#NLPC En-Ta Glossary prepared by University of Moratuwa #Line Count : 22477 #Version-1.0.3 abduction aberration abetment ability ability grouping ability range ability test abnormal abnormal behaviour abnormal psychology abnormality abolition aborigines abortion abreaction abridge (v) abridged notation abrogation abrupt (a) absconder absence absent absent minded absentee absolute (a) absolute number absolute value absolute zero absolutism absorbent mind abstract abstract intelligence abstract number abstract (a) abstract concept abstract conceptual stage abstract idea abstract thinking abstraction abstraction experiment absurd (a) absurdities test absurdity abundance abuse abused child academic (a) academic issue academic ability academic achievement academic advisor academic aptitude academic bias academic course academic curriculum academic discipline academic dishonesty academic disorder academic education academic freedom academic institution academic learning time academic planning meeting academic publishing academic question academic school academic skill academic staff academic year academy academy of science accent acceptability acceptance accepted norms accepted principle access accessibility accessible population accessory accidental error accolades accommodation accomplish accomplishment quotient accordance account accountability accreditation accredited accredited course accrue (v) acculturation accumulation accuracy accurate accurate measurement accusation accustom achieved social status achievement achievement age achievement category achievement group achievement level achievement measurement achievement motivation achievement need achievement quotient achievement ratio achievement test achievement test criterion achievement test norm achromatic sensation achromatopsia acknowledgement acoustics acquaintance acquiesce acquire acquired ability acquired behaviour acquired drive acquired knowledge acquisition acquisitive behaviour acquisitive instinct acquisitiveness acrophobia act action action research activate activation syndrome active active learning active listener active listening active methods active participation active partner active service active therapy active variable activity activity analysis activity change activity chart activity drive activity method activity pedagogy activity rating activity record sheet activity sampling activity theory activity therapy acuity ad hoc (a) adapt adaptability adaptation adaption adaptive (a) adaptive behaviour adaptive learning adaptive strategy addict additional support needs adept adequacy adequate resources adequate stimulus adjudication adjunct faculty adjustment adjustment cycle adjustment disorder adjustment of error adjutant administration administrative structure administrator admiration admissible admission admission test adolescence adolescence age adolescent adolescent education adolescent growth spurt adopted child adoption adult adult education adultism advanced course advanced level advanced placement program advanced planning advanced standing advancement advantage advantageous advent adventure adventure playgrounds adverse effect adversity advertisement advisor advisory council advocacy group aesthete aesthetic aesthetic education aesthetic feeling aesthetics affect affectation affection affective behaviour affective college affective disorder affective domain affective education affective educational goals affective instruments affective objectives affectivity affidavit affiliated affiliated college affiliated university affinity affirmation aforesaid after image after image memory after sensation age age based norm age group age limit age norm age wise agenda aggregate aggressive aggressive behaviour agitated melancholia agitation agitolalia agnosia agnostic agnosticism agony agoraphobia agrammatism agraphia agree-disagree matrix agreement agreement circle agriculture agronomy aid aided school aim aiming test aims and objectives akin albinism albino alcohol dependence alcoholic alcoholism alert algebra algorithm alien (a) alien race alienation all round all round education all-or-none response allegation allegiance allegory allergy alleviate alliance alliteration allocated time allocation allocative action allopsychosis allowance alpha coefficient alpha test alphabet alphabetical order alphabetical principle alter personality alteration alternate alternate recitation alternative alternative assessment alternative distribution alternative education alternative explanations alternative hypothesis alternative school altitude altruism amazement ambidexterity ambiguity ambiguous (a) ambiguous figures ambiguous question ambition ambivalence ambiversion ambivert ambulation amelioration amendments amentia amnesia amoral amortisation amplitude anabolism anachronism anaemia anaesthesia anaesthetic anaglyph anal eroticism analogical analogous analogy analycentric perspective analyser analysis analysis approach analytic analytical approach analytical explanation analytical intelligence analytical method analytical thinking anatomy ancestor ancestry ancient (a) ancillary crafts ancillary services androgynous anecdotal anecdotal evidence anecdotal record anecdotal research anesthesia anesthetic anger Anglo-native Anglo-vernacular Anglo-vernacular education animal psychology animate (a) animation animatism animator animism animosity annals annex annihilation annotation annoyance annual (a) annual goal annual report anomaly anomie anonymity antagonism antecedent antenna anthropoid anthropological case study anthropologist anthropology anthropomorphism anti intellectual anti-bias curriculum anti-social (a) anti-social behaviour anticipation anticipation guide anticipatory (a) anticipatory reaction anticlerical antipathy antique (a) antiquity antithesis antonym anxiety anxiety disorders anxiety reaction Apartheid apathy apex aphasia apoplexy apparatus apparent (a) appeal appearance appearance and reality appendix apperceive apperception apperceptive mass appetite application application cards applied applied behaviour analysis applied economics applied imagination applied mathematics applied psychology applied research applied science apply appraisal appraiser appreciation apprehend (v) apprehensible apprehension apprehension ethnography apprehension inter-disciplinary apprentice apprenticeship approach approach authoritative approach democratic approbation appropriate (a) approval approved home approximate approximation apraxia apt aptitude aptitude test aptitude-treatment interaction arbitrary (a) Archaean era archaeology archaic (a) archetype architectural engineering ardent area area training organization argument aristocracy Aristotle's illusion arithmetic arithmetic mean arithmomania arousal arrest art art therapy art training centre articulation artificial artillery of academy artisan artistic artistic ability artistic personality ascendance ascendance-submission test ascending order ascetic asceticism ascribed social status aspect aspiration assemble assertion assess assessment assets assignment assimilation assimilative illusion assistance assistant professor assistantship assisted assisted learning assisted school assistive technology associate associate degree associate professor association association of ideas association test associationism associative assonance assumption assumption smashing assumptional analysis astigmatism astraphobia astronomy asylum atavism atheism atheist athletics atmosphere atomistic attachment attainment attainment test attendance attendance grant attendance officer attendance register attention attention span attenuate attenuation attitude attitude process attitudinal attraction attribute attribution of relation attribution theory atypical audibility limits audibility limits and range audibility range audible audience audio (a) audio aids audio conference audio graphic audio tape audio visual audio visual aids audiogram audiologist audiology audiometer auditor auditorium auditory (a) auditory discrimination auditory hallucination auditory memory span auditory perception aural authentic authentic assessment authentic instruction authentication authenticity author index authoring tool authoritarianism authority authority delegated autism autistic thinking auto competition auto psychosis auto suggestion auto-eroticism autobiographies autocracy autocrat autodidacticism automatic (a) automaticity automation automatograph autonomic (a) autonomous learner autonomous morality autonomy autopsychosis auxiliary avatar average average deviation aversion aversive stimulus avoidance avoidance behaviour avoidance strategy award award letter awareness awe axillary axiomatic method babbling babbling stage baby mind babyhood background background investigation backlog backward (a) backward child backward plan backward pupil backwardness baffling bailable offence balance balance of mind balanced personality ball and field test band bandwidth Baptist mission Baptist missionary society barbarian barriers of communication basal base baseline bashfulness basic (a) basic courses basic education basic language basic needs basic psychological need basic research basic school basic skill basis battery of test beatitude beauty behaviour behaviour characteristics behaviour checklist behaviour content matrix behaviour disorder behaviour learning theory behaviour management behaviour modification behaviour modification behaviour pattern behaviour problem behaviour science behaviour therapy behaviour trend behavioural disturbance behavioural action verb behavioural analysis behavioural change behavioural domain behavioural objective behavioural science behavioural theory behavioural validity behaviourism behaviourist model behaviourist school belief bell shaped curve bench mark benefactor beneficial beneficiary benefit-cost ratio benefits benevolence benevolent bereavement best practice bewilderment bi-partite bi-partite system bi-polar bias biased measurement biased sample bibliography bid bifurcation bilateral (a) bilineal (a) bilingual (a) bilingual education bilingual school bilingualism bill bilocal extended family binary binary system binding Binet-Simon scale binocular bio-data bio-engineering biofeedback biography biological development biological science biotechnology bisexuality black magic blackmail blame blended learning blind spot blog blogger blood group Bloom's taxonomy blue print blunder blunt blush board board of directors board of education boarding school body image body language body-mind bond bonus book box book club book learning book mark book on tape book report booklet borderline boredom borrower botany boundary boycott boyhood brahmanic education brain brain based learning brain based teaching brain damage brain drain brain storming brain storming method brain washing branching programming breach breach of peace brevity bribe bridge programme brief note brief psychotherapy bright child brightness brilliant british dominions brochure broken family broken home brotherhood Buddhist theosophical society budget budget preparation bulimia nervosa bulletin bulletin board bully burden bureau bureaucracy bursary business business plan business study buzz session by-product cadre calculation caliber calligraphy callous calm calorie camouflage camp cancellation candidate canny capable (a) capacity capacity planning capital capital investment capital punishment capitalism capitation grant card sorting cardinal point cardiograph care career career academy career awareness career conference career development career exploration career guidance career orientation carefree (a) careless (a) carelessness cartoon case case history case method case study case survey method castration castration complex casual (a) casual forecasting method casual labour casual relationship catatonia categorical (a) categorisation category catharsis cathartic causal explanation causal hypothesis causal model causality cause cause and effect caution celebrity celibacy cell censor censor board censorship censure census census report central central advisory board central advisory council central authority central bureau of education central limit theorem central school commission central schools central tendency central tendency error centralism centralization centre centre for advanced study centrifugal centripetal century cerebral ceremonial ceremony certainty certificate certify (v) chain chain net work chairperson chalk chalk and talk method chalk board challenge challenge cup challenge examination champion championship chance chancellor change change by evolution channels of communication chaplain character character analysis character building character disorder(character neurosis) character education character trait characteristic characterization charge charge sheet charity charity school charm chart charter chastise chastity chat chatter cheat check check list cheer cheerful cheerfulness cheerless chemical chemical engineering chemistry chi-square method chief education officer chief executive officer chief state school officer child child benefit theory child birth guidance child care child centered curriculum child centered education child centered teaching child centered theory child development child growth child guidance child hood child mind child psychology child socialization child study child training child welfare childish (a) choice choice reaction choice theory Christian denomination Christian missionary society Christian socialism chromatic chromatic sensation chromosome chronic chronological (a) chronological age chunk churlish cinema cinematography circle test circuit circular circumference circumstance citation citizen citizenship city council civic education civil engineering civilization clarification clarity class class adjustment class conflict class consciousness class division class formation class interval class management class observation class publication class rank class ratio class record class struggle class work classical (a) classical conditioning classical education classical languages classical learning classical music classicism classification classifications and categories of knowledge classroom atmosphere classroom behaviour classroom control classroom discipline classroom environment classroom interaction classroom management classroom observation schedules classroom organization classroom routine classroom rules clergy clergyman clerical occupation client centered client centered therapy clients climate climax clinic clique closed form question closed society closed system closure club clue cluster sample cluster school cluster system co-curricular activities co-curriculum co-education co-learner co-operation co-operative co-operative learning co-ordinate co-variant coach coaching coalition code code of conduct code of ethics codification coding coefficient coefficient of stability coefficient of correlation coefficient of equivalence coefficient of internal consistency coefficient of validity coefficient of variability coercion coexistence cognition cognitive cognitive culture cognitive development cognitive disposition cognitive domain cognitive law cognitive map cognitive objectives cognitive process cognitive questions cognitive relativism cognitive skills cognitive strategies cognitive structure cognizance cogno-complex formation cohabitation coherence cohesion coincidence collaborative (a) collaborative learning collaborative problem solving collapse collation colleague collecting instinct collection collective collective action collective behaviour collective conscience collective feeling collective imagination collective mind collective opinion collective psychology collective representation collective responsibility collective social psychology collective teaching collectivism college college athletics college of education college of advanced technology college of agriculture college preparatory course collegial (a) Colombo academy female seminary colonial administration colonial authority colonial countries colonial domination colonial power colonial tradition colonist colonization colony color bar colossal colour colour blindness colour circle colour coding colour combination colour mixing colour triangle column coma combination comedy comic book command commemorate commemoration commentary commerce commercial commercial education commercial geography commercial treaty commercialization commission commissioner commitment committee common behaviour common curriculum common factor common law common sense common wealth communalism communication communication by the eye communication of ideas communication process communication revolution communism community community centre community development community resource community study community work companionate marriage company comparable (a) comparative arguments comparative education comparative psychology compare comparing performance comparison comparison group compassion compel compensation compete competence competence level competency competent (a) competition competitive advantages competitive examination competitive strategies competitor compilation compiler complacency complainant complement complementary (a) complementary colours complete (v) complete cycle approach complete learning method complete secondary school completed work chart completion completion test complex complex of data complexion complication compliment component components of instructions compose composite composite family composite lesson plan composite question composition composure compound compound group comprehension comprehension test comprehensive schools compromise compulsion compulsory (a) compulsory education compulsory school age compulsory subject compulsory vernacular computation computer computer revolution computer-aided education computer-assisted instruction computer-managed learning computerized systems conative concealment conceit concentration concentration of the mind concentric concept concept development concept mapping concept verification conception conceptual (a) conceptual definition conceptual framework conceptual knowledge conceptual literature conceptual scheme conceptual skills conceptualizing concession conciliation conclusion concomitant concomitant learning concord concrete concrete image concurrent concurrent validity condensation condition conditioned learning conditioned response conditioning diagram conduction confederation conference confession confidence confidential (a) confidential report configuration conflict conflict management skill conflicting rule confluence conform (v) conformity confusion congenital congestion congregation congress congruence connection connivance connotation conscience conscious conscious activity conscious illusion theory conscious mind consciousness consensus consent consequence consequences of new policies conservation conservation of quantity conservatism conservative (a) consistency consolidation consonant constancy constant (a) constant error constant time networks constellation constitution constrain (v) construct validity construction construction of objectives constructive application constructive criticism constructive epistemology constructive propensity constructivism consultant consumer consumer choice consumption contemplation contemporary (a) contempt content content analysis content validity contentment context contiguity continental countries contingency approach contingency planning contingency table continual continuing education continuity continuous (a) continuous assessment continuous observation continuous score continuum contract contract administration contract learning contraction of system contradiction contradictory (a) contrary (a) contrast (v) contravention contribution control control of education control group control of behaviour control of communication control process control standard control system controlled controlled group controlled response controlled schools controller controversy controvert (v) convent convention conventional conventional personality conventionalism convergent convergent thinking conversation conversion convert conviction convince (v) coordination copying core core curriculum core curriculum development core subject corporal punishment corporate plan corporate policy corporate objective corporation correct correction corrective action corrective instruction correlate correlated curriculum correlation correlation coefficient correspondence course cortex cosmopolitan cost cost control cost of maintenance cost utility analysis cost-benefit approach cost-benefit ratio council council county counseling counsellor counter suggestion counterculture counterfactual county college county for council courage course course of study course unit system course work covering letter covert behaviour covert culture coyness craft cramming create creation creationism creative creative act creative aim creative behaviour creative education creative experience creative imagination creative self-expression creative skill creative synthesis creative thinking creative values creativity cr'che creditable cretinism crime crime culture crime investigation crime prevention crime survey criminal criminal behaviour criminal psychology criminal responsibility criminology crisis criteria for selection criteria of knowledge criteria of teaching criterion criterion-related evaluation criterion-related test criterion-related validity critic critical (a) critical analysis critical path critical path analysis critical path method critical processes critical thinking criticism criticism lesson critique cross cultural cross cultural analysis cross marriage cross training cross-sectional method crossed relationship crowd crucial cruelty cue culmination cult cultural cultural aim cultural anthropology cultural autonomy cultural background cultural change cultural competition cultural deprivation cultural lag cultural learning cultural organization cultural pluralism cultural relativism cultural style cultural trait cultural transmission cultural values culture culture area culture complex culture epoch theory culture pattern culture shock culturology cumulative (a) cumulative average cumulative frequency cumulative frequency curve cumulative percentage cumulative record curiosity current current facilities curricular diversification curriculum curriculum content curriculum development curriculum frame work curve custom custom family customary behaviour customer cut off mark cybernetics dactylology daily message daily programme daily routine Dalton plan Daltonism data data analysis data base data collection data complexity data processing data selection day class day dream day school dead language dead silence deadline deaf mute deafness dean debate debater debility debut decade decadence decametre decapitation decay decency decentralisation deception decimal decision decision criteria decision making decision making process decision package decision process decision rule declaration declaration of independence declass decline stage decomposition decorate decorum decree dedication deduction deductive (a) deductive analysis deductive inquiry deductive logic deductive method deductive reasoning deductive thinking deep rooted defamation default defaulter defect defective defence defendant defense mechanism defensive communication defensive management defer defiant deficiency deficit definable define (v) defined population definite (a) definition deformation deformity degeneracy degeneration degree delay delegated delegating leader delete deliberate delicate (a) delightful delimitation delineating delinquency delinquent delinquent behaviour delirium deliverance Delphi technique delusion demand demarcation dementia demerits democracy democratic centralism democratic socialism democratisation demographic transition demography demonology demonstration demonstration lesson demonstration mode demonstrator demoralization denationalization denial denomination denominational (a) denotation denunciation department of education departure depend dependability dependence dependencies dependency ratio dependent depolarisation depopulation deport deportment depress (v) depression deprivation depth analysis depth perception depth psychology derivative derived needs derived quantities derived units dermatology descending descending order descent description description of findings descriptive analytical interpretation descriptive decision theory descriptive model descriptive narration descriptive questions descriptive rating scale descriptive research descriptive study descriptive surveys deserted children design designing lesson desirability desirable (a) desire desolate despair despair (v) despondency despot destitute destructive detachment details detention detention camp deterioration determinant determinant factor determination determine (v) deterrent (a) detrimental (a) developing countries development development education development method development oriented development quotient development stage development team developmental activities developmental age developmental norms developmental psychology developmental reading developmental sequence developmentalist deviant deviant behaviour deviant group deviation I.Q. device devolution devolution of power devotion dexterity diagnosis diagnostic prescriptive teaching diagnostic tests diagonal method diagram dialect dialectic dialogue diarrhoea dichotomy dictation dictator diction dictionary didactic didactic concept didactic instruction didactic method didactic question difference differences differential differential aptitude test differential association differential psychology differential reinforcement differential selection differentiated curriculum differentiation of roles differentiation strategy difficult difficult children difficulty index diffidence diffident diffusion diffusion of knowledge diffusion of treatment diffusive behaviour digestive system dignity dignity of labour dilemma diligent dimension diminishing return diploma dipsomania direct grant school direct indirect questions direct investment direct mail questionnaire direct method direct proportion direct question direct teaching directed learning directed paraphrasing directing directing counselling direction test director director of education directory directress disability disabled disadvantage disarranged sentence test disbelief discipline discontent discontinuity discontinuous process discount factor discourse discourteous discovery discovery activities discovery learning discovery-oriented research approach discrepancy discretion discretionary discretionary powers discrimination discrimination index discussion discussion board discussion method discussion of finding discussion skill disgrace disgust disharmony dislike dismiss disorder disorderly behaviour disparage disparate (a) disparity dispersion displacement display board disposition dispute disqualification disregard disruption disruptive behaviour dissatisfaction dissemination disseminator dissension dissenting dissenting tradition dissertation dissimilar dissimilarity dissimulation dissociation dissonance distance distance education distaste distinction distortion distract distraction distractor response criterion distributed learning distribution distribution curve distribution models district district board district college district education district education council district education officer district school area district school board district school committee disuse divergent divergent thinking diversification diversified diversion diversity divining rod division of labour docile doctorate doctrine document documentary survey documentary-evidence documentation documents dogma dogmatic domain domestic (a) domestic education domestic peace domestic science domestic system of education dominance dominant dominant character domineering dominions donate dormant double aspect theory down syndrome draft drama dramatisation drastic drawing drawing board dread dream interpretation dress making drift drill drill questions drive drivers of social change driving forces drop-out rate dropout drowsiness drudgery drug drug addiction dry farming dual dual career couples dual consciousness dual control dual economy dual organization dual personality dual system dualism dubious duct ductless gland dull (a) dullard duplicate dyadic relation dynamic dynamic environment dynamic equilibrium dynamic method dynamic theory dynamics dynasty dysfunction dysfunctional conflict dysgraphia dyskinesia dyslexia dyslogia dysphasia dysphoria e-learning e-mail eager eagle-eyed eardrum early admission early childhood education earnest earnestness earth earth axis earth crust earth orbit earth rotation earthenware earthly east longitude eastern eastern hemisphere eastward eccentric (a) eccentricity ecclesiastical (a) ecclesiastical authorities ecclesiastical law echo eclecticism eclipse ecology economic concept economic development economic environment economic factor economic growth economic history economic law economic opportunity economic planning economic polarization economic progress economic rationality economic structure economic theory economics economics of education economist ecstasy edict edit edition editor editorial editorial board educability educable (a) educate educated manpower educated talent educated unemployed education education act education agent education amendment ordinance education commission education committee education district education film education fundamental right education index education methodology education ministry education relation education services education technology education television education white paper educational goal educational progress educational provision educational (a) educational achievement educational advisor educational advisory board educational aims educational backwardness educational benefits educational board educational change educational code educational counselling educational development educational diagnosis educational environment educational equalitarianism educational errors educational establishment educational evaluation educational expansion educational experience educational film educational finance educational games educational goal educational growth educational guidance educational ideology educational index educational inequality educational institute educational intention educational leadership educational management educational measurement educational mobility educational objectives educational opportunity educational ordinance educational organization educational outcome educational pattern educational philosophy educational planning educational policy educational politics educational priorities educational process educational programme educational progress educational psychology educational qualifications educational reforms educational research educational resources educational services educational sociology educational statistic educational supervision educational technology educational television educational theory educational theory and practice educational tradition educational trust educational video cassette educationist educative (a) educator educed knowledge eduction effect effect law effective (a) effectiveness effemination efficacy efficiency effort effort experience egalitarian (a) egalitarianism ego ego alter theory ego instinct egocentric (a) egocentrism egoism egoist egoistic (a) egotism egotist eidetic eidetic image elaboration elasticity elated elation eldership elective (a) electra complex element elementary (a) elementary education elementary geometrical drawing elementary mathematics elementary school elevation eligible eligible practice eliminate elimination elite elocution eloquence elucidate emancipation emancipation of women emancipation political emasculation embarrassment embezzlement emblem embodiment embroidery embryology emergent (a) emergent strategy emigrant emigration eminent emissary emolument emotion emotional (a) emotional act emotional activity emotional antagonism emotional behaviour emotional blocking emotional conflict emotional development emotional difficulty emotional disturbance emotional equilibrium emotional maturity emotional reaction emotional security emotional starvation emotional state emotional tension emotive (a) empathy empathy of communication emphasis empirical (a) empirical analytic researcher empirical investigation empirical knowledge empiricism employable skill employee employer employment employment allowance employment bureau employment creation employment exchange employment generation employment opportunity employment policy employment potential employment programmes employment theory emporium empower empowerment emulation enable enactment encampment encouragement encroachment encumbrance encyclopedia end end product end user endeavour endocrinology endogamy endomorphy endorsement endowment ends and means endurable endurance enemy energetic energy energy conservation energy level enfeeble enforce enfranchise engineering engraver enjoyment enlargement Enlightenment enlist enmity enormity enrichment enrichment activities enrollment enrolment ratio enterprise enterprising personality entertain (v) enthusiasm enthusiastic entomologist entomology entourage entrepreneur entrepreneurial (a) entrepreneurship enumeration enunciation enuresis environment environment factors environmental analysis environmental determinism environmental education environmental factors environmental protection environmental scanning envy ephemeral group epigamic (a) epilepsy epilogue epistemology epitaph epitome equal distribution equal opportunity bill equal-benefit line equal-cost line equality equality in education equalization equalization of educational opportunity equalization of opportunities equanimity equation equation approach equatorial equatorial climate equatorial forest equatorial region equatorial vegetation equilibrium equipment equipotentiality equitable (a) equity equivalence of coefficient equivalent equivocal era eradication erogenous zone erotic (a) eroticism error error variance errors of commission and omission erudite erudition escape behaviour escape mechanism esoteric esprit de corps essay essay exercise essay test essay type test essayist essential essential competence establishment estate estate school esteem estimate eternal (a) eternity ethical code ethical standards ethics ethnic (a) ethnic group ethnocentrism ethnography ethnology ethos etiology (aetiology) etiquette etymology eugenics eulogy eunuchism eurhythmics evaluability assessment evaluation evaluation criteria evaluation model evaluation questions evaluator evangelical evangelical movement evasion even number event evidence evident (a) evil evil intention evoke evolution evolutionary planning evolutionary process evolutionism evolve exactness exaggeration examination examination system examine examiner example excavation excellent exception excess exchange excitable excitation excitement exclamation exclusive (a) excommunicate excursion execution executive executive committee executive information executive officer executive power exemplar exemplary (a) exemption exercise exertion exhaustion exhaustive exhibition exhibitionism exhilaration exile existence existential psychology existentialism exogamy exogenous exotic (a) expansion expectancy expectancy table expectancy theory expectant role expectation expected frequency expel (v) expenditure experience experiment experimental experimental education experimental group experimental inquiry experimental psychology experimental science experimentalism experimentation experimenter expert expertise explain (a) explanation explanatory survey explicit exploitation exploration exploration stage explosion explosion of information explosion of population expound express expression expressiveness expulsion extended extended day school extended essay questions extended family extended response extension extension course extensive (a) extensive education extensive reading extermination external (a) external degree external efficiency external environment external examination external inhibition extinction extra-curricular (a) extra-curricular activities extradition extraneous extraneous variable extraordinary (a) extrapolated data extrapolation extreme extrinsic extroversion extrovert eye eye movement fable fables test fabrication face value facial angle facial expression facilitate facilitation facilitator facilities fees facility fact factor factor analysis factor theories of intelligence factorization factory factual (a) factual premise factual test faculty faculty psychology faculty training fad fading failure fair (a) fairy tales faith faithful fallacious (a) fallacy falling rolls falsehood familiarity family family allowance family law family model family therapy family violence famine famous fanatic fanaticism fancy fantastic fantasy farewell farm farm institute farming fascinating fascination fascism fascist fashion fastidious fatal (a) fatalism fate fatigue fault favour favourable favourable estimation favourable response favouritism fear feasibility feasible alternatives feature feature profile test federalism feeble feeble minded feeble mindedness feebleness feedback feedback phase feedback process feel feeling felicitate fellowship felony female education female school feminism feminization feral children fertile (a) fertility fervour fetish feud feudal obligation feudalism fiction fictitious (a) field field based experience field book field day field investigation field notes field observation field of study field of vision field research field service field theory field trip field trip method field work figurative figure file filial regression filiation film final final cause final examination final phase finance finance company finance corporation financial (a) financial aid financial analysis financial control financial management financial ratios financial stability financial statement finding key terms fine arts finger mark finger print finger spelling (dactylology) finite (a) fire extinguisher firm firmness first cause first cycle first grade first person first stage fishery fission fit fitness fitness test fixation fixed (a) fixed budget fixed cost fixed idea fixed interval schedule fixed ratio schedule flannel board flash card flexibility flexible floppy disk flow flow chart fluctuation fluency fluid focal (a) focal point focalization focus focus-group interview folder folk folk arts folk music folk psychology folk society folk-urban continuum folklore folksong folktale folkways follow up follow-up activities follow-up service food seeking propensity food technology institute foolish (a) foolproof footprint force fore-consciousness fore-thought forecast foreign aid foreign influence foreign market forepleasure foresight forestry forgery forget forgetfulness forgetting form formal (a) formal application formal approach formal behaviour formal discipline formal education formal exercise formal group formal logic formal protest formal questions formal teaching formal training formalism formality format format question formation formation skill formative evaluation formative period formula formulate formulation forum foster foster child foster home foster parents foundation foundation course fraction fragment fragmentary fragmentation fragmentation of land frame frame (v) frame of reference franchise franciscan frank fraternal fraternal twins fraternity fraud free free and compulsory education free association free distribution free education free education scheme free market system free media free school meals free text book scheme free thinker free trade free uniforms free will free work free write and share freedom freedom of competition freedom of choice freedom of speech freedom of the press frequency frequency curve frequency distribution frequency law frequency polygon frequency table friction friendly child fright frigidity fringe benefits fringe of consciousness frugal (a) fruit cultivation frustration frustration tolerance function functional (a) functional approach functional authority functional autonomy functional departmentalization functional disorder functional group functional knowledge functional level structure functional model functional psychology functional relationship functional strategies functional structure functionalism fundamental (a) fundamental education fundamental formula fundamentalism fundaments funds further education fusion futuristic G-factor G-test gainful gainful activity gallant gallows galvanometer gambler gambling gambling ordinance game gang gap garrulous gastronomy gathering gathering society gauge gazette gender gender issues gene genealogy general ability general aptitude general certificates of education general education general management general norms general objectives general psychology general science general secondary education general term general will generality generalization generalization of learning generalize (v) generation generation gap genesis genetic (a) genetics genital (a) genitals genius genocide gentleman ideal genuine (a) genuineness genus proximate geocentric geographical situation geography geological geological institute geologist geology geometry germ gerontology gestalt Gestalt psychology Gestaltist Gestation gesture ghost cult ghost dance gift gifted (a) gifted child girlhood give in marriage gland glandular response global business global education global village globalization glossary glossolalia goal goal behaviour goal directed behaviour goal organization goal setting theory goal structure good practice gossip (grapevine) govern governance governing body government machinery governor grace grace period grade grade equivalent scores grade norms grade skipping graded graded topic gradient graduate grammar in action grammar school grand strategies grant graph graphical graphical construction graphical method graphical representation graphical solution graphics grasp grass root approach grateful gratification gratitude gratuity gravity greatest common factor greeting gregarious (a) gregarious instinct gregariousness greying society grief grievous hurt grievous provocation gross gross domestic product gross income gross national product groundless group group activity group behaviour group consciousness group control group difference