import os |
import json |
import logging |
import pickle |
import time |
import glob |
from tqdm import tqdm |
import pdb |
from typing import List, Tuple, Any |
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod |
from omegaconf import ListConfig |
import subprocess |
import faiss |
import numpy as np |
import torch |
from transformers import GPTNeoXTokenizerFast |
try: |
from pyserini.search.lucene import LuceneSearcher |
except: |
logging.warning( |
"Failed to import pyserini! Please install it from https://github.com/castorini/pyserini/tree/master." |
) |
import contriever.src.contriever |
import contriever.src.utils |
import contriever.src.slurm |
from contriever.src.evaluation import calculate_matches |
import contriever.src.normalize_text |
from src.data import fast_load_jsonl_shard |
os.environ["TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM"] = "true" |
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" |
class BaseIndexer(ABC): |
def __init__(self): |
pass |
@abstractmethod |
def index_data(self): |
raise NotImplementedError() |
@abstractmethod |
def search_topk(self): |
raise NotImplementedError() |
@abstractmethod |
def save_index(self): |
raise NotImplementedError() |
@abstractmethod |
def load_index(self): |
raise NotImplementedError() |
class Indexer(object): |
def __init__(self, vector_sz, n_subquantizers=0, n_bits=8): |
if n_subquantizers > 0: |
self.index = faiss.IndexPQ( |
vector_sz, n_subquantizers, n_bits, faiss.METRIC_INNER_PRODUCT |
) |
else: |
self.index = faiss.IndexFlatIP(vector_sz) |
self.index_id_to_db_id = [] |
def index_data(self, ids, embeddings): |
self._update_id_mapping(ids) |
embeddings = embeddings.astype("float32") |
if not self.index.is_trained: |
self.index.train(embeddings) |
self.index.add(embeddings) |
print(f"Total data indexed {len(self.index_id_to_db_id)}") |
def search_knn( |
self, query_vectors: np.array, top_docs: int, index_batch_size: int = 2048 |
) -> List[Tuple[List[object], List[float]]]: |
query_vectors = query_vectors.astype("float32") |
result = [] |
nbatch = (len(query_vectors) - 1) // index_batch_size + 1 |
for k in tqdm(range(nbatch)): |
start_idx = k * index_batch_size |
end_idx = min((k + 1) * index_batch_size, len(query_vectors)) |
q = query_vectors[start_idx:end_idx] |
scores, indexes = self.index.search(q, top_docs) |
db_ids = [ |
[str(self.index_id_to_db_id[i]) for i in query_top_idxs] |
for query_top_idxs in indexes |
] |
result.extend([(db_ids[i], scores[i]) for i in range(len(db_ids))]) |
return result |
def serialize(self, dir_path): |
index_file = os.path.join(dir_path, "index.faiss") |
meta_file = os.path.join(dir_path, "index_meta.faiss") |
print(f"Serializing index to {index_file}, meta data to {meta_file}") |
faiss.write_index(self.index, index_file) |
with open(meta_file, mode="wb") as f: |
pickle.dump(self.index_id_to_db_id, f) |
def deserialize_from(self, dir_path): |
index_file = os.path.join(dir_path, "index.faiss") |
meta_file = os.path.join(dir_path, "index_meta.faiss") |
print(f"Loading index from {index_file}, meta data from {meta_file}") |
self.index = faiss.read_index(index_file) |
print( |
"Loaded index of type %s and size %d", type(self.index), self.index.ntotal |
) |
with open(meta_file, "rb") as reader: |
self.index_id_to_db_id = pickle.load(reader) |
assert len(self.index_id_to_db_id) == self.index.ntotal, ( |
"Deserialized index_id_to_db_id should match faiss index size" |
) |
def _update_id_mapping(self, db_ids: List): |
self.index_id_to_db_id.extend(db_ids) |
def load_embeds(embed_path, dstore_size, dimension, dtype): |
assert os.path.exists(embed_path), embed_path |
return np.memmap(embed_path, dtype=dtype, mode="r", shape=(dstore_size, dimension)) |
class IndexPQIVF(object): |
def __init__( |
self, |
embed_path, |
index_path, |
trained_index_path, |
prev_index_path, |
dstore_size, |
embeds=None, |
dimension=2048, |
dtype=np.float16, |
ncentroids=4096, |
code_size=64, |
probe=8, |
num_keys_to_add_at_a_time=1000000, |
index_type="ivfpq", |
): |
self.embed_path = embed_path |
self.index_path = index_path |
self.prev_index_path = prev_index_path |
