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#WhoIsQ #WheresTheServer #DumpNike #DECLASFISA Democrats Support Antifa, Muslim Brotherhood, MS13, ISIS, Pedophilia, Child Trafficking, Taxpayer Funded Abortion’s, Election Fraud, Sedition And Treason!!! #LockThemAllUp #WWG1WGA #QAnon @USER URL | 1 | OFFENSIVE |
#ConstitutionDay is revered by Conservatives, hated by Progressives/Socialist/Democrats that want to change it. | 0 | NOT |
#FOXNews #NRA #MAGA #POTUS #TRUMP #2ndAmendment #RNC #USMC #veterans @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER #fakereporting #THESWAMP #dnc #liberals @USER @USER #fakeoutrage @USER First, it reduces the ca URL | 0 | NOT |
#Watching #Boomer getting the news that she is still up for parole always makes me smile. #Wentworth Finale...@USER is such a treasure. URL | 0 | NOT |
#NoPasaran: Unity demo to oppose the far-right in #London – #antifa #Oct13 — Enough is Enough! URL | 1 | OFFENSIVE |
. . . What the fuck did he do this time? | 1 | OFFENSIVE |
#RAP is a form of ART! Used to express yourself freely. It does not gv the green light or excuse the behavior of acting like an animal! She is not in the streets of the BX where violence is a way of living. Elevate yourself boo and get on @USER level for longevity! #QUEEN👑 | 0 | NOT |
@USER Do you get the feeling he is kissing @USER behind so he can humiliate him later? | 1 | OFFENSIVE |
5 Tips to Enhance Audience Connection on Facebook URL @USER #socialmedia #smm URL | 0 | NOT |
#BiggBossTamil janani won the task. She is going to first final list👏👏👏👏 | 0 | NOT |
#Conservatives - the party of low taxation 😂 #Tories #Tory URL | 0 | NOT |
𝓒-𝓒𝓮𝓭𝓻𝓪𝓷.. The Nord cannot make a single move, but he is fully aware of what is happening. A chill comes down his spine as a ghostly, rather. . . calm female voice called for him from a corner of the room. Before he even has time to /attempt/ a response, + | 0 | NOT |
#GreatAwakening #QAnon #PatriotsUnited #WWG1WGA #AreYouAwake WHEN YOU ARE AWAKE YOU SEE CLEARLY ❤️🧡💛💚 Check out this video URL URL | 0 | NOT |
@USER Nigga ware da hits at | 1 | OFFENSIVE |
#StopKavanaugh he is liar like the rest of the #GOP URL | 1 | OFFENSIVE |
#Dayspromo week of September 17th #days #dool A coma does things to a gal . Sami: You are going to be ok. Hattie: No thanks to you. Get her out of here. Before she finishes me off. Hattie pretends to be Marlena. The look on Kayla face is priceless. URL | 0 | NOT |
#BiggBossTelugu2 Let’s all include @USER in all our tweets...he is the business head of Star Maa network..don’t know if he knows about biggboss team and host hurting audience emotions #BiggBossTelugu2 | 0 | NOT |
#Dallas#Policewoman kills neighbor in HIS own apartment? WHAT went wrong?? See:Officer who shot man in his own apartment was involved in 2017 shooting of a suspect. “She is devastated,said a Dallas police officer, adds she is "so so sorry for his family?" URL | 0 | NOT |
Always smack URL | 0 | NOT |
#BREAKING: After a week-long trial, a Linn County jury convicted Gregory Davis of First-Degree Murder in connection with the Carrie Davis homicide that took place almost a year ago. URL URL | 0 | NOT |
#Kavanaugh so a wild claim from 36 years ago of groping has evolved into A Rape A Violent Sexual Event by Move URL a Soros based Org. that supports BLM Antifa etc. Unbeievable! | 0 | NOT |
#kznlt Enjouji really is the prototype of my character brand, he is nothing but things that I love all rolled into one horrible package and fed directly into baby me's subconscious. | 0 | NOT |
#SilsilaBadallteRishtonKa tag is filled with appreciation of @USER only.... Never watched this serial but I always wanted appreciation for Aditi... She is underrated since starting of the show... She is worth of all this appreciation.. 👏👏👏 | 0 | NOT |
#Beto #BetoForSenate #BetoORourke #BetoforTX Willie Nelson laughs at conservatives who are upset with him. URL | 0 | NOT |
#HIAC Damn Matt Hardy and Randy Orton put on one hell in a cell match!! Woooo!!! I hope he is okay!! | 0 | NOT |
@USER School shootings aren't controversial. Wanting gun control is. | 0 | NOT |
