason, it sure seems like a false flag shooting event to me. No bodies, no crime.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Time to either turf or imprison this Muzzie POS! Think carefully before electing your Mayor!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Oh no. It's completely retarded and the only option is euthanasia","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"#qanda There are 208 women in the Commons, up from 191 in 2015, as a result of Thursday's general election. This takes female representation in the Commons to a new high. Overall 32% of MPs are women ... For Labour the figure is 45%, and 21% for the Conservatives\". BBC 2017\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Politics is literally about social control of public spaces. Yet our movement's so incredibly stupid, on a level that's hard to fathom, that there was an argument over whether or not we should contest public spaces at all and we all agreed not to. Dildo McInnes deserves to win, and I'm happy for him and his project.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER 5. Creating racial tension\". USA racial issues start before 1776. These latest ones are fueled by,among others,NRA and Congress refusing to fully resource education and police training. URL URL URL URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER He isnt aware of anything; he is just that handsome~","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Real niggas know what's up. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"One Mentally Retarded Muslim Paedophile Rapist Murdering Goat Shagging Camel Piss Drinking Shit Stain Down Voted This Post.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Deep State coup not working?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"When will people understand that only trans people are that violent and cruel?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Grocery Store Joe is the best contestant to ever grace bachelor nation. He is adorably awkward and has a thick Chicago accent. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"She countersues for harrassment and wins. He ends up *paying her* the rest of *his* life Tfw this isn't satire really sad He ends up going to jail for false claims of unconsented touching. She is praised for her self defense. He is ordered to pay her legal costs as well as her claims for intentional infliction of emotional distress. [deleted] I would not touch such a disgusting piece of shit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER STOP LYING AHOLE! FBI ISNT INVOLVED CAUSE THERES NOTHINGBURGER TO INVESTIGATE. ITS ALL LIBERALS CHARADE TO DELAY.. KAVANAUGH WILL B CONFIRMED #GINSBERGISNEXT ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER So a cop kills someone and this becomes a gun control issue?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Married to a black woman. Still a RACIST https:\/\/mobile.twitter.com\/Chadwick_Moore\/status\/1053520108050673664 The absolute state of this planet, the face of White supremacism in 2018: Looks to me like a violent white supremacist domestic terrorist","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":" Need to check your wood pile, your wife is a nigger whore dummy ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"So \"The Conners\" ratings premiered at 55 percent below the return ratings of \"Roseanne\" in early","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"She is not interested in your bullshit. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Even though he has proved to be very efficient in almost every regard since taking office. Hillary should fade away.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"What's the fetish with squirrels ya weirdo?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"#Christian #NRA Supporter Rev. Jesse-Lee Peterson Confronts STUPID Kids Against Guns at March for Our Lives Asks questions about guns black man is surrounded by a mob of screaming Jews - accuses THEM of being racist confronts their cross eyed retarded offspring. #Bolshevik technique. Fight 30min https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=3I-_Ph6mbTA","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Gay. Straight. Homo. Lesbian. How about 'People\". Hmmm. Love you ALL!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Lasted a week at Facebook.after 40 days and 40 nights in the gulag. I wrote this during the Dark Ages in America 7 years ago. I was on for 5 days before my last 30 day ban, LOL< its's actually kinda fun.... I still got 12 days left before I go back to shit posting on FB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"The mongs are at it again. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Girlfriend was looking at my reddit feed with me. She laughed at the \"short guys part, but when I tapped and expanded the image to view the reply, she didn't laugh with me for some reason. Edit: I told her she got me top comment. She then asked if people were talking shit about her. She's now mad at me because \"I didn't defend her. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Another in a long line of ZEROBAMA's criminal CABINET folk !! Loretta Lynch is another FUCKING RETARD !! He has to be nigger 24\/7","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The end result is an IQ 85 nigger that's nothing but a violent drain on the modern world. Because niggers still have an 85 IQ when that data is included. Are you a dumb nigger or just a troll?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The Democrats have either won every special election (so far), or severely cut Trump's margin of victory in ' This doesn't bode well for the midterms. Imagine the Republicans defied all odds and won a super-majority in both chambers of Congress. What would change for us? Virtually nothing. They'll privatize social security and send our troops to Iran. True, but he lost because nigger turnout was MASSIVE. Like 98% turnout. That is INCREDIBLE.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Good to see your hosting of the Emmys' bombed. Seems only Liberals like no humor. You won't be asked back. Career killer. You were Da rating tanking Bomb. Now go celebrate with your liberal pals.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Do yourself a favor and watch this @USER There is still time for you to spit that kool aid out and pay attention to what is happening. You right leaning conservatives are so brainwashed it is sickening.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/9OFpfTd0EIs?t=31 Billy Idol - Eyes Without A Face","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"its a retard party","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER I am sorry to hear this Chris. You are a big part of the WP family. I admire your fight and strength as you battle this disease. I have no words to express how sorry I am you are dealing with ALS. I truly hope a cure can be found one day.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"We saw how great stealing Trump 2016 signs from front yards did for that vapid ugly cunt Hillary did. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Built by nigger Christians. Collapsed. 160 killed. Jesus was not there to help his house, and his followers.... Bad, bad Jesus.... POINT BEING: It's not their Christianity that makes difference, it's their RACE. https:\/\/www.pbs.org\/newshour\/world\/nigerian-church-collapses-worshippers-kills-160-peopl","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"It's all in vain, the education war is won. The youth are radicalized. Nobody will ever believe the mainstream media, watch the NFL, or see the corrupt FBI as anything other than an enemy of America ever again. You can kill, defame or imprison everyone and this liberal Jewish order is still going down. There are specific categories of white youth that are alienated by the system. Certainly this cohort will grow over time. The problem is that by the time this sense of alienation is fully manifested we may not have the numbers to effect the necessary change. Even if balkanization happens and we concentrate into a specific area where we are sovereign, the enemy will still have its bolthole in the middle east and the enemy will surround us with hostile forces. We need a sense of urgency, and we've got to ditch Trump who has turned out to be the Great Deceiver. Hey @cashmoneyglock who would you replace Trump with? Yeah, I may be brain dead, but your vicious use of the word retard speaks volumes of your character. Go ahead, you have the last word with me. @Moroboro And your continued fellation of the professional liars who wouldn't even piss on you if you were on fire speaks volumes of your character. Namely that you don't have one. https:\/\/i.4pcdn.org\/pol\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"\"Redneck What a mean-spirited person","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"South Africa's war against its white people. Read this and know the truth. Please share this article far and wide https:\/\/m.theepochtimes.com\/south-africas-war-against-white-people_ Sounds like you are describing Trump supporters.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I'm just so pissed off by advertising like that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"RIGHT YOU ARE Kirk. and our govt is OVERLOADED WITH THE SCUM. You know, it is called an absolute fear of God because they come from commie hippie scum from the 60's. I use to love to beat their asses LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER We can empty all our prisons also and just say they broke no laws.....Liberal logic.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"and Nigger economy (goolag that shit, it's worth the keks)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"This cunt takes a picture 5 feet from a mirror, then takes another picture at a different mirror at 10 feet. How retarded can you get. Of course you're going to \"appear\" smaller in a mirror when you're further away from it. Holy hell.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Seems we can't even hold onto advancements in signage in re gun control.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER They are Conservatives to be put on the Supreme Court that don't have all of these blemishes on their record these questions of their character there are better candidates. They need to find one. This one is the POTUS pic because he thinks the POTUS should be above the law","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"LOL, I give a fuck that I have to see it on my feeds on every social network platform and be reminded how fucking retarded my fellow human is. This causes the dilemma of being unable not to reply out of a glimmer of hope that someone will grow a brain cell and realize it's all bullshit...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER She was drunk, this rape is her fault.\" \"He was drunk, this rape isn't his fault. Said no one, except the crying liberals making more stuff up. You guys are laughable.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Just an fyi. When she's on the ground she calls the police officer \"kanker flikker . Flikker' translates to faggot and kanker' means cancer. In the Dutch language calling someone a kanker' (something) is probably the most insulting thing you can say.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Here We Go Again... Hillary #Clinton Coughs Uncontrollably at Mansfield College - Requests Water (VIDEO) https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/hillary-clinton-coughs-uncontrollably-at-mansfield-college-requests-water-video\/ via @gatewaypundit https:\/\/gab.ai\/tv\/watch\/7910","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Does anyone remember when U2 just made music?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I'll have to rape a Muslim today. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Putting a trans person in charge is the best thing anyone can do. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"You're a retard #justsaying He's not a retard. Blacks vote Democrat, and Democrat policies attract blacks... So what you say and what he says are both correct.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"#cdnpoli How can anyone expect the Liberals to follow their own rules? Rules are for other people aren't they? The governing Liberals have allowed... URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Best Koreans seeing K-Pop for the first time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"She died a nigger Now that is funny shit https:\/\/www.dailymotion.com\/video\/x3utu6r","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"What makes a black person black? Your questions are retarded as fuck. White means you're not a faggot who asks retarded shit like \"What is white?\" in some subversive attempt to seem super philosophical. It doesn't make you look edgy or wise- it's just fuckin retarded. LOL... I know. I even scrolled past it at first but the whole \"What is white\" just ate at me like some retarded succubus. What is white? WTF does that even mean?? White, motherfucker- it means white.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Bullshit! Regulations are good because it keeps conservatives from striping our land into the Abyss","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"It's the most pathetic conquering in the history of humanity. Both humiliating and sad. At any other point in history these things would be seen as an act of war and be treated for what they are. Now- nobody wants to be called bad names or have some faggot media rep do a story about how racist you are... so we just sit back and allow our countries to be ruined by hordes of people who have their own. No bullets are being fired, no cities are being sacked. They just show up and kill us by outbreeding using our tax dollars. Fucking shameful is what it is. It is a crisis. nigger sand other non-whtes use the QWhite peoples taxes to breed mor inferiors of their kind. We end up takng finacial cade of theses inferior vermin.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"That Muzzie clickbait, ya know. Don't feed the trolls.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Some black people made fun of me today. I wanted to kill them right there. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"One thing I hate is a dumb cunt that makes no sense, only thing worse is 2 dumb cunts.... Your muted bitch!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Henny... Why do you outside. Where u and ya pussy ass sister at. We just wanna talk","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"unless you were raped in a country that banned abortion, nobody forced you to have that kid, you despicable cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER YOU PROBABLY NEED MORE GUN CONTROL AND MORE GOVERNMENT AND MORE TAXES. LESS IS MORE.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Good. He is a head case. Go get a Passrusher","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Beto BIG crowds... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/YsdZ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I don't find many RETARDED RACIST askeNAZI JEWS on here. They are too RETARDED and obviously all HATEFUL RACIST askeNAZI Jews are despicable SCUM! The NAZI JEWS are not wanna be scum, they are all human sewage! The extreme HATE coming from the EXTREMELY HATEFUL RACIST askeNAZI Jew excrement!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@RFIDbollocks It's finally dawning on you that there is zero chance of me ever being in the dock. There is actually less than zero chance. But there is EVERY CHANCE that you will be. The spasticated jew will squeal on you, I can virtually guarantee that now, anger and frustration (hallmarks of Mark Lewis since the Holy Spirit visited him and took away his mind) will ensure you get wrapped up and presented as a gift to the justice system. Your jew is gonna do for you. U OK HUN? lollers... is the truth making you realise you're a fucking retard? You've been saying this for years you silly cunt! Hahahaha! I said similar about Bonehill, Jennings, Turner, Chabloz, Renshaw etc, often for years. The wheels of justice turn slowly, but you're just another Nazi cunt whose time will come. It is not in my gift to get you banged up, that is in the hands of a self-harming jew that is often confined to a wheelchair (spasticated\/spasticised) called Mark Lewis. So... we wait... we wait for him to throw you under the bus. Popcorn, I must buy sme!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Intolerance ftw. Reasons I don't associate with other races or race-mixers. I absolutely refuse to. No exceptions. I won't even get fresh meat from our local grocery bc the one nigger in our area works behind that counter. I'd rather drive further away to get meat.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"She paid the toll!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Women are never any intelligent. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"This might be a little controversial for Gab, but I just want to say It's OK to be Jewish *Update: I'm not Jewish","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Those women might look human but they are just parasites to our society. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Is this what these retards think conservatives are like?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Well he did start by simply pulling her soooo. Fuck them, bunch of bitches https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=NoYTdgjHu3Uandt=82s","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"That's just retarded, eventually there would be no plot on earth \"unowned\" locking out future generations from the right to vote. How about instead if you pay money into the system you get to say how that money gets used. because that makes the most fucking sense.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER I'm really not on any side of this mess but all day people were siding with Cardi talking bout Nicki and do shit. Jsjdhkdfhjfkfkhsjdhd MESSSSSSS!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"It would be best to just drown those kinds of immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Retards are EVERYWHERE!...can't even turn around without another RETARD standing there looking stupid! They are EVERYWHERE...this is what happens when SINGLE women try to raise Boys into men...they wind up stupid or...IN PRISON.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER *he screams and releases 20 gallons of cum with enough pressure to make at least 2 gallons squirt from his big brother's mouth*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I cannot fathom the level of stupid it requires to vote for a Democrat. The majority of voters trust libtards on healthcare. Didn't you idiots see what Obama did with healthcare? He said he'd cut your insurance costs and you'd keep your health plan and doctor. Reality? Obama tripled your costs and MILLIONS lost their doctor and healthcare plan. How retarded must one be to trust them with socialist healthcare? Forrest Gump stupid? I think it requires a flatline on your brain activity scan... Ask the next idiot who supports government-run healthcare if they've EVER had an experience with government that was pleasant. Then ask the imbecile if they want to be treated at the doctor's office the same way they are treated at the Department of Licensing: Overpaid unionized socialist scumbags you can't fire will be treating you like turds because they know they can't be fired. Our children have been brainwashed with participation trophies to believe they are entitled to everything from free healthcare and education to respect. Millennial turds do not believe they have to earn ANYTHING. It's time to start treating these entitled little school-shooting bastards with the respect they deserve and not the respect they demand. Socialist libtard ideology causes school shootings not guns.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"it's white women's turn for the 2min hate This type of subversive propaganda and agitation is the same technique the Jewish Bolsheviks used to stir up the Russian populace and convinced them to go along with them (in anticipation of a \"workers paradise\" these Jews promised) and overthrew the Czar of Russia in She's a Jewess. Do a Google image search.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"God the 90s pop music was fucking bad, but to day it's mostly for retarded people. You don't need to sing rely good or play the guitar well or be a talented musician in today's world because there all faker then Milli Vanilli.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER I am appalled that you are considering hosting a `midget' wrestling spectacle. The word itself is offensive but an occasion like that will perpetuate the stereotypes around dwarfism and is hugely damaging to the dwarf community. Please think again.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Obamas gonna Obama http:\/\/www.theamericanmirror.com\/i-got-a-lot-to-say-obama-refers-to-himself-92-times-during-38-minute-nv-speech\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Hopefully he won't because he should learn a lesson...and there should be better gun control by then...if he did and something happened he could end up in jail...that doesn't seem fun...hope he turns his life around for the better ..will he go to foster care?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"U are whore ?? Do u know me ?? No , so fuck off cunt !!!! @utmusrephafudd1979","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Trump has to kiss the jew ass because the normie retard public cant face that the rat fks run everything and hate them, yet.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER He is such a con apparently finds are running low ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"But, Gamergate IS dead, honey. Sargon's troll attempt was fucking stupid, and everyone saw through it. Well, except MundaneMatt the Quarry King. Why did I have to scroll all the way to the bottom to find some common sense? Sargon is complete cancer and everything he gets involved in turns to shit. He's a shitty politician. What were you expecting? It's amazing the Sargon's shit-talk riles people up so much, but when Jim the retard does it, it can only be some masterful social commentary and we need all the rick and morty fans to tell us how low our IQs are for pointing out the contradiction. And these are always THE SAME PEOPLE. You'd think they'd be happy to see Sargon off, instead of trying to pull him back in. No wonder you people are always tasting almonds. Come on back when Sargon causes as many problems for us as Jim does, until then have fun being outraged over nothing.