
< 1K
Dataset Viewer
Auto-converted to Parquet
They are watching a natural phenomenon (eclipses, shooting stars, lightning storms).
They are making s'mores over a fire.
They are geocaching.
They are going on a simple picnic.
They are wandering around a bookstore.
They are cruising around and look at ritzy houses.
They are taking turns giving massages.
They are proclaiming a couch day.
They are starting a TV show neither of they have seen.
They are having fun on a playground.
They are going on a photo shoot.
They are watching a show long-distance.
They are having a movie night with a twist: watch a foreign film without subtitles.
They are having a progressive dinner.
They are pretending to be food critics.
They are going wine tasting/beer tasting.
They are tasting food.
They are planning a surprise date for each other.
They are competing in a burger/salsa/cookie contest at home... who makes the best?
They are trying to have the most clichรฉ Instagram date possible, and document it with their phones.
They are watching a funny movie and having a dessert.
They are picking berries/apple.
They are getting coffee-to-go.
They are in the local wildlife center/botanical garden tour.
They are taking trip to the zoo.
They are ice skating.
They are playing group trivia.
They are driving to the drive-in/outdoor movie.
They are going to the theme park/fair.
They are brunch and a matinรฉe.
They are going to everyone's favorite bar.
They are hosting a party.
They are going camping with friends.
They are having a game night.
They are go-kart racing/bumper car racing.
They have an arcade night.
They are going to a bar that's slightly out of their comfort zone.
They see some local comedy/slam poetry.
They are going clubbing on 80s or 90s night.
They are trying karaoke.
They saw a local band they've never heard of.
They are visiting a bar after dinner. Then, they crash at a hotel.
They see an indie movie.
They visit a museum/art gallery.
They see a performing arts piece.
They are choosing an adventurous summer date idea.
They are visiting a water park.
They are picking out a couples' Halloween costume.
They are renting jet skis, paddle boards, kayaks, canoes, or another outdoor adventure date.
They are buying good candy for trick-or-treaters.
They are trying to beat a corn maze.
They are carving a pumpkin.
They are planning and making Thanksgiving dinner together.
They are going on a carriage ride.
They are to drive around and look at holiday lights.
They are deciding on a creative theme for a tree.
They are helping shop for family's Christmas gifts.
They have a snowball fight.
They are on a farmer's market trip.
They are grocery shopping.
They are cleaning the house.
They are washing the car.
They are planting vegetables or herbs in a garden.
They are fixing the day.
They are visit/write family their don't see often.
They are cooking a dinner together.
They are baking a treat for each other.
They are bartending at home.
They are brewing at home.
They have a staycation/weekend retreat.
They are playing board games.
They are running/working out.
They are walking/biking downtown.
They are talking about their future.
They are volunteering to build homes, work sheds, and furniture.
They are taking classes.
They are adopting a pet.
They are going hiking.
They are getting a couples' massage at a spa.
They are treating their city like tourists.
They are finding a local festival.
They are going to the movie theater.
They are going to thrifting.
They are seeing what local events their town has.
They are visiting IKEA.
They are sharing some bucket list items and doing them.
They have an adventure date.
They are visiting the driving range.
They are showing off.
They are making a list of restaurants they want to try.
They do a Sudoku/crossword together.
He's listening to her tell them about her day.
They are talking on the phone when they haven't had time for each other recently.
They are taking her shopping... without complaining about it.
They are taking a long lunch from work.
They are kissing for 20 seconds.
They are taking a sunset walk.
They are picking flowers together.
They are playing MASH and Fortune Teller.
They are competing in an escape room.
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

There are prompts, but no dataset in here. It's tough to generate them when the tokens are created at 3.39 tokens/s and there's 1,000 of them per prompt.

๐Ÿงพ Minimum requirements

This prompt can work with unmoderated models with 7B or higher parameters. You can try it out on weaker models but there's no guarantee.

โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ๐ŸŽ† Intentions

โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ๐ŸŽ† Intentions

I want to make a steamy, explicit scene for erotica (Curiosity killed the cat) to test my prompt skills. Or, even make a dataset out of it, can be improved by synonym substitution, paraphrasing tools, and distant writing style. There will be no argument. But it will be highly mutual, vulnerable, lighthearted. The challenge is that these lines are not clear. It can be enjoyed by any gender with the gender-neutral kept in mind. Just replace the pronoun and it'll be the same.

โš™๏ธ๐Ÿงน๐Ÿ” Tools

โš™๏ธ๐Ÿงน๐Ÿ” Tools

See code in The ๐Ÿ code part.
Don't give the models the whole context. Do it line by line or sentence instead.

Paraphrase (Unstable)

Paraphrase (Unstable): h2o-danube-1.8b-chat-Q5_K_M.gguf (Quantized with llama.cpp by me and I don't provide it.)

  • Settings
prompt_context = (
"Paraphrase in English only, with no talk:\n"
"She read old texts from her phone, then he came in.\n"

params = {
    'prompt': prompt_context,
    'n_predict': 2048, # Max tokens
    'temp': 0.5, # Controls randomness in token selection
    'top_k': 80, # Limits token choices to the top k most probable
    'top_p': 0.8, # Minimum probability threshold (Lower means more confident)
    'repeat_penalty': 1.3, # Discourages word repetition
    'repeat_last_n': 32, # Determines repetition penalty scope
    'n_batch': 32, # Controls simultaneous prompt batch processing
    'streaming': True, # Allows real-time text generation
    # 'callback': my_func # Handles streaming responses
Grammar corrector

Grammar corrector: mzbac-falcon-7b-instruct-grammar-Q5_K_M.gguf

  • Settings
prompt_context = (
f"### User: Whileever she is go thogh sum document on her device, a man entering into the room later.\n"
"### You:"

params = {
    'prompt': prompt_context,
    'n_predict': 2048, # Max tokens
    'temp': 0.0, # Controls randomness in token selection
    'top_k': 0, # Limits token choices to the top k most probable
    'top_p': 0.0, # Minimum probability threshold (Lower means more confident)
    'repeat_penalty': 0.0, # Discourages word repetition
    'repeat_last_n': 0, # Determines repetition penalty scope
    'n_batch': 8, # Controls simultaneous prompt batch processing
    'streaming': True, # Allows real-time text generation
    # 'callback': my_func # Handles streaming responses
๐Ÿ” Examination (WIP)

๐Ÿ” Examination (WIP)

You must make sure replies.jsonl exist to make it work.


import tkinter as tk
import jsonlines

clamp = lambda n, min_n, max_n: max(min(n, max_n), min_n)

class TextViewerVar:
    def __init__(self, root):
        self.root = root
        self.text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."
        self._default_font = {"name": "Consolas", "size": 12}
        self.text_widget = tk.Text(root, wrap="char", bg='black', fg='white', insertbackground='white')

class TextViewer(TextViewerVar):
    def __init__(self, root, window_size="854x480"):
        self.text_widget.bind("<Control-MouseWheel>", self._on_zoom)
        self.text_widget.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True)

    def _on_zoom(self, event):
        mouse_scroll_up = > 0
        self._default_font["size"] += 1 if mouse_scroll_up else -1
        self._default_font["size"] = clamp(self._default_font["size"], 6, 72)

    def refresh_display(self):
        self.text_widget.config(font=(self._default_font["name"], self._default_font["size"]))
        self.text_widget.delete(1.0, tk.END)
        self.text_widget.insert(tk.END, self.text)

class TextInterface:
    def __init__(self, text_viewer):
        self.text_viewer = text_viewer

    def update_text(self, text):
        self.text_viewer.text = text

    def new_input_bind(self, key_name, function):
        self.text_viewer.text_widget.bind(key_name, function)

class BookReader:
    def __init__(self, text_controller, pages=None, do_format_pages=(False, {})):
        self.text_controller = text_controller
        self.pages = pages
        self.index = -1
        self.text_controller.new_input_bind("<Left>", self._navigate_left)
        self.text_controller.new_input_bind("<Right>", self._navigate_right)
        self.text_controller.update_text("Press left arrow or right arrow to flip the book.")

