diff --git "a/partial_input/validation_matched_anti-biased.jsonl" "b/partial_input/validation_matched_anti-biased.jsonl" deleted file mode 100644--- "a/partial_input/validation_matched_anti-biased.jsonl" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2070 +0,0 @@ -{"premise":"If that investor were willing to pay extra for the security of limited downside, she could buy put options with a strike price of $98, which would lock in her profit on the shares at $18, less whatever the options cost.","hypothesis":"THe strike price could be $8.","label":2,"idx":8} -{"premise":"The most important directions are simply up and up leads eventually to the cathedral and fortress commanding the hilltop, and down inevitably leads to one of three gates through the wall to the new town.","hypothesis":"Go downwards to one of the gates, all of which will lead you into the cathedral.","label":2,"idx":10} -{"premise":"You and your friends are not welcome here, said Severn.","hypothesis":"Severn said the people were not welcome there.","label":0,"idx":13} -{"premise":"um-hum um-hum yeah well uh i can see you know it's it's it's it's kind of funny because we it seems like we loan money you know we money with strings attached and if the government changes and the country that we loan the money to um i can see why the might have a different attitude towards paying it back it's a lot us that you know we don't really loan money to to countries we loan money to governments and it's the","hypothesis":"We don't loan a lot of money.","label":1,"idx":14} -{"premise":"So far, however, the number of mail pieces lost to alternative bill-paying methods is too small to have any material impact on First-Class volume.","hypothesis":"The amount of lost mail is huge and really impacts mail volume","label":2,"idx":19} -{"premise":"Blue says Blumenthal claimed Clinton had told him that Lewinsky had made unwanted sexual advances.","hypothesis":"Clinton said that Monica Lewinsky made unwanted sexual advances during her time as a journalist in the White House. ","label":1,"idx":22} -{"premise":"oh uh-huh well no they wouldn't would they no","hypothesis":"No, they wouldn't go there.","label":1,"idx":24} -{"premise":"He was of two minds, one reveled in the peace of this village.","hypothesis":"He loved how peaceful the village was.","label":0,"idx":34} -{"premise":"There are a number of expensive jewelry and other duty-free shops, all with goods priced in US dollars (duty-free goods must always be paid for in foreign currency).","hypothesis":"Jewelry and duty-free shops are an interesting place to buy goods.","label":1,"idx":40} -{"premise":"but uh these guys were actually on the road uh two thousand miles from from home when they had to file their uh their final exams and send them in","hypothesis":"These men filed their midterm exams from home. ","label":2,"idx":45} -{"premise":"He hadn't seen even pictures of such things since the few silent movies run in some of the little art theaters.","hypothesis":"He had recently seen pictures depicting those things.","label":2,"idx":51} -{"premise":"The Celts arrived in the wake of the Roman withdrawal at the end of the fourth century.","hypothesis":"At the end of the fourth century was when baked goods flourished.","label":1,"idx":53} -{"premise":"The campaigns seem to reach a new pool of contributors.","hypothesis":"New people chose to donate to the cause ","label":0,"idx":61} -{"premise":"Tuppence rose.","hypothesis":"Tuppence floated into the air.","label":1,"idx":65} -{"premise":"'Dave Hanson, to whom nothing was impossible.' Well, we have a nearly impossible task: a task of engineering and building.","hypothesis":"This building job will be very difficult to complete.","label":0,"idx":69} -{"premise":"There are no shares of a stock that might someday come back, just piles of options as worthless as those shares of Cook's American Business Alliance.","hypothesis":" Cook's American Business Alliance caused shares of stock to come back.","label":2,"idx":72} -{"premise":"Isn't a woman's body her most personal property?","hypothesis":"Women's bodies belong to themselves, they should decide what to do with it. ","label":1,"idx":75} -{"premise":"that your approach is is is right you can actually go out and sub it if even if you don't wanna get hands on you can even just sub it out the concrete and those kind of things and and that's kind of the plan i have so um uh everyone i talk to uh i've","hypothesis":"You can sub it even if you do not want to get your hands on it.","label":0,"idx":76} -{"premise":"What changed?","hypothesis":"What was unique?","label":1,"idx":77} -{"premise":"oh i don't know either the other growing up all i knew was","hypothesis":"I know because I learned it growing up","label":2,"idx":78} -{"premise":"Justice Kennedy does not care what law librarians across the country do with all the Supreme Court Reporters from 1790 through 1998.","hypothesis":"Justice Kennedy doesn't care if the Supreme Court Reporters from 1790 to 1998 are thrown away.","label":0,"idx":80} -{"premise":"The entire city was surrounded by open countryside with a scattering of small villages.","hypothesis":"The whole countryside is scattered with small villages. ","label":0,"idx":81} -{"premise":"it's actually there well Iraq has had uh designs on that place since nineteen twenty two so you know it wasn't like something that just suddenly popped up","hypothesis":"The weird thing is that Iraq was never interested in that place until now.","label":2,"idx":83} -{"premise":"In Texas, the legislature was instrumental in effecting changes to the state's benefit programs through provisions in several pieces of legislation.","hypothesis":"The legislature was instrumental in effecting changes to the benefit program.","label":0,"idx":103} -{"premise":"Perhaps all we can say of great acting is that it involves assimilation rather than accumulation, that the performer isn't so much a surrogate as a vessel.","hypothesis":"An actor is judged solely on quality of performance.","label":1,"idx":104} -{"premise":"Around 1500 b.c. , a massive volcanic eruption at Santorini destroyed not only Akrotiri under feet of ash and pumice but the whole Minoan civilization.","hypothesis":"The entire Minoan civilization was destroyed by a volcanic eruption.","label":0,"idx":106} -{"premise":"Over most of the 1980s and 1990s, the U.S. was able to invest more than it saved by attracting financing from abroad.","hypothesis":"The US could save more than it invested in the 1980's and 90's.","label":2,"idx":110} -{"premise":"Julius before the safe in the flat, her own question and the pause before his reply, \"Nothing.\" Was there really nothing? ","hypothesis":"Julius paused for a while, before answering her.","label":0,"idx":114} -{"premise":"This town, which flourished between 6500 and 5500 b.c. , had flat-roofed houses of mud and timber decorated with wall-paintings, some of which show patterns that still appear on Anatolian kilims.","hypothesis":"This town is over 8000 years old.","label":0,"idx":121} -{"premise":"The red moon made her skin glow.","hypothesis":"Her skin was glowing from the red moon.","label":0,"idx":124} -{"premise":"They made little effort, despite the Jesuit presence in Asia, to convert local inhabitants to Christianity or to expand their territory into the interior.","hypothesis":"The Jesuit presence in Asia helped to convert local residents to Christianity, allowing them to expand their territory. ","label":2,"idx":132} -{"premise":"Fixing current levels of damage would be impossible.","hypothesis":"The damage could never be fixed by an artisan.","label":1,"idx":142} -{"premise":"Tracking down the tiger is a subtle affair, and requires a degree of dedication, calm, and stealth.","hypothesis":"You must be very silent when tracking tigers.","label":0,"idx":156} -{"premise":"yeah but uh do you have small kids","hypothesis":"Do you have any children? ","label":1,"idx":159} -{"premise":"For big Raj-buffs, the supreme example of Indo-Gothic style is the Victoria Terminus, affectionately abbreviated to VT nowadays, once the railway station that launched adventures inland, now handling mostly suburban traffic.","hypothesis":"The Victoria Terminus is still the main departure point for travelers heading deeper into the country.","label":2,"idx":160} -{"premise":"The word itself, tapa, is translated as lid and derives from the old custom of offering a bite of food along with a drink, the food being served on a saucer sitting on top of the glass like a lid.","hypothesis":"Tapas are only small in order for you to try a lot.","label":1,"idx":163} -{"premise":"The Tunnel of Eupalinos can be explored but it's not for the claustrophobic.","hypothesis":"Claustrophobics will not enjoy the tunnel of Eupalinos.","label":0,"idx":167} -{"premise":"He had forgotten about Adrin.","hypothesis":"He didn't remember Adrin.","label":0,"idx":177} -{"premise":"The best beach in Europe ' at least that's the verdict of its regulars.","hypothesis":"Regulars say that it is totally free of litter and pollution.","label":1,"idx":178} -{"premise":"Reportedly the biggest payment made in such a case, it is hardly a nick in Texaco's annual revenue of more than $30 billion.","hypothesis":"The biggest payment they made barely hurt their profits.","label":0,"idx":179} -{"premise":"We hate them because they are smarter, or more studious, or more focused than we are.","hypothesis":"We hate them out of jealousy for being smarter than us. ","label":0,"idx":183} -{"premise":"32 Under the RSA proposal, a worker between the ages of 25 and 60 with family earnings of at least $5,000 could contribute up to $1,000 annually through either an employer-sponsored saving plan or a tax-deferred individual account.","hypothesis":"Most workers could contribute up to $1,000 each year.","label":0,"idx":188} -{"premise":"of course you could annex Cuba but they wouldn't like that a bit","hypothesis":"Annexing Cuba is a great idea.","label":2,"idx":191} -{"premise":"Sir James's presence in Manchester was not accidental.","hypothesis":"Manchester was not the place that Sir James had intended to go.","label":2,"idx":197} -{"premise":"No, indeed, said Cynthia. ","hypothesis":"Certainly not, said Cynthia.","label":0,"idx":202} -{"premise":"We were playing all sorts of sports, and you were not, so shut up and stop twitching,' the microbe's tone of voice changed, it was lower and more resounding.","hypothesis":"We have played football, basketball, baseball and soccer and you haven't played anything so shut your mouth. ","label":0,"idx":205} -{"premise":"There are no shares of a stock that might someday come back, just piles of options as worthless as those shares of Cook's American Business Alliance.","hypothesis":"Those shares of stocks will never come back.","label":0,"idx":212} -{"premise":"No one was there, no bones at all.","hypothesis":"There were many bones in a pile.","label":2,"idx":218} -{"premise":"Enter the realm of shopping malls, where everything you're looking for is available without moving your car.","hypothesis":"Everything can be found inside a shopping mall.","label":1,"idx":220} -{"premise":"well that's uh i agree with you there i mean he didn't have the surrounding cast that Montana had there's no doubt about that","hypothesis":"I don't agree when you say that he didn't have as much support as Montana.","label":2,"idx":221} -{"premise":"As with other types of internal controls, this is a cycle of activity, not an exercise with a defined beginning and end.","hypothesis":"There is no clear beginning and end, it's a continuous cycle.","label":0,"idx":222} -{"premise":"With their fluent Vietnamese and Mandarin, they help Tran understand her family's eligibility for Medi-Cal and food stamps, assist the 70-year-old woman in finding a place to live and advise abused women how they can stay in the country while staying away from their husbands.","hypothesis":"Tran spoke Mandarin. ","label":0,"idx":224} -{"premise":"It was planned in the 1820s as a symbol of Scottish national pride and designed as a mini-Parthenon, in deference to the neoclassical style popular at the time.","hypothesis":"It was designed to look just like the White House. ","label":2,"idx":226} -{"premise":"the the Iranian borders are still open uh from what i understand understand um","hypothesis":"From what I know the borders of Iran are still open.","label":0,"idx":233} -{"premise":"Something may be better than nothing . If trials compared low-cost therapy to the complete AZT regimen it's likely that the new regimens will prove less effective.","hypothesis":"It is better to have little than to have none at all.","label":0,"idx":236} -{"premise":"it would probably be a lot more work and probably not turn out as good","hypothesis":"Oh that way sounds great, it could turn out even better","label":2,"idx":237} -{"premise":"Cave 31 tries to emulate the style of the great Hindu temple on a much smaller scale, but the artists here were working on much harder rock and so abandoned their effort.","hypothesis":"Cave 31 ran into problems because it was made of harder rock. ","label":0,"idx":250} -{"premise":"There is very little to see here, or at the ruined Essene monastery of Qumran itself.","hypothesis":"Most visitors skip this city, or only stay here a night while passing through.","label":1,"idx":251} -{"premise":"And who should decide?","hypothesis":"No one is willing to make the decision.","label":1,"idx":256} -{"premise":"Then he is very sure. ","hypothesis":"He is very sure of himself.","label":1,"idx":259} -{"premise":"Why blame her because she had been true to her creed? ","hypothesis":"She was not faithful to her own belief system.","label":2,"idx":271} -{"premise":"And really it's a great relief to think he's going, Hastings, continued my honest friend. ","hypothesis":"\"Are you sure we can't do anything to keep him here?,\" admitted my long-time nemesis.","label":2,"idx":277} -{"premise":"'Not entirely,' I snapped, harsher than intended.","hypothesis":"I spoke more harshly than I wanted to. ","label":0,"idx":278} -{"premise":"It features over 50 outlets for discounted designer fashions, from Armani to DKNY.","hypothesis":"It has over 50 discount stores for designer fashion brands.","label":0,"idx":279} -{"premise":"Most pundits side with bushy-headed George Stephanopoulos ( This Week ), arguing that only air strikes would be politically palatable.","hypothesis":"Mr. Stephanopoulos has a very large pundit following due to his stance on air strikes only being politically palatable.","label":0,"idx":285} -{"premise":"The best beach in Europe ' at least that's the verdict of its regulars.","hypothesis":"Regular beachgoers say that it is the best in Europe.","label":0,"idx":288} -{"premise":"2) This particular instance of it stinks.","hypothesis":"It is a terrible situation. ","label":0,"idx":293} -{"premise":"If you have any questions about this report, please contact Henry R. Wray, Senior Associate General Counsel, at (202) 512-8581.","hypothesis":"Henry R. Wray can be reached at (555) 512-8581.","label":2,"idx":298} -{"premise":"Back to the subject of celebrity interviews, British magazines have published a huge number with actress Kate Winslet, the star of Titanic , to promote a new British film she has made.","hypothesis":"British magazines boycotted Kate Winslet.","label":2,"idx":303} -{"premise":"Although all four categories of emissions are down substantially, they only achieve 50-75% of the proposed cap by 2007 (shown as the dotted horizontal line in each of the above figures).","hypothesis":"There has been a substantial decrease in each of the emission categories.","label":0,"idx":305} -{"premise":"Black professionals braid their hair to display their ethnic pride.","hypothesis":"Blacks proudly braid their hair.","label":0,"idx":307} -{"premise":"7) Nonautomated First-Class and Standard-A mailers have the option of requesting that their mail be processed manually, even though the costs for such processing are substantially higher than mechanized processing.","hypothesis":"Nonautomated First-Class and Standard-A mailers cannot ask for their mail to be processed by hand because it costs the postal service more.","label":2,"idx":309} -{"premise":"Although all four categories of emissions are down substantially, they only achieve 50-75% of the proposed cap by 2007 (shown as the dotted horizontal line in each of the above figures).","hypothesis":"All of the emission categories experienced a downturn except for one.","label":2,"idx":312} -{"premise":"Cultural festivals are one opportunity, but the better way is at a private wedding or feast day when the performances are set in their true context.","hypothesis":"Cultural festivals are out of context and do not feel as authentic as genuine feast day or wedding performances.","label":1,"idx":314} -{"premise":"This testing of the marketplace may range from written or telephone contacts with knowledgeable federal and non-federal experts regarding similar or duplicate requirements and the results of any market test recently undertaken, to the more formal sources-sought announcements in pertinent publications (e.g.","hypothesis":"This marketplace testing ranges from informal to formal surveys.","label":0,"idx":317} -{"premise":" There was food for all, and houses had been conjured hastily to shelter the people.","hypothesis":"There was not enough food for all sadly.","label":2,"idx":321} -{"premise":"Try a selection at the Whisky Heritage Centre (they have over 100 for you to sample), where you can then buy a bottle or two of your personal favorite in the shop or in stores around the city.","hypothesis":"There are at least 100 things to sample at Whisky Heritage Centre.","label":0,"idx":324} -{"premise":"They made little effort, despite the Jesuit presence in Asia, to convert local inhabitants to Christianity or to expand their territory into the interior.","hypothesis":"The Jesuit thought that by converting the Asian people to Christianity, it would help them to expand their territory. ","label":2,"idx":325} -{"premise":"Chapter 1: His real name was Leonard Franklin Slye.","hypothesis":"Chapter 1 introduces Leonard Franklin Slye, the second one continues like this.","label":1,"idx":328} -{"premise":"and so i have really enjoyed that but but there are i do have friends that watch programs like they want to see a particular program and they are either home watching it or definitely recording it they have some programs that they won't miss","hypothesis":"What programs do your friends like to watch?","label":1,"idx":330} -{"premise":"If the company makes money on the policy, other insurers are expected to follow.","hypothesis":"If the company loses money on the policy then other insurers will copy them. ","label":2,"idx":331} -{"premise":"The results of the sheepshead minnow, Cyprinodon variegatus, inland silverside, Menidia beryllina, or mysid, Mysidopsis bahia, tests are acceptable if survival in the controls is 80 percent or greater.","hypothesis":"Tests are only acceptable when survival rates during controls come to at least 70 percent.","label":2,"idx":338} -{"premise":"yeah well that's not really immigration","hypothesis":"That is the focus of immigration.","label":2,"idx":342} -{"premise":"My unborn children will never appear on the Today show.","hypothesis":"My sons and daughter will be anchors on the Today show.","label":2,"idx":344} -{"premise":"Indeed, 58 percent of Columbia\/HCA's beds lie empty, compared with 35 percent of nonprofit beds.","hypothesis":"58% of Columbia\/HCA's beds are empty, said the report.","label":0,"idx":353} -{"premise":"The library is the largest of any plantation in Jamaica, with over 300 volumes, including three first editions; the books would have been used to while away the long humid days.","hypothesis":"The library has over 300 volumes, including 3 first editions. ","label":0,"idx":354} -{"premise":"The long-sought, the mysterious, the elusive Jane Finn! ","hypothesis":"Jane Finn is easily found but not often looked for.","label":2,"idx":355} -{"premise":"'No one in Large would ever try to harm us.","hypothesis":"They're out to get us there in Large, you know.","label":2,"idx":361} -{"premise":"Lie back, and DON'T THINK.","hypothesis":"Lie back, and do not use your crazy mind.","label":1,"idx":371} -{"premise":"Jon drew it out and stabbed again in the man's throat.","hypothesis":"Jon stabbed the man's throat multiple times.","label":0,"idx":372} -{"premise":"Now it's my turn, and even if I'm walking in a dead man's shoes, I can make my way afresh.","hypothesis":"It's your turn.","label":2,"idx":375} -{"premise":"As recent events illustrate, trust takes years to gain but can be lost in an instant.","hypothesis":"Trust, once built, is hard to lose.","label":2,"idx":378} -{"premise":"But when he was persuaded by divers means to help us, he gave up after one week, declaring it beyond his powers.","hypothesis":"He solved the issue within seven days, because he was so smart.","label":2,"idx":379} -{"premise":"She gave the girl clothes and gifts and took her to her Connecticut estate for weekend pony rides, according to the Star . How was I supposed to compete with that?","hypothesis":"She gave the boy clothes, gifts and pony rides. That's hard to compete with.","label":2,"idx":380} -{"premise":"But employers are still driving, and that's all that counts.","hypothesis":"Employers have continued to operate motor vehicles, and that's all that matters.","label":0,"idx":388} -{"premise":"Near Jerusalem","hypothesis":"It is three miles from Jerusalem.","label":1,"idx":393} -{"premise":"He's been mean-spirited and vicious for so long that editors and reporters are tired of hearing about it.","hypothesis":"Editors and reporters are tired of hearing about it since he has been vicious for long.","label":0,"idx":401} -{"premise":"For the next two centuries Aelia Capitolina enjoyed an innocuous history.","hypothesis":"Aelia Capitolina enjoyed an innocuous history by staying off the maps of Romans and other empires. ","label":1,"idx":403} -{"premise":"so are can i just ask you are you Canadian","hypothesis":"Are you from the U.S.?","label":2,"idx":415} -{"premise":"uh-huh i i thought they did an excellent job of actually aging the person you know from when he was a little kid to little older to little older to except the last the very last you know the last person the last actor that played the kid","hypothesis":"Yeah they did an amazing job of making that person age through the years, except that last part.","label":0,"idx":418} -{"premise":"When asked about the Bible's literal account of creation, as opposed to the attractive concept of divine creation, every major Republican presidential candidate--even Bauer--has squirmed, ducked, and tried to steer the discussion back to faith, morals, and the general idea that humans were created in the image of God.","hypothesis":"Every republican presidential candidate has tried to avoid the question of creation.","label":0,"idx":419} -{"premise":"One bakes Flipper.","hypothesis":"The flipper was here.","label":1,"idx":421} -{"premise":"The Women's Haven, which provides shelter and outreach to domestic-violence victims, already has a full-time attorney.","hypothesis":"There is a full-time attorney at the Women's Haven already.","label":0,"idx":422} -{"premise":"The purpose of the Diwan-i-Khas is hotly disputed; it is not necessarily the hall of private audience that its name implies.","hypothesis":"The name suggest that it is open to the public.","label":2,"idx":424} -{"premise":"CHAPTER 6: HUMAN CAPITAL","hypothesis":"Humans have capital.","label":1,"idx":435} -{"premise":"and those are the people that you know can you rehabilitate them the some of the ones that are you know perpetual","hypothesis":"You wonder if it's possible to rehabilitate those types of people.","label":1,"idx":441} -{"premise":"The Kal tangled both of Adrin's arms, keeping the blades far away.","hypothesis":"Adrin's arms were tangled, keeping his rusty blades away from Kal.","label":1,"idx":456} -{"premise":"Another White House murder mystery and a chance to bash the genre.","hypothesis":"White House murder mystery has other works before this one.","label":0,"idx":497} -{"premise":"Apparently, Greuze wasn't worried about needing protection.","hypothesis":"Greuze didn't worry about needing protection.","label":0,"idx":504} -{"premise":"Sitting up at night is always rather jumpy, she confessed.","hypothesis":"She confessed to her cat, \"Sitting up at night is a rather jumpy experience.\"","label":1,"idx":505} -{"premise":"Happily, there's still a lot that hasn't yet been adulterated on the two islands'meaning that visitors also have a choice.","hypothesis":"The two islands still have many activities that aren't yet tainted.","label":0,"idx":506} -{"premise":"The almost midtown Massabielle quarter (faubourg de Massabielle), is sometimes described as the most picturesque in the city.","hypothesis":"The most picturesque part of the city is in the south.","label":2,"idx":509} -{"premise":"Although this award will now be handed out annually, Bailey was selected for several years of his commitment.","hypothesis":"The award which Bailey was selected for several times in the past is going to handed out once a year.","label":0,"idx":512} -{"premise":"This one ended up being surprisingly easy!","hypothesis":"This is an easy one. ","label":0,"idx":513} -{"premise":"Several pro-life Dems are mounting serious campaigns at the state level, often against pro-choice Republicans.","hypothesis":"Silly campaigns are being invented by dumb democrats.","label":2,"idx":520} -{"premise":"and once we came here it was like gosh i just miss that because it really is exciting to be around people of different","hypothesis":"It was exciting when we first came here. ","label":1,"idx":526} -{"premise":"Anyway, thank you very much for trying to help us.","hypothesis":"Thanks for all your help.","label":0,"idx":529} -{"premise":"The Vice President and his representatives have asserted that GAO lacks the statutory authority to examine the activities of the NEPDG, recognizing only GAOas authority to audit its financial transactions.","hypothesis":"The Vice President has sacked a few representatives. ","label":2,"idx":535} -{"premise":"Increased saving by current generations would expand the nation's capital stock, allowing future generations to better afford the nation's retirement costs while also enjoying higher standards of living.","hypothesis":"Current generations' increased saving would expand the nation's capital stock, allowing future generations to better afford the nation's retirement costs while also enjoying higher standards of living.","label":0,"idx":536} -{"premise":"China could never trump the warhead blizzard Washington would send in retaliation against any atomic attack, though the country would be loath to cede to U.S. missile defenses the deterrence afforded by its handfuls of warheads.","hypothesis":"China had many more nuclear warhead than the US.","label":2,"idx":540} -{"premise":"Two economists at Virginia Commonwealth University--yes, here are the economists again, but this time making a more plausible argument--studied millions of auto-accident claims filed between 1989 and 1993.","hypothesis":"Two qualified researchers looked into vehicular accident insurance claims.","label":1,"idx":545} -{"premise":"As long as Assad lives, he can manage these troubles and keep an agreement with Israel.","hypothesis":"The only way for Assad to take care of the trouble is for him to die. ","label":2,"idx":565} -{"premise":"Another alternative is that our heroes were pursuing the noble goal of academics everywhere--tenure.","hypothesis":"Our heroes are going after their academic goals. ","label":0,"idx":587} -{"premise":"The Fray's reputation as a home for hostile, rude, and mean-spirited exchanges suffered a severe beating at the hands of the Reading thread, which was so civilized that participants suggested taking insulin shots afterward.","hypothesis":"The Fray is known as a hostile, rude, and mean place.","label":0,"idx":590} -{"premise":"oh i've never itemized yet","hypothesis":"I've never itemized before.","label":0,"idx":591} -{"premise":"The new rights are nice enough","hypothesis":"The latest privileges are adequate ","label":0,"idx":598} -{"premise":"Pro-Microsoft analysts spin this as a heroic sacrifice, removing the lightning rod whose seemingly disingenuous testimony has ostensibly driven the DOJ to the verge of demanding the company's breakup.","hypothesis":"Pro-Apple analysts say that was a sacrifice for the company.","label":2,"idx":601} -{"premise":"They do not know it themselves.' ","hypothesis":"They have no knowledge of it themselves.","label":0,"idx":602} -{"premise":"Beatrice and Grace made out OK legally, but some of us will never use their products again without thinking about Travolta losing his shirt in the name of those wasted-away little kids.","hypothesis":"Beatrice and Grace ended up in prison at the end.","label":2,"idx":603} -{"premise":"Does anyone know what happened to chaos?","hypothesis":"I know what happened to chaos.","label":1,"idx":604} -{"premise":"The rock has a soft texture and can be bought in a variety of shapes.","hypothesis":"The rock is harder than most types of rock.","label":2,"idx":605} -{"premise":"Boca da Corrida Encumeada (moderate; 5 hours): views of Curral das Freiras and the valley of Ribeiro do Poco.","hypothesis":"Boca da Corrida Encumeada is a moderate text that takes 5 hours to complete. ","label":0,"idx":607} -{"premise":"He bent down to study the tiny little jeweled gears.","hypothesis":"The gears he examined were lined with jewels.","label":0,"idx":612} -{"premise":"At the eastern end of Back Lane and turning right, Nicholas Street becomes Patrick Street, and in St. Patrick's Close is St. Patrick's Cathedral .","hypothesis":"Nicholas Street becomes Patrick Street after turning left at the eastern end of Back Lane.","label":2,"idx":617} -{"premise":"GAO's Web site (www.gao.gov) contains abstracts and full-text files ofcurrent reports and testimony and an expanding archive of older products.","hypothesis":"The GAO has received many complaints due to lack of a website. ","label":2,"idx":620} -{"premise":"well the channel eight when they came here thirteen fourteen years ago Dave Fox and Tracy Rowlett came together uh from Oklahoma City and apparently channel eight was way down and now they have turned it all around and done a pretty remarkable job and then","hypothesis":"Channel 8 came here fourteen years ago from OKC and it's doing great now.","label":0,"idx":632} -{"premise":"Look, it's your skin, but you're going to be in trouble if you don't get busy.","hypothesis":"You should get to work soon so you don't get in trouble.","label":0,"idx":636} -{"premise":"We also have found that leading organizations strive to ensure that their core processes efficiently and effectively support mission-related outcomes.","hypothesis":"Leading organizations want to be sure their processes are successful.","label":1,"idx":637} -{"premise":"For instance, when Clinton cited executive privilege as a reason for holding back a memo from FBI Director Louis Freeh criticizing his drug policies, Bob Dole asserted that the president had no basis for refusing to divulge it.","hypothesis":"Bob Dole stated that Clinton had no right to privilege for actions not involving the presidency.","label":1,"idx":649} -{"premise":"Around the corner is the huge, domed, Neo-Classical Panth??on.","hypothesis":"The Pantheon can be found immediately around the corner.","label":0,"idx":650} -{"premise":"Savonarola burned in Florence","hypothesis":"Florence became Savonarola's new home.","label":2,"idx":654} -{"premise":"Allow time in Thirasia to explore Santorini's smaller sibling islands.","hypothesis":"Santorini has smaller sibling islands that are worth exploring.","label":0,"idx":656} -{"premise":"you can get a hard copy of it and that's about it","hypothesis":"An email won't cut it.","label":1,"idx":658} -{"premise":"Prior to 1986, the United States had been a net creditor because its holdings of foreign assets exceeded foreign holdings of U.S. assets.","hypothesis":"The US wasn't a net creditor until after 1986.","label":2,"idx":662} -{"premise":"Specifically, suppose unconstrained competition were allowed but the Postal Service turned out to have sufficient market power in some product areas to allow other products to be priced at or near the level of incremental cost.","hypothesis":"The Postal Service does not have a lot of market power.","label":2,"idx":664} -{"premise":"True to his word to his faithful mare, Ca'daan left Whitebelly in Fena Dim and borrowed Gray Cloud from his uncle.","hypothesis":"Ca'daan kept his word, leaving Whitebelly and borrowing Gray Cloud from a relative. ","label":0,"idx":674} -{"premise":"She would be almost certainly sent to you under an assumed one.","hypothesis":"The man told the other man that Bill would be sent to him.","label":2,"idx":675} -{"premise":"no not it not no it's a it's not something","hypothesis":"It's not anything","label":0,"idx":678} -{"premise":"While AILA has joined the ACLU and other organizations in a Freedom of Information Act request to find out who is being detained where and why, Mohammed notes that the reasons for the immigrants' detention were not immediately clear and sometimes had dire consequences.","hypothesis":"The AILA joined the ACLU in requesting the information.","label":0,"idx":680} -{"premise":"In the depths of the Cold War, many Americans suspected Communists had infiltrated Washington and were about to subvert our democracy.","hypothesis":"Communists assisted America's government during the Cold War.","label":2,"idx":686} -{"premise":"Each edition of the DSM is the product of arguments, negotiations, and compromises.","hypothesis":"Many arguments and negotiations go into each edition of DSM.","label":0,"idx":688} -{"premise":"For such a governmentwide review, an entrance conference is generally held with applicable central agencies, such as the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) or the Office of Personnel Management.","hypothesis":"An entrance conference is held with specialized agencies.","label":2,"idx":689} -{"premise":"Vatican II gave rise to a less hierarchical and more outward-looking Catholicism and set the stage for once-unthinkable innovations like plainclothes nuns and the celebration of the Mass in English and other modern languages.","hypothesis":"Vatican II led to a greater centralization of power within the Catholic church.","label":2,"idx":692} -{"premise":"Load time is divided into elemental and coverage related load time.","hypothesis":"Load time is comprised of three parts.","label":2,"idx":695} -{"premise":"so you know well a lot of the stuff you hear coming from South Africa now and from West Africa that's considered world music because it's not particularly using certain types of folk styles","hypothesis":"They consider the West African music to be worldly since they do not rely on folk styles.","label":0,"idx":700} -{"premise":"Lincoln glared.","hypothesis":"The man winked.","label":2,"idx":704} -{"premise":"The Government does not sacrifice anything of value in exchange and the entity that forfeits the property does not receive anything of value.","hypothesis":"The entity will receive appropriate compensation for forfeited property.","label":2,"idx":707} -{"premise":"Ickes apparently made calls to donors from his government office, but there is no evidence so far that anyone else solicited funds in a federal building.","hypothesis":"There is evidence that many people solicited funds from a federal building.","label":2,"idx":711} -{"premise":"Some predict the jokes will wear thin soon, while others call it definitively depraved (Tom Shales, the Washington Post ). (Download a clip from South Park here.)","hypothesis":"Press has taken interest in South Park jokes.","label":1,"idx":726} -{"premise":"They are all quotations from the Old Testament Book of Aunt Ruth.","hypothesis":"Every one of them is quotations from the Old Testament.","label":0,"idx":731} -{"premise":"The red moon made her skin glow.","hypothesis":"Her skin was falling off because of the red moon.","label":2,"idx":735} -{"premise":"um-hum you mean when the reporter sticks the the microphone in the person says the face and says how do you feel that you house has burned to the ground","hypothesis":"Like when the reporter doorsteps a person on their way out the door.","label":2,"idx":739} -{"premise":"because i don't want to my mother was also a domineering type of personality because she had to take over the things that my dad fell short in","hypothesis":"My mother made me take over the things that my dad fell short it.","label":2,"idx":750} -{"premise":"Most of Slate will not be published next week, the third and last of our traditional summer weeks off.","hypothesis":"Slate won't be published much this summer.","label":1,"idx":753} -{"premise":"Tax records show Waters earned around $65,000 in 2000.","hypothesis":"Waters' tax records show he earned a blue ribbon last year.","label":2,"idx":759} -{"premise":"they don't i don't i don't work at TI","hypothesis":"I work at Boeing instead of TI.","label":1,"idx":765} -{"premise":"The Star reports that actress Jodie Foster is pregnant through artificial insemination.","hypothesis":"It has been reported by The Star that Jodie Foster is pregnant with twins through artificial insemination.","label":1,"idx":767} -{"premise":"The doctor accepted quite readily the theory that Mrs. Vandemeyer had accidentally taken an overdose of chloral.","hypothesis":"The doctor believed that the theory was correct.","label":0,"idx":768} -{"premise":"This number represents the most reliable, albeit conservative, estimate of cases closed in 1999 by LSC grantees.","hypothesis":"This is an actual verified number of closed cases.","label":0,"idx":772} -{"premise":"After considering comments of the Postal Service and other participants, the Commission found the proposal problematical, and declined to pursue it.","hypothesis":"It was suggested that part of the reasons for the Commission's decision were financially-motivated.","label":1,"idx":776} -{"premise":"um-hum what is your worst then","hypothesis":"What is your best? ","label":2,"idx":778} -{"premise":"Two is enough for a secret.","hypothesis":"A secret needs two people. ","label":0,"idx":779} -{"premise":"From that spot she could see all of them and, should she need to, she could see through them as well.","hypothesis":"She could see through them all.","label":0,"idx":783} -{"premise":"For himself he chose Atat??rk, or Father of the Turks.","hypothesis":"For himself he chose Piety.","label":2,"idx":785} -{"premise":"On the second point, Judge Newton said in a recent interview, I've heard this complaint a hundred times.","hypothesis":"Judge Newton had heard the second point numerous times.","label":0,"idx":787} -{"premise":"yeah those yeah it was all bloodless and the good guys can get hit all day long and they have to shake it off they don't they don't you know get epileptic fits or anything from getting hit on the head","hypothesis":"That was the goriest most true to life thing I've ever seen and I think that's gonna psychologically affect me for a long time.","label":2,"idx":794} -{"premise":"Favored by the Ancient Egyptians as a source of turquoise, the Sinai was, until recently, famed for only one event but certainly an important one.","hypothesis":"The Sinai was a source of gold for the Ancient Egyptians. ","label":2,"idx":795} -{"premise":"As legal scholar Randall Kennedy wrote in his book Race, Crime, and the Law , Even if race is only one of several factors behind a decision, tolerating it at all means tolerating it as potentially the decisive factor.","hypothesis":"Race should always be considered in judicial decisions.","label":1,"idx":810} -{"premise":"But, when I discovered that it was known all over the village that it was John who was attracted by the farmer's pretty wife, his silence bore quite a different interpretation. ","hypothesis":"John was attracted to the farmer's pretty wife.","label":0,"idx":814} -{"premise":"i never managed to plan my departure right","hypothesis":"My departure wasn't properly planned.","label":0,"idx":815} -{"premise":"Mr. Clinton rewards Mr. Knight for his fund raising, Mr. Gore lays the groundwork for his anticipated presidential bid four years from now, and the companies, by hiring Mr. Knight, get the administration's ear.","hypothesis":"Mr. Clinton appreciated Mr. Knight for his fund raising.","label":0,"idx":818} -{"premise":"The most popular form of shadow theater is known as Wayang Siam.","hypothesis":"Wayang Siam is the most popular form of shadow theater. ","label":0,"idx":827} -{"premise":"They should have him be just a disembodied voice.","hypothesis":"The entity should not be seen, only heard.","label":0,"idx":829} -{"premise":"If anyone has a good idea about how to bring back the opinion leaders of yore, I am all for it.","hypothesis":"No one has any good ideas.","label":1,"idx":835} -{"premise":"Well, let us leave it. ","hypothesis":"Let's leave it here for someone else to find.","label":1,"idx":837} -{"premise":"well do you know you have a ten limit a ten minute time limit well that's okay and then they come on and tell you and they tell you got five seconds to say good-bye","hypothesis":"Usually there's a 10 minute time limit, but they'll say you have a few seconds to go!","label":0,"idx":845} -{"premise":"However, co-requesters cannot approve additional co-requesters or restrict the timing of the release of the product after it is issued.","hypothesis":"Co-requesters cannot approve more co-requesters.","label":0,"idx":846} -{"premise":"Try a selection at the Whisky Heritage Centre (they have over 100 for you to sample), where you can then buy a bottle or two of your personal favorite in the shop or in stores around the city.","hypothesis":"Whisky Heritage Centre was shut down during prohibition.","label":1,"idx":847} -{"premise":"There is very little to see here, or at the ruined Essene monastery of Qumran itself.","hypothesis":"There are plenty of interesting sights and experiences here.","label":2,"idx":850} -{"premise":"In other words, the paper exhibited the all-too-typical journalistic tic of exposing potential conflicts of interest involving politicians while ignoring those involving journalists.","hypothesis":"The paper shows, the journalists exposing potential conflicts of interests around politicians, but never exposing other journalists.","label":0,"idx":853} -{"premise":"The Passaic office is refusing to join in that reconfiguration, which goes into effect Jan.","hypothesis":"It will be reconfigured in January. ","label":0,"idx":855} -{"premise":"guess it didn't last too long at the box office but i thought it was pretty good","hypothesis":"Wow, it lasted in the box office for so long, I'm surprised.","label":2,"idx":864} -{"premise":"You see, he said sadly, \"you have no instincts.\"","hypothesis":"He said that I had no instincts. ","label":0,"idx":867} -{"premise":"'Don't worry,' he whispered.","hypothesis":"He was freaked out.","label":2,"idx":879} -{"premise":"and uh we went through a time period that we had three Danes","hypothesis":"For three years, we had three Danes.","label":1,"idx":883} -{"premise":"Evaluating the intent of the six principles, we observed that they naturally fell into three distinct sets, which we refer to as critical success factors.","hypothesis":"The six principles fell into two distinct sets.","label":2,"idx":888} -{"premise":"The public health official's version of the line, Take my wife, please, is Tell Americans to eat kale five times a week.","hypothesis":"Public health authorities believe that people should eat kale many times a week.","label":0,"idx":890} -{"premise":"British action wouldn't have mattered.","hypothesis":"It wouldn't have mattered if Britain got involved.","label":0,"idx":896} -{"premise":"Text Box 2.1: Gross Domestic Product and Gross National Product 48Text Box 4.1: How do the NIPA and federal unified budget concepts of","hypothesis":"Text about GBP and USD.","label":2,"idx":905} -{"premise":"These runs could cost far more than the value of the small improvement in service.","hypothesis":"The runs would be a bigger cost than the improvement in service would bring.","label":0,"idx":909} -{"premise":"He and his associates weren't operating at the level of metaphor.","hypothesis":"His associates' boss was operating at the level of the metaphor. ","label":2,"idx":915} -{"premise":"The main attraction of Kom Ombo is the vibrant color still found on the columns in the Hypostyle Hall.","hypothesis":"The Hypostyle Hall is the main sight to see at Kom Ombo, featuring striking colors which are preserved with a chemical agent.","label":1,"idx":919} -{"premise":"Just as in ancient times, without the River Nile, Egypt could not exist.","hypothesis":"Without the Nile river, Egypt could not exist.","label":0,"idx":926} -{"premise":"huh-uh i don't even want to go anywhere yeah that's about it","hypothesis":"There is nowhere I want to go.","label":0,"idx":927} -{"premise":"Although it's hard to disagree with James Surowiecki's roasting of Wade Cook in The Book on Cook, Surowiecki's assertion that the equity stock option market is simply a big casino that contribute[s] nothing to the smooth functioning of capital markets is both wrong and silly.","hypothesis":"Wade Cook wrote The Book on Cook.","label":2,"idx":928} -{"premise":"it's so bad wanted to mow today i was off and i wanted to mow the yard but just walking across it it's still so mushy if i took a mower out there i'd tear the sod up so bad","hypothesis":"The lawn mower will sink into the mushy lawn and pull up the grass. ","label":0,"idx":947} -{"premise":"Perched on a steep slope, high in the Galilean hills, Safed (known also as Tzfat, Tsfat, Sefat, and Zefat) is a delightful village-town of some 22,000 people.","hypothesis":"Safed is a village that goes by numerous other names.","label":0,"idx":950} -{"premise":"facilitate suits for benefits by using the State and Federal courts and the independent bar on which those courts depend for the proper performance of their duties and responsibilities.","hypothesis":"The State and Federal courts are the same regardless of location.","label":1,"idx":951} -{"premise":"See you Aug. 12, or soon thereafter, we hope.","hypothesis":"The person was going to attend on August 12.","label":1,"idx":953} -{"premise":"yeah it's true it is in in fact i have a friend of mine that moved to North Carolina she's um an emergency room nurse she does the operating room","hypothesis":"This person I'm close to is an emergency room nurse at a hospital in North Carolina.","label":0,"idx":958} -{"premise":"If she wasn't, how would they have known Jane Finn had got the papers?","hypothesis":"How would they know that Jane Finn had lost the papers?","label":2,"idx":967} -{"premise":"In Japan, Mainichi Shimbun criticized the new Liberal Democratic Party leader Keizo Obuchi for being devoid of fresh ideas for reviving the Japanese economy.","hypothesis":"Mainichi Shimbun approved of Keizo Obuchi's efforts toward improving the economy.","label":2,"idx":970} -{"premise":"Merrion Square West, Dublin 2.","hypothesis":"Across the street from a Burger King.","label":1,"idx":976} -{"premise":"Named after the city gentleman and infamous burglar, it is one of the best-known pubs in the city.","hypothesis":"The well-known pub was named after a burglar.","label":0,"idx":985} -{"premise":"but there's no uh inscriptions or or dates or anything else","hypothesis":"There aren't any dates on it?","label":1,"idx":987} -{"premise":"Most recently, GAO reviewed activities of the White House China Trade Relations Working Group, which was established at the request of President Clinton in the exercise of his Constitutional powers.","hypothesis":"President Clinton wasn't exercising his Constitutional powers when he made the request.","label":2,"idx":994} -{"premise":"The almost midtown Massabielle quarter (faubourg de Massabielle), is sometimes described as the most picturesque in the city.","hypothesis":"The Massabielle quarter is a very touristy place.","label":0,"idx":998} -{"premise":"The islands' names refer to the different force winds hitting them, not their topography.","hypothesis":"The name of the islands are based on their topography.","label":2,"idx":1010} -{"premise":" Folklore of Ibiza","hypothesis":"Ibizan folklore is available in a written format.","label":1,"idx":1011} -{"premise":"Czesiek had suitable experience in the matter.","hypothesis":"The Czesiek had plenty of experience.","label":0,"idx":1019} -{"premise":"South Carolina has no referendum right, so the Supreme Court canceled the vote and upheld the ban.","hypothesis":"The Supreme court upheld the ban because South Carolina has no right to make referendums.","label":0,"idx":1021} -{"premise":"'Would you like some tea?'","hypothesis":"DO you want a cup of tea?","label":0,"idx":1022} -{"premise":"What about the hole?