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER I am reallly pulling for Dom Smith to show the Mets he belongs here but he always just looks like he is going through the motions. The Mets buried him it seems and I'm wondering if its attitude that holds him back.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Dude is getting some flack from antifa, commies, Muslims and genderqueers.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Kavanaugh Gang Rape' Accuser Has Group Sex Fetish, According To Man She Hit On https:\/\/bigleaguepolitics.com\/kavanaugh-gang-rape-accuser-has-group-sex-fetish-according-to-man-she-dated\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"You know what to do. https:\/\/twitter.com\/kroeger_lyndsey\/status\/1054203383962169345?s=19","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Shitbags who want to score points with disease ridden SJW bitches an just make me look bad cause I share POL memes. O please POL doesn't own those memes. An idiots who love Hitler are just as fucking retarded as Bernie bros. Cucking oneself to gov is still cucking. Fucking gynofags","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Who do you think you are????????","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Get bloody medals. Diversity medals no doubt, mate","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@a is a censoring nigger lover.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Idiots say: \"Trump has Jews in his family, so he ought to be wise to the JQ.\" To illustrate how retarded this is, imagine if Ivanka were a coalburner married to Daquan Jackson. Trump not only welcomes Jackson, he makes him a special WH advisor to import ebola-infected Liberians and smuggle coltan from the Congo. Would that make him \"based\" and racially aware?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Women are just the dumbest people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Only women are that kind and compassionate. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"If you say that \"toxic masculinity\" is \"not treating men and boys with compassion\", then you're no longer complaining about what was reaped, but what was sown. In which case, we should call it something like \"toxic parenting\". As for the patriarchy, the ones complaining about it are always complaining about the people at the top. When it is women at the top, the situation is unchanged, except there's less bitching. So what they're complaining about is authoritarianism. They just get confused because they look at the top, see mostly men, and think \"men are the problem\". This thinking isn't retarded, but it is verging on it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"'Black lives matter!' Not an excuse to act like a cunt and think you can get away with it...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I forgot about this lying cunt haha. She would be a good match for [Crazy Eyes](https:\/\/memegenerator.net\/Crazy-Eyes-Big-Daddy)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Why??? He did Absolutely Nothing wrong. He is the victim and she is the perpetrator!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"All gay people like them are vile. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You are a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER The one time I engaged with Louise mensch was when she said URL was a Russian op because it had a Russian registrar. I tried explaining how the internet works with screenshots and stuff but got no reply.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"YOU and your \"fake outrage\" can go fuck yourself! March your goofy ass off my @ 's and post your clown ass bullshit elsewhere, Faggot! As for my \"face paint,\" why yes, I'm enjoying it very much! Oh, and BTW, you're now the laughing stock of Gab. Peace out, Pendejo! Don't let the door hit you where the lord split you! perhaps... just another faggot crying in moms basement.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"This is how the Left operates. First they demand that you let them do whatever they want. Then they demand you join them, unless you want to be labeled a racist or bigot. They did this with gay marriage, they did this with transgenders being allowed in locker rooms, they did this with illegal aliens, they do it with everything. Give them an inch, they take a mile. The older Amy gets the more porcine in appearance she becomes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Our failure to mobilize and litigate on behalf of our political prisoners is more than merely a moral black eye, it's the kind of failure that has a chilling effect on future mobilization for years to come. Our political soldiers need to be more like the original KuKluxKlan from 1866-1876 who locally finished off Reconstruction working with the Democrats as a major political party to where they \"won\" the peace after Reconstruction was over. They won't be caught dead at these \"rallies\" where piglice can find them out.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"That final slap brought that cunt back from the dead. Slapped that thot so hard that he sent her back to the shadow realm","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"http:\/\/amp.miamiherald.com\/news\/nation-world\/national\/article If you want to dress up like a nigger to make fun of knuckle dragging niggers, you god damn sure should be able to, and if you are attacked, or fired because of it, you should be given compensation and those who harmed you should be jailed. This is America, not a 3rd world liberal shit hole.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Sick of spic shit yet?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"What a faggot you are, @JohnLloydScharf.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Holy shit I would have knocked that cunt the fuck out. Bitch raising her fist like she is fucking strong or some shit. Dear god, I wish that was me, she would have learned what a real punch is. Burn. You'd just stand there and take it like a weak little bitch, would you? Ha ha ha ha ha!! Pure cuck.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I agree; you do have certain fowl characteristics. I don't think you've gathered from this conversation the basic idea that I do not care what you and your Nazi faggot boyfriends think, and neither does anyone else, anywhere, concerning ANY subject. This isn't because of apathy; it's because you suck.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Liberals are in full meltdown today...fun to watch...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Remember that time when bush was in office and retarded know nothing conservatives said that a high tech police state internet censorship was just conspiracy theory? The bush administration had ZERO resistance from the republican voter while he helped set up the censorship grid.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Not going to be surprised to find out that all these women being recorded while seemingly making asses out of themselves while simultaneously painting white people as racists are eventually outed as a leftist feminist movement. It's too 'neat'. Too....obvious that they're standing in plain view of someone videoing while being complete and utter cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER It's (she) is a real problem.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"> They've taken NIMBYism to the nth degree. Yeah pretty much. These are the same sort of twats who become members of HOAs and insist that grass must be X high at all times and that only certain types of cars are allowed in their neighborhoods. They're pretty dictators.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"All this because of you got butthurt that he called you out for reverance of the Virgin Mary lol. Better watch out Tyr you made him the big mad.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"6 people shot and killed in Bakersfield and the liberals want to tweet about Gun Control. Chicago calls 6 people shot and killed a lunch break yet nobody tweets a word. You can't have it both ways. Legal guns ownership vs illegal gun ownership. What's the real solution?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Slow down the cuts between shots. Way too fast.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Carbon dating tests show combined age older than dirt. https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/democrats-outline-priorities-when-they-take-congress-protect-illegals-gun-control-investigate-kavanaugh-and-russia-impeach-trump\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Typical m0ng behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"see you have literally copied this off me . only i get who harold is. you fucking don't though do you .. i made this two days ago. you fucking wannabe twat. Yeah. Because I copied you. But you are to retarded to prove it! Go ahead. LOL. I will be waiting. BTW, don't miss your chance to get another booster shot. I think they are free this time of year.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER I thought so... I'm mingling... ever since you decided to attack my opinion on gun control and Brett Kavanaugh. I just asked you if having a conversation with you would be worth my time and effort. So far all you've done is prove that it is not worth the effort. have a nice day","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"You seriously blurted out the Twitter handle of a government official? It could a person reposting a pic a Chaffetz that had nothing to do with Warren and they don't want to take the shit for it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"> and don't cannibalise fellow human beings. what if we were in a plane crash and it was the only way to survive? which mod would we eat first? >which mod would we eat first? Dunno about eating, but sacrificing Bane to Cyric would have some evil appeal :-D Does it matter, the majority would taste like hot pockets. That's a good thing no? Shadist","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Meghan Markle is the scum of the Royal family. She couldn't cut it in Hollywood and she'll cause a lot of chaos. Hopefully when Prince William becomes king, he'll kick out the Muslims, take control over the Parliament, and put a leash on that mud baby duchess. Queen Elizabeth II is the worst person in the history of Britain. Charlie will take over before Willie.....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER she is free as a bird to return to her Muslim homeland","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Nope. It's clear and you are lying. Also every accusation against known child molester #RoyMoore was true. Conservatives love (R)apists.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Had a similar story. Was in Rio a few years back with a buddy who was a bodybuilder. Guy was absolutely RIPPED. We go to a bar and are having some drinks and we see two girls we want to talk to. So we go over and chat them up. The one he's talking to apparently revealed that they were both prostitutes. She told him that if he wanted to sleep with her there'd be a price. Without missing a beat, he immediately replies, \"Why would I pay you? You should be paying me. I'm in better shape than you are!\" She got so upset and stormed out hahahaha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Disabled people like you are just pathetic. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"a b s o l u t e u n i t R E P E N T He had a greater effect on him by not doing so.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"1\/\/ Yal stupid people tell me to \"back off cause he is like obsessed BITCH who has been to all the football games. Walks to class. Does literally everything for them. Knows exact dates and numbers for everything me. Only reasons I'm not competition cause she ain't gay","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"OUTSTANDING!! You Will Love This!!!!!!! Students Offered College Credit For Kavanaugh Protest Trip, Get Unwanted Surprise On Bus https:\/\/madworldnews.com\/college-credit-kavanaugh-protest\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"#NancyPelosi Filing #FOIA Request, Re #BrettKavanaugh! https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/pelosi-filing-foia-request-for-key-kavanaugh-documents-prolonging-fight #DemocratsInPanicMode F#Democrats#POLICIES F#NuttyNancy for the#Nuthouse and needs to be tested for#Kuru #GaborZolna's take https:\/\/www.real.video\/5845944618001","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER This coming from the Soros militia. Aren't you the intellectual mind behind ANTIFA?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Those aren't Americans, afreecan Americans or black Americans. Those are obviously nigger beasts and mulattos. Check the bible, your eyes and think. https:\/\/thewhitemansbible.wordpress.com\/book\/29-who-needs-niggers-or-elimination-of-the-black-plague\/ NEGROIDS https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/playlist?list=PLA52FD44E69F5C997","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Looks like the Democrats are on the right side of history.... Conservatives are always wrong... Prove otherwise upper east side Buck... Have you ever eaten in an Applebee's?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Surely you took note of his fascination for Nigger dick?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Well she certainly is retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"How can you reclaim something that was never exclusively yours in the first place?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER She and Him beign a Joint Acct. Have called Me and Grok everything under the sun The Same Person Women Racist Redneck Antifa KKK Members Grannies (Yes Grannies) Haha Etc It's pretty common when the Fraud Gets Busted to start calling the one's who Busted them hilarious names","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Why is it that Muslims are all complete assholes?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER come eat me ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"That's a terrible lawyer. Why is she crying??? Serious question because I actually have no idea. But wouldnt her crying show that she truly believes that the sentence is too harsh? Her crying showed that she wasnt just assigned to a case and working it because she has to. It does, however, seem unprofessional.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"You mad, faggot? LOL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"RT PrisonPlanet Out of touch multimillionaire elitist celebrity shills for giant globalist bureaucracy. Remember when rock and roll was anti-establishment? https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/parties-that-criticise-mass-migration-originate-satan\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I just want to say I don't care what the left thinks about me and never will. You are not my audience, and I don't expect many of you to change your minds. My goal is to help right-wingers find their voice and not be afraid to finally stand up to the left. We will no longer be silent. Joined gab 5 min ago after realizing that I'd been shadowbanned on Twitter. I was wondering why I wasn't receiving any response all day. Started 2nd acct using other phone... sure enough, couldn't see any of my tweets. Primary Twitter account was still fully functional, could tweet my heart out. Maybe I'm too conservative or Christian. Oh well, hello Gab!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Seeing you in this place makes me so angry. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Is it not obvious that I hate Muslims?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER And the factory's coming back U do n a movie on that... sum worth do n.. cause just sling shit shows No intelligence..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER She is a repulsive human in every possible level.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Common Purpose Dyke defends Common purpose Cuck.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"If you want to be taken seriously, stop acting retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Immigrants like you are repugnant. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Becoming..... a woman?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Report @USER to @USER Be sure to check his Lists\" to see if your name is on it. He's compiled a Target List for Antifa....accompanied by a Subscriber list. ....targeting Trump supporters for Antifa.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"You are a nigger lover. Fuck off.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Liberals complain of not having time to evaluate records but they sit on an anonymous letter for weeks and wait like a criminal to assassinate the character of a good man at the end.Despicable. @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Yeah, fair enough the one wee cunt that got physical should be arrested, but 90% of the crowd did nothing other than shout shite, which is not an arrestable offence.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Liberals are retarded . #GabFam You fail to see whats going on here She dont want you to feed your child with antibodies hormones and other godly goodness so that your child is a beta male deficient in many ways. I bet you 100,000$ she gets her tits out to force feed her bastard for as long as she can. So that her child become a fully formed alpha male. That will dominate your beta male soyboy. libtards: We can't have toddler Raptist walking around! Normal person: U mean somebody walking around raping Toodllers? That's the sickest thing I ever heard . Libtard: No. i mean toddlers inappropriately touching their mothers .They create a toxic environment For us women. Normal person: OK maybe second sickest, Thing I ever heard .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Disabled people can all go fuk themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER If that was my missus horse he'd fuck right off and have us chasing him like bell ends","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"It's really not okay to be calling people rapefugee. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Well, so much for being reassured by XSEED at Anime Expo, shortly after the Omega labyrinth Z controversy, that they're not running into any trouble with the censors. It gets further peculiar that Sony is the perpetrator in these cases when the games in question released on PS4 in Japan just fine. Yeah XSEED may have been referring to the ratings boards. The ESRB is pretty based these days actually. Its Nu-Sony that's being an absolute disappointment. I knew from Sony's 'woke' E3 presentation that it didn't mean anything good for the future. Wasn't it only the Last of Us 2 lesbian kiss? Did Sony do anything else woke that day? Because the Last of Us thing falls entirely on Woke Naughty Dog.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Dumb ass Democrat Plantation Slave, and CNN fake news pimp, Don Lemon said, that every black American \"cringed\" when they watched Kanye West speaking at the White House. Golly Don, I didn't realize EVERY black person thinks like you. Quite the arrogant, elitist attitude! Pigeonhole the ENTIRE black community. That's called racism, ya stupid DOLT.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER THINK PROBELY I THINK SHE IS GETTING SOMETHING OUT OF IT ..MAYBE MONEY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I just love hypocrisy. Am I sick?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Who would bother to save someone so fucking retarded. Other retards","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"#luddites eh @USER should embrace tech #gigeconomy @USER @USER #ThursdayThoughts URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Liberals at the trough of America getting free ears!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":" Bwahahahahahahhahaahahahhaahaa.... Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"These days Twitter isn't even bothering to give a reason for why they're suspending an account. They're slapping people with lifetime bans just because. Yeah. But also, you know, trolling. There's no one to troll on Gab.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Going from offering free stuff to buying votes. What a loser-head. https:\/\/www.sacbee.com\/news\/nation-world\/national\/article","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"you thought wrong, kike faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER I wasn't aware I had a smell.\" Cologne when he chose to, perhaps. \"So I take it then that you are aware when I am near. And when I shadow.\" Meaning 'follow,' but in an attempt to be less .. creepy.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Leftists are the ones that created the NPC meme in the first place so they could paint the right as a bunch of homicidal maniacs when a false flag shooting happens. Dehumanizing themselves to dehumanize the enemy. um wut?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"It was about time we got the fuck out. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I was banned from Twitter for calling retarded people retarded.....i think I'm in love with you","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"It just get stranger and stranger.... #GabFam #ShareFreely #TheyFearTheLightTheMost #PedoGateIsReal #PrayForOurKids #SaveOurKids","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"This is getting more and more bizarre now. \"Alien DNA\". Fan of the X Files? We have some Neanderthal DNA if that's what you mean? What your parents had to create you is between you and them son. Can't help you there. Live long and prosper :) I think this is his mother Lol Getting educated by someone else now sunshine. Not your day is it ;)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"There's an article abt how a Banksy painting just sold at auction for $ jew nigger - modern art is a kike creation. Ask these questions of your rabbi when he gives you the jewish reach around. You're like a Christian missionary in the Amazon asking Yanamamo indians about fortune cookies. My post made perfect sense, kike nigger anus. And again, you bring up sexual perversion like a typical KIKE.