{ "8": [ { "total_latency": 0.00045680999755859375, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was the last time anyone was on the moon?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.000171661376953125, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who wrote he ain't heavy he's my brother lyrics?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016951560974121094, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many seasons of the bastard executioner are there?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016832351684570312, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did the eagles win last super bowl?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00027823448181152344, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who won last year's ncaa women's basketball?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016808509826660156, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did the isle of wight become an island?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001609325408935547, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: love yourself by justin bieber is about who?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015854835510253906, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who was the ruler of england in 1616?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015783309936523438, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the hot coffee mod in san andreas?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016069412231445312, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the maximum data rate for the 802.11a standard select one?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001583099365234375, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: which state is located in the centre of india?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016236305236816406, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sang i ran all the way home?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.000164031982421875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where did the last name wallace come from?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001976490020751953, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who was the actor that played ben stone on law and order?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001609325408935547, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who does the voice of nala in the lion king?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001659393310546875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays gram on the young and the restless?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00023317337036132812, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the oath that new citizens take?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016927719116210938, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is under the mask of darth vader?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.000164031982421875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who had a baby at 100 in the bible?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016498565673828125, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what age do you need to be to buy a bb gun?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001747608184814453, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: ethiopia flight 961 crashes in to the sea?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016355514526367188, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where was percy jackson and the olympians filmed?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001621246337890625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many seasons of vampire diaries r there?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016188621520996094, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many episodes are there in dragon ball z?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016355514526367188, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays auggie in the movie the wonder?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016617774963378906, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was the first australian prime minister elected?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.000217437744140625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays matthew on anne with an e?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001666545867919922, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is the girl in green day 21 guns?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015997886657714844, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays joker in batman the dark knight?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016379356384277344, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was the south asian association for regional co-operation (saarc) formed?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001609325408935547, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was the first hunger games book published?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015974044799804688, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who did bette midler portray in the rose?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016760826110839844, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is the lead singer of depeche mode?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001652240753173828, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where did the butchers in the slaughterhouse cases live?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015592575073242188, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who developed the concept of total quality management?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001628398895263672, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who wrote cant get you out of my head lyrics?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00023126602172851562, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where does no game no life anime end?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016546249389648438, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did taylor swift's first album release?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001671314239501953, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what are the three fifty shades of grey books?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001647472381591797, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who has the power (judicial) to make decisions in courts of law?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00017714500427246094, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what are the ranks in the us navy?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016117095947265625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: i was a great islamic scholar and mathematician who died in 1131 ce?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001575946807861328, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is the coach for the ottawa senators?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.000164031982421875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: last episode of what happens to my family?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00018477439880371094, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when is the last time the vikings were in the nfc championship?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016999244689941406, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what are the colors of the netherlands flag?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00021195411682128906, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where is lord's prayer found in bible?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016355514526367188, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was the last time oklahoma won a national championship in football?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.000164031982421875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: location of the ten commandments in the bible?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001652240753173828, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where did the allies go after north africa?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015854835510253906, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the meaning of veronica in english?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001862049102783203, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the name of the main artery which takes blood from the heart to the body?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001633167266845703, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who played solomon in little house on the prairie?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016021728515625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who does eric end up with in that 70s show?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016307830810546875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: an object that moves around an external axis is said to be?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016307830810546875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: architectural elements forming rib vaults eg wells cathedral?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00021767616271972656, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sang the song good morning good morning?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001590251922607422, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who wrote papa got a brand new bag?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016355514526367188, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where does a roadrunner live in the desert?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00019216537475585938, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who wrote it's a long long way to pasadena?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.000164031982421875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what's the dog's name on tom and jerry?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001595020294189453, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who are nominated for president of india 2017?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001633167266845703, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where does the path train stop in newark?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001595020294189453, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where does route 66 start on the west coast?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016427040100097656, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is the first wife on sister wives?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015997886657714844, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did houston go to the american league?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00021314620971679688, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did they stop cigarette advertising on television?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016546249389648438, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: coldplay song i will try to fix you?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001609325408935547, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: points on a sphere or angles in a circle are measured in units called?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015687942504882812, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: the oligodynamic effect is a phenomenon that describes?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016188621520996094, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where does the white witch live in narnia?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016188621520996094, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many games in a row have the uconn women's basketball team won?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016641616821289062, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: is there a name for the at symbol?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001544952392578125, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sings the theme song for the tv show cops?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001556873321533203, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was corporal punishment banned in south africa?