\" They scanned the cliff-side narrowly.","hypothesis":"They looked all over the cliff, looking for the hole.","label":0,"idx":1027} -{"premise":"Splendid! ","hypothesis":"The speaker is excited by the situation.","label":0,"idx":1039} -{"premise":"And you are wrong in condemning it. ","hypothesis":"You shouldn't be speaking out against it.","label":0,"idx":1040} -{"premise":"and to have children and just get a day care or someone to take care of it and not really have the bonding process that takes place with babies and stuff you know","hypothesis":"The children can just go to daycare.","label":0,"idx":1046} -{"premise":"Troyes is also a center for shopping, with two outlet centers selling both French and international designer-name fashions and home accessories.","hypothesis":"Troues had two outlet centers which sell clothes and home accessories.","label":0,"idx":1052} -{"premise":"Under Ferdinand and Isabella, Spain underwent a dramatic transformation.","hypothesis":"Ferdinand started his transformation by emancipating the peasant class.","label":1,"idx":1055} -{"premise":"We should seek to achieve the most good or benefit, with the least harm and destruction of things that we value, he argued.","hypothesis":"He disputed that we should provide the most we can with the least amount of harm.","label":0,"idx":1058} -{"premise":"But, as the last problem I'll outline suggests, neither of the previous two objections matters.","hypothesis":"I will not continue to outline any more problems.","label":0,"idx":1064} -{"premise":"no i i i don't i it completely beyond me i went to my under graduate uh education","hypothesis":"I can't remember, I did my undergraduate education.","label":1,"idx":1065} -{"premise":"It was planned in the 1820s as a symbol of Scottish national pride and designed as a mini-Parthenon, in deference to the neoclassical style popular at the time.","hypothesis":"It was designed to be a smaller version of the Parthenon. ","label":0,"idx":1067} -{"premise":"While the NIPA measure reflects how government saving affects national saving available for investment, the unified budget measure is the more common frame of reference for discussing federal fiscal policy issues.","hypothesis":"The NIPA measure reflects how government savings affects national saving available for invest, but the unified budget measure is more commonly used.","label":0,"idx":1069} -{"premise":"No, John, I said, \"it isn't one of us. ","hypothesis":"It is one of us, I told John.","label":2,"idx":1071} -{"premise":"oh yes how well i know i was laid off last year but i was i was lucky because i was one of the first groups to go","hypothesis":"My group was one of the first to get laid off last year.","label":0,"idx":1075} -{"premise":"he's not a starter","hypothesis":"He does not open.","label":0,"idx":1081} -{"premise":"go up to state parks with six shelters and little screened in areas and then travel trailers and all the way up to conference center type campings that have uh you know air conditioning like hotels with uh","hypothesis":"The state parks have six shelters on their grounds.","label":0,"idx":1086} -{"premise":"Though the two cities remained unlinked by rail, this was about to change quickly.","hypothesis":"The two cities did not have a railway between them.","label":0,"idx":1088} -{"premise":"His arm came up over his eyes, cutting off the glare.","hypothesis":"He raised his arm to protect his eyes from the glare.","label":0,"idx":1090} -{"premise":"Indeed, recent economic research suggests that investment in information technology explains most of the acceleration in labor productivity growth-a major component of overall economic growth-since 1995.","hypothesis":"The research says that the acceleration in labor productivity is due to the investment in information technology.","label":0,"idx":1098} -{"premise":"The Fray's reputation as a home for hostile, rude, and mean-spirited exchanges suffered a severe beating at the hands of the Reading thread, which was so civilized that participants suggested taking insulin shots afterward.","hypothesis":"The Fray is almost always a hostile, rude, and mean place.","label":1,"idx":1099} -{"premise":"LASNNY is one of the oldest and most cost-effective legal services organizations in the United States.","hypothesis":"LASNNY is an old legal services organization.","label":0,"idx":1101} -{"premise":"yes everybody in the country is preapproved i think","hypothesis":"everybody in the USA is approved already","label":1,"idx":1103} -{"premise":"right well the preseason really doesn't mean anything either","hypothesis":"It is alright that they don't play well in the preseason, since it doesn't matter.","label":1,"idx":1104} -{"premise":"it's just it's the morals of the people which i mean i guess we everybody's responsible for the society but if i had a child that that did things so bad it's not they don't care about anybody these people they're stealing from they're just the big bad rich guy","hypothesis":"If my kid stole from others, it would be because he thinks they are too rich.","label":0,"idx":1106} -{"premise":"Is there adequate information for judging generalizability?","hypothesis":"Every output has some kind of resource. ","label":1,"idx":1108} -{"premise":"but uh these guys were actually on the road uh two thousand miles from from home when they had to file their uh their final exams and send them in","hypothesis":"These men were two thousand miles from home when they filed their final exams.","label":0,"idx":1111} -{"premise":"It is the official solution, Liq. ","hypothesis":"This is officially the solution.","label":0,"idx":1113} -{"premise":"This site provides information links, tools, and resources developed for the benefit of the audit profession, including audit programs, best practices, and research services.","hypothesis":"This site is a special portal for people who wish to make anonymous complaints about auditors.","label":2,"idx":1122} -{"premise":"The baby's father responded by filing a wrongful death suit.","hypothesis":"The wrongful death suit was filed by the baby's father.","label":0,"idx":1127} -{"premise":"For more sweeping panoramas, you can hike for less than an hour to either summit Petit-Bourg (716 m\/2,349 ft) or Pigeon (770 m\/2,526 ft).","hypothesis":"For more sweeping panoramas, you can go swimming in the canyon.","label":2,"idx":1129} -{"premise":"Zoom-out vs. zoom- Ever since Roe , pro-life posters and pamphlets have depicted isolated fetuses.","hypothesis":"It's been argued that pro-life posters are seeking to humanize the unborn through these depictions.","label":1,"idx":1135} -{"premise":"Indiana Legal Services (ILS) Executive Director Norman Metzger and Colleen Cotter, Director of the ILS Indiana Justice Center, were marvelous hosts.","hypothesis":"The hosts were Norman and Colleen; and, they did a marvelous job. ","label":0,"idx":1137} -{"premise":"After the purge of foreigners, only a few stayed on, strictly confined to Dejima Island in Nagasaki Bay.","hypothesis":"A few foreigners were left free after the purge on foreigners.","label":2,"idx":1141} -{"premise":"Two clues in the Pennsylvania 1) The boy had said, I'm going to go to the dinner dance and kill some people.","hypothesis":"\"I'm attending the dinner dance and will eliminate some people,\" the boy said.","label":0,"idx":1147} -{"premise":"Instead of indulging in the usual teary nostalgia about baseball (that means you, Ken Burns), Will considered it as a craft, explaining exactly why a manager calls a hit-and-run now and not on the next pitch, how a pitcher sets up his fastball, why a shortstop moves in a step for one kind of double play and out a step for another.","hypothesis":"Will is such an expert in explaining the details of baseball. ","label":0,"idx":1156} -{"premise":"And yet, we still lack a set of global accounting and reporting standards that reflects the globalization of economies, enterprises, and markets.","hypothesis":"The globalization of economies is not reflected in global accounting standards. ","label":0,"idx":1159} -{"premise":"'For one thing, Mr. Franklin, you appear to be taking your...re-actualisation...extremely well.'","hypothesis":"Mr. Franklin was not adjusting very well to the situation.","label":2,"idx":1164} -{"premise":"Second, Clinton hasn't used the bully pulpit to speak out against drug use nearly as often as his two predecessors did.","hypothesis":"Hillary Clinton used the bully pulpit to speak out against drug use.","label":2,"idx":1166} -{"premise":"no i i even i enjoy reading T News i try to catch it because it's another example they just they just show you the words and the facts and they they don't offer any commentary and it gives me a quick chance to to be caught up during the day because you know we don't listen to the radio at work at all so i don't like to go the whole day without hearing anything","hypothesis":"We do not have the radio on during the day so I like to read the news to stay current.","label":0,"idx":1168} -{"premise":"A group of guys went out for a drink after work, and sitting at the bar was a real a 6 foot blonde with a fabulous face and figure to match.","hypothesis":"A stunning six foot blonde woman sat at the bar with the men after work. ","label":0,"idx":1173} -{"premise":"Against his own advice, Ca'daan dared to stare off the edge once as they neared the end.","hypothesis":"He stared off the edge at the beginning.","label":2,"idx":1174} -{"premise":"The data would be presented as required supplementary stewardship information accompanying the consolidated financial statements of the Federal Government but not in individual reports of its component units.","hypothesis":"The data would be included in individual reports concerning the constituent units of the federal government.","label":2,"idx":1180} -{"premise":"Students of human misery can savor its underlying sadness and futility.","hypothesis":"Those who study human misery will savor the sadness and futility.","label":0,"idx":1182} -{"premise":"well that's not why i got it right how do you like your tread mill","hypothesis":"That's the reason I procured it.","label":2,"idx":1183} -{"premise":"It is constrained by laws and regulations formulated by Congress over more than two centuries.","hypothesis":"The regulations were created over the course of more than two hundred years.","label":0,"idx":1189} -{"premise":"what do you think about uh about our new governor since she happens to be a female","hypothesis":"What do you think about our new governor being a female?","label":0,"idx":1192} -{"premise":"The Kal nodded.","hypothesis":"The Kal then shook its head side to side.","label":2,"idx":1199} -{"premise":"i think the rate of processing is just about uh reached the rate of housing anyway so keep the keep the normal as it is can't upset the system very much","hypothesis":"The rate of processing is way higher than the rate of housing to upset the system.","label":2,"idx":1200} -{"premise":"Control activities occur at all levels and functions of the entity.","hypothesis":"Control activities happen everywhere in the entity. ","label":0,"idx":1206} -{"premise":"but i've lived up here all my life and i'm fifty eight years old so i i could","hypothesis":"I have my family here living with me.","label":1,"idx":1208} -{"premise":"i think they prey on people's um inherent politeness on the phone even with a machine i find people being kind of polite and waiting for it to finish what it has to say and then they feel an obligation to respond even though there's not even a person there","hypothesis":"People will listen to recorded messages on the telephone because they are polite. ","label":0,"idx":1210} -{"premise":"And truly, the father was right, his son had already experienced everything, tried everything, and was interested in less and less.","hypothesis":"His son was losing interest in everything.","label":0,"idx":1218} -{"premise":"The Wall Street Journal Business Bulletin has a fact that dramatizes how profoundly well-off this country is--Americans throw out approximately 12 percent of the stuff they buy at the supermarket.","hypothesis":"Americans just throw away 12 percent of what they buy at gas stations.","label":2,"idx":1219} -{"premise":"And it was exactly on such a day, as this carefully selected Wednesday (which blushed from this distinction), that the mini-anti-aggressor was going to make the biggest of impressions.","hypothesis":"Tuesday is the day that the aggressor will act. ","label":2,"idx":1222} -{"premise":"They greatly outnumber the 6,500-odd human inhabitants mostly white, many the descendants of Huguenots from Brittany and Normandy.","hypothesis":"Normandy and Brittany were the epicentres of the Huguenot movement.","label":1,"idx":1232} -{"premise":"So he clearly found a way to project a bandwagon of strength without putting U.S. troops on the line.","hypothesis":"He portrayed strength by putting the US troops in harms way.","label":2,"idx":1239} -{"premise":"In fact, the sloping shoulder was the noticeable feature of the new clothes of the Dior era, coming as it did immediately in the wake of the Joan Crawford\/Rosalind Russell period and its vigorous shoulder padding.","hypothesis":"Dior was known for their exquisite blazers with thick heavy shoulder pads. ","label":2,"idx":1243} -{"premise":"Although claims data provide the most accurate information about health care use, ensuring adequate follow-up for purposes of obtaining information from patient self-report is important because many people do not report alcohol-related events to insurance compa-nies.","hypothesis":"Alcohol related events that contribute to disease are often unreported by patients to their insurance companies. ","label":0,"idx":1247} -{"premise":"INTEREST RATE - The price charged per unit of money borrowed per year, or other unit of time, usually expressed as a percentage.","hypothesis":"Interest is almost always expressed in terms of percent. ","label":0,"idx":1257} -{"premise":"and they have a bar also which is always crowded as can be but it's it's an specially fine restaurant and when you consider they take no plastic or checks","hypothesis":"They have a bar, which is always packed.","label":0,"idx":1261} -{"premise":"The company later told us that it had discontinued the program because of its adverse effect on employee morale.","hypothesis":"At a later date the company informed us they canceled the program.","label":0,"idx":1281} -{"premise":"Perhaps North Africans and eastern Europeans peopled the Ligurian coast, while the Adriatic and south may have been settled by people from the Balkans and Asia Minor.","hypothesis":"The people had no complaints after settling their new lands.","label":1,"idx":1282} -{"premise":"Only trouble was, they had infinite ammunition...we only had so many bullets.","hypothesis":"They had a lot more bullets than we did.","label":0,"idx":1284} -{"premise":"Even analysts who had argued for loosening the old standards, by which the market was clearly overvalued, now think it has maxed out for a while.","hypothesis":"Some analysts wanted to make the old standards less restrictive for investors.","label":0,"idx":1286} -{"premise":"Waterloo.","hypothesis":"The defeat of Napoleon.","label":1,"idx":1291} -{"premise":"In its submission, HCFA did not identify any other statute or executive order imposing procedural requirements relevant to the rule.","hypothesis":"HCFA did identify many other executive orders","label":2,"idx":1301} -{"premise":"you don't think it's a deterrent","hypothesis":"You do not believe that it will serve as a deterrent","label":0,"idx":1305} -{"premise":"John Kasich dropped his presidential bid.","hypothesis":"John Kasich dropped out of the presidential race.","label":0,"idx":1306} -{"premise":"But they reached a shrubbery near the house quite unmolested.","hypothesis":"They managed to reach a shrubbery close by without issue.","label":0,"idx":1317} -{"premise":"well we bought this with credit too well we found it with a clearance uh down in Memphis i guess and uh","hypothesis":"We bought non-sale items in Memphis on credit.","label":2,"idx":1318} -{"premise":"This one ended up being surprisingly easy!","hypothesis":"This was a really hard one. ","label":2,"idx":1324} -{"premise":"The streets are crammed with vendors selling shrine offerings of sweets, curds, and coconut, as well as garlands and holy images.","hypothesis":"Vendors have lined the streets with torches and fires.","label":2,"idx":1330} -{"premise":"Nowadays, a poverty lawyer working for one of New York's many agencies representing the indigent - including Legal Aid, the South Brooklyn Legal Services, the Lawyers Alliance for New York, InMotion, the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, Volunteers of Legal Service, the Bronx Defenders and New York Lawyers for the Public Interest - might begin his or her career at $32,000 per annum, compared with the $125,000 average first-year associate salary at the city's larger firms.","hypothesis":"Lawyers often move to larger firms because they will work for less pay.","label":2,"idx":1334} -{"premise":"Meet the Press host Tim Russert took his Christmas vacation five days early by letting Rep.","hypothesis":"Tim Russert, host of Meet The Press took his Christmas vacation five days sooner.","label":0,"idx":1337} -{"premise":"The guidelines do not apply to inpatient hospital services and hospice services and will be used by Medicare fiscal intermediaries to determine the maximum allowable costs of the therapy services.","hypothesis":"When it comes to therapy services the policies and procedures are not relevant.","label":0,"idx":1341} -{"premise":"Another thing those early French and Dutch settlers agreed upon was that their island should be free of levies on any imported goods.","hypothesis":"The French and Dutch settlers preferred a tax on imports. ","label":2,"idx":1342} -{"premise":"eThe number of deletions was negligible.","hypothesis":"The huge number of deletions caused a ruckus.","label":2,"idx":1352} -{"premise":"Increased saving by current generations would expand the nation's capital stock, allowing future generations to better afford the nation's retirement costs while also enjoying higher standards of living.","hypothesis":"Current generations' increased saving would expand the nation's capital stock, allowing future generations to more easily afford the nation's retirement costs while also enjoying higher standards of living.","label":0,"idx":1367} -{"premise":"When he's ready for a major strike, how many innocents do you suppose are going to suffer? To quote one of your contemporaries; 'The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.' '","hypothesis":"If he does a big strike, many people will suffer.","label":0,"idx":1369} -{"premise":"Where lies the real Japan?","hypothesis":"The real Japan can be found.","label":1,"idx":1371} -{"premise":"However, if people can readily withdraw money from tax-preferred accounts for purposes other than retirement, there is no assurance that tax incentives would ultimately enhance individuals' retirement security.","hypothesis":"If people can't readily withdraw money from tax-preferred accounts for purposes other than retirement, there is no assurance that tax incentives would improve retirement security.","label":2,"idx":1372} -{"premise":"But is the Internet so miraculous an advertising vehicle that Gross will be able to siphon off $400 per person from total ad spending of $1,000 per family--or persuade advertisers to spend an additional $400 to reach each of his customers?","hypothesis":"Gross did not have to pay any money for advertising.","label":1,"idx":1376} -{"premise":"The event is the definition of a crowd pleaser, replete with appearances by the Rockettes, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, and Santa Claus (the act isn't entirely without bite; there's also a very funny moment involving a heart attack).","hypothesis":"Expectations are low for the event on the back of Santa Claus's absence due to health concerns.","label":2,"idx":1379} -{"premise":"He reported masterfully on the '72 campaign and the Hell's Angels.","hypothesis":"His reporting on the '72 campaign was very well-done.","label":0,"idx":1385} -{"premise":"The association's mission is to reduce the incidence of fraud and white-collar crime through prevention and education.","hypothesis":"The association is an illegal organization that specializes in money laundering.","label":2,"idx":1387} -{"premise":"you want to punch the button and go","hypothesis":"You should go after punching the button.","label":0,"idx":1401} -{"premise":"I leap!\" And, in very truth, run and leap he did, gambolling wildly down the stretch of lawn outside the long window. ","hypothesis":"The man exclaimed that he would leap, and he did just that.","label":0,"idx":1407} -{"premise":"The call is coming from inside the house!","hypothesis":"The call is coming from somewhere in the house.","label":0,"idx":1411} -{"premise":"okay i guess i'll get back to my laundry","hypothesis":"Let's find some place to continue our conversation. ","label":2,"idx":1417} -{"premise":"Because marginal costs are very low, a newspaper price for preprints might be as low as 5 or 6 cents per piece.","hypothesis":"Newspaper preprints can cost as much as $5.","label":2,"idx":1420} -{"premise":"He and his wife had lived at Styles Court in every luxury, surrounded by her care and attention. ","hypothesis":"She had a beautiful garden at her disposal at Styles Court.","label":1,"idx":1424} -{"premise":"That is exactly what our head coupon issuer Alan Greenspan did in 1987--and what I believe he would do again.","hypothesis":"This is what Greenspan did in 1987 so I don't think he will do it again.","label":2,"idx":1429} -{"premise":"Beautiful examples of enamelware, ceramics, and pottery are produced in great abundance, often following a Celtic theme.","hypothesis":"Little pottery is produced that has a Celtic theme.","label":2,"idx":1437} -{"premise":"But a list of who's better than other people in some aspect or another is not inevitable and does not make the economy any more prosperous or society any richer in other ways.","hypothesis":"A list of people those believe better than others will not prosper the economy.","label":0,"idx":1443} -{"premise":"In short, most of the whale is incompressible.","hypothesis":"Whales cannot be compressed well.","label":0,"idx":1445} -{"premise":"She didn't listen.","hypothesis":"She didn't listen when he was speaking.","label":1,"idx":1446} -{"premise":"and see the thing is you know he go out and he'll spend it when he wants you know and uh uh i'm afraid to i'm afraid to use that credit card","hypothesis":"I just love using my new credit card.","label":2,"idx":1447} -{"premise":"I was soon strong enough to move.","hypothesis":"I could move soon.","label":0,"idx":1458} -{"premise":"no i i just painted","hypothesis":"I didn't just paint. ","label":2,"idx":1463} -{"premise":"After the high emotion of de Gaulle's march down the Champs-Elys??es, the business of post-war reconstruction, though boosted by the generous aid of the Americans' Mar?\u00adshall Plan, proved arduous, and the wartime alliance of de Gaulle's conservatives and the Communist Party soon broke down.","hypothesis":"The Marshall Plan was not concocted until 1918.","label":1,"idx":1469} -{"premise":"Pray be seated, mademoiselle.","hypothesis":"Please, everyone be seated.","label":1,"idx":1470} -{"premise":"One he broke back to about the length of his forearm.","hypothesis":"He snapped it until it was just a couple of inches long.","label":2,"idx":1472} -{"premise":"ECONOMETRIC MODEL -An equation or a set of related equations used to analyze economic data through mathematical and statistical techniques.","hypothesis":"Econometric model is an equation of related equations used to analyze economic data with math","label":0,"idx":1481} -{"premise":"Through the Web site, a total of 1,634 associates donated nearly $200,000 to Legal Aid in 2002.","hypothesis":"41,634 associates gave money to Legal Aid through their site.","label":2,"idx":1483} -{"premise":"In addition to the arguments previously advanced by the Vice Presidentas representatives and addressed in our June 22 letter to the Counsel to the Vice President (see Enclosure 1), the Vice Presidentas August 2 letter to the Congress asserts that the study is not authorized by statute because GAO is limited to looking at the aresults- of programs and that GAO does not have a right of access to documents because the Vice President is not included under the term aagency- used in GAOas statute.","hypothesis":"The Vice President believes that GAO shouldn't be able to read documents.","label":1,"idx":1486} -{"premise":"More than 100 judges, lawyers and dignitaries were present for the gathering.","hypothesis":"Lots of judges and lawyers gathered for the event.","label":0,"idx":1488} -{"premise":"On the easternmost tip of Jamaica stands Morant Point Lighthouse, built in 1841.","hypothesis":"Morant Point Lighthouse, built in 1841, is Jamaica's oldest surviving lighthouse.","label":1,"idx":1498} -{"premise":"and i don't think they've repainted since","hypothesis":"I think they repainted it a few times now.","label":2,"idx":1503} -{"premise":"Strom Thurmond , R-S.C., celebrated his 95 th birthday by announcing that he will relinquish the chairmanship of the Senate Armed Services Committee a year from now.","hypothesis":"On his Birthday Strom Thurmond announced his retirement from the Senate Armed Services Committee in one year.","label":0,"idx":1504} -{"premise":"The celebrity-obsessed magazine surpasses itself in the post-Oscar issue.","hypothesis":"The magazine publishes a lot of stories on celebrities.","label":0,"idx":1511} -{"premise":"You're the Desert Ghost.","hypothesis":"You're the Desert Ghost from the sand dunes.","label":1,"idx":1517} -{"premise":"The baby's father responded by filing a wrongful death suit.","hypothesis":"The baby's mother responded by filing a rightful death suit.","label":2,"idx":1523} -{"premise":"no nobody's going to bother you","hypothesis":"No one will bug you. ","label":0,"idx":1528} -{"premise":"The center had become a hodgepodge of unconnected programs--a day-care center, a library, a nonviolence training school.","hypothesis":"The programs at the center were not connected to each other.","label":0,"idx":1532} -{"premise":"The Lake District is not the place to come if you want lots of action into the early morning hours.","hypothesis":"The Lake District isn't where to go when you want a lot of action because it closes down before midnight!","label":1,"idx":1535} -{"premise":"and uh really they're about it they've got a guy named Herb Williams that that i guess sort of was supposed to take the place of uh Tarpley but he uh he just doesn't have the offensive skills","hypothesis":"Tarpley is a better offensive player that Herb Williams.","label":0,"idx":1538} -{"premise":"they don't i don't i don't work at TI","hypothesis":"We all work together at TI.","label":2,"idx":1539} -{"premise":"Fixing current levels of damage would be impossible.","hypothesis":"Fixing the damage could never be done.","label":0,"idx":1540} -{"premise":"But if you take it seriously, the anti-abortion position is definitive by definition.","hypothesis":"If you decide to be serious about supporting anti-abortion, it's a very run of the mill belief to hold.","label":1,"idx":1544} -{"premise":"it would probably be a lot more work and probably not turn out as good","hypothesis":"I think it would be a lot more work and it wouldn't turn out as good","label":0,"idx":1557} -{"premise":"We are concerned that the significant emissions reductions are required too quickly.","hypothesis":"We're concerned about emissions reducing too quickly. ","label":2,"idx":1564} -{"premise":"yeah its too open yeah and there's uh they have got some forty to fifty foot high cliffs around Possum Kingdom and you just get up and ski uh adjacent to those and uh and it doesn't make any difference how windy it is you don't notice it","hypothesis":"No matter how windy it is, you won't notice as you ski adjacent to the forty foot cliffs around Possum Kingdom.","label":0,"idx":1571} -{"premise":"Over their backs fell the cutting lashes of a whip.","hypothesis":"They were consistently whipped on their backs.","label":1,"idx":1572} -{"premise":"i'm not sure what the overnight low was","hypothesis":"It was 37 degrees last night.","label":2,"idx":1574} -{"premise":"Credibility is a vital factor, and Jim Lehrer does, indeed, have it.","hypothesis":"Everyone would believe whatever Jim Lehrer said.","label":1,"idx":1577} -{"premise":"The increased investment has contributed to higher GDP growth in recent years, and the stronger economy should help in servicing the debt owed to foreigners.","hypothesis":"Steep GDP decline in recent years has been contributed to increased investment.","label":2,"idx":1584} -{"premise":"Regulators may not be totally supportive of a more comprehensive business model because they are concerned that the information would be based on a lot of judgment and, therefore, lack of precision, which could make enforcement of reporting standards difficult.","hypothesis":"Difficulty of reporting standards can be a huge obstacle for this business model.","label":0,"idx":1585} -{"premise":"11 These departures permit them take advantage of the lower cost of living as well as to be reunited with their spouses and children.","hypothesis":"The departures help them take advantage of the high cost of living in other areas.","label":2,"idx":1587} -{"premise":"All requests to provide live testimony at one of the two public hearings were granted.","hypothesis":"Most of the people who requested a live testimony ended up being dissapointed. ","label":2,"idx":1588} -{"premise":"The party's broad aims were to support capitalist policies and to continue close ties with Britain and the rest of the Commonwealth.","hypothesis":"The party sought to establish ties with the United States.","label":1,"idx":1589} -{"premise":"Unless the political culture changes drastically, there will always be one or more independent prosecutors investigating the administration of the day and\/or past administrations, anyway.","hypothesis":"The administration is under constant investigation.","label":0,"idx":1590} -{"premise":"Most of Slate will not be published next week, the third and last of our traditional summer weeks off.","hypothesis":"Slate's publishing schedule will be altered next week.","label":0,"idx":1593} -{"premise":"The last thing we want is any more attention or any more bounty hunters.","hypothesis":"They waived their hands to get more attention.","label":2,"idx":1595} -{"premise":"kind of kind of nothing i won't have anything to do with","hypothesis":"I don't want anything to do with it, no doubts about it.","label":0,"idx":1597} -{"premise":"She gave the girl clothes and gifts and took her to her Connecticut estate for weekend pony rides, according to the Star . How was I supposed to compete with that?","hypothesis":"She gave the girl clothes, gifts and pony rides. That's hard to compete with.","label":0,"idx":1600} -{"premise":"The centralization dear to Richelieu and Louis XIV was becoming a reality.","hypothesis":"Louis XIV cared a lot about centralization.","label":0,"idx":1603} -{"premise":"Some travelers add Molokai and Lanai to their itineraries.","hypothesis":"Molokai and Lanai are out of the way and harder to plan for.","label":1,"idx":1604} -{"premise":"um-hum what is your worst then","hypothesis":"Then what is your worst?","label":0,"idx":1612} -{"premise":"well Dana it's been really interesting and i appreciate talking with you","hypothesis":"Dana, you are interesting to talk to.","label":0,"idx":1614} -{"premise":"now you know the ball'll go straight and i go i never broke a club or anything but you know i'd get upset about it sometimes and now i guess you know being in my forties i just kind of mellowed out a little bit i don't get upset any more so","hypothesis":"I used to get upset about it, but not anymore.","label":0,"idx":1624} -{"premise":"So unlike people who are fortunate enough to be able to afford attorneys and can go to another lawyer, our clients are simply lost in the legal system if they cannot get access to it from us.","hypothesis":"We are the only hope our clients have for legal assistance.","label":0,"idx":1625} -{"premise":"Anyway, she was found dead this morning.\"","hypothesis":"She was dead this morning.","label":0,"idx":1627} -{"premise":"it was really a nice compromise especially because she felt like she was still living in her own house and she still had her own couch and her own bed and it it really helped a lot and she was a lot more comfortable and she didn't","hypothesis":"They are in these small homes, but it is very sterile, plain wall and little furnishings. She was not happy about it.","label":2,"idx":1630} -{"premise":"football and baseball and","hypothesis":"Football and baseball were both popular.","label":1,"idx":1631} -{"premise":"Nobody knows much about the early Etruscans.","hypothesis":"There is no proof that early Etruscans ever existed.","label":1,"idx":1637} -{"premise":"(And yes, he has said a few things that can, with some effort, be construed as support for supply-side economics.)","hypothesis":"He has begun working on construing the things as support for supply-side economics.","label":1,"idx":1641} -{"premise":"After their savage battles, the warriors recuperated through meditation in the peace of a Zen monastery rock garden.","hypothesis":"The warriors had savage battles at a Zen monastery rock garden.","label":2,"idx":1643} -{"premise":"Last year, Arafat cracked down on Hamas after a string of bombings in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, arresting more than 1,200 suspected terrorists, destroying Hamas safe houses, and confiscating its weapons caches.","hypothesis":"Arafat arrested over a thousand suspected terrorists.","label":0,"idx":1649} -{"premise":"oh my uh-huh uh-huh","hypothesis":"I expected that, to be honest. ","label":1,"idx":1656} -{"premise":"36 AC usage nationally for mercury control from power plants should be roughly proportional to the total MWe of coal-fired facilities that are equipped with the technology (this assumes an average capacity factor of 85 percent and other assumptions of Tables 4-4 and 4-5).","hypothesis":"Power plants' mercury control AC usage is higher than total MWe from coal facilities.","label":2,"idx":1657} -{"premise":"It hopes to bring on another 25 or 35 people when the new building opens next fall.","hypothesis":"The building is schedule to open next fall.","label":0,"idx":1667} -{"premise":"Excellent reviews for the collaboration between two of the '90s' most acclaimed jazz saxophonists.","hypothesis":"The concert by the two saxophonists drew raves from critics.","label":0,"idx":1670} -{"premise":"'You burned down my house.'","hypothesis":"'You set fire to my home and it burned down.'","label":0,"idx":1673} -{"premise":"Sadly, vandals removed all the tomb's spectacular treasures, but they did leave the gentle beauty of rose and poppies in rich inlaid stones of onyx, green chrysolite, carnelian, and variegated agate.","hypothesis":"The vandals were kind enough to leave the inlaid stones.","label":0,"idx":1687} -{"premise":"This includes all testing, information review, and interviews related to data reliability.","hypothesis":"All testing related to data reliability will be included.","label":0,"idx":1688} -{"premise":"and oh okay and then went to Colorado","hypothesis":"I had to move back to Nebraska just to survive.","label":2,"idx":1695} -{"premise":"it's so bad wanted to mow today i was off and i wanted to mow the yard but just walking across it it's still so mushy if i took a mower out there i'd tear the sod up so bad","hypothesis":"I wanted to mow the lawn today but I couldn't because it's so mushy.","label":0,"idx":1698} -{"premise":"11 These departures permit them take advantage of the lower cost of living as well as to be reunited with their spouses and children.","hypothesis":"The departures help them take advantage of the low cost of living in other areas.","label":0,"idx":1700} -{"premise":"Sadly, vandals removed all the tomb's spectacular treasures, but they did leave the gentle beauty of rose and poppies in rich inlaid stones of onyx, green chrysolite, carnelian, and variegated agate.","hypothesis":"The treasures were removed by a bunch of vandals.","label":0,"idx":1704} -{"premise":"Great mistake to say too much.","hypothesis":"It was wrong to say too much.","label":0,"idx":1705} -{"premise":"yeah pay fifteen yeah yes i know yeah and when you pay fifteen dollars a month it sure takes a long time","hypothesis":"When you only pay $15 per month, it takes a long time.","label":0,"idx":1706} -{"premise":"The door opened and Severn stepped out.","hypothesis":"They were waiting for someone to open the door for them.","label":2,"idx":1707} -{"premise":"paid back down it uh","hypothesis":"I paid off the balance.","label":1,"idx":1711} -{"premise":"The newspaper publishes just one letter a week from a reader, always with an editorial riposte at the bottom.","hypothesis":"There are several letters from readers published daily.","label":2,"idx":1714} -{"premise":"Jon saw him ride into the smoke.","hypothesis":"He rode towards Jon and out of the smoke.","label":2,"idx":1716} -{"premise":"um something that i i think that i've noticed that i i have a friend i think if you're going into like uh law or medicine a very particular very specific field even even engineering you can get you can meet a lot of the requirements at a public um institution","hypothesis":"Law,medicine or engineering students often can't get a job","label":2,"idx":1727} -{"premise":"On the other side of the peninsula, off the tourist track in the peninsula's heel, are the curiously romantic landscapes of Puglia, from its centuries-old trulli constructions to the medieval fortresses of the German emperors.","hypothesis":"Puglia doesn't have a tourism industry, so it is slow-paced and relaxing.","label":1,"idx":1745} -{"premise":"Crosethe Rue de Rivoli to the Palais-Royal, built for Car?\u00addi?\u00adnal Richelieu as his Paris residence in 1639, and originally named Palais-Cardinal.","hypothesis":"The Crosethe Rue De Rivoli was built for Cardinal Richelieu to live in.","label":0,"idx":1753} -{"premise":"Most of the Clinton women were in their 20s at the time of their Clinton encounter","hypothesis":"The clinton women were in their 20's","label":0,"idx":1766} -{"premise":"and uh you know it's like they they consider that but it would be the same way here you know it's like if if you had to do it you know you have a big sign i'm sorry i don't get paid you know","hypothesis":"I am paid well, even if it's here and the same.","label":2,"idx":1777} -{"premise":"yeah well that's the other thing you know they talk about women leaving the home and going out to work well still taking care of the children is a very important job and and someone's got to do it and be able to do it right and","hypothesis":"It is not acceptable for anybody to refuse work in order to take care of children.","label":2,"idx":1778} -{"premise":"Asked about abortion the other day on CNN, Republican National Committee Chairman Jim Nicholson also invoked what is apparently the party-line inclusive party.","hypothesis":"The Republican National Committee Chairman freelanced on the topic of abortion when asked about it on CNN instead of reiterating the party-line.","label":2,"idx":1779} -{"premise":"For the beginner ' and for most others, too ' Beaune is the place to buy.","hypothesis":"Beaune is the best place to buy from for beginners.","label":0,"idx":1791} -{"premise":"defiantly if you live in an apartment right","hypothesis":"Defiantly if you live in a house right","label":2,"idx":1806} -{"premise":"At the least, he was hired in an attempt to influence administration China policy.","hypothesis":"He was hired to influence the British economy.","label":2,"idx":1808} -{"premise":"At Gatehouse, in Kent.","hypothesis":"It's in a tent out by the Hundred Acre Woods.","label":2,"idx":1809} -{"premise":"In that case, price discrimination can survive.","hypothesis":"In that circumstance, discrimination in price is fine.","label":0,"idx":1815} -{"premise":" \"So your girl writes that your little farewell activity didn't fare so well, eh?\" he chortled.","hypothesis":"Your little girl wrote about how well your farewell activity went.","label":2,"idx":1818} -{"premise":"These gardens used to belong to the governor's mountain lodge, but the building was demolished by the Japanese during the occupation of Hong Kong.","hypothesis":"The governor's mountain lodge used to own these gardens, however the building was destroyed by the Japanese.","label":0,"idx":1826} -{"premise":"If Washington Square is underripe, U-Turn and Devil's Advocate are rotting.","hypothesis":"Washington Square is definitely underripe, no questions asked. ","label":1,"idx":1828} -{"premise":"'And I don't want to risk a fire fight with what appear to be horribly equal numbers.'","hypothesis":"I want to fight.","label":2,"idx":1834} -{"premise":"The island's burgeoning economic significance propelled population growth, and by the middle of the 15th century Madeira was home to 800 families.","hypothesis":"The population of Madeira was devastated by illness in 1475.","label":1,"idx":1839} -{"premise":"oh thank God i've never been to Midland","hypothesis":"I go to Midland every other weekend. ","label":2,"idx":1841} -{"premise":"But if banks, airlines, and communications companies accept key recovery, the terrorists will risk potential exposure every time they do business with those institutions.","hypothesis":"By accepting key recovery, companies will increase the risks that terrorists will have to deal with.","label":0,"idx":1848} -{"premise":"Hence, it appears likely that the proportion of LC to AO mail is less for inbound mail than for outbound.","hypothesis":"It looks like the proportion of LC to AO mail is more for inbound mail than for outbound.","label":2,"idx":1864} -{"premise":"While the Freedom of Information Act, the Trade Secrets Act, and other statutes may generally protect certain categories of information from disclosure by an agency to the public, this protection does not justify withholding the information from GAO.","hypothesis":"Although the Freedom of Information Act aims to protect information from being disclosed, information should still not be withheld from the GAO. ","label":0,"idx":1870} -{"premise":"By placing \u201done card \u201don another \u201dwith mathematical \u201dprecision!\" I watched the card house rising under his hands, story by story. ","hypothesis":"He took his time carefully placing the cards on top of each other.","label":0,"idx":1872} -{"premise":"'The autopilot's damaged- will the train still slow down?'","hypothesis":"'Will the train slow down? The autopilot is damaged'.","label":0,"idx":1873} -{"premise":"What Ellison is doing here, as Hemingway did, is equating the process of becoming an artist with that of becoming a man.","hypothesis":"Ellison and Hemingway took different ways to compare becoming a man.","label":2,"idx":1874} -{"premise":"The man who had once come up with a has-been corner skit, in which, as Zmuda recalls, forgotten performers would be sent out to flounder in front of an audience ...","hypothesis":"The has-been skit involved sending out former performers to struggle and fail.","label":0,"idx":1884} -{"premise":"yeah you can also do the same thing using um if you have ground beef just stir fry the ground beef drain off the oil use the same hoi sin sauce and um some of the frozen mixed vegetables","hypothesis":"Fry the beef steak and eat it plain with salt and pepper.","label":2,"idx":1888} -{"premise":"Pat Buchanan followed immediately behind, handing out smallpox-infected blankets and bottles of whiskey.","hypothesis":"Pat Buchanan led the group.","label":2,"idx":1898} -{"premise":"A recorded menu will provide information on how to obtain these lists.","hypothesis":"Lists are available on electronic menus. ","label":1,"idx":1917} -{"premise":"But the door was locked?\" These exclamations burst from us disjointedly. ","hypothesis":"We chaotically exclaimed as we all jumped up in a frenzy, \"But the door wasn't unlocked?\"","label":0,"idx":1918} -{"premise":"One of them, darker skinned, had hair braided into two lines.","hypothesis":"The darker skinned one was bald.","label":2,"idx":1923} -{"premise":"Wacky Tangent of the Washington Week in Review host Ken Bode scolded the New York Times Magazine for a Nov. 9 fashion spread he said endorsed the now-discredited fashion trend of heroin chic.","hypothesis":"Heroin Chic is in.","label":2,"idx":1933} -{"premise":"A group of guys went out for a drink after work, and sitting at the bar was a real a 6 foot blonde with a fabulous face and figure to match.","hypothesis":"The men didn't appreciate the figure of the blonde woman sitting at the bar. ","label":2,"idx":1934} -{"premise":"Because of the casualties, Lind says, the United States would eventually have had to leave Vietnam anyway.","hypothesis":"Lind thought that enough soldiers would die that the US would have no choice but to leave.","label":0,"idx":1935} -{"premise":"For big Raj-buffs, the supreme example of Indo-Gothic style is the Victoria Terminus, affectionately abbreviated to VT nowadays, once the railway station that launched adventures inland, now handling mostly suburban traffic.","hypothesis":"The Victoria Terminus used to be where people departed to explore the inland area, but now it's mostly for suburban transportation.","label":0,"idx":1945} -{"premise":"Hearty Sabbath meals.","hypothesis":"Hearty meals will only be offered to Buddhists ","label":1,"idx":1948} -{"premise":"What have we for lunch? ","hypothesis":"What are we going to eat for lunch?","label":0,"idx":1952} -{"premise":"right after the war","hypothesis":"Before the war started.","label":2,"idx":1956} -{"premise":"'But if White has any designs at all on living, he'll be as far from Little as he can possibly get by now.'","hypothesis":"White will be a long ways away from Little right now.","label":0,"idx":1960} -{"premise":"how long has he been in his present position","hypothesis":"How long has did he hold his last position?","label":2,"idx":1962} -{"premise":"Well? cried Tommy eagerly.","hypothesis":"Tommy cried out, waiting for an answer.","label":0,"idx":1969} -{"premise":"It has long been influenced by their differing traits, and has assimilated their various customs and practices.","hypothesis":"Their unique traits has created many customs and practices.","label":0,"idx":1971} -{"premise":"Even after having just seen Adrin's skill with his rapier, Ca'daan had not seen a man move so sure and so naturally with such devastating results.","hypothesis":"Ca'daan smirked at Adrin's pathetic rapier moves.","label":2,"idx":1977} -{"premise":"As he emerged, Boris remarked, glancing up at the clock: \"You are early.","hypothesis":"Boris remarked, glancing at the clock, 'You are late.'","label":2,"idx":1981} -{"premise":"On the easternmost tip of Jamaica stands Morant Point Lighthouse, built in 1841.","hypothesis":"The Morant Point Lighthouse was built in the 19th Century.","label":0,"idx":1984} -{"premise":"More than half of 800,000 native islanders are children, and the mother is traditionally responsible for bringing them up, handling the money, and making key domestic decisions.","hypothesis":"The father is responsable for most of the raising of children in native islander families.","label":2,"idx":1989} -{"premise":"With a little practice almost anyone can flip off to an interesting rock formation and watch the multi-coloured fish pass in review.","hypothesis":"It would take years of practice to be able to jump off a rock.","label":2,"idx":1992} -{"premise":"Jon was about to require a lot from her.","hypothesis":"Jon required her to give up all of her weapons.","label":1,"idx":2003} -{"premise":"She People are rarely indifferent to the magazines I've put out.","hypothesis":"People don't hold a strong opinion to the magazines I've put out.","label":2,"idx":2005} -{"premise":"Two economists at Virginia Commonwealth University--yes, here are the economists again, but this time making a more plausible argument--studied millions of auto-accident claims filed between 1989 and 1993.","hypothesis":"Researchers substituted data on jello ingestion for auto collisions in their work.","label":1,"idx":2009} -{"premise":"he was he's of course uh i guess he's trained in this uh martial arts of some sort but the plot was bland the acting was bland It was just mostly centered upon his abilities to","hypothesis":"The plot was exciting because he was trained in martial arts. ","label":2,"idx":2013} -{"premise":"Founded in 1979, AFFIRM's members include information resource management professionals within the federal, academic, and industry sectors.","hypothesis":"AFFIRM was founded in the year 1979 and includes many professional members.","label":0,"idx":2025} -{"premise":"well in a way you can travel light","hypothesis":"You won't need to pack much. ","label":0,"idx":2026} -{"premise":"His voice was even and calm, not a hint of rage.","hypothesis":"He was not at all concerned about what was happening.","label":1,"idx":2028} -{"premise":"Deborah Pryce said Ohio Legal Services in Columbus will receive a $200,000 federal grant toward an online legal self-help center.","hypothesis":"A $900,000 federal grant will be received by Missouri Legal Services, said Deborah Pryce.","label":2,"idx":2030} -{"premise":"In the short term, U.S. consumers will benefit from cheap imports (as will U.S. multinationals that use parts made in East Asian factories).","hypothesis":"U.S. consumers will put money in the pockets of East Asia over time.","label":1,"idx":2031} -{"premise":"I am not aware of any studies comparing the number of words an average person could expect to hear spoken in a typical day 500 years ago vs. the number that can be heard now, but the increase surely is vast.","hypothesis":"It makes me upset that I've yet to see any study done on how many words the average person hears throughout the day.","label":1,"idx":2047} -{"premise":"yeah and then about every five years you have to dig them up and throw them away and start over again they don't last forever","hypothesis":" You have to dig them up every five years, throw them away and then start all over again. ","label":0,"idx":2052} -{"premise":"Also, lack of winter freezes means that mites normally killed off by the cold will survive.","hypothesis":"During the heat wave the mites burst into flames.","label":2,"idx":2056} -{"premise":"And, just incidentally, the Sons of the Egg who'd attacked him in the hospital had tried to reach the camp twice already, once by interpenetrating into a shipment of mandrakes, which indicated to what measures they would resort.","hypothesis":"The Sons of Egg attacked him in the hospital and were trying to reach the camp.","label":0,"idx":2082} -{"premise":"By contrast, their grandson, who assumed the throne in 1516, was born in Flanders in 1500, and Charles I could barely express himself in Spanish.","hypothesis":"Charlies I was seen by his subjects as an outsider.","label":1,"idx":2083} -{"premise":"The living is not equal to the Ritz, he observed with a sigh.","hypothesis":"The living is nothing compared to the glamour of the Ritz, he said sadly.","label":0,"idx":2089} -{"premise":"huh-uh the the yeah see the Taurus Show has the spoiler kit and the and the big engine and the and stuff like that","hypothesis":"The Taurus show was missing spoiler kits.","label":2,"idx":2092} -{"premise":"Hang it all! said Tommy indignantly.","hypothesis":"Tommy was being indignant.","label":0,"idx":2113} -{"premise":"The case law is a whole body unto itself.","hypothesis":"The case law is a whole entity unto itself.","label":0,"idx":2115} -{"premise":"But there's John \u201dand Miss Howard, surely they were speaking the truth?\"","hypothesis":"I know them so well and am sure they are being truthful.","label":1,"idx":2117} -{"premise":"right and uh there's usually nobody running against you know the incumbents","hypothesis":"There are numerous candidates running against the incumbents. ","label":2,"idx":2123} -{"premise":"so i don't completely agree with that either","hypothesis":"And I totally agree with that too.","label":2,"idx":2133} -{"premise":"A little past the small theater built for local dramatic performances, there's a fine view across the bay to Basse-Terre.","hypothesis":"There are a number of art performances in the area.","label":1,"idx":2140} -{"premise":"yeah i went to i went to uh Rice and we had the marching owl band which is quite a it's not known for its musical abilities more so its um comedy abilities","hypothesis":"The marching owl band was known for its comedy abilities.","label":0,"idx":2141} -{"premise":"Bettelheim committed suicide in 1990, evidently having found life unbearable, despite (or because of) his fictions.","hypothesis":"Bettelheim shot himself in 1990.","label":1,"idx":2145} -{"premise":"The air is warm.","hypothesis":"The frigid air caught them all by surprise.","label":2,"idx":2154} -{"premise":"My usual partner.'","hypothesis":"My usual partner told him to go away.","label":1,"idx":2159} -{"premise":"so i'll probably say you know it's like well we've been talking for five six minutes so okay","hypothesis":"We've been talking about 5 or 6 minutes ago because I called you.","label":1,"idx":2166} -{"premise":"Ricky Martin was filming his triumphant return to the gay porn industry.","hypothesis":"Ricky Martin is a gay porn star.","label":0,"idx":2168} -{"premise":"Strategic parents might spend a large portion of their tax cuts, causing interest rates to rise.","hypothesis":"If parents who receive tax cuts end up spending more on goods, interest rates could go up.","label":1,"idx":2173} -{"premise":"oh sure sure right um-hum right","hypothesis":"Whatever you say","label":1,"idx":2182} -{"premise":"The last stages of uploading are like a mental dry-heave.","hypothesis":"Uploading your consciousness feels like a mental dry-heave in the final stages.","label":1,"idx":2191} -{"premise":"Previously, at the request of the Republican Ranking Minority Member of the House Committee on Government Operations, GAO reviewed activities of President Clintonas Task Force on Health Care Reform and was provided with an extensive listing of working group participants drawn from the government and from outside organizations.","hypothesis":"The reviewing has been taken place without the request of the Republican member previously.","label":2,"idx":2197} -{"premise":"Christ on a crutch, what does he have to do to lose your support, stab David Geffen with a kitchen knife?","hypothesis":"Your support is unwavering.","label":0,"idx":2198} -{"premise":"Net nonfederal saving","hypothesis":"The net saving does not include federal saving","label":0,"idx":2202} -{"premise":"The city was founded in the third millennium b.c. on the north shore of the bay, and reached a peak during the tenth century b.c. , when it was one of the most important cities in the Ionian Federation the poet Homer was born in S myrna during this period.","hypothesis":"In the year 150 b.c is when the city was founded.","label":2,"idx":2204} -{"premise":"Porches and stoops, those symbols of a vibrant social life, stopped being used as gathering places for a rather practical reason--air conditioning.","hypothesis":"Air conditioning is the primary reason for the demise of outdoor gathering.","label":0,"idx":2214} -{"premise":"Instead, we could recommend that, compared with other settings, the prevalence of alcohol problems among ED patients makes it worthy of careful consideration.","hypothesis":"The relationship between alcohol-dependent ED patients should be explored.","label":1,"idx":2219} -{"premise":"For himself he chose Atat??rk, or Father of the Turks.","hypothesis":"Ataturk was the father of the Turkish nation.","label":0,"idx":2220} -{"premise":"2) This particular instance of it stinks.","hypothesis":"This instance stinks. ","label":0,"idx":2223} -{"premise":"Unfortunately, the magnet schools began the undoing of desegregation in Charlotte.","hypothesis":"Desegregation was becoming disbanded in Charlotte thanks to the magnet schools.","label":0,"idx":2227} -{"premise":"The next year, he was expelled from Rand as a security risk after local police caught him engaging in a lewd act in a public men's room near Muscle Beach.","hypothesis":"They expelled him from Rand because he commited a crime","label":0,"idx":2234} -{"premise":"They copied Louis XIV's centralized administration and tax-collection, and by the 18th century Turin was a sparkling royal capital built, quite unlike any other Italian city, in classical French manner.","hypothesis":"Turin was possible due to new centralized control and collection of taxes.","label":0,"idx":2240} -{"premise":"In both Britain and America, the term covers nearly everybody.","hypothesis":"In both Britain and America the term covers almost everyone except for Israelites.","label":1,"idx":2243} -{"premise":"By coordinating policy development and awareness activities in this manner, she helps ensure that new risks and policies are communicated promptly and that employees are periodically reminded of existing policies through means such as monthly bulletins, an intranet web site, and presentations to new employees.","hypothesis":"There new employees are a risk.","label":1,"idx":2244} -{"premise":"that was good and Poland yeah and i've done some of those yeah i like i like things that are those are a few of the ones i can take of his i like it when they actually are giving you information in a novel format i guess would be the","hypothesis":"I dislike it when they give you information in a novel.","label":2,"idx":2248} -{"premise":"Silverwork and Pewter","hypothesis":"Petwer and Silverwork are not comparable.","label":1,"idx":2256} -{"premise":"The entire setup has an anti-competitive, anti-entrepreneurial flavor that rewards political lobbying rather than good business practices.","hypothesis":"The setup rewards political lobbying.","label":0,"idx":2257} -{"premise":"All of them slept in one cave on animal skins, a single large clay pot cooked all of their food.","hypothesis":"They used multiple clay pots to cook their food.","label":2,"idx":2261} -{"premise":"Local legend claims that he wrote part of his great saga, Os Lusadas, in what is now called the Camees Grotto, situated in the spacious tropical Camees Garden.","hypothesis":"It is claimed that half of Os Lusadas was written by him in the Camees Garden.","label":1,"idx":2264} -{"premise":"The first historical mention of Agra is in 1501, when Sultan Sikandar Lodi made it his capital.","hypothesis":"Agra still exists to this day as a capital.","label":1,"idx":2276} -{"premise":"Possibly, but strychnine is a fairly rapid drug in its action. ","hypothesis":"Strychnine is a very fast moving water current. ","label":2,"idx":2277} -{"premise":"um-hum yeah we're still pretty much you know in winter as far as that goes here","hypothesis":"It has been winter here for years.","label":1,"idx":2282} -{"premise":"Improved products and services Initiate actions and manage risks to develop new products and services within or outside the organization.","hypothesis":"Managed risks lead to new products","label":0,"idx":2287} -{"premise":"if it had rained any more in the last two weeks instead of planting Saint Augustine grass in the front yard i think i would have plowed everything under and had a rice field","hypothesis":"It has rained enough to flood everything here and make rice pattys.","label":0,"idx":2290} -{"premise":"It shows clearly enough that my poor old friend had just found out she'd been made a fool of!","hypothesis":"I could see that my friend had been humiliated by the situation. ","label":0,"idx":2291} -{"premise":"The next year, he built himself a palace, Iolani, which can still be toured in Honolulu.","hypothesis":"Lolani was built in only 1 year.","label":1,"idx":2297} -{"premise":"The Kal whistled and Vrenna's eyes sparkled when she saw Jon swing it.","hypothesis":"Kal is whistling into Vrenna's face.","label":1,"idx":2307} -{"premise":" Other villages are much less developed, and therein lies the essence of many delights.","hypothesis":"The other villages and settlements are not as developed.","label":0,"idx":2308} -{"premise":"Indeed, said San'doro.","hypothesis":"They were certain.","label":0,"idx":2309} -{"premise":"Waldemar Szary, a food technician at the OSM 'Paziocha', was having a very bad day - the kind of a very bad day, which normally comes after one of those very good days.","hypothesis":"Waldemar Szary was having the best day of her young life. ","label":2,"idx":2313} -{"premise":"oh does it sure","hypothesis":"oh, does it do that? of course","label":0,"idx":2317} -{"premise":"It lacked intelligence, introspection, and humor--it was crass, worthy of Cosmopolitan or Star . I do have a sense of humor, but can only appreciate a joke when it starts with a grain of truth.","hypothesis":"The article won a Pulitzer Prize.","label":2,"idx":2322} -{"premise":"Research and development is composed of","hypothesis":"Research and development is composed of orchestra instruments.","label":1,"idx":2327} -{"premise":"okay okay that's it that GTE had purchased Tigon and yeah that's what we have","hypothesis":"Tigon is definitely part of GTE now. ","label":0,"idx":2330} -{"premise":"Charles Geveden has introduced legislation that will increase the Access to Justice supplement on court filing fees.","hypothesis":"Charles Geveden initiated a law that will essentially lower court filing fees.","label":2,"idx":2331} -{"premise":"I could've afforded a much swankier, up-town place- or at least, a slightly swankier, mid-town place- but all that space would just encourage me to clutter.","hypothesis":"I was rich enough to afford something better, but I didn't want to have clutter around.","label":0,"idx":2332} -{"premise":"uh and i think even Electric Light Orchestra had some some real um influences by classical music and i'm still still my favorite in fact most of my CDs that i got are classical music","hypothesis":"I have some CDs of barney songs, but those aren't most of my CDs. ","label":2,"idx":2334} -{"premise":"for me now the address is the same you know my my office address","hypothesis":"I am able to receive mail at my workplace.","label":1,"idx":2335} -{"premise":"The media focused on Liggett's admissions of the obvious--that cigarettes are addictive and cause cancer and heart disease--and its agreement to pay the states a quarter of its (relatively small) pretax profits for the next 25 years.","hypothesis":"The media reported on Lingett's insistence that cigarettes don't cause cancer.","label":2,"idx":2337} -{"premise":"The AMS system also allows users to search the full text of the public comments, identifies form letter comments and ex parte communications,8 and provides a list of related government web sites-features that are currently not available in the DOT docket management system.","hypothesis":"The AMS system is the most popular hot dog stand outside of the Pentagon.","label":2,"idx":2338} -{"premise":"Took forever.","hypothesis":"Was quick","label":2,"idx":2340} -{"premise":"yeah i can usually i can put in oh probably mid March i can put anything in the ground you know beets and onions and stuff like that","hypothesis":"I usually wait until June before I put anything in the ground.","label":2,"idx":2355} -{"premise":"Those Creole men and women you'll see dancing it properly have been moving their hips and knees that way since childhood.","hypothesis":"Most people that master the Creole dance learn it as adults.","label":2,"idx":2367} -{"premise":"right oh they've really done uh good job of keeping everybody informed of what's going on sometimes i've wondered if it wasn't almost more than