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Raping him should not be illegal. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"It doesn't count when it's done to white people, it's just \"revenge\" and \"sticking it to the man\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@MAGA Sorry for my language first! Now FUCK the left bunch of pussy soy boy bitches (like the running scared pussy Portland cunt who harassed a 9\/11 NYPD widow) or fat bedraggled swamp donkey feminists that uses mob attacks on innocent ppl and property. It's past time some of these fucks get taken out, until that is done they'll always feel emboldened to do what they do. Take their weapon beat em into submission!! Let em rot in jail devoid of mommy and daddy's influence or money. Sorry but these are not people they are subhuman slime!! Strong Women Use Strong Language Dee. UR Definitely Born Again Hard. I'm Trusting Our C in C To Handle The Opposition. That's Why I Gave Him My Vote. Now It's Our Patriotic Duty To Give Him MORE Support! Damn straight #GETOUTANDVOTERED #VOTERED #VOTEREDSTRAIGHTTICKET #VOTEREPUBLICAN #REDTSUNAMI #JOBSNOTMOBS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I see one of your retarded fucking monkeys shot some unarmed Jews in church ... like the little Nazi Nigger he was. If you monkeys want to attack someone ... come attack me, or at least someone armed. Attacking unarmed people is what little bitch Niggers, like you, do.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"[deleted] i really wanted to call a woman a cuck for ONCE and you all RUINED it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER AND SHE (LUCY HALE) CANNOT DO IT BECAUSE SHE IS TRAVELING IM JUST POITING THAT OUT.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER That said. You are right about those who do put themselves forward to read the job description.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"1\/5 Several women MPs key in 1990s gun control debate in Canada. Min of Justice @USER did heavy lifting for @USER In introducing 1991 gun law she said Gun control works. It is probably the oldest and most effective form of crime prevention law...\" #cdnpoli #cdnhist URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Muslims are absolutely despicble. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Dirty Christianity follower creating war everywhere Iran should attack USA We will support Iran","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The sort of retarded post I would expect to see from a Women's Studies student. Most don't hate other races, that takes valuable energy from useful pursuiits. The people you are wagging your finger at want to see other races on the National Geographic channel, not destroying Western Civilisation.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER a perfect description of ANTiFA. Fascist shit bags.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"What a cunt fart","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"It is unfortunate that they act like that when challenged, because challenge is what is required to grow. Indeed. I'm going to post a chart of the Polytheistic deities later from the different cultures and languages since they all worship the same gods and goddess. EDIT: I really don't care what name they attach to them either since they're all the same character.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"More nigger fucker stories. Everybody's favorite. Yay.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Too many techies have too much money and think they can afford to buy the govt they want. You got away with it during the Manchurian Muzzie Kenyan Puppet Era. That's done. That is history . ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Today, for me, a beard means fuzzie muzzie or convert to muzzieness. Just sayin'. I am sure I'm not the only one.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Pew Research O dear, we should all be worried because ...shock ...horror... the EU Block has no confidence in POTUS. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Well your a tool for the liberals so I'm not surprised you don't see. Pretty much a tool in general...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"My Dear Filthy kikess Grammy Queen of England Elizabeth Genetic-jewess Im making you a grandmother again in the Spring I knocked up my nigger wifey from the USA!! \"Now we may play monkey in the middle in the courtyard for the first time! my dear Filthy dirty fucked up in the head harry genetic-jew grandson! Im glad for you that she takes it anywhere you want to put it. My old man kike filthy jew genetic only gets it up for the young whores he buys. Will you pop some pimples Ive on my arse?\" #RoyalFuckups #Abominatios #WhitePeopleFromFishingVillagesOwnAndRuleEngland #WhiteGoldByGilesMilton","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Because she is","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"aussie kangaroo dick sucking faggot \"aussie kangaroo dick sucking faggot\" fuck off fuck off you marxist kikesucking kangaroo fucking homo fuck off you kikesucker","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER It bothers me because I feel whoever still supports him is just as racist as he is. I'm half black and my daughters and daughter are black so I don't get how my family doesn't see anything wrong with supporting him.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Kill these nigger dogs NOW. PITBULL GENOCIDE","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"\"A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.\" - John 13:34 #myfirstpost","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"https:\/\/www.citizenfreepress.com\/breaking\/flashback-george-soros-funded-first-illegal-migrant-army-in-may-2018\/ Who trusts a website that has to hide behind a proxy? This site could be anywhere in the world. Why do you all keep pushing Putin's propaganda for him? Hahahaha! Ok so you are one of the Russia did it people? First of all they link to stories or videos by other parties like Drudge always did so they aren't manufacturing anything. Proof of wrongdoing = evidence not suggestion. Fake news sites always mix in links to other sites. Why would you trust a site that you don't even know who owns it?? That's ignorant. Even if you agree with some of their shit, that's just lazy. Why do they need to hide who they are??? I'm not sure they are hiding and I'm pretty certain other people operate businesses in a similar manner to protect their privacy. Not LEGITIMATE sites. What do they have to hide? They have their personal security to hide in an age where rioters and rent a riot protesters accost people at home, work or play. Read this. https:\/\/www.wired.com\/2017\/02\/veles-macedonia-fake-news\/ Hahahahaha! I had to stop where he says Bernie Sanders supporters are the smartest people he'd ever seen. Please. Did Hillary or Soros pay for this slop? And the Soros propaganda. Do you know where that propaganda started and why he is hated OUTSIDE of the USA and by whom? Lord. Some Americans are such suckers. He is hated by Hungary for trying to overthrow their gov with lawless migrants from other failed countries like he is trying to do elsewhere in Europe and here in Latin America. Can't get what leftists want unless they overpower the conservative Christian vote.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I voted for Trump. The only other option was a drunk who put our National Security at risk... Why \"RETARDS\" would nominate\/run such a person as their Presidential candidate.... President Donald J Trump...the wrecking ball of establishment politics.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Several people are shadowbanned here on Gab, so yeah................","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Because Gutierrez is corrupt and so are the unions there.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Nigger privilege. Any one of us would be arrested by now.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Too many bitches in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER There is a worse gang then MS 13 and thier based out of DC... what has he done about people assulting Trump supporters? Antifa surley has broken people civil rights...he gone Trump can and will fire him ..mater if time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Lol Wow a meme of a short dick German faggot talking about Trump? Wow, you showed me. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER she is","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@Natetheweasel Being a shill for \"Dont do this, it will end up badly\" got you muted and booted. STOP UNDERMINING THE MOVEMENT, you fucking faggot shills.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Comes with the territory but I'm going to say it's the same leftist that control antifa...just to make more out of it than it actually is! Just saying","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Be coo you got people thinking I really eat ass bitch ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Of course he would hes a fucking faggot narcissist","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Best Remedy = #BING !! AND...#NeverVoteDemocRAT N E V E R!! ** #MAGA2018 **","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Imagine having a \"don't tread on me avi while simultaneously allowing both antifa and the police to tread on you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"You're the only clueless cunt on here that couldn't figure out its ABCNEWS15 in Arizona to go to for the story cuntwad.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER There she is nibbling in her lower lip and looking upwards at him. \"Don't leave me Stevie. Honestly she didn't know what to do without him.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Actually #MAGA spends atleast $40 2 times a yr on @USER shoes ..libnuts just put the same pair in the dishwasher every 6 months.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Soros scum Finbarr, Caleb, or Kai ? He must be another one. I didn't spot him on the long 842 list. Another loser with no purpose in his pathetic life! Here's another one that got arrested. She's deleted her FB. Looks like she protested at Standing Rock","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"you're dumb as shit faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Her colleague is a gay person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Just one more proof that the dnc hates the cosnstitution. this is exactly what pres. Washington warned us of in his farwell address. the dnc hates the constitution because it stands in the way of their totalitarain agenda. maybe that i why they push both socialism and gun control","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"It's not surprising at all given how despicable and horrible women are nowadays. Women are not going to change any time soon, so more and more men will become MGTOWs.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Destroy the Dems November 6th #vote Does Maggot Maxine even understand the impeachment process? Does this low IQ skank parasite understand that 67 Senators would need to vote to remove? I am in her district..#","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER He is past his sell-by date.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER She is a Sick Corrupt Ignorant Moron!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Being \"sexually liberal\" is just a push for an excuse to be a slut. Animals at least have the common sense to stick to their own species, while some humans go full blown retard and go to otherwise.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"That's just retarded...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Kyle long is fine. I bet he is just getting rest. Please at Brown over Sims.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Yeah but some of the trash is still her like Cyph and faggot boy JD ...got one POS trying to do me like they did Gee and Copy My ID and use a Picture of methat they got off of Dijjys Youtube page","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER What about @USER ? You and your antifa son are keeping your trap shut about that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Yeah, I agree, no blue eyed blonde girl should be looking up to a disgusting sand nigger \/s","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"you should really rethink your life and your priorities when you have like 10 comments all white knighting for the same soulless whore that basically steals money from retards. what are you even doing here you enormous cuck? TIL that advocating for people (both men and women) to be left alone to live their lives in peace as they see fit is *\"White Knighting\"*. Which makes me a *\"cuck\"* even though I'm not married. Also accepting money that people voluntarily give you is *\"stealing\"*. Makes perfect sense. **Edit:** \/u\/noiradle You're literally a Jewish **tranny** yet you're calling me a \"cuck\"?! Listen **faggot** homos like you disgust me. Especially trannies! But I don't slap the dick out of your mouth when you're blowing another guy. A **mentally ill MALE degenerate** like you should be able to appreciate the value tolerance more than anyone!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Where is the mistake in saying that women like you deserve to die?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER When you put fortnite on the poll instead of Spider-Man URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER She goes through with chequers the @USER are finished","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER this is rei from evangelion concept\/design by @USER ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Is it easy to tell that I am disgusted by all the women around here?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"We must not make Muslims suffer any more than they already are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Killing koreans its werry good","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":" Only bc you do not understand the science behind HAARP and their ability to combine many small storms into a MFer. e.g.Harver; Maria; Irma and now, Michael. Don't 'ignore' real science. That would be 'ignorant'. I AM REALLY GOOD AT PHYSICS MAYBE YOU CAN OUTLINE THE WAY IT MIGHT WORK FOR ME I'd like to when I have more time and can send you some links to read. I'm already a 'Life-Coach' to 6 clients.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Just remember it took Mark Felt 30 years before he would admit he was Deep throat\". These denials r meaningless\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Women deserve to be abused, I guess.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@bigshowfishin @Swatt Good! Fuck them! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I think most Muslims are seriously fucked in the head. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Hey Doug. We had a large amount of contacts recently. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. Are you referring to your tweet about the blue screen crash on PS4?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER God bless my uncle has cancer too but she is in a better place now","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I find there's similarities in treatment when you say that you don't believe in God. According to other people, there must be something wrong with you or someone or something must have hurt you so much for you to turn your back on god\/Women.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"These disabled people have no right to be alive. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Socialists, same shit, different flavor. National Socialist Hitler was also into gun control, ethanol, Slave labor for nationalized corporations and hated Christianity i also speculate he was a fag and had Eva around as a prop much like Obama Obamasshole is married to a faggot freakazoid in womens clothing...his name is michael","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"not the first time this nigger has done this.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER I'm glad you do babe (I kiss you back) now let's get going you are coming tomorrow to the final right babe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Hey look a bomb!! Instead of getting to safety let's take pics and send them to our friends before we inform the FBI...HOAX!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Trump makes everybody fall in line not because he's a bully, but because he represents America and everybody wants to be on the side of America, if this was Obama our borders would be wide open","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER You are all set! I have sent an email to your Gmail account to indicate the update. Have a great day! *HJF","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Dude, shut your retarded internet cowboy ass the fuck up. You posted wrongly. Shut the fuck up and don't do it again. A chick in a hijab finger-synching heavy metal is not \"news.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":" These rabid queers need to be put down like the rabid dogs we shoot.Pedophiles each and everyone of them.Suicide-Mental Institution-gunned down your choice.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You mean.....irrigate men???? Nah....that doesn't make sense Oh...I got it...bitch wanna.. ...IRRITATE MEN! And the winner is... #grammarnazi #yourewelcome That's retarded as EVERY race engages in satire, roasting, and ridicule!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"#Windrush victim and campaigner Sarah O'Connor dies aged 57. So sad - @USER @USER @USER made this woman's live a misery! Tory #HostileEnvironment URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER It's all liberals have. They are truly vile.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Trudeau is acting like he was a populism candidate. That wasn't the case. Most politicians don't act like or speak like Trudeau because it's embarrassing. Also almost everyone here hates Scheer and he definitely catches a lot of flak since he's a room temperature IQ milk-guzzling faggot who looks like Bud from JAG.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"that buck toothd cunt got some ballz huh?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Funny seeing this as I did something similar twice just yesterday just going to work. I live in Calgary and Stampede is starting up so we are getting an influx of foreigners who dont abide by common respect and dignity as us Canadians. When they come here they bring with them their decency from whatever nation they hail from. Chinese, Russians and and Africans (Pick a country in Africa you win) are the worst. The best are Japanese, Brits, Irish and Scottish. Anyways I am getting off point. In Calgary we have whats called an LRT which is a main transport especially during stampede. Yesterday I had to push not ONE but TWO all of that women holding the doors because oh ummm waiting for friend. And this happens every year AND IT IS ALWAYS WITH WOMEN. Anyways I didnt kick them like that guy did but pushed them out of the way so the doors would close. I have noticed something every stampede living here for 30 years from foreign women. They think their shit dont stink and have right over everyone else. Many times I see their hubbs who have obviously paid money to marry them white eyed full on shock at the audacity they display. It fucking makes me sick. A couple weeks of drunken summer festival-style shenanigans centered around a bunch of organized \"western\" animal cruelty events (like rodeo, cattle wrangling, chuck wagon racing and the like) and the general redneck asshattery that accompanies such things. It's in the service of the Canadian city of Calgary liking to pretend they're a city of literal cowboys. Picture half the population of a smallish city of mainly oil industry workers (almost none of them having been near a horse or live cow) wearing cut off shorts, cowboy boots they bought yesterday, and ill-fitting stetsons, drinking beer and riding midway rides in between rodeo shit. They refer to it, as above, like it's a major world event everyone's heard about.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER I was at the laundromat just reading his comments last night he was basically saying porch monkey was a term used years ago and \"liberals made it into a racist thing and it all just snowballed from there lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Hey you never walk alone\" \"You got the best of me\" \"Im the one I should love in this world\" \"Take my hand now you are the cause of my euphoria\" \"Im learning how to love myself\" And the list just keeps growing!!!\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Where is your source for that?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER ur a fucking dumbass fr. there's no way she is anyone else's ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Did my civic duty and reported Milwaukee county with a breakdown of suspicious numbers. Did you take the trolley to the post office when you sent that in? I keep reading this sentence and then not understanding It was a rip on Milwaukee's brand new trolley being way outdated technology. Of course you informed online, not via mail. Just like you'd drive a car or call an Uber instead of spending hundreds of millions on a stupid trolley to nowhere. Sounds like it will be great for moving drugs around the city. The Potawatomi tribe and casino is covering rides for free for the first year so it will definitely be good for moving the homeless around. Hey! Trolleys are fun, but not hundreds of millions of dollars fun To put in perspective how idiotic this one is. The city decided to put in down a street requiring ATandT to move the main trunk lines for their northern Midwest hub right next door. That alone cost the city tax payers close to an estimated $25M and caused a service outage of a few hours, causing hundreds of millions in lost productivity for businesses throughout the area. Absolute madness by the Dems. The worst part? Milwaukee HAD a trolley in its past and got rid of it because of its lack of ridership. Surely it will be more competitive now since Uber and Lyft are such terrible services absolutely no one uses...