diff --git "a/txt/2104.04958.txt" "b/txt/2104.04958.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/txt/2104.04958.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,1834 @@ +Supervised Feature Selection Techniques in +Network Intrusion Detection: a Critical Review +M. Di Mauroa,<, G. Galatrob, G. Fortinocand A. Liottad +aDepartment of Information and Electrical Engineering and Applied Mathematics (DIEM), University of Salerno, 84084, Fisciano, Italy +bAmazon AWS, Belgard Retail Park, Tallaght, Dublin, Ireland +cDepartment of Informatics, Modeling, Electronics and Systems, University of Calabria, Italy +dFaculty of Computer Science, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy +ARTICLE INFO +Keywords : +Feature Selection +Machine Learning +Network Intrusion Detection +Network PerformanceABSTRACT +Machine Learning (ML) techniques are becoming an invaluable support for network intrusion de- +tection, especially in revealing anomalous flows, which often hide cyber-threats. Typically, ML al- +gorithms are exploited to classify/recognize data traffic on the basis of statistical features such as +inter-arrival times, packets length distribution, mean number of flows, etc. Dealing with the vast +diversity and number of features that typically characterize data traffic is a hard problem. This re- +sults in the following issues: i)the presence of so many features leads to lengthy training processes +(particularly when features are highly correlated), while prediction accuracy does not proportionally +improve; ii)some of the features may introduce bias during the classification process, particularly +those that have scarce relation with the data traffic to be classified. To this end, by reducing the fea- +ture space and retaining only the most significant features, Feature Selection (FS) becomes a crucial +pre-processing step in network management and, specifically, for the purposes of network intrusion +detection. In this review paper, we complement other surveys in multiple ways: i)evaluating more +recentdatasets(updatedw.r.t. obsoleteKDD 99)bymeansofadesigned-from-scratchPython-based +procedure; ii)providingasynopsisofmostcreditedFSapproachesinthefieldofintrusiondetection, +includingMulti-ObjectiveEvolutionarytechniques; iii)assessingvariousexperimentalanalysessuch +as feature correlation, time complexity, and performance. Our comparisons offer useful guidelines +to network/security managers who are considering the incorporation of ML concepts into network +intrusion detection, where trade-offs between performance and resource consumption are crucial. +1. Introduction +With the rapid growth of digital technology and com- +munications, we are overwhelmed by network data traffic, +whicharediverseformediatype(e.g. video,voice,text,sen- +sory,etc.),andoriginatefrom(andaretransportedthrough) +abroadrangeofsources(e.g. mobilenetworks,cloudinfras- +tructures,InternetofThings,etc.). Consequently,wehandle +high-dimensionality data, calling for increasingly more so- +phisticated classification methods [1, 2]. +Typically,werefertohighdimensionalitywhenwedeal +with data whereby a large number of features may be ex- +tracted, to the point that the features may even exceed the +numberofobservations. Thisleadstomajorissues,particu- +larly the massive increase in training times. +To this end, Feature Selection (FS) is a promising re- +searchdirection,lookingatwaystoreducethefeaturespace +in order to pinpoint only the most significant features. As +a fundamental pre-processing step in machine learning, FS +is gaining prominence in network management and, specif- +ically, for the purposes of network intrusion detection and +network traffic classification problems [3, 4, 5, 6]. +Moregenerally,FSfindsanevenmuchbroaderapplica- +bilityinfieldasdiverseasbioinformatics[7,8,9,10],image +recognition/retrieval [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17], fault diag- + 0is a scale factor, the product ärefers to en- +trywise multiplications, whereas Lis the Lévy distribution +with ( 1<f3). +Cuckoo search method has been exploited in network +trafficanalysispairedwithvarioustechniquesandtechnolo- +gies. In [124], authors propose an algorithm that uses PCA +and Cuckoo Search to reduce the feature space and to op- +timize the clustering center selection. A Cuckoo-based FS +algorithm is proposed in [125] to preprocess network data +Di Mauro et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 6 of 19Supervised Feature Selection Techniques in Network Intrusion Detection: a Critical Review +aimedatimprovingtheIDSdetectionaccuracyinclouden- +vironments. A Cuckoo search strategy has been also used +in [126] to optimize Artificial Neural Networks when deal- +ing with traffic anomaly detection issues. Again, coupled +with SVM, Cuckoo search has been adopted in FS to deal +with problem of phishing mail detection [127]. Recently, +extended versions of Cuckoo Search algorithm have been +advanced to cope with classification of tweetsin sentiment +analysis[128],ortodefeatattacksinSoftwareDefinedNet- +work infrastructures [129]. +4.4. Evolutionary Feature Selection +Suchfamilyofalgorithmsisinspiredbynaturalselection +theory, claiming that living organisms survived across mil- +lions of years thanks to an adaptation process. In a similar +way,thisaptitudecanbetranslatedinsearchforoptimalso- +lutions to a problem. Two exemplary tested algorithms are: +Genetic search and Multi Objective Evolutionary search. +4.4.1. Genetic Search +Genetic Algorithms (GAs) have been designed around +themid-1950s,whenbiologistsstartedtoperformcomputer- +based simulations aimed at analyzing more in deep the +evolution of genetic processes [130]. Then, GAs have +been extended to face problems ranging from neural net- +works weight estimation [131] to inequalities-based prob- +lems[132]. Apioneeringworkinthisfieldhasbeencarried +outbyHolland[133,134],and,today,manyvariantsofGAs +exist [135] and are applied in economy, computer science, +sociology. +The basic skeleton of a GA includes three operators +[136]:Reproduction, Crossover andMutation. +Reproduction refers to a process in charge of evaluating +theabilityofanindividualtobeselected(amongothers)for +reproduction, on the basis of a fitnessscore. +Crossover concerns the capability of a genetic operator +in recombining information to create new offspring. Typi- +cally, offspring is generated by exchanging genes of parents +until acrossover point is reached. +Mutation pertains to the probability that some offspring +genes could be modified or altered. +Genetic-based feature selection in network traffic analy- +sishasbeenusedinconjunctionwithmanyML-basedmeth- +ods. Authors in [137] exploit a GA-based FS approach to +optimize network traffic data before applying an artificial +neuralnetworktoperformattacksdetectionacrosscloudin- +frastructures. A combination of a genetic FS method and a +supervised classifier based on J48 algorithm is proposed in +[138]. More frequent across the scientific literature is the +couplingbetweengeneticFSandSVMclassifiersappliedto +networktrafficclassificationproblems(see[139,140,141]). +When dealing with FS problems, GAs allow to explore +the solution space by selecting the most promising regions, +thus,avoidingacostlyexhaustivesearch. Inourdomain,the +initial population is represented by the whole feature space +and the fitness function relies on the correlation among fea-tures and expressed by means of a meritindicator defined +further ahead in eq. (12). +Once entered the cycle represented in Fig. 1, the algo- +rithm calculates the fitness of each candidate solution per +iteration, selects individuals to reproduce, and generates a +newpopulationbytakingintoaccountcrossover(featurere- +combination with a certain probability), and mutation (one +featurecanbeturnedintoanotherfeaturewithacertainprob- +ability). +!"#$#%&'()*&%$#(" +!"#"$%&"'%#'(#(&(%) +*+*,)%&(+#+-'(#.(/(.,%)0 +,%&*%$#(" +1/%),%&"&2"'-(&#"00' +-,#3&(+#4+567'-,#3&78 -#$".//01%&*./ +900(:#&2"'%**$+*$(%&"' +-(&#"00'/%),"0 +2.&.3$#(" +;(#:)"'+,&'&2"'(#.(/(.,%)0 +-+$'$"*$+.,3&(+# 4.)5(6*3$#(" +!"#"$%&"'#"<'(#.