group dynamics group emphasis group examination data group factors group feeling group formation group identity group interaction group investigation group leadership group management group marriage group mind group norms group procedure group process group psychology group selection group structure group teaching group technique group test group therapy group thinking group types group work group writing grouping groups growing point growing region growing up growth growth curve growth cycle growth need growth rate growth stage growth strategy guarantee guarantor guardian guess guessing for correction guessing questions guidance guidance method guidance programme guidance service guide guide sheet guided discussion guided response guidelines guiding questions guild guilt guilty guilty conscience guilty feeling gurukula system gymnasium gymnastics gynarchy habit habit deterioration habit disorganisation habit formation habit of mind habit strength habitable habitat habitation habitual (a) habitual image habituation hair cell half-blood hallucination halo halo effect hamper handbook handcuff handicap handicapped children handicraft handwork handwriting handwriting scale handwriting system hard copy hardware harmonics harmonious (a) harmony harshness harvest hatred hazard head master headline headlong headquarters headway health health officer Healy picture hearing aid hearing mechanism hearing mute hearing sense hearsay heart burn heat heathendom hedonic feeling hedonism hedonist heedless heirloom heliograph heliolatry helminthology helplessness hemisphere hemispherical Herbartian approach Herbartian method Herbartian steps herd herd instinct herd sentiment hereditary (a) heredity heresy heretic heritage hero hero worship hesitation heterodox (a) heterogeneity (a) heterogeneous heterosexual heuristic (a) heuristic value hidden curriculum hierarchical (a) hierarchical order hierarchical table hierarchy hierarchy analysis hierarchy of authority hierarchy of habits hierocracy high high achievers high ideals high junior school high minded high school high school diploma high tension higher degrees higher education higher education act higher grade school higher learning higher order thinking higher primary higher technical institution higher-order conditioning higher-order rules highest capability highest common factor hindrance hint histogram historical historical approach historical criticism historical determinism historical materialism historical migration historical perspective historicity history hoarding hobby holiday holistic approach holistic culture holistic education holistic emphasis holistic scoring homage home for incurables home government home situation homeostasis homeschooling homicide homo universalis homogeneity homogeneous homogeneous group homosexual homosexual neurosis homosexuality honest honorarium honorary (a) hope horde horizon horizons of education horizontal development horizontal grouping horizontal mobility horizontal organization hormone horror horticulturist hostage hostility house craft scheme house hold household size Hull's scale human human behaviour human being human capital theory human emotions human geography human nature human race human relation human resource human resource management human resources approach human resources planning human settlement human sexual behavior human skills humane humanism humanist humanist ideals humanistic humanistic education humanistic nationalism humanistic psychology humanitarian humanities humanity humour hunger motive hunting society hybrid hybridisation hydro-electric scheme hydrophobia hygiene hygienic (a) hygienic factors hymn hyper active hyper activity hyper sensitive hyper sensitivity hypnosis hypnotic hypnotism hypocrisy hypocrite hypocritical hypothesis hypothetical (a) hypothetical proposition hypothetical structure hysteria icebreaker iconic stage iconology Id idea idea recording idea spinner ideal (a) ideal norms ideal relations ideal high idealism idealist idealistic (a) idealization ideation ideational (a) ideational learning identical identical components identical elements identical test identical twins identification identification parade identify confusion identity identity crisis identity elements identity relation ideology ideomotor (a) idiocy idiom idiosyncrasy idiosyncratic idiot idiotic (a) idle (a) idle time idolatry ignorance ignorance of rules ignorant ill-natured (a) ill-timed ill-treat illegal (a) illegible (a) illegitimate child illicit (a) illiteracy illiterate illiterate (a) illness illogical (a) illumination illumination stage illusion illustrate (v) illustrated talk illustration image image worship imageless thought imagery imagination imaginative imaginative behaviour imagine (v) imbalance imbecile imbecility imbibe (v) imitate (v) imitation imitation method imitative (a) immaculate (a) immature (a) immaturity immediate (a) immediate aim immediate behaviour immediate corrective action immediate memory immediate objective immersion immigration imminent (a) immobility immoral (a) immorality immortal (a) immovable (a) immovable property immunity impact impartial (a) impartiality impatient (a) impeachment impediment imperative (a) imperfect (a) imperfection imperialism imperialist imperishable (a) impersonal (a) impersonality impersonation impertinent (a) impetus impinge (v) implementation implication implicit (a) implied (a) imply (v) imposition impotence impoverished leader imprecation impression impression method impressionable (a) imprisonment improper improve improvement improvisation techniques impulse impulsive (a) impulsive action impulsiveness in-class programme in-group in-service in-service education in-service training inadequacy inadequate (a) inadvertent (a) inanimate (a) inattention inattentive parents inauguration inauguration ceremony inborn (a) incapable (a) incentive incentive (a) incentive pay system incentive payment incentive scheme inception incidental incidental errors incidental errors of observation incidental learning inclusion inclusive education income incompatible incompatible response incompetence incompetency inconclusive (a) inconsequential (a) inconsiderate (a) inconsideration inconsistency inconsolable (a) incontrovertible (a) incorporation incorporeal (a) incredible (a) increment incubation period incubation stage inculcate (v) inculcation incurable (a) indecent (a) indecision indefinable (a) indefinite (a) indemnity independence independent (a) independent learning independent practice independent reading program independent sample independent schools independent variable indeterminate index indicate (v) indicator indifferent (a) indigenous (a) indigenous medicine indigenous people indigenous population indigestion indirect (a) indirect cost indirect method indirect objective indirect question indispensable (a) indisposed (a) indisposition indisputable (a) individual individual work individual attention individual behaviour individual differences individual education plan individual method individual psychology individual test individual training plan individualism individuality individualization individualized (a) individualized instruction individualized learning indoctrination indolence induction induction programs induction training inductive (a) inductive argument inductive inquiry inductive method inductive reasoning inductive thinking indulgence indulgent (a) industrial (a) industrial age industrial conflict industrial consultant industrial democracy industrial management industrial psychology industrial relation industrial revolution industrial school industrial society industrial training act industrial training institute industrialism industrialization industrialized techniques industrious (a) industry ineffective (a) ineffective time ineffectiveness inefficiency inequal (a) inequality inert (a) inert knowledge inertia infancy infant infant mortality infant schools infantile (a) inference inferential (a) inferiority inferiority complex inferiority feeling inferring inflation inflexibility influence influx informal (a) informal communication informal education informal group informal leader informal net work information information explosion information literacy information management information processing information processing model information resources information system information technology informational roles infrastructure infusion inherent (a) inheritance inherited (a) inherited system inhibit (v) inhibition initial (a) initial reflex initial spurt initiating structure initiation initiation and orientation initiative (a) ink-blot test innate (a) innate ability innate ideas innate intelligence inner directed behaviour inner groups inner need innovation innovator inoculation inorganic (a) inorganic chemistry input out put matrix inputs inquiring mind inquiry inquiry education inquiry learning inquiry method inquisitive (a) insane (a) insanity insatiability insatiable (a) insatiate (a) insecurity inside outside circle insight insightful (a) insignia inspection inspector inspector of school works inspector of schools inspiration inspired (a) instability instinct institute institute of education institute of technology institution institutional relations institutionalization instruct (v) instruction instruction load instruction medium instructional capital instructional events instructional feedback instructional leadership instructional materials instructional objectives instructional procedures instructional programme instructional strategy instructional technology instructional theory instructive (a) instructor instrument instrumental instrumental aim instrumental conditioning instrumental enrichment instrumental group instrumentalism insular (a) insurance intake intangible (a) integral (a) integral education integral system integrated integrated curriculum integrated work team integration integration of personality integrative learning integrative learning model integrity intellect intellectual intellectual climate intellectual discipleship intellectual properties intellectual skills intellectualism intelligence intelligence quotient (I.Q) intelligence scale intelligence test intelligent (a) intelligentsia intensity intensive (a) intensive reading intention intentional learning inter group behaviour inter racial inter racial relation inter-racial relation interaction interaction effects of selection interactive media intercorrelation intercourse intercultural education interdependent (a) interdisciplinary (a) interdisciplinary approach interdisciplinary teaching interest interest groups interest measurement interesting (a) interference intergenerational mobility intergenerational social mobility intergroup (a) intergroup behaviour intergroup development intergroup education intermediate intermediate grade internal (a) internal consistency internal consistency coefficient internal consultants internal criticism internal efficiency internal environment internal migration internal validity international (a) international benchmarks international business international culture international education international educational agency international exchange agreements international labour organization international management international outlook international quality study international relationships international understanding internationalism internet interoperability interorganizational (a) interpenetration interpersonal (a) interpersonal behaviour interpersonal communication interpersonal reinforcement interpersonal skills interpretation interpreter interquartile interquartile range interracial (a) interval interval scale interval schedule intervention interview interview technique intimacy intimacy law intimate (a) intimation intrinsic intrinsic motivation intrinsic reward introduction introspection introspective psychology introversion introversion extroversion test introvert intrusion intuition intuitive (a) intuitivism invariable (a) invariance invention invention teaching inventory inventory management investigation investigative method investigative personality investment investment plans investor invigilator involuntary (a) irregular (a) irregularities irresponsible (a) isolate (v) isolation issuing orders item item analysis item discrimination item discrimination difficulty itinerant teacher jealousy jeopardy job job aid job analysis job assignment job attractiveness job card job choices job costing job demands job description job enlargement job enrichment job evaluation job growth job involvement job mobility job ownership job pattern job process job satisfaction job scope job shadowing job sharing job specialization joint committee joint council joint family joint venture journal journalism journalism model journalist joy joyful (a) joyous (a) jubilant (a) judge judgment judicial (a) judicial officer judiciary (a) jumbled summary junior junior college junior secondary school junior technical school junior university jural authority jurisdiction jurisprudence just just in time learning justice justification justifying (a) juvenile juvenile age juvenile clubs juvenile court juvenile court juvenile delinquency juvenile offender Kandyan law keen (a) Keller plan kenophobia key key concept key moral concept key terms key word key word memory method keyhole strategy kidnapping kin kin terms kinaesthetic (a) kinaesthetic sense kindergarten kindergarten kindness kindred group kinesiology kinesis kinesthesia kinesthetic learning kinesthetic method kinetic (a) kingroup kingship kinship kinship behaviour kleptomania knowing knowledge knowledge asset knowledge base knowledge economy knowledge management knowledge of circles knowledge of diffusion knowledge of methods knowledge of reality knowledge of specifics knowledge of technical terms knowledge of theories and structures knowledge rating knowledge representation knowledge transfer known (a) known experience known to unknown Kuder preference record Kultur labelling labelling word labile (a) laboratory laboratory instruction laboratory method labour labour camp labour combination labour costs labour education labour force labour laws labour management labour market labour migration labour mobility labour movement labour organizations labour participant rate labour power labour productivity labour reallocation labour relations labour reserve labour reserve school labour supply labour tribunal labour turnover labour unions labourer lace work lack lactometer laissez-faire laity land grants land tax land tenure landlord landmarks landscape language language ability language code language education language pathology lapse larceny large-hearted (a) lash lassitude late late developer latency latency period latent (a) latent function latent learning latent time lateral (a) lateral communication lateral thinking laughter laughter propensity law law and order law of exercise law of similarity law of transposability law of closure law of continuity law of effect law of intimacy law of proximity law of readiness law of symmetry lawful (a) layers layman layout lazy (a) lead (v) lead lesson leader leader participation model leader-member relation leadership leadership strategy leadership style leading questions learned learned behaviour learned response learner autonomy learner focussed (a) learning learning activity learning by conditioning learning by doing learning by teaching learning circles learning contract learning disability learning disorder learning effort of diffusion learning environment learning events learning experience learning goals learning lab learning method learning modules learning observation learning of diffusion learning out comes learning phase learning process learning readiness learning situation learning solutions learning strategies learning style learning to learn learning together and alone learning types learning unit lease lease bond lease hold least resistance least resistance approach lecture lecture based instruction lecture demonstration method lecture method lecture mode lecturer left-handedness legacy legal (a) legal advice legal code legal custody legal education legal function legal liability legal process legal remedy legal separation legal status legend legibility legislation legislature legitimacy legitimate leisure leisure learning leprosy less developed (a) less developed countries lessee lesson lesson criticism lesson note lesson period lesson plan lesson presentation lethargy letter activities letter games letter of permission letter of recommendation level level of activity level of intelligence levels of processing theory leverage levirate lex-talionis lexical meaning lexicographer lexicography lexicology lexicon liability liaison officer liaison role of managers libation libel liberal liberal arts liberal arts college liberal concept liberal education liberation liberty libido librarian library library assistant library research license life adjustment education life cycle life experience life goal life pattern life situation life space life span life style life time lifelong education lifelong learning likeness likeness relation likes and dislikes limit limitation limited facilities limiting factor line of authority line of demarcation line-up lineage lineal (a) linear (a) linear approach linear graph linear programming linear relationship linguistic (a) linguistic adaptation linguistic attainment linguistic factor linguistic unity linguistician link language link system of memorization lip-reading listen think pair share listening listening comprehension literacy literacy test literal (a) literary (a) literary base literary curriculum literary search literary survey literate (a) literature literature search liturgy lived experience livelihood livestock farming living culture load loaded local local languages local advisory committee local authority local board of education local bodies local college local education local education authority local effort local examinations local initiative local participation local school district localism in education localization location lock-out locus of control logic logical logical approach logical positivism logical reasoning logical sequence logo loneliness long life education long life membership long life project long term long term memory long term project longing longitudinal longitudinal method look and say method loosely-structured society lotus blossom technique love love need low (a) low achievers low cost low income low intelligence lower class lower limit lower middle lower order thinking skill lower primary lower secondary lower stage loyal (a) loyalty lunar eclipse lunatic asylum luxury Lyc'e Mach Machiavellian machine macro macro negative information macro positive information macrocosm macron macroscopic madness magazine magic magician magistrate Magna Carta magnet magnet school magnetism magnetometer magnificence magnitude maimed (a) main (a) main axis main circuit main land mainstream maintained school maintenance maintenance of files majestic (a) major (a) major group factors major premise majority make believe make shift make up make up problem makeup examination maladaptation maladaptive behaviour maladjusted maladjustment maladministration malaria epidemic male malevolence malformation malice malignant (a) malnutrition malpractice maltreat (v) mammal mammalia mammoth (a) man hour man power man power approach man power categories man power needs man power plan management control management development program management information system management system analysis management training program manager mandate mandatory manhood mania manic episode manifestation manipulate (v) manipulating learning behaviour manipulation in experiments manipulation of figures manipulation of teacher manipulation of variables manipulative skill mankind manner mannerism manoeuvre manometer manor manorial manpower approach manual manual labour manual skill manual training manual worker manufacture manufacturing resource planning manuscript map map making map reading mapping margin margin of error marginal cost marine (a) mariner mariner's compass maritime climate maritime province mark mark sheet mark time market price market research marketable (a) marketing marks marks man markup mars martial (a) martial law marvelous (a) Marxism Marxist Marxist precept mascot masculine (a) Maslow's need hierarchy theory masochism mason masquerade mass mass action mass communication mass education mass learning mass medium mass methods mass production mass society massacre massage massed learning massed practice master schedule master teacher master's degree masterpiece mastery mastery criterion mastery goals mastery grading mastery learning matched groups matching (a) material material cost material culture materialism materialistic (a) materials management maternal (a) maternal deprivation maternal family maternal instinct maternal motive mathematics mating matriarchal family matricide matrilineal society matrilineal system matrilocal extended family matrilocal marriage matrimonial (a) matrimonial case matrix matrix stages matter mature (a) mature personality maturing society maturity maximum (a) maximum employment maze meal planning mean mean deviation mean value mean variation meaning meaning based (a) meaningful (a) meaningful act meaningful learning meaningful use tasks meaningless (a) means measurement measurement error measurement units measurement units of equity measures to improve test reliability measuring scales mechanical (a) mechanical engineering mechanics mechanism mechanistic theory mechanization medal media media wise median (a) mediate (v) mediated learning mediator medical board medical council medical education medical experiment medical officer of health medical research institute medical superintendent medicated (a) medication medicolegal (a) medieval (a) medieval university meditation medium medium of communication medium of instruction megalomania melancholia melancholic (a) melancholy melody memento memorial memorial lecture memorization memory memory span memory system memory trace mendicant mental (a) mental ability mental abnormality mental absorption mental activity mental age mental age mental agitation mental balance mental competency mental conflict mental defect mental deficiency mental deterioration mental development mental discipline mental disease mental disorder mental disturbance mental education mental faculty mental fatigue mental feeling mental growth mental health mental heredity mental hygiene mental illness mental image mental imagery mental infirmity mental inhibition mental laziness mental maturity mental measurement mental mechanism mental mobility mental observation mental organization mental process mental ratio mental reaction mental retardation mental satisfaction mental scale mental set mental shock mental status examination mental test mental work mentality mentally defective (a) mentee mentor merchandise merciful (a) merciless (a) mercy meridian merit merit based aid merit rating plan merit rating system meritocracy meritocratic society meritorious (a) message message board meta anthropology meta cognition meta communication metabolism metallurgy metamorphic (a) metaphor metaphysics metempsychosis meteorological (a) meteorology meter method method of study method of teaching method of trial and error method of variation methodical (a) Methodist mission methodological error methodology methods methods of knowledge metric system metropolis metropolitan metropolitan powers micro (a) micro projector microcosm mid score mid value middle age middle class middle management middle manager resistance middle school midpoint of a class interval midway midwifery mighty (a) migration migratory instinct migratory propensity military military academy military education and training military instruction military school military service millennium mimesis mimetic mimicry mind mind blindness mind dust theory mind map mind wandering mineralogy minimum minimum brain damage minimum competency tests minimum difference minimum effort criterion minimum employment minimum labour standard minimum wages mining mining engineering mining school mining technician ministry minor minor (a) minor courses minor premise minority minus minute minute (a) minute book minute papers miracle miraculous mirage misappropriation misbehaviour miscegenation mischievous (a) misconduct misdemeanour misfit misguided (a) misjudge (v) mislead (v) mismatch misnomer misogamy misprint mispronunciation mission missionary missionary education missionary school mistake mixed (a) mixed media mixed origin mixed race mixed scanning mixed school mixture mnemonics mob mobile (a) mobility mock trials mode model model farm model lesson model scale modeling effect modeling materials moderately mentally retarded moderately physically retarded moderation moderator modern (a) modern scientific archaeology modernism modernization modesty modification modulate modulation of voice module molecular biology moment momentary (a) momentum monarch monarchism monastery monastic (a) monastic elite monastic tradition monetary (a) monetary aid monetary incentive Mongol mongolism monism monitor monitor role of managers monitor system monitoring monitoring class monomania monopoly monosyllable monotheism monotonous (a) monotony monument mood mood disorder moral (a) moral adjustment moral aspiration moral behaviour moral character moral code moral concept moral conduct moral development moral education moral ethics moral instruction moral judgement moral law moral obligation moral order moral panic moral philosophy moral regeneration moral sense moral value morale morality morbid (a) mores moron morose (a) morphological index morphology mortal (a) mortal fear mortality mother tongue mother tongue mirroring motion motion pictures motion study motion time system motivate (v) motivated (a) motivation motivation argument motivation factors motivation phase motivation research motivator motive motive achievement motor motor ability motor activity motor co-ordination motor control motor learning motor mechanism motor nerve motor reproduction process motor sensation motor skill movement movement illusion movies moving averages moving picture muddiest point multi activity multi casting multi class teaching system multi design multi dimensional tables multi disabled children multi functional multi lateral school multi lingual multi media multi method multi person comparisons multi potentiality multi purpose multi religious (a) multi stage multi track multi track education multi-lateral school multi-lingual country multi-purpose school multi-racial multicultural (a) multicultural education multicultural organization multidimensional (a) multidimensional tables multidisciplinary (a) multiethnic (a) multifocal (a) multifunctional (a) multilateral (a) multilateral family multilingualism multimedia multinational (a) multinational corporations multiple (a) multiple causes multiple choice multiple choice determination multiple choice method multiple choice question multiple choice test multiple co-ordination multiple correlation multiple discrimination multiple intelligences theory multiple marking multiple solutions multiplication table multiplicity multiplier effect multiplying factor multisensory multivariate analysis mundane (a) municipal (a) municipal council municipal laws municipal school board municipality muscle spindle muscular reaction music music notation musical mutiny mutual (a) mutual benefit organization mycology myopia mystical mysticism myth mythology naive (a) naivete (navet) nanotechnology narcissism narration narrative narrative method narrow band nation national (a) national assessment of education progress national association national championship national character national commission national culture national education national education commission national education council national festival national integration national level national minority national policy national service national unity nationalism nationalist nationalist leader nationality native (a) native endowment native school native tongue nativism natural (a) natural justice natural law natural method natural phenomena natural resources natural right natural science natural selection naturalism naturalist naturalistic (a) naturalistic inquiry naturalistic observation naturalistic research nature nature of instructional objectives nature original nature study naught naughty (a) nautical (a) naval academy navigate (v) navigation near cause need need analysis need assessment need based aid need for power need reduction needs of children negation negative (a) negative correlation negative feedback negative reinforcement negative valence negativism negativistic personality disorder neglect negligence neighbour neighbourhood neighbourhood school neo-lamarckianism neogenetic (a) Neolithic Neolithic age nepotism nerve nervous breakdown nervous disorders nervous shock nervous system nervousness net income net profit margin net return net work scheduling network network organization neuralgia neurasthenia neuritis neurological development neurology neurone neuropsychiatry neuroscience neurosis neurotic (a) neuroticism neutral (a) neutrality new market new psychology new teaching new techniques new working class news news coverage news magazine newscast nexus night blindness night shift nightmare nihilism nobility noble (a) noise nomenclature nominal group technique nominal scale nomination nominative model nominee non directive counselling non voluntary (a) non-fee levying private school nonconformist nonequivalent group nonequivalent pre test nongraded (a) nongraded school nonprovided schools nonrational (a) nonselective (a) nonsense syllables nonsequitur nonsignificant (a) nontechnical nonverbal communication nonverbal test nonverbal thinking norm norm group norm referenced assessment norm referenced measurement norm referenced tests normal (a) normal behaviour normal curve normal distribution curve normal psychology normative (a) normative decision theory notation notice board notification notion novel novelty novice nuclear family nucleus null (a) null and void (a) null hypothesis number completion test numeracy numerical (a) numerical analysis numerical rating nursery school nurture nutrition nutritive (a) nutshell O-factor oath oath of allegiance obedience obesity object object lens object lesson objection objective objective test objectives of education objectivity objectivity relation obligation obligor oblique axis oblique line obliteration obscene (a) obscurantism observable (a) observation observation judgement observation lessons observation logs observation non participant observation recording observation scale behaviour observation schedule observational technique observe (v) observer observing child behaviour obsession obsessive compulsive disorder obsolete (a) obstacle obstruction obtuse angle occidental (a) occult science occultism occupant occupational (a) occupational choice occupational cluster occupational culture occupational education occupational extension education occupational hierarchy occupational mobility occupational status occupational therapy occupational transition oceanography octagon oculist Oedipus complex oedipus complex offence offender offering offspring old age olfactory (a) oligarchy omen omnibus school omnibus test omnipotence of thought omnipotent (a) on the job training one group method one sentence summary one shot case study one tailed test one way analysis one way presentation one word summary one-room school oneiroscopy oneness ontogeny ontological (a) opacity open admission open aid school open discussion open education open ended interview open ended questions open experiment open form question open learning open mindedness open problem open response variety open school open society open source software open system open text recitation open type test open university opera operant (a) operant condition operant methods operating budget operating cost operating efficiency operating responsibility operation operation management operation research operational (a) operational appraising (a) operational construction operational definition operational goals operational level operationalism opinion opinion holder opinion poll opinion questionnaire opinion survey opinionnaire opponent opportunism opportunist opportunity oppose (v) opposite (a) opposites test oppress (v) oppressed (a) oppressed class oppression optical illusion optimal optimal means optimism optimist optimistic (a) optimization optimum (a) optimum age optimum efficiency optimum maintenance option optional (a) optional course oracle oral (a) oral assessment oral data oral eroticism oral examination oral method oral reading oral record oral report oral test oral testimony oral tradition oration orator orbit orchestra order orderly ordinal scale ordinance ordinate orexis organ organic chemistry organic memory organic memory selection organic philosophy of education organic systems organised play organism organization organization of school organizational concept organizational development organize (v) organized activity organized anarchy orgy oriental (a) oriental studies orientation orientation services orientation training orienting reflex origin original original draft original nature originality origination orphan orphanage orthocentre orthodox (a) orthodox method orthopaedically disabled children oscillator otology outcome outcome-based education outdoor (a) outdoor education outer directed behaviour outgroup outline output outside expert outward bound school oval over-assessment over-identification over-indulgence overage overcontrol overdetermination overdue (a) overemphasize overhead cost overlapping overlearning overpopulation overpossessive overprotection overriding problem overseas overseas exchange overt (a) overt behaviour overt culture overtime overwork ownership pace of change paedo-centric pagan school pain pain of sense painting pair problem solving pair project paired comparison paired verbal fluency pairing palaeontology panegyric panel panel study pantomime paper and pencil test paradox paragraph shrinking paragraph writing strategy parallax parallel parallel classes parallel play parallel test parameter paraphrase paraplegia parent parent contribution parent teacher association parental (protective) propensity parental attitude parental consent parental expectations parental instinct parental involvement parental rights parish school part time part-whole partial partiality participation particular partner partnership party passion passive passive learning past records paternal family pathetic pathological lying pathology patriarch patriarchal patriot patriotism patron patronage pattern pattern forming pattern of culture pause peace education peasant pedagogical pedagogical institute pedagogical secondary school pedagogical technician pedagogue pedagogy pedantic pedantry pedigree peer peer editing peer evaluation peer group peer observation peer questioning peer tutoring penal code pension pensioner per capita income perceive percentage percentile norms percentile norms of comparison percentile rank percept perception perception time perceptional domain perceptual perfectibility performance performance based assessment performance goal performance indicator performance level performance of skills performance test period periodical periodicity permanence permanent object permissive permit perpetual persecution persecution delusion perseveration perseverator persistence person personal communication personal factor personal social development goals personality personality development personality profile personality traits personality types personnel personnel research perspective perspective model persuasion pervasion perversion pervert pessimism pessimist pessimistic petition phantasy pharmacology phase phenomena phenomenology philanthrophist philanthropy philologist philology philosophical enquiry philosophy phlegmatic phobia phonetic method phonetics phonic photosynthesis phrase phrenology physical physical appearance physical development physical education physical features physical measurements physical science physician physics physiognomy physiological age physiological limit physiological maturity physiology pictograms pictorial pictorial diagram pictorial map picture completion test picture interpretation test pilot pioneer Pirivena universities pitch pithy pithy saying placement placement tests plan planned lesson planning planning complexities plasticity platoon play play instinct play method play truant play way pleasure pledge plot pluralistic behaviour plus poem poetic poetry point point estimation poise polar polar region polarisation police training school policy policy action policy advocacy policy alternative policy analysis policy argument policy claim policy environment policy formulation policy goal policy impact policy implementation policy objectives policy outcome policy output policy performance policy problem policy process policy system political emancipation political geography political map political science political sovereignty politician politics pollination pollution polyandry polygamous polygamy polygon polytechnic polytechnical education polytechnization pool popular popular course popular education popularity population populous portfolio position positive positive feedback positive profile positive reinforcement positivism possession possibility post adolescence post graduate post graduate education post primary post secondary educational institution post-secondary education poster postscript postulate posture potent potential potential energy potentiality poverty power power of delegation power of hearing power of intelligence power of speech power test practical practical education practical implication practical intelligence practical problem practical science practical training practice practice group practice of curve practising school practitioner pragmatic pragmatism pragmatist Pragnanz law praise pre-adolescence pre-determined pre-potency pre-professional program pre-school pre-university course pre-vocational education preacher precaution precedent preceptor precious precipitant pr'cis precise precision precision law precocious precocity preconception preconscious predecessor predicament prediction predictive predominant preface prefect preference preferential admission policy prehension prehistoric prejudice preliminary prelude premature premise premium premonition prenatal preparation preparation of marking scheme preparatory preponderance preposition prerequisite prescribed prescriptive learning present value presentation presidency press conference press officer pressure prestige presumption pretence pretext prevention preview prevocational pride primacy primary cost primary education primary function primary group primary process primary qualities primary reinforcement primary school prime number primitive primitive sympathy primitive tribal education primordial principal (n) principle printing priority priority concerns privacy private private enterprise private institution private school private sector private study privilege proactive inhibition probability probability curve probability range probability value probable probable error probation problem problem based learning problem behaviour problem child problem conceptualization problem philosophical problem sensing problem solving problem specification procedural model procedure process process of discrimination product product improvement test production profession professional professional attitude professional college professional course professional development professional education professional ethics professional training professionalism professor proficiency proficient profile profound prognostic program budgeting programme programme training programmed instruction progress progress chart progress of education progress record progressive progressive education progressive matrix test progressive school system prohibition project project method project proposal projection projective technique projective tests projector proletariat prologue prominence prominent promissory note promotion prompt pronoun pronounced pronunciation pronunciation difficulties pronunciation key proof proof-readers illusion propaganda propagation propensity proponent proportional proportionality proportionate frequencies proposal proposed propositional knowledge pros and cons prose proselytization prospective policy analysis prospects prospectus protest protestantism prototype proverb provided school province provincial prowess proximity proxy prudence prudent pseudo pseudo psychology pseudonym psyche psychiatrist psychic psychic blindness or deafness psychical psychical force psycho-analysis psycho-physical psychodrama psycholinguistics psychological psychological development psychological environment psychological growth psychological test psychologist psychology psychometry psychomotor psychoneurosis psychopathic personality psychopathology psychosis psychotherapy puberty public council for instructions public education system public expenditure public instruction public liberty public management public opinion public policy public school public sector public service publicity puerilism pugnacity pull-out program pulse punch card punctual punctuality punctuation punishment pupil pupil activity pupil teacher puppet pure pure knowledge puritan puritanism purity purpose purpose of education purposeful activity purposeless purposive pursuit puzzle quack quadrangle quadratic quadratic expression quadrennial quadrivium quadruple qualification qualitative qualitative education qualitative record qualitative research quality quantifiable quantitative quantitative education quantitative record quantity quartile deviation quartiles quasi experiment quasi experimental design quaternary education Queens college query quest question format questioning techniques questionnaire questionnaire administration questionnaire construction questionnaire format questions questions drill quick draw quick talk quick write quiescence quiet quiz quiz master quiz programme quorum quota quota sampling quotation race race experience racial racial consciousness random random error random sample randomised questioning range rank rank correlation