we needed to know","hypothesis":"I don't think I have shared enough information with everyone. ","label":2,"idx":2368} -{"premise":"Once there, he or she must alight from the vehicle and proceed to the mailbox, then return to the vehicle, turn it around and proceed to the road.","hypothesis":"They must get out of the vehicle to go to the mailbox.","label":0,"idx":2369} -{"premise":"In Roman times a temple to Jupiter stood here, followed in the fourth century by the first Christian church, Saint-Etienne.","hypothesis":"Saint-Etienne burned to the ground during the Roman times.","label":1,"idx":2376} -{"premise":"The researchers found expected stresses like the loss of a check in the mail and the illness of loved ones.","hypothesis":"The stresses affected people as the researchers expected.","label":0,"idx":2377} -{"premise":"Diets for men in their prime","hypothesis":"A diet for men made up completely of meat. ","label":1,"idx":2382} -{"premise":"yeah um gosh i think it was only like three and a half pounds and for me that's big that's why i'm saying i love to go fishing because i've never caught anything really really big um so because it's always been you know in the on a lake and uh i know they have bigger fish than that but you know three and a half pounds and that was huge for me","hypothesis":"It was almost fifty pounds.","label":2,"idx":2385} -{"premise":"Also, stakeholders may not interpret principles consistently, and it is important for stakeholders to have the same conceptual framework as preparers when interpreting a principle.","hypothesis":"stakeholders will interpret principles consistently","label":2,"idx":2389} -{"premise":"We will also need any able bodied men to help us spike the river.","hypothesis":"We need men to help us spike the river.","label":0,"idx":2392} -{"premise":"But the real dirty work had already been done.","hypothesis":"There was still lots of dirty work left to be completed.","label":2,"idx":2395} -{"premise":"He looks so awfully tired and bored, and yet you feel that underneath he's just like steel, all keen 38 and flashing.","hypothesis":"He looks disengaged and very worn out.","label":0,"idx":2399} -{"premise":"The Passaic office is refusing to join in that reconfiguration, which goes into effect Jan.","hypothesis":"It will be reconfigured in March. ","label":2,"idx":2402} -{"premise":"It will be held in the Maryland woods, and the telecast will consist of jittery footage of the contestants' slow descent into madness as they are systematically stalked and disappeared\/disqualified by Bob Barker.","hypothesis":"The show will be held in the woods of Maryland.","label":0,"idx":2404} -{"premise":"After several years of private practice from 1982-90, he became the judge of Decatur County Court for a year.","hypothesis":"After working in the military for nearly a decade, he became Sheriff of Decatur County.","label":2,"idx":2405} -{"premise":"After shuttering the DOE, Clinton could depict himself as a crusader against waste and bureaucracy who succeeded where even Reagan failed.","hypothesis":"Reagan created a persona as a crusader against waste more than Clinton could.","label":2,"idx":2412} -{"premise":"Aswan became a backwater following the decline of the Egyptian Empire, far removed from power bases at Alexandria and Cairo.","hypothesis":"Aswan has always been a seat of power for the Egyptians. ","label":2,"idx":2413} -{"premise":"In the first instance, IRS would have no record of time before the person could get through to an agent and of discouraged callers.","hypothesis":"The callers are encouraged to call multiple times.","label":1,"idx":2415} -{"premise":"We will also need any able bodied men to help us spike the river.","hypothesis":"We will need disabled men to help us spike the river.","label":2,"idx":2418} -{"premise":"St. Barts, of course, is completely undefended.","hypothesis":"There are no defenses in St. Barts. ","label":0,"idx":2419} -{"premise":"The Aegean has a short, wet spring when walking, hiking, and mountain biking are extremely enjoyable activities, because the weather is pleasant but not too hot.","hypothesis":"Spring is the best time to go hiking in the Aegean because of the weather.","label":0,"idx":2445} -{"premise":"right well the preseason really doesn't mean anything either","hypothesis":"Right,the preseason is not really important either.","label":0,"idx":2446} -{"premise":"The crucial part of that world is the home where parents relate to children.","hypothesis":"The crucial part is that parents relate to their own children only.","label":1,"idx":2459} -{"premise":"'No one in Large would ever try to harm us.","hypothesis":"Not a single person in Large would have the intentions of hurting us.","label":0,"idx":2467} -{"premise":"In May 1967, Gallup found that the number of people who said they intensely disliked RFK--who was also probably more intensely liked than any other practicing politician--was twice as high as the number who intensely disliked Johnson, the architect of the increasingly unpopular war in Vietnam.","hypothesis":"In 1967 more people preferred Johnson than RFK.","label":0,"idx":2473} -{"premise":"Pesticide concentrations should not exceed USEPA's Ambient Water Quality chronic criteria values where available.","hypothesis":"Locations available include freshwater and saltwater locations.","label":2,"idx":2474} -{"premise":"17 An alternative to unaddressed mail would be to auction off the right to be a third bundle on specific days in specific post offices.","hypothesis":"You could auction off the right to a fourth bundle instead of doing unaddressed mail.","label":2,"idx":2476} -{"premise":"The Gaiety Theatre in South King Street is worth visiting for its ornate d??cor.","hypothesis":"The Gaiety theatre is a must visit just for its beautiful decor.","label":0,"idx":2485} -{"premise":"Since his death it has been transformed into the Bob Marley Museum and carefully managed by the Marley family to protect the memory of his life.","hypothesis":"The Bob Marley Museum was taken over by the Marley family after Bob died.","label":0,"idx":2487} -{"premise":"St. Barts, of course, is completely undefended.","hypothesis":"St. Barts is a military powerhouse. ","label":2,"idx":2489} -{"premise":"Therefore, many leading finance organizations have calculated and compared these percentages as a general indication of how well they supported the organization's business objectives.","hypothesis":"The result percentages are an indication of correctness of organization's business objectives.","label":0,"idx":2492} -{"premise":"Then as he caught the other's sidelong glance, \"No, the chauffeur won't help you any.","hypothesis":"The chauffeur will certainly come to his rescue any moment now.","label":2,"idx":2494} -{"premise":"okay what types of music do you like to listen to","hypothesis":"Do you like classical music?","label":1,"idx":2502} -{"premise":"i don't know um-hum","hypothesis":"I have no idea about their opening time.","label":1,"idx":2514} -{"premise":"Rouen is the ancient center of Normandy's thriving textile industry, and the place of Joan of Arc's martyrdom ' a national symbol of resistance to tyranny.","hypothesis":"Rouen became known as a symbol for the generosity of strong leaders when her life was spared there by the King.","label":2,"idx":2515} -{"premise":"Several of its beaches are officially designated for nudism (known locally as naturisme) the most popular being Pointe Tarare and a functionary who is a Chevalier de la L??gion d'Honneur has been appointed to supervise all aspects of sunning in the buff.","hypothesis":"They do not mind having nude people.","label":0,"idx":2517} -{"premise":"Then he gave in.","hypothesis":"He gave in to the pain.","label":1,"idx":2529} -{"premise":"um we tried that but we really weren't happy with it so he does that all himself now","hypothesis":"Sometimes we help him out, and other times we do it all ourselves. ","label":2,"idx":2531} -{"premise":"Mortifyingly enough, it is all the difficulty, the laziness, the pathetic formlessness in youth, the round peg in the square hole, the whatever do you want?","hypothesis":"Youth are always formless and lazy.","label":1,"idx":2537} -{"premise":"On the window above the sink a small container is stuffed with bits of leftovers--the red berries of barberry, small twigs of willow, cuttings of hinoki cypress with its fruits attached, and the pendulous leathery seed pods of wisteria.","hypothesis":"There is a small jar on the window.","label":1,"idx":2547} -{"premise":" Other villages are much less developed, and therein lies the essence of many delights.","hypothesis":"The other villages are greatly developed.","label":2,"idx":2553} -{"premise":"Given the limits on the WTO's jurisdiction, it was probably unreasonable of Kodak to expect a real victory.","hypothesis":"Kodak was naive and is still just a baby of a company.","label":1,"idx":2556} -{"premise":"This marvelous Victorian-Gothic building is famous for the fanciful stone carvings around the base of its pillars (one pillar, reputedly depicting the club members, shows monkeys playing billiards).","hypothesis":"The fanciful stone carvings on the pillars' base are what made the Victorian-Gothic building famous.","label":0,"idx":2568} -{"premise":"eThe number of deletions was negligible.","hypothesis":"Number of deletions was insignificant.","label":0,"idx":2569} -{"premise":"But there's plenty more.","hypothesis":"There is a lot more. ","label":0,"idx":2575} -{"premise":"yeah that's up here in New England that's we call that backpacking which is the same thing which is you're you've got everything on your back you know an aluminum camp frame uh","hypothesis":"In the Northeastern United Stated, they hike with all of their supplies on their back.","label":0,"idx":2579} -{"premise":"The cold air and the abundance of water gave them all good cheer that eve.","hypothesis":"They were happy for the cold air and water. ","label":0,"idx":2583} -{"premise":"Improvements in architecture, regaining intimate space and scale and all the rest, won't disguise the ugliness of advertising the local bank, Chevy dealer, and chain retailer as a backdrop for baseball.","hypothesis":"Local advertisements are ugly.","label":0,"idx":2584} -{"premise":"oh really yeah i've i've never seen either one of them","hypothesis":"I have no idea what they look like.","label":1,"idx":2585} -{"premise":"South Along the Caribbean","hypothesis":"The coast can be seen south along the Caribbean.","label":1,"idx":2589} -{"premise":"Vrenna looked it and smiled.","hypothesis":"Vrenna was angry that she couldn't find what she was looking for","label":2,"idx":2590} -{"premise":"it's actually there well Iraq has had uh designs on that place since nineteen twenty two so you know it wasn't like something that just suddenly popped up","hypothesis":"Iraq has always wanted to control that area since 1922.","label":0,"idx":2599} -{"premise":"But Fish is not an upbeat pragmatist.","hypothesis":"Fish is the nickname of a human. ","label":1,"idx":2608} -{"premise":"A fresh access of pain seized the unfortunate old lady. ","hypothesis":"The old lady was in pain.","label":0,"idx":2609} -{"premise":"And Doctor Perennial just stood there and when the evil drill sergeant woke up in him once again, he received an SMs. ","hypothesis":"Doctor Perennial was standing when the evil drill sergeant woke up. ","label":0,"idx":2611} -{"premise":"Tommy Thompson of Wisconsin and Mayor Rudolph Giuliani of New York, the conservative vanguard on the issue, show no inclination to exploit research that says, in effect, Why care about day-care quality?","hypothesis":"Thompson and Giuliana are exploiting the research.","label":2,"idx":2616} -{"premise":"IDAs are special in that low-income savers receive matching funds from federal and state governments as well as private sector organizations as an incentive to save.","hypothesis":" IDAs are special in that low-income savers receive differing funds from federal and state governments.","label":2,"idx":2617} -{"premise":"No money no results!\" Another voice which Tommy rather thought was that of Boris replied: \"Will you guarantee that there ARE results?\"","hypothesis":"Can you guarantee that there will be results with money? ","label":1,"idx":2627} -{"premise":"Saint-Th??gonnec is an outstanding example, its triumphal arch setting the tone for the majestic calvary of 1610.","hypothesis":"Both the triumphal arch and the calvary were built in 1610.","label":1,"idx":2628} -{"premise":"Once or twice, but they seem more show than battle, said Adrin.","hypothesis":"Adrin said they were amazing warriors.","label":2,"idx":2631} -{"premise":"Hardly catering to locals, Universal Citys Cityalk attempts to snag tourist dollars with its extensive collection of retail wonders, including magic shops, toy stores, sports shops, and a host of science fiction memorabilia.","hypothesis":"The bulk of footfall in Universal City's retail areas belongs to locals, who are well looked-after by the farmer's markets, hairdressers, and other services there.","label":2,"idx":2632} -{"premise":"Such a knowledgebased process enables decision makers to be reasonably certain about critical facets of the product under development when they need this knowledge.","hypothesis":"They refused to help with the process at all.","label":1,"idx":2633} -{"premise":"Benchmarked by U.S.","hypothesis":"Canada benchmarked it.","label":2,"idx":2647} -{"premise":"It is truly an honor.","hypothesis":"They were offended.","label":2,"idx":2653} -{"premise":"(A bigger contribution may or may not mean, I really, really support Candidate X.) Freedom of association is an even bigger stretch--one that Justice Thomas would laugh out of court if some liberal proposed it.","hypothesis":"Justice Thomas wanted to have freedom of association.","label":2,"idx":2658} -{"premise":"REPORT PREPARATION AND TEST REVIEW","hypothesis":"Test reviews are best done after the test is taken.","label":1,"idx":2660} -{"premise":", less than ten years after the death of the prophet Mohamed.","hypothesis":"The prophet Mohamed died in 840 BC.","label":1,"idx":2662} -{"premise":"We always knew it was an outside chance.","hypothesis":"We were never assured of it happening in time and we knew this full well.","label":0,"idx":2663} -{"premise":"After being diagnosed with cancer, Carrey's Kaufman decides to do a show at Carnegie Hall.","hypothesis":"Carrey's Kaufman was diagnosed with cancer before deciding to do a show at Carnegie Hall.","label":0,"idx":2664} -{"premise":"On top is a broad plateau 650 metres (2,132 feet) long by 300 metres (984 feet) wide.","hypothesis":"The plateau is very wide and very long.","label":0,"idx":2666} -{"premise":"The judge gave vent to a faint murmur of disapprobation, and the prisoner in the dock leant forward angrily. ","hypothesis":"The judge ordered the court to be silent.","label":1,"idx":2671} -{"premise":"An article explains that Al Gore enlisted for the Vietnam War out of fealty to his father and distaste for draft Gore deplored the inequity of the rich not having to serve.","hypothesis":"Gore enlisted in the Army.","label":1,"idx":2678} -{"premise":"I jumped, coat tails flapping.","hypothesis":"I leaped into the snow.","label":1,"idx":2679} -{"premise":", First-Class Mail used by households to pay their bills) and the household bill mail (i.e.","hypothesis":"Second-Class Mail used by households to pay their bills","label":2,"idx":2685} -{"premise":"AT&T and MCI have protested the tax and pledged to pass the cost on to MCI charges 5 percent on all out of state long-distance calls, and AT&T charges a flat rate.","hypothesis":"AT&T and MCI are against the tax and have chosen different ways to handle it. ","label":0,"idx":2688} -{"premise":"He married Dona Filipa Moniz (Perestrelo), the daughter of Porto Santo's first governor, and lived on the island for a period, fathering a son there.","hypothesis":"Soon after his son was born he decided to leave the island.","label":1,"idx":2690} -{"premise":"Keep your eyes open for Renaissance details, grand doorways, and views into lovely courtyards.","hypothesis":"All of the doorways and courtyards have been completely remodeled since the Renaissance.","label":1,"idx":2703} -{"premise":"Other examples of cumulative case studies come from two international agencies.","hypothesis":"There are examples given by UNICEF and Doctors without Borders.","label":1,"idx":2706} -{"premise":"The political cleansing that did not happen through the impeachment process leaves Clinton with a great and serious burden.","hypothesis":"Political cleansing did not happen.","label":0,"idx":2707} -{"premise":"His diet was of wheaten bread,","hypothesis":"He ate mostly carbohydrates in the form of bread.","label":0,"idx":2717} -{"premise":"For instance, mandatory account proposals are more likely to increase private saving because such a program would require households that do not currently save-such as many low-income individuals or families-to place some amount in an individual account.","hypothesis":"Mandatory account proposals are likely to increase savings by forcing people to save.","label":0,"idx":2723} -{"premise":"Guangzhou, with a population of more than 5 million, straddles the Pearl River China's fifth longest which links the city to the South China Sea.","hypothesis":"Pearl River is the fifth longest river in China.","label":0,"idx":2724} -{"premise":"We have taken a number of steps to empower and invest in our employees.","hypothesis":"Our employees feel like they have no power.","label":1,"idx":2732} -{"premise":"Bauerstein.\"","hypothesis":"The doctor. ","label":1,"idx":2734} -{"premise":"have that well and it doesn't seem like very many people uh are really i mean there's a lot of people that are on death row but there's not very many people that actually um do get killed","hypothesis":"Most people on death row end up living out their lives awaiting execution.","label":0,"idx":2739} -{"premise":"Detroit Pistons they're not as good as they were last year","hypothesis":"Detroit Pistons played better last year","label":0,"idx":2744} -{"premise":"Changes in technology and its application to electronic commerce and expanding Internet applications will change the specific control activities that may be employed and how they are implemented, but the basic requirements of control will not have changed.","hypothesis":"Basic requirements of control will change.","label":2,"idx":2750} -{"premise":"At the same moment I felt a terrific blow on the back of my head\u2026 .\" She shuddered.","hypothesis":"I was hit on by a nerdy guy at the local bar. ","label":2,"idx":2754} -{"premise":"well the difficulty is is if you look in the Old Testament and and the numbers of places that uh the Lord went out and just simply struck down and that was part of the problem when they went into the Promised Land that they that they uh they didn't destroy everybody and that that's","hypothesis":"The Lord struck down all the places he went to. ","label":1,"idx":2755} -{"premise":"Regulators may not be totally supportive of a more comprehensive business model because they are concerned that the information would be based on a lot of judgment and, therefore, lack of precision, which could make enforcement of reporting standards difficult.","hypothesis":"Being totally supportive of a more comprehensive business model is not something regulators may do.","label":0,"idx":2765} -{"premise":"It is, as you see, highly magnified. ","hypothesis":"It is plain for you to see that it is amplified.","label":0,"idx":2767} -{"premise":"(Imagine the difference between smoking a cigarette and injecting pure nicotine directly into a vein.)","hypothesis":"Try not to imagine the difference between smoking a cigarette and injecting pure nicotine.","label":2,"idx":2770} -{"premise":"and the nurses aren't no see you have to pay that","hypothesis":"You have to pay for that if social security won't cover it.","label":1,"idx":2773} -{"premise":"The Standard , published a few days before Deng's death, covers similar territory.","hypothesis":"The Washington Post covers similar territory.","label":1,"idx":2775} -{"premise":"because the cold weather was just simply trapped along the ground and couldn't get away","hypothesis":"The weather stayed for much too long.","label":1,"idx":2777} -{"premise":"But overinterpretation or even misinterpretation are not the same as bias.","hypothesis":"\"You're not being overinterpreted or misinterpreted.\" she claimed. ","label":1,"idx":2780} -{"premise":"then there's that uh let's see i like the Lakers Milwaukee Atlanta Hawks i like them too","hypothesis":"I like the Chicago Bulls and the Warriors.","label":2,"idx":2782} -{"premise":"The movie isn't clear on where the secret report that kicked off Bergman's interest in tobacco came from, or who in the FDA thought it was a good idea to turn him onto Wigand.","hypothesis":"Bergman did not want to work with the government.","label":1,"idx":2787} -{"premise":"He leaned over Tommy, his face purple with excitement.","hypothesis":"He hovered over Tommy, with a deep color in his face from the thrill.","label":0,"idx":2790} -{"premise":"An overall increase in prices is only possible when there has been an overall increase in the amount of money in circulation.","hypothesis":"Price hikes are only possible if there is more money in circulation.","label":0,"idx":2795} -{"premise":"Allow time in Thirasia to explore Santorini's smaller sibling islands.","hypothesis":"Allow time in Thirasia to visit the famous Guy Fieri restaurant.","label":2,"idx":2799} -{"premise":"My unborn children will never appear on the Today show.","hypothesis":"No direct descendent of mine will ever be a guest of the Today show.","label":0,"idx":2804} -{"premise":"we wouldn't be expected to cast a ballet on the subject","hypothesis":"There is no expectation for us to vote on the matter.","label":0,"idx":2813} -{"premise":"Troyes is also a center for shopping, with two outlet centers selling both French and international designer-name fashions and home accessories.","hypothesis":"One of the outlet centers in Troyes sells Prada fashions.","label":1,"idx":2814} -{"premise":"Also, other sorbent-based approaches in development may prove in time to be preferable to ACI, making the use of ACI only a conservative assumption.","hypothesis":"Hydrogen-based approaches in development may be preferable to ACl.","label":2,"idx":2823} -{"premise":"In the original, Reich is set up by his host and then ambushed by a hostile questioner named John, and when he tries to answer with an eloquent Mr. Smith speech (My fist is clenched.","hypothesis":"In the original, Reich is in control of the whole situation.","label":2,"idx":2824} -{"premise":"they don't call them immigrants anymore that was back during my granddaddy's day","hypothesis":"Now they call them tourists.","label":1,"idx":2831} -{"premise":"But I guess I can take it we were wrong, pursued Julius.","hypothesis":"Julius surmised that we were not correct at all. ","label":0,"idx":2836} -{"premise":"Each state is different, and in some states, intra-state regions differ significantly as well.","hypothesis":"You can go from one area of a state to another and not see a resemblance.","label":1,"idx":2838} -{"premise":"All of the islands are now officially and proudly part of France, not colonies as they were for some three centuries.","hypothesis":"The islands voted to join France instead of being colonies.","label":1,"idx":2845} -{"premise":"The most comfortable courses are in the cooler hill stations, notably Cameron Highlands and Fraser's Hill.","hypothesis":"It's best to golf in the cooler hill stations.","label":1,"idx":2850} -{"premise":"and uh it that takes so much time away from your kids","hypothesis":"That it depletes your availability from your children.","label":0,"idx":2854} -{"premise":"(As the old saying goes, If you can't figure out who the fool is at the poker table, it's probably you. ","hypothesis":"Dealers say everyone is smart that is playing.","label":1,"idx":2857} -{"premise":"so do you have do you have the long i guess not not if there's see i was raised in New York but i guess up there you all don't have too long of a growing season do you","hypothesis":"I have no knowledge of how growing seasons vary across the country.","label":1,"idx":2859} -{"premise":"The entire setup has an anti-competitive, anti-entrepreneurial flavor that rewards political lobbying rather than good business practices.","hypothesis":"The setup rewards good business practices.","label":2,"idx":2862} -{"premise":"Sometimes it flattens entire neighbourhoods to make life easier for them.","hypothesis":"Entire neighborhoods have been flattened just to make life easier for them.","label":0,"idx":2863} -{"premise":"Up here, gazing out at strikingly lush mountains, you may find yourself higher than the clouds, which adds to the extraordinarily eerie atmosphere of the place.","hypothesis":"This spot is a local secret, most tourists have never discovered it.","label":1,"idx":2864} -{"premise":"That's what guarantees that people will keep buying tickets as long as the odds are in their favor.","hypothesis":"People will continue to buy tickets if the odds are not in their favor.","label":2,"idx":2865} -{"premise":"We are assured of success?\"","hypothesis":"\"Are we definitely going to be successful and stay alive?\" ","label":1,"idx":2872} -{"premise":"'You should do the fixing.'","hypothesis":"I knew I had no hope of fixing this as I had never had any experience with this kind of thing, so I recommended that they do the fixing instead.","label":1,"idx":2873} -{"premise":"He touched it and felt his skin swelling and growing hot.","hypothesis":"He touched a hot rod.","label":1,"idx":2898} -{"premise":"According to a 1995 Financial Executives Research Foundation report,5 transaction processing and other routine accounting activities, such as accounts payable, payroll, and external reporting, consume about 69 percent of costs within finance.","hypothesis":"Almost 70% of costs within finance are for routine accounting activities. ","label":0,"idx":2901} -{"premise":"Her state is probably to be attributed to the mental shock consequent on recovering her memory.\"","hypothesis":"She is probably in shock now that she has her memory back.","label":0,"idx":2903} -{"premise":"In addition, because funding is secured on an","hypothesis":"In addition, because funding isn't secured on an","label":2,"idx":2906} -{"premise":"Very few emperors were reluctant to submit to Fujiwara domination.","hypothesis":"Not many rulers had any hesitation in submitting to Fujiwara.","label":0,"idx":2907} -{"premise":"now you know the ball'll go straight and i go i never broke a club or anything but you know i'd get upset about it sometimes and now i guess you know being in my forties i just kind of mellowed out a little bit i don't get upset any more so","hypothesis":"I still get upset when I don't perform well.","label":2,"idx":2908} -{"premise":"SSA will consider the comments received by April 14, 1997, and will issue revised regulations if necessary.","hypothesis":"Comments made after April 14, 1997 are prohibited from being considered by law.","label":1,"idx":2912} -{"premise":"where they they brew their own beer there","hypothesis":"The beer comes from a factory that they purchase it from. ","label":2,"idx":2919} -{"premise":"He watched the river flow.","hypothesis":"The river roared by.","label":1,"idx":2920} -{"premise":"Mykonos has had a head start as far as diving is concerned because it was never banned here (after all, there are no ancient sites to protect).","hypothesis":"Diving was banned in places other than Mykonos.","label":0,"idx":2921} -{"premise":"He reverted to his former point of view.","hypothesis":"He had new views.","label":2,"idx":2923} -{"premise":"The students' reaction was swift and contentious, as if their feelings had been hurt.","hypothesis":"The students responded strongly.","label":0,"idx":2940} -{"premise":"Changes in technology and its application to electronic commerce and expanding Internet applications will change the specific control activities that may be employed and how they are implemented, but the basic requirements of control will not have changed.","hypothesis":"Technology will make it so we have less control of activities. ","label":1,"idx":2943} -{"premise":"Then, all the time, it was in the spill vase in Mrs. Inglethorp's bedroom, under our very noses? I cried. ","hypothesis":"You mean we were so near it constantly?","label":0,"idx":2945} -{"premise":"I found her leaning against the bannisters, deadly pale. ","hypothesis":"She couldn't stand on her own so she leaned against the bannisters until I found her.","label":0,"idx":2954} -{"premise":"explanations, and to corroborate findings.","hypothesis":"Corroborating findings is neccesary, there is no trusted source.","label":1,"idx":2960} -{"premise":"Tracking down the tiger is a subtle affair, and requires a degree of dedication, calm, and stealth.","hypothesis":"Searching for tigers requires great skill.","label":0,"idx":2963} -{"premise":"Mortifyingly enough, it is all the difficulty, the laziness, the pathetic formlessness in youth, the round peg in the square hole, the whatever do you want?","hypothesis":"Youth are known to be go-getters.","label":2,"idx":2969} -{"premise":"'It's that kind of world.'","hypothesis":"This was unusual for the world.","label":2,"idx":2973} -{"premise":"Three more days went by in dreary inaction.","hypothesis":"The next three days were packed with action.","label":2,"idx":2980} -{"premise":"The traditional opening time for many hotels is the Orthodox Easter, although some do not open until the end of April.","hypothesis":"The hotels don't open in Halloween.","label":1,"idx":2981} -{"premise":"Monday's Question (No.","hypothesis":"There was a question on Tuesday.","label":2,"idx":2985} -{"premise":"He was a pilot, not a platoon leader.","hypothesis":"He was a decorated platoon leader with many years of command experience.","label":2,"idx":2993} -{"premise":"Introduction","hypothesis":"The introduction generally proceeds the conclusion.","label":1,"idx":2995} -{"premise":"Without the discount, nobody would buy the stock.","hypothesis":"Nobody would buy the stock if there wasn't a discount.","label":0,"idx":2997} -{"premise":"LSC's State Planning Initiative began in 1995 primarily in response to the programmatic changes and budget cuts that were threatening the very survival of legal services delivery across the nation.","hypothesis":"The LSC State Planning Initiative started in 1998.","label":2,"idx":3010} -{"premise":"oh thank God i've never been to Midland","hypothesis":"Midland is a crap hole so I am glad that I have never been there. ","label":1,"idx":3013} -{"premise":"He jumped up, planting one hand on the charging horse, and came at the brute with the axe.","hypothesis":"He went after the brute with an axe.","label":0,"idx":3019} -{"premise":"there and they uh they in fact they had this was in uh the late twenties and they in fact used some of the equipment that had been left over and uh he turned them down it it's interesting that that most people don't realize how small the canal is have you ever been there","hypothesis":"Most people think the canal is tiny ","label":2,"idx":3026} -{"premise":"Fira is a shopper's paradise, a series of narrow alleys where you can wander free from the fear of traffic, although keep your eyes and ears open for donkeys.","hypothesis":"There is no traffic in Fira, but there are donkeys.","label":0,"idx":3030} -{"premise":"I hate pigeons.","hypothesis":"Pigeons are cute and adorable.","label":2,"idx":3035} -{"premise":"Spock did not cure American mothers and fathers of their impossible dream of being professional parents equipped with the developmentally correct answers.","hypothesis":"Spock was unable to cure the impossible dream of American parents.","label":0,"idx":3041} -{"premise":"We've got to think.","hypothesis":"We can think.","label":1,"idx":3045} -{"premise":"uh high humidity","hypothesis":"Warm, sweaty temperatures.","label":0,"idx":3048} -{"premise":"Christ on a crutch, what does he have to do to lose your support, stab David Geffen with a kitchen knife?","hypothesis":"You have extreme political devotion.","label":1,"idx":3051} -{"premise":"Had we had more money we would have facilitated more conferences.","hypothesis":"If we had had enough money we would have more conferences.","label":0,"idx":3053} -{"premise":"This is my old friend, Monsieur Poirot, whom I have not seen for years.\"","hypothesis":"I haven't seen this old friend in over a year. ","label":0,"idx":3057} -{"premise":"That's the second time you've made that sort of remark.","hypothesis":"That is the second occurrence of that sort of remark.","label":0,"idx":3066} -{"premise":"Penrith and Blencathra are also Celtic names, established during this early period of settlement.","hypothesis":"Penrith and Blencathra are names which go back to ancient Rome.","label":2,"idx":3087} -{"premise":"They're taking us away this morning.","hypothesis":"They are coming to get us today.","label":0,"idx":3088} -{"premise":"Once there, he or she must alight from the vehicle and proceed to the mailbox, then return to the vehicle, turn it around and proceed to the road.","hypothesis":"If there is no mailbox, they don't have to get out of the vehicle.","label":1,"idx":3089} -{"premise":"A silver revolver.","hypothesis":"The revolver was silver.","label":0,"idx":3091} -{"premise":"Christ on a crutch, what does he have to do to lose your support, stab David Geffen with a kitchen knife?","hypothesis":"One questions your dedication.","label":2,"idx":3093} -{"premise":"And in this city, where literature and theater have historically dominated the scene, visual arts are finally coming into their own with the new Museum of Modern Art and the many galleries that display the work of modern Irish artists.","hypothesis":"Visual arts are finally coming into their own in this city with the new museum. ","label":0,"idx":3099} -{"premise":"yeah it's a U S territory and it's just we own it or","hypothesis":"I used to be great at remembering this type of thing, but now I don't.","label":2,"idx":3101} -{"premise":"for one twelve dollar check","hypothesis":"We did not cash the twelve dollar check. ","label":1,"idx":3109} -{"premise":"no that's true and and and Lord knows with that legislature up there they probably did all kinds of things while he wasn't looking","hypothesis":"When he came back around he got the Legislature back in order.","label":1,"idx":3112} -{"premise":"yeah i went to i went to uh Rice and we had the marching owl band which is quite a it's not known for its musical abilities more so its um comedy abilities","hypothesis":"The owl band was well known for its music abilities.","label":2,"idx":3114} -{"premise":"The final rule contains a Federalism Assessment under Executive Order","hypothesis":"The final rule had a federalism assessment that was added through a special election.","label":2,"idx":3116} -{"premise":"because i i mean i don't know it's just something i think something we need","hypothesis":"I think we could do without it, but it would change our quality of life greatly.","label":2,"idx":3124} -{"premise":"it was really easy i mean just just did a thumb print you know","hypothesis":"It was so hard! I had to sign a lot of documents.","label":2,"idx":3135} -{"premise":"I'm busy now.","hypothesis":"I won't be busy later if you still need help.","label":1,"idx":3144} -{"premise":"Growth continued for ten years, and by 1915 the town had telephones, round-the-clock electricity, and a growing population many of whom worked in the railroad repair shop.","hypothesis":"Economic growth continued apace, with many people employed by the railroad repair shop.","label":0,"idx":3146} -{"premise":"This popular show spawned the aquatic show at the Bellagio.","hypothesis":"Bellagio's water display was born from this well received show.","label":0,"idx":3149} -{"premise":"Despite protests by preservationists, there was little alternative.","hypothesis":"There were various alternatives and one that was appeasing to everyone was implemented.","label":2,"idx":3152} -{"premise":"My article does not say or imply that real earnings growth only reflects retentions and that dividend growth must be zero or that all valuation techniques are out the window for firms that don't pay dividends.","hypothesis":"My article doesn't say or imply that real earnings growth reflects only retentions and that dividend growth must be zero or that valuation techniques are unused for firms which don't pay dividends, it implies that growth is a concrete and calculable statistic.","label":1,"idx":3156} -{"premise":"um we tried that but we really weren't happy with it so he does that all himself now","hypothesis":"He does that all himself now, after we tried. ","label":0,"idx":3157} -{"premise":"not only that but they don't pay the money either","hypothesis":"They've paid out their life savings.","label":2,"idx":3177} -{"premise":"Under the default method, eighty percent of the total amount of sulfur dioxide allowances available for allocation each year will be allocated to Acid Rain Program units with coal as their primary or secondary fuel or residual oil as their primary fuel, listed in the Administrator's Emissions Scorecard 2000, Appendix B (2000 Data for SO2, NOx, CO2, Heat Input, and Other Parameters), Table B1 (All 2000 Data for All Units).","hypothesis":"20% of the sulfur dioxide allowance for each year is in the Acid Rain Program.","label":2,"idx":3179} -{"premise":"He had never felt better.","hypothesis":"He was in very good health.","label":0,"idx":3192} -{"premise":"I'm sure I won't get stuck to it,' Julia remarked about the suitcase she was carrying.","hypothesis":"Julia said that she was sure she would get stuck to the suitcase. ","label":2,"idx":3201} -{"premise":"Initial demand for land in the New Town was not spectacular; in fact, incentives had to be offered to entice buyers.","hypothesis":"At first, demand for land in the New Town was high and property sold swiftly.","label":2,"idx":3202} -{"premise":"Each room was outfitted with a leather sofa and three fold-out beds for students exhausted after a full day of hard work.","hypothesis":"Every student slept in these housings, no matter what.","label":1,"idx":3203} -{"premise":"There are certain categories of control activities that are common to all agencies.","hypothesis":"Control activities such as safe business practices are universally common across all agencies.","label":1,"idx":3205} -{"premise":"LASNNY is one of the oldest and most cost-effective legal services organizations in the United States.","hypothesis":"LASNNY is an old legal services organization in Los Angeles.","label":1,"idx":3210} -{"premise":"High Crimes is painfully shoddy, even for a book rushed to press.","hypothesis":"High Crimes is a poor book and is not excused by being rushed to press. ","label":0,"idx":3211} -{"premise":"This tax preference allows state and local governments to borrow at lower rates to build highways, schools, mass transit facilities, and water systems.","hypothesis":"This tax preference will make it so governments can't borrow at lower rates anymore.","label":2,"idx":3224} -{"premise":"Czarek was welcomed enthusiastically, even though the poultry brotherhood was paying a lot of sudden attention to the newcomers - a strong group of young and talented managers from an egzemo-exotic chicken farm in Fodder Band nearby Podunkowice.","hypothesis":"Czarek was welcomed into the group.","label":0,"idx":3228} -{"premise":"yeah pay fifteen yeah yes i know yeah and when you pay fifteen dollars a month it sure takes a long time","hypothesis":"When you pay $100 a month, it take a long time.","label":2,"idx":3238} -{"premise":"After considering comments of the Postal Service and other participants, the Commission found the proposal problematical, and declined to pursue it.","hypothesis":"The Commission ultimately declined to pursue the proposal.","label":0,"idx":3241} -{"premise":"The cold air and the abundance of water gave them all good cheer that eve.","hypothesis":"The cold, fresh mountainous air made them happy. ","label":0,"idx":3249} -{"premise":"AC Green's pretty good","hypothesis":"AC Green is also a solid player.","label":0,"idx":3257} -{"premise":"And it needs work too, you know, in case I have to jump out with this parachute from my lil' blue sports plane for real.'","hypothesis":"It needs to work Incase he needs to jump out of a small window.","label":2,"idx":3259} -{"premise":"Why bother to sacrifice your lives for dirt farmers and slavers?","hypothesis":"No one cares about the dirt farmers and slaves.","label":1,"idx":3270} -{"premise":"and i use a one of those black soaker hoses that actually oozes water every where so i lace it up and down there a couple of times and i only have to water about two hours a week","hypothesis":"I only water about two hours a week, I use one of those black soaker hoses.","label":0,"idx":3271} -{"premise":"Any point you failed to win by rigging the questions and categories can be cleaned up in the executive summary (the pollster's spin) and the press release and news conference (the client's spin on the pollster's spin).","hypothesis":"Any point you didn't get by fixing the questions can be added to the executive summary for the news conference to address.","label":0,"idx":3273} -{"premise":"After the execution of Guru Tegh Bahadur, his son, Guru Gobind Singh, exalted the faithful to be ever ready for armed defense.","hypothesis":"Guru Gobind Singh was unsuccessful in his defense.","label":1,"idx":3274} -{"premise":"and the wind started blowing and it was one of my earlier trips to be really out in the middle of","hypothesis":"The wind was really blowing during the trip.","label":0,"idx":3281} -{"premise":"That analysis is guided by an economist's faith in the maxim that people are generally pretty good at looking out for their own interests.","hypothesis":"People always just look out for themselves ","label":1,"idx":3290} -{"premise":"I see, said Tuppence thoughtfully.","hypothesis":"\"I can't comprehend it,\" said Tuppence fitfully.","label":2,"idx":3291} -{"premise":"Legal Services Corp., 02-CV-3866, names as defendants the national Legal Services Corp., which distributes federal grants to providers, and Legal Services of New Jersey, which distributes state money.","hypothesis":"Legal Services of New Jersey did nothing wrong.","label":1,"idx":3295} -{"premise":"The day may well come, as Barlow and Dyson seem to believe, when book publishers as we know them will disappear.","hypothesis":"Barlow and Dyson believe that certain book publishers are currently making record profits.","label":1,"idx":3300} -{"premise":"Despite a recent renovation, the Meadows Mall is the least appealing of the three suburban malls.","hypothesis":"The Meadows Mall is not appealing because it is dirty and crowded and the stores are terrible.","label":1,"idx":3301} -{"premise":"I said it and I'm glad.","hypothesis":"I'm glad I said it. ","label":0,"idx":3305} -{"premise":"Very often the emperor was only a minor, so that the Fujiwara patriarch acted as regent.","hypothesis":"It was not possible to be an emperor unless you were at least 18. ","label":2,"idx":3308} -{"premise":"Never mind that the movie had been out for months and that a Best Supporting Actor Oscar nomination had already been awarded for the portrayal of the female character.","hypothesis":"the movie had been out for months","label":0,"idx":3311} -{"premise":"Unless the political culture changes drastically, there will always be one or more independent prosecutors investigating the administration of the day and\/or past administrations, anyway.","hypothesis":"No one questions the political system enough to make decent or noticeable changes.","label":1,"idx":3317} -{"premise":"The Revolutionaries couldn't be dissuaded from destroying most of the cathedral's statues, although 67 were saved (many of the originals are now housed in the Mus??e de l'Oeuvre Notre-Dame next door).","hypothesis":"The Revolutionaries hated statues.","label":1,"idx":3318} -{"premise":"'Best we could hope for.'","hypothesis":"Our hopes are dashed.","label":2,"idx":3321} -{"premise":"Was it a sudden decision on his part, or had he already made up his mind when he parted from me a few hours earlier? ","hypothesis":"Was it something done in the spur of the moment, or was this already a plan for a long time?","label":0,"idx":3322} -{"premise":"That example points to an important general Total expenditure is determined by the value of the prize, whether we're talking about presidential campaigns or state lotteries.","hypothesis":"They stated that the monetary amount of the prize was determined regardless of how the prize was used.","label":1,"idx":3324} -{"premise":"General Motors, for instance, lost $460 million to strikes in 1997, but investors treated the costs as a kind of extraordinary charge and valued the company as if the losses had never happened.","hypothesis":"GM lost a lot almost a million dollars in labor disputes.","label":2,"idx":3326} -{"premise":"It was going to be a hot day. ","hypothesis":"It was going to get very warm that day.","label":0,"idx":3338} -{"premise":"well they're so close to an undefeated undefeated season they can taste it and they wanna make history so i don't think they're gonna lack for motivation","hypothesis":"Unless they suffer any losses, they'll remain motivated.","label":1,"idx":3342} -{"premise":"Fixing current levels of damage would be impossible.","hypothesis":"The damage will be fixed next week.","label":2,"idx":3346} -{"premise":"yeah i was in Peru Peru but um i there weren't as i recall or at least i wasn't aware of that many Americans there except for a very heavy concentration of Peace Corps volunteers this was when the Peace Corps first are started and it was one of the big targets","hypothesis":"I knew every American I came into contact with there.","label":1,"idx":3350} -{"premise":"farmworkers conducted by the U.S.","hypothesis":"Trying to find out how to fuel the rocket, the US employed the brightest farmworkers in the field.","label":2,"idx":3353} -{"premise":"The Drawing Room was partially destroyed by fire in 1941, and its furnishings are faithful reproductions; the huge (repaired) Ming punch bowl is striking.","hypothesis":"Furnishings in the Drawing room are all reproductions.","label":0,"idx":3354} -{"premise":"Cruises are available from the Bhansi Ghat, which is near the CityPalace.","hypothesis":"You can take cruises from Phoenix Arizona.","label":2,"idx":3358} -{"premise":"The editors, for their part, arrange to have them all written just in case I do.","hypothesis":"The editors make sure they all get written in case of contingencies.","label":0,"idx":3368} -{"premise":"probably yeah i would imagine the judge could throw it out","hypothesis":"I cannot believe the judge threw the book at them so fast.","label":2,"idx":3369} -{"premise":"One reason for the high value of MLB teams is the prospect of new, publicly financed ballparks . Owners in Baltimore, Cleveland, Chicago, Denver, and Texas have all reaped major profits from these new facilities, built at little or no cost to the teams.","hypothesis":"New facilities were built at very high costs to MLB teams, giving little profit to their owners.","label":2,"idx":3370} -{"premise":"More reserved and remote but a better administrator and financier than his uncle, Charles Brooke imposed on his men his own austere, efficient style of life.","hypothesis":"Charles Brookes methods were different but superior to those of his uncle.","label":0,"idx":3373} -{"premise":"And put like that, she added confidentially to Tommy, \"nobody could boggle at the expense!\" Nobody did, which was the great thing.","hypothesis":"People boggled at the expense.","label":2,"idx":3374} -{"premise":"i'll listen and agree with what i think sounds right","hypothesis":"I will agree with whatever I think sounds right.","label":0,"idx":3380} -{"premise":"Tom is the winner of a year's supply of Turtle Wax, and he will receive his prize just as soon as the Shopping Avenger figures out how much Turtle Wax actually constitutes a year's supply.","hypothesis":"Tom is the winner of this years contest.","label":0,"idx":3382} -{"premise":"GAO also issued over 160 reports detailing specific findings and made over 100 recommendations to agencies and to the President's Council on Year 2000 Conversion for improving the government's readiness.","hypothesis":"The GAO issued roughly 170 reports about specific findings.","label":1,"idx":3385} -{"premise":"The anthropologist Napoleon Chagnon has shown that Yanomamo men who have killed other men have more wives and more offspring than average guys.","hypothesis":"There is a direct correlation between Yanomamo killers and the amount of wives a man has.","label":0,"idx":3390} -{"premise":"What have we for lunch? ","hypothesis":"What did they serve for lunch?","label":0,"idx":3391} -{"premise":"Credibility is a vital factor, and Jim Lehrer does, indeed, have it.","hypothesis":"Jim Lehrer has a lot of credibility, which is good for him.","label":0,"idx":3393} -{"premise":"Clearly, yes.","hypothesis":"You should already know the answer is yes. ","label":0,"idx":3396} -{"premise":"More to the point, even as the major airlines have been reaping large profits over the last four years, their productivity has not risen at all, suggesting that consolidation is not improving efficiency.","hypothesis":"Airlines don't produce much profit but have become highly productive. ","label":2,"idx":3402} -{"premise":"Concentration of greenhouse gases, especially CO2, have increased substantially since the beginning of the industrial revolution.","hypothesis":"Greenhouse gases have increased since the industrial revolution.","label":0,"idx":3406} -{"premise":"The author began with a set of hunches or hypotheses about what can go wrong in agency management, and what would be evidence supporting-or contradicting-these hypotheses.","hypothesis":"The author had several theories about the ways in which agency management can go awry.","label":0,"idx":3409} -{"premise":"Yes, it does, admitted Tuppence.","hypothesis":"Tuppence admitted that no, it didn't.","label":2,"idx":3420} -{"premise":"I understand,\" continued the Coroner deliberately, \"that you were sitting reading on the bench just outside the long window of the boudoir. ","hypothesis":"\"Just outside the window of the boudoir, I understand that you were sitting and reading\", continued the Coroner.","label":0,"idx":3431} -{"premise":"In other words, the paper exhibited the all-too-typical journalistic tic of exposing potential conflicts of interest involving politicians while ignoring those involving journalists.","hypothesis":"The paper has exposed multiple politicians conflicts of interest, in the time it has been running.","label":0,"idx":3435} -{"premise":"At least they're getting stoned first, I rationalized.","hypothesis":"I think it's better that they get stoned first, before they're around the kids. ","label":1,"idx":3437} -{"premise":"Jon's feeling of age and weariness must have shown.","hypothesis":"Jon was weary and feeling his age.","label":0,"idx":3441} -{"premise":"Loire Valley","hypothesis":"A Lake in Loire.","label":2,"idx":3443} -{"premise":" Dinghies are available for hire from the marinas at Tel Aviv, Jaffa, Akko, Netanya, and Nahariya.","hypothesis":"Excellent quality dinghies are rent-able for the marinas at Tel Aviv, Jaffa, Akko, Akko, Netanya, and Nahariya.","label":1,"idx":3448} -{"premise":"The entrance is also home to several sculptures, including one of Carlyle, the gallery's founding father.","hypothesis":"The entrance is also the home of several pieces of art including the Carlyle sculpture.","label":0,"idx":3454} -{"premise":"Saddam could emerge strengthened (and America tarnished) in the eyes of the Arab world.","hypothesis":"Saddam could turn out weaker.","label":2,"idx":3457} -{"premise":"Never trust a Sather, Bork said softly.","hypothesis":"Never trust a Sather if you calue your life, Boork whispered.","label":1,"idx":3460} -{"premise":"Also beyond city limits is the Legacy Golf Club in the nearby suburb of Henderson.","hypothesis":"The Legacy Golf Club is outside the city limits.","label":0,"idx":3464} -{"premise":"Two economists at Virginia Commonwealth University--yes, here are the economists again, but this time making a more plausible argument--studied millions of auto-accident claims filed between 1989 and 1993.","hypothesis":"The researchers contacted insurers for the data from 1989 and 1993.","label":1,"idx":3465} -{"premise":"If I had chosen to be an actor, I should have been the greatest actor living! ","hypothesis":"I chose to become an actor, but I wasn't very good at it. ","label":2,"idx":3481} -{"premise":"In these cases, participants risk losing not only their jobs but also a significant portion of their retirement savings if their company files for bankruptcy.","hypothesis":"Participants risk losing their jobs and a significant portion of their retirement savings if their company files for bankruptcy.","label":0,"idx":3485} -{"premise":"It can entail prospective and retrospective designs and it permits synthesis of many individual case studies undertaken at different times and in different sites.","hypothesis":"It can entail prospective and retrospective designs for system redesigns.","label":1,"idx":3486} -{"premise":"As a result of these procedures, the Department estimates an annual net savings of $545 million.","hypothesis":"An annual net savings of $545 million has been estimated by the Department, says the report.","label":0,"idx":3489} -{"premise":"They have prominent red protuberances and may have been named after the British redcoats.","hypothesis":"They were named after the British redcoats.","label":1,"idx":3501} -{"premise":"no not it not no it's a it's not something","hypothesis":"It is something","label":2,"idx":3506} -{"premise":"well uh what do you think about taxes do you think we're paying too much","hypothesis":"Do you think our taxes are too high?","label":0,"idx":3510} -{"premise":"Complacency came easily after a couple of weeks without capture.","hypothesis":"We got complacent after not getting captured for weeks.","label":0,"idx":3515} -{"premise":"But there's plenty more.","hypothesis":"There is not a sufficient amount. ","label":2,"idx":3517} -{"premise":"All of a sudden I sat down on the edge of the table, and put my face in my hands, sobbing out a 'Mon Dieu! ","hypothesis":"Suddenly, I sat down and with my face in my hands, started crying.","label":0,"idx":3530} -{"premise":"Treat yourself and bill it to Si.","hypothesis":"Spend as much as you like and bill it to Si.","label":1,"idx":3535} -{"premise":"Cases in Comparative","hypothesis":"Cases care not related to law.","label":1,"idx":3536} -{"premise":"He was born Siddhartha Gautama in a grove of sal trees at Lumbini (just across the Nepalese border) around the year 566 b.c.","hypothesis":"Siddartha Gautama's mother gave birth to him in the centre of the tree grove. ","label":0,"idx":3538} -{"premise":"Even today, Yanomamo men raid villages, kill men, and abduct women for procreative purposes.","hypothesis":"Yanomamo is a good man.","label":2,"idx":3541} -{"premise":"His politeness sounded strange coming from a desert nomad.","hypothesis":"Being a desert nomad, his politeness seemed strange.","label":0,"idx":3549} -{"premise":"News berates computer users for picking obvious, easily cracked passwords and chastises system administrators for ignoring basic security precautions.","hypothesis":"Users and system administrators both do not prioritize security.","label":1,"idx":3565} -{"premise":"And, although I got a Ph.D. in philosophy many years ago and have thought and read about these matters ever since, heaven (or whatever) knows I don't have too many answers that I feel confident about.","hypothesis":"I have been thinking about this since I earned my degree, but I still don't know for sure.","label":0,"idx":3567} -{"premise":"That is well. ","hypothesis":"That is very well, but I don't know.","label":1,"idx":3568} -{"premise":"The renowned Theban queen Nefertari, wife of Ramses II, has the most ornate tomb (number 66) but it is not always accessible.","hypothesis":"Though it's not always accessible, the most ornate tomb (number 66) is of the renowned Theban queen Nefertari nestled between much simpler ones.","label":1,"idx":3570} -{"premise":"Massive tidal waves swept over Crete, and other parts of the Mediterranean, smashing buildings and drowning many thousands of people.","hypothesis":"Thousands of people drowned when tidal waves swept the island.","label":0,"idx":3574} -{"premise":"I am so constituted as to be unable to give away money with any satisfaction until I have made the most careful inquiry as to the worthiness of the cause.","hypothesis":"I am happy to donate to any cause, even if I do not know much about them.","label":2,"idx":3578} -{"premise":"Energy-related activities are the primary source of U.S. man-made greenhouse gas emissions.","hypothesis":"Producing cars is the main source of US greenhouse gas emissions.","label":2,"idx":3581} -{"premise":"Extremely limited exceptions to the authority are established in 31 U.S.C.","hypothesis":"The authority had a vast range of exceptions.","label":2,"idx":3584} -{"premise":"The Lake District is not the place to come if you want lots of action into the early morning hours.","hypothesis":"The Lake District isn't where to go when you want a lot of action.","label":0,"idx":3587} -{"premise":"No, monsieur.","hypothesis":"The speaker is French.","label":1,"idx":3591} -{"premise":"You have to walk through it).","hypothesis":"Walking is the best way to get through it.","label":0,"idx":3594} -{"premise":"So he goes out and walks in the woods, little dreaming that Mrs. Inglethorp will open his desk, and discover the incriminating document. ","hypothesis":"Taking the incriminating document with him, he walks into the woods.","label":2,"idx":3597} -{"premise":"saving that did not finance domestic investment would increase net foreign investment and improve the current account balance.","hypothesis":"The current account balance can be improved slightly.","label":0,"idx":3626} -{"premise":"I never said you were a mandrake-man.","hypothesis":"I have said you were a mandrake.","label":2,"idx":3637} -{"premise":"The door did not budge.","hypothesis":"The door was stuck, so it did not move. ","label":0,"idx":3640} -{"premise":"Court officials include the phone numbers of the local Legal Services office and county lawyer referral system on every summons.","hypothesis":"Court officials include the phone numbers of legal aid departments.","label":0,"idx":3642} -{"premise":"In the 1980s, a pragmatic socialist coalition government with the Christian Democrats brought a few years of unusual stability.","hypothesis":"The environment was stable in the 1980s.","label":0,"idx":3647} -{"premise":"Jon was fighting at full speed, sweat forming on his brow.","hypothesis":"Jon was bleeding from his brow.","label":2,"idx":3649} -{"premise":"Some rooms have balconies.","hypothesis":"All of the rooms have balconies off of them.","label":2,"idx":3650} -{"premise":"from from personal parties or from these uh phone answering phone uh commercial things","hypothesis":"Is it from public parties or the doorbell answering things?","label":2,"idx":3656} -{"premise":"It is worth a visit, if only to see the theater itself.","hypothesis":"The theater is on your left when you first walk inside.","label":1,"idx":3659} -{"premise":"Scutari is traditionally associated with the name of Florence Nightingale.","hypothesis":"Scutari was linked with Florence Nightingale posthumously.","label":1,"idx":3663} -{"premise":"We start with the fine review of a shockingly funny comedy about eye disease.","hypothesis":"The show about eye disease was tragic.","label":2,"idx":3664} -{"premise":"Today it is lined with shipyards, factories, and industrial development, and its waters are badly polluted.","hypothesis":"Its waters are polluted badly","label":0,"idx":3665} -{"premise":"Those Creole men and women you'll see dancing it properly have been moving their hips and knees that way since childhood.","hypothesis":"Creole dances are learned from childhood.","label":0,"idx":3673} -{"premise":"A museum inside the building gives intriguing insight into the life and heyday of the their rich costumes, their scimitars, and rifles inlaid with bright jewels and silver and a horrible bludgeon with a double serrated edge.","hypothesis":"The museum inside of the building features stuffed monkeys. ","label":2,"idx":3683} -{"premise":"A rusty iron gate swinging dismally on its hinges! ","hypothesis":"The iron gate was swinging and could not be locked. ","label":1,"idx":3684} -{"premise":"Overlapping the others?","hypothesis":"Separate from the others?","label":2,"idx":3686} -{"premise":"It seeks genuine direct elections after a period that is sufficient to organize alternative parties and prepare a campaign based on freedom of speech and other civil rights, the right to have free trade unions, the release of more than 200 political prisoners, debt relief, stronger penalties for corruption and pollution, no amnesty for Suharto and his fellow thieves, and a respite for the poor from the hardest edges of economic reform.","hypothesis":"A real direct election is necessary after so many pitfalls have come up in society.","label":0,"idx":3695} -{"premise":"with little back packs of their own and you know things like that","hypothesis":"Someone else carries a bag for them.","label":2,"idx":3699} -{"premise":"And now they here put him in a coma.'","hypothesis":"The coma was caused by those people who were here around him. ","label":0,"idx":3702} -{"premise":"At Kansas City Power and Light's Hawthorn Power Station, Unit 5 was replaced (excluding turbine) in under 22 months.","hypothesis":"It took three years to replace Unit 5.","label":2,"idx":3703} -{"premise":"Mr. Clinton rewards Mr. Knight for his fund raising, Mr. Gore lays the groundwork for his anticipated presidential bid four years from now, and the companies, by hiring Mr. Knight, get the administration's ear.","hypothesis":"Mr. Clinton appreciated Mr. Knight for his fund raising, said the news.","label":0,"idx":3708} -{"premise":"Figure 1: Delivery Points to Stops","hypothesis":"The only figure presented","label":1,"idx":3710} -{"premise":"i wish it was as good over here as it is over there but if you're the","hypothesis":"I wish it was as good here as there.","label":0,"idx":3714} -{"premise":"New Madeirans traded sugar, the era's dominant luxury item, with Britain and Flanders, and they proved skillful in the art of winemaking.","hypothesis":"Salt was the dominant luxury item of the era.","label":2,"idx":3719} -{"premise":"i wonder how they kept up with them though it seemed like the buffaloes were moving so fast i guess they graze though that wouldn't have been a problem","hypothesis":"The buffaloes didn't stop to graze for a long time.","label":1,"idx":3723} -{"premise":"No, I exclaimed, astonished. ","hypothesis":"\"No!