import os |
import json |
import csv |
import pickle |
import gzip |
import logging |
import pdb |
import numpy as np |
import transformers |
from src.indicies.index_utils import convert_pkl_to_jsonl, get_passage_pos_ids |
def fast_load_jsonl_shard(args, shard_index, return_all_passages=True): |
""" |
This function is designed to handle large datasets by only loading the specific portion of data (shard) that |
corresponds to the given shard index. |
Shards are determined by dividing the total size of all files in the directory evenly by `num_shards`. |
This function reads only the data portion of the `shard_index` shard, chunks the text from each line |
based on `chunk_sz`, and appends each chunk to a list with an incremental ID. |
""" |
raw_data_path = args.raw_data_path |
raw_data_key = args.get("raw_data_key", "text") |
num_shards = args.num_shards |
chunk_sz = args.chunk_size |
min_chunk_sz = args.get("min_chunk_sz", 0) |
keep_last = args.get("keep_last_chunk", True) |
chunking_strategy = args.get("chunking_strategy", "fixed_size") |
keep_raw_metadata = args.get("keep_raw_metadata", True) |
use_passage_pos_id_map = args.get("use_passage_pos_id_map", False) |
if not return_all_passages: |
assert use_passage_pos_id_map, ( |
f"You must set `use_passage_pos_id_map=True` to enable efficient passage loading!" |
) |
if use_passage_pos_id_map: |
passage_shard_save_path = os.path.join( |
args.passages_dir, f"raw_passages-{shard_index}-of-{num_shards}.jsonl" |
) |
pos_map_save_path = os.path.join(args.passages_dir, "passage_pos_id_map.pkl") |
if not return_all_passages: |
if os.path.exists(pos_map_save_path): |
with open(pos_map_save_path, "rb") as f: |
passage_pos_ids = pickle.load(f) |
return passage_pos_ids |
else: |
all_data_exist = True |
for _shard_index in range(num_shards): |
passage_shard_save_path_to_check = os.path.join( |
args.passages_dir, |
f"raw_passages-{_shard_index}-of-{num_shards}.jsonl", |
) |
if not os.path.exists(passage_shard_save_path_to_check): |
all_data_exist = False |
if all_data_exist: |
passage_pos_ids = get_passage_pos_ids( |
args.passages_dir, pos_map_save_path |
) |
return passage_pos_ids |
elif os.path.exists(passage_shard_save_path): |
passages = [] |
with open(passage_shard_save_path, "r") as fin: |
for line in fin: |
passages.append(json.loads(line)) |
return passages |
else: |
passage_shard_save_path = os.path.join( |
args.passages_dir, f"raw_passages-{shard_index}-of-{num_shards}.pkl" |
) |
if os.path.exists(passage_shard_save_path): |
logging.info(f"Loading from {passage_shard_save_path}...") |
with open(passage_shard_save_path, "rb") as file: |
passages = pickle.load(file) |
return passages |
if not os.path.exists(raw_data_path): |
logging.info(f"{raw_data_path} does not exist") |
return |
if os.path.isdir(raw_data_path): |
all_file_paths = [ |
os.path.join(raw_data_path, file) for file in os.listdir(raw_data_path) |
] |
else: |
all_file_paths = [raw_data_path] |
file_sizes = [] |
for file in all_file_paths: |
if os.path.isdir(raw_data_path): |
file_path = os.path.join(raw_data_path, file) |
else: |
file_path = file |
file_sizes.append(os.path.getsize(file_path)) |
total_size = sum(file_sizes) |
shard_size = total_size / num_shards |
shard_start = shard_size * shard_index |
shard_end = shard_start + shard_size if shard_index < shard_size - 1 else total_size |
current_pos = 0 |
shard_files = [] |
for file_path, file_size in zip(all_file_paths, file_sizes): |
next_pos = current_pos + file_size |
if next_pos > shard_start and current_pos < shard_end: |
start_in_file = max(shard_start - current_pos, 0) |
end_in_file = min(shard_end - current_pos, file_size) |
shard_files.append((file_path, start_in_file, end_in_file)) |
current_pos = next_pos |
passages = [] |
idx = 0 |
for file_path, start_in_file, end_in_file in shard_files: |
with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file: |
file.seek(int(start_in_file)) |
if start_in_file != 0: |
file.readline() |
while file.tell() < end_in_file: |
line = file.readline().strip() |
if line: |
ex = json.loads(line) |
chunks = split_data_into_chunks( |
ex[raw_data_key].strip(), |
chunk_sz, |
min_chunk_sz, |
keep_last, |
chunking_strategy, |
) |
for chunk in chunks: |
if keep_raw_metadata: |
passage = dict(ex) |
passage.update( |
{ |
"text": chunk, |
"id": idx, |
"shard_id": shard_index, |
"num_shards": num_shards, |
} |
) |
