{"premise": "It was a complex language. Not written down but handed down. One might say it was peeled down.", "hypothesis": "the language was peeled down", "idx": 0} {"premise": "It is part of their religion, a religion I do not scoff at as it holds many elements which match our own even though it lacks the truth of ours. At one of their great festivals they have the ritual of driving out the devils from their bodies. First the drummers come on - I may say that no women are allowed to take part in this ritual and the ladies here will perhaps agree with me that they are fortunate in that omission.", "hypothesis": "no women are allowed to take part in this ritual", "idx": 1} {"premise": "The Paris to Rouen railway was being extended to Le Havre, and the line cut straight through Dr Flaubert's land. Part of it was to be compulsorily purchased. You could say that Gustave was shepherded into creative retreat at Croisset by epilepsy.", "hypothesis": "Gustave was shepherded into creative retreat at Croisset by epilepsy", "idx": 2} {"premise": "Part of it was to be compulsorily purchased. You could say that Gustave was shepherded into creative retreat at Croisset by epilepsy. You could also say he was driven there by the railway.", "hypothesis": "Gustave was driven to creative retreat in Croisset by the railway", "idx": 3} {"premise": "Some of them, like for instance the farm in Connecticut, are quite small. If I like a place I buy it. I guess you could say it's a hobby.", "hypothesis": "buying places is a hobby", "idx": 4} {"premise": "Look, my dear, I'm not in my dotage yet, and I know I'm a grumbler and a complainer. You could say the only form of comfort I 've got are my complaints.", "hypothesis": "the only form of comfort he has are his complaints", "idx": 5} {"premise": "Then the silence in the Zoo became complete. Woil stared around him and then suddenly with a push of his wings raised himself into the air, turned, and landed ten feet away on the back of a green bench. Creggan could see that he was afraid and that his fear was making him terribly uncertain.", "hypothesis": "Woil was afraid", "idx": 6} {"premise": "But, of course, that just wasn't possible. Her disappointment over Jonathan, which had driven her to France in the first place, had been relegated somewhere to the back of her mind. Now in retrospect she could see that marriage to him would have been a ghastly mistake and that her reaction to discovering that he had been seeing other women while he had been engaged to her had had far more to do with wounded pride than with a wounded heart.", "hypothesis": "marriage to Jonathan would have been a ghastly mistake", "idx": 7} {"premise": "Like now. The Community in Knockglen would defend Eve vociferously. Even some of the Sisters here in Dublin might see that the girl had a point.", "hypothesis": "the girl had a point", "idx": 8} {"premise": "``They have to be crushed, Bobkins!'' So saying, she marched off down the gravel path, making the kind of crunching noise Robert had thought could only be produced by the BBC sound-effects department. As they rounded the edge of the building he could see that behind the house was a vast garden.", "hypothesis": "behind the house was a vast garden", "idx": 9} {"premise": "``Do you mind if I use your phone?'' Ronni could see that Guido's brain was whirring.", "hypothesis": "Guido's brain was whirring", "idx": 10} {"premise": "``Look, lady, give me a break. I just deliver the stuff, I don't interview it for the Sunday papers.'' He waved the paper at her and even at a distance she could see that it said very little.", "hypothesis": "the paper said very little", "idx": 11} {"premise": "``You 've heard something like that before. Haven't you, Jimmy?'' Jimmy had been shaken by those sounds more shaken than the others for good reason but Cardiff could see that he was unprepared to show it as he pushed himself away from the reception counter.", "hypothesis": "Jimmy was unprepared to show he had been shaken", "idx": 12} {"premise": "It was Alan's idea. He made a sour kind of joke out of it, that they must wait until their wedding night. Carolyn agreed because she could see he meant it although she didn't understand why.", "hypothesis": "Alan meant it", "idx": 13} {"premise": "And why bother to write anyway? What was there to say? Mary had some vague idea that Adam's parents might suspect he was down here and come to see him.", "hypothesis": "Adam was down here", "idx": 14} {"premise": "``And you're not having this dress,'' Nora said, bending down to look at the price tag. ``It's two and a half guineas!'' she hissed at Louise who could tell that she was genuinely appalled.", "hypothesis": "Nora was genuinely appalled", "idx": 15} {"premise": "She said good morning to Alice and Alice said hallo. She was thin and rather tall with a very lined gentle face and hair that was white but which Alice could see had once been blonde. She could also have told this was Tina's mother before Mrs Darne went off down the passage that led to the Headmaster's Flat.", "hypothesis": "this was Tina's mother", "idx": 16} {"premise": "She might have sat all afternoon, nibbling and stuporous, exhausted but not sleepy. But the glazier finally came down from the upper floor, cheerfully announcing that all was now right and tight and he would be on his way. Maggie could tell that he would have liked to stop for a chat that he felt sorry for her left on her own but she lacked either her grandmother's grace or her mother's energy so she did not offer him tea.", "hypothesis": "the glazier would have liked to stop for a chat", "idx": 17} {"premise": "Jim waited. He waited a long time, and when the young doctor finally came out, it was almost dark. Jim could nonetheless tell by his anxious face that something was wrong.", "hypothesis": "something was wrong", "idx": 18} {"premise": "``Yes?'' ``Nathan?'' He could tell it was long-distance the line was so gravelly and hollow but he didn't recognise the voice.", "hypothesis": "the call was long-distance", "idx": 19} {"premise": "Chopra stood unsteadily on his feet. The shapechanger bounded around with excitement. Chopra could tell something had happened.", "hypothesis": "something had happened", "idx": 20} {"premise": "It seemed impossible that anyone could endure such pain for so long, but at last the doors of the Renault slammed and there was comparative silence. The engine was started up, revving violently as the car was turned round on the narrow road. John could tell that it was being driven back up the hill towards Putna.", "hypothesis": "the car was being driven back up the hill towards Putna", "idx": 21} {"premise": "Just when you think you 've got it straight, along comes the Fool with his pig's bladder and whops you on the nose. By the way, I'm no idiot. I could tell Gillian and Stuart weren't thrilled to see me at the airport.", "hypothesis": "Gillian and Stuart weren't thrilled to see her at the airport", "idx": 22} {"premise": "He's weird enough to have undressed me without thinking, according to some mad notion of the ``proper'' thing to do. Perhaps he thought I couldn't lie in bed with my clothes on.", "hypothesis": "she couldn't lie in bed with her clothes on", "idx": 23} {"premise": "That is to say, I did not take sufficient account of the fact that at that time of the day, what Mr Farraday enjoys is a conversation of a lighthearted, humorous sort. Knowing this to be his likely mood when I brought in the tea yesterday afternoon, and being aware of his general propensity to talk with me in a bantering tone at such moments, it would certainly have been wiser not to have mentioned Miss Kenton at all. But you will perhaps understand that there was a natural tendency on my part in asking what was after all a generous favour from my employer to hint that there was a good professional motive behind my request.", "hypothesis": "there was a natural tendency on her part to hint that there was a good professional motive behind her request", "idx": 24} {"premise": "But don't dilly-dally for too long. Once it's published we are all going to look a little risible if we have made no adjustments to what is after all known as being predominantly my own design of gallery. Also I am a bit older than the rest of you but you can perhaps understand that I don't want to drop dead without a proper and public recantation.", "hypothesis": "he doesn't want to drop dead without a proper and public recantation", "idx": 25} {"premise": "I should dearly have liked to know whether they were Europeans or Americans, but I couldn't hear the accents. They appeared to be arguing. I hoped the white men weren't telling him to eliminate all witnesses because I don't believe it would have needed much persuasion.", "hypothesis": "eliminating all witnesses would have needed much persuasion", "idx": 26} {"premise": "But the damage was done as far as my faith was concerned, which is probably why I went mad. So anyway, that Christmas Eve night confirmed my worst fears, it was like a kind of ``royal flush'' for the infant Jimbo. All three kings - Pa Santa and the King of Kings - all down the pan together... And to be honest I don't believe any of them stands a chance of ever making a comeback with me.", "hypothesis": "any of the three kings stands a chance of ever making a comeback with him", "idx": 27} {"premise": "He had seen something I should have, which was a car turning in from Soho Square and coming up behind me. My right foot hovered over the accelerator pedal and I balanced Armstrong on the clutch. I wasn't as convinced as Malpass that Nevil was out of harm's way.", "hypothesis": "Nevil was out of harm's way", "idx": 28} {"premise": "Jed wondered. He 'd scarcely set eyes on him since the night they 'd had dinner together at the house in Westwood. Nobody had mentioned him either and Jed didn't feel he should ask.", "hypothesis": "Jed should ask", "idx": 29} {"premise": "Yet what good came from knowing that a woman had killed herself? The children who had suffered a trauma would survive the experience, scarred by it and a little flawed by it. They would never forget that for a week they had imagined the act of murder had been committed.", "hypothesis": "for a week the children had imagined the act of murder had been committed", "idx": 30} {"premise": "Nora calculated that there must be lots of single men up there so she decided it was ideal for the ``manhunt'', as we called it, even though the train fare was a serious consideration. I remember we went up to Euston together one Saturday morning, very excited, to buy the ticket in advance. It was a secret - if my parents had known she was going away alone they would have soon put the kybosh on it.", "hypothesis": "Nora was going away alone", "idx": 31} {"premise": "His mother driving the car, so happy, young-looking and fashionably dressed and his father, a big, confident man in a smart suit, smiling and turning round to say something to Simon in the back seat. Marie thought of her own mother with her frumpy clothes and ageing, lined face. No one would have guessed that she was only forty-two.", "hypothesis": "Marie's mother was only forty-two", "idx": 32} {"premise": "``I hope you are settling down and the cat is well.'' This was a lie. She did not hope the cat was well.", "hypothesis": "the cat was well", "idx": 33} {"premise": "Jane ate without pausing. Hunger was an unknown experience. She had never imagined it could actually hurt.", "hypothesis": "hunger could actually hurt", "idx": 34} {"premise": "Miss Martindale had had a school, but her rigid ideas and stern manner had frightened the children, and their parents had taken them away. And gradually the school declined, until she had to give it up and retire to end her days in the white cottage with the inevitable cat as her only companion. Breeze had never imagined that digging was such hard work.", "hypothesis": "digging was such hard work", "idx": 35} {"premise": "``You don't need to worry. We're quite adequately chaperoned. Rosa is a woman of strict moral principles.'' If she knows I'm in here she's probably hovering outside the door right now.", "hypothesis": "he's in here", "idx": 36} {"premise": "I said you were mad to come over at this time. It's a world event. Don't you know that Venice is packed with visitors?", "hypothesis": "Venice is packed with visitors", "idx": 37} {"premise": "And what she had said, and went on saying quietly, calmly, efficiently, was that she loved Maggie. She paid attention. At eight Maggie had not known that her grandmother was famous but she had seen that people had something in their manner when they looked at Rachel.", "hypothesis": "Maggie's grandmother was famous", "idx": 38} {"premise": "They 'd seen Miss Lavant on the promenade and about the town, always walking slowly, sometimes with a neat wicker basket. Kate had often thought she was beautiful. She hadn't known she was in love with Dr Greenslade who had a wife already and three children.", "hypothesis": "Miss Lavant was in love with Dr Greenslade", "idx": 39} {"premise": "Did he intend everyone in the castle to know he did not want the wife he had married in such a hurry? Did he intend to ignore her completely? Then Isabel saw Ellen's stunned face and realised that her maid at least did not know she had spent the night alone.", "hypothesis": "Isabel had spent the night alone", "idx": 40} {"premise": "Most of them young, about his age, stood and talked and drank and laughed. The two girls he had noticed earlier were standing talking to some other girls. Graham hoped they all realised that just because he was standing talking to Slater that didn't mean he was gay too.", "hypothesis": "Graham was gay too", "idx": 41} {"premise": "He said that maybe I wasn't ready to join the Party just yet. Terry's passion for equality appealed to my purer mind, and his hatred of existing authority appealed to my resentments. But although I hated inequality it didn't mean I wanted to be treated like everyone else.", "hypothesis": "he wanted to be treated like everyone else", "idx": 42} {"premise": "``Oh, my poor Folly... We 've been together for five years, Lexy and I - she practically holds that company together. Of course I gave her an ``A''. But that doesn't mean I'm having an affair with her.", "hypothesis": "he is having an affair with Lexy", "idx": 43} {"premise": "Nevertheless, her heart sank at the thought of spending an evening with him in his present state of mind, and she was tempted to invent a sore throat in order to get out of it. But he had been very helpful over the Puddephat business, she admitted to herself, and his moods were unpredictable - he might be on top of the world by the time he arrived at the cinema. ``I'm still keen if you are '' she said brightly pretending she had not noticed anything was amiss.", "hypothesis": "something was amiss", "idx": 44} {"premise": "What must it be like to be imprisoned here, day after day, month after month? I wonder, does he keep them chained and manacled, thought Fenella, or does he use sorcery? And so utterly immersed was she in this strange blue and green land that was not feeling strange any more that she did not even notice that she was weighing sorcery against steel chains and seriously considering the likely outcome.", "hypothesis": "Fenella was weighing sorcery against steel chains", "idx": 45} {"premise": "Strasbourg, Vienna, Bucharest, Istanbul, not stopping, not looking back. I saw her tossing newly gauffred curls as the open roadster headed east, away from Ollie... Temporarily I managed to re-erect my jocular facade, but inside I was panicking. He could take her away I thought he could just do that he has such power to hurt me this little furry creature who hasn't even noticed that I 've given up the weed.", "hypothesis": "he has given up the weed", "idx": 46} {"premise": "It - the tractor, the boys and the bulbs in the earth - knew she had chosen for them and was coming back to them. Of course there was still love, there was healthy, growing love and its name was called Work. She had fallen in love with it so slowly and gently and sweetly that she had never noticed it had happened.", "hypothesis": "falling in love had happened", "idx": 47} {"premise": "After the twelfth dot, two thirds of the way down the page, the transcript of this long session tails away into blank paper. I suppose what's happened is this. He has gone on staring out of the window thinking and she has gone on staring at him waiting with such absorption that neither of them noticed the tape had run out.", "hypothesis": "the tape had run out", "idx": 48} {"premise": "``His name is Matthew Blake,'' Mandy informed Charity as they descended the steps from their cabin on to the paved pathway that led to the lodge. Thankfully she hadn't even noticed that Charity had changed from the blue wrap-around skirt and was now wearing red shorts with her white silk blouse.", "hypothesis": "Charity had changed from the blue wrap-around skirt", "idx": 49} {"premise": "``These ` ere smugglers is a dangerous bunch from wot I 've ` eard!'' ``If only we could devise a safe way of laying our hands on all that money,'' murmured Pugwash, whose greed was as proverbial as his cowardice. And the pirates were so busy discussing the problem and what they would do with the reward if they won it that they didn't notice that they were being observed from the window above by none other than the new Mayor and his entourage.", "hypothesis": "the pirates were being observed from the window above by none other than the new Mayor and his entourage", "idx": 50} {"premise": "Ockleton, Morpurgo, Cornelius, Dysart and half a dozen others too drunk to mention. But there was so much coming and going that any one of us could have slipped out, pushed Everett through the window and slipped back again without being noticed. Damn it all we didn't even notice Everett was missing until a porter tripped over him in the quad so anything's theoretically possible.", "hypothesis": "Everett was missing", "idx": 51} {"premise": "His hair was white, as my daughters reported when they went to view the body before it was given to the Odonata. Now he is known as The Man Who Changed the World, and there are statues to him everywhere. No one remembers he had a younger brother.", "hypothesis": "The Man Who Changed the World had a younger brother", "idx": 52} {"premise": "Oh, I did, I did! I was lucky. I would have liked brothers and sisters but I don't remember that I was ever lonely.", "hypothesis": "she was ever lonely", "idx": 53} {"premise": "Her priggishness. I admire it. I know she does wrong things she tries to organize other people's lives she can't see Mr Knightley is a man in a million.", "hypothesis": "Mr Knightley is a man in a million", "idx": 54} {"premise": "Only she herself knew the evil thoughts she had and how effortlessly they could be translated into action. ``I 'll make a cup of tea.'' No she would not tell Peter that the person he loved most in the world was dead.", "hypothesis": "the person Peter loved most in the world was dead", "idx": 55} {"premise": "``It's not your day, is it, dear?'' ``No, but they 've got to be done, and Shirley's making the tea.'' Ianthe had not told her mother that she sometimes had to dust the books in the library.", "hypothesis": "Ianthe sometimes had to dust the books in the library", "idx": 56} {"premise": "He pulled occasionally, his arms tiring. Conker slowed a little, but the branches were coming too fast, he had to lean right forward and couldn't use his hands. He remembered the gate at the end of the track had time to hope it was open because he didn't think Conker could jump it.", "hypothesis": "Conker could jump the gate", "idx": 57} {"premise": "But he ended up eating it himself. I was reluctant to kiss my mother, afraid that somehow her weakness and unhappiness would infect me. Naturally I didn't think for a minute that my life and spirit could stimulate her.", "hypothesis": "her life and spirit could stimulate her mother", "idx": 58} {"premise": "``Ely,'' I said (that was her name and the first time I 'd ever used it), ``I want to be free.'' She looked stunned. I don't think she 'd considered this.", "hypothesis": "Ely had considered him wanting to be free", "idx": 59} {"premise": "I'm sorry, I 've put you in an invidious position. If you're being run by Morton, he 'll want to hear all this. It won't do any harm but I 'd rather not give him food for thought because I consider him an idiot and I don't think he's capable of interpreting it correctly.", "hypothesis": "Morton is capable of interpreting this food for thought correctly", "idx": 60} {"premise": "The big Norwegian shook his head, frowning. ``Jeg fonstAr ikke.'' I don't think he found Ward's accent at all easy and anyway like many foreigners he found it easier to speak English than to understand it.", "hypothesis": "the big Norwegian found Ward's accent at all easy", "idx": 61} {"premise": "You really don't know anything about me, do you, despite all that wallowing in my mind? As it happens I don't think I'm the right person to lead humanity into the future no.", "hypothesis": "she is the right person to lead humanity into the future", "idx": 62} {"premise": "It's where the bands practise. I can't remember what band Petra's in, but I seen them practise once. They were OK but I didn't think they was brilliant.", "hypothesis": "Petra's band was brilliant", "idx": 63} {"premise": "She swallowed hard, unsure if she had the nerve to go ahead. The memory of the pain in Tara's eyes last night decided her. Did he really expect her to believe that Tara was only the housekeeper?", "hypothesis": "Tara was only the housekeeper", "idx": 64} {"premise": "If there are spirits at work at the time, they come only from yourself, not from the fume of the incense. Why should spirits aid living beings? What arrogance is it that drives people to believe they can have power over them?", "hypothesis": "people can have power over spirits", "idx": 65} {"premise": "Why should this topic matter? You talked about everything else as you usually do. Why should I feel Maelmuire is important?", "hypothesis": "Maelmuire is important", "idx": 66} {"premise": "It is all very well, in these changing times, to adapt one's work to take in duties not traditionally within one's realm. But bantering is of another dimension altogether. For one thing how would one know for sure that at any given moment a response of the bantering sort is truly what is expected?", "hypothesis": "at any given moment a response of the bantering sort is truly what is expected", "idx": 67} {"premise": "But the horror of losing was as much to do with money as with pride. Biddy had never let them down, come without fail all through the bad weather, and now was giving Nails an intensive course on her own horse which - in terms of money - was worth another couple of hundred pounds. Yet surely she knew they had no way of paying should she demand it?", "hypothesis": "they had no way of paying", "idx": 68} {"premise": "I ducked so fast I wasn't sure whether he 'd seen me or not, but it gave me a prickly feeling just to imagine it, so I scuttled for the door and legged it up the spiral stairway three steps at a time, just in case. As I ran, I remember thinking stupid thoughts like. How did he know I was up here looking down?", "hypothesis": "he was up there looking down", "idx": 69} {"premise": "At the heart of the universe there is cruelty. We are predators and are preyed upon, every living thing. Did you know that wasps lay their eggs in ladybirds piercing the weak spot in their armour?", "hypothesis": "wasps lay their eggs in ladybirds", "idx": 70} {"premise": "``I wanted to tell you. But the Bookman asked me to keep our meeting a secret.'' How did you know I 'd met him?", "hypothesis": "he had met the Bookman", "idx": 71} {"premise": "She rubbed them away with an angry fist. She was a fool to let anyone get round her. How long before she learned that folk 'll always take advantage of weakness?", "hypothesis": "folk 'll always take advantage of weakness", "idx": 72} {"premise": "At length she decided that there was nothing to be gained by worrying her. Probably there was some quite innocent explanation, which Roger Kenyon would give her when she returned the wallet - if, indeed, it were his. And yet why had his manner changed so abruptly when he learned that the girl whose hat he had rescued was going to live at Sunset Cottage?", "hypothesis": "the girl whose hat Roger Kenyon had rescued was going to live at Sunset Cottage", "idx": 73} {"premise": "Anna looked at Peter again and said to herself in a guilty whisper, ``Will he become even more difficult?'' She wondered if a stranger could tell that he was difficult, just by looking at him. Would such a person watching Peter now reading the prayers of Rite B in his level pleasant voice notice that resentment lay like his blood just under his skin because the life he had chosen had not turned out as he had expected it to?", "hypothesis": "resentment lay just under Peter's skin", "idx": 74} {"premise": "Jean was tough and liked to drink. She would endure for a long while yet. But what would she do when she realized that with things as they were she was on a life sentence not just a temporary suspension of essential pleasure?", "hypothesis": "Jean was on a life sentence", "idx": 75} {"premise": "``Clever''. Klug means ``clever''. Would you say that Abie was clever?", "hypothesis": "Abie was clever", "idx": 76} {"premise": "The Susweca. It means ``dragonfly'' in Sioux, you know. Did I ever tell you that's where Paul and I met?", "hypothesis": "Susweca is where she and Paul met", "idx": 77} {"premise": "How do you know? she was going to ask, but his smile was answer enough. If DeVore said there was going to be a vacancy there would be a vacancy.", "hypothesis": "there was going to be a vacancy", "idx": 78} {"premise": "She didn't know if they had given themselves sufficient time to think things over before they married - that was the kind of question her sister Louise asked. Edward stayed in the Engineers for a bit, then came out and was not very successful in finding a job to suit him. That wasn't his fault and if anyone said that it was Nenna would still feel like poking a hole in them.", "hypothesis": "it was Edward's fault", "idx": 79} {"premise": "Indeed, in those busy days, our servants ' hall would often witness a gathering of some of the finest professionals in England talking late into the night by the warmth of the fire. Sometimes, naturally, there would be strong disagreements, but more often than not, the atmosphere was dominated by a feeling of mutual respect. Perhaps I will convey a better idea of the tone of those evenings if I say that regular visitors included the likes of Mr Harry Graham valet-butler to Sir James Chambers and Mr John Donalds valet to Mr Sydney Dickenson.", "hypothesis": "regular visitors included the likes of Mr Harry Graham valet-butler to Sir James Chambers", "idx": 80} {"premise": "At this time of year not much, it's been a dryish summer, and there's not a lot of water coming down. Say half a knot - and that's probably an over-estimate. If you say that a freely-floating body - and the weights would help a bit there because they'd keep it under water and out of any wind - moves down on the ebb at an average of a bit under two knots you'd not be far wrong.", "hypothesis": "a freely-floating body moves down on the ebb at an average of a bit under two knots", "idx": 81} {"premise": "However, I will let the gynandrous renegade stay here under one condition. If Penumbra questions either of us, we will not lie. If she suspects Crevecoeur is here and asks we let him go back.", "hypothesis": "Crevecoeur is here", "idx": 82} {"premise": "This was a sheer waste of time. He would probably land and then tell them to walk back. When she glanced at him again he looked very grim and she wondered if she should have told Mitch that he might well have a lot of opportunity to photograph Spain - on foot as he walked back to Malaga.", "hypothesis": "Mitch might well have a lot of opportunity to photograph Spain", "idx": 83} {"premise": "Nicky approached her with the assumption that men are naturally right and it is the role of women to follow their lead. Constance, whose confidence was growing daily, was not prepared to give in to Nicky's wishes merely because of his sex. If she felt he was right then she agreed with him.", "hypothesis": "Nicky was right", "idx": 84} {"premise": "Your honesty shines out of your face, my darling. It isn't your fault that cynical men like myself won't let themselves believe what they see! I just wish you could believe that Eddie's death was an accident and nothing to do with me.", "hypothesis": "Eddie's death was an accident and nothing to do with him", "idx": 85} {"premise": "I can't afford to get bogged down in the weeds. But at least you know she did leave. Maybe a coincidence maybe the two girls talked on the phone decided they 'd both had enough.", "hypothesis": "the two girls had both had enough", "idx": 86} {"premise": "Country churches were never locked. You could wander in at any time. Perhaps Cromwell when he passed also found the door of Coldingham Priory locked and decided that he would get in anyway even if it meant removing a whole wall in order to do so.", "hypothesis": "Cromwell would get in anyway", "idx": 87} {"premise": "She longed for a weapon, for even a hairpin, and knowing that she did not have one, she knew too that she was totally defenceless, unarmed and alone. She could feel the great flight of the dragon and sensed that she was high in air and travelling fast towards the sunset. She could feel the great muscles of the dragon's wings send ripplings down the stomach walls and she gave herself over to death.", "hypothesis": "the great muscles of the dragon's wings sent ripplings down the stomach walls", "idx": 88} {"premise": "``Molly likes having an audience for her tales and it passes the hours for them.'' When Miss Louisa had a second more severe stroke at the end of August, and Miss Ellen another heart attack, both old ladies died within a few days of each other. Their friends could only feel that death was merciful in the circumstances especially with war imminent and that Molly had made the closing months of their lives very happy.", "hypothesis": "death was merciful in the circumstances", "idx": 89} {"premise": "Joseph spat and spluttered blood. He had lost the two centre top teeth and with the tip of his tongue he could feel that the two on either side were also loose.", "hypothesis": "the two teeth on either side were also loose", "idx": 90} {"premise": "He also liked swimming and cycling. He said that he wrote stories, though he had to admit that he had never got further than the first two pages. Willie meanwhile not only remained silent during these conversations but picked his berries slowly so that they might forget that he was there but he reckoned without Zach.", "hypothesis": "Willie was there", "idx": 91} {"premise": "``For God's sake keep them in their seats. If we get panic people are going to be crushed to death and there will be mayhem in the car park.'' The announcer could only guess from the urgency in the Chief Constable's voice that the situation was very very serious.", "hypothesis": "the situation was very very serious", "idx": 92} {"premise": "O listened. As he listened he could smell the man. And he could hear that the song was almost turning into a sob.", "hypothesis": "the song was almost turning into a sob", "idx": 93} {"premise": "How did Selden know that the hound was following him? We know he ran a long way. He was screaming for a long time before he fell and we could hear that he was running as he screamed.", "hypothesis": "Selden was running as he screamed", "idx": 94} {"premise": "That evening Shannon steered well clear of Dane, all but tiptoeing around him, determined not to land in any more confrontations. From now till this snow siege ended, she would simply live under the same roof, but keep to her own side of an invisible barrier, she decided. She could only hope he 'd do the same.", "hypothesis": "Dane would do the same", "idx": 95} {"premise": "Then it cried. It was another girl. I was a little disappointed but I could only hope that Celia was still a bit hazy from the drugs.", "hypothesis": "Celia was still a bit hazy from the drugs", "idx": 96} {"premise": "Matthew rode on feeling a little more at peace with himself. He skirted the spruce plantation and supposed that at some point he should tell Sara about it. He could imagine that she might be interested in its money-making propensity at the end of the year.", "hypothesis": "Sara might be interested in its money-making propensity at the end of the year", "idx": 97} {"premise": "``That's good.'' Ruth stood looking at her. Rachaela could imagine Emma would have been all congratulations and the joys of womanhood.", "hypothesis": "Emma would have been all congratulations and the joys of womanhood", "idx": 98} {"premise": "Meh ' Lindi did not develop the lower set of arms nor the bony, sinuous tail. Too much to expect a new pair of arms to grow out of her ribs, or her coccyx to elongate so enormously. Nor could Jaq imagine that she could attain the full strength of a purestrain Stealer - though her own strength was formidable even when unenhanced.", "hypothesis": "Meh ' Lindi could attain the full strength of a purestrain Stealer", "idx": 99} {"premise": "Gloria remarked as they shared their coffee break in the kitchen. Melissa suppressed a sigh. She had hoped to dodge the subject but might have known that Gloria's boundless interest in all things morbid and sensational would make it impossible.", "hypothesis": "Gloria's boundless interest in all things morbid and sensational would make dodging the subject impossible", "idx": 100} {"premise": "Merrill dropped into her chair. That altercation with Luke had drained her. She might have known that he would never divulge his relationship with Elise.", "hypothesis": "Luke would never divulge his relationship with Elise", "idx": 101} {"premise": "``Oh, very well,'' he said wearily. He might have known that it was useless to argue with McAllister - her tongue was as long as her will was strong.", "hypothesis": "it was useless to argue with McAllister", "idx": 102} {"premise": "I was angry with her for not saying anything, not doing anything. I still had a formless feeling that she understood me where my mother did not. Perhaps it was despair that made me believe there was one person in the world who might know that I was in despair.", "hypothesis": "he was in despair", "idx": 103} {"premise": "``For such a person, finding a protector might not be so difficult, even in Edinburgh.'' Jean smiled. He might have known that even someone as sensible as Miss van Wiliamsburgh would try to make a play of this sort.", "hypothesis": "even someone as sensible as Miss van Williamsburgh would try to make a play of this sort", "idx": 104} {"premise": "L. Underneath, in purple ink, had been added. ``And love, Fenella'', with a capital X as a kiss. I might have known Lisabeth wouldn't have walked up the stairs herself to leave the note.", "hypothesis": "Lisabeth wouldn't have walked up the stairs herself to leave a note", "idx": 105} {"premise": "He 'd gone. Philip had to get them back. His Dad would kill him if he found that he 'd taken them.", "hypothesis": "Philip had taken them", "idx": 106} {"premise": "There was no answer. Moving carefully, Benny stepped around the edges of the room, and opened the window shutters. Her momentary horror at seeing the unmistakable form of General Etienne was only slightly dulled by the realization that the stiff posture he was in could only mean he was dead.", "hypothesis": "General Etienne was dead", "idx": 107} {"premise": "I didn't really like the way the other boys treated him. I was new at the school and still observing, still beginning friendships. Perhaps Alec noticed that I did not ridicule him as the others did.", "hypothesis": "he did not ridicule Alec as the others did", "idx": 108} {"premise": "And I was excited by my new importance. Proud and pleased to be playing opposite Frank Donovan who had once stood in for Hayden Coffin. Occasionally perhaps I should notice that he was not the jovial easy-going character I remembered from my humble place in the chorus.", "hypothesis": "Frank Donovan was not the jovial easy-going character she remembered", "idx": 109} {"premise": "``And you're wrong about us. We're not children and I 'd say we're learning the rules pretty quickly.'' You may have noticed I'm not shaking any more!", "hypothesis": "he's not shaking any more", "idx": 110} {"premise": "When he was there we were Bonnie and Clyde, now he was gone we were Blondie and Dagwood. Or rather, now he was gone, I was Dennis. If I 'd been smarter or less vain I might have realized that this meant that my former role was now vacant.", "hypothesis": "this meant her former role was now vacant", "idx": 111} {"premise": "For a while the notion gripped him, and he prowled the many floors of Hamleys looking for toys. He bought a magic set for Sebastian (although his ideal present for the kid would have been a brand-new name) and a marionette for Louise. He could remember that there was an age for puppets and magic just as he could remember the time that he 'd spent trying to fan a deck of cards or sitting in front of a mirror trying to get the hard consonants down like a real ventriloquist.", "hypothesis": "there was an age for puppets and magic", "idx": 112} {"premise": "I spent just over an hour with Patterson which, I found out later, turned out to be another first. Time is money in the City and few people are worth an hour unless it's over lunch and only then if you're involved in a takeover bid. It was also I learned one of the few occasions anyone at PKB could remember that Patterson had a meeting with his door shut and nobody got fired.", "hypothesis": "Patterson had a meeting with his door shut and nobody got fired", "idx": 113} {"premise": "The Deputy Under Secretary could talk of his host's prospects and disappointments, he could learn of the problems of digging out foreign exchange and hard currency in the Third World, the tribulations over the renewal of Residence Permits, the difficulties of keeping reliable servants, but of his own world he must remain silent. The Deputy Under Secretary headed the Secret Intelligence Service of the United Kingdom, and that was not a subject matter for gossip and conversation on a bougainvillaea-fringed veranda as the lights of the fishermen's dug-outs floated inside the coral reef... No bloody way. He was a man who could be honest with himself and in honesty he could say that he was both pleased and relieved to be back at his desk on a grey Monday morning in London.", "hypothesis": "the Deputy Under Secretary was both pleased and relieved to be back at his desk on a grey Monday morning in London", "idx": 114} {"premise": "I WAS really only a bystander in the tragedy of young Mr and Mrs McLeod. It was not really my business although it could be said that I had known them both - had seen them about - for most of their lives.", "hypothesis": "she had known Mr. and Mrs. McLeod for most of their lives", "idx": 115} {"premise": "Paula could not help herself. It was just the way she was. Others might say they hated her and mean it.", "hypothesis": "others hated Paula", "idx": 116} {"premise": "A: How do you feel about gun control? B: Well, uh, I mean I don't think that guns should be outlawed", "hypothesis": "guns should be outlawed", "idx": 117} {"premise": "B: I don't know how my parents did it. A: Yeah. B: I mean, there were five of us and I don't recall, you know, wanting anything in particular. Uh, but I don't know how my father did it. He worked at a truck line and he just didn't make that kind of money with five children. But we did okay. We had a house and a home and, but now, my wife and I both work and I don't believe we have as much as my parents did.", "hypothesis": "he and his wife have as much as his parents did", "idx": 118} {"premise": "A: Well, how do you feel about the immigration laws? B: At, currently, I think they are a little restrictive. Uh, particularly for, uh, certain ethnic groups or from certain countries. Um, I think we should permit, uh, more immigration from eastern Europe, for example, uh, particularly uh, the Jewish, uh, uh, people from Russia. I think we could permit more of them in than we have permitted in the last, uh, several years. And, I think we have, uh, uh, too much restriction uh, on the Orientals also, but, of course, that's just my opinion. A: Yeah, well, I'm not real sure why I got this topic, because I don't think I checked it off on the list because I know very little about the current immigration laws.", "hypothesis": "he checked the topic off on the list", "idx": 119} {"premise": "B: boy, he's a big one. A: he's pretty big. That's why it really surprises me, you know, that he hasn't come back, because, like I said, he's never gone away like this before, and, I would think, you know, I mean, he might could get hurt by a car or something. I don't know that he could really get killed that easily because he is so big.", "hypothesis": "he could really get killed that easily", "idx": 120} {"premise": "A: and then once they do get elected, they don't have the power or the authority or the willingness to do those things that they promised, you know, beforehand. B: Right. A: You know, maybe it just wasn't possible at all in the first place, you know, like the no new taxes thing. You know, that's, uh, with the economy going the way it is and everything, that was nearly ridiculous thing to, even try to do. B: Yeah. Yeah. Well, I don't think he's going to have to worry about that next year.", "hypothesis": "he's going to have to worry about that next year", "idx": 121} {"premise": "A: Oh, oh yeah, and every time you see one hit on the side of the road you say is that my cat. B: Uh-huh. A: And you go crazy thinking it might be yours. B: Right, well I didn't realize my husband was such a sucker for animals until I brought one home one night.", "hypothesis": "her husband was such a sucker for animals", "idx": 122} {"premise": "B: And I don't think that rehabilitation is effective. A: Right. Have to agree with you, and I'm kind of in favor of capital punishment also. I just don't think that it acts much as a deterrent to these people because, uh, you still see them committing the same crimes,", "hypothesis": "it acts much as a deterrent to these people", "idx": 123} {"premise": "A: so you hear so much, you get a little tired of it, but then again, so many people you got to understand only catch it once a day, maybe B: Yep. A: but I think the quality of uh, our news is just, uh, I don't believe it could be better", "hypothesis": "it could be better", "idx": 124} {"premise": "B: And I've worked in the hospital for fifteen years and I've taken care of a few AIDS patients. A: Uh-huh. B: Uh, when they asked us did we want to, uh, keep it the same or, uh, spend more, spend less, uh, I think right now what they're spending is adequate. Uh, for my personal opinion. Uh, because I think it's something that's going to take them a while to come up with a, uh, vaccine for. A: Yeah. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. B: I don't think it's going to be that easy to come up with", "hypothesis": "it is going to be that easy to come up with", "idx": 125} {"premise": "A: Yeah, they did. They put a lot of pressure on him from the outside and from the inside. Uh, it's funny watching them play, he's probably like a lot of quarterbacks, uh, when the pressure is really on when it's down to the last few minutes of the game for the season is when the guys seem to really do their best. B: Uh-huh. A: And I haven't quite figured that out, if they figure they have got it won or if there's no real hurry because the first three quarters or, uh, uh, if something happens that that adrenalin starts flowing.", "hypothesis": "they have got it won", "idx": 126} {"premise": "A: Uh, well then you must know a lot more about this than I do. B: Uh, I think, uh, the system right now, you know, you know, is fine. I think it should be by a jury. I don't think the judge should have, I mean he's just there kind of like the referee. A: Uh-huh, Uh-huh. B: Uh, I don't even think that it should be unanimous either. Uh,", "hypothesis": "it should be unanimous", "idx": 127} {"premise": "B: Uh-huh. It, I mean, I don't know, I don't think George Bush will make the American people happy with ninety-seven cents a week. A: No, no, not at all. B: I just don't think it was a well thought out incentive.", "hypothesis": "it was a well thought out incentive", "idx": 128} {"premise": "B: but I found that, uh, it was made of some material which actually ended up rusting uh, after, A: Oh. B: even, despite, you know, diligent washing, it got rusty after about, uh, three weeks of use. And I don't think it was my fault because you know, I had made a point of like drying it off and cleaning it", "hypothesis": "it was his fault", "idx": 129} {"premise": "A: and if they weren't spending all the money on drug testing, people could have got a raise. So, see, you know, there's different, I think that's more of a personal view of mine other than a yes, sir, we should have drug testing because there's really a problem B: Uh-huh. A: and I know that. But then, I have other views to it. B: I didn't think it was that expensive because my son was in probably a week and a half period", "hypothesis": "it was that expensive", "idx": 130} {"premise": "B: I did, too. A: I mean, it was just more for my money. B: Yeah. I didn't think it was too long at all.", "hypothesis": "it was too long", "idx": 131} {"premise": "B: That's true. A: So. B: Uh, the other argument is that the death penalty is a deterrent and I really don't, uh, agree with that. I don't think anyone who would commit uh, a crime that would get them the death penalty would stop at the moment and say, well, I was about to kill and dismember this person but, oh, if they catch me they're going to kill me so I better not do it. I just, don't think uh, that it works that way. A: Yeah. I don't think it's done.", "hypothesis": "it's done", "idx": 132} {"premise": "B: But, uh, if the wind comes basically from the south it can be really bad. A: Uh-huh. B: Uh, the State of Wisconsin, as a matter of fact, uh, started some litigation against Illinois because of the air pollution we were getting. A: Uh-huh. B: Uh, I don't think it's going to go very far,", "hypothesis": "it's going to go very far", "idx": 133} {"premise": "B: Yeah. Well, that's the guy that counts. A: Yes. But, maybe we'll get your guy. B: Oh, I don't think Jim Kelly is about to be swayed away from the Bills any time.", "hypothesis": "Jim Kelly is about to be swayed away from the Bills any time", "idx": 134} {"premise": "B: Yeah. How about Mister Rogers, is he still around? A: Yes. Yeah. They still show Mister Rogers. I don't think he's making new ones,", "hypothesis": "Mister Rogers is making new Mister Rogers", "idx": 135} {"premise": "B: Yeah, and the ground will filter some of it but not all of it. A: No, not when you figure, I didn't realize one cow produces that much manure", "hypothesis": "one cow produces that much manure", "idx": 136} {"premise": "A: Yeah, that's crazy. B: and then you come here in the Dallas area, um, I don't believe that people should be allowed to carry guns in their vehicles.", "hypothesis": "people should be allowed to carry guns in their vehicles", "idx": 137} {"premise": "B: but if they get the little tiny kids saving it now, in five years, when they get bigger, it'll work a little bit more, too. A: Yeah. True. B: Because it's, we've all got to do it right now. I just, I really amazed to find out that, eighty per cent are filled now, in garbage fills. In five years we're supposed to be at max. A: Uh-huh. B: I don't think I can keep my own garbage.", "hypothesis": "she can keep her own garbage", "idx": 138} {"premise": "A: And, uh, I got to stay home with my kids, which I really wanted to do, but now I could not go back and do it. B: Yeah. A: I really couldn't, I don't think I could stay home all the time and do nothing.", "hypothesis": "he could stay home all the time and do nothing", "idx": 139} {"premise": "A: nanny, sort of? Uh-huh. Uh-huh. B: and you know, I could envision a society where that would happen and make an interesting, uh, uh, story or whatever. A: Yeah. B: I don't think I have a philosophical problem with that.", "hypothesis": "she has a philosophical problem with that", "idx": 140} {"premise": "B: That was kind of a funny movie with, uh, Richard Dreyfuss and Bill Murray. A: Uh-huh. B: That was fun. A: Golly, I don't think that I've ever heard of that movie.", "hypothesis": "he has heard of that movie", "idx": 141} {"premise": "A: so it's nice to get away. It's just amazing, how much you miss. B: Yeah, it, Yeah, it, yeah, it really is. I mean, I don't think I ever see the Little Dipper,", "hypothesis": "she has seen the Little Dipper", "idx": 142} {"premise": "B: Yeah. It's, uh, I have modem night computer so I can log into the, uh, network at Georgia Tech and access my account through there, which can be useful. But, uh, yeah that and word processing is while I tend to, I mean, obviously, I do almost all of my report writing on my computer, uh, whether it's term papers or even some smaller homework assignments. A: Uh-huh. B: So it's I don't know, really become my mainstay I guess. I can't even remember, actually I don't think I've ever used a typewriter in my life to do a report. Because my family, when I was growing up, we got a basic computer. TRS Eighty when they first came out.", "hypothesis": "he has used a typewriter to do a report", "idx": 143} {"premise": "A: I am right outside Baltimore. I am less than a mile from the Baltimore line. B: Um. A: And I go to a campus of the University of Maryland that is just, less than a mile from my house. So I'm actually in Baltimore, yeah, you could say I'm in Baltimore.", "hypothesis": "he is in Baltimore", "idx": 144} {"premise": "B: Now see I. A: I'm intrigued by it, but I'm not sure I want to go see it yet. B: Yeah, I don't think I want to see that either.", "hypothesis": "she wants to see that", "idx": 145} {"premise": "A: Do you go to museums in Europe? B: Uh, actually, no, I don't think I went to any of them.", "hypothesis": "she went to some of them", "idx": 146} {"premise": "B: I wouldn't be surprised. A: You know, because they don't want to send them to daycare. B: I doubt if they would say it was too long.", "hypothesis": "it was too long", "idx": 147} {"premise": "A: But, uh, uh, I don't understand, I guess, why the schools seem to have such a high dropout rate in the big cities. B: Uh, well, I don't pretend to understand that either. Uh, but I'm not quite sure that it's the kind of thing that ought to be blamed on the schools. But then, again, I'm not quite sure where the blame ought to be put. Uh, because the dropout rate is, in those areas, w-, it's high in those areas where also there's poverty and crime. And they all seem to go together. And it seems like if you could eliminate one of the parts of that circle, where you have the dropout rate and crime and, you know, general poverty kind of conditions, that things ought to get better. So, uh, the other two a-, they're all three social issues and could be addressed by the government in any ways. And clearly, to me, is a kind of government thing to fix but it's just like, I don't expect them to know which part is best to fix just like I don't know. it's a complicated issue. I still don't think I would blame it directly on the school.", "hypothesis": "he would blame it directly on the school", "idx": 148} {"premise": "B: She says that when her husband died oh, that my uncle had said that he would never put her in a rest home. So it's kind of, uh, I don't know. I mean, I don't think my parents would but she is getting pretty bad like she has to have like a little toilet right by her bed and, it's, A: Uh-huh. B: and my mom has to take care of her pretty much so it gets, I don't know. it's a hard decision, but I don't think I would do it to my parents personally.", "hypothesis": "she would do it to her parents", "idx": 149} {"premise": "A: Big time there, sure is. B: It surely is. A: I don't think I'd go to work without a bulletproof vest on myself.", "hypothesis": "he would go to work without a bulletproof vest", "idx": 150} {"premise": "A: Well, presumably those who find out such information, if they are doing it, I would prefer to not to be known, and, I mean, you know, the classic, oh, I don't know C I conspiracy theories or whatever, would have such parties trying to do it without your knowledge. So there's,, things that invade that second type of privacy where you do know about them and possibly things that invade that second type of privacy without you knowing about it, and I can't talk about the second one other than to generate paranoia. It's a surmise and, I'd like to think that it's quite low, at least in this country. B: to surmise. It is there. A: I don't think I'd like the KGB monitoring my phone or anything like that.", "hypothesis": "he would like the KGB monitoring his phone", "idx": 151} {"premise": "B: That might be kind of tough, huh. A: It really would, yes, yes, and like I said, my sister's still in it, and I really don't think my mother'd want to be there, either.", "hypothesis": "his mother would want to be there", "idx": 152} {"premise": "B: I mean, you can't guarantee that they wouldn't escape from prison and do it again. A: Right. And then do it all over again. Uh-huh. B: And I don't think that rehabilitation is effective.", "hypothesis": "rehabilitation is effective", "idx": 153} {"premise": "B: Oh, well that's good. A: but she really doesn't. Nobody thought she would adjust,", "hypothesis": "she would adjust", "idx": 154} {"premise": "B: What am I afraid of? A: Yes. B: Um, I don't know if I'm really afraid of spending too much. I just, uh, don't think that I need them, you know.", "hypothesis": "she needs them", "idx": 155} {"premise": "A: That's fairly interesting. B: I bet that would be, rather interesting. Uh, that's, uh, self improvement, well, that's kind of a hobby but it is self improvement from the standpoint of probably relaxing, uh. A: Yeah, I don't know that I read anything strictly labeled self improvement.", "hypothesis": "she reads anything strictly labeled self improvement", "idx": 156} {"premise": "A: They might be, but not at the human factors level. they're, B: Well, I heard it on the news today, I could swear it was IBM.", "hypothesis": "it was IBM", "idx": 157} {"premise": "A: But, uh, B: Okay. Uh, uh, I've had one or two American cars I think, and they were okay. I had a Pontiac once and I never had a problem with it, but, uh, my mother had a Dodge at one point and I had driven it a few times and I really did not feel that I would buy a Dodge just from,", "hypothesis": "she would buy a Dodge", "idx": 158} {"premise": "B: I think that not only applies inside the public school system, but in society itself. there's been too much negative reinforcement. How much, like, the caught being good slips. How about, just the John Q citizen out there on the street? A: Yeah, well that's true. I think, really though, I mean, that's one thing that, I mean, my kids definitely get spanked when they need to be spanked. But I really do try to use positive, uh, reinforcement with them at home, also. And it really helps. And I mean, they don't get spanked very often, but they do when they deserve it, you know. But, uh, I don't think any kid should be exempt from being spanked.", "hypothesis": "some kid should be exempt from being spanked", "idx": 159} {"premise": "B: I understand we are doing care of the elderly, right? A: Yes. B: And how do you feel about putting someone in the nursing home? A: Well, I don't think that uh, any of my relatives would really like to go there.", "hypothesis": "some of her relatives would really like to go there", "idx": 160} {"premise": "A: It's divided, yeah. B: Wow! A: It really is, so we've got our Cowboys here and, uh, I don't think anybody roots differently", "hypothesis": "somebody roots differently", "idx": 161} {"premise": "B: if you get it on sale, A: Yeah, yeah, so we bought that or we bought the filets, and then the chicken, or turkey nuggets, and I don't think anybody in my house knows the difference, unless you tell them.", "hypothesis": "someone in his house knows the difference", "idx": 162} {"premise": "A: Have you followed that very much or, B: Uh, not really. I don't think anything will ever take over the NFL.", "hypothesis": "something will take over the NFL", "idx": 163} {"premise": "B: All right, well. A: Um, short term, I don't think anything's going to be done about it or probably should be done about it.", "hypothesis": "something's going to be done about it", "idx": 164} {"premise": "A: Oh, yes. Animals have a way of talking. B: Alfie did. I tell you if I could have gotten a hold of that cat that day. A: I don't know uh, that I'd trade my dog in for the world.", "hypothesis": "he would trade his dog in for the world", "idx": 165} {"premise": "A: but at the same time I think it would do them a world of good. B: Yeah. A: But there's a, B: I don't know that you could require everyone yeah, to do it for a whole year, or two years or something like that,", "hypothesis": "speaker A could require everyone to do it for a whole year", "idx": 166} {"premise": "A: I got a friend who goes there, by the way. I want to talk to you about that afterward, okay. B: Okay. Uh, I've, the high school I went to uh, was a good one also. And well, I guess you could say one of the problems with the public education system is the disparity between different schools.", "hypothesis": "one of the problems with the public education system is the disparity between different schools", "idx": 167} {"premise": "A: They have to for international trade. B: Yeah. A: But, I guess it's easier to switch back and forth than it used to be, uh, because uh, of computers coming into everything. B: Uh-huh. Yeah, I don't think switching back and forth is that big a deal.", "hypothesis": "switching back and forth is that big a deal", "idx": 168} {"premise": "A: And now it's election time again so they're trying to lower them. B: Oh. A: So they're just talk about lowering them but they never do, they just keep raising them. B: I've never seen taxes really go down.", "hypothesis": "taxes would really go down", "idx": 169} {"premise": "B: they did things for people, you know, for their communities, for their, uh, families, for their friends, where now, I'm not sure they really do. A: Yes. Yeah. Well, I think sometimes through groups and organizations, um, uh, when they asked the question I thought, well that sounds wonderful. And then, I wondered if people were unwilling but I think even if you went in with a negative attitude I don't think it would stay negative very long.", "hypothesis": "that attitude would stay negative very long", "idx": 170} {"premise": "B: And, you know, the whole electronic classroom idea. I don't know if I I'm yeah, in favor of, yeah, A: I don't think that's going to work.", "hypothesis": "that is going to work", "idx": 171} {"premise": "B: Right. And they repacked the wheel bearings. A: and they repacked the the wheel bearings. Yeah but, uh, I've had considerable experience. you might say I'm, uh, uh, good back yard mechanic", "hypothesis": "she is a good back yard mechanic", "idx": 172} {"premise": "A: Uh, well, it would depend on when you go it's not excessively crowded on the weekends. B: See I'd want to be there in the mornings like from nine thirty to ten thirty. A: Oh, I don't think that would be bad at all.", "hypothesis": "that would be bad", "idx": 173} {"premise": "B: I think in s-, and it, just would depend upon the circumstances and the extent of the abuse and if another alternative was available. A: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Um. Uh-huh. You know, now, I wonder what you think about this and, uh, unfortunately, we don't get to do it, but, uh, it used to be a long time ago, I guess in Biblical times when they had punishment, if somebody did something, for example, to your family, then you had the right to administer the punishment. So if somebody killed somebody in your family, then uh, if that person was caught and found guilty, you had the right to, uh, execute that person. And I know that, uh, if somebody had done something to my family, I would feel that I had the right to get revenge on them uh, but, I don't think that's done much anywhere.", "hypothesis": "that's done much anywhere", "idx": 174} {"premise": "A: I spend a lot of time reading about these things. I'm quite interested. I find it very exciting for the coverage we have now, today. B: Yes and I think we do get pretty good coverage. I don't feel that the American people is being shortchanged by uh, the news coverage.", "hypothesis": "the American people are being shortchanged by the news coverage", "idx": 175} {"premise": "B: Uh, uh, I've had one or two American cars I think, and they were okay. I had a Pontiac once and I never had a problem with it, but, uh, my mother had a Dodge at one point and I had driven it a few times and I really did not feel that I would buy a Dodge just from, A: Um. B: well, actually, I had uh, a Dodge Omni at one point A: Uh-huh. B: and that was, I think, what really prejudiced me against American cars because I did not feel that it was a very quality, uh, car.", "hypothesis": "the Dodge Omni was a very quality car", "idx": 176} {"premise": "A: uh, but then when you quantify things and might also hold criminal trials for how many years is appropriate, uh, that they might leave it to somebody else who, uh, has expertise in that. B: Right, I agree, too. I don't think the jury should be the ones that put the sentencings down.", "hypothesis": "the jury should be the ones that put the sentencings down", "idx": 177} {"premise": "A: Boy that's scary, isn't it. B: Oh, can you imagine, because it happens in the middle of the night, so you know, these parents didn't know the kid was gone until the kid is knocking on the door screaming, let me in.", "hypothesis": "the kid was gone", "idx": 178} {"premise": "B: Oh, I see. A: um, and I think I'm getting a better caliber of student at the private school, because I think their parents pay more, and I think the kids are a little bit more challenged, because their parents are probably college educated, where at the public school, I don't think as many parents are college educated,", "hypothesis": "as many parents are college educated at the public school", "idx": 179} {"premise": "B: I think that not only applies inside the public school system, but in society itself. there's been too much negative reinforcement. How much, like, the caught being good slips. How about, just the John Q citizen out there on the street? A: Yeah, well that's true. I think, really though, I mean, that's one thing that, I mean, my kids definitely get spanked when they need to be spanked. But I really do try to use positive, uh, reinforcement with them at home, also. And it really helps. And I mean, they don't get spanked very often, but they do when they deserve it, you know. But, uh, I don't think any kid should be exempt from being spanked. I mean, I think I wouldn't mind if a teacher spanked my child. But, you know, that's just my personal opinion, and that's not going to, I mean, I don't think that law will ever change.", "hypothesis": "the law will change", "idx": 180} {"premise": "B: but, uh, I can definitely, uh, see on down the road, you know, where we do have kids and are getting to that age, that's going to be a definite concern. A: Yeah, you talked before, about the school funding. I think there's only going to be one solution to school funding which I don't think will be necessarily the best way", "hypothesis": "the one solution to school funding will be necessarily the best way", "idx": 181} {"premise": "A: I think so, I think, B: I really do. Oh, yeah, it's going to take, uh, you know, the police, I don't think can do it alone, you know.", "hypothesis": "the police can do it alone", "idx": 182} {"premise": "A: How do you feel about that. B: I don't really, I more, I don't know about the government as much as, uh, the people, uh, I wouldn't consider to be a threat at all and I really don't feel much like the Soviet Union itself is a threat anymore.", "hypothesis": "the Soviet Union itself is a threat still", "idx": 183} {"premise": "B: That's what I've heard too. Uh, A: It seems bizarre to me. I don't quite understand it, although I think probably the worst thing that's happening at least the modern world today, is television.", "hypothesis": "the worst thing that's happening in the modern world is television", "idx": 184} {"premise": "B: I think the, uh, I think a lot of the commentators on, like the major networks, like right, it's kind of appropriate right now because of the election stuff going on, but, um, it seems that, um, they kind of get to throw their opinions into how they, you know, report on the news. A: Right. And I think even in the elections, they choose who they're going to follow and who they're not, and basically you know, if a candidate can get them to follow, then the news will, you know, kind of publicize his name. B: Yeah. Yeah, exactly. A: I don't think that the way I get the news is the right way to get it.", "hypothesis": "the way she gets the news is the right way to get it", "idx": 185} {"premise": "B: Well, you've got, well, any of the big cities you've got the different rival gangs and they're having their little turf wars over their little drug kingdoms and such, A: Uh-huh. B: And they get out their little Mac tens, they get out their little uzis and they're going to fight with them. And it doesn't matter what restrictions you put on that type of weapon or a class three firearm. If they want it they'll get it. I don't care if they've got to go down into New Mexico to get it they'll get it and they'll get across the border. Now my position, although, I have absolutely no use for a fully automatic weapon, anyway. A: Uh-huh. B: Since I am a law-abiding citizen and I have never had a felony, if I wanted to buy one, I don't think there should be that big of a restriction on it.", "hypothesis": "there should be that big of a restriction on it", "idx": 186} {"premise": "B: Uh, with regard uh, to jury trials. I really feel as though, uh, uh, whatever system has been used historically, in particular jurisdiction, you know, is really the only kinds of things that you can use. Because the jurisprudence is, you know, based uh, you know, on accumulated body of law. And if you have a situation where you change that body of law, then all of sudden they could start going back and digging up all these cases uh, that would be handled differently were they judged by today's standards. So I really don't think they can really do much of anything to change it.", "hypothesis": "they can really do something to change it", "idx": 187} {"premise": "B: Right, you know, like In packaging A: Yeah. B: and, uh, you know, just goodness. A: Yeah, I don't think they do the packaging at this plant,", "hypothesis": "they do the packaging at this plant", "idx": 188} {"premise": "A: The one thing I sometimes wonder about, um, in civil cases is, uh, whether, especially sort of in, uh, maybe like product liability, or medical malpractice, where there's, um, sort of a very technical decision to be made sometimes B: Yes. A: you know, it's not just a matter um, of, you know, did this guy rip off this guy, and it's just a matter of interpreting a contract, it's sort of a matter of, um, you know, sometimes getting into very technical issues, and I wonder um, if the system works adequately in educating the jurors about, uh, whatever, um, you know, issue is under discussion. B: I don't think that they educate them enough to really know what's going on.", "hypothesis": "they educate the jurors enough to really know what's going on", "idx": 189} {"premise": "B: The kind you have sounds very interesting, though. A: Well, um, they're really sweet dogs. uh, we thought probably our neighborhood in Houston had more of this breed than any other place just because of, um, the family that had them and bred them.", "hypothesis": "their neighborhood in Houston had more of this breed than any other place because of the family that had them and bred them", "idx": 190} {"premise": "B: You know, back around, you know, in the twenties and thirties when they were growing up, uh, you know, they were all located together, in one small community. A: Right, right. Right. B: And I mean when time went on the family grew and moved away and so forth. And now when they come together it's generally, you know, like say the kids of those people who are not, you know, anywhere near one another and I do not think they feel the closeness that they used to be there. Which is a shame", "hypothesis": "they feel the closeness that they used to be there", "idx": 191} {"premise": "A: it was so fattening. B: That sounds good. A: But, I don't think we gained any weight from it", "hypothesis": "they gained any weight from it", "idx": 192} {"premise": "A: but that is one of my solutions. Uh... B: I know here in Dallas that they have just instituted in the last couple of years, uh, a real long period of time that you can absentee vote before the elections. And I do not think they have seen a really high improvement.", "hypothesis": "they have seen a really high improvement", "idx": 193} {"premise": "B: And, uh, I think they've all developed kind of an interest in reading also. A: That's re-, yeah. B: I'm not saying they read all the right things", "hypothesis": "they read all the right things", "idx": 194} {"premise": "B: I look at our big green containers, and I say, well, they work fine and I keep mine outside the garage so that I don't have any odors but it's clearly a place where, uh, uh, A: Oh, right. B: it will be interesting to see how well that works and I'm glad the community is doing it. Uh, it's one of those things that kind of has to be forced on people. Uh, I don't know what you saw back, uh, years ago, but for me the thing that strikes me is uh, growing up in rural South Dakota where, hey the farmers brought their eggs to town and the local hatchery would candle them and package them is that, uh, in the fifties, uh, you could say we had the recycling going on then that we should have now. Which was all the milk bottles were glass", "hypothesis": "they had the recycling going on then that they should have now", "idx": 195} {"premise": "B: And they go down the line ten years and then on some little technicality they get out and on the streets again doing the same they did before. A: Uh-huh. B: And, you know, that's about the only thing. Like for theft and stuff like that or manslaughter, you know, I don't think they should do that.", "hypothesis": "they should do that", "idx": 196} {"premise": "A: Oh, wow! But maybe you shouldn't be held responsible for something you did several years ago. B: So, I know. A: That's the other thing. I mean a lot of people as kids or, you know, young people get into some things that they get out of later on and I don't think they should really have to pay for that forever.", "hypothesis": "they should really have to pay for that forever", "idx": 197} {"premise": "B: Uh, I have, uh, I guess a lot of thoughts about the Vietnam War, um, I guess I feel like I was pretty young while it was going on and so there's probably a lot of things I remember and a lot of things that I really didn't have a clue as to what was happening. B: Yeah. A: Um, looking back, like maybe some of the things that I know now, I'm not sure I do believe it was worth the cost in dollars and lives. That was one of the questions that she asked us to think about, because we never went to war. I don't think we were committed to winning it and getting out", "hypothesis": "they were committed to winning the Vietnam War and getting out", "idx": 198} {"premise": "B: um, they try to encourage you to follow a specific curriculum, although you don't have to. A: Uh-huh. B: And then if you have particular religious beliefs they're kind of monitored. You know, they will allow you to, I can't think of any examples but certain religious groups don't want their children in public schools because the influence. And maybe they were a group of Mennonites or something like that. A: Uh-huh. B: I don't think they're were in this area", "hypothesis": "they were in this area", "idx": 199} {"premise": "A: I, that would have been stupid, B: Yeah. A: and I don't think we did it. Everything else we handled in this seemed to be perfectly right. I don't think they would have done that.", "hypothesis": "they would have done that", "idx": 200} {"premise": "A: I really don't. But no, when the time comes hopefully we'll really look around before I decide on one for my parents B: Uh-huh. A: really do, because I have been raised in one, you know, so there's lot of things I know to look for. B: Yeah. A: And I don't think they'd want to go where they used to work, either you know.", "hypothesis": "they would want to go where they used to work", "idx": 201} {"premise": "B: And as far as like them, uh, entertaining the rights that they should have. A: Uh-huh. B: I mean, we educate them, we feed them, we take care of them and they no sooner get out on the street and they're back in again. A: Uh-huh. B: I'm not saying they're all bad,", "hypothesis": "they're all bad", "idx": 202} {"premise": "A: Yeah, you're probably right, two years might be a little too long. B: Yeah, and there will be a lot of rebellion in that and when you get people who have no desire to be there in the first place, I don't think that they're going to be serving anybody.", "hypothesis": "they're going to be serving somebody", "idx": 203} {"premise": "A: How did Radio Shack work? B: If you go in and buy anything they want your phone number. And I don't think they're going to call me and ask me how it's functioning,", "hypothesis": "they're going to call him", "idx": 204} {"premise": "B: So, let's talk about the, uh, wonderful abuses in the State of Pennsylvania of personal property taxes whereby you can purchase something mail order and after the fact, the State of Pennsylvania can find out about it and send you a bill for the sales tax appropriate to that item that you purchased as well as interest and penalties from the time that you bought it. What do you think? Is Pennsylvania kind of out of line there? A: Well, actually, I do n't think they're out of line.", "hypothesis": "they're out of line", "idx": 205} {"premise": "A: I do too. I believe about ten years ago that we went through a terrible time, but I don't, I believe that they're better now, you know, wh-, B: I think so. I don't think they're shoddy", "hypothesis": "they're shoddy", "idx": 206} {"premise": "B: you know, sometimes I would go over, but you know, it wouldn't hit me in a big way because I knew that, uh, I would have it covered in that respect. A: Right. Right. That's good. I don't think we've gone that far, to pay it you know, in advance before we spend it,", "hypothesis": "they've gone that far", "idx": 207} {"premise": "A: but, it was interesting to, I don't know if they're making them better or not, it's hard to say. I think they more of their parts plastic, which, you know, makes things break easier, but I think the technology is better. B: I think technology is better, I'm not sure. I think you've got a good point with the plastic and that. A: About quality. B: I don't think necessarily that, things are being made better uh, you know,", "hypothesis": "things are being made better", "idx": 208} {"premise": "A: It was just a side benefit. B: Yeah, yeah, because, I'm not big or anything, but I'm not in great shape, But when I worked out, I got in pretty good shape. I didn't build up muscle, though, I just got real good and toned. A: Yeah. B: I don't think women look good with muscles.", "hypothesis": "women look good with muscles", "idx": 209} {"premise": "B: All right, well. A: Um, short term, I don't think anything's going to be done about it or probably should be done about it. B: Right. Uh, are you saying you don't think anything should be done in the short term?", "hypothesis": "anything should be done in the short term", "idx": 210} {"premise": "B: Right. And I'm sure that would make a big difference, too. You know, you've got, A: Yeah. Well, what about a voluntary program? Do you think that would be a good idea?", "hypothesis": "a voluntary program would be a good idea", "idx": 211} {"premise": "B: So again, it never really penalizes, the company doing the wrong. A: Right. That will, B: They can go right on doing the same old thing they always used to. A: Huh. B: And if they know some practice is wrong, you know,", "hypothesis": "some practice is wrong", "idx": 212} {"premise": "A: Um, yeah, I guess that's not an easy solution. there's no easy solution for that. B: Uh-huh. I don't know that there is an easy solution, but if you could find a way to prevent some of it, and I'm not sure what it would be. It would be money better spent than, A: Uh-huh. B: do you know it costs more to keep an inmate on death row than it does to send a kid to Harvard?", "hypothesis": "it costs more to keep an inmate on death row that it does to send a kid of Harvard", "idx": 213} {"premise": "B: So am I. A: Are you, B: You know, I think it's kind of coming back around to that, don't you,", "hypothesis": "it's kind of coming back around to that", "idx": 214} {"premise": "A: I thought Carter was good too, and that was, yeah, B: Did you? I always liked him, I thought he was great at the time and I just couldn't get over the fact that Reagan beat him. you know, that I just couldn't believe that he got voted out.", "hypothesis": "Carter got voted out", "idx": 215} {"premise": "A: Well I, uh, when is your next one, uh, scheduled now. B: Well it's like, the last one was my high school graduation the next one was when I graduated from college, so I guess about two more years. A: Yes, well, and do you think you'll have a baby to take back with you.", "hypothesis": "speaker B will have a baby to take back with her", "idx": 216} {"premise": "A: Uh, I saw Seven Eleven that was hiring. B: Well, I'm sure with the new, uh, contract awarding I think it went to Lockheed, didn't it?", "hypothesis": "the contract went to Lockheed", "idx": 217} {"premise": "B: and both of those seem very easy to use compared to D Base. A: Uh-huh. Do you think D Base is more flexible or allows you to do more. Or do you think the others are pretty much compatible these days?", "hypothesis": "the others are pretty much compatible these days", "idx": 218} {"premise": "B: Uh-huh. So, yeah, that's the thing is just to look at the school system in the area that you move into before you. A: Uh-huh. Of course we have a slight problem in that, uh, the number of the illiterate in America is mushrooming at this point, and, uh, you know, where our kids might be in a great school, we're still paying an awful lot of taxes for people who are on welfare and unemployment because they can't read, you know. B: Uh-huh. A: So. B: But do you think that there should be, um, nationwide, um, curriculum?", "hypothesis": "there should be a nationwide curriculum", "idx": 219} {"premise": "A: So, we're comparable. B: Yeah. A: As a matter of fact, I just paid my Richardson taxes because I live in Richardson and supplemented the Robin Hoods very thoroughly, I think. B: Yeah, I think Yeah, we have got it on the line, don't we.", "hypothesis": "they have got it on the line", "idx": 220} {"premise": "A: Sometimes you hear things on the radio that, you know, could be true or couldn't be. B: Uh-huh. A: Uh, do you feel like this is, I guess they're spending a billion or so a year on this AIDS research. B: Uh-huh. A: Do you think they should spend more?", "hypothesis": "they should spend more", "idx": 221} {"premise": "B: when you've lost something or uh, uh, don't have what other people have that's when you tend to realize, you know, what's out there and you know, what you have and what you don't have. A: Yeah I agree. B: So the original question, do we think they're you know, a security threat?", "hypothesis": "they're a security threat", "idx": 222} {"premise": "A: Well, I don't know, uh, I have a hard time getting, uh, people on the telephone. B: Oh really. A: Uh-huh, getting through to anybody. Sometimes I call off and on all day, B: Huh. A: but anyway, uh, I guess we're supposed to be talking about family reunions aren't we.", "hypothesis": "they're supposed to be talking about family reunions", "idx": 223} {"premise": "A: Yeah. The radio doesn't really have much news sometimes. The stations I listen to are just mainly music. B: Yeah, I think you pretty much have to listen to all news station to get any news at all. A: Yeah. Do you think that TV is, uh, pretty accurate.", "hypothesis": "TV is pretty accurate", "idx": 224} {"premise": "A: No, not really. I spends a lot of time with our income tax, though. especially, this year and last year. Um, I have been married for just a few years, so I've had to really switch around from the EZ form to the, uh, B: Schedule A. A: Right. B: Well, yeah. A: All the deductions and all that. B: Did you notice that when they passed the new simplified tax act, it seemed like it made everything harder?", "hypothesis": "when they passed the new simplified tax act it seemed like it made everything harder", "idx": 225} {"premise": "A: Yeah, it's interesting because, uh, we're just having conversation on this, uh, with a couple of people yesterday. And I was expressing my frustrations that, uh, so many problems, I work in a high school, are that kids don't have a degree of self-discipline which may be reflected in society at large. Uh, and you can't expect in a classroom for a particular course an hour a day to counteract, uh, sixteen or seventeen years of influence at home. B: Right. A: Um, and, it's seen more so because when you call parents up, many parents won't even recognize that there is a problem and they'll say, oh, well, my kid, I've never heard anything about this before. This is the first time there have been problems. and, you wonder, don't these parents know that teachers talk,", "hypothesis": "teachers talk", "idx": 226} {"premise": "B: What you want. where do they get it?. A: Well, I don't know, I guess they don't have it at home, B: I can't imagine it would stay fresh long enough to,", "hypothesis": "it would stay fresh long enough", "idx": 227} {"premise": "B: so there's only been really one working. A: Uh-huh, same here. Uh-huh. B: And, uh, it works for me but I can't see that it would work for probably the majority of people.", "hypothesis": "it would work for probably the majority of people", "idx": 228} {"premise": "B: Well, that's kind of the way I feel about rock and roll sometimes, too, I guess. They don't really, has kind of the same sound over and over, and the other thing I don't like about it is they have a tendency to play the instrumental so loud that you can't understand what the lyrics are A: Um. Right. B: you can't understand what they're saying on some of those songs which probably is just as well on some of them, too. A: Yeah. And I can't say that I like a lot of the very modern, uh, rock and roll,", "hypothesis": "she likes a lot of the very modern rock and roll", "idx": 229} {"premise": "A: so I watch the fish, you know. Whatever I can do to keep myself occupied. I like to have the TV on, because that usually keeps me, um, more occupied. It kind of takes the time away and I don't realize, that's really the only time I ever watch TV, is when I'm on the bike. and then usually after I'm done riding the bike, just to cool myself down, I usually take a walk, you know, and that just kind of uh, gets me, you know, to where I'm not quite as tired I guess. But it's definitely a task. B: You think so? A: I can't say that I really enjoy it.", "hypothesis": "she really enjoys it", "idx": 230} {"premise": "B: No, it was, I didn't like the way it ended. A: I know, well the only reason I know why it ended is on Arsenio Hall one night, Christopher Reeves told, that, you know, B: Uh-huh. A: I can't believe they killed them.", "hypothesis": "they killed them", "idx": 231} {"premise": "B: Yeah. Those are pretty. A: Number one turned out just great, and the lady said she couldn't believe that they know that I had done it in the color that they had decorated the nursery", "hypothesis": "they know that she had done it in the colors that they had decorated the nursery", "idx": 232} {"premise": "A: That is the reason, I don't play over there. B: Yeah. A: I like the course, but I don't play over there because, they don't, uh, you know don't allow you to pull a cart. B: Right. A: And, I don't think a cart damages the turf.", "hypothesis": "a cart damages the turf", "idx": 233} {"premise": "B: I do not know. I wonder where he gets it? You know, you must, I think TV is bad. Because they, uh, show all sorts of violence on, A: That and I do not think a lot of parents, I mean, I do not know how it is in the Air Force base. But, uh, I just do not think a lot of people, because of the economy, both need to work, you know. I just do not think a lot of parents are that involved any more.", "hypothesis": "a lot of parents are that involved", "idx": 234} {"premise": "A: Highland Park's thinking about going that route. B: Uh-huh. A: So it, and then I think that's going to push teachers to dress a lot more professionally than they do. B: Yeah, I don't think a lot of teachers are very professional", "hypothesis": "a lot of teachers are very professional", "idx": 235} {"premise": "A: Yeah, I think that's what aggravates a lot of people, is somebody does get a life sentence in place of the death penalty, and they wind up back on the streets after five years or six years or like the kid on the news tonight out in Mesquite who was out in six months.. B: Uh-huh. Yeah, it's just our criminal system is just so, I guess, overloaded, but the problem is not so much with the prison system, you know, I mean, because the cops are out there doing their job enforcing the laws, and the prison system are just, you know, they're trying to cope with them, but, you know, the thing about capital punishment I, you know, a lot of people don't think it would be a deterrent, uh, to future crime,", "hypothesis": "capital punishment would be a deterrent to future crimes", "idx": 236} {"premise": "A: or you know, it doesn't seem that it's going to make much of a difference. B: Uh-huh. It, I mean, I don't know, I don't think George Bush will make the American people happy with ninety-seven cents a week.", "hypothesis": "George Bush will make American people happy with ninety-seven cents a week", "idx": 237} {"premise": "B: Well, I was never there for any sentencing. Uh, I finally got empaneled on one case, uh, on my next to the last day, and, uh, we got into the, uh, jury room to, uh, decide the case, and there was one guy on the jury who announced to everybody that he didn't need to deliberate, because he'd already decided that the guy was, uh, not guilty, and he would never vote for guilty. A: Huh. B: So, uh, they appointed me jury foreman and I, uh, didn't think that, uh, going in without deliberating allowed us to reach a verdict,", "hypothesis": "going in without deliberating allowed them to reach a verdict", "idx": 238} {"premise": "B: And the tanks came in and, you know, pretty much took care of that. A: Exactly. B: And, A: Yeah, uh, that, personally I don't see as Gorbachev as being maybe a threat, and I think he's actually, honestly trying to do some change. B: Uh-huh. A: But I don't believe that he, in this first pass around, you know, being the first one to really turn things around or attempt to is going to be allowed to get away with it either.", "hypothesis": "Gorbachev is going to be allowed to get away with doing some change", "idx": 239} {"premise": "Robert Erwin, president of Biosource, called Plant Genetic's approach ``interesting'' and ``novel,'' and ``complementary rather than competitive.'' ``There is a large market out there hungry for hybrid seeds,'' he said. Mr. Robinson of Delta & Pine, the seed producer in Scott, Miss., said Plant Genetic's success in creating genetically engineered male steriles doesn't automatically mean it would be simple to create hybrids in all crops.", "hypothesis": "it would be simple to create hybrids in all crops", "idx": 240} {"premise": "His attorneys claim he was framed by the FBI and New York police as part of a campaign to destroy the black liberation movement of the 1960s. Because the federal Freedom of Information Act wasn't law at that time, the FBI wasn't required to turn over information on its investigations when Mr. Ferguson appealed his conviction in the 1960s. But in federal court in Manhattan, Judge Patterson said the FBI records could show that Mr. Ferguson's arrest was the result of questionable legal practices.", "hypothesis": "Mr. Ferguson's arrest was the result of questionable legal practices", "idx": 241} {"premise": "The trend toward lower rents may seem surprising given that some communities in New York are bemoaning the loss of favorite local businesses to high rents. But, despite the recent softening, for many of these retailers there's still been too big a jump from the rental rates of the late 1970s, when their leases were signed. Certainly, the recent drop in prices doesn't mean Manhattan comes cheap.", "hypothesis": "Manhattan comes cheap", "idx": 242} {"premise": "The South Korean government is signing a protocol today establishing formal diplomatic relations with Poland. The two are also signing a trade agreement. South Korean government officials said they don't expect that Seoul can loan money to Warsaw, but it can ``offer experience.''", "hypothesis": "Seoul can loan money to Warsaw", "idx": 243} {"premise": "In finding ``good news'' in Berkeley's new freshman admissions plan (``The Privileged Class,'' editorial, Sept. 20), you're reading the headline but not the story. The plan indeed raises from 40% to 50% the number of freshmen applicants admitted strictly by academic criteria. But that doesn't mean ``half of the students attending Berkeley'' will be admitted this way.", "hypothesis": "half of the students attending Berkeley will be admitted this way", "idx": 244} {"premise": "GM confirmed it received U.S. antitrust clearance to boost its holding. Sansui Electric agreed to sell a 51% stake to Polly Peck of Britain for $110 million. Still, analysts said the accord doesn't suggest Japan is opening up to more foreign takeovers.", "hypothesis": "Japan is opening up to more foreign takeovers", "idx": 245} {"premise": "So who knows? In a generation or two some of the New Crowd may attain true respectability, perhaps to be displaced in turn by a later flock of unscrupulous raptors. Or perhaps Wall Street, when it has suffered enough, will realize that finance is a service industry, and change its ethos.", "hypothesis": "finance is a service industry", "idx": 246} {"premise": "Richard Breeden had n't noticed that his new desk had just four telephone lines and one phone .", "hypothesis": "Richard Breeden's new desk had just four telephone lines and one phone", "idx": 247} {"premise": "The city's Campaign Finance Board has refused to pay Mr. Dinkins $95,142 in matching funds because his campaign records are incomplete. The campaign has blamed these reporting problems on computer errors. And, says Mr. Dinkins, he didn't know the man his campaign paid for a get-out-the-vote effort had been convicted of kidnapping.", "hypothesis": "the man Mr. Dinkins' campaign paid for a get-out-the-vote effort had been convicted of kidnapping", "idx": 248} {"premise": "Under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations law, or RICO, the government has the authority to seek to freeze or seize a defendant's assets before trial. According to individuals familiar with Mr. Antar's case, prosecutors issued their warning this week after one of Mr. Antar's attorneys asked whether legal fees might be subject to seizure. In a letter, prosecutors told Mr. Antar's lawyers that because of the recent Supreme Court rulings, they could expect that any fees collected from Mr. Antar may be seized.", "hypothesis": "any fees collected from Mr. Antar may be seized", "idx": 249} {"idx": "mnli-0", "premise": "Conceptually cream skimming has two basic dimensions - product and geography.", "hypothesis": "Product and geography are what make cream skimming work. "} {"idx": "mnli-1", "premise": "you know during the season and i guess at at your level uh you lose them to the next level if if they decide to recall the the parent team the Braves decide to call to recall a guy from triple A then a double A guy goes up to replace him and a single A guy goes up to replace him", "hypothesis": "You lose the things to the following level if the people recall."} {"idx": "mnli-2", "premise": "One of our number will carry out your instructions minutely.", "hypothesis": "A member of my team will execute your orders with immense precision."} {"idx": "mnli-3", "premise": "How do you know? All this is their information again.", "hypothesis": "This information belongs to them."} {"idx": "mnli-4", "premise": "yeah i tell you what though if you go price some of those tennis shoes i can see why now you know they're getting up in the hundred dollar range", "hypothesis": "The tennis shoes have a range of prices."} {"idx": "mnli-5", "premise": "my walkman broke so i'm upset now i just have to turn the stereo up real loud", "hypothesis": "I'm upset that my walkman broke and now I have to turn the stereo up really loud."} {"idx": "mnli-6", "premise": "But a few Christian mosaics survive above the apse is the Virgin with the infant Jesus, with the Archangel Gabriel to the right (his companion Michael, to the left, has vanished save for a few feathers from his wings).", "hypothesis": "Most of the Christian mosaics were destroyed by Muslims. "} {"idx": "mnli-7", "premise": "(Read for Slate 's take on Jackson's findings.)", "hypothesis": "Slate had an opinion on Jackson's findings."} {"idx": "mnli-8", "premise": "Gays and lesbians.", "hypothesis": "Heterosexuals."} {"idx": "mnli-9", "premise": "At the end of Rue des Francs-Bourgeois is what many consider to be the city's most handsome residential square, the Place des Vosges, with its stone and red brick facades.", "hypothesis": "Place des Vosges is constructed entirely of gray marble."} {"idx": "mnli-10", "premise": "I burst through a set of cabin doors, and fell to the ground-", "hypothesis": "I burst through the doors and fell down."} {"idx": "mnli-11", "premise": "Fun for adults and children.", "hypothesis": "Fun for only children."} {"idx": "mnli-12", "premise": "It's not that the questions they asked weren't interesting or legitimate (though most did fall under the category of already asked and answered).", "hypothesis": "All of the questions were interesting according to a focus group consulted on the subject."} {"idx": "mnli-13", "premise": "Thebes held onto power until the 12th Dynasty, when its first king, Amenemhet Iwho reigned between 1980 1951 b.c. established a capital near Memphis.", "hypothesis": "The capital near Memphis lasted only half a century before its inhabitants abandoned it for the next capital. "} {"idx": "mnli-14", "premise": "I don't mean to be glib about your concerns, but if I were you, I might be more concerned about the near-term rate implications of this $1.", "hypothesis": "I am concerned more about your issues than the near-term rate implications."} {"idx": "mnli-15", "premise": "Issues in Data Synthesis.", "hypothesis": "Problems in data synthesis."} {"idx": "mnli-16", "premise": "well you see that on television also", "hypothesis": "You can see that on television, as well."} {"idx": "mnli-17", "premise": "Vrenna and I both fought him and he nearly took us.", "hypothesis": "Neither Vrenna nor myself have ever fought him."} {"idx": "mnli-18", "premise": "This analysis pooled estimates from these two studies to develop a C-R function linking PM to chronic bronchitis.", "hypothesis": "The analysis proves that there is no link between PM and bronchitis."} {"idx": "mnli-19", "premise": "He turned and smiled at Vrenna.", "hypothesis": "He smiled at Vrenna who was walking slowly behind him with her mother."} {"idx": "mnli-20", "premise": "We sought to identify practices that were commonly implemented by the agencies within the past 5 years.", "hypothesis": "We want to identify practices commonly used by agencies in the last 5 years"} {"idx": "mnli-21", "premise": "The other men shuffled.", "hypothesis": "The other men were shuffled around."} {"idx": "mnli-22", "premise": "States must show reasonable progress in their state implementation plans toward the congressionally mandated goal of returning to natural conditions in national parks and wilderness areas.", "hypothesis": "Itis not necessary for there to be any improvement."} {"idx": "mnli-23", "premise": "well it's been very interesting", "hypothesis": "It has been very intriguing."} {"idx": "mnli-24", "premise": "He started slowly back to the bunkhouse.", "hypothesis": "He returned slowly to the bunkhouse."} {"idx": "mnli-25", "premise": "and it's it's quite a bit i think six something is the state and and uh the rest of the pie goes elsewhere but we're in a particular part of the state that's pretty well off so it's it's like we get a lot of that back as far as local taxation goes", "hypothesis": "I do not know exactly where the local taxes go."} {"idx": "mnli-26", "premise": "They're made from a secret recipe handed down to the present-day villagers by their Mallorcan ancestors, who came here in the early 17th century as part of an official repopulation scheme.", "hypothesis": "The recipe passed down from Mallorcan ancestors is known to everyone."} {"idx": "mnli-27", "premise": "yeah well you're a student right", "hypothesis": "Well you're a mechanics student right?"} {"idx": "mnli-28", "premise": "it really is i heard something that their supposed to be starting a huge campaign in New York about um child abuse and stopping child abuse and it's supposed to be like it's starting there supposed to be like a big nationwide campaign and you know so hopefully that will take off and really do something i don't know there's just", "hypothesis": "It's unfortunate that nobody is organizing a child abuse campaign."} {"idx": "mnli-29", "premise": "Postal Service were to reduce delivery frequency.", "hypothesis": "The postal service could deliver less frequently."} {"idx": "mnli-30", "premise": "And in another shift in the economy, it was found that lamb could be raised more cost-effectively on lowland farms in part because of the richer, more nutritious grazing land available there and as a result Lakeland farms became less profitable.", "hypothesis": "Another shift in the economy was found to be more nutritious."} {"idx": "mnli-31", "premise": "The rule contains information collection requirements which will allow EPA to determine that detergent additives which are effective in controlling deposits are used and that emission control goals are realized.", "hypothesis": "The rule has data collection requirements which aid the EPA to realize their emission control goals."} {"idx": "mnli-32", "premise": "Almost every hill has to the northeast there's a Moorish fort; no fewer than four ruined fortresses guard the harbour entrance; and two more, still in good repair the Atalaya and Galeras castles protect the sea-front arsenal, of vital importance to Spain's military.", "hypothesis": "There are no castles Atalaya and Galeras."} {"idx": "mnli-33", "premise": "Were they in there?", "hypothesis": "Were they supposed to be in there?"} {"idx": "mnli-34", "premise": "Felicia's Journey takes place behind the eyes of its central a young Irish girl, Felicia, who crosses the sea to England in a hopeful quest to find the father of her unborn child; and the fat, middle-aged catering manager, Hiditch, who takes a paternal interest in the lass when it becomes clear that her young man has caddishly given her the slip.", "hypothesis": "The woman did not care where the man was as long as it was far."} {"idx": "mnli-35", "premise": "In the crypt are interred the remains of Voltaire and Rousseau, Hugo and Zola, assassinated Socialist leader Jean Jaurys, and Louis Braille, the inventor of the alphabet for the blind.", "hypothesis": "The remains of Voltaire and Rousseau, Hugo and Zola, assassinated Socialist leader Jean Jaurys, and Louis Braille are all interred in the crypt."} {"idx": "mnli-36", "premise": "there's a uh a couple called um oh i'm going to forgot his name now uh Dirkson", "hypothesis": "I can't remember their name"} {"idx": "mnli-37", "premise": "Poirot, I exclaimed, with relief, and seizing him by both hands, I dragged him into the room. ", "hypothesis": "Poirot was now back and I was sorry that he would take over what I now considered my own investigation. "} {"idx": "mnli-38", "premise": "The word aswan actually means trade or market in ancient Egyptian, signifying its most pre-eminent activity.", "hypothesis": "Aswan's meaning has not changed over time."} {"idx": "mnli-39", "premise": "well what the market can bear and", "hypothesis": "THe market can't bear any of it."} {"idx": "mnli-40", "premise": "And to show just how fast Japan's new rulers were catching on, two punitive expeditions were launched against Korea and China in the grand manner of 19th-century gunboat diplomacy.", "hypothesis": "Japan's new rulers were catching on quickly."} {"idx": "mnli-41", "premise": "When the trust fund begins running cash deficits in 2016, the government as a whole must come up with the cash to finance Social Security's cash deficit by reducing any projected non-Social Security surpluses, borrowing from the public, raising other taxes, or reducing other government spending.", "hypothesis": "The public would generally prefer to see the government reduce its spending in other areas to finance Social Security."} {"idx": "mnli-42", "premise": "These organizations invest the time and effort to understand their processes and how those processes contribute to or hamper mission accomplishment.", "hypothesis": "These organizations invest lots of time to understand how some processes can contribute to or haampe"} {"idx": "mnli-43", "premise": "and it is nice talking to you all righty", "hypothesis": "I talk to you every day."} {"idx": "mnli-44", "premise": "You have access to the facts. ", "hypothesis": "The facts are accessible to you."} {"idx": "mnli-45", "premise": "Build environment Engineering Manufacturing Production (all rate tooling) (1st set of production tooling)", "hypothesis": "It is the first set of production tooling for manufacturing."} {"idx": "mnli-46", "premise": "As long you have your own household in order, fretting about your neighbor's spending habits is a lot like fretting about the color of his living-room rug.", "hypothesis": "You should worry about the color of your neighbor's rug. "} {"idx": "mnli-47", "premise": "yeah so um also of course they they can they join the they can always join the military service they are considered citizens i believe", "hypothesis": "They can't join the military service"} {"idx": "mnli-48", "premise": "She smiled back.", "hypothesis": "She was so happy she couldn't stop smiling."} {"idx": "mnli-49", "premise": "According to the Office of the Actuary at the Health Care Financing Administration, the estimated net present value of future additional resources needed to fund HI benefits alone over the 75 years is $4.", "hypothesis": "The net present value of future additional resources for funding HI benefits was $4."} {"idx": "mnli-50", "premise": "Thus, with respect to the litigation services Congress has funded, there is no alternative channel for expression of the advocacy Congress seeks to restrict.", "hypothesis": "This is the only channel of expression of the advocacy that Congress seeks to restrict."} {"idx": "mnli-51", "premise": "How do we fix this?'", "hypothesis": "Can we fix this?"} {"idx": "mnli-52", "premise": "but that takes too much planning", "hypothesis": "It doesn't take much planning."} {"idx": "mnli-53", "premise": "I did not mention Monica in my lecture, but the first question I was asked was how President Clinton could do his job with all the distractions caused by the Monica Lewinsky affair.", "hypothesis": "They wanted to get through the lecture without any problems."} {"idx": "mnli-54", "premise": "Analyzing Postal Service accounts for depreciation, fuel, and maintenance for city delivery carriers, we have estimated the average city delivery vehicle cost per route.", "hypothesis": "Driving cost estimates can be averaged will sufficient data."} {"idx": "mnli-55", "premise": "Because it plays on my childhood imagination.", "hypothesis": "The art plays on my young imagination."} {"idx": "mnli-56", "premise": "it's slow it's uh there are many better machines on the market right now for", "hypothesis": "This is the fastest machine, you won't find a better machine."} {"idx": "mnli-57", "premise": "At the heart of the sanctuary, a small granite shrine once held the sacred barque of Horus himself.", "hypothesis": "Horus is a god."} {"idx": "mnli-58", "premise": "Consider the United States Postal Service.", "hypothesis": "Forget the United States Postal Service."} {"idx": "mnli-59", "premise": "In full costume.", "hypothesis": "He is wearing a mascot costume."} {"idx": "mnli-60", "premise": "Although your journey is going to be difficult and at times you will doubt yourselves, the benefits to clients are well worth it and the satisfaction of hearing even the most recalcitrant of adversaries say that the new system is better than the one that went before is deeply rewarding.", "hypothesis": "The new system appears far more complex, but ultimately easier and more thorough."} {"idx": "mnli-61", "premise": "Take a remarkable statistic that Shesol cites but lets pass relatively unexamined.", "hypothesis": "They had data that was very relevant but under used."} {"idx": "mnli-62", "premise": "It might have seemed like manna from heaven - up to thousands of dollars dropping, often unexpectedly, into the hands of a half-million Kentucky and Indiana residents this month.", "hypothesis": "A recent law proposed by congress has resulted in the seizure of thousands of dollars from Kentucky residents."} {"idx": "mnli-63", "premise": "Get individuals to invest their time and the funding will follow.", "hypothesis": "If individuals will invest their time, funding will come along, too."} {"idx": "mnli-64", "premise": "i often think gee i wish i had a video camera because i could sure use ten thousand dollars so but i like things like Evening Shade with Burt Reynolds i really enjoy that and uh", "hypothesis": "Video cameras that I need are very expensive."} {"idx": "mnli-65", "premise": "The man on the ground thinks for a moment and yells back, You must work in management.", "hypothesis": "There was no one on the ground, man or woman."} {"idx": "mnli-66", "premise": "If, however, the evaluation question requires GAO to report on how satisfactory progress is or the reasons for problems in implementation, the more staff who can be on site over time, with the ricHe'st or thickest base for examining the situation as the many people involved see it, the sounder our causal conclusions and subsequent recommendations will be.", "hypothesis": "If the GAO has to report on the progress, the recommendations will be much poorer quality."} {"idx": "mnli-67", "premise": "The economy could be still better.", "hypothesis": "The economy has never been better."} {"idx": "mnli-68", "premise": "Hills and mountains are especially sanctified in the cult of Jainism.", "hypothesis": "The cult of Jainism hates nature."} {"idx": "mnli-69", "premise": "The famous tenements (or lands ) began to be built.", "hypothesis": "The land remained deserted."} {"idx": "mnli-70", "premise": "In the midst of this amazing amalgam of cultures is a passion for continuity.", "hypothesis": "A passion for continuity is not the most important of these cultures."} {"idx": "mnli-71", "premise": "Putting aside stage as a horse-drawn conveyance, a popular delicatessen, a part of a rocket, and an opportunity to mock Gail Sheehy (who seems to get a free ride from News Quiz participants), this question all but demanded the invention of a violent theatrical event, and that's not easy.", "hypothesis": " Gail Sheehy is a popular target for mocking on other shows."} {"idx": "mnli-72", "premise": "Entreaties to the apartment's owner have gone nowhere.", "hypothesis": "The apartment's owner is very responsive."} {"idx": "mnli-73", "premise": "Mrs. Cavendish is in her mother-in-law's room. ", "hypothesis": "Mrs. Cavendish has left the building."} {"idx": "mnli-74", "premise": "But I thought you'd sworn off coffee.", "hypothesis": "I thought that you vowed to drink more coffee."} {"idx": "mnli-75", "premise": "We stink all the time.", "hypothesis": "We always stink."} {"idx": "mnli-76", "premise": "In an increasingly interdependent world, many pressing problems that affect Americans can be addressed only through cooperation with other countries.", "hypothesis": "We should be independent and stay away from talking and working with other nations. "} {"idx": "mnli-77", "premise": "Ca'daan continued.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan refused to stop."} {"idx": "mnli-78", "premise": "The rule requires broadcasters to maintain a file for public inspection containing a Children's Television Programming Report and to identify programs specifically designed to educate and inform children at the beginning of those programs and to furnish such information to the publishers of program guides.", "hypothesis": "The rule makes broadcasters keep a file about children's television programming."} {"idx": "mnli-79", "premise": "well because how how hot i mean like like in the coldest that it gets in winter down there how much is it", "hypothesis": "It's hot all the time where I live, including winter."} {"idx": "mnli-80", "premise": "Each of the men wore leather armor and dressed in the style of heavy riders.", "hypothesis": "The men were naked."} {"idx": "mnli-81", "premise": "The man should have died instantly.", "hypothesis": "The man was perfectly fine. "} {"idx": "mnli-82", "premise": "In summer the rice forms a green velvety blanket, then turns golden in autumn when it ripens and is harvested.", "hypothesis": "The rice is golden and harvestable in the summer, but turns green in autumn."} {"idx": "mnli-83", "premise": "Just as the Daily Worker and New Masses , socialist papers from the 1930s, were peppered with citations of Marx and Engels, Educational Liberator is peppered with references to their libertarian equivalents--Friedrich Hayek and Ludwig von Mises.", "hypothesis": "Citations from Marx were used in socialist papers in the 30s. "} {"idx": "mnli-84", "premise": "To be sure that any needlework item is the genuine article (as opposed to an inferior import or machine-made piece), look for a lead seal with an M, the emblem of IBTAM meaning it's been certified by the Instituto de Bordado, Tapecaras e Arte?\u00adsanato da Madeira (Institute of Madeiran Embroidery, Tapestry, and Handicrafts), an official island organization that has a showroom/museum on Rua Visconde de Anadia, 44.", "hypothesis": "There is a seal to show authenticity in needlework items made in Italy."} {"idx": "mnli-85", "premise": "I'm not into this Multivista stuff, because what is some dumpy system when compared to a beautiful hyperextension of the sun somewhere over Kuchara, when compared to the golden hue of onion fried with the kse-fi waves, when compared to the number of dividers for credit membranes in a wallet of a rich man, when compared to the magnificent smell of a briessante roll dunked in wholesome milk synthetically enriched with substances boosting the secretion of happiness hormones, that one from two years ago, not three,' Gonzo said in a tone characteristic for a man who just discovered a solution to his life problem.", "hypothesis": "He's not into this multivista stuff because what is some dumpy system compared to the magnificent smell of a cinnamon roll dunked in wholesome milk."} {"idx": "mnli-86", "premise": "No matter what I ended up doing, I think I would have found some way within that profession to do public work, because that's what I was taught, Zelon said. ", "hypothesis": "This is like using the postition as a banker to help make regulations better for the public."} {"idx": "mnli-87", "premise": "Clark also expressed the hope that he and Redgrave could continue with their marriage.", "hypothesis": "Clark hoped that he could continue their marriage."} {"idx": "mnli-88", "premise": "The poverty, for instance, does not create the sense of shame as it does for people who live in Western countries.", "hypothesis": "Poverty doesn't create a sense of shame in any country."} {"idx": "mnli-89", "premise": "Back on the road to Jaisalmer, one last splash of color delights the senses before you plunge into the the fields are dotted with mounds of red hot chili peppers.", "hypothesis": "The road to Jaisalmer is bumpy and unpleasant to ride on. "} {"idx": "mnli-90", "premise": "they supplied some uh you know they were some groups uh the Vicksburg if you ever get a chance to go over to Vicksburg the battleground at Vicksburg uh there's an area there where there was uh some Texas uh groups and they had an interesting time there", "hypothesis": "There were also North Carolina troops at Vicksburg."} {"idx": "mnli-91", "premise": "which i mean i think it should be anyway", "hypothesis": "I don't think it should be that way"} {"idx": "mnli-92", "premise": "Also, compensation committees need to understand the implications of compensation to provide incentives for management to do the right thing for the company and its shareholders versus themselves.", "hypothesis": "The implications of compensation to provide incentives for management to do the right thing for the company and its shareholders versus themselves should always be ignored by compensation committees."} {"idx": "mnli-93", "premise": "The fourth-century Roman emperor Gratianus was an early visitor, followed much later by such luminaries as the Romantic poet Alphonse de Lamartine, Queen Victoria, Saint-Sa?\u00abns, and Rachmaninov.", "hypothesis": "Gratianus was a Roman empoeror."} {"idx": "mnli-94", "premise": "So, I went to court by myself and told them the truth, but it didn't do me any good.", "hypothesis": "I went and told the truth at court but it didn't do me any good."} {"idx": "mnli-95", "premise": "Click More Links (on the right-hand side under Miscellaneous), and from", "hypothesis": "There are no links to click under Miscellaneous."} {"idx": "mnli-96", "premise": "and so i started watching it and all of a sudden stay tuned next week and i went what", "hypothesis": "I wouldn't have started watching it if I'd known."} {"idx": "mnli-97", "premise": "no oh no oh well take care", "hypothesis": "Bye for now."} {"idx": "mnli-98", "premise": "'Hello, Ben.'", "hypothesis": "I ignored Ben"} {"idx": "mnli-99", "premise": "how can you prove it", "hypothesis": "Can you tell me how to prove it?"} {"idx": "mnli-100", "premise": "It displays all kinds of vehicles, from the coach that carried Napoleon to and from Moscow in 1812 to a splendid 4-horsepower Renault car from 1904 and other turn-of-the-century classics.", "hypothesis": "The exhibition only displays cars from the 2000s."} {"idx": "mnli-101", "premise": "According to this executive, the town hall meetings helped improve his customer satisfaction levels because veterans identified the concerns that were most important to them, gained direct access to the VBA employees working on their benefit claims, and were better able to understand the claims process.", "hypothesis": "The own hall meetings helped improve his customer satisfaction levels, said the executive."} {"idx": "mnli-102", "premise": "well see that isn't too bad a couple hours", "hypothesis": "I don't like waiting, not even for 10 minutes."} {"idx": "mnli-103", "premise": "In the east, Christian forces were in retreat as a new Moslem power began to rise.", "hypothesis": "Although the Christian forces were stronger, they were in retreat."} {"idx": "mnli-104", "premise": "We have been told on reasonably high authority that true charity vaunteth not itself", "hypothesis": "True charity vaunts itself, we have been told."} {"idx": "mnli-105", "premise": "yeah and what to do when they're faced with it", "hypothesis": "They'll face peer pressure and will need to say no."} {"idx": "mnli-106", "premise": "The With attorneys one year out of graduate school facing an average debt of just less than $90,000 and starting salaries at legal aid organizations averaging $31,000, they couldn't afford the job.", "hypothesis": "New attorneys have massive law school debt."} {"idx": "mnli-107", "premise": "Here you'll see a shrunken head, a two-headed goat, and a statue of Marilyn Monroe made of shredded money, among other curiosities.", "hypothesis": "One of the curiosities is a two-headed goat."} {"idx": "mnli-108", "premise": "Thursday's judge, the Honorable Charles Adams of the Coconino County Superior Court, agreed, but highly discouraged self-representation.", "hypothesis": "Self-representation was encouraged by the Honorable Charles Adams."} {"idx": "mnli-109", "premise": "He mostly hangs out with a group of older, Southern black men, who call him Jumper and Black Cat.", "hypothesis": "The group of guys he tends to hang out with gave him the nickname Jumper."} {"idx": "mnli-110", "premise": "This elegant spa town on the edge of the Lac du Bourget has offered cures for rheumatism and other ailments for centuries.", "hypothesis": "The town was only established in the past fifty years."} {"idx": "mnli-111", "premise": "right right well it's it's a beautiful city and but the problem is like first example when i was young they they took me to Las Vegas and that was the most boring place on earth", "hypothesis": "I think Las Vegas is the most boring place I know."} {"idx": "mnli-112", "premise": "'Less loud.", "hypothesis": "Please be quiet."} {"idx": "mnli-113", "premise": "i'm going to be able to make my own clothes", "hypothesis": "I will be able to make my own clothing."} {"idx": "mnli-114", "premise": "The river plays a central role in all visits to Paris.", "hypothesis": "The river is central to all vacations to Paris."} {"idx": "mnli-115", "premise": "they're supposed to be bilingual", "hypothesis": "They're supposed to be bilingual "} {"idx": "mnli-116", "premise": "Oh, Czarek, but will happen to us?", "hypothesis": "Czarek was not asked any questions on that day."} {"idx": "mnli-117", "premise": "Turned out, I wasn't completely wrong.", "hypothesis": "I was 100 percent wrong. "} {"idx": "mnli-118", "premise": "Native 'Me win, me passum heap big law ...", "hypothesis": "n/a"} {"idx": "mnli-119", "premise": "In any case--it's over.\" ", "hypothesis": "It is over."} {"idx": "mnli-120", "premise": "The herbal extract shows success in treating mild dementia and preventing Alzheimer's memory loss.", "hypothesis": "The herbal extract is not very good at treating dementia. "} {"idx": "mnli-121", "premise": "After a lightning victory over the ill-prepared French armies, the Germans marched on Paris and laid siege to the city, which finally capitulated in January 1871 in the face of dwindling food supplies.", "hypothesis": "Paris was unhappy to have to surrender to the Germans."} {"idx": "mnli-122", "premise": "That is why icons have the power they have.", "hypothesis": "That is why God moves me."} {"idx": "mnli-123", "premise": "Critical to the product development process were activities that enabled the capture of specific design and manufacturing knowledge and decision reviews to determine if the knowledge captured would support the increased investment necessary to move to the next development phase or into production.", "hypothesis": "The knowledge captured would determine if the next step was further development or production."} {"idx": "mnli-124", "premise": "Said I was foolishly proud. ", "hypothesis": "My pride was foolish not well placed."} {"idx": "mnli-125", "premise": "The word had filled his head as though the girl had whispered directly into both ears.", "hypothesis": "The girl spoke very quietly. "} {"idx": "mnli-126", "premise": "and a lot of their rules and regulations aren't real clear so we have our manager of environmental who assist the TACB which is located in Austin in writing and hey look what we've done here at TI", "hypothesis": "There rules are not really clear so we ask our manager for help."} {"idx": "mnli-127", "premise": "Among these are the red brick Royal Palace, which now houses the Patan Museum (Nepal's finest and most modern museum), and, facing the palace across the narrow brick plaza, eight temples of different styles and sizes.", "hypothesis": "The Patan Museum is down the street from the red brick Royal Palace."} {"idx": "mnli-128", "premise": "yeah it's kind of like in Louisiana where that uh guy that's like a Ku Klux Klan member something got elected kind of scary when you think about that", "hypothesis": "A Ku Klux Klan member has been elected in Louisiana."} {"idx": "mnli-129", "premise": "or at least they try and do something about it first", "hypothesis": "They might at least try and do something about it first."} {"idx": "mnli-130", "premise": "i i'm i'm not really impressed with i mean i lived in Germany for three years i i was i'm not impressed with skiing now i like i like other you know winter sports but i'm not real thrilled about them", "hypothesis": "I am not a big fan of winter sports."} {"idx": "mnli-131", "premise": "It's a commitment to general education--a sequence of courses intended to develop critical thinking in a wide variety of disciplines--in opposition to early specialization.", "hypothesis": "General education's focus is to develop students' critical thinking skills."} {"idx": "mnli-132", "premise": "Theoretically scale economies in delivery are not firm specific.", "hypothesis": "Scale economies are flexible."} {"idx": "mnli-133", "premise": "National saving represents resources available for investment to replace old factories and equipment and to buy more and better capital goods.", "hypothesis": "Old factories and equipment were never replaces, even when there was national savings."} {"idx": "mnli-134", "premise": "Others complain that the superstars are over the hill, and are trotting out mediocre work.", "hypothesis": "Nobody complains about the superstars."} {"idx": "mnli-135", "premise": "Collaboration with rigorous methodologists is important, but those collaborations have to focus on what can be accomplished specifically in the ED setting.", "hypothesis": "Working with rigorous methodologists is important."} {"idx": "mnli-136", "premise": "you know their demographic studies that they do that show you know that everybody's IQ has dropped dramatically or something", "hypothesis": "The studies showed their IQ increased quite a lot."} {"idx": "mnli-137", "premise": "Without the support of federal finance organizations, program managers may not be able to determine or defend the cost associated with or benefits derived from government activities.", "hypothesis": "Federal finance organizations are the best source of information for program managers."} {"idx": "mnli-138", "premise": "The union has about 4000 members in Canada.", "hypothesis": "There are 100 members in the union that live in Canada."} {"idx": "mnli-139", "premise": "but then we started watching it and and like the new ones are pretty cool because because they got like uh like special like especially things that like fuck with your mind", "hypothesis": "The new ones have things that can fuck with your mind."} {"idx": "mnli-140", "premise": "In 2000, GNP was less than GDP because income receipts from the rest of the world were less than U.S. payments to the rest of the world.", "hypothesis": "The US paid more to the rest of the world than the rest of the world received in income."} {"idx": "mnli-141", "premise": "Have you any tips to give us before we clear out?\"", "hypothesis": "Anything we should know?"} {"idx": "mnli-142", "premise": "and they keep taking more money from us yeah people and get and they don't have any incentive to work if we're just gonna take fifty percent of it", "hypothesis": "People have a lot of incentive to work because they take home every penny earned."} {"idx": "mnli-143", "premise": "They depended too heavily on the second great principle of contagion, and that seemed to be wrapped up with some kind of association through the signs and houses and the courses of the planets.", "hypothesis": "The signs, houses and the courses of the planets have a great impact on daily life."} {"idx": "mnli-144", "premise": "i guess the financial planners the training now we've had it for about four years here got our businesses and and and our life in line how to manage credit cards how to put away say for you know money markets and this kind of thing", "hypothesis": "The financial planners do not assist people with issues related to credit cards."} {"idx": "mnli-145", "premise": "Richardson's need to make Picasso into a serious artist and an honorable man (instead of the inspired poetic rascal he actually was) deforms, above all, his account of Picasso's relations with women, he writes.", "hypothesis": "Picasso was a gentleman and not an inspired poetic rascal."} {"idx": "mnli-146", "premise": "'Uh, hi guys,' Daniel said meekly.", "hypothesis": "Daniel greeted everyone even though he was shy."} {"idx": "mnli-147", "premise": "oh um i talked to someone about San Antonio", "hypothesis": "I spoke with someone about Dallas."} {"idx": "mnli-148", "premise": "A misty morning makes the scene even more evocative of the past.", "hypothesis": "A misty morning in Paris brings to mind old evocative imagery of times gone by."} {"idx": "mnli-149", "premise": "Due to this rationalization of delivery cost in the U.S., the postal densities of the most sparsely populated areas are higher than the densities of the most sparsely populated areas of France.", "hypothesis": "Postal density refers to the amount of junk mail delivered in a given area."} {"idx": "mnli-150", "premise": "Races are held between April and December at the Veliefendi Hippodrome near Bakerky, 15 km (9 miles) west of Istanbul.", "hypothesis": "There are races from April to December at Veliefendi Hippodrome."} {"idx": "mnli-151", "premise": "The production of anhydrous ammonia in the U.S. in 2000 was approximately 17,400,000 tons (equivalent anhydrous) with apparent consumption of 22,000,000 tons and about 4,600,000 met through net imports, as shown in a 2001 edition of U.S.", "hypothesis": "The US does not produce any anhydrous ammonia each year."} {"idx": "mnli-152", "premise": "oh yeah they do that i mean in in in north Texas they do that quite a bit where you know if you want to go to this particular movie or concert or a discounted thing the big thing down here is rodeos uh if you", "hypothesis": "I try to get discounted prices when I can. "} {"idx": "mnli-153", "premise": "Over the past eight years, the school acquired over $88 million of real estate in the Allston section of Boston without revealing its identity to prospective sellers.", "hypothesis": "Over the past eight years, the school acquired more than 88 million in real estate in the Allston section of Boston while remaining completely anonymous even to its own students."} {"idx": "mnli-154", "premise": "uh it's but then there's so many people you get so many different opinions like well you shouldn't have well i shouldn't have to have to do this or i shouldn't have to do that and all this other stuff i don't want to get involved and", "hypothesis": "Opinions tend to vary."} {"idx": "mnli-155", "premise": "um-hum so you figure one of these days you're going to go back to being an engineer is that what you think", "hypothesis": "One of these days, you will go back to studying."} {"idx": "mnli-156", "premise": "Right on the waterfront; offers a more formal atmosphere and a great place to catch a sunset.", "hypothesis": "It has a terrible view of the sunset."} {"idx": "mnli-157", "premise": "To be sure that any needlework item is the genuine article (as opposed to an inferior import or machine-made piece), look for a lead seal with an M, the emblem of IBTAM meaning it's been certified by the Instituto de Bordado, Tapecaras e Arte?\u00adsanato da Madeira (Institute of Madeiran Embroidery, Tapestry, and Handicrafts), an official island organization that has a showroom/museum on Rua Visconde de Anadia, 44.", "hypothesis": "There is a seal to show authenticity. "} {"idx": "mnli-158", "premise": "However, my confidence in him, which at one time had rather waned, was fully restored since his belief in Alfred Inglethorp's innocence had been so triumphantly vindicated. ", "hypothesis": "I felt the real murderer should now be easier to determine."} {"idx": "mnli-159", "premise": "(Kohler's Dictionary for Accountants) CONTRACT AUTHORITY - Contract authority is a subset of budget authority.", "hypothesis": "Contract authority must be granted by the financial authority."} {"idx": "mnli-160", "premise": "The company once assembled, Poirot rose from his seat with the air of a popular lecturer, and bowed politely to his audience. ", "hypothesis": "Poirot rose from his seat, bowed and started addressing the audience."} {"idx": "mnli-161", "premise": "It will be a pleasure dressing Jane.", "hypothesis": "Dressing Jane will be enjoyable."} {"idx": "mnli-162", "premise": "Engakuji is Kamakura's largest temple complex; often wracked by fire and earthquake, 17 of the original 46 buildings have survived.", "hypothesis": "None of the original buildings in Engakuji are still remaining."} {"idx": "mnli-163", "premise": "In applying this requirement, the following factors may influence the auditors' assessment of control ", "hypothesis": "The influence of the following factors is possible."} {"idx": "mnli-164", "premise": "do they live close by", "hypothesis": "Is their house near here?"} {"idx": "mnli-165", "premise": "History defies laws.", "hypothesis": "Laws are weak when talking about the past and the future."} {"idx": "mnli-166", "premise": "Now conservatives are fighting back.", "hypothesis": "Conservatives are battling now."} {"idx": "mnli-167", "premise": " the uncompromising Vel?\u00a1zquez portrait of ugly Queen Marianna of Austria; El Greco's powerfully mystic Christ on the Crose Ribera's gruesomely good-humored The Club Foot.", "hypothesis": "El Greco was a extremely famous Spanish painter whose work was often religious."} {"idx": "mnli-168", "premise": "There are good road connections between Sant Antoni and both CaleT?\u00a1rida and CaleBadella, with the result that both bays have now been developed.", "hypothesis": "With the good road connections, both bays have been developed."} {"idx": "mnli-169", "premise": "and if you yeah if you want to so at least you you know you wouldn't have any surprises you can order any type of you know service you want but you stand a good chance you know having to pick up at least part of the bill yourself", "hypothesis": "You may have to foot the bill if you order any service you want."} {"idx": "mnli-170", "premise": "The individual artisans' shops are no longer here, but you can visit a silk-weaving factory, a ceramics plant, and the Foshan Folk Art Studio, where you can observe workers making Chinese lanterns, carving sculptures, painting scrolls, and cutting intricate designs in paper.", "hypothesis": "Workers carve sculptures and paint scrolls with great enthusiasm."} {"idx": "mnli-171", "premise": "Really, Sir Ernest, protested the judge, \"these questions are not relevant.\" Sir Ernest bowed, and having shot his arrow proceeded. ", "hypothesis": "Sir Ernest bent his head slightly, and continued."} {"idx": "mnli-172", "premise": "The house is surprisingly small and simple, with one bedroom, a tiny kitchen, and a couple of social rooms.", "hypothesis": "The house is very large and boasts over ten bedrooms, a huge kitchen, and a full sized olympic pool."} {"idx": "mnli-173", "premise": "Fiction has its glories, but concealment is merely squalid.", "hypothesis": "Hiding things is just dirty, whereas there is glory in fiction"} {"idx": "mnli-174", "premise": "um but i think in time come you're going to see that happening you're going to see um where the high risk people pay a premium but they have to find a way to prove it", "hypothesis": "It would take some time before high-risk people start paying a premium."} {"idx": "mnli-175", "premise": "Are there children who need to be entertained?", "hypothesis": "No children ever want to be entertained."} {"idx": "mnli-176", "premise": "Hopefully, Wall Street will take voluntary steps to address these issues before it is forced to act.", "hypothesis": "Wall Street is facing issues, that need to be addressed. "} {"idx": "mnli-177", "premise": "okay pro football i like two teams one the New York Giants and the second is the Raiders", "hypothesis": "The New York Giants and Raiders are my favorite teams in football."} {"idx": "mnli-178", "premise": "He'd stopped wondering and now accepted; he meant to get away from here at the first chance and he was somehow sure he could.", "hypothesis": "The doctors office was a terrible place and he wanted out."} {"idx": "mnli-179", "premise": "yeah it's strange because well it it's not strange because i use to be the same way and i'm even to this day you know some vegetables really turn me off but when you read so much information that says this is a healthier way to go you know and this is what your body wants this is what your body really needs and when you think about what is what's the real reason your eating i know i know it's for taste because i'm boy am i a taste person but", "hypothesis": "i'm a taste person and all vegetables taste very nice unlike other types of food"} {"idx": "mnli-180", "premise": "in public places there is one state that does that by the way", "hypothesis": "in public places there are absolutely no place that does that"} {"idx": "mnli-181", "premise": "Once, Las Vegas showrooms were filled with top entertainment headliners, comedians, production shows, and dancing girls that could be enjoyed at a very low price.", "hypothesis": "Due to inflation and the production value, Las Vegas shows now cost more to see."} {"idx": "mnli-182", "premise": "uh stick on those things and they can just all that's all they have to do i mean that wouldn't cost a great deal of money and uh", "hypothesis": "It wouldn't cost them much money to just stick on those things."} {"idx": "mnli-183", "premise": "we have gone on trips we've bathed in streams", "hypothesis": "In addition to bathing in streams, we've also gone to spas and saunas."} {"idx": "mnli-184", "premise": "On the mainland, an invasion of even greater significance followed in 1580, when Philip II of Spain proclaimed himself king of Portugal and marched his armies across the border.", "hypothesis": "Philip II of Spain invaded Portugal."} {"idx": "mnli-185", "premise": "This involves a morning or afternoon of theory and shallow-water work, giving you an opportunity to try out the basic techniques before committing yourself a full open-water course.", "hypothesis": "You won't get a chance to try out basic techniques with theory or anything."} {"idx": "mnli-186", "premise": "Initiatives completed under Phase I of the Plan include the ", "hypothesis": "There is no Phase 1 of the plan as it will all be conducted in one step."} {"idx": "mnli-187", "premise": "yeah well i'm well i'm definitely for it", "hypothesis": "I am certainly in agreement with it."} {"idx": "mnli-188", "premise": "yeah yeah glad to see y'all taken care of well the i think what changed everything and uh is uh y'all were y'all the only ones that make any money for TI here in the last two years", "hypothesis": "In the past few years, no one has made any money for TI."} {"idx": "mnli-189", "premise": "But what he means by what he shows is anybody's guess.", "hypothesis": "His presentation was extremely clear."} {"idx": "mnli-190", "premise": "you know and held over for trial", "hypothesis": "Released and no trial."} {"idx": "mnli-191", "premise": "I tipped it upside down.", "hypothesis": "I turned it over."} {"idx": "mnli-192", "premise": "Continue along this road to reach the pretty coastal town of Molyvos (also known by its ancient name, Mithymna), a popular spot for tourists.", "hypothesis": "Molyvos is a run down town in the center of the region, not popular at all with tourists."} {"idx": "mnli-193", "premise": "For a screening test, high sensitivity is the most desirable parameter.", "hypothesis": "They wanted to have low sensitivity. "} {"idx": "mnli-194", "premise": "What involvement did other key players have in connection with these accountability failures?", "hypothesis": "Nobody was concerned about the failures."} {"idx": "mnli-195", "premise": "In the violet shade of morning, Ca'daan saw Adrin standing on the dunes in sword practice.", "hypothesis": "Adrin was lost in the night as a swordsman chased after him that many knew as \"Ca'daan\"."} {"idx": "mnli-196", "premise": "i bet even my cats could do that", "hypothesis": "My cats could probably do that because they are brilliant."} {"idx": "mnli-197", "premise": "Southeast of Saint-Jean-de-Luz is Ascain, with a village square surrounded by enchanting 17th-century houses and a typical wooden-galleried church.", "hypothesis": "The church was built in the 20th century."} {"idx": "mnli-198", "premise": "He distinctly said you were to repair the sky.", "hypothesis": "He only muttered something about splitting the sky."} {"idx": "mnli-199", "premise": "Lorenzo the Magnificent and brother Giuliano lie in simple tombs beneath the sculptor's Madonna and Child, flanked by lesser artists' statues of the family patron saints Cosmas and Damian.", "hypothesis": "Lorenzo and Giuliano were related to one another."} {"idx": "mnli-200", "premise": "They watched me constantly for weeks.", "hypothesis": "They left me on my own for weeks."} {"idx": "mnli-201", "premise": "It has a staff of about 100 employees, including attorneys and support staff, in 10 branch offices.", "hypothesis": "The 10 branches had close to 100 employees."} {"idx": "mnli-202", "premise": "First we applied three alternative concentrationresponse (C-R) functions to estimate premature mortality incidence.", "hypothesis": "No CR functions were applied to the incidence. "} {"idx": "mnli-203", "premise": "All we've done is checked that the first two creditors divided their collective share of $125 appropriately", "hypothesis": "The first two creditors divided their shares correctly."} {"idx": "mnli-204", "premise": "However, little evidence remains of that era some ceramics in the museum, a few fortifications, a network of irrigation ditches.", "hypothesis": "There is little evidence left of that era."} {"idx": "mnli-205", "premise": ", chief knowledge officers or chief technical officers) that diffuse responsibility across several senior-level managers.", "hypothesis": "Chief officers often spread their responsibility among senior-level managers. "} {"idx": "mnli-206", "premise": "oh no well i don't find a lot of time to watch TV and a lot of the time i find it during the day when i'm rocking my little girl to sleep so i watch a lot of reruns old shows", "hypothesis": "I enjoy watching the old reruns because I find them calming."} {"idx": "mnli-207", "premise": "so that will definitely help in taxes and what you will get back", "hypothesis": "You'll probably get a lot bigger refund."} {"idx": "mnli-208", "premise": "The smart Annie was not in evidence.", "hypothesis": "The clever Annie was not in proof."} {"idx": "mnli-209", "premise": "Yes, Mistuh Reese, suh? ", "hypothesis": "THe slave spoke to Mr Reece."} {"idx": "mnli-210", "premise": "At the heart of the sanctuary, a small granite shrine once held the sacred barque of Horus himself.", "hypothesis": "Horus has a shrine."} {"idx": "mnli-211", "premise": "Postal Service's domestic rates for First-Class and Priority Mail to the inbound mail distribution described above.", "hypothesis": "Usps domestic rates for priority and first class mail ate described above. "} {"idx": "mnli-212", "premise": "do you like um any rock and roll at all", "hypothesis": "So you don't like rock and roll?"} {"idx": "mnli-213", "premise": "Dining room, grill, pub.", "hypothesis": "It has a dining room but no grill."} {"idx": "mnli-214", "premise": "What have you, my friend, he cried, \"that you remain there like, how do you say it?, ah, yes, the stuck pig?\" I explained that I was afraid of obliterating any foot-marks. ", "hypothesis": "I didn't say anything when he asked me that question."} {"idx": "mnli-215", "premise": "But such a show would have meant the museum taking a hard look at its own, often controversial part in the art world.", "hypothesis": "The museum didn't want to look too closely into its part in the art world."} {"idx": "mnli-216", "premise": "But you will find fishermen, many of whom are direct descendants of some 600 Genoese mercenaries King Charles III rescued from captivity on Tunisia's Tabarka Island, hence the name.", "hypothesis": "Tabarka Island is part of Turkey."} {"idx": "mnli-217", "premise": "And while we allow people to give a kidney to their child, we do not allow them to donate their heart.", "hypothesis": "You can't always donate organs to your child. "} {"idx": "mnli-218", "premise": "Unbar, Francisco! he called in Spanish.", "hypothesis": "He call Francisco in Spanish."} {"idx": "mnli-219", "premise": "The Commission is unwilling to recommend an interpretation of the statute that produces such consequences, absent an express congressional intent that such burdens be imposed.", "hypothesis": "Unless congress expresses an intent that such burdens be imposed, the Commission is unwilling to recommend an interpretation of the statute that produces such consequences."} {"idx": "mnli-220", "premise": "Who could there be?\"", "hypothesis": "The speaker doesn't know who it is."} {"idx": "mnli-221", "premise": "My wife and daughter are the ones doing Riley.", "hypothesis": "My grandmother and grandmother's lesbian lover are doing Riley."} {"idx": "mnli-222", "premise": "Take a backwaters trip through the lagoons and around the island villages.", "hypothesis": "Backwater rides are popular in this area. "} {"idx": "mnli-223", "premise": "Alcohol use and trauma.", "hypothesis": "Trauma is the leading cause of alcohol abuse."} {"idx": "mnli-224", "premise": "In a culture where Xena and Hercules have hit TV shows, it's a lot more fun imagining that you are a valiant warrior doing business-as-battle than it is to admit that you're a pudgy functionary whose most daring deed is to draft a boldly worded memo.", "hypothesis": "Xena and Hercules both have hit shows on CBS."} {"idx": "mnli-225", "premise": "Laibson's imperfect altruists face a far subtler problem--they're not just weighing costs and benefits, they're engaged in games of strategy against their future selves.", "hypothesis": "Laibson has selfish people that follow him."} {"idx": "mnli-226", "premise": "'But if they catch me...'", "hypothesis": "But if they kill me"} {"idx": "mnli-227", "premise": "The win brought tears to her eyes, of course, and prompted a phone call to Mom in India.", "hypothesis": "She called her father after she lost, smiling as she did it."} {"idx": "mnli-228", "premise": "The New York Times ' Janet Maslin says the film works precisely because it is derivative--its stars, Matt Dillon and Gary Sinise, emulate the characters in The Usual Suspects , which gives them extraordinary opportunities to preen.", "hypothesis": "The movie stars Matt Dillon and Gary Sinise."} {"idx": "mnli-229", "premise": "The Muslim campaign for Partition was led by London-trained Bombay lawyer, Muhammad Ali Jinnah.", "hypothesis": "Muhammad Ali Jinnah went to London to campaign for Partition. "} {"idx": "mnli-230", "premise": "it's um it's it's amazingly less expensive than it is", "hypothesis": "It's much more expensive that way."} {"idx": "mnli-231", "premise": "Automobile includes small trucks.", "hypothesis": "Small trucks are not great automobiles."} {"idx": "mnli-232", "premise": "You're quite safe.\" Her breath came more normally, and the colour was returning to her cheeks.", "hypothesis": "She started recovering from the mild shock she had gone through."} {"idx": "mnli-233", "premise": "probably so probably so um-hum", "hypothesis": "probably yes so uh-huh"} {"idx": "mnli-234", "premise": "After its early failure, Hubble now provides vital clues to the universe.", "hypothesis": "Hubble failed earlier becuase they weren't making enough discoveries."} {"idx": "mnli-235", "premise": "well they all come back from from the bottom", "hypothesis": "They bounce back from the bottom."} {"idx": "mnli-236", "premise": "A library with the maximum allowable e-rate subsidy of 90 percent would still find itself paying a monthly Internet bill of $186.", "hypothesis": "A library has a maximum subsidy of 90% for utilities."} {"idx": "mnli-237", "premise": "and i was never in a minor league city until i came Dallas we were a minor league city when i came here in fifty nine and i immediately bought season tickets uh to the class triple A uh uh Dallas Rangers", "hypothesis": "Dallas was always in the majors."} {"idx": "mnli-238", "premise": "Just a hunch.", "hypothesis": "It is just a guess"} {"idx": "mnli-239", "premise": "The SPAN A Guide to Legal Services Planning.", "hypothesis": "The SPAN A guide is a guide used for legal service planning."} {"idx": "mnli-240", "premise": "yeah i think they did a pretty good job but they didn't follow it exactly but they did give it you know do it justice", "hypothesis": "They made a good rendition."} {"idx": "mnli-241", "premise": "The Citizens of the United States of America have a right to applaud themselves for having given to mankind examples of an enlarged and liberal a policy worthy of imitation.", "hypothesis": "The citizens of the U.S. are supposed to be proud of themselves."} {"idx": "mnli-242", "premise": "She always says the right thing, does the right thing, wears the right clothes.", "hypothesis": "She does, says, and wears everything perfectly, consistently. "} {"idx": "mnli-243", "premise": "Leave the river briefly to loop east around Talcy, with its Romanesque church and the 13th-century chateau of Thizy, before ending your trip at Montr??al.", "hypothesis": "It is recommended that you leave river briefly before ending your trip at Montr\u00e9al."} {"idx": "mnli-244", "premise": "yeah and i you know i think defense really is what wins wins uh in the long run you can have the best half back there is or the best quarterback but if they don't have any blocking maybe they can't do anything", "hypothesis": "I think a good defense is the most important thing you need to win games."} {"idx": "mnli-245", "premise": "'You killed Derry.'", "hypothesis": "Derry is still alive. "} {"idx": "mnli-246", "premise": "Twelve days later, I made my second.", "hypothesis": "It took twelve days to make another."} {"idx": "mnli-247", "premise": "The number of Arawak had already fallen dramatically, so the Spanish began to import slaves from Africa to work the land; the first Africans arrived in 1517.", "hypothesis": "The Spanish had plenty of Arawak to use as slaves."} {"idx": "mnli-248", "premise": "and enjoy nature and uh kind of wipe out the stress of everyday life i'd always", "hypothesis": "I like to get out in nature and de-stress."} {"idx": "mnli-249", "premise": "but i i don't ever feel the need to dress that warmly i i don't have to travel that far to work uh what what what what about uh your clothes in the winter time up there", "hypothesis": "I have to catch a plane to go to work."} {"idx": "mnli-250", "premise": "Mrs. Vandemeyer, she read, \"20 South Audley Mansions.", "hypothesis": "\"20 South Audley Mansions\" is a book that Mrs. Vandemeyer read."} {"idx": "mnli-251", "premise": "I'd call it a bad date.", "hypothesis": "I'd consider it a bad date because the girl was rude to the waiter."} {"idx": "mnli-252", "premise": "Traditionally a poor island, the native population has happily embraced the new seasonal lifestyle that has brought them proserity, and the old ways have almost completely disappeared.", "hypothesis": "The old ways of the native population has almost completely faded away."} {"idx": "mnli-253", "premise": "For adventurous travelers looking for an introduction to the South, the rewards are rich.", "hypothesis": "For those who prefer more safety, other options are available."} {"idx": "mnli-254", "premise": "It covers most but not all close Senate and gubernatorial races.)", "hypothesis": "The radio station covers most close gubernatorial races"} {"idx": "mnli-255", "premise": "The component may also be a contractor.", "hypothesis": "They were prohibited from being a contractor."} {"idx": "mnli-256", "premise": "The point is not that investing in foreign companies is necessarily a mistake.", "hypothesis": "Putting money into foreign companies poses a great risk."} {"idx": "mnli-257", "premise": "Currently OASI and DI make payments to that Account, and HI receives payment.", "hypothesis": "The Account is the easiest way to keep track of payments made by OASI and DI on an annual basis."} {"idx": "mnli-258", "premise": "In addition to the effects on household saving choices, individual accounts may also affect the relationship and interactions between Social Security and private pensions.", "hypothesis": "Individual accounts would reduce demand for private pensions."} {"idx": "mnli-259", "premise": "Washington Post reports two attempts by private companies to grow embryos--a practice banned among federally funded researchers but allowed in the private sector.", "hypothesis": "The Washington Post was the first company to report on attempts of private companies growing embryos."} {"idx": "mnli-260", "premise": "a plausible increase in the penetration of computer ownership by households over the course of a single year.", "hypothesis": "Computer ownership by households usually increases in a year."} {"idx": "mnli-261", "premise": "But the explanation is institutional, not ideological.", "hypothesis": "Many experts have argued that it's impossible to separate the institutional from the ideological in the circumstances."} {"idx": "mnli-262", "premise": "You and Tuppence have been sticking together like Siamese twins.", "hypothesis": "You and Tuppence have been hand in glove."} {"idx": "mnli-263", "premise": "Below the Rond-Point, the mood changes and a pleasant park leads you past two the Petit Palais, all steel and glass, and the Grand Palais.", "hypothesis": "The mood changes below the Rond-Point, and a pleasant park leads you past two the Petit Palais, all steel and glass, and the Grand Palais."} {"idx": "mnli-264", "premise": "Participants generally agreed that improvements in corporate governance will bring about improvements in auditing.", "hypothesis": "The participants only agreed on a few subjects."} {"idx": "mnli-265", "premise": "AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING ", "hypothesis": "Granting permission."} {"idx": "mnli-266", "premise": "Ever see a contemplative Power Ranger?", "hypothesis": "Ever see a Power Ranger consider the consequences of their actions?"} {"idx": "mnli-267", "premise": "However, I believe that additional actions by the board and AICPA management will be needed to restore trust and confidence in the Institute over the longer-term.", "hypothesis": "Trust and confidence in the Institute have been lost forever."} {"idx": "mnli-268", "premise": "Every tube contained a body, and every body was a famous figure from history.", "hypothesis": "The tubes held everyday people."} {"idx": "mnli-269", "premise": "Four sikhara domes rise above the entrance-porch in addition the mandapa hall for worshippers; a larger hall for dancing-girls; and the inner sanctuary, surrounded by an ambulatory for walking around the image of the deity.", "hypothesis": "Visitors are not permitted to walk around the image of the deity, but must sit quietly in front of it."} {"idx": "mnli-270", "premise": "The great Kanto earthquake of 1923 destroyed some 60,000 homes in Yokohama and took over 20,000 lives.", "hypothesis": "Yokohama took a long time to recover from the earthquake."} {"idx": "mnli-271", "premise": "oh was that good i heard oh okay", "hypothesis": "Yes, I heard that was really good."} {"idx": "mnli-272", "premise": "The only adult males allowed in the Harem were the Black Eunuchs, who were in charge of security and administration.", "hypothesis": "The Black Eunuchs were responsible for the security and administration of the Harem."} {"idx": "mnli-273", "premise": "Due to the amount of information now available, power has shifted from the physician to the patient.", "hypothesis": "Doctors have more power than ever thanks to better data availability."} {"idx": "mnli-274", "premise": "i know i am um i don't know anybody in their right mind that says that that i'm doing it because i want to i", "hypothesis": "I know there are people who think I'm doing it because I desire to."} {"idx": "mnli-275", "premise": "Isn't that America's last bastion of mobsters, racists, and hacks?", "hypothesis": "It's America's first wave of racists. "} {"idx": "mnli-276", "premise": "Let me try it.\" She began snapping her fingers and saying the word eagerly, but nothing happened.", "hypothesis": "She became frustrated when the spell didn't work. "} {"idx": "mnli-277", "premise": "There is also an archaeological museum that displays older relics, including examples of Mycenaean pottery.", "hypothesis": "The museum is completely empty and doesn't have anything in it."} {"idx": "mnli-278", "premise": "There are nonetheless a number of practices and alternative strategies that senior executives in leading organizations use to help define and institute their CIO positions to effectively meet business needs.", "hypothesis": "There are no practices and strategies that can help CIO positions to meet business needs at the moment."} {"idx": "mnli-279", "premise": "By one estimate, Russia's economic output would more than double if the Russians simply sold off their natural resources instead of trying to make something out of them.", "hypothesis": "It is possible that Putin wants to develop the financial independence and work skills of Russians and the loss of money in less profit to merely selling off materials is worth the manufacturing expertise gained by his people as they create goods within their own country. "} {"idx": "mnli-280", "premise": "Research over the last 20 years has changed the scientific view of life.", "hypothesis": "The last 5 years of research have a higher proportion influence."} {"idx": "mnli-281", "premise": "Perhaps he should clear out even farther and head for California.", "hypothesis": "Maybe he should head for California to clear out even farther?"} {"idx": "mnli-282", "premise": "yeah well uh we're not uh really sailors but i want some summer soon to um hire a sailboat with a captain since we're not you know versed in that and uh go to the Caribbean", "hypothesis": "He has sailed a little."} {"idx": "mnli-283", "premise": "For the moment, he sought refuge in retreat, and left the room precipitately. ", "hypothesis": "He stayed put and sat on the floor."} {"idx": "mnli-284", "premise": "In June you can watch dealers haggling over heaps of white silkworm cocoons.", "hypothesis": "During the summer months dealers barter for piles of silkworm cocoons."} {"idx": "mnli-285", "premise": "The results looked like Versace melded with Blade Runner , says Newsweek 's Steven Levy.", "hypothesis": "Steven Levy has never seen Blade Runner."} {"idx": "mnli-286", "premise": "uh you know if you have a large acid spill you know well gee maybe you better check this person who's handling all these acids you know i work with a wafer fab so we do a lot with chemicals and acids and", "hypothesis": "Acid is handled by workers. "} {"idx": "mnli-287", "premise": "The bourgeoisie showed off its new prosperity with extravagant furnishings, silks, satins, and baubles, and in 1852 Paris opened its first department store, Au Bon Marche.", "hypothesis": "Paris opened the first department store."} {"idx": "mnli-288", "premise": "He waited for the group on the nearby 18 th green to finish.", "hypothesis": "He was patient while hte group on the 18th hole finished."} {"idx": "mnli-289", "premise": "i think so i don't know i just uh i'm unhappy with it but and well i'm i'm sort of semi fortunate right now i'm a graduate student so i don't make that much what i make isn't taxed very highly because i'm still in school", "hypothesis": "I have never been a college student."} {"idx": "mnli-290", "premise": "He thought about ways to achieve this life goal for a long time, which means until he learned the basics of text editing, which happened at his first job at a firm trading in plastic bags landfill disposal permits.", "hypothesis": "He thought about ways to achieve his life goals for a long time."} {"idx": "mnli-291", "premise": "Kofukuji's many surviving artworks and artifacts are housed in its newest building, the Museum of National Treasures, a fireproof repository built in 1958 to honor Kofukuji's immense cultural and historic importance.", "hypothesis": "The fireproof repository built in 1958 is considered to be enough to protect the artifacts."} {"idx": "mnli-292", "premise": "no not near as much as i'd like to i mean i've i tend to stay pretty busy at my job and uh", "hypothesis": "If my job wasn't so busy, I do that a lot more."} {"idx": "mnli-293", "premise": "We have a problem concerning gift etiquette.", "hypothesis": "The problem we have with gift etiquette is people not knowing how to choose appropriate gifts."} {"idx": "mnli-294", "premise": "The Inglethorps did not appear. ", "hypothesis": "The Inglethorps were the first ones to turn up."} {"idx": "mnli-295", "premise": "equivalent to increasing national saving to 19.", "hypothesis": "National savings are 18 now."} {"idx": "mnli-296", "premise": "There's a sort of bidding war going on, with law schools offering ever-increasing financial packages -- most of it loans, said Dean Glen. ", "hypothesis": "No one really cares about the new students coming to their institutions. "} {"idx": "mnli-297", "premise": "Today, as always, the time-honored occupations of fishing and farming support Martinique's fragile existence the delicious rum also helps.", "hypothesis": "Martinique makes more money from fishing than from farming."} {"idx": "mnli-298", "premise": "Comments regarding enforcement issues and questions raised by the regulated industry were addressed by EPA in four Detergent Rule Question and Answer Documents.", "hypothesis": "All the issues and questions raised by the regulated industry were addressed by the EPA."} {"idx": "mnli-299", "premise": "The Ottoman Empire surrendered when World War I ended the following year, and, following a declaration by the League of Nations (the forerunner to the United Nations), Britain became rulers of Palestine by mandate.", "hypothesis": "If the Ottoman Empire never surrendered, Palestine wouldn't have been ruled by the British."} {"idx": "mnli-300", "premise": "You're mad.", "hypothesis": "You are still sane."} {"idx": "mnli-301", "premise": "Inside, a huge mountain of a man, even bigger than Thorn, fought with a huge two-handed axe.", "hypothesis": "The man was extremely large. "} {"idx": "mnli-302", "premise": "Jon had only seen two people move that fast in his life", "hypothesis": "Jon knew at least 500 people with the same speed."} {"idx": "mnli-303", "premise": "We developed technical assistance funds for creative planning projects and obtained a $15.", "hypothesis": "No technical assistance funds for creative projects were developed."} {"idx": "mnli-304", "premise": "I have done my best to target unpopulated areas at unpopulated times, but the guilt still weights heavy on my soul.'", "hypothesis": "Many people have died even though the areas were supposed to be unpopulated."} {"idx": "mnli-305", "premise": "5 billion, but households' wealth declined by nearly $842 billion (2 percent) largely as a result of the drop in the market value of households' stock holdings.", "hypothesis": "The value of households' stock holdings dropped and this contributed to a decline in household wealth."} {"idx": "mnli-306", "premise": "Thurmond announced a few weeks ago that he won't run again.", "hypothesis": "Thurmond was defeated in six previous elections."} {"idx": "mnli-307", "premise": "Auditors will need to exercise professional judgment in assessing the significance of audit results or findings.", "hypothesis": "Auditors are not responsible for the assessment of audit results."} {"idx": "mnli-308", "premise": "Although a great deal of attention has been paid to the wealth effect from the stock market boom of the 1990s, half of American households did not own stocks as of 1998, according to the 1998 Survey of Consumer Finance.", "hypothesis": "There was no stock market boom in the 1990s. "} {"idx": "mnli-309", "premise": "Where's Tommy? ", "hypothesis": "Do you know where Tommy is?"} {"idx": "mnli-310", "premise": "Moreover, the realignment will help us to enhance our longterm capacity by improving recruitment and retention; building a succession plan; focusing on emerging issues; and leveraging technology opportunities for improvements to clients, processes, and employees.", "hypothesis": "Long term capacity will be improved by the realignment."} {"idx": "mnli-311", "premise": "The lot upon which it is being built had been vacant.", "hypothesis": "The lot had been vacant."} {"idx": "mnli-312", "premise": "that if i were living in Mexico and trying to raise several children and i could see across the border where the good life would be for my children", "hypothesis": "I believe Mexico is the best place to raise children."} {"idx": "mnli-313", "premise": "Or he hasn't really thought it through, which itself would cast doubt on the depth of his faith.", "hypothesis": "His faith may be lacking."} {"idx": "mnli-314", "premise": "Network externalities are in.", "hypothesis": "The public is not informed how the network works."} {"idx": "mnli-315", "premise": "We could use their assistance should it be needed.", "hypothesis": "We might need help every day."} {"idx": "mnli-316", "premise": "Not a pleasant prospect and not one easily avoided---not even by any reform package or proposal that I've seen.", "hypothesis": "The prospect can be avoided by simply following the very valid proposals received."} {"idx": "mnli-317", "premise": "um-hum yeah i end up well yeah i mean i do a lot of like even weekender kind of things i go out for just one or two nights uh it's not my favorite thing but i can do it a lot more often so like over at the uh particularly in the uh the fall and spring when the insects haven't come out yet uh where they're already gone uh you know i spend almost every weekend up in the mountains and i guess i live about five hours away from some place to go hiking where i am now", "hypothesis": "I don't mind camping for a couple nights in the fall and spring."} {"idx": "mnli-318", "premise": "The result was the four Raphael Rooms (Stanze di Raffaello).", "hypothesis": "The result was 3 Raphael Rooms."} {"idx": "mnli-319", "premise": "Nonetheless, based on discussions with several states, the application review process is estimated to take approximately 38 weeks (9-10 months).", "hypothesis": "The application review process was discussed only with corporations. "} {"idx": "mnli-320", "premise": "that can be a mess we camped at the beach one time and that was sort of miserable you just couldn't everywhere you went there was sand you couldn't even when you're eating it it was in your bed", "hypothesis": "It is a bad idea to camp and eat on a beach."} {"idx": "mnli-321", "premise": "Grand row! ", "hypothesis": "It was a good row, but it could've been better."} {"idx": "mnli-322", "premise": "Acidic deposition or acid rain occurs when SO2 and NOx in the atmosphere react with water, oxygen, and oxidants to form acidic compounds.", "hypothesis": "Water and nitrogen in the atmosphere cause the acid rain."} {"idx": "mnli-323", "premise": "Pointe Pitre's cathedral, the Basilique Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul, features unusual metal columns and balconies.", "hypothesis": "The unusual polystyrene columns and balconies of the Basilique Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul can be found in Pointe Pitre."} {"idx": "mnli-324", "premise": "Had that piquant gipsy face been at the bottom of the crime, or was it 73 the baser mainspring of money? ", "hypothesis": "Was that gipsy face responsible for the crime against the old woman?"} {"idx": "mnli-325", "premise": "i would sort of like to uh think about something in the way of uh uh sort of a sporty car but not any not you know a luxury type sporty one but um", "hypothesis": "I'm thinking about a very functional, ordinary type of car but I wouldn't mind a luxury car either"} {"idx": "mnli-326", "premise": "uh no i didn't", "hypothesis": "I decided to do it and so I did."} {"idx": "mnli-327", "premise": "we drive sixty five oh yes well", "hypothesis": "The vehicle was a hybrid in which we drove 65."} {"idx": "mnli-328", "premise": "Major tourist shops have forms and details.", "hypothesis": "The major tourist shops don't have forms."} {"idx": "mnli-329", "premise": "Randy's Tough Love Wrap-Up", "hypothesis": "The first version of the Wrap-up of Randy's Tough Love."} {"idx": "mnli-330", "premise": "yeah i'm in North Carolina", "hypothesis": "I'm in South Carolina."} {"idx": "mnli-331", "premise": "He has so much experience and, as shown by the last interview, there are a lot of us out there who could benefit from it.", "hypothesis": "It was obvious from the interview that he was not very experienced and people should not look up to him. "} {"idx": "mnli-332", "premise": "Serious auto racing arrived in Las Vegas in 1996 with the opening of the Las Vegas Motor Speedway, 17 miles (27 km) north of Downtown on Interstate 15.", "hypothesis": "The Las Vegas Motor Speedway continues to be the city's top tourist attraction."} {"idx": "mnli-333", "premise": "He was watching Muller as if the sergeant, rather than his men, was the focal point of any future attack.", "hypothesis": "Muller had something fascinating about him, so he attracted all the attention."} {"idx": "mnli-334", "premise": "I could feel gazes on my back; people peering out from between curtains, stealing glimpses through letterboxes.", "hypothesis": "It was very strange to feel like people were watching us."} {"idx": "mnli-335", "premise": "Good.' Natalia glared.", "hypothesis": "Natalia smiled."} {"idx": "mnli-336", "premise": "Sophisticated research is required to tease apart the complex interactions between These variables.", "hypothesis": "The variables are actually quite simple and easy to understand."} {"idx": "mnli-337", "premise": "What about me?", "hypothesis": "Me too?"} {"idx": "mnli-338", "premise": "they use the the injection thing or whatever it is", "hypothesis": "They use lethal injection."} {"idx": "mnli-339", "premise": " He was here less than two days and already he thought of this town as home, something he wished to protect.", "hypothesis": "The man left the town after 24 hours."} {"idx": "mnli-340", "premise": " \"All whose true names they could find, that is,\" Garm amended.", "hypothesis": "Everyone's true name they could find was added to the book."} {"idx": "mnli-341", "premise": "Since 1917, Grand Central Market (at 317 South Broadway) has provided the city with a daily cornucopia of enticing fresh produce, fish, poultry, meat, and exotic foodstuffs.", "hypothesis": "Up until 1917 was when the Central Market gave away free food."} {"idx": "mnli-342", "premise": "According to HUD staff, after the Economic Analysis was submitted to OMB, HUD made changes in the Analysis to maintain its consistency with the rule, to which minor changes had been made as described below.", "hypothesis": "It took staff one month to make the changes to the Economic Analysis."} {"idx": "mnli-343", "premise": "Had they any clue, or 103 would the whole thing remain in the category of undiscovered crimes? ", "hypothesis": "These villains get more naive every year."} {"idx": "mnli-344", "premise": "When he married in 1901, he and his wife (Olga Knipper of the Moscow Art Theater) went directly from the ceremony to a honeymoon in a sanitarium.", "hypothesis": "His wife has never went to a sanitarium. "} {"idx": "mnli-345", "premise": "2) House Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry Hyde said he has begun to examine impeachment procedures in the event they are justified.", "hypothesis": "Henry Hyde is a new house judiciary."} {"idx": "mnli-346", "premise": "A few schools, including Harvard, New York and Georgetown universities, already have them.", "hypothesis": "They are already in Harvard, New York and Georgetown universities."} {"idx": "mnli-347", "premise": "In such circumstances, auditors may issue a limited official use report containing such information and distribute the report only to those parties responsible for acting on the auditors' recommendations.", "hypothesis": "Auditors can issue a limited official use report that has such information."} {"idx": "mnli-348", "premise": "The point isn't that polls are dishonest.", "hypothesis": "Dishonest polls is not the point being made. "} {"idx": "mnli-349", "premise": "but uh what's that", "hypothesis": "However, what is that?"} {"idx": "mnli-350", "premise": "APHIS rejected the first alternative because it believed scientific evidence permitted importation of beef from Argentina under certain conditions and not permitting such importation would be contrary to trade agreements entered into by the United States.", "hypothesis": "The trade agreements would be in conjunction with the agreement."} {"idx": "mnli-351", "premise": "and they're going yes but in general i like to exercise i i like dance a lot so i mean i aerobics is something i'd hate to give up but", "hypothesis": "I hate exerising."} {"idx": "mnli-352", "premise": "He was writing a warning, not a prescription.", "hypothesis": "The police officer was writing a warning ticket, not a prescription from a doctor."} {"idx": "mnli-353", "premise": "119 Cynthia was back from the hospital, and I placed my chair beside her, and told her of Poirot's wish to visit the dispensary. ", "hypothesis": "Poirot talked to Cynthia himself, asking to visit her at work at the hospital. "} {"idx": "mnli-354", "premise": "Sometimes such funds are devoted to retraining existing nontechnical personnel to supply them with IT expertise.", "hypothesis": "Sometimes the funds are devoted to retraining existing nontechnical personnel so they understand how to program their computers."} {"idx": "mnli-355", "premise": "Rips was sufficiently enraged by Statistical Science 's acceptance of the rebuttal paper that he retained a lawyer, who advised the journal that the accusations in the article about to be published ...", "hypothesis": "Rips was enraged by Stastical Science's acceptance of the rebuttal and their nonchalant attitude so he retained a lawyer who would advise the journal that accusations about to be published..."} {"idx": "mnli-356", "premise": "Stop blaming John.", "hypothesis": "Quit holding John responsible."} {"idx": "mnli-357", "premise": "i think on the local elections it's actually um i think um i think people vote in the larger elections because they feel like well you know the country's real important and you know if i elect if we help elect a president who's going to save us then the then the whole country will be saved but they figure local elections don't mean that much i suspect so people don't really worry about their local mayor or something figuring that you know um and i think wrongly figuring that that well what good is another mayor going to do anyway because our federal taxes are more important right now and you know and stuff like that so people think that that that they don't have um that that it doesn't doesn't matter as much whereas i think it's probably just the opposite is true i think it's probably the case that people could have more effect on a local level", "hypothesis": "I think more people vote during the presidential elections than local elections."} {"idx": "mnli-358", "premise": "Kashmir remained an unresolved problem of Partition.", "hypothesis": "The partition problem of Kashmir remained unresolved. "} {"idx": "mnli-359", "premise": "Given the assumptions and economic drivers in each of the scenarios, the AMIGA model calculates the capital investment, operation and maintenance, and fuel costs necessary to meet consumer demand for electricity.", "hypothesis": "The AMIGA model finds the capital investment."} {"idx": "mnli-360", "premise": "and then i have a cauliflower that i would cook garlic bread green salad tea and we'd have a lemon pie for dessert", "hypothesis": "For your birthday dinner, I will make cauliflower, garlic bread, and green salad with tea to drink, and lemon pie for dessert."} {"idx": "mnli-361", "premise": "All the discoveries have been made by Japp, and Japp will take all the credit. ", "hypothesis": "Japp made no discoveries, and will not be honored."} {"idx": "mnli-362", "premise": "You outwitted me.", "hypothesis": "You have never outwitted me."} {"idx": "mnli-363", "premise": "yeah but that's that's true just about every", "hypothesis": "That is false."} {"idx": "mnli-364", "premise": "He was lecherous and strange.", "hypothesis": "He had a normal attitude."} {"idx": "mnli-365", "premise": "For Columns 5 though 8, the only amounts that change in lines 1 and 2, compared to columns 1 through 4, are outbound attributable cost and inbound revenue.", "hypothesis": "Only the outbound attributable cost and inbound revenue change in lines 1 and 2 in columns 5 through 8."} {"idx": "mnli-366", "premise": "You did not mention his name this afternoon, or I would have suggested your going to him for further information with my card as introduction.", "hypothesis": "He and I are good friends."} {"idx": "mnli-367", "premise": "This brought forth a small number of articulate dissensions.", "hypothesis": "This brought up happy feelings and warmth."} {"idx": "mnli-368", "premise": "oh yeah no that's uh that's a that's a real interesting movie and it's got a good historical perspective to it", "hypothesis": "That movie was thought to provoke and brought up many good points."} {"idx": "mnli-369", "premise": "The troopers behind Muller stiffened into wooden soldiers, all expression vanishing from their features until they matched each other in exact anonymity.", "hypothesis": "Muller was with soldiers."} {"idx": "mnli-370", "premise": "Meanwhile, lawyers were at a premium Indians love litigation and it was ideal training for future politicians and politics had been clandestine, because it was so often fatal to express an opinion on the wrong (i.e. , losing) side.", "hypothesis": "Lawyers were at a premium and it was ideal training for future politicians and politics."} {"idx": "mnli-371", "premise": "In some states, it may be possible to develop and implement statewide initiatives to improve service delivery, increase resources, and enhance the capacity of the system to meet the civil legal needs of all low-income people without altering service areas or historical relationships.", "hypothesis": "In no states will it be necessary to develop and implement statewide initiatives."} {"idx": "mnli-372", "premise": "Your guess is as good as mine.", "hypothesis": "I don't know how many votes he got."} {"idx": "mnli-373", "premise": "Someone was applauding.", "hypothesis": "A person applauded."} {"idx": "mnli-374", "premise": "my dad's got a new um i guess it's an eighty nine or ninety uh Chrysler something or other it's one those transverse mounted V sixes front wheel drive", "hypothesis": "My dad has a new eighty nine or ninety Chrysler with a transverse mounted V and front wheel drive."} {"idx": "mnli-375", "premise": "Five forks guarantee real comfort, but the food will not necessarily be better than in a two-or three-fork establishment, just more expensive.", "hypothesis": "Five fork restaurants are rated higher because they are more popular and have celebrity appearances. "} {"idx": "mnli-376", "premise": "you know used to play it a lot when i was in school but now that i'm married and stuff i", "hypothesis": "I stopped playing it the day I got married. "} {"idx": "mnli-377", "premise": "This is a colourful Middle Eastern-Yemenite restaurant (where the downstairs is expensive, and the upstairs is less formal) with an interesting menu of meat and offal.", "hypothesis": "The restaurant serves Middle Eastern-Yemenite food."} {"idx": "mnli-378", "premise": "Table 7-1 shows a summary of resource demand and its effect on current supply.", "hypothesis": "The table shows a summary of the resources in demand."} {"idx": "mnli-379", "premise": "Age, Health, and the Willingness to Pay for Mortality Risk A Contingent", "hypothesis": "Age, Health, and the Willingness to Pay for Mortality Risk A Contingent are very important topics being talked about worldwide."} {"idx": "mnli-380", "premise": "Yes, continued Whittington.", "hypothesis": "Whittington said no."} {"idx": "mnli-381", "premise": "Unless otherwise noted, hotels take all major credit cards.", "hypothesis": "Hotels accept credit cards as payment unless otherwise stated."} {"idx": "mnli-382", "premise": "Of course, there is always the chance that the company's management has simply gone mad.", "hypothesis": "It's possible that the company is not affected at all."} {"idx": "mnli-383", "premise": "This factual record provided an important context for consideration of the legal question of the meaning of the presence requirement.", "hypothesis": "The record gave no context regarding the legal question. "} {"idx": "mnli-384", "premise": "The rest of the industry is waiting to see how much control the government demands over recovered keys.", "hypothesis": "The industry waits for nothing. "} {"idx": "mnli-385", "premise": "The mosque is unusual in Cairo in that it has no facade it is hidden behind a protective wall with nineteen openings.", "hypothesis": "The mosque in cairo is protected by walls. "} {"idx": "mnli-386", "premise": "Warn't no Apaches, that's for certain.", "hypothesis": "It wasn't the Apaches, certainly."} {"idx": "mnli-387", "premise": "The Commission prepared a Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis pursuant to section 604.", "hypothesis": "The Commission put together a Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis that went against Section 604."} {"idx": "mnli-388", "premise": "Kuala Kangsar has long been famous for Malay College, set amid spacious grounds near the center of town, a prestigious and exclusive school for the Malay aristocracy since it was founded by the British in 1904.", "hypothesis": "Malay College was know for taking in any student regardless of their background."} {"idx": "mnli-389", "premise": "By the 11th century, the caliphate had splintered into a mosaic of fractious states 26 at one point, and the Balearics became an independent emirate.", "hypothesis": "The caliph was still a very important position of power."} {"idx": "mnli-390", "premise": "right i think we'd have the same type of problem say with Mexico uh Canada on the other hand uh English is one of their national languages they have", "hypothesis": "We probably have the same issues as Mexico and Canada with regards to the use of the English language."} {"idx": "mnli-391", "premise": "In this paper we examine the hypothesis that the cost model provides reasonable estimates of the unit costs of other posts of industrialized countries.", "hypothesis": "It isn't possible to estimate costs without going through the budget office of each country."} {"idx": "mnli-392", "premise": "Should the intervention include the family?", "hypothesis": "Should the intervention include the girlfriend's family?"} {"idx": "mnli-393", "premise": "It's now a school, the Colegio de Santo Domingo.", "hypothesis": "It was established in 1854."} {"idx": "mnli-394", "premise": "These laws emphasize involving senior executives in information management decisions, appointing senior-level chief information officers, and using performance measures to assess the contribution of technology in achieving mission results.", "hypothesis": "There are laws that involve how senior executives make information management decisions in public companies."} {"idx": "mnli-395", "premise": "i think then that's a step away from even duty i don't think they even have a sense of the responsibility", "hypothesis": "I don't think they feel responsible for keeping others safe. "} {"idx": "mnli-396", "premise": "It was a smaller room than the one downstairs, and there was something peculiarly airless about the atmosphere of it.", "hypothesis": "The room had a stifling atmosphere with a boarded up window."} {"idx": "mnli-397", "premise": "A delightful series of dioramas then introduce Peter Rabbit, Mrs. Tiggi-Winkle, and Squirrel Nutkin, among others, set in scenes taken from Potter's books.", "hypothesis": "Potter's Peter Rabbit is a popular childhood character."} {"idx": "mnli-398", "premise": "He held out a hand to the salamander, petted it to a gentle glow and put it back over Dave's chest.", "hypothesis": "The salamander was receptive to his friendly gestures. "} {"idx": "mnli-399", "premise": "um-hum yeah it takes a lot of concentration i mean it was the type of thing i was i was making some little things for Christmas and i also made a little thing for a baby gift and uh i thought oh i can do this while i watch TV wrong", "hypothesis": "I was making some things for gifts."} {"idx": "mnli-400", "premise": "Its principal scandal reporter, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, has published lots of stories on the suicide.", "hypothesis": "The suicide being covered was caused by a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head."} {"idx": "mnli-401", "premise": "I never like to leave Canada, because I'm disappointed every time.", "hypothesis": "There is no way I will ever travel outside of Canada again since it is disappointing."} {"idx": "mnli-402", "premise": "Jon ran behind a building not yet aflame, the house where Susan had stayed a few days earlier, and prayed to any god who might be listening that they would not find any enemies behind it.", "hypothesis": "Every building was on fire."} {"idx": "mnli-403", "premise": "In her soft grey frock, with white ruffles at the wrists falling over her slender hands, she looked very beautiful. ", "hypothesis": "She looked hideous in her frumpy gown."} {"idx": "mnli-404", "premise": "and uh i have a few health food stores that i send it to i can buy the cookies in a larger quantity than they can so i can get a deal from the uh from the main from the supplier", "hypothesis": "There are a few health food stores that can buy the cookies in bulk for a better deal."} {"idx": "mnli-405", "premise": "At the sight of Tommy, Julius's eyes seemed as though they would pop out of his head.", "hypothesis": "Julius turned and walked away as soon as he saw Tommy walk through the door."} {"idx": "mnli-406", "premise": "Seemed that whoever the killer was, she'd let him into her home voluntarily.", "hypothesis": "The killer broke a window in order to enter the home."} {"idx": "mnli-407", "premise": "and even the painter couldn't give me a good estimate he said well i'll be done this afternoon you know", "hypothesis": "The painter told me exactly when they were going to finish."} {"idx": "mnli-408", "premise": "There's a pile of money called the Social Security Trust Fund.", "hypothesis": "The Social Security Trust Fund is made up of money. "} {"idx": "mnli-409", "premise": "Dave Hanson, to whom nothing is impossible, he said.", "hypothesis": "He said Dave Hanson."} {"idx": "mnli-410", "premise": "If Moynihan has anything to do with it, Al Gore will not get Bill Clinton's.", "hypothesis": "Moynihan most likely has nothing to do with it."} {"idx": "mnli-411", "premise": "Still, Miyajima manages to be both solemn and lively.", "hypothesis": "There is no feeling of somberness at Myajima."} {"idx": "mnli-412", "premise": "expressed about the methodology and results of the procedures to determine the federal pay gap.", "hypothesis": "The methodology and results were used to determine the federal pay gap."} {"idx": "mnli-413", "premise": "Old salts may want to skipper their charter craft acroseopen sea to the smaller Dutch islands of Sint Eustatius or Saba, or to French Saint-Barthelemy.", "hypothesis": "If you are looking for a different options you can take your charter ship to one of the less popular islands nearby."} {"idx": "mnli-414", "premise": "Tomb 57, that of Khaemhat, was decorated with statues of himself and his family very rare for tombs of his class.", "hypothesis": "The tomb was decorated with statues."} {"idx": "mnli-415", "premise": "Chambers developed increasing reservations in his later years about the direction the American right was taking, distancing himself first from Joe McCarthy, then from Richard Nixon, and even from William Buckley Jr.'s National Review . But Chambers' importance lies, finally, not in his politics but in his romantic penchant for the extremes of the psychic and political undergrounds.", "hypothesis": "Chambers built a wall between himself and McCarthy and Nixon."} {"idx": "mnli-416", "premise": "Thank you. Tuppence felt a terrific rise in her spirits.", "hypothesis": "Tupperence felt better after this event."} {"idx": "mnli-417", "premise": "The place was a living tomb\u2026 .", "hypothesis": "It was no more than a living tomb."} {"idx": "mnli-418", "premise": "He hired a room, and I hired one too.", "hypothesis": "He hired a room, but I didn't have enough money for one myself."} {"idx": "mnli-419", "premise": "The dramatically rising cliff of black basalt stone made the castle impregnable to all but the most wily commander.", "hypothesis": "The castle was secure due to its proximity to a cliff."} {"idx": "mnli-420", "premise": "somehow i hoped that as a people we could be better than than um expecting", "hypothesis": "I hoped we could be better than that."} {"idx": "mnli-421", "premise": "He gasped for air and his head throbbed.", "hypothesis": "His head hurt terribly."} {"idx": "mnli-422", "premise": "If food and medical care tripled in cost, people would of necessity spend less on other things to pay for the increase or cut down on the food and medical care they purchased.", "hypothesis": "People would have to cut spending in other areas if food and medical care increased."} {"idx": "mnli-423", "premise": "yeah i i think you really have to be disciplined", "hypothesis": "It really doesn't require much discipline to do."} {"idx": "mnli-424", "premise": "oh okay i'll let you go", "hypothesis": "I will only let you go if you agree to take out the garbage."} {"idx": "mnli-425", "premise": "In that regard, they evaluated a set of about 50 policies to improve the technology performance and characterization of the residential, commercial, industrial, transportation, and electricity generation sectors.", "hypothesis": "At least 25 of the policies were responsible for the growth of the residential sector."} {"idx": "mnli-426", "premise": "Authentic Jamaican cuisine (including jerk chicken, pork, and fish), or choose your own lobster.", "hypothesis": "Jamaican cuisine includes jerk chicken."} {"idx": "mnli-427", "premise": "Now, the resort and hotel complex is variously described as simply noisy to a one-stop destination for fantasy, excitement, and adventure ; your conclusion obviously depends on your point of view.", "hypothesis": "The resort and hotel complex are very quiet."} {"idx": "mnli-428", "premise": "Given the extent of wealth it has brought to the country, it is not surprising to have a Natural Rubber Museum, which opened since 1992 at the Rubber Research Institute's Experimental Station in Sungai Buloh.", "hypothesis": "Rubber has not contributed to the wealth of the country."} {"idx": "mnli-429", "premise": "Encapuchadores bind these male trees in spring to produce the pale, bleached fronds that are used in Palm Sunday celebrations.", "hypothesis": "There are no celebrations on Palm Sunday."} {"idx": "mnli-430", "premise": "up to a forty four magnum any any of them in the correct hands they're an absolutely fantastic weapon", "hypothesis": "A 44 magnum is a total piece of junk."} {"idx": "mnli-431", "premise": "i i seems like it was on a Friday Friday or Saturday", "hypothesis": "I think it was a Tuesday."} {"idx": "mnli-432", "premise": "I beg your pardon. A man's voice beside her made her start and turn.", "hypothesis": "She was startled by the man and turned when he said I beg your pardon. "} {"idx": "mnli-433", "premise": "However, an interim program was instituted between April 4 and October 4, 1996, to maintain a basic program until EQIP could begin.", "hypothesis": "They had a temporary program in place."} {"idx": "mnli-434", "premise": "The Zapruder family is demanding $18 million, wanting no blood money but figuring it could fetch $70 million on the open market.", "hypothesis": "The Zapruder family wants nothing in return."} {"idx": "mnli-435", "premise": "I am not keeping back facts. ", "hypothesis": "I am keeping back facts."} {"idx": "mnli-436", "premise": "Around him stood the remainder of the Sticks.", "hypothesis": "There weren't any members of the Sticks left. "} {"idx": "mnli-437", "premise": "He scanned the great lawyer eagerly.", "hypothesis": "He ignored the lawyer."} {"idx": "mnli-438", "premise": "Most organized tours generally include a night at a gazino as part of the package; otherwise you can book a table through your hotel or through a travel agent.", "hypothesis": "No tours include a gazino night, you can't book one. "} {"idx": "mnli-439", "premise": "I'm in a huge, overwhelming sea of debt, said Jennifer Arons, 28, a criminal defense staff attorney at Manhattan Legal Aid. ", "hypothesis": "Jennifer claims her debt is over the six digit mark at this point."} {"idx": "mnli-440", "premise": "CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CERT/CC CERTa Coordination Center", "hypothesis": "The CDC in New York was rounded and grey."} {"idx": "mnli-441", "premise": "and uh when i played softball it was with the church team it was just for fun although the church team we made it to the nationals we were ranked fifteenth in the nation so i you know i'm proud of that", "hypothesis": "I played softball with the church team for the fun of it."} {"idx": "mnli-442", "premise": "It was at that moment that the full realization of his folly began to come home to Tommy.", "hypothesis": "He realized the folly and became sad."} {"idx": "mnli-443", "premise": "As such, they were reviewed by OMB based on information supplied by the Departments, which included planned regulatory action documents describing the reason for the rules and an assessment of the costs and budgetary impact of the rules.", "hypothesis": "The review by OMB included a description of the reason for the rules."} {"idx": "mnli-444", "premise": "that it would just have to be a hobby and i'm i'm very mechanical and mechanical engineering interested me so i did that and then i you know i did that for six years and then i stayed home with my son and did nothing and found out that i was that you know it was great but i was bored part of the time too and i wanted something else", "hypothesis": "I am bored with mechanical engineering and I should seek some hobbies."} {"idx": "mnli-445", "premise": "um-hum yeah it's kind of it's kind of strange here the way things go uh here if you have an accident and no one's injured the police won't even show up", "hypothesis": "The police don't show up if nobody is injured."} {"idx": "mnli-446", "premise": "but uh Yount has been a he's a player uh year in year out and always uh is leading the team in uh most of most of their offensive categories", "hypothesis": "Yount has not been very helpful with their offensive categories."} {"idx": "mnli-447", "premise": "This is very sad news, but you will excuse me if I say that I do not see how it bears on the subject of your inquiry?", "hypothesis": "The inquiry is about birth records and the sad news is a death in the family, but the speaker is insisting on following protocols. "} {"idx": "mnli-448", "premise": "The next witness was Mary Cavendish. ", "hypothesis": "There was another witness."} {"idx": "mnli-449", "premise": "and you got to have your cranberry sauce now i like jellied kind", "hypothesis": "I only like homemade cranberry sauce, not the jellied kind."} {"idx": "mnli-450", "premise": "plant that emits 0.1 pounds of mercury and a plant that emits 2000 pounds of mercury - regardless of cost - is neither efficient nor necessary.", "hypothesis": "Plants that emit mercury are not necessary."} {"idx": "mnli-451", "premise": "It was dead quiet.", "hypothesis": "There wasn't much noise in the air."} {"idx": "mnli-452", "premise": "it really is our kids are all grown and gone and away from home so our our new family is the you know our two cats and our dog we never really well we had we did have some time to devote to them you know but not nearly as much time as we have now so they've really become children they're they're real characters they really well all of them are", "hypothesis": "Since our kids are all grown and gone, we have the pets to fill their spots."} {"idx": "mnli-453", "premise": "As noted above, the LSC case count for 1999 includes all cases that meet LSC eligibility criteria, regardless of the funding mix of any particular grantee.", "hypothesis": "The LSC included cases of any tupe of funding."} {"idx": "mnli-454", "premise": "no um my husband has a grandmother in a nursing home and that has been a real mess to say the least", "hypothesis": "It's been a dream once we moved my husband's grandmother into the nursing home."} {"idx": "mnli-455", "premise": "but uh because i work for uh Hal Ammon", "hypothesis": "I work for Hal Ammon."} {"idx": "mnli-456", "premise": "yeah the current average or whatever", "hypothesis": "Yeah the average right now."} {"idx": "mnli-457", "premise": "She had decided not to ask if Sir James was \"at home,\" but to adopt a more personal attitude.", "hypothesis": "She straight up asked if Sir James was \"at home\"."} {"idx": "mnli-458", "premise": "Nor was a common start or end point identified for design review as an element of the facility acquisition process.", "hypothesis": "A common start or end point was not identified in the facility's construction."} {"idx": "mnli-459", "premise": "A company of handweavers has been working here since at least 1723, and visitors are able to watch them at work, but their products have become less distinctive since they expanded into a popular tourist attraction.", "hypothesis": "Tourists can view the company of handweavers work, but the historic company have less distinctive products now due to becoming a popular attraction."} {"idx": "mnli-460", "premise": "And so there are self-righteous demands for international labor We should not, the opponents of globalization insist, be willing to buy those sneakers and shirts unless the people who make them receive decent wages and work under decent conditions.", "hypothesis": "There is very little demand for cheap goods through international labor."} {"idx": "mnli-461", "premise": "Dublin is an intimate city, physically small but tightly packed, a perfect place for walking.", "hypothesis": "Dublin is a dense city made for foot travel."} {"idx": "mnli-462", "premise": "You will be able to buy it at the giftshop adjacent to the ship on your visit.", "hypothesis": "You can buy the item at the giftshop on your visit."} {"idx": "mnli-463", "premise": "A third Asian neighborhood, Koreatown, lies west of downtown along Olympic Boulevard between Vermont and Western avenues.", "hypothesis": "The Olympic Boulevard is east of Koreatown and so is Vermont and Western avenues."} {"idx": "mnli-464", "premise": "The others followed.", "hypothesis": "The others had followed Jon."} {"idx": "mnli-465", "premise": "Gigot thinks the tax fraud proceedings against Hubbell are legitimate and ordinary, while everyone else regards the indictments as trumped-up mini-crimes meant to squeeze Hubbell into giving Starr what he wants--cooperation.", "hypothesis": "There is a disagreement as to whether Hubbell's tax fraud charges are being conducted in a proper manner."} {"idx": "mnli-466", "premise": "U.S. economic interests through the prevention and mitigation ofmarine incidents.", "hypothesis": "Prevention of marine incidents for U.S. economic reasons."} {"idx": "mnli-467", "premise": "It could be very confusing.", "hypothesis": "It is always clear and easy to understand. "} {"idx": "mnli-468", "premise": "Room 5 holds objects from the final phase of Minoan civilization (1450-1400 b.c.).", "hypothesis": "Room 5 has stuff from the middle ages."} {"idx": "mnli-469", "premise": "right yeah i i spend a lot of time down in Charlotte uh and on their just the the regular TV not cable you can pick up four PB or three PBS channels", "hypothesis": "You can get all sorts of cable channel access in Charlotte."} {"idx": "mnli-470", "premise": "The magazine's humor often depended on racist and sexist stereotypes, such as wide-grinned, watermelon-eating blacks.", "hypothesis": "The magazine depended on this type of humor."} {"idx": "mnli-471", "premise": "When he looks back a year from now, Rubin said he hopes the foundation has new programs, a higher profile and a rejuvenated board.", "hypothesis": "Rubin does not want to be working on the program in a year from now."} {"idx": "mnli-472", "premise": "But, says Lindburg, 'if you protect the panda, you're protecting the golden monkey, the monal pheasants, the takins.", "hypothesis": "Saving the Panda will not help any other animals."} {"idx": "mnli-473", "premise": "Adopting a unified approach to reduce SO2, NOx and mercury is better than looking at each pollutant separately because of synergistic effects.", "hypothesis": "Mercury, NOx, and SO2 are best considered in harm reduction by themselves, since they bear no relation to each other."} {"idx": "mnli-474", "premise": "In the southeast corner of the courtyard is the Turkish Sultana's House, or Hujra-i-Anup Talao (the Chamber of the Peerless Pool); animals covering every wall panel and pillar create the illusion of woodwork rather than stone.", "hypothesis": "There are a number of animals on the wall panels."} {"idx": "mnli-475", "premise": "It was refurbished in the Victorian era but rendered useless by succeeding Nile dams.", "hypothesis": "The Nile damns were useless."} {"idx": "mnli-476", "premise": "so what do you think about it", "hypothesis": "What do you think about flying across the country?"} {"idx": "mnli-477", "premise": "Women are so large a part of the labor force that it is hard to believe that this could be true of the total if it were not also true of women.", "hypothesis": "Men are a huge part of the labor force so they are the only ones that matter."} {"idx": "mnli-478", "premise": "Breyiana Breyiana look at me please just a second be quite please i can not hear i will talk to you in just a second go ahead so she went to school out here", "hypothesis": "Please be quiet for a second; I cannot hear and will talk to you in a second."} {"idx": "mnli-479", "premise": "yeah actually when we were up north um but some family things changed so we ended up coming back down here and all that because it helped my husband's work but um we really would like to but we don't know if we're going to do it unless we stay here you know it", "hypothesis": "We are certain of what we are going to do if we stay here. "} {"idx": "mnli-480", "premise": "yeah well i think they got i think that was almost everyone of them that he recruited uh recruited for this year", "hypothesis": "He recruited everyone for this year."} {"idx": "mnli-481", "premise": "As a matter of fact he is.", "hypothesis": "He is, actually. "} {"idx": "mnli-482", "premise": "here, where you should click the FIFA Online link, which you'll find on the left (under THE BASICS).", "hypothesis": "You'll have to click the FIFA link over to the right, above THE BASICS."} {"idx": "mnli-483", "premise": "Town End is full of wonderful artifacts from 17th-century daily life, such as cooking utensils bowls, pans, crockery, and hooks to hang hare and pheasants rag rugs made by the women of the household, and laundry implements such as a dolly used for stirring the clothes in the washing tub.", "hypothesis": "There are many artefacts in Town End which date back to the 1600s, including laundry tools and cookware. "} {"idx": "mnli-484", "premise": "She had come to know Betty Currie very well.", "hypothesis": "She had come to quite dislike Betty Currie."} {"idx": "mnli-485", "premise": "Why come here? The torrent has started already and many other southern villages surely draw the interest of bandits.", "hypothesis": "There were villages in the south."} {"idx": "mnli-486", "premise": "It took the advent of jetliners and cruise ships for that to happen.", "hypothesis": "There are no cruise ships in the area."} {"idx": "mnli-487", "premise": "uh Malaysia four years in Malaysia and three years in the Philippines", "hypothesis": "Six years in Malaysia and two years in the Philippines."} {"idx": "mnli-488", "premise": "By these criteria Kinsey fares well.", "hypothesis": "Kinsey's research is useful in the modern era."} {"idx": "mnli-489", "premise": "Longabaugh noted that new and creative interventions may be developed in the ED that the rest of the field will want to adapt and explore.", "hypothesis": "Longabaugh is an investigative journalist with more than thirty years experience."} {"idx": "mnli-490", "premise": "Adrienne Worthy, executive director of Legal Aid, said her agency will receive $400,000 less in federal funds in 2003, because the 2000 Census found 30,000 fewer poor people in West Virginia.", "hypothesis": "Federal funds are dependent upon the populous which they serve."} {"idx": "mnli-491", "premise": "The show is at its best on weekend afternoons, with everything from beach boys on unicycles to rock musicians on roller blades.", "hypothesis": "The show is still pretty good in the morning, but not its best."} {"idx": "mnli-492", "premise": "After years of neglect it was restored, beginning in the mid-1970s, and opened to the public in 1984.", "hypothesis": "It was left to rot."} {"idx": "mnli-493", "premise": "uh the ones we see are Americans by marriage a huge number here in Colorado Springs there's an Air Force base and an army base", "hypothesis": "There aren't any army establishments in Colorado. "} {"idx": "mnli-494", "premise": "that's right uh-huh well you know it's just like you say there's so much stuff that needs to be done here in this country and uh you know if if you could have a thought of something like uh like a uh uh a Peace Corps sort of organization i mean this would be so useful just in uh for instance just helping old folks", "hypothesis": "There's a lot of stuff we need to do in this country."} {"idx": "mnli-495", "premise": "Flanked by some of the city's most stylish fashion boutiques and shoe stores, the quarter's main street retains the commercial tradition of its medieval name, Via de' Caleiuoli (stocking- and shoe-makers).", "hypothesis": "The main street has shops where you can buy shoes and stockings."} {"idx": "mnli-496", "premise": "Randall tells the Enquirer the baby, Jefferson, is named after 19 th century comic actor Joseph Jefferson but does not say if Randall actually attended any of the actor's performances.", "hypothesis": "Randall did in fact attend many of Jefferson's performances."} {"idx": "mnli-497", "premise": "The inner courtyard, the Nasal Chowk, is one of the few that can be visited.", "hypothesis": "Nasal Chowk is not open to the public."} {"idx": "mnli-498", "premise": "We established the program because we were concerned about the changeover, Wheeler said.", "hypothesis": "Wheeler said that the program was established because of the changeover concern. "} {"idx": "mnli-499", "premise": "Sir James Peel Edgerton said you would be able to manage that for me.", "hypothesis": "Sir James Peel Edgerton was lying when he told me you could manage that for me."} {"idx": "mnli-500", "premise": "' There were even days when I would wake up and think, 'Please God, let me die.", "hypothesis": "I had suffered severe depression during those days."} {"idx": "mnli-501", "premise": "A rickety flight of steps links with the tomb entrance before you make your way down inside to the ornate burial chamber.", "hypothesis": "The steps which link the burial chamber to the entrance are quite dangerous to walk on. "} {"idx": "mnli-502", "premise": "yeah but well they vary from from place to place it's hard to tell you know how well they've been kept up how old they are and these are probably oh one of the nicest that i found and uh", "hypothesis": "It's hard to tell how things have been kept up and their age because they vary so much from place to place. "} {"idx": "mnli-503", "premise": "So the reverse hypothesis could be just as valid.", "hypothesis": "The opposite theory could be just as valid or worse."} {"idx": "mnli-504", "premise": "In the new version, Reich sticks to the transcript and accurately quotes Saxton droning on at length about studies and Godfather's Pizza.", "hypothesis": "Reich's version is accurate."} {"idx": "mnli-505", "premise": "um i don't know i you know i heard a very interesting and maybe it's just the TV show or movie i was watching they were going through a trial and i think it was like on one of the the documentary TV shows where they ask for the the verdict by the jury", "hypothesis": "It's interesting, I heard it while watching the TV."} {"idx": "mnli-506", "premise": "But what about the other editors of the Daily Cal who couldn't say they'd been martyred at a campus once renowned for its leftism?", "hypothesis": "Some editors of the Daily Cal mentioned that the campus was once leftist."} {"idx": "mnli-507", "premise": "Sewage was thrown into the streets from upstairs windows, accompanied by shouts of Gardeyloo! ", "hypothesis": "Sewage poured into upstairs windows from the streets while people whispered to each other."} {"idx": "mnli-508", "premise": "Such a program, coupled with appropriate measures to address local concerns, would provide significant health benefits even as we increase energy supplies and maintain reasonable electricity rates.", "hypothesis": "Significant health benefits are worth many costs, as they save the economy a lot of money anyway."} {"idx": "mnli-509", "premise": "At first this resulted in an Independent Kingdom of Mallorca, under Jaume II, followed by Sanc and Jaume III.", "hypothesis": "Jaume II followed Jaume III as leader of Mallorca."} {"idx": "mnli-510", "premise": "An environmental expert may study the winds that flowed from the old Wingate landfill incinerator's smokestacks, and identify wide areas where people may have been exposed to toxic chemicals.", "hypothesis": "Trying to identify placed where people could have been exposed to toxic chemicals is impossible."} {"idx": "mnli-511", "premise": "You and Tuppence have been sticking together like Siamese twins.", "hypothesis": "You and Tuppence have barely seen each other."} {"idx": "mnli-512", "premise": "if a person has done a crime so bad that the jury gives them the death penalty now the Supreme Court says we've got to give them one appeal okay i agree give them one appeal when that appeal fails within thirty days execution of sentence", "hypothesis": "You are allowed to appeal the death sentence. "} {"idx": "mnli-513", "premise": "you mean it's that at a like a stranger a total stranger", "hypothesis": "You mean it's like your childhood best friend?"} {"idx": "mnli-514", "premise": "Western Spruce Budworm in the Carson National", "hypothesis": "In the Carson National, Western Spruce Budworm, continued the presenter"} {"idx": "mnli-515", "premise": "News accounts agree that Arafat has finally shed his image as a terrorist and is now being honored by the White House not only as a virtual head of state but as the indispensable player in the peace process.", "hypothesis": "Arafat has a distaste for terrorism and wants to be peaceful in america"} {"idx": "mnli-516", "premise": "We have the advantage tonight.", "hypothesis": "We do not have the advantage tonight."} {"idx": "mnli-517", "premise": "Locked up in the desk in the boudoir, they found a will of Mrs. Inglethorp's, dated before her marriage, leaving her fortune to Alfred Inglethorp. ", "hypothesis": "They found Mrs. Inglethorp's will, which left all her fortune to Alfred Inglethorp."} {"idx": "mnli-518", "premise": "His next two shots landed in the chests of two riders carrying long bladed sticks.", "hypothesis": "He missed the riders completely."} {"idx": "mnli-519", "premise": "um i haven't kept up with uh the Texas politics other than that dirty little uh governor fight", "hypothesis": "There was a governor fight in Texan politics"} {"idx": "mnli-520", "premise": "Financial Examination of IRS' Fiscal Year 1995 Financial Statements (GAO/AIMD-96-101, July 11, 1996)", "hypothesis": "There was no examination of the 1995 year."} {"idx": "mnli-521", "premise": "Insofar as the best Japanese corporations are not the global hegemons we once thought they would be, it may be because everyone else has learned from them, which is of course exactly how competitive markets are supposed to work.", "hypothesis": "Japanese corporations were global leaders in the 20th century."} {"idx": "mnli-522", "premise": "uh let me ask you something did you get a catalog or something from these people yet", "hypothesis": "Did those people send you anything?"} {"idx": "mnli-523", "premise": "We'll handle this.'", "hypothesis": "It is too much for us."} {"idx": "mnli-524", "premise": "It conducts numerous CLE accredited trainings each year, and coordinates bi-monthly statewide task force meetings in the areas of family, housing, public benefits, consumer, immigration and seniors law.", "hypothesis": "Many people attend statewide task force meetings in all offered topics."} {"idx": "mnli-525", "premise": "but she seems to me to be you know pretty quick and smart and she's already reading and writing and stuff like that and she just turned five last month", "hypothesis": "She can't read at all."} {"idx": "mnli-526", "premise": "For example, one industry case study organization sponsors a 3-month course to retrain about 2,000 legacy employees in project management skills.", "hypothesis": "One case study organization sponsors a course that lasts 3 months and costs $10,000 for the company to enroll in."} {"idx": "mnli-527", "premise": "Great billowing streaks of flame, snaking to heaven and coiling up the sky.", "hypothesis": "There was no fire, smoke or flames."} {"idx": "mnli-528", "premise": "TV is the most important medium for conveying history.", "hypothesis": "TV is the most important medium for showing history."} {"idx": "mnli-529", "premise": "It is especially renowned as the last center of training for the city's most celebrated residents, the geisha.", "hypothesis": "Geisha have never trained there."} {"idx": "mnli-530", "premise": "One might think they'd team up, to feature a monthlong show of John Gielgud, sitting in Archie Bunker's chair, explaining the pilgrims to passers-by.", "hypothesis": "The show was made."} {"idx": "mnli-531", "premise": "Israelis are delighted that people from everywhere visit their country, and welcome you with genuine warmth.", "hypothesis": "Israelis are cold toward travelers."} {"idx": "mnli-532", "premise": "Oh well, if we're not destined for matrimony in this lifetime, perhaps circumstances will someday allow me to buy you a beer or Dr Pepper or something.", "hypothesis": "If we are married, I will buy you a beer or a Dr. Pepper."} {"idx": "mnli-533", "premise": "Adrin said nothing and Gabriel continued.", "hypothesis": "Gabriel quietly listened to Adrin recite his poem. "} {"idx": "mnli-534", "premise": "yeah i do that too", "hypothesis": "Yes, I do that as well."} {"idx": "mnli-535", "premise": "Praise goes to Kirstie Alley, who plays an aging ex-model now in the lingerie Less frenetic than Lucy, more mature than Mary (Richard Corliss, Time ). The Washington Post 's Tom Shales dissents, calling Alley unwatchably neurotic and in a virtually perpetual feverish tizzy.", "hypothesis": "Kirstie Alley plays an older ex-model in the tv show."} {"idx": "mnli-536", "premise": "Trade publishers sold 5 percent fewer books than they did the year before.", "hypothesis": "Trade publisher's sell rate is increasing when compared to last year's."} {"idx": "mnli-537", "premise": "oh yeah that yeah they they just run all over the place don't they", "hypothesis": "Don't they just run all over the place?"} {"idx": "mnli-538", "premise": "yeah these these people they have the big loudspeakers because they have uh democratic system just like ours where they elect their mayors and their councilmens it's really kind of funny it's it's kind of an invasion of your privacy privacy too they're going down these streets with these really loud speakers", "hypothesis": "Those people with the loudspeakers are very annoying."} {"idx": "mnli-539", "premise": "I could.", "hypothesis": "I am able to."} {"idx": "mnli-540", "premise": "For the same reason regarding the statutorily mandated effective date, the 30-day delay in the effective date of a rule required by 5 U.S.C.", "hypothesis": "The rule came into immediate effect."} {"idx": "mnli-541", "premise": "It assumes for cost-of-service areas (where most of power sales are likely to occur) that allowance allocations will not alter pricing of electricity.", "hypothesis": "Allowance allocations will definitely not alter the pricing of electricity in cost-of-service areas."} {"idx": "mnli-542", "premise": "no i've uh you you can rent people's kiln they they uh you take your pieces to their house or their ceramic shop and uh pay them there's one woman that charge ten dollars a month for fire all that i wanted", "hypothesis": "There are people that let you rent their kilns to finish pieces at their shop."} {"idx": "mnli-543", "premise": "well another thing that we've noticed that's uh changed over the years and uh we're not really sure exactly what we're going what we want to do with it publicly but uh the teachings uh the ideas that are taught uh don't always agree with what we would teach them either from a standpoint of morals or from a standpoint of how to handle a given situation", "hypothesis": "We noticed that the teachers say things we don't agree with."} {"idx": "mnli-544", "premise": "My beloved Sox beat the Indians.", "hypothesis": "The Sox have never played the Indians."} {"idx": "mnli-545", "premise": "I do, Dave Hanson.", "hypothesis": "Dave Hanson refused to admit anything at all."} {"idx": "mnli-546", "premise": "After relying exclusively on overseas trade, Venice created a new land-owning aristocracy through this expansion.", "hypothesis": "Venice never traded with anyone."} {"idx": "mnli-547", "premise": "He's a freakish Peter Pan--the juvenile delinquent who wouldn't grow up.", "hypothesis": "He always acts very seriously and has never behaved childishly."} {"idx": "mnli-548", "premise": "oh yeah they they spent more money last year than any other team in the in the league and they were you know toward the bottom of the league uh so it's like i said spending money doesn't guarantee you uh winning a pennant it really doesn't so", "hypothesis": "The amount of money you spend does not always indicate your level of success."} {"idx": "mnli-549", "premise": "But too often downsizing means what it has in the Union Pacific fewer people doing more work.", "hypothesis": "Downsizing in the Union Pacific leads to more people doing less work."} {"idx": "mnli-550", "premise": "so i i know the people at TI who are doing this and i heard about it so i called them and ask if i could could participate and uh", "hypothesis": "I don't know anyone at TI and that's okay because I don't want to participate anyway."} {"idx": "mnli-551", "premise": "However, WTP is generally considered to be a more readily measurable and conservative measure of benefits.", "hypothesis": "WTP is considered to be a wildly inaccurate way to measure benefits."} {"idx": "mnli-552", "premise": "Some 30 years after his death, the theaters had been destroyed, the actors dismissed and the playwrights sent into exile.", "hypothesis": "Even 30 years after he died, the theaters were still standing."} {"idx": "mnli-553", "premise": "But if the Chinese did try to buy favor with the Democrats, it may have been because they already owned the Republicans.", "hypothesis": "If the Chinese tried to buy favor with the Democrats, it's because the Republicans rejected them."} {"idx": "mnli-554", "premise": "We also show how the advocate component of statewide websites promotes effective representation by sharing legal resources and expertise - generally a function of legal work supervisors.", "hypothesis": "Legal work supervisors are usually tasked with sharing legal advice and resources."} {"idx": "mnli-555", "premise": "Kagoshima dominates the head of a deep indentation at the southern tip of Kyushu, and its harbor has played a prominent role in Japanese military history.", "hypothesis": "The southern tip of Kyushu is full of tourist attractions."} {"idx": "mnli-556", "premise": "The corrida always starts on time even if the clock occasionally has to be stopped.", "hypothesis": "Resetting the clock is a common occurrence."} {"idx": "mnli-557", "premise": "Instead, Intel makes real things.", "hypothesis": "Intel makes actual things instead, accoding to the news."} {"idx": "mnli-558", "premise": "The New Territories can be explored by taking the Kowloon Canton Railway (KCR), which makes 10 stops between the station in Kowloon and Sheung Shui, the last stop before entering China.", "hypothesis": "The Kowloon Canton Railway makes over five stops between the station and Sheung Shui."} {"idx": "mnli-559", "premise": "Because Mademoiselle Cynthia does not take sugar in her coffee.", "hypothesis": "Cynthia can't have sugar in her coffee due to her diet."} {"idx": "mnli-560", "premise": "For years, Congress has been working to increase the effectiveness of information and technology management in the federal government.", "hypothesis": "Congress has a special budget for information and technology management in the federal government."} {"idx": "mnli-561", "premise": "NJP operates CLEAR--Coordinated Legal Education and Referral System-- to provide telephone and internet-based referral, advice, brief service, community legal education and intake services throughout the state.", "hypothesis": "NJP provides internet-based help and assistance for those seeking legal help."} {"idx": "mnli-562", "premise": "you're very fortunate well i ran into a problem with my car uh course we have a little colder weather up here and i had set the emergency brake after we'd had a freezing rain apparently", "hypothesis": "I had car trouble in the cold weather. "} {"idx": "mnli-563", "premise": "It is wild and windswept, and its limited vegetation a far cry from the lush green interior.", "hypothesis": "Farmers have long preferred building their houses in the interior because of this."} {"idx": "mnli-564", "premise": "Republicans face the prospect of running in 1998 with a discredited, unpopular speaker who is nonetheless impossible to dethrone, and with no record of accomplishment.", "hypothesis": "The Republican speaker has an approval rating of just 27%."} {"idx": "mnli-565", "premise": "From sandy beaches, broad brown rivers, and deep forests, to rising skyscrapers and wide expressways, Malaysia is set to exceed visitors' expectations.", "hypothesis": "Malaysia is filled with so many natural and man-made wonders that's set to go beyond its tourist's expectations."} {"idx": "mnli-566", "premise": "Before 1980, federal law prohibited interest to be generated on checking accounts maintained by federally insured banks.", "hypothesis": "Federal Law prohibited interest to be generated on checking accounts, but now it's common practice."} {"idx": "mnli-567", "premise": "Three centuries later, not that much has changed ' a score of international banks have their offices here, along with celebrated jewelers, the Ministry of Justice, and the Ritz Hotel.", "hypothesis": "Seventeen international banks can be found here."} {"idx": "mnli-568", "premise": "They can even sit next to the driver.", "hypothesis": "The seat next to the driver gives the best views."} {"idx": "mnli-569", "premise": "so you don't really feel like you're really working that hard do you when you're in the water", "hypothesis": "Is swimming just as great an exercise as aerobics?"} {"idx": "mnli-570", "premise": "Jon, still looking through Adrin's eyes, saw a wicked sharp blade burst through the Kal's chest.", "hypothesis": "A blade went through Kal's chest."} {"idx": "mnli-571", "premise": "Our analysis of the Clear Skies Act includes a quantitative estimate of only two environmental recreational visibility and ozone effects on agriculture.", "hypothesis": "A qualitative estimate of only two environmental recreational visibility and ozone effects on agriculture is included in our analysis."} {"idx": "mnli-572", "premise": "Several recently refurbished rooms display over 1,700 objects found at the tomb of Tutankhamun by Howard Ceter in 1922.", "hypothesis": "Many rooms have recently been refurbished, but not this one."} {"idx": "mnli-573", "premise": "It is 'up to them' \u201das you say over here.\" Then, suddenly, he asked: \"Are you a judge of finger-marks, my friend?\"", "hypothesis": "Are you capable of passing judgment on markings of fingers?"} {"idx": "mnli-574", "premise": "So-called Houston! This one problem, Denise, or maybe Dennis, was repeating.", "hypothesis": "There is a question about the gender of the announcer."} {"idx": "mnli-575", "premise": "Analysis of this information revealed that no two of these organizations defined the design review process and its various elements in exactly the same manner.", "hypothesis": "Many organizations have a radically different approach to their design review process."} {"idx": "mnli-576", "premise": "I hoped and prayed it would not occur to John also. ", "hypothesis": "Hopefully John would realize it as well."} {"idx": "mnli-577", "premise": "It is also part of the Slate magazine permanent collection, a k a The Compost, and you can see it again by clicking here.", "hypothesis": "Slate Magazine does not have a permanent collection."} {"idx": "mnli-578", "premise": "okay i uh i have five children all together", "hypothesis": "I do not have any children."} {"idx": "mnli-579", "premise": "But don't let that discourage you.", "hypothesis": "It is hard and many people are discouraged because of it."} {"idx": "mnli-580", "premise": "What's completely intolerable is to be accurately quoted and seen--even by yourself--to be no better than you actually are.", "hypothesis": "What's completely intolerable is to be accurately quoted and still come off badly."} {"idx": "mnli-581", "premise": "But as Mir floated in orbit, the Soviet Union fell apart.", "hypothesis": "The Mir was launched into orbit by the Soviet Union."} {"idx": "mnli-582", "premise": "Thus, on close scrutiny, the Zapruder film's ultimate revelation is that Abraham Zapruder was himself a conspirator.", "hypothesis": "In the Zapruder film is revealed that he was a conspirator, this was a shock for the public."} {"idx": "mnli-583", "premise": "so we took the wiring harness out and the engine and the transmission and everything else and we put it into the the the shell that was burned we had the shell all sandblasted and painted and he he pretty much built me a car so", "hypothesis": "We transferred the engine and transmission into another body."} {"idx": "mnli-584", "premise": "A Utility Maximizer wants to acquire many things, including cash, but also such things as trips to the beach, time to watch TV, adorable grandkids, and (probably most important in this case) professional prestige.", "hypothesis": "Someone who does not want to acquire many things is a Utility Maximizer."} {"idx": "mnli-585", "premise": "Anyway, there's no way to identify the owner or owners \"Anse picked up The Three Musketeers .", "hypothesis": "There is a sure fire way to identify the owner. Anse put the book down."} {"idx": "mnli-586", "premise": "4 million, which will be divvied up nationwide.", "hypothesis": "4 million will be divided nationwide, according to the German Prime Minister."} {"idx": "mnli-587", "premise": "yeah because everybody else is growing", "hypothesis": "yes, everybody else is never growing"} {"idx": "mnli-588", "premise": "They are heeding the call of a growing pool of law schools, which are for the first time pointing graduates in a new direction and teaching them how to get there.", "hypothesis": "They are not answering the call of the pool of the law schools."} {"idx": "mnli-589", "premise": "i've had a chance to i had a chance to terminate and uh L O A and back to L O A", "hypothesis": "I never had any opportunity to end LOA. "} {"idx": "mnli-590", "premise": "no i'm not in Cape Cod i'm uh oh about a you know five minute ride from Rhode Island", "hypothesis": "I am about five minutes from Rhode Island, not in Cape Cod. "} {"idx": "mnli-591", "premise": "That you value your origins, that you cradle old stories and remember old morals.", "hypothesis": "You value your origins a lot."} {"idx": "mnli-592", "premise": "Then he has to fudge his faith so that people who don't share it won't take it seriously.", "hypothesis": "He watches what he says to other people to not offend them."} {"idx": "mnli-593", "premise": "Strike a match to see the effect.", "hypothesis": "If you want to see what happens, strike the match."} {"idx": "mnli-594", "premise": "A number of related measures can be used to measure changes in visibility associated with reduced fine particle concentrations.", "hypothesis": "The first method is the best one to use. "} {"idx": "mnli-595", "premise": "'Exactly,' he nodded.", "hypothesis": "He responded."} {"idx": "mnli-596", "premise": "As an example of urgent pro bono need, Dean Glen cited the Civil Court of New York, the nation's busiest.", "hypothesis": "The pro bono need is urgent. "} {"idx": "mnli-597", "premise": "Julius, said Tuppence firmly, \"stop walking up and down.", "hypothesis": "Keep walking up and down Julius!"} {"idx": "mnli-598", "premise": "Gaaaaandhi, gone gone gone.", "hypothesis": "Gandhi is next to me."} {"idx": "mnli-599", "premise": "Time describes the crash landing in vivid detail (right down to an alien giving first aid to a wounded colleague), then concedes that the downed spacecraft was undoubtedly a military balloon.", "hypothesis": "Time intentionally misleads the reader into believing the alien story."} {"idx": "mnli-600", "premise": "For that, they'll need to sign certain contracts.'", "hypothesis": "Certain contracts are going to need to be signed to proceed."} {"idx": "mnli-601", "premise": "When the American diplomat who supervises the international peace monitors in Kosovo accused Serb police of the massacre, the Yugoslav (i.e.", "hypothesis": "The American diplomat is extremely happy with his job and accomplishments."} {"idx": "mnli-602", "premise": "Today, the Loire is a sleepy waterway, running deep only with heavy rains or spring thaws, and its sandbanks and mud flats become islands during the summer.", "hypothesis": "The Loire's sandbanks become islands in the summer."} {"idx": "mnli-603", "premise": "Sometimes the people who represent themselves don't even know the significant facts of their case.", "hypothesis": "The law is very easy to understand, so representing yourself in court is the best way to win a case."} {"idx": "mnli-604", "premise": "Using lower cut points for females may maximize screening test performance.", "hypothesis": "Females might perform higher on the screening tests if the cut points are reduced."} {"idx": "mnli-605", "premise": "For certain types of work to be performed at an agency, GAO may initially provide only telephone or e-mail message notification.", "hypothesis": "GAO might only give telephone or email messages."} {"idx": "mnli-606", "premise": "Situated 85 km (53 miles) northwest of Paris by the A13, D181, and D5, or by train from Gare St-Lazare to Vernon with a shuttle bus from the station to Giverny.", "hypothesis": "The site can only be reached by helicopter."} {"idx": "mnli-607", "premise": "Ca'daan felt his heart jump.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan had a slow, steady pulse."} {"idx": "mnli-608", "premise": "We have examples of these in the giant outer planets.", "hypothesis": "There are instances of this in some large bodies."} {"idx": "mnli-609", "premise": "okay uh are you in the market for a new car", "hypothesis": "Are you looking for a new car?"} {"idx": "mnli-610", "premise": "White nodded.", "hypothesis": "White shook his head no."} {"idx": "mnli-611", "premise": "um me i'm a firm believer in that if you got it spend it", "hypothesis": "If you've got it, spend it."} {"idx": "mnli-612", "premise": "Adequate DO is maintained by replacing the air above the water in the bags with oxygen from a compressed gas cylinder, and sealing the bags or by use of an airstone supplied by a portable pump.", "hypothesis": "Adequate DO replaces the air with water."} {"idx": "mnli-613", "premise": "Not all falsehoods, of course, are lies (the key ingredient in a lie is intentionality).", "hypothesis": "All falsehoods are lie, regardless of intentionality."} {"idx": "mnli-614", "premise": "They were pushing the pace all right.", "hypothesis": "They were pushing the pace."} {"idx": "mnli-615", "premise": "Greenhouse gas emissions should be addressed in the context of climate change, which is being undertaken by the President's Cabinet level working group.", "hypothesis": "Greenhouse gases and climate change are being worked on by the President's Cabinet."} {"idx": "mnli-616", "premise": "I had a slew of comfortable rooms with cushions everywhere, and a fridge forever stocked with fatty foods.", "hypothesis": "There were fattening foods in the refrigerator."} {"idx": "mnli-617", "premise": "Net personal savings", "hypothesis": "There is only national and government savings."} {"idx": "mnli-618", "premise": "1.7, formerly methodology transfer paper 7.", "hypothesis": "It used to be paper 7."} {"idx": "mnli-619", "premise": "Over the past two decades, Comart has seen the role of Pine Tree change in response to federal funding cuts and stricter regulations.", "hypothesis": "The role of Pine Tree has changed over the past twenty years."} {"idx": "mnli-620", "premise": "Mangrove trees and shrubs grow on coastal marshland in the brackish zone between the sea and fresh water.", "hypothesis": "Mangrove trees grow on the coast and provide homes for lots of marine life."} {"idx": "mnli-621", "premise": "we can hook it into our uh a video or uh stereo system and uh put music to the film and that will cut out all the background the noise of the uh recorder running and that", "hypothesis": "We can cut out all the background noise when we hook it in."} {"idx": "mnli-622", "premise": "U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Construction Industry Institute (CII),3 and other FFC efforts, as well as others, to augment the study.", "hypothesis": "The FFC is augmenting the study by funding the original researchers for three more years."} {"idx": "mnli-623", "premise": "Under current law, LSC recipients may provide legal assistance to an alien if the alien is present in the United States and falls within one of several designated ", "hypothesis": "LSC recipients may provide legal aid to foreign people."} {"idx": "mnli-624", "premise": "Edinburgh Zoo has a penguin parade every day during the summer.", "hypothesis": "All summer visitors to the Edinburgh Zoo see the penguin parades."} {"idx": "mnli-625", "premise": "His problem, he said, is the current hiring freeze imposed on all city agencies.", "hypothesis": "He had a problem finding a job because of the hiring freeze."} {"idx": "mnli-626", "premise": "But a closer analysis of the weather map suggests Mother Nature actually favors the Democrats this year.", "hypothesis": "Mother Nature has been a democrat for years."} {"idx": "mnli-627", "premise": " Elsewhere, great events were changing the shape of the world.", "hypothesis": "The great events that were occurring were important."} {"idx": "mnli-628", "premise": "Shenzhen was China's first Special Economic Zone.", "hypothesis": "Within China was Shenzhen, and it was China's first and only Special Economic Zone."} {"idx": "mnli-629", "premise": "Reservations for hotels, jungle lodges, and flights to and within Nepal can be hard to confirm in the busiest seasons if you wait too long.", "hypothesis": "There is no touristic interest in Nepal and scarcely anyone has visited in decades."} {"idx": "mnli-630", "premise": "What missions or functions is the acquisition to support?", "hypothesis": "What is the purpose of acquisition to support?"} {"idx": "mnli-631", "premise": "He might have stowed them there in a hurry.", "hypothesis": "They might have been put there in a rush."} {"idx": "mnli-632", "premise": "Still, the Johnnies will wait now.\" In the general relief at Inglethorp's approaching departure, we had the most genial breakfast we had experienced since the tragedy. ", "hypothesis": "We held a friendly morning meal, one of the best since the event occurred."} {"idx": "mnli-633", "premise": "oh the potato they were they're delicious but they you don't get seem to get that much for the space they they do", "hypothesis": "Potatoes need a lot of space to grow."} {"idx": "mnli-634", "premise": "Local columnists have pointed out a number of errors and unsubstantiated stories in Davis' two books about Los City of Quartz (1990) and Ecology of Fear (1998).", "hypothesis": "Ecology of Fear, according to the columnists, contained errors but Los City of Quartz didn't."} {"idx": "mnli-635", "premise": "However, if it is obtained in order to engage the patient in treatment, the information is protected under the above federal regulations that require the express, written permission of the patient before it can be shared with others.", "hypothesis": "If it is needed to contact the patient the information will not be leaked."} {"idx": "mnli-636", "premise": "Then after everyone's gone, stay on to see the marvelous 13th-century sculpted Angel's Pillar (Pilier des Anges) in peace.", "hypothesis": "There is always a large crowd of people waiting to see the Angel's Pillar. "} {"idx": "mnli-637", "premise": "Seven thousand troops under Sir Ralph Abercromby landed east of San Juan and blockaded the city.", "hypothesis": "Seven thousand men blockaded the city."} {"idx": "mnli-638", "premise": "The amount recorded by both entities is the transferring entity's book value of the asset.", "hypothesis": "The amount recorded was well over $100,000."} {"idx": "mnli-639", "premise": "Alternatively, he could have used his address to the Christian Coalition last Friday to criticize religious intolerance.", "hypothesis": "He could have talked about how tolerant the coalition was."} {"idx": "mnli-640", "premise": "The Duddon Valley and the rolling hillsides around the village of Ulpha were much favored by Wordsworth.", "hypothesis": "Wordsworth frequently lambasted the Duddon Valley because of its hillsides."} {"idx": "mnli-641", "premise": "But there are different kinds of fishing.", "hypothesis": "There are different ways to fish."} {"idx": "mnli-642", "premise": "Buy soon or you may miss the chance.", "hypothesis": "Don't buy, you won't miss it. "} {"idx": "mnli-643", "premise": "Since NOx emissions result in formation of ground-level ozone, reducing NOx emissions will reduce ozone levels and thus reduce the deleterious effects of ozone on human health and ecosystems.", "hypothesis": "Reducing NOx emissions will have no effect on human health."} {"idx": "mnli-644", "premise": "i think if you know the cities locally you know they'd get more programs going so that you could do that it'd make it a lot easier so", "hypothesis": "If the cities started more programs for children it would be more convenient."} {"idx": "mnli-645", "premise": "White looked up at me, quite slowly.", "hypothesis": "White raised his eyes to mine slowly."} {"idx": "mnli-646", "premise": "An experienced diver may prefer moving onto the Sinai, where the diving is even better.", "hypothesis": "The diving experience is considered better in Sinai."} {"idx": "mnli-647", "premise": "The value of Philly's program, observes former New Jersey Superior Court Judge Daniel R. Coburn, is that it separates the minnows from the sharks, then holds the minnows accountable and hence less likely to become sharks, let alone become the predatory Great Whites we must incarcerate.", "hypothesis": "The value of Philly's program is that it doesn't separate the minnows from the sharks."} {"idx": "mnli-648", "premise": "As Krishna, he is usually depicted with a blue face, an after-effect of swallowing a poison that threatened the world, and is often represented playing a flute or sporting with the milkmaids he seduced.", "hypothesis": "He is usually depicted with the blue face as Krishna, an after-effect of swallowing a poison that threatened the world, and is often represented sporting with the milkmaids he seduced, or playing a flute."} {"idx": "mnli-649", "premise": "MSNBC, USA Today, and Yahoo!", "hypothesis": "There are news networks."} {"idx": "mnli-650", "premise": "(5)(A) The term baseline heat input means, except under subpart 1 of part B and section 407, the average annual heat input used by a unit during the three years in which the unit had the highest heat input for the period 1997 through 2001.", "hypothesis": "The baseline heat input is the lowest annual heat input over 3 years."} {"idx": "mnli-651", "premise": "As European power-brokering turned into World War I, Egypt became vital to the British, being close to the enemy Ottoman heartland, and allowing quick passage through the Suez Canal to her dominions in India, the Far East, Australia, and New Zealand.", "hypothesis": "World War I ended."} {"idx": "mnli-652", "premise": "you know kids", "hypothesis": "You can predict what these kids will want to do next."} {"idx": "mnli-653", "premise": "part of its infrastructure to help managers run the entity and achieve their aims on an ongoing basis.", "hypothesis": "The new infrastructure will create more opportunities for the managers."} {"idx": "mnli-654", "premise": "Who is Stark? asked Jon.", "hypothesis": "Jon asked who Stark was and what he did for a living."} {"idx": "mnli-655", "premise": "If you would like a more novel, self-drive way of exploring the desert, hire a Quad Runner.", "hypothesis": "Hire a Quad Runner to explore the desert in a more novel, self-drive way."} {"idx": "mnli-656", "premise": "Because companies know they have to deliver high-quality products quickly and affordably, they limit the challenge for their program managers and provide strong incentives to capture design and manufacturing knowledge early in the process.", "hypothesis": "Companies know that they have to deliver the best quality products quickly. "} {"idx": "mnli-657", "premise": "You enter by the Carriage Gate, where, on the rare occasions they were permitted outside, the women moun?\u03b4ed their carriages.", "hypothesis": "Women were not often permitted outside without wearing the proper attire."} {"idx": "mnli-658", "premise": "Hindu ethics say that the path to salvation has three righteousness, prosperity honestly achieved, and, not least, pleasure.", "hypothesis": "The way to achieve prosperity honestly is written in Hindu texts."} {"idx": "mnli-659", "premise": "There are some smart people--most notably Harvard's Jeffrey Sachs--who believe that, but my view is that Asian economies had gone seriously off the rails well before last summer, and that some kind of unpleasant comeuppance was inevitable.", "hypothesis": "I think Asian economies are doing great."} {"idx": "mnli-660", "premise": "They celebrate the U.S. women's comparative innocence.", "hypothesis": "They berate the U.S women for their comparative innocence."} {"idx": "mnli-661", "premise": "There we found an open door, flapping in the breeze.", "hypothesis": "The door was closed tightly."} {"idx": "mnli-662", "premise": "uh i'm i'm not real sure that the young girls of today are being forced into the job market as many of them imply i think they're going in by choice", "hypothesis": "There are always jobs available for young girls today."} {"idx": "mnli-663", "premise": "That goddamned hamster dance.", "hypothesis": "That darn little animal dance."} {"idx": "mnli-664", "premise": "At 1,467 m (4,813 ft) it dominates the lush and rugged south of Basse Terre.", "hypothesis": "It is located north of Basse Terre."} {"idx": "mnli-665", "premise": "uh i work on my own i've got an nineteen eighty Trans Am that i've had uh since it was new", "hypothesis": "I work solo and also own a 1980 Trans Am."} {"idx": "mnli-666", "premise": "Rock, Folk, and The Royal Dublin Society in Ballsbridge holds huge open-air concerts, including rock, folk, and jazz.", "hypothesis": "There are open-air concerts in Ballsbridge."} {"idx": "mnli-667", "premise": "A legitimate businessman, Hughes was nonetheless eccentric and dramatic, a style suited to the Las Vegas ethos.", "hypothesis": "Las vegas does not have an ethos about it."} {"idx": "mnli-668", "premise": "...Roman, that you have an enormous amount of experience in the field of telecommunications.", "hypothesis": "Roman has a lot of experience."} {"idx": "mnli-669", "premise": "yeah uh-huh yeah we're not too far behind i graduated in seventy one so i'm i'm same generation i i'm it's going to be a short conversation because i agree with you i i think uh i don't i don't even think it ought to be uh voluntary i think it ought to be mandatory", "hypothesis": "I graduated in ninety-one so we grew up in different generations. "} {"idx": "mnli-670", "premise": "so but uh Denny Crum ran his mouth a little bit too much", "hypothesis": "Denny Crum talked only when he had to."} {"idx": "mnli-671", "premise": "yeah well about that same time branches were falling off ev erywhere and we were actually in a state of emergency for two weeks", "hypothesis": "Branches that have fallen littered the driveways and made it a challenge to commute."} {"idx": "mnli-672", "premise": "This is the most easily accessible of the New Territories' walled villages.", "hypothesis": "Other New Territories villages are hard to access."} {"idx": "mnli-673", "premise": "One of his arms was a hook.", "hypothesis": "He had a hook for one arm."} {"idx": "mnli-674", "premise": "LSC strongly encourages all its grantees to obtain other funding for the client community that Congress has legislated is eligible for LSC funding.", "hypothesis": "KSC helps its grantees obtain funds "} {"idx": "mnli-675", "premise": "No, I can't say it did. ", "hypothesis": "There were no clues. "} {"idx": "mnli-676", "premise": "and uh you know people say you know it's expensive for to send kids to college but if if an everybody would be a little bit responsible you know it's like what what does it cost it costs five hundred dollars a semester suppose that they go to a state college and they live at home", "hypothesis": "People say college is expensive."} {"idx": "mnli-677", "premise": "We recognize that federal agencies, including GAO, might be able to achieve some additional savings by taking more advantage of frequent flyer miles for government travel.", "hypothesis": "GAO will end up spending more money on government travel costs if they use frequent flyer miles. "} {"idx": "mnli-678", "premise": "Today, a reinforced-concrete replica reproduces only the great five-storied tower, 42 m (138 ft) high, surrounded by moats and ivy-covered ramparts.", "hypothesis": "The ramparts surrounding the tower are fairly new."} {"idx": "mnli-679", "premise": "Today, a visit to the quarries, just outside town, reveals some of the secrets of how the ancient Egyptians worked the stone.", "hypothesis": "Visiting the quarries is a great way to learn how ancient Egyptians worked with stone."} {"idx": "mnli-680", "premise": "Moreover, CBO's inflated baseline assumes that discretionary spending-which is controlled through annual appropriations-will grow after 2002 at the rate of inflation.", "hypothesis": "Moreover, CBO's inflated baseline assumes that discretionary spending-which is controlled through annual appropriations-will grow after 2002 at the rate of inflation, perhaps even more, depending on how inflated the baseline becomes thereafter."} {"idx": "mnli-681", "premise": "no no they don't and you know they're just real shallow people", "hypothesis": "They are shallow people."} {"idx": "mnli-682", "premise": "yeah yeah well i have we have a uh recreation center which is almost right across the street from our uh office", "hypothesis": "we have access to a recreation center which is pretty much just across the street from our office"} {"idx": "mnli-683", "premise": "However, the Court has since explained that the Rust counseling activities amounted to governmental speech, sustaining view", "hypothesis": "The Court found that the Rust counseling activities did not amount to governmental speech."} {"idx": "mnli-684", "premise": "that get the kind of control that's bad you know and that their governments can become so corrupt and it's like well uh you know i use to feel like", "hypothesis": "There is no way that the government could be corrupted."} {"idx": "mnli-685", "premise": "1. Emergency medicine physicians should increase their knowledge, skills, and confidence in alcohol screening and intervention.", "hypothesis": "Emergency medicine physicians have nothing to gain by learning about alcohol screening."} {"idx": "mnli-686", "premise": "The kiosk used by Williams is part of a statewide effort to cope with a flood of litigants who cannot afford or refuse to hire lawyers.", "hypothesis": "The kiosk is an attempt at easing the flood of litigants unable, or refusing, to hire attorneys. "} {"idx": "mnli-687", "premise": "This great civilization came to a sudden, catastrophic end around 1450 b.c.", "hypothesis": "The cause of its end was a plague that completely wiped out the population."} {"idx": "mnli-688", "premise": "'He did this happen?' Natalia asked, gesturing to a window.", "hypothesis": "Natalia silently stared out the window."} {"idx": "mnli-689", "premise": "uh-huh so that might lead you to a biased uh decision perhaps if you were uh-huh", "hypothesis": "I'm sure you'll be fair to both parties"} {"idx": "mnli-690", "premise": "oh just to see just just to check on a lab", "hypothesis": "To see and check the lab. "} {"idx": "mnli-691", "premise": "I can only hope we can save them, thought Jon.", "hypothesis": "Jon wanted to save them from the angry mob."} {"idx": "mnli-692", "premise": "Why didn't you kill me off at once before I regained consciousness?\" The German hesitated, and Tommy seized his advantage.", "hypothesis": "The German waited too long and gave Tommy an advantage."} {"idx": "mnli-693", "premise": "but i like Bradshaw as a quarterback and i think uh Joe Montana's probably one of the finest and John Elway i believe that fellow if he had some different people in front of him he would be on par with with Joe Montana because i really think that Denver did not do much for Elway and his career except make him look bad on times when he really should not have looked that bad", "hypothesis": "John Elway and Joe Montana played football together,"} {"idx": "mnli-694", "premise": "uh shoot i can't even think of the name of it now", "hypothesis": "I never knew what it was called."} {"idx": "mnli-695", "premise": "Perfectly sickening the way those brass hats drove from the War Office to the Savoy, and from the Savoy to the War Office!", "hypothesis": "The hats from the War Office were made of leather."} {"idx": "mnli-696", "premise": "And yet...they looked at me with awe.", "hypothesis": "Every single one of them was blind and could not see me standing there. "} {"idx": "mnli-697", "premise": "oh so what they're doing they're discounting for cash is the way they're because i think it is illegal to add a surcharge so", "hypothesis": "Adding a surcharge was abused so it is now illegal."} {"idx": "mnli-698", "premise": "The AIB delivers real-time information in the banner.", "hypothesis": "The banner does not include information from AIB."} {"idx": "mnli-699", "premise": "yes um-hum uh but you know back to the idea of parents i my my personal feelings is that parents need to be taking more responsibility i think the way i like to look at it you know a lot of people look at well whose job is it to teach the kids well it's the school's job i think whose job is it to teach the kids well primarily it's the parents job", "hypothesis": "I think parents have a greater responsibility in what concerns their children's education than school."} {"idx": "mnli-700", "premise": "yeah we do that too we're fortunate though this year somehow how it's only March and we've already used up our entire amount i don't know if that's good or bad", "hypothesis": "We still have ample funds that can sustain us till the end of this month."} {"idx": "mnli-701", "premise": "hm yeah i i enjoy volleyball i'm just not very good at it and i end up just", "hypothesis": "I'm better at volleyball than others. "} {"idx": "mnli-702", "premise": "Well what of it?", "hypothesis": "What is it?"} {"idx": "mnli-703", "premise": "Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994 (FASA) (Public Law 103-355) a This law requires agencies to define cost, schedule, and performance goals for federal acquisition programs (to include IT projects) and monitor These programs to ensure that they remain within prescribed tolerances.", "hypothesis": "This law demands agencies define various goals for acquisition programs."} {"idx": "mnli-704", "premise": "you know twenty dollars for tests and forty dollars for this and and you know and it creeps up on you you don't know that you know you really you you don't know what it's gonna cost until it's all over", "hypothesis": "You know exactly how much it will cost throughout the whole process."} {"idx": "mnli-705", "premise": "That first glimpse of the towering, steepled abbey rising from the sea on its rock is a moment you will not forget.", "hypothesis": "Most people who have viewed the abbey rising from the ocean comment that it is a life-changing experience. "} {"idx": "mnli-706", "premise": "There are two facts of significance.\"", "hypothesis": "We still don't have any facts."} {"idx": "mnli-707", "premise": "This is all pure high-toned and irritating, vibrating with barely curtailed snobbism, but also venturing hard queries and unpopular responses.", "hypothesis": "This is obnoxious and snobby."} {"idx": "mnli-708", "premise": "Cold Mountain is advanced humbug.", "hypothesis": "Advanced humbug means Cold Mountain."} {"idx": "mnli-709", "premise": "Unfortunately, these are trappings that come with billion-dollar price tags attached.", "hypothesis": "These trappings are what come from the billion-dollar price tags associated with them."} {"idx": "mnli-710", "premise": "Respectfully yours,", "hypothesis": "Disrespectfully yours"} {"idx": "mnli-711", "premise": "yeah that's easy to do it's very easy to do and it's i don't it do you find it easier to i mean do with a budget do you feel like you're you do i mean i know you said you have better control but", "hypothesis": "If you have a very small budget, it makes it difficult."} {"idx": "mnli-712", "premise": "Physicians are unlikely to screen if it affects their legitimate expectation for financial remuneration for patient care.", "hypothesis": "Physicians are doctors for children."} {"idx": "mnli-713", "premise": "I've always heard you Revolutionists held life cheap, but it seems there's a difference when it's your own life 197 in question.", "hypothesis": "I've constantly heard that you Revolutionists value life greatly."} {"idx": "mnli-714", "premise": "In between was a column of riders, lighting fast and able to cleave into any resistance the two groups of foot soldiers ran into.", "hypothesis": "Between the light, there were many riders, quickly riding through the groups of foot soldiers."} {"idx": "mnli-715", "premise": "FEMA personnel will be on hand to meet with flood victims to answer questions and provide recovery information and written materials about various assistance programs.", "hypothesis": "FEMA refuses to help flood victims."} {"idx": "mnli-716", "premise": "He doesn't need a cover story or another job as a high-powered media executive, so he has no incentive to lie about his departure.", "hypothesis": "He is not going to leave the company."} {"idx": "mnli-717", "premise": "yeah i just wish it was a little more convenient convenient to do you know", "hypothesis": "I want it to be easier to do."} {"idx": "mnli-718", "premise": "Once in production, programs will cut quantities to maintain funding or once fielded, they rely on the operations and maintenance budget to pay for reliability problems not solved in development.", "hypothesis": "Once in production, the programs will not cut its quantities."} {"idx": "mnli-719", "premise": "He also noted that any such upgrade would be a large and expensive effort, and that it was unclear when, if ever, hypertext links could be added to the Federal Register.", "hypothesis": "Ugrades are a headache. "} {"idx": "mnli-720", "premise": "Comments on classified or restricted reports should be transmitted in the manner agreed to by GAO and the agency.", "hypothesis": "There are specific transmission methodologies for classified reports."} {"idx": "mnli-721", "premise": "To give the reader a basis for judging the prevalence and consequences of these findings, the instances identified should be related to the population or the number of cases examined and be quantified in terms of dollar", "hypothesis": "There population cannot be quantified into dollars."} {"idx": "mnli-722", "premise": "The best book in many years on Washington media, says the Weekly Standard 's Andrew Ferguson.", "hypothesis": "The best book in years on Washington media according to everyone except Andrew Ferguson."} {"idx": "mnli-723", "premise": "Professor Cleveland worked for two years (1994-1996) for Florida Legal Services as a Skadden Fellow, conducting civil impact litigation on behalf of Caribbean H-2A migrant farmworkers in the southeastern U.S.", "hypothesis": "Professor Cleveland worked as a Skadden Fellow for two years."} {"idx": "mnli-724", "premise": "Figure 6-3 compares the available boilermaker labor to the demand from the electric utility industry which includes the retrofits from the Clear Skies Act.", "hypothesis": "Retrofits from the Clear Skies Act did not change demand."} {"idx": "mnli-725", "premise": "He and his schoolteacher wife, Linda, probably didn't know they were starting out on the poor side.", "hypothesis": "His wife, Linda, was a teacher."} {"idx": "mnli-726", "premise": "This is a pity, for his caustic tone and shallow glosses undermine what is a bold and worthy to write a readable one-volume history of the American people.", "hypothesis": "The book was phenomenal with no faults. "} {"idx": "mnli-727", "premise": "and it was summertime the air conditioner was on the door was closed and i couldn't knock because i had to hold the jack with the other hand i finally with my elbow rang the doorbell and mother came to the door", "hypothesis": "The wintertime is when the air conditioning was on, I couldn't ring the doorbell because it was frozen."} {"idx": "mnli-728", "premise": "Any sure thing attracts too many hackneyed ideas, like Wolff's, and too much foolish money.", "hypothesis": "When something is a sure thing, hackneyed ideas and foolish money is sure to follow."} {"idx": "mnli-729", "premise": "Therefore, discussion of some of the applications described here is based on relatively extensive field experience (with questions in such domains as justice, education, welfare, environment, housing, and foreign aid), while the discussion of some of the other applications is based on more constrained experience.", "hypothesis": "Discussion is solely based on extensive experience like from housing or education."} {"idx": "mnli-730", "premise": "Shops are generally open from 9:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.", "hypothesis": "Shops rarely extend their business hours for eves of holidays."} {"idx": "mnli-731", "premise": "either either do i they they i don't know i don't know how anybody can fall into this you get cash back and buy into that because", "hypothesis": "I have fallen for the 'you get cash back' scam a lot of times."} {"idx": "mnli-732", "premise": "Advertisement, replied Tuppence promptly.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence replied right away."} {"idx": "mnli-733", "premise": "And quite a different class from them two detectives from London, what goes prying about, and asking questions. ", "hypothesis": "The London detectives are very unlikable because they are too curious. "} {"idx": "mnli-734", "premise": "The Administration will not support any legislation that would cause a significant decline in our nation's ability to use coal as a major source of current and future electricity.", "hypothesis": "Legislation that would cause a decline in using coal as a source of energy will not be supported by the Administration."} {"idx": "mnli-735", "premise": "Other publications can be cavalier without worrying about squashing an author's budding career.", "hypothesis": "Some publications can be rather cavalier without fear."} {"idx": "mnli-736", "premise": "What about meals? inquired the practical Tommy.", "hypothesis": "The impractical Tommy inquired after meals."} {"idx": "mnli-737", "premise": "The numerous six-pointed stars set in the abutments of the main arches are not the Jewish Star of David but an esoteric emblem that you'll see all over the country.", "hypothesis": "The six-pointed stars that you'll see all over the country look similar to the Jewish Star of David."} {"idx": "mnli-738", "premise": "Only the squeamish will object to the giant toads and harmless little white cave-racer snakes.", "hypothesis": "The little white cave-racer snakes are harmful."} {"idx": "mnli-739", "premise": "Interest on Treasury securities held by revolving funds.", "hypothesis": "Treasury securities interest held by revolving funds."} {"idx": "mnli-740", "premise": "Accordingly, we submit a total of cases closed for 1999 of 924,000.", "hypothesis": "924,000 cases were closed in 1999."} {"idx": "mnli-741", "premise": "The short man there--he's Garm.", "hypothesis": "Garm is a short but bulky man."} {"idx": "mnli-742", "premise": "We saw the murder in their eyes and the blood on their hands.", "hypothesis": "We saw blood on their demon hands and murder in their evil eyes."} {"idx": "mnli-743", "premise": "yes it really is and that way we're not really missing anything out you know of those children uh-huh", "hypothesis": "We're not really missing out on childcare benefits."} {"idx": "mnli-744", "premise": "no no i'm i'm New England Massachusetts", "hypothesis": "No I am in the west, New Mexico. "} {"idx": "mnli-745", "premise": "Mainly owing to the mater's activities. The village of Styles St. Mary was situated about two miles from the little station, and Styles Court lay a mile the other side of it. ", "hypothesis": "Styles St. Mary was further from the station than Styles Court. "} {"idx": "mnli-746", "premise": "Moreover, the U.S. and worldwide ammonia business is struggling because of slumping domestic demand and increased global capacity for the product and other nitrogen fertilizers derived from it, such as urea.", "hypothesis": "The ammonia business has been facing competition from the urea business."} {"idx": "mnli-747", "premise": "A survey of the history of Spain its tradition, grandeur, art, architecture and mix of cultures is crammed into this small city on a Castilian hilltop.", "hypothesis": "The city is known for being really huge."} {"idx": "mnli-748", "premise": "We all knowed he was comin'.", "hypothesis": "We all had heard that he was coming."} {"idx": "mnli-749", "premise": "'You killed my friend.", "hypothesis": "I killed my friend."} {"idx": "mnli-750", "premise": "Behind the stage was the Gladiators' Barracks, where 63 skeletons were found.", "hypothesis": "63 skeletons were found beyond the stage, in the Gladiator's Barracks."} {"idx": "mnli-751", "premise": "uh uh my husbands retired but he's not a gardener he he he's been helping me more but he really isn't real uh real crazy about gardening", "hypothesis": "My husband is helping me with he garden, but he doesn't really love doing it."} {"idx": "mnli-752", "premise": "and uh so that's that's one thing that's good", "hypothesis": "That is a bad thing."} {"idx": "mnli-753", "premise": "I wouldn't worry about my youngster.", "hypothesis": "Worry about my youngster."} {"idx": "mnli-754", "premise": "two yeah yeah and then of course Indianapolis which is only a hundred miles away from us has the Colts yeah", "hypothesis": "We ill go to Indianapolis to see the Colts."} {"idx": "mnli-755", "premise": "Just before tea, I strolled down to tell Poirot of the new disappointment, but found, to my annoyance, that he was once more out. ", "hypothesis": "Poirot has returned an hour later so that I can tell him the news."} {"idx": "mnli-756", "premise": "go to London quite a lot and see shows down there", "hypothesis": "I would see shows in London often."} {"idx": "mnli-757", "premise": "The basement is a square kilometre in size, and that's the lab.", "hypothesis": "The basement is tiny."} {"idx": "mnli-758", "premise": "yeah i don't mind the heat that much it doesn't bother me that much cold weather i just i don't know i just can't tolerate too much with the", "hypothesis": "I am alright in hot weather but it is hard for me to tolerate cold weather."} {"idx": "mnli-759", "premise": "Near the centrally located Japan Railways station is the first sign of the Portuguese role in the city's fascinating history.", "hypothesis": "There is a sign near the railway station that depicts the portuguese involvement in Japan."} {"idx": "mnli-760", "premise": "The Legal Services Corporation Board of Directors adopted Resolution 98-011, on November 16, 1998, providing authority to establish the Commission with the express purpose of studying the presence requirement for the representation of eligible aliens.", "hypothesis": "Resolution 98-011 focuses on the presence requirement for representations of aliens."} {"idx": "mnli-761", "premise": "LSC requires its grantees in each state to work with each other and equal justice stakeholders to develop justice communities that best respond to clients' most compelling needs, ensure the most strategic and cost-effective use of all available resources, and maximize the opportunity for clients statewide to receive timely, effective, and appropriate legal services.", "hypothesis": "Legal services include the best lawyers in town."} {"idx": "mnli-762", "premise": "Consequently, the motivational mechanism is not clear.", "hypothesis": "We have great clarity on the motivational mechanism."} {"idx": "mnli-763", "premise": "You won't envy the men and women you see working in the fields under the blazing sun, but they're never too tired to return your wave with a smile.", "hypothesis": "The people who labor outside are optimistic and kind."} {"idx": "mnli-764", "premise": "The majority of eating places in Istanbul and the Aegean resorts offer the standard fare of bread, salads, kebabs, and seafood.", "hypothesis": "Very few eating places in Istanbul serve kebabs."} {"idx": "mnli-765", "premise": "This usually does not take up as much room as the SCR reactor itself.", "hypothesis": "This takes up a lot of space too."} {"idx": "mnli-766", "premise": "The city also has more than a dozen specialized book shops; two of the most famous are the Bodhi Tree on Melrose which carries metaphysical and New Age titles, and Book Soup on Sunset Boulevard, which also carries international newspapers and periodicals.", "hypothesis": "Book Soup on Sunset Boulevard doesn't sell any newspapers or magazines."} {"idx": "mnli-767", "premise": "Regardless of the timing of recording T and A data, management must have in place a system of control techniques that gives reasonable assurance that the recorded information reflects time worked, leave taken, or other absences.", "hypothesis": "There is no need for a system of control techniques because the existing practices are always accurate."} {"idx": "mnli-768", "premise": "Suddenly Julius came to such an abrupt halt that Tommy cannoned into him.", "hypothesis": "Tommy wasn't watching where he was walking."} {"idx": "mnli-769", "premise": "Real jade is extremely expensive, and you may be offered counterfeit jade, which looks exactly like the genuine article.", "hypothesis": "People will tend to sell you fake jade, which is hard to distinguish from the real article. "} {"idx": "mnli-770", "premise": "Well, I've always had a secret hankering to be a detective!", "hypothesis": "I've always had a hidden desire to solve crimes."} {"idx": "mnli-771", "premise": "i had stuff for like Sanger Harris and you know it got up like to couple of hundred dollars and i thought well that's okay cause all they wanted was ten dollars a month right i wasn't thinking a thing about it", "hypothesis": "Little did I know that the ten was actually a one thousand."} {"idx": "mnli-772", "premise": "We're told of Estella's inner struggle--of the tug of war between the punishing cock-tease that her aunt has engineered her to be and her inherent decency--but the conflict isn't palpable in Paltrow's paltry performance.", "hypothesis": "At the end of the movie, Estella embraces her inherent decency and does the right thing."} {"idx": "mnli-773", "premise": "He hasn't had a new thought for 20 years.", "hypothesis": "He has new thoughts every day."} {"idx": "mnli-774", "premise": "Fifty km (30 miles) further south is the Temple of Edfu, the second biggest temple in Egypt, and one of the best-preserved.", "hypothesis": "The Temple of Edfu is not well preserved."} {"idx": "mnli-775", "premise": "do they are they yeah okay they're so they're still he's still doing it then huh oh i'll have to tune in", "hypothesis": "They don't do it anymore I will not listen"} {"idx": "mnli-776", "premise": "Its two cinemas present a varied program of new international and archival films.", "hypothesis": "It's three cinemas show old films only."} {"idx": "mnli-777", "premise": "oh i see so if you have fresh dirt they'll", "hypothesis": "If you have fresh dirt I can see that."} {"idx": "mnli-778", "premise": "it is comforting to me to see uh more concern about some of these things that that cost us money especially when we have dwindling uh resources such as oil that's burning out of control in in the Persian Gulf and and so forth just just every little bit does it makes me feel better it it makes me feel like well there may be something left for my children my nieces and nephews and so forth", "hypothesis": "It makes me feel good to see people be concerned about our nation's expenses."} {"idx": "mnli-779", "premise": "right yeah yeah no i i agree with you there though i mean they want to choose that particular religion then that's fine with me too you know as long as they don't try and pull me in and drag me in and and i don't like the way that they do it either and and it's their mission as they do as they go door-to-door and they go out into the public and they actually have the uh teenagers serving two years like you would say like in an army and two years in going around and doing missionary type work and i don't know i just um i just don't particularly care for that at all and that that's one thing that i feel really strongly about though is uh you know people coming up to my door especially religious organizations and wanting to uh you know to try and get me to join or you know become interested in their religion because i have my own", "hypothesis": "I'm very interested in their religion and would like to go door-to-door with them."} {"idx": "mnli-780", "premise": "Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States in Congress assembled,", "hypothesis": "US Senators and Congressmen assembled and enacted and signed the bill"} {"idx": "mnli-781", "premise": "(Actually, you could have as many judges as you wanted, as long as you ignored all but one of them.)", "hypothesis": "You can have a lot of judges for your crime."} {"idx": "mnli-782", "premise": "and what will a shot be will a shot be an ounce", "hypothesis": "I don't know what a shot is."} {"idx": "mnli-783", "premise": "On boulevard des Capucines, retrace the footsteps of Renoir, Manet, and Pissarro as they took their paintings to Nadar's house, signposted at number 35, for the historic 1874 exhibition of Impressionism.", "hypothesis": "The paintings of Renoir, Monet and Pissarro were at Nadar's house."} {"idx": "mnli-784", "premise": "I saw a path at the side of the road.", "hypothesis": "There was a path leading away from the road."} {"idx": "mnli-785", "premise": "well they may yeah i think eventually but some men don't see some men just don't care", "hypothesis": "Some men do not seem to care, but eventually I think so."} {"idx": "mnli-786", "premise": "At the opposite extreme are massive, almost riotous processions of thousands of bellowing, sweat-drenched men fighting to carry a huge portable shrine through the streets to a symbolic destination.", "hypothesis": "The destination for the portable shrine being fought over has no symbolism to it."} {"idx": "mnli-787", "premise": "The Liberal Humanitarians (a k a Red-Tailed Hawks)", "hypothesis": "Conservative humanitarians aka red tailed hawks. "} {"idx": "mnli-788", "premise": "An' th' stolen Mex hosses, they's drove up here an' maybe sold to some of th' same fellas what lost th' others.", "hypothesis": "They sold them to the same guys that lost the others for twice the normal price."} {"idx": "mnli-789", "premise": "i told my husband well is this weird because see what people don't understand is even the people that work in the nursing home they will get old one day", "hypothesis": "I told my husband it was totally normal."} {"idx": "mnli-790", "premise": "Here's half a crown for my share.\" Tommy was holding the paper thoughtfully.", "hypothesis": "Tommy was crinkling the paper in his hand and it almost fell to the ground."} {"idx": "mnli-791", "premise": "you ever serve that yourself when you have company", "hypothesis": "Did you ever serve that yourself when you had a company, it's awful."} {"idx": "mnli-792", "premise": "One of the most popular excursions from the Aegean resorts goes to the spectacular travertine terraces of Pamukkale (the Cotton Castle), which lie above the town of Denizli, about 200 km (125 miles) inland from Kuradase.", "hypothesis": "Not many people take the excursion to Pamukkale, but the resorts still offer it."} {"idx": "mnli-793", "premise": "Attorneys praise Zelon for her thorough understanding of the law.", "hypothesis": "Zelon was very intelligent "} {"idx": "mnli-794", "premise": "We don't have much leeway around that 'one or two drinks a day,' he said, and what isn't known is whether encouraging moderate drinking will also encourage excessive drinking.", "hypothesis": "It's an established fact that encouraging moderate drinking does not increase rates of binge drinking."} {"idx": "mnli-795", "premise": "But then I realize how superficial that attitude is.", "hypothesis": "The all thought it was a great attitude to have."} {"idx": "mnli-796", "premise": "Probably no one will even notice you at all.\"", "hypothesis": "It would be crazy if anyone noticed you."} {"idx": "mnli-797", "premise": "i like it and what i've been thinking about doing is volunteering for this uh Asian center that a Doctor Falk has started that works with the school district and doing what", "hypothesis": "I have been thinking about volunteering for the Asian center."} {"idx": "mnli-798", "premise": "Sir Ernest Heavywether made short work of her, and under his unmerciful bullying she contradicted herself hopelessly, and Sir Ernest sat down again with a satisfied smile on his face. ", "hypothesis": "Sir Ernest Heavywether enjoyed bullying women."} {"idx": "mnli-799", "premise": "you know i mean that's the kind of things you know people that she's keeping and showing that this was a big waste of time it was a waste of paper it was a waste you know to change something like that so", "hypothesis": "She has wasted time and paper."} {"idx": "mnli-800", "premise": "Which brings us to the third side of Rockefeller's personality and the main theme of the book, that of empire-building.", "hypothesis": "Rockefeller was not interesting at all."} {"idx": "mnli-801", "premise": "I only wanted to tell you something.", "hypothesis": "The only thing I wanted to do, was tell you something."} {"idx": "mnli-802", "premise": "There is now a chapel occupying the site, which has long been a place of pilgrimage, but the building's foundations may date from the first century.", "hypothesis": "The site is now occupied by a chapel, the foundation might be a century old at the very least."} {"idx": "mnli-803", "premise": "Unionization is a bad idea that will only make things worse.", "hypothesis": "Unions will make things worse, they are bad. "} {"idx": "mnli-804", "premise": "defending the decision to deny benefits will deliver the government's message in the litigation.", "hypothesis": "The governments message was to deny benefits."} {"idx": "mnli-805", "premise": "At its southern end you'll find The Old Cataract Hotel, harking back to the days of Edwardian elegance.", "hypothesis": "The Old Cataract Hotel is at its southern end. "} {"idx": "mnli-806", "premise": "oh yeah before they started all this stuff", "hypothesis": "They were doing something illegal before they started all this stuff."} {"idx": "mnli-807", "premise": "During the comment period APHIS also held four public hearings at which both oral and written comments were received.", "hypothesis": "The APHIS held more than three public hears during the comment period."} {"idx": "mnli-808", "premise": "Its spacious grounds are a magnificent example of the strolling gardens favored during the Edo period.", "hypothesis": "In the Edo period, gardens were favored and built on spacious grounds."} {"idx": "mnli-809", "premise": "Additional circumstances associated with public safety and security concerns could also justify the exclusion of certain information in the report.", "hypothesis": "The information excluded was in regards to individuals who were working for the government in hostile areas."} {"idx": "mnli-810", "premise": "How terrible it is to reach the end of one's life, Monet had written in 1899, after the death of the landscapist Alfred Sisley.", "hypothesis": "Monet wrote about the tragedy that is reaching the end of one's own life."} {"idx": "mnli-811", "premise": "and so um yeah uh yeah i guess i usually do i like to cook um heavy sauces and um", "hypothesis": "I generally like to prepare heavy sauces."} {"idx": "mnli-812", "premise": "that could be it could be it", "hypothesis": "No, that couldn't be."} {"idx": "mnli-813", "premise": "Leather Goods.", "hypothesis": "Genuine Leather Goods."} {"idx": "mnli-814", "premise": "City Residential, Business All Businessb and Mixed Rural Park & Total All Foot Curb Loop Total", "hypothesis": "There is city residential and business zoning in Chicago."} {"idx": "mnli-815", "premise": "LSC's State Planning Initiative is premised on the belief that LSC-funded programs ", "hypothesis": "LSC gives out no funding."} {"idx": "mnli-816", "premise": "oh that's a nightmare", "hypothesis": "This reminded me of many past tragedies. "} {"idx": "mnli-817", "premise": "Then, by Heaven, snarled the Russian, \"we will see \" But Mrs. Vandemeyer also rose to her feet, her eyes flashing.", "hypothesis": "Mrs. Vandemeyer is unable to stand on her feet. "} {"idx": "mnli-818", "premise": "Core competencies and supporting The agencies identified core competencies and supporting behaviors for senior executives to follow that are intended to contribute to their agencies' achievement of performance goals.", "hypothesis": "Agencies have a set of performance goals that senior executives should help achieve."} {"idx": "mnli-819", "premise": "For those who like other horse-riding activities, there is also an equestrian center that organizes exhilarating rides on the beach and trips along guided trails through the surrounding hills.", "hypothesis": "Horses are not allowed on any beaches locally."} {"idx": "mnli-820", "premise": "Now we accept our standing and limitations.", "hypothesis": "One of the limitations was that they couldn't use weapons."} {"idx": "mnli-821", "premise": "and i'm sitting there thinking to myself uh-huh sure", "hypothesis": "I was so tired of all of these back and forths."} {"idx": "mnli-822", "premise": "It sure is, drawled Tuppence, \"especially when old man Rysdale backs the bill.", "hypothesis": "\"Old man Rysdale backs the bill,\" Tuppence stated."} {"idx": "mnli-823", "premise": "On the other hand, Mrs. Inglethorp had no candlestick in the room, only a readinglamp.\"", "hypothesis": "Mrs. Inglethorp had lots of candles in her room. "} {"idx": "mnli-824", "premise": "The Kal pushed Ca'daan aside with one powerful hand.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan was pushed aside and knocked to the ground by the Kal's powerful hand."} {"idx": "mnli-825", "premise": "i don't know i think they'll go i think they'll they're good but they're not great but i think they'll", "hypothesis": "I don't think they'll go because they're a lousy team. "} {"idx": "mnli-826", "premise": "restoration to his home i think that was called back because of all the flack they received but but that's the another one of the big examples of why we're in such dilemma", "hypothesis": "Everyone gave them accolades. "} {"idx": "mnli-827", "premise": "Of course, we might do something about it, if you really converted.", "hypothesis": "If you truly converted to Christianity, maybe something could be done about it."} {"idx": "mnli-828", "premise": "But the real problem with diGenova and Toensing isn't their pundit addiction or their neglect of an investigation that Democrats would just as soon they neglect anyhow.", "hypothesis": "Both diGenova and Toensing have no personal reason to pay attention to the investigation."} {"idx": "mnli-829", "premise": "You have to have a lawyer to show them you mean business.", "hypothesis": "To show them you mean business, you need a lawyer."} {"idx": "mnli-830", "premise": "RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ANNUAL STEWARDSHIP INFORMATION For the Fiscal Year Ended September", "hypothesis": " RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ANNUAL STEWARDSHIP INFORMATION For the Fiscal Year Ended September every year since 1912."} {"idx": "mnli-831", "premise": "'Daniel!' I hissed, slamming the door shut behind me.", "hypothesis": "I closed the door as gingerly as possible. "} {"idx": "mnli-832", "premise": "All of the men continued to watch him as if his actions were highly significant.", "hypothesis": "All of the men completely ignored him for the day."} {"idx": "mnli-833", "premise": "For a moment, there seemed to be a touch of friendliness and respect in them, but there was something else that Hanson liked far less.", "hypothesis": "Their imposing manner didn't have any friendliness or respect in it at all."} {"idx": "mnli-834", "premise": "Campbell's body was never recovered.", "hypothesis": "Just minutes after he hit the water, Campbell was recovered safe and sound."} {"idx": "mnli-835", "premise": "and uh we do this for the community they put those on so i so i think you know we're probably reaching a successful stage and and just with voluntary i think", "hypothesis": "This is done for the interests of the community."} {"idx": "mnli-836", "premise": "Along these same lines, I was recently in a retail store and the clerk had on a summer dress.", "hypothesis": "The clerk did not have on a summer dress. "} {"idx": "mnli-837", "premise": "Why not? The girl hesitated.", "hypothesis": "It gave her pause."} {"idx": "mnli-838", "premise": "On the right, you'll come to the Art Deco Byzantine-style tower of the YMCA, designed by the firm that also planned New York's Empire State Building.", "hypothesis": "The tower of the YMCA building was designed in a classic Greco-Roman style. "} {"idx": "mnli-839", "premise": "i really don't watch that much TV what i do is i tape the programs i want to watch and then on the nights i can watch i'll pick out something but um", "hypothesis": "I don't have a lot of time to watch TV."} {"idx": "mnli-840", "premise": "For years, federal agencies have struggled with delivering promised system capabilities on time and within budget.", "hypothesis": "Federal agencies have long had difficulty delivering capabilities on time."} {"idx": "mnli-841", "premise": "Rupert Murdoch is rumored to be interested in buying it and turning it into a West Coast version of the New York Post . A circulation-hungry Willes vs. the rapacious That's just the kind of fight the American newspaper industry needs.", "hypothesis": "It is rumored that Rupert Murdoch is interested in buying it and turning it into a West Coast version of the New York Post."} {"idx": "mnli-842", "premise": "It runs advertisements for its supporters at the top of shows and strikes business deals with MCI, TCI, and Disney, but still insists it's not commercial.", "hypothesis": "It runs ads for its supporters at shows and strikes business deals, but insists it is not commercial."} {"idx": "mnli-843", "premise": "What do you mean?", "hypothesis": "When was it?"} {"idx": "mnli-844", "premise": "As I write, the house is alive with flowers and foliage, and it is starting to snow again.", "hypothesis": "It is sunny and hot outside."} {"idx": "mnli-845", "premise": "yeah i mean they're not helping anybody that's the that's the whole point they're not doing anything for anybody except themselves", "hypothesis": "The people need help."} {"idx": "mnli-846", "premise": "Equally stunning views of Funchal and surroundings can be enjoyed at Pico dos Barcelos.", "hypothesis": "Pico dos Barcelos offers a stunning view of Funchal's surroundings although not of the city itself."} {"idx": "mnli-847", "premise": "make sure that they didn't have to do it again make hot dogs or some potato chips or", "hypothesis": "Make sure to have steaks and potatoes. "} {"idx": "mnli-848", "premise": "Totals may not sum due to rounding.", "hypothesis": "Rounding may cause inaccurate totals."} {"idx": "mnli-849", "premise": "and it it was tough understanding understanding those folks", "hypothesis": "Understanding those people was easy. "} {"idx": "mnli-850", "premise": "And no one will be nicer.", "hypothesis": "And not a single person will act in a more kind manner."} {"idx": "mnli-851", "premise": "to Provide Effective OversightofDesignReview define facility requirements in relation to the agency's mission, assess facilityrelated mission impacts, and conduct facilityrelated strategic", "hypothesis": "They can define the facility requirements for square footage."} {"idx": "mnli-852", "premise": "Jon placed a hand on San'doro's shoulder and stood.", "hypothesis": "San'doro picked up Jon so he could stand. "} {"idx": "mnli-853", "premise": "Pro se assistance empowers people to help themselves and makes our court system work better.", "hypothesis": "Pro se assistance empowers people to get help and make the court system work better. "} {"idx": "mnli-854", "premise": "yeah well let's see our our topic is uh elections", "hypothesis": "Our topic is education. "} {"idx": "mnli-855", "premise": "Cruises around Lake Annecy start from the Thiou river.", "hypothesis": "Cruises go around Lake Annecy which begin from the Thiou river."} {"idx": "mnli-856", "premise": "Second, several special rate arrangements would be discontinued.", "hypothesis": "Many special rate arrangements would be stopped."} {"idx": "mnli-857", "premise": "A good sword, high ground, or exceptional skill may push the odds but never by much.", "hypothesis": "A good sword gives people the slight edge if it is made of steel."} {"idx": "mnli-858", "premise": "Mais me voila. The door shut.", "hypothesis": "They typically leave the door open."} {"idx": "mnli-859", "premise": "His manner was unfortunate, I observed thoughtfully. ", "hypothesis": "I could not pick out what kind of manner he had."} {"idx": "mnli-860", "premise": "There was no reason for him to claim the kinship.", "hypothesis": "He had no reason to claim the kinship."} {"idx": "mnli-861", "premise": "When agencies lose major accounts, they often fire nearly everyone involved with the account.", "hypothesis": "If an agency loses a big account, it's not uncommon for them to fire everyone who was associated with that account. "} {"idx": "mnli-862", "premise": "This is so great because I haven't been getting any of this lately.", "hypothesis": "Its great even though I've been getting some."} {"idx": "mnli-863", "premise": "'It's nice to see you all.'", "hypothesis": "I don't want to see you."} {"idx": "mnli-864", "premise": "After successfully completing the performance evaluation period, the employee then begins earning a full salary.", "hypothesis": "After completing the performance evaluation period, the employee gets paid the full amount."} {"idx": "mnli-865", "premise": "Seeing himself unattractively represented in hundreds of editorial cartoons as a leathery-faced half-man, half-elephant.", "hypothesis": "Some editorial cartoons show people unattractively."} {"idx": "mnli-866", "premise": "They were locking the place down.", "hypothesis": "The prison was on lockdown."} {"idx": "mnli-867", "premise": "It assumes for cost-of-service areas (where most of power sales are likely to occur) that allowance allocations will not alter pricing of electricity.", "hypothesis": "Cost-of-services areas are areas where most of power sales are likely to occur."} {"idx": "mnli-868", "premise": "Ca'daan looked over the camp in shock.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan looked towards the campsite."} {"idx": "mnli-869", "premise": "With just one exception.", "hypothesis": "The exception was written in stone. "} {"idx": "mnli-870", "premise": "He had elaborated a careful plan for the following evening.", "hypothesis": "He created an intricate plan for the next night."} {"idx": "mnli-871", "premise": "Guides to the Institut like to point out the east pavilion, site of the old 14th-century Tour de Nesle.", "hypothesis": "The Tour de Nesle was built as a defensive structure."} {"idx": "mnli-872", "premise": "Of course, a no-pardon promise would be meaningless; Clinton could simply break it on his last day of office.", "hypothesis": "There would be a lot of meaningfulness and significance to a no-pardon promise."} {"idx": "mnli-873", "premise": "i wonder how long that last", "hypothesis": "I don't think it will last."} {"idx": "mnli-874", "premise": "oh yeah yeah it's um well of course on the green card you have to pay it when the bill comes in so there isn't any but on the Optima card it's um let's see right now it's running at about it's not too bad it's actually it's about sixteen and a half percent which is pretty good as far as credit cards go", "hypothesis": "It's running very high at the moment. "} {"idx": "mnli-875", "premise": "you know having the time when you have younger ones to take care of you maybe sometimes do not take as much time for the older ones but uh we were we're very active of course at church and uh Boy Scouting and Girl Scouts Four H", "hypothesis": "The time is well spent with the kids but less is spent with the older ones."} {"idx": "mnli-876", "premise": "well the the problem i had with the movie was the problem i've had with a lot of uh i guess Hollywood movies which is you know it's a formula movie and they're making the movie according to a certain formula that's a good formula but they seem to", "hypothesis": "The movie was original with a twist ending. "} {"idx": "mnli-877", "premise": "i see oh my", "hypothesis": "I see, wow."} {"idx": "mnli-878", "premise": "Today an economy of truth sometimes just means a lie, albeit one whose seriousness may be debatable.", "hypothesis": "Politicians these days have a hard time noticing the difference between an economy of truth and one of lies."} {"idx": "mnli-879", "premise": "The other half is where the gamblers come from, how they arrive here, and how they are served once they arrive.", "hypothesis": "The other half is where the gamblers like to congregate to do their gambling."} {"idx": "mnli-880", "premise": "Unfortunately, the civil legal needs of all low-income Americans are not being adequately met due to severe funding shortages at the federal and state level.", "hypothesis": "Fortunately for low-income Americans, all of their civil legal needs will be met free of charge. "} {"idx": "mnli-881", "premise": "I just sort of needed it.\"", "hypothesis": "I didn't need it, but it looked good so I took it."} {"idx": "mnli-882", "premise": "harsh weather", "hypothesis": "good weather."} {"idx": "mnli-883", "premise": "To accomplish this, the board must raise or lower interest rates to bring savings and investment at that target unemployment rate in line with each other.", "hypothesis": "Accomplishing that has been the board's goal for a very long time."} {"idx": "mnli-884", "premise": "He surmised, therefore, that reduction in recidivism might be a suitable outcome for emergency physicians.", "hypothesis": "The doctors require a lot of things to work "} {"idx": "mnli-885", "premise": "I began to find myself in the same circle that I was in before.", "hypothesis": "I had returned to the same circle of friends that I had in high school. "} {"idx": "mnli-886", "premise": "I think it's worked,' she said about a month later before going out to a club, and her father had a vague impression that there were more or less three zits less on his daughter's face.", "hypothesis": "The father thought his daughter typically had a lot of zits."} {"idx": "mnli-887", "premise": "A short distance north of Timna Park is the Hai Bar Wildlife Reserve, where rare and endangered indigenous animals are bred for eventual release back into the wild.", "hypothesis": "The Hai Bar Wildlife Reserve is a zoo where all animals are kept in captivity their whole lives."} {"idx": "mnli-888", "premise": "In some cases, modern buildings were erected in their place that are not admired today.", "hypothesis": "Some of the modern buildings that were erected in their place are not admired today."} {"idx": "mnli-889", "premise": "Though less sinister than his war club, two hits on Adrin proved that it served the job well.", "hypothesis": "Adrin was hit twice with a hatchet."} {"idx": "mnli-890", "premise": "For several years he held court in Valladolid, though eventually he returned to Madrid.", "hypothesis": "He was very glad to return to the bustling streets of Madrid."} {"idx": "mnli-891", "premise": "(NBC promotes the show here.)", "hypothesis": "NBC have declined to promote the show."} {"idx": "mnli-892", "premise": "Hellenistic and Roman Periods", "hypothesis": "Only the Hellenistic Period."} {"idx": "mnli-893", "premise": "The difference, if any, between the reacquisition price and the net carrying value of the extinguished debt should be recognized as a loss or gain in accounting for interest on Treasury debt.", "hypothesis": "This is the best way to represent Treasury debt."} {"idx": "mnli-894", "premise": "There was that lieutenant with the supply wagons.", "hypothesis": "The lieutenant with the supply wagons was there."} {"idx": "mnli-895", "premise": "You need not think that any fear of publicity, or scandal between husband and wife will deter me.' Then I thought I heard them coming out, so I went off quickly.\"", "hypothesis": "I thought I heard them so I left quickly."} {"idx": "mnli-896", "premise": "This is more than just a job.", "hypothesis": "This is just simply a job. "} {"idx": "mnli-897", "premise": "They are connected by Rim of the World Drive, a scenic highway reaching elevations of 8,000 ft (2,440 m).", "hypothesis": "The Rim of the World Drive reaches below sea level of 8,000ft. "} {"idx": "mnli-898", "premise": "Two wide bays offer natural harbors, and tiny Navy Island sits just offshore.", "hypothesis": "Ten wide bays offer artificial harbors, and the large Navy Island is just offshore."} {"idx": "mnli-899", "premise": "Dutch World, where all sorts of fictional characters created by Edmund Morris come out to play with children of all ages!", "hypothesis": "Edmund Morris created a world called Dutch World, a place where made up characters can play with all children."} {"idx": "mnli-900", "premise": "Although merger discussions continued among the four programs, in March 2000 two of the programs did not vote in favor of the merger plan, and therefore the plan moved forward with only two Legal Services Organization of Indiana, Inc. and Legal Services of Northwest Indiana, Inc.", "hypothesis": "Among the four programs, merger discussions continued and 2 of the programs did not vote in march 2000."} {"idx": "mnli-901", "premise": "So what do we do? asked the Kal.", "hypothesis": "Bob asked what they should do."} {"idx": "mnli-902", "premise": "Leading commercial companies have achieved more predictable outcomes from their product development processes because they identify and control design and manufacturing risks early and manage them effectively.", "hypothesis": "Desirable outcomes are achieved in part by identifying design risks early."} {"idx": "mnli-903", "premise": "Or, to put it another way, in the sense of asking an entirely different Is it really a requirement of sophistication that a place provides good bookstores, movies, plays, museums, music, cuisines, and an opportunity for erotic and intellectual freedom?", "hypothesis": "Sophistication requires that people not have intellectual freedom."} {"idx": "mnli-904", "premise": "In a way, the one-world battle is over.", "hypothesis": "There are no more one-word battles."} {"idx": "mnli-905", "premise": "Yes and perhaps it doesn't, snarled Whittington.", "hypothesis": "Whittington growled and said \"Yes, and perhaps it doesn't,\""} {"idx": "mnli-906", "premise": "that sounds like it might be a really good idea", "hypothesis": "That sounds like a terrible idea"} {"idx": "mnli-907", "premise": "yeah the uh this this guy did too he ended up going to Leavenworth which is good i'm glad", "hypothesis": "There was a guy who went to Leavenworth."} {"idx": "mnli-908", "premise": "The point of David Frum's argument in the Gay Marriage dialogue seems to boil down to Look at how severely and for the worse marriage has changed in the last 30 years.", "hypothesis": "The point of David Frum's argument in the Gay Marriage dialogue seems to boil down to Look at how severely and for the worse marriage has changed in the last 30 years."} {"idx": "mnli-909", "premise": "Studly guys work at the Pentagon.", "hypothesis": "There are only effeminate goblins working at the Pentagon."} {"idx": "mnli-910", "premise": "and there's The History of Yoakum County Texas there", "hypothesis": "There's no book called The History of Yoacum County there."} {"idx": "mnli-911", "premise": "okay i'll let you go ahead", "hypothesis": "Okay, I will go ahead."} {"idx": "mnli-912", "premise": "Suggestions on how to improve the current process were implemented and, as a result, LSC will be sending feedback letters to applicants that filed grant proposals for 2003 funding to begin a dialogue about the applicant's delivery system based on the grant application.", "hypothesis": "There were over five hundred suggestions on how to improve the current process."} {"idx": "mnli-913", "premise": "a) Spun the president's denial for months without bothering to check if it was true.", "hypothesis": "The president made wrong statements."} {"idx": "mnli-914", "premise": "The cruise ships crank up their flood lights, and the parties begin.", "hypothesis": "Cruise ships are host to well-lit parties."} {"idx": "mnli-915", "premise": "Although there may be several ways in which jobrelated mortality risks differ from air pollution-related mortality risks, the most important difference may be that job-related risks are incurred voluntarily, or generally assumed to be, whereas air pollution-related risks are incurred involuntarily.", "hypothesis": "People have no control over job related risks."} {"idx": "mnli-916", "premise": "And those are just the towns along Lake Como.", "hypothesis": "Those are the towns beside Lake Como. "} {"idx": "mnli-917", "premise": "unless you're eating like a baked potato or something", "hypothesis": "Unless you are eating a potato that has been cooked in the oven."