(/(.,%)0 +43$+00+/"$='>,&%&(+#8' +Figure 1: Genetic Algorithms life cycle. +4.4.2. Multi-Objective Evolutionary Search +The family of solutions concerning a multiobjective op- +timization problem (MO) includes all the elements of the +search space whose objective vectors cannot be simultane- +ously improved (Pareto optimality concept) [142]. The set +of such objective vectors is said non-dominated. +Moreformally,aMOproblemcanbeformulatedasfol- +lows: given a vector of nobjective functions fof a vector +variable xin a domain Ddefined as +f.x/ = .f1.x/;f2.x/;§;fn.x/; (9) +a decision vector xhËDis Pareto-optimal iffthere is no +xkËDsuch that: +h +n +n +l +n +njÅiË ^1;§;n`;kifhi +á +ÇiË ^1;§;n` :ki0such that +p.Y=yðXi=xi/‘p.Y=y/: (11) +Namely,Xiis relevant if Yis conditionally dependent on +Xi. Thus, CFS is a filter algorithm that can rank feature +subsets according to a correlation-based heuristic function. +Precisely,givenasubset Sincludingkfeatures,theheuristic +meritMS;kis defined as: +MS;k=krfct +k+k.k* 1/rff; (12) +whererfcis the average value of feature/class correlations, +andrffis the average value of feature/feature correlations. +The numerator of (12) may be seen as an indicator of how +far a set of features is predictive of a class; whereas, the +denominator contains information about how much redun- +dancy there is among features. +Di Mauro et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 8 of 19Supervised Feature Selection Techniques in Network Intrusion Detection: a Critical Review +(a) Ant (21 fts) + (b) Scatter (4 fts) + (c) MO-EA (5 fts) +(d) Ranking (10 fts) + (e) Cuckoo (7 fts) + (f) Tabu/LFS (6 fts) +(g) Genetic (27 fts) + (h) PSO (18 fts) +Figure 2: Correlation maps for different algorithms - DDoS dataset. In parenthesis is +reported the number of features surviving after the FS process. +Our assessment is split into two parts: the first one con- +cernsasingleclass analysis,whereweevaluatedatasetsex- +hibitingdichotomous information (malign/benign); the sec- +ond one is focused on multi class problems, where we eval- +uate the effectiveness of FS in the presence of multiple +classes. +6.1. Single Class Analysis +Let us consider the Distributed Denial of Service +(DDoS) attack which, recently, is also affecting modern +SDN-basednetworks[154,155]. DDoSattacksaredesignedto overwhelm the target network resources by means of a +botnet, namely, a network composed of a large number of +malicious nodes sending tiny packets towards the target, ul- +timately coordinated by a botmaster . +Let us now analyze the results obtained by pre- +processing the DDoS dataset through the set of FS algo- +rithms introduced above. In Fig. 2 we report, for each al- +gorithm, the correlation map corresponding to a graphical +representation of covariance matrices. This representation +embedsthreeimportantpiecesofinformation: i)thenumber +offeaturessurvivingaftertheFSprocessingstep; ii)thetype +Di Mauro et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 9 of 19Supervised Feature Selection Techniques in Network Intrusion Detection: a Critical Review +0 1 2 3 4 5 +Training Size ×104100101102Feat. Sel. Time (sec)MO-EA +Rank +Ant +Tabu +Genetic +Particle Swarm +Cuckoo +Lin.Fwd.Sel. +Scatter +0 1 2 3 4 5 +Training Size ×104100101102Training Time (sec)NO Feat. Sel. +MO-EA +Rank +Ant +Tabu +Genetic +Particle Swarm +Cuckoo +Lin.Fwd.Sel. +Scatter +Figure 3: FS times - DDoS dataset (a); Training times - DDoS dataset (b). +offeatures;and iii)therelationshipexistingamongsurviving +features. Thelatteristakenintoaccountbymeansofagray +scale, in which darker shades indicate higher levels of cor- +relation. Thus, each .i;j/“pixel" gives the correlation level +between feature iand featurej. Accordingly, the pixels on +the main diagonal are always black (maximum correlation, +corr= 1), due to the self-correlation. As was to be expected, +highercorrelationarefoundamongthosefeaturesbelonging +to the same family (Time-based, Flow-based, etc.). +Some interesting considerations about the various cor- +relation maps arise. First, the number of features retained +by different algorithms may significantly diverge, which is +due to the specific approaches adopted by each algorithm. +TheGeneticalgorithmistheoneretainingthemostfeatures. +This