# manually add a passed list of files to the local LFS store in a parallel manner bypassing filter-process # original final revision of this script was lost. huggingface-cli also has functionality for bypassing git-lfs. export GIT_DIR=$(git rev-parse --git-dir) [ -d "$GIT_DIR" ] || exit -1 parallel -i bash -vx -c '\ sha=$(pv -c "{}" 2>/dev/tty | sha256sum | cut -d \ -f 1);\ size=$(($(stat -c %s "{}")));\ if (( size > 1024 )); then\ dir="$GIT_DIR"/lfs/objects/${sha:0:2}/${sha:2:2}/;\ mkdir -p "$dir";\ mv "{}" "$dir"/${sha} && {\ echo version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1;\ echo oid sha256:"$sha";\ echo size "$size";\ } > "{}" &&\ git add "{}" || { mv "$dir"/${sha} "{}"; false; };\ fi'\ -- "$@"