@USER @USER Put DeLauro in a police lineup identifying the bag lady" - she would be picked everytime! She has to be proof either Conn voters are incompetent to vote or she is part of a vast voter fraud conspiracy! No one votes for a woman that gross!" | 1 | OFFENSIVE |
@USER *coffee spit* Spartacus moment? He never saw the film... | 0 | NOT |
@ ALL FAMILY/FRIENDS , do not tell me bad shit that your bf/gf did to you just to go right back to them!!! | 1 | OFFENSIVE |
#ChristineBlaseyFord is your #Kavanaugh accuser... #Liberals try this EVERY time... #ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh URL | 1 | OFFENSIVE |
@USER 'Fellow Democrats don't want @USER 🦅🇺🇸 @USER to do well.. it's not about what's best for America. It's purely politics' - Dov Hikind, Democratic NY Assemblyman URL | 0 | NOT |
#osho #quotes via @USER Listen to your being. It is continuously giving you hints. It is a still, small voice. It does not shout at you, that is true. And if you are a little silent you will start feeling your way. Be the person you are. Never try… URL URL | 0 | NOT |
#YYC @USER looking hockey players of all ages/abilities for our Humboldt Tribute game Sunday 9/16. Arrive 2pm, dress, participate in our opening ceremony. Contact lindsay.clothier@USER if you are interested! #WePlayForThem #HumboldtStrong #HockeyIsFamily #GoNucks | 0 | NOT |
#Conservatives #Brexit putting #Britain last. Sending a chill down the spine of the #UK. | 0 | NOT |
#Gamers go follow @USER on #Twitter and #twitch He is playing with @USER on #BlackOps4 #Blackout Please help and support them both on Twitter and twitch. Remember all #SupportForSupport and #SupportAllStreamers URL | 0 | NOT |
#QuickTip: Find people already working in a company, or within the industry that you are interested in. We know a lot of people! Send us your resume to info@USER or message us RIGHT NOW URL URL | 0 | NOT |
#LiberalLogic If #Liberals get their way..... URL | 0 | NOT |
#ArianaAsesina? Is that serious?! Holy shit, please your fucking assholes, don't blame someone for the death of other one. She is sad enough for today, don't you see? It isn't fault of none, he had an overdose and died. End. Stop wanting someone to blame, fuckers. | 1 | OFFENSIVE |
@USER How is she hiding her ugly personality. She is the worst. | 1 | OFFENSIVE |
......bitch what URL | 1 | OFFENSIVE |
#Georgetown Classmate Says #Left Accuser is Absolutely NUTS" URL "Judge Kavanaugh"@USER @USER @USER #ABC #CBS #Democrats #Liberals #women #MondayMotivation #MondayMorning #veterans #law #MAGA #GOP #CNN #MSNBC #NBC #Moms #BlackWomen #BET" | 0 | NOT |
@USER @USER @USER Are you referring to how they lollygag with gun control as their kids get slaughtered in schools? | 0 | NOT |
@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I’m shocked to learn human traffickers had guns. Some probably illegal too. CA needs more gun control. But don’t worry about the actual crime. The pic of black guns is worse. | 1 | OFFENSIVE |
#WELOVESEUNGCHEOL @USER I am happy and proud of the work you have done to train seventeen along with the other members. I see you and you are wonderful and incredible. I really love u ㅠㅠ 💕. URL | 0 | NOT |
#Chequers is a violation of democracy !! #StandUp4Brexit @USER @USER @USER The will of the people must be respected URL | 0 | NOT |
#Sessions Tells #Chicago: “If You Want More #Shootings, More #Death, Listen To #ACLU, #Antifa, #BlackLivesMatter” URL | 0 | NOT |
#Conservatives @USER - You're a clown! URL | 1 | OFFENSIVE |
*voice in my head while I transfer money to my credit card* “bullshit that I bought and have to pay for” | 1 | OFFENSIVE |
Levi Strauss has “never been afraid to take an unpopular stand to support a greater good.” ' What about when they shut down all manufacturing in America? That wasn't even a news story when it happened. Maybe they're right; it wasn't unpopular. URL | 0 | NOT |
@USER $500,000 for her wedding. Clinton's always know what's best. | 0 | NOT |