} {"idx": "mnli-918", "premise": "But these vouchers can't be the kind conservatives prefer, which are sharply limited in value so as to forestall real integration while directing tenants toward private-sector slums.", "hypothesis": "These vouchers are not the type that conservatives tend to prefer. "} {"idx": "mnli-919", "premise": "to just to see all these things that you can can see on television now and can read about that ten years ago we didn't have this kind of information i mean we didn't know", "hypothesis": "Ten days ago we got a new TV."} {"idx": "mnli-920", "premise": "On Wednesday, April 30, police in Pecos, 80 miles from Ft.", "hypothesis": "Pecos is 580 miles from the town."} {"idx": "mnli-921", "premise": "i can't think of her name i got it right on the tip of my tongue and can't say it Helen something", "hypothesis": "I'm forgetful when it comes to names."} {"idx": "mnli-922", "premise": "More a part of Europe than ever before, Spain joined the European Community (now European Union) in 1986, giving further boost to a booming economy.", "hypothesis": "Spain still refuses to join the European Union."} {"idx": "mnli-923", "premise": "Exhibit 8 provides a summary of the base WTP values used to generate estimates of the economic value of avoided health effects for this analysis, adjusted to 1999 dollars, and a brief description of the basis for these values.", "hypothesis": "The values used to generate the estimates are not available."} {"idx": "mnli-924", "premise": "Maybe Kubrick would have made nothing but masterpieces if he'd put big Greek or Venetian masks on all his actors.", "hypothesis": "Kubrick made some masterpieces."} {"idx": "mnli-925", "premise": "work and our congressionally driven examinations of how well agencies are pursuing", "hypothesis": "Congress sometimes wants the progress of agencies examined by us."} {"idx": "mnli-926", "premise": "The Hebrew University and the Hadassah Medical Centre were built on Mount Scopus beginning in 1925 and became the pride of the Jewish community in Palestine under British control.", "hypothesis": "The Hadassah Medical Centre was built on Mount Scopus in 1925."} {"idx": "mnli-927", "premise": "Jon could not imagine what they had faced in their own tunnel.", "hypothesis": "Jon couldn't figure out what was down the tunnel, but he had an idea."} {"idx": "mnli-928", "premise": "Today, the action is in the food markets and boutiques on the Grand Canal's west bank.", "hypothesis": "The food markets are all on the canal's east bank."} {"idx": "mnli-929", "premise": "and you know it's it's really annoying when the i asked the defense attorney later why he didn't bring up all this other trouble the guy had been in he said that that was barred uh by the court", "hypothesis": "The man standing trial had many previous arrests."} {"idx": "mnli-930", "premise": "boilermaker labor per year.", "hypothesis": "boilermaker labor per week."} {"idx": "mnli-931", "premise": "Today it houses a small museum?\u00ad.", "hypothesis": "It contains a small museum."} {"idx": "mnli-932", "premise": "you know if somebody's hungry", "hypothesis": "if a person wants to eat you understand that"} {"idx": "mnli-933", "premise": "And (as Tom wonders in the book's opening line) are we all characters in one of God's dreams?", "hypothesis": "Tom's last thought, reflected in the opening line of the book, was that we could be part of God's dream."} {"idx": "mnli-934", "premise": "i mean they are but i don't label it as such", "hypothesis": "I label them how I want."} {"idx": "mnli-935", "premise": "and i don't know what the solution is", "hypothesis": "I have a perfect idea of what to do."} {"idx": "mnli-936", "premise": "was this uh done not by TI people was it", "hypothesis": "It wasn't done by TI people."} {"idx": "mnli-937", "premise": "Over the past 27 years, LSC has helped millions of low-income citizens solve important, sometimes life-threatening, civil legal problems.", "hypothesis": "Over the past 27 years, LSC was funded by the government."} {"idx": "mnli-938", "premise": "yeah yeah well we didn't have much we had some good ice but not a lot thank goodness not", "hypothesis": "We didn't have too much ice, but there was some. "} {"idx": "mnli-939", "premise": "An idiosyncrasy of genius.", "hypothesis": "An idiosyncrasy of being dull."} {"idx": "mnli-940", "premise": "master charge", "hypothesis": "No one is in control."} {"idx": "mnli-941", "premise": "Clinton brought it to the galley to show the flight attendants.", "hypothesis": "Clinton has never flown on a plane."} {"idx": "mnli-942", "premise": "The act requires that auditors for each of the 24 departments and agencies named in the CFO Act report, as part of their annual audits of the agenciesa financial statements, whether the agenciesa financial management systems comply substantially with federal financial management systems requirements, applicable federal accounting standards, and SGL at the transaction level.", "hypothesis": "The act does not require anything of any auditors."} {"idx": "mnli-943", "premise": "Also the Treasury requires departments to disclose instances of irregular expenditures arising from erroneous benefit awards and fraud by claimants.", "hypothesis": "Departments are typically reluctant to disclose mistakes in the awarding of benefits."} {"idx": "mnli-944", "premise": "They built many impressive churches during the term of the first Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, but in 1187 they were driven out by Muslim forces under the great warrior Saladin.", "hypothesis": "Saladin was a great Muslim warrior in 1187."} {"idx": "mnli-945", "premise": "but a lot of women are knowledge as knowledge about football as i am", "hypothesis": "I have a lot of football knowledge."} {"idx": "mnli-946", "premise": "yeah ooh i wish i could do that", "hypothesis": "I don't consider that to be very interesting, and I never want to try to do it myself."} {"idx": "mnli-947", "premise": "Despite occasional tensions, perhaps inevitable in times of economic uncertainty, today French people increasingly recognize that the immigrants from France's departements in the West Indies and from former colonies ' Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco ' enrich the national culture and add spice to the country's cuisine.", "hypothesis": "French people increasingly recognize that some immigrants recognize national culture and add spice to the country's cuisine."} {"idx": "mnli-948", "premise": "At times in recent years, the office has received its state and federal funding on a month-to-month basis, which one federal official called one step short of defunding.", "hypothesis": "The office gets state and federal funding."} {"idx": "mnli-949", "premise": "Finally, the analysis reports, as required by paragraph 603(c), that the Commission has reduced burdens where possible and that the regulatory burdens retained are necessary to ensure the public receives the benefits of the new services in a prompt and efficient manner.", "hypothesis": "The commission reduced burdens on the employees."} {"idx": "mnli-950", "premise": "I have found it hard to forgive the things you said against my dear husband but I am an old woman & very fond of you Yours affectionately, Emily Inglethorpe 79 It was handed to the jury who scrutinized it attentively. ", "hypothesis": "I am an old lady that likes you a lot."} {"idx": "mnli-951", "premise": "Tim, we never should have got into this quagmire, but now we have no choice but to ...", "hypothesis": "Tim was an idiot and got them into this mess. "} {"idx": "mnli-952", "premise": "and i had the book and i hadn't read it in so long so i read it the other day to see if i could so i can watch the movie", "hypothesis": "I enjoyed reading the book more than watching the movie."} {"idx": "mnli-953", "premise": "Sunraider yearns to know who his mother is, and Hickman wants to know how Bliss became Sunraider.", "hypothesis": "Sunraider knows the identity of his mother."} {"idx": "mnli-954", "premise": "You can take a ferryboat through the harbor, past the ingenious Plover Cove reservoir, a water catchment area appropriated by damming and draining a broad inlet from the sea.", "hypothesis": "You cannot take a ferry boat through the harbour."} {"idx": "mnli-955", "premise": "oh really huh do you do they um have a policy where they counsel people if they come back positive or do they fire them right away or", "hypothesis": "I have heard that they fire the people who come in positive."} {"idx": "mnli-956", "premise": "The Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art just hired its new head away from Disney.", "hypothesis": "The new head of the Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art was just hired away from Disney."} {"idx": "mnli-957", "premise": "The United States has facilitated the importation of foreign agricultural workers in response to alleged shortages of workers in the United States for many years under various programs.", "hypothesis": "The shortage of workers in the United States is the result of a bad economy."} {"idx": "mnli-958", "premise": "The Shore comprises a quayside and several cobbled lanes with restaurants where you can have a pleasant lunch.", "hypothesis": "If you're looking for something to eat, sadly, The Shore doesn't have any restaurants."} {"idx": "mnli-959", "premise": "i'm in Rochester New York everybody else but one has been in Texas", "hypothesis": "There are only two people not in Texas."} {"idx": "mnli-960", "premise": "That's why they'll make sure to stop him.", "hypothesis": "There is no need to stop him."} {"idx": "mnli-961", "premise": "In-depth, very extensive case studies of several water catchment areas were conducted, and the final report is based on a synthesis of the findings from the case studies-another example of integration of findings across diverse sites (U.S.", "hypothesis": "Nobody has ever taken the time to study water catchment areas."} {"idx": "mnli-962", "premise": "Advertisers frequently urge us to rebel, and they frequently urge us to conform.", "hypothesis": "Advertisers urge us to do things."} {"idx": "mnli-963", "premise": "'I do hope you will come around to seeing things my way.'", "hypothesis": "There was a subtle threat in her voice as she said 'I believe you will come around to seeing things my way.'"} {"idx": "mnli-964", "premise": "A remnant of the second century a.d. wall that once supported the Temple Mount, this is the most revered place in the world for the Jewish faith.", "hypothesis": "The remnant of the wall is an interesting historical artifact, but doesn't have much religious meaning anymore."} {"idx": "mnli-965", "premise": "you know the company insurance and and", "hypothesis": "The company has no insurance"} {"idx": "mnli-966", "premise": "have to go replace them with uh something a little hardier", "hypothesis": "Most shrubs are hardier than them."} {"idx": "mnli-967", "premise": "But these are the trivia of what he left me and my sister.", "hypothesis": "But these are the answers of what he left me and my sister."} {"idx": "mnli-968", "premise": "The men promise money to the brides' families, then often treat the wives as sex slaves, or worse.", "hypothesis": "The wives and their families have no idea what they are getting into."} {"idx": "mnli-969", "premise": "The car was waiting, and I drove back.", "hypothesis": "The car left and I stayed."} {"idx": "mnli-970", "premise": "you know it's it's pretty nice and friendly out there and you can't find that in all sports", "hypothesis": "It's pretty nice and friendly out there in the soccer field"} {"idx": "mnli-971", "premise": "i mean cucumbers here grow like crazy", "hypothesis": "Cucumbers grow really well here due to the rain."} {"idx": "mnli-972", "premise": "for the machine yeah", "hypothesis": "No, do not use the machine."} {"idx": "mnli-973", "premise": "It's now a quiet residential refuge popular with artists and tourists seeking to escape the mobs.", "hypothesis": "It is a noisy residential area popular with musicians."} {"idx": "mnli-974", "premise": "We strongly disagree with the Vice President's objections to our audit and access authority.", "hypothesis": "The Vice President gave the go-ahead to our audit authority."} {"idx": "mnli-975", "premise": "And, as SurfWatch's promotional literature is happy to point out, filters can help protect management from liability for permitting sexually explicit material in the workplace.", "hypothesis": "In the past, management has been held liable for allowing explicit material in the workplace."} {"idx": "mnli-976", "premise": "Only one son had survived to tell of the disaster.", "hypothesis": "He was mentally scarred from the disaster."} {"idx": "mnli-977", "premise": "APHIS performed an environmental assessment and determined that the actions required or authorized by this rule will not present a significant risk of introducing", "hypothesis": "They were very cautious with their evaluations."} {"idx": "mnli-978", "premise": "They were longitudinal, were made by on-site observers who sought participant-observer roles, and constituted an inquiry structured from an evolving understanding of events and their meaning to the persons involved in them.", "hypothesis": "They were made on site by observers, constituted an inquiry, and were longitudinal."} {"idx": "mnli-979", "premise": "He thought philandering husbands would be the ones taking advantage of the argument about how cheating was hard to control.", "hypothesis": "Husbands never cheat on their wives. "} {"idx": "mnli-980", "premise": "However, a change would not seem likely to have a negative impact, since, in contrast to the current policy, it would be consistent with the airlines' position that frequent flyer miles belong to the individual traveler.", "hypothesis": "Individuals are groups of people or businesses that work as a team to achieve a goal."} {"idx": "mnli-981", "premise": "Everywhere silence, and shuttered windows.", "hypothesis": "There was a storm coming so the windows were shuttered. "} {"idx": "mnli-982", "premise": "A narrow cobbled trail of 587 steps leads from the town to the small port below, now the domain of a fleet of donkeys that wait to carry cruise ship passengers into town.", "hypothesis": "A fleet of donkeys ferries passengers from the town to the port."} {"idx": "mnli-983", "premise": "but anyway well um i can't think of a whole lot more to say", "hypothesis": "I can't say more about immigration."} {"idx": "mnli-984", "premise": "um so do you have a personal computer", "hypothesis": "You don't have any computers in your house, right?"} {"idx": "mnli-985", "premise": "what'd they do for that did they have to cast it and", "hypothesis": "What method did they employ to get that done; was the thing poured into a mold or pressed?"} {"idx": "mnli-986", "premise": "um yeah but you need to continue to read so you you can people learn to read you know", "hypothesis": "Nobody needs to read at all."} {"idx": "mnli-987", "premise": "Other distinctions are possible, such as bulk and nonbulk, but the speed distinction would seem to dominate.", "hypothesis": "Other distinctions are not possible, "} {"idx": "mnli-988", "premise": "Youth is a failing only too easily outgrown.", "hypothesis": "The idea of youth is a fault that is overcome easily by growth."} {"idx": "mnli-989", "premise": "i i it's okay to watch people go out and break their legs but i'm not going to climb on a couple of pieces of wood and go racing down a slick mountain side i mean that's", "hypothesis": "I would love to go mountain sliding, it's my life dream."} {"idx": "mnli-990", "premise": "The fire burns, and it destroys. ", "hypothesis": "The fire destroyed it. "} {"idx": "mnli-991", "premise": "WRITE-OFF -An action to remove an amount from an entity's assets or financial resources.", "hypothesis": "Write offs are used to remove financial information. "} {"idx": "mnli-992", "premise": "From a population of 20,000 it has grown into a metropolis of 2.5 million, with tightly clustered skyscrapers and some of China's highest groseng industries.", "hypothesis": "Its population has increased by over two million."} {"idx": "mnli-993", "premise": "The titles alone--Mars Probe Finds Kittens and Schredinger's Cat (which covers Sacajawea's Rain Bonnet and Wittgenstein's Banana)--display Martin's knack for goofy parody.", "hypothesis": "Martin's works are enjoyed by many."} {"idx": "mnli-994", "premise": "and i talked to someone about the uh the uh education system i forget exactly what the focus was on that one but that was fairly interesting and i've talked to somebody about credit card usage", "hypothesis": "I talked to someone about the education system and credit card usage."} {"idx": "mnli-995", "premise": "so let's see what well what kind of music do you not like", "hypothesis": "Tell me about all the music you love listening to "} {"idx": "mnli-996", "premise": "They--hey, what's that?\" He was looking up, and Hanson followed his gaze.", "hypothesis": "He looked down at the ground, while Hanson looked up."} {"idx": "mnli-997", "premise": "Or does cold iron ruin your conjuring here? Sather Karf snorted in obvious disgust, but Bork only grinned.", "hypothesis": "Sather Karf has no questions regarding cold iron and conjuring."} {"idx": "mnli-998", "premise": "5 million Americans living in households with an income below the poverty level.", "hypothesis": "5 millun Americans make too much money"} {"idx": "mnli-999", "premise": "These Year 2000 conversion efforts are often conducted under severe time constraints that, without adequate management attention, could result in a weakening of controls over the integrity of data and programs and over the confidentiality of sensitive data.", "hypothesis": "The severe time constraints on the Year 2000 conversion efforts should have absolutely no effect on the confidentiality of sensitive data."} {"idx": "mnli-1000", "premise": "The Pacific War actually began 70 minutes before the attack on Pearl Harbor, on Malaysia's east coast, near Kota Bharu.", "hypothesis": "70 minutes prior to the Pearl Harbor attack, the Pacific War began."} {"idx": "mnli-1001", "premise": "The king himself died here in 1598, to be buried in a family tomb beneath the high altar of the basilica.", "hypothesis": "The king died in 1598 and was buried in a family tomb."} {"idx": "mnli-1002", "premise": "The resources required for the installation of control technologies to achieve the emission reductions under the Clear Skies Act were estimated and compared to their current market availability.", "hypothesis": "Installing control technologies in order to reduce emissions required resources."} {"idx": "mnli-1003", "premise": "About 2,500 victims of the Revolutionary guillotine spent their last hours in the Conciergerie.", "hypothesis": "The French Revolution was the last time the Conciergerie was used to hold prisoners."} {"idx": "mnli-1004", "premise": "Brittany's countryside is wilder and less civilized, with a jagged coastline to match.", "hypothesis": "Brittany's countryside is boring and mundane."} {"idx": "mnli-1005", "premise": "77 \"The price, at any rate, would have to be enormous,\" she said lightly.", "hypothesis": "She thinks the price, at any rate, is enormous in the summer time."} {"idx": "mnli-1006", "premise": "that that's right oh that's a big thrill for them", "hypothesis": "They thought it was boring."} {"idx": "mnli-1007", "premise": "uh-huh i know that Costa Rica they don't allow anybody to come in that um to come in any uh what do you call what do you call immigrants they don't allow anything like that like i could not go to Costa Rica and live as an American citizen they would not permit me to move there to work they wouldn't their jobs are there for Costa Ricans they don't allow people to move in like less nations you know and take the jobs", "hypothesis": "In Costa Rica, immigration by American citizens is forbidden."} {"idx": "mnli-1008", "premise": "The second statement is that the rate difference should be equal to the average incremental savings for the worksharing program.", "hypothesis": "The rate difference should be equivalent to the average incremental savings."} {"idx": "mnli-1009", "premise": "Carryin' a blood foal, I'm thinkin'.", "hypothesis": "The blood foal was just born."} {"idx": "mnli-1010", "premise": "In the big finale, as men and women in tiny swimsuits perform a nearly pornographic water ballet in a giant glass-walled tank, a row of topless showgirls roars onto the stage on Harley Davidsons while lasers trace American Icons--the Statue of Liberty, profiles of Washington and Lincoln, the flag-raising on Iwo Jima--onto the wings of the stage, and a 15-piece pit band plays Bruce Springsteen's Born in the U.S.A. Greed, liquor, jingoism, bad taste, and utterly compelling entertainment.", "hypothesis": "The finale was crass and disgusting with lots of nudity. "} {"idx": "mnli-1011", "premise": "by arranging for different family reunions and class reunions all over the country yeah i always thought that would be kind of might be kind of fun you know especially with a class reunion where", "hypothesis": "I really look forward to class reunions."} {"idx": "mnli-1012", "premise": "Take the Mid-Levels Escalator to Hollywood road, known for its antiques and curio shopping.", "hypothesis": "Hollywood road is located in the center of the city."} {"idx": "mnli-1013", "premise": "Just west of the fort is the former royal palace of Ras El-Tin, built for Mohammed Ali in 1834.", "hypothesis": "Mohammed Ali was rich enough to have a palace built for himself."} {"idx": "mnli-1014", "premise": "yeah yeah let's see what other social changes in the past ten years oh i guess between men and women i've seen a lot of changes in terms of women feeling like they have to have a career be mom be everything superperson", "hypothesis": "Nowadays, it seems that more men feel pressure to stay home and take care of their kids. "} {"idx": "mnli-1015", "premise": "No one need sit up. ", "hypothesis": "Sit up."} {"idx": "mnli-1016", "premise": "We were alone in a corridor.", "hypothesis": "We stood in the crowded hallway. "} {"idx": "mnli-1017", "premise": "Jesse Helms opposes granting China permanent MFN status, calling it a reward for bad behavior.", "hypothesis": "China has permanent MFN status."} {"idx": "mnli-1018", "premise": "The authorities believe that the bounty hunters used their profession as a cover for armed robbery.", "hypothesis": "Bountry hunters aren't always pure. "} {"idx": "mnli-1019", "premise": "but they went for this whole season and they had all these situations and then to end the season come to find out Pam it was all a dream", "hypothesis": "The entire season played out before it was revealed that it was a dream Pam was having."} {"idx": "mnli-1020", "premise": "of the road.", "hypothesis": "Materials of the road "} {"idx": "mnli-1021", "premise": "The cape itself is the haunt of wild goats and the site of an isolated lighthouse and a watchtower, built high above the sea.", "hypothesis": "The cape contains wild goats and an isolated lighthouse and a watchtower."} {"idx": "mnli-1022", "premise": "Some were museum pieces.", "hypothesis": "A few of them were pieces from museums."} {"idx": "mnli-1023", "premise": "and uh we have a lot of bad stuff it just really gets me depressed even to watch it", "hypothesis": "The news depresses me."} {"idx": "mnli-1024", "premise": "and um she was just so friendly and i asked the manager as we checked out i said is that lady a ballerina or what and he goes he said no she's a bulimic", "hypothesis": "The manager told me that she was the lady ballerina I was referring to."} {"idx": "mnli-1025", "premise": "Anything else? ", "hypothesis": "The question asks if there is anywhere else."} {"idx": "mnli-1026", "premise": "The F/A-18E/F had 56 percent of its drawings completed and also had over 90 percent of its higher level interface drawings completed, adding confidence in the system design.", "hypothesis": "Drawings can take weeks to complete."} {"idx": "mnli-1027", "premise": "On the other hand, horses of the same combination were the pride of several other families living around Lexington.", "hypothesis": "Families in Lexington had horses."} {"idx": "mnli-1028", "premise": "And this month's votes are but a skirmish in the crusades.", "hypothesis": "The votes of this month are unimportant."} {"idx": "mnli-1029", "premise": "Saint-Malo remains an important fishing port, ferry terminal, and yacht harbor.", "hypothesis": "Saint-Malo is still known as a fishing port of some importance."} {"idx": "mnli-1030", "premise": "Gods, said San'doro.", "hypothesis": "San'doro said Gods."} {"idx": "mnli-1031", "premise": "Others, he said, lost possessions to looters after the March 23 blaze, which left 78 people temporarily homeless.", "hypothesis": "They all had been charged with trespassing when they returned to their homes, he said."} {"idx": "mnli-1032", "premise": "and well i think the now it's all coming back to me what was the one not The Deep but The Abyss", "hypothesis": "I don't remember anything abou it."} {"idx": "mnli-1033", "premise": "receive information.", "hypothesis": "There is a demand of information."} {"idx": "mnli-1034", "premise": "um-hum i usually just i'm trying to think of i guess i would tend myself to be more towards the the like three", "hypothesis": "My opinions on things vary greatly depending on how I am feeling."} {"idx": "mnli-1035", "premise": "This two-year funding decision was made to allow the Missouri legal services programs the time and the opportunity to develop a viable, effective and comprehensive state plan.", "hypothesis": "The Missouri legislatures knew that it would take time to put an effective state plan into action."} {"idx": "mnli-1036", "premise": "Barry agreed that difficult cases do take most of the time and resources currently spent on alcohol problems in the ED.", "hypothesis": "The difficult cases do not take up much time."} {"idx": "mnli-1037", "premise": "Now they argue that the single entity suppresses salaries and violates antitrust laws.", "hypothesis": "They're saying that the entity is in violation of antitrust laws put in place before the Great Depression."} {"idx": "mnli-1038", "premise": "does he have those as well", "hypothesis": "He doesn't have them?"} {"idx": "mnli-1039", "premise": "yeah they didn't and i'm not for sure what the deal is on him i think he's been hurt but he hadn't played he hadn't played in probably two months and i've i've gone to about three or four of their games and i don't even think he was on the sidelines so i i think he hurt his knee or something but he he definitely didn't turn out to be anything like he was supposed to so uh", "hypothesis": "He played the best he could, but I think he needs a bit more time off."} {"idx": "mnli-1040", "premise": "VA announced its first Carey Award in 1992.", "hypothesis": "The first Carey Award was held by VA in 1992."} {"idx": "mnli-1041", "premise": "This major initiative, conceived by Supreme Court Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, is the American Bar Association's principal Law Day outreach this year.", "hypothesis": "Kennedy and the ABA worked together."} {"idx": "mnli-1042", "premise": "Wearing a towel and bath-clogs, you will be shown to the steamy marble washroom, where buckets of hot water will be poured over you before an attendant sets to work with a coarse glove, removing dirt and dead skin and leaving you pink and glowing.", "hypothesis": "After pouring hot water all over your body, a gloved attendant will exfoliate your skin until you are pink and glowing."} {"idx": "mnli-1043", "premise": "All those stories of Apaches weaseling into touching distance of the guard at the Stronghold.... Why, only last year the younger Rivas boy had had his throat slit out in the hay field within sight of his home!", "hypothesis": "The Rivas boy was killed a year ago."} {"idx": "mnli-1044", "premise": "The second pedophilia scare has served a more pragmatic legislative blackmail.", "hypothesis": "There has only ever been one pedophilia scare."} {"idx": "mnli-1045", "premise": "okay well i live in Carrollton", "hypothesis": "I have a house in Carrollton."} {"idx": "mnli-1046", "premise": "You said he went north.", "hypothesis": "You said that he went northward."} {"idx": "mnli-1047", "premise": "Recognizing that these other justifications overlap and may not all qualify as basic starting points, it is worthwhile to list them.", "hypothesis": "These justifications are not starting points, because they are too indepth."} {"idx": "mnli-1048", "premise": "Nor have the rich maintained that audible indicator, that quasi-English, quasi-lockjawed accent that the swells all had in Depression-era movies.", "hypothesis": "The accents in the Depression-era movies are gone because as years go by it has been forgotten."} {"idx": "mnli-1049", "premise": "Desperately clambering toward the top of the train, I came close to a window.", "hypothesis": "I boarded the train via the steps on the first car."} {"idx": "mnli-1050", "premise": "It lost its empire in America and the Pacific, and then in 1923 suffered a humiliating defeat in Morocco at the hands of local rebels.", "hypothesis": "Local Moroccan rebels defeated it in 1923."} {"idx": "mnli-1051", "premise": "The portion of this actuarial present value allocated to a valuation year is called the normal cost.", "hypothesis": "Normal cost is a large part of the actuarial present value."} {"idx": "mnli-1052", "premise": "but he's the star of that uh team their pitching staff and when he sits out they fizzle", "hypothesis": "They have never once succeeded when he has sat out. "} {"idx": "mnli-1053", "premise": "The first prong would represent basic reporting applicable to all public companies.", "hypothesis": "Reporters follow a framework outlining basic principles. "} {"idx": "mnli-1054", "premise": "In addition, while these agencies address partnering with customers and other stakeholders, greater emphasis should be placed in fostering the collaboration within and across organizational boundaries to achieve results.", "hypothesis": "The agencies work to partner with customers and other stakeholders."} {"idx": "mnli-1055", "premise": "Suddenly Tuppence sprang up with a cry.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence sat on something sharp, causing him to spring up."} {"idx": "mnli-1056", "premise": "Some of the agencies rules with their own dedicated web sites provided separate links to both the rules and electronic comment procedures (e.g.", "hypothesis": "Some agencies' websites contain separate links for each of their rules and procedures. "} {"idx": "mnli-1057", "premise": "Adrin ducked underneath, spun, and the two men grappled again.", "hypothesis": "Adrin jumped over top the man and started grappling him."} {"idx": "mnli-1058", "premise": "yeah good and low", "hypothesis": "No, bad and high."} {"idx": "mnli-1059", "premise": "If you've fallen in love with Italian coffee, why not buy a compact version of the espresso machine or packaged roasted beans?", "hypothesis": "Unfortunately there is no way to make espressos on your own."} {"idx": "mnli-1060", "premise": "But he had had his orders: no contact with the three travelers unless there was fear of attack.", "hypothesis": "He was under order to not have any contact with the three travelers unless he was afraid of an attack. "} {"idx": "mnli-1061", "premise": "6 million from funding for court-appointed lawyers to the Legal Aid Society.", "hypothesis": "6 million was handed to the Legal Aid Society for court-appointed lawyers."} {"idx": "mnli-1062", "premise": "Saved from the plant over-growth in the past two decades, 12 km (7 miles) from Ipoh is Kellie's Castle, a mansion whose construction was halted when its owner, William Kellie Smith, a rubber planter, died while visiting Scotland in the mid-1920s.", "hypothesis": "William Kellie Smith was a rubber planter who died while he was visiting Scotland in the mid-1920s."} {"idx": "mnli-1063", "premise": "A red flag means that swimming is dangerous and a black flag means that no swimming is allowed.", "hypothesis": "A red flag can indicate that the water is safe to swim in. "} {"idx": "mnli-1064", "premise": "The waters of the Algarve provide some of the best big-game fishing in Europe.", "hypothesis": "Some of the best big-game fishing in Europe is found off the coast of Algarve."} {"idx": "mnli-1065", "premise": "The greater use of broadbanding is one of the options that deserves to be discussed.", "hypothesis": "There are no other options that need to be discussed."} {"idx": "mnli-1066", "premise": "anything goes when mom's on the phone", "hypothesis": "All bets are off when on the phone with Mom."} {"idx": "mnli-1067", "premise": "Excluded from the definition of land are the natural resources (that is, depletable resources such as mineral deposits and petroleum; renewable resources such as timber, and the outer-continental shelf resources) related to land.", "hypothesis": "Depletable and renewable resources are not excluded from the definition of land."} {"idx": "mnli-1068", "premise": "5 concentrations and deposition are reported as a percent reduction.", "hypothesis": "Concentrations and depositions will be reported as a percent reduction."} {"idx": "mnli-1069", "premise": "Gauve laughed and Celeste blushed.", "hypothesis": "Celeste was embarrassed. "} {"idx": "mnli-1070", "premise": "6 percent in 1997.NHH-to-NHH (business mail) is the only sector of First-Class Mail that has experienced healthy growth in the 90s.", "hypothesis": "NHH-to-NHH (business mail) knew a growth in the 90s of 15 percent."} {"idx": "mnli-1071", "premise": "Recruitment and Retention of Diverse Leadership/Governance", "hypothesis": "To apply for the job one has to visit the Recruitment and Retention of Diverse Leadership/Governance site."} {"idx": "mnli-1072", "premise": "and their children are now living there okay", "hypothesis": "Their children are living okay there."} {"idx": "mnli-1073", "premise": "it's like you know even though two hundred and fifty thousand people died somewhere else they're not going to tell you you know they're going to spend more time on doing a a thing on a on a cross guard who's a hundred and five years old than they are on anything else you know", "hypothesis": "Not many people died somewhere else. "} {"idx": "mnli-1074", "premise": "You can spot, set in the stone walls, little sculpted heads of angels or demons, floral motifs, or the scallop shell (coquille Saint-Jacques) marking the route of medieval pilgrims to Santiago de Compostela in Spain.", "hypothesis": "The route of medieval pilgrims to Santiago de Compostela connects Spain to Germany."} {"idx": "mnli-1075", "premise": "We have to prepare for people to go to the mines.", "hypothesis": "We have to prepare people to go into the mines."} {"idx": "mnli-1076", "premise": "LSC has joined with the ABA Commission on Loan Repayment and Forgiveness to study this problem and to recommend solutions.", "hypothesis": "LSC doesn't want to be involved with ABA Comission."} {"idx": "mnli-1077", "premise": "A tall man in an even taller hat.", "hypothesis": "That man's height is about 6\u2032 6\u2033 and he wears a black tall hat."} {"idx": "mnli-1078", "premise": "So, buy your mom something nice, eventually, when you get around to it.", "hypothesis": "Never buy your mom anything nice."} {"idx": "mnli-1079", "premise": "But evangelical leaders, who are, in my experience, uniformly kind and generous in their personal relations, can also be terribly obnoxious in their relations with Jews.", "hypothesis": "evangelical leaders are jerks to everyone."} {"idx": "mnli-1080", "premise": "Featuring prominently in an exhibition at the Tate Gallery in London, it is said to be the bed in which the artist spent a week contemplating suicide after breaking up with a boyfriend.", "hypothesis": "The Tate Gallery had an exhibit."} {"idx": "mnli-1081", "premise": "The result is fascinating without being exactly moving.", "hypothesis": "The result was uninteresting."} {"idx": "mnli-1082", "premise": "well i didn't get uh into football until about Danny Dan Marino's first year", "hypothesis": "Danny Dan Marino's first year was the time when I got into football"} {"idx": "mnli-1083", "premise": "Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder, who suggested that the Justice Department, rather than a biased independent counsel, should investigate Baitgate.", "hypothesis": "Eric Holder predictably suggested that the Justice Department should investigate rather than any other agency. "} {"idx": "mnli-1084", "premise": "The door was the same but I felt something in the air.", "hypothesis": "I knew there was a problem because the door was moved."} {"idx": "mnli-1085", "premise": "well what what what brand i mean what model would you look", "hypothesis": "What kind did you get?"} {"idx": "mnli-1086", "premise": "Thank you for your time and attention to this important matter.", "hypothesis": "Your time in the matter was needed"} {"idx": "mnli-1087", "premise": "uh no we don't", "hypothesis": "Uh yes we do. "} {"idx": "mnli-1088", "premise": "Want to catch up on the hottest independent film, pay a mere $3 for a held-over feature at the Lowe's Cineplex Fairfax, grab a few air-conditioned hours with an international flick, or watch a blockbuster in the historic Mann's Chinese Theater or El Capitan?", "hypothesis": "Would you like to go outside and get away from technology?"} {"idx": "mnli-1089", "premise": "13 Such problems might well arise if the Service were to negotiate discounted rates-unaccompanied by a change in service conditions that provided cost or revenue justification.", "hypothesis": "There might be problems if the service can negotiate rates without a change in the service conditions."} {"idx": "mnli-1090", "premise": "Starr's critics think these excesses and failures make him a bad man.", "hypothesis": "His critics think his failures define him."} {"idx": "mnli-1091", "premise": "When the evidence is more inconsistent than consistent, the pattern is rejected.", "hypothesis": "The pattern is thrown out if the evidence is overly inconsistent."} {"idx": "mnli-1092", "premise": "Built in 1965 by Laurance Rockefeller, this was the first great resort to be carved out of the lava on the Kohala Coast.", "hypothesis": "There were no resorts built on the Kohala Coast."} {"idx": "mnli-1093", "premise": "The painterly impact of the burnt sienna glows from the arcaded Gothic Palazzo Pubblico opposite, with its splendid 102-m- (335-ft-) high Torre del Mangia (climb to its first tier at 88 m [288 ft] for a magnificent view of the city and countryside beyond).", "hypothesis": "The Torre del Mangia is fifteen feet high, climb to its first tier at five feet."} {"idx": "mnli-1094", "premise": "Many federal CIOs, in the normal course of their own efforts, have already begun working along the lines of the advice provided in this guide.", "hypothesis": "Federal CIOs have not begun using the advice."} {"idx": "mnli-1095", "premise": "In the opinion of many, Cuba is an isolated socialist dinosaur.", "hypothesis": "Cuba is thought to be an isolated socialist dinosaur by few."} {"idx": "mnli-1096", "premise": "oh yeah the economy uh what i was thinking about is an economical issue concerning it uh", "hypothesis": "It's not an economical issue."} {"idx": "mnli-1097", "premise": "All known targets, except Pelosi, did vote for MFN and had been strong MFN supporters all along.", "hypothesis": "Pelosi voted MFN"} {"idx": "mnli-1098", "premise": "It is impossible to draw a bright line between ultimate fighting and boxing.", "hypothesis": "The differences between ultimate fighting and boxing are few."} {"idx": "mnli-1099", "premise": "got more uh civilized and uh give them lethal injection so we definitely do have uh capital punishment", "hypothesis": "We do it by lethal injection and it is more civilized. "} {"idx": "mnli-1100", "premise": "To qualify for legal assistance, one's income must be at or below 125 percent of the poverty level, as determined by the federal government.", "hypothesis": "A person is not given free legal assistance, regardless of how little they make."} {"idx": "mnli-1101", "premise": "The estrangement of too many parents from John McCain's life.", "hypothesis": "Estrangement from his parents hurt John McCain's life hurt him."} {"idx": "mnli-1102", "premise": "What the fad for foreign IPOs ignores is the massive uncertainty still attached to foreign markets, even as it has led U.S. investors to overlook everything they take for granted at regular reports, corporate accountability, open books, the Securities and Exchange Commission.", "hypothesis": "In fact, more then 30% of international startups fail in the first quarter."} {"idx": "mnli-1103", "premise": "The town of Antiparoseeems to move at a slower pace than Parikia; in fact, the town can be almost somnolent out of season.", "hypothesis": "Parikia is a much slower paced town that Antiparo."} {"idx": "mnli-1104", "premise": "no no i haven't uh i hadn't tried in fact we were we were planting flowers this weekend so uh i was pretty tied up", "hypothesis": "I was pretty tied up this weekend because I was planting flowers."} {"idx": "mnli-1105", "premise": "Presort firms are collecting the mail, working with their customers on the quality of their addresses and on the machinability of their addresses, sorting the mail, and entering the mail effectively.", "hypothesis": "Presort firms have refused to cooperate with their customers about their addresses."} {"idx": "mnli-1106", "premise": "c) Betrayed by Linda Tripp.", "hypothesis": "Let down by Linda Tripp."} {"idx": "mnli-1107", "premise": "Although we identified no organizations that had made significant progress in applying such measures, we found that more precisely measuring the positive and negative effects of security on business operations is an area of developing interest among many information security experts.", "hypothesis": "Many information security experts are more and more interested in measuring positive and negative effects of security on business operations."} {"idx": "mnli-1108", "premise": "it manages to take care of all my home needs in terms of word processing and spreadsheets and uh databases database searches", "hypothesis": "It's not enough in terms of looking after my spreadsheets or my word processing needs at home."} {"idx": "mnli-1109", "premise": "yeah but don't you think in a way that's kind of a cop out i mean it still is your responsibility and and and and nowadays they do have more information that you can become aware of and there are things like the League of Women Voters or some of the other groups", "hypothesis": "That is avoiding the responsibility you have to your constiutents."} {"idx": "mnli-1110", "premise": "'The bastard sounds like you.'", "hypothesis": "He sounds like you."} {"idx": "mnli-1111", "premise": "How did it hope to compete with the great coastal settlements in other parts of the New World?", "hypothesis": "There were no coastal settlements in the New World."} {"idx": "mnli-1112", "premise": "uh-huh where about", "hypothesis": "I do not care where it is."} {"idx": "mnli-1113", "premise": "and there's a big difference", "hypothesis": "And there is a significant discrepancy."} {"idx": "mnli-1114", "premise": "okay well i have two boys actually they're nine years old and uh five and a half actually almost six now and they're in kindergarten and uh fourth grade how about yourself", "hypothesis": "I have two boys."} {"idx": "mnli-1115", "premise": "and my wife is from Plains if you know where Plains is", "hypothesis": "My wife went to school in Plains."} {"idx": "mnli-1116", "premise": "What do you think of that? 38 I scrutinized the fragment. ", "hypothesis": "I don't care what you think. "} {"idx": "mnli-1117", "premise": "uh for fully automatic weapons and uh all right now for instance in California where they passed the uh", "hypothesis": "Automatic weapons are banned in many states."} {"idx": "mnli-1118", "premise": "i spent uh i spent a year up in Colorado Springs at TI up in Colorado Springs", "hypothesis": "I was never in Colorado Springs. "} {"idx": "mnli-1119", "premise": "Owners, the government included, traditionally have maintained some level of internal facility planning and design oversight capability to ensure that new facilities acceptably balance the factors of cost, schedule, quality, and performance.", "hypothesis": "Owners plan to keep the facility under budget."} {"idx": "mnli-1120", "premise": "Black leather three-corner hats shaded their eyes.", "hypothesis": "Their eyes were blinded by the bright sun."} {"idx": "mnli-1121", "premise": "um drug testing doesn't bother me", "hypothesis": "I don't care about drug testing, because I don't use them."} {"idx": "mnli-1122", "premise": "Slim said, \"I didn't.", "hypothesis": "Slim said that he did."} {"idx": "mnli-1123", "premise": "yeah all we can do is keep plugging", "hypothesis": "We do not stop plugging."} {"idx": "mnli-1124", "premise": "now i also uh even though i retired from education i uh i do modeling and i teach at a modeling agency here", "hypothesis": "I haven't done any work since I retired."} {"idx": "mnli-1125", "premise": "How convincing I'd been; for a brief time I'd even conned myself.", "hypothesis": "I was horrible at convincing anyone."} {"idx": "mnli-1126", "premise": "Richardson's need to make Picasso into a serious artist and an honorable man (instead of the inspired poetic rascal he actually was) deforms, above all, his account of Picasso's relations with women, he writes.", "hypothesis": "Richardson needed to make Picasso into a serious artist and an honorable man."} {"idx": "mnli-1127", "premise": "I want you to spark their minds.", "hypothesis": "I want you to do an experiment that is exciting for them."} {"idx": "mnli-1128", "premise": "yeah yeah myself about the only thing i really recycle around here is aluminum cans", "hypothesis": "I recycle only iron cans. "} {"idx": "mnli-1129", "premise": "When the Arabs took the country from the east they brought a new religion, art, and society that swept away much of what had come before.", "hypothesis": "The arabs only brought materialistic things when they took over the east. "} {"idx": "mnli-1130", "premise": "Tuppence is my girl! ", "hypothesis": "I loathe Tuppence."} {"idx": "mnli-1131", "premise": " The most distinguished place for modern Irish crafts and jewelry is DesignYard on Essex Street in Temple Bar everything here is of high quality.", "hypothesis": "The jewelry in DesignYard is often of poor quality."} {"idx": "mnli-1132", "premise": "It thus provides an all-too-rare glimpse of provincial life in prewar Japan.", "hypothesis": "It's a very rote look at how city life changed in Japan after the war."} {"idx": "mnli-1133", "premise": "This was-and remains-an enormous challenge.", "hypothesis": "Conducting a flawless office fire drill is an enormous challenge."} {"idx": "mnli-1134", "premise": "Although Israel is only now 50 years old, the roots of its three prime religious faiths (Juda?\u00adism, Islam, and Christianity) stretch back over many millennia, and some of its ancient settlements are amongst the oldest on earth.", "hypothesis": "Israel has been a country for millenia."} {"idx": "mnli-1135", "premise": "One factor is the integrity and ethical values maintained and demonstrated by management and staff.", "hypothesis": "Demonstrating these values is valuable to the image and reputation of the business."} {"idx": "mnli-1136", "premise": "no where as far as wind breaks go and and we had secured tents real well even if we had done it in the dark at eleven o'clock at night", "hypothesis": "We had the tents secure by late that night."} {"idx": "mnli-1137", "premise": "Referring some matter to a permanent independent prosecutor's office would be far less fraught than appointing a new independent prosecutor and would carry less of a stigma.", "hypothesis": "An independent prosecutor would be a terrible idea."} {"idx": "mnli-1138", "premise": "Then he reminded me of something I had said to him at 186 Manchester respecting that bogus telegram which lured Miss Cowley away.", "hypothesis": "Miss Cowley hadn't been lured away by a false telegram."} {"idx": "mnli-1139", "premise": "Most people approach Provence from the north; the warmth of the sun, the red-tiled roofs, the cypress trees, the garrigue (scrubland), and the fragrance of lavender alert you that you have arrived.", "hypothesis": "Provence doesn't have houses with red roofs or cypress trees."} {"idx": "mnli-1140", "premise": "And as my correspondent reminds us, the people who ran LTCM understood all about this sort of thing--indeed, those Nobel laureates got their prizes for, guess what, developing the modern theory of option pricing.", "hypothesis": "The people running LTCM were poorly educated and generally unqualified."} {"idx": "mnli-1141", "premise": "There's something about [Corgan's] whole grandiosity that is very four years ago.", "hypothesis": "Corgan makes everyone remember 2013."} {"idx": "mnli-1142", "premise": "Somebody from the future--this could never be the past--had somehow pulled him out just ahead of the accident, apparently; or else he'd been deep frozen somehow to wait for medical knowledge beyond that of his own time.", "hypothesis": "Someone wanted to ensure he lived."} {"idx": "mnli-1143", "premise": "Many estimable people are devoting themselves to ridding our popular culture of obscenity, sex, and violence.", "hypothesis": "Our popular culture is totally devoid of obscenity, sex, and violence. "} {"idx": "mnli-1144", "premise": "This is a club for Russian golf.", "hypothesis": "The club is popular among Russians. "} {"idx": "mnli-1145", "premise": "and then i have a a Mac that i use for graphics and", "hypothesis": "I don't own any computers. "} {"idx": "mnli-1146", "premise": "She began withholding rent pending repairs her landlord refused to make, but then her Medi-Cal benefits were cut off when she could not provide rent receipts.", "hypothesis": "She was paying rent but her landlord refused to fix things."} {"idx": "mnli-1147", "premise": "He's not a moron.'", "hypothesis": "That guy is an idiot."} {"idx": "mnli-1148", "premise": "uh yes they are getting older now so they are not quite as much of a responsibility but they are still there you know they still take time and", "hypothesis": "They're as much of a responsibility now than when they were younger."} {"idx": "mnli-1149", "premise": "And in a minute or two, Poirot continued: \"Let us look at the matter like this. ", "hypothesis": "Poirot continued in a minute or two..."} {"idx": "mnli-1150", "premise": "oh he wanted to take the current secondary highway system and", "hypothesis": "The current secondary highway system was the subject for him."} {"idx": "mnli-1151", "premise": "HUD promulgated these amendments to Regulation X and accompanying Statements of Policy under the authority in section 19 of RESPA, 12 U.S.C.", "hypothesis": "HUD did absolutely nothing for Regulation X. "} {"idx": "mnli-1152", "premise": "This may be RAPS4, which is designed for the ED, but it needs further direct testing.", "hypothesis": "Though now designed for the ED, the RAPS4 originally had a different purpose."} {"idx": "mnli-1153", "premise": "The project's purpose is to obtain and publicize information on model practices, programs, and systems.", "hypothesis": "The aim of the project was to destroy any information on model practices, programs and systems."} {"idx": "mnli-1154", "premise": "Perhaps the most shameful thing about the PDFA propaganda campaign is that its leaders know better, having used drugs themselves.", "hypothesis": "The PDFA campaign is about animal rights"} {"idx": "mnli-1155", "premise": "Perhaps some of their methods would not work on the Range.", "hypothesis": "Their techniques would work wonderfully on the Range."} {"idx": "mnli-1156", "premise": "The plan has been touted in the New York Times Magazine.", "hypothesis": "The magazine never ran the story about the plan."} {"idx": "mnli-1157", "premise": "His body was rigid as it lifted a foot, ten feet, then a hundred above the ground.", "hypothesis": "The magical powers had enabled him to fly."} {"idx": "mnli-1158", "premise": "Since then, Albert has served out his probation and has anchored a nightly sports show at New York City's Madison Square Garden.", "hypothesis": "The ex-con is now a sportscaster."} {"idx": "mnli-1159", "premise": "In 1979 Egypt became the first Arab state to recognize the state of Israel other Arab states were aghast and internal opposition to Sadat grew.", "hypothesis": "Egypt became the first Arab state to recognize Israel in 1979 when other Arab states were aghast."} {"idx": "mnli-1160", "premise": "(Click here for the museum's site and here for Weegee samples.)", "hypothesis": "We don't post the samples."} {"idx": "mnli-1161", "premise": "my friend talked me in that i'm a real um scaredy when it comes to heights but once we got on top of the rocks it was quite", "hypothesis": "I was afraid of heights but my friend talked me into it."} {"idx": "mnli-1162", "premise": "Well, my friend, I saw there was just one chance. ", "hypothesis": "I only saw a single chance."} {"idx": "mnli-1163", "premise": "Wasn't the old cat in a rage when she found out? ", "hypothesis": "The old cat has been nagging me for months."} {"idx": "mnli-1164", "premise": "Second, Congress provided EPA with a tool to achieve this reduction - - an innovative market-based allowance trading program.", "hypothesis": "Congress gave EPA a ways to reduce carbon emissions."} {"idx": "mnli-1165", "premise": " Eating well is a passion with the Spanish.", "hypothesis": "The Spanish people find eating well to be among their favorite things."} {"idx": "mnli-1166", "premise": "If, after concluding a deal, you try to pay with a credit card, he may then boost the price in order to cover the card charges.", "hypothesis": "If you try to pay with a credit card, he might increase the price to cover card charges."} {"idx": "mnli-1167", "premise": "the other one you need to go see is Sleeping With The Enemy", "hypothesis": "You need to go to Sleeping With The Enemy."} {"idx": "mnli-1168", "premise": "After Cook's voyage, a small but steady flow of American and European vessels, already engaged in the China trade, started to use Hawaii as a convenient, much-needed stopover.", "hypothesis": "Europeans and Americans have been resting in Hawaii on long trips since long before Cook."} {"idx": "mnli-1169", "premise": "In 1929, disillusioned by the revolution, Mayakovsky wrote a protest play about the growing repressiveness of the regime.", "hypothesis": "Mayakovsky was not a write of plays."} {"idx": "mnli-1170", "premise": "The major hardware for an FGD system includes the flue gas duct system, limestone storage (including loading and conveyer equipment), gypsum dewatering and wastewater treatment, gypsum storage, piping, valves, pumps and tanks, electricity supply, controls, instrumentation, pipe bridges and cable channels, and foundations and buildings as needed.", "hypothesis": "The major hardware for an FGD system includes the flue gas duct system."} {"idx": "mnli-1171", "premise": "uh-huh do you work out on like is it the weight machines or aerobics or what is it", "hypothesis": "How many chicken wings have you had today?"} {"idx": "mnli-1172", "premise": "South Audley Mansions was an imposing-looking block of flats just off Park Lane.", "hypothesis": "South Audley Mansions was close to Park Lane."} {"idx": "mnli-1173", "premise": "these are the color pastel shirts you may wear or white shirts with this kind of stripe in it for the men and this kind of shoe and hair just this way yeah", "hypothesis": "You can either wear striped white shirts or pastel-coloured shirts."} {"idx": "mnli-1174", "premise": "One curiosity is a charred electric light fixture and bulb that somehow continued to work for 62 years until it suddenly stopped one day in 1964.", "hypothesis": "The light fixture stopped working because someone got water on it. "} {"idx": "mnli-1175", "premise": "yeah well our our limit is you know fairly low", "hypothesis": "It shouldn't be an issue because I have a high tolerance."} {"idx": "mnli-1176", "premise": "that's real nice", "hypothesis": "that's very good."} {"idx": "mnli-1177", "premise": "Although Asian Americans live throughout Los Angeles County, there are several special cultural and shopping enclaves that deserve visitors' special attention.", "hypothesis": "The population of Asian Americans in Los Angeles County has been steadily increasing recently."} {"idx": "mnli-1178", "premise": "i like to listen to some of that music", "hypothesis": "I only enjoy it in certain conditions"} {"idx": "mnli-1179", "premise": "These benefits are a result of the Congress or federal departments and agencies implementing our recommendations to make government services more efficient, improve the budgeting and spending of tax dollars, and strengthen the management of federal resources.", "hypothesis": "We are responsible for improvements in managing federal resources. "} {"idx": "mnli-1180", "premise": "Benedykt Ossolinsky, age 39, began to grow childish.", "hypothesis": "The person named Benedykt Ossolinsky lived to be at least 39 years old. "} {"idx": "mnli-1181", "premise": "The collections, regularly rotated from the 45,000 works in reserve, range from the Fauves and Cubism to Abstract Expressionism, Dadaism, Surrealism, and all the breakaway factions and reactions which followed them.", "hypothesis": "The collections are rotated from 45,000 works, but the disciplines are limited."} {"idx": "mnli-1182", "premise": "It's a lovely 3 km- (2 mile-) stroll down from the Porta Nuova, and is a point of pilgrimage for those curious to see the wooden crucifix that spoke to a troubled 27-year-old Francis in 1209, telling him to go and repair the world.", "hypothesis": "Visitors can walk from the Porta Nuova to a famous wooden crucifix."} {"idx": "mnli-1183", "premise": "Most major towns have handicraft stores like KL's Karyaneka on Jalan Raja Chulan, which act as a showcase for products from all over the peninsula and East Malaysia.", "hypothesis": "Handicraft stores are used to display products from different locations."} {"idx": "mnli-1184", "premise": "Nora's jittery, skittery behavior is charming in a way.", "hypothesis": "Nora is not at all charming."} {"idx": "mnli-1185", "premise": "and uh yeah you know i mean it's not uh i don't think Dallas is considered uh a a real bad place for for air pollution but you you can tell you can tell the differences in the days when it's when the haze is kind of yellowish gray instead of just being a a foggy misty color", "hypothesis": "Pollution levels have decreased in the last decade."} {"idx": "mnli-1186", "premise": "HUD reports that the interim rule will have only an indirect impact on family formation, maintenance, and general well-being and that such impact will be beneficial because it will assist mortgagors in maintaining ownership of their properties.", "hypothesis": "HUD says the interim rule will only have an indirect effect on families when the income guidelines are strengthened."} {"idx": "mnli-1187", "premise": "In 1994, GAO projected the cost at $2.", "hypothesis": "GAO projects the cost for each year."} {"idx": "mnli-1188", "premise": "But there is one place where Will's journalism does seem to matter, where he does toss baseball.", "hypothesis": "Will's articles are only good in regards to sports"} {"idx": "mnli-1189", "premise": "that's Major Dad at eight i think it is", "hypothesis": "I think Major Dad is on at eight o'clock."} {"idx": "mnli-1190", "premise": "you know it's like you're not going to go in there and say no listen there's a separate country why because you're going into the border", "hypothesis": "It isn't going to happen like you waltzing in and telling them things."} {"idx": "mnli-1191", "premise": "that's that's what a Bombay looks like", "hypothesis": "Is it because they are the same?"} {"idx": "mnli-1192", "premise": "the last year i think", "hypothesis": "Next year I think."} {"idx": "mnli-1193", "premise": "The salient questions, outlined above, are more relative and whether Democratic promises to refrain from spending the surplus are less trustworthy than Republican promises to match tax cuts with spending cuts, and which hypothetical error--excessive spending or excessive tax cuts--would be harder to reverse.", "hypothesis": "It's hard to determine who is more sincere between the Democrats promising to cut taxes and the Republicans talking about saving the surplus."} {"idx": "mnli-1194", "premise": "I have been in Kentucky, Kirby.", "hypothesis": "Kentucky has the best fried chicken."} {"idx": "mnli-1195", "premise": "First, the Parc de la Villette offers a range of activities, and second, it puts the accent firmly on participation.", "hypothesis": "The park offers many activities, but participation is not important."} {"idx": "mnli-1196", "premise": "Plans are in place to turn the house into a museum charting the life and works of this extraordinary man.", "hypothesis": "There are plans to turn the house into a museum."} {"idx": "mnli-1197", "premise": "Jon ran his rapier through the horse's flank and into the man's groin.", "hypothesis": "Jon stuck a rapier in the groin of the man. "} {"idx": "mnli-1198", "premise": "Today it's a delightful resort of both modest and elegant hotels and villas, all stunningly situated.", "hypothesis": "These days the hotels and villas comprise a beautiful resort."} {"idx": "mnli-1199", "premise": "Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany backed Franco's Nationalists, while the Soviet Union supported the Republicans (although less and less towards the end of the war).", "hypothesis": "Italy and Germany took sides with Franco and the Soviet Union took sides with the Republicans."} {"idx": "mnli-1200", "premise": "The damned thing works.", "hypothesis": "It does not work."} {"idx": "mnli-1201", "premise": "if you if you read the book it's uh even better the book was excellent", "hypothesis": "The book was better than the movie."} {"idx": "mnli-1202", "premise": "(The Brooklyn Academy of Music plugs the play at its site.)", "hypothesis": "The play will be held two blocks from The Brooklyn Academy of Music."} {"idx": "mnli-1203", "premise": "Our overall objective was to determine whether best practices offer methods to improve the way DOD ensures that the design is stable early in the development process and whether having manufacturing processes in control before production results in better cost, schedule, and quality outcomes in DOD major acquisition programs.", "hypothesis": "The best practices turned out to be of no use for improvements."} {"idx": "mnli-1204", "premise": "Instead, the payment constitutes a General Fund subsidy of the SMI trust fund.", "hypothesis": "There is no payment."} {"idx": "mnli-1205", "premise": "So, do we vote for virtuosity in imitation or virtuosity in itself?", "hypothesis": "We should vote for one or the other as it is really important. "} {"idx": "mnli-1206", "premise": "If AltaVista's list of search refinements was generated by a human, for instance, it might be more helpful.", "hypothesis": "If AltaVista's list of search refinement suggestions were human-generated, they would be exponentially less effective."} {"idx": "mnli-1207", "premise": "oh well well you you'll get it over with here", "hypothesis": "It will be done correctly here. "} {"idx": "mnli-1208", "premise": "oh yes it's a matter of time it's probably going to be another two to five years before they're really up to par where they should be and then i believe the majority of American people will", "hypothesis": "Getting up to par will take them another two to five years."} {"idx": "mnli-1209", "premise": "and then gave us a good idea back you know some good information back on whether or not we were going to achieve those goals and yeah or not or what we needed to do so that we could achieve them and money we could put in at what time", "hypothesis": "We were listless and did not have anything worth aiming for."} {"idx": "mnli-1210", "premise": "The modes of any period can easily be made to look stupid.", "hypothesis": "There are some periods with modes that simply can't be portrayed as stupid."} {"idx": "mnli-1211", "premise": "Set among formal gardens on a bluff overlooking the Manzanares valley, on the site of the old Moorish fortress (which burned down in 1734), the immense and imperious residence is loaded with art and history.", "hypothesis": "There is plenty of art and history to be absorbed in the residence."} {"idx": "mnli-1212", "premise": "In the First Jewish War (a.d.66 70), many thousands of Jews were massacred here, and thousands more died later in the Roman amphitheatre here in the name of entertainment.", "hypothesis": "The amphitheater was buried under many feet of desert sand before being uncovered last year by archaeologists. "} {"idx": "mnli-1213", "premise": "The Explorer struggled to keep his self-control.", "hypothesis": "The Explorer had no problems staying calm."} {"idx": "mnli-1214", "premise": "it's um it's it's amazingly less expensive than it is", "hypothesis": "It's less expensive to go to a large daycare vs a nanny."} {"idx": "mnli-1215", "premise": "Politicians call it constituent service.", "hypothesis": "A constituent service is what public officers call it."} {"idx": "mnli-1216", "premise": "Although other types of forfeited property must be sold in order to recognize revenue, or constructively sold (if transferred to another Federal agency or placed into internal use), this is the last step in a process that is inherently nonexchange.", "hypothesis": "The government is not allowed to sell forfeited property."} {"idx": "mnli-1217", "premise": "One of the drawings on view at MoMA is a diagram of the races, with the Jews identified as circumscised [ sic ] cut off from Earth.", "hypothesis": "Jews think of drawings on the MoMA as a diagram of the races teaching circumcision. "} {"idx": "mnli-1218", "premise": "He says this will make our system the best.", "hypothesis": "He says the system will be the best because the program is flawless."} {"idx": "mnli-1219", "premise": "And, as you probably know, in presenting estimates of its future needs, the Postal Service used financial and operational data from fiscal year 1998 as a benchmark.", "hypothesis": "The Postal Service was unable to locate any financial and operational data."} {"idx": "mnli-1220", "premise": "And since the pleasure derived from smoking marijuana is a core issue, consider a third Rats don't like pot.", "hypothesis": "Since the pleasure of smoking marijuana is a key issue, consider how a third Rats doesn't like pot because it makes them paranoid."} {"idx": "mnli-1221", "premise": "uh not really i mean no more than any other company you know we buy their parts just as much as anybody else but uh no no real association with TI other than being in the same industry", "hypothesis": "Our company buys parts, like other companies."} {"idx": "mnli-1222", "premise": "um um i like Texas um not having the state income tax and i hope that because um you know that we've had enough industry here that i guess it is that why we don't the industry here is able to to um fund the state because we have oil here and things i mean that's what i've always heard is that um", "hypothesis": "Texas' lack of a state income tax is something other states can easily emulate."} {"idx": "mnli-1223", "premise": "you know to do it and that really gets kind of aggravating after a while because you're saying well i work full time too you know", "hypothesis": "You work full time as well which means you are very busy."} {"idx": "mnli-1224", "premise": "yeah the other thing that we've done that that was really nice to see we had one of the financial companies um Hancock oh John Hancock company came out and their agents did a long term analysis based on salary and uh what we were planning what what what our uh goals were on a long term budget in terms of retirement kid's college paying off the house buying a different house", "hypothesis": "It was a huge shame that John Hancock came out because they had nothing to say."} {"idx": "mnli-1225", "premise": "The participating lawyers say Ginsburg, a diehard Red Sox fan known for his trademark bow ties, is tough to turn down.", "hypothesis": "Ginsburg is exceptionally tough to refuse according to the lawyers."} {"idx": "mnli-1226", "premise": "News says the death of JFK Jr. seemed almost ordained.", "hypothesis": "News reports the death of JFK Jr. seemed almost predestined."} {"idx": "mnli-1227", "premise": "it's really refreshing so", "hypothesis": "It helps you get recharged after a long week."} {"idx": "mnli-1228", "premise": "In addition, it provides case studies, lessons from experts, and a forum allowing users to share information or to ask questions.", "hypothesis": "The forum is lecture style with no opportunity for audience response."} {"idx": "mnli-1229", "premise": "Was it possible that she had come to his help? ", "hypothesis": "There was a possibility that she had come to help him."} {"idx": "mnli-1230", "premise": "The complex now serves as a guesthouse for visiting creative artists.", "hypothesis": "The complex is now a guesthouse for foreign diplomats."} {"idx": "mnli-1231", "premise": "The finely arched front doors are often at the top of a sturdy staircase over the street-level cellar.", "hypothesis": "At the top of staircases, they often used arched front doors."} {"idx": "mnli-1232", "premise": "There are 18th-century royal portraits in the Salen Azul (Blue Room) and archives that preserve the document of privileges granted to the city by Alfonso X, the Wise, in the 13th century.", "hypothesis": "All documents from the era of Alfonso X were lost many years ago."} {"idx": "mnli-1233", "premise": "i think that you you make of that what you wish and you can go the opposite direction and uh overdo all the frills and laces and flounces and what have you which don't belong in the uh at least in my opinion in the workplace uh but that that you can have a classical look without a lot of a great deal of adornment and what have you and still be very feminine because that was one thing i always fought against i started out as a physical education teacher", "hypothesis": "The more feminine a woman looks at work, the better."} {"idx": "mnli-1234", "premise": "yeah there's a few of those here too", "hypothesis": "They're all over the place, you can't throw a ball without hitting one. "} {"idx": "mnli-1235", "premise": "Horrible crime.", "hypothesis": "The crime is seen as something horrible."} {"idx": "mnli-1236", "premise": "This organization relied primarily on regular mail and telephone conversations to disseminate information about most things, including meeting agendas and real-time problem solving.", "hypothesis": "Mail and phone conversations were used to disseminate information."} {"idx": "mnli-1237", "premise": "The port was passing from hand to hand.", "hypothesis": "They broke the port with their bare hands."} {"idx": "mnli-1238", "premise": "Jon stood, taking a last look at Susan, and left.", "hypothesis": "Jon and Susan left together."} {"idx": "mnli-1239", "premise": "In California, the client's rights to representation would be lost in certain administrative proceedings.", "hypothesis": "There are a lot of people in California who have lost access to their rights to representation. "} {"idx": "mnli-1240", "premise": "Finally, we discuss two measures of the cost of universal service, the entry pricing measure and the net avoided cost measure in the context of delivery profits.", "hypothesis": "The entry pricing measure is the most popular method for measuring costs."} {"idx": "mnli-1241", "premise": "After Tarbena comes the finest scenery of bold, terraced mountains, wide undulating valleys, and scattered farms connected by mule tracks.", "hypothesis": "There are no beautiful sceneries after Tarbena."} {"idx": "mnli-1242", "premise": " International donations are gratefully accepted, but we cannot make any statements concerning tax treatment of donations received from outside the United States.", "hypothesis": "You have to pay more in taxes if you are outside the US."} {"idx": "mnli-1243", "premise": "Once darkness falls, the water in the bay is filled with luminescent micro-organisms that glow when agitated.", "hypothesis": "The bay no longer has any water."} {"idx": "mnli-1244", "premise": "At the end he heaved a long sigh.", "hypothesis": "He sighed heavily at the end."} {"idx": "mnli-1245", "premise": "A few long fairway shots away from Josephine's birthplace at La Pagerie is Martinique's 18-hole public golf course.", "hypothesis": "Josephine was born to hold a golf club and sink putts."} {"idx": "mnli-1246", "premise": "However, not all critical processes will be new or unique to a specific weapon system.", "hypothesis": "However, all critical processes will be unique or new to a specific weapon system."} {"idx": "mnli-1247", "premise": "Perhaps they didn't, because they had in mind the conclusion of Aesop's famous fable--the one about the mice who decided to protect themselves from their sly and treacherous enemy, the cat, by tying a bell around its neck.", "hypothesis": "Maybe they did because they thought about the end of the story and it was too dull."} {"idx": "mnli-1248", "premise": "Its airy arcades reach out to the 900-year-old basilica and turn a corner past the soaring brick campanile to the Piazzetta and landing stage of St. Mark's basin (il Bacino), historic gateway to the Adriatic and distant ports beyond.", "hypothesis": "St. Mark's basin has historically been seen as a gateway to the Adriatic."} {"idx": "mnli-1249", "premise": "Finally, to simulate the effects of allowance updating, the value of reallocated allowances can be calculated and subtracted from each unit's cost of generation - thereby inducing each unit to change its profit-maximizing level of generation in response to a given set of fuel, allowance, and electricity prices.", "hypothesis": "Value of reallocated allowances can be calculated and subtracted from each unit's cost/"} {"idx": "mnli-1250", "premise": "There are three other resorts along the strip, used almost exclusively by Israeli citizens.", "hypothesis": "The resorts of the strip do occasionally get visited by the British tourists."} {"idx": "mnli-1251", "premise": "Nonetheless, becoming more efficient is not enough to remain competitive.", "hypothesis": "Success doesn't result from simply being more efficient."} {"idx": "mnli-1252", "premise": "Dining room, bar.", "hypothesis": "It has no dining facilities."} {"idx": "mnli-1253", "premise": "Some would have big media erect Fifth Columns within their walls, but navel-gazing doesn't automatically impress, as the Times-Mirror flagship Los Angeles Times learned after publishing a 30,000-word self-examination on the Staples Center scandal.", "hypothesis": "The Times-Mirror flagship Los Angeles Times learned that navel-gazing doesn't always impress."} {"idx": "mnli-1254", "premise": "Tradition says that a woman wiped the sweaty, bloody face of Jesus here and an imprint was left on the cloth.", "hypothesis": "The cloth has only blood and sweet on it."} {"idx": "mnli-1255", "premise": "right knowledge at the right time.", "hypothesis": "knowing the things that are learned at a specific time."} {"idx": "mnli-1256", "premise": "That should really stir things up.", "hypothesis": "That will not change anything."} {"idx": "mnli-1257", "premise": "Well before the fall of communism, Congress passed comprehensive sanctions against the apartheid regime in South Africa.", "hypothesis": "Congress did not support apartheid in South Africa."} {"idx": "mnli-1258", "premise": "A piece suggests that Americans aren't seduced by Republican offers of a generous federal tax cut.", "hypothesis": "Americans are in love with the Republican tax plan."} {"idx": "mnli-1259", "premise": "Countless Renaissance and Baroque sculptors have drawn inspiration from the friezes on the triple Arch of Septimius Severus (honoring a third-century emperor who died in York, England, the northernmost boundary of the empire).", "hypothesis": "The Arch of Septimius Severus' friezes have served as a source of inspiration for many Baroque and Renaissance sculptors. "} {"idx": "mnli-1260", "premise": "exactly but they took you know whatever the majority was so i didn't know if that was just something for drama or that's truly the way it is i always thought it had to be unanimous", "hypothesis": "They didn't require it to be unanimous. "} {"idx": "mnli-1261", "premise": "Most EDs provide very limited alcohol services.", "hypothesis": "ED's provide services for alcohol and many other things also."} {"idx": "mnli-1262", "premise": "Winter sports are one of Hokkaido's main draws for domestic tourism, with popular ski resorts at Teine Olympia (outside Sapporo), Niseko, and Kiroro.", "hypothesis": "Hokkaido has a lot of fun winter sports."} {"idx": "mnli-1263", "premise": "I've always favored the alternative plan--small, unmanned probes, along with a gigantic annual bonfire of $1,000 bills folded into origami cranes.", "hypothesis": "I didn't like the alternative plan."} {"idx": "mnli-1264", "premise": "yeah those are few and far between though", "hypothesis": "There are a large number of them nowadays."} {"idx": "mnli-1265", "premise": "A piece profiles new for-profit prisons specializing in geriatric felons and worries that they will cut services to bolster profits.", "hypothesis": "No one is talking about the for-profit prisons housing the geriatric."} {"idx": "mnli-1266", "premise": "In such cases, the reason for not including the agency comments will be stated in the report.", "hypothesis": "The agency comments will provide adequate reflection and will be noted in future reports as well."} {"idx": "mnli-1267", "premise": "'And no, I'm not going to kill you. Possibly.'", "hypothesis": "I won't kill you today, but maybe tomorrow."} {"idx": "mnli-1268", "premise": "An additional reporting standard for financial audits conducted in accordance with GAGAS ", "hypothesis": "There are additional reporting standards for financial audits."} {"idx": "mnli-1269", "premise": "Glendalough is part of the Wicklow Mountains National Park, an area of about 20,000 hectares (49,421 acres), which includes most of upland Wicklow, with spectacular scenery, wildlife, and rare flora.", "hypothesis": "Glendalough is 20,000 hectares and has spectacular scenery."} {"idx": "mnli-1270", "premise": "Even if you're a linguistic dud, try to learn a handful of Italian words or expressions.", "hypothesis": "Even if you are bad with language, attempt to pick up some Italian expressions. "} {"idx": "mnli-1271", "premise": "especially around bonus time", "hypothesis": "It is hard, especially around bonus time."} {"idx": "mnli-1272", "premise": "employees to handle return processing workload during the annual filing season, IRS plans to increase the number of permanent employees and expand their job responsibilities to include compliance work that they can do after the filing season.", "hypothesis": "IRS is going to expand the job responsibilities of permanent employees."} {"idx": "mnli-1273", "premise": "Jon caught Adrin's rapier tip in the points of the falcon wings of his rapier's guard.", "hypothesis": "Jon caught Adrin's rapier tip in the guard of his own rapier."} {"idx": "mnli-1274", "premise": "Why open a gas station if nobody has a car?)", "hypothesis": "There will always be a need for gas stations, no matter what. "} {"idx": "mnli-1275", "premise": "I heard a thump.", "hypothesis": "There was perfect silence."} {"idx": "mnli-1276", "premise": "NONFEDERAL PHYSICAL PROPERTY -Physical properties financed by grants from the Federal Government, but owned by state and local governments.", "hypothesis": "The Federal Government will sometimes purchase firefighting equipment for local governments."} {"idx": "mnli-1277", "premise": "A curious competition is held in Wasdale each November.", "hypothesis": "Every June, Wasdale has an interesting competition."} {"idx": "mnli-1278", "premise": "You'll see what I mean.\" The throb of the motor came through the open window, and Miss Howard rose and moved to the door. ", "hypothesis": "The engine could be heard through the open window. "} {"idx": "mnli-1279", "premise": "The mandrake overseer had started ponderously toward him.", "hypothesis": "The tall mandrake was bigger than he thought."} {"idx": "mnli-1280", "premise": "Last week's Whew!", "hypothesis": "Whew of last week!"} {"idx": "mnli-1281", "premise": "In 1999, an additional 100 paintings were added to the collection.", "hypothesis": "There were no extra paintings added in the year 1999."} {"idx": "mnli-1282", "premise": "detecting material misappropriations is an objective of control over safeguarding of assets, understanding this type of control can be essential to planning the audit.", "hypothesis": "Understanding such controls can be vital when planning an audit."} {"idx": "mnli-1283", "premise": "I still had to pay the ticket . . . I just figure if you are rich you can afford a lawyer, if you are poor you take what you get, said Grant, a resident of the Mayetta section of Stafford Township.", "hypothesis": "I still had to pay the ticket, which was a whopping $500."} {"idx": "mnli-1284", "premise": "Also, if State and Federal excise taxes remain at the current levels, tax revenues will decrease over time because of decreased sales.", "hypothesis": "State and Federal excise taxes have been at this level for less than a year."} {"idx": "mnli-1285", "premise": "good idea", "hypothesis": "The idea was the best I've heard."} {"idx": "mnli-1286", "premise": "but i put it in a nice glass bowl and um some people don't like that that film on the pudding so you can put uh Saran Wrap over the top", "hypothesis": "A glass bowl and Saran Wrap are both necessary to keep everyone happy. "} {"idx": "mnli-1287", "premise": "In earlier reports and testimonies, we observed that top leadership must play a critical role in creating and sustaining high-performing organizations.", "hypothesis": "Previous research determined that individuals who excel as leaders share similar personality traits."} {"idx": "mnli-1288", "premise": "I could only hope that we had enough time to clear the blast radius.", "hypothesis": "I kept praying that we were fast enough to get out of the bomb's impact zone."} {"idx": "mnli-1289", "premise": "North she would be captured by the Eye.", "hypothesis": "The Eye was a threat to the North."} {"idx": "mnli-1290", "premise": "Nationalism never completely disappeared, however, and in the latter part of the century there has been a concerted (though peaceful) effort to gain self-determination for Scotland.", "hypothesis": "Nationalism had always somewhat been there and the Scottish people tried to gain their self-worth back."} {"idx": "mnli-1291", "premise": "yeah and that's that's funny you're in human resources and i'm in uh health and safety", "hypothesis": "I'm in a different department than you. "} {"idx": "mnli-1292", "premise": "In January of each year, LSC distributes a Case Review Form.", "hypothesis": "The Case Review Form comes out in January only after the previous year has been summed."} {"idx": "mnli-1293", "premise": "The craziest poor sucker in a group of 20,000 bidders on the Internet is likely to be crazier than the craziest one among 200 in a Burbank hotel ballroom.", "hypothesis": "120,000 people bid for it on the internet."} {"idx": "mnli-1294", "premise": "which provided the additional funding.", "hypothesis": "There was no money available."} {"idx": "mnli-1295", "premise": "A ten-minute walk east on Belford Road brings you to two important art galleries.", "hypothesis": "There are at least two art galleries on Belford Road. "} {"idx": "mnli-1296", "premise": "The carriage creaked and groaned in protest; the whole thing wavering with stress.", "hypothesis": "The carriage made a lot of noise."} {"idx": "mnli-1297", "premise": "For his experiments, he used exclusively this yogurt, it didn't provoke any unexpected gastric sensations like the natural ones, without those stabilizing E-numbers (E298, E301, E980).", "hypothesis": "He was worried that any other yogurt would ruin his experiments."} {"idx": "mnli-1298", "premise": "The region divides into an eastern half, Haute-Normandie, along the Seine Valley, similar in scenery to the Ile-de-France; and the more rugged Basse-Normandie to the west, more akin to neighboring Brittany.", "hypothesis": "The region has 50 square miles of mountains and 20 square miles of forest."} {"idx": "mnli-1299", "premise": "The National Trust runs the boat, which resembles the Venetian rowboats, and the plush interior takes one back to the genteel times when tourism was just in its infancy, when this steamer ride would have been just one part of a European Grand Tour. ", "hypothesis": "The design of the current boats is inferior to those of the older Venetian design."} {"idx": "mnli-1300", "premise": "And what about floods in North Dakota and Iowa or fires in Oakland, Calif., and Daytona Beach, Fla.?", "hypothesis": "Daytona Beach, Florida suffered an ice-storm in July."} {"idx": "mnli-1301", "premise": "The creation of Lake Nasser as a consequence of the building of the Aswan High Dam caused many social and political concerns, not least because the waters were due to overwhelm a number of important ancient monuments.", "hypothesis": "There was much opposition to the Aswan High Dam."} {"idx": "mnli-1302", "premise": "Listen, Mister Kirby, iffen you rode with th' Rebs, you better keep your lip buttoned up when th' Blue Bellies hit town.", "hypothesis": "You rode with the Rebs and it makes me so mad!"} {"idx": "mnli-1303", "premise": "but see my my oldest is five and a half and so she can take part in some of the uh responsibilities a three and a half year old really can't quite take part of many of the responsibilities maybe feeding them", "hypothesis": "My oldest child will be six years old soon. "} {"idx": "mnli-1304", "premise": "yeah i think that'll be fun so we're going to try to do that like on a three day weekend go there and", "hypothesis": "It would be fun to go on a three day long camping trip when we have the time. "} {"idx": "mnli-1305", "premise": "He fought his fastest but nothing got through.", "hypothesis": "Even though he was fighting the water fast, it didn't get through the wall. "} {"idx": "mnli-1306", "premise": "The Commission states that it believes that the rule and amendments as adopted impose a smaller burden upon small brokers and dealers than any of the alternatives.", "hypothesis": "The rule is much tougher on the larger businesses and established traders."} {"idx": "mnli-1307", "premise": "there's no question about it because everybody was playing good together except the quarterbacks and the quarterbacks just didn't do anything", "hypothesis": "Everyone played well together except for the quarterbacks."} {"idx": "mnli-1308", "premise": "They immediately began work on the formidable fortifications for which the city is still famous.", "hypothesis": "The city's formidable fortifications had been designed by a young general."} {"idx": "mnli-1309", "premise": "Company being wound up, they say.", "hypothesis": "The company was calm, with no issues."} {"idx": "mnli-1310", "premise": "An enormous new reception area was excavated (revealing parts of the original fort), topped by the superb glass Pyramid designed by I. M. Pei in the Cour Napoleon, which now marks the museum's main entrance.", "hypothesis": "The area was excavated without a real plan."} {"idx": "mnli-1311", "premise": "yeah and as long as we keep paying the money for it they are going to keep paying them you know yes oh yeah oh that was that was an excellent movie", "hypothesis": "They won't keep paying them no matter what."} {"idx": "mnli-1312", "premise": "yes yeah maybe we don't want those people voting", "hypothesis": "Maybe we don't want those people to vote."} {"idx": "mnli-1313", "premise": "Centrelink is a one-stop shop that pays a variety of Australian government benefits.", "hypothesis": "Centrelink pays a number of Australian government benefits."} {"idx": "mnli-1314", "premise": "right they have a hundred dollars to spend in December i know what you mean", "hypothesis": "They have $100 to spend in December."} {"idx": "mnli-1315", "premise": "um i'm north of Pittsburgh so", "hypothesis": "I live to the north of Pittsburgh."} {"idx": "mnli-1316", "premise": "In answer to the Coroner's questions, he explained that he was a qualified pharmacist, but had only recently come to this particular shop, as the assistant formerly there had just been called up for the army. ", "hypothesis": "The pharmacist's assistance liked the new job and expected buy a home in the community."} {"idx": "mnli-1317", "premise": "[Y]ou would probably be traipsing through New York right now, enjoying many misadventures, like a latter-day Ann Marie, Marlo Thomas' character from the 1966-1971 TV sitcom That Girl . Why, there is even a resemblance!", "hypothesis": "You could be in New York having adventures right now."} {"idx": "mnli-1318", "premise": "As a share of GDP, federal taxes have been roughly stable under Clinton.", "hypothesis": "Under Clinton, federal taxes have been remarkably volatile as a share of GDP."} {"idx": "mnli-1319", "premise": "The number of individuals seeking relief from the floods across South Texas increased by more than 1,000 Tuesday, bringing the total to 5,855, he said.", "hypothesis": "Everyone in Texas avoided the flooding."} {"idx": "mnli-1320", "premise": "The Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996 amended the PRA, renaming and elevating former information resources manager positions to executive-level CIOs who report directly to the agency head and have information management as a primary responsibility.", "hypothesis": "The CIOs have to report to the chairman of the board only."} {"idx": "mnli-1321", "premise": "Posters, portraits, easel-sketches.", "hypothesis": "It was bare of all but floor and walls."} {"idx": "mnli-1322", "premise": "i don't know i guess i'm in a neighborhood and it's it's just real tough on animals here you know when i every time i see one run over i just you know it makes me sick so", "hypothesis": "I love it when I can kill animals with my car it feels so good."} {"idx": "mnli-1323", "premise": "The economy could be still better.", "hypothesis": "It still have room for improvement."} {"idx": "mnli-1324", "premise": "the value of compounding-how money saved can grow over time.", "hypothesis": "Money shrinks each year with compounding."} {"idx": "mnli-1325", "premise": "there are a lot of people that aren't guilty that's in jail", "hypothesis": "A lot of people in jail have been set up for crimes they did not commit. "} {"idx": "mnli-1326", "premise": ". The beautiful stucco ceiling is by Michael Stapleton (who is also responsible for the ceilings in the Dublin Writers Museum).", "hypothesis": "Michael Stapleton designed the beautiful stucco ceiling in the Dublin Writers Museum."} {"idx": "mnli-1327", "premise": "The design for the new building was the subject of a competition won by Spanish architect and designer Enric Miralles.", "hypothesis": "The new building's design was drawn up by an English architect."} {"idx": "mnli-1328", "premise": "Injury as a motivator to reduce drinking.", "hypothesis": "Aversion therapy applied to excessive drinking."} {"idx": "mnli-1329", "premise": "The others looked to Jon.", "hypothesis": "Jon was looked to by the others."} {"idx": "mnli-1330", "premise": "The crowd murmured and whispered when they caught sight of the jewels in the sword's twisted hand-guard.", "hypothesis": "The sword had jewels in its twisted hand-guard."} {"idx": "mnli-1331", "premise": "yeah something to do extracurricular activity", "hypothesis": "An extracurricular activity is the last thing anyone needs."} {"idx": "mnli-1332", "premise": "Its interior chamber was found to contain a red granite sarcophagus.", "hypothesis": "Granite sarcophagi can only be found in interior chambers."} {"idx": "mnli-1333", "premise": "Critical Infrastructure Significant Homeland Security Challenges Need to Be Addressed (GAO-02-918T, July 9, 2002).", "hypothesis": "There are no significant homeland security issues left to deal with."} {"idx": "mnli-1334", "premise": "Consider the United States Postal Service.", "hypothesis": "Ponder on the United States Postal Service."} {"idx": "mnli-1335", "premise": "Because every generation is in part responsible for the economy it passes on to the next, today's fiscal policy choices must be informed by the long-term.", "hypothesis": "No one has control over the economy."} {"idx": "mnli-1336", "premise": "of the original data and analyses and problems in verifying their quality (Hoaglin et al.", "hypothesis": "There were no problems with data quality"} {"idx": "mnli-1337", "premise": ", Data for Information Strategies for", "hypothesis": "Information for data and strategies."} {"idx": "mnli-1338", "premise": "I wonder whether, after all, you know as much as we think? he said softly.", "hypothesis": "His voice was gruff and gravelly as he spoke."} {"idx": "mnli-1339", "premise": "Generally, LC mail is lighter than AO mail.", "hypothesis": "AO mail is almost always heavier than LC mail."} {"idx": "mnli-1340", "premise": "The room was as she had left it.", "hypothesis": "The room was the same as when she left, which surprised her."} {"idx": "mnli-1341", "premise": "right and you know there's not going to be those adding mistakes that we all make", "hypothesis": "you know that computers will make adding mistakes a thing of the past"} {"idx": "mnli-1342", "premise": "According to the company, voters will be able to verify their identity using their date of birth and a digital signature.", "hypothesis": "Voters need not confirm their identity. "} {"idx": "mnli-1343", "premise": "In the most tragic examples, a charismatic professor will entice them into a lifetime of French medieval history, about which their curiosity is exhausted before they get their Ph.D.s.", "hypothesis": "Even a charismatic professor can't entice them into a lifetime of French medieval history."} {"idx": "mnli-1344", "premise": "Following the conclusion of negotiations of the Agreement, the FCC revised its proposed rule and published a Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on July 29, 1997.", "hypothesis": "The FCC did not revise the rule"} {"idx": "mnli-1345", "premise": "The NAACP's Fort Worth Justice Project will get $49,000.", "hypothesis": "The NAACP's project will get almost $50,000."} {"idx": "mnli-1346", "premise": "Pete Stark is leading a crusade to stop the practice.", "hypothesis": "The practice is evil, and Pete Stark is the hero."} {"idx": "mnli-1347", "premise": "yeah we had a rabbit up until uh last summer and we gave him away because the girls lost interest in him and couple of them we're getting allergic to rabbits uh i uh we had a tough time deciding on a name so i named him uh Mister Tibbar and they wanted to know how i figured out that name and i said well it's rabbit spelled backwards", "hypothesis": "We've never owned a rabbit. "} {"idx": "mnli-1348", "premise": "No one has even been seriously injured at the UFC.", "hypothesis": "Many people have been seriously injured at UFC."} {"idx": "mnli-1349", "premise": "Indeed many of the carpets seem just too lovely to walk on, but they make superb wall hangings, and even if you can't remortgage your house to buy a big one, even a modest bedside rug can do wonders to warm and brighten a room.", "hypothesis": "All of the carpets would serve as wonderful wall hangings. "} {"idx": "mnli-1350", "premise": "okay well i enjoyed talking to you", "hypothesis": "Don't talk to me anymore, you aren't a nice person."} {"idx": "mnli-1351", "premise": "but it but it's always seemed to me that that those people who should be paid the most i think or paid significantly you know significantly more are are teacher types because they sort of hold for of the future in our hands than almost anyone else yet yet i don't think that uh it it it's being done i also i mean in general i think that our educational system is okay but i think we're lacking in some very specific areas", "hypothesis": "Teachers have the most important jobs ever."} {"idx": "mnli-1352", "premise": "okay all right hey bye-bye", "hypothesis": "Hold on!"} {"idx": "mnli-1353", "premise": "These initiatives include working with providers to ensure that medical records support billed services.", "hypothesis": "The initiatives will make medical care run more smoothly. "} {"idx": "mnli-1354", "premise": "And, while this sounds like a cliche, it's undoubtedly Parcells makes his players believe they can win, so they do.", "hypothesis": "Because Parcells makes his players think they can win, they do."} {"idx": "mnli-1355", "premise": "It is the largest marketplace in the Near East, and it's been so for almost one thousand years.", "hypothesis": "For the past 1000 years, it was the largest market in the Near East. "} {"idx": "mnli-1356", "premise": "easier just to go out and buy it already made", "hypothesis": "It is harder to buy already made."} {"idx": "mnli-1357", "premise": "Agencies can use IT to inform the public about participation opportunities either through passive systems that require users to take the initiative to discover rules available for comment or proactive systems that alert interested individuals or organizations about impending regulatory actions.", "hypothesis": "Alerting individuals by using IT strategies is the future of agency relations."} {"idx": "mnli-1358", "premise": "but it doesn't they don't really say that you know you're you're always going to have great career conditions", "hypothesis": "They don't say you'll always have great career conditions."} {"idx": "mnli-1359", "premise": "Respond in kind and you'll soon feel at home.", "hypothesis": "You won't find a friendlier group of people."} {"idx": "mnli-1360", "premise": "She earned a bachelor's degree in English literature from Davidson College before heading to Georgetown for her law degree, where she finished in 1993.", "hypothesis": "She graduated in English literature at Davidson College and missed it when she left."} {"idx": "mnli-1361", "premise": "For example, desktop platforms and software vary among business units depending on the unique needs of each business area.", "hypothesis": "Software and hardware solutions depend on the needs of each business."} {"idx": "mnli-1362", "premise": "The work that we do is the purest form of expression of the core values of all of the major faith traditions.", "hypothesis": "All major faith traditions have a core value that our work exemplifies."} {"idx": "mnli-1363", "premise": "The Liberal Humanitarians are a product of the post-Cold War peace.", "hypothesis": "Post-Cold War peace resulted in the creation of The Liberal Humanitarians."} {"idx": "mnli-1364", "premise": "Examples of Control Activities", "hypothesis": "Examples of control activities "} {"idx": "mnli-1365", "premise": "um oh with the Dallas Cowboys although they haven't done very well the last couple of years but uh they'll be back up there", "hypothesis": "The Dallas Cowboys are perfect as always."} {"idx": "mnli-1366", "premise": "Otherwise, I'll think of something else.\" Dave followed the man out into the clearing.", "hypothesis": "Dave followed the man while they spoke to each other."} {"idx": "mnli-1367", "premise": "if they don't have good French fries you know if it's one of if it's a place that has other things if it's not that then we go to Chinese food you know i order", "hypothesis": "If they don't have good fries, we're getting Chinese. "} {"idx": "mnli-1368", "premise": "New Goya rooms in the Prado were opened in March 1999.", "hypothesis": "No new Goya rooms have been opened in the Prado's history."} {"idx": "mnli-1369", "premise": "having hurt my wrist.", "hypothesis": "Having severely slashed my wrist."} {"idx": "mnli-1370", "premise": "It's his job.\" ", "hypothesis": "It's his job to worry about you."} {"idx": "mnli-1371", "premise": "In other respects, too, they evince a prickly xenophobic nationalism.", "hypothesis": "They don't like foreign tourists, believing they dilute the national culture."} {"idx": "mnli-1372", "premise": "The English slunk away without the loot.", "hypothesis": "The English sailed away with a big loot."} {"idx": "mnli-1373", "premise": "and they'll just go out and do anything they can to do it", "hypothesis": "They do whatever they can."} {"idx": "mnli-1374", "premise": "LAST-IN, FIRST-OUT (LIFO) - A cost flow assumption; the last goods purchased are assumed to be the first goods sold.", "hypothesis": "The last items purchased are the first out in a LIFO model."} {"idx": "mnli-1375", "premise": "Unlike the students of Columbia or the Sorbonne, they persevered, and they won--something.", "hypothesis": "They won-- something, due to their perseverance, unlike the students of Columbia."} {"idx": "mnli-1376", "premise": "oh oh wasn't that nice of him", "hypothesis": "It was nice for him to buy that at the store for me."} {"idx": "mnli-1377", "premise": "Its costs included $15,600 in broker commissions and a $9,234 prepayment penalty to terminate the New Century loan.", "hypothesis": "The loan cost five hundred Dollars to terminate."} {"idx": "mnli-1378", "premise": "Shortly after taking office, he entertained Frank Zappa on a state visit.", "hypothesis": "He entertained Frank Zaappa after taking office."} {"idx": "mnli-1379", "premise": "Sit down, Dave Hanson.", "hypothesis": "Don't stand, Dave Hanson."} {"idx": "mnli-1380", "premise": "DOD's policy lacks the criteria to measure design stability and process controls.", "hypothesis": "The Dept. of Defense does not have the criteria policy to measure design stability and process controls."} {"idx": "mnli-1381", "premise": "well she comes from a a country where the model", "hypothesis": "She was from Eastern Europe."} {"idx": "mnli-1382", "premise": "A risk assessment is the process of identifying potential risks in a system under development and then determining the significance of each risk in terms of its likelihood and impact on the acquisition's cost, schedule, and ability", "hypothesis": "The risk assessment finds potential risks in a system that's being developed."} {"idx": "mnli-1383", "premise": "In recent months, Chinese corporations have taken stakes in Hong Kong Telecom, Dragon Air, and China Light & Power.", "hypothesis": "Many resources like light and power are nationalized in China."} {"idx": "mnli-1384", "premise": "I blinked back blindness.", "hypothesis": "The excellent lighting made it easy to examine the room."} {"idx": "mnli-1385", "premise": "well i have i'm really torn on the subject i'm not a good candidate for this one i see what you see and i agree with you", "hypothesis": "I can see the same things as you do and I agree with you. "} {"idx": "mnli-1386", "premise": "A lot of extra cars were parked around the town- cameras and notebooks were in evidence.", "hypothesis": "There were many more cars than normal in the town."} {"idx": "mnli-1387", "premise": "but uh the miniskirt many times will evoke comments you don't really want", "hypothesis": "I tried wearing a miniskirt to work, but learned that it's not a good idea."} {"idx": "mnli-1388", "premise": "oh that's quite reasonable", "hypothesis": "You are being overcharged, there is no way it should be that."} {"idx": "mnli-1389", "premise": "Drew sat watching the dust arise again as the trio of riders pounded away.", "hypothesis": "Drew watched the three riders ride away."} {"idx": "mnli-1390", "premise": "uh-huh a perceived decline anyway yeah", "hypothesis": "The outlook shows a decline, and a heavy one too"} {"idx": "mnli-1391", "premise": "They ate in silence, enjoying the cool shade of the bluff.", "hypothesis": "They stood under the tall oak tree, quietly enjoying the sunlight. "} {"idx": "mnli-1392", "premise": "Much of the opposition had nothing to do with planned obsolescence and everything to do with concern that the Monsanto's infertility gene might leap from its seeds to fertile seeds in adjoining farms and eventually render those fertile strains infertile.", "hypothesis": "Monsanto did not intend to spread infertility to other crops."} {"idx": "mnli-1393", "premise": "The tours are rushed, and the route may vary due to restoration work.", "hypothesis": "The route of the tours may change from month to month, depending on what is being restored. "} {"idx": "mnli-1394", "premise": "In 1443, it was reunited with Sicily and known as the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies under the Spanish King Alfonso V of Aragon.", "hypothesis": "King Alfonso V of Aragon reunited it with Sicily."} {"idx": "mnli-1395", "premise": "The Esthonia Glassware Co.", "hypothesis": "It was called the Bulgarian Glassware Co."} {"idx": "mnli-1396", "premise": "Above all, they excelled in the visual arts.", "hypothesis": "They helped birth modern plays."} {"idx": "mnli-1397", "premise": "At the request of Congress, we studied a number of leading public sector organizations that were successfully pursuing management reform initiatives and becoming more results-oriented.", "hypothesis": "We suggest that all public organizations should follow this reform initiative."} {"idx": "mnli-1398", "premise": "well i'll check that out uh-huh", "hypothesis": "Well, I will look into that."} {"idx": "mnli-1399", "premise": "We've been threatened with it in plain and unmistakable terms.", "hypothesis": "The terms were very fair and we can't be more confident about it."} {"idx": "mnli-1400", "premise": "Spring and summer make better visits, when you can admire the irises and flowering shrubs of the inner gardens.", "hypothesis": "A better visit can be had during the Autumn and winter seasons."} {"idx": "mnli-1401", "premise": "Don't you realize that these are mostly private institutions!", "hypothesis": "Most of these private institutions are very small."} {"idx": "mnli-1402", "premise": "Christmas time is especially popular here when pilgrims come to admire relics of the holy crib from Beth?\u00adlehem.", "hypothesis": "Approximately one thousand pilgrims visit this place every year. "} {"idx": "mnli-1403", "premise": "Then he took it out, shut 182 the drawer, walked slowly over to an arm-chair, and sat down still staring at the photograph in his hand.", "hypothesis": "The photograph had a lot of memories of his mother attached to it."} {"idx": "mnli-1404", "premise": "There is something artificial even about this heart of mine, he wrote in 1886.", "hypothesis": "He was saying exactly how he felt."} {"idx": "mnli-1405", "premise": "Where everybody sneezes once or twice, I always sneeze at least five or six times--sometimes more.", "hypothesis": "I never sneeze."} {"idx": "mnli-1406", "premise": "Victorious Couch Potatoes", "hypothesis": "Defeated Over Achievers."} {"idx": "mnli-1407", "premise": "we may get some more tonight", "hypothesis": "We might get more tonight."} {"idx": "mnli-1408", "premise": "It is, however, best to reserve your accommodation in forest rest-houses in advance of your journey.", "hypothesis": "There's no need to make reservations in the forest rent-houses before you get there."} {"idx": "mnli-1409", "premise": "From global gold standard to GONE in less than two years!", "hypothesis": "The gold standard was dismantled because it prevented rapid growth of the money supply."} {"idx": "mnli-1410", "premise": "And it is impossible to see how this difference from Rust has any bearing upon the First Amendment question, which, to repeat, is whether the funding scheme is 'manipulated' to have a 'coercive effect' on those who do not hold the subsidized position.", "hypothesis": "The question that was asked it really rather very subjective."} {"idx": "mnli-1411", "premise": "um well like i said my fiancee", "hypothesis": "This is, I said, my fiancee."} {"idx": "mnli-1412", "premise": "He looked down at himself in disgust.", "hypothesis": "He looked down at himself and felt revulsion."} {"idx": "mnli-1413", "premise": "In Palermo, churches and mosques stood side-by-side, feudal castles next to Oriental palaces and their exotic gardens.", "hypothesis": "In Palemo, Feudal castles were in the vicinity of mosques and churches, as were oriental palaces."} {"idx": "mnli-1414", "premise": "A December 1996 article in al-Hayat , an Arab newspaper published in London, asserted that Albright, as a Jew, would be a dangerously pro-Israel secretary of state.", "hypothesis": "The article was published under pressure from the London government."} {"idx": "mnli-1415", "premise": "America needs a clean, secure, affordable, reliable energy supply in the years ahead.", "hypothesis": "America doesn't really need affordable energy supply either now or in the future."} {"idx": "mnli-1416", "premise": "yeah one of the things they tried to push through in Maryland and uh weren't very successful was that if you were an able bodied person on welfare", "hypothesis": "They weren't able to push it through Maryland."} {"idx": "mnli-1417", "premise": "Different metrics may be useful for an audit, depending on the objectives and status of an acquisition.", "hypothesis": "The objectives and statuses of an acquisition include making sure their product is made out of plastic. "} {"idx": "mnli-1418", "premise": "To the left of the high altar is a small chapel whose 10th-century Madonna di Nicopeia, a bejeweled icon also from Constantinople, is said to have healing powers and is a runner-up as Venice's protective patron after St. Mark.", "hypothesis": "The small chapel's Madonna di Nicopeia dates to the 10th century."} {"idx": "mnli-1419", "premise": "Both volumes serve as authoritative references to the standards and interpretations.", "hypothesis": "The volumes did not allow for any interpretations."} {"idx": "mnli-1420", "premise": "yeah it's a nice way to relax i mean in a way i mean i find it anyway although sometimes watching the news isn't very relaxing i get home from from", "hypothesis": "Watching the news isn't always relaxing."} {"idx": "mnli-1421", "premise": "But her chances for finding a replacement gig dwindle with every lost job and every looming birthday.", "hypothesis": "Every time she loses a job, she has no trouble at all finding a replacement gig immediately. "} {"idx": "mnli-1422", "premise": "The one area where Stevenson has it correct is that it is increasingly hard to educate young people about the real dangers of drug use.", "hypothesis": "Stevenson is typically wrong, but he is right when discussing drug use and educating youth."} {"idx": "mnli-1423", "premise": "These intriguing horseshoe-shaped valleys nestle like narrow amphi?\u00adtheaters against abrupt rocky cliffs, making rewarding destinations for a pleasant day's hike.", "hypothesis": "These intriguing horseshoe-shaped valleys can only be viewed by driving to the location."} {"idx": "mnli-1424", "premise": "Things could go poorly in these caves.", "hypothesis": "Things will certainly go well in these caves."} {"idx": "mnli-1425", "premise": "The handling and processing of the reagent, commonly limestone, is often done onsite, as is the treatment of the effluent as waste or processing into a saleable product (e.g.", "hypothesis": "The reagent is more often than not limestone, and is handled and processed onsite."} {"idx": "mnli-1426", "premise": "Critics chalk up Calder's previous low standing to the abundance of sculptures he made in the '60s for corporate plazas, which are labeled mostly boring (Robert Hughes, Time ). (Click here for the National Gallery site.)", "hypothesis": "They were not impressed with the majority of the artist's pieces."} {"idx": "mnli-1427", "premise": "As Dave's eyes took in the whole situation, the cliff crumbled completely, and the dozer came lunging over the edge, plunging straight for him.", "hypothesis": "Dave was safely above the dozer."} {"idx": "mnli-1428", "premise": "Penrose licensed the pattern to Pentaplex Ltd., which manufactures puzzles and games, and now both parties are suing Kimberly-Clark, the original makers of Kleenex, for copyright infringement.", "hypothesis": "Pentaplex Ltd and Penrose are currently not involved in any litigation."} {"idx": "mnli-1429", "premise": "As she had thought it stood a little ajar, and the voices within were plainly audible.", "hypothesis": "She was not able to hear any voices although it stood a little ajar."} {"idx": "mnli-1430", "premise": "1 The information obtained from these reports becomes part of the publically available data base known as the Toxic Release Inventory or TRI.", "hypothesis": "The information will be very useful in the near future."} {"idx": "mnli-1431", "premise": "He was hardly more than five feet, four inches, but carried himself with great dignity. ", "hypothesis": "The man was 6 foot tall. "} {"idx": "mnli-1432", "premise": "Fiss' analysis of the Mapplethorpe case offers a good example of the perils of his interventionist approach.", "hypothesis": "Fiss' analysis of a interventionist approach shows that it is free from danger. "} {"idx": "mnli-1433", "premise": "The increase in citizenship applications has led to longer processing periods and, according to critics, to some immigrants being wrongly naturalized.", "hypothesis": "According to critics, some immigrants should not be naturalized. "} {"idx": "mnli-1434", "premise": "He retaliated by filing one against her.", "hypothesis": "Her retaliation was even worse."} {"idx": "mnli-1435", "premise": "The reasons are appropriate for the case study application, an issue of particular concern if a generalization of the findings is intended.", "hypothesis": "There were no reasons for the case study application."} {"idx": "mnli-1436", "premise": "He considered sending San'doro to find out what had happened but the air shattered to the east and a body and horse fell hard to the crunch of bone on stone.", "hypothesis": "San'doro could not have found out what happened."} {"idx": "mnli-1437", "premise": "General Accounting Office, Managing for Emerging Benefits From Selected Agencies' Use of Performance Agreements, GAO-01-115 (Washington, D.C.: Oct. 30, 2000).", "hypothesis": "The General Accounting Office is located in Florida. "} {"idx": "mnli-1438", "premise": "Didn't have anythin' to go back to there.", "hypothesis": "I had so much waiting for me there. "} {"idx": "mnli-1439", "premise": "A town of peace far from those who hunt for you.", "hypothesis": "The town was peaceful."} {"idx": "mnli-1440", "premise": "The majestic double staircase inside inspired Charles Garnier for his design of the Paris Opera House.", "hypothesis": "There are 50 steps on each staircase."} {"idx": "mnli-1441", "premise": "I dare not, monsieur; I am afraid of them. She turned away.", "hypothesis": "After saying she was afraid of them, the girl left."} {"idx": "mnli-1442", "premise": "Composer Giuseppe Verdi was the Risorgimento's towering artist.", "hypothesis": "Giuseppe Verdi was a grape farmer."} {"idx": "mnli-1443", "premise": "Effective management of an organization's workforce-its human capital-is essential to achieving results and an important part of internal control.", "hypothesis": "The management is in place to keep the workers happy."} {"idx": "mnli-1444", "premise": "Apparently then this must be another of their frenzied efforts to find a way to put back the sky.", "hypothesis": "They made no attempts to find a way to put back the sky."} {"idx": "mnli-1445", "premise": "summary of the officials' oral comments and provide a copy of the summary to management of the audited entity to verify that the comments are accurately stated.", "hypothesis": "The comments stated have to be verified."} {"idx": "mnli-1446", "premise": "The magazines split over Kathleen Willey.", "hypothesis": "Kathleen Willey has never been discussed in a magazine before."} {"idx": "mnli-1447", "premise": "Even if you're not an avid bird-watcher, you'll enjoy the gentle walks in the woodland, with the chance of seeing exciting herds of nilghai antelope, blackbuck, and cheetal (spotted deer).", "hypothesis": "There are a number of walks around the woodlands."} {"idx": "mnli-1448", "premise": "I have already spent time with representatives of the power generation sector and have heard from a number of them who are interested in legislation that will provide the public health and environmental benefits we discussed today.", "hypothesis": "I heard from none of the representatives from the power generation sector."} {"idx": "mnli-1449", "premise": "In addition, many federal CFOs have primary leadership responsibility for implementing the Results Act at the department or agency level.", "hypothesis": "Many CFOs are in charge of the Results Act."} {"idx": "mnli-1450", "premise": "This is one of many churches built during the Christianization of territory won from the Moors by James I in legendary 13th-century battles", "hypothesis": "The church was built by the Moors as a way of promoting cultural diversity."} {"idx": "mnli-1451", "premise": "The lag reflects the fact that the rate of return on U.S. assets abroad consistently exceeded the return on foreign-owned assets in the United States.", "hypothesis": "The return on us assets abroad exceeds us foreign owned assets "} {"idx": "mnli-1452", "premise": "I \u201dI believe so.", "hypothesis": "He was indeed a gay man."} {"idx": "mnli-1453", "premise": "The quincentennial anniversary celebrating his 1492 voyage saw the city's historical port undergo a face-lift, and the addition of the Aquarium, the largest in Europe, a must-see for visitors with children.", "hypothesis": "The aquarium is the biggest in all of Europe and was added on the quincentennial anniversary."} {"idx": "mnli-1454", "premise": "Turin was little more than a fortified village of 40,000 inhabitants in 1600, but it rose to 93,000 a century later.", "hypothesis": "The population declined after one hundred years."} {"idx": "mnli-1455", "premise": "uh Copperheads mostly", "hypothesis": "Copperhead snake mostly"} {"idx": "mnli-1456", "premise": "The demographic and economic assumptions imply a sharp drop in the average annual growth of aggregate hours worked from 0.7 percent through 2010 to 0.2 percent from 2020 through 2075.", "hypothesis": "Aggregate hours worked has only been decreasing for past decade."} {"idx": "mnli-1457", "premise": "At some point, however, it is possible that private industry would rise to the occasion and collect virtually all of the mail, process it, and give it to the postal service for delivery.", "hypothesis": "The private industry could improve the performance of the postal service."} {"idx": "mnli-1458", "premise": "I realized a lot of things as we traveled.", "hypothesis": "While we were travelling, I realized many things. "} {"idx": "mnli-1459", "premise": "well i didn't know that that's supposed to be a real good statistic uh", "hypothesis": "That isn't a good statistic, it's completely useless."} {"idx": "mnli-1460", "premise": "It's afterward that the trouble starts.", "hypothesis": "The trouble started after."} {"idx": "mnli-1461", "premise": "quite creative and appealing to the younger crowd", "hypothesis": "Quite inventive and popular with the younger crowd."} {"idx": "mnli-1462", "premise": "Common sense took over, and Drew's hand dropped from the gun butt.", "hypothesis": "Drew was seconds away from shooting the man."} {"idx": "mnli-1463", "premise": "Further details are provided in Appendix 5.2.", "hypothesis": "The appendix has more information."} {"idx": "mnli-1464", "premise": "Well said, Dave Hanson.", "hypothesis": "Well said, Dave Hanson, I'm sure people will agree."} {"idx": "mnli-1465", "premise": "Text box 2.1 compares GDP to another measure of economic output-gross national product (GNP).", "hypothesis": "There is no comparison for GDP to GNP. "} {"idx": "mnli-1466", "premise": "The building at the corner of Charlotte Square and South Charlotte Street was the birthplace of Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone.", "hypothesis": "Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, was born in that building at the corner of Charlotte Square."} {"idx": "mnli-1467", "premise": "He was good, better than Jon let on, said the Kal.", "hypothesis": "The Kal knew that the man was a better sword fighter than Jon told people about. "} {"idx": "mnli-1468", "premise": "yeah there's not too many not too many big ones around here", "hypothesis": "Several big ones are in the immediate area."} {"idx": "mnli-1469", "premise": "Now enjoy it, buon viaggio!", "hypothesis": "Enjoy it! "} {"idx": "mnli-1470", "premise": "yeah you know uh is he going to yell at me for buying this with this you know and he's not a yeller though but", "hypothesis": "He doesn't like when I buy this."} {"idx": "mnli-1471", "premise": "you you have exceeded your ten minutes time limit hang up within the next thirty seconds so", "hypothesis": "The ten minutes time limit is easy to miss."} {"idx": "mnli-1472", "premise": "How do we know this?", "hypothesis": "Are we sure of this?"} {"idx": "mnli-1473", "premise": "According to USA Today , most of the country will experience cloudy but good weather Tuesday.", "hypothesis": "The weather on Tuesday will be sunny."} {"idx": "mnli-1474", "premise": "David Hall, director of Texas Rural Legal Aid in Weslaco, said legal services for the poor in the Rio Grande Valley are inadequate and need a dramatic increase in funding.", "hypothesis": "David Hall is sponsoring a legislative bill that addresses the funding shortfall."} {"idx": "mnli-1475", "premise": "and he want yeah he just told me this last week that he he said don't you remember i asked them to finance it at four years and they came back and they said that they had it figured for five and we'd already signed the papers and i maybe i might have been there i don't remember hearing that but i also wasn't the one in charge of it so i wasn't paying as close of attention", "hypothesis": "I remember hearing they said they had figured it for four years; I was paying close attention."} {"idx": "mnli-1476", "premise": "It was a ruse? asked Adrin.", "hypothesis": "Adrin doesn't care whether it was a ruse or not. "} {"idx": "mnli-1477", "premise": "In addition, another benefit includes permitting real estate advisers to pension plans to continue to register with the SEC, which will allow the advisers to comply with the requirements of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA).", "hypothesis": "The Employee Retirement Income Security Act met with a lot of opposition in Congress."} {"idx": "mnli-1478", "premise": "And in between, you'll come upon the historic towns of Toulouse, Albi, and Montpellier.", "hypothesis": "You will pass through the historic towns of Toulouse, Albi, and Montpellier on your way to the final destination."} {"idx": "mnli-1479", "premise": " Now talk to me about that.", "hypothesis": "I don't want to hear anything from you."} {"idx": "mnli-1480", "premise": "Trial lawyers courted him and his party with tons of money.", "hypothesis": "He was offered a lot of money by trial lawyers."} {"idx": "mnli-1481", "premise": "Competition is generally believed to lead to efficiency, be it economic or technical.", "hypothesis": "Recent events have led people to question whether or not this conventional wisdom is true."} {"idx": "mnli-1482", "premise": "The cattle and sheep markets are not tourist attractions as such.", "hypothesis": "The cattle markets are designed for tourists to stop and take a look."} {"idx": "mnli-1483", "premise": "Would you believe, Mister Kirby, these were brought to me by Amos Lutterfield? ", "hypothesis": "Amos brought me two dozen fresh eggs from his prized hens."} {"idx": "mnli-1484", "premise": "Truly, I believe the country is in the best of hands, but how do I rid myself of these impure thoughts?", "hypothesis": "I think the country is in incapable hands."} {"idx": "mnli-1485", "premise": "We've all got our campaign ribbons from the war of HR22.", "hypothesis": "They all have their campaign ribbons from the war of HR22"} {"idx": "mnli-1486", "premise": "These patients were more likely to be young, male, disheveled, uninsured, and low income.", "hypothesis": "The patients were more likely to be young men with low incomes. "} {"idx": "mnli-1487", "premise": "GAO will follow up by discussing the status of recommendations with cognizant agency officials; obtaining copies of agency documents supporting the recommendations' implementation; and performing sufficient work to verify that the recommended actions are being taken and, to the extent possible, that the desired results are being achieved.", "hypothesis": "GAO is pulling out all the stops in ensuring that the recommended actions are followed through."} {"idx": "mnli-1488", "premise": "More and more caravans and riders crossed Ca'daan's path as he grew closer to Fena Kef.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan was riding alone to Fena Kef."} {"idx": "mnli-1489", "premise": "Really? ", "hypothesis": "Is that the case?"} {"idx": "mnli-1490", "premise": "The term modification does not include subsidy cost reestimates, the routine administrative workouts of troubled loans, and actions that are permitted within the existing contract terms.", "hypothesis": "Modification does a lot toinvolve subsidy costs that increase each year."} {"idx": "mnli-1491", "premise": "An interpretation that required the alien to be continuously present throughout the course of the litigation would confront indigent aliens with the Hobson's choice of either accepting representation or visiting their families abroad.", "hypothesis": "Aliens do not have to choose between family and representation."} {"idx": "mnli-1492", "premise": "The Giants say that other team owners are rooting against their scheme, because it calls into question the profligate public subsidies.", "hypothesis": "The public subsidies include money used to buy helicopter rides and hookers. "} {"idx": "mnli-1493", "premise": "Meantime, she has graduated from Coppin State College, works as a drug and alcohol counselor, left subsidized housing and plans to start work on a master's degree this year.", "hypothesis": "Over the time period in the original sentence, she has gone to school, worked in her field, moved to her own place, and will start her next degree soon."} {"idx": "mnli-1494", "premise": "For the moment, I set aside utterly any suspicions of her. ", "hypothesis": "I set aside my worries."} {"idx": "mnli-1495", "premise": "so uh that's where i learned about", "hypothesis": "I've never learned anything."} {"idx": "mnli-1496", "premise": "Maybe it's not such a bad idea with this kefir.", "hypothesis": "With this kefir, it's a horrible idea."} {"idx": "mnli-1497", "premise": "Downey serves on the advisory board of SpeakOut.com, a Washington-based startup that aims to empower users to interact with decision-makers through a community Web service.", "hypothesis": "Speakout.com is very popular with average citizens."} {"idx": "mnli-1498", "premise": "Most drivers will be able to point out the Bok House, transformed into the elegant Coq d'Or Restaurant.", "hypothesis": "The Bok House is transformed into a restaurant."} {"idx": "mnli-1499", "premise": "Jerusalem flourished during the early years of the Mandate.", "hypothesis": "Jerusalem's economy and culture flourished under the mandate."} {"idx": "mnli-1500", "premise": "In that Notice, the Commission prepared and published an Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis and invited written public comments on the proposed rulemaking, including comments on the Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis.", "hypothesis": "The commission didn't publish the report."} {"idx": "mnli-1501", "premise": "We get a lot of that, she said, noting that so far only Lavar Bud Stark is pitching in.", "hypothesis": "Not many people want to pitch in."} {"idx": "mnli-1502", "premise": "that that was the reason i had to replace mine", "hypothesis": "I had to replace mine because they wore out."} {"idx": "mnli-1503", "premise": "In addition, the representatives from organizations without professional and administrative staffs believed that an even more difficult challenge was encouraging volunteers to donate additional time to perform the administrative tasks required to organize meetings and further facilitate information sharing.", "hypothesis": "There was little they could do to get the volunteers to stop working, having worked for over 24 hours."} {"idx": "mnli-1504", "premise": "you know it's i mean i it it should probably be a big issue you know because it's it's doing a lot of damage but i it's something you know i don't think many people really think about it because it's nothing they i don't think we really have too much control over it", "hypothesis": "We don't think about the air pollution because we don't have control."} {"idx": "mnli-1505", "premise": "On the hill to the south of the square stands the Archaeological Museum, whose superb collection of antiquities includes statues of Poseidon and Demeter that once stood in the Agora of ancient Smyrna.", "hypothesis": "The Archaeological Museum has a modest collection of antiquities, but no statues."} {"idx": "mnli-1506", "premise": "The final four of the day were tied at 4 under par going down the back nine, and it was obvious, watching them labor away, unsmiling, that this was just an endurance test to see who could avoid crashing and disintegrating on national television.", "hypothesis": "They remained tied until the last hole."} {"idx": "mnli-1507", "premise": "how are things in your area in that respect", "hypothesis": "How's everything where you are as far as that goes? "} {"idx": "mnli-1508", "premise": " Oh, listen, I was so pregnant during those years.", "hypothesis": "At the time, I was pregnant."} {"idx": "mnli-1509", "premise": "Said to be the world's largest oil painting, 22 by 7 m (72 by 23 ft), it was done, with the help of son Domenico, when the artist was 70.", "hypothesis": "The artist's son did all the work in completing the oil painting."} {"idx": "mnli-1510", "premise": "as Mexicans yes that that", "hypothesis": "As Canadians, yes."} {"idx": "mnli-1511", "premise": "The environment is also affected by the manner in which the agency delegates authority and responsibility throughout the organization.", "hypothesis": "Many actions that the agency take can affect the environment."} {"idx": "mnli-1512", "premise": "corpus well uh South Padre is on down the bend", "hypothesis": "SOuth Padre is a little farther."} {"idx": "mnli-1513", "premise": "Small shrines lead from the hall, honoring local gods, and a temple to Imhotep, the great architect of the pyramids who was deified in the centuries after his death.", "hypothesis": "Imhotep was deified after his death because constructing the pyramids was such an incredible feat. "} {"idx": "mnli-1514", "premise": "Cavendish, I much fear there is no coincidence there. ", "hypothesis": "I fear it is mere coincidence, after all. "} {"idx": "mnli-1515", "premise": "The final rule amends Regulation Y to improve the competitiveness of bank holding companies by eliminating unnecessary regulatory burden and operating restrictions and streamlining the application and notice process.", "hypothesis": "Regulation Y is the last regulation drafted by the former president."} {"idx": "mnli-1516", "premise": "She's always been concerned with helping people.", "hypothesis": "She was always selfish."} {"idx": "mnli-1517", "premise": "and it's gonna it's gonna yeah some kids are really having it If they'd been in day care the entire time and it wasn't yeah the ones that are now getting to be teenagers and in some cases young college", "hypothesis": "None of the kids will be going to college yet."} {"idx": "mnli-1518", "premise": "mail used by non-households to send and pay bills to other non-households).", "hypothesis": "Mail used by non-households to pay bills to other non-households is a very effective method."} {"idx": "mnli-1519", "premise": "i like him because he's reckless", "hypothesis": "There's a chance he'll do something terrible, but I like him despite that."} {"idx": "mnli-1520", "premise": "We have exposed the counterrevolutionary machinations of Richard Ford and Amy Tan.", "hypothesis": "We managed to stumble upon undiscovered information, and that helped us expose them."} {"idx": "mnli-1521", "premise": "This was going to work.", "hypothesis": "We thought it out ahead of time"} {"idx": "mnli-1522", "premise": "The Justice Department ultimately conceded that the Council of Economic Advisors was subject to GAOas access authority and provided the records.", "hypothesis": "The Justice Department refused to concede that GAO had authority in the case of the Council of Economic Advisors."} {"idx": "mnli-1523", "premise": "A grey limousine on which they had set high hopes was traced to Harrogate, and turned out to be the property of a highly respectable maiden lady! ", "hypothesis": "A highly respectable maiden lady is only ever seen in town in her grey limousine."} {"idx": "mnli-1524", "premise": "Surprisingly, the $10 million spectacular isn't Broadway's all-time biggest flop.", "hypothesis": "This is the worst flop Broadway has ever seen."} {"idx": "mnli-1525", "premise": "well listen you think they've earned their money we've earned our money tonight", "hypothesis": "You think they lost all their money?"} {"idx": "mnli-1526", "premise": "From here, you'll get a full view of the line of five windmills that sit above the town.", "hypothesis": "You can see the five windmills that sit above the town from here. "} {"idx": "mnli-1527", "premise": "The close can still be seen beneath the present buildings, and guided tours are available despite the area's reputation as a spot haunted by victims of the disease.", "hypothesis": "Due to the haunted reputation of the area, no businesses operate there."} {"idx": "mnli-1528", "premise": "[E]ven after being taken down a notch or two, [cities] will remain, by virtue of their concentrations of energy and intellect, at the center of the American political imagination.", "hypothesis": "Cities will never be important to American politics. "} {"idx": "mnli-1529", "premise": "totally different wardrobe with different fabrics you know heavier wools and", "hypothesis": "They are nearly the same wardrobe."} {"idx": "mnli-1530", "premise": "um for the worst i would assume", "hypothesis": "For the best I would assume."} {"idx": "mnli-1531", "premise": "uh-huh of the second one", "hypothesis": "Not the first, but the second."} {"idx": "mnli-1532", "premise": "What if a foundering political campaign were the wacky premise for a failing TV show!", "hypothesis": "How about a failing TV show about a political campaign that's collapsing?"} {"idx": "mnli-1533", "premise": "it was nice talking to you too and we'll probably be talking to you again okay okay bye-bye", "hypothesis": "It's likely we'll be speaking to you again."} {"idx": "mnli-1534", "premise": "Those overseers won't feed us because it takes time and wastes food; they let us die and then have us dragged back for more work.", "hypothesis": "Those overseers always give us as much food as we like."} {"idx": "mnli-1535", "premise": "In other words, there is no difference between my description of their argument and their own.", "hypothesis": "Our two descriptions could not be more different."} {"idx": "mnli-1536", "premise": "The newswoman helped arrange a larger apartment and psychiatric care for the family.", "hypothesis": "Psychiatric care was provided for the family members."} {"idx": "mnli-1537", "premise": "Why would you assume that this comment has to do with African-Americans anyway?", "hypothesis": "Don't you think this comment has a lot to do with African-Americans?"} {"idx": "mnli-1538", "premise": "and of course the shower pan is a pretty fragile piece of uh of metal or plastic whichever it is anyway so", "hypothesis": "The shower pan is made poorly."} {"idx": "mnli-1539", "premise": "He'd have to shield the cord from the sun stuff, but that could be done.", "hypothesis": "He'd have to protect the shield from the sun things."} {"idx": "mnli-1540", "premise": "However, this climb never happened.", "hypothesis": "The climb may have happened, but we shall not speak about it and pretend it did not."} {"idx": "mnli-1541", "premise": "Well, he showed them.", "hypothesis": "He beat them up."} {"idx": "mnli-1542", "premise": "A small garden to the west of the Scott Monument has a memorial to David Livingstone, the explorer and missionary.", "hypothesis": "A large garden to the North of the Scott Monument is home to a memorial to the explorer and missionary David Livingstone."} {"idx": "mnli-1543", "premise": "We have talked about this over and over again (and almost broke up over it several times), and she is getting better, but ...", "hypothesis": "This is a problem between us that nearly split us up, but she is working on it."} {"idx": "mnli-1544", "premise": "The gardens are popular with children who enjoy watching the marionette shows, riding donkeys, and sailing boats on the circular ponds.", "hypothesis": "Children really like the marionette shows in the gardens."} {"idx": "mnli-1545", "premise": "A shorter Newsweek story labels these dropouts Young Unhappy Professionals (unhappy, that is, till they drop out).", "hypothesis": "The Newsweek story was very long."} {"idx": "mnli-1546", "premise": "depends on which wires connect which chips, not on the fact that a given wire is green.", "hypothesis": "It depends on whether a wire is green."} {"idx": "mnli-1547", "premise": "Henry's, at the Henry Grattan lounge in Baggot Street, serves good food.", "hypothesis": "There is good food at the Henry Grattan lounge."} {"idx": "mnli-1548", "premise": "Despite this there are many interesting and attractive fake antiques for sale in Istanbul, including swords and daggers, Ottoman coffee-making sets, and copper and brass tray tables with wooden stands.", "hypothesis": "The sale of fake antiques was successfully banned in Istanbul."} {"idx": "mnli-1549", "premise": "(The 21 heads discovered in 1977 are now displayed in the Mus??e de Cluny; . )", "hypothesis": "21 heads on display were found in 1977."} {"idx": "mnli-1550", "premise": "There is a subtle sexism in The female domestic tycoon is obliged to behave better than the guys.", "hypothesis": "The Female Domestic Tycoon is sexist because it says that men are better than women"} {"idx": "mnli-1551", "premise": "He worries things out slowly, and once he's got hold of anything he doesn't let go.", "hypothesis": "He's easily influenced and he's quick to change ideas as a result."} {"idx": "mnli-1552", "premise": "and we didn't ever call it uh Cokes and such you know we call it soda", "hypothesis": "We always call it Coke."} {"idx": "mnli-1553", "premise": "that's how i am yeah", "hypothesis": "I am not like that."} {"idx": "mnli-1554", "premise": "they they were forced to put her in a nursing home", "hypothesis": "They were forced to let her stay at her home."} {"idx": "mnli-1555", "premise": "Modeling shows that when full implementation of existing regulations such as the acid rain program, the NOx SIP Call, the Tier II standards for cars and trucks, the heavy duty diesel engine standards, and the low sulfur gasoline and diesel fuel rules are taken into account, additional reductions will be needed to bring areas into attainment.", "hypothesis": "The acid rain program is not a regulation."} {"idx": "mnli-1556", "premise": "yeah my wife's brother had a he lives in California and he had a Honda Accord i think and he had like a hundred fifty thousa nd miles on it and he sold it and uh never had a problem with it whereas i got a Chevette and it's the car's almost almost twelve years old and i got seventy one thousand miles on it is all and i've had problems with it just all the time", "hypothesis": "I bought the Chevette from a friend."} {"idx": "mnli-1557", "premise": "Memorials in the Square du Canada and the beautiful Canadian Cemetery in nearby Hautot-sur-Mer commemorate the courageous but abortive Canadian raid on Nazi-held Dieppe on August 19, 1942.", "hypothesis": "The courageous actions of the Canadians in Dieppe were forgotten."} {"idx": "mnli-1558", "premise": "Using this criteria the agency estimated that 4,600 of the 6,400 firms affected by the rule would be small businesses and that approximately 15,000 small entities in the industry groups affected by the proposed rule would not be affected as they employed less than 10 persons.", "hypothesis": "The agency estimated that about two thirds of the firms would be affected."} {"idx": "mnli-1559", "premise": "That bears out my little idea entirely.", "hypothesis": "This helps us move along in our investigation."} {"idx": "mnli-1560", "premise": "Sure, it drags a bit without the volatile repartee of the earlier albums.", "hypothesis": "With the repartee of the earlier albums, it speeds along nicely."} {"idx": "mnli-1561", "premise": "yeah and it it just doesn't yeah it doesn't make that much difference in the average life in the scientific community and places where it's needed", "hypothesis": "It benefits the scientific community in many ways."} {"idx": "mnli-1562", "premise": "You will also find here the start of the Via Dolorose where the Stations of the Crosehold a fascination for visitors no matter what their backgrounds or beliefs.", "hypothesis": "The visitors are all fascinated by the place."} {"idx": "mnli-1563", "premise": "Locals shrug and suggest that the shoreline's topography must have changed in the 500 years since Columbus.", "hypothesis": "Locals suggest that the shoreline looks just as it did when Columbus arrived."} {"idx": "mnli-1564", "premise": "The staff can introduce you to 19 of the over 150 breeds of sheep.", "hypothesis": "The staff know a few of the breeds."} {"idx": "mnli-1565", "premise": "This skewness results from mail volume being highly correlated with income and U.S. income distribution being much more skewed than Italian income distribution.", "hypothesis": "Italy has a more fair system."} {"idx": "mnli-1566", "premise": "The receiving entity does not sacrifice anything of value, and the transferring entity does not acquire anything of value.", "hypothesis": "These transfers still require large amounts of time consuming paperwork to complete."} {"idx": "mnli-1567", "premise": "From the beginning, Las Vegas was built to serve travelers.", "hypothesis": "Las vegas was built to serve travelers."} {"idx": "mnli-1568", "premise": "it comes off in strips i mean not even little bit so we still have some of that trim work to do because we put it off all this time we know what a job it's gonna be because you almost have to strip the whole thing in order do it again", "hypothesis": "We are all done!"} {"idx": "mnli-1569", "premise": "okay i think LA Law", "hypothesis": "I think it's LA Law because a friend of mine told me so."} {"idx": "mnli-1570", "premise": "They are classified as (a) offsetting receipts (i.e.", "hypothesis": "It's a good thing that they fall under this category."} {"idx": "mnli-1571", "premise": "An article says the United States must not sacrifice its democratic ideals in order to sell a few more Big Macs.", "hypothesis": "The United States has no democratic ideals. "} {"idx": "mnli-1572", "premise": "I was sitting in a helicopter, on the edge of my seat.", "hypothesis": "I was sitting on the edge of my seat."} {"idx": "mnli-1573", "premise": "sent the signal, consciously or not, that she wasn't entirely free of shame herself.", "hypothesis": "She sent a seemingly unconscious signal regarding her level of shame."} {"idx": "mnli-1574", "premise": "'You want me to flush him out of hiding.'", "hypothesis": "You want to make him come out and how himself."} {"idx": "mnli-1575", "premise": "They look to Washington to mitigate the new economy's negative consequences.", "hypothesis": "Washington is being looked at to fix the economy's negative aspects."} {"idx": "mnli-1576", "premise": "right in yeah right in uh almost right in downtown", "hypothesis": "Right, the bar is almost in downtown."} {"idx": "mnli-1577", "premise": "There were no windows, which seemed queer.", "hypothesis": "There were two doors. "} {"idx": "mnli-1578", "premise": "i kind of think it was necessary i mean i i i i don't i'm not a a big um pure power hitter anyway i mean i don't like these guys that get up there and swing for the downs every time i mean uh i think that uh that a player ought to hit a home run if he's got the pitch to do it but when you get two strikes on you you have a tendency you know you should you know shorten your swing a little bit you know if it's a perfect shot go for it but i mean you know the strike outs were a big problem for him and uh plus supposedly what i heard he was not much of a team player anyway so", "hypothesis": "I heard that he was not a team player."} {"idx": "mnli-1579", "premise": "Well, why read any type of fiction?", "hypothesis": "Well, then, what's the point of reading any kind of fiction?"} {"idx": "mnli-1580", "premise": "chapter, we turn to two basic What do we need to take into account with regard to the objectivity of case studies and their generalizability?", "hypothesis": "It must be taken into account the objectivity of case studies."} {"idx": "mnli-1581", "premise": "The area has been developed with a number of hotels, notably Club Hotel La Mola, Formentera's most luxurious resort, Hotel Formentera Playa, and the Mar-y-land complex.", "hypothesis": "There is only one hotel in the area."} {"idx": "mnli-1582", "premise": "i think it would be wrong for us to kill him for the Americans to kill him", "hypothesis": "Americans lack a sense of what's right and wrong; they're generally pretty dumb."} {"idx": "mnli-1583", "premise": "yeah i think it's fun i like just looking at the billboards", "hypothesis": "I dislike the billboards."} {"idx": "mnli-1584", "premise": "Such was the subsequent dismay among reactionary factions at this sign of weakness that the Tokugawa shogunate was soon overthrown.", "hypothesis": "This sign of weakness caused delight in reactionary factions."} {"idx": "mnli-1585", "premise": "Kentucky's current fee for filing a case in district court is $50.", "hypothesis": "Kentucky doesn't charge to file a case."} {"idx": "mnli-1586", "premise": "The author urges both sides to admit defeat and move on.", "hypothesis": "The author did not want to side with either side, as they did not want to cause conflict, so they told both sides to just move on and move past the problem."} {"idx": "mnli-1587", "premise": "you know put seventy or ninety pounds on their back and go hiking uh but uh it can be a lot of fun", "hypothesis": "Heavy backpacks make hiking really unpleasant."} {"idx": "mnli-1588", "premise": "but then again though Jesus the grace pushes you beyond the law you know what i'm saying like so he didn't just say don't kill your don't kill your enemies but don't only don't kill them bless them you know and so therefore when we have an enemy come against us i really feel like but i really feel like i know i do feel this strongly that when if we had someone come and attack us the best way to handle it would be to bless them and humbly go to their other king or the other ruler and say what have we done to offend you what can we do to rectify this situation and that God would move in that sovereignly and he would get the glory though no king no Bush wouldn't", "hypothesis": "I think we should use this ideal when dealing with hostile countries. "} {"idx": "mnli-1589", "premise": "It stands 137 m (450 ft) high and was the tallest structure in the world until the building of the Eiffel Tower in Paris in 1898.", "hypothesis": "Until the building of the Eiffel Tower in 1898, it was the tallest structure in the world at 450 ft high."} {"idx": "mnli-1590", "premise": "In the U.S. the carrier remains on the road, stops at a roadside mailbox and places mail in it without leaving the vehicle.", "hypothesis": "U.S. Mail carriers always get out of their vehicles when delivering mail."} {"idx": "mnli-1591", "premise": "schedule a under uh well it's the same place it's the same place you put uh interest but but see that's what that's what makes Texas squirrelly laws that uh you can't you can't take out a a second mortgage uh like some states where you can take out the mortgage and declare that and so uh it's fully deductible the laws are a little squirrelly but it basically comes down to it's not in your best interest to borrow money from a tax standpoint", "hypothesis": "Texas has the least favorable tax laws for residents with regard to mortages."} {"idx": "mnli-1592", "premise": "where you they extend the warranty", "hypothesis": "Warranties offer extensions. "} {"idx": "mnli-1593", "premise": "whatever they are i i do i find and and they go alone with that just the things you get in the mail", "hypothesis": "I receive items in the mail."} {"idx": "mnli-1594", "premise": "Program Information", "hypothesis": "Program does not exist."} {"idx": "mnli-1595", "premise": "Can anything be done?", "hypothesis": "Only 20% of the ideas in the world are possible if tried for the first time."} {"idx": "mnli-1596", "premise": "Productivity Business Sector and Major Subsectors, BLS Handbook of Methods (April 1997), pp. 89-98.", "hypothesis": "pp. 78-98 of Productivity Business Sector and Major Subsectors, BLS Handbook of Methods (May 1998)"} {"idx": "mnli-1597", "premise": "22 \"I must make my apologies,\" said the doctor. ", "hypothesis": "The doctor said he had nothing to apologize for."} {"idx": "mnli-1598", "premise": "if you don't drink you know you used to drink okay you go out and you want to party and that's that's something you do when you're young and dumb i guess", "hypothesis": "Mature people drink and party a lot too."} {"idx": "mnli-1599", "premise": "where there are more than one family in a house", "hypothesis": "When there's more than one family in a house. "} {"idx": "mnli-1600", "premise": " Tiny, carefully polished chips from the stars were ready, and men began placing them delicately on the shell.", "hypothesis": "The polished chips were from the bottom of the ocean."} {"idx": "mnli-1601", "premise": "Bestowed with plenty of the invaluable pioneer spirit that characterizes Las Vegas to this day, Gass redirected his life by picking up where the Mormons left off at least when it came to ranching and farming.", "hypothesis": "The Mormons do not involve themselves with ranching and farming."} {"idx": "mnli-1602", "premise": "In itself, the discrepancy has no apparent significance, although it has been pointed to by theorists who contend that the TP was leaked through more than one source.", "hypothesis": "The discrepancy isn't important."} {"idx": "mnli-1603", "premise": "I waiteduntil I heard the outside door clank shutbefore I followed.", "hypothesis": "I was following even before the outside door shut."} {"idx": "mnli-1604", "premise": "nice talking to you too well i appreciate it and and good luck with your uh your future your hopes of buy a Winnebago", "hypothesis": "It was nice speaking to you, good luck with your hopes of buying a Winnebago."} {"idx": "mnli-1605", "premise": "I don't know if I was in heaven or hell, said Lillian Carter, the president's mother, after a visit.", "hypothesis": "The president's mother visited."} {"idx": "mnli-1606", "premise": "Vast expanses of land are cultivated; orchards and lush cattle pastures produce the famous strong cider and pungent cheeses.", "hypothesis": "In addition to cider and cheese, wine is also produced here."} {"idx": "mnli-1607", "premise": "yeah and watch the cats tear it up", "hypothesis": "Good thing there are no cats in this world."} {"idx": "mnli-1608", "premise": "Understood what?", "hypothesis": "Misunderstood what?"} {"idx": "mnli-1609", "premise": "Nearby on the banks of the river is the Nile Hilton Hotel a landmark for Cairenes (as the people of the city are known) as well as tourists.", "hypothesis": "Close on the banks of the River exists the Nile Hilton Hotel, known by the locals as well as tourists."} {"idx": "mnli-1610", "premise": "Of course, the pair ends up in the middle of every conflagration.", "hypothesis": "The pair ends up in the middle of the drama."} {"idx": "mnli-1611", "premise": "how what do you do", "hypothesis": "What is it you do? "} {"idx": "mnli-1612", "premise": " Buenos d\u00edas, Don Cazar. For so small a man the Mexican on the cart seat produced a trumpet-sized voice.", "hypothesis": "Don Cazar has a small voice."} {"idx": "mnli-1613", "premise": "Experience the formation of the continental plates and the development of different climatic regions, then explore the complex and dynamic interactions that make our planet work.", "hypothesis": "Experiencing the formation of different climatic regions is a rewarding activity."} {"idx": "mnli-1614", "premise": "and Analysis in Case Extensive or thick analysisStudiesa", "hypothesis": "A Case extensive analysis is more heavily needed than other types of studies."} {"idx": "mnli-1615", "premise": "EPA has determined that the impacts would be minimal or nonexistent because, among other reasons, the phase-in of the remanufacturing requirements combined with the compliance flexibility given to small businesses during the initial years of the program will allow them to make the transition into the new marketplace for certified remanufactures without hardship.", "hypothesis": "EPA was foolish when it thought that there would be little impact."} {"idx": "mnli-1616", "premise": "Don't miss taking a boat cruise from the little resort town of Porto.", "hypothesis": "Don't skip out on the chance for a boat cruise departing from Porto."} {"idx": "mnli-1617", "premise": "For the first time, the TV stations reached the state when commercials were shown 24 hours a day.", "hypothesis": "TV stations showed no commercials anymore."} {"idx": "mnli-1618", "premise": "Tuppence was in that house! ", "hypothesis": "That's the house that Tuppence was in."} {"idx": "mnli-1619", "premise": "This column, as my first in the Strange Bed, is free of history.", "hypothesis": "This column is free of history."} {"idx": "mnli-1620", "premise": "San'doro stood.", "hypothesis": "San'doro stayed seated."} {"idx": "mnli-1621", "premise": "South of Gezira is Roda Island, home to Manial Palace, now converted into an art gallery.", "hypothesis": "Roda Island is home to the palace."} {"idx": "mnli-1622", "premise": "Well, I guess I'd better buy a car, a slap-up one, dress as a chauffeur and hang about outside.", "hypothesis": "I think I might buy a cheap car and start up my own driving service businesses, maybe I'll make some good money."} {"idx": "mnli-1623", "premise": "have you ever been there", "hypothesis": "Did you ever go?"} {"idx": "mnli-1624", "premise": "Depression was settling on him like a leaden weight.", "hypothesis": "He was extremely happy and it was light a burden was lifted off his shoulders. "} {"idx": "mnli-1625", "premise": "right right so and uh yeah on the on the interior do you do uh do y'all have a lot of uh plaster walls that the the uh color is built into the plaster so you don't paint a lot", "hypothesis": "The interior walls are made of wood and you must paint them. "} {"idx": "mnli-1626", "premise": "I can't believe she's really one of them, sir.", "hypothesis": "Sir, I knew all along that she was really one of them."} {"idx": "mnli-1627", "premise": "Money money! ", "hypothesis": "Poverty poverty! "} {"idx": "mnli-1628", "premise": "According to the Association, most companies do not want to become involved in capturing these benefits because it is too difficult to track miles or points received.", "hypothesis": "Many companies avoid unneeded difficulties."} {"idx": "mnli-1629", "premise": "If car insurance were a tax-free benefit, it wouldn't be surprising to find employers picking low-cost insurers who make you visit preferred mechanics and skimp on coverage for Land Rovers and minivans.", "hypothesis": "Car insraucnce is offered through an employer."} {"idx": "mnli-1630", "premise": "America's children are particularly affected by poverty.", "hypothesis": "American's children are very affected by poverty "} {"idx": "mnli-1631", "premise": "exactly so they got rid of that tax in a hurry", "hypothesis": "They got rid of the soda tax the next day."} {"idx": "mnli-1632", "premise": "On the contrary, he could be quite cantankerous.", "hypothesis": "He was warm and jovial at all times."} {"idx": "mnli-1633", "premise": "Conversely, when a budget surplus occurs, the federal government can use excess funds to reduce the debt held by the public, accumulate cash balances, or acquire nonfederal financial assets.", "hypothesis": "The government is prohibited by law from using budget surpluses to reduce public debt."} {"idx": "mnli-1634", "premise": "it's hard to imagine well what do you think about what's going on on LA Law this year it's", "hypothesis": "The show has been on for 6 years."} {"idx": "mnli-1635", "premise": " Senor Juanito said that.", "hypothesis": "Se\u00f1or Juanito commented that."} {"idx": "mnli-1636", "premise": "Politics and Prose wrapped the book perfectly.", "hypothesis": "The book was solidly finished by a discussion of political writing."} {"idx": "mnli-1637", "premise": "i know i know that the the Massachusetts miracle has has gone bust", "hypothesis": "I'm sure that the Massachusetts miracle is over."} {"idx": "mnli-1638", "premise": "Specific techniques for handling multisite data sets Matrix of categories, graphic data displays, tabulating frequency of different events, developing complex tabulations to check for relationships, and ordering information chronologically for time series analysis", "hypothesis": "There are methods for approaching things like graphic data displays, and for building complex tabulations to check for relationships."} {"idx": "mnli-1639", "premise": "Black -- Not of Hispanic Origin 27%", "hypothesis": "27% are black and not Hispanic."} {"idx": "mnli-1640", "premise": "Others tow all cars within a one-mile radius, weld closed all manhole covers, remove all trash cans, lock all mailboxes, and assign 7,000 cops to the scene, while denying the existence of any specific threat.", "hypothesis": "Others assign 7,000 cops to the scene but deny that any specific threat exists."} {"idx": "mnli-1641", "premise": "As discussed in this document, these efficiencies can reduce steel requirement somewhat and labor needs substantially.", "hypothesis": "This increases steel use."} {"idx": "mnli-1642", "premise": "Since Orange is the gateway to Provence, make an appropriate entrance into town from the north, at the imposing three-arched arc de triomphe.", "hypothesis": "The gateway to Provence is Orange."} {"idx": "mnli-1643", "premise": "The view of the illuminated mont at night is spectacular from the other side of the bay.", "hypothesis": "The view of the lit up mont at night is wonderful."} {"idx": "mnli-1644", "premise": "Now you know.", "hypothesis": "You never knew."} {"idx": "mnli-1645", "premise": "If you come expecting a nightmarish land of charter flights, tour buses, and beer-stained beach hangouts, you may be shocked at how remote and undeveloped many parts of these small islands remain.", "hypothesis": "People who come for a quiet holiday will be shocked by the total onslaught of commercialism and hedonism that has swept every corner of the islands."} {"idx": "mnli-1646", "premise": "oh well anyway so what's your next purchase supposed to be", "hypothesis": "You will buy a car next. "} {"idx": "mnli-1647", "premise": "I win both bets, scoring 125 samoleans.", "hypothesis": "I lost 500 samoleans when I lost both of my bets."} {"idx": "mnli-1648", "premise": "Won't you come out to play?", "hypothesis": "They're asking their friend to come out."} {"idx": "mnli-1649", "premise": "The control technologies considered in this report include limestone forced oxidation (LSFO) wet flue gas desulfurization (FGD), selective catalytic reduction (SCR), and activated carbon injection (ACI) for the control of SO2, NOX, and mercury, respectively.", "hypothesis": "ACI and FGD are control technologies that the report doesn't consider."} {"idx": "mnli-1650", "premise": "GAO's work, the Congress reduced the fiscal year 1999 military personnel budget for active and reserve forces by about $609 million without compromising overall readiness.", "hypothesis": "The congress reduced the military personnel budget without compromising readiness. "} {"idx": "mnli-1651", "premise": "i think that adds to the diversity i think that uh i like that uh there i know you know John Wylie Price i don't know if you kept up but he's been protesting that", "hypothesis": "John Wylie Price is against diversity."} {"idx": "mnli-1652", "premise": "Go scout the town tonight.", "hypothesis": "Go scout the town for bad guys tonight."} {"idx": "mnli-1653", "premise": "Finally she turned back to him.", "hypothesis": "She turned to him. "} {"idx": "mnli-1654", "premise": "The picture reportedly ended with a shot of black smoke coming out of the stack--but we'll never know because The Day the Clown Cried was judged too obscene to be released, and Lewis went back to parading doomed kids across the TV screen in telethons, while Americans goggled at his stamina, and senators nominated him for the Nobel Peace Prize.", "hypothesis": "The picture ended with a shot of black smoke coming out of the stack."} {"idx": "mnli-1655", "premise": "Always betting on the side of growth, expansion, and the power of positive cash flow, Las Vegas has again transformed itself and emerged as much more than a water stop for thirsty pioneers.", "hypothesis": "Vegas is constantly transforming."} {"idx": "mnli-1656", "premise": "Little effort was made to integrate two or more sources of data, even when the evaluation design included them, although simple references might be made to the number of times a feature of other sites was also characteristic of the site reported in the study.", "hypothesis": "There wasn't a lot done to integrate more than one data source."} {"idx": "mnli-1657", "premise": "so do you work at TI", "hypothesis": "So do you work at McDonald's?"} {"idx": "mnli-1658", "premise": "A similar uprising occurred in Hungary the same year, and the Soviets invaded to quickly crush it.", "hypothesis": "The Soviets were quick to crush the uprising in Hungary."} {"idx": "mnli-1659", "premise": "Tanah Rata is festooned with hotels, good Chinese and Indian restaurants, and a variety of English-style tearooms serving the local Cameronian brew together with cakes and servings of locally grown strawberries and cream.", "hypothesis": "Good Chinese and Indian restaurants, hotels, and a variety of English-style tearooms are all over the Tanah Rata."} {"idx": "mnli-1660", "premise": "And the increase in calls prompted Jackson Police Chief Rick Staples in March to form a focus group to determine if police officers need to make changes in their response to domestic calls.", "hypothesis": "The focus group helped the police Chief make some much-needed changes."} {"idx": "mnli-1661", "premise": "Well, anyway, what ARE we going to do? ", "hypothesis": "By the way, what ARE we going to do?"} {"idx": "mnli-1662", "premise": "everybody should jog you should get out you should jog and then i started hearing about well i'm not able to jog because i'm i have asthma and um", "hypothesis": "I have asthma and cannot job."} {"idx": "mnli-1663", "premise": "The fragmentation of the regulatory system for the public accounting profession was not completely dealt with by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.", "hypothesis": "The fragmentation was the result of an earlier act."} {"idx": "mnli-1664", "premise": "Another theory holds that Asian women in particular have better designed hips than Caucasians, making them like inflatable punching toys that can't be knocked down, thus less likely to suffer hip fractures.", "hypothesis": "A theory says that the diet of Asian women has caused them to have less hip fractures."} {"idx": "mnli-1665", "premise": "and i it was just too much to start with and i still haven't finished it because i stopped i stopped and i thought well i better do some simple things and work up to this because it was just so difficult to to get it done and there were so many different shadings and colors and", "hypothesis": "I was overwhelmed, it was too much to work with. "} {"idx": "mnli-1666", "premise": "Still, it was strange that he had sent no word of any kind.", "hypothesis": "Still, it was strange that he had only sent postcards in the mail."} {"idx": "mnli-1667", "premise": "But don't think this lets those bastards at Delta off the hook.", "hypothesis": "Delta are not bastards."} {"idx": "mnli-1668", "premise": "It is a city to which people migrate from all over Spain in search of new opportunities; a place where few people can claim any deep roots.", "hypothesis": "The city brings great advantages to those who migrate from other provinces."} {"idx": "mnli-1669", "premise": "The distinction blurs a bit in Fantastic Voyage, the movie where Raquel Welch was part of a medical team shrunk to microscopic size and injected into the body of some guy with a brain tumor.", "hypothesis": "There is a movie named Forever Voyage."} {"idx": "mnli-1670", "premise": "How do you know if your daughter is on steroids?", "hypothesis": "How do you know if your son smokes pot?"} {"idx": "mnli-1671", "premise": "Really \u201dI can't remember.", "hypothesis": "I couldn't recall."} {"idx": "mnli-1672", "premise": "Ramses was too proud to accept defeat, commissioning obelisks that celebrated his victory. ", "hypothesis": "Ramses couldn't accept defeat."} {"idx": "mnli-1673", "premise": "you don't think so i just", "hypothesis": "You think so but I just don't think that's it."} {"idx": "mnli-1674", "premise": "and the nominating rules these days are so um pseudo democratic i guess", "hypothesis": "They have no nominating rules this period."} {"idx": "mnli-1675", "premise": "We call it the Lover's Lap.", "hypothesis": "The place was renamed to Lover's Leap."} {"idx": "mnli-1676", "premise": "Maureen Dowd chastised Republicans for protecting Bush's past after years of investigating President Clinton's.", "hypothesis": "Dowd was upset that Republicans treated Bush and Clinton differently."} {"idx": "mnli-1677", "premise": "Susan, move into the caves, thought Jon.", "hypothesis": "Jon thought Susan should move in to the caves."} {"idx": "mnli-1678", "premise": "But the town itself, with its miraculously preserved old city center, has much else to offer.", "hypothesis": "The town has nothing interesting to offer visitors."} {"idx": "mnli-1679", "premise": "As the organizations became more results-oriented, they often", "hypothesis": "They wanted to be the very best."} {"idx": "mnli-1680", "premise": "The attempt was futile.", "hypothesis": "The attempt at fixing the road was pathetic. "} {"idx": "mnli-1681", "premise": "yeah that's true i hate to i hate to look up and find someone who was admitted to medical school simply because she happened to be a female", "hypothesis": "I would rather like that people get into medical school based on merit and nothing else."} {"idx": "mnli-1682", "premise": "However, events turned profoundly against Cleopatra when Caesar was suddenly killed and she fled back to Alexandria to commit suicide in 30 b.c.", "hypothesis": "Caesar was died slowly."} {"idx": "mnli-1683", "premise": "A companion rule entitled Promoting Wholesale Competition Through Open Access Non-Discriminatory Transmission Services by Public Utilities", "hypothesis": "The companion rule helped to keep prices reasonable."} {"idx": "mnli-1684", "premise": "so it's it's pretty pretty much but i think it's divvied up pretty much too uh the county gets some the city gets some and the state gets some", "hypothesis": "None of it is divvied up among anything."} {"idx": "mnli-1685", "premise": "Disease took a further toll.", "hypothesis": "Disease was an additional burden on the people."} {"idx": "mnli-1686", "premise": "It is the earliest surviving example of classical Ottoman architecture, inspired by Haghia Sophia .", "hypothesis": "This is fairly young compared to the other surviving ottoman structures that can be seen."} {"idx": "mnli-1687", "premise": "Each testing facility will have its own waste disposal requirements based on local, state, and Federal rules and regulations.", "hypothesis": "Every facility has waste disposal requirements based on regulations. "} {"idx": "mnli-1688", "premise": "The inspiration for this flurry of proposals is the fast-growing, aggressively marketed subprime lending industry.", "hypothesis": "The subprime lending industry is being marketed aggressively."} {"idx": "mnli-1689", "premise": "well it was up there actually that she got her fear of spiders because we sat and watched a tarantula for a long time we we you know we'd never seen one", "hypothesis": "There was a huge tarantula in the campground and we watched it for a long time."} {"idx": "mnli-1690", "premise": "Yes, there was a correct order.", "hypothesis": "The books were put in a certain order."} {"idx": "mnli-1691", "premise": "Saving the Social Security surpluses produces unified budget surpluses for almost 20 years, as shown in figure 4.2, and eliminates the debt held by the public by 2015.", "hypothesis": "Saving the Social Security surpluses produces unified budget surpluses for almost 20 years."} {"idx": "mnli-1692", "premise": "I lost everything.' My teeth chattered.", "hypothesis": "I was lucky, and did not lose much."} {"idx": "mnli-1693", "premise": "In criticizing the ability of the exclusionary rule to reverse a conviction, he The wrong done was the search, not the conviction.", "hypothesis": "The wrong doing was the search and not the conviction."} {"idx": "mnli-1694", "premise": "Don't be a cynic.", "hypothesis": "Be a cynic. "} {"idx": "mnli-1695", "premise": "yeah um-hum yeah it Jimi Hendrix was the original Jimi Hendrix was the original he wrote", "hypothesis": "Jimmy Hendrix who wrote the original and They used the basic elements of his song."} {"idx": "mnli-1696", "premise": "yeah i don't know why", "hypothesis": "I know why."} {"idx": "mnli-1697", "premise": "For decades, Madeira has instead attracted a genteel, even anachronistic form of island tourism.", "hypothesis": "Madeira has changed a lot in recent times."} {"idx": "mnli-1698", "premise": "not a great deal of that", "hypothesis": "A whole lot of that."} {"idx": "mnli-1699", "premise": "I haven't had one darned word from him, though I wired him yesterday morning.\"", "hypothesis": "I haven't heard a single thing from him because his signal keeps jamming."} {"idx": "mnli-1700", "premise": "These omissions are significant because GSA's governmentwide oversight and service-provider role, its extensive interaction with the private sector, and the billions of taxpayer dollars involved in carrying out its activities, make it especially important that GSA's operations be adequately protected.", "hypothesis": "GSA's operations are quite touchy and they are involved in many branches of the government, which make it delicate to handle."} {"idx": "mnli-1701", "premise": "Of particular interest on the first floor of the Francois I wing is the wood-paneled cabinet (study) of Catherine de M??dicis, conniving queen mother and regent to three kings of France.", "hypothesis": "A lot of tourists visit the study room of Catherine de Medicis."} {"idx": "mnli-1702", "premise": "it went into double overtime", "hypothesis": "They couldn't settle the game in the alloted time. "} {"idx": "mnli-1703", "premise": "However, one side of the inlet has been engulfed by an outburst of sleekly modern hotels.", "hypothesis": "The modern hotels all have swimming pools and large restaurants."} {"idx": "mnli-1704", "premise": "The next inlet is Repulse Bay, a roomy, sandy crescent, with green hills.", "hypothesis": "Repulse Bay, despite its name, sees large amounts of tourists each year."} {"idx": "mnli-1705", "premise": "The newsweeklies chronicle Flytrap's denouement.", "hypothesis": "Flytrap is a subject in published articles."} {"idx": "mnli-1706", "premise": "It's that they don't study with the ferociousness and all-out commitment of people who realize (or who have parents who realize) that outstanding school performance is their one shot at big-time opportunity in America.", "hypothesis": "Success in America depends upon doing well in school."} {"idx": "mnli-1707", "premise": "The Virtual Library on International Development is another source for material on these issues.", "hypothesis": "Material for these issues can't be found anywhere."} {"idx": "mnli-1708", "premise": "James 'And I especially want to thank my life partner, Cardinal John O'Connor; this one's for you, honey!", "hypothesis": "I don't want to thank anybody for this."} {"idx": "mnli-1709", "premise": "The Israeli press, which historically has respected the agency's request not to probe its workings, splashed these stories across the front pages.", "hypothesis": "The Israeli press honored the agency's request not to expose its workings."} {"idx": "mnli-1710", "premise": "yes well you've got to be held accountable for your actions no matter how old you are or what it is", "hypothesis": "You are responsible for your actions regardless of age."} {"idx": "mnli-1711", "premise": "so i just at an opportune time i got one that that suited my needs and i've just stuck with it the only thing i've done to it is just add a uh add a mouse and a hard drive", "hypothesis": "It did not cost me much to buy a mouse and hard drive."} {"idx": "mnli-1712", "premise": "yeah um-hum cans are the only thing i think you really get money for", "hypothesis": "You can get money for anything you recycle."} {"idx": "mnli-1713", "premise": "i try to i did switch to one uh sponsored by the credit union though that seems to be a pretty low interest", "hypothesis": "I tried to switch to one from Bank of America."} {"idx": "mnli-1714", "premise": "For a minute Tuppence thought she was going to spring upon her, which would have placed the girl in an unpleasant dilemma, since she meant to draw the line at actually letting off the revolver.", "hypothesis": "If the girl kicks Tuppence, she will get shot. "} {"idx": "mnli-1715", "premise": "I came across a man in Belgium once, a 9 very famous detective, and he quite inflamed me. ", "hypothesis": "I met a famous detective in Belgium who angered me."} {"idx": "mnli-1716", "premise": "My guess is they ain't sure.", "hypothesis": "My guess is they ain't sure who there dad is."} {"idx": "mnli-1717", "premise": "Emperor Divers is a long-established operation with offices at Hurghada, Na'am Bay, and Nuweiba.", "hypothesis": "Emperor Divers has been around for a long time."} {"idx": "mnli-1718", "premise": "Guess whoever did it thought Johnny was wolf meat, jus' took his hoss an' left him there.", "hypothesis": "Suppose whoever did it thought Johnny was dead, took his horse, and left him."} {"idx": "mnli-1719", "premise": "yeah yeah that's the good thing about them they do no advertising that's it's really nice just music", "hypothesis": "It's nice, just music and no advertising but the dj's talk too much."} {"idx": "mnli-1720", "premise": "yeah i mean if out out of all the Democrats that i could think to run i would he is one that i would i would definitely like to see", "hypothesis": "Out of all the liberals, he is my favorite."} {"idx": "mnli-1721", "premise": "I guess I haven't more than three or four hundred dollars with me at the moment, explained the American.", "hypothesis": "The American was unsure exactly how much money was left."} {"idx": "mnli-1722", "premise": " There are more than a dozen casinos in Cairo, mostly in the major hotels, and they attract a number of serious high rollers. ", "hypothesis": "Gambling in hotels is illegal in Egypt."} {"idx": "mnli-1723", "premise": "Stephen King dumped his longtime publisher, Viking, and is seeking more than $17 million for his new book.", "hypothesis": "Stephen King has a new book, but he is no longer working with his former publisher."} {"idx": "mnli-1724", "premise": "i wouldn't now because i don't know of one that's that's equipped to handle", "hypothesis": "It will take about two weeks to create one."} {"idx": "mnli-1725", "premise": "Expanding the number of clients receiving some level of appropriate legal advice and referral via technologically sophisticated intake advice and referral systems.", "hypothesis": "A number of clients receiving adequate legal advice."} {"idx": "mnli-1726", "premise": "In evaluating the level of personal saving, it is important to distinguish between saving as a source to finance the nation's capital formation and saving as a way for individual households to finance future consumption.", "hypothesis": "Your household's consumption is not a good reason to save."} {"idx": "mnli-1727", "premise": "Akbar's mausoleum, located at Sikandra, is 10 km (6 miles) north of Agra.", "hypothesis": "There is a mausoleum of Akbar's in Skiandra that is just 6 miles from Agra."} {"idx": "mnli-1728", "premise": "Seixal ( say-shall ) is the only other settlement before Sao Vicente.", "hypothesis": "There is one settlement before Sao Vicinte and it has 5000 people."} {"idx": "mnli-1729", "premise": "The sum of national saving and saving borrowed from abroad represents the total amount of resources available for investment, that is, the purchase of capital goods-plant, equipment, software, houses,1 and inventories-by businesses and governments.", "hypothesis": "the goods needed by businesses and governments relies on the amount available resource for investment. "} {"idx": "mnli-1730", "premise": "From all the things Tuppence didn't say!", "hypothesis": "From all the things Tuppence gossiped about."} {"idx": "mnli-1731", "premise": "aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and carbohydrate deficient transferrin (CDT) perform poorly with sensitivities of 13 percent to 67 percent for alcohol use disorders or problematic con-sumption.", "hypothesis": "aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and carbohydrate deficient transferrin (CDT) are extremely effective in treating alcoholism."} {"idx": "mnli-1732", "premise": "The other gentile who enters my story, and in a more important way, is George Shultz.", "hypothesis": "George Shultz is the other gentile who enters my story."} {"idx": "mnli-1733", "premise": "Plausible and complete Data analysis ends when a plausible explanation has been developed, considering completely all the evidence", "hypothesis": "When a plausible explanation has been developed, data analysis ends. "} {"idx": "mnli-1734", "premise": "It's probably therapeutic for Slate's two warriors to be taking time out from their inquiries into the House Budget or Travelgate to organize their thoughts on their place in the universe.", "hypothesis": "The best thing for Slate's two warriors is to give up on permanently on Travelgate and become monks."} {"idx": "mnli-1735", "premise": "cover some of that yeah", "hypothesis": "If needed that item can be visited in more detail in the directions."} {"idx": "mnli-1736", "premise": "um yeah an and if somebody raises a stink about it you can always go before the association and argue your case anyway", "hypothesis": "You can't go to the association for any reason."} {"idx": "mnli-1737", "premise": "Elemental load time varies with the number of pieces being loaded.", "hypothesis": "Elemental load time varies with the number of pieces being loaded."} {"idx": "mnli-1738", "premise": "The devil!", "hypothesis": "Lucifer!"} {"idx": "mnli-1739", "premise": "Every program eventually achieves this knowledge; however, leading commercial companies GAO visited have found that there is a much better opportunity to meet predicted cost, schedule, and quality targets when it is captured early, in preparation for critical investment decisions.", "hypothesis": "Only select programs actually acquire this knowledge, and there is much better opportunity when this knowledge is kept secret."} {"idx": "mnli-1740", "premise": "The half-light from the reflected sunlight dimmed, and the ground shook violently.", "hypothesis": "There was an earthquake happening."} {"idx": "mnli-1741", "premise": "In some cases, forming teams provided opportunities for front-line employees to assume leadership roles.", "hypothesis": "Even after forming teams, employees on the front line were not allowed to take on leadership roles."} {"idx": "mnli-1742", "premise": "The temple was built in the 13th century, but the sikhara toppled, its porous stone ruined by storms and plunderers and by the ambitious concept of its architect.", "hypothesis": "The 13th century temple has been plundered and ripped by weather. "} {"idx": "mnli-1743", "premise": "Stephanopoulos rephrased the rape charge as a question about the relevance of candidates' private lives.", "hypothesis": "Stephanopoulos posed a question about the relevancy of candidates' private lives. "} {"idx": "mnli-1744", "premise": "1) total amount of research to investigate the modality, 2) methodological quality of research, 3) number of studies demonstrating improved outcomes, and 4) cost effectiveness.", "hypothesis": "Cost effectiveness was not accounted for and is not relevant."} {"idx": "mnli-1745", "premise": "To the left is the shrine to the God of Proserity and to the right is the hall of sinchoo (soul-tablets): gold plaques honoring clan dignitaries and simpler wooden panels for more humble clan members.", "hypothesis": "To the left it's a wooden door, the God of Prosperity shrine is in another city."} {"idx": "mnli-1746", "premise": "There was no need to introduce it. ", "hypothesis": "Introducing it was very import and and was a must."} {"idx": "mnli-1747", "premise": "For Japan is truly a kaleidoscope of lifestyles and images, local cultures and the rice farmers in rural heartlands and the subway millions of teeming Tokyo; the Zen Buddhist monks and the fad-obsessed teenaged fashion victims; the solemn temple ceremony or the hellish din of the pachinko parlor; exquisite temple architecture or all-pervasive soulless concrete apartment buildings.", "hypothesis": "Japan is seen to be culturally bland, offering nothing but monotony in terms of lifestyles and images."} {"idx": "mnli-1748", "premise": "I dare say, said Tommy angrily, \"she's probably been in with them from the start.", "hypothesis": "Tommy knew that there was no way that she'd been in on it with them."} {"idx": "mnli-1749", "premise": "It wasn't so easy, by a long chalk! ", "hypothesis": "This was hard by any measure. "} {"idx": "mnli-1750", "premise": "Young foolishness had always been his weakness.", "hypothesis": "His weakness has always been young foolishness."} {"idx": "mnli-1751", "premise": "Still, I should have characterized your question more carefully.", "hypothesis": "I just thought it was a really stupid thing to say."} {"idx": "mnli-1752", "premise": "Rothko's journey into literal and figurative darkness left behind a shimmering trail of canvases that mark for many people the high-water mark of spiritual beauty and emotion in modern art.", "hypothesis": "Rothko left a lasting impression on many through his art. "} {"idx": "mnli-1753", "premise": "I couldn't help imagining a life-size dancing mascot.", "hypothesis": "I don't like mascots."} {"idx": "mnli-1754", "premise": "leaving it you know in a legal way or something they could send all the people over to uh you know one particular part of town or one particular project that somebody had paid somebody to you know get supported or", "hypothesis": "All could be sent to a specific town area or project paid for by someone."} {"idx": "mnli-1755", "premise": "Atlanta Legal Aid provides civil services to poor people in five metro Atlanta counties.", "hypothesis": "Poor people in more than a couple counties in Atlanta receive help from the Atlanta Legal Aid. "} {"idx": "mnli-1756", "premise": "The hardwood floors, wooden ceilings and brick and stone interior walls were all hidden behind coverings and old paint.", "hypothesis": "The nice interior features were all hidden behind junk."} {"idx": "mnli-1757", "premise": "Shorn of its medical phraseology and technicalities, it amounted to the fact that Mrs. Inglethorp had met her death as the result of strychnine poisoning. ", "hypothesis": "Mrs Inglethorp died from a heart attack."} {"idx": "mnli-1758", "premise": "Similarly, he said, LSNY will exercise control over the local corporations by being designated as the sole member in each corporation, empowered to choose or discharge board members.", "hypothesis": "LSNY will start exercising control as soon as the summer starts. "} {"idx": "mnli-1759", "premise": "Instituting an effective CIO organization does not start with selection or placement of an information technology and management leader, nor does it begin with establishing a structure for managing information resources and activities.", "hypothesis": "Instituting an effective CIO organization does begin with the planning of an employee benefits plan."} {"idx": "mnli-1760", "premise": "There were still no towns; the site of Dublin was only a crossroads, known as Baile Atha Cliath ( City of the Hurdles, a designation still seen on buses).", "hypothesis": "Dublin was a bustling city."} {"idx": "mnli-1761", "premise": "In another situation, we noted that a program lacked an effective method to monitor the professional growth of new and inexperienced staff.", "hypothesis": "There have been 9 situations that we have noted."} {"idx": "mnli-1762", "premise": "Alternative Fiscal Policy Simulations (2000-2075) 86 Figure 4.3:Composition of Federal Spending as a Share of GDP", "hypothesis": "Only one fiscal policy"} {"idx": "mnli-1763", "premise": "Erlenborn, a former member of the U.S.", "hypothesis": "Erlenborn was never in the US."} {"idx": "mnli-1764", "premise": "The pistol never left her forehead.", "hypothesis": "The pistol was aimed at her forehead from a distance. "} {"idx": "mnli-1765", "premise": "For example, as a way to develop a cadre of experienced and diverse leaders, the CFO Council Fellows Program was initiated in April of 1998 with the selection of nine fellows to serve 1year appointments at host organizations.", "hypothesis": "The CFO Council Fellow Program started in 1998."} {"idx": "mnli-1766", "premise": "You're on your own.\" Tuppence nodded sagely.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence told them she could not help them."} {"idx": "mnli-1767", "premise": "In a few moments, there was no sign of them.", "hypothesis": "Everyome knew where they were."} {"idx": "mnli-1768", "premise": "That's best for his clients, he says, because most are people with low incomes and a history of legal problems that could prove detrimental if aired in court.", "hypothesis": "His clients will handle better because of their histories and legal standings."} {"idx": "mnli-1769", "premise": "Most existing screens were developed for primary care settings to detect alcohol use disorders.", "hypothesis": "Thousands of people can be diagnosed thanks to this machine."} {"idx": "mnli-1770", "premise": "Wardmaid clearly to blame! ", "hypothesis": "The wardmaid was to blame. "} {"idx": "mnli-1771", "premise": "no no they have their own budget they go by", "hypothesis": "I don't know if they have a budget"} {"idx": "mnli-1772", "premise": "If more than 24 hours occur between initial suckage and revivification, victim no longer qualifies for living death designation and will be considered conventionally deceased.", "hypothesis": "There are no different stages of death."} {"idx": "mnli-1773", "premise": "And, on behalf of the Yard, I'm much obliged to you, though I'm bound to confess I can't at present see the faintest possible loop-hole in the evidence, but you always were a marvel! ", "hypothesis": "I am in your debt and still hope to call on you in the future."} {"idx": "mnli-1774", "premise": "The glory of this lively and cosmopolitan city lasted until 1801, when the Act of Union brought Ireland under direct rule from London.", "hypothesis": "The city remained lively until 1801."} {"idx": "mnli-1775", "premise": "But if that draft treaty turns up we're done.", "hypothesis": "We put the draft treaty in a safe before it disappeared."} {"idx": "mnli-1776", "premise": "This will still leave you plenty of room for getting off the beaten track and staying overnight in new and unexpected places.", "hypothesis": "If you visit new and unexpected places, do take precautions."} {"idx": "mnli-1777", "premise": "On the lookout for any contagiously progressive movement, the Austrians helped Bourbon King Ferdinand of Naples crush an 1821 revolt for constitutional monarchy and foiled a similar uprising in Piedmont.", "hypothesis": "Bourbon King Ferdinand of Naples gave the Austrians several tracts of land for their help."} {"idx": "mnli-1778", "premise": "In addition, there are a number of issues that Congress should consider that S. 556 does not address.", "hypothesis": "S 556 did not address all issues for poor people."} {"idx": "mnli-1779", "premise": "Cook's cohorts had opened fire, to no avail.", "hypothesis": "Cook's men retreated"} {"idx": "mnli-1780", "premise": "yeah just as quickly", "hypothesis": "yes, but much more slowly"} {"idx": "mnli-1781", "premise": "Similarly, as discussed previously, managers are looking for practical techniques for more precisely measuring the value of security controls and obtaining better data on risk factors.", "hypothesis": "Obtaining better data on risk factors and measuring the value of security controls are a priority of managers."} {"idx": "mnli-1782", "premise": "Workplace The executive assures a high quality of work life for all employees of the regional office ", "hypothesis": "The executive is a smart and learned man."} {"idx": "mnli-1783", "premise": "yeah he's nice", "hypothesis": "He's not nice, I don't like him actually"} {"idx": "mnli-1784", "premise": "It was hard to see, since there was no electric lighting system now.", "hypothesis": "The view was hard to see due to the light."} {"idx": "mnli-1785", "premise": "no they're all of them are tested once every three months it's a rotation", "hypothesis": "All of them get tested every three months"} {"idx": "mnli-1786", "premise": "To spear-fish you need a license, and must be 200 m (650 ft) or more from the beach.", "hypothesis": "You need a license to spear-fish, which costs $200 per day."} {"idx": "mnli-1787", "premise": "A rival Hapsburg claimant was supported by Austria and Britain, who saw a powerful Spanish-French alliance as a major threat.", "hypothesis": "Holland was neutral of the matter of Hapsburg claimants."} {"idx": "mnli-1788", "premise": "You'll of course see Mary Stuart (Mary, Queen of Scots) and Bonnie Prince Charlie as himself and also as Betty Burke, his disguise to escape the English forces.", "hypothesis": "Betty Burke was a disguise worn by Mary Stuart while escaping the English."} {"idx": "mnli-1789", "premise": "Over centuries of struggle, the defending Moorish army built a full-scale fort, or Alczar, on the heights of Madrid commanding the Manzanares valley.", "hypothesis": "The Moorish army built a fort."} {"idx": "mnli-1790", "premise": "uh-huh somebody blew it", "hypothesis": "Someone actually blew it."} {"idx": "mnli-1791", "premise": "Private practioners must step up to the plate to reach out to the clients, online, if only to save the image of the profession from LawGuy1975 and NAPIL.", "hypothesis": "The profession is being well served by LawGuy1975 and NAPIL and private practioners should stay offline."} {"idx": "mnli-1792", "premise": "As discussed in the previous section on risk analysis, the central security groups served primarily as advisers or consultants to the business units, and, thus, they generally did not have the ability to independently dictate information security practices.", "hypothesis": "There are many industry experts who have talked about eliminating central security groups in the future."} {"idx": "mnli-1793", "premise": "In a broad sense, a cost object can be an organizational division, a function, task, product, service, or a customer.", "hypothesis": "Customers can include both paying customers and non paying customers."} {"idx": "mnli-1794", "premise": "Hence, a separate estimate of the financial effects of shifting from terminal dues to domestic postage rates for LC mail is likely to identify the most significant, persistent, and predicable effects of a shift to domestic postagebased terminal dues.", "hypothesis": "The estimate probably won't show any persistent effects of a shift."} {"idx": "mnli-1795", "premise": "Opposing counsel and parties could seek to compromise the alien client's rights by delaying the litigation or intentionally filing discovery and other motions when they know the client is out of the country and unrepresented.", "hypothesis": "The alien's client rights cannot be compromised in any way."} {"idx": "mnli-1796", "premise": "The man watched the stream fall.", "hypothesis": "The man stared at the cloudy sky."} {"idx": "mnli-1797", "premise": "That little Wilkins is about the greatest fool that even I have ever seen. ", "hypothesis": "I consider Wilkins to be a great fool. "} {"idx": "mnli-1798", "premise": "Brief interventions may play an important role in motivating such patients to accept a treatment referral or can be used to establish motivation while waiting for access to publicly funded treatment.", "hypothesis": "Brief interventions might play a role in getting patients to accept a treatment referral, especially if they are unfamiliar with that doctor."} {"idx": "mnli-1799", "premise": "The camera goes in tight to show the complex emotions and various facial tics playing across Clooney's handsome mug, and we hear a fusillade of gunfire--it seems to go on forever!", "hypothesis": "Close up of the character played by George Clooney, the handsome and expressive actor, before the sound of gunfire rings through the air."} {"idx": "mnli-1800", "premise": "If they did not begin to route now, the swords would be in trouble.", "hypothesis": "the swords are in trouble if they did not begin their route now."} {"idx": "mnli-1801", "premise": "Such layering would allow a user to drill down to the level of detail needed.", "hypothesis": "Layering is the only method in which users can find certain details."} {"idx": "mnli-1802", "premise": "A 10-minute walk up the wooded hill to the castle tower gives a delightful view of the town and the surrounding valley of the Weiss river.", "hypothesis": "The castle tower was built over six hundred years ago."} {"idx": "mnli-1803", "premise": "two days to me doesn't seem to be too unrealistic for a national election", "hypothesis": "Two days seems pretty realistic for a national election."} {"idx": "mnli-1804", "premise": "A microclimate in Cold River makes this an ideal stopover the souvenir sellers along the main road are an indicator of the number of people that pop in.", "hypothesis": "Cold River has a microclimate that makes it a great stopover."} {"idx": "mnli-1805", "premise": "you know if you're if you're just sitting on a nice hot lake", "hypothesis": "Imagine sitting by the lake."} {"idx": "mnli-1806", "premise": "Through the free hotline, which officially made its debut last week, Luu and other project employees calm anxious callers and even elicit laughs from those who don't know where else to turn.", "hypothesis": "Every caller did no enjoy the free hotline. "} {"idx": "mnli-1807", "premise": "From here there is a fine view of the blue-and-whitewashed city.", "hypothesis": "There is a fantastic view of the blue and whitewashed city from this perspective."} {"idx": "mnli-1808", "premise": "It seems this word has been banned, along with all references to specific dates (day, month, or year) beyond two weeks hence.", "hypothesis": "The word \"suffer' has been banned."} {"idx": "mnli-1809", "premise": "The building's fine Art-Deco features, from murals to gold-leaf ceiling frescoes, can be seen on an organized tour.", "hypothesis": "The building closed to the public and can only be seen by breaking in after hours."} {"idx": "mnli-1810", "premise": "The program's name is derived from the subparagraph of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) that defines the status, 8 U.S.C.", "hypothesis": "A description in the Immigration and Nationality Act forms the basis of the program's name."} {"idx": "mnli-1811", "premise": "The face of Europe might look quite a bit different.", "hypothesis": "The face of Europe would be exactly the same."} {"idx": "mnli-1812", "premise": "so what's your favorite team or do you have a favorite team or", "hypothesis": "Your favorite team is in the National Football League."} {"idx": "mnli-1813", "premise": "21 However, at the agencies we visited, managers used performance information and shared this information with front-line employees through various mechanisms.", "hypothesis": "They were discouraged to learn the performance was not shared. "} {"idx": "mnli-1814", "premise": "If I fill in my name and cash it, I pay tax.", "hypothesis": "I'll have to pay taxes when I cash the check. "} {"idx": "mnli-1815", "premise": "In other words, it's open season for guys like him.", "hypothesis": "In other words, time's over for guys like him."} {"idx": "mnli-1816", "premise": "Throughout, he displays a deft and lively grasp of Southern history and letters, popular culture and cuisine.", "hypothesis": "He had done a lot of research into Southern history and culture."} {"idx": "mnli-1817", "premise": "they get tickets at their school that they recycle either newspapers or cans and i think that's all", "hypothesis": "They receive tickets within their school for recycling newspaper or cans."} {"idx": "mnli-1818", "premise": "yeah well you're doing a lot better than i can i can't rattle them off like that i know my youngest is eighteen he's uh as i said in a senior in high school but i have a", "hypothesis": "I have an excellent memory."} {"idx": "mnli-1819", "premise": "'Unlikely.", "hypothesis": "That is very possible."} {"idx": "mnli-1820", "premise": "During the 14th century the Turks in Anatolia rallied under the banner of one Osman Gazi, who had won a great victory over the Byzantines in 1301.", "hypothesis": "Osman Gazi defeated the Byzantine in 1301."} {"idx": "mnli-1821", "premise": "At the top of the escalator, the phat lady made a sharp left into a silky hedge of Liz Claiborne blouses to confer with a salesclerk.", "hypothesis": "The phat lady is asking a salesclerk about the latest trends."} {"idx": "mnli-1822", "premise": "It significantly eases the regulatory burdens on offering participants by eliminating the trading restrictions for underwriters of activelytraded securities of large issuers, reducing the restricted periods for other securities, providing a more flexible framework for stabilizing transactions, expanding the securities eligible for Nasdaq passive market making during an offering, and deregulating rights offerings.", "hypothesis": "Nasdaq solely controls every decision pertaining to regulations. "} {"idx": "mnli-1823", "premise": "It's not as difficult as you might think.", "hypothesis": "It is as hard as you would think."} {"idx": "mnli-1824", "premise": "He ripped the claw away and the fat man's shouting ceased.", "hypothesis": "The man continued to scream long after the claw was ripped away. "} {"idx": "mnli-1825", "premise": "Vrenna? asked San'doro.", "hypothesis": "San'doro accused Vrenna of something."} {"idx": "mnli-1826", "premise": "and uh i one day i was i like found myself uh telling them to write their spelling words a hundred times each and i just heard this comedian say that you know something that that's how you know you're a bad teacher", "hypothesis": "Telling my kids to spell their spelling words 100 times each was the most uncreative strategy I've had."} {"idx": "mnli-1827", "premise": "yes i'm actually a Met's fan i'm i'm one of these people who's actually a die hard Met fan and an avid Yankee hater", "hypothesis": "I hate the Mets."} {"idx": "mnli-1828", "premise": "i did the papering you know when we built but that's not my uh that's not my cup of tea", "hypothesis": "I did the papering and I hurt my finger."} {"idx": "mnli-1829", "premise": "Sir James stroked his chin thoughtfully.", "hypothesis": "Sir James rubbed his chin. "} {"idx": "mnli-1830", "premise": "and uh so i didn't get to spend as much time with them as i as i should have as i really wanted to", "hypothesis": "I didn't spend as much time as I should have."} {"idx": "mnli-1831", "premise": "The music, Gregorian and traditional, is sung in old lemosan.", "hypothesis": "The traditional and Gregorian music is performed in old lemosan."} {"idx": "mnli-1832", "premise": "His books are still, astonishingly, best sellers (even his wretched new ones).", "hypothesis": "He has some books that are best sellers. "} {"idx": "mnli-1833", "premise": "Most shops will box these for storage in the airplane hold and deliver them either to your hotel or the airport on the day you leave.", "hypothesis": "Most shops will deliver purchases to your hotel if you don't want to carry them around."} {"idx": "mnli-1834", "premise": "yeah well i've been worried about mostly with having little kids now with taking them out in the Summer and getting them burnt up i mean i have to keep the sun screen on them just constantly when they go outside", "hypothesis": "My kids go out all the time in the summer and the last thing they need is sunblock."} {"idx": "mnli-1835", "premise": "These values do not reflect the adjustment for changes in real income over time that is included in the benefit valuations in our national benefits summaries.", "hypothesis": "These numbers do not show the adjustment for changes in real income over time."} {"idx": "mnli-1836", "premise": "We had a good yarn about old times, and it ended in his inviting me down to Styles to spend my leave there. ", "hypothesis": "We did not talk about the good old days. "} {"idx": "mnli-1837", "premise": "Do you remember affirming that if a crime had been committed, and anyone you loved had been murdered, 107 you felt certain that you would know by instinct who the criminal was, even if you were quite unable to prove it?\"", "hypothesis": "Do you recall your assertion that you would never be able to instinctively tell which individual was behind the murder of a person that you loved?"} {"idx": "mnli-1838", "premise": "Bicycle rental companies (see page 103) also run tours.", "hypothesis": "Bicycles are not available for rent in this region."} {"idx": "mnli-1839", "premise": "Christian Coalition head Pat Robertson described himself in resumes and a published autobiography as a Marine officer assigned to combat duty during the Korean War.", "hypothesis": "Pat Robertson said that he was a marine officer during the Korean War."} {"idx": "mnli-1840", "premise": "Hence, this was a very complex project that was completed approximately within the time frame estimated and shown in Exhibit A-7 in Appendix A.", "hypothesis": "The time frame was accurately predicted."} {"idx": "mnli-1841", "premise": "Government Management Reform Act of 1994 (Public Law 103-356) a This legislation expands the requirement for a fully audited financial statement under the CFO Act to 24 agencies and components of federal entities designated by the Office of Management and Budget.", "hypothesis": "The Government Management Reform Act was passed in 1994."} {"idx": "mnli-1842", "premise": "The information had to include specific identification of the good or service.", "hypothesis": "The server's name or product bar code number was required."} {"idx": "mnli-1843", "premise": "Films with Mandarin dialogue also have Chinese subtitles, for the benefit of Cantonese speakers, and sometimes subtitles in English.", "hypothesis": "Films in Mandarin always have English subtitles."} {"idx": "mnli-1844", "premise": "If only Susan could read the visions of such a rock, what might they learn of them?", "hypothesis": "If Susan had the ability to read the visions of the rock, what benefits would this provide?"} {"idx": "mnli-1845", "premise": "All it would take is for a few prominent politicians to stop elevating lobbyists to high office, and to quit taking their calls.", "hypothesis": "It would only require some notable politicians to halt putting lobbyists in high offices."} {"idx": "mnli-1846", "premise": "well that's uh to me it's it's really um i i i guess i guess i can intellectually uh kind of come to grips with all of that but you know emotionally i have a real difficult time believing that uh that that people that believe in God and and love not war and to forgive can't get together", "hypothesis": "I don't understand religion."} {"idx": "mnli-1847", "premise": "Table 2.3: Methods of Obtaining Description Technique Methodology", "hypothesis": "Ways to obtain decriptions"} {"idx": "mnli-1848", "premise": "To ensure that the dialogue would include the variety of issues and individuals in the legal services community, NLADA and LSC selected participants to reflect both the leadership and emerging leadership of the field.", "hypothesis": "LSC was one of the organizations selecting participants."} {"idx": "mnli-1849", "premise": "My favorite strip was when Lucy fell ill and sent Rerun to hold the football for Charlie Brown.", "hypothesis": "I like the cartoon where Charlie Brown kikcks the ball."} {"idx": "mnli-1850", "premise": "During a NewsHour discussion of Vernon Jordan's testimony, Shields comes out with the bizarrely malapropos comment that Vernon Jordan's elocutionary style reminds him of nothing more than Barbara Jordan's measured diction.", "hypothesis": "During the discussion, Shields flew about the room and perched on the window sill."} {"idx": "mnli-1851", "premise": "Well, I guess I have already crossed the line and gotten into some specifics of the R20001 case.", "hypothesis": "I have no information whatsoever on the R20001 case."} {"idx": "mnli-1852", "premise": "RECOGNIZE - To determine the amount, timing, classification, and other conditions precedent to the acceptance and entry of a transaction.", "hypothesis": "Duly noting the factors inherent in the ledger item."} {"idx": "mnli-1853", "premise": "The Legal Services Corporation Act authorizes petitioner Legal Services Corporation (LSC) to distribute funds appropriated by Congress to local grantee organizations providing free legal assistance to indigent clients in, inter alia, welfare benefits claims.", "hypothesis": "LSC is not allowed to give money to organizations."} {"idx": "mnli-1854", "premise": "Completing the analysis under 49 U.S.C.", "hypothesis": "The analysis is completed."} {"idx": "mnli-1855", "premise": "The REMSAD model was also used to estimate changes in visibility associated with those changes in particulate matter concentrations and to estimate changes in deposition of sulfur, nitrogen, and mercury.", "hypothesis": "Changes in visibility can be estimated with the REMSAD model."} {"idx": "mnli-1856", "premise": "Two plants died on the long journey and the third one found its way to Jamaica exactly how is still shrouded in mystery.", "hypothesis": "No one knows how the third plant ended up in Jamaica."} {"idx": "mnli-1857", "premise": "If such evidence is present, return Kennewick Man to his rightful tribal reservation.", "hypothesis": "Bring Kennewick Man to his tribe if the evidence is valid."} {"idx": "mnli-1858", "premise": "In order to insure the highest quality and maximum level of services to potentially eligible clients in each state, and so that the goal of meeting those needs will be realized, LSC has developed the State Justice Communities Planning Initiative Evaluation Instrument.", "hypothesis": "In order to be sure the services are cheap, the LSC has an evaluation instrument."} {"idx": "mnli-1859", "premise": "There was little evidence of religion or of the rule of law.", "hypothesis": "The was lots of religion there."} {"idx": "mnli-1860", "premise": "Barr throws Molotov cocktails from the back benches, just as Gingrich once did.", "hypothesis": "Gingrich and Barr both have thrown Molotov cocktails from the back benches."} {"idx": "mnli-1861", "premise": "What a fascinating and generous letter.", "hypothesis": "The letter was both dull and stingy."} {"idx": "mnli-1862", "premise": "well what about the what about the fact that it is right across the border in Mexico", "hypothesis": "We are talking about Asia."} {"idx": "mnli-1863", "premise": "The bout is usually over in one or two minutes, sometimes mere seconds, but the intensity of the struggle and the sheer visual drama make for compelling entertainment.", "hypothesis": "The match can end occasionally within seconds."} {"idx": "mnli-1864", "premise": "Political consultants have given the edge in this race to the candidate who best addresses concerns about education, economic development, and the security of those who depend on San Antonio's military bases.", "hypothesis": "The candidate most likely to win will be the one that addresses education reform, how to improve the economy and military security. "} {"idx": "mnli-1865", "premise": "Specifically, in the Thress model, the peak occurs at a discount of 7a and the welfare gain is only $6 million.", "hypothesis": "A peak occurs at a discount of 7a. "} {"idx": "mnli-1866", "premise": "I never felt anything like her at the time.", "hypothesis": "I knew this is the woman I would marry."} {"idx": "mnli-1867", "premise": "It is a joy to wander Alberobello's two neighborhoods of trulli whose houses, shops, and even churches Rioni Monti and Aia Piccola are protected as a zona monumentale.", "hypothesis": "It's nice to wander around the historic neighborhood."} {"idx": "mnli-1868", "premise": "Winters are milder and sunnier on the Pacific coast, permitting a welcome double crop of the all-important staple rice.", "hypothesis": "Rice is an important staple."} {"idx": "mnli-1869", "premise": "Steep, narrow tunnels lead to a tiny funerary chamber furnished by a simple granite sarcophagus.", "hypothesis": "The simple granite sarcophagus is in a small chamber."} {"idx": "mnli-1870", "premise": "And I told you I'd help you with pleasure \u201dto hang Alfred Inglethorp.", "hypothesis": "I refuse to help you hang Alfred Inglethorp."} {"idx": "mnli-1871", "premise": "Trust was critical to overcome members' reluctance to disclose their weaknesses, vulnerabilities, and other confidential or proprietary business information to other members-some of whom were business competitors.", "hypothesis": "Members had to trust the other members in order to disclose their true thoughts."} {"idx": "mnli-1872", "premise": "Three km (1.5 miles) south of the pass, perched on the edge of Serra de Agua, is a handsome and comfortable mountain chalet, the best of its kind on Madeira.", "hypothesis": "There is a mountain chalet at the edge of Serra de Agua."} {"idx": "mnli-1873", "premise": "Those with lousy jobs have seen their already-low wages slowly but steadily sink.", "hypothesis": "Those with lousy jobs are getting constant pay raises and bonuses."} {"idx": "mnli-1874", "premise": "This popular shrine features a strongly Chinese-influenced design and an extensive landscaped garden considered one of Kyoto's finest, with numerous cherry trees and a large pond with an elegant pagoda linked to the shore by a covered bridge.", "hypothesis": "This popular shrine was built by the emperor's finest."} {"idx": "mnli-1875", "premise": "The pleasures I would have given your women will be lost,\" said the scout.", "hypothesis": "The scout said that the pleasures he would have given your men will be lost."} {"idx": "mnli-1876", "premise": "Shouldn't inspire thoughts so sizzlin'.", "hypothesis": "Should inspire sizzlin' thoughts."} {"idx": "mnli-1877", "premise": "It is important to note that minimal interventions are not insignificant since they include, of necessity, an assessment of drinking behavior and a follow-up contact, and they are often much more than ordinarily occurs in the emergency setting.", "hypothesis": "It is important to realize that interventions are not superfluous."} {"idx": "mnli-1878", "premise": "Hargarten endorsed that idea, but added that there was little funding for training in clinical research in emergency medicine.", "hypothesis": "Clinical research in emergency medicine does not have much funding."} {"idx": "mnli-1879", "premise": "While most such religious laws have been relaxed, burials are still not permitted here.", "hypothesis": "There are still no burials allowed, even after the laws have been changed."} {"idx": "mnli-1880", "premise": "Further, the act sets up a series of pilot audits under which certain agencies are required to prepare agencywide financial statements and subject them to audit by the agenciesa inspectors general.", "hypothesis": "The act sets up a series of pilot audits. "} {"idx": "mnli-1881", "premise": "In general, the FGD implementation schedule appears to be driven primarily by the pre-hookup construction activities.", "hypothesis": "The final stages of FGD implementation are the most likely to impact the schedule."} {"idx": "mnli-1882", "premise": "right that's right that's right it's pretty good but we take her to just about", "hypothesis": "That's terrible and not good; not good at all."} {"idx": "mnli-1883", "premise": "Employees who are paid regardless of their presence or absence and who do not accrue leave under 5 U.S.C.", "hypothesis": "5 USC governs the departure of an employee who doesn't accrue and receives pay whether they are present or absent."} {"idx": "mnli-1884", "premise": "and and just all the way back to Dallas i'm just uproariously sick and uh we get back here and of course the first day back at work i go to work and where are these guys", "hypothesis": "These men all have big smiles on their faces."} {"idx": "mnli-1885", "premise": "In West Virginia, the H-2A visa is for a seven to ten week apple harvest.", "hypothesis": "The H-2A Visa in West Virginia does not cover workers planning to complete an apple harvest. "} {"idx": "mnli-1886", "premise": "Citing almost no cases, Tribe told the Supreme Court that the Colorado initiative violated the letter of the Equal Protection Clause because it denied gays alone the protection of the anti-discrimination laws.", "hypothesis": "Tribe cited over 50 verified accounts of violations of the Equal Protection Clause. "} {"idx": "mnli-1887", "premise": "Note that some attractions can be seen only by guided tour, and the last admission to these may be 30 to 45 minutes earlier the official closing time.", "hypothesis": "It's impossible to start a guided tour before the official closing time."} {"idx": "mnli-1888", "premise": "Shouldn't have thought it.", "hypothesis": "Shouldn't have entertained that idea."} {"idx": "mnli-1889", "premise": "It is expected that the market would have sufficient time to respond to phase II of the program as the more stringent emission targets for phase II are set for 2018.", "hypothesis": "The market is expected to have insufficient time to respond to the changes."} {"idx": "mnli-1890", "premise": "This site provides information about PSC's upcoming events.", "hypothesis": "The site was made just for upcoming events."} {"idx": "mnli-1891", "premise": "i can't uh i can't stay with it too long either but that that i i read about fifty pages and then i just said i can't take it", "hypothesis": "I couldn't take it because it wasn't interesting."} {"idx": "mnli-1892", "premise": "There's been the most awful row! ", "hypothesis": "There was an awful row."} {"idx": "mnli-1893", "premise": "VBA incorporated these measures in the performance appraisals for senior executives in its regional offices where the majority of senior executives are located.", "hypothesis": "The majority of senior executives are in its regional offices. "} {"idx": "mnli-1894", "premise": "Which is not exactly a No.", "hypothesis": "It isn't exactly a no, but it's definitely not a yes."} {"idx": "mnli-1895", "premise": "i bought us tickets and stood there in line and i thought i'm going to end up on this elephant with him you know he did it by himself so stuff like that is starting to come along where it's really getting fun you know but", "hypothesis": "He's starting to get braver with his activities."} {"idx": "mnli-1896", "premise": "so part of the thing is when the father and son or father and daughter are hosting this meeting that the week they have to plan it together what they're going to do when they're the host", "hypothesis": "the parent and child have to decide where the meeting will be held and what kind of food will be served"} {"idx": "mnli-1897", "premise": "The National Science Foundation, for example, assessed the effectiveness of a cooperative science program aimed at increasing innovation and knowledge transfer between university and industry researchers.", "hypothesis": "The NSF does not make assessments."} {"idx": "mnli-1898", "premise": "but uh some kind of a national service uh concept that might be geared around reducing that would be a i think would be a big step so", "hypothesis": "I think that things are working great and it needs to increase and a national service would be a step in the wrong direction."} {"idx": "mnli-1899", "premise": "The original settlement of Jerusalem, founded before 3000 b.c. , was on the western side of the valley, and tombs and monuments have been built here ever since.", "hypothesis": "Jerusalem had richer farm land on the western side than on the east of the valley."} {"idx": "mnli-1900", "premise": "However, important research activities need to be carried out in all three elements of the model.", "hypothesis": "The model needs to be scientifically backed before use."} {"idx": "mnli-1901", "premise": "The legislative history of the 1996 revision contains no discussion of the present in the United States requirement and no indication that Congress sought to alter existing practice regarding the representation of aliens.", "hypothesis": "Congress has the power to alter practices involving aliens."} {"idx": "mnli-1902", "premise": "It provides an analytical perspective on the Government because it shows the short- and long-term directions of current programs.", "hypothesis": "An analytical perspective of Government can't be gained through looking at short- and long-term directions of current programs."} {"idx": "mnli-1903", "premise": "For the next 19 years, Jerusalem was two cities.", "hypothesis": "Jerusalem was divided in two cities for almost two decades."} {"idx": "mnli-1904", "premise": "Gondola Getaway (5437 East Ocean Boulevard) offers gondola cruises through the canals of Naples Island.", "hypothesis": "Gondola Getaway steers clear of the canals of Naples Island."} {"idx": "mnli-1905", "premise": "yeah to some extent i guess so", "hypothesis": "They are not the same at all."} {"idx": "mnli-1906", "premise": "The drive east from Port Antonio offers some of the prettiest views in Jamaica.", "hypothesis": "Port Antonio is located in Jamaica, a tiny island east of Central America."} {"idx": "mnli-1907", "premise": "But the author's exculpatory coup de grace is Tyson's claim that a psychiatric illness caused him to do things to Robin Givens (his former wife) that he would normally never do.", "hypothesis": "Tyson claimed that the things he did were things he would normally never do."} {"idx": "mnli-1908", "premise": "right well uh most of our medical things we don't uh have to worry about because of insurance and they're they're relatively small uh we've been lucky in the past we didn't have that problem but right now we don't for the other things the things that crop up that we aren't really expecting we have different funds set aside for different things like we have a car fund and we put a certain amount of money into that every single month whether we need to or not", "hypothesis": "Because of the cost of insurance, we set money aside for the car every month."} {"idx": "mnli-1909", "premise": "It's a pleasant one-hour drive from Paris and there are regular train departures from the Gare de Montparnasse.", "hypothesis": "The drive is a lot faster than the train."} {"idx": "mnli-1910", "premise": "Even when Forrest Sawyer is sitting in, it's still World News Tonight With Peter Jennings . Just because Johnny goes on vacation, The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson doesn't suddenly become The Tonight Show With Jay Leno . The task of a guest host is delicate.", "hypothesis": "It doesn't matter who the anchor is, the program is still World News Tonight with Peter Jennings. "} {"idx": "mnli-1911", "premise": "Women's left eyelids ticked almost instinctively, and Herman kept silent until the end of the convention.", "hypothesis": "Herman kept himself from striking a conversation during the convention."} {"idx": "mnli-1912", "premise": "The first entrance into the palace leads into the Sundari Chowk, which encloses a glorious royal tub, entered by steps and encrusted with intricate sculptures.", "hypothesis": "Sundari Chowk features several gold inlays."} {"idx": "mnli-1913", "premise": "huh-uh but it it was it was really nice when you move to such a foreign culture to see all these familiar faces", "hypothesis": "It is pleasant to see people you know when you are in a foreign culture."} {"idx": "mnli-1914", "premise": "The Economic Analysis indicates that it is difficult to quantify the costs and benefits of the exemptions for certain employer/employee payments.", "hypothesis": "It isn't important to quantify the costs, we have plenty of money."} {"idx": "mnli-1915", "premise": "yeah oh well i don't know what else i can say about it", "hypothesis": "I have a lot more to say about it."} {"idx": "mnli-1916", "premise": "If you missed the links within this article, click to read about Kerr's thoughts on . Or, read applied to North Americans.", "hypothesis": "If you missed any links in the article, you can click further to read about Kerr's thoughts."} {"idx": "mnli-1917", "premise": "Or, for a somewhat easier ascent, you could try scaling Latrigg, another peak a few kilometers to the south, closer to Keswick.", "hypothesis": "If you like hiking, you can go at Latrigg, which is an easier ascent."} {"idx": "mnli-1918", "premise": "But Congress won't be able to impeach him if the Republican majority has squandered its authority by overplaying an arguably lesser scandal that most people think boils down to lying about sex.", "hypothesis": "Congress will always be able to impeach him regardless of how the Republicans behave."} {"idx": "mnli-1919", "premise": "yeah mostly i think in a place where it's really cold they do it in the fall let them winter", "hypothesis": "They do it in the cold due to guidelines."} {"idx": "mnli-1920", "premise": "Their applicability to case study evaluations outside of settings such as GAO is being explored.", "hypothesis": "They are exploring the applicability to case study evaluations inside the settings."} {"idx": "mnli-1921", "premise": "The Habima Theatre, Habima Square is claimed to be the country's best repertory theatre.", "hypothesis": "The Habima Theatre is the worst theatre in the country."} {"idx": "mnli-1922", "premise": "He looked up to the hulking shadow of the Old One silhouetted against the blackening sky.", "hypothesis": "The Old One made a shadow."} {"idx": "mnli-1923", "premise": "Quality and Evaluation Planning", "hypothesis": "Quality planning only."} {"idx": "mnli-1924", "premise": "well there's this fallen tree across the stream and these streams of course are felt fed by melted snow so they're cold anyway", "hypothesis": "These streams are warm despite the fact that they are fed by melted snow."} {"idx": "mnli-1925", "premise": "oh yeah put them in salad yeah you're you're making me hungry here", "hypothesis": "I enjoy eating salad."} {"idx": "mnli-1926", "premise": "He was too old, his back hurt too much, he had too many outside interests ...", "hypothesis": "He was young and completely focused."} {"idx": "mnli-1927", "premise": "The Company destroyed the Portuguese fleet and took over the protection of the Muslim pilgrimage ships to Mecca, but there were no hard feelings; the Portuguese made a gift of Bombay to King Charles II in 1661 as part of the dowry of Catherine of Braganza.", "hypothesis": "After the Company destroyed the Portuguese fleet, Portugal declared war and sought to dethrone King Charles."} {"idx": "mnli-1928", "premise": "Avenue Foch, leading away from l'Etoile to the Bois de Boulogne, is one of the most majestic of the city's residential avenues.", "hypothesis": "Avenue Foch is the most traveled area in the city."} {"idx": "mnli-1929", "premise": "Thick smoke filled the air.", "hypothesis": "The air was black with smoke."} {"idx": "mnli-1930", "premise": "When the government in 1989 started asking parents to provide the Social Security number of their putative day-care provider, claims for credits dropped markedly.)", "hypothesis": "Not all of the parents were able to provide Social Security numbers to the government."} {"idx": "mnli-1931", "premise": "but i don't think we're going to have much of a choice in either either Central or South America", "hypothesis": "Owing to our past compromises, the choices will be limited in those regions."} {"idx": "mnli-1932", "premise": "but yet you would still respond to everything in a very you know negative way you know it's like do this why you know", "hypothesis": "You would be sour about it. "} {"idx": "mnli-1933", "premise": "Most of the beaches with fine sand are to the north of Alicante.", "hypothesis": "The beaches with fine sand are in the north."} {"idx": "mnli-1934", "premise": "intent may be a matter of understanding the process by which decisions were made, who was involved, and whether the actions are meeting local needs.", "hypothesis": "Intent is about understanding the process."} {"idx": "mnli-1935", "premise": "Outlying Neighborhoods", "hypothesis": "Neighborhoods on the outskirts."} {"idx": "mnli-1936", "premise": "Turn right at the end down Via Cappello for the 13th-century palazzo that the local tourist authorities will have you believe was Juliet's House (Casa di Giulietta Cappelletti), complete with balcony.", "hypothesis": "Juliet did not really live in the palazzo."} {"idx": "mnli-1937", "premise": "Oh, Tommy!", "hypothesis": "The narrator is talking to someone named Jill."} {"idx": "mnli-1938", "premise": "yeah yeah take care of those cats all right bye-bye", "hypothesis": "Take care of the cats! "} {"idx": "mnli-1939", "premise": "Recognizing the value of training, especially for the people at the top of the organization, the CFO Council's GPRA Implementation Committee has begun an outreach effort directed toward senior managers in the 24 CFO Act agencies.", "hypothesis": "The people at the top of the organization recognize the value of the training."} {"idx": "mnli-1940", "premise": "i know so i felt kind of sorry for him i said oh no that must have been hard on him because he's just a person but um i know his son is a major owner of our team of the team here", "hypothesis": "The man was not deserving of any pity at all."} {"idx": "mnli-1941", "premise": "However, Sevilla la Nueva was not completely abandoned, continuing as a working plantation and rum distillery that were later developed and expanded under British rule.", "hypothesis": "Sevilla la Nueva has about 500 workers left in it."} {"idx": "mnli-1942", "premise": "Recently, the CIO took over 400 employees and guests to a five-star hotel for an evening out to celebrate the groupas accomplishments.", "hypothesis": "The employees were very excited for the evening out."} {"idx": "mnli-1943", "premise": "Prudie would suggest, however, since you are on your way up the corporate ladder in a buttoned-up industry that your ladyfriend not dress them up so that undue attention is directed their way.", "hypothesis": "Don't dress oddly in a corporate setting. "} {"idx": "mnli-1944", "premise": "i mean one day it was like sixty below zero", "hypothesis": "Once it was around -60 degrees."} {"idx": "mnli-1945", "premise": "We had about three hundred and fifty slaves at that point, all working deeper in the mines than we ever had.", "hypothesis": "The mines paid their workers a nice salary."} {"idx": "mnli-1946", "premise": " The two orderlies jumped for her, one grabbing her and the other closing his hands over her mouth.", "hypothesis": "She tried to run away from the orderlies, but they caught her."} {"idx": "mnli-1947", "premise": "their when their people are hungry and all they're asking us for handouts so why shouldn't our own people be able to ask for a handout", "hypothesis": "We need to help them first."} {"idx": "mnli-1948", "premise": "The fado is much too solemn to be danced, so regional fishermen's and shepherds' dances are sometimes performed to perk things up.", "hypothesis": "Regional fishermen's dances are much too solemn and sober."} {"idx": "mnli-1949", "premise": "Decreasing extinction (in units of inverse distance) can in turn be used to estimate quantitative measures more directly related to human perception such as contrast of distant targets and visual range.", "hypothesis": "Lowering extinction can be used to estimate numerical measures related to human perceptions. "} {"idx": "mnli-1950", "premise": "The Casa Grande of the Stronghold was a high-ceilinged, five-room building about sixty feet long, the kitchen making a right angle to the other rooms and joining the smoke house to form part of another wall for the patio.", "hypothesis": "The Stronghold had a building named the Casa Nuevo."} {"idx": "mnli-1951", "premise": "The Save the Social Security", "hypothesis": "Keep social security."} {"idx": "mnli-1952", "premise": "a lot of a lot of people did but it would have to be a good show", "hypothesis": "No one thought that would be a good show."} {"idx": "mnli-1953", "premise": "His manner was unfortunate, I observed thoughtfully. ", "hypothesis": "He had a hapless manner, I noted thoughtfully."} {"idx": "mnli-1954", "premise": "Isaac's case was one of government screw-ups, Morris said, recounting how Social Security shuffled his file from New Jersey to Baltimore and then Philadelphia before finally tracking it down.", "hypothesis": "The government messed up in the Isaac's case."} {"idx": "mnli-1955", "premise": "We provided a draft of this letter to the OMB Director for his review and comment on May 17, 2000, but we did not receive any official OMB comments on the report within the time allowed.", "hypothesis": "The OMB director did not respond because he was on vacation."} {"idx": "mnli-1956", "premise": "It is screamingly obvious to everyone who knows and loves her that the trouble lies with my mother and not, as she would have it, with the parade of horrible bosses fate has saddled her with.", "hypothesis": "My mother is faultless in her professional interactions with superiors. "} {"idx": "mnli-1957", "premise": "It was here that members of the mock-Tudor Royal Selangor Club (1884), also designed by A. C. Norman, took time off from the affairs of the Empire to play cricket.", "hypothesis": "The club was designed by Mr. Kuddock."} {"idx": "mnli-1958", "premise": "He stimulated a thunderous and enlightening debate.", "hypothesis": "People would not stop talking about the debate for days."} {"idx": "mnli-1959", "premise": "However, the sources of and motives behind cyber attacks often cannot be readily determined.", "hypothesis": "The reason for hacks cannot always be ascertained."} {"idx": "mnli-1960", "premise": "Off-line readers put Web sites--and Web advertisers--in the same position as their counterparts in the print world (although the off-line reader built into Microsoft's upcoming Internet Explorer 4.0 will actually send the server a log of the user's reading habits).", "hypothesis": "Offline readers put advertisers on websites in the same position as print ones. "} {"idx": "mnli-1961", "premise": "like a musical like right in the middle of acting they would sing songs or something", "hypothesis": "I love watching musicals because of the songs amid the acting."} {"idx": "mnli-1962", "premise": "Characteristics related to the useful life are that it", "hypothesis": "There are many characteristics associated with the useful life."} {"idx": "mnli-1963", "premise": "The invoice amount, or an adjusted or modified amount, was prepared for payment on a specific form.", "hypothesis": "The sum of money didn't appear on a printed document."} {"idx": "mnli-1964", "premise": "Oh, you're right.", "hypothesis": "That is exactly the way it happened."} {"idx": "mnli-1965", "premise": "here in Texas it's a real mess right now", "hypothesis": "Texas is perfect right now."} {"idx": "mnli-1966", "premise": "The Consumer Federation of America and Primerica, on October 28, 1999, released results of the public opinion survey conducted by Opinion Research Corporation International.", "hypothesis": "The Consumer Federation of America and Primerica has not done any surveys yet."} {"idx": "mnli-1967", "premise": "These amounts include the cost of recalibration, redesign, mechanical integrity testing, certification durability demonstration, annual certification, test facility and vehicle hardware.", "hypothesis": "There were no amounts of anything specified."} {"idx": "mnli-1968", "premise": "(To compare Reich's new version with the original, click .) But this time he gets the Washington story basically The point of most Washington hearings--for all concerned, including Cabinet secretaries--is not to listen and learn but to talk and score points.", "hypothesis": "The goal of most Washington hearings is to talk and score points."} {"idx": "mnli-1969", "premise": "Islamic homes centered around a large central hall called a qa'awith a fountain in the middle.", "hypothesis": "The architectural style of houses in the Islamic culture is based on buildings built along fountains."} {"idx": "mnli-1970", "premise": "yeah it must be fun to be able to play it and you know if you can play tunes that people can sing along to it'd be that'd be kind of fun i think", "hypothesis": "I don't think I'd like to play music."} {"idx": "mnli-1971", "premise": "yes yes oh well that's true that's true i see i don't think i do but um but a lot of people do say i sound like i guess i have i guess more of a twang to my voice but sure am i've lived here all my life but anyway uh", "hypothesis": "This location is the best location to live in."} {"idx": "mnli-1972", "premise": "The Lawyers Trust Fund and LAP aim, respectively, to improve legal services to the poor to provide equal justice under the law, and to increase public confidence in the administration of justice, Chief Justice Mary Ann G. McMorrow said.", "hypothesis": "Mary Ann G. McMarrow is a Chief Justice."} {"idx": "mnli-1973", "premise": "6 percent interest rate.", "hypothesis": "The interest rate is 16%."} {"idx": "mnli-1974", "premise": "You died there.", "hypothesis": "There is where you died."} {"idx": "mnli-1975", "premise": "Since he had probably resigned himself to failure from the beginning, he kept up a confident exterior to the end.", "hypothesis": "He acted insecure because he probably had resigned himself to failure from the beginning."} {"idx": "mnli-1976", "premise": "maybe hotter but", "hypothesis": "Maybe it is hotter but it doesn't feel like it,"} {"idx": "mnli-1977", "premise": "The Raptors, on the other hand, are a pain.", "hypothesis": "The Raptors are a basketball team from Florida. "} {"idx": "mnli-1978", "premise": "but when you're only at living wage it doesn't matter", "hypothesis": "It's not important when you're only at a living wage."} {"idx": "mnli-1979", "premise": "The Belur temple's silhouette makes for an unfinished look, but it's not certain that towers or domes were ever planned.", "hypothesis": "It is unsure whether domes and towers were in the original plans."} {"idx": "mnli-1980", "premise": "The curious thing is that they certainly did not know anything about you when they first held you prisoner.", "hypothesis": "New prisoners were thoroughly checked and everything was known about them."} {"idx": "mnli-1981", "premise": "well how bad were the side effects", "hypothesis": "There were only negative side effects."} {"idx": "mnli-1982", "premise": "You refused because of your mother Tommy flushed.", "hypothesis": "Your father is the reason you refused."} {"idx": "mnli-1983", "premise": "and it's so interesting because we made an extended drive as far west as San Diego which i guess is as far west as you can go and down into Texas and then through Colorado on the way home", "hypothesis": "We made a long drive to San Diego, then to Texas, and then through Colorado before going home."} {"idx": "mnli-1984", "premise": "It had rained two weeks ago and the capacity of the university's drainage system was the same now as back in AD 1459.", "hypothesis": "It had snowed a few days ago at the university. "} {"idx": "mnli-1985", "premise": "Just a shade over average height, he nevertheless conveyed the impression of a big man.", "hypothesis": "He was a very tall man, but he gave the impression of being a very small one."} {"idx": "mnli-1986", "premise": "But if monogamy is at odds with human nature, how do you keep it from metamorphosing into serial monogamy?", "hypothesis": "Monogamy is perfectly in line with known human nature. "} {"idx": "mnli-1987", "premise": "LSC specifically announced its intent to put resources into the creation of comprehensive, coordinated, and integrated state legal services delivery systems in Program Letters 98-1 and 98-6.", "hypothesis": "The LSC is the Legal Services for Children advocate group."} {"idx": "mnli-1988", "premise": "you would have thought the guy was just pure as the driven snow but i happen to know his background and i know that he would have sold out his mother for uh uh shorter sentence", "hypothesis": "He seems like a good guy, but he would have sold out his own mother."} {"idx": "mnli-1989", "premise": "It's an exciting and well-planned aquarium, interesting whatever the weather but certainly a good place to spend a rainy afternoon.", "hypothesis": "The aquarium can be interesting on rainy afternoons."} {"idx": "mnli-1990", "premise": "Additional copies of this exposure draft can be obtained from the U.S.", "hypothesis": "This exposure draft underwent dozens of revisions before it was completed."} {"idx": "mnli-1991", "premise": "We all know you shouldn't shoot the guy.", "hypothesis": "Everyone should definitely shoot the guy."} {"idx": "mnli-1992", "premise": "Nobody answering to Tuppence's description had been seen in the vicinity.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence gave a bad description, so no one would have spotted the person he described anyways."} {"idx": "mnli-1993", "premise": "This can be done through worksharing discounts or contracts and is especially effective when mailers can do the work in a different way than the Postal Service.", "hypothesis": "This can be done through hard work and dedication"} {"idx": "mnli-1994", "premise": "Many commercial firms, in recognition of the physical impact and disruption of family life that results from frequent travel, allow their employees to keep frequent flyer awards.", "hypothesis": "Employees of several commercial firms are allowed to keep their frequent flyer awards."} {"idx": "mnli-1995", "premise": "After conducting work at a field location, to the extent appropriate, GAO staff will hold a closeout meeting with agency officials who are responsible for the operations of the field location and have oversight for issues related to the work's objectives.", "hypothesis": "GAO staff will not be inviting agency officials to the meeting."} {"idx": "mnli-1996", "premise": "So by the time we get the case, it is a crisis.", "hypothesis": "We get blamed when the case is a crisis."} {"idx": "mnli-1997", "premise": "Pity the poor lawyer.", "hypothesis": "Pity the poor attorney."} {"idx": "mnli-1998", "premise": "Gandhi He was the youngest of four.", "hypothesis": "He was the youngest of four siblings."} {"idx": "mnli-1999", "premise": "The road beyond Dhulikhel drops precipitously, then turns up the Sun Kosi River gorge toward the Chinese/Tibetan border.", "hypothesis": "The road beyond Dhuilikkel is only one lane wide. "} {"idx": "mnli-2000", "premise": "that much i know that Mike Smith retiring a couple of years ago left a big hole offensively who do the Phillies look to to drive in a lot of runs", "hypothesis": "Mike Smith's retirement hindered the Phillies' offensive capability."} {"idx": "mnli-2001", "premise": "so it's been it's been five years for me", "hypothesis": "I enjoyed it the last time I did it."} {"idx": "mnli-2002", "premise": "Other sports sites pale next to SportsZone, but they still demolish print and TV.", "hypothesis": "Print and TV don't offer the same level of sports coverage as the websites do."} {"idx": "mnli-2003", "premise": "Liquor and tobacco are good buys.", "hypothesis": "Good purchases to make include liquor and tobacco products."} {"idx": "mnli-2004", "premise": "MALS earlier this month announced it expects to lose $200,000 in 2003 and beyond, largely due to a drop in the number of poor people it serves in four counties, according to the latest Census.", "hypothesis": "MALS is expected to gain millions of dollars in 2003."} {"idx": "mnli-2005", "premise": "But he had the feeling that it was chill now, cold, as if a hearth fire had been allowed to die into ashes.", "hypothesis": "He thought the hearth fire had died."} {"idx": "mnli-2006", "premise": "The Taira, controlling the region along the Inland Sea, defeated the Minamoto armies based in the Kanto province east of the capital.", "hypothesis": "The Taira struggled to achieve their eventual victory over the Minamoto armies."} {"idx": "mnli-2007", "premise": "i'm at work yes", "hypothesis": "No, I am at the grocery store right now."} {"idx": "mnli-2008", "premise": "for that little", "hypothesis": "That is the smallest amount I have ever seen."} {"idx": "mnli-2009", "premise": "Acrosethe street and east along the quay is the Irish Famine Memorial, a series of striking life-size bronze figures by Rowan Gillespie.", "hypothesis": "The Irish Famine Memorial took many years to complete."} {"idx": "mnli-2010", "premise": "Everybody was impressed, and one man's eyelid even ticked a little, because he didn't realize that the speaker of this witty comments wasn't Czarek, but one of the Fodder Brothers (a term coined later by triumphant Pytlasinski).", "hypothesis": "The witty comments made by the speaker impressed everyone."} {"idx": "mnli-2011", "premise": "because they'll arrest someone and you know go through all that paperwork and writing a report and all this and having all kinds of evidence and you have to even be careful how you arrest them how you talk to them uh you know what they say", "hypothesis": "You can beat the crap out of someone you arrest. "} {"idx": "mnli-2012", "premise": "Criticizing the Kosovo Critics", "hypothesis": "Making negative comments about the critics of Kosovo."} {"idx": "mnli-2013", "premise": "you bet no that's right yeah i i know of some people who did uh it was it was indirectly related you know they could always come up with other reasons but it it had a lot to do with it just uh the the whole attitude because it's really uh it's just really it it seems so unTI you know with the the whole relaxed atmosphere that we have um to all of a sudden", "hypothesis": "I know some people who did it which was indirectly related."} {"idx": "mnli-2014", "premise": "sure it's it's a big responsibility it really is", "hypothesis": "It's a really small responsibility. "} {"idx": "mnli-2015", "premise": "The Royal Dining Room is situated at the top of the Great Stair.", "hypothesis": "The Great Stair leads to the attic and box room. "} {"idx": "mnli-2016", "premise": "Always ignorance.", "hypothesis": "Always understanding."} {"idx": "mnli-2017", "premise": "Beachfront all-inclusive hotel for couples only.", "hypothesis": "The all-inclusive hotel is for couples only."} {"idx": "mnli-2018", "premise": "Basically, we used the productivity assumption underlying CBO's January 2001, 10-year budget projections.", "hypothesis": "We didn't use any productivity assumptions in the budget projections"} {"idx": "mnli-2019", "premise": "Both Time and Newsweek run profiles of Betty Currie (here's Time's), more maps of who was where in the White House, and updated scandal time lines.", "hypothesis": "There was a profile of Betty Currie run in Time, but not in Newsweek."} {"idx": "mnli-2020", "premise": "um-hum actually he he wrote that prior to the uh Medellin Medellin Cartel being exposed it was on the stands prior to that time it it's quite timely and either he knows somebody or he has a real good a real good imagination because its it hits pretty close to home", "hypothesis": "He plagiarized this from a previous article on the Medellin Cartel."} {"idx": "mnli-2021", "premise": "Her skin seemed to turn gray, and her eyes opened to double their normal size.", "hypothesis": "Her skin lost color, and her eyes widened."} {"idx": "mnli-2022", "premise": "No, we're not.", "hypothesis": "We're not, because I said so."} {"idx": "mnli-2023", "premise": "Another cut and the third man's intestines splashed to the ground.", "hypothesis": "The third man received a wound in the abdomen. "} {"idx": "mnli-2024", "premise": "Intellectuals debated the existentialist merit of Albert Camus and Jean-Paul Sartre in Paris's Left Bank caf??s.", "hypothesis": "Intellectuals weren't sure if Camus was successful in his quest to gain new land."} {"idx": "mnli-2025", "premise": "Bork made a face as he tasted it, but he ate it in silence.", "hypothesis": "Bork ate it silently but made a face at the taste."} {"idx": "mnli-2026", "premise": "What does it matter that you have the whole truth if you can't understand it?", "hypothesis": "Would you rather not try to understand the truth?"} {"idx": "mnli-2027", "premise": "I thanked him.", "hypothesis": "Thanks was given. "} {"idx": "mnli-2028", "premise": "Value-free social science does not demand that its practitioners have no values.", "hypothesis": "Value-free sociology does not tell its practitioners to lose their values, but rather observe value neutrality."} {"idx": "mnli-2029", "premise": "A Dunkin' Donuts spokesman, on the termination of the Rugrats product tie-in negotiations.", "hypothesis": "Negotiations with Rugrats have not been terminated. "} {"idx": "mnli-2030", "premise": "yeah no we won't have too much here for another couple of months yet really yeah yeah we're having it's raining today", "hypothesis": "It doesn't usually rain much this time of year."} {"idx": "mnli-2031", "premise": "It is a polychrome sculpted wooden triptych of 18 panels, which portray the last days of Jesus in moving detail.", "hypothesis": "It is a wooden triptych of 18 panels, each more beautiful than the last."} {"idx": "mnli-2032", "premise": "It is quite likely that you are suffering from the Grass-Is-Greener Syndrome.", "hypothesis": "It's not likely for you to suffer from Grass-Is-Greener Syndrome."} {"idx": "mnli-2033", "premise": "Gingrich rose to fame by destroying a powerful Democrat (House Speaker Jim Wright)", "hypothesis": "Gingrich gained his fame by making friends with Jim Wright."} {"idx": "mnli-2034", "premise": "It does not apply to inventory, nor does it apply to forfeited property (as explained in the previous section on nonexchange revenue).", "hypothesis": "Forfeited property and inventory are not applicable."} {"idx": "mnli-2035", "premise": "The prefecture puts its bureaucrats in the fine Renaissance Palazzo Corner (or Ca' Grande), while gondoliers claim Othello's Desdemona lived in the lovely late-Gothic Palazzo Contarini-Fasan.", "hypothesis": "The bureaucrats and Desdemona lived in two different buildings."} {"idx": "mnli-2036", "premise": "It equals the gross or nominal amount of any asset or liability minus any allowance or valuation amount.", "hypothesis": "This is the calculation method that will give you the most results."} {"idx": "mnli-2037", "premise": "Yes, the one and only.", "hypothesis": "Indeed, one of a kind. "} {"idx": "mnli-2038", "premise": "It depends, in short, upon what the meaning of the word negotiation is.", "hypothesis": "It depends on what the meaning of insistence means."} {"idx": "mnli-2039", "premise": "The fourth floor of the town hall (entrance on Corso Vannucci) is given over to the Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria, expanded in 1999, a handsomely modernized setting for a splendid collection of Umbrian and Tuscan paintings from the 13th to 18th centuries.", "hypothesis": "On the higher levels of the town hall, Umbrian and Tuscan paintings are on show."} {"idx": "mnli-2040", "premise": "He's a wimp for succumbing to a couple of right-wing punks (Sens.", "hypothesis": "He refused to yield to the right wing couple."} {"idx": "mnli-2041", "premise": "Our simulation results reflect unified budget deficits/surpluses.", "hypothesis": "There was no simulation with results on budget deficits."} {"idx": "mnli-2042", "premise": "For example, FHWA set a performance expectation for senior executives to develop strategies to achieve FHWA's strategic objectives and performance goals.", "hypothesis": "Senior executives are expected to create strategies for achieving company objectives and goals."} {"idx": "mnli-2043", "premise": "If the creative geniuses are long dead, master craftsmen continue the tradition of superb reproductions at negotiable prices.", "hypothesis": "Today's finest craftsmen copy the work of the historic artistic geniuses."} {"idx": "mnli-2044", "premise": "Along these same lines, I was recently in a retail store and the clerk had on a summer dress.", "hypothesis": "The clerk had on a summer dress."} {"idx": "mnli-2045", "premise": "Also, Simova discovered the truth about the wartime atrocities almost immediately afterward, including her own parents' deaths in Auschwitz.", "hypothesis": "Simova discovered that her parents were alive and well. "} {"idx": "mnli-2046", "premise": "yeah yeah uh everyone says you know when i bought this several years ago w hen our local economy was good everyone said no no you're crazy to buy a mobile home", "hypothesis": "It's allowed me to become debt-free."} {"idx": "mnli-2047", "premise": "I thought of the white-haired old lady in the big house, and that vivid wicked little face that had just smiled into ours, and a vague chill of foreboding crept over me. ", "hypothesis": "I thought of the old lady in the house."} {"idx": "mnli-2048", "premise": "Measuring 4.1 by 1.4 m (13 by 5 ft), the sheet is kept in an iron-lined silver casket placed in a marble urn and tucked away in the Museo della Sidone, and is rarely on display to the public (with the recent exception of the Holy Year 2000).", "hypothesis": "Most often, the public cannot see the sheet."} {"idx": "mnli-2049", "premise": "Its immense columns (the top of each one could accommodate 50 standing children) recreate the papyrus forests of the sacred island from which all life sprang (also representing the landscape of Lower Egypt), and they were highly decorated and brilliantly painted in their heyday.", "hypothesis": "There are no painted papyrus on the island."} {"idx": "mnli-2050", "premise": "THE MEANING OF THE PRESENCE REQUIREMENT", "hypothesis": "The Meaning of the Presence Suggestion"} {"idx": "mnli-2051", "premise": "The austere little church of San Damiano dates to the 11th century.", "hypothesis": "The church was where the Pope Francisco was baptized. "} {"idx": "mnli-2052", "premise": "and that innocent people i i shouldn't say innocent because i mean actually actually if they commit a crime that they're in the same circumstances but", "hypothesis": "If they commit a crime under duress, they are not innocent."} {"idx": "mnli-2053", "premise": "2. While the AEO2001 analysis anticipated no program spending to drive these changes, EPA assumed that additional spending would be required for scenario B. Calibrating to the CEF policy scenarios, EPA estimated that program and policy spending would increase by $0.", "hypothesis": "The EPA was relieved to learn no spending was expected."} {"idx": "mnli-2054", "premise": "During the 180-day period, the Departments will publish a notice in the Federal Register initiating a 60-day agency review and public comment period with submittal to OMB for review and an extension of the emergency approval to follow.", "hypothesis": "The Departments are not allowed to publish any notice in the Federal Register."} {"idx": "mnli-2055", "premise": "By the eighth century b.c. the 12 main city-states of Ionia, including Ephesus, Priene, and Miletus, had formed what was known as the Pan-Ionic League.", "hypothesis": "Ephesus, Priene, and Miletus were part of a league of city-states in the region of Ionia."} {"idx": "mnli-2056", "premise": "Unfortunately, there was no mention of the Capital Region's own Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York, the nonprofit organization that works to ensure that justice is available to the poor, the disabled and the endangered members of our community.", "hypothesis": "The nonprofit organization that works to ensure that euthanasia is available to the poor and disabled."} {"idx": "mnli-2057", "premise": "The French painter's first major American show in 43 years occasions critical revision.", "hypothesis": "The French painter held a show every few weeks. "} {"idx": "mnli-2058", "premise": "An item speculates that sex will be more for recreation than procreation, because parents will choose to clone themselves or genetically engineer designer babies.", "hypothesis": "Sex will become more a practice of please rather than procreation, as parents will choose to clone themselves or genetically engineer offspring. "} {"idx": "mnli-2059", "premise": "i could sure tell the difference though after the first year or so of being there uh prior to", "hypothesis": "The contrast was obvious to me after a period of time."} {"idx": "mnli-2060", "premise": "As expected, scenario A has the largest increase with expenditures rising by nearly $17 billion in 2015 compared to the reference case.", "hypothesis": "Scenario B is the most profitable."} {"idx": "mnli-2061", "premise": "Instead of writing this book--and book-writing is surely a job for sissies--he should have gone out and beat someone up or sold drugs.", "hypothesis": "He ought to have went outside and roughed some person up or peddled drugs."} {"idx": "mnli-2062", "premise": "What you tell me about the girl puzzled me, said Mr. Carter.", "hypothesis": "I don't understand what you tell me about the girl, said Mr. Carter."} {"idx": "mnli-2063", "premise": "As noted above, projections beyond 2010 are of limited value as market conditions could change significantly between now and 2010 in response both to demand for resources for a multipollutant program and because of other market factors.", "hypothesis": "There is no demand for resources or programs."} {"idx": "mnli-2064", "premise": "last 30 years and would correspond to a lower assumption for total factor productivity growth than CBO's most recent assumption.", "hypothesis": "The total factor productivity growth is an important measure of economic health."} {"idx": "mnli-2065", "premise": "We have divided the country into five regions north, west, center, east, and south.", "hypothesis": "We could have divided the country further with regions such as North West."} {"idx": "mnli-2066", "premise": "The agency viewed such an analysis as unnecessary in light of its lack of discretion with respect to the rule, but stated that past evaluations indicated few if any small businesses would be affected.", "hypothesis": "The analysis was thought to be a conflict in interest."} {"idx": "mnli-2067", "premise": "TRANSACTIONS WITH THE PUBLIC", "hypothesis": "transactions with private companies"} {"idx": "mnli-2068", "premise": "The real drama is at Shinto festivals.", "hypothesis": "Shinto festivals are where the real drama is at."} {"idx": "mnli-2069", "premise": "Paris and its immediate surroundings are a magnet for tourists, students, businessmen, artists, inventors ' in short, everyone except perhaps the farmer and fisherman, who may well come to the city to protest government policies.", "hypothesis": "The farmer and the fisherman may come to Paris for different reasons from everyone else."} {"idx": "mnli-2070", "premise": "9 In another sixteen states, LSC funding represents over 50% of the total investment in the civil legal services system.", "hypothesis": "In some states, LSC funding is at least 52% of the total investment in the civil legal services system."} {"idx": "mnli-2071", "premise": "well it's like you said though sometimes people just get caught up in it innocently but", "hypothesis": "Innocence is a trademark of the wrong."} {"idx": "mnli-2072", "premise": "I had seen very little of him for some years. ", "hypothesis": "I did not see him much for quite a few years. "} {"idx": "mnli-2073", "premise": "Exactly as Slate had predicted.", "hypothesis": "Just like Slate anticipated."} {"idx": "mnli-2074", "premise": "She did so.", "hypothesis": "She didn't do that."} {"idx": "mnli-2075", "premise": "For a change of scenery, drive north of Alicante into the rocky, lunar-like landscape of the Cabeao d'Or mountains.", "hypothesis": "Driving north of Alicante will lead you to the rocky, moon-like landscape of the Cabeao d'Or mountains."} {"idx": "mnli-2076", "premise": "Low-income households must negotiate legal issues to satisfy their basic needs for food, housing, health care, personal safety and education.", "hypothesis": "Low income households don't have to negotiate legal issues."} {"idx": "mnli-2077", "premise": "Other, more challenging choices, for which you should enlist the help of a guide, take you up to Mount Perdah (1,576 m/5,169 ft), Mount Jasar (1,696 m/5,562 ft), and Mount Beremban (1,841 m/6,040 ft).", "hypothesis": "More challenging choices require a guide."} {"idx": "mnli-2078", "premise": "But it's not clear that any science is so pure that it's exempt from committee decisions about what's to be considered valid research.", "hypothesis": "There's no science definite enough that committee decisions don't have to examine it."} {"idx": "mnli-2079", "premise": "This tour alone lasts a full hour, and at least equal time is necessary to appreciate the other collections and the multi-media learning center on the second floor.", "hypothesis": "There are far too many beautiful things to appreciate within 15 minutes. "} {"idx": "mnli-2080", "premise": "The boots worn by the conductores who push the Monte toboggans are available (as are the straw hats, old-style boaters, that they wear).", "hypothesis": "The people that push the toboggans wear slippers."} {"idx": "mnli-2081", "premise": "Don't ruin the evening, Jonofi.", "hypothesis": "Don't ruin our trip to the restaurant."} {"idx": "mnli-2082", "premise": "The outline of the Seleymaniye, the Mosque of Seleyman the Magnificent, rises from a site above the Golden Horn (near the north gate of Istanbul University).", "hypothesis": "Seleyman decreed that there should be a mosque named after him for his achievements."} {"idx": "mnli-2083", "premise": "Major Temple of the Cow Goddess Hathor, it was begun in the Ptolemaic era, c.125 b.c. , making it one of the later Egyptian temples.", "hypothesis": "There were many temples built during the Ptolemaic era. "} {"idx": "mnli-2084", "premise": "yeah patent it that's a good idea", "hypothesis": "You should really follow through and get a patent."} {"idx": "mnli-2085", "premise": "i you know some of the places now um like IBM don't allow even smoking you know in the in the plant we we have designated smoking areas", "hypothesis": "There is no smoking allow at IBM since it is unsafe."} {"idx": "mnli-2086", "premise": "Some of the subsidies exceed capital and maintenance If the White Sox fail to draw 1.5 million annual fans at New Comiskey Park in the 11th through 20th years of their lease, the state of Illinois is contractually obliged to cover the shortfall at the gate by buying upto 300,000 tickets.", "hypothesis": "The white Sox aren't a popular enough baseball team. "} {"idx": "mnli-2087", "premise": "if you'll think back a few years to when the Mets were just all this sort of young bunch of guys who really were raw talent but weren't very sort of well trained you know back to the you know maybe eighty um eighty four or or eighty three or or eighty five you know when they were first when they weren't quite the eighty six team that that that they were um", "hypothesis": "Everyone loved the Mets even when they first started out. "} {"idx": "mnli-2088", "premise": "yes i i completely finished the house", "hypothesis": "Yes, I was able to finish the house."} {"idx": "mnli-2089", "premise": "A bit of shadowing, maybe, or such like?\" Tuppence affected to consider, then shook her head.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence considered the tactic briefly, and then refused before jumping up."} {"idx": "mnli-2090", "premise": "It houses more than 200 animal species, most famous of which is the giant panda, and has an imaginative monkey mountain behind a moat.", "hypothesis": "There are more than 200 difference species of animals housed there."} {"idx": "mnli-2091", "premise": "APHIS rejected the second alternative because it believed that less stringent mitigating measures than the ones proposed would increase the risk of the introduction of hog cholera into the United States and that more stringent mitigating conditions would be unnecessarily restrictive.", "hypothesis": "The risk would increase."} {"idx": "mnli-2092", "premise": "In addition, because of lower interest rates, it is facing a decline of about $100,000 in funds from interest collected on lawyers' trust accounts.", "hypothesis": "No funds are safe from them."} {"idx": "mnli-2093", "premise": "That argument which holds that the attempt to raise saving will end up lowering national income, because consumption will fall, and with it profits, output, and employment.", "hypothesis": "Rising savings will result in a higher national income."} {"idx": "mnli-2094", "premise": "information called for in the Commission's general rules for mail classification proposals.", "hypothesis": "The Commission has general rules for mail classification."} {"idx": "mnli-2095", "premise": "Schoelcher, formerly a small fishing village just north of Fort-de-France, has expanded to become an extension of the capital city.", "hypothesis": "Just north of Fort-de-France is the extension of the capital city, Schoelcher."} {"idx": "mnli-2096", "premise": "something to generate interest i don't know quite what", "hypothesis": "I am not sure what yet, but something to generate interest."} {"idx": "mnli-2097", "premise": "do they like to watch him", "hypothesis": "do they prefer to avoid looking in his direction"} {"idx": "mnli-2098", "premise": "West along Via Vittorio Eman?\u00aduele, the Palace of the Normans (Palazzo dei Normanni) was built by the Saracens as a ninth-century fortress and later turned into a royal residence, appropriate setting for the later brilliance and luxury of Emperor Frederick II's Sicilian court .", "hypothesis": "The Palace of the Normans is a highly visited tourist destination in Sicily."} {"idx": "mnli-2099", "premise": "i have preferences for uh for some um makers over others um and i would sort of like to buy American", "hypothesis": "I don't have a preference for any makers."} {"idx": "mnli-2100", "premise": "yes uh-huh that's that's fairly recent i don't know how recent but fairly recent in the state of Texas before that it was uh death by electrocution", "hypothesis": "Death by electrocution is quite recent in the state of Texas."} {"idx": "mnli-2101", "premise": "We didn't know what was going to happen.", "hypothesis": "We knew exactly what was going to happen."} {"idx": "mnli-2102", "premise": "the security program to supplement basic guidance, such as the importance", "hypothesis": "A basic security program that demonstrates importances."} {"idx": "mnli-2103", "premise": "Reilly also said he thought mortgage brokers commonly exaggerate business proceeds in stated-income loans - I would say 90 percent of the time they are padded - adding that he was 25 and inexperienced at the time and has not repeated the mistake since.", "hypothesis": "Reilly thought mortgage brokers exaggerated proceeds in stated-income loans in the inner city."} {"idx": "mnli-2104", "premise": "yeah but that's quite all right i think they just want to have some kind of normal conversation", "hypothesis": "I guess they just want to have an average conversation."} {"idx": "mnli-2105", "premise": "What so? So, this Jacek, he walks around and says he has only one woman.", "hypothesis": "Jacek was lying about having only one woman, he met up with a mistress when his wife wasn't home."} {"idx": "mnli-2106", "premise": "i'm in the Attleboro Attleboro Massachusetts plant", "hypothesis": "I'm in Phoenix Arizona."} {"idx": "mnli-2107", "premise": "Likewise in 1992, he applauded the Bush administration's lame-duck pardons of Caspar Weinberger, Elliott Abrams, et al.", "hypothesis": "He strenuously objected to the pardons of Caspar Weinberger and Elliott Abrams."} {"idx": "mnli-2108", "premise": "But as Hanson took the arms of the other two, the Ser shrugged and fell in behind.", "hypothesis": "Ser shrugged and stayed behind the trio."} {"idx": "mnli-2109", "premise": "He said Hilliker will be a good person to lead the organization through such an effort.", "hypothesis": "Hilliker is going to be the leader."} {"idx": "mnli-2110", "premise": "Although the Reformation and Lutherism had an impact on Poland, the country largely avoided the devastating religious wars that raged elsewhere in Europe.", "hypothesis": "Poland still has several notable chapels."} {"idx": "mnli-2111", "premise": "i'll go ahead and and charge it knowing that the money will be there", "hypothesis": "I'll charge it since I know that money will be there."} {"idx": "mnli-2112", "premise": "uh that's the first i've ever heard of it i haven't heard of it anything too much about it um", "hypothesis": "I heard a lot about the topic."} {"idx": "mnli-2113", "premise": "Whole scenes then follow, complete in themselves but like disconnected parts of the film.", "hypothesis": "The scenes add to the film story."} {"idx": "mnli-2114", "premise": "Newsweek also hints that 13 Heaven's Gate members--the ground crew--may be traveling through the Southwest, waiting for a signal from the spaceship.", "hypothesis": "Newsweek hints at 13 members of Heaven's Gate might be traversing the Southwest."} {"idx": "mnli-2115", "premise": "I liked Michael Kinsley's article . Here's a political glossary that might be helpful in interpreting future lies.", "hypothesis": "I can point you to a political glossary that might be helpful."} {"idx": "mnli-2116", "premise": "yeah but it's it's nah you don't count on Social Security but it's it's that's what i'm saying they need to do something else", "hypothesis": "You can't rely on social security. The government needs a new plan."} {"idx": "mnli-2117", "premise": "yeah the only reason i'd do it is because i want to make sure that i get all my calls in before they they just up and pull the plug on the program you know", "hypothesis": "I want to get all my calls before the plug is pulled on the program."} {"idx": "mnli-2118", "premise": "oh so what they're doing they're discounting for cash is the way they're because i think it is illegal to add a surcharge so", "hypothesis": "They are simply just adding surcharge."} {"idx": "mnli-2119", "premise": "it's loud and repetitious without having a great deal of meaning now i do like folk song um and there have been some nice folk songs over the years that you know kind of still hang around", "hypothesis": "I have never heard any good folk songs. "} {"idx": "mnli-2120", "premise": "3 Given this limitation, attention focuses on several obvious (1) Should worksharing discounts be offered?", "hypothesis": "They ask if 25% work sharing discounts should be an option."} {"idx": "mnli-2121", "premise": "The alleyways and passages leading off this main thoroughfare are some of the oldest in the city.", "hypothesis": "The main road does not connect to many alleyways."} {"idx": "mnli-2122", "premise": "Cocktails or uh what", "hypothesis": "Cocktails or something else."} {"idx": "mnli-2123", "premise": "fifty years", "hypothesis": "Five centuries"} {"idx": "mnli-2124", "premise": "But massive growth during the 20th century saw Edinburgh absorb many of these formerly independent communities into its ever-enlarging limits.", "hypothesis": "Edinburgh continued to shrink until there were only a few remaining communities."} {"idx": "mnli-2125", "premise": "That's how presiding FISA Judge Royce Lamberth feels.", "hypothesis": "Judge Lamberth has not been a FISA judge for several years now."} {"idx": "mnli-2126", "premise": "All rooms with air-conditioning (some with loft) and cable TV.", "hypothesis": "The rooms all have air-conditioning and cable."} {"idx": "mnli-2127", "premise": "you know on it huh i mean i don't even know who did which ones but he does", "hypothesis": "I do not know the things that he knows. "} {"idx": "mnli-2128", "premise": "Finally, the Chinese say that the State Department impounded the Loral findings before they ever reached them.", "hypothesis": "The State Department purposefully prevented the Chinese from being able to reach the information."} {"idx": "mnli-2129", "premise": "Five km (three miles) of fine sand from Pornichet to Le Pouliguen stretch in a perfect half-moon, past chic sailing and beach clubs, along an esplanade of luxury hotels with a casino at the center.", "hypothesis": "Beach clubs, luxury hotels, and a casino are situated alongside three miles of fine sand."} {"idx": "mnli-2130", "premise": "Although flat and monotonous sandy desert in the north, it rises in ranges of sandstone peaks in the south creating a strong contrast with the azure blue of the surrounding seas.", "hypothesis": "The area to the north is a boring desert, but to the south lie sandstone peaks overlooking the nearby coasts."} {"idx": "mnli-2131", "premise": "i see huh because my wife and i had thought about going down there uh you know just for a weekend", "hypothesis": "I will never take my wife there, not even for an hour."} {"idx": "mnli-2132", "premise": "Jon saw Adrin tense and hold his pistols up, back to his rock.", "hypothesis": "Jon saw that Adrin was very relaxed."} {"idx": "mnli-2133", "premise": "but they weren't very good but they was uh", "hypothesis": "However, it was disappointing because they were so bad."} {"idx": "mnli-2134", "premise": "oh what uh what kind of", "hypothesis": "I don't care what kind of (...)"} {"idx": "mnli-2135", "premise": "It did not strike you as peculiar that a famous London doctor should bury himself in a little village like this, and should be in the habit of walking about at all hours of the night, fully dressed?", "hypothesis": "There is a conspiracy in the village: villagers are keeping the doctor captive, and bribing police to keep quiet (which is why the police are downplaying the obvious strangeness of his behaviour)."} {"idx": "mnli-2136", "premise": "The lag adjustment distributes the mortality incidence over five years (25 percent in each of the first two years, and 17 percent for each of the remaining years) and discounts mortality benefits over this period at a rate of three percent.", "hypothesis": "The lag adjustment distributes the mortality incidence over five years and discounts mortality benefits at a rate of three percent."} {"idx": "mnli-2137", "premise": "Safire notes that Steve and Cokie Roberts were there too, facts confirmed by the husband-and-wife team on CNN's Late Edition and This Week , respectively.", "hypothesis": "Steve and Cokie Roberts confirmed that they were there too. "} {"idx": "mnli-2138", "premise": "it sure is uh in fact we went up there for Easter and and we we had uh a beautiful day we had a day where it snowed and then uh it rained the next day and you know you just never can tell what the weather's going to do", "hypothesis": "We went up to Chicago for Easter, the weather changed quickly."} {"idx": "mnli-2139", "premise": "Increasing numbers of clients receiving appropriate services.", "hypothesis": "They saw a rapid decline of clientele. "} {"idx": "mnli-2140", "premise": "Community leaders say they worry that the center's specialized programs could be lost under a merger and that a new location will create confusion for clients.", "hypothesis": "Nobody was worried about the merger costing the center it's more specialized programs."} {"idx": "mnli-2141", "premise": "so that's an interesting alternative occasionally that i like to use", "hypothesis": "The alternative I use is interesting."} {"idx": "mnli-2142", "premise": "but that's i don't know i think it just builds on the foundation that they've already built you get people out of high schools and college junior colleges that don't have the background for an MIT kind of curriculum so", "hypothesis": "Students coming from high schools and junior colleges don't have a background for Technological Study."} {"idx": "mnli-2143", "premise": "a compost pile right", "hypothesis": "The compost pile is correct."} {"idx": "mnli-2144", "premise": "Fail to do exactly what you're required to do on SLAP, Coburn declares, and you get slam--as in, see you in jail for sure.", "hypothesis": "Coburn says you'll get off scott free if you don't do what you're supposed to do."} {"idx": "mnli-2145", "premise": "Nearby Abu Serga Church (St. Sergius) also claims this distinction.", "hypothesis": "Abu Serga is a market, it is not a church."} {"idx": "mnli-2146", "premise": "In a couple of days the wagon train would head on north to Tucson, but now the activity in the plaza was a mixture of market day and fiesta.", "hypothesis": "They were south of Tucson."} {"idx": "mnli-2147", "premise": "yeah well even the you know they they claimed they did the best that they could and then the cat uh died so now i'm looking for another cat for them um i i've i've got a little kitten uh that's still uh oh it just being born right now so another five or six weeks i'll be bringing the little kitten over to uh to my folks", "hypothesis": "MY cat is alive and well."} {"idx": "mnli-2148", "premise": "For example, see Analytical Perspectives, Budget of the United States Fiscal Year 2001, Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget (February 2000), pp. 30-31.", "hypothesis": "The February 2000 text contains pertinent information regarding this accounting practice."} {"idx": "mnli-2149", "premise": "Mail on all other city routes is delivered six days a week.", "hypothesis": "Mail on all other city routes is only delivered every Sunday. "} {"idx": "mnli-2150", "premise": "In the case of carbon, the bank would last another two years at the rate of drawdown in 2015, or longer if the drawdown declined.", "hypothesis": "The drawdown declined and the bank sustained itself for an additional 10 years."} {"idx": "mnli-2151", "premise": "Dave Hanson, he cried sharply, \"by the unfailing power of your name which is all of you, I hold you in my mind and your throat is in my hand--\" The old hands squeezed suddenly, and Hanson felt a vise clamp down around his throat.", "hypothesis": "Dave Hanson was upset with something."} {"idx": "mnli-2152", "premise": "Within the cloister, in the north gallery, is a striking fresco of the Triumph of Death (1360) showing how a humble person and an aristocrat face the same destiny.", "hypothesis": "There is an iconic painting portraying death."} {"idx": "mnli-2153", "premise": "but uh still i i question the ability of some of the teachers to uh really do a bang-up job and yet others i know are just wonderful", "hypothesis": "All teachers sucks."} {"idx": "mnli-2154", "premise": "Access time is the time it takes a carrier to deviate from the route in order to make a delivery.", "hypothesis": "Access time can be defined as the amount of time a carrier needs to stray from the route to make the delivery. "} {"idx": "mnli-2155", "premise": "and you know if they just would have thought well gee if we don't you know if we put a freeze on new home starts that will bring the price of houses back up our tax base revenue will go up and we won't have to increase taxes and make it more of a burden on people that are living here", "hypothesis": "There was a way they could have done this, that would have made life easy for home-owners."} {"idx": "mnli-2156", "premise": "Rotten little bounder too! he said savagely. ", "hypothesis": "The boy was rotten. "} {"idx": "mnli-2157", "premise": "Geek money is wedging into Washington society through sports.", "hypothesis": "The money is feeding into Oregon because of sports."} {"idx": "mnli-2158", "premise": " It began with the sight of his uncle's face leering at him.", "hypothesis": " It began with the sight of his uncle's face."} {"idx": "mnli-2159", "premise": "i bet even my cats could do that", "hypothesis": "My cats could probably do that."} {"idx": "mnli-2160", "premise": "concurring opinion to the R2000-1 decision.", "hypothesis": "An agreeing opinion to R2000-1"} {"idx": "mnli-2161", "premise": "If Netscape supplied Mr. Bork with the argument why his own theories supported Netscape's position, what did Mr. Bork supply ?", "hypothesis": "Netscape provided Mr. Bork with his argument."} {"idx": "mnli-2162", "premise": "Back then, there was no formal training in something like this, she said. ", "hypothesis": "She said there was nor formal training pertaining to this back then."} {"idx": "mnli-2163", "premise": "A crook? he queried eagerly.", "hypothesis": "He wondered if the girl was a crook. "} {"idx": "mnli-2164", "premise": "David Fiellin advocated eliminating the second recommendation.", "hypothesis": "The second recommendation has David Fiellin suggesting it be removed."} {"idx": "mnli-2165", "premise": "During a signing ceremony for a bill, he dove headfirst fully clothed into the Charles River.", "hypothesis": "He had been planning to dive into the river since the start of the ceremony."} {"idx": "mnli-2166", "premise": "but exactly", "hypothesis": "Although certainly true."} {"idx": "mnli-2167", "premise": "For the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which actually enforced the blacklist, to reject Kazan for his comparatively minor offenses would have been the sheerest hypocrisy.", "hypothesis": "The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences enforced the blacklist."} {"idx": "mnli-2168", "premise": "The preamble to the proposed rulemaking set forth the reasons for collecting the information and the burden estimates and solicited comments regarding the collection to be submitted to both the Departments and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).", "hypothesis": "The Office of Management and Budget usually takes one month to process submissions."} {"idx": "mnli-2169", "premise": "The final rule was reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget and determined to be an economically significant regulatory action and approved as complying with the order.", "hypothesis": "The final rule was reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget and was approved quickly."} {"idx": "mnli-2170", "premise": "Those retired for disability reasons", "hypothesis": "Some people retired because of boredom."} {"idx": "mnli-2171", "premise": "Kashmir was divided between both India and Pakistan, pending a plebiscite which has never been held.", "hypothesis": "Kashmir was divided between the two countries, as he loved them both. "} {"idx": "mnli-2172", "premise": "In the last campaign cycle, Democrats returned $1.", "hypothesis": "That is a ridiculously low amount."} {"idx": "mnli-2173", "premise": "This, however, is unlikely to happen quickly.", "hypothesis": "Other changes were fast."} {"idx": "mnli-2174", "premise": "well you've got part of your family up here then", "hypothesis": "Meaning you don't know where you whole family is."} {"idx": "mnli-2175", "premise": "The cover story marvels at the Wild Bunch of egotistical celebrities (including Warren Beatty and Donald Trump) who are pondering third-party runs for the presidency.", "hypothesis": "The cover story talks about celebrities who want to run for president on 2022."} {"idx": "mnli-2176", "premise": " lion-headed goddess Sekhmet (1400 b.c. ) and the colossal Amenophis IV (1370 b.c. ).", "hypothesis": "Sekhmet is a goddess with a lion's head."} {"idx": "mnli-2177", "premise": "and um i find great disgust in them in their in their um their self-centeredness", "hypothesis": "I don't like their self-centeredness."} {"idx": "mnli-2178", "premise": "In 1511 Diego de Velazquez sailed from neighboring Hispaniola with some 300 conquistadores (conquerors).", "hypothesis": "Diego de Velazquez sailed from Hispaniola in 1511."} {"idx": "mnli-2179", "premise": "Particularly good are the extra virgin cold pressed oils from Sitaa, Toploe, and Agaa Triada.", "hypothesis": "Cold pressed oils are available."} {"idx": "mnli-2180", "premise": "It is unfortunate that there is no chance of the conditions repeating themselves as you suggest.\"", "hypothesis": "The speaker wants the conditions to repeat themselves. "} {"idx": "mnli-2181", "premise": "One of the exhibits is older the fragments of a monument to Jupiter (first century a.d.) discovered near Notre-Dame.", "hypothesis": "Fragments of a monument to Jupiter were discovered near the Notre-Dame."} {"idx": "mnli-2182", "premise": "The survey also found that although 59 percent of the centers had substance abuse counselors, only 5 percent used screening questionnaires to identify patients with alcohol use problems.", "hypothesis": "10 percent of centers screened for alcohol use problems."} {"idx": "mnli-2183", "premise": "Public broadcasting's big transformation came in the mid-'70s, Ledbetter finds, when U.S. corporations stepped in to fill the financial gap for the underfunded network.", "hypothesis": "US corporations tried to fill the financial gap in for the network."} {"idx": "mnli-2184", "premise": "The cakes here are also excellent.", "hypothesis": "The cakes here are equally great."} {"idx": "mnli-2185", "premise": "They appreciated the town's loyalty to the crown, but the idea never occurred to anyone, let alone the two monarchs, that Madrid might one day become the capital.", "hypothesis": "The town was disloyal to the crown."} {"idx": "mnli-2186", "premise": "But, as in Washington, on snowy days like this, you take what you can get.", "hypothesis": "It snows about thirty times a year in Washington."} {"idx": "mnli-2187", "premise": "Did Loral harm national security?", "hypothesis": "National security was not in danger. "} {"idx": "mnli-2188", "premise": "It would be nice if more of the newcomers were artists, artisans, and producers, rather than lawyers and lobbyists, but head for head, I'll stack up Washington's intellectual capital against any competitor's.", "hypothesis": "More artsy people would be better than lawyers and lobbyists."} {"idx": "mnli-2189", "premise": "(Miramax's site for Albino Alligator has video and stills.)", "hypothesis": "There's no Miramax's site for any type of alligators."} {"idx": "mnli-2190", "premise": "The intermediate projections, which reflect the Trustees' best estimate, reflect changes in the working age population, particularly the increasing rate of retirement by the baby boom generation after 2010.", "hypothesis": "The projections show changes in population age statistics."} {"idx": "mnli-2191", "premise": "uh-huh uh-huh It would be handy", "hypothesis": "That tool would be handy."} {"idx": "mnli-2192", "premise": "With the help of the pirates who made the town their base, Port Royal became a very rich city, with the income from sugar and rum combined with stolen Spanish treasure (see page 18).", "hypothesis": "The pirates are nomadic and never took the town as their base."} {"idx": "mnli-2193", "premise": "The house is hugely enjoyable, with its intricate layout, 18th-century furniture, chinoiserie, children's toys, and and views of the grounds and distant mountains, particularly from the airy turret rooms.", "hypothesis": "The hosue is beautifully maintained."} {"idx": "mnli-2194", "premise": "we're having our problems out this way with the banking crisis and", "hypothesis": "We're fortunate that the banking crisis hasn't had a significant impact on us."} {"idx": "mnli-2195", "premise": "Yes; you see she went to the mater, and, Oh, here's Evie herself. Miss Howard entered. ", "hypothesis": "Miss Howard left."} {"idx": "mnli-2196", "premise": "What's all this for?", "hypothesis": "All this...what is it for?"} {"idx": "mnli-2197", "premise": "By physical terrain we mean the physical proximity of the delivery points and whether they are most advantageously served by a curb, park & loop, or foot route.", "hypothesis": "Delivery points should include at least a bench and a locked storage compartment."} {"idx": "mnli-2198", "premise": "and i'm sitting in this tent in my sleeping bag freezing so i said oh time to get this heater cranked up so i cranked up the heater and this things going of course i got it going full bore i run out of propane so here it is about three o'clock in the morning and i've got to hike back to my car to get more propane", "hypothesis": "I don't have any way of getting more propane."} {"idx": "mnli-2199", "premise": "Even though the intervention did not decrease drinking, it did decrease drinking-related consequences, which may be part of what we're looking for in this setting.", "hypothesis": "The intervention lowered drinking rates by 50%."} {"idx": "mnli-2200", "premise": "Using a pun on Red Herring 's name, Perkins' note appeared to imply that a Bush donation would enhance readers' relationship to the publication.", "hypothesis": "The pun he used was not easy to understand for people out of the United States."} {"idx": "mnli-2201", "premise": "Its golden 18th-century architecture makes it a rewarding stopover on any journey between Paris and Alsace.", "hypothesis": "Its architecture is from the 18th century."} {"idx": "mnli-2202", "premise": "She wondered what factors influenced maintenance.", "hypothesis": "She purposely sabotaged her companies maintenance department with her wondering."} {"idx": "mnli-2203", "premise": "Edinburgh Zoo has a penguin parade every day during the summer.", "hypothesis": "Penguins can be seen at the Edinburgh Zoo in summer."} {"idx": "mnli-2204", "premise": "and so that's i mean they're still around i think", "hypothesis": "I think they're still around."} {"idx": "mnli-2205", "premise": "The Department of Labor's original Retirement Savings Education Campaign was launched in 1995 in partnership with the", "hypothesis": "Launched in 1995, The Department of Labor's original Retirement Savings Education Campaign"} {"idx": "mnli-2206", "premise": "When Johnson died in 1968, of natural causes, Jimmy Breslin wrote a column, calling him a Robin Hood of Harlem.", "hypothesis": "Johnson died from a gunshot."} {"idx": "mnli-2207", "premise": "uh okay so can can you notice well it's it's i live in a rural area", "hypothesis": "I live in a bustling city."} {"idx": "mnli-2208", "premise": "i mean it's glamorous taking drugs or at least it seems that way", "hypothesis": "It seems glamorous to take drugs."} {"idx": "mnli-2209", "premise": "They also regularly hold sheep dog and sheep-shearing demonstrations, all in a covered auditorium, which allows you to watch the shepherds at work without having to stand out on the hillsides.", "hypothesis": "If you want to watch the shepherds at work, you can go to the auditorium."} {"idx": "mnli-2210", "premise": "A Franciscan convent, seminary, and church are grouped around the chapel.", "hypothesis": "There is only a church next to the chapel."} {"idx": "mnli-2211", "premise": "The final portal would provide access for legal services staff to training materials, discussion groups, legal research and other matters.", "hypothesis": "The staff has to pay to access the final portal of information."} {"idx": "mnli-2212", "premise": "Echoes of the scandal 1) China replied to U.S. criticism of its human-rights abuses by accusing the United States of corruption for letting its political parties sell face time with their leaders.", "hypothesis": "Both China and the US think they are morally in the right."} {"idx": "mnli-2213", "premise": "Susan's talent can help in many ways.", "hypothesis": "There are many ways that Susan's talent can help."} {"idx": "mnli-2214", "premise": "yes we all enjoy camping and they're you know they're in like R As and scouts and stuff like that you know so they get to go camping in those organizations also", "hypothesis": "Everyone loves camping, especially with the scouts."} {"idx": "mnli-2215", "premise": "Statistical sampling would only be needed for monitoring the system operations through periodic testing.", "hypothesis": "Monitoring the system operations through periodic testing would not need statistical sampling at all."} {"idx": "mnli-2216", "premise": "Blumenthal's face has been everywhere in the last week, and he is clearly enjoying his moment in the limelight, building valuable name recognition for the day when he decides whether to run for governor or senator.", "hypothesis": "Blumenthal's current fifteen minutes of fame is building recognition that could help him if he decides to run for governor."} {"idx": "mnli-2217", "premise": "'Don't worry.", "hypothesis": "Panic!"} {"idx": "mnli-2218", "premise": "The goal of this research effort is to catalyze development and implementation of innovative, cost-effective environmental technologies; develop scientific and engineering information needed by EPA to support regulatory and policy decisions; and provide technical support and information transfer to ensure effective implementation of environmental regulations and strategies.", "hypothesis": "The EPA has regulated the environment and environmental policy in the United States since the Clinton administration."} {"idx": "mnli-2219", "premise": "We were alone in a corridor.", "hypothesis": "We stood in the hallway of the abandoned hospital. "} {"idx": "mnli-2220", "premise": "no right well i i have trouble right well i have trouble with one too in fact sometimes if i even just twist wrong my kneecap will pop off so you know um walking seems to be the one and it it really seems to be", "hypothesis": "I have never had any trouble with my knees. "} {"idx": "mnli-2221", "premise": "But they conclude that all the choices available to Witztum and Rips created wiggle room, thus permitting the authors' biases to corrupt the results.", "hypothesis": "The choices allowed for in-depth thought on the subject."} {"idx": "mnli-2222", "premise": "Brown praised the recommendation for addressing a very important issue.", "hypothesis": "The recommendation addressed such a trivial issue."} {"idx": "mnli-2223", "premise": "Recommendation #6 Research is needed to identify the factors that foster the organizational and practitioner behavior changes needed to institutionalize screening and intervention for alcohol problems among ED patients.", "hypothesis": "ED patients have alcohol problems that need to be intervened."} {"idx": "mnli-2224", "premise": "Hersh's information may be damning, they say, but it is unverifiable and irrefutable.", "hypothesis": "Hersh has no information, they say."} {"idx": "mnli-2225", "premise": "What's their bet?", "hypothesis": "What is their wager? "} {"idx": "mnli-2226", "premise": "the number of risk assessments performed", "hypothesis": "risk assessments were performed."} {"idx": "mnli-2227", "premise": "Adrin kept his hands visible and out at his sides.", "hypothesis": "Adrin put his hands up into the hair and waved them."} {"idx": "mnli-2228", "premise": "Recently the ashtray smell has begun to permeate our apartment--I presume through the wooden floors.", "hypothesis": "The apartment reeked because of the people smoking and leaving their ashes in the ashtray."} {"idx": "mnli-2229", "premise": "'Uh, I think maybe I'll get something to eat and we can do this later-' I started to babble, stepping out of the bath.", "hypothesis": "I got out of the bath while I was babbling."} {"idx": "mnli-2230", "premise": "For what Grove has done exceptionally well is manage.", "hypothesis": "What Grove hasn't done exceptionally well is manage."} {"idx": "mnli-2231", "premise": ") says herbal remedies can work--Saint Johnswort does cure some folks' mild depression--but herbs also have nasty side effects.", "hypothesis": "Saint Johnswort does cure depression for some people."} {"idx": "mnli-2232", "premise": "leadership succession, but will continue to adhere to the core vision and values embedded in the community in ways that ensure the highest degree of relevancy to the increasingly diverse communities of clients in need of equal justice services.", "hypothesis": "The communities in need of equal justice services are becoming more and more diverse."} {"idx": "mnli-2233", "premise": "well i can imagine", "hypothesis": "I can see vividly "} {"idx": "mnli-2234", "premise": "EPA addressed OIRA's concerns by lessening the information collection requirements for risk management plans in its final rule.", "hypothesis": "The OIRA was happy with the EPA's actions."} {"idx": "mnli-2235", "premise": "it is i just have to take my hat off to Peter DeNiro he is one of the best actors i've ever seen it's", "hypothesis": "I really admire Peter DeNiro's acting."} {"idx": "mnli-2236", "premise": "The Dead Sea is synonymous with the Dead Sea Scrolls, ancient rolls of writing in Hebrew and Aramaic.", "hypothesis": "The Dead Sea Scrolls are some of the most important documents discovered in modern times."} {"idx": "mnli-2237", "premise": "there's a TV show where the man is the one raising the kids and the wife is and i maybe they based it on that Mister Mom movie but uh", "hypothesis": "Will your husband fail at raising the kids?"} {"idx": "mnli-2238", "premise": "Anyone have a synonym for future?", "hypothesis": "Someone please tell a synonym for future."} {"idx": "mnli-2239", "premise": "being a renter not even caring about that", "hypothesis": "Being a person who rents not even caring about that."} {"idx": "mnli-2240", "premise": "These expectations, for purposes of brevity, can be summarized as a delivery system in which eligible clients in every state are afforded an equal opportunity to avail themselves and ultimately to attain high-quality civil legal assistance.", "hypothesis": "The system is only for high-paying clients who have high-profile cases."} {"idx": "mnli-2241", "premise": "what do you do in your garden and i'll go nothing what is should i do but anyway i guess that's about it though it sounds like we've covered all the bases so i guess we'll let you go and um do you have anything else you wanted to say", "hypothesis": "We haven't even come close to covering everything, stay on the line."} {"idx": "mnli-2242", "premise": "Men love the troubles they know, Ajami witheringly observes.", "hypothesis": "Ajami observes men love trouble that they're familiar with."} {"idx": "mnli-2243", "premise": "I don't think crisis would be overstating the case.", "hypothesis": "I think that this case might be a crisis."} {"idx": "mnli-2244", "premise": "Representing yourself in court can be a tricky endeavor.", "hypothesis": "Lawyers are much better than self-representation."} {"idx": "mnli-2245", "premise": "It holds the various courts of the city, together with a library of law and a basement restaurant.", "hypothesis": "It does not hold any of the courts of the city."} {"idx": "mnli-2246", "premise": "He must report his failure to Mr. Carter.", "hypothesis": "Mr. Carter isn't known as an easy-going man."} {"idx": "mnli-2247", "premise": "Library research and consultation, however, are only part of your preparation.", "hypothesis": "On top of library research and consultation, field work will also be part of your preparation."} {"idx": "mnli-2248", "premise": "Indeed, it is said that Scotland gave golf to the world.", "hypothesis": "Scotland was the original place of golf."} {"idx": "mnli-2249", "premise": "and so we're all everybody's out planting and buying and", "hypothesis": "75% of people would rather buy and plant from us than any other garden store."} {"idx": "mnli-2250", "premise": " \"Gracias, Don Cazar.\"It was the thanks of equal to equal.", "hypothesis": "Go away I hate you Don Cazar."} {"idx": "mnli-2251", "premise": "In defining the specific categories of items, or elements, that would appear as stewardship information, the Board decided on the ", "hypothesis": "The Board isn't quite sure how to define the items, but they're working on it."} {"idx": "mnli-2252", "premise": "Does not buy clothes at Banana Republic.", "hypothesis": "Banana Republic has the best clothing. "} {"idx": "mnli-2253", "premise": "Zarco ruled the western half of Madeira, while his fellow Portuguese captain and navigator, Tristao Vaz Teixeira, governed over the eastern half from Machico.", "hypothesis": "They were on friendly terms."} {"idx": "mnli-2254", "premise": "Beside this temple is a huge bell that has no rope (its clapper is swung by hand).", "hypothesis": "The bell beside this temple has no rope."} {"idx": "mnli-2255", "premise": "Four of the five companies we visited wanted their critical processes at a minimum of a 1.33 Cpk and many had goals of achieving higher Cpks.", "hypothesis": "A minimum of a 1.33 Cpk was the level at which four of the five companies we visited wanted their critical processes at, and many had goals of achieving higher Cpks."