self.trained_index_path = trained_index_path |
self.cuda = True |
self.dstore_size = dstore_size |
self.dimension = dimension |
self.ncentroids = ncentroids |
self.code_size = code_size |
self.probe = probe |
self.num_keys_to_add_at_a_time = num_keys_to_add_at_a_time |
self.index_type = index_type |
if embeds is not None: |
assert embeds.shape == (dstore_size, dimension) |
self.embs = embeds |
elif embed_path is not None and os.path.exists(embed_path): |
print( |
"Loading embeds (%d, %d) from %s" % (dstore_size, dimension, embed_path) |
) |
self.embs = load_embeds(embed_path, dstore_size, dimension, dtype) |
if os.path.exists(index_path): |
self.index = faiss.read_index(index_path) |
self.index.nprobe = self.probe |
else: |
start_time = time.time() |
if self.prev_index_path is not None: |
assert os.path.exists(self.trained_index_path), self.trained_index_path |
assert os.path.exists(self.prev_index_path), self.prev_index_path |
if not os.path.exists(self.trained_index_path): |
print("Sampling...") |
sample_size = 1000000 |
random_samples = np.random.choice( |
np.arange(dstore_size), |
size=[min(sample_size, dstore_size)], |
replace=False, |
) |
t0 = time.time() |
sampled_embs = self.get_embs(random_samples) |
print(time.time() - t0) |
print("Training index...") |
self._train_index(sampled_embs, self.trained_index_path) |
print("Finish training (%ds)" % (time.time() - start_time)) |
print("Building index...") |
self.index = self._add_keys( |
self.index_path, |
self.prev_index_path |
if self.prev_index_path is not None |
else self.trained_index_path, |
) |
def get_embs(self, indices): |
if type(self.embs) == list: |
embs = np.zeros( |
(indices.shape[0], indices.shape[1], self.dimension), |
dtype=self.embs[0].dtype, |
) |
for i, ref_embs in enumerate(self.embs): |
start = self.dstore_size * i |
end = self.dstore_size * (i + 1) |
ref_indices = np.minimum(np.maximum(indices, start), end - 1) |
embs += ( |
(indices >= start) |
* (indices < self.dstore_size * (i + 1)) |
* ref_embs[ref_indices] |
) |
else: |
embs = self.embs[indices] |
return embs.astype(np.float32) |
def search(self, query_embs, k=4096): |
all_scores, all_indices = self.index.search(query_embs.astype(np.float32), k) |
return all_scores, all_indices |
def get_knn_scores(self, query_emb, indices): |
embs = self.get_embs(indices) |
scores = -np.sqrt( |
np.sum((np.expand_dims(query_emb, 1) - embs) ** 2, -1) |
) |
return scores |
def _train_index(self, sampled_embs, trained_index_path): |
if self.index_type == "ivfpq": |
print("Building index with IVFPQ") |
quantizer = faiss.IndexFlatL2(self.dimension) |
start_index = faiss.IndexIVFPQ( |
quantizer, self.dimension, self.ncentroids, self.code_size, 8 |
) |
elif self.index_type == "pq": |
print("Building index with PQ") |
start_index = faiss.IndexPQ(self.dimension, self.code_size, 8) |
else: |
raise AttributeError |
start_index.nprobe = self.probe |
np.random.seed(1) |
if self.cuda: |
res = faiss.StandardGpuResources() |
co = faiss.GpuClonerOptions() |
co.useFloat16 = True |
gpu_index = faiss.index_cpu_to_gpu(res, 0, start_index, co) |
gpu_index.verbose = False |
gpu_index.train(sampled_embs) |
start_index = faiss.index_gpu_to_cpu(gpu_index) |
else: |
start_index.train(sampled_embs) |
faiss.write_index(start_index, trained_index_path) |
def _add_keys(self, index_path, trained_index_path): |
index = faiss.read_index(trained_index_path) |
start_time = time.time() |
start = 0 |
while start < self.dstore_size: |
end = min(self.dstore_size, start + self.num_keys_to_add_at_a_time) |
to_add = self.get_embs(range(start, end)).copy() |
index.add(to_add) |
start = end |
faiss.write_index(index, index_path) |
if start % 5000000 == 0: |
print( |
"Added %d tokens (%d min)" |
% (start, (time.time() - start_time) / 60) |
) |
print("Adding took {} s".format(time.time() - start_time)) |
return index |
def _get_size( |
self, |
): |
return self.index.ntotal |
def add_embeddings(index, embeddings, ids, indexing_batch_size, id_offset=0): |
end_idx = min(indexing_batch_size, embeddings.shape[0]) |
ids_toadd = ids[:end_idx] |
if id_offset: |
