const BBOX_MAX_NUM = 16; const BBOX_WARNING_SIZE = 1280; const DEFAULT_X = 0.4; const DEFAULT_Y = 0.4; const DEFAULT_H = 0.2; const DEFAULT_W = 0.2; // ref: const COLOR_MAP = [ ['#ff0000', 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.3)'], // red ['#ff9900', 'rgba(255, 153, 0, 0.3)'], // orange ['#ffff00', 'rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.3)'], // yellow ['#33cc33', 'rgba(51, 204, 51, 0.3)'], // green ['#33cccc', 'rgba(51, 204, 204, 0.3)'], // indigo ['#0066ff', 'rgba(0, 102, 255, 0.3)'], // blue ['#6600ff', 'rgba(102, 0, 255, 0.3)'], // purple ['#cc00cc', 'rgba(204, 0, 204, 0.3)'], // dark pink ['#ff6666', 'rgba(255, 102, 102, 0.3)'], // light red ['#ffcc66', 'rgba(255, 204, 102, 0.3)'], // light orange ['#99cc00', 'rgba(153, 204, 0, 0.3)'], // lime green ['#00cc99', 'rgba(0, 204, 153, 0.3)'], // teal ['#0099cc', 'rgba(0, 153, 204, 0.3)'], // steel blue ['#9933cc', 'rgba(153, 51, 204, 0.3)'], // lavender ['#ff3399', 'rgba(255, 51, 153, 0.3)'], // hot pink ['#996633', 'rgba(153, 102, 51, 0.3)'], // brown ]; const RESIZE_BORDER = 5; const MOVE_BORDER = 5; const t2i_bboxes = new Array(BBOX_MAX_NUM).fill(null); const i2i_bboxes = new Array(BBOX_MAX_NUM).fill(null); // ↓↓↓ called from gradio ↓↓↓ function onCreateT2IRefClick(overwrite) { let width, height; if (overwrite) { const overwriteInputs = gradioApp().querySelectorAll('#MD-overwrite-width-t2i input, #MD-overwrite-height-t2i input'); width = parseInt(overwriteInputs[0].value); height = parseInt(overwriteInputs[2].value); } else { const sizeInputs = gradioApp().querySelectorAll('#txt2img_width input, #txt2img_height input'); width = parseInt(sizeInputs[0].value); height = parseInt(sizeInputs[2].value); } if (isNaN(width)) width = 512; if (isNaN(height)) height = 512; // Concat it to string to bypass the gradio bug // 向黑恶势力低头 return width.toString() + 'x' + height.toString(); } function onCreateI2IRefClick() { const canvas = gradioApp().querySelector('#img2img_image img'); return canvas.src; } function onBoxEnableClick(is_t2i, idx, enable) { let canvas = null; let bboxes = null; let locator = null; if (is_t2i) { locator = () => gradioApp().querySelector('#MD-bbox-ref-t2i'); bboxes = t2i_bboxes; } else { locator = () => gradioApp().querySelector('#MD-bbox-ref-i2i'); bboxes = i2i_bboxes; } ref_div = locator(); canvas = ref_div.querySelector('img'); if (!canvas) { return false; } if (enable) { // Check if the bounding box already exists if (!bboxes[idx]) { // Initialize bounding box const bbox = [DEFAULT_X, DEFAULT_Y, DEFAULT_W, DEFAULT_H]; const colorMap = COLOR_MAP[idx % COLOR_MAP.length]; const div = document.createElement('div'); = 'MD-bbox-' + (is_t2i ? 't2i-' : 'i2i-') + idx; = '0px'; = '0px'; = '0px'; = '0px'; = 'absolute'; = '2px solid ' + colorMap[0]; = colorMap[1]; = '900'; = 'none'; // A text tip to warn the user if bbox is too large const tip = document.createElement('span'); = 'MD-tip-' + (is_t2i ? 't2i-' : 'i2i-') + idx; = '50%'; = '50%'; = 'absolute'; = 'translate(-50%, -50%)'; = '12px'; = 'bold'; = 'center'; = colorMap[0]; = '901'; = 'none'; tip.innerHTML = 'Warning: Region very large!
Take care of VRAM usage!'; div.appendChild(tip); div.addEventListener('mousedown', function (e) { if (e.button === 0) { onBoxMouseDown(e, is_t2i, idx); } }); div.addEventListener('mousemove', function (e) { updateCursorStyle(e, is_t2i, idx); }); const shower = function() { // insert to DOM if necessary if (!gradioApp().querySelector('#' + { locator().appendChild(div); } } bboxes[idx] = [div, bbox, shower]; } // Show the bounding box displayBox(canvas, is_t2i, bboxes[idx]); return true; } else { if (!bboxes[idx]) { return false; } const [div, bbox, shower] = bboxes[idx]; = 'none'; } return false; } function onBoxChange(is_t2i, idx, what, v) { // This function handles all the changes of the bounding box // Including the rendering and python slider update let bboxes = null; let canvas = null; if (is_t2i) { bboxes = t2i_bboxes; canvas = gradioApp().querySelector('#MD-bbox-ref-t2i img'); } else { bboxes = i2i_bboxes; canvas = gradioApp().querySelector('#MD-bbox-ref-i2i img'); } if (!bboxes[idx] || !canvas) { switch (what) { case 'x': return DEFAULT_X; case 'y': return DEFAULT_Y; case 'w': return DEFAULT_W; case 'h': return DEFAULT_H; } } const [div, bbox, shower] = bboxes[idx]; if ( === 'none') { return v; } // parse trigger switch (what) { case 'x': bbox[0] = v; break; case 'y': bbox[1] = v; break; case 'w': bbox[2] = v; break; case 'h': bbox[3] = v; break; } displayBox(canvas, is_t2i, bboxes[idx]); return v; } // ↓↓↓ called from js ↓↓↓ function getSeedInfo(is_t2i, id, current_seed) { const info_id = is_t2i ? '#html_info_txt2img' : '#html_info_img2img'; const info_div = gradioApp().querySelector(info_id); try{ current_seed = parseInt(current_seed); } catch(e) { current_seed = -1; } if (!info_div) return current_seed; let info = info_div.innerHTML; if (!info) return current_seed; // remove all html tags info = info.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, ''); // Find a json string 'region control:' in the info // get its index idx = info.indexOf('Region control'); if (idx == -1) return current_seed; // get the json string (detect the bracket) // find the first '{' let start_idx = info.indexOf('{', idx); let bracket = 1; let end_idx = start_idx + 1; while (bracket > 0 && end_idx < info.length) { if (info[end_idx] == '{') bracket++; if (info[end_idx] == '}') bracket--; end_idx++; } if (bracket > 0) { return current_seed; } // get the json string let json_str = info.substring(start_idx, end_idx); // replace the single quote to double quote json_str = json_str.replace(/'/g, '"'); // replace python True to javascript true, False to false json_str = json_str.replace(/True/g, 'true'); // parse the json string let json = JSON.parse(json_str); // get the seed if the region id is in the json const region_id = 'Region ' + id.toString(); if (!(region_id in json)) return current_seed; const region = json[region_id]; if (!('seed' in region)) return current_seed; let seed = region['seed']; try{ seed = parseInt(seed); } catch(e) { return current_seed; } return seed; } function displayBox(canvas, is_t2i, bbox_info) { // check null input const [div, bbox, shower] = bbox_info; const [x, y, w, h] = bbox; if (!canvas || !div || x == null || y == null || w == null || h == null) { return; } // client: canvas widget display size // natural: content image real size let vpScale = Math.min(canvas.clientWidth / canvas.naturalWidth, canvas.clientHeight / canvas.naturalHeight); let canvasCenterX = canvas.clientWidth / 2; let canvasCenterY = canvas.clientHeight / 2; let scaledX = canvas.naturalWidth * vpScale; let scaledY = canvas.naturalHeight * vpScale; let viewRectLeft = canvasCenterX - scaledX / 2; let viewRectRight = canvasCenterX + scaledX / 2; let viewRectTop = canvasCenterY - scaledY / 2; let viewRectDown = canvasCenterY + scaledY / 2; let xDiv = viewRectLeft + scaledX * x; let yDiv = viewRectTop + scaledY * y; let wDiv = Math.min(scaledX * w, viewRectRight - xDiv); let hDiv = Math.min(scaledY * h, viewRectDown - yDiv); // Calculate warning bbox size let upscalerFactor = 1.0; if (!is_t2i) { const upscalerInput = parseFloat(gradioApp().querySelector('#MD-i2i-upscaler-factor input').value); if (!isNaN(upscalerInput)) upscalerFactor = upscalerInput; } let maxSize = BBOX_WARNING_SIZE / upscalerFactor * vpScale; let maxW = maxSize / scaledX; let maxH = maxSize / scaledY; if (w > maxW || h > maxH) { div.querySelector('span').style.display = 'block'; } else { div.querySelector('span').style.display = 'none'; } // update