} {"idx": "mnli-2256", "premise": "adjust that well you you know more about this stuff than i do obviously then", "hypothesis": "I know more than you do about this."} {"idx": "mnli-2257", "premise": "Let me propose another reference group that the culturati might glorify in the (perhaps vain) hope of curbing spending- happily functioning people.", "hypothesis": "I am going to come up with another group."} {"idx": "mnli-2258", "premise": "probably one big thing about them and uh", "hypothesis": "Most likely one large thing about them."} {"idx": "mnli-2259", "premise": "But it would be a pity to miss the quiet majesty of the Palacio de los Duques (Palace of the Dukes of Gandaa), home of Saint Francis Borja (1510-1572), fourth Duke of Gandaa, who abandoned worldly pleasures to join the Jesuit order after the death of his wife.", "hypothesis": "Francis Borja led a life of hedonism after his wife died."} {"idx": "mnli-2260", "premise": "The decree accused Sister Jeannine Gramick and Rev.", "hypothesis": "The decree accused me."} {"idx": "mnli-2261", "premise": "For nearly 300 years, Islamic conquest in India was confined to this trading community in Sind, but in the tenth century, tribesmen from Turkistan, driven west by Chinese expansion, set up a state at Ghazni and began raids across the border to plunder Hindu temples.", "hypothesis": "Without Chinese expansion, Hindus would have continued to live in peace."} {"idx": "mnli-2262", "premise": "i i i just don't see any problems with it i think it's just uh obstinate Americanism", "hypothesis": "There are a lot of problems with it, and it's best to leave it alone."} {"idx": "mnli-2263", "premise": "Between 1990 and 1997, bill/payment volume declined by only 1.1 billion pieces.", "hypothesis": "bill volume declined in a linear fashion as opposed to an exponential one"} {"idx": "mnli-2264", "premise": "Contact the Hong Kong Yacht Club at Tel. 2832 2817 for information.", "hypothesis": "The Hong Kong Yacht Club has not contact details"} {"idx": "mnli-2265", "premise": "And uh then i have given that up but uh i would really like to start that again because i am now you know not in a position that i like myself i don't feel", "hypothesis": "I would love to pick up some sports again, because I am out of shape."} {"idx": "mnli-2266", "premise": "Although monitoring, in itself, may encourage compliance with information security policies, the full benefits of monitoring are not achieved unless results are used to improve the security program.", "hypothesis": "Information security policies were introduce last year and updated this year."} {"idx": "mnli-2267", "premise": "oh i don't think that would be bad at all if you're in Richardson you'd probably wanted to come to the to the Dallas site", "hypothesis": "Don't come to the Dallas site, even if you're in Richardson."} {"idx": "mnli-2268", "premise": "Well, I'm damned! ", "hypothesis": "That's not surprising."} {"idx": "mnli-2269", "premise": "In warm weather months, their spirited 4-piece orchestras play everything from Moon River to polkas and Neapolitan love songs.", "hypothesis": "The orchestras are limited to three members each."} {"idx": "mnli-2270", "premise": "Out back on the terrace is a mini-village, where a little palheiro , a house with a weaving loom, and an old-fashioned shop re-create a bit of old Madeira.", "hypothesis": "Old Madeira is reborn on the terrace with a mini village, little palheiro, weaving loom containing house, and old fashioned shop."} {"idx": "mnli-2271", "premise": "It has been closed indefinitely to the public since 1990 but is beautiful to view from afar none the less.", "hypothesis": "It was closed in 1990 because the tourists were causing too much destruction."} {"idx": "mnli-2272", "premise": "The vast majority of Jews, of course, did nothing of the sort--just like the vast majority of Czech, Pole, and American soldiers.", "hypothesis": "The Jews were nothing like the Czech, Poles, and American soldiers."} {"idx": "mnli-2273", "premise": "A number of sculpted tombs include the sculpted tombs of Marie de Valois (on the right) and Robert the Wise d'Anjou (d. 1343; behind the high altar).", "hypothesis": "Marie de Valois died of the Black Death in the year 1200."} {"idx": "mnli-2274", "premise": "The amount and kinds of evidence required to support auditors' conclusions should be based on auditors' professional judgment.", "hypothesis": "The kinds of evidence that support auditors conclusions should be based on their professional judgment, never their personal feelings."} {"idx": "mnli-2275", "premise": "A remnant of the Byzantine Empire survived in Nicaea (now Iznik), and recaptured Constantinople in 1261, but the city had been shattered and its great monuments were strip?\u03b0ed of gold, silver, and precious works of art.", "hypothesis": "Constantinople was never recaptured by the Byzantine Empire."} {"idx": "mnli-2276", "premise": "um for me it's it's a real it's a real consideration um uh and and uh the but no i probably wouldn't have even though i'm really quite into cars it's it's probably my main hobby", "hypothesis": "I spend the majority of my weekend waxing and fixing up my car."} {"idx": "mnli-2277", "premise": "After the more sober spirituality of the Romanesque churches, the soaring Gothic cathedrals of Chartres, Paris (Notre-Dame), Bourges, and Amiens were at once monuments to the glory of God and testimony to the sheer power, spiritual and temporal, of the Roman Catholic Church.", "hypothesis": "Chartres, Paris, Bourges and Amines' cathedrals were monuments to the glory of God and, at the same time, testimony to sheer power of the Islamic religion."} {"idx": "mnli-2278", "premise": "If you want us to stay and others want to leave, they can leave.", "hypothesis": "\"If you want the others to leave, they will leave, and we will stay.\""} {"idx": "mnli-2279", "premise": "I was to be accompanied by a full contingent of bodyguards, of course.", "hypothesis": "They were worried about me and would give me bodyguards."} {"idx": "mnli-2280", "premise": "The Moors suffered a major setback in 1212 at the battle of Navas de Tolosa in northern Andalusia, but they still clung to the kingdom of Granada and were only finally evicted from there in 1492.", "hypothesis": "The Moors thrived at Navas de Tolosa."} {"idx": "mnli-2281", "premise": "For more information on the recent NIPA definitional and classificational changes, see Brent R. Moulton, Robert P. Parker, and Eugene P. Seskin, A Preview of the 1999 Comprehensive Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts, Survey of Current Business, Bureau of Economic Analysis ", "hypothesis": "Moulton worked on the Comprehensive revision of the national income and product accounts report in January of 1999."} {"idx": "mnli-2282", "premise": "True, but you are not sufficient. I was hurt, and showed it. ", "hypothesis": "My feelings are not easily hurt. "} {"idx": "mnli-2283", "premise": "Legal Aid workers say their 13-attorney staff can provide full services for only about one in every five people who ask for them, leaving many to fend for themselves.", "hypothesis": "The staff has 13 attorneys."} {"idx": "mnli-2284", "premise": "However, an additional smoke stack is normally unnecessary.", "hypothesis": "But an extra smoke stack is usually unnecessary."} {"idx": "mnli-2285", "premise": "From Beforethewars.\"", "hypothesis": "From before the wars."} {"idx": "mnli-2286", "premise": "There is no wall, no natural choke point.", "hypothesis": "There's a river, not a wall."} {"idx": "mnli-2287", "premise": "Both the news and calendar pages allow all users to submit their own articles and events.", "hypothesis": "Users are excited about being able to share their own events on the calendar page."} {"idx": "mnli-2288", "premise": "Besides, how was he to judge what was normal in extreme cases of surgery?", "hypothesis": "Could he decide whether the case was solvable by extreme surgery?"} {"idx": "mnli-2289", "premise": "Starr has been especially squirmy about this.", "hypothesis": "This has made Starr squirmy. "} {"idx": "mnli-2290", "premise": "Also of major note is the early-16th-century Cardinal Piccolomini Library, off the left aisle.", "hypothesis": "The Cardinal Piccolomini Library was built in 1945 at the end of World War II."} {"idx": "mnli-2291", "premise": " If the island's second largest town has any centre at all, it's the sleepy square in front of the sagging old police barracks.", "hypothesis": "There are five towns on the island."} {"idx": "mnli-2292", "premise": "You can visit the factory throughout the year or buy from stores in the city center.", "hypothesis": "The factory can only be visited at wintertime."} {"idx": "mnli-2293", "premise": "A few days later, the Times printed an op-ed criticizing the liberal media for ignoring the Davidson news conference.", "hypothesis": "The Times printed an editorial that said the liberal media ignored a news conference that was very important."} {"idx": "mnli-2294", "premise": "Our advertising does not--and never has--treated all drugs equally.", "hypothesis": "We have, in the past, treated and advertised all drugs equally."} {"idx": "mnli-2295", "premise": "Commentators complained of the Series' sloppy play but applauded the epic Game 7, in which the Marlins, down to the last two outs of their season, eked out the tying run and won in extra innings.", "hypothesis": "Commentators have been generally pleased with the success of play throughout the Series."} {"idx": "mnli-2296", "premise": "McGwire's Balls", "hypothesis": "McGwire had no balls."} {"idx": "mnli-2297", "premise": "A variety of themes are space, health, communications, agriculture, etc.", "hypothesis": "There is only one theme."} {"idx": "mnli-2298", "premise": "Editorialists labored to connect the two contrary outcomes.", "hypothesis": "Both of the outcomes were the same."} {"idx": "mnli-2299", "premise": "That's just the point, Albert.", "hypothesis": "That is precisely my point, Albert. "} {"idx": "mnli-2300", "premise": "Devising the question calls for the deft and tactful art of the straight man, for playing George Burns to your Gracie Allen.", "hypothesis": "Straight men are needed for forming the question. "} {"idx": "mnli-2301", "premise": "From the back of the cantina emerged a middle-aged Negro.", "hypothesis": "A dark-skinned man emerged from behind the cantina."} {"idx": "mnli-2302", "premise": "In this case however, the dogma being shattered is based fundamentally on ignorance.", "hypothesis": "Ignorance is driving the dogma."} {"idx": "mnli-2303", "premise": "'I already have.'", "hypothesis": "I've done it already."} {"idx": "mnli-2304", "premise": "Have you the key of the door?", "hypothesis": "Do you have keys to any one of these doors?"} {"idx": "mnli-2305", "premise": "I had infected his sister with the spawn of my loins, he said.", "hypothesis": "I infected the young girl."} {"idx": "mnli-2306", "premise": "Even if the message comes from someone you are sure has not forgotten you--one of your children, for example--it is a comfort to be reminded.", "hypothesis": "Your children have forgotten you."} {"idx": "mnli-2307", "premise": "What had he said wrong? ", "hypothesis": "Where had he gone wrong in his speech?"} {"idx": "mnli-2308", "premise": "she loves to play fetch and it doesn't matter where i throw it she can get it i've i've thrown it under under the refrigerator and she'll get down there and stick that long skinny paw in there she's very versatile", "hypothesis": "She loves fetch, and she will get it from anywhere I throw it."} {"idx": "mnli-2309", "premise": "The Beverly Hills set usually bops over to Century CityShopping Ceter, a pleasantly designed open-air mall that's an absolute parking nightmare on weekends.", "hypothesis": "The is no parking space at the Century City Shopping Center."} {"idx": "mnli-2310", "premise": "It is good news for adoptive parents that neither genetic relationship nor conscious awareness of genetic relationship is a prerequisite for love.", "hypothesis": "Adoptive parents may be insecure "} {"idx": "mnli-2311", "premise": "A more complex question", "hypothesis": "Query that is more detailed."} {"idx": "mnli-2312", "premise": "Migrants from Africa stop to rest in the Balearics, and some stay for the summer.", "hypothesis": "African migrants who rest in the Balearics sometimes stay for summer."} {"idx": "mnli-2313", "premise": "She remembered that this was one of the men Tommy was shadowing when she had last seen him.", "hypothesis": "Tommy was tailing this man when she last saw him."} {"idx": "mnli-2314", "premise": "okay i appreciate it thanks uh-huh", "hypothesis": "Stop, I didn't want that."} {"idx": "mnli-2315", "premise": "Jon picked it up.", "hypothesis": "Jon left it. "} {"idx": "mnli-2316", "premise": "Parcells' teams commit fewer penalties than almost any team in the league.", "hypothesis": "Parcell's team is extremely cautious not to commit penalties, unlike every other team in the league. "} {"idx": "mnli-2317", "premise": "Grisham is content with the simple and compelling observation that as a society we fail to treat the homeless with the dignity they deserve.", "hypothesis": "Grisham believes that we don't respect the homeless."} {"idx": "mnli-2318", "premise": "yep yeah well you think about the waste even i mean you know cost wise and and you know like you saving saving trees and stuff like that i mean it's just amazing you know the difference", "hypothesis": "it makes a big difference"} {"idx": "mnli-2319", "premise": "--Yours humbly,", "hypothesis": "Sincerely"} {"idx": "mnli-2320", "premise": "(The paternalism of the PDFA's campaign has sunk in at major newsrooms.", "hypothesis": "The PDFA's campaign has sunk in at major newsrooms."} {"idx": "mnli-2321", "premise": "i was going oh wait a minute come on guys this is crummy", "hypothesis": "I am going to wait five minutes - hey, this is unfortunately (caused by my closed friends)."} {"idx": "mnli-2322", "premise": "Well, let's do it. Tommy laid his paper finally aside.", "hypothesis": "Tommy had been focused entirely on his paper."} {"idx": "mnli-2323", "premise": "Here's your ticket.", "hypothesis": "You don't have a ticket."} {"idx": "mnli-2324", "premise": "Can Thorn and the Kal take another twenty? asked Jon to Susan.", "hypothesis": "Jon asked Susan whether Thorn and the Kal could take another twenty."} {"idx": "mnli-2325", "premise": "but yes i have worked i've worked for TI and i've worked for LTV", "hypothesis": "LTV was a better job than the one I had at TI."} {"idx": "mnli-2326", "premise": "You can imagine that, from my aunts' point of view, it was a very good match for me. ", "hypothesis": "From my aunt's perspective, it was a wrong match."} {"idx": "mnli-2327", "premise": "This is where the cruise boats dock.", "hypothesis": "The cruise boats have always docked here."} {"idx": "mnli-2328", "premise": "It's the center of the industry, and practically all the great wines are represented here.", "hypothesis": "You can find pretty good wines represented in the center of the industry."} {"idx": "mnli-2329", "premise": "Well then, I blurted out, \"it's absurd \u201dbut I suspect Miss Howard of not telling all she knows!\"", "hypothesis": "Miss Howard is giving us too much information at once. "} {"idx": "mnli-2330", "premise": "The tensions between, say, competition and compassion, or efficiency and equity, which blighted politics for so long, are sterile quarrels of yesteryear.", "hypothesis": "Political tension between head and heart has gone by the wayside."} {"idx": "mnli-2331", "premise": "they have that show on yeah every now and then um-hum well i found that they they have just a much better program than the other shows that are on TV", "hypothesis": "Their program has better ratings than the others shows that are on TV."} {"idx": "mnli-2332", "premise": "that that was one i mean it's not my all time favorite movie but it was good it was really good", "hypothesis": "I was disappointed because that movie was so poor."} {"idx": "mnli-2333", "premise": "We appreciate your desire to help but we can take care of ourselves.", "hypothesis": "We can take care of ourselves in this battle."} {"idx": "mnli-2334", "premise": "Conceived as a temporary structure just for the Fair, the tower was slated for destruction in 1910, but nobody had the heart to take it down.", "hypothesis": "The tower was supposed to be destroyed, but it took a strong effort to save it."} {"idx": "mnli-2335", "premise": "Also available are more moderately priced leather goods, on the bustling Via Tritone, Via Nazionale and Via del Corso.", "hypothesis": "You can buy less expensive leather goods on the Via Tritone."} {"idx": "mnli-2336", "premise": "And there was very little space inside.", "hypothesis": "The inside lacked a lot of space."} {"idx": "mnli-2337", "premise": "By the way, it's not altogether clear that this price cap regime would achieve one of its other principle objectives, that is, to put downward pressure on future cost increases.", "hypothesis": "Future cost increases will definitely experience downward pressure as a result of this price cap regime."} {"idx": "mnli-2338", "premise": "Current law addresses each of These pollutants independently, on different timetables, through several different programs.", "hypothesis": "There will be new laws to reduce the effects of these pollutants."} {"idx": "mnli-2339", "premise": "Stow it, said Number 14.", "hypothesis": "Number 14 was silent."} {"idx": "mnli-2340", "premise": "I say Helms started it, an' th' jumpin' went th' other way 'round, Sergeant.", "hypothesis": "The Sergeant wanted to know if Helms was involved."} {"idx": "mnli-2341", "premise": "I merely realized that it was possible, from your story, for Monsieur Lawrence to go to the poison cupboard. ", "hypothesis": "I noticed that Monsieur Lawrence could have gone to the poison cupboard."} {"idx": "mnli-2342", "premise": "a doctoral-level psychologist trained and certified in motivational interviewing techniques.", "hypothesis": "A doctoral-level psychologist who has no idea how to conduct motivational interviews."} {"idx": "mnli-2343", "premise": "as total lines of code or can be broken out into new, modified, and reused lines of code.", "hypothesis": "Most code written is appropriated from previous written code."} {"idx": "mnli-2344", "premise": "The carp's ability to struggle upstream against a strong current is regarded as a fit model for Japanese boys.", "hypothesis": "Japanese boys use the carp as fit model."} {"idx": "mnli-2345", "premise": "We must act at once. ", "hypothesis": "It is imperative that we do not act."} {"idx": "mnli-2346", "premise": "In fact, the evidence thus far is quite depressing in this regard.", "hypothesis": "The evidence is actually pretty depressing. "} {"idx": "mnli-2347", "premise": "That went quick, he already had a tried and true mix of additives, preservatives, and stabilizers ready, which had always worked just fine.", "hypothesis": "That was quick since he always had on hand all of the ingredients that he has used with success in the past."} {"idx": "mnli-2348", "premise": "oh uh-huh well i've seen the afghans in the in the stores that uh are designed for cross-stitch", "hypothesis": "The afghans I viewed in the shop were for cross-stitching."} {"idx": "mnli-2349", "premise": "For more than a century, the most exhilarating way up Victoria Peak has been by funicular.", "hypothesis": "For over a century the most exciting method up the Victoria Peak is by funicular."} {"idx": "mnli-2350", "premise": "If there were actually a threshold, then the shape of the C-R function above the threshold would likely change.", "hypothesis": "The threshold probably doesn't exist yet."} {"idx": "mnli-2351", "premise": "It is better than being cooked and eaten, said San'doro.", "hypothesis": "San'doro wants to be cooked and eaten. "} {"idx": "mnli-2352", "premise": "She 'happened to be near the door'. ", "hypothesis": "She was trying to listen to their conversation."} {"idx": "mnli-2353", "premise": "Managers generally welcomed their new authority to make spending, personnel, and operational decisions that had formerly been made by central authorities.", "hypothesis": "It is more affordable if new authority is used over the central authorities. "} {"idx": "mnli-2354", "premise": "An article says his daughter Tina and wife Barbara will squabble over his $200 million estate.", "hypothesis": "The family is going to fight over his money."} {"idx": "mnli-2355", "premise": "I should suggest that we call upon him there as soon as possible.", "hypothesis": "I think he has the answers we need and we should see him now."} {"idx": "mnli-2356", "premise": "and you know that was just a couple lines and you push a button and you hear a train and then the the the toot toot", "hypothesis": "You push a button and you hear a train, and the toot toot sound"} {"idx": "mnli-2357", "premise": "Since then, the city has frozen hiring and chopped programs to stave off a budget emergency.", "hypothesis": "The city is taking all possible precautions in order to avoid an emergency."} {"idx": "mnli-2358", "premise": "We are not contemplating taking that money out of South Carolina, he said.", "hypothesis": "Taking the money from South Carolina never crossed his mind."} {"idx": "mnli-2359", "premise": "Application of this interpretation to the U.S.-Mexico border would disrupt access of permanent legal residents to the legal system in the poorest region of the United States.", "hypothesis": "Applying this interpretation could set the U.S.-Mexico border back weeks."} {"idx": "mnli-2360", "premise": "Oh, there are larger worlds, the Explorer said.", "hypothesis": "The Explorer said that larger worlds existed."} {"idx": "mnli-2361", "premise": "A Note on the Impact of Hedonics and Computers on Real GDP", "hypothesis": "This document contains information on Real GDP."} {"idx": "mnli-2362", "premise": "Lipstick lesbians wear heavier makeup than straight women.", "hypothesis": "Straight women wear more makeup than lesbians."} {"idx": "mnli-2363", "premise": "and i try to uh you know try something else you know something with a little more vegetables or something but yeah i was the same way but we haven't really eaten Chinese that much since we've been in uh Texas it's funny", "hypothesis": "We eat Chinese food in Texas every day."} {"idx": "mnli-2364", "premise": "White ethnics have ceased to be the dominant force in urban life.", "hypothesis": "White ethics are no longer the dominant force."} {"idx": "mnli-2365", "premise": "There were only a few of us still around back then.", "hypothesis": "Only a few people remained in the village."} {"idx": "mnli-2366", "premise": "Starting where Ajanta left off some of the Buddhist artists may well have moved over to Ellora all of the 34 caves were created between the seventh and 12th centuries.", "hypothesis": "There were only four Buddhist artists in all of Asia."} {"idx": "mnli-2367", "premise": "The degree to which a system or component isAvailability operational and accessible when required for use, often expressed as a probability.", "hypothesis": "Information is collected to determine availability operational and accessible."} {"idx": "mnli-2368", "premise": "Value of the satisfaction of having given a $100 gift to Z .", "hypothesis": "There was no feeling of worth from giving the money to Z."} {"idx": "mnli-2369", "premise": "There wasn't even a trace of bedsoreness, though he had been flat on his back long enough to grow callouses.", "hypothesis": "His body ached with beadsoreness."} {"idx": "mnli-2370", "premise": "i'm not sure though when we talk about what rules if any that we should say well certain segments should not have to be tested i really don't see why", "hypothesis": "we won't say anything about the rules at all, we will though say that everything has to be tested thoroughly "} {"idx": "mnli-2371", "premise": "However, as it stands, my hard-earned cash is simply being handed directly over to retired people, many of whom are much better off than I am--and I'm never going to see dollar one of a payout from this so-called investment.", "hypothesis": "Retired people are benefiting from my money."} {"idx": "mnli-2372", "premise": "But after the Crusade of Pisa (see page 19), Islamic power waned, and in the early 13th century Ibiza was embraced by the Christian Reconquest.", "hypothesis": "The Christian Reconquest had taken over 13th century Ibiza."} {"idx": "mnli-2373", "premise": "Standard cost implies a norm, or what costs should be.", "hypothesis": "The cost is not the norm."} {"idx": "mnli-2374", "premise": "They're deceased!", "hypothesis": "They're deceased due to radiation!"} {"idx": "mnli-2375", "premise": "Next to the MGM Grand you will find M and M World, four stories of merchandise and memorabilia dedicated to the candy that doesn't melt in your hand.", "hypothesis": "The candy has many fans who love its attractions."} {"idx": "mnli-2376", "premise": "You will remember my speaking of a stain on the carpet in Mrs. Inglethorp's room? ", "hypothesis": "No one knew what the stain was or how it got there. "} {"idx": "mnli-2377", "premise": "and i i think you're right uh i think you're right there um i do remember when it was over i remember when they were coming home uh but i remember the feeling back then you know like i feel like right now i feel like this country has been behind this war", "hypothesis": "The country supported the war."} {"idx": "mnli-2378", "premise": "But your remembrance of the history, the past, the events shepherding you all the way through yesterday toward today- that is important.", "hypothesis": "This is less imporatnt - what you ate yesterday, what someone told you, or what is the hour."} {"idx": "mnli-2379", "premise": "no that's okay i didn't give away the whole thing i just gave away just enough to get you interested", "hypothesis": "Are you interested in seeing it now?"} {"idx": "mnli-2380", "premise": "put dents in the tiles just multitude of them i mean even places it's it's past the dent stage we're talking some of it's been peeled away you know i don't know what they", "hypothesis": "Some of the tiles have dents and the finish is peeling."} {"idx": "mnli-2381", "premise": "This misses the point.", "hypothesis": "I did exactly what I was supposed to do. "} {"idx": "mnli-2382", "premise": "The system stretches up to 16 km (10 miles) inland and includes Green Grotto, a vast cavern with an underground lake where stalactites are clearly reflected in the glassy water.", "hypothesis": "The Green Grotto cavern is over 500 feet high."} {"idx": "mnli-2383", "premise": "After writing about Anderson's piece in , I sent a letter to the New York T imes , which printed it Sunday.", "hypothesis": "The article writer wanted to do a piece every Sunday."} {"idx": "mnli-2384", "premise": "All the way back, my heart wouldn't stop pumping.", "hypothesis": "My heart was no longer pumping blood. "} {"idx": "mnli-2385", "premise": "you do run into you do run into limitations on yours oh wow", "hypothesis": "You have limits."} {"idx": "mnli-2386", "premise": "Construction began in 1999.", "hypothesis": "Construction began in June 1999."} {"idx": "mnli-2387", "premise": "um besides uh gardening what other uh types of things are you interested in", "hypothesis": "How many seeds are on a maize cob?"} {"idx": "mnli-2388", "premise": "Two, the Patient on the Specialized Life Support System answered.", "hypothesis": "The patient is very unwell"} {"idx": "mnli-2389", "premise": "Why did they think we were here? ", "hypothesis": "Did they not realize that we were here?"} {"idx": "mnli-2390", "premise": "for like spring break and", "hypothesis": "for spring break, for example"} {"idx": "mnli-2391", "premise": "And Mr. Brown is a consummate actor.", "hypothesis": "Mr. Brown is the best actor ever. "} {"idx": "mnli-2392", "premise": "If the fact will not fit the theory, let the theory go.\"", "hypothesis": "The theory isn't right if the facts don't fit it."} {"idx": "mnli-2393", "premise": "which i thought was interesting", "hypothesis": "I had some interest in it."} {"idx": "mnli-2394", "premise": "It was designated the home of the treasury of the Delian League in 480 b.c. , an act which encouraged its growth as a center for banking and commerce.", "hypothesis": "The Delian League did not locate the treasure here. "} {"idx": "mnli-2395", "premise": "Shalit argues that when you walk down the street you can tell the virgins by their fresh, healthful glow.", "hypothesis": "Shalit, a psychology professor in Washington, refers to this glow as the 'glow of innocence'."} {"idx": "mnli-2396", "premise": "As you fly down the coast from Caletta, you'll suddenly spot a small forest of tall domes in a town with a lake at its center.", "hypothesis": "As you arrive in Caletta from the coast, you will see a town with a small forest and lake next to it."} {"idx": "mnli-2397", "premise": "it doesn't well to a point it's okay you know i don't mind i've never had a problem with them letting people in i just don't think that they they are right in some of the things they do", "hypothesis": "I don't believe that protesting is right, but I don't mind people joining in."} {"idx": "mnli-2398", "premise": "As part of that gift, he went beyond conventional forms and images of expression.", "hypothesis": "The gift was of exceptional value."} {"idx": "mnli-2399", "premise": "Mrs. Vandemeyer shook her head.", "hypothesis": "Mrs. Vandemeyer moved her head for several seconds. "} {"idx": "mnli-2400", "premise": "Salinger , and forced the biographer to remove many quotations from the published work.", "hypothesis": "The biographer was forced to remove many quotes from their previously published work. "} {"idx": "mnli-2401", "premise": "And there have been some attempts to build political portals, such as PoliticsOnline.com . But while such sites do a good job of making recent articles and broad-based resources available, they've yet to combine the Net's strongest attributes--searchability and multiple information sources--with political sophistication.", "hypothesis": "Users would be more interested in a political portal that was searchable in terms of information sources."} {"idx": "mnli-2402", "premise": "Economic Commentary.", "hypothesis": "Political differences voiced publicly."} {"idx": "mnli-2403", "premise": "that's uh pretty much takes up a lot of our day as far as producing transparencies and things", "hypothesis": "Producing transparencies takes a fairly short amount of time"} {"idx": "mnli-2404", "premise": "This exciting museum embraces France's tremendous creativity from 1848 to 1914 in the domains of painting, sculpture, architecture and industrial design, advertising, newspapers, book publishing, photography, and the early years of cinema.", "hypothesis": "The museum has nothing other than German pottery."} {"idx": "mnli-2405", "premise": "uh others people don't know what they want to do but as far as uh you know the Peace Corps i guess i suppose there's a few people that have done it at that point in their lives but i think a lot of it's you know when the people get older they'll do something like that", "hypothesis": "When people grow up they sometimes join the Peace Corps."} {"idx": "mnli-2406", "premise": "This is a very dreadful business, Monsieur Poirot, he said. ", "hypothesis": "This is a very terrible business, Monsieur Poirot, he said."} {"idx": "mnli-2407", "premise": "Bad luck.", "hypothesis": "One thing after another went wrong because of bad luck."} {"idx": "mnli-2408", "premise": "The latter two districts are newer residential and shopping barrios that extend west and south of the old city.", "hypothesis": "The latter two districts are older residential and shopping barrios that extend east and north of the old city."} {"idx": "mnli-2409", "premise": "yeah she i mean she seems on the outside uh good and everything but but i don't know it just it just kind of bothers me and that that just may be because we're not used to having i'm not used to having women in in roles like that you know as role models", "hypothesis": "She doesn't bother me, I am used to seeing women in roles like that."} {"idx": "mnli-2410", "premise": "The small center still retains vestiges of its heritage as a fishing village, but modern hotels and apartments have been built on the outskirts.", "hypothesis": "The center is still a fishing village."} {"idx": "mnli-2411", "premise": "'You've got a deal.'", "hypothesis": "There was no deal."} {"idx": "mnli-2412", "premise": ", thoroughness, appropriate use of investigative techniques, impartiality, objectivity, protection of individual rights, and timeliness) in the performance of their work.", "hypothesis": "They had no rules."} {"idx": "mnli-2413", "premise": "After the takeover, one of the first hints of the new corporate culture was the removal of all those convenient signs, and--so the rumor went--the firing of the guy whose job it was to keep them up to date.", "hypothesis": "The company was not taken over."} {"idx": "mnli-2414", "premise": "The Dayton Accord separates the country into two the Muslim-dominated Bosnian Federation and the Serbian Republika Srpska.", "hypothesis": "The division brought about by the Dayton Accord was widely approved of by the Bosnian and Serbian people."} {"idx": "mnli-2415", "premise": "Federal non-Social Security surpluses are eliminated through 2010, and unified deficits emerge in 2019.", "hypothesis": "Federal non-Social Security deficits may occur in 2020."} {"idx": "mnli-2416", "premise": "Surely she was at least entitled to demand an explanation.", "hypothesis": "She was definitely allowed to want an explanation. "} {"idx": "mnli-2417", "premise": "Most of the items you'll find in Madeira, like pretty hand-painted plates, planters, jugs, and jars, come from the mainland but if you're not traveling to other parts of the country, Madeira is still a good place to pick them up at bargain prices.", "hypothesis": "You can still find cheap hand-painted plates, jugs, and jars at Madeira."} {"idx": "mnli-2418", "premise": "um-hum and i wanna play on the beach area too that's what i would do you know i'm just sitting here listening listening to your accent and thinking what a good time the computer's going to have with that", "hypothesis": "As I sit here ignoring you I think the computer is going to be miserable. "} {"idx": "mnli-2419", "premise": "Outside the valley, Nepal slumbered on, for all intents and purposes still in the Middle Ages.", "hypothesis": "In areas outside of the valley, Nepal did not see growth."} {"idx": "mnli-2420", "premise": "Cheer up, old thing, it can't be helped. 26 \"Can't it, though!\" Tuppence's little chin shot out defiantly.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence stayed quiet and didn't say anything."} {"idx": "mnli-2421", "premise": "Bad idea!", "hypothesis": "Terrible idea!"} {"idx": "mnli-2422", "premise": "Other commenters-including the Commission's Office of Consumer Advocate-expressed doubts regarding the legal soundness of one or both of the proposed variants of such agreements.", "hypothesis": "The Commission's Office were certain of the legal soundness."} {"idx": "mnli-2423", "premise": "Some changes in personal values are simply part of growing older.", "hypothesis": "Some changes in values are a part of growing older and wiser."} {"idx": "mnli-2424", "premise": "\"Croaker, also.\" Drew stopped by the mule, patted the long nose, gave a flip to the limp ear.", "hypothesis": "Drew kicked the horse and spit on its ear."} {"idx": "mnli-2425", "premise": "European Tour, takes place at Santo da Serra Golf Club.", "hypothesis": "The European tour can be found at the Santo da Serra Golf Club."} {"idx": "mnli-2426", "premise": "Fragrant hydrangeas line walking paths skirting the edges of mountain terraces.", "hypothesis": "Flowers are unable to grow along the paths."} {"idx": "mnli-2427", "premise": "oh okay yeah i just found out i'm going to Denver Sunday night again", "hypothesis": "I am going to Denver for the first time this weekend. "} {"idx": "mnli-2428", "premise": "As she stood there, with her honest face upturned to mine, I thought what a fine specimen she was of the old-fashioned servant that is so fast dying out. ", "hypothesis": "The look on her face hinted that she was dishonest."} {"idx": "mnli-2429", "premise": "i think brutally i mean this guy point blank just shot him in the head i mean just uh for no reason i mean he the cop pulled him over for like a manor minor traffic thing you know and", "hypothesis": "The man had no real reason to murder him."} {"idx": "mnli-2430", "premise": "Our approach would significantly reduce the state resources needed to conduct modeling, planning and regulatory activities to attain the standards.", "hypothesis": "Our approach would reduce state resources that are needed to conduct modeling."} {"idx": "mnli-2431", "premise": "yeah i could see the word in my head i just couldn't pronounce it", "hypothesis": "I could imagine the word but not say it correctly."} {"idx": "mnli-2432", "premise": "Is everyone watching videos instead?", "hypothesis": "Everyone might be watching Netflix documentaries instead."} {"idx": "mnli-2433", "premise": "Jon had taken Vrenna's amazing diversion to reload his pistols.", "hypothesis": "Jon was asleep while Vrenna distracted the men. "} {"idx": "mnli-2434", "premise": "Who's going? demanded Tuppence sharply.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence wasn't interested in knowing who was going. "} {"idx": "mnli-2435", "premise": "On the basis of engineering estimates, the estimated cost of deferred maintenance ranges from $ 75 to $ 100 million in 199Z.", "hypothesis": "Deferred maintenance can be estimated by engineering calculations."} {"idx": "mnli-2436", "premise": "Its centerpiece is a gilded seated wooden statue of the Kannon Bodhisattva, 3.3 m (11 ft) high, with 11 faces on the crown of its head and 40 arms (extravagantly known as a thousand arms ) wielding bells, wheels, and lotus flowers.", "hypothesis": "The centerpiece is a standing image of the Kannon Bodhisattva."} {"idx": "mnli-2437", "premise": "There's no scientific or psychological basis for believing that children are affected in their sexual development or eventual sexual orientation by exposure to homosexuality--on television or in real life.", "hypothesis": "There's no scientific evidence for a link between a child's exposure to homosexuality and their later sexual orientation."} {"idx": "mnli-2438", "premise": " LSC will seek additional funds to increase the presence of LSC staff in the field.", "hypothesis": "They were currently overwhelmed."} {"idx": "mnli-2439", "premise": "With the exception of the lowest volume post (Poste Italiane) the model's predicted percentages are close to the actual percentages for delivery.", "hypothesis": "The model predicts percentages that are quite accurate."} {"idx": "mnli-2440", "premise": "Unresolved questions about the nature and format of the intervention that could use input from research are enumerated below.", "hypothesis": "Every question was answered. "} {"idx": "mnli-2441", "premise": "The universe seemed to cry out.", "hypothesis": "The universe echoed with what seemed the sound of crying."} {"idx": "mnli-2442", "premise": "and uh he was showing it to me and we're looking under the hood and everything's nice and clean and you know you can see the three spark plugs there in the front And i said well where are the other three", "hypothesis": "We peered under the car and saw four spark plugs."} {"idx": "mnli-2443", "premise": "Sir James again felt Mrs. Vandemeyer's pulse.", "hypothesis": "Sir James refused to touch Mrs. Vandemeyer and told someone else to take her pulse. "} {"idx": "mnli-2444", "premise": "It's your own foolishness in trying to take something without permission that gave you away.", "hypothesis": "You were given away because you tried to steal."} {"idx": "mnli-2445", "premise": "You get us a working Franklin in two weeks, and we'll pretend everything is happening exactly as it should.", "hypothesis": "There was a deadline imposed to get Franklin working in two weeks, otherwise there would be an issue."} {"idx": "mnli-2446", "premise": "She seems to enjoy it, and I may yet be in the mood to read a movie parody called Star Drech.", "hypothesis": "It appears that she enjoys when it happens."} {"idx": "mnli-2447", "premise": "I darted past as quickly as possible, keeping my head firmly down.", "hypothesis": "I tripped when I was darting quickly. "} {"idx": "mnli-2448", "premise": "yeah she'll she'll dip her food or her paw down into the food and scoop up some and eat it from her paw", "hypothesis": "She'll eat her food directly from the source without using her paw."} {"idx": "mnli-2449", "premise": "that's interesting i hadn't i hadn't run into anything quite that long or fortunately there", "hypothesis": "I've faced much worse."} {"idx": "mnli-2450", "premise": "The second thing I learned is the importance of collaboration among judges, bar associations, private attorneys and civil legal service providers.", "hypothesis": "Everyone who works in law must work together."} {"idx": "mnli-2451", "premise": "The United States falls somewhere between these extremes.", "hypothesis": "The United States conforms to only one of these extremes."} {"idx": "mnli-2452", "premise": "The act requires the Department of the Treasury to produce a consolidated financial statement for the federal government, which GAO is to audit annually.", "hypothesis": "The act does not require anything of relevance."} {"idx": "mnli-2453", "premise": "One of the finest private collections in Europe (since bequeathed to Portugal), it was created as an exhibiton space for the thousands of works of art acquired by the renowned Armenian billionaire Calouste Gulbenkian.", "hypothesis": "Gulbenkian got one of the greatest collections in all of Europe."} {"idx": "mnli-2454", "premise": "you and your dog huh hey that sounds great well we don't we don't camp quite as much as we used to but uh i still think it's a great way to spend a time with your family and", "hypothesis": "My family used to go camping every summer when I was a kid, though we don't do it that much anymore. "} {"idx": "mnli-2455", "premise": "Subia was nominated by President Bush to the board of directors of the Legal Services Corp. -- a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing legal services to low-income people.", "hypothesis": "Subia was Bush's first nominee to the Board of Directors."} {"idx": "mnli-2456", "premise": "To assist federal managers, the Committee published guiding principles and key issues for implementing GPRA.", "hypothesis": "The Committee sabotaged the federal managers by publishing guiding principles for implementing GPRA."} {"idx": "mnli-2457", "premise": "You're too weak to control the salamander, but this was done well in the emergency.", "hypothesis": "You don't have the strength to tell the salamander what to do, but you reacted well in the crisis."} {"idx": "mnli-2458", "premise": "His knees were bent.", "hypothesis": "He bent his legs."} {"idx": "mnli-2459", "premise": "Their cumulative and longer term effects, however, some of which may be largely unknown at this time, may be substantial.", "hypothesis": "Their cumulative and long term effects are predictable and likely insubstantial."} {"idx": "mnli-2460", "premise": "And if things go well, you were behind the commander in chief all the way.", "hypothesis": "If things go well, you support the President."} {"idx": "mnli-2461", "premise": "Vrenna continued her dance, kicking one man in the chest and cleaving into the flank of another.", "hypothesis": "Vrenna kicked a small child in the chest as she danced. "} {"idx": "mnli-2462", "premise": "Ever since we gave up posture for fitness, big square shoulders with a tendency to hunch are no longer a disgrace but the appropriate sign of strength, especially if worn with strong biceps.", "hypothesis": "we did not give up posture for fitness."} {"idx": "mnli-2463", "premise": "what branch were you in what branch were you in i was too", "hypothesis": "What branch were you in?"} {"idx": "mnli-2464", "premise": "T. Temple Tuttle, an ethnomusicologist at Cleveland State University, feels the holes conform to a number of scales, including the South Indian system.", "hypothesis": "In the South Indian system, holes are unrelated to scales."} {"idx": "mnli-2465", "premise": "right right it's just it's just uh like a necessary evil i mean when we when our children were younger when they were like four years old three years old five years old we we just had Sesame Street and that was about it you know", "hypothesis": "Sesame Street was just one of many programs to watch when our kids were younger."} {"idx": "mnli-2466", "premise": "This growing number of titles leaves publishing houses with less time and attention to edit and market books.", "hypothesis": "Publishing houses can give less attention to editing books."} {"idx": "mnli-2467", "premise": "four people with with luggage and uh course this grant it that's you know it's been four years ago but it's remarkable that the that the bigger vans uh they're uh my boss just bought a a pick up truck and uh he only gets seventeen miles a gallon", "hypothesis": "My boss drives a car that gets 30mpg."} {"idx": "mnli-2468", "premise": "The Commentariat Would Like a Nonsmoking Table, Most polls agree that a quarter of the American adult population smokes regularly.", "hypothesis": "The commentariat requests for a smoking table."} {"idx": "mnli-2469", "premise": "Retention IRS developed a performance standard relating to the fair and equitable treatment of taxpayers that senior executives must meet.", "hypothesis": "The IRS has a standard relating to how taxpayers are treated."} {"idx": "mnli-2470", "premise": "Barry McCaffrey, has made it clear he regards the two laws as the work of deceptive and mischievous drug legalizers who have snookered a lot of otherwise right-thinking people.", "hypothesis": "Barry McCaffrey wants to legalize drugs."} {"idx": "mnli-2471", "premise": "The lovely 200-year old house and garden are flush with orchids.", "hypothesis": "The garden of the house is filled with nothing but roses."} {"idx": "mnli-2472", "premise": "Only members of the imperial family and high-ranking priests are allowed past the second of the four fences.", "hypothesis": "There are four fences, and you can only go past the second one if you are a member of the imperial family, or a high-ranking priest."} {"idx": "mnli-2473", "premise": " \"Why?\" Bork asked.", "hypothesis": "He was concerned with the ramifications of the proposed troop formation."} {"idx": "mnli-2474", "premise": "In general, clearer guidance was provided to programs on reviewing their own reporting procedures and practices, ensuring they conformed to the Handbook and ensuring all branch offices were aware of and were following these procedures.", "hypothesis": "It was decided that guidance needed to be scrapped so that branch offices can create their own set of procedures."} {"idx": "mnli-2475", "premise": "It was thin and sharp with a wire-wrapped hilt and a weighted spike on the tip of the hilt.", "hypothesis": "It was deadly."} {"idx": "mnli-2476", "premise": "The British Labour Party supported the return of domestic policy-making power to Scotland.", "hypothesis": "Scotland was starting to gain its power to make policies for their own country back "} {"idx": "mnli-2477", "premise": "multiethnic, democratic societies.", "hypothesis": "Democratic societies with only white people. "} {"idx": "mnli-2478", "premise": "After a band of guerrillas captured ex-Cambodian dictator Pol Pot one month ago, many Cambodians began demanding that he be tried for the murder of the millions killed by his regime.", "hypothesis": "Pol Pot was a Cambondian dictator."} {"idx": "mnli-2479", "premise": "Did they say anything about the meat?", "hypothesis": "Did they show dislike for the meat dish I prepared?"} {"idx": "mnli-2480", "premise": "anyway maybe you know maybe it'll it'll help in some way but i don't know there there there definitely even with the few disadvantages like that are far better than the alternative", "hypothesis": "Maybe it will help a great deal more than the alternatives. "} {"idx": "mnli-2481", "premise": "Already recognized as a federal nonprofit, the agency is awaiting state status that would allow it to survive on charitable donations.", "hypothesis": "They would still seek other sources of funding."} {"idx": "mnli-2482", "premise": "That boy needs an editor.", "hypothesis": "That boy needs his work to be edited, said his teacher."} {"idx": "mnli-2483", "premise": "He was naked, old, and small.", "hypothesis": "He was a small, naked, old man. "} {"idx": "mnli-2484", "premise": "They also saw a wave of Greek immigrants from the Turkish mainland during and after the proclamation of the Turkish state in 1923.", "hypothesis": "They saw a wave of Russian immigrants from the Korean mainland."} {"idx": "mnli-2485", "premise": "In a statement, Sawyer said she played no role in this decision.", "hypothesis": "Sawyer never gave a statement."} {"idx": "mnli-2486", "premise": "spelled out when i was looking at her materials when she first started you know she had her benefits package and all that kind of stuff and it told about the dress code and it said", "hypothesis": "One of the requirements of the dress code is to not dress casual."} {"idx": "mnli-2487", "premise": "For example, I could appoint a deputy with the approval of at least three members of a panel consisting of the Chairmen and Ranking Minority Members of our oversight committees.", "hypothesis": "It is a better use of everyone's time only to bother three panel members in hiring a deputy."} {"idx": "mnli-2488", "premise": "One week, you're the only one he can turn to when Newt shuts down the government; the next, you're bucking him up for Saddam.", "hypothesis": "There is a week in which you are the only person he can turn to when the government is shut down."} {"idx": "mnli-2489", "premise": "BLM also included a performance element in the senior executives' plans to Improve Human Resources Management and Quality of Work Life.", "hypothesis": "BLM is not concerned with the performance of their Human Resources Management. "} {"idx": "mnli-2490", "premise": "i had i had an eighty eight that i really liked then it got wrecked and so i bought a ninety um because i i really liked my eighty eight and i've had a lot of problems with this one so", "hypothesis": "I bought a ninety because I really liked the eighty-eight that I had. "} {"idx": "mnli-2491", "premise": "Hiking, or trekking, as it is most often called here, is a marvellous way of getting away from the often madding crowd in India, and you will find it is well organized in the old hill-stations.", "hypothesis": "You can go trekking to see hill stations."} {"idx": "mnli-2492", "premise": "some places do some don't right just depends you know how long how long it takes them to figure it out if they can just tell right away", "hypothesis": "Most places can figure it out right then and there."} {"idx": "mnli-2493", "premise": "Martha is finally being treated as the CEO of a company called Omnimedia, not as a bitchy hausfrau.", "hypothesis": "Martha is the CEO of a company named Omnimedia."} {"idx": "mnli-2494", "premise": "They had to be willing to work with business managers to enable rather than to control business operations.", "hypothesis": "They had to be eager to work together with business managers to control business operations instead of enabling them."} {"idx": "mnli-2495", "premise": "The ossified state of European telecom monopolies would stun American Webheads.", "hypothesis": "American Webheads would be stunned by European telecom monopolies."} {"idx": "mnli-2496", "premise": "In fact, the sole purpose of his piece was to continue the media assault on Tripp as some kind of back-stabbing dragon lady whom we should all view with disgust and loathing.", "hypothesis": "Tripp was considered by some to be treacherous and beneath contempt."} {"idx": "mnli-2497", "premise": "However, he did tend to drink a bit too much.'", "hypothesis": "He drank a bit too much sometimes."} {"idx": "mnli-2498", "premise": "Britain's political and economic connections to Madeira can be traced to the 17th century.", "hypothesis": "Britain has political and economic connections to Madeira because of the wine trade."} {"idx": "mnli-2499", "premise": "Bush plays up his born-again faith to the religious right.", "hypothesis": "Bush caters to the religious right with his faith."} {"idx": "mnli-2500", "premise": "There are flea markets and weekly markets in many small towns (see box, page 77).", "hypothesis": "The small towns have no markets."} {"idx": "mnli-2501", "premise": "This exciting museum embraces France's tremendous creativity from 1848 to 1914 in the domains of painting, sculpture, architecture and industrial design, advertising, newspapers, book publishing, photography, and the early years of cinema.", "hypothesis": "The museum celebrates painting, sculpture, architecture, and more."} {"idx": "mnli-2502", "premise": "Finally, he poured a few drops of the coco into a test tube, sealing it up carefully. ", "hypothesis": "He put drops in a test tube and sealed it."} {"idx": "mnli-2503", "premise": "No one will do you any harm.", "hypothesis": "They will definitely harm you."} {"idx": "mnli-2504", "premise": "It wasn't complete plug and pray.", "hypothesis": "It was a partial plug and pray."} {"idx": "mnli-2505", "premise": "Much that was said about Japanese management style in the 1980s--with its supposed Zen focus and greater sense of process than outcome--was pure buncombe.", "hypothesis": "The information about Japaneese management in the 1990s was correct. "} {"idx": "mnli-2506", "premise": "He likens the revered editor to the character Prince Myshkin in The Idiot : innocent and vulnerable, someone who must be protected.", "hypothesis": "The editor, who has been likened to Prince Myshkin in The Idiot, is not at all revered. "} {"idx": "mnli-2507", "premise": "With its numerous buildings set within extensive grounds, Kiyomizu's main attraction is the hondo (main hall).", "hypothesis": "The hondo is the most popular attraction for visitors to Kiyomizu."} {"idx": "mnli-2508", "premise": "They enjoyed a privileged position during the time of the British Raj.", "hypothesis": "British Raj was the only time of the year where they enjoyed a higher privilege."} {"idx": "mnli-2509", "premise": "The attorneys who take on These cases often do so on extremely short notice.", "hypothesis": "These cases can sit for years before an attorney works on them. "} {"idx": "mnli-2510", "premise": "uh and i i think that's probably the fun of watching minor league baseball and the other thing is watching guys on the other end uh guys that i had seen play for both the Red Sox and Pittsburgh", "hypothesis": "It's fun seeing players play for opposite teams."} {"idx": "mnli-2511", "premise": "Canseco's making five million a year", "hypothesis": "Canseco has never made five million per year"} {"idx": "mnli-2512", "premise": "they will already have in fact i have one myself i'm reluctant to admit", "hypothesis": "I'm not ashamed to admit that I do not have one myself."} {"idx": "mnli-2513", "premise": "and uh and i'm i'm i'm especially sorry for the people that are you know have spent all these years trying to deal with it emotionally because you know until the last past four or five years nobody ever really worried about that for them", "hypothesis": "People had emotional problems."} {"idx": "mnli-2514", "premise": "While Americans returning home must pay 10% duty on everything above $600 worth of purchases made abroad, the US customs levy added to the price of an item may still come to less than what the purchases would cost in Boston or Chicago.", "hypothesis": "Customs fees are not charged below $1000 in purchases."} {"idx": "mnli-2515", "premise": "Try to do your open air sightseeing in the morning and late afternoon.", "hypothesis": "Open air sightseeing isn't recommended around lunch time."} {"idx": "mnli-2516", "premise": "it's best to take your lessons right at the beginning before you learn the bad habits i guess", "hypothesis": "You should learn on your own before taking lessons."} {"idx": "mnli-2517", "premise": "The Savoy also has a reputation for lively nightlife in its bar.", "hypothesis": "The Savoy bar has is well-known for its active nightlife."} {"idx": "mnli-2518", "premise": "She has been leaning on the Met to find a more intimate venue for her projects.", "hypothesis": "She is looking at the largest stadiums available for her shows."} {"idx": "mnli-2519", "premise": "exactly well i i work uh i'm a financial analyst and uh uh", "hypothesis": "I work as a day trader so I'm basically self-employed."} {"idx": "mnli-2520", "premise": "you know they still got a drug habit but they're legal", "hypothesis": "All drug habits are illegal regardless of the source."} {"idx": "mnli-2521", "premise": " The words Sather Karf had been intoning came to a sudden stop, even before they could be drowned in the shouts of shock and panic from the others.", "hypothesis": "Sather Karf's words ended abruptly before the others' shouts could overpower them."} {"idx": "mnli-2522", "premise": "They mounted up and rode hard in the crags, down into the valley and two days later they came to Fena Dim.", "hypothesis": "They were going to Fena Dim to attend a wedding ceremony. "} {"idx": "mnli-2523", "premise": "Influential blacks from around the country advised him to quit the race and leave the seat to the man many of them viewed as its rightful heir.", "hypothesis": "Influential blacks attempted to stop someone from joining the presidential race to allowed their candidate the power."} {"idx": "mnli-2524", "premise": "The other man wore a black hood and cloak.", "hypothesis": "A black hood and cloak was worn by the other man."} {"idx": "mnli-2525", "premise": "I'll see if I can help you out.'", "hypothesis": "I wouldn't help you even if I could."} {"idx": "mnli-2526", "premise": "Horrified by the rise of casual office wear, the garment industry is launching a PR campaign to popularize formal attire, says an article . All kinds of designers are getting in on the Sean Puffy Combs' fall collection is full of dressier sportswear.", "hypothesis": "The garment industry is trying to make formal attire more popular."} {"idx": "mnli-2527", "premise": "oh they're bulbs for Spring or Fall", "hypothesis": "The bulbs are only for summer to scare away the birds."} {"idx": "mnli-2528", "premise": "and and all he has to do is one you know hit it once it doesn't he can he can strike he can swing a couple times if he if he fouls it up he can swing as much as he can it's an interesting uh", "hypothesis": "It is not as easy as it looks to hit the ball."} {"idx": "mnli-2529", "premise": "RECOURSE -The rights of a holder in due course of a financial instrument (such as a loan) to force the endorser on the instrument to meet his or her legal obligations for making good the payment of the instrument if dishonored by the maker or acceptor.", "hypothesis": "The endorser of a financial instrument has no obligation to make payment to a rights holder."} {"idx": "mnli-2530", "premise": "that was in the seventies uh-huh", "hypothesis": "It was back in the eighties."} {"idx": "mnli-2531", "premise": "In Palma, the shops Can Bonet and Dana sell fine handmade embroidery.", "hypothesis": "There are embroidery shops in Palma that will embroider anything you bring them."} {"idx": "mnli-2532", "premise": "you know um i used to think Dallas was better than Houston because their zoning for where you can put a house next to a now it looks just like Houston to me you know", "hypothesis": "I used to think Dallas was better than Houston but now Dallas looks just like Houston."} {"idx": "mnli-2533", "premise": "Reporting Entities of the Federal Government", "hypothesis": "Reporting Entities of the Federal Government under President Obama"} {"idx": "mnli-2534", "premise": "La Camargue", "hypothesis": "Defenetly not La Camargue."} {"idx": "mnli-2535", "premise": "When tenants have vigorous representation, the outcome is much different, Legal Services lawyer Lewis Liebler said Wednesday as he joined about six other lawyers doing pro bono work.", "hypothesis": "Tenants usually have better cases than it seems like they do but sometimes a lawyer is needed to bring that out."} {"idx": "mnli-2536", "premise": "for for city use and", "hypothesis": "Only the city can use it."} {"idx": "mnli-2537", "premise": "EPA estimates that there are approximately 490 respondents that are affected by the air emission rules and must submit an initial applicability notification.", "hypothesis": "Anyone harming the air must answer to the epa. "} {"idx": "mnli-2538", "premise": "But, honestly, I don't think much of the idea.", "hypothesis": "The idea is very important to this process. "} {"idx": "mnli-2539", "premise": "A writer goes inside the Air Force surveillance planes currently searching Kosovo for Serbian tanks.", "hypothesis": "There have been military actions in Kosovo."} {"idx": "mnli-2540", "premise": "to the housing market and even though we're in a slump right now it's not going to last forever it's going to catch up sooner or later and uh you got you got to live in a house some day uh", "hypothesis": "The housing market is in a slump right now."} {"idx": "mnli-2541", "premise": "and with pro ball you mean", "hypothesis": "You mean with pro ball."} {"idx": "mnli-2542", "premise": "Nearby is the Kelter Parke, a huge, shady pleasure garden, venue of the annual International Fair.", "hypothesis": "The pleasure garden is extremely popular with locals as it is nearby."} {"idx": "mnli-2543", "premise": "But, at lunch-time, there arrived a new piece of evidence \u201dor rather lack of evidence. ", "hypothesis": "A new evidence has shown up at lunch time."} {"idx": "mnli-2544", "premise": "He kept his eyes down on the photographs and let her talk.", "hypothesis": "He stared at her intently while she spoke."} {"idx": "mnli-2545", "premise": "Agencies were to implement the new policies for the SES appraisal cycles that began in 2001.", "hypothesis": "Appraisal cycles starting in 2001 were done under new rules requiring greater oversight and accounting."} {"idx": "mnli-2546", "premise": "Then follow-up interviews would have to do less alcohol intake assessment, and that would mean less intervention effect on the control group.", "hypothesis": "There would be some follow-up assessments."} {"idx": "mnli-2547", "premise": "They track, and are built on the LSC Performance Criteria and ABA Standards for Providers of Civil Legal Services to the Poor.", "hypothesis": "The LSC Performance Criteria is related to the ABA Standards for Prividers of Civil Legal Services to the Poor."} {"idx": "mnli-2548", "premise": "The analysis concludes that the final rule will not impose any additional burdens on small entities because most of the changes in the rule do not require the development of new information.", "hypothesis": "Most rule changes to not require new information."} {"idx": "mnli-2549", "premise": "Ever raced that colt of yours?\" ", "hypothesis": "Have you ever won by racing your colt?"} {"idx": "mnli-2550", "premise": "From a stock of Mongolian, Chinese, Korean, and perhaps also Malay settlers, the country has had several thousand years to develop a solidly unified ethnicity.", "hypothesis": "Japanese people are still from 4 separate ethnic groups."} {"idx": "mnli-2551", "premise": "Don't wait lunch for him.\"", "hypothesis": "Do not wait breakfast for him."} {"idx": "mnli-2552", "premise": "This put Las Vegas on the map and was one of the crucial turning points of its history.", "hypothesis": "Las Vegas was already well-known before this event."} {"idx": "mnli-2553", "premise": "At the bottom end of the market, try refrigerator magnets in the shape of Ionian or Corinthian columns!", "hypothesis": "There are no refrigerator magnets at the market."} {"idx": "mnli-2554", "premise": "Iraklion comes as a surprise to travelers used to Greek islands further north in the Aegean Sea.", "hypothesis": "There are multiple Greek Islands in the Aegean."} {"idx": "mnli-2555", "premise": "How...why? ", "hypothesis": "Why did this happen?"} {"idx": "mnli-2556", "premise": "uh-huh do those can crushers work good", "hypothesis": "Are the can crushers hard workers?"} {"idx": "mnli-2557", "premise": " Broad agreement by the civil justice community, including the courts and IOLTA programs, on the values, purposes, and objectives of the State Planning Initiative.", "hypothesis": "The initiative's values, purposes and objectives were agreed upon broadly."} {"idx": "mnli-2558", "premise": "I wasn't going to out muscle him so I settled for firing it into his foot.", "hypothesis": "I was worried my opponent would kill me so I shot him in the foot."} {"idx": "mnli-2559", "premise": "There's a shop specializing in all these items on Av.", "hypothesis": "There are no stores that deal with these items on Av."} {"idx": "mnli-2560", "premise": "The policy and guidance should also be revised to include (1) a requirement to capture and use specific manufacturing knowledge at the production commitment point as exit criteria to transition from system demonstration into production and (2) a requirement to structure major weapon system contracts to ensure the capture and use of knowledge for DOD to make investment decisions at critical junctures when transitioning from system integration to system demonstration and then into production.", "hypothesis": "The policy and guidance shouldn't also be revised"} {"idx": "mnli-2561", "premise": "Life is simpler on this secluded island and the beaches are not so crowded.", "hypothesis": "The island is lined with beaches on almost its entire coastal circumference."} {"idx": "mnli-2562", "premise": "In sensitive areas such as the Adirondacks, for example, the majority of lakes have remained fairly constant in terms of acidification levels, while the most sensitive lakes continue to acidify.", "hypothesis": "The least sensitive lakes remain fairly constant in terms of acidification levels."} {"idx": "mnli-2563", "premise": "Here's a quick review of possible objections, left and ", "hypothesis": "There are no objections."} {"idx": "mnli-2564", "premise": "um-hum i i didn't have that exper ience i i don't have cable so i i'm pretty much limited to PBS which i thought i thought they did a very good job", "hypothesis": "I have cable so I do not bother turning on PBS."} {"idx": "mnli-2565", "premise": "Cut sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions by 73 percent, from current emissions of 11 million tons to a cap of 4.5 million tons in 2010, and 3 million tons in 2018.", "hypothesis": "There is a goal to cut CO2 emissions by 50% by 2018."} {"idx": "mnli-2566", "premise": "These laws are uncoordinated and often inconsistent.", "hypothesis": "The laws are coordinated and applied consistently."} {"idx": "mnli-2567", "premise": " The sun had struck near the horizon, throwing up huge masses of material.", "hypothesis": "The sun had landed close to the horizon."} {"idx": "mnli-2568", "premise": "Then I remembered that enigmatical conversation between Poirot and Evelyn Howard. ", "hypothesis": "A previous conversation between Poirot and Evelyn Howard came to my mind."} {"idx": "mnli-2569", "premise": "San'doro spun low and threw one of the daggers twirling end over end.", "hypothesis": "San'doro stabbed with a dagger."} {"idx": "mnli-2570", "premise": "If you struggle or cry out, I'll shoot you like a dog.\" The rim of steel pressed a little harder against the girl's temple.", "hypothesis": "He threatened to shoot her regardless of the things she does. "} {"idx": "mnli-2571", "premise": "right and it's cutting off the uh the there there are two knives and it cuts off the uh you know excess seam allowance", "hypothesis": "It has two cutting blades that trim off extra seam fabric."} {"idx": "mnli-2572", "premise": "Today, Japan is more like America's kid brother than a mortal threat.", "hypothesis": "Japan is at odds with America, like an estranged cousin."} {"idx": "mnli-2573", "premise": "Certainly not.", "hypothesis": "In no way will I do that for my honor."} {"idx": "mnli-2574", "premise": "and um they have little bar there so we sit there and um sipping on some mixed drinks before we get to eat", "hypothesis": "We always skip the drink, and go straight into the food."} {"idx": "mnli-2575", "premise": "After all, you know, you can't bluff him forever.", "hypothesis": "You can lie to him forever."} {"idx": "mnli-2576", "premise": "well i i think what's happened too is just our technology is just advancing so rapidly that and there's so much information available out there that folks out there just have a hard time keeping up aside from just going through their daily routine of living to get from day to day", "hypothesis": "Our technology is advancing quickly and we can't keep up with it at all."} {"idx": "mnli-2577", "premise": "they they can tight they can get out of control", "hypothesis": "There is no chance that they will grow uncontrollably."} {"idx": "mnli-2578", "premise": "One of the best beaches, pockmarked with volcanic steam spouts, is the Lido dei Maronti on the south coast near the little fishing village of Sant'Angelo.", "hypothesis": "Lido dei Maronti is located near Sant'Angelo."} {"idx": "mnli-2579", "premise": "Or will they stay with a president who claims to have ended the Bush recession and who offers a lesser tax cut?", "hypothesis": "I am not interested in which president the voters choose. "} {"idx": "mnli-2580", "premise": "Furthermore, environmental monitoring networks tracked important environmental improvements - - acid deposition was reduced by up to 30 percent in certain areas of the country.", "hypothesis": "Acid deposition is correlated to acid rainfall."} {"idx": "mnli-2581", "premise": "Apart from its sheer size, the roofline is the most striking aspect of the chateau ' a surprisingly harmonious blend of cupolas, domes, turrets, spires, and chimneys.", "hypothesis": "The chateau roof is formed by a huge dome that occupies it's all size."} {"idx": "mnli-2582", "premise": "Based on its economic impact, the rule was determined to be a significant regulatory action within the meaning of Executive Order No.", "hypothesis": "The rule states that all shoes must incorporate Velcro fasteners."} {"idx": "mnli-2583", "premise": "LSC continues to provide technical assistance to grantees in many areas of state planning including, but not limited to, development and implementation of state plans, resource development, and mergers.", "hypothesis": "LSC assists many who receive grants in the state. "} {"idx": "mnli-2584", "premise": "On 19 June 1566 Mary Stuart gave birth to her son James (the future James VI of Scotland and James I of England) in the small antechamber off a larger room known as Queen Mary's Room.", "hypothesis": "Mary's son James became king when he was 32."} {"idx": "mnli-2585", "premise": "The baths and gymnasia were of alabaster and granite, decorated with statues and frescoes.", "hypothesis": "The gymnasia and the baths were unadorned, with no artwork of any kind in either of them. "} {"idx": "mnli-2586", "premise": "By the way, Hastings, there is something I want you to do for me.", "hypothesis": "I have no favor that I require from you."} {"idx": "mnli-2587", "premise": "If the RWC is <25% effluent the concentrations may (1) 4 times the RWC, (2) 2 times the RWC, (3) RWC, (4) RWC/2, and (5) RWC/4.", "hypothesis": "If the RWC is under 25%, the concentrations vary."} {"idx": "mnli-2588", "premise": "John Nolan and I were talking about some of his responsibilities.", "hypothesis": "John Nolan doesn't have enough responsibilities "} {"idx": "mnli-2589", "premise": "uh yeah they usually do put a a year lease on it", "hypothesis": "They don't put a lease on it."} {"idx": "mnli-2590", "premise": "When you see the plays performed in the ancient theaters of classical or Roman times, such as those on Thasos or Kos, it makes it all worthwhile.", "hypothesis": "If you see a play in ancient theaters they make it worthwhile."} {"idx": "mnli-2591", "premise": "I took a couple of deep breaths.", "hypothesis": "I breathed in deeply."} {"idx": "mnli-2592", "premise": "This department has more than 5,500 employees and an annual appropriation of approximately $6.", "hypothesis": "There are only 1000 employees in this department."} {"idx": "mnli-2593", "premise": "A comparison of the Johnson Intervention with four other methods of referral to outpatient treatment.", "hypothesis": "The Johnson Intervention is only used to refer patients for commitment to an institution."} {"idx": "mnli-2594", "premise": "To get a sense of the long-term implications of alternative national saving paths, we examined the economic outlook over the next 75 years under two different (1) gross national saving remains constant at its 2000 share of GDP-18.", "hypothesis": "It is somewhat difficult to measure the long term implications of alternative national saving paths."} {"idx": "mnli-2595", "premise": "There is, for instance, the increasingly annoying Sports Night , a sitcom that combines the most irritating aspects of David Mamet and thirtysomething . Forthwith, the ABC spokesperson's remarks, as scripted by Sports Night contributor Aaron ", "hypothesis": "Sports Night is an annoying sitcom that's a cross between David Mamet and thirtysomething."} {"idx": "mnli-2596", "premise": "In the current climate of scarce resources, LSC must remain committed to pursuing bold new approaches that foster effective legal assistance to low-income clients, including overhauling service areas adjudged to be insufficiently responsive to the tenets of State Planning.", "hypothesis": "In an era of abundant resources, LSC should scale back its commitment to providing legal assistance to poor clients."} {"idx": "mnli-2597", "premise": "why why do you run", "hypothesis": "How come you won't run?"} {"idx": "mnli-2598", "premise": "What, you may ask, is the key difference between chemical and biological weapons?", "hypothesis": "There are no differences between chemical and biological weapons."} {"idx": "mnli-2599", "premise": "In addition, contrary to recent assertions, we are not seeking the minutes of these meetings or related notes of the Vice President's staff.", "hypothesis": "To add to that, contrary to recent assertions, we are not seeking the minutes of these meetings or related notes of the Vice President's staff."} {"idx": "mnli-2600", "premise": "That year marked the high point for Kosovar aspirations to independence, and it remains the benchmark for NATO's demand at Rambouillet for a restoration of Kosovo's pre-1989 autonomy.", "hypothesis": "Kosovar's aspirations to become independent were at their highest that year."} {"idx": "mnli-2601", "premise": "that yeah with the ice but that uh that's about the worst worst winter i've been been through down here", "hypothesis": "The area I live in has some of the strangest, coldest winters."} {"idx": "mnli-2602", "premise": "A document of some kind, without doubt, possibly the scrap of paper Dorcas saw in her hand yesterday afternoon. ", "hypothesis": "Dorcas saw her holding a paper."} {"idx": "mnli-2603", "premise": "If the passthrough were over 100%, a result for which some parties argue, the discount would be larger and we would say that we are moving from rate category treatment toward subclass treatment.", "hypothesis": "The is a chance we will have poor treatment."} {"idx": "mnli-2604", "premise": "the you know just the time factor and just the anyway and i felt like i was listening to Dobson this morning and i i guess i even thought that then this morning so it's funny i got this topic because there were talking about how the Congress it pays the Congress to make you know legislation that encourages women to work outside the home because then you have two people you can tax and you you put both of those people in a higher bracket", "hypothesis": "Every woman that works outside the home is a loss to congress."} {"idx": "mnli-2605", "premise": "For all but the true believers, the publication of the rebuttal paper seems likely to end the Torah codes debate.", "hypothesis": "The Torah codes debate will probably be ended by the publication of the rebuttal paper."} {"idx": "mnli-2606", "premise": "Then I remembered- I was the honoured guest here.", "hypothesis": "I was being honoured for my heroic acts."} {"idx": "mnli-2607", "premise": "well i think uh i haven't had that much of course i just heard but i haven't had that much time to think about it either i guess the um biggest thing i find find find is the financial aspects uh particularly", "hypothesis": "I wish I didn't have to consider the financial aspects of it all."} {"idx": "mnli-2608", "premise": "and you want to make sure that it's done right and put back together right and you know i've i've in the past i've had brake jobs done by someone that when i went back and and looked at it some months later i'd find something drastically wrong with it", "hypothesis": "Failing to repair something properly will always lead to even bigger problems later."} {"idx": "mnli-2609", "premise": "Still, the Spain of yesteryear flourishes in many corners of the city.", "hypothesis": "Spain is on the decline."} {"idx": "mnli-2610", "premise": "The shock of landing must have broken bones, but a moment later he could begin to breathe again.", "hypothesis": "The landing impact must have broken his bones."} {"idx": "mnli-2611", "premise": "In addition, some organizations used e-mail to communicate less sensitive information to the entire membership.", "hypothesis": "In addition to this some organizations used e-mail to communicate non-sensitive information to their memberships."} {"idx": "mnli-2612", "premise": "well that's that's good exercise and i don't do enough of that either", "hypothesis": "That is excellent exercise and I don't participate enough of that kind of exercise either. "} {"idx": "mnli-2613", "premise": "Rubin is calm and confident.", "hypothesis": "Rubin is nervous and frustrated with himself."} {"idx": "mnli-2614", "premise": "sure but um yeah i'm not sure how much the water pollution is is directly related to the air pollution other than acid rain yeah", "hypothesis": "I'm totally sure that water pollution and air pollution are firmly linked."} {"idx": "mnli-2615", "premise": "but they're real", "hypothesis": "They are better than the imitations."} {"idx": "mnli-2616", "premise": "Avenue de la Grande-Armee points straight to Neuilly and the towers of La Defense with the Grande Arche behind.", "hypothesis": "The Grande-Armee does not lead to anything in particular."} {"idx": "mnli-2617", "premise": "So how can we Internet apologists explain away this finding?", "hypothesis": "Internet apologists aren't sure if there is a way to provide an explanation."} {"idx": "mnli-2618", "premise": "San'doro laughed.", "hypothesis": "San'doro stood grimly, not making a sound."} {"idx": "mnli-2619", "premise": "but i i hate laying out material and trying to get the most out of the material and make sure it's on the right lines and not on the bias and", "hypothesis": "I don't really care for the laying out process."} {"idx": "mnli-2620", "premise": "Among the most notable are three Rodin bronzes in its cloister, and works by Perugino, Veronese, El Greco, Rubens, Courbet, Manet, and Matisse.", "hypothesis": "The building is devoid of art of any kind, its furnishings frugal and bare."} {"idx": "mnli-2621", "premise": "News accounts agree that Arafat has finally shed his image as a terrorist and is now being honored by the White House not only as a virtual head of state but as the indispensable player in the peace process.", "hypothesis": "Reports have stated that Arafat is no longer a terrorist and is being a peaceful citizen in america"} {"idx": "mnli-2622", "premise": "Series EE savings", "hypothesis": "Series EE waste"} {"idx": "mnli-2623", "premise": "The most commonly stolen models are Honda Accords and Toyota Camrys.", "hypothesis": "Honda Accords and Toyota Camrys are the vehicles most criminals choose to steal."} {"idx": "mnli-2624", "premise": "Only this time, apparently, fortune was going to favor him.", "hypothesis": "This time fortune decided to favor someone else. "} {"idx": "mnli-2625", "premise": "he brought it home i believe it came in his uh his mail here's a camera and a dustbuster and some tools someone a lot of tools a man might like you know", "hypothesis": "He got things in the mail, such as tools and other household items"} {"idx": "mnli-2626", "premise": "Kobe is a major cosmopolitan center with thriving restaurants, bars, and nightlife, not to mention Nankin-machi, Japan's most famous Chinatown. ", "hypothesis": "Nankin-machi is Japan's second most famous Chinatown and is located in a rural area."} {"idx": "mnli-2627", "premise": "The trouble--the other half of the Japanese trap--is that while the conclusion that Japan needs inflation emerges from what looks like impeccable economic logic, we live in an era in which central bankers believe (and are believed to believe) in price stability as an overriding goal.", "hypothesis": "Central bankers in Japan completely assume that price stability is an overriding goal, but it's probably not. "} {"idx": "mnli-2628", "premise": "Activity analysis is accomplished with interviews, questionnaires, observation, and review of physical records of work.", "hypothesis": "Activity analysis is accomplished by performing meta analysis of other reviews."} {"idx": "mnli-2629", "premise": "Silence filled the clearing.", "hypothesis": "The birds chirped in the clearing."} {"idx": "mnli-2630", "premise": "It made Ca'daan want to cry.", "hypothesis": "It wanted to kill Ca'daan and eat him."} {"idx": "mnli-2631", "premise": "His later discovery of the New World brought prosperity to the Madeiran the island's strategic location on the great East-West trading route meant that ships anchored and took on food, water, and the valuable trading commodity of Madeira wine.", "hypothesis": "Soon the main trade good became olive oil."} {"idx": "mnli-2632", "premise": " Dave Hanson came awake trying to scream and thrusting at the bed with arms too weak to raise him.", "hypothesis": "Dave remained asleep as he tried to get up."} {"idx": "mnli-2633", "premise": "uh-huh right yeah watch yeah yeah i don't blame you", "hypothesis": "I blame you."} {"idx": "mnli-2634", "premise": "Research in this category may address a broad range of organizational issues-from the structure of alcohol and screening treatment services within the ED to the relationship of the ED to other sources of primary care and the organizational and fiscal factors affecting that relationship.", "hypothesis": "Research in this category made many people redundant"} {"idx": "mnli-2635", "premise": "To ensure that federal financial management improvement efforts succeed and that the President's and the CFO Council's priorities are achieved, the support and involvement of key nonfinancial executives and managers is critical.", "hypothesis": "Nonfinancial personnel have no impact on federal financial management improvement efforts."} {"idx": "mnli-2636", "premise": "If your family moves during your school years (ages 6-15), your chance of graduating high school falls by 16 percent, the chance that you'll be economically inactive (out of school and out of work) at age 24 rises by 10 percent--and, if you are female, your chance of getting through your teens without an out-of-wedlock birth falls by 6 percent.", "hypothesis": "The chance of graduating high school drops when your family moves during your school years."} {"idx": "mnli-2637", "premise": "This mail, also called business mail, is sent by non-households to other non-households.", "hypothesis": "This mail, often called Priority Mail, is sent by households to other households."} {"idx": "mnli-2638", "premise": "The selection of tourist mementos is interesting enough, but pales in comparison to the open-air Mercato San Lorenzo just north of the Duomo near the church of the same name.", "hypothesis": "The Mercato San Lorenzo is very interesting."} {"idx": "mnli-2639", "premise": "The subclasses of mail that exist today are based in considerable degree on content.", "hypothesis": "The subclasses of mail exist today"} {"idx": "mnli-2640", "premise": "oh well they they come out with a lot of bruises too", "hypothesis": "They got broken bones along with the bruises. "} {"idx": "mnli-2641", "premise": "(In last week's win against Minnesota, the Jets committed only one.)", "hypothesis": "The Jets played against Minnesota last week."} {"idx": "mnli-2642", "premise": "I was aware of other servants huddled together in the background, all eyes and ears. ", "hypothesis": "The other servants were paying rapt attention."} {"idx": "mnli-2643", "premise": "A data element is a unit of information with definable parameters (for example, a Social Security number), sometimes referred to as a data variable or data field.", "hypothesis": "A data element is information that is always 9 digits."} {"idx": "mnli-2644", "premise": "He argues that the theory of increasing returns is crucial to the case against Microsoft--which is true, although even so it is unclear why he couldn't just present the theory without the dubious intellectual history.", "hypothesis": "He says Microsoft depends on lowering returns for their argument to be successful."} {"idx": "mnli-2645", "premise": "Emery picks up the pieces at the cutoff time and transports them to its own facility.", "hypothesis": "Emery has his own mail system "} {"idx": "mnli-2646", "premise": "Hum, said Tommy doubtfully, \"I don't call that much of a clue.", "hypothesis": "\"That's it!\" said Tommy, knowing they had found a lead."} {"idx": "mnli-2647", "premise": "At the Aquarium of the Lakes, which is just beside the Lakeside Railway Station, you can familiarize yourself with the varieties of aquatic life that can be found around the National Park and beyond.", "hypothesis": "The Aquarium of the Lakes is currently closed to all visitors as it has shut down its operations."} {"idx": "mnli-2648", "premise": "Jon, said San'doro.", "hypothesis": "San'doro was too stunned to speak."} {"idx": "mnli-2649", "premise": "No, it's something more amorphous, like, Who do you want to hear it from the next time a plane crashes or a world leader is assassinated?", "hypothesis": "I want to hear it from nothing, nobody. I don't want to hear anything."} {"idx": "mnli-2650", "premise": "In addition to calculating the physical effects and monetary impacts of the Clear Skies Act, we also estimated the distribution of particulate matter air quality improvements that will be experienced by the US population.", "hypothesis": "The distribution of particulate matter air quality improvements is estimated."} {"idx": "mnli-2651", "premise": "i i was the person i was impressed with most i mean i i really you know Colin Powell and and General Schwartzkopf they're military people but i really didn't know that Cheney was as military minded as he is i mean", "hypothesis": "Colin Powell and General Schwartzkopf both served in the air force."} {"idx": "mnli-2652", "premise": "He is The Manchurian Candidate and a horny hick.", "hypothesis": "The Manchurian Candidate is horny,"} {"idx": "mnli-2653", "premise": "They especially take him to task for blaming Plath's suicide on fate and astrology.", "hypothesis": "He blamed plath's suicide on fate and astrology. "} {"idx": "mnli-2654", "premise": "The Peak Tram, originally steam-powered, was built to speed the wealthy taipans to their mountainside retreats.", "hypothesis": "The Peak Tram was originally powered by Diesel. "} {"idx": "mnli-2655", "premise": "no i think it's good in fact uh i don't know what the statistics were but i think that they were very surprised to find it so low i think they were expecting it to find uh like the national average at TI and i think it was tremendously down i think", "hypothesis": "They thought that the numbers would be better than last year's."} {"idx": "mnli-2656", "premise": "They incorporate information management as an intrinsic part of their business planning and decision making processes, discussing the benefits and risks associated with specific strategies for improving service, reducing cycle time, or reducing costs.", "hypothesis": "The risks associated with particular cost reduction plans are included in the process of information management."} {"idx": "mnli-2657", "premise": "In Paris, Le Monde led Sunday with a British court's decision to allow the extradition of Gen.", "hypothesis": "Le Monde led Sunday with a British court's decision to allow people to not pay taxes."} {"idx": "mnli-2658", "premise": "There are also scores of Celtic croses.", "hypothesis": "There aren't many Celtic crosses."} {"idx": "mnli-2659", "premise": "There's no telling how far the liberalizing of Lott might go with enough positive reinforcement.", "hypothesis": "It is definite that Lott will go far with positive reinforcement. "} {"idx": "mnli-2660", "premise": "Field laborers have a 69 percent higher risk for stomach cancer.", "hypothesis": "Field laborers have a lower risk of cancer."} {"idx": "mnli-2661", "premise": "yeah i'm not very familiar with with the the state of their agriculture agriculture", "hypothesis": "I'm not very familiar with the state of the agriculture in Poland"} {"idx": "mnli-2662", "premise": "From Styles Court.", "hypothesis": "Styles Court was the return address."} {"idx": "mnli-2663", "premise": "To supplement our work looking at leading organizations, we identified and reviewed a large body of literature on management reform, strategic planning, and performance measurement.", "hypothesis": "We reviewed a large body of literature on management reform."} {"idx": "mnli-2664", "premise": "This is similar to exceptionbased T&", "hypothesis": "This is very different from most exception-based "} {"idx": "mnli-2665", "premise": "The program also held design reviews for each of the major subsystems, allowing the program to achieve and demonstrate a stable design in July 1999, before beginning initial manufacturing of production representative prototypes.", "hypothesis": "The program doesn't review their designs."} {"idx": "mnli-2666", "premise": "Helms, who just two years ago threatened to end all U.N. funding, was charmed when Annan called on him last year.", "hypothesis": "Helms was charmed when Annan called him."} {"idx": "mnli-2667", "premise": "It's not religion anymore, it's commerce.", "hypothesis": "It's no longer commerce, it's religion."} {"idx": "mnli-2668", "premise": "I called upon the Benjamin Franklin Museum.", "hypothesis": "I skipped the museum."} {"idx": "mnli-2669", "premise": "The low beetling brows, and the criminal jaw, the bestiality of the whole countenance were new to the young man, though he was a type that Scotland Yard would have recognized at a glance.", "hypothesis": "The brows and jaw were new to the man. "} {"idx": "mnli-2670", "premise": "Our reviews over the past 20 years have consistently found that DOD's weapon system acquisitions take much longer and cost much more than originally anticipated, causing disruptions to the department's overall investment strategy and significantly reducing its buying power.", "hypothesis": "The DOD's weapons systems acquisitions have been very efficient. "} {"idx": "mnli-2671", "premise": "because uh i mean if you're flying anywhere down here you always go through Atlanta you can't avoid it", "hypothesis": "It's easy to avoid flying through Atlanta."} {"idx": "mnli-2672", "premise": "With it, Kaufman signaled that his comedy was about more than untranscendent It was about wondrously fucking with your head.", "hypothesis": "Kaufman's brand of comedy was primarily centered around sophisticated humor."} {"idx": "mnli-2673", "premise": "you know this is the way i feel about this and this is the way because i it's you know when you when you if you if you teach them when they're little the way you want them to be and the things that are important to you then you just you add onto it as they get older", "hypothesis": "let them act however they want when they're young"} {"idx": "mnli-2674", "premise": "well i'll i'll say something i said in the last conversation i hope i'm never in that position where i have to be put in one uh from all i've heard about it just not and i've heard", "hypothesis": "I hope I'm never in the position to be put in a nursing home."} {"idx": "mnli-2675", "premise": "yep oh yeah they do they get real emotional about it all the i've worked with a lot of people that hunt and they just they they don't see any sense in it at all they think it's ridiculous to have any kind of gun control but then of course they're hunters they know what they're doing they don't realize there're a bunch of crazy people out there that", "hypothesis": "Most hunters are against gun control because they know what they're doing and according to statistics, most hunters wouldn't kill a human being."} {"idx": "mnli-2676", "premise": "for crappie they use shiners", "hypothesis": "We've not had much luck with worms."} {"idx": "mnli-2677", "premise": "'I understand you've arranged a suitable program of events for tonight?' Natalia asked, as we strode into town.", "hypothesis": "Natalia was looking forward to an entertaining evening."} {"idx": "mnli-2678", "premise": "Farther east, Elia and Agia Anna offer the promise of a little more space.", "hypothesis": "Elia and Agia Anna are small areas and are overcrowded."} {"idx": "mnli-2679", "premise": "The Commission's analysis addressed the effects of the rule on small entities in a general manner, consistent with the requirements of section 607.", "hypothesis": "There are severe penalties if the requirements of section 607 are not met."} {"idx": "mnli-2680", "premise": "Shoppers hold mail-order firms to a higher standard than department stores when it comes to keeping things in stock, because the catalogs afford them a photo and item number for every parka, turtleneck, and blazer ever placed in inventory.", "hypothesis": "Shoppers respect mail-order firms more than department stores in terms of their ability to keep things in stock."} {"idx": "mnli-2681", "premise": "I watched them kick in her door and the big man fired the scattershot.", "hypothesis": "They kicked in a door."} {"idx": "mnli-2682", "premise": "The resulting pools, terraces, and petrified waterfalls of dazzling white travertine are one of Turkey's most famous sights.", "hypothesis": "Turkey has some impressive natural formations, but none of them are made of white travertine."} {"idx": "mnli-2683", "premise": "An active government cultural policy in recent years has ?\u00adpreserved the architectural monuments of the national patrimony from the ravages of time, weather, war, revolution, and urban development.", "hypothesis": "An active government cultural policy was developed not too long ago."} {"idx": "mnli-2684", "premise": "okay okay ready i'm going to press the one", "hypothesis": "you're not ready so I'm not going to push it"} {"idx": "mnli-2685", "premise": "Like mules, they're naturally infertile.", "hypothesis": "This is because of their genetic similarities to mules."} {"idx": "mnli-2686", "premise": "'I'm warning you, because despite myself, Mr. Franklin, I find myself beginning to like you.", "hypothesis": "Mr Franklin is being liked by the woman. "} {"idx": "mnli-2687", "premise": "But this presented a new testing challenge, namely that anything in the street in New York City is fair game.", "hypothesis": "There were no longer rules governing what happened on the streets in New York City."} {"idx": "mnli-2688", "premise": "The change would increase the cost of filing a lawsuit in Superior Court to $200.", "hypothesis": "The current cost to file a lawsuit is $150."} {"idx": "mnli-2689", "premise": "The eastern region, known as Oriente, has soaring mountains and Cuba's second and most musical city, Santiago de Cuba.", "hypothesis": "There is a soaring mountain in the eastern region known as Oriente and there are many wild species that live there."} {"idx": "mnli-2690", "premise": "yeah we're we're having a kid in October and it's like well you know no more no more eating out for a while", "hypothesis": "We cannot eat out for a while because of the kid."} {"idx": "mnli-2691", "premise": "yeah see that's what", "hypothesis": "No, thats not what I mean."} {"idx": "mnli-2692", "premise": "Louis XIV died here in 1715 of gangrene of the leg.", "hypothesis": "Louis XIV died from an infected battle wound."} {"idx": "mnli-2693", "premise": "They had sought through other worlds and ages for anyone with a reputation as a builder, engineer or construction genius, without screening the probability of finding an answer.", "hypothesis": "It took them years to look for someone with building experience."} {"idx": "mnli-2694", "premise": "Pundits debated whether the candidacies 1) take votes from Republicans", "hypothesis": "A topic of debate was whether or not the candidates took votes away from the Republicans."} {"idx": "mnli-2695", "premise": "Again, all this is not to say that Taylor is guilty of such an offense.", "hypothesis": "As has been said seven times before, Taylor may or not be guilty of the offense."} {"idx": "mnli-2696", "premise": "No discussion of Hawaii would be complete, however, without mentioning some other islands in the chain.", "hypothesis": "There are other islands in the chain besides Hawaii."} {"idx": "mnli-2697", "premise": "which basketball", "hypothesis": "What baseball?"} {"idx": "mnli-2698", "premise": "'You are sure?' ", "hypothesis": "Are you positive?"} {"idx": "mnli-2699", "premise": "yeah i think so right yeah he sure did", "hypothesis": "I agree, he did it."} {"idx": "mnli-2700", "premise": "And we are not sure of that even.\"", "hypothesis": "We are unsure of that."} {"idx": "mnli-2701", "premise": "He now faces an election in three months, says Berger.", "hypothesis": "He will not participate in the election that's just three months away."} {"idx": "mnli-2702", "premise": "Designs work best when the owner has sufficient inhouse expertise to qualify as a smart buyer.", "hypothesis": "Designs never work."} {"idx": "mnli-2703", "premise": "Former corporate wife Lorna Wendt won a $20-million divorce judgment against her ex-husband, GE Capital Services CEO Gary Wendt.", "hypothesis": "Gary Wendy may have owed Lorna money that he never paid, and the judge is ruling that the amount owed be increased for not paying the first time."} {"idx": "mnli-2704", "premise": "what was interesting Malaysia is a tropical country just uh two degrees above the equator", "hypothesis": "Malaysia is located two degrees above the equator."} {"idx": "mnli-2705", "premise": "i i i don't know if he's the the right one to replace him he'd probably be a perfectly competent replacement but", "hypothesis": "He may be a competent replacement but I can't be sure."} {"idx": "mnli-2706", "premise": "Is academic literary criticism headed down a blind alley?", "hypothesis": "Will the analysis of literature abruptly end?"} {"idx": "mnli-2707", "premise": "179 \"Tuppence ?\" faltered Tommy.", "hypothesis": "Tommy asked for Tuppence in a weak manner. "} {"idx": "mnli-2708", "premise": "Was this what we fought for when we battled the fascist invaders?", "hypothesis": "Did we wage war against the fascist invaders only to become like them?"} {"idx": "mnli-2709", "premise": "well maybe that'll allow me to outweigh some of the things i have to pick up on occasion", "hypothesis": "Maybe that will make me less heavy that the things I have to pick up."} {"idx": "mnli-2710", "premise": "The Asian American experience may offer a As growing numbers of Asian Americans have entered the mainstream over the last decade, it is increasingly said--sometimes with pride, sometimes with scorn--that they are becoming white.", "hypothesis": "Asian Americans are offended by the 'becoming white' claim."} {"idx": "mnli-2711", "premise": "Instead of with New York, substitute to.", "hypothesis": "You should not substitute it to someplace else, do it with New York."} {"idx": "mnli-2712", "premise": "The definition of the term affected EGU establishes which electricity generating units are covered by the new WRAP trading program.", "hypothesis": "The definition of the term affected EGU establishes which electricity generating units are covered by the WRAP program."} {"idx": "mnli-2713", "premise": "But the thought of traveling without packing, except maybe for a tiny computer and a tiny camera, has a powerful charm of its own.", "hypothesis": "The idea of packing light to travel is charming."} {"idx": "mnli-2714", "premise": "Yes, sir, it was put in her room every evening, and she warmed it up in the night, whenever she fancied it.", "hypothesis": "Something was put in her room every evening and she warmed it up in the night, whenever she felt like it. "} {"idx": "mnli-2715", "premise": "Most responses could be divided into two kinds of some target snobs who disdain the rabble (the reluctant dentist, the smarmy candidate), others target slobs who are the rabble (passengers in coach, customers at Kmart).", "hypothesis": "There was no way the responses could be categorized."} {"idx": "mnli-2716", "premise": "The Timna area, just north of Eilat, is renowned for King Solomon's copper mines.", "hypothesis": "The copper mines have long since been closed down."} {"idx": "mnli-2717", "premise": "Scores of bars, restaurants, and kiosks cater for the primarily German tourists, and the beach is usually awash with lounge chairs and sunbaked bodies, pedalos, and windsurfing gear.", "hypothesis": "Most of the lounge chairs on the beach belong to Germans."} {"idx": "mnli-2718", "premise": "In the kitchen is a planter of yellow tulips with pale-green markings engulfed by a mass of purple grape hyacinths.", "hypothesis": "There are flowers from the garden in the kitchen."} {"idx": "mnli-2719", "premise": "Mister Kells, he keeps ledgers over in th' tack room.", "hypothesis": "Mister Kells has a ledger in the tack room. "} {"idx": "mnli-2720", "premise": "really oh really i didn't know any of this none of my friends have failed the English or the education ones", "hypothesis": "Every one I know has failed the English or education ones at least once."} {"idx": "mnli-2721", "premise": "It was no good worrying.", "hypothesis": "The best thing that you can do in this situation is worry. "} {"idx": "mnli-2722", "premise": "I wasn't playing.", "hypothesis": "I am not playing. "} {"idx": "mnli-2723", "premise": "Alternatively, choose from small Land Rover type vehicles, scooters, and mopeds.", "hypothesis": "Scooters and mopeds can be selected."} {"idx": "mnli-2724", "premise": "The Lombards controlled the interior in a loose confederation of fiercely independent duchies.", "hypothesis": "The Lombards had a loose confederation of fiercly independent duchies to control the interior."} {"idx": "mnli-2725", "premise": "that he was using to fire the process in order to run it", "hypothesis": "He only ran the process once a month."} {"idx": "mnli-2726", "premise": "there, choose Washington Post (under News Agency).", "hypothesis": "Pick the Washington Post"} {"idx": "mnli-2727", "premise": "With mild distaste, I took the Gauntlet he handed me.", "hypothesis": "I wanted the gauntlet and I begged him for it. "} {"idx": "mnli-2728", "premise": "Have you the key of the door?", "hypothesis": "Do you have the key that goes into this door?"} {"idx": "mnli-2729", "premise": "Yes, often. ", "hypothesis": "Yes, a lot of the time."} {"idx": "mnli-2730", "premise": "The man beheld him a moment longer before turning to the girl.", "hypothesis": "The man refused to look at him and stared only at the girl. "} {"idx": "mnli-2731", "premise": "Herbert Gutman's The Black Family in Slavery and Freedom 1750-1925 (1976) showed that slave families, while often broken up when members were sold or assigned to different plantations, were remarkably monogamous and stable.", "hypothesis": "Gutman's work talked about how dysfunctional slave families were."} {"idx": "mnli-2732", "premise": "now this is not just a state law this is a federal law controlled by the Treasury Department", "hypothesis": "The Treasury Department invests a lot of resources to enforce that law."} {"idx": "mnli-2733", "premise": "yeah well i mean i mean that's yeah that's the fun of cooking improvising", "hypothesis": "I can't cook without the recipe in front of me."} {"idx": "mnli-2734", "premise": "Guadeloupe, from the air or on a map, resembles a butterfly.", "hypothesis": "Guadeloupe looks nothing like a butterfly from the sky."} {"idx": "mnli-2735", "premise": "I do hope we shall have lots more adventures.\"", "hypothesis": "\"It is my hope that we shall have a great deal more adventures in Narnia.\""} {"idx": "mnli-2736", "premise": "right right well i'm going to push one and let them start recording okay", "hypothesis": "We should let them start recording."} {"idx": "mnli-2737", "premise": "A more thorough discussion of boilermaker labor demand is given in Chapter 6.", "hypothesis": "Boilermaker labor demand was largely ignored in the book."} {"idx": "mnli-2738", "premise": "The program manager for the National Organic Program said that AMS knew that the rule would be controversial, so AMS decided to take advantage of IT's potential to facilitate the comment process, allowing comments to be provided via mail, fax, and email.", "hypothesis": "The program manager knew people would love the rule."} {"idx": "mnli-2739", "premise": "As usual, Washington Week doesn't get around to the week's real thing (Flytrap) until the closer.", "hypothesis": "Washington week gets real and intense from the start "} {"idx": "mnli-2740", "premise": "Until recently, there was little for ordinary mortals who lacked a yacht, but now there are sailing fleets waiting to be hired either bare (for qualified sailors) or with a crew to do the work for you.", "hypothesis": "It is very inexpensive to hire a yacht with a crew."} {"idx": "mnli-2741", "premise": "Adrin let the rain pour over the corners of his hat.", "hypothesis": "The rain poured over the corners of Adrin's hat."} {"idx": "mnli-2742", "premise": "It seems to me very simple. ", "hypothesis": "It didn't have many issues."} {"idx": "mnli-2743", "premise": "Already, in the three years since this documentary was shot, digital technology has made moviemaking at this level more affordable--which means that the road for impoverished filmmakers like Borchardt will soon be less grueling.", "hypothesis": "Thanks to cheaper moviemaking via digital technology, filmmaking will be less tasking."} {"idx": "mnli-2744", "premise": "I should never have thought of that.\"", "hypothesis": "I wish I had thought of this earlier."} {"idx": "mnli-2745", "premise": "Nobody actually knows if Lana accompanied the two men to the farmhouse.", "hypothesis": "It is well known that Lana went to the farmhouse with the men."} {"idx": "mnli-2746", "premise": "Lentauw finished ninth despite being chased into a cornfield by dogs.", "hypothesis": "Lentaw never entered a race."} {"idx": "mnli-2747", "premise": "The day of disillusionment had been a Wednesday.", "hypothesis": "Wednesday was the day that everything was ruined."} {"idx": "mnli-2748", "premise": "That's what I want, said the girl wistfully.", "hypothesis": "That is my desire, said the girl yearningly."} {"idx": "mnli-2749", "premise": "um-hum yeah and the the laws are all the rules some of the things that would make sense to to tell the jury that this this guy has a a prior criminal history you know where he's raped ten women", "hypothesis": "They were not able to be unbiased in their decision after learning of their background."} {"idx": "mnli-2750", "premise": "(Unfertilized eggs contain only the mother's half of genes", "hypothesis": "Half of the mother's genes are transferred into unfertilized eggs. "} {"idx": "mnli-2751", "premise": "Yes a bargain.", "hypothesis": "That's a bargain, yes."} {"idx": "mnli-2752", "premise": "okay well i'm in east Plano i'm out in Las Rios so it's bound to be different over here but yeah yeah", "hypothesis": "It is the same here in east Plano."} {"idx": "mnli-2753", "premise": "Back here in Tubacca he was conscious how much he had allowed his personal affairs to drift from day to day.", "hypothesis": "His reconciliation with the locals had left him little time to organize his duties."} {"idx": "mnli-2754", "premise": "oh boy those are two very active age", "hypothesis": "Those kids have absolutely no energy"} {"idx": "mnli-2755", "premise": "In actual fact, I was just trying to find something that might have survived.", "hypothesis": "I knew everything had died."} {"idx": "mnli-2756", "premise": "What is open to you.", "hypothesis": "What you cannot do."} {"idx": "mnli-2757", "premise": "to run all the way downstairs that that i don't use it", "hypothesis": "To run all the way across town and get something that I use often. "} {"idx": "mnli-2758", "premise": "Prepared for Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation, US Environmental Protection Agency.", "hypothesis": "The Prepared for Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation is part of the EPA."} {"idx": "mnli-2759", "premise": "If someone wants to estimate the cumulative volume growth for a period, she has to multiply the annual growth rates in Columns (5), (8), and (11) by the number of years in the period.", "hypothesis": "There is no way to estimate cumulative volume growth."} {"idx": "mnli-2760", "premise": "Critics trash Homer's epic-turned-sweeps-month-stunt.", "hypothesis": "Homer's epic-turned-sweeps-month-stunt in the film was disliked by many audiences. "} {"idx": "mnli-2761", "premise": "On 15 May, Kyoto celebrates its Hollyhock Festival (Aoi Matsuri).", "hypothesis": "There are no festivals held in May in Kyoto. "} {"idx": "mnli-2762", "premise": "President Bush's National Energy Plan also includes measures to increase conservation of energy, increase energy efficiency, and encourage technological advances such as clean coal technology, fuel cells, and combined heat and power facilities -- all of which will contribute to addressing the energy and environmental challenges of", "hypothesis": "Nuclear energy is the best form of renewable, clean energy."} {"idx": "mnli-2763", "premise": "As regards Annette he could do nothing.", "hypothesis": "He could do something for Annette if he wanted to."} {"idx": "mnli-2764", "premise": "and you know um in general really isn't the food that is eaten in Israel so you you i'm sure you probably typically think of it like bagels right you know bagels and lox", "hypothesis": "They don't really eat that type of food in Israel."} {"idx": "mnli-2765", "premise": "i you know my my name being sold if i if i give money to the World Wild Wildlife Federation you know it's a it's a i feel it's an invasion of privacy to receive so many pieces of junk mail because they sell my address", "hypothesis": "I never receive any junk mail."} {"idx": "mnli-2766", "premise": "He frowned and said, \"We are descending a bit too quickly.\" ", "hypothesis": "Someone noted our altitude was decreasing faster than it should."} {"idx": "mnli-2767", "premise": "It's possible he's guilty.", "hypothesis": "It cannot be said that innocence is an absolute certainty."} {"idx": "mnli-2768", "premise": "'He'll be prepared for the possibility I'm double-crossing him.'", "hypothesis": "He will not be prepared for me to double cross him."} {"idx": "mnli-2769", "premise": "The Project adopted six guiding principles.", "hypothesis": "The project adopted principles."} {"idx": "mnli-2770", "premise": "You can't argue with that; lives there the tourist with soul so dead that he does not wish that he could visit rural France, or Mexico City, or for that matter Kansas City the way they were, rather than the way they are?", "hypothesis": "He has a lust for travel and wanted to go to every city again and again."} {"idx": "mnli-2771", "premise": "Ca'daan ate but got sick.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan felt great!"} {"idx": "mnli-2772", "premise": "You want me to go to Madame Colombier's? ", "hypothesis": "Madame Colombier's is where I should go for more information?"} {"idx": "mnli-2773", "premise": "okay well it's good it's good talking to you okay bye-bye", "hypothesis": "Please go on, I have all the time to speak. "} {"idx": "mnli-2774", "premise": "It doesn't outsource all its production.", "hypothesis": "None of the production is outsourced whatsoever. "} {"idx": "mnli-2775", "premise": "But reporters don't need artful seducers like Davis to make news.", "hypothesis": "Reporters don't need sexy artists the likes of Davis for interesting news. "} {"idx": "mnli-2776", "premise": "Stores such as Dorothee-Bis, Benetton, and the less expensive but lower quality Tati are found throughout the capital.", "hypothesis": "Clothing stores can be found throughout the city."} {"idx": "mnli-2777", "premise": "Within another 5 km (3 miles) you arrive at Sella village, dwarfed beneath an extraordinary plateau.", "hypothesis": "Sella village is located beneath a large plateau."} {"idx": "mnli-2778", "premise": "A plethora of listings are available at Lawyers.com, but the amount of information is almost overwhelming to the novice.", "hypothesis": "Lawyers are a popular listing site."} {"idx": "mnli-2779", "premise": "A Diet Coke, if you will, please, Kemp chirped.", "hypothesis": "Kemp politely asked for a diet coke."} {"idx": "mnli-2780", "premise": "The Counsel has asserted that section 712(1) limits GAO's audit authority to financial transactions.", "hypothesis": "GAO is not happy with the limitations on its audit authority."} {"idx": "mnli-2781", "premise": "Maybe he should not have ridden out of Tubacca at all.", "hypothesis": "He did not doubt that riding out to Tubacca had been the right action to take."} {"idx": "mnli-2782", "premise": "He begins by suggesting that if the United States could achieve growth rates reported by South Korea in the past couple of decades, our grandchildren would eventually be earning $2 million a day.", "hypothesis": "He began suggestion the united sate would have large growth rates, just like South Korea predicted."} {"idx": "mnli-2783", "premise": "It can't be proved.", "hypothesis": "It can be proved with just a few hours of work."} {"idx": "mnli-2784", "premise": "Don Reese, he put them both out in the street.", "hypothesis": "They both got thrown out in the gutter with none of their belongings."} {"idx": "mnli-2785", "premise": "well all right well uh i guess that's about it", "hypothesis": "I am ready to continue on."} {"idx": "mnli-2786", "premise": "Write-offs themselves are not the problem.", "hypothesis": "The greater problem is the multitude of unreported taxes. "} {"idx": "mnli-2787", "premise": "But useful, functioning institutions are not created by a single stroke of the pen.", "hypothesis": "It takes a lot of work and effort to establish useful, efficient, operating institutions."} {"idx": "mnli-2788", "premise": "right yeah it's and it's uh it it's uh uh a hassle trying to to uh uh put your money all in the right in the savings you know in the right pockets i guess it would be a way to say it", "hypothesis": "Deciding where to invest your savings is easy."} {"idx": "mnli-2789", "premise": "Nearly half the Jewish inhabitants hail from overseas, and they have brought with them many of the accumulated customs and cultural traditions of their former homes.", "hypothesis": "They came from the magical land of Jewlandia. "} {"idx": "mnli-2790", "premise": "The pleading died out of his voice. ", "hypothesis": "He couldn't beg anymore, he was begged out."} {"idx": "mnli-2791", "premise": "Super Bowl XXXII (San Diego).", "hypothesis": "The game was held in San Francisco. "} {"idx": "mnli-2792", "premise": "oh definitely hum-um hum-um no but they think and probably the right people buy it", "hypothesis": "They think this."} {"idx": "mnli-2793", "premise": "I will pour it out.\"", "hypothesis": "I have steady hands."} {"idx": "mnli-2794", "premise": "The Effect of Information on Health Risk Valuations.", "hypothesis": "Information effects health risk valuations in public health work."} {"idx": "mnli-2795", "premise": "People like Wade Cook are the problem.", "hypothesis": "Wade Cook and Nicholas Cage are both equally problematic."} {"idx": "mnli-2796", "premise": "His problem, he said, is the current hiring freeze imposed on all city agencies.", "hypothesis": "He had a problem with the hiring freeze on the agencies."} {"idx": "mnli-2797", "premise": "yeah do the oil change oil and filter and air filters and spark plugs and the like can't do much in the way of actual tune up now that the car now that computers taken over that control", "hypothesis": "I just get to do oil changes and filters and the like since computers do everything else."} {"idx": "mnli-2798", "premise": "Happy Hanukkah, everybody!", "hypothesis": "Merry Christmas, everyone."} {"idx": "mnli-2799", "premise": "The rooms were also equipped with the newest four-processor multi-media computers - two per student, to teach him divided attention in a modern battle field simulation.", "hypothesis": "None of the rooms had computers in them."} {"idx": "mnli-2800", "premise": "oh well hopefully they'll resolve it soon", "hypothesis": "Hopefully, they'll resolve that problem soon"} {"idx": "mnli-2801", "premise": "I never quite figured out, for example, what the particular crisis was that left Hick worried that Eleanor would ditch FDR on the eve of re-election--although it's another tidbit to add to our Clinton-Roosevelt Parallels file.", "hypothesis": "Hick thought Eleanor would divorce FDR."} {"idx": "mnli-2802", "premise": "He walked about my apartment like the king of a very small castle.", "hypothesis": "He walked around my apartment like he owned the place, treating it like his kingdom that he was the ruler of, even though he had no authority here and I wished for him to leave."} {"idx": "mnli-2803", "premise": "uh i can see some some potential changes that probably are are would not cost very much but might uh make things a little easier such as offering a a smorgasbord", "hypothesis": "I can see some potential changes, that might not cost much, but still help."} {"idx": "mnli-2804", "premise": "At the turn of the 19th century Los Angeles and Salt Lake City were among the burgeoning metropolises of the new American West.", "hypothesis": "Los Angeles was the only notable city in the west."} {"idx": "mnli-2805", "premise": "don't ever let that area get sunburned again", "hypothesis": "Get naked and get tanned."} {"idx": "mnli-2806", "premise": "The Palais des Tuileries was destroyed by fire during a workers uprising in 1871.", "hypothesis": "It was destroyed by fire in 1781."} {"idx": "mnli-2807", "premise": "to get in shape without having to spend anything or it's the geriatric crowd", "hypothesis": "It doesn't cost anything to get in shape."} {"idx": "mnli-2808", "premise": "um yeah mostly i mean at home i predominantly wear sweatpants and things like that also", "hypothesis": "At home I wear things like sweatpants."} {"idx": "mnli-2809", "premise": "For H-2A workers, representation is authorized if the workers have been admitted to and have been present in the United States pursuant to an H-2A contract, and the representation arises under their H-2A contract.", "hypothesis": "H-2A workers have to be naturalized citizens of the United States."} {"idx": "mnli-2810", "premise": "He brought Dayak leaders onto his ruling council but favored the time-honored colonial practice of divide-and-rule by pitting one tribe against another to keep the peace.", "hypothesis": "He used tribal violence to create peace."} {"idx": "mnli-2811", "premise": "U.S. foreign policy strives for a consensus among like-minded states on behalf of common interests that we can and should champion together.", "hypothesis": "U.S. Foreign policy doesn't care about like minded states. "} {"idx": "mnli-2812", "premise": "things that we have here and develop some pride in them if it was handled that way i i it would take quite a few people i think it might build jobs for people you know that were administrating and running and training and coordinating and all that so maybe that part of it would be helpful too", "hypothesis": "Administrative tasks are one of the jobs that'd be available."} {"idx": "mnli-2813", "premise": "Come on, Julius.", "hypothesis": "Julius is being encouraged."} {"idx": "mnli-2814", "premise": "The combination of methodologies in the study of the same phenomenon or construct; a method of establishing the accuracy of information by comparing three or more types of independent points of view on data sources (for example, interviews, observation, and documentation; different investigations; different times) bearing on the same findings.", "hypothesis": "It does no good to compare more than three types of independent viewpoints on data sources."} {"idx": "mnli-2815", "premise": "By now it was dinnertime, and Mrs. Chatterbox and the Chatterchildren were urging Chatterbox to come home.", "hypothesis": "Chatterbox had been gone since the morning."} {"idx": "mnli-2816", "premise": "There are 16 El Grecos in this small collection.", "hypothesis": "This small collection contains 16 El Grecos."} {"idx": "mnli-2817", "premise": "well how nice that's great", "hypothesis": "That's good to hear. "} {"idx": "mnli-2818", "premise": "yeah well you're just about there i think it's", "hypothesis": "You have almost arrived at the point I think."} {"idx": "mnli-2819", "premise": "She compiles the emails into different messages and distributes them to lawyers in her firm, who volunteer, sometimes via email, to take the cases.", "hypothesis": "The lawyers in her firm always ignore her emails."} {"idx": "mnli-2820", "premise": "yeah yeah you see a lot of activity outside people riding bikes or playing ball or jogging or doing this and that and uh they're trying to to unwind", "hypothesis": "People are really stressed out and they need an activity to unwind."} {"idx": "mnli-2821", "premise": "and you know it showed her trying to explain to her children where daddy is you know and it was just oh it was just", "hypothesis": "Her children's father had passed away in a traffic accident."} {"idx": "mnli-2822", "premise": "In 1999, the Department of Corrections, which had previously told the court that the chair was in good shape, up and called a structural engineer and paid him $4,000 to inspect the chair.", "hypothesis": "The structural engineer, who was called to inspect the chair, worked for free."} {"idx": "mnli-2823", "premise": "There are many different establishments to choose from, each with its own clientele and style.", "hypothesis": "There are more than 20 different establishments to choose from."} {"idx": "mnli-2824", "premise": "The top-floor Capitoline Picture Gallery (Pinacoteca Capitolina) has important Venetian works by Bellini, Titian, Tintoretto, Lotto, and Veronese, as well as a fine Rubens Romulus and Remus and Caravaggio's St. John the Baptist.", "hypothesis": "Caravaggio's St. John the Baptist was originally painted in the basement of the building."} {"idx": "mnli-2825", "premise": "What differentiates Pokemon from other phenoms is that it merges a TV franchise with a compelling game.", "hypothesis": "Pokemon blends TV with games very well."} {"idx": "mnli-2826", "premise": "( Curriculum Vitae , the memoir she published a few years ago, politely fends off the curious.)", "hypothesis": "The matter of fact tone of her biography is sufficient to deflect questions from those still wanting more information."} {"idx": "mnli-2827", "premise": "Jaye and her husband, Erik, own Tomax Technologies and were the sellers of the building.", "hypothesis": "Jaye and Erik sold the building."} {"idx": "mnli-2828", "premise": "And no matter where we look for it, over our shoulders among the hominids of prehistory, or out on the interplanetary horizon, we can find whatever Truths we're looking Those that set us free, and those that prove us mad, too.", "hypothesis": "There is no ultimate truth."} {"idx": "mnli-2829", "premise": "i think it would too", "hypothesis": "I don't think it will be like that at all. "} {"idx": "mnli-2830", "premise": "course i used to like the Patriots too they were just down the road from here but boy the Patriots are kind of sad they're now they're talking of moving out of town and they ought to all get out of town and take Kiam with them", "hypothesis": "The Patriots used to be, like, a 10-minute drive away."} {"idx": "mnli-2831", "premise": "The end of the Cold War has freed them to pursue humanitarian The United States now can be the world's policeman, so it should be.", "hypothesis": "The United States should not be policing the world and isn't freed with the Cold War still raging on."} {"idx": "mnli-2832", "premise": "Therefore the universe has a cause of its existence.", "hypothesis": "We can conclude that the universe has no cause for its existence."} {"idx": "mnli-2833", "premise": "HUD has discovered that the controlled business disclosures, which are mandated in section 8(c)(4)(A) of RESPA, 12 U.S.C.", "hypothesis": "HUD has discovered the controlled business disclosures."} {"idx": "mnli-2834", "premise": "This approach could be implemented through addition of a Pulse Jet Fabric Filter (PJFF) when ACI is installed.", "hypothesis": "A Pulse Jet Fabric Filter could be implemented when ACI is installed."} {"idx": "mnli-2835", "premise": "Bennett told reporters that the decision spoke for itself, and James Carville brushed aside Jones as a pawn of larger, darker forces.", "hypothesis": "Bennett did not agree with the decision. "} {"idx": "mnli-2836", "premise": "As a dominant buyer, Office Behemoth could command concessions from Paper Clip Inc.", "hypothesis": "Office Behemoth is a dominant buyer."} {"idx": "mnli-2837", "premise": "Aware that they are paying a premium for the label rather than the quality, minority consumers are bound to feel exploited.", "hypothesis": "The majority of minority consumers continue to buy premium brands regardless of this feeling."} {"idx": "mnli-2838", "premise": "but even today like with your waste oil when you drain the oil and change the oil now i have to bring it to a disposal center i can i no longer can put it in in the trash you know or in a container yeah we have", "hypothesis": "When you change your oil you have to dispose of it responsibly."} {"idx": "mnli-2839", "premise": "huh yeah i don't own a PC but i've i've yeah i work for TI and uh they", "hypothesis": "I own more than one PC."} {"idx": "mnli-2840", "premise": "The northerner fell to the ground.", "hypothesis": "The northerner fell down."} {"idx": "mnli-2841", "premise": "If you want to proceed, make your lower offer but have a higher final price in mind; you'll reach it gradually while your host takes great pains to explain how good the quality of their product is as against those of their neighbors.", "hypothesis": "It is sometimes wise to have a higher price in mind when haggling."} {"idx": "mnli-2842", "premise": "The company has forged alliances with several cable companies such as Comcast (full Microsoft recently invested $1 billion in Comcast) and Cox to provide service.", "hypothesis": "They will be able to provide services."} {"idx": "mnli-2843", "premise": "Near Lisbon, the Estoril Casino is one of the biggest draws for gamblers.", "hypothesis": "Lisbon's hotels profit from the droves of gamblers who stay there."} {"idx": "mnli-2844", "premise": "His mosque is the third largest in Israel and the most important outside Jerusalem.", "hypothesis": "It is the second-most important mosque in the Middle East."} {"idx": "mnli-2845", "premise": "During the 1999/2000 year, IRD processed 7.2 million tax returns.", "hypothesis": "In the 1999/2000 year, IRD went through 7.2 million tax returns."} {"idx": "mnli-2846", "premise": "One consequence of this design was that the network could not So long as you followed the basic Internet protocols, the network would carry your traffic.", "hypothesis": "The network was capable of carrying your traffic."} {"idx": "mnli-2847", "premise": "In late spring, the hillsides are awash with flowers, and crops such as corn give the fields a golden hue.", "hypothesis": "There are so many plants there in the spring. "} {"idx": "mnli-2848", "premise": "I always hoped to see you again, said the large gladiator.", "hypothesis": "The gladiator said that he wanted to see you again. "} {"idx": "mnli-2849", "premise": "yeah we are a little lucky well my brother lives ten miles from here and he gets frost and his crop gets killed", "hypothesis": "My brother has gotten frost before, and his crops died."} {"idx": "mnli-2850", "premise": "a bunch well i guess that's it that's about as much as we can do with current events", "hypothesis": "We cannot do more."} {"idx": "mnli-2851", "premise": "The Commission's Proposed Rule Making was published in the Federal Register, 61 Fed.", "hypothesis": "As of 2005, the 61 the Commission's Proposed Rule Making has been included in 61 Fed."} {"idx": "mnli-2852", "premise": "Qurban Bairam (Eid El-Adha) is a time when many Muslims travel to Mecca (their holy city) to commemorate the slaying of Abraham.", "hypothesis": "More Muslims travel to Mecca during Qurban Bairam than any other time."} {"idx": "mnli-2853", "premise": "The Bay Area was one of three geographical areas in the United States involuntarily reconfigured by LSC.", "hypothesis": "The LSC reconfigured the Bay Area."} {"idx": "mnli-2854", "premise": "Former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner David Kessler describes how an ex-R.J.", "hypothesis": "David Kessler is a stripper."} {"idx": "mnli-2855", "premise": "Otherwise, you drive north through Pointe-Noire (named for its black volcanic hillsides) and Deshaies, an unexceptional town on a very beautiful bay.", "hypothesis": "Pointe-Noire got its name from its many ant hills swarming with black ants."} {"idx": "mnli-2856", "premise": "Champagne-Ardennes", "hypothesis": "Champagne-Ardennes"} {"idx": "mnli-2857", "premise": "You can buy everything you need for your vacation here.", "hypothesis": "We only provide travel here."} {"idx": "mnli-2858", "premise": "'Ah,' said the real me.", "hypothesis": "'Go away,' said the real me."} {"idx": "mnli-2859", "premise": "and so Wal-Mart complained", "hypothesis": "Wal-Mart made its complaint in the first week of May. "} {"idx": "mnli-2860", "premise": "You will hear it everywhere.", "hypothesis": "You won't hear about it anymore, will you?"} {"idx": "mnli-2861", "premise": "It had been on a hilltop back in Tennessee, with the storm clouds of January overhead.", "hypothesis": "There were no storms in Tennessee in January."} {"idx": "mnli-2862", "premise": "I would like to correct--no, let's say refine--a few of these enormities--no, let's just say fatuities.", "hypothesis": "Further explanation and refinatiom are not needed. "} {"idx": "mnli-2863", "premise": "personally i think that's what i was about to say is that everyone needs to be tested", "hypothesis": "Nobody needs to be tested."} {"idx": "mnli-2864", "premise": "yeah Malaysia but of course uh it's also true in Great Britain", "hypothesis": "Its not true for brituaun or Malaysia. "} {"idx": "mnli-2865", "premise": "First, it implies that the competition for mates drives most people to save too much money.", "hypothesis": "It means that the race to find mates leads a lot of people save a lot of money."} {"idx": "mnli-2866", "premise": " Suddenly you'll find yourself in another cobbled square.", "hypothesis": "You will find yourself walking through a narrow alleyway. "} {"idx": "mnli-2867", "premise": "because you're having fun", "hypothesis": "Because you're having fun"} {"idx": "mnli-2868", "premise": "Trader Vic's opened garish Polynesian-themed restaurants; Arthur Godfrey brought the ukulele to television; Burt Lancaster and Debra Kerr rolled in the wet sands of Oahu; and jet air service brought in vacationers by the hundred thousands.", "hypothesis": "Trader Vic opened restaurants that offended the locals."} {"idx": "mnli-2869", "premise": "Although the bed dates from the 1680s, it has never been slept in by royalty.", "hypothesis": "No one of royal blood had ever slept on the bed."} {"idx": "mnli-2870", "premise": "Yes! I breathed.", "hypothesis": "I was relieved."} {"idx": "mnli-2871", "premise": "but that was oh good many many years ago and i have i really my spare time i usually go do aerobics and", "hypothesis": "I don't like aerobics."} {"idx": "mnli-2872", "premise": "He assured her, I never really knew what love could be until you came along.", "hypothesis": "He made sure that she knew he didn't know what love was until she came along. "} {"idx": "mnli-2873", "premise": "uh for months and months and months and it was a a genre that i wasn't in the least bit interested in and i usually when i hear about a movie that's supposed to be very good", "hypothesis": "I was not interested in the movie."} {"idx": "mnli-2874", "premise": "b) Did not quit on principle after Clinton admitted lies.", "hypothesis": "Quit because of Clinton's lies"} {"idx": "mnli-2875", "premise": "We're so close.", "hypothesis": "We have gone very far."} {"idx": "mnli-2876", "premise": "that still does it that's right", "hypothesis": "After all this time, yes, that's still doing it"} {"idx": "mnli-2877", "premise": "aerobics yeah i like aerobics", "hypothesis": "I like aerobics better than cardio."} {"idx": "mnli-2878", "premise": "True enough! ", "hypothesis": "Everything else is inaccurate. "} {"idx": "mnli-2879", "premise": "Transfer paper", "hypothesis": "The transfer paper shows the transfer."} {"idx": "mnli-2880", "premise": "uh-huh cantaloupe's difficult to grow and get taste out of them i mean they're they're easy enough they'll grow easy enough but you can't get any flavor", "hypothesis": "It is hard to grow cantaloupe's with flavor but we try every year."} {"idx": "mnli-2881", "premise": "In July 1936, most of the army, led by General Francisco Franco with the support of the monarchists, conservatives, the clergy, and the right-wing Falange rose against the government in Madrid.", "hypothesis": "General Franco did even have the support of the army when he rose against the government."} {"idx": "mnli-2882", "premise": "So yes, I'm going to get my hands dirty and I will consider myself properly damned for it.", "hypothesis": "I am going to do something bad, but i don't care what happens."} {"idx": "mnli-2883", "premise": "[Hillary] stays in Trump Tower when she's in New York.", "hypothesis": "Hilary Clinton chooses to stay at Trump Tower. "} {"idx": "mnli-2884", "premise": "A spring filtering through the rocks is the source of the island's mineral water.", "hypothesis": "You wont find any mineral water on the island."} {"idx": "mnli-2885", "premise": "and uh of course there's another aspect of this too uh in terms of invasion of privacy i just thought about it being a professional and of course you probably belong to one or more professional organizations and that is that some of the organizations sell their mailing lists", "hypothesis": "None of the organizations that you are affiliated with sell their mailing lists. "} {"idx": "mnli-2886", "premise": "I've brought you some tea. Mrs. Vandemeyer did not reply.", "hypothesis": "Mrs. Vandemeyer was no longer able to speak."} {"idx": "mnli-2887", "premise": "The 15-year-old died with the band playing on his headphones.", "hypothesis": "The teen is alive. "} {"idx": "mnli-2888", "premise": "Most important, Indonesia's popular movement is not nearly as well-organized and united as the opposition movements of Iran or even the Philippines.", "hypothesis": "Indonesia's popular movement is more organized than the opposition movement in the Philippines."} {"idx": "mnli-2889", "premise": "But L.A. is also linked with adventure and maybe even danger, complete with earthquakes, floods, crime, and scandals of O. J. Simpson proportions.", "hypothesis": "L.A. has a reputation because of previous earthquakes, flood, crime and scandals."} {"idx": "mnli-2890", "premise": "i think they shave it", "hypothesis": "I am pretty certain they just let it grow."} {"idx": "mnli-2891", "premise": "that that i see their theory is that if i'm surrounded and i'm going to be caught i'm going to try to pry my way through and they're not going to take me alive", "hypothesis": "Their theory is about struggling to escape."} {"idx": "mnli-2892", "premise": "The Explorer called, \"It's only a native of this planet.", "hypothesis": "The Explorer said that it was a native."} {"idx": "mnli-2893", "premise": "There were sporadic attempts at revolt, often launched from remote mountain strongholds where rebels could survive in safety.", "hypothesis": "The attempts at revolt did not cease for a single moment."} {"idx": "mnli-2894", "premise": "Harrison D. McIver III, MALS executive director, said the agency was very gratified by the Community Foundation's grant. ", "hypothesis": "MALS got a $50,000 grant from the Community Foundation."} {"idx": "mnli-2895", "premise": "uh uh-huh i've i guess mostly as far as as crafts go i've done um some needlepoint and i've done mostly cross stitching i used to uh do like um one that i did for both kids are like oh they're plaques with you know different kind of animals and then you have their birth date on them and then you have a little picture of them and you frame them and stuff but nothing steady just", "hypothesis": "i've never done any cross stitching before"} {"idx": "mnli-2896", "premise": "Organizations that provide free or pro bono services are able to maintain a better lawyer-to-client ratio because they often specialize in particular kinds of cases, Hall said.", "hypothesis": "High status legal firms often have a pro bono section."} {"idx": "mnli-2897", "premise": "yes i saw Home Alone with some friends just a couple days ago i wanted to see it uh because it was uh much recommended", "hypothesis": "I saw Home Alone because it was recommended."} {"idx": "mnli-2898", "premise": "After this last election it is clear that the French will not be willing to submit to serious fiscal discipline.", "hypothesis": "The French want serious fiscal control, don't they?"} {"idx": "mnli-2899", "premise": "Super-Paradise, in the next bay, is a gay, clothing-optional beach.", "hypothesis": "Super-Paradise attracts a a lot of gay people."} {"idx": "mnli-2900", "premise": "He does not believe in national parks (private stewards will exercise proper stewardship).", "hypothesis": "He does not believe in some public spaces."} {"idx": "mnli-2901", "premise": "At the same time, city-states began to grow in influence on the southern Greek mainland.", "hypothesis": "The southern Greek mainland began to fall under the sway of city-states."} {"idx": "mnli-2902", "premise": "The Constitution does not permit the Government to confine litigants and their attorneys in this manner.", "hypothesis": "The Constitution doesn't let the government keep litigants confined in jail cells for more than a day."} {"idx": "mnli-2903", "premise": "he's a the movie critic um oh you've oh okay he's a movie critic on channel eight in Dallas", "hypothesis": "Dallas has the best movie critics in the country."} {"idx": "mnli-2904", "premise": "The Integrated Planning Model (IPM) was used to derive all future projections of electricity generation source emissions.", "hypothesis": "The Integrated Planning Model helped to make electricity generation emmission projections"} {"idx": "mnli-2905", "premise": "Additionally, Professor Aleinikoff has published several books and countless articles relating to immigration, international migration, and constitutional law.", "hypothesis": "Aleinikoff published books while he taught at NYU."} {"idx": "mnli-2906", "premise": "As technically, of course, he was entitled, , He did not finish the sentence. ", "hypothesis": "He didn't even try to speak."} {"idx": "mnli-2907", "premise": "CA'DAAN'S UNCLE KNOWS WHO THEY ARE AND WHY THEY ARE HERE.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan's uncle knew a lot about the situation."} {"idx": "mnli-2908", "premise": "and uh even if uh if you hang on to it for five years put a little bit of uh uh money into it you're going to get it back again with uh with premium just like putting money in a bank it's forced forced savings", "hypothesis": "If you don't put any money into it you will get money back regardless. "} {"idx": "mnli-2909", "premise": "With Oriental and Byzantine decorative elements reflecting the Pisan Republic's overseas interests, its four-tiered arcaded facade over three porches is a masterpiece of grace and delicacy.", "hypothesis": "The main influences of the Pisan Republic were from Oriental and Byzantine empires."} {"idx": "mnli-2910", "premise": "The Beth Hatefutsoth, or Museum of the Diaspora (the Diaspora relates to the dispersal of the Jewish people worldwide), is quite possibly the finest museum in Israel and certainly the most innovative, yet it doesn't contain a single exhibit of any age.", "hypothesis": "Although the Museum of the Diaspora is one of the best museums Israel has to offer, it doesn't have any old artifacts on display."} {"idx": "mnli-2911", "premise": "They can.", "hypothesis": "They won't do it."} {"idx": "mnli-2912", "premise": "Venice, founded on its islets and lagoons in the sixth century by mainland refugees fleeing Lombard raiders, prospered from a privileged relationship with Byzantium and an uninhibited readiness to trade with Muslims and others farther east.", "hypothesis": "As a result, Venice opened up new trade routes, and the economy grew."} {"idx": "mnli-2913", "premise": "no no it's terrible", "hypothesis": "This is awful."} {"idx": "mnli-2914", "premise": "I realize now that the cameras and microphones were probably installed by [the Globe ] while I was out, she reports.", "hypothesis": "The cameras and microphones were installed in her dressing room."} {"idx": "mnli-2915", "premise": "Recognizing the business transformation potential of IT, these executives also position their CIOs as change agents with responsibility for applying technology to achieve major improvements in fundamental business processes and operations.", "hypothesis": "These executives don't think that It has any potential to transform a business."} {"idx": "mnli-2916", "premise": "The Internet ad market is growing at two or three times the rate of any other medium.", "hypothesis": "The market for commercial internet ad space is growing more and more by the day."} {"idx": "mnli-2917", "premise": "it's almost a luxury", "hypothesis": "It is high-class."} {"idx": "mnli-2918", "premise": "They knew him now for a spy, and would in all probability give him short shrift.", "hypothesis": "He made just the littlest mistake, that destroyed his meticulous disguise"} {"idx": "mnli-2919", "premise": "It is true that no juror can be sure whether his or her doubt is more or less than 5 percent, but it is equally true that no juror can be sure whether his or her doubt is more or less than reasonable.", "hypothesis": "It is true that jurors never have doubts and they are always sure of themselves."} {"idx": "mnli-2920", "premise": "Tuppence heard other footsteps behind.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence heard some horns blowing behind."} {"idx": "mnli-2921", "premise": "From a population of 20,000 it has grown into a metropolis of 2.5 million, with tightly clustered skyscrapers and some of China's highest groseng industries.", "hypothesis": "From a population of 20,000 it has dwindled in numbers and has 10,000 inhabitants today."} {"idx": "mnli-2922", "premise": "well let's see if you're in Plano and i'm in Plano are you in east Plano or west Plano", "hypothesis": "We are both in Plano, which side are you in?"} {"idx": "mnli-2923", "premise": "The Musee de Dieppe, also known as the Ceteau-Musee, in the 15th-century chateau in the Rue de Chastes, has a good collection of model ships and carvings in ivory, dating from the 18th century when elephant tusks were a major import from Africa and Asia.", "hypothesis": "The Mus\u00e9e de Dieppe is a good location to visit for tourists who are interested in rare materials like gold and ivory."} {"idx": "mnli-2924", "premise": "uh-huh yeah they're great you're right well i guess we've spent our time i need to go help my daughter do something so", "hypothesis": "I need to help my daughter."} {"idx": "mnli-2925", "premise": "Beside him was a shorter figure: a pudgy man with a thin mustache, on whom the Egyptian headdress looked strangely out of place.", "hypothesis": "Aside from the Egyptian headdress, the pudgy man wore an ill-fitted grey suit."} {"idx": "mnli-2926", "premise": "I unfolded my map.", "hypothesis": "My map had previously been folded. "} {"idx": "mnli-2927", "premise": "I am proud to say that we served the Congress and the American people well in fiscal year 2000.", "hypothesis": "We did a good job serving America during the 2000 fiscal year. "} {"idx": "mnli-2928", "premise": "That's Bradley's real casting couch.", "hypothesis": "Bradley has a casting couch."} {"idx": "mnli-2929", "premise": "It is still the foremost school of Islamic studies, attracting over 85,000 students from around the Middle East.", "hypothesis": "The school only attracts students from Latin America."} {"idx": "mnli-2930", "premise": "The famed Rock Fort, the main focus of these battles, looms over the city from atop the great solid granite hill that gave the town its name.", "hypothesis": "Rock Fort lies right off the sandy coast, the first line of defense against pirates."} {"idx": "mnli-2931", "premise": "Bucking his colleagues, Pittsburgh Medical Examiner Cyril Wecht says that multiple SIDS deaths in one family do not automatically mean murder.", "hypothesis": "Those who have more than one case of SIDS deaths are thought of as murderers. "} {"idx": "mnli-2932", "premise": "Service The executive leads the regional office in the pursuit of outstanding performance in all applicable program areas, and as a team member helps the Service Delivery Network and VBA as a whole to improve performance.", "hypothesis": "The executive has no part in leading the regional office."} {"idx": "mnli-2933", "premise": "um-hum um sounds like my next door neighbor", "hypothesis": "My next door neighbor might be making those sounds."} {"idx": "mnli-2934", "premise": "well that's why that's why being strangers is safe we can", "hypothesis": "Being strangers is safe because"} {"idx": "mnli-2935", "premise": "This chilling story of a mother's crushing love for a son will haunt me long after I've forgotten the details of the handover ceremony.", "hypothesis": "I will remember this story for a long time."} {"idx": "mnli-2936", "premise": "Poirot spread out his hands apologetically. ", "hypothesis": "Poirot moved his hands in apology."} {"idx": "mnli-2937", "premise": "um-hum and they're preoccupied with drinking", "hypothesis": "They don't drink."} {"idx": "mnli-2938", "premise": "Schools Serving Rural Areas.", "hypothesis": "There are no school serving rural areas."} {"idx": "mnli-2939", "premise": "The individuals who were involved in the organizations had various technical and business backgrounds-such as information security specialists, computer scientists, engineers, auditors, lawyers, law enforcement officers, and medical professionals.", "hypothesis": "The people in the organization had to provide proof of their professional experience before they could participate."} {"idx": "mnli-2940", "premise": "Our present attitude is a little melodramatic.", "hypothesis": "We need to wake up and act tough."} {"idx": "mnli-2941", "premise": "She's the loveliest thing I've ever seen.\"", "hypothesis": "She is more hideous than anyone I have ever seen."} {"idx": "mnli-2942", "premise": "If you missed the links in the text, click to read more on the Yale University Press study and for some samples of Conley's conflicted prose style.", "hypothesis": "They also have links to other articles related to the topic."} {"idx": "mnli-2943", "premise": "I'll build the damned computer.", "hypothesis": "Fine, I will build the damn computer you lazy jerk."} {"idx": "mnli-2944", "premise": "but you know if a lot of people flat can't afford to you know that and most kids these days have gotten themselves into um financial situations where they have to be working all the time", "hypothesis": "A lot of people can't afford that, while others flat out refuse to pay anything at all."} {"idx": "mnli-2945", "premise": "This drop in payment mail volume accounts for 69 percent of the decline in the volume of HH-to-NHH sector, amounted to 3.6 billion pieces between 1990 and 1997 (see Table 1).", "hypothesis": "In 2001, the payment mail volume increased."} {"idx": "mnli-2946", "premise": "Just outside Discovery Bay are Runaway Caves, which are easily accessible and safe to explore.", "hypothesis": "Runaway Caves, located close to Discovery Bay are accessible to explorers."} {"idx": "mnli-2947", "premise": "uh-huh well have you ever thought about coming to Louisiana you know to visit", "hypothesis": "Have you considered visiting Louisiana?"} {"idx": "mnli-2948", "premise": "Do you have a safe here? Topham's eyebrows climbed.", "hypothesis": "Topham, surprised, asked \"Do you have a safe in this place?\""} {"idx": "mnli-2949", "premise": "and and yet you have someone who'll commit a crime of robbery and spend twenty five years in jail i mean to me it's like we have things messed up somehow you you know what i mean", "hypothesis": "The punishments don't fit the crime because sometimes people only commit a robbery yet end up in jail a long time."} {"idx": "mnli-2950", "premise": "Apparently my plan of throwing out the really good ones has now been exposed.", "hypothesis": "My plan of keeping the good ones is still private and secret. "} {"idx": "mnli-2951", "premise": "she's ready to get off into it but you know i like i just like getting out being in the outdoors and i'm a hunter and a fisher anyway but you know i i you know at least i can get out and play a few hours of golf and", "hypothesis": "I like spending time outdoors, hunting or fishing."} {"idx": "mnli-2952", "premise": "Perhaps if a medium were present we might get some marvellous results.\"", "hypothesis": "The medium would be of no help."} {"idx": "mnli-2953", "premise": "Sounds like the International Olympic Committee, but any group that could find hookers in Utah seems far from inept to me.", "hypothesis": "The group proved there are no hookers in Utah."} {"idx": "mnli-2954", "premise": " Rate and service adjustments agreed upon by the Postal Service and mailers are legally authorized if three conditions are ", "hypothesis": "There are conditions that need to be met for rate and service adjustments."} {"idx": "mnli-2955", "premise": "The data used for the analysis are described in the Appendix.", "hypothesis": "Data utilized in the analysis is explained in the Appendix."} {"idx": "mnli-2956", "premise": "followed by payment authorization.", "hypothesis": "Payment authorisation came next."} {"idx": "mnli-2957", "premise": "so then i had to go back and buy two more oh Lord i was so frustrated with that but uh", "hypothesis": "I had only planned on buying one."} {"idx": "mnli-2958", "premise": "Traditionally the festivities end on the 15th day, Chap Goh Meh, but the chamber of commerce usually likes to extend this highly profitable season by a week or two.", "hypothesis": "The chamber commerce usually extends the profitable season by a week or two after the festivities."} {"idx": "mnli-2959", "premise": "The best available estimate of WTP to avoid a case of chronic bronchitis (CB) comes from Viscusi, et al.", "hypothesis": "Viscusi will help one to avoid catching bronchitis. "} {"idx": "mnli-2960", "premise": "but i guess that's it that's my opinion on it so what now", "hypothesis": "I guess that's my opinion, so what will we do now?"} {"idx": "mnli-2961", "premise": "hi i like uh i like i love to do uh all kinds of crafts and sewing i i find that's my one release", "hypothesis": "I do them all the time."} {"idx": "mnli-2962", "premise": "It's almighty luck that she didn't take the wire with her.", "hypothesis": "Things would have been terrible if she had taken the wire."} {"idx": "mnli-2963", "premise": "And if you're really looking for Rennie now, you'll find him down at the course.\"Shannon's smile was gone.", "hypothesis": "Rennie is down at the course and that made Shannon unhappy."} {"idx": "mnli-2964", "premise": "A comparison of the actual number of functions successfully tested to the number planned in the acquisition schedule, for example, requires that system testing be underway.", "hypothesis": "There is no plan for or need for system testing to be undertaken."} {"idx": "mnli-2965", "premise": "Jon stabbed into the man's eye and, drawing it out, across his throat.", "hypothesis": "Jon stabbed the man in the left toe. "} {"idx": "mnli-2966", "premise": "and well yes but you you have to use it in combination with a sewing machine you can't throw your sewing machine away you you you need it to do things like button holes and uh", "hypothesis": "There's another machine that you might be interested in."} {"idx": "mnli-2967", "premise": "Below Jesus' feet is a Latin in?\u00adscription that suggests that the tympanum was the work of one man, Gislebertus (Gilbert).", "hypothesis": "The tympanum may have been created by one man called Gislebertus. "} {"idx": "mnli-2968", "premise": "In 2001, LSC devised a method to measure other significant responsibilities that programs undertake to help clients, in addition to handling client cases.", "hypothesis": "LSC borrowed a way to measure client cases."} {"idx": "mnli-2969", "premise": "But he didn't like the Portuguese and Spanish Catholic missionaries, who he felt were undermining traditional Japanese values.", "hypothesis": "Loss of traditional Japanese values were a reason he had a poor opinion of Catholic missionaries."} {"idx": "mnli-2970", "premise": "However, deviations from standards required only approval from the group's executive.", "hypothesis": "The group's executive will approve any deviations we show them. "} {"idx": "mnli-2971", "premise": "Shenzhen's main tourist attractions are its enormous theme parks.", "hypothesis": "Most tourists visit Shenzhen for its theme parks."} {"idx": "mnli-2972", "premise": "On the floor above Conrad opened a door and Tommy passed into a small room.", "hypothesis": "Tommy wasn't sure if the small room meant anything."} {"idx": "mnli-2973", "premise": "yeah well the see the problem is if if the if someone wouldn't have came up to me and said it's gonna cost you five hundred dollars to keep your dog alive what do you wanna do i probably would've had second thoughts but what they well what they do is is they say well it's gonna cost", "hypothesis": "I would gladly pay $10,000 for my dog's healthy."} {"idx": "mnli-2974", "premise": "FNAC belongs to the newer, younger generation of department stores.", "hypothesis": "The FNAC was a favorite store of Marie Antoinette, who bought all her wigs there."} {"idx": "mnli-2975", "premise": "Although the clubhouse and historic great house are camouflaged by lush vegetation, the manicured greens of the golf course can be seen on both sides of the main coast road, along with the plantation's water wheel, which has been renovated and still turns with the weight of river water.", "hypothesis": "The golf course was originally built around an existing old road."} {"idx": "mnli-2976", "premise": "A mere speck in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, Madeira has all the elements of a mysterious dream world.", "hypothesis": "Madeira is located in the middle of the pacific ocean"} {"idx": "mnli-2977", "premise": "OK, the door policy was cruel, but at least it kept Village Voice gossip columnist-in-chrysalis Michael Musto out.", "hypothesis": "Allowing Village Voice gossip columnist-in-chrysalis Michael Musto in would have been a serious mistake."} {"idx": "mnli-2978", "premise": "Bridges link the Right (north) and Left Banks via the two islands in the middle, Ile de la Cite and Ile St-Louis.", "hypothesis": "There is no connection between the Right and Left Banks."} {"idx": "mnli-2979", "premise": "Last June, the FBI told six members of Congress that the Chinese government intended to illegally contribute money to their campaigns.", "hypothesis": "The Chinese government denies the alleged intentions."} {"idx": "mnli-2980", "premise": "Simulations should not be viewed as forecasts of economic outcomes 50 or 75 years in the future.", "hypothesis": "Simulations cannot be seen as forecasts for economic outcomes in the future."} {"idx": "mnli-2981", "premise": "I strode out of the room, not giving the Fat Man time to regroup.", "hypothesis": "I didn't give Fat Man time to regroup."} {"idx": "mnli-2982", "premise": "Well, he did, sir.", "hypothesis": "Sir, well, he didn't."} {"idx": "mnli-2983", "premise": "Before 6 June 1944 the peaceful stretch of coast west of Cabourg, from Ouistreham to the Cotentin peninsula, was known simply as the Cete du Calvados, a flat, undramatic shoreline broken by a few unspectacular chalk cliffs and sand dunes.", "hypothesis": "The Cete du Calvados was a calm, unremarkable stretch of coastline before 1944."} {"idx": "mnli-2984", "premise": " Poussin's bittersweet Arcadian Shepherds; Watteau's melancholy Gilles and graceful Embarkation for Cythera; Dela?\u00adcroix's Liberty Guiding the People; and Courbet's penetrating study of provincial bourgeois life, Funeral at Ornans.", "hypothesis": "Courbet studied provincial life amonst the people in northern France."} {"idx": "mnli-2985", "premise": "Most interesting are the Macchiaioli (from the verb macchiare, to blotch or stain) school of Tuscan pre-Impressionists, who met at Florence's Cafe Michelangelo in the 1860s seeking a new freedom from academic art that paralleled the political liberation of the Risorgimento.", "hypothesis": "They only met once in the first year of meeting, but then went on to meet every 4 weeks 5 years later."} {"idx": "mnli-2986", "premise": "Postal Service were to reduce delivery frequency.", "hypothesis": "The postal service could deliver twice a week."} {"idx": "mnli-2987", "premise": "I do wish I knew what it was all about.\" I thought of Mrs. Raikes's gipsy face, and Evelyn Howard's warnings, but wisely decided to hold my peace, whilst Cynthia exhausted every possible hypothesis, and cheerfully hoped, \"Aunt Emily will send him away, and will never speak to him again.\" I was anxious to get hold of John, but he was nowhere to be seen. ", "hypothesis": "I wanted to talk to John, but I couldn't find him."} {"idx": "mnli-2988", "premise": "They had been heading there all the time.", "hypothesis": "They had been following the directions carefully."} {"idx": "mnli-2989", "premise": "but um you just might as well knock of a couple thousand dollars from your salary you know to pay for this medical care and then i i don't have kids so i'm not worrying about family coverage", "hypothesis": "It only costs a several thousands to fund medical care for one person."} {"idx": "mnli-2990", "premise": "they're some they're some they're some what you'd call primitive i mean there are no uh real facilities and then others that have uh", "hypothesis": "The campground is primitive."} {"idx": "mnli-2991", "premise": "Puerto Rico suffered from constant attacks.", "hypothesis": "Puerto Rico was never attacked."} {"idx": "mnli-2992", "premise": "For a different vision of Old China, spend a few quiet moments in the classic Lou Lim Ieoc Garden.", "hypothesis": "The Lou Lim Ieoc Garden is reminiscent of Old China."} {"idx": "mnli-2993", "premise": "oh boy it's one of those things on the surface you know it seems like a great idea it's like a joke i heard once about uh elephant foot soup you know it's easy to do once you find a elephant foot", "hypothesis": "Its great all around in all aspects"} {"idx": "mnli-2994", "premise": "Assessment of the Industry/University", "hypothesis": "University studies are needed"} {"idx": "mnli-2995", "premise": "I wouldn't get ten paces.", "hypothesis": "I could manage to make it to five paces."} {"idx": "mnli-2996", "premise": "An RFP should be clear and comprehensive and include the elements described in GSA's guidance on standard solicitation documents.", "hypothesis": "An RFP shouldn't address the factors described in the RSA's guidance on standard solicitation documents."} {"idx": "mnli-2997", "premise": "two point one keys and and you're you're lost", "hypothesis": "You get lost with 2.1 keys."} {"idx": "mnli-2998", "premise": "How did you hear the news? I asked. ", "hypothesis": "I asked how you heard about the news."} {"idx": "mnli-2999", "premise": "The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) performed a cost and benefit analysis evaluating the economic impact of the final rule.", "hypothesis": "As per the FDA, a cost and benefit analysis was created and had influence over the final rule."} {"idx": "mnli-3000", "premise": "I get to keep my place, Bell said, adding that without counsel, he wouldn't have known what to say in court and would have lost the case.", "hypothesis": "Bell said counsel helped him in court."} {"idx": "mnli-3001", "premise": "yeah there is there there there are much easier ways to get out of jury duty", "hypothesis": "Jury duty is a chore that nobody enjoys doing."} {"idx": "mnli-3002", "premise": "The four boys cried out and swung thin sticks wildly.", "hypothesis": "The grown men were throwing sticks around. "} {"idx": "mnli-3003", "premise": "Something had happened to the sun.", "hypothesis": "There was nothing wrong with the sun."} {"idx": "mnli-3004", "premise": "Drawing a blank?", "hypothesis": "You aren't drawing a blank."} {"idx": "mnli-3005", "premise": "Its massive rice yield (as much as 20 percent of the national rice crop) has made Tohoku the chief supplier of the country's needs.", "hypothesis": "Tohoku is a major rice supplier for the country."} {"idx": "mnli-3006", "premise": "and like i said i don't really watch TV too much any more uh", "hypothesis": "I watch TV everyday."} {"idx": "mnli-3007", "premise": "My dear friend, do you not realize that it was simply and solely the trial which has brought them together again? ", "hypothesis": "They have been together forever."} {"idx": "mnli-3008", "premise": "The remains of historic Kendal Castle overlook the town.", "hypothesis": "Kendal castle overlooks the small Japanese town."} {"idx": "mnli-3009", "premise": "well it was with Russian were they fought us with Russian weapons and they've they found out the hard way how bad badly put together the Russian weapons are", "hypothesis": "They had fought us using Russian weapons, and they were ineffective. "} {"idx": "mnli-3010", "premise": "Her third book, Promiscuities , is a memoir in which she single-handedly retrieve[s] [the] secret struggle for womanhood by narrating her own sexual coming of age.", "hypothesis": "Promiscuities is a memoir where she narrates her sexual coming of age."} {"idx": "mnli-3011", "premise": "The two sticks hung loose in his hands.", "hypothesis": "He held on to the sticks."} {"idx": "mnli-3012", "premise": "At the height of its power, in the second century b.c. , Pergamum was one of the most splendid cities on the Aegean coast.", "hypothesis": "Pergamum was a powerful city on the Aegean coast."} {"idx": "mnli-3013", "premise": "uh-huh you had company", "hypothesis": "You had no one over."} {"idx": "mnli-3014", "premise": "Hired car. ", "hypothesis": "Rented car."} {"idx": "mnli-3015", "premise": "He expects that, in five years, 5 percent to 10 percent of all patients will take the test during doctor visits.", "hypothesis": "The test would help doctors determine the best treatments."} {"idx": "mnli-3016", "premise": "Both of these scenarios point to the importance of having professional assistance throughout this process, and to the vital role of the low-income taxpayer clinics.", "hypothesis": "Without professional assistance the process can be confusing."} {"idx": "mnli-3017", "premise": "Let's repeat!'", "hypothesis": "Lets never do that again."} {"idx": "mnli-3018", "premise": "Reviews praise Johnson's range and lively prose but chide him for ignoring 30 years of scholarship and slighting America's racial and economic iniquities.", "hypothesis": "The reviews were in the newspaper."} {"idx": "mnli-3019", "premise": "Just west of the fort is the former royal palace of Ras El-Tin, built for Mohammed Ali in 1834.", "hypothesis": "The palace was build for Mohammed Ali many years ago."} {"idx": "mnli-3020", "premise": "While on the forum for (select as appropriate) phobics he designed an application, which created slogans for street protests.", "hypothesis": "There wasn't a way to make slogans for protesters. "} {"idx": "mnli-3021", "premise": "Each phase of the fight is closely controlled by the presidente, from his flag-draped box.", "hypothesis": "The presidente watches every fight from the bleachers, but is not involved."} {"idx": "mnli-3022", "premise": "and even then you know we're really running out of space so i think that that became that all of a sudden really hit home that there's no longer landfill space in some of the more crowded states", "hypothesis": "There's plenty of space for landfills even in the most populated areas."} {"idx": "mnli-3023", "premise": "Penguin, which holds the U.S. copyright on the original Pooh books, has published black-and-white Pooh books, color Pooh books, miniature Pooh storybooks, Pooh in Latin ( Winnie ille Pu ), Pooh for New Agers ( The Tao of Pooh and its companion volume, The Te of Piglet ), and even Pooh for managers.", "hypothesis": "Penguin might be publishing a new Pooh storybook."} {"idx": "mnli-3024", "premise": "Beds, chairs, and pews are where history rests its aging bottom in Washington.", "hypothesis": "The only furniture in Washington are beds, chairs, and pews."} {"idx": "mnli-3025", "premise": "If they want to read more, they deposit a quarter.", "hypothesis": "If they decide to read more of it, you have to deposit 25c."} {"idx": "mnli-3026", "premise": "okay maybe maybe we're all set okay we'll talk for five minutes they interrupt at the end um yeah it says what you would have for a dinner party i just happen to plan one out for Saturday i'll tell you what i'm going to have um", "hypothesis": "I am planning a dinner party for Saturday."} {"idx": "mnli-3027", "premise": "In the AEO2001 report, the combination of higher efficiencies and earlier availability of the technologies lowers the growth in electricity use from 1.8 percent in the reference case to 1.6 percent.", "hypothesis": "The AEO2001 report states that the electricity needs will continue to grow."} {"idx": "mnli-3028", "premise": "I am to take it then that you decline to say where you were at the time that Mr. Mace positively recognized you as entering the shop to purchase strychnine?", "hypothesis": "So, even though Mr. Mace positively places you at his shop buying strychnine, you refuse to provide an alibi of where you actually were at that time?"} {"idx": "mnli-3029", "premise": "The Louvre's official Web site (<www.louvre.fr>) offers virtual tours that can help you choose the most important galleries for you to visit.", "hypothesis": "The Louvre's official web site's virtual tours are popular."} {"idx": "mnli-3030", "premise": "You can use your Hong Kong dollars here, so there's no need to change currency.", "hypothesis": "You cannot use Hong Kong dollars here."} {"idx": "mnli-3031", "premise": "Instantly, Sir Ernest's chin was shooting pugnaciously forward. ", "hypothesis": "Suddenly, Sir Ernest burst into merry laughter."} {"idx": "mnli-3032", "premise": "But let's begin at Amber, 9 km (5 miles) northeast of Jaipur, high up on a hill commanding a gorge, which offered military advantage but was not right for the expanded city he wanted for his capital.", "hypothesis": "Amber was 9 km (5 miles) northwest of Jaipur at sea level."} {"idx": "mnli-3033", "premise": "well thank you it's nice talking to you uh-huh bye bye", "hypothesis": "Thank you for talking."} {"idx": "mnli-3034", "premise": "He settled for soup.", "hypothesis": "He wasn't okay with soup."} {"idx": "mnli-3035", "premise": "The only bright spot is Steve Zahn, who could be the offspring of Michael J. Fox and Crispin Glover if they'd mated on the set of Back to the Future (1985).", "hypothesis": "The only interesting person is Steve Zahn, who has characteristics reminiscent of Fox and Glover. "} {"idx": "mnli-3036", "premise": "Share-buyback plans are sketchy as long-term business strategies, but IBM's assurance that its shares were undervalued suggests that it's not particularly worried about the ultimate impact of Hong Kong's woes.", "hypothesis": "Share-buyback plans are generally one of the most reliable long-term business strategies out there."} {"idx": "mnli-3037", "premise": "Additionally, programs were offered the option of sending additional staff to the conference at their own expense.", "hypothesis": "Most staff went and paid to go."} {"idx": "mnli-3038", "premise": "Co-stars Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman are featured naked on the cover--like you've never seen them.", "hypothesis": "Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman have never met."} {"idx": "mnli-3039", "premise": "It is acknowledged that treatment must have documented efficacy in particular populations of patients.", "hypothesis": "Treatment does not have to be documented."} {"idx": "mnli-3040", "premise": "The two took up their quarters at the inn in Gatehouse.", "hypothesis": "The inn in Gatehouse was quaint, cozy, and had soft beds."} {"idx": "mnli-3041", "premise": "And no surprise, the bugger was already inside.", "hypothesis": "The bugger was not inside."} {"idx": "mnli-3042", "premise": "He laughed and thanked them.", "hypothesis": "With a serious face, he told them that they were welcome."} {"idx": "mnli-3043", "premise": "and uh it seemed like every time i turn on the movie channel Pretty Woman is on", "hypothesis": "The movie channel has not played Pretty Woman even once."} {"idx": "mnli-3044", "premise": "Won't she? said Tuppence thoughtfully.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence loudly blurted, \"She will!\""} {"idx": "mnli-3045", "premise": "'Exactly when were you expecting to do that?'", "hypothesis": "At what point did you plan to do that?"} {"idx": "mnli-3046", "premise": "Additionally, programs were offered the option of sending additional staff to the conference at their own expense.", "hypothesis": "The programs allowed all staff to attend for free."} {"idx": "mnli-3047", "premise": "The development of a statewide legal services website, based at the West Virginia College of Law, is currently underway.", "hypothesis": "The website will be of high quality."} {"idx": "mnli-3048", "premise": "J eff Gordon won the Daytona 500 , auto racing's most lucrative prize, for the second time in three years.", "hypothesis": "Jeff Gordon was also the Daytona 500 champion last year."} {"idx": "mnli-3049", "premise": "A deep cleft creased his chin.", "hypothesis": "He had a cleft in his chin."} {"idx": "mnli-3050", "premise": "Rennie laughed.", "hypothesis": "Rennie stood there with a serious look on his face."} {"idx": "mnli-3051", "premise": "well trained i guess and they didn't do a very neat job in cleaning the tables off and when the waitresses came they she just put all of the clean utensils and everything right on top of these dirty tables", "hypothesis": "Their service was not good, though their food was decent."} {"idx": "mnli-3052", "premise": "and they have sold a house that was quite expensive and bought one you know that was was more reasonably priced it's uh in Dallas but it's in the Richardson School District", "hypothesis": "They sold an expensive house and bought an even more expensive house to be in the Richardson School District."} {"idx": "mnli-3053", "premise": "right no i think it's it's to me more of a convenience to have them come pick it up", "hypothesis": "It's more convenient for me if I take care of it. "} {"idx": "mnli-3054", "premise": "and most the problems with kids in school carrying guns and and knives and everything i mean good grief what's with", "hypothesis": "I don't understand why kids would have weapons in school."} {"idx": "mnli-3055", "premise": "And as the European Union matures, Europeans are taking advantage of opportunities to live and work in different countries.", "hypothesis": "Despite the maturity of the EU, few people move away from their native countries to look for work."} {"idx": "mnli-3056", "premise": "Also try El Galeen, in a make-believe pirate ship that sets sail from under Havana's La Cabaea fortress.", "hypothesis": "There is a make-believe pirate ship that sets sails in Cuba."} {"idx": "mnli-3057", "premise": "Prone to sudden bleeding and speaking in scary voices!", "hypothesis": "Sudden bleeding happens in 10% of the population."} {"idx": "mnli-3058", "premise": "A'deem admired the fine sculpted work of the nude woman on the swords hilt.", "hypothesis": "A'deem looked at the naked lady on the sword."} {"idx": "mnli-3059", "premise": "[S]he tries in vain to pass off tired observations as radical aperaus, subjective musings as general truths, sappy suggestions as useful ideas, writes the New York Times ' Michiko Kakutani.", "hypothesis": "Michiko Kakutani wrote in the New York Times that they try in vain to pass off tired observations as general truths."} {"idx": "mnli-3060", "premise": "How do you suggest I approach the topic?", "hypothesis": "How do you think I should approach the topic?"} {"idx": "mnli-3061", "premise": "Troyes is also a center for shopping, with two outlet centers selling both French and international designer-name fashions and home accessories.", "hypothesis": "Troyes is all factories."} {"idx": "mnli-3062", "premise": "Fines from judicial proceedings are collected by the entity acting as an agent for the Government as a whole rather than on its own behalf.", "hypothesis": "Court fines are collected yearly by the agency working for the government."} {"idx": "mnli-3063", "premise": "Why, yes.", "hypothesis": "No."} {"idx": "mnli-3064", "premise": "Although a number of uncertainties remain to be addressed by continued research (NRC, 1998), a substantial body of published scientific literature recognizes a correlation between elevated PM concentrations and increased mortality rates.", "hypothesis": "There is still research being conducted."} {"idx": "mnli-3065", "premise": "I want a few words with you, Mr. Julius Hersheimmer.\" 204 Chapter 25 Jane's Story HER arm through Jane's, dragging her along, Tuppence reached the station.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence arrived at the station completely alone."} {"idx": "mnli-3066", "premise": "It was worse, they say, when she did make appearances.", "hypothesis": "Her appearance made everything better."} {"idx": "mnli-3067", "premise": "Similarly, to address IRS's performance expectation for senior executives to develop and execute plans to achieve organizational goals, a senior executive who is the area director for compliance in New York has a performance expectation in his fiscal year 2002 individual performance plan to ensure that taxpayers affected by the events of September 11, 2001, are treated and audited according to their circumstances, and that the compliance guidelines and policy regarding affected taxpayers are adhered to.", "hypothesis": "A senior executive has a performance expectation for 2002."} {"idx": "mnli-3068", "premise": "From Chapter 2, roughly 1,125 tons of steel is needed for a 500 MWe FGD system, which is about 2.25 tons per MWe.", "hypothesis": "They need 5,294 tons of steep."} {"idx": "mnli-3069", "premise": "There may be trouble with the A.S.E.\" For a long time there was a silence, broken only by the rustle of papers and an occasional word of explanation from the German.", "hypothesis": "The German may be involved with the trouble with the A.S.E."} {"idx": "mnli-3070", "premise": "but at at eighteen you know uh uh i i wanted i wanted her to go away but she was just too much of a home kid", "hypothesis": "When I was 18 I wanted her to stay"} {"idx": "mnli-3071", "premise": "Edinburgh draws the best of Scottish products to its stores and provides a ready marketplace for goods from the northern Highlands and islands.", "hypothesis": "A ready marketplace for goods from the northern Highlands and islands is provied by Edinburgh, as well as the best of Scottish products in its stores."} {"idx": "mnli-3072", "premise": "The walls lined with stone seats thought to have been used by advisers or councilors would have been decorated with red plaster and an ornamental dado.", "hypothesis": "The seats lining the wall are made of wood."} {"idx": "mnli-3073", "premise": "Poirot shrugged his shoulders. ", "hypothesis": "Poirot made a gesture."} {"idx": "mnli-3074", "premise": "so yeah um that was so that he couldn't leave her cause she", "hypothesis": "Yes that was the reason why the man did not leave the woman."} {"idx": "mnli-3075", "premise": "That probably won't happen.", "hypothesis": "It's very likely to occur."} {"idx": "mnli-3076", "premise": "Noting the team's decision to arrange its own tour of promotional matches, contrary to plans made by the U.S.", "hypothesis": "As far as the promotional matches went, the team chose to make its own arrangements."} {"idx": "mnli-3077", "premise": "She was answered by an anxious bray from the fourth member of the party.", "hypothesis": "There are at least four people in the party. "} {"idx": "mnli-3078", "premise": "The questions address problems over the patient's lifetime.", "hypothesis": "Some of the questions involve cancer treatment and palliative care."} {"idx": "mnli-3079", "premise": "um-hum that's true i i like i say i don't have any problem with people using firearms you know for sporting purposes or hunting purposes i just think it's just may be a little too easy you know to acquire one on on a whim of some sort", "hypothesis": "I don't have a problem with people having firearms for hunting purposes."} {"idx": "mnli-3080", "premise": "my dad died you know when i was less than a year old so i always just had a mother so i always thought when i have kids you know i really want to be involved with them", "hypothesis": "My dad fought with cancer and passed away last year."} {"idx": "mnli-3081", "premise": "It hurts to walk.\" ", "hypothesis": "My leg is so messed up it hurts to walk."} {"idx": "mnli-3082", "premise": "What do you make of the fact that all the doors of the bedroom were bolted on the inside?\"", "hypothesis": "What do you think about the fact that no one could have entered the bedroom?"} {"idx": "mnli-3083", "premise": "Without reform, the combined financial burden of Social Security and Medicare on future taxpayers becomes unsustainable.", "hypothesis": "This is because people are living longer and becoming more of a financial burden than what was planned for."} {"idx": "mnli-3084", "premise": "the orthopedist called it a uh basketball injury where the ankle just rolls under you and it snapped", "hypothesis": "There have no ankle injuries during basketball matches."} {"idx": "mnli-3085", "premise": "Fertile valleys with precious water supplies offer a cool and fragrant break from the heat of the towns and beaches.", "hypothesis": "The fertile valleys cannot offer any relief from the heat."} {"idx": "mnli-3086", "premise": "It was minutes before her husband could extract sense from her.", "hypothesis": "Her husband immediately could make sense of her."} {"idx": "mnli-3087", "premise": "Afternoon was fast fading into evening, but Tubacca, aroused from the post-noon siesta, was in tumult.", "hypothesis": "Tubacca slept peacefully."} {"idx": "mnli-3088", "premise": "In the great tradition of hotel and travel ads, the guys tend to be markedly less attractive than the women.", "hypothesis": "In travel and hotel ads, the man is always made more attractive than the woman."} {"idx": "mnli-3089", "premise": "They said that anyone could use that site to find out about any upcoming and recently proposed rules.", "hypothesis": "They said that only a select few could use that site to find out about any upcoming and recently proposed rules."} {"idx": "mnli-3090", "premise": "The Sinai region is best organized for these activities, though the western desert is developing.", "hypothesis": "Horseback riding and archery are some of the activities available."} {"idx": "mnli-3091", "premise": "Fifteen passed and the rest, feeling the confidence of unmatched hostilities, rushed forward.", "hypothesis": "they did not expect to meet up with anyone more powerful than themselves."} {"idx": "mnli-3092", "premise": "It is fairly easy to find your way, as most of the streets follow a pattern and are well signposted.", "hypothesis": "Finding your way through the streets will be difficult for people who are not familiar with the area."} {"idx": "mnli-3093", "premise": "This leads to ...", "hypothesis": "This ends here."} {"idx": "mnli-3094", "premise": "We synthesized and analyzed the numerous documents acquired from our literature search and case study organizations to determine the objectives essential for organizations to improve their financial management.", "hypothesis": "The objectives were based on solely on our opinion."} {"idx": "mnli-3095", "premise": "Vice-president Kenzo (Gonzo was good, but definitely too harsh, and this was not the image he was aiming for) quickly established himself at the new company by hiring Maurycy, who wrote for him all of the more important documents, and those less important, too, including shopping lists for subvacuum-modified jewelry.", "hypothesis": "Gonzo was good but was too harsh."} {"idx": "mnli-3096", "premise": "for the N C State uh Wolf Pack", "hypothesis": "The jackets are being made for the NC State Wolf Pack. "} {"idx": "mnli-3097", "premise": "Academia's most popular one-year fellowship, the Guggenheim, has been awarded to dozens of academics, including the University of Chicago's Neil Harris, who will research the history of the American urban newspaper building, and Williams College's Richard Stamelman, who will study the literature and culture of perfume.", "hypothesis": "The Guggenheim is a one-year fellowship in neurology."} {"idx": "mnli-3098", "premise": "Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association meeting, Montreal, Canada, April, 1983.", "hypothesis": "This meeting was attended by teachers from all over the Americas."} {"idx": "mnli-3099", "premise": "Yet that is what it looks like.\" Poirot nodded reflectively. ", "hypothesis": "Poirot was doing scientific research at the time of this quote."} {"idx": "mnli-3100", "premise": "We have begun efforts to strengthen and redesign our performance appraisal system to better assess employee strengths and weaknesses, identify training needs, reward and recognize exceptional performance, and improve performance at all levels.", "hypothesis": "We have started to make our performance appraisal system weaker. "} {"idx": "mnli-3101", "premise": "There's that, said Tuppence suddenly, pointing to a small, old-fashioned safe let into the wall.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence pointed out a safe in the wall."} {"idx": "mnli-3102", "premise": "In 1544 the English invaded, set fire to the palace, and sacked the abbey.", "hypothesis": "The English have never invaded any place or destroyed anything."} {"idx": "mnli-3103", "premise": "When reports about McCain's bad temper first emerged out of Arizona this fall, they indicated that he had muscled, rebuked, punished, and cowed fellow Republicans in order to squelch dissent.", "hypothesis": "McCain is a sore loser when he plays Monopoly."} {"idx": "mnli-3104", "premise": "The nation has recently considered leaning toward the mainstream right to expand its influence.", "hypothesis": "The nation has been thinking about selling out."} {"idx": "mnli-3105", "premise": "yeah and some of them that turned to flops we saw other other other night we saw um Lady in Red", "hypothesis": "We saw Lady in Red one night."} {"idx": "mnli-3106", "premise": "King Prithvi Narayan Shah had difficulty conquering Kirtipur, whose site atop a ridge with two high points made it virtually impregnable.", "hypothesis": "The king had a shrewd adviser who came up with a very cunning plan. "} {"idx": "mnli-3107", "premise": "That is, affirmative action is more likely to succeed when it takes into account personal qualities like drive and motivation, which may not be captured on the SAT.", "hypothesis": "SAT's tell you everything you need to know about a person."} {"idx": "mnli-3108", "premise": "Technology has always influenced the way pollsters do their job.", "hypothesis": "Pollsters rely on technology to do their jobs."} {"idx": "mnli-3109", "premise": "The Capitoline Museums, in the twin palaces of the Campidoglio , have extensive collections of sculpture excavated from ancient Rome, particularly in the Palazzo Nuovo.", "hypothesis": "The Capitoline Museums are one mile away from the Campidoglio palaces."} {"idx": "mnli-3110", "premise": "and i'm sitting around thinking well if i go out and run now because i messed around until almost seven uh six thirty or so if i go out and run now i'm going to get back and i'm going to be mowing the lawn and it's going to get dark and i'm going to have to guess where where the line is to mow", "hypothesis": "I will be mowing in the dark"} {"idx": "mnli-3111", "premise": "right now we're going through we just it just rained all day today or it's been raining most of the morning drizzling off and on but yeah", "hypothesis": "today it rained all day"} {"idx": "mnli-3112", "premise": "Are you going up now, miss? ", "hypothesis": "Miss, are you going up now?"} {"idx": "mnli-3113", "premise": "Carnac is surrounded by fields with thousands of gigantic stones (menhirs) arranged in mysterious alignments and patterns set up over centuries beginning as early as 5500 b.c.", "hypothesis": "There is nothing mysterious about carnac."} {"idx": "mnli-3114", "premise": "Oh! I said, rather nonplussed. ", "hypothesis": "I wasn't sure what to think."} {"idx": "mnli-3115", "premise": "Many echo Leonardo da Vinci's comparison to sacks of nuts. ", "hypothesis": "No one has compared Leonardo Da Vinci to sacks of nuts."} {"idx": "mnli-3116", "premise": "Despite the emperor's obsession with the new Red Peril ' the 1848 Communist Mani?\u00adfesto of Marx and Engels, which was being circulated in Paris ' he could not prevent such social reforms as the workers' right to form unions and even to strike.", "hypothesis": "The emperor was upset by the social reforms."} {"idx": "mnli-3117", "premise": " It surprises many visitors that there is only one 18-hole course in Israel, in Caesarea.", "hypothesis": "It surprises many visitors that there is only one 18-hole professional golf course in Israel."} {"idx": "mnli-3118", "premise": "(Based on A Glossary Of Terms Used in the Federal Budget Process; and Related Accounting, Economic, and Tax Terms, Third Edition, General Accounting Office, March 1981.)", "hypothesis": "The Fourth Edition was published in March of 1981."} {"idx": "mnli-3119", "premise": "ever since Akeem changed his uh first name to Hakeem he added the H to the front", "hypothesis": "Akeem changed his name to Hakeem due to religious reason"} {"idx": "mnli-3120", "premise": "The coffee was never drunk. ", "hypothesis": "Everyone partook of the coffee."} {"idx": "mnli-3121", "premise": "8. She's a dirty little secret.", "hypothesis": "Everybody knows about her."} {"idx": "mnli-3122", "premise": "i i might have seen part of that because the name sounds familiar although i would i would remember i think in with him in it", "hypothesis": "He is one of my favorites, so I should have seen it before."} {"idx": "mnli-3123", "premise": "why did you?", "hypothesis": "How come you didn't? "} {"idx": "mnli-3124", "premise": "On another front, the state's largest two bar associations are backing a measure to increase attorney registration fees by $7 to fund the Lawyers' Assistance Program.", "hypothesis": "The Lawyer's Assistance Program helps current lawyers find potential clients easier."} {"idx": "mnli-3125", "premise": "um they they also have a garden shop and they they offer just as good a guarantee if you buy it from them", "hypothesis": "They have a garden shop where you can buy it from."} {"idx": "mnli-3126", "premise": "They don't leave no more trail than an ant steppin' high, 'less they want you should foller them into a nice ambush as they has all figgered out.", "hypothesis": "They don't leave much trail because they are being careful."} {"idx": "mnli-3127", "premise": "Astley Priors, the place is called.\"", "hypothesis": "The place is actually called Bone Valley."} {"idx": "mnli-3128", "premise": "Set centrally amid the hotspots of the beach with plenty of entertainment choices for both day and night.", "hypothesis": "You will be eager to go home after a few days due to boredom."} {"idx": "mnli-3129", "premise": "i'll call home like when i know my mom and dad aren't home i'll call home just to talk to my little brothers and sisters i i really miss them a lot so i don't i guess talking on the phone is one of my hobbies too", "hypothesis": "I call my siblings to talk."} {"idx": "mnli-3130", "premise": "Mr. Barnes said he already has his first case, but he wouldn't say what it is.", "hypothesis": "Barnes would not give details about his case."} {"idx": "mnli-3131", "premise": "It's not Wallace's initial caving-in to the network--I'm with Don on this, he tells Bergman--that does him the most damage.", "hypothesis": "As he told Bergman, Im siding with Don on this one."} {"idx": "mnli-3132", "premise": "One of the front riders drew a large curved scimitar and the other pulled a short spear from a quiver of them on the side of his saddle.", "hypothesis": "Neither of the riders had any weapons."} {"idx": "mnli-3133", "premise": "No, you must be wrong.\" As Dave remembered it, Tesla had been plagued by similar doubts from such men as Edison.", "hypothesis": "Dave did not know anything about Tesla."} {"idx": "mnli-3134", "premise": "The bag was already ready and Denise handed it to the passenger quickly enough for the contents to land weightlessly inside the bag, and not outside.", "hypothesis": "Denise was too slow in handing the bag to the passenger."} {"idx": "mnli-3135", "premise": "Look calm.", "hypothesis": "Look like you're really bothered."} {"idx": "mnli-3136", "premise": "like i i think well um in the morals and values of like my generation for the most for most people are totally different from the morals and valleys um values of like per se your generation but i think as we get older it gets to your you know what i mean i think the kids now are are i would say louder now until after they reach like twenty five and then i think they really have a strong decline and start to settle down and realize things", "hypothesis": "The values of yours and my generation are different."} {"idx": "mnli-3137", "premise": "A reassuring finding in light of the question before us.", "hypothesis": "We were reassured by the findings in light of the question we are considering. "} {"idx": "mnli-3138", "premise": "The key point is that earnings cannot be simultaneously paid out in dividends and invested in future profits.", "hypothesis": "It is not allowed for the funds to be used for both today and for subsequent dates."} {"idx": "mnli-3139", "premise": "These days, fiercely independent-minded Tamil politics make the place much more lively and alert at election time, but less heated than, say, the cities of Caletta, Mumbai, or the Punjab.", "hypothesis": "Tamil politics do not have as many voters turn out as in Mumbai."} {"idx": "mnli-3140", "premise": "Best known, perhaps is Mother Redcap's in Back Lane (opposite Christ Church Cathedral).", "hypothesis": "Mother Redcap's is probably the best known."} {"idx": "mnli-3141", "premise": "The name was changed to honor Queen Charlotte George III's wife who felt a little upset at having been left out of the original plans.", "hypothesis": "George III's wife had been unhappy because she wasn't included in the first plan."} {"idx": "mnli-3142", "premise": "In a poll of 773 chief executives in 23 countries, consultants Watson Wyatt Worldwide found that most think productivity peaks around age 43.", "hypothesis": "Watson Wyatt Worldwide found that the most productive age is around 45 years old."} {"idx": "mnli-3143", "premise": "In the publicity leading up to the release of Showgirls , Eszterhas gave interview after interview about the importance of the movie, of its deep moral message, its serious purpose.", "hypothesis": "The Showgirls received much publicity."} {"idx": "mnli-3144", "premise": "Lewinsky reportedly wore a provocative dress to attract the president's attention, and McDougal did a Madison Guaranty TV commercial in hot pants.", "hypothesis": "Lewinsky supposedly would wear a sexy dress to lure the president's eyes."} {"idx": "mnli-3145", "premise": "Entitlements are not the only thing that matters.", "hypothesis": "Entitlements do matter, but not as much as the other things. "} {"idx": "mnli-3146", "premise": "You can if the bumper's on a big enough SUV--seven miles to the gallon and it'll crush anything in its path, comrade!", "hypothesis": "You can, if you put the bumper on a bicycle."} {"idx": "mnli-3147", "premise": "Conclusions should be clearly stated, not implied.", "hypothesis": "All implied conclusions will not be considered."} {"idx": "mnli-3148", "premise": "I think this is her greatest achievement--Petronius meets Marcus Aurelius in mid-century New York--but it is best appreciated after some immersion in her life and work.", "hypothesis": "You will appreciate her greatest achievement after studying her life and work."} {"idx": "mnli-3149", "premise": "i don't either if it was his name he should have just kept it i you know that's your name that's your name", "hypothesis": "He should not have changed his name."} {"idx": "mnli-3150", "premise": "the more disciplined kids you know they're not dealing with the whole gamut of personalities here they're they're private schools do not put up with a child that is uh that much of a problem like most schools have to", "hypothesis": "Private schools don't put up with problem children as well as other schools do. "} {"idx": "mnli-3151", "premise": "I wondered what it was that had brought that singular expression to his face. ", "hypothesis": "I didn't care about his expression,"} {"idx": "mnli-3152", "premise": "but really bad it um almost destroyed the the tourism in one town because of the mosquitoes they're so bad yeah that was it's a really nice area i've been there before and it's", "hypothesis": "It wasn't because of the mosquitoes the town's tourism was almost destroyed."} {"idx": "mnli-3153", "premise": "11 As federal agencies become more outcome-oriented, they will find that outmoded organizational structures must be changed to better meet customer needs and address the interests of stakeholders.", "hypothesis": "Federal agencies are perfect and will never change."} {"idx": "mnli-3154", "premise": "okay all right bye-bye", "hypothesis": "Bye, talk to you later."} {"idx": "mnli-3155", "premise": "Postal Rate Commission Postal Rate Commission", "hypothesis": "The rate has been stable."} {"idx": "mnli-3156", "premise": "In practice, the precision of results of repetitive chronic tests is considered acceptable if the NOECs vary by no more than one concentration interval above or below a central tendency.", "hypothesis": "NOECs variance of up to three concentration levels are considered acceptable as far as precision goes."} {"idx": "mnli-3157", "premise": "yeah because i know you know i i really get pressure from because i have a career also and i get a lot of pressure from people that you know my colleagues that why am i staying home", "hypothesis": "My colleagues and other people give me a lot of pressure because of my career. "} {"idx": "mnli-3158", "premise": "In other words, the F-22 is requiring significantly more maintenance actions than planned.", "hypothesis": "The maintenance on the F-22 is taking a long time. "} {"idx": "mnli-3159", "premise": "And the Globe reports that rumors are sweeping Washington, as well as Mary's home district of Palm Springs, Calif., of her special friendship with--take a dramamine before reading on--Newt Gingrich.", "hypothesis": "The Globe reports that there is no relationship between Newt Gingrich and Mary."} {"idx": "mnli-3160", "premise": "well yeah i know oh i haven't watched it in ages but uh you know", "hypothesis": "I haven't watched it in a while though."} {"idx": "mnli-3161", "premise": "This organization relied primarily on regular mail and telephone conversations to disseminate information about most things, including meeting agendas and real-time problem solving.", "hypothesis": "The organization relied only on rumors to disseminate information."} {"idx": "mnli-3162", "premise": "Immigrants, social workers and bus drivers come to her for advice on divorce, child custody and bankruptcy.", "hypothesis": "They got to her for help with family issues."} {"idx": "mnli-3163", "premise": "yeah so but i think we're getting better at it i think there's quite a bit more we could do", "hypothesis": "We have been improving at it."} {"idx": "mnli-3164", "premise": "Tommy smiled at them encouragingly.", "hypothesis": "Tommy gave them a hardened glare."} {"idx": "mnli-3165", "premise": "\"Yet he has only this wild one under his roof, and perhaps that Juanito will break his heart in the end...\" Drew put down his cup.", "hypothesis": "Felicia will definitely break your heart."} {"idx": "mnli-3166", "premise": "But I respect women, I admire women, and if that's supposed to be bad, then I'm guilty.", "hypothesis": "I'm guilty of respecting and admiring women if that's a bad thing."} {"idx": "mnli-3167", "premise": "These events surprised nobody, having been foreordained weeks and months ago.", "hypothesis": "Everyone was shocked at the events."} {"idx": "mnli-3168", "premise": "it's it's not in our national consciousness to do it we've always measured things in the English system", "hypothesis": "We don't have the impetus to do it, we have always used the English system."} {"idx": "mnli-3169", "premise": "Again the mare voiced her complaint, and the rider turned to the gentleman.", "hypothesis": "Her rider turned to the gentleman, after the mare voiced her complaint again."} {"idx": "mnli-3170", "premise": "The man came and put it right on Tuesday morning.\" With a long drawn exclamation of ecstasy, Poirot led the way back to the morning-room. ", "hypothesis": "The man came on Tuesday morning."} {"idx": "mnli-3171", "premise": "Another situation where program implementation case studies may be called for is when concern exists about implementation problems.", "hypothesis": "Program implementation case studies can be useful when a concern exists about the implementation on a larger scale."} {"idx": "mnli-3172", "premise": "My friends here,' I gestured vaguely at Natalia, 'my friends from the Salmon Corp will no doubt have some scientific evidence for those of you with inquiring minds.", "hypothesis": "I was bluffing when I said my friends had evidence."} {"idx": "mnli-3173", "premise": "I had everything a pit fighter could want and I hated all of it.", "hypothesis": "I lavishly indulged in the rewards of my profession."} {"idx": "mnli-3174", "premise": "In one of the spacious rooms off the garden is a statue of a shockingly drunken Hercules, alleged founder of the ancient town.", "hypothesis": "A statue of a drunken Hercules sits in a room off the garden."} {"idx": "mnli-3175", "premise": "One puts a weanling on a rope halter, accustoms him to the feel of the hackamore, of being with men.", "hypothesis": "A weanling should never have a rope halter put on him."} {"idx": "mnli-3176", "premise": "well i know it's hard for young people to think about giving up their years you know free their carefree years but people that i have known that have done that i like from other countries especially Germany and Finland", "hypothesis": "Young people are so carefree that they hardly think at all!"} {"idx": "mnli-3177", "premise": "and one of them was lost for many many years and uh he actually he turns out to be a law man", "hypothesis": "One of them was nowhere to be found for a long time."} {"idx": "mnli-3178", "premise": "The Commission received numerous formal and informal comments on the proposed rule during the comment period which was extended twice.", "hypothesis": "The Commission responded to each comment individually."} {"idx": "mnli-3179", "premise": "The broad walkway offers spectacular views of the ocean, especially at sunset.", "hypothesis": "There is a wonderful view of the sunset over the ocean from the walkway."} {"idx": "mnli-3180", "premise": "George Bush was a wonderful man who really got Ronald Reagan's third term.", "hypothesis": "George Bush put into practice the economic and moral principles of Ronald Reagan. "} {"idx": "mnli-3181", "premise": "You don't give a fellow a chance.\"", "hypothesis": "You give everyone chances."} {"idx": "mnli-3182", "premise": "But even in good times - for lawyers, at least - there remain two seemingly immovable stumbling blocks for private attorneys willing to go to bat for poor people caught up in Civil Court ", "hypothesis": "The poor people in Civil Court do not get attorneys."} {"idx": "mnli-3183", "premise": "well um with credit cards is me i uh i try to get maybe just one or two i don't i don't like having credit cards for every store i i uh i just don't like them", "hypothesis": "I prefer credit cards that offer points toward free flights."} {"idx": "mnli-3184", "premise": "They retraced their steps slowly to the gate.", "hypothesis": "They went on their way, having assumed their key was lost forever."} {"idx": "mnli-3185", "premise": "Of course, we might do something about it, if you really converted.", "hypothesis": "Naturally, something may be done about it, if you actually converted."} {"idx": "mnli-3186", "premise": "Subsidized by generous patrons, the convent accepted only nuns of the highest nobility until the beginning of the 18th century.", "hypothesis": "The convent was subsidized by generous people."} {"idx": "mnli-3187", "premise": "In the same year that Granada fell, Columbus crossed the Atlantic, landing in the Caribbean islands.", "hypothesis": "Columbus' ship was lost at sea when he tried to cross the Atlantic."} {"idx": "mnli-3188", "premise": "A Jewish underground resistance force (Irgun) was set up to fight the British and smuggle more Jews into Israel.", "hypothesis": "It was impossible to smuggle Jews into Israel."} {"idx": "mnli-3189", "premise": "Later this year, the Foundation will initiate a study to evaluate the most effective way in which pro bono can be encouraged and supported.", "hypothesis": " the Foundation will initiate a study to evaluate the most effective way in which pro bono can be encouraged"} {"idx": "mnli-3190", "premise": "The issue date and effective date of each statement are presented first.", "hypothesis": "The issue date and effective date are listed first for organizational purposes."} {"idx": "mnli-3191", "premise": "The summit of Medici power is found in Michelangelo's superb New Sacristy (Sacrestia Nuova), a one-man show of his unparalleled talents that he worked on from 1521 1534.", "hypothesis": "Michelangelo created the New Sacristy in the 1500s. "} {"idx": "mnli-3192", "premise": "but i don't know much about camping in Texas", "hypothesis": "I have little to no knowledge on the outdoors excursions known as camping in the state of Texas."} {"idx": "mnli-3193", "premise": " IV The corridor down which they moved this time was one that might have been familiar even in Dave's Chicago.", "hypothesis": "Dave remembered many hallways like this one from Chicago."} {"idx": "mnli-3194", "premise": "We will have Casual Fridays like all other good media companies, but that doesn't mean you should just slip back into your Office 97 jacket or that favorite Microsoft Bob T-shirt.", "hypothesis": "They will have casual fridays."} {"idx": "mnli-3195", "premise": "Over the long term, many other nations currently financing investment in the United States will themselves be confronted with aging populations and declining national saving.", "hypothesis": "Many nations are investing in the US."} {"idx": "mnli-3196", "premise": "uh-huh well it sounds like neither one of us thinks that the Soviet Union is a real threat to the US", "hypothesis": "We all agree that there are greater threats to the US than the Soviet Union."} {"idx": "mnli-3197", "premise": "Displayed in a room by itself, the prize of the collection is the Winged Horses sculpture from Tarquinia's Ara della Regina Temple.", "hypothesis": "The prize of the collection, the Winged Horses sculpture, was obtained in the early 18th century."} {"idx": "mnli-3198", "premise": "they make them they like i don't know how to explain it they make them hard you know", "hypothesis": "They make them hard."} {"idx": "mnli-3199", "premise": "you've got to go out and buy a metric set", "hypothesis": "You must not buy a metric set"} {"idx": "mnli-3200", "premise": "Because we need it badly.", "hypothesis": "We need the goal to win very badly."} {"idx": "mnli-3201", "premise": "The Spanish crown duly passed to the Hapsburgs, and Spain remained in their hands until the feeble-minded Carlos II died in 1700, leaving no heir.", "hypothesis": "Carlos II was the last Hapsburg ruler of Spain."} {"idx": "mnli-3202", "premise": "Bicycle rental companies (see page 103) also run tours.", "hypothesis": "Tourists can rent bicycles from companies that offer tours."} {"idx": "mnli-3203", "premise": "Pundits now think the Justice Department or Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr will look into the matter.", "hypothesis": "Some people believe that the Justice Department or Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr will investigate. "} {"idx": "mnli-3204", "premise": "On the way back toward Kathmandu, the village of Pharping deserves a stop.", "hypothesis": "Pharping is a village worthy of your time while traveling back to Kathmandu."} {"idx": "mnli-3205", "premise": "At a recent conference of professionals, we were seated around a U-shaped table--glass--with no tablecloth.", "hypothesis": "We sat on picnic tables for the conference. "} {"idx": "mnli-3206", "premise": "It is no accident that the word nebbish originated in Yiddish, a language without a nation that is spoken by a people repeatedly beaten down by pogroms and thus in a good position to empathize with nebbishes.", "hypothesis": "The word nebbish originated in Yiddish."} {"idx": "mnli-3207", "premise": "Lanny Davis, the closest thing to an official source who is talking, deflected the idea of an apology when quizzed about it.", "hypothesis": "Lanny Davis sincerely apologized. "} {"idx": "mnli-3208", "premise": "These unique roles involve sound management practices and professional audits and attestation engagements.", "hypothesis": "The roles don't include sound management practice or anything of that nature."} {"idx": "mnli-3209", "premise": "The natural spark of joy within young people.", "hypothesis": "The elderly were filled with joy."} {"idx": "mnli-3210", "premise": "Four months after the creation of the new Federation, three European rubber planters were murdered in Perak.", "hypothesis": "Three European rubber planters were killed in Perak just four months after the creation of the Federation."} {"idx": "mnli-3211", "premise": "from the Falkland Islands' Penguin News .", "hypothesis": "Originated with the FI's Penguin News."} {"idx": "mnli-3212", "premise": "scientific (something about string theory and tangles?)", "hypothesis": "It is related string theory and tangles."} {"idx": "mnli-3213", "premise": "There is an increased sense of desperation in China about Taiwan.", "hypothesis": "China is mildly uncomfortable about Taiwan."} {"idx": "mnli-3214", "premise": "Star Wars was never reviewed well by critics.", "hypothesis": "Critics often claimed Star Wars had poor acting and an unmemorable plot."} {"idx": "mnli-3215", "premise": "yeah i think that's great because i mean you know you you it's less guilt you feel knowing that you have to leave them everyday if you can go in and see them for ten or fifteen minutes around a lunch hour or", "hypothesis": "They are very happy to see me at lunchtime."} {"idx": "mnli-3216", "premise": "hum-um it gets bad it is nursing home i think is sometimes i think some people put them in there and then they just die that's about what it's for and it's really not some people don't need to be in there", "hypothesis": "I think nursing homes are just for people to die in and you don't go there until you're a month away from dying."} {"idx": "mnli-3217", "premise": "The house was built in 1865 by a member of the Man clan who achieved the rank of tai fu (mandarin) by doing well in the Imperial Exam?\u00adinations.", "hypothesis": "A member of the Man clan built the house in 1865. "} {"idx": "mnli-3218", "premise": "i know well all the restaurants here too at one time now it's see how i'm not in the restaurant business anymore so i really don't know but at one time the whole kitchen crew and the busboys and everything were all illegals in in most of the restaurants i worked in as a waitress you know it whether that came to a halt i don't know", "hypothesis": "I still work at a restaurant. "} {"idx": "mnli-3219", "premise": "During much of the 1990's the number of active boilermakers had been declining due to very low employment levels resulting from very low activity in the utility power plant construction business.", "hypothesis": "The low employment levels were the cause of there being less practicing boilermakers."} {"idx": "mnli-3220", "premise": "but i've got a class tonight so i wanted to get these out of the way", "hypothesis": "These are very easy tasks to complete before class."} {"idx": "mnli-3221", "premise": "and and uh again like you say there was and you are still a student and there's so much more you could have learned and but i i i don't know i think discipline i guess if i were to look at one thing we've lost well kids used to have a respect for the teacher i guess at one time but i think we've kind of lost that in out school system and i'm not really sure how to get it back i say discipline and that might be the wrong choice of words but it", "hypothesis": "All students are respectful of their teachers."} {"idx": "mnli-3222", "premise": "He remembered now that she'd called him a mandrake-man before, in a tone of pity.", "hypothesis": "She has never called him a mandrake man."} {"idx": "mnli-3223", "premise": "you want to go ahead or", "hypothesis": "It would be best if you advance. "} {"idx": "mnli-3224", "premise": "do you do anything on a regular basis", "hypothesis": "Do you do anything regularly?"} {"idx": "mnli-3225", "premise": "This information helps in making decisions such as to contract work out, undertake a project, or increase, decrease, modify, or eliminate an activity or product.", "hypothesis": "This information would be useless for anything we would possibly need it for. "} {"idx": "mnli-3226", "premise": "(Although it is doubtful whether Greider is aware of the source of his ideas--as Keynes wrote, Practical men, who believe themselves quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist.", "hypothesis": "Practical men are usually the slaves of some defunct economist."} {"idx": "mnli-3227", "premise": "About an hour's drive south of Calais, the walled town of Montreuil-sur-Mer sits high above the valley of the river Canche.", "hypothesis": "About four hours north of Calais, the open town of Monteuil-sur-Mer."} {"idx": "mnli-3228", "premise": "These national inventories were prepared for all 50 States at the county level for mobile highway and non-road sources.", "hypothesis": "The 48 mainland states prepared national inventories."} {"idx": "mnli-3229", "premise": "The FDA has reviewed the rule under Executive Order No.", "hypothesis": "The fda ignored the executive order"} {"idx": "mnli-3230", "premise": "Hargarten added that training mechanisms should not be limited to physicians.", "hypothesis": "Physicians should be to only ones that use training mechanisms."} {"idx": "mnli-3231", "premise": "and uh well tell your dad that now he owes you five bucks", "hypothesis": "Your father needs to give you five dollars for the milk that you bought."} {"idx": "mnli-3232", "premise": "because it looked so formidable um then then just", "hypothesis": "It really did look wonderful."} {"idx": "mnli-3233", "premise": "especially not after two years", "hypothesis": "After two years I might reconsider the situation and grant them their request. "} {"idx": "mnli-3234", "premise": "Therefore, as shown in Exhibit A-8 in Appendix A, the schedule for a combined FGD and ACI project is expected to be the same as the schedule of an FGD project.", "hypothesis": "Together, the FGD and ACI project schedule will not be any different from the typical FGD project."} {"idx": "mnli-3235", "premise": "For example, our funds made it possible for Louisiana to adopt a multi-year development plan, and allowed West Virginia to launch a three-year private bar campaign that secured almost $300,000 in contributions and pledges prior to kickoff, with the expectation of reaching its goal of $1.", "hypothesis": "Louisiana and West Virginia paid us to consult on how to behave better."} {"idx": "mnli-3236", "premise": "Those workers will have to produce the goods and services to maintain their own standard of living as well as to finance government programs and other commitments for the baby boomers' retirement.", "hypothesis": "The workers will only need to provide for themselves."} {"idx": "mnli-3237", "premise": "(Read Shafer's review.)", "hypothesis": "Don't bother reading the review by Shafer."} {"idx": "mnli-3238", "premise": "If you can use viral marketing and Abercrombie & Fitch in the same sentence, you too can be a Gen Y pundit.", "hypothesis": "The pundits make commentary on politics."} {"idx": "mnli-3239", "premise": "She sidestepped and kicked the assassin's knee with her hard boot.", "hypothesis": "The assassin got kicked on the knee when she sidestepped with her hard boot."} {"idx": "mnli-3240", "premise": "..most guys want it on the outside.", "hypothesis": "Many men prefer it on the outside."} {"idx": "mnli-3241", "premise": "Japp had taken out a handkerchief, and was gently dabbing his brow. ", "hypothesis": "He dabbed at his brow with a handkerchief."} {"idx": "mnli-3242", "premise": "Victor Hugo, in exile in Guernsey, was writing Les Mis??rables, while Baudelaire was working on Les Fleurs du Mal, and Offenbach was composing jolly operettas, such as La Belle Hene.", "hypothesis": "Victor Hugo, Baudelaire and Offenbach had no talent."} {"idx": "mnli-3243", "premise": "Economic multipliers of 2 to 3 are often used.", "hypothesis": "There are no economic multipliers. "} {"idx": "mnli-3244", "premise": "right yeah yeah no i i agree with you there though i mean they want to choose that particular religion then that's fine with me too you know as long as they don't try and pull me in and drag me in and and i don't like the way that they do it either and and it's their mission as they do as they go door-to-door and they go out into the public and they actually have the uh teenagers serving two years like you would say like in an army and two years in going around and doing missionary type work and i don't know i just um i just don't particularly care for that at all and that that's one thing that i feel really strongly about though is uh you know people coming up to my door especially religious organizations and wanting to uh you know to try and get me to join or you know become interested in their religion because i have my own", "hypothesis": "I am very wary about being sucked into their religion and having to go door-to-door."} {"idx": "mnli-3245", "premise": "The resort has a large park featuring water slides and a children's play area.", "hypothesis": "The resort is home to many forms of entertainment."} {"idx": "mnli-3246", "premise": "With good humor and icy elegance ...", "hypothesis": "With bad humor and no elegance."} {"idx": "mnli-3247", "premise": "I'd say Oro has him some real competition at last.", "hypothesis": "Oro finally has real competition."} {"idx": "mnli-3248", "premise": "yeah yeah i think that's the thing that were going to see well i think the biggest thing we're going to see coming up in the next ten years even in the even now they're starting to do it but i think it's going to be more in the next ten to fifteen years is that there's going to be a lot of women and they're going to have to work it out to working part time", "hypothesis": "The big change in the next ten years is that women will be working part-time."} {"idx": "mnli-3249", "premise": "FinanceNet serves as a vehicle and catalyst for continual improvement and innovation, at all levels of government, by impacting financial management resources, practices, policies, and professional standards through the electronic sharing of best practices and dissemination of electronic information.", "hypothesis": "FinanceNet affects the financial management resources in government."} {"idx": "mnli-3250", "premise": "Under the Save the Social Security Surpluses Simulation 89 Figure 4.4:GDP Per Capita Under Alternative Fiscal Policy Simulations", "hypothesis": "Figure 4.4 shows GDP Per Capita."} {"idx": "mnli-3251", "premise": "The Administrator will allocate to an opt-in unit an amount of allowances equal to fifty percent the lesser of the unit's baseline heat input or the unit's heat input for the year before the year for which the Administrator is determining the allocation; multiplied by the lesser of the unit's baseline emission rate, the unit's 2002 emissions rate, or the unit's most stringent State or federal emission limitation applicable to the year on which the unit's baseline heat input is based.", "hypothesis": "It is not the Administrator's duty to allocate allowances."} {"idx": "mnli-3252", "premise": "Daniel Hungerford noted that the supporting text could provide detail on the spectrum of alcohol problems.", "hypothesis": "Hungerford said they could not give information about alcohol problems."} {"idx": "mnli-3253", "premise": "ever since Akeem changed his uh first name to Hakeem he added the H to the front", "hypothesis": "Akeem added an H to the front of his name so his name is now Hakeem"} {"idx": "mnli-3254", "premise": "and i've got a piece of property in Minnesota that is completely undeveloped as of yet there's uh there's a little lake up there and uh a group of friends that i i went to college with um got together and we basically own all the land around this little lake there it's divided up into ten lots", "hypothesis": "My college friends and I purchased a big swathe of land around a lake in Minnesota."} {"idx": "mnli-3255", "premise": "He didn't even bother taking cover.", "hypothesis": "The man was not covering himself in any way. "} {"idx": "mnli-3256", "premise": "The boilermaker's union is working to recruit new members into their apprenticeship programs, which takes four years to complete.", "hypothesis": "The apprenticeship program for boilermakers will take 3 years to finish."} {"idx": "mnli-3257", "premise": "All these attractions can be bridled, but the amount and nature of the necessary effort differs by food type and by circumstance.", "hypothesis": "It takes a tremendous effort to cook at the attractions."} {"idx": "mnli-3258", "premise": "In order to examine the impact of density on cost, rural routes have been divided into quintiles based on boxes per mile.", "hypothesis": "rural routes were divided to see how density effected cost."} {"idx": "mnli-3259", "premise": "They do not, they say, value a stock by looking at future earnings.", "hypothesis": "Stocks are not valued from future earnings, but from how much money they make you."} {"idx": "mnli-3260", "premise": "Still, there's room to spare on Formentera.", "hypothesis": "There is only a little bit of room left on Formentera."} {"idx": "mnli-3261", "premise": "you know because you know you never know where they're going what they'll report or", "hypothesis": "You can't be sure of what they will report."} {"idx": "mnli-3262", "premise": "For the tourist, the olive, fig, and almond trees are objects of beauty and colour; for the farmer, they're cash crops.", "hypothesis": "Tourists find fig, almond, and olive trees a eyesore."} {"idx": "mnli-3263", "premise": "I'm working on my fourth language now, said Lopez, referring to his Russian classes at Woodburn High School.", "hypothesis": "Lopez learned three languages to perfection before - English, Spanish and Korean."} {"idx": "mnli-3264", "premise": "The term noncompliance comprises illegal acts (violations of laws and regulations) and violations of provisions of contracts or grant agreements.", "hypothesis": "The term noncompliance comprises illegal acts."} {"idx": "mnli-3265", "premise": "Her current favorite is Audrey Seville.", "hypothesis": "Many people's favorite is Audrey Seville."} {"idx": "mnli-3266", "premise": "The big wardrobe loomed up in a sinister fashion before her eyes.", "hypothesis": "There is a large piece of furniture in the room."} {"idx": "mnli-3267", "premise": "i mean the Kurds have tried it before they've gotten their butts kicked and this is just another time that it's happening", "hypothesis": "The Kurds have never tried this."} {"idx": "mnli-3268", "premise": "This resort town has a long and usually uncrowded sandy beach, and there are several pleasant golf courses among the palm trees.", "hypothesis": "The beaches are crowded and there are no golf courses in this resort town."} {"idx": "mnli-3269", "premise": "The island's capital, Sapporo, was a natural choice for Japan's first Winter Olympic Games in 1972.", "hypothesis": "Sapporo was never chosen to host a major sports' event."} {"idx": "mnli-3270", "premise": "It's true that coverage of Clinton on the campaign trail has been somewhat softer than the coverage of Dole, as even other Times reporters acknowledge.", "hypothesis": "Some of the shoreline homes have hot tubs and covered porches. "} {"idx": "mnli-3271", "premise": "President Clinton choppers in for commiseration and photo ops.", "hypothesis": "President Clinton is in photos."} {"idx": "mnli-3272", "premise": "The beautifully restored ruins of the Eglise Toussaint (dating from the 13th century) have been incorporated into the Gal??rie David d'Angers (33 Rue Toussaint), which houses a unique collection of the sculptor's portrayals of notables including Balzac, Victor Hugo, Gutenberg, Paganini, and George Washington (here in Angers you'll see a plaster bust, the bronze of which stands in the United States Capitol).", "hypothesis": "A great fire had burned down a large portion of the Eglise Toussaint."} {"idx": "mnli-3273", "premise": "Even our noble Saudi allies aren't willing to lend us their air bases.", "hypothesis": "Saudi allies want to lend to us air bases"} {"idx": "mnli-3274", "premise": "Do begin again, and Prudie predicts 1999 will be your year.", "hypothesis": "Prudie insists you quit now, for he predicts 1999 will be your worst year yet. "} {"idx": "mnli-3275", "premise": "Perhaps the most splendid of all the rooms is the Salon of Murat III, with inlaid floors, flowered Iznik tiles of the best period, carved fountains, canopied sofas, and a superb domed ceiling, designed by Sinan.", "hypothesis": "The Salon of Murat III was designed by Mohammad himself. "} {"idx": "mnli-3276", "premise": "\"You ain't makin' out no bill of sale on her already, are you?\" Callie was shocked.", "hypothesis": "Callie was surprised to hear that a transaction was underway."} {"idx": "mnli-3277", "premise": "In the interior, drive along the winding mountain road to Evisa and the cool, quiet Forest of A?\u00aftone.", "hypothesis": "On the inside drive on the winding mountain path to Evisa."} {"idx": "mnli-3278", "premise": "Glendalough's three nature trails take less than an hour's relaxed walking and are well worth doing.", "hypothesis": "The nature trails are very long winded, making it hard to justify doing them."} {"idx": "mnli-3279", "premise": "Importantly, once additional needed corporate governance reforms are made to enhance the independence and capacity of the board, the opportunity to implement the needed realignment will be greatly enhanced.", "hypothesis": "There have been many opportunities to implement realignment, there's no doubt about that."} {"idx": "mnli-3280", "premise": "UT law students will staff the center and conduct the initial interviews with clients to find out what their legal problems are and how they can be helped.", "hypothesis": "To find out what clients' legal problems are and how they can be solved, UT law students are going to interview them, said the news."} {"idx": "mnli-3281", "premise": "Thomas' opinion is part of an increasingly popular line among conservatives that the best campaign reform would be to repeal the old rules, not to pass new ones.", "hypothesis": "Thomas thinks that new rules among conservative campaigns would be a good reform."} {"idx": "mnli-3282", "premise": "yeah oh yeah yeah yeah rent a beach house or something yeah that's that's my idea of camping", "hypothesis": "Renting a beach house is about as close to \"roughing it\" as I'm willing to get."} {"idx": "mnli-3283", "premise": "um even when i was a teenager i didn't really like the music of that period so much because i found i liked um a little bit more melodious music than what was often the popular rock and roll kind of thing", "hypothesis": "When I was a teenager I didn't like popular rock and roll music, but more melodious music. "} {"idx": "mnli-3284", "premise": "It vanished, and the two men were also gone.", "hypothesis": "There were men overseeing as it stayed, but were now long past gone. "} {"idx": "mnli-3285", "premise": "We provided drafts of our human capital model to OPM and OMB for their review prior to publication to help ensure that the three efforts are conceptually consistent.", "hypothesis": "Drafts of human capital model to OPM and OMB were expensive"} {"idx": "mnli-3286", "premise": "These investigations are now taking more of my time and energy than the Standard Oil itself.", "hypothesis": "These investigations are requiring me to commit more time and strength than the Standard Oil."} {"idx": "mnli-3287", "premise": "yeah yeah i think that's what aggravates a lot of people is somebody does get a life sentence in place of the death penalty and they wind up back on the streets after five years or six years or like the kid on the news tonight out in Mesquite who was out in six months", "hypothesis": "It bothers people that criminals get life sentences and are released after a few years."} {"idx": "mnli-3288", "premise": "uh-huh yeah he works for them right now he's been there almost six years now", "hypothesis": "He just started there two weeks ago."} {"idx": "mnli-3289", "premise": "Jeanne A. Butterfield, executive director of AILA, says it hasn't tried to organize pro bono lawyers for those detained", "hypothesis": "Those detained received organized pro bono lawyers."} {"idx": "mnli-3290", "premise": "The newly convened group is supposed to deliver its findings by October 2001, when the current ban on e-commerce taxes expires.", "hypothesis": "The findings of the new group are supposed to be reported in 2001."} {"idx": "mnli-3291", "premise": "so not formally", "hypothesis": "informally, but just for you"} {"idx": "mnli-3292", "premise": "Will this approach work?", "hypothesis": "Will this court fail?"} {"idx": "mnli-3293", "premise": "but uh i grew up in a real small town in north Texas and uh moved down here to Plano an and uh it's uh it's definitely a big change", "hypothesis": "Plano is not a big town,"} {"idx": "mnli-3294", "premise": "A lady? I jumped up. ", "hypothesis": "I jumped up after seeing the man."} {"idx": "mnli-3295", "premise": "But the Army shows the process can work, and can help.", "hypothesis": "The army promises that it can help if the process is used."} {"idx": "mnli-3296", "premise": "But perhaps history is on the Weinsteins' It took jerks like the old-time moguls to bring film to maturity.", "hypothesis": "They needed humble people to mature the film industry. "} {"idx": "mnli-3297", "premise": "four weeks yeah", "hypothesis": "yes, four weeks"} {"idx": "mnli-3298", "premise": "And the editor heard Jacob's plea.", "hypothesis": "Jacob's second plea was heard by the editor."} {"idx": "mnli-3299", "premise": "The anonymous sculptors created a panoply of Hindu tradition legendary heroes and their battles, hunts, and weddings.", "hypothesis": "Leonardo Da Vinci sculpted a panoply of Hindu heroes."} {"idx": "mnli-3300", "premise": "where as it would have been exactly um", "hypothesis": "Where as if it would have been exactly like that, it would have been better."} {"idx": "mnli-3301", "premise": "If she shrieked for help there was very little chance of anyone hearing her, whereas there was probably quite a good chance of Mrs. Vandemeyer's shooting her.", "hypothesis": "Mrs. Vandemeyer might hit her, then shoot her. "} {"idx": "mnli-3302", "premise": "Jon could not say.", "hypothesis": "Jon was incabable of speech due to an injury."} {"idx": "mnli-3303", "premise": "What made you think he'd ceased to take any interest in the case? asked Tommy curiously.", "hypothesis": "Tommy didn't speak."} {"idx": "mnli-3304", "premise": "MLS is major-league sport with minor-league charm.", "hypothesis": "MLS is often referred to as charming by critics, but is definitely a major league sport."} {"idx": "mnli-3305", "premise": "Output - A tabulation, calculation, or recording of activity or effort that can be expressed in a quantitative or qualitative manner.", "hypothesis": "Output is a calculation that can be expressed as a number in the millions."} {"idx": "mnli-3306", "premise": "There was a knowing sharpness behind his eyes; signs of a soul wise and a little bit mercurial.", "hypothesis": "I looked into his eyes that looked wise and mercurial, but knowing him I knew this to be untrue."} {"idx": "mnli-3307", "premise": "In this population, a test with higher specificity may be needed to avoid", "hypothesis": "Some tests have higher specificity than others."} {"idx": "mnli-3308", "premise": "On the Left Bank, try the photogenic rue de Buci in St-Germain-des-Pres, open every morning except Monday.", "hypothesis": "The photogenic nature of the site is due to its architectural design."} {"idx": "mnli-3309", "premise": "Access to these materials can permit public comments filed on rules to be more informed and targeted to particular issues.", "hypothesis": "These materials allow comments to be better targeted if they are available."} {"idx": "mnli-3310", "premise": "44 rooms.", "hypothesis": "There are 44 rooms."} {"idx": "mnli-3311", "premise": "That's because his true focus isn't the end of the epidemic, but lengthening the lives of the already infected.", "hypothesis": "He is not interested in the epidemic or those infected."} {"idx": "mnli-3312", "premise": "The harem's principal residence is Jodh Bai's Palace built for Akbar's Hindu wife, the first royal spouse not required to convert to her husband's Islamic faith and was Akbar's favorite residence at Fatehpur.", "hypothesis": "The queen wanted to convert to Islam."} {"idx": "mnli-3313", "premise": "That is the case, said the doctor quietly.", "hypothesis": "The doctor quietly agreed with the girl."} {"idx": "mnli-3314", "premise": "It's not the same as adding real value to the economy.", "hypothesis": "Adding real value to the economy should be our top priority."} {"idx": "mnli-3315", "premise": "They refinanced in August 1998 with Advanta, a subprime lender that charged 10 percent interest.", "hypothesis": "The lender charged a lot of interest."} {"idx": "mnli-3316", "premise": "Where do you suggest we should take up our quarters?\" Tuppence considered for a moment or two.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence is thinking about where to stay. "} {"idx": "mnli-3317", "premise": "Within 10 years, they had overrun most of Spain.", "hypothesis": "Spain decided to fight the people overrunning them."} {"idx": "mnli-3318", "premise": "Saint-Germain-des-Pr??s", "hypothesis": "n/a"} {"idx": "mnli-3319", "premise": "oh what what what one is that", "hypothesis": "I know what it is."} {"idx": "mnli-3320", "premise": "uh the Bitter End is an excellent resort up in uh which is very easy to get into and there's some very nice reefs in that uh vicinity if you like snorkeling and uh scuba diving", "hypothesis": "It's strictly prohibited to go scuba diving in the waters near the Bitter End resort."} {"idx": "mnli-3321", "premise": "Never knowed any li'l boy what warn't glad to see th' last o' a book.", "hypothesis": "Little boys like reading because they think reading is boring."} {"idx": "mnli-3322", "premise": "right some of the stations around here will take it", "hypothesis": "Some stations in the area will accept it."} {"idx": "mnli-3323", "premise": "The interim final rules contain information collections subject to review and approval by the Office of Management and Budget under the Paperwork Reduction Act.", "hypothesis": "The Office of Management and Budget reviews reviews the information in the interim rules. "} {"idx": "mnli-3324", "premise": "but the quality is almost uh laser quality", "hypothesis": "The quality is nowhere near that of a laser."} {"idx": "mnli-3325", "premise": "migrant labor camps oh my God they live in cardboard boxes", "hypothesis": "They live in cardboard boxes in migrant labor camps"} {"idx": "mnli-3326", "premise": "To arrive before the time would look over-eager.", "hypothesis": "Arriving a little bit late makes one appear inconsiderate."} {"idx": "mnli-3327", "premise": "A sentry post on the main house was occupied twenty-four hours a day by relays of Pimas.", "hypothesis": "Relays of Pimas occupied a sentry post on the main house."} {"idx": "mnli-3328", "premise": "Vaguely she felt that deceiving this woman would be very different to deceiving Whittington.", "hypothesis": "She felt that deceiving this woman would be the same as deceiving Whittington. "} {"idx": "mnli-3329", "premise": "I want a few words with you, Mr. Julius Hersheimmer.\" 204 Chapter 25 Jane's Story HER arm through Jane's, dragging her along, Tuppence reached the station.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence dragged Jane towards the station."} {"idx": "mnli-3330", "premise": "This has been a most rotten business. ", "hypothesis": "The business is honest and righteous."} {"idx": "mnli-3331", "premise": "i guess in a way i just i really like the summer like to uh be able to lay out or you know just be outside", "hypothesis": "The warm summer air feels great on my delicate skin."} {"idx": "mnli-3332", "premise": "The Apple-Microsoft deal takes both covers.", "hypothesis": "The Apple-Microsoft deal is one way. "} {"idx": "mnli-3333", "premise": "so she's into this", "hypothesis": "I'm glad she's not into that."} {"idx": "mnli-3334", "premise": "Comfortable and affordable It's usually full but without the tour groups at most Gran Va hotels.", "hypothesis": "The hotel costs are very reasonable for the location."} {"idx": "mnli-3335", "premise": "federal operations at risk of tampering, disruption, and inappropriate disclosure.", "hypothesis": "The federal operations are being kept secret."} {"idx": "mnli-3336", "premise": "Ten years, sir.", "hypothesis": "About a decade, sir."} {"idx": "mnli-3337", "premise": "um okay i guess i don't see them as much of a threat as they used to be but i think just the instability of the country right now uh-huh", "hypothesis": "i think they're more of a threat now than ever before"} {"idx": "mnli-3338", "premise": "Will demurred when Larry King asked him about the commissioner's job last week, and he gave me spin when I He still likes writing his column, he says, and it's presumptuous to talk about accepting something that has not been offered.", "hypothesis": "Larry King hopes that Will will be made commissioner."} {"idx": "mnli-3339", "premise": "How did the welfare culture grow in the first place?", "hypothesis": "You can't explain how it grew, it just... happened; welfare culture, that is."} {"idx": "mnli-3340", "premise": "yeah really then you'll have to say see in my age i didn't have to do it oh really dad yeah oh well okay", "hypothesis": "I had to do it, it was necessitated by my age."} {"idx": "mnli-3341", "premise": "Historical impact of the chairman's choice of cuffs on the discount rate.", "hypothesis": "If the chairman's choice of cuffs pleased the buyer, the discount rate was higher."} {"idx": "mnli-3342", "premise": "The Portuguese Crown, delighted with its first important discovery, immediately embarked on a program of colonization.", "hypothesis": "The Portuguese Crown was delighted with its first important discovery."} {"idx": "mnli-3343", "premise": "Seated on one side is the Nyorin Kannon, in whose hand is a jewel used to answer prayers and grant wishes; on the other is Kokuzo, who embodies wisdom and happiness.", "hypothesis": "Kokuzo is dressed in plain white robes."} {"idx": "mnli-3344", "premise": "Nowadays banks are by no means guaranteed to make To turn a profit they must work hard, innovate--and take big risks.", "hypothesis": "I think honesty helps banks turn a profit."} {"idx": "mnli-3345", "premise": "Outside the resorts, it can be hard to pin down what's going on where, but informal musical performances are ubiquitous.", "hypothesis": "Outside the resorts, it can be hard to pin down what's going on where, but there are newsletter available with schedules. "} {"idx": "mnli-3346", "premise": "Death of a Salesman , his greatest play, is about the devastating effects of professional failure.", "hypothesis": "Death of a Salesman is a play that is loved by millions."} {"idx": "mnli-3347", "premise": "Then, jus' as I got so I could stamp m' boots on th' ground an' expect to stand straight up in 'em, this here Yankee patrol came 'long an' dogged me right into a bunch o' our boys they had rounded up.", "hypothesis": "The yankee patrol arrived and dogged me."} {"idx": "mnli-3348", "premise": "Out of the 43 counties in the LSSM service region, Butler County has the fifth highest number of cases served in 2001 and the third largest number of attorney panel members.", "hypothesis": "A review is currently being done to evaluate the effectiveness of the attorney panel members."} {"idx": "mnli-3349", "premise": "Our justice system is predicated on the assumption that both parties will be represented by lawyers who act as gatekeepers and guides through a complex legal system that would otherwise be inaccessible to many of us.", "hypothesis": "Our justice system assumes no one has a good lawyer."} {"idx": "mnli-3350", "premise": "The main attraction in Old Cairo is the Coptic Museum.", "hypothesis": "50,000 people visit the Coptic Museum every year."} {"idx": "mnli-3351", "premise": " In the 19th and early 20th centuries, Spain was both economically weak and politically unstable.", "hypothesis": "Spain was not strong economically or politically."} {"idx": "mnli-3352", "premise": "I couldn't make up my mind at first whether it was a sham affair or genuine.", "hypothesis": "I was one hundred percent certain about it."} {"idx": "mnli-3353", "premise": "No one could have mistaken him for anything but an American, though he spoke with very little accent.", "hypothesis": "No one could have thought that he was American."} {"idx": "mnli-3354", "premise": "but uh you know but we need good schools uh we're more involved in that now and i i i i think it's better for everybody if we had better schools", "hypothesis": "Good schools are advantageous."} {"idx": "mnli-3355", "premise": "Whilerulingfrompalaces ontheeastbankoftheNile, Pharaohs chose to be buriedonthewestbank,asthiswastherestingplaceoftheGodAmun Ra intheformof the setting sun.", "hypothesis": "The Pharaohs built their palaces on the east side of the River Nile to be closer to the God Amun Ra."} {"idx": "mnli-3356", "premise": "Also noteworthy is the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel (7000 Hollywood Boulevard), which established itself as the hotel of the film world when it opened in 1927.", "hypothesis": "The hotel opened in the 1930's"} {"idx": "mnli-3357", "premise": "According to this executive, the town hall meetings helped improve his customer satisfaction levels because veterans identified the concerns that were most important to them, gained direct access to the VBA employees working on their benefit claims, and were better able to understand the claims process.", "hypothesis": "The own hall meetings didn't help to improve his customer satisfaction levels, said the executive."} {"idx": "mnli-3358", "premise": "Also, much of the information maintained by federal agencies, although unclassified, is extremely sensitive, and many automated operations are attractive targets for individuals or organizations with malicious intentions, such as committing fraud for personal gain or sabotaging federal operations.", "hypothesis": "A lot of information is maintained by federal agencies and is sensitive so it should be protected properly."} {"idx": "mnli-3359", "premise": "Why shouldn't it be?\"", "hypothesis": "Why would it be anything else?"} {"idx": "mnli-3360", "premise": "Then came Lee Harvey Oswald, Squeaky Fromme, and John Hinckley.", "hypothesis": "Oswald, Fromme, and Hinckley never came."} {"idx": "mnli-3361", "premise": "decided to carve up that part of the world and call part of it Persia and part of it uh Iraq and part of it something else you know and they they split things along um", "hypothesis": "They decided to divide that area of the middle east, one half was called Iraq and the other side was named Persia "} {"idx": "mnli-3362", "premise": "The quasi-candidacy of Beatty proves that Monica Madness collapsed the distinction between the serious and the circus.", "hypothesis": "The campaign shows that Monica Manson is somewhere between serious and a joke."} {"idx": "mnli-3363", "premise": "Films with Mandarin dialogue also have Chinese subtitles, for the benefit of Cantonese speakers, and sometimes subtitles in English.", "hypothesis": "The English-speaking market is a growing one for Mandarin-language films, so English subtitle usage is increasing."} {"idx": "mnli-3364", "premise": "The preamble to the final rule contains the information required by the act, including the need for and use of the proposed collection, a description of the respondents, and an estimate of the burden hours and costs associated with the collections.", "hypothesis": "The information required by the act isn't included in the final rule's preamble."} {"idx": "mnli-3365", "premise": "Oh, I know a joint venture! ", "hypothesis": "We should tackle the idea separately."} {"idx": "mnli-3366", "premise": "Getting the president re-elected is only one of the many, many accomplishments claimed by Morris, who plays both Boswell and Johnson in his memoirs.", "hypothesis": "Morris lays no claim to getting the president re-elected within his memoirs. "} {"idx": "mnli-3367", "premise": "Russert regained consciousness at show's end when he introduced a historical segment on Robert Frost's Meet the Press visit.", "hypothesis": "Russert introduced a part of the show."} {"idx": "mnli-3368", "premise": "You're awfully good, Julius.", "hypothesis": "\"You're fantastic, Julius.\""} {"idx": "mnli-3369", "premise": "that's terrible well it's really bad that you have to be you know we we were over at a neighbors tonight and and Brian my little boy is only is just a little over two and their little boy is like five you know so there's a big difference and they were playing in the back yard and we were getting ready to leave and i went out in the back yard to get Brian and the boys were gone and the back fence was open you know", "hypothesis": "Mine and my neighbors' kids are never out of sight."} {"idx": "mnli-3370", "premise": "The first challenge for implementing recommended screening and interventions for problem drinking in emergency settings involves convincing staff of the importance and efficacy of such interventions.", "hypothesis": "The first problem for finding problem drinkers is getting all the staff to understand interventions."} {"idx": "mnli-3371", "premise": "In addition, under certain circumstances, GAO has the authority to access information from other entities receiving federal funds, such as the District of Columbia, state and local governments, and private sector contractors.", "hypothesis": "The local governments work under the supervision of GAO."} {"idx": "mnli-3372", "premise": "Semans says she wrote that line into the narrative after she had told a lot of people, including her parents, about the spot.", "hypothesis": "Semans says she didn't write anything."} {"idx": "mnli-3373", "premise": "The Comparability of U.S.", "hypothesis": "Comparing the United States."} {"idx": "mnli-3374", "premise": "Dean Bridge carries the main road over the Water; it was designed and built by Thomas Telford, one of Scotland's greatest civil engineers.", "hypothesis": "Dean Bridge was demolished by Thomas Telford, due to faulty steel beams."} {"idx": "mnli-3375", "premise": "I've forgotten his name now, confessed Tuppence.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence remembered his name later. "} {"idx": "mnli-3376", "premise": "Workers that are directly employed on these clean air projects will purchase consumer goods and services, which will stimulate additional economic activity.", "hypothesis": "Workers that buy consumer good and services don't really stimulate the economy at all."} {"idx": "mnli-3377", "premise": "Each of them had no fewer than thirty death marks on their chests.", "hypothesis": "They had death marks on their chest."} {"idx": "mnli-3378", "premise": "Some sought escape and came down here like he did, but they found little improvement.", "hypothesis": "They regretted their decision and wished they had gone back. "} {"idx": "mnli-3379", "premise": "Standing out half obstructing the path was a huge boulder which certainly bore a fanciful resemblance to a \"begging\" terrier.", "hypothesis": "The path was clear."} {"idx": "mnli-3380", "premise": "This pristine region of freshwater and saltwater swamps, edged with limestone cliffs, offers a refuge to this gentle creature as well as to birds and land crabs.", "hypothesis": "The freshwater and saltwater swamps are baron of wildlife."} {"idx": "mnli-3381", "premise": "Directors alter his scripts at their peril.", "hypothesis": "They actors are performing improv."} {"idx": "mnli-3382", "premise": "that that is true i hadn't thought about that and and that is fascinating to to think about someone who doesn't know how to say private", "hypothesis": "Thinking about someone who doesn't know how to say private is fascinating."} {"idx": "mnli-3383", "premise": "Relief flowed into Ca'daan once again.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan felt a rush of relief."} {"idx": "mnli-3384", "premise": "We will not have time to coddle your ego.", "hypothesis": "We don't have time to deal with you and your ego."} {"idx": "mnli-3385", "premise": "'A drink with alcohol in it.'", "hypothesis": "A soft drink with no alcohol content."} {"idx": "mnli-3386", "premise": "The big gray knew very well what was in progress, was tensing now for a swift getaway leap.", "hypothesis": "The big gray was preparing for a quick getaway jump."} {"idx": "mnli-3387", "premise": "yeah and and what but the thing is then you've got to with screws and that's the other issue uh the pitch and", "hypothesis": "There is more than one issue."} {"idx": "mnli-3388", "premise": "The building blocks of FACS are 46 action units (AUs) such as a wrinkling of the nose, a puffing of the cheeks, dilation of the nostrils, squinting, and so on.", "hypothesis": "The action units of FACS involve only body movements, not facial expressions like squinting."} {"idx": "mnli-3389", "premise": "That's all right, gov'nor. And then after a moment or two: \"Suppose I'm nabbed.\"", "hypothesis": "The man had been nabbed for kidnapping."} {"idx": "mnli-3390", "premise": "(This small difference would be further reduced if retail activities of rural carriers were not counted.)", "hypothesis": "If retail activities of rural carriers in both countries were not counted, then the difference would be reduced."} {"idx": "mnli-3391", "premise": "But to my knowledge he never held a commission from the South, and he is nothing but an outlaw trading on the unsettled state of the territory.", "hypothesis": "He was like an outlaw because he was not official part of the army."} {"idx": "mnli-3392", "premise": "They carry essential goods, just as they have done throughout history.", "hypothesis": "They carry passengers, rather than goods."} {"idx": "mnli-3393", "premise": "and that's just um-hum", "hypothesis": "And that's just"} {"idx": "mnli-3394", "premise": "well actually if your check bounces i guess they could legally take it off your credit card if that's why they're taking it i mean i don't know how fair that is", "hypothesis": "If your check bounces you still have to pay it somehow, usually with your credit card. "} {"idx": "mnli-3395", "premise": "Submission of Report", "hypothesis": "The report has been submitted to someone"} {"idx": "mnli-3396", "premise": "yeah that's what we'll do we'll take some we'll take take out like sometimes on the weekend um like snacks", "hypothesis": "Sometimes we get takeout for our weekend snacks."} {"idx": "mnli-3397", "premise": "and swimming um on the high school level and then they just kept pushing me into administration and and i wound up as an assistant principal and then i went down to the central office and was part of a team to to to develop a program to evaluate schools and and to uh try to resolve problems within schools", "hypothesis": "In the central office, I worked on a team of five people. "} {"idx": "mnli-3398", "premise": "The husband-and-wife team of Alfred W. and Ruth G. Blumrosen then looked at how many women or minority workers a company employed in different job categories compared with how many were employed at other companies in the same industry in the same geographic area.", "hypothesis": "Alfred W. and Ruth G. Blumrosen were husband-and-wife."} {"idx": "mnli-3399", "premise": "Moreover, tough, mean men enjoy high social status, which attracts women and helps the men get genes into the next generation.", "hypothesis": "Hardcore men enjoy being looked up to because it gets the women."} {"idx": "mnli-3400", "premise": "Slim considered, \"I guess not.", "hypothesis": "\"I guess not,\" Slim said."} {"idx": "mnli-3401", "premise": "At Wednesday's open house the local office honored him with an award for his dedication to providing pro bono legal assistance for low-income seniors in Central Oregon.", "hypothesis": "He did not receive an award."} {"idx": "mnli-3402", "premise": "yeah that's the problem with buying them through the pet shops we have that same problem here too yeah but we've used it we just have two rabbits right now we have one doe and one buck", "hypothesis": "We have one male rabbit and one female rabbit. "} {"idx": "mnli-3403", "premise": "The inquiry was turned over to the Inquiry Board and the Board of Inquiries.", "hypothesis": "The injury was given to the Board of Inquiries."} {"idx": "mnli-3404", "premise": "and then what is the long-term effect of us burying that in the ground if that stuff", "hypothesis": "People in the area where they bury that stuff have a high rate of cancer."} {"idx": "mnli-3405", "premise": "These results exceeded our target of $22 billion and were greater than that of the previous three fiscal years, as illustrated in the following graphic.", "hypothesis": "These results are for the current fiscal year, which is ending spectacularly but is not fully over yet."} {"idx": "mnli-3406", "premise": "that's what i've heard that uh", "hypothesis": "That's what everyone is talking about."} {"idx": "mnli-3407", "premise": "Geographically it is extremely diverse, with a central backbone of high mountains and hills blanketed with tropical rain-forest.", "hypothesis": " geographically, the place is not really diverse at all. Only mountains."} {"idx": "mnli-3408", "premise": "(One good current French critic is Laurence Benaam, whose thoughful pieces appear regularly in Le Monde .)", "hypothesis": "Laurence Benaam is the best writer that appears in Le Monde. "} {"idx": "mnli-3409", "premise": "Edits are programmed to perform various comparisons, verifications, and calculations to produce outputs that effectively replace many of the manual invoice processing and examination procedures.", "hypothesis": "Edits replace the manual invoice processing and examination procedures."} {"idx": "mnli-3410", "premise": "The ramparts of its vieille ville enclose medieval cobbled streets and half-timbered houses.", "hypothesis": "The half-timbered houses were out in the open and completely exposed."} {"idx": "mnli-3411", "premise": "Because they were ugly, says the Los Angeles Times . (7/28)", "hypothesis": "The LA Times said they were beautiful."} {"idx": "mnli-3412", "premise": "Greece was handed a strip of land along the western coast of Asia Minor, which for over 2,000 years had had a substantial Greek population.", "hypothesis": "Greece was given a strip of land in Asia Minor."} {"idx": "mnli-3413", "premise": "However, before I lose the forest---and a very important one it is---for the trees, I want to step back a bit.", "hypothesis": "I don't want to lose the larger point I'm trying to make."} {"idx": "mnli-3414", "premise": "In contrast to Mallorca, Menorca's economy was devastated for decades.", "hypothesis": "Menorca's economy rapidly recovered after several decades of problems."} {"idx": "mnli-3415", "premise": "'Got a degree in it.'", "hypothesis": "I have a degree in that."} {"idx": "mnli-3416", "premise": "it's hard to find people like that", "hypothesis": "It's difficult to find individuals like that."} {"idx": "mnli-3417", "premise": "Hey, conquest means winnin' th' country, don't it?", "hypothesis": "Hey, doesn't conquest means winnin'th'country?"} {"idx": "mnli-3418", "premise": "yeah i the turnover the stuffed turnovers oh i love those uh-huh", "hypothesis": "No, they don't have stuffed turnovers and I hate them anyway."} {"idx": "mnli-3419", "premise": "Relation of input (influences on security) and output (safety) likely to be difficult to measure and to be both indirect and direct", "hypothesis": "It was announced that since the issues concerning security and safety are impossible to measure, the departments were granted an unlimited budget. "} {"idx": "mnli-3420", "premise": "I never despise business instinct, said Julius.", "hypothesis": "I once owned a business so I understand their intentions."} {"idx": "mnli-3421", "premise": "Her application had been rejected three times.", "hypothesis": "She was only rejected once."} {"idx": "mnli-3422", "premise": " Don Cazar, the mesteneoes they arrive. ", "hypothesis": "The mesteneoes have arrive, Don Cazar."} {"idx": "mnli-3423", "premise": "Dogging 'Rita' ", "hypothesis": "Rita got dogged."} {"idx": "mnli-3424", "premise": "no i don't i work for North Carolina State University", "hypothesis": "I have never worked for North Carolina State University."} {"idx": "mnli-3425", "premise": "Cheap consumer goods, crappy fast food, and bland mass entertainment!", "hypothesis": "Well-made products, delicious fresh food, and amazing entertainment!"} {"idx": "mnli-3426", "premise": "I commend Judith Shulevitz on an excellent column, Don't Take It So Personally.", "hypothesis": "Don't Take It So Personally is a great weekly column by Judith Shulevitz in our local paper. "} {"idx": "mnli-3427", "premise": "The monastery rests in a fertile valley and is surrounded by plane and pine trees.", "hypothesis": "The monastery is located in the middle of a desert."} {"idx": "mnli-3428", "premise": "Less than one kilometer (half a mile) from the western end of Princes Street is Dean Village.", "hypothesis": "Dean Village is 0.4 miles away from Princes Street."} {"idx": "mnli-3429", "premise": "yeah you'd have the whole town on you didn't you", "hypothesis": "The whole town would be concerned with you."} {"idx": "mnli-3430", "premise": "LSC's Budget Request for FY01 includes a modest increase of $24 million for grants to local programs.", "hypothesis": "Housing programs received a large share of the budget increase."} {"idx": "mnli-3431", "premise": "You are a historian specializing in 18 th -century France.", "hypothesis": "You were born in the 18th century."} {"idx": "mnli-3432", "premise": "In accordance with the act, OSHA, either in the preamble or in the Final Economic Analysis submitted to our Office, gives the statutory authority for the action; a summary of the costs and benefits, in both qualitative and quantitative terms; and a discussion of the regulatory alternatives which OSHA considered.", "hypothesis": "OSHA has no power to authorize anything."} {"idx": "mnli-3433", "premise": "As incomes rise, the young farmer buys a truck to replace his father's trusty donkey, or he gives up farming altogether to open a bar or car-rental office.", "hypothesis": "The young farmer would do better to stay in the farming business."} {"idx": "mnli-3434", "premise": "um i mean i can still remember going going to the store and getting a pint of milk a pound of butter and a loaf of bread and getting change back from my pound", "hypothesis": "The milk tasted like something very foul but familiar."} {"idx": "mnli-3435", "premise": "you know especially i would say the receivers when they're in the air and they get tackled", "hypothesis": "The receivers get tacked in the air all the time."} {"idx": "mnli-3436", "premise": "yeah well have a church state softball leagues so they're not all boys and", "hypothesis": "The softball used in the church league is actually a crumpled up page of the Bible."} {"idx": "mnli-3437", "premise": "News Quiz participants scorn not just electronic greeting cards, but all greeting cards as prepackaged expressions of sentiment for the emotionally illiterate.", "hypothesis": "Electronic greetings cards are welcomed by news quiz participants. "} {"idx": "mnli-3438", "premise": "Waterwheels have been operating in the Murcia region for over a thousand years.", "hypothesis": "Waterwheels have recently been introduced to the Murcia region. "} {"idx": "mnli-3439", "premise": "Let us reconstruct. ", "hypothesis": "We shall rebuild."} {"idx": "mnli-3440", "premise": "9 , is not one of Beethoven's more inspired creations.", "hypothesis": "9, is not one of Beethoven's most inspired creations due to it's monotony."} {"idx": "mnli-3441", "premise": "A sidebar reports that in the early '90s the CIA nixed a plot by Milosevic's inner circle to overthrow the dictator.", "hypothesis": "CIA were on board with the plan to overthrow Milosevic, until the UN talks."} {"idx": "mnli-3442", "premise": "It's an excellent focal point, giving new visitors an easy reference to establish their location; it's a spectacular vantage point for many of the city's great landmarks; and its bridges and quays offer history, entertainment, shopping and exercise.", "hypothesis": "This area spans along both sides of a river."} {"idx": "mnli-3443", "premise": "Much evidence of a major Carib Indian settlement has been unearthed in this region.", "hypothesis": "We don't have any evidence of Indians living here."} {"idx": "mnli-3444", "premise": "When researchers describe case studies as using qualitative data, they usually mean the thick description.", "hypothesis": "Qualitative data is less likely to be quoted in research papers than quantitative data."} {"idx": "mnli-3445", "premise": "The President's national homeland security strategy does provide for a proposed definition of homeland security, which should help the government to more effectively administer, fund and coordinate activities both inside and outside a new department and to ensure that all parties are focused on the same goals and objectives, results and outcomes.", "hypothesis": "Homeland security is defined by the national homeland security strategy."} {"idx": "mnli-3446", "premise": "The villages have been lovingly restored.", "hypothesis": "Endearing repair was applied to the village."} {"idx": "mnli-3447", "premise": "vie for tourist dollars as well.", "hypothesis": "They want tourists dollars too."} {"idx": "mnli-3448", "premise": "and um i know my husband now we go vote every time i don't care how small the ballot is i mean if there's one thing if there's one issue because the way i feel is if i don't vote then i don't have any reason to gripe", "hypothesis": "MY husband and I never vote, we don't see a point. "} {"idx": "mnli-3449", "premise": "I saw what I thought to be a rock on the horizon but before I came anywhere near it, I fell facing the red sun and knew it would take me.", "hypothesis": "The sun was red and bright in the sky."} {"idx": "mnli-3450", "premise": "you know drugs drugs and everything else and they talk about how soon they start that and that scares me", "hypothesis": "People talk about doing drugs"} {"idx": "mnli-3451", "premise": "and that that makes a lot of difference in those of us that live in warm climates", "hypothesis": "Weather doesn't affect much. "} {"idx": "mnli-3452", "premise": "So the review has grown a large bureaucracy designed to prevent any unfairness.", "hypothesis": "The review has grown larger so that it remains fair"} {"idx": "mnli-3453", "premise": "Whether castigating them on the silver screen, between the lines of pulpy, true-crime narratives, or in the jokes told around the proverbial water cooler, attorneys have been on the receiving end of many a hackneyed punch line.", "hypothesis": "Many jokes are told about attorneys."} {"idx": "mnli-3454", "premise": "John Erlenborn has been an adjunct professor at Georgetown University Law Center since 1994 and member of the Legal Services Corporation Board of Directors since 1996.", "hypothesis": "John Erlenborn is an average man who works for a gas station and is a member of AA."} {"idx": "mnli-3455", "premise": "they know that they've proven that um yet their saying well we're putting such low doses in there that well you don't have to worry about dying from it the problem is that i've that i've read books that", "hypothesis": "People are dying from the high doses that they are using."} {"idx": "mnli-3456", "premise": "Pieces come as small as a ring holder or olive bowl to huge garden pieces that would have to be shipped back home.", "hypothesis": "None of the pieces are larger than a wedding ring."} {"idx": "mnli-3457", "premise": "i bet now isn't that isn't that a Swedish car", "hypothesis": "I think that is a Swedish car."} {"idx": "mnli-3458", "premise": "It also entails being open to reading and respecting ideas one disagrees with.", "hypothesis": "It's required to be open-minded, respectful and engaged in reading."} {"idx": "mnli-3459", "premise": "After that date her memory is as good as yours or mine.\"", "hypothesis": "The person they are speaking about has good memory. "} {"idx": "mnli-3460", "premise": "For example in figure 4.1, although federal government saving increased as a share of GDP by 5.5 percentage points from 1990 to 2000, net national saving increased by only 1.1 percentage points because private saving as a share of GDP decreased by 4.9 percentage points over the same period.", "hypothesis": "Over the period from 1990 to 2000 individual savings rose by a tremendous 100%."} {"idx": "mnli-3461", "premise": "The dialogue moves ahead--there are great gobs of exposition--but the images continually double to Stamp and Lesley Ann Warren, as his daughter's acting teacher, simply gazing at each other; or to Stamp sitting on a plane, remembering his daughter as a girl on the beach, the lens of his home movie camera creating an eerily bright--almost supernatural--spot that dances over her face.", "hypothesis": "The dialogue contains a large amount of exposition."} {"idx": "mnli-3462", "premise": "It was able to landscape a magnificent park, Lake Gardens, from an tin mine abandoned in 1890, then owned by Chung Keng Kwee.", "hypothesis": "The tin mine was converted to a magnificent park"} {"idx": "mnli-3463", "premise": "In 1972, the 53-year-old Salinger wrote the notorious fan letter to the 18-year-old Joyce Maynard, who had just written a New York Times Magazine cover story about herself.", "hypothesis": "Salinger did not write any fan letter to Joyce."} {"idx": "mnli-3464", "premise": "she drives and everything she she's perfectly healthy uh", "hypothesis": "She's perfectly healthy and she drives."} {"idx": "mnli-3465", "premise": "The students who the year before had marched and chanted and proclaimed it is forbidden to forbid had been arguing for liberation of the oppressed of virtually every kind, and when it comes to the sexually oppressed, Berman says, the last two decades can be seen as a victory.", "hypothesis": "They still had much more to be done."} {"idx": "mnli-3466", "premise": "Except that unique animals might have landed during the night. ", "hypothesis": "During the night some unique animals may have made a landing."} {"idx": "mnli-3467", "premise": "Though one of Madrid's top sights, many visitors still miss it.", "hypothesis": "Madrid's top sites can sometimes be overlooked because there is so much to see."} {"idx": "mnli-3468", "premise": "From here it's only a short walk to the Mosque of al-Hakim and Bab El-Futah set in a remaining section of the original city wall.", "hypothesis": "The original city wall was completely destroyed in World War II."} {"idx": "mnli-3469", "premise": "Overrating Bob Dylan's unpublished fragments probably won't do any damage to his real achievement.", "hypothesis": "Bob Dylan had unfinished work that was never published."} {"idx": "mnli-3470", "premise": "and effectively respond to those needs.", "hypothesis": "and respond to those needs in an effective manner."} {"idx": "mnli-3471", "premise": "um and there i think that even though i'm on an eighty eighty eight at home that the speed is really quite adequate uh and and i consequently don't even really notice uh the the difference between the the fast machine and and the eighty eighty eight", "hypothesis": "The fast machine is most noticeable when I'm working with large spreadsheets."} {"idx": "mnli-3472", "premise": "it's usually the television that we see nowadays seems like that it's it it doesn't even have some of the underlying uh things to it you know that maybe the old movies and things had you know the underlying themes and stuff that maybe you had to kind of figure out or you know like with Hitchcock or something where you're you're you're expecting something or", "hypothesis": "Classic movies never had hidden themes."} {"idx": "mnli-3473", "premise": "Today its lawns, gardens and promenades are the most convenient and enjoyable place for many Madrilellos to take a family outing .", "hypothesis": "The promenades encircle the whole area, with nearly four kilometers of walkways."} {"idx": "mnli-3474", "premise": "Part of the decline may have been due to general market conditions, but it's doubtful that all of it was.", "hypothesis": "The decline can be blamed only on the market."} {"idx": "mnli-3475", "premise": "uh racial i think or like you say maybe communication of knowing that hey up in other English colonies or previous English colonies everything is equal and yet down there it's not you know", "hypothesis": "Other English colonies have things equal."} {"idx": "mnli-3476", "premise": "It's the animal house!", "hypothesis": "The animal house is boring."} {"idx": "mnli-3477", "premise": "Other tax incentives encourage college and other postsecondary education.", "hypothesis": "Other tax incentives are used for spending less"} {"idx": "mnli-3478", "premise": "from that state um-hum um-hum yeah right i'm going to inject a little side anecdote for you back to the to the uh uh the main topic here because it it you might be interested in this uh you know i i've", "hypothesis": "You don't want to hear about that."} {"idx": "mnli-3479", "premise": "(Incidentally, half of the 1992 donations failed, when first disclosed to the FEC, to reveal that the source was a student.)", "hypothesis": "Students were prohibited from donations, that's why half of them failed."} {"idx": "mnli-3480", "premise": "He winked knowingly to his own self in four years time.", "hypothesis": "He was solemn."} {"idx": "mnli-3481", "premise": "Riggs regrets that retired Tulsa attorney John Athens, a champion of legal aid, did not live to see how much the money has meant.", "hypothesis": "Riggs and John Athens are very close friends."} {"idx": "mnli-3482", "premise": "or classes of payments from this prohibition.", "hypothesis": "The payments were made in person."} {"idx": "mnli-3483", "premise": "i have no idea i know they're they're engineered very well but i would have a hard time justifying spending that kind of money on any car", "hypothesis": "It would be difficult for me to justify paying for an expensive car, even if they're engineered very well."} {"idx": "mnli-3484", "premise": "McKay and his colleagues do not accuse the original authors of fraud, speculate on how their data-tuning took place, or ask whether the tuning was consciously done.", "hypothesis": "McKay and his colleagues have publicly sued the authors of tuning data."} {"idx": "mnli-3485", "premise": "i mean it's not as vast a country as like you know where you people are from because i lived in Abilene for a little while", "hypothesis": "I have never been to Abilene."} {"idx": "mnli-3486", "premise": "We would be obliged to give evidence at any army hearing, Captain.", "hypothesis": "There are army hearings."} {"idx": "mnli-3487", "premise": "Challenges to Capital Flows.", "hypothesis": "Capital flows are subject to challenges."} {"idx": "mnli-3488", "premise": "I will not describe to you the special apparatus, dusting powder, etc., which I used. ", "hypothesis": "I won't explain the amazing methods I used!"} {"idx": "mnli-3489", "premise": "Red and yellow flames.", "hypothesis": "There were red and yellow flames."} {"idx": "mnli-3490", "premise": "and they just didn't do anything did they they're just kind of sitting there", "hypothesis": "They were pretty proactive, and they tried a few different things."} {"idx": "mnli-3491", "premise": "Members stated that the first meetings discussed broad subjects that individuals were concerned about or equally affected by, such as computer forensics.", "hypothesis": "The first meetings talked about subjects the individuals were worried about."} {"idx": "mnli-3492", "premise": "a little soy sauce and uh some uh seasoned salt mix all that up together and put it on the steak", "hypothesis": "mix up soy sauce and seasoned salt, put it on the steak and let it sit for 8 hours."} {"idx": "mnli-3493", "premise": "Buddha never claimed to be divine and in fact emphasized that all men could by their own efforts follow his path to enlightenment and the blissful state of nirvana, release from the cycle of repeated births and deaths.", "hypothesis": "Nirvana is a state that Buddha sad all men reach by following his path. "} {"idx": "mnli-3494", "premise": "The center has been staffed by GSA's most senior and competent project managers to serve two ", "hypothesis": "The total number of staff at the center, including the overnight crew, is 324."} {"idx": "mnli-3495", "premise": "They actually seem to play because they love their game.", "hypothesis": "They seem to play because of their love of the game and of each other."} {"idx": "mnli-3496", "premise": "because i i just don't have that discipline with children that uh you need for them to learn", "hypothesis": "Because I don't know how to get children to obey me."} {"idx": "mnli-3497", "premise": "well how did you get a recipe for pudding on your own", "hypothesis": "How did you get a recipe for pudding?"} {"idx": "mnli-3498", "premise": "and there's some freebies out there are you should put ten to fifteen percent of your monthly bring home in some sort of savings account that being money market uh bonds coda mat savings uh", "hypothesis": "The savings account takes exactly 12.5 percent of the monthly salaries."} {"idx": "mnli-3499", "premise": "what you see is what you get editor for almost all of my word processing so i have not although i have access at home to things like Works and WordPerfect uh but i i do not obviously notice it i i think the thing that surprises me most when i change work to home environment is the cursor speed and after i if initially get over the uh the cursor speed in the sense of moving linearly across the screen uh as opposed to tabbing", "hypothesis": "I use some word processors at home."} {"idx": "mnli-3500", "premise": "He'd made his choice without hesitation: the colt Shiloh, the mare Shadow, and she bred to Storm Cloud for what should be a prize foal.", "hypothesis": "He just couldn't decide."} {"idx": "mnli-3501", "premise": "Two of my brothers still smoke, although both would press the magic button and quit tomorrow if they could.", "hypothesis": "My brothers love to smoke and would never quit."} {"idx": "mnli-3502", "premise": "T he fertile Nile Valley has supported human life for over 8,000 years.", "hypothesis": "The Nile Valley has supported human life for over 8,000 years. "} {"idx": "mnli-3503", "premise": "They reached at length a small dilapidated square.", "hypothesis": "The ruins was very large."} {"idx": "mnli-3504", "premise": "we uh you know we're not going to get this budget isn't going to make us rich but it is going to prevent us from going into poverty uh but", "hypothesis": "Without the budget, we would all fall into poverty."} {"idx": "mnli-3505", "premise": "Atlantic Treaty Organization, the Balkans remain volatile.", "hypothesis": "The organization is watching the state of the Balkans."} {"idx": "mnli-3506", "premise": "The story of the Western discovery of Macau begins in 1513 when Portuguese explorer, Jorge Alvares, reached the south coast of China.", "hypothesis": "Jorge Alvarez has never set foot in Macau."} {"idx": "mnli-3507", "premise": "How many were there? ", "hypothesis": "I know exactly how many there were."} {"idx": "mnli-3508", "premise": "The Great Green Tax Shift--a shift away from taxes on employment and income toward taxes on pollution and other negative externalities--has everything going for it.", "hypothesis": "Having nothing going for it was the Great Green Tax Shift."} {"idx": "mnli-3509", "premise": "The stretch of Colorado Boulevard nearby forms the heart of Old Town Pasadena.", "hypothesis": "Most of the small shops in Old Town Pasadena have been driven out of business by malls."} {"idx": "mnli-3510", "premise": "are like magic tricks, says the New York Times ' Michael Kimmelman.", "hypothesis": "Michael Kimmelman has never likened anything to a magic trick."} {"idx": "mnli-3511", "premise": "The Palazzo Pubblico's ground floor houses the offices of the town hall, but its upstairs chambers, frescoed by the city's foremost artists, have been transformed into a Museo Civico (municipal museum).", "hypothesis": "The Museo Civico has been housed inside the upper floors of the Palazzo Pubblico for over ten years. "} {"idx": "mnli-3512", "premise": "for me any time i needed extra help any time of the day", "hypothesis": "I could get help any time I needed it and it really helped."} {"idx": "mnli-3513", "premise": "This organization proved helpful in ensuring that reasons why a site showed up as an outlier for a given theme could be discussed by someone who knew the site as a whole.", "hypothesis": "There was help from an organization to make sure that a person knowledgeable about a site could talk about it."} {"idx": "mnli-3514", "premise": "EPA has prepared both a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the benefits and costs of the rule in the Regulatory Impact Analysis.", "hypothesis": "The EPA is really good at preparing assessments of Regulatory Impact Analyses. "} {"idx": "mnli-3515", "premise": "18 See the description of this proceeding in the Appendix.", "hypothesis": "The description is very detailed."} {"idx": "mnli-3516", "premise": "In his third vision Jon saw Adrin moving east until he saw the flank of the riders.", "hypothesis": "Jon had many visions, his third one of Adrin moving east until he spotted the riders."} {"idx": "mnli-3517", "premise": "workout as much but jazzercise is what it's it's so much fun that you forget you're exercising you know aerobics you don't forget", "hypothesis": "With jazzercise, you forget you're even exercising. "} {"idx": "mnli-3518", "premise": "They hire individuals to act as leaders, teachers and resources in this arena.", "hypothesis": "Their leaders are the most important employees on payroll."} {"idx": "mnli-3519", "premise": "I tried.", "hypothesis": "I did my best."} {"idx": "mnli-3520", "premise": "During LSC's 1996 competition, the service area of one of these programs was awarded to an adjacent program.", "hypothesis": "The service area can't be awarded to anyone."} {"idx": "mnli-3521", "premise": "It ended in my being sent to a sanatorium at Bournemouth.", "hypothesis": "I was the last one to be sent to the sanatorium."} {"idx": "mnli-3522", "premise": "Instead, on May 16, the Vice Presidentas Counsel sent GAO a letter questioning the appropriateness of GAOas review, expressing reluctance to supply the information requested and asking for a statement of GAOas legal authority to conduct the review.", "hypothesis": "The Vice President's Counsel received a prompt reply from GAO."} {"idx": "mnli-3523", "premise": "Most folks have a pretty clear idea of how much pleasure they'll get from their brother's smiles or a few days of sand and surf.", "hypothesis": "Most people can imagine the amount of joy they will show from a brother's grin."} {"idx": "mnli-3524", "premise": "Democratic donor Nathan Landow, accused of trying to silence Willey's testimony against Clinton, may in fact have been the target of Willey's romantic advances--an easy mark for a calculating gold digger.", "hypothesis": "Nathan Landow is accused of trying to get Willey to testify against Clinton."} {"idx": "mnli-3525", "premise": "In summer, kids and lovers rent rowboats and paddle about the small lake in the center of the park.", "hypothesis": "There were always many rowboats in the lake."} {"idx": "mnli-3526", "premise": "In a magical space looking out over the sea, the beautifully sculpted columns of the cloister create a perfect framework of grace and delicacy for a moment's meditation.", "hypothesis": "The space looking out over the sea is quite drab, making it hard to relax."} {"idx": "mnli-3527", "premise": "In May, Vajpayee announced the successful completion of nuclear tests, which, although touted by the Indians as a sign of their sovereignty, may complicate India's relations with its neighbors and the West.", "hypothesis": "India's successful nuclear tests were a source of pride for Indians."} {"idx": "mnli-3528", "premise": "Welcome to the world, Frank Sinatra Farrow.", "hypothesis": "Frank Sinatra Farrow was born today."} {"idx": "mnli-3529", "premise": "None of the above?", "hypothesis": "Not any of the above, but a mixture of the above?"} {"idx": "mnli-3530", "premise": "An' th' Old Man took him a crease 'crost th' ribs that made him bleed like a stuck pig.", "hypothesis": "The Old Man ignored him and pretended he could not care less."} {"idx": "mnli-3531", "premise": "Tommy continued to stare at him.", "hypothesis": "Tommy stopped looking at him after a second."} {"idx": "mnli-3532", "premise": "Wendy R. Leibowitz is an attorney and legal columnist in Washington, D.C.", "hypothesis": "Wendy R. Leibowitz writes for the New Law Journal."} {"idx": "mnli-3533", "premise": "well i mean if if you know what your routine is you can do that by yourself and you probably do", "hypothesis": "If you're certain about your routine then go ahead."} {"idx": "mnli-3534", "premise": "I'm not proposing to kill you this trip that is, if you're reasonable.\" The Russian quailed before the stern menace in the other's eyes.", "hypothesis": "The Russian was scared as he saw the seriousness of his counterpart's words."} {"idx": "mnli-3535", "premise": "On the other hand, commercial companies must develop high-quality products quickly or they may not survive in the marketplace.", "hypothesis": "A commercial company will have a better chance at success in the marketplace if they take their time developing cheap quality items."} {"idx": "mnli-3536", "premise": "i'm sure i didn't i was ready to turn on the air conditioning it no it really was extremely warm it only got down to about sixty five in the evening", "hypothesis": "I was about to turn on the air conditioning because it was still sixty-five in the evening."} {"idx": "mnli-3537", "premise": "I had to confess myself mistaken. ", "hypothesis": "I had discovered that I was wrong."} {"idx": "mnli-3538", "premise": "and the winter wasn't that bad i was really grateful that it didn't get that bad this winter", "hypothesis": "This was a terrible winter with many blizzards. "} {"idx": "mnli-3539", "premise": "With further refinements underway to improve reliability, this system will enable program leaders at all levels to provide Congress, client groups, state legislatures, bar leaders, courts, funders and other stakeholders with a more accurate picture of how many people are being served by LSC-funded programs.", "hypothesis": "Program funding will be impacted by the reporting from this system."} {"idx": "mnli-3540", "premise": "A Reporter's Guide to GAO is available on GAO's Web site www.gao.gov.", "hypothesis": "The guide is available in hard copy only."} {"idx": "mnli-3541", "premise": "No defendants were ordered to pay more than a $250 fine for violating the court order.", "hypothesis": "Every defendant had to pay over $300 in fines."} {"idx": "mnli-3542", "premise": "Brazilians, for instance, with their mestizo consciousness and their many gradations of tipo , or type, behold with disdain our crude bifurcation of race.", "hypothesis": "The Brazilians were kind to those from the different race."} {"idx": "mnli-3543", "premise": "The other hesitated.", "hypothesis": "The other had made up their mind already."} {"idx": "mnli-3544", "premise": "Warhol's Skull (1976) now reads unavoidably as a premonition of AIDS.", "hypothesis": "Warhol's Skull has nothing to do with AIDS."} {"idx": "mnli-3545", "premise": "and they do forestry work they maintain trails and they uh put up signs and they do fire prevention work and certainly things of that sort", "hypothesis": "They do all kinds of work in the forest."} {"idx": "mnli-3546", "premise": "Now, about our recommended Could we have made different recommendations?", "hypothesis": "We made no recommendations."} {"idx": "mnli-3547", "premise": "George McClellan out of retirement to save the Union Army.", "hypothesis": "The Union Army really benefits from George McClellan's training."} {"idx": "mnli-3548", "premise": "Walking away is a good ploy if you have the time.", "hypothesis": "Walking away is good if you have time."} {"idx": "mnli-3549", "premise": "oh well have a good day then bye-bye", "hypothesis": "Hope you have a good day."} {"idx": "mnli-3550", "premise": "and they were being the judge was being especially careful that everything was done correctly so there couldn't be a a mistrial of any kind uh the uh", "hypothesis": "The judge did everything in his power to cause a mistrial. "} {"idx": "mnli-3551", "premise": "These 900 hectares (2,224 acres) of parkland on the western edge of the city constitute one of Baron Haussmann's happier achievements.", "hypothesis": "Baron Haussmann was very dismayed at the creation of the parks."} {"idx": "mnli-3552", "premise": "Total labor man-hours of construction and engineering labor are then about 365,000 man-hours for a single 500 MWe unit.", "hypothesis": "Total labor man-hours of construction and engineering labor are then about 450,000 man-hours for a single 750 MWe unit."} {"idx": "mnli-3553", "premise": "Causeway Bay also has a variety of bars and clubs.", "hypothesis": "There is a variety of bars and clubs in Causeway Bay."} {"idx": "mnli-3554", "premise": "In a corner, the semi-conscious train conductor was huddled in fear.", "hypothesis": "The conductor was relaxed."} {"idx": "mnli-3555", "premise": "He is troubled over whether to accept donations from the professional kirkbuzzers'* guild.", "hypothesis": "He knows taking the donation is the right thing to do."} {"idx": "mnli-3556", "premise": "The followers of Rastafarianism (with their characteristic mane of dreadlocks ) originated in Jamaica in the 1930s and are still predominantly found here.", "hypothesis": "Rastafarianism is still present in Jamaica."} {"idx": "mnli-3557", "premise": "He can fill himself with fear and panic now as long as he swung and fired when the time came.", "hypothesis": "He was calm and ready for a nap."} {"idx": "mnli-3558", "premise": "The magazine model of bringing information to the attention of readers is stunningly inefficient.", "hypothesis": "Unsurprisingly, the magazine style of putting information out there for their readers is a huge success."} {"idx": "mnli-3559", "premise": "and and both parties had to come up with with lists of people that were suitable to to run it and he rejected both of the lists and came up with his own person", "hypothesis": "No one ever considered making a list."} {"idx": "mnli-3560", "premise": "It must be pointed out that the cost model is used to estimate costs over an extreme range of volume.", "hypothesis": "The cost model can estimate costs for a very wide range of volume."} {"idx": "mnli-3561", "premise": "These services generally differ from financial audits, attestation engagements, and performance audits in that auditors may (1) provide information or data to a requesting party without providing verification, analysis, or evaluation of the information or data, and therefore the work does not usually provide a basis for conclusions, recommendations, or opinions on the information or data, or (2) perform tasks requested by management that directly support the entity's operations, such as asset evaluation, actuarial services, or information system design services.", "hypothesis": "There is only one type of service."} {"idx": "mnli-3562", "premise": "It WAS taken from me, but I found it again.\"", "hypothesis": "I thought someone had taken it, but I had simply misplaced it."} {"idx": "mnli-3563", "premise": "'Nonsense. Ben Franklin was a natural existentialist.'", "hypothesis": "'What you're saying is correct, Ben Franklin wasn't an existentialist.'"} {"idx": "mnli-3564", "premise": "situation and i saw incidences in the hotel where i just wanted to go over and crawl in the corner and say oh my God those are those are not Americans they can't be but they are", "hypothesis": "There were a lot of Americans who took the stereotype of being loud and obnoxious to heart. "} {"idx": "mnli-3565", "premise": "um-hum well you know what else really surprised me now i'm married to a native Texan and i'm not", "hypothesis": "I'm married to a native Texan and I'm not very fond of them."} {"idx": "mnli-3566", "premise": "Parametric analyses are conducted by varying volume under different assumptions about the extent that institutional cost varies over the long run.", "hypothesis": "A parametric analysis is a type of cost study."} {"idx": "mnli-3567", "premise": "Therefore, it is important that agencies develop innovative and less costly ways to train their staffs-remembering as well that the level of return for investing in the skills needed for results-oriented management will depend largely on how well employees are encouraged to put those skills to use.", "hypothesis": "Agencies should develop innovative way to train their staff."} {"idx": "mnli-3568", "premise": "Lincoln actually counted then down.", "hypothesis": "Lincoln counted down from twenty. "} {"idx": "mnli-3569", "premise": "The second section addresses the same topics in connection with Negotiated Service Agreements (NSAs), so-called niche classifications, which are special service and rate arrangements negotiated between the Postal Service and a particular mailer or groups of mailers with features tailored to their use of the postal system.", "hypothesis": "The same topics can be found in the second section."} {"idx": "mnli-3570", "premise": "NET LEVEL PREMIUM RESERVE - The excess, if any, of the present value of future guaranteed death endowment benefits over the present value of future net premiums.", "hypothesis": "It is not possible for the future benefits to be in excess over future premiums."} {"idx": "mnli-3571", "premise": "We'll keep it to the last and open the other first.\"", "hypothesis": "We'll open this one first and the other one afterwards."} {"idx": "mnli-3572", "premise": "we they put us on a budget they would run like uh they could really tell how much oil you were going to use", "hypothesis": "There was no budget."} {"idx": "mnli-3573", "premise": "Napoleon himself saw only a life-size wooden and canvas model of the arch.", "hypothesis": "Napoleon saw a model of the arch before he died."} {"idx": "mnli-3574", "premise": "oh she didn't she didn't do something", "hypothesis": "To my knowledge - and I could be wrong, she did not perform a single action."} {"idx": "mnli-3575", "premise": "I'm certain Dr. Bauerstein suspects it.", "hypothesis": "I don't think Dr. Baeuerstein suspected."} {"idx": "mnli-3576", "premise": "Jon hated that smile but Adrin clearly hated it more and that worked for Jon.", "hypothesis": "They both fell in love with that smile. "} {"idx": "mnli-3577", "premise": "yeah i didn't realize what it was for a while i'd walk into a room where some of that and i'd wonder what is that you know and then one day i i realized that it was eucalyptus", "hypothesis": "It never occurred to me that this was eucalyptus. "} {"idx": "mnli-3578", "premise": "The massive mansion opposite, nearly as impressive, houses the Casa de efrica, with pelts, drums, costumes, carved figures, and furniture from some 26 African countries, as well as a tantalizing collection of objects related to santeraa, the syncretic Afro-Cuban religion (see page 26; Casa de efrica will likely be closed for renovations until the end of 2000).", "hypothesis": "Furniture from some 26 African countries can be found in the small mansion."} {"idx": "mnli-3579", "premise": "Perfumes are still popular today and you will see the perfume blender at the bazaar surrounded by hundreds of glass bottles containing the numerous oils that combine to make a single scent.", "hypothesis": "Perfume blenders offer cheap and quality perfumes in the bazaar."} {"idx": "mnli-3580", "premise": "The Ottoman Turks pushed Venetian and other forces from Asia Minor, through the islands of the Aegean, until they had left the Greek mainland.", "hypothesis": "The Ottoman Turks were vanquished by the Venetians."} {"idx": "mnli-3581", "premise": "If I'm not greatly mistaken, he's got something up his sleeve. ", "hypothesis": "He doesn't seem to be hiding anything."} {"idx": "mnli-3582", "premise": "this is the kid who who really you you know barely made it through high school", "hypothesis": "The kid's grades were atrocious. "} {"idx": "mnli-3583", "premise": "i am a disgruntled i am i am just a disgruntled person all around i'm the uh i'm the uh original uh mister Scrooge i guess", "hypothesis": "I'm a very unsatisfied person all around."} {"idx": "mnli-3584", "premise": "The only clear measure of Guber and Peters' misjudgment is their overspending for antique furniture, yachts, slumber parties at Aspen, and the like, and a numbing succession of box-office bombs.", "hypothesis": "Guber and Peter clearly overspend for antique furniture and yachts."} {"idx": "mnli-3585", "premise": "Once Greece, a NATO member, gets involved, the whole of Europe, bound by treaty, could follow.", "hypothesis": "They knew that Europe would have to follow."} {"idx": "mnli-3586", "premise": "Currently, power plants are required to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOX) and sulfur dioxide (SO2).", "hypothesis": "Reducing emissions of sulfur dioxide is required of power plants."} {"idx": "mnli-3587", "premise": "I took my stand from the first. ", "hypothesis": "I stood based on the last one."} {"idx": "mnli-3588", "premise": "It was introduced in the 19th century, together with railways, cameras, and whisky.", "hypothesis": "Whiskey and cameras weren't introduced in the 19th century."} {"idx": "mnli-3589", "premise": "According to legend, it was originally named Mons Martyrum ' where, after being decapitated, the town's first bishop, Saint Denis, picked up his head and walked away.", "hypothesis": "At the site, the first bishop of the town, upon being decapitated, is said to have picked up his own head and left."} {"idx": "mnli-3590", "premise": "McCourt's own story indicates that they could not.", "hypothesis": "The story implies that they can't do it."} {"idx": "mnli-3591", "premise": "Although he, too, had concerns about standardized manuals, he noted that studies show that such manuals do not result in poorer treatments.", "hypothesis": "He was concerned about the manuals."} {"idx": "mnli-3592", "premise": "investigations according to standards established by the President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency (PCIE) as adapted for GAO's work.", "hypothesis": "The President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency revises the standards."} {"idx": "mnli-3593", "premise": "Bauerstein in?\" She stared at me. ", "hypothesis": "\"Bauerstein here yet?\" she asked whilst staring."} {"idx": "mnli-3594", "premise": "oh your up in Memphis", "hypothesis": "You must get me a souvenir. "} {"idx": "mnli-3595", "premise": "birds you know this is too much work", "hypothesis": "You know birds are too much work. "} {"idx": "mnli-3596", "premise": "I'll tell you what I don't understand--why Professor Shoshanna Sofaer of Baruch College sounds so cranky.", "hypothesis": "i don't understand why Professor Shoshanna Sofaer of Baruch College sounds so cranky."} {"idx": "mnli-3597", "premise": "Before the Subcommittee on the Legislative Branch, Committee on Appropriations,", "hypothesis": "Nothing is before anything as they are all on the same plane."} {"idx": "mnli-3598", "premise": "Sugar cane was brought to Jamaica by the Spanish in the early 16th century, and much of the crop was exported.", "hypothesis": "Sugar cane was moved into Jamaica by the Spanish."} {"idx": "mnli-3599", "premise": "We're getting going.", "hypothesis": "We're staying. "} {"idx": "mnli-3600", "premise": "yeah you shouldn't even worry about most of the stuff i mean i don't know it's a little near sighted but uh", "hypothesis": "I know this is near sighted of me but I don't like to think far into the future."} {"idx": "mnli-3601", "premise": "For every 200 successful [alternative exam] takers, the courts would have 30,000 pro bono hours of service, to be utilized as the courts found most compelling.", "hypothesis": "The courts would get no pro bono hours of service, ever, at all. "} {"idx": "mnli-3602", "premise": "Visibility improvement would be anticipated over large areas including national parks and wilderness areas and recovery of many freshwater and coastal ecosystems would be likely.", "hypothesis": "The National Parks have proposed a plan to draw tourists while simultaneously helping the environment."} {"idx": "mnli-3603", "premise": "yeah what now what state are you in", "hypothesis": "What state are you in?"} {"idx": "mnli-3604", "premise": "have you have you tried getting outside estimates to see what it costs to have something painted", "hypothesis": "Are you just going to do it yourself?"} {"idx": "mnli-3605", "premise": "We had a late luncheon and spent the afternoon resting in the garden. ", "hypothesis": "We enjoyed the late luncheon "} {"idx": "mnli-3606", "premise": "I'm right, then.", "hypothesis": "I am correct then."} {"idx": "mnli-3607", "premise": "so so was uh you know two miles a day to and from work so it kind of cut my transportation costs a lot but now i've just bought a new house and i'm a half hour", "hypothesis": "Now I live half an hour away, but I used to only be two miles from work."} {"idx": "mnli-3608", "premise": "Further down the steps, you pass two places reserved for ritual ablutions required before Islamic prayer.", "hypothesis": "There are two places for ritual ablutions just further down."} {"idx": "mnli-3609", "premise": "yeah huh well that almighty dollar", "hypothesis": "Well, that omnipotent dollar"} {"idx": "mnli-3610", "premise": "Tuppence's conscience gave her a passing twinge as she remembered the archdeacon.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence recalled the archdeacon."} {"idx": "mnli-3611", "premise": "Network externalities are in.", "hypothesis": "Unseen benefits to the network are popular."