ids_toadd = [id + id_offset for id in ids_toadd] |
embeddings_toadd = embeddings[:end_idx] |
ids = ids[end_idx:] |
embeddings = embeddings[end_idx:] |
index.index_data(ids_toadd, embeddings_toadd) |
return embeddings, ids |
def get_index_dir_and_passage_paths(cfg, index_shard_ids=None): |
embedding_args = cfg.datastore.embedding |
index_args = cfg.datastore.index |
index_shard_ids = ( |
index_shard_ids |
if index_shard_ids is not None |
else index_args.get("index_shard_ids", None) |
) |
if index_shard_ids: |
index_shard_ids = [int(i) for i in index_shard_ids] |
embedding_paths = [ |
os.path.join( |
embedding_args.embedding_dir, |
embedding_args.prefix + f"_{shard_id:02d}.pkl", |
) |
for shard_id in index_shard_ids |
] |
index_dir_name = "_".join([str(shard_id) for shard_id in index_shard_ids]) |
index_dir = os.path.join( |
os.path.dirname(embedding_paths[0]), f"index/{index_dir_name}" |
) |
else: |
embedding_paths = glob.glob(index_args.passages_embeddings) |
embedding_paths = sorted( |
embedding_paths, |
key=lambda x: int( |
x.split("/")[-1].split(f"{embedding_args.prefix}_")[-1].split(".pkl")[0] |
), |
) |
embedding_paths = ( |
embedding_paths |
if index_args.num_subsampled_embedding_files == -1 |
else embedding_paths[0 : index_args.num_subsampled_embedding_files] |
) |
index_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(embedding_paths[0]), f"index") |
return index_dir, embedding_paths |
def index_encoded_data(index, embedding_paths, indexing_batch_size): |
allids = [] |
allembeddings = np.array([]) |
id_offset = 0 |
for i, file_path in enumerate(embedding_paths): |
print(f"Loading file {file_path}") |
with open(file_path, "rb") as fin: |
ids, embeddings = pickle.load(fin) |
assert min(ids) == 0, f"Passage ids start with {min(ids)}, not 0: {file_path}" |
ids = [id + id_offset for id in ids] |
id_offset = max(ids) + 1 |
allembeddings = ( |
np.vstack((allembeddings, embeddings)) if allembeddings.size else embeddings |
) |
allids.extend(ids) |
while allembeddings.shape[0] > indexing_batch_size: |
allembeddings, allids = add_embeddings( |
index, allembeddings, allids, indexing_batch_size |
) |
while allembeddings.shape[0] > 0: |
allembeddings, allids = add_embeddings( |
index, allembeddings, allids, indexing_batch_size |
) |
print("Data indexing completed.") |
def build_dense_index(cfg): |
index_args = cfg.datastore.index |
if isinstance(index_args.index_shard_ids[0], ListConfig): |
print( |
f"Multi-index mode: building {len(index_args.index_shard_ids)} index for {index_args.index_shard_ids} sequentially..." |
) |
index_shard_ids_list = index_args.index_shard_ids |
else: |
print( |
f"Single-index mode: building a single index over {index_args.index_shard_ids} shards..." |
) |
index_shard_ids_list = [index_args.index_shard_ids] |
for index_shard_ids in index_shard_ids_list: |
index = Indexer( |
index_args.projection_size, index_args.n_subquantizers, index_args.n_bits |
) |
index_dir, embedding_paths = get_index_dir_and_passage_paths( |
cfg, index_shard_ids |
) |
logging.info(f"Indexing for passages: {embedding_paths}") |
os.makedirs(index_dir, exist_ok=True) |
index_path = os.path.join(index_dir, f"index.faiss") |
if ( |
index_args.save_or_load_index |
and os.path.exists(index_path) |
and not index_args.overwrite |
): |
index.deserialize_from(index_dir) |
pass |
else: |
print(f"Indexing passages from files {embedding_paths}") |
start_time_indexing = time.time() |
index_encoded_data(index, embedding_paths, index_args.indexing_batch_size) |
print(f"Indexing time: {time.time() - start_time_indexing:.1f} s.") |
if index_args.save_or_load_index: |
index.serialize(index_dir) |
def get_index_passages_and_id_map(cfg, index_shard_ids=None): |
index_args = cfg.datastore.index |
index_shard_ids = ( |
index_shard_ids if index_shard_ids else index_args.get("index_shard_ids", None) |
) |
assert index_shard_ids is not None |
index_shard_ids = [int(i) for i in index_shard_ids] |
passages = [] |
passage_id_map = {} |
offset = 0 |
for shard_id in index_shard_ids: |
shard_passages = fast_load_jsonl_shard( |
cfg.datastore.embedding, shard_id, return_all_passages=True |