is to be ascribed to the particular strategy of this al- +gorithm, which strives to escape local optima by applying +themutationoperator,thusallowingtoconsidermorepaths, +namely, more features. Second, some common features re- +tained by all the algorithms can be recognized. For in- +stance,thedestinationportfeatureisalwayspresentsince,in +aDDoSattack, atargetvictimis typicallyreachedonapar- +ticular exposed TCP/UDP port. Moreover, since DDoS at- +tacksarecharacterizedbyalargeamountofsmall-sizepack- +ets, features embodying information about packet lengths +are retained. The difference is that, some algorithms (e.g. +Scatter, MO-EA, Cuckoo, Tabu, LFS) just keep the essen- +tialfeaturesrelatedtopacketlength(e.g. totalpacketlength, +total number of bytes sent in initial window); whereas, +other algorithms (e.g. Ranking, Genetic, PSO, Ant) pre- +fer to retain more features belonging to the same family. +DDoSisalsocharacterizedbysomekindofsynchronization +amongthebots,whicharecoordinatedtolaunchanalmost- +simultaneous attack. This means that time-related features +willoftenprovideusefulinformationtodetectDDoS.Inter- +estingly, the Genetic algorithm retains 5features relating to +the inter-arrival flow times, resulting in a dark gray cluster +at the center of the correlation map (Fig. 2(g)).ItisalsopossibleforDDoSattackstobeevenmoreeffec- +tivethroughthemodificationoftheIPflags(e.g. SYN/RST +flooding). Accordingly, features embodying information +aboutIPflags(e.g. RST-SYN-URGflagcount)areretained +by algorithms such as Ant (Fig. 2(a)), MO-EA (Fig. 2(c)), +Cuckoo (Fig. 2(e)), Genetic (Fig. 2(g)), and PSO (Fig. +2(h)). Let us note that many algorithms opt for selecting +featuresthatareuncorrelatedamongthem(fewdarkgrayor +blackclustersarepresent)sincetheyconveymorevariegated +information. +Let us now analyze some findings obtained from the +time-complexity evaluation. To this aim, we use a PC +equipped with Intel CoreTMi5-7200U CPU@ 2.50GHz +CPUand16GBofRAM.InFig. 3(a),weshowhowtheFS +timevarieswithtrainingsize,fortheDDoSdataset. Nodra- +maticdifferencesareobservedacrossthevariousalgorithms, +even more significantly as the training size grows. Consid- +ering a relatively large training size (with 5 104training +instances), FS times range from about 10seconds (Scatter +algorithm) to almost 26seconds (MO-EA algorithm). Sur- +prisingly, the FS times are rather uniform, in spite of the +broadvariationinnumberofretainedfeatures(byeachofthe +algorithms). For instance, remaining in the case of 5 104 +training instances, Scatter retains the minimum number of +features (4), while Genetic retains the maximum number of +features(27);yetFStimesarecomparable( 16:19and10:18 +seconds, respectively). Although it is legitimate to expect +that higher FS time could be justified to produce a more re- +ducedfeaturespace,thescarcecorrelationbetweensuchob- +servables is due to the particular logic implemented in each +FS algorithm. +On the other hand, Fig. 3(b) provides the training times +obtained by applying the J48 benchmark algorithm, down- +stream of the FS processing step. Here, the black line (with +emptycircles)givesthetrainingtimesobtainedwhennoFS +processing is employed. We can observe how FS leads to +significantimprovements,intermsofbothtimesandtrends. +Di Mauro et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 10 of 19Supervised Feature Selection Techniques in Network Intrusion Detection: a Critical Review + NO F.S. MO-EA Rank Ant Tabu Genetic PSO Cuckoo LFS Scatter 0.970.9750.980.9850.990.99511.0051.01DDoS Dataset +Accuracy (DDoS) +F-Measure (DDoS) +Accuracy (Benign) +F-Measure (Benign) +(a) + NO F.S. MO-EA Rank Ant Tabu Genetic PSO Cuckoo LFS Scatter 0.970.9750.980.9850.990.99511.0051.01Portscan Dataset +Accuracy (Portscan) +F-Measure (Portscan) +Accuracy (Benign) +F-Measure (Benign) (b) + NO F.S. MO-EA Rank Ant Tabu Genetic PSO Cuckoo LFS Scatter 0.970.9750.980.9850.990.99511.005WebAttack Dataset +Accuracy (WebAttack) +F-Measure (WebAttack) +Accuracy (Benign) +F-Measure (Benign) +(c) + NO F.S. MO-EA Rank Ant Tabu Genetic PSO Cuckoo LFS Scatter 0.970.9750.980.9850.990.99511.005TOR