rank difference rapid fire questions rapport rate rate of return rate of return approach rating rating error ratio rational rational being rational criticism rationale rationalism rationalization raw material raw score re-conditioning re-learning re-test reactance reaction reaction experiment reaction formation reactionary reactive behaviour readability level reader's theatre readiness readiness test reading reading disability reading habit reading process readjustment real real application realism realistic realistic personality reality reality based model reality principle realization reason reasoning reasoning test rebel rebellion rebirth recall recall method recapitulation recapitulation theory receiving recency recent receptive language receptive language skills receptor recess recessive reciprocal reciprocal inhibition recital recitation recognition recommendation reconcile reconstitution of experience reconstruction record book records recreation recruitment rector recurrent education recurring red-green blindness redintegration reductio ad absurdum reduction redundant reference reference book reference library referred subject refinement reflection coefficient reflex action reflexivity reformation reforms refresher course regeneration regimentation regional regional college registration regression regret regular regular form regulate rehabilitation reify reinforce reinforcement reintegration rejection relationship relative relative suggestion relative zero relaxation relevant reliability reliability of tests relief relief map religion religious education religious tolerance remarks remedy remorse remote remuneration Renaissance renunciation reorganization reorientation repeat repetition report representation representative repression reproach reproduction republic repudiate repulsion research research design error research evaluation resemblance reserve residential residential college residue resignation resistance resistant behaviour resolution resonance resource teacher resourceful respect respiration respond response responsibility rest rest period rest propensity rest room restless restraint restricted code restricted essay questions restricted language restriction result retain retardation retarded retarded progress retention retentivity retinal retirement retrenchment retrograde returns reversion review review lesson revised revision revision of scheme revival revolution reward rhetoric rhyme rhythm ridicule rigidity rising scale rites rivalry role role performance role play Roman Catholic Romanticism roots Rosolino method rotation rote learning rote memory routine routine activity royal royal patronage rudimentary rumour running cost rural rural education rural educational institution rural scheme of education rural school ordinance sacred sacrifice Sadism sadist safety salary salary grant salary increment salary scale salivation salvation sample sample error sample test sanction sandwich course sandwich technique sanguine sanity satiation satisfaction saturation satyriasis savage saving saving method scaffolding scaffolding questions scale scaled questionnaire scaling test scanning scatter diagram schedule scheduled caste schema scheme scheme of studies schizophrenia scholar scholarchal commission scholarship scholastic scholasticism school school age school commission school committee school counselor school discipline school leaver school management school network school population school profile school record school uniform school welfare board science scientific scientific application scientific attitude scientific research score scores error scouting screen script seance secondary secondary characteristics secondary education secondary function secondary grammar school secondary junior school secondary modern school secondary school secondary specialised education secret secretary sectarian sector secular secularism secularization security segment segregation selected selected group selected method selection selection procedure selection test selection type selective selective system self self-abasement self-activity self-analysis self-assertion self-assessment self-assurance self-care skill self-confidence self-consciousness self-control self-correction self-deception self-determination self-development self-discipline self-display self-education self-efficacy self-esteem self-evident self-exploration self-feeling self-image self-instructive self-investigation self-preservation self-rating self-realization self-regard self-reports self-respect self-selected reading self-sufficiency self-sustaining self-teaching semantics semblance semi-circular semi-objective tests seminar seminary senate senility senior secondary school seniority sensation sensational sensationalism sensationary sense sense impression sense organ sense training sensitive sensorial apparatus sensory sensory acuity sensory area sensory capacity sensory reaction sensual sentence sentence completion sentence method sentimental separation anxiety disorder sequence sequential serial service session set settlement sex sex behaviour sex character sex difference sex education sex equality sex sensation sexual sexual instinct shadowing shame shape share pair circles shared reading shared writing sheltered workshop shift shift alteration shirker shock short answer type shortage showing shy sight sigma score sign sign language significance significance level silent reading similarity simple simple random sample simplified simulated simulator simultaneous sincerity single single stimuli method sinister sinistral writing sinistrality situated learning situational situational test size skeleton sketch skill skill gap analysis skills inventory skimming sleep propensity sleep terror slide slide show slow smoothing sociable social social personality social activity social adaptation social adjustment social attitude social background social behaviour social class social coherence social conflict social consciousness social culture social demand social development social distance social dynamics social economical structure social education social environment social group social habit social harmony social hierarchy social institution social integration social intelligence social interpretation of education social investigation social learning social mobility social need social order social perception social pressure social prestige social process social psychology social purposes social reaction social role social science social service social signification social stratification social structure social studies social utility social values socialisation socialised socialist socialized drive society socio drama socio economic group socio economics sociological approach sociology sociology of knowledge sociometric method sociometry soft skills software solar eclipse solar energy solicitude solidarity solitary solution somnambulism somnology sophisticated sophistry soul sound sound perimeter source sovereignty space sparse spatial spatial aptitude spatial reasoning spearman-brown correction special special ability special ability test special class in regular school special day school special education special method special objectives specialised specialised secondary education specialist species specific specific factor specific knowledge specific method specific question specimen specimen copy specimen form spectrum speculation speech speech impaired speech pathology speed speed test spellbound spelling spelling note book sphere spirit spiritual splinter skill split half reliability split half test sponsor spontaneous spontaneous attention spontaneous recovery spoon feeding spread of education spurious correlation spurt stabilisation stability coefficient stable staff stage stage of evaluation of answers stagnation stakeholder stammer stance questions standard standard deviation standard error standard score standard score norms standard test standardized standards for educational evaluation Stanford Achievement Test Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test Stanford-Binet Scale star state government state monopoly state secretary state system of education state-control state-control council state-control education state-control monopoly state-control support statement static statistical statistical data statistical error statistics status statute steadiness steadiness tester steady step step by step sequencing step in item analysis steps of learning stereogram stereotyped stilling test stimulation stimulus stimulus response stipend story structure review stratification stratified random sample stream streaming stress striving structure structured essays structured observation structures free response struggle student student activism student centered instruction student expectations student organization student ratio student teacher student voice student-centered learning study study aids study club stump the teacher stupidity stuttering style sub head sub-committee sub-conscious sub-culture subject subject centered subject centered education subject content subject matter subject room subject teacher subject test subjective subjective tests subjectivity subjects correlation sublimation submission submissive propensity subnormal subsequent subsidiary subject subsidies subsistence substance substantive states substitute substitution test subsumption theory success succession successive approximation suchman inquiry suggestion suitability sum summary summation summative tests super-ego superior superior child superior intelligence superiority complex superiority feeling superstition supervised supervision supervision level supervisor supervisory district supplement support suppression surface surplus surplus energy theory survey survey test survival value suspension sustained attention syllabus syllogism symbol symbolic image symbolisation symmetrical sympathetic sympathy symposium symptom synchronous learning syndrome synergy synonym synopsis syntax synthesis system system analysis system county systematic observation systemic table of specification taboo tabula rasa tabulation tactful tactics tactile talent talk talking chips tangible tape recorder tapping board target objectives task task analysis task cards task centered group task oriented methods taste taxonomy taylorism teacher teacher centered education teacher centered method teacher centric teacher errors teacher expectations teacher placement teacher pupil relationship teacher training teacher's background teacher-centered instruction teaching notes teaching situation teaching strategies teaching technique team team consensus team product team spirit team teaching teammates consult teamwork technical technical assistance technical college technical development technical education technical high school technical problem technician technique technological literacy technology technology based resources technology integration teleconferencing telling effect temper temper tantrum temperament temple school temporal temporal lobe temptation tendency tension tentative tenure term Terman-Merrill test terminal education terminologist terminology territory tertiary tertiary education test test battery test consistency test construction stage test instructions test norms test retest method testimonial testimony tests tete a tete text text book thematic apperception test theocracy theology theorem theoretical training theory theory of knowledge therapy thesis think-aloud thinking Thombo-holder thought thought process thought questions three phase theory three-tier three-tier system threshold tidiness time time error time factor time relation time sense time table timidity toilet training tone tone deafness tool of expression tools top level top level experts topic topical topographic total eclipse total educational totalitarian totality totem touch spot town school ordinance toxic toxiphobia trachoma trade school trade test tradition traditional traditional aims traditional forms traditional system of education train of thought trainable mental retardate trained trained man power trainee training training school trait trance transcription transfer transfer of training transferable transference transformation transformation of scores transformation of text transformed transition transitory translate translation transmission of culture transparent technology trauma traumatic neurosis travelling inspector treatment treatment of diffusion trend tri-partite tri-partite education tri-partite system trial trial and error method trial and success tribal tribal education tribe trivium tropical agriculture tropical agriculture of school troublesome truancy truant true-false test true-false type trust trusteeship turn-over tutor tutorial tutorial class tutorial system twins two dimensional matrix two factor theory two-tier two-tier school type typical ultimate aim ultimate object ultimatum ultra-behaviourism ultramodern unanimity unanimous unawareness unbiased unbridled uncertainty unconditioned unconscious unconscious mind unconscious problem solving understanding Underwood report undesirable UNESCO UNESCO regional office unified unified curriculum unified school unifocal uniform uniformity unilateral unilingualism unintegrated unintentional union union government unique unit unit of learning unity universal universal education universal elementary education universal human rights universal ideal universe university university college university education university extension lectures university extension services university grants commission unknown objects unlearn unpleasantness unprecedented unreasonable unreasoning unscaled unskilled labour unsociable unsocial unsolvable problems unsophisticated unsound unspaced repetition upper class upper limit upper middle urban urban centered urge usage useful useful inheritance utilitarian utilitarian value utility utopia vacant vacation vacation of post vain valid validation validity validity of coefficient value values of core vanity variability variable error variance variety various Vedic Vedic education vengeance ventilation verbal verbal education verbal expression verbal learning verbal reasoning verbalizer verbiage verbosity verification verity vernacular vernacular education vernacular school versatility vertebrate vertical vertical approach vertical axis vertigo vested interest vibration vibration sensation vicarious learning vice vice chancellor vice versa view vigilance vigorous vincent learning curve violation virgin virginity virtue viscera viscerotonia visibility visibility coefficient visibility curve vision vision field vision range visual visual acuity visual aids visual angle visual display visual field visual learning visual media visual memory visual perception visual perspective visual span visualization visually impairment vital vitality structure viva-voce vivid vocabulary vocabulary test vocational vocational ambition vocational aptitude test vocational education vocational guidance vocational institutions vocational preference vocational school vocational selection vocational theory vocational training vocationalism vociferous voice voice therapy volitional volitional attention volume voluminous voluntary voluntary activity voluntary board voluntary organisation voluntary school volunteer vote voucher wage wall board wall chart war class warming-up warming-up period wastage waste watchword weak wealthy weary web blog weighing welfare Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society westernization whisper white collar workers white paper whole whole learning wholeness will will power will temperament test Winnetka plan Winnetka technique wisdom wise wish wish fulfilment wit witchcraft withdrawal withdrawal test within class ability grouping womanhood wonder word word blindness word building word deafness word reaction time word span test word usage work work experience work limit method workers educational association workmanship world usage writer's cramp writing writing accent writing tremor Wundt illusion X-O test Young-Helmholtz theory youth organization youthful zero zip file zonal education office zone zone of potential development A merciful alternative to dismissal abatement abatement register abnormal losses abnormal or unusual items abridged abridged notices absence without leave absent officers absorption abstract books abstracts for posting up abstracts of payments acceptance accepting office accepting officer accident leave account payee only accountability accounting accounting adjustments accounting control accounting document accounting manual accounting of foreign aid expenditure accounting officer accounting principles accounting procedure accounting units accounts accounts code accounts not passed in audit accrul accounting procedures accumulated depreciation accumulated vacation leave accuracy accused officer acknowledgement acknowledgement for stores acquisition of land acquisition of lands and building acquisition of stores acquisitions acting officer actual cost actual expenditure actual loss actual stock ad hoc sub imprest ad-hoc-imprest additional charge additional entry additional financial provision adequacy of funds adequate adequate equipment adequate steps adhesive stamps adjournment adjournment of sale adjustment credits adjustment debits administering oaths administrative experience administrative head administrative reports admission of in correctness adopt advance account activities advance accounts advance accounts provision for advance ledger advance warrant advertisement advice after surrender of imprests aggregate agreement agreement when on nopay leave allocate allocating authority allocation of quarters allocations allowance allowances for Scholarships alterations alternative costs ambit of the vote amount debited amounts due amounts liquidated ancillary services annual account annual appropriation act annual audit examination annual charge annual closing annual estimate annual estimates of expenditure annual forecasts of requirements annual order form annual orders annual return annual salary scale annual stamp duty annual stores annual survey annual verification annualy recurrent services annuity annuity method anticipated expenditure append appendices applicable application appointment appraisal appraisal of property appropriate appropriate authority appropriately appropriation account appropriation act appropriation bill appropriation ledger appropriation of provision account approval approved cadre approved societies approved stantard form approving officer approximate accounts arbitration arrears arreas of revenue article ascertainment assesment assesment rate assesment tax assessed value assessing officer assessment assests account assign assignment assumption of duties attorney general audit audit department audit examination audit examination of inventories audit fees audit queries audit query register auditor general augmented authenticity authorisation authorise authorised advance (treasury) account authorised deductions authorised deviations authorised imprests treasury account authorised seals authorised variation authorising officer authorities for deviation authority for granting Leave authority for ordering transfers authority for refund authority of a warrant authorized advances authorized cadre avoid B class department back-log bad debt balance of payment assistance balance on hand balance outstanding balance sheet balanced balancing of inventory book bank account bank balance book bank balance reconciliation book bank draft bank memorandum bank pass book bank reconciliation statement bank statement basic rules batta beneficiaries bid bilateral and multi lateral donors bill bills of quantities binding black listing block provisions blue prints board of inquiry board of survey bona fide bona fide expenditure bond book balance book of account book price book value booking booklet borrower bringing to account budget budget classification budget classification objects budget classification programmes budget classification projects budget year bulk purchase of commodities by cash cabinet appointed tender board cabinet authority cadre calender year cancellation cancellation mark capital aid capital allowance capital assets capital expenditure capital expenses capital tranfer capital works card pass case record cases of grave urgency cash allocation cash book cash deposits cash imprest cash payments cash security deposit cash summary cash transactions on circuit casual basis casual daily-paid labour casual employee casual leave casual payment catalogue of books central authority ceremonial uniform certificate certificate of no claim certificates of service certification certified certifying officer change of designation of a post channels of supply charges for private check roll work check rolls checking officer cheque in lieu chief accounting officer chief valuer chronological order circuit cash book circumstance citizen civil procedure code claim claim vouchers claims in reimbursement clarification class I deposits class of assests classification of receipts classification of received classification register clause clean note clear explanations closing time co-operative labour societies co-operative societies co-operative thrift societies code collateral security collecting officer collections column combined allowance combined services commercial advertisemets commercial undertaking commercialised departments commissioner general of inland revenue commissioner title settlement commitment commodity aid common deposits account commuted allowances comparative statements compensation competent authorities competent board complete authority compulsory contributions compulsory leave concerned concessionary season tickets concessions to members of trade unions condemned articles condemning of unserviceable articles condemning without board conditions and limitations confidential reports confirmation confiscate consignment notes consoldated estimate consolidated fund constitute constitution constraction consumer subsidies contents contigencies fund advance contingencies advance warrant contingencies fund contingencies fund-advance warrant continuation works continuous survey contractor contractual services contravention contribution control control account for assets at cost or valuation account control account for disposal of the fixed assets control accounts control accounts portion control of expenditure controlled item convenor convey copy corporate bodies corporation correct party correct rates payable correctness corresponding provision cost cost computation cost of change of stations cost of estimate cost of living cost of living allowance cost of repair cost price counter counter clerks counterfeit coin counterfeit note counterfoil book counterpart fund court fees paid in stamp covering letter creation credit balance credit facilites credit stock credited crediting the asset account creditor criteria for Selection cross entry cross references crossed cheque crown crown agents crown land currency current account current estimate current expense current grants current transfers custody of paid duplicate custom duty customs customs ordinance daily balance book daily cash receipts daily paid employees daily paid labour deapartmental rates debit debit balance debiting the asset account debt debtor decree holder deeds defaced defaulting defaulting contractors deferment of increment deferred liability deferred tax account defraying petty expenses delegation demand draft denomination department of external resources department of national budget department of public enterprises department of public finance department of public finance of the treasury department of state accounts department of tender board departmental appropriation (votes) ledger departmental charge departmental estimates of costs departmental examinations departmental financial provision departmental quarters departmental report deposit account deposit ledger deposit note depositor depreciation depreciation charge depreciation investment account depreciation reserve fund of advance account activity depreciation revenue fund deputy secretary designation despatch detailed plan deterioration direct collection direct payment direct publication directly or indirectly director general of customs disbursement disciplinary action disciplinary procedure discounts discretion dishonoured by the bank dishonoured cheques dismantle dismissal disposal disposal of collection disposal of fines disposal of money disposal of productions disregared distinguishing mark dividend document donations double entry double payment double refund draft estimate dues and collections dues to local authorities duly completed form duplicate vouchers duplicates of deeds duration duty allowance duty leave earned earned leave earthwork economic affairs economic rent economy economy and efficiency effectiveness efficiency efficiency bar elegibility for study and training abroad embody emoluments emoluments of a post emoluments of an officer employees provident fund employees trust fund encash encashment endorsement entertain entertainment allowance entitle entries and amendments entrusted entry entry payments envelope equity contribution erroneous erroneous debits erroneous payment estate duty estimate estimated residual value estimates and expenditure estimates of expenditure estimates of expenditure and revenue estimates of receipts estimates of revenue evaluation evaluation report evaluation technical committee ex-gratia payment ex-officio stamp vendor exceed exception exceptional circumstances excess excess excess without prior authority excesses on limits excesses on voted provision excesses profits duty exchange exchange control permit exclusive privilege expected excess expected shortfall expenditure expenditure commitments expenditure debited expenditure ledger expenditure on supply services expenses of seizures explanations extension of period of validity extension of validity external resources extra contractual extra- copy extra-contractual payment extracts extraordinary gazette extravagance face value failure to furnish fair and reasonable fees fidelity bond final final accounts final authority final discharge financial aspects financial assests financial assistance financial control financial data financial direction financial implications financial loss financial management financial matters financial operation financial operations delegation financial organization financial propriety financial regulations financial work financial year fines firm fiscal deposit fiscal policy fixed assests fixed assests ledger fixed assets register folio fixed percentage fixed ratio fixing of responsibilty folios foreign aid loan (FA loan) foreign aid negotiations foreign aid provision foreign bills of exchange foreign exchange forfeiture form of estimates of expenditure format forms forms judicial fraction of cents fraud fraudulent interpolation free medical attention free of commission free on board (F.O.B) freight charges freight rebate frequent checks fresh cheque full amount full sum full value furnish furnishing of security general administration general cash book general deposit account general estimates of expenditure general payment general service quarters general stores accounts general tender procedure general treasury general warrant government agent government factory stores advance account government gazette government policies government printing committee government property government quarters government stores catalogue grade grading of quarters grant account grant of monthly pay grant of permanent status grant(n) grants grants in cash gratuity grievance gross amonut gross payment growth guarantee guarantee bonds guarantee purposes guaranteed guaranteed for payment guarantor half fine half pay leave handing over handing over and taking over head head of department head on expenditure headquarter allowance hire charges holiday bungalows recovery of damages holiday bungalows-allocation holiday bungalows-re-covery of rent holiday pay holiday warrants holidays housing committees housing loans hypothecation hypothetical annual salary (of a daily paid employee) hypothetical charges identification of payee illustration immovable property impending payments impose imposition imprest authority imprests improper use improvement in cash in due time in lieu of incidental expenses income tax incoming accountant incoming officer incorporation incorporation of departmental accounts incorrect parties incorrect payments increment incremental period incremental value indemnify indemnity indemnity bond indent indirect variable charge individual account individual balances initial (v) initial deposit initial salary initial year insertion inspection installment instructions insurance fund inter alia interest interest on capital tied-up interest payments interest recovered account internal audit internal audit programme internal check interpret interruption intimation inventory inventory book inventory of electrical fittings investment investments accounts invoice irrecoverability irrecoverable dues irrecoverable revenue irregular or incorrect payments issue issue of stores issue order issues accout item journal journal transfer labour costs labour overheads land settlements receipts lapsed deposit lapsed leave lapsed payments large folding tables late attendence late surrender layout lease lease bond leave leave register leave salaries leave to apprentices and trainees leave to be spent out of the island leave without prior arrangement ledger account legally withdrawn legend legislative enactment lend lender length of service letter of authority letter of indemity letters of credit levy (n) levy (v) liability liability account licence licences paid in stamp lien lieu leave life ceritificate life interest living allowances loan loan repayments loan credit agreement loans outlay loans schemes expenditure local authority local currency lodging loose leaves losses lump sum main ledger main vault main vault stock maintenance costs major escalations in cost man year manual manufacturing account manufacturing and trading advance accounts marginal captions marine losses market price market value married allowance materials maternity leave matters maximum recoverable value measurement unit medical examination meeting payments membership fees membership in associations memorandum memorandum accounts memorandum control account merit promotions metal hand stamp methodical arrangement ministry tender board minor employee minor tender minutes miscellaneous miscellaneous receipts modify monetary provision monetary terms money order money payment money security monthly abstract of receipts monthly advance of salary monthy closing monthy statement mortgage multi purpose societies mutatis mutandis national budget national housing fund national planning council nature of security neglect of duty negligence negotiations net adjustment net amount net salary net sale proceeds new and amended new appoinments new entrant nil statement no-claim no-pay leave nomination non cash non-capital cash grants non-commercialised non-occupation non-recurrent expenditure normal procedure not negotiable note noted for payment notice mercantile mercenaries mercenary merchandise merchant law merchant shipping act merchant vessel merchantable merchant's risk mercy merge merger merits mero motu ex mesalliance mesne mesne lord mesne process mesne profits message messenger messuage metamorphosis meteorological meter metes metes and bounds metropolis metus microbiology micro-economics micro-organism middle class middleman midwife migration military military court of requests military custody military law minerals mines mines and mineral development minimum fraction minimum penalty minimum standard minister plenipotentiary ministerial act minor minor jurare non potet minor offence minor staff minority mint minutes minutes on Pensions misapplication misapprehension misappropriation misbehaviour miscalculation miscarriage mischance mischief miscognisant misconception misconduct misdemeanour misdescription misdirection misfeasance misfortune misjoinder mislead misleading mismanagement misnomer mispleading misprision misprision of felony misprision of treason misrepresentation misstatement mistake mistaken assumption mistaken belief mistaken identity mistrial mistrust misuser mitigate mitigating circumtances mixed action mixed larceny mixed question mixed question of law and fact mobile banking units mobilize mobilizing mock mode modesium modesty modification modify moiety molest momentum monarch monarchy monastery monetary monetary law monistic doctrine monitor monogamous marriage monogamy monopoly monroe doctrine month to month tenancy monument moot case mora mora creditoris mora debitoris moral actions moral duty moral justice moral law moral obligation moral rights moral sanction moral standard moral turpitude morality moratorium moratuwa mortgage mortagagee mortgage mortgage at law mortgage bond mortgage debenture mortgage debt mortgage decree mortgage deed mortgage of shares mortgage security mortgagor mother tongue motion motivation motive motor car ordinance motor insurance policy motor traffic act movable movable property mulier multilateral multilateral treaty multipartite multipartite agreement multiplicity municipal law municipality murder murderous intention museum mutable mutable ownership mutatis mutandis mute muter roll mutifariousness mutilate mutilated cheque mutilation mutinous mutiny mutual mutual agreement mutuality mutuum mystery naating naked contract name and style narcotics narrative nation national National Security nationa grid nationality natural natural alleginance natural born subject natural boundary natural guardian natural justice natural law natural rights natural sanction natural use naturalis obligatio naturalisation naturalised person nature nautical naval force navicert navigable navigation navy necessary heir necessary inference necessary parties necessary publica major et quam privata necessary representation necessity negative avarment negative covenant negative evidence negative interest negative liability negatively neglect neglect of duty negligence negligent act negligent driving negligent misrepresentation negligent statement negligently negotiable negotiorum getio negotitaion negotitaion of cheques nepotism nervous shock net annual value neutralisation neutralised neutralised state neutrality new law reports news medium next friend next of kin nexus nisi decree nisi order nisi prius nlooe prosequi nomenclature nominalism nominate nomination nomination day nominee non bailable offence non-acceptance non-access non-age non-aggression non-apperance non-application non-attendance non-bailable non-belligerency non-capital offence non-cognizable offence non-combatant non-commissioned officer non-compliance non-compos mentis non-conformity non-constitution non-cumulative non-cumulative share non-defamatory non-delivery non-direction non-disclosure non-entry non-est factum non-exsitence non-fatal non-feasance non-fee levying non-formal non-governmental organization non-indictable nonjoinder non-liability non-material non-payment non-praedial non-presentment non-proprietary non-prosecution non-recurrent non-resident non-sexual nonsuit non-summary non-summary inquiry non-summary proceedings non-summons non-tenure non-user norm normal normative hybridity not amounting to murder not guilty not negotiable not proved not proven notarial notarial practice notarially atteted instrument notaries ordinance notary notary public notation note or memorandum noted for protect notice notice in lieu of distringas notice in lieu of service notice of action notice of admission notice of admit notice of assesment notice of assignment notice of claim notice of disclaimer notice of judgement order notice of objection notice of protest notice of sale notice of seizure notice of trial notice of writ notice or information notice to intervenient notice to produce notice to quit notice to third party notification notified notify noting notion notorious notour bankruptcy notwithstanding novate novation novelty noxious nuclear power nude pact nugatory nuisance nuisance ordinance null and void nullity numeral figure numerical numerical strength nuncio Nuncupative nuncupative will nuptiae nuptial oath oath of allegiance oath of office oath of secrecy oath or affirmation oaths ordinance obedience obiter dictum object object object of the right objection objectionable objectionable evidence objective obligatio civilis obligatio literarum obligation obligatory obliged obligee obligor obliterate obloquy obnoxious obscene obscenity observance observation observe obsolescent obsolete obstruct obtain obtain credit obtstruction obviate obvious occasional occupancy occupant occupatio occupation occupy occur occurance offence offence of personation offender Offensive weapon offer offeree offerer off-grid office officer official official assignee official language officious intermeddling oil field oligarchy omission omission defect on behalf of on parole onerous onus onus probandi open account open cheque open cover open market open space open the case open verdict open will operate operating cost operating owner operation operation operation of contract operation of law operation of nature operational code operational period operative clause ophthalmic opinion opponent opportunity oppose opposite party opposition oppression opprobrium optic optician optimization criteria optimum utilization optional oral oral examine oral testimony oral transfer ordain ordeal order order and good governance peace order of merit order of precedence Order of separation order paper ordinance ordinarily resident ordinary ordination ordnance organization origin original original case original court original creditor original debt original jurisdiction original mode original title ornamental ornamental improvements orphan orphanage orthodox ostensible out out of date out worker outer outer bar out-going partner outhouse outlaw outline output outrage outstanding outward voyage over insurance over- rule overawing overcharges overdraft overdraw overdue overdue ship override oversee overt overt act overtime overtime rate owe owelty own own accord owner owner cultivator owner occupier ownerless ownership oyer and terminer pacific blockade pact pacta adjecta pacta legitima pacta nuda pactum antichresis pacuniary damages pagan palm impression pamphlet panel panel of jurors papal paper credit paper currency paper profits papers par value par above par at paradox paradoxical paragraph parallel paramount paramountcy paramour parcel parcel of land parchment pardon pardonable parent company parentage parental parenthesis pari passu parish parishioner parity parliament parochial parol parricide part part-heard partial participate participation participes criminis particular particularity parties to an action partition partition ordinance partly secured creditor partner partnership partnership act partnership assets partnership creditor partnership debt partnership deed part-owner party party defendant party in default party intervenient party noticed party to a bill Party wall pass pass book passage money passenger passion Passive trutee passport password pat service patent patentable patentee patents ordinance pater is et quem nuptiae demontrant paterna paternis paternal inheritance paternal power paternal support paternity patria potetas patriarchal patrician patricide patrilineal patrimonial patrimony patrol patron paulian action pauper pauperian action pauperism pavement hawker pawn pawnee pawner payable payable in perpetuity payee payer paying banker payment payment for honour payment for honour supra protest payment in advance payment into court payment of penalty payment supra protest peace officer peaceable conduct peaceful assembly peaceful possession peaceful protest peculium pecuniary pecuniary compensation pedestrian pedestrian crossing pedigree peer penal penal action penal code penal consequences penal deduction penal discipline penal enactement penal interest penal justice penal law penal liability penal provision penal provision penal redress penal servitude penal statute penal sum penalise penalty pendency pendente lite pending pending action pending case penetration penology pension pensionable pensioner penury per annum per cent per contra per curiam per diem per incuriam per infortunium per lineas per mensem per pro per se Per tirpes perceive percentage perception perdurable peremptory peremptory law peremptory order peremptory rule peremptory rule of law perfect perfect perfect law perfect right perfidious betrayal perfomance perfomance of duties perform performance performance of contract performer peril in the sea period period of gestation period of grace periodic increment periodically periphrasis perish perjury permanent permanent alimony permanent commission to invetigate allegations of bribery permanent court of international justice permanent injunction permanent right permissible permissible evidence permissible latitude permission permissive permissive use permit permit pernicious perpetual perpetuation perpetuities perpetuity perquisite persist persistent person person in loco parentis person in possession person of full age person of sound mind person of unsound mind personable personal personal injury personal security personality personality personality of laws personally personation personification personnel perspective persuade perverse verdict petilence petit petit treason petition petition and affidavit petition of appeal petition of right petitioner petty petty jury petty larceny petty sessions petty theft pharmaceutical pharmacist phenomenon philosophy philosophy of the law photograph phrase phrenology physical physical violence physically picketing pick-lock pick-pocket piece work wages pignoris capio pigsty pilgrimage pillage pilot project pilotage pin money piracy pirate pirated copy piscary placaat placard place place of trial plagiarism plain plaint plaintiff plaintiff-respondent plan planner planning authority plant plantation planter planting voucher plea plea in bar plea of exculpation plea of justification plea of privilege plead plead guilty plead not guilty plead to the indictment pleader pleading