) |
shard_id_map = {str(x["id"] + offset): x for x in shard_passages} |
offset += len(shard_passages) |
passages.extend(shard_passages) |
passage_id_map = {**passage_id_map, **shard_id_map} |
return passages, passage_id_map |
class BM25Index(object): |
def __init__(self, index_dir, data_dir, stopwords): |
if not os.path.exists(index_dir): |
print("Start building index for %s at %s" % (data_dir, index_dir)) |
if stopwords: |
command = """python -m pyserini.index.lucene \ |
--collection JsonCollection \ |
--input '%s' \ |
--index '%s' \ |
--generator DefaultLuceneDocumentGenerator \ |
--storeRaw --threads 1 \ |
--stopwords '%s' """ % (data_dir, index_dir, stopwords) |
else: |
command = """python -m pyserini.index.lucene \ |
--collection JsonCollection \ |
--input '%s' \ |
--index '%s' \ |
--generator DefaultLuceneDocumentGenerator \ |
--storeRaw --threads 1""" % (data_dir, index_dir) |
ret_code = subprocess.run( |
[command], |
shell=True, |
) |
if ret_code.returncode != 0: |
print("Failed to build the index") |
exit() |
else: |
print("Successfully built the index") |
self.searcher = LuceneSearcher(index_dir) |
def search(self, query, k, continuation=False, shift=False, raw_only=True): |
hits = self.searcher.search(query, k=k) |
out = [] |
for hit in hits: |
docid = hit.docid |
if shift: |
docid = str(int(hit.docid) + 1) |
raw = self.searcher.doc(docid).raw() |
if raw_only: |
if continuation: |
next_item = self.searcher.doc(str(int(hit.docid) + 1)) |
if next_item is not None: |
next_raw = next_item.raw() |
raw += next_raw |
else: |
print("The last block retrieved, so skipping continuation...") |
out.append(raw) |
else: |
input_ids = json.loads(raw)["input_ids"] |
if continuation: |
next_item = self.searcher.doc(str(int(hit.docid) + 1)) |
if next_item is not None: |
next_raw = next_item.raw() |
input_ids += json.loads(next_raw)["input_ids"] |
raw += next_raw |
else: |
print("The last block retrieved, so skipping continuation...") |
out.append(input_ids) |
return out |
def get_bm25_index_dir(cfg, index_shard_ids_list): |
shards_postfix = "_".join([str(shard_id) for shard_id in index_shard_ids_list]) |
index_dir = os.path.join(cfg.datastore.embedding.passages_dir, "bm25") |
index_dir = os.path.join(index_dir, shards_postfix) |
return index_dir |
def build_bm25_index(cfg): |
index_args = cfg.datastore.index |
stopwords = cfg.datastore.index.get("stopwords", None) |
if isinstance(index_args.index_shard_ids[0], ListConfig): |
print( |
f"Multi-index mode: building a BM25 index over {len(index_args.index_shard_ids)} shards..." |
) |
index_shard_ids_list = [ |
i for index_shards in index_args.index_shard_ids for i in index_shards |
] |
else: |
print( |
f"Single-index mode: building a BM25 index over {index_args.index_shard_ids} shards..." |
) |
index_shard_ids_list = index_args.index_shard_ids |
bm25_base_path = get_bm25_index_dir(cfg, index_shard_ids_list) |
bm25_data_dir = os.path.join(bm25_base_path, "data") |
bm25_index_dir = os.path.join(bm25_base_path, "index") |
if not os.path.exists(bm25_index_dir): |
for index_shard_id in index_shard_ids_list: |
shard_passages, _ = get_index_passages_and_id_map(cfg, [index_shard_id]) |
os.makedirs(bm25_data_dir, exist_ok=True) |
bm25_data_path = os.path.join(bm25_data_dir, f"data_{index_shard_id}.jsonl") |
if not os.path.exists(bm25_data_path): |
try: |
with open(bm25_data_path, "w") as f: |
for passage in tqdm(shard_passages): |
f.write( |
json.dumps( |
{ |
"id": str(passage["id"]), |
"contents": passage["text"], |
} |
) |
+ "\n" |
) |
logging.info(f"Saved passages to {bm25_data_path}.") |
except Exception as e: |
logging.error(f"An error occurred: {e}") |
os.remove(bm25_data_path) |
logging.error( |
f"File '{bm25_data_path}' has been deleted due to an error." |
) |
else: |
logging.info(f"{bm25_data_path} exists, skipping..") |
logging.info(f"Loading/building bm25 search index from {bm25_index_dir}") |
searcher = BM25Index(bm25_index_dir, bm25_data_dir, stopwords) |
def build_index(cfg): |
if cfg.model.get("sparse_retriever", None): |
build_bm25_index(cfg) |
else: |
build_dense_index(cfg) |