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001823902130126953, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays captain phasma in star wars the force awakens?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00021147727966308594, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sings she's like the wind lyrics?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001728534698486328, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did marathon change its name to snickers?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015854835510253906, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who captained the first european ship to sail around the tip of africa?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001575946807861328, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who ordered the forbidden city to be built?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001633167266845703, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sang let me tell you about the birds and the bees?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016021728515625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who has the power to approve or veto legislation constitution?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00017714500427246094, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many seasons of the rugrats are there?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001652240753173828, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is the minister of local government in zimbabwe?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015997886657714844, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what was the initial effect of the transition from command to market economies in eastern europe?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001609325408935547, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did toyota start making cars in the us?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0007162094116210938, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many pieces in a terry's chocolate orange?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001671314239501953, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays the saint of killers on preacher?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001876354217529297, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did the royal proclamation of 1763 end?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001690387725830078, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is playing the halftime show at super bowl 2016?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001583099365234375, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: jonny cash one piece at a time car?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001671314239501953, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the minimum wage in france per hour?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015807151794433594, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: describe the three phases of the normal blood clotting process?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001685619354248047, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did amnesia the dark descent come out?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015807151794433594, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the oldest street in the philippines?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016236305236816406, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where is the tibia and fibula bone located?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016236305236816406, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who played bat masterson in the tv series?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0002219676971435547, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sings sugar sugar you are my candy girl?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001652240753173828, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: types of skiing in the winter olympics 2018?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001652240753173828, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays noah newman on the young and the restless?\nA:" } ], "16": [ { "total_latency": 0.0001800060272216797, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was the last time anyone was on the moon?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00017070770263671875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who wrote he ain't heavy he's my brother lyrics?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0002002716064453125, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many seasons of the bastard executioner are there?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001614093780517578, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did the eagles win last super bowl?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001742839813232422, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who won last year's ncaa women's basketball?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00022745132446289062, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did the isle of wight become an island?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016641616821289062, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: love yourself by justin bieber is about who?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001735687255859375, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who was the ruler of england in 1616?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016355514526367188, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the hot coffee mod in san andreas?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00018644332885742188, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the maximum data rate for the 802.11a standard select one?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00017023086547851562, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: which state is located in the centre of india?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001628398895263672, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sang i ran all the way home?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016236305236816406, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where did the last name wallace come from?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016164779663085938, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who was the actor that played ben stone on law and order?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016999244689941406, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who does the voice of nala in the lion king?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.000213623046875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays gram on the young and the restless?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016546249389648438, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the oath that new citizens take?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001747608184814453, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is under the mask of darth vader?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015926361083984375, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who had a baby at 100 in the bible?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001709461212158203, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what age do you need to be to buy a bb gun?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016069412231445312, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: ethiopia flight 961 crashes in to the sea?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001571178436279297, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where was percy jackson and the olympians filmed?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015926361083984375, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many seasons of vampire diaries r there?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016307830810546875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many episodes are there in dragon ball z?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00018215179443359375, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays auggie in the movie the wonder?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00022411346435546875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was the first australian prime minister elected?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016188621520996094, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays matthew on anne with an e?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016427040100097656, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is the girl in green day 21 guns?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001583099365234375, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays joker in batman the dark knight?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016355514526367188, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was the south asian association for regional co-operation (saarc) formed?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015997886657714844, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was the first hunger games book published?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016188621520996094, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who did bette midler portray in the rose?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001850128173828125, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is the lead singer of depeche mode?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001666545867919922, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where did the butchers in the slaughterhouse cases live?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016045570373535156, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who developed the concept of total quality management?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00021314620971679688, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who wrote cant get you out of my head lyrics?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016450881958007812, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where does no game no life anime end?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001659393310546875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did taylor swift's first album release?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001544952392578125, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what are the three fifty shades of grey books?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001723766326904297, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who has the power (judicial) to make decisions in courts of law?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015687942504882812, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what are the ranks in the us navy?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016164779663085938, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: i was a great islamic scholar and mathematician who died in 1131 ce?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001685619354248047, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is the coach for the ottawa senators?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001571178436279297, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: last episode of what happens to my family?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001628398895263672, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when is the last time the vikings were in the nfc championship?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0002090930938720703, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what are the colors of the netherlands flag?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001628398895263672, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where is lord's prayer found in bible?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015783309936523438, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was the last time oklahoma won a national championship in football?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001728534698486328, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: location of the ten commandments in the bible?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001652240753173828, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where did the allies go after north africa?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015807151794433594, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the meaning of veronica in english?