import os |
import multiprocessing as mp |
import numpy as np |
import tiktoken |
from datasets import load_dataset |
from tqdm import tqdm |
fw = load_dataset("HiTZ/Multilingual-Medical-Corpus",split="en") |
local_dir = remote_name = "HiTZ/Multilingual-Medical-Corpus" |
shard_size = int(1e8) |
DATA_CACHE_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), local_dir) |
os.makedirs(DATA_CACHE_DIR, exist_ok=True) |
from datasets import load_dataset |
enc = tiktoken.get_encoding("o200k_base") |
eot = enc._special_tokens['<|endoftext|>'] |
def tokenize(doc): |
tokens = [eot] |
tokens.extend(enc.encode_ordinary(doc["text"])) |
tokens_np = np.array(tokens) |
assert (0 <= tokens_np).all() and (tokens_np < 2**32).all(), "token dictionary too large for uint16" |
tokens_np_int32 = tokens_np.astype(np.int32) |
return tokens_np_int32 |
def write_datafile(filename, tokens_np): |
np.save(filename, tokens_np) |
nprocs = max(1, os.cpu_count()//2) |
with mp.Pool(nprocs) as pool: |
shard_index = 0 |
all_tokens_np = np.empty((shard_size,), dtype=np.uint16) |
token_count = 0 |
progress_bar = None |
for tokens in pool.imap(tokenize, fw, chunksize=16): |
if token_count + len(tokens) < shard_size: |
all_tokens_np[token_count:token_count+len(tokens)] = tokens |
token_count += len(tokens) |
if progress_bar is None: |
progress_bar = tqdm(total=shard_size, unit="tokens", desc=f"Shard {shard_index}") |
progress_bar.update(len(tokens)) |
else: |
split = "val" if shard_index == 0 else "train" |
filename = os.path.join(DATA_CACHE_DIR, f"HiTZ_{split}_{shard_index:06d}") |
remainder = shard_size - token_count |
progress_bar.update(remainder) |
all_tokens_np[token_count:token_count+remainder] = tokens[:remainder] |
write_datafile(filename, all_tokens_np) |
shard_index += 1 |
progress_bar = None |
all_tokens_np[0:len(tokens)-remainder] = tokens[remainder:] |
token_count = len(tokens)-remainder |
if token_count != 0: |
split = "val" if shard_index == 0 else "train" |
filename = os.path.join(DATA_CACHE_DIR, f"HiTZ_{split}_{shard_index:06d}") |
write_datafile(filename, all_tokens_np[:token_count]) |