} {"idx": "mnli-3612", "premise": "Among other things, the preambles included a title and reasons for the information collection, the proposed use for the information, a description of the respondents, and the frequency of responses.", "hypothesis": "There are a title and reasons in the preambles."} {"idx": "mnli-3613", "premise": "uh-huh but she's the best the best of both breeds", "hypothesis": "She is the worst ever."} {"idx": "mnli-3614", "premise": "HERITAGE ASSETS ANNUAL STEWARDSHIP INFORMATION", "hypothesis": "There is information about the Heritage liabilities."} {"idx": "mnli-3615", "premise": "An ambitious plan for a hexagonally based church, raised above the ground on stilts and with stained-glass windows by Pollock, came to nothing.", "hypothesis": "The complex plan of the hospital, came to nothing."} {"idx": "mnli-3616", "premise": "'What about?'", "hypothesis": "Not about anything."} {"idx": "mnli-3617", "premise": "So get psychologically prepared and don't be blind-sided by the venom.", "hypothesis": "Mentally prepare yourself against the venom."} {"idx": "mnli-3618", "premise": "It allows us to measure program performance in more sophisticated ways.", "hypothesis": "There are ways to measure program performance."} {"idx": "mnli-3619", "premise": "'I'll go over your data, find out what you did wrong.", "hypothesis": "I can't figure out what you did."} {"idx": "mnli-3620", "premise": "You will also notice that people don't let traffic time stop their productivity many drivers have their cellular phone attached to their ear.", "hypothesis": "A lot of drivers make a point to multi-task while stuck in traffic, often using the time to make calls."} {"idx": "mnli-3621", "premise": "Some have argued that Boorman, the director of Excalibur (1981) and Hope and Glory (1987), doesn't employ his extravagant visual gifts in The General , which is in black and white and isn't ostentatious in its mythic resonances.", "hypothesis": "Boorman won an Oscar for Excalibur."} {"idx": "mnli-3622", "premise": "oh you do that there there is a pretty um i wouldn't say snobbish but it it's kind of borders on that that if i depending on what i'm wearing i get better service at the mall i felt since", "hypothesis": "Mall employees are snobbish."} {"idx": "mnli-3623", "premise": "Abruptly, I realised why I'd been stumbling.", "hypothesis": "I figured out what I was stumbling."} {"idx": "mnli-3624", "premise": "An important element of the overall control technology implementation is the time needed to connect, or hook up, the control technology equipment, particularly in relationship to the planned outage time for the unit.", "hypothesis": "Hooking up the equipment is an important part of implementing control technology."} {"idx": "mnli-3625", "premise": "Therefore, as shown in Exhibit A-9 in Appendix A, the schedule for a combined SCR and ACI project is expected to be the same as the schedule of an SCR project.", "hypothesis": "ACI unnecessarily extends projects when it is added."} {"idx": "mnli-3626", "premise": "The preamble to the final rule notes that the rule has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of Executive Order No.", "hypothesis": "There is a note in the preamble stating that the rule has been noticed and reviewed."} {"idx": "mnli-3627", "premise": "is allowed for training and monitoring quality.", "hypothesis": "Performance evaluations can be used when training or monitoring quality. "} {"idx": "mnli-3628", "premise": "Slate and read an excerpt from the book.)", "hypothesis": "Also you must read an excerpt from the book, said the teacher."} {"idx": "mnli-3629", "premise": "The large island in the distance is La Desirade, the small Petite-Terre islets are much closer.", "hypothesis": "La Desirade is a large island visible from far away."} {"idx": "mnli-3630", "premise": "well she's part Chow and part shepherd", "hypothesis": "She is a human."} {"idx": "mnli-3631", "premise": "Sales of Bruno Magli shoes are up 30 percent this year.", "hypothesis": "Bruno Magli shoes are popular with teen-agers this year."} {"idx": "mnli-3632", "premise": "maybe your part of the country", "hypothesis": "It could be your part of the country."} {"idx": "mnli-3633", "premise": "you know they match it um my wife used to they matched hers only hers was a little bit better than ours um she hasn't been working for a couple of years her father took sick so she's been taking care of him", "hypothesis": "My wife had to leave to go to her father's place."} {"idx": "mnli-3634", "premise": "I'm afraid not, sir.", "hypothesis": "I don't think so."} {"idx": "mnli-3635", "premise": "The favourite dish of many visitors is the Andalusian liquid salad, gazpacho.", "hypothesis": "Gazpacho is a popular dish among visitors."} {"idx": "mnli-3636", "premise": "Most corporations, with their skyrocketing pay to CEOs, seem to have turned that formula on its head, believing that they can compete successfully only by duplicating the enormous financial gains someone like Dell has reaped.", "hypothesis": "To avoid being like dell, corporations are trying to use different methods than them"} {"idx": "mnli-3637", "premise": "The doctor no longer practiced, had retired, the landlord believed, but he took a few private patients here the good fellow tapped his forehead knowingly \"balmy ones! ", "hypothesis": "The landlord thought that the doctor no longer was in practice."} {"idx": "mnli-3638", "premise": "The trees, originally planted by the Carthaginians in 300 b.c. or thereabouts, thrive under irrigation.", "hypothesis": "The trees are able to thrive due to irrigation. "} {"idx": "mnli-3639", "premise": "She quieted, trembling.", "hypothesis": "She clammed up, and got visibly nervous."} {"idx": "mnli-3640", "premise": "If those subway ads are more effective against the cautious Martins than against the reckless Maxwells, then they are a threat to the hapless Joans.", "hypothesis": "The Maxwells are more cautious than the Martins are."} {"idx": "mnli-3641", "premise": "Among other parts of Spain, Andaluc?\u00ada is more folkloric, Catalonia and the Basque country more proudly independent.", "hypothesis": "Andalucia has always been known for being folkloric. "} {"idx": "mnli-3642", "premise": "We're not talking conspiracy theory It's all quite legal, and more or less aboveboard.", "hypothesis": "It seems like a conspiracy theory, but it can be easily explained. "} {"idx": "mnli-3643", "premise": "yeah or sometimes they don't like either of the choices", "hypothesis": "They don't like the choices 100% of the time."} {"idx": "mnli-3644", "premise": "oh i'm sure it must yes you know i'm not personally involved because i don't you know i don't have any children that wear diapers but i'm sure it creates a large amount of you know uh refuse", "hypothesis": "I don't have any children that wear diapers. "} {"idx": "mnli-3645", "premise": "I would like to put this report in its proper perspective.", "hypothesis": "This report is virtually impossible to misinterpret."} {"idx": "mnli-3646", "premise": "The French empire was collapsing.", "hypothesis": "The French empire was previously strong."} {"idx": "mnli-3647", "premise": "Over the treetops you catch an occasional glimpse of the skyscrapers of modern Tokyo.", "hypothesis": "There are many trees around the Imperial Palace of Tokyo."} {"idx": "mnli-3648", "premise": "Parents of SIDS babies have been wrongly accused in the past.", "hypothesis": "SIDS babies parents have never been wrongly accused, period. "} {"idx": "mnli-3649", "premise": "you're at yeah you're right across the uh lake from what Plattsburgh", "hypothesis": "It wouldn't take you long to walk to Plattsburgh."} {"idx": "mnli-3650", "premise": "Randy's Full Responsibility Wraparound", "hypothesis": "Randy's acceptance of responsibility"} {"idx": "mnli-3651", "premise": "i had never thought about that i could probably plant one and bring it in and just like i bring my plants in every year", "hypothesis": "That's a great idea to bring plant one and bring it in."} {"idx": "mnli-3652", "premise": "This creates an incentive for continual improvement in environmental performance.", "hypothesis": "Incentives are definitely not required for continual improvement in the environment. "} {"idx": "mnli-3653", "premise": "The latter was a royal palace for much longer than Versailles, with certain additions made over seven centuries, notably from Franaois I in the 16th century.", "hypothesis": "Versailles has been the royal palace for longer than any other palace."} {"idx": "mnli-3654", "premise": "California's law suggests letting state workers give the injections without medical supervision, but the serious side effects, and the need to ensure that appropriate doses are given, make this approach foolhardy.", "hypothesis": "A law in California suggest that workers be allowed to give injections without medical supervision."} {"idx": "mnli-3655", "premise": "who stirs inarticulate passion by singing very much like a woman (Mark Levine, The New Yorker ). Critics are surprised by the success of the New York City Opera at transposing Handel's piece from ancient Greece to 18 th -century England.", "hypothesis": "Critics said the opera done bad job transposing Handel's piece."} {"idx": "mnli-3656", "premise": "From the fall of the Roman Empire to the 19th century, it stood outside the mainstream of Italian history.", "hypothesis": "Historically, it was closer to France than the rest of Italy."} {"idx": "mnli-3657", "premise": "Complimentary access to San San beach; nature trails lead through a rain-forest environment.", "hypothesis": "There is free access to the San San beach down the road."} {"idx": "mnli-3658", "premise": "How far the boy had come.", "hypothesis": "The boy stayed where he was."} {"idx": "mnli-3659", "premise": "Of course, as stated earlier, the effectiveness of this principle is moderated by the extent to which the other principles have been implemented.", "hypothesis": "Without the application of the other principles, this principle stands no change of success."} {"idx": "mnli-3660", "premise": "Unfortunately, at the time I was so sure of myself that I even self-imposed a deadline.", "hypothesis": "I imposed a deadline on myself because I was so sure in my abilities."} {"idx": "mnli-3661", "premise": "USA Today posts top China stories, many of them from the Associated Press.", "hypothesis": "The post was about the Chinese missile program being launched that week."} {"idx": "mnli-3662", "premise": "That is due, in large part, to the personality of Steve Case, who is indeed a smart and clever guy and someone I would not often bet against.", "hypothesis": "Steve Case is successful and smart."} {"idx": "mnli-3663", "premise": "that's like my husband does that he can watch them over and over and i'm there's very few i would want to see that many times so he he once he has one he likes he likes to watch it over and over", "hypothesis": "My husband never repeats a movie."} {"idx": "mnli-3664", "premise": "(Having seen so many episodes and observed the formula, I have thought it would be amusing to write an episode set in a think tank.", "hypothesis": "I want to write an episode exactly like the show I've watched."} {"idx": "mnli-3665", "premise": "Tommy's ambition was somehow or other to gain admission to the house itself.", "hypothesis": "Tommy wasn't very motivated to try and get into the house."} {"idx": "mnli-3666", "premise": "The FCC prepared both an Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis and a Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis in connection with the proposed rulemaking and the final rule, respectively.", "hypothesis": "The FCC did not have anything prepared."} {"idx": "mnli-3667", "premise": "Unmade Beds might make a good date movie.", "hypothesis": "Unmade Beds should not be seen with anyone you love or even just like."} {"idx": "mnli-3668", "premise": "The story begins 3.4 billion years ago with displays of fossils and rock, marking the geological changes that forged the landscape.", "hypothesis": "There is nothing older than 4000 years old on display."} {"idx": "mnli-3669", "premise": "i thought that was a good movie and uh about a week ago we went out and saw uh Silence of the Lambs", "hypothesis": "I took several friends to watch Silence of the Lambs a week ago."} {"idx": "mnli-3670", "premise": "I left something to be analysed.", "hypothesis": "Something still requires analysis."} {"idx": "mnli-3671", "premise": "Although not applicable to attestation engagements, the AICPA statements on auditing standards may provide useful guidance related to fraud for auditors performing attestation engagements in accordance with GAGAS.", "hypothesis": "The AICPA's statements in regards to auditing standards apply to attestation engagements."} {"idx": "mnli-3672", "premise": "There is no reason to change the law, Shuger's evident wish to do so aside.", "hypothesis": "Shuger thinks that the law should not be changed."} {"idx": "mnli-3673", "premise": "I assure you that you need not let it trouble you. ", "hypothesis": "You must worry about it. "} {"idx": "mnli-3674", "premise": "and and because television's brought everything into your living room", "hypothesis": "TV offers new experiences but it doesn't bring anything to you in your living room."} {"idx": "mnli-3675", "premise": "If the attorney general had ordered up an independent counsel, not only would her job have been secure but the New York Times (and maybe even Sen.", "hypothesis": "The attorney general did not order an independent counsel."} {"idx": "mnli-3676", "premise": "but it's i i know yeah same thing yes yes uh-huh", "hypothesis": "I know, it's the same thing."} {"idx": "mnli-3677", "premise": "A reputation for serving the best seafood in town.", "hypothesis": "They have a terrible reputation."} {"idx": "mnli-3678", "premise": "The first principle addresses the acceptance of this premise by senior executive management, and the second ensures that the CIO has the organizational legitimacy to execute his or her role.", "hypothesis": "According to the second principle, the CIO must be able to execute his or her role."} {"idx": "mnli-3679", "premise": "Needless to say, one such entry would be unacceptable, and we've adopted strict safeguards to prevent any such problems.", "hypothesis": "There are safeguards in place."} {"idx": "mnli-3680", "premise": "In a testament to Las Vegas's relentless pursuit of illusion,its modern visitors never recognize the landmarks that originally offered the city its shot at its natural springs, most of which have long since run empty.", "hypothesis": "Las Vegas is committed to preserving and sharing its rich history with visitors."} {"idx": "mnli-3681", "premise": "Here I thought they were just a bunch of losers.", "hypothesis": "I thought you were all winners over here."} {"idx": "mnli-3682", "premise": "And their festivals, in an area without the usual sorts of urban entertainment, are frequent, colorful, and more spontaneous than in the more densely populated regions of the country.", "hypothesis": "Their festivals are infrequent compared to the rest of the country."} {"idx": "mnli-3683", "premise": "The means of maintaining the database and the details that it contained had changed as the number of reported incidents at the university had grown--from 3 or 4 a month in 1993 to between 50 and 60 a month in early 1997--and as the database's value as a management tool became more apparent.", "hypothesis": "The university cites people keeping better records as to the reason there were more incidents."} {"idx": "mnli-3684", "premise": "This extension into the post-discharge period is most relevant for interventions that do not rely completely", "hypothesis": "The movement is valid in most cases."} {"idx": "mnli-3685", "premise": "This approach is vastly more effective, and cheaper - two-thirds cheaper - than the traditional command-and-control approach.", "hypothesis": "The command and control approach is the cheapest approach."} {"idx": "mnli-3686", "premise": "Completeness of information requires this step.", "hypothesis": "This step is not required for completeness."} {"idx": "mnli-3687", "premise": "License-renewal applications don't discuss, though, how many citizens you have conked in the head.", "hypothesis": "This person acts in a moral manner."} {"idx": "mnli-3688", "premise": "But it is probably true that the quality of politics in America has suffered from the erosion of public trust in institutions that used to act, to at least some degree, as watchdogs.", "hypothesis": "Erosion of public trust in the press has lead us to this point."} {"idx": "mnli-3689", "premise": "The corresponding amount for inbound mail was a negative $31 million.", "hypothesis": "Inbound mail sent by shippers through the U.S. Post Service due to delays cost companies a corresponding amount of negative $31 million, internal post office procedures are being reviewed to identify ways in the future to avoid delays in delivering Christmas products. "} {"idx": "mnli-3690", "premise": "It is important that you understand this.", "hypothesis": "Understanding this is very important."} {"idx": "mnli-3691", "premise": "The Commission received comments on the proposed rule from 45 commenters.", "hypothesis": "The Commission received no comments concerning the proposed rule."} {"idx": "mnli-3692", "premise": " As far as Lincoln was aware, the plan was this:", "hypothesis": "There was no plan"} {"idx": "mnli-3693", "premise": "So what besides that?", "hypothesis": "There is nothing else other than that. "} {"idx": "mnli-3694", "premise": "and i mean it was fantastic and it got good gas mileage but", "hypothesis": "It ran well, but could have been better. "} {"idx": "mnli-3695", "premise": "Its volume grew from 30.", "hypothesis": "Its volume expanded to 40."} {"idx": "mnli-3696", "premise": "sulfur levels, a 4 percent sulfur coal can increase consumption by about one-third.", "hypothesis": " A 4% sulfur coal can increase use by 1/3"} {"idx": "mnli-3697", "premise": "The somber design incorporates the War Stone and four granite pavilions, one of which contains Celtic and Art Deco illuminated manuscripts by Harry Clarke (who designed the windows in Bewley's) listing the names of those killed.", "hypothesis": "The designs of this memorial was heavily commented on due to the nature of the event."} {"idx": "mnli-3698", "premise": "You have got them, then?\" With magnificent calm Tommy shook his head.", "hypothesis": "You have them then? With impressive coolness, Tommy denied."} {"idx": "mnli-3699", "premise": "Together, we can make the world the better place it was supposed to be.", "hypothesis": "There is no hope for the world."} {"idx": "mnli-3700", "premise": "The island's irrigation system is composed of 2,150km (1,350 miles) of channels.", "hypothesis": "There are fewer than 1,000 miles of channels in the irrigation system."} {"idx": "mnli-3701", "premise": "and a Bradshaw.\" Tommy interrupted him: \"When did she ask for an A.B.C.", "hypothesis": "The speaker was about to make an important point when Tommy interrupted him with his question."} {"idx": "mnli-3702", "premise": "Among the sickest patients waiting were some 12 who needed new heart valves.", "hypothesis": "The patients' hearts simply weren't strong enough."} {"idx": "mnli-3703", "premise": "Chatterbox learned that the science of studying facial expressions is relatively Before the 1960s, apparently, it was deemed a useless enterprise.", "hypothesis": "The study of facial expressions by Harvard was deemed useless in the 1960's."} {"idx": "mnli-3704", "premise": "Native wood floors and rustic furnishings; outside showers with privacy walls.", "hypothesis": "Privacy will be hard to find while you are trying to clean yourself."} {"idx": "mnli-3705", "premise": "We felt we needed to take care of something that had disappeared.", "hypothesis": "It was important to us that we found the carrots that went missing. "} {"idx": "mnli-3706", "premise": "I can think of a few reasons for the allergy to substance.", "hypothesis": "There are reasons why there's an allergy."} {"idx": "mnli-3707", "premise": "And a very liberal gentleman too! ", "hypothesis": "He is very liberal."} {"idx": "mnli-3708", "premise": "yeah i've i've looked at several uh courses as it were the only problem that we have is things that are that are specifically on our job uh that the courses that apply to our job other than the real basics like just the math and the physics and the like uh all of them are taught at colleges that are very remote in other words there like there's one in Washington DC and there's one in Oregon", "hypothesis": "the courses that pertain to our work are offered at almost every college"} {"idx": "mnli-3709", "premise": "The constriction came from an arm around his neck, but he couldn't see to whom it belonged, and there was no place to move aside in the corner of the egg.", "hypothesis": "Someone put an arm around his neck. "} {"idx": "mnli-3710", "premise": "My morning latte just isn't right without it.", "hypothesis": "I prefer my latte without anything in it."} {"idx": "mnli-3711", "premise": "The graveyard has some extremely ornate and fascinating tombs, replete with skulls and croseones and other symbols of death.", "hypothesis": "The tombs are all plain, as was the custom for that time."} {"idx": "mnli-3712", "premise": "The only time the authors attack passionately and in detail the privileging of whiteness is when such practices are located safely in the past.", "hypothesis": "Authors do not attack white privilege."} {"idx": "mnli-3713", "premise": "yeah like say Houston now i would now me not even knowing anything about Houston i would think that it's a pretty calm city", "hypothesis": "i don't know much about Houston, but i would guess it's a placid place"} {"idx": "mnli-3714", "premise": "right um-hum yeah and i think that's mostly well you know we even before as soon as the community said you know we're going to put up bins for recycling you know we automatically", "hypothesis": "Our community has no need to recycle."} {"idx": "mnli-3715", "premise": "Then, amidst a breathless silence, Alfred Inglethorp was called. ", "hypothesis": "No one was talking at all when Alfred Inglethorp was called."} {"idx": "mnli-3716", "premise": "How Would the Long-Term Economic Outlook Change With Higher Levels of National Saving?", "hypothesis": "The long-term economic outlook could change if the national savings rate goes up."} {"idx": "mnli-3717", "premise": "BLM incorporated performance elements in senior executives' individual performance plans for the rating year ending June 2000 that were structured around its strategic goals to (1) Restore and Maintain the Health of the Land, (2) Serve Current and Future Publics, and (3) Improve Organizational Effectiveness.", "hypothesis": "BLM is not an incorporation."} {"idx": "mnli-3718", "premise": "you can go ahead and start if you want uh", "hypothesis": "You can start if you want to."} {"idx": "mnli-3719", "premise": "GP2 synthetic seawater, made from reagent grade chemical salts (30 ) in conjunction with natural seawater, may also be used if recommended.", "hypothesis": "Only natural seawater may be used, never synthetic. "} {"idx": "mnli-3720", "premise": "to talk about well it was good talking to you um bye", "hypothesis": "Don't talk to me ever again, bye."} {"idx": "mnli-3721", "premise": "for one reason i wanted i was working on a masters degree so i wanted to stay close to where i was working on a masters degree but also because i just thought that it would be interesting to live someplace else so totally different than my own upbringing and i it changed", "hypothesis": "I lived a few minutes from school I was doing my masters degree from."} {"idx": "mnli-3722", "premise": "right and i think one other area here is that um this is typically what we call in this area yuppie area and people aren't my kids you know other than you know occasionally they're not even aware that there are people over fifty that", "hypothesis": "The relationship between kids and their elders is very strong."} {"idx": "mnli-3723", "premise": "Even without Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece in the adjoining refectory, the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie (Via Caradosso, southwest of the Cetello) would be worth a visit as a jewel of Renaissance architecture.", "hypothesis": "Seven artists' work are visible in the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie."} {"idx": "mnli-3724", "premise": "On August 23, 1995, the comment period was extended at the request of commenters.", "hypothesis": "Commenters asked that the commenting period be shortened."} {"idx": "mnli-3725", "premise": "a stay at home mom and and i i was very fortunate in starting and i really enjoyed it while i was at TI but you know the cutbacks were really getting to be rather frightening and i had less than five years", "hypothesis": "i was quite lucky in beginning and i liked it a lot during my time at TI"} {"idx": "mnli-3726", "premise": "absolutely i'm ready for it they're predicting some more snow for our direction", "hypothesis": "It does not snow here."} {"idx": "mnli-3727", "premise": "This has rekindled the concern and outrage sparked a few weeks ago by the similar death of a pledge at Louisiana State University.", "hypothesis": "The death of the pledge was met with apathy by everyone."} {"idx": "mnli-3728", "premise": "One held the other by the ankles and pushed the creature's hairy face back and forth, while its hands spread the wax ahead of it.", "hypothesis": "The creature being pushed had a hairy face."} {"idx": "mnli-3729", "premise": "White-washed houses climb the hill above the harbour, where ferries depart daily for the Greek island of Samos, and lively bars and restaurants line the streets of the old quarter.", "hypothesis": "Many light-colored houses stand on the hill overlooking the harbour."} {"idx": "mnli-3730", "premise": "You swear it won't hurt me? she temporized.", "hypothesis": "She wanted the other person to confirm that it wouldn't hurt."} {"idx": "mnli-3731", "premise": "and i think a lot of cases like a lot of our minority issues the we had the ten four one verses the fourteen one election here in Dallas a while back and it lost well that was decided by a very small margin um and there were a lot of of minorities that wanted it to go the way that it didn't go but they also had very low voter turnouts especially like in the Hispanic community and i think in that case they've just they developed a distrust of the system and so they've chosen not to participate in it", "hypothesis": "Minorities are very supportive of the elections in Dallas."} {"idx": "mnli-3732", "premise": "get out of that run the program run uh uh as long as it took and then go back and see if that worked or not but with windows you can have the program and say it messed up in line fifty four", "hypothesis": "Stay in the program you're in now and don't run it, then turn your computer off because the problem is with you."} {"idx": "mnli-3733", "premise": "Take no unnecessary risks once the papers are in your hands.", "hypothesis": "If the papers are in your hands, risks might come."} {"idx": "mnli-3734", "premise": "Most of the millions of books, engravings, and ancient manuscripts it has accumulated over the centuries have been transferred to the new national library on the Left Bank (see page 58).", "hypothesis": "The millions of books had been painstakingly collected and guarded against the Nazi's."} {"idx": "mnli-3735", "premise": "My poor wife! ", "hypothesis": "I feel bad for my wife!"} {"idx": "mnli-3736", "premise": "uh-huh oh really yeah that's pretty awesome too i watch it every now and then that's hilarious", "hypothesis": "I have never watched it in my whole life; that is sad."} {"idx": "mnli-3737", "premise": "Then the war.... The withdrawal of the army, the invasion of Sibley's Confederate forces which had reached this far in the persons of Howard's Arizona Rangers and most of all the raiding, vicious, deadly, and continual, by Apaches and outlaws had blasted Tubacca.", "hypothesis": "The army as ordered to retreat back to their bases."} {"idx": "mnli-3738", "premise": "well we've had last weekend we had eighty seven which was extraordinarily hot for now but now we're back down to about fifty and it's raining here but um", "hypothesis": "We were almost 90 degrees last weekend."} {"idx": "mnli-3739", "premise": "Without change, we're consigning another generation to entrenched poverty.", "hypothesis": "We will be consigned to the same people having poverty."} {"idx": "mnli-3740", "premise": "well the next time you go across the state line or when you come back in be sure and stop at one of the Texas", "hypothesis": "Be sure to stop at the one in Texas next time."} {"idx": "mnli-3741", "premise": "i that's the one thing i don't know i i don't know if they take them to the local aluminum uh recycling plant", "hypothesis": "I'm positive that they don't bring them to the local recycling plant."} {"idx": "mnli-3742", "premise": "What? She shrank against the wall, the pupils of her eyes dilating wildly. ", "hypothesis": "Her pupils were normal."} {"idx": "mnli-3743", "premise": "yeah yeah yeah and the uh uh in in you know one thing you know in in terms of how how i i would advise people is of course you got to look at what you can afford too and the state school system in Texas uh is probably one of the least expensive in the world", "hypothesis": "You can disregard the school fees as there are full subsidies. "} {"idx": "mnli-3744", "premise": "While some French politicians have been willing to say nice things about budget deficits, nobody seems willing to challenge the dogma that European integration is the answer.", "hypothesis": "A few French politicians give soft support of budget deficits. "} {"idx": "mnli-3745", "premise": "According to the National Enquirer , Jack Nicholson accidentally hit his 7-year-old son's Shih Tzu with a golf club; the pup reportedly recovered after receiving 57 stitches to the abdomen.", "hypothesis": "The National Enquirer said Nicholson almost killed a dog when he was playing golf."} {"idx": "mnli-3746", "premise": "Might be an all night job if you caught on.", "hypothesis": "The job is a position as a night security guard."} {"idx": "mnli-3747", "premise": "A pleasant detour off the Pau-Toulouse road, this fortified hilltop town has a splendid Romanesque-Gothic cathedral that merits an unhurried visit.", "hypothesis": "This hilltop town's cathedral is built in the Romanesque-Gothic style."} {"idx": "mnli-3748", "premise": "( Goodfellas ? Fuh-get about it.)", "hypothesis": "Goodfellas is a good movie."} {"idx": "mnli-3749", "premise": "Tuppence received the remark with great disfavour.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence felt satisfaction with the remark."} {"idx": "mnli-3750", "premise": "In the morning Ca'daan dressed and headed to the carpenter's shop.", "hypothesis": "He wanted to get his weapon repaired."} {"idx": "mnli-3751", "premise": "i guess you just have to wonder is it up to the is it you know who whose supposed to make the change the the state the government the federal government you know where's the money supposed to come from is it", "hypothesis": "The government is not among the groups that could be responsible for change."} {"idx": "mnli-3752", "premise": "so what type of restaurant do you like", "hypothesis": "You don't eat at restaurants at all, right?"} {"idx": "mnli-3753", "premise": "it's like i can walk but if i walk for more than fifteen minutes it's going to bother me", "hypothesis": "I can walk but only for a limited amount of time before it bothers me."} {"idx": "mnli-3754", "premise": "yeah uh-huh so you like a a variety sort of easy listening because you you like country but then", "hypothesis": "You like country and other easy listening?"} {"idx": "mnli-3755", "premise": "Greek and Roman statuary, jewelry, and daily utensils are all thoughtfully arranged.", "hypothesis": "The Roman and Greek jewelry is composed of gold necklaces and the finest diamond rings."} {"idx": "mnli-3756", "premise": "oh i can camp just about most anyway camping or uh motor home is nice uh travel trailer pop up", "hypothesis": "Vacationing in a motor home is nice in my opinion."} {"idx": "mnli-3757", "premise": "In Canada, under the headline Highway to NAFTA?", "hypothesis": "Outside of the United States in the direction of NAFTA?"} {"idx": "mnli-3758", "premise": "I obeyed, but nothing I was still sleepless.", "hypothesis": "I was restless, but I still obeyed."} {"idx": "mnli-3759", "premise": "When territory wasn't acquired by conquest Sind from Baluchi princes, Punjab and Kashmir from the Sikhs, Maharashtra and Delhi from the Marathas, or Assam from Burma the British annexed it by so-called Principles of Lapse and Paramountcy.", "hypothesis": "The British gave territory to the native people of India."} {"idx": "mnli-3760", "premise": "In the 1980s, it was 1,281 m (4,203 ft) high, having added 79 m (259 ft) with the big eruption of 1944 and subsequent smaller ones.", "hypothesis": "The eruptions since 1944 made it grow by 79 meters."} {"idx": "mnli-3761", "premise": "but uh at least there isn't at least i feel like i got rid of something", "hypothesis": "At least I kept it."} {"idx": "mnli-3762", "premise": "Don't go borrowin' trouble nor try to cross a river till you git th' water lappin' at your boots.\" 9 \"Times is gittin' better.\"Crow Fenner rode with one knee cocked up over the horn of his saddle, allowing Tar to drop into a pace at which he seemed to be actually sleep-walking.", "hypothesis": "Crow Fenner had Tar running at light speed."} {"idx": "mnli-3763", "premise": "Their tomb can be viewed through the gate of a nearby crypt.", "hypothesis": "There is no tomb."} {"idx": "mnli-3764", "premise": "When indigent citizens get in criminal trouble, public defenders are made available by law.", "hypothesis": "Public defenders are paid a low salary."} {"idx": "mnli-3765", "premise": "St. Herbert's Island was named after the saint who lived here as a hermit; after his death in 687 it became a place of pilgrimage.", "hypothesis": "The saint who lived their tended to never be on that island and was always out and about."} {"idx": "mnli-3766", "premise": "yeah yeah well you know how fast your TI medical insurance has been going up right", "hypothesis": "Your insurance costs have dropped over time."} {"idx": "mnli-3767", "premise": "At 5 o'clock, an hour later, she uses almost the same words, but the standpoint is different. ", "hypothesis": "At 5'oclock, she says something completely different from what she said before."} {"idx": "mnli-3768", "premise": "you know like you have to prepare the fire and then put the sausages on and then you know you put all these different meats which take different times", "hypothesis": "First make the fire, then put the sausages and other meat after that."} {"idx": "mnli-3769", "premise": "Similarly, one organization's central group was instrumental in acquiring a strong user authentication system to help ensure that network use could be reliably traced to the individual users.", "hypothesis": "One organization's central group was important in acquiring a strong user authentication system that helped the organization fin users that were accessing the site from abroad."} {"idx": "mnli-3770", "premise": "Menes is dead.", "hypothesis": "Menes is alive and well. "} {"idx": "mnli-3771", "premise": "Validity (as used here) refers to whether the data actually represent what you think is being measured.", "hypothesis": "The data is only valid if you think it is being measured correctly, not if it actually represents what you think is being measured."} {"idx": "mnli-3772", "premise": "They did not see the need for the separate category of RSSI.", "hypothesis": "They didn't see the reason to make a new category for the financial statements."} {"idx": "mnli-3773", "premise": "Good wheeze, wasn't it? ", "hypothesis": "Was the wheeze good and did you love it?"} {"idx": "mnli-3774", "premise": "Holdings of Foreign Assets and Net Income From Abroad (1977-1999) Net assets (billions) Net income (percent of GDP) 500", "hypothesis": "Net income from abroad between 1977 and 1999. "} {"idx": "mnli-3775", "premise": "She favored alternative punishments, longed to help troubled kids, worried about Draconian anti-immigration policy, and disliked the death penalty, mandatory minimum sentences, and the crack/powder cocaine sentencing disparity.", "hypothesis": "Troubled kids benefit from alternative punishments."} {"idx": "mnli-3776", "premise": "And Forrest saying: \"We don't give medals, Sergeant.", "hypothesis": "Forrest said they gave medals ever week."} {"idx": "mnli-3777", "premise": "oh yeah it's too nice been too nice of a weekend", "hypothesis": "The weekend was productive and satisfying."} {"idx": "mnli-3778", "premise": "In 1993 he was caught trying to smuggle classified information out in his prison letters.", "hypothesis": "He refused to give anyone any information."} {"idx": "mnli-3779", "premise": "i play softball", "hypothesis": "Softball is my sport of choice."} {"idx": "mnli-3780", "premise": "The industry standard is to have a Cpk of 1.33 or higher, which equates to a probability that 99.", "hypothesis": "The industry standard is to have a Cpk of 1.33 or larger."} {"idx": "mnli-3781", "premise": "Bailey received the award for his three years of volunteer work at Indiana Pro Bono Commission.", "hypothesis": "Bailey contributed three years of volunteer work to the Indiana Pro Bono Commission."} {"idx": "mnli-3782", "premise": "'I'm a publicist, you bastard,' he/she spat.", "hypothesis": "He/she just walked away."} {"idx": "mnli-3783", "premise": "Bradley reviewed nine studies with data on women's responses to screening mainly in primary care settings.", "hypothesis": "Bradley looked at nine experiments with information about women's responses."} {"idx": "mnli-3784", "premise": "so i guess a good question to ask is do you do your own work or do you do you like to do it", "hypothesis": "Do you like to do your own work on your car?"} {"idx": "mnli-3785", "premise": "And if Reagan had been rejected, I would have definitely heard about it.", "hypothesis": "I am always aware of presidential rejections. "} {"idx": "mnli-3786", "premise": "It was beginning to rain, and they turned up the collars of their coats as they trudged through the slush of the road.", "hypothesis": "Walking in the rain on that road was necessary. "} {"idx": "mnli-3787", "premise": " Adrin galloped forward.", "hypothesis": "Adrin stopped and turned back to where he had come from. "} {"idx": "mnli-3788", "premise": "In the early-19th century even the kabuki theaters were located here.", "hypothesis": "The kabuki theaters were located here in the early 19th century."} {"idx": "mnli-3789", "premise": "Another refreshing feature of Goodman's storytelling is that, unlike other members of fundamentalist sects one might find in novels, her characters don't chafe at their restrictions, or not too much.", "hypothesis": "The fact that Goodman's characters in fundamental sects don't generally feel too restricted by the rules of their sects is a unique aspect of Goodman's storytelling."} {"idx": "mnli-3790", "premise": "um and uh there's a book called Life Extensions i don't know if you've ever heard of it", "hypothesis": "I know you heard of the book Life Extensions."} {"idx": "mnli-3791", "premise": "There has been no Deputy Comptroller General since Bob Keller passed away over two decades ago.", "hypothesis": "Bob Keller was replaced by a new Deputy Comptroller General soon after his death."} {"idx": "mnli-3792", "premise": "I am saying and making it plain: If you make a steady practice of trading punches with a trooper or with any one else because you take a dislike to his face, the way his ears stick out, how he walks or talks, or what color coat he wore in the war, then you can roll your beds and ride out the sooner the better.", "hypothesis": "It's okay if you fight a lot, you can still stay here."} {"idx": "mnli-3793", "premise": "A group of former independent counsels (a k a special prosecutors), including Watergate's Archibald Cox and Iran-Contra's Lawrence Walsh, agreed that independent counsels are being appointed too indiscriminately.", "hypothesis": "Independent counsels should not be a first choice, but a last resort."} {"idx": "mnli-3794", "premise": "Do you suggest that I should do that to a similarly garbed female?", "hypothesis": "You don't think I should do that?"} {"idx": "mnli-3795", "premise": "It has beautiful natural attractions nearby, and it makes a good base for other, longer journeys around Jamaica, being within relatively easy reach of Kingston, the Blue Mountains, and the coast road that leads to both Montego Bay and Port Antonio.", "hypothesis": "It is near the Blue Mountains and Kingston."} {"idx": "mnli-3796", "premise": "Known to many under its Roman name of Apulia, the region stretches from the spur of the Gargano peninsula to the heel of Italy's boot, endowed with a wild and unspoiled beauty over the gently undulating stony plateaus grazed by sheep and goats.", "hypothesis": "The Apulia region has a lot of industry."} {"idx": "mnli-3797", "premise": "Here is what some prominent national reporters wrote on ", "hypothesis": "Some prominent national reporters wrote about a topic."} {"idx": "mnli-3798", "premise": "Meat stalls can be found around the outside, as well as several wicker and handicraft shops.", "hypothesis": "There are meat stalls and handicraft shops outside."} {"idx": "mnli-3799", "premise": "no it uh it started leaking through the you know out through the pan and out onto the floor and it's soaking up in the Sheetrock or in things right", "hypothesis": "It started to leak a lot."} {"idx": "mnli-3800", "premise": "We interviewed various officials, including chief financial officers, chief information officers, business unit executives, state executive and legislative branch officials, treasurers, controllers, internal auditors, agency administrators, and human resource specialists.", "hypothesis": "We interviewed officials in a number of different fields."} {"idx": "mnli-3801", "premise": "The State of Israel", "hypothesis": "Palestine, the state."} {"idx": "mnli-3802", "premise": "'Well, I can get it working like a person.'", "hypothesis": "I can get the machine to work like a person."} {"idx": "mnli-3803", "premise": "I get paid to make the community a better place for vulnerable people -- and I like that.", "hypothesis": "I like to get paid to make the community a better place for vulnerable people."} {"idx": "mnli-3804", "premise": "They can't talk our language.", "hypothesis": "They don't have the means to speak our language."} {"idx": "mnli-3805", "premise": "The effects of acute alcohol intoxication and chronic alcohol abuse on outcome from trauma.", "hypothesis": "Acute alcohol intoxication and chronic alcohol abuse have traumatic effects."} {"idx": "mnli-3806", "premise": "well it uh there's no question it does make a difference uh so far as having a party and then all voting uh when you have different precincts you would have to have a party in every precinct", "hypothesis": "No one should have political parties, they're terrible. "} {"idx": "mnli-3807", "premise": "Then we will offer suggestions for research and practice related to intervening effectively with alcohol problems in emergency settings.", "hypothesis": "We will suggest ways that research can solve alcohol problems among millenials. "} {"idx": "mnli-3808", "premise": "For golf enthusiasts, two courses reassure the visitor you are close to civilization.", "hypothesis": "There is no golf course available anywhere around."} {"idx": "mnli-3809", "premise": "and he had to get two new ones too so i i i'd never heard of it before so my mouth was open the when you mentioned that that circumstance", "hypothesis": "I had heard of that many times. "} {"idx": "mnli-3810", "premise": "that's not really good i don't know i guess that's an invasion of privacy i'm not sure that that's an everyday thing though at least not for you know an individual", "hypothesis": "I know that it is an everyday occurrence, but it is not an invasion of privacy."} {"idx": "mnli-3811", "premise": "In fact, while KYC was dying a very public death it was thriving in the shadows.", "hypothesis": "KYC was in perfect health, publicly and privately."} {"idx": "mnli-3812", "premise": "In Hong Kong, the South China Morning Post led Monday with what is said was the biggest protest in Beijing since the Tiananmen pro-democracy movement began 10 years ago this month.", "hypothesis": "There was a very small protest in China."} {"idx": "mnli-3813", "premise": "The final rule revises the prospective payment systems for operating and capital costs for inpatient services under Medicare Part A. Among other things, the final rule adjusts the classifications and weighting factors for diagnosis related groups as required by section 1886(d)(4)(C) of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C.", "hypothesis": "The final rule has nothing to do with payment systems."} {"idx": "mnli-3814", "premise": "Here is the heart of Old Kathmandu, the rice market and collection point for porters looking for jobs.", "hypothesis": "Porters seeking employment can find transport at the heart of Old Kathmandu."} {"idx": "mnli-3815", "premise": "I think so, Coronel, Drew returned shortly.", "hypothesis": "No definitely not, Coronel."} {"idx": "mnli-3816", "premise": "whole lot", "hypothesis": "An unlimited supply of them."} {"idx": "mnli-3817", "premise": "Stomp all over us ... that's what you Rebs has been promisin' to do, ain't it?", "hypothesis": "What you Rebs want to do, is eradicate our way of life and then forget about us."} {"idx": "mnli-3818", "premise": "There's really no way for me to know, and I certainly don't want to act without a better idea of the situation.' White bit his lip, thinking.", "hypothesis": "I wanted to know more about the situation but didn't want to ask. "} {"idx": "mnli-3819", "premise": "This section also establishes detailed default procedures for auctions.", "hypothesis": "The section sets procedures for auctions."} {"idx": "mnli-3820", "premise": "so uh the campaign that you worked when he was running for governor and that and he was elected that time", "hypothesis": "You worked with him when he was elected."} {"idx": "mnli-3821", "premise": "However, these requirements are not discussed here because this guide pertains to the protection of sensitive but unclassified data, which constitute the bulk of data supporting most federal operations.", "hypothesis": "Classified data can openly be shared amongst individuals."} {"idx": "mnli-3822", "premise": "To keep growing, it will have to win over new users who may be tempted by easier-to-use hand-held devices and specialized e-mail and Internet machines.", "hypothesis": "it will have to win over new users"} {"idx": "mnli-3823", "premise": "Time offers a brief psychological profile.", "hypothesis": "Time gives a physical profile. "} {"idx": "mnli-3824", "premise": "That bears out my little idea entirely.", "hypothesis": "It turns out I was thinking along the wrong lines."} {"idx": "mnli-3825", "premise": "Today's Papers is still partial to Silicone Valley.", "hypothesis": "Today's Papers is still a huge fan of Silicone Valley."} {"idx": "mnli-3826", "premise": "Only don't be sayin' that round Cap'n Bayliss neither.", "hypothesis": "What you just said is offensive to some people."} {"idx": "mnli-3827", "premise": "Most responses played with pop star excesses.", "hypothesis": "The survey interviewed 500 college students last week."} {"idx": "mnli-3828", "premise": "The sole exception is in Sant Antoni, where some cafes refuse to serve coffee at all during peak hours, preferring the high profits from alcohol.", "hypothesis": "Cafes in Sant Antoni sell coffee during the peak hours since they don't have alcohol."} {"idx": "mnli-3829", "premise": "They can say that, regardless of what the experts tell us, it's perfectly obvious that cheap care by relatives and neighbors shouldn't become the only feasible alternative for struggling mothers.", "hypothesis": "Childcare should be provided by flies."} {"idx": "mnli-3830", "premise": "The Chalet Kilauea, the hub of this little empire, serves gourmet breakfasts and afternoon teas.", "hypothesis": "The Chalet Kilauea only serves lunch and dinner, and is therefore not open until noon."} {"idx": "mnli-3831", "premise": "Maybe tomorrow will bring some better news ...", "hypothesis": "Today brought terrible news."} {"idx": "mnli-3832", "premise": "surely i've enjoyed it bye bye", "hypothesis": "I've had a good time."} {"idx": "mnli-3833", "premise": "The suppliers provided EPA their current capacity and the capacity that will be on line in the year 2002.", "hypothesis": "The suppliers gave current and future capacity to the EPA."} {"idx": "mnli-3834", "premise": "'Unfortunately, these weapons weren't designed for cutting or welding,' White said, strapping on his Gauntlet.", "hypothesis": "White put his weapon over his pants."} {"idx": "mnli-3835", "premise": "One man in a helm shaped like a snarling dog fought another taller dark man with a chain.", "hypothesis": "A tall dark man beat someone with a chain."} {"idx": "mnli-3836", "premise": "As noted above, representation of H-2A workers is limited to specific subject matters arising under the H-2A employment contract.", "hypothesis": "Specific subject matters are the only thing that can lead to representation of H-2A workers."} {"idx": "mnli-3837", "premise": "Have you checked the interest rate your bank pays on your IOLTA account?", "hypothesis": "Banks pay 2% interest on IOLTA accounts."} {"idx": "mnli-3838", "premise": "Only 20% of patients were screened.", "hypothesis": "Few patients failed the screening test."} {"idx": "mnli-3839", "premise": "um-hum yeah that's right that's right yeah i believe this is the first cat that i've ever had that would not even consider eating tuna", "hypothesis": "The cat ate every kind of fish except tuna. "} {"idx": "mnli-3840", "premise": "You see, you'd got it all fixed.", "hypothesis": "It had all been fixed. "} {"idx": "mnli-3841", "premise": "Limestone is the reagent used in LSFO to remove SO2 from the flue gas stream.", "hypothesis": "Limestone is not a reagent."} {"idx": "mnli-3842", "premise": "ACI hardware is comprised of relatively common mechanical components and is largely made of steel.", "hypothesis": "ACI hardware gives us a new way to build things."} {"idx": "mnli-3843", "premise": "She walks through minds, entire lifetimes in some cases.", "hypothesis": "She strolls through minds and in a few instances lifetimes as well."} {"idx": "mnli-3844", "premise": "and he could he could easily have put her into a nicer um home but up here there's waiting lists and that was the first one that opened and i suggested to him why don't you change um he said well these people here are they are very nice to her and he was saying his excuses if you move her some place else the people might not be so nice so the the professionals in the nursing homes really have to want to do what their doing because it's a really trying job i mean i go up twice a week to see my grandmother and i know the staff very well so they couldn't they can't hide anything on you or anything like that but i have heard of really awful conditions", "hypothesis": "I visit my father's mom twice a week in the nursing home. "} {"idx": "mnli-3845", "premise": "They used various techniques to do this, and several mentioned their efforts to identify, evaluate, and implement new, more effective tools as they become available.", "hypothesis": "They used the same techniques and the same tools."} {"idx": "mnli-3846", "premise": "The paintings from 1987 are full of charming facility, but their decorativeness is repetitive.", "hypothesis": "The paintings from 1987 are repulsive, but unique. "} {"idx": "mnli-3847", "premise": "The beaches towards the south can be pebbly, while the sand is usually coarse.", "hypothesis": "The south beaches are sometimes pebbly."} {"idx": "mnli-3848", "premise": "and you just never can time those things right with the water the way you would like them to be uh we got there and the water was really low we we ended up carrying the canoes over portions and at one point even though i know your not supposed to do this i stood up in the canoe and reached my paddle up as high as i could and i could not even touch the branches that were over the the uh river part there and you could see debris in those branches where the water had just been a couple of weeks prior", "hypothesis": "We rode in our canoes in a deep lake without any shallow areas."} {"idx": "mnli-3849", "premise": "Some of those are available on the Web.", "hypothesis": "Most come up on the first couple of pages of Google."} {"idx": "mnli-3850", "premise": "The question was what to do next? ", "hypothesis": "There were no questions asked about what to do next."} {"idx": "mnli-3851", "premise": "Several of the managers assigned had both business and technology acumen and had the ability to raise business issues from a technical perspective in a nonthreatening manner.", "hypothesis": "The assigned managers were made up of everyday people who had little prior experience with business or technology."} {"idx": "mnli-3852", "premise": "We began trading salt for the captured enemies of the desert tribes.", "hypothesis": "The tribes refused to give up their captured."} {"idx": "mnli-3853", "premise": "(Emphasis added.)", "hypothesis": "The emphasis was added by the editor."} {"idx": "mnli-3854", "premise": "It uproots and homogenizes as it enriches--like a Ronco appliance, as Friedman might say.", "hypothesis": "Friedman references Ronco appliances."} {"idx": "mnli-3855", "premise": "It was two nights ago when we killed the slave lord,\" San'doro said.", "hypothesis": "The slave lord died."} {"idx": "mnli-3856", "premise": "Hunt Rennie did not follow up his half accusation.", "hypothesis": "He couldn't follow up because his mouth was gagged by a group of mercenaries."} {"idx": "mnli-3857", "premise": "When architects, developers, contractors and civil engineers fail to design and construct housing so it is accessible, they effectively take that housing off the market for people who have, or will develop, a disability.", "hypothesis": "They effectively allow the housing to remain on the market for all to use."} {"idx": "mnli-3858", "premise": "It consists primarily of advertising mail that is not required to be sent First Class.", "hypothesis": "Advertisements must be sent first class."} {"idx": "mnli-3859", "premise": "you know he was in trouble the time was running out on the clock and he goes walking up to Mike Ditka to talk to him and Mike Ditka just turns his back on him and walks away", "hypothesis": "The clock running down was a sign of trouble."} {"idx": "mnli-3860", "premise": "It comes to the table in a shiny white jacket that is broken when the fish is cut and served.", "hypothesis": "The fish is cut with a butcher knife."} {"idx": "mnli-3861", "premise": "The mare, she was lost at Canon del Palomas. Rennie frowned, \"S\u00ed , the mare.", "hypothesis": "The horse had galloped into the woods and never was seen again."} {"idx": "mnli-3862", "premise": "The point of David Frum's argument in the Gay Marriage dialogue seems to boil down to Look at how severely and for the worse marriage has changed in the last 30 years.", "hypothesis": "The point of David Frum's argument in the Gay Marriage dialogue seems to give advice to gay couples"} {"idx": "mnli-3863", "premise": "Dominating Old Delhi, the Lal Quila (Red Fort) was built by Shahjahan when he transferred the capital back to Delhi from Agra.", "hypothesis": "When Shahjahan made Delhi the capital again, he constructed the Lal Quila."} {"idx": "mnli-3864", "premise": "Just north of Avenida do Infante (along Rua Dr. Pita) is the delightful Quinta Magnolia park.", "hypothesis": "The Quinta Magnolia park is nice to stroll in."} {"idx": "mnli-3865", "premise": "The President's approach builds on the Acid Rain Program, which provides a wonderful model for future programs.", "hypothesis": "A wonderful model for future programs will be provided by the President's approach, that builds on the Acid Rain Program."} {"idx": "mnli-3866", "premise": "And, if that were so, was it not also possible that she might have taken her own life? ", "hypothesis": "With no evidence it is not conclusive how and where she died, but that doesn't rule out suicide."} {"idx": "mnli-3867", "premise": "it's handy", "hypothesis": "It's not very useful."} {"idx": "mnli-3868", "premise": "Once you've seen the real thing, maybe you want to visit The Pharaonic Village, a theme park recreating life in Ancient Egypt.", "hypothesis": "Recreating life in Ancient Egypt was a difficult task to master for The Pharaonic Village"} {"idx": "mnli-3869", "premise": "Greuze led on.", "hypothesis": "Greuze came to a halt."} {"idx": "mnli-3870", "premise": "I have no joke for this, but may I be the first to weigh in with 'Dana Plato's Retreat?", "hypothesis": "There were jokes made about these comments, even though I had none."} {"idx": "mnli-3871", "premise": "half the time though i don't um jump half as much as i mean i'm like i'm real tall and you know i'm i'm not heavy but when you go easy a hundred seventy at my height um i'm five eleven", "hypothesis": "Me height is five eleven and I'm not that heavy."} {"idx": "mnli-3872", "premise": "Neuharth criticized a headline about a health study that read, Death Rate Drops, saying it should have read, We're Living Longer.", "hypothesis": "Neuharth has no complaints about the title of the study."} {"idx": "mnli-3873", "premise": "Scattered around Guadeloupe are some 50 stately Creole-style plantation homes of wood and stone, recalling the distant days of sugar proserity.", "hypothesis": "Some Creole-style plantation homes in Guadeloupe still grow sugarcane to this day."} {"idx": "mnli-3874", "premise": "Having in his turn failed to persuade Tuppence to go to bed, he said decisively: \"At any rate, you've got to have something to eat right away.", "hypothesis": "He had something to eat right away."} {"idx": "mnli-3875", "premise": "Indian Trails explores Native American legends, music, and dance.", "hypothesis": "Indian Trails are the footpaths found deep in Indian jungles, with no association with Native American culture or peoples."} {"idx": "mnli-3876", "premise": "Jesus Christ you know it's like why do you want more because it's like one second of recording i mean you put into a Wave and you want to correct the errors into Wave", "hypothesis": "The recording goes on for hours."} {"idx": "mnli-3877", "premise": "But the probability of that happening was deemed to be exceedingly low.", "hypothesis": "It was decided that the odds of that happening were really low."} {"idx": "mnli-3878", "premise": "(Not surprisingly, the least dismissive big-name child-care expert is a woman, Penelope Leach.)", "hypothesis": "As one would figure, a woman is one of the leading child care experts."} {"idx": "mnli-3879", "premise": "Today's Papers will be updated daily throughout the week.", "hypothesis": "Today's paper will not be updated. "} {"idx": "mnli-3880", "premise": "Among this amazing range of exquisite and colorful finds, there are also important artifacts that help confirm certain archaeological theories about the chronology of Egyptian history such as the slate palate of King Narmer one of the first documents scribed after Egypt became a unified Kingdom.", "hypothesis": "We still don't know anything about the Egyptians."} {"idx": "mnli-3881", "premise": "The little brown kid never once looked me in the eye, nor spoke a word to my face.", "hypothesis": "The little child wouldn't look at me."} {"idx": "mnli-3882", "premise": "The size of the contingency quickly became a cause celebre with many parties to the rate case.", "hypothesis": "The contingency size became an issue for the judge in the case."} {"idx": "mnli-3883", "premise": "Each of the two men wore black cloaks, black boots, dark gray chest-guards, and the same style three-corner hat that Adrin wore.", "hypothesis": "The men wore the same kind of hat as Adrin."} {"idx": "mnli-3884", "premise": "Three men rushed Jon.", "hypothesis": "Jon was rushed by three men who wanted to kill him."} {"idx": "mnli-3885", "premise": "Young at Heart?", "hypothesis": "Acts old?"} {"idx": "mnli-3886", "premise": "Your query involves some interesting concepts.", "hypothesis": "You have made me very curious about the subject."} {"idx": "mnli-3887", "premise": "Of course, if you're not in those areas, you're back to AskMe.com or FreeAdvice.com or RipOffCity.com.", "hypothesis": "AskMe.com may not be the best website, but it does its job."} {"idx": "mnli-3888", "premise": "uh i mean there there are times where uh video uh reporter actually will risk is life life and limb i've seen it happen time and time again and uh well i remember one time up in Nashville Tennessee was one of the fellows fellows got mixed up in a with a riot going on down there but he was lucky he got out of it", "hypothesis": "Sometimes, reporters take missions that are dangerous to them."} {"idx": "mnli-3889", "premise": "Or had he been jumped somewhere by Kitchell's pack of wolves and forced along for some purpose of their own?", "hypothesis": "Or had he been left alone to enjoy a nice wolf-free picnic by the lake?"} {"idx": "mnli-3890", "premise": "Her face paled as she saw the three men, and she gasped, throwing up her hand in a protective gesture.", "hypothesis": "Her face lost color when she saw the three men."} {"idx": "mnli-3891", "premise": "Under our current broadbanded system, analyst and analyst-related staff in Grades 7 through 15 were placed in three bands.", "hypothesis": "analyst and analyst-related staff in Grades 7 through 15 were placed in three bands"} {"idx": "mnli-3892", "premise": "He's neither immune to the professor's charm nor untroubled by what the professor says about the Northern a culture war in which Yankees imposed their imperialist and capitalist will on the agrarian South, just as they had done to the Irish and Scots.", "hypothesis": "The professor was talking about the East and the West."} {"idx": "mnli-3893", "premise": "Hypersaline brine and artificial seawater can be used with Champia parvula only if they are accompanied by at least 50% natural seawater.", "hypothesis": "Artificial seawater and hypersaline brine can be used with Champia parvula, but only if they are accompanied by at least 50% natural seawater."} {"idx": "mnli-3894", "premise": "He pulled off his gloves and placed them over the split log fence of his brill pen.", "hypothesis": "He called to his brill and they came over to him."} {"idx": "mnli-3895", "premise": "Kite golf? The Fodder Brothers were surprised, along with half the audience, which was intoxicated with exotic drinks that Friday. ", "hypothesis": "All of the audience were completely sober. "} {"idx": "mnli-3896", "premise": "and they just said well you know clutches are disposable and i said since when brake pads are disposable you know we know that but i never thought a clutch was disposable", "hypothesis": "I found out from talking to them that clutches can be disposed of"} {"idx": "mnli-3897", "premise": "As many of your readers may know--but Lawyer Feige apparently does not--the American Bar Association adopted a new code in 1983, known as the Model Rules of Professional Conduct.", "hypothesis": "The Model Rules of Professional Conduct were not adopted until 1997. "} {"idx": "mnli-3898", "premise": "Recommendation #7 Research is needed to explore and define the role of information technology in facilitating screening and intervention for alcohol problems among ED patients.", "hypothesis": "Exploring the role of IT in the screening process with ED patients has a number of tantalizing possibilities that health care professionals are interested in."} {"idx": "mnli-3899", "premise": "In the Place Saint-Michel students buy textbooks and stationery, and linger around the ornate Second Empire fountain.", "hypothesis": "There aren't any textbooks sold at Saint-Michel, so students don't go there."} {"idx": "mnli-3900", "premise": "Despite the onset of tourism, in many parts the islanders still adhere to old traditions, living off the fruits (literally! )", "hypothesis": "Islanders have parted ways with tradition with the loss of tourism."} {"idx": "mnli-3901", "premise": "Nothing's happened.\"", "hypothesis": "Something has happened."} {"idx": "mnli-3902", "premise": "If you kill me now, you never will know.\" But here the emotions of Boris became too much for him.", "hypothesis": "Boris cheerfully gave them the information they had been seeking."} {"idx": "mnli-3903", "premise": "The vast majority of cases never involve a trial and can be taken care of administratively.", "hypothesis": "Every case is required to go to trial."} {"idx": "mnli-3904", "premise": "As it happens, the meeting was a breakfast, not a lunch.", "hypothesis": "A lunch was served during the meeting."} {"idx": "mnli-3905", "premise": "oh i see uh-huh okay so they know that and they", "hypothesis": "They know that."} {"idx": "mnli-3906", "premise": "If I'd been ten seconds later, I might have missed them.", "hypothesis": "I missed them completely."} {"idx": "mnli-3907", "premise": ", and the other guy does not; and that Sullivan has always had this belief, while the other guy has lost his.", "hypothesis": "The other guy still shares the belief with Sullivan."} {"idx": "mnli-3908", "premise": "The others pulled left and right, avoiding the flailing horse and fallen rider.", "hypothesis": "The others ran straight ahead."} {"idx": "mnli-3909", "premise": "I think about money morning, noon and night! ", "hypothesis": "I never think about money. "} {"idx": "mnli-3910", "premise": "Save The Diaries of Dawn Powell (1995) for last.", "hypothesis": "Have diaries of dawn Powell in the beginning "} {"idx": "mnli-3911", "premise": "'But think of it this way, Ben- White's already sponsored more minor attacks.", "hypothesis": "White encouraged people to launch attacks."} {"idx": "mnli-3912", "premise": "oh yeah and it's real neat", "hypothesis": "No, it is not special. "} {"idx": "mnli-3913", "premise": "and it's the days that i keep looking for that aren't going to happen in my lifetime", "hypothesis": "I would like to see a day when everyone gets along peacefully."} {"idx": "mnli-3914", "premise": "Not as such, that is to say.", "hypothesis": "Which is to say, it's exactly like that"} {"idx": "mnli-3915", "premise": "See the box on page 80 for details of the current hot-spots.", "hypothesis": "The last page is page 40."} {"idx": "mnli-3916", "premise": "But even for a couple of thousand words that could have come from a brochure, the airfare still gets picked up by somebody else.", "hypothesis": "Nobody checks the work so even if those two thousand words came from a brochure, the airfare still gets picked up by someone else."} {"idx": "mnli-3917", "premise": "Two years later, after the massacres at Srebrenica and Vukovar, the slaughter and displacement of tens of thousands more Croats and Muslims, the decimation of Sarajevo, and the Serb conquest of more territory, the administration pushed through the Dayton Accords.", "hypothesis": "One thing the Serb have not been able to do is conquest territory."} {"idx": "mnli-3918", "premise": "well no the the big issue was is is uh when we moved here a few years ago is whether it was okay for you to uh drink beer while you were driving your pickup truck", "hypothesis": "We moved here recently and we've been caught driving under the influence two times."} {"idx": "mnli-3919", "premise": "King Manuel I donated the statue of the Virgin (over the altar) and the distinguished church portal.", "hypothesis": "The statue is hundreds of years old."} {"idx": "mnli-3920", "premise": "There, there, we can't always have brains as well as beauty.", "hypothesis": "You may be very smart and beautiful but I am only beautiful and dumb. "} {"idx": "mnli-3921", "premise": "Thorn appeared to still sleep, a small wind-tent shading his head from the rising sun.", "hypothesis": "THorn had slept for ten hours."} {"idx": "mnli-3922", "premise": "4 percent growth", "hypothesis": "It grew by four percent. "} {"idx": "mnli-3923", "premise": "so it's not uh all by itself it won't be adequate for for my situation", "hypothesis": "So it's not adequate for my situation."} {"idx": "mnli-3924", "premise": "SELLING EXPENSE (COST) -Expenses incurred in selling or marketing, e.g., salaries, commissions, and promotion expenses.", "hypothesis": "It is an expense related to sales of items or the marketing of said items."} {"idx": "mnli-3925", "premise": "The majestic Rendezvous Court near Olive Street was originally the hotel lobby; from here, you can climb the Spanish baroque staircase leading up to the galleria, with its coffered ceiling.", "hypothesis": "The courts are not very amazing because the staircase is made from isolated Germanic tribes."} {"idx": "mnli-3926", "premise": "oh were you really trying to find someone at home well you know um back then what they try to do you know the would always try to stump Jesus try to give him something that would contradict himself", "hypothesis": "They would never make Jesus contradict himself."} {"idx": "mnli-3927", "premise": "In fact I am almost certain that it was made no earlier than yesterday afternoon.\"", "hypothesis": "I almost knew for a fact that it was made yesterday afternoon."} {"idx": "mnli-3928", "premise": "Young people oversave in an attempt to improve their own prospects, and old people oversave in an attempt to improve their children's prospects.", "hypothesis": "There is too much saving going on."} {"idx": "mnli-3929", "premise": "The planets and the moon--\" \"Ignorance was bad enough,\" Ser Perth interrupted in amazement.", "hypothesis": "\"I don't see why this is such a problem to you,\" Ser Perth responded, once she had finished talking."} {"idx": "mnli-3930", "premise": "The warrior woman turned and looked away.", "hypothesis": "The woman turned and looked in another direction to not show the other warriors her tears."} {"idx": "mnli-3931", "premise": "'For religious reasons.'", "hypothesis": "Because of what my religion says."} {"idx": "mnli-3932", "premise": "A standard Guadeloupe souvenir is a puffed-up, porcupine-spined puffer fish (poisson lane), which, if large enough, can become an offbeat lamp shade.", "hypothesis": "There are many taxidermist shops located in Guadeloupe."} {"idx": "mnli-3933", "premise": "Many of the Balearic Islands are strewn with rocks and boulders, and these early peoples built simple stone houses and cleared fields by piling the stones into dividing walls.", "hypothesis": "Some of these stone houses are still standing."} {"idx": "mnli-3934", "premise": "The victory secured independence from Spain.", "hypothesis": "After they won they were independent from Spain."} {"idx": "mnli-3935", "premise": "you go to school and you have a kind of a captive audience you get them all in the auditorium and you you know give them your speech and maybe a little slide show or something and", "hypothesis": "There is no captive audience in a school."} {"idx": "mnli-3936", "premise": "Although the main building is not open to the public, the official residence of the Portuguese government may be visited by prearranged, guided tours.", "hypothesis": "The main building isn't accessible to the public although visits can be arranged."} {"idx": "mnli-3937", "premise": "Natural dyes look better and last longer than synthetics, but are more expensive.", "hypothesis": "Natural dyes fade faster that synthetic ones despite the price."} {"idx": "mnli-3938", "premise": "Drew was indulgent with his mount's skittishness as they pounded along at the tail of the horse herd bound for Tubacca.", "hypothesis": "His mount was skittish while walking toward Tubacca."} {"idx": "mnli-3939", "premise": "You ask about the cart, Callie, but don't make it definite.", "hypothesis": "Callie waited impatiently; her question was very important."} {"idx": "mnli-3940", "premise": "The principal didn't consider the rapid development of multi-player type games, where the users play with each other on the internet, mostly in the evening.", "hypothesis": "Multi-player games are mostly played in the evening. "} {"idx": "mnli-3941", "premise": "At last that worthy made his appearance.", "hypothesis": "He appeared."} {"idx": "mnli-3942", "premise": "and all of them i guess could be in that fashion or category", "hypothesis": "They have nothing to do with each other."} {"idx": "mnli-3943", "premise": "This imposing structure, built by El-Jezzar , nowadays holds the Museum of the Underground Prisoners, which documents the Jewish resistance movement that fought against the British during the Mandate period (part of the film Exodus was shot here).", "hypothesis": "No one knows who was responsible for building this large structure."} {"idx": "mnli-3944", "premise": "well they were showing a segment on a man in Philadelphia that's going after the drug dealers he's just a civilian he's a black man and he just got fed up with it", "hypothesis": "A man is going after drug deals because he is fed up."} {"idx": "mnli-3945", "premise": "We do indeed.", "hypothesis": "We do."} {"idx": "mnli-3946", "premise": "And I puffed my chest out accordingly.", "hypothesis": "I was very proud of myself."} {"idx": "mnli-3947", "premise": "Puts me in mind of Boswell's description of what in the 18 th century was called a hypochodriack, what we'd call a ", "hypothesis": "It's nothing like Boswell's 18 th century description of a hypochodriack."} {"idx": "mnli-3948", "premise": "Sounds appealing.", "hypothesis": "It sounds good."} {"idx": "mnli-3949", "premise": "Further north, the British gradually gained the upper hand over their rivals, now including the French, for the Bengali trade that was to create Calcutta.", "hypothesis": "Up North, the British lost to the French and were unable to secure territory."} {"idx": "mnli-3950", "premise": "Yes, Miss Tuppence.", "hypothesis": "Absolutely, Miss Tuppence."} {"idx": "mnli-3951", "premise": "This intervention guaranteed the popularity of these Christian denominations; today, you will find Baptist and Adventist churches in almost every settlement, their congregations still as strong today as in the early 1800s.", "hypothesis": "The intervention wasn't the only factor that caused these Christian denominations to grow popular."} {"idx": "mnli-3952", "premise": "The Scotland Bill was put before the British Parliament in January 1998 and became law as the Scotland Act in November 1998.", "hypothesis": "The bill had to go through a lot of intensive reviews and approvals before finally becoming a law. "} {"idx": "mnli-3953", "premise": "He actually feels _bad_ that we're leaving.", "hypothesis": "He finds pleasure that we're leaving."} {"idx": "mnli-3954", "premise": "Our advertising does not--and never has--treated all drugs equally.", "hypothesis": "We spend millions of dollars in drug advertisements alone."} {"idx": "mnli-3955", "premise": "You have? ", "hypothesis": "He has."} {"idx": "mnli-3956", "premise": "For example, while we have turned our bathrooms into palaces of comfort, lots of the world's people still squat over holes, which makes it difficult to finish reading the business section, but is a real bone builder.", "hypothesis": "People only use fancy toilets since hole-sitting has been eradicated."} {"idx": "mnli-3957", "premise": "it's it's so easy to get caught up on reading just for your work or you know self improvement and you kind of forget the fun of reading", "hypothesis": "If you're mostly reading for work, you can forget that reading can be fun, too. "} {"idx": "mnli-3958", "premise": "The Delhi sultanate under the Tughlaq dynasty could no longer hold its own in the north, and so Muslim kingdoms began to form in Bengal and the Deccan.", "hypothesis": "With the struggles of the Tughlaq dynasty, Muslim kingdoms pushed their advantage."} {"idx": "mnli-3959", "premise": "yeah actually it would be worth it if he were able to get a program that would do something that he normally had to do by hand", "hypothesis": "Doing things by hand is the best way to get anything done."} {"idx": "mnli-3960", "premise": " \"They were lost in moving this,\" Ser Perth told him.", "hypothesis": "\"They were lost in moving this,\" Ser Perth thought to himself. "} {"idx": "mnli-3961", "premise": "um how weird i don't know and they they do have a variety of topics my first one was the toughest it was something like discuss pollution", "hypothesis": "I do not know much about the topic of pollution. "} {"idx": "mnli-3962", "premise": "Clinton criticized the military bill for including budget gimmicks and pork-barrel projects but said that he could not allow our national security needs to be held hostage by this budget battle.", "hypothesis": "Clinton didn't want the budget battle to hinder national security."} {"idx": "mnli-3963", "premise": "I don't remember what I spent the money on, but I do recall how I rebelled my way through high school.", "hypothesis": "I was quite a rascal in high school and that made me unpopular with my parents."} {"idx": "mnli-3964", "premise": "The interim rule does not impose any federal mandates under title II of the act on state, local or tribal governments or the private sector of $100 million or more in any one year.", "hypothesis": "The rule affects most of the different governments."} {"idx": "mnli-3965", "premise": "CHRONIC TOXICITY TEST ENDPOINTS AND DATA ANALYSIS", "hypothesis": "There are no such things as chronic toxicity tests."} {"idx": "mnli-3966", "premise": "McCourt's own story indicates that they could not.", "hypothesis": "McCourt's story showed that they can do it."} {"idx": "mnli-3967", "premise": "For example, attestation standards provide for the following three levels of assurance.", "hypothesis": "The standards will not provide any assurances."} {"idx": "mnli-3968", "premise": "Wonder now did it maybe go back into a shield agin afterward?\"He gazed beyond Drew's shoulder into the world outside the cantina door.", "hypothesis": "He looked directly into Drew's eyes as he remained silent."} {"idx": "mnli-3969", "premise": "yeah we sort of stayed to the topic anyway", "hypothesis": "They continued to only talk about sports statistics for the conversation. "} {"idx": "mnli-3970", "premise": "of land and sea.", "hypothesis": "On land or on the sea."} {"idx": "mnli-3971", "premise": "And he has made pointed comparisons to other Webzines that are allegedly content to sit on their fannies and analyze or summarize.", "hypothesis": "He looks down on websites that simply summarize and don't report."} {"idx": "mnli-3972", "premise": "Greider wants to change the tax incentives and subsidies for private enterprise by rewarding firms that fostered greater employment and penalizing those that did the opposite.", "hypothesis": "Greider thinks the tax incentives should not change."} {"idx": "mnli-3973", "premise": "The other main street, rue des Ecouffes (medieval slang for moneylenders), completes the lively shopping area, with delicatessens, kosher butchers, and even kosher pizza shops.", "hypothesis": "rue des Ecouffes also has ice cream shops. "} {"idx": "mnli-3974", "premise": "Your June 28 report on our success is gratefully received.", "hypothesis": "The report focused on everything we had done wrong."} {"idx": "mnli-3975", "premise": "i guess uh uh there's a song by that name i guess but it's not new", "hypothesis": "There's a song with that title, but it's not new."} {"idx": "mnli-3976", "premise": "In Roman times, some 7,000 spectators would gather here to watch a circus, Greek tragedy, Latin comedy, or lottery draw.", "hypothesis": "Thousands of people would watch the live events, but even more than that if it was a fight."} {"idx": "mnli-3977", "premise": "but until i get in a place where i feel like that's where i'm going to be for a long time they're just their so hard to move", "hypothesis": "I don't want to do anything until I feel more stable."} {"idx": "mnli-3978", "premise": "As big as it was, it couldn't hurt the Journal . How would the Podunk Banner have fared against a similar threat from the area Chevrolet dealer?", "hypothesis": "It couldn't hurt the Journal no matter how big it was."} {"idx": "mnli-3979", "premise": "yeah but then she didn't get to go there oh i see", "hypothesis": "Yes, but she didn't get to enter."} {"idx": "mnli-3980", "premise": "that's interesting um-hum okay hey thanks so much for the conversation", "hypothesis": "Thanks for talking."} {"idx": "mnli-3981", "premise": "All the avant-garde artists included are actually academic, both in the sense of deriving their ideas about cultural difference from French literary critics and in the sense that they follow the dictates of others about what art should be.", "hypothesis": "They think art should be accessible for everyone."} {"idx": "mnli-3982", "premise": "i'm not even yeah", "hypothesis": "I am not about to say yes."} {"idx": "mnli-3983", "premise": "A chart on the screen lists the payoff of your winning hand and, as with slots, the more you bet, the better the payoff.", "hypothesis": "The more money you bet, the more money you can win."} {"idx": "mnli-3984", "premise": "In her self-assessment for the 2001 performance appraisal cycle, she stated that she began conducting land use assessments for Gunnison Gorge and approved pre-plans, which outline the anticipated schedule, budget, and stakeholder involvement to complete a land use plan.", "hypothesis": "In her self-assessment, she said she had started doing land use assessments."} {"idx": "mnli-3985", "premise": "Israel and the Israelis", "hypothesis": "Israel and the Israelis"} {"idx": "mnli-3986", "premise": "'Come on,' White growled, racing toward the battle.", "hypothesis": "White ran towards where the people were hitting each other with swords."} {"idx": "mnli-3987", "premise": "They may love the partner.", "hypothesis": "They might love the partner."} {"idx": "mnli-3988", "premise": "Further, the Conferees intend that the Conference substitute will secure the rights of H-2 agricultural workers under the specific contract under which they were admitted to this country.", "hypothesis": "The H-2 agricultural workers can remain in this country for a specified period of time according to their contract."} {"idx": "mnli-3989", "premise": "Back in the modern part of town you come to the Kaiser Library.", "hypothesis": "The Kaiser Library is located out side the modern part of town."} {"idx": "mnli-3990", "premise": "I guess that's all right.", "hypothesis": "I guess you did a good job."} {"idx": "mnli-3991", "premise": "Case studies do not compare individuals or groups to others randomly assigned to different treatments.", "hypothesis": "Case studies don't compare people that have different treatments."} {"idx": "mnli-3992", "premise": "Beside that magnificent blaze of color Shiloh was drab, a shadow about to be put to flight by the sun.", "hypothesis": "Shiloh had a bad color."} {"idx": "mnli-3993", "premise": "Cries of fear and confusion arose from the fires as the chained slaves worked against their bonds and unsuccessfully tried to grapple with the remaining whipmasters.", "hypothesis": "They broke free and tied up the whipmasters."} {"idx": "mnli-3994", "premise": "You brought us together, said Jon.", "hypothesis": "Jon is reminding someone who it is that brought them together."} {"idx": "mnli-3995", "premise": "Distribution of Rural Routes by Density (Boxes per Mile) Selective Averagesa (1989)", "hypothesis": "Rural routes all have densities below 100 people per mile."} {"idx": "mnli-3996", "premise": "overcrowding overcrowding", "hypothesis": "Wealth of space."} {"idx": "mnli-3997", "premise": "If the main railway station is an overwhelming homage to Mussolini and fascist design (1925 1931), the Pirelli skyscraper, opposite, (Italy's first), is a more graceful symbol of the new era.", "hypothesis": "The railways station was built to celebrate the death of Mussolini ."} {"idx": "mnli-3998", "premise": "Games are scheduled on Wednesdays and Saturdays from September through April.", "hypothesis": "There are games throughout the year."} {"idx": "mnli-3999", "premise": "There are at least six different types of case study application in evaluation, and their strengths and limitations are different.", "hypothesis": "There are six different types of case study application in evaluation. Their strengths and limitations are different."} {"idx": "mnli-4000", "premise": "Sinatra then reportedly ripped the phone out of the wall and threw it across the room.", "hypothesis": "James Dean threw a phone across the room and hit Sinatra in the head."} {"idx": "mnli-4001", "premise": "And the actual plan?", "hypothesis": "What about the plan?"} {"idx": "mnli-4002", "premise": "One reason, I think, was a giddy feeling in the late '70s that the End was Nigh, so everything was permitted and there was no reason to compete.", "hypothesis": "Everything was allowed in the late 1970's."} {"idx": "mnli-4003", "premise": "The piece notes that the 10-year survival rate for heart transplants is an astonishing 60 percent, orders of magnitude higher than it was in the '70s.", "hypothesis": "The 10-year survival rate for heart transplants is an amazing 60%."} {"idx": "mnli-4004", "premise": "oh i'm sorry", "hypothesis": "I'm not sorry, I don't care about it and neither should you"} {"idx": "mnli-4005", "premise": "The Jenkins Committee (named after the chairman), a group formed by the AICPA in 1991 to address concerns over the relevance and usefulness of financial reporting, recommended in its 1994 report that standard setters develop a comprehensive reporting model that includes both financial information (financial statements and related disclosures) and nonfinancial information (such as high-level operating data and performance measures used by management, management's analysis of changes in financial and nonfinancial data, and forward-looking information about opportunities, risks, and management's plans).", "hypothesis": "The Jenkins Committee makes sure that all financial reporting is useful, relevant, and complete."} {"idx": "mnli-4006", "premise": "Consequently the rule does not impose unfunded mandates under the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995.", "hypothesis": "THe mandates have been consistent for decades."} {"idx": "mnli-4007", "premise": "Otherwise, we won't.\"", "hypothesis": "Our contractual stipulations must be met for this to work."} {"idx": "mnli-4008", "premise": "4 Corpse Some anthropologists say the technology is new but the impulse is old.", "hypothesis": "There were 4 corpses, some anthropologists saying the technology is new but the impulse is old."} {"idx": "mnli-4009", "premise": " San'doro looked at Jon from under his hood, a line of blood drawn across one eye.", "hypothesis": "San'doro and Jon both had no injuries."} {"idx": "mnli-4010", "premise": "and so you we've got plenty of time to go uh because uh down here in in Houston it's uh the lines are long", "hypothesis": "We have time since the lines tend to be long."} {"idx": "mnli-4011", "premise": "But there are scenery chewers and there are Michelin-gourmet scenery chewers, and Pacino has a three-star feast.", "hypothesis": "Regular scenery chewers and Michelin-gourmet scenery chewers are the same thing."} {"idx": "mnli-4012", "premise": "um-hum um-hum get a kitten yeah um-hum", "hypothesis": "Avoid kittens."} {"idx": "mnli-4013", "premise": "If you want to buy any object that might be considered a museum piece, you will have to obtain a certificate from the directorate of a local museum that clears it for export.", "hypothesis": "You can make all your purchases conveniently without restrictions."} {"idx": "mnli-4014", "premise": "it doesn't take much but uh we got him all back going and packed up and came on back uh let's see i i had another another camp out that wasn't uh near as bad in fact it had some really good good points to it i'm trying to think of exactly where we were uh we were on another lake i don't remember the the name of it but we were right up at the shore and the way it was layed out the camp grounds were uh it was another state park and the campgrounds had railroad ties blocking off a sandy pit and that made for a fairly level place to put the tent but to get down to the beach you had to walk down a real steep embankment i mean it was so steep they had put railroad ties as stair steps every once in a while mainly for the erosion and that became a path as it were", "hypothesis": "We had so much fun at the beach that day."} {"idx": "mnli-4015", "premise": "Engakuji, founded in 1282, became the second most important in the group of monasteries called the Gozan ( Five Mountains ), a hierarchy established in the 14th century for the Zen temples under the official patronage of the shogunate.", "hypothesis": "The shogunate did not believe in monasteries. "} {"idx": "mnli-4016", "premise": "They are the perfect location for outdoor classical concerts that take place during warm weather months.", "hypothesis": "They are the best venue for summer outdoor concerts."} {"idx": "mnli-4017", "premise": "With his hands and feet bound, there was no way to land softly.", "hypothesis": "His limbs were tied up."} {"idx": "mnli-4018", "premise": "Jon slapped him again, harder.", "hypothesis": "Jon was trying to wake him up."} {"idx": "mnli-4019", "premise": "you have to watch the like the crepe myrtles", "hypothesis": "If you don't monitor them like the crepe myrtle, they will die."} {"idx": "mnli-4020", "premise": "Built in the third century a.d. they played host to the highly ranked of Roman Alexandria who would come to the baths to relax and exchange news while enjoying a soak or a massage.", "hypothesis": "There were no massages at the baths."} {"idx": "mnli-4021", "premise": "or at least they try and do something about it first", "hypothesis": "Or at least they won't touch or do anything about it."} {"idx": "mnli-4022", "premise": "Similarly, the General Services Administration's (GSA) fiscal year 2000 annual performance plan does not address several long-standing problems identified by the GSA Inspector General.", "hypothesis": "There are problems that the GSA does not talk about."} {"idx": "mnli-4023", "premise": "On some of everything?", "hypothesis": "You are referring to parts of everything?"} {"idx": "mnli-4024", "premise": "It's a good idea to take a jersey (sweater)and something to drink.", "hypothesis": "You won't need to take a sweater or liquids to drink with you. "} {"idx": "mnli-4025", "premise": " The middle-aged man with the small mustache bent over the chart near his feet.", "hypothesis": "The man of considerable age was capable of bending and stretching."} {"idx": "mnli-4026", "premise": "yeah especially in Texas period", "hypothesis": "especially within Texas"} {"idx": "mnli-4027", "premise": "Eleven billion dollars in shareholder value is $11 billion.", "hypothesis": "The shareholder value is $16billion."} {"idx": "mnli-4028", "premise": "Edgar Jr. wants to treat movies like any other If a movie costs more to produce, you should charge more for it.", "hypothesis": "Edgar Jr., as advised by his manager, wants to charge more for movie tickets if the movie costs more to produce."} {"idx": "mnli-4029", "premise": "uh-huh i'd recommend that if if someone was trying to choose a college that they they get uh as much information on the schools as they can as far as what curriculums they offer and uh how reputable they are and what kind of reputation they have in the country and uh go from there the rest of it's just personal preference whether you like the mascot or not or whether it's close by", "hypothesis": "I think you need to hone in on the college ranking and just ignore everything else like reputation, distance, mascot, etc."} {"idx": "mnli-4030", "premise": "It makes a statement, the city clerk said.", "hypothesis": "The city clerk watched as a statement was made "} {"idx": "mnli-4031", "premise": "benefit anybody you know", "hypothesis": "It definitely didn't benefit anyone."} {"idx": "mnli-4032", "premise": "No, but it is always well to learn new ways.", "hypothesis": "I believe learning new ways is worthwhile."} {"idx": "mnli-4033", "premise": "The wondrous Roman Aqueduct, a work of art and a triumph of engineering, marches right through the center of town.", "hypothesis": "The Roman Aqueduct goes through the center of town, it is no longer used though."} {"idx": "mnli-4034", "premise": "Nearby is a fine 18-hole public golf course, beautifully kept despite the strange hazard of a narrow, concrete-sided canal running across the middle of it.", "hypothesis": "Oddly enough, there is a narrow canal running through the middle of the golf course."} {"idx": "mnli-4035", "premise": "The latter possibility might exist if the mailer assumed some risk by placing fewer constraints on the trucking operator.", "hypothesis": "Placing fewer constraints on the trucking operator has some risk."} {"idx": "mnli-4036", "premise": "Similarly, the auditor should recommend that the agency take appropriate actions where senior management involvement seems lacking, or where the project organization is unstable and subject to high turnover.", "hypothesis": "the auditor shouldn't recommend that the agency take appropriate actions"} {"idx": "mnli-4037", "premise": "CHAPTER 4: STEWARDSHIP LAND", "hypothesis": "The piece details tax account structure."} {"idx": "mnli-4038", "premise": "For Klein, control is always bad--whether it's the evil health-and-fashion industry dictating our ideas about beauty, or the beleaguered dieter struggling to curb his cravings in a spirit of misguided self-hatred.", "hypothesis": "According to Klein, control is always a bad thing, and many people would agree on that."} {"idx": "mnli-4039", "premise": "Rather, those are the qualities News Quiz participants associate with G.M. cars, despite the company's demonstrating with its Saturn line that it is quite capable of producing a first-class car commercial.", "hypothesis": "G.M. has demonstrated it is capable of producing a first-class commercial with it's Saturn line."} {"idx": "mnli-4040", "premise": "where in New Hampshire", "hypothesis": "Where in New Hampshire?"} {"idx": "mnli-4041", "premise": "Personal Saving, Household Wealth, and Retirement Security", "hypothesis": "Government savings and wealth"} {"idx": "mnli-4042", "premise": "In 1982 and '83 de Kooning, undistracted by an outside world he could no longer understand, painted at an unprecedented pace, completing nearly a picture a week.", "hypothesis": "de Kooning didn't paint any paintings in the 1980s."} {"idx": "mnli-4043", "premise": "Hanuman is a beneficent deity predating classical Hinduism, and the reason why no one would dream of harming the little lemurs (monkeys) running around here.", "hypothesis": "Hanuman declared that all the lemurs here needed to be killed or relocated. "} {"idx": "mnli-4044", "premise": "Let me stay in your arms", "hypothesis": "Please hug me."} {"idx": "mnli-4045", "premise": "Diderot's Encyclopedie championed reason over traditional religion, Rousseau discoursed on the origins of inequality, Voltaire shot at everything that didn't move.", "hypothesis": "The Encyclopedie was usually given no attention."} {"idx": "mnli-4046", "premise": "These principles touch on specific aspects of their organizational management such as formal and informal relationships among the CIO and others, business practices and processes, and critical CIO functions and leadership activities.", "hypothesis": "There are no principles that touch on specific aspects of their organizational managements."} {"idx": "mnli-4047", "premise": "them people them two people are the most helpless people you see what i'm saying", "hypothesis": "They are helpless people when they are very old."} {"idx": "mnli-4048", "premise": "These days Santa Cruz is best known for the Aeroporto de Santa Cataria (international airport) that serves Funchal and all of Madeira.", "hypothesis": "The international airport in Santa Cruz serves Funchal."} {"idx": "mnli-4049", "premise": "Here, designers have reproduced a miniature version of all the major landscape features along the old Tokaido Highway between Kyoto and Edo including, of course, a small artificial version of Mt.", "hypothesis": "Designers have reproduced smaller versions of all the major landscape features."} {"idx": "mnli-4050", "premise": "Now that it's over, they're criticizing him for letting Russia broker the peace agreement and participate in the peacekeeping force, and they're still complaining that NATO's generals were impeded by civilian leadership from effectively fighting the war.", "hypothesis": "They were not pleased that Russia spear-headed the peace talks at all. "} {"idx": "mnli-4051", "premise": "The exploratory study looked in depth at four of the nine demonstration sites prior to conducting a program effects evaluation.", "hypothesis": "The exploratory study looked at four demonstration sites before conducting the evaluation. "} {"idx": "mnli-4052", "premise": "well we uh i just got married about six months ago and we bought a house at the same time so we're i'm sitting here in my forty year old house and we're about halfway through the painting process", "hypothesis": "I got married and bought a home in the past six months."} {"idx": "mnli-4053", "premise": "Taxation and Household Saving.", "hypothesis": "It has to do with taxation and how it impacts how much households save."} {"idx": "mnli-4054", "premise": "For organizations both public and private, external forces can include newly emerging economic, social, and technological trends and new statutory, regulatory, and judicial requirements.", "hypothesis": "Public organizations are significantly more likely to be attentive to new judicial requirements."} {"idx": "mnli-4055", "premise": "uh he made us do the grunt work", "hypothesis": "He didn't hire us."} {"idx": "mnli-4056", "premise": "The publication also reports that Anderson plans to go ahead with her divorce and feels she can never forgive Lee.", "hypothesis": "According to a publication, Anderson is indeed going to proceed with her divorce."} {"idx": "mnli-4057", "premise": "Scotland Yard men in and out of the house like a jack-in-thebox! ", "hypothesis": "Scotland Yard men kept popping in and out of the house."} {"idx": "mnli-4058", "premise": "When agencies lose major accounts, they often fire nearly everyone involved with the account.", "hypothesis": "It doesn't happen often, but everyone gets fired without severance pay."} {"idx": "mnli-4059", "premise": "One night I awoke and I was the only one still alive out of twelve of us.", "hypothesis": "Everyone else was killed by the demons."} {"idx": "mnli-4060", "premise": "and that certainly is one reason why crime here has increased", "hypothesis": "That's one of the reasons we have seen a reduction in crime here. "} {"idx": "mnli-4061", "premise": "so if they have babies then we'll have to get rid of one of them", "hypothesis": "If they have babies, we plan to give away one of them to a friend."} {"idx": "mnli-4062", "premise": "Red turned a carefully blank face to his father.", "hypothesis": "Red began crying to his mother."} {"idx": "mnli-4063", "premise": "Following its victory, Athens introduced the concept of a mutual protection alliance (a kind of NATO of the ancient world).", "hypothesis": "After its defeat, Athens was conquered and absorbed by its enemies."} {"idx": "mnli-4064", "premise": "It's our only chance.\" Whittington hesitated, but for hardly a moment.", "hypothesis": "This is our sole opportunity, Whittington slightly paused in hesitation."} {"idx": "mnli-4065", "premise": "These days there's no more pomp under the porticos; instead, a variety of artisans vie for display space to peddle their jewellery and leatherwork, which is often relatively original and cheap.", "hypothesis": "You cannot purchase jewellery under the porticos."} {"idx": "mnli-4066", "premise": "The Commission did not identify any other statutes or Executive Orders imposing requirements relevant to the rule.", "hypothesis": "The executive orders the Commission looked at were signed by the President."} {"idx": "mnli-4067", "premise": "At IRS we identified the challenges the organization faces in revamping its human capital policies to help achieve its congressionally mandated transformation to an agency that better balances service to the taxpayers with enforcement of the tax laws.", "hypothesis": "The IRS will enlist the assistance of local police forces to help them enforce tax law."} {"idx": "mnli-4068", "premise": "Ca'daan doesn't really understand yet.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan cannot comprehend this truth yet."} {"idx": "mnli-4069", "premise": "Some of the agencies' electronic rulemaking systems contained several of the innovative dimensions previously discussed.", "hypothesis": "The agencies' electronic rulemaking systems only contained two innovative dimensions that were not discussed before."} {"idx": "mnli-4070", "premise": "In any case, offering an assessment of an encyclopedia without having read it is like assessing an issue of Slate that hasn't been posted.", "hypothesis": "Literary reviews are totally worthless and without merit."} {"idx": "mnli-4071", "premise": "Unfortunately, because VSL is specified as quadratic in age, extrapolation beyond the range of the data can lead to a very severe decline in VSL at ages beyond 75.", "hypothesis": "There is a very severe increase in VSL at ages 75 and beyond."} {"idx": "mnli-4072", "premise": "Likewise in 1992, he applauded the Bush administration's lame-duck pardons of Caspar Weinberger, Elliott Abrams, et al.", "hypothesis": "He approved of the president's choices for pardon."} {"idx": "mnli-4073", "premise": "In that respect, some participants suggested that standard setters first needed to get the basics right with the current financial reporting model, for example in areas such as accounting for pensions, post-employment benefits, and pro-forma financial statements, to help restore investor confidence.", "hypothesis": "Everyone agreed that the current financial reporting model was good as it was."} {"idx": "mnli-4074", "premise": "If the surplus is not spent on government programs or used for tax cuts, it is saved.", "hypothesis": "The surplus can be spent on government programs and still be saved."} {"idx": "mnli-4075", "premise": "Industrious BW-armed terrorists could more or less do Manhattan in the same time.", "hypothesis": "In the same time, BW-armed terrorists could basically do Manhattan. "} {"idx": "mnli-4076", "premise": "5 points--number of Penguin classics sold", "hypothesis": "There have been a large amount of Penguin classics sold."} {"idx": "mnli-4077", "premise": "fact involved just from the uh the histories that are that were developed around that time that are available", "hypothesis": "Nobody else kept older records so we used the ones that were available."} {"idx": "mnli-4078", "premise": "O'Donoghue's and Slattery's, two famous music pubs, are still among Dublin's best.", "hypothesis": "O'Donoghue's and Slattery's are two of Dublin's best music pubs."} {"idx": "mnli-4079", "premise": "Though Cairo has many modern and nondescript suburbs, the oldest districts of Al-Qahira are well-preserved and exhibit some of the finest period architecture in the Islamic world.", "hypothesis": "Al-Qahira has some of the best examples of period architecture. "} {"idx": "mnli-4080", "premise": "Their trite comments say a lot more about the state of modern American neighborliness than they do about the neighbors themselves.", "hypothesis": "The Moder American neighborliness is nothing like their trite comments."} {"idx": "mnli-4081", "premise": "I was floating, breathless.", "hypothesis": "I was drowning. "} {"idx": "mnli-4082", "premise": "I got up, trying to look natural and easy.", "hypothesis": "I got up, not trying to conceal my sheer terror."} {"idx": "mnli-4083", "premise": "In October of 1907, as the stock market was melting down, J.P.", "hypothesis": "The stock market began to crash around October 1907."} {"idx": "mnli-4084", "premise": "From 1309 to 1377, Avignon was the papal seat.", "hypothesis": "During this time, everyone approved of the job their leader was doing."} {"idx": "mnli-4085", "premise": "He'd probably pick it up in his fillings.", "hypothesis": "He had fillings in his teeth."} {"idx": "mnli-4086", "premise": "I could've explained myself.", "hypothesis": "I could explain what I meant to say about my feelings."} {"idx": "mnli-4087", "premise": "110 Chapter 9 DR. ", "hypothesis": "1 chapter 10"} {"idx": "mnli-4088", "premise": "The Industrialist looked at his guest.", "hypothesis": "The Industrialist looked upon his guest."} {"idx": "mnli-4089", "premise": "uh even though i may have them from sixth grade on up through uh grandmothers", "hypothesis": "I don't know anyone of that age."} {"idx": "mnli-4090", "premise": "The SEC promulgates and enforces the registration requirements dealing with public companies.", "hypothesis": "Public companies do not have any registration requirements from the SEC."} {"idx": "mnli-4091", "premise": "In 2002, LSC continued to provide technical assistance and pursue activities to help create or strengthen state planning bodies.", "hypothesis": "The LSC was involved in weakening state planning bodies in 2002."} {"idx": "mnli-4092", "premise": "No, he was simply a way of escape from the insufferable monotony of my life.\" 130 I said nothing, and after a moment, she went on: \"Don't misunderstand me. ", "hypothesis": "The woman pointed out that her life was monotonous."} {"idx": "mnli-4093", "premise": "The blacksmith's shop in the center of the village became the focus of this activity because it was the blacksmith who often officiated at these ceremonies, striking his anvil with a hammer to signify that the union was official.", "hypothesis": "The blacksmith shop is always busy with customers."} {"idx": "mnli-4094", "premise": "The stout-limbed can follow his example, and start by climbing the 300-odd stairs to the platform just below the steeple for a fine view over the city.", "hypothesis": "People who are strong enough can climb more than 300 stairs to get a good view of the city."} {"idx": "mnli-4095", "premise": "uh he drives a small uh S GMC S fifteen which we bought we bought new five years ago and have had real good luck with i mean there's have absolutely no trouble with it", "hypothesis": "GMC makes some of the most reliable cars on the road. "} {"idx": "mnli-4096", "premise": "I am not inclined to judge him.", "hypothesis": "I'm not inclined to judge the Senator for his misconduct. "} {"idx": "mnli-4097", "premise": "Bennett told reporters that the decision spoke for itself, and James Carville brushed aside Jones as a pawn of larger, darker forces.", "hypothesis": "The decision was never made."} {"idx": "mnli-4098", "premise": "This employment requires precision of the fingers. ", "hypothesis": "This job requires swift fingers. "} {"idx": "mnli-4099", "premise": "A lookout point provides views acroseto Machico on the coast, and you can enjoy a drink at the golf club bar, set in what was once a pousada.", "hypothesis": "There is a bar at the golf club with a great view."} {"idx": "mnli-4100", "premise": "Today, in our country, hundreds of thousands of people live in our streets.", "hypothesis": "There are no longer any people living in our streets."} {"idx": "mnli-4101", "premise": "yeah that's right it's kind of nice too to have that fall", "hypothesis": "It's kind of nice in your 20s to have that fall"} {"idx": "mnli-4102", "premise": "Mr. Carter's warnings passed unheeded.", "hypothesis": "Mr. Carter had issued a warning, but it was not listened to."} {"idx": "mnli-4103", "premise": "oh when i worked for the temporary agency as a permanent person and so we had when we sent temporaries to TI we had to have them drug tested and we did have a couple of cases where we really", "hypothesis": "I used to work for the temporary agency as a long term employee."} {"idx": "mnli-4104", "premise": "In 1998, two years after Washington cut legal-aid funding by a third or $122 million - state programs started facing more rigorous requirements for grant renewals, including achieving optimal configuration of service areas.", "hypothesis": "After Washington increased legal-aid funding, state programs relaxed requirements for grant renewals."} {"idx": "mnli-4105", "premise": "yeah you going oh yeah Yeah if if if you've ever seen the program paper chase it's very much like that except worse", "hypothesis": "Similar to the program paper chase but much worse."} {"idx": "mnli-4106", "premise": "Look for scenes of boats sailing on the Nile, and weapons of war including spears and shields.", "hypothesis": "Boats were popular in that time."} {"idx": "mnli-4107", "premise": "because i'm always worrying it won't firm up because it when you take it out of the saucepan it's like boy i hope this thickens a little more because it's not like real package thick you know when you cook a package it's it's a little less", "hypothesis": "I hope to thicken it as close to the package as possible."} {"idx": "mnli-4108", "premise": "but i really admire people who can go and work out and", "hypothesis": "I don't think much of people who exercise regularly."} {"idx": "mnli-4109", "premise": "Well, Krugman maintains that no such shift is taking place.", "hypothesis": "There may be a shift happening in the future that Krugman is scared to reveal."} {"idx": "mnli-4110", "premise": "That fragmented system without oversight had its deviance (not all doctors provided good care) and cost (the doctors drove up the bills).", "hypothesis": "Doctors drove up bills and not all of the doctors gave good care."} {"idx": "mnli-4111", "premise": "These uncertainties can be reduced by careful consideration of the differences in the health risk or air pollution commodity and the study populations in the underlying economic literature versus the context of benefits conferred by the Clear Skies Act.", "hypothesis": "The risk of air pollution is the most important type of pollution which should be carefully considered. "} {"idx": "mnli-4112", "premise": "In spring, the Osaka International Festival of drama and music takes place both at the theater and in the Festival Hall on Nakanoshima Island.", "hypothesis": " The Festival Hall and theater on Nakanoshima Island, are home to the Osaka International Festival of drama and music in the spring."} {"idx": "mnli-4113", "premise": "it's situational really", "hypothesis": "It is a dire situation."} {"idx": "mnli-4114", "premise": "His moustache was very stiff and military. ", "hypothesis": "He had a weak moustache"} {"idx": "mnli-4115", "premise": "According to federal regulations, beginning 45 days before a primary, any radio station that carries a prepared audio message from a presidential candidate is required to give equal time to any other candidate who requests it.", "hypothesis": "Radios should never give two opposing politicans equal time."} {"idx": "mnli-4116", "premise": "But the interior of the mountain range and the most beautiful parts of the parks are not accessible to the best way to experience them is to take a guided walk.", "hypothesis": "To see the most beautiful parts of the park you need to have a guided walk."} {"idx": "mnli-4117", "premise": "There was--my personal favorite--the travel agency advertising a Jewish Singles Weekend, the high point of which was a visit to the Washington Holocaust Museum.", "hypothesis": "The travel agency had an inappropriate ad that made Jews demand an apology."} {"idx": "mnli-4118", "premise": "Nixon lawyer and defender Leonard Garment emerges as the anti-Dick Morris--a charming neurotic, free of self-importance and attentive to emotional nuance.", "hypothesis": "None of Nixon's lawyers are still working today."} {"idx": "mnli-4119", "premise": "The revise phase may lead to another test phase, if information from the second round of data collection was insufficient to rule out alternatives, or if, during revision, new interpretations emerged.", "hypothesis": "If information from the second round is insufficient, there may be another test phase."} {"idx": "mnli-4120", "premise": "And Edwin S. Matthews Jr. of Coudert Brothers in New York represented Don Paradis, who was released from prison after 14 years on death row in Idaho.", "hypothesis": "Edwin S Matthews Jr represented Don Paradis."} {"idx": "mnli-4121", "premise": "An Institution by Any Other Name ...", "hypothesis": "This institution has a name."} {"idx": "mnli-4122", "premise": "The real challenge in legal services today is how to change and expand our mission through new and innovative approaches to the poverty around us.", "hypothesis": "It is possible for the legal services to create solutions to address the poverty around us."} {"idx": "mnli-4123", "premise": "It may be the recipient of few architectural accolades, but its rooms are comfortable and very well furnished.", "hypothesis": "The rooms are very uncomfortable."} {"idx": "mnli-4124", "premise": "The United States responded by deploying U.S. naval forces in the region.", "hypothesis": "The US response was not viewed favorably."} {"idx": "mnli-4125", "premise": "8 million to the Office of the Appellate Defender, which handles appeals for indigent criminal defendants in the First Department.", "hypothesis": "There are a lot of criminals who have appeals."} {"idx": "mnli-4126", "premise": "First, it implies that the competition for mates drives most people to save too much money.", "hypothesis": "The competition for mates is not good for the economy, which depends on spending."} {"idx": "mnli-4127", "premise": "Sir Hugh Lane, who died in 1915, bequeathed his collection of paintings to the Irish government and the National Gallery in London.", "hypothesis": "Sir Hugh Lane's collection of paintings was given in part to the Irish government."} {"idx": "mnli-4128", "premise": "Well, he showed them.", "hypothesis": "He proved them wrong."} {"idx": "mnli-4129", "premise": "well it will be interesting seeing these games across the you know from London or wherever", "hypothesis": "Do they show these in London? "} {"idx": "mnli-4130", "premise": "They sponsored evidence challenging the need for a cushion so substantially above and beyond the Postal Service's own best estimate of future increases in the cost of collecting, processing and delivering the mail.", "hypothesis": "The evidence challenges the need for a cushion in the Postal Service's budget."} {"idx": "mnli-4131", "premise": "Eventually, you're going to have to come back down to Earth.", "hypothesis": "You will have to return to Earth after you run out of food in the space shuttle."} {"idx": "mnli-4132", "premise": "You'll see a sign announcing that there are 1,500 types of flora in Guadeloupe and just off the road you'll find a nursery that sells specimens.", "hypothesis": "Signs have not yet been invented in Guadaloupe, let alone greenhouses."} {"idx": "mnli-4133", "premise": "This is all pure high-toned and irritating, vibrating with barely curtailed snobbism, but also venturing hard queries and unpopular responses.", "hypothesis": "This is lovely and pleasant and generous."} {"idx": "mnli-4134", "premise": "Once it was restored, between 1872 and 1876, the palace became respectable.", "hypothesis": "The restoration of the palace took a major toll on the government."} {"idx": "mnli-4135", "premise": "She compiles the emails into different messages and distributes them to lawyers in her firm, who volunteer, sometimes via email, to take the cases.", "hypothesis": "She emails them to several lawyers who sometimes volunteer to take the cases."} {"idx": "mnli-4136", "premise": "Today it is a rather scruffy, workaday town, studiously ignoring its glorious past.", "hypothesis": "Today is mostly scruffy despite its glorious past."} {"idx": "mnli-4137", "premise": "To In high school the jocks are on top (unless, of course, armed losers storm the cafeteria one day and mow them down).", "hypothesis": "The top of the social class in High School is the Jocks, those who play sports."} {"idx": "mnli-4138", "premise": "he was very good for Lubbock when he came to he did you know it was the same kind of thing he he he had a lot of good results", "hypothesis": "He was not very good for Lubbock."} {"idx": "mnli-4139", "premise": "The troopers behind Muller stiffened into wooden soldiers, all expression vanishing from their features until they matched each other in exact anonymity.", "hypothesis": "Muller was with teachers."} {"idx": "mnli-4140", "premise": "yeah something like that but my problem with capital murder capital punishment is they don't carry it out", "hypothesis": "The good thing about capital punishment is that the sentences are always carried out. "} {"idx": "mnli-4141", "premise": "Seventy years of carving had barely scratched one massive trunk-like toe of the Old One.", "hypothesis": "The Old One had been carved for many years."} {"idx": "mnli-4142", "premise": "well not that we could be bought but uh", "hypothesis": "You could easily buy us, no doubt. "} {"idx": "mnli-4143", "premise": "'We're still going to the city,' Natalia/Lincoln insisted.", "hypothesis": "Lincoln said we'd still go to the city."} {"idx": "mnli-4144", "premise": "especially you know and i'll um i'll make a day game or something but they really seem to um people really get into it i mean i", "hypothesis": "I have no desire to attend any games. "} {"idx": "mnli-4145", "premise": "Such records can provide valuable input for risk assessments and budgetary decisions.", "hypothesis": "Records like this are useful for determining risk assessment or budgetary decisions."} {"idx": "mnli-4146", "premise": "oh okay okay okay okay huh that's really funny", "hypothesis": "That is not humorous."} {"idx": "mnli-4147", "premise": "Scientists and liberal commentators love to ridicule creationists for going back to the 19 th century, turning kids into scientific ignoramuses, and second-guessing experts and the Supreme Court.", "hypothesis": "Creationist' views on the supreme court are incorrect."} {"idx": "mnli-4148", "premise": "i think it's the Bartman the Simpsons", "hypothesis": "I believe that it is from the Simpsons."} {"idx": "mnli-4149", "premise": "GAO's plan presents four strategic goals that will help the Congress perform its constitutional responsibilities and ensure GAO's ability to continue providing effective, quality support to its clients.", "hypothesis": "GAO does not currently have a plan to address support to clients. "} {"idx": "mnli-4150", "premise": "During the 20th century Edinburgh became a European center of learning and culture.", "hypothesis": "Edinburgh gained it's peak popularity in the 1920s. "} {"idx": "mnli-4151", "premise": "The investigation of Michael Kennedy's alleged affair with his kids' teen-age baby sitter is being dropped because the baby sitter won't cooperate.", "hypothesis": "No investigation was ever launched into the alleged affair Michael Kennedy was having with the baby sitter of his kids."} {"idx": "mnli-4152", "premise": "The point is not that investing in foreign companies is necessarily a mistake.", "hypothesis": "It is not possible to invest into foreign businesses."} {"idx": "mnli-4153", "premise": "Isaac Benjamin became ensnared in a bureaucratic snafu that took away his Social Security disability payments for more than two years.", "hypothesis": "Isaac Benjamin saw his Social Security disability payments rise."} {"idx": "mnli-4154", "premise": "October did choose to release The Celebration , a Danish dysfunctional family drama that treats matters of incest and perversion with a tad more taste.", "hypothesis": "There is a large cast who work on the show, many of whom are real-life brothers and sisters."} {"idx": "mnli-4155", "premise": "For example, households may consume more (or save less) in response to their greater wealth due to rising stock or housing values.", "hypothesis": "Sometimes people feel wealthier because their house value increased and they spend more."} {"idx": "mnli-4156", "premise": "and course you have to you have to be able to prove they they knew it was counterfeit and that's always very difficult", "hypothesis": "Proving it was a counterfeit is very difficult to do, specially if we're talking about gold coins."} {"idx": "mnli-4157", "premise": "at one time i could name all the players on the Steelers you know and but even when Bradshaw was playing i i don't know i i didn't particularly care for him i thought he was kind of cocky or something uh-huh", "hypothesis": "I could never name everyone on any team."} {"idx": "mnli-4158", "premise": "i believe we've pretty much summed everything up", "hypothesis": "I think that just about does it."} {"idx": "mnli-4159", "premise": "you know it's it's very hard well it was nice chatting with you", "hypothesis": "You know the difficulty of this."} {"idx": "mnli-4160", "premise": "Hungerford answered that the summary of the conference would be published in an emergency medicine journal and that readers would include these groups.", "hypothesis": "Readers will be able to gain access to the medicine journal."} {"idx": "mnli-4161", "premise": "That was very ingenious, I could not help admitting. ", "hypothesis": "It was a terrible idea!"} {"idx": "mnli-4162", "premise": "When the evidence is more consistent than not, the analyst confirms the pattern and looks for others related to it.", "hypothesis": "When the evidence is consistent, the analyst can confirm the pattern."} {"idx": "mnli-4163", "premise": "and so uh but that that somehow takes organization for me it's much easier just the stationary bike you know it's at home i can i can do some of my reading", "hypothesis": "There is too much work to use a real bike."} {"idx": "mnli-4164", "premise": "yeah well i don't i don't get the paper every day but i you know i get it on i try to buy you know the early edition for the coupons you know the Sunday edition so", "hypothesis": "I buy every copy of the paper."} {"idx": "mnli-4165", "premise": "You can watch a tartan pattern being woven by machine and then choose from over 150 tartans in the shop.", "hypothesis": "The shop carries and sells over 150 tartans."} {"idx": "mnli-4166", "premise": "By 600 b.c. , the Indo-Aryans had formed monarchies in the Ganga plain, surrounded by smaller tribes resisting the Brahmanic orthodoxy and its authoritarianism.", "hypothesis": "The Indo-Aryans created a socialist government."} {"idx": "mnli-4167", "premise": "less than half of all eligible voters participate in national elections", "hypothesis": "99% of eligible voters vote in national elections. "} {"idx": "mnli-4168", "premise": "Everything depended on the time of day, mood, and the number of mirrors in her line of sight.", "hypothesis": "Nothing was going to change."} {"idx": "mnli-4169", "premise": "Klayman is described in such terms as controversial legal gadfly.", "hypothesis": "Klayman brings up controversial questions which hope to bring mayhem in the court room."} {"idx": "mnli-4170", "premise": "yeah that would be gosh", "hypothesis": "That would be great."} {"idx": "mnli-4171", "premise": "Second, would all customers satisfying the requirements of the contract be allowed to use the same rates?", "hypothesis": "Customer rates cannot be defined by contracts."} {"idx": "mnli-4172", "premise": "Of the Italian paintings, Bellini's L'Ivresse de No?? (The Drunkenness of Noah) and Gior?\u00addano's Philosophe Cynique are outstanding.", "hypothesis": "Bellini's L'Ivresse is an Italian paintings."} {"idx": "mnli-4173", "premise": "Known as Rajputana, and stretching from Delhi to the Pakistani Sind and the Punjab, this land is where the Rajput warriors erected their desert and mountain redoubts.", "hypothesis": "The Rajputana is where Rajut warriors had raised their desert and their mountain redoubts."} {"idx": "mnli-4174", "premise": "As the population ages, spending for Social Security and federal health programs will leave increasingly less room for spending on other national priorities.", "hypothesis": "There will be more ability to spend social security "} {"idx": "mnli-4175", "premise": "'Already on it sir,' Natalia smiled smugly.", "hypothesis": "With a smug smile, Natalia confirmed that she was already taking care of the issue."} {"idx": "mnli-4176", "premise": "'Suicide isn't in your nature, Ben,' Lincoln spoke up.", "hypothesis": "Lincoln said Ben wouldn't kill himself."} {"idx": "mnli-4177", "premise": "Then she came again.", "hypothesis": "She returned to the home."} {"idx": "mnli-4178", "premise": "it is very much so it's a billion dollar problem you know every year uh our company had it doesn't apply to me thank goodness it applies to you know to the younger employees that they're having to pick up you know more of the uh health insurance cost you know themselves the deductibles are going up and the co-payments are going up", "hypothesis": "Younger employees will choose not to have health insurance to save money."} {"idx": "mnli-4179", "premise": "Whatever the latest theory, the Pyramids of Giza (the most well-known) are, without doubt, an amazing sight as you stand before them.", "hypothesis": "There are multiple theories about the Pyramids of Giza."} {"idx": "mnli-4180", "premise": "The author assumes that Dala was a great painter, which is not a given, as with Matisse.", "hypothesis": "The author assumed that both Dala and Matisse were horrible painters."} {"idx": "mnli-4181", "premise": "uh-huh what type of camping did you do", "hypothesis": "You don't camp at all do you?"} {"idx": "mnli-4182", "premise": "In the middle of the square is a pool fed by the sacred spring.", "hypothesis": "The pool in the middle of the square is sacred."} {"idx": "mnli-4183", "premise": "Slate , where my daughter Karenna worked in '96 and '97.", "hypothesis": "My daughter worked for them for a couple years before she left for a better job."} {"idx": "mnli-4184", "premise": "Auditors should consider the results of previous audits and attestation engagements and follow up on known significant findings and recommendations that directly relate to the subject matter of the attestation engagement being undertaken.", "hypothesis": "There are usually multiple auditors that handle attestation engagements."} {"idx": "mnli-4185", "premise": "It owes its reputation to its youthful, moreso than present, beauty.", "hypothesis": "Its reputation comes from its past beauty, more than the present."} {"idx": "mnli-4186", "premise": "It would have been much easier for them to bring the crime home to Lawrence. 172 \"Yes, but that was mere chance. ", "hypothesis": "Lawrence had the crime home brought to him."} {"idx": "mnli-4187", "premise": "Jon approached the big man.", "hypothesis": "Jon ran away in fear for his life."} {"idx": "mnli-4188", "premise": "The other story suggests that the young pundits on MSNBC may represent a sea change in American politics.", "hypothesis": "The young pundits have many different views from their predecessors. "} {"idx": "mnli-4189", "premise": "Women and minorities appear to be benefiting from greater employment opportunities in the United States, but discrimination remains a significant problem, according to a study to be released today by two professors at the Rutgers School of Law in Newark.", "hypothesis": "Women have no employement opportunities in the US"} {"idx": "mnli-4190", "premise": "Noyers is a fortified medieval village with 16 towers in its ramparts.", "hypothesis": "Noyers has more than 10 towers in its ramparts."} {"idx": "mnli-4191", "premise": "took it out of me then and i'd hate to think what it would do to me now", "hypothesis": "It used to make me tired then, so I don't wanna even think what it'd do to me nowaways. "} {"idx": "mnli-4192", "premise": " Gateway of India still describes the main function of Mumbai, known until 1995 as Bombay.", "hypothesis": "Mumbai changed its name to Bombay in 1995."} {"idx": "mnli-4193", "premise": "However, in recent years, as figure 4.1 illustrates, private saving-which is the major component of nonfederal saving-declined as federal saving rose-which is consistent with the Ricardian equivalence hypothesis.", "hypothesis": "Figure 4.1 shows that saving behaviors in recent years support the Ricardian equivalence hypothesis"} {"idx": "mnli-4194", "premise": "The heat from those fragments cut through the chill in the air, and the glow furnished light for most of the camp.", "hypothesis": "The night was quite warm in contrast to the fragments."} {"idx": "mnli-4195", "premise": "and you're hoping there is something that will cut down on that", "hypothesis": "There is nothing you are hoping for."} {"idx": "mnli-4196", "premise": "Primary school education might be Chinese, Indian, or English, but secondary education must be Malay.", "hypothesis": "One option for primary school education is Indian. "} {"idx": "mnli-4197", "premise": "HUMAN CAPITAL ANNUAL STEWARDSHIP INFORMATION", "hypothesis": "Human capital anual stewardship information about school."} {"idx": "mnli-4198", "premise": " Hanson stared up at the overseer who was staring back at him.", "hypothesis": "Hansen was not afraid of the overseer."} {"idx": "mnli-4199", "premise": "H'm, yes, that might be, said John. ", "hypothesis": "Yes, that might be the case, said John."} {"idx": "mnli-4200", "premise": "NBC stood by Albert, announcing he will continue to broadcast basketball playoff games.", "hypothesis": "NBC did not stand with him and fired Albert. "} {"idx": "mnli-4201", "premise": "An agency's customers are the individuals or organizations that are served by its programs.", "hypothesis": "An agency's customers aren't the individuals or organizations that are served by its programs"} {"idx": "mnli-4202", "premise": "well that's right because that's just so much of the way that they make their money and so many communities have uh have to have that for farming and they don't look at it so much as you know", "hypothesis": "We can help them by introducing more advanced farming techniques to the region."} {"idx": "mnli-4203", "premise": "At the federal level, homeland security missions will require the involvement of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the U.S.", "hypothesis": "Homeland security missions will be planned at the CIA headquarters."} {"idx": "mnli-4204", "premise": "Behind him, Jon heard the riders he had leaped over turn their mounts and saw the other foot soldiers hold their attacks.", "hypothesis": "He looked behind him to see the riders were no where to be found."} {"idx": "mnli-4205", "premise": "BAUERSTEIN I HAD had no opportunity as yet of passing on Poirot's message to Lawrence. ", "hypothesis": "The opportunity hadn't yet arisen to hand Poirot's message to Lawrence."} {"idx": "mnli-4206", "premise": "A walk around the shaded top of the ramparts takes about half an hour and offers beautiful views of the surrounding countryside.", "hypothesis": "The view from the top of the rampart is beautiful"} {"idx": "mnli-4207", "premise": "Anything, she concluded as long as I am not a Washington journalist in the era of Clinton and Gingrich and Starr, covering this horrible grudge match between the right and the left that has been building since Watergate.", "hypothesis": "She thought anything would be better then having to cover the grudge match."} {"idx": "mnli-4208", "premise": "Now Inglethorp's out of the way, there's no one else; no one, I mean, except \u201done of us.\" Yes, indeed, that was nightmare enough for any man! ", "hypothesis": "The murderer had to be someone from the outside. "} {"idx": "mnli-4209", "premise": "and i guess there are some people out there like that um you know i always thought maybe you know if he took more of an interest and you know what i was doing and maybe we could have communicated better", "hypothesis": "We always communicated well, and I don't regret that he took no interest in my work."} {"idx": "mnli-4210", "premise": "we sit up here on our pedestals judging but we're not there but it's just it is totally unheard of that you you you even think it would happen", "hypothesis": "We are fully aware of what's going on, even though we are not there."} {"idx": "mnli-4211", "premise": "9. INVERSE PRICE CAPS", "hypothesis": "9 Inward caps on price. "} {"idx": "mnli-4212", "premise": "yes it is kind of small", "hypothesis": "It's on the small side for a stadium."} {"idx": "mnli-4213", "premise": "no you get a couple yeah couple yeah it's not a real meal", "hypothesis": "You get a couple chicken wings."} {"idx": "mnli-4214", "premise": "The original designer, Erwin von Steinbach, began the pink Vosges sandstone facade in 1277, but only got as far as the splendid Gallery of Apostles over the central rosewindow.", "hypothesis": "Erwin von Steinbach was able to complete the fa\u00e7ade."} {"idx": "mnli-4215", "premise": "Grantees cannot continue representation in a welfare matter even where a constitutional or statutory validity challenge becomes apparent after representation is well under way.", "hypothesis": "Grantees can't represent people in welfare matters."} {"idx": "mnli-4216", "premise": "and we did everything on a typewriter you know everything but it's amazing you know then when where you know someone would have you type a letter", "hypothesis": "It's impressive how we used to do everything on a typewriter."} {"idx": "mnli-4217", "premise": "The statistical incidence of a single death, equivalent to a product of a population risk times a population size that equals one) is estimated to be $6 million in 1999 dollars.", "hypothesis": "The statistical incidence of a single death is immeasurable by any means."} {"idx": "mnli-4218", "premise": "The following morning the indefatigable Albert, having cemented an alliance with the greengrocer's boy, took the latter's place and ingratiated himself with the cook at Malthouse.", "hypothesis": "Albert got an alliance with the greengrocer's boy."} {"idx": "mnli-4219", "premise": "Constitution, count as spontaneous and good while everything else is defined as coercion.", "hypothesis": "The coercive dangers outside the constitution stem from an emphasis on the will of democracy over individual liberty."} {"idx": "mnli-4220", "premise": "OMB also informed us that generally Regulation X matters had been designated major rules under Executive Order 12291.", "hypothesis": "OMB is the least popular government organization of all time."} {"idx": "mnli-4221", "premise": "uh-huh uh-huh oh right right now i want to see Sleeping With The Enemy", "hypothesis": "I have no desire to watch Sleeping With The Emperor. "} {"idx": "mnli-4222", "premise": "Glassman and Hassett now claim that they will sort out the components of retained earnings to avoid double-counting in their forthcoming book.", "hypothesis": "Glassman and Hassett will attempt to avoid double-counting of retained earnings in their next book. "} {"idx": "mnli-4223", "premise": "A time series comparing local unemployment rates with placement rates for job training program participants could be computed quantitatively and changes interpreted through the more qualitative time series data about the program.", "hypothesis": "The time series has been going on for the past eight months. "} {"idx": "mnli-4224", "premise": "Miss Tuppence put me wise to that right away.", "hypothesis": "Miss Tuppence told me the truth about the situation."} {"idx": "mnli-4225", "premise": "I was famous all over the western desert.", "hypothesis": "Everyone in the western desert knew who I was."} {"idx": "mnli-4226", "premise": "my brother my brother is impossible when um he does football leagues and baseball leagues and all kinds of stuff and if there's a game on he's watching it i mean that's all there is to it and he's like glued at the TV", "hypothesis": "My brother is a shut-in and hates sports."} {"idx": "mnli-4227", "premise": "Intragovernmental sales may be made by an organization that maintains either an intragovernmental revolving fund (such as the Defense Business Operations Fund) or a public enterprise revolving fund (such as the Postal Service).", "hypothesis": "The USDA is one of the few large agencies that does not have a revolving fund."} {"idx": "mnli-4228", "premise": "Intense competition among the middle-range hotels means that you can often bargain for a lower rate, especially if you plan to stay for more than two nights.", "hypothesis": "There's no competition among middle-range hotels."} {"idx": "mnli-4229", "premise": "For example, recent research suggests that capital goods are relatively cheaper in the United States than in other countries, which means it takes less saving to buy a given amount", "hypothesis": "Research says capital goods are more expensive in the US than elsewhere."} {"idx": "mnli-4230", "premise": "The Department of the Interior is exploring alternative procedures that would let tribes negotiate compacts directly with the secretary, cutting the states out of the equation.", "hypothesis": "The department wants to stop tribes who negotiate directly with the secretary."} {"idx": "mnli-4231", "premise": "As any semiconscious economics student could tell you, a higher rate would not signal that the loan in question is more deserving than another, but rather, the that investors are being compensated for extra risk, leaving the marginal lender indifferent among the alternatives.", "hypothesis": "Higher loan rates are always better for the investors."} {"idx": "mnli-4232", "premise": "The Piazza Grande, the highest point in town, is the site of the graceful town well decorated with griffins and lions.", "hypothesis": "The Piazza Grande is the lowest point in town and is right next to the sewers."} {"idx": "mnli-4233", "premise": "Note also that Equations (1) and (2) have the characteristic that eVb/eD = -eVws/eD for each observation point, including 1996.", "hypothesis": "Equations and have the characteristic that eVb/eD = -eVws/eD and that also e=mc^2"} {"idx": "mnli-4234", "premise": "We selected the private sector companies based on (1) recognition for outstanding financial management practices and/or successful financial reengineering efforts, (2) size and complexity comparable to federal government agencies, and (3) discussions with members of our advisory group.", "hypothesis": "Companies were selected based on size and complexity comparable to federal government agencies."} {"idx": "mnli-4235", "premise": "The grant will pay the salaries of two lawyers and an intake specialist for 18 months at the center, which will operate out of rented space in Salem's old Masonic building at 70 Washington St. Center organizers hope to obtain more funds to extend the program.", "hypothesis": "Two lawyers will be paid for by the grant."} {"idx": "mnli-4236", "premise": "It was hard to see straight.", "hypothesis": "It was difficult to see correctly."} {"idx": "mnli-4237", "premise": "At its stakeholders' request, it provided trend data and laid out strategies for achieving its environmental milestones.", "hypothesis": "Stakeholders were previously unsure about whether the environmental milestones could be achieved."} {"idx": "mnli-4238", "premise": "uh uh one of the drawbacks i think of working for a big company is often times you do have to follow pretty rigid um guidelines um if if an employee is especially exemplary i think it's often in a smaller company it's a little bit easier for them to say hey you know this person did a wonderful job give him a big bonus kind of thing a lot of times", "hypothesis": "The company in question is a large company."} {"idx": "mnli-4239", "premise": "Review Comment USACE's latest software program used for documenting, collecting,", "hypothesis": "Review Comment NASA's oldest software application used for analyzing, modifying,"} {"idx": "mnli-4240", "premise": "What? We all like to impress people.", "hypothesis": "Everyone likes to look good."} {"idx": "mnli-4241", "premise": "Indians were removed from key positions in the administration because Cornwallis considered them not yet up to the stricter ethical standards that were being introduced.", "hypothesis": "Cornwallis considered Indians unfit for key administrative positions."} {"idx": "mnli-4242", "premise": "I was greatly encouraged to see Michael Goff's proposal of a Microsoft fashion-upgrade strategy, titled Dressing Up the Nerds.", "hypothesis": "Microsoft's strategy of upgrading the fashion of their employees has resulted in higher sales."} {"idx": "mnli-4243", "premise": "IPM is a linear programming model of the electricity sector that finds the most efficient", "hypothesis": "IPM is a non-linear evaluation model of the electricity sector. "} {"idx": "mnli-4244", "premise": "Sporades means scattered, and this group of four islands lies off the Greek mainland in just this fashion.", "hypothesis": "They are close to one another by about 1 mile."} {"idx": "mnli-4245", "premise": "yeah but even even cooking over an open fire is a little more fun isn't it", "hypothesis": "I like the flavour of the food."} {"idx": "mnli-4246", "premise": "What do they know? ", "hypothesis": "Do they know who killed her?"} {"idx": "mnli-4247", "premise": "3. Worst/Best Films of 1999", "hypothesis": "1999's best comedies."} {"idx": "mnli-4248", "premise": "Herbert Gutman's The Black Family in Slavery and Freedom 1750-1925 (1976) showed that slave families, while often broken up when members were sold or assigned to different plantations, were remarkably monogamous and stable.", "hypothesis": "Gutman's work showed slaves cared a lot about having productive families."} {"idx": "mnli-4249", "premise": "Oh yes, my friends, a letter.", "hypothesis": "Oh yes, a letter."} {"idx": "mnli-4250", "premise": "(For more on the domino effect that supposedly will occur, see //www.garynorth.com)", "hypothesis": "It is the second time a domino effect should occur this year."} {"idx": "mnli-4251", "premise": "My foolishness got me captured by those bounty hunters and nearly sold into a life of slavery.", "hypothesis": "I got captured because I was foolish."} {"idx": "mnli-4252", "premise": "um on a lot of financial aid and where i am now i'm i'm only in graduate school because they waive tuition and", "hypothesis": "My graduate school has waived my tuition fees."} {"idx": "mnli-4253", "premise": "Something about wanting to be taken to Marguerite?\"", "hypothesis": "Marguerite would be a good plave to go. "} {"idx": "mnli-4254", "premise": "Tuppence relented suddenly.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence was getting even more intense."} {"idx": "mnli-4255", "premise": "and you get more and more people who would just end up there because it's uh it's the safety net of those of you know average intelligence or something they can always teach", "hypothesis": "People end up there because it's a safe place to be."} {"idx": "mnli-4256", "premise": "In other words, remarkable results demand remarkable evidence.", "hypothesis": "In other words, remarkable results need remarkable evidence due to competing ideas."} {"idx": "mnli-4257", "premise": "and you can always you can always heat it up again and save you know", "hypothesis": "You can save it to heat up later."} {"idx": "mnli-4258", "premise": "12Office of Management and Changes Resulting From the OMB 2000 Reorganization", "hypothesis": "They were not able to change til the results from 2015 were released."} {"idx": "mnli-4259", "premise": "Historically, the Department of Defense (DOD) has taken much longer and", "hypothesis": "The Department of Defense has always done things very quickly."} {"idx": "mnli-4260", "premise": "Slate is content to obey the laws of the United States, even laws we don't care for.", "hypothesis": "State has always followed United States laws."} {"idx": "mnli-4261", "premise": "In the post-Soviet chaos, youngsters found more ways to duck conscription, and the quality of the average soldier plummeted.", "hypothesis": "Young men used under-the-table tactics to avoid getting enlisted. "} {"idx": "mnli-4262", "premise": "The court denied a preliminary injunction, finding no probability of success on the merits.", "hypothesis": "The court did not think that an injunction was justified."} {"idx": "mnli-4263", "premise": "These were to (1) define clear missions and desired outcomes,", "hypothesis": "Only define the outcomes that are desired."} {"idx": "mnli-4264", "premise": "there were several credit cards and then there were several other businesses but uh i i guess what's interesting have you seen the uh the the the the ads where they're offering to extend payments on uh things like uh like the credit union's offering", "hypothesis": "Not a single one of them had any offers that day. "} {"idx": "mnli-4265", "premise": "Or at least, that is the premise of Anglo-American jurisprudence, which uses the same model.", "hypothesis": "That is at least the idea of law in Anglo-American society."} {"idx": "mnli-4266", "premise": "Casa de la Trova (Calle Heredia), Casa de las Tradiciones (Calle General Lacret).", "hypothesis": "Casa de la Trova is not in Calle Heredia."} {"idx": "mnli-4267", "premise": "Did you know he is boycotting Spin because he felt we weren't reverential enough to him?", "hypothesis": "Did you know he's boycotting Spin only because it wasn't reverential enough in his opinion."} {"idx": "mnli-4268", "premise": "Even the Alaskan native population, many of whose members still subsist by hunting and fishing, is divided according to the traditional interests and financial stakes in the potential revenues.", "hypothesis": "The Alaskan native population still depends on hunting and fishing."} {"idx": "mnli-4269", "premise": "well see um and i worked for a steel mill the past two summers", "hypothesis": "I've been gainfully employed in the past."} {"idx": "mnli-4270", "premise": "The population of less than a quarter million is concentrated mainly in the two major towns of Bastia (industrial and noisy, but with a colorful old town) and the more attractive Ajaccio.", "hypothesis": "Ajaccio is the least attractive area to live."} {"idx": "mnli-4271", "premise": "He finished reloading and turned around the corner.", "hypothesis": "He decided not to reload his gun and continued on the straight path home. "} {"idx": "mnli-4272", "premise": "and i would always be on the other end of two eighty five having to go all the way around two eighty five and then onto eighty five to go home and it was always at the end of the day", "hypothesis": "Going all the way around took 45 minutes."} {"idx": "mnli-4273", "premise": "OUTCOME - (1) Defined in broad terms in SFFAC No.", "hypothesis": "The outcome is not defined in broad terms. "} {"idx": "mnli-4274", "premise": "Missouri submitted its state plan to LSC on October 1, 1998.", "hypothesis": "They submitted the plan on time."} {"idx": "mnli-4275", "premise": "Be sure to keep a log of your testing for inclusion in the engagement workpapers.", "hypothesis": "A testing log is helpful."} {"idx": "mnli-4276", "premise": "Sampling frame generated from the 1980 Census 100-percent detail file.", "hypothesis": "The data was collected from the census done in 1980."} {"idx": "mnli-4277", "premise": "You will find a number of Mary's personal effects on display.", "hypothesis": "Mary has her hairbrush and some jewelry on display."} {"idx": "mnli-4278", "premise": "i'm not uh fan of cold weather i've lived up in in the northern part of the country and i never did like the cold weather that much", "hypothesis": "I got tired of freezing my face off in the Winter, so I moved down South."} {"idx": "mnli-4279", "premise": "In a minute, when I've done with you, you'll go to bed as I told you to.", "hypothesis": "You can go to bed now. I will finish my task tomorrow. "} {"idx": "mnli-4280", "premise": "The owner or operator of a facility with excess emissions must both offset the excess emissions with an equal amount of allowances and pay a financial penalty.", "hypothesis": "If it surfaces that a facility has excess emissions, the owner never gets the blame, and only the employees need to change their behavior."} {"idx": "mnli-4281", "premise": "to uh just do do we called it the golden flow but and they did random drug testing just because", "hypothesis": "I think that the randomized drug tests were a good thing."} {"idx": "mnli-4282", "premise": "That was some fun watching how the giant two-headed lizard's constant bickering among itself eventually led to its extinction, a lesson for us all and especially for my Uncle Morty and Aunt Bernice.", "hypothesis": "No one could learn any lessons from watching that lizard argue with itself."} {"idx": "mnli-4283", "premise": "Above this rises a tower of 13 diminishing golden disks symbolizing the 13 steps to enlightenment, then a golden royal parasol topped by a bell-shaped crown.", "hypothesis": "The disks on the tower all diminish towards the top."} {"idx": "mnli-4284", "premise": "A worldclass finance organization can best be defined in terms of the business outcomes it producesoutcomes such as improved business analysis, innovative solutions to business problems, reduced operating costs, increased capability to perform adhoc analysis, and improved overall business performance.", "hypothesis": "The finance organization is badly run."} {"idx": "mnli-4285", "premise": "uh-huh i tend to favor uh rock and roll mostly from the sixties and seventies", "hypothesis": "I don't favor rock from the sixties."} {"idx": "mnli-4286", "premise": "well we've sort of been seeing a little climatic shift here on the East Coast or at least it seems that way that uh the winters have been milder for the last five years and uh", "hypothesis": "There hasn't been any climatic shift in the past five years. "} {"idx": "mnli-4287", "premise": "Slate have very little appeal outside the United States.", "hypothesis": "There is barely any interest in Slate in America"} {"idx": "mnli-4288", "premise": "yeah yeah they couldn't cover my hourly rate", "hypothesis": "They paid me more than my hourly wage."} {"idx": "mnli-4289", "premise": "three cats i see oh really that's interesting what breed do you do you deal in", "hypothesis": "I breed multiple types of cats. "} {"idx": "mnli-4290", "premise": "These features and their benefits are shown in table 2.4.", "hypothesis": "It was necessary to show the features with their corresponding benefits in this particular table."} {"idx": "mnli-4291", "premise": "it's a lot cheaper in uh in uh Texas", "hypothesis": "Prices are much higher in Texas because of a Chinese tariff that only applies there."} {"idx": "mnli-4292", "premise": "What is the first you heard of it?\" 40 \"Well, sir, I happened to be going along the hall outside yesterday, , \"", "hypothesis": "I never heard about it."} {"idx": "mnli-4293", "premise": "Kohl's inability to create jobs in the former East Germany and his overtaxing of the former West Germany have killed his popularity.", "hypothesis": "Kohl's ability to create jobs in the former East Germany and undertaxing of the former West Germany have gained him popularity."} {"idx": "mnli-4294", "premise": "And don't miss a stroll down Francis Street (Dublin 7), Dublin's antiques highway, lined with antiques and art stores.", "hypothesis": "Francis Street is great if you need to sell carpets and guns."} {"idx": "mnli-4295", "premise": "You can visit the Temple Mount from Saturday through Thursday, but on Fridays (the Muslim Sabbath) and on major Islamic holidays, including the entire holy month of Ramadan, the Haram is closed to non-Muslims.", "hypothesis": "The Temple Mount is open to non-Muslims during Ramadan."} {"idx": "mnli-4296", "premise": "Make sure the dealer gives you a fatura (invoice) stating the value of the piece, and when and where it was made.", "hypothesis": "It is absolutely essential to obtain an invoice from the dealer. "} {"idx": "mnli-4297", "premise": "'They'll want me alive,' I told my captor tersely.", "hypothesis": "I impressed upon them the need to keep me alive."} {"idx": "mnli-4298", "premise": "Compared to the prepayment examination of all invoices, implementing sampling procedures increases the risks of overpayments occurring and going undetected.", "hypothesis": "Prepaying invoices lowers the risk of overpayments to insurers."} {"idx": "mnli-4299", "premise": "The two men departed and the door slammed.", "hypothesis": "The men exited through the door silently, closing it softly."} {"idx": "mnli-4300", "premise": "Productivity is assumed to advance 1.5 percent each year through the end of the simulation period even if investment collapses.", "hypothesis": "It is assumed that productivity will go up 1.5 percent every year until the simulation period is over. "} {"idx": "mnli-4301", "premise": "well i'm sorry", "hypothesis": "I apologize for my behavior."} {"idx": "mnli-4302", "premise": "She is an excellent specimen of well-balanced English beef and brawn. ", "hypothesis": "She's an excellent specimen of English beef and brawn, well-balanced between the two from her past experience."} {"idx": "mnli-4303", "premise": "A victory by Deep Blue would indicate its superior computational skills, but not a capacity for conscious thought.", "hypothesis": "Deep Red is capable of superior computational skills."} {"idx": "mnli-4304", "premise": "Sitting on the north side of Tahrir Square is the Egyptian Museum built in 1902 as the Cairo Museum.", "hypothesis": "The Cairo Museum is the largest museum in Africa. "} {"idx": "mnli-4305", "premise": " Fortunately, the whole family can enjoy a hint of the thrills of undersea swimming.", "hypothesis": "Undersea swimming can be enjoyed by the whole family."} {"idx": "mnli-4306", "premise": "Also, that she was equally in love with him. ", "hypothesis": "That she loved him the same amount."} {"idx": "mnli-4307", "premise": "The Commission determined that the rule contains no information collection requirements subject to the Act.", "hypothesis": "Information collection requirements subject to the Act are contained in the rule."} {"idx": "mnli-4308", "premise": "Limestone was used as an estimate of reagent for FGD systems.", "hypothesis": "Limestone was never used."} {"idx": "mnli-4309", "premise": "These include stone vessels, pottery, hammers and a potter's wheel.", "hypothesis": "There are only a few stone vessels; nothing else."} {"idx": "mnli-4310", "premise": "Ashoka began by killing all his rivals before conquering Kalinga in 260 b.c.", "hypothesis": "Asoka defeated his enemies but failed as a conquerer. "} {"idx": "mnli-4311", "premise": "I find the paper by the critics more than extremely unfair.", "hypothesis": "I find the paper unfair, but many others believe it's reasonable."} {"idx": "mnli-4312", "premise": "i'm in Lewisville", "hypothesis": "I'll be in Lewisville next week."} {"idx": "mnli-4313", "premise": "Revolution and Napoleon", "hypothesis": "Both Napoleon and revolutions are fictional concepts."} {"idx": "mnli-4314", "premise": "It's your turn, now.", "hypothesis": "it is now your turn."} {"idx": "mnli-4315", "premise": "Come 'long an' look 'em over....\" Drew rode off, out of the patio gate, giving Shiloh his daily workout, trying to guess what Johnny Shannon had against him.", "hypothesis": "Drew kept Shiloh locked up and never let him run."} {"idx": "mnli-4316", "premise": "that would certainly help i'm sure", "hypothesis": "No, that does not help me."} {"idx": "mnli-4317", "premise": "but don't tell the NRA i said that", "hypothesis": "The NRA shouldn't know that."} {"idx": "mnli-4318", "premise": "Jordan had been outplayed by their Calbert Cheaney, a streaky player.", "hypothesis": "Cheaney had utilized a sneaky maneuver to work around Jordan's great physical prowess on the court."} {"idx": "mnli-4319", "premise": "The Britpack represent the new orthodoxy, says the Wall Street Journal 's Paul Levy.", "hypothesis": "Paul Levy of the Wall Street Journal states The Britpack is a new Orthodoxy. "} {"idx": "mnli-4320", "premise": "Rumpelstilsken, repair yourself! There was a whirring and scraping inside the mechanism, and Hanson let out a yell.", "hypothesis": "Hanson yelled out for Rumpelstilsken."} {"idx": "mnli-4321", "premise": "In planning the engagement, auditors should obtain an understanding of internal control7 as it relates to the subject matter or assertion to which the auditors are attesting.", "hypothesis": "Auditors have external controls."} {"idx": "mnli-4322", "premise": "do you have anybody that you uh have are close to that decision on or anything or i've thought about it for myself and all and my wife my wife's mother is uh in a retirement home she's not in a nursing home uh", "hypothesis": "I think about it for myself."} {"idx": "mnli-4323", "premise": "It had already been done--and had failed.", "hypothesis": "It had been done and failed."} {"idx": "mnli-4324", "premise": "She sure was the pluckiest little girl \" But suddenly something seemed to crack in Tommy's brain.", "hypothesis": "Tommy's brain was completely normal."} {"idx": "mnli-4325", "premise": "Since 1994, when Republicans took over as the majority party in the Congress, GOP members have charged that the LSC takes part in political activities.", "hypothesis": "Since 1994, Republicans have consistently denied that the LSC takes part in politics."} {"idx": "mnli-4326", "premise": "The voters chose Clinton as a second-term president.", "hypothesis": "Clinton lost the second election."} {"idx": "mnli-4327", "premise": "The same is true for many flowers.", "hypothesis": "This is true for many flowers- you have to water them regularly or they'll die."} {"idx": "mnli-4328", "premise": "How come? I wrote about 160 individual SMSs of 20 characters each in one minute?", "hypothesis": "I wrote about 5 texts total."} {"idx": "mnli-4329", "premise": "Matrix of Categories In this technique, a coding scheme is developed prior to data collection.", "hypothesis": "Before data is collected there is a scheme for figuring out how to sort the data."} {"idx": "mnli-4330", "premise": "i think that's right i think they just lost their uh inspiration for a while", "hypothesis": "The athletes lost touch with their inspiration for a bit. "} {"idx": "mnli-4331", "premise": "okay i was trying to get my children quiet for a minute well credit cards boy that's an easy topic isn't it", "hypothesis": "Okay my children have been asleep. "} {"idx": "mnli-4332", "premise": "OMB's 1996 revision of Circular A-130, Appendix III, recognizes that federal agencies have had difficulty in performing effective risk assessments--expending resources on complex assessments of specific risks with limited tangible benefits in terms of improved security.", "hypothesis": "Nobody has yet recognized that federal agencies have had difficulty in performing effective risk assessments, and the money wasting goes on."} {"idx": "mnli-4333", "premise": "Eva Cortes-Espino went to Affordable Automobile Wholesale Inc. (AAW) in Southeast Portland on Aug. 7 searching for a car.", "hypothesis": "Eva Cortes-Espinio was not shopping for a car."} {"idx": "mnli-4334", "premise": "But it was a foregone conclusion that when evolutionary psychology began to focus on genetic predispositions and majoritarian norms to the exclusion of everything else, some literalists would in fact forget everything else.", "hypothesis": "Evolutionary psychologists started to look at how climate impacts people."} {"idx": "mnli-4335", "premise": "chronic bronchitis Morphological changes Altered host defense mechanisms Moderate or worse asthma status", "hypothesis": "Host defense mechanisms can be altered by chronic bronchitis. "} {"idx": "mnli-4336", "premise": "One doesn't wish to stand silently by while others merrily exchange misinformation about Albania, the NYPD, and computer viruses.", "hypothesis": "It is not desirable to stand by in silence while others exchange misinformation."} {"idx": "mnli-4337", "premise": "and uh it's i think they're they're like all companies well represented and uh you know everything seems to be fine i i've kind of lost touch with the company we had a falling out but uh", "hypothesis": "We may have had a falling out, but everything seems fine with the company"} {"idx": "mnli-4338", "premise": "Local tourist offices will gladly direct you to farms where you can sample the regional cheeses and buy them on the spot ' more fun than in the unexceptional towns of Camembert, Pont-l'Evaque, and Livarot themselves.", "hypothesis": "You can also buy milk from the farms."} {"idx": "mnli-4339", "premise": "A walk clockwise around the palace grounds will bring you first to the picturesque Nijubashi Bridge and the Seimon Gate, where the public is allowed to enter the palace grounds.", "hypothesis": "Walking clockwise around the palace will lead to the Nijubashi Bridge and Seimon Gate."} {"idx": "mnli-4340", "premise": "The US embargo, denounced by an ever-increasing majority in the United Nations, is spurred on by vehement anti-Castro lobbying by Cubans in southern Florida.", "hypothesis": "The US embargo was denounced by many in the United Nations because they deem it unfair."} {"idx": "mnli-4341", "premise": "uh she chewed the corners off the picnic table and chewed cross members off chairs", "hypothesis": "She chewed picnic tables and chairs. "} {"idx": "mnli-4342", "premise": "yeah i i don't see it we've got a lot of younger families in our neighborhood and everybody's so busy out there making a living uh you can see why the well i know uh", "hypothesis": "There are a bunch of young people in the neighborhood."} {"idx": "mnli-4343", "premise": "and they have other problems they have Shiite Muslims to deal with", "hypothesis": "And they do not have an issue with the Shiite Muslims."} {"idx": "mnli-4344", "premise": "To many Madeirans who believe the Lady of Monte has carried them through troubled times, the pilgrimage is an obligation.", "hypothesis": "Because the Lady of Monte is believed to have carried them through troubled times, Madeirans believe the pilgrimage is an obligation."} {"idx": "mnli-4345", "premise": "It will be sufficient to say that in the early days of 1915 a certain document came into being.", "hypothesis": "The document was written by important people."} {"idx": "mnli-4346", "premise": "But there is plenty of evidence that it was heartily appreciative of the racial subtext.", "hypothesis": "Your claims of racial subtext are unfounded. You should stop reading so much into things."} {"idx": "mnli-4347", "premise": "From this square known to tourists as Lion Square most of Iraklion's attractions are only a few minutes' walk.", "hypothesis": "Tourists in Iraklion know this square as Lion Square."} {"idx": "mnli-4348", "premise": "yeah have you been doing anything outside in this great weather", "hypothesis": "What are you doing inside today?"} {"idx": "mnli-4349", "premise": "and so she's going back for that and so i i i've got three people i'm supporting in in school now and i guess i ought to go back myself i'm getting enthusiastic because they they're having so much fun you know", "hypothesis": "I'm supporting three five year olds in school right now."} {"idx": "mnli-4350", "premise": "they always say you've talked your ten minute limit", "hypothesis": "They'll let you know when your 3 minutes are up."} {"idx": "mnli-4351", "premise": "what's neat is seeing history happen you know", "hypothesis": "Seeing history is cool."} {"idx": "mnli-4352", "premise": "The oldest and most authentic Yemenite restaurant in town, serving excellent mellawachs (pancakes).", "hypothesis": "The best place to eat superb pancakes is at the oldest Yemenite restaurant."} {"idx": "mnli-4353", "premise": "'We're provisionally hoping that this'll be an isolated incident.'", "hypothesis": "We hope that there are no more fires. "} {"idx": "mnli-4354", "premise": "He fought much better than he had their first time.", "hypothesis": "He was much better in the boxing ring the second time around. "} {"idx": "mnli-4355", "premise": "The silence continues for 30 seconds till she walks around the corner and disappears into a closed back corridor, followed by her legal team.", "hypothesis": "The silence continued for 30 seconds."} {"idx": "mnli-4356", "premise": "In return, Britain offered protection and mediation in the conflicts.", "hypothesis": "Britain felt satisfaction in helping resolve problems."} {"idx": "mnli-4357", "premise": "Meta- Late Edition features a video clip of Susan Page, Blankley, and Steve Roberts giving their thoughts on the Lewinsky scandal just after it had sprung (six months ago, in case you're counting).", "hypothesis": "The Lewinsky case hasn't sprung yet."} {"idx": "mnli-4358", "premise": "The largest of the three, the Great Pyramid of Cheops is the only survivor of the Seven Wonders of the World described by Greek and Roman scholars.", "hypothesis": "The rest were destroyed in the Vampire Wars."} {"idx": "mnli-4359", "premise": "Why?\" He appeared to be in an absolute frenzy. ", "hypothesis": "Frenzied was the way everyone saw him."} {"idx": "mnli-4360", "premise": "(2) determines the types and ranges of services, (3) sets the rate of payment for services, and (4) administers its own program.", "hypothesis": "(2) sets the rate of payment for services."} {"idx": "mnli-4361", "premise": "The 17th-century palazzi make an exquisite setting for your late afternoon passeggiata along the arcades of shops and cafe, culminating in the graceful symmetry of two Baroque churches, Juvarra's Santa Cristina and its twin, San Carlo.", "hypothesis": "The palazzi doesn't have any amenities. "} {"idx": "mnli-4362", "premise": "Severn scowled at him.", "hypothesis": "Severn was so mad he hit him."} {"idx": "mnli-4363", "premise": "A Time special report revises the conventional wisdom about which foods are good for the heart.", "hypothesis": "A Time report gave knowledge on which foods are good for the heart."} {"idx": "mnli-4364", "premise": "One of them Belgies from the village?\"", "hypothesis": "No one is from the village anymore."} {"idx": "mnli-4365", "premise": "He drowned in doubt.", "hypothesis": "He was 100% confident in his thoughts."} {"idx": "mnli-4366", "premise": "Group is involved in joint ventures with Ford and Nynex.)", "hypothesis": "Ford refuses to have anyone help in developing one of their projects."} {"idx": "mnli-4367", "premise": "No, I shan't say any more.", "hypothesis": "I have said too much already."} {"idx": "mnli-4368", "premise": "The grounds, like those of any other private house after nightfall, seemed untenanted.", "hypothesis": "The grounds were empty."} {"idx": "mnli-4369", "premise": "Nobody ever seems to be able to pass from one holy place or historical site to another without stopping along the way to browse through boxes of broken Roman-era glass at an antiquities shop, bargain for figs and grapes in the markets, sample Arabic desserts, or examine old Hanukkah menorahs and hand-embroidered Bedouin cafens.", "hypothesis": "No one goes to a historical place without buying a special souvenir."} {"idx": "mnli-4370", "premise": "Under the Clear Skies Initiative, America will continue to have a diverse fuel mix that ensures a reliable, affordable energy supply.", "hypothesis": "The Clear Skies Initiative makes sure America relies on several types of energy."} {"idx": "mnli-4371", "premise": "The Presidential Initiative to Increase Seat Belt Use Nation-wide", "hypothesis": "The President's chief concern is national safety, exhibited in her initiative to increase seat belt use. "} {"idx": "mnli-4372", "premise": "okay yeah on the other side of Amarillo yeah", "hypothesis": "Near Amarillo but on the other side."} {"idx": "mnli-4373", "premise": "That much his memoir gets right.", "hypothesis": "Everything in his memoir is correct."} {"idx": "mnli-4374", "premise": "In reality, there has been very little actual competition for our federal funds.", "hypothesis": "There has been stiff competition for our federal funds."} {"idx": "mnli-4375", "premise": "The winner is the master of the cleverest ploys and strategems [ sic ]. Moreover, Chinese leaders are quick to find fault in others and try always to appear bold and fearless.", "hypothesis": "The winner has the smartest tricks."} {"idx": "mnli-4376", "premise": "Other buildings house res?\u00adtau?\u00adrants, cafe, and fashionable bou?\u00adtiques and galleries.", "hypothesis": "The restaurants include a Chinese buffet and a steak house."} {"idx": "mnli-4377", "premise": "That's some lad, Tuppence.\"", "hypothesis": "He is not some lad."} {"idx": "mnli-4378", "premise": "Rome named capital of unified Italy", "hypothesis": "There were four other cities in consideration before Italy was chosen to be the capital."} {"idx": "mnli-4379", "premise": "The feint, parries, counters, ripostes, and stabs blended together, making Ca'daan dizzy.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan felt fine; he wasn't dizzy at all."} {"idx": "mnli-4380", "premise": "The best way to approach this proud old town perched high on the cliffs is by boat, past the limpid blue waters of the Sdragonato cave and the Escalier du Roi d'Aragon, a staircase cut diagonally into the cliff face, used by the soldiers of the Spanish king in an abortive siege of the town in the 15th century.", "hypothesis": "You will not be able to access the town by boat and there's no way to get up the cliffs."} {"idx": "mnli-4381", "premise": "In 1993 he was caught trying to smuggle classified information out in his prison letters.", "hypothesis": "He tried to sneak information about where he hid the bodies."} {"idx": "mnli-4382", "premise": "Despite the differences between the Chinese majority and the European minority, relations were generally cordial.", "hypothesis": "Even with their differences, both peoples were able to come to common ground."} {"idx": "mnli-4383", "premise": "The Registration Form final rule amends Form N-1A which is used by mutual funds to register under the Investment Company Act of 1940 and to offer their shares under the Securities Act of 1933.", "hypothesis": "The Investment Company Act did not go into effect until after 1970."} {"idx": "mnli-4384", "premise": "The sky is a solid sphere that surrounds Earth.", "hypothesis": "The earth is surrounded by the sky."} {"idx": "mnli-4385", "premise": "slipping it out there", "hypothesis": "You just leave it here."} {"idx": "mnli-4386", "premise": "Bush has milked this protective anguish for months.", "hypothesis": "This protective anguish was milked by Bush for months."} {"idx": "mnli-4387", "premise": "They couldn't use oxygen in their metabolism.", "hypothesis": "They are from another planet."} {"idx": "mnli-4388", "premise": "Neuharth imposed his philosophy on the newsroom.", "hypothesis": "The opinions which Neuharth pressed onto the newsroom was met with hostility. "} {"idx": "mnli-4389", "premise": "Soon they both stood, staring past the other, bodies jerkling slightly.", "hypothesis": "The two sat quietly together. "} {"idx": "mnli-4390", "premise": "After a name change to 'Puddle Skin Care' and a contract with a chain of make-up shops Zedhwora, the brand reached an exclusive status and overtook other skin care innovations - extract of quails' tonsils, essence of rutabaga and double C vitamin.", "hypothesis": "The brand was not popular."} {"idx": "mnli-4391", "premise": "They involve techniques such as graphic data displays, tabulations of event frequencies, and chronological or time series orderings.", "hypothesis": "Techniques of graphic data displays, tabulations of frequencies and chronological orders are involved "} {"idx": "mnli-4392", "premise": "What about some lunch with me?\"", "hypothesis": "Why don't we go to the diner for lunch together?"} {"idx": "mnli-4393", "premise": "Hong Kongers are increasingly restless about Chinese rule.", "hypothesis": "Chinese rule has no effects on Hong Kongers."} {"idx": "mnli-4394", "premise": "As if confirming his fear a group of twelve men gathered and crossed the same bridge.", "hypothesis": "The twelve men crossed a different bridge."} {"idx": "mnli-4395", "premise": "Yes, he was retired and had the time, but he could have just as easily spent that time on the golf course.", "hypothesis": "The man was kind of annoyed he spent the day with his wife instead of on the golf course. "} {"idx": "mnli-4396", "premise": "The falls are especially impressive after a summer rain, when the sunshine produces a single or even double rainbow in the spray.", "hypothesis": "After a rain, there is a magnificent view of a single or double rainbow over the falls."} {"idx": "mnli-4397", "premise": "Presentation to the Clean Air Science Advisory Committee.", "hypothesis": "Presenting to the clean air science advisory committee "} {"idx": "mnli-4398", "premise": "More than 800 paintings are exhibited, dating from the 13th century to the present day.", "hypothesis": "The paintings are all contemporary cartoon and comic book works."} {"idx": "mnli-4399", "premise": "um uh any white fish sole is good um um flounder sole or flounder is real good", "hypothesis": "Flounder sole tastes better than other types of white fish."} {"idx": "mnli-4400", "premise": "Next to the church, the prison-like building with those fierce, barred windows was, in fact, a prison when it was built in the 17th century.", "hypothesis": "A prison was built in the 17th century next to the church."} {"idx": "mnli-4401", "premise": "As a former track wannabe and somebody with several postgraduate degrees, I took exception to this egregious statement in the May 21 Today's ", "hypothesis": "As a track wannabe without degrees I took offense to this subject. "} {"idx": "mnli-4402", "premise": "The documents had to be retained for specified periods and be stored under certain procedures in accordance with Title 8, Records Management, of GAO's PolicyandProceduresManual.", "hypothesis": "The documents were withheld and stored according to a manual."} {"idx": "mnli-4403", "premise": "and i think a lot of cases like a lot of our minority issues the we had the ten four one verses the fourteen one election here in Dallas a while back and it lost well that was decided by a very small margin um and there were a lot of of minorities that wanted it to go the way that it didn't go but they also had very low voter turnouts especially like in the Hispanic community and i think in that case they've just they developed a distrust of the system and so they've chosen not to participate in it", "hypothesis": "Hispanics used to participate more during elections."} {"idx": "mnli-4404", "premise": "The Supreme Court established the Joint Legal Services Access & Funding Committee, directing it to make recommendations to the Court and the Legislature by December 31, 1995.", "hypothesis": "The Joint Legal Services Access & Funding Committee was founded before December 31, 1995."} {"idx": "mnli-4405", "premise": "I'm listening.\"", "hypothesis": "I cannot hear this. "} {"idx": "mnli-4406", "premise": "it it's a rip-off", "hypothesis": "It's more than worth it."} {"idx": "mnli-4407", "premise": "Besides salaries, company managers view a good working environment and awards and recognition as essential for retaining employees.", "hypothesis": "Award, working environment, and salaries are all essential for retaining employees."} {"idx": "mnli-4408", "premise": "Today is judgment day.", "hypothesis": "Judgement day will not occur on this day."} {"idx": "mnli-4409", "premise": "After the pogrom, the old structure served a bizarre variety of purposes as a Catholic chapel, a convent for fallen women, army barracks, and quartermaster's depot.", "hypothesis": "The structure has stood empty for nearly its entire existence."} {"idx": "mnli-4410", "premise": "In Massachusetts, Holyoke Mall encourages shoppers to buy gift certificates online with our secure ordering service.", "hypothesis": "Gift certificates are available for Holyoke Mall online."} {"idx": "mnli-4411", "premise": "the Administrator of EPA shall promulgate a rule establishing specifications for detergent additives to implement the requirement, also contained in section 211(l), that, effective January 1, 1995, no gasoline may be sold or dispensed which does not contain additives to prevent the accumulation of deposits in engines or fuel systems.", "hypothesis": "The EPA Administrator will make a rule that addresses air quality."} {"idx": "mnli-4412", "premise": "Since May, it's been between 50 and 60 percent.", "hypothesis": "In may, the percentage always rises"} {"idx": "mnli-4413", "premise": "That's a given, right?", "hypothesis": "Right, that was a given?"} {"idx": "mnli-4414", "premise": "It is oldest Anglican church in Southeast Asia.", "hypothesis": "Its the newest church in the area."} {"idx": "mnli-4415", "premise": "She thought more research is needed on this issue.", "hypothesis": "She thinks they need more research."} {"idx": "mnli-4416", "premise": "The adjustment is made by applying the elasticity of WTP with respect to severity reported in the Krupnick and Cropper (1992) study.", "hypothesis": "The adjustment is made based on how lax the report is."} {"idx": "mnli-4417", "premise": "Death brings at least an end to those troublesome appetites and may open the way to something better--he doesn't say what.", "hypothesis": "Death ends no troubles. "} {"idx": "mnli-4418", "premise": "In December 2000, LSC issued its third program letter on state planning.", "hypothesis": "The LSC has only ever issued one program letter since it was founded."} {"idx": "mnli-4419", "premise": "Aloud, he said nothing.", "hypothesis": "He was very upset but kept it inside."} {"idx": "mnli-4420", "premise": "Therefore, USEPA recommends the use of the $ 0.5 dilution factor (see Section 4, Quality Assurance).", "hypothesis": "The dilution factor used."} {"idx": "mnli-4421", "premise": "Of course, it is an open market that depends upon the U.S.", "hypothesis": "The open market couldn't survive without the US supporting it through trade."} {"idx": "mnli-4422", "premise": "yeah well uh Craftsman put out a uh leaf vacuum a few years back craftsman Sears and Roebuck", "hypothesis": "There were no leaf blowers around until last year."} {"idx": "mnli-4423", "premise": "Without the funding provided by LSC, many of these individuals would have no other source of legal assistance for these problems.", "hypothesis": "The LSC gives funding to individuals."} {"idx": "mnli-4424", "premise": "yeah i think that'll be fun so we're going to try to do that like on a three day weekend go there and", "hypothesis": "On a three day weekend we were going to try to do that because we think it would be fun. "} {"idx": "mnli-4425", "premise": "no she she wouldn't have got no property see there was no grounds for divorce she was she wanted out cause she had a boyfriend and it was weird but uh the capital punishment i don't know actually what they give the death penalty for", "hypothesis": "The woman was given the death penalty for attempting to \"unlawfully\" divorce her husband."} {"idx": "mnli-4426", "premise": "They declined.", "hypothesis": "They did not accept."} {"idx": "mnli-4427", "premise": "5 million for grants to local legal services programs.", "hypothesis": "Philanthropist Steve Smith gave many millions of dollars to the groups."} {"idx": "mnli-4428", "premise": "Gates and Kinsley.", "hypothesis": "Gates and Kinsley are good friends."} {"idx": "mnli-4429", "premise": "The Congress has underscored the consequences of human capital weaknesses through a wide range of oversight hearings held over the last few years.", "hypothesis": "Congress has a strong interest in the consequences o fhuman capital weaknesses."} {"idx": "mnli-4430", "premise": "Adrin joined them as they descended and headed south.", "hypothesis": "Adrin went with them."} {"idx": "mnli-4431", "premise": "Rolling Stone , March 20, and The New Yorker , March 10", "hypothesis": "Rolling Stone published their 2000th issue on March 20."} {"idx": "mnli-4432", "premise": "All of the organizations monitored compliance with organizational policies to some extent.", "hypothesis": "None of the groups had any policies or guidelines to start with."} {"idx": "mnli-4433", "premise": "Should we be boycotting multimedia sites that make even my fractional T3 connection choke?", "hypothesis": "Boycotting multimedia sites that choke our T3 connections will benefit the community."} {"idx": "mnli-4434", "premise": "By the way, the house was raided, of course?\"", "hypothesis": "So the house was definitely raided?"} {"idx": "mnli-4435", "premise": "Case study methods, like any other method, offer", "hypothesis": "Case studies share similarities with other methods."} {"idx": "mnli-4436", "premise": "No, sir! We were attacked, the story would not match up if checked but it was close enough and Ca'daan was desperate.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan was desperate to believe that the bad men had been killed."} {"idx": "mnli-4437", "premise": "It organized the best practices into five categories related to (1) the role of the owner, (2) teamwork and collaboration, (3) advance planning, (4) process, and (5) benchmarking.", "hypothesis": "The best practices have been organized into ten categories."} {"idx": "mnli-4438", "premise": "The Minnesota Vikings will host the Atlanta Falcons in one bracket.", "hypothesis": "The Vikings will play the Falcons."} {"idx": "mnli-4439", "premise": "He cared only for his mines and the salt wealth it brought him.", "hypothesis": "He got a million dollars from the mines."} {"idx": "mnli-4440", "premise": "Acquired for or in connection with is defined as including land acquired with the intent to construct general PP and E and land acquired in combination with general PP and E, including not only land used as the foundation, but also adjacent land considered to be the general PP and E's common grounds.", "hypothesis": "Adjacent land falls under the same land rights and land used for foundations."} {"idx": "mnli-4441", "premise": "right yeah i agree i agree with you i don't think we should either even though i know there are benefits to the metric system i don't think the benefits of the metric system outweigh the the disadvantages that would happen to the people of America", "hypothesis": "There would be no drawbacks to adopting the metric system."} {"idx": "mnli-4442", "premise": "yeah what you uh-huh yeah yeah", "hypothesis": "No I heard you. "} {"idx": "mnli-4443", "premise": "The man had no money and could not afford to hire a lawyer.", "hypothesis": "The man had zero dollars on his person."} {"idx": "mnli-4444", "premise": "I haven't seen him since breakfast.", "hypothesis": "I haven't seen him sinve breakfast."} {"idx": "mnli-4445", "premise": "The tempting shops and first-class restaurants more than make up for the crowded pebble beach.", "hypothesis": "The quaint bars and pubs help to compensate for the pebble beach's overcrowding."} {"idx": "mnli-4446", "premise": "Overwhelmingly, I had the sense that my Prepare To Win instructors had no idea how cynical they sound.", "hypothesis": "Prepare To Win instructors can sound cynical."} {"idx": "mnli-4447", "premise": "Los Angeles has many different sides, which means you're in for the ideal vacation whether you're a tranquil beach-loving type, a city slicker, a born shopper, a celebrity chaser, or simply a pleasure-seeker who goes with the flow.", "hypothesis": "People who love shopping might enjoy Los Angeles."} {"idx": "mnli-4448", "premise": "you probably don't want to take them to see Silence Of The Lambs it's it's not it's not too cool for kids", "hypothesis": "It's probably best not to take kids to see Silence Of The Lambs."} {"idx": "mnli-4449", "premise": "Every day at 3pm there's a spectacular all-singing, all-dancing parade including floats inspired by the famous Disney movies.", "hypothesis": "Disney movies have a big influence on the culture there."} {"idx": "mnli-4450", "premise": "The twaddle about Sagittarius would have to be cleared up sometime, but meanwhile he was in pretty good shape.", "hypothesis": "Poor Sagittarius was never going to be in good shape."} {"idx": "mnli-4451", "premise": "in a game room and toy room yeah", "hypothesis": "Its a game room and toy room."} {"idx": "mnli-4452", "premise": "Here, the tradition of scholastic inquiry has often evolved into a spirit of protest and outright revolt before subsiding into a lifelong skepticism.", "hypothesis": "The protests seem to come from scholastic inquiry."} {"idx": "mnli-4453", "premise": "As Herman Melville once famously asked in Moby-Dick , why don't whales collapse under the pressure of all the water they swim under?", "hypothesis": "Melville wrote Moby-Dick."} {"idx": "mnli-4454", "premise": "He had the city razed to the ground, but soon saw the advantages of its strategic location, and began a programme of enlarging and strengthening the old defensive walls.", "hypothesis": "The city was completely destroyed, but he used the location in his strategy."} {"idx": "mnli-4455", "premise": "He believed that the statement was dangerous because there are research methodologies that are related to evaluating screening and separate ones related to evaluating interventions, and we may not want to obligate tying the two together.", "hypothesis": "There are research methodologies that are related to evaluating screening and there are separate research methodologies related to evaluating interventions, and we should not make it a requirement to link them together."} {"idx": "mnli-4456", "premise": "Excerpts from David Halberstam's Michael The Making of a Legend chronicle Jordan's rise from a talented but unknown high schooler to the best college player in the country.", "hypothesis": "The Making of a Legend was not about Jordan. "} {"idx": "mnli-4457", "premise": "But a deeper reason for investigating bequests is that they reveal something about people's instinctive sense of justice.", "hypothesis": "Bequests reveal nothing important about the people who make them."} {"idx": "mnli-4458", "premise": "At this juncture in his thoughts a taxi with flag erect turned the corner of the street ahead.", "hypothesis": "The taxi had its flag down."} {"idx": "mnli-4459", "premise": "The decor celebrates Florentine power Vasari frescoes of victories over Siena and Pisa and Michelangelo's Victory statue.", "hypothesis": "The design does not showcase any major works from Michelangelo."} {"idx": "mnli-4460", "premise": "There is a total of 12,800 Buddha statues here, plus the remains of the monastery's founder embalmed in gold leaf.", "hypothesis": "The monastery's founder was embalmed in gold leaf when he died. "} {"idx": "mnli-4461", "premise": "As a result, it is important for the Congress to give serious consideration to creating a deputy secretary for management/chief operating officer (COO) position within the department to provide the sustained management attention essential for addressing key infrastructure and stewardship issues while helping to facilitate the transition and transformation process.", "hypothesis": "The congress is ot related to the gvernment."} {"idx": "mnli-4462", "premise": "We identified the following Web sites during the course of our work, which may be useful to organizations as sources of additional information.", "hypothesis": "All information must only be obtained from approved books and pamphlets. "} {"idx": "mnli-4463", "premise": "There had come the sound of the bell below. ", "hypothesis": "Below a bell sounded from somewhere."} {"idx": "mnli-4464", "premise": "For the latter, the only value in their story is in its If they had told their benefactors that Bill Clinton was an upright man who never told a lie or looked twice at a woman, they wouldn't have got a dime.", "hypothesis": "Their story about Bill Clinton went viral. "} {"idx": "mnli-4465", "premise": "i was gonna say there've been several times when i know they had ice storms down in Dallas uh that we would be up here trying to call and it we'd figure out after about the first hour that there ain't nobody at work", "hypothesis": "The workers in Dallas all made it to work on time even when there was an ice storm."} {"idx": "mnli-4466", "premise": "Single people in big cities can be desperate.", "hypothesis": "There are no single people living in big cities."} {"idx": "mnli-4467", "premise": "This was once the scene of a famous misdevelopment plan, when a 600-room luxury hotel had to be demolished just as it was ready to open for business, since it had mistakenly been built directly on the flight path to Ibiza airport.", "hypothesis": "A hotel was built on the flight path to the airport."} {"idx": "mnli-4468", "premise": "Either way, it's a plan that makes sense.", "hypothesis": "That plan makes sense."} {"idx": "mnli-4469", "premise": "Adjustments for differences between the USPS and Poste Italiane", "hypothesis": "USPS and Poste Italiane had differences that required adjusting."} {"idx": "mnli-4470", "premise": "yes when i first started teaching i remember i went up to my job and i said okay i want to see a curriculum guide you know so i'll know what i'm suppose to teach and they go we don't have one of we don't even know where one is", "hypothesis": "I was thankful during my first teaching gig they had already developed their curriculum. "} {"idx": "mnli-4471", "premise": "Time dusts off the NATO Commander General.", "hypothesis": "Time cleans off the NATO Commander General."} {"idx": "mnli-4472", "premise": "The Natural History Museum (900 Exposition Boulevard) is popular for its dinosaur skeletons and other prehistoric fossils.", "hypothesis": "Few people ever get to experience the history of prehistoric fossils if they do not go to a museum."} {"idx": "mnli-4473", "premise": "The English were victorious in the Picardy fields of Cr??c y (1346) and Azincourt (Agincourt, 1415).", "hypothesis": "The English were successful in 1346 and in 1415."} {"idx": "mnli-4474", "premise": "(The Russians chose to guard Moscow with their 100 anti-missiles.)", "hypothesis": "Russia didn't protect Moscow at all."} {"idx": "mnli-4475", "premise": "but um my it was really just my grandfather i guess and this one elderly cousin of mine that went into nursing homes", "hypothesis": "Only a couple of my family members have stayed in nursing homes."} {"idx": "mnli-4476", "premise": "Outside, the courtyard is paved in limestone tram-setts from the streets of Old Dublin.", "hypothesis": "The courtyard is home to a butterfly garden."} {"idx": "mnli-4477", "premise": "Higher payroll taxes may depress personal saving to the extent that households have less disposable income to save.", "hypothesis": "An increase in disposable income to save will result from these higher payroll taxes."} {"idx": "mnli-4478", "premise": "Tubacca was still in a slump; the rest of the valley held about as many jobs for a man as Drew had fingers on one hand.", "hypothesis": "Tubacca was not doing well because of the war."} {"idx": "mnli-4479", "premise": "SCALIA, J., filed a dissenting opinion in which REHNQUIST, C. J., and O'CONNOR and THOMAS, JJ.", "hypothesis": "A dissenting opinion was filed by Scalia."} {"idx": "mnli-4480", "premise": "He seemed to be getting the hang of abracadabraing up what was in his mind.", "hypothesis": "He still could not figure out how to make things from his mind appear. "} {"idx": "mnli-4481", "premise": "The armoured men part, and someone else steps up.", "hypothesis": "The armoured men stayed grouped together."} {"idx": "mnli-4482", "premise": "Only 1 percent of returns get audited at all.", "hypothesis": "99% of returns do not get audited."} {"idx": "mnli-4483", "premise": "The larger hotels will usually hold a aGreek' evening on one night each week.", "hypothesis": "Traditional dances are taught by the local residents."} {"idx": "mnli-4484", "premise": "Gods, he thought, protect her.", "hypothesis": "He thought the Gods were trying to hurt her."} {"idx": "mnli-4485", "premise": "For example, the contract may require that a computer operate successfully for 30 consecutive days out of a 90-day test period.", "hypothesis": "Some contracts may require computers to operate for a month without downtime."} {"idx": "mnli-4486", "premise": "The intent of these changes was to put key operational decisions in the hands of the managers who were closest to the point of customer service.", "hypothesis": "There were no managers close to customer service. "} {"idx": "mnli-4487", "premise": "Scientific gentleman, he was.", "hypothesis": "He was very scientific in how he approached research."} {"idx": "mnli-4488", "premise": "During FY 1998, the most recent year for which statistics are available, the USDOL certified 34,898 job openings and approximately 4,000 employers.", "hypothesis": "After FY 1998, the most recent year for which statistics are available."} {"idx": "mnli-4489", "premise": "The town was a quiet spa and beach resort (its name means drinking fountain ) until the motorway's arrival brought it within comfortable commuting distance of the city; now it is set to become a bustling seaside suburb of Izmir, and a terminal for international ferries from Italy and Greece.", "hypothesis": "With the arrival of the motorway came the departure of the calm, peaceful nature of the town."} {"idx": "mnli-4490", "premise": "It elevates the critic and diminishes the artist.", "hypothesis": "The artist and the critic are both presented under the same fair light."} {"idx": "mnli-4491", "premise": "The Report and Order is effective October 23, 1996, 70 days after the August 14, 1996, publication of the Report and Order in the Federal Register.", "hypothesis": "The order was signed in October of 1991."} {"idx": "mnli-4492", "premise": "Nobody pointed out that at Chappaquiddick, unlike Dallas and Los Angeles, the person most responsible for the tragedy was a Kennedy, whereas the victim was not--and that Ted Kennedy's invocation of the family curse was a clever way of papering over these differences.", "hypothesis": "The Kennedys deserve to have the family curse upon them."} {"idx": "mnli-4493", "premise": "The most glaring problem was the contractual relationship that existed requiring an employee to work for one employer.", "hypothesis": "Employees could work for whoever they want."} {"idx": "mnli-4494", "premise": "He had been surrounded by the decapitated, disemboweled, and dismembered bodies of a dozen Sticks.", "hypothesis": "There were lots of dead Sticks."} {"idx": "mnli-4495", "premise": "The Sogas had promoted Buddhism as an imperially sanctioned counterweight to the native Shinto religion, along with the new Chinese customs, to weaken the influence of their more conservative rivals.", "hypothesis": "The Sogas were the most conservative group at the time."} {"idx": "mnli-4496", "premise": "I fell in with her views.", "hypothesis": "The person agreed with her views."} {"idx": "mnli-4497", "premise": "You take this stuff and stick it in the cage.", "hypothesis": "Take this watch and put it in your anus."} {"idx": "mnli-4498", "premise": "The generation expenditures vary in each of the scenarios change for at least three (1) the size of the allowance bank made possible by early reductions driven, in part, by program spending prior to the introduction of the caps; (2) the varying levels of demand for electricity over time, resulting in changes in the overall mix of generation resources; and, (3) the gradual reduction in the banked allowances available for withdrawal necessitating additional actions to reduce emissions.", "hypothesis": "Electricity demand changes over time."} {"idx": "mnli-4499", "premise": "of course they could always stick something in the credit bureau", "hypothesis": "They cannot do anything with the credit bureau."} {"idx": "mnli-4500", "premise": "To the south lie long beaches, excellent for year-round camping.", "hypothesis": "It is a bad location for camping near the beaches to the south."} {"idx": "mnli-4501", "premise": "LSC grantees are authorized to litigate this narrow range of claims to completion, despite the fact that the alien may be required to depart the United States prior to or during the course of the representation.", "hypothesis": "Once the course of representation begins, aliens are forbidden to leave the United States. "} {"idx": "mnli-4502", "premise": "He didn't see me.", "hypothesis": "The man did not know I was there. "} {"idx": "mnli-4503", "premise": "did you say white or black", "hypothesis": "What color did you say it was?"} {"idx": "mnli-4504", "premise": "helping the kids more with their homework in the evenings um we just started a thing where every other week we go to uh movies there's a movie theater that offers dollar movies on Wednesday nights", "hypothesis": "We started to go to the movies every other week."} {"idx": "mnli-4505", "premise": "Who wrote that piece of shit, anyway?", "hypothesis": "The essay was a piece of shit."} {"idx": "mnli-4506", "premise": "You can swim beneath them in chilly waters, then picnic by the cool, leafy pools above.", "hypothesis": "You can scuba dive or picnic near the leafy pools. It is s popular place, you see tourist al the time."} {"idx": "mnli-4507", "premise": "In the tantalus in the dining-room.", "hypothesis": "The tantalus is within the dining room."} {"idx": "mnli-4508", "premise": "Benefits transfer is the science and art of adapting primary benefits research from similar contexts to obtain the most accurate measure of benefits for the environmental quality change under analysis.", "hypothesis": "Benefits transfer isn't just a science, but an art. "} {"idx": "mnli-4509", "premise": "yeah i think another problem with the families uh is is the role of television", "hypothesis": "I think television helps the family immensely."} {"idx": "mnli-4510", "premise": "There has been a great deal of controversy and significant development of both theoretical and empirical knowledge about how to conduct CV surveys in the past decade.", "hypothesis": "There were no CV surveys in the last decade. "} {"idx": "mnli-4511", "premise": "For example, a couple could contribute up to $2,000 annually.", "hypothesis": "For a middle class couple $2,000 a year might cause them to struggle."} {"idx": "mnli-4512", "premise": "He sighed, wishing desperately that she were with him.", "hypothesis": "He sighed, wondering how he would make it out alive without her."} {"idx": "mnli-4513", "premise": "It shocked him out of his stunned gaze.", "hypothesis": "He was startled by a large flock of birds."} {"idx": "mnli-4514", "premise": "The area proved unsuitable for sugar cane production, but in 1871 fruit shippers began to take locally grown bananas back to Boston in the United States, and the trade was an immediate success.", "hypothesis": "In 1875, fruit shippers began to take locally grown coconuts to Boston and began a successful trade."} {"idx": "mnli-4515", "premise": "Despite the prevalence of alcohol use disorders, hospital administrators are likely to raise concerns about hiring additional staff to conduct interventions because they do not consider addressing alcohol problems as part of their mission.", "hypothesis": "Substance abuse disorders do not impact the medical need of patients. "} {"idx": "mnli-4516", "premise": "No, he is a diablo, and he hides in the rocks where he cannot easily be seen.", "hypothesis": "This diablo only comes out to slaughter the cattle."} {"idx": "mnli-4517", "premise": "is it's not a lot of the firms that offer mortgage mortgage loan firms aren't offering um that loan", "hypothesis": "Mortgage loans are not made available by any firms."} {"idx": "mnli-4518", "premise": "well that would give them them more of an interest in what goes on in this country if if they had uh uh a a uh a privilege of voting uh that would give them a vested interest in the government and uh i would see that as as a positive uh thing for them to consider", "hypothesis": "They don't have the right to vote because it's a privilege. "} {"idx": "mnli-4519", "premise": "But that person is prohibited (by funding parameters) from representing women in matters of divorce or child custody.", "hypothesis": "That person is not allowed to vote in New York State."} {"idx": "mnli-4520", "premise": "because of the the i'm driving a Pontiac now and it's uh it's a sixty seven Pontiac it's got a hundred fifty eight thousand miles on it", "hypothesis": "Pontiac I am driving can go up to two hundred thousand miles."} {"idx": "mnli-4521", "premise": "Both final rules were issued by the SEC pursuant to the authority of sections 5, 7, 8, 10, and 19(a) of the Securities Act (15 U.S.C.", "hypothesis": "The SEC issued final rules for the Securities Act."} {"idx": "mnli-4522", "premise": "I don't think John McCain's personality is the issue, McConnell pleaded on television two weeks ago.", "hypothesis": "McConnell and John McCain are friends. "} {"idx": "mnli-4523", "premise": "A count of the languages spoken all over India, leaving out the dialects, comes to 1,652, written in 13 different alphabets.", "hypothesis": "Only 4 languages are spoken."} {"idx": "mnli-4524", "premise": "Wrynose Pass comes a single-track road with gradients of 1:4 will have you dodging sheep and other motorists around blind bends.", "hypothesis": "There are no blind bends."} {"idx": "mnli-4525", "premise": "The global expansion of information technology has resulted in significant new information security and privacy threats to our information networks and technology infrastructure.", "hypothesis": "The advancement of technology has led to more secure networks"} {"idx": "mnli-4526", "premise": "Demi Moore and and uh and the guy who did did the", "hypothesis": "Demi Moore has something to do with it."} {"idx": "mnli-4527", "premise": "Today, we neither have such a group nor the atmosphere for its emergence.", "hypothesis": "Today we can estimate the emergence of such a group."} {"idx": "mnli-4528", "premise": "Walking through a bad neighbourhood at a bad time of night, I lost myself in daydreams of Presidents past.", "hypothesis": "I was walking through a bad neighbourhood at a bad time of night."} {"idx": "mnli-4529", "premise": "Is he any good, though, really?\"", "hypothesis": "He is definitely good."} {"idx": "mnli-4530", "premise": "uh i work in the airline marketing marketing group", "hypothesis": "I am one of the best workers in the airline marketing group that I am a part of."} {"idx": "mnli-4531", "premise": "Some Practical Aspects of Qualitative Data One Way of Organizing the Cognitive Processes Associated with the Generation of Grounded Theory.", "hypothesis": "Useful parts of numerical data"} {"idx": "mnli-4532", "premise": "we had one in Virginia that was sentenced to death and the execution was to have taken place a few weeks ago i don't know if there was anything in your paper about it", "hypothesis": "There was meant to be someone put to death a few weeks ago in Virginia."} {"idx": "mnli-4533", "premise": "It has been most demoralizing, a British emissary to a U.S. company wrote his bosses in the late 1890s.", "hypothesis": "The emissary wrote about how demoralizing it was."} {"idx": "mnli-4534", "premise": "'All of you, back off!' White bellowed.", "hypothesis": "White yelled for them all to back off. "} {"idx": "mnli-4535", "premise": "From somewhere below, there was a hiss and a slurp.", "hypothesis": "The snake was hissing underneath the deck. "} {"idx": "mnli-4536", "premise": "But a stud to catch a fighting stud was another plan altogether.", "hypothesis": "The stud would have to swift and powerful to match up fairly."} {"idx": "mnli-4537", "premise": "Her foreign secretary, Lord Palmerston, was not so amused; he dismissed Hong Kong as a barren island with hardly a house upon it. ", "hypothesis": "Palmerston sang Hong Kong's praises as a place with great potential."} {"idx": "mnli-4538", "premise": "Isn't that America's last bastion of mobsters, racists, and hacks?", "hypothesis": "Isn't is America's last wave of mobsters, racists and hacks? "} {"idx": "mnli-4539", "premise": "Some-time during the 11th century a rough bunch of coastal traders and drifters from every port in the Mediterranean began to settle on the northern shore of the Horn, in the maritime quarter which became known as Galata.", "hypothesis": "The coastal traders and drifters of the area settled there during the 1100s."} {"idx": "mnli-4540", "premise": "The new Jehangir Art Gallery, immediately behind the Museum, illustrates trends in modern Indian painting, including works by two of the most important artists from Mumbai, Tyeb Mehta and Akbar Padamsee.", "hypothesis": "Tyeb Mehta and Akbar Padamsee are two important artists from Mumbai."} {"idx": "mnli-4541", "premise": "(This isn't to say Dole was pondering his wives' relative fertility.)", "hypothesis": "This isn't saying that Dole was wondering about his wives' fertility."} {"idx": "mnli-4542", "premise": "This subcontinent is so rich and varied that the choice of what to see on a first visit can be daunting.", "hypothesis": "It can be daunting to decide what to see on a first visit."} {"idx": "mnli-4543", "premise": "it's just terrible what they do and then i have been coloring my hair and i'm real haphazard when i do it so i've got dye on my bathroom door", "hypothesis": "I am very neat and perfect when I use hair dye."} {"idx": "mnli-4544", "premise": "Features a device called a gristle gun.", "hypothesis": "A gristle gun is featured."} {"idx": "mnli-4545", "premise": "Wasn't the old cat in a rage when she found out? ", "hypothesis": "I think that the old cat was angry when she became aware."} {"idx": "mnli-4546", "premise": "you know because it takes longer than some products some other foods in your stomach to digest that meat", "hypothesis": "All food products take the same time to digest."} {"idx": "mnli-4547", "premise": "It thus provides an all-too-rare glimpse of provincial life in prewar Japan.", "hypothesis": "It lets you see what country life was like in Japan before the war."} {"idx": "mnli-4548", "premise": "In establishing the effective date, INS and EOIR state in the preamble to the interim rule that they find good cause to make the rule effective April 1, 1997, in order to meet the statutory deadline imposed by the IIRIRA.", "hypothesis": "The effective date was set with the statutory deadline in mind."} {"idx": "mnli-4549", "premise": "it's not much different than when i lived in Roanoke Virginia which is really small town", "hypothesis": "Roanoke is a very large town."} {"idx": "mnli-4550", "premise": "He doesn't chew tobacco--I had to help him out a bit.", "hypothesis": "He still chews tobacco - none of my help was useful."} {"idx": "mnli-4551", "premise": "They also but only later gave birth to the sun, in the form of the goddess Amaterasu, who endowed the Japanese imperial family with its regalia of bronze mirror, iron sword, and jewel.", "hypothesis": "The Japanese imperial family was given a regalia of a gold plate and a silver locket."} {"idx": "mnli-4552", "premise": "What has that got to do with it? Poirot shrugged his shoulders. ", "hypothesis": "Poirot did not care for an answer."} {"idx": "mnli-4553", "premise": "Behind the church is the 1917 French Mission Building, now used as the Court of Final Appeal.", "hypothesis": "The church was built after 1917 French Mission Building."} {"idx": "mnli-4554", "premise": "So, how lucky was the evolutionary leap from prokaryotes (non-nucleated microbes) to eukaryotes (nucleated, and using oxygen)?", "hypothesis": "We're very lucky evolution moved us forward otherwise all life would be extinct by now."} {"idx": "mnli-4555", "premise": "i i wouldn't want it i wouldn't want to be one of those people that's being taken care of somehow knowing that this person is doing it to get out of a sentence or or you know because they were bad in some other way", "hypothesis": "I would only want to take care of someone if I wanted to. "} {"idx": "mnli-4556", "premise": "Looking at the matter psychologically, I drew one deduction which I was convinced was correct. ", "hypothesis": "I knew I could find the evidence to the deduction I made."} {"idx": "mnli-4557", "premise": "The idea of prevention in emergency medicine has taken root for injury and domestic violence, he said, but not yet for substance abuse.", "hypothesis": "There is a lot of discourse over what is needed to help and what is implementable."} {"idx": "mnli-4558", "premise": "Nor can we simply ascribe their market dominance to advertising.", "hypothesis": "Or we can not simply ascribe their market dominance to advertising."} {"idx": "mnli-4559", "premise": "demonstration to production is a basis for DOD's decision to invest in production.", "hypothesis": "DOD believes that investing in production is a smart move."} {"idx": "mnli-4560", "premise": "Dave Hanson, she told him, \"don't you know any other words?", "hypothesis": "She told Dave that he had a great vocabulary."} {"idx": "mnli-4561", "premise": "The newer Palheiro Golf Club is in the Sao Goncalo hills 15 minutes east of the center of Funchal.", "hypothesis": "The Palheiro Golf Club is in the center of Funchal."} {"idx": "mnli-4562", "premise": "In one respect his bill was more generous than the alternative that passed the Senate, in that it would release the embargoed funds at a faster rate.", "hypothesis": "The bill that did not pass would have been a better deal for those with embargoed funds."} {"idx": "mnli-4563", "premise": "The mysterious stone circles that dot the landscape are thought to be primitive calendars that helped the inhabitants decide when to plant and when to harvest.", "hypothesis": "There were well know stone circles that did not evoke any questions."} {"idx": "mnli-4564", "premise": "The room contains original artifacts from Hemingway's many years in Cuba, including the typewriter he used to write most of For Whom the Bell Tolls (those not staying in the hotel can visit the room for US$2).", "hypothesis": "Hemingway spent years in Cuba and wrote For Whom the Bell Tolls there."} {"idx": "mnli-4565", "premise": "It might not be the oldest, but Castleton is regarded by many as the father of tropical gardens in Jamaica because of its work in the propagation and distribution of new plant genera.", "hypothesis": "Castleton has produced hundreds of new plants in the last decade."} {"idx": "mnli-4566", "premise": "He'd read something somewhere about hair clippings and nail parings being used for some strange purpose.", "hypothesis": "He'd never heard of people using hair and fingernails for odd purposes."} {"idx": "mnli-4567", "premise": "In the last year, he has temporarily closed dozens of independent newspapers and television stations because they griped too loudly about him.", "hypothesis": "He did not close anything for any period of time."} {"idx": "mnli-4568", "premise": "And I read that the other man who was thrown from the car ran Thomas' charity golf tournament.", "hypothesis": "Nobody was thrown from the car."} {"idx": "mnli-4569", "premise": "Among local meat specialities is gazpachos (with a final s to distinguish it from the chilled soup).", "hypothesis": "Gazpachos is spicy. "} {"idx": "mnli-4570", "premise": "Some states have established insurance-buying groups that employers can join.", "hypothesis": "Employers can join state established insurance-buying groups."} {"idx": "mnli-4571", "premise": "yeah yeah i got i got so carried away with water and fertilizer last year in uh June July and the first part of August i was mowing every four days and i talked to my parents i'm from Massachusetts originally", "hypothesis": "I got carried away with my yard in the summer."} {"idx": "mnli-4572", "premise": "For example, a number of major multi-national companies based in the United States are trying to have their legal headquarters located in another country for tax reasons.", "hypothesis": "They did not want to pay higher taxes."} {"idx": "mnli-4573", "premise": "'Sure they are,' Derry shrugged.", "hypothesis": "Derry thought they were."} {"idx": "mnli-4574", "premise": "Only the sun and the planets move through the sky.", "hypothesis": "There are five different planets orbiting the sun."} {"idx": "mnli-4575", "premise": "wow yeah that's that's the way we are we've had a lot of unexpected things just in the last uh couple months", "hypothesis": "Nothing new has happened in recent months."} {"idx": "mnli-4576", "premise": "She was smart enough to object initially to the choice of Ginsburg as her attorney.", "hypothesis": "The rejecting the initial offer, she knew she could get a better attorney."} {"idx": "mnli-4577", "premise": "The picturesque Petit Trianon, where Marie-Antoinette tried to hide from the Revolution, has the allure of a doll's house in comparison with the rest of Versailles.", "hypothesis": "Petit Trianon was the same size at the biggest building of Versailles."} {"idx": "mnli-4578", "premise": "i think they have um a one that we need to recognize that we're going to have to supplement ourselves and that's certainly one of the reasons that i'm sure that they've begun the", "hypothesis": "I think there is one that we will need to supplement ourselves."} {"idx": "mnli-4579", "premise": "i always like the musicals and uh those ones uh those stick in your head", "hypothesis": "I always seem to remember the musicals best of all."} {"idx": "mnli-4580", "premise": "Lakshmi, Vishnu's wife, was created from ocean foam, like Venus, and is goddess of good fortune and beauty.", "hypothesis": "Lakshmi, Vishnu's wife, was created from ocean foam, which is hard to understand from a landlocked culture. "} {"idx": "mnli-4581", "premise": "Got any views on the subject?", "hypothesis": "Your views on the subject are useless."} {"idx": "mnli-4582", "premise": "The good times won't last.", "hypothesis": "Good times are certain to continue forever."} {"idx": "mnli-4583", "premise": "In 1846, during the course of an unsavory palace intrigue involving an unsolved murder, meddling by the queen, and the massacre of some 100 high-ranking court figures who had been lured to a palace courtyard, the instigator of these events became the power behind the throne.", "hypothesis": "The person who caused these events ended up becoming the power behind the throne."} {"idx": "mnli-4584", "premise": "Such simulations can help policymakers assess the long-term consequences of fiscal policy and saving choices made today.", "hypothesis": "The policymakers used the simulations to help with their decision making."} {"idx": "mnli-4585", "premise": "The key to peace lay in Nixon's decision to jettison his demand that Ho Chi Minh withdraw from South Vietnam--a demand that he could have renounced four years earlier, sparing 18,000 American lives.", "hypothesis": "Nixon's decision to force Ho Chi Minh to withdraw saved 18,000 American lives "} {"idx": "mnli-4586", "premise": "right the only time you know about it is when it comes due and they'll say you know well you've got to reinvest it back in this or that or whatever", "hypothesis": "You always know about it, even if it's not due."} {"idx": "mnli-4587", "premise": "Today, the region is served by three LSC-funded providers--California Rural Legal Assistance (CRLA), Central California Legal Services (CCLS) and Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance (GBLA).", "hypothesis": "The region has three main businesses that provide legal services."} {"idx": "mnli-4588", "premise": "Nearby is the Outer Chamber of Mary, Queen of Scots, where she socialized with her favorites and debated religion with John Knox.", "hypothesis": "The Queen of Scots engaged in religious debate with John Knox."} {"idx": "mnli-4589", "premise": "Venice has an 18-hole course at the Lido's Alberoni.", "hypothesis": "Venice is the only city in the world without a golf course."} {"idx": "mnli-4590", "premise": "oh goodness they're", "hypothesis": "Oh wow, they're"} {"idx": "mnli-4591", "premise": " \"Somethin' like this is good t' have.", "hypothesis": "Something like this isn't worth posessing."} {"idx": "mnli-4592", "premise": "Art-house and international films are shown at the Irish Film Centre in Eustace Street.", "hypothesis": "The Irish Film Centre only shows Irish films."} {"idx": "mnli-4593", "premise": "If he can transport the mail for less than the discount, he will choose to do so.", "hypothesis": "He will always choose the most expensive mail transport option available."} {"idx": "mnli-4594", "premise": "Johnny sure takes it hard bein' on th' losin' side turned him dirt mean.", "hypothesis": "Johnny took that hard."} {"idx": "mnli-4595", "premise": "you know yeah i yeah i agree with you there too", "hypothesis": "I agree with you on that sentence."} {"idx": "mnli-4596", "premise": "Most shops are open at least Monday-Friday 9am-1pm and 3-7pm and Saturday 9am-1pm.", "hypothesis": "Most shops are open during hours on Mondays-Fridays and Saturdays. "} {"idx": "mnli-4597", "premise": "Novak attacks the president for his tactics of delay.", "hypothesis": "Novak was angry with the president for his delayed tactics."} {"idx": "mnli-4598", "premise": "That's hardly surprising when one considers how little time companies take before agreeing to merge.", "hypothesis": "Merging companies can be very stressufl."} {"idx": "mnli-4599", "premise": "Oatmeal was a staple ingredient of Scottish cuisine from the very earliest days and is now available in the form of oatcakes.", "hypothesis": "Oatmeal has only been introduced to Scotland very recently and remains unpopular."} {"idx": "mnli-4600", "premise": "The neighborhood south of the Vatican, Trastevere, literally across the Tiber, has long been renowned as the most popular quarter of Rome.", "hypothesis": "Trastevere is north of the Vatican and is the least popular part of Rome."} {"idx": "mnli-4601", "premise": "They conclude that, under some circumstances, saving should actually decline slightly in response to population aging.", "hypothesis": "They conclude that savings rates will go up in the coming years."} {"idx": "mnli-4602", "premise": "He was even engaged for a time to a Jewish woman.", "hypothesis": "He woul never marry a Jew."} {"idx": "mnli-4603", "premise": "I smiled to cover my anxiety.", "hypothesis": "To mask my anxiety, I let out a smile."} {"idx": "mnli-4604", "premise": "In fact I am almost certain that it was made no earlier than yesterday afternoon.\"", "hypothesis": "I almost knew for a fact that it was made at 2pm exactly yesterday."} {"idx": "mnli-4605", "premise": "That border crew'd sure like to git a rope on him!", "hypothesis": "The border crew wants him to hang them. "} {"idx": "mnli-4606", "premise": "Across the transept, though, the main altar outdoes the coro's splendor.", "hypothesis": "The main altar is better than the coro."} {"idx": "mnli-4607", "premise": "Lines 5 through 8 show the effect of changing the method of payment for the exchange of LC/AO mail between the U.S. and all other FPAs.", "hypothesis": "The method of payment for the exchange of LC/AO mail changed from local offices to online banking."} {"idx": "mnli-4608", "premise": "refill our water glasses um someone had only eaten a portion of their food and wanted to take it home and asked to have it boxed and she just pitched it out", "hypothesis": "She threw away more than half of the uneaten portion."} {"idx": "mnli-4609", "premise": "well uh i don't have a lot of time to watch TV unfortunately this is not a good subject um i", "hypothesis": "I don't like watching TV in my free time."} {"idx": "mnli-4610", "premise": "A kilometer (about half a mile) south of the Colosseum, the huge third-century Baths of Caracalla (Terme di Caracalla) were built for 1,600 people to bathe in considerable style and luxury.", "hypothesis": "The Baths of Caracalla attract less tourists than the Colosseum."} {"idx": "mnli-4611", "premise": "really he probably had those glasses on like you know those Annie Hall kind of glasses i don't know what you call it John Lennon glasses that's what they are the women i call Annie Hall glasses but", "hypothesis": "He had glasses that had the same shape as John Lennon's glasses."} {"idx": "mnli-4612", "premise": "The stores would be sold at bargain prices, and many are located in communities where there would otherwise be no post-merger competitor.", "hypothesis": "The stores cannot be sold as they are owned by a government department."} {"idx": "mnli-4613", "premise": "Fetuses are particularly vulnerable to methylmercury because of their rapidly developing nervous systems.", "hypothesis": "The fetuses are most vulnerable to the methylmercury."} {"idx": "mnli-4614", "premise": "A fine display, old soldier, said the Kal.", "hypothesis": "The old soldier was incapable."} {"idx": "mnli-4615", "premise": "The case study report was a narrative whose purpose was to illustrate or portray what a program was like, how it was being implemented, and how those who were part of it both affected it and were affected by it.", "hypothesis": "The fact that the case study was similar to a narrative annoyed many of the people involved."} {"idx": "mnli-4616", "premise": "Annabel's is a club and disco located beneath the Burlington Hotel in Leeson Street.", "hypothesis": "The club is not easy to find if you do not know it."} {"idx": "mnli-4617", "premise": "Nothing could have been more infuriating to them than the sight of Yasser Arafat, the embodiment of Palestinian nationalism, shaking hands with Yitzhak Rabin, Israel's late prime minister.", "hypothesis": "Yitzhak Rabin was the prime minister of Israel."} {"idx": "mnli-4618", "premise": "oh yeah yeah then we go to someplace nicer quieter", "hypothesis": "We go to someplace nice next to a lake."} {"idx": "mnli-4619", "premise": "Most archaeologists agree that this extraordinary ensemble of monuments represents the tombs of wealthy Jewish families from Jerusalem's Hellenistic period.", "hypothesis": "The Jewish families were likely to be very wealthy."} {"idx": "mnli-4620", "premise": "Referencing is a process in which statements of facts, figures, and dates are traced back to the supporting working papers by an experienced auditor who is independent of the audit.", "hypothesis": "Referencing is tracing back the fact to the original authors."} {"idx": "mnli-4621", "premise": "right right well i tell you what i appreciate the conversation and uh we'll just have to watch and see how it goes comes about", "hypothesis": "We will have to watch the games together and have more conversations."} {"idx": "mnli-4622", "premise": "The local Government of India Tourist Information Office can help you rent a motorboat with a crew.", "hypothesis": "You can go to the Tourist Information Office in India to procure a boat."} {"idx": "mnli-4623", "premise": "Since no ozone modeling was performed for the Western U.S., future ozone nonattainment in the West was determined through an emissions scaling analysis that used forecast changes in NOx emissions in the West coupled with the response of ozone to emissions changes, as modeled in the East.", "hypothesis": "The ozone modeling for the Western U.S. is based on the emissions changes responses in the East."} {"idx": "mnli-4624", "premise": "'It can't be done.", "hypothesis": "It's impossible."} {"idx": "mnli-4625", "premise": "Significant findings and recommendations are those matters, that if not corrected, could affect the results of the auditors' work and users' conclusions about those results.", "hypothesis": "Results are heavily influenced by significant findings and recommendations."} {"idx": "mnli-4626", "premise": "For example, the organizations that had professional and administrative staffs said that it was difficult to find and retain employees with the level of skills and foresight that would contribute to the organization's mission.", "hypothesis": "the organizations that had professional and administrative staffs said that it was difficult to find and retain employees who loved eating meat"} {"idx": "mnli-4627", "premise": "yeah it it really is", "hypothesis": "It is not like tht."} {"idx": "mnli-4628", "premise": "yeah the uh the we were shocked two mornings ago with uh the news that a forty year old man had sold his three year old son for forty dollars worth of crack", "hypothesis": "We found it normal that adults could sell their children for drugs."} {"idx": "mnli-4629", "premise": "Shlaes and her colleagues have long championed the loopholes that have compromised the tax code's progressive structure.", "hypothesis": "The loopholes did not undermine the structure."} {"idx": "mnli-4630", "premise": "well that that certainly can happen now if you you say you're in communications uh what base of communications would you be most interested in getting in to", "hypothesis": "What base of communications are you most interested in? "} {"idx": "mnli-4631", "premise": "Perhaps because Jerusalem was in neutral territory not allotted to any of the twelve rival tribes of Israel, David made it the capital of his newly formed kingdom and brought the most talented artisans, dedicated priests, magical poets and musicians, and the most formidable soldiers from each of the tribes to live in his city.", "hypothesis": "Jerusalem was neutral territory."} {"idx": "mnli-4632", "premise": "In order to achieve these budgetary reductions, GAO staff was reduced by 39 percent.", "hypothesis": "GAO increased their staff due to budgetary reductions. "} {"idx": "mnli-4633", "premise": "Your query involves some interesting concepts.", "hypothesis": "Your question consists of interesting thoughts."} {"idx": "mnli-4634", "premise": "'We're still going to the city,' Natalia/Lincoln insisted.", "hypothesis": "Lincoln said we'd never go to the city."} {"idx": "mnli-4635", "premise": "sometimes it seems like during the trial part the jury's not you know misses some of the best evidence because they make them leave and", "hypothesis": "They make the jury leave because they want them to miss the important evidence."} {"idx": "mnli-4636", "premise": "Colmar is also the birthplace of Auguste Bartholdi, designer of the Statue of Liberty.", "hypothesis": "Auguste Bartholdi, who was born in Colmar, designed the Statue of Liberty."} {"idx": "mnli-4637", "premise": "the the hoagie steak that they they sell", "hypothesis": "They don't sell the hoagie steak."} {"idx": "mnli-4638", "premise": "Adding personnel late in a project can actually cause further slippage.", "hypothesis": "Further slippage can be caused by adding personnel late in a project."} {"idx": "mnli-4639", "premise": "it it must be i bet you know i i i'm not knocking the garbage men i mean they're necessary but there's a lot of unemployed people out there who would gladly take jobs as garbage men rate for less money", "hypothesis": "No one wants to become a garbage man no matter how much you pay them."} {"idx": "mnli-4640", "premise": " He clutched it in his hand and touched it against the orrery, trying to remember the formula for the giving of a true name.", "hypothesis": "Because it had been over 100 years since he'd used it, he had a hard time remembering the formula. "} {"idx": "mnli-4641", "premise": "LAD was established in 1909 as the Legal Aid Society of Detroit and today is the largest legal aid provider in Michigan and one of the largest of its kind in the U.S.", "hypothesis": "LAD was disbanded in 1904."} {"idx": "mnli-4642", "premise": "He has been serving as Vice Chair of the Board since 1997.", "hypothesis": "He was dismissed as the Board's Vice Chair after less than a year in the position. "} {"idx": "mnli-4643", "premise": "The corresponding amount for inbound mail was a negative $31 million.", "hypothesis": "Inbound mail was a corresponding amount of negative $31 million."} {"idx": "mnli-4644", "premise": "but i don't know um yeah i guess that percentage rates are like eighteen percent", "hypothesis": "Percentage rates are near eighteen percent."} {"idx": "mnli-4645", "premise": "yeah that's it's um i wish i had known more when i was uh choosing a college i i kind of did or i'd i went off to i grew up in California and i went off to the University of Utah and didn't find the atmosphere there what i quite expected so i came back and went to Cal State and so i kind of do what you did only by route of another school and", "hypothesis": "I was not sure what I was looking for when I first started college."} {"idx": "mnli-4646", "premise": "Milliken's direct lobbying efforts have been relatively Buchanan never got anywhere near the presidency, and both NAFTA and GATT passed Congress.", "hypothesis": "Milliken is not involved in politics and elections."} {"idx": "mnli-4647", "premise": "if you're in the room so but it's such a shame because it could be so good i i don't understand why first of all why the public puts up with it and second of all why the networks think that", "hypothesis": "I understand the public and the networks here."} {"idx": "mnli-4648", "premise": "because she was so skinny and then all these other people are coming up around us and", "hypothesis": "She was very skinny."} {"idx": "mnli-4649", "premise": "right there's a lot of people like you're educated i'm educated my husband is but i mean a lot of people are flat not educated and if i have a hard time you know putting that into my life can we put that off on the other eighty percent of the population that doesn't have any college or i don't know how much of the you know but a large percentage probably over half of the rest of the population", "hypothesis": "My husband has a higher degree than me."} {"idx": "mnli-4650", "premise": "Most young women were terrified of the \"old bear,\" as they termed him.", "hypothesis": "Young women used to be terrified of the \"old bear\"."} {"idx": "mnli-4651", "premise": "right they just have a good time probably", "hypothesis": "It's likely a lovely time is had."} {"idx": "mnli-4652", "premise": "On the bright side, the Journal reports that Twinkies are making a comeback.", "hypothesis": "Twinkies are making a comeback, as reported by the Journal."} {"idx": "mnli-4653", "premise": " Information on the projected financial impact on the Government of providing current services, assuming a continuation of current programs.", "hypothesis": "There are no additional data and information that would state the financial impact of this on the Government. "} {"idx": "mnli-4654", "premise": "yeah yeah she she never even got out of elementary school", "hypothesis": "She has a PhD"} {"idx": "mnli-4655", "premise": "Let the cost be what it may.\" And with these words, she walked firmly out of the room. ", "hypothesis": "She would solve the mystery no matter what the price was."} {"idx": "mnli-4656", "premise": "it's hard to plan for those things and when you need to have it fixed you know a lot of times you can't just take it all over town if it uh you know", "hypothesis": "It's easy to plan for these things and you can easily take it all over town. "} {"idx": "mnli-4657", "premise": "yes uh-huh that uh lots lots of new uh newsmen were created during that so it will be interesting to see what happens", "hypothesis": "This event provided an opportunity for new people in the media."} {"idx": "mnli-4658", "premise": "Each caste would preserve its purity by avoiding intermarriage and not sharing food with other castes.", "hypothesis": "Castes chose not to share their food with other castes."} {"idx": "mnli-4659", "premise": "Similarly, her title teases her readers, inviting us to draw parallels between her personal history and the story she tells in the novel, though she declines to supply the necessary details about her life.", "hypothesis": "She invites readers to see parallels between her history and what she writes. "} {"idx": "mnli-4660", "premise": "Oh, it's pleasant enough if you want to lead the idle life. ", "hypothesis": "It isn't bad if that's what you want."} {"idx": "mnli-4661", "premise": "Its Carrera marble facade is incised with intricate carvings of traditional Islamic themes.", "hypothesis": "Its stone entryway is painted with scenes involving Christian themes."} {"idx": "mnli-4662", "premise": "Seems to act just like a drug", "hypothesis": "It has no impact on people, unlike drugs."} {"idx": "mnli-4663", "premise": "'Blood spills.'", "hypothesis": "He was cut with a knife."} {"idx": "mnli-4664", "premise": "Three are on trial for murder, and a vegan Straight Edger just finished probation for firebombing a McDonald's.", "hypothesis": "Three people are on trial for murder."} {"idx": "mnli-4665", "premise": "Mrs. Inglethorp came up to bed before I'd finished.\"", "hypothesis": "I was not yet done when Mrs. Inglethorp went to bed.\""} {"idx": "mnli-4666", "premise": "Their unique Chartres blue and deep red bring an ethereal light into the nave, especially when the late-afternoon sun is shining through the western rosewindow depicting the Last Judgment.", "hypothesis": "The nave can be eerie in the late afternoon."} {"idx": "mnli-4667", "premise": "got to be got to be part of the action here", "hypothesis": "the action has been happening all day"} {"idx": "mnli-4668", "premise": "The three men looked at Susan.", "hypothesis": "The three women stared at the crying man. "} {"idx": "mnli-4669", "premise": "Homeland New Department Could Improve Coordination But May Complicate Public Health Priority Setting ( GAO-02-883T, June 25,2002).", "hypothesis": "Homeland's new department makes public health priority setting much easier."} {"idx": "mnli-4670", "premise": "The joint rule is issued to permit the Departments to award contracts and grants to Indian tribes without the confusion associated with having two sets of rules for a single program.", "hypothesis": "There are currently multiples rules in the program."} {"idx": "mnli-4671", "premise": "Don't be offended because I think you're young.", "hypothesis": "You shouldn't be offended that I don't know your age."} {"idx": "mnli-4672", "premise": "i think i think they're military but i mean the guy is still in", "hypothesis": "the guy is a civilian and i believe they're airline attendants"} {"idx": "mnli-4673", "premise": "They don't feed the rebs much.", "hypothesis": "The rebs are fed enough."} {"idx": "mnli-4674", "premise": "In contrast, some older power plants, built before certain Federal performance standards were put into place, are still operating without modern pollution control equipment for some emissions.", "hypothesis": "The older power plants have zero emissions."} {"idx": "mnli-4675", "premise": "well well speaking of that kind of issue have you kept up with John Wiley Price", "hypothesis": "Nobody's ever mentioned an issue like this before."} {"idx": "mnli-4676", "premise": "The Corp had ten million tiny little versions of me, packaged and ready to sell- all they needed as an excuse to put them on the shelf.", "hypothesis": "The little versions of me would need substantial work before being able to be sold. "} {"idx": "mnli-4677", "premise": "No profile makes the obvious application of Frank Sulloway's controversial birth-order theory.", "hypothesis": "There are many profiles that make the obvious application of Frank Sulloway's controversial birth-order theory."} {"idx": "mnli-4678", "premise": "I think not!", "hypothesis": "I do not think so."} {"idx": "mnli-4679", "premise": "He seemed older and more shriveled, and there was a querulous, pinched expression in place of the firmness and almost nobility Dave had come to expect.", "hypothesis": "Dave saw petulance in place of the stoicism he expected. "} {"idx": "mnli-4680", "premise": "Is engraved paper really worth it?", "hypothesis": "Engraved paper is the obvious choice."} {"idx": "mnli-4681", "premise": "Under the final rule, published on November 7, 2000, recipients will be permitted to carry over fund balances of 10% or less; will be able to seek LSC approval for carryover balances of between 10% and 25%; and will be generally prohibited from retaining fund balances of over 25%, except in three very limited and especially compelling circumstances.", "hypothesis": "This rule changes prior rulings regarding retaining fund balances. "} {"idx": "mnli-4682", "premise": "So why are these people revising their bids?", "hypothesis": "Why are these people changing their offers?"} {"idx": "mnli-4683", "premise": "Housed in the college's campus center, the workers' rights center will be staffed by volunteers -- college students and attorneys from Neighborhood Legal Services, a nonprofit organization that provides legal help to the poor.", "hypothesis": "The workers rights center is not allowed on the campus."} {"idx": "mnli-4684", "premise": "Although acceptance by the program offices has sometimes been slow, according to a recent survey of federal CFOs,4 program directors are starting to look to the finance organization for help.", "hypothesis": "Acceptance by the program offices were very slow."} {"idx": "mnli-4685", "premise": "It was thin and sharp with a wire-wrapped hilt and a weighted spike on the tip of the hilt.", "hypothesis": "It was made of glass, and a useless weapon."} {"idx": "mnli-4686", "premise": "White raised a brow.", "hypothesis": "His face remained motionless."} {"idx": "mnli-4687", "premise": "Most obviously, there is the proliferation of specialty shops for fountain pens and handmade paper.", "hypothesis": "I feel that there is a proliferation of fountain pen specialty shops, but it is only a vague theory."} {"idx": "mnli-4688", "premise": "Boat rides give you another perspective of the chateau and its park and you can also enjoy a relaxing view from a tethered hot-air balloon.", "hypothesis": "Visitors often choose boat rides in the detriment of balloon flights."} {"idx": "mnli-4689", "premise": "These Commandments form the structure for a number of the world's great religions.", "hypothesis": "A number of the world's great religions share the same Commandments."} {"idx": "mnli-4690", "premise": "yeah well i know even if you watched ABC NBC or or the other you i mean what's the other one uh CBS they all were were tapped into CNN", "hypothesis": "CNN doesn't exist anymore, because Trump ordered the government to disband it."} {"idx": "mnli-4691", "premise": "In his original covenant, Marshall stipulated that money would be available for the priory only if a part of the church were opened to the people of the surrounding countryside for worship.", "hypothesis": "Marshall felt the church would be better preserved if it was not open to the public. "} {"idx": "mnli-4692", "premise": "Irrational Exuberance", "hypothesis": "The person was irrationally enthusiastic."} {"idx": "mnli-4693", "premise": "The seventh century El Moallaqah or The Hanging Church gets its name from its location it was built between two towers of the Roman gate and claims to be the oldest church in Egypt as its foundations date from the fourth century.", "hypothesis": "One of the newest churches in Egypt is El Moallaqah."} {"idx": "mnli-4694", "premise": "No other car was following us.", "hypothesis": "At least a dozen cars were following them."} {"idx": "mnli-4695", "premise": "He had debated whether or not to bring his guns and blades and ended up deciding to bring them.", "hypothesis": "They didn't know if they should bring their weapons or not."} {"idx": "mnli-4696", "premise": "He seemed somewhat 104 apathetic in the search, as though he expected no great results from it. ", "hypothesis": "He was obsessed with the search and refused to give up."} {"idx": "mnli-4697", "premise": "If there's one person (using drugs), that is a start, said Robertson, 52, a native of Jamaica.", "hypothesis": "Robertson is a native of Jamaica and is 52 years old."} {"idx": "mnli-4698", "premise": "Schor's right--it is depressing when people get into the grip of an all-engulfing need to establish their identity by buying stuff, especially if it's stuff they can't afford.", "hypothesis": "Schor is wrong, there's nothing depressing about seeing people with identity issues spend themselves into more debt."} {"idx": "mnli-4699", "premise": "On a governmentwide basis, Congress, under the bi-partisan leadership of this Committee and the House Government Reform Committee, has established a statutory framework consisting of requirements for goal-setting and performance measurement, financial management, and information technology management, all aimed at improving the performance, management, and accountability of the federal government.", "hypothesis": "Congress has established a statutory framework in order to improve the overall performance of the federal government."} {"idx": "mnli-4700", "premise": "Indeed, the ad accuses Clinton, rather than his critics, of invoking legal mumbo jumbo to obscure the immorality of his misconduct.", "hypothesis": "Clinton uses confusing legal rhetoric to step down from his position."} {"idx": "mnli-4701", "premise": "The Wolfson Museum is upstairs, exhibiting an exceptional collection of Judaica.", "hypothesis": "The Wolfson Museum can be found downstairs in the cellar. "} {"idx": "mnli-4702", "premise": "but uh anyway that was a French movie it was um that was the last one i saw downtown but i i live in DC well actually Falls Church Virginia outside the city", "hypothesis": "I watched a movie near my home in Seattle."} {"idx": "mnli-4703", "premise": "on the refund yeah Alabama did that too and i always thought well this is pretty nifty you taxed me when i made the money the feds", "hypothesis": "Alabama also did that with the refund."} {"idx": "mnli-4704", "premise": "yeah seems like they should regulate themselves a little bit and i don't think they ever care to", "hypothesis": "They have been regulating themselves harshly for years."} {"idx": "mnli-4705", "premise": "Tuppence bent lower still.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence stood up."} {"idx": "mnli-4706", "premise": "The 22,000 MWe difference, between the number of FGDs which would be cost effective to build and the estimated number based on resources, would be pushed back a few years to be completed by 2010.", "hypothesis": "The number of FGDs may go up depending on if more data is needed when using 22,000 MWe to complete the project."} {"idx": "mnli-4707", "premise": "Computer pioneers John Von Neumann and Alan Turing were also mentioned--big surprise that their names should crop up in an Internet forum.", "hypothesis": "It was no surprise that computer pioneers John Von Neumann and Alan Turing were also mentioned but the sentiment was very negative."} {"idx": "mnli-4708", "premise": "But he did disprove, for an unimportant but magnificent moment, W. H. Auden's dictum that poetry makes nothing happen.", "hypothesis": "His attempt to contradict W.H. Auden ended in failure."} {"idx": "mnli-4709", "premise": "It was fired to celebrate the first wedding of Mary, Queen of Scots, to Francois II in 1558.", "hypothesis": "Mary never married."} {"idx": "mnli-4710", "premise": "sounds like you're you're very responsible very financially responsible it's uh", "hypothesis": "You're clearly financially responsible."} {"idx": "mnli-4711", "premise": "They came to it not long after leaving the town, and Tommy stopped the car promptly, asked in a casual tone whether the path led down to the sea, and hearing it did paid off the man in handsome style.", "hypothesis": "Tommy kept driving."} {"idx": "mnli-4712", "premise": "They may prevent you from associating with the senator at an exclusive cocktail party for lobbyists and other large givers--but that's the whole idea.", "hypothesis": "Their whole agenda is to prevent you from engaging with other relevant circles."} {"idx": "mnli-4713", "premise": "Are the techniques of data gathering and data processing explictly described?", "hypothesis": "No one asked any questions related to data processing."} {"idx": "mnli-4714", "premise": "But the IRS isn't out of control.", "hypothesis": "The IRS is not currently out of control, it was before though. "} {"idx": "mnli-4715", "premise": "Because the published recommendations will include supporting text, he encouraged the group to consider any points of clarification that would be instructive.", "hypothesis": "The group was told to keep points of clarification to themselves."} {"idx": "mnli-4716", "premise": "In 1995 the gallery and London's Victoria and Albert Museum jointly purchased The Three Graces, a sculpture by Antonio Canova that was in danger of being sold abroad.", "hypothesis": "London's Victoria and Albert Museum sold a sculpture called The Three Graces in 1995."} {"idx": "mnli-4717", "premise": "For some, the climb is an act of the mountain is revered as the abode of Japan's ancestral gods.", "hypothesis": "For some, the mountain is believed to be the home of Japan's ancient gods."} {"idx": "mnli-4718", "premise": "The clues are not obvious, but they are not too hard to get either, especially after a second or third rerun.", "hypothesis": "The difficulty of finding the clues was just right, especially when you do it again."} {"idx": "mnli-4719", "premise": "Mitchell, what happened here? Muller turned to the man at his far right.", "hypothesis": "Muller and Mitchell are friends."} {"idx": "mnli-4720", "premise": "What is odd about these libertarian conclusions is that they do not at all follow from the premises.", "hypothesis": "Dogs are the world's leading producers of fine Sushi."} {"idx": "mnli-4721", "premise": "The SEC prepared an Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (IRFA) in connection with the proposed rule, which was summarized in the notice of proposed rulemaking (61 Fed.", "hypothesis": "The analysis was conducted by professionals in the field."} {"idx": "mnli-4722", "premise": "The test of our hypothesis, however, does not involve predicting unit costs of other posts.", "hypothesis": "Our hypothesis testing did involve making estimates of what unit costs would look like at other posts."} {"idx": "mnli-4723", "premise": "Across the board, in fact, investors are willing to overlook short-term losses due to strikes if they feel that a company's hard line will pay off in lower costs down the road.", "hypothesis": "investors are willing to overlook short term losses."} {"idx": "mnli-4724", "premise": "A surer recipe for disaster has never been devised.", "hypothesis": "This is as sound a strategy as can be found."} {"idx": "mnli-4725", "premise": "unless there's something i'm particularly listening to but you know if you go two or three years without having that what i got the most exposure to", "hypothesis": "I do not listen to anything really."} {"idx": "mnli-4726", "premise": "He cuts back on the hot air, descends and yells to a man he spots on the ground.", "hypothesis": "He cuts back on the hot air because he is running low."} {"idx": "mnli-4727", "premise": "Tours of the brewery itself are not offered, but the Guinness Visitor Centre, in a four-story converted 19th-century building, presents a wonderful history of the world of Guinness.", "hypothesis": "Tourists are not allowed in the brewery but are welcome at the Visitor Centre which houses a presentation regarding Guinness' past."} {"idx": "mnli-4728", "premise": "He urged Christians to pursue a kinder, gentler What we need are people who live out their faith in every walk of life, in politics, but also working in crisis pregnancy centers, drug treatment programs, and homeless shelters.", "hypothesis": "Christians tend to practice much less than they preach. "} {"idx": "mnli-4729", "premise": "(The of supranational NGO lobbying in general is analyzed by Jessica Mathews in the January/February Foreign Affairs .) Thus the old left, intentionally or not, is pushing us from national regulation to supranational regulation--albeit, in this case, a kind of private-sector supranational regulation.", "hypothesis": "Jessica Mathews has nothing to say about NGO lobbying."} {"idx": "mnli-4730", "premise": "How do you suggest I approach the topic?", "hypothesis": "How should I bring up the topic of abortion in class?"} {"idx": "mnli-4731", "premise": "They were driven out of Lower Egypt by Ahmose I who founded the 18th Dynasty, ruling over a united Egypt from a capital at Thebes.", "hypothesis": "Ahmose I ruled Egypt for one day and founded the 15th Dynasty."} {"idx": "mnli-4732", "premise": "Their very different characters offer visitors two cities for the price of one. ", "hypothesis": "They are both very similar in character."} {"idx": "mnli-4733", "premise": "Leading organizations recognize the role of IT in supporting mission accomplishment and seek to integrate it with business operations.", "hypothesis": "The role of IT is recognized by leading organizations, and that is why it is growing more and more."} {"idx": "mnli-4734", "premise": "golly that's terrible isn't it", "hypothesis": "Wow, that's so great!"} {"idx": "mnli-4735", "premise": "yeah they are if uh kind of depends on what you're looking for mine's just a one bedroom place that's uh", "hypothesis": "Mine is just a one bedroom but I know of two bedroom ones for rent."} {"idx": "mnli-4736", "premise": "Clinton on Trial", "hypothesis": "Clinton has never been on trial."} {"idx": "mnli-4737", "premise": "uh the most recent movie i saw uh i'm afraid was uh well two two of them actually uh the Rain Man was one", "hypothesis": "Rain Man is a bad book."} {"idx": "mnli-4738", "premise": "Monti believed that a decision to screen only for patients with severe alcohol problems is premature.", "hypothesis": "Monti was drunk when he made this determination."} {"idx": "mnli-4739", "premise": "The doggie deposited several droplets of precious liquid from his tiny, pure-breed bladder into the puddle.", "hypothesis": "The dog defecated in the puddle. "} {"idx": "mnli-4740", "premise": "The team now faces China, which crushed defending champion Norway 5-0.", "hypothesis": "The team is now going to play China."} {"idx": "mnli-4741", "premise": "At Sandycove, below the Joyce Museum, is the famous Forty Foot bathing spot, once a men's nude beach, but now open to everyone.", "hypothesis": "The famous Forty Foot bathing spot is at Sandycove."} {"idx": "mnli-4742", "premise": "Poirot bundled everything out on the floor with scant ceremony. ", "hypothesis": "Poirot valued everything that he laid around on the floor."} {"idx": "mnli-4743", "premise": "as well as objective (how close did the completed facility come to the original cost and schedule objectives?)", "hypothesis": "The original cost of the entire project was to be 2 million dollars."} {"idx": "mnli-4744", "premise": "The kids.", "hypothesis": "The adults."} {"idx": "mnli-4745", "premise": "i need to go over there and stay about twenty years so i can just travel go around all the places Stonehenge of course you know every everybody makes the obligatory trip to Stonehenge", "hypothesis": "I want to travel there for twenty years."} {"idx": "mnli-4746", "premise": "Shadow's small daughter breakfasted.", "hypothesis": "Shadow's daughter did not eat anything for breakfast. "} {"idx": "mnli-4747", "premise": "Vouchers, passes, letters of introduction, and printed business cards all work like magic when a confirmed reservation has become unconfirmed. ", "hypothesis": "It's important to always keep vouchers and passes in case your reservation has been cancelled for no reason."} {"idx": "mnli-4748", "premise": "Once auction invoked the incomprehensible high-speed chatter of a tobacco dealer, building to the giddy crescendo, Sold American!", "hypothesis": "The item sold at auction was a 1915 recreation of a portrait of George Washington. "} {"idx": "mnli-4749", "premise": "While I have no doubt there will be diversion, my uneducated guess is that the glide path will be longer and the incline not so steep.", "hypothesis": "The path will be longer and not incline so steeply is his guess."} {"idx": "mnli-4750", "premise": "The easy-going Louis XV was called the Bien-Aim?? (Beloved), at least in the first half of his reign.", "hypothesis": "Louis XV was difficult and unpopular."} {"idx": "mnli-4751", "premise": "they always have to think you know what's the weather doing and", "hypothesis": "Because of how bad it's been, they're always thinking about it."} {"idx": "mnli-4752", "premise": "He calls for bold liberal reforms.", "hypothesis": "He calls for bold republican reforms."} {"idx": "mnli-4753", "premise": "The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries oversees licences.", "hypothesis": "There is no oversight for licenses."} {"idx": "mnli-4754", "premise": "oh i'm sorry go ahead", "hypothesis": "Stop right there."} {"idx": "mnli-4755", "premise": "Let's not dwell on the sheer dishonesty of insinuating that I, or any serious writers on evolutionary psychology, believe infidelity or genocide or anything else is rendered inevitable genetically.", "hypothesis": "All writers agree that genetics are only part of an event's explanation."} {"idx": "mnli-4756", "premise": "and uh it was a little bit to bulky to bring all the way down to the to the beach with us and we probably should have found some way to do that or but uh and it was hot and we had a little trouble keeping ice it didn't last as long as we had planned so we had to buy that a little more often but uh the beach just couldn't uh couldn't have been any better a good place to dive for balls", "hypothesis": "The ice we brought lasted longer than we had planned."} {"idx": "mnli-4757", "premise": "An evil drill sergeant woke up in Edward.", "hypothesis": "The drill sergeant woke up."} {"idx": "mnli-4758", "premise": "Organizational support/ The executive regularly participates in activities and projects intended to further the goals of the Service Delivery Network and VBA as a whole while functioning as a dedicated and skillful team player.", "hypothesis": "The executive refuses to participate in the activities."} {"idx": "mnli-4759", "premise": "Beaches close to Tokyo and Osaka are crowded (except after 1 September, when summer for the Japanese has officially ended).", "hypothesis": "The beaches are so crowded that you can't even put your towel down."} {"idx": "mnli-4760", "premise": "right what made you all decide to put her or had what made her decide to go", "hypothesis": "How did you go about deciding to put her?"} {"idx": "mnli-4761", "premise": "my oldest yeah my oldest daughter is hard headed as can be", "hypothesis": "I have no daughters."} {"idx": "mnli-4762", "premise": "Although national saving as a share of GDP remains below the 1960s average, annual GDP growth in recent years reached levels similar to the 1960s average of 4.2 percent.", "hypothesis": "The decline of our annual GDP has caused our nation to tighten its collective belt, thus increasing our average national savings to a higher level than it was 5 decades ago."} {"idx": "mnli-4763", "premise": "Shopping in Venice", "hypothesis": "Venice has the world's best shopping."} {"idx": "mnli-4764", "premise": "I read about it in the books from Beforethewars.", "hypothesis": "There no longer were any books predating the wars."} {"idx": "mnli-4765", "premise": "More than 20% of patients who were thought to be intoxicated had no alcohol in their blood.", "hypothesis": "Less than 5% of patients that were thought to be intoxicated turned out to have no alcohol in their blood."} {"idx": "mnli-4766", "premise": "The marauders, drunk on victory, cut at them with sharp knives.", "hypothesis": "The marauders were defeated."} {"idx": "mnli-4767", "premise": "Approval thresholds, for example, should show which officials have the authority to review and approve acquisitions.", "hypothesis": "There is no way for anyone to know who is in charge of reviewing acquisitions."} {"idx": "mnli-4768", "premise": "and uh we went and saw uh Les Les Les Miserables", "hypothesis": "Les Miserables was showing when we went."} {"idx": "mnli-4769", "premise": "Murcia's cathedral stands on the plaza named in honour of Cardinal Belluga.", "hypothesis": "The plaza has several holy monuments."} {"idx": "mnli-4770", "premise": "well we had the problem when i was in with teaching um i was eighth and ninth graders that i worked with and if we did have a a student come in and they were drunk or they were on something you had the option of calling the police and have them taken out of the schools or trying to teach them something while they were there", "hypothesis": "The eight and ninth graders are more likely to turn up drunk."} {"idx": "mnli-4771", "premise": "I pretended to be rather dazed murmured something about the 'doctor' ", "hypothesis": "I wanted them to let their guard down. "} {"idx": "mnli-4772", "premise": "They let others tease out the implications of their story for them, connecting the dots among Scaife, Starr, and Hale : The billionaire endowed a position for Starr at Pepperdine University (which Starr has subsequently declined) and then bankrolled Hale, Starr's chief witness.", "hypothesis": "Starr has declined an offered position at Pepperdine University."} {"idx": "mnli-4773", "premise": "Physicians will unionize against managed care.", "hypothesis": "Doctors are embracing managed care with open arms."} {"idx": "mnli-4774", "premise": "yeah it is you know an even back then i remember you could make something for you know half what it cost to buy and of course the quality was just exceptional", "hypothesis": "Sewing allows you to control fabric and cost choices."} {"idx": "mnli-4775", "premise": "There is a choice of excellent local ethnic cuisine.", "hypothesis": "The local ethnic cuisine is wonderful and very inexpensive."} {"idx": "mnli-4776", "premise": "well it seems like i don't have time for them but i'm i don't work full-time or anything", "hypothesis": "I do not have the time for them even though I am not employed full-time."} {"idx": "mnli-4777", "premise": "Funerary artifacts found here are displayed in Mykonos.", "hypothesis": "Mykonos has the largest collection of funerary artifacts in the world. "} {"idx": "mnli-4778", "premise": "It is found only on the peninsula.", "hypothesis": "It used to be found outside the peninsula."} {"idx": "mnli-4779", "premise": "Still, they may have left something behind them that will be a clue.", "hypothesis": "They've left behind a clue potentially."} {"idx": "mnli-4780", "premise": "I have bitten my tongue all week, but I finally said something to the brat.", "hypothesis": "I've held my tongue but finally said something to the person."} {"idx": "mnli-4781", "premise": " She never comes", "hypothesis": "She never shows up."} {"idx": "mnli-4782", "premise": "yeah well Honda does too that's why i was really", "hypothesis": "I'm pretty sure Honda does that too."} {"idx": "mnli-4783", "premise": "He prowled aimlessly about his prison.", "hypothesis": "He was alone in the prison, nobody else around."} {"idx": "mnli-4784", "premise": "After the disaster at Caporetto, the planned Austro-German 1917 advance across the Veneto plain was held until the Italian counterattack of October November 1918 permitted a triumphant entry into Trento and Trieste.", "hypothesis": "The Italian counterattack in the winter of 1918 allowed entry into Trento and Trieste."} {"idx": "mnli-4785", "premise": "For example, one organization determined that more formal agreements were needed when its membership was significantly expanded.", "hypothesis": "The organization drew in new members with their weekly cookout."} {"idx": "mnli-4786", "premise": "Best Practices of Leading Commercial Companies12 DOD's Traditional Approach to Product Development15 DOD's Adoption of Best Practices16 Objectives, Scope, and Methodology17", "hypothesis": "The DOD has not yet adopted best practices."} {"idx": "mnli-4787", "premise": "The forum highlighted identified best practices and tools that can be used by federal agencies and other facility owners to manage and/or oversee design reviews throughout the facility", "hypothesis": "The meeting pointed out ways agencies can oversee design reviews."} {"idx": "mnli-4788", "premise": "Moreover, even if the '80s dramatized Soviet economic incompetence because the U.S. economy was growing so rapidly, this is no reason for the Soviet empire to implode in the way that it did.", "hypothesis": "The Soviets were incompetent in the 1980's."} {"idx": "mnli-4789", "premise": "Architects and sculptors treat the myriad parks and gardens as set designs, and nature turns the landscapes, replete with statuesque cypresses, tortuous olive and fig trees, and rows of vineyards, into so many artful backdrops for the daily brio and histrionics of la vita italiana.", "hypothesis": "The artists try to make the parks and gardens as ugly as they can."} {"idx": "mnli-4790", "premise": "yeah but uh those are all great the the interesting thing we're getting ready to have a house built", "hypothesis": "We are going to build a boat"} {"idx": "mnli-4791", "premise": "With the richness and vigor of its mural paintings, Cave 17 represents the summit of Ajanta's artistry.", "hypothesis": "Cave 17 contains murals that are rich."} {"idx": "mnli-4792", "premise": "Bush heard the word philosopher, seized on a related concept--Christ--and simply ignored the other key elements in the question, like political and identify with and why.", "hypothesis": "Bush talked about a lot of other philosophers in his speech."} {"idx": "mnli-4793", "premise": "The Kodak-Fuji case was, as innumerable press accounts have pointed out, the most important case to come before the WTO in its two years of existence.", "hypothesis": "The Kodak-Fuji case went to the WTO to be decided."} {"idx": "mnli-4794", "premise": "I can't say that my art's intended to give any particular message.", "hypothesis": "My art is intended to give a message."} {"idx": "mnli-4795", "premise": "A creative mix of international and local cuisine that includes a good vegetarian selection.", "hypothesis": "They mix international and local food including jerk chicken."} {"idx": "mnli-4796", "premise": "Grisham, it is clear, wants nothing to stand in the way of his central point--that a man who surrenders all his worldly possessions to defend the homeless is a hero.", "hypothesis": "All of Grisham's novels feature a hero who gives up everything for the homeless."} {"idx": "mnli-4797", "premise": "have a good day bye-bye", "hypothesis": "Have a good afternoon."} {"idx": "mnli-4798", "premise": " There is one shot.", "hypothesis": "There is only one chance"} {"idx": "mnli-4799", "premise": "That door was also bolted, as I had stated. ", "hypothesis": "I had stated the door was open."} {"idx": "mnli-4800", "premise": "well like what tell me", "hypothesis": "I want to know."} {"idx": "mnli-4801", "premise": "A three-second period before getting in the shower is worth far less than three seconds taken from the middle of my daughter's wedding.", "hypothesis": "Wasting time is more important at certain points in life than others."} {"idx": "mnli-4802", "premise": "In practice, it's more complicated.", "hypothesis": "It is more complex in practice."} {"idx": "mnli-4803", "premise": "Like an old party boss--and he is an old party boss--Yeltsin purges his administration regularly.", "hypothesis": "Purging his administration on the regular is something an old party boss, like Yeltsin, would do."} {"idx": "mnli-4804", "premise": "At the Equal Justice Conference (EJC) held in March 2001 in San Diego, LSC and the Project for the Future of Equal Justice held the second Case Management Software pre-conference.", "hypothesis": "The project was canceled."} {"idx": "mnli-4805", "premise": "When you consider how large a role economics plays in our national debate--and how much of the public discussion of economics is dominated by cranks and poseurs--seeing a serious economist like Barro get offered what is still, by private sector standards, a fairly modest paycheck doesn't seem particularly out of line.", "hypothesis": "Barro is a writer who specializes in art history."} {"idx": "mnli-4806", "premise": "Babur the Tiger, descendant of Timur the Lame and of Genghis Khan, accepted their welcome but made no promises.", "hypothesis": "Babur the Tiger rejected their gesture and sounded the drums of war."} {"idx": "mnli-4807", "premise": " They flew on, beyond the city toward the construction camp that had been Hanson's headquarters.", "hypothesis": "They walked slowly on towards the construction camp."} {"idx": "mnli-4808", "premise": "Thorn and the Kal will help prepare the spikes.", "hypothesis": "Thor and the Kal will help the others prepare the spikes. "} {"idx": "mnli-4809", "premise": "The crowd cheered, seeing a killing blow coming soon.", "hypothesis": "The crowd knew which boxer was going to win. "} {"idx": "mnli-4810", "premise": "Well, 'sorry' won't make the dog's leg grow back!", "hypothesis": "Sorry can help a lot. "} {"idx": "mnli-4811", "premise": "That was probably for the best.", "hypothesis": "I thought it was a bad idea."} {"idx": "mnli-4812", "premise": "Many injured ED patients are screened with a BAC, which can help identify intoxication.", "hypothesis": "Screening using a BAC can be good for picking up intoxication."} {"idx": "mnli-4813", "premise": "Ancient traditions mark this as the place of Mary's burial and assumption into heaven (while the site of the Dormition Abbey on Mount Zion is the place of Mary's death).", "hypothesis": "Mary did not die on Mount Zion."} {"idx": "mnli-4814", "premise": "Do you think they know? said Ca'daan.", "hypothesis": "Jon was wondering if they knew."} {"idx": "mnli-4815", "premise": "Number of cases in which the USPS was told by the Postal Rate Many years ago, when I was just starting my government career, one of my mentors gave me some advice, in the way of a quote purportedly from one Petronius Arbiter in 210 B.C.", "hypothesis": "Years ago, when I was new to my government career, a mentor of mine gave me a quote from Petronius Arbiter."} {"idx": "mnli-4816", "premise": "(Have I made the sale?", "hypothesis": "I was wondering if I made the sale."} {"idx": "mnli-4817", "premise": "Trials should be conducted starting with other or no opening questions, using other consumption questions such as those in AUDIT, using other screens such as TWEAK rather than CAGE, changing the sequence to CAGE or TWEAK followed by consumption questions, and checking BAC at the beginning or end of the protocol.", "hypothesis": "It's suggested to use questions from those in AUDIT when conducting trials."} {"idx": "mnli-4818", "premise": "Table 5.1 summarizes common pitfalls that we have mentioned throughout this paper.", "hypothesis": "Table 5.1 shows what the assumptions are for this paper."} {"idx": "mnli-4819", "premise": "The ivy-covered, mock-Tudor resort has become something of an institution since it was built in the 1930s.", "hypothesis": "The resort has become less and less popular since it was built."} {"idx": "mnli-4820", "premise": "And there are real pythons, too.", "hypothesis": "There are no real pythons located here."} {"idx": "mnli-4821", "premise": "Frequent special evenings with theme entertainment.", "hypothesis": "There are special evenings with great entertainment."} {"idx": "mnli-4822", "premise": "Therefore, heritage assets are reported in terms of physical units.", "hypothesis": "Heritage assets are usually not reported. "} {"idx": "mnli-4823", "premise": "and some we do green and then my wife puts them on pizzas and and chops them up in recipes and things like that", "hypothesis": "We do a portion of them green, chop them, put them in recipes and on pizza etc."} {"idx": "mnli-4824", "premise": "Well, if she can't get a divorce she doesn't have any kind of legal paperwork that would require him to support her [and their children].", "hypothesis": "After getting a divorce, she can use the documents she receives to demand support."} {"idx": "mnli-4825", "premise": "Prices vary enormously, so shopping around usually pays off handsomely.", "hypothesis": "Prices are stagnant and there is no need to look around."} {"idx": "mnli-4826", "premise": "Cyr reported that a single question in a primary care setting-Have you ever had a drinking problem?", "hypothesis": "They asked if you have had a drinking problem."} {"idx": "mnli-4827", "premise": "He must act quickly. ", "hypothesis": "He can take his time."} {"idx": "mnli-4828", "premise": "When Adolf Hitler arrived in Paris as a conqueror in 1940, the Arc de Triomphe was the first place he wanted to see.", "hypothesis": "In Paris, Hitler was interested in seeing the Arc de Triomphe. "} {"idx": "mnli-4829", "premise": "The addresses on workshared pieces are generally thought to be more accurate and are almost always machine readable.", "hypothesis": "The addresses on workshared pieces are generally thought to be more accurate."} {"idx": "mnli-4830", "premise": "i think ten percent yes of your of your consumer credit", "hypothesis": "I think it's 10% of your credit that should be used."} {"idx": "mnli-4831", "premise": "However, it often is possible-with appropriate instance selection-to obtain adequate generalizability with a manageable number of instances.", "hypothesis": "It's possible to get adequate generalizability with a manageable number of instances."} {"idx": "mnli-4832", "premise": "In general, my Darwinian strategy is to take no overt romantic actions, in keeping with the founding lie of this journey.", "hypothesis": "I have decided to be romantic."} {"idx": "mnli-4833", "premise": "because because by ten thirty i start to fade", "hypothesis": "I feel full of energy around 10:30."} {"idx": "mnli-4834", "premise": " \"A good sign,\" a man's voice said.", "hypothesis": "\"That's not good,\" said the man."} {"idx": "mnli-4835", "premise": "Its outdoor tables are a perfect vantage point for admiring the gracefully curving piazza, an exemplary piece of open-air urban theater designed in 1816 by Giuseppe Valadier, architect to Napoleon.", "hypothesis": "The outdoor tables provide an excellent line of sight for the curving piazza."} {"idx": "mnli-4836", "premise": "It is worth making a detour on the pedestrianized areas of Henry Street and Moore Street, to see their famous markets and hear the cries of the stallholders .", "hypothesis": "Henry and Moore street might be far but the travel is worth it just to see their markets."} {"idx": "mnli-4837", "premise": "Then a hand fell on his shoulder.", "hypothesis": "He felt a hand on his shoulder."} {"idx": "mnli-4838", "premise": "It was a strange looking egg--more like one of the china eggs used to make hens think they were nesting when their eggs were still being taken from them.", "hypothesis": "It was heavier than a normal egg and had an off-white color."} {"idx": "mnli-4839", "premise": "My I get insomnia, so I was excited about melatonin.", "hypothesis": "Melatonin excited me because it will cure my insomnia."} {"idx": "mnli-4840", "premise": "and he is uh just recently changed from hearing all the the DWI type stuff to uh doing what they call more of a family court where he gets to go listen to all the divorces so it wasn't much of a step up as it were", "hypothesis": "Instead, he now oversees family court where he listens to divorces."} {"idx": "mnli-4841", "premise": "Moreover, redirecting trust fund surpluses into the private market (which is what the Moynihan-Kerrey plan essentially does) has one large potential advantage--when the time comes to redeem the securities, the money should really be there.", "hypothesis": "Redirecting trust fund surpluses into the private market has no advantages."} {"idx": "mnli-4842", "premise": "and other benefits from the government.", "hypothesis": "The government will increase other benefits."} {"idx": "mnli-4843", "premise": "Testimony identified particular issues regarding agricultural workers who are permanent resident aliens and thus eligible for general representation.", "hypothesis": "There were no issues surrounding permanent resident aliens."} {"idx": "mnli-4844", "premise": "However, upstart John McCain's official site , like Bradley's, is the most popular destination for those who've entered his name into a search engine.", "hypothesis": "The majority of people who Google John McCain go to his official website."} {"idx": "mnli-4845", "premise": "13 The smaller variation in U.S. postal densities is due to differences in the quality of delivery service which dampen the impact of low population density on many routes.", "hypothesis": "US postal density varies 65% between rural and urban areas."} {"idx": "mnli-4846", "premise": "But since these suggestions are generated by computer, they can be very weird.", "hypothesis": "These suggestions are computer-generated so they can be very accurate."} {"idx": "mnli-4847", "premise": "The nearby Osaka Municipal Art Museum, near Tennoji Station, is worth visiting for its celebrated Abe Collection of 200 Chinese paintings (ninth 13th centuries) and its Ming- and Ching-dynasty ceramics (14th 19th centuries).", "hypothesis": "The Osaka Municipal Art Museum has the largest collection of Ching era ceramics in the world."} {"idx": "mnli-4848", "premise": "you know i just i guess i have kind of like hum kind of real cautious in the whole thing because i know that there's a motive that hasn't been openly discussed or revealed to anybody and uh that's where that's why i really don't have a real", "hypothesis": "The drug deal made him quite nervous and cautious about everything."} {"idx": "mnli-4849", "premise": "but i uh what i did with my garden is i have a a two by six frame that's five by ten i have two of them sitting side by side", "hypothesis": "My gardend hasn't been changed in a long time."} {"idx": "mnli-4850", "premise": "okay and that's because they cater to their own people", "hypothesis": "They cater to their own people because they're acting the same way I do."} {"idx": "mnli-4851", "premise": "yeah i i'm i really don't know what the Belgians i mean they have do they really have an identity or i mean i think they have they have an identity crisis a lot of these countries they they really don't know you know what supposed to do", "hypothesis": "A lot of these countries know exactly what you're supposed to do."} {"idx": "mnli-4852", "premise": "A museum, in the Place Alfred-Thomas, details the combined Anglo-French operation to capture this stretch of Sword Beach, with uniforms and weapons used during the action, including a pocket submarine and Goliath tank.", "hypothesis": "There is no musuem that has a dedicated exhibit to Sword Beach."} {"idx": "mnli-4853", "premise": "right right well i i work on GM cars only and i haven't noticed that that much usually the metrics will fit they're so close there's an overlap", "hypothesis": "I have always noticed that when working on GM cars."} {"idx": "mnli-4854", "premise": "To cater to Western tastes, the major cities KL, Georgetown, Melaka, Johor Bahru, Kuantan, Kuching, and Kota Kinabalu and the beach resorts have nightclubs and cocktail lounges with live music.", "hypothesis": "The major cities now have night clubs and cocktail lounges with live music to cater to Western tastes."} {"idx": "mnli-4855", "premise": "Worse yet, large insurance discounts are illegal in many states.", "hypothesis": "Even worse, certain states have made it illegal to get large insurance discounts."} {"idx": "mnli-4856", "premise": "In addition to regular art exhibitions, this wildly abstract structure features Osaka's IMAX wide-screen theater.", "hypothesis": "Osaka has three Imax theaters."} {"idx": "mnli-4857", "premise": "huh because what i was what i was going to ask you is it seems like the next big jump will come with color printing you were talking about doing your own presentation and foils it would seem that color capability would be the next big sort of leap in presentation", "hypothesis": "the next big innovation step with presentations will probably be color printing"} {"idx": "mnli-4858", "premise": "We don't know.", "hypothesis": "We can't be sure."} {"idx": "mnli-4859", "premise": "yeah things like that are just kind of absurd or once in a while they'll they'll keep uh just hounding someone that they're interviewing", "hypothesis": "If they hounded me I would walk out of the interview."} {"idx": "mnli-4860", "premise": "At last she heard footsteps inside, and a moment later Mrs. Vandemeyer herself opened the door.", "hypothesis": "No one opened the door. "} {"idx": "mnli-4861", "premise": "The range of styles and media means that you are sure to find a unique souvenir that suites your taste.", "hypothesis": "The limited amount of variety may make it hard to find a souvenir that you like."} {"idx": "mnli-4862", "premise": "Strangest of all, his lower jaw appeared to be encased in a curved plate of iron.", "hypothesis": "His lower jaw was encased in iron."} {"idx": "mnli-4863", "premise": "The rock on the Temple Mount from which he ascended, at or close to the site of the ruined Temple, was commemorated by the construction of the Dome of the Rock in 691.", "hypothesis": "The Dome of the Rock is built in honor of Dwayne the Rock Johnson in 2017."} {"idx": "mnli-4864", "premise": " The room was large and sparsely furnished.", "hypothesis": "The room was lavishly furnished and decorated."} {"idx": "mnli-4865", "premise": "Well, higher productivity growth would mean lower inflation for any given rate of wage increase.", "hypothesis": "In contrast, lower productivity growth would not necessarily mean higher inflation."} {"idx": "mnli-4866", "premise": "'And it seems to me,' the Fat Man smiled, 'that we might as well begin at once.'", "hypothesis": "The Fat Man smiled so his teeth showed."} {"idx": "mnli-4867", "premise": "No, I don't think I did.", "hypothesis": "I do not think I did that, no."} {"idx": "mnli-4868", "premise": "Keen walkers enjoy this tip of the island, but for many it is a little too invigorating for comfort.", "hypothesis": "Many people feel that the tip of the island is too physically taxing to be comfortable with."} {"idx": "mnli-4869", "premise": "The house they sought was some way down.", "hypothesis": "The place of residence they were looking for was some way down and hard to spot."} {"idx": "mnli-4870", "premise": "and to keep abreast of the knowledge out there we got to constantly read go to school uh TV watching has sure hasn't gone too much out the door because TV is still well the cable system and the satellite dishes has made it to where a lot of people can just leave regular TV programming and watch a lot of other a variety of programs out there as well as use of the VCR", "hypothesis": "We read a lot and went to school, depending on what day it was."} {"idx": "mnli-4871", "premise": "We had no choice but to attack.", "hypothesis": "Our only option wasn't a safe one."} {"idx": "mnli-4872", "premise": "With great effort, I hauled him up onto my back.", "hypothesis": "I picked him up to carry him to the hospital."} {"idx": "mnli-4873", "premise": "The cooking is good and filling and the hosts are friendly (he's from Chicago).", "hypothesis": "The food is wonderful and fresh."} {"idx": "mnli-4874", "premise": "Close to 80 individuals serve on the committees.", "hypothesis": "Almost 80 individuals serve on firefighting squads."} {"idx": "mnli-4875", "premise": "And we stayed in bed.", "hypothesis": "We made breakfast and ate it in bed."} {"idx": "mnli-4876", "premise": "They are in the Reform Party.", "hypothesis": "They used to be Democrats, but now are in the Reform Party."} {"idx": "mnli-4877", "premise": "huh well maybe some day you'll own your parents' homes", "hypothesis": "You will never own your parents' home there is no chance. "} {"idx": "mnli-4878", "premise": "But if you are here simply to have fun, you might not even notice.", "hypothesis": "There is much here to worry someone. "} {"idx": "mnli-4879", "premise": "i went there to to visit the Underground when that was you know the Underground City", "hypothesis": "The Underground City is a bar in downtown."} {"idx": "mnli-4880", "premise": "The monetary wealth and vast tracts of land owned by the monasteries were redistributed according to Henry's favor.", "hypothesis": "The monetary wealth and vast amount of land that was owned by monasteries was redistributed based on Henry's decisions."} {"idx": "mnli-4881", "premise": "okay i'm in Garland", "hypothesis": "I am in Garland, Texas. "} {"idx": "mnli-4882", "premise": "The final analysis points out that the expedited application/notice procedures and the removal of unnecessary and outmoded regulatory restriction will be particularly helpful to small bank holding companies.", "hypothesis": "Small banks are highly dependent on old regulations and restrictions."} {"idx": "mnli-4883", "premise": "they have uh twenty seven computers for each of the little labs and each lab serves uh two grades so the first and second graders have their own batch of computers that they've cycled the kids through and", "hypothesis": "The school decided to buy Apple desktop computers for its labs."} {"idx": "mnli-4884", "premise": " Eilat enjoys a prime location on the migration path for birds flying from Europe and Asia to Africa.", "hypothesis": "Eilat is a great location on the path of migration for birds."} {"idx": "mnli-4885", "premise": "Temperate and spontaneous fun sounds like something one might have to do in a work camp.", "hypothesis": "A work camp would have temperate amount of fun."} {"idx": "mnli-4886", "premise": "The King's Antechamber was where he entertained his more favored guests.", "hypothesis": "The king entertained the guests he enjoyed more in the antechamber. "} {"idx": "mnli-4887", "premise": "oh that's great no uh uh my daughter has talked to my daughter up here with us i have another one and she's talked to students uh so i guess they have uh sent this to their customers and people in colleges and things so they're if you're a computer user so my daughter has talked to two students uh that were non TIers so i guess oh yeah", "hypothesis": "You didn't have any daughters that spoke with students."} {"idx": "mnli-4888", "premise": " \"Heard tell as you boys don't think th' war's clear over yet,\"Fenner observed.", "hypothesis": "Fenner heard in the bar that these boys don't think the war is over."} {"idx": "mnli-4889", "premise": "From simple telephone advice to complete legal representation in court, the agency provides free consumer, health, family, immigration, housing, public benefits and labor legal services to people who earn under $1,380 per month.", "hypothesis": "The agency provides services to people earning less than $1,380 a month."} {"idx": "mnli-4890", "premise": "yeah i think that was one of the main reasons that i quit was because i wanted my kids to have my values and i felt like when they were young that was the time to instill it that it could be it could be added to and strengthened as they grew older but when they were little", "hypothesis": "I have terrible values, and I wouldn't want to teach them to my kids."} {"idx": "mnli-4891", "premise": "He poured some kefir into himself, and then by mistake into the vat.", "hypothesis": "It was a mistake to pour it into the vat because it might explode."} {"idx": "mnli-4892", "premise": "LSC wants the title to go to the equal justice center in Charleston or we want 100 percent of the proceeds from the sale of the building to stay in Charleston.", "hypothesis": "We want the proceeds to go to Georgia and Alabama."} {"idx": "mnli-4893", "premise": "well that's all i really know about recycling", "hypothesis": "that's all i've ever learned about recycling, though i'd like to learn more"} {"idx": "mnli-4894", "premise": "Along with his younger brother, Jean-Baptiste, Sieur de Bienville, he established several tentative settlements along the Mississippi.", "hypothesis": "Jean-Baptiste believed that these settlements will prosper because they had such an amazing river near them."} {"idx": "mnli-4895", "premise": "In fact, these were bound to order.\"", "hypothesis": "It was a fact that they were bound to order."} {"idx": "mnli-4896", "premise": "right when the days start getting a little longer you know you can i can start doing it in the evening after work", "hypothesis": "I do it at the same time every day regardless of how bright it is."} {"idx": "mnli-4897", "premise": "Kaufman was a nonsmoker, which naturally made people doubt him.", "hypothesis": "Kaufman was a heavy smoker. "} {"idx": "mnli-4898", "premise": "I know Del'Rosa, said Jon.", "hypothesis": "Jon did not know Del'Rosa and that's what he told us. "} {"idx": "mnli-4899", "premise": "Thorn's blade swung and cut the man's arm and opened his belly.", "hypothesis": "Thorn opened the man's belly with his samurai blade."} {"idx": "mnli-4900", "premise": "This fine building with its Corinthian portico was designed by Thomas Cooley.", "hypothesis": "Thomas Cooley designed in the Corinthian style."} {"idx": "mnli-4901", "premise": "You're not much to look at, but you're the best we could find in the Ways we can reach.", "hypothesis": "You are more than what we would have hoped for."} {"idx": "mnli-4902", "premise": "Due to their limited staff and budget, LSSM can only serve a fraction of those who need legal representation.", "hypothesis": "LSSM does not have much left as far as staff and budget are concerned so they will not be able to serve everyone who needs represented. "} {"idx": "mnli-4903", "premise": "What LSC found when it began the assessment of the CSR system was a 20-year-old reporting structure, the guidance for which had not been updated since 1993.", "hypothesis": "LSC found that the guidance hadn't been updated in years."} {"idx": "mnli-4904", "premise": "Figure 3: Figure 4: Figure 5: Figure 6: Figure 7: Factors to Consider in Making the Decision on Using the Data 1 Decision Process for Determining If a Data Reliability Assessment Is Required 7 Data Reliability Assessment Process 13 The First Steps of the Assessment 14 The Preliminary Assessment 19 Choosing and Conducting Additional Work 23 Making the Final Assessment 28", "hypothesis": "Figure 3, Figure, 4, and Figure 8 are all included."} {"idx": "mnli-4905", "premise": "well i do it all uh yes i i try to grow uh uh a vegetable garden and", "hypothesis": "I usually wait until May to start planting the vegetables."} {"idx": "mnli-4906", "premise": "'Oh, Natalia,' Greuze called.", "hypothesis": "Greuze ignored Natalia."} {"idx": "mnli-4907", "premise": "A Federation of Malay States Selangor, Perak, Negeri Sembilan, and Pahang was proclaimed in 1896 to coordinate an economic and administrative organization.", "hypothesis": "This organization brought thousands of new jobs to the sector."} {"idx": "mnli-4908", "premise": "It sounds complex, she added, but it really allows nontechnical people like me and other lawyers to add content directly to the Web sites so they become a legal aid community online.", "hypothesis": "Being able to allow other people to add content freed up IT for other tasks."} {"idx": "mnli-4909", "premise": "When I went to shut up, sir. ", "hypothesis": "When I went to speak, sir."} {"idx": "mnli-4910", "premise": "have you ever served on a on a jury trial", "hypothesis": "The interviewer was asking about the client's legal background."} {"idx": "mnli-4911", "premise": "He placed a wooden hand in mine and said: \"This is a pleasure, Mr. Hastings.\" Then, turning to his wife: \"Emily dearest, I think that cushion is a little damp.\" She beamed fondly on him, as he substituted another with every demonstration of the tenderest care. ", "hypothesis": "He looked at his wife and just smiled."} {"idx": "mnli-4912", "premise": "about the different areas of of the kind of the state by reading it", "hypothesis": "None of the areas are different. "} {"idx": "mnli-4913", "premise": "The British Residency today preserved as a monument initially commemorated British resistance, but since Independence it has been visited by Indians interested in this relic of their own struggle for self-assertion, or interested in a family picnic on the lawns.", "hypothesis": "Indians tend to avoid visiting the British Residency, since it's a painful reminder of colonialism."} {"idx": "mnli-4914", "premise": "When both sides are mad at you, it's seldom because you are a model of fairness.", "hypothesis": "If both sides are unhappy with you, it's not usually because you're perfectly fair."} {"idx": "mnli-4915", "premise": "The museum is open late April September, Monday Friday 10am 6pm, Saturday and Sunday 1 6pm; October November daily 1 5pm; admission adults IRa2.", "hypothesis": "The museum is open most of the year."} {"idx": "mnli-4916", "premise": "The Clintonites had a worthier foe in mind.", "hypothesis": "The group was thinking of someone else."} {"idx": "mnli-4917", "premise": "Like the early flags, these elements got reworked in a variety of media and a range of combinations--as though if the right combinations were found, the rebus might be decoded (though, of course, it never is).", "hypothesis": "Early flags get reworked in a number of media mediums."} {"idx": "mnli-4918", "premise": "Your hand will always want your sword again.", "hypothesis": "You will want to kill people again. "} {"idx": "mnli-4919", "premise": "As a result, Gandhi and his party were defeated in the elections of November 1989 by the National Front, composed of five parties including the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).", "hypothesis": "Gandhi and his party maintained a monopoly on government until 1995."} {"idx": "mnli-4920", "premise": "A constant dollar is derived by dividing a current dollar amount by a price index.", "hypothesis": "Constant dollar includes lots of math"} {"idx": "mnli-4921", "premise": "come home and get back into regular clothes again", "hypothesis": "Leave home and get in a suit again."} {"idx": "mnli-4922", "premise": "Tokugawa Takes All", "hypothesis": "Tokugawa gives out all his possessions."} {"idx": "mnli-4923", "premise": "No, it'll be a grudge match between Reeves and Broncos coach Mike Shanahan, whom Reeves fired as the Broncos' offensive coordinator years ago for insubordination.", "hypothesis": "Reeves and Mike used to work together."} {"idx": "mnli-4924", "premise": "Behind the port is a maze of narrow alleys and whitewashed houses with overhanging balconies resplendent with potted plants and masses of bougainvillea.", "hypothesis": "There are a lot of narrow alleys behind the port."} {"idx": "mnli-4925", "premise": "Unique to Turkey is the national sport of oiled wrestling.", "hypothesis": "Oiled wrestling is the national sport of Turkey."} {"idx": "mnli-4926", "premise": "They should be mining.", "hypothesis": "They shouldn't be mining."} {"idx": "mnli-4927", "premise": "On occasion, the congressional client(s) who requested the work may ask to see the agency's comments before GAO's final report is issued.", "hypothesis": "The client doesn't trust the agency "} {"idx": "mnli-4928", "premise": "There, over two days, I fell in with another trapped journalist.", "hypothesis": "I was trapped with another journalist over the course of 48 hours."} {"idx": "mnli-4929", "premise": " Dave reached for a heavy hammer, meaning to follow.", "hypothesis": "Dave meant to follow with a heavy hammer."} {"idx": "mnli-4930", "premise": "oh gosh call the crisis line yeah i bet", "hypothesis": "There's no crisis line left."} {"idx": "mnli-4931", "premise": "Figure 2: Improved Government Operations Resulting From GAO Recommendations", "hypothesis": "Government operations are improved as a result of GAO recommendations for budget cuts."} {"idx": "mnli-4932", "premise": "That 100% cashmere label you show them on your best sweater could provoke a loud snort of Scotland! ", "hypothesis": "Your sweater is made of cotton."} {"idx": "mnli-4933", "premise": "Even during the 1950s, the height of American conformism, women consistently ranked advice from mothers, sisters, and friends as more likely to drive their buying decisions than advertising.", "hypothesis": "Women depend on ads to make decisions."} {"idx": "mnli-4934", "premise": "Ramses IV was responsible for saving many of the mummies of his ancestors after tomb robbers desecrated their places of rest, stealing the treasures without thought for the reputation of the dead rulers.", "hypothesis": "After tomb robbers thoughtlessly stole the treasures in the tombs, Ramses IV was responsible for most of mummies within them."} {"idx": "mnli-4935", "premise": "Operating information is also needed to determine whether the agency is achieving its compliance requirements under various laws and regulations.", "hypothesis": "Operating information in essential in determining whether or not the agency is compliant with legal requirements. "} {"idx": "mnli-4936", "premise": "Reductions in its resource levels, combined with increases and shifts in its workload have in recent years prompted GAO to take strong measures to more efficiently accomplish its mission.", "hypothesis": "The GAO eliminated lunch breaks for all employees in an attempt to increase production."} {"idx": "mnli-4937", "premise": "Several of the assumptions used tend to provide conservative estimates of the benefit of running surpluses or lower deficits and of the harm of increasing deficits.", "hypothesis": "None of the assumptions make wild guesses of the benefits."} {"idx": "mnli-4938", "premise": "Tell that to us before the Don Cazar!\" Shannon curled the quirt lash about his wrist.", "hypothesis": "Shannon was angry with the man. "} {"idx": "mnli-4939", "premise": "it'd be cheaper to move that than buy another one", "hypothesis": "It's sad that relocating this one would be cheaper than buying a fresh one."} {"idx": "mnli-4940", "premise": "Several mentioned the importance of networking with outside organizations, such as the International Information Integrity Institute, the European Security Forum, and the Forum of Incident Response and Security", "hypothesis": "Networking with organization, like the European Security Forum, was stated to be of importance."} {"idx": "mnli-4941", "premise": "The impeachment trial is spinning off new stories . 1) Republican senators are inviting Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr to investigate a rumor that a White House taping system may have recorded President Clinton's phone conversations with Monica Lewinsky.", "hypothesis": "The impeachment trial has stopped releasing stories on Clinton."} {"idx": "mnli-4942", "premise": "well yeah but you know there there are so many people who just get get their jollies off of watching that", "hypothesis": "No one enjoys watching that."} {"idx": "mnli-4943", "premise": "For more profound sea experiences, try scuba diving.", "hypothesis": "Scuba diving is really no more interesting than swimming."} {"idx": "mnli-4944", "premise": "especially around bonus time", "hypothesis": "Especially around the time of the bonus."} {"idx": "mnli-4945", "premise": "And do remember, as I have pointed out to you before, that as a clergyman's daughter \" 28 \"I ought to be on the stage!\" finished Tuppence with a snap.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence's dad was a garbage collector."} {"idx": "mnli-4946", "premise": "She has merely learned that her leaders are capable of stupid mistakes in their dealings with her.", "hypothesis": "Her leaders never made mistakes. "} {"idx": "mnli-4947", "premise": "right right some uh stimulator down so uh yeah it's never a problem to plant things in the summer", "hypothesis": "It is bad to plant things in the summer. "} {"idx": "mnli-4948", "premise": "When this is achieved, risk management becomes the business of everyone in the organization.", "hypothesis": "Only a few are involved in risk management"} {"idx": "mnli-4949", "premise": "Families can be removed for drug use by one member, whether the drug activity is in the home or somewhere else.", "hypothesis": "Families can only be removed if they are all participating in drug use."} {"idx": "mnli-4950", "premise": "it wasn't bad", "hypothesis": "The food wasn't bad."} {"idx": "mnli-4951", "premise": "Despite the large numbers who come to view the spring blossoms and the superb fall leaves, the Philosopher's Path is one of Kyoto's most tranquil and beloved strolls.", "hypothesis": "The Philosopher's Path is through a very busy intersection. "} {"idx": "mnli-4952", "premise": "For the moment, however, the fix is in for the consumer.", "hypothesis": "The fix is not in for the consumer."} {"idx": "mnli-4953", "premise": "and it's it's quite a bit i think six something is the state and and uh the rest of the pie goes elsewhere but we're in a particular part of the state that's pretty well off so it's it's like we get a lot of that back as far as local taxation goes", "hypothesis": "I am the tax collector for my city."} {"idx": "mnli-4954", "premise": "complaining to her about their disgusting fellow citizens.", "hypothesis": "Complaining to her about their wonderful fellow citizens."} {"idx": "mnli-4955", "premise": "they have got two log cabin shelters that are basically uh four walls and a roof log cabins with a concrete floor and a picnic table in them and a ceiling fan and screened uh windows", "hypothesis": "There are windows, a fan, a picnic table and a concrete floor in the log cabins."} {"idx": "mnli-4956", "premise": "I'll help you to hang Alfred with pleasure, she replied gruffly. ", "hypothesis": "She was happy to assist."} {"idx": "mnli-4957", "premise": "The judges were reluctant to raise those fees but eventually decided that supporting probono services was important enough and lawyers had a responsibility to contribute to the cause, Harrison said.", "hypothesis": "The support of probono services outweighed general reluctance to increase fees."} {"idx": "mnli-4958", "premise": "but we have a real good sense of where it's going", "hypothesis": "We know exactly where this is headed."} {"idx": "mnli-4959", "premise": "Exca?\u00adva?\u00adtions have uncovered a 12th-century structure under part of the Palais de Justice.", "hypothesis": "Experts believe the building excavated under the Palais de Justice was a church."