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015735626220703125, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the name of the main artery which takes blood from the heart to the body?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001556873321533203, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who played solomon in little house on the prairie?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001633167266845703, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who does eric end up with in that 70s show?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001609325408935547, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: an object that moves around an external axis is said to be?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00023555755615234375, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: architectural elements forming rib vaults eg wells cathedral?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015783309936523438, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sang the song good morning good morning?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016307830810546875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who wrote papa got a brand new bag?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016260147094726562, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where does a roadrunner live in the desert?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016355514526367188, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who wrote it's a long long way to pasadena?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015997886657714844, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what's the dog's name on tom and jerry?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001647472381591797, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who are nominated for president of india 2017?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015425682067871094, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where does the path train stop in newark?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001819133758544922, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where does route 66 start on the west coast?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001609325408935547, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is the first wife on sister wives?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00021839141845703125, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did houston go to the american league?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016236305236816406, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did they stop cigarette advertising on television?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001685619354248047, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: coldplay song i will try to fix you?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016188621520996094, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: points on a sphere or angles in a circle are measured in units called?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001575946807861328, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: the oligodynamic effect is a phenomenon that describes?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016736984252929688, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where does the white witch live in narnia?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016260147094726562, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many games in a row have the uconn women's basketball team won?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015735626220703125, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: is there a name for the at symbol?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016617774963378906, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sings the theme song for the tv show cops?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016164779663085938, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was corporal punishment banned in south africa?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00021314620971679688, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays captain phasma in star wars the force awakens?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016069412231445312, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sings she's like the wind lyrics?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015878677368164062, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did marathon change its name to snickers?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015974044799804688, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who captained the first european ship to sail around the tip of africa?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0002455711364746094, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who ordered the forbidden city to be built?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016021728515625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sang let me tell you about the birds and the bees?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016260147094726562, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who has the power to approve or veto legislation constitution?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015878677368164062, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many seasons of the rugrats are there?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001647472381591797, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is the minister of local government in zimbabwe?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001614093780517578, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what was the initial effect of the transition from command to market economies in eastern europe?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00021338462829589844, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did toyota start making cars in the us?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00018334388732910156, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many pieces in a terry's chocolate orange?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.000164031982421875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays the saint of killers on preacher?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001621246337890625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did the royal proclamation of 1763 end?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016021728515625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is playing the halftime show at super bowl 2016?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001609325408935547, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: jonny cash one piece at a time car?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001728534698486328, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the minimum wage in france per hour?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001685619354248047, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: describe the three phases of the normal blood clotting process?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016570091247558594, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did amnesia the dark descent come out?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001590251922607422, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the oldest street in the philippines?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0002129077911376953, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where is the tibia and fibula bone located?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015687942504882812, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who played bat masterson in the tv series?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016880035400390625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sings sugar sugar you are my candy girl?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015878677368164062, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: types of skiing in the winter olympics 2018?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015926361083984375, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays noah newman on the young and the restless?\nA:" } ], "32": [ { "total_latency": 0.0001735687255859375, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was the last time anyone was on the moon?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001652240753173828, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who wrote he ain't heavy he's my brother lyrics?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00018715858459472656, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many seasons of the bastard executioner are there?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016832351684570312, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did the eagles win last super bowl?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0007050037384033203, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who won last year's ncaa women's basketball?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001633167266845703, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did the isle of wight become an island?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016498565673828125, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: love yourself by justin bieber is about who?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00018143653869628906, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who was the ruler of england in 1616?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001633167266845703, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the hot coffee mod in san andreas?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016617774963378906, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the maximum data rate for the 802.11a standard select one?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001652240753173828, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: which state is located in the centre of india?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016164779663085938, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sang i ran all the way home?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001544952392578125, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where did the last name wallace come from?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001614093780517578, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who was the actor that played ben stone on law and order?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0002110004425048828, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who does the voice of nala in the lion king?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00017786026000976562, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays gram on the young and the restless?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001647472381591797, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the oath that new citizens take?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015878677368164062, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is under the mask of darth vader?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001575946807861328, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who had a baby at 100 in the bible?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016117095947265625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what age do you need to be to buy a bb gun?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016260147094726562, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: ethiopia flight 961 crashes in to the sea?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001590251922607422, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where was percy jackson and the olympians filmed?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001609325408935547, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many seasons of vampire diaries r there?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0002009868621826172, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many episodes are there in dragon ball z?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00021195411682128906, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays auggie in the movie the wonder?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015878677368164062, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was the first australian prime minister elected?