plebiscite pledgee pledgor plenary plenary authority plenary powers plenary session plenipotentiary plenipotentiary plimsoll mark plot plunder plural plurality plurilateral poacher poaching point point of law poison poison gas police police police force police supervision policy policy of the law political political justice poll poll poll tax pollicitation pollute pollution polyandrous polyandry polygamous marriage polygamy poor law popular action pornography port porterage portion portrait posessory action position position of active confidence positive positive law positivism positivit possesory decree possessio juris possessio naturalis possession possession precario possession unaccompanied by payment possession unaccompanied by payment of produce possession unaccompanied by payment of rent possession unaccompanied by performance of duty possession unaccompanied by performancec of service possessor possessor mala fide possessory possessory action possessory decree possessory interdict possessory lien possessory ownership possessory remedy possessory title possibility possible post dated post dated cheque post diem post mortem postage Postal voter poster posterity posting post-nuptial postpone postpone the case sine die postponement postponement of case postponement of payments postponement of trial post-war potential potetative condition pothumous potscript potulate power power and energy power house power of appointment power of arrest power of attorney power of attorney to confess judgement practicable practical practical conditions practical law practice practice practitioner praedial praetor prayer pre dated cheque pre emption right pre school preamble pre-audience precaution precedence precedent precedent precedent condition precedent partner precedents of pleadings preceding precept preceptor precincts precise precise grounds preclude predatory act predeceasing spouse predecessor predetermined predicament predicate predominant pre-emption prefatory recital prefer prefer a charge prefer an appeal preferable alternative preference Preferential vote pregnancy pregnant prejudice prejudicial prejudicial act prejudicial to the public interest preliminary premarital premature premature determination premeditated premeditated action premeditated crime premeditation premise premises premises aforesaid premium premonition prepaid prepare prepay prepense preponderance of evidence prerequisites prerogative prerogative courts prerogative of mercy prerogative orders prerogative writ prerogative king's prescribe prescribed prescription prescriptive prescriptive right presence present present presentation presenter presentment preservation preserve preside president presiding judge presiding officer press press censorship press tribunal presume presumption presumption againt a wrongdoer presumptive pretence prevail prevarication prevention preventive punishment price level pricing policy pricing sytem priet prima evidence prima facie prima facie authority prima facie proof prima-facie case primarily primary prime cot primogeniture principal officer principal principal principle principles of jutice print print printed printer and publisher prior prior regitration priority prison prisoner private assets private law privation of limb privation of sight privative privies in blood privies in estate privies in law privilege privileged privileged debts privileges of attorneys privileges of judges privity privity of tenure privy privy privy council prize competition prize law probability probable probable consequences probable danger probable ground probate probation probationary probative probator probe procedural procedural law procedural terms procedure procedure in court procedure on trial proceeding proceeds process process process server proclaim proclaimed absconder proclaimed person proclamation proctor proctor of the supreme court procuration procure procurement procurer produce producer production profane profane matter profanity profession professional adviser proffer profit profiteering profits a prendre programme progress progressive rent prohibit project projection prolix prolixity promiscuous promise promisee promisor promissory note promissory oath promote promoter promotion prompt delivery promter promulgation pro-note pronounce pronounce judegment pronouncement proof proof of title propaganda proper proper punishment property property in the goods property mark property tax proportion proposal form propose proposed proposer proposition propound proprietary proprietor propriety pro-rata costs prorogations of parliament prorogue proscribe prosecute prosecution prosecution prosecution witness prosecutor prosecutrix prospect prospective prospective investors prospectus prospectus prostitute prostitution protection protectorate proteges protest protest protocol prove provident fund province provincial provision provisional proviso provocation provoke proximate proximate cause proxy proxy paper prudent pseudonymous work puberty public public debt public law publication publicist publish publisher puisne encumbrance puisne judge puisne mortgage punctual payment punishable punishment punitive purchase purport purpose purser pursue pursuer pursuit purview putative quae et eadem quaere quaetor qualification qualified qualify quality quantification quantitative quantity quantum quantum damnificatus quantum lucratus quantum meruit quantum of damages quantum of evidence quantum of proof quantum valebant quarantine quarrel quarter sessions quarterly quash quash the conviction quasi quasi civil action quasi contract quasi contractual obligation quasi corporation quasi criminal offence quasi delict quasi domicile quasi easement quasi exception quasi international law quasi judicial quasi judicial authority quasi judicial functions quasi judicial powers quasi larceny quasi legislative intitutions quasi personalty quasi possession quasi tort quasi tradition quasi trustee quay queen in council queen's bench division queen's infficio tetamenti queen's subjects question in dispute question in issue question of fact question of fact or of law question of law question of procedure question of title quick unborn child quiet quiet enjoyment quiet possession quiet possession quieted in possession quit quit notice quorum quota quotation rabies ordinance race racial racial group rack rent radical raid raiding party railways ordinance rank ransom rape rash rash and negligent driving rate rate of discount rateable rateable share rateably rates ratification ratify rating ratio ratio decidendi ration rational rationalit ratione privilegii ratione soli ravish ravisher reaction read and contrued real real cot real evidence real injury real malice real owner real person real property real representative real right real securities real security real servitude real statute realisation of cheque realisation statement reality realize realm realty reappointment rear-surety reason reasonable reasonable chastisement reasonable doubt reasonable error reasonable evidence reasonable excuse reasonable extension reasonable hour reasonable notice reasonable suspicious reasonable time rebate rebellion rebus sic tantibus rebut rebutting evidence recall recall recant recaptor recapture receipt receiver receiver of fine receiver of stolen property receiver of wrecks receiving order recent possession reception recidivit recipient reciprocal reciprocal rights reciprocity recital reckless recklessness reclaim recognizance recognize recognized recompense reconcile reconciliation reconsideration reconstruct reconversion reconvey reconveyance reconvicted criminal reconviction record record record of evidence record of proceedings record room recorder recording recount recount recourse recover recover costs recover damages recoverable recoverable costs recovery recovery of costs recovery of damages recovery of fees recovery of immovable property recovery of rates recovery of taxes recreation recrimination re-cross recruitment rectification rectification of error rectify recuperatory action recurrent reddendum redeem redeemable redeemable dead rent redeemable debentures redeemable preference shares re-delivery redemption redemption fund redemption of debentures redemption value re-determination redhibitory defect rediscount re-discount rate re-discounting redress redressible reduce reduce in status reduce the sentence reducible balance reductio ad absurditum reduction reduction of capital redundancy redundant re-employment re-enact re-entry re-examination re-examination of witness re-examine re-exchange refer refer to drawer referee referee in case of need reference reference to arbitration reference to the plaintiff referendum refine reform act reformative influence reformative punishment reformatory reformatory schools refresher refreshing memory refund refusal of office refuse refute regalia regiment regional regional consultative committee regional development area regional plan regional planning scheme regional rural development bank register register register of business names register of capital register of directors register of industrial design register of lands register of members register of shares register of transfers registerd registerd agent registerd attorney registerd capital registerd debentures registerd letter registerd manufacturer registerd medical practitioner registerd post registerd proprietor registerd statement registerd stock registerd stocks and securities registerd stocks and securities ordinance registerd valuer registerd voter registering officer registrar registrar- general registrar of companies registrar of deeds registrar of fingerprint registrar of lands registrar of the supreme court registration district registration of documents ordinance registration of documents registration of motor vehicles registration of seizure registration of title to land registry regiter of electors regiter of electors regiter of voters regitry of the supreme court regular regular action regular air force regular army regular naval force regular police force regular procedure regular warrant regularity regulate regulation regulation of traffic rehabilitation re-hearing rei vindicatio action reimburse reinstate reinsurance reissue reject rejection rejection of evidence related relax release release on bail release on his own bond relevancy relevant relevant date relevant evidence reliability relief relief claim religious charity religious community religious corporation religious denomination religious education religious feelings religious foundation religious institution religious obligation religious sanction religious susceptibilities religious transgression religious worship relinquish relinquish the office relocation reluctant reluctant party reluctant witness reluctantly rely remain remainder remainder of votes remand remand home remand in custody remand jail remark remarks from the bench remedial remedial measures remedial statutes remedy remission remission of sentence remit remittance remote remote areas remote consequences remote evidence remote party remote probabilities remoteness remoter degrees remoter issues removal removal of bodies removal order remove remuneration renewal renounce renounce absolutely renounce unconditionally renovation rent rent act rent charge rent control board rent purchase rent restriction act rental rental value rents and profits rents rates and taxes renumbered renunciation renunciation clause renvoi re-organization repair reparation repatriate repatriation re-payment repeal replace replication report represent representative reprieve reprisals reprobata reproduction republic republication of will repudiate repugnant repugnant to justice repugnant to the constitutation reputation reputed reputed criminal reputed ownership reputed thief request require requirement of law requirements requisite requisition rerum suaram quilibet et moderator et arbiter res adjudicata res litigiosa res nullius res perit domino res publicae res religiosa res sacrae res singularis res sua res universitatis res vendita res vi possessa rescind rescind the sale rescript rescue research reservation reserve reserved reservoir resettle re-settlement reside residence resident resident residential premises residual residuary law residuary legatee residuary rights residue resign resignation resignation of office resist resistance resolution resolution of disputes resoning resort resource respectable witness respectful submission respective respective parties respectively respite respite respondent respondent superior respondentia bond responsibilities responsible rest restatement restatement of the law restitutio in integrum restitution restitution of conjugal rights restoration restore restorsion restrain restraining order restraint of marriage restraint of ship restraint of trade restrict restricted ownership restrictions restrictive crossing restrictive endorsement restrictive endorsement restrictive indorsement restrictive interpretation restrictive provision restrictive rule restrictive trade practice restrospective restrospective provision restrospective effect restrospective law restrospective legislation resulting number resulting trust resume resumption retail trade retain retain counsel retainer retaliation retire retirement of trustee retiring allowance retiring by rotation retiring partner retitution of stolen property retract retracted confession retraction retrial retributative retribution retributive jutice retributive punishment retrictive injunction re-try return return the verdict return to ommission returnable date returning officer revaluation reveal revenue revenue district revenue licence revenue officer revenue purpose revenue reserves reversal reverse reversion reversionary reversioner revert review revise revised enactment revising officer revisionary powers revocation revocation of licence revocation of proxy revoke reward reward rider ridicule ridicule right right and reason right and title right folio right holder right of access right of accrual right of action right of appeal right of defence of property right of drainage right of fishery right of ford right of foreclosure right of habitation right of inheritance right of light and prospect right of occupation right of ownership right of passage right of patronage right of possession right of pre-emption right of preference right of primogeniture right of private defence right of prospect right of pursuit right of recourse right of repurchase right of reputation right of retainer right of retention right of search right of servitude right of survivorship right of the crown right of use right of use and enjoyment right of visitation right of way right or interest right or title right to air right to begin right to possess right to priority right to reply right to restitution right to sue rights rights of contributaries rights of distress rights of property rights of seizure rigid rigid constitution rigid law rigidity rigorous imprisonment riot rioting riparian risk ritual rixa robbery roi vindicati roll rolled up plea roman jurisprudence roman law roter royal titles royalty rsetrictive covenant rubric rubric of a statute rule rule nisi rule of action rule of conduct rule of construction rule of court rule of double criminality rule of evidence rule of justice rule of law rule of pleading rule of procedure rules of the supreme court ruling ruling ruling cases ruling of law rumour rural rural court rural lands rustic sabotage saboteur sacred sacrilege sacrosanct safe safeguard safety safety at sea sailing intructions sailor salary sale sale by description sale by sample sale of goods saleable saleable commodity sales tax salutary salutary proviso salvage salvage jurisdiction salvage money salvor sample sanction sanction of an oath sanction legal sanitary sanitary board sanitary measures sanitary officer sanitation sanity satisfaction satisfaction of decree saving clause saving provision scale scandal scandalise scandalous scandalous conduct schedule scheme science of law science of legislation scientific research scintilla scintilla of evidence scope score screen the offender screening scrip scrip certificate scrip dividend scripless script scrutiny sculptor sculpture scurrilous scurrilous pamphlet scuttle sea brief sea fishery sea going passanger steamer sea insurance sea letter sea mark sea policy sea risk sea rover sea worthiness sea worthy seagoing seal seal block seamen search search search of premises search warrant seashore secede secession second mate secondary conveyance secondary creditor secondary evidence secondary meaning secondary mortgage secondary or collateral liability secondary sense secondary use seconder second-hand secondment secrecy secrecy of voting secret secret ballot secret commission secret disposal secret profits secret reserve secret service secret stet secrets of state section secular secure secure secured Securities and Exchange Commission Act security security bond security council security for cots security for good behaviour security of attetation security on property sedition sedition conspiracy sedition libel seditious words seduce seducer seduction seed grain segregate seisin seize seized and possessed seizure seizure of property seizure priority notice select committee selective self government self-contradictory self-control self-deception self-defence self-exculpation self-help self-induced self-limitation self-limiting self-muder seller's lien semble semi-intentional semi-plena probatio semi-representative senate senate House senator senatus consultum senatus consultum velleianum senatus decreta senior state counsel seniority sense sensitivity sentence sentence sentence of death sentence of imprisonment sentimental sentimental damages sentimental grievance sentimental loss separate separate entity separate estate separate opinion separate property separatio separatio bonorum separation separation a mensa et thoro separation of powers sequester sequestration sergeant-at-law seriatim series of days sermon servant of the King serve service service agreement service of process service of summons service out of jurisdiction service tenure servient property servient right servient tenement servitude servitude appurtenant servitude in gross servitude of way servitus ne luminibus officiatur session of parliament sessional paper set set aside set of instructions set off settle settled by settled case settled land settled principle settlement settlement officer settlor sever severable several severally liable severance severity severity of punishment sewerage sex disqulification sexual sexual act sexual assault sexual immorality sexual intercourse sexual intimacy sexual offence sexual relations shaft share share certificate share holder share issue share premium share transfer share warrant shares shares a tdiscount shipment shock shop lifting shops Ordinance short title short-notice short-term short-term securities show cause showcards si sine libers decesserit side note sight bill sight draft sign signatory signification similar evidence simple agreement simple contract simple imprisonment simple larceny simple unertaking simplify simultaneous sine cure sine die sine qua non sine quo non single appeal single list sytem single sentence singuli in solidum sinking fund sino damno sittings in camera sketch skill skilled witness slander slander of goods slander of title slaughter house slaughterer slave slavery slave-trade sleeping partner slip slogans slum clearance small claims court small holding small tenement small tenements Ordinance socage tenure social social benefits social justice social legislation social security society socio-economic survey sociological jurisprudence sodomy solatium sold note sole sole agent sole and exclusive sole corporation sole evidence sole ownership sole plaintiff sole surviving executor sole tenant solemn solemn affirmation solemn will solemnities solemnization solemnization of marriage solemnly solemnly sincerely and truly solicit solicitation solicitor solicitor Genaral solidary confinement solidary obligation solidum solitary confinement soluble solutio solutio indebiti solutio obligations solvency solvent solvent partner solvitur in modum solventis sorcery soundness of mind source source of the law sovereign sovereign assembly sovereign authority sovereign executive sovereign government sovereign legislature sovereign lord sovereign monarch sovereign political authority sovereign power sovereign state sovereignty space craft spatium deliberandi speaker special agent special area special bail special case special circumtances special committee special defence special diet special direction special endorsement special finding special grant special indorsement special injunction special lien special limits special majority special meeting special mortgage special notice special obligation special officer special presidential commission of inquiry special resolution special restraint special restriction special rules of procedure special session special skill special statute special trust special verdict speciality contract specific specific bequset specific debenture specific decision specific enforcement specific legacy specific performance specific performance of marriage specific property specific purpose specific restitution specific share qualification specific wrong specifically specification specified indsutrial undertaking specify specimen specimen signature speculative speculative opinion speculative purpose speech from the throne speed limits speedy and naturally decay speedy execution spinter spirit of the law spiritual spiritual adviser spiritual censure spiritual corporation spiritual courts spite spoilt ballot paper spoilt cargo spoken defamation spoli Mandament van spoliation spoliatus ante omnia retituendus et sponsila spot transaction spousal spouse spreading false news spurious spy squatter squatter's title stabbing stage right stage-play stake possession stakeholder stakings at sea stale stale cheque stale demand stall stallage stally stally clerk Stamp Act stamp duty stamp law stamp ordinance stamped stamped document stamped measure stamped receipt stamped weight standard standard crop standard measure standard of proof standard rent standard unit standardisation standing standing committee standing expenses standing matrimonio standing offer standing order state state a case state counsel state government state immunity state of emergency state of facts state of mind state patronage state policy state servitudes state sovereignty state sponsored state territory state trail statecraft stated instalment stateless statement statement of claim statement of accounts statement of particulars statitics statitics analysis status status quo status quo ante bellum statute statute statute law statute law revision statute merchant statute of Frauds statute of Limitations statute-barred statutes of ditribution statutes of the realm statutory statutory force statutory incursions statutory liability statutory list statutory offence statutory appointment statutory assignee statutory community statutory declaration statutory declaration of secrecy statutory definition statutory enactment statutory evidence statutory exception statutory exposition statutory formalities statutory guardianship statutory hypothec statutory meeting statutory modification statutory number statutory obligation statutory order statutory partnership statutory penalty statutory powers statutory protection statutory provision statutory release statutory requirement statutory reserve statutory retrictions statutory rules and orders statutory scale statutory tenant statutory trsut stautology stay stay action stay of execution stay of proceedings stealing step-child stepdaughter stepmother stepson stevedore steward still picture stillbirth stillborn stipend stipendiary stipendiary magitrate stipulate stipulated conditions stipulation stipulator stock stock account stock broker stock in trade stock market stock of goods stock taking stolen goods stolen property stop lit stoppage in transitu stoppage in transitu stoppage of work storage store stores stranded stranger stranger in blood stranger to transaction strangulation strategy street betting street collections street line street trading street works strict strict and scrupulous accuracy strict contruction strict interpretation strict liability strict meaning stricti juris style sub condicione sub contractor sub judice sub letting sub-division subjacent subject subject matter subject to contract subjective subjective conception subjugation sub-lease sub-lesee sub-lessor submission subordinate subordinate legislation suborn subornation of perjury suborned person subpoena subpoena duces tecum subrogation subscribe subscriber subscribing witness subscription subscription of plaint sub-section sub-sectoral plan subsequent subsequent condition subsequent indorser subsequent instrument subsequent offence subsequent period subsequent sale subsidence subsidiary agreement subsidiary company subsidiary company subsidiary legislation subsidiary promise subsidy subsisting right subsitence subsitence allowance subsiting obligations sub-spe reconcilionis substantial substantial cause substantive evidence substantive judgement substantive law substantive sentence substitued executor substitute substitute substitute holiday substituted heir substituted agreement substituted and added plaintiff substituted contract substituted debtor substituted guardian substituted perfomance substitution substitutional substitutionary sub-surety subtantial injury subtantiate subtantive law sub-tenant sub-underwriter sub-vendee succeed succeeding succeeding business day succeeding generation succeeding holder succeeding year succession successive successor successor in title succssion to property sudden sudden death sudden emergency sudden fight sudden provocation sue sue and labour clause sue generis suffer suffer the judgement sufferance sufficient sufficient cause sufficient cause of action sufficient ground sufficient knowledge suffrage suffragette movement suggetion sui juris suicide suicide attempt suicide pact suit suit for damages suitability suitable suitor summary summary case summary conviction summary execution summary jurisdiction summary manner summary of distribution summary offence summary procedure summary remedy summary trail summary way summing up summon summons super altum mare super event super state super tax superannuation allowance superficiarum superficiarus superflous matter superimpose superintend superintendant superintendant of prison superintendence superior superior authority superior court supernatual supernumeracy supersede supervening event supervise supervising staff supervision supervision order supervisor supervisor and control supplement supplemental answer supplemental citation supplemental deed supplemental matters supplemental panel supplementary supplementary budget supplementary order supplementary powers supplicant supplies support supporting application supporting evidence supposition suppress suppressio veri suppression supra protet supremacy supreme court supreme legislation supreme legislature surcharge surety surety for good behaviour suretyship surgery surname surplus surplus assets surplus fund surplus value surplusage surrender surrender of fugitive surrender of lease surrender value surreptitious surrogation surtax surveillance survey survey plan surveying surveyor surveyor issue Surveyor-General surveyors ordinance surviving surviving partner surviving plaintiff surviving spouse survivor survivorship suspect suspect suspected person suspend suspend payment suspended sentence suspense suspense account suspension suspension of payment suspensive veto suspensory power suspicion suspicious suspicious circumtances sutainable energy suzerain suzerain tate suzerainty swear swearing sweet toddy swer sworn testimony sworn translator syllogism symbol symbolical symbolical delivery symbolism symmetry synallagamatic syndicate synod syntax synthesis sytem sytem evidence sytem of jurisprudence sytematic development table table of fees tabulae nuptiales tabular tabularius tacit tacit acceptance tacit consent tacit emancipation tacit hypothec tacit mortgage tacit pledge tacito concensu tage carriage permit tail tail special tail-femele tail-male tainted tainted evidence tamper tamper with document tamper with evidence tamper with witness tangible tangible assets tangible movable tangible property tantamount tapping telephone tare tare decisis tariff task force tatu liber tatutory limited partnership tatutory owner tax tax a bill taxable taxable expenditure taxable gift taxable income taxable wealth taxation taxation of costs taxes taxidermit taxidermy taxing officer teaching teaching aids technical technical assitance technical expression technical information technical infringement technical instructions technical objection technical presumption technical sense technical terms technician technique technological technological development technology tecnicality telegraph telegraphic code telephone television television broadcast television programme temple lands temporal temporal or spiritual injury temporalities temporary temporary absence temporary building temporary disablement temporary employer temporary injunction temporary order temporary residence permit temporary suspend tenancy tenancy at will tenancy in common tenant tenant at will tenant cultivator tenant farmer tenant for life tenantable tendency tender tender tender pardon tendered ballot paper tendered voter's list tenement tenet tenor tenor and date tenor of contract tenure term term of a contract term of imprisonment term of office term of prescription term of protection term or condition terminable terminable annuity terminal benefit terminal charge terminal cots terminate termination terminus a quo terminus ad quem terms of incorporation terms of issue terms of payment terms of reference terms of restitution terms of settlement terra nova territorial territorial air space territorial army territorial atmosphere territorial dominas territorial enforcement of law territorial intergrity territorial inviolability territorial jurisdiction territorial law territorial limits territorial property territorial supremacy territorial waters territorium dominans territorium nullius territorium serviens territory test test case testacy testament testamentary testamentary action testamentary appoinment testamentary capacity testamentary disposition testamentary document testamentary duty testamentary expenses testamentary guardian testamentary proceedings testamentary suit testamentary trust testator testatrix testatum testify testify on oath testimonial testimonial evidence testimonial proof testimonium clause testimonium de auditu alieno testimony text the Constitution The Delimitation Commission The Energy Conservation Fund Act the Island the minutes on pensions the Mob The Regitration of Documents Ordinance the republic the state theatre theatrical licence theft theftuous intent theoretical theoretical jurisprudence theory theory of contract theory of dualism therapy thermal thief third party third party risk third person third state thorouhtfares Ordinance threat threaten threaten infringement three dimension thrift through bill of lading thumb imperssion tidal waters timber time being time bound time bound action plan time charter time deposits time immemorial time lag time liabilities time perference time policy title title title title of honour title of the act title deed title of action title paramount titular titular honour to have and to hold to pay on demand to sue and be sued to wit toddy rents token token money tolerance tolerate toll toll-keeper Tolls Ordinance tombstone tonnage tools topography tort tortious act tortious liability torture total total cost total loss total outlay total revenue totalizator tout touting tow tow line towage Town and Country Planning Ordinance Town Council town crier town guard township trace assets trace title tracings trade trade agreement trade balance trade bill Trade Chamber trade custom trade description trade discount trade dispute trade facilities trade label trade libel trade mark trade name trade purpose trade representation trade secret trade transaction trade union trade usage trading account trading capital trading certificate trading corporation trading debt trading with enemy traditio tradition traditional law traffic traffic sign trafficking trailer trained interpretation trainee trainer training traitor transact transaction transaction transcribe transfer transfer by delivery transfer certificate transfer of cases transfer of land transfer of ownership transfer of possession transfer of registerd stocks transfer of stocks transfer of title transferable transferee transferee company transferor transferor by delivery transferor company transformation transgenic transgenic- microorganism transgress transgression tranship transhipment transit transit terra cum onere transition transitional transitional provisions transitory translation transliteration transmissible transmission transmission licence transmission of actions transmit transmitters transport transportation travel traveller's cheque travelling expenses traverse traverse the allegation traverse the plaint traversing answer treason treasonable felony treasure trove treasurer treasury treasury bill treating treatise treaty treaty of neutrality trebellian portion trek-path trend trespass trespass on movables trespasser trespassing trespassing animals tresspass triable triable by a magitrate trial trial by jury trial cases trial court trial judge trial roll trials at bar tribunal tribunal of appeal trick tricke off the roll triparite agreement triplicate trivial nature troops trover truce true and final account true copy true origin true owner trunk road trust trust corporation trust deed trust for sale trust fund trust instrument trust property trut territory trutee trutee in bankruptcy truteeship truteeship Council truteeship sytem truth and jutice trutworthiness try try and determine tumult tuprum turnover tax turpes personae turpis causa tutela tutela and cura tutelage tutor tutores dativi tutores honorarii tutores legitimi tutores tetamentarii tutorship twelve tables twleve tables two-party contract typical performance data typography tyranny tyrant tyrrany uberrimae fidei ubi supra ulterior motive ultima ratio ultimate ultimative burden ultimative detination ultimatum ultra vires umpire unalienable unalienable property unalienable right unanimous unanimousverdict unascertainable unascertained goods unatisfied creditor unauthorised unauthorised alienation unauthorised mangement unauthorised signature unavoidable unavoidable cause unavoidable misfortune unborn person unbroken possession uncalled capital uncalled dividend uncalled share capital uncertain uncertainty uncertificated insolvent uncertificated teacher uncertified insolvent unchatity unclaimed unclaimed dividend unclaimed property uncommunicated uncommunicated consent uncommunicated offer unconditional unconditional acceptance unconditional order unconditional promise unconditional surrender unconditional transfer unconscientious contract unconscionable contract unconstitution unconstitutionity unconteted unconteted case unconteted election uncontrollable uncontrollable impulse uncorroborated uncorroborated evidence uncorroborated statement uncovenanted uncovenanted service undated service undeclared undeclared assets undeclared goods undefended undefended accused undefended person under and subject to under consumption under development under employment under hand will under investment under lessee under mandate under moral pressure under pain of punishment under priced under protet under seal under the act under the circumtances under the hand under value undercut underlease undermined undertaking undertaking business under-tenant under-valuation underwriter underwriting underwriting agreement undesirable persons undetermined undeveloped land undischarged undischarged bankrupt undischarged obligation undisclosed undisclosed assets undisclosed defect undisclosed information undisclosed matter undisclosed principel undisturbed possession unditurbed unditurbed occupation unditurbed possession undivided undivided immovable property undivided interets undivided land undivided share undivided tenure undoubted right undue undue influence undue preference undue reliance unduteous will unemancipated unemployed unemployment insurance unenforceable unenforceable contract unenforceable decree unenforceable order unequivocal unexpired unexpressed unfair competition unfettered unfettered judgement unfettered right unfit person unforeseen unforeseen circumtances unforeseen event unicameral unicameral legislature uniform uniformity unilateral unilateral act unilateral action unilateral application unilateral contract unilateral declaration unilateral instrument unilateral miatake unimpaired capital unimpeachable unimpeachable evidence unimpeachable repudiation unimpeachable tetimony unincorporated unincorporated association unincorporated body unincorporated company uninterrupted uninterrupted occupation uninterrupted possession uninterrupted residence unissued unissued capital unit unit of measure unit rate unit trust unitary unitary Constitution unitary state universal and equal access universal heir universal international law universal law universal malice universal partnership universal successor universitas personarum universitas rerum unjust unjust enrichment unjutifiable unjutifiable action unjutifiable inference unjutifiable interference unlawful unlawful act unlawful aggression unlawful assembly unlawful confinement unlawful damage unlawful detention unlawful entry unlawful gaming unlawful homicide unlawful intention unlawful interference unlawful manufacture unlawful manufacture of liquor unlawful means unlawful oath unlawful object unlawful obtruction unlawful possession unlawful purpose unlawful sale unlawful trading unlimited unlimited and residuary unlimited claim unlimited company unlimited partnership unliquidated unliquidated amount unliquidated damages unliquidated demand unmarried person unmature unmatured unmatured bill unmatured negotiable instrument unnatural unnatural death unnatural offence unnecessary delay unofficial unofficial magitrate unofficial member unpaid capital unpaid expenses unpaid seller unprivileged unprivileged class unprofessional conduct unprotected unprotected holding unprotected level crossing unqualified unqualified acceptance unqualified acknowledgement unqualified admission unqualified declaration unqualified gift unreasonable unreasonable attitude unreasonable delay unreasonable length of time unreasonable tipulation unreasonable verdict unredeemed pledge unregisterd company unregisterd decision unregisterd decree unregisterd deed unregisterd title unrepresented unrepresented accused unrepresented decision unrepresented judgement unrepresented party unsafe unsatisfied unsatisfied creditor unsatisfied debt unsatisfied judgement unseaworthy unseaworthy ship unsecured unsecured creditor unsecured liabilites unsound unsound mind unsound product unsoundness of mind unsworn evidence unsworn tatement unsworn tesimony untrue unusual difficulty unvalued unvalued policy unwarranted unwarranted conclusion unwarranted interference unwholesome unwholesome smell unwritten law updating uphold uphold the objection upholder of jutice upper house upper proprietor upper riparian proprietor upset upset price upset the judgement urban urban Council urban lands urbran urbran servitude urbran tenement urge urgency urgent relief usage usage and cutom usage of bankers usage of the trade usance use and occupation user user Immemorial usual covenant usual signature usufruct usufructuary usufructuary mortgage usufructuary possession usurious contract usurious interest usurp usurpation usus usus in bello utensils uterine brother utilise utilitarian utilitarian ethics utility utilization utmot utmot goodfaith utter utter a forged document vacancy vacant vacant inheritance vacant office vacant possession vacant premises vacant succession vacate vacate office vacate the order vacation vacation of order vacation of pot vaccination vagrancy vagrant vagrants Ordinance valid valid and effectual valid contract valid delivery valid marriage valid mortgage valid order valid passport valid performance valid suretyship valid tatement valid tenancy valid tipulation validation of sale validity validity of contract valuable valuable consideration valuable security valuation valuation department valuation lit valuation of lands valuation roll value value received valued policy valuer variable variance variation vary vassal vassal tate vault veetigal vehicle vehicles ordinance vend and deal vendee vendition vendor vendor and purchaser vendor's lien venereal diseases venia aetatis venia agendi venire de novo venture venue veracity verba accipienda sunt secundum subjectum materium verbal verbal agreement verbal communication verbal contract verbal evidence verbal injury verbal note verbal obligation verbal tatement verbatim verbatim et literatim verborum obligatio verbruikleening verdict verdict of acquittal verdict of guilty verification protocols verified by affidavit verify verifying clause veritas nominis tollit errorem demontrationis vermin vernacular versus vessel vest vest absolutely vested ownership vestedinterest vesting vesting declaration vesting deed vesting instrument vesting of title vesting order veterinary treatment veto vetutas vexation vexatious vexatious action vexatious defence vexed question vi et armis via viability viae servitus vibration vicarious vicarious liability vicarious responsibility vice vice versa vice-chancellor vice-consul vice-president viceroy vicitimisation victim vide videlicet viduity vier vierendeelen view vigilance village administration village Council village expansion village headman villein villeinage vinculo matrimonii vinculum juris vindicate vindicate title vindication vindicative vindicative damages vindicatory action violate violate rights violation violation of women violence vir et uxor virgin virginity virtue officii vis a vis vis et metus vis major visa visible representation visible sign visitation visiting forces visitor