#Kids Beating #Paraplegic #Trump #Boy! #Left Teach Their #Children Hate Violence! #schools #teachers #Democrats #Liberals #WalkAway #Moms #Mother #NEA #teachthemyoung #Christian #Catholic #Jews #Evangelicals #family #BlackWomen #BlackTwitter #Blacks #News #Media #Disabled #MAGA URL | 1 | OFFENSIVE |
0-9 : B-1, J-1, R-1, B-2, Q-2, B-3, BX-3, B-4, RB-4, Z-4, B-5, Q-5, B-6, H-6, B-7, H-7, UT-7, B-8 (20:59:36) | 0 | NOT |
#AskAlly I only say that I adore you and you are a great person, please take care of yourself always❤️ | 0 | NOT |
#DOJ employee resisters" r looking up conservatives’ license plates, home addresses, legal details in LexisNexis 2give to Dem Socialists/Antifa-project Veritas.But don't worry, no govt in history has ever made political opponent lists and oppressed them🙄 URL | 0 | NOT |
#Kelly McParland: Latest floor-crosser is telling truths the Liberals don’t like hearing - URL URL | 0 | NOT |
#GreatAwakening #QAnon #PatriotsUnited #WWG1WGA #AreYouAwake WHEN YOU ARE AWAKE YOU SEE CLEARLY ❤️🧡💛💚 Check out this video URL URL | 0 | NOT |
#BoycottLevis Since the late 1990s, Levi’s has used its name and resources to attack gun rights. In 1999, the company gave $100,000 to gun control group PAX, followed by a $250,000 donation in 2000 and another $100,000 in 2001. URL | 0 | NOT |
Are you fucking serious? URL | 0 | NOT |
*gets all the bitches* | 1 | OFFENSIVE |
@USER @USER @USER I got in a pretty deep debate with my friend and she told me that latinos for Trump and blacks for Trump were paid supporters 😂 then I said you mean antifa are paid domestic terrorist and she said No they are anti-fascist then I said they are the fascist are you kidding me?! | 0 | NOT |
#Antifa: Take note of how to protest with civility. This is why socialism (aka communism) will never win. It is inherently evil and unsustainable. URL | 1 | OFFENSIVE |
#gmm #roastmycat hi @USER this is Fiona. She is about 10 weeks old. She falls asleep in weird places URL | 0 | NOT |
@USER omg is he for real ?!?!!??????) this happened in peru like 40 years ago and the Inti devaluated so fucking much that they had to comoletely change the coin system because our money was worthless i- | 1 | OFFENSIVE |
#Conservatism101 It's not about our disagreements with #Conservatives. Its that Conservatives can't debate honestly, and they have no integrity. Whatever gets them thru today, is all that matters to them. They're fundamentally dishonest people. URL | 1 | OFFENSIVE |
#Halloween Sign If You Are Reading This #CreepingUp Behind You Wood Wall Decoration #tmtinsta #cwsigns URL via @USER | 0 | NOT |
#huniachiweek No matter what you are going through today or in the past few days, your situation is never permanent. God is going to change your life for good. Trust and Believe that He is able to. Please, Read... URL | 0 | NOT |
@USER My only point of contention is this. He decided to keep this group which has top end talent and also decided to hire hot trash Mike McCoy. Wilks hasn't even been able to get his defense to line up correctly. He is in over his head. | 0 | NOT |
And yet everyone seems to lack it URL | 0 | NOT |
#MAGA Expect more censorship URL | 0 | NOT |
And apparently I'm committed to going to a new level since I used the key. Well FUCK. Curiosity killed the Cat(hy) | 1 | OFFENSIVE |
#NE need to check out a dentist and find out if she is has a perfect work record? What about a child care facility? Now you can check online for all kinds of licensed professionals and it's free @ URL | 0 | NOT |
@USER @USER @USER @USER Then why aren’t there so many shootings in Virginia? Jacksonville shooter got his guns IN MARYLAND!! Among the poster children for gun control! What good did that do?! You’re full of crap. | 1 | OFFENSIVE |
#Amnesty_International: US is in violation of international human rights law by not passing stronger #gun_control URL via @USER URL | 0 | NOT |
@USER Well she is Chuck Schumer's cousin or niece or something so she is obviously part of the DNC conspiracy against Nixon. Or part of the Deep State. Or a Zionist plot. Or 'Big comedy'. Or whatever the hell today's conspiracy theory is. | 0 | NOT |