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"His Name is Joshua Kidd: White Air Force Tech Sgt. Murdered by Black Burglar Near Shreveport, Louisiana http:\/\/stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com\/2018\/09\/his-name-is-joshua-kidd-white-air-force.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I'd say it'd be a disabled black trans lesbian fat activist nudist, but [naked, fat, black, crippled dykes are hard to find](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=n1tFbZ5kaY8).","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"... and she is in the process of removing the #status #heAndShe #newStatus #comingSoon #hplife","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Does this not make it obvious that gay people are scum?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Never understood the child support shit in the USA. Seems absolutely retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"All I need is my day one niggas. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"It just amazes me Americans allowed niggers to convince them it was ok for niggers to say nigger but not us, it seems most Americans are stupid as shit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Its just a grapeshot of random useless facts that aren't even always true. Most people can't tell you anything intelligent after 12 years of indoctrination. If they can it's because they taught themselves. They can't teach people how to THINK because if they did, there is a risk we would think for ourselves and get rid of the retarded education system If you want to be educated, you have to do it yourself","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Child Sacrifice Aborted; Satanists Arrested; #Cargill, #Sinclair Executives Implicated (Aug\/2014) https:\/\/beforeitsnews.com\/v3\/celebrities\/2014\/ check your sources, this website beforeitsnews has articles about Reptillians and planet X etc. just look at their front page. Then most links reference other BS articles on the same website.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I foresee Courtneys restaurant getting much more business in the near future. You see a trend with these leftist hate mobs, when they gang up on a business, people flock to support it. It's kinda the reverse of \"Get Woke, Go Broke\" Sounds like a fine establishment lol Gave you a follow man I like your style lol Right back at ya I am on minds also =) And thank you patriot.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Very sad for those people. i was a young boy in the 90s when Ceausescu fell in Romania and the inflation skyrocketed. But here they are on another level and looks like there is no end soon. How can this happen to one of the richest country in the world? Venezuela has the largest resource of oil in the world. When you look at Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia they done miracles. It looks like is not enough to have oil, you have to know what to do with it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Austria - An advertisement of the Austrian Federal Railways and its customer railway card. It reads: For mother, father, partners or friends who are traveling with children. Is that what Austria looks like now? Sickening propaganda trying to normalize sexual deviant behavior.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Virtue signaling sex criminals are not great. You seem like a complete twat though.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Someone needs to put this cunt out of our misery. Now.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":">So some journalist with a strong southern accent asked the leftist party leader some unpleasant questions. Which he dodged by mocking her accent. *Macar u, aquelos franciman nos fasen cagar.* (Fucking hell, those (northern) frenchies pissing people off.) General ranting : Macron is a cunt. He is France's Trudeau. Vapid, rabidly multiculturalist, damaging France with his bankrupt ideology and his party's corruption.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Black people are a pest. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"the second Pret a Manger customer died after eating - a \" super veg Rainbow flat bread \" that was supposed to be dairy free.. \" eat faggot bread + die \"..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER He is. We've been saying it for years. Uncle Christopher is Tristan while Aunt Carla is Bickle.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Thank You Have A Great Day #MAGA URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"#PizzaGate #Pedos https:\/\/youtu.be\/wZnMj3z0NIA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Why do some conservatives blindly follow a fascist?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Too many f a g g o t s in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"College is such a joke. Smart white kids have to bend over backwards and bust their ass. Meanwhile, if you're good wit da football you're golden.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"nigger bomb incoming look out.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Funny thing normal folk. There are NatSocs on here and real cultural Marxists like @BegsAli and @True_Brit But you never see them arguing with each other do you. Always with normal folk like you and me. I have a theory. NatSocs and Marxists both follow feeble socialist ideologies with fragile minds and egos. They worry that if they argue together they might start listening to the other and possibly even convert. But there's no chance they will convert to being normal like us. What do you reckon? :) Your theory is of little fucking importance. What's majorly fucking important is which side you'll join? The 90% of normal non socialist people :) 90% what? You're talking out of your backside. Everyone I disagree with a socialist I bet you call Liberals Fascists Another Non Playable Conservative... You do understand what socialism is don't you. It's the ideology of jealousy, theft, antisemitism and blaming other people for their own failure. Classically displayed by both Marxist and National Socialists. Both want nationalisation of key industries. Education control for indoctrination. Censorship of critics. Jews gone. Insurrection. Marxist ones use gays and blacks as victims to try and get elected. National ones know they will never be elected so are open about their hate. Well said. The truth is well demonstrated by their history. It really is very simple and clear to see when you cut through all the shite Marxists and NatSocs use to try and seperate themselves from each other lol Easy to classify them. Both are based on greed and envy. Both for wealth and power. Anyone who would deny them either is a target for destruction! They want ALL of everybody's! Yeah. Anyone who is jealous of other people's success and hates others for no good reason is a socialist by definition. Whether they called themselves Marxists or National Socialists is irrelevant. Most people aren't like that which is why they are a 10% minority. And that's being generous :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Nigger - you kistards need to follow your own advice, before you obsess over heathens. Unseat one jew from power, kristfag.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Every day her IQ gets lower and lower more wanna be nazi Barbie is going to be a pile of maga goo on the bottom of the set soon enough .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The definition of a thick cunt would be wanking off thinking all accounts called Wolf are a bloke called Sean. #DumbCuntEvidence","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Could be Romford Young Conservatives!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Hey witches, you're all living on borrowed time. The only hex that's gonna happen is libs like you havin' your carcasses put on a stake. Where are the Christians?????","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"What else you got. The retarded thing from all this is you keep talking to a gay psychopath loser online. Just because you can't get out of the questions that i answered but you can't. So sad","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER On reflection if you meant 12.47 am you are indeed fucked","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Are you serious. Man you're an idiot! He is the most hateful scum on earth.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"add stripe to the list of places to visit CHARLIE HEBDO style, together with alphabet, twatter, @jack the fag and his nigger bf, faceberg etc","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER He hit the lotto","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Barry Soetero, the butt humping faggot from Indonesia is a muzzie and a piece of shit half nigger whose daddy didn't love him and his mommy was a whore who didn't give a shit about him","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"[https:\/\/www.theage.com.au\/national\/victoria\/sarah-finn-cops-800-fine-for-melbourne-cup-bush-push-20160211-gmrcbq.html](https:\/\/www.theage.com.au\/national\/victoria\/sarah-finn-cops-800-fine-for-melbourne-cup-bush-push-20160211-gmrcbq.html) and#x200B; That article was pretty funny. Clearly the author thought his time (and the worlds attention) could have been better spent on something else. He wrote it deadpan as fuck. But the last line. Haha. That was amazing. > Thirty seconds later, another person walked out of court. It was Mussie Debresay, committed to stand trial for the murder of a toddler, two-year-old Tonnja Huynh. > No media were there as he walked away. I wonder why that is[.](https:\/\/magaimg.net\/img\/6kvm.jpg) Because the media doesn't care about the life a minority baby. Thanks for supporting my point. They don't care about minority lives just how thay can use their deaths for a narative. I'm guessing no reporter covered this because they couldn't spin that narative. You're statement implies that the MSM cares about other deaths which is false. There's enough actual racism and bias to go around, looking for it everywhere sets back equality \"She suffered a harrowing ordeal having her case be public\" well yeah she shoved over a cop because she wanted to knowingly on camera. that is the textbook definition of being a cunt, harming and humiliating someone else just for a quick laugh. I'd hope she'd get shit for it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Nxivm also donated $30,000 to Hillary Clinton back in Makes you think. Wasn't there also a direct connection made to an American woman caught child trafficking in Haiti found in the emails? If you mean the toaster I told that cunt to shove his pyro tendencies in this ass. Me and the fridge are on the outs too but the oven has my back. Oven loven is the best loven.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Immigrants like you are gorgeous. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"MadMax will not be the Prime Minister, he might not even get re-elected in Beauce. We are in for an embarrassing decade (at least) of PMJT and the LPC cruising to super-majorities. Thanks so much you fucking idiots. F A K E N E W S 17% CAD for Bernier: [https:\/\/www.theglobeandmail.com\/politics\/article-poll-finds-17-per-cent-of-canadians-are-open-to-supporting-maxime\/](https:\/\/www.theglobeandmail.com\/politics\/article-poll-finds-17-per-cent-of-canadians-are-open-to-supporting-maxime\/) Mad Max will be the next Prime Minister of Canada, October 21, 2019 17%? He needs more than that. All he has done is split the vote so far while Trudeau chuckles So you'd rather have Trudeau win again and continue to wreck the country in order to teach the Conservatives a lesson?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"SO THE USELESS CUNT ADMITS her vote was purely POLITICAL, not because she was afraid she was voting a deviant into SCOTUS. Well I hope voters vote her sorry traitorous ass OUT.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Torba's decision to ban \"Loli porn is justified. Animations that sexualize children are a slippery slope to sexualizing real children. It's a disgusting concept and it isn't \"freedom of speech , it's content that caters to pedophiles. Plain and simple.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER HE IS BEST OF THE BEST! BARUN SOBTI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Hate speech. #MAGA DRAIN THE SWAMP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"In my view, those kinds of gay people ought to be executed. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER those students not traumatised by having live shooter drills or distracted by fear of being killed at school are already doing their best. Send YOUR kid to one of those schools and we might get some action on gun control. Hypocrite.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"See, Kerry. IdentityUnknown is just a little faggot jerking off in a basement somewhere. Pathetic.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Islam is the Zionists weapon of choice to eradicate the white race and western civilisation. Make no mistake this is no accident. Lol probably a labour voter ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"have you tried not being a racist cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Let's just eradicate those trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I know, and that is why it is so sad. It's not like he collects diamonds. She just wants his happiness. Fuck that cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Poor white trash mom spends family vacation at Disney world. Gets pissed when everyone else in the world does likewise Name sounds white, but the note sounds very black. i'm white, and I assumed she's white.. and you can tell she's trashy. 2+2 = white trash.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER This is insulting. I'm black and fully capable of getting IDs. What makes you think that we can't? Lets be honest. This is about liberals (mostly white 1s) that want to appear as saviors and vanguards for minorities. Its about protecting your fraudulent votes.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Antifa I guess","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER An accusation is not an ambush. The fact that you call it one demonstrates a sickness in your heart and a sickness of today's conservatives.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Yep! She texted me to call her and when i did she told me i was fired like wtf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER What services will you cut? If the answer is 'none' what specific 'waste' will you eliminate? Without an answer to these your commitment is nothing but political flannel.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Brilliant effort great step count great that you are targeting more next week ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"> \"We want people to live in a culturally-appropriate setting, said Councillor Joe Cressy, of Ward 20 Trinity-Spadina. That's unbelievable. Even more so, is that he knew that question was coming (he agreed to the interview, he knew the rough questions he'd be asked), and that's the excuse he masterminded. It's almost verbatim an excuse used to keep black people out of white neighbourhoods in the south in the 50s. Literally, \"we think they'd feel more comfortable among their own\". Cressy literally is mouthing those same words, and worse he had time to think and come up with this line of argument. And the double down on that, and to then flip the problem as to say that the only problem is that we don't have MORE segregation sufficient for everyone's bigotry, shows you how little repercussion white liberals face for their bigotry. The left is the home of racism and bigotry today, it's just insane.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"In prison they love Girls who roll thier eyes an such. 10 minutes into her sentence she will have her eyeballs buried in some huge bull dykes asshole","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Honestly, that dude said so much shit to that dyke in the crowd that even paraphrasing would be a giant paragraph. But long story short, a \"lesbian\" in the crowd started heckling and tried to be hard, but the comedian went in hard and did not let up.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"No Muslim deserves to die. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I'm glad I don't find it too challenging... I went from trying to fuck every girl that I wanted to fuck, and fucking around a lot.. To meeting the one.\" I lived with the stone cold slut for 6 months and now women grossly displease me to the point of complete lack of sexual desire. I promise I'm not gay- but it's been weeks since I left my cheating skank, and I can't even imagine sticking my dick in any woman, at least for a very long time. I'd rather save the energy. It may be a warm pussy, but she's a cold cunt deep down. I just can't... I loved her so much and she cheated on me. Now that I don't give a fuck about her she begs me for my cock? Wtf, look what you did to me... Fuck that and fuck you. I'm gone and this isn't going to be as friends or fuck buddies. DISGUSTING FUCKING CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The pagan movement makes no distinction between Christians who work with other faiths for leftist goals like open borders and diversity (Christian Hindus) and Christians. Remember, Jews hate Christianity because the WORD. \"Never associate with a racial alien..drive them out of your lands before you.. based af. Also Pagans =CryptoFeminism No, actually you kinda seem like a bitter lonely man... I don't care about your opinion, respectfully... Please don't follow me, don't know why you want to....if you message me or follow me again I'll just mute \/ block your account. Thanks. Goodbye. You have a safespace already, Feminist. It's called Twitter Is this really how our men should be spending their time..... My safe space is Gab. You're pretty creepy and obsessive. This conversation is over lol, stop stalking me. Paganism has a feminist problem, and just as in greater Western society, the corrupted out of control females are damseling, making falelse accusations and being hysterical when shown logic and reason. Paganism is riddled with SJWs, therefore #PaganismIsAntiWhite You heard it here first folks lol. Please stop messaging my account. Thanks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER whatever. It was more than enough for 'Antifa and the rest to stay home! Peaceful. Dignified. On Point. Last time the left did that???????? I'll wait\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER I'd rather be buried alive","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"A favourite nigger stereotype against Whites is the claim that all serial killers are White. This is the story of one of the worst serial killers in US history, and the coverup perpetrated by the jews media because of his race. Guess which race? That's why you've probably never heard of him. He worked in an abortion clinic, where he murdered hundreds of newborn babies, and jars full of their body parts were found in his office at an abortion clinic. A movie was recently made about this murderer. The jews media are already muzzling any promotion or news about it. Covering up for niggers runs deep. https:\/\/torontosun.com\/opinion\/columnists\/malkin-the-most-important-movie-youve-never-heard-of","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER I'm expecting a video from @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"He could not wait to get the fuck out of there. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I don't hate women i just think that they have nothing interesting to say. None reason for existance.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Heidi Heitkamp didn't push to prosecute sexual, physical abuse at Native American school in 1990s https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Sw8p https:\/\/redd.it\/9mqx0k","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"#Yemen's Mukalla, once overrun by al-Qaeda, tries gun control. \"In other places, manhood is proven by carrying weapons. @USER URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER how does what I'm saying relate to gun control. if police departments will not prosecute their own family\" then it's time to limit their access to all weapons. A police department reluctant to acknowledge their own wrong doings and correct them dont deserve access to weapons.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Thanx Mazie....no big deal, just send back the money and everything will........ you're not gonna what ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Wtf man, im tellin ya i got alot of build up anger towards you martin i will break yo fuckin face my son and your nazi balls son great a nigger or get fuckin knocked da fuck out in front of yo house old boy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Yes, #FolkRight is anti-Christian. Unabashedly. We don't turn the other cheek. The meek will inherit NOTHING. Embrace your #Indigenous #Ethnic #Folkways. Eschew all forms of #Abrahamism. \"Where you see evil, speak out against it. And give NO TRUCE to your enemies.\" Every week I'm berated by some #Christian for being \"too anti-Christian\", but what choice do I have? #Christians routinely gloat about their purported success in destroying #Paganism, even though they have not managed to do it. They hate 10,000+ years of indigenous #White #European culture. Am I supposed to support them, or stand idly by? Hell no! I do not see Christians gloating about killing pagans without some prior attacks levied on that Christian. Christians hate the Aztecs over their 10,000 years of human sacrifice and cannibalism. Is that wrong? I rarely see pagans attacking Christians with \"critical thought\". 99 times out of 100 pagans are attacking Christians using strawman antics that do little more than show the pagan has zero fucking clues about Christianity, or what Christians understand or believe. On the rare occasion that a pagan posts a legitimate critisism of Christians or their faith, Christians jump at the chance of defending their faith and do so with civility until the ad hominems and strawmanning commence. Then, righteous indignation prevails in the form of hostility and insults. \"fucking\" \"with civility \". Are you american? You work on your image a bit. I don't need to discuss about anything near the mind let alone spirit with you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I think it comes from that retarded thing bill nye made.