vitiate vituperation vivisection vocation vocational void void agreement void contract void in law void tipulation voidable voidable agreement voidable contract voidable transaction voidance volenti non fit injuria volition voluntarily voluntarily surrender voluntary voluntary assignee voluntary coacta et voluntas voluntary deposit voluntary manslaughter voluntary wate voluntary wate voluntas in delictis non exitus spectalur volunteer volunteer Naval Force volunteer reserve volutary agency vote vote vote by proxy voter voter's card voting rights voucher voyage vulgar wage wage war wager wagering contract wagonage waive waiver waiver of immunity wandering gang wanton war war crime war zone ward ward warden wardship ware house warn warned and discharged warning warning instrument warrant warrant of attachment warrant of attorney warrant of commitment warrant of detention warrant of ejectment warrant officer warrant to confess judgement warranted warrantee warrantor warranty warranty of movables warranty of title warrnat of committal Waste Lands Ordinance watch committee watchword water cause water gang water-way waterworks way way bill way leave way of necessity weakness weapon weath tax weight of authority weight of evidence weights and measures welfare well-being whale fishery wharf wharfage wharfinger whipping white paper whole blood widow widow and Orphans Pension Fund widower widowhood wilful wilful concealment wilful default wilful evasion wilful misconduct wilful neglect will willing seller wind energy wind power project wind turbines windfull winding up window right with impunity with leave of court withdraw withdrawal withhold withhold payment without any manner of right or title without impeachment without lawful cause without lawful excuse without prejudice without probable cause without redress witness witness box woman-juror words of limitation work and labour working class working days workshop world Intelletual Property Organization worship wrapper writ writ application writ de cursu writ of habeus corpus writ of mandamus writ of Possession writ of procedendo writ of procedendo writ of Prohibition writ of quo warranto writ of sequetration writ of spoliation writ of summons write off written agreement written appeal written Contitution written contract written defamation written direction written document written law written memorandum written note written notice written objection written petition written plaint written proclamation written promise written sanction written statement written submission wrong decision wrong folio wrongdoer wrongful wrongful confinement wrongful dismissal wrongful gain wrongful intention wrongful loss wrongful possession wrongful possessor wrongful purpose wrongful retraint wrongful seizure wrongfully wrongfully and unlawfully wrongfully dispossessed wrongly detained year to year tenancy yearly rent youthful offender Zone war abbreviation abduction aberrant reading aberrant decoding ability abridged edition absolute instruction absolutism absorbency absorbent papers abstract art abstract cinema abstract expressionism abstract film abstract reasoning abstraction absurd drama abuse academician accelerated motion accelerator accent accent light accentuation access access channel access to culture access to information access to knowledge accessibility accountability acculturation accuracy achieved status achievement motivation achievement sense of acoustic feedback acquired acronym act acting acting area acting edition action action film action model of communication action news action news style action oriented action outline action shot action sketch active audience active participation actor actress actual information actuality actuality film actualization actualize ad lib interview adapted adapted behaviour added dialogue added entry added scenes additive colour mixing address code addressability addressing machine adequate resources adhoc network adhoc programme adjacent channel adjudge adjustment adman administrative elite administrative regulation administratively controlled information admire admirer adopted information adoption of innovations theory adventure film adventure story adversarial journalism advertisement advertising advertising agency advertising appeal advertising boycotts advertising code advertising contract advertising cost advertising creatavity advertising demographics advertising folder advertising journalism advertising media advertising novelty advertising postmodernist advertising promotion advertising rate card advertising research advertising research foundation advertising slogan advertising standard authority advertorial advisory advocacy advertising advocacy journalism aerial advertising aerial image aerial photography aerial shot aesthetic affective communication affective dimension affective needs affiliate agreement affiliate power affiliated relationship agency evaluation agency produced program agenda-setting agenda-setting function agenda-setting theory aggregation of data aggressive agony column agreement aim alienation alienation journalism alkali all encompassing allegation allegory alliteration alphabetic code alphanumeric code alteration of copy alteration of margin alternate alternate sponsor alternative appropriate technology alternative communication alternative development format alternative journalism alternative media alternative newspapers alternative press alternative publicity station alternative station altruism altruist altruistic journalist amateur announcer amateur journalist amateur photographer amateur service amateur station ambient advertising ambient light ambient news ambient noise ambiguity ambiguity error ambiguous time ambiguous words ambivalence amoral amorous amortization ampere balance amplified modulation amusement amusing anachronism analog channel analog circuit analog computer analog recording analog system analogy analogy transmission analyse analysis analysis of audience analysis of variance analytical analytical and opinion writing analytical survey anamorphic anamorphic compression anamorphic lens anamorphic print anchor ancillary market anecdote angle angle of acceptance angle of approach angle of contact angle of elevation angle of incidence angle of reflection angle of refraction angle of shot angle of view angular perspective animate animated sound animation animation camera animation designer animation stand animator annihilation announce booth announcement announcement campaign announcement program announcer anomaly anonymous answer print antenna anthologist anthropological visual object anti climax anti clockwise anti marxism anticipation antinomianism in journalism antisocial behavior anti-theatre antithesis anxiety apathy aperture aphasia apologies appeal appellation appendix applause mail applications satellite applied communication science appraisal method appreciation approach appropriate appropriate technology archetype archives discourse analysis area composition argot arguments aristocratic arouse desire arrangement arrangement of incidents art department art director art editor art film art inset article articulate artifact artillery of the press artistic imagination artistic perfection artistic precision artistic sensibility assertion assertoric knowledge assimilation assistant director associate associate director associate editor associate producer assumption asymmetrical interdependence asynchronism asynchronous communication asynchronous data transmission atheist atmosphere sketch atmospheric absorption atmospheric perspective attensity fluctuation of attention attest attitude attitude measurement attitude study social attitude attitude-behaviour-consistency problem attitudinal change attitudinaring attribute audience audience apathy audience differentiation audience ethnography audience factor audience flow audience fragmentation audience generated feed back audience participation audience profile audience rating audience reaction profile audience segmentation audience supported media audience turnover audiencing audio audio broadcasting audio communication audio media integration standard audio output audio response unit audio skills development audio visual audio- visual record audiometer audio-video-text-data audio-visual communication audio-visual landscape audit bureau of circulation audition audition channel audition record audition tape auditory communication auditory stimulus aura auteur theory auteurism authentic authentic participation authenticity authenticity journalism author author language author proof author publisher authorised version authoritarian communication concept authoritarian theory authoritarian view authoritarianism authoritative information authority auto focus auto suggestion auto teller machine autobiography automated channel automated dialogue replacement automated interactive publishing system automatic indexing automatic volume control automation autonomous available audience avant gardism avant-garde average audience awareness axiom back bench back board back cloth back issue back light back lighting back projection back propagation back stage back time back track backbone network background background action background music background narration background pagination background printing background reflectance backstage communication bad copy balance balanced programming ballet ballyhoo ban banality bandstand bandwagon effect banner bar code bardic function bardic television bargain barrier signals barter deal baseline basic formula basic needs basic network basic news and feature stories basic procedure basic research basic service basis bastard title beam light beam projector beamed program beat beat generation beat reporter beatnik beauty beauty of communication behavior behaviour cue behaviour observation behaviour pattern behaviour prediction behaviour setting interpersonal behaviour model behaviour rational behaviour behavioural role of communication behaviourism belief dimensions belief system betray bias bias of communication biased data biased journalism biasing effect bibliomania bibliophobiac bidirectional communication bifurcation bifurcation of belief big close up big media and little media bill of type billboard billings bi-media binary language binary opposition binder bio-diversity bipolarity bitcasters bivariate biweekly black and white negative film black list blimp block diagram block letters block programming block scheduling block-buster film blow up blue film blue print blurb body capital body face body language bold face bombastic language bona fide book classification book publication book review book trade bookstore boomerang effect boomerang response boutique agency box office box office appeal box office success break down break for commercial breaking news broad band broad band communication broad band communication network broadcast broadcast bureau broadcast chain broadcast code broadcast consumerism broadcast editor broadcast satellite live broadcast broadcasting research broadsheet buddhist communication buddhist model of communication bulletin bulletin board bureaucratic personality business advertising business communication business cycle business journalism business-to-business advertising button apathy cable advertising cable channels cable news network cable satellite cable system cable system operator cable target audiences cable television cable television network cadre calculation calculator calligrapher call-in call-in program call-out research camcorder camera camera angle camera cue camera microphone camera movement camera position camera ready copy camera set-up camera stylo camera view point cameraman campaign canon canvass canvasser capital accumulation caption caption writing captive audience career caricature carnival carrel carrier ware carryover effect cartoon cartooning cartoonist case study cast casting casting director casting off copy casual relationship catalyst effect catastrophe catch line catch praise word catch word categories category development index catharsis catharsis hypothesis catharsis theory cathartic experience causal causal theory causality cause and effect analysis cease-and-desist order ceased publication cellular radio censor member of censor board censorship censure center of vision center spread centrality centre note centrifugal function centrifugal function of mass communication ceremonial parade chain of command challenge change cue changing information environment channel channel capacity channel of communication channel of publicity and advertising information channel input output channel selection of channels character character actor characterisation characteristic characterizing charisma chat session chat show chauvinism cheap edition cheat shot chequebook journalism chief sub editor children's aimed television children's programme chilling effect choice multiple choice reaction choreographer choreography chorus chronicle novel chronological chronology cine club cinema cinema verity cinemascope cinematic cinematography cinematology cinerama circuit circulation circulation promotion circulation area circulation department circulation director circulation of media circulation research circulation study citizens' journalism city edition city editor city zone civic journalism civic networking civil society clapper board class coalitions classical narrative theory classicism classified advertising clean proof clichés client cliffhanging climate change climate variability climax clip clipping bureau close ended questions close up closed and open texts closed culture closure closure audience cluster chain clustering coaxial cable cochannel cochannel interference code codes of ethic codes of ethics of journalism codes of media realism codes of practice codification coding categories coexistence cognition cognitive complexity cognitive description cognitive dissonance cognitive effect cognitive meaning cognitive model of media use cognitive needs cognitive theory coherence coincidental interview coincidental telephone method coincidental telephone survey cold type collateral advertising collateral services collection and dissemination of news collective collective communication collective emotion collective feeling collective imagination collective psychology collective representation collocation colloquialism colour television colour blind colour blindness colour chart colour circle colour contrast colour design colour difference colour effect colour etching colour fastness colour film reproduction colour guide colour harmony colour lithography colour negative film colour notation colour print colour scheme colour sense colour separation colour side film colour stripping mixing of colour colouration colourful colourless warm colours column columnist columnist column conductor combative communication combination rates comedian comedy comedy film comedy of humours comedy of manners comic actor commanding media comment commentary commentator commerce versus communication commercial announcement commercial break commercial continuity commercial footing commercial media commercial populism commercial printing commercial radio commercial slot commercial stationery commercial television commercial television system commercialisation of information commercialism commercialization commercialized flow commitment common carrier common communication space common language commumisuasion communal communalism communalization communicability communicar communication communication breakdown control of communication communication a resource of human development communication and community communication and government communication as common property of all mankind communication as cultural ecology communication as panacea communication as social interaction communication barrier communication behaviour communication breakdown communication buffer communication channel communication chart communication competence communication components communication concept of democratization communication constraint communication courses communication effects communication for community communication imbalance communication industry communication journal communication labour communication link controller communication locale communication model communication network communication oligopolies communication overload communication process communication satellite system communication science communication setting communication skills communication system communication system a profit-driven business accuracy communication alternative outcomes of communication communication as an effect of communication competence of communication noise in communication non verbal communication communications act communicator communicology communion communis communitarian community community antenna community antenna television community broadcasting community communication community journalism community media community press compact cassette compact disk company publications comparative advertising comparative analysis comparative research competition compilation of television program compile time compiler complement complementary colour complementary needs complication component composer composite shot composite symbol composition composition of audience compositional expressive content compositional moving images compositor comprehensive comprehensive layout compromise computer applications computer assisted training computer catalogue computer graphics computer simulation models computer-augmented learning computerization computerization of information computer-mediated communication computopia conative function concentration of ownership concept concept of social responsibility concept of universal service concept testing concert concomitant concurrence-seeking tendency concurrent printing condensation conditioned responses theory conduction system configuration conflict is news conformism conglomerates congruence conjuncture connection control language connection oriented communication connectionless communication connective dimension connoisseurship connotation connotive conscientisation conscious consciousness consensual validation consensus conservatism consistency console conspiracy theory constructivism consumer consumer advertising consumer culture consumer market consumer preference consumerism contact print contagion effect contemplation content content analysis context contextual criticism contextualism contextualized journalism continuing education continuing news continuity continuity and discontinuity continuity announcer continuous continuous interlinear translation continuum contraction contrast controlled circulation controlling literature convention conventional capsule conventional market-place conventional media conventional research conventional style conventionalism convergence convergence model of communication conversation analysis conversation as communication conversational currency conversion convincingness cooperative advertising coordination co-production copy copy chief copy desk copy distortion copy editor copy flow copy writer copyright copyright law revision copytester corantos corporate corporate advertising corporate identity corporate plan corporate policy corporate sponsorship corporate sponsorship of arts corporation for public broadcasting corrective advertising correlation by ranks correlation function correlation matrix correlation ratio corrigenda cosmology costume costume designer counter advertising counter commercials counter programme counter programming countercultural revolution counter-humanism counterpart counterpoint country of origin covariance cover page cover title coverage coverage area coverage check coverage contours coverage map covert response crane shot creation of community creation of demands creative behaviour creative boutique creative communication creative criticism creative director creative execution style creative imagination creative reproduction creative selling creative synthesis creative tactics creativeness creativity creator credibility credibility gap crisis communication crisis in international news crisis management criterion critical research critical school of communication critical ability critical approach critical common sense critical communication critical edition critical realism critical social theory critical specification critical theory critical theory of communication critical thinking critical-rational media policy criticism crony journalism cross communication cross cultural cross cultural circulation of products cross cultural communication cross media ownership cross promotion cross reference cross talk cryptography crystallization cue cued speech cultivation analysis cultural materialism cultural aims of nation cultural and educational means of reducing violence cultural choice cultural colonialism cultural communication cultural democracy cultural diamond cultural dimension cultural diplomacy cultural discount cultural dominance cultural domination cultural economy cultural entrepreneurs cultural exemption strategy cultural globalization theory cultural homogenization cultural hybridity cultural hybridization cultural identity cultural imperialism cultural imperialism theory cultural impoverishment cultural indicators cultural logic cultural marginalization cultural mass cultural memory cultural mobility cultural network cultural paradox cultural pluralism cultural policy cultural sovereignty cultural studies cultural symbols cultural text culturalist approach culture and development culture language culture of triumph sub culture trait culture culturological approach culturology cumulative audience cumulative effect current international consultation current news current programme curtain cut in head cut in note cut-out cutting print cutting room cyber individualism cyber journalism cyberdemocracy cybernatics cyberspace cycle daily newspaper daily weekly and seasonal variations damage data data bank data base data base editor data capture data channel multiplexer data communication data communication equipment data communication system data compilation data control data preparation data processing data processing automatic data protection database file date base management date of publication day light daytime talk show deadline decadence decentralization decline of the press decode deconstruction deconstructionalism decontextualization defamation defective photograph deflection deformation delayed broadcast delivery deluxe edition demagogy demand programming demarcation demassification demediatization demo democratic consumerism democratic reform of broadcasting democratization of communication democratization of culture democratization of personal computing demodulator demography demonopolization and deconcentration demystification denotation denotative denouement dramma density deonthology deontological journalism depth journalism depth of field depth of focus deregulation descriptive information descriptive journalism descriptive language descriptive naturalism desensitization desire desk top publishing detail close-up detective stories developing news development development communication development media theory development support communication developmental journalism developmental news developmental theory diachronic sequence diachrony dialactic communication dialectical materialism dialectical thinking dialective in communication dialogical communication dialogue dialogue copy diary diaspora dichotomy didactic communication didactic literature diegesis differential focus diffusion diffusion of innovations diffusion of news digital repeater digital to analog converter digital analog converter digital audio tape (DAt) digital binary systems digital broadcasting digital camera digital clock digital communication digital communication age digital compression digital computer digital control digital cross-links digital divide digital duplicator machine digital image processing digital imaging digital journalism digital market digital multiplier digital optical recording digital paper digital repeater digital revolution digital rights digital signal digital sorting digital speech digital to analog converter digital to analogue conversion (D A) digital transmission digital vacscular imaging (Dvi) digital video recording digital video disk digitalization digitise digitiser digitising digotal data dilemma dimensional animation diploma in advertising diploma in communication diploma in journalism diploma in mass communication diploma in mass media diploma in writership and communication direct action advertising direct advertising direct and active democracy direct broadcast satellite direct broadcasting by satellite direct call direct conversion direct definition direct headline direct mail advertisement direct -mail advertising direct organizational function direct organizational function of mass communication direct satellite broadcasting directional microphone directive feedback director directory direct-to-home reception equipment dirty medium disarmament disaster communication disaster reporting disc jockey disconnection discontinuity discourse discourse analysis discourses of television discrepancy discriminate audience discrimination discursive communication discursive formation discussion and dialogue programmes disinformation disk diskette disorientation displacement display display advertisement display advertising display command display letters display screen display type display windows displaymen dissemination of culture dissemination of information dissemination of knowledge dissemination stage dissident marketplace dissolve distance distance shot distant communication distinguishing distribution distribution system diurnal diversification diversion diversity diversity and democracy diversity and integration diversity of cultures diversity paradox divine comedy doctoral degree in communication doctrine of localism doctrine of objectivity doctrine of scarcity docudrama document management documentary documentary film dogmatic barrier dogmatism do-it-for-yourself dolly domestic production unit domestic syndication domestically produced program domesticated new technologies domestication dominant dominant code dominant groups dominant ideology dominant paradigm dominant point dominant system domination dormant records dot etching dot leader dot reduction dot to register double acting double exposure double feature downward communication draft dramatic dialogue dramatic height dramatization dream factory drive-time dual identity of newspaper duality dub duet dummy dummy volume dumping down duopoly dupe negative dynamics of information dysfunction dysfunctional dysinformation dysphemism early agenda setting research eclecticism ecological analysis e-commerce economic rationales economic theory economics of communication economist ecumenical pilgrimage ecumenism editing editing terminal editor editorial editorial advertising editorial alteration editorial director editorial line editorial line-up editorial notes editorial office editorial page editorial policies editorial self-determination editorial staff editorial traffic editorial writer editorialization editorial-to-advertising ratio editor-in-chief editor-reader comparison editor's guild editor's note editorial note editorship educational educational broadcast educational film educational function educational function of mass communication educational impact educational information educational institution programme educational programme educational technology educational television effect effective communication effectiveness effects of media efficaciousness egalitarian democracy elaborated codes elaboration electric set electronic advertising electronic communications technologies electronic community electronic cottage electronic democracy electronic evangelism electronic forums electronic journalism electronic library electronic mail electronic messaging functions electronic news gathering electronic newspaper electronic novel electronic orality electronic print electronic publishing electronic referendum electronic renaissance electrostatic copying elegy element of communication process elements of and advertisement elite audience elite press elitism e-mail emancipation embargo emblem embossed emotion emotional emotional appeal emotional barrier emotional release emotional truth emotive function empathy in communication empirical sociology employee communication employee feedback emulation encapsulation encode encoding encryption devices enculture encyclopedia of television end matter end of ideology end of literacy end title entertainment entertainment industry entertainment programs entertainment theory entrophy environmental communication environmental damage environmental journalism environmental noise environmental reporting environmentalism epic epilogue epiphenomenon episodic series episteme epistemology epitome equal opportunities equal opportunities rule equity theory escape function escapist needs essence-centered establishing shot establishment establishment journalism ethic of consumption ethic of production ethical tourism ethics and cheque -book journalism ethics of journalism ethnicity ethno methodology ethnography ethos etymology eulogy euphony eurovision event journalism event sponsorship event-centered news exchange of news and information exchange relations excitement exciter lamp exclusion exclusive interview excommunication executive editor exhibitionism exhibitor existential journalism existentialism existentialist orientation in journalism exit poll exorcism experience experiment experimental films expert expert communicator expertise explicit explorative communication exposition expositional information exposure exposure meter expressionism expressionist extension communication exterior external communication extra extrapolation extreme close up extreme long shot extrovert eye level eye level shot eye line matching fable face to face communication face to face group facilitation facsimile reproduction factor efficiency factual journalism fade fade in fair use fairness fairness doctrine fallacy false advertising false consciousness falsification familiar images family drama family planning communication fandom fantasy fantasy film feature feature film feature stories feature writers featurette feed forward feedback feeling feminism feminist criticism fetish fetishism fetishistic scotophil fiber optic cable fiber optic technology fiction fictional film field camera field editing field experiment field frequency field interview field of vision field pick up figment figments of imagination figuration figures of speech fill light filler film film adaptation film archive film critic film editor film fan film festival film library film roll film script film shooting film star film story film version film viewer filmgoer filmization filmology filter final proof final shooting script finale fine cut fine grain print first amendment firsthand experience flash back flash forward flat character flexibility flexible specialization flow of information flow of time flying squad focal length focal point focal point of training focus focus group focus group discussion focus group research fog filter folk art folk character folk culture folk poetry folk tales folklore folklore communication folklore of industrial man follow style foreground foreign licensing foreign news form form of communication form of voice formal communication formalism format format wheel formats for crisis formula broadcasting formula film formulaic texts formulism forum foundation foundation of journalism foundationalism four colour four colour printing four-dimensional fourth cover fourth estate fragmentation fragmenting audience frame framework framing framing of national culture free cinema free flow of communication free flow of information free media movement free newspapers free of royalty free speech free verse freedom of expression freedom of information freedom of information act freedom of the press freelance free-lance journalist freeze freeze frame freezing frequency frequency allocation frequency distribution frequency modulation frequency modulation full screen full-service agency function function of communication function of mass communication functional alternative functional analysis functional approach functionalism fundamental paradox fundamentalist marxism futurist fuzzy gag order gag rules gag writing gala concert gala day gala dress gallery gallery reporters gangster film gate keeper model of communication gate keeping gatekeepers gateways to communication gender gender base violence genealogy general public audience general purposes generalization generic promo genetic genetic structuralism genius genre geometrical perspective geophilosophy glasnost global advertising global audience global broadcasting global capitalism global city global civil society global communication global consumer global consumers global family global journalism global journalist global language global media and cultural identity global media conglomerate global metropolis global print media global public sphere global village global warming globalization globalization of the subject matter globalized media culture god-centered golden jubilee good news good variety gossip gossip chain gossip column government information government information centre government regulation governmental administrative structure grace grace of communication graceful degradation gramophone grand narrative graphic communication graphics designer graphics editor graphics technician grassroots communications grassroots press gratifications research gratifications theory grazing green advertising green problems gross audience gross impressions ground receiver group advertising group communication group interview guard dog theory of journalism guest actor guest interview guest performance guided focus group discussion guilt guilt of information gutenberg era gutenbergian principle gutter journalism habit hallucinations hammock schedule hard news hard-hitting journalism hardware hardware description language harmonious minuet harmony head channel headline health communication hearing-impaired character hedonism hegemonism hegemony hermeneutical circle hermeneutics hero heroic acting heroine hicklin rule hierarchical hierarchy hierarchy of discourses hierarchy of influences high angle high angle shot high art high key high risk highbrow program high-context communication historicism hoarding hold over figure holding power holistic holography home movie home page home row home video centre homogenization homogenization of culture homogenization of universal tastes homophony horizontal communication horizontal lateral communication horizontal segmentation horizontal spiral flow horizontal transfer of information horror film host countries hot-line hot-line editor human communication human emotions human interest human rights human rights act humanism humanitarianism humour husband and wife communication hybrid hybridization hybridization of culture hyper real hyper reality hyperactivity hyperlinked needle theory hyperlinked news hypermedia hypersensitive hypertext hypertext method hypodermic needle approach hypothesis hypothesis working hypothetical icon iconography idd ideal ideal arrangement identification identity ideological barrier ideological effects ideological function of mass communication ideological journalism ideological state apparatuses ideological state mechanism ideology idiological-congnitive aspect illuminated manuscript illustrated illustrated newspaper illustrated publication illustration illustration board image image advertising image of other image of self imagemaker imagery images in media imagination imagined community imagism imbalance imbalance communication imitation immediate reward news impartiality imperceptible response implicit impressionism imprint improved coordination improved international communication impulse in vision inattention to message incest inclusitionary and exclusionary violence incongruity incorporation increased interdependence inculturation independent independent community communication independent national radio independent producers in-depth index indexical signs indifference of the public indigenous communication indigenous media indirect channels indirect headline individual and social values individual character individual differences theory industrial advertising industrial revolution industrialization of the culture industry self-regulation inexplicable inexpressible influence influence of television informal communication informatics information information society information age information control information economy information exchange information explosion information flow information gaps information globalism information imperialism information infrastructure information monopolism information noise information overload information paradox information processing centre information rational appeals information science information security information seeking paradigm information sources information storage information super highway information system information system management information talk shows information theory information value informational communication informative informative saturation of text infotainment infrastructure infringement inherent injunction innovations inseparable insight inspiration instantaneous instantaneous communication instantaneous rating instinct institutional apparatus institutional approach institutional communication institutional racism institutional surveillance institutional technologies institutionalists in journalism institutionalization instructional communication instructional programs instrumental communication instrumental surveillance integrated marketing communication integration integration on national societies intellectual intellectual decolonization intellectual technology intensification intention intentional fallacy intentionality inter personal communication inter press service interaction interaction model of communication interactive audience stage interactive media interactive television interactivity intercom interconnectedness social intercourse inter-cultural communication interdependency interest interethnic communication interface interior interior shot intermedia intermediate intermittent motion intermittent movement internal communication internal decorder internal logic of the sign internal movement internal publication internal search international broadcasting international broadcasting station international code of media ethics international communication international communication association international communication education international communication principles international community international cooperation international co-production international journalism international journalistic network international market international media international network international news policies international news safety institute international nuclear information system international periodicals international press institute international public relations international seminar on the infrastructure international standards and instruments international telecommunications union international union of advertisers internet internet journalism internet work competition interpersonal communication interpolation inter-press service interpretation interpretational function interpretational function of mass communication interpretative framework interpretative repertoire interracial communication interruptive journalism intersatelite link intersatellite communication intersputnik intersubjective world intertextuality intervening variable interview intracultural communication intrapersonal communication intrinsic ethos introspection introspective introvert personal communication intuition invariability inversion inverted pyramid investigative journalism investigative news investigative reporter investigative reporting invisible editing ipistemology irony irrational isolated fragments of information issue based issues jazz jazz age jazz journalism jingles jobbing printer joint joint author joint authorship joint operating agreement joint venture journal journalese journalism journalism ethics journalism competencies journalism education journalism of attachment journalism review journalism studies journalism training journalist journalistic journalistic flexibility journalistic freedom journalistic orientation jump cut key concept key features key light key work keyboard kinetics kit kitsch knowledge gap knowledge gap theory label libel laboratory labour laminated laminating language language barrier language capability language community language congruence language policy language society lasswell's model of communication lateral latest news law of large numbers lay out page layer layout lead lead news lead paragraph lead story leader writer leadership style leaflet leaks least objectionable program theory lebellous legal editor legend leisure industry lens letter of credit letterpress lexicographer lexicography lexicon libel liberation communication liberation movements libertarian communication libertarian theory library shot license fee licensing lifestyle light house technique light source lighting lighting cameraman lighting equipment light-weight media limitation of communication limited effects limited partnership line printer linear model linear principle of print culture line-of-sight transmission linguistic hierarchy link link man linkage linkage editor linkage function linotype machine literacy literary communication literary journalism literary script literature of silence lithic age little narrative live link-up live broadcasting live commentary live pick-up live satellite transmission lobbyist local advertising local channel local collaborator local newspaper local production local programs local radio localised advertising strategy localization location logging logic of figuration logic of media culture logical positivism logo logocentric logography logonomic system logotype long shot loop loudspeaker low angle low key low telecommunication rates low-context communication low-power television lyric lyric poetry lyric writer machine-assisted interpersonal communication macroanalysis