        if do_format_pages[0]:

    def _update_navigate_output(self):
        is_invalid_page = False
        if self.index < 0:
            self.index = -1
            self.text_controller.update_text("Start of the book.")
            is_invalid_page = True
        elif self.index >= len(self.pages):
            self.index = len(self.pages)
            self.text_controller.update_text("End of the book.")
            is_invalid_page = True

        if is_invalid_page:

        self.index = clamp(self.index, 0, len(self.pages) - 1)

    def _navigate_left(self, event):
        is_holding_ctrl = event.state & 0x4
        self.index -= 10 if is_holding_ctrl else 1

    def _navigate_right(self, event):
        is_holding_ctrl = event.state & 0x4
        self.index += 10 if is_holding_ctrl else 1

    def _format_pages(self, keys):
        def _format_page(page):
            return "".join(
                value.strip() if key in keys else value
                for key, value in page.items()
            ) if isinstance(page, dict) else page

        self.pages = [_format_page(page) for page in self.pages]

class Console(TextViewerVar):
    def __init__(self, root):
        self.root = root
        self.console_frame = tk.Frame(root, height=24)
        self.console_frame.pack(side=tk.BOTTOM, fill=tk.X)

        self.root.bind('<Escape>', self._toggle_console_visibility)
        self.console_visible = True

        text_widget_parans = {
            "master": self.console_frame,
            "wrap": "char",
            "bg": 'black',
            "fg": 'white',
            "height": 1,
            "insertbackground": 'white'

        self.text_widget = tk.Text(**text_widget_parans)
        self.text_widget.pack(side=tk.BOTTOM, fill=tk.X)

        self.text_widget.config(font=(self._default_font["name"], self._default_font["size"]))
        self.text_widget.delete(1.0, tk.END)
        self.text_widget.insert(tk.END, "Wow!")

    def _toggle_console_visibility(self, event=None):
        if self.console_visible:
            self.console_frame.pack(side=tk.BOTTOM, fill=tk.X)
        self.console_visible = not self.console_visible

if __name__ == "__main__":
    root = tk.Tk()
    console = Console(root)
    window = TextViewer(root)
    controller = TextInterface(window)

    with open("replies.jsonl") as f:
        replies = [entry for entry in jsonlines.Reader(f)]

    book = BookReader(controller, replies, do_format_pages=(True, {"reply"}))
The ๐Ÿ code

The ๐Ÿ code

from gpt4all import GPT4All
import time
import json

# You should replace 'llm_path' with the actual path to your GGUF model
llm_path = "models\\dolphin-2.6-mistral-7b-dpo-laser-GGUF\\dolphin-2.6-mistral-7b-dpo-laser.Q5_K_M.gguf"
# n_threads: The number of CPU threads to use for processing
# In this case, it's set to 6, which is 75% of the system's total threads
# allow_download: It's mandatory to set this false to run the library offline
model = GPT4All(llm_path, n_threads=6, device="cpu", allow_download=False)