} {"idx": "mnli-4960", "premise": "Downtown Fort-de-France and Pointe-Pitre are flooded with dancers, notably diablesses, all dressed in black and white and losing themselves in the biguine.", "hypothesis": "The downtown area has dancers who dress up and dance to very loud music."} {"idx": "mnli-4961", "premise": "PBS's Nova is offering lots of bang-'em-up footage in its two-part series , ESCAPE!", "hypothesis": "Nova has a series about weather called ESCAPE!"} {"idx": "mnli-4962", "premise": "i wish i had known more about what a school meant", "hypothesis": "I didn't know that much about what schools meant"} {"idx": "mnli-4963", "premise": "In 1793, when the leaders of the Revolution declared the palace a national museum, the Louvre held 630 works of art; a recent inventory listed 250,000.", "hypothesis": "The leaders of the Revolution declared the palace a national museum and soon 1 million people were visiting each year."} {"idx": "mnli-4964", "premise": "You said Rennie sighed.", "hypothesis": "You mentioned that Rennie let out a breath of air."} {"idx": "mnli-4965", "premise": "Collective bargaining will win doctors more control over the type and quantity of medication they prescribe, resulting in better care for patients.", "hypothesis": "Collective bargaining will restrict doctors' ability to prescribe quality medicine for their patients."} {"idx": "mnli-4966", "premise": "Neither did he notice at a small dog, belonging emotionally and lawfully to an elegant female professor from the Department of Westernmostentatious European Polonisation, who sat reading a newspaper on a nearby bench.", "hypothesis": "The dog was of the chihuahua breed. "} {"idx": "mnli-4967", "premise": "I'll see if I can help you out.'", "hypothesis": "I'll talk to my brother and see if there's anything we can do to help."} {"idx": "mnli-4968", "premise": "Completed in 1440, its Flamboyant Gothic design has a flair and grace that bewitch you into imagining the long-gone gilt of its facade (from which it earned its name).", "hypothesis": "Despite its reputation, it only stood for 100 years before being torn down and replaced. "} {"idx": "mnli-4969", "premise": "But it seems telling that it was IBM, which has seen currency problems erode earnings for two years now, that led Tuesday's rally by announcing it was going to buy back $3.", "hypothesis": "IBM has seen currency problems going on for two years and is in big trouble according to the journalists."} {"idx": "mnli-4970", "premise": "i don't drink Scotch", "hypothesis": "I do not ingest Scotch."} {"idx": "mnli-4971", "premise": "Lounge chairs under thatched-roof huts, water chute into the sea, and rope swing provide extra entertainment.", "hypothesis": "There are lounge chairs in the hut."} {"idx": "mnli-4972", "premise": "Chief among Will China preserve the rule of law and free speech, which are essential for business prosperity?", "hypothesis": "There is a question among whether China will preserve the rule of law and free speech."} {"idx": "mnli-4973", "premise": "The Ledfords say they came away from a hurried loan closing without understanding how much their mortgage payments would increase or how Reilly had qualified them to borrow $360,000.", "hypothesis": "The Ledfords do not make any instinctual decisions towards loans."} {"idx": "mnli-4974", "premise": "Preserved here is an entire 16th century village that served as the headquarters of the Asakura clan, which ruled Echizen until 1573.", "hypothesis": "The Asakura clan ruled Echizen until 1573"} {"idx": "mnli-4975", "premise": "Therefore, there was no requirement to prepare an initial or final regulatory flexibility analysis under sections 603 or 604 of the Act.", "hypothesis": "There has always been a requirement to have the analysis."} {"idx": "mnli-4976", "premise": "During the creative process, which was moderated by la Rousse according to the patented 4-192.5-3 method, the words most frequently used in any language, that is vulgarisms, were devised and listed here as 'regrod', 'hurcia', 'larnogha' and 'dygil'.", "hypothesis": "La Rousse moderated the creative process."} {"idx": "mnli-4977", "premise": "like you say long term that have penalties and all sorts of other things they", "hypothesis": "There are no penalties involved with long term."} {"idx": "mnli-4978", "premise": "i would if it were if they were my kids i would so i have to sympathize with the people that come over here and work and send money back", "hypothesis": "If they were my kids I would do it. "} {"idx": "mnli-4979", "premise": "Sewn up in oilskin.", "hypothesis": "The oilskin was sealed with thread."} {"idx": "mnli-4980", "premise": "Shiloh's not for sale, Coronel, Drew replied.", "hypothesis": "Shiloh is not up to be sold, Coronel. "} {"idx": "mnli-4981", "premise": "Although many of these recommendations have been implemented, similar weaknesses continue to surface because agencies have not implemented a management framework for overseeing information security on an agencywide and ongoing basis.", "hypothesis": "All of these recommendations have been implemented"} {"idx": "mnli-4982", "premise": "Program Letter 2000-7 was sent to the field at the end of 2000 calling on each state to evaluate and report on their state planning progress.", "hypothesis": "The program letter was sent at the end of 2002."} {"idx": "mnli-4983", "premise": "It also describes the small entities to which the proposed rule will apply and estimates their number.", "hypothesis": "The proposed rule will apply to large entities."} {"idx": "mnli-4984", "premise": "yeah i'm in North Carolina", "hypothesis": "I'm in North Carolina."} {"idx": "mnli-4985", "premise": "Not to dismiss this new breed of country rockers altogether.", "hypothesis": "The new country rockers have relatable ideas, thus causing some commonalities between us so we shouldn't dismiss them."} {"idx": "mnli-4986", "premise": "because too too often they're can be extremism that that hurts from from any direction regardless of whatever whatever you're arguing or concerned about and", "hypothesis": "Extremism hurts people who are more moderate."} {"idx": "mnli-4987", "premise": "I would be interested in knowing more of what you make of this last chapter, and his position.", "hypothesis": "I'm glad you've read the book, but I have no desire to know what you think of it."} {"idx": "mnli-4988", "premise": "Architect Donato Bramante was nicknamed maestro ruinante because of all the ancient monuments he dismantled to make way for the pope's megalomaniac building plans.", "hypothesis": "The Pope was well aware that Bramante needed to destroy these ancient monuments."} {"idx": "mnli-4989", "premise": "Others may prefer to stay ashore in the cafe, shops, and galleries around the Place de la Com??die, a main center of city life.", "hypothesis": "Visitors are prohibited from visiting any onshore shops or building."} {"idx": "mnli-4990", "premise": "Arriving by boat gives you splendid views of the magnificent unspoiled, treeless landscape, which bears scant evidence of the hand of man.", "hypothesis": "The landscape is treeless and you can see this if you travel by boat."} {"idx": "mnli-4991", "premise": "Although all dialog and narration are in Japanese, an English interpretation device or an English program is always available.", "hypothesis": "An English program or interpretation device is always available for the Japanese dialog and narration."} {"idx": "mnli-4992", "premise": "i mean it's not as vast a country as like you know where you people are from because i lived in Abilene for a little while", "hypothesis": "It is not quite as vast a country as you have."} {"idx": "mnli-4993", "premise": "Cummins built and tested 12 engineering concept prototype engines for its Signature 600 engine, a new concept, 600 horsepower,", "hypothesis": "600 horsepower was considered to be quite impressive for an engine of that size."} {"idx": "mnli-4994", "premise": "And I can tell you, my dear, it made me feel better.", "hypothesis": "Feeling better was something I needed back then."} {"idx": "mnli-4995", "premise": "right because clothes are some are really expensive you know uh uh a little simple shell shell blouse you know that you can make for about", "hypothesis": "Clothes are sometimes expensive, so it could be worth it to make them."} {"idx": "mnli-4996", "premise": "I'll admit that it wasn't he who bought strychnine at the chemist's shop. ", "hypothesis": "I'll admit to nothing, this whole conversation is meaningless!"} {"idx": "mnli-4997", "premise": "Particularly noteworthy are the ornately French Edificio Metr??polis, at the junction of Alcal?\u00a1, and the Palacio de la M??sica.", "hypothesis": "The Edificio Metr??polis is simple and Spanish."} {"idx": "mnli-4998", "premise": "Do you mean tall or short?", "hypothesis": "Do you mean lean of fat?"} {"idx": "mnli-4999", "premise": "Some writers hint that the only reason Ta Mok bothered with the trial and the life sentence is to burnish the Khmer Rouge's bloody image.", "hypothesis": "Ta Mok was given a life sentence."} {"idx": "mnli-5000", "premise": "The rapid increase in attention-deficit disorder is a striking example of diagnosis creep.", "hypothesis": "The increased in diagnoses has been tied to environmental factors and nothing else."} {"idx": "mnli-5001", "premise": "It was refurbished and the whole palace greatly extended in the following years.", "hypothesis": "The palace has not been renovated recently."} {"idx": "mnli-5002", "premise": "and so i think um it's become real important to me that we try to spend time together as a family so there's one or two nights a week we have a on Monday nights we set aside time where it's called uh family home evening and we stay home that evening all of us and we do things together", "hypothesis": "On Monday evening we have family home evening where we all remain at the house and do things together."} {"idx": "mnli-5003", "premise": "For mercury, the 1996 National Toxics Inventory was modified based on the 1999 information collection effort for coal utilities and the 2002 MACT implementation for medical waste incinerators, and the 2000 MACT implementation for municipal waste combustors was used.", "hypothesis": "The 1996 National Toxics Inventory was modified based on information collected in 1999."} {"idx": "mnli-5004", "premise": "The sight chilled Jon's skin.", "hypothesis": "John's skin was chilled because it was cold outside."} {"idx": "mnli-5005", "premise": "i know they lost recently to the Bucks in Milwaukee", "hypothesis": "They didn't win recently."} {"idx": "mnli-5006", "premise": "For all he knew, in such a sky there might be cracks.", "hypothesis": "He knew there could never be cracks in any kind of sky."} {"idx": "mnli-5007", "premise": "it it doesn't start until seven o'clock our time so we still got another hour", "hypothesis": "It's about to start, hurry we will be late."} {"idx": "mnli-5008", "premise": "And the sunsets are breathtaking.", "hypothesis": "The sunsets are stunningly beautiful."} {"idx": "mnli-5009", "premise": "For example, the state university at one of our case study locations had conducted a study revealing continuing gaps in the stateas ability to recruit and retain IT workers vis-a-vis industry.", "hypothesis": "The best IT workers dream of working for state agencies."} {"idx": "mnli-5010", "premise": "The ceiling painting of the Sun King in his chariot and pictorial references to Alexander the Great and Augustus Caesar make it abundantly clear the Salon d'Apollon was Louis XIV's throne room.", "hypothesis": "Louis XIV used the Salon d'Apollon as his throne room."} {"idx": "mnli-5011", "premise": "Practices and Applications for Vocational Education.", "hypothesis": "No practice for vocational education."} {"idx": "mnli-5012", "premise": "a 716(b) establish mechanisms for resolution of GAO access-to-records problems.", "hypothesis": "The resolution of the problem was quite tough."} {"idx": "mnli-5013", "premise": "no but the idea though is well is if if you could put two or three families in a in a together they'd be a lot easier and apparently they all just save their money and and uh and buy a bunch of things", "hypothesis": "They have one house per family. "} {"idx": "mnli-5014", "premise": "In all the inaugurals from Washington through James Buchanan, the average number of words per sentence was 44.", "hypothesis": "In all the inaugurals from Washington through James Buchanan, the number of words per sentence was on average 10 as he wrote vary sparingly."} {"idx": "mnli-5015", "premise": "A curiosity here is Ribera's portrait of a bearded woman.", "hypothesis": "Ribera is not the artist behind the portrait of the bearded woman."} {"idx": "mnli-5016", "premise": "By making a tax dispute the putative reason for invading a planet, Lucas merely transposed historical events that Americans ought to be familiar with.", "hypothesis": "Americans could not be familiar with the reasons for the invasion of a a planet."} {"idx": "mnli-5017", "premise": " Locally produced pottery may also interest you.", "hypothesis": "Locally produced ashtrays may be interesting as well."} {"idx": "mnli-5018", "premise": "Clinton claims to have known nothing about the Chinese plans.", "hypothesis": "There were no hints toward Clinton knowing anything about the Chinese plans, as claimed by Clinton, but this seems unbelievable."} {"idx": "mnli-5019", "premise": "I blame the ambiguous use of ellipses.", "hypothesis": "The ambiguous use of ellipses causes much confusion constantly. "} {"idx": "mnli-5020", "premise": "But why should Bradley shut up about the Clinton-Gore fund-raising scandal?", "hypothesis": "Why does Bradley have two mouths?"} {"idx": "mnli-5021", "premise": "Many beaches also have water rides in which you sit on or in a rubber shape and are pulled along behind a speed boat.", "hypothesis": "No beaches will allow you to be pulled by a boat. "} {"idx": "mnli-5022", "premise": "There's a huge difference, for example, between smoking marijuana and smoking heroin and between communicating to an 8-year-old or a 14-year-old.", "hypothesis": "You will usually find it easier to communicate with a 14-year-old than an 8-year-old."} {"idx": "mnli-5023", "premise": "The great historical novels are always about contemporary consciousness.", "hypothesis": "Great historical novels do not focus on contemporary consciousness."} {"idx": "mnli-5024", "premise": "Strictly speaking, Bharatpur is in Rajasthan, but proximity, just 42 km (26 miles) due west of Agra, makes it logical to include here.", "hypothesis": "The two cities are not included together."} {"idx": "mnli-5025", "premise": "Does this constitute an independent argument for taxing pollution, quite aside from its environmental payoff?", "hypothesis": "In regards to the taxation, will the environment get better"} {"idx": "mnli-5026", "premise": "Besides the widely reported increase in the bust-line of teen singing star Britney Spears, Gwyneth Paltrow is planning an expansion, reports the Star . The possible surgery was prompted by fashion critics [comments] on her lack of cleavage in her pink Oscar dress.", "hypothesis": "Gwyneth Paltrow was criticized for not having enough cleavage at the Oscars. "} {"idx": "mnli-5027", "premise": "It definitely helps us sell our products, says Peter Paris, a spokesman for SmithKline Beecham, maker of Nicoderm, because it provides the consumer with a more credible resource behind this particular product.", "hypothesis": "Peter Paris said it helps them sell products."} {"idx": "mnli-5028", "premise": "Since I was here an hour ago. ", "hypothesis": "Since I arrived an hour ago."} {"idx": "mnli-5029", "premise": "What you can see are the lovely grounds of the East Garden, the moat and massive stone ramparts, and those few examples of classic Japanese architecture gates, bridges, armories, and watchtowers that have survived since the 17th century.", "hypothesis": "There is nowhere to see classical Japanese architecture as it has all been destroyed."} {"idx": "mnli-5030", "premise": "and it was sunny and forty five degrees so we couldn't have done much better than that in Buffalo", "hypothesis": "It was ninety eight degrees out and cloudy, so I think we could have done better."} {"idx": "mnli-5031", "premise": "[Y]ou can give people all the rights you want, but if they have no way to enforce those rights, those rights are meaningless.", "hypothesis": "Rights are meaningless if given to people who can't enforce them."} {"idx": "mnli-5032", "premise": "Bob Dole's from Kansas and ...", "hypothesis": "Bob Dole was born in Paris, France."} {"idx": "mnli-5033", "premise": "What you can see are the lovely grounds of the East Garden, the moat and massive stone ramparts, and those few examples of classic Japanese architecture gates, bridges, armories, and watchtowers that have survived since the 17th century.", "hypothesis": "There are a few examples of classical Japanese architecture such as the gates, bridges, armouries and watchtowers."} {"idx": "mnli-5034", "premise": "'Shame you work for the mafia, then,' I replied.", "hypothesis": "I said shame on you that you are with the mafia."} {"idx": "mnli-5035", "premise": "5The Long-Term Budget Outlook, Congressional Budget Office (October 2000).", "hypothesis": "The report is about the budget outlook."} {"idx": "mnli-5036", "premise": "The railway line then curves gracefully around Tolo Harbor, an idyllic body of water well-protected from the open sea.", "hypothesis": "Tolo Harbor is home to a vast amount of fish species."} {"idx": "mnli-5037", "premise": "Hillary is a prude, forcing Clinton to satisfy his sexual needs elsewhere.", "hypothesis": "Clinton has been faithful to Hillary all along."} {"idx": "mnli-5038", "premise": "The VSL applied in this analysis is then built up from that VSLY by taking the present value of the stream of life years, again assuming a 3 percent discount rate.", "hypothesis": "The discount rate is more than 10 percent."} {"idx": "mnli-5039", "premise": "To the left is the diminutive Temple of Seti II, and further along on the right a larger temple dedicated to Ramses III.", "hypothesis": "The Temple of Seti II is nicer than the other temple, despite its smaller size."} {"idx": "mnli-5040", "premise": "This chapter prescribes reporting standards and provides guidance to auditors reporting on performance audits in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards (GAGAS).", "hypothesis": "Auditors receive no guidance in their reports on performance audits."} {"idx": "mnli-5041", "premise": "First, Serb forces massacred 45 ethnic Albanians, including women and a child.", "hypothesis": "Serb forces massacred the Albanian men but did not kill any women or children."} {"idx": "mnli-5042", "premise": "With a Wax Museum ticket, you can also visit the adjacent Ripley's Believe It or Not!", "hypothesis": "The Wax Museum ticket is only good for the Wax Museum only."} {"idx": "mnli-5043", "premise": "Meanwhile, Fuzzy Zoeller lunched with Woods at a country club and has evidently patched things up.", "hypothesis": "Fuzzy and Woods ordered some pasta and tomato sauce."} {"idx": "mnli-5044", "premise": "This is only one of several entrances to the Haram es-Sharif, the noble enclosure atop the Temple Mount.", "hypothesis": "The Temple Mount is adjacent to the hill where you find the Haram es-Sharif."} {"idx": "mnli-5045", "premise": "Cat , dig , and hipster are enjoying a resurgence.", "hypothesis": "Slang terms are really stupid and uncool to use."} {"idx": "mnli-5046", "premise": "The challenge by pro-choice groups was based on narrow arguments, but the media are spinning the court's action as a victory for fetal rights.", "hypothesis": "The pro-choice groups used many different arguments in an attempt to win."} {"idx": "mnli-5047", "premise": "This last category has led some to accuse the straight nonfiction list of being a useful fiction, designed to give publicity to books that would otherwise fail.", "hypothesis": "The last category led to some accusing straight nonfiction list of being a useful fiction which was designed to give publicity to books that wouldn't succeed because of their topics."} {"idx": "mnli-5048", "premise": "7 Our guide is intended to complement the Committee's work in assisting managers as they implement GPRA.", "hypothesis": "This guide is absolutely necessary to implement GPRA."} {"idx": "mnli-5049", "premise": "For the first period, it is assumed that all controls need to be installed in a 31-month period.", "hypothesis": "All controls are in need of installation within a 31 month timeframe."} {"idx": "mnli-5050", "premise": "Even for the most intrepid and socially conscious of graduates, starting a practice requires a giant leap of faith, and more than a little guesswork.", "hypothesis": "Starting a practice is scary."} {"idx": "mnli-5051", "premise": "In the Family Therapy Network chat room, a posting on marijuana proved to be the most popular ever, prompting a wide-ranging adult discussion of law, professional responsibility, mental health, addiction, mind expansion, and above all, children.", "hypothesis": "A posting about marijuana led to people discussing the merits of marijuana use and the possible dangers."} {"idx": "mnli-5052", "premise": "DSM includes social and legal consequences of abuse and ICD-10 has only medical and psychological consequences.", "hypothesis": "DSM doesn't include the results of abuse."} {"idx": "mnli-5053", "premise": "To date, there have been approximately 94 GWe of scrubber capacity built on coal-fired power plants in the US.", "hypothesis": "Almost 100 GWe of scrubber capacity. have been built on power plants."} {"idx": "mnli-5054", "premise": "The views of the Old Cityfrom here are spectacular.", "hypothesis": "There are good views of the Old City."} {"idx": "mnli-5055", "premise": "In Philadelphia, the government subsidized a shipyard to the tune of $323,000 per job--the jobs themselves will pay about $50,000 each.", "hypothesis": "The government lost money by subsidizing a shipyard in Philadelphia."} {"idx": "mnli-5056", "premise": "but i'm glad it's done because it's brighter", "hypothesis": "It is better since it is brighter."} {"idx": "mnli-5057", "premise": "Why would you want to work in our sports-hospitality oriented firm?'", "hypothesis": "You don't want to work for Nike."} {"idx": "mnli-5058", "premise": " Then coldness settled over his thoughts as he drove them to shape the unvoiced words in his mind.", "hypothesis": "He paid no mind to it. "} {"idx": "mnli-5059", "premise": "We are aware that EIA has modeled the combined impacts but has also modeled the effects of the emission caps and the advanced technology scenarios separately.", "hypothesis": "EIA has no interest in the effects of the emission caps."} {"idx": "mnli-5060", "premise": "Regional Modeling System for Aerosols and Deposition (REMSAD)", "hypothesis": "The system does not model deposition."} {"idx": "mnli-5061", "premise": "i know and he pulled that out that is so funny i heard it on the radio i heard the audio portion on the radio in the car but i didn't see it but", "hypothesis": "I didn't see it because I was in my car at the time."} {"idx": "mnli-5062", "premise": "yeah they down here they they stopped for awhile or they really made it hard to hunt them i don't know what it's like now i haven't been back up there in awhile", "hypothesis": "I haven't been there in five years so it is probably different now."} {"idx": "mnli-5063", "premise": "Question 2: Is the Lippo scandal an egregious example of a political quid pro quo?", "hypothesis": "This is the last essay question in the list."} {"idx": "mnli-5064", "premise": "yeah they probably don't have enough to that's right", "hypothesis": "They just bought like a 1000 grams, they have plenty."} {"idx": "mnli-5065", "premise": "well i i mean it would it would have to be tough going somewhere you don't know the culture usually i guess i think that maybe that's why some people do it is", "hypothesis": "Traveling to a place with a foreign culture would be difficult."} {"idx": "mnli-5066", "premise": "The 15th-century Palazzo da Schio (number 147) is also known as Ca'd'Oro, after the famous Venetian Gothic palace.", "hypothesis": "The Palazzo da Schio is named after a palace in Rome."} {"idx": "mnli-5067", "premise": "and i don't know it didn't doesn't seem like it would work to take it away when we're using it but maybe i know we're not using it so wisely", "hypothesis": "It doesn't seem like it would work."} {"idx": "mnli-5068", "premise": "1: Key Assumptions of the Economic Model", "hypothesis": "Key facts of the economic model."} {"idx": "mnli-5069", "premise": "However, sometimes it seems that the city produced artists of this stature by accident, even against its will.", "hypothesis": "Artists and other creative types of people are produced by the city."} {"idx": "mnli-5070", "premise": "uh in the next you know fifteen years or so later they go it's going up", "hypothesis": "It is rising, in the next 15 years or so."} {"idx": "mnli-5071", "premise": "(George Mason University's James Trefil, for instance, complained that Forman gets into material he does not appear to understand.", "hypothesis": "James Trefil appreciates Forman's discussion of complex material."} {"idx": "mnli-5072", "premise": "None held the town for more than a year.", "hypothesis": "Demons come and take the town several times a year."} {"idx": "mnli-5073", "premise": "Plans were developed by addressing questions such Why are they resisting this change?", "hypothesis": "Such questions were not used to develop the plans."} {"idx": "mnli-5074", "premise": "Canongate derived its name from an edict by David I (1124 1157), founder of the Abbey of Holyrood, who granted a right to raise a gate between the abbey and the Royal burgh of Edinburgh.", "hypothesis": "Canongate was named by a woman whose first name was Beth."} {"idx": "mnli-5075", "premise": "Ah! I exclaimed. ", "hypothesis": "The person did not open their mouth to speak at all. "} {"idx": "mnli-5076", "premise": "it wasn't bad", "hypothesis": "It was really good."} {"idx": "mnli-5077", "premise": "well now don't forget the mail is something else again that has nothing they're not civil servant people", "hypothesis": "I don't know what mail is, but it's not civil service."} {"idx": "mnli-5078", "premise": "They look to Washington to mitigate the new economy's negative consequences.", "hypothesis": "They look to Russia to fix the new economy's negative consequences."} {"idx": "mnli-5079", "premise": "yeah and then the cover version i think i mean i thought was absolutely it was pitiful", "hypothesis": "I thought the cover version was the greatest thing I'd ever heard."} {"idx": "mnli-5080", "premise": "yeah well i don't know you're in Massachusetts i think the the market is a little bit different here", "hypothesis": "I don't know how it is there, so I can only speak to New York."} {"idx": "mnli-5081", "premise": "C., had been engaged to defend him. ", "hypothesis": "The one who would defend him went by the alias of \"C.\""} {"idx": "mnli-5082", "premise": "Liebler explained the situation in court and the landlord, who had already received Bell's portion of the December rent, agreed to wait for the government's portion. ", "hypothesis": "The landlord agreed to wait for a portion of the rent."} {"idx": "mnli-5083", "premise": "and he's their head chauffeur is this funny as they're parking the cars the valet service", "hypothesis": "Is this funny that he's their head chauffeur?"} {"idx": "mnli-5084", "premise": "i had an interesting comment one time a thought that would never have crossed my mind i had someone tell me that i will never register to vote because i don't serve on a jury", "hypothesis": "\"I was told once that because I don't serve on a jury or salute the American flag, I will not register to vote.\""} {"idx": "mnli-5085", "premise": "After a few hours, the tongues of flame no longer flared above the horizon, though the brilliant radiance continued.", "hypothesis": "The flame died down after a few hours, but was still visible."} {"idx": "mnli-5086", "premise": "Perhaps Number Fourteen will shut the door?\" In another moment Tommy was once more confronting bare wooden panels, and the voices within had sunk once more to a mere undistinguishable murmur.", "hypothesis": "The voices had become an undistinguishable murmur after the door was shut."} {"idx": "mnli-5087", "premise": "He once called studio executive Jeffrey Katzenberg the eighth Greedy.", "hypothesis": "Jeffery Katzenberg's nickname is the eighth Greedy according to him, and he enjoyed the name."} {"idx": "mnli-5088", "premise": "Matsudaira spent some 20 years planting the majestic cryptomeria cedars on the grounds of the shrine and along the 64-km (40-mile) avenue of approach.", "hypothesis": "The avenue of approach was under 20 miles long."} {"idx": "mnli-5089", "premise": "He's a very friendly ghost.", "hypothesis": "He is a ghost that is nice."} {"idx": "mnli-5090", "premise": "yeah yeah yeah i was uh i told my dad you know it was like listen dad you know that i sleep a lot of hours right", "hypothesis": "I let my Dad know how many hours I sleep."} {"idx": "mnli-5091", "premise": "yeah yeah academically they didn't meet the requirements so they couldn't play this year so four of them they had four people", "hypothesis": "They were not able to play this year."} {"idx": "mnli-5092", "premise": "At the top of the stairs stands a huge dorje, the tantric thunderbolt symbol.", "hypothesis": "At the top of the stairs stands a huge dorje, the tantric thunderbolt symbol to ward of spirits."} {"idx": "mnli-5093", "premise": "\u2026 The war has disturbed me\u2026 .", "hypothesis": "The war disturbed me, though to be honest I was a little disturbed before, too. "} {"idx": "mnli-5094", "premise": "So don't be surprised if the status quo lasts just a little while longer.", "hypothesis": "You should be surprised if the status quo lasts for 200 more years. "} {"idx": "mnli-5095", "premise": "In the Musee d'Histoire de la Ville, in the castle keep, the town's naval history is told through the lives of its great navigators and pirates, together with all the colorful paraphernalia of sailing.", "hypothesis": "The town's naval history is told through pirates with colorful paraphernalia."} {"idx": "mnli-5096", "premise": "Without additional funding, the outlook for longer-term legal help is unclear.", "hypothesis": "The program did not need any additional funding."} {"idx": "mnli-5097", "premise": "All centers are affiliated with one of the major certifying bodies.", "hypothesis": "All centers have to be certified before they can educate anyone."} {"idx": "mnli-5098", "premise": "Rocamadour", "hypothesis": "Rocamador or Rocamadour is a French commune and located in the Lot department in the Midi-Pyr\u00e9n\u00e9es region."} {"idx": "mnli-5099", "premise": "11 As federal agencies become more outcome-oriented, they will find that outmoded organizational structures must be changed to better meet customer needs and address the interests of stakeholders.", "hypothesis": "Federal agencies are finding it easy to change their organizational structures."} {"idx": "mnli-5100", "premise": "Well might they tremble.", "hypothesis": "They might tremble because of fear."} {"idx": "mnli-5101", "premise": "The language and legislative history of the LSC appropriations acts and the H-2A statute make clear that Congress intended to provide meaningful legal representation to aliens in the designated categories, and there is no evidence that Congress considered the presence requirement to severely restrict this interpretation.", "hypothesis": "It was always obvious that Congress never cared whether aliens in the designated categories got meaningful legal representation or not."} {"idx": "mnli-5102", "premise": "What's the difference, except in the latter case all of us benefit?", "hypothesis": "Everyone will benefit in the latter case."} {"idx": "mnli-5103", "premise": "Suppose, for the sake of argument, that in 1950 it becomes foreseeable that Daimler-Benz will eventually make reparations.", "hypothesis": "Daimler-Benz is required to make reparations in 1950."} {"idx": "mnli-5104", "premise": "Beyond that, we used long-term actuarial projections for Social Security and Medicare.", "hypothesis": "The current value of Social Security was used, rather than a projection."} {"idx": "mnli-5105", "premise": "The woman had called the day before she was to be evicted from her apartment.", "hypothesis": "The woman wasn't about to be evicted from her apartment when she called."} {"idx": "mnli-5106", "premise": "no because that all wears off", "hypothesis": "No, it is permanent and it does not fade off."} {"idx": "mnli-5107", "premise": "A fine Scandinavian piano, a polyphone machine with disks, and a pianola were all used for dancing or recitals in the ballroom.", "hypothesis": "The ballroom was a place for quiet conversation, and no dancing or recitals were allowed."} {"idx": "mnli-5108", "premise": "Jon was continually impressed with the small man.", "hypothesis": "Jon was impressed with how good of a fighter the man was."} {"idx": "mnli-5109", "premise": "According to the Lawyers Trust Fund, which distributes the interest income, there are about 250 Illinois lawyers working full time in the state's 20 programs receiving LTF funds.", "hypothesis": "The interest income is typically put towards various legal causes."} {"idx": "mnli-5110", "premise": "stick on the subject well interesting thing that i do is with gardening uh my sister grows flowers that you can dry", "hypothesis": "My sister grows flowers you can dry."} {"idx": "mnli-5111", "premise": "12 (1986), would be so eager to hold the much lesser step of declining to subsidize the litigation unconstitutional under the First Amendment.", "hypothesis": "I am dreading the idea of holding the lesser step of declining to subsidize the litigation."} {"idx": "mnli-5112", "premise": "The eastern section of Madeira isn't as mountainous as its center, but it has some wonderful coastal spots, a handful of attractive small towns, productive agricultural fields, and a long, surreal promontory that juts out into the Atlantic.", "hypothesis": "The eastern part of Maderia has the biggest mountains."} {"idx": "mnli-5113", "premise": "He also believed that research should have policy implications and that funding sources should require this applicability.", "hypothesis": "Later he corrected himself and said that the research should not have policy implications."} {"idx": "mnli-5114", "premise": "Shall I tell you what made Monsieur Lawrence turn so pale when he first entered his mother's room on the fatal night? ", "hypothesis": "Will I explain to you what it was that caused Monsieur Lawrence to become pale?"} {"idx": "mnli-5115", "premise": "i like him", "hypothesis": "I wish there were more like him."} {"idx": "mnli-5116", "premise": "More and more caravans and riders crossed Ca'daan's path as he grew closer to Fena Kef.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan saw no one as he ventured down the path."} {"idx": "mnli-5117", "premise": "Many of the city's churches, palaces, and museums still show signs of ongoing reconstruction and restoration after the devastating earthquake of 1980.", "hypothesis": "The city's churches, palaces, and museums seem to never have fully recovered from the devastating earthquake of 1980."} {"idx": "mnli-5118", "premise": "One kind of ranch, catering to the resort trade, provides a quiet seaside jog.", "hypothesis": "You can't get to the seaside from any of the resorts."} {"idx": "mnli-5119", "premise": "White House special counsel Lanny Davis said Clinton may have known three years ago that his friends were subsidizing Hubbell.", "hypothesis": "Davis and Clinton may have known for awhile his friends were subsidizing Hubbell."} {"idx": "mnli-5120", "premise": "The Coming Conflict with China , by Ross H. Munro and Richard Bernstein (Knopf).", "hypothesis": "Ross Munro and Richard Bernstein's work on China."} {"idx": "mnli-5121", "premise": "Saved a lot of wiring, or something.", "hypothesis": "a lot of wiring was saved."} {"idx": "mnli-5122", "premise": "Or rather, the war criminal gets treated no worse than his friends.", "hypothesis": "THe war criminal was treated terribly."} {"idx": "mnli-5123", "premise": "No way he'd be with her if this wasn't an instructional sex video!", "hypothesis": "He really enjoyed sex instruction videos. "} {"idx": "mnli-5124", "premise": "French painters represented include Delacroix and Francois Clouet, as well as G??ricault, who was born in Rouen.", "hypothesis": "Francois Clouet was an acclaimed Russian painter."} {"idx": "mnli-5125", "premise": "Ca'daan looked to Jon.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan ignored Jon."} {"idx": "mnli-5126", "premise": "uh doesn't seem to be um granted i i i read primarily the more controversial topics so i'm sure that it's easier for them to uh be you know polarized more so on the topic on the the news items that interest me most but uh it doesn't seem like there's much middle ground in either of the papers", "hypothesis": "These papers have too much content in the middle."} {"idx": "mnli-5127", "premise": " Thus, we do not necessarily keep eBooks in compliance with any particular paper edition.", "hypothesis": "eBooks aren't necessarily kept in compliance with any specific paper edition. "} {"idx": "mnli-5128", "premise": "See appendix II for a detailed description of the modeling methodology.", "hypothesis": "Appendix II has no information on the modeling methodology. "} {"idx": "mnli-5129", "premise": "He learned that her name was Nema.", "hypothesis": "She told him that her name was Nema."} {"idx": "mnli-5130", "premise": "Within-study variation refers to the precision with which a given study estimates the relationship between air quality changes and health effects.", "hypothesis": "Within-study variation is a measurement of precision"} {"idx": "mnli-5131", "premise": "Nevertheless, walking remains the only practical way to see the narrow, cobbled streets were never meant for motor vehicles, and they can be surprisingly congested with traffic.", "hypothesis": "The streets are all paved with asphalt and have two lanes for traffic."} {"idx": "mnli-5132", "premise": "This forum served to help inform the GAO's work and other efforts to support the Congress, including our efforts that helped lead to the eventual passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley legislation.", "hypothesis": "The GAO was helped with the use of the forum which was amplified by Congress's support."} {"idx": "mnli-5133", "premise": "For example, the state university at one of our case study locations had conducted a study revealing continuing gaps in the stateas ability to recruit and retain IT workers vis-a-vis industry.", "hypothesis": "Low salaries and few opportunities for advancement keep the best IT workers away from state agencies."} {"idx": "mnli-5134", "premise": "The REMSAD model was also used to estimate changes in visibility associated with those changes in particulate matter concentrations and to estimate changes in deposition of sulfur, nitrogen, and mercury.", "hypothesis": "The REMSAD model is going to be superseded with more accurate models soon."} {"idx": "mnli-5135", "premise": "Together they trotted up the rise, Red, as usual, in the lead.", "hypothesis": "They scuttled in a single file up the rise."} {"idx": "mnli-5136", "premise": "Later in 2002, we were able to study the 2001 data.", "hypothesis": "The 2002 data was studied by us in 2001."} {"idx": "mnli-5137", "premise": "and and i think if you really like the story going along with it you don't notice that it's a little bit you know it might not have as many camera angles or it may not have", "hypothesis": " If you hate the film story you'll at least appreciate the film work. "} {"idx": "mnli-5138", "premise": "Fields of yellow mustard are grown for oil-seed.", "hypothesis": "The yellow mustard in the fields is being grown for oil-seed."} {"idx": "mnli-5139", "premise": "The gallery offers a popular free concert series, the Sundays at Noon concerts (not held in July and August).", "hypothesis": "July and August are busy months for the free concert series at the gallery."} {"idx": "mnli-5140", "premise": "Not Tuesday?\"", "hypothesis": "I'm sure it was Tuesday."} {"idx": "mnli-5141", "premise": "FASB establishes accounting principles and financial reporting standards for nongovernment entities.", "hypothesis": "FASB doesn't work with the government. "} {"idx": "mnli-5142", "premise": "'You have two days to get this thing working like a person, right?' Derry asked.", "hypothesis": "Derry was pretty sure that there were two days remaining."} {"idx": "mnli-5143", "premise": "Moreover, having an old parent does not automatically confer on children the right to make the parents' health care choices.", "hypothesis": "There is no guarantee that the children will be acting in accordance with the parent's wishes."} {"idx": "mnli-5144", "premise": "With a short detour, you can also take in Yasukuni Jinja.", "hypothesis": "The distance to Yasukuni Jinja is too far to be called a detour."} {"idx": "mnli-5145", "premise": "let's see what are some other ones i've seen lately i'm trying to remember i can't oh i just saw one on the video oh um have you seen The Gods Must Be Crazy Part Two", "hypothesis": "I haven't seen a movie lately."} {"idx": "mnli-5146", "premise": "which is what we wind up with", "hypothesis": "We didn't wind up with it. "} {"idx": "mnli-5147", "premise": "Among the chapels which were given Baroque finishings in the late 16th century, notice an exquisite Perugino altarpiece of God the Father.", "hypothesis": "The chapel was in the running for receiving a Baroque finishing but, ultimately, did not. "} {"idx": "mnli-5148", "premise": "yeah uh-huh do they do you organize things or get or do they just", "hypothesis": "Do you arrange things?"} {"idx": "mnli-5149", "premise": "Here is the analyst's report. ", "hypothesis": "The analyst report is here."} {"idx": "mnli-5150", "premise": "All three of his arrest-story sources speak in a stilted, too-perfectly-advancing-the-story-line way, telling the author more or less the same thing, and congratulating him on his genius in ferreting out this facts.", "hypothesis": "Sources spoke in such a boring way that the author felt asleep."} {"idx": "mnli-5151", "premise": "Summer frivolity in Time; What's Cool This Summer.", "hypothesis": "Hats are in for the Summertime. "} {"idx": "mnli-5152", "premise": "did they say anything", "hypothesis": "Did the doctor say anything about your prognosis?"} {"idx": "mnli-5153", "premise": "you know that that i really do i believe that that capital punishment should be there the prisons are overcrowded", "hypothesis": "I think the prisons are overcrowded so capital punishment should be there but my husband disagrees."} {"idx": "mnli-5154", "premise": "Lying closest to Athens and the Attic peninsula, the Cyclades is the island chain most people would think of as typically Greek.", "hypothesis": "The Cyclades islands match up with typical Greek representations."} {"idx": "mnli-5155", "premise": "A lot of entertainment and a little food for thought.", "hypothesis": "It was fun to watch and also made me think about current events."} {"idx": "mnli-5156", "premise": "Life, moralized Tuppence, \"is full of surprises.\"", "hypothesis": "\"Life is straight as an arrow,\" said Tuppence."} {"idx": "mnli-5157", "premise": "Indeed, the Chinese influence in the city is clearly noticeable even today.", "hypothesis": "The years of trading with the Chinese brought Chinese influence to the city."} {"idx": "mnli-5158", "premise": "yeah i understand that yeah", "hypothesis": "I get it, but I don't like it."} {"idx": "mnli-5159", "premise": "and things like that um we pretty much hire we subcontract mostly everything i mean other than anything that's not a um i mean i know how to fix a running toilet", "hypothesis": "I have no idea how to fix a damaged toilet. "} {"idx": "mnli-5160", "premise": "It hosted the Commonwealth Games in 1970 and has a schedule of events throughout the summer.", "hypothesis": "The Commonwealth Games were previously held here."} {"idx": "mnli-5161", "premise": "Washington wants the pope to condemn Slobo, and the White House might offer humanitarian aid to Serb cities that oppose him.", "hypothesis": "The white house may help Serb cities that oppose. "} {"idx": "mnli-5162", "premise": "Their e-mail says no no, but their mouse clicks say yes yes.", "hypothesis": "The email says no but then they click on it to say yes."} {"idx": "mnli-5163", "premise": "It commonly refers to activities or costs between two or more agencies, departments, or bureaus.", "hypothesis": "Activities include meetings."} {"idx": "mnli-5164", "premise": "It doesn't say much of anything on the subject.", "hypothesis": "A lot is said about the subject."} {"idx": "mnli-5165", "premise": "On Cultural The Wilson-Brustein Discussion , moderated by Anna Deavere Smith (Town Hall, New York).", "hypothesis": "The debate was held in New York."} {"idx": "mnli-5166", "premise": "yeah me either i just bought mine uh it'll be a year in August", "hypothesis": "I bought mine 15 years ago."} {"idx": "mnli-5167", "premise": "Each themed section, constantly renewing its attractions, has a variety of fun experiences to offer.", "hypothesis": "There is not much to see in the place."} {"idx": "mnli-5168", "premise": "With the federal deficit removed as an issue by 1996, Perot's coalition of Snow Belt good-government reformism and give-'em-hell hillbilly populism dissolved.", "hypothesis": "The coalition saw a great revival."} {"idx": "mnli-5169", "premise": "with the requirements of the order based on the information supplied by INS, including a planned regulatory action document describing the reason for the rule and an assessment of the costs and budgetary impact of the interim rule.", "hypothesis": "There are no requirements of the order based on information supplied by INS."} {"idx": "mnli-5170", "premise": "A boat excursion is an excellent diversion for both children and parents.", "hypothesis": "A boat excursion can be great for both children and parents."} {"idx": "mnli-5171", "premise": "Blowing up a few city buildings, not many Southerners saw that as any great crime.", "hypothesis": "Not many people in the South thought blowing a few buildings up was a great crime. "} {"idx": "mnli-5172", "premise": "He formed the peaceful but powerful Catholic Association, and in 1829 the Duke of Wellington, in a bid to avoid a civil war, passed the Catholic Emancipation Bill, which allowed Irish Catholics to sit in the parliament at Westminster for the first time.", "hypothesis": "In 1829 the Catholic Emancipation Bill failed to pass."} {"idx": "mnli-5173", "premise": "The audit approach described in this guide is intended to result in a risk assessment of an acquisition project at any point in its development.", "hypothesis": "The audit approach is intended to assess the risk of a businsess acquisition project."} {"idx": "mnli-5174", "premise": "yeah but uh that's how i got my my education such as it was was going into it is service and then coming back coming out in three years and getting uh two years paid for", "hypothesis": "I got education for 5 years."} {"idx": "mnli-5175", "premise": "The only concerning question is whether his death be a fitting end to the injustice he has caused.'", "hypothesis": "He caused so much pain that his death isn't good enough."} {"idx": "mnli-5176", "premise": "In so doing, the model highlights the importance of a sustained commitment by agency leaders to maximize the value of their agencies' human capital and to manage related risks.", "hypothesis": "Leader commitment shows an 8% savings, on average."} {"idx": "mnli-5177", "premise": "and it's it's really really pretty and um green it stayed pretty pretty green throughout the winter and uh and it's pretty good it's not as thick and as nice it doesn't look like it can withstand too much you know", "hypothesis": "I must say that it is really really pretty."} {"idx": "mnli-5178", "premise": "i mean the man is sixty two years old if", "hypothesis": "The age of the man is sixty two."} {"idx": "mnli-5179", "premise": "in response to this uh drug testing that they no longer uh even use anything like that on a casual basis", "hypothesis": "They kept using despite being tested."} {"idx": "mnli-5180", "premise": "After hours of discussion, the high court agreed that raising the registration fees would be the best way to address the declining revenues, Chief Justice Moses W. Harrison II said.", "hypothesis": "The high court simply could not agree with bumping up registration fees in order to gain relief from revenue losses."} {"idx": "mnli-5181", "premise": "This litigation involves CCLS's challenge to certain actions taken by the LSC in connection with the LSC's consolidation of services areas (undertaken as a cost-cutting measure) and implementation of a competitive bidding program for grant money.", "hypothesis": "There is no connection between the CCLS's challenge to certain actions taken by the LSC and this litigation."} {"idx": "mnli-5182", "premise": "yeah it's been fun it's been nice it's uh you know neat to learn some what different people eat so", "hypothesis": "It's been great to learn what different people eat."} {"idx": "mnli-5183", "premise": "But there's something you don't know that we haven't told you. Her eyes dwelt on Jane in perplexity.", "hypothesis": "We've let you know everything already."} {"idx": "mnli-5184", "premise": "To find your name, try the Internet White Pages, WhoWhere?", "hypothesis": "The internet whitepages can be used to find your name."} {"idx": "mnli-5185", "premise": "i know well all the restaurants here too at one time now it's see how i'm not in the restaurant business anymore so i really don't know but at one time the whole kitchen crew and the busboys and everything were all illegals in in most of the restaurants i worked in as a waitress you know it whether that came to a halt i don't know", "hypothesis": "I don't work in a restaurant anymore. "} {"idx": "mnli-5186", "premise": "oh those hedges when they started moving whenever they they made that into a movie i was thinking oh my gosh if they show that i'll just die for some reason that scared me more than anything", "hypothesis": "I haven't ever seen a scary movie in my life."} {"idx": "mnli-5187", "premise": "The Malla period saw completion of Nepal's most important palaces, temples, and works of art.", "hypothesis": "Many of Nepal's greatest achievements were completed in the Malla period. "} {"idx": "mnli-5188", "premise": "now just look at that money the government could save if they didn't have all of those days off all those holidays", "hypothesis": "If the Feds didn't allow so many holidays for their employees and for Congress, they'd save a lot of money and get more done."} {"idx": "mnli-5189", "premise": "you're casting the weight of the line", "hypothesis": "You cast with the weight of the line."} {"idx": "mnli-5190", "premise": "I waited.", "hypothesis": "I wasn't unwilling to wait. "} {"idx": "mnli-5191", "premise": "Ramadan Bairam is a month long celebration when Moslems fast during the hours of daylight.", "hypothesis": "During the month of Ramadan Bairam, Moslems fast during the night."} {"idx": "mnli-5192", "premise": "Therefore, for those products that contain national security or sensitive information, GAO will request that the agency perform a review for this type of information and that the review's results be communicated in writing to GAO.", "hypothesis": "The GAO communicates about the sensitive materials."} {"idx": "mnli-5193", "premise": "Henceforth he became known as Fatih (Conqueror), and his newly won capital city was renamed Istanbul.", "hypothesis": "He became henceforth known as Fatih (Conqueror), and his newly won capital city was renamed Istanbul."} {"idx": "mnli-5194", "premise": "Right now we don't have any agency in the county willing to handle supervised custody visits, West said. ", "hypothesis": "West suggested that some agencies should take up handling supervised custody visits."} {"idx": "mnli-5195", "premise": "Your mistress had a quarrel?\"", "hypothesis": "Your mistress had a fight? "} {"idx": "mnli-5196", "premise": "Is she a prisoner there?", "hypothesis": "Is that where she is being imprisoned?"} {"idx": "mnli-5197", "premise": "It's just undergone major renovation.", "hypothesis": "The renovations cost a large sum of money."} {"idx": "mnli-5198", "premise": "11 The point would be for the Congress, executive branch leadership in OMB and OPM, agencies, and others to gain experience with the COO approach before deciding how and where it should be applied across the government.", "hypothesis": "It is necessary that Congress has experience using COO before applying it to the government."} {"idx": "mnli-5199", "premise": "I bet that what Carrey saw from inside Kaufman's head would be more illuminating than anything in the movie.", "hypothesis": "I'm sure what Carrey saw is most profound thing in the movie."} {"idx": "mnli-5200", "premise": "L'Esplanade de la Lunade provides a great view down onto the river below.", "hypothesis": "The Esplanade de la Lunade is dozens of kilometers from any river."} {"idx": "mnli-5201", "premise": "Appendix I provides a list of the participants.", "hypothesis": "There is no list of participants anywhere in this appendix."} {"idx": "mnli-5202", "premise": "You can find the real thing in trendy shops and boutiques, or scour the markets for knock-offs of designer watches, bags, and clothing.", "hypothesis": "Trendy shops and boutiques offer the real thing."} {"idx": "mnli-5203", "premise": " Eating well is a passion with the Spanish.", "hypothesis": "The Spanish are indifferent towards whether they eat well or poorly."} {"idx": "mnli-5204", "premise": "oh sure sure the the price is astronomical but what i do is i like to do this okay and i and i i like to play with mechanics and that's i really i've done that all my life so", "hypothesis": "The price is high but I like to play with mechanics."} {"idx": "mnli-5205", "premise": "The allegation, reported in Newsweek , is that when Willey met alone with Clinton at the White House in 1993 to ask for a paying job, Clinton made a pass at her--a charge denied by the president's attorney.", "hypothesis": "It was later revealed that Clinton did hit on Willey, and they settled out of court."} {"idx": "mnli-5206", "premise": "so it's just kind of weird", "hypothesis": "Why would they fire her and rehire her a week later?"} {"idx": "mnli-5207", "premise": " The threat hung in the air, not spoken with anger or boast but direct and full of truth.", "hypothesis": "No one felt threatened."} {"idx": "mnli-5208", "premise": "Atmospheric transformation of gaseous sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides to particulate sulfates and nitrates, respectively, contributes significantly to ambient concentrations of fine particulate matter.", "hypothesis": "It makes no contributions to the ambient concentration of fine particulate matter."} {"idx": "mnli-5209", "premise": "i've never had one", "hypothesis": "I've had one."} {"idx": "mnli-5210", "premise": "Improvisation is of the essence.", "hypothesis": "Structure and practice is essential."} {"idx": "mnli-5211", "premise": "Meanwhile, Yugoslavia refused to let a U.N. war crimes official into the country to investigate the massacre.", "hypothesis": "Yugoslavia was being shady and didn't want anyone to catch on. "} {"idx": "mnli-5212", "premise": "Next door, the House of Neptune has lost its upstairs facade, but the ground floor wine shop with its narrow-necked amphoras on the shelves looks open for business.", "hypothesis": "There is a wine shop located a few blocks away."} {"idx": "mnli-5213", "premise": "This estimate is based on an 85 percent load factor, 10,500 Btu/kWh, stoichiometry of 1.1 for limestone, SO2 removal rate of 95 percent, and a minimum purity of 95 percent for CaCO3.", "hypothesis": "The SO2 removal rate is about 95%"} {"idx": "mnli-5214", "premise": " GAO has assisted the Congress and the agencies in efforts to improve public health.", "hypothesis": "The Congress and GAO work together to develop public health plans for agencies."} {"idx": "mnli-5215", "premise": "In Three Kings , those debacles spring from the blind desires of nations--from the collective unconscious.", "hypothesis": "The debacles are the work of people who are in over their heads in Three Kings."} {"idx": "mnli-5216", "premise": "2 billion in the interim analysis to $1.", "hypothesis": "Two billion in the interim analysis to $1."} {"idx": "mnli-5217", "premise": "Surrounded by elegant classical mansions and gilded wrought-iron grilles with ornamental gateways, which frame the marble fountains of Neptune and Amphitrite, Nancy's huge Place Stanislas is one of the most harmonious urban spaces in Europe.", "hypothesis": "The artwork and yard are finely manicured and sculpted. "} {"idx": "mnli-5218", "premise": "The bowman fell off his horse and put his hand over the wound in his leg.", "hypothesis": "He fell of the horse and covered his wounded arm with his free hand."} {"idx": "mnli-5219", "premise": "The 1) Serbs welcomed Jews into their anti-Nazi guerilla groups", "hypothesis": "The serbians welcomed Jews into their anti nazi groups."} {"idx": "mnli-5220", "premise": "The result for pro bono clients traumatized by Sept. 11, said Chief Judge Kaye, was more efficient delivery of needed emotional, frightened clients had only one contact to make, no matter how many problems they had; the lawyers would sort out the mess.", "hypothesis": "There were pro bono clients because of 9/11."} {"idx": "mnli-5221", "premise": "Beg your pardon?", "hypothesis": "Excuse me?"} {"idx": "mnli-5222", "premise": "At the corner of Lawnmarket and Bank Street is Deacon Brodie's Tavern.", "hypothesis": "The Deacon Brodie's Motel is far from the center, it's next to the airport."} {"idx": "mnli-5223", "premise": "But as the office became more outcome-oriented and made more extensive use of performance information, it began to redirect its safety efforts.", "hypothesis": "There were staff members who resented the new outcome-oriented approach of the office."} {"idx": "mnli-5224", "premise": "'But what makes you think I won't prove just as untrustworthy?'", "hypothesis": "Thank you so much for trusting me with everything. "} {"idx": "mnli-5225", "premise": "Its decision, which Tribe defended before the court earlier this month, is almost certain to be reversed, probably on textualist grounds.", "hypothesis": "The decision will probably be upheld."} {"idx": "mnli-5226", "premise": "Sorry, Tuppence.", "hypothesis": "Sorry, Tuppence."} {"idx": "mnli-5227", "premise": "They spent two days crossing the barrens, the bluffs rising high above the flat plains.", "hypothesis": "It took them two days to get through the barrens. "} {"idx": "mnli-5228", "premise": "Others well worth visiting include the home of Balzac (47 Rue Ray?\u00adnouard) and Delacroix's studio (6 Rue de Furstenberg).", "hypothesis": "Delacroix's studio and the home of Balzac are also worth a visit."} {"idx": "mnli-5229", "premise": "The crumbling adobe walls were laced by strings of crimson peppers, vivid in the torch and lantern light.", "hypothesis": "The adobe walls were decorated for the festivities."} {"idx": "mnli-5230", "premise": "Note that the paragraph numbers are those originally expressed in the individual statements despite the omission of some paragraphs.", "hypothesis": "All the paragraphs are still present in the statements."} {"idx": "mnli-5231", "premise": "Was it Julius Hersheimmer who helped you to escape? Tuppence recounted to Sir James the exciting events of the evening, ending up: \"But I can't see WHY!\"", "hypothesis": "Miss Tuppence did not ask Sir James any questions"} {"idx": "mnli-5232", "premise": "well just the just the opportunity to try the voting machines yeah", "hypothesis": "if you want to try the voting machines, sure, but last time we went there they didn't work at all "} {"idx": "mnli-5233", "premise": "Some areas of assessment will require the expertise of auditors with specific technical skills and experience.", "hypothesis": "Auditors with a particular set of technical skills may be needed for certain assessment portions."} {"idx": "mnli-5234", "premise": "The rules were determined to be economically significant under Executive Order 12866 requiring review by the Office of Management and Budget, Office of Regulatory Affairs (OIRA).", "hypothesis": "The Office of Management and Budget, Office of Regulatory Affairs must complete their review within 60 days."} {"idx": "mnli-5235", "premise": "Both the agency's classification review and comments on the product must be completed within the time frame identified in GAO's letter transmitting the draft product.", "hypothesis": "Both the agency's classification review and comments on the product must be completed within the time frame."} {"idx": "mnli-5236", "premise": "Agencies were to establish these performance management systems by their 2001 senior executive performance appraisal cycles.", "hypothesis": "Agencies were supposed to establish performance management systems by their 2001 performsnce appraisal cycles."} {"idx": "mnli-5237", "premise": "These are not those pants.", "hypothesis": "These pants look different than the other pants."} {"idx": "mnli-5238", "premise": "A number of sporting contests have become part of Lakeland tradition.", "hypothesis": "All of the contests are new to the event this year."} {"idx": "mnli-5239", "premise": "There was a massive dispossession of the Irish from their fertile lands in the east, and they were driven west of the Shannon; in Cromwell's phrase they could go to Hell or Connaught. ", "hypothesis": "The Irish ended up being driven to the western side of the Shannon."} {"idx": "mnli-5240", "premise": "intranet websites that communicated and explained information security", "hypothesis": "intranet websites communicated and explained information security to new employees."} {"idx": "mnli-5241", "premise": "The magnificent glass Pyramid designed by American architect I. M. Pei has gained acceptance as a harmonious entrance to this most venerable of French museums.", "hypothesis": "The pyramid is not an entrance to the museum."} {"idx": "mnli-5242", "premise": "So if all 78 hypotheses are true, then roughly 7.8 of them--call it eight-- should be confirmed overwhelmingly.", "hypothesis": "Most of the hypothesis are not true."} {"idx": "mnli-5243", "premise": "The CIO Council serves as the principal interagency forum for improving practices in the design, modernization, use, sharing, and performance of federal agency information resources.", "hypothesis": "The CIO Council is the only forum that is capable of improving design."} {"idx": "mnli-5244", "premise": "Thousands of writers bring suit each year claiming their copyright has been violated, but almost none win satisfaction in court.", "hypothesis": "Of the thousands of writers that sue each year, only a few are disappointed by the court"} {"idx": "mnli-5245", "premise": "But from there, he goes wrong.", "hypothesis": "From here, he went right. "} {"idx": "mnli-5246", "premise": "There were several deep-padded leather arm-chairs, and an old-fashioned open hearth.", "hypothesis": "There were a group of armchairs near a hearth."} {"idx": "mnli-5247", "premise": "The ad displays information in a format similar to a stock ticker.", "hypothesis": "The format of the toy ad was like that of a stock ticker."} {"idx": "mnli-5248", "premise": "We'll nip into a taxi.\" In another minute they were passing the barrier, had paid the necessary fares, and were stepping into a taxi.", "hypothesis": "They couldn't find a taxi for ten minutes."} {"idx": "mnli-5249", "premise": "Many coastal dwellers migrated to remote mountain villages in order to escape their enemies.", "hypothesis": "People migrated from the coasts to escape enemies."} {"idx": "mnli-5250", "premise": "A minute later Hanson, Bork and Nema were alone with the old man.", "hypothesis": "They did not get the chance to be alone with the old man."} {"idx": "mnli-5251", "premise": "Contrary to assertions by some, independence is more than a state of mind.", "hypothesis": "Independence is thought of by some as a state of mind."} {"idx": "mnli-5252", "premise": "How bad is it? asked Jon.", "hypothesis": "Jon wondered how bad the conditions were."} {"idx": "mnli-5253", "premise": "Critics also suggested that, with their salaries and stock wrapped up in the same company, employees were putting too many eggs in one basket.", "hypothesis": "With their salaries and stock wrapped in the same company, critics suggested employees were putting too many eggs in one basket."} {"idx": "mnli-5254", "premise": "So, why would a clone be different?", "hypothesis": "It is unclear why a clone would be different."} {"idx": "mnli-5255", "premise": "The New York City legal services program is undergoing a radical restructuring at the prompting of the federal Legal Services Corporation.", "hypothesis": "The New York City legal services program is going to be restructured with order of the federal Legal Services Corporation."} {"idx": "mnli-5256", "premise": "However, these lakes remain susceptible to becoming chronically acidic if acid deposition increases.", "hypothesis": "And increase in acid deposition increase cannot end in chronic acidity."} {"idx": "mnli-5257", "premise": "They are lights on the inside of the sphere, moving in patterns of the Star Art, nearer to us than the hot lands to the south.\" \"Fort,\" Dave said.", "hypothesis": "They are light inside the sphere, following the order of the Star Art."} {"idx": "mnli-5258", "premise": "just in southern Massachusetts and Rhode Island over the weekend we had five murders", "hypothesis": "There have been murders in Massachusetts and Rhode Island over the last week."} {"idx": "mnli-5259", "premise": "that's true that's true well", "hypothesis": "That is correct."} {"idx": "mnli-5260", "premise": "Because the published recommendations will include supporting text, he encouraged the group to consider any points of clarification that would be instructive.", "hypothesis": "Instructive points of clarification were encouraged in the group."} {"idx": "mnli-5261", "premise": "Slim thought desperately.", "hypothesis": "Slim thought."} {"idx": "mnli-5262", "premise": "These quidelines present the minimum standard of quality in case study evaluation, taken in conjunction with the guidance in the Yellow Book, Policy Manual, and Communications Manual.", "hypothesis": "The guidelines frame the quality standard in case study evaluations for non-profits."} {"idx": "mnli-5263", "premise": "Just what I've always thought, too, Kirby. Shannon's voice was softer, more drawling than ever.", "hypothesis": "Kirby and Shannon have always thought the same way. "} {"idx": "mnli-5264", "premise": "The across-sites data base got much larger as the number of sites in a study rose.", "hypothesis": "The database got larger as the number of sites fell."} {"idx": "mnli-5265", "premise": "The wealthiest of Caleornia's missions was the fourth to be built in the chain, Mission San Gabriel Arcangel (428 S. Mission Drive, San Gabriel).", "hypothesis": "San Gabriel Arcangel was the fourth mission to be built."} {"idx": "mnli-5266", "premise": "And Rams coach Dick Vermeil is acting like he knew what he was doing all along, even if he didn't protect Warner in last season's expansion draft.", "hypothesis": "Vermeil has been the coach of the Rams for 25 years."} {"idx": "mnli-5267", "premise": "yeah right you watch the reruns boy i mean you could watch those for a long time if you haven't if you don't even know what's going on at all", "hypothesis": "They never show reruns."} {"idx": "mnli-5268", "premise": "The nearby Bre na Brinne Centre has interesting exhibits.", "hypothesis": "The center has great exhibits about Irish history and gardens."} {"idx": "mnli-5269", "premise": "and to a five year old they're they never get old you know an earthworm every single time she finds one it's uh it's a brand new exciting activity for her", "hypothesis": "Children love to play with earthworms."} {"idx": "mnli-5270", "premise": "I warned her. ", "hypothesis": "I warned her. "} {"idx": "mnli-5271", "premise": "see i i agree with that yeah", "hypothesis": "I think so. "} {"idx": "mnli-5272", "premise": "At any rate, she decided, it would do no harm just to go and LOOK at the building.", "hypothesis": "She decided it would be dangerous if they did anything at all. "} {"idx": "mnli-5273", "premise": "I have not asked other attorneys to handle cases, so I havent been turned down, Frank Smith said. ", "hypothesis": "Frank would have been turned down if he asked."} {"idx": "mnli-5274", "premise": "The Ritz would enjoy the spectacle of the glad reunion.\" Inquiry at the office revealed the fact that Tuppence had not yet returned.", "hypothesis": "They would like the glad reunion. Tuppence has not came back yet."} {"idx": "mnli-5275", "premise": "of course being part of the European community if everybody else did it they they were probably much more is much more necessary for them than for us", "hypothesis": "They needed to have consistency."} {"idx": "mnli-5276", "premise": "I had seen the Voth witches during the war.", "hypothesis": "Voth witches were in the war."} {"idx": "mnli-5277", "premise": "oh uh i'm sure i'm sure it this is the one time that the Israelis are really happy to have their big brothers the Americans", "hypothesis": "Israelis is never happy with Americans."} {"idx": "mnli-5278", "premise": "Apparently nobody told him that equilibrium thinking--the idea that in order to understand how individuals interact, it is often useful to ask what would happen if each individual was doing the best he or she could given what everyone else is doing--is almost as prevalent in . In fact, the really funny thing is that for the most part the bionomics program has already been Economics already is very similar to evolutionary theory, and vice versa.", "hypothesis": "The bionomics program is a relatively recent development in academia."} {"idx": "mnli-5279", "premise": "gee it's just so versatile like i remember", "hypothesis": "It is a one trick pony, I forget?"} {"idx": "mnli-5280", "premise": "The definitions given also varied greatly.", "hypothesis": "There was a large variety of definitions."} {"idx": "mnli-5281", "premise": "After 500 years under Arab masters, many black Mauritanians think like this God created me to be a slave ...", "hypothesis": "They're wrong, I am a free man and bow to no one."} {"idx": "mnli-5282", "premise": "It was also a reminder that whereas the Hands Out Brigade used to be an issue mostly when traveling, it is now a fixture of everyday life.", "hypothesis": "The Hands Out Brigade is part of daily life."} {"idx": "mnli-5283", "premise": "it's a frustrating game golf", "hypothesis": "Golf is frustrating. "} {"idx": "mnli-5284", "premise": "Unit costs for the F/A-18 E/F program have not grown since the critical design review and its schedule has been delayed by only 3 months.", "hypothesis": "Unit costs have ballooned since the critical design review. "} {"idx": "mnli-5285", "premise": "i sent off for stuff on it but i don't remember that much about it i know that they trained you in the language and um", "hypothesis": "I remember everything about it, just ask me."} {"idx": "mnli-5286", "premise": "you you buy a car uh and have it a week and you've lost half of it already", "hypothesis": "You car appreciates a lot."} {"idx": "mnli-5287", "premise": "that won what four Super Bowls", "hypothesis": "They lost four games."} {"idx": "mnli-5288", "premise": " A detailed history of the island doesn't begin until it became a colony of Carthage in the 7th century b.c. (see also pages 14-15).", "hypothesis": "Carthage previously had no interest in the island."} {"idx": "mnli-5289", "premise": "Information is collected by junior staff working under the supervision of an investigator trained in case study methods.", "hypothesis": "Junior staff don't gather info"} {"idx": "mnli-5290", "premise": "No doubt many Cubans would emigrate if allowed to do so.", "hypothesis": "Cubans would emigrate if it is possible because they want a better life."} {"idx": "mnli-5291", "premise": "Rather, they represent extremely important functions executed by the federal government that, absent sufficient attention, could have serious implications for their effective delivery and consequences for sectors of our economy, health and safety, research programs and other significant government functions.", "hypothesis": "They represent important functions that the local government takes care of."} {"idx": "mnli-5292", "premise": "The tombs of the sultan and his wife Roxelana lie behind the mosque in the walled garden, an atmospheric spot, where rose and hollyhocks tangle among the tall grass between the gravestones, and flocks of sparrows swoop and squabble in the fig trees.", "hypothesis": "The sultan and his wife are buried in a garden behind the mosque."} {"idx": "mnli-5293", "premise": "thirty six inches to the yard and things like that but uh i think uh from my work experience i found well when in college i learned uh to use a rationalized system of measure which turned out to be the metric system", "hypothesis": "I learned the metric system in college. "} {"idx": "mnli-5294", "premise": "At least they were in here, drinking, too.", "hypothesis": "There were several people sleeping."} {"idx": "mnli-5295", "premise": "A library with the maximum allowable e-rate subsidy of 90 percent would still find itself paying a monthly Internet bill of $186.", "hypothesis": "A library has a maximum subsidy of 90%."} {"idx": "mnli-5296", "premise": "DEFERRED MAINTENANCE - Maintenance that was not performed when it should have been or was scheduled to be and which, therefore, is put off or delayed for a future period.", "hypothesis": "Deferred maintenance is maintenance performed ahead of schedule."} {"idx": "mnli-5297", "premise": "A gallery in Geneva or Berlin can now sell artwork to someone who never leaves Iowa City.", "hypothesis": "there are no galleries in any locations, especially geneva."} {"idx": "mnli-5298", "premise": "The Commission discusses its reaction to these concerns, and changes made because of the comments, in the preamble to the rule published in the Federal Register.", "hypothesis": "The Commission was no receptive to feedback at all."} {"idx": "mnli-5299", "premise": "alrighty uh i guess our topic today is air pollution and we are to just discuss what substances do you think contribute most to air pollution as well as what society can do to improve the air quality of the atmosphere around us", "hypothesis": "Our topic is air pollution: what substances do you think contribute the most to it, and what can society do to improve air quality?"} {"idx": "mnli-5300", "premise": "In fact, CBO estimates that 1 percent of the total annual spending will be for administrative costs, but that a proportionate share of the costs to currently administer these agencies will be transferred.", "hypothesis": "5 percent of the total annual spending will be for administrative costs as estimated by CBO."} {"idx": "mnli-5301", "premise": "oh i think i think that the um woman's role has come a long way we've gone more into the business aspect of uh like i say of i don't know working more and then and we i think we've even gone into more of the labor aspect of it also", "hypothesis": "Women have changed their role since they spend more time in business."} {"idx": "mnli-5302", "premise": "He came of age when the civil rights movement and the Naderites were using the courts to challenge unjust state governments and arrogant corporations.", "hypothesis": "Naderites challenged state governments and corporations in court."} {"idx": "mnli-5303", "premise": "Emboldened, the small boy proceeded.", "hypothesis": "The small boy felt bolder and continued."} {"idx": "mnli-5304", "premise": "Yet, unlike Le Carre, Gallant does not believe in plot, or in speculating on the meaning of her stories.", "hypothesis": "Le Carre and Gallant use the same techniques."} {"idx": "mnli-5305", "premise": "You're skill with the blade is good.", "hypothesis": "You are really good with a blade."} {"idx": "mnli-5306", "premise": "As he passed the recess, he turned his head slowly.", "hypothesis": "He thought he had heard a noise."} {"idx": "mnli-5307", "premise": "It provides that the Comptroller General shall evaluate the results of a program or activity the Government carries out under existing law.", "hypothesis": "The Comptroller General will evaluate the results."} {"idx": "mnli-5308", "premise": "The less you ask, the more you get.", "hypothesis": "Sometimes you receive things despite if you asked for them or not."} {"idx": "mnli-5309", "premise": "and i talked to my parents on the phone i said you know we Texans are a funny breed we we water we water we spend hundreds of dollars a month during the dry part of July August watering our lawn we go out and spend thirty or forty dollars a whack on fertilizer and then we bitch and gripe about having to mow it so often", "hypothesis": "During November and December it's a relief because the lawns take care of themselves."} {"idx": "mnli-5310", "premise": "i am in uh in uh involved in a four 401K but i'm uh contributing such a such a small amount right now", "hypothesis": "I'm involved in a 401k, but I put so much money into it last year that I only have to contribute a small amount as of now."} {"idx": "mnli-5311", "premise": "Quick follow them.", "hypothesis": "Follow them rapidly. "} {"idx": "mnli-5312", "premise": "These timid nocturnal beasts sport a brown coat speckled with white.", "hypothesis": "These beasts' coats help them to avoid predators."} {"idx": "mnli-5313", "premise": "Well? said Tuppence, intoxicated.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence, completely sober, was trying to find answers."} {"idx": "mnli-5314", "premise": "oh i think that's a that's a good idea all right", "hypothesis": "That is a great idea to bring us success."} {"idx": "mnli-5315", "premise": "'I can't imagine what you mean,' I deadpanned.", "hypothesis": "'I don't understand what you're talking about,' I said expressionlessly. "} {"idx": "mnli-5316", "premise": "yeah well that that's that's the key you know whatever whatever works for you and uh", "hypothesis": "It is impossible to find what works for you."} {"idx": "mnli-5317", "premise": "But ropes are a major cause of death and injury in Fighters hyperextend their necks when they are punched against the ropes, because nothing stops their heads from snapping back.", "hypothesis": "Fighters show a major cause of injury is whiplash from being punched against the ropes. "} {"idx": "mnli-5318", "premise": "Andorra, a principality high in the mountains that is owned jointly by France and Spain, is a popular ski resort and center for duty-free shopping.", "hypothesis": "Ski competitions are held every winter in Andorra."} {"idx": "mnli-5319", "premise": "Dunford- Jackson said, rather than a domestic issue between two parties.", "hypothesis": "Dunford-Jackson said it was a domestic issue within the farming community."} {"idx": "mnli-5320", "premise": "In the first 4 years, How does your program announcements were mailed to the inform the eligible colleges of the individual named as president in the opportunity to apply for grants?", "hypothesis": "Did you inform applicants of who the college president was in your mailers?"} {"idx": "mnli-5321", "premise": "It must, in fact, have been distinctly annoying to the pair of schemers.\"", "hypothesis": "The schemers would not have been annoyed by it."} {"idx": "mnli-5322", "premise": "yeah but i don't know if they if they if uh the death penalty", "hypothesis": "I don't know if your state uses the death penalty. "} {"idx": "mnli-5323", "premise": "So might any number of public policy right-to-know organizations for whom the design and goals of the HPV program are obscure ( Right-to-Know News , Jan.", "hypothesis": "The intentions of the HPV program are not always clear to organizations."} {"idx": "mnli-5324", "premise": "We have no control over the quality, safety or legality of the items advertised, the truth or accuracy of the listings, the ability of sellers to sell items or the ability of buyers to buy items, he stipulates.", "hypothesis": "He specifies that we have no control over the truth of the listings."} {"idx": "mnli-5325", "premise": "but uh huh-uh not yet but i mean i don't know whether they have one of the first you know choices of somebody that would be real good", "hypothesis": "They are able to do anything."} {"idx": "mnli-5326", "premise": "The Winding Stair on Ormond Quay is an interesting, labyrinthine secondhand bookshop with a caf??.", "hypothesis": "The Winding Stair is a used bookstore with a cafe."} {"idx": "mnli-5327", "premise": "Tommy stared.", "hypothesis": "Tommy stared, lost in what he was looking at."} {"idx": "mnli-5328", "premise": "In Slate , David Plotz how Douglas Brinkley has cashed in on the death; J. William Medley tells he was with the deceased; and Jodi Kantor wonders how started.", "hypothesis": "Douglas has not cashed in on the death."} {"idx": "mnli-5329", "premise": "2 Since 1990, the Congress and the President have taken action to eliminate the annual federal budget deficit through several initiatives including the Budget Enforcement Act of 1990, the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993, and the Balanced Budget Act of 1997.", "hypothesis": "Several attempts have been made to balance the federal budget."} {"idx": "mnli-5330", "premise": "He doesn't need to force his actors to caricature their behavior in the name of some archetypal truth because those masks are already so marvelously archetypal.", "hypothesis": "He doesn't make his actors behave like caricatures."} {"idx": "mnli-5331", "premise": "The Chawk (bazaar) is famous for its perfumes, silks, and brassware.", "hypothesis": "The Chawk is an infamous temple."} {"idx": "mnli-5332", "premise": "The letter also anticipated the passage of congressional restrictions on the activities of LSC programs, prompting LSC to instruct its programs to forge deeper bonds with other stakeholders, including non-LSC funded programs, state and local bar associations, IOLTA administrators, the judiciary, and client groups.", "hypothesis": "The letter showed the congressional restrictions on multiple programs."} {"idx": "mnli-5333", "premise": "i think they're gonna uh maybe give us a state income tax do you have one", "hypothesis": "I hope they don't start charging us a state income tax."} {"idx": "mnli-5334", "premise": "ABC News president David Westin is the latest star in the network news soap opera . USA Today implied that Westin's predecessor, the legendary Roone Arledge, is being kicked upstairs because ABC is losing the ratings war to NBC.", "hypothesis": "Westin is not a star."} {"idx": "mnli-5335", "premise": "yeah it's there's a lot of factors that people don't ever ever consider", "hypothesis": "There are a hundred other factors that people don't ever reflect on."} {"idx": "mnli-5336", "premise": "And then I got a bogus note from Tuppence and I knew!\"", "hypothesis": "\"When I got this fake note from Tuppence, I was deceived.\""} {"idx": "mnli-5337", "premise": "We in the United States seem to give too much weight to things that do not have any bearing on the person's ability to lead the country.", "hypothesis": "The United States gives too little weight to things."} {"idx": "mnli-5338", "premise": "Breakfast is not usually included at US hotels, except on executive floors and at some budget motels that offer morning coffee, orange juice, and doughnuts or muffins.", "hypothesis": "Almost every hotel in the US offers a great breakfast, but budget motels usually do not, in the interest of cutting costs. "} {"idx": "mnli-5339", "premise": "if you write a bad check you go to jail right", "hypothesis": "You will never go to jail, so write plenty of bad checks."} {"idx": "mnli-5340", "premise": "In contrast, citizens, companies, and governments in an open economy such as the United States can finance the gap between domestic investment and national saving with foreign investment in the United States.", "hypothesis": "Governments in an open economy can finance national saving."} {"idx": "mnli-5341", "premise": "Over the course of a long series of meetings and discussions, representatives of the boards and staff of the four programs reached the conclusion that if all clients in Indiana were to have access to high quality legal services, significant changes needed to be made in the configuration of programs within the state.", "hypothesis": "There was a lot of animosity at the meetings between the board and staff of the four programs. "} {"idx": "mnli-5342", "premise": "You have got them, then?\" With magnificent calm Tommy shook his head.", "hypothesis": "You have them with you then? Tommy denied, betraying no emotion."} {"idx": "mnli-5343", "premise": "All Saints' Day (La Toussaint) 1 November, when, after dark, in an original and beautiful Antilles tradition, all graves in cemeteries are illuminated with candles.", "hypothesis": "When night falls on the first of November, candles are placed to illuminate all graves."} {"idx": "mnli-5344", "premise": "But whenever you go, don't try to do it all in a day.", "hypothesis": "Do not try to see everything in one day."} {"idx": "mnli-5345", "premise": "The Bulls were winning by 11 points, but the Bullets were hanging tough.", "hypothesis": "The Bulls were losing by 11 points to the Bullets."} {"idx": "mnli-5346", "premise": "Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany backed Franco's Nationalists, while the Soviet Union supported the Republicans (although less and less towards the end of the war).", "hypothesis": "Franco sided with the Republicans."} {"idx": "mnli-5347", "premise": "But pigs can pretty much eat everything we do.", "hypothesis": "The pigs have a strict diet."} {"idx": "mnli-5348", "premise": "A young and rather scared looking nurse appeared with a bottle which she proffered to Nibs, who waved her towards Cynthia with the somewhat enigmatical remark: \"I'm not really here to-day.\" Cynthia took the bottle and examined it with the severity of a judge. ", "hypothesis": "The nurse was nervous to give the bottle over to Nibs."} {"idx": "mnli-5349", "premise": "Furthermore, Centrelink categorizes preventable payments into three preventable by the customer, preventable by staff, and preventable by the system.", "hypothesis": "Centrelink splits preventable payments into those preventable by the customer, staff and the system."} {"idx": "mnli-5350", "premise": "Find out how he did it. ", "hypothesis": "There is no immediate need for me to find out how he did it. "} {"idx": "mnli-5351", "premise": "to uh to transmit the signals to have a backup some to back that that system up so that there is no no down time", "hypothesis": "The system is backed up so that it isn't down."} {"idx": "mnli-5352", "premise": "To make sure the message is clear, Paris offers golden nighttime illumination of its major historical buildings.", "hypothesis": "Paris lights their landmarks up at night."} {"idx": "mnli-5353", "premise": "Apparently one blob of material from the sun had been tossed all the way here and had landed against a huge rock to spatter into fragments.", "hypothesis": "The rock had been splattered into fragments by a single blob."} {"idx": "mnli-5354", "premise": "The assumption of ACI as a mercury control method will be more conservative with regard to sorbent consumption since it will assume that all of the facilities installing sorbent injection for mercury control require AC.", "hypothesis": "ACI as a mercury control method is a hotly debated issue among scientists."} {"idx": "mnli-5355", "premise": "but i i hate laying out material and trying to get the most out of the material and make sure it's on the right lines and not on the bias and", "hypothesis": "I have a friend that really enjoys it, though."} {"idx": "mnli-5356", "premise": "This month, the federal Violence Against Women Office awarded a two-year, $350,000 grant to the Women's Haven of Tarrant County.", "hypothesis": "The federal Violence Against Women Office has not awarded any grants this month."} {"idx": "mnli-5357", "premise": "The Roman capital was also located in this region.", "hypothesis": "The Roman capital is in a different land far, far away."} {"idx": "mnli-5358", "premise": "He still intended to hear what was going on in the locked room.", "hypothesis": "He was going to eavesdrop on the conversation in the locked room."} {"idx": "mnli-5359", "premise": "The analysis concludes that the quantifiable costs associated with the rule are $600,000 for the Pension Consultant exemption, $18,000 for the Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organization exemption, $300,000 for the Affiliated Adviser exemption, and $8,700 for the New Adviser exemption for a total of $926,700.", "hypothesis": "The analysis provided the quantifiable cost figures for several exemptions."} {"idx": "mnli-5360", "premise": "It is possible to emphasize this topic without stating that it should take precedence over other issues or have a certain amount of resources devoted to it.", "hypothesis": "The statement is emphasized."} {"idx": "mnli-5361", "premise": "Rennie was not too common a name, but he did not see how Johnny could possibly have hit upon the truth.", "hypothesis": "Rennie was a very common name in those parts."} {"idx": "mnli-5362", "premise": "One common and successful church-run credit unions.", "hypothesis": "The church-run credit unions is unsuccessful."} {"idx": "mnli-5363", "premise": "What's that?", "hypothesis": "I'm not sure what that is."} {"idx": "mnli-5364", "premise": "The typical visitor is still older and wealthier than in most holiday destinations, but times are beginning to change as they are across Portugal, no longer the forgotten backwater of Europe.", "hypothesis": "It is usual for the visitors to be elderly."} {"idx": "mnli-5365", "premise": "'Lincoln's here.'", "hypothesis": "Lincoln got here."} {"idx": "mnli-5366", "premise": "Rue St-Denis, once primarily a red-light district, is now pedestrianized, but still has its share of sex shops.", "hypothesis": "Rue St-Denis is not a spot that respectable visitors would want to see during their visit."} {"idx": "mnli-5367", "premise": "Beware of the innocent-looking red Jumilla.", "hypothesis": "The Jumilla is responsible for over a thousand deaths a year."} {"idx": "mnli-5368", "premise": "i can't uh i can't stay with it too long either but that that i i read about fifty pages and then i just said i can't take it", "hypothesis": "I read much more than fifty pages and enjoyed it."} {"idx": "mnli-5369", "premise": "This site includes a list of ITRB's members, events, publications, and related links.", "hypothesis": "List of ITRB's members, events, publications, and links are included on the site. "} {"idx": "mnli-5370", "premise": "It sells excellent lace and embroidered items (most items are cheaper than they are in Funchal), leather goods, and a great selection of vintage Madeiran wine, with bottles dating back to last century (for a hefty price, of course).", "hypothesis": "It is the premiere location to get high quality lace and embroidered items at the cheapest price."} {"idx": "mnli-5371", "premise": "You're safe.", "hypothesis": "You have nothing to worry about."} {"idx": "mnli-5372", "premise": "Until the Tokugawa shoguns completed their conquest of all Japan from the 17th century on, the towns of Tohoku constituted the northern boundaries of the Japanese empire.", "hypothesis": "Tohoku was a very dangerous place to be before unification. "} {"idx": "mnli-5373", "premise": "Here Pollock's camouflage palette, as Varnedoe notes, gives way to carnival.", "hypothesis": "Carnival emerges from the typical camouflage palette of Pollock."} {"idx": "mnli-5374", "premise": "Driven back to Sardis, he witnessed the sacking of his city by the army of Cyrus the Great, in 546 b.c.", "hypothesis": "His city was sacked by the army of Cyrus the Great in 546 b.c."} {"idx": "mnli-5375", "premise": "This will allow both an actual cost analysis and a resource comparison of city and rural routes.", "hypothesis": "This will allow a perfectly accurate cost analysis and resource comparison of city and rural routes. "} {"idx": "mnli-5376", "premise": "Beg your pardon?", "hypothesis": "I understand completely."} {"idx": "mnli-5377", "premise": "now i always end up in a must take situation anyway so", "hypothesis": "I end up in that situation."} {"idx": "mnli-5378", "premise": "Well, , I considered. ", "hypothesis": "I thought about it."} {"idx": "mnli-5379", "premise": "Famous graduates include Jonathan Swift, Oliver Goldsmith, Bram Stoker, Oscar Wilde, and Samuel Beckett; resistance heroes Robert Emmet and Wolf Tone also studied here.", "hypothesis": "There are more famous graduates than is usual."} {"idx": "mnli-5380", "premise": "Congress did not consider abortion to be within its family planning objectives.", "hypothesis": "Congress did not want to tackle such a serious topic at this time."} {"idx": "mnli-5381", "premise": " Eating Out", "hypothesis": "A step above dining out is dining outdoors al fresco style."} {"idx": "mnli-5382", "premise": "no i i don't much care for Michael J Fox anyway", "hypothesis": "I don't like Michael J Fox."} {"idx": "mnli-5383", "premise": "so that's what i've taken to doing lately and it seems to work pretty well so far", "hypothesis": "I have resorted to doing that lately, and it is effective."} {"idx": "mnli-5384", "premise": "There is only one way for Clinton to extricate himself from this He can commute Pollard's sentence so that the spy can't go free until 2001.", "hypothesis": "Clinton has no power to commute Pollard's sentence."} {"idx": "mnli-5385", "premise": "uh-huh yeah he may have been the last of the old guard i don't know", "hypothesis": "I don't know of any others that are like him."} {"idx": "mnli-5386", "premise": "The second class would include those planets formed so near the stellar center that the high temperature would make it impossible to capture much hydrogen.", "hypothesis": "All planets fall into the same class."} {"idx": "mnli-5387", "premise": "In the case of unique or unusual facilities, consultants may have limited access to unique skills, potentially resulting in naave and inappropriate technical solutions.", "hypothesis": "Unique skills may be limited in access for consultants."} {"idx": "mnli-5388", "premise": "uh-huh back when i had time to watch TV oh maybe last year when i wasn't doing aerobics and work wasn't quite as busy as it's been lately um i liked The Wonders Year's and uh um sometimes every now and then i'll catch Doogie Howser because i think that comes on at eight on Wednesday nights and that's about the time i get home from aerobics and i turn on the TV as i sit down to eat dinner and i'll catch that", "hypothesis": "I never had time to watch TV, even before I started doing aerobics."} {"idx": "mnli-5389", "premise": "The spot finally shifts to Clinton, filmed at the White House in glorious color.", "hypothesis": "Clinton was filmed at the White House."} {"idx": "mnli-5390", "premise": "This Federated Laboratory concept guided ARL as it integrated the various management reforms.", "hypothesis": "It was not guided."} {"idx": "mnli-5391", "premise": "Transportation Service for the Elderly.", "hypothesis": "Elderly people are delicate and must not be moved under any circumstances."} {"idx": "mnli-5392", "premise": "A 7 th -grade male student apparently used a gun purchased by his father to open fire on students outside Fort Gibson School just before the start of classes.", "hypothesis": "A student used a fully automatic assault rifle to commit a school shooting."} {"idx": "mnli-5393", "premise": "It was the marble used for them that Shahjahan chose for his Taj Mahal.", "hypothesis": "Shahjahan chose the marble for the Taj Mahal."} {"idx": "mnli-5394", "premise": "Egypt became one of the most influential Arab states, especially when, in the mid-9th century, a more powerful Arab force the Fatimids swept across Egypt from the west.", "hypothesis": "Egypt lost all their power."} {"idx": "mnli-5395", "premise": "He saw as close a vision to hell as any had ever seen.", "hypothesis": "He saw a vision and screamed. "} {"idx": "mnli-5396", "premise": "yeah oh that sounds fantastic", "hypothesis": "That sounds great!"} {"idx": "mnli-5397", "premise": "The really valuable estate cannot be touched by the death tax.", "hypothesis": "The death tax is unable to reach the most important parts of the estate."} {"idx": "mnli-5398", "premise": "It was a 1937 version of The Prisoner of Zenda , with Ronald Colman, Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Raymond Massey, David Niven, Madeleine Carroll, and Mary Astor.", "hypothesis": "The book we are talking about is the Prisoner of the Ballerina."} {"idx": "mnli-5399", "premise": "yeah i i think usually as a general rule the best man wins most of the time", "hypothesis": "The best man usually wins. "} {"idx": "mnli-5400", "premise": "In August each year, the Esplanade is filled by a temporary arena erected for performances of the Military Tattoo.", "hypothesis": "The Esplanade is also filled by a temporary arena in September each year."} {"idx": "mnli-5401", "premise": "Too high and prominent cheekbones with slight hollows below them, and a mouth tight set, made more for strength of will and discipline of feeling than conventional good looks.", "hypothesis": "Conventional good looks could be discerned from the cheekbones and the mouth."} {"idx": "mnli-5402", "premise": "The nonstatutory requirements that OMB can waive under GPRA generally involve the allocation and use of resources, such as restrictions on shifting funds among items within a budget account.", "hypothesis": "Under GPRA, the OMB are not required to spend a certain amount on resources."} {"idx": "mnli-5403", "premise": "Figure 2. Total Cost Functions for Sampled Posts", "hypothesis": "This is a figure of Total Cost Functions For Sampled Posts"} {"idx": "mnli-5404", "premise": "Without such a framework, even the cleverest organizing tactics will come to seem hollow.", "hypothesis": "The framework is hollow. "} {"idx": "mnli-5405", "premise": "Who should do interventions in the ED?", "hypothesis": "Should interventions Be in the ED"} {"idx": "mnli-5406", "premise": "He had trusted Jon to defend Fena Dim with no idea how he would do it.", "hypothesis": "He knew exactly how Jon was going to defend Fena Dim."} {"idx": "mnli-5407", "premise": "Finally, one area I believe the Congress needs to begin thinking about is the process for appointment of the Deputy Comptroller General.", "hypothesis": "Congress should begin planning a process for appointing a new Deputy Comptroller General."} {"idx": "mnli-5408", "premise": "What will eventually arise is a confrontation of her own availability for intimacy, which she never has to examine as long as these men are unavailable.", "hypothesis": "She is in a long term committed relationship."} {"idx": "mnli-5409", "premise": "Dayak Bidayuh and Iban get together for round after round of palm toddy, rice wine, and other jollities.", "hypothesis": "Dayak Bidayuah and Iban get together."} {"idx": "mnli-5410", "premise": "Well, my friend, you have seen the finger-marks \u201dit remains to tell you the particular object on which they had been left.\"", "hypothesis": "The finger-marks have seen you, my enemy."} {"idx": "mnli-5411", "premise": "On the other hand, because of repeat visitors, the number of unique browsers in a given month is less than the total of unique browsers per week for those four weeks, which is less than the total of unique browsers per day over those 30 days.", "hypothesis": "The number of unique visitors in a month is more than the number of browsers. "} {"idx": "mnli-5412", "premise": "Holy Smokes, don't you ever read any detective stories? When you're trying to work a big deal without being caught, it's practically the main thing to keep on acting just like always.", "hypothesis": "The most important thing is to keep acting like you always do."} {"idx": "mnli-5413", "premise": "Bombardier suggested that in addition to evaluation, this research should develop ways to mitigate legal, privacy, and confidentiality problems associated with screening and treatment.", "hypothesis": "Bombardier wants to protect the legal and private rights of those who receive screening and treatment."} {"idx": "mnli-5414", "premise": "They will come here.", "hypothesis": "They will come here to kill us."} {"idx": "mnli-5415", "premise": "And who knows?", "hypothesis": "And everyone knows that."} {"idx": "mnli-5416", "premise": "No, No. In all probability the young lady is with other relations. The doctor was not completely satisfied, but he saw that Sir James was determined to say no more, and realized that to try and extract more information from the famous K.C.", "hypothesis": "The doctor was completely satisfied. "} {"idx": "mnli-5417", "premise": "and and they're really quite um arrogant about it all they they believe that they they belong there and they've belonged there forever and the Palestinians and the Arabs are um more or less they they they consider them second class", "hypothesis": "They get along well with their Arab friends and neighbors."} {"idx": "mnli-5418", "premise": "The rooms are still decorated and furnished with the Baroque pomp of the 17th and 18th centuries and reconstructed following Allied bomb damage in 1943.", "hypothesis": "The rooms are decorated in a modern Mid-century style."} {"idx": "mnli-5419", "premise": "Pilgrims flock from all around the island to kiss the image of the patron saint, and some ascend the final 68 steps to the church on their knees.", "hypothesis": "Pilgrims from across the world come to kiss the image of the patron saint."} {"idx": "mnli-5420", "premise": " For thirty years, he produced and distributed Project Gutenberg-tm eBooks with only a loose network of volunteer support.", "hypothesis": "With only a loose network of volunteers, he produced and distributed Project Gutenberg eBooks for thirty years."} {"idx": "mnli-5421", "premise": "Inside the structure a shaft was dug 28 m (91 ft) into the bedrock where the Djoser's burial chamber was situated.", "hypothesis": "There's no entry to Djoser's burial chamber anymore."} {"idx": "mnli-5422", "premise": "ARTICLE : : Too True To Be Good", "hypothesis": "Article: Too Good To Be True."} {"idx": "mnli-5423", "premise": "Examples of favors in exchanges for campaign contributions are plentiful.", "hypothesis": "Favors in exchange for campaign money was common."} {"idx": "mnli-5424", "premise": " Light Truck Average Fuel Economy Standard, Model Year 1998", "hypothesis": "A report on fuel economy for boats."} {"idx": "mnli-5425", "premise": "Then came tin mining and rubber plantations, and, more recently, palm oil, hardwood timber, and offshore petroleum and gas.", "hypothesis": "Palm oil has never been an industry in the region."} {"idx": "mnli-5426", "premise": " Open Access Same-Time Information System and Standards of Conduct", "hypothesis": "Open Access conduct standards"} {"idx": "mnli-5427", "premise": "Gommatesvara, the son of the prophet Adinath, is entirely naked except for a single vine-creeper winding itself around his legs and arms.", "hypothesis": "Gommatesvara appears as a virile and powerful figure."} {"idx": "mnli-5428", "premise": "It includes the You have the right to speak to an attorney and to have an attorney present during any questioning.", "hypothesis": "You may decline having an attorney present during questioning if you so wish."} {"idx": "mnli-5429", "premise": "'Uh...I mean...wow.", "hypothesis": "What I meant was, wow. "} {"idx": "mnli-5430", "premise": "and you know they can get a they they can grasp the points can they convey the data verbally or in writing and that's what's you know really scary to me um i would really you know there's such a a push push among among young mothers these days to make sure their child is computer literate i would really think that they should be stressing more can the kid write a thought and at an early age and if they can't i mean if they have missed that training then somebody you know before you're you you start penalizing them with bad grades for not being able to communicate what they're thinking teach them these basic skills", "hypothesis": "The children's communication skills have been benefiting from all the typing they do in their computer training."} {"idx": "mnli-5431", "premise": "This glossary is presented as the last appendix to the volume.", "hypothesis": "The volume is nearly 800 pages long and has at least eight authors."} {"idx": "mnli-5432", "premise": "But the Shopping Avenger was born again.", "hypothesis": "The shopping avenger was reborn. "} {"idx": "mnli-5433", "premise": "Data base information and data analysis technique", "hypothesis": " Data base information isn't a data analysis technique."} {"idx": "mnli-5434", "premise": "but every little bit helps right", "hypothesis": "My salary wasn't something to be proud of, but I accepted it."} {"idx": "mnli-5435", "premise": "Results from the two methods were not integrated; both suggested, however, that the program was generally working well (National Science Foundation, 1984).", "hypothesis": "Results suggested the program was working well."} {"idx": "mnli-5436", "premise": "I immediately turned tail and ran, heading fast as I could in the opposite direction.", "hypothesis": "I ran as fast as I could, far away."} {"idx": "mnli-5437", "premise": "A method adopted by demure advertisers who don't wish to intrude is to ask permission.", "hypothesis": "This is an acceptable method."} {"idx": "mnli-5438", "premise": "I haven't seen him either, replied Tuppence impatiently.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence was very patient as he replied to the questions. "} {"idx": "mnli-5439", "premise": "He said the Association recognizes that many foreign service officers frequently travel long distances and would therefore receive considerable benefits from such legislation.", "hypothesis": "The legislation ignored the amount of officers that frequently travel."} {"idx": "mnli-5440", "premise": "Nearby is a fascinating Ethiopian Folk Art Centre.", "hypothesis": "The Ethiopian Folk Art Centre houses paintings, carvings, and jewelry."} {"idx": "mnli-5441", "premise": "Our work on this issue has given us insight that I believe will be helpful to you.", "hypothesis": "We have 5 years' experience with this issue."} {"idx": "mnli-5442", "premise": "The other piece on the recording, the Fantasy for Pianoforte, Chorus, and Orchestra in C Minor Op.", "hypothesis": "Orchestra in C Minor Op. is a part of the music on the recording."} {"idx": "mnli-5443", "premise": "um make my family understand this is hot uh", "hypothesis": "Being hot is not a big deal."} {"idx": "mnli-5444", "premise": "Do not use Judge Judy as a role model -- except for how not to do it, he said.", "hypothesis": "He said that Judge Judy could only serve as a model of how not to do it."} {"idx": "mnli-5445", "premise": "Just inland you'll find Santa Monica's Main Street, which is awash with unusual shops and excellent restaurants.", "hypothesis": "Main STreet has a lot of stores."} {"idx": "mnli-5446", "premise": "and uh i got so tired i i guess i just got so tired of hearing about the Dallas Cowboys and and you know whatever whatever the Cowboys did that day that it just kind of turned me against them", "hypothesis": "I never got tired of hearing about the Cowboys."} {"idx": "mnli-5447", "premise": "Jan Ullrich became the first German cyclist to win the Tour de France.", "hypothesis": "Ulrich was an Australian cyclist."} {"idx": "mnli-5448", "premise": "At the end of the 19th century unemployed samurai' adventurous but still attached to the old traditions took their families to Hokkaido to carve out a new life for themselves.", "hypothesis": "Many samurai were forced out of their homes at the end of the 19th century."} {"idx": "mnli-5449", "premise": "and and all he has to do is one you know hit it once it doesn't he can he can strike he can swing a couple times if he if he fouls it up he can swing as much as he can it's an interesting uh", "hypothesis": "He does not even need to hit it at all."} {"idx": "mnli-5450", "premise": "'We have a whole evening based around your arrival, sir and ma'am.", "hypothesis": "They had planned out some great entertainment for the evening."} {"idx": "mnli-5451", "premise": "You heard?", "hypothesis": "You mean you didn't hear it, at all?"} {"idx": "mnli-5452", "premise": "You're sure to overdose, but that's the obsessive/compulsive thrill you're looking for, right?", "hypothesis": "You could harm yourself from an overdose."} {"idx": "mnli-5453", "premise": "This requires careful organization of the files of original observations, complete documentation of the conditions of data collection that are relevant to the trustworthiness and credibility of the information, and making transparent and reproducible the manner in which the evaluator moved from phase to phase of the analysis.", "hypothesis": "Several cases of fraud have been discovered where the evaluator's procedure was not well-documented."} {"idx": "mnli-5454", "premise": "Test plans provide testing procedures and the evaluation criteria to assess results of the testing.", "hypothesis": "These evaluation criteria can be found on page 93 of this publication."} {"idx": "mnli-5455", "premise": "Sure thing! ", "hypothesis": "Yes!"} {"idx": "mnli-5456", "premise": "well i used to live out there and uh seems like they've well Tarpley just got pulled over again", "hypothesis": "That was my favorite coffee shop and it was also closest to where I lived."} {"idx": "mnli-5457", "premise": "But Dorcas, who was the next witness called, dispelled even that possibility. ", "hypothesis": "But Dorcas proved that the possibility was real."} {"idx": "mnli-5458", "premise": "um-hum and i guess that turns out to be the basic problem with any invasion of privacy is whether or not you're feeling threatened as a result of of it so so maybe that is a a little bit of what privacy is", "hypothesis": "Whether you are feeling threatened or not, as a result of an invasion of privacy many people will hate the government."} {"idx": "mnli-5459", "premise": "The allegation, reported in Newsweek , is that when Willey met alone with Clinton at the White House in 1993 to ask for a paying job, Clinton made a pass at her--a charge denied by the president's attorney.", "hypothesis": "The president's attorney admitted to Clinton hitting on Willey when they met alone for a job interview."} {"idx": "mnli-5460", "premise": "Taxonomy is exhausting.", "hypothesis": "Taxonomy is exciting."} {"idx": "mnli-5461", "premise": "News ' best colleges rankings.", "hypothesis": "The news lists down America's worst colleges."} {"idx": "mnli-5462", "premise": "all right you too good night then bye bye", "hypothesis": "I will talk to you in the morning."} {"idx": "mnli-5463", "premise": "They were beautiful.", "hypothesis": "They were ugly."} {"idx": "mnli-5464", "premise": "'Attention, ladies and gentlemen.", "hypothesis": "The announcement was important."} {"idx": "mnli-5465", "premise": "Its dim network of staircases, corridors, and courtyards linked the sumptuously decorated chambers of the royal household, and harboured a claustrophobic world of ambition, jealousy, and intrigue.", "hypothesis": "The small, practical chambers of the royal household rarely harbored plots or ill will."} {"idx": "mnli-5466", "premise": "That there is some sort of financial compensation there, to me, means it isn't pro bono.", "hypothesis": "The financial compensation means it is pro bono"} {"idx": "mnli-5467", "premise": "but but you'd think that uh garages could do that", "hypothesis": "Most garages can hold two cars."} {"idx": "mnli-5468", "premise": "Pollock suggested that ED visits are crucial opportunities, and the supporting text for this recommendation can make that clear.", "hypothesis": "The text was published in a case study."} {"idx": "mnli-5469", "premise": "my um husband's father has a place out in East Texas so he's always digging up little red oaks and things like that and trying to bring them back and start them but", "hypothesis": "There are little red oaks in East Texas."} {"idx": "mnli-5470", "premise": "yes they're very bold it seems", "hypothesis": "They are extremely confident. "} {"idx": "mnli-5471", "premise": "It grew from 5.2 billion pieces in 1987 to 9.9 billion pieces in 1997.", "hypothesis": "the number of pieces grew in a linear fashion, as opposed to an exponential one."} {"idx": "mnli-5472", "premise": "no but my husband's mother was in a nursing home", "hypothesis": "My husband's mother was in a nursing home for a year."} {"idx": "mnli-5473", "premise": "Johnson asks the widow, who coos that her day was just fine.", "hypothesis": "When Johnson asked how her day was, the widow cooed that it was fine."} {"idx": "mnli-5474", "premise": "She and her husband, Prince Philip, were very much involved in the interior decoration of the ship, choosing the furnishings for what would be their floating home.", "hypothesis": "Prince Philip and his wife were very interested in the interior decoration of their floating home."} {"idx": "mnli-5475", "premise": "and that's relatively calm city", "hypothesis": "And that is a relatively quiet city."} {"idx": "mnli-5476", "premise": "i you can't yeah yeah we can't get involved in their civil war um unfortunately but we've kind of driven these people out", "hypothesis": "We can't afford to get involved in the Syrian civil war."} {"idx": "mnli-5477", "premise": "if they could.", "hypothesis": "They would. "} {"idx": "mnli-5478", "premise": "Delos was not only an important religious center, but also a major meeting point for trade between East and West during the Hellenistic and Roman eras.", "hypothesis": "The East and West met at Delos to trade."} {"idx": "mnli-5479", "premise": "The region that would become Poland, a great plain sandwiched between the Vistula and Odra rivers, has been inhabited since the Stone Age by migratory tribal peoples among them Celts, Balts, Huns, Slavs and Mongols.", "hypothesis": "The region that is now Poland has not been home to Slavs."} {"idx": "mnli-5480", "premise": "oh i could never do that i was never that brave but um yeah", "hypothesis": "I never had that much courage."} {"idx": "mnli-5481", "premise": "no it wasn't", "hypothesis": "It was usual for it to not be."} {"idx": "mnli-5482", "premise": "How often do you feel downhearted and blue?", "hypothesis": "Do you feel depressed every day?"} {"idx": "mnli-5483", "premise": "spring and well i guess we're still in winter and uh", "hypothesis": "I wish it was spring."} {"idx": "mnli-5484", "premise": "Next to the staircase is the Tripartite Shrine where the Linear B alphabetical tablets were discovered.", "hypothesis": "The Linear B alphabetical tablets were found in the Tripartite shrine. It was discovered almost 200 years ago."} {"idx": "mnli-5485", "premise": "The object is to play against the dealer (house) to get as close to 21 as possible without busting (going over 21).", "hypothesis": "You try to get close to 21."} {"idx": "mnli-5486", "premise": "To reach the entrance, go back up David Street and turn left up a small alleyway.", "hypothesis": "Turn right up the alleyway to get to the entrance."} {"idx": "mnli-5487", "premise": "The rule will apply to 82 percent of the general, short-term, acute care hospitals that participate in the Medicare program, or 5,130 hospitals, all of which are considered small entities by HCFA.", "hypothesis": "This is based upon inpatient bed count."} {"idx": "mnli-5488", "premise": "Montepulciano (famous for its superb Vino Nobile di Montepulciano), perched some 610 m (2,000 ft) above sea level, is known as the Pearl of the 16th Century. ", "hypothesis": "Montepulciano is situated some 3,079 m above sea level, making it the tallest city in the world."} {"idx": "mnli-5489", "premise": "(The republic, as you probably know, contains three competing clans.)", "hypothesis": "The clans are all equal in strength."} {"idx": "mnli-5490", "premise": "At Macouba, it's worth stopping at the simple cliffside church, where Pyre Labat spent some time, to examine its cemetery jutting out over the ocean.", "hypothesis": "You shouldn't bother stopping at the dumpy church."} {"idx": "mnli-5491", "premise": "Tuppence pressed the bell firmly.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence gripped the bell tightly. "} {"idx": "mnli-5492", "premise": "Blum not only fails to share these explanations, but also sometimes repeats ones that are downright wrong--such as that men die young because the species needs them less.", "hypothesis": "Blum says correct things every time he speaks."} {"idx": "mnli-5493", "premise": "My European friends always marvel at how hard Americans work, even those who already have plenty of money.", "hypothesis": "Americans do not work very hard and Europeans marvel about this."} {"idx": "mnli-5494", "premise": "If he can discredit Don Cazar in this country, he figures he has it made.\"Nye laughed shortly.", "hypothesis": "Nye talked about him discrediting Don Cazar in the country."} {"idx": "mnli-5495", "premise": "you know when i actually started working full time and i i got married shortly after getting out of high school i uh thought i was smart ran away and got married and uh i remember there was a time and within the first year of marriage i said boy wouldn't i give to get be back in school", "hypothesis": "I got married when I was young because I didn' thave any support at home."} {"idx": "mnli-5496", "premise": "The Lake District National Park encompasses a short area of coastline where the tidal estuaries of the North Sea meet the streams and rivers flowing down from the western lakes.", "hypothesis": "No part of coastline is included within the Lake District National Park."} {"idx": "mnli-5497", "premise": "Oily foods, particularly latkes (potato pancakes), are served during dinner to symbolize the Temple miracle.", "hypothesis": "The foods served for dinner have no symbolic meaning."} {"idx": "mnli-5498", "premise": "well the colds and the flu have been going around down here", "hypothesis": "Colds have not been common lately around here."} {"idx": "mnli-5499", "premise": "Hawaiian legislators decided to give domestic-partnership benefits to gay couples instead of letting them marry.", "hypothesis": "Legislators thought gay couples deserved benefits but not marriage."} {"idx": "mnli-5500", "premise": "I've just five minutes to catch the post. Cynthia and I went and sat by the open window in the drawing-room. ", "hypothesis": "The window at which Cynthia and I sat was in the drawing room and it was also open."} {"idx": "mnli-5501", "premise": "If you're used to machine-made, mass-produced embroidered items, you may be in for sticker a full set of meticulously detailed table linens can take up to two years to make, so prices aren't cheap (although, measured as a reflection of someone's salary for that length of time, they really are).", "hypothesis": "Hand-embroidered linens are no more expensive than machine-made ones."} {"idx": "mnli-5502", "premise": "What can we do?", "hypothesis": "What are our options?"} {"idx": "mnli-5503", "premise": "Jon started again, slowly.", "hypothesis": "Jon quickly moved along, giving up on it after the first try."} {"idx": "mnli-5504", "premise": "What is a computer, Dave Hanson?\" Nema's hand rested on Hanson's arm pleadingly, and he shrugged.", "hypothesis": "\"Are computers pointless, Dave?\" Nema slapped Hanson, and he ran away."} {"idx": "mnli-5505", "premise": "All these changes-to multiple observers, professionally supervised but not professionally trained observers, and shorter observation times-led to others.", "hypothesis": "The professionally supervised have been lacking professional training in observing."} {"idx": "mnli-5506", "premise": "Derry stood for a second.", "hypothesis": "Derry began to move."} {"idx": "mnli-5507", "premise": "The Duomo was built during Pisa's Golden Age, begun in 1063, to honor Pisa's victory over the Saracens in Sicily.", "hypothesis": "To honor Pisa's victory over the Saracens, nothing was built."} {"idx": "mnli-5508", "premise": "and then again it it depends depends on the the bigger you are and you know the more bulk that you have you you can your system can tolerate more alcohol so a large person can probably um metabolize maybe a little bit more", "hypothesis": "Alcohol tolerance is not related to size."} {"idx": "mnli-5509", "premise": "The estimated relationship from the Che stnut and Rowe study is only directly applicable to the populations represented by survey respondents.", "hypothesis": "There is a relationship between Chestnut and Rowe study."} {"idx": "mnli-5510", "premise": "I find it interesting that Alfred Gingold, in Onward, Christian Clothiers, doesn't have a problem with pro-abortion T-shirts or vulgar T-shirts (shit happens, coed nude basketball, bitch on wheels, etc.) but finds it necessary to tee off on evangelical Christian apparel.", "hypothesis": "Alfred Gingold does not like evangelical Christian apparel."} {"idx": "mnli-5511", "premise": "but mine keep dying back down to the ground so i haven't had that problem yet", "hypothesis": "By dying, they prevent the problem from happening."} {"idx": "mnli-5512", "premise": "There's an abundance of nature, history, art, and modern culture to be explored and enjoyed.", "hypothesis": "History is the only thing that is lacking in quantity. "} {"idx": "mnli-5513", "premise": "Its islands have small fishing harbors replete with azure water, whitewashed houses with brightly colored trim, small domed chapels, and donkeys in their fields.", "hypothesis": "There are donkeys that live on its islands."} {"idx": "mnli-5514", "premise": "it was just some of the excuse me", "hypothesis": "She said excuse me when she burped"} {"idx": "mnli-5515", "premise": "Modern archaeologists studying the ruins of Troy have discovered nine superimposed cities, ranging from Troy I (3000 2500 b.c. ) to Troy IX (350 b.c. a.d.", "hypothesis": "Troy I to Troy IX were cities within cities, an unusual architerctural structure."} {"idx": "mnli-5516", "premise": "She looked at me.", "hypothesis": "She looked away from me."} {"idx": "mnli-5517", "premise": "He also asked how Medicare distinguishes between prevention and treatment for the purposes of authorizing reimbursement.", "hypothesis": "He asked about Medicate and treatment for the purposes of authorizing reimbursement."} {"idx": "mnli-5518", "premise": "The pope has endorsed sexual equality in the workplace and in society, but there is no doubt that he subscribes to a Christian version of difference feminism.", "hypothesis": "The pope openly expresses separate religious Christian values personally."} {"idx": "mnli-5519", "premise": "The Berkeley Cannabis Buyers Club had to take down its Web site, which had been overwhelmed by surfers hoping to score electronically.", "hypothesis": "Berkely cannabis buyer's club had been overwhelmed by the demamd of consumers thus took their website down "} {"idx": "mnli-5520", "premise": "Waverley Street Shopping Centre, which sits on the corner of Princes Street, is where you will find the main Tourist Information Office.", "hypothesis": "Waverly Street Shopping Centre sits on the corner of Princess Street."} {"idx": "mnli-5521", "premise": "one of my uh uh i went to school out in Plano and one of my my classmates married one of the uh uh one of the Duncans that actually owned Southfork when it started", "hypothesis": "I've never been to Plano."} {"idx": "mnli-5522", "premise": "She also is an adjunct professor at the Widener University School of Law.", "hypothesis": "She taught at New York University."} {"idx": "mnli-5523", "premise": "Few others did and that fact protected Fena Dim from marauders or bandits.", "hypothesis": "Fena Dim was a target because of its vast gold reserves."} {"idx": "mnli-5524", "premise": "The successful execution of these two critical success factors depends to a great extent on officials other than the CIO.", "hypothesis": "The successful execution of these two is based upon the level of work"} {"idx": "mnli-5525", "premise": "Emergency room visits for $299 COI estimate based on data reported by Smith, et al.", "hypothesis": "There's a $699 COI estimate for emergency room visits based on the data reported by Smith, et al."} {"idx": "mnli-5526", "premise": "At first they suspected rival slave traders or mercenaries hired by the other cities to corner the market on the trade, but all the traders were being killed one caravan at a time.", "hypothesis": "The mercenaries were hired by other cities to help with trade."} {"idx": "mnli-5527", "premise": "i i believe i would probably tend towards that", "hypothesis": "I completely disagree with that."} {"idx": "mnli-5528", "premise": "Other learning experiences include course work, such as Elements of Product Cost, in which participants analyze and use cost element information to support decisionmaking related to improvement efforts, ensuring that resources are applied to those activities that return the greatest benefits and provide the highest value to customers.", "hypothesis": "Resources must be applied adequately to activities that return the greatest benefits."} {"idx": "mnli-5529", "premise": "The people who profit from these arrangements should find another way to make a living.", "hypothesis": "The people that profit from this should find another career. "} {"idx": "mnli-5530", "premise": "'Maybe,' Greuze seemed unconvinced.", "hypothesis": "Yes, Greuze was totally convinced of it."} {"idx": "mnli-5531", "premise": "Because the Government has been entrusted with, and made accountable for, these resources and responsibilities, they should be recognized in the financial reports of the Federal Government and of its component entities.", "hypothesis": "The government should not be accountable."} {"idx": "mnli-5532", "premise": "Today, pseudo-scientific theories about the origin and purpose of the pyramids fill the stands of bookshops and the listings on documentary channels.", "hypothesis": "Documentary channels and bookshop stands are filled with theories about the pyramids."} {"idx": "mnli-5533", "premise": "Akin to corroboration and an essential methodological feature of case studies.", "hypothesis": "It produces very useful results."} {"idx": "mnli-5534", "premise": "Gosh, why didn't we think of that?", "hypothesis": "We didn't think of that, darn!"} {"idx": "mnli-5535", "premise": "As a result, payment process oversight has generally shifted from individual transaction reviews to reviews of internal control over systems that process the transactions.", "hypothesis": "Payments are under sighted in internal systems "} {"idx": "mnli-5536", "premise": "uh so we're we're actually we're pretty disciplined so it makes those surprises not so", "hypothesis": "Does it make the surprises not so because you are disciplined?"} {"idx": "mnli-5537", "premise": "no we don't eat fish either but it the majority of the book is um vegetarian with no meats so or you know of any any kind of animal so there's quite a few out there", "hypothesis": "the majority of the book is fish and meat"} {"idx": "mnli-5538", "premise": "i mean fifteen bucks to go see a movie with two with a couple's a little ridiculous", "hypothesis": "I think that fifteen dollars for two people to see a movie is pretty reasonable."} {"idx": "mnli-5539", "premise": "but uh we've gotten pretty good at it we've been doing it a couple of years now", "hypothesis": "Practice makes perfect. "} {"idx": "mnli-5540", "premise": "So have I.", "hypothesis": "I've lost track at this point."} {"idx": "mnli-5541", "premise": "Supposing my utmost ambitions were realized that I was called to the bar, and rose to the height of my profession? ", "hypothesis": "I would be incredibly happy if I was called to the bar."} {"idx": "mnli-5542", "premise": "However, these canoe rides actually focus on the more visible bird life along the river banks egrets, ducks, storks, kingfishers, eagles, and scores of other fascinating birds.", "hypothesis": "These canoe rides highlight the native bird species. "} {"idx": "mnli-5543", "premise": "But he said as how th' safety of his people was what was important.", "hypothesis": "He told me he wanted to kill his people."} {"idx": "mnli-5544", "premise": "and i had a uh post uh World War version of the Pennsylvania Electric uh GT1 locomotives and it happened to be one of the rare paint jobs", "hypothesis": "My Pennsylvania Electric GT1 locomotive had a common paint job, and what I'd really wanted was one of the rare ones."} {"idx": "mnli-5545", "premise": "You did it, brother, said A'deem.", "hypothesis": "A'deem said he had done it."} {"idx": "mnli-5546", "premise": "And quite a different class from them two detectives from London, what goes prying about, and asking questions. ", "hypothesis": "Very different from the pair of Londoners who are too curious."} {"idx": "mnli-5547", "premise": "Kazan was one of their victims.", "hypothesis": "Kazan was lucky enough to not be hurt by them."} {"idx": "mnli-5548", "premise": "These conferences will enable program staff to examine the degree to which gender, race, ethnicity and age have adversely affected the ability of some clients to obtain critical legal services from LSC recipients.", "hypothesis": "These conferences do not enable program staff to examine the degree which various demographics are able to obtain legal services."} {"idx": "mnli-5549", "premise": "It is emotional meaning that she registers, with a vivid simplicity and in the unlikeliest of places.", "hypothesis": "It is very complex and confusing."} {"idx": "mnli-5550", "premise": "uh they can't hardly trade him because nobody wants to pay that much for him and if they just keep him that hurts their salary cap so that guy's got Dallas in a big old bind but uh they they i think they've just got to forget about him and uh try to build a team without him maybe go for some good they ought to get some good draft picks this year", "hypothesis": "It's easy to trade him because everybody is willing to pay."} {"idx": "mnli-5551", "premise": "We stumbled in together, Lawrence still holding his candle. ", "hypothesis": "Lawrence was holding a candle because it was so dark."} {"idx": "mnli-5552", "premise": "Like many French seaside resorts, Dinard was a discovery of the British in the 19th century, who called it Queen of the Emerald Coast. ", "hypothesis": "The Dinard was discovered by the Dutch in the late 17th century."} {"idx": "mnli-5553", "premise": "Does the case study identify the factors explaining the phenomena that were observed?", "hypothesis": "It is unknown if the factors causing the phenomena are explained."} {"idx": "mnli-5554", "premise": "Today, a rental fleet makes it possible for almost anyone to enjoy a sail in this dreamy place.", "hypothesis": "You can also swim here. "} {"idx": "mnli-5555", "premise": "All scenarios are implemented in 2002.", "hypothesis": "These scenarios will increase productivity by negative fifty percent."} {"idx": "mnli-5556", "premise": "Boys Don't Cry 's postscript explains that she eventually returned to Falls City, where is she currently raising a child.", "hypothesis": "The subject of the film Boys Don't Cry is currently living in Falls City."} {"idx": "mnli-5557", "premise": "Or will they stay the course and ask government to do more with less?", "hypothesis": "Will they ask the government to do less with more?"} {"idx": "mnli-5558", "premise": "I've got to stop her.", "hypothesis": "I'll just let her go right ahead. "} {"idx": "mnli-5559", "premise": "Good evening.\" He raised his hat with a flourish, and walked away.", "hypothesis": "He said good morning and raised his hat, then walked away."} {"idx": "mnli-5560", "premise": "you know the the fitness centers so oh well that's a waste of money", "hypothesis": "The fitness center is worth every penny."} {"idx": "mnli-5561", "premise": "Queens and royal children were buried in a valley separate from their fathers and husbands.", "hypothesis": "Queens had their own burial ground separated from the children. "} {"idx": "mnli-5562", "premise": "Why is NASA letting the old bird lift off?", "hypothesis": "Why has NASA supported the lift off of the old bird?"} {"idx": "mnli-5563", "premise": "No Rafcio, we can't afford it, we still need to buy enough laundry detergent to last us three months, because at our local hypermarket it costs 25 groszy more per package.", "hypothesis": "At our local hypermarket, the laundry detergent is more expensive by 25 groszy."} {"idx": "mnli-5564", "premise": "There is an advertising gallery, an audio-visual show, a Cooperage and Transport Museum, souvenir shop, coffee shop, and a bar where you can sample the brew.", "hypothesis": "There is no advertising gallery present."} {"idx": "mnli-5565", "premise": "I want to ride light today.\"", "hypothesis": "I am not carrying anything because I want to ride light."} {"idx": "mnli-5566", "premise": "Somewhat recovered emotionally, she came back hoping that her four-week-long effort would be appreciated by someone.", "hypothesis": "She was sure that at least one person was going to acknowledge her hard work."} {"idx": "mnli-5567", "premise": "Dominating Old Delhi, the Lal Quila (Red Fort) was built by Shahjahan when he transferred the capital back to Delhi from Agra.", "hypothesis": "After Shahjahan was forced to remain in Agra, he decided against building the Lal Quila."} {"idx": "mnli-5568", "premise": "do you uh does does she ever want to go back to Syria", "hypothesis": "Does she want to go back to Syria to visit her family?"} {"idx": "mnli-5569", "premise": "i always wanted to put Gloria Steinem on a set of camels and send her over to the Gulf and let her fight but", "hypothesis": "I always wanted to see Gloria Steinem in a management position at her workplace."} {"idx": "mnli-5570", "premise": "Find the bus station on Sultan Suleiman Street between Nablus Road and Saladin Street.", "hypothesis": "The Suleiman Street never had a bus station."} {"idx": "mnli-5571", "premise": "Please move away, Kevin McLaughlin, the Forbes chairman for Polk County, pleaded with a press corps that insisted on standing between Forbes and the audience.", "hypothesis": "Please move away, Kevin McLaughlin, the Forbes chairman for Polk County pleaded to the press corp for hours since they stood between Forbes and the audience."} {"idx": "mnli-5572", "premise": "The Council for Excellence in Government, whose members include former leaders in both government and the private sector, works toward practical public sector reform.", "hypothesis": "Public sector reform is the only function of the Council for Excellence in Government. "} {"idx": "mnli-5573", "premise": "and people would leave me alone", "hypothesis": "People would not stop bothering me."} {"idx": "mnli-5574", "premise": "Derry kept them soaped and scrubbed.", "hypothesis": "Derry kept the dishes full of soap. "} {"idx": "mnli-5575", "premise": "and they're going yes but in general i like to exercise i i like dance a lot so i mean i aerobics is something i'd hate to give up but", "hypothesis": "I generally like to exercise no matter what it involves."} {"idx": "mnli-5576", "premise": "His to find out more about Kathleen Willey's allegations of sexual harassment by Clinton.", "hypothesis": "He wanted to know more about sexual harassment allegations pointed towards Clinton. "} {"idx": "mnli-5577", "premise": "The latter nodded.", "hypothesis": "The last one acknowledged."} {"idx": "mnli-5578", "premise": "but i would really check that out because i'm concerned in coming years it's going to be you know just a horrendous burden to especially the younger folks", "hypothesis": "I would look into that because it may cripple the youth in the future. "} {"idx": "mnli-5579", "premise": "i don't know if you're familiar with it Pamela Smart in New Hampshire", "hypothesis": "I know you have never heard of Pamela Smart in New Hampshire."} {"idx": "mnli-5580", "premise": "no i remember when i was in college i didn't have time to do that stuff either it was really", "hypothesis": "When I was in college, I didn't have time to do things like that either."} {"idx": "mnli-5581", "premise": "However, participants generally agreed that there is no silver bullet for enhancing the effectiveness of boards of directors in their role of oversight of management and protecting shareholders.", "hypothesis": "Participants feel that there is a simple solution."} {"idx": "mnli-5582", "premise": "The Logic of Naturalistic Inquiry.", "hypothesis": "Naturalistic Inquiry is easy to understand."} {"idx": "mnli-5583", "premise": "At the same time, we have taken a number of other important steps to improveGAO to betterserve theCongress.", "hypothesis": "We are taking steps to improve GAO. "} {"idx": "mnli-5584", "premise": "I guess you can get right off now if you want to.", "hypothesis": "I guess you are now free to go, should you wish to."} {"idx": "mnli-5585", "premise": "You can't liberate me.", "hypothesis": "You are unable to liberate me."} {"idx": "mnli-5586", "premise": "He said he heard Schiff go into the study, where the president was.", "hypothesis": "Schiff went to the study with the president."} {"idx": "mnli-5587", "premise": "Brunelleschi's design was never completed but the interior preserves the spatial clarity of his Corinthian-capitaled colonnades.", "hypothesis": "Brunelleschi's completed design can be seen in its original condition today."} {"idx": "mnli-5588", "premise": "At the next corner he passed a policeman.", "hypothesis": "This was the only policeman he saw while out running."} {"idx": "mnli-5589", "premise": "Auditors should communicate information to officials of the audited entity and the individual contracting for the audit services regarding the nature and extent of planned testing and reporting on the subject matter or assertion.", "hypothesis": "Individuals who are being audited usually contact the auditors often to ask questions about their audit."} {"idx": "mnli-5590", "premise": "yeah well yeah i kind of enjoy doing that a little bit too", "hypothesis": "I hate that a lot."} {"idx": "mnli-5591", "premise": "Disney is evil--not because it's turning children into liberals, but because it's turning them into wimps.", "hypothesis": "Disney turns children into liberals."} {"idx": "mnli-5592", "premise": "you know they people people been sitting like they had on 20/20 or 48 Hours one of them they had them on the man was twenty years waiting on death row", "hypothesis": "The man waiting 20 years is ready to meet his death and has become a Christian."} {"idx": "mnli-5593", "premise": "For the first-time visitor, France will seem at once delightfully different and comfortably familiar, a country of exciting and infinitely attractive contrasts.", "hypothesis": "France has differences such as rolling hills and roaring oceans."} {"idx": "mnli-5594", "premise": "In 1763 construction had already begun on North Bridge, which would provide access from the Old Town.", "hypothesis": "There is no access to the Old Town since there is no bridge being built."} {"idx": "mnli-5595", "premise": "If the employee is not recording his or her T and A data, the basis for recording the data could be (1) the timekeeper's or supervisor's observation, (2) time clocks, or other automated timekeeping devices, where not prohibited by law, or (3) other applicable techniques.", "hypothesis": "The employee doesn't have to record his T and A data since the government does so automatically for him."} {"idx": "mnli-5596", "premise": "People applying for driver's licenses aren't even suspects of anything.", "hypothesis": "There is no suspicion on people applying for driver's licenses."} {"idx": "mnli-5597", "premise": "That gets to you pretty quick.", "hypothesis": "You wouldn't be bothered a bit by that."} {"idx": "mnli-5598", "premise": "sort of large yeah just a little bit little bit bigger than TI", "hypothesis": "Microsoft is a little bigger than TI."} {"idx": "mnli-5599", "premise": "Against the weight of all our knowledge, do you think you could become our master that easily? Hanson had his own doubts.", "hypothesis": "Given that we know so little, couldn't you become our master?"} {"idx": "mnli-5600", "premise": "and uh those are the kinds of things that still can show up", "hypothesis": "They can still show up."} {"idx": "mnli-5601", "premise": "(1) disseminate all types of information, including alerts, advisories, reports, and other analysis; (2) make databases available to the members; and (3) provide methods for members to ask each other about particular incidents, vulnerabilities, or potential solutions.", "hypothesis": "There are numerous proposed avenues of help available to members."} {"idx": "mnli-5602", "premise": "Jon could not say.", "hypothesis": "Jon was concise, clear and spoke his point well."} {"idx": "mnli-5603", "premise": "The innermost coffin is of iron, the next of mahogany, then two of lead, one of ebony, and the outer one of oak.", "hypothesis": "The coffin is always made of birch."} {"idx": "mnli-5604", "premise": "Critics disagree, however, on Darger himself--was he a psychopath or an undiscovered genius?", "hypothesis": "Was Darger a maniac or a diamond in the rough?"} {"idx": "mnli-5605", "premise": "Do you remember what Ca'daan told us about the salt mines in the west? said San'doro.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan never said anything about the mines."} {"idx": "mnli-5606", "premise": "Sixteen-year-olds can drive perfectly on the momentous day they present themselves at the Motor Vehicles Bureau, and then speed recklessly the day after.", "hypothesis": "The Motor Vehicle Bureau has thousands of driving tests every month."} {"idx": "mnli-5607", "premise": "In addition, see the accompanying 21 reports, numbered GAO-01-242 through GAO-01-262 on specific agencies.", "hypothesis": "21 reports are given on specific agencies."} {"idx": "mnli-5608", "premise": "A deep, wild ravine with thick tropical vegetation is nicknamed the River of Hell. ", "hypothesis": "The ravine is shallow with sparse vegetation. "} {"idx": "mnli-5609", "premise": "It bears on it in this way, is it not a fact that Mrs. Vandemeyer committed a young relative of hers to your charge? Julius leaned forward eagerly.", "hypothesis": "Mrs. Vandemeyer sent a young relative to live with the person Julius is speaking too."} {"idx": "mnli-5610", "premise": "yeah the subject would die before they had to run all the tests that they need that's it would be an exhausted test uh how about the the area of role models or roles as it were when you", "hypothesis": "The subject sometimes died before finishing the test."} {"idx": "mnli-5611", "premise": "and i've had very good luck with it uh haven't had many repairs done at all the alternator went out four years ago and uh the i had to replace the water pump back in nineteen eighty three", "hypothesis": "I've had four repairs in the last month."} {"idx": "mnli-5612", "premise": "The past year saw the creation of many projects, the maturation of several young initiatives and the opportunity to take existing efforts to new levels.", "hypothesis": "Not a single project reached maturity over the last year."} {"idx": "mnli-5613", "premise": "What we have to look at is what the facts are (DeWine).", "hypothesis": "The facts are all we have to look at."} {"idx": "mnli-5614", "premise": "And this account of them was published in Slate , so it's probably wrong, too.", "hypothesis": "It is likely incorrect as well."} {"idx": "mnli-5615", "premise": "Probably about six minutes, I thought.", "hypothesis": "Definitely less than a minute"} {"idx": "mnli-5616", "premise": "and uh yeah i got all my little seedlings coming up in the kitchen and", "hypothesis": "I wish I had the time to grow things "} {"idx": "mnli-5617", "premise": "He knows more about poisons than almost anybody, I explained. ", "hypothesis": "I said that he did not know much about poisons."} {"idx": "mnli-5618", "premise": "Leave the car behind and take the Porte de la Chapelle line on the metro from Concorde to Abbesses.", "hypothesis": "The Porte de la Chapelle is a line on the metro."} {"idx": "mnli-5619", "premise": "Today the Museo Sefardi (Sephardic Museum) is attached to Samuel Levi's synagogue, with exhibits of medieval tombs, scrolls, and vestments.", "hypothesis": "Medieval tombs are among the attractions at the Sephardic Museum."} {"idx": "mnli-5620", "premise": "The movie reeks of film-student overkill (Susan Wloszczyna, USA Today ). It would only be allowed to ooz[e] out of Miramax's storeroom in the otherwise fallow month of January, says the Village Voice 's Amy [I]ts devices are too shopworn to allow for a personal or original point of view.", "hypothesis": "The movie has been widely praised by critics."} {"idx": "mnli-5621", "premise": "The Nazis initiated a ruthless campaign in 1940, rounding up intellectuals, Jews, and others, executing some in the streets and deporting others to concentration camps in the occupied territory.", "hypothesis": "In 1940 the Nazis began a program to systematically imprison and eliminate Jews and others."} {"idx": "mnli-5622", "premise": "He said, \"And worlds like ours?\" ", "hypothesis": "\"And words like theirs?\""} {"idx": "mnli-5623", "premise": "Passaic Legal Aid argues that LSC has effectively debarred it from receiving future grants without providing the notice and hearing required by law.", "hypothesis": "Passaic Legal Aid said LSC will never get another penny."} {"idx": "mnli-5624", "premise": "Last July, a couple of locals found a skeleton along the Columbia River in Kennewick, Wash.", "hypothesis": "A skeleton was found along the Columbia River."} {"idx": "mnli-5625", "premise": "Reducing the formation of ground-level ozone, or smog, will bring healthier air to tens of millions of people, and reduce the number of ozone-related health problems such as respiratory infection, asthma attacks, and chronic lung damage.", "hypothesis": "Reducing pollution will result in healthier oxygen to many people, and lower the amount of ozone-related diseases."} {"idx": "mnli-5626", "premise": "Being loyal Republicans, Lamar's contributors talk about such happenings only obliquely.", "hypothesis": "Lamar also received many donations from democrats."} {"idx": "mnli-5627", "premise": "Visitors are welcome to browse weekdays from 9am to 5pm.", "hypothesis": "It is closed to visitors on weekdays from 9am to 5pm."} {"idx": "mnli-5628", "premise": "Spain called it treason.", "hypothesis": "Besides calling it a betrayal, Spain also called it a slight to their honor."} {"idx": "mnli-5629", "premise": "yeah that that is uh a tough situation i mean because you know i mean some sometimes i feel like maybe some of them are just kind of pressured or not really into you know and and you know uh people go home and the jury duty is always like you know kind of whining about it all seems like if people were were really you know into the subject and uh i don't know i mean i guess if there if it was more people it would be better if it was just like you know the majority but i guess the smaller number of that if it was like six or twelve which there usually are so um and i guess unanimous uh yeah i kind of agree with that", "hypothesis": "Everyone is happy to serve jury duty when they get called. "} {"idx": "mnli-5630", "premise": "Finally, a teenager from Lorraine, Jeanne d'Arc (Joan of Arc), roused the French to resist the English at Orl??ans.", "hypothesis": "A teenager from Lorraine, Jeanne d'Arc, roused the French to resist the English at Orleans."} {"idx": "mnli-5631", "premise": "Many teen-agers are not moved by the possibility of an early death in four decades.", "hypothesis": "All young people concentrate on notions of death and not living to their 20s. "} {"idx": "mnli-5632", "premise": "to heck with them you know the police asked me if i wanted to press charges and i said no i'm not going to press charges i wanted the boys parents to know what had happened and i want you to go to talk to their parents and i want you know their their parents to be aware", "hypothesis": "After the boys vandalized my car I told the police not to arrest them."} {"idx": "mnli-5633", "premise": "The Liberal Humanitarians (a k a Red-Tailed Hawks)", "hypothesis": "Red tailed hawks are liberal humanitarians. "} {"idx": "mnli-5634", "premise": "The man drew his knife from the folds of his pants and went to a plate of polished silver A'deem tied to one side of the wood hut.", "hypothesis": "The man scratched his initial into the silver plate with his knife."} {"idx": "mnli-5635", "premise": "But in this instance, I want to experiment with a slight Rather than burn the mathematics, I will make it available as a link.", "hypothesis": "Instead of doing math I want to test a hypothesis."} {"idx": "mnli-5636", "premise": "Eastern and Central European nations, which historically have been invasion highways, see NATO membership as the answer to their greatest internal instability and Russian resurgence.", "hypothesis": "Central and Eastern European nations are not in a good state."} {"idx": "mnli-5637", "premise": "In the 17th-century Hotel Lambert, on the corner of Rue Saint-Louis-en-l 'Ile, Voltaire carried on a tempestuous affair with the lady of the house, the Marquise du Cetelet.", "hypothesis": "Voltaire and the Marquise used the Hotel Lambert to keep their affair hidden."} {"idx": "mnli-5638", "premise": "A greatnoise is said to alwaysattend less the humming of wings thanthe grinding you'd expect", "hypothesis": "The expectation of grinding wings is wrongfully interpreted."} {"idx": "mnli-5639", "premise": "And it's no mean feat either.", "hypothesis": "It's a very mean feat."} {"idx": "mnli-5640", "premise": "Nay, he will come to us when the time is right, said Jon.", "hypothesis": "Jon said the man was gone for good."} {"idx": "mnli-5641", "premise": "Attempts to ascertain whether other qualified sources capable of satisfying the government's requirement exist.", "hypothesis": "There has been no effort to look elsewhere for other qualified resources."} {"idx": "mnli-5642", "premise": "we outgrew the need for that and so i used it for an aquarium", "hypothesis": "My fish love these improvements. "} {"idx": "mnli-5643", "premise": " \"What'd you want with that book, Helms?\"Muller demanded.", "hypothesis": "\"Helms, why do you want with that book?\" Muller asked."} {"idx": "mnli-5644", "premise": "Pro se assistance empowers people to help themselves and makes our court system work better.", "hypothesis": "Pro se assistanve doesn't really help anyone. "} {"idx": "mnli-5645", "premise": "Miss Howard, in particular, took no pains to conceal her feelings. ", "hypothesis": "Miss Howard is unashamed to hide her feelings."} {"idx": "mnli-5646", "premise": "For the best view of that awesomely rich facade, finished in 1813, and bristling silhouette of marble pinnacles and statues, stand in the courtyard of the Palazzo Reale south of the cathedral.", "hypothesis": "The best view of the facade is from the north of the cathedral."} {"idx": "mnli-5647", "premise": "She was public sector chair of National Federation of Paralegal Associations from 1984 to 1988.", "hypothesis": "She was a public sector chair from 1984 to 1988."} {"idx": "mnli-5648", "premise": "And that, at least according to the story, was that.", "hypothesis": "There was a published book that told that."} {"idx": "mnli-5649", "premise": "Democrats should turn out smartly in New York City, helping Chuck Schumer unseat Sen.", "hypothesis": "Chuck Schumer is running in an election."} {"idx": "mnli-5650", "premise": "so i'm in Lubbock Texas yeah", "hypothesis": "I am in Lubbock Texas."} {"idx": "mnli-5651", "premise": "um over over huge areas and and they thought that was more beneficial because you know and it some of it does soak in and some of it runs off right away into the into the streams and rivers and some of the fish were supposedly making a comeback", "hypothesis": "We had kept the goldfish in a small tank."} {"idx": "mnli-5652", "premise": "The museum also features a fishbowl laboratory where visitors can see fossils being cleaned and catalogued.", "hypothesis": "The museum has a place where visitors can view fossils getting cleaned and categorized"} {"idx": "mnli-5653", "premise": "Exhibit 17 Key Sensitivity Analyses for the Clear Skies Act in 2010A", "hypothesis": "Exhibit 17 holds no aspects regarding clear skies. "} {"idx": "mnli-5654", "premise": "Quickest way to get here.\"", "hypothesis": "Optimal journey parameters."} {"idx": "mnli-5655", "premise": "you know my parents don't hardly use them", "hypothesis": "They've used them plenty and are very satisfied."} {"idx": "mnli-5656", "premise": "is bottle is bottle return down there a heated debate", "hypothesis": "Everyone agrees that bottle returns are good."} {"idx": "mnli-5657", "premise": "Investment (1960-2000) 66 Figure 3.3:Net U.S.", "hypothesis": "Investment 66 figure. "} {"idx": "mnli-5658", "premise": "okay well i got the first one this evening that i had gotten at home i", "hypothesis": "I got the third one this evening that I had gotten at the store."} {"idx": "mnli-5659", "premise": "well uh i am basically retired now i was a member i was in education and in administration so basically i wore", "hypothesis": "I'm retired now."} {"idx": "mnli-5660", "premise": "On clear days, enjoy a view high over the Adriatic and all the way north to the pink-tinged Dolomites.", "hypothesis": "The view is more comprehensive on clear days."} {"idx": "mnli-5661", "premise": "Because simplicity and ease of administration are usually given some weight in rate setting, the number of worksharing discounts is limited.", "hypothesis": "The administration has much power "} {"idx": "mnli-5662", "premise": "yeah it's really a rather touchy topic at that but", "hypothesis": "It's kind of a touchy topic because it involves euthanasia."} {"idx": "mnli-5663", "premise": "now this is done in the needlepoint", "hypothesis": "This is carried out using the needlepoint."} {"idx": "mnli-5664", "premise": "um-hum are you a a native Texan oh well good for you have you ever been to Austin", "hypothesis": "Are you a native Canadian?"} {"idx": "mnli-5665", "premise": "A lizard might jus' as well try to fight it out with a cougar an' think he hadda chance of winnin'.", "hypothesis": "A lizard could attempt to fight a cougar and believe it could win."} {"idx": "mnli-5666", "premise": "The Baixa is Lisbon's principal business district.", "hypothesis": "There are some business districts in Lisbon that are smaller than the Baixa."} {"idx": "mnli-5667", "premise": "and uh and then just in the last you know ten or twenty i just haven't sewn anything i would love to i would like to get back to it", "hypothesis": "I haven't been sewing and I would like to start again."} {"idx": "mnli-5668", "premise": "Another issue is whether to change the name of Texas Rural Legal Aid so that it reflects the territory's diverse landscape.", "hypothesis": "Changing the name of \"Texas Rural Legal Aid\" is another issue."} {"idx": "mnli-5669", "premise": "that seems to be an up and coming business i know out there where we are there's there's uh a person on each side of our county that now have aviaries", "hypothesis": "Aviaries are an up-and-coming business."} {"idx": "mnli-5670", "premise": "At the sight of Tommy, Julius's eyes seemed as though they would pop out of his head.", "hypothesis": "Julius had to restrain himself when he saw Tommy."} {"idx": "mnli-5671", "premise": "To the right of the madrasa is the Al-Rafai Mosque completed in 1902 and the last greatest religious structure to be built in the city.", "hypothesis": "The Al-Rafai Mosque receives 100,000 visitors every year."} {"idx": "mnli-5672", "premise": "Students who object to animal experimentation should be allowed to decline, but be required to spend extra time with Stan and his friends.", "hypothesis": "Students should be able to choose between spending time with Stan and animal experimentation."} {"idx": "mnli-5673", "premise": "As it happens, right now the deal isn't looking as great for Lucasfilm as it originally did.", "hypothesis": "The deal currently looks fantastic for Lucasfilm."} {"idx": "mnli-5674", "premise": "Watendlath, Norse for the barn at the end of the water, is one of the best places to enjoy the stark fell landscape without much exertion.", "hypothesis": "From Watendlath you can enjoy the landscape."} {"idx": "mnli-5675", "premise": "Bill Kristol says Bennett is speaking for other conservatives who worry that Gingrich's image is so tattered, he's being forced to soften his partisan edge.", "hypothesis": "Kristol says Bennet speaks for conservatives."} {"idx": "mnli-5676", "premise": "Technology is only just beginning to let us search the skies for the telltale clues another civilization might offer.", "hypothesis": "Technology will never have any means of helping us find clues of another civilization beyond our own."} {"idx": "mnli-5677", "premise": "It might be more appropriate to consider something closer to government accountability office.", "hypothesis": "Something close to the government accountability office would not be considered appropriate."} {"idx": "mnli-5678", "premise": "you can uh you can get and i know when my children were younger um we found a lot of really nice tapes that they that they liked um there was an Agape music group and um i some of the songs i still find going over in my head over and over again because they were really um very memorable even though my children are now my youngest is almost sixteen but i still find some of the same tapes i uh some of the same songs from those tapes i enjoy", "hypothesis": "They had many tapes when they were younger. "} {"idx": "mnli-5679", "premise": "You understand?\"", "hypothesis": "Can you make him understand?"} {"idx": "mnli-5680", "premise": "yeah oh yeah they've got a they've got basically a uh you know a lock on a lot of the market", "hypothesis": "They own most of the market right now."} {"idx": "mnli-5681", "premise": "Its base was measured in kilometers instead of yards, and its top was going to be proportionally high, apparently.", "hypothesis": "Its base was measured in kilometers, and its top was going to be related to the base."} {"idx": "mnli-5682", "premise": "yes i think uh that is a tough uh we all seems to think seems to be that way", "hypothesis": "We all seem to think that it is tough."} {"idx": "mnli-5683", "premise": "For me, reporting and writing for the magazine was fun, pure fun.", "hypothesis": "I thought the reporting and writing for the magazine was fun and rewarding."} {"idx": "mnli-5684", "premise": "If a standardized intervention is not used, audio tapes can at least give an idea of how it works.", "hypothesis": "Recordings of an intervention won't help the patient at all. "} {"idx": "mnli-5685", "premise": "Sightseeing is, of course, only a part of your visit to Malaysia.", "hypothesis": "you can do more than just sightseeing in Malaysia."} {"idx": "mnli-5686", "premise": "i'd encourage it", "hypothesis": "I would never support it"} {"idx": "mnli-5687", "premise": "Disk compression and networking into Windows.", "hypothesis": "Disk compression and networking is possible in Windows and this is a new technology that they just launched."} {"idx": "mnli-5688", "premise": "The Bank of New York may have laundered money for the Russian mafia.", "hypothesis": "The Russian mafia washed the money thoroughly. "} {"idx": "mnli-5689", "premise": "An excerpt is also available.", "hypothesis": "nothing is available."} {"idx": "mnli-5690", "premise": "And, um, Jeffrey?", "hypothesis": "Jeffrey?"} {"idx": "mnli-5691", "premise": "Train due in three minutes.", "hypothesis": "There is no train coming today."} {"idx": "mnli-5692", "premise": "process one out of every four checks in the country.", "hypothesis": "There are more than four checks in the country. "} {"idx": "mnli-5693", "premise": "You can also download all 26 existing chapters as a Microsoft Word or an Adobe Acrobat file.", "hypothesis": "An Adobe Acrobat file is available if you want to download all of the chapters."} {"idx": "mnli-5694", "premise": "The big house near the sea, you mean?\" Tommy assented brazenly.", "hypothesis": "Tommy boldly assented in order to portray his identity of authority."} {"idx": "mnli-5695", "premise": "and so that's fine and i like LA Law too that's another one", "hypothesis": "I don't watch television, I prefer to read books. "} {"idx": "mnli-5696", "premise": "A small shrine and a relief mark this poignant point.", "hypothesis": "The relief shows an image of Jesus."} {"idx": "mnli-5697", "premise": "99 percent of the parts built on that process will be within the specified limits.", "hypothesis": "Only 4% parts built that way will be within the limits."} {"idx": "mnli-5698", "premise": "Paired phrases do have rhetorical vigor, particularly in the call and response of What do we want?", "hypothesis": "Paired phrases have a rhetorical vigor."} {"idx": "mnli-5699", "premise": "It's hard to know where to draw the line when you're making a joke about race, especially when it comes to those shifty, no-good Cajuns.", "hypothesis": "Racism should never be joked about. "} {"idx": "mnli-5700", "premise": "Look for the ventilation shafts that astronomers have proved aligned with major constellations in the skies of Ancient Egypt.", "hypothesis": "Astronomers have thus far not been able to link the ventilation shafts to major constellations."} {"idx": "mnli-5701", "premise": "Over the next 75 years, the elderly population will nearly double as a share of the total U.S. population (see figure 1.6).", "hypothesis": "Over the next 75 years, the elderly population will nearly triple"} {"idx": "mnli-5702", "premise": "It's easy to sort out--as you've probably noticed, when restoring the paint on all the old pieces, I color-matched them to the bedspreads and rugs.", "hypothesis": "The bedspreads and rugs are color-matched."} {"idx": "mnli-5703", "premise": "yeah i'm i'm we're not from Texas we're from further we're from Missouri so it's it's", "hypothesis": "We are definitely from Texas."} {"idx": "mnli-5704", "premise": "Papacy exiled to Avignon, France from Rome", "hypothesis": "The papacy remained in Avignon, France for 10 years."} {"idx": "mnli-5705", "premise": "to spend on groceries and clothing and fuel for the car and then the rest of it's uh pretty much fixed expenses uh mortgage electricity uh water and uh and garbage collection and telephone bills and cable television bills and those are pretty much fixed", "hypothesis": "The cost for groceries and clothing are unpredictable and can vary every month."} {"idx": "mnli-5706", "premise": "um but it just really depends on the weather and my mood and then you know obviously when i'm doing anything that i'm in front of people or or making presentations teaching whatever i'm going to dress up more", "hypothesis": "It depends on the weather and how I feel."} {"idx": "mnli-5707", "premise": "yeah i think that uh uh and and you know i i say this because i'm coming from a i'm coming from my my uh uh my parents my parents and relatives in Massachusetts are all avid gun owners my dad's got a big collection", "hypothesis": "I was raised to use guns well."} {"idx": "mnli-5708", "premise": "The program also identified the critical manufacturing processes and collected statistical process control data early in product development.", "hypothesis": "The program failed to collect any statistical data early on."} {"idx": "mnli-5709", "premise": "yeah they sound familiar i probably saw parts of those you know a lot of times i'll watch i'll start watching a movie and i'm tired and it next thing you know it's it's especially if there's commercial in it", "hypothesis": "I always end up energised after watching a movie!"} {"idx": "mnli-5710", "premise": "yes they do i noticed that they're really putting in small back yards because they have these most of the houses have the alleys that run behind", "hypothesis": "The have enough room to put larger back yards in despite the alleys out back."} {"idx": "mnli-5711", "premise": "there's and there's nothing we can do about it the government seems to do as they wish when they wish", "hypothesis": "The government can't do anything they want. "} {"idx": "mnli-5712", "premise": "We seem to believe that all human action is motivated not by the desire to know or improve the lot of humankind, but only by the basest motives of greed, power, and self-aggrandizement.", "hypothesis": "All human action is not motivated by desire to know or improve mankind, instead it is the driven by base motives which cause us to act irrationally. "} {"idx": "mnli-5713", "premise": "Permit me.\" With a deft gesture, he rearranged it. ", "hypothesis": "He kept it the same position."} {"idx": "mnli-5714", "premise": "That is very soon\u2026 .\" Mr. Carter paused.", "hypothesis": "\"That is a long time from now\", Mr. Carter screamed."} {"idx": "mnli-5715", "premise": "I can soon get out of it again.\"", "hypothesis": "I can get out of it again soon, but I choose not to."} {"idx": "mnli-5716", "premise": "It is not a glamorous job at all, but someone has to do it.", "hypothesis": "Although it's not an elegant job, somebody has got to have it."} {"idx": "mnli-5717", "premise": "Table 2.2: Complexity of Questions Example Characteristic", "hypothesis": "The questions are complex "} {"idx": "mnli-5718", "premise": "When he at last opened his eyes, he was conscious of nothing but an excruciating pain through his temples.", "hypothesis": "When the man opened his eyes he felt a pain in his head."} {"idx": "mnli-5719", "premise": "Ethnic Malays are present in the upper echelons of the government, civil service, and tourist offices.", "hypothesis": "The upper echelons of civil service have only foreigners."} {"idx": "mnli-5720", "premise": "in their lives, is a definite reward for me.", "hypothesis": "There is no reward for me."} {"idx": "mnli-5721", "premise": "Often it has taken years for the consolidated functions in new departments to effectively build on their combined strengths, and it is not uncommon for these structures to remain as management challenges for decades.", "hypothesis": "It's not uncommon for old structures to continually affect management for decades."} {"idx": "mnli-5722", "premise": "McCain : Medical Savings Accounts, etcetera.", "hypothesis": "McCain: Farmers Market Account, etc."} {"idx": "mnli-5723", "premise": "Somebody might accept you next time. ", "hypothesis": "There's someone out there who will accept you."} {"idx": "mnli-5724", "premise": "Virtually everyone who's anyone is depicted in an inside Drew Barrymore (The Nymph), Sean Connery and Michael Caine (The Old Devils), Jodie Foster, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Meg Ryan (The Three Graces), etc.", "hypothesis": "Sean Connery and Michael Caine are known as The Old Devils."} {"idx": "mnli-5725", "premise": "The professors expect to make their study available through a Web site, www.eeo1.com.", "hypothesis": "www.eeo1.com is the site where the study is expected to be available."} {"idx": "mnli-5726", "premise": "Subsequent to the issuance of the FFC report, NASA received ISO 9000 certification for its headquarters office and each of its centers.", "hypothesis": "The FFC report led to ISO 9000 certification."} {"idx": "mnli-5727", "premise": "For a year the tabs have been reporting on what the Star calls a string of bizarre incidents involving actress Farrah Fawcett.", "hypothesis": "There have been some bizarre incidents concerning Farrah Fawcett in the tabloids. "} {"idx": "mnli-5728", "premise": "Good, Julius.", "hypothesis": "Excellent, Julius."} {"idx": "mnli-5729", "premise": "Napoleon wanted it as a temple of glory for his army, but his architect suggested the Arc de Triomphe instead.", "hypothesis": "His architect suggested the Arc de Triomphe, even though Napoleon wanted it as a temple of glory for his army."} {"idx": "mnli-5730", "premise": "yeah it's got no", "hypothesis": "It doesn't have it, no."} {"idx": "mnli-5731", "premise": "One person perhaps.", "hypothesis": "Two people at least."} {"idx": "mnli-5732", "premise": "and then i found myself short of cash so i uh also went in for a part-time job so by the time that i got home after my second job", "hypothesis": "I was short on cash and getting a second job was needed but it broke me."} {"idx": "mnli-5733", "premise": "I can't even talk about some of them.", "hypothesis": "I love talking about all of them."} {"idx": "mnli-5734", "premise": "Oh, sure, Randy, the war may seem funny now, but what if our killing all those people inspires a violent video game?", "hypothesis": "How will video game developers deal with the fact that we aren't killing anyone for the first time in our history?"} {"idx": "mnli-5735", "premise": "yeah i don't do a lot of fancy cooking", "hypothesis": "I do fancy cooking many times a week."} {"idx": "mnli-5736", "premise": "and having sat on both uh uh criminal and a civil uh jury some of what goes through our courts is a total waste of time", "hypothesis": "I have never been a juror."} {"idx": "mnli-5737", "premise": "yeah yeah exactly and if you're alienated i mean i see people at supposedly really good universities who are just having such psychological problems that you think this isn't sinking in", "hypothesis": "Many people at universities are suffering from depression. "} {"idx": "mnli-5738", "premise": "The rapier punched a hole in the man's chest.", "hypothesis": "The man ran away before he could get hurt."} {"idx": "mnli-5739", "premise": "This encourages the least expensive reductions over time as well as across facilities.", "hypothesis": "Across all facilities, the least expensive reductions are encouraged by this."} {"idx": "mnli-5740", "premise": "However, regarding consultation with State, local and tribal governments, the FDA notes that there were two state government representatives who were members of the Good Manufacturing Practices Advisory Committee in 1995 which explored the need to revise the Current Good Manufacturing Practices regulation.", "hypothesis": "The FDA says two state government representatives were members of the Good Manufacturing Practices Advisory Committee."} {"idx": "mnli-5741", "premise": "The Kal stretched his body and cracked his neck.", "hypothesis": "The Kal cracked his neck."} {"idx": "mnli-5742", "premise": "The ratings include the following.", "hypothesis": "The ratings are accurate."} {"idx": "mnli-5743", "premise": "and boy there are kids in this this little section of Plano that we're in we're surrounded less than a mile we have six different centers to our at our disposal so", "hypothesis": "There are kids in Plano that go to these centers."} {"idx": "mnli-5744", "premise": "Some critics fault the younger designers for not taking risks, preferring the continuing inventiveness of such veterans as Karl Lagerfeld, Valentino, and Jean-Paul Gaultier.", "hypothesis": "Young fashion designers take many more risks than necessary."} {"idx": "mnli-5745", "premise": "While the shopping selection is similar to the other suburban malls, sadly, the atmosphere is not.", "hypothesis": "It's shopping selection is different but the atmosphere remains the same."} {"idx": "mnli-5746", "premise": "In the crypt, you'll find the tomb of Andrea Doria, great 16th-century admiral who took Genoa into the Spanish camp against the French and became the city's virtual dictator.", "hypothesis": "Andrea Doria was an admiral who became the dictator of France in the 16th-century."} {"idx": "mnli-5747", "premise": "Capture of Design and Manufacturing Knowledge Early Enough57", "hypothesis": "Manufacturing Knowledge is very important to the success of the project."} {"idx": "mnli-5748", "premise": "He's admittedly one of the world's greatest toxicologists \u201d \u201d\"", "hypothesis": "There aren't many toxicologists in the world, but he's one of the best."} {"idx": "mnli-5749", "premise": "I have a little problem with my current Significant Other.", "hypothesis": "I have some trouble with my current partner."} {"idx": "mnli-5750", "premise": "The city's premier venue is downtown's Music Ceter.", "hypothesis": "Music Ceter is located in the city's meat-packing district."} {"idx": "mnli-5751", "premise": "yeah exactly be everything be supermom exactly", "hypothesis": "Everything is super mom."} {"idx": "mnli-5752", "premise": "She's about your age too.", "hypothesis": "She's about your age, a little younger."} {"idx": "mnli-5753", "premise": "This intellectual, cultural, and economic center has emerged handsome, if not unscathed, from its turbulent past.", "hypothesis": "The past of this place was calm and peaceful."} {"idx": "mnli-5754", "premise": "Joyce actually lived in the tower very briefly, and it is the location for the first chapter of Ulysses.", "hypothesis": "Joyce never lived in the tower he used in the first chapter of Ulysses."} {"idx": "mnli-5755", "premise": "oh i don't know i haven't been i i hope the computer keeping track of them because i'm not well", "hypothesis": "I'm keeping track of them myself."} {"idx": "mnli-5756", "premise": "Sheep graze alongside a rusty, disused cannon, standard armament of FWI forts.", "hypothesis": "There is no livestock permitted near the rusty cannons of FWI forts. "} {"idx": "mnli-5757", "premise": "right no something like that is just uh unforgivable", "hypothesis": "You're right. Something like that is unforgivable because it's so horrible."} {"idx": "mnli-5758", "premise": "Yes, Bayliss, given the right circumstances and a sympathetic listening ear in high circles, could make trouble for Rennie.", "hypothesis": "It would be very hard to Bayliss to engineer the right circumstances to cause trouble for Rennie."} {"idx": "mnli-5759", "premise": "The quasi-candidacy of Beatty proves that Monica Madness collapsed the distinction between the serious and the circus.", "hypothesis": "The campaign shows that Monica Madness is somewhere between serious and a joke but still got votes."} {"idx": "mnli-5760", "premise": "Yet he understood it--had even spoken it, he realized.", "hypothesis": "He realized that he had spoken it."} {"idx": "mnli-5761", "premise": "By the middle of October, the season is over and many hotels and restaurants will close for the winter.", "hypothesis": "The tourist season ends by mid-October."} {"idx": "mnli-5762", "premise": "Suppose mailers can sort addresses on a computer and then print them in ZIP Code order.", "hypothesis": "Mailers could sort addresses on a computer and print them quickly."} {"idx": "mnli-5763", "premise": "But Rubin's cautiousness has got the better of him.", "hypothesis": "Rubin had been too cautious."} {"idx": "mnli-5764", "premise": "yeah yeah see they checked everyone in the mill too and then that was hard because you know someone would come in and they had a problem well then if i like some of the jobs i was doing was very dangerous you know", "hypothesis": "The mill job where no one checks in is safe."} {"idx": "mnli-5765", "premise": "it was it's so easy to entertain them", "hypothesis": "They have always been easily entertained. "} {"idx": "mnli-5766", "premise": "He knows what he needs to do to stop the war.", "hypothesis": "He doesn't know how to stop the fighting."} {"idx": "mnli-5767", "premise": "7 billion contingency was unreasonable before the update, were absolutely certain that amount was unjustified given the incorporation of new cost data and shorter time frame for prognosticating.", "hypothesis": "It was always reasonable to have a contingency of 7 billion."} {"idx": "mnli-5768", "premise": "Corrupt himself, he believed implicitly in the power of money.", "hypothesis": "He was incorruptible. "} {"idx": "mnli-5769", "premise": "The drive was uneventful.", "hypothesis": "The drive did not have any events."} {"idx": "mnli-5770", "premise": "For visitors today, Kumamoto serves as a convenient gateway for the scenic road trip to the Mt.", "hypothesis": "Kumamoto is a wasteland and receives no visitors."} {"idx": "mnli-5771", "premise": "She and other crew members spoke in Spanish through an interpreter.", "hypothesis": "The Spanish interpreter was very good at interpreting. "} {"idx": "mnli-5772", "premise": "Wow, one? Szymek said smoothing down his hairsprayed Mohawk.", "hypothesis": "Szymek smoothed his green Mohawk."} {"idx": "mnli-5773", "premise": "Pest control will be dealt with in a future episode.", "hypothesis": "Pest control will be the topic of a forthcoming episode."} {"idx": "mnli-5774", "premise": "It was the morning of 21 April 1526, the beginning of the empire of the Mughals the term used for descendants of Babur as distinct from those of Genghis Khan, who are referred to as Mongols even though the terms are etymologically the same.", "hypothesis": "Genghis Khan was assassinated by Babur on 21st April 1526."} {"idx": "mnli-5775", "premise": "The Big Shows", "hypothesis": "There are big shows."} {"idx": "mnli-5776", "premise": "129 She began slowly, walking up and down the room, her head a little bent, and that slim, supple figure of hers swaying gently as she walked. ", "hypothesis": "She was not young, but she was attractive and a little mesmerizing"} {"idx": "mnli-5777", "premise": "at the firm", "hypothesis": "On a park bench."} {"idx": "mnli-5778", "premise": "Private and public gardens burst with orchids, bougainvillea, and jacarandas, while orchards heave with mangoes, passion fruit, watermelons, and avocados.", "hypothesis": "The orchards rarely, if ever, produce any fruit. "} {"idx": "mnli-5779", "premise": "Government Technology magazine is dedicated to providing government executives with key information they need to succeed in running modern government.", "hypothesis": "Tips for running the government can be found in Government Technology magazine."} {"idx": "mnli-5780", "premise": "and she hasn't had any problems out of it see", "hypothesis": "It hasn't had a single issue."} {"idx": "mnli-5781", "premise": "we're really on to that that the masking is you have to do that very very carefully", "hypothesis": "You don't have to be very careful when you are doing the masking. "} {"idx": "mnli-5782", "premise": "And then...'", "hypothesis": "And then, the dog parked. "} {"idx": "mnli-5783", "premise": "My great pal in hospital was a little American girl.", "hypothesis": "A blonde-haired American girl was my hospital pal. "} {"idx": "mnli-5784", "premise": ", the historical cost to build the Washington Monument).", "hypothesis": "The cost to destroy the Washington Monument in history."} {"idx": "mnli-5785", "premise": "In Paris Friday, Le Monde 's main story was that the French are the drunkest people in Europe, with 2 million of them dependent on alcohol.", "hypothesis": "The French people are the most drunk people in Europe, followed by the British."} {"idx": "mnli-5786", "premise": "For electricity, the policies include extending the production tax credit of 1.5 cents/kWh over more years and extending it to additional renewable technologies.", "hypothesis": "The electricity policies want to extend the current production tax credit for five more years."} {"idx": "mnli-5787", "premise": "Behind the colonnades on the Middle Terrace, to the left of the ramp, are carved scenes depicting a trade mission bringing myrrh and incense from Egypt's neighbor Punt, now Somalia.", "hypothesis": "There are scenes depicting a trade mission to Punt. "} {"idx": "mnli-5788", "premise": "It featured an animation sequence that showed the second blade cutting what the first one missed and the third getting even closer.", "hypothesis": "The animation, showing a kitchen product being advertised, showed the knife cutting through a product with ease after another knife missed it."} {"idx": "mnli-5789", "premise": "Is there no other choice?\"None that I can see.", "hypothesis": "There is only one choice."} {"idx": "mnli-5790", "premise": "and then the United States has this attitude by saying you know thank you for keeping us our freedom and stuff like that and i think it's all independent because it's it has nothing to do with the United States you didn't gain anything from it", "hypothesis": "I'm happy with the attitude of the United States."} {"idx": "mnli-5791", "premise": "it turned out my mom was the only one in the family that didn't want to go because she didn't play golf or tennis and there wasn't really a job for her there", "hypothesis": "My mom didn't want to go, because she believed there wasn't really any job for her, since she didn't play any golf or tennis."} {"idx": "mnli-5792", "premise": "Yours affectionately, TUPPENCE.\" Tommy handed it back, his eyes shining.", "hypothesis": "Tommy handed the item back."} {"idx": "mnli-5793", "premise": "yeah so you're in division what now corporate corporate okay yeah that that must feel somewhat safer", "hypothesis": "You must feel more stable now that you are in corporate."} {"idx": "mnli-5794", "premise": "downtown New Braunfels", "hypothesis": "New Braunfels has an awesome downtown."} {"idx": "mnli-5795", "premise": "We will continue to correct skill gaps and increase staff productivity and effectiveness through training.", "hypothesis": "Skill gaps, effectiveness, and productivity will be fixed through training and discipline."} {"idx": "mnli-5796", "premise": "Attestation engagements can cover a broad range of financial or nonfinancial objectives and can be part of a financial audit or other type of audit.", "hypothesis": "Items added to the ledger originated in an alternative dimension."} {"idx": "mnli-5797", "premise": "you know and he you know i don't know", "hypothesis": "I don't know."} {"idx": "mnli-5798", "premise": "sad but we cannot save them we you know okay we can save one", "hypothesis": "We can save one but we can't save them all."} {"idx": "mnli-5799", "premise": "Since 1993, the PNP has once again been in power, this time under the leadership of Prime Minister Percival Patterson.", "hypothesis": "The PNP gained political power back in 1993."} {"idx": "mnli-5800", "premise": "Talks will resume April 13.", "hypothesis": "The will resume the hostile talks on April 13."} {"idx": "mnli-5801", "premise": "right right it does indeed uh-huh", "hypothesis": "No it doesn't. "} {"idx": "mnli-5802", "premise": "and it's it's been real interesting the different personalities that i that i run across", "hypothesis": "I've met a few interesting people, and some not so much."} {"idx": "mnli-5803", "premise": "One of the innovations being tested at this time is the use of automated computerized screening with real-time production of brief workbook content tailored to specific problems.", "hypothesis": "Use of automated computerized screening with real-time production of brief workbook content tailored to specific problems is one of the innovations being tested at this time."} {"idx": "mnli-5804", "premise": "yeah that'll be nice i mean that that i think tends to just keep i think stadiums have worked tend to keep people happy", "hypothesis": "I don't think stadiums care what people want."} {"idx": "mnli-5805", "premise": "The engagement type and planned use of the data help to determine when you should assess data reliability.", "hypothesis": "The type of engagement and the use of data to determine when you should assess reliability."} {"idx": "mnli-5806", "premise": "--Monica lacked the maturity to balk at the magazine's tasteless choice of props.", "hypothesis": "Monica didn't find the magazine's props tasteless."} {"idx": "mnli-5807", "premise": "The general massacre of Protestants spread to the countryside, and by October another 30,000 had lost their lives.", "hypothesis": "The Protestants were slaughtered by people of a different religion."} {"idx": "mnli-5808", "premise": "In this case, surely, the truth was only too plain and apparent. ", "hypothesis": "The truth was obvious."} {"idx": "mnli-5809", "premise": "yeah well did you move from the the Northeast", "hypothesis": "Did you move from the Northeast?"} {"idx": "mnli-5810", "premise": "I've always said that victory is the best exit strategy.", "hypothesis": "The best exit strategy is a victory."} {"idx": "mnli-5811", "premise": "I suppose we might call her that?\"", "hypothesis": "That's just one of the names she goes by."} {"idx": "mnli-5812", "premise": "Second, they seek to provide management with the objective and fact-based information it needs to reward top performers.", "hypothesis": "Without objective and fact-based information no performers would be awarded."} {"idx": "mnli-5813", "premise": "Nossa Senhora da Piedade (Our Lady of Piety) was originally founded just after the island's discovery during the early- to middle-15th century.", "hypothesis": "Right after the island was discovered, Nossa Senhora da Piedade was founded."} {"idx": "mnli-5814", "premise": "Its prized possessions are the haunting Volto Santo (Holy Face), a wooden crucifix said to have been carved by Nicodemus and possessing miraculous powers; and the graceful white marble tomb of Ilaria del Carretto Guinigi by master Sienese sculptor Jacopo de lla Quercia (1408) in the former sacristy.", "hypothesis": "A wooden crucifix is its prized possession. "} {"idx": "mnli-5815", "premise": "In addition, attestation engagements performed in accordance with GAGAS are subject to quality control and assurance reviews.", "hypothesis": "Attestation engagements are in addition performed in accordance with GAGAS are subject to quality control and assurance reviews."} {"idx": "mnli-5816", "premise": "The more Brown is attacked, the better she does.", "hypothesis": "Brown continues to improve each day."} {"idx": "mnli-5817", "premise": "uh-huh i've never seen that before uh-huh i've heard about it but i've never watched in fact i don't usually watch TV on Monday nights i guess i'm either just really tired from the weekend and i get home well uh", "hypothesis": "I have heard of that show but I have never seen it because I don't watch TV, mostly, on Monday evenings. "} {"idx": "mnli-5818", "premise": "yeah well i've been worried about mostly with having little kids now with taking them out in the Summer and getting them burnt up i mean i have to keep the sun screen on them just constantly when they go outside", "hypothesis": "This summer has been so extreme that I worry about my kids and make sure to put sunblock on them everyday. "} {"idx": "mnli-5819", "premise": "Also, residents could leave originating mail in their boxes and know who would pick it up and that it would be handled appropriately.", "hypothesis": "Mail would not be picked up from the boxes."} {"idx": "mnli-5820", "premise": "He stated that broad consensus exists on a majority of issues before the Task Force and that remaining areas of disagreement are expected to be resolved in short order.", "hypothesis": "There are over 10 remaining areas of disagreement left to be resolved."} {"idx": "mnli-5821", "premise": " San'doro was clearly nervous but still in control.", "hypothesis": "San'doro was totally relaxed."} {"idx": "mnli-5822", "premise": "The SEC has vast responsibilities and finite resources.", "hypothesis": "The SEC has a lot of financial resources."} {"idx": "mnli-5823", "premise": "During his chair recovery period, his duties were transferred to the programmers' chief, the one who used to like to laugh at Cod.", "hypothesis": "The chief used to like to laugh at Cod."} {"idx": "mnli-5824", "premise": "Saturdays, the Nepali weekend, many people head off to a temple for the day.", "hypothesis": "The weekend is a time when many in Nepal head off to a temple. "} {"idx": "mnli-5825", "premise": "The place also offers a terrific view.", "hypothesis": "The place lacks any good views unfortunately."} {"idx": "mnli-5826", "premise": "than Africa or the Latin American countries", "hypothesis": "More so than Africa or Latin America. "} {"idx": "mnli-5827", "premise": "Why not just abolish all the laws that are supposed to protect These folk; because if you do not have legal services, the laws are unenforceable and useless.", "hypothesis": "There is no way to enforce the laws with no legal services."} {"idx": "mnli-5828", "premise": "yeah some of the stories you read about cocaine that's like people try it one time and they're addicted my husband is a counselor and he works with mostly with adolescents", "hypothesis": "My husband works with a lot of kids as he's a kindergarten art teacher. "} {"idx": "mnli-5829", "premise": "and it's all over him the poor thing you know so there's definitely hazards to going camping if you don't know what you're looking at", "hypothesis": "You should know what you're doing if you want to go camping."} {"idx": "mnli-5830", "premise": "and i walk i mow my own lawn and i do i don't have a sprinkler system i i don't enjoy watering especially", "hypothesis": "I mow my own lawn and water myself."} {"idx": "mnli-5831", "premise": "If the Web prints it and television goes with it, print must follow.", "hypothesis": "Web and TV almost always get scoops before print."} {"idx": "mnli-5832", "premise": "Ca'daan saw the man's shadow in the red moonlight surveying the other sleeping members of the camp.", "hypothesis": "The man came running to wake everyone up."} {"idx": "mnli-5833", "premise": "Come here, Hastings. ", "hypothesis": "Hastings, get here."} {"idx": "mnli-5834", "premise": "If you missed our previous links to 1) President's Clinton's vacuous Social Security promise and 2) a summary of the very real tax hikes and benefit cuts proposed by Moynihan and Kerrey, click and .", "hypothesis": "There were no links provided."} {"idx": "mnli-5835", "premise": "Since the basic price (for non-presorted mail) has not increased, no one has been made worse off.", "hypothesis": "Non presorted mails basic price hasn't increased."} {"idx": "mnli-5836", "premise": "I lowered my voice to a whisper. ", "hypothesis": "I didn't want to be overheard. "} {"idx": "mnli-5837", "premise": "Part I. Final Report.", "hypothesis": "The First Report, Part II."} {"idx": "mnli-5838", "premise": "And I could see Lincoln's point, and I could agree with that.", "hypothesis": "I couldn't understand Lincoln and completely disagreed with him."} {"idx": "mnli-5839", "premise": "yeah you you'd be surprised the things i mean you could like tonight we're having um nature burgers which are like a grain burger and you can it's really pretty good i i the people i serve it to like my sister and family members well my family members are vegetarians now basically i mean they're not they're not when they go out to eat they sometimes eat other meat you know meats and things but at home we eat vegetarian meals and uh you can make you know make uh pasta meals and different things that people are use to eating that wouldn't offend you know that they wouldn't be offended that there wasn't a meat there", "hypothesis": "tonight we're going to have vegetarian burgers but sometimes when we eat out we have meat"} {"idx": "mnli-5840", "premise": "Skiathos is the smallest of the main Sporades islands and lies closest to the Greek mainland.", "hypothesis": "Skiathos is the largest island of the Sporades islands."} {"idx": "mnli-5841", "premise": "a 801(a)(3) required that it take effect no earlier than May 13, 1997.", "hypothesis": "The regulation stated it had to take effect after May 12, 1997."} {"idx": "mnli-5842", "premise": "He would not make it.", "hypothesis": "He was going to die soon."} {"idx": "mnli-5843", "premise": "Then I heard Susan crying.", "hypothesis": "I heard the sound of Susan crying."} {"idx": "mnli-5844", "premise": "Painting gives way increasingly to 3-D sculpted still lifes, such as Jasper Johns' brace of cast bronze Ballantine Ale cans (Painted Bronze, 1960), and found objects.", "hypothesis": "Jasper Johns also sculpted using marble and granite."} {"idx": "mnli-5845", "premise": "considerations could support recommendation of rate and classification changes tailored to the capabilities and needs of particular mailers.", "hypothesis": "The rates and classifications might be changed to better meet the needs of certain mailers."} {"idx": "mnli-5846", "premise": "And that's why we used to have dormitories that separated the boys and the girls, and we had chaperones at the dances.", "hypothesis": "There wasn't really a good reason for having gender segregation."} {"idx": "mnli-5847", "premise": "There was a ring in Mrs. Vandemeyer's voice that she did not like at all.", "hypothesis": "She heard Mrs. Vandemeyer speaking."} {"idx": "mnli-5848", "premise": "And yet--perhaps the joke is not far off.", "hypothesis": "The joke might have some truth to it."} {"idx": "mnli-5849", "premise": "and and that that is sort of a hidden security factor i think for this nation you know i mean", "hypothesis": "There is a security factor not apparent to everyone."} {"idx": "mnli-5850", "premise": "you know uh who's who's top dog well top cat i guess you know but um we i don't i don't know i don't have a problem with it i think they", "hypothesis": "I think dogs are cats were meant to be free in the wild. "} {"idx": "mnli-5851", "premise": "He's not even trying.", "hypothesis": "He man gave it his all."} {"idx": "mnli-5852", "premise": "The application, even though it produced phrases completely illogical and nonsensical, became quite popular, and some of its most unique catchphrases you could have seen on TV - 'Out With There Harm Out!' or 'To Them Bag Away Now Now!'", "hypothesis": "The application was never popular. "} {"idx": "mnli-5853", "premise": "Third month: Promoted to peeling potatoes.", "hypothesis": "The narrator has worked more than three months."} {"idx": "mnli-5854", "premise": "Knowth has two passage graves.", "hypothesis": "Knowth has no graves, just gardens."} {"idx": "mnli-5855", "premise": "One can make a very rough estimation of this overall cost for each pollutant, on top of the costs associated with the other three, by multiplying half the marginal cost (to approximate average cost) by the volume of reductions.", "hypothesis": "It is possible to make accurate cost estimates using math."} {"idx": "mnli-5856", "premise": "The owner, a member of one of Cuba's most important families, rescued orphan girls and took them into his home his obra paa (work of piety) that lends its name to both the house and its street.", "hypothesis": "A member of one of Cuba's most important families rescued orphan girls. "} {"idx": "mnli-5857", "premise": "Pre-McGrath, it was even forbidden to review a book published by one's own publishing company.", "hypothesis": "Publishing companies could always review books they've published."} {"idx": "mnli-5858", "premise": "The article as now published reflects the corrections.", "hypothesis": "The published article had so many errors that weren't corrected."} {"idx": "mnli-5859", "premise": "To some GAO evaluators, the instance was an application of the case study method, because we were looking at only a few sites or because we could not generalize or because actual subjects are being used for analysis of a specific question.", "hypothesis": "To some GAO evaluators, it was an application of the case study method for the annual audit."} {"idx": "mnli-5860", "premise": "Flames and smoke.", "hypothesis": "Fire"} {"idx": "mnli-5861", "premise": "Consciously aiming for stalemate would not be acceptable to Congress.", "hypothesis": "Aiming for a stalemate is the intent of Congress."} {"idx": "mnli-5862", "premise": "Was he a sheeted ascetic &", "hypothesis": "He was a sheeted ascetic"} {"idx": "mnli-5863", "premise": "He'd go on into town, and he'd--he'd do whatever he pleased.", "hypothesis": "He would never in his life go into town."} {"idx": "mnli-5864", "premise": "He doesn't care about coming in here to kill us.", "hypothesis": "He's killed hundreds of men before, for no reason at all. "} {"idx": "mnli-5865", "premise": "An' jus' what's all this smokin' 'bout? Kells came out.", "hypothesis": "Kells asked why the men were smoking cigars on the porch."} {"idx": "mnli-5866", "premise": "you know and they wrote down that they uh weren't but then they went back and they checked them like maybe a week after they were working and if they had drugs in their body i mean they were fired on the spot there was no ifs ands or buts about it", "hypothesis": "People were fired for using steroids on the job."} {"idx": "mnli-5867", "premise": "Indeed, compared to the prewar wealthy, the contemporary rich have no apparent class markers.", "hypothesis": "The contemporary rich have built an empire on being the children of prewar wealthy."} {"idx": "mnli-5868", "premise": "Akbar decided it was better to have them on his side than to try to convert them; when he married the Maharaja of Jodhpur's sister, Jodh Bai (for whom he built a grand palace at Fatehpur Sikri; ) there was no question of converting her to Islam.", "hypothesis": "Akbar could not have converted Jodh Bai to Islam until after their marriage."} {"idx": "mnli-5869", "premise": "A horse sitter mistakenly thought Mr. Ed was having a seizure and gave him a tranquilizer.", "hypothesis": "The horse sitter gave the tranquilizer to Mr. Ed because he thought he was having a seizure. "} {"idx": "mnli-5870", "premise": "For instance, nitrate levels in surface waters are not significantly improving, and at best are constant.", "hypothesis": "Significantly improving the nitrate levels in surface waters should be our long-term goal."} {"idx": "mnli-5871", "premise": "Newsweek 's scoop of the Lewinsky told her story to White House colleague Ashley Raines, who has met with Starr's investigators.", "hypothesis": "Newsweek has never shown any interest in the Lewinsky story."} {"idx": "mnli-5872", "premise": "Management is responsible for establishing effective controls to ensure compliance with laws and regulations, as well as other compliance requirements such as provisions of contracts or grant agreements.", "hypothesis": "Management has years of experience handling effective controls."} {"idx": "mnli-5873", "premise": "The AMIGA model reasonably captures those costs and benefits noted above that arise in market transactions.", "hypothesis": "The AMIGA model captures those revenues."} {"idx": "mnli-5874", "premise": "Future phases of the Statewide Technology Plan, aided in part by an LSC grant, call for streamlining the intake and case management processes, developing seamless communication among all programs and offices, improving client access to services, integrating case management software, and completing the transition to a virtual statewide law firm.", "hypothesis": "The LSC grant paid for more than 50 percent of the Statewide Technology Plan."} {"idx": "mnli-5875", "premise": "um i was stationed at Ellsworth there at Rapid City and it's right there at the Black Hills and i just absolutely love the Black Hills it's the greatest place in the world to go camping you throw a pack on your back and get up in the mountains and you can understand how the Indians got real religious up there because it's just it's just awesome up there so quiet and peaceful and the wind blowing through the trees and all that i had a favorite little camping spot i used to go to it was uh right next to a stream and all the streams of of course are mountain fed melted snow so it's nice and ice cold a good place to keep your eggs and stuff and this little place was uh it was a perfect a perfect circle of trees", "hypothesis": "The Black Hills is the worst place to go camping."} {"idx": "mnli-5876", "premise": "The impression of the visitor today will be that very little has changed.", "hypothesis": "Visitors will think that nothing has changed."} {"idx": "mnli-5877", "premise": "As one might expect, high-income families typically have accumulated more net worth than low-income families.", "hypothesis": "Families in lower income brackets tend to have a substantially smaller amount of assets built up in the form of estates, savings, stocks, and education compared to those who come from high-earning families."} {"idx": "mnli-5878", "premise": "yeah oh that's okay", "hypothesis": "i'm confused but that's probably fine?"} {"idx": "mnli-5879", "premise": "Ah! Poirot studied her seriously. ", "hypothesis": "Poirot never looked at her."} {"idx": "mnli-5880", "premise": "This vision became a touchstone for decisions as to program governance, delivery issues, including office staffing, support, training, technology, and increased access to high quality legal advice, brief service and more extensive legal representation.", "hypothesis": "The vision has been effective."} {"idx": "mnli-5881", "premise": "There was silence for a moment.", "hypothesis": "There was a short period of time where no one spoke."} {"idx": "mnli-5882", "premise": "yes now you know if if everybody like in August when everybody's on vacation or something we can dress a little more casual or", "hypothesis": "Most people take their vacations in August. "} {"idx": "mnli-5883", "premise": "Indeed, there are dozens of clinical experiments showing that high doses of calcium either arrest bone loss or even build bone in older women.", "hypothesis": "Studies have shown that taking calcium doesn't help older woman. "} {"idx": "mnli-5884", "premise": "Presumably, a living, Clintonian Einstein would declare, I cannot believe that God plays Nintendo with the world.", "hypothesis": "God plays video games with the world it would be presumed by a Clinton Einstein hybrid."} {"idx": "mnli-5885", "premise": "If two or more consecutive tests do not fall within the control limits, the results must be explained and the reference toxicant test must be immediately repeated.", "hypothesis": "If two or more consecutive drug tests do not fall within the control, the test is repeated."} {"idx": "mnli-5886", "premise": "That's the problem I'm trying to fix- we're going to see if we can't get a new first thought in your head.'", "hypothesis": "I'm trying to fix how you think about that."} {"idx": "mnli-5887", "premise": "That night he was scheduled to accept the Award for the Site of the Year in a competition sponsored by 'Przekobiz' (he didn't have the patience to wait for 'Inzapbiz').", "hypothesis": "Przekobiz sponsored a competition for Site of the Year"} {"idx": "mnli-5888", "premise": "When that mail leaves the system, who gets to eat that big slice of the institutional cost pie that First Class mail currently enjoys?", "hypothesis": "First Class mail now enjoys a big part of the institutional cost pie."} {"idx": "mnli-5889", "premise": "What did she mean by 'On the top of the wardrobe'?", "hypothesis": "She mentioned nothing like\"on the top of the wardrobe\""} {"idx": "mnli-5890", "premise": "And we're trying to inculcate a wider acceptance of plans at law schools.", "hypothesis": "We want a narrower range of accepting law schools."} {"idx": "mnli-5891", "premise": "yeah i haven't had to replace the thing yet it looks like it would be uh better than having i've got an an Olds Tornado that i think's got six belts on the sucker And i had to get all those off you know when i was replace that uh water pump and uh", "hypothesis": "I will have to replace it soon."} {"idx": "mnli-5892", "premise": "Why So Little Change?", "hypothesis": "Why is there so much change?"} {"idx": "mnli-5893", "premise": "'Doesn't seem to be.'", "hypothesis": "Does not appear to be. "} {"idx": "mnli-5894", "premise": "ooh i hate that that's horrible", "hypothesis": "I dislike that, that is terrible."} {"idx": "mnli-5895", "premise": "I worked for the Applied Fundamentals Division of The Salmon Corporation.", "hypothesis": "They joined the company after they graduated college."} {"idx": "mnli-5896", "premise": "Conquering a flat landscape with serene, other-worldly harmony, this assembly of buildings in an emerald green square also known as the Piazza del Duomo celebrates the whole cycle of life, from baptistery, cathedral, and campanile (a.k.a. the Leaning Tower) to the monumental cemetery of the Campo Santo.", "hypothesis": "Thousands of people visit the Piazza del Duomo in a single month."} {"idx": "mnli-5897", "premise": "Equally impressive crowd scenes occur below Umeda in a mammoth network of shops, bars, and cozy inexpensive restaurants whose scale boggles the mind.", "hypothesis": "Umeda doesn't have any shopping or bars."} {"idx": "mnli-5898", "premise": "I admire you for trying to do this on your own, he said. ", "hypothesis": "I admire you for going at it solo, he commented."} {"idx": "mnli-5899", "premise": "The Galata Tower (Galata Kulesi) was the keystone in the colony's defences.", "hypothesis": "The central principle of the colony's defense was the Galata Tower."} {"idx": "mnli-5900", "premise": "um there was a crime here in McKinney uh a rather heinous murder there was no um remorse shown by uh", "hypothesis": "The crime really shook up McKinney because crimes don't happen there often."} {"idx": "mnli-5901", "premise": "'I want to help the investigation,' I told him.", "hypothesis": "I was very excited to help out."} {"idx": "mnli-5902", "premise": "not really the violent crimes then", "hypothesis": "Ah, so murder or something?"} {"idx": "mnli-5903", "premise": "Although ancient Alexandria sank into the sea, the city continued to flourish as a trading port.", "hypothesis": "The city lost its thriving trading port. "} {"idx": "mnli-5904", "premise": "uh uh my hubby does not have uh too much control when it comes to using that card uh i know uh", "hypothesis": "I wish my husband would stop spending so much."} {"idx": "mnli-5905", "premise": "The war and the disastrous effects of the plague decimated the population of Poland, reducing it to just four million, roughly half its total in the early 17th century.", "hypothesis": "The plague that hit Poland was the worst plague ever in the world."} {"idx": "mnli-5906", "premise": "Or rather, the war criminal gets treated no worse than his friends.", "hypothesis": "The war criminal got fair treatment."} {"idx": "mnli-5907", "premise": "Broad participation creates early project endorsement or buyin, reducing the potential of later disagreement or need for changes.", "hypothesis": "Future disagreement and necessity for changes can be avoided with broad participation."} {"idx": "mnli-5908", "premise": "and uh we had a couple of lakes out there that we'd go and and go fishing and then camp out and uh seemed like it always rain or something you know something had to go wrong and uh we were never prepared for it", "hypothesis": "It always went smoothly when we camped."} {"idx": "mnli-5909", "premise": "Obviously, cross-ethnic adoption is dicey.", "hypothesis": "Adoption is illegal."} {"idx": "mnli-5910", "premise": "yeah you'll meet friends invite invite the boss over and and the friends at work", "hypothesis": "You should invite your coworkers over."} {"idx": "mnli-5911", "premise": "In the recent presidential election, Hispanic voter turnout increased 60 percent in Texas, 40 percent in California, and 10 percent in Florida, with roughly three out of four of all Hispanic votes going to President Clinton (15 percentage points above his 1992 showing).", "hypothesis": "Clinton campaigned directly to the Hispanic voters."} {"idx": "mnli-5912", "premise": "At the other end of Pengkalan Weld, opposite the Tourist Office, is the Jam Besar (Penang Clock Tower) built to mark Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, and presented to the town in 1897.", "hypothesis": "Penang clock tower was built to mark the Queen's Diamond Jubilee."} {"idx": "mnli-5913", "premise": "It's not really surprising that when it finally did, its foes realized they could take a mile.", "hypothesis": "The foes did not realize that they could take a mile before they did it."} {"idx": "mnli-5914", "premise": "We had a good program, Peck said.", "hypothesis": "We have an awful program, Peck said."} {"idx": "mnli-5915", "premise": "The agencies GAO reviewed developed an initial set of balanced expectations for senior executives to address in their individual performance plans.", "hypothesis": "The GAO asked all top executives to jump off a 4 story building as part of their annual review."} {"idx": "mnli-5916", "premise": "But in spite of it and all its precise analogy to the universe around him, the sky was still falling in shattered bits!", "hypothesis": "The analogy about the universe around him was too inaccurate. "} {"idx": "mnli-5917", "premise": "Bradley, who has belittled Gore's microproposals (sprawl, traffic, etc.), will see his own self-proclaimed questioned.", "hypothesis": "They man who questioned the other is about to get questioned himself."} {"idx": "mnli-5918", "premise": "They would soon lose their ground.", "hypothesis": "They will lose their ground shortly."} {"idx": "mnli-5919", "premise": "Negotiations began, and in 1984 Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher signed the Sino-British Joint Declaration, in which Britain confirmed the transfer of the New Territories and all of Hong Kong to China in 1997.", "hypothesis": "After discussions ended in 1984, Britain gave land to China."} {"idx": "mnli-5920", "premise": "Miss Aldonka was still doubtful and Czarek doubled his efforts:", "hypothesis": "Miss Aldonka has complete trust in Czarek."} {"idx": "mnli-5921", "premise": "That ought to impress Ellen Barkin.", "hypothesis": "Ellen Baker is to be impressed."} {"idx": "mnli-5922", "premise": "Did I not see him, with my own eyes, kill a foal, tear flesh from the flanks of its dam when she tried to drop out of the run?", "hypothesis": "Didn't I see him kill a foal?"} {"idx": "mnli-5923", "premise": "(JFMIP, Project on Standardization of Basic Financial Information Requirements of Central Agencies, dated October 1991, hereafter cited as JFMIP Standardization Project)", "hypothesis": "The JFMIP Standardized Project report came out in 1991."} {"idx": "mnli-5924", "premise": "Mandating Collaboration Through Federal YEDPA and the CETA-School Linkage.", "hypothesis": "There is no linkage between CETA and Schools."} {"idx": "mnli-5925", "premise": "Without their knowing, I listened.", "hypothesis": "She was completely aware that I was listening."} {"idx": "mnli-5926", "premise": "This dry-land rainforest is what you will see most frequently from just above sea level up to an altitude of 900 m (3,000 ft).", "hypothesis": "There is no dry-land rainforest above 900 m."} {"idx": "mnli-5927", "premise": "Just a hint, he said.", "hypothesis": "You don't need any help so I will not mention if it was a hint."} {"idx": "mnli-5928", "premise": "Based on the fragment, Fink speculates that the original flute contained at least six holes and was close to 16 inches long.", "hypothesis": "There are twenty missing fragments from the flute."} {"idx": "mnli-5929", "premise": "This sucks.", "hypothesis": "Think stinks."} {"idx": "mnli-5930", "premise": "One possibility would be to allow a portion of any profit to be used for performance bonuses to management, but there would be reason for concern if high and persistent profits resulted.", "hypothesis": "One option is to use a part of the profits as bonuses to management."} {"idx": "mnli-5931", "premise": "White houses shrouded in mist dot the slopes.", "hypothesis": "Blue houses are located around the slopes."} {"idx": "mnli-5932", "premise": "Several other attractions are nearby, all in Griffith Park, including train, pony, and stagecoach rides, a carousel, and the Griffith Observatory.", "hypothesis": "There is some fun to be had in Griffith Park."} {"idx": "mnli-5933", "premise": "okay well uh how do you feel about uh drug testing", "hypothesis": "I already know what you think."} {"idx": "mnli-5934", "premise": "The benefits of export-led economic growth to the mass of people in the newly industrializing economies are not a matter of conjecture.", "hypothesis": "Export led economic growth benefits the mass of people in industrial economies."} {"idx": "mnli-5935", "premise": "it'd be really difficult to have that one person perfect person that believed exactly what you believed", "hypothesis": "It wouldn't be easy to have someone who is perfect."} {"idx": "mnli-5936", "premise": "That is surely irrelevant, since it leaves the welfare recipient in no worse condition than he would have been in had the LSC program never been enacted.", "hypothesis": "That is definitely irrelevant, there are no negative effects on the welfare recipient. "} {"idx": "mnli-5937", "premise": "yeah Thursday", "hypothesis": "Yes, Thursday."} {"idx": "mnli-5938", "premise": "Victor Hugo used to live at number 6, which is now a museum of his manuscripts, artifacts, and drawings.", "hypothesis": "They turned Hugo's house into a museum about his later life."} {"idx": "mnli-5939", "premise": "His successors built a power base at Thebes, and started a cultural renaissance with wide-reaching effects on Egyptian art and archaeology.", "hypothesis": "They built a power base at Thebes that became a great society."} {"idx": "mnli-5940", "premise": "To the west of Chios Town is a graphic reminder of the bloodbath of 1822.", "hypothesis": "The Chios Town area experienced recurrent peace during the 19th century."} {"idx": "mnli-5941", "premise": "Penn and the DLC have been peddling the theory that Clinton did better than congressional Democrats in 1996 because he was less liberal.", "hypothesis": "In 1996, Clinton did better than congressional Democrats."} {"idx": "mnli-5942", "premise": "Time likens her to Clinton's own once secret consultant, Dick Morris and suggests that Gore may have been keeping her under deep cover.", "hypothesis": "Time makes the statement that Gore was using her as a spy."} {"idx": "mnli-5943", "premise": "I put $75 on the New England Patriots as a 2.5-point underdog and $50 on a Boston Red Sox playoff game against the Cleveland Indians.", "hypothesis": "I never bet on the New England Patriots and the Boston Red Sox in any game."} {"idx": "mnli-5944", "premise": "Whatever the latest theory, the Pyramids of Giza (the most well-known) are, without doubt, an amazing sight as you stand before them.", "hypothesis": "The most well known Pyramids of Giza are an amazing sight"} {"idx": "mnli-5945", "premise": "right there was a lot of uh controversy about that too i'm not a i'm not a smoker myself", "hypothesis": "There was plenty of controversy regarding that and I don't smoke."} {"idx": "mnli-5946", "premise": "well i used to live out there and uh seems like they've well Tarpley just got pulled over again", "hypothesis": "This is where I used to live and it looks like they pulled Tarpley over again."} {"idx": "mnli-5947", "premise": "The main French newspapers focused on the enforced Arabization of Algeria, where, on Sunday, classical Arabic became the sole official language of the country, with the use of Algerian Arabic, Berber Arabic, and French being prohibited.", "hypothesis": "Classical Arabic became the only official language in Algeria. "} {"idx": "mnli-5948", "premise": "Fleece's Achilles' heel is that, without a nylon coating, it lacks any wind resistance--a slight breeze that wool and cotton would turn back cuts right through fleece with a nasty bite.", "hypothesis": "Fleece is a good material to keep you warm. "} {"idx": "mnli-5949", "premise": "Wouldn't it give a mighty big bump to her subconscious self, or whatever the jargon is, and start it functioning again right away?\"", "hypothesis": "Wouldn't it knock her out and stop her subconscious from functioning?"} {"idx": "mnli-5950", "premise": "The original certification procedure required submission of a written application, test report and fee (and a device for testing in some cases) to the FCC laboratory.", "hypothesis": "Dropping the device from a height of six feet is part of the testing process."} {"idx": "mnli-5951", "premise": "It is a rule of human nature that people often, when they add or subtract something from their lives, think everyone else should do the same.", "hypothesis": "People tend to not share about the changes in their lives."} {"idx": "mnli-5952", "premise": "Therefore, a letter weighing more than one ounce", "hypothesis": "The letter was less than a gram. "} {"idx": "mnli-5953", "premise": "In addition to focusing on what accountants, regulators, and corporate management and boards of directors (the supply side) should do, boards need to focus more on what investors and other users of financial information (the demand side) want from corporate governance.", "hypothesis": "Boards have to focus on what investors want from their corporation."} {"idx": "mnli-5954", "premise": "yeah that was good i liked uh i also liked uh Cujo did you read that one", "hypothesis": "Cujo was my favorite."} {"idx": "mnli-5955", "premise": "Evening shows are followed by Laserium light concerts.", "hypothesis": "Tonight's evening show features Conan O'Brien."} {"idx": "mnli-5956", "premise": "oh really the whole length or uh", "hypothesis": "Only half the length of the item was used."} {"idx": "mnli-5957", "premise": "Even within the new and frightening landscape of the post-Sept. 11 world, the familiar landmarks of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights can -- indeed, must -guide us.", "hypothesis": "The landmarks of the Constitution can provide little help to us after 9/11. "} {"idx": "mnli-5958", "premise": "yeah oh yeah well i i i've i have a desk job i don't you know i don't have an opportunity to walk around all that much uh unless i take it uh and it's but it's gotten better i mean uh for many years i lived in the uh i lived in New Hampshire and i'd commute to Boston every day", "hypothesis": "I don't really walk around that much, because most of my work is done sitting in front of a desk"} {"idx": "mnli-5959", "premise": "'Exactly what was wrong with the frosting?' I couldn't help asking.", "hypothesis": "I asked what was wrong with the frosting."} {"idx": "mnli-5960", "premise": "At night the district is loaded with patrons tumble from restaurants, theaters, bars, and fado clubs.", "hypothesis": "At night the place is completely and utterly deserted. "} {"idx": "mnli-5961", "premise": "Luxor temple does not have a sound and light show but it is open late each evening, offering you a chance to enjoy the majestic remains under floodlights, a very romantic sight to behold.", "hypothesis": "The remains of Luxor temple can be seen under the floodlights."} {"idx": "mnli-5962", "premise": "I felt that my friend was not what he had been as he rambled on disconnectedly: \"There were no stamps in his desk, but there might have been, eh, mon ami? ", "hypothesis": "My friend doesn't know a single word of French."} {"idx": "mnli-5963", "premise": "right right well do you live like along uh Houston", "hypothesis": "You live near Houston."} {"idx": "mnli-5964", "premise": "Mieszko adopted Christianity most likely a savvy political move to place the new state on equal footing with nearby Christian states with ties to Rome and married a Czech princess, Dobrava, in 965.", "hypothesis": "Mieszko tied the knot with Dobrava, a Czech princess, in 1965."} {"idx": "mnli-5965", "premise": "Legal Aid officials are particularly worried about impoverished areas of the state, such as eastern Kentucky, served by the Appalachian Research and Defense Fund, or APPALRED.", "hypothesis": "Impoverished areas of the state have been a concern to legal aid officials."} {"idx": "mnli-5966", "premise": "and and and you know the years that we were good we had Staubach and Morton", "hypothesis": "We had some great years when we had Staubach and Morton."} {"idx": "mnli-5967", "premise": "Then they don't suspect anything.", "hypothesis": "They don't suspect a thing."} {"idx": "mnli-5968", "premise": "just to check the validity of the lab yeah and uh so that's kind of an ongoing test process for the we do for Compucam and you know they don't know which ones are test samples", "hypothesis": "Compucam provides us with thousands of samples per month."} {"idx": "mnli-5969", "premise": "He's gittin' some biggety idear as how it's up t' him t' police this here town.", "hypothesis": "He's already started imposing laws on this town."} {"idx": "mnli-5970", "premise": "of viruses going around i know i had strep throat here about a week ago week and a half ago", "hypothesis": "I have been health all this time, even a week ago. "} {"idx": "mnli-5971", "premise": "oh yeah oh boy you've really missed a", "hypothesis": "Oh boy, oh yeah, you've really missed."} {"idx": "mnli-5972", "premise": "The deposit was returned.", "hypothesis": "There were no returned deposits."} {"idx": "mnli-5973", "premise": "and we ended up with these these like things on the cantaloupe vines that i mean were looked like round big huge round cucumbers", "hypothesis": "The cantaloupes grew very nice on the vines next to the cucumbers."} {"idx": "mnli-5974", "premise": "A layabout would simply have written a true story.", "hypothesis": "Layabouts only write stories that are untrue. "} {"idx": "mnli-5975", "premise": "law law was a lot of fun until you get to law school and it doesn't become fun anymore", "hypothesis": "It's not easy finishing law school."} {"idx": "mnli-5976", "premise": "and i think most people make better parents when they're a little bit more mature i really do", "hypothesis": "I think better parents are older and more mature."} {"idx": "mnli-5977", "premise": "they just see that this guy prays differently and to someone else than i do so therefore he's wrong and he's bad and we have to wipe wipe him out", "hypothesis": "I feel that other people are misguided when it comes to people who pray differently."} {"idx": "mnli-5978", "premise": "You can spend fascinating hours exploring the covered Hankyu Higashi-dori arcade near the Hankyu stations, less upmarket but no less fascinating than the more famous Shinsaibashi arcade (see below).", "hypothesis": "It's better to visit the Hankyu Higashi-dori arcade than the Shinsaibashi arcade if you want to spend less money."} {"idx": "mnli-5979", "premise": "The analogous leap today is from national to supranational regulation.", "hypothesis": "The leap today is not from the national to supranational regulation."} {"idx": "mnli-5980", "premise": "never got into those the old i'm talking about the old one when he was a psychologist", "hypothesis": "I liked the newer ones, but I never got into the older ones."} {"idx": "mnli-5981", "premise": "In the center of the terrace is Georgian House, owned by the National Trust and restored in period style to show the workings of a typical Georgian household.", "hypothesis": "If you want to see how a typical Georgian household looks like, go visit the Georgian House."} {"idx": "mnli-5982", "premise": "so so i don't know i don't", "hypothesis": "The person says that they don't know."} {"idx": "mnli-5983", "premise": "(2) A method used to amortize the premium or discount of an investment in bonds, or, as used in SFFAS 2, to amortize the subsidy cost allowance of direct loans.", "hypothesis": "A way to buy bonds or make direct loans."} {"idx": "mnli-5984", "premise": "But how, I asked Hatfield, could he see his source doing this in what he described as a telephone conversation?", "hypothesis": "Hatfield's source claimed to have done something improbably in a telephone conversation."} {"idx": "mnli-5985", "premise": "And yet, while this oversaving is costly to any given generation, it enriches future generations.", "hypothesis": "Over-saving hurts the present generation and also the future generations alike."} {"idx": "mnli-5986", "premise": "For a comprehensive listing of available hotels and motels, call the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (see Accommodations on page 109).", "hypothesis": "There are no hotels in Las Vegas."} {"idx": "mnli-5987", "premise": "Liebler on Thursday also helped Larry Bell keep his Columbus Avenue residence through the holidays and into the new year.", "hypothesis": "Liebler helped Larry Bell on Wednesday."} {"idx": "mnli-5988", "premise": "That ought to impress Ellen Barkin.", "hypothesis": "Ellen Barkin is to be impressed because the final decision is ultimately hers."} {"idx": "mnli-5989", "premise": "You can't fuel real economic growth with indiscriminate credit.", "hypothesis": "You can't encourage growth if you have bad credit."} {"idx": "mnli-5990", "premise": "of uh not going to school he said in view of the fact that he was certain i had a hot line to his school because uh i uh well i i was in physical education then and i just kept getting pushed into administration wound up in administration", "hypothesis": "I was in PE at the time."} {"idx": "mnli-5991", "premise": "It won't harm you.\" ", "hypothesis": "It is going to kill you."} {"idx": "mnli-5992", "premise": "The one Jon held now was not the same as the ones the dark rider had held.", "hypothesis": "Jon's was much better than the one the dark rider had once had. "} {"idx": "mnli-5993", "premise": "High praise for the latest effort from the 44-year-old Southern roots singer, dubbed album of the year by Spin . Her a craggy voice and unsentimental (sometimes gothic, sometimes macho) lyrics, refreshing in a world inundated by cookie-cutter Lilith-ready wimps (David Browne, Entertainment Weekly ). Critics predict that Williams will finally emerge from her long sojourn as a cult star to become a genuine pop star.", "hypothesis": "Williams has received praise for her latest album by Spin."} {"idx": "mnli-5994", "premise": "Starr, as noted, asked for the leak investigation to be put under seal, then publicly regretted his inability to discuss a matter under seal.", "hypothesis": "Starr was asked if he was sure about having the leak investigation under seal."} {"idx": "mnli-5995", "premise": "Any doctor would tell you the same. ", "hypothesis": "All doctors would give you the same time frame for death. "} {"idx": "mnli-5996", "premise": "Our interest and curiosity about Egypt is, it seems, insatiable.", "hypothesis": "Our interest and curiosity of the tourist attractions in Egypt is insatiable. "} {"idx": "mnli-5997", "premise": "DOD concurred with our recommendation to add exit criteria at two key points in the acquisition process-when transitioning from system integration to system demonstration and from system demonstration into production.", "hypothesis": "DOD looked at what a different consulting firms said before they added a change in uniforms and in more sidewalks."} {"idx": "mnli-5998", "premise": "In the grounds of the Pamukkale Motel you can bathe in the Sacred Pool, where the therapeutic, restorative spring waters will float you above a picturesque jumble of broken columns and Corinthian capitals.", "hypothesis": "There is a Sacred Pool which you can bathe in the Pamukkale Motel."} {"idx": "mnli-5999", "premise": "Let's face it.", "hypothesis": "Let's ignore it."} {"idx": "mnli-6000", "premise": "4) The superstar expects the industry to justify his compensation by finding new revenue streams.", "hypothesis": "The superstar thinks that there are untapped revenue streams."} {"idx": "mnli-6001", "premise": "Most of the lawyers who volunteered Tuesday were corporate attorneys, many of them inexperienced with family law.", "hypothesis": "Tuesday was the day where the law help event for the poor was held."} {"idx": "mnli-6002", "premise": "right some of the stations around here will take it", "hypothesis": "No stations in the area will take it."} {"idx": "mnli-6003", "premise": "Imagine seizing these creatures, feeding them or trying to, and keeping them hidden.", "hypothesis": "It must have been difficult to take these creatures and keep them hidden."} {"idx": "mnli-6004", "premise": "But this letter is long enough, possibly too long for the format, so I will leave discussion of Lemann's attempt to sum up to the next letter.", "hypothesis": "I am going to leave out Lemann's discussion from everything."} {"idx": "mnli-6005", "premise": "what about people from uh Pennsylvania what do they think about Texans", "hypothesis": "what opinions do people in Pennsylvania hold about people in Texas"} {"idx": "mnli-6006", "premise": "Wearable Computers (Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab).", "hypothesis": "Non-wearable computers (Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab)."} {"idx": "mnli-6007", "premise": "In the center of the caldera are two low-lying areas of land that appeared after the 1500 b.c. Nea Kameni and Palea Kameni.", "hypothesis": "The locals have grown rice in the low lying areas of land."} {"idx": "mnli-6008", "premise": "In the nearby village, a side road leads south for 1 km (1.2 mile) to the imposing Temple of Artemis, begun during the reign of Alexander the Great, and abandoned, unfinished, following the ascendancy of Christianity in the fourth century.", "hypothesis": "The side of the road also leads to the nearest McDonald's."} {"idx": "mnli-6009", "premise": "Or suppose Greenspan did not respond quickly enough and that the economy did indeed fall into a slump.", "hypothesis": "It is not possible for Greenspan to react to a slumping economy. "} {"idx": "mnli-6010", "premise": "yeah i i don't really know why you have uh uh you know in a small city or whatever medium size city you have a couple hundred thousand people eligible you know and you get ten thousand to vote i don't have an answer for that i think that uh", "hypothesis": "I don't know why when there are a couple hundred thousand people eligible to vote you only get ten thousand people showing up. "} {"idx": "mnli-6011", "premise": "On the way down, I couldn't help feeling the atmosphere.", "hypothesis": "The mood was very dark when I went down."} {"idx": "mnli-6012", "premise": "These requirements include the reasons for the collection of the information, the type of information and an estimate of the burden imposed on respondents.", "hypothesis": "There are too many information requirements. "} {"idx": "mnli-6013", "premise": "Gentilello concurred, commenting that insurance claims data can be a useful source of follow-up data, as can a simple phone call to inquire whether a patient has returned to the doctor recently.", "hypothesis": "Gentiello agreed about the insurance claims."} {"idx": "mnli-6014", "premise": "oh okay the first person i've talked to outside of Texas", "hypothesis": "I have had discussions with many people outside of Texas."} {"idx": "mnli-6015", "premise": "Washington Post reports two attempts by private companies to grow embryos--a practice banned among federally funded researchers but allowed in the private sector.", "hypothesis": "Washington Post has reported on two attempts by private companies to grow embryos"} {"idx": "mnli-6016", "premise": "But time changes and chance changes, senor.", "hypothesis": "But time and chance are not always the same, senor"} {"idx": "mnli-6017", "premise": "New York oh gosh yeah yeah", "hypothesis": "Boston oh gosh yeah yeah"} {"idx": "mnli-6018", "premise": "yeah and uh you know he uh he worked a full-time job and a part-time job and i never saw him so i didn't have much of a role model to go by", "hypothesis": "He never worked and was always around."} {"idx": "mnli-6019", "premise": "In another ten minutes, we were racing down the park and along the high road to Tadminster. ", "hypothesis": "We were walking on the road to Tadminster."} {"idx": "mnli-6020", "premise": "They should be addressed to Eleanor Chelimsky at 202-275-1854.", "hypothesis": "The should be sent directly to me by email."} {"idx": "mnli-6021", "premise": " Colin Powell died in a car crash.", "hypothesis": "Before Christmas, Colin Powell took a pill that gave him immortality."} {"idx": "mnli-6022", "premise": "yeah i like them too with with us we've got insurance of course but due to my husband's work but by the time like two weeks ago we all got sick all four us and one kid had to go to the doctor twice and then all the other the the rest of us did and he was like six hundred dollars yeah and it was we were we all had it was a viral pneumonia it was really bad and and we were just horribly sick but i mean six hundred dollars i can't come up with", "hypothesis": "Our entire family was sick from a viral pneumonia and it was awful."} {"idx": "mnli-6023", "premise": "They drank that.\"", "hypothesis": "They drank that."} {"idx": "mnli-6024", "premise": "Susan Molinari used this figure in her Republican Convention keynote address to illustrate the burden of Clinton's tax increase.", "hypothesis": "This figure has been used in Kanye West's Republican Convention keynote address."} {"idx": "mnli-6025", "premise": "You just trot out Jane, and leave the rest to me.", "hypothesis": "You stay right there Jane, we have to deal with this together."} {"idx": "mnli-6026", "premise": "The splendid old vats and winepresses are themselves worth the visit, and the guides will tell you everything you want to know about wine.", "hypothesis": "The old vats and winepresses are unimpressive and no one would pay money to see them."} {"idx": "mnli-6027", "premise": "The childlike playfulness of the doomed queen's hideaway is reinforced by the Hameau, a hamlet of thatched cottages where she and her retinue pretended to be milkmaids and farm boys.", "hypothesis": "The doomed king's hideaway is reinforced by the Hameau."} {"idx": "mnli-6028", "premise": "fills up any time of space i get too involved in reading sometimes that i neglect what i should be doing so i you get so involved in what you're reading", "hypothesis": "I don't get involved as much when I'm reading science fiction."} {"idx": "mnli-6029", "premise": "Correction, Sort Of", "hypothesis": "Award, sort of."} {"idx": "mnli-6030", "premise": "The Benefits Agency employs about 71,000 people and delivers more than 20 social security benefits, making payments in excess of $156 billion each year.", "hypothesis": "The Benefits Agency hires tens of thousands of people while paying billions of dollars."} {"idx": "mnli-6031", "premise": "If you can solve that one you'll have a lot of fun and a few catches too.", "hypothesis": "Getting a few catches can be difficult."} {"idx": "mnli-6032", "premise": "Pensions, income from accumulated assets, and earnings from continued employment largely determine which households will have the highest retirement income (see figures 1.4 and 1.5).", "hypothesis": "Retirement income is determined by several different factors."} {"idx": "mnli-6033", "premise": "Save your gondola ride yes, it's touristy and expensive but not to be missed for when you're settled in.", "hypothesis": "The gondolas are pricey and touristy, but must be done when you have the chance."} {"idx": "mnli-6034", "premise": "Once across the avenue, you can dive back into Old Kathmandu and within a block reach Asan Tole, through which you passed earlier and from where you can retrace your steps back to Durbar Square.", "hypothesis": "It is a 2 mile walk from Asan Tole to Old Kathmandu."} {"idx": "mnli-6035", "premise": "Very nice and everybody likes him, even very much, and especially Wojtek, you know, the one who married three times and has three mistresses.'", "hypothesis": "Everyone likes him very much - especially Wojtek."} {"idx": "mnli-6036", "premise": "In Varadero, Bar Calle 13 (on Avenida Primera) is the place to meet the jinetera of your dreams.", "hypothesis": "In Varadero, Bar Calle 13 (on Palmas Primera) is not the place to meet the jinetera of your dreams."} {"idx": "mnli-6037", "premise": "A low-rise block with fine sea views from its roof-top terrace.", "hypothesis": "It is a low-rise building with just one story."} {"idx": "mnli-6038", "premise": "To allay Russian concerns, NATO has offered not to deploy nuclear forces in Eastern Europe.", "hypothesis": "NATO said they would not deploy nuclear forces in Poland."} {"idx": "mnli-6039", "premise": " He was still in danger.", "hypothesis": "He was still in peril."} {"idx": "mnli-6040", "premise": "and so they lived throughout the entire house he also had a dog in the house that i didn't know about and so our carpeting was in bad shape when i got back but uh my yard was immaculate he did a great job on the yard so you so i guess you can't have everything", "hypothesis": "The carpet was worn when I returned."} {"idx": "mnli-6041", "premise": "Given the thoroughly earned reputation of the Salmon Corp, many quietly viewed it as a triumph.", "hypothesis": "They failed miserably much to everyone's surprise."} {"idx": "mnli-6042", "premise": "And which will not be offered after the Mobil Exxon merger.", "hypothesis": "It will not be offered after the Mobil Exxon merger."} {"idx": "mnli-6043", "premise": "These individuals were primarily computer users, who might be employees; contractors; clients; or commercial partners, such as suppliers.", "hypothesis": "The people shown in the Harvard Business study who were primarily computer users may also be employees, contractors, clients, commercial partners and suppliers. "} {"idx": "mnli-6044", "premise": "The IMA is a professional organization devoted to management accounting and financial management.", "hypothesis": "IMA deals with money management. "} {"idx": "mnli-6045", "premise": "Associations between 1980 U.S. mortality rates and alternative measures of airborne particle concentration.", "hypothesis": "Airborne particle concentration has not been found to correlate with 1980 US mortality rates."} {"idx": "mnli-6046", "premise": "we save the same plastic container and we yeah we take it with us back to the store and bring it home yeah and we take yeah", "hypothesis": "We never bring it home and we don't take."} {"idx": "mnli-6047", "premise": "Hunt interrupted Novak once.", "hypothesis": "One time Hunt barged in on that person."} {"idx": "mnli-6048", "premise": "Here's how Dr. Johnson put a similar problem, on April 18, 1775: We must consider how very little history there is; I mean real authentick history.", "hypothesis": "The history we can can consider is thought to be inauthentic."} {"idx": "mnli-6049", "premise": "The Bairro Alto (Upper City) is a hilly area full of evocative houses decorated with wrought-iron balconies usually occupied by birdcages and flowerpots.", "hypothesis": "The Upper City is very flat and empty."} {"idx": "mnli-6050", "premise": "The cable car up to Le Brevent (2,525 m/8,284 ft), northwest of Chamonix, will give you a panoramic view of the whole north face of Mont Blanc and the Aiguille du Midi.", "hypothesis": "Since there isn't a cable car you won't be able to see what must be a striking view."} {"idx": "mnli-6051", "premise": "Thanks for playing.", "hypothesis": "Thank you for playing."} {"idx": "mnli-6052", "premise": "In the second and third year of the grant, CFGM funds will be awarded as a match, with MALS raising at least $3 for every $1 the foundation provides.", "hypothesis": "CFGM funds will be awarded as a match, with MALS raising at least $3 for every $1 the foundation provides, In the second and third year of the grant,"} {"idx": "mnli-6053", "premise": "This is in reply to your inquiry regarding our Office's March 28, 1997, Congressional Review Act report on a major rule concerning the inspection and expedited removal of aliens issued by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) and the Executive Office for Immigration Review of the Department of Justice (GAO/OGC-97-32).", "hypothesis": "Your inquiry to the office occurred on March 28, 1997."} {"idx": "mnli-6054", "premise": "no it's not this is uh about uh ten degrees cooler than usual but about a week ago we were up to eighty and eighty five degrees", "hypothesis": "I really liked the weather last week."} {"idx": "mnli-6055", "premise": "In the past, the absence of a broadbased homeland security definition or the ad hoc creation of a definition by individual government departments suggest that a consistent and transparent definition be applied to help create a more integrated approach and unified purpose.", "hypothesis": "There has always been a broadbased homeland security definition."} {"idx": "mnli-6056", "premise": "and and it was interesting because the AFL uh when when the Chiefs when the Texans were playing they would give the scores of the Cowboy games and the NFL games but the NFL refused to admit they existed so when the Cowboys were playing you never got the scores of their games", "hypothesis": "The NFL shows favoritism to the cowboys."} {"idx": "mnli-6057", "premise": "With an aging population and a slowly growing workforce, increasing the nation's future economic capacity is critical to ensuring retirement security in the 21st century.", "hypothesis": "Retirement security is there even if the economic capacity of the country goes down dramatically."} {"idx": "mnli-6058", "premise": "yeah oh but boy you try get into that you'd really open a can of worms", "hypothesis": "You are really going to open a can of worms if you start getting into that."} {"idx": "mnli-6059", "premise": "Most of her books and short stories have been filmed, some many times over (Murder on the Orient Express, Death on the Nile, 4.50 From Paddington), and many have been adapted for television, radio, video games and comics.", "hypothesis": "No one has ever showed any interest in turning her work into films or a television series. "} {"idx": "mnli-6060", "premise": "how about you do you work or do you get to stay home with them wonderful", "hypothesis": "So do you work or stay at home with your kids?"} {"idx": "mnli-6061", "premise": "These elements are (1) a demonstrated leadership commitment and accountability for change; (2) the integration of management improvement initiatives into programmatic decisionmaking; (3) thoughtful and rigorous planning to guide decisions, particularly to address human capital and information technology issues; (4) employee involvement to elicit ideas and build commitment and accountability; (5) organizational alignment to streamline operations and clarify accountability; and (6) strong and continuing congressional involvement.", "hypothesis": "Commitment and accountability for change are elements demonstrated by leadership because they care about change a lot. "} {"idx": "mnli-6062", "premise": "Many insured families have inadequate child benefits, excessive costs, or periods without coverage.", "hypothesis": "Families that are insured have low costs."} {"idx": "mnli-6063", "premise": "First, it loses sales of Windows 95.", "hypothesis": "It sold less than Windows 95."} {"idx": "mnli-6064", "premise": "Natalia fixed me with an irate glare, then made a show of sauntering off.", "hypothesis": "Natalia was very upset with me."} {"idx": "mnli-6065", "premise": "Many hotels offer special packages (such as summer or weekend reductions).", "hypothesis": "Special packages are offered by many hotels."} {"idx": "mnli-6066", "premise": "While NHTSA did not explicitly address section 205, it complied in substance with the requirements of this section.", "hypothesis": "NHTSA ignored the requirements of section 205."} {"idx": "mnli-6067", "premise": "In the meantime he was conscious of Sir James's close scrutiny.", "hypothesis": "Sir James did not trust his work."} {"idx": "mnli-6068", "premise": "Some of the stands under the bright umbrellas are real herbalists' heavens, but even if you can understand the patois, it's difficult to learn the precise uses for certain mysterious-looking items.", "hypothesis": "The stands under the bright umbrellas are full of mysterious and undesirable products."} {"idx": "mnli-6069", "premise": "but the beach was beautiful we managed to comb out some of the broken glass and the like but the actual sand was a real good quality and real deep and we set up the old volleyball net and you know just a typical uh twenty or thirty guys playing volleyball on the beach and this this cove this beach was a bit of a cove and it was surrounded oh i'd say a couple of hundred yards by uh this hill this mountainous uh rock terrain and only that little bitty section of it was actually beach the rest of it was water right up against the rock so you pretty well had the whole area to yourself there were enough of us where we filled the whole peninsula as far as the the camping on both sides so we did we all had to walk down to the one area to go down to the bea ch and it was pretty much the whole area to ourself beautiful weekend however at that time at that stage in our life our kids were were uh real young and one of them managed to catch diarrhea while we were there so we'd have to run him up the the hill and you know the little portable toilet was up there and", "hypothesis": "We had a great time at the beach even though one of the kids got sick."} {"idx": "mnli-6070", "premise": "Then we can lock up and go.\" 18 I had seen Lawrence in quite a different light that afternoon. ", "hypothesis": "I had seen Lawrence in a really good light."} {"idx": "mnli-6071", "premise": "The interim rule was issued without use of the notice and comment procedures of 5 U.S.C.", "hypothesis": "There was a more permanent rule afterwards."} {"idx": "mnli-6072", "premise": "In adopting the H-2A program, Congress sought a balanced program that would ensure an adequate source of labor, but would not exploit employees or provide an added incentive to hire foreign rather than resident workers.", "hypothesis": "The H-2A program was a huge success and accomplished it's goals. "} {"idx": "mnli-6073", "premise": "According to the agency the rule will not result in expenditures of $100 million in any year by either State, Local or Tribal governments in the aggregate or by the private sector.", "hypothesis": "The agency expects there to only be $90 million in expenditures due to the rule."} {"idx": "mnli-6074", "premise": "yeah some of my favorite groups are like Chicago and uh oh some of the i guess what what you could call softer rock groups they were the bigger groups in the seventies and till all the heavy metal and all that came in and", "hypothesis": "I love the newer heavy metal music."} {"idx": "mnli-6075", "premise": "Neither of them spoke again until they reached the Ritz.", "hypothesis": "They were angry at each other, and spoke no word at all."} {"idx": "mnli-6076", "premise": "I will merely state baldly that John Cavendish reserved his defence, and was duly committed for trial. ", "hypothesis": "John cavendish was probably going to lose the trial."} {"idx": "mnli-6077", "premise": "He said they were very important that they might make all the difference to the Allies.", "hypothesis": "He said they were not important."} {"idx": "mnli-6078", "premise": "Based on current evidence, screening should be undertaken using one or a combination of structured questionnaires.", "hypothesis": "One or more questionnaires should be involved in the screening process."} {"idx": "mnli-6079", "premise": "oh oh yes we start here at uh five", "hypothesis": "Over here, we begin at five."} {"idx": "mnli-6080", "premise": "COST FINDING - Cost finding techniques produce cost data by analytical or sampling methods.", "hypothesis": "Cost data is used to set consumer price targets."} {"idx": "mnli-6081", "premise": "It is hard to see how providing free legal services to some welfare claimants (those whose claims do not challenge the applicable statutes) while not providing it to others is beyond the range of legitimate legislative choice.", "hypothesis": "The welfare system in the us is rigged. "} {"idx": "mnli-6082", "premise": "They stared at each other, puzzled.", "hypothesis": "They were both puzzled."} {"idx": "mnli-6083", "premise": "The royal family worshipped upstairs, looking down onto the courtiers in the nave.", "hypothesis": "There was no nave in the kingdom, courtiers were obliged to live in stables."} {"idx": "mnli-6084", "premise": "Asano's clan steward, Oishi Kuranosuke, and forty-seven of his loyal retainers vowed revenge.", "hypothesis": "Oishi Kuranosuke had 20 loyal retainers who vowed revenge."} {"idx": "mnli-6085", "premise": "When, after the Lewinsky affair, President Clinton chose not to see a real clinician but a bunch of ministers, he sent the same message.", "hypothesis": "President Clinton sent a very different message when he chose to see a bunch of ministers. "} {"idx": "mnli-6086", "premise": "Those who object to them seem closer to the mark in fearing that the scarves signal a rising fundamentalist opposition to the secular principles on which modern Turkey was founded.", "hypothesis": "Turkey was very much founded on secular principles."} {"idx": "mnli-6087", "premise": "The net present value as of the time of sale requires a reestimate of the subsidy expense, which is recognized as a subsidy expense or a reduction in subsidy expense.", "hypothesis": "A re-estimate of the subsidy expense is considered to be either a subsidy expense or a reduction in subsidy expense."} {"idx": "mnli-6088", "premise": "'You're a press officer.'", "hypothesis": "You seem to be a press officer."} {"idx": "mnli-6089", "premise": "For 14 years, the intelligence community has refused to release this damage assessment on the grounds that it would harm national security.", "hypothesis": "This damage assessment has been withheld for over a decade due to national security concerns."} {"idx": "mnli-6090", "premise": "Refusing to charge clients, Mazzariello, 42, said he used his family's savings to sustain the office during the first year.", "hypothesis": "Clients were thankful."} {"idx": "mnli-6091", "premise": "payments made to utility and credit card companies", "hypothesis": "Most feel that payments to utility companies should be treated differently than payments made to credit card companies."} {"idx": "mnli-6092", "premise": "I was a special patient.", "hypothesis": "I was a unique patient."} {"idx": "mnli-6093", "premise": "Liberal interest groups and the White House scrambled to find new objections to the larger Among other things, they warned that it threatens legal immigrants with deportation and diminishes their safeguards against job discrimination.", "hypothesis": "The legal immigrants are threatened with deportation and discrimination."} {"idx": "mnli-6094", "premise": "well the limits uh uh would i think have to do with what i'd alluded to before that there needs to be a further um that that one positive on a drug test would not", "hypothesis": "There needs to be further testing on this matter."} {"idx": "mnli-6095", "premise": "well right now we're in a delicate situation because we've got this we've for the first time we're sort of aligned with a lot of these Arab countries", "hypothesis": "If we do one thing incorrectly, everything will fall apart."} {"idx": "mnli-6096", "premise": "However, once you accept these facts, Cairo has lots to offer the visitor; its main museum is an essential part of your vacation experience and its street life is a sure sign that you have come to a totally different culture.", "hypothesis": "You don't have to worry about those facts since Cairo has nothing to offer."} {"idx": "mnli-6097", "premise": "well i'm only a little bit familiar with the Red Sox because i lived up in Boston for a while", "hypothesis": "I lived in Boston for a while."} {"idx": "mnli-6098", "premise": "The Park includes an eclectic collection of objects from the history of old railway memorabilia, artifacts from sugar cane processing plants, and a banana-tallying machine can all be found here.", "hypothesis": "The Park is filled with all kinds of antiques."} {"idx": "mnli-6099", "premise": "Of these three, Raging Bull has been singled out for vindication.", "hypothesis": "The other two will pay a huge legal fee."} {"idx": "mnli-6100", "premise": "The Ascendancy", "hypothesis": "The disadvantage "} {"idx": "mnli-6101", "premise": "You were in a towering rage. ", "hypothesis": "You appeared peaceful and serene. "} {"idx": "mnli-6102", "premise": "When the mayor proposed a one-cent sales tax to shore up Little Rock's frayed budget, the city revolted.", "hypothesis": "The city has no sales tax."} {"idx": "mnli-6103", "premise": "Grand Rapids lawyer Robert Lalley Jr. has never been poor.", "hypothesis": "Being poor has a large impact on life."} {"idx": "mnli-6104", "premise": "credit card i think has the lowest about the lowest interest rate of any of the ones that we use", "hypothesis": "Out of all the credit cards we use, I think it has the lowest interest rate."} {"idx": "mnli-6105", "premise": "The Chappaquiddick analogies can't be far behind.", "hypothesis": "It will never be anything like Chappaquiddick ."} {"idx": "mnli-6106", "premise": "a state income tax was also kind of tough too um i guess since we've been married we've moved a lot and so it always seems like you know we're always paying in taxes for something and so the it was kind of nice this year to finally be able to get a little bit of money back but", "hypothesis": "We don't ever pay our taxes."} {"idx": "mnli-6107", "premise": "My friend, he broke out at last, \"I have a little idea, a very strange, and probably utterly impossible idea. ", "hypothesis": "My friend said, \"I have a weird idea.\""} {"idx": "mnli-6108", "premise": "or making the American system work in the way it's originally designed to", "hypothesis": "The original system designed for America would work well today."} {"idx": "mnli-6109", "premise": "But in her hurry to be in time for the village entertainment Mrs. Inglethorp forgot to take her medicine, and the next day she lunched away from home, so that the last \u201dand fatal \u201ddose was actually taken twenty-four hours later than had been anticipated by the murderer; and it is owing to that delay that the final proof \u201dthe last link of the chain \u201dis now in my hands.\" Amid breathless excitement, he held out three thin strips of paper. ", "hypothesis": "Mrs. Inglethorp made sure that she took her medicine."} {"idx": "mnli-6110", "premise": "For children who love boats, riding the Star Ferry or ferry trips to outlying islands will be exciting, and the Dolphin Watch trip (see page 113) is certain to appeal.", "hypothesis": "Children who don't care for boats won't like the ferries or Dolphin Watch trip. "} {"idx": "mnli-6111", "premise": "In ancient times, they sat in a circle (cyclos) around the sacred island of Delos, and their name has carried through into modern times.", "hypothesis": "In antiquity, the island of Delos was considered sacred."} {"idx": "mnli-6112", "premise": "He followed up the slenderest clue.", "hypothesis": "He picked the smallest clue to follow up on."} {"idx": "mnli-6113", "premise": "That almighty omniscient Mr. Brown, of course! There was a faint note of derision in the American's voice which made Sir James look up sharply.", "hypothesis": "Sir James hadn't been paying attention, not liking American accents."} {"idx": "mnli-6114", "premise": "Can you spare us a few minutes, Dr. Hall? said Sir James pleasantly.", "hypothesis": "Sir James politely asked for a few minutes of Dr. Hall's time."} {"idx": "mnli-6115", "premise": "yeah where at", "hypothesis": "What time?"} {"idx": "mnli-6116", "premise": "The Romans are thought to have been among the first to build a watchtower here.", "hypothesis": "The civilization of the Roman empire was the only one that didn't used watchtower in that age."} {"idx": "mnli-6117", "premise": "yeah nice talking to you too bye", "hypothesis": "It was a pleasant experience talking to you."} {"idx": "mnli-6118", "premise": "oh i'm sure yeah that's a pretty large area", "hypothesis": "That's surely a big area."} {"idx": "mnli-6119", "premise": "The man jumped back, beginning a frantic ritual.", "hypothesis": "The man stood calmly in place."} {"idx": "mnli-6120", "premise": "High School and Central Michigan University and had a promising", "hypothesis": "The middle school and the community college."} {"idx": "mnli-6121", "premise": "For wines you many want to wait for your tour of the vineyards or the wider selection available at Beaune.", "hypothesis": "High-quality wines can be found at Beaune or at countryside vineyards."} {"idx": "mnli-6122", "premise": "yeah i know it seems like you can never get warm enough to", "hypothesis": "I know what you mean it seems like you cannot ever get warm."} {"idx": "mnli-6123", "premise": "I wondered whether, if she had remained at Styles, the tragedy would have taken place, or would the man have feared her watchful eyes? ", "hypothesis": "I knew the tragedy would have happened, even if she'd stayed at Styles."} {"idx": "mnli-6124", "premise": "Anyway, what causes indifference to politics today is not drugs but politics, which seems less and less relevant to our lives.", "hypothesis": "Drugs don't cause an indifference to politics."} {"idx": "mnli-6125", "premise": "But Tuppence had sharp eyes, and had noted the corner of a threepenny detective novel protruding from Albert's pocket, and the immediate enlargement of his eyes told her that her tactics were good, and that the fish would rise to the bait.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence rubbed her eyes and replaced her glasses, but she could see nothing there."} {"idx": "mnli-6126", "premise": "Last May, the department made similar allegations against the firms for their work on two other Olathe apartment complexes, Homestead Apartment Homes and Wyncroft Hill Apartments, both near 119th Street and Black Bob Road.", "hypothesis": "The work done for the Olathe apartments couldn't have been better."} {"idx": "mnli-6127", "premise": "For the present structure, we must be grateful to the great restorer-architect Eugyne Viollet-le-Duc, who did extensive renovations from 1845 to 1863 in response to the public outcry started by Victor Hugo's novel, Notre-Dame de Paris.", "hypothesis": "The renovations were never done."} {"idx": "mnli-6128", "premise": "The island's only town, Avalon, clusters around the bay below stunning mountains that separate it from the rugged interior.", "hypothesis": "Avalon is one of many towns situated on the island."} {"idx": "mnli-6129", "premise": "Where is Susan? said Gabriel.", "hypothesis": "Gabriel didn't care to ask where Susan was."} {"idx": "mnli-6130", "premise": "Thorn looked at the pistol in Jon's hand and then up to Jon's cold blue eyes.", "hypothesis": "Jon shot Thorn first in the left knee, then in the right. "} {"idx": "mnli-6131", "premise": "'You already have your sheep.'", "hypothesis": "I'm sorry that you don't have any sheep. "} {"idx": "mnli-6132", "premise": "yeah that sounds great i've i've noticed uh another thing um when i was younger my father was always working and", "hypothesis": "I noticed my father worked a lot."} {"idx": "mnli-6133", "premise": "He believes that trauma research requires multi-disciplinary input and that research by non-MDs is taken seriously.", "hypothesis": "He thinks that trauma research should get input from different fields."} {"idx": "mnli-6134", "premise": "Only two of us were there.", "hypothesis": "There was only one person there."} {"idx": "mnli-6135", "premise": "We will also make copies available to others upon request.", "hypothesis": "It will be possible to obtain copies for those who ask."} {"idx": "mnli-6136", "premise": "In contrast, this may not be the case in Sunni-dominated Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.", "hypothesis": "The Sunnis dominate Pakistan."} {"idx": "mnli-6137", "premise": "Its flow is constant never suffocated by the all-pervading sand or evaporated by the oppressive heat of the sun.", "hypothesis": "The flow is unimpeded by its environment."} {"idx": "mnli-6138", "premise": "Many News Quiz responses were rejected by Slate 's e-mail server.", "hypothesis": "Slate was not expecting the overwhelming response they got."} {"idx": "mnli-6139", "premise": "They shouldn't have needed to torture the crone.", "hypothesis": "The crone did not like being tortured."} {"idx": "mnli-6140", "premise": "The deep blue, gold, and crimson mosaics on the vaults and arches depict St. Laurence, the Apostles, and the Good Shepherd Feeding His Sheep (over the entrance).", "hypothesis": "There is a depiction of the Apostles on the vaults."} {"idx": "mnli-6141", "premise": "Just on the outskirts of downtown are a couple of shopping malls that carry international duty-free goods.", "hypothesis": "There are no shopping malls in town that sell duty-free items."} {"idx": "mnli-6142", "premise": "Girls in such androgynous gear looked ready for any adventure.", "hypothesis": "Girls wearing the gear looked like they were ready to climb the mountain."} {"idx": "mnli-6143", "premise": "Among those cases, according to Leslie Curry, litigation director of Western Michigan Legal Services, was that of a mother evicted from public housing about a year ago with several young children.", "hypothesis": "Leslie Curry is litigation director of Western Michigan Legal Services."} {"idx": "mnli-6144", "premise": "Have you any tips to give us before we clear out?\"", "hypothesis": "We should go over a few things before leaving."} {"idx": "mnli-6145", "premise": "An icon is a religious portrait, usually of a saint or apostle.", "hypothesis": "An icon is a depiction of a religious figure like a saint."} {"idx": "mnli-6146", "premise": "No, I don't think so. ", "hypothesis": "No, I think that is not true."} {"idx": "mnli-6147", "premise": "Table 2.2 gives an example of a less and a more complex instance. ", "hypothesis": "Table 2.2 is extremely confusing."} {"idx": "mnli-6148", "premise": "ensuring adequate review coverage of agency information security", "hypothesis": "Adequate review coverage of information security isn't ensured."} {"idx": "mnli-6149", "premise": "Her cold blue eyes gazed upon him.", "hypothesis": "She closed her eyes and pretended he wasn't there."} {"idx": "mnli-6150", "premise": "Many years past, Fena Dim sold brill to Fena Kef.", "hypothesis": "Fena Dim refused to sell anything."} {"idx": "mnli-6151", "premise": "This technique was in widespread use until 1948, when the major national polls based on this technique all predicted that Republican Thomas E. Dewey would defeat incumbent Democrat Harry S. Truman.", "hypothesis": "Harry S. Truman was a Republican President."} {"idx": "mnli-6152", "premise": "and i think it's frightening to them to see the roles switching and i think i think this reaction comes more out of fear now my husband is", "hypothesis": "I think it scares them to notice the roles switching."} {"idx": "mnli-6153", "premise": "toward those goals.", "hypothesis": "Movement with goals."} {"idx": "mnli-6154", "premise": "The museum will surprise many visitors expecting a victim's account of one of this century's most controversial decisions; yet the curators have gone to considerable lengths to document the horror of atomic weapons and nuclear war in general, driving toward the inevitable conclusion that such weapons must never again be used.", "hypothesis": "The museum curators acknowledge how terrible the nuclear war was."} {"idx": "mnli-6155", "premise": "In times of a downturn in the economy, they demonstrate a commitment by the full court, and by attorneys in Illinois, to assume responsibility for those unable to afford legal services and for those lawyers who need compassion and help.", "hypothesis": "Lawyers and the courts in Illinois provide affordable legal services to the poor."} {"idx": "mnli-6156", "premise": "From October to May, the summit is covered in snow and often closed to the public.", "hypothesis": "The summit is usually closed from October to May due to weather."} {"idx": "mnli-6157", "premise": "Note should be made of how well the agency has addressed the critical factors in GAO's 1990 model of information technology acquisitions as well as agency compliance with acquisition regulations, standards, and other federal guidance.", "hypothesis": "Agency compliance with acquisition regulations isn't anything to be taking notice of."} {"idx": "mnli-6158", "premise": "The opera hat is no longer the preserve of the rich; it is, if anything, a cathedral of gay culture.", "hypothesis": "The opera hat used to be the preserve of the poor."} {"idx": "mnli-6159", "premise": "Shall we go in?\" A policeman produced a key.", "hypothesis": "The policeman produced a key that worked in every lock."} {"idx": "mnli-6160", "premise": "Remember, I haven't seen you since that time in hospital in 1916.\"", "hypothesis": "I haven't seen you since 1916."} {"idx": "mnli-6161", "premise": "Don't miss the pavilion's little rock garden, a classic of the genre.", "hypothesis": "Take my advice and skip the pavilion's rock garden."} {"idx": "mnli-6162", "premise": "Club Utopia (Tel.702/390-4650), on the Strip but not in a hotel, may be single-handedly responsible for reviving the dying Las Vegas nightclub scene by taking the metropolitan sounds of techno and house out of the underground and into a commercial Las Vegas venue for the first time.", "hypothesis": "Club Utopia isn't in a hotel but it is very popular for their music."} {"idx": "mnli-6163", "premise": "The exact manner of his sudden death was never made public.", "hypothesis": "The public never learned the way he died."} {"idx": "mnli-6164", "premise": "First, we don't know that Maxwell would have found another Without Joan, he might have struck out that night.", "hypothesis": "We don't know that Maxwell would have found another wife without help."} {"idx": "mnli-6165", "premise": "Financial statement disclosures are difficult to understand, as though written in a foreign language.", "hypothesis": "One should always have a financial adviser to go over financial statements with."} {"idx": "mnli-6166", "premise": "i think a lot of my problem with the young mothers is", "hypothesis": "I could write a long list of problems I have with young mothers."} {"idx": "mnli-6167", "premise": "yeah that's what i've heard", "hypothesis": "I've heard that the company has gone bankrupt."} {"idx": "mnli-6168", "premise": "you know in the Jimmy Carter uh Carter era you know wringing your hands and going trust me trust me", "hypothesis": "You know the stress in the Jimmy Carter era."} {"idx": "mnli-6169", "premise": "Journalists and filmmakers relentlessly publicized the horrors of crack addiction and drug violence", "hypothesis": "Films on the awfulness of crack addiction have become clich\u00e9 over the years."} {"idx": "mnli-6170", "premise": "They are winning the science prizes and scholarships.", "hypothesis": "The girl who invented a machine to pick up the ocean's trash is getting a scholarship."} {"idx": "mnli-6171", "premise": "Mais, oui!", "hypothesis": "There is nothing."} {"idx": "mnli-6172", "premise": "yeah i just think it's really really pretty", "hypothesis": "I think it's very pretty. "} {"idx": "mnli-6173", "premise": "but it would be nice if there could be an in-between a middle ground somewhere", "hypothesis": "A middle ground is needed for us to be nice."} {"idx": "mnli-6174", "premise": "She went round about. ", "hypothesis": "She kept going around in circles trying to find her way. "} {"idx": "mnli-6175", "premise": "To take only the most extreme Outright bribes do not, as far as we can tell, play a big role in determining federal policies--and who doubts that they would if they were legal?", "hypothesis": "While large bribes have been outlawed, smaller bribes are entirely legal, and play a large role in policy making. "} {"idx": "mnli-6176", "premise": "FULL COST - The total amount of resources used to produce the output.", "hypothesis": "Full cost is only a fraction of production cost. "} {"idx": "mnli-6177", "premise": "In two or three days the train would pull out again, starting the long trip down into Sonora.", "hypothesis": "Next week the train would start to go to Sonora."} {"idx": "mnli-6178", "premise": "If a pulsejet FF (PJFF) is used downstream, the sorbent injection rate can be reduced to about 4.6 lb/MMacf.", "hypothesis": "The sorbent injection rate can only be reduced to about 4.6 kb/MMacf if we use quality materials."} {"idx": "mnli-6179", "premise": "Moreover, understanding the net economic cost of the monopoly allows one to see how much universal service costs postal customers, at least under current institutional arrangements.", "hypothesis": "The current institutional setup is costing postal consumers more than they would be paying without the monopoly."} {"idx": "mnli-6180", "premise": "so i sent them a letter with a copy of the canceled check and their card cut up into about a hundred pieces i said here is your card here is the copy of my canceled check never send me anything else and never heard from them", "hypothesis": "I took their card and used it to buy some groceries."} {"idx": "mnli-6181", "premise": "It was an influx of new settlers with Bronze Age skills around 3000 b.c. that ushered in the Minoan era, the first major civilization to arise on European soil.", "hypothesis": "The Minoan civilization was eventually eclipsed by the Greek civilization."} {"idx": "mnli-6182", "premise": "Perhaps inevitably, the church's most elaborate ornament is the altar of St. Ignatius Loyola, covering the tomb of the Jesuits' Spanish founder in the left transept.", "hypothesis": "St. Ignatius Loyola's altar was torn down in the 18th century."} {"idx": "mnli-6183", "premise": "One bioethicist has coined a term for this new kind of the sperminator.", "hypothesis": "The new term came from a bioethicist."} {"idx": "mnli-6184", "premise": "yeah she's real skinny she's matter of fact she's uh she's down at the vet today she had her little operation so uh", "hypothesis": "Today, she was at the vet for an operation."} {"idx": "mnli-6185", "premise": "The show shouldn't be criticized for presenting disgusting behavior, because television doesn't create values, it only reflects them.", "hypothesis": "It's the television's show's fault for creating bad values."} {"idx": "mnli-6186", "premise": "If they had left it alone, it is possible the crime might never have been brought home to them. ", "hypothesis": "They would never have known about the crime if they had given up."} {"idx": "mnli-6187", "premise": "Those surveyed worked in Weld County, the Arkansas Valley, the San Luis Valley and the Western Slope and took part in 30-minute interviews at farm-labor housing in those regions.", "hypothesis": "The people surveyed refused to attend."} {"idx": "mnli-6188", "premise": "Gore, by contrast, smoked pot, worked construction, attended divinity school, and muckraked at a Tennessee newspaper.", "hypothesis": "Gore was different because he once worked construction and at a newspaper."} {"idx": "mnli-6189", "premise": "nobody else get's out so it's hard to imagine a you know i mean i i i can't imagine teaching in a situation like that and actually trying to get anything across to a student", "hypothesis": "The environment makes teachers want to stop trying and just quit since the children have no desire to learn."} {"idx": "mnli-6190", "premise": "All this changed under the Tudors.", "hypothesis": "The Tudor changes were met with excitement by the populace."} {"idx": "mnli-6191", "premise": "Emperor Divers is a long-established operation with offices at Hurghada, Na'am Bay, and Nuweiba.", "hypothesis": "Emperor Divers is the best diving company in the area."} {"idx": "mnli-6192", "premise": "Following this, ancient Egyptians believed that the monument possessed prophetic powers and it still has a mysterious hold on the modern psyche.", "hypothesis": "People believed the monument had prophetic powers, but nowadays they believe it is useless."} {"idx": "mnli-6193", "premise": "co-requesters as to the original requester (see Commitment to Congressional Requesters).", "hypothesis": "The originating document refers to co-requesters in addition to the original requester."} {"idx": "mnli-6194", "premise": "i have i have branched out i was a photographer before but when i went to college it was i felt like i couldn't support myself if i decided to be a photographer", "hypothesis": "I was a photographer in college but couldn't support myself on the income."} {"idx": "mnli-6195", "premise": "Most people who patronize the lottery, the track, or the slot machines end up poorer, with nothing to show for the transaction--which is also true of people who eat in restaurants and attend concerts.", "hypothesis": "The majority of people who live in the city and hope to get rich via gambling don't win anything."} {"idx": "mnli-6196", "premise": "emergency department interventions.", "hypothesis": "Casual singular interventions."} {"idx": "mnli-6197", "premise": "perhaps I truly love her.", "hypothesis": "I cannot imagine my own emotions."} {"idx": "mnli-6198", "premise": "The population density of the two least populated departments of France, Creuse and Lozare, is 14 persons per square kilometer.", "hypothesis": "14 persons per square kilometer is the population density of Creuse and Lozare."} {"idx": "mnli-6199", "premise": "With a single cut she opened the demon's throat and black thick blood ran into the bowl.", "hypothesis": "After slicing the demons throat nothing came out of it."} {"idx": "mnli-6200", "premise": "yeah and rents are are extremely high i mean people and they just don't care", "hypothesis": "Rents are very low in New York."} {"idx": "mnli-6201", "premise": "The market for general-interest weekly magazines has long since dried Look and the Saturday Evening Post are dead.", "hypothesis": "Interest in the Saturday Evening Post lasted much longer than the Look."} {"idx": "mnli-6202", "premise": "i did it right as she said yeah but uh she's she's down in San Antonio it's it's a uh", "hypothesis": "She's down in San Antonio"} {"idx": "mnli-6203", "premise": "The reasonableness of the assumption is unknown.", "hypothesis": "The assumption is true because it was copied verbatim from a prior statement based on solely facts."} {"idx": "mnli-6204", "premise": "It's certainly better than living in a society that allows money to entice people to convert their own health into a commodity.", "hypothesis": "The alternative is far better than living in a society that financially contributes to those who use their health as an asset."} {"idx": "mnli-6205", "premise": "oh yes yes i guess i've had some good experience and some bad experience with them", "hypothesis": "I have had more good experiences with them than bad."} {"idx": "mnli-6206", "premise": "The two worlds met and fused, and out of the two came this world, in what the books call the _Dawnstruggle_.", "hypothesis": "The two worlds never met and coalesced."} {"idx": "mnli-6207", "premise": "i think that's kind of the key", "hypothesis": "That is an insignificant discovery."} {"idx": "mnli-6208", "premise": "Only a relative handful of good job holders (which is to say only a few hundred thousand a year) experience serious reverses.", "hypothesis": "Only few good job holders experience serious reverses."} {"idx": "mnli-6209", "premise": "From INdiaaaaah.", "hypothesis": "From India "} {"idx": "mnli-6210", "premise": "they didn't say what they just said they thought acid rain's contribution may be less than was previously suspected um but it may be other natural things at work um", "hypothesis": "They stated that the acid rain may not be as much as they previously thought."} {"idx": "mnli-6211", "premise": "Its construction was almost completed in a mere 44 years in the middle of the 13th century; as a result it was possible to maintain a homogeneous architectural style.", "hypothesis": "It was built in no more than 44 years."} {"idx": "mnli-6212", "premise": "yeah i think that was a logical decision there", "hypothesis": "That decision was logical but it still troubles me."} {"idx": "mnli-6213", "premise": "west Texan", "hypothesis": "So you're from west Texas?"} {"idx": "mnli-6214", "premise": "you know paying back for whatever crime they've committed", "hypothesis": "They've committed a crime."} {"idx": "mnli-6215", "premise": "To succeed, such a process requires a relatively large and experienced facility design, engineering, and management staff within the owner's organization in order to protect the owner's interests.", "hypothesis": "The process requires a small staff in order for the owner to be protected."} {"idx": "mnli-6216", "premise": "I overheard something that seemed to show that other people friends were looking for me.", "hypothesis": "Someone's friends were looking for me."} {"idx": "mnli-6217", "premise": "In a.d. 286 Diocletian sought to reverse the decline by splitting the administration of the empire in two he would govern the east, based in Nicodemia, while his friend Maximian ruled the west from Milan and later to split it further into four parts.", "hypothesis": "Diocletian split the empire in half because it was doing so well."} {"idx": "mnli-6218", "premise": "The dance, something like the English maypole dance, is performed during the fiesta in Es Migjorn Gran.", "hypothesis": "The children perform the dance during the fiesta."} {"idx": "mnli-6219", "premise": "The original colony of 600 men intermarried with local women to form a large Eurasian community, served by African slaves and living in an elegant luxury that won their trading post the name Babylon of the Orient. ", "hypothesis": "The Babylon of the Orient was a lavish community of original colony men intermarried with local women. "} {"idx": "mnli-6220", "premise": "I did not wonder at John objecting to his beard. ", "hypothesis": "John had no objections to his beard."} {"idx": "mnli-6221", "premise": "They may also fear retaliation by other local employers, and often will not want to pursue a claim until after they leave the area.", "hypothesis": "They are afraid to make any claims unless they are out of the area."} {"idx": "mnli-6222", "premise": "So, he came home, started screaming, and the place was like after a tornado.", "hypothesis": "His house was broken into and they messed it up."} {"idx": "mnli-6223", "premise": "Based on those", "hypothesis": "Based somewhat on those."} {"idx": "mnli-6224", "premise": "Typically, multiple absorbers will be installed sequentially with some overlap to conserve and schedule continuous use of labor, as well as keep associated installation costs down.", "hypothesis": "Installing multiple absorbers sequentially is the most expensive way to install absorbers."} {"idx": "mnli-6225", "premise": "that's probably well worth it then it probably be worth it just to do away with the cost of the elections and uh put it in the hands of maybe one man who can at least get his party together", "hypothesis": "There is no reason to do away with the elections."} {"idx": "mnli-6226", "premise": "The richest deposits grew thinner and we began digging deeper.", "hypothesis": "We gave up digging and never looked back. "} {"idx": "mnli-6227", "premise": "Who exactly suffers from those punishments?", "hypothesis": "The punishments hurt the students."} {"idx": "mnli-6228", "premise": "Unfortunately, the hil ltop is also shared by the Greek military, and it bristles with satellite and digital technology, prohibiting photography of the beautiful panorama.", "hypothesis": "Tourist love to take pictures of the beautiful panorama."} {"idx": "mnli-6229", "premise": "The color of the paint varies depending on what is considered the most tacky in any given war-golf season.", "hypothesis": "The decision on paint is made based on golfing trends. "} {"idx": "mnli-6230", "premise": "Nowadays it is a one-stop center of the Malaysian Tourist Information Complex.", "hypothesis": "Back in the days it used to be an arena for lions."} {"idx": "mnli-6231", "premise": "or or so it seems i i may just be paranoid but that state income tax is just eating me alive", "hypothesis": "The state income taxes here are terrible."} {"idx": "mnli-6232", "premise": "He left gelded and bled to death a day later.", "hypothesis": "He stopped the bleeding and survived."} {"idx": "mnli-6233", "premise": "Here's my nominee for worst movie of the year (complete category should Worst Movie of the Year That Assumedly Adult Male Reviewers Slathered Over): There's Something About Mary --a pathetically sophomoric, penis-obsessed mess that wouldn't even appeal to Larry Flynt!", "hypothesis": "I regret spending money to watch There's Something About Mary."} {"idx": "mnli-6234", "premise": "The legend says General Abercromby heard the church bells tolling, saw the lights, mistakenly deduced that Spanish reinforcements had arrived, and fled.", "hypothesis": "They say that General Abercromby heard noise from the church."} {"idx": "mnli-6235", "premise": "Take two or three days anything less is likely to be a waste of time.", "hypothesis": "Everything can be appreciated in a small amount of time. "} {"idx": "mnli-6236", "premise": "no we do not have a basement because we would had to have built up instead of down because uh there's the rock is so close to the surface here that it's difficult to to do basements so we didn't do that but um", "hypothesis": "We weren't able to build a basement because of how close the rock is to the surface."} {"idx": "mnli-6237", "premise": "Still, you waited to be alone before gratifying that 'interest' of yours?\"", "hypothesis": "You locked the doors and closed the windows before gratifying your interest?"} {"idx": "mnli-6238", "premise": "If you feel more energetic, you can rent a rowboat at the dock and set out under your own steam.", "hypothesis": "You are able to rent your own rowboat from the dock."} {"idx": "mnli-6239", "premise": "It's a sizable benefit in terms of prolonged survival, he said.", "hypothesis": "He thinks it'll be beneficial in the long run."} {"idx": "mnli-6240", "premise": "To assist federal managers, the Committee published guiding principles and key issues for implementing GPRA.", "hypothesis": "The Committee published guiding principles and key issues to assist federal managers."} {"idx": "mnli-6241", "premise": "The Baselica de San Vicente just outside the city walls is considerably smaller than the cathedral, but hardly less inspiring.", "hypothesis": "The Basilica de San Vicente is less inspiring than the cathedral"} {"idx": "mnli-6242", "premise": "Other industries requiring boilermaker labor include refinery (13 percent), chemical (6 percent), paper (7 percent), and metals (6 percent).", "hypothesis": "There are other industries requiring boilermaker labor."} {"idx": "mnli-6243", "premise": "I was about to say that studies showed no connection.", "hypothesis": "I was about to speak."} {"idx": "mnli-6244", "premise": "considerations could support recommendation of rate and classification changes tailored to the capabilities and needs of particular mailers.", "hypothesis": "Any considerations made would not support changes to the mailers' rates."} {"idx": "mnli-6245", "premise": "Dow 14,000 anyone?", "hypothesis": "Do you like when the Dow is at 14,000?"} {"idx": "mnli-6246", "premise": "That's one piece of the larger truth at the heart of the family-values Divorce and unwed motherhood are bad for kids.", "hypothesis": "There are few jobs that allow a single parent both the time to spend with their kids and the money to adequately provide for them."} {"idx": "mnli-6247", "premise": "He probably never says how much he values her, to himself or to her.", "hypothesis": "He regularly tells her how much he values and appreciates her."} {"idx": "mnli-6248", "premise": "But he may just be a person who things happen to happen to, a guy with a penchant for pretending to be what others want to believe that he is.", "hypothesis": "He may just be a person who things happen to happen to"} {"idx": "mnli-6249", "premise": "It's over now; we're coming clear of memory.", "hypothesis": "It has only just begun."} {"idx": "mnli-6250", "premise": "oh yeah oh yeah it's uh that's the finances i guess we're on the subject of finances it is tough uh i've been with TI i'm just going to be fifteen years this year and that's a tough thing uh the salary thing TI doesn't quite always do it right well what about our our our financial budget well you you should have a lot of information on a budget then if you're uh", "hypothesis": "I have been working for TI for almost fifteen years."} {"idx": "mnli-6251", "premise": "For example, in the fall of 1997, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) Office of Inspector General surveyed NRC staff to obtain their views on the agency's safety culture.", "hypothesis": "The staff were never surveyed about their views of the agency's safety culture in the fall of 1997."} {"idx": "mnli-6252", "premise": "A man approached from the trail to the large house.", "hypothesis": "A man approached the large house."} {"idx": "mnli-6253", "premise": "they appropriate for the purpose of the case study?", "hypothesis": "There is no case study."} {"idx": "mnli-6254", "premise": "Ito, about 16 km (10 miles) south of Atami on the east coast, is a spa with some 800 thermal springs and good surf swi mming along its beautiful, rugged coast.", "hypothesis": "Ito is a landlocked spa which is not located anywhere near the coast. "} {"idx": "mnli-6255", "premise": "Edo expanded rapidly to accommodate Ieyasu's 80,000 retainers and their families and the myriad common people who served their daily needs.", "hypothesis": "Edo had to expand rapidly due to war victims needing refuge."} {"idx": "mnli-6256", "premise": "No; it is not possible you should love the enemy of France, but, in loving me, you should love the friend of France; for I love France so well that I will not part with a village of it; I will have it all and, Kate, when France is mine and I am yours, then yours is France and you are mine.", "hypothesis": "I am a dictator because I will hold onto France no matter what. "} {"idx": "mnli-6257", "premise": "But people want to spend money on things they feel connected to.", "hypothesis": "People prefer to spend money on what is more fashionable and impersonal."} {"idx": "mnli-6258", "premise": "Compare the breakneck growth of the Web with that of any new medium of the past 150 the telegraph, the telephone, the motion picture, radio, television, cable TV, and the VCR.", "hypothesis": "The web is growing at an incredible pace."} {"idx": "mnli-6259", "premise": "USEPA adopted the policy that ELS test data could be used in establishing water quality criteria if data from full life-cycle tests were not available (USEPA, 1980a).", "hypothesis": "In place of full cycle tests, ELS test data could be used for water quality."} {"idx": "mnli-6260", "premise": "Aside from exotic fruits, strange roots, land crabs, dried fish, spices, and nuts, you can pick up spiritual spray for your house, ointments designed to bring you money, lotions and powders for your ailments, or a baby pig.", "hypothesis": "There are crabs, fish, spices and nuts for sale."} {"idx": "mnli-6261", "premise": "'That's impossible,' I said.", "hypothesis": "I said 'That's simple'."} {"idx": "mnli-6262", "premise": "Misdirection.", "hypothesis": "The men didn't want to misdirect anyone in the battle."} {"idx": "mnli-6263", "premise": "they just repeat", "hypothesis": "It's the same thing again and again."} {"idx": "mnli-6264", "premise": "And the time he'd run off to see the circus come into town, he and Shelly ... Cousin Jeff, Cousin Merry, they had tried to beg him off from Grandfather's punishment that time, not that they had succeeded.", "hypothesis": "Grandfather let him off punishment so he could go to the circus."} {"idx": "mnli-6265", "premise": "This is where the cruise boats dock.", "hypothesis": "no boats are allowed to dock here."} {"idx": "mnli-6266", "premise": "If you are thinking of walking or hiking here, be warned that mists descend suddenly; you may want to go with a guide .", "hypothesis": "The mists here don't have any sudden descents so a guide is never necessary."} {"idx": "mnli-6267", "premise": "oh see i didn't really care that's that's one side of the action i guess that i didn't really care for but see i don't really like Sylvester Stallone", "hypothesis": "Sylvester Stallone is my childhood hero."} {"idx": "mnli-6268", "premise": "i also use my PC to emulate a mainframe terminal for our IBM mainframe and also to emulate a deck terminal for our deck machine", "hypothesis": "Sometimes I use my PC as a Nintendo emulator."} {"idx": "mnli-6269", "premise": "More Government Help", "hypothesis": "Taxes from the Government."} {"idx": "mnli-6270", "premise": "This coalition of public and private entities undertakes initiatives aimed at raising public awareness about personal finance and retirement planning.", "hypothesis": "Personal finance and retirement planning are initiatives aimed at raising public awareness."} {"idx": "mnli-6271", "premise": "Three months later, the company Perennial Cosmetics introduced at a chain of convenience kiosks a series of skin care products called 'Puddle New Line'.", "hypothesis": "Perennial Cosmetics often released new skin care products."} {"idx": "mnli-6272", "premise": "We applaud Senator Jeffords for tackling this important issue and for recognizing that a cap and trade program is the best way to achieve these reductions.", "hypothesis": "Jeffords is working towards a cap and trade program."} {"idx": "mnli-6273", "premise": "The shock of landing must have broken bones, but a moment later he could begin to breathe again.", "hypothesis": "He had jumped and made a terrible landing."} {"idx": "mnli-6274", "premise": "Double Dribble Results Are In!", "hypothesis": "We have the results for Double Dribble."} {"idx": "mnli-6275", "premise": "It would take only one-tenth of one second to download a Slate article via ADSL.", "hypothesis": "Downloading the article is almost instant using fiber internet."} {"idx": "mnli-6276", "premise": "A high-stakes card game played in a high-pressure atmosphere.", "hypothesis": "A high-stakes card game is really relaxing for the people playing."} {"idx": "mnli-6277", "premise": "In the first study, TWEAK and AUDIT were most sensitive, identifying 84 percent and 81 percent of patients, respectively, with an ICD-10 diagnosis of alcohol dependence.", "hypothesis": "There is no way to determine alcohol dependence."} {"idx": "mnli-6278", "premise": "I don't know.", "hypothesis": "I know."} {"idx": "mnli-6279", "premise": "As discussed in section 1, Social Security benefits are projected to exceed the program's cash revenue in 2016, and the trust fund will be depleted in 2038.", "hypothesis": "More people are applying for Social Security benefits, leading to a depletion of the trust fund, the revenue isn't covering the cost of the benefits."} {"idx": "mnli-6280", "premise": "How wildly improbable success had seemed! ", "hypothesis": "Success was not assured."} {"idx": "mnli-6281", "premise": "In many ways Yoritomo was a less-than-admirable figure in Japanese history, but you still might want to stop at this little moss-covered stone pagoda to pay your respects.", "hypothesis": "Yoritomo's memorial is very beautiful and popular with visitors."} {"idx": "mnli-6282", "premise": "Some kids work 40 hours a week to make up the allowance gap.", "hypothesis": "It is necessary for some children to work 40 hours a week to make up the allowance gap."} {"idx": "mnli-6283", "premise": "This is the third such case in New Jersey in recent months.", "hypothesis": "New Jersey had seen at least 2 of these kinds of cases."} {"idx": "mnli-6284", "premise": "To life in the Dust Bowl during the Great Depression?", "hypothesis": "To life in the Dust Bowl during the Great Depression."} {"idx": "mnli-6285", "premise": "Increasingly, however, managed-care insurers and the government are refusing to go along.", "hypothesis": "Insurers and the government are not complying."} {"idx": "mnli-6286", "premise": "I must fix it up with him. ", "hypothesis": "I didn't want to do anything with him."} {"idx": "mnli-6287", "premise": "Further, advances in computeraided design and other technologies are occurring", "hypothesis": "Computer aided design technologies are getting better."} {"idx": "mnli-6288", "premise": "i think if we didn't have pets if we didn't already have our dog and cat now we wouldn't get them because the kids are so little", "hypothesis": "We would not have pets around are children intentionally."} {"idx": "mnli-6289", "premise": "Now they'll imagine we're going to Mr. Carter.", "hypothesis": "There is no way anyone could think we will see Mr. Carter."} {"idx": "mnli-6290", "premise": "well i think the six is called a Grand Jury and that's mostly to decide whether or not the person's actually going to stand trial or it's whether they're acquitted or whether they're actually going to be accused of", "hypothesis": "A Grand Jury is called to decide if a person will stand trial or not. "} {"idx": "mnli-6291", "premise": "Thar's parts maybe even an Injun ain't seed neither.", "hypothesis": "There are parts that even Indians can't see because they are too minuscule."} {"idx": "mnli-6292", "premise": "right that that's actually the part that that that i find really strange i mean i i i sort of understand somewhat i mean i i knowing the history i understand that the hatred of the Muslims for you know the Israelis or whatever and i can sort of handle i can sort of handle that and the Palestinians but i sort of think about the Muslims sort of running around having jihads against themselves", "hypothesis": "I don't believe muslims are hated by Israelis."} {"idx": "mnli-6293", "premise": "Mr. Hersheimmer will wait below in a taxi perhaps.\"", "hypothesis": "Mr. Hersheimmer might wait in a green taxi. "} {"idx": "mnli-6294", "premise": "Transfer of cash and other capitalized assets without reimbursement (595)", "hypothesis": "Transfer of cash and other capital with complete reimbursement."} {"idx": "mnli-6295", "premise": "And while their censure resolution may immunize them against the charge of moral indifference, it doesn't protect them from the charge of indifference to Clinton's apparent lawbreaking.", "hypothesis": "The censure resolution may show that they want to protect themselves against public opinion but it doesn't mean they won't be seen as skirting their duty to address Clinton's crimes."} {"idx": "mnli-6296", "premise": "Sikhs make up just 2 percent of the population.", "hypothesis": "The vast majority of the population is non-Sikh."} {"idx": "mnli-6297", "premise": "The whites he had met in Uganda, he said, drank too much.", "hypothesis": "The whites he had met in Uganda do drink too much."} {"idx": "mnli-6298", "premise": "Adults may relax in the bar and shoot pool while the kiddies shoot each other.", "hypothesis": "It's a family friendly place where the adults can relax while their kids play."} {"idx": "mnli-6299", "premise": "The American Spectator piece led directly to Paula Jones.", "hypothesis": "The Canadian Spectator was cancelled after one show."} {"idx": "mnli-6300", "premise": "Wanted to adopt me once.", "hypothesis": "Never cared if I was part of the family or not."} {"idx": "mnli-6301", "premise": "if the like the State of Texas for example may uh you know may execute somebody twice a year you know that's that's no kind of deterrent because we we've got literally hundreds of people on death row and and many of them who have been there for literally for ten or fifteen years on death row and that's", "hypothesis": "The State of Texas plans on executing three people this year. "} {"idx": "mnli-6302", "premise": "Szary, you will make me a new product.", "hypothesis": "I need a new product to sell at stores."} {"idx": "mnli-6303", "premise": "In a.d. 286 Diocletian sought to reverse the decline by splitting the administration of the empire in two he would govern the east, based in Nicodemia, while his friend Maximian ruled the west from Milan and later to split it further into four parts.", "hypothesis": "Diocletian chose Maximian as his co-ruler because of Maximian's record of public service."} {"idx": "mnli-6304", "premise": "Across the tram lines from Haghia Sophia lies the entrance to one of Istanbul's more unusual historic sights the Yerebatan Saray?? (Underground Palace).", "hypothesis": "The Underground Palace is located three miles away from the Hagia Sophia."} {"idx": "mnli-6305", "premise": "I make my acknowledgments.", "hypothesis": "Acknowledgements were made."} {"idx": "mnli-6306", "premise": "almost every day i uh this spring has been uh a little hard to keep up the pace because uh we've had a lot of family activities my wife has taken up skiing", "hypothesis": "This spring we basically took it easy and watched movies from home."} {"idx": "mnli-6307", "premise": "I know, Malok.", "hypothesis": "I had no idea, Malok."} {"idx": "mnli-6308", "premise": "Two small high-speed maglev trains that run on water, Alan Sorkin TV shows that aren't sentimental twaddle.", "hypothesis": "Two large slow maglev trains that can't run on water, Alan Sorkin shows that are sentimental twaddle."} {"idx": "mnli-6309", "premise": "Lovers of certain breeds readily acknowledge the positive genetic tendencies of their favorite dogs.", "hypothesis": "lovers of dogs realise that dog breeds have the same tendencies."} {"idx": "mnli-6310", "premise": "Four of Daitokuji's Zen subtemples in particular offer superb gardens, teahouses, and artifacts.", "hypothesis": "Superb gardens are on offer in four of Daitokuji's Zen subtemples."} {"idx": "mnli-6311", "premise": "The institutions and individuals he supports--call them Milliken Men--have helped legitimize a point of view that still commands virtually no support among professional economists, and which was regarded, even a decade ago, as politically beyond the pale.", "hypothesis": "Professional economists are bewildered by the encroachment of such a barmy view."} {"idx": "mnli-6312", "premise": "No doubt they'll dry out in time and be as good as new.", "hypothesis": "They will dry out and be useable again."