--- license: mit --- This is a more than 1 million word token dataset consist of Historical black writers who wrote about black emancipation. Include in this datasets are Collected Articles of Frederick Douglass(8000 word tokens),THREE ADDRESSES BY Fred Douglas(28K word token), Why is the Negro Lynched?(15K word token) by FREDERICK DOUGLASS, MY BONDAGE and MY FREEDOM(135Kword token), Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass(40K word tokens) darkwater by W. E.(67K word tokens), GIFT _of_ BLACK FOLK(77K word tokens), John Brown (101K word token), Negro problem(36K word tokens), THE CONSERVATION OF RACES(5k word token), The Negro(57K word token), The quest of the Fleece(109k), THE SUPPRESSION OF THE AFRICAN SLAVE-TRADE(123K word tokens) by W. E. BURGHARDT DU BOIS, UP FROM SLAVERY AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY BY Booker T Washington(77K word tokens). The evaluation data set consist of The Underground Railroad, by William Still(400K word token)