\" I cried out in shock. ","label":0,"idx":3724} -{"premise":"I watched her hips shift in and out of the sides of her wrap.","hypothesis":"The wrap fell down a bit.","label":1,"idx":3729} -{"premise":"yeah i it just totally ridiculous i mean the Israeli's could have fixed the whole problem years ago if they just sent sent their guys in there and killed Saddam","hypothesis":"Israeli fixed the problem before it escalated by sending people and having Saddam killed.","label":2,"idx":3731} -{"premise":"Daniel sat buried by the lights, occasionally pressing things.","hypothesis":"Daniel sat on the sidewalk covered in Christmas lights. ","label":1,"idx":3732} -{"premise":"This doesn't look good.","hypothesis":"This looks really bad.","label":0,"idx":3738} -{"premise":"He wanted silk and encouraged the Dutch and British as good, nonproselytizing Protestants just interested in trade.","hypothesis":"He found that silk was perfect for the rich.","label":1,"idx":3748} -{"premise":"yep and then i had probably lived the last eleven years in Massachusetts so you know what does that make me an honorary Yankee or","hypothesis":"I've lived the last 15 years in El Paso so I'm basically Texan.","label":2,"idx":3749} -{"premise":"Even if the entire unified surplus were saved, GDP per capita would fall somewhat short of the U.S. historical average of doubling every 35 years.","hypothesis":"The entire unified surplus being saved assumed, GDP would fall short of the U.S historical average.","label":0,"idx":3754} -{"premise":"It was a splendid life \u201dI loved it.\" There was a smile on her face, and her head was thrown back. ","hypothesis":"She said she was very happy about the life she had led.","label":0,"idx":3756} -{"premise":"I understand,\" continued the Coroner deliberately, \"that you were sitting reading on the bench just outside the long window of the boudoir. ","hypothesis":"\"I understand that you were reading inside the boudoir.\", continued the Coroner.","label":2,"idx":3758} -{"premise":" Most menu prices include taxes and a service charge, but it's customary to leave a tip if you were served satisfactorily.","hypothesis":"Most customers will tip in addition to the tax on the menus.","label":0,"idx":3762} -{"premise":"To make matters worse, many employers looking to save money (and please their employees) will drop dependent benefits if states provide better coverage than the private plans now do.","hypothesis":"If states provide better coverage than private plans, many employers will drop dependent benefits to save money.","label":0,"idx":3772} -{"premise":"The story also made the front page of the New York Times and the Financial Times of London, which said that more than 10,000 members of a mystic cult called Fa Lun Gong caused acute embarrassment to security forces by virtually surrounding the compound where China's leaders work.","hypothesis":"The New York Times had a front page coverage of the Fa Lun Gong surrounding of the China's leaders compound.","label":0,"idx":3777} -{"premise":"Since the system would automatically verify all receipts and acceptances prior to invoice payment authorization, there would be no need to authorize payment prior to verification of receipt.","hypothesis":"There would be no need to pre-approve payments because the new system would automatically verify all receipts.","label":0,"idx":3787} -{"premise":"Jamaican music ska and, especially, reggae has since the 1970s been exported and enjoyed around the world.","hypothesis":"Reggae is one of the American music style.","label":2,"idx":3801} -{"premise":"Seemingly endemic corruption was compounded by a remarkable dearth of political leadership and decisive action.","hypothesis":"There is massive corruption in the political system.","label":0,"idx":3803} -{"premise":"Case Study Evaluations.","hypothesis":"Case Study preparations.","label":2,"idx":3804} -{"premise":"The following are examples of how teams were used in the agency initiatives we reviewed.","hypothesis":"We reviewed how sales teams were used in the initiatives.","label":1,"idx":3809} -{"premise":"I never said you were a mandrake-man.","hypothesis":"I never once said or implied you were a mandrake.","label":0,"idx":3811} -{"premise":"Today it is possible to buy cheap papyrus printed with gaudy Egyptian scenes in almost every souvenir shop in the country, but some of the most authentic are sold at The Pharaonic Village in Cairo where the papyrus is grown, processed, and hand-painted on site.","hypothesis":"The Pharaonic Village in Cairo is the only place where one can buy authentic papyrus.","label":2,"idx":3825} -{"premise":"When a GAGAS attestation engagement is the basis for an auditor's subsequent report under the AICPA standards, it would be advantageous to users of the subsequent report for the auditor's report to include the information on compliance with laws and regulations and internal control that is required by GAGAS but not required by AICPA standards.","hypothesis":"The report is required by GAGAS but not AICPA.","label":0,"idx":3829} -{"premise":" said San'doro.","hypothesis":"San'doro whispered. ","label":1,"idx":3830} -{"premise":"General Accounting Office, A Model of Strategic Human Capital Management, GAO-02-373SP (Washington, D.C.: Mar.","hypothesis":"The GAO may be a model of strategic human capital management.","label":1,"idx":3831} -{"premise":"More than 100 judges, lawyers and dignitaries were present for the gathering.","hypothesis":"152 judges and lawyers showed up","label":1,"idx":3834} -{"premise":"Act Accounting the Great Management Reform Act","hypothesis":"Accounting bad management ","label":2,"idx":3844} -{"premise":"medical and surgical expense coverage.","hypothesis":"Medical and surgical expenses were fully covered","label":1,"idx":3850} -{"premise":"Just like we have hairpins and powder-puffs.\" Tommy handed over a rather shabby green notebook, and Tuppence began writing busily.","hypothesis":"Tommy handed Tuppence a shabby green notebook.","label":0,"idx":3865} -{"premise":"Nearby is the Monastery of Nea Moni, founded in 1049, and one of the most beautiful Byzantine religious sites in the Aegean.","hypothesis":"Founded in 1049, the monastery was a beacon of light in the darkness.","label":1,"idx":3871} -{"premise":"i'm kind of familiar with the weather out that way in west Texas but not in not in Lewisville","hypothesis":"Lewisville does not have a weather reporting station. ","label":1,"idx":3872} -{"premise":"The great attraction of the church is the splendid exterior, which is crowned by golden onion-shaped cupolas.","hypothesis":"Most people come to the church to see the beautiful exterior.","label":0,"idx":3875} -{"premise":"The next morning they ate dry bread, two strips of lean meat, and two eggs fried in animal fat on a skillet of black scorched iron.","hypothesis":"They ate breakfast that had been cooked in a cast iron pan.","label":0,"idx":3876} -{"premise":"oh really yeah so he he's uh he's probably going to be going to jail and and the problem with him is he's on a guaranteed salary like for three years so whether he plays or not they've got to pay him ten million dollars so if they","hypothesis":"He is so hardworking and has helped the team achieve so much, I don't see anything wrong with paying him a million dollar salary.","label":2,"idx":3880} -{"premise":"Revenue is recognized from forfeited property unless the property is distributed to state or local law enforcement agencies or foreign","hypothesis":"Revenue is received from forfeited cars.","label":1,"idx":3884} -{"premise":"that's hilarious to to get that jack off that's right oh that's a funny story","hypothesis":"The story is about the washing machine.","label":1,"idx":3894} -{"premise":"British action wouldn't have mattered.","hypothesis":"If Britain got involved, things would have gotten worse.","label":2,"idx":3895} -{"premise":"Some 72,000 volcano-zone residents were evacuated at great cost to the French government.","hypothesis":"720,000 volcano-zone residents were evacuated at the expense of the French government.","label":2,"idx":3897} -{"premise":"well the parts to to me i spent twenty two dollars on the parts","hypothesis":"I spent 10 dollars on the parts.","label":2,"idx":3900} -{"premise":"She shrugged.","hypothesis":"She acted like it didn't matter.","label":1,"idx":3915} -{"premise":"California is high","hypothesis":"California is hyped up!","label":1,"idx":3917} -{"premise":"Because of limited resources, local legal services programs are forced to turn away tens of thousands of people with critical legal problems.","hypothesis":"Local services programs are often forced to refuse people with serious legal problems due to a lack of resources","label":0,"idx":3918} -{"premise":"That drawer was an unlocked one, as he had pointed out, and he submitted that there was no evidence to prove that it was the prisoner who had concealed the poison there. ","hypothesis":"There was no evidence to suggest that the prisoner tried to hide the poison in the unlocked drawer.","label":0,"idx":3921} -{"premise":"A button on the Chatterbox page will make this easy, so please do join in.","hypothesis":"They wanted to make the site very user friendly.","label":0,"idx":3923} -{"premise":"oh for heaven sakes for the drugs yeah uh-huh","hypothesis":"I don't really believe that.","label":1,"idx":3924} -{"premise":"and uh really they're about it they've got a guy named Herb Williams that that i guess sort of was supposed to take the place of uh Tarpley but he uh he just doesn't have the offensive skills","hypothesis":"Herb Williams and Tarpley are on par in terms of skills.","label":2,"idx":3928} -{"premise":"finding the latest thing out from my friends is usually the most uh time effective","hypothesis":"It works best to find things out from my friends.","label":0,"idx":3929} -{"premise":"The seven grants flow from a new Nonprofit Capacity Building program at the foundation, part of a trend among philanthropists to give money to help organizations grow stronger, rather than to the program services they provide.","hypothesis":"The grants flow from a Nonprofit Capacity Building program at the foundation, exemplifying a trend among philanthropists to give money to grow organizations.","label":0,"idx":3932} -{"premise":"Too bad it chose to use McIntyre instead.","hypothesis":"McIntyre was picked to be used as the closing pitcher.","label":1,"idx":3935} -{"premise":"In his effort to build nationalism across Turkey in the 1920s, Ataterk instituted a campaign to suppress Kurdish identity that continues today.","hypothesis":"His campaign to suppress the identity of the Kurds was successful.","label":0,"idx":3939} -{"premise":"In a moment or two he was back. ","hypothesis":"It took a very long time for him to return.","label":2,"idx":3943} -{"premise":"It isn't, of course.","hypothesis":"It is, of course.","label":2,"idx":3950} -{"premise":"She would be almost certainly sent to you under an assumed one.","hypothesis":"The man told the other man that she would be sent to him.","label":1,"idx":3954} -{"premise":"If they have overestimated how far the CPI is off, Boskin and his commission may institutionalize an underestimated CPI--guaranteeing a yearly, stealth tax increase.","hypothesis":"There is no chance they have overestimated how far the CPI is off. ","label":1,"idx":3956} -{"premise":"They crossed the Forth from Dunfermline at the narrows known to this day as Queensferry.","hypothesis":"The narrows are still named Queensferry.","label":0,"idx":3960} -{"premise":"From Port-Louis all the way down Grande Terre's west coast to Pointe Pitre there extend vast mangrove swamps.","hypothesis":"From Port-Louis all the way down to Pointe Pitre there extend vast magnolia swamps.","label":2,"idx":3963} -{"premise":"Practice 16: Be Alert to New Monitoring Tools and Techniques","hypothesis":"Practice 17 is to check for intrusions.","label":1,"idx":3966} -{"premise":"With dark eyes and eyelashes she would have been a beauty. ","hypothesis":"She would have been gorgeous if she'd not had such light colored eyes.","label":0,"idx":3967} -{"premise":"yeah it is it is and i guess you don't have to but you know if you look at oh have you ever seen any of the Jacques Teti Teti movies the French movies uh Teti it it","hypothesis":"Have you ever watched any French films?","label":1,"idx":3978} -{"premise":"We'll be the first to admit we make mistakes, but most of those are bureaucratic.","hypothesis":"We make errors sometimes, and we have no problem admitting it.","label":0,"idx":3990} -{"premise":"STANDARD COSTING - A costing method that attaches costs to cost objects based on reasonable estimates or cost studies and by means of budgeted rates rather than according to actual costs incurred.","hypothesis":"Standard Costing was applied to the ledger.","label":1,"idx":3995} -{"premise":"China could never trump the warhead blizzard Washington would send in retaliation against any atomic attack, though the country would be loath to cede to U.S. missile defenses the deterrence afforded by its handfuls of warheads.","hypothesis":"The United States has much stronger warheads than China.","label":0,"idx":3999} -{"premise":"The road along the coastline to the south travels through busy agricultural towns and fishing villages untouched by tourism.","hypothesis":"The towns along the road have benefits from the tourism that flows down the road.","label":2,"idx":4018} -{"premise":"He seemed to have aged a thousand years.","hypothesis":"He looked a lot older.","label":0,"idx":4032} -{"premise":"Instead, the task of defending Bradley fell to Erving, who shrugged that it's probably a debatable issue, but knowing Sen.","hypothesis":"The task of assaulting Bradley fell to Erving.","label":2,"idx":4034} -{"premise":"Good sir, Jon began.","hypothesis":"Jon addressed the king.","label":1,"idx":4036} -{"premise":"there and they uh they in fact they had this was in uh the late twenties and they in fact used some of the equipment that had been left over and uh he turned them down it it's interesting that that most people don't realize how small the canal is have you ever been there","hypothesis":"The canal is smaller than people expect it to be ","label":0,"idx":4039} -{"premise":"The third row of Exhibit 17 shows the Krewski, et al. ","hypothesis":"Exhibit 17 has 187 rows.","label":1,"idx":4041} -{"premise":"A lot of people are going to look at it and say, 'Well, I took the exam the way it is and that's what I had to do it,' said Mr. Curnin. ","hypothesis":"A lot of animals are going to say the exam was very hard.","label":2,"idx":4047} -{"premise":"Standard screens may not perform as well in these patient subgroups that may represent a considerable part of the ED population.","hypothesis":"Standard screens will be better than average in these subgroups of patients.","label":2,"idx":4048} -{"premise":"hi Cynthia what did you wear to work today","hypothesis":"I was wondering, what did you wear to work today Cynthia?","label":0,"idx":4058} -{"premise":"At the end of the Wars of Spanish, Austrian, and Polish Succession, the Austrians had taken over northern Italy from the Spanish.","hypothesis":"The Wars of Spanish, Austrian, and Polish Succession resulted in norther Italy being controlled by the Spanish.","label":2,"idx":4060} -{"premise":"would you barbecue a turkey or a chicken or","hypothesis":"Would you barbecue a cow or veal? ","label":2,"idx":4065} -{"premise":"you know it's easy to say well yeah let's let's put these old folks in a home but when i think i don't want to do that you know i don't want to be have my little home i always threaten my daughters i say well","hypothesis":"They say to put them in homes for older folks home but I do not want to do that.","label":0,"idx":4072} -{"premise":"In manual systems, attestations, verifications, and approvals are usually shown by a signature or initial of an individual on a hard copy document.","hypothesis":"The only things that signatures in manual systems show are attestations, verifications, or approvals.","label":1,"idx":4073} -{"premise":"Their rulers introduced Buddhist and Hindu culture, Brahmin ministers to govern, and an elaborate court ritual.","hypothesis":"The rulers came and introduced African culture and Brahmin ministers that governed.","label":2,"idx":4088} -{"premise":"Helms, who will be 81 when his fifth term ends, is increasingly frail.","hypothesis":"Helms will turn 91 soon.","label":2,"idx":4126} -{"premise":"There are other reasons that wrecks cause fan excitement--e.g.","hypothesis":"Wrecks are a small reason for fan excitement. ","label":1,"idx":4133} -{"premise":"It must also report the information to the employee's home agency promptly to facilitate disbursement of pay by the home agency.","hypothesis":"The information is all reported at once at the end of the fiscal year.","label":1,"idx":4134} -{"premise":"Waldemar Szary, a food technician at the OSM 'Paziocha', was having a very bad day - the kind of a very bad day, which normally comes after one of those very good days.","hypothesis":"The kind of day that Waldemar Szary was having was not a good one, at all. ","label":0,"idx":4137} -{"premise":"Watergate remains for many an unhealed wound, and Clinton's critics delight in needling him with Watergate comparisons--whether to Whitewater or Flytrap.","hypothesis":"Clinton's critights enjoy using Watergate to attack Clinton with.","label":0,"idx":4141} -{"premise":"oh yeah all all mine are uh purebreds so i keep them in","hypothesis":"all of mine are poodles","label":1,"idx":4143} -{"premise":"'Not part of your biography.","hypothesis":"What is being shown is not part of my biography.","label":1,"idx":4146} -{"premise":"ran toward us rather slowly, like people finishing their run.","hypothesis":"They ran toward us with amazing speed, like they were racing.","label":2,"idx":4150} -{"premise":"i've been getting a kick out of those lately","hypothesis":"I guess they just don't like me. ","label":2,"idx":4156} -{"premise":"The book is a parody of Bartlett's , serving up quotes from Lincoln, Jefferson, and Roger Rosenblatt with equal pomposity.","hypothesis":"The book is a parody of Patterson's and has quotes from Adele and George Clooney. ","label":2,"idx":4158} -{"premise":"so you know it's something we we have tried to help but yeah","hypothesis":"We did what we could to help.","label":0,"idx":4162} -{"premise":"We were playing all sorts of sports, and you were not, so shut up and stop twitching,' the microbe's tone of voice changed, it was lower and more resounding.","hypothesis":"We have been busy filling out paperwork while you wasted time playing sports. ","label":2,"idx":4187} -{"premise":"He sat up, trying to free himself.","hypothesis":"He was trying to break free while sitting up.","label":0,"idx":4193} -{"premise":"yeah that's up here in New England that's we call that backpacking which is the same thing which is you're you've got everything on your back you know an aluminum camp frame uh","hypothesis":"When you go backpacking it's important to bring a rough terrain wagon to carry your gear.","label":2,"idx":4198} -{"premise":"His plan was to drive straight up to the house.","hypothesis":"Driving directly to the house was no longer an option with the roadblock.","label":2,"idx":4204} -{"premise":"we're thinking about putting one of those in","hypothesis":"We are considering taking one those out.","label":2,"idx":4205} -{"premise":"I'm sure I won't get stuck to it,' Julia remarked about the suitcase she was carrying.","hypothesis":"Julia was talking about the suitcase that she carried. ","label":0,"idx":4227} -{"premise":"Where is art?","hypothesis":"What is the place of virtue?","label":2,"idx":4235} -{"premise":"He was born Siddhartha Gautama in a grove of sal trees at Lumbini (just across the Nepalese border) around the year 566 b.c.","hypothesis":"Siddhartha Gautama was born in a tree grove. ","label":0,"idx":4238} -{"premise":"Kill chickens.","hypothesis":"Kill feathered animals.","label":1,"idx":4241} -{"premise":"In 1998, Cesar Chavez fasted for 36 days in California to underscore the dangers of pesticides to farm workers and their children.","hypothesis":"Cesar Chavez went on a 36 day fast in 1998 to bring attention to the dangers of pesticides to farm workers and their families.","label":0,"idx":4246} -{"premise":"In DOD's current acquisition environment, the customer is willing to trade time and money for the highest performing weapon system possible.","hypothesis":"Having the highest performing weapon system is of paramount importance being prioritized above time and money.","label":0,"idx":4248} -{"premise":" The Garden Island is lush with botanical estates and Waimea Canyon, the grand Canyon of the Pacific .","hypothesis":"Waimea Canyon was formed by icebergs similar to the Grand Canyon.","label":1,"idx":4249} -{"premise":"But you will find it all right.\"","hypothesis":"You will find it acceptable.","label":0,"idx":4252} -{"premise":"Ca'daan heard the Kal grunt and felt the horse lift.","hypothesis":"The Kal heard Ca'daan grunt.","label":2,"idx":4255} -{"premise":"Even if the entire unified surplus were saved, GDP per capita would fall somewhat short of the U.S. historical average of doubling every 35 years.","hypothesis":"Even if the entire unified surplus were lost, GDP per capita would fall somewhat short of the U.S. historical average of doubling every 35 years.","label":2,"idx":4259} -{"premise":"The Ovitz deal, however, contained none of these goodies.","hypothesis":"The Ovitz deal did not contain any of these goodies.","label":0,"idx":4260} -{"premise":"Once or twice, but they seem more show than battle, said Adrin.","hypothesis":"Adrin said they weren't serious about battling.","label":0,"idx":4265} -{"premise":"The Ovitz deal, however, contained none of these goodies.","hypothesis":"The Ovitz deal contained all of these goodies.","label":2,"idx":4266} -{"premise":"i know that i didn't much uh-huh oh","hypothesis":"I might have done a bunch.","label":2,"idx":4272} -{"premise":"Rehnquist's conferences are no-nonsense.","hypothesis":"The conferences were laced with humor and entertainment.","label":2,"idx":4275} -{"premise":"You can alternate lazy days on the beach with some of the Medi?\u00adter?\u00adra?\u00adnean's best deep-sea diving, boat excursions around pirate coves, canoeing and fishing on inland rivers, or hikes and picnics in the mountains.","hypothesis":"The waters are crystal clear and completely safe -- no sharks or crocodiles here!","label":1,"idx":4281} -{"premise":"And here, current history adds a major point.","hypothesis":"Current American history adds a major point.","label":1,"idx":4283} -{"premise":"But they persevered, she said, firm and optimistic in their search, until they were finally allowed by a packed restaurant to eat their dinner off the floor.","hypothesis":"They were allowed to eat on the floor of a restaurant.","label":0,"idx":4290} -{"premise":"Students of human misery can savor its underlying sadness and futility.","hypothesis":"Students of human misery will be delighted to see how sad it truly is.","label":0,"idx":4292} -{"premise":"not only that but they don't pay the money either","hypothesis":"They also do not contribute financially.","label":0,"idx":4296} -{"premise":"yeah right right yeah i know i uh i remember my college days and having to do that too","hypothesis":"I didn't have to do that once I left college.","label":1,"idx":4299} -{"premise":"The island has a long history; its marble deposits were coveted around the ancient world.","hypothesis":"The marble from the island was desirable in ancient times.","label":0,"idx":4314} -{"premise":"How long, Thaler and Siegel ask, will it take most investors to get wise to the fact that the equity premium is just too damned high?","hypothesis":"Thaler and Siegel think that many investors already know that the equity premium is too high. ","label":2,"idx":4315} -{"premise":"Sitting up at night is always rather jumpy, she confessed.","hypothesis":"She stated, \"Sitting up at night is relaxing.\"","label":2,"idx":4316} -{"premise":"One 23-year-old White House assistant was interrogated about a triple murder that took place at a Starbucks in Georgetown.","hypothesis":"There was a triple murder in Georgetown at a Starbucks.","label":0,"idx":4322} -{"premise":"Did Meriwether Lewis really commit suicide, as historians claim?","hypothesis":"Historians often claim that Meriwether Lewis was killed by natives.","label":2,"idx":4330} -{"premise":"On Samothrakia you can climb to the summit of Mount Fengari, where the God Poseidon watched the Trojan War reach its tragic climax.","hypothesis":"Climbing the summit of Mount Fengari takes around two hours, or you can take a shuttle bus and experience Poseidon's view.","label":1,"idx":4335} -{"premise":"Very little indeed, answered Tuppence, and was pleased to note that Whittington's uneasiness was augmented instead of allayed.","hypothesis":"Whittington was finally at ease when Tuppence replied to inquiry.","label":2,"idx":4343} -{"premise":"The route passes in sight of two uninhabited Es Vedr?\u00a0, which hovers like an apparition on the horizon off to the west, and Espalmador, which is popular with yachtsmen for its white-sand beach.","hypothesis":"The route pass is uninhabited.","label":0,"idx":4345} -{"premise":"[W]e have a book worthy of its subject--graceful, astonishingly well researched, yet imbued with a sense of flow that is rarely achieved at this level of scholarship, says Daphne Merkin in the New York Times Book Review . (See Sarah Kerr's review in Slate.)","hypothesis":"The woman claimed that the book was very well done with it's research.","label":0,"idx":4348} -{"premise":"First, the Comptroller General sends a written request to the agency head for the record that has not been made available to GAO within a reasonable time after an initial request.","hypothesis":"They are given a proper amount of time to do the report.","label":0,"idx":4350} -{"premise":"There is very little left of old Ocho the scant remains of Ocho Rios Fort are probably the oldest and now lie in an industrial area, almost forgotten as the tide of progress has swept over the town.","hypothesis":"You can visit the remains of the Ocho Rios Fort.","label":1,"idx":4352} -{"premise":"Over their backs fell the cutting lashes of a whip.","hypothesis":"They received many lashes with a whip.","label":0,"idx":4356} -{"premise":"do you do you put it in the refrigerator then or you","hypothesis":"Do you put it in the refrigerator after mixing it?","label":1,"idx":4361} -{"premise":"After three days of using the gel, my mouth has returned to its familiar self.","hypothesis":"After three days they could no longer stand the pain.","label":2,"idx":4373} -{"premise":"1 Now that each unit is fully staffed, the LSC Office of Program Performance and its state planning team contain over 260 years of experience in LSC-funded programs.","hypothesis":"The LSC has over 1260 years of experience with their staff.","label":2,"idx":4374} -{"premise":"Using a threestep development planning process, managers assess their current capabilities, determine their specific development needs, and build and execute a development plan.","hypothesis":"Managers asssess their current capabilites by using a threestep development planning process.","label":0,"idx":4384} -{"premise":"This is arguably starting to distort the practice of science itself.","hypothesis":"Scientific practice was changed by this method. ","label":1,"idx":4386} -{"premise":"Despite their many similarities, Koreans and Japanese have long been mutually hostile and have pointed to the vast differences between their languages as proof that they lack a shared ancestry.","hypothesis":"Koreans and Japanese have always been mutually of help, in various occasions in ancient and modern history.","label":2,"idx":4388} -{"premise":"profit rather","hypothesis":"Our profit has not been good.","label":1,"idx":4413} -{"premise":"The man had probably heard him urinating or maybe even noticed the change of his breath as he awoke.","hypothesis":"The man heard his urine hitting toilet water as his breath changed.","label":1,"idx":4418} -{"premise":"Although a mile long, its name is misleading because it is not one street but several different streets.","hypothesis":"It is a mile long.","label":0,"idx":4420} -{"premise":"This having come to his stepmother's ears, she taxed him with it on the afternoon before her death, and a quarrel ensued, part of which was overheard. ","hypothesis":"A love affair sparked just moments before her death.","label":2,"idx":4422} -{"premise":"If the data from a series of tests performed with the same toxicant, toxicant concentrations, and test species, were analyzed with hypothesis tests, precision could only be assessed by a qualitative comparison of the NOEC-LOEC intervals, with the understanding that maximum precision would be attained if all tests yielded the same NOEC-LOEC interval.","hypothesis":"They wanted to make sure they were getting the same results each time.","label":0,"idx":4430} -{"premise":"Windows 95 costs about $90 at my local computer superstore.","hypothesis":"Windows 95 is under $100.","label":0,"idx":4433} -{"premise":"The river-beds are mostly too shallow for anything but flat-bottomed boats.","hypothesis":"The river-beds are deep and can accommodate any kind of boat. ","label":2,"idx":4439} -{"premise":"She's smiling but her eyes are closed.","hypothesis":"Her eyes would not open but she is smiling.","label":1,"idx":4442} -{"premise":"Introduction","hypothesis":"The line considered is referencing the conclusion of a given work.","label":2,"idx":4446} -{"premise":"Ramses II did not build it from stone but had it hewn into the cliffs of the Nile valley at a spot that stands only 7 km (4 miles) from the Sudan border, in the ancient land of Nubia.","hypothesis":"It was carved out of the cliffs of the Nile Valley and not made of stone. ","label":0,"idx":4447} -{"premise":"Unless the political culture changes drastically, there will always be one or more independent prosecutors investigating the administration of the day and\/or past administrations, anyway.","hypothesis":"The political system will not change drastically.","label":1,"idx":4451} -{"premise":"And that squatting he does--it's as uncomfortable as it looks.","hypothesis":"Squatting is the most comfortable position to be in.","label":2,"idx":4457} -{"premise":"From Cockpit Country to St. Ann's Bay","hypothesis":"From St. Ann's Bay to Cockpit Country.","label":2,"idx":4461} -{"premise":"Despite a recent renovation, the Meadows Mall is the least appealing of the three suburban malls.","hypothesis":"The Meadows Mall is not appealing.","label":0,"idx":4472} -{"premise":"Today, nothing remains except the foundations.","hypothesis":"Except for the foundations, nothing else still exists.","label":0,"idx":4473} -{"premise":"It was the heyday of the brilliant but lethal Spanish-Italian lecherous Rodrigo, who became Pope Alexander VI, and treacherous son Cesare, who stopped at nothing to control and expand the papal lands.","hypothesis":"Rodrigo was a vicious man who loved power.","label":0,"idx":4477} -{"premise":"The Vice President and his representatives have asserted that GAO lacks the statutory authority to examine the activities of the NEPDG, recognizing only GAOas authority to audit its financial transactions.","hypothesis":"The Vice President and his representatives have argued that GAO does not have the ability to investigate the actions of the NEPDG, the only authority GAO has is to audit its financial transactions. ","label":0,"idx":4481} -{"premise":"Since The Bell Curve was published, it has become clear that almost everything about it was inexcusably suspect data, mistakes in statistical procedures that would have flunked a sophomore (Murray--Herrnstein is deceased--clearly does not understand what a correlation coefficient means), deliberate suppression of contrary evidence, you name it.","hypothesis":"The Bell Curve is based on faulty data and unethical work.","label":0,"idx":4483} -{"premise":"And you are wrong in condemning it. ","hypothesis":"Everybody does it; it's normal.","label":1,"idx":4488} -{"premise":"yeah yeah you probably get this probably pretty sticky after you get done then you've got to drain the water out of the watermelon because you know when you scrape it it makes the water","hypothesis":"You need to drain the water our of the watermelon.","label":0,"idx":4493} -{"premise":"yeah they uh they the voters voted one way and it and then uh some federal judge said no that was unconstitutional and they have had two or three votes and the city council is divided over what the district should be because they divide it one way and the minorities say we're losing representation representation and uh it it's just a big battle","hypothesis":"the federal judge overruled the vote of the people on the ground that it was unconstitutional","label":0,"idx":4498} -{"premise":"There is.","hypothesis":"There was.","label":1,"idx":4504} -{"premise":"The road along the coastline to the south travels through busy agricultural towns and fishing villages untouched by tourism.","hypothesis":"There are no tourists on the road through the agricultural towns and fishing villages.","label":0,"idx":4514} -{"premise":"They were inferior.","hypothesis":"Substandard, they were.","label":0,"idx":4517} -{"premise":"oh hum well uh i haven't for some reason have never really gotten enthused about football in the summer from from the the World League","hypothesis":"I don't get enthused about other summer sports.","label":1,"idx":4523} -{"premise":"New York 's John Leonard calls Oz an ecology and anthropology of terror, not for the faint of heart or the queasy of stomach ...","hypothesis":"John Leonard of New York has a great opinion for those interested in Oz.","label":1,"idx":4524} -{"premise":"Tom is the winner of a year's supply of Turtle Wax, and he will receive his prize just as soon as the Shopping Avenger figures out how much Turtle Wax actually constitutes a year's supply.","hypothesis":"A year's suppy of Turtle Wax is 12 jars.","label":1,"idx":4545} -{"premise":"but but it is peaceful i mean it is relaxing to do once you find the time to do it","hypothesis":"It is very stressful.","label":2,"idx":4546} -{"premise":"Sixty percent of Americans are frustrated and angry with the health-care system, and 70 percent favor federal intervention.","hypothesis":"Most Americans want to see major changes in the health-care system.","label":0,"idx":4547} -{"premise":"His voice was even and calm, not a hint of rage.","hypothesis":"He was very mellow.","label":0,"idx":4549} -{"premise":"yeah so i i trotted back to the car rather quickly uh jumped in went home and took a hot shower and changed clothes and went back","hypothesis":"I drove home and made supper, then went back.","label":2,"idx":4552} -{"premise":"Another quarter billion plus dollars of the total amount sought was earmarked to pay down operating debt accrued in past years.","hypothesis":"Another quarter billion dollars or more was earmarked to pay bonuses.","label":2,"idx":4554} -{"premise":"yeah maybe the maybe they'll bring their good schools with them you know if the industry comes","hypothesis":"If the industry comes, they probably bring bad schools with them.","label":2,"idx":4563} -{"premise":"For the first time I entertained the idea of taking my talents to that particular market\u2026 .","hypothesis":"I had never considered doing it before, but I did now.","label":0,"idx":4567} -{"premise":"She kept her most important papers in a purple despatch-case, which we must look through carefully.\"","hypothesis":"We must carefully look through the purple despatch-case that she kept her most important papers in.","label":0,"idx":4569} -{"premise":"For example, the moderate scenario assumes a 50% or $1.","hypothesis":"Moderate scenario takes 50% ","label":0,"idx":4572} -{"premise":"He had no real answer.","hypothesis":"He had the answer.","label":2,"idx":4573} -{"premise":"But you would not trust me.\"","hypothesis":"You have no trust when it comes to me. ","label":0,"idx":4579} -{"premise":"For the upcoming world championships in microhockey, a super-vaccine was to be developed, which would be administered to all participants and audience members.","hypothesis":"A super-vaccine was being developed to be given to everyone in attendance at the world championships.","label":0,"idx":4582} -{"premise":"This confluence of a bad tax, a $1 billion reserve, a botched opposition campaign, and voters willing to call a bluff resulted in the I-695 victory.","hypothesis":"The I-695 victory was the result of a botched opposition campaign and votes willing to call a bluff.","label":0,"idx":4584} -{"premise":"All were prominent nationally known organizations.","hypothesis":"The only identified organizations were well-known.","label":0,"idx":4588} -{"premise":"Matches are held only intermittently, however The Calcutta Cup Match, in early April, pits the Scots against their auld enemy the English and is a great spectacle.","hypothesis":"The Calcutta Cup Match pits the Scots against the English, in what is generally seen as a great spectacle.","label":0,"idx":4593} -{"premise":"They are built on the site of David's Tower, once the largest and most formidable structure in the castle.","hypothesis":"There are columns on David's Tower.","label":1,"idx":4599} -{"premise":"course the head bangers i stay away from those entirely","hypothesis":"I try to completely avoid the head bangers.","label":0,"idx":4602} -{"premise":"sometimes well there's definitely a lot more hitting","hypothesis":"The man says that there's a lot more hitting.","label":1,"idx":4608} -{"premise":"The herds give a sense of proportion to the vast openness, just as the scattered farmhouses and characteristic drystone walls add reassuring warmth to even the loneliest valley.","hypothesis":"The herds of animals show how big and open the area really is.","label":0,"idx":4614} -{"premise":"Cave 31 tries to emulate the style of the great Hindu temple on a much smaller scale, but the artists here were working on much harder rock and so abandoned their effort.","hypothesis":"Cave 31 ran into problems because it was made of rock that was too soft and not able to hold its shape. ","label":2,"idx":4616} -{"premise":"The national award was created to recognize an attorney in practice for less than 10 years for excellence in public interest or pro bono activities.","hypothesis":"The national award recognizes attorneys with more than 20 years of experience dealing with pro bono work. ","label":2,"idx":4621} -{"premise":"I am not.","hypothesis":"No, I'm not.","label":0,"idx":4630} -{"premise":"Indeed, recent economic research suggests that investment in information technology explains most of the acceleration in labor productivity growth-a major component of overall economic growth-since 1995.","hypothesis":"Investment in the financial sector explains most of the acceleration in labor productivity.","label":2,"idx":4634} -{"premise":"Children, especially boys, are seen as a blessing and are treated with indulgence, fussed over by mothers and grandmothers.","hypothesis":"Male children are considered a blessing for family.","label":0,"idx":4637} -{"premise":"In about a quarter of an hour the bell rang, and Tuppence repaired to the hall to show the visitor out.","hypothesis":"The bell rang after about 15 minutes and Tuppence went to go walk the visitor out of the house. ","label":0,"idx":4655} -{"premise":"Other pundits beam their opinions at us as through a time warp, from the hazy days of past administrations.","hypothesis":"Experts rely heavily on past administrations for examples.","label":1,"idx":4656} -{"premise":"but you're without a paycheck during that time and i don't at least that's my understanding is even you know the first time you go for counseling and it's six weeks before you're back to work","hypothesis":"You go to counciling?","label":1,"idx":4665} -{"premise":"Case Study Evaluations.","hypothesis":"Independent case study evaluations.","label":1,"idx":4667} -{"premise":"GAO recommends that the Secretary of Defense revise policy and guidance","hypothesis":"GAO recommends that you eat 5 fruit\/veg per day","label":2,"idx":4688} -{"premise":"I want you to mark him.","hypothesis":"I want you to brand him with an iron.","label":1,"idx":4689} -{"premise":"It is not possible to walk up through the water as at Dunn's River, but steps have been erected at the side of the water to take you to a platform at the foot of the first cascade.","hypothesis":"Just as at Dunn's River, you can wade up through the water to the platform.","label":2,"idx":4697} -{"premise":"This was built 15 years earlier by Jahangir's wife, Nur Jahan, for her father, who served as Mughal Prime Minister.","hypothesis":"Nur Jahan's husband Jahangir served as Mughal Prime Minister. ","label":2,"idx":4698} -{"premise":"She had thrown away her cloak and tied her hair back into a topknot to keep it out of the way.","hypothesis":"She shaved her head.","label":2,"idx":4701} -{"premise":"As recent events illustrate, trust takes years to gain but can be lost in an instant.","hypothesis":"It takes a long time to build trust, but a short time to lose it.","label":0,"idx":4704} -{"premise":"These aliens may seek legal assistance at any time during the year, although limited English ability and lack of knowledge of rights and procedures may provide obstacles to seeking and obtaining representation.","hypothesis":"These immigrants often need legal assistance.","label":0,"idx":4711} -{"premise":"In Roman times a temple to Jupiter stood here, followed in the fourth century by the first Christian church, Saint-Etienne.","hypothesis":"Saint-Etienne, a Christian church, had a temple to Jupiter and performed rituals during Roman times","label":2,"idx":4714} -{"premise":"and uh really they're about it they've got a guy named Herb Williams that that i guess sort of was supposed to take the place of uh Tarpley but he uh he just doesn't have the offensive skills","hypothesis":"If Herb Williams had more offensive skills, he would have taken Tarpley's place.","label":0,"idx":4717} -{"premise":"Also, I will be assuming that the 6.0a cost of the Postal Service to take the mail from basic to workshared condition is constant as limited quantities of mail move back and forth between basic and workshared.","hypothesis":"I have assumed the costs of the postal service's actions in the past.","label":1,"idx":4727} -{"premise":"And, just incidentally, the Sons of the Egg who'd attacked him in the hospital had tried to reach the camp twice already, once by interpenetrating into a shipment of mandrakes, which indicated to what measures they would resort.","hypothesis":"The Sons of Egg were quite nice to him.","label":2,"idx":4728} -{"premise":"and uh as a matter of fact he's a draft dodger","hypothesis":"He avoided the military draft of 1943 when the need was highest.","label":1,"idx":4733} -{"premise":"Think of it this When consumer confidence declines, it is as if, for some reason, the typical member of the co-op had become less willing to go out, more anxious to accumulate coupons for a rainy day.","hypothesis":"When consumer confidence declines people are more likely to collect coupons.","label":0,"idx":4735} -{"premise":"Most recently, GAO reviewed activities of the White House China Trade Relations Working Group, which was established at the request of President Clinton in the exercise of his Constitutional powers.","hypothesis":"President Clinton was utilizing the powers granted to him by the Constitution when he made the request.","label":0,"idx":4736} -{"premise":"(The Ramseys buried their daughter in Atlanta, then vacationed in Sea Island, Ga.) This absence, some speculate, gave the Ramseys time to work out a story to explain their innocence.","hypothesis":"It's speculated hat the Ramseys ate their daughter.","label":2,"idx":4739} -{"premise":"Look for the servant girl hurtled into hell for flirting with the devil.","hypothesis":"As punishment for consorting with Satan, the servant girl was flung into hell.","label":0,"idx":4744} -{"premise":"His plan was to drive straight up to the house.","hypothesis":"He had planned to drive a block away from the house and slowly creep up.","label":2,"idx":4745} -{"premise":"If all else failed, I could always make myself an exhibit.","hypothesis":"Making myself an exhibit is a last resort. ","label":0,"idx":4750} -{"premise":"Built in a.d. 688 691, it is decorated in thousands of exquisite, predominantly blue and yellow, Persian ceramic tiles, with Koranic scriptures on the lintels.","hypothesis":"It's decorated in hundreds of green and brown ceramic tiles.","label":2,"idx":4758} -{"premise":"Territorial rights, in the form of a deck chair, can be assured for a nominal sum.","hypothesis":"You have a lot of territory.","label":1,"idx":4775} -{"premise":"To assist programs with implementing these web sites, the Northwest Justice Project and ProBonoNet in New York are hiring two full-time circuit riders to assist grantees with content management and to ensure that each web site supports the entire state justice community.","hypothesis":"The Northwest Justice Project and ProBonoNet in New York will hire more people.","label":0,"idx":4777} -{"premise":"Recently I met a guy at a party over at San Barenakedino's.'","hypothesis":"I met a woman a the club in Williamsburg. ","label":2,"idx":4780} -{"premise":"'Best we could hope for.'","hypothesis":"This is a great deal.","label":1,"idx":4792} -{"premise":"With their fluent Vietnamese and Mandarin, they help Tran understand her family's eligibility for Medi-Cal and food stamps, assist the 70-year-old woman in finding a place to live and advise abused women how they can stay in the country while staying away from their husbands.","hypothesis":"Chan was not able to understand what they were saying. ","label":2,"idx":4795} -{"premise":"I hate pigeons.","hypothesis":"My feelings towards pigeons are filled with animosity.","label":0,"idx":4800} -{"premise":"For a small fee, non-guests may use the beach and facilities at a number of Guadeloupe and Martinique hotels'a great convenience for island-hoppers.","hypothesis":"The beach and facilities at a number of hotels for non-guests are free.","label":2,"idx":4822} -{"premise":"Huntington--like Buchanan--claims not to be a cultural He is defending the integrity of all cultures, theirs and ours.","hypothesis":"Huntington and Buchanan both defend others cultures as well as their own.","label":0,"idx":4828} -{"premise":"Alonissos has been settled longer than any other Aegean island, estimated by archaeologists to date from 100,000 b.c. , and was valued by many leaders in classical Greek times.","hypothesis":"Other Aegean islands were settled on before Alonissos.","label":2,"idx":4836} -{"premise":"By seeding packs with a few high-value cards, the manufacturer is encouraging kids to buy Pokemon cards like lottery tickets.","hypothesis":"Each Pokemon card pack is filled with every rare card a kid could want.","label":2,"idx":4845} -{"premise":"Clearly, the press has done a lousy job with its focus on behavior such as infidelity or drug use that most people don't care about.","hypothesis":"The press has focused on various topics that most readers aren't interested in.","label":0,"idx":4849} -{"premise":"You did not understand that he believed Mademoiselle Cynthia guilty of the crime?","hypothesis":"He believed Mademoiselle Cynthia innocent and you were aware?","label":2,"idx":4851} -{"premise":"Bauerstein.\"","hypothesis":"Doctor Bauerstein","label":1,"idx":4852} -{"premise":"well they're so close to an undefeated undefeated season they can taste it and they wanna make history so i don't think they're gonna lack for motivation","hypothesis":"Their recent losses took their toll on their morale.","label":2,"idx":4854} -{"premise":"The town is also known for its sparkling wine and for the caves where about 70 per?\u00adcent of France's cultivated mushrooms are grown.","hypothesis":"The town only makes red wine.","label":1,"idx":4864} -{"premise":"The commentary is chanted by a chorus of six to eight narrators (reminiscent of the chorus in Greek tragedy) who sit at the side of the stage, while musicians positioned at the back of the stage provide stark accompaniment with flute and drums.","hypothesis":"The chorus is usually made of two or three people.","label":2,"idx":4879} -{"premise":"Even though the scratch was tiny, it broke his heart and haunted him for two weeks.","hypothesis":"He was haunted for a full month by the scratch.","label":2,"idx":4880} -{"premise":"in one sense um i'm i'm an older person in my fifties so i feel that we've lost some things in the sense that women have to work today","hypothesis":"My views as someone who's 50 are not modern.","label":1,"idx":4883} -{"premise":"It is perfectly feasible to spend a fortnight in Eilat, exploring the Red Sea, lying on the beaches, journeying into the Negev Desert and never see a religious building or an archaeological site.","hypothesis":"Irrespective of this, Eliat is not seen to be a premier vacation destination.","label":1,"idx":4885} -{"premise":"and not only that it it opens you to phone solicitations","hypothesis":"It also opens the door to move marketing calls.","label":0,"idx":4889} -{"premise":"The analysis concluded that, because the rule relaxed the hog cholera-related restrictions imposed on the importation of live swine and prepared pork products from Sonora, Mexico, the proposed rule could have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities in the United States.","hypothesis":"The analysis stated that the rule would have a negative effect on small entities in the US.","label":1,"idx":4890} -{"premise":"i ripped the ligaments in my right ankle","hypothesis":"i tore the ligaments in my right ankle","label":0,"idx":4896} -{"premise":"Part 2), Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records.","hypothesis":"Drug and alcohol records can be shared.","label":2,"idx":4902} -{"premise":"oh that's accommodating","hypothesis":"That is disruptive.","label":2,"idx":4910} -{"premise":"so Eric what do you think um","hypothesis":"Do you have a brain, Eric?","label":2,"idx":4912} -{"premise":"you know we keep a couple hundred dollars um if that much charged on those which isn't too bad it's just your normal","hypothesis":"We have money on there, which isn't great","label":2,"idx":4913} -{"premise":"'Dave Hanson, to whom nothing was impossible.' Well, we have a nearly impossible task: a task of engineering and building.","hypothesis":"This engineering task won't be very difficult to complete.","label":2,"idx":4918} -{"premise":"George W. Bush and Bill Bradley are not talking about individual holders of wealth.","hypothesis":"George W. Bush and Bill Bradley are not talking about individual holders of wealth because they don't matter at all.","label":1,"idx":4921} -{"premise":"News argues that most of America's 93 million volunteers aren't doing much good.","hypothesis":"News points out that America's volunteers need to do more.","label":1,"idx":4922} -{"premise":"In Texas, the ability to produce fairly stated external financial reports was only the first step in building a more effective, resultsoriented government.","hypothesis":"There are many steps when it comes to building a more effective results oriented government in texas","label":0,"idx":4926} -{"premise":"Well, she's found.","hypothesis":"She was unharmed.","label":1,"idx":4930} -{"premise":"I am due to speak at a meeting at two o'clock.","hypothesis":"This afternoon I am due to speak at the meeting.","label":0,"idx":4938} -{"premise":"You are sure that you did not in any way disclose your identity?