passages.append(passage) |
else: |
passages.append( |
{ |
"text": chunk, |
"id": idx, |
"shard_id": shard_index, |
"num_shards": num_shards, |
} |
) |
idx += 1 |
idx += 1 |
else: |
break |
if args.get("passages_dir", None): |
os.makedirs(args.passages_dir, exist_ok=True) |
if use_passage_pos_id_map: |
with open(passage_shard_save_path, "w") as file: |
for passage in passages: |
file.write(json.dumps(passage) + "\n") |
all_data_exist = True |
for _shard_index in range(num_shards): |
passage_shard_save_path_to_check = os.path.join( |
args.passages_dir, |
f"raw_passages-{_shard_index}-of-{num_shards}.jsonl", |
) |
if not os.path.exists(passage_shard_save_path_to_check): |
all_data_exist = False |
if all_data_exist: |
passage_pos_ids = get_passage_pos_ids( |
args.passages_dir, pos_map_save_path |
) |
else: |
with open(passage_shard_save_path, "wb") as file: |
pickle.dump(passages, file) |
if return_all_passages: |
return passages |
else: |
return passage_pos_ids |
def load_passages( |
path, chunk_sz=None, min_chunk_sz=0, keep_last=True, num_load_files=None |
): |
if not os.path.exists(path): |
logging.info(f"{path} does not exist") |
return |
passages = [] |
idx = 0 |
if not os.path.isdir(path): |
paths = [path] |
else: |
paths = [os.path.join(path, file) for file in os.listdir(path)] |
try: |
paths = sorted( |
paths, key=lambda x: int(x.split("-")[-1].split(".jsonl")[0]) |
) |
except: |
print("No sorting on the raw data paths.") |
if num_load_files: |
paths = paths[0:num_load_files] |
print(paths) |
for path in paths: |
logging.info(f"Loading passages from: {path}") |
with open(path) as fin: |
if path.endswith(".jsonl"): |
for k, line in enumerate(fin): |
ex = json.loads(line) |
chunks = split_data_into_chunks( |
ex["text"].strip(), chunk_sz, keep_last |
) |
for chunk in chunks: |
passages.append( |
{ |
"text": chunk, |
"id": idx, |
} |
) |
idx += 1 |
elif path.endswith(".csv"): |
reader = csv.reader(fin, delimiter="\t") |
for k, row in enumerate(reader): |
if not row[0] == "id": |
ex = {"id": row[0], "title": row[2], "text": row[1]} |
passages.append(ex) |
elif path.endswith(".parquet"): |
import pandas as pd |
df = pd.read_parquet(path, engine="fastparquet") |
if "wikitext" in path: |
idx = 0 |
for ex_text in df.text: |
if ( |
ex_text |
): |
chunks = split_data_into_chunks( |
ex_text, chunk_sz, keep_last |
) |
for chunk in chunks: |
passages.append( |
{ |
"text": chunk, |
"id": idx, |
} |
) |
idx += 1 |
elif path.endswith(".json.gz"): |
with gzip.open(path, "rb") as gz_file: |
file_content = gz_file.read() |
decoded_content = file_content.decode("utf-8") |
json_strings = decoded_content.split("\n") |
json_strings = [js for js in json_strings if js] |
data = [ |
json.loads(js) for js in json_strings |
] |
for ex in data: |
chunks = split_data_into_chunks( |
data["text"], chunk_sz, min_chunk_sz, keep_last |
) |
for chunk in chunks: |
passages.append( |
{ |
"text": chunk, |
"id": idx, |
} |
) |
idx += 1 |
return passages |
def split_data_into_chunks( |
text, chunk_sz, min_chunk_sz, keep_last, chunking_strategy="fixed_size" |
): |
if chunk_sz is None: |
return [text] |
if chunking_strategy == "fixed_size": |
text = text.split() |
N = len(text) if keep_last else len(text) - len(text) % chunk_sz |
chunks = [" ".join(text[i : i + chunk_sz]) for i in range(0, N, chunk_sz)] |
if len(chunks) > 1 and len(chunks[-1].split(" ")) < min_chunk_sz: |
last_chunk = chunks.pop() |
chunks[-1] += " " + last_chunk |
elif chunking_strategy == "semantic": |
from semantic_text_splitter import TextSplitter |
splitter = TextSplitter.from_tiktoken_model("gpt-3.5-turbo", chunk_sz) |
chunks = splitter.chunks(text) |
return chunks |
def load_eval_data(cfg): |
path = cfg.evaluation.data.eval_data |
task_name = cfg.tasks.eval.task_name |
tokenizer = transformers.AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(cfg.model.lm_model) |
if path.endswith(".jsonl"): |
data = load_jsonl(path) |
elif path.endswith(".parquet"): |
data = load_parquet(path) |
if task_name == "perplexity": |
eval_data_args = cfg.evaluation.data |
data = prepare_ppl_eval_data( |
data, |
tokenizer, |
eval_data_args.max_eval_data_seq_length, |
eval_data_args.eval_stride, |
eval_data_args.merge, |
eval_data_args.num_eval_samples, |
eval_data_args.seed, |
) |
elif task_name == "lm-eval": |
data = prepare_lm_eval_data(data) |
elif task_name == "mmlu": |
data = prepare_mmlu_eval_data(data) |