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001659393310546875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays matthew on anne with an e?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015926361083984375, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is the girl in green day 21 guns?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001671314239501953, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays joker in batman the dark knight?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016379356384277344, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was the south asian association for regional co-operation (saarc) formed?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016355514526367188, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was the first hunger games book published?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00018024444580078125, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who did bette midler portray in the rose?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001628398895263672, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is the lead singer of depeche mode?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001609325408935547, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where did the butchers in the slaughterhouse cases live?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00021386146545410156, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who developed the concept of total quality management?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001628398895263672, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who wrote cant get you out of my head lyrics?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016069412231445312, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where does no game no life anime end?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001671314239501953, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did taylor swift's first album release?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00017714500427246094, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what are the three fifty shades of grey books?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016307830810546875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who has the power (judicial) to make decisions in courts of law?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001614093780517578, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what are the ranks in the us navy?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.000156402587890625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: i was a great islamic scholar and mathematician who died in 1131 ce?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016808509826660156, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is the coach for the ottawa senators?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016736984252929688, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: last episode of what happens to my family?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00020313262939453125, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when is the last time the vikings were in the nfc championship?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016069412231445312, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what are the colors of the netherlands flag?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00017309188842773438, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where is lord's prayer found in bible?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016427040100097656, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was the last time oklahoma won a national championship in football?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016546249389648438, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: location of the ten commandments in the bible?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015974044799804688, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where did the allies go after north africa?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015974044799804688, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the meaning of veronica in english?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001595020294189453, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the name of the main artery which takes blood from the heart to the body?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016736984252929688, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who played solomon in little house on the prairie?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015783309936523438, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who does eric end up with in that 70s show?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00023293495178222656, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: an object that moves around an external axis is said to be?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016117095947265625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: architectural elements forming rib vaults eg wells cathedral?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015974044799804688, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sang the song good morning good morning?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016546249389648438, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who wrote papa got a brand new bag?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001583099365234375, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where does a roadrunner live in the desert?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015616416931152344, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who wrote it's a long long way to pasadena?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016164779663085938, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what's the dog's name on tom and jerry?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001556873321533203, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who are nominated for president of india 2017?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001811981201171875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where does the path train stop in newark?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00017333030700683594, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where does route 66 start on the west coast?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00020742416381835938, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is the first wife on sister wives?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001537799835205078, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did houston go to the american league?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015974044799804688, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did they stop cigarette advertising on television?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016427040100097656, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: coldplay song i will try to fix you?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016045570373535156, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: points on a sphere or angles in a circle are measured in units called?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001614093780517578, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: the oligodynamic effect is a phenomenon that describes?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001590251922607422, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where does the white witch live in narnia?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016307830810546875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many games in a row have the uconn women's basketball team won?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016045570373535156, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: is there a name for the at symbol?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015783309936523438, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sings the theme song for the tv show cops?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0002105236053466797, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was corporal punishment banned in south africa?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015854835510253906, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays captain phasma in star wars the force awakens?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016069412231445312, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sings she's like the wind lyrics?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015807151794433594, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did marathon change its name to snickers?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00018143653869628906, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who captained the first european ship to sail around the tip of africa?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001633167266845703, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who ordered the forbidden city to be built?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015878677368164062, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sang let me tell you about the birds and the bees?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001575946807861328, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who has the power to approve or veto legislation constitution?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001823902130126953, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many seasons of the rugrats are there?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001621246337890625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is the minister of local government in zimbabwe?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0002071857452392578, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what was the initial effect of the transition from command to market economies in eastern europe?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001773834228515625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did toyota start making cars in the us?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016546249389648438, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many pieces in a terry's chocolate orange?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001633167266845703, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays the saint of killers on preacher?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001552104949951172, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did the royal proclamation of 1763 end?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016880035400390625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is playing the halftime show at super bowl 2016?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001556873321533203, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: jonny cash one piece at a time car?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015854835510253906, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the minimum wage in france per hour?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001583099365234375, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: describe the three phases of the normal blood clotting process?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015997886657714844, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did amnesia the dark descent come out?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00020694732666015625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the oldest street in the philippines?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016164779663085938, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where is the tibia and fibula bone located?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016069412231445312, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who played bat masterson in the tv series?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001621246337890625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sings sugar sugar you are my candy girl?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001633167266845703, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: types of skiing in the winter olympics 2018?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001595020294189453, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays noah newman on the young and the restless?