\" Tommy shook his head.","hypothesis":"You are sure that you did not in any way disclose that your last name is Smith? ","label":1,"idx":4943} -{"premise":"yeah well i can't i'll you know i say i can't wait for my kids to grow up but i believe i'm going to miss this age when they're gone","hypothesis":"I can not wait for my kids to grow up.","label":0,"idx":4950} -{"premise":"In Texas, the legislature was instrumental in effecting changes to the state's benefit programs through provisions in several pieces of legislation.","hypothesis":"The benefit program in place already had little impact.","label":2,"idx":4953} -{"premise":"um-hum with the ice yeah","hypothesis":"With the snow as well.","label":1,"idx":4956} -{"premise":"and he's an engineer so he even came over and set it up for me and had it running for like two hundred dollars so i thought that","hypothesis":"It took me hours to figure out how to set it up myself.","label":2,"idx":4959} -{"premise":"WHOLE LIFE POLICIES - Policies that provide insurance over the insured's entire life and the proceeds (face amount) are paid only upon death of the insured.","hypothesis":"Whole life policies cover the entire life of the insured.","label":0,"idx":4961} -{"premise":"Workers are also represented in civil rights and retaliation claims.","hypothesis":"The workers are fairly represented in all claims.","label":1,"idx":4962} -{"premise":"I saw that a faint streak of daylight was showing through the curtains of the windows, and that the clock on the mantelpiece pointed to close upon five o'clock. ","hypothesis":"I saw that it was already morning, and the sun was coming up.","label":0,"idx":4970} -{"premise":"You wake up one bright autumn morning and you're halfway to the subway when you decide to walk to work instead.","hypothesis":"You decide en route to turn west and walk instead.","label":1,"idx":4975} -{"premise":"yeah well that's the other thing you know they talk about women leaving the home and going out to work well still taking care of the children is a very important job and and someone's got to do it and be able to do it right and","hypothesis":"Traditional gender roles were correct all along.","label":1,"idx":4977} -{"premise":"To check this, the central bank has tripled interest rates and used hard currency reserves (now reduced to $10 billion in ready cash) to buy back rubles.","hypothesis":"The hard currency reserves have been reduced to $10 billion in cash.","label":0,"idx":4978} -{"premise":"they'll they'll say yeah why didn't you buy why didn't you try something more mainline","hypothesis":"They'll wonder why you didn't do a more mainline clothing line.","label":1,"idx":4980} -{"premise":"I take it Americans have a higher opinion of morality than you have even.","hypothesis":"I take it that you have an unusually high opinion of morality.","label":1,"idx":4982} -{"premise":"Ile de R??","hypothesis":"Ile de R is no longer part of the attraction.","label":1,"idx":4983} -{"premise":"In the first instance, IRS would have no record of time before the person could get through to an agent and of discouraged callers.","hypothesis":"There is no recording of the time for callers.","label":0,"idx":4985} -{"premise":"Generally, if pH of scrubbing liquor falls below a range of 5.0 to 6.0, additional reagent is required to maintain the reactivity of the absorbent.","hypothesis":" if pH of scrubbing liquor becomes above a range of 5.0 to 6.0, additional reagent is required","label":2,"idx":4987} -{"premise":"The central section of Tinos has little of interest, but make your way over the hills to the pretty village of Pyrgos, famed for its school of marble carving.","hypothesis":"The central section of Tinos is the main tourist attraction.","label":2,"idx":4993} -{"premise":"In fiscal year 2000, it reported estimated improper Medicare Fee-for-Service payments of $11.","hypothesis":"The payments were improper.","label":0,"idx":4995} -{"premise":"We can leave them and let them die, said Thorn.","hypothesis":"Thorn told us to leave the children to die. ","label":1,"idx":4997} -{"premise":"you did you see that","hypothesis":"I saw that!","label":1,"idx":4999} -{"premise":"Later, Tom testified against John so as to avoid the electric chair.","hypothesis":"Tom was willing to speak against the other man to avoid his own execution.","label":0,"idx":5002} -{"premise":"The twenty mastic villages known collectively as mastihohoria were built by the Genoese in the 14 15th centuries.","hypothesis":"Mastihohoria is a collection of twenty mastic villages built be the genoese.","label":0,"idx":5009} -{"premise":"These rules were not used extensively.","hypothesis":"These rules were used often and in high frequency.","label":2,"idx":5012} -{"premise":"\u2026 I succeeded in my false career.","hypothesis":"My fake career was a success.","label":0,"idx":5016} -{"premise":"does does that make since to you","hypothesis":"Are you confused about what this means?","label":0,"idx":5019} -{"premise":"Net nonfederal saving","hypothesis":"Net nonfederal saving was greater than net federal saving.","label":1,"idx":5027} -{"premise":"i mean i'm i'm sort of strange in a way i'm i'm about twenty pounds overweight and i smoke but my blood pressure is about my last reading was just the other day it was one hundred two over seventy nine","hypothesis":"I smoke and am overweight. My last blood pressure reading was 102 over 79. ","label":0,"idx":5028} -{"premise":"Still, it would be interesting to know. 109 Poirot looked at me very earnestly, and again shook his head. ","hypothesis":"Poirot looked at me and then shook his head.","label":0,"idx":5029} -{"premise":"findings, the Administrator has determined that an environmental impact statement need not be prepared.","hypothesis":"An environmental impact statement is not useful to the administrator in anyway.","label":1,"idx":5033} -{"premise":"Likewise, at their production decision reviews, these programs did not capture manufacturing and product reliability knowledge consistent with best practices.","hypothesis":"The best practices were not consistent with the knowledge.","label":0,"idx":5035} -{"premise":"It seeks genuine direct elections after a period that is sufficient to organize alternative parties and prepare a campaign based on freedom of speech and other civil rights, the right to have free trade unions, the release of more than 200 political prisoners, debt relief, stronger penalties for corruption and pollution, no amnesty for Suharto and his fellow thieves, and a respite for the poor from the hardest edges of economic reform.","hypothesis":"The only thing that can our society is more power to the presidential electors.","label":2,"idx":5040} -{"premise":"You can alternate lazy days on the beach with some of the Medi?\u00adter?\u00adra?\u00adnean's best deep-sea diving, boat excursions around pirate coves, canoeing and fishing on inland rivers, or hikes and picnics in the mountains.","hypothesis":"If you feel the need for adventure, you can go on an excursion to the desert and try your hand at dune surfing!","label":2,"idx":5042} -{"premise":"and they just put instructors out there and you you sign up for instruction and they just give you an arm band and if you see an instructor who's not doing anything you just tap him on the shoulder and ask him questions and they'll show you things","hypothesis":"The instructors are marked with armbands, and anytime you want to know anything, you just find one of them. ","label":2,"idx":5047} -{"premise":"I hope that our common interests will lead us to a consensus - one that will provide the country with significant benefits.","hypothesis":"some do not have the hope that common interests will lead us to a consensus.","label":1,"idx":5049} -{"premise":"The H-2A worker must depart the country and is subject to deportation for failing to do so.","hypothesis":"The H-2A worker is being forced to leave the country.","label":0,"idx":5052} -{"premise":"[W]e have a book worthy of its subject--graceful, astonishingly well researched, yet imbued with a sense of flow that is rarely achieved at this level of scholarship, says Daphne Merkin in the New York Times Book Review . (See Sarah Kerr's review in Slate.)","hypothesis":"The woman gave the book a high rating with her review.","label":0,"idx":5055} -{"premise":"The house fell into ruin after emancipation, when fear of the witch's influence drove the plantation's slaves away.","hypothesis":"The dread-filled slaves fled the plantation due to angst concerning the witch.","label":0,"idx":5060} -{"premise":"Look for the servant girl hurtled into hell for flirting with the devil.","hypothesis":"The servant girl ascended to heaven for her good behavior.","label":2,"idx":5063} -{"premise":"yeah really no kidding","hypothesis":"It's crazy! ","label":1,"idx":5069} -{"premise":"'You should do the fixing.'","hypothesis":"\"I'll take care of fixing this.\". ","label":2,"idx":5076} -{"premise":"Tommy Thompson of Wisconsin and Mayor Rudolph Giuliani of New York, the conservative vanguard on the issue, show no inclination to exploit research that says, in effect, Why care about day-care quality?","hypothesis":"Thompson and Giuliani don't want to care about day cares.","label":1,"idx":5077} -{"premise":"oh uh-huh well no they wouldn't would they no","hypothesis":"No, they wouldn't.","label":0,"idx":5078} -{"premise":"oh really it wouldn't matter if we plant them when it was starting to get warmer","hypothesis":"Warmer weather doesn't alter planting time.","label":0,"idx":5099} -{"premise":"Exhibitions are often held in the splendid entrance hall.","hypothesis":"The entrance hall is often used to host exhibitions.","label":0,"idx":5101} -{"premise":"during the whole war he never put out like a conservation a conservation effort for oil","hypothesis":"The whole war we guarded the oil and tried to steal it.","label":2,"idx":5102} -{"premise":"because i always had to do it and so i just pay someone else to do it and they do the they do the cutting they fertilize they um edge and um i think this year i'm going to have some landscaping put in","hypothesis":"I have never developed a love for gardening. ","label":1,"idx":5106} -{"premise":"In addition, special service areas are funded for two populations with special needs - Native Americans and migrant workers.","hypothesis":"There are special areas for Native Americans which are funded by the United States government. ","label":1,"idx":5109} -{"premise":"In 1979, he stopped at a Lexington clothing store to buy cowboy boots.","hypothesis":"He stopped at the clothing store.","label":0,"idx":5121} -{"premise":"His heels clicked together.","hypothesis":"He clicked his heels together for some reason.","label":1,"idx":5124} -{"premise":"There was no longer any when you wanted some unbridled adult fun, Las Vegas was the place to be.","hypothesis":"Las Vegas was billed as a fun destination for all ages.","label":2,"idx":5128} -{"premise":"it's the very same type of paint and everything","hypothesis":"It's the same paint formula, it's great!","label":0,"idx":5131} -{"premise":"yeah it's definitely a way out of the way where where as","hypothesis":"Yes. There is definitely a way out.","label":0,"idx":5133} -{"premise":"With him was the evil-looking Number 14.","hypothesis":"Number 14 was ugly.","label":1,"idx":5143} -{"premise":"Charles Geveden has introduced legislation that will increase the Access to Justice supplement on court filing fees.","hypothesis":"Fortunately, Charles Geveden was able to make the government increase the budget for court filing fees.","label":1,"idx":5153} -{"premise":"A conventional siege was useless against such a seemingly impregnable rock, however, and with so much food and water the Zealots could not be starved into submission.","hypothesis":"The rock was impossible to get past, so a conventional siege didn't do much.","label":0,"idx":5157} -{"premise":"He pointed at his bald head.","hypothesis":"He pointed at his red curly hair.","label":2,"idx":5158} -{"premise":"Two is enough for a secret.","hypothesis":"The more people who know, the more secure the secret.","label":2,"idx":5160} -{"premise":"They were so sure of themselves that they took it for granted he had made a mistake.\"","hypothesis":"They were unconfident so they were hesitant to think he might have made a mistake.","label":2,"idx":5169} -{"premise":"Jerusalem was divided into east and west, under the control of Jordan and Israel respectively.","hypothesis":"Jordan and Israel were still not on great terms with each other and refused trade.","label":1,"idx":5185} -{"premise":"The great thing is to keep calm.\" Julius groaned.","hypothesis":"Julius made a groaning sound when he heard the terrible advice.","label":0,"idx":5186} -{"premise":"It is also sometimes called simply Beaubourg, after the 13th-century neighborhood that surrounds it.","hypothesis":"It is usually referred to as Little Paris because of the many French immigrants.","label":2,"idx":5187} -{"premise":"For more than 26 centuries it has witnessed countless declines, falls, and rebirths, and today continues to resist the assaults of brutal modernity in its time-locked, color-rich historical center.","hypothesis":"Modernity has made no progress in the historical center.","label":1,"idx":5190} -{"premise":"Don't you remember? Today we're going to auntie Basia's birthday party.'","hypothesis":"We are going to Aunt Basia's birthday party today, remember?","label":0,"idx":5193} -{"premise":"They greeted her and she smiled shyly back.","hypothesis":"She smiled at the group.","label":0,"idx":5201} -{"premise":"There is a roller coaster up there as well, but experienced riders consider it too slow and uneventful despite the altitude.","hypothesis":"Experienced riders think that the roller coaster is too fast and scary.","label":2,"idx":5203} -{"premise":"The burden of his spiritual functions as high priest of Shinto and the tasks of administration led the emperor to welcome an early abdication, frequently to retire to a life of Buddhist meditation and scholarship.","hypothesis":"The emperor was exhausted by his religious and political obligation, and abdicated early.","label":0,"idx":5204} -{"premise":"But overinterpretation or even misinterpretation are not the same as bias.","hypothesis":"Overinterpretation and misinterpretation are not bias. ","label":0,"idx":5207} -{"premise":"Sandstone and granite were the materials used to build the Baroque church of Bom Jesus, famous for its casket of St. Francis Xavier's relics in the mausoleum to the right of the altar.","hypothesis":"The Baroque chuch of Bom Jesus is a famous church made of sandstone and granite.","label":0,"idx":5209} -{"premise":"When he's ready for a major strike, how many innocents do you suppose are going to suffer? To quote one of your contemporaries; 'The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.' '","hypothesis":"He won't do a big strike because of the innocent people.","label":2,"idx":5220} -{"premise":"The dramatic cliffs of the Serra de Tramuntana mountain range hug the coastline of the entire northwest and north, from Andratx all the way to the Cape of Formentor.","hypothesis":"Andratx is on the northwest coast and the Cape of Formentor is further east.","label":1,"idx":5235} -{"premise":"The only comprehensible explanation is that the vocation that had burrowed in next to medicine had taken control, had insisted.","hypothesis":"The only comprehensible explanation is that chiropractics had taken control of medicine.","label":1,"idx":5239} -{"premise":"Clinton used a floor mop to clean up the dirt he had tracked onto the shiny floor of an elementary school.","hypothesis":"Clinton tracked dirt onto the floor of a high school and left without cleaning it.","label":2,"idx":5243} -{"premise":"Not surprisingly, then, Fannie Mae's public-relations operation is unparalleled in Washington.","hypothesis":"Fannie Mae has great public-relations.","label":0,"idx":5248} -{"premise":"Diamonds are graded from D to X, with only D, E, and F considered good, D being colorless or river white, J slightly tinted, Q light yellow, and S to X yellow. ","hypothesis":"Diamonds are rated alphabetically, the ones from D to F are considered the best.","label":0,"idx":5252} -{"premise":"away from the children","hypothesis":"No adults allowed near the children","label":1,"idx":5257} -{"premise":"my goodness it's hard to believe i didn't think there was anybody in the country who hadn't seen that one","hypothesis":"I thought I was the only one in this country who had seen it. ","label":2,"idx":5258} -{"premise":"Exhibit 3 presents total national emissions of NOx and SO2 from all sectors, including power.","hypothesis":"In Exhibit 3 there are the total national emissions od NOx and SO2 from all sectors, said the report.","label":0,"idx":5260} -{"premise":"It spoke of thousands of years, even before the times of the old empire.","hypothesis":"The old Empire died out.","label":1,"idx":5261} -{"premise":"I had an additional reason for that belief in the fact that all the cups found contained sugar, which Mademoiselle Cynthia never took in her coffee. ","hypothesis":"There was evidence that there had been sugar in all of the cups.","label":0,"idx":5264} -{"premise":"The m??tro (subway) is the fastest way to move around the city, but the buses, both in the capital and the other big towns, are best for taking in the sights.","hypothesis":"If you'd like to experience the city sights taking the bus is the best mode of transportation, though taking the subway is faster. ","label":0,"idx":5265} -{"premise":"For example, if Ovitz's five-year deal was worth, say, $100 million, and if the compensation committee had added to that a front-end grant of free Disney shares worth, say, $50 million, then--assuming that Ovitz finished his five-year contract period--the cost to Disney would be $150 million.","hypothesis":"This is not conjecture.","label":1,"idx":5267} -{"premise":"Most of the dances are suggestive of ancient courtship rituals, with the man being forceful and arrogant, the woman shyly flirtatious.","hypothesis":"Majority of the dances are influenced by hip hop.","label":2,"idx":5269} -{"premise":"Under the default method, eighty percent of the total amount of sulfur dioxide allowances available for allocation each year will be allocated to Acid Rain Program units with coal as their primary or secondary fuel or residual oil as their primary fuel, listed in the Administrator's Emissions Scorecard 2000, Appendix B (2000 Data for SO2, NOx, CO2, Heat Input, and Other Parameters), Table B1 (All 2000 Data for All Units).","hypothesis":"80% of the sulfur dioxide allowance for each year is in the Acid Rain Program, stemming from coal.","label":0,"idx":5272} -{"premise":"i spent a number of years in the service as an intelligence analyst","hypothesis":"I was only briefly in the service as a driver.","label":2,"idx":5290} -{"premise":"She hates me.\"","hypothesis":"She does not like me. ","label":0,"idx":5292} -{"premise":"What idiots girls are! ","hypothesis":"They thought the girls were stupid.","label":0,"idx":5301} -{"premise":"I will practice The Look on old French ladies who are happy to have any old look at all, I say, and then, as I get the hang of it, move gradually into the big leagues.","hypothesis":"I will practice the look on older French women.","label":0,"idx":5304} -{"premise":"They are levied through the power of the Government to compel payment, and the person or entity that pays these fees does not receive anything of value from the Government in exchange.","hypothesis":"They are levied through the power of the Government to compel payment in cash only","label":1,"idx":5317} -{"premise":"but we're taking our time we're going uh try to make our decision by July","hypothesis":"We are thinking of making the decision tomorrow.","label":2,"idx":5320} -{"premise":"Tell me, how did those scribbled words on the envelope help you to discover that a will was made yesterday afternoon?\" Poirot smiled. ","hypothesis":"Tell me, how could you tell from that text that a will was made yesterday afternoon?","label":0,"idx":5321} -{"premise":"right right they left a woman and a child or the cat the sheep yeah","hypothesis":"They were merciful in this regard, only taking the men as slaves.","label":1,"idx":5323} -{"premise":"well Jerry do you have a favorite team","hypothesis":"Jerry, do you follow any sports?","label":1,"idx":5336} -{"premise":"him?\" she asked.","hypothesis":"Her?\" he asked with a shocked tone.","label":2,"idx":5337} -{"premise":"Update on the Democratic fund-raising scandal : 1) President Clinton said FBI agents denied him advance warning about Chinese influence-buying efforts by telling his aides to keep the information secret.","hypothesis":"Clinton said the agents had not told him anything about the issue.","label":0,"idx":5340} -{"premise":"The researchers found expected stresses like the loss of a check in the mail and the illness of loved ones.","hypothesis":"The stresses affected people much diffferently than the researchers expected.","label":2,"idx":5342} -{"premise":"what do you think about uh about our new governor since she happens to be a female","hypothesis":"What do you think of our new female governor?","label":0,"idx":5354} -{"premise":"it's neat when you think about how she wrote it and stuff otherwise the lyrics are kind of","hypothesis":"How she wrote it was pretty cool. ","label":0,"idx":5360} -{"premise":"What's truly striking, though, is that Jobs has never really let this idea go.","hypothesis":"Jobs clung to the idea of expanding at all costs.","label":1,"idx":5368} -{"premise":"Children will enjoy the little steam train that loops around the bay to Le Crotoy in the summer.","hypothesis":"The steam train is only operational in the summer.","label":1,"idx":5369} -{"premise":"I mustn't keep you.","hypothesis":"I should not keep you.","label":0,"idx":5370} -{"premise":"but uh that has been the major change that we have noticed in gardening and that's about the extent of what we've done just a little bit on the patio and uh and waiting for the the rain to subside so we can mow we after about a month we finally got to mow this weekend","hypothesis":"We have not done much gardening yet because of the rain.","label":0,"idx":5388} -{"premise":"and i use a one of those black soaker hoses that actually oozes water every where so i lace it up and down there a couple of times and i only have to water about two hours a week","hypothesis":"I takes me just about half an hour to water, and I do it once a week.","label":2,"idx":5389} -{"premise":"did oh they're they are everywhere they","hypothesis":"They spread out.","label":1,"idx":5400} -{"premise":"Harlem was our first permanent office, he said. ","hypothesis":"Harlem was the first permanent office ","label":0,"idx":5401} -{"premise":"and uh the whole organization was targeting to replace whole life policies with a term life with annuity an annuity and uh","hypothesis":"Whole life policies with a term life with annuity could be replaced by the whole organization with something more complicated.","label":1,"idx":5410} -{"premise":"Also, Time claims that for the past year, the FBI has been seeking Robert Jacques, a possible accomplice to Timothy McVeigh in the Oklahoma City bombing.","hypothesis":"It is suggested the feds have been looking for an accomplice to the bombing for the past year.","label":0,"idx":5411} -{"premise":"The levadas were largely built by slave laborers from Africa, whose primary employment was on sugar plantations.","hypothesis":"The levadas were built by the workers.","label":2,"idx":5414} -{"premise":"As a result, their services may be more effective when conducted in the emergency department environment.","hypothesis":"Their services might be more effective if they're done in the OR.","label":2,"idx":5416} -{"premise":"and uh well if you if you got got him a power mower it'd probably take him a lot less time to do it but i enjoy doing it i feel good doing it uh i i feel a lot better doing it with a power mower with that with a with a pull tractor on it so i don't have to push so hard","hypothesis":"Buying him a power mower would probably help him finish the job sooner.","label":0,"idx":5417} -{"premise":"I could've afforded a much swankier, up-town place- or at least, a slightly swankier, mid-town place- but all that space would just encourage me to clutter.","hypothesis":"I could have had a bigger place but then I would have clutter.","label":0,"idx":5440} -{"premise":"right yeah that's it's always handy to have that that credit card for whatever it is that you might need it for","hypothesis":"It is always convenient to have a credit card.","label":0,"idx":5445} -{"premise":"oh hum well uh i haven't for some reason have never really gotten enthused about football in the summer from from the the World League","hypothesis":"I am very excited about football in the summer.","label":2,"idx":5457} -{"premise":"i've yeah i've done it before and when i was in high in high school and college and thoroughly enjoyed it and and it's really a a blast my wife hates it but that's the way life is i guess","hypothesis":"I've done it in the past and really liked it. ","label":0,"idx":5463} -{"premise":"British action wouldn't have mattered.","hypothesis":"British action would have made a big difference.","label":2,"idx":5468} -{"premise":"MC2000-2, was initially considered and recommended by the Commission under the market test rules.","hypothesis":"MC2000-2 was recommended by the Finance Commission.","label":1,"idx":5469} -{"premise":"oh, just about nothing.","hypothesis":"Nearly nothing at all.","label":0,"idx":5479} -{"premise":"Cultural transitions of major organizations are never easy to accomplish, and I would certainly not claim that it will be easy for GAO.","hypothesis":"It's never easy to complete cultural transitions in major organizations.","label":0,"idx":5483} -{"premise":"To check this, the central bank has tripled interest rates and used hard currency reserves (now reduced to $10 billion in ready cash) to buy back rubles.","hypothesis":"The central bank's interest rates have tripled in margin.","label":0,"idx":5485} -{"premise":"but i think a lot of kids it's funny get the same kind of fears like there's somebody under the bed","hypothesis":"I'm sure most children don't think it's amusing at all.","label":1,"idx":5489} -{"premise":"That story remains to be told.","hypothesis":"The story has not been told yet.","label":0,"idx":5491} -{"premise":"The call is coming from inside the house!","hypothesis":"The call is coming from my next door neighbor","label":2,"idx":5493} -{"premise":"that's neat just supervised more or less than anything and security i guess for them","hypothesis":"They made sure the place was secure all night long.","label":1,"idx":5494} -{"premise":"It's come back? cried Julius excitedly.","hypothesis":"They were excited to hear it will come back.","label":0,"idx":5503} -{"premise":"The movie doesn't come to much, though.","hypothesis":"This movie did not exceed my expectations.","label":0,"idx":5507} -{"premise":"they just didn't watch him on TV","hypothesis":"They didn't watch him on TV.","label":0,"idx":5517} -{"premise":"My last afternoon in Louisian was supposed to be no different- but the hotel room was small and claustrophobic, and I was utterly bored.","hypothesis":"I was bored on my last day in Louisian.","label":0,"idx":5520} -{"premise":"They won't be killing off George Clooney's character at ER like they did to Jimmy Smits at NYPD . Instead, Dr. Doug Ross is being forced out over the next two episodes because the maverick heartthrob gives an unauthorized painkiller to a terminally ill boy (Thursday, 10 p.m.).","hypothesis":"George Clooney will lose his job because the producers don't think he can act. ","label":2,"idx":5522} -{"premise":"You and your friends are not welcome here, said Severn.","hypothesis":"Severn said the people were not welcome in his house.","label":0,"idx":5524} -{"premise":"Slate could have put someone with a reasonable grasp of elementary finance and a balanced viewpoint in charge of writing a tax piece.","hypothesis":"Slate put an expert in charge of writing their tax pieces.","label":2,"idx":5532} -{"premise":"Audit committees should not only oversee both internal and external auditors, but also be proactively involved in understanding issues related to the complexity of the business, and, when appropriate, challenge management through discussion of choices regarding complex accounting, financial reporting, and auditing issues.","hypothesis":"The audit committees are used to look into the financial aspects of certain businesses.","label":0,"idx":5535} -{"premise":"So it wasn't Missenhardt's singing--marvelous though that was--that made Osmin's rantings so thrilling.","hypothesis":"Osmin was going off on a rant.","label":0,"idx":5543} -{"premise":"Rouen is the ancient center of Normandy's thriving textile industry, and the place of Joan of Arc's martyrdom ' a national symbol of resistance to tyranny.","hypothesis":"Joan of Arc was the daughter of a textile worker.","label":1,"idx":5544} -{"premise":"Puppet Shows.","hypothesis":"Television shows","label":2,"idx":5545} -{"premise":"But I guess I can take it we were wrong, pursued Julius.","hypothesis":"Julius believed that we were accurate. ","label":2,"idx":5567} -{"premise":"i bet it was that they do that you know they they have kittens out there in the garage or out in the barn and the first time you try to get around the kittens you know it's you'd have to catch them with a uh a fish net or something because they scamper away so quick","hypothesis":"The prey is meant to be eaten.","label":2,"idx":5571} -{"premise":"And these are tough times for reviewers in general.","hypothesis":"Specialist reviewers or reviewers with seniority are having an easier time of it.","label":1,"idx":5577} -{"premise":"As a basic guide, the symbols below have been used to indicate high-season rates in Hong Kong dollars, based on double occupancy, with bath or shower.","hypothesis":"This page intentionally left blank.","label":2,"idx":5578} -{"premise":"No, don't answer.","hypothesis":"Please respond.","label":2,"idx":5581} -{"premise":"The Santa Monica Pier is the coastal setting for the Twilight Dance Series, a selection of free summer concerts arranged each year.","hypothesis":"The Santa Monica Pier hosts free summer concerts arranged each year.","label":0,"idx":5586} -{"premise":"million in savings this year.","hypothesis":"We saved a ton this year.","label":0,"idx":5604} -{"premise":"uh but you could fill a whole bunch of uh holes with these things i used to i used to advertise buying wheat pennies um i'd give a dollar a roll which two cents a piece which is basically overpriced","hypothesis":"I used to try to sell wheat pennies.","label":2,"idx":5605} -{"premise":"Progressives at last are noticing that the best argument for government activism is that it works.","hypothesis":"Finally, progressives are noticing that the best argument for government activism is its success.","label":0,"idx":5607} -{"premise":"To reach any of the three Carbet falls, you must continue walking after the roads come to an end for 20 minutes, 30 minutes, or two hours respectively.","hypothesis":"There are three routes to the three Carbet falls, each a different length and all continue after the road seemingly ends.","label":0,"idx":5610} -{"premise":"Trump, who said he would decide by March whether to run for president, would likely spend $100 million to $200 million of his own money on a campaign.","hypothesis":"If he runs for President, Trump will most likely spend millions on his campaign. ","label":0,"idx":5611} -{"premise":"Oh! I exclaimed, much relieved. ","hypothesis":"I felt quite relieved and shouted joyously.","label":0,"idx":5619} -{"premise":"Coast Guard rules establishing bridgeopening schedules).","hypothesis":"The Navy creates bridgeopening schedules.","label":2,"idx":5621} -{"premise":"The story of the technology business gets spiced up because the reality is so bland.","hypothesis":"Reality is so bland that the technology business gets spiced up.","label":0,"idx":5626} -{"premise":"huh do you have your own kiln or do you do you","hypothesis":"You don't have a kiln, do you?","label":0,"idx":5627} -{"premise":"well so okay you need to get married and have kids and then when they're big enough you can have them go do the yard and you can do what you want to do","hypothesis":"The reason to have children is so that they can do yardwork.","label":0,"idx":5628} -{"premise":"right and that was back in nineteen fifty nine","hypothesis":"It will be in the future.","label":2,"idx":5631} -{"premise":"Congress' determination to make agencies accountable for their performance lay at the heart of two landmark reforms of the 1990 the Chief Financial Officers (CFO) Act of 1990 and the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA).","hypothesis":"Congress made several big reforms in the nineties to ensure agencies are held accountable for their actions. ","label":0,"idx":5634} -{"premise":"The formation of a single statewide program was adopted to breathe life into a single program that will provide meaningful access to high quality legal services, in the pursuit of justice for as many low-income people throughout Colorado as possible.","hypothesis":"Converting into just one program will help administer justice to more poor people in Colorado.","label":0,"idx":5641} -{"premise":"Visit at sundown or out of season to get the full flavor of the setting.","hypothesis":"Visit mid day in tourist season to fully understand.","label":2,"idx":5644} -{"premise":"The tabs are getting fed up with women who have become rich and famous by telling everyone else how to be better.","hypothesis":"Men who have become rich and famous by telling everyone else how to be better are making people fed up.","label":2,"idx":5647} -{"premise":"Watch for Pagla Jhora, the Mad Torrent, just after Gladstone's Rock (shaped like the statesman's head).","hypothesis":"The Mad Torrent comes before Gladstone's Rock. ","label":2,"idx":5650} -{"premise":"oh of course","hypothesis":"Of course she will ","label":1,"idx":5659} -{"premise":"Penrith and Blencathra are also Celtic names, established during this early period of settlement.","hypothesis":"Penrith and Blencathra are the names of Celtic queens.","label":1,"idx":5660} -{"premise":"yeah i'm trying to find out how long we're supposed talk","hypothesis":"We need to talk a lot.","label":1,"idx":5662} -{"premise":"Just look at the entertainment industry's self-image instead.","hypothesis":"Instead of looking into the self image of the tobacco industry, look at the entertainment industry. ","label":1,"idx":5665} -{"premise":"'Upload him into his body? What body?'","hypothesis":"He has a body.","label":2,"idx":5666} -{"premise":"And put like that, she added confidentially to Tommy, \"nobody could boggle at the expense!\" Nobody did, which was the great thing.","hypothesis":"She was always confident with talking to Tommy.","label":1,"idx":5669} -{"premise":"Leather Wares","hypothesis":"The wares are made of leather.","label":0,"idx":5676} -{"premise":"My body is to me like a crippled rabbit that I don't want to pet, that I forget to feed on time, that I haven't time to play with and get to know, a useless rabbit kept in a cage that it would be cruel to turn loose.","hypothesis":"I believe my body is a temple, and I worship at its altar.","label":2,"idx":5677} -{"premise":"An Indian traveler described the prosperous Bujang Valley settlement as the seat of all felicities. ","hypothesis":"A traveler said the settlement was floundering.","label":2,"idx":5688} -{"premise":"life track","hypothesis":"Jobs and work.","label":1,"idx":5692} -{"premise":"all they you know thinking that they're going to have money and jobs and success and everything and then they then there is no jobs and they end up homeless and not knowing anybody and no money and it's terrible","hypothesis":"They don't contribute anything to society. ","label":1,"idx":5702} -{"premise":"It is not a surprise, either, that Al Pacino chews the scenery in Devil's Advocate . And the idea that if the devil showed up on Earth he'd be running a New York corporate-law firm is also, to say the least, pre-chewed.","hypothesis":"Al Pachino is an absolutely horrible person.","label":1,"idx":5704} -{"premise":"The great attraction of the church is the splendid exterior, which is crowned by golden onion-shaped cupolas.","hypothesis":"The outside of the church isn't much to look at, but the inside is intricately decorated.","label":2,"idx":5707} -{"premise":"'I see.'","hypothesis":"It was clear","label":1,"idx":5708} -{"premise":"right and uh there's usually nobody running against you know the incumbents","hypothesis":"The incumbents are running completely unopposed by any other candidate. ","label":0,"idx":5710} -{"premise":"Reports on attestation engagements should state that the engagement was made in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards.","hypothesis":"Details regarding validation engagements ought to express that the engagement was made as per by and large acknowledged government evaluating guidelines.","label":2,"idx":5712} -{"premise":"The day my deadline came, I got a business card.","hypothesis":"On the day of the deadline, I received a gold trophy. ","label":2,"idx":5715} -{"premise":"Then he sobered.","hypothesis":"He was drunk.","label":2,"idx":5716} -{"premise":"St. Barts, of course, is completely undefended.","hypothesis":"There has never been a need to defend St. Barts. ","label":1,"idx":5717} -{"premise":"Well, let us leave it. ","hypothesis":"Let's leave it.","label":0,"idx":5721} -{"premise":"oh thank God i've never been to Midland","hypothesis":"I haven't ever been to Midland. ","label":0,"idx":5728} -{"premise":"The Tunnel of Eupalinos can be explored but it's not for the claustrophobic.","hypothesis":"The tunnel of Eupalinos is so large that it is said to have been used to house the construction of the titanic.","label":2,"idx":5748} -{"premise":"Mallorca prospered.","hypothesis":"Mallorca suffered.","label":2,"idx":5762} -{"premise":"From ethnic food shops and vintage clothing stores to electronics and book shops, there are so many interesting shopping spots that it is hard to imagine their breadth and depth.","hypothesis":"There are so many places to shop that you can find anything you need.","label":0,"idx":5763} -{"premise":"Harlem was our first permanent office, he said. ","hypothesis":"Harlem was the last permanent office ","label":2,"idx":5767} -{"premise":"Most of the Clinton women were in their 20s at the time of their Clinton encounter","hypothesis":"Bill Clinton isn't a rapist","label":1,"idx":5768} -{"premise":"findings, the Administrator has determined that an environmental impact statement need not be prepared.","hypothesis":"The Administrator believes a environmental impact statement should be prepared.","label":2,"idx":5769} -{"premise":"If that investor were willing to pay extra for the security of limited downside, she could buy put options with a strike price of $98, which would lock in her profit on the shares at $18, less whatever the options cost.","hypothesis":"The strike price of Lowe's stock could be $98.","label":1,"idx":5773} -{"premise":"Emeralds? ","hypothesis":"Are they wearing emeralds?","label":1,"idx":5778} -{"premise":"yeah and the music and uh well it had an excellent story line Everything about it was good","hypothesis":"every aspect of it was amazing, the best i've ever seen","label":1,"idx":5785} -{"premise":"It spoke of thousands of years, even before the times of the old empire.","hypothesis":"The old Empire is still ongoing.","label":1,"idx":5802} -{"premise":"um-hum yeah we're still pretty much you know in winter as far as that goes here","hypothesis":"It's still pretty much winter here.","label":0,"idx":5803} -{"premise":"And, for the rest of the way home, I recited to them the various exploits and triumphs of Hercule Poirot. ","hypothesis":"For the rest of the way home, we all sang songs and played games.","label":2,"idx":5810} -{"premise":"Ca'daan's mouth hung open.","hypothesis":"Ca'daan's mouth was cut wide open.","label":1,"idx":5814} -{"premise":"In the other sight he saw Adrin's hands cocking back a pair of dragon-hammered pistols.","hypothesis":"Adrin fired his machine gun as he watched.","label":2,"idx":5816} -{"premise":"no chemicals and plus then you can use it as a fertilizer and not have to worry about spreading those chemicals like on your lawn or your bushes or whatever","hypothesis":"You can use those chemicals as a fertilizer","label":2,"idx":5819} -{"premise":"The large scale production of entertainment films is a phenomenon well worth seeing several times.","hypothesis":"The production of entertainment films can be dull.","label":2,"idx":5826} -{"premise":"Our efforts having been in vain, we had abandoned the matter, hoping that it might turn up of itself one day. ","hypothesis":"Even though we had not solved the problem, we kept on trying.","label":2,"idx":5827} -{"premise":"Today, the island is little more than a forgotten backwater with few ferry connections to other islands, but its strong natural defenses gave it advantages in ancient times.","hypothesis":"The backwater has multiple ferry connections to other islands.","label":2,"idx":5828} -{"premise":"Always Sacrilegious, Always Coca-Cola.)","hypothesis":"Always disrespectful of Catholicism.","label":1,"idx":5833} -{"premise":"Conspiracy theorists MasterCard is investing in a chip that can store electronic cash, your medical history, and keys to your home and office.","hypothesis":"Conspiracy theorists believe Mastercard is working on a chip to store all your personal data.","label":0,"idx":5840} -{"premise":"I felt an immeasurable 230 contempt for him\u2026 .","hypothesis":"I felt intense disrespect for him...","label":0,"idx":5841} -{"premise":"The Women's Haven, which provides shelter and outreach to domestic-violence victims, already has a full-time attorney.","hypothesis":"The Women's Haven needs to hire a full-time lawyer.","label":2,"idx":5849} -{"premise":"yeah yeah i think well i know it's true you see a lot of that you know rally behind the female she may lose but by golly we're going to make a statement here","hypothesis":"If we rally behind a female candidate, she might lose, but we will make history.","label":0,"idx":5851} -{"premise":"With an area of just 541 sq km (209 sq miles), it is slightly smaller than the Isle of Man or twice Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts.","hypothesis":"It is an island in the Mediterranean Sea.","label":1,"idx":5859} -{"premise":"It was made up to look as much like an old-fashioned steam train as possible.","hypothesis":"It was built in the modern era to look like something built in the past.","label":1,"idx":5868} -{"premise":"In the vaults of the Bank.","hypothesis":"In the bank vault.","label":0,"idx":5873} -{"premise":"There should be someone here who knew more of what was going on in this world than he did now.","hypothesis":"He knew things, but hoped someone else knew more. ","label":0,"idx":5874} -{"premise":"But I've seen five other bodies come down like this.","hypothesis":"Five other bodies have come down like this.","label":0,"idx":5880} -{"premise":"I am not aware of any studies comparing the number of words an average person could expect to hear spoken in a typical day 500 years ago vs. the number that can be heard now, but the increase surely is vast.","hypothesis":"Though I've never read any research regarding how many words people heard back then compared to now, I'm sure the number has gone up.","label":0,"idx":5881} -{"premise":"It sounds perfect, said Jon.","hypothesis":"Jon thought that the idea was perfectly sound.","label":0,"idx":5883} -{"premise":"[Requires free registration.","hypothesis":"The registration is free.","label":0,"idx":5886} -{"premise":"'Upload him into his body? What body?'","hypothesis":"I don't think he has a body at all.","label":1,"idx":5887} -{"premise":"Energy-related activities are the primary source of U.S. man-made greenhouse gas emissions.","hypothesis":"Producing energy is the main source of US greenhouse gas emissions.","label":0,"idx":5896} -{"premise":"The entire economy received a massive jump-start with the outbreak of the Korean War, with Japan ironically becoming the chief local supplier for an army it had battled so furiously just a few years earlier.","hypothesis":"Japan supplied them exclusively with war goods.","label":1,"idx":5900} -{"premise":"wow who can afford that my God i can't afford to miss a day let alone six","hypothesis":"If I needed to take time off from work, I could afford it.","label":2,"idx":5902} -{"premise":"John Panzar has characterized street delivery as a bottleneck function because a single firm can deliver to a recipient at a lower total cost than multiple firms delivering to the same customer.","hypothesis":"John Panzar believes in nationalizing all postal delivery services and couriers into a single entity for cost-saving purposes.","label":0,"idx":5908} -{"premise":"'Don't worry,' he whispered.","hypothesis":"He was very calm and said not to worry.","label":0,"idx":5917} -{"premise":"Part 2), Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records.","hypothesis":"Drug and alcohol rehab records are to be kept confidential","label":0,"idx":5921} -{"premise":"Cultural transitions of major organizations are never easy to accomplish, and I would certainly not claim that it will be easy for GAO.","hypothesis":"GAO will likely have an easier time achieving cultural transitions than other organizations of similar size.","label":2,"idx":5924} -{"premise":"Mykonos has had a head start as far as diving is concerned because it was never banned here (after all, there are no ancient sites to protect).","hypothesis":"There are many ancient historical sites on Mykonos.","label":2,"idx":5936} -{"premise":"This majestic room is used for modern-day entertaining when the queen hosts dinners and banquets.","hypothesis":"The Royal Dining Room is not quite shabby and not used much.","label":2,"idx":5943} -{"premise":"These runs could cost far more than the value of the small improvement in service.","hypothesis":"The runs would cost $36,000.","label":1,"idx":5953} -{"premise":"As legal scholar Randall Kennedy wrote in his book Race, Crime, and the Law , Even if race is only one of several factors behind a decision, tolerating it at all means tolerating it as potentially the decisive factor.","hypothesis":"Randall Kennedy is black.","label":1,"idx":5960} -{"premise":"yeah well that's not really immigration","hypothesis":"That is not even remotely related.","label":1,"idx":5963} -{"premise":"Last year, they were spooked.","hypothesis":"They were spooky. ","label":2,"idx":5973} -{"premise":"oh really yeah so he he's uh he's probably going to be going to jail and and the problem with him is he's on a guaranteed salary like for three years so whether he plays or not they've got to pay him ten million dollars so if they","hypothesis":"His income is on guaranteed terms, meaning that even if he is jailed and can't play, he still gets his salary as per normal.","label":0,"idx":5977} -{"premise":"And now they here put him in a coma.'","hypothesis":"They have put him in a coma now.","label":0,"idx":5986} -{"premise":"yeah yeah and i took a five year note out on my car when i right when i got out of college and uh i'll never do that again i still got a couple of years on it to go and i'm","hypothesis":"I took a five year note out on my car when I got out of college, and I'll never do that again.","label":0,"idx":5988} -{"premise":"Also downtown is the Flower Market, on Wall and 8th streets; fresh-cut flowers and a variety of plants can be had for bargain prices, but the best selections are found before dawn.","hypothesis":"The best selection of flowers at the Flower Market can be found before dawn.","label":0,"idx":5992} -{"premise":"The door opened and Severn stepped out.","hypothesis":"They had the door slammed in their face. ","label":2,"idx":5993} -{"premise":"They said that the current system reflects that diversity, with agencies developing new participation processes and information management systems as needed for their individual programs and communities.","hypothesis":"They said that the current system reflects that diversity","label":0,"idx":5995} -{"premise":"They make a pretty pair working together.","hypothesis":"They don't go well together.","label":2,"idx":5997} -{"premise":"yeah and they've got those bins that just stay there and they decorated them real cute you know with a bunch of big old flowers and stuff","hypothesis":"The bins just stay there and are decorated.","label":0,"idx":6006} -{"premise":"And if they did come, as remote as that is, you and your men look strong enough to handle anything.","hypothesis":"The men looked strong enough to handle anything.","label":0,"idx":6007} -{"premise":"well i i'm doing computer science computer engineering","hypothesis":"I am studying computer engineering.","label":0,"idx":6008} -{"premise":"As the road climbs toward the entrance, you'll pass fields full of Santorini's famed tomatoes growing on the steep slopes.","hypothesis":"Along side the road leading to the entrance, you will pass fields of tomatoes.","label":0,"idx":6017} -{"premise":"The door did not budge.","hypothesis":"The door moved. ","label":2,"idx":6026} -{"premise":"In the market proper, spices and grain are piled up in multi-colored mountains; merchants chant as they measure out separate lots of five kilos three, three, three, four, four, four, and five, five, five. ","hypothesis":"The market sells mostly clothing and household goods, not food items.","label":2,"idx":6034} -{"premise":"Information is the resource-extractive industry of the next century, and the concept of intellectual property --a term that dates back 150 years--comes up when individuals or companies assert a particular claim and embody it in the form of copyrights, trademarks, and patents.","hypothesis":"Intellectual property is a term that was developed in the last decade.","label":2,"idx":6036} -{"premise":"well what station plays uh that type of music","hypothesis":"What TV station has documentaries about space travel?","label":2,"idx":6044} -{"premise":"Five minutes later she smiled contentedly at her reflection in the glass.","hypothesis":"She was not content with how she looked.","label":2,"idx":6054} -{"premise":"Neither does it include the mail sent in response to advertising.","hypothesis":"The mail sent in response to advertising is included .","label":2,"idx":6059} -{"premise":"They returned to live in the Galilee village of Nazareth, making pilgrimages to Jerusalem.","hypothesis":"They lived in Jerusalem but would make pilgrimages to Galilee.","label":2,"idx":6063} -{"premise":"oh really yeah i've i've never seen either one of them","hypothesis":"I've never looked at either of them.","label":0,"idx":6069} -{"premise":"They encourage us to indulge ourselves, and they exhort us to worry about our competence at work.","hypothesis":"There are no consequences to indulging ourselves. ","label":1,"idx":6076} -{"premise":"Calcutta seems to be the only other production center having any pretensions to artistic creativity at all, but ironically you're actually more likely to see the works of Satyajit Ray or Mrinal Sen shown in Europe or North America than in India itself.","hypothesis":"You are more likely to come across the work of Mrinal Sen in India than in North America. ","label":2,"idx":6084} -{"premise":" \"You're not going to marry him, do you hear?\" he said dictatorially.","hypothesis":"\"You will not take him as your husband and run away.\"","label":1,"idx":6091} -{"premise":"Never trust a Sather, Bork said softly.","hypothesis":"Borker said to never trust a Sather.","label":0,"idx":6097} -{"premise":"ooh it's kind of tough to think of some of the others although i do watch some of some of those frivolous things uh like on Thursday nights at nine o'clock when i get home from aerobics i will watch uh Knots Landing","hypothesis":"I take an aerobics class at nine o'clock.","label":2,"idx":6108} -{"premise":"yeah yeah seven percent or something it depends on where you're at some places in Dallas i guess it's like closer to eight and places like in Lewisville it's a lot closer to seven","hypothesis":"It a place like Dallas it's seven percent.","label":2,"idx":6119} -{"premise":"Interpreters will be provided by APALRC.","hypothesis":"Interpreters will be distributed at an even male, female ratio.","label":1,"idx":6122} -{"premise":"Still, I guess that can be got over.","hypothesis":"There are some things that you need to ignore.","label":0,"idx":6125} -{"premise":"They copied Louis XIV's centralized administration and tax-collection, and by the 18th century Turin was a sparkling royal capital built, quite unlike any other Italian city, in classical French manner.","hypothesis":"In 1775 Turin was a brand new capital.","label":1,"idx":6130} -{"premise":"As Malaysia has moved resolutely into the modern age, it has also remained, culturally and historically, a rich, multi-layered blend of traditions wrapped up within a modern, busy economy.","hypothesis":"Malaysia is an old country. ","label":1,"idx":6134} -{"premise":"In the 1980s, a pragmatic socialist coalition government with the Christian Democrats brought a few years of unusual stability.","hypothesis":"The Christian Democrats caused great instability in the 1980s.","label":2,"idx":6136} -{"premise":"France knew a good thing when she seized one, but then so did Britain.","hypothesis":"France knew this was good.","label":0,"idx":6140} -{"premise":"He wore a simple leather breastplate with a single red glyph over the chest.","hypothesis":"He was wearing complex satin breastplate that had several black glyphs on the chest. ","label":2,"idx":6141} -{"premise":"His fantastic body could heal itself against whatever they did to him, and his mind refused to accept the torture supinely.","hypothesis":"His amazing body could heal itself against anything.","label":0,"idx":6143} -{"premise":"The flame or whatever it was had enough heat, but it was hard to control.","hypothesis":"The flame was hard to control, but had enough heat. ","label":0,"idx":6145} -{"premise":"Starting from Scratch","hypothesis":"Leaving everything behind.","label":1,"idx":6151} -{"premise":"However, crashing real estate prices had a domino effect on the rest of the economy, and in the early 1990s Japan slipped quickly into stagnation and then recession.","hypothesis":"In the early 1990s Japan slipped quickly into stagnation, and then recession, because crashing real estate prices had a domino effect on the rest of the economy.","label":0,"idx":6157} -{"premise":"The majority of the agencies that responded appreciated GAO's initiative to develop the protocols and said that they were comprehensive and provided a framework for meaningful communication.","hypothesis":"The agencies that responded appreciated the initiative by GAO.","label":0,"idx":6159} -{"premise":"The important thing is to realize that it's way past time to move it.","hypothesis":"It has not been moved yet in the past.","label":0,"idx":6160} -{"premise":"No, don't answer.","hypothesis":"Don't respond. ","label":0,"idx":6173} -{"premise":"These are issues that we wrestle with in practice groups of law firms, she said. ","hypothesis":"The practice groups find possible solutions to the issues.","label":1,"idx":6174} -{"premise":"Her state is probably to be attributed to the mental shock consequent on recovering her memory.