} {"idx": "mnli-6313", "premise": "These reductions in life years lost are applied regardless of the age at death.", "hypothesis": "If the age of death is less than 50, there is an increase in life years lost."} {"idx": "mnli-6314", "premise": "On the bright side, Bennett's attack compelled the New York Times editorial page to defend and praise Gingrich.", "hypothesis": "Some good came out of Bennett's attack."} {"idx": "mnli-6315", "premise": "No. She was smiling in her quiet way. ", "hypothesis": "There was a quiet way in which she smiled. "} {"idx": "mnli-6316", "premise": "This one can give readers pleasure and amusement, and also help them understand a little better the world we live in.", "hypothesis": "The readers are pleased to be reading such engaging material."} {"idx": "mnli-6317", "premise": "Key contacts and project advisors are listed in appendix VII.", "hypothesis": "There's no contact information in appendix VII. "} {"idx": "mnli-6318", "premise": "yeah no that was that that that was horrible it was and she she never even got to see her family that she came in to visit", "hypothesis": "Her family was sad they never got to see her."} {"idx": "mnli-6319", "premise": "The city of Edinburgh is the capital of the nation of Scotland.", "hypothesis": "Edinburgh is not the most popular city despite being the capital of Scotland."} {"idx": "mnli-6320", "premise": "yeah but well it's hard i'll i'll tell you though it is hard when you go to vote i mean there are so many issues and there're so many people running that you know unless you have some way of evaluating it", "hypothesis": "Candidates in the running are unable to address issues that the country faces."} {"idx": "mnli-6321", "premise": "He's just a boy. Rennie did not utter that as an excuse; rather he said it as if to reassure himself.", "hypothesis": "Rennie told himself that the person was just a boy."} {"idx": "mnli-6322", "premise": "I must hurry on, I said, thankful that he did not ask me whither I was bound. ", "hypothesis": "I need to stay so he can ask me if I am bound. "} {"idx": "mnli-6323", "premise": "slippage later on.", "hypothesis": "There was an abundance of traction."} {"idx": "mnli-6324", "premise": "He delineates specific actions that he might plausibly have taken short of sending in the Marines.", "hypothesis": "He sent in the Marines."} {"idx": "mnli-6325", "premise": "The Nixon Library seems eager to blame Haldeman for egging Nixon ", "hypothesis": "The library does not blame Haldeman at all for encouraging Nixon."} {"idx": "mnli-6326", "premise": "and we don't find a lot of those uh you know they'll be running uh four to six of those on a weekend", "hypothesis": "We find tons of them and they don't any on the weekends."} {"idx": "mnli-6327", "premise": "Farther south in Crete, the Minoan culture developed after 2000 b.c. into the most significant of its age, spreading its influence throughout the region by trade and diplomacy.", "hypothesis": "The Minoan culture developed after 2000 BC."} {"idx": "mnli-6328", "premise": "my secretary has tried to be a song writer she's waiting for her big time", "hypothesis": "My secretary has written over a dozen songs so far."} {"idx": "mnli-6329", "premise": "Kyushu is also the most volcanic of Japan's islands, famous for its flourishing hot-spring resorts and several active volcanoes.", "hypothesis": "Kyushu is famous for it's beaches."} {"idx": "mnli-6330", "premise": " Gabriel looked out of the window and Adrin saw real remorse in the small man's eyes.", "hypothesis": "Gabriel looked at his book."} {"idx": "mnli-6331", "premise": "This information follows.", "hypothesis": "This information is provided after this."} {"idx": "mnli-6332", "premise": "The Way of the Crosenow leads into the Church of the Holy Sepulcher itself, which shelters the five final Stations.", "hypothesis": "The Way of the Crosenow goes to the ocean."} {"idx": "mnli-6333", "premise": "The president was [l]onely and starved for affection.", "hypothesis": "The president was starved for affection."} {"idx": "mnli-6334", "premise": "Lines 5 through 8 show the effect of changing the method of payment for the exchange of LC/AO mail between the U.S. and all other FPAs.", "hypothesis": "The effect of changing the method of payment for the exchange of LC/AO mail between the U.S. and all other FPAs are shown in lines 5 through 8."} {"idx": "mnli-6335", "premise": "The distribution of profitable routes shown on Figure 4 indicates that the U.S.", "hypothesis": "The distribution of profitable routes is shown in a graphic."} {"idx": "mnli-6336", "premise": "Not the kind of cases that lead to ground-breaking upheavals in the law, but the kind of cases that are handled day in and day out by lawyers for the legally disenfranchised who have no where else to turn.", "hypothesis": "These are the cases that lawyers handle very rarely."} {"idx": "mnli-6337", "premise": "they did it right they did it right i mean they were yeah they sit there and they go is this really what i want to say and you typed it and that was it and now you know people just send it back over and over and over and over", "hypothesis": "No matter how well you type it, they will send it back."} {"idx": "mnli-6338", "premise": "i'm afraid to i'm afraid to even think about it", "hypothesis": "I'm afraid to think about it."} {"idx": "mnli-6339", "premise": "Presumably his place was taken by another juror who really believes that the police arrest people completely at random.)", "hypothesis": "His place was taken by another person who thought people were charged unfairly often."} {"idx": "mnli-6340", "premise": "The man smiled at her but she did not smile back.", "hypothesis": "The man completely ignored the woman. "} {"idx": "mnli-6341", "premise": "Once a spy always a spy.", "hypothesis": "One doesn't always have to be a spy after being a spy."} {"idx": "mnli-6342", "premise": "Now and then she nodded, and sometimes she'd shake her head, as though she were answering questions.", "hypothesis": "She would move her head signaling yes or no occasionally as if she were answering questions"} {"idx": "mnli-6343", "premise": "oh that's terrible i'm jealous", "hypothesis": "That is horrible, I am envious."} {"idx": "mnli-6344", "premise": "my wife has been working for TI", "hypothesis": "My wife has never worked for TI. "} {"idx": "mnli-6345", "premise": "uh a little bit yeah yeah", "hypothesis": "Just a little but."} {"idx": "mnli-6346", "premise": "Although the campus has grown and now occupies sites all around the city, the streets here have cheap eateries, stores selling eclectic clothing, and bookstores; James Thin, on South Bridge, is the largest bookstore in the city.", "hypothesis": "The largest bookstore in the city can be found on North Bridge."} {"idx": "mnli-6347", "premise": "um-hum it i mean it's going to take a lot of hard work but um you need", "hypothesis": "It's pretty easy to get through it without a ton of hard work."} {"idx": "mnli-6348", "premise": "It is equally clear that France will not give up its taste for regulation--indeed, it will surely try to impose that taste on its more market-oriented neighbors, especially Britain.", "hypothesis": "France believes that its regulations are helping it the grow more prosperous than other countries."} {"idx": "mnli-6349", "premise": "it was very mild mild winter yeah", "hypothesis": "It was not a harsh winter."} {"idx": "mnli-6350", "premise": "After seeing the church, mausoleum, and library, visitors are shown through the Palacio de los Borbones (Palace of the Bourbons).", "hypothesis": "The visitors are not allowed to see the church."} {"idx": "mnli-6351", "premise": "so i think it is communication it's just oopsy", "hypothesis": "It's just miscommunication. "} {"idx": "mnli-6352", "premise": "but i just couldn't see it you know going off and leaving everything like that", "hypothesis": "I just couldn't consider leaving everything in that scenario."} {"idx": "mnli-6353", "premise": "From Kathmandu, short trips to the valley rim make it possible for those with limited time to see the high mountains at sunrise or sunset.", "hypothesis": "Kathmandu draws in its fair share of visitors every year."} {"idx": "mnli-6354", "premise": "This is why those who elected the [alternative exam] would have an additional obligation-150 pro bono hours owed to the court system in the three years following admission.", "hypothesis": "They would make sure to do the extra work."} {"idx": "mnli-6355", "premise": "These estimates do not take into account any synergies or efficiencies realized from retrofitting multiple units on a site, as are described in Section 2.5 and 3.5, or from a combination of technologies, as described in Chapter 5. Roughly 50 percent of an SCR project man-hours and 40 percent of an FGD project man-hours are for boilermakers.", "hypothesis": "Multiple units do not create any benefits for retrofitting."} {"idx": "mnli-6356", "premise": "Ca'daan rode Gray Cloud, well rested and well fed.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan was well rested and fed."} {"idx": "mnli-6357", "premise": "now i bought you that machine well that sounds really good", "hypothesis": "I never bought it for you because I didn't have the money."} {"idx": "mnli-6358", "premise": "These efforts have recently borne fruit, particularly recent agreements with Japan and Italy to collaborate on climate modeling efforts and with El Salvador in a forest for debt swap that will preserve tropical forests there that sequester carbon.", "hypothesis": "These effort bore no fruit in recent agreements with Japan and Italy to collaborate on climate modeling with El Salvador in a forest for debt swap that preserves tropical forests."} {"idx": "mnli-6359", "premise": "Shorn of its medical phraseology and technicalities, it amounted to the fact that Mrs. Inglethorp had met her death as the result of strychnine poisoning. ", "hypothesis": "Mrs Inglethorp died from poisoning from her romantic rival."} {"idx": "mnli-6360", "premise": "oh that's a good age to start something like that", "hypothesis": "That is a dumb age to stop that."} {"idx": "mnli-6361", "premise": "These interpretations would also invite exploitation by allowing litigants to simply wait until an alien temporarily departed the United States before cutting off workers compensation benefits, or initiating eviction, repossession, or divorce or custody proceedings.", "hypothesis": "Temporary departure from the United States would be possible."} {"idx": "mnli-6362", "premise": "yeah yeah i i didn't know that we were going to be talking to mostly TI folks i thought it was all scattered out among graduate schools or something yeah", "hypothesis": "We don't talk to many TI folks."} {"idx": "mnli-6363", "premise": "hum that sounds great especially i mean the fact that you can prepare the meatballs so so far in advance i mean like if if you are having a dinner party on Wednesday night you could do it on a weekend that would be great", "hypothesis": "It's great you can prepare meatballs in advance, I prefer fresh, but it could be very useful."} {"idx": "mnli-6364", "premise": "they do so they're getting paid", "hypothesis": "They do it because they are being paid."} {"idx": "mnli-6365", "premise": "If our Science of Magic could be relied upon--but it cannot; it never can be, until the sky is fixed.", "hypothesis": "Our Science of Magic can't be relied upon until the sky is fixed."} {"idx": "mnli-6366", "premise": "Grossness is not a good objection.", "hypothesis": "Using grossness is not a valid form of objection."} {"idx": "mnli-6367", "premise": "you know we didn't know about fluoride i was raised in a small rural town in Oklahoma you only went to the dentist when your tooth actually began to hurt you know there was no such thing as preventive dentistry back then", "hypothesis": "In the town where I grew up, we had to get checked by the dentist every couple of months even if our teeth felt fine."} {"idx": "mnli-6368", "premise": "His mind threatened to blank out with each step, but he forced himself on.", "hypothesis": "He forced himself to continue walking even tho he wanted to pass out."} {"idx": "mnli-6369", "premise": "Reliability improves over time with design changes or manufacturing process improvements.", "hypothesis": "The increase in reliability is admittedly gradual, almost too slow to notice."} {"idx": "mnli-6370", "premise": "Our approaches are not the only way for agencies to proceed, but they can help others identify ways to address their individual human capital challenges.", "hypothesis": "Our approach is the only way for agencies to approach the issue of human capital."} {"idx": "mnli-6371", "premise": "The taste was more awful than any he could imagine.", "hypothesis": "It was an awful taste."} {"idx": "mnli-6372", "premise": "But what Starr can do as a prosecutor and what he ought to do as a public servant differ.", "hypothesis": "Stars action as a prosecutor and what he should do as a public servant are the same."} {"idx": "mnli-6373", "premise": "The blinds of the dining-room window were up.", "hypothesis": "The blinds were down."} {"idx": "mnli-6374", "premise": "Jacob is just plain wrong.", "hypothesis": "Jacob does not bring a lot of facts to back up his statements."} {"idx": "mnli-6375", "premise": "What do you mean, there was one? ", "hypothesis": "What do you mean, that is the only one that was available?"} {"idx": "mnli-6376", "premise": "um if they air dry them or heat dry them it dries it right on it and that's terrible", "hypothesis": "It is impossible to fix if they are heat dried. "} {"idx": "mnli-6377", "premise": "San'doro grabbed one of the other foot soldiers roughly by the chin and cut his throat open down to the spine.", "hypothesis": "San'doro grabbed one of the soldiers by the chin and cut his throat, making sure to leave a mess for his comrades."} {"idx": "mnli-6378", "premise": "because by the vanilla doesn't seem to thicken as well as the sometimes the cocoa is like my husband really likes it thick he says i can stick the spoon right in this", "hypothesis": "My husband prefers his cocoa not so thick."} {"idx": "mnli-6379", "premise": "The country loved him.", "hypothesis": "The country loved him because of his braveness."} {"idx": "mnli-6380", "premise": "Because drug use is also an important issue among ED patients, he thought combining alcohol and drug research in EDs could lead to more research dollars.", "hypothesis": "Drug use is an important issue among ED patients."} {"idx": "mnli-6381", "premise": "Such information could be the size of the program or activity you are reviewing, for example.", "hypothesis": "The size of the program is relevant information that may be used. "} {"idx": "mnli-6382", "premise": "A visit to Israel would not be complete without a trip into the Judean Desert to the Dead Sea, which forms part of the border between Israel and Jordan.", "hypothesis": "When visiting Israel, the Judean Desert is a must see at the border of Israel and Pakistan."} {"idx": "mnli-6383", "premise": "they're going to have a lot more support over there", "hypothesis": "Over there they'll have a lot more support"} {"idx": "mnli-6384", "premise": "His previous work has involved putting books through a washing machine cycle and collecting live animals, such as scorpions, snakes, and insects, and setting them to battle in enclosures filled with Chinese art objects.", "hypothesis": "The different types of Chinese art objects in the enclosures caused the live animals and insects to become more aggressive in battle."} {"idx": "mnli-6385", "premise": "right but that's the problem see as our system shouldn't be based on owing and borrowing and all that", "hypothesis": "The borrowing and owing system has been the best method we could use. "} {"idx": "mnli-6386", "premise": "um we had all the great civil rights legislation of nineteen sixty eight", "hypothesis": "We had available to us, the entire civil rights legislation of 1968."} {"idx": "mnli-6387", "premise": "You might still come across both versions, but the official name of the boom town is Sant Antoni Abad (San Antonio in Castilian or Abbot St. Anthony in English).", "hypothesis": "Only one version, the official version, is used there."} {"idx": "mnli-6388", "premise": "now my cat i've had her for eight or nine years i had her spayed and i had her declawed which you know was an initial expense but then she has not been sick one day i have never had her to the vet other than just her you know her maintenance stuff and it seems like whenever i've had a dog you know something always they're always getting sick or you know breaking a leg or", "hypothesis": "Oh, no. I refuse to commit such a heinous, barbaric act as declawing my cat. That's inhumane!"} {"idx": "mnli-6389", "premise": "roof of your head's blown off", "hypothesis": "It is an amazing, once in a lifetime experience."} {"idx": "mnli-6390", "premise": "AMS said an ex parte communication is an oral or written private communication from someone outside of the United States Department of Agriculture to a Department official who is involved in decisionmaking on a pending rulemaking proceeding.", "hypothesis": "The United States Department of Agriculture's Department officials are involved in rule making."} {"idx": "mnli-6391", "premise": "As on most tropical islands, the pace of life tends to be lazy.", "hypothesis": "Life moves at a much faster pace on tropical islands."} {"idx": "mnli-6392", "premise": "Of these 490 respondents, an estimated 155 respondents would be required to perform additional information collection.", "hypothesis": "335 respondents would not be required to perform any additional collection."} {"idx": "mnli-6393", "premise": "There has been a decrease in funding to this Prairie State Legal office by about $50,000, Wilson said Thursday. ", "hypothesis": "Prairie state legal services will gain $50000 in funding "} {"idx": "mnli-6394", "premise": "Just north of the Plaza, take a coffee at one of the open-air cafes on the traffic-free Calle Mayor.", "hypothesis": "The open-air cafes don't serve coffee."} {"idx": "mnli-6395", "premise": "Inland from the Cete Fleurie the countryside reflects the popular image of orchards, rolling valleys, and massive timbered manor houses, the land where apples are turned into cider and Calvados, and dairies churn out pungent, creamy Camem?\u00adbert, Livarot, and Pont-l'Evaque.", "hypothesis": "The countryside inland from the Cete Fleurie is known for its fruit, but cheese is never made here."} {"idx": "mnli-6396", "premise": "Nor does Soccer Guy seem like an appellation that's likely to go down in the annals of crime alongside Sammy the Bull--or even Paulie Walnuts, that hit man on the Sopranos.", "hypothesis": "The soccer guy is worse than the guy on the sopranos"} {"idx": "mnli-6397", "premise": "How long can I keep saying, Oh, I didn't get it.", "hypothesis": "I can say that forever."} {"idx": "mnli-6398", "premise": "And 'Where am I?' ", "hypothesis": "Somebody had a vague idea where they were."} {"idx": "mnli-6399", "premise": "There are so many needing help, each with a compelling and sometimes life-and-death story.", "hypothesis": "All of the children needing help have their own story. "} {"idx": "mnli-6400", "premise": "Below Jesus' feet is a Latin in?\u00adscription that suggests that the tympanum was the work of one man, Gislebertus (Gilbert).", "hypothesis": "The inscription below Jesus' feet only contains one name; Gislebertus."} {"idx": "mnli-6401", "premise": "One of the oldest churches in Dublin, it was built in the 17th century on the site of a Danish chapel, but heavily restored in the 19th century.", "hypothesis": "The church was left to rot."} {"idx": "mnli-6402", "premise": "Ain't no army gonna pull 'em out an' make 'em fight white-man style.", "hypothesis": "An army is not going to remove them and force them to fight in the style of white men."} {"idx": "mnli-6403", "premise": "To receive facsimile copies of the daily list or any list from the past 30 days, please call (202) 512-6000 using a touchtone phone.", "hypothesis": "You may only request copies from the last 2 weeks. "} {"idx": "mnli-6404", "premise": "I want to keep it safe.\"He handed the paper to the gambler.", "hypothesis": "I want to keep it safe. He gave the paper to the woman. "} {"idx": "mnli-6405", "premise": "As is frequently the case in Madeiran villages, the best views are from vantage points on the hillside road as it climbs up away from the village.", "hypothesis": "The best views are from up on the hillside."} {"idx": "mnli-6406", "premise": "yeah after well when it starts steaming a lot uh i definitely yeah put it in the refrigerator", "hypothesis": "When it starts steaming I put it in the refrigerator"} {"idx": "mnli-6407", "premise": "(2) measure performance to gauge progress, and (3) use performanceinformation as a basis for decisionmaking.", "hypothesis": "Do not use the information from performance for decision making."} {"idx": "mnli-6408", "premise": "The pop Middle-aged and elderly blacks, having witnessed the gains of the civil-rights movement, believe in the system.", "hypothesis": "Even with the gains of the civil-rights movement, black people of all ages distrust the system."} {"idx": "mnli-6409", "premise": "Also, the King's mummy is the only one still in situ many others are on display in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo .", "hypothesis": "The King's mummy, like many other mummies, was moved from situ to another location."} {"idx": "mnli-6410", "premise": "For making reservations, Portugal's country code is 351; the prefix for Madeira is 291.", "hypothesis": "Portugal and Madeira have country codes for reservations."} {"idx": "mnli-6411", "premise": "and um i know my husband now we go vote every time i don't care how small the ballot is i mean if there's one thing if there's one issue because the way i feel is if i don't vote then i don't have any reason to gripe", "hypothesis": "People take their right to vote for granted. "} {"idx": "mnli-6412", "premise": "By a.d. 1300 they had erased the vestiges of a Marquesan outpost and developed a Hawaiian society of their own.", "hypothesis": "By a.d. 1300 they already had a Hawaiian society of their own, according to my mother."} {"idx": "mnli-6413", "premise": "'Two hundred miles an hour.'", "hypothesis": "It's going really fast."} {"idx": "mnli-6414", "premise": "Here he had developed into what he had never even thought of being, and there were still things to be learned.", "hypothesis": "He remained the same and did not have anything else to learn."} {"idx": "mnli-6415", "premise": "Those in the bottom half are threatened by globalization and technological change.", "hypothesis": "The bottom half are excited for globalization and technical change. "} {"idx": "mnli-6416", "premise": "Only they can ensure that each agency's strategic planning and performance measurement efforts will become the basis for its day-to-day operations.", "hypothesis": "They are responsible for making sure the it is applied to day to day operations."} {"idx": "mnli-6417", "premise": "so much more complex yeah", "hypothesis": "Soccer is more complex than basketball."} {"idx": "mnli-6418", "premise": "The colorful little symbols filling the grids remind me of Gustav Klimt (whom Close studied in Vienna in 1964), especially when Close is luxuriating in the dark tangle of the artist Kiki Smith's hair ( Kiki , 1993).", "hypothesis": "Close never studied in Vienna, we made that up."} {"idx": "mnli-6419", "premise": "The young American's face grew grave.", "hypothesis": "The American was sad that there wasn't a solution."} {"idx": "mnli-6420", "premise": "Another point, how did you know that the key of the despatch-case had been lost?", "hypothesis": "How did you know they'd lost it?"} {"idx": "mnli-6421", "premise": "and uh it's so you know he we have all our piles of of recyclables also", "hypothesis": "We collect our recyclable materials in piles."} {"idx": "mnli-6422", "premise": "But at the moment, to Dave, he looked more like a personal demon.", "hypothesis": "Dave was terrified of him glaring. "} {"idx": "mnli-6423", "premise": "Their bravery might--or might not--be genetically determined.", "hypothesis": "Research into this area is ongoing."} {"idx": "mnli-6424", "premise": "Once Greece, a NATO member, gets involved, the whole of Europe, bound by treaty, could follow.", "hypothesis": "All of Europe may be forced to follow their lead."} {"idx": "mnli-6425", "premise": "In moments the small man's onslaught left the shield hanging in pieces from the villager's bloody left arm.", "hypothesis": "The villager's left arm was bloody. "} {"idx": "mnli-6426", "premise": "See March Testimony at 26-27 (testimony of Garry G. Geffert, West Virginia Legal Services Plan); April Testimony at 32 (testimony of Cynthia Rice, California Rural Legal Assistance).", "hypothesis": "The march testimony is on 200-349 and the april testimony is at 754-874."} {"idx": "mnli-6427", "premise": "uh yeah i have one of these little Zenith laptops which uh the uh everybody here at school has to buy one", "hypothesis": "At my school, everyone has to buy a zenith laptop. "} {"idx": "mnli-6428", "premise": "yeah i've been with them for about four years now", "hypothesis": "\"For the last four years we have been together in this building.\""} {"idx": "mnli-6429", "premise": "uh-huh yeah whenever we get enough saved we we stick it in a CD for a while and then uh", "hypothesis": "By using CDs we are able to save enough money. "} {"idx": "mnli-6430", "premise": "Every time a witness lies, that witness chips a stone from the foundation of our entire legal system, Schippers intoned.", "hypothesis": "Every time a witness lies, the witness adds a brick to the foundation of our legal system, Schippers said."} {"idx": "mnli-6431", "premise": "Particularly graphic are blown-up old photographs, a burned and twisted sewing machine, and a mass of scissors soldered together by the intense heat.", "hypothesis": "Particularly graphic are the pictures of the large underground drug smugglers dens."} {"idx": "mnli-6432", "premise": "The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners consists of approximately 25,000 certified fraud examiners and associated members in 70 different countries.", "hypothesis": "About 25,000 certified fraud examiners are part of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners."} {"idx": "mnli-6433", "premise": "well that sounds like something good to do then", "hypothesis": "Actually that does sound good to do."} {"idx": "mnli-6434", "premise": "oh really if you had a choice of your car what would you get", "hypothesis": "What kind of car would you get?"} {"idx": "mnli-6435", "premise": "oh God wouldn't that be horrible of course uh-huh", "hypothesis": "Nice, I'm really looking forward to that."} {"idx": "mnli-6436", "premise": "After all, they don't offer employees car insurance.", "hypothesis": "This company does not offer car insurance for their employees as this cost too much for it to be cost effective."} {"idx": "mnli-6437", "premise": "The chateau is open Tuesday-Sunday 9am-6:30pm (winter 5:30pm); the Grand and Petit Trianon Tuesday-Sunday 10am-6:30pm (Tuesday-Friday 10am-12:30pm and 2-5:30pm, Saturday and Sunday 10am-5:30pm in winter); the gardens Tuesday-Sunday 7am to sunset.", "hypothesis": "The chateau is closed on Tuesdays and Sundays."} {"idx": "mnli-6438", "premise": "I am surprised, Richard, that you find Faludi's characterizations of the male crisis to fit the British profile.", "hypothesis": "I'm surprised you agree with Faludi's crass characterizations. "} {"idx": "mnli-6439", "premise": "Inside the compound you'll find genuine Rastafarian guides.", "hypothesis": "Business men, disguised as Rastafarians will guide you."} {"idx": "mnli-6440", "premise": "Then every share of Daimler-Benz stock sold between 1950 and 1980 sells at a discount reflecting that expectation.", "hypothesis": "The discounted price is undervalued."} {"idx": "mnli-6441", "premise": "While Soutine--unlike Chagall, to whom he is sometimes compared--did not paint stereotypically Jewish subjects, he may have been alluding, with those dangling fowl, to a Yom Kippur rite in which a slaughtered chicken was whirled around a rabbi's head in a ritual of absolution.", "hypothesis": "Chagall' paintings are displayed in Jewish museums."} {"idx": "mnli-6442", "premise": "This temple, too, has Buddhist prayer wheels around it, worn shiny by the hands of the devout.", "hypothesis": "The Buddhist prayer wheels are shined by many hands of the devout."} {"idx": "mnli-6443", "premise": "How many more must they kill?", "hypothesis": "How many are they going to kill? "} {"idx": "mnli-6444", "premise": "or move off and leave them and they they end i don't know where this one the my next door neighbor had a had a dead cat next to his front porch yeah i'd seen the cat around here before i thought it belonged to somebody but i have no idea what killed it", "hypothesis": "i don't know what killed it, but it might have been an owl"} {"idx": "mnli-6445", "premise": "Don't get too concerned if you seem to be following a very roundabout route", "hypothesis": "Do not be surprised if your route in not directly to your destination. "} {"idx": "mnli-6446", "premise": "More inventive than Gordon is the Chinese artist Huang Yong Ping, who was caught abroad during the Tiananmen Square uprising and now lives in Paris.", "hypothesis": "Huang Yong Ping was caught during the uprising and moved to France."} {"idx": "mnli-6447", "premise": "Over the years the Arc de Triomphe ' 50 m (164 ft) high and 45 m (148 ft) wide ' has become a symbol of the nation.", "hypothesis": "The Arc de Triomphe, stretching 50 meters into the air, is a symbol of France."} {"idx": "mnli-6448", "premise": "Little Willie and I will come behind.", "hypothesis": "We shall take the lead, don't slow us down."} {"idx": "mnli-6449", "premise": "The Coroner did not trouble to reply. ", "hypothesis": "He said nothing."} {"idx": "mnli-6450", "premise": "so that's that's a little rough you know we're not we're not quite up to that sort of thing", "hypothesis": "We're not quite up to that kind of confrontation."} {"idx": "mnli-6451", "premise": "Within hours, Salon published the reporter's derisive story about the press conference, titled I am not a slut!", "hypothesis": "Salon decided against publishing the reporter's story about the press conference."} {"idx": "mnli-6452", "premise": "The capital, Pothia, is a splash of bright color climbing a hillside on the south coast.", "hypothesis": "Pothia is no longer the capital city."} {"idx": "mnli-6453", "premise": "He was white as chalk, the candle he held in his shaking hand was sputtering onto the carpet, and his eyes, petrified with terror, or some such kindred emotion, stared fixedly over my head at a point on the further wall. ", "hypothesis": "He stared over my head in a state of shock."} {"idx": "mnli-6454", "premise": "The wet FGD process operates by reacting SO2 in the flue gas with a reagent in an absorber.", "hypothesis": "The wet FGD process does not operate using SO2 or flue gas."} {"idx": "mnli-6455", "premise": "There was a long pause.", "hypothesis": "The pause was very short."} {"idx": "mnli-6456", "premise": "Guadeloupe and Martinique, much the largest of the islands and about 160 km (100 miles) apart, are becoming internationally known resorts.", "hypothesis": "The islands Guadeloupe and Martinique have been converted to well-known resorts."} {"idx": "mnli-6457", "premise": "Why the boy was making that offer of assistance Drew had no inkling.", "hypothesis": "Drew had his suspicions about why the boy would offer to help."} {"idx": "mnli-6458", "premise": "They play and talk in unison.", "hypothesis": "They have been friends for a long time."} {"idx": "mnli-6459", "premise": "These would be special cases of the more general case analyzed here.", "hypothesis": "This analysis is more general than these special cases."} {"idx": "mnli-6460", "premise": "Nox emissions contribute to nitrogen deposition that may lead to eutrophication of estuaries and near-coastal waters and can damage forested watersheds.", "hypothesis": "Forested watersheds can be damaged by Nox emissions."} {"idx": "mnli-6461", "premise": "Next to the chambers, Anchor Close was once home to the printing works of William Smellie, editor and printer of the first edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, which appeared in 1768.", "hypothesis": "William Smellie was an editor and printer of the very first release of Encyclopedia Britannica in 1768."} {"idx": "mnli-6462", "premise": "e) Some or all of the above.", "hypothesis": "None are correct."} {"idx": "mnli-6463", "premise": "and uh a bunch of kids came along and just started grabbing them stealing them i went running after them screaming hey you stop you stop i called the police", "hypothesis": "I ignored the children who were stealing things."} {"idx": "mnli-6464", "premise": "The Sticks roared in.", "hypothesis": "They crashed in."} {"idx": "mnli-6465", "premise": "As volume per stop grows and coverage approaches 100 percent, the volume variability of access cost approaches zero.", "hypothesis": "Volume per stop and volume variability can be seen as variables. "} {"idx": "mnli-6466", "premise": "'Benjamin Franklin has been dead for several hundred years.", "hypothesis": "Benjamin Franklin was still alive."} {"idx": "mnli-6467", "premise": "My senses returned to me on the way back to my room.", "hypothesis": "I never got my senses back."} {"idx": "mnli-6468", "premise": "Congress was not required to fund an LSC attorney to represent indigent clients; and when it did so, it was not required to fund the whole range of legal representations or relationships.", "hypothesis": "Congress was required to fund an LSC attorney"} {"idx": "mnli-6469", "premise": "The latter turned to Tommy.", "hypothesis": "The latter didn't turn to Tommy."} {"idx": "mnli-6470", "premise": "Contract management includes the steps required to ensure that the agency receives products and services within established costs and time frames.", "hypothesis": "The agency receiving products and services should be aware of their costs and time frames."} {"idx": "mnli-6471", "premise": "weatherwise", "hypothesis": "full of weather knowledge. "} {"idx": "mnli-6472", "premise": "David Geffen, Michael Eisner, Steven Spielberg, Sumner These are among the most prominent faces of the New Economy.", "hypothesis": "Steven Spielberg has been listed as one of the most prominent faces of the New Economy."} {"idx": "mnli-6473", "premise": "The defeat of Proposition 226--labor unions can still make political contributions without member approval--contradicts the idea that money doesn't matter in California, argue Cokie Roberts ( This Week ) and Robert Novak ( Capital Gang ).", "hypothesis": "The defeat of Proposition 226 goes against the notion that California is not worried about finances."} {"idx": "mnli-6474", "premise": "Hollings, meanwhile, looks bored with the entire event.", "hypothesis": "Hollings is openly enthusiastic about the event. "} {"idx": "mnli-6475", "premise": "You'll get to see only the backsides of these expensive bungalows as you travel the ribbon of highway that lies between the mountains and the sea.", "hypothesis": "You'll get to see whole of these expensive bungalows as you travel the ribbon of highway that lies between the mountains and the sea."} {"idx": "mnli-6476", "premise": "Thus, 11 billion pieces is an extreme lower bound on the number of preprints carried by the Postal Service.", "hypothesis": "22 million is the number of preprints carried by the Postal Service."} {"idx": "mnli-6477", "premise": "contracting method used, the acquisition of a facility will necessarily", "hypothesis": "There is a contracting method used."} {"idx": "mnli-6478", "premise": "crosstabulation of state size and rate of unfiled returns", "hypothesis": "State size does not affect the rate of unfiled returns."} {"idx": "mnli-6479", "premise": "Or consider Pee-wee's Playhouse . Pee-wee Herman minces about and becomes obviously infatuated with other male characters who conform to gay archetypes.", "hypothesis": " Pee-wee Herman minces about and becomes not so obviously infatuated with other male characters"} {"idx": "mnli-6480", "premise": "I can't prove it yet but I know. The other two asked no questions.", "hypothesis": "They didn't ask questions because they knew as well."} {"idx": "mnli-6481", "premise": "Jon saw the cold steel in his hands and in his eyes.", "hypothesis": "He knew the man would kill him in an instant."} {"idx": "mnli-6482", "premise": "PROCESS VALUE ANALYSIS - Tools and techniques for studying processes through customer value analysis.", "hypothesis": "Increasing customer value is a good way to increase sales."} {"idx": "mnli-6483", "premise": "It has the colour and vitality of an old Arab town, but little of the usual hassle, boasting superb Crusader and caravanserai buildings, a fine mosque, and a picturesque port.", "hypothesis": "The Crusaders had built several monasteries in the town, many of which were still standing."} {"idx": "mnli-6484", "premise": "oh that that would be that'd be culturally shocking", "hypothesis": "It would be culturally shocking."} {"idx": "mnli-6485", "premise": "But they are under siege.", "hypothesis": "They are being attacked."} {"idx": "mnli-6486", "premise": "Russia's generals and politicians essentially ginned up the new Chechen war as a confidence builder.", "hypothesis": "Russia has no politicians. "} {"idx": "mnli-6487", "premise": "Wilson's office, at 331 Fulton St., Suite 600, serves poor residents in the counties of Peoria, Tazewell, Woodford, Marshall and Stark.", "hypothesis": "Poor residents in the countries of Peoria, Tazewell, Woodford, Marshall and Stark are being helped by Wilson's business, located at 331 Fulton St., Suite 600."} {"idx": "mnli-6488", "premise": "NIH has developed a multiple agency, shared file system that allows all authorized users to have access to the completed contractor performance evaluations of all subscribing agencies via the Internet.", "hypothesis": "All authorized users of the NIH shared file system have access to the completed contractor performance evaluations."} {"idx": "mnli-6489", "premise": "As a logical stopover on your way to Varanasi (coming from Delhi or from Caletta), Lucknow is worth a visit for its special place in the history of India's determined fight for Independence a focus of the Mutiny of 1857 (see pages 45 47).", "hypothesis": "Lucknow is significant for its architecture, but not many important historical things happened there."} {"idx": "mnli-6490", "premise": "I saw two armoured officers, ripe for the plucking.", "hypothesis": "The officers were not wearing any armor. "} {"idx": "mnli-6491", "premise": "Tobe Kells owns it.", "hypothesis": "It is Tobe's property. "} {"idx": "mnli-6492", "premise": "well what is it for um New Year's lot of people make ham and sauerkraut", "hypothesis": "Many people make ham, sauerkraut and corn for New Year's."} {"idx": "mnli-6493", "premise": "He said, \"There'll be a circus around.\" ", "hypothesis": "He didn't talk about the circus."} {"idx": "mnli-6494", "premise": "Lamar Alexander's campaign never got off the ground because the American people can recognize a phony ().", "hypothesis": "Alexander's winning run was just the beginning."} {"idx": "mnli-6495", "premise": "Faking appreciation is always, of course, er, appreciated.", "hypothesis": "It is not acceptable to face appreciation."} {"idx": "mnli-6496", "premise": "Wadi Natrun was one of the most important areas of Egypt in ancient times, primarily because it was the main source of the mineral natron used in the mummification and glassmaking processes.", "hypothesis": "In addition to being the primary source of the mineral natron in ancient Egypt, Wadi Natrun was also important as a source of precious water."} {"idx": "mnli-6497", "premise": "The world is really a much safer place now than it was three years ago.", "hypothesis": "Many people feel like the world is a safer place than it was just a few years ago."} {"idx": "mnli-6498", "premise": "Surely the war had affected the little man's brain. ", "hypothesis": "It seemed the time of peace affected the man's brain."} {"idx": "mnli-6499", "premise": "I brought you here to prepare the best ever under the sun representative parachute, if I'm going to have a photo session with it for 'Aircraft Industry'.", "hypothesis": "He brought you here to prepare the best representative parachute."} {"idx": "mnli-6500", "premise": "The specific form was forwarded along with the related supporting documents to the agency certifying or disbursing officer for review and approval.", "hypothesis": "That form was sent to the agent for review, along with its supporting documents."} {"idx": "mnli-6501", "premise": "Honesty is taken for granted.", "hypothesis": "Honesty is not appreciated as much as it should be among friends."} {"idx": "mnli-6502", "premise": "Viejo Madrid, the area spreading outward from the Plaza Mayor, is the sentimental and geographical heart of the city.", "hypothesis": "Viejo Madrid is where the City of Madrid was first founded."} {"idx": "mnli-6503", "premise": "Thus, whereas AICPA standards cite two main purposes of audit documentation--providing the principal support for the audit report and aiding auditors in performing and supervising the audit--audit documentation serves an additional purpose in audits performed in accordance with GAGAS.", "hypothesis": "When audit documentation is done in accordance with GAGAS, it has three purposes."} {"idx": "mnli-6504", "premise": "Cornelius E. Tierney Professor of Accountancy George Washington University", "hypothesis": "Tierny works for George Washington University."} {"idx": "mnli-6505", "premise": "Postal Service Productivity and Its Measurement, Staff Study of the Postal Rate Commission, May 9, 1990.", "hypothesis": "Postal Service Productivity and Its Measurement, is a Staff Study of the Postal Rate Commission in May 9, 1990."} {"idx": "mnli-6506", "premise": "To date, the Comptroller General has not excluded any AICPA field work or reporting attestation standards or SSAEs.", "hypothesis": "The Comptroller General has excluded AICPA field work."} {"idx": "mnli-6507", "premise": "Our target audience includes senior federal executives and managers, although our observations can also provide insights for senior information management officials throughout the public and private sectors.", "hypothesis": "The study's target audience are the administrative staff and the custodial staff. "} {"idx": "mnli-6508", "premise": "One of Neuharth's first articulations of his metaphysics came in October 1983, in a speech to the Overseas Press Club in New York.", "hypothesis": "Neuharth gave a speech to the Overseas Press Club in October of 1983."} {"idx": "mnli-6509", "premise": "Slate readers want more Monica.", "hypothesis": "Slate readers have indicated that they do not want to read any more stories about Monica. "} {"idx": "mnli-6510", "premise": "She had illness and struggle too, in spades, but what amazes me is the hardiness of her optimism, her resilience, her delight in the exchange of ideas, and her unshakable confidence in her own worth.", "hypothesis": "No matter the obstacles in her way, she was an optimistic person."} {"idx": "mnli-6511", "premise": "When Hideyoshi built his main castle in the center of Osaka after unifying the country in 1583, the city's proserity seemed written in stone.", "hypothesis": "Unifying the country in 1583 was the sole reason for it's future prosperity."} {"idx": "mnli-6512", "premise": "As Europe awakened from the Dark Ages, Toledo provided a key link in transmitting vital knowledge of Arabic science and Greek philosophy to the Western world.", "hypothesis": "Toledo transmitted vital knowledge to Europe after the Dark Ages, but ignored it."} {"idx": "mnli-6513", "premise": "The benefits, however, may still be worth this downside.", "hypothesis": "The benefits will make us very rich."} {"idx": "mnli-6514", "premise": "a drinking water business uh yeah yeah", "hypothesis": "Soda business."} {"idx": "mnli-6515", "premise": "In 1962 Soviet president Nikita Khrushchev installed 42 medium-range nuclear missiles in Cuba.", "hypothesis": "The Cuban president believed that the nuclear missiles would unnerve the Americans."} {"idx": "mnli-6516", "premise": "yeah yeah they have a state income tax in Maryland but i noticed when i was in the in the in Texas they didn't have a state income tax but they sure nailed you on those darn county taxes and school taxes and property taxes", "hypothesis": "There is state income tax in Maryland."} {"idx": "mnli-6517", "premise": "The technology sessions at the Access to Justice Conferences have focused on how technology can be used to link advocates across the state and across program lines, and how it can be used to directly benefit clients by providing information and tools for pro se litigants.", "hypothesis": "Technology sessions have not focused on how technology can be used to link advocates across the state."} {"idx": "mnli-6518", "premise": "My own body, my real body.", "hypothesis": "A body of my own. "} {"idx": "mnli-6519", "premise": "The British Raj, though, was firmly entrenched in clubs, and remained resolutely separate.", "hypothesis": "The Raj soon lost its separation."} {"idx": "mnli-6520", "premise": "The next stop is Tarbena (10 km/6 miles farther along the C-3318), an invigorating mountain village famed for its delicious sausages.", "hypothesis": "Tarbena is well known for its tasty sausages."} {"idx": "mnli-6521", "premise": "yeah yeah i kind of watch you know see what's happening", "hypothesis": "Besides watching to keep up with information, I also try to do deeper research into it."} {"idx": "mnli-6522", "premise": "A piece questions a new approach to cracking down on school In California, Florida, and Michigan, prosecutors are imprisoning the parents of chronic truants for up to 90 days.", "hypothesis": "The parents of chronic truants are being rewarded."} {"idx": "mnli-6523", "premise": "And while I don't think I've received a single response to today's question that seeks to trivialize Louima's suffering, I still feel uneasy, and so I've omitted those replies.", "hypothesis": "There are no responses to the question about Louima's suffering."} {"idx": "mnli-6524", "premise": "i guess so well it's been nice talking with you uh-huh bye-bye", "hypothesis": "It was a displeasure talking to you, hope you die in a fire."} {"idx": "mnli-6525", "premise": "La Cetellana and Paseo de Recoletos are continuations north of the Prado boulevard of the Bourbons.", "hypothesis": "La Cetellana and Paseo de Recoletos pass through wealthier districts than the street they become, Prado boulevard. "} {"idx": "mnli-6526", "premise": "However, if neither the Allowance Tracking System regulations nor the allocation regulations are timely promulgated, then the second default applies under which each affected EGU is required for the year involved to meet an emission rate limit of 0.14 lb/mmBtu for units in Zone 1 or 0.25 lb/mmBtu for units in Zone 2.", "hypothesis": "They did not regulate the emissions in any of the Zones."} {"idx": "mnli-6527", "premise": "You have me, I protested. ", "hypothesis": "I never said the words \"you have me\""} {"idx": "mnli-6528", "premise": "The audit steps and questions provided are directed toward assessing whether an agency has sufficiently addressed critical factors, including support from managers and users, adequate project staff, and controls over the acquisition's scope before and after a contract is awarded.", "hypothesis": "The audit steps that are provided are directed towards assessing if an agency addressed the critical factors."} {"idx": "mnli-6529", "premise": "It doesn't operate all year round, however, and it is open to the public only in April.", "hypothesis": "It is only open to the public in April."} {"idx": "mnli-6530", "premise": "But I will always deeply treasure the mementos of our friendship he left with me.", "hypothesis": "I will always appreciate the moments together, because true friendship can exist even if one of the two leaves."} {"idx": "mnli-6531", "premise": "uh-huh wow i've i've never heard of that before", "hypothesis": "I have never heard of that prior."} {"idx": "mnli-6532", "premise": "right that's really good i guess", "hypothesis": "I think that is really terrible."} {"idx": "mnli-6533", "premise": "Sages developed the strict disciplines of yoga and profound metaphysical speculations of Vedanta.", "hypothesis": "Yoga disciplines were developed by sages."} {"idx": "mnli-6534", "premise": "He insists he was not trying to help Wall Street.", "hypothesis": "He was helping wall street, he insists."} {"idx": "mnli-6535", "premise": "There is another side to this paradox.", "hypothesis": "This paradox has another side, said the teacher."} {"idx": "mnli-6536", "premise": "They merely provide a mechanism to reduce clerical costs and expedite processing while continuing to meet prompt payment requirements and maintain effective internal control.", "hypothesis": "They don't do anything to lower costs or expedite processing."} {"idx": "mnli-6537", "premise": "exactly but you know uh i wonder by the time they get through paying out for all the day care center and everything else is it really worth all that", "hypothesis": "Is it really worth it to pay so much for the day care and everything?"} {"idx": "mnli-6538", "premise": "Slim wasn't his real name, but the new friend he had met the day before had needed only one look at his slight figure to say, \"You're Slim.\" ", "hypothesis": "He had been nicknamed Slim, but that wasn't his actual name."} {"idx": "mnli-6539", "premise": "yeah i mean for somebody who is you know for most of their life has has uh not just merely had a farm but had ten children had a farm ran everything because her husband was away in the coal mines and you know facing that situation it it's quite a dilemma i think", "hypothesis": "for someone who had so much responsibility in her life--raising ten children alone and tending a farm--it's quite a dilemma"} {"idx": "mnli-6540", "premise": "St. Patrick first came to Ireland as a prisoner, captured in an Irish raid on a Roman settlement in Britain.", "hypothesis": "St. Patrick managed to never get captured during his time in Britain."} {"idx": "mnli-6541", "premise": "If you want to be a really big Fish, you can become a cohost of this event by committing to raise $5,000, which will get you into a special VIP reception with the governor, the e-mail said.", "hypothesis": "The email encouraged everyone to raise more than $5,000."} {"idx": "mnli-6542", "premise": "Look for the Galerie des Rois across the top of the three doorways.", "hypothesis": "The Galerie des Rois spans a single doorway."} {"idx": "mnli-6543", "premise": "i guess i have the most trouble with chipping how about you", "hypothesis": "I am awful at chipping."} {"idx": "mnli-6544", "premise": "Simon, a notorious perfectionist, at first couldn't cede control of the production.", "hypothesis": "Simon easily gave up control of the production. "} {"idx": "mnli-6545", "premise": "and he was uh talking to his friend Michael telling", "hypothesis": "He had just met Michael, and he did not like him."} {"idx": "mnli-6546", "premise": "Meanwhile, Paula Jones sues the president for sexual harassment, and it seems clear that before long, Clinton will have to testify under oath.", "hypothesis": "This is not the first time someone has sued Clinton for sexual harassment."} {"idx": "mnli-6547", "premise": "We estimate total benefits of $44 billion in these 39 states in 2010, and $95 billion in 2020.", "hypothesis": "Benefits for the 51 States exceed 125$"} {"idx": "mnli-6548", "premise": "It's also a good starting point for barge cruises on the Canal de Bourgogne .", "hypothesis": "It's also an excellent starting point for barge cruises."} {"idx": "mnli-6549", "premise": "In 1936, well before No Depression was launched, the Carter Family recorded a song called No Depression in Heaven.", "hypothesis": "'No Depression' was launched in the 1950s."} {"idx": "mnli-6550", "premise": "( Slate 's Explainer examines the bill of attainder at greater length here.)", "hypothesis": "the bill of attainder is not further examined."} {"idx": "mnli-6551", "premise": "Naturally it was very annoying for the Cavendishes. ", "hypothesis": "The Cavendishes weren't annoyed at all."} {"idx": "mnli-6552", "premise": "(The wife doesn't want to go out or come to our house.)", "hypothesis": "The wife doesn't desire to leave or go to our house because she is scared."} {"idx": "mnli-6553", "premise": "The Illinois Technology Center for Law and the Public Interest launched two new Web sites Tuesday that will allow the state's legal services agencies to swap training information, to maintain individual listings of services and volunteer opportunities and to schedule events on an electronic calendar.", "hypothesis": "Two new websites were launched by the Illinois Technology Center for Law and the Public Interest."} {"idx": "mnli-6554", "premise": "Most tour boats provide a choice of open-air and glassed-in seating.", "hypothesis": "All tour boats only offer open-air seating."} {"idx": "mnli-6555", "premise": "hi how you doing", "hypothesis": "Hello, how are you?"} {"idx": "mnli-6556", "premise": "He forced his way into country properties and submitted the owners of the motors to a searching cross-examination.", "hypothesis": "Forcing his way into country properties was possible due to his legitimation."} {"idx": "mnli-6557", "premise": "The Merchant grimaced.", "hypothesis": "The Merchant squeezed his face tight."} {"idx": "mnli-6558", "premise": "Businesses that produce computers, software, semiconductors, and communications equipment have accounted for over a third of the growth in the U.S. economy since 1992.", "hypothesis": "A large portion of US economic growth has come from computer related industries."} {"idx": "mnli-6559", "premise": "He cemented a peace treaty with England by marrying Margaret Tudor, the daughter of Henry VII the so-called Marriage of the Thistle and the Rose but this did not prevent him from making a raid into England in 1513.", "hypothesis": "The peace treaty with England lasted for several decades."} {"idx": "mnli-6560", "premise": "And David Plotz has dismally failed to change my mind.", "hypothesis": "David Plotz failed to change my mind."} {"idx": "mnli-6561", "premise": "Crowned by a chhattra (umbrella) made of stone, the stupa was erected on a terrace with a fence to enclose the path.", "hypothesis": "The stupa is also made out of stone."} {"idx": "mnli-6562", "premise": "Eyes of sadness and suspicion met Jon when he entered the main chamber of the mine.", "hypothesis": "The mine was empty."} {"idx": "mnli-6563", "premise": "yes prepare your well that's great can now can she leave um on a day by herself", "hypothesis": "Get ready, it's so wonderful, is she able to independently leave for a day?"} {"idx": "mnli-6564", "premise": "Epidemic increases in concaine and opiate use by trauma center patients.", "hypothesis": "There has been an increase in opiate use by patients."} {"idx": "mnli-6565", "premise": "the um some buildings do it depends on the location the area i live in right now is is real good as far as crime rate is concerned and we don't have anything at all no burglar alarms no guards some some places do have guard gates that you have to get through or electronic access gates and things like that", "hypothesis": "The crime rate around here is pretty low, so we don't have much need for security systems."} {"idx": "mnli-6566", "premise": "Although recognizing the difficulties, assumptions and inherent uncertainties in the overall enterprise, these analyses are based on peer-reviewed scientific literature and up-to-date assessment tools, and we believe the results are highly useful in assessing this proposal.", "hypothesis": "We find the results of these analyses totally worthless and not useful in assessing this proposal."} {"idx": "mnli-6567", "premise": "But instead of finding his behavior humiliating, as she now tells the Star was the case, the friend says she laughed it off.", "hypothesis": "The friend says that she laughed off his behavior."} {"idx": "mnli-6568", "premise": "In the fall of 1995, none other than Henry Kissinger--the author of the secret incursion into Cambodia that prompted the War Powers Act--asserted that Clinton must obtain clear and unambiguous congressional backing before sending troops to Bosnia.", "hypothesis": "In the summer of 1997, someone other than Henry Kissinger asserted that Clinton doesn't have to obtain clear congressional backing before sending troops to Bosnia."} {"idx": "mnli-6569", "premise": "However, some economists are concerned that the acceleration may be concentrated in durable manufacturing rather than widely disseminated throughout the economy.", "hypothesis": "Some economists are concerned about the concentration in the economy. "} {"idx": "mnli-6570", "premise": "If auditors obtain sufficient evidence of the effectiveness of these controls, they can reduce the extent of their tests of compliance.", "hypothesis": "Auditors have the ability to reduce the extent of their tests of compliance."} {"idx": "mnli-6571", "premise": "Most of the drinking reduction occurred among the patients with mild to moderate alcohol problems and not in the heaviest drinking subgroup.", "hypothesis": "Most of the reduction in drinking was in the patients who didn't drink the most."} {"idx": "mnli-6572", "premise": "Like him they may, but have any of them written a tribute as passionate as Ann Powers' love letter to Hillary in this morning's Times ? (Some sentences omitted.)", "hypothesis": "Anne Powers wrote about Hillary's time as Secretary of State."} {"idx": "mnli-6573", "premise": "SPACE EXPLORATION EQUIPMENT -Items that are intended to operate above the atmosphere to explore space and any specially designed equipment to aid, service or operate other equipment engaged in exploring space.", "hypothesis": "The equipment had be up to par."} {"idx": "mnli-6574", "premise": "This process has helped to integrate information management into overall business planning by aligning IT products and services with business functions and linking technology to the stateas overall strategic direction.", "hypothesis": "This is because it allows for easier customer support and database management."} {"idx": "mnli-6575", "premise": "oh do you really", "hypothesis": "Oh do you for sure?"} {"idx": "mnli-6576", "premise": "He sucked in on the air around him, and the breath burned in his lungs.", "hypothesis": "He breathed in the smoky air and it burned his lungs."} {"idx": "mnli-6577", "premise": "In her soft grey frock, with white ruffles at the wrists falling over her slender hands, she looked very beautiful. ", "hypothesis": "She appeared exquisite in her frock, with ruffles covering her delicate hands."} {"idx": "mnli-6578", "premise": "Misspellings are commonplace.", "hypothesis": "Spelling errors are typical."} {"idx": "mnli-6579", "premise": "I have something so huge that they'll all be speechless, and especially my Miss Aldonka,' Czarek thought, exhausted but pleased with himself.", "hypothesis": "Czarek thought Miss Aldonka wouldn't be able to speak."} {"idx": "mnli-6580", "premise": "During her lifetime, 69 30 b.c. , the infamous queen attempted to link her land to Rome through her liaison with Julius Caesar.", "hypothesis": "Julius Caesar had a liaison with the infamous queen."} {"idx": "mnli-6581", "premise": "Muller and most of the boys can be counted on not to cause any more than the normal pay-night disturbances.", "hypothesis": "Muller will most likely cause more trouble."} {"idx": "mnli-6582", "premise": "As long as the religious belief of the person governing does not promote or condone acts of violence against those governed, or in the repression of those who fail to share his/her religious convictions, then the beliefs that the governor holds are not a newsworthy event, or even the public's business.", "hypothesis": "It's really none of the public's business what religious beliefs a government official has if it's not impacting their job."} {"idx": "mnli-6583", "premise": "oh you can't go to a different one", "hypothesis": "There is only one available. "} {"idx": "mnli-6584", "premise": "i hope he got busted", "hypothesis": "I hope he got away with his crime"} {"idx": "mnli-6585", "premise": " For simplicity, coverage-related load time ($1,232 million) is included in access time, and street support is piggybacked on all three functions.", "hypothesis": "Access time excludes coverage-related load time."} {"idx": "mnli-6586", "premise": "A short walk from here to the left along the inner arterial road brings you to St. Catherine's Square (Plateaa Agaas Ekateranis) where the 19th-century Cathedral of eghios Minas dwarfs two older religious buildings.", "hypothesis": "The Cathedral of eghios Minas is tiny and can easily be overlooked if you are not looking for it carefully."} {"idx": "mnli-6587", "premise": "A survey was sent to all staff at the 33 nonprofit civil legal services asking them to describe how they could become (or maintain themselves as) energetic, affirmative advocates, as well as what support they might require and how collaborative efforts in the state could meet those needs.", "hypothesis": "The staff got a survey at each of the criminal legal services locations."} {"idx": "mnli-6588", "premise": "Its wings were too small for the tiny apartment.", "hypothesis": "The wings were not able to keep it in the air."} {"idx": "mnli-6589", "premise": "so they call this program cars and they come with a new car warranty and it just seems to make sense to me to get the most car for your money to get something like that", "hypothesis": "They have a program that offers a new car warranty."} {"idx": "mnli-6590", "premise": "and even grouper little bit of soy sauce and sesame sesame seed oil", "hypothesis": "Grouper with a dash of soy sauce and sesame seed oil."} {"idx": "mnli-6591", "premise": "Washingtonians complained.", "hypothesis": "They did not complain and everything was fine."} {"idx": "mnli-6592", "premise": "oh gosh well uh one that comes to mind is a lady i don't know what the heck she was doing in her dishwasher but she was in her dishwasher her head was in her dishwasher and her hair got caught", "hypothesis": "A lady was doing something in her dishwasher."} {"idx": "mnli-6593", "premise": "and we have the things that are extras but it seems that by and large the extras just don't exist", "hypothesis": "We don't buy many extra things."} {"idx": "mnli-6594", "premise": "The ticket kiosks are right next to the wooden berths.", "hypothesis": "The wooden berths are positioned close to the ticket kiosks. "} {"idx": "mnli-6595", "premise": "Yes. 147 \"Ah, that's better,\" said Heavywether, with ferocious geniality. ", "hypothesis": "\"That is better than the other one,\" Heavywether said. "} {"idx": "mnli-6596", "premise": "By the early 1900s the area had become a sort of bohemian quarter, beloved of the city's cliques of writers, artists, and intellectuals.", "hypothesis": "There were many writers, artists, and intellectuals in the area in 20th century."} {"idx": "mnli-6597", "premise": "There are changing rooms and a small refreshment area.", "hypothesis": "There are unfortunately no changing rooms or areas of refreshment available."} {"idx": "mnli-6598", "premise": "In the early Middle Ages, Canton had a significant Muslim population as a result of its trade with the Middle East.", "hypothesis": "Canton exported silk to the Middle East during the Middle Ages."} {"idx": "mnli-6599", "premise": "estimated system size and other project data provided for the model, the historical data from which the model was developed, and the fact that all estimates are projections of an inherently uncertain future.", "hypothesis": "An uncertain future may provide inaccurate and uncertain projections."} {"idx": "mnli-6600", "premise": "It's hard to find them these days.", "hypothesis": "They are abundant."} {"idx": "mnli-6601", "premise": "oh well i'll get off the phone and let you watch it then and good luck on your recovery", "hypothesis": "I'll get off the phone so you can watch it."} {"idx": "mnli-6602", "premise": "Poirot, I said, \"I wish you would tell me why you wanted to know if Mrs. Inglethorp ate well last night? ", "hypothesis": "Don't tell me if she ate."} {"idx": "mnli-6603", "premise": "Many individual craftspeople work in the Lake District, and as you wander you'll find signs leading you to their studios in converted barns and other outbuildings.", "hypothesis": "Craftspeople avoid the Lake District and you won't find any of them working there."} {"idx": "mnli-6604", "premise": "Mahfuz's secular liberalism so enraged Egypt's Islamists that one fanatic knifed the old man, paralyzing his writing hand.", "hypothesis": "Mahfuz was not liberal and never got cut."} {"idx": "mnli-6605", "premise": "No, she'll have started from the hospital by now.\"", "hypothesis": "She could be far away in a few minutes."} {"idx": "mnli-6606", "premise": "Gambas are prawns, and langostinos the jumbo-sized version.", "hypothesis": "Langostinos are the jumbo-sized version of Gamba prawns."} {"idx": "mnli-6607", "premise": "golly because of the ice", "hypothesis": "Did they cancel school because of the ice?"} {"idx": "mnli-6608", "premise": "The National Risk Management Research Laboratory is the Agency's center for investigation of technological and management approaches for reducing risks from threats to human health and the environment.", "hypothesis": "The National Risk Management lab is the center for the investigation of technological and management approaches to threat reduction and asset acquirement."} {"idx": "mnli-6609", "premise": "In 1974, after a series of heated and embarrassingly public quarrels on the topic, the APA decided to resolve the question of whether or not homosexuality should be called a mental disorder by means of a ballot mailed out to its members.", "hypothesis": "The APA didn't make any action to resolve the issue of homosexuality being a mental disorder until the late 1980's."} {"idx": "mnli-6610", "premise": "Primary responsibility for authorizing and approving Tand;A transactions rests with the employee's supervisor, who approves the employee's Tand;A reports.", "hypothesis": "It is the responsibility of the employee to approve their own Tand;A transactions."} {"idx": "mnli-6611", "premise": "The ballroom has a woven wall-covering that is a reproduction of an original by Philipe de la Salle, which he created for Marie Antoinette.", "hypothesis": "The ballroom features art reproduced by a renowned artist."} {"idx": "mnli-6612", "premise": "As we reported in 1998, potentially higher returns-albeit with greater risk-on the government's stock holdings could boost Social Security's financing and reduce the size of other revenue increases or benefit", "hypothesis": "In 1998 the government was working hard for financial success."} {"idx": "mnli-6613", "premise": "Round 1 of 2000 goes to Bush.", "hypothesis": "Bush won round 1 of 2000."} {"idx": "mnli-6614", "premise": "In addition, state and local governments, including law enforcement and first responder personnel, and the private sector also have critical roles to play.", "hypothesis": "The role state and local governments play is very minor."} {"idx": "mnli-6615", "premise": "In antiques shops, look for highly valued porcelains from China.", "hypothesis": "Don't bother with porcelains from China."} {"idx": "mnli-6616", "premise": "they had they had quite a few new ones come out last year that they added to but but you don't have much spare time either", "hypothesis": "You have a lot of spare time, don't you?"} {"idx": "mnli-6617", "premise": "There is a selection of English books, including many titles devoted to Turkish history, art, and architecture.", "hypothesis": "An assortment of English books are available - some about Turkish history."} {"idx": "mnli-6618", "premise": "The friendship between Harrer and the Dalai Lama continues to this day.", "hypothesis": "Harrer and the Dalai Lama are friends and talk everyday"} {"idx": "mnli-6619", "premise": "The Way of the Crosenow leads into the Church of the Holy Sepulcher itself, which shelters the five final Stations.", "hypothesis": "The Way of the Crosenow goes to the CHurch of the Holy Sepulcher."} {"idx": "mnli-6620", "premise": "However, the requirements now found at section 3(b)(2)(A), (D), and (E) were similarly included in the previous version of the Executive Order and it appears that the Department meets those requirements.", "hypothesis": "The Executive Order has not effected the Department."} {"idx": "mnli-6621", "premise": "She resumed work to-day.\" 113 \"Ah, she is an industrious little demoiselle. ", "hypothesis": "Regardless of the murder that had occurred days earlier, she returned to work that day. "} {"idx": "mnli-6622", "premise": "You see--\" She looked hesitantly at the Astronomer.", "hypothesis": "She was hesitant of the Astronomer because she broke something of theirs."} {"idx": "mnli-6623", "premise": "The next grant is for a national legal services virtual conferencing center to be coordinated by Gulf Coast Legal Services in Houston.", "hypothesis": "The next grant us for a virtual conference center for national legal services "} {"idx": "mnli-6624", "premise": "You can draw your own deductions from them. ", "hypothesis": "They have the answers that you are seeking."} {"idx": "mnli-6625", "premise": "well i enjoyed it Jay thank you bye-bye", "hypothesis": "Thank you, Jay. I'll talk to you later. "} {"idx": "mnli-6626", "premise": "Joan McQuay, National Benefit Control and Debt Manager, Work and Income New Zealand", "hypothesis": "McQuay works in real estate."} {"idx": "mnli-6627", "premise": " Projections based on the intermediate assumptions of the 2001 OASDI and HI Trustees' reports.", "hypothesis": "I made up these projections based on what I want to happen."} {"idx": "mnli-6628", "premise": "yeah flowers during the summer down here the the normal kind of flowers there's very few of them that'll really do well everything does real well here in the spring until about oh first part of June and then the real the heat sets in", "hypothesis": "Most flowers down here do really well in the springtime."} {"idx": "mnli-6629", "premise": "Despite strong opposition from organizations dedicated to the protection of developmental sanctity of unborn children, from groups devoted to the protection of family traditions, and from task forces committed to the preservation of racial purity, the new method (license purchased by the pharmaceutical giant Robots Healthcare) began to gain tremendous popularity, especially since it was introduced onto the market in conjunction with an attractive credit plan, offered by HSBBC.", "hypothesis": "HSBBC offered a great credit plan that was introduced in the market in conjunction with the new method."} {"idx": "mnli-6630", "premise": "On the other hand, if buyers at online auctions are persistently disappointed, it's possible that after a while they'll stop bidding.", "hypothesis": "Buyers are more likely to continue bidding after being disappointed consistently."} {"idx": "mnli-6631", "premise": "In order to go much further, we need to know the cost of the pieces that are candidates for moving from the basic category to the workshare category.", "hypothesis": "We don't know what to do in order to go further, we need more help and free time and money to think about it."} {"idx": "mnli-6632", "premise": "Go to the theatre take a night off.\"", "hypothesis": "Relax for the evening and head to a movie."} {"idx": "mnli-6633", "premise": "It originally contained the palace bakery, the armoury, and the mint.", "hypothesis": "It also contained stables next to the armory."} {"idx": "mnli-6634", "premise": "oh really hm i wonder why it does", "hypothesis": "I already know why it does that."} {"idx": "mnli-6635", "premise": "after four years with the system i've got an extreme almost an extremist view on get into the criminal justice system", "hypothesis": "I'm not involved in the system at all."} {"idx": "mnli-6636", "premise": "this actually i i'd have to confess i don't really scope out the New Orleans games per say New Orleans just isn't isn't one of the areas i've lived in so many places i've lived in uh", "hypothesis": "Since I've never lived in New Orleans, I don't attend their games."} {"idx": "mnli-6637", "premise": "They've saved what they could of the tools from the camp and what magical instruments are still useful.", "hypothesis": "They kept a number of the tools."} {"idx": "mnli-6638", "premise": "Ca'daan took them through the alleys behind the shops and untied the intricate five-lace knot that held the door closed.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan could never untie the knot."} {"idx": "mnli-6639", "premise": "I've sprained something.", "hypothesis": "I've hurt something a little bit."} {"idx": "mnli-6640", "premise": "i'm in the Attleboro Attleboro Massachusetts plant", "hypothesis": "I'm in Attleboro Massachusetts."} {"idx": "mnli-6641", "premise": "The employee and timekeeper, if any, are not required to attest or verify T&A reports and related documents.", "hypothesis": "T&A reports must be shown by employers. "} {"idx": "mnli-6642", "premise": "That teaching, done right, requires all of a teacher's emotional and intellectual resources; that we accord teachers neither the respect nor the pay they need to function well in their jobs; that few public school teachers come close to the ideal or leave the students with anything like what they need to get by--all this seems like a good argument for better pay scales and reform in the educational system that produces teachers.", "hypothesis": "Teachers are well-respected and well-paid members of their communities."} {"idx": "mnli-6643", "premise": "yeah that's that's the uh that's that's the big thing you know we still got a little bit of the old you know Vietnam um problem in you know in the back of our minds we we got this we're we're used to wars where you can get in do the job and get out", "hypothesis": "We still have the Vietnam mentality where we think we can just get in and get out of wars."} {"idx": "mnli-6644", "premise": "yeah oh how funny", "hypothesis": "That's sad."} {"idx": "mnli-6645", "premise": "Cash rental income differs from NIPA rental income, which includes the imputed net rental value on owner-occupied housing.", "hypothesis": "NIPA rental income is not the same as cash rental income."} {"idx": "mnli-6646", "premise": "However, the relative roles of PM exposure duration and PM exposure level in inducing premature mortality remain unknown at this time.", "hypothesis": "A high duration of exposure to PM relative to a relatively low level of exposure is known to induce premature mortality, and this has been explained in numerous studies."} {"idx": "mnli-6647", "premise": "If a heater is immersed directly into the seawater, ensure that the heater materials do not corrode or leach any substances that would contaminate the brine.", "hypothesis": "If a heater goes in the water, make sure it doesn't leak or the coral will die."} {"idx": "mnli-6648", "premise": "yeah and then i think that um nobody was really buying homes for a long time there because of just i mean we've been in ours for about ten years but uh there's no investment in it you know", "hypothesis": "We have been in our home for ten years but there is no investment benefits to owning it."} {"idx": "mnli-6649", "premise": "so but redemption centers are a big thing up here they get a penny a can they handle they give you five cents and the when they return the can to the distributor i think they either get a penny or two pennies a can", "hypothesis": "The centers don't get anything for the cans."} {"idx": "mnli-6650", "premise": "oh do they probably the more you pay though the better the machine you have", "hypothesis": "The better machines cost more money because they're designed better."} {"idx": "mnli-6651", "premise": "According to the Departments, this rulemaking action does not impose unfunded mandates under the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995.", "hypothesis": "This action doesn't include an unfunded mandate."} {"idx": "mnli-6652", "premise": "A cost-conscious Senate took fragments from monuments of earlier rulers Trajan, Hadrian, and Marcus Aurelius to decorate the arch.", "hypothesis": "The earlier ruler named Trajan had at least one monument built of him."} {"idx": "mnli-6653", "premise": "all right there we go", "hypothesis": "There we go, now I'm remembering."} {"idx": "mnli-6654", "premise": "H ome Every baby superstore features a section that could be called the Wall of Death.", "hypothesis": "Every superstore features a section that could be called Wall of Death."} {"idx": "mnli-6655", "premise": "I was very comfortable where I was. ", "hypothesis": "I was extremely uncomfortable where I was."} {"idx": "mnli-6656", "premise": "Modern archaeology suggests that this Indus Valley civilization was destroyed not by Aryan conquerors, but by floods, when the Indus river changed course, perhaps due to earthquakes, in about 1700 b.c.", "hypothesis": "This Indus Valley is suggested to be destroyed."} {"idx": "mnli-6657", "premise": "Some participants believed that shareholders were benefiting from litigation and questioned the appropriateness of civil-based enforcement actions, citing the fact that shareholders have already been financially hurt by the actions that lead to the sanctions.", "hypothesis": "All shareholders are unquestionably free of conflicts of interest."} {"idx": "mnli-6658", "premise": "It is the common glue that binds us.", "hypothesis": "Without it, we would be lost at sea."} {"idx": "mnli-6659", "premise": "but but you're right and i guess that's very important because of this black earth with have here that cracks terribly uh and it shifts badly in the summertime that uh if you don't water around the foundation you're going to lose it", "hypothesis": "THe earth doesn't move at all."} {"idx": "mnli-6660", "premise": " \"Sather Fareth spent his life designing this,\" Ser Perth said proudly.", "hypothesis": "Ser Perth was proud to say \"Sather Fareth spent his life designing this.\""} {"idx": "mnli-6661", "premise": "yeah yeah well i have we have a uh recreation center which is almost right across the street from our uh office", "hypothesis": "nope there is not a recreation center near me, I would love one across the street from my office"} {"idx": "mnli-6662", "premise": "The McCollum-Stenholm bill, on which the 1996 appropriations were based, did not address the presence requirement, and the statement accompanying the introduction of that bill noted only that the bill incorporated the provisions from IRCA into the existing appropriation's provisions on representation of certain aliens.", "hypothesis": "The 1996 appropriations were based on the McCollum-Stenholm bill."} {"idx": "mnli-6663", "premise": "yeah spelled as you would expect", "hypothesis": "Yes, it is spelled as would be expected."} {"idx": "mnli-6664", "premise": "But remember that ceramics can be heavy and fragile to carry home", "hypothesis": "Ceramics are very light and are not fragile. "} {"idx": "mnli-6665", "premise": "In accordance with paragraph 603(b)(5), the Commission notes that the proposed rule does not duplicate, overlap, or conflict with any relevant federal rule.", "hypothesis": "The Commission did not want to have two laws stating the same objective."} {"idx": "mnli-6666", "premise": "It was raw.\"", "hypothesis": "The meat had all been cooked."} {"idx": "mnli-6667", "premise": "One thing that is clear is that the West--the IMF, the Western governments who provided the funds for the last, doomed rescue package--have come out looking like chumps.", "hypothesis": "The West came out looking like champs due to the success of the last rescue package. "} {"idx": "mnli-6668", "premise": "in Texas in Texas we're getting to a point where a guy gets a fifteen year sentence he's going to serve fifteen months and he's out", "hypothesis": "Fifteen year sentences often mean fifteen months in Texas. "} {"idx": "mnli-6669", "premise": "Similarly, China Telecom has said that it will explore opportunities for strategic investments in [China's] telecommunications industry.", "hypothesis": "China Telecom is not exploring any options"} {"idx": "mnli-6670", "premise": "How, for example, can Japan be stuck in a seemingly intractable slump--one that it does not seem able to get out of simply by printing coupons?", "hypothesis": "Japan printed way too many coupons. "} {"idx": "mnli-6671", "premise": "is defined in the statute as the status of having been lawfully accorded the privilege of residing permanently in the United States as an immigrant in accordance with the immigration laws.", "hypothesis": "Immigration laws are designed to protect those entering the country."} {"idx": "mnli-6672", "premise": "The guy was on TV about a month ago and he said you'll never see me standing in the driveway of my house talking to these candidates.", "hypothesis": "He would gladly converse at great length with the candidates on his front lawn."} {"idx": "mnli-6673", "premise": "Visitors need a visa to enter China, and must disembark at the border (now called boundary ) checkpoint, Lo Wai.", "hypothesis": "The guards at Lo Wai are known to interrogate visitors."} {"idx": "mnli-6674", "premise": "The Western Wall is one side of the Herodian retaining walls that support the vast ceremonial plaza built by Herod around the Second Temple to accommodate hundreds of thousands of Jewish pilgrims who visited the Temple in ancient times.", "hypothesis": "Several thousand workers were employed by Herod to build the walls that encircle the plaza."} {"idx": "mnli-6675", "premise": "so no wonder you like sports so you were a physical education teacher", "hypothesis": "You taught physical education and like sports."} {"idx": "mnli-6676", "premise": "This guidance is designed to help you make an appropriate, defensible assessment in the most efficient manner.", "hypothesis": "This guidance was designed back in 1995, but it is still up-to-date."} {"idx": "mnli-6677", "premise": "it's i it's it's kind of fortunate that that the United States was founded in the way that it did because it's such a mixture of people", "hypothesis": "The United States still benefits from having such a mixture of people today."} {"idx": "mnli-6678", "premise": "Economic logic suggests that in the long run such countries, if they can put their inflationary histories behind them, have no business adopting the currency of a faraway country which will not take their interests into account.", "hypothesis": "Economic logic is not always correct."} {"idx": "mnli-6679", "premise": "It was opened promptly, he said a word or two to the doorkeeper, then passed inside.", "hypothesis": "He went in without talking to anybody."} {"idx": "mnli-6680", "premise": "IPM projects power sector emissions under Title IV of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments (The Acid Rain Program), which caps SO2 emissions at 8.95 million tons/year beginning in 2010.", "hypothesis": "IPM projects emissions for each decade."} {"idx": "mnli-6681", "premise": "According to the Enquirer 's plastic surgery consultant, Dr. Jerome Craft of Palm Beach, Fla., TV news anchorman Peter Jennings had his face pulled a bit tight, giving his eyes a slightly Oriental look.", "hypothesis": "Dr. Jerome Craft is a plastic surgery consultant who works for the Enquirer."} {"idx": "mnli-6682", "premise": "A walk beside the Water offers the most interesting views, so don't crosethe bridge.", "hypothesis": "Walking next to the water affords fascinating views. "} {"idx": "mnli-6683", "premise": "Apparently the Globe subscribes to the theory that incessant posthumous prying (They hadn't slept together for 12 months screamed one recent John-and-Carolyn cover) is just the thing for those trying to rest in peace.", "hypothesis": "The Globe does not write stories about deceased people."} {"idx": "mnli-6684", "premise": "And ads on the Internet, at least so far, lack oomph.", "hypothesis": "Thus far, Internet ads lack oomph. "} {"idx": "mnli-6685", "premise": "West Jerusalem is a general name for the area west of the Old City", "hypothesis": "The area west of the Old City is broken up into several sub-regions, which are exclusively referred to by their own names."} {"idx": "mnli-6686", "premise": "The judges were reluctant to raise those fees but eventually decided that supporting probono services was important enough and lawyers had a responsibility to contribute to the cause, Harrison said.", "hypothesis": "The judges were relieved to realize that there were more benefits to supporting probono services."} {"idx": "mnli-6687", "premise": "'Oh, don't mind me,' I told him.", "hypothesis": "I told him not to mind me and that I would be finished in thirty minutes. "} {"idx": "mnli-6688", "premise": "3. What Is the Long-Term Outlook for Federal Government Saving/Dissaving?", "hypothesis": "Aside from saving and dissaving, there is a thrid option for the Federal Government."} {"idx": "mnli-6689", "premise": "Abstract thought began only tens of thousands of years ago.", "hypothesis": "Abstract thought was discovered in the last 500 years."} {"idx": "mnli-6690", "premise": "That admitted of two possibilities. ", "hypothesis": "The first possibility was the most likely."} {"idx": "mnli-6691", "premise": "This is very sad news, but you will excuse me if I say that I do not see how it bears on the subject of your inquiry?", "hypothesis": "The sad news allows for the person to change the subject of the inquiry."} {"idx": "mnli-6692", "premise": "This section describes the first step in this process, the estimation of changes in the incidence of adverse health effects.", "hypothesis": "They estimate the changes of bad health effects."} {"idx": "mnli-6693", "premise": "Little remains of Caen's historic center, but its good hotels and excellent seafood restaurants make it, with Bayeux, a useful starting-point for visits to the Normandy invasion beaches.", "hypothesis": "Delicious seafood can be found in Caen's historic center."} {"idx": "mnli-6694", "premise": "but when it came to ever giving kind any kind of tune ups or things like that i'd take it into the shop anything basically with the yeah", "hypothesis": "He wasn't entirely experienced as a boat mechanic."} {"idx": "mnli-6695", "premise": "For the deal to make sense, the costs of working together in a contractual relationship would have to be greater than the costs of merging.", "hypothesis": "Merging costs would need to be less than the costs of co-working contractually for the deal to be viable."} {"idx": "mnli-6696", "premise": "He's not likely to recognize you.", "hypothesis": "He has amnesia, so he probably won't recognize you."} {"idx": "mnli-6697", "premise": "And to show just how fast Japan's new rulers were catching on, two punitive expeditions were launched against Korea and China in the grand manner of 19th-century gunboat diplomacy.", "hypothesis": "The two expeditions launched against Korea and China were over opium export taxes."} {"idx": "mnli-6698", "premise": "Interior believed that the fees the contractor would have charged were excessive and the savings were uncertain.", "hypothesis": "The contractors fees are excessive and the savings are unknown said Interior."} {"idx": "mnli-6699", "premise": "there instead of these uh uh banks going that are folding but", "hypothesis": "No banks have shut down ever. "} {"idx": "mnli-6700", "premise": "oh yeah i talked to one we're not on the subject of course i talked to one i think he had a whole bunch of calls he had a roommate that had calls and everything he had way more twice as many calls as as i've made uh", "hypothesis": "I talked to about ten, all with no roommates."} {"idx": "mnli-6701", "premise": "The New Radicals sound like Todd Rundgren has just emerged from the cryogenics lab where he's lain frozen since 1972.", "hypothesis": "The New Radicals are an indie pop band. "} {"idx": "mnli-6702", "premise": "Motivational interventions in emergency settings have more recently demonstrated important clinical outcomes in terms of risk-taking, negative consequences of drinking, and, at times, reductions in drink-ing.", "hypothesis": "Interventions have proven to have no affect on problem drinking."} {"idx": "mnli-6703", "premise": "A few minutes later, I was back into my stretching.", "hypothesis": "I wasn't able to get back to my stretching even after they left. "} {"idx": "mnli-6704", "premise": "They are right.", "hypothesis": "They are correct."} {"idx": "mnli-6705", "premise": "it's uh it's kind of unusual book it's a lot about uh spiritual warfare and some things like that", "hypothesis": "The book is unusual, but it is very good. "} {"idx": "mnli-6706", "premise": "okay and they wear either that or they wear dress pants and b lack turtlenecks or white turtlenecks", "hypothesis": "The usually prefer to wear black instead of white"} {"idx": "mnli-6707", "premise": "In order to assist the Committee, we have enclosed draft legislation that would accomplish this objective (see enc.", "hypothesis": "Draft legislation will assist the Committee."} {"idx": "mnli-6708", "premise": "Hale's story hasn't changed at all since he spoke with Isikoff in '93.", "hypothesis": "Hale's story has stayed the same since 1993."} {"idx": "mnli-6709", "premise": "It is fundamental that the First Amendment was fashioned to assure unfettered interchange of ideas for the", "hypothesis": "The First Amendment is important to the freedom of the United States."} {"idx": "mnli-6710", "premise": "When at last I did 210 begin to grasp what was going on I was just terrified! ", "hypothesis": "I was extremely frightened when I started to understand what was happening. "} {"idx": "mnli-6711", "premise": "Turn off the main road just before the White River Bridge to find the Calypso rafting base.", "hypothesis": "The Calypso rafting base is before the White River Bridge."} {"idx": "mnli-6712", "premise": "For centuries these people had the islands to themselves.", "hypothesis": "The islands were too crowded."} {"idx": "mnli-6713", "premise": "Yes, Dad?", "hypothesis": "No, Mom?"} {"idx": "mnli-6714", "premise": "Cars will be overturned.", "hypothesis": "Cars are new and shiny."} {"idx": "mnli-6715", "premise": "The draft treaty is mine.\" His smile grew wider as he looked at Tuppence.", "hypothesis": "He looked at Tuppence with a wide smile."} {"idx": "mnli-6716", "premise": "i seen him on an interview talking about how if he ever got out how many people he was going to kill", "hypothesis": "I don't think being in jail helped him. "} {"idx": "mnli-6717", "premise": "and we really didn't didn't uh i mean that wasn't our consideration when when we bought it it was a complete blank lot they hadn't even built the house yet and we were new to the this whole process and all we knew is that it was a the cheapest house that this this tract development uh sold so it turned out to be pretty good and", "hypothesis": "When we bought the house, they hadn't even built it yet"} {"idx": "mnli-6718", "premise": "Jamaicans say that Negril isn't a place it's a state of mind where almost anything goes.", "hypothesis": "The Jamaicans tend to be laid back about a lot of things."} {"idx": "mnli-6719", "premise": "They care about the performance of the computer.", "hypothesis": "The computer has a Windows operating system. "} {"idx": "mnli-6720", "premise": "Attorney General Janet Reno said she tried to tell National Security Adviser Tony Lake about the Chinese scheme 10 months ago but was unable to reach him by phone, so she asked the FBI to tell the White House, which led to the above fiasco.", "hypothesis": "Janet Reno was Attorney General while Tony Lake was National Security Adviser."} {"idx": "mnli-6721", "premise": "um-hum something that is working and i i i really like the system of house arrest where uh a someone's wear someone wears a bracelet", "hypothesis": "I hate house arrest when a bracelet is involved. "} {"idx": "mnli-6722", "premise": "Out in the alley below, three figures reeled in the circle of light afforded by the door lantern.", "hypothesis": "The lantern barely made the figures noticeable in the large alley."} {"idx": "mnli-6723", "premise": "no i don't i'm uh renting a townhouse right now but i'm moving uh the end of May i'm going to move into renting a house", "hypothesis": "I'm looking forward to the move in May. "} {"idx": "mnli-6724", "premise": "does it say uh-huh", "hypothesis": "Does it say that?"} {"idx": "mnli-6725", "premise": "Thick leather boots fell on the gravel next to iron-shoed hooves.", "hypothesis": "The boots fell to the ground, surrounded by nothing. "} {"idx": "mnli-6726", "premise": "Dorcas, will you tell Manning to come round and speak to me here.", "hypothesis": "Please tell Manning to come here to speak to me, Dorcas."} {"idx": "mnli-6727", "premise": "and uh there's only there's two people taking care of about five kids uh where i'm where i'm taking my two", "hypothesis": "where i take my three kids there are at least ten people taking care of them"} {"idx": "mnli-6728", "premise": "A fashionable way to experience the desert is by visiting one of the resort communities in and around Palm Springs, about two hours' drive east of L.A.", "hypothesis": "Palm Springs is about a twenty-two-hour drive east of San Diego."} {"idx": "mnli-6729", "premise": "Their factories manufacture a steady supply of ephemeral pop groups.", "hypothesis": "A steady supply of pop groups come from their factories."} {"idx": "mnli-6730", "premise": "Republicans' We're winning the budget fight by convincing Clinton to compromise.", "hypothesis": "Republicans want to convince Clinton to compromise in the budget fight."} {"idx": "mnli-6731", "premise": "I thought I'd have time to rush up and get the papers from their hiding-place, but I was caught.", "hypothesis": "Despite my best efforts to be sneaky, I still got caught."} {"idx": "mnli-6732", "premise": "Under OMB's guidance, agencies' fiscal year 1997 budget requests were to contain a significantly greater amount of performance information to help define funding levels and projected program results.", "hypothesis": "OMB advised the foster care agency to start providing more information to get more accurate projections. "} {"idx": "mnli-6733", "premise": "This section examines those practices, providing pragmatic guidance that other organizations can also consider in determining how best to integrate CIO functions into their respective organizations.", "hypothesis": "This section does not use any known language."} {"idx": "mnli-6734", "premise": "It will not be possible again, I fear.", "hypothesis": "The door remains open to further possibilities."} {"idx": "mnli-6735", "premise": "Clinton should look at Starr, not at the camera, but Starr himself should not be visible.", "hypothesis": "Starr should be out of the picture, but Clinton should be looking at Starr."} {"idx": "mnli-6736", "premise": "you're getting two things at once there", "hypothesis": "You're getting two things at the same time. "} {"idx": "mnli-6737", "premise": "There's nothing to worry about in this best-of-all-possible-", "hypothesis": "You should be panicking right now."} {"idx": "mnli-6738", "premise": "On the tree-shaded terrace beyond the basilica, relax on one of the benches and enjoy the splendid view looking out over the forested plateau of the Morvan.", "hypothesis": "The terrace which is beyond the basilica is shaded by trees."} {"idx": "mnli-6739", "premise": "In a recent op-ed article in the New York Times , the theologian Michael Novak argued that a new appreciation for, and sensitivity to, religious matters was stirring everywhere.", "hypothesis": "Michael Novak thinks that nobody understands or is sensitive to religious matters."} {"idx": "mnli-6740", "premise": "No adult ever played with Ninja Turtles or Power Rangers.", "hypothesis": "Power Rangers and Ninja Turtles have never been played by an adult."} {"idx": "mnli-6741", "premise": "But quite a few things were impossible to that engineer's obscure and unimportant nephew, the computer technician and generally undistinguished man who had been christened Dave.", "hypothesis": "The engineer had obscured a number of things."} {"idx": "mnli-6742", "premise": "well apparently he had enough snapping to where he got it whatever weapon he used and he was coherent enough to tell the guy give me the money or i'm going to kill you", "hypothesis": "He lost it and threatened someone with a weapon. "} {"idx": "mnli-6743", "premise": "The divorce cost Hudson its biggest client and inaugurated Burger King's campaign to persuade customers to continue eating its meat.", "hypothesis": "Burger King had begun to have trouble with customers questioning what their burgers were actually made of."} {"idx": "mnli-6744", "premise": "The Collegiate Church of Saint-Ours is an interesting piece of Roman?\u00adesque it has two steeples at either end of the nave, which is surmounted by two octagonal pyramids in place of a roof.", "hypothesis": "The church has two steeples that are each 500 feet high."} {"idx": "mnli-6745", "premise": "They especially take him to task for blaming Plath's suicide on fate and astrology.", "hypothesis": "He blamed plath's suicide on fate and astrology because he was joking."} {"idx": "mnli-6746", "premise": "In a single motion, the bandit dismounted and rushed.", "hypothesis": "The bandit arrived on foot. "} {"idx": "mnli-6747", "premise": "this is true and and and and and the way the law reads uh if they sentence you to", "hypothesis": "This is very valid especially with what the law says."} {"idx": "mnli-6748", "premise": "60-per-minute Belgacom charge, and make it cheaper to call Antwerp--just 40 miles away--via California than directly.", "hypothesis": "Belgacom made all calls to Antwerp free."} {"idx": "mnli-6749", "premise": "Give him time.\"", "hypothesis": "Let him have time."} {"idx": "mnli-6750", "premise": "and but it's just it's just that uh you know it you know like the we just put our goals in different you know levels is like saying you know it's like yeah sure we need oil you know and we need it desperately", "hypothesis": "We are in desperate need of oil."} {"idx": "mnli-6751", "premise": "The act also requires that GAO report on its implementation annually.", "hypothesis": "The act requires yearly implementation reports from GAO."} {"idx": "mnli-6752", "premise": "well of course when we", "hypothesis": "Yes, when we..."} {"idx": "mnli-6753", "premise": "a long time yes and they they take up a lot of you know good space you know kind of like a bookcase", "hypothesis": "They take up space because they are huge. "} {"idx": "mnli-6754", "premise": "The auditors' assessment of risk includes consideration of whether the entity has controls that are effective in preventing or detecting noncompliance.", "hypothesis": "The auditor's assessment explains the controls that are effective in dealing with noncompliance."} {"idx": "mnli-6755", "premise": " Ca'daan looked at Jon and then the others.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan looked at the circle of people."} {"idx": "mnli-6756", "premise": "right i guess my i you know i come out am sitting on the fence but i have some concerns about uh you know if you require someone to do this for a year or two", "hypothesis": "I came out swinging without any consideration of sitting on the fence."} {"idx": "mnli-6757", "premise": "Aberdeen's theatrical floating restaurants have been a tourist attraction for many years.", "hypothesis": "Tourists have visited Aberdeen's theatrical floating restaurants for years."} {"idx": "mnli-6758", "premise": "i will get on it one day and see if i can uh um what what do they win they they win money i think don't they", "hypothesis": "I don't think they win anything at all."} {"idx": "mnli-6759", "premise": "In both, nurse clinicians, all female, implemented the study.", "hypothesis": "All males did the study."} {"idx": "mnli-6760", "premise": "And he glanced at the daylight. ", "hypothesis": "He closed his eyes."} {"idx": "mnli-6761", "premise": "so i i grew up fishing", "hypothesis": "I've never fished before."} {"idx": "mnli-6762", "premise": "I would like to suggest that the research for Michael Brus' (In the Event of a Water Landing) was lacking.", "hypothesis": "I want to say that the research for Michael Brus' wasn't enough."} {"idx": "mnli-6763", "premise": "1999: UPN's potential breakout hit, Shasta McCrackhead , is tamed into the disastrously dull Shasta McNasty . Look where it is in the ratings now.", "hypothesis": "Shasta McCrackhead was the longest running show of all time."} {"idx": "mnli-6764", "premise": "This office will work with 4 pilot pro se programs in the state, including the ILS Pilot Hotline Project, to determine best practices for pro se support, and will develop form pleadings, approved by the Supreme Court, for use throughout the state.", "hypothesis": "The state has stopped all pilot programs."} {"idx": "mnli-6765", "premise": "(Click here for a summary of the experiment.)", "hypothesis": "Click here for the synopsis of the experiment."} {"idx": "mnli-6766", "premise": "As volume per stop grows and coverage approaches 100 percent, the volume variability of access cost approaches zero.", "hypothesis": "The volume per stop has an effect on the volume variability of access."} {"idx": "mnli-6767", "premise": "Where private speech is involved, even Congress' antecedent funding decision cannot be aimed at the suppression of ideas thought inimical to the Government's own interest.", "hypothesis": "Congress does not make funding decisions."} {"idx": "mnli-6768", "premise": "Unlike Jon, he did little to hide his appearance.", "hypothesis": "He did little to hide his appearance, unlike Jon who did a lot."} {"idx": "mnli-6769", "premise": "Ca'daan saw two whipmasters fleeing on horseback.", "hypothesis": "The men were running towards Ca'daan."} {"idx": "mnli-6770", "premise": "and amazingly enough you're you're into Middle Eastern sort of coins the the largest amount of fakes of US gold is made in Lebanon", "hypothesis": "Lebanon manufactures the largest amount of real coins in the US."} {"idx": "mnli-6771", "premise": "Among the duties of the advisory panel are guiding the technologists about politics and helping design products that attract users to the site, according to Ron Howard, chairman and founder, who also founded Hayes Corp., the modem manufacturer.", "hypothesis": "Ron Howard was a plumber."} {"idx": "mnli-6772", "premise": "126 Chapter 16 Further Adventures of Tommy FROM a darkness punctuated with throbbing stabs of fire, Tommy dragged his senses slowly back to life.", "hypothesis": "Tommy had a hard time coming back to his senses."} {"idx": "mnli-6773", "premise": "No Australians were harmed in the incident.", "hypothesis": "No Australians were hurt in the wildfires."} {"idx": "mnli-6774", "premise": "there's a few that have hot and cold uh you know electricity and and hot water and so forth there's a few of those and you have to make your reservations pretty well in advance", "hypothesis": "There's a few that have electricity and running water.."} {"idx": "mnli-6775", "premise": "And in some way he could not define, this put him, at least in his own mind, on an equal footing with Don Cazar.", "hypothesis": "He thought that he and Don Cazar were not equals."} {"idx": "mnli-6776", "premise": "More practical but quite decorative are bamboo and rattan Baskets and mats woven from nipa palm leaves.", "hypothesis": "Palm leaves are a strong material for creating mats."} {"idx": "mnli-6777", "premise": "Adrin could see the dust of the months of travel on the leather boots and clothing of these two men.", "hypothesis": "Adrin never met the two men."} {"idx": "mnli-6778", "premise": "And that would be the British.", "hypothesis": "That is from Great Britain."} {"idx": "mnli-6779", "premise": "The Postal Service also presented additional revenue and costing-cutting initiatives, such as the billion-dollar-a-year break through productivity plan announced by the Postmaster General this past spring.", "hypothesis": "The postal service gave $5million extra revenue in the report to the Postmaster General."} {"idx": "mnli-6780", "premise": "i just hide them from him and when i feel that it's necessary to pull it out i'll pull it out but he keeps one of them", "hypothesis": "I try to keep them from him."} {"idx": "mnli-6781", "premise": "It was as if he had been let out of lessons, or freed from a sense of duty and responsibility which was a growing burden.", "hypothesis": "He felt great relief and a sense of freedom."} {"idx": "mnli-6782", "premise": "This Statement establishes reporting requirements based on the categories defined ", "hypothesis": "The statement says nothing about reports."} {"idx": "mnli-6783", "premise": "Although many of you submitted enema jokes, I ran none--an aesthetic not a political decision, if such a distinction is possible.", "hypothesis": "I didn't publish any enema jokes, even though lots of you submitted them."} {"idx": "mnli-6784", "premise": "In the U.S., power plants emit significant amounts of air 67 percent of all sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions, 37 percent of mercury emissions, and 25 percent of all nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions.", "hypothesis": "The emissions are very high from power plants."} {"idx": "mnli-6785", "premise": "Beyond 3a, less attractive customers and relatively more difficult mail would begin to convert to presort.", "hypothesis": "The less attractive customers are not likely to spend a lot of money."} {"idx": "mnli-6786", "premise": "and uh and then just in the last you know ten or twenty i just haven't sewn anything i would love to i would like to get back to it", "hypothesis": "I hated sewing so I'm happy I stopped."} {"idx": "mnli-6787", "premise": "What do you know about Jane Finn? ", "hypothesis": "Do you know anything about Jane Finn?"} {"idx": "mnli-6788", "premise": "In essence, this plan is to contain the annual performance goals the agency will use to gauge its progress toward accomplishing its strategic goals and identify the performance measures the agency will use to assess its progress.", "hypothesis": "The agency has to fill in a performance sheet at the end of every year."} {"idx": "mnli-6789", "premise": "In his revision, Reich gets rid of the cigar shtick and again substitutes actual words, while trying to preserve what he can of a sense of hostility.", "hypothesis": "Reich was smoking a cigar. "} {"idx": "mnli-6790", "premise": "Critics chalk up Calder's previous low standing to the abundance of sculptures he made in the '60s for corporate plazas, which are labeled mostly boring (Robert Hughes, Time ). (Click here for the National Gallery site.)", "hypothesis": "They loved their art especially those found at corporate plazas."} {"idx": "mnli-6791", "premise": "i can remember the you know there's nothing worse than a hangover i have to agree there nothing worse than a i can remember staying in bed a whole day from a hangover and not going to work but i that was years ago and i didn't work for TI so but you you know really and truly there's there's nothing worse than a hangover and you're right and you cannot perform well", "hypothesis": "People that come in with hangovers are irresponsible because they're not giving 100% at their job."} {"idx": "mnli-6792", "premise": "What a monstrous idea! ", "hypothesis": "What a terrible idea coming from you!"} {"idx": "mnli-6793", "premise": "so it was still a lot cheaper than what we did because ours is thirty years", "hypothesis": "It's still going to be more expensive than the way we tried it."} {"idx": "mnli-6794", "premise": "The WP reports that following a year of sensitive negotiations, the German government has finally agreed to spend $110 million to compensate 18,000 Jewish victims of the Nazis who are living in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.", "hypothesis": "The German government helped many more than the 18,000 Jews."} {"idx": "mnli-6795", "premise": "Even today, when agricultural policies provide significant aid and resources, farming is still a tough life.", "hypothesis": "Farming is still tough today despite the helpful agricultural policies in place."} {"idx": "mnli-6796", "premise": "His booted foot moved, but now rowel points flashed in the sun.", "hypothesis": "His naked foot moved."} {"idx": "mnli-6797", "premise": "The city is a fascinating and congested labyrinth of churches, synagogues, mosques, noble houses and humble residences.", "hypothesis": "The city is nearly bare."} {"idx": "mnli-6798", "premise": "'You want me to flush him out of hiding.'", "hypothesis": "You want him to keep hiding."} {"idx": "mnli-6799", "premise": " A piece describes the horrific trade in Mexican boxers.", "hypothesis": "One piece describes the horrific trade done in Mexican boxers."} {"idx": "mnli-6800", "premise": "i wasn't really want i didn't want to be a lawyer anyway just wanted the degree", "hypothesis": "I just wanted the degree to show off to the people that said I couldn't do it, I never actually wanted to be a lawyer. "} {"idx": "mnli-6801", "premise": "to them and he he spends about an hour doing that and that's that's pretty good quality time with them and um but it's hard for him on Saturdays he he wants", "hypothesis": "He spends three hours doing that with them on Saturdays."} {"idx": "mnli-6802", "premise": "Most rushed visitors see the square, stand in awe of the tilting tower, and leave town.", "hypothesis": "Visitors are often rushed as tour busses don't stop for long."} {"idx": "mnli-6803", "premise": "Time 's City Boosters pays tribute to big-city mayors who've privatized services, challenged employee unions, and supported school vouchers.", "hypothesis": "The mayor works extremely hard to do a good job. "} {"idx": "mnli-6804", "premise": "I told him to drive.", "hypothesis": "I told him to make his car to to the park."} {"idx": "mnli-6805", "premise": "Close to the heart of Old Madrid, this 1994 hotel is surprisingly personal and elegant, despite the somewhat chaotic plaza it sits on.", "hypothesis": "Most of the d\u00e9cor in the hotel is the original from 1994."} {"idx": "mnli-6806", "premise": "so it's the unexpected things that make it awful hard to control the budget", "hypothesis": "the most difficult part in balancing the budget is dealing with unexpected expenses"} {"idx": "mnli-6807", "premise": "that's what i did with mine for a long time put it on the handlebars so i can hang them up", "hypothesis": "I did not want them on the floor."} {"idx": "mnli-6808", "premise": "so he's basically you know whatever whatever the computer can do for you fine i'll learn enough to to make it work well for me but i'm not gonna be a guru", "hypothesis": "i'm not going to become a computer expert but i'll learn enough to use it"} {"idx": "mnli-6809", "premise": "The grounds are also very much as Wordsworth and Dorothy landscaped them, with four acres of sculptured lawn and a natural environment in which animals and birds thrive.", "hypothesis": "The lawn on the grounds is looked after, and there are many birds there."} {"idx": "mnli-6810", "premise": "As a result, developing a comprehensive set of policies was one of their first steps in establishing an effective corporatewide security program.", "hypothesis": "Developing policies was of the initial steps in establishing corporate security."} {"idx": "mnli-6811", "premise": "And then concentration-camp-thin Ruth, in a burst of unusual clarity and impatience, shakes Joseph up with the most mundane diagnosis of I'm just a girl from Westchester who has trouble with food.", "hypothesis": "There is only this type of clarity on Tuesdays."} {"idx": "mnli-6812", "premise": "Poland's development of a market economy has produced a proliferation of stores and boutiques, including many imported from Western Europe and North America.", "hypothesis": "Poland's economy has not been influenced by Western Europe."} {"idx": "mnli-6813", "premise": "The overall approach applied in our estimates of the benefits of the Clear Skies Act closely parallels that used in prior EPA analyses, including the Section 812 series of Reports to Congress (U.S.", "hypothesis": "Section 8154 series of Reports to Congress"} {"idx": "mnli-6814", "premise": "You are going away?", "hypothesis": "Are you leaving?"} {"idx": "mnli-6815", "premise": "Their ventures into social topics focus on alcohol, drugs, domestic violence, adultery, divorce, illegitimacy, crime, and urban decay.", "hypothesis": "They have interviews with alcoholics and divorced parents."} {"idx": "mnli-6816", "premise": "The Waikiki hotels housed soldiers; the white sands were strung with barbed wire; and even the American currency in local circulation was stamped as HAWAII dollars, so that the enemy could not spend it on the world market if the islands fell.", "hypothesis": "Soldiers lived in the Maui hotels."} {"idx": "mnli-6817", "premise": "In the Rue des Forges, note the Hotel Chambellan (at number 34) and the Hotel Aubriot (at number 40), home of the Provost of Paris who built the Bastille prison.", "hypothesis": "The Provost that built the Bastille prison resided in the Hotel Chambellan."} {"idx": "mnli-6818", "premise": "Smith's decision this year to push a measure in the House that would spend as much birth-control money as the president asked might seem like progress.", "hypothesis": "The measure would eliminate funding for birth control."} {"idx": "mnli-6819", "premise": "She bought a Futurobot and already after turning it on, she knew it was a good purchase.", "hypothesis": "She was excited to try her Futurobot for the the first time."} {"idx": "mnli-6820", "premise": "uh he shows his feelings but he cannot express it and i think that's kind of sad in a way i see other fathers put their arms around their daughters or their sons and", "hypothesis": "He can't even express displeasure"} {"idx": "mnli-6821", "premise": "This is Italy's oldest ski resort and an Alpine Museum traces its history in the Casa delle Guide (Maison des Guides).", "hypothesis": "In the Alpine Museum, you can also find information about other Italian ski resorts."} {"idx": "mnli-6822", "premise": "improvement initiatives into programmatic decisions, planning to chart the direction the improvements will take, employee involvement in the change efforts, organizational realignment to streamline operations and clarify accountability, and congressional involvement and oversight.", "hypothesis": "The employees will be involved in all aspects of the planning phase."} {"idx": "mnli-6823", "premise": "yeah oh i agree i mean if we were to if if something were to happen i'm sure they would all of a sudden band together just for the sake of for the sake of uh of of unity against us or something if if if need be but", "hypothesis": "They could unite against us, if something happens."} {"idx": "mnli-6824", "premise": "The flames are nearly a foot high, they arc out from underneath the black leather hood; there is smoke, the huge buzzing sound of the electricity, there are white walls and Venetian blinds and linoleum underfoot.", "hypothesis": "There are smoke and flames, and the sound of buzzing."} {"idx": "mnli-6825", "premise": "Corporate-tax revenues took a nose dive in 1982 and 1983, regained some ground with the economic recovery, but then surged following passage of the 1986 tax reform--which deliberately raised taxes on corporations to pay for tax breaks for individuals.", "hypothesis": "Corporate tax revenues went down 35% in 1982 and 1983."} {"idx": "mnli-6826", "premise": "Even if it isn't, it may succeed in selling that argument to the public.", "hypothesis": "It may succeed in seling that argument because it is."} {"idx": "mnli-6827", "premise": "That's why ideally CNBC would feature nothing but informative pieces on publicly traded companies, with occasional glances at the overall economic climate.", "hypothesis": "Ideally, CNBC should never feature shows about companies that are traded publicly."} {"idx": "mnli-6828", "premise": "yeah good good that's great yeah well good luck", "hypothesis": "yes, great, well I wish you good luck."} {"idx": "mnli-6829", "premise": "appreciate it thanks bye", "hypothesis": "Thanks! Bye."} {"idx": "mnli-6830", "premise": "Francaise? he hazarded.", "hypothesis": "He guessed her name was Francaise."} {"idx": "mnli-6831", "premise": "Female athletes like them and Hamm have always had to shoulder the added freight of having to invent themselves.", "hypothesis": "Some women in athletics feel the need to reinforce their identity."} {"idx": "mnli-6832", "premise": "he's he's sort of it's he he's writes real good but usually it's the kind though that you don't want to start if you have to put it down very soon", "hypothesis": "Though it is easy to read, his writing is not good."} {"idx": "mnli-6833", "premise": "You ask about the cart, Callie, but don't make it definite.", "hypothesis": "Callie has an inquiry about the owner or user of a cart. "} {"idx": "mnli-6834", "premise": "oh i see yeah we we build uh laptop and notebook computers here in Temple also", "hypothesis": "Temple is where we build laptops and notebook computers."} {"idx": "mnli-6835", "premise": "An almost naked Jesus dispenses justice more like a stern, even fierce Classical god-hero than the conventionally gentle biblical figure.", "hypothesis": "Conservatively dressed, Jesus is depicted just as he is in the Bible."} {"idx": "mnli-6836", "premise": "A trade treaty gave the Dutch command of the spice trade but reserved Johor's rights in tin exports from Perak, Selangor, and Klang.", "hypothesis": "The spice trade was given to the Dutch in a trade treaty."} {"idx": "mnli-6837", "premise": "It was that all the Natashas in this Washington audience had suddenly recognized themselves.", "hypothesis": "People in the audience recognized themselves."} {"idx": "mnli-6838", "premise": "In general, arts and cultural articles are posted early in the week, and newsier and political stuff is posted Thursday and Friday.", "hypothesis": "Political stories get posted on Monday."} {"idx": "mnli-6839", "premise": "Menorca declared itself for the republic, and stayed with it to the bitter end.", "hypothesis": "The republic was supported by the island of Menorca."} {"idx": "mnli-6840", "premise": "Photographs of scantily dressed, genetically gifted women illustrate it.", "hypothesis": "Photos of gay sex acts are on it."} {"idx": "mnli-6841", "premise": "yeah real scruffy looking and it was it was really funny it's uh that that he winds up playing in the movie but i thought it's good that you know it was a lot of fun", "hypothesis": "I saw a clean cut fellow on the street. "} {"idx": "mnli-6842", "premise": "yeah i don't even know anymore i i follow the Dodgers more than the Phillies but uh i i grew up in Philadelphia i guess that's why", "hypothesis": "I can not stand baseball."} {"idx": "mnli-6843", "premise": "somebody dropped that baby when it was born oh", "hypothesis": "That baby must have been never injured in any way."} {"idx": "mnli-6844", "premise": "(Before the island's telephone service was boldly upgraded, it used to be easier to drive across the border than to put through a call to the other side. )", "hypothesis": "(The island didn't have enough money to upgrade it's telephone service for a long time.)"} {"idx": "mnli-6845", "premise": "that's right because the weather's going to get it exactly", "hypothesis": "The weather will not have an effect on it."} {"idx": "mnli-6846", "premise": "training, performance rewards and incentives, and performance appraisal systems.", "hypothesis": "Rewards, incentives and appraisal systems for performance, and training."} {"idx": "mnli-6847", "premise": "Let them fall between us and close in on their exposed flanks.", "hypothesis": "Just let them fall to the ground."} {"idx": "mnli-6848", "premise": "Tyrannical order is, in fact, the essence of the disease, as Flek teaches Anorexia, he intones, is all about control--about keeping chaos at bay.", "hypothesis": "They teach that keeping the chaos under control is the key to order."} {"idx": "mnli-6849", "premise": "56 The 12-step arm of Project Match had the best outcomes in the study, regardless of matching considerations.", "hypothesis": " The 12-step arm of Project Match had the worst outcomes in the study"} {"idx": "mnli-6850", "premise": "Companies admit that the logos help sales, thanks to the appearance of an endorsement where none exists.", "hypothesis": "A company logo is generally seen as an endorsement."} {"idx": "mnli-6851", "premise": "it's a an Italian film about uh this guy who uh who from when he was a little kid like ten years old", "hypothesis": " It's A French film about a girl that starts when she's an old lady. "} {"idx": "mnli-6852", "premise": "At least that was the theory.", "hypothesis": "That was definitely not the theory. "} {"idx": "mnli-6853", "premise": "and also the um i don't know it seems almost like there's this it's a peer pressure thing is why we keep wanting to do it is so we'll look good to the other nations because i think they that's an area that the other nations especially Europe look down on us like oh we're just backward wayward children who still use this backward system who haven't really attained it yet", "hypothesis": "I think succumbing to peer pressure is a sign of weakness."} {"idx": "mnli-6854", "premise": "One bold fellow carefully unwrapped the chain from the scorpion claw guard and ran off with the strange exotic weapon.", "hypothesis": "Someone ran off with an exotic weapon."} {"idx": "mnli-6855", "premise": "State-mandated course enables nearly 70 percent of divorcing couples to untie the knot without a lawyer.", "hypothesis": "State-mandated course forces 70% of divorcing couples to hire an attorney."} {"idx": "mnli-6856", "premise": "But his office deserves and demands it.", "hypothesis": "His office isn't deserving of it and didn't ask for it."} {"idx": "mnli-6857", "premise": "Finally he lifted his hand in faint greeting, sighed and dropped slowly to a seat.", "hypothesis": "He did not greet them that day."} {"idx": "mnli-6858", "premise": "On top of the prisoner's wardrobe?", "hypothesis": "So you found the parcel under his bed?"} {"idx": "mnli-6859", "premise": "and you were on a jury with some heinous you know criminal who had you know just wiped out an entire family", "hypothesis": "A criminal murdered a whole family. "} {"idx": "mnli-6860", "premise": "And Democrats, who want to run against the do-nothing Republicans in 2000, are happy to stall major legislation.", "hypothesis": "Democrats want to reclaim the Senate in 2000."} {"idx": "mnli-6861", "premise": "Boy Scouts, fraternities, drum and bugle corps, anti-Semitic croquet clubs with a deep bronze suntan hungry for a thick steak with a fried egg on top and a cigarette to settle the digestion!", "hypothesis": "Pale-skinned, prawn-sandwich-eating Jewish croquet clubs, and Girl Scouts."} {"idx": "mnli-6862", "premise": "we have a woman mayor", "hypothesis": "Our mayor is female."} {"idx": "mnli-6863", "premise": "Genoa sided with the Spanish to give Emperor Charles V access, via Milan, to his German territories, and later became a lucrative clearinghouse for Spain's newly discovered American silver.", "hypothesis": "American silver was worth nothing and was never sold or traded."} {"idx": "mnli-6864", "premise": "He sits in his kitchen and points to the adjacent room where he was born.", "hypothesis": "He pointed to the room next to the kitchen."} {"idx": "mnli-6865", "premise": "There were also 46 thousand rural routes, most of which had costs comparable to city delivery routes.", "hypothesis": "There are 738,000 rural routes."} {"idx": "mnli-6866", "premise": "well now if the lab is making an error on the sample then when they retest the error should not be there uh", "hypothesis": "The error should be present in retesting even if the lab made the error. "} {"idx": "mnli-6867", "premise": "Under Cambridge-trained lawyer Tunku Abdul Rahman, brother of the Sultan of Kedah, UMNO's conservative Malays formed an alliance with the English-educated bourgeoisie of the Malayan Chinese Association and Malayan Indian Congress.", "hypothesis": "An alliance was formed between the Malays, Malayan Chinese Association, and Malayan Indian Congress."} {"idx": "mnli-6868", "premise": "Shoes are just about as fashionable as in Spain and Italy, and are cheaper.", "hypothesis": "The shoes were made in France. "} {"idx": "mnli-6869", "premise": "She said that her central security group had recognized that policies, no matter how detailed, could never address every scenario that might lead to a security incident.", "hypothesis": "Policies are inadequate for providing blanket coverage of all scenarios."} {"idx": "mnli-6870", "premise": "Greuze stared at her.", "hypothesis": "Greuze walked away from her."} {"idx": "mnli-6871", "premise": "On cloudless days, a spectacular panorama awaits you.", "hypothesis": "The panorama is not pleasant."} {"idx": "mnli-6872", "premise": "And the cease-fire is if Iraq permits inspections, doesn't fly planes in certain areas, and doesn't threaten our troops, then we will hold our fire.", "hypothesis": "The cease-fire has no conditions attached to it."} {"idx": "mnli-6873", "premise": "The Centre Historique M??di??val is a good preparation for a tour of the site.", "hypothesis": "You can tour The Centre Historique which can tell you all about the history of Paris."} {"idx": "mnli-6874", "premise": "He said this week that he had sent a letter to the White House spelling out his questions about the organization.", "hypothesis": "He wanted to know what the name of the organization was."} {"idx": "mnli-6875", "premise": "Children will also enjoy the excellent sea-life center, Nausicaa, half an hour's drive north in Boulogne (the coast road is the prettiest).", "hypothesis": "It takes 33 minutes to drive from Nausicaa to Boulogne."} {"idx": "mnli-6876", "premise": "um because like we were asking some people that live in um North Dakota well are you saving your you know are you recycling and they said well we're not forced to do it yet so no", "hypothesis": "we talked to some people in North Dakota, and they said they all recycle voluntarily"} {"idx": "mnli-6877", "premise": "(MoMA trumpets the show here.)", "hypothesis": "MoMA never trumpeted anything since its establishment."} {"idx": "mnli-6878", "premise": "so what do you what's your opinion on the our policy down there", "hypothesis": "What do you think about our rules down there?"} {"idx": "mnli-6879", "premise": "He returned with the information that she was undoubtedly \"one of the crooks,\" but Tommy mistrusted the vividness of his imagination.", "hypothesis": "Tommy didn't trust his friend's imaginative explanation of what happened."} {"idx": "mnli-6880", "premise": "The federal government can explore how to design tax incentives that induce households to save enough to make up for the government's revenue loss and the lower government saving that would result.", "hypothesis": "Household savings is used to pay for retirement accounts."} {"idx": "mnli-6881", "premise": "They wouldn't need to breathe, anyhow.", "hypothesis": "It wouldn't matter that they couldn't breathe."} {"idx": "mnli-6882", "premise": "It's nothing much.", "hypothesis": "It's an incredible feat."} {"idx": "mnli-6883", "premise": "Before 1980, federal law prohibited interest to be generated on checking accounts maintained by federally insured banks.", "hypothesis": "Federal Law prohibited interest to be generated on checking accounts."} {"idx": "mnli-6884", "premise": "I have started dating a guy with wonderful qualities and think he has real possibilities for the long haul.", "hypothesis": "I think I will fall in love with the guy I am dating."} {"idx": "mnli-6885", "premise": "Not everyone, of course, can get to a rally.", "hypothesis": "Everyone can attend the women's march."} {"idx": "mnli-6886", "premise": "A Madeira with sandy beaches and direct flights from Great Britain and other points in Europe (and beginning in late 2000, North America) would surely not have been capable of staving off the mass-tourist market as it has thus far.", "hypothesis": "Madeira would have a lot more tourists if it had beaches."} {"idx": "mnli-6887", "premise": "More than 2,500 lawyers in the New York and Washington, D.C., areas have helped affected families and small-business owners through local bar groups.", "hypothesis": "Only 500 lawyers in New York and Washington D.C. have helped impacted families and small businesses."} {"idx": "mnli-6888", "premise": "Driving through the Wadi Jodz valley and up the slopes of the Mount of Olives takes you past the Augusta Victoria Hospital; after you turn at the crest of the hill, the Greek church of Viri Galilei ( Men of Galilee ) is on the right.", "hypothesis": "Every Sunday, hundreds of devotees climb the mount to attend mass at Viri Galilei."} {"idx": "mnli-6889", "premise": "well yeah but right um let's see here they've got it they've got it at like six six or six thirty and then they have it again at ten and ten thirty you know on a different channel", "hypothesis": "It' on at leat two times on two different channels. "} {"idx": "mnli-6890", "premise": "on Energy, Nuclear Proliferation, and Federal Services of the Senate Comm.", "hypothesis": "Nuclear Proliferation, Energy and Federal Services of the Senate Comm. make up this information."} {"idx": "mnli-6891", "premise": "A piece says the food-stamp program is funding the war in Kosovo.", "hypothesis": "An article proposed that the food stamp system is funding the war in Kosovo. "} {"idx": "mnli-6892", "premise": "You can also wander through the soothing Chinese garden, with its waterfalls and pretty red pergola.", "hypothesis": "The Chinese is not open to the public and visitors are prohibited. "} {"idx": "mnli-6893", "premise": "and uh we we don't have any kids yet but i i feel the same way it's really tough to find something", "hypothesis": "It's been so easy to find everything I've been looking for."} {"idx": "mnli-6894", "premise": "well that's they just put all our Christmas trees in the regular uh compost", "hypothesis": "The Christmas trees all go in with the regular compost."} {"idx": "mnli-6895", "premise": "Relief from this was offered by Dolce & Gabbana's two-piece in white lace and Lycra, indistinguishable from the underwear of 1949 and selling for only $125.", "hypothesis": "Dolce & Gabbana are selling the swimsuit for $125."} {"idx": "mnli-6896", "premise": "One tops a 40-m- (120-ft-) high clock tower that suggests inspiration from Big Ben in London.", "hypothesis": "Big Ben in London is artistic and complex."} {"idx": "mnli-6897", "premise": "But also he could trade for guns two, three, five guns at a time.", "hypothesis": "He was capable of sucking his thumb, that was it."} {"idx": "mnli-6898", "premise": "Others could have been included as well.", "hypothesis": "Including others was not a possibility."} {"idx": "mnli-6899", "premise": "It makes me giddy.", "hypothesis": "This makes me sad. "} {"idx": "mnli-6900", "premise": "we got Duke and North Carolina", "hypothesis": "We have Duke and North Carolina."} {"idx": "mnli-6901", "premise": "New principle-based accounting and reporting standards should be focused on value and risk.", "hypothesis": "The old accounting standards didn't focus on value."} {"idx": "mnli-6902", "premise": "Increasingly, managers make IT investment decisions based on the value of the investments to their enterprises, not just to a specific business unit or function.", "hypothesis": "Managers prefer to see how the investments have aided in their business operations."} {"idx": "mnli-6903", "premise": "At least he actually joined the military.", "hypothesis": "There are no militaries in which he joined."} {"idx": "mnli-6904", "premise": "united you can succeed individually you will fail and then there was a big climactic fight scene and they didn't remember that", "hypothesis": "You'll fail individually, specially in a fight. United you can succeed and beat them."} {"idx": "mnli-6905", "premise": "Cruises around Lake Annecy start from the Thiou river.", "hypothesis": "The Thiou river is the place where cruises start."} {"idx": "mnli-6906", "premise": "The recent clamor in the press and among some politicians to allow patients to sue insurers for medical malpractice makes it sound as if we are going in the wrong direction here, too.", "hypothesis": "If we allow patients to sue insurers, then doctors will be able to commit as much malpractice as they'd like, without any repercussions. "} {"idx": "mnli-6907", "premise": "Until I have found that last link in my chain, I must remain behind the scenes. ", "hypothesis": "I must not remain behind the scenes without the last link in my chain."} {"idx": "mnli-6908", "premise": "He still defended however.", "hypothesis": "He was still defending."} {"idx": "mnli-6909", "premise": "And supposing the Coroner's jury returns a verdict of Wilful Murder against Alfred Inglethorp. ", "hypothesis": "It seems very likely that the jury will return a guilty verdict."} {"idx": "mnli-6910", "premise": "No Spur R brand would ever be established here in Arizona.", "hypothesis": "Arizona's leading politicians had backed banning the Spur R brand."} {"idx": "mnli-6911", "premise": "Gentilello and colleagues at the Harborview Medical Center in Seattle, Washington, conducted a randomized controlled trial in a Level I trauma center.", "hypothesis": "Gentilello had 6 doctors in his team who regularly conduct trials in Seattle medical centers. "} {"idx": "mnli-6912", "premise": "For the federal government, tax incentives reduce tax revenue and hence government saving.", "hypothesis": "For the government tax incentives lower tax revenue and government saving "} {"idx": "mnli-6913", "premise": "The cover had been designed, the catalog copy written.", "hypothesis": "The catalog copy had yet to be written, while the cover looked like it would never be designed."} {"idx": "mnli-6914", "premise": "For example, operating information is required for development of financial reports.", "hypothesis": "The operating reports were delivered promptly."} {"idx": "mnli-6915", "premise": "Was it Julius Hersheimmer who helped you to escape? Tuppence recounted to Sir James the exciting events of the evening, ending up: \"But I can't see WHY!\"", "hypothesis": "Miss Tuppence was talking to Sir James"} {"idx": "mnli-6916", "premise": "Suizenji Park is an extravagant but attractive example of the extensive gardens of the 17th century.", "hypothesis": "Suizenji Park looks nothing like the gardens of the 17th century."} {"idx": "mnli-6917", "premise": "It has since served as the site of combats between lions and Christians, as a fortress for the invading Visigoths in the fifth century, as a communal residence for the poor in the Middle Ages, and today is the site of a variety of events including bullfights.", "hypothesis": "Today is the site of a variety of events like bullfights."} {"idx": "mnli-6918", "premise": "North American Man Boy Like Association.", "hypothesis": "There is an association for boys who love men."} {"idx": "mnli-6919", "premise": "He flung himself from the cabinet to the equipment table.", "hypothesis": "He was hopping off the cabinet because he saw a spider."} {"idx": "mnli-6920", "premise": "The administration's failure to act effectively in Bosnia (or in Rwanda) can't be blamed entirely, or even primarily, on Albright, whose job at the time was peripheral to the making and implementing of policy.", "hypothesis": "Albright was invited to implement policy by the administration."} {"idx": "mnli-6921", "premise": "With two steamers, antiquated artillery, and 94,000 lire in funds, Garibaldi set sail from Genoa with his Expedition of the Thousand. ", "hypothesis": "Garibaldi was excellent with managing the funds."} {"idx": "mnli-6922", "premise": "Since this time, membership has been of great monetary benefit to the country.", "hypothesis": "If it weren't for the economic benefits, the country would not have joined."} {"idx": "mnli-6923", "premise": "A few men were just planning to leave, and they looked at Dave suspiciously, but made no protest.", "hypothesis": "The men ignored Dave as they made their preparations to leave."} {"idx": "mnli-6924", "premise": "your husband what what group is your husband in", "hypothesis": "I want to know the group your spouse is in."} {"idx": "mnli-6925", "premise": "which is that's good that's good but", "hypothesis": "That's actually really not good."} {"idx": "mnli-6926", "premise": "Meats are specially cooked in tandoors (charcoal-fired clay ovens).", "hypothesis": "The meats are cooked in their tandoors."} {"idx": "mnli-6927", "premise": "For all three problems there are only three cut benefits, raise revenues, or borrow.", "hypothesis": "There are only three solutions to these problems and they are cut benefits and raise or borrow more money,"} {"idx": "mnli-6928", "premise": "He was the master of the left-hand, right?\"Yes,\" said Adrin.", "hypothesis": "Adrin agreed that the man had the left-hand mastered. "} {"idx": "mnli-6929", "premise": "He 60 listened for a moment or two, then tried the handle.", "hypothesis": "Before he tried to open the door, he listened for noise."} {"idx": "mnli-6930", "premise": "um-hum um-hum yeah i i i tend to get a little upset about loans to countries to obviously corrupt governments um", "hypothesis": "I'm glad when loans are given to countries with corrupt governments."} {"idx": "mnli-6931", "premise": "Both the proposed rule and the final rule were reviewed and approved as complying with the requirements of the Order based on the information supplied by FSIS, including the initial and final Regulatory Impact Analyses.", "hypothesis": "Both rules were reviewed and approved as complying with the requirements from the order based on supplied information."} {"idx": "mnli-6932", "premise": "The big prize was gold, particularly in South America, so for a while Madrid regarded the Caribbean chain as islands of Peru where the galleons could stop for fresh water.", "hypothesis": "South Americans wanted silver."} {"idx": "mnli-6933", "premise": "yeah i think that uh hopefully we as a country are learning a little more about it and they're getting nicer", "hypothesis": "We are educating ourselves as a country."} {"idx": "mnli-6934", "premise": "yes uh-huh oh i'd like to go anywhere you know i just like to go", "hypothesis": "I really enjoy getting away and traveling."} {"idx": "mnli-6935", "premise": "The bar was a dump.", "hypothesis": "The bar was in a bad place in town."} {"idx": "mnli-6936", "premise": "A spasm of pain crossed his face. ", "hypothesis": "A brief attack of pain swept across his face."} {"idx": "mnli-6937", "premise": "She actually cares.", "hypothesis": "She absolutely does not care. "} {"idx": "mnli-6938", "premise": "but uh i mean you got to be a total player when you're in the pros", "hypothesis": "You can still be in the pros even if you are not a total player."} {"idx": "mnli-6939", "premise": "We're fighting here because those men want their revenge.", "hypothesis": "The men wanted to avenge the death of their brother. "} {"idx": "mnli-6940", "premise": "yeah i i've i've seen uh they're they make some plastic edging stuff that comes in like three foot lengths and you can uh you can tape them together and and and put", "hypothesis": "The three foot plastic edgings are very convenient."} {"idx": "mnli-6941", "premise": "Inaugurated in 1960, the gardens have examples of virtually every plant that grows on Madeira and lots of subtropical flowers and plants from places like South Africa and Brazil.", "hypothesis": "The gardens are best in the spring when the flowers are in bloom."} {"idx": "mnli-6942", "premise": "His hopes were high.", "hypothesis": "He was about to succeed."} {"idx": "mnli-6943", "premise": "well my stepson you know i he went into the Navy or Air Force i just really get my military i married into a military family and i don't know i really address them all as generals so i don't offend anybody", "hypothesis": "My stepson entered the army."} {"idx": "mnli-6944", "premise": "Now the practice has its own a triple--a woman and her two men--whose child was taken away because of their unusual living arrangement.", "hypothesis": "A child was taken away due to unusual living circumstances."} {"idx": "mnli-6945", "premise": "PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT - A means of evaluating efficiency, effectiveness, and results.", "hypothesis": "The most often instance of a performance measurement being used is the case of manager and employee. "} {"idx": "mnli-6946", "premise": "Victor Schoelcher, the philanthropist who donated most of the library's books, is credited with abolishing slavery here.", "hypothesis": "The philanthropists who donated most of the libraries books was Victor Schoelcher. "} {"idx": "mnli-6947", "premise": "It differs from the contribution to SMI primarily in that it is paid by another program entity (the CCC) rather than directly by the General Fund.", "hypothesis": "The contribution to SMI was paid by another program entity and not directly by the General Fund."} {"idx": "mnli-6948", "premise": "Massachusetts put in a tough program in November 1995 and has seen its welfare rolls drop to the lowest level in 23 years.", "hypothesis": "Massachusetts put in a lenient program in 1995, increasing its welfare rolls significantly. "} {"idx": "mnli-6949", "premise": "These are tough cases for judges, Ms.", "hypothesis": "These are easy cases for judges."} {"idx": "mnli-6950", "premise": "Those who remained focused on preserving Polish language and culture if not the Polish state.", "hypothesis": "The Polish language survived while the state died."} {"idx": "mnli-6951", "premise": "Egypt was already dominated by foreign power the Assyrians and also began increasing trade and diplomacy with the expanding Roman Empire.", "hypothesis": "Although Egypt was dominated by the Assyrians, they began increasing trade with the Roman Empire."} {"idx": "mnli-6952", "premise": "This week, the president's advisory commission drafting his consumer-protection proposals endorsed a host of patients' rights, including the right to appeal mistreatment by insurers.", "hypothesis": "This week, the president's commission wrote the proposals for insurers rights."} {"idx": "mnli-6953", "premise": "but um i work in sort of a building that's that's not really it well it's on the campus of the TI facility but it's a little bit you know separated we lease the building and it's mainly it's a factory environment", "hypothesis": "The building I work in is on the campus of the TI facility and it has a factory type environment."} {"idx": "mnli-6954", "premise": "now you know sometimes i can understand maybe if they robbed something they didn't mean to do it okay but how many times you going to go by that how many times you going to this person keep killing so i don't know", "hypothesis": "I can understand that they robbed someplace, but this person is a killer and should be charged as that."} {"idx": "mnli-6955", "premise": "But I prefer to call him 'the Infinite.' '", "hypothesis": "I like to call him 'the Infinite'."} {"idx": "mnli-6956", "premise": "For the fifth consecutive year, it's going to let pretty girls ship everything book rate.", "hypothesis": "Pretty girls get more advantages than other girls."} {"idx": "mnli-6957", "premise": "Six (6) delivery days per week times 52 weeks less 10 holidays.", "hypothesis": "There is one day of the week that is not considered a delivery day."} {"idx": "mnli-6958", "premise": "This uncertainty in the expected drawings not only indicates that the design was not stable when initial manufacturing began but also shows that there was a significant lack of knowledge about the design.", "hypothesis": "Some people lacked knowledge about the design."} {"idx": "mnli-6959", "premise": "Sounds a little like Wright's Ferberizing experiences to me.", "hypothesis": "They were well read in the subject matter."} {"idx": "mnli-6960", "premise": "After saying we learn nothing from current Darwinian theorizing about any darkness in human nature, he continues, At the very most, biology might help us to delimit the environmental circumstances that tend to elicit one behavior rather than the other.", "hypothesis": "Ignoring psychology, biology may help us understand why the environment tends to bring out of type of behavior over another."} {"idx": "mnli-6961", "premise": "I had two gripes.", "hypothesis": "There are two issues the speaker has."} {"idx": "mnli-6962", "premise": "Of Decter's comments, the less said the better.", "hypothesis": "We need more of Dector's comments."} {"idx": "mnli-6963", "premise": "The forested Malabar coast in the west is sown with crops of coconut, betel-nut, pepper, rubber, and cashew nut, which today still tempt ships across the Arabian Sea.", "hypothesis": "Sailors often get stock along the forested coast of Malabar."} {"idx": "mnli-6964", "premise": "Jon shot into the flank of a horse and then another, building a wall of flailing, kicking beasts to separate the charge from the group they had let through.", "hypothesis": "Jon let the horses go."} {"idx": "mnli-6965", "premise": "I was immediately unnerved.", "hypothesis": "I thought this was fun."} {"idx": "mnli-6966", "premise": "now we've let some people go uh that well it was found that drugs were used in their system now i don't know how TEC would handle it they haven't pursued it you know", "hypothesis": "We fired people who used drugs."} {"idx": "mnli-6967", "premise": "Not real early, Dad.", "hypothesis": "It isn't that early in the day, Dad."} {"idx": "mnli-6968", "premise": "Likewise, it comes as no surprise that as a result of the increasing complexity and breadth of issues facing the Congress, the legislature is availing itself of GAO's services and support on an unprecedented and accelerating basis.", "hypothesis": "Everybody is surprised that the legislature is availing itself of GAO's services."} {"idx": "mnli-6969", "premise": "This, plus the Senate's expected consideration of comprehensive energy legislation this session, reinforces the need for the information we requested concerning the development of the National Energy Policy proposal.", "hypothesis": "The Senate is going to consider energy legislation soon."} {"idx": "mnli-6970", "premise": "Lincoln smiled.", "hypothesis": "Lincoln could only manage a frown."} {"idx": "mnli-6971", "premise": "Even in Finland.", "hypothesis": "Finland and other countries."} {"idx": "mnli-6972", "premise": "Down in the lowland forests there are several national parks, including the popular Royal Chitwan National Park, where rhinos, tigers, elephants, deer, and hundreds of species of birds can be spotted.", "hypothesis": "There are no national parks in the lowland forests, so seeing animals is impossible."} {"idx": "mnli-6973", "premise": "What Tuppence had expected she hardly knew, but the sight of its red brick stolidity slightly assuaged the growing and entirely unreasonable uneasiness that possessed her.", "hypothesis": "The sight of the red bricks did not make Tuppence feel anything. "} {"idx": "mnli-6974", "premise": "But somehow I don't see Mr. Whittington in the role of the gay deceiver.\"", "hypothesis": "I don't see how Mr. Whittington fit the role of the gay deceiver."} {"idx": "mnli-6975", "premise": "He cut the flesh badly, but at last he felt the cord slacken.", "hypothesis": "He cut the flesh perfectly, but felt the cord was still tight."} {"idx": "mnli-6976", "premise": "David Arnold Hanson was a power to reckon with.", "hypothesis": " David Arnold Hanson was of extreme power."} {"idx": "mnli-6977", "premise": "(They may not even be good tools for buying day care.", "hypothesis": "It could be they aren't even good tools for buying day care, said the manager."} {"idx": "mnli-6978", "premise": "But for a married man to have oral sex with a woman employee less than half his age in the Oval Office --I can't claim not to be offended by that.", "hypothesis": "I don't care what a man does."} {"idx": "mnli-6979", "premise": "We generated emissions estimates for the baseline by projecting changes in emissions under the baseline case for 2010 and 2020.", "hypothesis": "Emissions estimates were based on projected changes in 2010 and 2020."} {"idx": "mnli-6980", "premise": "well if you want to get a good camp site yeah you can go down and get a camp site pretty near any weekend they get prett y crowded on the uh you know the main July Fourth of July and", "hypothesis": "There is always a lot of space even during big holidays."} {"idx": "mnli-6981", "premise": "Although the bed dates from the 1680s, it has never been slept in by royalty.", "hypothesis": "The bed was made in the 1800s."} {"idx": "mnli-6982", "premise": "Rates based on numerals could result, even though there would be transaction costs.", "hypothesis": "There wouldn't be transaction costs without numbers"} {"idx": "mnli-6983", "premise": "The folks weren't there anymore and I wanted to see what it was like.\"", "hypothesis": "I wanted to check out what it was like after the folks were gone."} {"idx": "mnli-6984", "premise": "If I lose, then it's a reflection on the whole family.", "hypothesis": "A loss would be a reflection on my parents."} {"idx": "mnli-6985", "premise": "Brief physician advice for problem a randomized controlled trial in community based primary care practices.", "hypothesis": "Randomized trials cannot be conducted in community based primary care practices."} {"idx": "mnli-6986", "premise": "They would descend upon him like a pack of blood thirsty wolves.", "hypothesis": "They would descend upon him like a rabbit in the morning."} {"idx": "mnli-6987", "premise": "He mined none of it himself but his experience of the trail made him of use to the salt miners.", "hypothesis": "He was of no use to the salt miners."} {"idx": "mnli-6988", "premise": "The moral strength of his non-violent philosophy was immediately tested in the Punjab, where the hartal erupted into riots.", "hypothesis": "The Punjab tested the moral strength of his non-violent philosophy when the hartal erupted into riots there, but it came out stronger than before when peaceful protesters returned. "} {"idx": "mnli-6989", "premise": "It was published in the Federal Register as a final rule on December 9, 1997.", "hypothesis": "It was published as a final rule in 1997."} {"idx": "mnli-6990", "premise": "Mulid En Nabi is another major holiday it celebrates the Prophet's Birthday.", "hypothesis": "The Prophet's Birthday is celebrated on Mulid En Nabi."} {"idx": "mnli-6991", "premise": "With an effort Mrs. Vandemeyer pulled herself together and tried to resume her former manner.", "hypothesis": "Mrs. Vandemeyer was hiding something."} {"idx": "mnli-6992", "premise": "The case study is a method of learning about a complex instance, based on a comprehensive understanding of that instance obtained by extensive description and analysis of the instance taken as a whole and in its context.", "hypothesis": "The case study is a way to learn about a complex instance."} {"idx": "mnli-6993", "premise": "Ricardo Santos", "hypothesis": "The man is named Ricardo Javier Santos."} {"idx": "mnli-6994", "premise": "\"No trouble this trip?\" Topham had come to the door of the cantina, his hand outstretched.", "hypothesis": "Topham had come to the door to shake hands. "} {"idx": "mnli-6995", "premise": "At the time Stupa I was built, Buddha himself was not represented in human form, but symbolized by the horse on which he rode away from his palace, by the wheel of law, by his footprints, and by the pipal tree under which he found enlightenment.", "hypothesis": "Buddha has always been represented as a human."} {"idx": "mnli-6996", "premise": "On the other hand, Walter Shapiro's column in USAT touching on the controversy does properly credit Salon . Not doing so is bush league and cheats the reader out of being able to look at more facts.", "hypothesis": "Shapiro writes a column for Newsweek."} {"idx": "mnli-6997", "premise": "(Click here to buy the book.)", "hypothesis": "Click here to purchase a box of chocolates."} {"idx": "mnli-6998", "premise": "Specifically, we have identified 4 overall goals common to these leading organizations along with 11 practices that were critical to their ability to meet these goals.", "hypothesis": "There are 11 practices critical to their being able to meet their goals."} {"idx": "mnli-6999", "premise": "Pollard does not, in fact, seem to be terribly remorseful.", "hypothesis": "The person does not exhibit any regret."} {"idx": "mnli-7000", "premise": "and uh if i do have to approach the uh the controller or the vice president i feel i just have that little little extra confidence in myself being dressed that way", "hypothesis": "When dressed that way, I am more confident when I have to approach the controller or the vice president. "} {"idx": "mnli-7001", "premise": "it's it's so full of bullshit the the drug war is just terrible you can't trace it because a lot of the authorities are probably tied up into it i mean you know months ago it was the the military", "hypothesis": "The drug war is terrible, and it is hard to trace."} {"idx": "mnli-7002", "premise": "Avis' profits jumped 35 percent in the first six months of employee ownership, and the company remained profitable for the next decade.", "hypothesis": "Avis saw a spike in their profits, and a profitable decade thereafter."} {"idx": "mnli-7003", "premise": "The administration's spin is that demands and conditions are the opposite of negotiation.", "hypothesis": "This is the latest attempt by the administration to back away from its previous grandiose statements."} {"idx": "mnli-7004", "premise": "After various questions on other matters, Mr. Philips asked: \"In the month of June last, do you remember a parcel arriving for Mr. Lawrence Cavendish from Parkson's?\" Dorcas shook her head. ", "hypothesis": "Dorcas confirmed that he remembered a package being deliver to Mr. Cavendish."} {"idx": "mnli-7005", "premise": " Breakfast, Anyone?", "hypothesis": "Does anyone want to have a meal following waking up?"} {"idx": "mnli-7006", "premise": "'Tough,' Natalia said flatly.", "hypothesis": "Natalia said it was tough."} {"idx": "mnli-7007", "premise": "Inside the structure a shaft was dug 28 m (91 ft) into the bedrock where the Djoser's burial chamber was situated.", "hypothesis": "Egyptians never had the technology to dig more than 2 meters."} {"idx": "mnli-7008", "premise": "uh-huh uh-huh well i guess it was a uh a very successful movie financially so we may say more slapstick", "hypothesis": "I guess the movie should have some more action."} {"idx": "mnli-7009", "premise": "The disproportionate number of small business addresses in Italy (Scarfiglieri and Visco Comandini 2001) may help explain this.", "hypothesis": "It is seen that there is a disproportionate number of small business addresses in Italy."} {"idx": "mnli-7010", "premise": "And I'll look after YOU, retorted Tuppence, resenting the manly assertion.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence is a strong, independent woman."} {"idx": "mnli-7011", "premise": "These estimates also suggest that increasing U.S. national saving would not substantially decrease the return to capital and therefore could provide significant improvement to future incomes and consumption.", "hypothesis": "The estimates suggest that raising national saving would bring capital back."} {"idx": "mnli-7012", "premise": "no no this is more like hickories hickory type you know depending on the barbecue", "hypothesis": "hickory, as in the type of barbecue!"} {"idx": "mnli-7013", "premise": "Not this color, not that that 'texture', not that intensity of light reflection.", "hypothesis": "Not this color, reflection, or intensity."} {"idx": "mnli-7014", "premise": "do you back up to it on the south side or the east side", "hypothesis": "Did your house burn down?"} {"idx": "mnli-7015", "premise": "It is time to revisit and update the Clean Air Act once again in order to achieve the additional reductions needed to address public health and environmental problems in the most cost effective manner.", "hypothesis": "The Clean Air Act does not currently address environmental problems in the most optimal way."} {"idx": "mnli-7016", "premise": "Rather than a formal church, Hinduism is a guide to a virtuous life and a structure for social relationships.", "hypothesis": "Hinduism focuses on a formal church disregarding a virtuous life. "} {"idx": "mnli-7017", "premise": "16 In another study by Sommers and colleagues15 involving two trauma centers, patients who were injured in vehicular crashes and had a positive BAC were asked, To what extent do you believe your alcohol consumption was responsible for this injury?", "hypothesis": "Vehicle accident victims brought to the trauma center with a positive BAC were asked how much they thought drinking alcohol played a part in causing the injury."} {"idx": "mnli-7018", "premise": "Hill never claimed that her unpleasant encounters with Thomas constituted actionable sexual harassment.", "hypothesis": "Hill had unpleasant experiences with someone named Thomas."} {"idx": "mnli-7019", "premise": "They cut taxes, they helped balance the budget, and they're putting people on welfare back to work.", "hypothesis": "They increased taxes, and forced people out of work."} {"idx": "mnli-7020", "premise": "You must let me know if anything further comes to light.", "hypothesis": "Let me know if you learn anything new."} {"idx": "mnli-7021", "premise": "For example, under the Acid Rain Program during 1995-2007, the owner or operator of a unit that fails to hold allowances covering its annual sulfur dioxide emissions is treated as having excess emissions.", "hypothesis": "The owner of the unit will not have excess emissions in any situation."} {"idx": "mnli-7022", "premise": "After several unsuccessful skirmishes, the Christian forces of Alfonso VI captured Madrid in 1083.", "hypothesis": "The Christians defeated Madrid after losing a few battles."} {"idx": "mnli-7023", "premise": "To the east of the palace are the Eglise Saint-Etienne and arresting Eglise Saint-Michel.", "hypothesis": "The Eglise Saint-Etienne can be found to the west of the palace. "} {"idx": "mnli-7024", "premise": "yeah um-hum um-hum well at least let them start off gradually you know fine so they won't jump into paying full health care let them pay you know partial and each year just you know let's increase it from there", "hypothesis": "Start off gradually asking for benefits."} {"idx": "mnli-7025", "premise": "Git 'long there, you knock-kneed, goat-headed wagon-loafer! He pushed on to haze another slacker.", "hypothesis": "He was angry that they were moving so slow."} {"idx": "mnli-7026", "premise": "The real me, in my real body.", "hypothesis": "My true self, contained in my true body."} {"idx": "mnli-7027", "premise": "well the camping i grew up with was like tents and Coleman stove type and uh you know that just either out in the woods or actually i i grew up water skiing i was uh from California and so we would go up to the Sacramento uh river sloughs the delta there", "hypothesis": "Water skiing was my favorite thing to do growing up."} {"idx": "mnli-7028", "premise": "Has the post-Tarrantino crime flick lost its charm?", "hypothesis": "I have absolutely no doubt that the movie remains charming. "} {"idx": "mnli-7029", "premise": "do i think they should", "hypothesis": "You've been asking me for months if they should."} {"idx": "mnli-7030", "premise": "And reigning supreme over Kanto is a sublime spiritual comment on the vanity of all such human sacred Mt.", "hypothesis": "There is a comment about vanity."} {"idx": "mnli-7031", "premise": "you know like uh beef teriyaki or or chicken fingers or that type of thing uh egg rolls", "hypothesis": "Egg rolls or beef teriyaki or chicken fingers, those types of things."} {"idx": "mnli-7032", "premise": "We had rather a scramble to get ready in time; and before the meal was over the motor was waiting at the door. ", "hypothesis": "We were going to the market after dinner."} {"idx": "mnli-7033", "premise": "'There's nothing here!' Irate voices called.", "hypothesis": "The voices said nothing was there."} {"idx": "mnli-7034", "premise": "Madrid is simply too young a city to have a great medieval cathedral.", "hypothesis": "If Madrid would have been established ten years earlier, it would have a cathedral."} {"idx": "mnli-7035", "premise": "The report, 'Fields of Poison,' found that California farmworkers face greater risk of pesticide poisoning than any other segment of the population and are not adequately protected.", "hypothesis": "The report suggested ways to decrease California farmworkers exposure to toxic pesticides."} {"idx": "mnli-7036", "premise": "There is a total of 12,800 Buddha statues here, plus the remains of the monastery's founder embalmed in gold leaf.", "hypothesis": "There are 22,000 Buddha statues here. "} {"idx": "mnli-7037", "premise": "What is it? I asked solicitously. ", "hypothesis": "I didn't want to know what it was."} {"idx": "mnli-7038", "premise": "Because the box was empty. ", "hypothesis": "The box was empty and open."} {"idx": "mnli-7039", "premise": " The cloud of glowing stuff from the rising air column was spreading out now, reflecting the light and heat back to the earth.", "hypothesis": "The glowing cloud did not spread but remained stationary, quietly floating over the ground. "} {"idx": "mnli-7040", "premise": "You'll pass two huge sentinel statues 21 m (68 ft) high on the river plain facing out towards the Nile.", "hypothesis": "The two sentinel statues are 21 m high and 3 m wide. "} {"idx": "mnli-7041", "premise": "and uh i just i heard a comment on the radio this morning that uh you know it it gets to a point where uh if enough people are are going to be slaughtered over there over the the the internal problems um somebody may step in again but uh i really think it's it's a UN issue", "hypothesis": "We should definitely not involve the UN."} {"idx": "mnli-7042", "premise": "He made his selection with care.", "hypothesis": "He took the first thing he saw without thinking. "} {"idx": "mnli-7043", "premise": "Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori is in deep Citizens are angry over his alleged illegal wiretapping and suppression of journalists, and newly discovered documents indicate that he may have been born in Japan rather than Peru, which would make him ineligible for his job.", "hypothesis": "Fujimori won't confirm if he was born in Japan or Peru."} {"idx": "mnli-7044", "premise": "Back in Baggot Street is the main office of the Bank of Ireland.", "hypothesis": "The main office of the Bank of England is in Baggot Street."} {"idx": "mnli-7045", "premise": "okay now you're not going to get to vote but you're going to have to do what that person says they would understand probably by the time they were in high school they'd be ready to vote", "hypothesis": "You're way too young to vote."} {"idx": "mnli-7046", "premise": "is that new", "hypothesis": "Was that made recently?"} {"idx": "mnli-7047", "premise": "Some of these complaints are valid.", "hypothesis": "Some complaints have merit while some do not."} {"idx": "mnli-7048", "premise": "Thereafter, receipts remain at 20.", "hypothesis": "They had only 17 receipts."} {"idx": "mnli-7049", "premise": "Havana was founded along a vast natural harbor in 1519.", "hypothesis": "Havana was founded along a vast natural harbor in 1519 alowing to to be involved in ocean trade."} {"idx": "mnli-7050", "premise": "Six million Poles lost their lives during World War II, and the Jewish population was decimated, reduced from 3 million to just a couple thousand.", "hypothesis": "Sixty million Poles lost their lives during World War II, and the whole of Jewish population survived, and even gre wfrom 3 million to 3.1 million."} {"idx": "mnli-7051", "premise": "The control activities used by an organization to address improper payments vary according to the specific threats faced and risks incurred; differences in objectives; managerial judgment; size and complexity of the organization; operational environment; sensitivity and value of data; and requirements for system reliability, availability, and performance.", "hypothesis": "There were no monitoring of the activities and any of their performances. "} {"idx": "mnli-7052", "premise": "Political consultants have given the edge in this race to the candidate who best addresses concerns about education, economic development, and the security of those who depend on San Antonio's military bases.", "hypothesis": "The candidates that focus upon the subjects of education definitely will not win. "} {"idx": "mnli-7053", "premise": "But time pressed.", "hypothesis": "Time stopped."} {"idx": "mnli-7054", "premise": "I'm sure these are fogeyish and undiscriminating sentiments.", "hypothesis": "These beliefs are very refined."} {"idx": "mnli-7055", "premise": "The sexy girls with terrific hair would dashingly toss a couple of yards of plain wool around their necks", "hypothesis": "The girls were only average-looking, but they wore heavily embellished scarves and coats"} {"idx": "mnli-7056", "premise": "we came back when they were teenagers", "hypothesis": "We came back here when they became teenagers."} {"idx": "mnli-7057", "premise": "yeah the hardest part about uh water pump changes is getting all the junk off before you can get too it", "hypothesis": "I don't have any information on changing water pumps."} {"idx": "mnli-7058", "premise": "you know like they they at least you know they've been in a courtroom before", "hypothesis": "This is literally their first time standing in a courtroom."} {"idx": "mnli-7059", "premise": "San Juan also became the center for the Catholic Church's evangelization of the New World; numerous churches, convents, and monasteries were established throughout the island to aid in this effort.", "hypothesis": "Jewish temples are also in Puerto Rico. "} {"idx": "mnli-7060", "premise": "Blacks and whites began to meet and date, especially on college campuses, which started admitting African-Americans in larger numbers in the '60s and '70s.", "hypothesis": "Asian men began dating white women more often."} {"idx": "mnli-7061", "premise": "A magnificent Evie Hone stained-glass window adorns the landing in the main entrance; it is beautifully complemented by the carpet and balustrade designed by Mary Fitzgerald.", "hypothesis": "The carpet and balustrade complement the stained-glass window."} {"idx": "mnli-7062", "premise": "At least one evening during a stay, men from a nearby Tharu village will perform their traditional martial arts-like stick dance.", "hypothesis": "Women perform the traditional martial art-like dance. "} {"idx": "mnli-7063", "premise": "Down Sonora way one of them Mexes would dig right down to th' bottom of his money chest to buy a hoss like that.", "hypothesis": "There are no Mexicans down in Sonora."} {"idx": "mnli-7064", "premise": "The slavemasters showed them worse things than bad dreams or scary statues.", "hypothesis": "The slave masters knew they could not be scared. "} {"idx": "mnli-7065", "premise": "'That's what we want from our leaders, isn't it? For them to be smarter than us.'", "hypothesis": "We want our leaders to be dumb."} {"idx": "mnli-7066", "premise": "uh-huh yeah what are we yeah yeah hat's in the juice this is what i would put in juice", "hypothesis": "I don't put this in juice."} {"idx": "mnli-7067", "premise": "How'd that get there? He lifted the canvas, looked in, and said, with relief, \"They're still there.\"", "hypothesis": "He picked up the canvas to take a peek."} {"idx": "mnli-7068", "premise": "Down the road from the Russian church, the chapel's dome is now in the grounds of a mosque.", "hypothesis": "There are no mosques anywhere near the Russian church."} {"idx": "mnli-7069", "premise": "threw it away oh gosh let's see the teams that i think the A's were in it last year the Oakland A's and i think it was i don't think it was an all California baseball", "hypothesis": "I'm trying to remember and I think that it included mostly teams from California like the Oakland A's."} {"idx": "mnli-7070", "premise": "well well the difficulty i have is that uh are we our neighbor's keepers", "hypothesis": "The dilemma I have is, um, we're our neighbor's caretakers because they're unable to walk by themselves."} {"idx": "mnli-7071", "premise": "In his August 2, 2001, letter to both Houses of Congress, the Vice President raised a number of objections to providing the information we requested.", "hypothesis": "The VP wrote the letter to Congress."} {"idx": "mnli-7072", "premise": "They serve dinner only.", "hypothesis": "They only serve breakfast."} {"idx": "mnli-7073", "premise": "It is a singularly human facial feature, one that even the Neanderthals lacked.", "hypothesis": "Not even the Neanderthals had the feature. "} {"idx": "mnli-7074", "premise": "When he died in 1624, he bequeathed his fortune to the education and upkeep of orphans, and the school was subsequently built for this purpose.", "hypothesis": "The school was built five years after he died."} {"idx": "mnli-7075", "premise": "yeah i've got a little doggy uh that i've had quite uh quite a long time in fact she just turned sixteen years old New Year's Eve", "hypothesis": "I have a dog."} {"idx": "mnli-7076", "premise": "Everything went black.", "hypothesis": "Everything turned purple. "} {"idx": "mnli-7077", "premise": "Modern FGD systems typically use fewer and smaller absorbers and increasingly control greater amounts of generating capacity using common absorbers fed by multiple boilers.", "hypothesis": "There are many ways in which the absorbers will be used."} {"idx": "mnli-7078", "premise": "They spent a couple of minutes chatting, before heading off toward the town's main road.", "hypothesis": "They spoke a few minutes and move in the direction of the central street in town. "} {"idx": "mnli-7079", "premise": "The hearing heightened awareness of some of the problems LSC was encountering in attempting to provide accurate statistics relating to services provided by LSC grantees.", "hypothesis": "The LSC grantees had no statistics taken."} {"idx": "mnli-7080", "premise": "Satirizing the efficiency of financial markets, he The market, again by definition, had to be right.", "hypothesis": "The financial markets are not very efficient."} {"idx": "mnli-7081", "premise": "You can also escape the preoccupations of existence at the wildlife sanctuary of Kanha.", "hypothesis": "The wildlife sanctuary is home to over 50 different species of animal."} {"idx": "mnli-7082", "premise": "Access to La Baie de Saint-Jean, the most-photographed of Saint-Barthelemy's 22 beaches, is quite easy.", "hypothesis": "The Baie de Saint-Jean is photographed often due to its picturesque sunsets."} {"idx": "mnli-7083", "premise": "Three minutes later came another, a man of commanding appearance, exquisitely dressed, and evidently well born.", "hypothesis": "Three minutes later came another well born man, continued the story."} {"idx": "mnli-7084", "premise": "The site is a microcosm of Jerusalem's the lowest level of the pool dates from Hasmonean times, the Romans subsequently built a pagan shrine here, the Byzantines built a large church to commemorate Jesus's miracle, and the Crusaders constructed a chapel all swept away over the centuries.", "hypothesis": "The chapel is still standing till today."} {"idx": "mnli-7085", "premise": "In the early days of the movies, before special effects, they had trouble getting off the ground.", "hypothesis": "Special effects are not used in making movies."} {"idx": "mnli-7086", "premise": "Divorces and custody battles are simply out of their financial reach.", "hypothesis": "They're staying married, only because a divorce or separation would be too expensive."} {"idx": "mnli-7087", "premise": "There is a selection of English books, including many titles devoted to Turkish history, art, and architecture.", "hypothesis": "The collection of books also contain many tomes about classic Arabic plays and stories."} {"idx": "mnli-7088", "premise": "Ferries also go to Terre-de-Bas, leaving from Pointe Pitre, St-Francois, Trois-Riviyres, and Basse-Terre.", "hypothesis": "Ferries leave from Terre-de-Bas, and go to Pointe Pitre."} {"idx": "mnli-7089", "premise": "It's supposed to be no later than Jan.", "hypothesis": "It is supposed to be in February at some point."} {"idx": "mnli-7090", "premise": "They grabbed th' herd.", "hypothesis": "The herd fell of the cliff."} {"idx": "mnli-7091", "premise": "Like Jon, his head was bare.", "hypothesis": "Jon had shaved his head."} {"idx": "mnli-7092", "premise": "Hello, sir.\" ", "hypothesis": "Hello, sir, I've been looking for you."} {"idx": "mnli-7093", "premise": "We're halfway through Utah.", "hypothesis": "We have yet to begin the drive through Utah."} {"idx": "mnli-7094", "premise": "Won't This Hurt Tony Blair's Feelings?", "hypothesis": "Won't Tony Blair absolutely love this?"} {"idx": "mnli-7095", "premise": "because he he well was he was the youngest quarterback there was wasn't he", "hypothesis": "I think he was the quarterback with the most seniority."} {"idx": "mnli-7096", "premise": "yeah i don't know i i think that uh i know that judges aren't supposed to be crooked however", "hypothesis": "I know judges are supposed to very corrupt. "} {"idx": "mnli-7097", "premise": "Can't you make them a little more real?'", "hypothesis": "It would be better if they were a bit more realistic."} {"idx": "mnli-7098", "premise": "I'm glad to know definitely.", "hypothesis": "Someone had told me so I could be sure."} {"idx": "mnli-7099", "premise": "The German came forward and shook hands.", "hypothesis": "The German shook hands after coming forward."} {"idx": "mnli-7100", "premise": "The variation between quintiles can be explained by greater fixed costs in the less densely populated quintiles than in the more populated quintiles.", "hypothesis": "Fixed costs consist mostly of expenses involved in purchasing and maintaining equipment."} {"idx": "mnli-7101", "premise": "yeah wonder if they're going to take into account with this commutiv uh this computerized conversation that there's little children you know bouncing in your knee the whole time your talking", "hypothesis": "I hope they consider the fact that some of us have children while we are talking."} {"idx": "mnli-7102", "premise": "Though it lacked the size of the uninhabitable hydrogen-ammonia planets and its low density made its surface gravity fairly normal, its gravitational forces fell off but slowly with distance.", "hypothesis": "There was no gravity on the surface."} {"idx": "mnli-7103", "premise": "This paper will be restricted to dealing with this aspect.", "hypothesis": "The paper will expand to other aspects."} {"idx": "mnli-7104", "premise": "Hungerford stated that the goal of the conference was not to achieve unanimity regarding the recommendations, but to have significant and general agreement.", "hypothesis": "Hungerford stated that the purpose of the conference was to achieve unanimity."} {"idx": "mnli-7105", "premise": "Such simulations can illustrate the long-term economic consequences of saving choices that are made today.", "hypothesis": "What is done today has no affect on the long term consequences."} {"idx": "mnli-7106", "premise": "and the buying a house was the last thing that i wanted to do", "hypothesis": "I was desperate to buy a house."} {"idx": "mnli-7107", "premise": "you know uh yeah yeah there's one favorite place that we have called August Moon that's that's pretty good and uh i've got one thing on the menu that i really love but um we don't do that probably as often we used to do a a quick take out kind of place that wasn't real great Chinese but we used to do we just liked vegetable fried rice quite a bit", "hypothesis": "We never liked the food at August Moon."} {"idx": "mnli-7108", "premise": "well well and especially around North Dallas or at least in Plano area they basically all look alike because Fox and Jacobs and", "hypothesis": "In Plano everything looks very different from one another. "} {"idx": "mnli-7109", "premise": "If it's foodstuffs you're after, there are some unusual offerings in the Lakes.", "hypothesis": "If you want food, the lake has a lot of options."} {"idx": "mnli-7110", "premise": "Is it? The train was moving now, speeding through the night at a gradually increasing rate.", "hypothesis": "The train was moving close to maximum speed."} {"idx": "mnli-7111", "premise": "Perhaps the e-raters think technology is still crawling along as it did when Theodore Vail cut his monopoly deal.", "hypothesis": "Vail did not make a deal to create a monopoly."} {"idx": "mnli-7112", "premise": "Stark had planned this well.", "hypothesis": "This was something that was planned well by Stark."} {"idx": "mnli-7113", "premise": "The federal CIO is also subject to a funding process that is more complex and uncertain than in most other organizations.", "hypothesis": "It is uncertain in most other organizations because they don't usually keep good records."} {"idx": "mnli-7114", "premise": "But they exaggerate the propaganda power of Time Warner media.", "hypothesis": "Everyone has a realistic viewpoint on the power of the company."} {"idx": "mnli-7115", "premise": "does reflect the impacts of long-term exposure.", "hypothesis": "The long-term exposure shows itself."} {"idx": "mnli-7116", "premise": "Right you are.", "hypothesis": "As usual, you are right."} {"idx": "mnli-7117", "premise": "A mouse, or some such, must have nibbled the wire through. ", "hypothesis": "It looks like a rodent or something has nibbled through the wire."} {"idx": "mnli-7118", "premise": "yeah yeah and it may come to that you know with the electronic age", "hypothesis": "This is how it may turn out."} {"idx": "mnli-7119", "premise": "It would be an understatement to describe the Italians as sports enthusiasts, at least as far as spectator sports are concerned.", "hypothesis": "Italians are very poor and boring fans to have at sporting events."} {"idx": "mnli-7120", "premise": "There are three other resorts along the strip, used almost exclusively by Israeli citizens.", "hypothesis": "The resorts of the strip are primarily used by Scots."} {"idx": "mnli-7121", "premise": "5 The achievement of having the lowest cost person do the work is sometimes referred to as an outcome of lowest combined cost.", "hypothesis": "The work is done by the lowest cost person."} {"idx": "mnli-7122", "premise": "At that moment, a male voice on the TV interrupted:", "hypothesis": "The man's voice on the television was disturbing. "} {"idx": "mnli-7123", "premise": "I'm sure my language to her was as sweet,", "hypothesis": "My language was kind."} {"idx": "mnli-7124", "premise": "we have two daughters and a son and uh he just can't do that and i i know that he would if he could and i i kind of feel sorry for him because i think he misses a lot and", "hypothesis": "He cannot play with them"} {"idx": "mnli-7125", "premise": "Many of these players tend to be arrogant and believe that the end justifies the means.", "hypothesis": "All of these players tend to be arrogant and believe that the end justifies the means."} {"idx": "mnli-7126", "premise": "It was the first of many times that the Fort of Eidyn would change hands between the kingdoms of the north and the south.", "hypothesis": "Fort Eidyn was only transferred from the southern kingdom to the northern kingdom once."} {"idx": "mnli-7127", "premise": "Never tell lies, replied Miss Howard. ", "hypothesis": "She said she had told us the absolute truth."} {"idx": "mnli-7128", "premise": "How wildly improbable success had seemed! ", "hypothesis": "Success was assured."} {"idx": "mnli-7129", "premise": "actually in the last few years um football you know looks like has gone down a little bit so", "hypothesis": "Football seem to have gone down in the last few years."} {"idx": "mnli-7130", "premise": "you know um i mean let's face Dukakis and Bentsen and Bentsen good grief surely they could have done better than that course they they had a they had themselves between a rock and a hard place they had on the one hand they had Jesse Jackson with all that support and on the other they knew very", "hypothesis": "Bentsen was the worst possible candidate that they could have picked."} {"idx": "mnli-7131", "premise": "Padilla said the organization plans to keep raising money locally to help pay the mortgage.", "hypothesis": "The organization helps people pay mortgages."} {"idx": "mnli-7132", "premise": "the GSA Inspector General has expressed concerns that GSA's organization and management structure has not kept pace with GSA's downsizing, streamlining, and reform efforts.", "hypothesis": "The GSA inspector general is worried the 100 people they downsized was not enough."} {"idx": "mnli-7133", "premise": "water system, with a 65-metre- (215-foot-) long tunnel some 37 metres (120 feet) underground.", "hypothesis": "The water system goes deep into the ground."} {"idx": "mnli-7134", "premise": "The proposed rule's request for comments resulted in 124 comments being received, which the preamble to the interim rule discusses, along with the actions taken by INS and the EOIR as a result of the comments.", "hypothesis": "The proposed rule's request for comments went unanswered."} {"idx": "mnli-7135", "premise": "and when they were trying to film that the buffalo that they used for that scene was Neil Young's buffalo i can't remember what they said his name was but he has a fetish for Oreo cookies", "hypothesis": "They filmed a buffalo that ate Oreos"} {"idx": "mnli-7136", "premise": "For three thousand dollars.", "hypothesis": "For three grand. "} {"idx": "mnli-7137", "premise": "Every American has been in a car crash.", "hypothesis": "Each American has been in at least one car crash."} {"idx": "mnli-7138", "premise": "huh-uh no i wouldn't want to eat them you know so yeah", "hypothesis": "That's something I'd happily eat every time."} {"idx": "mnli-7139", "premise": "The foundations date back to the 1170s when Strongbow, the earl of Pembroke, had it rebuilt as a stone structure.", "hypothesis": "The foundations of the building are from Strongbow's time."} {"idx": "mnli-7140", "premise": "Eilat is the place for water activities.", "hypothesis": "There are some water activities that take place in Eilat."} {"idx": "mnli-7141", "premise": "Exactly, said Poirot. ", "hypothesis": "Poirot is agreeable."} {"idx": "mnli-7142", "premise": "Egyptian National The national circus started with the help of skilled Soviet practitioners in the 1960s, and it has a permanent base at Azouga in Cairo for most of the year.", "hypothesis": "The Egyptian circus is based in Cairo because many talented circus-people live in the city."} {"idx": "mnli-7143", "premise": "They can't imagine being a part of it.", "hypothesis": "They don't know what it's like to be a drug dealer. "} {"idx": "mnli-7144", "premise": "well that i've been aware of i've at least in my own circles i've been aware of an increasing from my generation i don't know if i can quite call myself a distinct generation from you but half generation off i guess um i've noticed uh a certain increase um pessimism with America no longer being sort of on top i had the impression", "hypothesis": "I have noticed a renewed sense of optimism and patriotism among my peers."} {"idx": "mnli-7145", "premise": "yeah that's interesting i don't i i suspect they're not our biggest threat anymore", "hypothesis": "I think they are still our biggest threat."} {"idx": "mnli-7146", "premise": "More eloquent than any museum are the 9,386 white marble croses of the American military cemetery on a cliff overlooking Omaha Beach at Colleville-Saint-Laurent.", "hypothesis": "The locals put flowers on each of the marble crosses every year."} {"idx": "mnli-7147", "premise": "it like cuts your trash can in half so you could put cans on one side and and other on the other side so", "hypothesis": "It sorts out trash for you automatically."} {"idx": "mnli-7148", "premise": "The recently face-lifted Fawcett was, according to the Enquirer , dazed and confused and giggly to the point of being silly at the festival, where she was promoting her latest film, The Apostle . The Star reports she canceled a scheduled press conference and never showed up at a party with the movie's star, Robert Duvall.", "hypothesis": "The Enquirer also reported that Fawcett was wearing a silly hat. "} {"idx": "mnli-7149", "premise": "A change would eliminate the current disparity in practice between the private sector and the government and would put federal employees on a par with their private-sector counterparts, including federal contractor personnel, in this area.", "hypothesis": "A change would make the private sector and government employees equal."} {"idx": "mnli-7150", "premise": "On this island paradise, tourists and expatriates coexist side by side with movie stars, artists, the young and trendy, ageing hippies, and, of course, locals, the total residential population being over 80,000.", "hypothesis": "The total residential population of the island paradise is over eighty thousand."} {"idx": "mnli-7151", "premise": "Otherwise, high season rates generally apply February through May and late July to the end of September.", "hypothesis": "Low season is in November."} {"idx": "mnli-7152", "premise": "it's almost like it has red dye in it or something when you cook it it bleeds and it colors the food", "hypothesis": "It has a red pigment in it that bleeds out and colors the food."} {"idx": "mnli-7153", "premise": "This legislation is intended to reduce air pollution from electricity generators and improve air quality throughout the country.", "hypothesis": "The air quality across the country will be improved by this legislation."} {"idx": "mnli-7154", "premise": "He returned with the information that she was undoubtedly \"one of the crooks,\" but Tommy mistrusted the vividness of his imagination.", "hypothesis": "Tommy's friend was known for telling tall tales."} {"idx": "mnli-7155", "premise": "The Cuban government announced the start of a peacetime Special Period in 1990, introducing new austerity measures.", "hypothesis": "A peacetime Special Period in 1990 was announced by the Cuban government."} {"idx": "mnli-7156", "premise": "Poirot smiled. ", "hypothesis": "Poirot had a smile on his face."} {"idx": "mnli-7157", "premise": "James Fenton in the New York Review of Books says, 'Plath lovers' will never forgive Hughes for having been Plath's lover--a role which in their fantasies they would much better fill.", "hypothesis": "James Fenton writes about Plath in the New York Review of Books."} {"idx": "mnli-7158", "premise": "While the right policy and criteria are necessary to ensure a disciplined, knowledge-based product development process, the incentives that influence the key players in the acquisition process will ultimately determine whether they will be used effectively.", "hypothesis": "Disciplined product development is popular with many voters."} {"idx": "mnli-7159", "premise": " both the United States Postal Service and the Postal Rate Commission to independently report, 90 days after enactment of this Act, on the scope of existing authority of the US Postal Service, under title 39, United States Code, and title 39, Code of Federal Regulations, to introduce and provide new products and services (including the introduction and provision of new products and service on an experimental or market test basis) and to enter into negotiated service agreements with individual customers or groups of customers.", "hypothesis": "The USPS does not report to anyone."} {"idx": "mnli-7160", "premise": "Darling Tuppence, there was not a girl in the world to touch her! ", "hypothesis": "There wasn't another girl like Tuppence in the world."} {"idx": "mnli-7161", "premise": "But it certainly is queer that Mr. Brown has not yet wreaked vengeance upon us.", "hypothesis": "Mr. Brown has responded quickly and harshly with all other instances of being slighted."} {"idx": "mnli-7162", "premise": "We'll deal with Miss Jane Finn first.", "hypothesis": "We don't want the others to get a head's up of our plans."} {"idx": "mnli-7163", "premise": "he yeah there there's a lot of advice out there for how to get a budget and i i'm not expert again because i don't really do it monthly", "hypothesis": "I'm the best budget maker you'll ever meet."} {"idx": "mnli-7164", "premise": "As production manager and then associate publisher, Betsy designed and supervised the process by which Slate gets from writers through editors to you.", "hypothesis": "Betsy designed and supervised the hiring process."} {"idx": "mnli-7165", "premise": "Poirot looked at him thoughtfully. ", "hypothesis": "Poirot looked at him as if he had seen him for the first time."} {"idx": "mnli-7166", "premise": "okay well well where did you come from originally", "hypothesis": "Did you come from Los Angeles?"} {"idx": "mnli-7167", "premise": "It is hard to understand how Grisham pulls this off.", "hypothesis": "No one knows how Grisham has achieved success."} {"idx": "mnli-7168", "premise": "This is just reality.", "hypothesis": "This is fiction."} {"idx": "mnli-7169", "premise": "In some cases, the project team may be unable to complete a project on time due to an unrealistic schedule.", "hypothesis": "Projects will always be completed within the given timeline."} {"idx": "mnli-7170", "premise": "well nowadays you have to be", "hypothesis": "These days you must be."} {"idx": "mnli-7171", "premise": "State and local laws to the extent such State and local laws are inconsistent with the rules meet those standards.", "hypothesis": "State and local laws are sometimes inconsistent with the rules."} {"idx": "mnli-7172", "premise": "Beware of gold watches and watch your belongings carefully pickpockets prowl here.", "hypothesis": "This area is completely safe, as no crime is ever committed here."} {"idx": "mnli-7173", "premise": "and it all prints out up to five generations per child and you know you can select the child and get the whole thing i think it's just as neat as it can", "hypothesis": "It costs a little extra if you want to select more than one child to get the information for."} {"idx": "mnli-7174", "premise": "But I eventually decided in favour of 'a woman's happiness'. ", "hypothesis": "I do not care about women, so I completely rejected 'a woman's happiness'."} {"idx": "mnli-7175", "premise": "The world's largest surfing contest, the OP Pro Surfing Championship, is held annually in July and August at Huntington Beach Pier.", "hypothesis": "Huntington Beach is home to the world's largest Pro Surfing Championship."} {"idx": "mnli-7176", "premise": "She built a shack of deadwood in the wizards' district and soon new rumors spread that she was a witch, a fortune teller, an alchemist, and a sage.", "hypothesis": "She didn't know how to build a shack."} {"idx": "mnli-7177", "premise": "State planning is identified in this Board document as LSC's key strategy to achieve the goals stated above.", "hypothesis": "State planning isn't identified by the board as LSC's key strategy to achieving its goals."} {"idx": "mnli-7178", "premise": "He saw the hurt in the man's eyes but he had to talk to the Swords alone.", "hypothesis": "He took the man with him to attack the Swords."} {"idx": "mnli-7179", "premise": "Network externalities are in.", "hypothesis": "Network externalities are out"} {"idx": "mnli-7180", "premise": "Figure 4.3 shows the long-term implications for budgetary flexibility of saving the Social Security surpluses.", "hypothesis": "Long term implications for budgetary flexibility are show in figure 4.3."} {"idx": "mnli-7181", "premise": "He is now beyond our--or, at least, my--power to add or detract.", "hypothesis": "He's now beyond my power to add or detract."} {"idx": "mnli-7182", "premise": "Facing the temple is the three-story Cafe Nyatapola, with balconies from which diners can admire the Nyatapola Temple and take in the market activities on the square below.", "hypothesis": "You cannot see the Nyatapola Temple from Cafe Nyatapola. "} {"idx": "mnli-7183", "premise": "i know even even like steroids well how long does it take for marijuana to get out of your body", "hypothesis": "I don't know much about how it works with steroids."} {"idx": "mnli-7184", "premise": "And for the hundredth time, I'll tell you that you're here.", "hypothesis": "You will be here in three hours and 12 minutes."} {"idx": "mnli-7185", "premise": "Judge Karen H. Pozza and District Court Judge Phyllis Speedlin started the community courthouse, recruiting lawyers from across the county to give away their time.", "hypothesis": "The judges had founded the community courthouse when they were both working as lawyers."} {"idx": "mnli-7186", "premise": "Esquire 's face time with the reclusive Clarence Thomas.", "hypothesis": "Clarence Thomas doesn't do many interviews."} {"idx": "mnli-7187", "premise": "Prudie applauds your standing for women and holding doors, but must point out that calling adults by a first name, if they wish it, is a different issue.", "hypothesis": "Courtesy calls for doors to be held for others."} {"idx": "mnli-7188", "premise": "Friday's my usual day, ma'am. Mrs. Vandemeyer lifted her eyebrows.", "hypothesis": "Mrs. Vandemeyer was expecting that another day would be the usual day, not Friday."} {"idx": "mnli-7189", "premise": "Ice cream, fruit, cheese, or flan (crame caramel) are the most popular desserts.", "hypothesis": "The most popular desserts include ice cream, fruit, cheese, and flan. "} {"idx": "mnli-7190", "premise": "Each carries the title Unexplained Change in USPS FY 2001 Financial Picture.", "hypothesis": "The title was picked by the CEO of USPS. "} {"idx": "mnli-7191", "premise": "and i think the real problem with this this weird conversion you see signs that say fifty five miles per hour and you know whatever it would be one hundred six kilometers per hour you know people you know it's hard to take it seriously", "hypothesis": "It is impossible to convert miles per hour to kilometers per hour."} {"idx": "mnli-7192", "premise": "But since last week the RQ standard has been set at 170.", "hypothesis": "The RQ standard has been raised to 170."} {"idx": "mnli-7193", "premise": "Most children born out of wedlock are reported by their mothers to have been wanted, but not at that time.", "hypothesis": "Mothers born out of wedlock are shown by scientific studies to become geniuses."} {"idx": "mnli-7194", "premise": "Grantees were required to submit reports outlining their state plans by October 1, 1998.", "hypothesis": "The grantees were offered a 5 thousand dollar grant."} {"idx": "mnli-7195", "premise": "Judge Thornton's ruling, she contended, will establish a barrier that stops abused women from seeking protection of the courts.", "hypothesis": "The judge only wants to help protect abused women."} {"idx": "mnli-7196", "premise": "This number would then be added to the total reported to LSC (to produce a total caseload number) and then reduced by the national rate of funding of LSC programs by other sources.", "hypothesis": "The total reported to LSC does not factor into the calculation. "} {"idx": "mnli-7197", "premise": "In several instances the Corporation rejected reconfiguration plans developed and approved by all relevant stakeholders within a State, and provided no opportunity for the State to appeal that decision.", "hypothesis": "The State went to court because it had no other way to challenge the Corporation's decisions."} {"idx": "mnli-7198", "premise": "The only moments of conviction come from an Asian-American dominatrix called Pearl (Lucy Liu), who brings far more glee to the task of beating people up than the picture's star or director.", "hypothesis": "Pearl was a fan favorite for her provocative role and skimpy clothes."} {"idx": "mnli-7199", "premise": "um it's attacking just certain people", "hypothesis": "It is attacking certain people."} {"idx": "mnli-7200", "premise": "The most famous modern-day floor show, erotic, brilliantly choreographed, and bordering on chic, is at the Crazy Horse Saloon (avenue George V).", "hypothesis": "There aren't any erotic shows that can be found in this area."} {"idx": "mnli-7201", "premise": "7 Beginning in fiscal year 2000, FHWA appraised senior executives on these corporate management strategies.", "hypothesis": "Corporate management has ben working for the beneficiary of its people."} {"idx": "mnli-7202", "premise": "The antiques dealer should be able to advise you in this process.", "hypothesis": "The antiques dealer has no knowledge and cannot help you."} {"idx": "mnli-7203", "premise": "Revaluation of inventory and related property.", "hypothesis": "Property can be revalued by the IRS."} {"idx": "mnli-7204", "premise": "uh i really don't know um", "hypothesis": "Oh, I know"} {"idx": "mnli-7205", "premise": "Do you think she is manipulating us for her own goal?Thorn stared at Jon for a long moment before speaking.", "hypothesis": "Thorn thought before he answered, \"Yes.\" "} {"idx": "mnli-7206", "premise": "See here, he declared.", "hypothesis": "He declared 'See here'."} {"idx": "mnli-7207", "premise": "Today, the action is in the food markets and boutiques on the Grand Canal's west bank.", "hypothesis": "On the west bank of the canal, there are boutiques."} {"idx": "mnli-7208", "premise": "Most of the resorts on the Strip have appeased family visitors by cleaning up their shows and covering up the showgirls.", "hypothesis": "Families became outraged when visiting resorts that openly showed nudity during their shows."} {"idx": "mnli-7209", "premise": "You haven't got them? Julius punctuated the words with little pauses.", "hypothesis": "Julius spoke with pauses."} {"idx": "mnli-7210", "premise": "Newsweek 's cover story looks at interfaith marriages.", "hypothesis": "Interfaith marriages have received no coverage in Newsweek."} {"idx": "mnli-7211", "premise": "i'm thirty five miles north of Dallas in McKinney it's a small town there's only one cable system here and i've called griped about them not having A E A and E but they don't have it i mean in Dallas they do", "hypothesis": "I'm in Dallas but a lot of my friends come from McKinney."} {"idx": "mnli-7212", "premise": "Like Melville's Ishmael, who noted that meditation and water are wedded for ever, Monet found that all his moods found echoes in the reflected weeping willows and tangled lilies.", "hypothesis": "Monet's natural landscapes can be conceptually similar to Fitzgerald's Gatsby."} {"idx": "mnli-7213", "premise": "He was the Mahatma's favorite to lead India to independence.", "hypothesis": "Mahatma was the best-qualified candidate to lead India to independence. "} {"idx": "mnli-7214", "premise": "Shopping in Florence", "hypothesis": "Purchasing items in Florence."} {"idx": "mnli-7215", "premise": "uh pretty substantially because the the unemployment rate is pretty high", "hypothesis": "The unemployment rate is at a record high."} {"idx": "mnli-7216", "premise": "He was in a half crouch, the Colt flipped over and out, pointing into the shadows where the newcomer emerged.", "hypothesis": "He aimed his gun after he recognized an old enemy."} {"idx": "mnli-7217", "premise": "When to Go", "hypothesis": "Summer is the best time to go."} {"idx": "mnli-7218", "premise": "For every 200 successful [alternative exam] takers, the courts would have 30,000 pro bono hours of service, to be utilized as the courts found most compelling.", "hypothesis": "As the takers increased, the hours would double. "} {"idx": "mnli-7219", "premise": "In the hotter months, start early or make use of the long evenings.", "hypothesis": "When it's particuarly warm, start early or work late in the day."} {"idx": "mnli-7220", "premise": "About 3,000 years ago, Mojacar was an important Phoenician port, but earthquakes and major geological upheavals have left it high and dry.", "hypothesis": "Mojacar experiences earthquakes."} {"idx": "mnli-7221", "premise": "Therefore, Microsoft owes its success to the good fortune of being the pre-eminent operating system on IBM PCs.", "hypothesis": "The success of Microsoft is based on it's operating system."} {"idx": "mnli-7222", "premise": "The game's current stars declared Woods the best player in the world and possibly in history.", "hypothesis": "Some famous players spoke out against the majority's judgment that Woods is the best player in the world."} {"idx": "mnli-7223", "premise": "But there is a deeper A simple story is not the same as a simplistic one.", "hypothesis": "Simple stories are often detailed and lengthy."} {"idx": "mnli-7224", "premise": "The word originally meant a caf??, but service has been expanded to include full meals at quite high prices.", "hypothesis": "The service is better than the name cafe."} {"idx": "mnli-7225", "premise": "For a long time I've wondered why the president, who once promised to tell us the whole truth about l'affaire Lewinsky , is so silent while his staff is active at the meanest level in riling a sizable portion of the public with stonewalling tactics.", "hypothesis": "The president refuses to comment about the Lewinsky affair."} {"idx": "mnli-7226", "premise": "do you have a favorite basketball team", "hypothesis": "Do you have a favorite basketball team or you don't follow the NBA?"} {"idx": "mnli-7227", "premise": "The two leading local troupes, the Chung Ying Theatre Company and the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre, perform in Cantonese; there are English-language performances at the Fringe Club theaters, 2 Lower Albert Road, in Central.", "hypothesis": "The Cantonese-performing local troupes are the most popular because of their cultural relevancy."} {"idx": "mnli-7228", "premise": "Slate 's archives, or to update your member profile info.", "hypothesis": "Your membership profile is up to date, and you don't have to edit it."} {"idx": "mnli-7229", "premise": "LSSM is funded by the Legal Services Corporation (LSC)- a private, not-for-profit organization.", "hypothesis": "LSC is doing great "} {"idx": "mnli-7230", "premise": "The Globe quotes a Kathie Lee interview in USA Today in which she explains We stayed home.", "hypothesis": "The Globe uses a quote that Kathie Lee made in an interview to the New York Times. "} {"idx": "mnli-7231", "premise": "sure yeah any more i don't even know if they have if a college kid would have a typewriter", "hypothesis": "these days i'm not sure if a college student would even use a typewriter"} {"idx": "mnli-7232", "premise": "The FFC study concludes that, in the end, effective review of designs maximizes the probability that a mission or operational requirement will be successfully supported by a facility that was conceived, designed, constructed, and placed into operation efficiently and effectively.", "hypothesis": "If a design is reviewed, it is more effective."} {"idx": "mnli-7233", "premise": "Jon climbed the rocks and sat down in the same spot he had two nights ago.", "hypothesis": "Jon had found the spot he was in previously and settled down in the exact location he had remembered."} {"idx": "mnli-7234", "premise": "and that's that's in a year that's uh what would you do with all that money", "hypothesis": "That's in a year. What would you do with all that money?"} {"idx": "mnli-7235", "premise": "it is it's expensive", "hypothesis": "It costs a lot of money."} {"idx": "mnli-7236", "premise": "like we had to save and plan and", "hypothesis": "We didn't plan or save or anything."} {"idx": "mnli-7237", "premise": "Everything was confusion. ", "hypothesis": "There was no confusion in the matter."} {"idx": "mnli-7238", "premise": "The preamble to the final rule indicates that EPA evaluated three different methodologies for implementation.", "hypothesis": "Is indicated that EPA evaluated, for implementation, three different methodologies, according to the lawyer."} {"idx": "mnli-7239", "premise": "They had too many patients and, with every patient new to them, didn't know important details.", "hypothesis": "Since there were too many patients, they didn't know their names"} {"idx": "mnli-7240", "premise": "um-hum well it sounds like you're you're uh you know got it got it well in hand i i just i go great guns for a few weeks and then i something something something happens that disrupts my schedule and then i just find excuses and the next thing you know you're not doing anything", "hypothesis": "I get off track easily."} {"idx": "mnli-7241", "premise": "When he was fired, Turner's son lost his insurance and his place in line for the transplant.", "hypothesis": "He didn't mind losing his job, as it had no real repercussion."} {"idx": "mnli-7242", "premise": "In Time 's cover package, an essay by Lewinsky attorneys William Ginsburg and Nathaniel Speights claims 1) Ginsburg's media campaign is designed to demonstrate that my client is a responsible young woman who speaks the truth.", "hypothesis": "No one cares about Lewinskys truthfulness."} {"idx": "mnli-7243", "premise": "The Coroner did not trouble to reply. ", "hypothesis": "He didn't want to talk about it anymore."} {"idx": "mnli-7244", "premise": "Inroads had already been made by the arrival of the Dutch and Macau's loss to them of the profitable Japanese trade.", "hypothesis": "Macau was responsible for building the inroads."} {"idx": "mnli-7245", "premise": "i've always found a fan you know of of either one or the other and so that of course means that when it comes to the American League my favorite team is the Red Sox", "hypothesis": "My favorite American League team is the Red Sox because I was raised to like them."} {"idx": "mnli-7246", "premise": "(This small difference would be further reduced if retail activities of rural carriers were not counted.)", "hypothesis": "If retail activities of rural carriers were not counted, then this slight difference would be further reduced."} {"idx": "mnli-7247", "premise": "But it's hard not to see in these smiling peasants a warning of what such openings can bring in their wake.", "hypothesis": "The smiling peasants serve as no warning."} {"idx": "mnli-7248", "premise": "The barbudos (the bearded ones) triumphantly entered Santiago, then marched into Havana one week later.", "hypothesis": "The barbudos triumphantly entered Santiago without a fight."} {"idx": "mnli-7249", "premise": "The original village is built around an imposing 18th-century church, while the new Canico de Baixa is a sprawling proliferation of smart holiday homes visible from afar.", "hypothesis": "The village was built around an 18th century church."} {"idx": "mnli-7250", "premise": "[S]ome of it would almost certainly have made him wince.", "hypothesis": "Some of it would definitely have made him cringe."} {"idx": "mnli-7251", "premise": "As we will see in Table 3, the decline in HH-to-NHH volume is mostly attributed to the decline of this sector's household payment mail.", "hypothesis": "The household payment mail of this sector has been steadily increasing."} {"idx": "mnli-7252", "premise": "What on Earth Are These Two Talking About?", "hypothesis": "What the hell are those two talking about?"} {"idx": "mnli-7253", "premise": "yeah well have you heard anything about Jim Palmer", "hypothesis": "Have you heard anything from the camp about Jim Palmer?"} {"idx": "mnli-7254", "premise": "If you didn't get enough of the astronomical clock in the cathedral, you can have a close-up view here of figures from the original 14th-century model.", "hypothesis": "The cathedral's current astronomical clock was designed in the 16th century. "} {"idx": "mnli-7255", "premise": "even if it's in a genre i don't like i figure well i should go see it because if this is you know the best of the genre and i should know about it or something like that and i usually come away thinking no i really don't like this show", "hypothesis": "Even if its a genre I don't like I still see and enjoy it."} {"idx": "mnli-7256", "premise": "You go down and get your time, and they hand you your draft notice.", "hypothesis": "They will hand you your draft notice."} {"idx": "mnli-7257", "premise": "uh what subjects have you talked about", "hypothesis": "Have you talked about math?"} {"idx": "mnli-7258", "premise": "yeah and to me Yellowstone was just too uh commercialized i mean it it's it's got some areas that are really nice but i mean you get up there and everything is just you know you know souvenirs and all this kind of junk", "hypothesis": "There are many products around at Yellowstone."} {"idx": "mnli-7259", "premise": "It has also aired more than 80 episodes of The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh . Disney Pooh horrifies Pooh traditionalists (abhorrent, says one young mother I know).", "hypothesis": "There are more than ninety episodes of The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh."} {"idx": "mnli-7260", "premise": "The Alliance won 51 of 52 seats in the 1955 election on a platform promising an equitable multiracial constitution.", "hypothesis": "The Alliance won all but 1 seat in the 1955 election with a platform promising equitable and multiracial constitution."} {"idx": "mnli-7261", "premise": "In general, color-safe bleach just means oxygen bleach, which is much milder than chlorine bleach.", "hypothesis": "Color-safe bleach is milder than chlorine bleach."} {"idx": "mnli-7262", "premise": "An article derides the lack of authentic pop-music acts.", "hypothesis": "Pop-music acts are scripted, and allow no improvisation."} {"idx": "mnli-7263", "premise": "The next day they were all dead but Thorn.", "hypothesis": "Thorn was dead the next day."} {"idx": "mnli-7264", "premise": "Individual security controls and monitoring tools will change as technology advances, and new risks are likely to emerge.", "hypothesis": "Individuals do not need to update their security controls and monitoring tools. "} {"idx": "mnli-7265", "premise": "oh yeah it's so it it's so hard and and it's so hard to compete and and that's not one of the things that's gonna make the people like yourself who are just graduating from colleges you know or out across the country wanna go jumping into a an education field when the when there's you can almost double your pay in almost any other field you know for as a as a entry level", "hypothesis": "Other fields pay more than the education field."} {"idx": "mnli-7266", "premise": "Consequently, we have developed this standards update which supersedes our previously issued Standards for Internal Controls in the Federal Government.", "hypothesis": "The Standards for Internal Controls in the Federal Government are continued through this day."} {"idx": "mnli-7267", "premise": "Arendt's conception of the public was phrased in quasimilitaristic language almost expressly designed to irritate feminists (it didn't, but only because they had stopped listening).", "hypothesis": "they had stopped listening."} {"idx": "mnli-7268", "premise": "But I thought maybe it was her back history you were after, and that you'd know where she was now?\"", "hypothesis": "I did not think you would know where she was. "} {"idx": "mnli-7269", "premise": "The RLC ad says Forbes hurt the Republican Party in 1996 and will help the Democrats in 2000 by criticizing his GOP rivals.", "hypothesis": "The ad says that Forbes did the Republican party a disservice in 1996. "} {"idx": "mnli-7270", "premise": "What so? So, this Jacek, he walks around and says he has only one woman.", "hypothesis": "Jacek honestly told everyone that he has many women."} {"idx": "mnli-7271", "premise": "A short distance uphill brings you to the Baroque west front of the Iglesia de Santa Maraa (between the Calle Mayor and the Calle Jorge Juan).", "hypothesis": "Iglesia de Santa Maraa is located uphill."} {"idx": "mnli-7272", "premise": "Since most movies are bad (both in the subjective aesthetic sense and in the cruder sense of being unpopular), discounting the bad ones would bleed revenue while probably not persuading many moviegoers to make the tradeoff between quality and cost.", "hypothesis": "I think there would be some advantages to discounting bad movies."} {"idx": "mnli-7273", "premise": "I shall go for that fellow Japp, when I next see him!\"", "hypothesis": "The narrator will go for him when he sees him next."} {"idx": "mnli-7274", "premise": "Time goes Oprah-overboard with four articles on the talk show host and her new movie of Toni Morrison's Beloved (about a runaway slave dealing with motherhood).", "hypothesis": "Time wrote four articles about Jerry Springer."} {"idx": "mnli-7275", "premise": "Divorces and custody battles are simply out of their financial reach.", "hypothesis": "They were each willing to spend whatever it took to be divorced. "} {"idx": "mnli-7276", "premise": "(In an earlier Slate column, Be Fruitful and Multiply, I argued that we should reproduce more quickly because it would improve living standards for existing people.", "hypothesis": "In a previous Slate column it was argued that increased reproduction would make living standards better for the people already here."} {"idx": "mnli-7277", "premise": "Since everyone who matters presumably knows all about who backs the Milliken Men and why, why does their advice still get taken?", "hypothesis": "People who matter no nothing about who backs the Milliken Men."} {"idx": "mnli-7278", "premise": "and um you know then you only had to pay the it for us it was a five dollar copayment every time you went to the doctor and uh three dollars for the prescriptions", "hypothesis": "Each doctor visit was $5 and each prescription was $3."} {"idx": "mnli-7279", "premise": "David Hall, director of Texas Rural Legal Aid in Weslaco, said legal services for the poor in the Rio Grande Valley are inadequate and need a dramatic increase in funding.", "hypothesis": "The Rio Grande Valley has excellent legal services for the poor."} {"idx": "mnli-7280", "premise": "I cut him off.", "hypothesis": "I let him continue. "} {"idx": "mnli-7281", "premise": "To refrain from purchasing one would insult the working class and dishonor the labor of our fathers' fathers!", "hypothesis": "The working class benefit from sales and purchases."} {"idx": "mnli-7282", "premise": "I was never so glad to see anyone. ", "hypothesis": "What a joy it was to see him again."} {"idx": "mnli-7283", "premise": "Little fool, she would apostrophize herself, \"don't snivel.", "hypothesis": "She congratulated herself on her ability to remain calm and clear-headed."} {"idx": "mnli-7284", "premise": "The magnificent Raj Bhavan (Governor's Residence), which you can find due north of the Maidan, copied famous Kedleston Hall in Derbyshire.", "hypothesis": "The Raj Bhavan looks nothing like Kedleston Hall in Derbyshire."} {"idx": "mnli-7285", "premise": "For reasons of economy she did not take a bus.", "hypothesis": "She always rode in limousines because she could afford to. "} {"idx": "mnli-7286", "premise": "I had to fight the rest of the match with my guts out.", "hypothesis": "I fought the match one-handed, as the other hand was holding my intestines in."} {"idx": "mnli-7287", "premise": "In addition, system administrators are the first line of defense against security intrusions and are generally in the best position to notice unusual activity that may indicate an intrusion or other security incident.", "hypothesis": "System administrators don't do anything to protect the organization."} {"idx": "mnli-7288", "premise": "Users of these products will need to step forward to help ensure the value of an enhanced financial reporting model and related auditor assurances for the effective functioning of U.S. capital markets.", "hypothesis": "The users need to specify their annual income."} {"idx": "mnli-7289", "premise": "Every one is, usually something absurd.\"", "hypothesis": "It was quite normal. "} {"idx": "mnli-7290", "premise": "so you think that they that those products should cost more", "hypothesis": "So you think that those products should cost more?"} {"idx": "mnli-7291", "premise": "hum that's right yeah right and in the meantime for that entire year they've got the use of that money", "hypothesis": "They weren't able to use the money at all."} {"idx": "mnli-7292", "premise": "At that point, Executive Editor Fred Taylor responded, I didn't know advertising was one of Exxon's philanthropic activities.", "hypothesis": "Fred Taylor was the Executive Editor."} {"idx": "mnli-7293", "premise": "It's as if the poor will be victimized twice-once for being poor and again as victims of these funding cuts.", "hypothesis": "The poor were the ones to suffer the most."} {"idx": "mnli-7294", "premise": "If the price was big enough.", "hypothesis": "I'll do it for free. "} {"idx": "mnli-7295", "premise": "yeah that has its plusses for sure", "hypothesis": "It definitely has its negatives."} {"idx": "mnli-7296", "premise": "i've never even tried that my if i don't have a reel with a button on it i tend to get so much backlash it's not worth the trouble", "hypothesis": "I don't get any backlash when my reel doesn't have a button it. "} {"idx": "mnli-7297", "premise": "White Sox) and showcase the sport's stars in more cities, thereby boosting attendance and merchandise sales, which, in turn, will enable owners to satisfy players' skyrocketing salary demands.", "hypothesis": "The amount of sales and attendance can be attributed to the team's lovable mascots. "} {"idx": "mnli-7298", "premise": "And the British book reviews are more like publications revolving around literary life than mere reviews.", "hypothesis": "British book reviews are not mere reviews."} {"idx": "mnli-7299", "premise": "Trinity's most important possession is the ninth-century Book of Kells.", "hypothesis": "The ninth-century Book of Kells is very important to Trinity."} {"idx": "mnli-7300", "premise": "hoping that they do go to a Honda dealership to get them serviced", "hypothesis": "I hope they go anywhere besides a Honda dealership. "} {"idx": "mnli-7301", "premise": "Ca'daan found it interesting that San'doro already marked Jon as the one to ask.", "hypothesis": "San'doro said Jon could answer anything."} {"idx": "mnli-7302", "premise": "The current dispute over the Golan is merely perpetuating a tradition that goes back to the ancient Romans.", "hypothesis": "The tradition of quibbling over land goes back to Roman times."} {"idx": "mnli-7303", "premise": "But it isn't. ", "hypothesis": "But today, it isn't."} {"idx": "mnli-7304", "premise": "The Post , too scrupulous to say whether Bauer had done anything wrong or even whether the perception that he might have done so would hurt him politically, found one political scientist who warned that Bauer could be fatally wounded, in political terms, by the dispute and another who said Bauer could help himself by saying, 'I wish I wouldn't have put myself in this kind of situation, I'm sorry and I apologize.", "hypothesis": "Bauer is clearly free of any guilt, blame or association."} {"idx": "mnli-7305", "premise": "Mesopotamian script was also copied, but it developed into the first Egyptian written language.", "hypothesis": "There is no written record of Mesopotamian script "} {"idx": "mnli-7306", "premise": "You know what you know now, said Jon.", "hypothesis": "Jon said the person knew nothing.."} {"idx": "mnli-7307", "premise": "still because you guys ran into it a while back", "hypothesis": "You guys had a good head-start with it."} {"idx": "mnli-7308", "premise": "Elaborate booths selling arms and armors of leather and iron lined the Warrior's Court.", "hypothesis": "Booths were selling swords and axes."} {"idx": "mnli-7309", "premise": "Novelist Emile Zola poured forth arguments against industrial exploitation.", "hypothesis": "Industrial exploitation was necessary for economic competitiveness, according to Emile Zola."} {"idx": "mnli-7310", "premise": "Plus, it would be making smart connections between your data and actions.", "hypothesis": "It is too crude to be able to connect your data and actions."} {"idx": "mnli-7311", "premise": "It cannot be seen fully until you enter its precincts through a narrow passage from the street.", "hypothesis": "Its is fully visible even before you enter its precincts. "} {"idx": "mnli-7312", "premise": "After mercury is emitted to the air, it can be transported through the atmosphere for days to years before being deposited into water bodies.", "hypothesis": "Mercury is heavy enough that it will not get into the air."} {"idx": "mnli-7313", "premise": "From home, I call my office three or four times a day.", "hypothesis": "I need to call my office phone three or four times a year when I'm home."} {"idx": "mnli-7314", "premise": "But until then, you'll have to carry the con.'", "hypothesis": "I will carry the con."} {"idx": "mnli-7315", "premise": "Under orders from Washington, Legal Services of New York is moving to take more control of its neighborhood law offices, but one of those offices, in the Bronx, refuses to play along and is taking its main funder to court to stop it.", "hypothesis": "The Legal Services of New York is trying to have more control of the law offices in its area."} {"idx": "mnli-7316", "premise": "Emergency Jobs Appropriations Act of 1983,", "hypothesis": "1983- Act of Emergency Jobs Appropriations"} {"idx": "mnli-7317", "premise": "Only twenty, disappointed Rafik asked.", "hypothesis": "Rafik asked, Only twenty?"} {"idx": "mnli-7318", "premise": "Built in approximately 1140 in a spare, unornamented style that combines Frankish Romanesque with local traditions, the church was turned into an Islamic seminary after 1187, when the Crusaders lost Jerusalem.", "hypothesis": "The Crusaders gave up the church as part of a treaty."} {"idx": "mnli-7319", "premise": "Hound trailing, also once a part of daily life, remains a popular sport.", "hypothesis": "Hound trailing is very popular."} {"idx": "mnli-7320", "premise": "And then, at 6:30am on D-Day, came the first of a fleet of 4,266 vessels to turn the beaches into beachheads with their now famous code Sword, Juno, Gold, Omaha, and Utah.", "hypothesis": "The fleet of vessels were all destroyed on D-Day."} {"idx": "mnli-7321", "premise": "Besides Dad and your father are going away and I guess it's about lunch time.\" ", "hypothesis": "Dad and your father will not eat lunch with us."} {"idx": "mnli-7322", "premise": "To help promote effective implementation of federal financial management reform, we studied the financial management practices and improvement efforts of nine leading public and private sector finance organizations to identify the success factors, practices, and outcomes associated with worldclass financial management.", "hypothesis": "We studied Bane capital for good examples of financial management reform."} {"idx": "mnli-7323", "premise": "The key challenge facing planners in the state is finding a way to increase funding in order to significantly expand the capacity for services.", "hypothesis": "There are other challenges which need resolving, but this main one is by far the most important."} {"idx": "mnli-7324", "premise": "yeah the question is which which excuse me that's my little girl which one should they do", "hypothesis": "Sorry, that's my dog."} {"idx": "mnli-7325", "premise": "spend less i think we well i think we give too much money away", "hypothesis": "There is much money to be given away."} {"idx": "mnli-7326", "premise": "One blade cut sharply across his armor scratching his bare back.", "hypothesis": "His back was scratched by the blade."} {"idx": "mnli-7327", "premise": "You can be quite sure that Tommy wouldn't have said it was safe if it wasn't.\"", "hypothesis": "Tommy may have lied about it being safe."} {"idx": "mnli-7328", "premise": "Shards of steel shot through the air.", "hypothesis": "The swords shattered."} {"idx": "mnli-7329", "premise": "8.52 The fourth reporting standard for performance audits ", "hypothesis": "There are two standards for reporting performance audits."} {"idx": "mnli-7330", "premise": "HKTA offers lessons in these exercises that improve concentration and balance at Garden Plaza, Hong Kong Park, Admiralty.", "hypothesis": "HKTA's lessons are a great bargain. "} {"idx": "mnli-7331", "premise": "Unable to formulate a precise allegation, one reporter asked Bauer whether his behavior with McClard had been flirtatious or in any way different from how you interact with other aides ( no).", "hypothesis": "Bauer flirted with McClard every day."} {"idx": "mnli-7332", "premise": "you know and this is like across the street this was a nice part of town", "hypothesis": "It doesn't matter where you are in town, crime keeps happening. "} {"idx": "mnli-7333", "premise": "They have mainstream acceptance and no shock value, and are worn by young career women and old grandmothers alike.", "hypothesis": "The clothing is not hip or cool. "} {"idx": "mnli-7334", "premise": "But nothing like this ever gets said.", "hypothesis": "Nothing like this gets said."} {"idx": "mnli-7335", "premise": "In the beginning of the third week, Whitebelly fell.", "hypothesis": "At the wake of the first half of the second fortnight, Whitebelly fell."} {"idx": "mnli-7336", "premise": "We were detained under suspicion by the hospital porter, until Cynthia appeared to vouch for us, looking very cool and sweet in her long white overall. ", "hypothesis": "Cynthia vouched for us to free us. "} {"idx": "mnli-7337", "premise": "The remarkable fact is that, at this very moment, Apple Computer is a larger company than Microsoft.", "hypothesis": "It's remarkable that Apple is a bigger company than Microsoft is. "} {"idx": "mnli-7338", "premise": "yeah we've yeah we've had uh a sick animal and uh the vet you know the dog and vet's are so expensive that uh we uh the credit card helped us a lot there too so we wouldn't do without them", "hypothesis": "The vet was understanding with our bill."} {"idx": "mnli-7339", "premise": "On Monday, Legal Aid will break ground at the first building it has ever owned, located at the corner of 128th Street and Madison Avenue.", "hypothesis": "Ground will be broken at the second building legal aid has ever owned."} {"idx": "mnli-7340", "premise": "exchange electronic messages, obtain data from remote computer sites, and maintain critical records.", "hypothesis": "You must maintain critical records in accordance of the American Bar Association."} {"idx": "mnli-7341", "premise": "being a dental hygienist works by appointments so she if she has a day scheduled where she has to get the kids into the day care to of them take them to school and she has uh a", "hypothesis": "Dental hygenists work by appointments so they can't cancel them at the last minute."} {"idx": "mnli-7342", "premise": "Blumenthal's contemptible insinuations are a reminder that there is nearly always something provincial and self-serving about the response of American intellectuals to Whittaker Chambers.", "hypothesis": "American intellectuals benefits from their responses to Whittaker Chambers."} {"idx": "mnli-7343", "premise": "The Chechens will gradually bleed the Russian garrison--one car bomb, one mine, one mortar at a time--until the Russians withdraw in frustration.", "hypothesis": "Until the Russians withdraw in frustration, the chickens will give them trouble."} {"idx": "mnli-7344", "premise": "Public comment is requested on all draft revisions to the standards.", "hypothesis": "We want to know what the public thinks if we're are going to revise the standards of the dress code. "} {"idx": "mnli-7345", "premise": "uh-huh yeah no talking to my folks in Wyoming they uh they were still hoping they get some more because if they don't they're going to have water problems this summer so", "hypothesis": "My parents don't want any more even though they don't anticipate any water problems."} {"idx": "mnli-7346", "premise": "Happy driving.'", "hypothesis": "Someone is being wished a happy experience driving."} {"idx": "mnli-7347", "premise": "Some men oughtta put a hobble on their tongues.", "hypothesis": "His big mouth got us all in trouble.,"} {"idx": "mnli-7348", "premise": "Beach activities are well-organized on the northern coast, with all types of watersports and rides.", "hypothesis": "The northern coast offers water sports and other beach activities."} {"idx": "mnli-7349", "premise": "How would you know what danger we might bring?\" said Jon.", "hypothesis": "Jon asked a question of the man."} {"idx": "mnli-7350", "premise": "Much of the patrician town of only 5,000 people was unearthed from 1927 to 1962.", "hypothesis": "The patrician town only had a small population of 5000."} {"idx": "mnli-7351", "premise": "well i mean like i say if you're if you're you know if you're at an upper level in the rank category you know you're probably pulling down close to seventy grand a year", "hypothesis": "But, if you're on the lower side in the rankings, you may be pulling about 35.000 a year."} {"idx": "mnli-7352", "premise": "yeah yeah you you've got to be a a Texas member but if you are a master member of Texans the membership to Texoma is free", "hypothesis": "I'm sorry, you'll need to apply for a Texoma membership even if you are already a member of Texas."} {"idx": "mnli-7353", "premise": "Were we seeing it tonight?", "hypothesis": "Were we seeing it at the cinema?"} {"idx": "mnli-7354", "premise": "I'm in a strange, barren, surreal setting and there are lots of snakes.", "hypothesis": "I am scared half to death in this place with all the snakes."} {"idx": "mnli-7355", "premise": "For now, that remains the most vivid and pervasive image of Richard Nixon in the American mind.", "hypothesis": "For now, that was the most vivid image of Richard Nixon in the German mind."} {"idx": "mnli-7356", "premise": "The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) performed a cost and benefit analysis evaluating the economic impact of the final rule.", "hypothesis": "The final rule made it so that companies had to place labels on their food packaging indicating specified information."} {"idx": "mnli-7357", "premise": "The Government has designed this program to use the legal profession and the established Judiciary of the States and the Federal Government to accomplish its end of assisting welfare claimants in determination or receipt of their benefits.", "hypothesis": "The Government has found that assisting welfare claimants was too much of a hassle, and the program was more efficient."} {"idx": "mnli-7358", "premise": "(Rosenberg's Dictionary)", "hypothesis": "The dictionary does not belong to Rosenberg."} {"idx": "mnli-7359", "premise": "The $6 million estimate is consistent with Viscusi's conclusion (updated to 1999$) that most of the reasonable estimates of the value of life are clustered in the $3.", "hypothesis": "Viscusi's conclusion is totally at odds with the estimate of $6 million."} {"idx": "mnli-7360", "premise": "The nonstatutory requirements that OMB can waive under GPRA generally involve the allocation and use of resources, such as restrictions on shifting funds among items within a budget account.", "hypothesis": "The OMB gets as much money as it wants to do with what it wants."} {"idx": "mnli-7361", "premise": "i've talked to i don't think they were students one i think worked at a university university um and the furthest away i've talked to someone has been New York", "hypothesis": "All of them were first year university students."} {"idx": "mnli-7362", "premise": "In the early stages of her career, Evita was fleshier and raunchier and blended better with Madonna's present persona.", "hypothesis": "Evita's singing voice blended well with Madonna's."} {"idx": "mnli-7363", "premise": "Columbia is humiliated.", "hypothesis": "The country of Columbia is humiliated."} {"idx": "mnli-7364", "premise": "Now imagine being at my Web site, reading my promotional materials, and deciding you'd like to read the book.", "hypothesis": "I have promotional material on my web site."} {"idx": "mnli-7365", "premise": "well i mean it's more our fault than theirs at this point because they they saw the light um i don't know why they were um were more able than we were except i think that they probably just said well we're just going to start using the things now and you sort of have to force people to change since they don't want to", "hypothesis": "People have to be forced to change because naturally they do not want to."} {"idx": "mnli-7366", "premise": "I didn't see it either until now. ", "hypothesis": "Well, it's always been there."} {"idx": "mnli-7367", "premise": "West Shinjuku rejoices in a special gift of nature.", "hypothesis": "West Shinjuku is happy."} {"idx": "mnli-7368", "premise": "Drew's Pa was town folks.", "hypothesis": "Drew's father was one of the town folks."} {"idx": "mnli-7369", "premise": "But a closer analysis of the weather map suggests Mother Nature actually favors the Democrats this year.", "hypothesis": "The weather map suggests that mother nature favors the republicans this year."} {"idx": "mnli-7370", "premise": "don't you how come", "hypothesis": "Why don't you call more?"} {"idx": "mnli-7371", "premise": "Table 4.1 highlights some tax provisions aimed at encouraging saving for retirement, buying homes, and investing in education.", "hypothesis": "The highlighted tax provisions are designed to discourage all savings."} {"idx": "mnli-7372", "premise": "He was nearly 50 when Lewinsky was 21.", "hypothesis": "He was almost 30 years older than Lewinsky."} {"idx": "mnli-7373", "premise": "Their tomb can be viewed through the gate of a nearby crypt.", "hypothesis": "Their tomb is large."} {"idx": "mnli-7374", "premise": "i don't know if they do it either to be truthful", "hypothesis": "I question their honesty."} {"idx": "mnli-7375", "premise": "I'm on to them.", "hypothesis": "I don't know how they are."} {"idx": "mnli-7376", "premise": "Her cry brought the others.", "hypothesis": "The others ignored her cry. "} {"idx": "mnli-7377", "premise": "Yet, only half of the IOLTA participating banks actually charge the fund these fees.", "hypothesis": "All of the IOLTA banks charge this fee to the fund."} {"idx": "mnli-7378", "premise": "However, the groups reporting directly to the CIO or to an even more senior official viewed this as an advantage because it provided them greater independence.", "hypothesis": "There are some groups that report to senior officials."} {"idx": "mnli-7379", "premise": "because there are some good ones out there and i know in in our high school at least they offered several different ones where you went through and you know you answer all these questions back and forth and things it it ended up being things that you liked versus things that you had an aptitude", "hypothesis": "There is little guidance in trying to figure out something for yourself. "} {"idx": "mnli-7380", "premise": "Seems like a man who's waitin' to catch a fella makin' his boot mark in th' wrong pasture can sometimes do it.\"", "hypothesis": "Sometimes, someone can catch a man after waiting for him."} {"idx": "mnli-7381", "premise": "Now there's just a chance, I admit it's only a chance, that this woman may have been 'Rita.' ", "hypothesis": "There is no possibility at all that this woman is Rita. "} {"idx": "mnli-7382", "premise": "anyway it had a lot of things like that thing to make you keep watching just for the novelty and the surprise of it", "hypothesis": "There is nothing about it that is worth watching, it's too predictable. "} {"idx": "mnli-7383", "premise": "Shucks! retorted Julius.", "hypothesis": "Julius replied with an exclamation."} {"idx": "mnli-7384", "premise": "The BLS Productivity Measurement Program, revision of a paper presented at the Research in Income and Wealth Conference on New Direction in Productivity Analysis, March 20-21, 1998.", "hypothesis": "The paper was presented at the conference in 1998."} {"idx": "mnli-7385", "premise": "But massive growth during the 20th century saw Edinburgh absorb many of these formerly independent communities into its ever-enlarging limits.", "hypothesis": "There was little to no growth in Edinburgh during the 20th century."} {"idx": "mnli-7386", "premise": "uh-huh no because they've taken them from the people because the Marxist Leninist theology is to i mean it really is its own religion it it could be classified in theological terms as a religion because it is", "hypothesis": "Marxist-Leninism fits the terms for a religion, but I don't think it should be."} {"idx": "mnli-7387", "premise": "USA Snapshots and other regular graphs abound.", "hypothesis": "There are few USA Snapshots and other regular graphs. "} {"idx": "mnli-7388", "premise": "Snap my fingers thus, yell _abracadabra_ and give him egg in his beer? He stopped to stare at his hand, where a can of beer had suddenly materialized!", "hypothesis": "He first only felt the ice cold, hard object in his hand, which made his hand hurt, and he was momentarily confused, then looked down and was amazed to see that a can of beer had appeared."} {"idx": "mnli-7389", "premise": "well in South Africa yeah well in South Africa yeah In South Africa i think they are but yet you know Idi Amin was you know in power for so long", "hypothesis": "Idi Amin was in power in Kenya."} {"idx": "mnli-7390", "premise": "And 's a comparison between Lidie Newton and an early Smiley novel, Duplicate Keys .", "hypothesis": "Duplicate Keys was Smiley's best Novel. "} {"idx": "mnli-7391", "premise": "Aliens may be victims of domestic violence, need assistance with divorce and custody matters, find themselves having to file bankruptcy, or require help applying for social security and unemployment benefits.", "hypothesis": "Aliens can't be victims of domestic violence"} {"idx": "mnli-7392", "premise": "right yeah there's a a lot of projects where the the Boy Scouts and things and that will collect your cans and it's a good fund raiser for the kids", "hypothesis": "The Boy Scouts have no connection to any projects."} {"idx": "mnli-7393", "premise": "Resuming a tradition of classical Rome in his work at Versailles, Andr?? Le N??tre used the paths and avenues of trees and statuary to divide flowerbeds, ponds, and fountain basins into intricate geometric patterns.", "hypothesis": "Intricate geometric patterns are the most important part of the design."} {"idx": "mnli-7394", "premise": "Soon he swung in a horizontal cut and Vrenna dropped and spun.", "hypothesis": "The man made a motion with his arms while the other guy circled around. "} {"idx": "mnli-7395", "premise": "and that didn't really have a purpose and i can see you know some some really significant things coming out of it", "hypothesis": "Nothing of importance will come about from this."} {"idx": "mnli-7396", "premise": "HCFA solicited and evaluated comments on its modification to the reporting requirement.", "hypothesis": "HCFA did not evaluate any of the comments on its modification."} {"idx": "mnli-7397", "premise": "But Wellstone favors Kosovo intervention to stop the Holocaust-like atrocities occurring there.", "hypothesis": "Wellstone supports Kosovo intervention."} {"idx": "mnli-7398", "premise": "He plumb don't like my style.\"", "hypothesis": "He really digs my style."} {"idx": "mnli-7399", "premise": "oh yes we've um been um we've gone other you know all kinds of places we go out to dinner we take the kids to the park and um", "hypothesis": "We never go out anywhere, we prefer staying home all the time."} {"idx": "mnli-7400", "premise": "there's two gates that go into the back yard and we've got one of those big eight foot privacy fences and one of the gates has a padlock on it and then the other gate just has one of those slide bar things but it's on the inside it's", "hypothesis": "There's no gates in the backyard or a fence."} {"idx": "mnli-7401", "premise": "Santana is frequently labeled one of the most attractive villages on the island, but its setting is the real star.", "hypothesis": "Santana is known to be the least attractive villages on the island."} {"idx": "mnli-7402", "premise": "Many important dignitaries have visited the house, and it has become a tradition for trees to be planted to mark each special occasion.", "hypothesis": "A flower is planted when important people come to visit the house."} {"idx": "mnli-7403", "premise": "You always were a shocking liar, said Tuppence severely, \"though you did once persuade Sister Greenbank that the doctor had ordered you beer as a tonic, but forgotten to write it on the chart.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence thinks that someone was a shocking liar."} {"idx": "mnli-7404", "premise": "yeah but then she didn't get to go there oh i see", "hypothesis": "Yes, she also got the chance to go inside."} {"idx": "mnli-7405", "premise": "'Stop at the border,' it was my turn to speak up.", "hypothesis": "I was't going to get the chance to speak up."} {"idx": "mnli-7406", "premise": "Slim nodded slowly.", "hypothesis": "Slim shook his head no."} {"idx": "mnli-7407", "premise": "For that reason, arguments for the complete elimination of taxes would be absurd, a fact that almost everyone, regardless of political affiliation, can recognize.", "hypothesis": "A lot of people have voted for the elimination of taxes."} {"idx": "mnli-7408", "premise": "According to the F-22 program office, design maturity and manufacturing problems caused a rolling wave effect throughout system integration and final assembly.", "hypothesis": "It is untrue that there were no problems with the F22 program, according to the program office."} {"idx": "mnli-7409", "premise": "Yet it's not only the building itself that is fascinating; it is also its place in Scottish history.", "hypothesis": "The building played an important role in the rise of the first Scottish King."} {"idx": "mnli-7410", "premise": "On its outskirts the road croses a river where you may see children fishing or swimming off flat rocks, and women and girls washing clothes as they do in all 14 of Basse-Terre's major rivers.", "hypothesis": "Woman and girls are not washing clothes in the river."} {"idx": "mnli-7411", "premise": "yes it really is and that way we're not really missing anything out you know of those children uh-huh", "hypothesis": "If we do it that way, we'd miss out on a lot of things."} {"idx": "mnli-7412", "premise": "They ruled the 79 towns of medieval Provence and their impregnable fortress became a center of courtly love prized by traveling troubadours.", "hypothesis": "Troubadours traveled to the fortress and performed there."} {"idx": "mnli-7413", "premise": "and patient plans to address excessive drinking.", "hypothesis": "All patients plan address drinking in excess since it can be detrimental to their recovery."} {"idx": "mnli-7414", "premise": "This is not an argument for the legalization or decriminalization of drugs", "hypothesis": "Taxation is not an argument for decriminalizing drugs. "} {"idx": "mnli-7415", "premise": "yeah didn't know that", "hypothesis": "I already knew that."} {"idx": "mnli-7416", "premise": "yeah yeah it does and you just feel guilty if you don't do something with them you know because you hate to contribute to the problem but on the on the other hand the alternatives aren't to great either", "hypothesis": "You end up feeling guilty for assisting them"} {"idx": "mnli-7417", "premise": "A trade unionist member of the Hong Kong government's labor affairs committee has proposed a minimum hourly wage in the territory of $35 HK.", "hypothesis": "They wanted to raise the current hourly wage in their country."} {"idx": "mnli-7418", "premise": "uh hi you mentioned model railroading that uh i've been watching a program on the Public Broadcasting Station here uh about model railroading have you ever seen that", "hypothesis": "I have never watched a program about the topic of model railroading. "} {"idx": "mnli-7419", "premise": "East of the city center, the early sixth-century church of Sant'?\u00adApollinare Nuovo was built by the Christianized Ostrogoth king Theodoric.", "hypothesis": "The church was built by Theodric, an Ostrogoth king who had converted to Christianity. "} {"idx": "mnli-7420", "premise": "Another cut and the demon's arm fell twitching to the ground.", "hypothesis": "The demon's arm remained attached."} {"idx": "mnli-7421", "premise": "It's a sizable benefit in terms of prolonged survival, he said.", "hypothesis": "It's insignificant as far as surviving."} {"idx": "mnli-7422", "premise": "Many major sugar factories had a distillery on site, usually producing alcohol for local consumption.", "hypothesis": "No sugar factories have ever had a distillery on site, nor have they ever produced alcohol. "} {"idx": "mnli-7423", "premise": "yes now that there there's some wonderful Christian music when you can find good stations uh the problem problem that i found um in this area is that the", "hypothesis": "There is bad Christian music on some stations."} {"idx": "mnli-7424", "premise": "well one of my uh well control and uh and contact are a big problem and they still are this one of the things i was doing wrong was too much back swing and hurrying my back swing", "hypothesis": "I was doing things wrong like too much back swing and hurrying up my back swing. "} {"idx": "mnli-7425", "premise": "but even uh i think uh along the line of the uh goals of civil rights um", "hypothesis": "Along the line of the goals of civil rights as well."} {"idx": "mnli-7426", "premise": "right oh i know it builds up really fast", "hypothesis": "Indeed, it adds up pretty darn quickly."} {"idx": "mnli-7427", "premise": "She raised a hand and turned out the light.", "hypothesis": "She raised a hand and switched off the light."} {"idx": "mnli-7428", "premise": "He was making no move toward them.", "hypothesis": "He was making no quick movements toward them."} {"idx": "mnli-7429", "premise": "Which suggests that if you really believe that stocks are actually no riskier than a savings account--or, rather, if you believe that everyone else will come to believe this--the Dow may still have 3,888 or so points to go.", "hypothesis": "While there are those that believe that stocks are a harmless investment, these people often have money stashed under the mattress."} {"idx": "mnli-7430", "premise": "You know there's snow out there.", "hypothesis": "There is snow out there, for sure."} {"idx": "mnli-7431", "premise": "So, my man, what've you been up to?' She leant on the counter, apparently oblivious to all the customers who weren't me.", "hypothesis": "She paid attention to me and not the other customers."} {"idx": "mnli-7432", "premise": "Just within Evila's medieval walls.", "hypothesis": "The walls were modern and trendy."} {"idx": "mnli-7433", "premise": "Very few routes service businesses or residences exclusively.", "hypothesis": "The routes are divided into business only or residences only."} {"idx": "mnli-7434", "premise": "Whereas fashion photography--in the '50s as always--aimed to arouse active lust for new goods, the clothes in '50s movies were so thoroughly surreal as to look quite unfit for normal wear, even if they were waitresses' uniforms or girl-next-door dresses.", "hypothesis": "The push in the 1950s was to make clothes look surreal and it made a lot of models famous."} {"idx": "mnli-7435", "premise": "The case study seemed a way out.", "hypothesis": "It would appear the case study is a way out."} {"idx": "mnli-7436", "premise": "As always, we restricted ourselves to the barest pleasantries.", "hypothesis": "We live a full blown hedonistic lifestyle."} {"idx": "mnli-7437", "premise": "2 pencils and a look of disdain.", "hypothesis": "They had 2 pencils and a strong look."} {"idx": "mnli-7438", "premise": "The book's introduction was drafted by Appiah.", "hypothesis": "Appiah turned down the offer to write the introduction to the book."} {"idx": "mnli-7439", "premise": "i know i am um i don't know anybody in their right mind that says that that i'm doing it because i want to i", "hypothesis": "I don't know anyone who's saying I'm performing this because I desire to."} {"idx": "mnli-7440", "premise": "um-hum yeah and yeah that's handy and they're just there you know when you want to use them", "hypothesis": "They are always there for free anytime you want one."} {"idx": "mnli-7441", "premise": "oh well yeah well she likes it she gets to write her reports but like i say she could have bought a much cheaper model and done what she wan ted", "hypothesis": "She bought the cheapest one she could find and is regretting her choice."} {"idx": "mnli-7442", "premise": "There are some methodological solutions to this problem.", "hypothesis": "The problem has no solution."} {"idx": "mnli-7443", "premise": " This is a traditional Jewish craft, and the possibilities of what you can buy are almost endless.", "hypothesis": "Jewish craftsmanship can materialize in almost everything you desire."} {"idx": "mnli-7444", "premise": "after well that's why we picked it because they were were supposed to be real great and you know i think they were fine but the thing is he was in school all day", "hypothesis": "They were alright but you know, he was in school all day. "} {"idx": "mnli-7445", "premise": "While she supports his bill, my objective is to get something done this year, she said.", "hypothesis": "She strongly opposes the bill and plans to do nothing this year."} {"idx": "mnli-7446", "premise": "The saddled black, loosened from the twin tie, followed the mule twice around the corral.", "hypothesis": "The mule was followed around the corral twice."} {"idx": "mnli-7447", "premise": "It probably didn't make much difference what he did now or who had him; time was running out for this world.", "hypothesis": "There is plenty of time for him."} {"idx": "mnli-7448", "premise": "so the the end scenes are are kind of suspenseful you know when she realizes he's in the house you know after her but uh kind of had the feeling along that uh why didn't she just tell him to straighten up you know why didn't she just tell him hey look bucko you don't get away with this nonsense", "hypothesis": "I think the movie is a bit far-fetched. "} {"idx": "mnli-7449", "premise": "Architect Buscheto didn't hesitate to write in Latin (in the far left arch) This marble church has no equal. ", "hypothesis": "Someone has graffitied in the far left arch."} {"idx": "mnli-7450", "premise": "Without ever retrieving the supremacy of the old Melaka sultanate, Johor had become the strongest Asian power in the region.", "hypothesis": "Asia's biggest power at that time was Johor."} {"idx": "mnli-7451", "premise": "Tax incentives affect how people save for retirement but do not necessarily increase the overall level of personal saving.", "hypothesis": "Tax incentives are different from saving"} {"idx": "mnli-7452", "premise": "In the past there have been several attempts to drain the wetlands, but this damaged not only the Great Morass but also areas of the coral reef offshore.", "hypothesis": "Draining the wetlands is bad because it damages the ecosystems."} {"idx": "mnli-7453", "premise": "Peter Maas--one s, not two--has a career's worth of books under his belt, and he's famous.", "hypothesis": "Take care to correctly spell the author Peter Maas' name with two a's and one s. "} {"idx": "mnli-7454", "premise": "He didn't even bother taking cover.", "hypothesis": "He decided it would be best to take cover. "} {"idx": "mnli-7455", "premise": "Beyond them in rank,in the actual presence of God,the seraphim stand naked, ever-burning,", "hypothesis": "Everyone is equal in rank."} {"idx": "mnli-7456", "premise": "Bob Barr, R-Ga.) Yet it must be punitive enough that Republicans will be satisfied.", "hypothesis": "The Republicans will not be satisfied even by this punishment."} {"idx": "mnli-7457", "premise": "StudentU.com, an Internet startup conceived by 27-year-old Oran Wolf, may make note-taking in class obsolete.", "hypothesis": "Oran Wolf doesn't understand how to create internet startups."} {"idx": "mnli-7458", "premise": "Adrin and the Kal were back to back.", "hypothesis": "Adrin and Kal stood back to back."} {"idx": "mnli-7459", "premise": "Their linguistic contortions turn into bodily contortions as they literally tie themselves in knots, their desperation for attention doing battle with their determination to say nothing worthy of it.", "hypothesis": "Linguistic contortions are also bodily contortions- both are knots- says the writer."} {"idx": "mnli-7460", "premise": "Some would have big media erect Fifth Columns within their walls, but navel-gazing doesn't automatically impress, as the Times-Mirror flagship Los Angeles Times learned after publishing a 30,000-word self-examination on the Staples Center scandal.", "hypothesis": "The Time-Mirror flagship is called The Purple Onion."} {"idx": "mnli-7461", "premise": "You can think of it as two intersecting incomplete egg shapes, one of which is the body of the pot and the handle of its lid and the other of which is the protective collar.", "hypothesis": "Think of it like a cauliflower shape, that's the new design of the pot."} {"idx": "mnli-7462", "premise": "These considerations explain why H-2A workers are the only category of nonimmigrants eligible for LSC-funded representation.", "hypothesis": "There has not been any representation of nonimmigrants. "} {"idx": "mnli-7463", "premise": "but yeah there are more drinkers than smokers if you think about it", "hypothesis": "There are a ton more drinkers than smokers if you look at the world."} {"idx": "mnli-7464", "premise": "Al Gore, explaining just when he plans to set off those sarin gas capsules he's carefully hidden around the country during his eight years as vice president.", "hypothesis": "Al Gore hid sarin gas capsules around the country when he was vice president."} {"idx": "mnli-7465", "premise": "Two adjoining chapels, Capilla del Obis?\u00adpo (Bishop's chapel) and Capilla de San Isidro, the first Gothic and the second Baroque, are also worth a look.", "hypothesis": "There are two chapels from different artistic eras that are worth visiting."} {"idx": "mnli-7466", "premise": "and there is nothing worse than going to see a movie where you have to follow a hidden plot", "hypothesis": "I hate following a hidden plot in a movie."} {"idx": "mnli-7467", "premise": "Hanson co-wrote the underrated White Dog (1982) with Sam Fuller, and there's a touch of Fuller in this film's lugubrious trashiness.", "hypothesis": "White Dog did not receive any Academy Awards in 1982."} {"idx": "mnli-7468", "premise": "In general, the ACI implementation timeline appears to be driven primarily by the engineering activities (i.e.", "hypothesis": "Engineering activities do not affect the ACI implementation timeline."} {"idx": "mnli-7469", "premise": "Approval thresholds, for example, should show which officials have the authority to review and approve acquisitions.", "hypothesis": "Without approval thresholds, there is no way to know who should be held accountable for approval and review of acquisitions."} {"idx": "mnli-7470", "premise": "You're just trying to back out, aren't you?", "hypothesis": "This is just your attempt at backing out."} {"idx": "mnli-7471", "premise": "'What about me?'", "hypothesis": "'How about me?'"} {"idx": "mnli-7472", "premise": "He had a body of a runner, muscled calves and well muscled legs.", "hypothesis": "The muscles in his legs were well defined. "} {"idx": "mnli-7473", "premise": "Santa Monica's Third Street Promenade has two great pool Yankee Doodle and the unusual Gotham Hall.", "hypothesis": "The Third Street Promenade has places to play pool."} {"idx": "mnli-7474", "premise": "Increased public perception of the legal justice system as successful in providing Equal Justice.", "hypothesis": "Equal justice is less likely when public perception is decreased. "} {"idx": "mnli-7475", "premise": "Dogs are charming.", "hypothesis": "Dogs wagging their tails are charming."} {"idx": "mnli-7476", "premise": "The Nike and Reebok logos are now officially declared badges of shame.", "hypothesis": "Everyone is proud to wear Nike and Reebok logos."} {"idx": "mnli-7477", "premise": "Many centers also offer an introductory session commonly known as the Discover Scuba Programme. ", "hypothesis": "None of the centers offer resources for beginner students."} {"idx": "mnli-7478", "premise": "Of course, we're still in the solar atmosphere, even there, with the Van Allen belts and such things.", "hypothesis": "We're not in the solar atmosphere there anymore."} {"idx": "mnli-7479", "premise": "you don't have to carry the cash and and uh and it's it's it's certainly accepted more places than the places you know it's hard to cash a check if you're out of state and", "hypothesis": "You still have to carry cash."} {"idx": "mnli-7480", "premise": "But Time suggests that even these bold quasientrepreneurs need to commiserate around the water cooler.", "hypothesis": "Quasientrepreneurs are unique in that they have no use for the water cooler."} {"idx": "mnli-7481", "premise": "Among the most fierce hatreds of teens (probably right after public humiliation and rejection) is of hypocrisy", "hypothesis": "Teens despise hypocrisy, rejection and humiliation. "} {"idx": "mnli-7482", "premise": "Tahrir Square (Liberation Square) on the east bank is its heart, a mass of streets converging on the biggest bus terminus in the city, which is bounded by government ministries and office blocks housing airline offices and travel agencies.", "hypothesis": "Tahrir Square is considered by many to be the toe of the location, directly opposite its heart."} {"idx": "mnli-7483", "premise": "She's always been concerned with helping people.", "hypothesis": "She has always wanted to help people."} {"idx": "mnli-7484", "premise": "I shook my whole body.", "hypothesis": "Only my toe was shaking."} {"idx": "mnli-7485", "premise": "yeah i know down here the school's are you know i don't know they rate i moved to Arkansas and Texas after living in Ohio and the schools down here rate you know bottom ten percent across the country and having been through grade school up there and coming down here to high school i can understand why because they're so far behind and so poorly staffed half the time the teachers don't know what's going on", "hypothesis": "I have never been to Ohio."} {"idx": "mnli-7486", "premise": "Along the coast Provence bristles with cultural activity in the summer months, each town using its ancient amphitheater, cathedral, or palace as a magnificent setting for festivals of music, theater, and the other arts .", "hypothesis": "Most towns in Provence have palaces, which are used for music festivals."} {"idx": "mnli-7487", "premise": "And whether they are in fact transmitted to overseas Chinese depends on on consent rather than descent.", "hypothesis": "The transmittance to overseas Chinese depends completely on descent."} {"idx": "mnli-7488", "premise": "setting, where there is the question of training and the link between the screening instruments and the intervention, becomes problematic.", "hypothesis": "It is always good to question a link between screening instruments and the intervention."} {"idx": "mnli-7489", "premise": "Greens fees are constant year round.", "hypothesis": "Each year there is a moderate increase in the greens fees."} {"idx": "mnli-7490", "premise": "His nose was crooked and his skin looked as tough as leather.", "hypothesis": "He had a straight nose and skin that was as smooth as velvet. "} {"idx": "mnli-7491", "premise": "The net $85 billion cut, they note, is less than 1 percent of the taxes the government expects to collect over the next five years.", "hypothesis": "Less than 1% of taxes will be cut from individuals."} {"idx": "mnli-7492", "premise": "John Cavendish did not destroy that will.\" Poirot was a true prophet. ", "hypothesis": "Poirot predicted something correctly."} {"idx": "mnli-7493", "premise": "but most of the time really we watch them on the video don't you just massive rental", "hypothesis": "We have never rented any video tapes before."} {"idx": "mnli-7494", "premise": "The membership of the Commission consisted of representatives from the bench and bar, including many long-term supporters of legal services, academics, and business, labor and religious leaders, as well as representatives of the provider community.", "hypothesis": "Some of the members of the commission are associated with bench and bar."} {"idx": "mnli-7495", "premise": "Repairing computers didn't pay a fortune, but it was a good living, and he was good at it.", "hypothesis": "Fixing computers paid fortunes so he was able to make an excellent level of living from it."} {"idx": "mnli-7496", "premise": "So my duties were restricted to parading around in public and the occasional wave.", "hypothesis": "I was only allowed to parade down the street once a week."} {"idx": "mnli-7497", "premise": "Stakes are priced in US Dollars and you can usually play blackjack, roulette, poker, and baccarat.", "hypothesis": "When playing poker, you can place your stakes in US Dollars."} {"idx": "mnli-7498", "premise": "The late 15th-century cathedral (Duomo di San Giovanni) cherishes one of Italy's most celebrated (and controversial) relics, the shroud said to have wrapped Jesus after his descent from the crose taking the imprint of his face and body.", "hypothesis": "The cathedral is over three hundred years old and named Duomo di San Giovanni."} {"idx": "mnli-7499", "premise": "A reporter has an obligation to protect his sources.", "hypothesis": "A reporter has an obligation to protect his ham sandwich. "} {"idx": "mnli-7500", "premise": "If Microsoft does succeed in its takeover of Mattel, an unlikely event given that no such talks are in progress or even contemplated, these News Quiz Action Figures will be hitting Toys R Us just in time for some annual event traditionally cheapened by ritualized gift-giving stripped of any genuine feeling.", "hypothesis": "Microsoft is planning many acquisitions."} {"idx": "mnli-7501", "premise": "In some cases, this has resulted in changing the form of certain arrangements in order to meet the minimum technical requirements of any related accounting and reporting requirements while coming close to the line of what is legal.", "hypothesis": "There has been no change in certain arrangements."} {"idx": "mnli-7502", "premise": "no hum yeah oh sure speaking of uh southern Oklahoma uh you go up into the Arbuckle Mountains at all camping up in there", "hypothesis": "Don't go into the mountains! "} {"idx": "mnli-7503", "premise": "The ancient Empire that flourished here from 2500 b.c. until just before the dawn of Christianity was, arguably, the greatest civilization that the world has ever seen.", "hypothesis": "The greatest civilization ended barely prior to the birth of Christianity."} {"idx": "mnli-7504", "premise": "I've known a lot of big men that will piss themselves if they feel their own blood rolling down their neck but she didn't.", "hypothesis": "She didn't even flinch at the thought of blood rolling along her body. She proves tougher than any man I've ever dealt with before."} {"idx": "mnli-7505", "premise": "Slate 's most damning exhibit is the Norton Anthology of African-American Literature , a project to which I've devoted a great deal of time and energy over a decade.", "hypothesis": "The Norton Anthology of African-American Literature was not at all controversial. "} {"idx": "mnli-7506", "premise": "If I have a hair from your head, I can model you with power over you.", "hypothesis": "The narrator is a vampire and this is one of their vampire powers."} {"idx": "mnli-7507", "premise": "Then, in a further burst of anger, he swung off the trail.", "hypothesis": "The anger was due to litter being left by kids on the trail."} {"idx": "mnli-7508", "premise": "In addition, we attempted to select organizations from a variety of business sectors to gain a broad perspective on the information security practices being employed.", "hypothesis": "To get a broad perspective of the issues, organizations from a wide range of industries were chosen."} {"idx": "mnli-7509", "premise": "The famous letter to the Times --Sirs, of all the people who might have reviewed my book, could you not find one who was not my former wife?", "hypothesis": "The famous Times letter asked them why they couldn't have someone else beside his ex spouse to review his book."} {"idx": "mnli-7510", "premise": "'You stole the body you're wearing.'", "hypothesis": "I'm glad you're wearing your own body today."} {"idx": "mnli-7511", "premise": "uh-huh that's right when we had our pool done i had them to leave some extra loam you know for my garden so i had i had a lot of loam out there to start with i just turned it all up and mixed it all up together with it", "hypothesis": "I wish i would have had them leave some exra loam for my garden when I had the pool done, I forgot."} {"idx": "mnli-7512", "premise": "yeah somebody somebody let the brains run out on the floor though", "hypothesis": "The brains were let to run out on the floor."} {"idx": "mnli-7513", "premise": "That's four months.", "hypothesis": "That's twenty months."} {"idx": "mnli-7514", "premise": "As he began walking with the girl toward a huge tent that should have belonged to a circus, he could see other discrepancies.", "hypothesis": "The red tent was so huge it could have belonged to a circus."} {"idx": "mnli-7515", "premise": "The Congress continues to turn to GAO for assistance on significant issues facing the nation-in fact, we face record demands for our services.", "hypothesis": "The GAO's software system has crashed due to too many requests for their services."} {"idx": "mnli-7516", "premise": "That is, if she paused, knew a momentary longing to draw back, and then stuck to her guns bravely \"I can find some one rich enough to make it worth my while.", "hypothesis": "She was too embarrassed and didn't say anything."} {"idx": "mnli-7517", "premise": "But if American entertainment companies can sell as much of their product next year as they did this year, they should count themselves lucky.", "hypothesis": "American companies will be lucky to sell this much next year."} {"idx": "mnli-7518", "premise": "and plus i think that the uh mothers the husbands and wives both having to work", "hypothesis": "When both parents have to work it is hard to have much family time."} {"idx": "mnli-7519", "premise": "The system is the UPC or in the case of books a EAN/ISBN number that when a book is scanned by a retailer identifies the book, format, suggested price point, genre, etc. --Tom Fogarty, Soundscan executive in charge of Bookscan.", "hypothesis": "Tom Fogarty does not believe that UPC is used in the retail sphere. "} {"idx": "mnli-7520", "premise": "Alternatively, you can shine a lamp on the stone real jade shows no reflected light.", "hypothesis": "Shining a lamp on a jade won't help determining the authenticity of it."} {"idx": "mnli-7521", "premise": "Stein's story of their origin out of a trunk hidden in a desert cave was most intriguing.", "hypothesis": "Stein's story of their origin was never heard by anyone."} {"idx": "mnli-7522", "premise": "because it is a four percent that they take", "hypothesis": "They only take ten percent."} {"idx": "mnli-7523", "premise": "The design of this temple did not incorporate a forecourt and so you enter directly into the Hypostyle Hall.", "hypothesis": "There is no forecourt in this temple. "} {"idx": "mnli-7524", "premise": "Copyright law in cyberspace offends because it limits what I can do in physical space.", "hypothesis": "Laws in cyberspace affects what I can do in real life."} {"idx": "mnli-7525", "premise": "To-night? queried Tuppence, surprised.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence was told well in advance about tonight and not at all surprised."} {"idx": "mnli-7526", "premise": "Just a few kilometers north of Brockhole, at the northern tip of Lake Windermere, Ambleside is one of the major towns of the region.", "hypothesis": "Ambleside is located near the southern tip of Windermere Lake. "} {"idx": "mnli-7527", "premise": "Kells, he ought t' have them vittles put together right 'bout now.", "hypothesis": "Let's go eat what Kells made."} {"idx": "mnli-7528", "premise": "It was the cult of Napoleon in the 19 th century, a young man's craze that went on for generations--the craze that Stendhal described in his character Julien Sorel in The Red and the Black and Victor Hugo in his character Marius in Les Miserables . In the 19 th century, intelligent people in France knew perfectly well that Napoleon had embodied the worst aspects of the French Revolution, had betrayed the revolution's democratic ideals, and had spread death and fire from Spain to Moscow.", "hypothesis": "The cult of Napoleon embodied the best aspects of the French Revolution."} {"idx": "mnli-7529", "premise": "OUTPUT -A tabulation, calculation, or recording of activity or effort that can be expressed in a quantitative or qualitative manner.", "hypothesis": "Output is the number of people that quit."} {"idx": "mnli-7530", "premise": "For further information contact The British Mountaineering Council, 177 179 Burton Road, West Didsbury, Manchester, M20 2BB; Tel. (0161) 445-4747; fax (0161) 445-4500.", "hypothesis": "The British Mountaineering Council rarely answers the phone when they should."} {"idx": "mnli-7531", "premise": "they don't have any college probably much at all and if we can't take it and use it easily well we how can you put that on like elderly people and", "hypothesis": "They probably don't have and college education."} {"idx": "mnli-7532", "premise": "Congress should also note that, as GAO has indicated in the past, agencies are already accorded in law significant flexibilities, especially with respect to human capital issues, but for a variety of reasons they do not always take advantage of them.", "hypothesis": "As GAO has indicated in the past, agencies are not already accorded in law significant flexibilities."} {"idx": "mnli-7533", "premise": "Douglas S. Eakeley, Chair LaVeeda Morgan Battle, Vice Chair Hulett H. Askew John T. Broderick, Jr.", "hypothesis": "We will live forever."} {"idx": "mnli-7534", "premise": "Were they in there?", "hypothesis": "Were they in that?"} {"idx": "mnli-7535", "premise": "The importance of capturing design and manufacturing knowledge early gives way to the pressures of maintaining funding, often resulting in the acceptance of greater risks.", "hypothesis": "Capturing design and manufacturing knowledge early gives way to the pressures of maintaining funding."} {"idx": "mnli-7536", "premise": "In a city overpopulated by must-see attractions, this is one place guaranteed to deplete whatever superlatives remain in your exhausted vocabulary.", "hypothesis": "There are many attractions in the city but there is one place you must go. "} {"idx": "mnli-7537", "premise": "i i we're certainly in agreement there", "hypothesis": "I disagree with you"} {"idx": "mnli-7538", "premise": "Look for the typically Mallorcan teles de llengues (painted fabrics, in green, blue, and pink, used for decoration in peasant houses).", "hypothesis": "Teles de llengues are a type of Mallorcan clothing."} {"idx": "mnli-7539", "premise": "Do you young people want lights, or do you enjoy the twilight? she asked. ", "hypothesis": "She questioned young people's preferences on lights and twilight"} {"idx": "mnli-7540", "premise": "TRANSACTION - A particular kind of external event involving the transfer of something of value concerning two or more entities.", "hypothesis": "A transaction is an external event that has more than one entity. "} {"idx": "mnli-7541", "premise": "Perhaps the hatching cannot be stopped--but I've decided that I am a man and must fight like one against the fates.", "hypothesis": "I don't think the hatching can be stopped."} {"idx": "mnli-7542", "premise": "He is not altogether a fool. ", "hypothesis": "He is a total fool, in every way."} {"idx": "mnli-7543", "premise": "Prototypes are developed or modified as part of the second phase.", "hypothesis": "Prototypes were made for the second phase "} {"idx": "mnli-7544", "premise": "When Clinton lawyer Bob Bennett requested that the Paula Jones trial begin sooner than scheduled, reporters construed it as a display of confidence.", "hypothesis": "Reports construed that Clinton lawyer Bob Bennett was scared because of his request of the trial."} {"idx": "mnli-7545", "premise": "112 \"I mean,\" explained Poirot, \"you are sure it was bolted, and not merely locked?\"", "hypothesis": "Poirot questioned the witness again, wanting to be sure if the door was securely bolted or just locked. "} {"idx": "mnli-7546", "premise": "and the city tax the sale tax they used to you really didn't even think anything about it when you bought something but now you do it figures in what is it seven p oint", "hypothesis": "The tax is 20%."} {"idx": "mnli-7547", "premise": "While defending Bush's privacy, Sen.", "hypothesis": "Bush's privacy was impenetrable. "} {"idx": "mnli-7548", "premise": "The open recommendations database is available to the public on GAO's Web site www.gao.gov.", "hypothesis": "The open recommendations database isn't available on GAO's website at all."} {"idx": "mnli-7549", "premise": "The vision may also seem less grim because when Coven finally premieres, at the end of American Movie , the images we're shown from it have a certain George Romero-ish graphic power--not at all what we expect from the comically inept production process.", "hypothesis": "During the production, several people were injured and walked off the set."} {"idx": "mnli-7550", "premise": "Therefore, the impact of the rule varies based on the type of business and its place in the chain of production and distribution.", "hypothesis": "This rule has little to no impact at all, with no real exceptions or variances."} {"idx": "mnli-7551", "premise": "There was Sage.", "hypothesis": "Sage was there at the mill."} {"idx": "mnli-7552", "premise": "which means that if you have a good year winning one run one run games that the following year you'll have a bad year and they they've got um they've looked at i think twenty three teams uh and and the uh the statistics are something like twenty one out of twenty three it was which means that the Rangers are going to have a terrible year i think", "hypothesis": "Their statistics are usually good at predicting teams' performances."} {"idx": "mnli-7553", "premise": "that's amazing yeah we've never had a cat of course like i said i guess the only time i've ever had a cat in the car has been in a carrier maybe maybe if we didn't put them in carriers maybe they would enjoy it more i don't know", "hypothesis": "We could easily transport our dogs in the car."} {"idx": "mnli-7554", "premise": "A bronze bust (1900) of Italy's most celebrated goldsmith, Benvenuto Cellini, holds a position of honor in the middle of the bridge with a vantage point of lovely views.", "hypothesis": "Benvenuto Cellini is the name of France's most celebrated goldsmith."} {"idx": "mnli-7555", "premise": "uh-huh yeah yeah i think so i mean i guess that's the only one i've ever watched and i just i refused to i mean i never watched Dallas or Knots Landing or any of those things because it's like", "hypothesis": "Dallas and Knots landing are my two favorite television shows. "} {"idx": "mnli-7556", "premise": "uh-huh uh-huh i've never tried like with deep uh sea water fishing", "hypothesis": "I deep sea fish every day."} {"idx": "mnli-7557", "premise": "If there is a cultural civil war going on, the Mediaphiles--led by Wall Street--have routed the 'phobes.", "hypothesis": "The Wall Street-led media has inspired a clash of cultures in a number of ways."} {"idx": "mnli-7558", "premise": "With reference to the devastation he witnessed, he said, Most people would think that with all those firefighters that it was OK, that things were under control.", "hypothesis": "The area was untouched and left in perfect condition."} {"idx": "mnli-7559", "premise": "I propose that, rather than charging up the same hill with the same old, tired ammunition, let's all of us regroup---and rethink.", "hypothesis": "I want us to keep going up this hill in the same groups."} {"idx": "mnli-7560", "premise": "Your psyche profile makes you easy to predict... Maybe I didn't know exactly what Ben Franklin would do, but I had a good idea of what he wouldn't.", "hypothesis": "I have never considered what Ben Franklin would do in a given situation. "} {"idx": "mnli-7561", "premise": "Finally he started selling the stuff himself.", "hypothesis": "He gave up and never sold anything."} {"idx": "mnli-7562", "premise": "The horse turned and still the Kal fought with it.", "hypothesis": "The man continued to fight the animal."} {"idx": "mnli-7563", "premise": "Known as Gharapuri, Sacred Cityof the Kings, the island was named Elephanta by Portuguese sailors.", "hypothesis": "The island was dubbed Elephanta by Portuguese Sailors."} {"idx": "mnli-7564", "premise": "This time, however, there were staff about; ladies and gentlemen in white coats, cradling test-tubes and flow charts.", "hypothesis": "There were staff in white coats who had test-tubes. "} {"idx": "mnli-7565", "premise": "He was quite ordinary just like anyone else.\" Mr. Carter sighed in his tired manner.", "hypothesis": "He did not stand out of a crowd at all."} {"idx": "mnli-7566", "premise": "all add to GAO workload while workforce contracts", "hypothesis": "Workforce contracts are not important to this study or the GAO."} {"idx": "mnli-7567", "premise": "As I've discussed in my testimony, the increasing complexity of issues and the accelerating change in government-major factors in GAO's strategic plan-helped us realize that this realignment was necessary to better position GAO for serving the future needs of the Congress.", "hypothesis": "I've had over a dozen discussions about my testimony."} {"idx": "mnli-7568", "premise": "Hard copy documentation that is necessary to support invoice examination and payment authorizations is giving way to electronic forms which reduce retention and storage costs while concurrently enhancing access capabilities.", "hypothesis": "No hard copy documentation is necessary."} {"idx": "mnli-7569", "premise": "you know it was weird when i what i read in the paper was uh the uh the the baseball career was over permanently the football career might not be and i don't understand that i would have thought it was the other way around", "hypothesis": "I read that both the football career and the baseball career were over permanently."} {"idx": "mnli-7570", "premise": "In fact, quite a number of the agencies proposed to be transferred to DHS have multiple functions.", "hypothesis": "The different agencies largely have exactly the same functions."} {"idx": "mnli-7571", "premise": "Each of the states described in this section provides insights and lessons that can be of benefit to others.", "hypothesis": "None of the states described contains insights that others can benefit from."} {"idx": "mnli-7572", "premise": "oh is that right that's wonderful", "hypothesis": "You got excepted into college? That's great."} {"idx": "mnli-7573", "premise": "oh they have a chocolate chip one poppy seed is my favorite and uh they'll have like a banana nut and a apple one and a zucchini and a blueberry", "hypothesis": "There are apple and banana nut ones, but my favorite is the poppy seed."} {"idx": "mnli-7574", "premise": "The Miho is not to be missed by anyone interested in Asian art and design, both ancient and modern.", "hypothesis": "If you're interested in ancient Asian art, then you'll want to catch the Miho."} {"idx": "mnli-7575", "premise": "The church's acoustics are exquisite; visiting groups and individuals are welcome to test the acoustics with religious songs of all denominations.", "hypothesis": "The church's acoustics are nothing special and have been over glorified."} {"idx": "mnli-7576", "premise": "In 1986, his joke became a reality.", "hypothesis": "In 1986, it happened."} {"idx": "mnli-7577", "premise": "yeah uh somebody took the fire out from under them they they weren't getting their shots anymore", "hypothesis": "Their shooting percentage was 100."} {"idx": "mnli-7578", "premise": "Who in the hell cares whether anyone thinks someone else will go to heaven?", "hypothesis": "Who cares if someone does or doesn't go to heaven?"} {"idx": "mnli-7579", "premise": "But this here Bayliss he's been like a mule with a burr under his tail ever since he hit th' territory.", "hypothesis": "He has been like a chicken smelling flowers ever since he hit territory. "} {"idx": "mnli-7580", "premise": "Both get ignored during the football season.", "hypothesis": "During football season there are things that get ignored."} {"idx": "mnli-7581", "premise": "The steps of the tsamako are slow and grand, reinforcing the status of these heroic figures.", "hypothesis": "The tsamako steps are amazing to experience."} {"idx": "mnli-7582", "premise": "your concern on the economies was one in terms of if it became a state would that put even more pressures on on Puerto Rico or pressures on the US in terms of aid or", "hypothesis": "My concerns regarding the new state were if it would add pressure to Puerto Rico or the US."} {"idx": "mnli-7583", "premise": "right that's that's what i mean it they'll feel like it's uh a job", "hypothesis": "They'll feel like it's a job"} {"idx": "mnli-7584", "premise": "no people would rather hide their head and", "hypothesis": "People like to take the easy way out and hold no responsibility."} {"idx": "mnli-7585", "premise": "Pollard's supporters can cling to that excuse.", "hypothesis": "Pollard's fans can hold on to that excuse."} {"idx": "mnli-7586", "premise": "There is the rejection letter I received from George , which he was too modest to put his own name on.", "hypothesis": "I received an acceptance letter from George congratulating me for my successful submission."} {"idx": "mnli-7587", "premise": "There was a swish of full skirts, and he looked up at a girl.", "hypothesis": "The man looked up at a female."} {"idx": "mnli-7588", "premise": "So you're riding yourself. Topham ignored the departure.", "hypothesis": "Topham paid attention to what was happening."} {"idx": "mnli-7589", "premise": "where they don't have a strong leader that you know at least at least Russia has some sort of strong leader i mean they have Yeltsin who may who may yet sort of help Russia", "hypothesis": "Minimally Russia has a type of strong leader in Yelsin who could help Russia."} {"idx": "mnli-7590", "premise": "Another man, small and scrawny, stood surrounded by four huge guards in bronze armor and leather masks.", "hypothesis": "A tall, strong man was surrounded by small, scrawny guards."} {"idx": "mnli-7591", "premise": "The recreational pleasures that ordinary islanders enjoy have become synonymous with the name dancing to the heavily rhythmic musical beat; taking a little marijuana (or ganja, as it's known here), which many Jamaicans view as a kind of medicinal herb; or simply sitting back and chatting with friends on a bench or street corner, where the situation is described as Irie the equivalent of Everything's just fine! ", "hypothesis": "Jamaicans smoke ganja every day."} {"idx": "mnli-7592", "premise": " Social Security Supplemental Security Income", "hypothesis": "There is no such thing as Social Security Supplemental Security Income."} {"idx": "mnli-7593", "premise": "Unless one believes that the lives of Europeans are intrinsically more valuable than those of Africans, the humanitarian justification for military intervention is unsustainable, he wrote.", "hypothesis": "He fully supported military intervention."} {"idx": "mnli-7594", "premise": "Global 2000 says the price of food, adjusted for inflation, will double between 1975 and 2000.", "hypothesis": "Global 2000 thinks food prices will stay the same and not change."} {"idx": "mnli-7595", "premise": "nah you you take yeah you take just two just a man and wife by the time you pay the tickets the parking uh any kind of refreshments or anything there you can spend a hundred dollars right quick", "hypothesis": "It can easily cost a hundred dollars for a couple to go to a game on the weekend."} {"idx": "mnli-7596", "premise": "In vain Mary and John tried to administer more brandy. ", "hypothesis": "Mary and John tried to use more brandy, but it did not appear to help."} {"idx": "mnli-7597", "premise": "Then the knives came down.", "hypothesis": "The knives stayed in place."} {"idx": "mnli-7598", "premise": "so uh i've been through most all of that i've not done much of the no provision survival type but i've done backpacking in tents and state park shelters and travel trailers and uh camping camping with nice air conditioned rooms and i guess of all the all the ones i kind of prefer the air conditioned ones and the the not so roughing ones with more entertainment than uh survival in mind", "hypothesis": "I'm one for the survival end of things rather than relying on luxury and comfort when I travel."} {"idx": "mnli-7599", "premise": "Like popular hot-spring resorts around the country, this small town has been the site of furious development, and the many small traditional inns (ryokan) and bathhouses are now dwarfed by large, ugly concrete hotels.", "hypothesis": "Small traditional inns have always been the star in this country."} {"idx": "mnli-7600", "premise": "She also sends around pro bono email questionnaires to find out which types of cases attorneys are most interested in.", "hypothesis": "she sends emails to find out which cases interest attorneys."} {"idx": "mnli-7601", "premise": "The old shipbuilders' quarter, along the Rue Haute, is well worth exploring.", "hypothesis": "The aged shipbuilders' quarter is worth a visit."} {"idx": "mnli-7602", "premise": "But the major breakthrough for the Malay economy was the triumph of rubber, when Singapore's new garden director, Henry Ridle ( Rubber Ridley to his friends, Mad Ridley to all doubting Thomases) had developed new planting and tapping methods and painstakingly spread his faith in rubber around the peninsula.", "hypothesis": "The Malay economy was the first economy to produce rubber. "} {"idx": "mnli-7603", "premise": "So if we really want to pull every possible moral out of our story, we should think about the other people whose interests are at stake when you decide to buy a house.", "hypothesis": "We should not consider anyone else when buying a house."} {"idx": "mnli-7604", "premise": "It took a lot of hard work by all of the committee members to make this a reality, Bailey said. ", "hypothesis": "The committee members all worked hard to get it done."} {"idx": "mnli-7605", "premise": "yeah i because i always hate to see it end in January i'd like to see it go on for a couple of months but football to me uh in real real hot weather it just doesn't uh doesn't click now i enjoy going to baseball games but i don't enjoy watching them on television and i don't enjoy watching basketball on television they're they're both well baseball's so slow", "hypothesis": "I hate to see it end in January."} {"idx": "mnli-7606", "premise": "and so the i think Bush wanted to break up this other power thing and it looks real good but in the end i just see that ultimately who's going to be in charge of this one world order you know what i mean is is George Bush really any better than Saddam Hussein or does he just look better do you know what i'm saying i mean i think one person", "hypothesis": "I believe Bush wanted to keep the power thing together."} {"idx": "mnli-7607", "premise": "Sniffin' round where they ain't wanted.", "hypothesis": "Sniffin' round where someone does not want them."} {"idx": "mnli-7608", "premise": "She said her name was Vrenna.", "hypothesis": "She spoke to the person, giving her name."} {"idx": "mnli-7609", "premise": "This is an exact reproduction of it:, I was puzzled. ", "hypothesis": "The copy was extraordinary. "} {"idx": "mnli-7610", "premise": "yeah well even if it's life like you say we end up spending sixty thousand dollars a year to keep some you know joker in there for life we could spend that money you know for starving children that are starving or twelve million other things would be more useful than that", "hypothesis": "We could spend the money to feed starving children or a million other useful things instead of spending it on life imprisonment. "} {"idx": "mnli-7611", "premise": "Perfectly, sir.", "hypothesis": "Not at all, sir"} {"idx": "mnli-7612", "premise": "I don't know if this could have been a big studio picture in wide release unless he got financing from someone like Joel Silver.", "hypothesis": "Joel Silver gave him one million dollars for his picture."} {"idx": "mnli-7613", "premise": "What if he was bringing danger to his town instead of salvation?", "hypothesis": "What if it was war he was bringing and not salvation?"} {"idx": "mnli-7614", "premise": "As a practical matter, this interpretation would also bar most other legal representation for H-2A workers, since the record clearly demonstrates that, due to their fear of losing their jobs, their isolation, lack of resources and language skills, and vulnerability, H-2A workers often are both unwilling and unable to contact a legal services office until after they have left their employment.", "hypothesis": "The H-2A workers are worried they will be unemployed."} {"idx": "mnli-7615", "premise": "The American Dream is alive and well here, but it has little patience for losers.", "hypothesis": "This community is particularly understanding and compassionate."} {"idx": "mnli-7616", "premise": "Its 16th- and 17th-century charm is preserved within a triangular rampart.", "hypothesis": "There is no old charm residing! "} {"idx": "mnli-7617", "premise": "Surely that is, paradoxically, the most persuasive reason to slow down a bit at work and hang out more at home.", "hypothesis": "They were overworked and needed some down time. "} {"idx": "mnli-7618", "premise": "yeah um i think you have to push one and then we can start recording it", "hypothesis": "I'm pretty sure if you push one we can start recording."} {"idx": "mnli-7619", "premise": "To buy the car, of course, replied Julius, surprised.", "hypothesis": "\"I do not wish to buy this car\", said Julius."} {"idx": "mnli-7620", "premise": "It is difficult to know which direction to follow from here.", "hypothesis": " It is simple to find your way from here."} {"idx": "mnli-7621", "premise": "If you watched the addiction series, for example, you heard little about other popular views of addiction, e.g., that addicts should be forced to take responsibility for their actions, not coddled into victimization.", "hypothesis": "Addicts should be victimized, they're not responsible for their actions."} {"idx": "mnli-7622", "premise": "She has not conducted any powerful investigations, but she has had the wisdom not to block others from conducting them.", "hypothesis": "She had conducted a lot of other investigations, but nothing powerful."} {"idx": "mnli-7623", "premise": "it wasn't as if a a new government was established when they were already here", "hypothesis": "A new government wasn't made while he was there. "} {"idx": "mnli-7624", "premise": "Where an excepting provision in a statute is found unconstitutional, courts very generally hold that this does not work an enlargement of the scope or operation of other provisions with which that provision was enacted, and which it was intended to qualify or restrain.", "hypothesis": "If something is unconstitutional, courts usually say it doesn't work as an enlargement of the scope."} {"idx": "mnli-7625", "premise": "However, if they cannot use those interventions in their clinical setting, the interventions are of no use.", "hypothesis": "The interventions may be of no use under certain circumstances."} {"idx": "mnli-7626", "premise": "Now we have become an atomized society of individuals who get their news--if they get it at all--from TV.", "hypothesis": "Our society's individuals have access to TV news."} {"idx": "mnli-7627", "premise": "These examples are meant only to illustrate the range and variety of control activities that may be useful to agency managers.", "hypothesis": "Control activities can be useful for agency managers."} {"idx": "mnli-7628", "premise": "Thus, in 1998, the Postal Service delivered 1.5 billion more pieces of advertising than non-advertising mail.", "hypothesis": "The Postal Service has delivered more pieces of advertising in 1900"} {"idx": "mnli-7629", "premise": "CA'DAAN'S UNCLE KNOWS WHO THEY ARE AND WHY THEY ARE HERE.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan's uncle told them all about the situation."} {"idx": "mnli-7630", "premise": "This work has made significant contributions to agencies' abilities to develop and implement sound security policies.", "hypothesis": "This work has helped agencies' develop security policies. "} {"idx": "mnli-7631", "premise": "Unemployment has dropped to 2.6 percent between February and April 1997 from 3.3 percent in the same period a year ago.", "hypothesis": "Unemployment will continue to drop for the year 1997."} {"idx": "mnli-7632", "premise": "Ultimately, we may find that GAO needs a new name-the words general accounting office do not really capture our more complex role anymore.", "hypothesis": "In addition to general accounting, GAO also performs special accounting."} {"idx": "mnli-7633", "premise": "Here you can wade through mountains of old clothes, jewelry, utensils, clocks, dolls, ornaments, old coins, and all the bric-a-brac of an oriental bazaar.", "hypothesis": "Here you can go through piles of clothes and apparel of many kinds."} {"idx": "mnli-7634", "premise": "3 Participants attributed this lack of change to the financial reporting model being largely driven by the supply side, that is accountants, regulators, and corporate management and boards of directors.", "hypothesis": "Some argue that accountants and regulators are to blame for the lack of change"} {"idx": "mnli-7635", "premise": "Yes, sir, it will be about an hour and a half's run.", "hypothesis": "The run will take about an hour and a half. "} {"idx": "mnli-7636", "premise": "It has since served as the site of combats between lions and Christians, as a fortress for the invading Visigoths in the fifth century, as a communal residence for the poor in the Middle Ages, and today is the site of a variety of events including bullfights.", "hypothesis": "It has served as a site of combats, a fortress, and as a residence for the poor over the centuries."} {"idx": "mnli-7637", "premise": " Ser Perth shrugged slightly.", "hypothesis": "Perth shrugged his shoulders just a little bit as a response."} {"idx": "mnli-7638", "premise": "The church's chief claim to fame, however, is its vaults, which, because of their limestone composition, preserve bodies buried there in a mummified state.", "hypothesis": "The church is constructed out of many materials, but limestone is not one of them."} {"idx": "mnli-7639", "premise": "All along, he treated his book as a growing organism, not as a fixed system.", "hypothesis": "The book was not a stagnant thing to him."} {"idx": "mnli-7640", "premise": "But that had been a round dance at Court House Day compared to this.", "hypothesis": "There was nothing harder than this."} {"idx": "mnli-7641", "premise": "Benidorm is usually the most expensive resort.", "hypothesis": "Benidorm is an expensive resort."} {"idx": "mnli-7642", "premise": "For some moments she reflected desperately, then her face brightened.", "hypothesis": "She desperateky reflected and smiled. "} {"idx": "mnli-7643", "premise": "The WP apparently decided that enough time had passed to entitle it to publish an article looking at the Kennedy/Bono deaths' lighter side, about wacky fatalities caused by trees.", "hypothesis": "No one has ever been killed by a tree."} {"idx": "mnli-7644", "premise": "well how neat", "hypothesis": "That's pretty neat."} {"idx": "mnli-7645", "premise": " If the island's second largest town has any centre at all, it's the sleepy square in front of the sagging old police barracks.", "hypothesis": "There is an old police barracks in the island's second largest town."} {"idx": "mnli-7646", "premise": "he's he's not a subject of great pride", "hypothesis": "He is very prideful."} {"idx": "mnli-7647", "premise": "The collective knowledge comes together and saves them time that they can spend on their cases.", "hypothesis": "They have been asking nonstop for an online means of accessing the collective knowledge."} {"idx": "mnli-7648", "premise": "24,25 Once motivated, the patient may need a variety of options depending on the nature of the alcohol problem and the needs of the patient.", "hypothesis": "A variety of options will be necessary, depending on both the patient and the problem."} {"idx": "mnli-7649", "premise": "Below is a selection of accommodations in towns and villages throughout the Lake District.", "hypothesis": "Some of the accommodations in the Lake District are listed below."} {"idx": "mnli-7650", "premise": "and that certainly is one reason why crime here has increased", "hypothesis": "That is a reason crime has gone up here. "} {"idx": "mnli-7651", "premise": "wow that's a lot for a townhouse but that's what happens when you get up in this area you know you got all these companies are up here and these they i guess they know they're going to get it", "hypothesis": "You paid way too much for that townhouse in my opinion."