macrostructure magazine magnetooptical disk mailing list main main channel main title mainstream mainstream media market place mainstreaming major silling idea majoritorianism make-up make-up artist man power management by objectives management communication management effectiveness management efficiency managing editor mania manifest manifestation manipulation manufacture of consent mapping margin marginal analysis marginal position marine and aeronautical satellite system marked proof market approach to journalism market driven journalism market mechanism market opportunities market penetration market research market segmentation marketing marketing communication marketing concept marketing philosophy marketing plan marketing policy marriage rate married print martial arts marxism marxist media theory mask mass mass appeal newspaper mass arts mass audience mass audience evolution mass audience stage mass character mass communication mass communication campaign mass communication education mass communicator mass culture mass demand mass entertainment mass escape mass media mass media effect mass media industries mass media message mass media violence mass mulation mass orientation mass production mass publication mass rally mass society massacre masseffect massification massing massology master file master negative master plate master sample master screen master shot masterpiece masterpiece theatre materiality mean absolute error mean density mean deviation mean value meaning meaning theory meaning-making measurement mechanical noise media media planning media access movement media accountability media analysis media and diversity media as actors in social dramas media as means of production media buying service media campaign media circulation figures media communication media community media concentration media content effect media control process media convention media conversion media coverage media credibility media dysfunction media education media effects media event media events and pseudoevents media feedback media freedom media imperialism media industry media journal media junk media law media literacy media man media management media market media metaphors media mogul media mythology media of a plane media ownership media panic media person media planning media pluralism media representative media research media review media selection media services organisation media shy media society media sociology media stereotype media strategy media studies course media support system media synergism media theory map media values media voice media-centric approach mediacracy medialisation of politics medialogist medialogy mediamorphosis median effective dose median of a plane media-originated feedback mediated communication mediated interpersonal communication mediated reality mediation mediatised culture mediatization of the life world medium medium close up medium long shot medium of interpretation medium shot medium wave megamedia event megaphone megaplayers megavolt melding of formats meliorism melodramatic melody mergemania meritocracy message message discrimination message entrophy message movement message originator message retrieval meta communication metadiscipline metafiction metainformation metamorphosis metaphor method of simple enumeration methodological collectivism methodological indifference methodological individualism methodological pluralism methodological problems methodology meticolous micro broadcasting micro computer micro programming micro analysis micro cinematography microphone micro-processor mid shot medium shot mien militarism mimetic theories of art miming mini computer mini disc- recorder minimal consequences minimal effect minuet mirror stage mirrors of events miscegenation mise-in scene misinformation mission statement mix mix-down mobile advertisement mobile advertising mobile telephone mobile television station mobility mobilization of information modalities model model of communication modeling theory moderation system modern mainstream modification modulate modulation modulator monetary measures monocline monophony monotony montage mood moral panic morphing mosaic culture motion motion picture motivation motive movement movie muckraking multi access system multi camera production multi lateral agreement on investment multi media multi media conference multi media projector multi step flow model multi user multi-cultural training programme multiculturalism multi-ethnic communications environment multi-ethnic public sphere multilateral multilinear multimedia multimedia books multimedia conference multimedia co-production multimedia distributed parallel processing multi-media learning multimedia on line journalism multimedia product multimedia project multimedia stores multimedia vector multimodal multimodality multiple address message multiple connector multiple images multiple logic multiple pass printing multiple regression multiple selection multiple story lines multiple user system multiplex multiplex channels multiplexer multiplexer channel multiplexing multiplication multistage flow of information multistage process multistep flow model music video musical communication musical film musical programmes musicology mutually exclusive mysticism myth myth of the free press mythology myths myths chain narratology narration narrative narrative nonfiction narratives analysis narratives characters narratives tradition narrator narrow angle narrow angle lens narrowcast narrowcast codes national advertiser national communications satellite system national development national images through international news national news council national news shows national press native language natural language need of information needle time negative negative definition negative film negative liberty negative proposition negotiated meaning neo-avangardism neo-classicism neo-imperialism neo-institutionalist theories neo-liberalism neologism neo-marxism neo-realism net work news network network clearance network convergence paradigm network infrastructure network model network of networks network program network society network topology neutralism in journalism neutralized information new accents new agency new barbarism new classicism new communication ecology new communication process new communication strategy new consultant new consumerism new corporate ethics new cosmovision new electronic media new environmentalism new era of information and communication new global theatre new industrial revolution new info-sphere new international information and communication order new journalism new media new popular literacy new security theory new sensational journalism new sensibility new technology new wave new world consciousness new world information and communication order new world information order news news agencies news agency news agent news analyst news angle news as a business news as a product to sell news bulletin news bulletin news cast news conference news dealer news diffusion news editor news flash news gatherer news gathering news group news imbalances news journalism news literate news maker news management news oligopolies news paper supplement news paper workshop news paperese news perspective news print news programs news reader news reel news release news room news sense news service news stand news summary lead news value news worthy newsbreak newsbreak stage newshole newshounds newsletter newsman newspaper newspaper advertising bureau newspaper chains newspaper design newspaper morgue newspaper publication newspaper supplement news-perishable commodity noie silencer noise noise immunity noise in communication noise level noise protection noises silencer nomadism nominal measurement non commercial basis non edited science non linear model non profit organization non verbal behaviour non verbal communication nonbanality noncommercial television system noncommunication non-dramatic non-feature film nonfunctional nonlinear non-public areas nonverbal communication non-verbal language norm normal lens normative normative ethics normative information normative press theory normative theory novelty numeric character obituary objective correlates objective journalism objective view point objectivism objectivity objectivity in news obscenity obscenity and pornography observation observational learning official publication official secrets act off-network program offset plate offset printing off-the-air broadcasting off-the-air television oligopolization oligopoly ombudsman omnibus edition omniscient style on line communication one-step flow model of communication one-way communication one-way medium online advertising on-line editing online journalism online journalists on-line office on-line service on-screen and off screen space ontology open system open-end program open-ended question open-system paradigm operating definitions operating policies operation stage operational communications operational cost operational management operator operator projector opinion opinion followers opinion holder opinion leader opinion magazine opinion poll opinionaire opinionator opinioned opinionist optical optical printer optimum efficiency option contract oral argument oral coefficient oral condition oral culture oral presentation and discussion oral tradition oral transmission oration orchestra order of time order paper ordered pair ordering relation organic systems organic-orient arguments organizational change organizational climate organizational logic oriental philosophy orientalism orientation orientation programme origin original originality orthodox orthography out door film out edit out of focus out of syne out source outdoor advertisement outdoor advertising outline over acting over exposure overhead projector overlap overlapping overpopulated over-the-air broadcast overtones ownership ownership and control pack up page gauge page production programs page proof pagination palliative solution palm leaf book pamphlet pan pan shot panel panel discussion panel meeting panel study panoramic method paracriticism paradigm paradigmatic signs paradox paradox of communication parallel communication parallel cutting parallel film parallelism paramount communication parasocial relationship parliamentary journalism parliamentary reporting parody participating sponsors participatory communication participatory communication research participatory decision-making participatory democracy participatory message development participatory model participatory research participatory research methodology participatory research process partisan communication partisan newspaper partisanship pass along readership pass-along audience pass-along readers passing of traditional society past broadcast record paternalism patriarchy patron patronage pattern advertising pattern of expenditure pattern of shot pay cable television pay television payment for articles payola pay-per-view peace communication peace journalism peak time peer group pressure pen-and-ink war pencil-and-paper measure penetration penetration rate penny press peoplemeter people's communication perceptions audience perceptual consciousness perestroika performance period novel periodical periodical review periodical statement periodical summary periodization permafrost lakes permissive persistence of vision personal computer personal ethics and group ethics personal influence personal integrative needs personal selling personalist in journalism personification personification of politics perspective persuasion pessimism phased processing strategy phenomenology phenomenon phi phenomenon philosophy of communication phologenic phone-tapping phonogram phonograph phonography phonology photo journalism photocomposition machine photo-elicitation photographic image photographs mobility photographs photo-documentation photography photosensitive phraseology pictorial pictorial journalism pictorial record pictorial recreation picture control desk picture cropping picture retouching picture telephone picturisation pie charts pilot pilot grant pilot production pilot project pilot testing pirate editions pirate stations pitch pitch advertising plagiarism play back play theory play theory of mass communication player plenitude of meaning plot of action plot of character plot of thought pluralism pluralism of interpretations pluralistic ignorance pluralistic ownership plurality of causes plurality of non-state and non-market media plurality test plurilingual pocket edition poem poetic diction poetic function poetic or prosaic poetry point of view point of view of shot point-to-point telecommunication point-to-point video polarization policy book politainment political communication political culture political economy political economy of communication political efficacy political press political programs political synthesis in journalism politics of identity polyphony polysemy news pool pop journalism pop quiz popular cinema popular culture popular edition popular press popular weekly popularization pornographic film pornography portal portrait portray portrayal positioning positive positive liberty positive print positivism possibility post-culturalism poster postindustrial society postmodern television postmodern theories postmodernism post-nationalism postproduction stage potential audience potential information potentiality practical criticism pragmatic theories of art pragmatism preacher precedence precision journalism prediction predominance preferred meaning preferred reading pre-historic prejudice premiere show pre-occupation preprint prerequisite for universal network access prescriptive information presentation press press association press baron press commissioner press complaints commission press conference press council press coverage press cutting press events press freedom press officer press relations press release press responsibility press spokesperson press-radio war pressure groups prestige prestige newspapers presupposition pretest preview primary audience primary definition primary demand advertising priming principle of omission printer prior restraint privacy private and corporate subsidized media private and public communications private cues privatization of information pro- innovation message pro- source bias probability probability chain probability theory probable problematic problematization procedure words producer producer choice producers' guidelines production cost production format production house production manager production unit productivity of communication labour profession professional actor professional communication professional communicator professional journalism professional magazine professional publications professional self-regulation professional systems network professional writer profiles program channel program research program source definitions program typology programmable terminal programming programming structured pro-innovation message project formulation and evaluation project plan projection projector proliferate prologue promise of performance promotion promotional announcement prompter pronouncer proof proof reader proof theory propaganda propaganda model propagandism proportion proposed programming prosocial behavior prosocial effects prosocial programs pro-source bias protagonist protocol prototype provider pseudo-event pseudonym psychoanalytic film theory psychoanalytic theory psychographics psychological barrier psychological criticism public public arts public access channel public affairs network public communication public culturalist model public diplomacy public image public interest public interest broadcasting public interest test public journalism public network public opinion public opinion poll public policy public relations public right to know public service public service broadcasting public service journalism public service media public service responsibility of broadcast licenseers public show public sphere public television publication publicist publicity agent publicity campaign publicity department publicity strategy publisher publisher as conductor publishing studies puffery punctual punctuality qualitative media effect qualitative methods qualitative research quality quality magazine quality newspaper quality of life quality of light quality programs quality television quandary quantitative data quantitative methods quantitative relative quantitative research quarterly questionnaire questionnaire construction quick- cue quotation mark quote quotidian radiation system radical radicalization radio advertising radio announcer radio authority radio channel radio commercial radio communication radio drama radio network radio programming radio studio random sampling error rating rating company rating scale rating services rational appeal rational argument rational criticisa rationalization reaction shot readability reader response theory reader response theory or reception theory readerly reader-non reader study reader's editor readers' letters readership reading reality reality effect realization rebroadcast re-broadcasting recall interview recall study recall technique receiver reception analysis reception model receptiveness receptivity reciprocal communication recognition reconceptualization reconstitution recontextualization record editing record library record room recorded programs recording reduction reduction of news sources redundancy re-establishing shot referent referent systems referential strategies re-feudalization reflection reflector reflex camera reflex screen refutational appeal regime of truth regional cooperation regional network regionalization versus globalization regulation rehearsal reimbursement reinforcement relaxation relay-function release relevance religious program remote control remote controlled camera remote sensing remote transaction renaissance rental market repetition replica replication reporter reporting representation representational codes representational media representative diversity reproduction reprography re-read re-recording research consumer research protocol resonance resonance error respondent responsibility in mass communication responsibility of journalists responsibility of self-censorship restrain restricted codes result site results of feedback retail local advertiser reterritorialzation reterritory retrospect reversal review review copy reviewer revolution in communication revolutionary media system rewriting rhetoric rhythm right of freedom of expression right of reply right to communicate right to information right to privacy right to privacy and mass media rights for multiple showing of the work rigorism roberry report rock-culture role role of the press romance romanticism rough layout rough print round character royalty rumour running time rural audience sales network salient belief salvation through communication sampling sampling fluctuations sampling schemes sampling techniques satellite satellite antenna disk satellite business systems satellite communication satellite communication systems satellite link satellite network satellite subscription television satellite in news reporting satire satirical drama saturation saturation stage scanner scenario scene scenic back ground scenorapher schema school edition science fiction film science programmes scientific and technical information scientific and technological policy scoops screen screen frame screen market screen personality screen plane screen play screen test screenal screendom screening screenplay screenwriter script script writer scurrilous literature scurrilous pamphlet search strategy secondary audience secondary modeling system selective attention selective communication selective exposure selective negligence selective perception selective response selectivity self deception self- fulfilling prophecy self-censorship self-evident self-expressive self-fulfilling prophecy self-management self-observation self-paced media self-regulation self-reliance self-through market semantic differential method semantic noise semantics semi documentary semi- motivational semi-intentional semiological terms semiology semiotic trend semiotic warfare semiotics semiotics of technique sender sender-receiver relationship sensate culture sensational sensational news sensational report sensationalism sense experience sensibility sensitivity training sentimental sentimental behavior sequence seriahity serial serial communication set set designer set type setting shadow shaky and searching camera shape of audience shield laws shock therapy shoot shooting schedule shooting script shooting style shopping channel short message system short-wave broadcasting shot shot distance side bars special side lighting sign sign language signal compression signal system signature tune significant transitions in human communication signification signified signifier silence silent film silver jubilee simile simple dilemma simple news simplicity simplification simulacrum simultaneous sincerity single camera production site situationism sketch sketch writer skin control skype slander slang slick magazine slide slide projector sliding scale slogan slot slow motion small group communication smat television smoothness snail mail soap opera social action broadcasting social being social body social capital social capital of telecommunications social communication social consciousness social context social controls social disparities social embedded social expression social integrative needs social noises social norms social orientation social relationship social responsibility social responsibility theory social talking point social theory and social structure social understanding social utility social utility function socialization socialization function socialization function of mass media socialization of information technologies socio-cultural theory sociology of journalism sociology of mass communication sociology of mass media socio-political soft focus soft focus lens soft news soft photographic image software software industry sole authority solidarity solidarity-liability principle sonority sound sound bite sound boom operators sound camera sound effect sound film sound recordings sound system sound track source source lighting source of communication source of cultural influence space and time buyer space communication space radio communication special programme specialized audience stage specialized messages specialized network specialized publisher specific objectives specificity spectacular spectator spectators spectatorship speech communication speechwriter spin doctor spiral sponsored program sports journalism sports programmes spot news spot television spotlight news sppd of photographic plate square matrix Sri Lanka Press Council Sri Lanka Ruphavahini Corpration Sri Lanka Television Training Institute stabilising function stability and conflict staged news staging stand standard broadcast station standard edition standard lens standardization standpoint epistemology star stardom statement static shot status conferral stereo phonic stereo sound stereophony stereoscopic stereoscopic camera stereotype stigmatization still stimulation stimulation theory stimulus-response theory stock character stop-press stop-press news storage storage instantaneous audiometer story story construction story line storyboard storyteller storytellers storytelling straight news strategic communication strategic discourse strategic planning strategies of information adaptation in society strategy in communication strategy of cultural revalorization stratum orientation stronger results structural functionalism structural journalism structural montage structural theories of mind structuralism structure structured interview structured programming studio studio audience stunt character stunt man stunting style style guide styless sub- culture sub- editing sub- editing instruction sub title sub-conscious sub-cultural influence sub-culture sub-editing sub-editing instruction subject arrangement subject file subject list subject matter subjective subjective view point sublimation sublime subliminal advertising subordinate groups subordination subordination hierarchy subscript subscription subsidy publishing substitution function sumum-bonum super media super news super power super themes superfluous superimpose superimposition supernatural supernatural power supersonic waves superstructure supplement supporting actor supporting actress supportive communication surpass surrealism surveillance surveillance function surveillance telecommunication survey suspense sustainable communication sustainable development sustainable development concept sustaining program symbiosis symbol symbolic communication symbolic relationship symmetrical symmetry sympathy symphony synchronism syndicated show syndication syndication market synergism synopsis syntactic syntax synthesis of colour synthetic culture system system security system software system unit systematic comparative research systematic linkages systematic pattern system-wide analysis tabloid tabloid journalism tabloid television tabloidization taboo tabulation tacit knowledge tactical planning tactile communication talent talk radio talk show talkie tape announcement tape cassette target target audience target listenership target marketing target readership target viewership task forces of internet taste culture taste public programme taxes on knowledge teaser advertising technical dimension of universal access technical director technical script techniques techno capitalism technological advocacy technological determinism technological idealism technological innovation technological logic technology illiteracy technology of mass communication technomaria technophobia technotronic society tele foto lens tele informatics telecamera telecast telecasting studio telecommunication telecommunication regulation authority telecommunication policy telecommuter telecommuting teleconference teleconferencing teledrama telefax telefilm telegraphic news telematic media telematics telenewspaper teleological criticism teleological ethics telephone communication telephone conversation telephone survey teleport telepresence teleprocessing functions teleprompter teleputer teleshopping teletext teletype teletypesetter television television answer television broadcast translator service television bureau of advertising television channel television golden ages television influence television motion picture television network television penetration television producer television rhetoric television without frontiers television-medium of socialization television's life-style television-surrogate for community television-the creature of economy telework telex telegraph exchange tempo temporal modes of explanation tendency tendency to replace language with imagery tension terminal-on-line journalism terminology terrestrial broadcasting terrestrial communication terrestrial radio communication territorial relativity of standards territorrilization territory testing bias text text editor text messaging textual analysis textual criticism textual intention the alternative press the stick and the carrot policy the thetoric of the images theatrical film theatrical motion picture theme theme music theme song theoretical theories of media effects theory of autopoisis theory of construction theory of social expectations theory of social responsibility therapeutic need gratification thesis journalism third basket third world theory third world view third-party effects three color system three cornered publication three dimension film three types of magazines three-way system thriller tie-in message tilt tilt down tilt up tilting time and space time interval timeliness timeshifting tinted tip-off tolerance tone total audience total audience impression total audience listing output total observation total participation total readership total survey area totality tourism programme toxic communication trace configuration tracking tracking shot tracking studies trade consumer publications trade press traditional communication traditional media trailer transactional communication model transcend transcription transference in meaning transformation transformation transformer transient response transit advertising transition from class to mass transitional device transitivity transliteration transmission transmission capacity transmission of culture transmission of values function transmittal rights transnational transnational flow of information transnationalisation transparency transplantation trickster figure trilogy tripod trivial proportion trivializing nature of mass media turn twin lens reflect camera two shot two-step flow of communication two-way information flow type type cast type gauge type of communication typographical error typographical layout typography typography and makeup typology of needs ultimate decision ultimate objective ultra high frequency ultra sonic ultra vilot light unauthorised edition unauthorized communications unconventional under exposure underground film underground press underground radio underground television mass media understanding undisplay advertising unfair advertising unidirectional microphone uniform edition uniformity unionization unique unit of analysis unity unity of method universal declaration of human rights universalism universality unlimited unprinted unqualified declaration update updating and file maintenance upward communication usability usage use value useful utilitarian arts uses and gratification theory utilisation utmost good faith utopia valid valuable information value neutrality value orientation values variant reading velocity of circulation verbal communication verbal instructions verbal language verbal play verisimilitude versions of history very high frequency vested interest video video adopter video cassette video cassette recorder video deck video decorder video diary video disc video editing video editor video film video game video grapher video home system video jockey video journalist video nasty video news release video phone video planning video player video programming video prompter video tape video tape recorder video text video voice video-display terminal videograph videographer videotape recording videotechniques videotext view view data view finder view point viewer viewer diversity viewer perception viewers international viewers pleasure viewership villain violence violence and anarchy violence index violence profile virtual community virtual image virtual mass virtual reality visual visual communication visual effect visual expression visual journalism visual language visual path visual perspective visual pollution visual test visual track visuality visualization visualize visualizer vital records management vocal vocal chord vocal sound vocalist voice balance voice channel voice communication voice mail voice over voice reproduction voice synthesiser volume absorption volume compression vox- pop vox populi voyeurism vulgar maxims waiting time waive clause war and peace reporting war film warm colour warning beware surveillance wave wave analysis waxed paper website well-made well-ordered western wide angle wide angle lens wide publicity wide screen wide shot wild commentary wild picture wild sound wile window card wire broadcasting wire communication wireless intercom wireless link wisdom wish fulfillment witty women's newspaper women's programme word for word word play word processing word rehearsal word-of-mouth advertising work hypothesis work measurement work procedure workforce working hypothesis working manuscript world communication year world outlook world premiere world service world usage world wide world wide web(www) world- worthlessness worldview written communication written injury written statement xenoglossia xerography yellow journalism yellow pages advertising yes response youth culture convergent communication convergent journalism convergent journalist convergent editorial converging wave convergent test creative converging press notice zoned edition zoom zoom lens notification obliterate obsolete forms obsolete legal forms occupation offences offers office furniture office requistice officers not entitled for political rights official business official cash receipt official language policy old documents on the spot investigation open cheques open indent open order purchase opening of bank accounts operating costs operational functions oral authority order of write off order relating to losses organisation original original cheque original estimate original payment other allowances other charges other emoluments other monies other receipts outgoing officer outside outstanding balance outstanding cheque outstation over issue of stores over stocking overdraft overheads overheads increase overseas agents overseas mission overtime attendance register ownership packing paid in stamps paid stamp panel code part payments particular financial year particulars and conditions of tenders passport pay abstract pay order book pay orders payable payee paying officer paying-in voucher paylist payment order payment to incorrect party payment to legal representative payments payments orders paysheet pecuniary liability penalty pending pension pension allowance pensionary contributions pensioner percentage performance bond period of obligatory Service period of time period of validity periodical payments permanent cadre permanent employee permanent transfer permit personal approval personal bond personal emoluments personal pecunary liability personal record files personal signature personal tax act petty cash petty cash book petty cash imprest petty cash payment petty cash sub-imprest petty payments physical terms physical verification police reward fund popular Station postage postal department power of attorney powers powers of tender board precaution precedence? preference preliminary investigation preliminary report on losses premium (premia:pl) preparation prescribe prescribed limits presented by banks for collection preservation press advertisement price fixing committee price list printed forms Printing prior approval Prior Authority prior to shipment priority prison industries account private application private money private parties probate probation period procedure in furnishing procedures proceeds of sale proceeds of sales of stamps process of law procurement and advisory services procurement and advisory services unit (PASU) producer subsidies production overhead cost control account productions register profit profit and loss account profit on disposal of fixed assets profit on sale of fixed assets reserve account profit oriented programme programme of activity programme of work progress progress monitoring committee progress of collection projects promissory notes promotion promotional prospects prompt settlement proof proper acknowledgment property proportionate net salary proposal protective clothing provincial council provincial council fund provision for depreciation provisional account provisional voucher public administration circular public auction public debt public debt branch public finance public money public officers public service mutual guarantee association public service provident fund public servive provident fund recoveries publication of decisions purchase purchases and distribution accounts quality quantitative assessment quantity quarterly advance accounts quarterly statements quarterly treasury accounts quasi- government departments railway warrant rate of production rate of wage rates of acting pay rates of charges rates of payment re-deployment re-employment realised reasonable care receipt book receipt of money receipt order receipts receipts and issues accounts receipts and payments receipts and payments accounts receipts of trading enterprises recommendation reconciliation recoupment of stores recoverable advances recoveries recovery of hospital charges recovery of salary advance paid recruitment on casual basis recurent expenses recurrent grants recurrent supplies reducing balance method reduction of increment refund refund account refund voucher register of losses registered post registration registration fee reimbursable reimbursement reinstatement relevant particulars remit remmittances remote place removal removal and custody remuneration rendering rendering of accounts renewal renewal of imprest rent rent allowance rent-conditions of tenancy rent-free quarters rent-penalties rent-permanent quarters rent-recovery of possession rent-semi permanent quarters rent-temporary quarters repair costs repayable loans replacement value replenish report report on tenders reporting reproduction repugnant required for payments requirement residual value resignation resolution resolution of parliament restoration of the salary restricted tenders retention money retiring allowances return return furnished by courts return of stamp duty return to the execution returned cheque returns returns of arrears revalidation revaluation revaluation account revenue revenue accounting officer revenue estimates revenue head revenue recovered revenue stamps reversal of entries revised estimate revision of lists revolving special (foreign currency) accounts reward fund right risk allowance rules rules re stores running charts rupee value rural development socities safe safe custody salaries and cadres commission salary salary abstract salary scale salary structure of the public service sale memos sale of scrap saleable value sales sales and charges sales of capital goods salvage material sanctioned cadre satisfactory progress savings savings reported under scale of salary schedule schedule of rates scheduled time scheduling of vouchers scope of reports scrap scrap value scrutiny of tenders sealed packets of duplicate keys sealed tender second signatory seconded officer secondment secretary to the treasury security deposits security document security of a punishment security register seek self-help basis seniority seniority-on appointment seniority-on re-employment seniority-on reversion separate receipt sepcial leave concession sepcial living allowance serial number serial order serious misconduct service services and supplies sessional papers settlement settlement of charges sewage works shares shipment short collections short notice shortage shortage of stores shortage or loss of shroff sick leave signatures and initials single single account single payment sinking fund sketch slips source document spares stock account special (foreign currency) accounts special advance account special investigations special law special law services special law warrant special leave special warrant specific condition specific head specific or general authority specific purpose specific service specifications specified case specified description specified public service specify specimen specimen form specimen form of motion specimen signature specimens spoiled or withdrawn spoilt forms spouse staff staff officer stagnation stamp duty stamp imprest stamp ordinance stamp vendor stamped receipts stamped signatures stamps vault standard classification standard rate standardised articles standardised object classes standardization standing order state state attorney at law state corporations state gifts state mortgage and investment bank statement of expenditure commitments statement of finished statement of finished work statement of investment statement of missing statement of missing voucher statement of realisation of assets statements status of an employee status of post statute statutory corporations statutory funds statutory refunds statutory waivers stock accounts stock books stock levels stocks in hand stocks of stamps stoppage of increment stopped cheque storage store clerks storekeeper stores advance accounts straightline method strong box strong box strong room structures outlay study leave - without pay study leave-with full pay sub-division sub-head sub-let sub-letting sub-total sub-vote sub-votes ledger sub-voucher submissions and passings subordinate officer subscription subsequent subsequent payment subsidiary subsidiary imprest account subsidiary ledger subsidiary legislation subsidiary register subsistence allowance substitute successful tenderers succession sum summary of accounts summary of action summary of cash sundries sundry security deposit superintendent superior post supplementary instructions supplementary provision supplementary special law warrant supplementry imprest authority supplier supplies supplies invoice supply service supporting book supporting documents suppression surcharge account surcharges surplus surplus cash surprise verification suspense accounts suspension suspension of increment target target date task tax taxpayers association technical financial evaluation committee technically competent telegraphic transfer temporary accomadation of funds temporary employee temporary transfer of stores temporary voucher tender tender acceptance tender and security deposits tender board tender box tender conditions tender decisions tender deposits tender documents tender notice tender procedure tenderer tenders tenure of office termination of service terms and conditions test check testamentary thirft society tickets till rent timber time for tendering timing title plan titles of accounts token provisions token sum tools total total account total amount total cost estimates total net provision tracings trade advertisement trade and commerce trade creditor trade debtor trade union trade union subscriptions trading account trading advance accounts trainee tranfer payments transactions transfer board transfer fees and transfer stamps transfer orders transfer payment travel abroad-advances travel abroad-insurance air risks travel abroad-outfit allowance travel by air travelling advances travelling claims travelling expenses treasury treasury advance account treasury books treasury circular treasury establishment division treasury expenditure ledger treasury foreign aid grant account treasury investments treasury journal treasury minutes treasury representative treasury securities register treat tribunal trustee turnover taxes unauhtorized excesses unauthenticated alterations uncashed uncashed cheques unclaimed unclaimed account unclaimed effects unclaimed or undelivered under acceptance of stores under-acceptance undrawn wages