\"","hypothesis":"It is too bad that she never regained her memory.","label":2,"idx":6183} -{"premise":"My last afternoon in Louisian was supposed to be no different- but the hotel room was small and claustrophobic, and I was utterly bored.","hypothesis":"My last day in Louisian was very exciting.","label":2,"idx":6191} -{"premise":"4) Clinton's job rating fell from 60 to 55 points in a Washington Post poll, apparently because pollees disapproved of his use of the White House for fund raising.","hypothesis":"Pollees down-rated Clinton by up to 5 points.","label":0,"idx":6197} -{"premise":"Still, I guess that can be got over.","hypothesis":"It won't be possible to get passed that.","label":2,"idx":6201} -{"premise":"Snap Judgment","hypothesis":"Judgments take a long time to make.","label":2,"idx":6203} -{"premise":"Arafat is also ailing and has no clear successor.","hypothesis":"Arafat is in bad health and does not have a person chosen to take his place.","label":0,"idx":6204} -{"premise":"yeah so i i trotted back to the car rather quickly uh jumped in went home and took a hot shower and changed clothes and went back","hypothesis":"I did not even stop to have anything to eat.","label":1,"idx":6211} -{"premise":"uh well no i just know i know several single mothers who absolutely can't afford it they have to go with the a single uh what i mean a babysitter more more or less","hypothesis":"They simply don't have the money to put into that sort of thing.","label":0,"idx":6212} -{"premise":"but uh i've always enjoyed uh the train and you know fooling with it and all","hypothesis":"I have always had a love for trains.","label":0,"idx":6225} -{"premise":"After shuttering the DOE, Clinton could depict himself as a crusader against waste and bureaucracy who succeeded where even Reagan failed.","hypothesis":"Clinton shuttered the DOE to move against waste.","label":0,"idx":6234} -{"premise":"Duke William returned from his conquest of England to attend the consecration of Notre-Dame in 1067.","hypothesis":"Duke William completed his conquest of England in 1066.","label":1,"idx":6235} -{"premise":"In order to ensure these Americans are not left out of the justice system, a strong federal role in supporting legal services is vital.","hypothesis":"A federal role in supporting legal services is vital so that no Americans are left out","label":0,"idx":6237} -{"premise":"My unborn children will never appear on the Today show.","hypothesis":"I would not wish for anyone I know to be on the Today show.","label":1,"idx":6248} -{"premise":"it was really easy i mean just just did a thumb print you know","hypothesis":"It was very easy because I just did a thumb print.","label":0,"idx":6251} -{"premise":"Table 2: Examples of BLM's, FHWA's, IRS's, and VBA's Customer Satisfaction Expectations for Senior Executive Performance","hypothesis":"Senior Executives do not care about the customer satisfaction.","label":1,"idx":6262} -{"premise":"I found Steven E. Landsburg's piece Pay Scales in Black and White extremely unconvincing.","hypothesis":"I was unimpressed by Landsburg's pay Scales in Black and White.","label":0,"idx":6267} -{"premise":"I awoke looking up at stone lit by fire.","hypothesis":"The fire was burning nearby.","label":0,"idx":6271} -{"premise":"All of our many earnest experiments produced results in line with random chance, they conclude.","hypothesis":"The experiments proved that it was no different that random chance.","label":0,"idx":6273} -{"premise":"no never heard of it","hypothesis":"It was a popular type of latex house paint.","label":2,"idx":6276} -{"premise":"They should have him be just a disembodied voice.","hypothesis":"To be more effective with children, he should never be seen.","label":1,"idx":6278} -{"premise":"and I'm not a Negro tonight!","hypothesis":"I am white.","label":1,"idx":6281} -{"premise":"They won't be killing off George Clooney's character at ER like they did to Jimmy Smits at NYPD . Instead, Dr. Doug Ross is being forced out over the next two episodes because the maverick heartthrob gives an unauthorized painkiller to a terminally ill boy (Thursday, 10 p.m.).","hypothesis":"George Clooney's character will give an unauthorized painkiller to his patient in episode 7. ","label":1,"idx":6289} -{"premise":"6 cents are used for domestic investment.","hypothesis":"Investing in domestic companies.","label":0,"idx":6292} -{"premise":"Now sink of sorrow I who live--the more the wrong!Who wishing death, whom death denies, whose thread is all too long;Who tied to wretched life, who looks for no relief,Must spend my ever dying days in never ending grief.","hypothesis":"I live in a constant state of despair and depression. ","label":0,"idx":6293} -{"premise":"Lie back, and DON'T THINK.","hypothesis":"Stand up and start thinking.","label":2,"idx":6300} -{"premise":"The seven grants flow from a new Nonprofit Capacity Building program at the foundation, part of a trend among philanthropists to give money to help organizations grow stronger, rather than to the program services they provide.","hypothesis":"The grants flow from the Executive branch of the United States government.","label":2,"idx":6307} -{"premise":"This one ended up being surprisingly easy!","hypothesis":"This question was very easy to answer. ","label":0,"idx":6312} -{"premise":" The Romans never really infiltrated Ibiza, and even after the defeat of Hannibal in 202 b.c. during the Second Punic War their influence was restrained.","hypothesis":"The Romans didn't infiltrate Ibiza.","label":0,"idx":6315} -{"premise":"no not it not no it's a it's not something","hypothesis":"It's not something","label":0,"idx":6327} -{"premise":"uh i really i miss college i had a good time","hypothesis":"I enjoyed my time in university. ","label":0,"idx":6331} -{"premise":"Do not talk.","hypothesis":"Don't say anything.","label":0,"idx":6345} -{"premise":"okay i guess i'll get back to my laundry","hypothesis":"I think I will go finish up my laundry. ","label":0,"idx":6357} -{"premise":"Although it is a significant part of the poverty population, Asians historically have not been able to participate in the services and programs available to the poor, he said.","hypothesis":"Asians are always poor.","label":1,"idx":6360} -{"premise":"We start with the fine review of a shockingly funny comedy about eye disease.","hypothesis":"The comedy about eye disease was hilarious.","label":0,"idx":6361} -{"premise":"His voice was even and calm, not a hint of rage.","hypothesis":"He was a mess of nerves and rage.","label":2,"idx":6366} -{"premise":"The Government does not sacrifice anything of value in exchange and the entity that forfeits the property does not receive anything of value.","hypothesis":"The Government does not provide compensation for forfeited property.","label":0,"idx":6367} -{"premise":"you know things like that But i don't follow any team i check the scores the next morning and i know how everybody's doing and that suffices me But","hypothesis":"I have two favorite teams, and I always watch their games.","label":2,"idx":6386} -{"premise":"yeah well i'm a hot weather person i'm i can take the heat but i don't like the cold","hypothesis":"I do not like warm weather at all. ","label":2,"idx":6387} -{"premise":"Everybody has this quote from NBA commissioner David You cannot strike your boss and still hold your job--unless you play in the NBA.","hypothesis":"NBA commissioner said NBA opens more possibilities than other jobs","label":2,"idx":6389} -{"premise":"Don't take it to heart, lad, he said kindly.","hypothesis":"He was trying to console the lad.","label":0,"idx":6394} -{"premise":"um yeah we've tried to do that we've paid ours off you know all the way down to where we had everything down to zero and especially right before i i quit work two years ago to stay home with the kids","hypothesis":"We have paid ours off all the way down to zero. ","label":0,"idx":6397} -{"premise":"In the vaults of the Bank.","hypothesis":"In the cash register at the bank.","label":2,"idx":6401} -{"premise":"3) Dare you rise to the occasion, like Raskolnikov, and reject the petty rules that govern lesser men?","hypothesis":"Would you rise up and reject any rules that come up","label":0,"idx":6404} -{"premise":"I am not.","hypothesis":"I am not new to this.","label":1,"idx":6413} -{"premise":"He was crying like his mother had just walloped him.","hypothesis":"He cried like his mom hit him.","label":0,"idx":6414} -{"premise":"it depends a lot of uh a lot of things were thought that uh as you know the farmers thought okay we got chemicals we're putting chemicals on the field well the ground will naturally filter out the","hypothesis":"There is not point in putting farming chemicals in the ground.","label":2,"idx":6418} -{"premise":"Recommendations","hypothesis":"dislikes","label":2,"idx":6419} -{"premise":"The Wall Street Journal Business Bulletin has a fact that dramatizes how profoundly well-off this country is--Americans throw out approximately 12 percent of the stuff they buy at the supermarket.","hypothesis":"Americans just throw away 12 percent of what they buy at supermarkets.","label":0,"idx":6422} -{"premise":"I've thought it well over \"","hypothesis":"I thought about it long and hard. ","label":0,"idx":6426} -{"premise":"A member of the only student-run chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union in New York state, Zelon worked to resolve disputes between students and police officers to help protect the public's right to peaceful protest.","hypothesis":"Zelon is the only student-run chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union in New York state.","label":0,"idx":6431} -{"premise":"There never will be.","hypothesis":"It should happen soon.","label":2,"idx":6440} -{"premise":"yeah maybe the maybe they'll bring their good schools with them you know if the industry comes","hypothesis":"If the industry comes, it will foster the creation of better schools.","label":0,"idx":6445} -{"premise":"and not only is it you know trouble to have to drive but it takes time away from your home and your family when you're out driving","hypothesis":"Driving is difficult because it is time consuming.","label":0,"idx":6448} -{"premise":"but like they always say you know got a good profit sharing plan just no profit","hypothesis":"There's a lot of money in this profit sharing plan.","label":2,"idx":6449} -{"premise":"In that case, price discrimination can survive.","hypothesis":"When dealing with big ticket items, prices can fluctuate.","label":1,"idx":6458} -{"premise":"He was a pilot, not a platoon leader.","hypothesis":"He was no platoon leader, but a lowly pilot.","label":0,"idx":6464} -{"premise":"The disputes among nobles were not the first concern of ordinary French citizens.","hypothesis":"Nobles having disputes were not the first concern for ordinary French citizens.","label":0,"idx":6466} -{"premise":" From Sant Francesc, take the road that leads southwest to Cap Berber?\u00ada (the southernmost point in the Balearics).","hypothesis":"Cap Berbera is the southernmost point and is very cold.","label":1,"idx":6467} -{"premise":"Nash showed up for an MIT New Year's Eve party clad only in a diaper.","hypothesis":"Nash showed up in a suit.","label":2,"idx":6477} -{"premise":"You have to have good peripheral vision and you have to really concentrate.","hypothesis":"It takes extreme focus and a strong awareness of your visual surroundings.","label":0,"idx":6479} -{"premise":"and see the thing is you know he go out and he'll spend it when he wants you know and uh uh i'm afraid to i'm afraid to use that credit card","hypothesis":"I'm scared to use the credit card.","label":0,"idx":6482} -{"premise":"Black professionals braid their hair to display their ethnic pride.","hypothesis":"Blacks braid their hair because they're forced to.","label":2,"idx":6483} -{"premise":"The baker was not jolly.","hypothesis":"The baker was very festive last night.","label":2,"idx":6485} -{"premise":"Despite their 17th-century origins, these gardens avoid the rigid geometry of the Tuileries and Ver?\u00adsailles.","hypothesis":"The gardens are not shaped like the Tuileries or Versailles.","label":0,"idx":6493} -{"premise":"It displays some superb marble sculptures of the second century a.d. , most notably a Venus and the Emperor Hadrian and his wife Sabina.","hypothesis":"Sabina was the second wife of Emperor Hadrian.","label":1,"idx":6494} -{"premise":"Asked about abortion the other day on CNN, Republican National Committee Chairman Jim Nicholson also invoked what is apparently the party-line inclusive party.","hypothesis":"The Republican National Committee Chairman gave the party's standard answer on the subject of abortion when he was asked about it on CNN.","label":0,"idx":6497} -{"premise":"We'll be the first to admit we make mistakes, but most of those are bureaucratic.","hypothesis":"We make mostly bureaucratic mistakes; other types are rare.","label":0,"idx":6503} -{"premise":"Cultural festivals are one opportunity, but the better way is at a private wedding or feast day when the performances are set in their true context.","hypothesis":"Cultural festivals are the best place to have performances.","label":2,"idx":6505} -{"premise":"This town, which flourished between 6500 and 5500 b.c. , had flat-roofed houses of mud and timber decorated with wall-paintings, some of which show patterns that still appear on Anatolian kilims.","hypothesis":"The houses in this town are run down and made from mud.","label":1,"idx":6510} -{"premise":"The company later told us that it had discontinued the program because of its adverse effect on employee morale.","hypothesis":"The company later told us that it had enhanced the program due to high morale.","label":2,"idx":6511} -{"premise":"In a six-year study, scientists fed dogs and other animals irradiated chicken and found no evidence of increased cancer or other toxic effects.","hypothesis":"Scientists gave animals irradiated chicken and they were fine.","label":0,"idx":6531} -{"premise":"oh yeah all all mine are uh purebreds so i keep them in","hypothesis":"none of mine are mutts","label":0,"idx":6534} -{"premise":"yeah that's a nice place","hypothesis":"I've been there many times. ","label":1,"idx":6540} -{"premise":"Look, it's your skin, but you're going to be in trouble if you don't get busy.","hypothesis":"Don't let anyone see you working or you might get in trouble.","label":2,"idx":6542} -{"premise":"life in prison then he's available for parole if it's if it's life and a day then he's not eligible for parole so what you know let's quit BSing with the system","hypothesis":"The system is fair and he'll receive the sentence he deserves regardless of parole.","label":1,"idx":6543} -{"premise":"While headquarters staffing is to be streamlined, the staffing levels at the ports are to be maintained or increased.","hypothesis":"Headquarters needs streamlined staff while ports don't. ","label":1,"idx":6549} -{"premise":"Most of France went enthusiastically into World War I, and came out of it victorious yet bled white.","hypothesis":"Most of France felt patriotic and supportive of WWI.","label":0,"idx":6551} -{"premise":"Concentration of greenhouse gases, especially CO2, have increased substantially since the beginning of the industrial revolution.","hypothesis":"Greenhouse gases have increased because of the industrial revolution.","label":0,"idx":6554} -{"premise":"which they probably Mexican people don't even know what a taco salad is but i think it's now it's moving up too because uh just a change you know just something different","hypothesis":"Taco salad isn't a traditional Mexican dish, but it's becoming one because of cultural movement.","label":0,"idx":6555} -{"premise":"There are actually three winding roads, or the Grande, the high road, starting out from the Avenue des Diables-Bleus in Nice; the Moyenne, the middle one, beginning at Place Max-Barel; and the Basse, along the coast from Boulevard Carnot, but usually jammed with traffic.","hypothesis":"The Basse is a busy, winding road that runs along the coast.","label":0,"idx":6557} -{"premise":"He touched it and felt his skin swelling and growing hot.","hypothesis":"His skin was burning.","label":1,"idx":6559} -{"premise":"they really do i i sometimes think that that should be limited more","hypothesis":"They are way too free in what they can do, and I think they need to be strongly limited.","label":1,"idx":6560} -{"premise":"He had never felt better.","hypothesis":"He felt very sick.","label":2,"idx":6561} -{"premise":"Larger boats for up to 20 people, plus crew, offer organized gourmet cruises.","hypothesis":"Smaller boats that only fit two people offer gourmet cruises.","label":2,"idx":6564} -{"premise":"Sir James's presence in Manchester was not accidental.","hypothesis":"Sir James was present in Manchester on purpose.","label":0,"idx":6574} -{"premise":"One wag, J., wrote in to ask, Is there a difference between pests and airlines?","hypothesis":"There is no difference between pests and airlines.","label":1,"idx":6575} -{"premise":"and not only that it it opens you to phone solicitations","hypothesis":"It prevents you from having to contend with more marketing calls.","label":2,"idx":6579} -{"premise":"For the first time I entertained the idea of taking my talents to that particular market\u2026 .","hypothesis":"I had thought of doing it many times, but I knew I would fail.","label":2,"idx":6581} -{"premise":"Why, when I was your age, I already had....\" Dave wasn't listening any longer.","hypothesis":"Dave didn't want to hear the conversation. ","label":0,"idx":6602} -{"premise":"That is, businesses commonly contract out any function that can be done by another firm at a lower cost.","hypothesis":"Information technology is one business function that is commonly contracted out.","label":1,"idx":6610} -{"premise":"You claw your way into a position to get your calls returned by actually breaking stories, but that reward is empty.","hypothesis":"The rewards are very fulfilling if you break stories.","label":2,"idx":6612} -{"premise":"There's a dramatic difference between someone like Michael Dell and someone like Al Dunlap.","hypothesis":"They are actually twins separated from birth. ","label":2,"idx":6613} -{"premise":"The great breathtaking Italian adventure remains the road.","hypothesis":"The road remains the Italy people want to see. ","label":0,"idx":6614} -{"premise":"Princes Street is to Scots what Oxford Street is to the English the premier shopping street of the land.","hypothesis":"Princess Street is the premier shopping street in England.","label":2,"idx":6615} -{"premise":"Economic growth also depends on education to enhance the knowledge and skills of the nation's work","hypothesis":"The knowledge and skills of the nation's work have an influence on the economic growth of the nation.","label":0,"idx":6622} -{"premise":"Among the allegations is that Tokyo Joe--listen, he calls himself that-- duped subscribers to his e-mail advisory , exaggerating his annual returns by leaving out losing trades.","hypothesis":"Tokyo Joe is careful to disclose both the good and bad of his business deals. ","label":2,"idx":6624} -{"premise":"In research designs based on statistical inference, the criterion for establishing casuality is whether the findings are likely to have occurred by chance following appropriate comparisons to eliminate alternative interpretations.","hypothesis":"Research designs may be based on statistical inference in different organizations. ","label":1,"idx":6627} -{"premise":"Auditors may use an engagement letter, if appropriate, to communicate the information.","hypothesis":"Auditors may use an engagement letter to communicate with the stakeholders.","label":1,"idx":6628} -{"premise":"The Indigenous Project, a new program run by the Oregon Law Center, is one of only a handful of places in the United States where indigenous farmworkers from Mexico and Central America can find free and confidential legal aid.","hypothesis":"The Indigenous Project is run by the Oregon Law Center in Portland.","label":1,"idx":6630} -{"premise":"well they're so close to an undefeated undefeated season they can taste it and they wanna make history so i don't think they're gonna lack for motivation","hypothesis":"They're close to winning the season, so they won't have any issues with motivation.","label":0,"idx":6633} -{"premise":"It's an interesting account of the violent history of modern Israel, and ends in the Scafeld Room where nine Jews were executed.","hypothesis":"The execution of nine Jews was an important turning point in modern Israel's history.","label":0,"idx":6638} -{"premise":"She did not reply.","hypothesis":"She was silent.","label":0,"idx":6643} -{"premise":"oh constantly","hypothesis":"I jog constantly","label":1,"idx":6645} -{"premise":"Generally, FGD systems tend to be constructed closer to the ground compared to SCR technology retrofits.","hypothesis":"FGD systems tend to replicate SCR systems.","label":2,"idx":6646} -{"premise":"These 900 hectares (2,224 acres) of parkland on the western edge of the city constitute one of Baron Haussmann's happier achievements.","hypothesis":"Baron Haussmann's home was located within the 900 hectares of parkland on the western edge of the city.","label":1,"idx":6655} -{"premise":"Larger boats for up to 20 people, plus crew, offer organized gourmet cruises.","hypothesis":"You can easily find gourmet cruises.","label":1,"idx":6664} -{"premise":"Trial of Galileo","hypothesis":"Trial of Galileo was open to the public.","label":1,"idx":6675} -{"premise":" \"You're not going to marry him, do you hear?\" he said dictatorially.","hypothesis":"\"You will not take him as your husband.\"","label":0,"idx":6680} -{"premise":"we were lucky in that in one respect in that after she had her stroke she wasn't really you know really much aware of what was going on","hypothesis":"She had a very serious stroke.","label":0,"idx":6683} -{"premise":"Who? asked Tommy.","hypothesis":"Tommy didn't know, who.","label":0,"idx":6687} -{"premise":"away from the children","hypothesis":"Far from the kids","label":0,"idx":6689} -{"premise":"He sat for a moment in silence.","hypothesis":"Seated, he let silence surround him. ","label":0,"idx":6693} -{"premise":"no North Carolina State","hypothesis":"Yes North Carolina is the state next to Virginia","label":2,"idx":6703} -{"premise":"Both initial and supplemental proposed rule publications invited comments on the information collection requirements imposed by the rule.","hypothesis":"Proposals are available to the public and allow for citizen input.","label":1,"idx":6707} -{"premise":"A 1994 Roper Poll concluded that the NewsHour is perceived by the public as the most credible newscast in the country.","hypothesis":"A 1984 Poll concluded NewsHour is seen as the most credible newscast by the public.","label":0,"idx":6722} -{"premise":"They won't be killing off George Clooney's character at ER like they did to Jimmy Smits at NYPD . Instead, Dr. Doug Ross is being forced out over the next two episodes because the maverick heartthrob gives an unauthorized painkiller to a terminally ill boy (Thursday, 10 p.m.).","hypothesis":"George Clooney will not be getting fired from his TV show. ","label":0,"idx":6727} -{"premise":"Most of it, I couldn't even begin to identify.","hypothesis":"I didn't know what any of the food is.","label":1,"idx":6729} -{"premise":"Professor Rogers began her career by clerking for The Honorable Thomas D. Lambros of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio.","hypothesis":"Professor Rogers started her career as a clerk.","label":0,"idx":6734} -{"premise":"evaluation questions.","hypothesis":"There are evaluation questions on the topic.","label":1,"idx":6736} -{"premise":"The Sikhs reacted violently to persecution, and the Marathas spread to Orissa, after which, in the year 1739, Nadir Shah of Persia invaded and carried off the Peacock Throne (broken up after his assassination).","hypothesis":"Persecution against the Sikhs was met with violent reactions.","label":0,"idx":6745} -{"premise":"and i look back on that and i bought shoes i went shopping i did not need that money i did not need it i didn't need it i shouldn't have even qualified to get it i didn't need it and it would have been a little rough i might have eaten some bologna instead of roast beef out of the deli but i did not need it and as i look back now now we're paying that back i told my son if you have to live in the ghetto to go to college do it but don't take out ten thousand dollars in loans don't do it and i don't i hope don't think he'll have to do that but i just so like we might if we didn't have those loans we could have saved in the last five years the money for that and i believe we would have because God's really put it in our heart not to get in debt you know but we have friends at church that do this on a constant basis that are totally debt free and they pay cash for everything they buy","hypothesis":"I regret taking out loans.","label":0,"idx":6747} -{"premise":"Practice 16: Be Alert to New Monitoring Tools and Techniques","hypothesis":"Practice 16 is to require secure passwords.","label":2,"idx":6748} -{"premise":"Specifically, by defining mission improvement objectives, senior executives determine whether their organization needs a CIO who is a networking\/marketing specialist, business change agent, operations specialist, policy\/oversight manager, or any combination thereof.","hypothesis":"A CIO must be an operations specialist.","label":2,"idx":6749} -{"premise":"She was a very good mistress to me, sir.","hypothesis":"She was a bad mistress. ","label":2,"idx":6770} -{"premise":"Turns out that Bill got one letter last year that just tore at his heartstrings.","hypothesis":"Bill got two letters last year that tore at his heartstrings.","label":2,"idx":6771} -{"premise":"Gore has been Clinton's lackey for more than six years.","hypothesis":"Gore has been with Clinton for six years.","label":0,"idx":6773} -{"premise":"Very little indeed, answered Tuppence, and was pleased to note that Whittington's uneasiness was augmented instead of allayed.","hypothesis":"Tuppence's answer made Whittington grow even more uneasy.","label":0,"idx":6781} -{"premise":"Flying at a discount should be more dangerous.","hypothesis":"Discounted flight deals offered by some travel agents come with an element of risk.","label":1,"idx":6789} -{"premise":"Most of France went enthusiastically into World War I, and came out of it victorious yet bled white.","hypothesis":"French citizens were not supportive of their participation in WWI.","label":2,"idx":6790} -{"premise":"If you have any questions regarding this report, please call me at (202) 512-4841.","hypothesis":"My phone number is (202) 412-4841.","label":2,"idx":6791} -{"premise":"That is, as the discount is increased in steps, the cost to the Postal Service of sorting the mail that becomes workshared on step 4 is probably greater than the cost of sorting the mail that becomes workshared on step 3. This assumption will be relaxed in Part III below, where larger discount changes are considered.","hypothesis":"Part III will further raise concerns about the assumption.","label":2,"idx":6795} -{"premise":"The rise of the British Empire in India had begun.","hypothesis":"It started the rise of the British Empire in India in 1910.","label":1,"idx":6796} -{"premise":"'And I don't want to risk a fire fight with what appear to be horribly equal numbers.'","hypothesis":"I don't want to get in a fight.","label":0,"idx":6799} -{"premise":"And the trunk? Big? Mother asked again to keep up appearances.","hypothesis":"Mother, trying to be humble, asked if the trunk was small.","label":2,"idx":6800} -{"premise":" There was food for all, and houses had been conjured hastily to shelter the people.","hypothesis":"Housed were haphazardly built to accommodate people.","label":0,"idx":6811} -{"premise":"THEY ARE READY, returned Susan's voice in the back of his mind.","hypothesis":"He cringed when he imagined Susan's voice.","label":1,"idx":6820} -{"premise":"First, the horsemen brought out a teaser horse.","hypothesis":"The horsemen firstly brought out the horse meant for the main event.","label":2,"idx":6821} -{"premise":"i don't even know how they figure it really i'm glad i don't work in a store","hypothesis":"I'm happy that I don't work in a store.","label":0,"idx":6823} -{"premise":"The Congress, which controls our funding levels, began to include many members who did not support the purpose and goals of a federal civil legal services program.","hypothesis":"the congress is generally responsible for controlling funding levels.","label":0,"idx":6829} -{"premise":"But in all probability the girl will have entirely forgotten the intervening period, and will take up life where she left off at the sinking of the Lusitania.\"","hypothesis":"The man will remember that period and will take up life where he left it off.","label":2,"idx":6847} -{"premise":"The final reason for the teen renaissance is boomer self-obsession.","hypothesis":"Social media is the final reason behind the current teen renaissance.","label":2,"idx":6851} -{"premise":"She buried his remains to spare her mother the gruesome sight.","hypothesis":"The gruesome sight that her mother would have encountered was spared when she buried his remains.","label":0,"idx":6852} -{"premise":"Another thing those early French and Dutch settlers agreed upon was that their island should be free of levies on any imported goods.","hypothesis":"The French and Dutch settlers did not want taxes on imported goods. ","label":0,"idx":6867} -{"premise":"Current Chinese leaders have distinctive characteristics that give them significant advantages over the United States in foreign policy.","hypothesis":"The us has advantages over China in foreign policy. ","label":2,"idx":6876} -{"premise":"But they persevered, she said, firm and optimistic in their search, until they were finally allowed by a packed restaurant to eat their dinner off the floor.","hypothesis":"They were seated at a table that they could eat at.","label":2,"idx":6880} -{"premise":"There would be little benefit to national saving from allowing early access to mandatory accounts with set contribution levels-which has been proposed for Social Security (see Q4.","hypothesis":"There would be a great benefit to national saving","label":2,"idx":6883} -{"premise":"Even though the scratch was tiny, it broke his heart and haunted him for two weeks.","hypothesis":"The scratch haunted him for two weeks.","label":0,"idx":6884} -{"premise":"After their savage battles, the warriors recuperated through meditation in the peace of a Zen monastery rock garden.","hypothesis":"The warriors recuperated, after their savage battles, at a Zen monastery rock garden.","label":0,"idx":6890} -{"premise":"The WP says that the Paula Jones trial judge has had an interesting prior run-in with Bill Clinton.","hypothesis":"The judge threw the book at him.","label":1,"idx":6901} -{"premise":"Oh yeah? San Barenakedino? How's he? Clarisse and Onardo both asked.","hypothesis":"After not having talked to San Barenakedino for awhile, Clarisse and Onardo wondered how he was doing.","label":0,"idx":6904} -{"premise":"because otherwise it's too it gets if you start them when it's cooler in the spring then it gets too hot in the summer","hypothesis":"You should start them during Spring if you want them to be cool during the summer.","label":2,"idx":6918} -{"premise":"Black professionals braid their hair to display their ethnic pride.","hypothesis":"Blacks proudly braid their hair, sad the black woman.","label":1,"idx":6922} -{"premise":"The average MLS ticket costs a mere $13, one-third the price of an NHL or NBA ticket.","hypothesis":"The average cost of the tickets was about the same between the MLS, NHL, and NBA.","label":2,"idx":6926} -{"premise":"Sultan Abdul Hamid II (1876 1909) tried to apply absolute rule to an empire staggering under a crushing foreign debt, with a fragmented population of hostile people, and succeeded only in creating ill will and dissatisfaction amongst the younger generation of educated Turks.","hypothesis":"The population was fractured during the rule of Sultan Adbul Hamid II, and many people were hostile to his rule.","label":0,"idx":6933} -{"premise":"The Throne Room is one of a series of apartments built during the reign of Charles II, though it was originally designed as a guard room that screened entrants to the private chambers beyond.","hypothesis":"Charles II was the reigninh monarch when the Throne Room was built.","label":0,"idx":6935} -{"premise":"The results of the sheepshead minnow, Cyprinodon variegatus, inland silverside, Menidia beryllina, or mysid, Mysidopsis bahia, tests are acceptable if survival in the controls is 80 percent or greater.","hypothesis":"Tests are only acceptable when survival during controls is at least 80 percent.","label":0,"idx":6940} -{"premise":"The Gaiety Theatre in South King Street is worth visiting for its ornate d??cor.","hypothesis":"The Trump Tower is a terrible place to visit for ornate decor.","label":1,"idx":6945} -{"premise":"But when he was persuaded by divers means to help us, he gave up after one week, declaring it beyond his powers.","hypothesis":"The person accepted defeat after seven days, as it was too difficult.","label":0,"idx":6947} -{"premise":"Under the leadership of Henry the Navigator, caravels set out from the westernmost point of the Algarve, in southern Portugal, in search of foreign lands, fame, and wealth.","hypothesis":"Expeditions left the Algarve in southern Portugal in order to discover new countries and create fortunes.","label":0,"idx":6948} -{"premise":"She admits to Dorcas, 'I don't know what to do; scandal between husband and wife is a dreadful thing.' At 4 o'clock she has been angry, but completely mistress of herself. ","hypothesis":"She had remained in control despite her anger.","label":1,"idx":6952} -{"premise":"yeah yeah seven percent or something it depends on where you're at some places in Dallas i guess it's like closer to eight and places like in Lewisville it's a lot closer to seven","hypothesis":"In Lewisville it is up around ten or so.","label":2,"idx":6958} -{"premise":"The Saving Mystery, or Where Did the Money Go?","hypothesis":"The money was spent.","label":1,"idx":6983} -{"premise":"so who so if you go out and you're talking like a ten or fifteen thousand dollar vehicle and you add that sales tax on that's a that's a big chunk of change you have to come up with","hypothesis":"The sales tax would really drive the price of the car up.","label":0,"idx":6986} -{"premise":"As Ben Yagoda writes in the New York Times Book Review , somewhere along the way, Kidder must have decided not to write a book about Tommy O'Connor.","hypothesis":"A book was not written about Tommy O'Connor.","label":0,"idx":6993} -{"premise":"Outside, set in manicured gardens, are the remains of the Abbey of Holyrood.","hypothesis":"The Abbey of Holyrood is located outside among lovely gardens.","label":0,"idx":7003} -{"premise":" Most menu prices include taxes and a service charge, but it's customary to leave a tip if you were served satisfactorily.","hypothesis":"Prices on the menu include taxes, but customers decide whether or not to tip.","label":0,"idx":7005} -{"premise":"To the northwest of the chateau, the Grand Trianon palace, surrounded by pleasantly unpompous gardens, was the home of Louis XIV's mistress, Madame de Maintenon, where the aging king increasingly took refuge.","hypothesis":"Louis XIV was married to Madame de Maintenon on the chateau.","label":2,"idx":7018} -{"premise":"Postal Service data to define the relationship between costs and cost drivers.","hypothesis":"Postal Service delivery data is used to define the relationship between cost and drivers.","label":1,"idx":7022} -{"premise":"Marriage is an important institution.","hypothesis":"Marriage is important to society.","label":0,"idx":7023} -{"premise":"Oh, my friend, have I not said to you all along that I have no proofs. ","hypothesis":"I told you from the start that I had no evidence.","label":0,"idx":7059} -{"premise":"By contrast, their grandson, who assumed the throne in 1516, was born in Flanders in 1500, and Charles I could barely express himself in Spanish.","hypothesis":"Their grandson was born in Barcelona, and Charles I spoke beautiful Spanish.","label":2,"idx":7063} -{"premise":"Under Deng Xiaoping, Beijing actively sought to cultivate a good bilateral relationship.","hypothesis":"Beijing sought to create a good distance.","label":2,"idx":7068} -{"premise":"But, Slate protests, it was [Gates'] byline that appeared on the cover.","hypothesis":"Slate was one hundred percent positive it was Gates' byline on the cover.","label":1,"idx":7070} -{"premise":"couple of years ago i was thinking about moving to Massachusetts but uh boy i'm glad i didn't","hypothesis":"I'm glad that I didn't move to Massachusetts.","label":0,"idx":7071} -{"premise":"Lalley also is enthused about other bar efforts on behalf of the poor, most notably the Legal Assistance Center will operate out of the new courthouse.","hypothesis":"Lalley is enthusiastic about the bar's initiative to help the poor.","label":0,"idx":7076} -{"premise":"And he claimed she earned $11,000 a month - or $132,000 a year - from a home quilting business she had owned for 22 years.","hypothesis":"He said she had a business that she started 10 years ago.","label":2,"idx":7077} -{"premise":"From 1998 through 2000, the federal government achieved surpluses, shifting from being a drain on net national saving to become a contributor to it.","hypothesis":"Irresponsible spending led the government deeper into debt by the late 1990s.","label":2,"idx":7078} -{"premise":"No. I guess I'm going too.","hypothesis":"I guess I'm going since my sister is.","label":1,"idx":7082} -{"premise":"oh you went to the dollar movie yeah yeah they show up at the dollar movie right after they get come out you know they're usually not not that great or didn't do that great anyway let me see let me see another movie i watched uh i want to see is uh that new one uh","hypothesis":"they are shown at the dollar movie theater immediately after they're released","label":0,"idx":7094} -{"premise":"San'doro didn't make it sound hypothetical, thought Jon.","hypothesis":"San'doro didn't sound like he was still thinking about that, thought Jon.","label":1,"idx":7096} -{"premise":"It is not a surprise, either, that Al Pacino chews the scenery in Devil's Advocate . And the idea that if the devil showed up on Earth he'd be running a New York corporate-law firm is also, to say the least, pre-chewed.","hypothesis":"The fact that the devil would work in law is extremely cliche.","label":0,"idx":7106} -{"premise":"Madam Regent attended church and the mission schools (which you can still visit in Honolulu) and burned images of the old Hawaiian gods, while Kamehameha II entertained lavishly in the company of his wives.","hypothesis":"Madam Regent had attended mission schools in Hawaii.","label":0,"idx":7112} -{"premise":"defiantly if you live in an apartment right","hypothesis":"Unless you live in a house.","label":1,"idx":7119} -{"premise":"He needs to keep his finger on the pulse to succeed during the short tourist season.","hypothesis":"The tourism season is so long that he will be successful eventually.","label":2,"idx":7121} -{"premise":"I was pulled into the bar.","hypothesis":"I was dragged through the door of the pub.","label":0,"idx":7126} -{"premise":"As a result of these procedures, the Department estimates an annual net savings of $545 million.","hypothesis":"An annual net savings of $900 million has been estimated by the Department.","label":2,"idx":7137} -{"premise":"well we bought this with credit too well we found it with a clearance uh down in Memphis i guess and uh","hypothesis":"We bought items in Memphis using cash. ","label":2,"idx":7138} -{"premise":"The setting--wherever it might be--always seems authentic, not as if it were a Hollywood back lot.","hypothesis":"They had trouble believing the setting was based on a real place.","label":2,"idx":7142} -{"premise":"I don't know all the answers, fella.","hypothesis":"I'm not sure about anything.","label":1,"idx":7144} -{"premise":"oh that's not really important the the other stuff is just you know window dressing because we we've never ordered anything fact the the van that we've got we bought uh from an estate it was an estate trade uh it was almost brand new the the gentlemen who owned it had died","hypothesis":"Our van was obtained through an estate trade after its owner had died.","label":0,"idx":7149} -{"premise":"The museum is open from 9am to 1pm and 2 to 5pm Monday to Friday (with audio-visual shows in the afternoon), and on Saturday mornings.","hypothesis":"The museum is not open on Sunday, either in the morning or the afternoon.","label":0,"idx":7160} -{"premise":"that's uh only way to do it","hypothesis":"There is no other way to do it.","label":0,"idx":7165} -{"premise":"Said we was a-staying at the inn.","hypothesis":"He was staying at the inn.","label":0,"idx":7177} -{"premise":"In keeping with other early Buddhist tenets, there is no figurative representation of Buddha here, However, there is a large gilded statue from a later period inside, and behind the temple are the spreading branches and trunks of the sacred Bodhi Tree, which is said to have grown from a sapling of the first one that stood here 2,500 years ago.","hypothesis":"There are several figurative representations of Buddha located there.","label":2,"idx":7182} -{"premise":"so are can i just ask you are you Canadian","hypothesis":"Are you from Canada?","label":0,"idx":7189} -{"premise":"36 million could mean the state's legal services for the poor will lose six of their 21 regional offices, the head of a poverty-law resource center said.","hypothesis":"LSC could lose 80% of their funding.","label":2,"idx":7191} -{"premise":"But the arguments that it would do harm seem unpersuasive.","hypothesis":"The people did not worry about the amount of harm it could do. ","label":1,"idx":7192} -{"premise":"you know even even into major things just to keep our car longer because i don't think we get the money that we put into them out of them in two years or three years and of course i was never in a position where i could trade my car off every two years","hypothesis":"I have never been able to trade my car off every couple of years.","label":0,"idx":7204} -{"premise":"Base year data will be actual receipt and outlay data for the last completed fiscal year","hypothesis":"Base year data will give important economic information.","label":0,"idx":7219} -{"premise":"In April 1453 the Sultan's armies massed outside the city walls, outnumbering the Byzantines ten to one.","hypothesis":"There were ten times as many of the Sultan's armies than Byzantines.","label":0,"idx":7229} -{"premise":"Dinosaurs poked around the remains; twitchy little scavengers, fighting over scraps.","hypothesis":"Dinosaurs had survived and were trying to eat.","label":0,"idx":7231} -{"premise":"Gore has been Clinton's lackey for more than six years.","hypothesis":"Gore has been away from Clinton for six years.","label":2,"idx":7248} -{"premise":"So far, however, the number of mail pieces lost to alternative bill-paying methods is too small to have any material impact on First-Class volume.","hypothesis":"The amount of mail lost is too smal to leave an impact on volume ","label":0,"idx":7263} -{"premise":"Mr. Inglethorp, said the Coroner, \"you have heard your wife's dying words repeated here. ","hypothesis":"Mr. Inglethorp, we are sorry we couldn't repeat your wife's dying words.","label":2,"idx":7268} -{"premise":"Unless the report is restricted by law or regulation, auditors should ensure that copies be made available for public inspection.","hypothesis":"This report is most likely restricted by law or regulation and should not be ensured.","label":1,"idx":7269} -{"premise":"Now sink of sorrow I who live--the more the wrong!Who wishing death, whom death denies, whose thread is all too long;Who tied to wretched life, who looks for no relief,Must spend my ever dying days in never ending grief.","hypothesis":"I may be having suicidal thoughts and be wishing for death. ","label":0,"idx":7270} -{"premise":"He fled in his car when cops arrived and led them on a chase that ended in the massive crash.","hypothesis":"The cops set off in pursuit until a traffic accident happened.","label":0,"idx":7274} -{"premise":"The pope, suggesting that Gen.","hypothesis":"Gen is being suggested by the Pope. ","label":0,"idx":7278} -{"premise":"I put it to you that, wearing a suit of Mr. Inglethorp's clothes, with a black beard trimmed to resemble his, you were there \u201dand signed the register in his name!","hypothesis":"He was trying to impersonate Mr. Inglethorp and forging his signature. ","label":0,"idx":7287} -{"premise":"People make two justified complaints about our Slate 60 ranking of America's largest contributors to charity.","hypothesis":"Slate 60 ranks American educational charity contributions.","label":1,"idx":7289} -{"premise":"you know maybe it just wasn't possible at all in the first place you know like the no new taxes thing you know that's uh with the economy going the way it is and everything that was nearly ridiculous thing to","hypothesis":"it's possible to have no new taxes with the way the economy is right now.","label":2,"idx":7290} -{"premise":"The National Football League semifinals are set.","hypothesis":"They were unable to disclose when the dates would be set.","label":1,"idx":7292} -{"premise":"Numbers began wafting about on the I'd say at least five","hypothesis":"I had to pick at least one number.","label":1,"idx":7294} -{"premise":"Then as he caught the other's sidelong glance, \"No, the chauffeur won't help you any.","hypothesis":"The chauffeur will not help him to do anything.","label":0,"idx":7303} -{"premise":"Inflation is supposed to be a deadly poison, not a useful medicine.","hypothesis":"Inflation is meant to be something that harms, not something that heals.","label":0,"idx":7305} -{"premise":"Princes Street is to Scots what Oxford Street is to the English the premier shopping street of the land.","hypothesis":"Princes Street is the premier shopping street in Scotland.","label":0,"idx":7308} -{"premise":"The universal credibility problem with polling is that wordsmithing and mathematics don't mix, and never will.","hypothesis":"Wordsmithing and mathematics go together nicely.","label":2,"idx":7309} -{"premise":"so you know it's something we we have tried to help but yeah","hypothesis":"If they didn't care, neither did we.","label":2,"idx":7335} -{"premise":"oh like if they say i i we just type it in like that","hypothesis":"The typing is the easy part.","label":1,"idx":7343} -{"premise":"although the uh it's uh it we almost one day we painted the house to uh we painted we painted the whole inside and it had all this dark trim we thought uh you know we did the one wall but the other trim i'm trying to think i think i think we left most of it because it gets to be uh they don't do that in the newer houses now we don't the uh mold everything is white in a new house everything is white","hypothesis":"We painted the house over the duration of one day.","label":0,"idx":7350} -{"premise":"Strategic human capital management must be at the center of this transformation effort.","hypothesis":"Human capital management is extremely important ","label":0,"idx":7352} -{"premise":"we only have to get up for you know for the daytime feedings","hypothesis":"We only have to get up for the daytime feedings.","label":0,"idx":7354} -{"premise":"The 37 hectares (91 acres) of garden are set on lands above the Wag Wag River, which twists through a steep and narrow valley.","hypothesis":"The nine hundred acres of garden are set on the lands above the Nile River.","label":2,"idx":7355} -{"premise":"Act Accounting the Great Management Reform Act","hypothesis":"Act accounting great management reform act ","label":0,"idx":7357} -{"premise":"in our town of five thousand we have one that is uh local FM AM station and their news is fed from CNN too uh it's more of uh","hypothesis":"The local town's radio station relied on CNN for news.","label":0,"idx":7359} -{"premise":"Horwitz makes us see that the pinched circumstances of their lives are not so different from the conditions of their ancestors, dirt-poor yeoman farmers who seldom saw, much less owned, a slave.","hypothesis":"Horwitz says that they are as unhappy as their ancestors.","label":1,"idx":7362} -{"premise":"Sure, the man yells back, you're in a hot air balloon about 30 feet above this field.","hypothesis":"\"Sure.\" The man yells \"youre in a hot air balloon about 30 feet high above the field ","label":0,"idx":7363} -{"premise":"The first, reached from Luxor, is Esna, 54 km (33 miles) by road.","hypothesis":"The only way to get to Esna is by car.","label":1,"idx":7365} -{"premise":"But the third try worked better.","hypothesis":"The third try worked better than the other two.","label":0,"idx":7370} -{"premise":"'But if White has any designs at all on living, he'll be as far from Little as he can possibly get by now.'","hypothesis":"White should be afraid to come back to Little.","label":1,"idx":7376} -{"premise":"no never heard of it","hypothesis":"He does not know what it is.","label":1,"idx":7381} -{"premise":"Each room was outfitted with a leather sofa and three fold-out beds for students exhausted after a full day of hard work.","hypothesis":"Students received housing with sofas and beds to rest in.","label":0,"idx":7383} -{"premise":"The Shore Temple, which has withstood the wind and the waves for 12 centuries, is made up of two shrines.","hypothesis":"The Shore Temple has stood for 12 centuries. ","label":0,"idx":7387} -{"premise":"An organization's activities, core processes, and resources must be aligned to support its mission and help it achieve its goals.","hypothesis":"Achieving organizational goals reflects a change in core processes.","label":1,"idx":7395} -{"premise":"yeah i've always threatened to take lessons but i've never gotten around to it","hypothesis":"I have been taking lessons for about fifteen years. ","label":2,"idx":7399} -{"premise":"Each caters to a specific crowd, so hunt around until you find the one right for you.","hypothesis":"There are marketers who have argued that there needs to be more effort to broaden appeal.","label":1,"idx":7405} -{"premise":"Saint-Paul-de-Vence","hypothesis":"Saint-Paul-de-Vence is a commune in the Provence-Alpes-C\u00f4te-d'Azur region in the department of Alpes-Maritimes in the district of Grasse and canton of Cagnes-sur-Mer-Ouest.","label":1,"idx":7407} -{"premise":"Other advantages the Postal Service could retain relate to such things as the payment of taxes, the need for a return on investment, the right of eminent domain, and immunity from parking tickets.","hypothesis":"The Postal Service has immunity to parking tickets.","label":0,"idx":7410} -{"premise":"Land of Lincoln helped Tasha Johnson of Marion get Social Security benefits to support her four children after the 29-year-old woman was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, a type of cancer, she said.","hypothesis":"She has cancer and needs the benefits to take care of her children.","label":0,"idx":7412} -{"premise":"'We can't find him, Benjamin,' Lincoln\/Natalia said.","hypothesis":"Lincoln\/Natalia told Benjamin that it was impossible to find him.","label":0,"idx":7413} -{"premise":"uh-huh you can't do that in a skirt poor thing","hypothesis":"You need to wear something else.","label":0,"idx":7426} -{"premise":"In America, his colleagues are mostly defeated (Miss Mudd, his predecessor on his first job, has retired early in disgust) when they aren't sadistic.","hypothesis":"When his colleagues aren't sadistic, they are mostly defeated.","label":0,"idx":7429} -{"premise":"Where do you think she can be, Sir James?\" The lawyer shook his head.","hypothesis":"Do you think she left?","label":1,"idx":7431} -{"premise":"Stale macho jokes and formulaic cliffhangers drive this chase-by-numbers thriller on the bumpy road to nowhere (Holden, the New York Times ).","hypothesis":"The movie is riddled with cliches and male buddy humor that make the film boring.","label":0,"idx":7435} -{"premise":"i'm on i'm in the Plano school system and living in Richardson and there is a real dichotomy in terms of educational and economic background of the kids that are going to be attending this school","hypothesis":"There is a huge amount of poor students and very few wealthy.","label":1,"idx":7441} -{"premise":"As the budgets, functions, and points of service of many government programs devolve to state and local government, private entities and nonprofit organizations, and other third parties, it may become harder for GAO to obtain the records it needs to complete audits and evaluations.","hypothesis":"Audits and evaluations are harder because it is more difficult for GAO to get the records.","label":0,"idx":7443} -{"premise":"I said it and I'm glad.","hypothesis":"I'm glad I told my mother-in-law how terrible she is.","label":1,"idx":7448} -{"premise":"I never said you were a mandrake-man.","hypothesis":"I didn't say you were a mandrake-man.","label":0,"idx":7450} -{"premise":"The first installment of the Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition opened in theaters everywhere.","hypothesis":"The second installment of Star Wars is in theaters. ","label":2,"idx":7454} -{"premise":"I just stopped where I was.","hypothesis":"I stopped running right where I was","label":1,"idx":7458} -{"premise":"Do you think Mrs. Inglethorp made a will leaving all her money to Miss Howard? I asked in a low voice, with some curiosity. ","hypothesis":"I tried to speak up but fear prevented me.","label":2,"idx":7460} -{"premise":"you know it's easy to say well yeah let's let's put these old folks in a home but when i think i don't want to do that you know i don't want to be have my little home i always threaten my daughters i say well","hypothesis":"I already have a nursing home picked out for my mother-in-law. ","label":1,"idx":7469} -{"premise":"Have you got him?\"","hypothesis":"Did you help him to escape?","label":2,"idx":7474} -{"premise":"You wonder whether he could win a general election coming out of the right lane of the Democratic Party.","hypothesis":"He will not run in a general election while he is a conservative Democrat.","label":2,"idx":7478} -{"premise":"Larger ski resorts are 90 minutes away.","hypothesis":"Larger ski resorts are actually 20 minutes away by foot.","label":2,"idx":7481} -{"premise":"The museum is open from 9am to 1pm and 2 to 5pm Monday to Friday (with audio-visual shows in the afternoon), and on Saturday mornings.","hypothesis":"There are no plans to have the museum open on Sundays.","label":1,"idx":7491} -{"premise":"120 \"You do not think I ought to go to the police?\"","hypothesis":"Should I not go to the police?","label":0,"idx":7493} -{"premise":"The four Javis children? asked Severn.","hypothesis":"You have to ask Severn about the four Jarvis children.","label":2,"idx":7494} -{"premise":"The last thing we want is any more attention or any more bounty hunters.","hypothesis":"There had already been enough attention. ","label":0,"idx":7496} -{"premise":"The technical how-tos for these three strategies will be summarized later in this paper.","hypothesis":"There are three strategies for improvement discussed in the paper.","label":0,"idx":7497} -{"premise":"Ho there--what the devil?