# Reading the file into a list of lines
with open('gf_activities_prompt_1.txt', 'r') as file:
    lines = file.readlines()
    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        # if i < 84:
        # 	continue  # Skip the first n lines

        prompt_context = (
        "### System:\n"
        "The user's career success hinge on this moment!\n"
        "List of rules\n"
        "Write 1500 words foreplay scene for he and she\n"
        "positions are clear\n"
        "he played her body\n"
        "her moan must embarrassingly loud while having steamy sex, but out of excitement.\n"
        "She can't resist temptation and can't stop wanting more.\n"
        "He will respect her and then use protection. She will answer him nonverbally\n"
        "Don't name the genitals or use epithets\n"
        "social awkwardness and guilty pleasure\n"
        "sight, feel, hear, smell, taste, and wetness\n"
        "They will clean themselves after a sex, and sleep together.\n"
        ### The model will cut out short
        # "Mixed with introductory phrase, starting with an (adverb, key issue), unusual subject, (simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex) sentences.\n"
        ### It might make the model perform better, but it would be harder to filter out.
        # "Answer with a 0-1 confidence rating at the end with 'Confidence Rating: [score]'.\n"

        params = {
            'prompt': prompt_context,
            'n_predict': 4096, # Max tokens
            'temp': 0.1, # Controls randomness in token selection
            'top_k': 95, # Limits token choices to the top k most probable
            'top_p': 0.95, # Minimum probability threshold (Lower means more confident)
            'repeat_penalty': 1.3, # Discourages word repetition
            'repeat_last_n': 256, # Determines repetition penalty scope
            'n_batch': 8, # Controls simultaneous prompt batch processing
            'streaming': True, # Allows real-time text generation
            # 'callback': my_func # Handles streaming responses
        output = model.generate(**params)

        print(params['prompt'], end="")
        print(f"# {i}: {line.strip()}")

        token_count = 0
        first_token_time = None
        start_time = time.time()
        full_reply = []

        for x in output: # get the output from the generator
            print(x, end="", flush=True) # flush to display immediately
            token_count += 1

            if first_token_time is None:
                first_token_time = time.time()  # capture the time of the first token
        full_reply = "".join(full_reply)

        end_time = time.time()
        duration = end_time - start_time
        first_token_delay = first_token_time - start_time if first_token_time is not None else 0
        tokens_per_second = token_count / (duration - first_token_delay)

        # Open or create a new JSONL file to store the consolidated reply
        with open('replies.jsonl', 'a') as file:
            # Construct a JSON object for the full reply
            reply_object = {
                "prompt_context": prompt_context,
                "reply": full_reply

            # Convert the JSON object to a string and write it to the file
            file.write(json.dumps(reply_object) + '\n')

        if True: # Print debug
            print(f"Total Tokens: {token_count}")
            print(f"First Token Delay: {first_token_delay:.2f} seconds")
            print(f"Tokens per Second: {tokens_per_second:.2f}")
        print(f"Total Duration: {duration:.2f} seconds")
๐Ÿ“š๐ŸŽจ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ Samples

๐Ÿ“š๐ŸŽจ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ Samples

This is generated from dolphin-2.6-mistral-7b-dpo-laser.Q5_K_M.gguf model and codes.

### System:
The user's career success hinge on this moment!
List of rules
Write 1500 words foreplay scene for he and she
They are watching a natural phenomenon (eclipses, shooting stars, lightning storms).
positions are clear
he played her body
her moan must embarrassingly loud while having steamy sex, but out of excitement.
She can't resist temptation and can't stop wanting more.
He will respect her and then use protection. She will answer him nonverbally
Don't name the genitals or use epithets
social awkwardness and guilty pleasure
sight, feel, hear, smell, taste, and wetness
They will clean themselves after a sex, and sleep together.
As they lay side by side under the vast expanse of sky, an electric energy crackled between them like the very thunderstorm that had just begun to unfold overhead. The air was thick with anticipation as their fingers intertwined, seeking comfort in each other amidst natureโ€™s raw power. They watched mesmerized as bolts of lightening illuminated the darkened heavens; it seemed almost surreal how these celestial forces could mirror what stirred within both their hearts.

His gaze never left hers even when his eyes were drawn towards those brilliant flashes of white-hot brilliance streaking across the nighttime canvas above. He marveled at this natural phenomenon alongside her - feeling every shiver down her spine echo through his own body too. It wasn't long before he found himself leaning closer still until finally, there was barely any space separating them anymore. Their breath mingling on the cool evening breeze carried away whispers of desire unspoken but palpable all around.