when not equal = xDiv + 'px'; = yDiv + 'px'; = wDiv + 'px'; = hDiv + 'px'; = 'block'; // insert it to DOM if not appear shower(); } function onBoxMouseDown(e, is_t2i, idx) { let bboxes = null; let canvas = null; if (is_t2i) { bboxes = t2i_bboxes; canvas = gradioApp().querySelector('#MD-bbox-ref-t2i img'); } else { bboxes = i2i_bboxes; canvas = gradioApp().querySelector('#MD-bbox-ref-i2i img'); } // Get the bounding box if (!canvas || !bboxes[idx]) { return; } const [div, bbox, shower] = bboxes[idx]; // Check if the click is inside the bounding box const boxRect = div.getBoundingClientRect(); let mouseX = e.clientX; let mouseY = e.clientY; const resizeLeft = mouseX >= boxRect.left && mouseX <= boxRect.left + RESIZE_BORDER; const resizeRight = mouseX >= boxRect.right - RESIZE_BORDER && mouseX <= boxRect.right; const resizeTop = mouseY >= && mouseY <= + RESIZE_BORDER; const resizeBottom = mouseY >= boxRect.bottom - RESIZE_BORDER && mouseY <= boxRect.bottom; const moveHorizontal = mouseX >= boxRect.left + MOVE_BORDER && mouseX <= boxRect.right - MOVE_BORDER; const moveVertical = mouseY >= + MOVE_BORDER && mouseY <= boxRect.bottom - MOVE_BORDER; if (!resizeLeft && !resizeRight && !resizeTop && !resizeBottom && !moveHorizontal && !moveVertical) { return; } const horizontalPivot = resizeLeft ? bbox[0] + bbox[2] : bbox[0]; const verticalPivot = resizeTop ? bbox[1] + bbox[3] : bbox[1]; // Canvas can be regarded as invariant during the drag operation // Calculate in advance to reduce overhead // Calculate viewport scale based on the current canvas size and the natural image size let vpScale = Math.min(canvas.clientWidth / canvas.naturalWidth, canvas.clientHeight / canvas.naturalHeight); let vpOffset = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); // Calculate scaled dimensions of the canvas let scaledX = canvas.naturalWidth * vpScale; let scaledY = canvas.naturalHeight * vpScale; // Calculate the canvas center and view rectangle coordinates let canvasCenterX = (vpOffset.left + window.scrollX) + canvas.clientWidth / 2; let canvasCenterY = ( + window.scrollY) + canvas.clientHeight / 2; let viewRectLeft = canvasCenterX - scaledX / 2 - window.scrollX; let viewRectRight = canvasCenterX + scaledX / 2 - window.scrollX; let viewRectTop = canvasCenterY - scaledY / 2 - window.scrollY; let viewRectDown = canvasCenterY + scaledY / 2 - window.scrollY; mouseX = Math.min(Math.max(mouseX, viewRectLeft), viewRectRight); mouseY = Math.min(Math.max(mouseY, viewRectTop), viewRectDown); const accordion = gradioApp().querySelector(`#MD-accordion-${is_t2i ? 't2i' : 'i2i'}-${idx}`); // Move or resize the bounding box on mousemove function onMouseMove(e) { // Prevent selecting anything irrelevant e.preventDefault(); // Get the new mouse position let newMouseX = e.clientX; let newMouseY = e.clientY; // clamp the mouse position to the view rectangle newMouseX = Math.min(Math.max(newMouseX, viewRectLeft), viewRectRight); newMouseY = Math.min(Math.max(newMouseY, viewRectTop), viewRectDown); // Calculate the mouse movement delta const dx = (newMouseX - mouseX) / scaledX; const dy = (newMouseY - mouseY) / scaledY; // Update the mouse position mouseX = newMouseX; mouseY = newMouseY; // if no move just return if (dx === 0 && dy === 0) { return; } // Update the mouse position let [x, y, w, h] = bbox; if (moveHorizontal && moveVertical) { // If moving the bounding box x = Math.min(Math.max(x + dx, 0), 1 - w); y = Math.min(Math.max(y + dy, 0), 1 - h); } else { // If resizing the bounding box if (resizeLeft || resizeRight) { if (x < horizontalPivot) { if (dx <= w) { // If still within the left side of the pivot x = x + dx; w = w - dx; } else { // If crossing the pivot w = dx - w; x = horizontalPivot; } } else { if (w + dx < 0) { // If still within the right side of the pivot x = horizontalPivot + w + dx; w = - dx - w; } else { // If crossing the pivot x = horizontalPivot; w = w + dx; } } // Clamp the bounding box to the image if (x < 0) { w = w + x; x = 0; } else if (x + w > 1) { w = 1 - x; } } // Same as above, but for the vertical axis if (resizeTop || resizeBottom) { if (y < verticalPivot) { if (dy <= h) { y = y + dy; h = h - dy; } else { h = dy - h; y = verticalPivot; } } else { if (h + dy < 0) { y = verticalPivot + h + dy; h = - dy - h; } else { y = verticalPivot; h = h + dy; } } if (y < 0) { h = h + y; y = 0; } else if (y + h > 1) { h = 1 - y; } } } const [div, old_bbox, _] = bboxes[idx]; // If all the values are the same, just return if (old_bbox[0] === x && old_bbox[1] === y && old_bbox[2] === w && old_bbox[3] === h) { return; } // else update the bbox const event = new Event('input'); const coords = [x, y, w, h]; // The querySelector is not very efficient, so we query it once and reuse it // caching will result gradio bugs that stucks bbox and cannot move & drag const sliderIds = ['x', 'y', 'w', 'h']; // We try to select the input sliders const sliderSelectors = => `#MD-${is_t2i ? 