\" The overseer's hand spun Hanson around.","hypothesis":"The overseer's hands grabbed Hanson by the shoulders.","label":1,"idx":7505} -{"premise":"I smiled vaguely.","hypothesis":"I was feeling sure of myself.","label":1,"idx":7513} -{"premise":"We did not study the reasons for these deviations specifically, but they likely result from the context in which federal CIOs operate.","hypothesis":"The Context in which federal CIOs operate is no different from other CIOs.","label":1,"idx":7515} -{"premise":"Well aware of the island's burgeoning wealth and repository of supplies, the French pirate Bertrand de Montluc sailed into Funchal harbor with his 11-galleon armada and 1,300 men.","hypothesis":"Bertrand de Montluc arrived at the island with a great force of men.","label":0,"idx":7517} -{"premise":"I regretfully acknowledge that it may even make practical sense to have a few hired guns like Norquist, Downey, and Weber around--people of value only for their connections to power, not for any knowledge or talent.","hypothesis":"It's a bad idea to have the hired guns here.","label":2,"idx":7519} -{"premise":"The Romans built roads and established towns, including the towns of Palmaria (Palma) and Pollentia (near present-day Alc??dia).","hypothesis":"The Romans established several towns over the course of their history.","label":0,"idx":7520} -{"premise":"Therefore, the number of boilermakers may actually grow more quickly than what was assumed.","hypothesis":"The number of boilermakers increases at a rate of 1.26.","label":1,"idx":7525} -{"premise":"No money no results!\" Another voice which Tommy rather thought was that of Boris replied: \"Will you guarantee that there ARE results?\"","hypothesis":"You can't guarantee there will be results with money. ","label":2,"idx":7529} -{"premise":"So, as he and Tipper walked out, my friend and I were right behind them, and I took the opportunity to say hello and reintroduce myself--as a journalist, I might add--and we chatted about the movie for a few minutes.","hypothesis":"I wish I had seen Tipper, but I didn't get to.","label":2,"idx":7531} -{"premise":"Rightly or wrongly, America is seen as globalization's prime mover and head cheerleader and will be blamed for its excesses until we start paying official attention to them.","hypothesis":"America alone is responsible for the excesses of the globalization movement. ","label":1,"idx":7533} -{"premise":"yeah well losing is i mean i'm i'm originally from Saint Louis and Saint Louis Cardinals when they were there were uh a mostly a losing team but","hypothesis":"The losing streak for the Cardinals have jumped this season.","label":1,"idx":7535} -{"premise":"Most traditional reform options involve workers paying more for promised benefits or getting lower benefits.","hypothesis":"The traditional reform options propose additional benefits for less cost.","label":2,"idx":7538} -{"premise":"The door opened and Severn stepped out.","hypothesis":"They approached as the door was opened.","label":1,"idx":7542} -{"premise":"The Ile Saint-Louis is an enchanted self-contained island of gracious living, long popular with the more affluent gentry and celebrities of Paris.","hypothesis":"The Ile Saint-Louis is popular with the wealthier citizens of Paris.","label":0,"idx":7545} -{"premise":"The disorder hardly seemed to exist before the stimulant Ritalin came along.","hypothesis":"The only time the disorder seemed to exist was before Ritalin came around.","label":2,"idx":7546} -{"premise":"This whole unsavory episode brings back memories of skits with Monty Python ! One of my favorite lines was, You are guilty of six--no, seven--charges of heresy.","hypothesis":"This episode reminds me of Mean Girls.","label":2,"idx":7548} -{"premise":"The end is near! Then a shout went up, and Hanson jerked his eyes from the gears to focus on a group of rocs that were landing at the far end of the camp.","hypothesis":"Hanson redirected his gaze from the gears to the group of rocs.","label":0,"idx":7550} -{"premise":"i'd say they appraised it it's gone up you now maybe like five percent","hypothesis":"It has gone down about twelve percent. ","label":2,"idx":7554} -{"premise":"It doesn't seem expensive--they use it in Bangladesh, after all.","hypothesis":"If it's used in Bangladesh and the rest of South Asia, it's a cheap item.","label":1,"idx":7559} -{"premise":"See the idea?\" 35 \"Then you think\" Tuppence paused to grasp the supposition fully \"that it WAS as Jane Finn that they wanted me to go to Paris?\" Mr. Carter smiled more wearily than ever.","hypothesis":"Mr. Carter was growing more and more tired.","label":0,"idx":7564} -{"premise":"The data would be presented as required supplementary stewardship information accompanying the consolidated financial statements of the Federal Government but not in individual reports of its component units.","hypothesis":"Individual reports that focus on its component units wouldn't include the data.","label":0,"idx":7569} -{"premise":"And frankly, the number seems a tad low to me.","hypothesis":"The number looks too high in my opinion.","label":2,"idx":7572} -{"premise":"Who? asked Tommy.","hypothesis":"Tommy asked about the location.","label":2,"idx":7581} -{"premise":"He and his associates weren't operating at the level of metaphor.","hypothesis":"He and his associates were operating at the level of the metaphor.","label":2,"idx":7582} -{"premise":"okay and and i think we just hang up i don't think we have to do anything else","hypothesis":"We need to wait until they tell us what to do. ","label":2,"idx":7583} -{"premise":"The number of steps built down into the interior means that it is unsuitable for the infirm or those with heart problems.","hypothesis":"It is unsuitable for those with heart issues because of the number of steps.","label":0,"idx":7584} -{"premise":"While headquarters staffing is to be streamlined, the staffing levels at the ports are to be maintained or increased.","hypothesis":"Headquarters staff is increased and port staff streamlined. ","label":2,"idx":7589} -{"premise":"The Kal whistled and Vrenna's eyes sparkled when she saw Jon swing it.","hypothesis":"Jon is on a baseball field.","label":1,"idx":7594} -{"premise":"uh-huh how about any matching programs","hypothesis":"Why is there no matching program? ","label":1,"idx":7612} -{"premise":"Also, the tobacco executives who told Congress they didn't consider nicotine addictive might now be prosecuted for fraud and perjury.","hypothesis":"The tobacco executives told Congress that nicotine was addictive.","label":2,"idx":7618} -{"premise":"In May 1967, Gallup found that the number of people who said they intensely disliked RFK--who was also probably more intensely liked than any other practicing politician--was twice as high as the number who intensely disliked Johnson, the architect of the increasingly unpopular war in Vietnam.","hypothesis":"Johnson was the most disliked politician since Hamilton.","label":2,"idx":7630} -{"premise":"There is simply no historical precedent for a large empire calling it quits because it could not compete economically or technologically.","hypothesis":"Empires do not quit because they couldn't compete economically.","label":0,"idx":7637} -{"premise":"i always wait for the movie i don't have time to read the book","hypothesis":"I don't have time to read the book so I always wait for the film.","label":0,"idx":7649} -{"premise":"but i think let's see the teams that were there last year were see somebody from California i don't even know who won the pennant last year","hypothesis":"I am in the dark as to who won the pennant last year","label":0,"idx":7652} -{"premise":"Anyway, she was found dead this morning.\"","hypothesis":"She died during the night but wasn't found until this morning.","label":0,"idx":7658} -{"premise":"Chennai, known until 1996 as Madras, is easy-going, pleasant, and remarkably uncrowded.","hypothesis":"Chennai is a laid-back, quiet, and peaceful city.","label":0,"idx":7663} -{"premise":"But a list of who's better than other people in some aspect or another is not inevitable and does not make the economy any more prosperous or society any richer in other ways.","hypothesis":"A listing of those better than others is very helpful to the economy.","label":2,"idx":7684} -{"premise":"Cabourg is the most stately of the old Channel resorts.","hypothesis":"Of all the resorts in the old Channel, Cabourge is by far the most impressive and stately.","label":0,"idx":7686} -{"premise":"They just don't like it as much as men do.","hypothesis":"Men like it much more than they do.","label":0,"idx":7689} -{"premise":"In America, his colleagues are mostly defeated (Miss Mudd, his predecessor on his first job, has retired early in disgust) when they aren't sadistic.","hypothesis":"When his colleagues aren't sadistic, they are successful.","label":2,"idx":7690} -{"premise":"Here you'll see the delightful but slowly disappearing indigenous FWI costume madras turban, madras skirt over petticoat, silk peplum, white blouse, and gold earrings, bracelets, and collier-choux necklace.","hypothesis":"Here you can see FWI's traditional costume of shorts and tank tops, which is experiencing a revival.","label":2,"idx":7692} -{"premise":"A small page-boy was waiting outside her own door when she returned to it.","hypothesis":"The page-boy she'd been expecting was gone, having waited too long for her to return.","label":2,"idx":7693} -{"premise":"The advent of the Bronze Age (about 3200 b.c. ), and the spread of city-states ruled by kings, is marked by the appearance of royal tombs containing bronze objects in such places as Troy in the west, and Alacah??y??k near Ankara.","hypothesis":"The tomb of Troy is full of bronze and silver treasure.","label":2,"idx":7694} -{"premise":"World demand increased with the growth of the motor-car and electrical industries, and sky-rocketed during World War I. By 1920, Malaya was producing 53 percent of the world's rubber, which had overtaken tin as its main source of income.","hypothesis":"In 1920 Malaya produced the majority of rubber in the world, beating out tin for how much money it made the country.","label":0,"idx":7697} -{"premise":"Update on the Democratic fund-raising scandal : 1) President Clinton said FBI agents denied him advance warning about Chinese influence-buying efforts by telling his aides to keep the information secret.","hypothesis":"Clinton said he was completely innocent and instructed them to stop talking about it.","label":1,"idx":7704} -{"premise":"The logic of analysis in case studies is the same","hypothesis":"The logic for the case studies is different from other types.","label":2,"idx":7715} -{"premise":"\u2026 I saw that I must lead two lives.","hypothesis":"I must lead two lives; one in perfectly amiable company with the president, and one whispering in the ears of his enemies as his back was turned. ","label":1,"idx":7728} -{"premise":"oh wow no i just started about well five years ago i think","hypothesis":"It had started five years ago.","label":0,"idx":7729} -{"premise":"He sat up, trying to free himself.","hypothesis":"He was trying to take a nap.","label":2,"idx":7730} -{"premise":"She, in turn, was worshipped by her subjects as a living god.","hypothesis":"She was, as a result, revered by her subjects as a living deity.","label":0,"idx":7731} -{"premise":"The doctor accepted quite readily the theory that Mrs. Vandemeyer had accidentally taken an overdose of chloral.","hypothesis":"Mrs. Vandemeyer took an appropriate does of chloral.","label":2,"idx":7734} -{"premise":"Fast forward to 1994 and beyond.","hypothesis":"Fast forward to 1994 and all the years after.","label":0,"idx":7741} -{"premise":"He asserted that the area was blessed with the highest concentration of exactly those natural features that, when combined, create the most pleasing and relaxing vistas possible landscapes composed of lakes representing the source of life in water, trees offering the promise of shelter, smooth areas providing easy walking and a curved shoreline or path in the distance to stimulate curiosity. ","hypothesis":"He did not believe his assertions of the area's beauty.","label":2,"idx":7742} -{"premise":"Meet the Press host Tim Russert took his Christmas vacation five days early by letting Rep.","hypothesis":"Tim Russert took an early vacation be letting no one know. ","label":1,"idx":7744} -{"premise":"Sit down, will you?\" Tuppence sat down on the chair facing him.","hypothesis":"He asked Tuppence to sit down on the chair.","label":0,"idx":7746} -{"premise":"In the ancestral environment a man would be likely to have more offspring if he got his pick of the most fertile-seeming women.","hypothesis":"In dominant males had access fertile females.","label":1,"idx":7748} -{"premise":"did you use a textured paint or","hypothesis":"Did you use red bricks?","label":2,"idx":7749} -{"premise":"We next present the test of our hypothesis by comparing the predicted percentages for each of the seven posts with the actual percentages.","hypothesis":"We are presenting the test by comparing percentages for each of the posts with actual percentages of letters mailed.","label":1,"idx":7752} -{"premise":"i agree with you but did you see the map they drew up on uh on how they were gonna divide up the districts","hypothesis":"They drew a map on how they were gonna divide up the districts.","label":0,"idx":7754} -{"premise":"Also, considerable sums are spent by the Postal Service analyzing the costs associated with worksharing, and mailers\/competitors incur considerable expense litigating their positions on worksharing before the Postal Rate Commission.","hypothesis":"The Postal Service spends considerable sums on cost analysis.","label":0,"idx":7756} -{"premise":"Also, stakeholders may not interpret principles consistently, and it is important for stakeholders to have the same conceptual framework as preparers when interpreting a principle.","hypothesis":"stakeholders may not interpret how they want to invest their money","label":1,"idx":7757} -{"premise":"To keep the colors fresh, he dabbed the carcass with blood from a pail, then grabbed his paintbrushes to capture those lurid reds on canvas.","hypothesis":"He used the red dye of beets to paint his canvas.","label":2,"idx":7760} -{"premise":"The opportunity","hypothesis":"The opportunity is what the line states","label":1,"idx":7763} -{"premise":" Ibiza's seven-bulwark defences are almost completely intact.","hypothesis":"Ibiza was never attacked so the walls are in great condition.","label":1,"idx":7765} -{"premise":"There is a good restaurant in the village, in addition to a well-stocked mini-market for self-catering visitors.","hypothesis":"The village has an Italian restaurant.","label":1,"idx":7767} -{"premise":"and i and i may have been the only one that did both because the mentality in Dallas was that you couldn't like both you had to like one and hate the other","hypothesis":"In Dallas, the mentality is that you have to like both of them.","label":2,"idx":7769} -{"premise":"So unlike people who are fortunate enough to be able to afford attorneys and can go to another lawyer, our clients are simply lost in the legal system if they cannot get access to it from us.","hypothesis":"Our clients can barely afford our legal assistance.","label":0,"idx":7771} -{"premise":"On the slopes of the hill you will find Edinburgh Zoo, located just behind Corstorphine Hospital.","hypothesis":"Edinburgh Zoo is located on a giant hill.","label":0,"idx":7774} -{"premise":"In fact, the sloping shoulder was the noticeable feature of the new clothes of the Dior era, coming as it did immediately in the wake of the Joan Crawford\/Rosalind Russell period and its vigorous shoulder padding.","hypothesis":"Everyone embraced the end of the shoulder pad craze.","label":1,"idx":7781} -{"premise":"If they have overestimated how far the CPI is off, Boskin and his commission may institutionalize an underestimated CPI--guaranteeing a yearly, stealth tax increase.","hypothesis":"If they've overestimated how far the CPI is off, it will have horrific consequences. ","label":0,"idx":7784} -{"premise":"I am glad she wasn't, said Jon.","hypothesis":"Jon was glad that she wasn't. ","label":0,"idx":7787} -{"premise":"bGross national saving is held constant as a share of GDP at 18.","hypothesis":"bGross national saving represents a national bank.","label":1,"idx":7792} -{"premise":"Even if the entire unified surplus were saved, GDP per capita would fall somewhat short of the U.S. historical average of doubling every 35 years.","hypothesis":"GDP would still be above 50,000 even given the conditions.","label":1,"idx":7793} -{"premise":"sometimes well there's definitely a lot more hitting","hypothesis":"The man says that he's not sure if there's more hitting.","label":2,"idx":7795} -{"premise":"and i don't think they've repainted since","hypothesis":"I don't think they've repainted their house.","label":1,"idx":7796} -{"premise":"In this enclosed but airy building, you'll find ladies with large machetes expertly chopping off hunks of kingfish, tuna, or shark for eager buyers.","hypothesis":"You'll find small lepers chopping of chunks of tuna, its the only place they can work.","label":2,"idx":7802} -{"premise":"The route passes in sight of two uninhabited Es Vedr?\u00a0, which hovers like an apparition on the horizon off to the west, and Espalmador, which is popular with yachtsmen for its white-sand beach.","hypothesis":"Espalmador is popular with yachtsmen for it's white sand beach.","label":0,"idx":7803} -{"premise":"It started with The Wild Bunch : We sexualized violence, we made it beautiful.","hypothesis":"Violence is now look at in the positive due to The Wild Bunch.","label":1,"idx":7811} -{"premise":"Although it's hard to disagree with James Surowiecki's roasting of Wade Cook in The Book on Cook, Surowiecki's assertion that the equity stock option market is simply a big casino that contribute[s] nothing to the smooth functioning of capital markets is both wrong and silly.","hypothesis":"James Surowiecki asserts that the equity stock option market contributes nothing to the smooth functioning of capital markets.","label":0,"idx":7815} -{"premise":"Sales of goods and services in undercover operations.","hypothesis":"Goods and Services are sold in secret.","label":0,"idx":7824} -{"premise":"Conversely, an increase in government saving adds to the supply of resources available for investment and may put downward pressure on interest rates.","hypothesis":"Upward pressure is put on interest rates when government saving is increased.","label":2,"idx":7825} -{"premise":"That would be a tenfold increase in the Internet's share.","hypothesis":"That would cause the Internet's share to rise by a factor of ten.","label":0,"idx":7840} -{"premise":"Your speeches are inflammatory.","hypothesis":"Your speeches make people feel a lot of rage.","label":0,"idx":7843} -{"premise":"The disputes among nobles were not the first concern of ordinary French citizens.","hypothesis":"One of the first concerns of the ordinary French citizens were the disputes among nobles.","label":2,"idx":7846} -{"premise":"Generally, if pH of scrubbing liquor falls below a range of 5.0 to 6.0, additional reagent is required to maintain the reactivity of the absorbent.","hypothesis":" if pH of scrubbing liquor falls below a range of 5.0 to 6.0, then the whole world may explode","label":2,"idx":7849} -{"premise":"and uh i know what nothing is when i moved out there","hypothesis":"That was a desolate place.","label":0,"idx":7850} -{"premise":"Since there is no airport on the island, all visitors must arrive at the port, Skala, where most of the hotels are located and all commercial activity is carried out.","hypothesis":"The only way to get to the island is by boat, as there are no airports.","label":0,"idx":7854} -{"premise":"I took to him at once.","hypothesis":"I liked him instantly. ","label":0,"idx":7856} -{"premise":"A clean, wholesome-looking woman opened it.","hypothesis":"The pure looking woman opened it.","label":0,"idx":7868} -{"premise":"The tree-lined avenue extends less than three blocks to the sea.","hypothesis":"The sea isn't even three blocks away.","label":0,"idx":7872} -{"premise":"little too much maybe","hypothesis":"It's just the right amount.","label":2,"idx":7873} -{"premise":"Hamon said the proposed bill has attracted a number of co-sponsors, and Legal Aid backers are hoping to get it passed in the upcoming legislative session.","hypothesis":"Legal Aid backers were hoping to get the proposed bill passed soon.","label":0,"idx":7875} -{"premise":"The statue was beheaded several years ago by islanders, who blame Josephine for her role in the slavery in Martinique.","hypothesis":"The statue was erected to remind the populace to stay obedient to their masters.","label":2,"idx":7891} -{"premise":"The story of the technology business gets spiced up because the reality is so bland.","hypothesis":"Reality is so bland that the virtual reality technology business gets spiced up.","label":1,"idx":7897} -{"premise":" Ibiza's seven-bulwark defences are almost completely intact.","hypothesis":"Ibiza's walls have crumbled due to the weather.","label":2,"idx":7909} -{"premise":"and and so you know like every other day or or so they have like movies for a dollar Sometimes they're even free i think uh they showed uh Chima Para Diso free","hypothesis":"Tickets to see Chima Para Diso cost money.","label":2,"idx":7910} -{"premise":"His vigorous strides soon enabled him to gain upon them, and by the time he, in his turn, reached the corner the distance between them was sensibly lessened.","hypothesis":"He walked quickly after them, having gained considerably upon rounding the corner.","label":0,"idx":7915} -{"premise":"In the short term, U.S. consumers will benefit from cheap imports (as will U.S. multinationals that use parts made in East Asian factories).","hypothesis":"U.S. consumers benefit from imports, while East Asian factories suffer.","label":1,"idx":7916} -{"premise":"Ho there--what the devil?\" The overseer's hand spun Hanson around.","hypothesis":"The overseer's hand pushed Hanson forward.","label":2,"idx":7932} -{"premise":"After the recovery of Jerusalem in 1099, it took four hundred years of sieges and battles, treaties, betrayals, and yet more battles, before Christian kings and warlords succeeded in subduing the Moors.","hypothesis":"The Moors were only subdued by the Christians after four centuries of bloodshed.","label":0,"idx":7942} -{"premise":"But she's not like her photo one bit.","hypothesis":"She doesn't look like the girl in the picture at all. ","label":0,"idx":7943} -{"premise":"no i i even i enjoy reading T News i try to catch it because it's another example they just they just show you the words and the facts and they they don't offer any commentary and it gives me a quick chance to to be caught up during the day because you know we don't listen to the radio at work at all so i don't like to go the whole day without hearing anything","hypothesis":"We are bombarded with the news all day that when I get home I need to turn it off.","label":2,"idx":7946} -{"premise":"The family. ","hypothesis":"The couple.","label":1,"idx":7949} -{"premise":"5 are highly correlated during summer months in some areas.","hypothesis":"Six are correlated to winter in certain areas. ","label":2,"idx":7954} -{"premise":"He's a bad lot. ","hypothesis":"He's a good lot","label":2,"idx":7960} -{"premise":"Poirot answered them categorically, almost mechanically. ","hypothesis":"Poirot gave them the answers in perfect order, like a robot.","label":0,"idx":7964} -{"premise":"We need your help with another new feature that starts next week.","hypothesis":"We need your assistance with a new feature.","label":0,"idx":7966} -{"premise":"No, I don't know. ","hypothesis":"I don't know what she said, no.","label":1,"idx":7968} -{"premise":"Hold hard, said Tommy.","hypothesis":"Tommy explained to hold hard, using only one arm.","label":1,"idx":7972} -{"premise":"Nearby is the Monastery of Nea Moni, founded in 1049, and one of the most beautiful Byzantine religious sites in the Aegean.","hypothesis":"The Monastery of Nea Moni was founded in 1500 and it is very beautiful.","label":2,"idx":7975} -{"premise":"To control land and sea routes to the south, the Mauryas still needed to conquer the eastern kingdom of Kalinga (modern Orissa).","hypothesis":"The Maruyas had control over important sea routes.","label":2,"idx":7977} -{"premise":"Beatrice and Grace made out OK legally, but some of us will never use their products again without thinking about Travolta losing his shirt in the name of those wasted-away little kids.","hypothesis":"Beatrice and Grace made out OK legally.","label":0,"idx":7978} -{"premise":"However, the extent to which these comments were electronically available and the role that this access played in the rulemaking process varied substantially.","hypothesis":"There was great variance in the extent to which these comments were available electronically.","label":0,"idx":7980} -{"premise":"yeah they uh they the voters voted one way and it and then uh some federal judge said no that was unconstitutional and they have had two or three votes and the city council is divided over what the district should be because they divide it one way and the minorities say we're losing representation representation and uh it it's just a big battle","hypothesis":"the vote of the people was actually unconstitutional","label":0,"idx":7982} -{"premise":"If Washington Square is underripe, U-Turn and Devil's Advocate are rotting.","hypothesis":"Washington Square is sunny when it's overripe.","label":1,"idx":7985} -{"premise":"That's what guarantees that people will keep buying tickets as long as the odds are in their favor.","hypothesis":"People will continually purchase tickets, as long as they have a good chance of winning. ","label":0,"idx":7989} -{"premise":"i know because i think i've been reading i read this ten years ago that they were having these big uh um rallies and people would be in the streets flashing signs statehood yes and other people would statehood down the statehood it's it down there if you're um familiar with their politics they uh it's very uh i i don't know it's called Latino there they have loudspeakers on their cars and they run down the neighborhood saying vote for you know Pierre he's or uh Pedro uh Pedro he's the best it's it's really kind of comical","hypothesis":"I'm not really familiar with the politics there.","label":2,"idx":7994} -{"premise":"But you might as well see for yourself if you don't believe me. The note, in Tuppence's well-known schoolboy writing, ran as follows: \"DEAR JULIUS, \"It's always better to have things in black and white.","hypothesis":"If you don't believe me then maybe looking at this will convince you.","label":0,"idx":7999} -{"premise":"Stale macho jokes and formulaic cliffhangers drive this chase-by-numbers thriller on the bumpy road to nowhere (Holden, the New York Times ).","hypothesis":"Stridently macho, loud and predictable, the film goes nowhere.","label":0,"idx":8001} -{"premise":"the only thing that they had a great abundance of was uh you know human beings","hypothesis":"They had a large amount of resources such as fruit and wheat.","label":2,"idx":8002} -{"premise":"The village is tiny and a total contrast to the bustle of the Trenchtown ghetto in Kingston, where he lived as a recording superstar.","hypothesis":"He spent most of his time in the tiny village, outside of Kingston,","label":2,"idx":8007} -{"premise":"Summer boasts long, warm days with strong sunlight and hazy views.","hypothesis":"You should pack a sweater and other warm clothing if you visit during the cool Summer months.","label":2,"idx":8008} -{"premise":"well and i i noticed since we moved down here to Texas my husband is originally from Texas but uh i'm not and that you don't have to have uh such a wide variety of seasonal clothes that you do up north where you have to","hypothesis":"I've noticed that since I've moved down to Texas, one doesn't need to have a wide variety of seasonal clothes. ","label":0,"idx":8009} -{"premise":"I could've afforded a much swankier, up-town place- or at least, a slightly swankier, mid-town place- but all that space would just encourage me to clutter.","hypothesis":"I was poor and could only afford a small space.","label":2,"idx":8017} -{"premise":"So it has gone, with conspiracism playing a role in crisis after crisis.","hypothesis":"Conspiracy skips out on some crises ","label":2,"idx":8019} -{"premise":"No one was there, no bones at all.","hypothesis":"Nothing was left from the body.","label":0,"idx":8020} -{"premise":"yeah the the i mean people like that are crazy i did a study on it though when i was in high school it was one of these things we had to pick a topic to to investigate and at that time i don't think it's like that any more but at that time uh it was very unfair capital punishment was a lot more common and if you tended and it tended to be that if you were ignorant or if you were a foreigner or if you were black or any minority for that matter the chances your chances of of uh getting the death penalty were you know like hundreds of times greater than if you could just communicate well i mean you didn't have to be um you didn't even necessarily have to be white but if you could just communicate and you could come across in the court room with some kind of um","hypothesis":"It was something very dark and secretive, only containable in a wall of text.","label":2,"idx":8025} -{"premise":"As discussed in section 1, personal saving is the amount of aggregate disposable personal income left over after personal spending on goods and services.","hypothesis":"Personal saving is how much disposable personal income is left over after corporate spending.","label":2,"idx":8027} -{"premise":"Tax records show Waters earned around $65,000 in 2000.","hypothesis":"Waters' tax records show clearly that he earned a lovely $65k in 2000.","label":0,"idx":8033} -{"premise":"If you need to use the mail, it would be helpful if you sent your comments both in writing and on diskette (in Word or ASCII format).","hypothesis":"We suggest written and on a diskette for backup reasons.","label":1,"idx":8034} -{"premise":"All of our many earnest experiments produced results in line with random chance, they conclude.","hypothesis":"The experiments proved it was a much better predictor.","label":2,"idx":8037} -{"premise":"In Mumbai, both Juhu and Chowpatty beaches are, for instance, definitely a bad idea, and though the Marina beaches in Chennai are cleaner, there may be sharks.","hypothesis":"The beaches in Mumbai are a bad idea.","label":0,"idx":8038} -{"premise":"Despite all the hoopla over a pro-choice advocate's confession that he had lied about the circumstances under which the procedure is generally used, only five lawmakers switched their votes from no to yes.","hypothesis":"The pro-choice advocate's admission to lying about the circumstances of the procedure didn't seem to matter to most lawmakers.","label":0,"idx":8044} -{"premise":"you know they can't really defend themselves like somebody grown uh say my age you know yeah","hypothesis":"They can't defend themselves because of their age.","label":0,"idx":8046} -{"premise":"In a moment or two he was back. ","hypothesis":"While he was gone, I spent some time observing the room. ","label":1,"idx":8048} -{"premise":"One of these walls, the Western Wall, is today a major reminder of Jerusalem's greatness under Herod.","hypothesis":"The Western Wall is a testament to Jerusalem's greatness under Ramses II.","label":2,"idx":8053} -{"premise":"And Doctor Perennial just stood there and when the evil drill sergeant woke up in him once again, he received an SMs. ","hypothesis":"Doctor Perennial was standing in the forest when he received SMs. ","label":1,"idx":8055} -{"premise":"But in fact Haveman and Wolfe's statistical analysis is designed to rule out this and similar alternative theories, leaving us to conclude that the moves themselves are harmful.","hypothesis":"We conclude that the moves are harmful.","label":0,"idx":8058} -{"premise":"Where would he be today without American commercial know-how?","hypothesis":"American know-how is the reason he got to where he is.","label":0,"idx":8060} -{"premise":"While it's probably true that democracies are unlikely to go to war unless they're attacked, sometimes they are the first to take the offensive.","hypothesis":"Democracies will probably go to war just over economic issues.","label":2,"idx":8063} -{"premise":"Through the opt-out approach, Texas attorneys contributed $1 million this year, doubling 2001 contributions.","hypothesis":"Texas attorneys have contributed one million dollars this year using the opt-out approach.","label":0,"idx":8064} -{"premise":"At least they're getting stoned first, I rationalized.","hypothesis":"I rationalized that it was best that they got stoned beforehand. ","label":0,"idx":8070} -{"premise":"They were inferior.","hypothesis":"He was superior.","label":2,"idx":8071} -{"premise":"If the data from a series of tests performed with the same toxicant, toxicant concentrations, and test species, were analyzed with hypothesis tests, precision could only be assessed by a qualitative comparison of the NOEC-LOEC intervals, with the understanding that maximum precision would be attained if all tests yielded the same NOEC-LOEC interval.","hypothesis":"They did not have enough resources to run more than one test.","label":2,"idx":8073} -{"premise":"apparently apparently the appraisers likes it because our taxes sure is high isn't it it really is","hypothesis":"The appraisers liked the item because our taxes are high.","label":0,"idx":8080} -{"premise":"From here, many HIV researchers are putting their hopes on combining drug treatments with strategies that boost the immune system.","hypothesis":"HIV researches believe HIV will be cured very soon. ","label":1,"idx":8089} -{"premise":"excessively violent i was worried it's like golly if kids start imitating that","hypothesis":"I hope that the children will not mimic this type of extreme violence.","label":0,"idx":8100} -{"premise":"A man like me cannot fail\u2026 .","hypothesis":"A man like me can only succeed.","label":0,"idx":8107} -{"premise":"Until the late '60s, the Senate was deferential to the (many fewer) presidential nominees.","hypothesis":"The Senate was very disrespectful of the nominees.","label":2,"idx":8111} -{"premise":"uh my uh roommate took a voice over course","hypothesis":"The roommate was receiving instructions. ","label":1,"idx":8112} -{"premise":"A 1997 Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation survey found that Americans in managed care plans are basically content with their own care.","hypothesis":"The henry kaiser foundation shows that people will always be content with how their healthcare is","label":1,"idx":8114} -{"premise":"That is, as the discount is increased in steps, the cost to the Postal Service of sorting the mail that becomes workshared on step 4 is probably greater than the cost of sorting the mail that becomes workshared on step 3. This assumption will be relaxed in Part III below, where larger discount changes are considered.","hypothesis":"This assumption will be relaxed in Part III below.","label":0,"idx":8116} -{"premise":"Not yourself.","hypothesis":"Not you","label":0,"idx":8117} -{"premise":"The Romans built roads and established towns, including the towns of Palmaria (Palma) and Pollentia (near present-day Alc??dia).","hypothesis":"Germanic tribes founded the towns of Palmaria and Pollentia.","label":2,"idx":8122} -{"premise":"Others watched them with cold eyes and expressionless faces.","hypothesis":"Everyone was cheering or cursing as they watched.","label":2,"idx":8123} -{"premise":"I've always jumped on sentiment and here I am being more sentimental than anybody.","hypothesis":"I'm being the most sentimental of all, which isn't normal.","label":0,"idx":8129} -{"premise":"The anthropologist Napoleon Chagnon has shown that Yanomamo men who have killed other men have more wives and more offspring than average guys.","hypothesis":"Yanomamo men who kill other men have better chances at getting more wives.","label":0,"idx":8133} -{"premise":"It is housed in a Martello A series of such towers, some 12 m (40 ft) high and 2.5 m (8 ft) thick, were constructed along the coast at the beginning of the 19th century to guard against invasion by Napoleon.","hypothesis":"The largest tower built along the coast was 30 feet high and 6 feet thick.","label":2,"idx":8136} -{"premise":"He fell in love with Monica Lewinsky--and even told her he wanted to be with her when he left office.","hypothesis":"He told Monica that he would like to be with her even after leaving the office.","label":0,"idx":8144} -{"premise":"Tommy realized perfectly that in his own wits lay the only chance of escape, and behind his casual manner he was racking his brains furiously.","hypothesis":"He'd been stuck for hours, starting to feel doubt crawl into his mind.","label":2,"idx":8146} -{"premise":"This provides insight into the important Japanese concept of katachi (form), the rough equivalent of It isn't what you do; it's the way that you do it. ","hypothesis":"All Japanese people abide by the concept of katachi.","label":1,"idx":8148} -{"premise":"His plan was a simple a symmetrical design with straight streets and grand squares.","hypothesis":"A symmetrical design with straight streets was visible on his plan and echoed in hers.","label":1,"idx":8149} -{"premise":"the hologram makes up all these things and uh i mean sometimes sometimes it's funny sometimes it's not but uh you know it's something to pass the time until we do and then and then we watch football","hypothesis":"We do other activities together before the football game starts.","label":0,"idx":8154} -{"premise":"The village is tiny and a total contrast to the bustle of the Trenchtown ghetto in Kingston, where he lived as a recording superstar.","hypothesis":"The village only had one famous person.","label":1,"idx":8160} -{"premise":"Sales of goods and services in undercover operations.","hypothesis":"Goods and Services are sold by undercover agents..","label":0,"idx":8169} -{"premise":"Always Sacrilegious, Always Coca-Cola.)","hypothesis":"Always disrespectful of the religion.","label":0,"idx":8176} -{"premise":"i am surprised though that we do have so many that are in politics down here","hypothesis":"I am surprised that not many of them are in politics down here.","label":2,"idx":8190} -{"premise":"It cannot be outlawed.","hypothesis":"Abortion cannot be outlawed.","label":1,"idx":8192} -{"premise":"By contrast, their grandson, who assumed the throne in 1516, was born in Flanders in 1500, and Charles I could barely express himself in Spanish.","hypothesis":"Charlies I could barely speak Spanish, and the grandson wasn't even born in Spain.","label":0,"idx":8211} -{"premise":"The majority of the agencies that responded appreciated GAO's initiative to develop the protocols and said that they were comprehensive and provided a framework for meaningful communication.","hypothesis":"The agencies that responded appreciated the initiative by GAO, because they were helpful to the agencies.","label":0,"idx":8219} -{"premise":"Search out the House of Dionysos and the House of the Trident with their simple floor patterns, and the House of Dolphins and the House of Masks for more elaborate examples, including Dionysos riding a panther, on the floor of the House of Masks.","hypothesis":"The floor patterns of the House of the Trident are very intricate.","label":2,"idx":8226} -{"premise":"You are sure that you did not in any way disclose your identity?\" Tommy shook his head.","hypothesis":"I wish you hadn't revealed your identity, that was a mistake.","label":2,"idx":8228} -{"premise":"oh i don't know either the other growing up all i knew was","hypothesis":"When I was 7 the only thing I knew was","label":1,"idx":8230} -{"premise":"or yeah exactly and that's what i say you'll you'll be you'll be so much better off for it as you get older because you know a lot of kids resent things that parents tell them and and stuff but it's because you've been there","hypothesis":"Kids don't like what their parents have told them. ","label":0,"idx":8233} -{"premise":"In a six-year study, scientists fed dogs and other animals irradiated chicken and found no evidence of increased cancer or other toxic effects.","hypothesis":"Scientists gave animals irradiated chicken and they all lived as long as the rest of them.","label":0,"idx":8236} -{"premise":"Through the opt-out approach, Texas attorneys contributed $1 million this year, doubling 2001 contributions.","hypothesis":"This year, Texas attorneys have contributed $500,000 more than in the previous year.","label":0,"idx":8237} -{"premise":"To see how The Bell Curve tries and fails to get around these inherent problems, see and .","hypothesis":"Let's see how The Bell Curve tries, but fails, to get around these problems.","label":0,"idx":8239} -{"premise":"Now it's my turn, and even if I'm walking in a dead man's shoes, I can make my way afresh.","hypothesis":"It's my turn to change things for myself.","label":0,"idx":8242} -{"premise":"Recent SAB deliberations on mortality and morbidity valuation approaches suggest that some adjustments to unit values are appropriate to reflect economic theory (EPA-SAB-EEAC-00-013, 2000).","hypothesis":"Economic theory is the deciding factor when it comes to valuation.","label":0,"idx":8243} -{"premise":"A museum inside the building gives intriguing insight into the life and heyday of the their rich costumes, their scimitars, and rifles inlaid with bright jewels and silver and a horrible bludgeon with a double serrated edge.","hypothesis":"There is a museum that is outside next to the building. ","label":2,"idx":8246} -{"premise":"Marilyn Manson is darker, more serious, and more vicious than Alice Cooper was.","hypothesis":"Marilyn Manson was not as dark as Alice Cooper is.","label":2,"idx":8247} -{"premise":"The management of the cafe has established the rules for the use of their facility.","hypothesis":"The management of the cafe enforces a strict dress code.","label":1,"idx":8250} -{"premise":"These latter vast regions of forests, rivers, and mountains border the Indonesian state of Kalimantan and the oil-rich sultanate of Brunei.","hypothesis":"The sultanate of Brunei borders the Indonesian state of Kalimantan.","label":1,"idx":8266} -{"premise":"On Fox News Sunday , host Tony Snow touted a poll showing that 60 percent of Americans think the allegations represent a pattern of behavior.","hypothesis":"Tony Snow touted a poll showing that 60 percent of Americans think the allegations represent a pattern of behavior.","label":0,"idx":8271} -{"premise":"And she came to you?","hypothesis":"The woman asked if he came to her.","label":2,"idx":8276} -{"premise":"It was still night.","hypothesis":"The sun hadn't risen yet, for the moon was shining daringly in the sky.","label":0,"idx":8282} -{"premise":"Closed on the Sabbath.","hypothesis":"Sabbath is closed, but until next year.","label":2,"idx":8289} -{"premise":"farmworkers conducted by the U.S.","hypothesis":"Some farm laborers were sampled.","label":1,"idx":8295} -{"premise":"When the two nations divided it up, France got 54 sq km (21 sq miles) and Holland agreed to take just 41 sq km (16 sq miles), but that included the important salt pond near the Dutch capital of Philipsburg.","hypothesis":"France ended up not getting the salt pound. ","label":0,"idx":8297} -{"premise":"now you know the ball'll go straight and i go i never broke a club or anything but you know i'd get upset about it sometimes and now i guess you know being in my forties i just kind of mellowed out a little bit i don't get upset any more so","hypothesis":"Age has made me more calm when I play sports.","label":0,"idx":8306} -{"premise":"His proud reserve--a product of 40 years in the spotlight--is refreshing but does not bode well for his capacity to shepherd big ideas through Congress.","hypothesis":"He is way too loud.","label":1,"idx":8308} -{"premise":"This fellow is flying a hot air balloon and suddenly realizes he is lost.","hypothesis":"This fellow is flying a hot air balloon and is lost.","label":0,"idx":8313} -{"premise":"83 At that point, Poirot nudged me gently, indicating two men who were sitting together near the door. ","hypothesis":"The two men looked mean.","label":1,"idx":8322} -{"premise":"The DO concentration must not fall below","hypothesis":"The DO concentration fell below.","label":1,"idx":8336} -{"premise":"The director, Michael Mann, has never tried to tell a story as complex (or nonviolent) as The Insider , and he and his co-screenwriter, Eric Roth, don't shape their narrative very satisfyingly.","hypothesis":"Michael Mann made his directorial debut in it.","label":2,"idx":8350} -{"premise":"Twenty-eight grants targeted statewide web sites, which encompass not only all of the LSC programs in a state, but other state justice community partners.","hypothesis":"Grants aren't related to money.","label":1,"idx":8355} -{"premise":"Market Street is home to the Edinburgh CityArt Gallery, showcasing the work of up-and-coming artists.","hypothesis":"The city art gallery features ancient and famous paintings. ","label":2,"idx":8359} -{"premise":"is that what you ended up going into","hypothesis":"So that's what you could've done if things had been different?","label":2,"idx":8364} -{"premise":"Of particular significance --the American public has become acutely aware of the hazards to their health, including the risk of mortality, posed by inhalation of fine particles and exposure to mercury through fish consumption.","hypothesis":"Mercury exposure is dangerous, and can occur through the eating of fish.","label":0,"idx":8365} -{"premise":"Sorry but that's how it is.","hypothesis":"While one is apologetic about it, there is nothing that can be done.","label":0,"idx":8367} -{"premise":"Don't mean the police, but the people that are right in it. ","hypothesis":"The people were wrong.","label":2,"idx":8371} -{"premise":"but i've lived up here all my life and i'm fifty eight years old so i i could","hypothesis":"I have moved somewhere else in my life.","label":2,"idx":8376} -{"premise":"The University of Nevada-Las Vegas boasts a student population over 23,000 (though, like most of the people in Las Vegas, they are commuters).","hypothesis":"Most of the students of The University of Nevada are commuters.","label":0,"idx":8388} -{"premise":"down here it's been it's everybody's got colds and everything because it's cold one day and hot the next day","hypothesis":"The colds are directly related to the temperature change. ","label":0,"idx":8410} -{"premise":"The census of 1931 served as an alarm signal for the Malay national consciousness.","hypothesis":"There was a census in June of 1931.","label":1,"idx":8414} -{"premise":"cook and then the next time it would be my turn and i'd try to outdo him and then he'd try to outdo me and we we was really a lot of fun and","hypothesis":"I would cook and then the next turn would be his and we would try to outdo each other but sometimes we would get in a fight over things.","label":2,"idx":8436} -{"premise":"1) Increased federal enforcement . Before Hoover's death, the FBI did not aggressively investigate the Mafia.","hypothesis":"The FBI started aggressively investigating the Mafia after Hoover was born. ","label":2,"idx":8437} -{"premise":"you can get a hard copy of it and that's about it","hypothesis":"You have several choices besides a hard copy.","label":2,"idx":8447} -{"premise":"Ocho Rios is Spanish for eight rivers, but this name is not descriptive of the area.","hypothesis":"The area doesn't have eight rivers, only four.","label":1,"idx":8448} -{"premise":"hi Mary have you gone visiting uh any new restaurants lately","hypothesis":"Hi Mary, thanks for going to the restaurant with me yesterday, it was fun.","label":2,"idx":8455} -{"premise":"We can leave them and let them die, said Thorn.","hypothesis":"Thorn told us we could leave them to die. ","label":0,"idx":8462} -{"premise":"As a result, an estimated four out of five low-income people requiring legal help in our community do not receive it.","hypothesis":"Most low-income people who need legal help in the community do not get it.","label":0,"idx":8468} -{"premise":"Politically, it's anti-democratic, replacing congressional and executive branch decision-making.","hypothesis":"It's anti-democratic and takes the decision-making away from the executive branch in DC.","label":1,"idx":8469} -{"premise":"Hey, no problem, a fine policy.","hypothesis":"No trouble, the best policy.","label":1,"idx":8473} -{"premise":"down here it's been it's everybody's got colds and everything because it's cold one day and hot the next day","hypothesis":"The temperatures are going up and down every day. ","label":0,"idx":8474} -{"premise":"if the United States had used full conventional power.","hypothesis":"The United States is unable to maximize their potential.","label":1,"idx":8475} -{"premise":"His family had lost a son and a daughter now.","hypothesis":"The son and daughter had lost their father.","label":2,"idx":8485} -{"premise":"Additions to the 2002 Request for Proposal (RFP) include questions for applicants on staff diversity, recruitment and retention strategies and training, and the organization's strategic planning.","hypothesis":"The request for proposal was in May 2002.","label":1,"idx":8490} -{"premise":"Last year, that campaign - primarily among private attorneys - drew less than $40,000 while the Nashville legal aid fund-raising garnered more than $500,000.","hypothesis":"The Memphis campaign was tiny compared to Nashville's ","label":1,"idx":8501} -{"premise":"Even today, Yanomamo men raid villages, kill men, and abduct women for procreative purposes.","hypothesis":"Yanomamo eats food.","label":1,"idx":8502} -{"premise":"Her eyes flashed continually from one window to the other.","hypothesis":"Each of the windows she was looking at were large and brightly lit.","label":1,"idx":8505} -{"premise":"um-hum yeah right uh is yours a is it a a slab foundation or pier and beam","hypothesis":"Your foundation is fine.","label":1,"idx":8506} -{"premise":"well that would be a help i wish they would do that here we have got so little landfill space left that we're going to run out before the end of this decade and it's really going to be","hypothesis":"We're going to run out of land space soon.","label":0,"idx":8507} -{"premise":"All requests to provide live testimony at one of the two public hearings were granted.","hypothesis":"All request by people seeking to provide live testimony were granted.","label":0,"idx":8516} -{"premise":"Alternatively, there are Sousa and Goncalves (Rua do Castanheiro, 47) and Unibasket (Rua do Carmo, 42; Tel. 291\/226 925), both in Funchal.","hypothesis":"There are other places in Funchal.","label":0,"idx":8524} -{"premise":"His failure will endure.","hypothesis":"The man will be remembered for failing.","label":0,"idx":8526} -{"premise":"Additions to the 2002 Request for Proposal (RFP) include questions for applicants on staff diversity, recruitment and retention strategies and training, and the organization's strategic planning.","hypothesis":"The request for proposal was in 2002.","label":0,"idx":8527} -{"premise":"8 A stoichiometry of 1.03 is typical when the FGD process is producing gypsum by-product, while a stoichiometry of 1.05 is needed to produce waste suitable for a landfill.","hypothesis":"A stoichiometry of 1.07 is typical when the FGD process is producing gypsum by-product","label":2,"idx":8529} -{"premise":"Happily, there's still a lot that hasn't yet been adulterated on the two islands'meaning that visitors also have a choice.","hypothesis":"Visitors can hop between the two islands using the local ferry service.","label":1,"idx":8530} -{"premise":"maybe adult literacy maybe you know composition writing maybe you know uh volunteering you know on a tutor line or though the even through the elementary schools for help with homework or the other part of me says is God i've had enough kids do i really","hypothesis":"maybe I could volunteer to help coach sports since I've helped all my children be successful in sports","label":2,"idx":8533} -{"premise":"I felt like a rat.","hypothesis":"I felt very weasily.","label":1,"idx":8536} -{"premise":"Ah, ma foi, no! replied Poirot frankly. ","hypothesis":"Poirot agreed with what I just said. ","label":2,"idx":8539} -{"premise":"In few other modern cities are you likely to see such a variety of costumes.","hypothesis":"Many modern cities host many different types of costumes.","label":2,"idx":8551} -{"premise":"Oh, sorry, wrong church.","hypothesis":"It was the right church.","label":2,"idx":8557} -{"premise":"Many lakes or sections of lakes are also wildlife conservation areas; these guides list the regulations that are in effect to protect water birds and other animals.","hypothesis":"There are lake sections that also function as places for wildlife conservation.","label":0,"idx":8561} -{"premise":"'Go now.'","hypothesis":"Go on and kill. ","label":1,"idx":8562} -{"premise":"A lack of sleep can always be remedied later, a Madrile??o might tell you, as he tops off a late night with early-morning chocolate con curros (a fried-dough and chocolate snack ideal for absorbing alcohol) on the way home for a shower and then continues on to work.","hypothesis":"Madrid has a curfew that states that every citizen needs to be at home after 9PM.","label":2,"idx":8563} -{"premise":"The m??tro (subway) is the fastest way to move around the city, but the buses, both in the capital and the other big towns, are best for taking in the sights.","hypothesis":"Taking the subway is a good way to experience big city life. ","label":2,"idx":8564} -{"premise":"Stale macho jokes and formulaic cliffhangers drive this chase-by-numbers thriller on the bumpy road to nowhere (Holden, the New York Times ).","hypothesis":"It is a classic of the thriller genre.","label":2,"idx":8585} -{"premise":"away from the children","hypothesis":"Close to the kids","label":2,"idx":8589} -{"premise":"But the real dirty work had already been done.","hypothesis":"There was no dirty work left then.","label":0,"idx":8595} -{"premise":"But of course, that's just another way of saying that liberal democracy--a value Huntington surely ranks above the alternatives morally--may never fit some peoples as naturally as it fits us.","hypothesis":"Liberal democracy does not fit us well because we think communism is better.","label":2,"idx":8601} -{"premise":"Transforming Control of Public Health Programs Raises Concerns (","hypothesis":"The change of public health programs concerns people.","label":0,"idx":8607} -{"premise":"So is the salt, drying in the huge, square pans at Las Salinas in the south.","hypothesis":"Pepper is made wet in Las Salinas.","label":2,"idx":8610} -{"premise":"oh you know i like what i'm doing right now","hypothesis":"What I'm doing now is torturous.","label":2,"idx":8615} -{"premise":"Also in Eustace Street is an information office and a cultural center for children, The Ark .","hypothesis":"The Ark, a cultural center for kids, is located in Joyce Street.","label":2,"idx":8616} -{"premise":"Sometimes it flattens entire neighbourhoods to make life easier for them.","hypothesis":"They do not mean to flatten neighborhoods.","label":2,"idx":8630} -{"premise":"For a second, I thought the crowd might provide me with some cover, or at least slow my pursuers down with its sheer density.","hypothesis":"I thought I might hide in the crowd.","label":0,"idx":8631} -{"premise":"and ancient coins","hypothesis":"And really new coins.","label":2,"idx":8635} -{"premise":"At 60 cents, it's a bargain!","hypothesis":"It is a rip off for 60 cents.","label":2,"idx":8640} -{"premise":"The oldest continually occupied settlement on the island is Kastro, where most of the buildings date from the 14th century and were laid out in a circular pattern atop a rocky outcrop 100 m (300 ft) above the east coast.","hypothesis":"Most of the houses on Kastro date back to the 14th century.","label":0,"idx":8643} -{"premise":"Cases in Comparative","hypothesis":"Cases can be part of a legal matter.","label":1,"idx":8649} -{"premise":"Two aromatic aniseed drinks are also produced locally.","hypothesis":"The aniseed drinks are produced internationally.","label":2,"idx":8651} -{"premise":"Poirot remained