unforeseen circumstance union of multi purpose societies unnecessary handling unpaid deposits unpaid wages unrealised remittance unrecorded issues of unserviceable articles unsettled liabilities up to date information upset price urgent notifications vacant posts vacation vacation leave vacation leave quota validity valuation valuation certificate value value of stamps variation variation of limits variations to estimates of expenditure vault book verification verification of signatures verification on taking charge virement visa votes (appropriation) ledger wage waivers warehouse warrant welfare amenities welfare payments winding up accounts winding-up withdrawal without prior authority work workers investment and credit fund working losses working losses in advance accounts workload works estimates works proposals world-wide tenders writ writ index writ transactions write-off written down value abandonment abandonment of revenue abatement abatement of charges abeyance able abridged report abrogate abstention abstract of accounts abuse abuse of power acceptance certificate accepted and countersigned accepted in principle access accession accessory accident insurance accident leave accommodation accoumulated leave account account code account for accountability accountant accountant general accountants' service accounting procedure accredit accredited representative accretion accused accused officer accused persons accustom acknowledge acknowledgement acknowledgment form acquire acquittal acquittance acquittance register acquittance roll act act of commission act of omission acting acting appointment acting arrangement acting incumbent acting pay acting personnel acting salary action action committee action item active service active support activity ad hoc ad hoc committee ad valorem addenda additional remuneration additional secretary address adherence adhoc committee adjourn sine die adjournment adjudication committee adjudicator adjustment register administration administration service administrative administrative authority administrative control administrative expenses administrative head administrative law administrative officer administrative powers administrative sanction administrative section administrator admissible allowances admission admission of claim admit advanced account advancement advances advantage adverse remark advice slip adviser advisory board advisory committee advisory council advisory memo affidavit affiliate affiliation fee affirmation affirmative action affirmative action file affirmative action officer affirmative action plan affirmed age limit agency agency expense agenda agent agent general aggregate aggregate service agreement agreement bond aid aid and abet aide aim air mail post air risks air-conditioned tickets alarming report alienate alienation alliance allocation allotee allotment allotment register allowed alteration alteration memo alternative employment alternative vote amalgamation ambassador amendment of act amendments amount analysis ancillary ancillary units annals annexure announcement annual annual audit objection statement annual balance sheet annual establishment list annual financial statement annual increment annual quota annual report annuity anonymous ante-date appeal appeal board appellant appellate appellate authority appellate court appendices appendix appliance applicable applicant applicant flow log application application form appoinment appoint appointed appointed member appointing authority appointment appointment committee appointment letter appointment order apportion apportionment appraiser apprentice apprenticeship appropriation bill approval approve approved approved list approved probationer approver approving officer approximate aptitude test archives area arena army arrears arrears of pay article as a matter of fact as a matter of policy as a matter of principle assembly assess assessee assessing authority assessment assessment of duty assessment of tax assessment order assessment year assessor assets and liabilities assign assignee assignment assistant assistant secretary assize association assume power attend to the duties of attendance attendant attestation attested audit clerk auditor auditor general augmentation authenticated authentication authorisation letter authorised version authorising officer authority authority for granting leave authorizer availability standard average average emolument average pay avoid conflict of interests back file back log back pay bad debt fund bail application bail bond bank draft base pay befit benchmarking beneath beneficial benefit benefit of doubt benefit performance benevolence benevolent fund bill bill of cost bill of exchange bill of loading bill of rights bit notice black list blame blameworthy board of directors board of revenue board corporation bona fide bond bondage bonus branch office breach of contract breach of peace breach of privilege breach of promise breach of trust break break of service bribery broadcast talks budget estimate burden of proof bureau bursar bursary business statement by return of post by stander by virtue of cabinet cabinet minister cabinet of ministers cabinet office chancellery cadre calendar year call boy campaign cancellation candidate canvass canvassing capacity capacity building capacity development capital budgeting card passes cardinal career career path cash book cash journal cash keeper cash memo cashier casual casual appoinment casual basis casual daily paid labourer casual daily-paid casual inspection casual labour casual leave casual officer casual substitute casual vacancy census centralization centre certificate of approval certificate of registration certificate of sea worthiness certificate of service certificate of transfer of charge certificate of verification certification power of certified certified copy certified financial statement certify chairman chairmanship chamber of commerce chamber of deputies chancellor of the exchequer change of station changes character charge charge d'affairs charge memo charge sheet charge-hand charges charitable endowment chauffeur check register check slip checker checking cheque chief chief minister chief of state chief secretary circular circular instructions circulation note citizen citizenship city compensatory allowance city improvement trust civil administration civil budget estimate civil case civil code civil court civil officer civil procedure civil procedure code civil servant civil service civil service regulations civilian civilian labour force claim claimant class of travel class of travel on railway clerks client closed career system co-accused co-operation co-operative credit society co-operative thrift society co-ordination coalition coalition ministry code cognizable offence collateral purpose collateral security colleague collection of money collective responsibility combined allowances combined services commencement report commercial tax officer commission commissioner committal committee committee of the whole house committee of way and means common good fund commonwealth communal fund communication communique commutation commutation of pension commuted allowance commuted half pay leave comparable post comparative statement compassionate allowance compassionate gratuity compassionate ground compassionate pension compendium compensation compensation for loss compensatory allowance compensatory leave competence competent competent authority competitive examination complainant complaint complaint book complaint cell compliance composition compression ratio compulsory competitive tendering compulsory dimissal compulsory leave compulsory retirement concessions conciliation board condominium confederation conference confidence vote of confidential cover confidential report confirm confirmation confirmed congregation congress conscription consent consent letter consequence conservancy staff consolidated certificate consolidated fund consolidated pay consolidated reminders consolidated salary consolidated statement constituant assembly constituency multimember constituency single-member constitution constitutional convention constitutional document constructive discharge consul consultant consulted contingencies fund contingent expenditure contingent register contingent staff contract contract committee contract of service contractor contradictory contribution control measures controller convener convention conveyance allowance coroner corporate governance corporate responsibility corporation correspondence correspondent corresponding corruption cost price council councillor counsel counsellor counterfoil counterpart countersign court action court of justice court of law court of request courtesy covenant covering letter crash programme credential crime criminal procedure code crisis criterion cross examination crossed cheque crown crown colony crown corporation crown entities curfew curia regis current account current file current year custom duties customary court customs customs administration customs department customs duty daily allowance daily paid daily pay daliy-paid officer dangerous and offensive trades data processing centre de facto de jure dead letter office dead loss dead stock dearness allowance death cum retirement gratuvity(DCRG) death gratuity debt relief deceased officer decentralization deciplinary action deciplinary grounds decision-making positions declaration decline deconcentration decree deed letter defalcation default defence deferment of increment deficiency deficit definition degrade degree of confidence delegate delegation delegation of power delivery order demand draft demand notice demi-official letter democratic demurrage department departmental manuals departmental orders depose depot agent depreciation depreciation fund deputation deputy deputy chairman deputy minister dereliction of duty designate designation despatch register despatcher despatching clerk detention devaluation allowance developmental disability devotion to duty digital signature diglot register direct recruitment direct taxation director director controlled commodities director of establishments director of pensions director- general directory disability leave disallowance of promotion disbursement disbursing officer discharge discharge certificate disciplinary action disciplinary authority disciplinary control disciplinary grounds disciplinary inquiry disciplinary orders disciplinary procedure disciplinary steps discipline discretion discretionary power dismiss dismissal dismissed disorderly conduct dispensing power disposal index register disqualification for appointment disqualify disrepute distraint distraint fees distribution district board district secretaries dividend equalisation fund division division of votes divisional officer doctrine documentary evidence documents dogma double payment draft draft amendment draft appointment letter draughtsman droit administratif duration duties imposed duty duty allowance duty chart duty leave earnest money earnings economy edict educational departments effective date efficiency efficiency bar efficiency bar exam elector elegible for overtime elementary eligibility embassy emergency cases emergency committee emergency reserve emoluments employ employee employees provident fund employer employers liability employment employment advisory committee employment at will employment bureau employment exchange employment guidance bureau employment oppurtunity enactments encumbrance certificate endorsement endowment endowment fund endowment insurance ends and means enfacement slip engineering service enquiry entertainment allowance entrance examination entry enumeration form enumerator equal employment opportunity equality of status and opportunity eraned leave essentiality certificate establishment establishment code establishments division estampage estimate estimated accounts estimated annual salary estimated expenditure evaluation ex officio ex-gratia payment ex-officio ex-officio member ex-officio president examination-in-chief examiner excess expenditure excess payment exchange compensation allowance exchange duties exchequer excise excise depertment excise duty exclusive right execution execution proceedings executive executive agency executive authorities executive authority executive committee executive council executive officer executive staff expenditure expenditure statement express delivery post extension extension of time extra extract extraordinary extraordinary expenditure extraordinary gazette extraordinary leave without allowance extraordinary pension extraordinary power extraordinary session extravagance facsimile facsimile signature facts fag-end of the year fair copy falsification of records family allowance family benefit fund famine allowance famine relief federal constitution federal service commission federal state fee remission fees fees for stamping fellowship field officer field register field sketch field staff file disposal filing filing fees filing of index slips filing of records finacial regulations final payment final relinquishment of service final withdrawal financial agreement financial control financial legislation financial management initiative financial provision financial statement financial stringency fine fire insurance first information report first payment fiscal year fitness certificate fixed salaries fixed transport allowance fixed travelling allowance fly leaf follow up action for and against for official use for orders for personal attention for ready reference force services foreign government forged document forged signature forgery form formal formal disciplinary inquiry forum forwarded for compliance forwarded for disposal forwarding endorsement fresh medical board fringe benefits front pay full pay full pay leave full-pay study leave full-time position function functional association functional review functionary fund fundamental fundamental rules galley proof gazette general conditions general conduct general fund account general manager of railways general of parliament gifts and subcriptions government government agent government company government funds government grant government labour government local government medical officer government memo government order (G.O) government press government promisory note government security government self government servants conduct regulations government service government subsidy government suits register governor governor general governor lieutenant grade grade certificate grant grant in aid gratification gratuity grave offence guarantee guaranty guard guardian guild guild of service half-pay leave halting allowance head head of account head of department head office head quarters high commission high commissioner hire purchase scheme his excellency his majesty history sheets hoarding and profiteering holiday pay home minister home station honorarium honorary official house of representative identical scale of pay identification certificate identification slip immediate superior Immigration imprest advance in charge In service training incidental expenses income income tax income tax officer inconsistency inconsistent statement increment increment certificate incremental credit incumbent index index of officers dismissed indirect tax inefficiency inevitable payment inferior service infringement of provisions inquiry inservice training insignia inspecting officer inspection report inspector inspectorate institute instructions instrument of agreement insufficiency Insurance insurance policy insurance premium inter change of duties interdiction interim internal audit interview intimation slip investigation investigator invigilation invigilator invoice issue issue register issued joint committee joint sector journeyman judicial commission judicial officer judicial service judiciary jury justice justice of the peace justice puisne justification labelled labour labour division labour employment bureau labour movement labour organization labour party labour union labourer laboures charges language policy lapsed deposit lapsed leave law and order leader leadership leaflet leave account leave on loss of pay leave on medical certificate leave on private affairs leave preparatory to retirement leave salary leave salary contribution leave to a daily- paid officer leave to a minor employee leave to attend a government examination leave to be spent out of the islands leave to subordinate officer legal legislation legislative assembly legislative council legitimacy legitimate letter of appointment licence licence fee licensee licensing authority lieu lieu leave life cerfificate limited liability limits linked file living allowance living standard loan certificate loans local local & municipal bodies local administration local allowance local authority local board local body local delivery register lodging allowance loose-leaf loss of pay major punishments to be imposed majority maladministration management manager managing body mandate mandate system mandatory mandatory order manifesto manpower manual labour maternity leave maximum wages measurement book measures medical certificate medical examination medical officer meeting meeting clerk member members of parliament membership memo memorandum menial mileage minimum wage ministry of finance and planing ministry of foreign affairs minor employee minute minute book minute of dissent minutes circulation book minutes on pensions misdemeanour mode of service mode of travel modification monitoring cell monopoly monthly abstract monthly pay movement movement register municipal council mutual mutual transfer native nativity certificate negotiation newcomer news bulletin no - pay leave no-pay study leave nominated member nomination nominee non citizen non pensionable non-commissioned non-incremental salary non-judicial stamp paper non-plan scheme non-recurring expenditure normal rate note note file notice notification oath oath of allegiance oath of office oath of secrecy objection objection memo objection petition objection statement objective obligations obligatory service obligatory service period observance observation saloon tickets observation tour off duty offence office office accomodation office bearer office contingencies office copy office manual office note office order office order book officer officer of staff grade officer public relations officer-in-charge officers in staff status official official capacity official contact official correspondence official dress official etiquette official hierarchy official information official language official letter official publications official records official secret official travel officiate officiate officiating service onus of proof open competition optional holiday oral order order-in-council orderly ordinance ordinary expenditure organiser organization orientation course original order original order out lay out put overtime overtime expenditure overtime payble overtime wage own expense ownership packages packing and forwarding charges pact panel parliamentary part-time employee part-time job part-time work passed for payment patent pay pay advance pay bill pay disbursing officer pay drawing officer pay master pay master pay of officers pay order pay sheet pay slip payable payable by book transfer payee payment pecuniary consideration pecuniary embrassment penal code penal law penalty pending enquiry pending files pension pension arrears pension contribution pension fund pensionability pensionable officer pensionable post pensioner peon per capita per capita income perform any duties assigned period of active service period of salary increment periodial tickets periodical periodical register periodical reports periodical returns periodical transfer permanent release permanent status permenant officer permission personal assistant personal file personal record file personal surety personnel personnel management petition petitioner petty petty cash physical fitness certificate physically fit places of work plaintiff political activities political asylum political rights portfolio post postal order potentiality poverty certificate power of disciplinary control power of dismissal preference preivous sanction preliminary preliminary inquiry preliminary ivestigation premises premium preparatory president president's staff prime minister prior conditions prior permisssion priority private purpose private secretary privilage leave privilege pro tracted detention probate probation probation officer probation period probationary appointment probationer procedure procurement officer progress report prohibited project formulation promotion proof provident deposit provident fund provision of funds provisions proxy pseudonym pubic service public public accounts public accounts committee public administration public and judicial officer public corporation public duty public finance public law public officer public ownership public policy public relations officer public safety public service public service commission public service provident fund publication publisher punishable punishment purchase ledger qualified quarterly report quarters quasi-government employee quasi-skilled railway warrants rate of payment rationing officer re-employment reallocation reasonable time record clerk record issue register record keeper records recoupment of permanent advance recruit recruiting officer recruitment recruitment procedures red entry reduction reference region regional office register registered registrar registrar of births and deaths registrar of fingerprints registrar-general registration registration act regulations reinstatement reject release released releif relevancy relief fund remittance remittance transfer certificate removal from service renewal renewal application repay repayment report report stage reprehensible republic research officer research scheme reservation reservation of appointments reserve reserve fund reserved subjects resignation resolution responsibility retirement retiring officer retort retrenchment retrenchment of staff return returning officer returns revaluation revenue reversion review revision roll roll-call roster rough draft rough estimate routine rules running note file safeguard safeguard repute salariat salary salary increment date pay increment date salary incremental value salary on interdiction salary on reversion salary on revision of a salary scale salary procedure salary reduction salary scale salary seale revision salary status sanction sanctioned scale of pay scarcity scheduled classes scheme scheme of recruitment scholarship seconding secretariat secretary secretary to the ministry section section head sector security security bond security officer selection board selection committee semi government organization semi-skilled seminar senior assistant secretaries senior deputy seniority seniority on reversion serious misconduct service service records service register service-charge session sessional sets of holiday warrants settlement share ledger short leave short period service shortage shortcomings shroff shroffs service sick leave speaker special additional remuneration special allowance special commuttee special duty special file special leave special order special pay special prior sanction special qualification special sanction special sick leave specimen specimen signature spicial living allowance sri lanka revenue staff staff grade staff grade director staff officer stand by rate standing committee standing order standstill agreement state state aid state services state witness statement status of an officer statute statutory statutory authority statutory boards statutory body statutory committee statutory powers statutory rules steering committee stenographers' service stipend stipendiary stop-gap casual appointment stop-gap measure stoppage stores strike study leave study programme study tour sub committee sub deputy registrar sub division sub section sub-committee sub-head subject of public administration subject to approval subject to eligibility subordinate officer subordinate staff subordinates subscription subscription papers subscriptions subsidiary legistation of ceylon subsidy subsistence allowance substantive basis substantive motion substantive pay substantive post substitute suggestions summary disciplinary procedure summons sundry super state super tax superannuation pension superior service superntendent supernumerary post supervisor supplement supplies management supreme authority surety survey surveyer suspending power suspension systamatize system tariff task task-force tax technical qualification temporarily release temporary temporary advance temporary appointment temporary arrangement temporary camp temporary officer temporary post temporary release temporary status tenant term of office termination of appointment termination of employment termination of service terminus terms and conditions terms of agreement test audit test case test check testimonials time barred time of recruitment time wages toll toll compensation toll contribution toll gate touring officer trade union trainee training training allowance training college traitorouse transaction transfer board transfer of charge transfer of registry transfer travelling allowance transferable transferee transference transferor transferred transferred subjects transfers transit pay transit period transition travel grant travelling allowance travelling claims travelling expenses treasonous treasurer treasury treaty tribunals trust trustee under employment under-secretary of state underpaid undisbursed pay register undivided allegiance unemployment unified service unilateral action union unit unofficial unofficial note(u o note) unpaid expenses unsalaried unskilled upper division upper house urban authority urban council urgent file usher vacancy vacation vacation leave vacation of post valuation fees value of salary increase valuer varification verified vigilance committee voluntary resignation voluntary retirement volunteer voucher wage earners wages ward warm clothing allowance warrants watcher welfare widow and orphans pension scheme work-shop worker worker employed working committee yeoman service zonal division zone abstract abut accreditation accretion accuracy acquired lands acquisition application acquisition surveys advance tracing adverse possession aerial photography affecting land agreements agricultural or estate land alienated lands allocate allotment alluvion amalgamation amend and consolidate annual practicing license annuity apartment ownership law Apartment Ownership (Amendments) Act applicant institution assessed valuation assessment assign assignee assignment assignor association property attesting officer auctioneer authority automated deed indexing system (ADIS) avulsion back title letter bargain and sale deed bids block surveys blocking out plans bond holders cadastral surveys cancelling of ownership caveat caveator cease centerline certificate showing minister's approval chain of title chattel check survey claimant claimant of ownership clearance client-organization closure of village co-insurance co-owners co-ownership colonization schemes colony plans commissioner of title settlement commissioner's decisions and declarations common occupation compensation compiled plan conciliation board condominium plan condominium property surveys conducting inquiries into petitions inheritance conducting settlement inquiries consolidation constructive eviction contour plans contours conveyance conviction copy of the ordinance covenant crown lands ordinance daily work sheets declaration deed registration demarcating survey demarcating surveying branch demarcation surveys department of lands commissioner general depreciation details of demarcating survey devise devisee devolution of law diagrams diagrams and title plans diagrams note application direction distribution of lands district survey offices documentary evidence documentation documented agreement documents registration ordinance dominant tenement draft order dresser drawer title E-land hub project easement ejectment eminent domain encroached lands Encroachment Ordinance encumbrance epitome of title equity of redemption escheat escrow settlement establishment of inheritance establishment of traditional ownership estate in fee simple evaluation criteria eviction evidence of heirs exclusion from settlement expedite operation extent of land feoffee field officers field book field inspection field work of settlement file for public work final village plans finalization branch first class title of absolute ownership foreshore fraudulent land transactions free of charge freehold full ownership furnishing a land as bail gazette notification which include the settlement notice geodetic control network geographic information system (GIS) global mapping project government property register (GPS) grant and disposition grantee grantor grants grants deeds ground control points guaranty handling of documents heirs hereditary inheritance hereditary lands human habitation hypothecate immovable and movable resources incidental inclusion in the settlement order indemnity indenture infrastructure facilities ingress inheritance inherited lands inquiries into petitions on inheritance inside entries inspection inspection of demarcating survey instruments insurance fund insures international steering committee for global mapping (ISCGM) intestate invalidation of owner ship due to absence investigation irrigational systems issuance joint tenancy land acquisition act land allotment land cases land commission land database land development ordinance land development projects land disputes land distributions land grants (special provisions) act land grants and permits land licence land management land market land marking surveys land owner land parcel land reform commission land reform law land related acts land resource land resources management land settlement ordinance land speculation land subdivision land surveying land transaction land use controls land use ratio land value increment land vested in the state land-parcel identification system (LPIS) landless landlocked country lands of which state ownership is removed lands proposal for leasing late heirs lawful title layout layout plan learning and innovation project lease lease bond leased lands legal declaration legal document legal statement lessee lessor letter and the summon letter of demarcating survey letters of land grant licensed surveyors lien limited title list of land local government authorities lodgement long term leases loose leaf register loss or damage low density zone low income housing low income settlement main area manifolds manmade disasters map out map revision mapping mapping out forest reserves marginal land marginal settlement squatter settlement megalopolis metes and boundaries metropolis metropolitan area migration minister's approval ministry of land and land development mortgage mortgage guarantee mortgagee mortgager national housing development authority national land policy national land titling programme national land use plan national land use policy national settlement planning national settlement policy national surveying and mapping organization nationalization of land nominal fee notary public notice null and void objection inquiry occupant occupational boundary original land lot original of the village plan overlap of deeds ownership partitioning of land pedigree permit holder places where notices to be published plan plat book population drift possession possessory title postponement of inquiries into inheritance pre-emption right preliminary discussion preliminary land investigation preparation of sketches prescription ordinance prevention of encroachments prima facie evidence private surveyors problem solving productivity of the land profit a prendre proof reading property boundaries provincial land commissioner provision public land public purposes public streams publication of the ordinance publishing of notices quietus quit claim deed reconnaissance type surveys recreational area reduced village plan refugees register of claimants register of stakeholders registrar general of title registration registration of documents ordinance registration of heirs registration of lis pendens registration of number of heirs registration of title act release branch release of village releasing of lands relocation relocation grant resettlement grant remote area remote sensing national focal point repeal replacement value reservation lands reserved forests residence residential area revision branch riparian owner riparian rights road and channel trace surveys rural area rural dispersion rural settlement sale of a land scientific land use plans and policies search sketch second class title of ownership seizure priority notices senior revision branch servient tenement servitudes settle settlement settlement file settlement inquiries settlement notice settlement of land privately settlement order settlement report share title sketch slum clearance small let spatial planning spontaneous settlement sporadic surveys scattered surveys squatter area squatting sri lanka land survey council stamp duty state does not claim ownership state guarantee state land state land (recovery of possession) act state land ordinance statement of land plot statement of heirs statement of lots statutory requirements streams running across the village strip surveys and longitudinal sections & cross sections surveys sub-lease subdivided lot substandard shelter suburban area superintendent of survey supersede surrounding area survey department surveyor general systematic development and alienation temporary settlement tenancy tenant tenement lists terrace houses row houses territory testate succession thematic maps title title certificate title insures title plan title registration act title registry title underwriter to make inheritance null and void to search note down lands tom tom beating topographical final plan topographical initial step topographical maps topographical preliminary plans tracing traditional occupation transactions transfer transferee transferor transmission trunk road trunk title unauthorized occupation unauthorized possession uncultivated lands undisturbed possession unimproved land untapped resources urban agglomeration urban fringe vacant land vacant lot valuation valuation department vesting certificate vesting in the state vesting of a land village file village plan warranty deed warranty of title waste lands ordinance wild land wilderness area will withdrawal of inheritance witness writ writing of direction a priori a vinculo matrimonii ab initio ab intetato abandon abandoned abandoned goods abandoned grounds abandoned property abandonment abate abbreviation abdicate abdication abduction abet abetment abettor abeyance abide by arbitration ability abjure abnormal abode abolish abolition abortion above cited above par abridge abridgement abrogate abrogation abscond absence absence beyond the seas absence from duty absent absentee landlord absolute absolute (make) absolute conveyance absolute duty absolute immunity absolute justice absolute liability absolute majority absolute monarch absolute order absolute owner absolute perfection absolute privilege absolute prohibition absolute right absolute rule of evidence absolute rule of law absolute title absolute unanimity absolutely absolve abstain abstract abstract of title absurd abuse of authority abuse of monopoly abuse of powers abuse of process abusive language accede accelerate acceleration accept acceptance acceptance after sight acceptance at sight acceptance for honour acceptance for honour supra protet acceptance in blank acceptance supra protet acceptilatio acceptor acceptor for honor access accession accession accession to office accessory accessory after the fact accessory at the fact accessory before the fact accident accidental accidental consequences accidental death accidental insurance accommodation accommodation acceptor accommodation bill accommodation party accomplice accord accord and satisfaction account payee accountability accountable accountancy accountant accounting accounts stated accredited agent accretion accrual accrual of interest accrue accumulation accumulation rule accumulative sentence accuracy accurate list accusation accuse accused acknowledgement acknowledgment of a right acquiescence acquire acquire hold and dispose acquired by purchase acquired estate acquired immunity acquired property acquiring bank acquiring officer acquisition acquisition of domicile acquisition of gain acquisition of lands acquisition of possession acquisition of title of prescription acquisition proceedings acquit acquit and discharge acquittal acquittance act act judicially act of bad faith act of bankruptcy act of cruelty act of God act of gross indecency act of honour act of insolvency act of omission act of Parliament act of settlement act of State acting acting appointment action action for contempt action for damages action for defamation action in personal action in rem action of deceit actionability actionable actionable claim actionable Per Se actionable wrong active active partner active service active trust active trustee acts of court actual actual cost actual possession actually actuary ad valorem adapt adaptation added party added plaintiff addict additional district judge additional district registrar additional evidence additional magistrate additional remedy additive address address court address for service address the jury adduce adduced evidence ademption adequate adhesion adiate adjacent adjectival law adjoining zone adjourn adjournment adjudge adjudged adjudgment adjudicate adjudication adjuration adjust adjustment adjustment of decree administer administer an oath administer the property administration administration bond administration of justice law administration of jutice administrative appeals tribunal administrative area administrative body administrative law administrative limit administrative quasi law administrator administratrix admiralty case admiralty jurisdiction admissibility admissible admissible admission admissible in evidence admission admission of guilt admit admit evidence admit to bail admonition adolescent adopt adoption Adoption of Children Ordinance adoption order adoptive parent adoptive powers adult member adult person adulterate adulterated adulterated milk adulteration adulterer adulterine adulterine children adulterous intercourse adultery advance advancement advances adversary adverse adverse and uninterrupted possession adverse claimant adverse comment adverse criticism adverse evidence adverse inference adverse interest adverse party adverse possession adverse presumption adverse witness advertising advertising agent advice advice and consent advisable in the intent of justice adviser advisory commission advisory committee advocate aerodrome aeronautical affairs affairs of state affect affection or ill-wil fear or favour affidavit affiliated company affiliation affinity affirm affirmant affirmation affirmative evidence affirmative judgment affirmative proposition affirmed in appeal affix affordable affray affront afresh after sight age of discretion age of majority age of puberty agency agency by estoppel agency functions agency of necessity agenda agent agent provocateur aggravate aggregate aggregate (punishment) aggregate sentences aggregate value aggression aggressive aggressor aggrieved aggrieved party aggrieved person agnatic family agnatic succession agnation agrarian services agree agreement agreement of indemnity agricultural agricultural product agricultural tenancy agricultural tenant agricultural undertaking agriculturist agro-link aid aid and abet aider aiding and abetting air depot air Force air Force act air navigation air space air ways aircraft airline pilot airman alarm alarming alcoholic strength alias alibi alien alien enemy alienable alienate alienation alienation in fraud of creditors alienation pending proceedings alienee alienor alike alimony alimony pendente lite allegations of fact allege alleged offence alleged to have been committed allegiance allegiance obedience or adherence alliance allocate allocutus allodial allonge allot allotment allottee allottees of land allottees of shares allow allowance alter alteration alternative altitude amalgamate amalgamation ambassador ambassador designate ambiguity ambiguous document ambulatory amenable amend amended plaint amending charter amending enactment amendment amenities amentia amercement amicable amicable settlement ammunition amnesty amortisation amplification amplifier amputation analogous analysis analyst analytical jurisprudence anarchy anatomy ancestor ancestral ancient document ancillary angary animosity animus contrahendi animus furandi animus injuriandi animus manendi animus nocendi vicino animus novandi animus revertendi annex annexe annotation annoy annoyance annual administration report annual premium annual renewal annual return annual value annuitant annuity annuity bond annul annulment annulment by custom annulment of marriage annus luctus anomalous position anonymous anonymous communication answer answerable answered in the negative ante litem motam antecedence antecedent conduct antecedent debt antecedent liability antecedent party antedated ante-nuptial ante-nuptial contract ante-nuptial settlement anthropology anti competitive behaviour anticipation antinomy antiquities anti-social anti-trust apartment apologize apology apparatus apparent appeal appeal case appeal notwithstanding lapse of time appeal petition appealable appealable decree appealable order Appeals (Privy Council) Ordinance appear appearance appellate court appellate division appellate jurisdiction append appendix appertain appliances application application for renewal appoint appointed appointed date appointed members appointment of a receiver apportion apportionment appraisal appraised value appraiser apprehend apprentice approbate and reprobate approbation appropriate (v) appropriate authority appropriate compensation appropriate order appropriation bill appropriation of payments approval approved home approved security approved symbol approver approving committee approximately appurtenances appurtenant aqueduct aquilian law arbiter arbitrary arbitrary presumption arbitration arbitrator archaeological