\nA:" } ], "64": [ { "total_latency": 0.00019693374633789062, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was the last time anyone was on the moon?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016164779663085938, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who wrote he ain't heavy he's my brother lyrics?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0002105236053466797, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many seasons of the bastard executioner are there?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016117095947265625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did the eagles win last super bowl?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015997886657714844, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who won last year's ncaa women's basketball?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016188621520996094, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did the isle of wight become an island?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015687942504882812, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: love yourself by justin bieber is about who?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001590251922607422, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who was the ruler of england in 1616?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015807151794433594, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the hot coffee mod in san andreas?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016570091247558594, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the maximum data rate for the 802.11a standard select one?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016355514526367188, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: which state is located in the centre of india?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001595020294189453, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sang i ran all the way home?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0002110004425048828, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where did the last name wallace come from?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015926361083984375, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who was the actor that played ben stone on law and order?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015807151794433594, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who does the voice of nala in the lion king?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016260147094726562, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays gram on the young and the restless?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001804828643798828, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the oath that new citizens take?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001659393310546875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is under the mask of darth vader?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016021728515625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who had a baby at 100 in the bible?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001575946807861328, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what age do you need to be to buy a bb gun?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015473365783691406, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: ethiopia flight 961 crashes in to the sea?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016117095947265625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where was percy jackson and the olympians filmed?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00069427490234375, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many seasons of vampire diaries r there?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016236305236816406, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many episodes are there in dragon ball z?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016307830810546875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays auggie in the movie the wonder?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.000156402587890625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was the first australian prime minister elected?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015807151794433594, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays matthew on anne with an e?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016260147094726562, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is the girl in green day 21 guns?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015687942504882812, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays joker in batman the dark knight?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001697540283203125, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was the south asian association for regional co-operation (saarc) formed?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00017261505126953125, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was the first hunger games book published?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001575946807861328, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who did bette midler portray in the rose?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.01590561866760254, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is the lead singer of depeche mode?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00031876564025878906, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where did the butchers in the slaughterhouse cases live?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016880035400390625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who developed the concept of total quality management?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001671314239501953, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who wrote cant get you out of my head lyrics?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001595020294189453, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where does no game no life anime end?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001609325408935547, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did taylor swift's first album release?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00026297569274902344, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what are the three fifty shades of grey books?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001621246337890625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who has the power (judicial) to make decisions in courts of law?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016045570373535156, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what are the ranks in the us navy?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016355514526367188, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: i was a great islamic scholar and mathematician who died in 1131 ce?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00021958351135253906, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is the coach for the ottawa senators?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016260147094726562, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: last episode of what happens to my family?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.000164031982421875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when is the last time the vikings were in the nfc championship?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00017571449279785156, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what are the colors of the netherlands flag?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015926361083984375, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where is lord's prayer found in bible?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015878677368164062, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was the last time oklahoma won a national championship in football?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001628398895263672, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: location of the ten commandments in the bible?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001621246337890625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where did the allies go after north africa?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00018167495727539062, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the meaning of veronica in english?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015807151794433594, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the name of the main artery which takes blood from the heart to the body?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.000213623046875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who played solomon in little house on the prairie?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016045570373535156, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who does eric end up with in that 70s show?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016617774963378906, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: an object that moves around an external axis is said to be?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016641616821289062, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: architectural elements forming rib vaults eg wells cathedral?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016045570373535156, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sang the song good morning good morning?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016760826110839844, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who wrote papa got a brand new bag?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015735626220703125, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where does a roadrunner live in the desert?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016641616821289062, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who wrote it's a long long way to pasadena?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00017786026000976562, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what's the dog's name on tom and jerry?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00017070770263671875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who are nominated for president of india 2017?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00021600723266601562, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where does the path train stop in newark?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015878677368164062, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where does route 66 start on the west coast?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015974044799804688, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is the first wife on sister wives?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016379356384277344, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did houston go to the american league?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001633167266845703, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did they stop cigarette advertising on television?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00019359588623046875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: coldplay song i will try to fix you?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016069412231445312, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: points on a sphere or angles in a circle are measured in units called?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001633167266845703, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: the oligodynamic effect is a phenomenon that describes?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016021728515625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where does the white witch live in narnia?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001621246337890625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many games in a row have the uconn women's basketball team won?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00021266937255859375, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: is there a name for the at symbol?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001678466796875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sings the theme song for the tv show cops?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00017380714416503906, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was corporal punishment banned in south africa?