Dataset +Accuracy (TOR) +F-Measure (TOR) +Accuracy (Non TOR) +F-Measure (Non TOR) (d) +Figure 4: Performance in terms of Accuracy/F-Measures for different single class datasets: +DDoS (a), Portscan (b), WebAttack (c), TOR (d). +The black (benchmark) line grows rapidly to almost 80 sec- +onds,whilemostalgorithmspeaktoalmost5seconds,with +theexceptionoftheGeneticalgorithm(yellowline)andthe +Particle Swarm algorithm (light blue line) that take over 10 +seconds to complete. This indicates that the FS process, on +the whole, brings gains in the range of about one order of +magnitude,whichmaybecomeevenmoresignificantasthe +dataset grows. +Let us now analyze the performance of the proposed FS +algorithmsintermsofAccuracyandF-Measure. Thesetwo +metrics,widelyusedinthefieldoftrafficclassification[156, +157], are defined as follows: +•Accuracy : the ratio of the correctly predicted obser- +vations to the total observations. This is the most in- +tuitive indicator. +•F-Measure : the weighted average of precision (ratio +ofcorrectlyclassifiedflowsoverallpredictedflowsina class) and recall (ratio of correctly classified flows +overallgroundtruthflowsinaclass). Thisisanindi- +cator of a per-class performance. +To verify that the effectiveness of the FS algorithms is +notlinkedtospecificdatasets,wehaveconsideredthe 4dif- +ferent datasets introduced in Sect. 5(DDoS, Portscan, We- +bAttack, and TOR), reporting our findings in Fig. 4. Just +like for the previous experiments, we have used the tree- +based J 48algorithm as a benchmark. We have adopted a +10-foldcross-validationwhichistypicalinappliedML,and +offersagoodtrade-offbetweentrainingtimeandrobustness. +Noticeably,allFSalgorithmsperformsatisfactorily(bothin +accuracy and F-measure) in comparison to the benchmark +(firstbarsinallthehistograms,labeledas“NOF.S.”)forthe +four datasets. +InsomeinstancestheFSalgorithmsperformedevenbet- +ter than the benchmark (e.g., Rank and Genetic algorithms +in the WebAttack dataset). This can be explained by a phe- +Di Mauro et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 11 of 19Supervised Feature Selection Techniques in Network Intrusion Detection: a Critical Review +(a) Ant (22 fts) + (b) Scatter/Tabu (9 fts) +Tot Lenof BwdPktsFwdPktLenStdBwdPktLenMeanInit_Win_bytes_FwdInit_Win_bytes_BwdFlow Pkt/sTot Lenof BwdPktsFwdPktLenStdBwdPktLenMeanInit_Win_bytes_FwdInit_Win_bytes_BwdFlow Pkt/s (c) MO-EA (6 fts) +(d) Ranking (28 fts) + (e) Cuckoo (17 fts) +Tot Lenof BwdPktsFwdPktLenStdAvgBwdSegmentSizeInit_Win_bytes_FwdInit_Win_bytes_BwdFlow IAT MaxFwdPktLenMaxBwdPktLenStdFlow IAT MinTot Lenof BwdPktsFwdPktLenStd +AvgBwdSegmentSizeInit_Win_bytes_FwdInit_Win_bytes_BwdFlow IAT MaxFwdPktLenMaxBwdPktLenStdFlow IAT Min (f) LFS (9 fts) +(g) Genetic (31 fts) + (h) PSO (23 fts) +Figure 5: Correlation maps - MultiAndroid dataset. In parenthesis is reported the number +of features surviving after the FS process. +nomenon that is well-known in ML, whereby models based +on too many features may lead to biased classification. On +theotherhand,whenFSmanagestoretainasufficientlyhigh +number of meaningful features, there is a positive effect on +accuracy. This is the case of the Genetic algorithm applied +to the TOR dataset (Fig. 4(d)) that performs better than the +other methods.6.2. Multi Class Analysis +Another fruitful analysis is aimed at evaluating FS al- +gorithms when multi-instance datasets are considered. This +turns out to be particularly useful when it is not possible to +discerndifferenttypesofdatatrafficviasomepre-processing +filter (e.g. IP/Port-based filtering). To assess this case, we +consider two datasets: the MultiAndroid dataset, containing +benigntrafficmixedupwithfivedifferenttypesofAndroid- +based threats; and the DDoS/Portscan dataset, including a +Di Mauro et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 12 of 19Supervised Feature Selection Techniques in Network Intrusion Detection: a Critical Review +0 1 2 3 4 5 +Training Size ×104100101102Feat. Sel. Time (sec)MO-EA +Rank +Ant +Tabu +Genetic +Particle Swarm +Cuckoo +Lin.Fwd.Sel. +Scatter +(a) +0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 +Training Size ×104100101102103Training Time (sec)NO Feat. Sel. +MO-EA +Rank +Ant +Tabu +Genetic +Particle Swarm +Cuckoo +Lin.Fwd.Sel. +Scatter (b) +Figure 6: FS times - MultiAndroid dataset (a); Training times - MultiAndroid dataset (b). +mix of DDoS, Portscan, and benign traffic. The MultiAn- +droiddataset,includesthefollowingtypesofmaligntraffic: +•FakeApp.AL : a scareware hidden inside a fake +Minecraft application, one of the most popular game +applications; +•Android Defender : a malware which, once acci- +dentally downloaded and installed, raises some fake +alerts; +•Gooligam : an insidious malware that has already in- +fected more than 1million Android-based devices, +aimed at stealing Google accounts for Drive, Docs, +Gmail, etc.; +•Feiwo: belonging to the adware family, it acts by +showingadvertisementsinthesystemnotificationbar, +and by sending device GPS coordinates to a remote +server; +•Charger: a ransomware hidden in some Google Play +applications, which gains root privileges and steals +contacts before asking for a ransom. +Let us analyze how FS algorithms impact on the Mul- +tiAndroid dataset in terms of feature correlation referring +first to the panels of Fig. 5. Comparing these results with +the ones of Fig. 2, an interesting difference emerges: all FS +algorithms retain more features w.r.t. the single-class case. +Thisbehavioriscoherentwiththefactthat,todealwithdif- +ferent types of threats (ransomware, adware, malware) we +need more features, to be able to capture this higher vari- +ability. This effect is even more evident in time-based fea- +tures (mainly inter-arrival times) and in size-based features +(mainly packet lengths). +Looking at DDoS, we observe a difference between +single- and multi-class analysis. In the latter, the destina-tion port is not retained as a crucial feature. This is possi- +blybecausemalwaresexploitdifferentmechanismstocreate +damage: rather than directly overwhelming a particular tar- +getport,theyfirstactinthebackground(e.g. bystealingpri- +vacy data) and then produce malicious traffic in egress. On +the other hand, DDoS attacks generate ingress traffic from +the infected device. +It is worth noticing that, when applied to multi-class +problems,allalgorithmshavepreservedtheiroriginallogic. +For instance, with 31 surviving features, the Genetic algo- +rithm is still the algorithm that saves more features, thanks +totheroleplayedbythemutationoperator. Anotherexample +istheMO-EAalgorithmthat,justlikeinthesingle-classex- +periment,retainsthesmallestnumberoffeatures( 6). Thisis +mainly due to the diversity-preservation mechanism, which +forces the selection of a representative subset of the whole +Pareto front. It optimizes conflicting objective functions, +thus few solutions survive. +The time-complexity evaluation is reported in Fig. 6, +which evaluates the usual FS algorithms onto the MultiAn- +droid dataset. FS times exhibit the same order of magni- +tude as in single-class analysis (Figs.3(a)). For a training +size amounting to 5 104instances, the fastest algorithm is +Scatter (FS time amounting to 9:541seconds); whereas the +slowest one is MO-EA (FS time amounting to 24:827sec- +onds). +The situation changes dramatically when we consider +training times for the J 48benchmark algorithm (Fig. 6(b)). +Notably, multi-class algorithms are roughly one order of +magnitudeslowerthantheirsingle-classcounterpart. Forin- +stance,letusconsidertheGeneticalgorithm(yellowcurve). +Fora 103trainingsize,GeneticFSreducesthetrainingtime +to1:861seconds, growing to the following (X;Y) points: +(104;10:731); (2 < 104;56:748); (3 < 104;133:346); +(5 < 104;301:997). Thelongertrainingtimesarisefromthe +process of training multiple classes. Nevertheless, signifi- +Di Mauro et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 13 of 19Supervised Feature Selection Techniques in Network Intrusion Detection: a Critical Review + NO F.S. MO-EA Rank Ant Tabu Genetic PSO Cuckoo LFS/Scat Dataset (Android threats) - Accuracy +FakeAppal +Andr.Defender +Gooligan +Feiwo +Charger +Benign +(a) + NO F.S. MO-EA Rank Ant Tabu