} {"idx": "mnli-7652", "premise": "Outside, flying Raptors rattled the windows; an aerial assault from flustered dinosaurs.", "hypothesis": "The Raptors flew by the house looking for food."} {"idx": "mnli-7653", "premise": "Then reporters turn away and start talking to each other.", "hypothesis": "The reporters are standing still silently."} {"idx": "mnli-7654", "premise": "Light is the secret of Tuscany's magic.", "hypothesis": "Tuscany is always dark and ugly."} {"idx": "mnli-7655", "premise": "The Grande Arche is farther away than most of the towers, and only when you get close do you realize just how big it is.", "hypothesis": "It was an hour walk from the other towers."} {"idx": "mnli-7656", "premise": "Oho! He turned it over in his hands, examining it closely. ", "hypothesis": "He peered at it intently whilst turning it over in his hand."} {"idx": "mnli-7657", "premise": "Ras Mohammed also protects the environment along the shoreline of the Sinai, including rare mangrove forests with abundant bird life.", "hypothesis": "The birds in the Sinai mangrove forests eat large quantities of fish. "} {"idx": "mnli-7658", "premise": "and the nice thing about those types of hollies is you don't have to trim them uh into a boxy type hedge you can just let them uh grow their natural uh shape", "hypothesis": "This type of holly does not have to be trimmed in a boxy style. "} {"idx": "mnli-7659", "premise": "I knew the power was going to fail; they had the craziest damn generating plant you ever saw, and it couldn't last.", "hypothesis": "The power would never fail, I knew that, the generating plant was excellent."} {"idx": "mnli-7660", "premise": "It's a good spot for a picnic and swim, although the water is deep.", "hypothesis": "The water here is very shallow."} {"idx": "mnli-7661", "premise": "To operate, service, and guard the helicopters, Clinton is supplying 2,000 Army troops, adding to the 8,000 NATO soldiers who are arriving in the region to help refugees.", "hypothesis": "There will be 10,000 troops arriving to help refugees."} {"idx": "mnli-7662", "premise": "He was forever commissioning huge semiacademic studies of problems by an array of experts like Henry Kissinger, a practice which throughout his life elicited resentment from colleagues less flush with cash.", "hypothesis": "He did not trust in science, nor did he fund it."} {"idx": "mnli-7663", "premise": "Forced castration is difficult to administer.", "hypothesis": "It is a challenge to perform forced castration."} {"idx": "mnli-7664", "premise": "Or he hasn't really thought it through, which itself would cast doubt on the depth of his faith.", "hypothesis": "His faith is unwavering and he has taken into account every possible example."} {"idx": "mnli-7665", "premise": "yeah i think actually in any there are some places where some teachers are just afraid to teach you know are they going to or they go to work where they're just baby sitters i think rather than teachers you know they're job is to make sure that no kids get killed in their classroom for that day and", "hypothesis": "The teachers love teaching and are bold in attempting to change the kids."} {"idx": "mnli-7666", "premise": "The division of powers between the federal and state parliaments broadly follows the American model-states and territories are responsible for matters not assigned to the federal government.", "hypothesis": "The federal parliament has the absolute power."} {"idx": "mnli-7667", "premise": ": The preceding images are not from Michelangelo and His Drawings from Windsor Castle (online reproduction of art in the National Gallery exhibition is forbidden).", "hypothesis": "The pictures shown before are not from one of the works of Michaelangelo. "} {"idx": "mnli-7668", "premise": "We'll miss you.", "hypothesis": "We hate you."} {"idx": "mnli-7669", "premise": "By the end of that one-hour lunch, he had listed off at least 20 projects - not the least of which was a new shelter -- and was sitting there waiting for me to respond.", "hypothesis": "Towards the finale of an hour long lunch, he had presented at least 20 projects, including a new shelter and his personal vision for the park, and intended for me to chime in."} {"idx": "mnli-7670", "premise": "because it you know it's a it's a hobby you do not want to be stressed out after playing", "hypothesis": "Hobbies should make you tense. "} {"idx": "mnli-7671", "premise": "is no contest.", "hypothesis": "Is contest."} {"idx": "mnli-7672", "premise": "And perhaps your group was also right, Bork.", "hypothesis": "He considered that the group was correct."} {"idx": "mnli-7673", "premise": "i was just thinking the same thing it's like we haven't had Chinese in a while let's have a shake up we get this uh there's this take out Chinese place that i mean you know stone's throw from my apartment here", "hypothesis": "there are no Chinese restaurants within walking distance of my apartment"} {"idx": "mnli-7674", "premise": "A bit farther along, you'll certainly want to turn off the coast road and head up to the Carbet falls.", "hypothesis": "About fifty miles from there, you'll want to turn to head up to Cabaret falls."} {"idx": "mnli-7675", "premise": "this is going on my fourth week to do it", "hypothesis": "I've been doing this for years now."} {"idx": "mnli-7676", "premise": "From the evidence at the inquest, Mr. Inglethorp murdered his wife as sure as I stand here, and if anyone but you hinted the contrary I'd laugh in his face. ", "hypothesis": "It is clear that Mr. Inglethorp poisoned his wife."} {"idx": "mnli-7677", "premise": "In the towns it is notable that the churches and other focal points from that period were built on an elevated site to provide lookout posts and early warning systems.", "hypothesis": "Churches were built on elevated sites so they could see the French approaching."} {"idx": "mnli-7678", "premise": "Traditional Dance and Theater", "hypothesis": "traditional dance, theater, and music "} {"idx": "mnli-7679", "premise": "At first glance, the map looks like good news for the They have close races in many of the rain-drenched states, and rain generally benefits Republicans, who can count on fervent conservatives to get to the polls in any weather.", "hypothesis": "If it rains, the conservatives will not go to the polls."} {"idx": "mnli-7680", "premise": "They always take out the key before leaving the room.\"", "hypothesis": "The same procedure is always used with the key on leaving the room. "} {"idx": "mnli-7681", "premise": "Ca'daan grew cold.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan was very hot."} {"idx": "mnli-7682", "premise": "Better shops are air-conditioned.", "hypothesis": "Shops with air-conditioning are nicer."} {"idx": "mnli-7683", "premise": "i wish i could", "hypothesis": "Honestly, I would do it if I was able to."} {"idx": "mnli-7684", "premise": "OMB provided guidance on the preparation and submission of strategic plans as a new part of its Circular No.", "hypothesis": "OMB always creates guidance for submitting plans."} {"idx": "mnli-7685", "premise": "They are linked not only by geographical location but also by here are the upmarket and fashionable neighborhoods, with affluent residential sections, trendy restaurants, and L.A.'s fabulous shopping areas.", "hypothesis": "They have no connection to each other."} {"idx": "mnli-7686", "premise": "Immediately the carrion feeders of the city began to strip the Sai Routha bodies.", "hypothesis": "The Sai Routha bodies were left alone for a long time. "} {"idx": "mnli-7687", "premise": "It was nice desk in, and it was in a nice room.", "hypothesis": "The room was gross."} {"idx": "mnli-7688", "premise": "Still, it cannot be helped, it is only a matter of waiting until the morning.\" He looked across at the inert figure on the bed.", "hypothesis": "He was worried about the health of the person on the bed."} {"idx": "mnli-7689", "premise": "These traditional low-drafted craft ply effortlessly and quietly through the water guided by their experienced pilots.", "hypothesis": "Experienced pilots guide the quiet, low-drafted craft."} {"idx": "mnli-7690", "premise": "There are also several open-air restaurants where you can enjoy fresh seafood.", "hypothesis": "Menu items include shrimp, crab, and clams."} {"idx": "mnli-7691", "premise": "Rackets may be rented.", "hypothesis": "It is free to use the rackets at the beach."} {"idx": "mnli-7692", "premise": "And yet, in its near perfect symmetry, the cone of Mt.", "hypothesis": "The cone is totally lacking in symmetry."} {"idx": "mnli-7693", "premise": "The Flesh Sculptors weren't perfect, of course- they hadn't got the nose quite right, and there was no hair (for some reason, cloning decent hair is difficult).", "hypothesis": "The Flesh Sculptors hadn't done a perfect job."} {"idx": "mnli-7694", "premise": "It might just be that Moesha is about advertising dollars and not about oppressing the beleaguered white man.", "hypothesis": "Moesha is just there to make money, not make a statement about race."} {"idx": "mnli-7695", "premise": "According to femaleism, ancient women hunted along with their male mates, the clitoris is anatomically superior to the penis, and menstruation is an expression of primal female power.", "hypothesis": "Femaleism claims that women have always relied on men's superiority to survive."} {"idx": "mnli-7696", "premise": "uh you know it's if some if a teacher does anything that uh they're liable to have a law suit against them for for uh cruel and unjust punishment or whatever", "hypothesis": "They might also get banned from teaching."} {"idx": "mnli-7697", "premise": "well see tomatoes grow like crazy at our house Like we have a section of tomatoes and we put the tomatoes there every year in the same section And i swear we get tomatoes six rows up", "hypothesis": "We always have an abundance of tomatoes each year."} {"idx": "mnli-7698", "premise": "Case Study Evaluations is a review of methodological issues involved in using case study evaluations.", "hypothesis": "The section on Case Study Evaluations reviews methods of using case studies."} {"idx": "mnli-7699", "premise": "There's no central phone book for all e-mail addresses.", "hypothesis": "You cannot find all email addresses in one place."} {"idx": "mnli-7700", "premise": "Now, I like pleats, and I was consoled briefly in the changing room by the thought that this subtlest of fashion statements was all that a Slate guy needed.", "hypothesis": "I like pleats on dress pants."} {"idx": "mnli-7701", "premise": "What it does mean, though, is that commoditization does its work not by becoming a reality (which would entail ever-shrinking margins and stagnant stock prices) but by remaining a perpetually present threat.", "hypothesis": "Commoditization works for industrialized nations not by being a reality but by being a threat."} {"idx": "mnli-7702", "premise": "We know that our dress is only a trivial sign of our liberation, but it is a sign we enjoy.", "hypothesis": "This sign has a very important meaning to us."} {"idx": "mnli-7703", "premise": "A bookcase crammed with tightly squeezed volumes provided a resting place for pieces of native pottery bearing grotesque animal designs.", "hypothesis": "The books lie strewn across the floor, with no bookcase to hold them. "} {"idx": "mnli-7704", "premise": "From Chapter 2, roughly 1,125 tons of steel is needed for a 500 MWe FGD system, which is about 2.25 tons per MWe.", "hypothesis": "They need 1,125 tons of steel for that."} {"idx": "mnli-7705", "premise": "Here's the Drudge Report, which spawned the TV show.", "hypothesis": "The Drudge Report spawned the TV show."} {"idx": "mnli-7706", "premise": "You know, I turned it on, entered all the data, and it said that Robi would come home drunk and start throwing the furniture out the window, so I hadn't even bothered to clean.", "hypothesis": "The data was wrong when it said that Robi would throw things out the window."} {"idx": "mnli-7707", "premise": "The palace was almost totally destroyed in the air raids of World War II, then rebuilt in ferroconcrete.", "hypothesis": "The Imperial Palace was rebuilt after World War II to withstand air raids."} {"idx": "mnli-7708", "premise": "The nature of the hypothesized relationship is that there might exist a PM concentration level below which further reductions no longer yield premature mortality reduction benefits.", "hypothesis": "The PM concentration level might be reduced without raising mortality rates."} {"idx": "mnli-7709", "premise": "What do we do?The Kal shrugged.", "hypothesis": "Kal didn't know what to do."} {"idx": "mnli-7710", "premise": "We've tried all the orthodox ways, yes.", "hypothesis": "We've tried all of the usual approaches"} {"idx": "mnli-7711", "premise": "Falwell, I had just finished reading a novelistic treatment of these events, Assassins , which is subtitled Jerusalem, Antichrist . Assassins is the sixth book in the Left Behind series, left behind referring to those unfortunate nonevangelical Christians who are not taken up to heaven in the Rapture--the opening act in God's end days plan--and are forced to contend with the Antichrist's evil reign on Earth.", "hypothesis": "The characters in the book are sad about not being raptured."} {"idx": "mnli-7712", "premise": "To put the clock back a few years a very few, I am sure and re-enter one of those charming pensionnats de jeunes filles with which Paris abounds \" Tuppence interrupted him.", "hypothesis": "To put the clock back a few years, I will avoid anything to do with Paris."} {"idx": "mnli-7713", "premise": "Yeltsin's a drunk, concluded Evan Thomas and Jack Germond (both on Inside Washington ). Inebriated bluster, agreed Buchanan, of a country that is no longer great.", "hypothesis": "Yeltsin's proclivity for alcohol had made the country fall from greatness."} {"idx": "mnli-7714", "premise": "As recently reported by GAO, most federal agencies are far from meeting the goals set by GPRA for performance data on which the Administration and Congress can rely on in setting budget amounts and appropriations levels.", "hypothesis": "GAO says that 80% of federal agencies are not meeting the GPRA goals."} {"idx": "mnli-7715", "premise": "I was fearfully keen about the war, and just dying to help somehow or other.", "hypothesis": "I was waiting for a chance to help victims of the war as a medical doctor."} {"idx": "mnli-7716", "premise": "HCFA did not discuss its proposed modification of an existing reporting requirement in the analysis, as described in section 604(a)(4), but in the preamble.", "hypothesis": "HCFA only discussed the modification within the preamble. "} {"idx": "mnli-7717", "premise": "This is the end of the Lower Cityand the end of most day tours.", "hypothesis": "Most day tours end at the end of the Lower City."} {"idx": "mnli-7718", "premise": "Go join them, said Jon.", "hypothesis": "Jon told the man to stay on his own."} {"idx": "mnli-7719", "premise": "No, but we were both angry, and, I think, said more than we meant. ", "hypothesis": "We said some things we didn't mean to say because we were both angry. "} {"idx": "mnli-7720", "premise": "In the adjoining square, the 16th-century Neptune Fountain is one of the town's most popular symbols, for which Giambologna sculpted the bronze sea god surrounded by nymphs and cherubs.", "hypothesis": "The Neptune Fountain is considered the most well known landmark in the town."} {"idx": "mnli-7721", "premise": "\"Shiny?\" Callie laughed.", "hypothesis": "Callie remained silent."} {"idx": "mnli-7722", "premise": "yeah and i found that a particularly useless way of studying", "hypothesis": "Well actually, I discovered that was a superior study method."} {"idx": "mnli-7723", "premise": "It was rich up there.", "hypothesis": "That was a wealthy area."} {"idx": "mnli-7724", "premise": "The Plan provides for a minimum of nine offices and a 51-member board that is appointed in proportion to poverty population from the 14 judicial districts throughout the state.", "hypothesis": "The Plan provides for a minimum of nine offices and a 51-member board and enough food to last the 51 individuals about a century."} {"idx": "mnli-7725", "premise": "the only thing i i know they give it for is shooting a killing a cop or you know assassination of the President and and something big you know", "hypothesis": "They do not give it for shooting a cop."} {"idx": "mnli-7726", "premise": "He handed Pondicherry over to India and in the North African colonies gave Tunisia its independence, but was ousted from office as hostilities broke out in Algeria.", "hypothesis": "He refused to give Pondicherry up."} {"idx": "mnli-7727", "premise": "Even those areas that would not be brought into attainment by these caps would need significantly fewer emission reductions to come into attainment.", "hypothesis": "Areas that can't be capped would need fewer emissions reductions because of complicated technology."} {"idx": "mnli-7728", "premise": ": Thorn and the Demon Blood", "hypothesis": "Thorn has nothing bad around him."} {"idx": "mnli-7729", "premise": "By the way, Hastings, there is something I want you to do for me.", "hypothesis": "I have a favor that I want to ask of you."} {"idx": "mnli-7730", "premise": "Encyclopedia of Educational Evaluation, pp. 46-47.", "hypothesis": "Pages 46 to 47 were cited from this encyclopedia."} {"idx": "mnli-7731", "premise": "The Agora is a Seattle-based regional network of over 600 professionals representing a variety of fields, including information systems security; law enforcement; local, state, and federal governments; engineering; information technology; academics; and other specialties.", "hypothesis": "They wanted to have an event to bring different fields together."} {"idx": "mnli-7732", "premise": "Normally, a computer was designed for flexibility and to handle varying conditions.", "hypothesis": "A computer was constructed to be rigid, and to handle fixed conditions."} {"idx": "mnli-7733", "premise": "He kicked hard and the horse calmed but still quivered in fury.", "hypothesis": "The horse was ready to buck again."} {"idx": "mnli-7734", "premise": "A pleasant trip, that is all.\"", "hypothesis": "It was only a pleasant trip."} {"idx": "mnli-7735", "premise": "Their direct observations form the primary data source for our report.", "hypothesis": "Our report does not include their direct observations."} {"idx": "mnli-7736", "premise": "and uh well i guess there's still the possibility that uh hostilities with uh US troops could still break out", "hypothesis": "It is possible that the US troops could break out hostilities. "} {"idx": "mnli-7737", "premise": "it's nice and dark and quiet so it just kind of depends on the occasion", "hypothesis": "It's very tranquil, nice and dark."} {"idx": "mnli-7738", "premise": "Because of the aging workforce and because of the anticipated demand for work at power plants, the union has made it an objective to have at least 28,000 members in the construction division by 2005, or at least a 5.3 percent annual growth rate.", "hypothesis": "The union's objective to have 28,000 members in the construction division by 2005 has nothing to do with the aging workforce or anticipated demand for work at power plants."} {"idx": "mnli-7739", "premise": "LSC is committed to continuing to improve the accuracy of its case statistics, vigorously enforcing the Congressional restrictions enacted in 1996, and creating new and more meaningful ways to evaluate the work of legal services programs receiving federal funds.", "hypothesis": "LSC wants to improve statistical accuracy in how many people truly need the service."} {"idx": "mnli-7740", "premise": "When Greuze says something like: 'Your head is on the line,' he really means it.", "hypothesis": "He really means it when he says 'Your head is on the line'."} {"idx": "mnli-7741", "premise": "i think last let me try to think i think the last time we had a big meal like that we did have both i think we did have both on Thanksgiving just in case people you know have a variety", "hypothesis": "Thanksgiving needs to be small and serve no variety."} {"idx": "mnli-7742", "premise": "The most challenging area of all is high above Wasdale.", "hypothesis": "Wasdale has an area that is very challenging. "} {"idx": "mnli-7743", "premise": "Thus, when volume is reduced total variable cost is reduced by the same percentage.", "hypothesis": "Variable costs do not necessarily have a linear relationship with volume."} {"idx": "mnli-7744", "premise": "I mean it.\" ", "hypothesis": "I don't mean it."} {"idx": "mnli-7745", "premise": "Do you reckon there was a dictaphone in Jane's room? ", "hypothesis": "Do you think there's a dictaphone in her room?"} {"idx": "mnli-7746", "premise": "Advertising Gets Political", "hypothesis": "Politics can often be part of advertising."} {"idx": "mnli-7747", "premise": "Second, the companies captured design and manufacturing knowledge before the two critical decision points in product when the design was demonstrated to be stable-the second knowledge point-and when the product was demonstrated to be producible at an affordable cost-the third knowledge point.", "hypothesis": "The profit from this product will hover around 50 percent."} {"idx": "mnli-7748", "premise": "right right or something like that and a lot of um you felonies felony people you know have to do this sort of community service", "hypothesis": "Very little community service is done by people who have committed felonies."} {"idx": "mnli-7749", "premise": "I suppose Franke-Ruta was compelled to read every single line without really wanting to at all?", "hypothesis": "He didn't want to read all the lines."} {"idx": "mnli-7750", "premise": "Javea also has an interesting Museo Histerico y Etnografico with an important collection of Iberian finds from Sierra de Montge, and two strongly contrasting churches an early 16th-century fortified building, and a modern, boat-shaped structure.", "hypothesis": "There is an interesting museum and several churches in Javea."} {"idx": "mnli-7751", "premise": "There she is.", "hypothesis": "She's over there, but she's quite upset, so it may not be wise to approach her."} {"idx": "mnli-7752", "premise": "In the violet shade of morning, Ca'daan saw Adrin standing on the dunes in sword practice.", "hypothesis": "With the sunrise casting a violet shade on the soil, Ca'daan spotted Adrin on the dunes practicing his swordsmanship. "} {"idx": "mnli-7753", "premise": "He placed a wooden hand in mine and said: \"This is a pleasure, Mr. Hastings.\" Then, turning to his wife: \"Emily dearest, I think that cushion is a little damp.\" She beamed fondly on him, as he substituted another with every demonstration of the tenderest care. ", "hypothesis": "He looked at his wife and complained about the cushion that had been left in the rain."} {"idx": "mnli-7754", "premise": "Glavya is a blend of whisky, herbal oils, honey, and sugar.", "hypothesis": "There is more honey than sugar in Glavya"} {"idx": "mnli-7755", "premise": "This is the Charles Murray who says late in the book that he half-supports the idea of a negative income tax--a guaranteed income for everyone.", "hypothesis": "Charles Murray supports the idea of negative income tax. "} {"idx": "mnli-7756", "premise": "For example, the authors of the aforementioned New England Journal study characterized their finding of a 20 percent mortality reduction as slight.", "hypothesis": "The authors of the study are ignorant and misinformed. "} {"idx": "mnli-7757", "premise": "Then I'll go to bed directly after supper. She went into the boudoir again, and Cynthia stared after her. ", "hypothesis": "She decided to go to bed right after dinner. "} {"idx": "mnli-7758", "premise": "The small Spanish force considered its position and decided to retreat, heading to the north coast and sailing to Cuba.", "hypothesis": "The Spanish force surrendered its position and retreated to Cuba."} {"idx": "mnli-7759", "premise": "mine doesn't i know what you're saying", "hypothesis": "I have had this conversation many times before."} {"idx": "mnli-7760", "premise": "Interventions and the staff who conducts them need to be flexible and creative in adapting to situations created by the injuries and the noisy and often chaotic nature of emergency settings.", "hypothesis": "Interventions and the staff conducting them need to be adaptable to the situations created by the injuries and the chaos of emergencies."} {"idx": "mnli-7761", "premise": "Later he wrote an essay titled Consolatio, which probably dealt with this subject and which I have not read.", "hypothesis": "I have not read all of his essays."} {"idx": "mnli-7762", "premise": "No. Sum income.", "hypothesis": "No. All the income added together."} {"idx": "mnli-7763", "premise": "The famous coziness among politicians, bureaucrats, and private companies, together with the strong cultural emphasis on relationship-building and a lack of transparency and accountability, eventually led to corrupt practices of endemic proportions.", "hypothesis": "The close relationships between private companies and politicians contributed to endemic corruption."} {"idx": "mnli-7764", "premise": "While most families say they recognize the need to save for retirement, many do not save in any systematic way.", "hypothesis": "Many families only save 5% of their income for retirement."} {"idx": "mnli-7765", "premise": "FDA considers the two rules complementary and cannot separately quantify the benefits of the two programs and since both rules work collectively to reduce youth access to tobacco products, the costs attributable to the SAMHSA program are included in the analysis.", "hypothesis": "The FDA is planning on removing one of the rules."} {"idx": "mnli-7766", "premise": "and uh although what they're doing now is is they're maintaining secretaries but they're piling more and more people onto that one secretary rather than get rid of the secretary they're they're just you know they're finding justification by adding more people to her", "hypothesis": "They are adding more people to the secretaries work."} {"idx": "mnli-7767", "premise": "it's always they're always challenging to get through one of them i have a hard time finishing books", "hypothesis": "I have read some books that were easy to get through. "} {"idx": "mnli-7768", "premise": "Beyea said the report's findings are timely, given that Chief Justice Leigh Saufley has said that one of her priorities is to provide GALs to all children, regardless of economic background.", "hypothesis": "They reported that the majority they served were below poverty level."} {"idx": "mnli-7769", "premise": "it there's a way to recycle everything and and um if your husband just retired then i've got to believe that you've got to be old enough to remember that back during the wars hey recycling was the thing to do i mean you didn't", "hypothesis": "You can recycle anything in your house."} {"idx": "mnli-7770", "premise": "3) He needs to get lucky the way Clinton did in 1992.", "hypothesis": "If he wants to be as successful as Clinton, he needs to rely to some extent on pure luck."} {"idx": "mnli-7771", "premise": "Downtown Aswan has a pleasant riverside Corniche where you can stroll and watch the world go by.", "hypothesis": "There is a rest stop along the river in Aswan to watch people go by."} {"idx": "mnli-7772", "premise": "From the height, he could see where the sun had landed.", "hypothesis": "He still could not make out the location where the sun had landed."} {"idx": "mnli-7773", "premise": "and uh there's there's a lot involved there", "hypothesis": "There are many factors in play."} {"idx": "mnli-7774", "premise": "After 20 years of marriage and raising our children, my husband and I have decided to stop torturing each other.", "hypothesis": "Raising our children made it impossible for us to stop torturing each other."} {"idx": "mnli-7775", "premise": "Life seems to have changed little in generations, though the mud-brick houses now have the benefit of electricity.", "hypothesis": "Some people still live in traditional mud-brick houses."} {"idx": "mnli-7776", "premise": "Oh yes, only the day after after after tomorrow, and maybe even after, the manager replied and began to eat quickly to change the subject, 'hmm...good, those multi-flavor ones.'", "hypothesis": "The manager didn't want to speak."} {"idx": "mnli-7777", "premise": "7 mpg standard, nine other light truck standards--ranging from 17.", "hypothesis": "There were at least nine standards for the light trucks."} {"idx": "mnli-7778", "premise": "One- I would have to do it.", "hypothesis": "I do not want to do it, but I have to."} {"idx": "mnli-7779", "premise": "that's that's on our list of things to see", "hypothesis": "That's on our list. "} {"idx": "mnli-7780", "premise": "Many respondents questioned the need for, and the cost/benefit of, requiring that the fair value of stewardship PP&E transferred to state and local governments be reported.", "hypothesis": "No respondents were concerned about the fair value of the transfers being reported."} {"idx": "mnli-7781", "premise": "The third did not and caught Thorn's sword hard in the back, breaking his spine.", "hypothesis": "He avoided the sword and lived to tell the tale. "} {"idx": "mnli-7782", "premise": "would too we usually uh like i said we try to go to a lake my husband and this uh other couple that we go with her husband um they like to um is it scuba dive and so we'll go to a lake and uh where they can go do that we're close enough so they can do that and the girls can play on the beach area okay", "hypothesis": "My husband and I go to a lake with another couple."} {"idx": "mnli-7783", "premise": "Interchange between the Railroad Retirement Board and the Social Security and Hospital Insurance trust funds.", "hypothesis": "Switch between the Railroad Retirement Board and the Social Security and Hospital Insurance trust funds."} {"idx": "mnli-7784", "premise": "uh coverage uh of the you know you may not even go in to the doctor for a long time but you know if something came up obviously you you know to get covered is important", "hypothesis": "It's not important to get covered by insurance if you never see the doctor, nothing will come up."} {"idx": "mnli-7785", "premise": "Of the topless-only clubs (all of which have full bars), the two best are Cheetah's Topless Lounge, 2112 Western Avenue (Tel.702/384-0074), an intimate, friendly place, and Olympic Garden Cabaret, 1531 Las Vegas Boulevard South (Tel. 702/385-8987) which, with eleven full-size stages, is quite the opposite.", "hypothesis": "Those who are unfamiliar with the nightlife prefer the topless-only clubs to start."} {"idx": "mnli-7786", "premise": "They actually seem to play because they love their game.", "hypothesis": "They seem to play not because of their love of the game."} {"idx": "mnli-7787", "premise": "You can divide your visit into three or four separate tours, each of which could fill either an afternoon or an entire day.", "hypothesis": "There are no tours in the area."} {"idx": "mnli-7788", "premise": "While Greek night may strike some visitors as contrived, it is nonetheless an opportunity to see a local art form.", "hypothesis": "Greek night is an opportunity to see an art form."} {"idx": "mnli-7789", "premise": "Conde Nast has also created a class of mandarin journalists, writers who live much better than they ever could if they wrote only for normal magazines.", "hypothesis": "Conde Nast has journalists who speak mandarin."} {"idx": "mnli-7790", "premise": "well that's wonderful i'd never even heard of it", "hypothesis": "I had never heard of this, that's fantastic."} {"idx": "mnli-7791", "premise": "As an alternative to my approach, in which the growth in Holocaust memory is to be explained by the contemporary purposes it serves, you suggest a focus on the Jewish tradition of remembering catastrophes.", "hypothesis": "Our approaches to the Holocaust memory are very different."} {"idx": "mnli-7792", "premise": "Auditors should report the scope of their testing of compliance with laws and regulations and of internal control over financial reporting, including whether or not the tests they performed provided sufficient evidence to support an opinion on compliance with laws and regulations or internal control over financial reporting and whether the auditors are providing such opinions.", "hypothesis": "There might not be sufficient evidence for an opinion on compliance."} {"idx": "mnli-7793", "premise": "No wonder many hate it in France, especially for schoolgirls, who are meant to mix with others on an equal footing in all respects; and in determinedly modernized Turkey, too.", "hypothesis": "Turkey is modernized."} {"idx": "mnli-7794", "premise": "The small Mayfair streets were comparatively deserted, and he judged it wise to content himself with keeping them in sight.", "hypothesis": "People were on other streets but not this one."} {"idx": "mnli-7795", "premise": "Along with his younger brother, Jean-Baptiste, Sieur de Bienville, he established several tentative settlements along the Mississippi.", "hypothesis": "There were several settlements tentatives constructed along the Mississippi."} {"idx": "mnli-7796", "premise": "A proper RFP is a critical element of a successful acquisition because it becomes part of the binding contract once a proposal is made and accepted.", "hypothesis": "The binding contracts between organizations and government must contain a proper RFP. "} {"idx": "mnli-7797", "premise": "[Illustration] \"Tell me,\" said the Industrialist, \"what do these friends from space want in return?\" ", "hypothesis": "\"How can we repay these visitors from space?\" asked the Industrialist."} {"idx": "mnli-7798", "premise": "I was about to say that studies showed no connection.", "hypothesis": "The studies showed an obvious connection, but I didn't want to say anything."} {"idx": "mnli-7799", "premise": "To see the first and oldest pyramid you must make an hour's journey south of Cairo to Saqqara and, following this, on to the ancient capital of Lower Egypt Memphis.", "hypothesis": "If you wish to see the first and oldest pyramid, you must take an hour's journey south of Cairo to Saqqara and, following this, on to the ancient capital of Lower Egypt Memphis."} {"idx": "mnli-7800", "premise": "Ammiano, who would have been the city's first openly gay mayor, forced the runoff after launching a write-in campaign just three weeks before the November election.", "hypothesis": "Ammiano would've been the second openly gay mayor for the city."} {"idx": "mnli-7801", "premise": "The preambles of the proposed and final rules contain a combined regulatory impact analysis with an Initial and Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis, respectively.", "hypothesis": "The preambles of the rules lacked any sort of anaylsis."} {"idx": "mnli-7802", "premise": "The main streets are the narrow, cobbled alleyway of Rua de Santa Maria and, parallel, Rua Dom Carlos I. This east end of Funchal is the antithesis of the opulent hotel zone to the It is poor and decaying, but filled with character.", "hypothesis": "There is no cobbled alleyway."} {"idx": "mnli-7803", "premise": "A side road makes it easy to visit Gorkha, ancestral seat of the Shah dynasty and city from which the unification of Nepal was begun.", "hypothesis": "Nepal is located within the city of Gorkha."} {"idx": "mnli-7804", "premise": "Among other things, the Clinger-Cohen Act also (1) required senior executive involvement in IT decision-making, (2) imposed much-needed discipline in acquiring and managing technology resources, (3) called for the redesign of inefficient work processes before investing in technology, and (4) repealed the Brooks Act, eliminating GSAas central acquisition authority.", "hypothesis": "Among other things, the Clinger-Cohen act did 4 other things. "} {"idx": "mnli-7805", "premise": "and it was just i don't know big mistake i don't even use it i rode my bike to class so there", "hypothesis": "I took my dragon to class, so hah."} {"idx": "mnli-7806", "premise": "Another area where the current self-regulatory structure has proved to be inadequate is in connection with the AICPA's self-disciplinary function.", "hypothesis": "The self-regulatory structure is not adequate in self-disciplinary function."} {"idx": "mnli-7807", "premise": "In response to criticism, last week the U.S. government guaranteed a $3-billion loan to Indonesia.", "hypothesis": "The US Government has guaranteed numerous loans to Indonesia. "} {"idx": "mnli-7808", "premise": "Then I'll go to bed directly after supper. She went into the boudoir again, and Cynthia stared after her. ", "hypothesis": "They finished supper and she went directly to bed, while Cynthia stared after her. "} {"idx": "mnli-7809", "premise": "With its centuries-old seafaring tradition, the Aegean has long been a lure to sports sailors.", "hypothesis": "There is no tradition of seafaring in the Aegean."} {"idx": "mnli-7810", "premise": "EXECUTORY COST - Those costs such as insurance, maintenance, and taxes incurred for leased property, whether paid by the lessor or lessee.", "hypothesis": "Executory cost is the cost of insurance, maintenance, taxes paid for leaser "} {"idx": "mnli-7811", "premise": "There were holes burned in their heads- marks of terminal damage- but their armour was intact.", "hypothesis": "Their armor was blown apart."} {"idx": "mnli-7812", "premise": "and uh it makes the room look remarkably smaller", "hypothesis": "Once we moved the bed to the other side of the room, the size of the room seemed to shrink considerably. "} {"idx": "mnli-7813", "premise": "She waits well.\" Tuppence lingered a moment longer by the door which she had carefully neglected to close, and heard him say: \"Quite safe, I suppose?\"", "hypothesis": "She had intentionally left the door open."} {"idx": "mnli-7814", "premise": "The massive seated figure, 11.4 m (37 ft) high, sits in the classical pose of the Amida Buddha ( Compassionate One ), his hands resting in his lap, the thumbs touching the palms and the eyes half-closed in an expression of profound serenity.", "hypothesis": "There is a seated figure representing the Buddha."} {"idx": "mnli-7815", "premise": "amazingly few", "hypothesis": "There is an abundance."} {"idx": "mnli-7816", "premise": "The buses stand in line on Waverley Street near the main railway station.", "hypothesis": "The buses line up waiting for passengers."} {"idx": "mnli-7817", "premise": "Better keep your eyes peeled gold claims have been jumped before in this country.", "hypothesis": "Best get out of here because there isn't any gold around in this country. "} {"idx": "mnli-7818", "premise": "Adrin's hand went to the hilt of his rapier.", "hypothesis": "Adrin was preparing to stab something."} {"idx": "mnli-7819", "premise": "The information collection is entitled Auction Forms and License Transfer Disclosures.", "hypothesis": "There is no information on auction forms."} {"idx": "mnli-7820", "premise": "Yes, sooner or later, the memory will return as suddenly as it went.", "hypothesis": "The memory is lost forever."} {"idx": "mnli-7821", "premise": "Bocce, the bowling game similar to French boules or p??tanque, is played in small towns wherever there's a patch of tree-shaded sand or gravel and a bar close enough at hand to serve a glass of wine or grappa.", "hypothesis": "Bocce, a game that is a lot like French boules or P\u00e9tanque, is enjoyed a lot in small villages where there are shaded spots to play and places close that serve wine and or grappa."} {"idx": "mnli-7822", "premise": "(Quayle--that tax-and-spend liberal--would set it at a whopping 19 percent.)", "hypothesis": "The liberal, Quayle, would justify setting the rate at an astronomical 19%."} {"idx": "mnli-7823", "premise": "These were the residential areas of the city, considered desirable when they were first built.", "hypothesis": "The city had some residential areas."} {"idx": "mnli-7824", "premise": "Under traditional payment processes, certifying officers reviewed all invoices they authorized for payment.", "hypothesis": "Under traditional payment processes officers review all invoices they authorize for payment"} {"idx": "mnli-7825", "premise": "Because of the regional and global scale of these pollutants, individual states or localities experiencing the environmental effects cannot always control them.", "hypothesis": "Regional and global pollutants are succeeding. "} {"idx": "mnli-7826", "premise": "to decide", "hypothesis": "to decide on whether they are innocent or guilty."} {"idx": "mnli-7827", "premise": "In front of the entrance to the school, he planned a gigantic reconstruction of a battle field from level 3c of the cult game 'Warriors of Battlefield 17' (map 4azurroknight.Pk3).", "hypothesis": "he designed the battlefield from level 3c so it would fit in front of the school"} {"idx": "mnli-7828", "premise": "The village was named after the wife of King Louis XIII, Queen Anne of Austria.", "hypothesis": "The village gets its name form Queen Anne."} {"idx": "mnli-7829", "premise": "yes but maybe we maybe we'll get your guy", "hypothesis": "We will never get your guy."} {"idx": "mnli-7830", "premise": "The fighting brought none of the usual spoils of war that provincial warlords and samurai had come to expect as payment.", "hypothesis": "Samurai had no expectation of payment, they fought for honor."} {"idx": "mnli-7831", "premise": "For the reasons set forth below, we conclude that Congress has not authorized judicial review of these claims.", "hypothesis": "As we explain below, judicial review of these claims has not been given the go-ahead by Congress."} {"idx": "mnli-7832", "premise": "A good shorthand name for the Democratic fund-raising/Lincoln Bedroom/John Huang set of controversies seems as elusive as the story itself.", "hypothesis": "A good short-hand name for these controversies is easy, much like the story."} {"idx": "mnli-7833", "premise": "Veterans Affairs, and the Environmental Protection Agency.", "hypothesis": "environmental protection administration."} {"idx": "mnli-7834", "premise": "We've already prepared a construction camp for you.", "hypothesis": "We didn't realise that you would need a construction camp."} {"idx": "mnli-7835", "premise": "Exhibit 16 summarizes the mean monetized health and visibility benefits of the Alternative Estimate, which will be $6.", "hypothesis": "The benefits summarized in Exhibit 16 are above $10."} {"idx": "mnli-7836", "premise": "The rosy view is that the market's remarkable rise makes sense because conditions have been perfect.", "hypothesis": "The optimism says the market's rise is because the conditions have been a horrible condition."} {"idx": "mnli-7837", "premise": "well we have a similar um radio station here and because of the uh people i guess being pressured to have advertisers you know a lot of the stations have to have advertisers they kind of like", "hypothesis": "We have a radio station here that have similar advertisers."} {"idx": "mnli-7838", "premise": "Where'd these come from anyway, Kirby? Drew retailed the story he had heard from Stein.", "hypothesis": "Drew did not miss a single detail from the story Stein had told him."} {"idx": "mnli-7839", "premise": "Ibiza offers a healthy slice of the Mediterranean lifestyle infused with some of the spirit and architecture of North Africa.", "hypothesis": "Ibiza has no relevance to North Africa whatsoever."} {"idx": "mnli-7840", "premise": "um seedling to plant you know you could take the the", "hypothesis": "Could you take the tomato plant that grew from the seedling I bought last month?"} {"idx": "mnli-7841", "premise": "The whimpers of San'doro's wounded foes cried out in the night.", "hypothesis": "San'doro's enemies were beating drums and celebrating."} {"idx": "mnli-7842", "premise": "The cathedral's interior is a vast and noble space divided by 52 columns, showing its North European influence in the soaring columns and a decoration of stained-glass windows, from the 15th century to the present day.", "hypothesis": "The columns were designed by a team of German architects."} {"idx": "mnli-7843", "premise": "yeah i didn't know that", "hypothesis": "I knew about that."} {"idx": "mnli-7844", "premise": "They had to change twice, once at Doncaster, once at a small junction.", "hypothesis": "They didn't have to change for the entire trip."} {"idx": "mnli-7845", "premise": "yeah i've noticed locally a major problem is Kodak um it's interesting because in order to uh keep with the EPA standards which which tend to be visible uh what's coming out of your smokestack they do all their emissions at night uh so people get up", "hypothesis": "In the area there are issues with Kodak with meeting EPA standards."} {"idx": "mnli-7846", "premise": "The new King resumed the ways of the two previous monarchs, abolishing laws against adultery and prostitution and taking up with his half sister; but powerful interests, particularly those of the flourishing foreign business community (which would be increasingly dominated by the descendants of the first missionaries), were intent on usurping the throne, in effect if not in name.", "hypothesis": "The King had a half-sister and abolished various laws."} {"idx": "mnli-7847", "premise": "Before the conquests, the Aryans were organized in three warriors, priests, and commoners.", "hypothesis": "The Aryans had no social order at all."} {"idx": "mnli-7848", "premise": "that's true certainly not localized there", "hypothesis": "It has spread out a lot."} {"idx": "mnli-7849", "premise": "How do Mary Matalin and James Carville do it?", "hypothesis": "How do Matalin and Carville survive in a relationship when they disagree so much?"} {"idx": "mnli-7850", "premise": "and uh and his like his other parents grandparents on his other side both were in a nursing home and his grandmother his other grandmother his dad's mother finally went into a coma and she was in a coma for almost two years in a nursing before before she passed away and that that was awful", "hypothesis": "She died because of the coma."} {"idx": "mnli-7851", "premise": "Why?\" Poirot shrugged his shoulders. ", "hypothesis": "Poirot had nothing to say when asked to explain himself."} {"idx": "mnli-7852", "premise": "Rooms were free as we spoke.", "hypothesis": "Rooms freed as we talked."} {"idx": "mnli-7853", "premise": "Will you excuse me?\"", "hypothesis": "Excuse you!"} {"idx": "mnli-7854", "premise": "'His sheer prestige carries enough influence to threaten me.", "hypothesis": "He's not powerful at all."} {"idx": "mnli-7855", "premise": "The Sejm moved to Warsaw in 1569, and the death of the last ruler of the Jagiellonian dynasty, Zygmunt August, led to the creation of a Republic of Nobles and an elective monarchy that would serve it.", "hypothesis": "The Sejm had been in Gdansk in the 15th century."} {"idx": "mnli-7856", "premise": "As a great hack once said, the essence of hackery is adjusting a minimum of information to produce the maximum journalistic effect.", "hypothesis": "Hackery is giving minimum information but it helps the public keep up with journalism."} {"idx": "mnli-7857", "premise": "poor thing part of it was my fault i guess i just didn't take care of it like i should have", "hypothesis": "i was partly to blame for not taking care of it the way the pet store told me to"} {"idx": "mnli-7858", "premise": "change of location and it was very disturbing for her because she had been so used to traveling i mean she traveled she had she had children all across the United States and you know she spent nine months out of the year just visiting her children", "hypothesis": "it was difficult because she wasn't able to travel anymore--she traveled a lot, and spent nine months traveling and visiting her children all over the united states"} {"idx": "mnli-7859", "premise": "In Today's Papers for June 5, Scott Shuger ", "hypothesis": "Scott Shuger was in the June 5th edition of Today's Papers."} {"idx": "mnli-7860", "premise": "At the same moment, a man stepped out from the shadow of a tree and walked slowly in the same direction. ", "hypothesis": "The man stayed in the darkness. "} {"idx": "mnli-7861", "premise": "You know perfectly who I mean.\"", "hypothesis": "Of course you know exactly who I'm referring to."} {"idx": "mnli-7862", "premise": "He's not a moron.'", "hypothesis": "He is intelligent."} {"idx": "mnli-7863", "premise": " \"Well, there won't be any huntin' of that kind, Le\u00f3n.", "hypothesis": "There won't be any of that hunting ever, Leon."} {"idx": "mnli-7864", "premise": "um at TI they're doing recycling i mean for a long time they didn't do this but now they're they're recycling cans and paper we have separate bins", "hypothesis": "i work at TI, so i know all about their new recycling program"} {"idx": "mnli-7865", "premise": "'Wake that driver up.", "hypothesis": "Driver is snoring happily, so waking him up will be hard."} {"idx": "mnli-7866", "premise": "i have a a similar opinion at first i wasn't sure but then i thought it was a good thing for the company as as well", "hypothesis": "Nah, my opinion is entirely different."} {"idx": "mnli-7867", "premise": "Finally, each chapter sets out audit steps to help plan and conduct the assessment of an acquisition.", "hypothesis": "Only the last chapter has steps on auditing assessments for acquisitions. "} {"idx": "mnli-7868", "premise": "The authorities have been quick to respond, allowing hotels and other facilities to develop though care must be taken not to blight the delicate environment in the rush to turn the resorts into Euroland. ", "hypothesis": "Development efforts are underway, but not at the expense of the local environment."} {"idx": "mnli-7869", "premise": "That was when dinosaurs attacked.", "hypothesis": "The dinosaurs were totally peaceful."} {"idx": "mnli-7870", "premise": "After conquering the entire Aegean and Mediterranean coasts of Anatolia, and subduing Syria and Egypt, he took the great prize of Persepolis, the Persian capital, before advancing farther still into India.", "hypothesis": "He subdued Syria and Egypt before advancing farther into India."} {"idx": "mnli-7871", "premise": "The case turns on questionable medical testimony about injuries to 8-month-old victim Matthew Eappen.", "hypothesis": "Matthew Eappen had questionable medical testimony related to injuries he sustained."} {"idx": "mnli-7872", "premise": "Tuppence was quick in her mental processes.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence was a fast thinker. "} {"idx": "mnli-7873", "premise": "but it it has a big engine and it it pulls a boat and stuff but it's and it it's got the seats that and the other thing that is interesting is it has uh rear air conditioning", "hypothesis": "It has a dinky engine not strong enough to pull boats and no air conditioning at all."} {"idx": "mnli-7874", "premise": "ABATEMENT - A reduction or cancellation of an assessed tax.", "hypothesis": "Assessed taxes can be reduced or cancelled through the process of abatement."} {"idx": "mnli-7875", "premise": "Musical exercises drift through the air, along with snatches of conversation about AP courses, recommendations, test prep, tracking, and nursery-school admissions.", "hypothesis": "Musical exercises are heard."} {"idx": "mnli-7876", "premise": "Lind means to debunk minimal realism, the argument that the United States should do only those things in the world that it really has to do, because the great evils it must avoid are overextension and overcommitment.", "hypothesis": "Minimal realism says that the US must avoid overcommittment."} {"idx": "mnli-7877", "premise": "Alternatively, try salmonete (red mullet), mero (grouper), or lenguado (sole).", "hypothesis": "Salmonete will be a better pick compared to lenguado."} {"idx": "mnli-7878", "premise": "Clinton has said oral sex doesn't count.", "hypothesis": "Clinton denied having oral sex because it shouldn't count."} {"idx": "mnli-7879", "premise": "VoiceType is IBM's previous generation of voice-recognition software.", "hypothesis": "VoiceType is the best voice-recognition software on the market."} {"idx": "mnli-7880", "premise": "We call it the Old One, said Ca'daan, smiling at them.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan frowne as he shouted at the woman."} {"idx": "mnli-7881", "premise": "that's right that's right your baby's still alive with hundred and three so yeah it's going to take a changing lot of our old prejudices and you know just", "hypothesis": "A baby is not alive with a 103 fever."} {"idx": "mnli-7882", "premise": "the two little cars i've got now bought a Mitsubishi Mirage here a couple years ago and and it was normally carbureted and it's fairly easy to work with because there's not just a whole lot in it to go wrong and you know changing the plugs and stuff", "hypothesis": "I love the Mirage I bought but I've always bought Mitsubishis. "} {"idx": "mnli-7883", "premise": "Until the late 19th century, this marked the eastern edge of Madrid.", "hypothesis": "The eastern edge of Madrid has changed over time."} {"idx": "mnli-7884", "premise": "They hadn't found the papers.", "hypothesis": "They found the books, though. "} {"idx": "mnli-7885", "premise": "There are several stables on Martinique where hotels can arrange for tourists to rent horses by the hour or the day.", "hypothesis": "There are no commercial stables on Martinique that rent horses to tourists."} {"idx": "mnli-7886", "premise": "Don't you bother about anything. ", "hypothesis": "Do you worry about anything?"} {"idx": "mnli-7887", "premise": "According to the Maastricht Treaty, the currency will be put into circulation only after individual national economies have hit certain targets--such as a sufficiently low ratio of debt to gross domestic product.", "hypothesis": "The currency will be the solution to the nation's economic troubles."} {"idx": "mnli-7888", "premise": "yeah me too me too i need to go actually get something to eat here", "hypothesis": "I too would like to go there and have a meal."} {"idx": "mnli-7889", "premise": "The gate in the city walls nearest the Temple Mount has the unusual name of Dung Gate, probably due to the activities of the city's waste collection men in earlier times.", "hypothesis": "Dung Gate is a common name, and is the name of one of the city halls."} {"idx": "mnli-7890", "premise": "well what would you have at a dinner party", "hypothesis": "I have no idea what to serve at a dinner party."} {"idx": "mnli-7891", "premise": "1999: UPN's potential breakout hit, Shasta McCrackhead , is tamed into the disastrously dull Shasta McNasty . Look where it is in the ratings now.", "hypothesis": "Shasta McCrackhead was changed into Shasta McNasty."} {"idx": "mnli-7892", "premise": "Barney Frank, the president's best friend in the House, has suggested that Clinton should 'fess up if he had an affair, as has Leon Panetta.", "hypothesis": "Barney Frank thinks Clinton should reveal if he had an affair. "} {"idx": "mnli-7893", "premise": "You get to be patriotic and hawkish.", "hypothesis": "You also get to be loud when you speak."} {"idx": "mnli-7894", "premise": "Some studies collect data from a small number of sites but have no other features in common with case studies and offer none of their advantages.", "hypothesis": "The studies that collect data from a small number of sites give the best information."} {"idx": "mnli-7895", "premise": "sure i think Houston's playing really good ball lately", "hypothesis": "Sure, I really think that Houston has been playing pretty good lately"} {"idx": "mnli-7896", "premise": "In summary, the total time needed to complete the design, installation, and testing at a facility with one SCR unit is about 21 months; at a facility with multiple SCR (seven) units, total time is approximately 35 months.", "hypothesis": "We can install and design the unit in less than a day."} {"idx": "mnli-7897", "premise": "When he scoops her up to elude some angry baboons, the sequence is more electrifying, more dizzyingly vertiginous than anything in Jurassic The Lost World (1997).", "hypothesis": "The sequence when he saves her from baboons is dizzying and fast paced. "} {"idx": "mnli-7898", "premise": "In addition, LSC has begun conducting a thorough review of LSC's regulations.", "hypothesis": "LSC had to thoroughly review their regulations."} {"idx": "mnli-7899", "premise": "Ca'daan marveled at the two men, machines built for the art of war.", "hypothesis": "The two men carried really advanced weapons."} {"idx": "mnli-7900", "premise": "His uncle looked at him for a long time.", "hypothesis": "His aunt was looking at him. "} {"idx": "mnli-7901", "premise": "Stay with Gauve.", "hypothesis": "Gauve does not want to be left alone. "} {"idx": "mnli-7902", "premise": "And for the hundredth time, I'll tell you that you're here.", "hypothesis": "I will not tell you that you are here."} {"idx": "mnli-7903", "premise": "In addition, agency heads and other senior leaders in the federal government can gain an understanding of their roles in executing the critical success factors that must be addressed as CIOs work to meet the letter and intent of the Clinger-Cohen Act and related legislation.", "hypothesis": "CIOs are ignoring both the letter and intent of legislation such as the Clinger-Cohen Act."} {"idx": "mnli-7904", "premise": "His long black hair hung down, obscuring his face.", "hypothesis": "His hair covered part of his face but you could still see his evil eyes. "} {"idx": "mnli-7905", "premise": "As Ottoman control weakened, Egypt became a pawn in a larger game.", "hypothesis": "Ottoman control weakened."} {"idx": "mnli-7906", "premise": "Spot enforcement, well-publicized with blue flashing lights, is what maintains speed limits on the highway.", "hypothesis": "There are no longer speed limits."} {"idx": "mnli-7907", "premise": "The war's over.\" A hint of alertness came into Mr. Carter's manner.", "hypothesis": "The war is still ongoing. "} {"idx": "mnli-7908", "premise": "Say that you're from the Podunk Banner and that you want to talk to her about some new policy.", "hypothesis": "Pretend you want to talk to her about her new policy."} {"idx": "mnli-7909", "premise": "A shorter Newsweek story labels these dropouts Young Unhappy Professionals (unhappy, that is, till they drop out).", "hypothesis": "There are a lot of unhappy young workers."} {"idx": "mnli-7910", "premise": "An article reports that five tits-and-action TV shows are following in the profitable footsteps of Pamela Anderson Lee's V.I.P.", "hypothesis": "There is news that there will be more T&A television shows similar to V.I.P., which starred Pam Anderson Lee."} {"idx": "mnli-7911", "premise": "I wonder if we actually disagree, or if my solutions just didn't occur to you.", "hypothesis": "Maybe the ideas are not coming across."} {"idx": "mnli-7912", "premise": "beans like to be near certain types of plants now they they find that tomatoes don't do well if you put them next to something like uh peas i don't know something", "hypothesis": "Tomatoes will do fine next to peas and don't put anything next to your beans."} {"idx": "mnli-7913", "premise": "it's the honor system i know it'll be an interesting experiment to see how", "hypothesis": "The honor system should not be tried. "} {"idx": "mnli-7914", "premise": "In order to estimate ozone-related health and welfare effects for the eastern U.S., fullseason ozone data are required for every CAPMS grid-cell.", "hypothesis": "CPMS grid cells are essential for estimating ozone effects"} {"idx": "mnli-7915", "premise": "The house is an intriguing mixture of Baroque furniture and Roman antiquities, but the main attraction is the charming garden with its trellised arches and dramatic overhang with magical views overlooking the island and the bay.", "hypothesis": "The building has a combination of different design influences."} {"idx": "mnli-7916", "premise": "On your return to the center of East Jerusalem from Mount Scopus, you will pass the British War Cemetery, a resting place for soldiers who fell fighting for Jerusalem in 1917 and another reminder of the city's turbulent history.", "hypothesis": "It takes 45 minutes to travel from Mount Scopus to East Jerusalem by foot. "} {"idx": "mnli-7917", "premise": "Finally, the warring parties focused on New Orleans.", "hypothesis": "They ignored New Orleans."} {"idx": "mnli-7918", "premise": "It offers a stepping stone to the sacred island of Delos, with all its archaeological treasures, yet has a variety of beaches for those who want to do little but soak in the sun.", "hypothesis": "It features several beaches for sunbathers."} {"idx": "mnli-7919", "premise": "George W. Bush said he hasn't used drugs since 1974.", "hypothesis": "It's believed that George W. Bush may be telling a slight fallacy when claiming that he's been sober from drug use for over 40 years."} {"idx": "mnli-7920", "premise": "Coward had the house built in 1956 and lived here until his death, creating a haven where he could be out of the public eye.", "hypothesis": "Coward had the house built in 1956 for his privacy."} {"idx": "mnli-7921", "premise": "all of his own plants under a a light he put out in the garage to help keep them you know alive and get them a good start so we hope we have a lot of flowers this year so", "hypothesis": "He started the plants indoors under a light in the garage."} {"idx": "mnli-7922", "premise": "In ancient times it was Canaan and Pilistia (coastal land of the Philistines), then Israel and Judea, before reverting to Palestine (the name ultimately derived from the Philistines).", "hypothesis": "The land known now as Palestine was never known as Israel or Judea."} {"idx": "mnli-7923", "premise": "Atlantic Treaty Organization, the Balkans remain volatile.", "hypothesis": "There is volatility in the Balkans."} {"idx": "mnli-7924", "premise": "What is the project's name?", "hypothesis": "What is the name of the project?"} {"idx": "mnli-7925", "premise": "Thus, while it may be accurate that large portions of the missions engaged in by the Coast Guard or FEMA today do not relate primarily to homeland security, it is wholly appropriate for Congress to determine whether the future missions of such agencies should focus principally on homeland security.", "hypothesis": "The Coast Guard runs Congress and FEMA."} {"idx": "mnli-7926", "premise": "that's really good", "hypothesis": "It's great that you are able to do that."} {"idx": "mnli-7927", "premise": "She conflates belligerence, divisiveness, polarization, titillation, jealousy, incivility, aloofness, ruthlessness, cruelty, savagery, contempt, glibness, cynicism, anomie, partisanship, obstructionism, and gridlock.", "hypothesis": "She is kind and caring. "} {"idx": "mnli-7928", "premise": "Sounds to me like somebody's rethought his opposition to physician-assisted suicide.", "hypothesis": "It took years to win them over to the other side."} {"idx": "mnli-7929", "premise": "Nurse Janina wanted to call his family but a cell phone in the patient's locker was turned off and nobody knew the code.", "hypothesis": "A cellphone in the patients locker was turned off."} {"idx": "mnli-7930", "premise": "Furthermore, when the options were fixed so that a boy could not give his group more without sacrificing profits for both groups, the boys still chose to maximize the difference in rewards between groups.", "hypothesis": "This study showed that the boys in question were more interested in going with the option that provided the largest chance of a larger reward than the other groups would receive. "} {"idx": "mnli-7931", "premise": "Once hired, the company sends these employees back to college for IT training and invests in them.", "hypothesis": "The company invests in their employees because studies show that it is a good, efficient way to generate employee loyalty."} {"idx": "mnli-7932", "premise": "yeah i really don't have any other", "hypothesis": "This is it for me."} {"idx": "mnli-7933", "premise": "They have been made to feel by the abuser that no one is going to help them do anything, so when they come to us they are desperate, she said. ", "hypothesis": "The abuser makes them feel isolated."} {"idx": "mnli-7934", "premise": "uh because you because even even my oldest uh child when he comes uh comes to the house he's still he's still my my my child and and i don't think of him as an adult yet and uh that that's one of his complaints", "hypothesis": "My oldest child hates that i don't yet think of him as an adult."} {"idx": "mnli-7935", "premise": "Stroll along the Rue Saint-Ours and the Rue du Ceteau, then wander around the ramparts.", "hypothesis": "Turn back before getting to the ramparts."} {"idx": "mnli-7936", "premise": "As a result, arguments by indigent clients that a welfare statute is unlawful or unconstitutional cannot be expressed in this Government-funded program for petitioning the courts, even though the program was created for litigation involving welfare benefits, and even though the ordinary course of litigation involves the expression of theories and postulates on both, or multiple, sides of an issue.", "hypothesis": "Many clients have argued against the use of a welfare system."} {"idx": "mnli-7937", "premise": "The shooting war of 1992 ended with a cease-fire, not peace.", "hypothesis": "the war of 1992 didn't end with peace, but a cease fire."} {"idx": "mnli-7938", "premise": "It also includes rate differences due to weight and to whether the piece is non-standard in shape.", "hypothesis": "Due to weight, rate differences have not been included."} {"idx": "mnli-7939", "premise": "Therma on the north coast is still an active spa offering treatments for ailments from rheumatism to infertility.", "hypothesis": "Therma is an active spa that offers treatments for a wide range of conditions from rheumatism to infertility."} {"idx": "mnli-7940", "premise": "oh is it yeah i do well it depends on what mood you're in too you know", "hypothesis": "It's bad no matter what mood you're in."} {"idx": "mnli-7941", "premise": "For the first time I felt that, with Evelyn Howard, something indefinable had gone from the atmosphere. ", "hypothesis": "Evelyn Howard felt a change. "} {"idx": "mnli-7942", "premise": "right you bet yeah we'll that you know and there's a lot of places with uh like nature trails things like that where they could learn a lot too", "hypothesis": "It's really great for them to go walking on nature trails."} {"idx": "mnli-7943", "premise": "Dante writes Inferno", "hypothesis": "Dante didn't write Inferno."} {"idx": "mnli-7944", "premise": "uh it's kind of a a bad thing to happen but we happen to have landed again in a very lucky spot there is a little business development behind us that's a bit of a a a little bank and a couple of dry cleaning things and little strip shopping center but it's several houses down because the property that's the other side of our little wall is a triangle shape and the wedge part of the triangle got too skinny to do anything more than put some grass and trees there there's not even a parking lot so it it's a nice uh two or three houses on either side of us is nice grass and trees and", "hypothesis": "I feel positively towards where we live now - we have lovely grass and trees around our house. "} {"idx": "mnli-7945", "premise": "huh-uh swimming is for swimming", "hypothesis": "Yeah, swimming is for swimming don't use it anywhere else."} {"idx": "mnli-7946", "premise": "The private collection includes paintings of old Madeira by 19th-century English artists and the apartments of a well-to-do 18th-century Madeiran household.", "hypothesis": "19th century English artists made paintings of old Madeira."} {"idx": "mnli-7947", "premise": "and uh when you pull it out it's called bisque uh it started it off with greenware when you first start off and then it goes to bisque and that's when you can paint it", "hypothesis": "You can't paint it when it's still greenware, you have to wait when it goes to bisque."} {"idx": "mnli-7948", "premise": "uh right yeah uh got to counting the other day and uh i think i have what was it two hundred and i got to thinking the money that i've got invested in this", "hypothesis": "I've counted four hundred the other day."} {"idx": "mnli-7949", "premise": "Compare Masolino's sweet and harmonious Adam and Eve in his Original Sin (chapel entrance, upper right) with Masaccio's agonizing figures in the Expulsion from the Garden of Eden, opposite, to appreciate one of the early Renaissance's most dramatic statements.", "hypothesis": "Masaccio's Expulsion from the Garden of Eden was typical of his dramatic style."} {"idx": "mnli-7950", "premise": "Those don't work anyway.", "hypothesis": "Those don't work."} {"idx": "mnli-7951", "premise": "Et In an interview on Late Edition , Ken Starr says that if he could do it over again, he would have used the independent counsel's office as a bully pulpit, appearing on television to counter the White House's spin doctors.", "hypothesis": "Ken Starr used tv appearances to counter the spin doctors."} {"idx": "mnli-7952", "premise": "Brinchang, a few more kilometers beyond Tanah Rata, is better known for its vegetable farms, and of course, the famous tea plantations.", "hypothesis": "Brichang is better known for its bars and dance halls."} {"idx": "mnli-7953", "premise": "If a large portion of our population has no access to the third tier of government, they're basically ostracized.", "hypothesis": "If a lot of people in our population don't have access to the third tier of government, they are left out."} {"idx": "mnli-7954", "premise": "Given a reporter's name, a Web-based information broker tracked down his base identifiers--Social Security number, birth date, and address--in five minutes.", "hypothesis": "A person couldn't find anything about the reporter."} {"idx": "mnli-7955", "premise": "The result was an enormous protest outside the Tribune by Hispanic groups that took his comments literally and demanded that he be fired.", "hypothesis": "Some Hispanic groups were not happy with the comments he made."} {"idx": "mnli-7956", "premise": "They boast of national recognition for their work in this area, including the American Bar Association's Lawyer as Problem Solver Award in August.", "hypothesis": "They have never received an award that is nationally recognized. "} {"idx": "mnli-7957", "premise": "The church of Santa Trinita has a late-16th-century Baroque facade with a Gothic interior.", "hypothesis": "There is a Gothic interior inside the church of Santa Trinita."} {"idx": "mnli-7958", "premise": "The Supreme Court began its new term.", "hypothesis": "The supreme court operates in 10 month terms."} {"idx": "mnli-7959", "premise": "And by the by, Prudie could not help thinking that had Mr. Clinton waited 24 hours to give that speech, it might have been quite different.", "hypothesis": "It is of Prudie's opinion that Mr. Clinton would have given a different speech if he had delivered it a day later."} {"idx": "mnli-7960", "premise": "But the German army wreaked brutal reprisals on the civilians.", "hypothesis": "Firing squads were a common occurrence."} {"idx": "mnli-7961", "premise": "pardon me but uh", "hypothesis": "I don't need to speak with that person."} {"idx": "mnli-7962", "premise": "The next hole, the 17 th , we all watched in gut-wrenching horror as Lehman hit his approach shot into the pond.", "hypothesis": "Lehman jumped into the pond after his golf ball. "} {"idx": "mnli-7963", "premise": "I should not know him again.", "hypothesis": "I'll know him every time."} {"idx": "mnli-7964", "premise": "When we're there, however, she spends a large part of the evening on the phone or on the computer.", "hypothesis": "She spends a minor part of the evening on the phone or on the computer."} {"idx": "mnli-7965", "premise": "Jim sat in on our weekly meetings, listening to people talk about their cases, Broker says. ", "hypothesis": "Jim learned a lot during those meetings."} {"idx": "mnli-7966", "premise": "The old wooden building is simply magnificent, although its hot bath is one of the most basic you're likely to encounter.", "hypothesis": "The building is amazing but contains an ordinary hot bath."} {"idx": "mnli-7967", "premise": "I was left in silence, holding the receiver.", "hypothesis": "I was quietly holding on to the receiver. "} {"idx": "mnli-7968", "premise": "Their popularity surpassed the wildest expectations of the company's owner from Kolatkowo, who in a fit of happiness, threw himself off a bridge.", "hypothesis": "The owner of the company threw himself off of a bridge."} {"idx": "mnli-7969", "premise": "The Herodian Quarter Museum, in the remains of six mansions which somehow survived the destruction of a.d. 70 and now lie several feet below the surface of the present city, gives a fascinating insight into life in the city 2,000 years ago.", "hypothesis": "The Herodian Quarter Museum gives you a glimpse into the city's culture 2,000 years ago."} {"idx": "mnli-7970", "premise": "The use of test organisms taken from the receiving water has strong appeal, and would seem to be the logical approach.", "hypothesis": "The use of test organisms in the receiving water is a terrible idea."} {"idx": "mnli-7971", "premise": "Where is it now?\"", "hypothesis": "I know exactly where it is."} {"idx": "mnli-7972", "premise": "But there are scenery chewers and there are Michelin-gourmet scenery chewers, and Pacino has a three-star feast.", "hypothesis": "A very high quality of food is served at Pacino."} {"idx": "mnli-7973", "premise": "Of course, resumed Tuppence, \"marriage is my best chance.", "hypothesis": "The best chance for Tuppence is marriage."} {"idx": "mnli-7974", "premise": "so i can see you yeah and you need air you actually need air now it gets warm enough down there for it so", "hypothesis": "You don't need air conditioning, given how the weather is perfect here."} {"idx": "mnli-7975", "premise": "Similarly, 3 truckloads of mail weighing 3 ounces per piece get the same dropship discount as 1 truckload of mail weighing 1 ounce per piece.", "hypothesis": "3 truckloads of mail weighing 3 ounces per piece get the same dropship discount as 2 truckload of mail weighing 0.5 ounce per piece."} {"idx": "mnli-7976", "premise": "This serves to distinguish a504(a)(16) from any of the Title X program restrictions upheld in Rust, and to place it beyond any congressional funding condition approved in the past by this Court.", "hypothesis": "This includes a 504(a)(16) in Title X restrictions."} {"idx": "mnli-7977", "premise": "that's real bright", "hypothesis": "It's very dim here."} {"idx": "mnli-7978", "premise": "Comments were requested.", "hypothesis": "Comments were permanently restricted."} {"idx": "mnli-7979", "premise": "yeah it it uh i can't remember how far in advance we reserved tickets but it was out you know out at the State Fair Music Hall", "hypothesis": "We reserved our tickets in advance for the music."} {"idx": "mnli-7980", "premise": "huh ours haven't done anything yet this year", "hypothesis": "They were supposed to do something by now. "} {"idx": "mnli-7981", "premise": "But in keeping with the Italians' traditional local attachments, their first unions were camere del lavoro, regionally based chambers of labor linking workers to their town or commune rather than their individual trade.", "hypothesis": "The Italians' traditional approach ensured a steady economical and social development in the long run."} {"idx": "mnli-7982", "premise": "In 1986, rows of black-and-white striped stone columns were added to the main quadrangle, the Cour d'Honneur.", "hypothesis": "There are rows of columns that were added 100 years after it was built."} {"idx": "mnli-7983", "premise": "The inspection activities are for a variety of to ensure that dutiable merchandise is declared, to seize contraband (such as narcotics and illegal drugs), to detect infringements of patent and copyright laws, and so forth.", "hypothesis": "The inspection activities are only a 5 minute activity."} {"idx": "mnli-7984", "premise": "of Cronkite and he did a a pretty good job The Huntley Brinkley Report was quite excellent over the years", "hypothesis": "Cronkite and the Huntley Brinkley Report were both poorly done."} {"idx": "mnli-7985", "premise": "The Moors called it Altaya, meaning Health for All, but not before they had destroyed the first settlement and rebuilt the town.", "hypothesis": "The first settlement had a population of 1 million."} {"idx": "mnli-7986", "premise": " \"Mistuh Kirby \"Hamilcar came in.", "hypothesis": "Hamilcar came in, \"Mistuh Kirby\"..."} {"idx": "mnli-7987", "premise": "right i have a sister that can can uh crochet real well or or knit i i guess i mean knit and she knits things like hats and uh sweaters an you know", "hypothesis": "She's really talented when it comes to knitting."} {"idx": "mnli-7988", "premise": "The auditor will be trying to determine whether a project will result in a specified product or level of performance and will be delivered at a specified time and cost.", "hypothesis": "The auditor is paid to report what the company wants it to report. "} {"idx": "mnli-7989", "premise": "Scholars have suggested that the alignments are associated with cults of the sun or moon, or are astronomical arrangements for predicting such phenomena as eclipses.", "hypothesis": "The alignment is such that it may represent an astronomical tool intended to predict eclipses."} {"idx": "mnli-7990", "premise": "hoping that they do go to a Honda dealership to get them serviced", "hypothesis": "I hope they get them serviced at a Honda dealership. "} {"idx": "mnli-7991", "premise": "But Barr also I don't think its realistic that we're going to be able to zero it out.", "hypothesis": "It's so simple anyone can zero it out."} {"idx": "mnli-7992", "premise": "The hotel price categories below are based on regular-season rates for a standard double room, excluding a 15 percent service charge.", "hypothesis": "The hotel has prices lower than the regular season rates."} {"idx": "mnli-7993", "premise": "(When his father died, Daniel was in jail for driving a car with stolen tags.)", "hypothesis": "Daniel was saddened by his father's death."} {"idx": "mnli-7994", "premise": "The oldest, facing south and telling the story of John the Baptist, were designed by Andrea Pisano in 1330.", "hypothesis": "Andrea Pisano was born in 1428 and worked as a politician."} {"idx": "mnli-7995", "premise": "In St. Peter's Square (Piazza San Pietro), Bernini has performed one of the world's most exciting pieces of architectural orchestration.", "hypothesis": "The design of St. Peter's Square is very underwhelming and plain."} {"idx": "mnli-7996", "premise": "Bauerstein. ", "hypothesis": "The person was Bauerstein."} {"idx": "mnli-7997", "premise": "We are pleased that the Administration has just released the national homeland security strategy and GAO stands ready to work with the Congress and the Administration to ensure that a sound and strong strategy can be effectively implemented to protect the country against terrorism.", "hypothesis": "The national homeland security strategy has been released."} {"idx": "mnli-7998", "premise": "We recognize that firms are being called upon to do not just this [loan forgiveness] but many other charitable things.", "hypothesis": "The firms being called upon are recognized by us."} {"idx": "mnli-7999", "premise": "After a solemn religious service, the rest of the day is given over to revelry.", "hypothesis": "After the religious ceremony is over, the rest of the day is spent in solemn contemplation."} {"idx": "mnli-8000", "premise": "Today birds chirp in the trees at this totally tranquil spot.", "hypothesis": "On this day, birds sing in this otherwise calm location."} {"idx": "mnli-8001", "premise": "right you bet yeah we'll that you know and there's a lot of places with uh like nature trails things like that where they could learn a lot too", "hypothesis": "Nowadays you can go to places that have nature trails."} {"idx": "mnli-8002", "premise": "The Rue du Roi-Ren?? will take you past some handsome 17th- and 18th-century?\u00ad houses; and on the pretty, cobblestoned Rue des Tein?\u00adtu?\u00adriers you can see where the dyers used to work the paddlewheels for their Indian-style cloth in the little Sorgue river, emerging here from its underground course.", "hypothesis": "The Sorgue river was also near the home of the merchants who would sell the dye."} {"idx": "mnli-8003", "premise": "There are delightful wooden figures made as servants for the dead.", "hypothesis": "The wooden figures are carved by chlidren."} {"idx": "mnli-8004", "premise": "In the latter case, Centrelink provides these employers with materials to distribute to existing and new employees who are receiving benefits from Centrelink.", "hypothesis": "In the former case, Centerlink provides employers with materials to distribute among employees who receive benefits from Centrelink."} {"idx": "mnli-8005", "premise": "Top Level Reviews of Actual Performance", "hypothesis": "There are reviews from the normal crowd."} {"idx": "mnli-8006", "premise": "As noted above, the requirement of presence is frequently used in immigration laws to describe categories of aliens within the United States who may not have established residence.", "hypothesis": "The requirement of presence is rarely used in immigration laws."} {"idx": "mnli-8007", "premise": "While this discussion focuses on tax incentives encouraging personal saving, some federal programs and tax provisions may actually discourage people from saving.", "hypothesis": "At the moment the subject is how tax incentives encourage individuals to put money away, but it is acknowledged that some tax rules have the opposite effect."} {"idx": "mnli-8008", "premise": "Garfield uh Garfield i want to say Garfield but that wasn't", "hypothesis": "It is definitely Garfield, I am sure of it."} {"idx": "mnli-8009", "premise": "Adrin said nothing and Gabriel continued.", "hypothesis": "Adrin was being very quiet. "} {"idx": "mnli-8010", "premise": "But Cook's entire strategy is built on the principle that it's possible to predict, in the short term, when stocks will rise and fall.", "hypothesis": "Cook believes no one can crack the code of the stock market."} {"idx": "mnli-8011", "premise": "Luxurious yet laid-back, with a slightly wicked reputation, on a sought-after stretch of the beach.", "hypothesis": "It is located on a very nice piece of the beach."} {"idx": "mnli-8012", "premise": "They don't seem to have the damage they claim they have, and they're bragging about it.", "hypothesis": "They don't have as much damage as they claim."} {"idx": "mnli-8013", "premise": "You were going to say?", "hypothesis": "What were you going to say?"} {"idx": "mnli-8014", "premise": "The erotica is probably best explained, however, along with Nepal's ubiquitous Shiva lingams (phalluses) and the female yoni symbols, as an expression of the creative energy in male-female relations and the pleasure principles of Tantrism.", "hypothesis": "The erotica took over a century to write."} {"idx": "mnli-8015", "premise": "Three days, four days", "hypothesis": "Five, six weeks."} {"idx": "mnli-8016", "premise": "What do animals eat?\" ", "hypothesis": "Do animals eat at all?"} {"idx": "mnli-8017", "premise": "We distinguish what is known in the U.S. as the in-office delivery function and the street delivery function.", "hypothesis": "Here in the U.S., in-office and street delivery functions are a single, indistinguishable function."} {"idx": "mnli-8018", "premise": "Overbooking is the norm, she said.", "hypothesis": "She said that flights are always overbooked, with the assumption that some people will cancel."} {"idx": "mnli-8019", "premise": "According to The Path to A Five-Year Status Report on Access to Justice in California, prepared by the California Commission on Access to Justice, Katherine is just one of 4.6 million poor Californians whose basic civil legal needs -- often involving such critical needs as housing, health care, education, employment, safety and transportation -- are not being addressed.", "hypothesis": "there is a report called The Path to A Five-Year Status Report"} {"idx": "mnli-8020", "premise": "yeah i did i did like the food in Germany it was pretty good", "hypothesis": "I enjoyed German Cuisine. "} {"idx": "mnli-8021", "premise": "CHAPTER 1", "hypothesis": "A book begins."} {"idx": "mnli-8022", "premise": "I think he wants me to be.\"", "hypothesis": "I think he wants to be me."} {"idx": "mnli-8023", "premise": "This is the settlement where the generations of painters, masons, and builders who worked on the royal tombs lived.", "hypothesis": "The painters, masons and builders all lived together."} {"idx": "mnli-8024", "premise": "If Oprah's not safe, no one is.", "hypothesis": "Oprah isn't safe."} {"idx": "mnli-8025", "premise": "(In practice, there will probably be a small segment of the population-- presumably at the low end of the income distribution--who will be unhappy about having to buy insurance even at $500.", "hypothesis": "People would be glad to pay $500 for health insurance."} {"idx": "mnli-8026", "premise": "Swing south from Villena along the N-330 to Sax, site of the Roman town of Saxum.", "hypothesis": "Leave Villena by traveling north to Saxum."} {"idx": "mnli-8027", "premise": "Ceteris paribus, unit (per piece) fixed costs are higher in a low volume per capita system than in a high volume per capita system.", "hypothesis": "Per unit costs aren't fixed in low volume capita"} {"idx": "mnli-8028", "premise": "that's right that's all afternoon i'll tell you what but uh", "hypothesis": "You will have to plan to have the whole afternoon free."} {"idx": "mnli-8029", "premise": "In Los Angeles County, the Vietnamese population rose nearly 25 percent in the decade, while the Chinese population leaped by more than 34 percent.", "hypothesis": "The Chinese population increase was the greatest of any given race in Los Angeles County."} {"idx": "mnli-8030", "premise": "and um we weren't bothered that much by mosquitoes so we didn't really contribute it to that but um i think in an area that's really thick with mosquitoes i can't see all this little uh smoke buckets i call them how they work but they they're suppose to work really well", "hypothesis": "I'm not sure how the smoke buckets work but they seem to work well."} {"idx": "mnli-8031", "premise": "they're almost more like dogs one's name is Malcolm and he sort of follows you from room to room wherever you go and things like that so it's really really cute", "hypothesis": "The other is named Steve and will usually ignore you."} {"idx": "mnli-8032", "premise": "Also, if one product development takes more time and money to complete than expected, it denies the firm opportunities to invest those resources in other products.", "hypothesis": "If product development takes more time or money than thought, the firm is denied opportunities to invest."} {"idx": "mnli-8033", "premise": "I saw you roll out of your saddle back in Tennessee.", "hypothesis": "I also saw you roll out of your saddle in Virginia."} {"idx": "mnli-8034", "premise": "She was saying, finally, \"I tell you they're in the barn.", "hypothesis": "She knew that she was giving them away."} {"idx": "mnli-8035", "premise": "Winnie found himself in England when the regiment was transferred to England in the Great War (or World War I).", "hypothesis": "Winnie was in England when the regiment went to Germany."} {"idx": "mnli-8036", "premise": "Now they admit this was wrong.", "hypothesis": "They now admit this was wrong, but it's too late."} {"idx": "mnli-8037", "premise": "The Globe notes conspiratorially that his wife, Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy, was nowhere in sight.", "hypothesis": "The Globe reported that Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy was there."} {"idx": "mnli-8038", "premise": "yeah yeah yeah in fact it got some pretty serious deep parts in it so", "hypothesis": "The deep parts really make you think."} {"idx": "mnli-8039", "premise": "But presumably the amendment could also be used against judges who come down hard on lax parents.", "hypothesis": "The amendment could be used against judges."} {"idx": "mnli-8040", "premise": "And it comes just in time, because technology for making biological weapons is spreading.", "hypothesis": "Biological weapon technology is becoming more accessible. "} {"idx": "mnli-8041", "premise": "Doing a good case study is more than just looking at what is happening in a few instances.", "hypothesis": "To be considered good, a case study should look at at least 1,000 individual instances. "} {"idx": "mnli-8042", "premise": "Attestation engagements can cover a broad range of financial or nonfinancial objectives1 and can be part of a financial statement audit or other engagement.", "hypothesis": "Attestation engagements are only nonfinancial objectives."} {"idx": "mnli-8043", "premise": "Thousands of Iowans who live in mobile homes face increasingly unsafe conditions because no laws exist to govern how landlords care for property outside city limits, advocates say.", "hypothesis": "Thousands of Iowans living in mobile homes face unsafe conditions because there are no laws governing how landlords care for those properties and how they charge their clients."} {"idx": "mnli-8044", "premise": "he's probably drug dealer himself never know", "hypothesis": "He could be a drug dealer, too. "} {"idx": "mnli-8045", "premise": "Children, siblings, nieces, and nephews all gather at a prosperous estate to celebrate the 60 th birthday of its formidable patriarch (Henning Moritzen), who turns out to have had monstrous designs on two of his own children.", "hypothesis": "The owner of the estate had a huge family gathering to celebrate his 60th birthday."} {"idx": "mnli-8046", "premise": "Congressional war powers are not an entirely lost cause.", "hypothesis": "Congressional war powers are completely a lost cause. "} {"idx": "mnli-8047", "premise": "The principle of Mutually Assured Destruction, after all, dictated that once nukes are launched, retaliation becomes much easier.", "hypothesis": "The principle of Mutually Assured Destruction is widely approved of."} {"idx": "mnli-8048", "premise": "and yeah then you have to pay your fee and American Express you're really it's not a credit card because you have to pay it off at the end of the month but the fee for that it's really expensive isn't it", "hypothesis": "American Express credit cards are the same as other credit cards."} {"idx": "mnli-8049", "premise": "you buy it you buy it as a seasoning", "hypothesis": "I have no idea where to buy it."} {"idx": "mnli-8050", "premise": "What about the less theatrical, but equally troubling, civil problems that can afflict people in any walk of life?", "hypothesis": "There are civil problems that can affect anyone."} {"idx": "mnli-8051", "premise": "Dead you were, mandrake son, and dead you shall be again.", "hypothesis": "Mandrake man, you were dead before, and you will be dead again."} {"idx": "mnli-8052", "premise": "Parents have the same obligations to support their children regardless of whether they are, or ever were, married to each other.", "hypothesis": "Regardless of martial status, both parents need to take care of their children the same."} {"idx": "mnli-8053", "premise": "is it still there", "hypothesis": "Has it been added there?"} {"idx": "mnli-8054", "premise": "The Izu Peninsula is blessed with a sunny climate, fine beaches, picturesque little fishing ports, and perhaps more to the point some of the country's best hot springs resorts.", "hypothesis": "The Izu Peninsula has a warm climate, beaches, fishing ports and hot spring resorts."} {"idx": "mnli-8055", "premise": "Victor Geminiani demonstrated how video conferencing is being used extensively by staff and clients to serve six islands.", "hypothesis": "Geminiani wanted to keep the conferencing a secret. "} {"idx": "mnli-8056", "premise": "Rugby and football (soccer) are played at the Lansdowne Road venue in Ballsbridge, and traditional Irish game of hurling at Croke Park.", "hypothesis": "Lansdowne Road is where rugby and soccer are played."} {"idx": "mnli-8057", "premise": "Over the next year she realized she needed incentives to keep lawyers around after they got a few years of experience.", "hypothesis": "Lawyers desire fewer incentives as they become more experienced."} {"idx": "mnli-8058", "premise": "Government Technology Leadership Awards", "hypothesis": "Private Business Technology Leadership Awards"} {"idx": "mnli-8059", "premise": "Scholes and Merton reportedly are applauded when they appear on the floor of the options exchange, which shows that options traders are at least appreciative, if not deserving, of the rare charities that they receive.", "hypothesis": "Merton appears on the trading floor once a month. "} {"idx": "mnli-8060", "premise": "But even with the advent of federal government saving in the late 1990s, national saving available for new investment remains relatively low, in large part because personal saving has dramatically declined.", "hypothesis": "Personal saving had dramatically declined due to an influx of prostitutes."} {"idx": "mnli-8061", "premise": "The palace is laid out as a series of courtyards linked by ceremonial gates.", "hypothesis": "The palace does not feature any courtyards at all. "} {"idx": "mnli-8062", "premise": "well the air conditioning was broke but broken i guess it just couldn't handle", "hypothesis": "I couldn't handle it because the air conditioning was broken."} {"idx": "mnli-8063", "premise": "yeah i knew you weren't the Tar Heels uh no somebody gave me a pair of running shorts and with the logo on it and i thought it was a wildcat but it was a wolf yeah", "hypothesis": "Someone gave me running shorts with a wolf logo on it."} {"idx": "mnli-8064", "premise": "I tried to move back a bit.", "hypothesis": "I attempted to back off. "} {"idx": "mnli-8065", "premise": "To start, it is honest in a way the other shows are not.", "hypothesis": "It's a show that isn't honest."} {"idx": "mnli-8066", "premise": "we got a couple of big trees out front um i guess right along our street there used to be one of the um lines i guess there was fields here many many years ago cotton fields or something and", "hypothesis": "My great grandfather was a cotton picker in a different county."} {"idx": "mnli-8067", "premise": "I'll look around.\"Drew paused to glance into the single small, glass-fronted case which was Stein's claim to fame in the surrounding territory.", "hypothesis": "Drew glanced into the small case because it was beautiful."} {"idx": "mnli-8068", "premise": "The falls are especially impressive after a summer rain, when the sunshine produces a single or even double rainbow in the spray.", "hypothesis": "The falls were marvelous once but they dried and nobody goes there."} {"idx": "mnli-8069", "premise": "It was dedicated to the legendary Emperor Ojin, from whom Yoritomo claimed descent.", "hypothesis": "It was dedicated the the legendary Hulk Hogan."} {"idx": "mnli-8070", "premise": "Chiran's Kamikaze Museum, which includes a monumental statue of a pilot, exhibits the young men's uniforms, helmets, and final letters to their families explaining that they were continuing the samurai spirit of defending the country's traditional values.", "hypothesis": "Chiran's Kamikaze Museum contains old military uniforms."} {"idx": "mnli-8071", "premise": "By consuming the media, it has overshadowed and smothered more dangerous anti-McCain stories.", "hypothesis": "Overshadowing the anti-McCain stories was a decidedly bad idea."} {"idx": "mnli-8072", "premise": "It's not clear what, if any, effect this spot had on the outcome.", "hypothesis": "The spot might have been effective."} {"idx": "mnli-8073", "premise": "oh i know i can't imagine even well that would it is just pretty bad but so i guess um", "hypothesis": "It is not a good thing at all."} {"idx": "mnli-8074", "premise": "Each religion has a different Sabbath and different religious holidays.", "hypothesis": "All religions share the same Sabbath and religious holidays."} {"idx": "mnli-8075", "premise": "The problem is, little else in his book suggests that this dream will become reality.", "hypothesis": "The book suggests the dream will become reality."} {"idx": "mnli-8076", "premise": "Despite the assertions of some CEOs, while one key player can make a difference, it requires a team of talented executives to add shareholder value and manage shareholder risk over time.", "hypothesis": "Only teams of talented people can add shareholder value."} {"idx": "mnli-8077", "premise": "Adopting the lag structure used in the Tier 2/Gasoline Sulfur and Heavy-Duty Engine/Diesel Fuel RIAs and endorsed by the SAB (EPA-SAB-COUNCIL-ADV-00-001, 1999), we assume a five-year lag structure.", "hypothesis": "There is a five-year lag structure in the Tier 2 structure."} {"idx": "mnli-8078", "premise": "The bout is usually over in one or two minutes, sometimes mere seconds, but the intensity of the struggle and the sheer visual drama make for compelling entertainment.", "hypothesis": "The match can take a number of hours from start to finish."} {"idx": "mnli-8079", "premise": "Red velvet and mirrors in matching gilt frames cover the walls.", "hypothesis": "The walls have red velvet and mirrors hanging from them."} {"idx": "mnli-8080", "premise": "Meanwhile, in June alone, big Chinese enterprises affiliated with ministries and local governments raised 17.", "hypothesis": "Chinese companies try to be closer to other organizations to get more customers."} {"idx": "mnli-8081", "premise": "oh sure i mean mean you you can you can have the best school system in the world if you don't get anything anything at home then it's it's not going to help either", "hypothesis": "You can have a great school system, but it has to be practical."} {"idx": "mnli-8082", "premise": "real hard", "hypothesis": "very soft"} {"idx": "mnli-8083", "premise": "Praise goes to Kirstie Alley, who plays an aging ex-model now in the lingerie Less frenetic than Lucy, more mature than Mary (Richard Corliss, Time ). The Washington Post 's Tom Shales dissents, calling Alley unwatchably neurotic and in a virtually perpetual feverish tizzy.", "hypothesis": "Kirstie Alley plays a teacher in the tv show."} {"idx": "mnli-8084", "premise": "Changes in surface water chemistry are characterized by changes in Acid Neutralizing Capacity (ANC) - the ability of a waterbody to neutralize strong acids added from atmospheric deposition.", "hypothesis": "Changes in surface water chemistry are characterized by changes in the ANC, as set forth by the EPA."} {"idx": "mnli-8085", "premise": "The museum covers the long Irish literary tradition, displaying first editions, theater programs, correspondence, and other memorabilia (including clothing).", "hypothesis": "Ireland doesn't have a long or notable literary history."} {"idx": "mnli-8086", "premise": "Besides its permanent art collections and popular library open to all, ingenious exhibits cover every aspect of contemporary life, artistic and technological, and the aesthetics of consumer culture.", "hypothesis": "The library is open to everyone, so it is sometimes crowded."} {"idx": "mnli-8087", "premise": "In addition, how surpluses are used has long-term implications for future economic growth.", "hypothesis": "Surpluses are irritating "} {"idx": "mnli-8088", "premise": "There was hardly a breath of wind, the very chirp of the birds was faint and subdued. ", "hypothesis": "The wind was raging and the birds were loud."} {"idx": "mnli-8089", "premise": "The Scots have traditionally hosted the best New Year celebrations in the world, and Edinburgh has expanded the one night into a five-night Hogmanay Festival of torchlight parades, street theater, and food fair in the days before 31 December ( <www.edinburghshogmanay.org>).", "hypothesis": "THe Scots don't celebrate New Years."} {"idx": "mnli-8090", "premise": "and we stuck to that pretty much so uh groceries fluctuated um we didn't go out to eat that often but as times went on the children got older you know and naturally salaries increased um we kind of fell away from it", "hypothesis": "We went out to eat every other day."} {"idx": "mnli-8091", "premise": "It was still too hot for that.", "hypothesis": "It was too cold for that."} {"idx": "mnli-8092", "premise": "Another option is to blend spandex with fleece to make it stretchier and more form-fitting.", "hypothesis": "Blending spandex with fleece will make the material stretchier and more form-fitting."} {"idx": "mnli-8093", "premise": "Arms flailing, starting to drown.", "hypothesis": "Arms waving, beginning to fly. "} {"idx": "mnli-8094", "premise": "The culture of fund-raising rewards quantity, not care.", "hypothesis": "In fund-raising, the more money you make, the more lives you can save."} {"idx": "mnli-8095", "premise": "Simple Random A method for drawing a sample from a population such that all samples of a given size have equal", "hypothesis": "There is a simple Random A method used to draw a sample."} {"idx": "mnli-8096", "premise": "Forty-one states have advisories warning the public to restrict eating fish from local waters due to methylmercury.", "hypothesis": "The fish in 41 states may have ingested methylmercury."} {"idx": "mnli-8097", "premise": "Streets that have felt the footfalls of ancient Greeks and Romans still lead to the front doors of their homes and shops.", "hypothesis": "People are proud to live and work along these ancient streets."} {"idx": "mnli-8098", "premise": "Volunteers from Britain and the US arrived to fight on the side of the Republicans.", "hypothesis": "No help was obtained from British individuals by the Republicans."} {"idx": "mnli-8099", "premise": "This will assist investors in deciding whether to invest.", "hypothesis": "There are things that will help investors make decisions."} {"idx": "mnli-8100", "premise": "The Commission's analysis of existing postal law yields the following ", "hypothesis": "The Commission did not look into the existing postal law."} {"idx": "mnli-8101", "premise": "I am grateful to those who have read it.", "hypothesis": "I'm thankful to everyone who has read it. "} {"idx": "mnli-8102", "premise": "The kings and counts and feudal lords have gone from the Loire Valley and the forests and marshes of Sologne, but the hunting and fishing country remains.", "hypothesis": "Gaming country is still there even though the monarchy is long gone."} {"idx": "mnli-8103", "premise": "This grant will enable Bay Legal advocates and clients throughout the region to use networked computer terminals to easily access forms and information.", "hypothesis": "The grant won't allow Bay Legal advocates to access forms or information."} {"idx": "mnli-8104", "premise": "Another management reform initiative that provides a legislative basis for measuring performance is the Information Technology Management Reform Act of 1996, which requires each federal agency to ensure that performance measures are prescribed for information technology that it will use or acquire and that the performance measures assess how well the information technology supports agency programs.", "hypothesis": "The Information Technology Management Reform Act was passed in 1990, and no similar acts have been passed since."} {"idx": "mnli-8105", "premise": "The memoir of this former ally of the Black Panthers turned scourge of the New Left draws cheers and jeers from predictable quarters.", "hypothesis": "The New left is supportive of this controversial memoir."} {"idx": "mnli-8106", "premise": "well i guess that's about it for exercise", "hypothesis": "There's more to discuss about exercise."} {"idx": "mnli-8107", "premise": "After a few hours, the tongues of flame no longer flared above the horizon, though the brilliant radiance continued.", "hypothesis": "The fire was extinguished by the rain."} {"idx": "mnli-8108", "premise": "Oh! I said, rather nonplussed. ", "hypothesis": "I was a bit nonplussed."} {"idx": "mnli-8109", "premise": "Climb to the roof for an extraordinary view of the carved stone tracery and flying buttresses.", "hypothesis": "You can't see anything from the roof."} {"idx": "mnli-8110", "premise": "Eleven percent of the Tarrant County population, or 150,000 residents, live below poverty level.", "hypothesis": "Tarrant County is one of the richest in the nation, with just 1% of its population under the poverty level. "} {"idx": "mnli-8111", "premise": "and we did everything on a typewriter you know everything but it's amazing you know then when where you know someone would have you type a letter", "hypothesis": "We never did own a typewriter."} {"idx": "mnli-8112", "premise": "Hawaii's Other Islands", "hypothesis": "Hawaii's Other Islands is the title of a mystery novel."} {"idx": "mnli-8113", "premise": "For the first few days you'd be well advised to take the sun in extremely small doses.", "hypothesis": "You'd be well advised to take the sun in exteremly small doses, at least for the first few days."} {"idx": "mnli-8114", "premise": "um and i really i really had a racket going because uh my paycheck was being uh electronically deposited here in the states and the bank that i banked with i could write them a check on an American bank and they would give me instant credit for it so", "hypothesis": "My checks were sent to me in the mail."} {"idx": "mnli-8115", "premise": "This skewness results from mail volume being highly correlated with income and U.S. income distribution being much more skewed than Italian income distribution.", "hypothesis": "U.S. income distribution is more heavily skewed than that of Italy."} {"idx": "mnli-8116", "premise": "Don't you remember all those wise old words you wrote? Tranquillity, peace and enlightenment? Be worthy of the man history remembers.'", "hypothesis": "You are much changed since you wrote your wise words. "} {"idx": "mnli-8117", "premise": "The Copts, as they are known, have brought forth many influential individuals, including Boutros Boutros Ghali, former Secretary General of the United Nations.", "hypothesis": "Boutros Boutros Ghali was the Secretary General of the UN."} {"idx": "mnli-8118", "premise": "Hemingway's favorite old hangout, the romantically overgrown island of Torcello, beyond Burano, is one of the lagoon's oldest inhabited spots, very proserous until emptied by a malaria epidemic.", "hypothesis": "Torcello has one of the longest histories of occupants of the lagoon. "} {"idx": "mnli-8119", "premise": "Site selects itself in specific problem-for decisive testing, have to assume uniform system with regard to issue and so convenience sample acceptable; number of cases is usually one instance; comprehensive data for specific problem-for decisive testing, need more modeling, hypotheses, and targeting to know what to study; data analysis and collection concurrent and data feed new collection, and emphasis on ruling out alternative causes; report describes instances, presents conclusions about cause, gives evidence", "hypothesis": "Conclusions and evidence are not given by the report."} {"idx": "mnli-8120", "premise": "i think that it it really surprises me because of the cost savings i mean this is such a tremendous amount of cost savings i mean why", "hypothesis": "I am surprised it doesn't save more money."} {"idx": "mnli-8121", "premise": "Take time to explore the exquisite Moorish stonework and the elegant domes and minaret.", "hypothesis": "The Moorish stonework must be seen, as well as the minaret and magnificent domes."} {"idx": "mnli-8122", "premise": "You will also notice that people don't let traffic time stop their productivity many drivers have their cellular phone attached to their ear.", "hypothesis": "People here focus solely on the road and driving while stuck in traffic and you will rarely see anyone on the phone."} {"idx": "mnli-8123", "premise": "During PE, the exercises were designed to practice joystick skills and stretch the spine.", "hypothesis": "The exercises involved sitting on their butts."} {"idx": "mnli-8124", "premise": "The number of deliveries per week varies among the posts in the sample (Canada, Finland, and Portugal deliver five times per week, Great Britain delivers 12 times weekly in urban areas and six in rural areas).", "hypothesis": "The deliveries made in the different posts differ on a week to week basis."} {"idx": "mnli-8125", "premise": "It is an easy comparison.", "hypothesis": "One would be remiss to jump to such a conclusion so quickly."} {"idx": "mnli-8126", "premise": "The choice for others is whether to force him to make the right choice, or to continue deriving profit and entertainment from his illness.", "hypothesis": "Others can decide whether or not they intend to continue profiting from this man's illness."} {"idx": "mnli-8127", "premise": "I was unconvinced that a case for preserving species diversity can rest on our innate love of a species-rich, savanna-like ancestral environment.", "hypothesis": "The case was not able to rest on our love of a rich environment in my opinion."} {"idx": "mnli-8128", "premise": "He apparently often tells the joke that he had better make his money at AOL, because after he leaves, no one will ever hire him because he has been so obnoxious for so long.", "hypothesis": "He tells a joke about how much money he could make at AOL."} {"idx": "mnli-8129", "premise": "In cases where LSC counsel were attorneys of record, there would be lingering doubt whether the truncated representation had resulted in complete analysis of the case, full advice to the client, and proper presentation to the court.", "hypothesis": "It is inappropriate for LSC counsel to be attorneys of record. "} {"idx": "mnli-8130", "premise": "Does his behavior add up to grounds for removal from office?", "hypothesis": "Does his behavior add up to grounds for removal from office?"} {"idx": "mnli-8131", "premise": "It is not an edifying spectacle; but no matter how base the motives of those involved, the result has been to move hundreds of millions of people from abject poverty to something still awful but nonetheless significantly better.", "hypothesis": "The result has not helped the poor people in any way."} {"idx": "mnli-8132", "premise": "It offers different views of town and countryside with the changing light of day.", "hypothesis": "The time of day affects the view of the town and countryside."} {"idx": "mnli-8133", "premise": "Cumberland sausage is the local specialty.", "hypothesis": "Cumberland sausage is special to the area."} {"idx": "mnli-8134", "premise": "Doing so provides us with the opportunity for cost-effective reductions and significant public health and environmental gains.", "hypothesis": "Doing so provides us the opportunity to raise the price of our reductions."} {"idx": "mnli-8135", "premise": "Lindsay, who has suffered several strokes and moved with his wife, Shirley, to an assisted-care community in Jacksonville, Fla. was back in town for Jim Lindsay Day, which included a tour of the shelter and a reception attended by many of the people whose lives he touched as a volunteer with Savannah nonprofits.", "hypothesis": "Lindsay has had a major stroke which left his right side weak along with countless mini strokes. "} {"idx": "mnli-8136", "premise": "whether the live live oaks is not really an oak i guess it's something oh", "hypothesis": "A lot of plants are classified according to their characteristics."} {"idx": "mnli-8137", "premise": "Further, it requires that agencies modernize inefficient administrative and missionrelated work processes before making significant technology investments to support them.", "hypothesis": "Agencies are dragging their feet on modernizing their practices."} {"idx": "mnli-8138", "premise": "It is estimated that a storage silo that is sized for 15 days of AC storage at full load for a 500 MWe plant firing bituminous coal and with only an ESP would be about 10.", "hypothesis": "A storage silo can store a factory's supply of AC for two weeks because that is the maximum allowed."} {"idx": "mnli-8139", "premise": "Why so much money?", "hypothesis": "Why does it cost so much?"} {"idx": "mnli-8140", "premise": "Perched on a hill 3 km/2 miles north of the city, it's less convenient than hotels in the old quarter, but perfect if you've got some time to relax in Segovia and aren't on a whirlwind tour of Castile.", "hypothesis": "It's on a hill near the city and has amazing views."} {"idx": "mnli-8141", "premise": "Leave it to the mad dogs.", "hypothesis": "Leave it to the happy puppies. "} {"idx": "mnli-8142", "premise": "The preambles to the proposed rules contained the required information regarding the reasons for the collections, the parties affected, and the estimated annual burden hours.", "hypothesis": "Once legislation has been enacted, there is never a reason to amend it."} {"idx": "mnli-8143", "premise": "By keeping such records, the central group could develop monthly reports that showed increases and decreases in incident frequency, trends, and the status of resolution efforts.", "hypothesis": "The central group can develop monthly reports about incident frequency."} {"idx": "mnli-8144", "premise": "Unless you actually stand beside the canal you can't see the water and they look as though they are simply floating along on the sand.", "hypothesis": "The river is hidden by the dunes so from afar it looks like the boats are on the sand."} {"idx": "mnli-8145", "premise": "Driven south, the Dravidians remained not only geographically separate, but also politically independent, impervious to the waves of foreign invaders.", "hypothesis": "The Dravidians are close to all other cultures. "} {"idx": "mnli-8146", "premise": "i'm trying to think of anything else i do as a hobby um i don't even watch TV very much i was tonight but", "hypothesis": "TV just doesn't appeal to me. "} {"idx": "mnli-8147", "premise": "yeah they don't they don't probably don't take a lot of refugees from other countries either", "hypothesis": "They take in anyone they can. "} {"idx": "mnli-8148", "premise": "And some insiders even claimed that kids at PEES had surfed adult websites during classes.", "hypothesis": "Kids were looking at porn during classes."} {"idx": "mnli-8149", "premise": "The museum was filled with inaccurate biographical details and poorly-shot photographs.", "hypothesis": "The museum had lots of photos that were out of focus."} {"idx": "mnli-8150", "premise": "well man that's that's just ridiculous", "hypothesis": "I cannot believe that it is actually real."} {"idx": "mnli-8151", "premise": "Alcohol and substance abuse training for emergency medicine a survey of US programs.", "hypothesis": "There is no substance abuse training available for emergency responders."} {"idx": "mnli-8152", "premise": "Drew shook his head.", "hypothesis": "Drew shook his head vigorously."} {"idx": "mnli-8153", "premise": "One statistic floating around is that workers spend about 90 minutes a day on nonwork-related computer games and Web surfing, with an estimated productivity cost of $50 billion.", "hypothesis": "$50 billion is lost from workers spending 90 minutes a day playing games."} {"idx": "mnli-8154", "premise": "Such access generally includes the ability to make and retain copies of the evidence.", "hypothesis": "Access should only be granted to someone with a valid state issued photo ID."} {"idx": "mnli-8155", "premise": "Without the clear and demonstrated commitment of agency top leadership, organizational cultures will not be transformed, and new visions and ways of doing business will not take root.", "hypothesis": "Organizational cultures will not be transformed without the clear and demonstrated commitment of agency top leadership."} {"idx": "mnli-8156", "premise": "To avoid the steep climb up the hill beyond the Galata Bridge take the Tenel, the world's oldest (and probably shortest) underground railway, built in 1875.", "hypothesis": "The Tenel is the world's oldest underground railway."} {"idx": "mnli-8157", "premise": "The show is at its best on weekend afternoons, with everything from beach boys on unicycles to rock musicians on roller blades.", "hypothesis": "Weekend afternoons are when the show is at its best."} {"idx": "mnli-8158", "premise": "To attain such concrete notoriety, you must be nominated to the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce and then, if selected, come up with $15,000 to pay for your star.", "hypothesis": "If you are selected by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, you can get your star for free."} {"idx": "mnli-8159", "premise": "A great favorite with children, it gives a fascinating glimpse into the late-Victorian obsession with traveling and collecting.", "hypothesis": "A great favorite with adults, it's a fascinating glimpse into the late Middle Ages obsession with religion and politics."} {"idx": "mnli-8160", "premise": "He replied that he had put it back where he found it.\" The lawyer paused again.", "hypothesis": "The lawyer took a drink of water after stating the man put the item back."} {"idx": "mnli-8161", "premise": "yeah actually i feel kind of sorry for them right now because the people are are are uh wanting things that we have that they're not allowed i mean just some basic freedoms and and their government is not allowing it and Gorbachev seems to be going back on some of the things that he's been trying to push", "hypothesis": "They do not have the freedom of speech to speak against their government."} {"idx": "mnli-8162", "premise": "He's asking us to overlook it.", "hypothesis": "He wants us to ignore it."} {"idx": "mnli-8163", "premise": "31 The ultimate effect of any tax incentive on national saving would depend on how households in aggregate respond.", "hypothesis": "The ultimate effect of any tax incentive on national saving would have no dependence on how households in aggregate response."} {"idx": "mnli-8164", "premise": "well the problem is that most of the record players now will not play them because you have to have that needle that uh particular kind of needle", "hypothesis": "Every record will work with every record player needle."} {"idx": "mnli-8165", "premise": "A good case study report gives the numbers and positions of the persons interviewed and the evidence that they were appropriate for the evaluation.", "hypothesis": "A good case study has selected appropriate interviewees, so no justification is needed."} {"idx": "mnli-8166", "premise": "An unqualified opinion on the state's CAFR provided, assurance that financial information was accurate and reliable for evaluating its overall financial position.", "hypothesis": "The state's CAFR provided an unqualified opinion."} {"idx": "mnli-8167", "premise": "right long what long term though do you think it would be best to see an a one world you know you can't alleviate all national debts or do you think it would be better for our leaders to just start seeking God on how to turn our nation around financially that's my opinion my opinion's the latter", "hypothesis": "There is nothing that can be done for our country at this point."} {"idx": "mnli-8168", "premise": "I have always been rather good at what is called, I believe, creating an atmosphere. ", "hypothesis": "I have never been good at creating an atmosphere."} {"idx": "mnli-8169", "premise": "no it could be", "hypothesis": "This is a possibility."} {"idx": "mnli-8170", "premise": "I beg your pardon, he saw a man with a black beard like Mr. Inglethorp's, and wearing glasses like Mr. Inglethorp, and dressed in Mr. Inglethorp's rather noticeable clothes. ", "hypothesis": "He saw a man with a very similar appearance to Mr. Inglethorp."} {"idx": "mnli-8171", "premise": "uh i'm i'm not real sure that the young girls of today are being forced into the job market as many of them imply i think they're going in by choice", "hypothesis": "I know that young girls today are forced to get jobs."} {"idx": "mnli-8172", "premise": "oh that's interesting you know that you know that there is a down side to all this you know about no good deed going unpunished that uh my mother sells um", "hypothesis": "You may be surprised when you realize that recycling has certain drawbacks."} {"idx": "mnli-8173", "premise": "He found a door, but it led into a closet, filled with alembics and other equipment.", "hypothesis": "The door led only into a closet filled with equipment."} {"idx": "mnli-8174", "premise": "The new ruler of Melaka, Sri Maharajah, switched his allegiance to the Muslim trading fraternity by marrying into the Muslim faith, wedding the daughter of a sultan in Sumatra.", "hypothesis": "Sri Maharajah was the new ruler of Madrid."} {"idx": "mnli-8175", "premise": "Although official braiders can be found in pink booths along the beach, any number of unofficial ladies can be found at the cafes and bars.", "hypothesis": "The official braiders cost much more then the unofficial ladies. "} {"idx": "mnli-8176", "premise": "recognizes the revenue as nonexchange or exchange revenue, depending on its nature, according to the applicable revenue standards.)", "hypothesis": "The applicable revenue standards are looked over every year."} {"idx": "mnli-8177", "premise": "probably total cost with monthly minimum and cart storage and membership would make it about a thousand dollars a year", "hypothesis": "The total should not exceed a thousand dollars."} {"idx": "mnli-8178", "premise": "This park was created specifically as a preserve for tigers, which, with a little luck, can be seen here more easily than at Chitwan National Park.", "hypothesis": "The park was created for the purpose of saving lions."} {"idx": "mnli-8179", "premise": "This area, which should not be confused with the Great Morass near Negril, is about 6,500 hectares (16,000 acres) of freshwater and tidal wetlands.", "hypothesis": "This area can be confused with the Great Morass near Negril."} {"idx": "mnli-8180", "premise": "and that does look very odd in the water", "hypothesis": "The water makes it look odd."} {"idx": "mnli-8181", "premise": "yeah they uh yeah they had to choose between the better of the two two bad situations and", "hypothesis": "The had to choose the better bad choice."} {"idx": "mnli-8182", "premise": "You ask an impossibility.\"", "hypothesis": "You are requesting something that's impossible. "} {"idx": "mnli-8183", "premise": "The EPA recognizes the need for investigation by the scientific community to develop additional empirical support for adjustments to VSL for the factors mentioned above.", "hypothesis": "The EPA feels that no investigation is necessary at all."} {"idx": "mnli-8184", "premise": "Autumn is warm and the pace less frantic perfect for such watching activities as the harvesting of the olives.", "hypothesis": "Autumn has a bunch of tourists, so you can't see anything."} {"idx": "mnli-8185", "premise": "uh the ones to the south are more regional conflict they're not really that worried about invading north they're more interested in they've got a screwed up situation i'll give them that from Mexico all the way down into Central Central and South America the situation down there is weird and it's very screwed up", "hypothesis": "The situation north of Mexico is perfectly fine."} {"idx": "mnli-8186", "premise": "pretty short black and they were very dressy they were black velvet shorts and she had on black hose and black heels and she looked very very nice", "hypothesis": "She looked really good in her black shorts, pantyhose and high heels."} {"idx": "mnli-8187", "premise": "Oh! What did he mean? ", "hypothesis": "I see. How did he mean that?"} {"idx": "mnli-8188", "premise": "yeah so i've just been all over the country and uh some places had really cold weather when i was living in Indiana it got really cold", "hypothesis": "When I was living in Indiana it was very hot."} {"idx": "mnli-8189", "premise": "PROBABLE - That which can reasonably be expected or believed to be more likely than not on the basis of available evidence or logic but which is neither certain nor proven.", "hypothesis": "Probable means what is likely to happen so it's not certain or proven and it's also the basis of a mathematical law."} {"idx": "mnli-8190", "premise": "Jon had told him this might happen and Adrin had to trust him.", "hypothesis": "Adrin was not going to trust Jon."} {"idx": "mnli-8191", "premise": "While GAO has evolved over the years, its current mission is GAO exists to support the Congress in meeting its constitutional responsibilities and to help improve the performance and accountability of the federal government for the benefit of the American people.", "hypothesis": "GAO has always helped to serve Congress meet its responsibilities. "} {"idx": "mnli-8192", "premise": "In its fiscal year 2002 performance plan OPM reported that, beginning in fiscal year 2002, it will phase in a new business model for retirement claims processing.", "hypothesis": "Beginning fiscal year 2002 up to 2005, a different business model will be used for retirement claims."} {"idx": "mnli-8193", "premise": "Gambling provides almost 40 percent of the government's tax revenues, and is a major source of employment.", "hypothesis": "Gambling also contributes to a lot of a lawlessness."} {"idx": "mnli-8194", "premise": "While there is plenty to see within the Kathmandu Valley, beyond the valley lies a different, more natural, and less polluted Nepal.", "hypothesis": "There is a part in Nepal, named Kathmandu Valley that is less polluted than the actual city."} {"idx": "mnli-8195", "premise": "yeah they they'd rather go out there and play in the yard than eat", "hypothesis": "They would rather play then eat."} {"idx": "mnli-8196", "premise": "That brought us back to the telegram.\"", "hypothesis": "We came back to use the telegram."} {"idx": "mnli-8197", "premise": "The richest deposits grew thinner and we began digging deeper.", "hypothesis": "We keep going further even though the deposits were thinning out."} {"idx": "mnli-8198", "premise": "You said he went north.", "hypothesis": "You said he went south."} {"idx": "mnli-8199", "premise": "yeah well we can get a nickel a piece for any paper bags that we bring back to be reused", "hypothesis": "They don't give us anything for the paper bags that we bring to be reused."} {"idx": "mnli-8200", "premise": "TV demos capture neither the exhilaration nor the fear, conveying instead the smug fatuity of some second-unit director who believes social change is for saps; DGA cards are for winners.", "hypothesis": "On the TV demos you can merely see the smug fatuity of the second-unit director's personal views."} {"idx": "mnli-8201", "premise": "Households hold stocks directly as well as indirectly through mutual funds, pension funds, life insurers, and trusts.", "hypothesis": "Household must hold stocks in all four areas."} {"idx": "mnli-8202", "premise": "some of the little things yeah", "hypothesis": "Only the big things."} {"idx": "mnli-8203", "premise": "The palace grew continuously through the following years resulting in a complex of around 1200 small rooms several stories high covering over 20,000 sq m (215,278 sq ft).", "hypothesis": "The palace had 1200 small rooms."} {"idx": "mnli-8204", "premise": "uh and and i would certainly support something like four to one or five to one or or you know maybe they want to get generous and make it three to one", "hypothesis": "I would be okay with four or five, even three, to one. "} {"idx": "mnli-8205", "premise": "'Derry,' the thought suddenly occurred.", "hypothesis": "The thought of Derry never crossed my mind."} {"idx": "mnli-8206", "premise": "The elaborate sculpture in four 15th-century Jain temples within the fort finds its counterpart in the finely carved facades of the Merchants' Havelis (mansions), built 200 years later, and sheltered from sandstorms on the northeast side.", "hypothesis": "The latter sculpture is very vulnerable to sandstorms."} {"idx": "mnli-8207", "premise": "The phrase alcohol problems includes all those problems as well as the hazardous drinking.", "hypothesis": "They cracked open a bottle of wine while reading the report."} {"idx": "mnli-8208", "premise": "Following is a summary of stewardship data for the Ceramic Materials Research Programs for the 5 fiscal years ending September 30, 199V through 199", "hypothesis": "This summary of data includes material from fiscal years prior to 1600."} {"idx": "mnli-8209", "premise": "It's My Money", "hypothesis": "This money belongs to me."} {"idx": "mnli-8210", "premise": "and (3) who should do the federal government's business in the 21st century?", "hypothesis": "The federal government will maintain a business in the 21st century."} {"idx": "mnli-8211", "premise": "anybody who plays the 49ers really", "hypothesis": "Anyone that is a player for the 49ers is rich. "} {"idx": "mnli-8212", "premise": "Palestinians depend on Israel for employment, and Israel will insist on controlling Palestine's international borders.", "hypothesis": "Palestine can find its own employment without Israel, and Israel has no influence on Palestine."} {"idx": "mnli-8213", "premise": "Ah, yes, tell him to come in, of course.", "hypothesis": "Tell him to come in."} {"idx": "mnli-8214", "premise": "no no no to uh put a surcharge on a credit card of", "hypothesis": "No surcharge on credit cards. "} {"idx": "mnli-8215", "premise": "The former does seem to explain the latter.", "hypothesis": "The former still doesn't explain the latter."} {"idx": "mnli-8216", "premise": "The importance of this phase of Irish history, for both the Irish themselves and civilization in general, cannot be overrated.", "hypothesis": "The Irish history is important so it is observed in that area."} {"idx": "mnli-8217", "premise": "EPA did, however, prepare a regulatory impact analysis which it furnished to this Office.", "hypothesis": "Though the EPA prepared a report, it was never deliver to this Office."} {"idx": "mnli-8218", "premise": "But none can compete with the music of the famed names of the Cete d'Or, which make a wine connoisseur's taste buds Gevrey-Chambertin, Chambolle-Musigny, Vougeot, Vosne-Roman??e, Nuits-Saint-Georges, Pommard, Meursault, Puligny-Montrachet, Santenay.", "hypothesis": "The wine connoisseur will enjoy the Vougeot."} {"idx": "mnli-8219", "premise": "That in no possible way could Mrs. Inglethorp's death benefit Miss Howard. ", "hypothesis": "Miss Howard didn't benefit from the death but she was glad Mrs. Inglethorp was gone."} {"idx": "mnli-8220", "premise": "Green flames, appearing blue in San'doro's second sight, rose through the roofs and exploded out of the shuttered windows.", "hypothesis": "Red flames were coming through the roof."} {"idx": "mnli-8221", "premise": "and um it had been recommended by some friends of ours but uh it it's an older place and so i uh checked out all the new places that were near us and then i checked that place out and uh even though it was older it was it was real comfortable and i guess kind of homey", "hypothesis": "The older place was recommended by some of our friends."} {"idx": "mnli-8222", "premise": "You're on your own.\" Tuppence nodded sagely.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence nodded wisely."} {"idx": "mnli-8223", "premise": "Probably a judicious mixture of both. ", "hypothesis": "There is only one solitary cause of this."} {"idx": "mnli-8224", "premise": "He has asked the General Accounting Office to conduct a probe.", "hypothesis": "The General Accounting Office has been asked to conduct a probe."} {"idx": "mnli-8225", "premise": "In addition to asserting his authority over this region, the temples were also used for the storage of gold and other precious cargos carried by caravan from central Africa.", "hypothesis": "The caravan is from North Africa. "} {"idx": "mnli-8226", "premise": "The palace is a subtle example of the maharajas' artists banished by Emperor Aurangzeb worked on the columns and arches, and on the building's gallery around the Diwan-i-Am (Hall of Public Audience).", "hypothesis": "Emperor Aurangzeb banished many maharajahs artists, who later worked on the palace's columns."} {"idx": "mnli-8227", "premise": "see i would i always come look at it do they have could they be put even in life imprisonment could they be put to useful labor", "hypothesis": "They shouldn't be allowed to do work while in prison."} {"idx": "mnli-8228", "premise": "Try to listen.", "hypothesis": "Attempt to listen to me."} {"idx": "mnli-8229", "premise": "Minutes passed.", "hypothesis": "Minutes felt like hours."} {"idx": "mnli-8230", "premise": "He was also a tough guy--a spear point was found lodged in his pelvis along with evidence of other warrior wounds.", "hypothesis": "He was killed by a spear."} {"idx": "mnli-8231", "premise": "Inside, the cathedral's majestic columns and arches are lit by fine stained-glass windows.", "hypothesis": "The interior of the cathedral is considered to be one of the most beautiful architectural structure."} {"idx": "mnli-8232", "premise": "do you uh use a lot of credit cards or your checking account when you go out and buy things", "hypothesis": "Do you often use credit cards to shop, or do you prefer to use your checking account?"} {"idx": "mnli-8233", "premise": "Free Fiction", "hypothesis": "The fiction is free."} {"idx": "mnli-8234", "premise": "yeah well he doesn't have that Hollywood attitude", "hypothesis": "He doesn't have a \"Hollywood\" attitude."} {"idx": "mnli-8235", "premise": "If you wish to attend, plan ahead last-minute tickets to the big rodeo events are hard to come by.", "hypothesis": "It's ridiculously easy to get last-minute tickets at all the important rodeo events."} {"idx": "mnli-8236", "premise": "So I stayed flat on my back, breathing heavily with someone else's heart.", "hypothesis": "I stood up and wanted to get moving. "} {"idx": "mnli-8237", "premise": "Would you want Adrin defending your wife and children and then panic at the first sign of an enemy's sword?Ca'daan felt his fingers go numb.", "hypothesis": "He doubted the man's abilities."} {"idx": "mnli-8238", "premise": "I guess the professional always scores over the amateur in the end.", "hypothesis": "The amateur never wins over the professional in the end."} {"idx": "mnli-8239", "premise": "Most DOD programs GAO reviewed did not complete engineering drawings prior to entering the demonstration phase, nor did they bring critical manufacturing processes in control or demonstrate reliability prior to making a production decision.", "hypothesis": "The Department of Defense (DOD) programs were reviewed by the GAO."} {"idx": "mnli-8240", "premise": "um i was gainfully employed by Safeway Stores Incorporated", "hypothesis": "I was a valued employee of Safeway Stores Incorporated."} {"idx": "mnli-8241", "premise": "Guadeloupe's two component islands are notably dissimilar and confusingly named.", "hypothesis": "The two component islands of Guadeloupe are very similar but have straightforward names."} {"idx": "mnli-8242", "premise": "More tax cuts!", "hypothesis": "Having more tax cuts will bring an overall happier society."} {"idx": "mnli-8243", "premise": "This is about changing people's lives.", "hypothesis": "This doesn't affect anyone."} {"idx": "mnli-8244", "premise": "The broken bell, Cynthia's absence \u201d arranged by Inglethorp through his wife \u201dall these are wasted. ", "hypothesis": "The broken bell and Cynthia's absence contributed to the plan."} {"idx": "mnli-8245", "premise": "Consistent with that view, we need to continue efforts to shift agency accountability-with appropriate safeguards and oversight- to budgeted resources and results and away from other inputs and processes.", "hypothesis": "The agency should not have any accountability for any other inputs and processes."} {"idx": "mnli-8246", "premise": "Does it work both ways?I don't know,\" said Jon.", "hypothesis": "Jon didn't know how the trip would work."} {"idx": "mnli-8247", "premise": "It laid me out for a space.", "hypothesis": "I was knocked out for a time. "} {"idx": "mnli-8248", "premise": "The words were smooth enough, but the eyes turned away again.", "hypothesis": "The words were harsh, and that caused the eyes to look away."} {"idx": "mnli-8249", "premise": "After many years of repression, new freedoms and autonomy were granted to Spanish regions, including the Balearics, and their languages and cultures enjoyed a long-desired renaissance.", "hypothesis": "Spanish regions gained new freedoms after many years of repression."} {"idx": "mnli-8250", "premise": "asks the narrator as Clinton wags his finger.", "hypothesis": "Clinton wags his finger as the narrator asks a question. "} {"idx": "mnli-8251", "premise": "If these are not inherently desirable, or if a decision were made to give them less weight, changes could be made to eliminate them now, even without relaxing the Statutes.", "hypothesis": "Changes could be made to eliminate the legal jargon. "} {"idx": "mnli-8252", "premise": "I don't know anyone responsible and knowledgeable who can.", "hypothesis": "Most of my friends lack the right skills."} {"idx": "mnli-8253", "premise": "No signs of the Jewish presence remain, yet this five-aisled building, with 24 columns supporting horseshoe arches, was the main synagogue of 12th-century Toledo.", "hypothesis": "The building is today used as extra storage space for municipal vehicles."} {"idx": "mnli-8254", "premise": "A tapa is a mouthful of anything that tastes good and fits on a cocktail stick.", "hypothesis": "Anything that can fit on a cocktail stick has no chance of being a tapa."} {"idx": "mnli-8255", "premise": "Skeptical doctors assert that such NDEs are purely physiological (naval pilots exposed to extreme gravity also have visions of bright lights and a God figure).", "hypothesis": "These doctors don't believe NDEs really happen."} {"idx": "mnli-8256", "premise": "it was between six and eight inches here where we are", "hypothesis": "It was between six and eight inches here."} {"idx": "mnli-8257", "premise": "There was strychnine in Mrs. Inglethorp's tonic. ", "hypothesis": "Mrs. Inglethorp was poisoned."} {"idx": "mnli-8258", "premise": "His face was on the table; a spread of photographs.", "hypothesis": "His pictures were on the table."} {"idx": "mnli-8259", "premise": "A trial of screening tests in various formats (e.g.", "hypothesis": "There are 28 formats when it comes to screening tests. "} {"idx": "mnli-8260", "premise": "They're steeped in a culture that honors power and conflict, yet plainly don't yet have the physiques to match the myth.", "hypothesis": "Their Japanese culture is concerned with honor."} {"idx": "mnli-8261", "premise": "To finance a deficit, a government has to borrow or sell assets it owns.", "hypothesis": "The government does not have assets to sell."} {"idx": "mnli-8262", "premise": "Resources Management Regulation (FIRMR)", "hypothesis": "There are regulations about resource management for the EPA."} {"idx": "mnli-8263", "premise": "Coverage related load time is the fixed portion of load time at a stop", "hypothesis": "Coverage related load time is measured to ensure load time is effective."} {"idx": "mnli-8264", "premise": "um i i love ethnic foods i love um Chinese Indian Tai", "hypothesis": "I love chinese, indian and thai food due to my mixed background."} {"idx": "mnli-8265", "premise": "I will not lead bandits here.", "hypothesis": "I don't want the bandits to follow me."} {"idx": "mnli-8266", "premise": "At the height of the summer swelter in July and August is O-bon, a colorful and joyous national Buddhist festival honoring the spirits of deceased ancestors.", "hypothesis": "July and August are the hottest months."} {"idx": "mnli-8267", "premise": "LSC has helped millions of low-income citizens solve important, sometimes life-threatening, civil legal problems.", "hypothesis": "LSC was wonderful for helping under privileged people with their legal woes. "} {"idx": "mnli-8268", "premise": "well those they're kind of nice but they're also um flimsy when you really look at them but then when you get inside they're really nice you know", "hypothesis": "They are actually made pretty well."} {"idx": "mnli-8269", "premise": "Stop the presses!", "hypothesis": "Don't stop the presses!"} {"idx": "mnli-8270", "premise": "The rule also requires that specialists and market makers add limit orders priced at their quote to the size associated with their quote when that quote represents the best marketwide price.", "hypothesis": "Specialists and market makers must add, according to the rule, limit orders with a specific price, which was surprising for the businessman."} {"idx": "mnli-8271", "premise": "His hand went to his holster, and Drew's fist came down on the Texan's wrist, hard.", "hypothesis": "Drew didn't want the Texan to shoot his friend."} {"idx": "mnli-8272", "premise": "The program is discretionary, and Justice components can choose whether they want to include frequent flyer savings, lodging savings, or both.", "hypothesis": "The program can be altered to include travel savings for all federal employees."} {"idx": "mnli-8273", "premise": "For example, recent research suggests that capital goods are relatively cheaper in the United States than in other countries, which means it takes less saving to buy a given amount", "hypothesis": "Research says capital goods are cheaper in the US than elsewhere buy an average of 28%."} {"idx": "mnli-8274", "premise": "Typically an FGD retrofit can use an existing chimney or stack.", "hypothesis": "Fdg can use an existing chimney "} {"idx": "mnli-8275", "premise": "uh i a company called Onum uh it it yeah it's located in Korea", "hypothesis": "Onum is based on Korea"} {"idx": "mnli-8276", "premise": "Exploring its narrow streets, you'll come upon squares filled with pottery drying in the sun and potters working at their hand-spun wheels, weavers at their looms, and wood-carvers at work on window frames.", "hypothesis": "You will come upon squares filled with pottery drying in the sun while exploring its narrow streets."} {"idx": "mnli-8277", "premise": "and uh and uh i don't know how we're going to do that right away though but what what in general though that taxes are doing to us is it's just taking uh a bite out of our savings", "hypothesis": "I'm not sure about how to do that right away."} {"idx": "mnli-8278", "premise": "There was a woven-wire fence around the structures, and a sign that said simply: _Project Eighty-Five_.", "hypothesis": "There was no enclosure at all around the structures."} {"idx": "mnli-8279", "premise": "Misdirection.", "hypothesis": "There was an attempt to change the opponent's directino."} {"idx": "mnli-8280", "premise": "At the time of our visit, in February 1997, incidents were categorized into 13 types, which generally pertained to the negative effects of the violations.", "hypothesis": "There is no categorization for violations."} {"idx": "mnli-8281", "premise": "Crete is a large island, so if you want to see a lot of what it has to offer, choose your itinerary carefully.", "hypothesis": "You don't need to do much planning, because Crete is a really small island with not much on it. "} {"idx": "mnli-8282", "premise": "The truth of the matter was that it was Lawrence who had murdered Alfred Inglethorp with a croquet 114 mallet. ", "hypothesis": "Alfred Inglethorp was murdrered by Lawrence with a croquet mallet."} {"idx": "mnli-8283", "premise": "Its recommendation to increase pro bono engagement was addressed in 1993 when the Florida Supreme Court mandated pro bono reporting for Florida Bar members.", "hypothesis": "Florida wanted its judges to be the best judges in America."} {"idx": "mnli-8284", "premise": "You'd ring up your friends on that telephone first thing! ", "hypothesis": "You would never call your friends with the telephone."} {"idx": "mnli-8285", "premise": "Simple garbs in black and grey, designed to echo my previous outfit without appearing too antique- they at least kept all the frills.", "hypothesis": "The clothes were practical."} {"idx": "mnli-8286", "premise": "Rather than sponsor truncated representation, ante, at 11, Congress chose to subsidize only those cases in which the attorneys it subsidized could work freely.", "hypothesis": "The attorneys were happy with this compromise."} {"idx": "mnli-8287", "premise": "That situation, plus the gradual decline of Spanish naval power, proved very tempting to others.", "hypothesis": "The Spanish navy was declining because they had very few ships."} {"idx": "mnli-8288", "premise": "The city elected its first mayor in 1229, and a parliament was held for the first time in 1297.", "hypothesis": "The city's first mayor was elected in 1299."} {"idx": "mnli-8289", "premise": "I'm sure that if you asked the same questions, but divided all the amounts by a million, your answers would be very different.", "hypothesis": "You answers would be very different, I'm sure, if you asked the same questions but with smaller amounts."} {"idx": "mnli-8290", "premise": "She tossed it onto the largest cleared space, gobbled some outlandish noises, and dropped onto it, squatting near one end.", "hypothesis": "She tossed it into the space, yelled some sounds, and dropped onto it"} {"idx": "mnli-8291", "premise": "ninety nine i mean or something i got you right", "hypothesis": "Is it ninety nine or something else?"} {"idx": "mnli-8292", "premise": "It is possible that there might be one large silo serving several units with more than one feed off of it, or, that individual silos may be needed.", "hypothesis": "There will definitely be several silos serving one unit."} {"idx": "mnli-8293", "premise": "He stared up at the sky, realizing that more than half of it had already fallen.", "hypothesis": "Less than half of the sky had not fallen."} {"idx": "mnli-8294", "premise": "More than 200 Old and New Testament figures are sculpted on the calvary at Guimiliau.", "hypothesis": "The calvary at Guimiliau contains various Old and New Testament figures."} {"idx": "mnli-8295", "premise": "uh uh the reason i think the elections are are so low and i'm not sure what they mean by eligible voters are they talking about people that have registered or people that are are old enough to vote but haven't registered", "hypothesis": "I have no idea why elections are so low."} {"idx": "mnli-8296", "premise": "sure you're welcome okay bye-bye", "hypothesis": "Yes, your welcome, talk to you again soon."} {"idx": "mnli-8297", "premise": "Microsoft's disastrous neglect of Washington reminded AOL not to make the same mistake.", "hypothesis": "Microsoft's disastrous neglect of Washington reminded AOL to do the same."} {"idx": "mnli-8298", "premise": "yeah i like to cook", "hypothesis": "Cooking is one of my passions -- particularly baking delectable goodies!"} {"idx": "mnli-8299", "premise": "and it was so funny the other day i took some guys to to lunch and when we came back they said oh there's a parking space real close and i parked way out in the boonies and i said you can walk off your lunch", "hypothesis": "The other day I took some guys to lunch and made them walk after that."} {"idx": "mnli-8300", "premise": " The man snorted.", "hypothesis": "The man did not make a sound."} {"idx": "mnli-8301", "premise": "But the main funding comes from a $650,000 loan the statewide organization took out.", "hypothesis": "The statewide organization never took out a $650,000 loan to fund itself with."} {"idx": "mnli-8302", "premise": "An open-air summer festival is held on Place de la Libert??, the marketplace and a center for cafe and shops.", "hypothesis": "In summer, a festival takes place on Place de la Liberte."} {"idx": "mnli-8303", "premise": "As a result, the effectiveness of individual system administrators in maintaining security controls and spotting incidents is likely to vary.", "hypothesis": "The individual system administrators were effective in maintaining security controls. "} {"idx": "mnli-8304", "premise": "These are the seven swords.", "hypothesis": "There are at least seven weapons. "} {"idx": "mnli-8305", "premise": "GAO has expanded its electronic link to Congress, and we are now providing a list of active assignments.", "hypothesis": "GAO has cut all ties with Congress and isn't speaking to them anymore."} {"idx": "mnli-8306", "premise": "and i was involved in Boy Scouts as a young kid and we were camping uh seem like every other weekend we would go somewhere i when they talk about the definitions of camping it kind of struck me as funny my brother and sister-in-law who live in Arlington and go camping uh a lot during the spring and summer and fall but their idea of camping is a little bit different than mine they have a fifth wheel trailer that they pull", "hypothesis": "When I was younger we used to go camping every other weekend because of the boy scouts. "} {"idx": "mnli-8307", "premise": "In fact, the additional fees will ensure wider access to the judicial system for Kentucky's poor, said Geveden, D-Wickliffe.", "hypothesis": "Those in Kentucky would have better access to the judicial system."} {"idx": "mnli-8308", "premise": "yeah but i'm only fifty seven", "hypothesis": "The speaker is fifty seven."} {"idx": "mnli-8309", "premise": "Then she gave a cry.", "hypothesis": "Then she broke into tears."} {"idx": "mnli-8310", "premise": "It is supported by good science and good economics, as well as by good intentions.", "hypothesis": "There's no science that supports it."} {"idx": "mnli-8311", "premise": "Commitment.", "hypothesis": "Perservering."} {"idx": "mnli-8312", "premise": "From the ticket office you enter the temple complex through a colossal pylon, one of the most recent structures at the site and the largest constructed anywhere in Egypt during the Ptolemaic period.", "hypothesis": "The complex showcases the old and new structures."} {"idx": "mnli-8313", "premise": "There's a good re-creation of King Tutankhamun's tomb at the time of its discovery so you can see just what Howard Ceter saw in 1922.", "hypothesis": "You can see just what Howard Ceter saw in 1922, because there's a good re-creation of King Tutankhamun's tomb at the time of the discovery."} {"idx": "mnli-8314", "premise": "Yes, but we age them quickly and pour them into the mold. ", "hypothesis": "The mold needs to have aged stuff."} {"idx": "mnli-8315", "premise": "And, primarily because of the daunting scientific obstacles, woefully few companies have an aggressive AIDS-vaccine program.", "hypothesis": "Companies have been readily investing in AIDS vaccine research."} {"idx": "mnli-8316", "premise": "oh i just read for escape well i mean it's", "hypothesis": "I read to escape from issues at my house."} {"idx": "mnli-8317", "premise": "Assuming that the boilermaker membership grows at a 5.3 percent growth rate out to 2005, it is estimated that there will be sufficient new boilermaker labor to complete approximately 10 GWe of scrubber retrofits by 2005.", "hypothesis": "There will never be enough boilermaker labor."} {"idx": "mnli-8318", "premise": "On Meet the Press , Lamar Alexander said of Bush's We need to define what we mean.", "hypothesis": "On Meet the Press, Lamar Alexander said of Bush's We need to say what is meant."} {"idx": "mnli-8319", "premise": "There would also have to be adequate access between the older and newer parts of town, including a bridge over the valley between Barefoot's Parks and the Royal Mile.", "hypothesis": "There needs to be a bridge to improve the adequacy. "} {"idx": "mnli-8320", "premise": "Once again she admitted to herself that she was afraid, horribly afraid, of the beautiful woman with the cruel eyes.", "hypothesis": "She admitted to herself once again that she was horribly afraid of the red-lipped, cruel-eyed beautiful woman."} {"idx": "mnli-8321", "premise": "uh-huh i'm not that hung up on most things i mean if i miss something big deal", "hypothesis": "I don't care about missing things."} {"idx": "mnli-8322", "premise": "Visitors are welcome to take their shoes off and walk through the tatami-mat rooms.", "hypothesis": "It is obligatory for visitors to remove their shoes prior to entering any of the tatami-mat rooms. "} {"idx": "mnli-8323", "premise": "Just short of two dozen men, six on horseback and the remainder on foot.", "hypothesis": "They traveled down the path with the men on foot in the rear."} {"idx": "mnli-8324", "premise": "Application control is designed to cover the processing of data within application software.", "hypothesis": "Application control is not very good at processing data."} {"idx": "mnli-8325", "premise": "Ian Fleming's James Bond was a snob and a lightweight.", "hypothesis": "Ian Fleming's James Bond received low ratings from critics."} {"idx": "mnli-8326", "premise": "The political consensus is that the Republicans are ready to deal this year and will work out a compromise budget, which won't balance either.", "hypothesis": "Pressures from the left will force the Republics to offer my funding for national infrastructure in the budget."} {"idx": "mnli-8327", "premise": "After the Lydian conquest of the sixth century b.c. the city lost its importance, but was refounded by Alexander the Great on the slopes of Mount Pagus (now Kadifekale), and under the Greeks and Romans it became one of the principal centres of Mediterranean trade.", "hypothesis": "The city held a certain degree of importance before the Lydian conquest."} {"idx": "mnli-8328", "premise": "Fluid from Vrenna's cut filled his lungs.", "hypothesis": "Vreena's lungs were fine."} {"idx": "mnli-8329", "premise": "The mix of tasks typically run on a given computer", "hypothesis": "A computer can run a mix of tasks"} {"idx": "mnli-8330", "premise": "Over the 41-year life of the program, the time necessary to ensure a complete fleet turnover, EPA estimates that the total costs will be $3.", "hypothesis": "The program has a half-life of 50 years."} {"idx": "mnli-8331", "premise": "uh-huh uh-huh i'd say do you know have one with you know at least a thousand dollar credit limit or something", "hypothesis": "I'd say you don't need one at all."} {"idx": "mnli-8332", "premise": "It has been subsequently converted by the Dutch to a Protestant church.", "hypothesis": "It changed hands, and changed denominations. "} {"idx": "mnli-8333", "premise": "It seemed so simple, but her soup wasn't as clear as Robi's, and besides that, it was inedible.", "hypothesis": "She followed the directions perfect, yet the soup turned out terrible."} {"idx": "mnli-8334", "premise": "(Or to comment on his current incompetence--it's an open secret on the Hill that Thurmond has lost it.", "hypothesis": "He was not very good at what he does."} {"idx": "mnli-8335", "premise": "If they have defined work schedules and are not expected to be available for duty on a roundtheclock basis, the T&A requirements for civilian employees are operative and should be used.", "hypothesis": "Since the work schedules are defined, the authorities feel that it doesn't necessarily make sense to apply non-civilian employees."} {"idx": "mnli-8336", "premise": "and i you know i say all power to her because she's an example to me of someone who really does have the choice i feel that a lot of uh women don't well i i said they have the choice but they don't necessarily feel that they do because they no longer feel like if they were to just be a parent", "hypothesis": "She has no choice in the matter."} {"idx": "mnli-8337", "premise": "The Golden Horn is an inlet of the Bosphorus, penetrating 71.2 km (41.2 miles) into the hills behind the city.", "hypothesis": "The Golden Horn only extends 20 miles inland."} {"idx": "mnli-8338", "premise": "and hard up, I suppose?\"", "hypothesis": "well to do, I assume?"} {"idx": "mnli-8339", "premise": "But you can live with them.", "hypothesis": "You can live with the villagers."} {"idx": "mnli-8340", "premise": "He already has immortality.", "hypothesis": "He's already immortal."} {"idx": "mnli-8341", "premise": "We didn't know what was going to happen.", "hypothesis": "We had no idea what would happen next."} {"idx": "mnli-8342", "premise": "In the central hall, identical marble sarcophagi are stacked four high.", "hypothesis": "The marble sarcophagi symbolize the respect shown to the ancestors they contain."} {"idx": "mnli-8343", "premise": "There are at least three major reasons for rural route time per possible delivery being so close to the corresponding time for city residential ", "hypothesis": "There are no major reasons for why rural and city route times are so close to one another."} {"idx": "mnli-8344", "premise": "The boy wrote Santa again this year, and the letter wound up in John's in box.", "hypothesis": "The letter wound up in Peter's box."} {"idx": "mnli-8345", "premise": "Look at the landscape of his life and you'll see a boneyard.", "hypothesis": "An observer can point out that he is living his life to the fullest. "} {"idx": "mnli-8346", "premise": "At a time when countries are going to new extremes battling for their share of the world tourism pie, Mallorca and Menorca are reassessing their enduring popularity.", "hypothesis": "At the moment, countries are not interested in promoting tourism."} {"idx": "mnli-8347", "premise": "1.2 PLANT OPERATIONS", "hypothesis": "The plant has new procedures for operation."} {"idx": "mnli-8348", "premise": "(Read Shafer's review.)", "hypothesis": "Read Shader's review to learn about the genocide."} {"idx": "mnli-8349", "premise": "yes well i i don't know how that would ever happen here but at least um", "hypothesis": "I don't know how or if that could ever happen where I'm at."} {"idx": "mnli-8350", "premise": "Minutes away from the financial district of New Kingston and the Bob Marley Museum.", "hypothesis": "It was over an hour away from the financial district."} {"idx": "mnli-8351", "premise": "Travelers on their way to or from Rome will be especially interested in Raphael's cartoons (preparatory drawings) for his School of Athens fresco in the Vatican.", "hypothesis": "Raphael's cartoons will interest some."} {"idx": "mnli-8352", "premise": "It provided a forum for sharing how programs can build bridges with other equal justice providers and explored the need for creativity in forming partnerships and collaborations that may consist of unusual associations.", "hypothesis": "It was a place for discussing how bridges can be built with other equal justice providers."} {"idx": "mnli-8353", "premise": "oh really well when i was in England years ago and i went to to like Shakespeare's and you know Stratford-On-Avon and all that and it was like you couldn't stand up inside of it because it was so short the ceilings were so short but", "hypothesis": "I've never seen a play."} {"idx": "mnli-8354", "premise": "I started as a fan of great popularizers like Richard Dawkins and Steven Pinker, and I have since graduated not only to hero worship of the leading evolutionary theorists but also to reading textbooks and even journal articles.", "hypothesis": "I disliked Dawkins a lot in the beginning."} {"idx": "mnli-8355", "premise": " More sand or rock beaches continue westward from Las Salinas, but they become less and less accessible.", "hypothesis": "Las Salinas has the only sand beach in the region."} {"idx": "mnli-8356", "premise": "Floor, walls, and ceiling swirl with special effects.", "hypothesis": "Floor, walls, and ceiling swirl with special effects for the amazing rave."} {"idx": "mnli-8357", "premise": "worth of getting on with it is just thatquick cut between getting our monographs", "hypothesis": "Our monographs would require many hours of work."} {"idx": "mnli-8358", "premise": "You'd better start.", "hypothesis": "It's time to start."} {"idx": "mnli-8359", "premise": "Liam Neeson brings Oscar Wilde chic to Broadway in a new play by British playwright David Hare, but critics are unimpressed.", "hypothesis": "Critics were not impressed by Liam Neeson in the new Broadway play by David hare."} {"idx": "mnli-8360", "premise": "The machines, in comparison, seem fuzzy.", "hypothesis": "In comparison, the machines don't seem fuzzy."} {"idx": "mnli-8361", "premise": "Since some cost is recognized, even if not always the full cost of the entity,47 an exchange revenue is recognized for the entity that receives the inflow of interest.", "hypothesis": "Exchange revenue is recognized as an inflow of $100,000 in interest."} {"idx": "mnli-8362", "premise": "Each state plan must be viewed based on the totality of the circumstances, with the bottom-line consideration turning on LSC's studied determination as to whether a given service area configuration inures to the benefit of the greatest number of clients in the most cost-effective way.", "hypothesis": "The service areas aim to benefit all of their clients."} {"idx": "mnli-8363", "premise": "The windows to the rear of its faded Art Deco ground floor were designed by the stained-glass artist Harry Clarke.", "hypothesis": "The ground floor's windows were designed by Harry Clarke."} {"idx": "mnli-8364", "premise": "In fact, there was no room for them.", "hypothesis": "There was in fact, no space for them."} {"idx": "mnli-8365", "premise": "On his keyboard he typed various letters and numbers, which would become computer prograMs. In his company he was known as Office Desk, because when he was working he always sat behind his well-used piece of conference table standing in a hard to notice corner in the software specialists' room.", "hypothesis": "He had created more than one computer program since he had been working for his company."} {"idx": "mnli-8366", "premise": "In my view, current AICPA independence standards do not adequately ensure the independence of auditors who provide certain non-audit or consulting services to their audit clients.", "hypothesis": "AICP independence standards don't really help ensure that auditors will be independent, but rather just suggests it."} {"idx": "mnli-8367", "premise": "High quality and cheap, Chilean wines are now the third-most popular imports, behind only French and Italian vintages.", "hypothesis": "French and Italian vintages are popular wine imports."} {"idx": "mnli-8368", "premise": "(Fewer than one in 40 men in the study backed out due to the pain.)", "hypothesis": "The study was not too painful for 39 out of 40 men."} {"idx": "mnli-8369", "premise": "Ca'daan pulled his legs up and turned.", "hypothesis": "Pulling up his legs, Ca'daan turned."} {"idx": "mnli-8370", "premise": "In addition to design engineers, a crossfunctional team of stakeholders in the process included key suppliers, manufacturing representatives, and service and maintenance representatives.", "hypothesis": "A crossfunctional team of stakeholders includes service representatives from the aviation industry.."} {"idx": "mnli-8371", "premise": "oh i like to read too what kind of books do you like", "hypothesis": "What kind of books do you like?"} {"idx": "mnli-8372", "premise": "In general, arts and cultural articles are posted early in the week, and newsier and political stuff is posted Thursday and Friday.", "hypothesis": "Political stories are at the end of the week because people get tired of hearing about it all week."} {"idx": "mnli-8373", "premise": "I made my way to the front of the train, occasionally stumbling as the whole thing juddered.", "hypothesis": "I never made my way to the front of the train, on the way one of the passengers stopped me."} {"idx": "mnli-8374", "premise": "Its name in Arabic El-Uqsor means gods' palaces and it indicates the supreme importance of this area to the Ancient Egyptians.", "hypothesis": "The structures did not mean much to the Egyptians."} {"idx": "mnli-8375", "premise": "so any voice no matter what the speech pattern or the dialect or anything", "hypothesis": "It can recognize any speech regardless of dialect."} {"idx": "mnli-8376", "premise": "It took a long time for them to be readmitted to positions of responsibility.", "hypothesis": "They were never able to regain positions of responsibility."} {"idx": "mnli-8377", "premise": "You can't love me right away, of course, that's impossible.", "hypothesis": "You can never love me, not now, not ever."} {"idx": "mnli-8378", "premise": "The battle raged.", "hypothesis": "It was a raging battle. "} {"idx": "mnli-8379", "premise": "By 1973, it had opened an office in Abingdon and, in 1976, in Wytheville.", "hypothesis": "By 1976, it had two open office - one in Abingdon and one in Wytheville."} {"idx": "mnli-8380", "premise": "i don't i don't think there can be anymore long range planning i think it it's it's sticking your finger in the holes and the dike", "hypothesis": "This is the perfect time to start making long range plans."} {"idx": "mnli-8381", "premise": "well i i'll bet you end up spending more money renting a house than you would if you put a down payment on it and and uh", "hypothesis": "I bet you'll end up spending more renting."} {"idx": "mnli-8382", "premise": "First, producers are no longer required to obtain at least catastrophic coverage for economically significant crops but may sign a waiver foregoing emergency crop loss assistance.", "hypothesis": "Producers must no longer carry catastrophic coverage for important crops."} {"idx": "mnli-8383", "premise": "yeah i know it's a funny degree uh anyway uh i know nothing other than the west in fact uh", "hypothesis": "The west is the only thing I know about."} {"idx": "mnli-8384", "premise": "With it, Kaufman signaled that his comedy was about more than untranscendent It was about wondrously fucking with your head.", "hypothesis": "Kaufmen's comedy was focused on its ability to fuck with your head."} {"idx": "mnli-8385", "premise": "'For religious reasons.'", "hypothesis": "My religion says I can't eat pork."} {"idx": "mnli-8386", "premise": "uh i i guess i see all of us benefiting and i i don't see it just relegated to the young but i see i i see so much going on that that's bad and this would give them a chance to have some positive self esteem something that they turn back", "hypothesis": "this mandatory community service would give them something to be proud of"} {"idx": "mnli-8387", "premise": "Although Ibiza is best known for its gay nightlife, Mallorca, and to a lesser extent Menorca, also have a spate of nightlife options aimed at alternative lifestyles.", "hypothesis": "Ibiza has a huge Gay Pride festival each year."} {"idx": "mnli-8388", "premise": "Nor does it seem fair to blame the bureaucrats.", "hypothesis": "Some people unfairly want to blame the bureaucrats."} {"idx": "mnli-8389", "premise": "Perhaps, then, she could resign herself to waiting patiently for ten o'clock.", "hypothesis": "She was just going to read a book until 10. "} {"idx": "mnli-8390", "premise": "right right that you didn't want to waste the time or the the expensive movie ticket then the videos are worth it", "hypothesis": "You don't want to waste time going to the movies or money on the tickets, so the videos are worth it."} {"idx": "mnli-8391", "premise": "'Start your motor going, Betsy Ann,' he ordered with some other mumbo-jumbo.", "hypothesis": "'Start your engine, Betsy Ann,' he commanded and yelled some other instructions."} {"idx": "mnli-8392", "premise": "It really sounds like you know what you're talking about.", "hypothesis": "You sound like you know a lot about politics."} {"idx": "mnli-8393", "premise": "This is the result of their sins.", "hypothesis": "This had nothing to do with their sins. "} {"idx": "mnli-8394", "premise": "The bear is a symbol of Madrid, while the T?\u00ado Pepe sign, an advertisement for one of Spain's most famous brands of sherry, has become the unofficial symbol of the Puerta del Sol.", "hypothesis": "The bear is a symbol of Madrid because bears once attacked the city. "} {"idx": "mnli-8395", "premise": "U.S. volume per capita in 1999 was 739 pieces while Italy's was 115 pieces per capita.", "hypothesis": "Italy's volume per capita was over 700 pieces, much higher than the U.S."} {"idx": "mnli-8396", "premise": "The new Galata Bridge spans the mouth of the Golden Horn, linking Old Istanbul to the New City of Beyo lu.", "hypothesis": "Old Istanbul and the New City of Beyo Iu is connected by the new Galata Bridge over the Golden Horn. "} {"idx": "mnli-8397", "premise": "right uh-huh that makes it kind of easier then you remember you know", "hypothesis": "It is better if you have a reminder."} {"idx": "mnli-8398", "premise": "In 1981, when Royko moved to a condominium in a lakefront high-rise, he cast himself as a bungalow-bred Margaret Mead, studying yuppies by living among them.", "hypothesis": "Royko moved to a condominium in a lakefront high-rise in 1981."} {"idx": "mnli-8399", "premise": "There are one or two points that strike me as being obscure their sudden change of attitude towards yourself, for instance.", "hypothesis": "A few things seem out of place - the sudden change of opinion regarding yourself, for starters. "} {"idx": "mnli-8400", "premise": "Campbell's body was never recovered.", "hypothesis": "To this day, Campbell's remains have never been found."} {"idx": "mnli-8401", "premise": "Are there children who need to be entertained?", "hypothesis": "Children might need entertaining."} {"idx": "mnli-8402", "premise": "You would think money out of the blue would be a good thing, said Jaime Odle Harmon, executive director of the Lexington-based Access to Justice Foundation. ", "hypothesis": "Jaime Odle Harmon lives in Lexington and works in Seattle."} {"idx": "mnli-8403", "premise": "Spare no expense.", "hypothesis": "There is a very strict and small budget."} {"idx": "mnli-8404", "premise": "The use of these procedures regarding rules pertaining to nonroad engines or vehicles is mandated by section 307(d)(1)(R) of the Clean Air Act.", "hypothesis": "Before the Clean Air Act there was a lot of confusion concerning the procedural aspects of the rules."} {"idx": "mnli-8405", "premise": "The two races coexisted in the higher valleys, clearing tracts of land and establishing small villages.", "hypothesis": "Small villages were established by the two races."} {"idx": "mnli-8406", "premise": "Of course they have delighted voters by goosing popular social programs with extra millions.", "hypothesis": "Voters were happy that social programs were given more funding. "} {"idx": "mnli-8407", "premise": "So by selling out for a mere $700,000--if he really did--Brown revealed his expectation that competitors (presumably other high-ranking officials with the means to influence trade policy) were prepared to undercut him.", "hypothesis": "Brown believed his competitors would offer their product for less than he offers his."} {"idx": "mnli-8408", "premise": " \"Maybe, only there can be upsets.\"Topham looked thoughtful.", "hypothesis": "Topham was not thinking."} {"idx": "mnli-8409", "premise": "We may be able to help.", "hypothesis": "We are not able to help."} {"idx": "mnli-8410", "premise": "and i worked that shift for eleven years", "hypothesis": "I worked the night shift for eleven years."} {"idx": "mnli-8411", "premise": "The publication also alleges that Carol Burnett's wandering chin is the result of an implant that won't stay put.", "hypothesis": "Due to her incredible impressions and hilarious slap-stick facial expressions, some critics have come to the conclusion that Carol Burnett has a roaming chin implant."} {"idx": "mnli-8412", "premise": "One of the men with Severn left during Ca'daan's story and Ca'daan heard him vomiting outside.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan heard the Severn vomiting outside."} {"idx": "mnli-8413", "premise": "The Castle Rock and Arthur's Seat are the remains of lava streams that hardened after the two volcanoes around them became dormant and cold.", "hypothesis": "The Castle Rock is where lava flowed."} {"idx": "mnli-8414", "premise": "Bauerstein, now, what was he doing up and 91 dressed at that hour in the morning? ", "hypothesis": "Bauerstein slept in."} {"idx": "mnli-8415", "premise": "The new science of archaeology was also developing, and excavations of Minoan palaces brought a new prosperity as the 20th-century phenomenon of tourism grew.", "hypothesis": "Archeology dates back to biblical times."} {"idx": "mnli-8416", "premise": "yeah i got i got my Buick as a high school graduation gift", "hypothesis": "I didn't graduate high school"} {"idx": "mnli-8417", "premise": "Applying the Logic of Sample Surveys to Qualitative Case The Case Cluster Method.", "hypothesis": "Applying logic to the case cluster method."} {"idx": "mnli-8418", "premise": "He looked round and lowered his voice.", "hypothesis": "He looked around and started screaming"} {"idx": "mnli-8419", "premise": "These numbers are up from the 1990's when a severe drought of work for boilermakers caused many boilermakers to seek other lines of work.", "hypothesis": "The golden age of boilermaker jobs was certainly the 1990s."} {"idx": "mnli-8420", "premise": "Oho! said Poirot. ", "hypothesis": "Poirot remained silent."} {"idx": "mnli-8421", "premise": "Ten years, sir.", "hypothesis": "There's nearly 10 more years to go before we can go through with this, sir."} {"idx": "mnli-8422", "premise": "On the other hand, proceeded Tuppence, \"my millionaire would probably run for his life! ", "hypothesis": "The millionaire would run for his life because he's afraid of clowns."} {"idx": "mnli-8423", "premise": "Can I, should I, even, expect her to change?", "hypothesis": "Should I expect her to change?"} {"idx": "mnli-8424", "premise": "No doubt in the Disney version, Beowulf and the feisty, coed-army warrior-princess who inevitably will be written into the script as his partner will befriend a misunderstood Grendel and Grendel's mom (it's not easy being green).", "hypothesis": "Disney will no doubt depict Beowulf befriending Grendel."} {"idx": "mnli-8425", "premise": "Words are now rarely carved in stone", "hypothesis": "Words are often carved in stone."} {"idx": "mnli-8426", "premise": "A huge unfinished obelisk lies prone but not free from the face.", "hypothesis": "A tiny obelisk is free from the face."} {"idx": "mnli-8427", "premise": "The NAIC is an organization of insurance regulators from the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the 4 U.S. territories.", "hypothesis": "Allstate is the insurance regulator for the USA and all of its territories."} {"idx": "mnli-8428", "premise": "Therefore, stewardship land is reported in terms of physical units rather than cost, fair value, or other monetary values.", "hypothesis": "Fair value is the most often reported metric for stewardship land."} {"idx": "mnli-8429", "premise": "I must confess that the conclusions I drew from those few scribbled words were quite erroneous. He smiled. ", "hypothesis": "I must add that I am ashamed of the error I made in my conclusion."} {"idx": "mnli-8430", "premise": "To demonstrate and reinforce commitment to improving financial management, heads of agencies and senior executives ", "hypothesis": "Financial management should be improved."} {"idx": "mnli-8431", "premise": "Another came up behind him but Vrenna's saber slashed both his legs behind the knees and dropped him screaming to the ground.", "hypothesis": "Vrenna's slashed both of the guys legs."} {"idx": "mnli-8432", "premise": "so do you work with TI", "hypothesis": "So how many ice-creams did you have this morning."} {"idx": "mnli-8433", "premise": "They foggy up the brain.'", "hypothesis": "Their brain is not clear."} {"idx": "mnli-8434", "premise": "In addition to attacking the story's source, right-wingers attack its purveyors--Broder and Waas.", "hypothesis": "The far right supported the story's originator."} {"idx": "mnli-8435", "premise": "Planning an Italian vacation entails a series of difficult decisions.", "hypothesis": "Italian vacations involve more decisions to be made than a Spanish holiday."} {"idx": "mnli-8436", "premise": "Some options are so terrible and irrevocable, so unlikely to be in a person's self-interest, and so open to exploitation and flawed decision-making that society outlaws them.", "hypothesis": "There are laws against certain options if those options are horrible enough."} {"idx": "mnli-8437", "premise": "He told me it was just my perception that I spent seven minutes pushing buttons.", "hypothesis": "Everyone witnessed me only pushing buttons."} {"idx": "mnli-8438", "premise": "The community needs, as a whole, I believe, to be proactive in pursuing of a rational, nation-wide approach that addresses both the concerns, the rights of individuals and the needs of the business community.", "hypothesis": "The speaker is attempting to persuade their audience."} {"idx": "mnli-8439", "premise": "'Always gets the job done.", "hypothesis": "The job always gets done."} {"idx": "mnli-8440", "premise": "Federal mission property, plant, and equipment (PP and E) shall be reported as required supplementary stewardship information accompanying the financial statements of the Federal Government and the component units of the Federal Government responsible for such PP and E.", "hypothesis": "There shall be reports on the federal mission PP and E."} {"idx": "mnli-8441", "premise": "I began to chant.", "hypothesis": "I started to chant."} {"idx": "mnli-8442", "premise": "America has made great progress in reducing air pollution.", "hypothesis": "Air pollution has been cut down in America."} {"idx": "mnli-8443", "premise": "With such rapturous scenery and a climate that is consistently delightful, perhaps it would be unfair to expect nature to have bestowed the island with miles of perfect sands as well.", "hypothesis": "There is no scenery around with sand on it."} {"idx": "mnli-8444", "premise": " The middle-aged man with the small mustache bent over the chart near his feet.", "hypothesis": "The man has no hair near his face. "} {"idx": "mnli-8445", "premise": "Techniques for Improving FGD System Performance to Achieve Ultra-High SO2 Removal Efficiencies, In the Proceedings of the U.S.", "hypothesis": "FGD system performance can be improved."} {"idx": "mnli-8446", "premise": "With its economy in disarray, the government introduced a limited number of capitalist measures while maintaining a firm political grip.", "hypothesis": "The government did introduce measures when the economy was in disarray."} {"idx": "mnli-8447", "premise": "Unlike his cold-eyed assistants, he preferred to visit the battlefield after the corpses had been cleared away.", "hypothesis": "He preferred to visit the battlefield with the corpses."} {"idx": "mnli-8448", "premise": "To say that gambling is the number one revenue source for business and taxes, and therefore has an immeasurable impact on the nature of the city, would be stating the obvious.", "hypothesis": "Gambling is the biggest revenue source for the city and $4billion a year."} {"idx": "mnli-8449", "premise": "i was part of the Gene Rickey", "hypothesis": "I was part of it. "} {"idx": "mnli-8450", "premise": "The RPH who must legislate or govern (Gingrich, Kasich, Bush) is quieter about his principles--probably because he actually has to live by them.", "hypothesis": "Nobody expects the RPH to live by the principles he talks about."} {"idx": "mnli-8451", "premise": "Unfortunately, during the past decade government funding for legal services for low-income Americans has declined at almost all levels.", "hypothesis": "The funding of legal services for low-income individuals in the US has gone down."} {"idx": "mnli-8452", "premise": "I have to go home, said Ca'daan.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan said he had to return home to keep his family safe."} {"idx": "mnli-8453", "premise": "The final regulatory flexibility analysis discusses the comments received from both the industry and the Office of Advocacy, Small Business Administration and the changes made to the proposed rule to grant regulatory relief to the small entities including the sequencing of implementation by establishment size.", "hypothesis": "The Office of Advocacy submitted twenty pages of written comments."} {"idx": "mnli-8454", "premise": "and to match instance selection carefully with the questions.", "hypothesis": "You need to match instance selection with questions if you want it to be successful."} {"idx": "mnli-8455", "premise": "Try lunch or afternoon tea on the terrace.", "hypothesis": "Have lunch or tea with them on the terrace."} {"idx": "mnli-8456", "premise": "The world's largest cruise ship was docked in the harbor and converted into a hotel and tourist attraction.", "hypothesis": "A large cruise ships was located at the harbor."} {"idx": "mnli-8457", "premise": "okay i'm a meat and potato man yeah", "hypothesis": "I prefer meat and potatoes."} {"idx": "mnli-8458", "premise": "Nearby, the atmospheric medieval Alfama district is Lisbon's most picturesque and fascinating area.", "hypothesis": "The Alfama district is well preserved even though it is old."} {"idx": "mnli-8459", "premise": "It was nearer his own than any Dave had heard on this world.", "hypothesis": "It didn't sound anything like his own."} {"idx": "mnli-8460", "premise": "The Madurai festivals in April and May celebrate their marriage as a grand reconciliation with the Indo-Aryan invaders.", "hypothesis": "The Madurai festivals are some of the largest festivals in the country. "} {"idx": "mnli-8461", "premise": "Mon ami, replied Poirot gravely, \"when you find that people are not telling you the truth \u201dlook out! ", "hypothesis": "What exactly are they trying to hide from you?"} {"idx": "mnli-8462", "premise": "The fighters of the underground Resistance movement were heroic, but they were a tiny minority, a few of them conservative patriots like de Gaulle, most of them socialists and communists, and also a handful of refugees from Eastern Europe.", "hypothesis": "Only a small number of people took part in the Resistance movement."} {"idx": "mnli-8463", "premise": "But attacking the problem requires a strategy appropriate to the organization involved and its particular risks, including a consideration of the legal requirements surrounding security and privacy issues.", "hypothesis": "Attacking the problem requires attention to security and privacy matters."} {"idx": "mnli-8464", "premise": "and you know they want uh privacy fences", "hypothesis": "They want privacy fences to hide their secret activities."} {"idx": "mnli-8465", "premise": "But you may find you're never fully accepted up ahead, either, that you've landed between worlds.", "hypothesis": "You can possibly realise that you're neither here nor there in terms of approval."} {"idx": "mnli-8466", "premise": "Ever since then, Masada has been more or less deserted.", "hypothesis": "Ever since that time, Masada has basically been abandoned."} {"idx": "mnli-8467", "premise": "('We're going to steal the Internet's thunder!", "hypothesis": "Internet has affected everyone. "} {"idx": "mnli-8468", "premise": "But they did not restrict themselves to bald items of information.", "hypothesis": "They embellished their stories with woo woo."} {"idx": "mnli-8469", "premise": "that was a regular party machine huh", "hypothesis": "It was a party machine, yeah?"} {"idx": "mnli-8470", "premise": "The much praised but often insensitive prefect of Paris swept away most of the medieval and 17th-century structures, leaving only the Place Dauphine and the Rue Chanoinesse as testimony to the island's rich residential life.", "hypothesis": "The prefect of Paris kept all of the medieval structures."} {"idx": "mnli-8471", "premise": "It's a hobby that doesn't get too much time these days.", "hypothesis": "This hobby does not receive much time anymore."} {"idx": "mnli-8472", "premise": "David Street continues into the Street of the Chain (Es-Silsila), which leads straight toward the Gate of the Chain (Bab es-Silsila).", "hypothesis": "David Street changes names once it goes from a residential area to a commercial one."} {"idx": "mnli-8473", "premise": "Also missing from S. 556 is the scheme for allocating allowances.", "hypothesis": "The scheme for allocating allowances is also missing from the report."} {"idx": "mnli-8474", "premise": "Eszterhas writes movies about naked women and believes himself an artist.", "hypothesis": "Eszterhaus writes about women."} {"idx": "mnli-8475", "premise": "4 billion for Medicaid covering over 644,000 recipients.", "hypothesis": "Medicaid was given $4 billion for their patients."} {"idx": "mnli-8476", "premise": "Our understanding of science, technology, and markets has improved since the Clean Air Act was passed in 1970.", "hypothesis": "Since the Clean Air Act was passed, we have understood science, technology and markets better, said the journalist."} {"idx": "mnli-8477", "premise": "They rode in single file down the path leading to the village.", "hypothesis": "The king and his knights rode black stallions toward the village. "} {"idx": "mnli-8478", "premise": "right well that's the thing uh with us too it's uh just we just you know in up in New England you had more winter than you had a summer summer and uh you could expect a long winter period uh for instance um", "hypothesis": "you had more winter than you had a summer."} {"idx": "mnli-8479", "premise": "Madrid's funkiest hotel is this former brothel in the city's chief bohemian district.", "hypothesis": "The funkiest hotel in Madrid used to be a police station."} {"idx": "mnli-8480", "premise": "Let's see now ... Helms, he had whisky; so did Stevens.", "hypothesis": "Helms and Stevens both had two shots of whisky that night. "} {"idx": "mnli-8481", "premise": "uh it it it it it really wouldn't have that great of effect but what happens is it goes all the way up through into the ozone layer and then it keeps firing and dumping and i just blew me away", "hypothesis": "It makes me really concerned about the climate implications."} {"idx": "mnli-8482", "premise": "infrastructure in preventing large-scale Medicaid fraud perpetrators from receiving payment for fraudulent claims.", "hypothesis": "There is no infrastructure present to prevent Medicaid fraud perpetrators from getting paid."} {"idx": "mnli-8483", "premise": "(Click to learn more about the surprising Islamic origins of this argument and what Ludwig Wittgenstein had to say about it.)", "hypothesis": "Click here to learn more about this arguments Islamic origins. "} {"idx": "mnli-8484", "premise": "I felt sure I should die soon, and that nothing really mattered.", "hypothesis": "I knew I would live a long life. "} {"idx": "mnli-8485", "premise": "The merger was completed peacefully within a year of the federal order.", "hypothesis": "They were happy with the merger."} {"idx": "mnli-8486", "premise": "you know you can fly just about as cheap as you can drive so", "hypothesis": "Flying is more expensive than driving. "} {"idx": "mnli-8487", "premise": "That is George Richey, widower of country singer Tammy Wynette.", "hypothesis": "George Richey lived past the death of Tammy Wynette."} {"idx": "mnli-8488", "premise": "Alas, he broke his ankle falling into the pit.", "hypothesis": "He broke something when he fell into the pit."} {"idx": "mnli-8489", "premise": "GAOas basic authority stems from the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, which, as discussed below, provides GAO with broad and comprehensive authority to investigate all matters relating to the use of public money.", "hypothesis": "The Budget and Accounting Act of 1921 was a very influential act for the GAO."} {"idx": "mnli-8490", "premise": "The Sercial grape, used to produce the driest style of Madeira, is named for this pretty coastal village that is the center of a wine-growing district.", "hypothesis": "The driest style of Madeira is produced by the Sercial grape."} {"idx": "mnli-8491", "premise": "About 10 people attend the meetings in the atrium of the county's administration building.", "hypothesis": "The meetings of one hundred or so people are held at city hall."} {"idx": "mnli-8492", "premise": "Our October 2000 legislation gave us additional tools realign our workforce in light of mission needs and overall budgetary constraints; correct skills imbalances; and reduce high-grade, managerial, or supervisory positions without reducing the overall number of GAO employees.", "hypothesis": "The October 2000 legislation was very controversial to consumers."} {"idx": "mnli-8493", "premise": "The advocate component of the website allows individual lawyers easy access to pro bono and legal services organizations and the support and training needed to represent clients effectively.", "hypothesis": "The advocate component of the website makes it more difficult for lawyers."} {"idx": "mnli-8494", "premise": "Ah, I Some are born white, others achieve whiteness, still others have whiteness thrust upon them.", "hypothesis": "Whiteness is achieved in different ways."} {"idx": "mnli-8495", "premise": "The Dravidians were already here to meet them.", "hypothesis": "The Dravidians were the native people. "} {"idx": "mnli-8496", "premise": "At night the district is loaded with patrons tumble from restaurants, theaters, bars, and fado clubs.", "hypothesis": "The bars compete against one another for clients."} {"idx": "mnli-8497", "premise": "There's a great deal of pastureland with stone walls.", "hypothesis": "Inside the stone walls lies a good deal of pastureland. "} {"idx": "mnli-8498", "premise": "Now the canopy.", "hypothesis": "Now not the canopy."} {"idx": "mnli-8499", "premise": "Greuze stared at her.", "hypothesis": "Greuze couldn't believe what she was saying."} {"idx": "mnli-8500", "premise": "well that may be our only option if we ever get one", "hypothesis": "we will probably have lots of choices"} {"idx": "mnli-8501", "premise": "i think on the local elections it's actually um i think um i think people vote in the larger elections because they feel like well you know the country's real important and you know if i elect if we help elect a president who's going to save us then the then the whole country will be saved but they figure local elections don't mean that much i suspect so people don't really worry about their local mayor or something figuring that you know um and i think wrongly figuring that that well what good is another mayor going to do anyway because our federal taxes are more important right now and you know and stuff like that so people think that that that they don't have um that that it doesn't doesn't matter as much whereas i think it's probably just the opposite is true i think it's probably the case that people could have more effect on a local level", "hypothesis": "I think people should only vote for the presidential elections."} {"idx": "mnli-8502", "premise": "The Church of Saint Barbara is also worth visiting; it is typical Coptic in style.", "hypothesis": "Those who see the Church of Saint Barbara almost always believe it was worth visiting it. "} {"idx": "mnli-8503", "premise": "and i'm still pretty much an Eagle fan i guess", "hypothesis": "No, I don't support the Eagles any more."} {"idx": "mnli-8504", "premise": "The reason for their A national test could be embarrassing and disprove claims of improvement based on other, less-than-neutral testing regimes.", "hypothesis": "A national test would embarrass the President."} {"idx": "mnli-8505", "premise": "On Temple Bar's southern boundary, Dame Street, is a gem of Victorian architecture, the Olympia Theatre .", "hypothesis": "The Olympia Theatre is open for tours on most weekdays."} {"idx": "mnli-8506", "premise": "Full marks for industry, zero for modesty.", "hypothesis": "Marks for modesty were higher than that for industry."} {"idx": "mnli-8507", "premise": "someone won't like it for some reason or some of them will say vote it down and it just goes but", "hypothesis": "Everybody loves it for the right reason."} {"idx": "mnli-8508", "premise": "The implications of the downsizing of federal workforce over the past decade are also significant.", "hypothesis": "Implications of decreasing federal workforce over the past ten years is also significant. "} {"idx": "mnli-8509", "premise": "discussion of DOD's comments appears in appendix I.", "hypothesis": "The Department of Defense comments appears in the appendix."} {"idx": "mnli-8510", "premise": "Drew did not know what he had expected of their first meeting.", "hypothesis": "Drew knew exactly what to expect."} {"idx": "mnli-8511", "premise": "Dramatically depicting more than 400 scenes from the Old and New Testaments, 3,650 fig?\u00adures present a magnificent pageant of the customs and costumes of the era of Francois I. Among the panels of Cain and Abel, Abraham and Isaac, Jesus and Mary ' all very Flemish figures ' are carvings of a Picardy baker, dairymaid, fruitmonger, and laundress.", "hypothesis": "The figures only depict scenes from the New Testament."} {"idx": "mnli-8512", "premise": "Although they now form part of the modern state of Greece, a deep imprint of history's footsteps can be seen clearly on every dusty hill, in every olive grove, and along every coastline.", "hypothesis": "Greece is in a lot of trouble because of their debt."} {"idx": "mnli-8513", "premise": "And another cry, The children!", "hypothesis": "No more crying."} {"idx": "mnli-8514", "premise": "That would likely get him killed.", "hypothesis": "It would most likely save his life. "} {"idx": "mnli-8515", "premise": "Nurtured within the geographical separations of the Alps, the Po valley, and the coasts on either side of the Apennines, it was this very diversity that created the richness of Italian art and its competing regional schools of painting and architecture.", "hypothesis": "The Po valley served as the epicenter of Italian architecture."} {"idx": "mnli-8516", "premise": "Locally made items do not live up to their European models.", "hypothesis": "There is no competition between locally made items and European models."} {"idx": "mnli-8517", "premise": "SALEM - It's a traumatic prospect for any domestic violence having to do battle with her batterer in court.", "hypothesis": "Someone that has experienced physical abuse will have trouble facing the attacker in court."} {"idx": "mnli-8518", "premise": "What's the opposite of stress?", "hypothesis": "What's the opposite of bored?"} {"idx": "mnli-8519", "premise": "The tower is just over 18 m (60 ft) high, one for each year of Victoria's rule at the time of her Jubilee.", "hypothesis": "There is no tower."} {"idx": "mnli-8520", "premise": "It includes some of the finest beaches on the island or anywhere in the Mediterranean, for that matter.", "hypothesis": "There are several different beaches on the island."} {"idx": "mnli-8521", "premise": "In 1888, Sarawak, Brunei, and what is now Sabah were at last grouped together as a British protectorate, North Borneo, but it did not gain the status of a crown colony.", "hypothesis": "Sarawak, Brunei, and Sabah have never been related to each other in any capacity."} {"idx": "mnli-8522", "premise": "Looking out of a window onto the panorama of high mountains and wave upon wave of rolling hills, one can imagine the young prince saying to himself This must be my kingdom. ", "hypothesis": "There are rolling hills but no high mountains that can be seen from the window."} {"idx": "mnli-8523", "premise": "Three years later, Stanley Elkins published the equally monumental Slavery . Though a liberal like Stampp, Elkins accepted the notion of the docile, contented Sambo--though hardly as evidence of slavery's mildness.", "hypothesis": "Many people pre-ordered the book."} {"idx": "mnli-8524", "premise": "Without developing the criteria that the system should meet and then effectively assessing the risks, agencies could adopt signature systems that will not provide the necessary data integrity.", "hypothesis": "Some systems don't give the necessary data integrity."} {"idx": "mnli-8525", "premise": "Central to the Review Process is the right of designated stakeholders to de novo reviews of all configuration decisions, first by the LSC Vice President for Programs and then by the LSC President, whose decision is final and binding.", "hypothesis": "Central to the Review Process is the review of eggs"} {"idx": "mnli-8526", "premise": "Do you know, my friend, I remembered that earlier in the morning, when we had been there together, I had straightened all the objects on the mantel-piece. ", "hypothesis": "I did not touch a thing in that house, when we were there."} {"idx": "mnli-8527", "premise": "design-provides assurance that the final product represents what is happening and is not registering an atypical situation.", "hypothesis": "The design is made so that they know what to expect."} {"idx": "mnli-8528", "premise": "The academy was founded by Cardinal Richelieu to be the supreme arbiter of the French language.", "hypothesis": "The academy is currently the ultimate authority on the French language."} {"idx": "mnli-8529", "premise": "Various statements of the ECP rule can now be reviewed.", "hypothesis": "There can now be reviews of several statements."} {"idx": "mnli-8530", "premise": "The game's up.", "hypothesis": "The game is over because we are tired of it."} {"idx": "mnli-8531", "premise": "1 It was not until the mid-nineteenth century that city delivery began on a regular basis in the U.S.", "hypothesis": "City delivery started to happen more regularly in the mid-1800s."} {"idx": "mnli-8532", "premise": "Zorg (Gary Oldman) demos firepower (45 seconds) :", "hypothesis": "Zorg has no firepower to demonstrate."} {"idx": "mnli-8533", "premise": "Everyone thinks so.", "hypothesis": "Nobody thinks so."} {"idx": "mnli-8534", "premise": "Tucker can be trying when the script isn't good, but he's a great foil for Chan--physically gung-ho and with supersonic timing.", "hypothesis": "Jackie Chan has excellent timing and is in good physical shape."} {"idx": "mnli-8535", "premise": "5) Dueling spins : The New York Times says the scandal will dog and impede Clinton's foreign policy.", "hypothesis": "Clinton has well developed foreign policies."} {"idx": "mnli-8536", "premise": "Listen, whore's son.", "hypothesis": "Listen to me, I hired your mother as a prostitute yesterday."} {"idx": "mnli-8537", "premise": "While many deaths from daily exposure to PM may occur in individuals with cardiovascular disease, studies have shown relationships between all cause mortality and PM, and between PM and mortality from pneumonia (Schwartz, 2000).", "hypothesis": "PM might cause deaths because they are dangerous to patients."} {"idx": "mnli-8538", "premise": "In addition, IPM's projections for electric utilities under the Base Case include the NOX SIP Call with a cap on summertime NOX emissions in SIP Call states in 2004 (based on 0.15 lb/mmBtu from 2001) and state-imposed NOX caps in Texas, Connecticut, and Missouri.", "hypothesis": "There is no cap on summertime emissions."} {"idx": "mnli-8539", "premise": "that uh oh yeah i mean they don't uh uh", "hypothesis": "I meant they definitely do."} {"idx": "mnli-8540", "premise": "Managing for Federal Managers' Views on Key Management Issues Vary Widely Across Agencies (GAO-01-592, May 2001).", "hypothesis": "Views vary widely across agencies."} {"idx": "mnli-8541", "premise": "For example, web visitor survey data from Pinetree Legal Services in Maine indicates that two-thirds of its site visitors are low income people or persons seeking information on behalf of low income people.", "hypothesis": "Most of the visitors to the site are high income people."} {"idx": "mnli-8542", "premise": "'Now, there's another matter.", "hypothesis": "That is another thing entirely. "} {"idx": "mnli-8543", "premise": "Those involved with the effort say the center will help workers to learn how to stand up for their rights and students to learn skills they can use in the workplace.", "hypothesis": "the workers themselves largely agree with this notion about standing up with their rights."} {"idx": "mnli-8544", "premise": "The auditor can examine projected versus actual levels of total personnel or of key, experienced personnel.", "hypothesis": "The auditor looks at projected levels of staffing vs how many staff are actually on the payroll at the hospital."} {"idx": "mnli-8545", "premise": "The biography of the legendary Belgian-French king of pulp fiction (1903-1989), who wrote more than 400 novels and bedded even more women (he estimated 10,000), is deemed masterful, absorbing, and definitive (Deirdre Bair, the New York Times Book Review ). Simenon wins praise for its defense of Simenon's oeuvre , often dismissed as hackery, and for its candid treatment of his misogyny and anti-Semitism.", "hypothesis": "The Belgian-French king of pulp fiction was known to be a virgin until the day of his death."} {"idx": "mnli-8546", "premise": "I took a car.", "hypothesis": "I left my car."} {"idx": "mnli-8547", "premise": "TYPES OF DILUTION WATER", "hypothesis": "Dilution of water may be useful."} {"idx": "mnli-8548", "premise": "As was the case with Reebok, Hilfiger's pursuit of the minority market has exposed him to a backlash (it's probably no accident that Lauren, whose turf he invaded, was cast as the good guy in the Klensch Style story).", "hypothesis": "Hilfiger's pursuit of the minority market went off without a hitch."} {"idx": "mnli-8549", "premise": "A design team of 14 representatives from the legal services community - including providers, clients, courts and other stakeholder entities - worked assiduously over the year to produce a tool that will be tested in 2003, revised pursuant to that process, and ultimately used nationally.", "hypothesis": "We expect that the tool will gain national adoption within 6 months."} {"idx": "mnli-8550", "premise": "The second argument against counting psychic harm is that once you start counting it, people train themselves to start feeling it.", "hypothesis": "There are no arguments against counting psychic harm."} {"idx": "mnli-8551", "premise": "He recommended that future research evaluate whether using physicians or ED staff is more cost effective than using specially hired staff.", "hypothesis": "It should be evaluated in future research if physicians or ED are more cost effective."} {"idx": "mnli-8552", "premise": "and the same thing you know every almost every college in Maryland is recycling office paper but you know in the giant bins around and it's surprising how much", "hypothesis": "most of the colleges in Maryland collect their office paper for recycling"} {"idx": "mnli-8553", "premise": "well Steve i'll tell you i think i still think Joe Montana's the best quarterback that ever handled a ball", "hypothesis": "Steve, I don't think that Joe Montana was a very good player."} {"idx": "mnli-8554", "premise": "Several 2002 TIG awards, now well underway, targeted intake systems.", "hypothesis": "Tig awards are important "} {"idx": "mnli-8555", "premise": "Notice that, except at the airport, no tax-free or duty-free signs are allowed in Singapore, since this advantage applies all over the island.", "hypothesis": "Singapore has high taxes and duty fees."} {"idx": "mnli-8556", "premise": "Ray Christensen, executive vice president of the Colorado Farm Bureau, said growers on the state's 20,000 farms consider pesticide safety important for themselves and their employees, in part because they want to maintain a productive workforce and avoid liability.", "hypothesis": "Workforce lawsuits around pesticide safety cost growers over $20 million last year."} {"idx": "mnli-8557", "premise": "so i got out of that and got back into the Master's and then decided well paralegal is really the nuts and bolts of the law and that's what i really like yeah", "hypothesis": "I decided I hated the law and I should be a plumber."} {"idx": "mnli-8558", "premise": "a compost pile right", "hypothesis": "The compost pile is stage right."} {"idx": "mnli-8559", "premise": "Your eye will be drawn right, but be sure not to miss the left junction at the sign for Watendlath.", "hypothesis": "It's very easy to see where you need to go so there's no chance that you'll miss it."} {"idx": "mnli-8560", "premise": "Simon Peter's house and the synagogue are adjacent to one another.", "hypothesis": "There are no synagogues near to Simon Peter's house."} {"idx": "mnli-8561", "premise": "These behaviors have been demonstrated by longterm successful companies.", "hypothesis": "The behaviors in question have never been demonstrated by any companies."} {"idx": "mnli-8562", "premise": "One of the goals of the Substance Abuse Interest Group of SAEM was to authorize a substance abuse category for abstracts and sessions at the annual meeting.", "hypothesis": "There was only one goal set during the meeting."} {"idx": "mnli-8563", "premise": "so if i ten leave it at a dollar ten people are still going to pay", "hypothesis": "No one will pay if it is a dollar ten."} {"idx": "mnli-8564", "premise": "A thorough cleaning followed to remove the mold.", "hypothesis": "The mold stayed on the item."} {"idx": "mnli-8565", "premise": "Second, the coastal swells here are extremely dangerous, preventing the swimming activities and water sports so beloved by visitors.", "hypothesis": "The waves here are gentle and it is a popular swimming spot. "} {"idx": "mnli-8566", "premise": "i mean it was but we they're so heavy you know they get so heavy they kind of weigh it down but", "hypothesis": "They're light as air."} {"idx": "mnli-8567", "premise": "This is a real challenge for policy, institutional systems, and professionals.", "hypothesis": "The parties affected will now overcome the challenges placed upon them."} {"idx": "mnli-8568", "premise": "The harbor here, dotted with yachts and fishing boats, is reminiscent of a mini-Rio de Janeiro or various Aegean and Mediterranean ports.", "hypothesis": "The harbor is similar to the ports found in the Mediterranean."} {"idx": "mnli-8569", "premise": "Clad only in a cotton kimono, you lie down for attendants to bury you up to the neck in sand at a medium-broil temperature.", "hypothesis": "Attendants bury you in warm sand wearing only a kimono."} {"idx": "mnli-8570", "premise": "CSR's, which grantees are required to submit annually to LSC, contain data on program staff as well as on cases closed during a calendar year.", "hypothesis": "The data is incomplete and excessive. "} {"idx": "mnli-8571", "premise": "i was just thinking there's", "hypothesis": "I simply thought it would be easy."} {"idx": "mnli-8572", "premise": "The average payout was $4,400, and the largest - about $22,000 went to people who had been with Anthem the longest, presumably seniors.", "hypothesis": "No one received a payout from Anthem."} {"idx": "mnli-8573", "premise": "After identifying the findings of particular interest, case studies would be conducted in sites selected to maximize the ability to get the specific understanding required.", "hypothesis": "Findings of interest are not identified before case studies are done. "} {"idx": "mnli-8574", "premise": "Pumpkin vines climb over rooftops.", "hypothesis": "The rooftops are covered in pumpkin vines."} {"idx": "mnli-8575", "premise": "Having done so, they finally agree to marry but with She has privacy, freedom to pursue her own life and friends, control over money, etc.", "hypothesis": "She had no interest in ever getting married."} {"idx": "mnli-8576", "premise": "Some are put off by the cost of a hiring a divorce lawyer, which starts at about $1,500.", "hypothesis": "It costs a lot to have a consultation with a divorce lawyer."} {"idx": "mnli-8577", "premise": "you know kids", "hypothesis": "You must not know anything about kids."} {"idx": "mnli-8578", "premise": "Maui fell first, followed by Oahu, Lanai, and Molokai.", "hypothesis": "Maui was the first to fall."} {"idx": "mnli-8579", "premise": "yeah yeah yeah that's just like moving to another area for a while", "hypothesis": "After awhile it felt like the previous area."} {"idx": "mnli-8580", "premise": "uh-huh uh-huh sure and also they get better quality with and they learn to have more features and things and without and making them less expensive so we're kind of waiting", "hypothesis": "It is quite expensive for the features it has, so we will wait a bit."} {"idx": "mnli-8581", "premise": "In 1992, PACs and individuals spent more than $11 million on independent expenditures for presidential and congressional candidates.", "hypothesis": "In 1992, PACs spent over $11 million dollars in support of conservative candidates."} {"idx": "mnli-8582", "premise": "Thus, for example, it considers an addressed grocery store advertisement to be a letter.", "hypothesis": "It charges an addressed grocery store ad the same price as a letter."} {"idx": "mnli-8583", "premise": "But who thinks this retreat has eroded Israeli credibility?", "hypothesis": "The retreat ate away at Israeli credibility"} {"idx": "mnli-8584", "premise": "The crowd froze, like startled deer.", "hypothesis": "No one moved."} {"idx": "mnli-8585", "premise": "b) Did not quit on principle after Clinton admitted lies.", "hypothesis": "Quit because needed to spend more time with family"} {"idx": "mnli-8586", "premise": "uh he was selling soda machines at the uh selling like Coca-Cola had given him", "hypothesis": "He was selling soda machines."} {"idx": "mnli-8587", "premise": "Forrester Research, Inc.: www.forrester.com Foundation for Performance www.fpm.com Gartner www.gartner.com GIGA Information www.gigaweb.com International Data www.idc.com IT Governance www.itgoverence.org/itgi META Group Inc.: www.metagroup.com Yankee www.yankeegroup.com", "hypothesis": "A bunch of companies."} {"idx": "mnli-8588", "premise": "Well, I want to know more.", "hypothesis": "I would like to know more."} {"idx": "mnli-8589", "premise": "The specialty of this region is spicy shrimp, caught and cooked within minutes at stalls along the roadside.", "hypothesis": "Fresh spicy shrimp is a typical dish of this region."} {"idx": "mnli-8590", "premise": "They fought against the Satheri.", "hypothesis": "They defeated and crushed the Satheri."} {"idx": "mnli-8591", "premise": "pretty much covered up but uh you know i'm never going to let my shoulders and back get sunburned again", "hypothesis": "I'm wearing a long-sleeved shirt to prevent sunburn."} {"idx": "mnli-8592", "premise": "well you know what they say about the weather here in Texas", "hypothesis": "They say Texas weather is unpredictable."} {"idx": "mnli-8593", "premise": "Take time to stroll along the narrow streets in the old town stretching downhill from the cathedral, which offer a combination of historic charm and modern French sophistication.", "hypothesis": "The roads running from the cathedral are several kilometres long."} {"idx": "mnli-8594", "premise": "yeah uh you mean Thanksgiving", "hypothesis": "Yes, Thanksgiving."} {"idx": "mnli-8595", "premise": "It is considered one of the best examples of 19th-century Chinese architecture in Penang.", "hypothesis": "It is at terrible example of 19th century Chinese architecture."} {"idx": "mnli-8596", "premise": "The AFI's list, for all its peculiarities, appears to reflect that.", "hypothesis": "The AFI's list reflects well a diverse grouping of film."} {"idx": "mnli-8597", "premise": "Capital inputs are measured in terms of efficiency or service flow rather than price or value.", "hypothesis": "Capital inputs are measured by cost"} {"idx": "mnli-8598", "premise": "well it's been my pleasure uh Gina Gina is that with a G", "hypothesis": "I had a great time talking to you...is it spelled Gina with a G?"} {"idx": "mnli-8599", "premise": "where do you work", "hypothesis": "Who's your employer?"} {"idx": "mnli-8600", "premise": "George W. Bush tried to quash the parody site www.gwbush.com, saying infamously, There ought to be limits to freedom.", "hypothesis": "George W. Bush was very happy with www.gwbush.com, letting everyone know that this is what freedom is all about."} {"idx": "mnli-8601", "premise": "Pundits agreed that capitalism will continue to flourish there even if democracy doesn' The New York Times ' Tom Friedman noted that replicas of the Goddess of Democracy (erected in 1989 by protesters in Tiananmen Square), which were being peddled by Hong Kong demonstrators, were Made in China.", "hypothesis": " Pundits agreed that capitalism will continue as it has for the past century"} {"idx": "mnli-8602", "premise": "First, we concluded that the LSC is not a federal agency for purposes of judicial review under the Administrative Procedures Act.", "hypothesis": "The LSC is not considered a federal agency."} {"idx": "mnli-8603", "premise": "Not at all--or at least I don't think so.", "hypothesis": "I don't think so."} {"idx": "mnli-8604", "premise": "There were some peculiar points about that stain. ", "hypothesis": "I had seen the exact same stain somewhere else before. "} {"idx": "mnli-8605", "premise": "Without meaningful reform, the Social Security and Medicare programs face long-term financing problems.", "hypothesis": "If nothing changes, Medicare could face funding problems. "} {"idx": "mnli-8606", "premise": "You've sure taken a shine to Californy lately, Anse commented.", "hypothesis": "Everyone has seen how much you hate Californy."} {"idx": "mnli-8607", "premise": "Whether by swinging his solo hammer or by standing for peace against the epithets of the world, Carter has become the first American.", "hypothesis": "Carter has become the first American by standing for peace alone amidst the rest of the world."} {"idx": "mnli-8608", "premise": "Based on a review of the trajectory charts in The Physics of Baseball and Keep Your Eye on the The Science and Folklore of Baseball , conversations with University of Puget Sound physicist Andrew Rex, and correspondence with aerospace engineer and baseball researcher Roger Hawks, I determined that the McGwire home run would have traveled about 474 feet.", "hypothesis": "I have been able to calculate the distance travel of the McGwire home run, which is definitely impressive for everyone that knows it."} {"idx": "mnli-8609", "premise": "If they are not auctioned, should they be allocated based on heat input or electrical and steam output?", "hypothesis": "They should be auctioned"} {"idx": "mnli-8610", "premise": "EPA's requirement, adopted in response to section 126 petitions, that sources in a number of eastern states reduce NOx emissions was recently upheld by the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.", "hypothesis": "A Court of Appeals held up the EPA's stipulation that eastern states should reduce NOx emissions."} {"idx": "mnli-8611", "premise": "oh that's interesting maybe there's something i can try this time around", "hypothesis": "That is quite boring, I won't find anything to do again."} {"idx": "mnli-8612", "premise": "I get paid to make the community a better place for vulnerable people -- and I like that.", "hypothesis": "I like to get paid to make the community a better place for vulnerable people, but I don't like my coworkers."} {"idx": "mnli-8613", "premise": "William Bennett (NBC's Meet the Press ) contributes the overstatement of the weekend when he fuses the Chinese money story with the Indian Did the [Democrats'] frantic pursuit of money lead to the endangerment of the world through nuclear weapons?", "hypothesis": "William Bennett is on CBS's Face the Nation."} {"idx": "mnli-8614", "premise": "but maybe i'll try it one day", "hypothesis": "I'll try it one day if someone forces me too. "} {"idx": "mnli-8615", "premise": "The Dual is closed even to the Seri.", "hypothesis": "The Seri can freely enter the Dual."} {"idx": "mnli-8616", "premise": "i wished i had the opportunity to do camping because i used to love to live at the lake all summer and into the fall and", "hypothesis": "I have never lived anywhere near a lake."} {"idx": "mnli-8617", "premise": "But when Indonesians started running from their banks a few months ago, what they wanted was dollars--and neither the Indonesian government nor the IMF can give them enough of what they want.", "hypothesis": "Indonesians did not want dollars at all. "} {"idx": "mnli-8618", "premise": "If you find an old tappit hen (a traditional drinking tankard), look for the silver assay mark of a castle, indicating an authentic Edinburgh piece.", "hypothesis": "There is no way of knowing that a tappit hen is really from Edinburgh."} {"idx": "mnli-8619", "premise": "She said you told her it was because you had been awakened during the night and didn't go back to sleep. ", "hypothesis": "You had not spoken to her for awhile."} {"idx": "mnli-8620", "premise": "It should be mixed half-and-half with iced water, with a glass of water on the side (when mixed with water it turns a pearly white, hence its nickname, aslan sete, lion's milk).", "hypothesis": "It is never mixed with cold water."} {"idx": "mnli-8621", "premise": "The final rule adds seven industry groups subject to the reporting requirements of section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 (EPCRA), 42 U.S.C.", "hypothesis": "Seven groups are subject to the reporting requirements."} {"idx": "mnli-8622", "premise": "yeah couldn't even use it", "hypothesis": "It was very helpful and I'm happy with its performance."} {"idx": "mnli-8623", "premise": "uh are you big into lawn and garden work", "hypothesis": "And you hate being outside of the house."} {"idx": "mnli-8624", "premise": "Source references will be provided in the nonauthoritative paragraphs as footnotes to permit more descriptive identification of the sources.", "hypothesis": "References will be given in the nonauthoritaive paragraphs that are at the bottom of the page because they give more descriptive terms to the sources."} {"idx": "mnli-8625", "premise": "HCFA received 409 comments in the response to the notice.", "hypothesis": "The HCFA got 409 comments on the notice."} {"idx": "mnli-8626", "premise": "The FCC did not identify any other statutes or executive orders imposing requirements on the rulemaking.", "hypothesis": "The FCC identifies a few statutes imposing requirements on the rulemaking."} {"idx": "mnli-8627", "premise": "Monuments usually celebrate heroes, or commemorate victories, or honor kings or saints; but the Eiffel Tower is a monument for its own sake, a proud gesture to the world.", "hypothesis": "The Eiffel Tower is a shameful structure, and not well-regarded by the world."} {"idx": "mnli-8628", "premise": "i don't know what you call it uh so many different things that you have to go through before they actually give the death penalty that i'm not so sure it it seems a lot fairer than it used to be", "hypothesis": "The death penalty may be fairer these days."} {"idx": "mnli-8629", "premise": "Then she swayed to the ground in a dead faint.", "hypothesis": "She didn't faint. "} {"idx": "mnli-8630", "premise": "Fashion now seems like a club with a private jargon that leaves no room for the play of sensitive literary exposition.", "hypothesis": "Expensive clothing prevents people from engaging in fashion."} {"idx": "mnli-8631", "premise": " The straw bags that Ibicencos and visitors hang over their shoulders for shopping or for carrying beach equipment are useful and inexpensive.", "hypothesis": "People sometimes use straw bags to shop or carry things around."} {"idx": "mnli-8632", "premise": "What do you think of this new ally?He wears no armor, fights with knives, and moves like the wind,\" said Ca'daan.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan doesn't like the new ally at all."} {"idx": "mnli-8633", "premise": "Just accidentally, while surfing and without any prior notice, I came upon a broadcast of Don Giovanni that was very good.", "hypothesis": "Don Giovanni had a guest on his show and talked about politics."} {"idx": "mnli-8634", "premise": "The market tumbled in anticipation of an economy-cooling rise in interest rates at the Fed's upcoming meeting.", "hypothesis": "The market thought the Fed would raise interest rates."} {"idx": "mnli-8635", "premise": "The rules we've always had is that politics stop at the shore, one senior White House official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity.", "hypothesis": "Russia usually provides the White House with current political facts."} {"idx": "mnli-8636", "premise": "uh-huh yeah the uh yeah it's it's uh it is convenient to have that you know and it and if you can do a the a lot more with the American Express when we do when we go traveling", "hypothesis": "There isn't much you can dfo with a credit card when traveling. "} {"idx": "mnli-8637", "premise": "Suppose we try some of the eastern methods and see how they work on our wild ones.", "hypothesis": "Let's not try anything new with the wild ones. "} {"idx": "mnli-8638", "premise": "yeah but it's hard to make it being a rancher or farmer", "hypothesis": "It's easy to make a living as a rancher or farmer."} {"idx": "mnli-8639", "premise": "There's no controlling the elementals properly any more.\" He didn't seem too displeased, however, as he watched the thing dance off.", "hypothesis": "He was apathetic to to the thing dancing off."} {"idx": "mnli-8640", "premise": "of the Civil War and it's not a story of the Civil War it's a story of all the politics and uh lobbying and just basically state by state events that led", "hypothesis": "It's a story about the World War II and hitler."} {"idx": "mnli-8641", "premise": "This is the headquarters of the Ravenglass and Eskdale Railway the little trains spend the night in the sidings here.", "hypothesis": "The Ravenglass and Eskdale Railway house trains at night. "} {"idx": "mnli-8642", "premise": "LSC's 1998 call for state planning coincided with an active period within California's justice community.", "hypothesis": "The call for state planning in 1998 by LSC coincided with an active period within California's justice community."} {"idx": "mnli-8643", "premise": "well you can get a walking membership for two hundred dollars a year at the course down here yeah", "hypothesis": "It's not possible for you to get a walking membership."} {"idx": "mnli-8644", "premise": "Even when it comes packaged free with Windows 98, you'll really be paying a combined price for the operating system and the browser, which will surely be higher than the price Microsoft would charge for an operating system alone.", "hypothesis": "You will get a great package deal with Windows 98 and the browser."} {"idx": "mnli-8645", "premise": "The interesting Edwardian building was formerly the Pathological Institute, founded to combat the 19th century's 30-year-long outbreak of bubonic plague.", "hypothesis": "The institute was founded to battle the bubonic plague."} {"idx": "mnli-8646", "premise": "Hence Whitehead's argument, repeated in several venues, that the ruling would discourage sexual harassment victims from coming forward.", "hypothesis": "Hence Whitehead supports sexual harassment."} {"idx": "mnli-8647", "premise": "so i think we're a little ahead uh ahead of schedule on that", "hypothesis": "I think we have a lot of time and advantage on that."} {"idx": "mnli-8648", "premise": "The forceps, Hastings! I quickly handed them to him, and with skill he extracted a small piece of half charred paper. ", "hypothesis": "I did not give him the forceps. "} {"idx": "mnli-8649", "premise": "This is the message. I dropped my voice still lower. ", "hypothesis": "This is the message she sent, I brought my voice to a whisper."} {"idx": "mnli-8650", "premise": "We have to go, said Jon.", "hypothesis": "Jon said the group needed to leave for the caves."} {"idx": "mnli-8651", "premise": "If you've installed Internet Explorer 4.0, the new version of Microsoft's browser, you might like to take a peek at our new Table of Contents, designed especially to take advantage of the advances in Internet Explorer 4.0.", "hypothesis": "With Internet Explorer 4.0, you can take advantage of our new Table of Contents for Internet Explorer 4.0 users."} {"idx": "mnli-8652", "premise": "Today the visitor will find an atmosphere of rather bleak serenity that is in itself as evocative as the remaining concrete bunkers and blockhouses, some simple monuments on the sites of the action, and the miles of croses in the military cemeteries.", "hypothesis": "Visitors can take a walking tour to see the remainders of wartime."} {"idx": "mnli-8653", "premise": "Implementation of SCR System at TVA Paradise Unit 2", "hypothesis": "Implementation of Nerve Gas Agents at TVA Paradise Unit 11."} {"idx": "mnli-8654", "premise": "Best of all, though, I avoid the hubris of pushing my ideas of appropriate formality on others, even those who agree with me.", "hypothesis": "I avoid the arrogance of enforcing my opinions on appropriate formality on others."} {"idx": "mnli-8655", "premise": "Built in the 17th century and expanded in the mid-1700s, the picturesque fort now houses a modest Museu de Arte Con?\u00adtem?\u00adpor?\u00a1nea (Museum of Cetemporary Art).", "hypothesis": "The old fort now houses the Museu de Arte Contemporanea. It was restored in the 70's for the Museum."} {"idx": "mnli-8656", "premise": "It scared me badly.\" She put her hand to her head.", "hypothesis": "She put her hand on her head."} {"idx": "mnli-8657", "premise": "Hours before, Netanyahu had given a speech insisting that Israel would not halt the rapid construction of a controversial housing project in East Jerusalem or make further concessions to halt terrorism.", "hypothesis": "Netanyahu spoke to the Irsrali government."} {"idx": "mnli-8658", "premise": "(The main house is closed to the public. )", "hypothesis": "The main house is inaccessible due to the many renovations."} {"idx": "mnli-8659", "premise": "Yes, its choices are trendy and will date it badly and quickly.", "hypothesis": "Its choices show the culture around it. "} {"idx": "mnli-8660", "premise": "After all, what is Social Security but a job benefit?", "hypothesis": "What is Social Security doing here?"} {"idx": "mnli-8661", "premise": "Italian Communist Party founded.", "hypothesis": "Comminism was created."} {"idx": "mnli-8662", "premise": "The information developed during a risk assessment forms the foundation or basis upon which management can determine the nature and type of corrective actions needed, and it gives management baseline information for measuring progress in reducing improper payments.", "hypothesis": "To reduce improper payments management only needs to run an assessment program."} {"idx": "mnli-8663", "premise": "The voters chose Clinton as a second-term president.", "hypothesis": "The people were confident Clinton would do better during his second presidential term."} {"idx": "mnli-8664", "premise": "Burn How I Survived the Gold Rush Years on the Internet ,by Michael Wolff (Simon & Schuster).", "hypothesis": "The latest novel by Michael Wolff, \"How I Survived the Gold Rush Years on the Internet,\" is the best book anyone has ever read."} {"idx": "mnli-8665", "premise": " From inside, the walls of the egg were transparent enough for him to see cloudy outlines of what lay beyond.", "hypothesis": "He could see the outline of a building through the transparent wall of the egg. "} {"idx": "mnli-8666", "premise": "In this executive guide, we highlight many of the strategic actions taken by the study participants 4to reduce improper payments.", "hypothesis": "No actions are taken against improper payments."} {"idx": "mnli-8667", "premise": "For retrofits starting in 2005 facility owners are likely to have more than three years to complete this work as many of these retrofits have already begun.", "hypothesis": "Facility owners usually have more than three years to finish the work."} {"idx": "mnli-8668", "premise": "yes she does that but she yeah um-hum when she wants to of course um-hum um-hum um-hum that's right yeah she does that that's true that's true", "hypothesis": "She does that because she was raised that way."} {"idx": "mnli-8669", "premise": "But our prejudices are showing.", "hypothesis": "We were discriminating."} {"idx": "mnli-8670", "premise": "This set the pattern of hierarchic rule that was to prevail right up to the last half of the 19th century (some would claim, in economic terms at least, that it still persists today).", "hypothesis": "A system of hierarchical rule was in place until the late 19th century."} {"idx": "mnli-8671", "premise": "yeah and are loud so when he gets loud it's not too it doesn't bother the other people", "hypothesis": "He always bother everybody when he gets loud."} {"idx": "mnli-8672", "premise": "The July 16 Today's Papers asks what it says about Hillary Clinton that she refused to comment for a USA Today story on her partnership with Madeleine Albright.", "hypothesis": "Hillary Clinton did not like Albright at all."} {"idx": "mnli-8673", "premise": "The ruling, which is expected in June, will turn on the court's interpretation of the White House counsel's mandate . No legal precedent presages the decision.", "hypothesis": "The ruling is expected in August at the earliest."} {"idx": "mnli-8674", "premise": "The upscale Powerscourt Townhouse Centre is probably the most interesting (a sign points the way just beyond Bewley's to the Clarendon Street entrance).", "hypothesis": "The Powerscourt Townhouse Centre is uninteresting."} {"idx": "mnli-8675", "premise": "so i thought i have better things to do i can do this myself and so oh i guess i was getting ready to start that was it it wasn't even off so i started jacking it up and and and so forth and somehow or other the the jack slipped it's one of those that has the ratchet kind of thing", "hypothesis": "It was an uneventful experience. "} {"idx": "mnli-8676", "premise": "uh they they've got a lot of uh rebuilding to do they traded for a lot of new players uh in the off season and it looks like it might help them but uh i think this is going to be a year for pulling together and looking for the future", "hypothesis": "They will need to get new players for the coming season."} {"idx": "mnli-8677", "premise": "Now, that's better.", "hypothesis": "It was the worst before."} {"idx": "mnli-8678", "premise": " He started to brush it aside, but Nema's hand restrained him.", "hypothesis": "He brushed it away while Nema nodded approvingly."} {"idx": "mnli-8679", "premise": "yeah but what what what are the steps", "hypothesis": "What are the steps for installing the software?"} {"idx": "mnli-8680", "premise": "i mean it seems to me one might have choices if one radically restructured the system but that's not really a possibility at this point it has it's own inertia and", "hypothesis": "There would be more choices if the system could be changed more significantly."} {"idx": "mnli-8681", "premise": "yeah i expect it would yeah but boy it would move you across the water though", "hypothesis": "I'm sure that engine could move both you and your kids across the water with no difficulty."} {"idx": "mnli-8682", "premise": "In the other pit a big man fought a large dog in leather armor.", "hypothesis": "Dennis, the skinny kid from down the block, was attacked by a small feline."} {"idx": "mnli-8683", "premise": "I could not have said it better myself.", "hypothesis": "I can certainly do better than what you said."} {"idx": "mnli-8684", "premise": " The straw bags that Ibicencos and visitors hang over their shoulders for shopping or for carrying beach equipment are useful and inexpensive.", "hypothesis": "The straw bags that people use are all made by hand."} {"idx": "mnli-8685", "premise": "For a man of thirty who'd always been a scrawny, shy runt like the one in the \"before\" pictures, he'd been doing all right.", "hypothesis": "For an old man, who'd always been overweight, he was doing all right."} {"idx": "mnli-8686", "premise": "Set in the floor by the central door is the large round slab of red porphyry where King Charlemagne knelt for his coronation as emperor in the year 800 .", "hypothesis": "The porphyry in the floor is colored blue."} {"idx": "mnli-8687", "premise": " Counter-Reformation and Enlightenment", "hypothesis": "Protestant Reformation and Renaissance"} {"idx": "mnli-8688", "premise": "You've done extraordinarily well so far, but it's rather too bad of what do you know him as? Mr. Carter to pitchfork you two young things into an affair of this kind.", "hypothesis": "Mr.Carter was not trying to involve them in this affair."} {"idx": "mnli-8689", "premise": "ah senior okay so there's not uh", "hypothesis": "There's not a reason he's not a senior."} {"idx": "mnli-8690", "premise": "To counteract mushy curricula (whole math, multiculturalism) and keep pace on the highly competitive college track.", "hypothesis": "The college track is very competitive."} {"idx": "mnli-8691", "premise": "Red said, \"Ssh.", "hypothesis": "Red thought everyone should yell loudly."} {"idx": "mnli-8692", "premise": "It raises the sun and illumines the road ahead to a new computer architecture.", "hypothesis": "a new computer architecture lies on the road ahead."} {"idx": "mnli-8693", "premise": "This site provides a solution center containing best practices and case studies in state and local government.", "hypothesis": "The solution center is user-friendly."} {"idx": "mnli-8694", "premise": "She was the author of Global Labor Rights and the Alien Tort Claims Act, published in the Texas Law Review in 1998, and the coauthor of Aliens and the Duty of Haitian Centers Council v.", "hypothesis": "This act allowed many children in 3rd world countries to move out of poverty."} {"idx": "mnli-8695", "premise": "right well you know it's hard though because then you start talking taxes and uh that's bad word", "hypothesis": "Everybody loves taxes, loves paying them, and loves talking incessantly about them."} {"idx": "mnli-8696", "premise": "i just want to get away from the phone ringing because it it really does annoy me and uh if i've had a lot of phone calls during the day when occasionally we have uh like this past week we have to do a lot of troubleshooting when the programmers have installed a new system and uh phone rings like crazy and you come home and the last thing you want to do is have to answer the phone and if it's some salesman that just makes it even that much worse and uh it just i get to where i i turn the answering machine on and just let it pick up the phone but now with this thing i'm participating in i kind of have to answer it because you never know if it's the switchboard or if it's uh you know somebody calling that you really don't want to talk on the phone", "hypothesis": "No matter what the situation, I'm always happy to receive a phone call."} {"idx": "mnli-8697", "premise": "Once it's known I wouldn't give that\" he snapped his fingers \"for the life of those two girls.", "hypothesis": "He said that there was nothing he wouldn't give up for those two little girls."} {"idx": "mnli-8698", "premise": "Stop at the Byzantine church in the village you'll find stone from the ancient site used here too and see the stone execution block of the martyrs.", "hypothesis": "The Byzantine church was built with stone taken from the nearby valley."} {"idx": "mnli-8699", "premise": "Miss Janet Vandemeyer, then.", "hypothesis": "Miss Vandemyer is the daughter of Mrs. Vandemeyer"} {"idx": "mnli-8700", "premise": "I kept my mind open between the two of them.", "hypothesis": "I listened to both of them."} {"idx": "mnli-8701", "premise": "The rules are promulgated with the authority provided in the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C.", "hypothesis": "The rules contain the authority that the Communications Act introduces."} {"idx": "mnli-8702", "premise": "H'm! said Tuppence.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence did not respond or say a thing."} {"idx": "mnli-8703", "premise": "If these debt securities are retired before maturity, the difference, if any, between the reacquisition price and the net carrying value of the extinguished debt should be recognized as a gain or loss by the fund that owned the securities.", "hypothesis": "There is no difference in between retiring debt securities before maturity."} {"idx": "mnli-8704", "premise": "projects or something on the weekend you know we like to go out go out", "hypothesis": "We do not like to go out on weekends."} {"idx": "mnli-8705", "premise": "That panel recommended use of long-term prospective cohort studies in estimating mortality risk reduction (EPA-SAB-COUNCIL-ADV-99-005, 1999).", "hypothesis": "The panel recommended using long-term prospective cohort studies."} {"idx": "mnli-8706", "premise": "How could I resist, he asked, a chance to get a head-start on my summer tan?", "hypothesis": "The man did not want to miss the opportunity to tan."} {"idx": "mnli-8707", "premise": "um yeah all the ones i know my brother-in-law has three young kids seven and on down and they they go on family vacations and uh they go like to go skiing the the middle girl doesn't get a whole lot of attention but uh this last ski trip they took um she had contracted chicken pox first and then she spread it to her her little younger sister and her brother and they got it just at the beginning of the", "hypothesis": "My brother-in-law does not have any children."} {"idx": "mnli-8708", "premise": "Edo expanded rapidly to accommodate Ieyasu's 80,000 retainers and their families and the myriad common people who served their daily needs.", "hypothesis": "80,000 retainers and their families fled to Edo from Ieyasu."} {"idx": "mnli-8709", "premise": "you don't have to i mean is the something that you don't have to see it as you it's not like your", "hypothesis": "You don't have to see the movie."} {"idx": "mnli-8710", "premise": "Coast Guard data indicate that its mission-effectiveness is now dramatically improved.", "hypothesis": "Coast Guard data indicates that mission-effectiveness has dramatically decreased."} {"idx": "mnli-8711", "premise": "Kofukuji's many surviving artworks and artifacts are housed in its newest building, the Museum of National Treasures, a fireproof repository built in 1958 to honor Kofukuji's immense cultural and historic importance.", "hypothesis": "Kofukuji's culture and history isn't considered to be too important."} {"idx": "mnli-8712", "premise": "okay so that would be two long semesters and a summer maybe huh", "hypothesis": "So, that's possibly two semesters and a summer."} {"idx": "mnli-8713", "premise": "yeah of course they're uh they're probably going to set it up for some kind of sequel or something in the future and uh", "hypothesis": "I've seen better movies but they're probably preparing for a sequel to that one already. "} {"idx": "mnli-8714", "premise": "Black employment, home ownership, academic achievement, and college enrollment are up; out-of-wedlock births, violent crime, poverty, and welfare enrollment are down.", "hypothesis": "The black community is making positive moves."} {"idx": "mnli-8715", "premise": "The Committee's members included telephone equipment manufacturers, employers, hospitals and nursing homes, hotels and motels, persons with disabilities, and an FCC representative.", "hypothesis": "The Committee was comprised of many different members in different career paths."} {"idx": "mnli-8716", "premise": "It is illuminating to speculate how these cases would have been decided if Congress had enacted a504(a)(16) without its proviso (prescribing only the general ban against litigation, lobbying, or rulemaking, involving an effort to reform a Federal or State welfare system), and if the positions of the parties before us here were reversed.", "hypothesis": "All welfare systems are Federally run."} {"idx": "mnli-8717", "premise": "Nearly everyone agrees today that the Vietnam War was unwinnable and was needlessly prolonged so America could save face.", "hypothesis": "Almost everyone now thinks Vietnam was unwinnable."} {"idx": "mnli-8718", "premise": "Here you'll find the ruined Abbey of St. Colm, founded in the 12th century and named for St. Columba, who had brought Christianity to western Scotland 600 years earlier.", "hypothesis": "Until the 12th century, Scotland had no contact with Christianity."} {"idx": "mnli-8719", "premise": "You can still find interesting flavorings and colorings on sale, along with the dried hibiscus flowers used to make sweet tea.", "hypothesis": "You cannot find dried hibiscus flowers, colorings or flavorings on sale."} {"idx": "mnli-8720", "premise": "Those people who might at first be reluctant to confront the omnipresence of death along the river will be impressed by the simple dignity of the funeral rites here.", "hypothesis": "Funeral rites practiced near the river are very extravagant and sometimes insulting."} {"idx": "mnli-8721", "premise": "The temple is in the center of a walled enclosure, with a treasury of small sculptures and shrines dotted about.", "hypothesis": "The temple is surrounded by walls all round."} {"idx": "mnli-8722", "premise": "Despite the success of LSC and its many contributions to access to justice for low-income Americans, its achievements are overshadowed by the fact that so many in our society continue to suffer injustice and are unable to gain access to our system of justice.", "hypothesis": "The LSC has a great impact at a local level, but many other areas are still lacking in services."} {"idx": "mnli-8723", "premise": "Depending on how much time you have for that all-important first taste, we suggest you try to visit at least two, even three of the regions.", "hypothesis": "You should not journey outside of the first region that you visit."} {"idx": "mnli-8724", "premise": "Instead, the Times sends a list to bookstores indicating which books they are tracking as potential future best sellers and asks for sales information on those books (and any others the bookstores want to report on).", "hypothesis": "The Times does not generate a list of books."} {"idx": "mnli-8725", "premise": "! Describing the benefits that services such as community legal education, pro se assistance and referrals to community agencies provide to the communities served by LSC grantees.", "hypothesis": "LSC gives grants to people that help middle income community members."} {"idx": "mnli-8726", "premise": "A large man in iron armor pointed a spear at Jon and Adrin and roared a command to strike.", "hypothesis": "The man was leading an army."} {"idx": "mnli-8727", "premise": "Language is their biggest obstacle, but the Asian communities' cultural isolation and service providers' lack of cultural expertise also play a part, said NLS executive director Neal Dubovitz.", "hypothesis": "The language barrier is the largest challenge."} {"idx": "mnli-8728", "premise": "Two pillars surviving from the Greek Temple of Apollo stand like a gateway, but the Spanish era has given it a charming 17th-century ambience of Baroque houses with iron balconies supported by floral carvings and an occasional stone nymph.", "hypothesis": "It's comprised of parts of the Greek Temple of Apollo and Spanish Baroque houses."} {"idx": "mnli-8729", "premise": "The two agencies provide free legal representation to low-income people, including domestic violence victims, in civil matters.", "hypothesis": "There is more than one agency which provides legal assistance, for civil matters, to people who are not rich. "} {"idx": "mnli-8730", "premise": "Eight techniques are used-sometimes all of them in the same study-to collect information (Neustadt and Fineberg, 1978; Yin, 1989).", "hypothesis": "Sometimes, all eight techniques are used in the same study."} {"idx": "mnli-8731", "premise": "MEL sorbent consumption for a 4 percent sulfur coal is approximately 17-18 tons per hour.", "hypothesis": "MEL sorbent consumption for a 14 percent sulfur coal is approximately 17-18 tons per hour."} {"idx": "mnli-8732", "premise": "True, technology empowers millions of potential copyright violators.", "hypothesis": "Technology enables copyright violators to do what they do."} {"idx": "mnli-8733", "premise": "The crowd quieted as a new rider approached.", "hypothesis": "They were astonished at the new riders' appearances."} {"idx": "mnli-8734", "premise": "well there i don't think there's any way it can you know like they say this proposal would anywhere would get anywhere because of the i mean first of all i've never heard of it until this this phone call you know", "hypothesis": "A proposal needs to have widespread knowledge and approval before getting anywhere. "} {"idx": "mnli-8735", "premise": "yeah but but are are the tools that uh if you're cutting are you talking about cutting equipment or tools for that for set up", "hypothesis": "I don't think you're talking about tools or cutting equipment."} {"idx": "mnli-8736", "premise": "Pay the museum admission, then take the escalators running in transparent tubes from the bottom left to the top right hand corner and see Paris unfold before your eyes.", "hypothesis": "The idea of having escalators in transparent tubes was mocked at first."} {"idx": "mnli-8737", "premise": " A'deem bowed.", "hypothesis": "A'deem sat down and ignored those in front of him."} {"idx": "mnli-8738", "premise": "She twisted and the cloak fell away.", "hypothesis": "She bent down and picked up the cloak. "} {"idx": "mnli-8739", "premise": "NRCS provided us with a complete copy of the Environmental Assessment and the Finding of No Significant Impact.", "hypothesis": "The Environmental Assessment detailed extensively the reports of the waste water analysis."} {"idx": "mnli-8740", "premise": "yeah uh justice system or and what we think about the uh judge changing it to so the the judge would do the conviction or no sentencing sentencing", "hypothesis": "If the judge didn't do sentences, what impacts would that have on American citizens?"} {"idx": "mnli-8741", "premise": "Because these changes occurred in 2000 and 2001, it is too early to determine how effectively they will be put into practice.", "hypothesis": "The year 2000 saw no changes. "} {"idx": "mnli-8742", "premise": "Costly error or painful recriminations lie on either side of my position.", "hypothesis": "There are two different things lying on either side of my stance."} {"idx": "mnli-8743", "premise": "in about three days!", "hypothesis": "It's three day from now, on Thursday."} {"idx": "mnli-8744", "premise": "On arrival at the port of Chios Town, it's tempting to pass through quickly, for it is a dreary welcome to the island.", "hypothesis": "Visitors take there time to reach Chios Town due to their welcoming nature"} {"idx": "mnli-8745", "premise": "The ruins of Jerusalem were briefly liberated, but, in the end, Jewish resistance to Rome was defeated with great loss of life.", "hypothesis": "Many Jews died because of the resistance to Rome."} {"idx": "mnli-8746", "premise": "The model highlights the kinds of thinking that agencies should apply, as well as some of the steps they can take, to make progress in managing human capital strategically.", "hypothesis": "The model highlights the kinds of thinking that agencies should apply."} {"idx": "mnli-8747", "premise": "um what uh how do you feel about uh the the young people are they are are they talking uh do you think eighteen years of age like right or during high school", "hypothesis": "Are the young people willing to talk about their lives?"} {"idx": "mnli-8748", "premise": "It will not agree. ", "hypothesis": "I won't agree."} {"idx": "mnli-8749", "premise": " One look at Sather Karf's expression was enough to convince Hanson that Malok had cried the truth and that their work could still be undone.", "hypothesis": "Hanson was convinced that Malok was telling the truth."} {"idx": "mnli-8750", "premise": "Soon electronic networks will allow people to transcend the barriers of time and distance and take advantage of global markets and business opportunities not even imaginable today, opening up a new world of economic possibility and progress.", "hypothesis": "New economic possibilities and progress will be fueled by electronic networks. "} {"idx": "mnli-8751", "premise": "Go up the stairs to the right of the entrance to see the next four stations.", "hypothesis": "Climb the stairs found to the right of the entrance to view the next stations."} {"idx": "mnli-8752", "premise": "After a stroll through the woods, you reach a platform that seems suspended in mid-air, with stupendous views acrosesteep hillsides and dramatic ravines to the distinctive peaks of Ruivo and Arieiro.", "hypothesis": "The view from the platform was very unremarkable."} {"idx": "mnli-8753", "premise": "Rumors persist that the performances will resume stay tuned.", "hypothesis": "The performances have not taken place in the past three years."} {"idx": "mnli-8754", "premise": "Nothing; but ", "hypothesis": "Emptiness; still"} {"idx": "mnli-8755", "premise": "well i don't know was there any i remember the Milton Berle Show even i was", "hypothesis": "I've never heard of the Milton Berle show...what's that?"} {"idx": "mnli-8756", "premise": "Madeira seems much larger than its diminutive size, just 57 km (35 miles) long and 22 km (13 miles) wide.", "hypothesis": "Madeira feels extremely tiny because it is in fact only 35 miles long and 13 miles wide."} {"idx": "mnli-8757", "premise": "Chitwan, Heart of the Jungle in Nepali, is a tropical forest on the southern border with India.", "hypothesis": "Chitwan, Heart of the Jungle, is Nepal's second largest city."} {"idx": "mnli-8758", "premise": "These matters are both very difficult and (except for strict Little Raft Buddhists, who are interested only in the relief of suffering, not in metaphysics) very important.", "hypothesis": "Sometimes the seriousness of the matters vary."} {"idx": "mnli-8759", "premise": "he does what he needs to but mostly if it's something major um you know cleaning out the air conditioning ducts or something like that we just hire out to do that", "hypothesis": "I don't trust him to do the big jobs, so we hire someone else."} {"idx": "mnli-8760", "premise": "i mean can you crawl underneath there or is it", "hypothesis": "Is it large enough to crawl underneath?"} {"idx": "mnli-8761", "premise": "It was later renamed by the Dutch.", "hypothesis": "The Dutch renamed it \"The Jewel of the Sea\""} {"idx": "mnli-8762", "premise": "Julius was congratulatory.", "hypothesis": "Julius is happy for his friend."} {"idx": "mnli-8763", "premise": "i went there to to visit the Underground when that was you know the Underground City", "hypothesis": "I always wanted to, but never visited the Underground City."} {"idx": "mnli-8764", "premise": "Mussolini, toppled soon after the Allied landings and reinstated briefly as a German puppet in the north, was caught fleeing in German uniform to the Swiss border.", "hypothesis": "The Allies were unable to catch Mussolini before he reached the Swiss border."} {"idx": "mnli-8765", "premise": "Also technically true.", "hypothesis": "That is completely accurate."} {"idx": "mnli-8766", "premise": "well if you think about it if um uh i remember that when they used to take uh they used to pay you to take the tire you know get the turn in your tire when you got your", "hypothesis": "I remember when they would pay you to take tires in."} {"idx": "mnli-8767", "premise": "well in the norman in in the normal route of way we do things how about the ladies go first", "hypothesis": "We should let the women go first."} {"idx": "mnli-8768", "premise": "military yeah my my husband was in the Navy", "hypothesis": "He joined the Navy after we got married."} {"idx": "mnli-8769", "premise": "yeah out of your own jeans and stay a way from the base hospital which is generally what i did", "hypothesis": "I made a point to stay away from the base hospital."} {"idx": "mnli-8770", "premise": "Tuppence quelled him with a stern glance, and stepped inside.", "hypothesis": "A stern look from Tuppence silenced him as she stepped inside and greeted the old lady."} {"idx": "mnli-8771", "premise": "Henry established expeditions that ultimately succeeded in redefining Europeans' very understanding of the world.", "hypothesis": "Henry never traveled out of his home time. "} {"idx": "mnli-8772", "premise": "Smaller companies, therefore, must distinguish themselves by the content they gather and how they present it if they are to compete.", "hypothesis": "Smaller companies have to work to distinguish themselves."} {"idx": "mnli-8773", "premise": "Examples of the types of leave on such T and A records include, but are not limited to, annual, sick, and family friendly leave.", "hypothesis": "They have two weeks of various types of leave."} {"idx": "mnli-8774", "premise": "but it's a cross between a tuba and and an and you know a horn it's a brass instrument", "hypothesis": "It is a strings instrument like a viola."} {"idx": "mnli-8775", "premise": "so and i i've got a son", "hypothesis": "I have a son."} {"idx": "mnli-8776", "premise": "The Court's nondistortion principle is also wrong on the facts, since there is no basis for believing that a504(a)(16), by causing cases [to] be presented by LSC attorneys who [can]not advise the courts of serious questions of statutory validity, ante, at 11, will distort the operation of the courts.", "hypothesis": "The LSC attorneys sometimes can't ask serious questions without mockery."} {"idx": "mnli-8777", "premise": "But how they did it gets my goat.\"", "hypothesis": "The fact that they knew how to do it baffles me. "} {"idx": "mnli-8778", "premise": "The principal and persuasive Democratic The only new thing Starr said was that he has exonerated Clinton in Filegate and Travelgate.", "hypothesis": "Starr did not say any thing about exonerating Clinton."} {"idx": "mnli-8779", "premise": "Say, then.", "hypothesis": "Keep quiet. "} {"idx": "mnli-8780", "premise": "His was another example of the bisexual symbolism of fish", "hypothesis": "His example represents the bisexual symbolism of fish."} {"idx": "mnli-8781", "premise": "In order to shed some light on this question, three special runs on cross elasticities were done.", "hypothesis": "No further runs were conducted on the elasticities. "} {"idx": "mnli-8782", "premise": "um-hum yeah i think that's true", "hypothesis": "That is factual."} {"idx": "mnli-8783", "premise": "Hed used up $900 on his prior attorney, a lot of it blown on four failed attempts to get his exwife served with adoption papers.", "hypothesis": "He spent the majority of $900 in failing to serve adoption papers to his exwife."} {"idx": "mnli-8784", "premise": "The collection and indeed the building itself is not huge or overbearing, allowing visitors to relax and enjoy the art perhaps more than is possible in such massive galleries as the Louvre or Rijksmuseum.", "hypothesis": "The collection is too large to manage."} {"idx": "mnli-8785", "premise": "(Improvement continues to this day with efforts to enhance the lot of the pedestrian while still catering to the roaring traffic. )", "hypothesis": "The improvements that benefit the pedestrians may be detrimental to the traffic."} {"idx": "mnli-8786", "premise": "i mean that's their policy they never fire anybody unless you're caught doing something illegally", "hypothesis": "Their policy is to only fire somebody doing illegal things."} {"idx": "mnli-8787", "premise": "At his 1977 trial, Flynt was sentenced to seven to 25 years for obscenity and for engaging in organized crime.", "hypothesis": "Besides indecency and organized crime, Flynt was also sentenced for the murder of several politicians."} {"idx": "mnli-8788", "premise": "who who would you if you had your pick out of anyone of the league teams who would you say is going to be the new new uh Super Bowl champions this year for ninety one", "hypothesis": "Who would you pick to be the new Super Bowl Champions this year?"} {"idx": "mnli-8789", "premise": "First thing I knew a guard came along and informed me mighty politely that I wasn't in a smoking-carriage.", "hypothesis": "First thing I knew a stern-faced national guard arrived to inform me that I couldn't smoke here."} {"idx": "mnli-8790", "premise": "-- Asking the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to adopt a measurable standard of 50 hours of pro bono participation per lawyer, per year as an aspirational goal under the Model Rules of Professional Conduct.", "hypothesis": "The Model Rules of Professional Conduct could govern standards for pro bono work."} {"idx": "mnli-8791", "premise": "Presbyterianism was established as Scotland's official state church and the Covenanters prevailed.", "hypothesis": "The Covenanters succeeded in establishing Presbyterianism as Scotland's official state church. "} {"idx": "mnli-8792", "premise": "The dream exalts the primitive art that is the movie's visual inspiration in a way that seems truly religious.", "hypothesis": "The movie's visuals are influenced by primitive art."} {"idx": "mnli-8793", "premise": "yeah they'll just i do too just go by your social security number and then look at your qualifications that you know that you have", "hypothesis": "They will not use your social security number, just your qualifications."} {"idx": "mnli-8794", "premise": "well they're struggling with it", "hypothesis": "It is difficult."} {"idx": "mnli-8795", "premise": "To see a range of faces with central nose rings, see the piercing gallery at Body Modification E-zine or the zine itself.", "hypothesis": "If you want to see tattoos, see the piercing gallery."} {"idx": "mnli-8796", "premise": "I was somewhat lazy in procuring a gift, and in the intervening time my friend has got a divorce and is soon to be remarried.", "hypothesis": "By the time I bought a present, my friend got divorced and engaged again."} {"idx": "mnli-8797", "premise": "The Cumberland Pencil Factory, a leading producer of pencils in the world, would appear to have little to offer the visitor, but the Pencil Museum provides fascinating insights into the history of pencil production in the area.", "hypothesis": "There is a large pencil factory in Cumberland."} {"idx": "mnli-8798", "premise": "i was a resident although very young of the state of what is now the state of Alaska in nineteen fifty nine when Alaska stopped being a territory became a state uh so i guess i have a left over positive feeling about the question even though i don't know very much about Puerto Rico um i know that all the things that happened relative to that territory in Alaska have been very positive uh and i kind have a suspicion that that i believe that a that statehood is a good idea whenever you have a territory the size of Puerto Rico one ought either to make it a full-fledged state or or let it go one or the other what is your situation", "hypothesis": "Alaska stopped being a territory in 1959."} {"idx": "mnli-8799", "premise": "This Week With ADM ? Less than a month ago, ABC abandoned the serviceable name of This Week for the overfamiliar This Week With Sam & Cokie . This week the show switched to This Week With Sam Donaldson & Cokie Roberts . Fending off its diligent and talented copy editors, Pundit Central rejects the new name as too long and too inelegant for even a first mention.", "hypothesis": "ABC generated the serviceable name of This Week for the overfamiliar This Week With Sam & Cokie . "} {"idx": "mnli-8800", "premise": "On the fourth side is an artificial lake stretching 8 km (5 miles) to the Rajasthan border, never sufficient, apparently, for the needs of the citadel, and so one of the probable reasons why Akbar did not settle here permanently.", "hypothesis": "Another probable reason that Akbar did not settle there was because of the exceedingly hot temperatures in the summer months. "} {"idx": "mnli-8801", "premise": "Maybe if I were gay, but I'm not.", "hypothesis": "I am straight."} {"idx": "mnli-8802", "premise": "Feminists ignore Clinton's heinous behavior because they belong to the establishment and are friendly with Bill and Hillary.", "hypothesis": "Clinton had heinous behavior."} {"idx": "mnli-8803", "premise": "Not a single canvas shack lined this street.", "hypothesis": "This street is lined with canvas shacks."} {"idx": "mnli-8804", "premise": "We looked in.", "hypothesis": "We peered in the window."} {"idx": "mnli-8805", "premise": "She wore tattered tan robes and her hood protected her from the sun above.", "hypothesis": "Her tattered tan robes and hood protected her from the sun."} {"idx": "mnli-8806", "premise": "They brought me food- meat and potatoes.", "hypothesis": "They brought me something to eat. "} {"idx": "mnli-8807", "premise": "hobbies that's about it i don't have much time for hobbies so uh between being a student and trying to run a business on the side you don't have a lot of time", "hypothesis": "I am a student while I am running a cookie business."} {"idx": "mnli-8808", "premise": "yeah bah humbug", "hypothesis": "Yes, bah humbug."} {"idx": "mnli-8809", "premise": "There is too much flexing of stylistic muscle, says the New Republic 's Robert Alter.", "hypothesis": "Rober Alter doesn't like things to be over stylized."} {"idx": "mnli-8810", "premise": "Here was an obviously experienced man coming into this young upstart's company, probably extremely well-dressed and with credentials earned before the CEO was even born.", "hypothesis": "He was an exceptionally experienced man starting in this young company, well dressed with all the right credentials. "} {"idx": "mnli-8811", "premise": "Pinochet not be extradited to Spain.", "hypothesis": "Pinochet will not be convicted in Spain."} {"idx": "mnli-8812", "premise": "And how would you know? asked Adrin.", "hypothesis": "And where would I find that? asked Adrin."} {"idx": "mnli-8813", "premise": "Couldn't let you know before at the pace you were going.", "hypothesis": "I couldn't tell you before, given how fast you were going."} {"idx": "mnli-8814", "premise": "In many ways, she seems the ideal match for them, and not simply because she's an expert at massaging egos.", "hypothesis": "She's not a terribly flattering person."} {"idx": "mnli-8815", "premise": "oh yeah there for me dogs are meant to be outside", "hypothesis": "Dogs can be inside."} {"idx": "mnli-8816", "premise": "Cave dwellers were the earliest inhabitants of the region, especially in the Carmel (Haifa) area.", "hypothesis": "The region was uninhabited by people prior to the cave dwellers."} {"idx": "mnli-8817", "premise": "Joseph Ralston 's candidacy for the chairmanship of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was derailed because he had had a relationship with another woman while separated from his wife.", "hypothesis": "Joseph Ralston and his wife had marital problems stemming from his extramarital affair."} {"idx": "mnli-8818", "premise": "The installation and operation of SCR systems is not expected to be constrained by the future availability of ammonia or urea.", "hypothesis": "The future availability of ammonia isn't expected to affect the installation and operation of SCR systems."} {"idx": "mnli-8819", "premise": "The monitoring process should also include policies and procedures for ensuring that the results of the reviews are communicated to the appropriate individuals within the organization so that they can be promptly resolved.", "hypothesis": "Monitoring should pass problems onto people likely to solve them."} {"idx": "mnli-8820", "premise": "and and the one person i know that has one they they feel guilty she has this continual guilt trip that she's not doing the right thing and so on uh on weekends she would you know spend all of their time with their kids and spend lots of lots and lots of money basically i think they they really spoil the child to try to overcompensate for their guilt feelings", "hypothesis": "No one has guilt about how they parent."} {"idx": "mnli-8821", "premise": "than anything else in in psychology doesn't address it a lot of the psychology stuff the good stuff that's in psychology it just comes out of the Bible and they don't quote you the proverb out of it but the things that work in psychology other the years that they've proven to work they just come out of the Bible and so this book it just really ties in all these things and how to train the child so they're not going to be a curse to you when they're thirteen", "hypothesis": "They do not address a lot of the psychology of the stuff just what they gather from Biblical texts."} {"idx": "mnli-8822", "premise": "well they give some some financial aid for education they they advertise that they give it you can earn up to ten or twenty thousand dollars for", "hypothesis": "Your tuition is waived if you earn under ten thousand dollars."} {"idx": "mnli-8823", "premise": "EPA has submitted an Information Collection Request (ICR) document to the Office of Management and Budget for approval.", "hypothesis": "An ICR document has not been submitted by EPA to the Office of Management and Budget."} {"idx": "mnli-8824", "premise": "The alleyways and passages leading off this main thoroughfare are some of the oldest in the city.", "hypothesis": "The alleyways and passages are far from the city's main thoroughfares."} {"idx": "mnli-8825", "premise": "but uh you know i don't necessarily uh you know there's a place here uh it's um it's good it's a barbecue place and it's uh you know you go through a line and and get your stuff", "hypothesis": "The open buffet at this place also includes some imported drinks."} {"idx": "mnli-8826", "premise": "NIAAA is a small institution with more priorities than money.", "hypothesis": "NIAAA has a huge operating budget."} {"idx": "mnli-8827", "premise": "His visits to the stable must have familiarized him with the Gray Eagle-Ariel strain bred there.", "hypothesis": "His visits to the stable must have made him knowledgeable about the Gray Eagle-Ariel strain that was bred there."} {"idx": "mnli-8828", "premise": "More specifically, it is based on the accrued cost of the major functions and their cost elasticities with respect to volume.", "hypothesis": "It is based off the revenue from the volume."} {"idx": "mnli-8829", "premise": "Hollings, meanwhile, looks bored with the entire event.", "hypothesis": "Hollings is only pretending to look bored while actually being interested in the event."} {"idx": "mnli-8830", "premise": "He'd better come to tea there one day. ", "hypothesis": "I'd like it if he came to tea. "} {"idx": "mnli-8831", "premise": "Considering L.A.'s involvement in the film industry, it's no surprise there are so many movie theaters.", "hypothesis": "The film industry has really moved from LA to NYC."} {"idx": "mnli-8832", "premise": "Still, Japan remains one of the safest countries in the world to live or visit.", "hypothesis": "Japan is an extremely safe place to live in or visit."} {"idx": "mnli-8833", "premise": "In other words, the questions he got from reporters focused on politics and positioning to the total exclusion of his actual policies and positions.", "hypothesis": "He received questions on politics and positioning instead of questions on actual policies and positions yet it was still very informative."} {"idx": "mnli-8834", "premise": "What is more I will move sky and earth to have the world accept them.", "hypothesis": "It's important to me that they are accepted by the world."} {"idx": "mnli-8835", "premise": "The church's painting collection includes an early Goya.", "hypothesis": "The Goya is the church's main attraction."} {"idx": "mnli-8836", "premise": "Figure 6: Unit Delivery Costs as a Function of Volume and Postal Density Derived from a Translog Model with USPS Data", "hypothesis": "Besides showing unit delivery costs as a function of volume, figure 6 also shows a very beautiful illustration showing the process."} {"idx": "mnli-8837", "premise": " \"I don't like it,\" Bork whispered to Dave.", "hypothesis": "Few things fancy Bork."} {"idx": "mnli-8838", "premise": "(Rupert Murdoch recently abandoned plans for a major satellite assault on the cable market.)", "hypothesis": "Murdoch decided against going after the cable news market."} {"idx": "mnli-8839", "premise": "My experts, working in stereotyped ways, have failed.", "hypothesis": "My experts were victorious."} {"idx": "mnli-8840", "premise": "Lives of the Monster Dogs tells the story of dogs outfitted with voice boxes and prosthetic hands who move to New York and become socialites.", "hypothesis": "This move is about technologically advanced dogs in New York."} {"idx": "mnli-8841", "premise": "It's full of atmosphere and there is a selection of tavernas where you can enjoy a meal while watching the show.", "hypothesis": "One can eat and watch a show in the tavernas."} {"idx": "mnli-8842", "premise": "Prudie, too, has lived through this a few times.", "hypothesis": "Prudie has never been through this before. "} {"idx": "mnli-8843", "premise": "there you go that's right Johnny Quest you know the good ones um now i'll if i'm ever home during the during the day on a vacation day i'd i have to catch at twelve o'clock the Andy Griffith Show because he's just you know he's one of my idles and then uh", "hypothesis": "I watch other shows similar to Andy Griffith."} {"idx": "mnli-8844", "premise": "Finally, the analysis discusses several significant alternatives that were considered and rejected by the Commission, including expanding the universe of providers covered by the rule, more narrowly defining the universe of providers, and continuing the resale rule indefinitely.", "hypothesis": "There needs to be more coverage in the rule."} {"idx": "mnli-8845", "premise": "Where was the letter written from?", "hypothesis": "What was the return address on the letter?"} {"idx": "mnli-8846", "premise": "Zucker was nominated by the Van Nuys center and the Ventura County Superior Court, where he has served as a temporary judge in Small Claims Court and has volunteered with a court-sponsored program for at-risk high school students.", "hypothesis": "Zucker spent five years working as a temporary judge."} {"idx": "mnli-8847", "premise": "Before you begin shopping, pick up HKTA's Shopping Guide to Consumer Electronics. ", "hypothesis": "HKTA's Shopping Guide to Consumer Electronics is a popular guide."} {"idx": "mnli-8848", "premise": "On Parosethe marble-clad Byzantine road at Lefkes takes you down the valley to Karampoli.", "hypothesis": "Te arrive at Karampoli you need to take the road at Lefkes."} {"idx": "mnli-8849", "premise": "I wasn't ready for a real fighter when I saw her, I could have said, but that would have been a lie.", "hypothesis": "I said I wasn't ready for a fighter and that was the truth."} {"idx": "mnli-8850", "premise": "and they've got their electrical hookups so it's not so bad", "hypothesis": "They have electrical hookups on their campers."} {"idx": "mnli-8851", "premise": "And it is very clear from the advertisement in the Times that the Turning Point Project--and the whole movement it represents--are on the supercilious side of that line.", "hypothesis": "The Turning Point Project are supercilious per the Times."} {"idx": "mnli-8852", "premise": "we got some awful rain uh the other morning and today's just been real drizzly", "hypothesis": "today is a clear, sunny day"} {"idx": "mnli-8853", "premise": "uh-hum uh-hum excuse me Jim could you hold on i have someone at the door i'll be right back", "hypothesis": "Could you hold on Jim, there is someone at the door."} {"idx": "mnli-8854", "premise": "In Los Angeles County, the Vietnamese population rose nearly 25 percent in the decade, while the Chinese population leaped by more than 34 percent.", "hypothesis": "The Vietnamese and Chinese populations increased in Los Angeles County."} {"idx": "mnli-8855", "premise": "Is Mrs. Vandemeyer dining out tonight, do you know?", "hypothesis": "I know for a fact that Mrs. Vandemeyer is eating at McDonald's tonight. "} {"idx": "mnli-8856", "premise": "Pick up the Boat Excursions leaflet put out by the Balearic Tourism Office for information about organized boating trips around both islands.", "hypothesis": "Grab a leaflet to find out about boating trips around the Balearic."} {"idx": "mnli-8857", "premise": "yeah so i got that uh what is that safer soap uh B T spray this year and i've been watching them every day and i've and i haven't seen any signs yet so if i see any signs i'm going to spray them and uh", "hypothesis": "I got a safer spray this year and I haven't seen any signs of bugs."} {"idx": "mnli-8858", "premise": "Postal Service's domestic rates for First-Class and Priority Mail to the inbound mail distribution described above.", "hypothesis": "The USPS has really high mail rates. "} {"idx": "mnli-8859", "premise": "you know i mean it's sad because those those bears were doing fine until we got there you know and now they're now we're killing them because of something that some monster that we created", "hypothesis": "The bears are being killed because some chemical that we created that the bears were forced to drink."} {"idx": "mnli-8860", "premise": "The subject was her legal work for the savings and loan at the center of the Whitewater scandal.", "hypothesis": "The Whitewater scandal involved the kidnapping of martians."} {"idx": "mnli-8861", "premise": "Its present form comprises a total of seven concentric rectangular walled courts, culminating in an inner sanctum, and dates from the 15th and 16th centuries, after it had been liberated from Muslim invaders who had previously used it as a fortress.", "hypothesis": "The fortress was built in the 15th century."} {"idx": "mnli-8862", "premise": "It was a strong business.", "hypothesis": "The business was not weak."} {"idx": "mnli-8863", "premise": "Some of the light-hearted songs require the singer to emit a weird, guttural ye-ye-ye sound.", "hypothesis": "No songs are weird and need a gut song. "} {"idx": "mnli-8864", "premise": "Computer Security Training Guidelines.", "hypothesis": "The guidelines for computer security training are short."} {"idx": "mnli-8865", "premise": "Ca'daan turned and vomited.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan threw up."} {"idx": "mnli-8866", "premise": "These centres attract most of the tourists and summer residents, who swell the permanent population of roughly 5,000 to 20,000 or more.", "hypothesis": "The permanent population is of roughly 5,000, and tourists are usually three times that number."} {"idx": "mnli-8867", "premise": "it was a mess for the little one so", "hypothesis": "It was dirty for the little one."} {"idx": "mnli-8868", "premise": "The most feared (in a good-natured, humorous way) teen news--other than the startlingly high number of your child was killed in a car crash (in a lighthearted, frolicsome way)--was Your adolescent is enjoying sex and drugs.", "hypothesis": "There has been a lot of media attention on teen sex and drug use lately."} {"idx": "mnli-8869", "premise": "Sometimes I thought I should go mad.\"", "hypothesis": "Sometimes I really got stressed I thought I was going insane."} {"idx": "mnli-8870", "premise": "The preamble to the final rule discusses the comments which were received and the changes which were made to the rule based on such comments.", "hypothesis": "The comments to the final rule were not discussed."} {"idx": "mnli-8871", "premise": "He makes everyone nervous, and no one has a good time.", "hypothesis": "He ruins the party by making people nervous because he is a snitch."} {"idx": "mnli-8872", "premise": "In Switzerland, the weekly Sonntagszeitung ( Sunday Newspaper ) reported a Swiss-American company called White Star Line Ltd. is to build a safe but otherwise exact replica of the Titanic to make its maiden voyage from Britain to New York in the year 2002.", "hypothesis": "They wanted to see if the ship would sink like the original."} {"idx": "mnli-8873", "premise": "What remains today is the outer rim of the original circular island.", "hypothesis": "The interior of the island was destroyed by a volcano."} {"idx": "mnli-8874", "premise": "According to the analysis, 60 winning bidders for the 900 MHz licenses qualify as small entities (no breakdown of small vs. very small).", "hypothesis": "60 winning bidders for the 900 MHz licenses qualify as small entities (no breakdown of small vs. very small), according to the analysis."} {"idx": "mnli-8875", "premise": "Numerous other rulers followed him, creating a veritable city of the dead with each tomb more elaborate or brightly decorated than the last.", "hypothesis": "The rulers all were buried in different places."} {"idx": "mnli-8876", "premise": "The pileup of cliches ends with a safe Clarence Harmon, Mayor.", "hypothesis": "A king is made safe by a pileup of cliches."} {"idx": "mnli-8877", "premise": "'Perhaps not,' Natalia said.", "hypothesis": "The woman really did not want too."} {"idx": "mnli-8878", "premise": "I didn't understand it, I don't really understand it now, but she spoke to me from half the village away as though I were right next to her.", "hypothesis": "She spoke to me from twenty miles away."} {"idx": "mnli-8879", "premise": "According to official Washington estimates, US businesses lost $8 billion as a result of Cuba's state appropriations and seizing of assets.", "hypothesis": "US businesses lost $8 billion because of Cuba."} {"idx": "mnli-8880", "premise": "The cannon sounded again for the 1918 Armistice and the funeral of Marshal Foch in 1929.", "hypothesis": "The cannon was broken and never fired for the 1918 Armistice."} {"idx": "mnli-8881", "premise": "Now Grimblade, that one was mean.", "hypothesis": "Grimblade was very cruel."} {"idx": "mnli-8882", "premise": "Red said, \"You've got to be quiet.", "hypothesis": "\"You have to be quit,\" Red said."} {"idx": "mnli-8883", "premise": "But we are still not quite there.", "hypothesis": "We have not arrived there yet."} {"idx": "mnli-8884", "premise": "Were the Postal Service to be allowed to set rates under contracts, or to bid for business, it would need costs by customer.", "hypothesis": "The Postal Service wanted to make their customers top priority."} {"idx": "mnli-8885", "premise": "A lot of what has happened at Disney--better advertising, smarter merchandising, revitalizing the animation department--looks obvious in retrospect.", "hypothesis": "The things happening at Disney are totally maverick and inexplicable even with hindsight."} {"idx": "mnli-8886", "premise": "But the blinking eyes in his mechanical ballet are heavy with mascara, while the sexy mouth shines with lipstick.", "hypothesis": "The mechanical ballet wears no make up."} {"idx": "mnli-8887", "premise": "To account for the full potential multi-day mortality impact of acute PM2.", "hypothesis": "PM2 impact is not accounted for."} {"idx": "mnli-8888", "premise": "our department we uh take care of everything waste water uh solid waste and recycling and and air", "hypothesis": "The department takes care of the waste water."} {"idx": "mnli-8889", "premise": "Will your business take long to state?", "hypothesis": "Will it take you a long time to explain your business?"} {"idx": "mnli-8890", "premise": "The exposure draft presented the Board's approach to reporting in a manner other than is done in the basic financial statements for those items that it has categorized as stewardship items.", "hypothesis": "The board presented their approach to reporting environmental statements."} {"idx": "mnli-8891", "premise": "There was something in the quality of his smile that made the girl's usual readiness desert her.", "hypothesis": "She felt unready at the sight of his smile."} {"idx": "mnli-8892", "premise": "He asked me my name.", "hypothesis": "He asked me to leave the place."} {"idx": "mnli-8893", "premise": "The same result would ensue from excluding LSCfunded lawyers from welfare litigation entirely.", "hypothesis": "LSC-funded lawyers are the most expensive ones."} {"idx": "mnli-8894", "premise": "Shivaji then had himself crowned King of the Marathas and, to pay his soldiers, plundered the country all the way east to Madras.", "hypothesis": "Shivaji had himself crowned as king and plundered the country to pay his soldiers."} {"idx": "mnli-8895", "premise": "The city almost bursts at the seams as up to 500,000 visitors arrive, vying for street space with performers, clowns, face painters, and numerous small craft markets.", "hypothesis": "The visitors do not cause any trouble to the city."} {"idx": "mnli-8896", "premise": "Most showrooms are again offering quality stars and elaborate productions, sans the accompanying dinner service.", "hypothesis": "Most showrooms are now trying to book bigger stars and quality entertainers as well as serving dinner to keep their audience happy. "} {"idx": "mnli-8897", "premise": "I wore baggy clothes and coats closer to cloaks.", "hypothesis": "I wore a swimsuit."} {"idx": "mnli-8898", "premise": "He would later tell a New York Law Journal reporter of the deafening, thunderous, whistling noise that was like a missile - a sound I never hope to hear again.", "hypothesis": "I want to hear that sound again in the near future."} {"idx": "mnli-8899", "premise": "Many fascinating legacies around the island attest to the complicated web that time has spun here.", "hypothesis": "The legacies about the island have been told over and over for years."} {"idx": "mnli-8900", "premise": "Unlike Roger Moore, who seemed detached from the action (as well as from his stunt double), and Timothy Dalton, who seemed above it, Brosnan makes you believe that Bond's absurd feats are the plausible upshot of his refusal to be bested by social or sexual inferiors.", "hypothesis": "Brosnan makes Bond's actions seem real and believable."} {"idx": "mnli-8901", "premise": "On the other side of the road is Elijah's Cave, a venerable spot where Elijah hid from the irate King Ahab after wiping out his religion ( . )", "hypothesis": "Elijah hid from King Ahab due to religious reasons."} {"idx": "mnli-8902", "premise": "you never realize because that janitor comes around and empties your garbage can every night", "hypothesis": "Janitor never does his job and the trash is pilled up in our office."} {"idx": "mnli-8903", "premise": "Things were sparking, little flames licked at the walls; Daniel was going at them with a fire extinguisher.", "hypothesis": "Daniel tried to put the flame out, but it continued to grow."} {"idx": "mnli-8904", "premise": "EPA analyzed the potential impact on small entities by the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code and concluded that there would not be a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.", "hypothesis": "The Standard Industrial Classification was designed in the 1980s and signed into law in 1993."} {"idx": "mnli-8905", "premise": "Brownell also said a partnership with the Solano County Bar Association should help get the word out to attorneys who might want to donate their time.", "hypothesis": "The Solano County Bar Association would be unable to help with finding lawyers who would be willing to donate their time."} {"idx": "mnli-8906", "premise": "oh i yeah i actually we we we make a point of going to a bunch of them every year because they're fun because they're", "hypothesis": "We always got the same times every year."} {"idx": "mnli-8907", "premise": "Outwardly, he's an ordinary clean-limbed, rather blockheaded young Englishman.", "hypothesis": "He's ordinary but still blockheaded."} {"idx": "mnli-8908", "premise": "In the Rue des Forges, note the Hotel Chambellan (at number 34) and the Hotel Aubriot (at number 40), home of the Provost of Paris who built the Bastille prison.", "hypothesis": "The Provost that built the Bastille prison resided in the Hotel Aubriot."} {"idx": "mnli-8909", "premise": "but like i say it just kind of becomes a habit and it's if if you don't break that cycle very often then you keep doing it", "hypothesis": "Without breaking the habit, there could be a lot of negative consequences. "} {"idx": "mnli-8910", "premise": "sounds like we have real similar tastes we have tastes i mean as far as the sitcoms go what about the do you like L A Law or", "hypothesis": "I think are tastes in shows are completely different."} {"idx": "mnli-8911", "premise": "okay it it's it's a lot bigger than Monterey is but we're just uh just south of uh San Jose and San Francisco", "hypothesis": "It's a lot smaller than Monterrey."} {"idx": "mnli-8912", "premise": "It draws sidelong glances and playground taunts, and it may give the adopted child an identity crisis.", "hypothesis": "It may give the adopted child an identity crisis, as it draws sidelong glances and playground taunts."} {"idx": "mnli-8913", "premise": "'Truly sir, this is one of God's finest miracles.' The way Harland was looking at me- the adoration- it was almost frightening.", "hypothesis": "Harland wasn't very impressed with it."} {"idx": "mnli-8914", "premise": "Because they're supposed to be dismantled at the end of each season, most are somewhat makeshift, but they are nonetheless convenient and appealingly strong on atmosphere.", "hypothesis": "They are strong and convenient and are seasonal."} {"idx": "mnli-8915", "premise": "It is this package that allows a manufacturer to build the product in the manufacturing facility.", "hypothesis": "The package does not allow anyone to make a product in a facility. "} {"idx": "mnli-8916", "premise": "They let the press could catch glimpses of a man who looked vaguely historical, drumming up that little bit of extra interest.", "hypothesis": "They would arrange for him to be seen eating at a posh restaurant, just briefly, to drum up interest."} {"idx": "mnli-8917", "premise": "And you are not ordinary quiz participants, according to both guest hosts, each of whom expressed his amazement at seeing so many first-rate responses.", "hypothesis": "The quiz participants gave a lot of first-rate responses."} {"idx": "mnli-8918", "premise": "Today it's a drowsily peaceful fishing village.", "hypothesis": "Now the village is a calm place to fish."} {"idx": "mnli-8919", "premise": "The principal topic of discussion about the Martha Stewart Living IPO was Martha Stewart's death.", "hypothesis": "The discussion of Martha Stewart's death was necessary in order to discuss what would need to be done with the excess shares."} {"idx": "mnli-8920", "premise": "Due to their lack of awareness of their problem, these patients are unlikely to present for treatment on their own.", "hypothesis": "The patients usually present for their own treatment."} {"idx": "mnli-8921", "premise": "Wine lovers flock each year to this northernmost of France's wine-producing regions, where a unique combination of geology, topography, and climate has produced the world's most celebrated wine.", "hypothesis": "France has lovely wine in the northern part of the country."} {"idx": "mnli-8922", "premise": "As for the statement relating to the destruction of the will, the prisoner had formerly practiced at the Bar, and was perfectly well aware that the will made in his favour a year before was automatically revoked by his stepmother's remarriage. ", "hypothesis": "The prisoner tried to have the will remade to be more favour some to himself."} {"idx": "mnli-8923", "premise": "Go on \u201dI am really excited.", "hypothesis": "I am feeling very down and disappointed."} {"idx": "mnli-8924", "premise": "On democracy, for example, American activists are raging over China's recent suppression of all democratic dissent.", "hypothesis": "China allows free speech to dissenters in the country."} {"idx": "mnli-8925", "premise": "right no that's no that's not it's not necessary to have that nope", "hypothesis": "You definitely are required to have that, please make sure you have that."} {"idx": "mnli-8926", "premise": "yeah in fact we went we went once to a lean-to and it um i mean there wasn't any electricity on the camp site but it was all right but we only spent two nights there i wouldn't want to spend more than two nights i wouldn't want to go for like a week but um", "hypothesis": "Roughing it is okay for a little while. "} {"idx": "mnli-8927", "premise": "The Commission's interpretation also comports with the consistent practice of LSC grantees, and the understanding of growers, and of Congress.", "hypothesis": "The Commission's interpretation is consistent with the understanding of Congress."} {"idx": "mnli-8928", "premise": "He had disassembled the steel pads, welded new cleats on each one, and strung them back together.", "hypothesis": "He said the steel pads were too damaged for him to weld new cleats onto them."} {"idx": "mnli-8929", "premise": "The countenances of Cynthia and Nibs were suddenly petrified into a stern and forbidding expression. ", "hypothesis": "Cynthia and Nibs were good friends"} {"idx": "mnli-8930", "premise": "uh i just let's see i've been with this company for about three months and before that uh we were we're we're still in the process of trying to catch up", "hypothesis": "We are almost caught up with our work."} {"idx": "mnli-8931", "premise": "No Australians were harmed in the incident.", "hypothesis": "Not a single Australian was hurt in the incident. "} {"idx": "mnli-8932", "premise": "One of my favorites among these paintings, Untitled V (1982), is built around a repeated shape that is like a dark letter S.", "hypothesis": "Untitled is a painting."} {"idx": "mnli-8933", "premise": "The line composed of boxes shows the profit position of the postal service.", "hypothesis": "The line with boxes shows profit position of the postal service."} {"idx": "mnli-8934", "premise": "on what's made him successful or whatever yeah so of course he picked probably all these really good looking young people you know yeah yeah i liked that too yeah um we um my wife and i are planning on trying to go see um", "hypothesis": "He picked all these attractive young people because they make his business better. "} {"idx": "mnli-8935", "premise": "He peeked around the rock to see Vrenna dancing between three dismounted riders.", "hypothesis": "Vrenna was trying to distract three dismounted riders."} {"idx": "mnli-8936", "premise": "No, no, I cried eagerly, \"you need have no fear of that. ", "hypothesis": "The circumstances were odd. "} {"idx": "mnli-8937", "premise": "uh playing such", "hypothesis": "Playing that kind."} {"idx": "mnli-8938", "premise": "Jon led their group to the Kal as the large man talked to the man in the tall hat.", "hypothesis": "The two men were talking about where they should camp for the night while Jon took the group to the Kal for dinner. "} {"idx": "mnli-8939", "premise": "He had revealed a wish to escape and a desire to find Jane Finn, but nothing that could have given a clue to his own identity.", "hypothesis": "He was protecting his name but not his intentions."} {"idx": "mnli-8940", "premise": " \"_Abracadabra!_\" he said, and snapped his fingers.", "hypothesis": "He snapped his fingers and conjured something to help."} {"idx": "mnli-8941", "premise": "Dolphins and fish are popular themes, as are stylized images of Greek gods.", "hypothesis": "Several popular subjects are dolphins, fish, and Greek gods."} {"idx": "mnli-8942", "premise": "With respect to challenges at the local level, conferees discussed the need for programs to create cultures that address more complex issues (for example, mental health and race issues).", "hypothesis": "There are challenges locally."} {"idx": "mnli-8943", "premise": "yeah yeah i am but i i don't know it's just", "hypothesis": "I agree I am, but I'm not sure."} {"idx": "mnli-8944", "premise": "GSA officials told us that they do not collect such data.", "hypothesis": "GSA officials said that they do not gather such data."} {"idx": "mnli-8945", "premise": "Earlier this year, I was at a Bob Dole rally in Omaha.", "hypothesis": "I went alone to a Bob Dole rally in spring."} {"idx": "mnli-8946", "premise": "New Zealand is an independent nation within the British Commonwealth.", "hypothesis": "New zealand is independent and functional within the British Commonwealth."} {"idx": "mnli-8947", "premise": "The official, Indianized name of this town is Tiruchchirappalli, Cityof the Sacred Rock, but the place is still identified by its colonial name, Trichy, a short form of the equally European name Trichinopoly.", "hypothesis": "The city formerly known as Trichy is now strictly referred to by its Indianized name, Tiruchchirappalli."} {"idx": "mnli-8948", "premise": "Noyers is a fortified medieval village with 16 towers in its ramparts.", "hypothesis": "There are 16 towers in the ramparts surrounding Noyers."} {"idx": "mnli-8949", "premise": "Click on the British flag for an English version of the site.", "hypothesis": "There is no English on the site. "} {"idx": "mnli-8950", "premise": "The council hides under their own skirts.", "hypothesis": "The council is brave."} {"idx": "mnli-8951", "premise": "At once I realized that I was in a very awkward predicament. ", "hypothesis": "I realized how awkward my situation was."} {"idx": "mnli-8952", "premise": "If you're looking for second-hand bric-a-brac, try shops around the Campo de' Fiori and Piazza Navona.", "hypothesis": "If you are in search of second-hand trinkets, explore the shops near the Piazza Navona. "} {"idx": "mnli-8953", "premise": "Additional years' data also may be reported if such data would provide a better indication of the nature of the investment.", "hypothesis": "Older data can be reported if it would show a better indication of the investment."} {"idx": "mnli-8954", "premise": "I was famous all over the western desert.", "hypothesis": "I was famous because I was the best opera singer there was."} {"idx": "mnli-8955", "premise": "Although not subject to the Government Performance and Results Act, LSC shares the aspirations of that law to rationalize the budget and appropriations processes by tying funding into objective measures of the agency's performance.", "hypothesis": "The LSC is the only agency not subject to the Government Performance and Results Act."} {"idx": "mnli-8956", "premise": "The state legislature also followed up on the report by creating the Commission on the Future of Maine's Courts, with a similarly broad composition.", "hypothesis": "The state legislature also followed up on the report by creating the Commission on the Future of Maine's Courts."} {"idx": "mnli-8957", "premise": "But I don't think we ought to leave the flat.\"", "hypothesis": "I don't believe we should leave the apartment. "} {"idx": "mnli-8958", "premise": " \"Doin what?\"", "hypothesis": "\"What doing?\""} {"idx": "mnli-8959", "premise": "and so far it hasn't been too hard but she hasn't been making a whole lot of decisions on her own yet and so you know i guess i'm i'm just going to have to be real conscious of that as i as she gets older and does start making decisions", "hypothesis": "It will probably get a bit more difficult when she is a teenager."} {"idx": "mnli-8960", "premise": "um-hum well yes of course we do have capital punishment and we've you know done away with our quote fair share number", "hypothesis": "Our country doesn't allow for capital punishment."} {"idx": "mnli-8961", "premise": "like three hours", "hypothesis": "Just under an hour."} {"idx": "mnli-8962", "premise": "Along with office space, the building will include meeting rooms for", "hypothesis": "The building will have both meeting rooms and office space. "} {"idx": "mnli-8963", "premise": "Beginners who can stay afloat can learn to breathe through the tube and peer through the mask in minutes.", "hypothesis": "If beginners can stay afloat, then they can learn to breathe through the tube and peer through the mask in minutes."} {"idx": "mnli-8964", "premise": "Two universes join, and the result is a nucleus world surrounded by a shell, like an egg.", "hypothesis": "the shell is solid and not easy to break"} {"idx": "mnli-8965", "premise": " He shook his head and went looking for the bathroom, where there might be a mirror.", "hypothesis": "He did not think there might be a mirror in the bathroom."} {"idx": "mnli-8966", "premise": "The attorney can give basic advice about what will need to be done to file a lawsuit, or to defend against one.", "hypothesis": "Information about what can be done to file a lawsuit can be given by the attorney."} {"idx": "mnli-8967", "premise": "The new rule became effective on December 7, 2000.", "hypothesis": "The rule became effective in 2000."} {"idx": "mnli-8968", "premise": "yeah it's a whole whole different culture um it it's weird down there because", "hypothesis": "The culture is pretty much the same down there, so it's normal."} {"idx": "mnli-8969", "premise": "uh yeah it was it's in two parts i think the first one is called Jenny or something like that uh because that was her name and um i only got to read one part of it and i've been looking for", "hypothesis": "It was in one single part which was called Jeremy."} {"idx": "mnli-8970", "premise": "There it was, in the cracked porcelain tub; covered in tubes, being scurried over by creepy cybernetic rats.", "hypothesis": "It laid on the couch, covered by a sheet."} {"idx": "mnli-8971", "premise": "He was outwardly calm, but I noticed his hands, which from long force of habit were mechanically straightening the spill vases on the mantel-piece, were shaking violently. ", "hypothesis": "He looked calm but his hands were shaking which made me think he was stressed."} {"idx": "mnli-8972", "premise": "The latter is a special state treasury account created at the high court's request and allowed for under legislation enacted earlier this year.", "hypothesis": "The special state treasury was kept a secret."} {"idx": "mnli-8973", "premise": "What's in a Name?", "hypothesis": "A name doesn't mean anything."} {"idx": "mnli-8974", "premise": " Japan's Economy in the 20th Century.", "hypothesis": "Japan's economy collapsed in the 20th century."} {"idx": "mnli-8975", "premise": "Sometimes funny and sometimes mean, they're addressing the world of the contemporary mobile reader...and spot the absurd of our present day lives: fights with the less and less comprehensible equipment, pursuit of the latest technological news, pitfalls of our modern lifestyle, useless inventions and issues racing in all directions at a breakneck speed.", "hypothesis": "Mobile readers prefer it when they are funny versus mean. "} {"idx": "mnli-8976", "premise": "If you visit with a partner, plan for one person to stay outside and guard valuables.", "hypothesis": "You don't need to worry about losing valuables here."} {"idx": "mnli-8977", "premise": "And I am pleased with you. ", "hypothesis": "I'm displeased with you. "} {"idx": "mnli-8978", "premise": "The Nagasaki Peace Park embraces the epicenter of the atomic blast that left 73,884 people dead, 74,904 injured, and a miraculous 71,585 unscathed.", "hypothesis": "The Nagasaki Peace Park honors those impacted by the atomic blast."