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015926361083984375, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays captain phasma in star wars the force awakens?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016021728515625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sings she's like the wind lyrics?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016307830810546875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did marathon change its name to snickers?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00017690658569335938, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who captained the first european ship to sail around the tip of africa?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016617774963378906, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who ordered the forbidden city to be built?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001628398895263672, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sang let me tell you about the birds and the bees?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016355514526367188, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who has the power to approve or veto legislation constitution?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00023031234741210938, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many seasons of the rugrats are there?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016760826110839844, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is the minister of local government in zimbabwe?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001575946807861328, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what was the initial effect of the transition from command to market economies in eastern europe?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016355514526367188, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did toyota start making cars in the us?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001609325408935547, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many pieces in a terry's chocolate orange?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015974044799804688, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays the saint of killers on preacher?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016498565673828125, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did the royal proclamation of 1763 end?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001614093780517578, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is playing the halftime show at super bowl 2016?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001766681671142578, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: jonny cash one piece at a time car?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001690387725830078, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the minimum wage in france per hour?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00020551681518554688, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: describe the three phases of the normal blood clotting process?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016570091247558594, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did amnesia the dark descent come out?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001678466796875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the oldest street in the philippines?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016951560974121094, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where is the tibia and fibula bone located?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00017023086547851562, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who played bat masterson in the tv series?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015926361083984375, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sings sugar sugar you are my candy girl?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001800060272216797, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: types of skiing in the winter olympics 2018?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016188621520996094, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays noah newman on the young and the restless?\nA:" } ], "128": [ { "total_latency": 0.00016999244689941406, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was the last time anyone was on the moon?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00020956993103027344, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who wrote he ain't heavy he's my brother lyrics?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016236305236816406, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many seasons of the bastard executioner are there?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001628398895263672, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did the eagles win last super bowl?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001862049102783203, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who won last year's ncaa women's basketball?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016236305236816406, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did the isle of wight become an island?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016069412231445312, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: love yourself by justin bieber is about who?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001595020294189453, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who was the ruler of england in 1616?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001556873321533203, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the hot coffee mod in san andreas?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001666545867919922, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the maximum data rate for the 802.11a standard select one?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016260147094726562, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: which state is located in the centre of india?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0002124309539794922, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sang i ran all the way home?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001842975616455078, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where did the last name wallace come from?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016260147094726562, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who was the actor that played ben stone on law and order?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016808509826660156, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who does the voice of nala in the lion king?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016117095947265625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays gram on the young and the restless?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016379356384277344, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the oath that new citizens take?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016188621520996094, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is under the mask of darth vader?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016236305236816406, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who had a baby at 100 in the bible?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016021728515625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what age do you need to be to buy a bb gun?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016546249389648438, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: ethiopia flight 961 crashes in to the sea?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00020742416381835938, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where was percy jackson and the olympians filmed?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016570091247558594, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many seasons of vampire diaries r there?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016450881958007812, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many episodes are there in dragon ball z?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001583099365234375, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays auggie in the movie the wonder?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016045570373535156, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was the first australian prime minister elected?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015664100646972656, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays matthew on anne with an e?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015425682067871094, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is the girl in green day 21 guns?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001914501190185547, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays joker in batman the dark knight?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016260147094726562, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was the south asian association for regional co-operation (saarc) formed?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015807151794433594, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was the first hunger games book published?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00021147727966308594, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who did bette midler portray in the rose?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001552104949951172, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is the lead singer of depeche mode?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016236305236816406, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where did the butchers in the slaughterhouse cases live?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00017189979553222656, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who developed the concept of total quality management?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001780986785888672, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who wrote cant get you out of my head lyrics?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016641616821289062, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where does no game no life anime end?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001647472381591797, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did taylor swift's first album release?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016379356384277344, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what are the three fifty shades of grey books?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016069412231445312, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who has the power (judicial) to make decisions in courts of law?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001583099365234375, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what are the ranks in the us navy?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00020503997802734375, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: i was a great islamic scholar and mathematician who died in 1131 ce?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001609325408935547, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is the coach for the ottawa senators?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015497207641601562, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: last episode of what happens to my family?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016498565673828125, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when is the last time the vikings were in the nfc championship?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016236305236816406, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what are the colors of the netherlands flag?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015878677368164062, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where is lord's prayer found in bible?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001685619354248047, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was the last time oklahoma won a national championship in football?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016188621520996094, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: location of the ten commandments in the bible?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015878677368164062, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where did the allies go after north africa?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001621246337890625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the meaning of veronica in english?