lost in thought for a few minutes. ","hypothesis":"Poirot was focused deeply on his thoughts.","label":0,"idx":8653} -{"premise":"Governed by the great bendahara Mutahir with more diplomacy than military force, the sultanate asserted its supremacy over the whole Malay peninsula (except for the northernmost Thai-held Patani region) and across the Melaka Straits to the east coast of Sumatra.","hypothesis":"Mutahi ruled by showing force over his subjects.","label":2,"idx":8655} -{"premise":"well yeah that really is scary","hypothesis":"It's not predictable.","label":1,"idx":8659} -{"premise":"As previously noted, we published new independence standards dealing with non-audit\/consulting services when the AICPA failed to act.","hypothesis":"The AICPA failed to act and we were forced to intervene.","label":1,"idx":8662} -{"premise":"All of them slept in one cave on animal skins, a single large clay pot cooked all of their food.","hypothesis":"They used a single clay pot to cook their food.","label":0,"idx":8670} -{"premise":"Once the pious devotions are over, however, wine flows, fireworks explode, espetada (kebab) stalls flourish, and Monte regains normality for another 363 days.","hypothesis":"After the pious devotions, Monte regains normality for the rest of the year.","label":0,"idx":8676} -{"premise":"There is very little to see here, or at the ruined Essene monastery of Qumran itself.","hypothesis":"There aren't many things to look at here or at the ruined monastery.","label":0,"idx":8681} -{"premise":"because then they'll or you have a prescription","hypothesis":"That gives assurance that you've got a prescription.","label":1,"idx":8684} -{"premise":"In this respect, bringing Steve Jobs back to save Apple is like bringing Gen.","hypothesis":"Steve Jobs unretired in 2002.","label":1,"idx":8689} -{"premise":"Here's the 439 feet + (59 feet x 0.6) = 474 feet.","hypothesis":"This is a math equation.","label":0,"idx":8696} -{"premise":"Possibly, but strychnine is a fairly rapid drug in its action. ","hypothesis":"Strychnine is a drug that works very quickly. ","label":0,"idx":8704} -{"premise":"Other pundits beam their opinions at us as through a time warp, from the hazy days of past administrations.","hypothesis":"Other experts give their opinions through time warp from past administrations.","label":0,"idx":8707} -{"premise":"Shall I tell you what it would be like for your soul to live in the muck of a swamp in a mandrake root? Dave shook his head.","hypothesis":"Shall I send your soul into a mandrake root?","label":1,"idx":8710} -{"premise":"These adaptations are not uniformly valued.","hypothesis":"Adaptions are always valued ","label":2,"idx":8711} -{"premise":"The technical how-tos for these three strategies will be summarized later in this paper.","hypothesis":"There are seven strategies discussed in the paper.","label":2,"idx":8721} -{"premise":"yeah yeah if they do come up with a positive regardless of what uh what it was they detected uh we're required to go attend a uh a counseling session","hypothesis":"We still have three more weeks of counseling left even if everything seems positive. ","label":1,"idx":8729} -{"premise":"That drawer was an unlocked one, as he had pointed out, and he submitted that there was no evidence to prove that it was the prisoner who had concealed the poison there. ","hypothesis":"All evidence pointed towards the prisoner being the one to try and hide poison in the drawer.","label":2,"idx":8731} -{"premise":"In the 1980s, a pragmatic socialist coalition government with the Christian Democrats brought a few years of unusual stability.","hypothesis":"The Christian Democrats were not able to maintain their power.","label":1,"idx":8733} -{"premise":"She was a very good mistress to me, sir.","hypothesis":"She was a good mistress. ","label":0,"idx":8746} -{"premise":"exercise is not supposed to do that to you","hypothesis":"Exercise is supposed to do that.","label":2,"idx":8754} -{"premise":"Tuppence frowned.","hypothesis":"Tuppence made a face, then smiled. ","label":2,"idx":8755} -{"premise":"Bettelheim committed suicide in 1990, evidently having found life unbearable, despite (or because of) his fictions.","hypothesis":"Bettelheim killed himself in 1990.","label":0,"idx":8756} -{"premise":"During the Crimean War (1854 56) she set up a hospital in the huge Selimiye Barracks (Selimiye Kelase).","hypothesis":"The hospital set up in the Selimiye Barracks is no longer standing.","label":1,"idx":8763} -{"premise":"yeah so it's easy to do i'm actually interested in getting one of those kind of my wife has been talking about this in the past couple of years one of those kind of campers that pop-up so it's about uh maybe eight foot square and but only about two feet tall and when you get to where you're going it raises up and there's tenting material","hypothesis":"I really want a camper. ","label":0,"idx":8766} -{"premise":"SSA is also seeking statutory authority for additional tools to recover current overpayments.","hypothesis":"SSA wants the authority to recover underpayments.","label":2,"idx":8774} -{"premise":"He turned and saw Jon sleeping in his half-tent.","hypothesis":"He saw Jon was asleep.","label":0,"idx":8778} -{"premise":"And yet, we still lack a set of global accounting and reporting standards that reflects the globalization of economies, enterprises, and markets.","hypothesis":"We have comprehensive global reporting standards that reflects the globalization of economies, and markets. ","label":2,"idx":8785} -{"premise":"The levadas were largely built by slave laborers from Africa, whose primary employment was on sugar plantations.","hypothesis":"The levadas were built by the slaves.","label":0,"idx":8790} -{"premise":"There's nobody telling that landlord to fix the property, Simmons said. ","hypothesis":"Simmons said that nobody told the landlord to fix the property.","label":0,"idx":8794} -{"premise":"First, the Comptroller General sends a written request to the agency head for the record that has not been made available to GAO within a reasonable time after an initial request.","hypothesis":"They process the written request the day it is received.","label":1,"idx":8800} -{"premise":"Monday's Question (No.","hypothesis":"There was a question for the audience on Monday.","label":1,"idx":8805} -{"premise":"Local residents will tell you where to find them.","hypothesis":"You'll need to buy a map in advance of arrival to find them.","label":2,"idx":8810} -{"premise":"Kom Ombo is an unusual temple in that it is dedicated to two gods.","hypothesis":"Rarely visited, Kom Ombo is a strange temple devoted to two gods.","label":1,"idx":8813} -{"premise":"The lucrative tin mines of Kuala Lumpur in the State of Selangor, of Sungai Ujong in Negeri Sembilan, and of Larut and Taiping in Perak were run for the Malay rulers by Chinese managers providing coolie labor.","hypothesis":"The Malay rulers directed administrated their own tin mines.","label":2,"idx":8817} -{"premise":"It is at the moment of maximum audience susceptibility that we hear, for the first time, that the woman was fired not because of her gender but because of her sexual preference.","hypothesis":"We heard right then that the woman was actually fired for her sexual preferences.","label":0,"idx":8818} -{"premise":"Most pundits side with bushy-headed George Stephanopoulos ( This Week ), arguing that only air strikes would be politically palatable.","hypothesis":"George's stance on air strikes has gained a large pundit following.","label":0,"idx":8825} -{"premise":"during the whole war he never put out like a conservation a conservation effort for oil","hypothesis":"In the war we never set out to conserve oil.","label":0,"idx":8831} -{"premise":"so we've been out here well really in the house since December and we've been uh planting flowers that we could never plant in San Antonio uh","hypothesis":"We planted lots of different flowers in San Antonio.","label":2,"idx":8832} -{"premise":"Or just a philosophy of any weapon to hand?","hypothesis":"They go with any weapon.","label":1,"idx":8835} -{"premise":"By seeding packs with a few high-value cards, the manufacturer is encouraging kids to buy Pokemon cards like lottery tickets.","hypothesis":"Buying Pokemon cards is gamified in such a way as to lure kids into buying more packs so they can get rare cards.","label":0,"idx":8839} -{"premise":"i know that you know the further we go from Adam the worse the food is for you but God still somehow makes us all be able to still live i think it's a miracle we're all still alive after so many generations well the last couple of processed foods you know i mean but i don't know i like to i like to my i like to be able to eat really healthy you know what am saying and i guess i'm going to have to wait for the millennium i think though because i do don't think we're going to restore the earth to you know i think Jesus is the only one that can make this earth be restored to what it should be","hypothesis":"It is miraculous God still provides for us to this day.","label":0,"idx":8843} -{"premise":"For a small fee, non-guests may use the beach and facilities at a number of Guadeloupe and Martinique hotels'a great convenience for island-hoppers.","hypothesis":"Customers of other hotels can access the facility's beach for a small fee.","label":0,"idx":8845} -{"premise":"So let me draw a slightly different moral from the saga of beach volleyball as it has evolved in our If, as Speaker Gingrich says, the price of volleyball is eternal freedom, still it may take a village to raise a volleyball net.","hypothesis":"Speaker Gingrich thinks there is a linear connection between volleyball and freedom.","label":1,"idx":8846} -{"premise":"The universal credibility problem with polling is that wordsmithing and mathematics don't mix, and never will.","hypothesis":"Wordsmithing and mathematics are not related enough to go together.","label":0,"idx":8847} -{"premise":"This is one of the reasons we're growing too weak to fight the Satheri. \"What's wrong with a ceremony of worship, if you must worship your eggshell?\" Dave asked.","hypothesis":"Eggshell worship is the reason we're growing too weak to fight the Satheri, yet Dave asked about it.","label":0,"idx":8848} -{"premise":"There never will be.","hypothesis":"It will never happen.","label":0,"idx":8853} -{"premise":"In the ancestral environment a man would be likely to have more offspring if he got his pick of the most fertile-seeming women.","hypothesis":"Only a man who stayed with one female spread his genes most efficiently.","label":2,"idx":8859} -{"premise":"in you know just dealing with the customer maybe that's there only reason why they don't it'd seem like they'd just put a little barrel out there and say it pour here and go on we'll take your money","hypothesis":"The customers were just one of many reasons.","label":2,"idx":8860} -{"premise":"yeah and crawl through it","hypothesis":"There is a chance that I have to crawl through things.","label":1,"idx":8865} -{"premise":"The sunlight, piercing through the branches, turned the auburn of her hair to quivering gold. ","hypothesis":"When the sunlight pierced through the branches, her hair turned a darker shade of red.","label":2,"idx":8868} -{"premise":"for a change i i got i get sick of winter just looking everything so dead i hate that","hypothesis":"Winter is all year long.","label":1,"idx":8877} -{"premise":"of course you could annex Cuba but they wouldn't like that a bit","hypothesis":"We could annex Cuba, but they wouldn't like that.","label":0,"idx":8885} -{"premise":"to uh working a steady eight hour job as it were i had been working for a camp and had relatively real long hours sixteen years old and could handle getting up at five and not getting to bed until ten or eleven and","hypothesis":"I had been working all day long for a camp.","label":0,"idx":8893} -{"premise":"No, monsieur.","hypothesis":"The speaker is answering no to a question.","label":0,"idx":8899} -{"premise":"The rain had stopped, but the green glow painted everything around them.","hypothesis":"The red glow painted everything around them after the rain had stopped.","label":2,"idx":8901} -{"premise":"Critics complain that John Frankenheimer's miniseries about the Alabama governor and presidential candidate plays fast and loose with history.","hypothesis":"Critics believe John Frankenheimer's miniseries is fast and loose with history. ","label":0,"idx":8902} -{"premise":"The final rule contains a Federalism Assessment under Executive Order","hypothesis":"The final rule had a federalism assessment that was added through executive order.","label":0,"idx":8904} -{"premise":"It means that they gather and interpret their material fairly and argue about its interpretations rationally.","hypothesis":"They gather and interpret the material fairly and argue rationally about it.","label":0,"idx":8906} -{"premise":"Miller claimed the First Amendment (right to freedom of speech and association) rather than taking the Fifth (right against self-incrimination).","hypothesis":"The man did not plead the Fifth.","label":0,"idx":8920} -{"premise":"Little is recorded about this group, but they were probably the ancestors of the Gododdin, whose feats are told in a seventh-century Old Welsh manuscript.","hypothesis":"The manuscript about Gododdin's accomplishments is written as a fourteen stanza poem.","label":2,"idx":8923} -{"premise":"The arts also flourished in India during these early times.","hypothesis":"The early times saw the popularity of the arts explode.","label":0,"idx":8925} -{"premise":"Though the two cities remained unlinked by rail, this was about to change quickly.","hypothesis":"The two cities had a railway between them that made travel easy.","label":2,"idx":8929} -{"premise":"No, don't answer.","hypothesis":"Don't say a word. ","label":0,"idx":8930} -{"premise":"it was really a nice compromise especially because she felt like she was still living in her own house and she still had her own couch and her own bed and it it really helped a lot and she was a lot more comfortable and she didn't","hypothesis":"It really works out well, she had all her own furniture and stuff, so she felt like it was her own home. This made her much more comfortable with the situation.","label":0,"idx":8935} -{"premise":"If you missed the two top stories in yesterday's USAT --the government's first post-deregulation attempt to preserve competitiveness among airlines and the emergence of a drug that can prevent breast cancer--they are on the NYT 's front today.","hypothesis":"New York Times front page includes one story about the government's first post-deregulation attempt to preserve competitiveness among airlines. ","label":0,"idx":8939} -{"premise":"The disputes among nobles were not the first concern of ordinary French citizens.","hypothesis":"Ordinary French citizens were not concerned with the disputes among nobles.","label":0,"idx":8940} -{"premise":"Lifetime Extension of SCR De-NOx Catalysts Using SCR-Tech's High Efficiency Ultrasonic Regeneration Process","hypothesis":"Researchers have found a lifetime extension of SCR De-NOx catalysts.","label":1,"idx":8947} -{"premise":"As Ben Yagoda writes in the New York Times Book Review , somewhere along the way, Kidder must have decided not to write a book about Tommy O'Connor.","hypothesis":"A book was written about Tommy O'Connor. ","label":2,"idx":8956} -{"premise":"He thought the biggest barrier was how to change the culture in the ED so that staff would ask screening questions.","hypothesis":"The biggest barrier was thought to be how to maintain the culture","label":2,"idx":8957} -{"premise":"right oh they've really done uh good job of keeping everybody informed of what's going on sometimes i've wondered if it wasn't almost more than we needed to know","hypothesis":"I think I have shared too much information with everyone, so next year I will share less. ","label":2,"idx":8960} -{"premise":"Until the late '60s, the Senate was deferential to the (many fewer) presidential nominees.","hypothesis":"The Senate was respectful of the presidential nominees.","label":0,"idx":8965} -{"premise":"Arsenic would put poor Emily out of the way just as well as strychnine. ","hypothesis":"There are many ways to get Emily out of the way.","label":0,"idx":8966} -{"premise":"2466, discusses the four collections, which include certification of a minimum number of installed and operating microwave links and the maintenance of a computer-readable database.","hypothesis":"2466 discusses four collections and 2467 discusses the consequences of them.","label":1,"idx":8968} -{"premise":"'For one thing, Mr. Franklin, you appear to be taking your...re-actualisation...extremely well.'","hypothesis":"Mr. Franklin was always calm and collected and took situations very well.","label":1,"idx":8970} -{"premise":"Several security managers said that by participating in our study, they hoped to gain insights on how to improve their information security programs.","hypothesis":"Some security managers wanted to improve their information security programs, so they joined the study.","label":0,"idx":8976} -{"premise":"These runs could cost far more than the value of the small improvement in service.","hypothesis":"The runs are small compared to the improvement in service.","label":2,"idx":8978} -{"premise":"In Loco Parentis Returnus","hypothesis":"Located in Loco Parentis.","label":1,"idx":8980} -{"premise":"GAO secures all information obtained during the course of its work.","hypothesis":"The information obtained by the GAO is unsecure.","label":2,"idx":8989} -{"premise":"The cold air and the abundance of water gave them all good cheer that eve.","hypothesis":"They were all sick and tired from the heat and a lack of water. ","label":2,"idx":9001} -{"premise":"More to the point, even as the major airlines have been reaping large profits over the last four years, their productivity has not risen at all, suggesting that consolidation is not improving efficiency.","hypothesis":"Though large airlines are making a big profit, they arent any more productive. ","label":0,"idx":9009} -{"premise":"Simmons, probably rap's greatest entrepreneur, lives in New York; schmoozes bankers, fashion designers, and record executives; and cuts deals with conglomerates such as Time Warner.","hypothesis":"Simmons lives in New York and schmoozes fashion designers. ","label":0,"idx":9010} -{"premise":"and uh oh i guess an hour into my somewhat sleep a guy woke me up and uh said you'd better get out of the the tent they're they're liable to come down several of the others had already come down blown down they hadn't blown away but they had flattened","hypothesis":"The guy was worried about my safety.","label":0,"idx":9012} -{"premise":"It's come back? cried Julius excitedly.","hypothesis":"News of it being gone left them devastated. ","label":2,"idx":9016} -{"premise":"yeah i've always threatened to take lessons but i've never gotten around to it","hypothesis":"I have never gotten around to taking lessons.","label":0,"idx":9026} -{"premise":"In the Blue Mountain National Park and the John Crow National Park, which together cover 78,200 hectares (193, 200 acres), conservationists are attempting to halt the encroachment of local farmers and loggers.","hypothesis":"Blue mountain National Park is preventing farmers from working there because the park already has farmers.","label":1,"idx":9030} -{"premise":"The two programs are currently housed in buildings about a block apart.","hypothesis":"The buildings for the two programs are approximately one block apart.","label":0,"idx":9031} -{"premise":"Then he turned to Tommy.","hypothesis":"He talked to Tommy.","label":1,"idx":9052} -{"premise":"Yet, in the mouths of the white townsfolk of Salisbury, N.C., it sounds convincing.","hypothesis":"White people in Salisbury, N.C. don't believe it. ","label":2,"idx":9069} -{"premise":"No, Dave Hanson, you were too important to us for that.","hypothesis":"No, Dave Hanson, you were too important to us.","label":0,"idx":9080} -{"premise":"they don't i don't i don't work at TI","hypothesis":"Neither they nor I work at TI.","label":0,"idx":9088} -{"premise":"After the death of Columbus in 1505, Jamaica became the property of his son Diego, who dispatched Don Juan de Esquivel to the island as Governor.","hypothesis":"Don Juan de Esquivel murdered Diego in 1505 in order to become Governor.","label":2,"idx":9092} -{"premise":"On my honour, I will hang him as high as Haman!\"","hypothesis":"I will hang him with glee.","label":1,"idx":9095} -{"premise":"It lacked intelligence, introspection, and humor--it was crass, worthy of Cosmopolitan or Star . I do have a sense of humor, but can only appreciate a joke when it starts with a grain of truth.","hypothesis":"The article was written in a crass manner.","label":0,"idx":9097} -{"premise":"that doesn't seem fair does it","hypothesis":"That might possibly be fair.","label":2,"idx":9101} -{"premise":"The good news, however, can be found in reports like this one.","hypothesis":"This report has good news in it. ","label":0,"idx":9102} -{"premise":"McCalpinMaria Luisa Mercado Nancy H. Rogers Thomas F. Smegal, Jr.","hypothesis":"Nancy Rogers is involved in the state's project.","label":1,"idx":9105} -{"premise":"for the direct sunlight and stuff right but uh but i i haven't really found it too bad we've lived in our house about uh oh thirteen years i suppose and and really really only painted once and you know it was new when we bought it and we painted one time since then but you know it's probably going to be time to paint again in a couple of years","hypothesis":"I only had to paint the house once.","label":0,"idx":9106} -{"premise":"um-hum what is your worst then","hypothesis":"What is your worst memory?","label":1,"idx":9109} -{"premise":"She leaned back in her chair.","hypothesis":"She was sitting on a chair. ","label":0,"idx":9112} -{"premise":"for a change i i got i get sick of winter just looking everything so dead i hate that","hypothesis":"Everything is dead in winter.","label":0,"idx":9114} -{"premise":"No one was there, no bones at all.","hypothesis":"The space was totally empty and had no remains in it.","label":0,"idx":9115} -{"premise":"Possibly no other country has had such a turbulent history.","hypothesis":"The country's history is completely different than other countries' histories.","label":1,"idx":9116} -{"premise":"yeah and the music and uh well it had an excellent story line Everything about it was good","hypothesis":"every aspect of it was good","label":0,"idx":9120} -{"premise":"In the depths of the Cold War, many Americans suspected Communists had infiltrated Washington and were about to subvert our democracy.","hypothesis":"Communists infiltrated Washington during the Cold War.","label":1,"idx":9126} -{"premise":"Tommy was suddenly galvanized into life.","hypothesis":"Tommy was paralyzed into a depression.","label":2,"idx":9132} -{"premise":"TEST ORGANISMS","hypothesis":"Trial Living Plants","label":1,"idx":9133} -{"premise":"3) The gap between the productivity of women and the productivity of men.","hypothesis":"The gap of genders.","label":1,"idx":9145} -{"premise":"A sidebar notes that controversy remains over the Mars meteorite that crashed into Antarctica about 11,000 years While scientists have demolished most of the evidence that the meteorite contained living creatures, they cannot explain why the meteorite contains a molecule that on Earth is only produced by biological processes.","hypothesis":"Scientists ruled out the possibility that the meteorite contained life.","label":0,"idx":9151} -{"premise":"This is a powerful and evocative museum.","hypothesis":"The museum is also very inspiring to its visitors.","label":0,"idx":9153} -{"premise":"Today the strait is busy with commercial shipping, ferries, and fishing boats, and its wooded shores are lined with pretty fishing villages, old Ottoman mansions, and the villas of Istanbul's wealthier citizens.","hypothesis":"Istanbul is still considered a third world country.","label":1,"idx":9159} -{"premise":"i was trying to think about some of my favorite people that i liked in music and they're none of them are recent right","hypothesis":"None of the musicians I like are recent. ","label":0,"idx":9165} -{"premise":"Horwitz makes us see that the pinched circumstances of their lives are not so different from the conditions of their ancestors, dirt-poor yeoman farmers who seldom saw, much less owned, a slave.","hypothesis":"Their ancestors were poor farmers that never owned a slave and rarely even saw one.","label":0,"idx":9166} -{"premise":"Tommy realized perfectly that in his own wits lay the only chance of escape, and behind his casual manner he was racking his brains furiously.","hypothesis":"Tommy was keeping a calm demeanor, though his mind was racing with thoughts of escaping.","label":0,"idx":9167} -{"premise":"San'doro didn't make it sound hypothetical, thought Jon.","hypothesis":"San'doro's words were hollow, and Jon knew the truth of that immediately.","label":1,"idx":9169} -{"premise":"They drive it around the country in a dilapidated ice-cream truck trying to keep it cool.","hypothesis":"They used an ice cream truck to try and keep it from getting warm.","label":0,"idx":9171} -{"premise":"Porches and stoops, those symbols of a vibrant social life, stopped being used as gathering places for a rather practical reason--air conditioning.","hypothesis":"People simply prefer to be comfortable inside rather than outdoors in the sweltering heat.","label":0,"idx":9176} -{"premise":"i tell you what i would not i would not buy a car that had the seat belt where it was hooked under the door","hypothesis":"I would like to buy a car with the seat belts under the door.","label":2,"idx":9177} -{"premise":"There were beads of perspiration on his brow.","hypothesis":"The building sweat on his brow reflected the sunlight brightly.","label":1,"idx":9178} -{"premise":" The Romans never really infiltrated Ibiza, and even after the defeat of Hannibal in 202 b.c. during the Second Punic War their influence was restrained.","hypothesis":"The Romans infiltrated Ibiza.","label":2,"idx":9183} -{"premise":"Both initial and supplemental proposed rule publications invited comments on the information collection requirements imposed by the rule.","hypothesis":"There's no point in following politics or voting because your vote won't actually make a difference.","label":1,"idx":9187} -{"premise":"Look here, you've no business to come asking for me in this way.","hypothesis":"There's no reason for you to be asking for me like this.","label":0,"idx":9191} -{"premise":"and i'll go there for you know two months straight we won't go anyplace else","hypothesis":"I'll go there for two months straight, we won't go anywhere else.","label":0,"idx":9199} -{"premise":"Then you're ready for the fray, either in the bustling great bazaars such as Delhi's Chandni Chowk or Mumbai's Bhuleshwar, or the more sedate ambience of grander shops and showrooms.","hypothesis":"All of the great bazaars are bustling at all times. ","label":1,"idx":9209} -{"premise":"The park on the hill of Monte makes a good playground, while the ride down in a wicker toboggan is straight out of an Old World theme park (though surely tame for older kids).","hypothesis":"Older kids may find the park on the hill of Monte unremarkable.","label":0,"idx":9211} -{"premise":"All of our many earnest experiments produced results in line with random chance, they conclude.","hypothesis":"The experiments gave the same results as random chance.","label":0,"idx":9222} -{"premise":"Also, why Princess Di was like President The public cared more about her empathy than about her actions.","hypothesis":"The public cared more about her actions than her empathy.","label":2,"idx":9230} -{"premise":"as long as you got congressmen and senators that are getting kickbacks kickbacks from these different companies that are getting awarded for the defense contracts that's never going to happen","hypothesis":"All companies give money to congressmen and senators.","label":1,"idx":9235} -{"premise":"My article does not say or imply that real earnings growth only reflects retentions and that dividend growth must be zero or that all valuation techniques are out the window for firms that don't pay dividends.","hypothesis":"My article simply implies that real earnings growth reflects only retentions and that dividend growth must be zero or that valuation techniques are unused for firms which don't pay dividends.","label":2,"idx":9237} -{"premise":"yeah they were my favorite team for a while","hypothesis":"They had been my favorite team. ","label":0,"idx":9238} -{"premise":" Then he ran.","hypothesis":"He walked.","label":2,"idx":9240} -{"premise":"These adaptations are not uniformly valued.","hypothesis":"Adaptions aren't always valued ","label":0,"idx":9243} -{"premise":"Critics praise Goodman's finely honed descriptive abilities and instinctive grasp of familial dynamics, the ways in which dreams and emotional habits are handed down ...","hypothesis":"Critics believe Goodman played a great father in this role.","label":1,"idx":9250} -{"premise":"However, SCR installations designed to comply with the NOX SIP Call are generally already into the installation process or, at a minimum, into the engineering phase of the project.","hypothesis":"SCR installs only have NOX SIP to comply with.","label":1,"idx":9253} -{"premise":"i've even heard of some people being sexually abused","hypothesis":"Some people are mentally abused.","label":1,"idx":9261} -{"premise":"We're no nearer to finding Tuppence, and NEXT SUNDAY IS THE 29TH!\"","hypothesis":"Next Sunday is going to be the 28th.","label":2,"idx":9270} -{"premise":"It is one of those rare cases in which I can please everyone.","hypothesis":"It's one of those situations where I end up making everyone unhappy.","label":2,"idx":9274} -{"premise":"The main funding source for Maryland's legal services to the poor has fallen on hard times, and advocates are preparing to seek unprecedented state financial help - even as they keep an eye on a legal challenge that threatens to cut off a main source of funding for such services nationwide.","hypothesis":"In this tough economy, primary funding for Maryland's legal aid has suffered and thus seeking special assistance from the state has become necessary.","label":0,"idx":9277} -{"premise":"Growth &","hypothesis":"Shrinking.","label":2,"idx":9289} -{"premise":"they don't allow they don't do that","hypothesis":"Yes, it's allowed and they do it often.","label":2,"idx":9311} -{"premise":"um yeah we've tried to do that we've paid ours off you know all the way down to where we had everything down to zero and especially right before i i quit work two years ago to stay home with the kids","hypothesis":"They closed our account when we paid it off all the way to zero. ","label":1,"idx":9312} -{"premise":"There 214 was some talk of sending me to a specialist in Paris.","hypothesis":"A specialist from Paris will meet me in New York","label":2,"idx":9315} -{"premise":"yeah well that's my uh i mean every time i've tried to go you know it's always there's there's always a league bowling","hypothesis":"Every time I try to go bowling there are leagues only.","label":1,"idx":9316} -{"premise":"and they have a bar also which is always crowded as can be but it's it's an specially fine restaurant and when you consider they take no plastic or checks","hypothesis":"They only take cash, which can be inconvenient.","label":1,"idx":9319} -{"premise":"Improvements in architecture, regaining intimate space and scale and all the rest, won't disguise the ugliness of advertising the local bank, Chevy dealer, and chain retailer as a backdrop for baseball.","hypothesis":"Local advertisements are beautiful. ","label":2,"idx":9321} -{"premise":"hey it's reaching all over","hypothesis":"It has covered the majority of the space.","label":1,"idx":9323} -{"premise":"It spoils the sport.","hypothesis":"It ruins the fun.","label":0,"idx":9324} -{"premise":"It incorporates a risk assessment methodology intended to reduce audit planning time and ensure that significant issues are included.","hypothesis":"The risk assessment methodology uses a matrix of risk potential.","label":1,"idx":9325} -{"premise":"It was deserved.","hypothesis":"it was definitely deserved","label":1,"idx":9330} -{"premise":"He writes that it's the first time he's added such a track.","hypothesis":"This is the first time he's added such a track.","label":0,"idx":9331} -{"premise":"And then I was off, the world exploding behind me.","hypothesis":"The world was exploding in front of me.","label":2,"idx":9336} -{"premise":"Unfortunately, the magnet schools began the undoing of desegregation in Charlotte.","hypothesis":"Charlotte has always been overly segregated.","label":1,"idx":9343} -{"premise":"The contrast between the landscape of the central highlands and the south coast could not be more marked.","hypothesis":"There was a beautiful artist who painted the landscape of the central highlands.","label":1,"idx":9353} -{"premise":"The average length of a rural route is 55 miles.","hypothesis":"55 miles is the average for a rural route.","label":0,"idx":9357} -{"premise":"Bolts of blue and tips of steal.","hypothesis":"The bolts were blue.","label":0,"idx":9363} -{"premise":"how do you like it well","hypothesis":"What are you thoughts on firearms?","label":1,"idx":9364} -{"premise":"Down the street from the statue is the Bank of Ireland , built in 1729 to house the Irish parliament.","hypothesis":"The Bank of Ireland is down the street fro the statue","label":0,"idx":9365} -{"premise":"In a six-year study, scientists fed dogs and other animals irradiated chicken and found no evidence of increased cancer or other toxic effects.","hypothesis":"Scientists gave animals irradiated chicken and they all died quickly.","label":2,"idx":9382} -{"premise":"One wag, J., wrote in to ask, Is there a difference between pests and airlines?","hypothesis":"J. thinks there is no difference between pests and airlines.","label":1,"idx":9395} -{"premise":"yeah although i do worry that how easy this one was might be a bad lesson uh to the to the younger people um you know than there is the other generation","hypothesis":"I do think it will be a good lesson.","label":2,"idx":9397} -{"premise":"This is an excerpt from the voice-over credo read in the opening credits for the new UPN series Star Pitiful Helpless Giant , starring former Secretary of State George Shultz.","hypothesis":"Star Pitiful Helpless Giant is a show on WGN.","label":2,"idx":9398} -{"premise":"The more popular offerings include kuru fasulye (haricot beans in tomato sauce), patlecan kizartmas (aubergine fried in olive oil and garlic), and a range of salads.","hypothesis":"Fasulye is made from lamb and a variety of spices.","label":2,"idx":9400} -{"premise":"you can get a hard copy of it and that's about it","hypothesis":"Your only option is to get a hard copy.","label":0,"idx":9402} -{"premise":"uh-huh oh yeah i hadn't heard that one let's see i can't oh gosh that that probably wipes out my whole inventory of TV shows other than um PBS i","hypothesis":"The only TV shows remaining will be on PBS","label":0,"idx":9420} -{"premise":"Small boats tie up here with batches of crayfish, fresh fish, and eel, and housewives clamor for the fishermen to weigh their choices on rudimentary scales.","hypothesis":"The fish are weighed using high tech digital scales.","label":2,"idx":9426} -{"premise":"right oh they've really done uh good job of keeping everybody informed of what's going on sometimes i've wondered if it wasn't almost more than we needed to know","hypothesis":"After sharing all information with everyone, I think I may have shared too much. ","label":0,"idx":9427} -{"premise":"Perhaps a further password would be required, or, at any rate, some proof of identity.","hypothesis":"Identity should be a minimum requirement.","label":0,"idx":9440} -{"premise":"Further, given the dynamic environment agencies face, employees need incentives, training, and support to help them continually learn and adapt.","hypothesis":"Welbeck's CEO told the committee it was necessary to ensure employees were trained, prepared and compensated in ways that enabled them to react to shifting markets.","label":1,"idx":9443} -{"premise":"Still, commercial calculation isn't sufficient to explain his stand.","hypothesis":"Commercial calculation was how he was able to explain his side.","label":2,"idx":9445} -{"premise":"And if, as ultimately happened, no settlement resulted, we could shrug our shoulders, say, 'Hey, we tried,' and act like unsuccessful brokers to an honorable peace.","hypothesis":"A settlement as reached that both sides were happy with.","label":2,"idx":9447} -{"premise":"well do you know you have a ten limit a ten minute time limit well that's okay and then they come on and tell you and they tell you got five seconds to say good-bye","hypothesis":"You get a ten minute time limit, but sometimes you'll be told to end early.","label":0,"idx":9450} -{"premise":"huh do you have your own kiln or do you do you","hypothesis":"Did somebody give you your kiln?","label":1,"idx":9456} -{"premise":"yeah i try to no i uh uh try not to use any insecticides at all i try not to even use insecticides on my lawn but i sometimes i can't manage","hypothesis":"I'd rather not use any insecticides at all, but sometimes I really need to","label":0,"idx":9464} -{"premise":"Where do you think she can be, Sir James?\" The lawyer shook his head.","hypothesis":"She's standing right over there.","label":1,"idx":9470} -{"premise":"All were prominent nationally known organizations.","hypothesis":"Some organizations were obscure.","label":2,"idx":9472} -{"premise":"and once we came here it was like gosh i just miss that because it really is exciting to be around people of different","hypothesis":"This place does not surprise me anymore. ","label":2,"idx":9473} -{"premise":"This tourist heartland is also home to 100,000 Jamaicans who live in the hills surrounding the town.","hypothesis":"100,000 Jamaicans live in the hills round this town, which is a very popular tourist destination.","label":0,"idx":9476} -{"premise":"Then you're ready for the fray, either in the bustling great bazaars such as Delhi's Chandni Chowk or Mumbai's Bhuleshwar, or the more sedate ambience of grander shops and showrooms.","hypothesis":"The grander showrooms and shops have a very calm atmosphere. ","label":0,"idx":9480} -{"premise":"right just get you away from the everyday things that are going on we when the children were smaller we used to go to uh Delaware along the ocean ocean most every year and that was fun we stayed mostly in state parks and uh we really enjoyed that","hypothesis":"We didn't enjoy staying in the state parks.","label":2,"idx":9481} -{"premise":"that they don't show local","hypothesis":"The presumed channel shows local and abroad. ","label":2,"idx":9483} -{"premise":"However, the other young lady was most kind. ","hypothesis":"I received a warm welcome from the other young lady who was present. ","label":1,"idx":9485} -{"premise":"Steps are initiated to allow program board membership to reflect the clienteligible community and include representatives from the funding community, corporations and other partners.","hypothesis":"There isn't a fair representation of board members on the program.","label":2,"idx":9486} -{"premise":"Nonetheless, the rationality of service tiers remains.","hypothesis":"The rationality of service tiers is no longer.","label":2,"idx":9487} -{"premise":"Justice Kennedy does not care what law librarians across the country do with all the Supreme Court Reporters from 1790 through 1998.","hypothesis":"Justice Kennedy thinks all the Supreme Court Reporters from 1790 to 1998 should be on display.","label":2,"idx":9488} -{"premise":"Republican consultants agree that conservative candidates in the South, Southwest, Midwest, and Rocky Mountains will beg for Reed's talents and connections.","hypothesis":"Candidates in the Rocky Mountains will beg the loudest.","label":1,"idx":9491} -{"premise":"so i'll probably say you know it's like well we've been talking for five six minutes so okay","hypothesis":"We've been talking for about 2 hours.","label":2,"idx":9498} -{"premise":"did you see it","hypothesis":"It is right in front of you.","label":1,"idx":9508} -{"premise":"Total electricity expenditures increase by about 15% to 30% depending on the year and the scenario (see Table 3, below, and the tables in Appendix 5.2 for more detail on the changing pattern of expenditures).","hypothesis":"The utility cost varied between 15% to 30% more.","label":0,"idx":9510} -{"premise":"The park on the hill of Monte makes a good playground, while the ride down in a wicker toboggan is straight out of an Old World theme park (though surely tame for older kids).","hypothesis":"the park on the Hill of Monte is only for children.","label":1,"idx":9515} -{"premise":"But you would not trust me.\"","hypothesis":"You trust me implicitly. ","label":2,"idx":9520} -{"premise":"yeah that's where i got to too the first i got chills up and down when i heard the on the radio and the first time they started doing the bombing","hypothesis":"I saw it on the television and the first time they started doing the marathon.","label":2,"idx":9522} -{"premise":"A student visa overstayer is not going to be a high priority for pro bono assistance.","hypothesis":"A student visa overstayer will not obtain pro bono assistance.","label":1,"idx":9529} -{"premise":"Arsenic would put poor Emily out of the way just as well as strychnine. ","hypothesis":"Arsenic would be just as effective as strychnine for getting rid of Emily.","label":0,"idx":9531} -{"premise":"yeah yeah uh-huh yeah we we saw that one uh we find that uh that uh if you can get into those dollar movies you know they're uh they're a dollar and a half what is it dollar and a quarter dollar and a half now","hypothesis":"You can get it at the dollar movies.","label":1,"idx":9533} -{"premise":"The door did not budge.","hypothesis":"The door didn't move. ","label":0,"idx":9536} -{"premise":"well camping is one thing that i i could never get used to uh i i used to take the kids to go fishing and things like that but i never went uh never went camping","hypothesis":"Camping is something that I never got the hang of, though I took the children fishing, we never did do camping.","label":0,"idx":9539} -{"premise":"Miller claimed the First Amendment (right to freedom of speech and association) rather than taking the Fifth (right against self-incrimination).","hypothesis":"They wanted to make their voice heard.","label":0,"idx":9542} -{"premise":"Despite a recent renovation, the Meadows Mall is the least appealing of the three suburban malls.","hypothesis":"The Meadows Mall is very popular and beautiful.","label":2,"idx":9544} -{"premise":"I entered her shack, opening the painted door covered in runes of warding.","hypothesis":"I entered the shack through the hole in the ceiling. It was abandoned, and smelled musty and odd.","label":2,"idx":9551} -{"premise":"yeah then you don't have you don't have that mess to clean up when you use an oil oil base painting and boy i'll tell you oh","hypothesis":"Oil based paints can be very messy.","label":2,"idx":9555} -{"premise":"The movie doesn't come to much, though.","hypothesis":"This movie didn't amount to much.","label":0,"idx":9558} -{"premise":"Some experts say there's a greater chance of a making a catch in the cooler days of spring and autumn, and in the hours after sunset.","hypothesis":"Warm days are the worst for making catches.","label":1,"idx":9565} -{"premise":"They even smiled at Susan and she smiled back.","hypothesis":"They smiled at Susan, who in turn smiled back at them.","label":0,"idx":9567} -{"premise":"yeah well that's not really immigration","hypothesis":"That is not immigration.","label":0,"idx":9579} -{"premise":"In most methods, we plan for data collection, then we collect the information, then we analyze it, and then we write the report.","hypothesis":"Most methods use this technique.","label":0,"idx":9586} -{"premise":"OMB has approved the information collection contained on the Form ADV and has","hypothesis":"The information collection contained on Form ADV and Form CGF was approved by OMB.","label":1,"idx":9588} -{"premise":"And environmentalists have on occasion attacked religion for promoting human domination over the natural world.","hypothesis":"Religion have been attacked for years.","label":1,"idx":9591} -{"premise":"yeah it's a U S territory and it's just we own it or","hypothesis":"I'm not sure if it's a U.S. territory, or if we own it.","label":2,"idx":9595} -{"premise":"The notable thing for me about the Left Behind series--beside the fact that few in the secular media have noticed that millions of Americans are busy reading books warning about the imminence of one-world government, mass death, and the return of the Messiah, is that all the Jewish characters are Christian.","hypothesis":"All the Jewish characters in the Left Behind series are actually Christian.","label":0,"idx":9598} -{"premise":"so i like music i like listening to music so i don't usually listen to KCBI and then there's another one called Journey that's somewhere in between the two of those it's in between ninety and ninety four","hypothesis":"KCBI plays my kind of music, so I always listen to it.","label":2,"idx":9607} -{"premise":"The most recent attraction at the pyramid complex is a small museum housing the remains of a solar barque (a cedar longboat) which was found in 1954.","hypothesis":"The huge museum houses over 100 longboats which were discovered in 1888.","label":2,"idx":9608} -{"premise":"Extremely limited exceptions to the authority are established in 31 U.S.C.","hypothesis":"There are only a selected few exceptions.","label":0,"idx":9609} -{"premise":"The White House denies this.","hypothesis":"This has been accepted by the White House.","label":2,"idx":9610} -{"premise":"that your approach is is is right you can actually go out and sub it if even if you don't wanna get hands on you can even just sub it out the concrete and those kind of things and and that's kind of the plan i have so um uh everyone i talk to uh i've","hypothesis":"You can do it by yourself no problem.","label":1,"idx":9615} -{"premise":"Ah, ma foi, no! replied Poirot frankly. ","hypothesis":"I asked Poirot if he liked cats and he said no. ","label":1,"idx":9616} -{"premise":"You will learn later that the person who usually poured out Mrs. Inglethorp's medicine was always extremely careful not to shake the bottle, but to leave the sediment at the bottom of it undisturbed. ","hypothesis":"The person who poured Mrs. Inglethorp's medicine never shook the bottle so as to leave the sediment untouched. ","label":0,"idx":9620} -{"premise":"and it just depends on how bad that person is","hypothesis":"It depends on the condition of the dog.","label":2,"idx":9628} -{"premise":"it it like strange that it you're right in the middle of the mountains and it's so brown and dry but boy you just didn't feel","hypothesis":"You are in the middle of the mountains, but you didn't feel.","label":0,"idx":9633} -{"premise":"that's right you can work yourself to death well i'm sorry to hear your color didn't come out so good over the weekend","hypothesis":"I'm sorry it didn't turn out as planned. ","label":0,"idx":9640} -{"premise":"that they don't show local","hypothesis":"The they in this sentence only show things that aren't local.","label":0,"idx":9643} -{"premise":"There would be little benefit to national saving from allowing early access to mandatory accounts with set contribution levels-which has been proposed for Social Security (see Q4.","hypothesis":"There would be little benefit to national saving","label":0,"idx":9645} -{"premise":"Be of good cheer,","hypothesis":"Be of good cheer, for beer time is near.","label":1,"idx":9659} -{"premise":"The arched gateway leads to a large swimming pool and the ruins of a Roman and Byzantine baths complex.","hypothesis":"The Roman and Byzantine baths are built on separate stories.","label":1,"idx":9660} -{"premise":"Most of it, I couldn't even begin to identify.","hypothesis":"I didn't nkow what any of it was.","label":0,"idx":9665} -{"premise":"Once the pious devotions are over, however, wine flows, fireworks explode, espetada (kebab) stalls flourish, and Monte regains normality for another 363 days.","hypothesis":"Monte is a normal location, outside of a period of pious devotion.","label":1,"idx":9666} -{"premise":"I turned a curve and I was just in time to see him ring the bell and get admitted to the house.","hypothesis":"Just as I turned the curve I spotted him walking in to the house after ringing the bell for entrance.","label":0,"idx":9668} -{"premise":"no uh i have a friend who works for TI and uh i work for a a tire service here in i'm from Dallas","hypothesis":"I used to work for a tire service in Dallas, my hometown, and my friend works part-time for TI.","label":1,"idx":9669} -{"premise":"No one would ever think of sentiment in connection with you.","hypothesis":"Sentiment when connecting with you is beyond everyone's expectations.","label":0,"idx":9677} -{"premise":"Thorn held a sword different from any Ca'daan had ever seen.","hypothesis":"Ca'daan was used to seeing people hold swords like Thorn held it.","label":2,"idx":9681} -{"premise":"uh and i think even Electric Light Orchestra had some some real um influences by classical music and i'm still still my favorite in fact most of my CDs that i got are classical music","hypothesis":"Most of the CDs that I have are CDs of classical music.","label":0,"idx":9687} -{"premise":"Civil libertarians denounced it as an improper church-state partnership, a sectarian scheme to milk the taxpayer, and a feel-good diversion from the rest of the coalition's agenda.","hypothesis":"The coalition's core agenda is to reduce government's role in daily life.","label":1,"idx":9695} -{"premise":"Boca da Corrida Encumeada (moderate; 5 hours): views of Curral das Freiras and the valley of Ribeiro do Poco.","hypothesis":"\"Views of Curral da Freiras and the valley of Ribeiro do Poco\" is chapter 5. ","label":1,"idx":9698} -{"premise":"Very often the emperor was only a minor, so that the Fujiwara patriarch acted as regent.","hypothesis":"Oftentimes, the best emperors were those that were minors. ","label":1,"idx":9699} -{"premise":"I'm not interested in tactics, Al.","hypothesis":"The author is not interested in tactics.","label":0,"idx":9704} -{"premise":"His plan was to drive straight up to the house.","hypothesis":"He had intended to drive directly up to the house.","label":0,"idx":9709} -{"premise":"Helms, who will be 81 when his fifth term ends, is increasingly frail.","hypothesis":"Helms will turn 81 soon.","label":0,"idx":9712} -{"premise":"Today, nothing remains except the foundations.","hypothesis":"The foundations were replaced.","label":2,"idx":9719} -{"premise":"um-hum yes i was amazed we spent the only time we played on our trip was in Douglas Arizona and uh that was just","hypothesis":"We played in lots of different places on our trip.","label":2,"idx":9720} -{"premise":"With an area of just 541 sq km (209 sq miles), it is slightly smaller than the Isle of Man or twice Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts.","hypothesis":"Martha's Vineyard is four times the size of the Isle of Man.","label":2,"idx":9722} -{"premise":"Lucy screamed, I've got to know.","hypothesis":"Lucy wanted to ignore it.","label":2,"idx":9723} -{"premise":"In Mumbai, both Juhu and Chowpatty beaches are, for instance, definitely a bad idea, and though the Marina beaches in Chennai are cleaner, there may be sharks.","hypothesis":"The beaches are very dirty in Mumbai.","label":1,"idx":9724} -{"premise":"The word itself, tapa, is translated as lid and derives from the old custom of offering a bite of food along with a drink, the food being served on a saucer sitting on top of the glass like a lid.","hypothesis":"Tapas are large portions and are a very filling meal.","label":2,"idx":9727} -{"premise":"Not only must capital goods be replaced as they depreciate, but new generations of workers must be comparably","hypothesis":"Capital goods are vulnerable to depreciation and should be replaced.","label":0,"idx":9730} -{"premise":"There is no tradition of clothes criticism that includes serious analysis, or even of costume criticism among theater, ballet, and opera critics, who do have an august writerly heritage.","hypothesis":"Clothes criticism is serious. ","label":2,"idx":9732} -{"premise":"June 21, 1995, provides the specific requirements for assessing and reporting on controls.","hypothesis":"There are specific requirements for assessment of legal services.","label":1,"idx":9733} -{"premise":"For such a governmentwide review, an entrance conference is generally held with applicable central agencies, such as the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) or the Office of Personnel Management.","hypothesis":"An entrance conference is held with central agencies each year.","label":1,"idx":9749} -{"premise":"She was quite young, not more than eighteen.","hypothesis":"She looked older even though she was only barely eighteen. ","label":2,"idx":9752} -{"premise":"yeah i know the motor oil","hypothesis":"I know what they do with motor oil.","label":1,"idx":9753} -{"premise":"Where would he be today without American commercial know-how?","hypothesis":"Americans lack important commercial know-how.","label":2,"idx":9758} -{"premise":"Larger ski resorts are 90 minutes away.","hypothesis":"The largest resort is actually 100 minutes away.","label":1,"idx":9759} -{"premise":"Search out the House of Dionysos and the House of the Trident with their simple floor patterns, and the House of Dolphins and the House of Masks for more elaborate examples, including Dionysos riding a panther, on the floor of the House of Masks.","hypothesis":"The House of Dolphins and the House of Masks are more elaborate than the House of Dionysos and the House of the Trident.","label":0,"idx":9763} -{"premise":"She's a crutch.","hypothesis":"She's an essential, key role in this, and is being used as a crutch.","label":1,"idx":9767} -{"premise":"Rightly or wrongly, America is seen as globalization's prime mover and head cheerleader and will be blamed for its excesses until we start paying official attention to them.","hypothesis":"America's role in the globalization movement is important whether we agree with it or not. ","label":0,"idx":9774} -{"premise":"New York Times columnist Bob Herbert asserts that managed care has bought Republican votes and that patients will die as a result.","hypothesis":"Managed care bought Republican votes and patients will end up dead because of this.","label":0,"idx":9779} -{"premise":"They encourage us to indulge ourselves, and they exhort us to worry about our competence at work.","hypothesis":"They want us to indulge ourselves, and force us to worry at work. ","label":0,"idx":9792} -{"premise":"yeah well i i started uh studying mathematics basically because i was really good at that in high school","hypothesis":"I started studying mathematics because I was really good at it.","label":0,"idx":9793} -{"premise":"Meanwhile, a site established for the WorldAid '96 Global Expo and Conference on Emergency Relief, which took place last fall, gives you a firsthand glimpse of the frequently crass world of the relief business (note the long list of commercial exhibitors in attendance).","hypothesis":"WorldAid had a GLobal expo in 2002.","label":1,"idx":9794} -{"premise":"oh really it wouldn't matter if we plant them when it was starting to get warmer","hypothesis":"It is better to plant when it is colder.","label":2,"idx":9798} -{"premise":"South Carolina has no referendum right, so the Supreme Court canceled the vote and upheld the ban.","hypothesis":"South Carolina doesn't have referendum rights, so the Supreme Court upheld the ban on corporate contributions.","label":1,"idx":9800} -{"premise":"Agricultural shows","hypothesis":"Farm parades","label":1,"idx":9804} -{"premise":"7) Nonautomated First-Class and Standard-A mailers have the option of requesting that their mail be processed manually, even though the costs for such processing are substantially higher than mechanized processing.","hypothesis":"Nonautomated First-Class and Standard-A mailers can ask for their mail to be processed by hand, though it costs the postal service more.","label":0,"idx":9808}