Genetic PSO Cuckoo LFS/Scat Dataset (Android threats) - F-Measure +FakeAppal +Andr.Defender +Gooligan +Feiwo +Charger +Benign (b) + NO F.S. MO-EA Rank Ant Tabu Genetic PSO Cuckoo LFS Scatter 0.980.9850.990.99511.005Multi-Class Dataset (DDoS/Portscan) - Accuracy +DDoS +Portscan +Benign +(c) + NO F.S. MO-EA Rank Ant Tabu Genetic PSO Cuckoo LFS Scatter 0.980.9850.990.99511.005Multi-Class Dataset (DDoS/Portscan) - F-Measure +DDoS +Portscan +Benign (d) +Figure 7: MultiAndroid dataset: Accuracy (a), F-Measure (b); DDoS/Portscan dataset: +Accuracy (c), F-Measure (d); +cant gains are still obtained by all FS algorithms compared +to the “NO F.S.” benchmark, which peaks at 446:329secs. +Turning now to the performance analysis, in Fig. 7 +wecomparethetwomulti-classdatasets,MultiAndroidand +DDoS/Portscan,drawingsomeinterestingconsiderations. It +is comparably more difficult to detect Android threats than +DDoS/Portscan attacks - MultiAndroid accuracy is below +0:7and F-Measure is below 0:5. However, this issue is +not generated by the FS processes, since the “NO F.S.” per- +formance is poor too, particularly with the “Benign” class. +This issue arises from two facts. First, mobile network at- +tacks are often accompanied by activities that do not di- +rectly/immediately generate network anomalies. Examples +are ransomware and malware, whereby the anomalies arise +after the user has downloaded the malicious application. +There is typically a lag between infection and anomalies, +as the malicious program initially establishes a secret/silent +communication with a remote server, and then graduallysteals/sends private user data. Another example is adware, +wherethoseannoyingbannersactuallyincurverylittledata, +thusmakingithardtodetectfromtheregulartraffic. Asec- +ond reason for the poor MultiAndroid performance is the +strongsimilarityamongdifferentmalignclasses(e.g.,scare- +ware, adware, ransomware). Similar considerations hold +trueinthecaseinwhichweconsideradatasetincludingWe- +battackandTORtraffic(notreportedforspaceconstraints), +whereby the high similarity between the two classes re- +sulted in poor classification performance. We should how- +ever stress that FS algorithms are still very beneficial, since +thetime-complexitybenefitsidentifiedareachievedwithno +dramatic loss in accuracy. +By contrast, the DDoS/Portscan multi-class case +achieves outstanding performance (Figs.7(c) and (d)). This +is because these types of attacks are radically distinct in +the way they exploit network vulnerabilities: DDoS falls +under the umbrella of volumetric attacks; whereas Portscan +Di Mauro et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 14 of 19Supervised Feature Selection Techniques in Network Intrusion Detection: a Critical Review +attacks employ monitoring strategies to unveil possible +open ports. In other words, a peculiar symptom of a DDoS +attack is the presence of an exceptionally large number +of connections coming from different nodes and heading +towards one network target’s port. Conversely, a symptom +of Portscan attacks is the presence of just a single node (or +a few nodes in case of simultaneous Portscans) opening a +considerably large number of connections towards multiple +ports of a certain network target. Thus it is relatively easier +to differentiate between these two attacks. +6.3. General Remarks +Overall, we can observe that FS algorithms do lead to +an effective reduction in feature space, ranging from 65~ +(Single Class, Genetic) to 95~(Single Class, Scatter) and +from 60~(Multi Class, Genetic) to 92~(Multi Class, MO- +EA). Such feature-space reduction translates into signifi- +cantcomputational-timeimprovements,whichbecomeeven +more remarked as the training size grows. For instance, +with a training set of 50ksamples (single-class DDoS) the +MO-EA algorithm takes 24:8secs to perform FS, while the +trainingtimecomparedtothebenchmarkdropsfrom 72:2to +5:13secs. Atthesametime,performanceisnotsignificantly +degraded by the feature reduction process - accuracy drops +from 0:9993to0:9971. Similar considerations hold for all +other algorithms. +The performed assessment