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0007197856903076172, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the name of the main artery which takes blood from the heart to the body?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016760826110839844, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who played solomon in little house on the prairie?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001595020294189453, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who does eric end up with in that 70s show?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016808509826660156, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: an object that moves around an external axis is said to be?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001647472381591797, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: architectural elements forming rib vaults eg wells cathedral?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016427040100097656, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sang the song good morning good morning?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00018405914306640625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who wrote papa got a brand new bag?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001652240753173828, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where does a roadrunner live in the desert?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016498565673828125, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who wrote it's a long long way to pasadena?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001633167266845703, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what's the dog's name on tom and jerry?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00021338462829589844, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who are nominated for president of india 2017?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016641616821289062, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where does the path train stop in newark?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016164779663085938, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where does route 66 start on the west coast?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001819133758544922, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is the first wife on sister wives?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016307830810546875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did houston go to the american league?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001678466796875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did they stop cigarette advertising on television?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016164779663085938, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: coldplay song i will try to fix you?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016427040100097656, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: points on a sphere or angles in a circle are measured in units called?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001621246337890625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: the oligodynamic effect is a phenomenon that describes?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016164779663085938, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where does the white witch live in narnia?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00020647048950195312, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many games in a row have the uconn women's basketball team won?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00018715858459472656, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: is there a name for the at symbol?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00018644332885742188, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sings the theme song for the tv show cops?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016689300537109375, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was corporal punishment banned in south africa?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016379356384277344, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays captain phasma in star wars the force awakens?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001609325408935547, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sings she's like the wind lyrics?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016045570373535156, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did marathon change its name to snickers?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016236305236816406, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who captained the first european ship to sail around the tip of africa?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016236305236816406, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who ordered the forbidden city to be built?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016164779663085938, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sang let me tell you about the birds and the bees?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0002086162567138672, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who has the power to approve or veto legislation constitution?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016188621520996094, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many seasons of the rugrats are there?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016307830810546875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is the minister of local government in zimbabwe?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001671314239501953, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what was the initial effect of the transition from command to market economies in eastern europe?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016808509826660156, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did toyota start making cars in the us?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015974044799804688, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many pieces in a terry's chocolate orange?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001609325408935547, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays the saint of killers on preacher?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00018644332885742188, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did the royal proclamation of 1763 end?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001671314239501953, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is playing the halftime show at super bowl 2016?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016689300537109375, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: jonny cash one piece at a time car?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00021147727966308594, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the minimum wage in france per hour?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001697540283203125, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: describe the three phases of the normal blood clotting process?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016236305236816406, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did amnesia the dark descent come out?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015783309936523438, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the oldest street in the philippines?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00017333030700683594, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where is the tibia and fibula bone located?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001595020294189453, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who played bat masterson in the tv series?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001595020294189453, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sings sugar sugar you are my candy girl?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015401840209960938, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: types of skiing in the winter olympics 2018?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016188621520996094, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays noah newman on the young and the restless?\nA:" } ], "256": [ { "total_latency": 0.0001742839813232422, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was the last time anyone was on the moon?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016641616821289062, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who wrote he ain't heavy he's my brother lyrics?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001780986785888672, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many seasons of the bastard executioner are there?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001609325408935547, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did the eagles win last super bowl?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016236305236816406, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who won last year's ncaa women's basketball?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001575946807861328, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did the isle of wight become an island?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016427040100097656, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: love yourself by justin bieber is about who?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015783309936523438, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who was the ruler of england in 1616?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016427040100097656, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the hot coffee mod in san andreas?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.000213623046875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the maximum data rate for the 802.11a standard select one?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016117095947265625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: which state is located in the centre of india?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015854835510253906, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sang i ran all the way home?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016427040100097656, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where did the last name wallace come from?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001652240753173828, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who was the actor that played ben stone on law and order?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001633167266845703, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who does the voice of nala in the lion king?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001621246337890625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays gram on the young and the restless?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015783309936523438, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the oath that new citizens take?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.000156402587890625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is under the mask of darth vader?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001800060272216797, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who had a baby at 100 in the bible?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00020956993103027344, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what age do you need to be to buy a bb gun?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015807151794433594, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: ethiopia flight 961 crashes in to the sea?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001595020294189453, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where was percy jackson and the olympians filmed?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001709461212158203, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many seasons of vampire diaries r there?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001614093780517578, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many episodes are there in dragon ball z?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016117095947265625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays auggie in the movie the wonder?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001647472381591797, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was the first australian prime minister elected?