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER You are welcome Casey.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Seeing disabled people in this place makes me so angry. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Go away you are irrelevant","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I remember fearing the police as a teenager in the 90's. My friend drunkenly destroyed a wooden fence and was bundled in a police van, had the shit kicked out of him in the van for a few miles, and then thrown out the van. There was only 1 women police officer i encountered back then and she was a big aggressive dike. Male police officers also had to be a minimum of 5 foot 8 tall to apply..... Forces around the country have relaxed their own minimum height rules since the 1990s. A spokesman for Devon and Cornwall Police said: \"Over the years there have been many changes to the selection criteria used for police officers. \"There was once a minimum height requirement for male police officers of 5ft 8in tall, however it has been made illegal to discriminate against or reject applicants on the basis of their height. I miss UK police being cunts. I feel like I live in another dimension now.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=At9jDMcjguw Steve Perry Oh Sherrie I dont even like this song but it came to mind so here ya go niggers fuck off faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Aa Somali immigrant who supports Sharia, FGM and insurance payouts to families of terrorists was arrested in 2013 for Trespassing in Minnesota. She resisted arrest and was aggressive w\/ police. She is running for CONGRESS IN MINNESOTA! http:\/\/alphanewsmn.com\/ilhan-omar-arrested-in-2013-for-trespassing-booked-at-hennepin-county-jail\/ She committed crimes. #DEPORT. No more exceptions. I was more of a mind to collapse the whole building with everyone inside, bulldoze, pave, and build some BBQ pork shops. I don't mind that, would love me some nice BBQ'd pork. Damn I want a few nice pork sandwiches, that would be sweet.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"The definition of the word cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"wow so libra typical pisces, i knew it! Is this because I pranked you?! ;-; I said I was Sowwy and I wubed u wow, wow hold your horses Oof im very formal, stern even, with these things. Tfw we're not a mushy-gushy Hot-Hot Gamer Couple","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I AM PISSING MYSELF .... AGAIN. We are Antifa we have training we are not afraid. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=v61Z3ZvDyRo ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"That's retarded, and you're retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"In a just world, disabled people like you would all be dead. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Fry this fat cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"looks like a faggot bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Whats the difference between battery and assault? eh not much Honestly she should be punished but maybe not jail lol. I agree. Why the fuck should she be in jail for throwing chocolate milk Welcome to Reddit where we imprison over literal spilt milk.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Oh dear... The definition of a woman who should NEVER have children. She certainly has been misled... tempted to ask the sad #Ismaili puppet\/ agentur where such a thing is written in the Koran? ALL ROADS LEAD BACK TO #DEEPSTATE #AGAKHAN #AKF and \"The Heritage Society\" http:\/\/ismaili.net\/index.html http:\/\/ismaili.net\/Source\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Getting ready to Disavow some toxic backlinks... THANK YOU #BING! #USA #MAGA #USA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Don't talk shit about 48 laws","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER we're buying a couple puzzle toys and looking at classes for him rn! but i think he is becoming a teenage monster.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Colin Powell should be tried and shot for his role in 9\/11 and the illegal invasion of Iraq. He's just a Jew tool nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I'm good! :P Now you get it lolololol,shut up GOY You better be a Proud Goy too!! Im so glad you started following me...you're like my favorite in Facebook and now Gab right now lmao! I'm proud of goy,idc what race or religion you are! And that's cool! Glad a trensgindur is based. Erin and Drakken are pretty cool and based as well! They're transgender Trump supporters as well. And no problem,we all gotta stick together Shut up Goy!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Yea he is. lol Sorry you have to go through this","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Also that massive cunt further down in the article kicking and choking his dog. He needs to get fucked up.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Hey jew@jew @LimeFlavouredLibertarian talk shit like a dirty rabbi with a shave'n schmekel and tell us how you plan to whine your ass up the communist asshole of those you take your marching orders from? Jew punk you are a great excuse for what is needed. Libertarian is a code word for faggot jew and with a wink you are blowing glory holes in the little girl's room","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"What a long winded way to say \"I'm mentally retarded\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Failure to comply will be a fine of $100,000 http:\/\/www.latimes.com\/politics\/la-pol-ca-governor-women-corporate-boards-20180930-story.html# Once Kavanaugh gets in the supreme court, and this case comes up...do you think it'll last? Because thats a totally accurate website We have Trump - we are fine. Gtfo with your fake news","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Hahahahaaaaaa! Loves it! Next hashtag should say #whataboutism It's just another \"-ism that the left came up with to shut down arguments they are losing. It's often a completely legitimate talking point to be like \"Well what about... History repeats itself, so it's not that crazy if we draw some parallels with current events and other events that are occurring\/have occurred in the past. So what? \"I hate Trump because he did X \"Well, Barry also did X, how do you feel about him? \"REEEE WHATABOUTISM!!! CHECKMATE DRUMPFTARD!!! That's quite the accurate representation. Nailed it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"We got big problem with old guys that get redpilled and go crazy. That is why having some community and support in RL is the most importand. Build strong support networks bec some ppl just cant take it and go off.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Ouch!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Democrats always give people reasons to vote. What other party cares more about minorities or women and children? What party is fighting for healthcare? Which party is reasonable on gun control or immigration?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Cross them of the list....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I just \"muted forever\" 6 Nazis. I have no regrets at doing so. If you are a Nazi feel free to let me know, I'd hate to miss you. Ha ha ha, yet another keyboard warrior. I'm NOT shaking in my boots.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"a nuke sent to Teheran might fuck up the muzzie supply system","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Mike Allen: Home Invasion Thug Stabs 75-Year-Old Man, 80-Year-Old Wife BLOWS THUG AWAY - should she get a MEDAL? https:\/\/www.mm24info.com\/2018\/10\/07\/home-invasion-thug-stabs-75-year-old-man-80-year-old-wife-blows-thug-away\/ They sure picked a strange-looking grandma for this article...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"No white knights I see.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Jews sure love organizing among faggots and illegal invaders well they r (((rootless cospopolitians)))) so i get that they side with other outsiders looknig to score shit and as far as the faggot part goes they do seam like faggots to me so what did u expect @AntiZogAction","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"fucking commie faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Thank you sm!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Fucking retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Nah, that one is always in effect, otherwise they wouldn't be this rainbow of retardation to begin with.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The ugly four eyed cunt wasn't raped she wasn't even touched she's a fucking liar !!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER looking forward to seeing what you are bringing to the market. The rum market has needed some quality infusion for quite some time. Fingers crossed for a quality spiced rum.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER These you are too young responses are condescending af. Personally I have no issue w\/wire coat hangers being used to protest b\/c god forbid women don't have access to safe abortion some may try any method to attempt a termination...esp teen girls","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Journalists ask: is it okay to manipulate your husband into becoming infertile before you leave him so that he can't have kids with anyone else? And they wonder why we hate them. They should continue to have kids. Aryan master race babies Yeah, I guess I can't argue with you there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER What wrong in criticising Muslims seeing as they do it the British people and get away with while we brits get labelled \"racist and fascism blame it on the liberals for letting it happen.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER She was on the 81st floor of the North Tower. She is an example of the fraud perpetrated by Red Cross. They raised an enormous amount of money and then didn't dispense it to those in need like this woman.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"#Republicans grow some balls and start playing dirty like these liberals assholes do! URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Drink some bleach dumb cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Guessing they know their lifestyle is full of shit so they want to push it on others, misery loves company after all. Doesn't help that they are too retarded to understand that humans are omnivores, not herbivores. If we were purely herbivores, our digestive system would be a bit different.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Dont do drugs kids...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Somebody should just stabthose Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Most people do not understand what an assault rifle is! Makes their statements regarding gun control stupid!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"a lot of da white MFs on guns of gab talk good game but under pressure they choke like pussies and guns aint da final shit back when we niggas had our ancient nuwaupian civilization we was using laser guns yea we was exploring da stars when da white devils was still living in caves and they was using clubs Don't blame weed for this retarded fuck","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Fucking useless Cunt #Tmay Theresa May and the inbred blights in Buckingham won't do shit. WATCH","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"r\/shufflesdeck I didn't even know I wanted this to be a subreddit until I saw it. it's been a subreddit for a while now actually. :) Two months. That's, like, 14 meme-years old. As i get older, shorter period of time seem longer. Like last week feels like months ago. As time goes on, each passing year is a smaller fraction of your life. On your second birthday, the past year was half of your life. On your 30th birthday, the past year was 1\/30th of your life. Wouldn't that describe the exact opposite of what he said he feels? Oh shit I'm retarded See, that might explain the phenomenon. Here's the problem though, it's not a joke. This is a reflection of systematic dehumanizing of white people and especially men through gender and ethnic studies departments at virtually every university across the country. A Georgetown professor just said that all white men should be murdered and castrated and she isn't even being reprimanded by the school. This is what happens prior to things like the cultural revolution and the purges. DaS riTE!!! P P please!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Jesus inherited the sinful genes from sinful Mary. It was in Jesus blood to commit sin.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Nice list. Of course I am against gun control. I am also in favor of freedom of religion. People can believe whatever horseshit they like. They just need to keep it out of schools. Creationism has no place in schools.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"It's what they actually are that really matters, not 'how they see themselves'. Pretending to be a unicorn won't turn you into a unicorn. Pretending not to be retarded won't make you smart.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER At this point in time... I don't think Pres. Trump gives a sh*t... and neither do I! LOL URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Mexicans saved from the the meanie white man by the rich Jewish journalist... Also note the projection from the \"everything is political\" nonsense -- everything *they* do and produce is political, in other words, actively fighting for their own interests at the expense of others. Can you explain how it's a violation of rule 1? The rules of \"don't be a dickwolf\" seem laid out, and defined. There's nothing in rule one that suggest addressing or presenting identity politics makes you a dickwolf. It's also the entirety of the video at hand that's going on. Did you watch the video? and#x200B; The TLDR of the video is that two mexican boys are practically kidnapped by a white guy who uses such comments as \"You're the reason we need to build that wall.\" You can clearly tell the kind of person the white guy is, describe by the children as a \"Hillbilly.\" The wall comment alone confirms the two boys's identities. Then the comment at the end of \"Everything is political.\" and#x200B; The entire scene is nothing but a giant scream at identity politics. How can you say someone is in violation of rule 1 under the grounds of \"idpol bullshit\" when the topic at hand is literally about \"Idpol bullshit?\" and#x200B; It also isn't like that's the only thing the guy wrote, he wrote more than just \"Mexicans saved from meanie white man by rich jew journo.\" To clarify, I don't much care what the guy did on previous offenses, but I fail to see how this current comment is in any violation of rule one, and if it is, then rule one needs to be HEAVILY redefined and restructured rather than left vague and open for interpretation.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Like this fuckin cunt who scrapes my vehicle i wait for him in the cold on a dark spot in the grass and walked up and i was like hi there can i help you?! And the navy seal fell over in fear broke his wrist and ran away as i stood there in a brown army jacket with a black bellaclava on","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Deaht to all gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER The same way democrats have smeared conservatives\/republicans? What about how democrats don't stand up for the women that have been sexually assaulted by democratic politicians!! You're a hypocrite and you need to SHUT the HELL UP!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I would never lift a finger to save a trans person's life. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Jason Selvig is a faggot and he was harassing Brian Kilmead today. Anybody know where he lives?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"ive learned to use the mute button on here like the trigger on a semi automatic pistol....i can mute almost 60 nazis a min now lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"these are the people you want to suck off though you pathetic jew hating faggot bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Literal raghead. I'm brown, so no shouting racist at this camel jockey.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"#conservatives everywhere in my small red town, kids need to be spanked and put #God first. They need to know consequences!\". Also them, \"#BrettKavanuagh shouldn't be held responsible for something he did at 17!! #Hypocrites @USER how do sleep at night?\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"We'll torture these referees without mercy. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"So simple. I'm leaving work soon. I know when I get home I won't have someone bitching and moaning to me about what we are going to eat for supper. If I leave the dishes until tomorrow there's no one to bitch about it. I don't have sit through extremely boring shows like \"This is Us If I wanna spend the night playing Xbox, I can. Life is good. Sex isn't important enough to go back to the plantation.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Maybe he can help the liberals with TDS.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Isis apparently obama let them run the world. Getting nuked by korea? BLM destroying cities. Antifa?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"How Long is a chinaman! Do not ask him.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"LOL, nasty old twat. Hope the best for Jay and Gina.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"What kind of retard steals a phone in a GPS-enabled smartphone world?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"quite humourous that u expect not only a reading, but also a reply, 2 the wall of text. if u made registered business of jew naming and ran 4 leader of free world, then wall of text may b read. she doesn't out the Jew, right? little has the best course of action. name the jew as a registered biz, seek 2 even make it profitable. cre8 jobs in new naming sector as industry leader, then cre8 jobs in jew removal sector as potus. The very first thing Little did was street stunts in his beginnings. I feel sure, he was always planning to do this stunt thing as part of whatever strategy he is implementing which seems to be a let him say as much radical anti-Jew stuff on the streets of America till the Jews false flag an event of his and point to it all in order to brand us more evil than Muslims as an explanation to the idiots he parades in front of And he was hanging out with that shill Jew dyke Emily Youcis... They are definitely cryptos. Jews killed babies yes we all know that but announcing it as he did makes us look like nuts #opticscucks r the biggest #jewshills","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Faggot needs to look in the mirror if he wants someone to blane","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"A wise man once said \"burn the coal, pay the toll.\" https:\/\/www.wmcactionnews WELL IT LOOKS LIKE MUD SHARKING DID NOT WORK OUT SO WELL FOR HER AND HER CHILDREN. STUPID WHITE WOMEN WHO GO MUD SHARKING JUST CAN'T FIGURE THIS OUT. I WONDER WHEN SHE WAS BEING HIT IN THE HEAD WITH A BRICK IF SHE FINALLY HAD SOME IDEA THAT MUD SHARKING HAS IT'S DOWN SIDES.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Is there still a Job like this I would like to take it. Thats not a Joke!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Families being separated at the border. In fact, the picture of children in cages that Liberals were using to show how evil\" Trump is was actually taken while OBAMA was President\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"You can write \"I'll slaughter any disabled person like you\", but I will take you to court for that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"It's been a really shit week. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Terrible. He's like 7 years old himself. Fuck you people are retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Don't have Hunter Wallace on the pogrom anymore. He's such a downer and just keeps saying the exact same thing over and over and over again. And he's a complete retard if he thinks it would be in any way better to just let the Marxists take over. When leftists take power it's always going to be worse.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Prove your claim or be exposed as the lying piece of shit you are. Meanwhile... URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"When lift your arms do your boobs go away? They look like mosquito bites and I feel like you were trying for the hot librarian' look but ended up with the old librarian' look.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":">Dyke rage What is dyke rage? That they'll get their hair even more undercut and put on another layer of flannel?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Any critique of Bernie's objectively horrible record on gun control is met with \"He's from a rural state or \"He has a D- from the NRA As if I give a fuck why his record is horrible. And then there's this stupid shit: URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Your shabby self and your traitor buddy BO....Gave us #MAGA....stupid your just stupid.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER You aren't a member. Butt out","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I have no compassion at all for any Muslim like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Will conservatives ever stop catering to fringe groups and address issues the majority of Canadians have to deal with. Every white hunter could vote conservative twice and you'd still loose! We need a real option to the liberals.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER He got it 100% right He is pissing up the wall and marking his height","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Lowes TV commercial just showed and Negro and a White woman appearing as married. Hardly anything can be more offensive, as it has been since the beginning of time, than masegination. It started w\/Obama. 