#GodsPraiseroom God keeps you even in the storms that may rock your boat - Let's all submit to His will after all he is the only one who really knows the end from the beginning URL | 0 | NOT |
#Spaldo is my guy. He is my godson | 0 | NOT |
#ANTIFA are bedfellows with The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) who #JamesOKeefe has exposed as being inserted throughout government, attempting to bring down #America #Trump #MAGA🇺🇸 #DeepState URL | 1 | OFFENSIVE |
#CNN ruthlessly continues #Fakenews onslot. Where's the honest analysis? Right here! URL #tcot #CNN #NRA #massshooting #CNNISFAKENEWS #Conservatives #FakeNewsMedia #FakeNews #PBA #FakeNewsCNN | 0 | NOT |
#Brexit Barometer: Labour fails to capitalise as Conservatives fail to please; Kantar: nearly two thirds of the UK believe the government is handling Brexit negotations poorly. URL | 0 | NOT |
@USER Antifa has TS level influence. It's scary. | 1 | OFFENSIVE |
@USER I have three accounts. Two quasi-anonymous, and one completely anon. And if twitter ever bans one of the quasi-anon, I'll make two anon accounts and tweet the most insane shit. I will drown twitter in bullshit. If one of those is banned, I'll make even more. | 1 | OFFENSIVE |
#MAGA Alert : Joe Biden on #Trump Supporters: 'The Dregs Of Society' (VIDEO) URL via @USER | 0 | NOT |
$CERC is now Boyd's #1 stock. And he is the sole holder of the stock among hedge funds we track. URL | 0 | NOT |
@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER City of Chicago, Democrat run with some of the strictest gun control in the nation." 😂 What's your point, #NotThatBright? URL | 0 | NOT |
#Liberals are so pathetic! INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY mean much? #Democrats should look at their own party if they need a rapist to hang! #KavanaughIsInnocent #WalkAwayFromDemocrats. #LiberalLies are straight from the Pitts of HELL 🔥 URL | 1 | OFFENSIVE |
#Trump may be many things, but he is entertaining!!!! Thanks #twitter URL | 0 | NOT |
$10 Million reallocated from FEMA to ICE. This guy gives zero shits about anyone not named Trump. If you’re in the mid Atlantic, get out. Now. URL | 1 | OFFENSIVE |
#FortniteBattleRoyale #XboxShare @USER Please ban this cheating scum. he is literally invisible URL | 1 | OFFENSIVE |
#I once read about the man who invented bulbs, he saw failure differently, it was 5000 new wayz of doing it differently..Now he is a genius# | 0 | NOT |
#2AUnfettered Repeal all gun control laws. If the government can use it then the people should be able to as well. URL | 0 | NOT |
.. Good thing it was responsible US Marines.. I’m pretty sure a group of Antifa members wouldn’t be running that fast in that direction to help anyone let alone elder seniors.. Thank you @USER .. We salute You❗️ @USER @USER @USER URL | 0 | NOT |
#FordTheatre Right on Cue, a GoFundMe acct has been set up for this person, the new #Liberals mode of bribery and payoffs! @USER Really should investigate these GoFundMe as a New outlet for slush funds! #Comey, #McCabe, #Strzok | 0 | NOT |
#Christian If Twitter and Facebook can silence conservatives, Christians we are next. Once censored, the darkness takes over. Help us grow in by living your faith aloud. Where we go one we go all. Prayer warriors, please help us grow this movement. URL | 0 | NOT |
6ix9ine aus den speakern, fick deine political correctness | 0 | NOT |
#fall #fashion #trending #coats #colors URL We have What You are looking for! #airdrie #calgary #lethbridge #toronto #vancouver #princegeorge URL | 0 | NOT |
#republicans put WALLin budget..you are going to loose Pres.Trump followers. He is why U R there, so support him URL | 0 | NOT |
#gmm #roastmycat hi @USER this is Fiona. She is about 10 weeks old. She falls asleep in weird places URL | 0 | NOT |
#SesameStreet #BertandErnie the conversation about this is so unattractive. The creator says he didn't create a character gay and he is being attacked. | 1 | OFFENSIVE |
#SerenaWilliams is so full of herself...she is just as painful to watch as to listen to... | 1 | OFFENSIVE |
Subsets and Splits