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016021728515625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays matthew on anne with an e?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015997886657714844, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is the girl in green day 21 guns?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001690387725830078, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays joker in batman the dark knight?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0002608299255371094, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was the south asian association for regional co-operation (saarc) formed?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016880035400390625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was the first hunger games book published?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015878677368164062, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who did bette midler portray in the rose?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016808509826660156, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is the lead singer of depeche mode?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00017690658569335938, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where did the butchers in the slaughterhouse cases live?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00017070770263671875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who developed the concept of total quality management?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.000164031982421875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who wrote cant get you out of my head lyrics?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016021728515625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where does no game no life anime end?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00017023086547851562, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did taylor swift's first album release?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016069412231445312, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what are the three fifty shades of grey books?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00021028518676757812, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who has the power (judicial) to make decisions in courts of law?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001595020294189453, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what are the ranks in the us navy?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016927719116210938, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: i was a great islamic scholar and mathematician who died in 1131 ce?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016260147094726562, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is the coach for the ottawa senators?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001652240753173828, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: last episode of what happens to my family?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016617774963378906, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when is the last time the vikings were in the nfc championship?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015616416931152344, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what are the colors of the netherlands flag?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016689300537109375, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where is lord's prayer found in bible?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016498565673828125, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was the last time oklahoma won a national championship in football?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015592575073242188, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: location of the ten commandments in the bible?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0002269744873046875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where did the allies go after north africa?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016021728515625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the meaning of veronica in english?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001666545867919922, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the name of the main artery which takes blood from the heart to the body?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016641616821289062, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who played solomon in little house on the prairie?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016069412231445312, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who does eric end up with in that 70s show?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016617774963378906, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: an object that moves around an external axis is said to be?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001575946807861328, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: architectural elements forming rib vaults eg wells cathedral?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015687942504882812, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sang the song good morning good morning?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001811981201171875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who wrote papa got a brand new bag?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016188621520996094, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where does a roadrunner live in the desert?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00021314620971679688, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who wrote it's a long long way to pasadena?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001685619354248047, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what's the dog's name on tom and jerry?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001628398895263672, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who are nominated for president of india 2017?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016117095947265625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where does the path train stop in newark?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001659393310546875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where does route 66 start on the west coast?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00017642974853515625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is the first wife on sister wives?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001583099365234375, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did houston go to the american league?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016236305236816406, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did they stop cigarette advertising on television?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.000156402587890625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: coldplay song i will try to fix you?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00018262863159179688, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: points on a sphere or angles in a circle are measured in units called?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0006985664367675781, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: the oligodynamic effect is a phenomenon that describes?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00017833709716796875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where does the white witch live in narnia?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015997886657714844, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many games in a row have the uconn women's basketball team won?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015997886657714844, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: is there a name for the at symbol?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016689300537109375, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sings the theme song for the tv show cops?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.000164031982421875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when was corporal punishment banned in south africa?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001633167266845703, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays captain phasma in star wars the force awakens?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015974044799804688, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sings she's like the wind lyrics?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001556873321533203, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did marathon change its name to snickers?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001785755157470703, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who captained the first european ship to sail around the tip of africa?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00021028518676757812, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who ordered the forbidden city to be built?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016236305236816406, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sang let me tell you about the birds and the bees?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016570091247558594, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who has the power to approve or veto legislation constitution?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016045570373535156, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many seasons of the rugrats are there?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016498565673828125, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is the minister of local government in zimbabwe?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015306472778320312, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what was the initial effect of the transition from command to market economies in eastern europe?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016021728515625, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did toyota start making cars in the us?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00018143653869628906, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: how many pieces in a terry's chocolate orange?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016450881958007812, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays the saint of killers on preacher?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016546249389648438, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did the royal proclamation of 1763 end?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00020956993103027344, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who is playing the halftime show at super bowl 2016?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00015974044799804688, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: jonny cash one piece at a time car?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.000164031982421875, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the minimum wage in france per hour?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001583099365234375, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: describe the three phases of the normal blood clotting process?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001780986785888672, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: when did amnesia the dark descent come out?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016450881958007812, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: what is the oldest street in the philippines?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001628398895263672, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: where is the tibia and fibula bone located?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00016379356384277344, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who played bat masterson in the tv series?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001647472381591797, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who sings sugar sugar you are my candy girl?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.0001575946807861328, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: types of skiing in the winter olympics 2018?\nA:" }, { "total_latency": 0.00020432472229003906, "breakdown": {}, "query": "Answer these questions:\n\nQ: who plays noah newman on the young and the restless?\nA:" } ] }