't2i' : 'i2i'}-${idx}-${id} input`).join(', '); let sliderInputs = accordion.querySelectorAll(sliderSelectors); if (sliderInputs.length == 0) { // If we failed, the accordion is probably closed and sliders are removed in the dom, so we open it accordion.querySelector('.label-wrap').click(); // and try again sliderInputs = accordion.querySelectorAll(sliderSelectors); // If we still failed, we just return if (sliderInputs.length == 0) { return; } } for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (old_bbox[i] !== coords[i]) { sliderInputs[2*i].value = coords[i]; sliderInputs[2*i].dispatchEvent(event); } } } // Remove the mousemove and mouseup event listeners function onMouseUp() { document.removeEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove); document.removeEventListener('mouseup', onMouseUp); } // Add the event listeners document.addEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove); document.addEventListener('mouseup', onMouseUp); } function updateCursorStyle(e, is_t2i, idx) { // This function changes the cursor style when hovering over the bounding box const bboxes = is_t2i ? t2i_bboxes : i2i_bboxes; if (!bboxes[idx]) return; const div = bboxes[idx][0]; const boxRect = div.getBoundingClientRect(); const mouseX = e.clientX; const mouseY = e.clientY; const resizeLeft = mouseX >= boxRect.left && mouseX <= boxRect.left + RESIZE_BORDER; const resizeRight = mouseX >= boxRect.right - RESIZE_BORDER && mouseX <= boxRect.right; const resizeTop = mouseY >= && mouseY <= + RESIZE_BORDER; const resizeBottom = mouseY >= boxRect.bottom - RESIZE_BORDER && mouseY <= boxRect.bottom; if ((resizeLeft && resizeTop) || (resizeRight && resizeBottom)) { = 'nwse-resize'; } else if ((resizeLeft && resizeBottom) || (resizeRight && resizeTop)) { = 'nesw-resize'; } else if (resizeLeft || resizeRight) { = 'ew-resize'; } else if (resizeTop || resizeBottom) { = 'ns-resize'; } else { = 'move'; } } // ↓↓↓ auto called event listeners ↓↓↓ function updateBoxes(is_t2i) { // This function redraw all bounding boxes let bboxes = null; let canvas = null; if (is_t2i) { bboxes = t2i_bboxes; canvas = gradioApp().querySelector('#MD-bbox-ref-t2i img'); } else { bboxes = i2i_bboxes; canvas = gradioApp().querySelector('#MD-bbox-ref-i2i img'); } if (!canvas) return; for (let idx = 0; idx < bboxes.length; idx++) { if (!bboxes[idx]) continue; const [div, bbox, shower] = bboxes[idx]; if ( === 'none') { return; } displayBox(canvas, is_t2i, bboxes[idx]); } } window.addEventListener('resize', _ => { updateBoxes(true); updateBoxes(false); }); // ======== Gradio Bug Fix ======== // For Gradio versions > 3.16.0 and < 3.29.0, the accordion DOM will be deleted when it is closed. // We need to judge the versions and listen to the accordion open event, rerender the bbox at that time. // This silly bug fix is only for compatibility, we recommend to update the gradio version to 3.29.0 or higher. try { const GRADIO_VERSIONS = window.gradio_config["version"].split("."); const gradio_major_version = parseInt(GRADIO_VERSIONS[0]); const gradio_minor_version = parseInt(GRADIO_VERSIONS[1]); if (gradio_major_version == 3 && gradio_minor_version > 16 && gradio_minor_version < 29) { let listener = e => { if (!e) { return; } if (! { return; } if (! { return; } if (!'label-wrap')) { return; } for (let tab of ['t2i', 'i2i']) { const div = gradioApp().querySelector('#MD-bbox-control-' + tab +' div.label-wrap'); if (!div) { continue; } updateBoxes(tab === 't2i'); } }; window.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', listener); } } catch (ignored) { // If the above code failed, the gradio version shouldn't be in the range of 3.16.0 to 3.29.0, so we just return. } // ======== Gradio Bug Fix ========