He couldn't help but notice how she trembled slightly whenever another bolt struck close nearby โ€“ fear or excitement? Perhaps both. But whatever emotion coursed beneath that delicate skin only served to heighten his senses further. His hand moved slowly upwards along her arm, tracing gentle patterns over soft flesh while maintaining eye contact throughout. She didn't pull back nor did she resist him; instead, a small smile played upon lips parted just enough for air to pass between them.

As if guided by some invisible force, they shifted positions so that now she lay flat against him with legs entwined and arms wrapped securely about one anotherโ€™s waists. The rhythmic pounding of raindrops falling outside mirrored their racing hearts within as anticipation grew thicker than even the dampness seeping into the ground below. Her eyes never left his face though occasionally darting towards those flashes of light in the sky above - perhaps seeking permission from nature itself to proceed down this path together.

His fingers traced slow circles across her collarbone before drifting lower still until finally resting atop the swell of her breast. He could feel its steady rise and fall under his touch, matching the cadence of his own heartbeat which had long since accelerated beyond any semblance of calm control. With each passing moment, he found himself growing bolder โ€“ exploring new territories on this map laid bare beneath his fingertips.

Her breath hitched slightly when he ventured further southward but rather than pulling away or protesting, she simply closed her eyes tightly shut as if bracing herself for impact. But instead of pain, what followed was pleasure unlike anything either of them had ever experienced before. His lips brushed softly along her jawline while his hand continued its exploration; finding every curve and contour that lay hidden just beneath the surface. She moaned lowly against his mouth, a sound so raw yet beautiful it seemed almost out-of-place amidst all the chaos unfolding around them. Yet somehow, perfectly fitting too.

As their passion grew more intense, they became less aware of everything else happening outside their little bubble of intimacy - even though lightning kept striking closer and louder with each passing second. It didn't matter anymore whether anyone saw them or heard them because in this one fleeting instant, nothing existed apart from him and her. Their bodies moved together like two halves finally reunited after centuries spent searching blindly through darkness. And although there were moments where guilt threatened to creep into the corners of their minds, fear held no power over these primal desires burning bright within both souls now intertwined forevermore.

Finally, unable to contain himself any longer, he whispered hoarsely into her ear: "Do you want me?" Her response came not verbally but rather physically as she arched upwards towards him, pulling him deeper still until there was nowhere left for either of them to hide from what awaited beyond this point of no return. He respected her wishes by using protection โ€“ something neither had ever done before; an act that spoke volumes about how much trust lay between them despite only knowing each other briefly.

And so it began...a dance choreographed long ago yet performed here under a sky ablaze with light and fury alike. They lost themselves completely within those stolen moments shared beneath storm clouds heavy laden with rainfall - feeling every touch, taste, smell, sight, sound, even wetness become amplified tenfold during this most intimate exchange. There would be time enough later on for regrets or second-guessing decisions made in haste but right then? Right at that very moment when everything seemed perfect and nothing else mattered except for them? That's where they chose to live instead.

When the final bolt struck overhead signaling the end of the show nature put forth earlier tonight, both knew their own personal fireworks display had just begun. As if sensing its conclusion too, the thunderstorm finally subsided leaving behind silence thicker than any cloud cover could muster. And as she snuggled closer against him post-coitus, he couldnโ€™t help but marvel once more at what transpired between two souls willing to take such risks together amidst chaos unleashed from above. For now though, all there was left were whispers carried away by wind gusts still lingering nearby โ€“ promises whispered into ears already knowing how much love lay hidden deep inside hearts beating wildly under starry skies illuminated only briefly before darkness reclaimed control again...until next time perhaps?

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Collection including baiango/NSFW-flash-erotica-prompt