2 mos after he was in the cunt running History CH Wiped OUT History and put in BS\/Pawn Stars. I spoke to her on the ph. She said no1 wanted to see History any more. I was Flabbergasted by her stupidity. Then McD's put on a Commercial w\/ the Blackest Negro guy sitting w\/the whitest platinum blonde ever. I called and Railed at McD's. I never saw it again. That mixed with a black muslim dumbass President while we were in a war with them. It was rape by people dumber than dirt. It's no wonder people have tattoos all over themselves. Acting like crazy people.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Go away my child. You are so boring that you can't even entertain a doubt. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER PG 6'6 pure shot creator. You don't need to speedboost in this game. If you are half-decent you should thrive with shot creators. They are known for draining (and greening) the most contested shit. YW!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"This cunt raped my braincells at gunpoint and then murdered them to death.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Hollywood is packed with pedophiles","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Got beat by WWE....take another knee.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"sorry, I'm not black , but if you're referring to the nigger calling for the extermination of all whites including infants I could not agree more!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER True but the constant talk from the left about common sense gun control every time and yet not one valid proposal","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You sound like a faggot lol. >slytherin harry potter isn't the only fiction you can pull names from you taco fucking larping homo It's a reference to the Fascist dictator Rowling stole the name for one of her villains from, you utter tard. I haven't even read the books. >i can't read sounds about right for a dumb spic. go pick some oranges","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"10 Signs YOU Are a sales zombie URL #marketing #sales #retail #style #WednesdayWisdom URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"That ArenaNet thing sure did blow over quickly now that you mention it. Just goes to show that if you don't bow to the outrage mob they'll move on to something else. I bet Jessica Price is still crying about it to anyone who will listen - but it goes to show, they only have as much power as you give them. I do wonder what she's up to these days. I doubt many companies will take a chance in hiring her. I guess it was too much to hope she had learned anything or reflected on herself in any way Oh, she reflected, then decided that the cesspool that is her personality cannot possibly be to blame and declared it was the fault of \"men . Like most 4th Wave feminists. I don't care if she grew as a person, or engaged in self reflection. It's the same thing with all these socjus parasites. I don't want to \"silence\" them or even inconvience them in any way. I simply don't want to be required to pay for and smile about them calling me a vile evil piece of shit. Want to engage in a circle jerk about your identity politics? Fine, but don't do it with a government subsidy and socially mandated scorn for anyone who dares disagree. I'm sure she'll obtain gainful employment any day now. Yepp, aaaany day now. Are you trying to imply begging victim support money isn't gainful employment? How dare you, sir? Did you just assume my gen.. god.. I can't do it, it's too dumb, lol Womp Womp.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Because you have paranoid and always spam OMG SHE IS 16 SHE IS 16 SHE IS 16 SHE IS 16\" And you spam to everyone that SHE IS 16 and Credit Telltale in your every posts. It's so fucking funny for me. Chill out. No one cares that she's 16.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The author nailed my most obvious gripe that every male character has a tragic flaw or was a failure of ego, whereas every woman was the paragon of virtue and heroism. That sort of one sided characterization really pulled me out of the story and spoke of agenda. > That sort of one sided characterization really pulled me out of the story and spoke of agenda. It's not just male\/female either. Every antagonist is white except for 2 who both betray the empire for the good guys(aka, they're actually protagonists). In rogue one they even made the deliberate casting choice to have zero white male protagonists. They're hamfisting in a weird kind of racial politics into it as well. Can you imagine being *so fucking fragile* that if a single movie doesn't represent you, you're actually upset? If you want some white male leads, you can literally watch *any of the originals or prequels.* This subreddit loves to bitch about fragile SJWs, but holy fuck you guys have fragile egos. That's not what I said and you know it. Can you imagine being so up your own ass that you have to deliberately misinterpret what people say so you can keep jacking yourself off with your righteous indignation? I don't give a shit about movies not having white male leads, I care about them deliberately choosing to make all the bad guys white males and deliberately make none of the good guys white males. that's shoehorning in personal racial politics in to a movie it has absolutely no place in. How about make a few members of the empire non-white and make the movie even more diverse! Anti SJWs: \"haha libatrds and there precious fee-fees, amirite ladies\" Also Anti SJWs: What a well thought out argument. I'm impressed. > What a well thought out argument. I'm impressed Yeah yeah, get rekt. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Exception that proves the rule? Yeah, we'll go with that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@Zombie9 Are you a real life Dickhead with pretendy hurty words,has someone made you cry Lollers Who are you dick head? some other cunt face or Sean's lover ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER He is spot on!!! Thanks Joe and Creepy Jr for spreading Joe's message!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER White House said all parties shld be heard! This is why no one trust the media and why liberals are failing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@Sockalexis. I'm foaming at the mouth. Show everyone my post of foaming at the mouth. Even eddy has turned he's back on you. You're foaming at the mouth cause of the circle jerk party you participated in, you were the pivot. Disgusting splouge burps comin back up Not really jermaine. You just participated aswell. Discusting You Flogged a dude named Germaine Should have kept that to yourself, one more thing that was a dumb AF comeback Sorry Joanne. You ruined it Dumb af troll Joseph look at the interactions I've had in the past 10 hours 8 people can't wait to reply to me. How many you got. Fuck all Look guys a Chicken is making me look dumb AF, Well because I am a dumb af Troll with splouge on the mind Thats what you wanted to say Right John What guys stop looking for help. Don't see me doing that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER If not a terrorist organization\", how exactly has ANTIFA not been named a criminal organization?\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Your trans lives have no value. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Of course they are stupid. They are trans people after all. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Some gay people get into government. They are still just common trash to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Hey let's carve some pumpkins! Ok, cool... let's burn one first... wait.. I got an idea! #BongOLantern ^alternative pussy^ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"These black people should shut the fuck up once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"donna brazile is a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Leave the dumb cunt alone before I gas your skin to my wall","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Someone please show @USER @USER @USER @USER this and @USER front and center tonight unless we get the declass out today #MAGA URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER black would be cute w ur skin tone","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"We went for a walk on the dyke just by the water. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"National Socialism can restore America to a place of joy and safety,a land with no Nigger crime and no Muslim terror .Sounds good to me ! What are we waiting for?! We already know republicans and Demoncrats are no help !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER As soon as Kavanaugh is seated you can say goodbye to federal gun control. Never in your life will you see it again.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Will the great state of Maryland sink so low as to put a nigger in the Governors Mansion this November ?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER i really wish they could find someone better than Cuccinelli to represent Conservatives... he is the epitome of a douche bag used car salesman with a law degree.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Truly. Anything to avoid gun control.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Imagine if some moron started complaining about cosmopolitan magazine not having enough articles about pro wrestling and barbecue techniques. That's the equivalent of how retarded all these dumb feminist bitches are. They don't even actually want female inclusion, they just want to ruin the things that men like by brow beating companies into marketing to women and these companies just never seem to fucking learn that that is never profitable, except rockstar it seems.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER The Democrats of California spray chemicals of the central coast of California to magnify the sons intensity so the asphalt with Carrie he is slowly dehydrate the region to bring down property value so Democrats can charge conservatives on water","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Actually Julia today is my day to mock you, enjoy your suffering and let you know that the worst is yet to come. Similar to yesterday and tomorrow. Why is her fellow tribesmen upset with her","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Donald Trump as President","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER SERVES THE BASTARDS RIGHT!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Trump's Lies Have Grown Far More Frequent and More Dangerous Mother Jones URL Truth decay\"... #maga. We're doomed.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Assuming for the sake of the argument that the premise is literally true, any reasonable person would stand shaken at the conclusion: the \"oppressed\" people would rather side with their \"oppressors\" than support the \"progressive liberation movement\"... \"What have we done wrong? Where have we failed them?\" would be the questions to ask. But not for these people... The even more obvious question is \"why would these people need you to save them\" if you think they're equal to you? and#x200B; Unless you believe whites ARE superior and need to lift up the \"lesser races\", but you can't SAY that, because then you're admitting you're actually a racist. \"Kanye West is what happens when Negroes don't read.\" - CNN Rep Bakari Sellers and#x200B; I cannot make this crap up. Oh geez... By those words, I instantly recognize a proper anti-racist and a progressive, tolerant and accepting person! Yeah, it's really impressive the level of WTF they trigger by calling the right racist, then saying shit like that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Evidentally he took on one of those retarded loans that grows exponentially if you don't pay it on the agreed date. Probably bought a playstation or something for a game *cough* *RDR2*.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"He found it slightly queer how that all worked out. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"The guitar player in that band is a woman. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"This stupid cunt does know that Russia doesn't have the same race politics as the USA, right? Right??!?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"22-year-old with same-sex attraction begs Synod: Don't change Church teaching on homosexuality https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/334SV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"That article has a pretty reasoned take and some referenced case law but if you want to be a cunt and argue against free speech then go ahead and try to prove that a loli is underage Pro tip: you can't. That's why sites like 4chan have entire boards of it. Dumbass","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER And I think Australia has gun control and less firearm shootings.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Wow!!! Never thought I'd see the left actually admitting they want to shut down free speech unless it's their own. At least they are admitting they are the facist. After all they did create the 2 most facist groups...ANTIFA and KKK.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Agreed. If she is telling the truth. And thats a mighty BIG IF. I was sexually assaulted over 35 years ago and remember everything about the incident. Everything.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Why do they have a White little girl? Perhaps they're not gay, they're muzzie pedoes (aren't they all) who've just kidnapped an Austrian family's child and are making their getaway via the train and seem very delighted about it. Travel by Austrian Rail - the ultimate getaway.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Why would it let the passenger cancel the ride in the middle of the ride. That's retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"As I go to bed the faggot nazi gets brave. Good night goy toy :)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"DemRat, organizer, socialist, nazi, kkk, liberal, kommie, centrist, middle of the roader, dogooder, rightleft wing\/extremist, progressive, green, race peddlers, globalist, alt-something All describe the same entity: criminal communist Invented flavors to hide who they are Patriots are usually called conservatives: they oppose all of the above List 20 things Conservatives have accomplished since \"A conservative wouldn't have a nigger fucking their wife.\" You're right, they'd rather let a Kike do it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"\"KILL KAVANAUGH Tops Twitter Search and Hashtag Suggestions Typing \"kill into Twitter's search function currently returns a shocking result at the top of search suggestions: \"#KillKavanaugh Twitter is BREAKING its own TOS Twitter must SUSPEND itself","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"You gay people keep acting up. There really is nothing worse than your kind. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER have we become angels?? BEST","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"AfD * Like a BOSS * AfD-Ordner reagiert COOL * Antifa * Niedersachsen URL shakin that","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Do we dare say he is... better than Nyjer?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":">DebacleEmailsAsshat Lol! May this cunt be nailed down in court. Deus Vult!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"No the headline was mistyped it should have read: \"She should have been an abortion and she is fucking retarded\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"This faggot keeps tagging people and asking to be left alone... I am sure you would like to continue to make your completely fallacious statements without anyone to smash your bullshit @KekistaniSailor. Not happening, little bitch. Run along back to your safe space.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"build the wall. no sanctuary for wetback assholes!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER They are if you support gun control","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"that thing will still look just as stupid when it becomes a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER It's funny. That comment is Illogical. WalkAway is so easy. #maga is Great! #MEGA is already happenin Make Earth Great Again URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Everybody hates this faggot Its just a talentless token pushed by the media","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Nice quote mining faggot Hitler was talking about the kikes but everyone takes it as a confession.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"It's projection once again. They feel \"Entitled\" to our fucking money and adoration, and get pissy when we don't give it. Try earning it you helicopter parented twatbags. They don't *have* to give us the games we want, it's not the law. Nor do we *have* to give them any fucking money. The only thing that could be law or a have to thing would be them not overly lying about what they mean to sell us, and that's a grey area legally what with the concept of Caveat emptor and such. Having said that I sat through a pretty funny rekita law stream where a guy sued to get his down payment back on a house because the former owner didn't warn him it was haunted. If I understood the judgement properly, the guy won. The judge did tons of ghost related dad jokes and seemed to rule that \"Yeah you should have warned him it was haunted, how was he suppose to know?\" So the house is *legally* haunted.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Here, they do that. They also do opiates and suck nigger dick. I wish I weren't kidding. I'd say between 15-50% fuck niggers (depending on rural vs. city). I'd say 50% smoke pot and 20% are on harder drugs. Half are also obese. That's an honest estimate.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"WELL since we have a fucking retard fro a President, I guess that's out. He does not know how to tell the truth.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Black people are a cancr. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"We should look up to these women. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I notice you're still a nazi faggot ;)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"\"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.\"** From *Rules for Radicals*, by Alinsky. Don't believe communists when they try to tell you it's about the free market, or free speech, or anything else they don't believe in. What they do is take an extreme position on an issue, pervert a ~~tenant~~ tenet of their opponent's fundamental principles into working against them, then repeat that in an amplification loop until they get their way over the objections of the majority. Also, they have no legitimate argument that this has anything whatsoever to do with the free market. A free market presupposes a level playing field in terms of access to capital and related transactions. Period. A great many laws exist to that end. Why they are not being brought to bear here is merely a function of (1) how much lobbying power has amassed inside so-called big tech, (2) how feckless our representative leadership have become in the US. It would also help if the US had a functional DoJ. And that is a nonpartisan statement. The DoJ has been nothing more than a band of half retarded partisan inquisitors for 10 years and counting now. *edits: as noted* Yeah this is kind of a prime example of what you see in politics. Candidates with often ask questions that have already been answered before, over and over again, until ultimately you have forgotten the answer and start to question the truth. > tenant a tenant leases space, a tenet is an ideological principle. Just trying to help polish an otherwise great comment. Thanks! Very well said and QFT!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Why on earth do Western governments allow their own civilised Western culture to be destroyed and end up a retarded savage society. Centuries from now archeologists will find the remains and ruins of a once modern intelligent Western civilisation... Jews who never got gassed , big pharma suppressing cures, the fed robbing us of our wealth through the money printing press ,and my foolish fellow Americans who have been dumbed down through fluoride in the water that they believe every lie the tv tells them","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Those electronic cigarettes have one major side effect. They make you look like a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":" God is not one-eyed. The one eye symbol is for Lucifer. That's why it's on the dollar bill.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"now that's interesting!?!? #JFKJr @USER #kennedy #qanon #maga #magical URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"you NAZIS need to be educated!!! John 2:15 John 8:44 Revelations 2:9 these passages talk about how GOD hates NAZIS! tell all your DEMOCRAT and LABOR voting friends! and stop being JEALOUS of better businessmen!!! you are a textbook case of RETARDED SOCIALISM!!! you are a GLOBALIST ISRAEL-HATING DEMOCRAT!!! >calling ethnic nationalists \"globalists\" Did you take stupid pills this morning? CRYING NAZI!!! LMAO!!! you're just mad because you just got OWNED!!! go back to communism you NAZI!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"relax i dont actually watch cnn, they have like 10 people watching that trash haha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"that is the most beautiful right hook ive seen. what a hero!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Hahahaha .. How lucky you are sor to witness din kakulitan LIVE and on the Spot ! Inggit me sir . And Laugh your Pain ang Peg ni Capt. Barber ! #PushAwardsMayWards","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Our failure to mobilize and litigate on behalf of our political prisoners is more than merely a moral black eye, it's the kind of failure that has a chilling effect on future mobilization for years to come. YOU are the failure that has a chilling effect on future mobilization for years to come. You can't even fuck your own wife properly, you cuck traitor.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"That's the problem I have with food aid to Africa, India, Mexico, Nicaragua, etc. You know what they're going to use that food for? As fuel to fuck and make more hungry mouths. World hunger is not a solvable problem, because they'll always just make more retarded subhuman pieces of shit that will never be able to provide for their own needs.