else: |
raise AttributeError |
return data |
def prepare_lm_eval_data(data): |
""" |
Use the question as the query. (0-shot) |
""" |
new_data = [] |
for ex in data: |
ex.update({"raw_query": ex["query"]}) |
new_data.append(ex) |
return new_data |
def prepare_mmlu_eval_data(data): |
""" |
Use the question as the query. (0-shot) |
""" |
new_data = [] |
for ex in data: |
ex.update({"raw_query": ex["prompt_end"]}) |
new_data.append(ex) |
return new_data |
def prepare_ppl_eval_data( |
data, tokenizer, max_seq_length, stride, merge, num_eval_samples=None, seed=310 |
): |
if tokenizer is None: |
logging.info( |
f"Constructing evaluation samples from {len(data)} raw documents for close-book evaluation..." |
) |
return [{"raw_inputs": ex["text"]} for ex in data] |
input_ids = [tokenizer(ex["text"])["input_ids"] for ex in data] |
pad_token_id = ( |
tokenizer.pad_token_id |
if tokenizer.eos_token_id is None |
else tokenizer.eos_token_id |
) |
if merge: |
flatten_input_ids = np.array([_id for ids in input_ids for _id in ids]) |
all_input_ids, all_targets = batch_merged( |
flatten_input_ids, |
max_seq_length=max_seq_length, |
stride=stride, |
pad_token_id=pad_token_id, |
) |
else: |
all_input_ids, all_targets = batch( |
input_ids, |
max_seq_length=max_seq_length, |
stride=stride, |
pad_token_id=pad_token_id, |
) |
if num_eval_samples: |
np.random.seed(seed) |
indices = np.random.permutation(len(all_input_ids))[:num_eval_samples] |
all_input_ids, all_targets = all_input_ids[indices], all_targets[indices] |
new_data = [] |
logging.info( |
f"Constructing evaluation samples from {len(all_input_ids)} raw documents..." |
) |
for input_ids, targets in zip(all_input_ids, all_targets): |
input_ids, targets = input_ids.tolist(), targets.tolist() |
query_ids = [ |
int(_id) for _id, t in zip(input_ids, targets) if t == pad_token_id |
] |
new_data.append( |
{ |
"raw_inputs": tokenizer.decode( |
input_ids, skip_special_tokens=True |
), |
"raw_query": tokenizer.decode(query_ids, skip_special_tokens=True), |
} |
) |
logging.info(f"Finished construction with {len(new_data)} evaluation samples.") |
return new_data |
def load_jsonl(data_path): |
assert os.path.exists(data_path) |
data = [] |
with open(data_path, "r") as file: |
for line in file: |
ex = json.loads(line) |
data.append(ex) |
return data |
def load_parquet(data_path): |
import pandas as pd |
df = pd.read_parquet(data_path, engine="fastparquet") |
data = [] |
for ex_text in df.text: |
if ex_text: |
data.append({"text": ex_text}) |
return data |
def batch_merged( |
flatten_input_ids, max_seq_length, stride, pad_token_id, flatten_masks=None |
): |
all_input_ids = [] |
all_targets = [] |
prev_end_loc = 0 |
for begin_loc in range(0, len(flatten_input_ids) - 1, stride): |
end_loc = min(begin_loc + max_seq_length, len(flatten_input_ids) - 1) |
trg_len = end_loc - prev_end_loc |
input_ids = flatten_input_ids[begin_loc:end_loc].copy() |
target_ids = flatten_input_ids[begin_loc + 1 : end_loc + 1].copy() |
if flatten_masks is not None: |
for i, m in enumerate(flatten_masks[begin_loc + 1 : end_loc + 1]): |
if not m: |
target_ids[i] = pad_token_id |
target_ids[:-trg_len] = pad_token_id |
assert input_ids.shape == target_ids.shape |
if ( |
end_loc == len(flatten_input_ids) - 1 |
and len(input_ids) == len(target_ids) < max_seq_length |
): |
pads = np.array( |
[pad_token_id for _ in range(max_seq_length - len(input_ids))] |
) |
input_ids = np.concatenate([input_ids, pads]) |
target_ids = np.concatenate([target_ids, pads]) |
assert len(input_ids) == len(target_ids) == max_seq_length, ( |
begin_loc, |
end_loc, |
len(flatten_input_ids), |
) |
all_input_ids.append(input_ids) |
all_targets.append(target_ids) |
prev_end_loc = end_loc |
if end_loc == len(flatten_input_ids) - 1: |
break |
assert np.all([len(input_ids) == max_seq_length for input_ids in all_input_ids]) |
assert np.all([len(input_ids) == max_seq_length for input_ids in all_targets]) |
return np.stack(all_input_ids), np.stack(all_targets) |
def batch(input_ids, max_seq_length, stride, pad_token_id): |
all_input_ids, all_targets = [], [] |
for _input_ids in input_ids: |
_all_input_ids, _all_targets = batch_merged( |
np.array(_input_ids), max_seq_length, stride, pad_token_id |
) |
all_input_ids.append(_all_input_ids) |
all_targets.append(_all_targets) |
return np.concatenate(all_input_ids, 0), np.concatenate(all_targets, 0) |