provides invaluable guide- +linesfornetwork/securitymanagementpractitionersdealing +with traffic classification problems. Our evaluation frame- +work aims at weighing the practical benefits of the vari- +ous FS techniques in terms of time-complexity reduction +and performance guarantees. For instance, if we aimed at +minimizing the overall processing time (i.e., FS plus train- +ing times), the Scatter algorithm would be the best choice. +Thisincursatotalprocessingtimeamountingto 14:338sec- +onds for the single-class case (FS= 10:178secs plus train- +ing= 4:16secs),andto 219:963secondsformulti-class(FS= +9:541secsplustraining= 210:422secs). Conversely,theGe- +neticmethodwouldbepreferabletomaximizeperformance. +7. Conclusion and Future Direction +Aprominentresearchdirectionfornetworkintrusionde- +tectionistheadoptionofmachinelearningmethods,partic- +ularly for the detection of anomalous (and often malicious) +network-traffic flows. Looking at the literature, we find am- +ple examples of network classification problems. Yet, little +attention has been turned towards feature selection, which +is an essential classification pre-processing step. We argue +that the main reason for this overlook is that most studies +have been based on the obsolete KDD 99dataset, which in- +cludesfewfeatures,thusmakingFSirrelevant. Ontheother +hand, we consider that modern network engines generate +much richer features (in fact, hundreds of features), which +allowmorefineandgranularnetworktrafficanalyses. How- +ever, this extra capability results into impractical ML train- +ingtimes,makingitnecessarytounderstandhowFSmaybe +realized effectively.To this end, herein we have carried out an experimental +comparativeevaluationofprominentmethods,withtheview +to provide insights as to how the different FS algorithms +perform in the peculiar context of network-traffic classifica- +tion. Our assessment shows how few, relevant features are +retained, but also that the FS reduction process is virtually +lossless, with a significant acceleration of the overall train- +ing process. +To sum up, the novelties of our work are: +i)we carry out an experimental-based review, consider- +ingrecentdatasets(includingDDoS,Portscan,WebAttacks, +and Android threats), as opposed to the obsolete KDD 99 +dataset adopted in most literature; +ii)we compare and contrast a representative number +of alternative FS algorithm types, including classic rank- +guided methods (LFS, Ranking), meta-heuristic methods +(Particle Swarm, Tabu, Scatter), nature-inspired methods +(Ant, Cuckoo), and evolutionary methods (Genetic, MO- +EA); +iii)we provide actual experimental results, unveiling +trade-offs between performance (Accuracy/F-Measure) and +computational time, at different scales (training set size). +Ultimately,ouranalysisshowsthebenefitslinkedtoem- +bedding the FS process into network analysis, providing a +valuable tool for identifying the most useful features out of +hundreds of possibilities. This will prove invaluable to the +fieldsofnetworkmanagement,securitymanagement,intru- +sion detection and incident response. We should note that, +the purpose of our comparative evaluation was not to claim +the predominance of some FS algorithms over others but, +rather, to suggest a methodical framework to work with FS. +As a byproduct of our investigation, some interesting +open research directions emerge: i)extending the present +analysisto unsupervised FStechniques,whichwouldbeuse- +ful to deal with datasets lacking class labels, or with new +types of (unknown) malicious traffic - this is the case of so +called zero-day attacks that have no prior information; ii) +consideringthecaseofstreameddataanalysis,whichisnec- +essary when dealing with extremely time-variant streams, +wherebytheFSprocessshouldberepeatedacrosstime(e.g. +byusingamobiletimewindow),soastoperiodicallyupdate +theresultingdatasetwiththefreshestfeatures; iii)designing +routines to automatically manage the best FS strategies to +be applied in accordance to specific criteria (e.g. accuracy +target, latency needs, etc.). 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