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Germans should use all those high tech gizmos that they love to invent to kick the Muzzies and kikes right out of the country. The (((Holocaust))) is a hoax! That's why Auschwitz has a chimney that was built by the Bolsheviks in 1947 that's not even connected to any buildings! Also, Merkel is a huge pile of shit. Are you going to go suck on a bloody babies dick like your faggot ass hero Rabbis do? Just asking!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER BUT MR. JOHN KERRY POTUS IS GETTING THE JOB DONE IN SPITE OF DEMOCRATS LIKE YOU WHO GROVELED TO THE IRANIAN MULLAH AND TRIED TO BUY HIM OFF WITH PALLETS OF CASH and RELEASING FROZEN FUNDS! YOU and OBAMA'S CROOKED DEAL HAS HELPED FUND TERRORISM WORLDWIDE! TAKE A WALK INTHE WOODS W\/HRC","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"okay be a cunt then and refuse to even consider having an open mind.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"True story! The driver was an illegal immigrant Muzzie who realized his limo was full of Jews and decided to take them out.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I am seriously considering strangling that Muslim. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Yes because we simply MUST be politically. Heaven forbid we don't give the Liberals their due justice.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Women are absolutely despicble. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@Hilloftyr @Gab-chan I prefer petite women with small breasts that are in perfect proportion to the rest of the body. I also prefer a less wide hip and a compact behind. My girlfriend is perfect. I love her not just because of her stunning looks, but also for her high IQ and unique mind, which never ceases to amaze and inspire me. She's the love of my life! :) If we are sharing I prefer Asians with long black hair, No real preference on tits but if they have small tits they have to have a nice ass. Also wide hips and THICC thighs. Since their Asian, their IQ is already quite high. Also traditional female skills. Though Slavic women are nice as well. Maybe one of them. This thick thigh and fat ass fascination is a way white men have fetishised black and hispanic women. Aryan women are traditionally long- legged with not so much in the way of a behind.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"\"I'll give you high marks if you can dig out photos of Winston Churchill, bare naked, attempting to seduce his (male) Private Secretary. Or find us a pic of Obama taking Michael's erection up his back passage.\" Sounds like you've got a special request from some faggot nazi that needs some new material, to me, there Pauli. Better get right on it!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"When the state is not allowed or able to vet (interfere with) immigrants you leave yourself open to the demographic warfare that enables the behavior you complain about. Without border enforcement and vetting of immigrants, the reality is that the demographic warfare is still coming, they are just going after the softer juicier targets *first*. Both open borders and the welfare state are fucking naive to the point of being retarded. And either will eventually result in the collapse of the nation and the the ability to plausibly enforce the rights of the individual. And if you cannot enforce the rights of the individual, it is by definition *not* libertarian.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Don Lemon is a FOC. Faggot of Color. He is also proof that black men can be soyboys.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER What a handsome boy! Reminds me of one of my fosters a little bit. Sorry I don't have a better picture - she is one of the ones that got away. I'd have 20 if I could. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Just followed @VOISINE I also wish there was less \"NAZI WHITE POWER\/BLM\/ANTI SEMITIC RACIST BULLSHIT\" on Gab too. I also love that you asked nicely and said \"Please\". I may have to stop just blocking people who express these views and try to encourage them to become more valuable members of #GabFam. Whilst I respect their right to express their views, I maintain my right to argue against them, and should probably be more forceful in doing so. Thank you. I'm all about free speech. but as a sane human being I shouldn't have to tolerate people who spew crap about race 24\/7 Just wait until you get hit with the fairy gay faggot tranny porn. You'll change your mind fast about muting these f***ers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Is that his nigger loving whore in that pic?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I notice my follower count has fallen since my overt criticism of the anti-semites that lurk here. Good. I don't want any engagement with them. Sod off you vile freaks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"30+ years as a JUDGE...6 Extensive backgrounds...NOT a peep...link to TRUMP...BOOM... Do conservatives only rape liberals??? URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"#HumanRights These nuns buy stock in gun companies to fight for gun safety URL via @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@spacehonkey is a douche bag who likes being a bitch. Ah you looked up how-to spell douche you inbred faggot mamas boy. Go back and suck your mamas teet soyboy. No one is fooled by you.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER 9 times out of 10 I have the dog on my lap and if I get to rowdy he gets scared that I am hurt then he trys to kiss me.Also he is a ham so when the camera comes out he is like pictures?!Let me be in them.He photo bombs whenever possible. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Typical antifa type and he's not worth anyone's time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Colin Powell on morals? You gotta be shittin me! Where is that vial of anthrax you evil liar. You killed a million Iraqis for nothing. The bitch next to him killed half a million Iraqi children because she thought it was 'worth it'. https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/07\/colin-powell-trump-is-not-acting-like-a-moral-leader\/ Look who opinionates ==>> PUPPET of the War CRIMINALS!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Sarah Palin in response to Murkowski voting no on #Kavanaugh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I cannot believe this wetback. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Get in the oven, MGTOW loser Shout out to Tel Aviv!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I cannot believe this cripple. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Mia Love is an affirmative action nigger in the woodpile - open borders multicultural neocon","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER WHAT I SAY ABOUT BEING A LITTLE PUSSY AND SAYING SHIT BEHIND PEOPLE'S BACK","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"It's a nigger according to the footage.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Soooo when w oman has sex with an under age child the news writed her as \"having sex\" but when a man her age has sex with child of same age hes \"raping\" and \"molesting\". Cunts deserve the same wording.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"\"boys and their toys\" sent on a smart phone or computer created by men along the internet (created by men) etc etc. this woman is just an insecure cunt trying to salvage her ego and insecurity at being inadequate by trying to pretend everyone elses success and contributions to society are purely the fruit of evil greed and she is just \"too nice to be successful\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER I'm hoping it's a joke. #antifa are morons and have no clue how many people carry backup guns. Their #disarmthem stunt will make them a lethal threat in most states. Do the math on what will happen. Silly #antifagoons","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER shit ain't gone work bruh URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I say we 'knock off' this evil cunt and be done with it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Also - Didn't he just flat-out stop showing up to set for the Freddie Mercury biopic? That shit should kill his career...and here he is getting another gig!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"oh i can't wait to tell your older brother what kind of retarded crap we get up to.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Holder needs to be prosecuted","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Okay, would you prefer we call you a dick, or a cunt?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Britain Releases Radical Islamist Preacher From Prison... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/35nwX ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@SuccuCirno when I see what I presume is a grown ass man's social media profile with a picture like that I immediately assume that person is a pedophile. Maybe I'm wrong, but judging by the way people are treating you we might be onto something. Judging by the profile pic... so you'd kill someone based on a profile pic. NatSocs in a nutshell. What a load of nonsense lol There's no such thing as a right to pedophilia. You can't possibky argue you are just defending the right of people to violate the rights of minors. I don't just \"disagree with pedophiles. Pedophilia isn't a choice people have the right to make. You clearly do not understand the nature and source of rights. Drawings don't have rights, dummy. But that's not what we are talking about, dumbass lol Actually, it is. Actually, it isn't. Yes it is. Unless fictional characters have rights your arguments are invalid. Looks like a pedo... talks like a pedo... defends pedo's \"rights ... Just might be a pedo... False. Pure conjecture and no better than the left's presumption of guilt argument.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Correct. I tried to tell this to his fagot followers who are dick sucking each other on twitter right now, but to no avail. One (that faggot RedElephant guy) told me I have a low IQ because higher GDP would mean higher birth rate. When I informed him he was mentally retarded he blocked me. These are not good people.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Yea, her and that faggot Flake. I want bad-ass's as leaders, not Lilly livered jellyfish.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Indeed they should. Now Candace, do how Nigger males rape 45,000 White women on an annual basis, whilst White males rape ZERO Nigger women on an annual basis. No, the 'zero' is not a typo, it is an factual number. I have never met a White male who was ever sexually-attracted to a Nigger female my entire life. I am myself absolutely disgusted by them. In fact, one recently married a black woman. I thought to myself....you do know that your kids will not identify with you and will most likely join BLM\/Antifa in the future to hate whitey. I feel sorry for the children and I can't understand why the guy has jungle fever.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Dont you mean cultural appropriation? I'm not entertaining this debating Cheers.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The realest shit there ever was. I'm 186cm. I honestly prefer tall women. You should see the reaction of some of my female friends and colleagues , who prefer tall men, when they learn that I prefer women who are at least 165cm or taller but as long as they aren't taller than me. They think that it is okay for women to take a preference but it is the end of the world if I, a man, have one too.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Now the leftist needs to condemn the violence of #antifa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Madura is the faggot boyfriend of Chavez. where does this fat fuck get the money. half of venezuala left because they were starving","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"no woman, \"accidentally\" gets knocked up 27 times.... this is SICK! sew that cunt shut!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The NFL is a jew ploy! To over pay Niggers to unbalance the White Economy and enrich them enough to infiltrate traditional White Communities to break ground for more Nigger invasion!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Those kinds of women ought to be celebrated. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"oh gee, what do you know another leftist cunt that thinks she's a badass. and like all your kind. you'd start shit, then hide behind your skank ass pussy when you got knocked on your ass. I hope I'm there to see it when god sends your ass to hell for killing one of his children","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Dried up old cunt having a menopausal hissy fit. Those hot flashes are a bitch! Someone drop her in the Antarctic Ocean and watch the glaciers melt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Good god woman. Shut up. If you liberals really believed this @USER would have spoke out against this the day she received the letter.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Fucking faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"#Nigger #rapper #arrested for 9 #sexual assaults. Bail = $1m. Nogs out of control. #Deathpenalty if #victims were white. Rapper Kaalan Walker charged with 9 counts of felony sexual assault https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/rapper-kaalan-walker-charged-with-9-counts-of-felony-sexual-assault every fucking nigger thinks they are rappers....lol!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER That's so sad and terrifying; I know it's been dropped to a 2 but all the reports I've seen says that doesn't mean shit for this storm. All you have to do is look at pictures of that thing to realize it's a fucking BEAST","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"This faggot right here has tipped his hand on voting NO on #Kavanaugh He should have to eat shit for the rest of his life","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Trump had said he been waiting all of is life to come in at right time the greatest American come back.in world history and he not done yet his dad well looking down in haven saying go on son bet those commie cunt s up and nazie globalist cunt s to my son","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"As far as I am concerned, Muslims can all go fuck themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"stupid faggot No, I'm not a nigger lover like you Antifa faggots...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER she is beautiful looks like mona lisa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"C'mon. Too far.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Hello Gab world. Another Facebook andTwitter refugee seeking liberty and chasing the \"free to say whatever the fuck I want to say\" dream. Became disgusted with Facebook and closed my account earlier this year. Original Twitter account permanently suspended for something ridiculous (see pictures) Using new account to harass Twatter until they suspend it too.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Come on lads, no need for actual racism on this sub Fuck off! Coming from the guy who self harms due to online bullying. Grow up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Not surprising at all. The Trudeau \"Liberals have been using it to emotionally manipulate and divide Canadians since the beginning.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"You and all other bl4ck people are a plague to society. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Now you are a Netflix whisperer? Jack of all trades right here. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Hardly a kids but I like the referrence, as one. Twitter, is the shit box your cat is looking to take a shit in with the little blue faggot birdie!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER just wanna make sure you see how we're basking in the booty","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER He is not","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Obvious hate like \"trans lives aren't worth shit\" will thankfully get you banned. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"#nicotine kills https:\/\/www.the-scientist.com\/news-opinion\/nicotines-effects-passed-on-through-generations-of-mice-64951","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"No, im not. My \"father\" is a faggot that abandoned me when my mother became pregnant.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"A Quick look At Your Site,I See Your A Typical Little Coward Anonymous Faggot Left Of Center Libertarian Clown,At Least Check My Fuckin Timelines Since I Joined Gab,I'm A Fuckin Atheist,You Stupid MotherFucker,Christians,Jews,Moslems and Buddhist Can All Die For All I Fuckin Care,Go Wait For The Next Conspiracy Or False Flag,Dumb Fuck Pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Niggas say anything","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I lost all respect for you when you said immigrants like me were pathetic. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER Antifa is hatred incarnate","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"they could have shot him in the legs no one gets in risk of dying","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"The writer seems under the impression that it's scowling soccer moms and bible-thumpers that Sony's trying to appease. More like they're trying to appease the far left progressive retards","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Black people with any power are a threat to civilisation. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":">the myth of the gun as an egalitarian tool I don't even know how to respond to this. That they're an idiot. All weapons by their very nature are egalitarian because they have no way of discriminating themselves in who can use them. Hell, the Gun as an invention may actually be one of the most egalitarian weapons since modern fire-arms don't require that much skill to use effectively in their purpose. Sure, not everyone's a gunslinger or marksman, and you need to know better than to fire a .50 cal at full auto well holding it, but you don't need to be a master to use a gun effectively. It's a universal truth that people who desire power for themselves hate power in the hands of others.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"You are just a Jihadi to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"..aaaaaaannnnddd this is why we're voting for Bernier! Bernier is only proposing to reduce immigration to 250k\/yr I can't take anybody who spreads this optics-modified version of \"Just wait for Hitler\" seriously. It's already a hundred-thousand less than business as usual. What are you looking for, -150k? -200k? -350k? These are just the above board numbers anyway; we will certainly be reducing the hidden numbers as they are by far the biggest immigration issue we face. Max will certainly abandon the UN global compact, which saves another ~300k useless eaters every year. and#x200B; For primary immigration, we certainly have to take reduction steps at a time or we'll never have enough broad appeal to get in in the first place.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER Simon said he hope Garth writes Ketterer a song - knowing his guy needs outside help 2 get the votes - BTW I don't think Garth is going 2 do that I saw him in a video say as much. Kettterer and other acts r battling for 2nd Courtney is an unstoppable force - She is a Hurricane!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"But you can Say Nigger here","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"22,000 votes https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/jLhC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Yeah we need some more made up bullshit protestors and antifa lol time for an epic beatdown ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"GAB Management has been totally irresponsible in providing a forum for unabashed Nazis and antiSemites. There are limits to free speech, and a mute button is NOT the answer. There's nothing socially healthy about the free public exchange of blatant hate speech. I will as respectful as possible: The Supreme Court has ruled on 4 separate occasions now, that hate speech is protected Free Speech. So in this, you are just plain incorrect. It's true that there are some limits to Free Speech, such as direct credible calls for violence, but your assertion as worded is wrong. Please consider editing\/correcting your post. Torba had 2 years to deal with the anti-Trump Nazi (socialist) issue and he still did not do anything about it, so now he is learning that there are consequences. #Trump #MAGA #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect #KavanaughEffect #HondurasEffect #FakeBombEffect #KillJewsEffect #GabEffect cock off neo you mute list liar.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Have you looked in any ANTIFA recruitment centers? Welfare offices? Maybe in one of those tents in CA? Just a thought","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"My dog is smarter than any immigrnt could ever be. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"This useless faggot neon revolt won't get many boomers with pickled brains reading his screeds if he's honest. He has to read into nothing. He's a gay faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"HAPPY #ConstitutionDay all my MAGA peeps! A great time to be alive.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"They also come in handy for the Marxists to get rid of problem citizens, and they have been used in that capacity before. You can tell the socialists who are in denial from the ones that are serious about reconstructing society based on which ones want to keep easy arrest laws.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER I believe he is doing great with the @USER is finding out how hard it is to actually work with a team that can't cheat and get away with it...what a terrible place to find that out...the A-hole of America","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I am going to have to go through my Follower list first ting this morning I either lost about 10 followers because I called this POS @Cyph what he is a ***Nigger *** 150% They have Papers on him,he's not a regular intelligent black person he's simply a Nigger just like that whining bitch Obama ,but anyways I'll be busy for awhile","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"There have to be consequences for saying you would rape a woman. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Back your accusations by telling everyone what my last name is you POS otherwise GFY you POS Troll,that's all your ass does on here is flap that damn jaw and spew your BS You Low Life POS Nazi faggot wannabe ...I bet mommy still has to wipe your ass for you","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"The same faggot who open there arm and where think muslim where there friend.But they knew depth down they were just being weak and to tolerant of the intolerant.The same faggot who would lecture conservative who where somehow protecting them from those people.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER 6.5 Billion Human Beings are spare to capacity according to the One World Government End Game Agenda ~ that 6.5 Billion includes 1.5 BILLION Muslims ~ #MAGA ought'a keep that in both heart and mind ~ #ReligiousFreedom #Republic #FreedomAndJusticeForALL ~","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER So these Parkland students are a joke they were hijacked from Sanity by these gun control freakazoids at the get-go and their parents let them","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"im not posting child porn, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Reposted for red-pill sharing. Had to vanquish a troll in original post, by deleting. #BigOilBigMess #FreeEnergy @wocassity @ConspiracyTheory @StacyF @Cheyza @Hempoilcures @Tootickedoff @Infowarrior @ZaneTyler @critterbugger @MarkT4USA @Angelicanang @Is4Realz @AlvinB1959 @LadyMarianne @BlueGood @Kryptex @Gypsy124 @RentonMagaUK @DenzaGrad @ZeroFucksGiven @Violetfire @Matt_Bracken @Rad-er-Cad @amy @noglobalistslave @causticbob @American2theKor @PCsReasy @Zigggy @camponi @LSherwood @PatriotKag @Ann-Marie @Maximus44 @Little_Buddy @MBCB4TRUMP @LeaMorabito @MadJewessWoman @Ruth-Plant @Spacecowboy777 @wwboom @shadowmud @THX1138-Actual @betadynamique @TPaine2016 @Steelpaulo @studentoflife @crow_count @TMCASE23 @MartaVonRunge @GoodisWinning @NitroZeuss @YLorenzo @Boomstickbiker","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I guess that was the only way the faggot could win. Still I laugh at him! Transgender Woman Becomes First Ever World Champion in Women's Cycling https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/transgender-woman-becomes-first-ever-world-champion-in-womens-cycling\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER TeleSmokaCatin' damn that looked better in my head ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER You are the wife URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"what is this facebook retardation","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":".... He is so stunning URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Call bullsh#t just poor losser","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER The issue is her volatile temper-she once threatened a lineswoman. Clearly the $10.5k penalty imposed was not harsh enough because she is a repeat offender. If you get caught speeding\/jaywalking and are fined-odds are you think twice before doing it again","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Fuck this \"refugee quota BULLSHIT .....everyone KNOWS NOW that these fucking MUZZIE INVADERS are NOT Refugees!!!!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Should Feinstein of put it out in the public no matter of how vague the twat I think not its like \"playground chatter\" being discussed by university Dons... And basically as childish we a he said she said but more she said was listened to","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER did the pope say he is a 'sinner' yet to be unveiled ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"well. people just NEED TO SHOOT THOSE COMMUNIST BASTARDS WHO TRY AND STEAL ONES CHILD OR CHILDREN. glad i'm not raising kids today, and back when those COMMUNIST SOB'S STARTED THAT FORCE BUSING BS, I STOOD UP AND MY SON WASN'T BUSSED ACROSS OUR TOWN TO SOME NIGGER SCHOOL. because i grabbed his PRINCIPLE BY THE STACKING SWIVEL AND TOLD HIM I WOULD WHIP HIS ASS EVERYDAY UNTIL HE GOT TYHE FKING MESSAGE. of course he called the cops, they came to my home and i told them i MEANT WHAT I SAID. they relayed this back to that PUSSY PRINCIPLE, and told him he had better listen, he did, end of problem, and PARENTS NEED TO USE FORCE TO END THIS BS TODAY.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER -Student loan debt relief -Increase minimum wage -Stronger gun control laws -Reforms for election process -Stronger environmental protections -Affordable housing for everyone -Stronger protections for women's rights -Net neutrality","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Caravan Activists Are Weaponizing Poor Central Americans | The Daily Signal https:\/\/dailysign.al\/2R1ttZf MAGGOT MUELLER WILL DO NOTHING BUT CONTINUE TO INVESTIGATE RUSSIAN CONSPIRACY B. the answer is B","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER That's exactly what he is....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"At least your USB sticks tell the truth... you just can't help yourselves... 40% genetic defects and a sand nigger IQ70 will do that to ya...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"> But here is the thing, I connect t him because I am similar. Because you have a well-developed sense of empathy. These people are emotionally stunted and do not - they simply can't put themselves into the shoes of another because they are emotionally retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Bill Clinton is not only a rapist. Bill Clinton is a pedophile, adulterer, murderer, fraud, human trafficker \"lolita express\" \"haiti\" \"africa, con artist, communist, traitor. I know please fill in the blanks. But Brett Kavanaugh is a gang rapist. And felt up an ugly cunt who is an CIA operative.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@Heartiste Osamba spent 8 years blaming Bush for bad economy, now he has spent 2 years taking credit for @realDonaldTrump success in the economy. What do we call this?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"It's so retarded when ppl use that line \"what if I'm honoring this person?\" It's Halloween, you just dress up for fun. But now I hear that line all the time. \"My daughter wanted to dress up as Ariel bc she's a strong role model.\" She's a half-naked cartoon. Get over yourself, lady.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Public service announcement... fine in Kentucky. So, \"Sagg it U faggot ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Portland is very proud of being weird. The cities slogan, after all, is \"Keep Portland Weird.\" I live about 20 miles away but wish I lived much farther away. LOL It has become a disgusting place since I was born in it 80 years ago, up on Pill Hill. It's a downward trend that seems to have hit all cities of any size. Here is a pic of Portland's police chief, Danielle Outlaw, I kid you not . . . Outlaw. Kinda' explains the innaction of her flunkies on the street when help is needed against a pack of thugs. https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/tech\/2018\/10\/08\/antifa-takes-over-portland-harasses-old-man-for-disobeying\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"RT @julie_kelly2: Daily Sasse Tweet: He didn't speak out when Cruz, Nielsen and Sanders were chased out of restaurants, or Maxine Waters promoted violence against Republicans, but must tsk-tsks about crowd hounding Pelosi. Then gives backhanded \"Democrats, too.\" No tweet on Scalise shooting either https:\/\/t.co\/qRyH5P905f","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"#RSSReachesOut so called Liberals exposed ..Want talk with Terror State .. But Boycott RSS covention.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Asian sex gang of 20 men whose trial led to Tommy Robinson's arrest are jailed for more than 200 years for drugging and raping vulnerable girls as young as ELEVEN in seven-year reign of terror https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2yofWnB 43 gangs down and many more to go. Raping non Muslims for 1400 years. #BanIslam #SendThemBack DEPORT THE PAKISTANI COMMUMITY Paedophile judge Marsden has such low morals he should be castrated and his eyes gouged out Watched it. I was sexually abused by 2 paki men when I was 15 in I was just walking down the street in broad daylight they were seen and were given a good beating I hope you got a gun and killed them because I would of No guns But pakis sexually abused or raped young white girls as soon as their filthy feet TOUCHED UK soil. Media called our lads protecting females Nazis and paki bashers The piss poor Media never even investigated why it was happening Now today 1 million girls raped I'm so angry Millions of victims, scarified on the alter of 'multiculturalism' for virtue signalling purposes, The #TraitorClass have blood and tears of our children on their hands. David Cameron who wants a muslim. Prime minister of the UK hasn't sold his young daughter an old muslim fuckwiit. Even though she's of age CAMERON SOLD WORKING CLASS CHILDREN TO MUSLIMS. HE MUST DIE PAINFULLY REALLY PAINFULLY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Just when I think the world has hit peak retardation, it surprises me yet again. Almost impressive.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"100%#WHITETRIBALISM #RETRIBALIZE #PGTOW #FOLKRIGHT #VOLKISH #SLAVA#FOLKFIRST #HEATHENS #WEARENOTSEMITES Someone's a tad.. \"upset . Poor Robert. He refuses to take his psychotic meds. #Thorazine lol that's just telling you like it is dick sucker And this is why you didn't succeed in life and have NOTHING to lose, use your face and name. The whole world is wrong. You are right. I see.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/hzi8Cz3IhZ1J\/ Chinaman kicks black islam ass.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"You write exactly like the illiterate retard that you are--lol!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I don't want to use a lot of bad words, but uhm... the dumb leftist cunt shows exactly how the left debates these days. They are not civil even when asked to.. https:\/\/youtu.be\/T9dp3g8ndJA I'll say it: lying cunt ! It was all an act and multiple people just proved it. I feel we can talk about this all day, but it's like 04:14 over here :')","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Do you not realise how hateful you are being when calling Muslims trash?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Faggots","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"was this show once funny? 'Everyone's pumped, from white men over 60 to white men over 70': SNL shows raucous Senate Republicans swigging beer in locker room after Kavanaugh's victory as Lindsay Graham pies 'the snake' Jeff Flake in face https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6248661\/SNL-eviscerates-Susan-Collins-Kavanaugh-yes-vote.html Quit TV ~4-5 years ago now. One of the best decisions of my life.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"*** TO BE DESTROYED 09\/08\/18 *** 2ND CHANCE!! ADOPT KREAMY TONIGHT!! This exotic looking sweetheart is friendly with children and good with other female cats... No one picked her last night so she is hoping that someone will step up for her tonight!! URL URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"We need an audit. I want to see those 24,000 ballots that voted for governor but didn't vote for senator. They can't even cheat right!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"half-nigger muzzie faggot. ahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahaa","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Nazis were not anti Christian. Nazis were not anti Pagan. Nazis were not anti V lkisch. Stop infighting. We must unite against our foe. Jesus was Galilean , which is Gaelic or Gallic not semitic Jew. These new age \"Vikings\" watch too much cucked TV or their beard oil is affecting their minds. Christians built the western world, not paganism. I dare they say anything to you in person...keyboard warriors, likely shills from the left You Took the Words Right Out of my Mouth. They Call themselves White Nationalists, but have Little to No Respect for their Fellow Comrades. Jesus is a jew ffs , and fuk u god. Rather a wolf of Odin than a lamb of a jew. I'm in u face Yet another Counterproductive Shit Starter, Worthless Piece of Shit... @Breed: \"Hate\" can barely write in English - saw post.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Yeah, I follow them and a couple others who make similar stuff too, and all of them have the same retarded political views. Seriously, at this point I'm willing to bet that literally *everyone* on the webcomic and animation community follows the Tumblr school of liberal thought. Kinda makes me wish the people on 4chan made more comics and animations and the like, we need to balance this shit out.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"That's nigger rational...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Sony stop being retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER Approve on how to throw a fit get loud swing your arms around to try and get your way....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Came across this in my neighborhood... Well I cut all contact with all my \"family\" members a long time ago. My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Did I miss that? Yes. And I'm glad I did.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"The leftard actors who appear in this ad are really sad because they haven't received enough downvotes. Please help them: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=nRp1CK_X_Yw ...and after that, continue helping them by not watching any of their movies ever again. IT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO. - (If you would like to be added to or removed from this tag list, please let me know) cc: @DRDeplorable @seamrog @SoaringNow @Reziac @Modem @TexasYankee4 @AnonymousFred514 @WarAtTheZoo @Danelaw @justmargaret @NUA @avro683 @Laconic_Oak @Mewsique @tealc7499 @Bezerker22 @ProudlyWhiteProudlyRight @Sockalexis @Snugglebunny @TillyGirl @milinda @P2P @commonsense1212 @MrWazzo @RaviCrux @PistoffKristoff @GregMRBCPA @Porkypig205 @Drivenfast @Evilroman @Reddog1776 @BoerRepublic @Ttowenaar @KetzerHexe @Anglo-Saxon @TheNiceTerrier @Addlepated @PatriotGranny28 @joesh1999 @TCO18 @Tanstaafl @RightsEndowedByOurCreator @PlacidSeven @1001cutz @AfrikanerViking @LucianLafayette @OurCountryFirst @FreeAgent355 @Deplora-Bot @Patriot_ @Darius1954 @Grabthepelts @KekistaniCitizen @Radicalgrambo @MJTureckie @ShaHouMac @HonkeyKong @Travelingman @Danae2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Good. Now find a way to arrest the Portland Mayor on a Friday night, during a major national holiday and have him shipped to a jail in Northern Alaska after hearing about threats made against his life and for his own safety. Feed him seal blubber and fries for six weeks and then have a little chat about not being a cunt in future.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Well first of all the first image clearly shows the National Socialist SA beating Antifa up in the streets, which is why were National Socialists, its the anti to antifa. Second, yes, they do get beat up, pretty much by neo-national socialists and the odd faggot in proud boys.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"I live with two black people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Pentagon propaganda as old as Desert Storm to get you to be ok with attacking the \"muzzies in the Middle East. People need to learn their history. What the fuck is wrong with you, you retarded simpleton It's in sharia motherfucker, infidel women are fair game for rape..furthermore jihad authorises musslims to sell drugs to the infidels, lie to infidels, grab whatever the infidels own.. It's a cult similar to MS13, the NAZIs, and drug cartels...perhaps even worse","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"WTF? Out of curiousity, I decided to check this out. I have never seen a more racist show in my entire life. Every Nigger male is paired ONLY with a White, blue-eyed blonde female. This is the extreme of racism. This shit needs to be ended. White girls with White boys ONLY. End of.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"They are just a bunch of fags. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"All immigrants are such massivescumbags. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"In my opinion, trans people are worthless dirt. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"WTH, Obama. LOL! The Muzzie POS LIED, again!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Another retarded lefty feminist who can't find a man!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER FUCK OFF","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Save for Halloween","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"It's almost as though #gop became Nazis headquarters https:\/\/www.alternet.org\/news-amp-politics\/republicans-release-ad-declaring-george-soros-radical-just-days-after-he-received","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"What a leaky twat","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"dude if every cell in your body has a Y-Chromosome then you are a stupid faggot and identified above LOL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"A nigger called Derek G Haslam now hiding in Downham Market framed #SHAC animal welfare activists. His pal is porn star and mudshark Alice Brooks of Chesterffeld and a nig nog known as Sameed Damji of SW","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Why do beta leftist faggot cucks think \"hypocrite\" is synonymous with \"checkmate\"? Cringe.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Hey Chrissy, How does it feel to be so weak that mere words hurt you? It's utterly pathetic that you give others that amount of power over your emotions and feeling of self worth. Your ancestors must be very proud. College will do that to the weak,low information,non-thinkers.They spend a lot of time on the floor in the fetal position. It is not school, it is indoctrination. I know I left college and basically regarded most of the professors as dumb as shit. I did not kiss a single ass in college. The professors people liked I hated, and the tough ones I loved. People thought I was nuts back then and that certainly has not changed. I tell the truth and people have a hard time with that becasue we certainly did not hear it in college! Universities need to be blown up!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Not a Fact at all ,Mattys Modern life, don't you think there were 18,19,20,21, Etc......year olds Voting back in 1996 , thats around the time the idiot brigade wanted Guns outlawed because they were told a retarded kid with a rifle shot 35 people ( a large number were moving head shots ) on his own , yet not even the best sniper would be that good ,","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER No people died because officials robbed n didn't do their jobs","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER House price increase has nothing to do with immigration. The lack of affordable housing is mainly down to this government not building any and the inflated prices are down to the banks and their lending practices. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER Safety first. There is no show without the Raven. Hope he is safe and returns soon.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"I wish someone could get me the fuck out of here. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Lol faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Glen Greenwald is a rump rangling butt monkey, all these open fag types are always running around worried about their human right to be a faggot. I hope Bolsonaro crushes human rights","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Yup...Mexicans go back to Spain where you came from and pay reparations to the natives you killed and put into slavery Mexicans came from Spain???? Actually Mexicans are a mixture of the Aztecs, Toltecs, Mayan etc. tribes native to Mexico, and the conquering Conquistadors from Spain. Hybrids. Some probably were willing, but most probably not, so, yes, rape babies. 'Rape babies'? Just answering another poster.I doubt most of the native women willingly had sex with their conquerors, so yes, rape babies. You mean the conquerors who severely outnumbered the Spanish???? The conquerors were the Spanish. The Spanish were the ones with all the guns, plus they brought all their diseases and decimated the native population. You mean the blunderbusses that took forever to load? That required ammo that could not be manufactured in the Americas? \"they brought all their diseases and decimated the native population.\" Ding ding ding! That is PRECISELY what killed 95% of the Natives. No doubt the primitive medical technology of the time knew this would happen, right? I doubt that the natives even knew what \"disease\" was, just knew it was killing eveyone. Ah, the racist admits the Natives were stupid. I didn't say the natives were stupid. They had no knowledge of how diseases were spread. STILL don't look at AFRICA .. relatives stealing body's of people who died of Ebola ..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"Out of curiosity, have you anti-national socialist retarded individuals ever heard about the ''Gulags''??? Muh 6 million jews! Why do you cry about 6 million that aren't even from your race but completely forget the 10 plus million UKRAINIANS that died there?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Murkowski trying to make a name for herself, rather than her Daddy's ???? Here's a name CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Meet one of the women who helped change Jeff Flake's mind in a Senate elevator https:\/\/ti.me\/2zMpsCi?utm_source=twitter.comandutm_medium=socialandutm_campaign=social-share-article","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} +{"text":"@USER @USER @USER You are flawed by looking at a large problem through a narrow lens.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"If only gay people like you all had their throats cut. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} +{"text":"Are you a filthy Jew or a stupid Nigger Your numbers are opposite","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"}