archaeological site archives argue argument argumentative arise arithmetical error armed forces armed rebellion armistice arms army army act arraign arrest arrest without warrant arson articles of agreement articles of apprenticeship articles of association articles of war artificer artificial artisan artistic work as the case may be as the justice of the case may require ascendants ascertain ascertained claim assailant assassination assault assay assembly assent assert assess assessable income assessed annual value assessee assessment assessment book assessment of compensation assessment of income assessor assets assign assigned (counsel) assignee assignment assignment of funds assignor assimilate assitant commissioner assitant elections officer assitant medical officer of health assitant municipal commissioner assitant registrar-general assize assize judge associate company associate company associate justices associated trademark association assume assumed name assumption assurance asylum at a discount at a premium at par at sight at the buyer's risk at the disposal at the instance at the instance of the party at will atheism atheist atomic energy atomic weapon atrox attachment attachment and sale attachment of property attainder attainment attempt attempted murder attempted rape attendance attention attest attested copy attested document attesting witness attitude attorn attorney attorney-at-law attorney-general attribute auction auction cheetu club auctioneer Auctioneers and Brokers Ordinance audi alteram partem audio-visual material audio-visual work audit audited balance sheet auditor auditor-general augment (n) authenticate authenticated plan authenticity authoritative decision authoritative declaration authoritative definition authoritative exposition authoritative interpretation authoritative precedent authoritative principle authoritative statement authority authorization authorize authorized copies authorized in writing authorized rent authorized representative authorized share capital autocratic automatically autopsy autrefois acquit autrefois convict auxiliary aval avenue average averment aviation avoid avoidance of doubt award (n) award (v) award damages awareness programme axiom bachelor bad character bad debt bad faith bad title baggage bail bail bond bail or security bailable bailable offence bailee bailment bailor balance brought down balance carried forward balance of evidence balance of payment balance of probabilities balance report balance sheet balancing ballat ballot ballot box ballot paper ballot paper account ban banishment bank bank account bank book bank credit bank draft bank holiday bank notes bank rebate bank reconciliation account Bank statement banker banker's letter of lien banker's trust receipt banking banking company banking institution banking stability banking system bankruptcy bankruptcy law bar Bar Association of sri Lanka bar council bar table bar to civil action bargain barratry barred barring prosecutions barrister barter bastard batta battery be faithful and bear true allegiance be privy to beacons bearer bearer cheque beat of tom tom bed and board belligerent belong in common bench marks bench of three judges bench warrant beneficial interest beneficial ownership beneficial winding-up beneficiary beneficiary interests beneficium abtinendi beneficium cedendarum actionem beneficium divisionis benefit benefit of a contract benefit of inventory benefit of the doubt benefit of the law benevolent bequet best evidence best of the knowledge bestiality betting betting tax beyond a reasonable doubt Beyond the seas biannual bias bi-cameral bicameral legislature bid (n) bid (v) bidder bidding process biennial bigamy bigot bilateral bilateral instrument bill bill at sight bill broker bill in a set bill of cost bill of credit bill of exchange bill of indemnity bill of lading bill of parcel bill of quantities bill of rights bill of sale Bills of Exchange Ordinance binding binding authority binding over binding rule biological process bio-mass energy bio-mass project birthright black market black-listed blackmail blame blameworthy blank cheque blank indorsement blank note blank signature blanks blasphemy blind blockade blood relationship blotting blue print board and lodging board of commissioners board of commissioners of currency board of income tax Board of Investment of sri Lanka board of management board of review boats ordinance bodily feeling bodily injury body corporate body of deed body of persons body of troops body politic bodyguard bona fide bona fide mistake bona adventicia bona fide possessor bona vacantia bond in common form bond woman bonding bondman bondwoman bonorum possessio bonorum possessor bonorum venditio bonus bonus pater familias book debt book debt book of objections book of accounts booty borrower botanic garden bottomry bond bought note boundary boundary marks boundary wall branch office branch register branded branding breach breach of agreement breach of contract breach of covenant breach of duty breach of good faith breach of law breach of peace breach of promise breach of promise of marriage breach of trust break bulk breeding brewery bribe bribery bribery and corruption bribery by treating brief brief description brigade brigadier bring into contempt British Commonwealth British Courts Probate (resealing) Ordinance British crown British dominion British empire British protectorate British subject broadcast broker brokerage broker's note Brothels Ordinance bruise buddhist era buddhist temporalities Ordinance buggery building fund building limit building society buoy burden of pleadings burden of proof bureau bureaucracy burglary burglary insurance burial ground business day business information business letters Business Names Ordinance business occupation business of banking business premises butcher Butchers Ordinance by default by implication of law by order of government by parol by proxy by tander by virtue of by word of mouth by-election by-implication by-law cabinet of ministers cabotage cadatral cadaver cadit quaetio cadre caduciary right calendar month calendar of cases calendar year calender call call in quetion calling calling cases calumniation campus (university) cancel cancel (a stamp) cancellation candidate candidature canon law canons of succession cantonment canvass canvasser capacity capacity to contract capital capital assets capital expenditure capital funds capital gains capital invetment capital issues capital levy capital offence capital profits dividend capital punishment capital punishment capital unissued capitalised profit capitalism capitalist capitalization capitalized expenditure capitalized expenses capitation grant capitulation caption capture (v) cardinal principle care and cutody cargo caricature carnal knowledge carnal-intercourse carriage carriage way carrier carrier permit cart way carte blanche cartel cartographer cartography cartridge case case called case record case record case register case stated case-law cash cash account cash discount cash on delivery cash value cashier (n) cashier (v) caste casting vote casual dictum casual evidence casual vacancy catalyst catchment area Categorical syllogism categories of officers cattle mart cattle seizer cattle trespass ordinance Cattle voucher causal causal relationship causation cause cause (n) cause (v) cause list cause of action cause of death cause way caveat caveat actor caveat emptor caveat venditor caveator cease cease fire cede ceded territory celibacy celibate cell cemeteries and burials ordinance cemetery keeper censor (n) censor (v) censure census central bank central environment authority centre cepi corpus ceremonial sitting ceremony certain certain claim certainty certainty of the law certificate certificate in appeal to the king in council certificate of accreditation certificate of admission certificate of conformity certificate of conformity certificate of curatorship certificate of fitness certificate of incorporation certificate of permanent settlement certificate of purchase certificate of registration certificate of road worthiness certificate of sale certificate of security certificate of service certification mark certified copy certify cess cessation of hostilities cessation of liability cesser cessionary ceylon order in council ceylon (state council) order in council ceylon civil service ceylonese chain of inference chain of title chain reaction chairman challenge (n) challenge (v) challenge of jurors chamber chamber of commerce champertous agreement champerty chance medley chancellor chancellor lord Chancery division change of residence channel of commerce character characteristic charge charge (crime) (v) charge (money) (v) charge (on land) charge of unfitness charge or allegation charge sheet charge to the jury chargeable charitable allowance charitable foundation charitable institution charitable intention charitable object purpose charitable society charitable trust charitable user charities charity commissioner charted company charter charter a ship charter of incorporation charter of united nations charter party chartered accountant chartered company charterer chastise chastity chattel chemical chemist chena cultivation cheque chief executive officer chief headman chief -householder chief justice chief minister chief valuer chief-householder child welfare service children and young person's ordinance chirographa chose in action chosen by lot christian name chronological order circulars circulate circulating assets circulation circumcision circumlocution circumscribe circumstances circumstantial evidence circumvent citation cite citizen citizenship citizenship by registration civic disability civic reception civic right civic sense civil action civil and military officers civil commotion civil court civil courts procedure (special provisions) civil duty civil inquiry civil judicature civil liability civil procedure civil procedure civil procedure code civil proceeding civil process civil remedy civil rights and liabilities civil status civil suit civil war civil wrong civilian claim (v) claim at law claim for compensation claim of privilege claim proceedings claim(n) claimant clandestinely class of creditors class of members classical clause clause of devolution clean bill of exchange clean development clean hands (with) clear days clear title clearance certificate clearance transactions clearing cheque clearing house clerical error clerical staff clerk clerk of assize clerk to the house of representatives client close season co-accused coactus volui coastwise ship coat conservation coat conservation department coating trade co-creditor co-curator code code of practice code word co-decree-holder co-defendant co-delinquent codicil codify co-education co-emptio co-equal coercion co-extensive co-generation cogent evidence cognate expressions cognation cognitor cognizable cognizable case cognizable offence cohabit co-habitation co-heir coin collaboration collate collateral (a) collateral agreement collateral evidence collateral fact collateral issue collateral oral warranty collateral purpose collateral security collateral surety collaterals collation collecting of arms collective agreement collective bargaining collective mark collective responsibility collective work collector collegiate collusion collusive agreement colonial colonization colony colour of office colourable imitation colourable transaction come into operation coming of age comity comity of nations command command area commandant commanding officer commercial commercial bank commercial credit commercial deployment commercial espionage commercial exploitation commercial field commercial purposes commercial treaty commissary commission commission of inquiry commission or omission commissioner commissioner for oaths commissioner of assize commissions of inquiry commissions of inquiry ordinance commit commit for trial commit offence commital commitment committal committal order committee of inquiry committee of inspection Committee of supply Committee of ways and Means committing authority commodity common agent common carelessness common consent common employment common gaming place common intention common interest common law common lodging house common object common possession common property common purpose common right common seal common source Common wealth commotion communal communal chena reserve communism community community of property community service order commutation compact companies (consolidation) companies (special provisions) law companies clauses companies liquidation account companies ordinance company dividend company in general meeting company limited by guarantee company limited by shares company promoter compel compellable compellable witness compelling presumption compendium compensation competency competent authority competent court competent public authority competent tribunal competent witness complainant complaint complementary completely complication complicity comply compose composite goods composition composition deed composition with creditors compound compound interest compoundable comprehend comprehensive compromise comptroller compulsory acquisition compurgation computation of time concealed fraud concealment concede concept conceptual thinking concern (n) concerned concert conciliation conciliation boards conciliation boards act concise statement conclusive evidence conclusive presumption conclusive proof conclusive statement concomitant circusmtances concord concordat concubinage concubine concurrence concurrent action concurrent jurisdiction concurrent list concurrent user concurrent wrong-doer condemn (v) condition condition of sale condition precedent conditional conditional acceptance conditional authority conditional bond conditional contract conditional conveyance conditional discharge conditional indorsement conditional leave to appeal conditional order conditional sale conditional title conditional transfer condominium plan condonation condone conducive conduct (n) conduct (v) confederacy confederated confer conference conferred or imposed confess confess judgment confession confession and avoidance confidence man confidence trick confidential confidential communication confidential information confidential report confine confinement confirmation of sale confirmatory confirmed credit confiscate confiscation of property conflict of claims conflicting opinion conform conformity confounded confrontation congenital congregation conjecture conjugal cohabitation conjugal rightsallegation conjunct and several connivance conniving connotation connote connubium conquer conquest consanguinity conscience conscience of the court conscientiously conscious and exclusive possession consciousness conscript consecrate consecutive consecutive integral number consecutive meeting consecutive order consecutive period consecutively consensual injury consensus consensus of opinion consent consenting party consequent liability consequential consequential amendments consequential damages consequential directions consequential matters consequential provisions conservancy service conserve consideration money consign consignation consignation of debt consignee consignment account consignment note consignor consilium consist consolidate consolidated balance sheet consolidated fund consolidated loan fund consonance consort consortium conspicuous conspicuous part conspicuous place conspiracy conspirator conspiratorial conspire constant constituency constituent assembly constitute constituted act constitution constitution of the company constitutional affairs constitutional council constrain (v) construction of law constructive constructive desertion constructive notice constructive possession constructive possession constructive responsibility constructive service constructive total loss constructive trust construe consul consular consular immunity consult consultancy services consultant consume consummate marriage consummated contagion contagious diseases ordinance contamination contemporaneous agreement contempt (n) contempt of court contend content contention contentious contentious matter contest contested case contested election context continental system contingencies fund contingency contingency insurance contingent encumbrance contingent liabilities continuing contract continuing damages continuing offence continuity of residence continuous possession contour contraband contract contract of agency contract of assurance contract of co-partner contract of employment contract of guarantee contract of letting and hiring contract of record contract of sale contract of service contract price contract under seal contracting party contraction contractor contractual disability contractual obligation contractual relationship contractual rights contractual tenancy contradiction contradictory contradictory statements contrariness contrary contrary intention contrary to law contravene contravention contribution contributor contributory contributory negligence contributory pension controversial controversy contumaciously counterfoil of cheque court of requests criminal knowledge criminal proceedings Criminal session crossed cheque damage damage feasant damage non-feasant damage to property damage to reputation damages damnum danger dangerous dangerous character dangerous driving dangerous drugs dangerous or offensive weapon data date of acceptance date of assent date of issue date of operation date of redemption date of trial datum day book day of nomination days of grace days of grace de facto separation de jure de novo dead freight dead letter dead letter office dead weight deadly weapon deal dealer dealer's license dealings death bed death bed transfer death by violence death duty death penalty death under suspicious circusmtance deathbed devise deathbed marriage debatable decision debate debenture debenture capital debenture discount debenture issue debenture tocks debenture trust deed debit debit balance debit note debt debt conciliation debt conversion debt insurance debt recovery debt redemption debtor debtor's petition debts and liabilities deceased deceased defendant deceased person deceit deceitful means decency decentralize deception decided decided cases deciding authority decisive decisive evidence decisive factor decisory decisory oath deck cargo declarant declaration declaration of intention declaration of legitimacy declaration of neutrality declaration of nullity of marriage declaration of secrecy declaration of title declaration of trsut declaration of war declaratory declaratory action declaratory judgement declaratory order declaratory proceedings declaratory statute declare declare null and void declared profits decline decomposition decoy decree decree absolute decree holder decree nisi decree of foreclosure decree of nullity of marriage decree of partition decree of separation decretal order dedicated dedication deduce deduction deductive deductive reasoning deed deed of agreement deed of arrangement deed of assignment deed of conveyance deed of covenant deed of gift deed of grant deed of partnership deed of sale deed of separation deed of settlement deed of transfer deed poll deed under seal deeds and documents (execution before public officers) ordinance deem deface defalcate defalcation defamation defamatory defamatory libel defamatory statement defame default default of appearance default of payment defaulting party defeasance deed defeasible immunity defeasible title defeat defect defect of title defective title defectives defence defence force ordinance defence of accident defence of insanity defence of the realm defend defendant defendant-appellant defendant-applicant defendant-intervenient defendant-respondent defer deferred payment deficiency defilement defiling define defined portion definite definition definitive judgement deflation defloratie defloration defraud defrauded partner defrauded party defrayed expenditure degradation degrade degrading degree degree of certainty degree of relationship degree of urgency delay delegate delegated legislation delegation delegation of powers deliberate deliberately deliberation delict delictual liability delictual obligation delimitation delimitation commission delineation delinquency juvenile delinquent juvenile delirium delirium tremens deliver deliver or transmit deliverable deliverable state deliveree deliverer delivery delivery of deed delivery of pleadings delivery of possession delivery of property delivery of writ delivery order delivery warrant delusion demand payment demarcate demarcation demarcation pot demarcation tone demeanour demi-official demise demobilization democracy demographic pattern demolish demolition demolition order demonstrable risk demonstrate demonstration demur demurrage denominate denomination denounce deny deodand depart departmental rule dependant dependant relative dependant state dependants' claim dependence depletion deployment deponent deport deportation of aliens deportation order depose deposit deposit liabilities deposit note depositary deposition depositor depository depreciation depreciation account depreciation fund depreciation of assets depredation deprivation of possession deprivation of rights deprive deputize deputy commissioner of local government deputy financial secretary deputy fiscal deputy governor deputy mayor deputy municipal commissioner deputy registrar deputy secretary to the treasury derelict derequisition derivative derivative evidence derivative possession derivative possession derivative title derivative works derive derogate derogation descendants descent describe description descriptive return deserted wife deserter desertion design (n) design (v) designate minister designated foreign currency designation desirable despot despotism destination destitute destitute immigrant destroy destruction desuetude detach detachment detain detain in custody detained property detainer detection detention detention camp detention centre detention of property determinable determination determine determining factor deterrent punishment deterrent sentence detinue action detrain detrain detriment detrimental develop development Development Finance Corporation Act development strategy deviate deviation device devise devisee devolution devolution of property devolve diagnosis diagonal diagram dialectic diarchy dice dictator dictatorial dictum die differed annuity differentiate diffusion diffusion service digamy digest digest of cases dignitary dignity dilatory dilatory plea diligence dilution diminish diminution diminution of liability diplomacy diplomatic diplomatic agent diplomatic corps diplomatic envoy diplomatic immunity diplomatic immunity diplomatic mission diplomatic privilege diplomatic relations diplomatic representative diplomatic usage direct direct consequences direct evidence direct testimony direct the jury directive principles directly or indirectly director Director General Of Intellectual Property Director Of Bank supervision Director Of Public Prosecutions directory order disabled disabled person disadvantage disaffection disaffirm disagree disallow disbar disbelieve disburse disbursement discharge discharge a trust discharge an accused discharge of duty discharge the jury disciplinary action disciplinary committee disciplinary control disciplinary inquiry disciplinary powers discipline disclaim disclaimer disclose disclosure disclosure of mortgages discontinuance discount discount a bill discount account discount at a discounting discover discovery discovery of documents discredit discrepancy discretion discretionary discretionary powers discriminate discrimination discuss disentitle disequilibrium disfiguration disfigure disfranchisement disgraceful conduct dishonest dishonest misappropriation dishonest retention dishonesty dishonour dishonour a cheque dishonour a woman dishonoured bill dishonoured cheque disincentives disinherison disinheriting clause disinter disinterested witness dislocation dismiss dismiss the action dismissal disobedience disobedient disorderly conduct disorderly manner disparage disparity dispatch dispauper dispaupered person dispence jutice dispensary dispense (with) disperse disposable disposable capital disposable income disposal disposal of property disposal of the case dispose disposing power disposition disposition clause disposition of property dispossess disproportionate disprove disputant disputant party dispute (n) dispute (v) disputed claim disputed election disqualification mark disqualifications disqualified candidate disrepute dissatisfied dissection disseminate dissemination dissension dissenting judge dissenting judgement dissenting shareholder dissolution dissolution of council dissolution of marriage dissolution of parliament dissolution of partnership dissolve distillery distinct distinct cases distinct cause of action distinct offence distinctive headings distinctly distinguish distinguishing mark distress distress and sale of vessel distress warrant distribution distribution systems distributive share district council district court district court martial district judge disturbance disturbance of possession ditringas (writ) diverge diversion divert diverting order divided portion divided verdict dividend dividend warrant dividend unclaimed divine displeasure divisible interest division divisional divisional bench divisional court divisional registrar divisional revenue officer divisional secretary divorce divorce a vinculo matrimonii divorce case divulge dock dock warrant doctrine doctrine of Cypress doctrine of election doctrine of frustration doctrine of immunity doctrine of privy of contract doctrine of severance doctrine of subrogation doctrine of transferred malice document document of title documentary constitution documentary evidence documentary statement documentation domain domestic banking domestic energy domestic investment domestic jurisdiction domestic law domestic market domestic monetary stabilization domestic monetary values domestic servant domestic tribunal domestic violence domicile of choice domicile of origin domiciliary administration domiciliary prohibitions dominant dominant owner dominant position dominant tenement dominion dominion status dominium donatio mortis casua donatio mortis causa donee donor dope dormant dormant partner dormant trustee dotal property double jeopardy double nationality double qualification mark double taxation doubtful debt doubtful reputation dower draft draft (v) dramatic performance dramatis personae draughtsman drawback drawee drawer drawer's signature drawing brief droits of the Crown druggists drugs drunk and disorderly conduct drunken state drunkenness due and faithful discharge due and owing due and reasonable care due and unpaid due diligence due execution due presentment due process of law due return duly duly appoint duly attetned duly authenticated duly elected dupe duplicate duplicate security duplicate will duplicity duration duress during pendency during pendency of the action duties and functions duty dwelling house dwelling place dying declaration dying disposition dying without issue ear mark earliest priority earned income earnest money earnings easement easement of necessity eccentricity ecclesiastical body ecclesiastical court ecclesiastical offence economic disturbance economic research economic rights economic value economic zone economical educational endowment effect of evidence effective control effectively effects effectual effectual and binding effectual discharge effectual in law effectual receipt efficiency efficient effluxion of time egress Eiusdem generis eject ejectment ejectment of tenant ejectment order elapse elasticity elect election election agent election commision election court election expenses election inquiry election officer election petition elector electoral area electoral district electoral list electoral register electoral right electoral roll electric lines electrical energy electrical plants electrification eleemosynary elementary elementary proposition elements elephant kraal eliminate elope elucidation emancipate emancipation emasculation embankment embargo embarkation embezzlement emblem embody embracery emendation emergency emergency order emergency powers emergency regulations emigration eminence emissary emoluments empanelling a jury Emphyteusis empirical employee Employees' Provident Fund employer Employers' Liability Act employing employment empower en ventre sa mere enabling act enabling statute enact enactment encourage encroach encroaching on rights encroachment encumber encumbrance endangered Endeavour endorse Endorsed security endorsee endorsement endorsement in blank endorser endowment ends of justice endure to the benefit energy conservation measures energy consumption limits energy fund energy performance tandards enfeoff enforce enforce payment enforceable enforceable by action enforceable contract enforcement enforcing authority engage in engagement engineering English law English law of evidence English rule engraft engraving engross enhance punishment enhancement of sentence enjoin enjoining order enjoyment enlarge enlarge on bail enlistment enrichment enrichment unjust enrol enrolment ensure entail entail and settlement ordinance enter enter judgement entertain entertainment entertainment tax entice entitle entitlement entity entrenched provisions entrenched sections entrepreneur entries entrust entry enumerate enumerator enunciate environment environmental factor environmental hazards envoy eo intanti epidemic epigram episcopacy equality is equity equality of opportunities equitable equitable estate equitable interest equitable principle equitable remuneration equitable restitution equitable settlement equitable treatment equities equity equity of redemption equivalent equivalent assurance equivocation eradicate erases erasure error error in fact error in fact or law error in law error in negotio error in persona error in subtantia error nominis error of judgement error of quality escape escape from custody escheat to crown escrow espionage espouse essence essence of a contract of sale essential commodities essential elements essentials essentials of contract establish establish the identity establish the title established custom established interest established limits establishment expenses estate account estate duty estate duty ordinance estate in remainder estate in reversion estate labour (Indian) ordinance estate tail estimated cot estoppel estoppel by deed estoppel of record estopppel in pais eternal eternal law ethical guilt ethical jurisprudence ethical problem ethics ethnic group etiquette evacuate evade evade payment evade responsibility evaluate evaluation evasive action evation event evict eviction evictor evidence evidence aliunde evidence de bene esse evidence of character evidence of intention evidence of sytem evidence on commission evidence on oath evidence ordinance evidential evidentiary value evil intention evil motive evil tate of mind ex abundanti cautela ex aequo et bono ex contractu ex debito justitiae ex delicto ex dividend ex dolo malo non oritur actio ex hypothesi ex juta causa ex lege ex majore cautela ex mero motu Ex officio ex parte ex parte materna ex pot facto ex prohibito concubitu ex turpi causa ex turpi causa non oritur actio exactissima diligentia examination examination in chief examination on affirmation examination on oath examine examine orally examiner examiner of quetioned documents excavation except excepted premises exceptio de numerata pecunia exceptio juris jurandi exceptio rei venditae et traditae exception exceptional circumtances exceptional remedy excerpts excess shares exchange excisable excisable article excise inspector excise law excise officer excise ordinance excision exclude exclusive exclusive jurisdiction exclusive ownership exclusive possession exclusive right exclusive use exclusively exculpate exculpatory plea excusable homicide excuse excussion ex-delicto executant execute execute a bond executed execution execution creditor execution debtor execution of decree execution of trut execution sale executive executive acts executive authority executive committee executive committee of local administration executive government executive officer executive post. executive power executor executor de son tort executorship executory executory agreement executrix exemplary exemplary damage exemplification exempt exempted company exempted from service exemption ex-empto exercise ex-gratia exhautive exhibit exhibition exhume exigency exiles ex-improviso exitence exiting exiting law ex-juta causa ex-nudo pacto non oritur actio ex-officio ex-officio jutice of peace exonerate expectancy expectation of death expectation of life expedient expeditious expense experience expert expert evidence expe‍rt witness expert witness experts' opinion expiate expiration expiry explanation explanatory explanatory fact explicit explore explosion explosive (a) explosive (n) export export indutry expose expose for sale exposition exposure express condition express contract express malice express or implied express promise express provisions express revocation express terms express tipulation express veting declaration express warranty expressed order land land acquisition land acquisition act Land Acquisition Ordinance land alienation land case land commissioner Land Development Ordinance land drainage land kachcheri land mark land officer land redemption ordinance land registration land registry land resumption land resumption ordinance land settlement land settlement ordinance land settlement scheme land surveys ordinance land tax land tenure Land tenure land transfer land tribunal land waiter landlocked landlord landlord and tenant lands crown landscape language of administration language of legislation lapidation lapse lapse of time lapsed portion larceny lash lash last opportunity rule last will last will and statement latent ambiguities latent defect latent increment latent uncertainty lateral support law law court law critic law for the time being in force law library law making treaty law of agency law of contiguity law of contract law of diminishing marginal utility Law of England law of evidence Law of indemnity law of indentity law of inheritance law of nature law of partnership law of persons law of prescription law of property law of succession law of tort law of truts law of war law proceedings law reform law report law reports law revision law revision committee law society law terms lawful lawful act lawful authority lawful cause lawful charge lawful cutody lawful detention lawful exception lawful excuse lawful guardian lawful hindrance lawful holder lawful impediment lawful jutification lawful marriage lawful order lawful ownership lawful possession lawful rate lawful request lawful vote lawful wedlock lawfully lawfully authorised lawfully entitled lawless lawsuit lawyer lay lay before the parliament lay by lay day lay jurist layout designs lead lead case lead evidence leading authority leading case leading quetion league league of nations leap year lease lease agreement lease at will lease rental lease uncommon form leasehold leasehold estate leasing leave leave and licence leave of absence leave of court leave of the judge leave to appeal leave to proceed legacy legal act legal admissiability legal advice legal adviser legal age legal assignment legal assitant legal burden legal character legal concept legal consequence legal controversy legal correlations legal cost legal cruelty legal currency legal cutody legal cutom legal defence legal demand legal difference legal disability legal doctrine legal document legal duty legal easement legal effect legal elements legal entity legal error legal estate legal evidence legal fees legal fiction legal force legal hybridity legal impediment legal implications legal impossibility legal incapacity legal injury legal institution legal interest legal issue legal jurisdiction legal justice legal keeper legal liability legal lien legal morality legal mortgage legal mortgagee legal objection legal obligation legal operation legal order legal owner legal ownership legal parties legal person legal personal representative legal personality legal phraseology legal policy legal possession legal practice legal practitioner legal presumption legal principle legal procedure legal proceeding legal process legal professional privilege legal protection legal qualification legal relevancy legal remedy legal remuneration legal representative legal retriction legal right legal science legal secretary legal separation legal significance legal sovereignty legal sytem Legal sytem legal tandard legal technicalities legal tender Legal tender legal theory legal tradition legal usage legal wrong legalise legality legality of object legally legally admissible evidence legally authorized legally binding legally bound legally compellable legally competent legally entitled legally innocent legally qualified legatee legible legibly written legislative legislative assembly legislative authority legislative autonomy legislative contruction legislative council legislative functions legislative officer legislative omnipotence legislative power legislative prerogative legislative recognition legislative sanction legislative sovereignty Legislative supermacy legislature legitimacy legitimacy case legitimacy declaration legitimate legitimate descendant legitimate inference legitimate issue legitimateinterest legitimation legitimization legitimize lend lender lending institute lenient punishment lesbian lesion lessee lesser offence lesser verdict lessor let lethal weapon letter of acceptance letter of attorney letter of authorization letter of credit letter of demand letter of exchange letter of licence letters of admintration letters of credence letters patent letting and hiring leveller levis levy liabilities liability of acceptor liability of promoters liable liable in damages libel libellous libellous character liberate liberty liberty of the subject licence licence contract licence taxes license licensed commercial bank licensed dairy licensed surveyor licensee licensing licensing authority licensor licentiate lien lieutenant life annuity life assurance life buoy life estate life insurance life insurance fund life peer life policy life tenant life-holder life interest limitation limitation of actions limitation of liability limited limited authority limited carrier's licence limited company limited liability limited liability company limited partner limited partnership line of descent line of direct descent lineage lineal ancetors lineal consanguinity lineal descendants lineal descent lineal issue link language liquid liquid assets liquid claim liquid funds liquidate liquidated liquidated damages liquidated demand liquidation liquidator list list of documents list of witnesses listed company listed stock literacy literacy qualification literal literal contract literal injury literal proof literary work literate lithography litigant litigation littoral littoral state livelihood livery livery of seisin livestock load line loan loan agreement loan board local authority local committee local custom local customary law local government local government service local invetigation local jurisdiction local land advisory committee local law local limits local limits of jurisdiction local self government local treasury bills ordinance local usage location locator lock-out lock-up lodger lodging lodging house lodging house keeper log book logical logical concept logical interpretation logically defective loitering long room long term long term lease long title loot loot lord chancellor lords of appeal loss loss of consortium loss of earnings loss of employment loss of expectation of life loss of possession loss of profits loss of publicity loss of service lost bill lost document lot loudness low watermark lower court lucid interval lucidity lump sum freight lunacy proceedings lunar month lunatic lurking house trespass mace mace bearer machine machinery macro-economics magazine magistracy magistrate magistrate's court Magna Carta maiming maintain maintainable maintainer maintenance maintenance and champerty maintenance and support maintenance order majority majors make over make void making - up day mala fide mala in se mala praxis mala prohibita malefactor malevolent malevolent impulse malfeasance malice malice in fact malicious malicious act malicious damage malicious desertion malicious execution malicious faleshood malicious injury malicious injury to preson malicious injury to property malicious institution malicious institution of criminal proceedings malicious prosecution malicious statement malicious trespass malicious wrong maliciously malitia praecogitata malitia supplet aestatem malpractice malversation man of ordinary prudence man of skill man of straw manacle management manager managing agent mancipable mancipatio mandamus mandate mandated territories mandator mandatory mandatory injunction maniac manifest manifest manifesto manor manorial court manorial system manpower manslaughter manufacture manufacturing process manumission map mapping out margin of error marginal note marine adventure marine hospital marine insurance mariner marital coercion marital inheritance marital intercourse marital power marital privilege marital rights maritime law maritime lien mark mark market overt market value market value of investments market open marketable security marriage marriage settlement marshalling mart martial law mass media massacre massing mater mater of rolls mater of ship mater of the bench materfamilias material material resourses materna maternis maternal ancetors maternal inheritance maternity and child care matricide matrilineal matrilineal descent matrimonial matrimonial action matrimonial jurisdiction matrimonium jure gentium matrimony matter matter in dispute maturity maximum charge maximum penalty mayor mean means means of access measure of damages measures mechanical process mechanically mechanic's lien medals mediate mediate injury medical advice medical attendant medico-legal medieval medium medium of exchange megaphone melioret conditio defendentis member membership memorandum memorandum of association memorandum of receipt memory mendacity mens rea mensa et thoro mental mental aberration mental competency mental deficiency mention