} {"idx": "mnli-8979", "premise": "Broadcast interviews-radio, television, and Internet-are done only on request and only when GAO deems them appropriate for public understanding of the facts, findings, conclusions, and recommendations of GAO's products.", "hypothesis": "GAO often participates in interviews it deems appropriate for public knowledge."} {"idx": "mnli-8980", "premise": "no i haven't read it i've heard all about it though", "hypothesis": "I've heard about circuses. "} {"idx": "mnli-8981", "premise": "is that right did he sell them at craft shows and", "hypothesis": "it is right he sold paintings at craft shows. "} {"idx": "mnli-8982", "premise": "Most of the items you'll find in Madeira, like pretty hand-painted plates, planters, jugs, and jars, come from the mainland but if you're not traveling to other parts of the country, Madeira is still a good place to pick them up at bargain prices.", "hypothesis": "You can bargain with any merchant in Madeira to get your item for a cheaper price."} {"idx": "mnli-8983", "premise": "George W. Bush signed a Texas law forbidding class-action lawsuits against gun manufacturers, a bill opponents called the National Rifle Association Protection Act.", "hypothesis": "George W. Bush signed a Texas law forbidding class-action lawsuits against gun manufacturers."} {"idx": "mnli-8984", "premise": "uh-huh that's the hard part right", "hypothesis": "Everything is super easy, isn't it?"} {"idx": "mnli-8985", "premise": "There were a number of claimants to the throne, among them John Balliol, Lord of Galloway, and Robert de Brus, Lord of Annandale.", "hypothesis": "Only two men applied to take the throne."} {"idx": "mnli-8986", "premise": "From 1993 to 1994, single-piece First-Class volume fell by 0.2 percent, but a 6.8 percent increase in pre-sorted First Class volume resulted in a net 2.4 percent increase in First-Class volume.", "hypothesis": "First class volumes lost their value."} {"idx": "mnli-8987", "premise": "In the first ever in Poland inquisitional massage spa located on Saint Street, this motto was hung outside: 'Even if you have no stress in your life, you will still get rid of it.' This was a creative interpretation of a famous, and reflecting the spirit of those times, maxim of Bozydar Oxbellows, who had told each and every one of his prisoners 'Even if you are not practicing heresy, you will still die for it.'", "hypothesis": "A sign hung outside the spa to inspire people."} {"idx": "mnli-8988", "premise": "I think there's something between vengeance and forgiveness.", "hypothesis": "I think forgiveness and vengeance are both going too far but I'm not sure what's in between other than indifference."} {"idx": "mnli-8989", "premise": "Its bell tolled the signal in 1572 for Catholics to start the St Bartholomew Day massacre of Protestants (see page 16).", "hypothesis": "The St Bartholomew Day massacre occurred in the year 1572."} {"idx": "mnli-8990", "premise": "By June, Gerth was writing, with a tinge of desperation, that the Pentagon did not find grave damage but did conclude that the United States national security had been harmed.", "hypothesis": "Gerth was saying that the Pentagon didn't find damage but had been harmed."} {"idx": "mnli-8991", "premise": "This is necessary not only for the budget resolution and appropriations process, but also for tracking budget execution and for accountability to Congress.", "hypothesis": "This is a needed step more for following the execution of the budget rather than for staying accountable to Congress."} {"idx": "mnli-8992", "premise": "Covered markets or street markets operate all over Paris.", "hypothesis": "Many street markets specialize in a certain product, like paintings or pottery."} {"idx": "mnli-8993", "premise": "The Commission notes that there are 100-150 manufacturers of various component devices but does not indicate what the ratio of large to small business might be in this mix.", "hypothesis": "Although there are 100-150 manufacturers of various component devices per the Commission notes, it does not indicate the ratio of large to small business within that group."} {"idx": "mnli-8994", "premise": "'If you think that's going to happen, if you hear them give the order...will you warn me?'", "hypothesis": "I am afraid and want you to warn me if they give the order."} {"idx": "mnli-8995", "premise": "The eyes of the villagers filled with both fear and anger.", "hypothesis": "The villagers were in a pleasant mood."} {"idx": "mnli-8996", "premise": "SportsZone, SportsLine, et al practice the anti-gambling puritanism of TV, which dumped its oddsmakers years ago.", "hypothesis": "SportsZone and SportsLine have a pro gambling stance on TV."} {"idx": "mnli-8997", "premise": "We expect to modify our banded system in the future based on our experience to date.", "hypothesis": "We do not expect to modify the branded system"} {"idx": "mnli-8998", "premise": "Inbound mail could be viewed as a subclass of mail.", "hypothesis": "Inbound mail can be seen as a separate class of mail."} {"idx": "mnli-8999", "premise": "(My therapist is not against medication, and in fact recommends it for some patients.)", "hypothesis": "My therapist recommends medications for some patients."} {"idx": "mnli-9000", "premise": "The last of Dublin's Georgian squares to be built, it was completed by 1830, although the older houses date back to 1714.", "hypothesis": "The last Georgian square built in Dublin was finished by 1830."} {"idx": "mnli-9001", "premise": "guest but if it was a formal uh dinner party i would probably think of something else like um shrip shrimp fettucini is real easy", "hypothesis": "If it is a formal dinner party the shrimp fettuccine is really easy."} {"idx": "mnli-9002", "premise": "But for the Flytrapped president, it's better than nothing.", "hypothesis": "It was never enough. "} {"idx": "mnli-9003", "premise": "If it is going to double, then you should buy.", "hypothesis": "It's a good idea to buy early before the price goes up. "} {"idx": "mnli-9004", "premise": " Boating and sailing.", "hypothesis": "Riding motor boats and sail boats."} {"idx": "mnli-9005", "premise": "There was another click, and then \"Hello\" in unmistakable accents came over the wire.", "hypothesis": "It was hard to distinguish the accent over the phone."} {"idx": "mnli-9006", "premise": "asks Burton, cupping his ear.", "hypothesis": "Burton wanted to ask what was going on, but he couldn't do much of anything while bound and gagged."} {"idx": "mnli-9007", "premise": "Nationalists in the new United Malays National Organization (UMNO) resented this foreign intrusion imposed by 19th-century economic development.", "hypothesis": "The intrusion disturbed the nationalists and was totally unexpected."} {"idx": "mnli-9008", "premise": "The tiny village of Watendlath is beautiful a small farming community beside a small tarn, set in a natural bowl surrounded by stark fells, it seems to lie far away from the 20th century.", "hypothesis": "The village of Watendlath is the top in the world for technological advances."} {"idx": "mnli-9009", "premise": "This approach provides perhaps a better technique for isolating the actual costs of the emissions caps.", "hypothesis": "There is no way to estimate the actual cost of emissions caps."} {"idx": "mnli-9010", "premise": "The wealthy sisters brought with them spectacular works of art and statues of baby Jesus.", "hypothesis": "Spectacular works of art and statues of baby Jesus were brought by the sisters."} {"idx": "mnli-9011", "premise": "uh it too is one those you know in the interest of efficiency we all have to find ways and i do most of my reading in the bathroom", "hypothesis": "I never read in the bathroom because it's unsanitary."} {"idx": "mnli-9012", "premise": "Her delivery isn't moist--it's prickly and blunt, and she can jabber convincingly, so that the jabbering takes on a life of its own and leaves her (sometimes horrified) in the dust.", "hypothesis": "Her delivery style is smooth calm and controlled."} {"idx": "mnli-9013", "premise": "It is said that the falls got their name from the initials of the two original landowners, John Yates and Colonel Richard Scott.", "hypothesis": "The falls supposedly were named from the initials of the two men who originally owned the land. "} {"idx": "mnli-9014", "premise": "Persistent welfare cases don't get jobs because of mental illness, substance abuse, transportation obstacles, child-care difficulties, and simple lack of interest.", "hypothesis": "Welfare causes do get jobs even if they have mental illnesses."} {"idx": "mnli-9015", "premise": "Styles is really a glorious old place, I said to John. ", "hypothesis": "I told John that I believed Styles to be a glorious place."} {"idx": "mnli-9016", "premise": "Advertisement.", "hypothesis": "Advertisement."} {"idx": "mnli-9017", "premise": ", provider types or technologies).", "hypothesis": "There are 12 different provider types "} {"idx": "mnli-9018", "premise": "I want a repeat of that telegram that was sent to Tuppence at the Ritz.", "hypothesis": "There was a telegram sent to Tuppence at the Ritz."} {"idx": "mnli-9019", "premise": "If you enjoy poker, playing at mild pace, and playing against no house advantage, you'll love Pai Gow.", "hypothesis": "If you like to play poker, you'll like Pai Gow but you'll have to play at home and not in Vegas."} {"idx": "mnli-9020", "premise": "Nothing seemed to matter.", "hypothesis": "It seemed that nothing mattered."} {"idx": "mnli-9021", "premise": "In 1902, it cracked, crumbled and collapsed unexpectedly.", "hypothesis": "In 1950, it cracked, crumbled and collapsed to everyones expectations."} {"idx": "mnli-9022", "premise": "of Cronkite and he did a a pretty good job The Huntley Brinkley Report was quite excellent over the years", "hypothesis": "Cronkite did well and so did the Huntley Brinkley Report for a long time."} {"idx": "mnli-9023", "premise": "Did he mean that, after all, he had not abandoned the case; that, secretly, he would be working on it still while Her meditations were interrupted by Julius, who adjured her to \"get right in.\"", "hypothesis": "She went on thinking without any interruptions from Julius."} {"idx": "mnli-9024", "premise": "uh-huh it sounds to me like uh you're doing well my husband's retired so uh he's been retired for three years now yeah that's quite a change", "hypothesis": "My husband is not handling retirement well."} {"idx": "mnli-9025", "premise": "With the passage of the Single Audit Act in 1984, the Commonwealth of Virginia had to produce and have audited Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFR) for the first time.", "hypothesis": "The passage of the Single Audit Act means Virginia does not have to audit anything."} {"idx": "mnli-9026", "premise": "Under the Act of Union, Irish members of parliament now served in London.", "hypothesis": "Irish Parliament members were to serve from London under the Act of Union."} {"idx": "mnli-9027", "premise": "'I'll find out what the problem is,' I mumbled instead, leaving the cabin.", "hypothesis": "I decided to just stay in the cabin and leave someone else to figure out what the problem is. "} {"idx": "mnli-9028", "premise": "The hike to the summit of Blue Mountain itself is not for the inexperienced and will take a full day; if you want to see the sunrise, start out at 2am to reach the summit in time to greet another Jamaica day (see page 92).", "hypothesis": "You should avoid the summit of Blue Mountain if you are a beginner in hiking."} {"idx": "mnli-9029", "premise": "And I can tell you, my dear, it made me feel better.", "hypothesis": "It made me feel better, my dear, I can tell you that."} {"idx": "mnli-9030", "premise": "What's more, the latter reads more like it slugs a story about the Amalgamated Interior Decorators and Salon Stylists.", "hypothesis": "It tells a tale of the wolves pack in the winter."} {"idx": "mnli-9031", "premise": "Since the train was mostly empty, White and I helped ourselves to one such cabin.", "hypothesis": "The train was packed."} {"idx": "mnli-9032", "premise": "A lovely eighth-century Birth of Buddha is curiously reminiscent of Christian nativity scenes.", "hypothesis": "The Birth of Buddha is oddly similar to Christian scenes of the birth of Jesus."} {"idx": "mnli-9033", "premise": "This sort of ruling absolutely increases abused women's level of risk by seemingly encouraging their abusers, Ms.", "hypothesis": "That rule made it safer for abused women."} {"idx": "mnli-9034", "premise": "So why apologize?", "hypothesis": "Why apologize to him?"} {"idx": "mnli-9035", "premise": "Peter's of Ancient Egyptian religion) from the 11th Dynasty period, c.2134 b.c.", "hypothesis": "The 11th DYnasty Period was 400 years."} {"idx": "mnli-9036", "premise": "Then she realized the absurdity of her thought.", "hypothesis": "Her plan wouldn't work the way she initially thought."} {"idx": "mnli-9037", "premise": "A large project may require mobilization of several hundred boilermakers to a site, which will frequently require pulling", "hypothesis": "Boilermakers are experts on pulling, so large projects usually require hundreds of them."} {"idx": "mnli-9038", "premise": "This time, they were looking for a candidate who knew how to speak the language of love.", "hypothesis": "The candidate they wanted would be someone who could speak the politics of fear and hate."} {"idx": "mnli-9039", "premise": "At the foot of the colonnade is a big stone tethering-ring for an elephant whose job it was to crush capital criminals to death.", "hypothesis": "The colonnade is used to protect the capital."} {"idx": "mnli-9040", "premise": "it's usually the eighty basic eighty twenty", "hypothesis": "The typical one is eighty twenty. "} {"idx": "mnli-9041", "premise": "A ten-minute walk east on Belford Road brings you to two important art galleries.", "hypothesis": "The art galleries near Belford Road are small and unknown."} {"idx": "mnli-9042", "premise": "No publication is safe from a trusted reporter who makes things up.", "hypothesis": "Numerous reporters have been punished for sensationalizing news."} {"idx": "mnli-9043", "premise": "what's going to stop them from you know other people to", "hypothesis": "Don't worry about that. Everything will work out."} {"idx": "mnli-9044", "premise": "Lessons Learned.", "hypothesis": "Lessons that were learned."} {"idx": "mnli-9045", "premise": "Nikko is best reached from Tokyo by train (by the Japan Railways Shinkansen line from Tokyo or Ueno stations, with a transfer at Utsunomiya, or by the private Tobu Line Limited Express from Asakusa).", "hypothesis": "The most effective way to get from Tokyo to Nikko is via train. "} {"idx": "mnli-9046", "premise": "Save for one Florida jury, whenever juries have been asked whether the tobacco industry is liable for a smoker's health problems, they've decided that the plaintiff knew what the risks were and chose to ignore them.", "hypothesis": "Every single jury has decided that tobacco smokers were unaware of the potential health problems associated with smoking. "} {"idx": "mnli-9047", "premise": "well yeah i think that's a good idea although i don't i think if it's something that's forced on you", "hypothesis": "It's a good idea to quit smoking unless you are forced to do it. "} {"idx": "mnli-9048", "premise": "They see it as a lawyer's job.", "hypothesis": "They view it as a lawyer's job."} {"idx": "mnli-9049", "premise": "Adapting the research case study to the evaluator's needs has entailed a number of changes.", "hypothesis": "The research doesn't need to be adapted "} {"idx": "mnli-9050", "premise": "For 300 years, until forcibly united in the late 18th century, they were separate kingdoms with related, but not always friendly, Malla rulers.", "hypothesis": "They were always a single, united kingdom."} {"idx": "mnli-9051", "premise": "they break it out it's just it's just ridiculous", "hypothesis": "It's laughable when they break it out."} {"idx": "mnli-9052", "premise": "I'm not a Mother Teresa.", "hypothesis": "I admire Mother Teresa."} {"idx": "mnli-9053", "premise": "The Hackathletes may not make up quotations (sorry, guys).", "hypothesis": "The Hackathletes are responsible for drafting quotations."} {"idx": "mnli-9054", "premise": "In a.d. 711 a great Muslim invasion fleet from North Africa crossed the Strait of Gibraltar.", "hypothesis": "In a.d. 711, a Muslim invasion came from Saudi Arabia. "} {"idx": "mnli-9055", "premise": "MLAN includes four components", "hypothesis": "There are four parts."} {"idx": "mnli-9056", "premise": "Many of the contract rights that were mandated by Congress in IRCA -- such as reimbursement for return transportation, workers compensation, the 3/4 guarantee, and claims that a grower failed to mail the worker's final paycheck -- often do not arise until after the worker has returned home.", "hypothesis": "Quite a few of the contract rights don't come up until after the worker returns home."} {"idx": "mnli-9057", "premise": "While service standards differ (many countries offer two mail deliveries each weekday, for example), even at 33 cents, U.S. prices compare favorably with first-class rates overseas--Japan charges 74 cents, Germany 59 cents, France 48 cents, and Great Britain 37 cents.", "hypothesis": "Japan has the best prices, more so than Germany, France, Great Britain and the U.S.."} {"idx": "mnli-9058", "premise": "If they had made him a mandrake-man, then by what little he could remember and guess, they could make him obey them.", "hypothesis": "Even if they'd tried to make him a mandrake-man, he knew they couldn't make him obey them."} {"idx": "mnli-9059", "premise": "This decision point used the knowledge captured as exit criteria for moving to the next phase of development.", "hypothesis": "An exit criteria had not been created for moving to the next phase of development."} {"idx": "mnli-9060", "premise": "Many of the country houses also hold special events, such as antiques or crafts fairs or fun days with fair rides, throughout the summer months.", "hypothesis": "During the summer there are no special events that take place in the country homes."} {"idx": "mnli-9061", "premise": "the larger macroeconomic system, the model can then generate key outputs including projected electricity sales and net generation, resulting emissions for each of the four pollutants under consideration, and the set of energy and permit prices associated with the resulting production levels.", "hypothesis": "It is possible to track emissions for each, individual pollutant."} {"idx": "mnli-9062", "premise": "so in those instances uh that's uh i think that there is some leeway there what was is interesting in this regard is the recent case in New Hampshire", "hypothesis": "In those instances, there is very little room for variance."} {"idx": "mnli-9063", "premise": "Simmons works most directly with residents of the approximately 55,700 mobile homes in Iowa.", "hypothesis": "This person focuses on people in the state of Iowa who live in manufactured homes."} {"idx": "mnli-9064", "premise": "Look for two smaller figures on the pedestal, one of which is holding a bowl for alms or offerings they represent the rich merchants who financed the cave's construction.", "hypothesis": "There is one figure, holding a sword, on the pedestal."} {"idx": "mnli-9065", "premise": "The model is helpful for exploring the long-term implications of national saving and fiscal policy and for comparing alternative paths within a common economic framework.", "hypothesis": "Fiscal policy is not shown to have an effect in this model."} {"idx": "mnli-9066", "premise": "An organization's people define its culture, drive its performance, embody its knowledge base, and are the key to successful merger and transformation efforts.", "hypothesis": "A merger cannot be successful with the support of the organization's people."} {"idx": "mnli-9067", "premise": "Among Kaahumanu's many reforms was the banning of prostitution, a ruling which led to pitched battles in whaling ports such as Lahaina.", "hypothesis": "After prostitution was prohibited, many people fought in places like Lahaina."} {"idx": "mnli-9068", "premise": "Elaborately decorated arms are also on display.", "hypothesis": "Viewers can also see great decorations of the bodies."} {"idx": "mnli-9069", "premise": "um are no good anymore and that's how bad it was everything is just down everywhere you know we had three hundred thousand people without power", "hypothesis": "The people regained power quickly after they lost it."} {"idx": "mnli-9070", "premise": "so i think that's what uh i i'm going to have to get next time around i keep i keep holding holding off i mean i could i could upgrade now if i wanted to but i just i it's just such a huge expense and", "hypothesis": "I would upgrade if it were much cheaper. "} {"idx": "mnli-9071", "premise": "According to the Star , Mia Farrow is adopting yet another baby, and she plans to name this one after her late former husband.", "hypothesis": "Mia Farrow only has biological children and one husband to whom she is still married. "} {"idx": "mnli-9072", "premise": "First, the earthquake of 1923 and subsequent fire razed nearly all vestiges of old Edo, killing some 140,000 people in the process.", "hypothesis": "Edo was never affected by an earthquake throughout its history."} {"idx": "mnli-9073", "premise": "With his tenderness for \"a woman's happiness,\" I felt glad that the decision had been taken out of his hands. ", "hypothesis": "I was glad he would not be making the decision over whether to charge Mary Cavendish."} {"idx": "mnli-9074", "premise": "Chinese whispers aside, the creatures now constitute the city's foremost pest control issue.", "hypothesis": "The city has a problem with pests."} {"idx": "mnli-9075", "premise": "During the Austrian occupation, the enemy frequented Quadri on the north side, while Italian patriots met only at Florian, opposite.", "hypothesis": "The two opposing side met on opposite sides during the occupation."} {"idx": "mnli-9076", "premise": "everything was visible oh yeah", "hypothesis": "The view from the waterfront was clear that night."} {"idx": "mnli-9077", "premise": "Other individuals and organizations that we contacted, including a public interest group, a business group, and an academician, also cited concerns about a onesizefitsall approach being applied to agencies with vastly different missions.", "hypothesis": "The public interest group that was approached was in direct competition with the business group."} {"idx": "mnli-9078", "premise": "He answers with an academic distinction.", "hypothesis": "He answered nervously and seemed to lack any confidence whatsoever."} {"idx": "mnli-9079", "premise": "All but Collins are running for re-election in 2000, and all represent states where the removal of Clinton is anathema.", "hypothesis": "All of them are trying to be re-elected except for Collins. "} {"idx": "mnli-9080", "premise": "In using such a number, however, several factors need to be kept in mind.", "hypothesis": "several factors need to be kept in mind."} {"idx": "mnli-9081", "premise": "I said, 'I suppose it's about lunch time.' I said, 'We got to be getting back to the house.' And he said, 'Yes.' And I just went on and then when I was about at the creek I looked around and--\" ", "hypothesis": "I said we should go to the barn to sleep for the night."} {"idx": "mnli-9082", "premise": "In addition to the quarterly meetings, informal meetings and teleconferences are held among members on an ad hoc basis to discuss issues as they arise, such as assisting entities under attack.", "hypothesis": "Finding that quarterly meetings were insufficient in matters that arose between these meetings, employees were encouraged to schedule meetings as needed to deal with important issues."} {"idx": "mnli-9083", "premise": "Readers may vote once in each of the four events.", "hypothesis": "Readers may vote at some point during the events. "} {"idx": "mnli-9084", "premise": "I said, 'I suppose it's about lunch time.' I said, 'We got to be getting back to the house.' And he said, 'Yes.' And I just went on and then when I was about at the creek I looked around and--\" ", "hypothesis": "He started following me back to the house but then he was gone."} {"idx": "mnli-9085", "premise": "Or, maybe higher savings wouldn't really increase growth.", "hypothesis": "For the economy it's better to spend than to save."} {"idx": "mnli-9086", "premise": "Known as the queen of beaches and the beach of kings, the town was made fashionable by Napoleon III and Empress Eug??nie and became known as the site of elaborate ' even wild ' parties.", "hypothesis": "Royalty often enjoyed spending time on the beautiful beach."} {"idx": "mnli-9087", "premise": "In Michael Lewis' Losers, about Silicon Valley's culture of forgiving failures, he makes reference to a friend of ", "hypothesis": "The Silicon Valley has a very unforgiving nature."} {"idx": "mnli-9088", "premise": "Assuming the train didn't break itself apart before then.", "hypothesis": "The train might fall apart before then."} {"idx": "mnli-9089", "premise": "yeah so it will be interesting to see you know i think and make him progress and uh get him on board", "hypothesis": "His growth is going to benefit us as well.."} {"idx": "mnli-9090", "premise": "Just as Kwanzaa, created in 1966, has returned many black Americans to their African heritage, so Hanukkah has helped tether Jews to their heritage and in some cases has brought them back to the fold.", "hypothesis": "The Beatles were the ones who created Kwanzaa."} {"idx": "mnli-9091", "premise": "Historically the stronghold of merchants and royalty, today it remains the home of commerce and government.", "hypothesis": "This place is still the stronghold for the rich and wealthy."} {"idx": "mnli-9092", "premise": "The new Jewish state of Israel founded on land so recently Islamic Palestine sent shock waves through the Arab world and Egypt found itself at the center of a bloody defeat in 1948 when it stood up against its new neighbor.", "hypothesis": "The new Jewish state of Israel was founded."} {"idx": "mnli-9093", "premise": "yeah six fifty yeah hm out here i it's i think out here they are still about five fifty about a dollar less", "hypothesis": "I have found that they are cheapest around here, at five fifty."} {"idx": "mnli-9094", "premise": "As attitudes change, cross-ethnic adoption will get easier; and as cross-ethnic adoption gets more common, attitudes will change.", "hypothesis": "Cross-ethnic adoption being more common would make attitudes change."} {"idx": "mnli-9095", "premise": "In the end, it seems, Mother Nature is just another welfare mom, ruining homes and taking billions of tax dollars to do it.", "hypothesis": "Mother Nature takes a lot of tax money."} {"idx": "mnli-9096", "premise": "uh is the same type of deal as what occurred with the Kurdish people it's the same type of situation where", "hypothesis": "It's not at all like happened with the Kurdish people."} {"idx": "mnli-9097", "premise": "you did you actually live in Saint Louis", "hypothesis": "So you don't even know where Saint Louis is."} {"idx": "mnli-9098", "premise": "After years of neglect and discrimination, the cultural significance of the tiny though historically significant Ainu community is finally being recognized.", "hypothesis": "The Ainu were not seen as important for quite some time."} {"idx": "mnli-9099", "premise": "Why not convert imagination into reality? ", "hypothesis": "Why don't you change what's in your head into something real?"} {"idx": "mnli-9100", "premise": "and then last year that's when they really had that cold spell", "hypothesis": "There was a period of unusually low temperatures last year."} {"idx": "mnli-9101", "premise": "It also becomes a focus at national training events.", "hypothesis": "These events go on yearly, ever since 1996."} {"idx": "mnli-9102", "premise": "I never noticed it when I took the tray up, but when I came to take it into the mistress's room I saw it at once, and I suppose I ought to have taken it down again, and asked Cook to make some fresh. ", "hypothesis": "I never noticed anything wrong with the tray."} {"idx": "mnli-9103", "premise": "there was one here recently that comes to mind that's about a woman that uh this is ridiculous i mean it's almost uh it'd be funny if it wasn't so so sad i mean this woman this woman went out and hired somebody to uh", "hypothesis": "This woman went and hired someone recently to do it and got caught immediately."} {"idx": "mnli-9104", "premise": "There was a long road ahead, but still.", "hypothesis": "It would take a long time."} {"idx": "mnli-9105", "premise": "Evans, once a writer and the kind of editor who'd stand up to Rupert Murdoch and get fired for his trouble, is now a man for whom announcing to the world that you were fired is unthinkable.", "hypothesis": "Evans' mentality has changed over time."} {"idx": "mnli-9106", "premise": "Beneath the church, the Museum of Sacred Art houses a collection of sacramental objects.", "hypothesis": "The Museum of Sacred Art housed a number of sacramental objects."} {"idx": "mnli-9107", "premise": "The latest audio guides have gone Hollywood and Art authorities electronically beamed up by recent museum-goers include Leonard Nimoy, Steve Martin, Charlton Heston, and Morgan Freeman.", "hypothesis": "Morgan Freeman is one of the artists in the audio guides."} {"idx": "mnli-9108", "premise": "In January 2000, the LSC Board of Directors adopted a strategic planning document entitled Strategic Directions 2000-2005.", "hypothesis": "The LSC Board of Directors adopted a planning document."} {"idx": "mnli-9109", "premise": "i don't i don't think they should be forced but i think they should be encouraged i guess encouraged to to do some kind of public work i guess just to get them i guess involved with community maybe you know just community activity if nothing else see how the city works stuff like that", "hypothesis": "Doing something for the public good is a positive even if the young Americans don't like it."} {"idx": "mnli-9110", "premise": "But it is too late.", "hypothesis": "It's too late."} {"idx": "mnli-9111", "premise": "uh-huh well you see now that's what i do and um but that that's just about enough and uh uh i mean not that i wouldn't like to walk more but uh um i've", "hypothesis": "The one thing I'd like to do is to walk more."} {"idx": "mnli-9112", "premise": "There is the Miracle Mile for shopping, the Miracle on Ice for sports, Miracle-Gro for plants.", "hypothesis": "The Miracle Mile is the name of a shopping district."} {"idx": "mnli-9113", "premise": "It's been described as liquid salad and can be a rousing refresher.", "hypothesis": "It will make a decent appetizer as it suits all taste buds."} {"idx": "mnli-9114", "premise": "His was a very thin body, the ribs standing out beneath the skin almost as harshly as did the weal of the scar on his shoulder.", "hypothesis": "He was a hugely fat man."} {"idx": "mnli-9115", "premise": "It has been a long time since I had a meal like this,\" said Jon.", "hypothesis": "He was too tired to eat."} {"idx": "mnli-9116", "premise": "oh yes and i believe we all do and it's it's just too easy to use", "hypothesis": "It's very complicated to use."} {"idx": "mnli-9117", "premise": "Reconciling Averting Behavior and Contingent Valuation Benefit Estimates of Reducing Symptoms of Ozone Exposure (draft), as cited in Neumann, J.E., Dickie, M.T.", "hypothesis": "Averting behavior and contingent value benefits must be reconciled reconciliation is difficult because of the many obstacles that are in the way "} {"idx": "mnli-9118", "premise": "to be i think very effective unless i have my head in the sand", "hypothesis": "I'm certain that it's highly inefficient."} {"idx": "mnli-9119", "premise": "The left cannot understand that ordinary Americans caused the Reagan-era shift toward anti-tax corporatism.", "hypothesis": "The left cannot understand that ordinary Americans caused the Washington-era shift toward the end of taxation without representation."} {"idx": "mnli-9120", "premise": "Meta-analysis of randomized control trials addressing brief interventions in heavy alcohol drinkers.", "hypothesis": "Brief interventions done with heavy drinkers of alcohol were being analyzed."} {"idx": "mnli-9121", "premise": "The reputation of this area was guaranteed when the Victorian railway was built.", "hypothesis": "The building of the Victorian railway guaranteed the reputation of this area. "} {"idx": "mnli-9122", "premise": "But overworked engineers and sleepy dispatchers aren't creative, they're simply destructive.", "hypothesis": "Overworked engineers can cause trouble."} {"idx": "mnli-9123", "premise": "she's uh uh uh a poodle of a toy poodle a toy poodle and she's", "hypothesis": "She's a bloodhound."} {"idx": "mnli-9124", "premise": "so i i predominantly wear flat shoes um you know in the winter i wear sweaters in the summer i you know i like one piece dresses short sleeves things like that", "hypothesis": "I predominately wear high heeled shoes."} {"idx": "mnli-9125", "premise": "Our Office received a copy of the full analysis.", "hypothesis": "A copy of the full analysis was forwarded to our Office."} {"idx": "mnli-9126", "premise": "You can step inside when the courts are in session.", "hypothesis": "The courts are not always in session."} {"idx": "mnli-9127", "premise": "These modest establishments are set up right on the sand.", "hypothesis": "The modest establishments are stuck with being located on the sand."} {"idx": "mnli-9128", "premise": "This seems to me a wholly irrational distinction to make.", "hypothesis": "I already explained why the distinction incorrect, but they persisted."} {"idx": "mnli-9129", "premise": "and they don't notice the daughters until they're fourteen or fifteen and start getting into trouble so uh uh because my son was the third one i really got into it with both of the girls first", "hypothesis": "they start taking notice of the daughters when they start getting in trouble as teenagers"} {"idx": "mnli-9130", "premise": "it's yeah ethnic any ethnic problem or race", "hypothesis": "This category of problems contains ethnic or racial discrimination."} {"idx": "mnli-9131", "premise": "you know i just feel like maybe we went in to be policeman and i'm not sure that's our role but", "hypothesis": "I just feel like, you know, maybe we went in to be policeman, and I am not sure that is our role, but..."} {"idx": "mnli-9132", "premise": "I met him.\" John flung the match into an adjacent flower bed, a proceeding which was too much for Poirot's feelings. ", "hypothesis": "John did something that was too much for Poirot's feelings--he flung the match into an adjacent flower bed."} {"idx": "mnli-9133", "premise": "The interior continues the bands of black and white marble, while elaborately inlaid marble paving one of the cathedral's primary attractions, with large sections regularly covered for protection covers the floor with 56 pictures of biblical and allegorical themes, done over two centuries by some 40 artists.", "hypothesis": "The floor of the cathedral's interior features 56 images that took 200 years to complete. "} {"idx": "mnli-9134", "premise": "As a source of shipbuilding timber in a key location, the island was a kingpin in the far flung commercial empire, and became the Republic's first formally constituted overseas colony.", "hypothesis": "The stony, barren island never became an important part of the empire."} {"idx": "mnli-9135", "premise": "She said that these technologies can assist in follow-up and continuity of care.", "hypothesis": "Follow-up is one of the areas that technology is able to provide assistance with."} {"idx": "mnli-9136", "premise": "For purposes of this simulation, the amount of allowances banked from 2002 through 2006 was calculated as the simple difference between the reference case projections and the actual emission trajectory of each scenario.", "hypothesis": "The simulation calculated allowances backed."} {"idx": "mnli-9137", "premise": "By contrast, Mundell's writings since the early '70s have been discursive, one might almost say rambling, and often reveal a sort of hankering for the lost certainties of the gold standard.", "hypothesis": "Mundell has only been writing since the '90s."} {"idx": "mnli-9138", "premise": "A'deem admired the fine sculpted work of the nude woman on the swords hilt.", "hypothesis": "A'deem was turned on by the naked lady."} {"idx": "mnli-9139", "premise": "Revamping the Musee du Louvre since the 1980s has made this formidable palace of art far more accessible, in all senses.", "hypothesis": "This formidable palace of art has become far more accesible, in all senses, since the revamping of Musee du Louvre since the 1980s."} {"idx": "mnli-9140", "premise": "As the tankards filled, they brought it to their lips and drank, letting it pour down their chins and chests.", "hypothesis": "They drank from tankards."} {"idx": "mnli-9141", "premise": "Every hour on the hour from 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. it revolves to music, the water dances, and it emits a jet of flame.", "hypothesis": "The water dances every half hour."} {"idx": "mnli-9142", "premise": "Mostly Incorrect.", "hypothesis": "Wrong, for the most part."} {"idx": "mnli-9143", "premise": "and uh we were never much of uh a very uh family thing you know may like go skiing in Vermont or something", "hypothesis": "Some families go skiing in Vermont."} {"idx": "mnli-9144", "premise": "plus they're more expensive to get", "hypothesis": "they're more expensive to acquire because they take longer to make"} {"idx": "mnli-9145", "premise": "On the endogenous dimension, postal density could in principle be tuned by the postal operator by adjusting quality of service.", "hypothesis": "Nothing that the postal operator can do will affect the postal density. "} {"idx": "mnli-9146", "premise": "right well i mean it's so uh TI's uh been the pioneer on a little advertising for TI not that i know that much about the uh voice synthesis but they've been working on it for years and years you know they have the Speak and Spell and all of that of course but they're", "hypothesis": "TI has been working on voice synthesis for years."} {"idx": "mnli-9147", "premise": "In his third vision Jon saw Adrin moving east until he saw the flank of the riders.", "hypothesis": "Adrin had a vision of Jon and Sophia together, hanging out with their friends rather than practicing their battle stance. "} {"idx": "mnli-9148", "premise": "The 1992-93 famine lacked the central direction of a genocide, and its victims were not murdered on the basis of race, ethnicity, nationality, or religion.", "hypothesis": "In a genocide, victims are murdered on the basis of race, ethnicity, nationality, or religion."} {"idx": "mnli-9149", "premise": "From 1912 to 1947, they were ruled by Italy; before that, they were part of the Ottoman Empire.", "hypothesis": "Italy invaded in 1912 and took control of the area."} {"idx": "mnli-9150", "premise": "Give us some content-rich brainfood stereophonically fed through the audio ports while our lower cortex is busy arranging electrons on the screen.", "hypothesis": "Our lower cortex is used for doing math."} {"idx": "mnli-9151", "premise": "She said the groups provide little information to the general public and the legislature, which need the education the most.", "hypothesis": "She said that the general public and the legislature are the most in need of the education."} {"idx": "mnli-9152", "premise": "okay ready one", "hypothesis": "No it's not ready."} {"idx": "mnli-9153", "premise": "if the racial make up of the group was such and such you know they'd have to do that percentage of work and what is perceived to be that part of town and you know all this kind of thing", "hypothesis": "You don't need to know about race to have an opinion"} {"idx": "mnli-9154", "premise": "The information is presented in a multiple media format in order to accommodate different learning styles and to allow learning to occur in different environments and in periods best suited to the learner.", "hypothesis": "The needs of the learner are what keeps the information presentation requirements afloat."} {"idx": "mnli-9155", "premise": "The towns hold a mirror to Malaysia's ethnic blend of Malay, Chinese, Indians, and Eurasians, living side by side or in their separate neighborhoods.", "hypothesis": "The only population in Malaysia is the Chinese."} {"idx": "mnli-9156", "premise": "May the next half-century speak better of us.", "hypothesis": "May the next fifty years show us in a better light."} {"idx": "mnli-9157", "premise": "Therefore, the total estimated time to modify the Title V operating permit is about 12 months, plus the additional time to complete compliance testing.", "hypothesis": "You can't modify the Title V operating permits after 15 months. "} {"idx": "mnli-9158", "premise": "Efforts at making this direct linkage were often very limited.", "hypothesis": "Efforts to make this connected were very expansive."} {"idx": "mnli-9159", "premise": "they come up real pretty every year no problem", "hypothesis": "The tulips come back every year and they look beautiful. "} {"idx": "mnli-9160", "premise": "It covers everything, and explains nothing. ", "hypothesis": "Some of what is covered may require some explaining."} {"idx": "mnli-9161", "premise": "I am not usually clumsy. ", "hypothesis": "I have been drinking so my coordination is bad."} {"idx": "mnli-9162", "premise": "see originally i've been in Texas twelve thirteen years but originally in LA they people die all the time just from being in the way at the wrong place you know see you know but i think something should be done for them", "hypothesis": "Los Angeles has a high crime rate."} {"idx": "mnli-9163", "premise": "but um you know they're just they're just some things that might not be worth it", "hypothesis": "Sometimes things just aren't worth it. "} {"idx": "mnli-9164", "premise": "but the medical seemed somewhat adequate somewhat adequate", "hypothesis": "The medical was adequate even though everything else was a disaster. "} {"idx": "mnli-9165", "premise": "It is surrounded by luxuriant formal gardens with marvellous views.", "hypothesis": "The gardens offer no great views to visitors."} {"idx": "mnli-9166", "premise": "In Tivoli itself, overlooking the Roman plain, the Villa d'Este is a 16th-century counterpart, celebrating all the extravagance of the late Renaissance.", "hypothesis": "Tivoli is very far from the Roman plain, being located in Sicily."} {"idx": "mnli-9167", "premise": "It was originally intended as a church for Louis XV, but is now a secular mausoleum of some of the nation's greatest heroes.", "hypothesis": "Originally intended as a church for Louis XV, it has since been transformed into a premier art gallery."} {"idx": "mnli-9168", "premise": "study, however, describes a severe case of CB to the survey respondents.", "hypothesis": "Said study, talks about guinea pigs."} {"idx": "mnli-9169", "premise": "That was back when the Bushes were still trying to woo me over from the Dark Side.", "hypothesis": "During this time, the Bushes were trying to convince me to join them"} {"idx": "mnli-9170", "premise": "But the notion of, say, Belgium popping up to enjoin us from criticizing moules frites seems unfair.", "hypothesis": "It isn't right for Belgium to stop us criticizing moules frites."} {"idx": "mnli-9171", "premise": "One shudders to imagine an actual aged person attempting to use this toothpaste.", "hypothesis": "It's hard to imagine an aged person attempting to use this toothpaste in real life, said the manager."} {"idx": "mnli-9172", "premise": "Any young feller what knows how to handle a gun, he's welcome \"", "hypothesis": "Any young man who knows how to cook a lasagne is welcome here."} {"idx": "mnli-9173", "premise": "He saw Adrin standing on the rocks above where San'doro sat two nights past.", "hypothesis": "The man saw Adrin standing on rocks near where San'doro was sitting on 2 nights ago. "} {"idx": "mnli-9174", "premise": "The Board, however, believes that a new category for reporting on stewardship items is more appropriate.", "hypothesis": "The Board believes that some reporting on stewardship items using a new category for donations is suitable."} {"idx": "mnli-9175", "premise": "Barik roared in and the two smashed together.", "hypothesis": "Barik was stronger than the other two."} {"idx": "mnli-9176", "premise": "As a museum conceived primarily for students of Florentine painting from the 13th to 16th centuries, the Accademia Gallery (Galleria dell'Accademia) (Via Ricasoli, 60) ranks high on Florence's must-see list.", "hypothesis": "There is a museum in Florence called the Accademia Gallery."} {"idx": "mnli-9177", "premise": "In either case, where we identified multiple studies that are appropriate for estimating a given health effect, we generated a pooled estimate of results from each of those studies.", "hypothesis": "A pool of estimated results were gathered ased up on a given health effect."} {"idx": "mnli-9178", "premise": "You have a peaceful village here and you have no need for men like me.", "hypothesis": "You have no need for men like me in a peaceful village."} {"idx": "mnli-9179", "premise": "right then you know and you know if i i didn't wait five years for it to be good enough grow you know", "hypothesis": "If I had left it for only a year, it would have worked out."} {"idx": "mnli-9180", "premise": "but uh i still think there's plenty of good football players around that just were not able to get on the NFL because the NFL's teams were just full", "hypothesis": "The NFL teams consisted only of competent players. "} {"idx": "mnli-9181", "premise": "GENERAL FUND - Accounts for receipts not earmarked by law for a specific purposes, the proceeds of general borrowing, and the expenditure of these moneys.", "hypothesis": "General funds are confusing. "} {"idx": "mnli-9182", "premise": "That would cause a sensation, Mr. Saatchi!", "hypothesis": "Mr. Saatchi, that would cause a big sensation."} {"idx": "mnli-9183", "premise": "and they got him to run like he was running down the kid by luring him with Oreo cookies", "hypothesis": "I think the kid likes sweets"} {"idx": "mnli-9184", "premise": "yeah i'm glad that i'm glad that i saw Ghost before it went", "hypothesis": "I am happy that I watched Ghost earlier."} {"idx": "mnli-9185", "premise": "For three thousand dollars.", "hypothesis": "The price was over five thousand dollars. "} {"idx": "mnli-9186", "premise": "No, sir, Monday, the 16th.", "hypothesis": "The appointment is on the 16th instead. "} {"idx": "mnli-9187", "premise": "Developing a plan is only the beginning of an ongoing effort that includes implementation of the plan's initiatives, continuous outreach to new partners, regular assessment of progress toward goals, and modifications of the plan as circumstances change.", "hypothesis": "Planning is easy and is not likely to change over time."} {"idx": "mnli-9188", "premise": "Equal thrills can be had atop the Stratosphere Tower, where you will find a slingshot ride called the Big Shot.", "hypothesis": "You can have a lot of thrills on top of the Stratosphere if you ride the rides after hitting their bar."} {"idx": "mnli-9189", "premise": "With its variety of landscapes and ever-changing light, the Lake District offers never-ending opportunities for outdoor photographers.", "hypothesis": "The landscapes are all uniform and the light never changes in the Lake District."} {"idx": "mnli-9190", "premise": "I guess that hundred thousand pounds will look just as good in the morning to the lady as it did over night.", "hypothesis": "The money will be just as good in the morning as it is right now."} {"idx": "mnli-9191", "premise": "You can step inside when the courts are in session.", "hypothesis": "It is only when the courts are resting and not in session that you can enter."} {"idx": "mnli-9192", "premise": "yeah it it it was just it was the coverage just went way too far", "hypothesis": "The coverage was simply too much all things considered."} {"idx": "mnli-9193", "premise": "and so they they they they don't no it's not firing first it's uh definitely try to encourage people to rehabilitate in fact they again before you go you know that's that's why i said when they first started it they had a rehabilitation program in effect that said if you worried about this and if you may have taken drugs go ahead and and get rehabilitated first and and and they won't even say anything about it you know oh sure", "hypothesis": "They always fire anyone whose drug test come in positive."} {"idx": "mnli-9194", "premise": "We will feed on your young and enslave the rest of you as our cattle.", "hypothesis": "You should be very happy that we will be releasing you and your young. "} {"idx": "mnli-9195", "premise": "(Sword and cross were to form a regular alliance in French history. )", "hypothesis": "The sword and cross never allied in French history."} {"idx": "mnli-9196", "premise": "I must confess, Mr. Beresford, that it was something of a surprise to me to see you here this evening.", "hypothesis": "I am surprised you were here because you'd been in a fight about it."} {"idx": "mnli-9197", "premise": "Coral World's Yellow Submarine may well be the highlight of a child's holiday, but make sure you know the cost before you suggest it.", "hypothesis": "Coral World's Yellow Submarine is very expensive and may be unaffordable."} {"idx": "mnli-9198", "premise": "The shrine contains a kailash, a silver pot symbolizing wealth, because Annapurna, a Nepali version of Shiva's Parvati, is goddess of abundance.", "hypothesis": "There is a kailash in the shrine, which is a wooden cup that symbolizes poverty."} {"idx": "mnli-9199", "premise": "South Audley Mansions looked exactly the same as usual.", "hypothesis": "South Audley Mansions looked as it always does. "} {"idx": "mnli-9200", "premise": "In 1995, LSC's state planning initiative was primarily focused on how grantees would work together to address funding shortfalls and to respond to the 1995-96 restrictions.", "hypothesis": "LSC worked hard to address the issues regarding funding shortfalls."} {"idx": "mnli-9201", "premise": "really that's true because i don't know i just didn't find that one to be real i i just thought it was too far fetched", "hypothesis": "That story was almost too authentic."} {"idx": "mnli-9202", "premise": "The cover story journeys to HMO hell.", "hypothesis": "The cover story lets the public know of the great things about HMOs."} {"idx": "mnli-9203", "premise": "Prices on electronics have risen in the past two years; check prices at home before you buy here.", "hypothesis": "Prices of electronics has stagnated after two years of rising."} {"idx": "mnli-9204", "premise": "It is entirely possible for a man to act in a crudely cynical way without admitting it even to himself.", "hypothesis": "It's not impossible for someone to be rudely sarcastic even if he denies it to himself."} {"idx": "mnli-9205", "premise": "Whatever method the rabbis used, they appear to have used it--pardon the pun--consistently.", "hypothesis": "The rabbis' method was effective most of the times."} {"idx": "mnli-9206", "premise": "For example, the home page of both DOL and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) within DOL pointed to a separate web site for OSHA's November 1999 proposed rule on ergonomics, which pulled together in one place all of the electronic information related to this rulemaking (e.g.", "hypothesis": "DOL and OSHA used the same web hosting services provider."} {"idx": "mnli-9207", "premise": "Preventing developers from adding features is not as easy as it sounds.", "hypothesis": "Developers aren't capable of adding features."} {"idx": "mnli-9208", "premise": "yeah i i enjoy that but what do you where do you", "hypothesis": "I don't enjoy that."} {"idx": "mnli-9209", "premise": "3 The hypothesis cannot, however, be directly confirmed because we do not have sufficient cost data on other countries to compare with the model results.", "hypothesis": "The base assumption can't currently be supported without additional data."} {"idx": "mnli-9210", "premise": "Perhaps the pageant organizers could prune the readings from Ionesco and the madrigal recital, or they could finally stop forcing the contestants to defend their theses.", "hypothesis": "The contestants had to defend their readings."} {"idx": "mnli-9211", "premise": "and uh around here on the uh east coast uh we were heavy into affirmative action", "hypothesis": "We were very involved in affirmative action along the eastern coast. "} {"idx": "mnli-9212", "premise": "well that helps doesn't it", "hypothesis": "That's miserable, it doesn't help at all."} {"idx": "mnli-9213", "premise": "The magazine instructs new Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak to note what the previous government did and do the opposite.", "hypothesis": "The magazine that instructed the new Prime Minister was Times."} {"idx": "mnli-9214", "premise": "Half an hour in the morning and late afternoon creates the groundwork for a good tan.", "hypothesis": "Tanning is common among beachgoers."} {"idx": "mnli-9215", "premise": "Evidently there was a likelihood of John Cavendish being acquitted. ", "hypothesis": "Cavendish would be found guilty on every count and sentenced to death by snu snu."} {"idx": "mnli-9216", "premise": "With Daniel's arrest, tabloids have dredged up the long history of Baldwins run amok.", "hypothesis": "Daniel's arrest didn't prompt tabloids to reveal anything. "} {"idx": "mnli-9217", "premise": "The fiction of Japanese imperial power had become infinitely extendable.", "hypothesis": "Japanese imperial power is nonfiction and truly existed at one point."} {"idx": "mnli-9218", "premise": "yeah yeah yeah well they make you feel special you know i live alone with my five year old and my cat and she really does she makes me feel like she cares about me and", "hypothesis": "My cat really makes me feel like she cares. "} {"idx": "mnli-9219", "premise": "and anyway he's he's like a special ed child", "hypothesis": "He is like a special education child."} {"idx": "mnli-9220", "premise": "The French West Indies may be matriarchal, but on St. Barts the father runs the family.", "hypothesis": "St. Barts does not belong to France."} {"idx": "mnli-9221", "premise": "Never able to paint anything unless he had it before his eyes, Soutine set about re-enacting some of the classic paintings he loved most.", "hypothesis": "Soutine is a very famous painter."} {"idx": "mnli-9222", "premise": "but uh the the funny thing about the Cowboys is is that everybody is really enthused because we've got all these umpteen jillion draft choices and uh but when you look back on the team uh uh except for probably Emmett Smith nobody that's been drafted in the last twelve years is a starter", "hypothesis": "Everyone they drafted in the past twelve years is a starter."} {"idx": "mnli-9223", "premise": "For the fiscal year 1998 budget, OMB plans to continue to increase the role of performance goals and information in guiding funding decisions.", "hypothesis": "OMB plans to discontinue its use of performance goals in guiding funding decisions."} {"idx": "mnli-9224", "premise": "uh do you have one", "hypothesis": "um have you got one"} {"idx": "mnli-9225", "premise": "So drink this down like a good girl, and you'll be none the worse for it.\" In her heart of hearts Tuppence believed her.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence believed that drinking it wouldn't harm her, but it did."} {"idx": "mnli-9226", "premise": "North of Parque Eduardo VII, off Avenida Antenio Augusto Auiar, is Lisbon's most remarkable museum, the Museu Gulbenkian.", "hypothesis": "The Museu Gulbenkian is very small and houses very unremarkable collections."} {"idx": "mnli-9227", "premise": "It's really exciting to me to be able to work with these people who are so committed to this work.", "hypothesis": "This team is completely uninterested in their work."} {"idx": "mnli-9228", "premise": "yeah i mean it's not a Eldorado house or anything like that but you know it's ours", "hypothesis": "Our house is just like an Eldorado house. "} {"idx": "mnli-9229", "premise": "On Friday evening, conference participants were joined by the ILS Board, judges, and bar leaders (including the new executive director of the Indiana Bar Foundation) for dinner.", "hypothesis": "The executive director of the Indiana Bar Foundation has never met a judge in person."} {"idx": "mnli-9230", "premise": "The point is that what becomes a scandal--and what a society chooses to outlaw--is a bit random.", "hypothesis": "It is random whether it becomes a scandal or not."} {"idx": "mnli-9231", "premise": "This approach requires a total time of 35 months for seven SCR retrofits.", "hypothesis": "The seven SCR retrofits will take three weeks."} {"idx": "mnli-9232", "premise": "It's their business, not mine. ", "hypothesis": "It's not my concern, but solely theirs."} {"idx": "mnli-9233", "premise": "Fiss believes that the need for equal-time laws is as urgent today as it was in the 1970s, which is peculiar in light of the proliferation of media outlets.", "hypothesis": "Fiss thinks that equal-time laws are just as important now as they were in the 1970s."} {"idx": "mnli-9234", "premise": "The present structure enclosing the tomb was designed by an Greek Orthodox architect in the 19th century.", "hypothesis": "A Greek Orthodox architect designed the structure in the 19th century."} {"idx": "mnli-9235", "premise": "They began again.", "hypothesis": "They started again. "} {"idx": "mnli-9236", "premise": "Such a sequence could be quite", "hypothesis": "The regulatory steps are put into a sequence."} {"idx": "mnli-9237", "premise": "Everyone remembers that the first lady blamed Flytrap on a vast right-wing conspiracy in a Today show interview during the first days of the crisis.", "hypothesis": "The First Lady refused to speak about the conspiracy."} {"idx": "mnli-9238", "premise": "The gardens are being extended in a massive $200 million project designed to include even more magnificent hanging gardens.", "hypothesis": "The project costs $300 million."} {"idx": "mnli-9239", "premise": "Combination of SCR and FGD will also result in significant reduction of mercury emissions, thereby mitigating the need for the addition of ACI.", "hypothesis": "SCR and FGD will also result in significant reduction of mercury emissions."} {"idx": "mnli-9240", "premise": "STEWARDSHIP LAND ANNUAL STEWARDSHIP INFORMATION", "hypothesis": "Stewardship land is not reported."} {"idx": "mnli-9241", "premise": "What I love about this Jordan thing is that he has embraced an opportunity that could lead to his total failure on a basketball court.", "hypothesis": "Jordan was a commentator that didn't play any sports."} {"idx": "mnli-9242", "premise": "Once, the huge man swung so hard he lost his balance and stumbled forward.", "hypothesis": "The sword the huge man was carrying was heavy."} {"idx": "mnli-9243", "premise": "The rather severe interior of the cathedral contrasts with its elaborate exterior, but the impact of the double-storied nave is lightened by the tall arches of the choir.", "hypothesis": "The cathedral is pretty plain and unembellished inside."} {"idx": "mnli-9244", "premise": "It absorbs the tourism neighboring Positano cannot accommodate.", "hypothesis": "Positano cannot accommodate all the tourists."} {"idx": "mnli-9245", "premise": "In the U.S., power plants emit significant amounts of air 67 percent of all sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions, 37 percent of mercury emissions, and 25 percent of all nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions.", "hypothesis": "Power plants do not have emissions."} {"idx": "mnli-9246", "premise": "The mix of tasks typically run on a given computer", "hypothesis": "Computers are good at multitasking "} {"idx": "mnli-9247", "premise": "The majority leader, while conservative, cares more about passing bills than about ideology.", "hypothesis": "The majority leader will prioritize ideology over passing new legislation."} {"idx": "mnli-9248", "premise": "And you'd inherit a good slice of money too, wouldn't you?", "hypothesis": "And you would inherit at least a third of the money?"} {"idx": "mnli-9249", "premise": "grass roots effort", "hypothesis": "Grass roots effort."} {"idx": "mnli-9250", "premise": "Waiting for the first Spanish governor to arrive put a huge strain on the disillusioned society.", "hypothesis": "The society was suffering from a degree of disillusionment."} {"idx": "mnli-9251", "premise": "I'm not hanging around here and getting disintegratored.", "hypothesis": "I'd rather hang out here and be disintegratored."} {"idx": "mnli-9252", "premise": "One benefit is better meeting the diverse information needs of investors in evaluating funds, which has become more difficult as the number of funds has grown.", "hypothesis": "Investors have diverse needs when it comes to the information they need about stakeholders."} {"idx": "mnli-9253", "premise": "Didn't you hear it last night?\"", "hypothesis": "You heard it yesterday."} {"idx": "mnli-9254", "premise": "Listen, Mister Kirby, iffen you rode with th' Rebs, you better keep your lip buttoned up when th' Blue Bellies hit town.", "hypothesis": "You never rode with the Rebs but you shoul."} {"idx": "mnli-9255", "premise": "Want to get the kids away from the casinos?", "hypothesis": "Do you wish to put some distance between the kids and the casinos and take the kids somewhere nice?"} {"idx": "mnli-9256", "premise": "Thank you, said the other.", "hypothesis": "The person was grateful."} {"idx": "mnli-9257", "premise": "Two of the largest places to go are the Wah Tung China Company in the Grand Marine Industrial Building in Aberdeen; and the Overjoy Porcelain Factory in Block B of the Kwai Hing Industrial Building, Kwai Chung, in the New Territories.", "hypothesis": "The two largest places to go in the New Territories are in Aberdeen and Kwai Chung."} {"idx": "mnli-9258", "premise": "you know what what do you advocate more taxes or better management of what they got", "hypothesis": "What would you fight for, more taxes or better management?"} {"idx": "mnli-9259", "premise": "At Indian Independence there were a few thousand, but when the State of Israel was founded, a massive emigration left only dozens behind.", "hypothesis": "Everyone left India for Israel and no one is left. "} {"idx": "mnli-9260", "premise": "What's wrong with informing certain segments of the electorate that your opponent is using the feel-good rhetoric of solutions to pull a fast one at their expense?", "hypothesis": "One should never discuss one's opponent with the electorate."} {"idx": "mnli-9261", "premise": "Quickest way is down this alley.", "hypothesis": "The fastest way is between buildings. "} {"idx": "mnli-9262", "premise": "In spite of myself, my opinion of his sagacity was immeasurably heightened. ", "hypothesis": "I thought he was the smartest man in the room, after myself."} {"idx": "mnli-9263", "premise": "Russell's first two films, Spanking the Monkey (1994) and Flirting With Disaster (1996), were much smaller in scale, but both were products of the same angry sensibility.", "hypothesis": "Russell's first films had tiny budgets under $10,000."} {"idx": "mnli-9264", "premise": "The monastery rests in a fertile valley and is surrounded by plane and pine trees.", "hypothesis": "In a fertile valley surrounded by plane and pine trees rests a monastery."} {"idx": "mnli-9265", "premise": "now they're plus they had all the inaccuracies were ridiculous then they'd come back five minutes later and contradict themselves to oh it was just get it was ridiculous so i just", "hypothesis": "Their story held together with no signs of inconsistency or inaccuracy."} {"idx": "mnli-9266", "premise": "If everyone could agree to save a little less, we'd all be better Our relative mating-game scores would be unchanged, but we'd all have more money to spend.", "hypothesis": "Saving less and spending more means a happier life."} {"idx": "mnli-9267", "premise": "A message from Michael Most college guides privilege corporate values, treating education like a commodity.", "hypothesis": "Most colleges treat education like a commodity."} {"idx": "mnli-9268", "premise": "do it and get it over with", "hypothesis": "Don't do it, prolong it as long as possible."} {"idx": "mnli-9269", "premise": "What you consider luxurious is a necessity to us.", "hypothesis": "The television remote that you consider a luxury is a necessity to us."} {"idx": "mnli-9270", "premise": "considerations could support recommendation of rate and classification changes tailored to the capabilities and needs of particular mailers.", "hypothesis": "Mailers need to pay lower rates in order to stay in business."} {"idx": "mnli-9271", "premise": "no longer do we have a point where the crime fits the punishment we've got guys now with in Texas anyway is what i'm talking about", "hypothesis": "The punishment always fits the crime, always has."} {"idx": "mnli-9272", "premise": "Sadly, he became mentally unstable in his later life and died a broken man.", "hypothesis": "He died soon after he escaped a mental hospital."} {"idx": "mnli-9273", "premise": "in my group uh nearly everyone wears a a sports coat and tie uh but that does change in the summer uh they they get a little more lenient and we can wear like uh an open collar or uh", "hypothesis": "Some people in my group wear ties during the summer. "} {"idx": "mnli-9274", "premise": "and course you have to you have to be able to prove they they knew it was counterfeit and that's always very difficult", "hypothesis": "It's very hard to prove that it was a counterfeit."} {"idx": "mnli-9275", "premise": "'Go ahead.'", "hypothesis": "Continue down the trail. "} {"idx": "mnli-9276", "premise": "Unspoiled stretches of fine sand can also be found on the east coast, from Pantai Chinta Berahi, north of Kota Bharu, down to Beserah, north of Kuantan.", "hypothesis": "There are a number of beaches around Pantai Chinta Berahi."} {"idx": "mnli-9277", "premise": "If this is the problem, there is in principle a simple, if unsettling, What Japan needs to do is promise borrowers that there will be inflation in the future!", "hypothesis": "Japan needs to promise borrowers that their loans will have no interest."} {"idx": "mnli-9278", "premise": "On the other hand, American companies may have to lower their own prices to compete with Asian products.", "hypothesis": "On the other hand, competition with Asian products may cause American companies to reduce prices."} {"idx": "mnli-9279", "premise": "Albania, Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, and even Russia could be drawn into the conflict.", "hypothesis": "The conflict could encompass Turkey, Greece, and others."} {"idx": "mnli-9280", "premise": "The NAIC recently adopted an amendment to the UPPL which states (1) This provision may not be used with respect to a medical expense policy and (2) For purposes of this provision, 'medical expense policy' means an accident and sickness insurance policy that provides hospital,", "hypothesis": "This medical insurance policy will not provide cosmetic consultations."} {"idx": "mnli-9281", "premise": "His face went white and his ears went red.", "hypothesis": "His face paled and his ears went red."} {"idx": "mnli-9282", "premise": "Some of the pieces we pound them into may still be large enough to commit genocide.", "hypothesis": "One could commit genocide with the size of the pieces."} {"idx": "mnli-9283", "premise": "The sum of these unholy things, Mayakovsky suggests, is the feeding of his soul, the making of his poetry.", "hypothesis": "Mayakovsky suggests that these unholy things come together to help him form his poetry."} {"idx": "mnli-9284", "premise": "Upon careful consideration of the language and purposes of the statute and the legislative history, the Commission has determined that none of these formulations fully responds to the purposes of the statute or the intent of Congress.", "hypothesis": "The intent of Congress can also be shared with the Commission"} {"idx": "mnli-9285", "premise": "The shelf life of preteen bands is measured in months.", "hypothesis": "Preteen bands have a short shelf life but earn enough that they won't have to work for the rest of their lives."} {"idx": "mnli-9286", "premise": "They would kill me!", "hypothesis": "They would let me live forever. "} {"idx": "mnli-9287", "premise": "The building, opened in 1963, blends modern and traditional Malay design.", "hypothesis": "The building, which opened in 1963, combines traditional Malay design with modern design."} {"idx": "mnli-9288", "premise": "Through 1905, Helen Stewart expanded the ranch to 2000 acres (810 hectares), making quite a bit of money in the process.", "hypothesis": "The ranch was not expanded until after Helen Stewart passed away."} {"idx": "mnli-9289", "premise": "Sleyman the Magnificent, aged 25, ascended the throne and ruled for 46 years (1520 1566), the longest and most glorious reign in the history of the Ottomans.", "hypothesis": "Sleyman the Magnificent took the throne at a young age and died after three years."} {"idx": "mnli-9290", "premise": "and they make more money if you extend your loan", "hypothesis": "If you extend your loan, they make more money."} {"idx": "mnli-9291", "premise": "The family's 1999 application for Supplemental Security Income to help with Seth's care was denied.", "hypothesis": "The family applied for SSI so Seth could get a nurse."} {"idx": "mnli-9292", "premise": "i wouldn't like that well you just can't depend on it", "hypothesis": "It is not reliable due to past inconsistencies."} {"idx": "mnli-9293", "premise": "Therefore, the transfer is not an exchange transaction.", "hypothesis": "The transfer is exactly the same as an exchange transaction. "} {"idx": "mnli-9294", "premise": "Seasonal agricultural work is defined in the INA the performance of field work related to planting, cultural practices, cultivating, growing and harvesting of fruits and vegetables of every kind and other perishable commodities, as defined in regulations by the Secretary of Agriculture.", "hypothesis": "The performance of field work related to cultural practices was left out of the definition of seasonal agricultural work."} {"idx": "mnli-9295", "premise": "must be explained and the reference toxicant test must be immediately repeated.", "hypothesis": "The reference toxicant test must be repeated immediately. "} {"idx": "mnli-9296", "premise": "i that's how it is here too that one newspaper is very liberal one of them is very conservative", "hypothesis": "Both newspapers are very liberal here."} {"idx": "mnli-9297", "premise": "Iasked Ronald Krauss--a doctor who, as the immediate past chairman of the American Heart Association's nutrition committee, helped write that statement--whether it was aggressive enough.", "hypothesis": "Ronald Krauss did not have a medical license."} {"idx": "mnli-9298", "premise": "Some shops will paint tiles to order or copy a photograph.", "hypothesis": "Hand painted tiles are only twenty cents apiece."} {"idx": "mnli-9299", "premise": "Annan visits Washington this week to push again.", "hypothesis": "Annan I working really hard for justice."} {"idx": "mnli-9300", "premise": "The Los Angeles Times told readers that the real news was the wall-to-wall press throng at the news conference.", "hypothesis": "The large press presence at the news conference was more important than the conference itself."} {"idx": "mnli-9301", "premise": "Financial condition is a broader and more forward-looking concept than is financial position.", "hypothesis": "Financial position is a better report than financial condition."} {"idx": "mnli-9302", "premise": "i think a lot of my problem with the young mothers is", "hypothesis": "I have some problems with young mothers."} {"idx": "mnli-9303", "premise": "There was a bellboy to show us upstairs.", "hypothesis": "The bellboy was excited to show us our room."} {"idx": "mnli-9304", "premise": "Or the ad when the Wagnerian soprano (G.W.)", "hypothesis": "It was an opera aria."} {"idx": "mnli-9305", "premise": "We're not supposed to be here.", "hypothesis": "Obviously we should stay here as long as possible."} {"idx": "mnli-9306", "premise": "In addition to seeking clarification of various operational issues, some agencies raised questions concerning the statements of our audit and access authorities cited in the protocols.", "hypothesis": "The access authorities had left some of the agencies feeling uneasy when it was mentioned in the protocols."} {"idx": "mnli-9307", "premise": "reams of paper come out of an office every day they just asked me to recycle", "hypothesis": "i'm in charge of recycling all the paper from these offices"} {"idx": "mnli-9308", "premise": "The first Europeans to arrive in the Pearl River Delta were the Portuguese, who settled in Macau in 1557 and for several centuries had a monopoly on trade between Asia, Europe, and South America.", "hypothesis": "The Portuguese soon abandoned trade in Macau after landing there in 1557."} {"idx": "mnli-9309", "premise": "Funchal's new tourist zone testifies to local travel industry ambitions.", "hypothesis": "The new tourist zone is quite nice."} {"idx": "mnli-9310", "premise": "'What do you mean?' Daniel blinked.", "hypothesis": "Daniel kept his eyes closed."} {"idx": "mnli-9311", "premise": "The centuries-old conflict over whether Epcot is the vacation capital for Israel or Palestine.", "hypothesis": "Neither country was interested in Epcot."} {"idx": "mnli-9312", "premise": "yeah was it yeah wasn't Jimmy Carter's mama that was in the Peace Corps or some such thing", "hypothesis": "Someone told me that Jimmy Carter's mom belonged to the Peace Corps."} {"idx": "mnli-9313", "premise": "The Muslim world, which reached from Baghdad to the Pyrenees, soon fragmented, with Spain becoming an independent caliphate.", "hypothesis": "The Muslim world remained united despite its size."} {"idx": "mnli-9314", "premise": "Tolerance of the practice varies.", "hypothesis": "Tolerance of the practice differs."} {"idx": "mnli-9315", "premise": "oh that's quite reasonable", "hypothesis": "That's a fair price for the work"} {"idx": "mnli-9316", "premise": "Slim stepped out and approached.", "hypothesis": "Slim was the first person to walk up to the new group."} {"idx": "mnli-9317", "premise": "The Barquq Mosque is the youngest in the complex, completed in the late 14th century.", "hypothesis": "The mosque is the oldest because it was completed in the third century."} {"idx": "mnli-9318", "premise": "oh okay i guess i grew up uh camping my folks were big campers from day one as far as i can remember we grew up in southern Oklahoma and they were uh we were always hit Texoma or", "hypothesis": "My parents used to make us go camping every weekend."} {"idx": "mnli-9319", "premise": "The policy and guidance should also be revised to include (1) a requirement to capture and use specific manufacturing knowledge at the production commitment point as exit criteria to transition from system demonstration into production and (2) a requirement to structure major weapon system contracts to ensure the capture and use of knowledge for DOD to make investment decisions at critical junctures when transitioning from system integration to system demonstration and then into production.", "hypothesis": "The policy and guidance should also be revised"} {"idx": "mnli-9320", "premise": "Now it was this Anglo wearing Spanish dress and standing in a dim stable, reining temper to meet the open hostility of the captain.", "hypothesis": "The man standing in the stable was an Anglo."} {"idx": "mnli-9321", "premise": "very nice you know i've i've heard horror stories from other TIers that have had tenants but he didn't like yard work and what happened was the Saint Augustine grew up you know if you don't watch it and keep it trimmed back it will totally take over your flower beds", "hypothesis": "The horror stories that I heard have kept me up for many days."} {"idx": "mnli-9322", "premise": "oh okay um-hum exactly and it seems like everything is raising every everything that can be cigarette not that i smoke but cigarettes", "hypothesis": "I don't smoke."} {"idx": "mnli-9323", "premise": "It meant explanations, and general awkwardness.", "hypothesis": "it doesn't mean awkwardness."} {"idx": "mnli-9324", "premise": "It isn't worth it.", "hypothesis": "It's worth it!"} {"idx": "mnli-9325", "premise": ", the writing is on the wall.", "hypothesis": "There is no writing on the wall."} {"idx": "mnli-9326", "premise": "Another example is authenticity; another, realism.", "hypothesis": "Two examples are authenticity and realism."} {"idx": "mnli-9327", "premise": "i'll call you that's right and they all say that they're the best Visa but you know i definitely have the one that i've", "hypothesis": "In your case, you're right."} {"idx": "mnli-9328", "premise": "SHE WAS ONE OF THEM! ", "hypothesis": "She was just another number"} {"idx": "mnli-9329", "premise": "They spoke of\" she closed her eyes \"torturing me to find out! ", "hypothesis": "She closes her eyes before finishing the sentence. "} {"idx": "mnli-9330", "premise": "The most alarming sounds were audible from the interior of the room. ", "hypothesis": "Scary sounds came from inside the room. "} {"idx": "mnli-9331", "premise": "Local tourist offices and the ones at Caen and Bayeux can direct you to other museums and to the 27 Allied and German military cemeteries in the region.", "hypothesis": "There are 27 Allied and German army graveyards in the region."} {"idx": "mnli-9332", "premise": "5 The mailbox rule specifies that no one other than the Postal Service (and the addressee) may put mail into the box.", "hypothesis": "Only the Postal Service is allowed to place mail into the mailbox according to the mailbox rule."} {"idx": "mnli-9333", "premise": "She thought about appointing as secretary of education Johnetta Cole, a member of a committee connected to Cuba's intelligence forces and to the World Peace Council.", "hypothesis": "Johnetta Cole, who has connections to the World Peace Council, was considered to be appointed as secretary of education. "} {"idx": "mnli-9334", "premise": "Performance improvements occur only when congressional and executive branch decisionmakers use information resulting from These reforms to help inform decisions and improve the performance and accountability of the federal government.", "hypothesis": "Thanks to these reforms, better decisions can be made and the federal government can be held to account."} {"idx": "mnli-9335", "premise": "Save for one Florida jury, whenever juries have been asked whether the tobacco industry is liable for a smoker's health problems, they've decided that the plaintiff knew what the risks were and chose to ignore them.", "hypothesis": "One jury in Florida sided with those who smoke over the tobacco industry. "} {"idx": "mnli-9336", "premise": "Ultimately, the benefits of audit work occur when audit findings are resolved through meaningful and effective corrective action taken in response to the auditors' findings and recommendations.", "hypothesis": "Meaningful corrective actions are what make audits worth doing."} {"idx": "mnli-9337", "premise": ", but they are reliable entertainers.", "hypothesis": "But they are the most reliable entertainers in the country."} {"idx": "mnli-9338", "premise": "A Che who, like any ordinary communist politician, had never killed anyone; a Che who had survived his guerrilla adventures, and was today an elderly figure, administering some grim bureaucracy for Fidel Castro or, alternatively, writing books at home in Argentina, surrounded by his anti-communist grandchildren--a Che like that would cause no stir at all today, and writers around the world would not be straining their brains to draw ever finer distinctions between the man's calamitous influence and some undefinable greatness.", "hypothesis": "Che was killed in guerilla warfare."} {"idx": "mnli-9339", "premise": "Is it important?", "hypothesis": "It is important."} {"idx": "mnli-9340", "premise": "In antiques shops, look for highly valued porcelains from China.", "hypothesis": "Porcelains from China are a staple antique found throughout the region."} {"idx": "mnli-9341", "premise": "In 1936, Mussolini diverted attention from the worsening economic climate at home with an invasion of Ethiopia and proclamation of the Italian Empire.", "hypothesis": "Mussolini's distraction tactics didn't work, citizens outraged still with the economic strife."} {"idx": "mnli-9342", "premise": "I have thought of something ", "hypothesis": "I have an idea"} {"idx": "mnli-9343", "premise": "The huge gateway leads to the mandapa worship hall, with the tall pyramid of the shrine beyond, the whole structure symbolizing the mythical Mount Meru, Himalayan home of the gods.", "hypothesis": "The mythical Mount Meru is where the gods could not make their home."} {"idx": "mnli-9344", "premise": "7.36 Written audit plans may include the following.", "hypothesis": "Audit plans may include the following:"} {"idx": "mnli-9345", "premise": "GAO will provide the notification to the agency-designated liaison or agency-designated point of contact.", "hypothesis": "GAO will give the notification to the liasion."} {"idx": "mnli-9346", "premise": "Some 30 years later, the Annunciation triptych of Simone Martini, with Mary shying away from archangel Gabriel, has the characteristic elegance and poetry of his Siena school.", "hypothesis": "In Simone Martini's Annunciation Triptych, Mary does not look afraid of Gabriel, but instead looks calm."} {"idx": "mnli-9347", "premise": "Master P has avoided such chaos, so far.", "hypothesis": "Master P is bearing the brunt of the chaos now. "} {"idx": "mnli-9348", "premise": "Led by OU neurobiology professor Scott Hooper, students beat back the law with a referendum that won by a 46-vote margin (1,506 in favor, 1,460 against).", "hypothesis": "The students beat the law by a 46 vote margin of vicotry."} {"idx": "mnli-9349", "premise": "In New York, salaries at public interest law agencies can be as low as $32,000 to start, but with many entry-level jobs beginning at about $40,000.", "hypothesis": "In New York, most entry level jobs start at just 2,000 dollars per year. "} {"idx": "mnli-9350", "premise": "It soon becomes clear that it is not Hung's connivance that's driving Bunt out of the factory and into exile, but Betty's will.", "hypothesis": "Betty drove Bunt out of the factory "} {"idx": "mnli-9351", "premise": "and it's in the north i live up in the uh northeast corner and Attleboro sits in just over the line", "hypothesis": "Attleboro is close enough that I could walk there. "} {"idx": "mnli-9352", "premise": "A'Deem left his booth to the boy with a strong threat and whispered to the mercenary who walked the lane.", "hypothesis": "A'Deem left the boy in charge of the booth."} {"idx": "mnli-9353", "premise": "Ca'daan left the brill.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan left the brill out of fear."} {"idx": "mnli-9354", "premise": "(Click for Chatterbox's take on Snitchensgate.", "hypothesis": "asdas"} {"idx": "mnli-9355", "premise": "In all the major cities, the most celebrated teams are studded with top stars in Turin (Juventus and Torino), Milan (A.C. and Inter), Florence (Fiorentina), Genoa (Sampdoria), Rome, and Naples.", "hypothesis": "Soccer is not so popular in Italy."} {"idx": "mnli-9356", "premise": "A second portal would provide information and video streaming training for pro bono attorneys.", "hypothesis": "The attorneys had acceptable training "} {"idx": "mnli-9357", "premise": "Gordon explained that because Medicare is prohibited by statute from covering preventive services, it must draw a distinction between treatment and prevention.", "hypothesis": "Medicare is not allowed to cover preventative services."} {"idx": "mnli-9358", "premise": "Anyway, there were people who lived there.", "hypothesis": "Anyway, no one used to live there"} {"idx": "mnli-9359", "premise": "are unable to meet the sulfur dioxide emission level (271,000 tons) that they established for 2018 for electricity generating units emitting over 100 tons of sulfur dioxide per year.", "hypothesis": "They're able to meet SO2 emission levels by 2018 "} {"idx": "mnli-9360", "premise": "Indeed, the Chinese influence in the city is clearly noticeable even today.", "hypothesis": "Chinese influence is no longer part of the city."} {"idx": "mnli-9361", "premise": "A change from a budget deficit to a surplus reduces federal debt and replaces this vicious cycle with a virtuous cycle in which saving some portion of the budget surpluses results in lower debt levels.", "hypothesis": "A change of 50% in a budget deficit is required to lower debt levels."} {"idx": "mnli-9362", "premise": "Stretching his paint strokes into long, narrow ribbons, he retreated toward a kind of linear drawing in three colors.", "hypothesis": "He lacked the courage to draw as he wanted, so he retreated into safety."} {"idx": "mnli-9363", "premise": "It's spreading.", "hypothesis": "It's contagious. "} {"idx": "mnli-9364", "premise": "The bus ride from Kumamoto to the mighty Mt. Aso volcano takes you acrosesome gently rolling hills, past orange groves, fields of watermelon, and the special grass used for tatami mats.", "hypothesis": "Mt. Aso has not been active since the 19th century."} {"idx": "mnli-9365", "premise": "We already conduct exit conferences and, following the Yellow Book and Communications Manual, submit draft reports for agency comments.", "hypothesis": "We conduct entrance conferences."} {"idx": "mnli-9366", "premise": "Information based on judgments (such as the estimated speed of a UFO) which may be expressed in numerical or nonnumerical ways and data that may not be based on judgments (such as state of birth) but are not meaningfully expressed numerically.", "hypothesis": "They could not make any judgments based on the data they collected. "} {"idx": "mnli-9367", "premise": "School's in at both magazines.", "hypothesis": "The magazines did not include School in their publication. "} {"idx": "mnli-9368", "premise": "Everything was confusion. ", "hypothesis": "No one knew what was going on in the confusion."} {"idx": "mnli-9369", "premise": "A classic Turkish dish, well worth asking for, is mantarly gevec, a delicious stew of tender lamb, mushrooms, peppers, tomatoes, and garlic baked in a clay dish and topped with cheese.", "hypothesis": "Mantarly gevec is a soup made with only vegetables."} {"idx": "mnli-9370", "premise": "Basil, thyme, and oregano are the most common, though you can also buy mixed sachets.", "hypothesis": "Basil, thyme, and oregano are commonly used spices."} {"idx": "mnli-9371", "premise": "yeah definitely definitely yeah but most of the time when we go out um we either go Mexican because uh uh she just has a a need for either some type of Mexican chips or Mexican pizza or something like that or French fries", "hypothesis": "Most of the time when we go out we go Italian."} {"idx": "mnli-9372", "premise": "yeah it was pretty wild and of course the only sound is Dudley Moore narrates it", "hypothesis": "It sounded rather wild and of course the only sound is Dudley Moore."} {"idx": "mnli-9373", "premise": "Based on the current resources, the gap is unlikely to be closed anytime soon, the study found.", "hypothesis": "The study is correct in its assessment."} {"idx": "mnli-9374", "premise": "Funding for alcohol-related research needs to be provided to emergency department personnel on a priority basis because such funding will lead to their professional development, increase their national stature, lead to their advancement in professional societies, lead to association with policymakers, and enhance their opportunity to become opinion leaders.", "hypothesis": "It is important to provide funds to alcohol-related research."} {"idx": "mnli-9375", "premise": "Bolstered by the fact that there is currently a worldwide excess capacity problem for suppliers of these globally traded commodity chemicals, it is projected that there will be an ample supply of ammonia and urea.", "hypothesis": "It is expected that there will be more than enough ammonia and urea."} {"idx": "mnli-9376", "premise": "For more ceramics, stop in at the Museum of Oriental Ceramics, located in the garden at one end of Nakanoshima, the central island in the middle of the large river running through Osaka's center.", "hypothesis": "The Museum of Oriental Ceramics offers a wide variety of ceramics."} {"idx": "mnli-9377", "premise": "It can't be both.", "hypothesis": "It's okay to take both."} {"idx": "mnli-9378", "premise": "France, they say, is the victim of currency speculators, whose ravages President Chirac once likened to those of AIDS.", "hypothesis": "Currency speculation has hemorrhaged the French economy for decades."} {"idx": "mnli-9379", "premise": "His kidneys seemed to be wrenched out of him.", "hypothesis": "His kidneys seemed to be yanked out of his body."} {"idx": "mnli-9380", "premise": "A third was the problem of site variation, which in the mid-1970's was identified in quantitative studies as an ill-understood source of greater differences in a program's outcomes than the program itself.", "hypothesis": "Site variation was a problem identified in the mid-1970's."} {"idx": "mnli-9381", "premise": "as difficult as he is or as as much as they try they put some bias i had the chance to hear Tracy Rowlett speak to a group and it was interesting that they think that they're basically impartial", "hypothesis": "They put some bias in, but they think they're being impartial. "} {"idx": "mnli-9382", "premise": "Among the best excursions is one over another good road, D 23, directly through the National Park which covers more than 74,000 acres of Basse-Terre's interior.", "hypothesis": "The National Park is hardly 4 acres in size."} {"idx": "mnli-9383", "premise": "oh i wish i had that booklet here oh i think i do it's right here uh i'll look at the end because those would be the best ones okay", "hypothesis": "Actually, I do have that booklet; let me check the best ones at the end of it."} {"idx": "mnli-9384", "premise": "Soccer Federation, the Post says the players are determined to promote and pay themselves better than they believe the [USSF] has.", "hypothesis": "Players want to be payed at least $50 per game."} {"idx": "mnli-9385", "premise": "yeah well i'd i'd say actually i mean as someone who's involved in education i'd say that maybe one of the changes is that the role of the teacher has incrementally gotten lower and lower value and society i mean relative pay which is a major way we value people has been", "hypothesis": "I believe that society has lowered it's value on teachers."} {"idx": "mnli-9386", "premise": "Over the phone.", "hypothesis": "On the phone."} {"idx": "mnli-9387", "premise": "they would uh you know analyze it the person's current policy and get a computerized computerized you know statement of uh what would happen you know at this age this age this age you know uh what your benefits would be and uh the difference between you know the term life with annuity and the whole life", "hypothesis": "The person's current policy was analyzed to compare it with term life and other policies."} {"idx": "mnli-9388", "premise": "The former medieval palace clings to a 16th-century tranquillity.", "hypothesis": "The medieval palace is decorated beautifully and remains historically accurate. "} {"idx": "mnli-9389", "premise": "Perhaps you don't realize that I am still in the dark.", "hypothesis": "You must not know that I have all the lights on."} {"idx": "mnli-9390", "premise": "The modern semigogue speaks liltingly about children and education and health and public safety.", "hypothesis": "Children and education are some topics discussed by the modern semigogue."} {"idx": "mnli-9391", "premise": "valet with baseball tickets and we ended up with them right and so we were walking up and i looked at my husband and i said you know what Kyle", "hypothesis": "Kyle was angry and did not want to speak to my husband."} {"idx": "mnli-9392", "premise": "The apparent going premium of 50 percent for a targeted ad on the Internet suggests that Internet advertising may be as likely to reduce total ad spending as to increase it.", "hypothesis": "A targeted ad on the Internet is one way to advertise."} {"idx": "mnli-9393", "premise": "Under Cambridge-trained lawyer Tunku Abdul Rahman, brother of the Sultan of Kedah, UMNO's conservative Malays formed an alliance with the English-educated bourgeoisie of the Malayan Chinese Association and Malayan Indian Congress.", "hypothesis": "The Malays had no interest in an alliance."} {"idx": "mnli-9394", "premise": "Up to now Johnny's been their best bet at gittin' th' Range into trouble.\"Drew turned his head to look Fenner in the eye.", "hypothesis": "Johnny has been causing the Range trouble."} {"idx": "mnli-9395", "premise": "Together, we can make the world the better place it was supposed to be.", "hypothesis": "We can make the world better."} {"idx": "mnli-9396", "premise": " \"He'll answer a few questions that badly need answering.\"Bayliss was already on his way to the door.", "hypothesis": "Bayliss walked towards the door because he wanted to leave."} {"idx": "mnli-9397", "premise": "Beside her sat a small man, the caravan master if Ca'daan had to guess, who barked orders at one of the whipmasters and squeezed the beauty at his side.", "hypothesis": "The small man beside her seemed to Ca'daan to be the caravan master."} {"idx": "mnli-9398", "premise": "i think it's freedom and the and and to and the right to do what you want to do", "hypothesis": "This has nothing to do with freedom at all. "} {"idx": "mnli-9399", "premise": "probably wouldn't have enjoyed it anyway", "hypothesis": "I'm glad I didn't go to the park, I wouldn't have enjoyed it."} {"idx": "mnli-9400", "premise": "Small children are bound to enjoy the merry-go-round, puppet theaters (outside July and August), and pony rides in the Jardin du Luxembourg.", "hypothesis": "The pony rides are inexpensive and are a great memory for your child."} {"idx": "mnli-9401", "premise": "The challenge for Wilde lovers at the end of the 20 th century is Find a way to appall.", "hypothesis": "Nearing the end of the 1900s, fans of Wilde would be challenged to find a way to appall, something that became increasingly harder over the years. "} {"idx": "mnli-9402", "premise": "You've seen this sort of picture People get drunk and drag skeletons out of closets, and the tension between the formal dinner party rituals and the truths that simmer beneath the surface give way to a Walpurgisnacht . The anti-patriarchal content is fairly routine, but you should see the movie anyway because the director, Thomas Vinterberg, is a great, hypersensitive filmmaker whose edgy, grainy, caught-on-the-fly camerawork seems to make the very celluloid shiver with rage.", "hypothesis": "This is one of the best Thomas Vinterberg movies."} {"idx": "mnli-9403", "premise": "the short of it is my weakest part", "hypothesis": "I want to become stronger."} {"idx": "mnli-9404", "premise": "The car? ", "hypothesis": "The boat?"} {"idx": "mnli-9405", "premise": "You will find Scottish pipes still being handmade in the heart of the city.", "hypothesis": "You won't find Scottish pipes still being handmade anywhere in Scotland."} {"idx": "mnli-9406", "premise": "On the one hand, she's the pitiful victim of our hypocrisy and our unnecessary shame.", "hypothesis": "She is the victim of our shame."} {"idx": "mnli-9407", "premise": "The chateau's terrace is the best vantage point for pictures of the old town.", "hypothesis": "The town has a formidable history and past."} {"idx": "mnli-9408", "premise": "took it out of me then and i'd hate to think what it would do to me now", "hypothesis": "I think I'd be fine with it now, since it never really has taken a lot out of me. "} {"idx": "mnli-9409", "premise": "Very Toledan in feel, this small hotel in a 17th-century noble home is named for the city's most famous (adopted) son.", "hypothesis": "It was named for the adopted son, Mark."} {"idx": "mnli-9410", "premise": "No three littles.", "hypothesis": "None of three smalls."} {"idx": "mnli-9411", "premise": "Islamic homes centered around a large central hall called a qa'awith a fountain in the middle.", "hypothesis": "All the buildings in Islam are based on a circular architecural style."} {"idx": "mnli-9412", "premise": "But there was no sign of him, and I hesitated to go right up to the farm itself. ", "hypothesis": "I didn't want to walk up to the farm without seeing him."} {"idx": "mnli-9413", "premise": "The EPA has included a detailed economic analysis in its submission to GAO, setting forth and assessing the costs, benefits, and associated impacts of the rule.", "hypothesis": "The EPA put a pie chart in their submission instead of a detailed economic analysis. "} {"idx": "mnli-9414", "premise": "The theory of resonance, I see.", "hypothesis": "That's not a theory, I see."} {"idx": "mnli-9415", "premise": "really good they usually pretty much go fast they don't make a lot of them You have to get here early in the morning", "hypothesis": "The go very slowly. "} {"idx": "mnli-9416", "premise": "the Court would find its current First Amendment musings as unpersuasive as I find them today.", "hypothesis": "The Court would find First Amendment comments unpersuasive but important to hear."} {"idx": "mnli-9417", "premise": "because normally i'm i'm at work before seven so uh just stay a little later that as it were and and make the the effort to vote uh but unfortunately since there are so many other things that uh our city wants to vote on", "hypothesis": "Usually I arrive at work before seven so I can just wait a little and vote."} {"idx": "mnli-9418", "premise": "see now we've run into a lot of problems where our relatives were well i've lived here for thirty years and we've built this and this is our home and we have nothing else to show for our lives and we don't want to leave uh we've run into a lot of that", "hypothesis": "I am sympathetic towards my family members. "} {"idx": "mnli-9419", "premise": "He fished me in, Concannon said, adding, People need lawyers, and there's a growing amount of poor that need pro bono services.", "hypothesis": "Concannon said that he fished him in, adding that people need lawyers, and there's many poor that need pro bono services."} {"idx": "mnli-9420", "premise": "Multiple seatings start at 5pm; dark Sunday and Monday; around $75 (special rate for children 5 10).", "hypothesis": "The tickets are $430."} {"idx": "mnli-9421", "premise": "Sad organ music is suddenly replaced by an upbeat, jazzy The owner opens the drawer and takes the package.", "hypothesis": "Sad organ music is replaced by jazz."} {"idx": "mnli-9422", "premise": "She started to walk away.", "hypothesis": "She began to walk the other way. "} {"idx": "mnli-9423", "premise": "and i got it right after high school so by the time i traded it in it was ready ready to go", "hypothesis": "It was ready to go when I traded it in; I got it right after high school. "} {"idx": "mnli-9424", "premise": "Been bush poppin', he agreed, smiling.", "hypothesis": "He smiled and said he had been bush popping. "} {"idx": "mnli-9425", "premise": "The Tokugawa thus celebrated the ancestral religion of Shinto glorified by the monumentally opulent shrines they built at Nikko.", "hypothesis": "The Tokugawa did not build any shrines outside of Nikko."} {"idx": "mnli-9426", "premise": "In fact, some Angelenos refer to the county as being behind the orange curtain, due to its substantially more conservative lifestyle.", "hypothesis": "While still technically conservative, the Angelenos seem to be developing more liberal tendencies."} {"idx": "mnli-9427", "premise": "Theirs is now the dominant right-wing critique of integrationist programs.", "hypothesis": "Right wing politics is praised by the integrationist."} {"idx": "mnli-9428", "premise": "The Boulevard des Capucines and the Boulevard des Italiens, known as the grands boulevards, meet at the Place de l'Op??ra, which was a focal point in Baron Hauss?\u00admann's urbanization plans in the mid-19th century.", "hypothesis": "The Boulevard de Capucines was built before the Boulevard des Italiens. "} {"idx": "mnli-9429", "premise": "Moreover, the fact that Congress has placed numerous restrictions on legal services funding in the United States-restrictions that then attach to non-LSC funds-causes many organizations that might otherwise seriously consider applying for LSC funds to choose not to do so.", "hypothesis": "In order to save money, Congress has placed restrictions on legal services funding."} {"idx": "mnli-9430", "premise": "um she asked if i i guess they went ahead and told you we're supposed to be talking about uh drug testing and what do we think about the policy of most companies and government agencies and of course that's something we're familiar with", "hypothesis": "She asked if they went ahead with it."} {"idx": "mnli-9431", "premise": "Sure, the school bus is crawling with safety violations and doesn't contain seat belts and will be taking the kids to classrooms run by teachers who never actually had to take the subjects they're teaching, but at least according to the WSJ Business Bulletin, in a few years there will be satellite-based technology available to families that will let them know to the second exactly when the bus is arriving.", "hypothesis": "They point to the future where parents and guardians may receive notifications instead of waiting for the bus to arrive."} {"idx": "mnli-9432", "premise": "\"Thanks.\" Drew felt in a pocket, tossed Callie the coin his fingers found.", "hypothesis": "Drew had a one dollar coin in his pocket. "} {"idx": "mnli-9433", "premise": "You wrote in response to an e-mail by Gourevitch postmarked just two hours earlier.", "hypothesis": "You answered the e-mail from Gourevitch rather quickly."} {"idx": "mnli-9434", "premise": "The legal aid group cleared about 8,300 cases last year.", "hypothesis": "About 8,300 cases were cleared by the group last year."} {"idx": "mnli-9435", "premise": "The errors range from the trivial (misspelling the name of former Gov.", "hypothesis": "A trivial error that occurred was a simple name misspelling."} {"idx": "mnli-9436", "premise": "But Heidenry writes that Larry beat Althea more than once, and she told Hustler that she didn't see anything wrong with a man striking a woman.", "hypothesis": "Heidenry believes it was done in self-defense that's why he didn't have any issue with Larry beating Althea."} {"idx": "mnli-9437", "premise": "The lawyer looked at him with renewed interest as he brought the tale to a close.", "hypothesis": "It was clear the lawyer wasn't interested in him, as he wouldn't even look at him."} {"idx": "mnli-9438", "premise": "They were beautiful.", "hypothesis": "They were of great beauty."} {"idx": "mnli-9439", "premise": "all right well thank you for calling i had i i enjoyed talking to you", "hypothesis": "It was a pleasure conversing with you, thanks for the call."} {"idx": "mnli-9440", "premise": "Participants discussed the need to mitigate the opportunity and risk for fraud by educating boards of directors and ultimately changing the tone at the top of the company.", "hypothesis": "Only regulators and auditors can work to avoid fraud at a company."} {"idx": "mnli-9441", "premise": "The ship hardly seems damaged.", "hypothesis": "The ships seems barely damaged."} {"idx": "mnli-9442", "premise": "To find out how fast an amount saved can double, divide the interest rate into 72.", "hypothesis": "If you divide the interest rate into 72, you can see how quickly a saved amount can double."} {"idx": "mnli-9443", "premise": "It now houses the castle cafe with a good selection of snacks and hot meals but was originally used to store the provisions carts.", "hypothesis": "It has the cafe in it."} {"idx": "mnli-9444", "premise": "Sedelmaier has rescued Japanimation from a generational memory hole to sell a German car to young consumers who may consider it the opposite of cool.", "hypothesis": "The car is of Swedish origin."} {"idx": "mnli-9445", "premise": "When you talk to euro enthusiasts, they invariably claim that one of the great benefits of the new currency will be price transparency.", "hypothesis": "Euro enthusiasts claim that euro implies price transparency, and they are right about it."} {"idx": "mnli-9446", "premise": "we don't have quite as many as they do east and west coast but this is kind of the last bastion of the you know the", "hypothesis": "We have as many, if not more than in the east and west coast."} {"idx": "mnli-9447", "premise": "The requirements of section 609 are inapplicable to this rule since NHTSA did not determine that it would have a significant impact on a substantial number of small entities.", "hypothesis": "NHTSA did not make the determination that it would have a significant impact on a substantial number of small entities so the requirements of section 609 are inapplicable to this rule."} {"idx": "mnli-9448", "premise": "uh-huh that's uh sure i can understand that", "hypothesis": "I can understand the situation."} {"idx": "mnli-9449", "premise": "The best resort beaches are on the Malabar coast at Kovalam, Goa, and, smaller but charming, Cochin.", "hypothesis": "The Malabar coast is perfect for beach lovers."} {"idx": "mnli-9450", "premise": "There I know you're wrong, I said warmly. ", "hypothesis": "I know you are wrong. "} {"idx": "mnli-9451", "premise": "Its narthex is set at an angle to the main entrance (through a Renaissance porch).", "hypothesis": "The main entrance and the narthex are at an angle to each other."} {"idx": "mnli-9452", "premise": "Because of the uncertainty in estimates of the value of premature mortality avoidance, it is important to adequately characterize and understand the various types of economic approaches available for mortality valuation.", "hypothesis": "There are very precise rates of premature mortality available to us."} {"idx": "mnli-9453", "premise": "Not as developed as Taipa, it offers the joys of sand and sea and is known for its beaches.", "hypothesis": "Taipa is comparably a sleepy little town that rolls up the sidewalks at six."} {"idx": "mnli-9454", "premise": "70 Annie wasn't best pleased.", "hypothesis": "Annie would stop them."} {"idx": "mnli-9455", "premise": "Nick Name is an English pen name of a Polish absurdist writer with an advertising background.", "hypothesis": "Nick Name was born in the capital city of Poland."} {"idx": "mnli-9456", "premise": "Whittington's your man.\"", "hypothesis": "Whittington is not the guy you want."} {"idx": "mnli-9457", "premise": "no you can't do very much on them right right um well it's just that you have to have uh you have to be able to get your program in and and many many of the programs are so big", "hypothesis": "You can do anything on them!"} {"idx": "mnli-9458", "premise": "Indeed, perhaps the most vivid reminder of the Moors are the dark, brooding eyes of so many of the islanders of today.", "hypothesis": " The dark eyes remind people of the Moors."} {"idx": "mnli-9459", "premise": "'We can do this, Jasie.' ", "hypothesis": "Jasie we can definitely do this."} {"idx": "mnli-9460", "premise": "Of course, the extreme in men's dress is the dinner jacket.", "hypothesis": "Men can wear dinner jackets to dress up."} {"idx": "mnli-9461", "premise": "He fought to remember what he'd heard the nurse say--something about when he was alive--as if he'd been dead a long time....", "hypothesis": "He overheard the nurse talking about his bereaved family."} {"idx": "mnli-9462", "premise": "so i get the real sweethearts but i get a aside aside from that i i'd almost say i've got extremist views on gun controls on personal crime convention uh personal crime prevention", "hypothesis": "I have moderate opinions on all issues."} {"idx": "mnli-9463", "premise": "Exchanging stuff for eyeballs makes sense as long as the cost of providing the stuff is less than the value of the eyeballs to advertisers.", "hypothesis": "The value of eyeballs is very high."} {"idx": "mnli-9464", "premise": "Texas yeah i'm in California right now i'm i'm originally from North Carolina though i", "hypothesis": "I am a native of North Carolina."} {"idx": "mnli-9465", "premise": "He was a respected lawyer defending discredited politicians, and as such he was very busy and didn't normally pay attention to small, insignificant things.", "hypothesis": "He was a plumber."} {"idx": "mnli-9466", "premise": "yeah i rea lly enjoy it i stay pretty busy", "hypothesis": "I run out of things to do."} {"idx": "mnli-9467", "premise": "A luxurious seaside villa hideaway with a championship golf course on a tropical estate originally built as a sugar plantation.", "hypothesis": "The villa is very basic."} {"idx": "mnli-9468", "premise": "at this site.", "hypothesis": "On this website."} {"idx": "mnli-9469", "premise": "Jon aimed and fired another shot into the back of a retreating rider.", "hypothesis": "The rider was an enemy of Jon's who was trying to flee."} {"idx": "mnli-9470", "premise": "For broccoli I can muster mild enthusiasm if I'm feeling hungry or guilty.", "hypothesis": "I love brocolli regardless."} {"idx": "mnli-9471", "premise": "That depends.", "hypothesis": "It doesn't matter."} {"idx": "mnli-9472", "premise": "You're such young things, both of you.", "hypothesis": "Wow you guys are really old."} {"idx": "mnli-9473", "premise": "They went straight for the crone's hut.", "hypothesis": "It was the crone's hut that they went for. "} {"idx": "mnli-9474", "premise": "Perot's favorite candidate at the moment appears to be Buchanan, who has made noises about bolting the GOP and joining the Reform Party.", "hypothesis": "Buchanan is the last candidate Perot would ever back at the moment."} {"idx": "mnli-9475", "premise": "This was going to be a big day for Suwak.", "hypothesis": "Suwak's day was going to be plain and ordinary. "} {"idx": "mnli-9476", "premise": "However, our inquiry to billing department staff at the Maryland Shock Trauma Center, which admits nearly 6,000 patients annually, revealed not a single case of denial of payment.", "hypothesis": "We never submitted an inquiry to the Maryland Shock Trauma Center. "} {"idx": "mnli-9477", "premise": "and uh there's only there's two people taking care of about five kids uh where i'm where i'm taking my two", "hypothesis": "the location has five kids who are looked after by two people"} {"idx": "mnli-9478", "premise": "You have access to the facts. ", "hypothesis": "The facts are on a need to know basis, which you don't need to know."} {"idx": "mnli-9479", "premise": "This is in part because the island remained under Catholic Venetian rule far longer than other islands in the Aegean from 1207 to 1714 but also because it was t he scene of a blessed miracle, ensuring its fame throughout the Catholic community in Greece.", "hypothesis": "This island is famous with the Catholic community because a miracle took place here. "} {"idx": "mnli-9480", "premise": "She was a goddess.", "hypothesis": "She was beautiful."} {"idx": "mnli-9481", "premise": "Absolutely.", "hypothesis": "There's no doubt that I'll do it."} {"idx": "mnli-9482", "premise": "Some legal aid programs tap the significant resources of other community organizations in an effort to expand their reach.", "hypothesis": "There are some legal aid programs who want to expand their reach. "} {"idx": "mnli-9483", "premise": "She had six children, all alive after the first assault, and a tiny husband of a man who kept quiet.", "hypothesis": "She had six daughters."} {"idx": "mnli-9484", "premise": "Suppose, however, with suitable reverence to Adam Smith, one looks at this plan according to its degree of roundaboutness.", "hypothesis": "The plan is complex to view "} {"idx": "mnli-9485", "premise": "Statements in the Senate suggest that Congress may not have been aware that the presence language survived the defeat of the amendment.", "hypothesis": "Most of the congressmen were still hung over from the weekend and weren't really paying attention."} {"idx": "mnli-9486", "premise": "Many of the decisions that are made in front of a judge cannot be reversed later.", "hypothesis": "They were hoping to be an exception to the rule."} {"idx": "mnli-9487", "premise": "He ignites kegs of dynamite in his Aspen, Colo., backyard.", "hypothesis": "He thinks fire is not safe."} {"idx": "mnli-9488", "premise": "It will be open every Saturday morning.", "hypothesis": "The office will open at 9am on Saturday."} {"idx": "mnli-9489", "premise": "Due to the installation of SCR units for the NOX SIP Call, a significant percentage of the boilermakers who are currently working in the utility industry would be needed to complete those retrofits by 2004.", "hypothesis": "The installation of the units has resulted requiring a portion of boilermakers to complete retrofitting within a time frame."} {"idx": "mnli-9490", "premise": "The editors of the Baffler , a little magazine of cultural criticism, have coined an extremely handy term to describe the spirit of stores like Restoration Hardware and Trader Joe' Commodify your dissent.", "hypothesis": "The Baffler is a little magazine of cultural criticism."} {"idx": "mnli-9491", "premise": "His exacting minute-by-minute account of hostile encounters and sexual encounters leaves no doubt about what was ultimately at stake when males fought (often coalitionally).", "hypothesis": "His accurate account was based on his personal experience."} {"idx": "mnli-9492", "premise": "Nehru Memorial Museum is devoted to Independence and the life of India's first Prime Minister.", "hypothesis": "Entry to the Nehru Memorial Museum is free."} {"idx": "mnli-9493", "premise": "The once ill-famed slum has grown into a lively neighborhood of art galleries and quaint little shops, with an open-air market on the Place Saint-Pierre.", "hypothesis": "Place Saint-Pierre has always been a slum."} {"idx": "mnli-9494", "premise": "But although these countries were generally satisfied with the progress they had made, they continued to struggle with a number of important issues, such as the acceptable level of risk and the extent to which decisionmaking authority should be devolved to a given organizational level.", "hypothesis": "These countries were generally satisfied with their progress, they struggled with a number of issues."} {"idx": "mnli-9495", "premise": "actually i haven't watched it much this season in the last couple of years i've been on that uh downward trend", "hypothesis": "I've watched less and less over the past few years."} {"idx": "mnli-9496", "premise": "whether the identification of these factors was based", "hypothesis": "The factors were left without being identified."} {"idx": "mnli-9497", "premise": "You'll have to walk despite the pain.\"", "hypothesis": "You have to walk regardless of the pain."} {"idx": "mnli-9498", "premise": "Interested in free legal advice through the program?", "hypothesis": "Interested in expensive legal advice?"} {"idx": "mnli-9499", "premise": "At worst, the jocks are hurting Bradley by failing to comprehend and refute misrepresentations of his agenda.", "hypothesis": "By not refuting misrepresentations of Bradley's agenda, the jocks are hurting him."} {"idx": "mnli-9500", "premise": "Well, these two worlds _coalesced_.\" He looked searchingly at Dave.", "hypothesis": "These two worlds failed to coalesce."} {"idx": "mnli-9501", "premise": "and all right not not a friend a cousin", "hypothesis": "A cousin as opposed to a friend."} {"idx": "mnli-9502", "premise": "An' th' Old Man took him a crease 'crost th' ribs that made him bleed like a stuck pig.", "hypothesis": "The Old Man made him bleed like a stuck pig."} {"idx": "mnli-9503", "premise": "Fighting for Self-Rule", "hypothesis": "Battling to be able to rule themselves."} {"idx": "mnli-9504", "premise": "One of the oldest churches in the world, it was the only church in the Holy Land not destroyed during the Persian invasion of 614 the invaders noticed an icon of the Magi (who were fellow Persians) and spared the structure.", "hypothesis": "It was the only church not destroyed during the Persian invasion."} {"idx": "mnli-9505", "premise": " \"An analogue computer is a machine that ...", "hypothesis": "I have no idea what an analogue computer is."} {"idx": "mnli-9506", "premise": "When asked whether the administration ought to insist that these requirements be met as a condition of negotiation, DeLay twice ducked the question.", "hypothesis": "DeLay answered the questions without hesitation."} {"idx": "mnli-9507", "premise": "( Slit his throat! ", "hypothesis": "Slit his toe!"} {"idx": "mnli-9508", "premise": "Mahatma Gandhi immediately rushed from Calcutta to Delhi to defend Muslims against further slaughter.", "hypothesis": "Mahatma Gandhi didn't care about the slaughter of Muslims in Delhi."} {"idx": "mnli-9509", "premise": "There is an antidote to visionary disease.", "hypothesis": "There is a cure for visionary disease."} {"idx": "mnli-9510", "premise": "Institutional investors may have concerns different from those of individual investors regarding expectations for corporate governance and the role of the board of directors.", "hypothesis": "Individual investors and their institutional counterparts are always in lockstep as far as their concerns go."} {"idx": "mnli-9511", "premise": "We will wake up at noon, stumble over to the keyboard in our pajamas, hammer out 1,000 words, and then--without talking to a single bothersome editor--make our work available to all data brokers.", "hypothesis": "We only write Monday to Friday."} {"idx": "mnli-9512", "premise": "you could yeah you could stand in there if you really wanted to i guess", "hypothesis": "If you want you can sit there I guess."} {"idx": "mnli-9513", "premise": "Hong Kong has two major racetracks as well as an intensive off-track betting system, and on weekends the ferries to Macau are crowded with people on their way to the casinos.", "hypothesis": "Gambling is banned in Hong Kong."} {"idx": "mnli-9514", "premise": "The Democratic base will awaken.", "hypothesis": "The democrats will wake up. "} {"idx": "mnli-9515", "premise": "It looks easier than it you'll need lessons, at least two or three, just to get you started.", "hypothesis": "It's easy to get started without lessons."} {"idx": "mnli-9516", "premise": "Paula Jones attended the White House Correspondents Association Dinner , as did President Clinton.", "hypothesis": "Paula Jones and bill Clinton attended the Whitehouse correspondents dinner "} {"idx": "mnli-9517", "premise": "No, sir, I should leave it on the hall table. ", "hypothesis": "The thing is the will to the deceased Mr. Inglethorp."} {"idx": "mnli-9518", "premise": "Six (6) delivery days per week times 52 weeks less 10 holidays.", "hypothesis": "There are 365 delivery days every year."} {"idx": "mnli-9519", "premise": "NOMINAL (OR FACE OR PAR) VALUE OR AMOUNT -The amount of a bond, note, mortgage, or other security as stated in the instrument itself, exclusive of interest or dividend accumulations.", "hypothesis": "Most security instruments are entitled to interest rates of at least 1%."} {"idx": "mnli-9520", "premise": "um-hum that's too much isn't it", "hypothesis": "That's too much money, isn't it?"} {"idx": "mnli-9521", "premise": "11 Some 10 million additional individuals with incomes between 100 and 125 percent of the poverty level are also potentially eligible for legal services.", "hypothesis": "Some 50 million additional individuals with incomes between 100 and 125 percent of the poverty level are also potentially eligible for legal services"} {"idx": "mnli-9522", "premise": "Its 16th- and 17th-century charm is preserved within a triangular rampart.", "hypothesis": "A triangular rampart preserves a centuries-old charm."} {"idx": "mnli-9523", "premise": "Red was glad to.", "hypothesis": "Red was more than glad to join in."} {"idx": "mnli-9524", "premise": "Down the street from the Prado and around the corner from the Reina Sof?\u00ada museum, this well located hotel is a bargain.", "hypothesis": "The well located hotel, near some of the city attractions, is a bargain."} {"idx": "mnli-9525", "premise": "Don't let the fragile appearance fool you; they're deadly weapons.", "hypothesis": "They look weak, but are very dangerous."} {"idx": "mnli-9526", "premise": "For group health plans coverage under these rules, the Departments cite estimates formulated by the Congressional Budget Office which shows the initial yearly cost (direct cost to the private sector) to be $50 million with 300,000 people covered and $200 million in subsequent years for limiting the length of preexisting conditions exclusions to 12 months.", "hypothesis": "The Departments analyzed figures of the previous years before making estimates."} {"idx": "mnli-9527", "premise": "Bring down the girl at once! ", "hypothesis": "The girl must be brought down quickly."} {"idx": "mnli-9528", "premise": "And she is terrified of 'Sisters'.", "hypothesis": "The sisters delighted her. "} {"idx": "mnli-9529", "premise": "The guide does not address all of the responsibilities which fall to federal agency CIOs - only those which have parallels in the private sector.", "hypothesis": "The guide was overwhelming with too much information about the duties."} {"idx": "mnli-9530", "premise": "have you ever read any of Frank E Peretti's", "hypothesis": "I really enjoy reading Perretti's books."} {"idx": "mnli-9531", "premise": "Random CWC inspections, Bork says, violate the Fourth Amendment, which requires a warrant to search private facilities.", "hypothesis": "They do not have a warrant to conduct these random inspections."} {"idx": "mnli-9532", "premise": "Here, just a short mile or so from Fremont Street and Glitter Gulch, are quiet, ranch-style homes spread out over parcels of an acre (about 1.2 hectare) or more, complete with swimming pools, tennis courts, horse corrals, and lush, mature landscaping.", "hypothesis": "The houses are required to have a pool and tennis court."} {"idx": "mnli-9533", "premise": "and all the rest of his organs were all greatly you know all tested out greatly below his actual age and of course Sally uh isn't a very big woman i mean she's you know she appeared to me to be very petite and um she took a horse shoe and and turned it turned it into an S", "hypothesis": "Sally may not be very tall, but she has not let that hold her back in basketball. "} {"idx": "mnli-9534", "premise": "yeah because it's still there it's just some place else now", "hypothesis": "It's some other place now."} {"idx": "mnli-9535", "premise": "And of course they would find no strychnine! ", "hypothesis": "Of course, they would find strychnine."} {"idx": "mnli-9536", "premise": "What he ought to have done, what any sane man would have done, was to remain patiently where he was and wait for his man to come out again.", "hypothesis": "He should have waited for the man to come out again."} {"idx": "mnli-9537", "premise": "43 Reform elements that could increase national saving may not satisfy these adequacy and equity goals.", "hypothesis": "Adequacy and equity goals will be satisfied by these reform elements."} {"idx": "mnli-9538", "premise": "There is an interesting section devoted to 20th-century Scots, including Queen Elizabeth (the Queen Mother), who was born at Glamis Castle in 1900.", "hypothesis": "Queen Elizabeth (the Queen Mother) was the most famous Scot born in the 20th century."} {"idx": "mnli-9539", "premise": "WASHINGTON (AP) - Most new lawyers won't consider working for government or public advocacy groups because their need for money to pay off massive student loans leads them to the more lucrative private sector, a study being released Monday found.", "hypothesis": "New lawyers are happy to take low paying jobs in order to gain experience."} {"idx": "mnli-9540", "premise": "Research Design for Generalizing from Multiple Case Studies.", "hypothesis": "Research Design for Generalizing from random survey."} {"idx": "mnli-9541", "premise": "It must be, said Tommy coldly, \"if you can come over here in love with one girl, and propose to another within a fortnight.\" Julius had the grace to look discomposed.", "hypothesis": "Julius was discomposed, because he thought it was wrong to act this way too."} {"idx": "mnli-9542", "premise": "The sculpture places a graphic emphasis on the ugliness of sin (the hanging of Judas, the devil tempting Jesus) and the simple beauty of virtue.", "hypothesis": "Sin is a thing to avoid if one is religious."} {"idx": "mnli-9543", "premise": "Virtual-reality exhibitions go one step They attempt to create the you-are-there sensation without the objects.", "hypothesis": "There are no virtual-reality exhibitions to experience. "} {"idx": "mnli-9544", "premise": "If I receive $1 million, I'm rich.", "hypothesis": "I would like to be rich."} {"idx": "mnli-9545", "premise": "He goes boldly to the village chemist's and purchases strychnine under his own name, with a trumped up story about a dog which is bound to be proved absurd. ", "hypothesis": "He bought strychnine under his own name, claiming it was for a dog. "} {"idx": "mnli-9546", "premise": "yeah small PCs aren't they're out of Korea right", "hypothesis": "The smaller the computer from Korea the better the quality will be. "} {"idx": "mnli-9547", "premise": "i i it's okay to watch people go out and break their legs but i'm not going to climb on a couple of pieces of wood and go racing down a slick mountain side i mean that's", "hypothesis": "It's insanely dangerous and not the life for me."} {"idx": "mnli-9548", "premise": "Once all European prices are quoted in euros, it will be obvious to consumers when a German company is charging more than its French competitor or vice versa--whereas it wouldn't be if the prices were quoted in francs and marks and had to be converted at the going exchange rate.", "hypothesis": "Once European prices are showed in euros, you can see German companies cost more than French."} {"idx": "mnli-9549", "premise": "yeah you know the less actually the less you spend on a car it seems like luxury cars they're called luxury cars even though they're much more expensive like like uh um a Mercedes Benz they don't have the history of breaking down or things like that that would go wrong would definitely not be considered disposable", "hypothesis": "Mercedes Benz cars are considered disposable because they break down so frequently."} {"idx": "mnli-9550", "premise": "ARL's performance measures gauge the relevance of ARL's current work to the agency's long-term goals and give ARL's leaders indicators of productivity and quality.", "hypothesis": "ARL's performance measures give leaders signs of productivity and quality."} {"idx": "mnli-9551", "premise": "of the actual stuff but they didn't they didn't age it", "hypothesis": "The stuff was very old"} {"idx": "mnli-9552", "premise": "if they'd been anywhere else i don't you know i don't care where it was anywhere in the United States they could have played but beings they was in Louisville they couldn't play", "hypothesis": "They never get the chance to play in Louisville."} {"idx": "mnli-9553", "premise": "Today in most villages on Martinique and Guadeloupe there are still quimboiseurs who mix the mysterious concoctions.", "hypothesis": "Potions are still being created in a variety of villages on Martinique and Guadeloupe."} {"idx": "mnli-9554", "premise": "And then, at 6:30am on D-Day, came the first of a fleet of 4,266 vessels to turn the beaches into beachheads with their now famous code Sword, Juno, Gold, Omaha, and Utah.", "hypothesis": "As the beaches were turned into beachheads, enemy scouts sought to warn their leader."} {"idx": "mnli-9555", "premise": "Nor is it clear that such action would conflict with the purpose underlying section 330.", "hypothesis": "It is clear whether such action would conflict with the purpose underlying section 330."} {"idx": "mnli-9556", "premise": "They don't have the time.", "hypothesis": "They don't have any more time. "} {"idx": "mnli-9557", "premise": "7 billion would be incurred slaughtering at-risk cattle culled to prevent BSE spread, and that costs of $593 million would be incurred imposing feed regulations at the time BSE was detected.", "hypothesis": "The cost would be covered by the feed regulations."} {"idx": "mnli-9558", "premise": "\"Senor Kirby knows his business,\"the Mexican admitted.", "hypothesis": "Se\u00f1or Kirby doesn't know anything...\" "} {"idx": "mnli-9559", "premise": "Under each scenario, the costs of meeting the emission constraints are included in the price of electricity.", "hypothesis": "All prices of electricity include the costs of meeting emission constraints."} {"idx": "mnli-9560", "premise": "and uh we try to take a vacation with them every year camping of some sort something that wasn't expensive and uh our youngest is uh expecting her first baby so they're they're all out and on their own they're and we have one to get married yet and they'll all be married uh and they're they're all doing pretty good they uh two lives in Pittsburgh you probably don't know where that is", "hypothesis": "Our youngest daughter is pregnant and two of our sons live in Pittsburgh."} {"idx": "mnli-9561", "premise": "i thought well with you know if that's really true then then i guess i agreed with the extra premium", "hypothesis": "I think it makes a lot of sense to have the extra premium."} {"idx": "mnli-9562", "premise": "Wolf Blitzer ( Late Edition ) and Tim Russert (NBC's Meet the Press ) ask Starr's spokesperson this very question about 10 different times, but he declines to respond in each instance.", "hypothesis": "They asked the question again but with more anger to try and get a response."} {"idx": "mnli-9563", "premise": "but i think they're going to i think they're really going to do good because it seems like they're finally all coming together", "hypothesis": "I believe they'll do well this year."} {"idx": "mnli-9564", "premise": "right yeah we weren't concerned yeah that's true", "hypothesis": "no, we were definitely concerned about it back then"} {"idx": "mnli-9565", "premise": "COST ALLOCATION - A method of assigning costs to activities, outputs, or other cost objects.", "hypothesis": "Cost allocation doesn't assign costs anywhere"} {"idx": "mnli-9566", "premise": "Vacationers come for the great diving, windsurfing, and other watersports.", "hypothesis": "It is completely landlocked, with no lakes nearby."} {"idx": "mnli-9567", "premise": "Bloodlust still filled the huge man's black eyes until he saw Jon.", "hypothesis": "Jon was never seen by the man."} {"idx": "mnli-9568", "premise": "If this is the case, the cost curve would turn almost horizontal at the cost for this operation.", "hypothesis": "The cost curve is affected by the different cases."} {"idx": "mnli-9569", "premise": "I know, Malok.", "hypothesis": "I'm aware of that, Malok."} {"idx": "mnli-9570", "premise": "They asked Fieldstone to trade a deed to the house for $60,000, enough cash to let the Ledfords buy a condo.", "hypothesis": "The ledford's asked fieldstone to trade a deed to their house fir $60,000 so that they could buy a condo. "} {"idx": "mnli-9571", "premise": "With that in mind, he suggested listing the full spectrum of alcohol problems, from risky drinking to alcohol abuse to alcohol dependency.", "hypothesis": "He suggested listing all the problems that stem from drug use."} {"idx": "mnli-9572", "premise": "oh is that yours okay well and it's been nice talking to you", "hypothesis": "Glad we got to talk"} {"idx": "mnli-9573", "premise": "incorrect things that's even worse uh or if my call rate of of eight to or so a week went up even higher because uh someone had had", "hypothesis": "The only thing better is incorrect information."} {"idx": "mnli-9574", "premise": "they do real good especially impatiens because you tend to get shade when you're on a porch area part of the time", "hypothesis": "Anything that requires shade will not grow properly here--we can only grow full-sun plants."} {"idx": "mnli-9575", "premise": "His popularity is said to be at an all-time low.", "hypothesis": "His popularity is at an all time high."} {"idx": "mnli-9576", "premise": "While they sound similar, the two principles are extremely different.", "hypothesis": "The two principles take a very long time to learn."} {"idx": "mnli-9577", "premise": "The tax is recognized as a nonexchange revenue by the entity that is legally entitled to the amount.", "hypothesis": "There is no legal entity that recognizes tax."} {"idx": "mnli-9578", "premise": "Will you repeat to us what you overheard of the quarrel?", "hypothesis": "Will you tell us what you heard?"} {"idx": "mnli-9579", "premise": "Outside auditors bear varying degrees of responsibility for these recent failures, but they don't bear all the responsibility.", "hypothesis": "They used to bear all the responsibility, but they changed those rules. "} {"idx": "mnli-9580", "premise": "Leave the car behind and take the Porte de la Chapelle line on the m??tro from Concorde to Abbesses.", "hypothesis": "The metro does not run from Concorde to Abbesses."} {"idx": "mnli-9581", "premise": "Possibly a house but I think a flat.", "hypothesis": "Possibly a big house or a small flat."} {"idx": "mnli-9582", "premise": "The beginning of Babitch's troubles (Rapaport) (58 seconds) :", "hypothesis": "Babitch's troubles continued for a long time"} {"idx": "mnli-9583", "premise": "Funding from the EU has been heavily invested in the island's infrastructure and fishing industry.", "hypothesis": "The island received no support from the European Union."} {"idx": "mnli-9584", "premise": "133 \"Aha!\" he cried. ", "hypothesis": "He then exclaimed, \"Aha!\""} {"idx": "mnli-9585", "premise": "and the trim instead of painting i stained", "hypothesis": "I painted the trim instead of staining it."} {"idx": "mnli-9586", "premise": "An authentic blowpipe is one of the most accomplished pieces of indigenous workmanship in all of Malaysia.", "hypothesis": "Blowpipes, however authentic, require little to no skill or knowledge of the craft, and so are of little value in Malaysia. "} {"idx": "mnli-9587", "premise": "so it's uh Bishu like every Sunday you go out and you buy all these parts of the cow and then you just cook them over a grill that's like in our house it's already built in there's this whole special place in the back so that you can make a barbecue", "hypothesis": "Every Sunday we buy a pig and spit roast it and it feeds all our guests."} {"idx": "mnli-9588", "premise": "This is what I want to do - to give back to the community, said Mazzariello, who worked under Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes from 1990 to 1993, followed by a stint as the Board of Education's chief prosecutor.", "hypothesis": "Mazzariello was retiring."} {"idx": "mnli-9589", "premise": "i i don't either it's a really delicate uh moral issue because if if you have well i guess the one thing i do see that is is that needs to be a solution is that if you do let people into the country i do feel you have a certain obligation", "hypothesis": "It's an easy problem to solve."} {"idx": "mnli-9590", "premise": "I paid good money!", "hypothesis": "I overpaid for this!"} {"idx": "mnli-9591", "premise": "no no it it looks like a grub yeah okay whenever you yeah a lure a fly", "hypothesis": "It looks like a grub."} {"idx": "mnli-9592", "premise": "and then some of the local guys down there they they took me out to all of these places you know and it's it's really uh it's unique and i think i don't know if it's psychological or not but i think the beef down there is out out of this world we we just don't get the quality up here like like you have", "hypothesis": "I hate beef."} {"idx": "mnli-9593", "premise": "i don't know could be the t he economic still You know the there's the poverty level is certainly uh you know much worse in the Latin American countries i mean you can say that about Africa too i think it has something to do with the poverty level because Africa is certainly not a Catholic uh country and yet", "hypothesis": "Poverty is concerning no matter where it is found."} {"idx": "mnli-9594", "premise": "Finally, he poured a few drops of the coco into a test tube, sealing it up carefully. ", "hypothesis": "He put drops in a cup."} {"idx": "mnli-9595", "premise": "Really? Miss Aldonka said sweely.", "hypothesis": "Miss Aldonka sweetly said really."} {"idx": "mnli-9596", "premise": "i don't know but uh yeah i guess next week's supposed to be real nice outside i hope it is anyway because uh softball season starts and we're ready to to go outside and do some outdoor activities", "hypothesis": "I hope we can go outside this weekend. "} {"idx": "mnli-9597", "premise": "Exhibit 2 Analytic Sequence for Multi-Emissions Reduction Proposal Benefits Analysis", "hypothesis": "Exhibit 2 has been presented to the court as an analysis yesterday."} {"idx": "mnli-9598", "premise": "Those voters' wishes expressed in polls even trumped the voters' own wishes as expressed at the ballot box (since the essence of term limits was to limit the voters' right to vote for whom they wanted).", "hypothesis": "The polls aptly reflected the wishes that the voters wished to advance. "} {"idx": "mnli-9599", "premise": "Postal Service were to reduce delivery frequency.", "hypothesis": "The postal service could deliver twice a day."} {"idx": "mnli-9600", "premise": "Inside is an image of the clan's patron, Tua Sai Yeah, a renowned general of the Ch'in dynasty (221 207 b.c. ). Other houses nearby date back to the mid-19th century.", "hypothesis": "In image of Tua Sai Yeah can be seen inside."} {"idx": "mnli-9601", "premise": "Then he put the thought of Tuppence resolutely aside.", "hypothesis": "His love unrequited, he attempted to think of other things."} {"idx": "mnli-9602", "premise": "It is unfortunate, but in the eyes of funders, it is perceived as a zero sum game.", "hypothesis": "To funders, sadly, it seems that it is a zero sum game."} {"idx": "mnli-9603", "premise": "Thank you for Sickbed Populism, your well-balanced article on health maintenance organizations.", "hypothesis": "We are not aware that you wrote any article."} {"idx": "mnli-9604", "premise": "Yet in the summer months Hokkaido's mountains and lake country are mild enough for good camping and hiking.", "hypothesis": "Hokkaido's mountains are too cold in the winter for hiking."} {"idx": "mnli-9605", "premise": "Where does it rank in the Great Man Theory of Tour Bus History?", "hypothesis": "The Great Man Theory of Tour Bus History is a name that many find catchy, but difficult to pronounce."} {"idx": "mnli-9606", "premise": "The foundations of the fort can still be seen, but artifacts from the site are displayed in the Huntly House Museum in Edinburgh.", "hypothesis": "The Huntly House Museum is a museum for modern art."} {"idx": "mnli-9607", "premise": "Haynes Johnson ( NewsHour ) credits him with bringing the South and Sunbelt into the GOP.", "hypothesis": "Haynes Johnson says he brought the South into the GOP"} {"idx": "mnli-9608", "premise": "there are too many children that are just conceived and produced and dropped on society", "hypothesis": "There is an overabundance of illegitimate children."} {"idx": "mnli-9609", "premise": "yes it is seems very high it hasn't bothered me but i know the people that have allergies it seems to be a pretty high", "hypothesis": "I'm not aware of it bothering anyone."} {"idx": "mnli-9610", "premise": "No use was made of the draft treaty as might very easily have been done and we therefore came to the conclusion that Danvers had, after all, destroyed it.", "hypothesis": "Danvers burned the draft treaty to destroy it."} {"idx": "mnli-9611", "premise": "For completion of all actions for which allowances from the Reserve may be earned has passed.", "hypothesis": "For completion of actions for which allowances from the Reserve, has concluded and will never be present again."} {"idx": "mnli-9612", "premise": "HI trust fund balance", "hypothesis": "The value of assets in the HI trust."} {"idx": "mnli-9613", "premise": "On these technical points I bow to your decision, murmured Mr. Beresford.", "hypothesis": "Mr. Beresford was convinced by his decision after considering the technical points."} {"idx": "mnli-9614", "premise": "This force supposedly makes stars self-organize into galaxies, and inanimate molecules, into living cells.", "hypothesis": "The force explaining why stars form galaxies remains unknown. "} {"idx": "mnli-9615", "premise": " Fortunately, the whole family can enjoy a hint of the thrills of undersea swimming.", "hypothesis": "Only adults can enjoy undersea swimming."} {"idx": "mnli-9616", "premise": "France's office de tourisme in your own country and branches in larger towns through?\u00adout France can help you with information, brochures, lists of hotels and bed and breakfasts, names of English-speaking guides, and so forth.", "hypothesis": "The English-speaking guides aren't very well executed and hard to understand."} {"idx": "mnli-9617", "premise": "Then the cross-examination began. ", "hypothesis": "The cross examination was planned for the next day."} {"idx": "mnli-9618", "premise": "My dear Mr. Whittington, she said, \"let us by all means lay our cards upon the table.", "hypothesis": "She did not propose a resolution to Mr. Whittington."} {"idx": "mnli-9619", "premise": "They would not want to leave and the river spikes would not be enough.", "hypothesis": "The river spikes would be enough on their own."} {"idx": "mnli-9620", "premise": "like the site where he was going to be or whatever", "hypothesis": "The place he was heading to or something."} {"idx": "mnli-9621", "premise": "After him came the others.", "hypothesis": "There were others that followed him."} {"idx": "mnli-9622", "premise": "You'll laugh at me. She smiled. ", "hypothesis": "He did not think she would laugh at him. "} {"idx": "mnli-9623", "premise": "Inside is a restaurant, retail shops, and the Santa Monica Museum of Art, which showcases the avant-garde and performance art of contemporary artists from Southern Caleornia.", "hypothesis": "Showcases of the avant-garde and perforamnce art of contemporary artists from South California are the main attraction."} {"idx": "mnli-9624", "premise": "For current listings of all resort entertainment, pick up a free copy of Showbiz Weekly or What's On In Las Vegas, the two most comprehensive visitor guides.", "hypothesis": "The two most comprehensive visitor guides have listings of resort entertainment."} {"idx": "mnli-9625", "premise": "no i just wonder what's going to happen to the hostage to the the hostages that's over in Lebanon now that you hear all kinds of things", "hypothesis": "There are hostages in Lebanon right now."} {"idx": "mnli-9626", "premise": "Supposing Julius did not get there in time.", "hypothesis": "Assuming that Julius is delayed along the way."} {"idx": "mnli-9627", "premise": "Not much to look at but you've done good work, it seems.", "hypothesis": "Even with all the detail, I don't think you have done your best."} {"idx": "mnli-9628", "premise": "because they just say there's either no room in the system you know in the jails for them or you know it's just that it seems like the automatic sentences if if a judge has leeway on what he's going to you know sentence someone for between you know two months and uh fifty years and you know what's his whim to decide it should be two months", "hypothesis": "The judge might decide to give them forty years when the automatic sentence is only two years."} {"idx": "mnli-9629", "premise": "and i'm sitting in this tent in my sleeping bag freezing so i said oh time to get this heater cranked up so i cranked up the heater and this things going of course i got it going full bore i run out of propane so here it is about three o'clock in the morning and i've got to hike back to my car to get more propane", "hypothesis": "There is some propane sitting in my car."} {"idx": "mnli-9630", "premise": "Under the altar, a silver disc surrounds a hole marking the place where, tradition says, Jesus's crosewas raised alongside those of the two thieves on either side.", "hypothesis": "There is a gold disc that surrounds the hole."} {"idx": "mnli-9631", "premise": "'Mr. White said he'd feel better with one of us in the pilot's chair.", "hypothesis": "Mr White said he would like if one of us was the pilot."} {"idx": "mnli-9632", "premise": "What he may not realize is that we really didn't know how to measure output in a medium-tech industrial economy, either.", "hypothesis": "We haven't figured out how to measure the output of an industrial economy that uses medium-tech just yet."} {"idx": "mnli-9633", "premise": "Another example is the mandates issue.", "hypothesis": "The mandates issue is not an example."} {"idx": "mnli-9634", "premise": "It leads into the Second Court, also known as the Court of the Divan, because the Imperial Council (known as the Divan) governed the Ottoman Empire from here.", "hypothesis": "The Imperial Council, which was also called the Divan, used this court to rule the Ottoman Empire."} {"idx": "mnli-9635", "premise": "to the most perilous feats of the sporting field, are no more than a system of gymnastics designed to ...", "hypothesis": "Gymnastics is the safest sport and easiest to meet goals."} {"idx": "mnli-9636", "premise": "After three days of intensive training they completed the course with honors.", "hypothesis": "Even though they trained hard, they couldn't complete the course."} {"idx": "mnli-9637", "premise": "Figure 4 shows that the Poste Italiane profit margin distribution is much less skewed than the U.S.", "hypothesis": "Profit margins are only mentioned in Figure 11."} {"idx": "mnli-9638", "premise": "The Nixon Analogy: Why the Flytrap-Watergate comparison will backfire.", "hypothesis": "The argument is that there are too many differences between the two scandals to make proper comparisons."} {"idx": "mnli-9639", "premise": "Beautifully landscaped gardens and a private bay giving the resort its name.", "hypothesis": "The gardens are patchy and dying."} {"idx": "mnli-9640", "premise": "well actually the little gray tabby wanders out in the back yard occasionally i have an eight foot uh security type fence out in the backyard she just kind of goes out and rolls around on the patio and comes back in", "hypothesis": "A little cat wanders around in my back yard sometimes. "} {"idx": "mnli-9641", "premise": "Texas Instruments thirty thousand people in the whole area right and then my building inside it's fairly large and there's no reason for me to have to go from point A to point B in an hour and a half", "hypothesis": "I see no point in me moving from point A to B in an hour and a half."} {"idx": "mnli-9642", "premise": "The training was structured to allow participants to subsequently train colleagues who did not attend the sessions.", "hypothesis": "The training forbid participants to train colleagues who weren't at the sessions."} {"idx": "mnli-9643", "premise": "The number would be even higher for the new 8-hour ozone standard.", "hypothesis": "There is no new standard."} {"idx": "mnli-9644", "premise": "After listening 59 intently for a minute or two, he put his head round the curtain.", "hypothesis": "He put his head round the curtain after listening intently."} {"idx": "mnli-9645", "premise": "do you when you go to the Texans i have to ask you and if this is getting to we're not supposed to get too particular but i'm just curious", "hypothesis": "We're not supposed to get too particular."} {"idx": "mnli-9646", "premise": "you know and i could see he was probably selling it for these other people and we were doing these posters uh for drug antidrug campaign and all these little first graders were always drawing these pictures of ice cream trucks", "hypothesis": "We made posters to tell people not to do drugs."} {"idx": "mnli-9647", "premise": "That, of course, is precisely why Java has become such fertile ground for cyberevangelism.", "hypothesis": "Programmers use Java."} {"idx": "mnli-9648", "premise": "If he is all that you say it would amuse me to try!", "hypothesis": "Based on what you have told me it would bring me no pleasure to try. "} {"idx": "mnli-9649", "premise": "Still Rise Despite Reforms, GAO/HRD-87-21.", "hypothesis": "Reforms help us fall down. "} {"idx": "mnli-9650", "premise": "i've got a brown thumb that's what everything turns", "hypothesis": "My thumb is brown just like how everything ends up."} {"idx": "mnli-9651", "premise": "He turned and put his hand on San'doro's shoulder.", "hypothesis": "He ignored San'doro."} {"idx": "mnli-9652", "premise": "I think nothing. ", "hypothesis": "I'm thinking about a lot of different scenarios."} {"idx": "mnli-9653", "premise": "Tudjman has putatively supported capitalism, but his idea of free enterprise is to privatize industries and give them to his friends.", "hypothesis": "Tudjman supports capitalism as long as it is chroney-captilism."} {"idx": "mnli-9654", "premise": "Some of the palm trees in the area provide shade for beach resorts in Goa and Kerala.", "hypothesis": "Goa and Kerala have many breach resorts."} {"idx": "mnli-9655", "premise": "Mykonos is a state of mind as well as a place.", "hypothesis": "Mykonos is both a state of mind as well as a place."} {"idx": "mnli-9656", "premise": "1914: Panama Canal Opens New Era of Global Trade in Panama Hats", "hypothesis": "Global trade has been in existence for a while."} {"idx": "mnli-9657", "premise": "Many other sugary confections have names which betray their origins in the harem dilber duda ( lips of the beloved ), hanem gobe e ( lady's navel ), and belbel yuvase ( nightingale's nest ).", "hypothesis": "Some sugary makings go against their original."} {"idx": "mnli-9658", "premise": "i teach but i teach for Dallas", "hypothesis": "I am a teacher in Dallas."} {"idx": "mnli-9659", "premise": "Now if he promised he wouldn't tell on you, he didn't.", "hypothesis": "He didn't give up your secret."} {"idx": "mnli-9660", "premise": "i i can believe that", "hypothesis": "I refuse to believe."} {"idx": "mnli-9661", "premise": "Poor Mexican street fighters are brought to the United States by unscrupulous promoters to serve as patsies for American boxers.", "hypothesis": "The promoters that bring in Mexican patsies have good morals."} {"idx": "mnli-9662", "premise": "yeah cut trying to cut it sideways on an angle and turning around you know without it tipping over was a pain", "hypothesis": "It was shockingly easy to cut and turn the thing without tipping it over."} {"idx": "mnli-9663", "premise": "Shopping is one of the delights of a trip to Crete and souvenirs abound in all ranges of price and quality.", "hypothesis": "Shopping is one of the highlights of Crete and can be accomplished with any budget."} {"idx": "mnli-9664", "premise": "Poirot looked at her keenly. ", "hypothesis": "Poirot wouldn't look at her. "} {"idx": "mnli-9665", "premise": "For those who look into the future and are concerned, there are some fundamental What can be done?", "hypothesis": "The future has already been decided and no one cares."} {"idx": "mnli-9666", "premise": "Sack of Rome by imperial troops", "hypothesis": "Imperial troops invaded Rome."} {"idx": "mnli-9667", "premise": "In addition to its responsibility to oversee management, the board also has a responsibility to shareholders and other stakeholders of the company, such as employees, creditors, and the public.", "hypothesis": "The board doesn't have any responsibility to the public. "} {"idx": "mnli-9668", "premise": "officials have played a key role in concocting the treaty and stewarding it to its conclusion.", "hypothesis": "Officials thought that the treaty was in the best interest of the world. "} {"idx": "mnli-9669", "premise": "Changes to be announced shortly are not expected to alter the key part, where the demon is ordered to leave the person, but to shorten the accompanying prayers and invocations.", "hypothesis": "There are many changes to be made but the part about the demon isn't changing."} {"idx": "mnli-9670", "premise": "The FWI's worst modern tragedy came in 1902 when the sophisticated city of Saint-Pierre was totally destroyed by the eruption of Mount Pel??e.", "hypothesis": "The FWI's biggest tragedy came in 1902 and affected 50,000 people."} {"idx": "mnli-9671", "premise": "yeah you know what i think's i bunch of bull too is whenever um they um really you know like nationwide or you know popular people they do have a problem and they come out and they say they're having the problem so then they get more publicity because they admitted they have a problem and they're trying to fix it", "hypothesis": "Celebrities are ignored when they bring up their person problems to the public."} {"idx": "mnli-9672", "premise": "and i i remember that it was on into May before it really started warming up", "hypothesis": "I recall that it started warming up in May. "} {"idx": "mnli-9673", "premise": "Even knowing it was but a statue carved by man did little to reduce his wonder.", "hypothesis": "A woman had whittled the statue."} {"idx": "mnli-9674", "premise": "Currently the bank has about 5,000 branches and 180,000 employees.", "hypothesis": "The bank is in all fifty states. "} {"idx": "mnli-9675", "premise": "Slate is already part of PointCast, which puts information you select on your screensaver.", "hypothesis": "Point cast is a really useful program."} {"idx": "mnli-9676", "premise": "He winked knowingly to his own self in four years time.", "hypothesis": "He winked when he thought about how he had changed."} {"idx": "mnli-9677", "premise": "You'll have to walk despite the pain.\"", "hypothesis": "You have to sit down."} {"idx": "mnli-9678", "premise": "yeah well tell me about your van do you like it", "hypothesis": "I really don't want a van. "} {"idx": "mnli-9679", "premise": "The data-collection guidelines emphasize appropriateness of data-collection methods, evaluator training, and information sources.", "hypothesis": "The guidelines cover data-collection methods, as well as evaluator training, and information sources."} {"idx": "mnli-9680", "premise": "Hockey is a British import, in which the Indians have surpassed their former masters.", "hypothesis": "Although hockey is a British sport, the Indians have excelled over their masters"} {"idx": "mnli-9681", "premise": "However, they noted that more detailed guidelines often provided answers to employees' questions and served as a tool for educating subordinate security managers and others who wanted a more thorough understanding of good security practices.", "hypothesis": "The remarked that thorough guidelines are useful for educating security managers in lower ranks. "} {"idx": "mnli-9682", "premise": "you slowly feed out more and more", "hypothesis": "You let out a little bit at a time."} {"idx": "mnli-9683", "premise": "Sure I'm from home.", "hypothesis": "I was born from home."} {"idx": "mnli-9684", "premise": "Statewide, Legal Aid will lose about $800,000 in federal funds - a cut of about 13 percent from the $6 million it got this year from the federal Legal Services Corp., which provides most of the money for Legal Aid.", "hypothesis": "Legal Aid will lose approximately $800,000 in federal funds statewide."} {"idx": "mnli-9685", "premise": "The last Christian service ever to be held in Haghia Sophia took place on 28 May 1453, the day before Constantinople finally fell to the Turks.", "hypothesis": "Christian services are still occasionally held in the Hagia Sophia today."} {"idx": "mnli-9686", "premise": "The paper's art critic compared the exhibit to unprocessed sewage and said that if Emin wins the prize, as she very well might, her victory will testify not to the vitality of British art but to a campaign of promotion so brazen that it has left even the cynical London art world awestruck.", "hypothesis": "The art world of London has always been cynical."} {"idx": "mnli-9687", "premise": "Both of them wore boiled leather armor, Adrin's the brown leather of the bandit from whom he took it and Jon's the black hard leather of the Gray Wolves.", "hypothesis": "Adrin had no armor."} {"idx": "mnli-9688", "premise": "Tommy proceeded leisurely.", "hypothesis": "Tommy didn't like being rushed."} {"idx": "mnli-9689", "premise": "But I have been unable to visualize one think-tank scholar killing another.", "hypothesis": "It seems absurd to think of a think tank scholar killing someone."} {"idx": "mnli-9690", "premise": "Sharing performance information can provide employees with a more meaningful perspective about how their day-to-day activities contribute toward the organization's goals and objectives.", "hypothesis": "Employees get a good idea of their daily activities and how they help the organization's goals."} {"idx": "mnli-9691", "premise": "Gauve was silent for a long time.", "hypothesis": "Gauve didn't make a sound."} {"idx": "mnli-9692", "premise": "Yes, Health Care Is Unfair", "hypothesis": "Health care is expensive and unfair"} {"idx": "mnli-9693", "premise": "and uh we had a couple of lakes out there that we'd go and and go fishing and then camp out and uh seemed like it always rain or something you know something had to go wrong and uh we were never prepared for it", "hypothesis": "There's a couple lakes we'd go fishing at but when we'd camp something would always go wrong."} {"idx": "mnli-9694", "premise": "i enjoy doing that", "hypothesis": "There are few things I enjoy doing more."} {"idx": "mnli-9695", "premise": "But that is the exact situation that many low- and moderate-income taxpayers face when being audited by the Internal Revenue Service.", "hypothesis": "But that is the situation many low income taxpayers end up in when audited by the IRS."} {"idx": "mnli-9696", "premise": "Al Gore, explaining just when he plans to set off those sarin gas capsules he's carefully hidden around the country during his eight years as vice president.", "hypothesis": "Al Gore is planning to set off the sarin gas capsules to get revenge on his political enemies."} {"idx": "mnli-9697", "premise": ".. It must be said that this kind of approach is very tricky.", "hypothesis": "This kind of approach is easy, and not tricky at all."} {"idx": "mnli-9698", "premise": "Syrian and Egyptian gods were worshipped here.", "hypothesis": "Many Gods were worshiped here."} {"idx": "mnli-9699", "premise": "There are also reports that after a couple of days, spurred by concerns about legal responsibility, family member advice, or rationalizations, patient openness to discuss drinking and other problem behaviors decreases dramatically.", "hypothesis": "People will be more likely to discuss drinking problems if they are given time to consider their situation."} {"idx": "mnli-9700", "premise": "Dukakis is making Hamlet look like the rock of Gibraltar in the way he's acted on this.", "hypothesis": "The way that Dukakis has acted makes hamlet look like the rock of Gibraltar. "} {"idx": "mnli-9701", "premise": "The seventh century El Moallaqah or The Hanging Church gets its name from its location it was built between two towers of the Roman gate and claims to be the oldest church in Egypt as its foundations date from the fourth century.", "hypothesis": "The Hanging Church was finished after three centuries from the foundation built date."} {"idx": "mnli-9702", "premise": "Rather than call this plan a solution, as Lott did, the AP reported that DeLay had conceived it as 'a little trick' that would put Clinton at risk of being blamed for a shutdown.", "hypothesis": "DeLay knew Clinton was going to get away with this."} {"idx": "mnli-9703", "premise": "Modern tradition demands that you climb up through the bubbling cascades as part of a human chain.", "hypothesis": "Modern tradition demands that you climb up through the cascades as part of a human chain."} {"idx": "mnli-9704", "premise": "He has not been forgiven.", "hypothesis": "There is still a grudge against him."} {"idx": "mnli-9705", "premise": "Sumo tournaments are held in January, May, and September at the Kuramae Kokugikan in Tokyo, during March in Osaka, in July in Nagoya, and in November in Fukuoka (Kyushu).", "hypothesis": "Sumo tournaments are held in specific months."} {"idx": "mnli-9706", "premise": "As it waits to learn the fate of its contaminated office building across from the World Trade Center, the Legal Aid Society has turned its attention to a new home for its Harlem neighborhood division.", "hypothesis": "They are trying to find an edge that is in a good neighborhood, but provides access to the poorer regions of Harlem."} {"idx": "mnli-9707", "premise": "Renderings of the new office, provided by the building's architect, The Phillips Group, bear some resemblance to the agency's Church Street building in Lower Manhattan, which was contaminated with toxins during last year's World Trade Center attacks.", "hypothesis": "The new office was designed by The Postal Group."} {"idx": "mnli-9708", "premise": "yeah well it things are different when uh everybody in in fact that it that was Vietnam era i was in fact i went to Vietnam myself", "hypothesis": "The Vietnam era is comparable to how it is now."} {"idx": "mnli-9709", "premise": "The most spectacular art treasures of the church are its gorgeous Byzantine mosaics, glittering Old Testament scenes high on the walls (don't forget the binoculars), and a triumphant Mary and Jesus enthroned in the apse over the high altar.", "hypothesis": "There are a number of Byzantine mosaics inside the church. "} {"idx": "mnli-9710", "premise": "Dean Harbaugh expressed skepticism about the cent ral thesis of Paper Chase to Money Chase, that debt-strapped young attorneys cannot afford public law careers.", "hypothesis": "Dean Harbaugh fully supported the financial stability of young lawyers."} {"idx": "mnli-9711", "premise": "that's what i think so", "hypothesis": "that's also what I think too"} {"idx": "mnli-9712", "premise": "Pre-1992 loans and loan guarantees that are modified shall each, respectively, constitute a single cohort.", "hypothesis": "30% of pre-1992 loans defaulted."} {"idx": "mnli-9713", "premise": "Anything'll eat fruit.\" ", "hypothesis": "Nothing will eat meat."} {"idx": "mnli-9714", "premise": "He has already announced that he plans to run for president in the year 2000 (the law bans Yeltsin from taking part in that election, but Primakov is another likely candidate).", "hypothesis": "He has raised $10million for his 2000 campaign."} {"idx": "mnli-9715", "premise": "Its strong stone walls, which survived both fires in the 16th century, sheltered rooms that were occupied by Mary Stuart and her second husband, Lord Darnley, in the 1560s.", "hypothesis": "The stone didn't survive any fires, no fires ravaged through. "} {"idx": "mnli-9716", "premise": "about Mexico and and uh some of the other areas but with the Persian Gulf as you said it's just uh been very quiet i i keep pretty close tabs on the paper and you don't hardly see a unless it's there and we're just not seeing it", "hypothesis": "I'm still expecting a conflict to flare up soon."} {"idx": "mnli-9717", "premise": "On May 31 and June 1, 2001, approximately fifty equal justice advocates gathered in Washington, DC for LSC's and NLADA's first national conference on diversity in the legal services community.", "hypothesis": "The advocates considered this the most important conference of the year."} {"idx": "mnli-9718", "premise": "Which tradition does John belong to?", "hypothesis": "Why does John lack any traditions?"} {"idx": "mnli-9719", "premise": "Jon spoke again, nodding his head slightly.", "hypothesis": "Jon nodded his head as he spoke."} {"idx": "mnli-9720", "premise": "Readers should recognize, however, that as time shortens, so may the value of the method as a way of presenting a comprehensive understanding of the event as a whole.", "hypothesis": "Readers should recognize, however, that as time shortens, so may the value of the method as a way of presenting a comprehensive understanding of the event."} {"idx": "mnli-9721", "premise": "Therefore, EPA decided in 1992 to launch the National Environmental Goals Project, a long-range planning initiative under which it would involve its stakeholders in developing measurable goals for EPA to pursue in improving the quality of the nation's environment.", "hypothesis": " EPA, in 1999 launched the National Environmental Goals Project"} {"idx": "mnli-9722", "premise": "But after the election, says Blankley, there is a 99.", "hypothesis": "after the election, Blankley said there is a 90"} {"idx": "mnli-9723", "premise": "Shadows here were not gray or black; they were violet and purple.", "hypothesis": "The shadows were pitch black."} {"idx": "mnli-9724", "premise": "Beresford was there.", "hypothesis": "They were waiting."} {"idx": "mnli-9725", "premise": "Bauer failed to disprove the possibility of impropriety.", "hypothesis": "Bauer succeeded in proving impropriety. "} {"idx": "mnli-9726", "premise": "yeah in fact we went we went once to a lean-to and it um i mean there wasn't any electricity on the camp site but it was all right but we only spent two nights there i wouldn't want to spend more than two nights i wouldn't want to go for like a week but um", "hypothesis": "I could spend weeks in the middle of the forest. "} {"idx": "mnli-9727", "premise": "Founded by Mary Louisa Armitt in 1909, it provided a resource for scholars in the area; she donated her own collection of books, which encouraged others to follow suit.", "hypothesis": "Established in the early 20th century, it served as a resource for local scholars. "} {"idx": "mnli-9728", "premise": "we decided the only way we could afford vacations is to go camping", "hypothesis": "We cannot afford camping or any other activity."} {"idx": "mnli-9729", "premise": "The bacillus was not happy with it at all.", "hypothesis": "Most of the men were happy about it."} {"idx": "mnli-9730", "premise": "But, they said, the proposal would save $10 million by eliminating more than 300 lawyers at the Administration for Children's Services, many of whom prosecute neglect and abuse cases in Family Court.", "hypothesis": "More likely, though, the proposal would only save $5 million."} {"idx": "mnli-9731", "premise": "oh yeah that's something", "hypothesis": "That sure is something."} {"idx": "mnli-9732", "premise": "yeah i know how you feel about that that's true what's what's uh what's the best part of your game do you think", "hypothesis": "What do you think is the worst part of the game?"} {"idx": "mnli-9733", "premise": "But I've got to trust some one and it must be a woman.", "hypothesis": "I won't ever trust a woman."} {"idx": "mnli-9734", "premise": "Superjumbo?", "hypothesis": "Bigger than the rest?"} {"idx": "mnli-9735", "premise": "Recognizing this trap, Clinton instructed his aides not to gloat.", "hypothesis": "Clinton told his people to ignore the trap."} {"idx": "mnli-9736", "premise": "Sayong pottery, from Perakiahas a glossy black color.", "hypothesis": "Made in Perakiahas, Sayong pottery is glossy black in color."} {"idx": "mnli-9737", "premise": "and they do forestry work they maintain trails and they uh put up signs and they do fire prevention work and certainly things of that sort", "hypothesis": "They work a 9-5 job sitting in an office."} {"idx": "mnli-9738", "premise": "A friend of mine.", "hypothesis": "One of my friends. "} {"idx": "mnli-9739", "premise": "when she when she was younger she used to do that to get even with me", "hypothesis": "She used to do that to get under my skin."} {"idx": "mnli-9740", "premise": "no i'm in uh Maryland", "hypothesis": "I've never been to Maryland."} {"idx": "mnli-9741", "premise": "Any inefficiency would exacerbate the loss.", "hypothesis": "It's possible to mitigate the fallout from the loss by being as efficient as possible."} {"idx": "mnli-9742", "premise": "Since the early 1990s, however, personal saving has steadily declined to -0.", "hypothesis": "People save less and less these days."} {"idx": "mnli-9743", "premise": "Irradiation is saying we have to have fecal matter in our hamburgers.", "hypothesis": "Irradiation causes fecal matter in our food, said the biologist."} {"idx": "mnli-9744", "premise": "It has become a deep inconvenience for average citizens to see their president, and a deep inconvenience for the president to see average citizens.", "hypothesis": "It is inconvenient for the president to see the average citizen."} {"idx": "mnli-9745", "premise": "well i think the war ended too soon", "hypothesis": "The war only lasted for several months."} {"idx": "mnli-9746", "premise": "uh Israel and the Middle East Arab countries and and when we have when we have a lot of problems right right in our own back door", "hypothesis": "We have enough of our own problems to deal with. "} {"idx": "mnli-9747", "premise": "right she could just as easily do those things by hand", "hypothesis": "She cannot do those things by hand at all. "} {"idx": "mnli-9748", "premise": "the the judge presently has an opportunity to intervene uh when there's uh my understanding when there's uh a verdict and it for example there's a hung jury here in Fort Worth two day in eight to four and bam bam the guy got off uh he was uh he he was a veterinarian and killed two a father and a son okay", "hypothesis": "A veterinarian who killed a father and son was not convicted because the judge got involved."} {"idx": "mnli-9749", "premise": "Under fast pay, examination of the invoice subsequent to payment authorization is sometimes referred to as post payment examination.", "hypothesis": "Under fast pay, the invoice is examined for payment authorization."} {"idx": "mnli-9750", "premise": "The dollar value for URS is the average of the dollar values for the 7 different types of URS.", "hypothesis": "7 different types of URS are averaged to find the dollar value for URS."} {"idx": "mnli-9751", "premise": "We all lived in a blast of publicity. ", "hypothesis": "We all live in a burst of publicity and derision."} {"idx": "mnli-9752", "premise": "i uh a friend of mine is a psychologist and he always refers to it as uh short-term pleasure oriented i guess he's a technical aspect he likes to apply to it", "hypothesis": "I am friends with a person who works as a psychologist."} {"idx": "mnli-9753", "premise": "they i don't see them getting i mean when i was undergraduate i went to a relatively small school for my first two years and then i transferred to a very large school", "hypothesis": "I went to a small school for my first two years and then transferred to a larger school."} {"idx": "mnli-9754", "premise": "The inanity of the experts and the dubious casting make these films about as erotic as ...", "hypothesis": "Poor casting resulted in the films not being sexy at all."} {"idx": "mnli-9755", "premise": "Despite the Journal 's best efforts, though, the tax code is progressive.", "hypothesis": "Despite the Journal, the tax code is progressive."} {"idx": "mnli-9756", "premise": "The winstubs of its old neighborhoods are gathering places for university students whose predecessors include Goethe.", "hypothesis": "College students just hang out in their dorms. "} {"idx": "mnli-9757", "premise": "Once he got out of these by-ways he would be safe.", "hypothesis": "He'd already been in the by-ways for an hour."} {"idx": "mnli-9758", "premise": "i wish that i could make myself exercise every day but i do force myself to do it at least three times a week which i don't feel like is enough but uh it's it's at least something you know it it i just force i have to force myself to do it like i said because to me i really don't enjoy it but i know that i have to do it i mean it's just it's it's not a question of whether i want to you know", "hypothesis": "I make myself exercise three times a week."} {"idx": "mnli-9759", "premise": "I believe \" He paused, then in a low, sinister voice he said slowly: \"Sometimes I believe that you would sell us!\" Mrs. Vandemeyer smiled and shrugged her shoulders.", "hypothesis": "He believes that Mrs Vandemeyer would never sell them."} {"idx": "mnli-9760", "premise": "These policies were assumed to change business and consumer behavior, result in new technological improvements, and expand the success of voluntary and information programs.", "hypothesis": "These policies were assumed to change the behavior of businesses and consumers and too result in technological improvements."} {"idx": "mnli-9761", "premise": "Reasons for exorbitant cost ($1.", "hypothesis": "There are no reasons as to why the cost is high."} {"idx": "mnli-9762", "premise": "If the assassins had won, the barrier to Fena Dim would open.", "hypothesis": "If the assassins had won, the barrier to Fena Dim would have remained closed."} {"idx": "mnli-9763", "premise": "a lot of people don't vote because they didn't register", "hypothesis": "People don't vote because they don't register to do so."} {"idx": "mnli-9764", "premise": "um-hum um-hum absolutely unfortunately unfortunately at a lot of times it responsibilities like that seem to fall to you know maybe one child in the whole family you know", "hypothesis": "Sometimes only one child gets all that responsibility. "} {"idx": "mnli-9765", "premise": "Where's the next draw?\" The notebook lay on the table between them.", "hypothesis": "The notebook could not be found anywhere on the table. "} {"idx": "mnli-9766", "premise": "She came in to-day.", "hypothesis": "She attended today and paid attention."} {"idx": "mnli-9767", "premise": "There's no need for lengthy, costly, uncertain litigation to enforce the law.", "hypothesis": "The law should be expensive and redundant and vague."} {"idx": "mnli-9768", "premise": "He retrieved it, and buried it neatly. ", "hypothesis": "He left it on the table."} {"idx": "mnli-9769", "premise": "Situated on its own private beach just ten minutes from the airport and seconds away from the coral reefs offshore.", "hypothesis": "They have a private beach."} {"idx": "mnli-9770", "premise": "They were denied my entree into the world of conservative journalism.", "hypothesis": "They graciously accepted me into their world."} {"idx": "mnli-9771", "premise": "Now these organizations that served what we used to think of as the West and the North are opening up to the developing and democratizing nations of the East and the South.", "hypothesis": "Those organizations are becoming more open to bringing democracy to nations East and South."} {"idx": "mnli-9772", "premise": "Three kinds of theories of history have been prominent in recent discussion--ending theories, wave theories, and cycle theories.", "hypothesis": "There are three kinds of theories of history."} {"idx": "mnli-9773", "premise": "(Incidentally, the WJC page, which links to the Washington Times site, boasts some of the most intrusive music of any site on the Web.)", "hypothesis": "The WJC page has the most intrusive music."} {"idx": "mnli-9774", "premise": "Fira is beautiful, but it can get oppressive when visitors crowd the narrow streets.", "hypothesis": "Visitors are known to crowd the streets, which are narrow as well."} {"idx": "mnli-9775", "premise": "How is he named, senor ?\" ", "hypothesis": "What is his name, sir?"} {"idx": "mnli-9776", "premise": ", magnesium or buffering agents) will reduce the amount of limestone needed.", "hypothesis": "Magnesuim won't reduce the amount of limestone needed."} {"idx": "mnli-9777", "premise": "Some might feel that healthy indifference to what politicians do in their private lives has gone too far when it covers allegations of rape.", "hypothesis": "There are allegations of rape against politicians."} {"idx": "mnli-9778", "premise": "Though Tutankhamun could have been among them, the Egyptian authorities made the decision to return him to the Valley of the Kings and he now rests once again in the inner sanctuary of his tomb in a stone sarcophagus.", "hypothesis": "Tutankhamen is surrounded by other Kings in his tomb."} {"idx": "mnli-9779", "premise": "yeah it was bad yes it was a big change", "hypothesis": "The change affected over one hundred people. "} {"idx": "mnli-9780", "premise": "But I guess I'd got the hump from standing so long in the rain, and anything seemed better than going on doing nothing.", "hypothesis": "But I guess I'd got the hump from standing so long in the rain since it was monsoon season."} {"idx": "mnli-9781", "premise": "The dollar and mark (and other currencies) don't go as far today as they once did, but foreign visitors and their Polish counterparts can only be pleased with the opening of trade and vastly improved selection of goods on the market.", "hypothesis": "Currencies in Poland have devalued."} {"idx": "mnli-9782", "premise": "Working together, the members reflect the interests of not just information technology and management, but the user community and the projectas stakeholders, and provide a holistic blend of technical, project management, value management, budget, finance, and procurement skills and capabilities to meet mission needs.", "hypothesis": "The members do not care about their user community."} {"idx": "mnli-9783", "premise": "The hotel is now owned appropriately by one of the richest men in the world, the Sultan of Brunei, who restored it to its blatant grandeur for a whopping $100 million.", "hypothesis": "The hotel was once very grand and then fell into disrepair, where it remains."} {"idx": "mnli-9784", "premise": "Of the notable stories in this collection, A Coupla Scalped Indians, published in 1956 and possibly a fragment for a new novel, is the biggest disappointment, since it is the latest Ellison work here.", "hypothesis": "A Coupla Scalped Indians was published in May of 1956."} {"idx": "mnli-9785", "premise": "why did they do it in the freezer", "hypothesis": "I know why they did it in the freezer."} {"idx": "mnli-9786", "premise": "Enclosures", "hypothesis": "Confinements."} {"idx": "mnli-9787", "premise": "The collection, housed in the former palace of Ibrahim Pa?\u0321, the son-in-law of Seleyman the Magnificent, includes illuminated Korans, inlaid Koran boxes, antique carpets, ceramics, and Persian miniatures.", "hypothesis": "Seleyman the Magnificent had no son-in-laws, or in-laws of any type. "} {"idx": "mnli-9788", "premise": "At the present rate of exchange it amounts to considerably over two hundred and fifty thousand pounds. ", "hypothesis": "The amount is two hundred and fifty-eight thousand pounds. "} {"idx": "mnli-9789", "premise": "They just chew you up and spit you out.", "hypothesis": "They treat you in a very harsh manner."} {"idx": "mnli-9790", "premise": "Coincidentally, this is also the state of our schools, according to News Quiz participants.", "hypothesis": "No one participated in the News Quiz. "} {"idx": "mnli-9791", "premise": "Indeed, as the capital ages, its history is increasingly becoming whatever associative past you can conjure up as ornament, reward, or weapon.", "hypothesis": "The capital's history is steadfast."} {"idx": "mnli-9792", "premise": "They may cut you down just to appease their bad luck.", "hypothesis": "They might sacrifice you to help themselves."} {"idx": "mnli-9793", "premise": "Many of the men who benefited were absentee landlords who needed people to manage the land for them.", "hypothesis": "The men paid the people who managed the land for them a lot."} {"idx": "mnli-9794", "premise": "Did the ALA logo help?", "hypothesis": "The ALA has no logo."} {"idx": "mnli-9795", "premise": "The Logic of Naturalistic Inquiry.", "hypothesis": "Naturalistic Inquiry is hard to understand."} {"idx": "mnli-9796", "premise": "The powerhouse of the modern economy, it is the city's role as a venue for peace talks, a focus for the Arab countries of the near east, and home of the Arab Council that is invaluable in these diplomatically uncertain times.", "hypothesis": "Arab countries typically have an economy centered around oil."} {"idx": "mnli-9797", "premise": "The insurance and gambling industries are based on these proclivities.", "hypothesis": "These tendencies are tendencies to over-estimate how much you will get back when you gamble."} {"idx": "mnli-9798", "premise": "okay i'm on a cordless phone and i was picking up uh some background noise so i just switched the channel up on it i didn't want to interfere with whatever they're trying to record so anyway", "hypothesis": "I was trying to be considerate to the people recording."} {"idx": "mnli-9799", "premise": "The local Theban god Amon became intertwined with Ra creating the deity Amon Ra and around 1800 b.c. , the female Osiris cult developed into a main deity.", "hypothesis": "Amon Ra was created around 2000 b.c."} {"idx": "mnli-9800", "premise": "On the upper floors are the royal collections of furniture, ceramics, and carved ivories.", "hypothesis": "The upper floors are where the most valuable items are stored."} {"idx": "mnli-9801", "premise": "but you know we're supposed to have moon colonies by now but uh yeah cold fusion would have been great", "hypothesis": "Cold fusion is clearly impossible just like the idea we'd be colonizing the moon today. "} {"idx": "mnli-9802", "premise": "I have been blaming myself ever since I heard this other news.\" Something in his tone attracted Tommy's attention.", "hypothesis": "\"I always blamed myself,\" he said, alerting Tommy."} {"idx": "mnli-9803", "premise": "One of the few surviving palace apartments is the principal harem, Rang Mahal (Palace of Color).", "hypothesis": "The Rang Mahal still survives today because it has been carefully conserved. "} {"idx": "mnli-9804", "premise": "People who speculate on the odds can be either upbeat or quite discouraging depending on what ax they have to grind.", "hypothesis": "Everyone who speculates on the odds is a real drag."} {"idx": "mnli-9805", "premise": "Well, it won't bear thinking of that brave little girl! ", "hypothesis": " The girl had faced something dangerous."} {"idx": "mnli-9806", "premise": "It is simple, dog-like gratitude for a reason to declare the presidential race more interesting.", "hypothesis": "It was so complex it made the election boring."} {"idx": "mnli-9807", "premise": "uh i'm in McKinney", "hypothesis": "I'm in the basement of your mom's house."} {"idx": "mnli-9808", "premise": "Dark oiled leather wrapped the handle.", "hypothesis": "The handle was wrapped with leather."} {"idx": "mnli-9809", "premise": " He bent to the floor, searching until he found a ball of the sky material that had been pinched off when the little opening was sealed.", "hypothesis": "The ball of sky material that he found had been pinched off when the small opening was sealed. "} {"idx": "mnli-9810", "premise": "But few would discard laws against organ selling.", "hypothesis": "Few would get rid of laws that are against selling organs."} {"idx": "mnli-9811", "premise": "It charts the history of Scotland, bringing under one roof a number of important collections of artifacts.", "hypothesis": "There are the most important historical relics from Scotland there."} {"idx": "mnli-9812", "premise": "Bathala's breath! said the dark man.", "hypothesis": "The dark man remained silent."} {"idx": "mnli-9813", "premise": "The creation of the Department of Homeland Security will be one of the largest reorganizations ever undertaken and the difficulty of this task should not be underestimated.", "hypothesis": "The creation of the Department of Homeland National Security should be a straightforward reorganization for everyone involved."} {"idx": "mnli-9814", "premise": "In addition to the fine paintings found elsewhere in the escorial, the new museums have been created to display the great works commissioned or collected by the Spanish monarchs.", "hypothesis": "The new museums were created but works from Spanish monarchs are not allowed."} {"idx": "mnli-9815", "premise": "Drew had an impression of bright, almost gaudy uniforms.", "hypothesis": "Drew thought of dull shirts."} {"idx": "mnli-9816", "premise": "The farm workers in the western Colorado community said they left the lettuce field when sprayed, but a foreman ordered them to continue working, saying the crop-duster had released a harmless solution of soap and water.", "hypothesis": "The farm workers said the foreman forced them to work."} {"idx": "mnli-9817", "premise": "Only some jasper had such a good idea as to that what an' where, he an' some amigos was squattin' back of rocks jus' waitin' for th' Coronel to ride into their little pocket of fire.\" ", "hypothesis": "The Coronel was set up to be ambushed by jasper and some outlaws. He was warned at the last minute."} {"idx": "mnli-9818", "premise": "oh yeah that's that's enough", "hypothesis": "Yeah, that's enough. "} {"idx": "mnli-9819", "premise": "(Heston's softness on gun rights was an issue in his NRA election, but he has quieted critics by backing off his earlier statements and hewing to the NRA's official line.", "hypothesis": "Heston backed off his gun rights statements."} {"idx": "mnli-9820", "premise": "the thing that i i then again i i tried pulling the trailer one year and i went everywhere with the trailer like to beaches and to stuff but that got to be a hassle you know breaking down and setting up and breaking down so i decided that", "hypothesis": "I really loved that trailer especially when doing on trips to the beach."} {"idx": "mnli-9821", "premise": "It wasn't just the inexorable working of the law of diminishing disciples.", "hypothesis": "It was a simple as it is."} {"idx": "mnli-9822", "premise": "right and it could end at anytime", "hypothesis": "The finale can come whenever because nobody knows the plan."} {"idx": "mnli-9823", "premise": "like credit cards oh no never thought of it that way either he's you know he's addicted to it at times", "hypothesis": "He could not leave the house without his credit card."} {"idx": "mnli-9824", "premise": "well she shot him and she went to prison she you know she killed him but she lost her baby and then they sent her to jail so that's not right", "hypothesis": "After losing her baby, she shot and killed him, so she is now in jail. "} {"idx": "mnli-9825", "premise": "That we'll need to work on, said Jon.", "hypothesis": "Jon thinks they need to work on that."} {"idx": "mnli-9826", "premise": "i guess they wouldn't be called dialects but they're pretty close sometimes", "hypothesis": "They are dialects. "} {"idx": "mnli-9827", "premise": "Avoid putting your mettle to the peddle on the city's busier streets; bike paths are few and courteous drivers even fewer.", "hypothesis": "There's no reason to slow down in the busier streets since there are plenty of bike paths."} {"idx": "mnli-9828", "premise": "The SUM06 is the sum of the ozone concentrations for every hour that exceeds 0.06 parts per million (ppm) within a 12-hour period from 8 am to 8 pm in the months of May to September.", "hypothesis": "The SUM06 is the sum of the ozone concentrations for every hour that exceeds 0.78 parts per million."} {"idx": "mnli-9829", "premise": "In general, look for good prices at hypermarkets outside the major towns.", "hypothesis": "In general, the best prices are found within the major cities."} {"idx": "mnli-9830", "premise": "So if the unconceived have rights, we should massively subsidize population growth; and if they don't have rights, we should feel free to destroy Earth.", "hypothesis": "We should pay for the increasing number of people if those who are not yet made have rights. "} {"idx": "mnli-9831", "premise": "HKTA also has trail maps and sponsors the Guided Nature Walks, led by rangers, that include hikes in all the different regions of Hong Kong.", "hypothesis": "HKTA has ranger led Guided Nature Walks that include maps and hikes throughout the regions of Hong Kong with plenty of beautiful serene areas"} {"idx": "mnli-9832", "premise": "About four, I should say, sir.", "hypothesis": "About four. "} {"idx": "mnli-9833", "premise": "It's even mildly rich and becoming richer in mineral salts.", "hypothesis": "Desperately poor, mineral salts have not helped it become any wealthier. "} {"idx": "mnli-9834", "premise": "Essays on pop culture, literature, tennis, and Middle America from the author of the epic and epically hyped Infinite Jest (1996).", "hypothesis": "The author of Infinite Jest also wrote essays, some of which were about Middle America."} {"idx": "mnli-9835", "premise": "Republicans in Congress, by contrast, generally favored constructive engagement with China, while liberal and protectionist Democrats usually opposed it.", "hypothesis": "Liberal and protectionist Democrats in Congress generally opposed engagement with China, but the Republicans were mostly in favor of it."} {"idx": "mnli-9836", "premise": "The National Guard is called out to do whatever it does (guard?)", "hypothesis": "The National Guard gets called out to fulfill its duty. "} {"idx": "mnli-9837", "premise": "i think we should have because because we're going if we don't do it now we're going to have to do it shortly", "hypothesis": "If we don't do it now, we will have to in a year."} {"idx": "mnli-9838", "premise": "Daringly mixing erotic fantasies and apocalyptic nightmares, it portrays the terrors and superstitions of the medieval peasant mind.", "hypothesis": "Mixing boring boring themes with angelic visions from a royal perspective. "} {"idx": "mnli-9839", "premise": "The funny thing about the Sumitomo affair is that if you ignore the exotic trimmings--the Japanese names, the Chinese connection--it's a story right out of the robber-baron era, the days of Jay Gould and Jim Fisk.", "hypothesis": "There were no Japanese names associated with the Sumitomo affair."} {"idx": "mnli-9840", "premise": "It was refurbished and the whole palace greatly extended in the following years.", "hypothesis": "THe palace was left in ruins."} {"idx": "mnli-9841", "premise": "yeah auto repair tends to be a a topic that a lot of people don't uh don't like i guess because it's usually expensive and uh people end up not pleased with the job sometimes or not pleased with what they had to pay for it so uh i guess it's kind of a sour grapes type topic i just recently had um", "hypothesis": "I am not someone who dislikes auto repair."} {"idx": "mnli-9842", "premise": "i uh last weekend went home to visit my parents my dad's in the hospital and uh", "hypothesis": "Both of my parents have been in good health. Why do you ask?"} {"idx": "mnli-9843", "premise": "Begun in 1060, the Duomo San Martino, has a Pisan-style three-storied facade with a Descent from the Crosecarved by Nicola Pisano over the north door.", "hypothesis": "Nicola Pisano was the only artist hired for beautifying the Duimo San Martino."} {"idx": "mnli-9844", "premise": "yeah yeah i'm i'm thinking myself", "hypothesis": "I do not have this on my mind."} {"idx": "mnli-9845", "premise": "The Hong Kong Tourist Association runs a Come Horseracing Tour, which includes entry to the Hong Kong Jockey Club visitors' box and members' enclosure, and a buffet-style meal.", "hypothesis": "After the meal, you can view a horse race from the visitors' box."} {"idx": "mnli-9846", "premise": "Inevitably, come now the Webby Awards, given by something we are asked to believe is the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences . For a medium that prides itself on its insurgent spirit, this is a comically egregious exercise in faux-establishmentarianism.", "hypothesis": "The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences has no association with the Webby Awards."} {"idx": "mnli-9847", "premise": "USA Today 's modular layout and bold type anticipated the typical multidimensional Web page, almost inviting the finger to point and click, to follow Christine Royal through the process of her cosmetic surgery, to jump to the daily profiles of Olympic athletes, to explore the depths of the Bosnia power struggle.", "hypothesis": "Just like how clicking on a link takes you to a web page, USA Today's frontpage items have page numbers that whisk you deep inside the newspaper."} {"idx": "mnli-9848", "premise": "prices plus i was going through that TI fleet discount program", "hypothesis": "I was also participating in that TI fleet discount program."} {"idx": "mnli-9849", "premise": "He had to improvise, but he got through a rough version of it, until he came to the end: \"I who created you name you--\" What the deuce did he name it?", "hypothesis": "Though he had to make up some parts, he reached the end of a tentative version of it. "} {"idx": "mnli-9850", "premise": "Look for silver filigree earrings and brooches, often in the form of flowers or butterflies.", "hypothesis": "Sometimes, silver earrings are shaped like spiders."} {"idx": "mnli-9851", "premise": "[I]t would be pornographic, if it weren't art (Walter Kendrick, the New York Times Book Review ). Others find that the novel's format--a combination of letters and rambling diatribes--makes the story repetitious and tedious.", "hypothesis": "The book, if it weren't an art, would be pornographic."} {"idx": "mnli-9852", "premise": "Mr. Beresford rang me up and told me, what I had already suspected, that the photograph of Miss Jane Finn had never really been out of Mr. Hersheimmer's possession \" But the girl interrupted.", "hypothesis": "Mr. Beresford wrote to me about Mr. Hershimmer and Miss Finn's photo."} {"idx": "mnli-9853", "premise": "would be mere waste of labour.", "hypothesis": "The work would go to waste."} {"idx": "mnli-9854", "premise": "yeah me either it's kind of like they they gave me the topic and i'm like football jeez it's been a long time", "hypothesis": "They still play football."} {"idx": "mnli-9855", "premise": "Nu-Wave Health Product introduced Cold-Rid sugar-free zinc lozenges.", "hypothesis": "A company called Nu-Wave Health Product created a lozenge that is sugar free and contains zinc called Cold-Rid."} {"idx": "mnli-9856", "premise": "Oil prices jumped this week, due to cold weather in the Northeast . That's certainly sensible.", "hypothesis": "It makes sense that oil prices increased this week due to cold weather in the Northeastern region."} {"idx": "mnli-9857", "premise": "what in the world drugs are you know but", "hypothesis": "Drugs are bad, you know."} {"idx": "mnli-9858", "premise": "Which just goes to show you how much power that has, let me tell you.", "hypothesis": "That has more power than anything."} {"idx": "mnli-9859", "premise": "These were meant to be carried in the palm of the hand at the ball or the restaurant, and deployed in front of everybody, their gold interiors with their clever little hinges flashing while the nose was dusted, the mouth repainted, or a Sobranie selected.", "hypothesis": "The mouth was repainted and the nose was dusted."} {"idx": "mnli-9860", "premise": "On the same day, another Albanian paper, iKoha Jonei , published some impressive statistics about corruption in the Albanian government.", "hypothesis": "iKoha Jonei was the most famous Albanian reporter."} {"idx": "mnli-9861", "premise": "It was a cultured voice, and there was a refinement to his face that registered on Dave's mind even over the horror of the weapon.", "hypothesis": "The weapon was a magical blade that caused instant death."} {"idx": "mnli-9862", "premise": "Theorysia frowned, her brow puckering.", "hypothesis": "Something was wrong and Theorysia couldn't figure out what."} {"idx": "mnli-9863", "premise": "Quite dead.", "hypothesis": "Not alive. "} {"idx": "mnli-9864", "premise": "The beaches are a regular holiday retreat, offering swimming and other activities as well as jungle walks.", "hypothesis": "The beach is beautiful"} {"idx": "mnli-9865", "premise": "There are several reputable people in the aeronautic industry who claim to have known Murphy, and it's a different Murphy in each case, Johnsen told Chatterbox regretfully.", "hypothesis": "Several reputable people in the areonautic industry claim to have known Murphy."} {"idx": "mnli-9866", "premise": "Russert's guest, columnist Mike Barnicle, heaped praise and sympathy on Ted Kennedy for having borne so many family tragedies.", "hypothesis": "The Kennedys have experienced many tragedies in their family. "} {"idx": "mnli-9867", "premise": "Ancient seismic activity forced the stratified rock towards the sky and the action of wind and frosehave fashioned it into bizarre shapes.", "hypothesis": "Earthquakes are quite common in this area. "} {"idx": "mnli-9868", "premise": "Individual income taxes, corporation income taxes, social insurance taxes and contributions,37 excise taxes, estate and gift taxes, and customs duties.", "hypothesis": "They noted various types of taxes."} {"idx": "mnli-9869", "premise": "Changing the federal frequent flyer policy-and changing it retroactively so that employees can take advantage of these unused miles--would boost federal employees' morale and strengthen the federal government's ability to compete with the private sector.", "hypothesis": "Changing the policy so employees can use unused miles would improve morale and make employees stay in their jobs."} {"idx": "mnli-9870", "premise": "It should be possible to complete a project in less than 4 months from receipt of order.", "hypothesis": "The project couldn't be completed in less than 4 months."} {"idx": "mnli-9871", "premise": "He's some head waiter, that.", "hypothesis": "He is the worst head waiter alive. "} {"idx": "mnli-9872", "premise": "In fact, watching Irma Vep , my thoughts kept drifting to Luc Besson's shambolic, would-be epic, which represents the real dead end of French cinema.", "hypothesis": "They were being a bit too critical."} {"idx": "mnli-9873", "premise": "okay i think we're supposed to discuss our view of the Soviet Union as a continuing threat to the United States how do you feel about that", "hypothesis": "So, do you think the Soviet Union is still a threat?"} {"idx": "mnli-9874", "premise": "Call Attorney General Janet Reno's office.", "hypothesis": "Janet Reno has a large office."} {"idx": "mnli-9875", "premise": "Jon looked at him for a moment.", "hypothesis": "Jon was looking at his brother, Tom. "} {"idx": "mnli-9876", "premise": "MLS is losing tons of money--more than $30 million in its first two seasons.", "hypothesis": "MLS was extremely profitable during its first two seasons. "} {"idx": "mnli-9877", "premise": "The rare, almost sightless Gangetic dolphin may even come up for a blow alongside your canoe if you are extremely lucky.", "hypothesis": "Gangetic dolphin's eyes have evolved to become accustomed to the dark depths of the ocean."} {"idx": "mnli-9878", "premise": "it's it's so easy to get caught up on reading just for your work or you know self improvement and you kind of forget the fun of reading", "hypothesis": "I don't think reading can be fun. "} {"idx": "mnli-9879", "premise": "He merely grunted and jerked down his flag.", "hypothesis": "The man raised the flag."} {"idx": "mnli-9880", "premise": "i i think it needs to be community service needs to have more of a positive um light towards it and have it look as something you know that you did because you wanted to do it because you saw the benefits out of it and not as something that you know oh you you did it instead of going to jail for three months or something like that i mean that's that's a feeling i get now and", "hypothesis": "Community service is terrible and should be seen as a strict punishment."} {"idx": "mnli-9881", "premise": "But if that draft treaty turns up we're done.", "hypothesis": "There was no draft treaty so we're okay."} {"idx": "mnli-9882", "premise": "Jon had seen very few with such speed and accuracy.", "hypothesis": "Jon knew many people with the same speed and accuracy. "} {"idx": "mnli-9883", "premise": "Ancient seismic activity forced the stratified rock towards the sky and the action of wind and frosehave fashioned it into bizarre shapes.", "hypothesis": "The rocks were fashioned by the action of the waves. "} {"idx": "mnli-9884", "premise": "and quilting and um", "hypothesis": "And knitting and"} {"idx": "mnli-9885", "premise": " MAGIC results show the distribution of lakes and streams (by percentage) over the three ANC classes", "hypothesis": "MAGIC shows people how to pull a rabbit out of a hat."} {"idx": "mnli-9886", "premise": "But no one would dream of suspecting Bauerstein, or think of taking another sample \u201dexcept Poirot,\" I added, with belated recognition. ", "hypothesis": "The second test would either solve the case or throw a monkey wrench into it. "} {"idx": "mnli-9887", "premise": "That in no possible way could Mrs. Inglethorp's death benefit Miss Howard. ", "hypothesis": "Mrs. Inglethorp's death was a huge benefit to Miss Howard."} {"idx": "mnli-9888", "premise": "yeah he does it it's pretty amazing though how much he can get for endorsements anymore", "hypothesis": "It's pretty amazing how much he gets for endorsements"} {"idx": "mnli-9889", "premise": "we were kind of in for a rude awakening they had personal property taxes on like cars and the first year we're there it was like eight hundred dollars and we're like", "hypothesis": "When the bill for personal property taxes for cars came we weren't sure if we could afford it."} {"idx": "mnli-9890", "premise": "Good luck.'", "hypothesis": "Break a leg. "} {"idx": "mnli-9891", "premise": "The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra was founded in 1975.", "hypothesis": "The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra has existed since 1975."} {"idx": "mnli-9892", "premise": "is that usually what you tell them in the letter", "hypothesis": "You have never written a letter to anyone."} {"idx": "mnli-9893", "premise": "Twin lights in the distance, getting rapidly closer.", "hypothesis": "No lights were seen in the vicinity."} {"idx": "mnli-9894", "premise": "His aunt had made him take more gold in his money belt, enough to give him a start in the west.", "hypothesis": "His aunt took away all of his gold so he didn't have a start in the west."} {"idx": "mnli-9895", "premise": "The Indians, however, resented his refusal to consult them, and rioted over an ill-considered partition of Bengal.", "hypothesis": "The Indians rioted because they wanted a seat at the table, not because they wanted Bengal to be partitioned a certain way."} {"idx": "mnli-9896", "premise": "First, the publication took the position that the e-mail pitch mistakenly went out under the guise of a Red Eye editorial product, when in fact it was a paid political advertisement.", "hypothesis": "The email was a very sneaky political advertisement according to the publication. "} {"idx": "mnli-9897", "premise": "Brain in shock, something telling me...wrong, this is wrong...arms too big, legs too short, heart too slow...my hands hitting glass...trapped in a tiny space, drowning in a tube...what's happening?", "hypothesis": "Brian was in shock."} {"idx": "mnli-9898", "premise": "This Statement also establishes a standard for reporting projections that will aid in assessing the sufficiency of future budgetary resources to sustain public services and meet obligations as they come due.", "hypothesis": "The Statement also says there must be a charge to have the benefits."} {"idx": "mnli-9899", "premise": "Unfortunately we work together, he in stocks, me in funds.", "hypothesis": "We have never worked together before on any sort of tasks."} {"idx": "mnli-9900", "premise": "These basic principles are timeless and can be applied to a broad range of professional, business, government and personal issues, including how to restore trust and confidence not only in the performance and accountability profession but also in the broader business community and our nation's capital markets.", "hypothesis": "Timeless basic principles can be applied to many things within business and government. "} {"idx": "mnli-9901", "premise": "Adrin had collapsed his tunnel.", "hypothesis": "The tunnel didn't collapse."} {"idx": "mnli-9902", "premise": "Exhibits include the Hall of Science, with a Foucault Pendulum and a Cosmic Ray Cloud Chamber.", "hypothesis": "The Hall of Science is abandoned and has nothing inside."} {"idx": "mnli-9903", "premise": "i don't know and these poor children are going to be fatherless forever and this guy ought chances are he he'll be out he'll be walking the streets and it's just doesn't", "hypothesis": "These happy children will all have fathers forever."} {"idx": "mnli-9904", "premise": "There's something in the intricacy of its arcane rules and controlled passion that appeals to the Indian people.", "hypothesis": "The arcane rules make the Indian people happy."} {"idx": "mnli-9905", "premise": "Carl Ogelsby, whose writings influenced her at Wellesley, was a Maoist or Marxist.", "hypothesis": "She followed Ogelsby's work and ideas carefully."} {"idx": "mnli-9906", "premise": " The obvious answer was that he was in a normal hospital, somehow still alive, being patched up.", "hypothesis": "The man survived the airplane crash and was in the hospital. "} {"idx": "mnli-9907", "premise": "In Fruges take the small D130 southwest toward Crequy, following the valley of the tiny Crequoise river back down to the Canche.", "hypothesis": "In Fruges take the large D300 Northeast toward Paris, following the valley of death down to the Canche."} {"idx": "mnli-9908", "premise": "Whittington seemed to be doing all the talking, and the nurse just listened.", "hypothesis": "The nurse was talking Whittington's ear off"} {"idx": "mnli-9909", "premise": "well it certainly was um", "hypothesis": "It definitely was"} {"idx": "mnli-9910", "premise": "Was there a raid, th' major, he took out th' troops; and Don Cazar, he took out his riders an' th' Pimas.", "hypothesis": "The major came looking around here but, no raid was conducted. "} {"idx": "mnli-9911", "premise": "right oh no i haven't i'm um i'm a struggling single mom and um yeah thank you um it's you know time is precious money's precious um and", "hypothesis": "I'm a single mother and it's an uphill battle."} {"idx": "mnli-9912", "premise": "I also watched a boy in Lucca try to run over pigeons with his bike.", "hypothesis": "A boy in Lucca tried to run over pigeons using his bike."} {"idx": "mnli-9913", "premise": "According to an official at FCIC, publication of the certifications in the Federal Register was treated as providing notice under section 605(b) to the Small Business Administration's (SBA) Chief Counsel for Advocacy.", "hypothesis": "Section 605(b) is not related to the SBA Chief Counsel for Advocacy and the publication of certifications."} {"idx": "mnli-9914", "premise": "5 points--number of full-length poetry titles published", "hypothesis": "Full length poetry titles are not published."} {"idx": "mnli-9915", "premise": "is it that much four hundred dollars goodness damn", "hypothesis": "I think four hundred dollars is a lot of money."} {"idx": "mnli-9916", "premise": "Someone asks the CNN guy, How are the ratings these days?", "hypothesis": "Someone asked about CNN's viewership."} {"idx": "mnli-9917", "premise": "Among the corners of town far from the crowd, the old Jewish Ghetto (northeast of the railway station) is particularly peaceful and reveals a fascinating page of Venetian history.", "hypothesis": "The old Jewish Ghetto is now a wealthy neighborhood."} {"idx": "mnli-9918", "premise": "There are several clearly defined paths, with the highest point being Bukit Takum 740 m (2,428 ft) on the western side of the river in the park's northern corner.", "hypothesis": "There are a number of high points along the path."} {"idx": "mnli-9919", "premise": "Contributes to Fiction Matters, Author 2.0 and Read An Ebook.", "hypothesis": "The ebook should be fiction in order to contribute to fiction matters."} {"idx": "mnli-9920", "premise": "The act requires that auditors for each of the 24 departments and agencies named in the CFO Act report, as part of their annual audits of the agenciesa financial statements, whether the agenciesa financial management systems comply substantially with federal financial management systems requirements, applicable federal accounting standards, and SGL at the transaction level.", "hypothesis": "The report should have included more agencies."} {"idx": "mnli-9921", "premise": "Wear a hat and bring along plenty of mineral water.", "hypothesis": "Mineral water is necessary"} {"idx": "mnli-9922", "premise": "I, said the spider, who sat down insider, I went boomp in the night and the bull jumped over the moon....", "hypothesis": "The bull jumped over not only the moon, but Saturn and Alpha Centauri as well."} {"idx": "mnli-9923", "premise": "um-hum i would definitely support that", "hypothesis": "I wouldn't support that at all."} {"idx": "mnli-9924", "premise": "She bobbed, arched, and sidestepped every attack, sliding in the sand on the heels of her boots.", "hypothesis": "She got away without an injury."} {"idx": "mnli-9925", "premise": "Jamaica's popularity as a tourist destination was now undeniable.", "hypothesis": "A lot of people did not think that Jamaica was a popular tourist destination."} {"idx": "mnli-9926", "premise": "Appeal from the United States District Court for the Western District of Virginia, at Big Stone Gap.", "hypothesis": "The appeal was directed from a lesser court."} {"idx": "mnli-9927", "premise": "Time also considers Necessary Madness , by 19-year-old Jenn Crowell (G.P.", "hypothesis": "Jenn Crowell is a very young author."} {"idx": "mnli-9928", "premise": "Jon nodded to the knife wielder talking to Vrenna.", "hypothesis": "Jon nodded. "} {"idx": "mnli-9929", "premise": "Inevitably the mayors of Nashville and St. Louis will wager well-known local products on the big game.", "hypothesis": "The mayor of New Orleans will join in for fun."} {"idx": "mnli-9930", "premise": "Anyway, th' Old Man'll stick him into bed here, an' I'll bet you Johnny ain't gonna ride out anywhere without an eye on him not for a good long while.\"", "hypothesis": "After what he did to Johnny he won't take his eyes off him."} {"idx": "mnli-9931", "premise": "There are temples, towns, and hundreds of other tombs of lesser though important mortals such as high priests, nobles and highly regarded artisans who worked on the royal tombs.", "hypothesis": "The nobles and priests had important tombs and temples."} {"idx": "mnli-9932", "premise": "At a 1972 rally in Laurel, Md., he was shot by a deranged man and paralyzed from the waist down--one campaign scene we see in detail.", "hypothesis": "In 1972 he was shot by a deranged man but he can now walk and do everything."} {"idx": "mnli-9933", "premise": "Miss Aldonka?'", "hypothesis": "There is a question for Miss Aldonka."} {"idx": "mnli-9934", "premise": "And changes made by Congress in 1996 didn't help The legislature cut LSC funds by 31 percent, to about $280 million.", "hypothesis": "Cutting LSC funds by 31 percent was debilitating."} {"idx": "mnli-9935", "premise": "Thus, by using this evaluation technique, we are able to avoid the need for obtaining productive hourly costs translated into dollars using purchasing power parities.", "hypothesis": "The money saved by using these techniques can be spent on more important things. "} {"idx": "mnli-9936", "premise": "UNIT COST - The cost of a selected unit of a good or service.", "hypothesis": "Unit cost is the cost of a good or service."} {"idx": "mnli-9937", "premise": "4) A bill was filed in the House to ban human cloning outright.", "hypothesis": "The law to preserve human cloning has been passed. "} {"idx": "mnli-9938", "premise": "3Federal Debt Management Actions and Future Challenges (GAO-01-317, February 28, 2001).", "hypothesis": "The Challenges are specifically about trying to reduce the debt load."} {"idx": "mnli-9939", "premise": "Naturally, said Sir James dryly.", "hypothesis": "Sir James responded dryly."} {"idx": "mnli-9940", "premise": "there are a lot of the kind of problems that we've fought for in other countries you know that they have corruption and and they don't have um i mean there's just very few really modern cities", "hypothesis": "We fought those problems in other countries."} {"idx": "mnli-9941", "premise": "Thus, they regarded the payment accuracy review as an effective and cost-beneficial way to combat improper payments.", "hypothesis": "Improper payments are primarily made due to fraud."} {"idx": "mnli-9942", "premise": "This is not a friendly or honest place, no matter what tales your grandmother told.", "hypothesis": "The place was the friendliest place on earth."} {"idx": "mnli-9943", "premise": "It was the biggest decline in 10 years.", "hypothesis": "The birth rate hasn't been so low in ten years. "} {"idx": "mnli-9944", "premise": "I was being watched! ", "hypothesis": "Someone was watching me."} {"idx": "mnli-9945", "premise": "We've always been close and don't want to lose the friendship.", "hypothesis": "We have been close friends since we were in 2nd grade."} {"idx": "mnli-9946", "premise": "so you have to take a two week shut down and it's not at the same time so that isn't too nice uh this year they were going to try to do something different about that too they were going to try to schedule the whole site to go down at the same time", "hypothesis": "They will attempt to shut down the whole site at the same time."} {"idx": "mnli-9947", "premise": "In 1981 he was assassinated by an army officer while taking the salute at a military parade.", "hypothesis": "The assassin was punished to life in prison."} {"idx": "mnli-9948", "premise": "It now comes with two or three mini-essays a week by William Saletan on the order of his Frame Game shrewd analysis of how an issue is being framed by the contending interests and who is winning the frame game.", "hypothesis": "it comes with a varying amount of essays a week."} {"idx": "mnli-9949", "premise": "I come. Motioning to me to follow him, he ran swiftly down the stairs and opened the door. ", "hypothesis": "He motioned for me to stay there."} {"idx": "mnli-9950", "premise": "That's the way we do it, you know. He tapped with his finger on the table, and Tuppence felt again the intense power that radiated from the man.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence saw that the man was weak and easily manipulated. "} {"idx": "mnli-9951", "premise": "Do it now, think 'bout it later.", "hypothesis": "Don't think about it now, just do it."} {"idx": "mnli-9952", "premise": "During the first phase, the EPA Administrator will review new scientific, technology and cost information and, if necessary, adjust the phase two targets.", "hypothesis": "The EPA administrator works on multiple phases. "} {"idx": "mnli-9953", "premise": "Drab state-owned stores are a thing of the past.", "hypothesis": "Before, there were only state-run stores."} {"idx": "mnli-9954", "premise": "Time 's the tale of American astronaut Michael Foale's harrowing Mir expedition.", "hypothesis": "Michael Foale's actions on his expedition have since been forgotten "} {"idx": "mnli-9955", "premise": "She was becoming hysterical.", "hypothesis": "She was losing her mind."} {"idx": "mnli-9956", "premise": "Well, I have a contract to gentle some remounts for the army, and I need some experienced men to help break them \"Drew could not understand the sudden pinch of could it be alarm?", "hypothesis": "He needs experienced men to help him with his contract with the army because he did not enough man power."} {"idx": "mnli-9957", "premise": "Audit Steps 1. Determine whether the solicitation document ", "hypothesis": "Step 1 of the Audit - Ignore the request entirely "} {"idx": "mnli-9958", "premise": "or nine and under they're all real young they're just really feel like that's what God's told them to do but they're not condemning you if you we only have one child you know they don't say they don't put airs on about it or anything which is good because it would be easy i'm sure for them to do that you know you get a conviction like that and you think everyone should have it and so i'm real proud of them because they're aren't really they don't do that at all you go in their bathroom and there's ten tooth brushes in there and i always give her a hard time i go now come on who's toothbrush did you really use this morning", "hypothesis": "We have started putting initials on the tooth brushes."} {"idx": "mnli-9959", "premise": "Newspapers and magazines and television have made me out to be a saint.", "hypothesis": "Newspapers are not a very good source of information as magazines and television are."} {"idx": "mnli-9960", "premise": "More than two million people received significant matters services from grantees in the second half of 2001.", "hypothesis": "less than two million people received significant matters services from grantees."} {"idx": "mnli-9961", "premise": "Look for scenes of boats sailing on the Nile, and weapons of war including spears and shields.", "hypothesis": "Weapons of war and boats on the Nile may be depicted."} {"idx": "mnli-9962", "premise": "The egg was growing.", "hypothesis": "The egg didn't seem affected by that."} {"idx": "mnli-9963", "premise": "yeah very easily so", "hypothesis": "That seems pretty complicated."} {"idx": "mnli-9964", "premise": "A political scandal isn't a Socratic, scientific, or legal investigation.", "hypothesis": "A political scandal is a legal investigation."} {"idx": "mnli-9965", "premise": "In contrast, some older power plants, built before certain Federal performance standards were put into place, are still operating without modern pollution control equipment for some emissions.", "hypothesis": "The older power plants contravene the current performance standards."} {"idx": "mnli-9966", "premise": "As the volume per stop declines, coverage declines, and the volume variability of access costs rises.", "hypothesis": "Coverage goes up as the volume per stop goes down."} {"idx": "mnli-9967", "premise": "The most widely used method is random-digit dialing, in which the first six digits of a telephone number are selected to allow for every region to be well represented, while the remaining four digits are dialed at random.", "hypothesis": "Random end digits mean some numbers are out of service or non-existent."} {"idx": "mnli-9968", "premise": "(It is during this quiet that I hear her two questions.)", "hypothesis": "Her two questions concerned my wife's dog."} {"idx": "mnli-9969", "premise": "Indiana differs from many other states in that the Indiana planners have made considerable progress in the last few years beyond the reconfiguration of the LSC funded programs but, unlike other states, Indiana does not have a formal State Planning body.", "hypothesis": "The Indiana State Planning body has achieved very little progress and has not been able to reconfigure LSC supported programs."} {"idx": "mnli-9970", "premise": "when you hear about all the horrible things that happen in day care centers have you ever noticed they're always like a family owned center where the mother and the daughter and the son run it you know kind of thing i mean it's it's a", "hypothesis": "I've never heard of anything bad happening in family owned daycares."} {"idx": "mnli-9971", "premise": "The royal quarters have changed little since that time.", "hypothesis": "The living area for the Queen of England has been the same for hundreds of years."} {"idx": "mnli-9972", "premise": "Another is Malibu Lagoon State Park, one of the few remaining wetlands in Caleornia.", "hypothesis": "Malibu Lagoon State Park has been a tourist destination for people with particular interests."} {"idx": "mnli-9973", "premise": "He saw the line of small scars that ran down Thorn's left breast, each one marking a death by his hand in battle.", "hypothesis": "There was seventeen small scars on Thorn's breast in total. "} {"idx": "mnli-9974", "premise": "PAC-3 Missile Program The PAC-3 missile did not achieve design stability until after the building of production representative prototypes for system demonstration began.", "hypothesis": "The PAC-3 Missile Program was eventually discontinued."} {"idx": "mnli-9975", "premise": "And there is little doubt they would have done so.", "hypothesis": "There is only doubt they would have done it."} {"idx": "mnli-9976", "premise": "Still, the prostaglandin is an inadequate fix for almost half of its users.", "hypothesis": "Prostaglandin only works as a fix for more than half of its users."} {"idx": "mnli-9977", "premise": "Keno is a variation of bingo in which the player chooses numbers to bet on before the draw is made.", "hypothesis": "Keno is similar to boggle in that you roll a bunch of dice at once."} {"idx": "mnli-9978", "premise": "In May 1997, an INS audit of the 1.1 million people who were granted citizenship between September 1995 and September 1996 revealed 4,946 cases in which criminal arrest should have disqualified an applicant or in which an applicant lied about his or her criminal history.", "hypothesis": "There are no cases of applicants lying about their criminal history."} {"idx": "mnli-9979", "premise": "From October to May, the summit is covered in snow and often closed to the public.", "hypothesis": "The summit remains open to the public year round."} {"idx": "mnli-9980", "premise": "The agencies planned to increase operating efficiencies and improve services by automating paper-based personnel processes.", "hypothesis": "The agencies wanted to automate the paper-based personnel processes in public corporations."} {"idx": "mnli-9981", "premise": "Growth in output per worker also depends on total factor productivity growth.", "hypothesis": "Factor productivity growth has nothing to do with output per worker."} {"idx": "mnli-9982", "premise": "isn't that the truth it's funny in fact it's interesting to me that so many of the songs now i grew up in the late fifties and early sixties and so much of the music that was popular at that time has come back", "hypothesis": "I love that music from my childhood has returned to popularity!"} {"idx": "mnli-9983", "premise": "This summer, the government and the PUK raided KDPI hideouts in northern Iraq.", "hypothesis": "The northern Iraqi hideouts were raided last fall. "} {"idx": "mnli-9984", "premise": "Others Other organizations and users of the data may be sources of relevant information.", "hypothesis": "Other organizations are unlikely to be viable information sources."} {"idx": "mnli-9985", "premise": "Station I (Condemnation): Jesus was condemned in Herod's Antonia fortress, the site of which is now covered by modern buildings.", "hypothesis": "These buildings include two office buildings and a Starbucks."} {"idx": "mnli-9986", "premise": "Using a more sophisticated version of the same techniques, De Long and Lang concluded that some of the 78 confirmed hypotheses might be true, but probably not more than about a third of them.", "hypothesis": "De Long and Lang said none of the hypotheses that might be accurate."} {"idx": "mnli-9987", "premise": "Autumn brings the finest hues to the landscape, when the leaves turn shades of apricot and copper, the bracken changes to a burnt umber, and the hillsides glow in the low sunlight, reflecting perfectly in the glassy stillness of the lakes.", "hypothesis": "Autumn brings many changes all throughout the landscape."} {"idx": "mnli-9988", "premise": "It is familiar to battle and strong enough to survive when its wielder does not.", "hypothesis": "It is battle-hardened, and will bring its wielder victory in the face of overwhelming odds."} {"idx": "mnli-9989", "premise": "Want to find out how many times and in what context the aspect ratio of envelopes was mentioned in the current rate case?", "hypothesis": "Would you to know how many envelopes we have left in the office?"} {"idx": "mnli-9990", "premise": "Do not thank him, said Jon without looking.", "hypothesis": "Jon didn't bother looking at the man when he told him not to thank the demon."} {"idx": "mnli-9991", "premise": "Don't miss the graceful, 19th-century statue of Leda and the Swan in the inner courtyard.", "hypothesis": "This 19th century statue is considered to be the greatest work ever produced by the artist."} {"idx": "mnli-9992", "premise": "And for those who enjoy inspecting ancient instruments of terror and torture, there's a medieval chamber of horrors in the Tour des Voleurs (Thieves' Tower).", "hypothesis": "People were once brutally tortured in the Tour des Voleurs. "} {"idx": "mnli-9993", "premise": "Suddenly, in a lull in the clatter of the room, he got one phrase entire.", "hypothesis": "He could not be heard clearly by the people in the back."} {"idx": "mnli-9994", "premise": "it's pretty remarkable because growing up we've always had a beautiful lush green lawn and we never there was no such thing as watering your lawns in Missouri i mean it just happened", "hypothesis": "We had to carefully nurture our lawn in Missouri to make it green."} {"idx": "mnli-9995", "premise": "Because, despite its monopoly power, Microsoft remains subject to the laws of the marketplace.", "hypothesis": "Microsoft owns 60 percent of all computer-related business."} {"idx": "mnli-9996", "premise": "'Right,' I mumbled.", "hypothesis": "'Wrong', I said. "} {"idx": "mnli-9997", "premise": "Thanks dad.", "hypothesis": "Thanks Obama. "} {"idx": "mnli-9998", "premise": "which is good", "hypothesis": "I don't think that's great"} {"idx": "mnli-9999", "premise": "Their breath came in clouds in the cool night air.", "hypothesis": "Their breath was invisible in the hot air."} {"idx": "mnli-10000", "premise": "Hindus and Buddhists still bathe where he bathed.", "hypothesis": "Hindus and Buddhists bathe in the same location."} {"idx": "mnli-10001", "premise": "Probably no one will even notice you at all.\"", "hypothesis": "Everyone will know who you are."} {"idx": "mnli-10002", "premise": "well what what do you mean if they can prove it there there's already", "hypothesis": "You don't need to say anymore about the matter, I stopped caring."} {"idx": "mnli-10003", "premise": "I feel dizzy.", "hypothesis": "The dizziness I feel is from drinking."} {"idx": "mnli-10004", "premise": "Well, he did, sir.", "hypothesis": "Sir, well, he did complete it before he left last night."} {"idx": "mnli-10005", "premise": "36These public-private partnerships were a catalyst in 1995 for forming the American Savings Education Council.", "hypothesis": "In 2005 the public private partnerships were not a catalyst."} {"idx": "mnli-10006", "premise": "You mentioned yesterday that today you were going to take on his concluding section.", "hypothesis": "You never mentioned that you were going to take on his concluding section"} {"idx": "mnli-10007", "premise": "The religion, in which Mahavira is seen as the manifestation of 24 Tirthankaras (teachers), attributes souls to all living creatures, as well as other natural objects.", "hypothesis": "The religion attributes souls to natural objects and living creatures. "} {"idx": "mnli-10008", "premise": "Fifteen passed and the rest, feeling the confidence of unmatched hostilities, rushed forward.", "hypothesis": "The group was nervous and moved slowly."} {"idx": "mnli-10009", "premise": "Larger is not always better, but sometimes it can be.", "hypothesis": "Sometimes large can be better but not always."} {"idx": "mnli-10010", "premise": "A swarm of government enforcers peering over a company's shoulder is a strong incentive for it to behave.", "hypothesis": "A company will behave when there's multiple government enforces watching them closely."} {"idx": "mnli-10011", "premise": "Unless emergency medicine staff with an interest in integrating alcohol treatment services into emergency care assume greater prominence and leadership in their field, effecting change within this specialty will be slow and uneven.", "hypothesis": "It will be hard to change how the ED deals with alcohol treatment services."} {"idx": "mnli-10012", "premise": "Auditors also may find it necessary to use the work of legal counsel when an audit requires testing compliance with provisions of contracts or grant agreements.", "hypothesis": "Auditors don't use legal personnel in the execution of compliance tests, ever."} {"idx": "mnli-10013", "premise": "The money would be raised via taxes on the wealthiest 40 percent of the population and, eventually, the estates of deceased beneficiaries.", "hypothesis": "The money raised gets used for a good cause."} {"idx": "mnli-10014", "premise": "then i'm willing to give you know personally i can't speak for others but for myself i'm willing to say okay you know if i see this is a right to if to privacy i'm willing to give up that right because i can see that it's uh public good is at stake and the company good is at stake and you know if they can get this thing under control you know it it's going to save us all money as far as benefits and everything else you know insurance and and and everything else in this country", "hypothesis": "If the company or public's well-fare is at stake, I am willing to give up."} {"idx": "mnli-10015", "premise": "In commemoration of the 600 th anniversary of the great battle, in 1989 Lazar's bones were taken for a tour around Serbia and Bosnia, from monastery to monastery.", "hypothesis": "Lazar's bones were presented to monasteries of Serbia in 1989."} {"idx": "mnli-10016", "premise": "Lefkes village occupies high ground in the interior, and its narrow streets are perfect places to explore.", "hypothesis": "Lefkes has very wide streets."} {"idx": "mnli-10017", "premise": "okay well i guess we should get on with this um did you get the message about what it was right yeah okay go great let me just hit the button", "hypothesis": "I have been waiting to get this started."} {"idx": "mnli-10018", "premise": "The Ceracz-Pisak wave had been rolling through the department's vast interior for the past few months, and that resulted in a total abandonment of the professor by the very people who should have never turned their backs to display their well-worn pants, style Z.O Odra Wodzislaw 1951, to the world.", "hypothesis": "The professor was abandoned by everyone."} {"idx": "mnli-10019", "premise": "You don't really want to \u201dand I don't either.\"", "hypothesis": "We both really want to!"} {"idx": "mnli-10020", "premise": "Strolling along the waterfront promenades and through the narrow streets and taking boat trips on the lake are the main attractions in summer.", "hypothesis": "It costs $10 to take a boat on the lake."} {"idx": "mnli-10021", "premise": "The best book review section in an American paper at the moment--the Los Angeles Times Book Review --is much closer to this variety model.", "hypothesis": "The Los Angeles times has never published book reviews."} {"idx": "mnli-10022", "premise": "There's no central phone book for all e-mail addresses.", "hypothesis": "Phone books don't have all email addresses."} {"idx": "mnli-10023", "premise": "well i think that that there's more you know there is definitely more women in public office uh i think it's going to be a long time before we see a woman president uh i don't think that's going to happen in the next ten years i don't", "hypothesis": "He was a political analyst for Fox News and had to phone in his opinion."} {"idx": "mnli-10024", "premise": "again what are they going up to thirty bucks or something", "hypothesis": "Cigarettes are going up to like 30 dollars a carton or something. "} {"idx": "mnli-10025", "premise": "Be sure to visit the Shoko Shuseikan Museum, housed in an old factory established here by the forward-looking leader for arms manufacture and other new industries.", "hypothesis": "There's little impressive about old industries. "} {"idx": "mnli-10026", "premise": "A person's psychological and emotional stance, not external events, is what mainly determines his possibility of enjoying a golden day.", "hypothesis": "External events are the main determining factor of whether a man will enjoy his day."} {"idx": "mnli-10027", "premise": "Their withdrawal will not result in the termination of a product if significant resources have been expended and/or the product is in the public interest.", "hypothesis": "Their withdrawal will cause the termination of the product."} {"idx": "mnli-10028", "premise": "Therefore, you're the real jewel thief!", "hypothesis": "The jewels were worth a million dollars."} {"idx": "mnli-10029", "premise": "Two seemed intent on cutting down Thorn, slashing wildly at his thighs.", "hypothesis": "They managed to sever his femoral artery and he died shortly after. "} {"idx": "mnli-10030", "premise": "He found Albert discharging his professional duties, and introduced himself without more ado as a friend of Tuppence's.", "hypothesis": "Albert was doing a great job."} {"idx": "mnli-10031", "premise": "Among the venues for classical music are churches, museums, the Givat Ram University campus, the Jerusalem Theatre, and the Henry Crown Auditorium.", "hypothesis": "There are no places to listen to classical music."} {"idx": "mnli-10032", "premise": "Table I.1: Map to the Audit Guide ", "hypothesis": "There is a map"} {"idx": "mnli-10033", "premise": "The Greek Theater in Griffith Park is a favorite venue for rock and pop concerts.", "hypothesis": "The Greek Theater doesn't offer any rock concerts."} {"idx": "mnli-10034", "premise": "The man smiled.", "hypothesis": "He grinned. "} {"idx": "mnli-10035", "premise": "yeah i i remember the one that i sat in on we had quite a problem coming to a conclusion and and we came back with so many people this way and so many that way and the judge told us we couldn't leave until we came to a decision and we just could not we were split and he kept us there one evening until seven uh and everyone wanted to go home and so they were willing some of them were willing to change their uh decision just to get out of uh out of the jury room", "hypothesis": "With decisions so split, we had difficulty coming to a conclusion. "} {"idx": "mnli-10036", "premise": "In the colonial days, the sound of a cricket bat's willow would have been heard as the afternoon's sun-rays stretched across the field.", "hypothesis": "The sound of a cricket bat could be heard here in colonial days, though no one knew where it came from."} {"idx": "mnli-10037", "premise": "So you can go right ahead and tell us the whole story.", "hypothesis": "I do not have time to hear the full story, just tell me the gist of it."} {"idx": "mnli-10038", "premise": "But that's the title of the book.", "hypothesis": "That is what the book is titled."} {"idx": "mnli-10039", "premise": "um-hum um-hum yeah that's true living in an apartment complex though you know you can't um you can't really stop those people from coming around even though they put up signs out front that says no solicitations uh but they still come up to the front door and uh you know walk around so usually what i do is i'll call the apartment manager and tell him hey there's people coming around you know and they're trying to sell something or or they're from a religious organization and i really hate that i really really do i had somebody come to the door about two weeks ago and um gosh it was about nine o'clock at night too it wasn't even what i would consider you know a family hour it's time to you know start going to bed and uh and it was somebody from um oh what was it the uh Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and uh i've read a lot about uh that particular sect and i don't particularly care for it so i especially don't like for them to come up to my door and try and talk to me", "hypothesis": "They put signs saying 'no solicitations' but they still come to the front door, walk around, so what I do is call the apartment manager and make him take them away."} {"idx": "mnli-10040", "premise": "Testers are as vain about finding bugs as I am about squashing them, hence the excessive pride of my tester who uncovered the year 4500 bug.", "hypothesis": "My tester was proud of uncovering the year 4500 bug."} {"idx": "mnli-10041", "premise": "Nothing about the application of the is present language to the alien categories was altered.", "hypothesis": "The language in the alien categories was changed extensively."} {"idx": "mnli-10042", "premise": "I'd like to see how much Pa pushed into m' thick head.", "hypothesis": "I want to know how much Pa has put into my head."} {"idx": "mnli-10043", "premise": "What'd you see? ", "hypothesis": "He saw something."} {"idx": "mnli-10044", "premise": "The rumor of a Senate run seems dead, but a local satirical revue proposes that Clinton capitalize on his legendary press-the-flesh skill by working as a Wal-Mart greeter.", "hypothesis": "The Senate run rumor is over, but satirists suggest that Clinton works at Wal-Mart."} {"idx": "mnli-10045", "premise": "On this basis, attorney Charles (Rick) Rule, who has been retained to represent Microsoft, accuses DOJ of suing a company with a smaller share of sales in order to protect the ability of its dominant competitor to secure an exclusive.", "hypothesis": "They were accused of suing to help a competitor."} {"idx": "mnli-10046", "premise": "If Chernomyrdin succeeds in convincing Milosevic to accept enough of NATO's demands to guarantee some sort of deal, he will go down in domestic political history as the man who sold out Serbia.", "hypothesis": "Chernomyrdin convinced Milosevic to take the agreement NATO is pushing for."} {"idx": "mnli-10047", "premise": "There's a Tourist Information Centre in the main car park (open summer only).", "hypothesis": "In the main car park a Tourist Information centre can be found."} {"idx": "mnli-10048", "premise": "yeah i uh i just you know it's it's you know weapons weapons obviously do not kill it's the people that operate them and", "hypothesis": "If weapons operated themselves, then they would be killing."} {"idx": "mnli-10049", "premise": "yeah i don't yeah i don't think it would crush steel cans it's pretty tough", "hypothesis": "I think it would fail at crushing steel cans."} {"idx": "mnli-10050", "premise": "yeah i usually go to Callaway's or Wolfe", "hypothesis": "I usually go to Callaway or Wolfe"} {"idx": "mnli-10051", "premise": "Oro was creeping up once more, inch by hard-won inch.", "hypothesis": "Oro was gaining once again, inch by inch."} {"idx": "mnli-10052", "premise": "These attributes include, but are not limited to, relatively little flexibility in financial reward systems and highly distributed organizational structures in a number of federal agencies.", "hypothesis": "These attributes include, but are not limited to, relatively little fried chicken"} {"idx": "mnli-10053", "premise": "okay now um what do you think about about the death penalty itself do you think that we should have a death penalty", "hypothesis": "Do you believe there should be a death penalty?"} {"idx": "mnli-10054", "premise": "The Reagan administration cut back funding by a third in 1982, and then the Contract with America cut funds again, he said. ", "hypothesis": "The Reagan administration was known to have increased funding in 1982."} {"idx": "mnli-10055", "premise": "I wish we could get hold of Tuppence.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence is asleep for the night."} {"idx": "mnli-10056", "premise": "For purposes of this product, any reference to the Social Security trust fund refers to the combined Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) trust funds.", "hypothesis": "OSADI refers to the combined Olive, Syrup, and Date Insurance trust funds."} {"idx": "mnli-10057", "premise": "What do you mean by you 'suppose'? ", "hypothesis": "What do you mean when you say you 'suppose'?"} {"idx": "mnli-10058", "premise": "uh-huh and then you might have more control over uh the the morals that they would be taught rather than in like a classroom or a day care center", "hypothesis": "A day care center's moral leanings are almost never going to be aligned with your ideals."} {"idx": "mnli-10059", "premise": "I wish Life Is Beautiful had fallen into the same black hole.", "hypothesis": "I wanted Life is Beautiful had gone away."} {"idx": "mnli-10060", "premise": "The peak can be reached by an hour-long walk from Achada do Teixeira in the north, or the classic but strenuous, 4-hour roundtrip hike from Pico do Arieiro .", "hypothesis": "There are a lot of inexperienced hikers who still opt for the 4 hour roundtrip hike."} {"idx": "mnli-10061", "premise": "The new contest How much Turtle Wax comprises a year's supply of Turtle Wax?", "hypothesis": "The new contest is how fast can we kill this turtle and then cook it in wax?"} {"idx": "mnli-10062", "premise": "Another situation where program implementation case studies may be called for is when concern exists about implementation problems.", "hypothesis": "Program implementation case studies are never useful, so they are banned."} {"idx": "mnli-10063", "premise": "I stuck the two pages together round the edge with some gum off an envelope.", "hypothesis": "I used Krazy Glue to stick the pages together. "} {"idx": "mnli-10064", "premise": "Vrenna winked at him.", "hypothesis": "Vrenna closed one eye as a nonverbal gesture. "} {"idx": "mnli-10065", "premise": "A tip for visiting the big muse?\u00adums in peak go at dinnertime on a late-closing day.", "hypothesis": "The museum isn't as packed with people on a late-closing day."} {"idx": "mnli-10066", "premise": "yeah well i'm a i'm a Texas Ranger fan", "hypothesis": "I am a Texas Ranger fan."} {"idx": "mnli-10067", "premise": "The free breakfast is a delight.", "hypothesis": "The breakfast is not free or good."} {"idx": "mnli-10068", "premise": "But it doesn't influence the sky.\" \"It was never meant to,\" the old man said, surprise in his voice.", "hypothesis": "\"That's the opposite of what it was supposed to do,\" the elderly man said."} {"idx": "mnli-10069", "premise": "And is a resistance to that fashion, a clinging to conventional spellings, just a class marker and a reactionary one at that?)", "hypothesis": "As a blue-blood you would never spell grey with an A."} {"idx": "mnli-10070", "premise": "yeah too many trips around the yard with that thing huh for sure", "hypothesis": "Too many times went around the lawn with it. "} {"idx": "mnli-10071", "premise": "The analysis concludes that the quantifiable costs associated with the rule are $600,000 for the Pension Consultant exemption, $18,000 for the Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organization exemption, $300,000 for the Affiliated Adviser exemption, and $8,700 for the New Adviser exemption for a total of $926,700.", "hypothesis": "The analysis found no quantifiable costs greater than $2.00."} {"idx": "mnli-10072", "premise": "The agency has 53 people on staff, including 27 attorneys, some of whom function as administrators and others who are part-time.", "hypothesis": "There are over 25 attorneys on staff at the agency. "} {"idx": "mnli-10073", "premise": "1Federal debt held by the public is also called publicly held debt but is not the same as public debt.", "hypothesis": "Federal debt can be held by the public."} {"idx": "mnli-10074", "premise": "yeah that's reminds me of uh i have a friend who was telling me about her brother who gets high all the time", "hypothesis": "My friend said her brother is a frequent drug user."} {"idx": "mnli-10075", "premise": "i've i've heard i've heard that that is a really", "hypothesis": "I didn't hear about that at all."} {"idx": "mnli-10076", "premise": "In the preamble to the final rule HCFA summarizes the comments received and its responses to the comments.", "hypothesis": "The HCFA only discusses logistics and existing case law in the preamble to the final rule."} {"idx": "mnli-10077", "premise": "Unlike Howard Stern and Dave Letterman, Feldman sees to it that his foils have as much fun as he does.", "hypothesis": "Feldman doesn't care if his foils have fun."} {"idx": "mnli-10078", "premise": "uh yeah just a second going to pick them up excuse me for a moment right i'm fixing to get them right now excuse me i had to uh talk to my boss", "hypothesis": "Excuse me for a second I need to go fix something."} {"idx": "mnli-10079", "premise": "The best introduction to the Tuscan hill country is a tour of the famous vineyards that grace its southern-oriented slopes.", "hypothesis": "There is a very famous tour of the Tuscan Hill."} {"idx": "mnli-10080", "premise": "What happens then is an enchanting blend of old and new, as Finn is summoned to the manse of Nora Dinsmoor (Anne Bancroft), a filthy-rich ex-socialite driven mad by her abandonment, decades earlier, by a wayward fiance.", "hypothesis": "Nora Dinsmoor displays mental health problems due to being left by a lover."} {"idx": "mnli-10081", "premise": "In short, this explanation suggests that inflation--or more precisely the promise of future inflation--is the medicine that will cure Japan's ills.", "hypothesis": "Inflation will help Japan by the end of the year."} {"idx": "mnli-10082", "premise": "An article profiles middle-class black homesteaders who are regenerating ghettos.", "hypothesis": "Ghettos are being revitalized by homesteaders who invest money there."} {"idx": "mnli-10083", "premise": "Scarcely a hundred Sumatran Rhino remain; the best place to see them is at the Sepilok sanctuary, where controlled breeding may combat the ravages of poaching.", "hypothesis": "Poachers are not a threat to the Sumatran Rhino."} {"idx": "mnli-10084", "premise": "He had lain out in the brush for a long time that morning to watch the head groom of Red Springs put the horse through his paces in the training paddock.", "hypothesis": "The head groom of Red Springs did not train the horse in the paddock."} {"idx": "mnli-10085", "premise": "The Congress is currently considering measures intended to address several of the practices and challenges we identified.", "hypothesis": "The Congress is currently considering measures intended to address several practices."} {"idx": "mnli-10086", "premise": "So long, then.", "hypothesis": "See you later. "} {"idx": "mnli-10087", "premise": "Despite all the completely compelling arguments offered in the preceding paragraphs, it would be silly and dishonest to insist that", "hypothesis": "None of the arguments seem to be very convincing."} {"idx": "mnli-10088", "premise": "Other no story line, cheap puns, and heavy-handed sexual innuendo.", "hypothesis": "The storyline was great without puns and innuendos. "} {"idx": "mnli-10089", "premise": "It strikes me the thickness of my skull was lucky for you too.", "hypothesis": "It's unfortunate for you that I have a thick skull."} {"idx": "mnli-10090", "premise": "Table 3 provides a summary of key macroeconomic data for the year 2010 to compare the impact of emissions reductions on both personal consumption and other components of gross domestic product (GDP).", "hypothesis": "The table shows key economic information related to manufacturing data related to greenhouse emissions."} {"idx": "mnli-10091", "premise": "Yet there is no good reason not to go with the 0.08 standard.", "hypothesis": "There are a couple of reasons why not to use the 0.08 standard."} {"idx": "mnli-10092", "premise": "and that was so nice but we didn't have that luxury so we were dragging the the sprinkler around everywhere and uh", "hypothesis": "We did not have the opportunities like some to bring a sprinkler around. "} {"idx": "mnli-10093", "premise": "yeah that's a good deal well when you did keep a a budget all the time how strictly did you do that i mean was it real precise or", "hypothesis": "Have you ever kept a budget at all?"} {"idx": "mnli-10094", "premise": "which has a lot of members uh if you can get those types of groups", "hypothesis": "There are loads of people in those groups if you want to join."} {"idx": "mnli-10095", "premise": "The best time to see the square as a whole is in winter, when the lovely chestnut trees are bare.", "hypothesis": "During the winter season is when it snows the most."} {"idx": "mnli-10096", "premise": "The export point is, of course, La Sabina, first and last port of call on any round-island jaunt.", "hypothesis": "There are no other approrpiate places to start a round-island jaunt."} {"idx": "mnli-10097", "premise": "Under traditional payment processes, certifying officers reviewed all invoices they authorized for payment.", "hypothesis": "Officers must authorize payment "} {"idx": "mnli-10098", "premise": "If after three months of age your baby wakes at night and wants to be fed, she is developing a sleep problem.", "hypothesis": "Babies who still wake up in the middle of night to feed at three months have a sleeping problems."} {"idx": "mnli-10099", "premise": "Explainer thanks many Slate readers for suggesting this topic.", "hypothesis": "Explainer was unhappy with the suggested topic."} {"idx": "mnli-10100", "premise": "That is an extreme possibility, and I do not believe in its likelihood myself, but that document undoubtedly implicates a number of our statesmen whom we cannot afford to have discredited in any way at the present moment.", "hypothesis": "That document exonerates all of our politicians completely. "} {"idx": "mnli-10101", "premise": "The risings have been going on for some time.", "hypothesis": "The risings have been happening for a long time now."} {"idx": "mnli-10102", "premise": "The public and the Congress may question such protection when it becomes common knowledge that the Postal Service delivers more junk than other letter mail.", "hypothesis": "This protection will not be affected by junk mail volume."} {"idx": "mnli-10103", "premise": "The preamble also contains the need and uses for the collection, the estimated number of respondents, and an estimate of the annual burden hours and costs.", "hypothesis": "One element of the preamble is the estimate of the annual costs."} {"idx": "mnli-10104", "premise": "I could feel it.", "hypothesis": "I had a feeling about that."} {"idx": "mnli-10105", "premise": "that's right i think that's and and the other side of the coin is um people saying well if i really like the underdog candidate i still think they're not going to win so some are saying Dukakis is certainly not going to win why bother voting for him so i think i i think that's a big uh a big a big reason for it how about", "hypothesis": "People question the value in voting for an underdog like Dukakis because they don't think he will win."} {"idx": "mnli-10106", "premise": "The path was now running along the side of the cliff, parallel to the sea.", "hypothesis": "They knew that they'd never be lost now that they knew."} {"idx": "mnli-10107", "premise": "The first naval attacks by the redcoats were against Guadeloupe in 1691 and 1703.", "hypothesis": "Guadeloupe was not the only area to receive British naval attacks in 1691."} {"idx": "mnli-10108", "premise": "While some park residents decided to move, others, including 25 families, organized an informal association to relocate or save their homes.", "hypothesis": "Some residents moved to other states."} {"idx": "mnli-10109", "premise": "Fresh fruit is often served to round off a meal succulent karpuz (watermelon) and kavun (musk melon), kiraz (cherries), kayese (apricot), incir (figs), det (mulberries), and erik (sour plums) but when it comes to prepared desserts, the Turks have a very sweet tooth.", "hypothesis": "Turks do not generally like prepared desserts."} {"idx": "mnli-10110", "premise": "Why are you subjecting your loyal and (usually) enthusiastic readership to the reactionary, bigoted, and sexist drivel of Midge Decter and Norman Podhoretz in ? We don't subscribe to Slate in order to expose ourselves to the ramblings of Anita Bryant's spiritual parents.", "hypothesis": "We love reading what Anita's parents have to say."} {"idx": "mnli-10111", "premise": "yeah i think that'll be fun so we're going to try to do that like on a three day weekend go there and", "hypothesis": "We think that sounds miserable so on our weekend we're not trying anything. "} {"idx": "mnli-10112", "premise": "And I \u201dI, too, have an instinct. ", "hypothesis": "I have instinct as well."} {"idx": "mnli-10113", "premise": "It is time to examine whether the financial benefits of trying to make use of frequent flyer benefits would be outweighed by the recruiting and retention benefits of allowing personal use of those benefits.", "hypothesis": "It should be looked into as to whether frequent flier miles are worth it."} {"idx": "mnli-10114", "premise": "The sponsorship and location of events and location of grantee offices contributes to this targeting.", "hypothesis": "The sponsorship of the events is detrimental from the targeting."} {"idx": "mnli-10115", "premise": "okay did you vote in the last uh national election", "hypothesis": "They never asked if the other person voted in the election."} {"idx": "mnli-10116", "premise": "While generally asserting that GAO lacks authority to do this review, the Vice President has acknowledged GAOas authority in one area, agreeing that we can look into the direct and indirect expenses of the NEPDG under section 712.", "hypothesis": "The Vice President hasn't acknowledged GAOas authority in one area."} {"idx": "mnli-10117", "premise": "Cost models project the time and cost to develop a system on the basis of estimates of the system's size and other pertinent factors.", "hypothesis": "Cost models predict what the time and cost will be for developing a system."} {"idx": "mnli-10118", "premise": "A firestorm of feminist controversy already surrounds some of these works--one side contends that these are refreshingly de-idealized nudes, the other side responds that the unusual poses and aggressive use of pastel are further degradations of women--but you wouldn't know it from the placid audio tour, or from the printed exhibition guide that replaces the usual wall panels.", "hypothesis": "They were shocked that no one opposed the exhibition. "} {"idx": "mnli-10119", "premise": "Poirot, is that seriously your opinion?", "hypothesis": "The speaker believes that this is in fact Poirot's opinion. "} {"idx": "mnli-10120", "premise": "much more frequently than i had intended uh for sixteen years but", "hypothesis": "I've always anticipated it would last long."} {"idx": "mnli-10121", "premise": "Meanwhile, Albanian Kosovars proclaimed their territory a republic and, through channels violent and nonviolent, sought actual independence.", "hypothesis": "Albanian Kosovars said the territory was now a democracy."} {"idx": "mnli-10122", "premise": "A third man stood behind the bar polishing thick glasses.", "hypothesis": "There were at least three men in the bar. "} {"idx": "mnli-10123", "premise": "Net national saving", "hypothesis": "Gross national saving"} {"idx": "mnli-10124", "premise": "The long, cobbled entrance avenue is shaded by plane trees, while the fields which lie on each side are carpeted with a wonderful spread of agapanthus and arum, and belladonna lilies in season.", "hypothesis": "Plane trees shade the entrance avenue."} {"idx": "mnli-10125", "premise": "He had heard or seen something that had affected him strongly, but what was it? ", "hypothesis": "I was curious as to what it was that he saw that was upsetting. "} {"idx": "mnli-10126", "premise": "Romney (1734 1802) was considered to be the third master of portraiture in the 18th century, alongside Thomas Gainsborough and Joshua Reynolds.", "hypothesis": "Romney was considered to be very untalented when it comes to portraiture in the 18th century."} {"idx": "mnli-10127", "premise": "Catherine Gordon proposed that the recommendations address the issue of financing and suggested the following phrase, Research should also identify the most effective and cost-effective interventions and delivery mechanisms (e.g.", "hypothesis": "Cather Gordon had no suggestions on the issue of financing."} {"idx": "mnli-10128", "premise": "He can drop the pretense that he's nonpartisan.", "hypothesis": "He can stop pretending that he's bipartisan."} {"idx": "mnli-10129", "premise": "The two time lines came together.", "hypothesis": "The two time lines were never supposed to come together."} {"idx": "mnli-10130", "premise": "The Cherokee Indians found gold.", "hypothesis": "The gold was found by the Cherokee Indians."} {"idx": "mnli-10131", "premise": "The mask also shows a swelling in the upper left eyelid, which, according to Professor Walter Lerche, head of the Horst-Schmidt eye clinic in Wiesbaden, Germany, could be evidence of a rare form of cancer that may have killed the bard.", "hypothesis": "The mask yielded no potential evidence of how the bard died."} {"idx": "mnli-10132", "premise": "right right well i think the speedometers don't the cars have them both now am i not mistaken i i i look at mine i don't even know i read it", "hypothesis": "Don't the speedometers in cars show both of them nowadays?"} {"idx": "mnli-10133", "premise": "You will also find the Cumwest Exhibition here, which tells the story of the Western Lakes, the lesser known though no less captivating part of the Lake District.", "hypothesis": "It's an interesting exhibit - nearly everyone loves it."} {"idx": "mnli-10134", "premise": "Above the resort, in Gardone di Sopra, is a 20th-century folly, Il Vittoriale, the bizarre and disturbing hillside residence of Gabriele D'Annunzio poet, adventurer, fascist.", "hypothesis": "The disturbing Il Vittoriale, the home of Gabriele D'Annuzio, lies above the resort."} {"idx": "mnli-10135", "premise": "With daytime temperatures rarely dropping below the high sixties and almost continuous sunshine, it makes a welcome retreat from the drab northern European winters, and a scorching alternative to temperate summers.", "hypothesis": "The daytime temperatures often fall below the high sixties."} {"idx": "mnli-10136", "premise": "As we held in Regional Management, the LSCA was intended by Congress for the especial benefit of indigent persons in need of legal services.", "hypothesis": "The LSCA provides indigent people with legal assistance."} {"idx": "mnli-10137", "premise": "family reunions no you just just talk", "hypothesis": "There can be some friction at family reunions."} {"idx": "mnli-10138", "premise": "In Jerusalem, historic moments can become mythic legend.", "hypothesis": "Not a single historic moment has ever become mythic legend in Jerusalem."} {"idx": "mnli-10139", "premise": "The rain fell as the sun dropped behind the western wall.", "hypothesis": "As the sun set behind the western wall, rain fell."} {"idx": "mnli-10140", "premise": "Only you're not sure? Drew persisted.", "hypothesis": "Drew knew that he had no clue what had happened."} {"idx": "mnli-10141", "premise": "yep exactly i like things that uh you know two people can do but i like the quiet of doing things away you know kind of gives you some space for yourself and that's what i find in making the dolls and things that it gives me something that i can create and i like to crochet and knit i made some afghans and that kind of stuff i like doing things with my hands", "hypothesis": "I always make afghans when I crochet or knit."} {"idx": "mnli-10142", "premise": "oh it was completely i mean it literally the two dissimilar floor level floor coverings were not level and at first after it happened i thought maybe that's a handicap access and then i said no that's just the way it's constructed", "hypothesis": "at first, i thought perhaps the uneven floor was a handicap access, but it's not"} {"idx": "mnli-10143", "premise": "It's the beginning of looking to see how you meet those needs.", "hypothesis": "It's the start of finding out a way to fulfill desires."} {"idx": "mnli-10144", "premise": "so the the end scenes are are kind of suspenseful you know when she realizes he's in the house you know after her but uh kind of had the feeling along that uh why didn't she just tell him to straighten up you know why didn't she just tell him hey look bucko you don't get away with this nonsense", "hypothesis": "The end scenes are full of suspense, but I also just wonder why she didn't tell him to change his ways."} {"idx": "mnli-10145", "premise": "yeah because i know you know i i really get pressure from because i have a career also and i get a lot of pressure from people that you know my colleagues that why am i staying home", "hypothesis": "I'm never under too much pressure, I'm always very relaxed."} {"idx": "mnli-10146", "premise": "Bauerstein had it tested, and you yourself laughed at the possibility of there being strychnine in it.\"", "hypothesis": "The man made sure it was evaluated, and you thought the possibility was silly too."} {"idx": "mnli-10147", "premise": "um from the outside but but still it's you know it's really not not not a good quality", "hypothesis": "With a little distance, you can tell it's not a good quality."} {"idx": "mnli-10148", "premise": "Adopting the unequivocal emblem of the sun, Louis was to be outshone by no one.", "hypothesis": "Louis was adopting the emblem of the moon."} {"idx": "mnli-10149", "premise": "yeah well i heard Jerry Jones say something interesting and i and i it must border on legality or ethnicity on draft day he's got about thirty people that are going out to their potential players and when it comes their time to choose they get thirty minutes or so these people will negotiate with the players and get them to sign a contract and if they won't sign a contract they won't draft them", "hypothesis": "The players that won't sign a contract with these people that Jerry Jones was talking about won't be drafted by them."} {"idx": "mnli-10150", "premise": "The incentive to capture funding for the program was greater than the incentive to wait, capture knowledge, and reduce the risk of moving forward.", "hypothesis": "The rewards were ten times greater if you capture funding versus waiting. "} {"idx": "mnli-10151", "premise": "what in the world drugs are you know but", "hypothesis": "Drugs are awesome and we should all take them."} {"idx": "mnli-10152", "premise": "The great Buddhist carvings on the railings from the Bharhut stupa (second century b.c. ), comparable to those of Sanchi , are preserved in the Bharhut Gallery.", "hypothesis": "There are carvings being kept in the Bharhut Gallery."} {"idx": "mnli-10153", "premise": "Martin has indeed been in many bad movies recently, and he certainly benefited from Tina Brown's editorial policy of publishing anything at all if it was written--or dictated over the phone--by a celebrity.", "hypothesis": "Martin has no bad movies."} {"idx": "mnli-10154", "premise": "It is a Salamonca rapier, said Adrin.", "hypothesis": "The rapier is Salamonca"} {"idx": "mnli-10155", "premise": "yeah yeah well you know they're so large they animated it", "hypothesis": "They're so large they animated the TV show"} {"idx": "mnli-10156", "premise": "we really have and i i'm not trying to be uh you know a prude or old fashioned or anything but i i don't think if you unless you earn something and you've worked for it and you have a sense of pride about it because while i did this in uh you know no one gave it to me", "hypothesis": "I think people should be proud of their work."} {"idx": "mnli-10157", "premise": "Various proposals have been advanced that would create a new system of individual accounts as part of comprehensive Social Security reform, while other proposals would create new accounts outside of Social Security.", "hypothesis": "The Social Security system is not in need of reformation and these new proposals are a waste of tax payers time and money."} {"idx": "mnli-10158", "premise": "so he but then he came from a background where he is so much more open with his children than his father was with him his father was just a very quiet withdrawn person and i assume very shy as is my husband", "hypothesis": "My husband is not shy at all!"} {"idx": "mnli-10159", "premise": "Only Monday Night Football was in both groups' top 10.", "hypothesis": "Both groups' had Monday Night Football."} {"idx": "mnli-10160", "premise": "Civilization really depends on human beings caring about other human beings.", "hypothesis": "Civilization depends on humans killing other humans."} {"idx": "mnli-10161", "premise": "and oh i the uh we use a lot of free lance and uh", "hypothesis": "We don't use freelance"} {"idx": "mnli-10162", "premise": "Instead of walking away from China, American Christians should be rushing in.", "hypothesis": "American Christians are walking away from China."} {"idx": "mnli-10163", "premise": "Renewed government", "hypothesis": "The government has been renovated."} {"idx": "mnli-10164", "premise": "In addition, if the worker is required to be in the United States throughout the course of the representation, the right to legal assistance would be lost altogether.", "hypothesis": "Rights to legal assistance have nothing to do with the residence of a worker."} {"idx": "mnli-10165", "premise": "As with other contingent valuation studies, the reliability of the WTP estimates depends on the methods used to obtain the WTP values.", "hypothesis": "WTP values can only be obtained by one method."} {"idx": "mnli-10166", "premise": "The mailer/competitor might pay lower wages than the postal service, might succeed in managing and/or scheduling more tightly the sorting operations, might achieve higher productivity levels, and might be working with a more", "hypothesis": "Everything is certain."} {"idx": "mnli-10167", "premise": "well in in division one and i got uh went right to you know they have the job centers for us and everything and i just", "hypothesis": "There is a complete lack of assistance for people who have lost their jobs."} {"idx": "mnli-10168", "premise": "yeah well i had heard a couple of people you know that i had talked to about certain programs say that you know they had read other things besides what Sixty Minutes presented and that they didn't present it nearly the same way as the you know news articles or whatever they had they had already been familiar with so i started questioning just how how bias they really were so", "hypothesis": "I began to wonder if Sixty Minutes had a bias because of what people told me."} {"idx": "mnli-10169", "premise": "It is hard to imagine a smaller step than the one Greenspan took.", "hypothesis": "Greenspan was defiant. "} {"idx": "mnli-10170", "premise": "well i think i think i i mean what we've turned the schools into now are just day care centers", "hypothesis": "Schools are day care for older children"} {"idx": "mnli-10171", "premise": "There are occasional bullfights at the Plazas de Torosen Alcadia, Felanitx, Inca, and Muro; Menorca has no bullfights.", "hypothesis": "Menorca doesn't hold bullfights, but they can be seen at the Plazas de Torosen Alcadia."} {"idx": "mnli-10172", "premise": "Farmworker community organizations have found that agricultural workers are more willing to discuss issues arising out of their employment in base communities where they have the support of family and friends in pursuing their claims.", "hypothesis": "Agricultural workers are twice as likely to pursue their claims when they happen than they are to pursue them later after returning to their base communities."} {"idx": "mnli-10173", "premise": "And when a man is familiar with the general routine of a place, he can guess a sight too much and too close just by watching the comings and goings.", "hypothesis": "You can become familiar with a man's routine if you just watch for a while."} {"idx": "mnli-10174", "premise": "A very few minutes sufficed.", "hypothesis": "It only took a few minutes."} {"idx": "mnli-10175", "premise": "Views of the Blue Mountains from picture windows are spectacular.", "hypothesis": "The views of the Blue Mountains look awful from picture windows."} {"idx": "mnli-10176", "premise": "Jamaica's largest hotel, the Radisson Renaissance Grande Hotel, overlooks Turtle Beach.", "hypothesis": "The Radisson Renaissance Grande Hotel has views looking over Turtle Beach, and is Jamaica's largest hotel."} {"idx": "mnli-10177", "premise": " Shopping Tips", "hypothesis": "Tips for Purchasing Items from Marks and Spencer"} {"idx": "mnli-10178", "premise": "Hopefully, they'd kill each other.", "hypothesis": "Hopefully, they keep each other alive. "} {"idx": "mnli-10179", "premise": "ratings they received for their responsibilities, commitments, and retention standard.", "hypothesis": "For their responsibilities, they received ratings."} {"idx": "mnli-10180", "premise": "The English philanthropist visited the city several times and organized the construction of Mishkenot Sha'ananim, a row of dwellings built to encourage Jews to move from the overcrowded Jewish Quarter of the Old Cityto more modern and healthy places outside the walls.", "hypothesis": "The Jewish Quarter has always been very sparsely populated."} {"idx": "mnli-10181", "premise": "AICPA American Institute of Certified Public Accountants CPA certified public accountant FASAB Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board FASB Financial Accounting Standards Board GAAS AICPA's generally accepted auditing standards GAGAS generally accepted government auditing standards GASB Governmental Accounting Standards Board GAO General Accounting Office OMB Office of Management and Budget SASs AICPA's statements on auditing standards SSAEs AICPA's statement on standards for attestation engagements", "hypothesis": "AICPA is an institute for certified public architects."} {"idx": "mnli-10182", "premise": "you know like it's not like they just like well then the second time when i got hired i knew what was coming you know so then they checked us again in the middle of the summer", "hypothesis": "I knew it was coming when they checked us again in the summer."} {"idx": "mnli-10183", "premise": "Julius looked across at Sir James, who nodded.", "hypothesis": "Julius refused to look at Sir James for any reason."} {"idx": "mnli-10184", "premise": "Don't believe a word of it.", "hypothesis": "Words are mostly untrue and shouldn't be believed. "} {"idx": "mnli-10185", "premise": "maybe that understands colors would know all of that stuff but", "hypothesis": "someone who understands colors would know all that stuff."} {"idx": "mnli-10186", "premise": "He did so with surety, using the elbow of his bad arm to steady himself at the threshold, then raising both fists in a stretch.", "hypothesis": "He has no hands. "} {"idx": "mnli-10187", "premise": "and oh and she was like oh God he does this all the time you know where are you you know screaming J D and you know my heart was in my throat you know and uh he Brian was two houses down", "hypothesis": "I was calm and she was terrified about it."} {"idx": "mnli-10188", "premise": "well we really can't we really don't do that that often um i i guess recently we did um", "hypothesis": "We usually don't allow special requests for coffees."} {"idx": "mnli-10189", "premise": "Dark blood still stained his leather armor and dark cracked patches coated his hands.", "hypothesis": "His leather armor was spotless."} {"idx": "mnli-10190", "premise": "and i'm thirty years old and i'm kind of irresponsible but i have the morals that keep me from you know if i was going to go out and drink or do something i wouldn't do it in front of my child these people you know they bring their their Johns home and they bring their drugs home and the kids are just sitting there in the same room", "hypothesis": "I have no morals, I do whatever I feel like doing in front of my children."} {"idx": "mnli-10191", "premise": "We are certainly that.'", "hypothesis": "That is certainly true but we are trying to change it."} {"idx": "mnli-10192", "premise": "The electric utility portion was developed using the Integrated Planning Model (IPM).", "hypothesis": "The Integrated Planning Model was used to develop the electric utility portion."} {"idx": "mnli-10193", "premise": "yeah no i mean they were saying that of us that we're the North Americans and they're Americans they they we always say we're Americans and they they want us to say we're the North Americans we're not Americans we're North Americans and they're South Americans yeah", "hypothesis": "They distinguish a difference between North and South Americans."} {"idx": "mnli-10194", "premise": "'We expected you'd want to appear in Boston or Philadelphia or the like.'", "hypothesis": "We were in Boston right then."} {"idx": "mnli-10195", "premise": "This paper addresses several questions which arise from These two points under the assumption that the monopoly and any other barriers to entry were to be removed.", "hypothesis": "The paper responds to some of the questions that arose."} {"idx": "mnli-10196", "premise": "And then, of course, there was the New York Times , that old mainstay of psychotic delusion--Nash thought aliens were sending him encrypted messages through its pages (come to think of it, that could explain the Times ' odd prose).", "hypothesis": "Some nutjob thought aliens were communicating with him via the New York Times."} {"idx": "mnli-10197", "premise": "was was that the time no that was later eighty four that's too soon she said something about uh Ginger Rogers did did everything Fred Astaire did and she did it backwards in high heels", "hypothesis": "She was only interested in people who came after '84."} {"idx": "mnli-10198", "premise": "We've seen this model before.", "hypothesis": "They were bored."} {"idx": "mnli-10199", "premise": "but we can put potatoes in the ground in the middle of May", "hypothesis": "We can plant potatoes in the middle of May. "} {"idx": "mnli-10200", "premise": "but not uh but uh no rain at all yesterday and uh no rain today", "hypothesis": "Yes, lots of rain these past few days. "} {"idx": "mnli-10201", "premise": "Many people think Microsoft can easily separate Windows and IE if it wants to, but nobody would claim that Microsoft can single-handedly re-create the culture of Washington.", "hypothesis": "People believe that Microsoft could separate Windows and IE if it chose to, but no one would claim that Microsoft could re-create Washington's culture."} {"idx": "mnli-10202", "premise": "The best of the local beaches, most of which are pebbly, is south at Albir, between Altea and the Sierra Helada.", "hypothesis": "Most of the beaches in the area are filled with pebbles."} {"idx": "mnli-10203", "premise": "They're better off changing the subject to marriage, where they hold a clear advantage.", "hypothesis": "They should talk about neurolinguistics of which they know nothing."} {"idx": "mnli-10204", "premise": "Elements of the postal or mailing community or whatever you might call it have been engaged in the privacy issue at both the federal and state levels.", "hypothesis": "Privacy has not always been a concern for the postal community."} {"idx": "mnli-10205", "premise": "I may be wrong, of course.\" There was a pause, then Mr. Carter continued: \"I asked him to come round here.", "hypothesis": "I also asked him to bring me the evidence."} {"idx": "mnli-10206", "premise": "The inspector reported that the chair itself, the wooden part, needed replacement.", "hypothesis": "The chair has parts that are also made of plastic and metal."} {"idx": "mnli-10207", "premise": "He naturally concluded that his stepmother had had two quarrels. ", "hypothesis": "He strongly believed with such conviction that his stepmother would never quarrel with anyone. "} {"idx": "mnli-10208", "premise": "We are going through my mother's papers. ", "hypothesis": "They were going through her papers."} {"idx": "mnli-10209", "premise": "This is the third Democrats have overlooked the legal question in the middle.", "hypothesis": "The democrats always question if it is legal."} {"idx": "mnli-10210", "premise": "Today the Tolbooth houses The People's Story, a museum charting the history of the ordinary folk of the city from the 18th century to the present day.", "hypothesis": "The People's Story is a museum that only charts the history of wealthy people."} {"idx": "mnli-10211", "premise": "have a nice you too", "hypothesis": "Thank you so much."} {"idx": "mnli-10212", "premise": "have you been involved on the switchboard long", "hypothesis": "You have no experience with the switchboard, right? "} {"idx": "mnli-10213", "premise": "And you've got them?", "hypothesis": "And you gave them away?"} {"idx": "mnli-10214", "premise": "If the public safety organization decides to receive all calls from these carriers, the Order requires", "hypothesis": "The public safety organization has no say in if they will get calls from those carriers."} {"idx": "mnli-10215", "premise": "As you head out of Funchal, the village of Santo da Serra can also be reached via Camacha or from the Poiso crose\u00adroads.", "hypothesis": "The Poiso croseroads will lead to every village on the island."} {"idx": "mnli-10216", "premise": " Revenue as a share of GDP declines from its 2000 level of 20.", "hypothesis": "Revenue has declined in past decades."} {"idx": "mnli-10217", "premise": "DOD concurred with our recommendation to add exit criteria at two key points in the acquisition process-when transitioning from system integration to system demonstration and from system demonstration into production.", "hypothesis": "DOD checked our advisement when adding criteria at two places."} {"idx": "mnli-10218", "premise": "Barr too may hope to ride right-wing indignation to national power, but don't count on it.", "hypothesis": "The right wing views are not popular. "} {"idx": "mnli-10219", "premise": "the same person every day", "hypothesis": "The same person every day for a year."} {"idx": "mnli-10220", "premise": "That's good.", "hypothesis": "I like that."} {"idx": "mnli-10221", "premise": "Federal Family Education Loan Information Weak Computer Controls Increase Risk of Unauthorized Access to Sensitive Data (GAO/AIMD-95-117, June 12, 1995)", "hypothesis": "Weak computer controls raise the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive government data."} {"idx": "mnli-10222", "premise": "what division y'all in", "hypothesis": "What division are you guys in?"} {"idx": "mnli-10223", "premise": "he starts nuking Israel man he's in big trouble i mean we'll just we'll hear about it you know what i mean if anything major happens we're going to find out so let's chill out and just do what we need to do so", "hypothesis": "He's in a major predicament if he starts bombing Israel."} {"idx": "mnli-10224", "premise": "As a result, the employee should accept the benefits on behalf of the government and turn them over to the employee's agency.", "hypothesis": "Failure to accept the benefits will result in a plethora of legal complications."} {"idx": "mnli-10225", "premise": "At the funeral home the night after she died, reports the Star , He ran up to the casket and tried to lift Tammy right out of it, saying, 'Come on honey, I'm taking you home.", "hypothesis": "He was so distraught that he tried to take Tammy home from the funeral home."} {"idx": "mnli-10226", "premise": "Department of Housing and Urban Development, Administrative Office of U.S.", "hypothesis": "The Department of Housing and Urban Development get a lot of funding from the U.S. government."} {"idx": "mnli-10227", "premise": "It burrows from inside the city to a spring outside the walls; you can descend the steps and climb right into it.", "hypothesis": "There is a spring outside the city walls."} {"idx": "mnli-10228", "premise": "that ninety eight point seven i'm i'm eclectic approach", "hypothesis": "I don't use any planning to my approach."} {"idx": "mnli-10229", "premise": "Consider the benefit of public hearings that highlight Americans who have been victims of the IRS.", "hypothesis": "Public hearings would make taxpayers be more honest."} {"idx": "mnli-10230", "premise": "For example, regulators are asking what should be disclosed, what is the purpose of financial statements, and how useful are they?", "hypothesis": "Financial statements are difficult to be disclosed to the general public."} {"idx": "mnli-10231", "premise": "The former POV might be thought of as Democratic, the latter Republican.", "hypothesis": "The former POV while thought to be Democratic is fiscally conservative."} {"idx": "mnli-10232", "premise": "Quick as a flash Tommy leapt from his hiding-place and dashed down the stairs, pulling the girl with him.", "hypothesis": "Tommy was very fast as he pulled the girl with him downstairs."} {"idx": "mnli-10233", "premise": "5 million in federal funds under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) for use in rendering assistance in domestic violence cases.", "hypothesis": "The funds under the Violence Against Women Act are crucial to the wellbeing of hundreds of women. "} {"idx": "mnli-10234", "premise": "If the first lady's job description no longer includes being first, then let's lobby to create a new post, the last lady--or the latest lady.", "hypothesis": "The first lady has no official job description."} {"idx": "mnli-10235", "premise": "Deposits by states for unemployment trust fund.", "hypothesis": "Receive money from the unemployment trust fund."} {"idx": "mnli-10236", "premise": "Establish through analysis of multiple sites and data over time", "hypothesis": "Use many resources for the analysis of multiple sites and data over time."} {"idx": "mnli-10237", "premise": "On the other hand, commercial companies must develop high-quality products quickly or they may not survive in the marketplace.", "hypothesis": "Companies have a better chance of surviving if they can quickly provide products of high quality."} {"idx": "mnli-10238", "premise": "Meanwhile, he is being looked into for allegedly putting the arm on a Pakistani lobbyist for campaign contributions.", "hypothesis": "He has been investigated for several improprieties."} {"idx": "mnli-10239", "premise": "and uh uh they said you know stay inside", "hypothesis": "They said that we had to go outside."} {"idx": "mnli-10240", "premise": "He turned to his wife.", "hypothesis": "He turned to his wife."} {"idx": "mnli-10241", "premise": "yeah that would be really great", "hypothesis": "That's something I'm really looking forward to"} {"idx": "mnli-10242", "premise": "I expressed my admiration to Poirot, and he nodded thoughtfully. ", "hypothesis": "Poirot looked slightly surprised when I told him I liked him."} {"idx": "mnli-10243", "premise": "Just about every address in this district houses an appealing old tavern or tasca.", "hypothesis": "There are no taverns in any district here."} {"idx": "mnli-10244", "premise": "Your memory must be unusually short!", "hypothesis": "You already forgot about our meeting this morning? You have such a short memory!"} {"idx": "mnli-10245", "premise": "However, there is no strong evidence that he ever lived here.", "hypothesis": "However, there is no strong evidence that he ever lived here because the place burned down years ago."} {"idx": "mnli-10246", "premise": "kill right", "hypothesis": "Kill, right?"} {"idx": "mnli-10247", "premise": "But, they said, the proposal would save $10 million by eliminating more than 300 lawyers at the Administration for Children's Services, many of whom prosecute neglect and abuse cases in Family Court.", "hypothesis": "Their proposal, as stated, would eliminate 10 million lawyers."} {"idx": "mnli-10248", "premise": "The Commission discusses its reaction to these concerns, and changes made because of the comments, in the preamble to the rule published in the Federal Register.", "hypothesis": "The Commission felt changes should be made after hearing concerns."} {"idx": "mnli-10249", "premise": "This obscures a more sophisticated skepticism about whether he has a substantive vision to begin with, much less a serious plan to achieve it.", "hypothesis": "There is confidence in his vision and plan to achieve it."} {"idx": "mnli-10250", "premise": "The witch approached the demon, a black clay bowl in one hand and her wicked knife in the other.", "hypothesis": "The witch brought things to the demon."} {"idx": "mnli-10251", "premise": "Remember my life is of the utmost value to my country.", "hypothesis": "My country holds my life in great value."} {"idx": "mnli-10252", "premise": "It was a 1937 version of The Prisoner of Zenda , with Ronald Colman, Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Raymond Massey, David Niven, Madeleine Carroll, and Mary Astor.", "hypothesis": "The Prisoner of Zenda was a smash hit the moment it published."} {"idx": "mnli-10253", "premise": "'He trusts you?'", "hypothesis": "Do you have his trust?"} {"idx": "mnli-10254", "premise": "The tragedy of JQA's life is that, for all his spectacular achievements, he was doomed to feel inadequate next to his larger-than-life father.", "hypothesis": "Compared to his father, JQA's was doomed to feel inadequate. "} {"idx": "mnli-10255", "premise": "The streets Brasil and Obrapaa lead directly west to the monumental Capitolio, a replica of the American capitol in Washington, D.C.", "hypothesis": "Capitolio is a replica of the American capitol in Washington, D.C."} {"idx": "mnli-10256", "premise": "It is remarkable that a Court that has so studiously avoided deciding whether Congress could entirely eliminate federal jurisdiction over certain matters, see, e.g., Webster v.", "hypothesis": "Congress would only eliminate the jurisdiction if something bad happened."} {"idx": "mnli-10257", "premise": "So the winner's curse can't explain the extravagant price of shares in eBay itself.", "hypothesis": "The price can't be explained by the winner's curse."} {"idx": "mnli-10258", "premise": "similar to those of researchers from more experiment-oriented traditions.", "hypothesis": "Some researchers conduct more experiments than others."} {"idx": "mnli-10259", "premise": "yeah in their own community right", "hypothesis": "Within their own community, is their correct?"} {"idx": "mnli-10260", "premise": "because it is a four percent that they take", "hypothesis": "They take four percent."} {"idx": "mnli-10261", "premise": "But she would also realize that she couldn't leave him while he was in the White House, in part because her tenure is co-terminal with his.", "hypothesis": "She realized she couldn't leave while he was still in office."} {"idx": "mnli-10262", "premise": "No place for anyone to hide here, thought Tuppence, with a sigh of relief, then 220 chided herself indignantly.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence thought this wasn't a good hiding place."} {"idx": "mnli-10263", "premise": "If the sheepshead minnow, Cyprindon variegatus, larval survival and growth test is begun with less-than-24-h old larvae, the mean dry weight of the surviving larvae in the control chambers at the end of the test must equal or exceed 0.60 mg, if the weights are determined immediately, or", "hypothesis": "Most larvae in the control chambers do survive at the end of the test with weights greater than 0.60 mg."} {"idx": "mnli-10264", "premise": "She can recognize the emperor of Faigon and the king of Gazu Kadem by sight.", "hypothesis": "She can see the emperor of Faigon."} {"idx": "mnli-10265", "premise": "guys that are playing for long time uh they're playing Duke uh this weekend uh the average age on Duke's team is nineteen years old", "hypothesis": "The average age on Duke's team players' is 19 years old."} {"idx": "mnli-10266", "premise": "i think it depends on what part of the state", "hypothesis": "I think it depends on the part of the state."} {"idx": "mnli-10267", "premise": "well there is always the uh the possibility even remote as it is of uh of mistaken uh of", "hypothesis": "There is no chance of it."} {"idx": "mnli-10268", "premise": "CLEANUP COSTS - The costs of removing, containing, and/or disposing of (1) hazardous waste from property, or (2) material and/or property that consists of hazardous waste at permanent or temporary closure or shutdown of associated PP&E.", "hypothesis": "Hazardous waste disposal has some associated costs."} {"idx": "mnli-10269", "premise": "That is, the Challenger inquiry could be seen as similar to a case study in some ways.", "hypothesis": "This inquiry looks different from a case study for certain aspects."} {"idx": "mnli-10270", "premise": "With the help of UNESCO a new high-tech depository has been built on a site on the Corniche, east of the central square.", "hypothesis": "The Corniche site is north of the central square."} {"idx": "mnli-10271", "premise": "uh start forcing attitudes and whatnot you know there's not a lot of pressure to to vote the right way or anything else around TI like there like there is in some companies or at least you know from what i've heard but uh", "hypothesis": "Most companies have a forced attitude on its workers."} {"idx": "mnli-10272", "premise": "yeah right right which program did you use did you use Word Perfect", "hypothesis": "Did you use Word Perfect"} {"idx": "mnli-10273", "premise": "They were like the ones in The Last Picture Show , with wrinkles around the middle and unreliable straps that slid around on the shoulders, uneasily contending with the bra straps.", "hypothesis": "They had ill fitting straps that did not stay up on the shoulders."} {"idx": "mnli-10274", "premise": "In automated systems, they are represented by what can be referred to generically as electronic signatures.", "hypothesis": "Electronic signatures are used with automated systems."} {"idx": "mnli-10275", "premise": "The same psychographers who identify a lucrative market of rugged individualists in one study will turn around and identify an equally lucrative market of neo-traditionalists in the next.", "hypothesis": "Psychographers commonly conduct many studies with have differing results."} {"idx": "mnli-10276", "premise": "You consider her vehemence unnatural?", "hypothesis": "Is her vehemence normal?"} {"idx": "mnli-10277", "premise": "Yes, sir, both me and Willum, she called.", "hypothesis": "Yes, sir, Willum and I were involved in the matter, she said."} {"idx": "mnli-10278", "premise": "It was inevitable that Malamud's editor would bring out a Complete Stories . Completeness is not always a virtue, though.", "hypothesis": "Malamud has no editor."} {"idx": "mnli-10279", "premise": "The principal city in the region is Izmir (ancient Smyrna), which has an international airport.", "hypothesis": "The airport helps the economy of the city."} {"idx": "mnli-10280", "premise": "Houston Houston is awful", "hypothesis": "Houston is Awful"} {"idx": "mnli-10281", "premise": "He went to his saddle bags and took out a bundle of gray cloth.", "hypothesis": "He looked in the saddle bag but it was empty."} {"idx": "mnli-10282", "premise": "For various reasons, I don't think this explains much about the evolution of American Jewish memory of the Holocaust.", "hypothesis": "There are materials that do a better job at explaining the evolution of American Jewish memory of the Holocaust."} {"idx": "mnli-10283", "premise": "Parallel with the north end of the beach is Tel Aviv's busiest thoroughfare, Dizengoff Street.", "hypothesis": "Dizengoff Street runs perpendicular to the north end of the beach."} {"idx": "mnli-10284", "premise": "know people at the end of the year you know that have had that money checked out regularly and then it's like well let's see i guess i could go get a new of glasses you know", "hypothesis": "I might get new glasses at the end of the year, since I'll have money."} {"idx": "mnli-10285", "premise": "and i keep thinking you know uh gifted is is Einstein or you know uh musical prodigies it's it's not a kid who's you know precocious", "hypothesis": "Precocious children are not as gifted as Einstein. "} {"idx": "mnli-10286", "premise": "I think the subtext of this election will be, 'I will not embarrass you.", "hypothesis": "The subtext of this election is 'I will not embarrass you.'"} {"idx": "mnli-10287", "premise": "Analyzing Written Material.", "hypothesis": "They are analyzing the written materials."} {"idx": "mnli-10288", "premise": "I am certain that you would find it. ", "hypothesis": "I'm not sure you would find it."} {"idx": "mnli-10289", "premise": "huh-uh swimming is for swimming", "hypothesis": "No, swimming is not for swimming."} {"idx": "mnli-10290", "premise": "Like the emblem on its coat of arms, the Ile de la Cite takes the form of a boat, with the romantic tree-shaded place du Vert Galant as its prow pointing downstream.", "hypothesis": "The building takes the form of a boat."} {"idx": "mnli-10291", "premise": "He started to rush off, presumably with mind to intercept.", "hypothesis": "He ran off hoping he had enough time to intercept."} {"idx": "mnli-10292", "premise": "I don't think you get to lecture on trust.'", "hypothesis": "I don't think you have any room to talk about trust to me, since you broke mine."} {"idx": "mnli-10293", "premise": "maybe that's how we got in trouble", "hypothesis": "we were never in any trouble. "} {"idx": "mnli-10294", "premise": "so um no i i've i've finally worked myself into a spot where i can budget when i when i was first divorced i had um i sat down and budgeted and i had outgo that was what much higher than what i had coming in", "hypothesis": "I am finally in a position where I can budget."} {"idx": "mnli-10295", "premise": "Jon watched San'doro cut a black cloak from one of the Red Lotus assassins.", "hypothesis": "Jon watched San'doro kill an assassin."} {"idx": "mnli-10296", "premise": "It didn't take long for the city to establish itself as a wild-West town with an anything goes attitude.", "hypothesis": "It did not take very long before the city established itself."} {"idx": "mnli-10297", "premise": "At the southern extremities of the National Park are areas of limestone with so-called clint and grike patterns, caused when rainfall erodes weaker fissures, leaving high narrow ridges or overhangs of stronger rock.", "hypothesis": "It has never rained in the area."} {"idx": "mnli-10298", "premise": "The next witness was Mary Cavendish. ", "hypothesis": "The witness saw the murder happen outside her window."} {"idx": "mnli-10299", "premise": "and she said oh my goodness no i didn't mean that and poor Janet realized immediately she didn't mean that she meant what was the process of voting", "hypothesis": "Janet had her words misconstrued and had to repeat herself."} {"idx": "mnli-10300", "premise": "(Not all these cafe will be open throughout the summer months. )", "hypothesis": "Some of these cafes will be closed during the summer months."} {"idx": "mnli-10301", "premise": "In fact, he Gladius Dei, an early story, tells of a strange young man raging in disgust and envy at pornographic art in a gallery window and resolving to bring down a fiery sword on a rotten world.", "hypothesis": "He tells about a kid who had a lot of feelings at the first time he went to a gallery."} {"idx": "mnli-10302", "premise": "Then he got tired, tossed the whip aside and stowed the charger away in a corner of his imagination for future use.", "hypothesis": "He kept a hold on the whip."} {"idx": "mnli-10303", "premise": "For the folks at Public Citizen, this last criterion really sticks in their craws.", "hypothesis": "The Public Citizen is a liberal newspaper. "} {"idx": "mnli-10304", "premise": "She closed her eyes and Jon's vision expanded.", "hypothesis": "When her eyes closed Jon was able to see past the mountains."} {"idx": "mnli-10305", "premise": "He an' his men was bushwhacked.", "hypothesis": "He and his men were fresh as daisies. "} {"idx": "mnli-10306", "premise": "yes uh Fairfax County has uh a number of uh park authority uh recreation centers and all of them have uh at least a twenty five meter or twenty five yard uh swimming pool", "hypothesis": "the swimming pools are also all heated"} {"idx": "mnli-10307", "premise": "Viewed this way, the ascent from the foothills of Mount Improbable to its multicellular aeries hardly seems inevitable.", "hypothesis": "It seems very not likely."} {"idx": "mnli-10308", "premise": " Ibiza is mildly famous for its own native liqueurs.", "hypothesis": "Ibiza's local liqueurs are well known to some."} {"idx": "mnli-10309", "premise": "Supposedly it sits on the site of the Dubh Linn (Black Pool) that gave Dublin its name.", "hypothesis": "Despite speculation Dublin's name has no origin."} {"idx": "mnli-10310", "premise": "In their writings, Barlow and Dyson make clear they're aware of this fact.", "hypothesis": "They proved their knowledge when they wrote about the fact."} {"idx": "mnli-10311", "premise": "In 1529 work started on a tower and royal apartments for James and his wife, Mary of Guise, which now constitute the western section and tower of the current palace.", "hypothesis": "The western section and tower used to be the residence of James and Mary."} {"idx": "mnli-10312", "premise": "You could be dueling beautifully until an arrow hits you in the back.", "hypothesis": "An arrow will hit you in the back and kill you. "} {"idx": "mnli-10313", "premise": "The mare, after a first nervous start, stood easy under his sure and gentle hands.", "hypothesis": "The mare had been calm from the beginning."} {"idx": "mnli-10314", "premise": "Then she told me that I was her niece, and that I was to call her 'Aunt Rita.' ", "hypothesis": "I've never met her before but she was telling me to call her Aunt Rita because I was her niece."} {"idx": "mnli-10315", "premise": "It should be noted that statistical sampling and fast pay procedures neither reduce the need for effective internal control nor relieve the certifying/disbursing officer of his or her responsibility.", "hypothesis": "Statistical sampling does reduce the need for effective internal control."} {"idx": "mnli-10316", "premise": "(Surprisingly comfortable.)", "hypothesis": "It is ridiculously uncomfortable."} {"idx": "mnli-10317", "premise": "by alcohol.", "hypothesis": "by hard liquor"} {"idx": "mnli-10318", "premise": "i've noticed that in a lot of companies that you know everybody says well there's no women in upper management and my first question well is there anyone qualified to be there", "hypothesis": "It makes you wonder why most companies don't have any men in upper management. "} {"idx": "mnli-10319", "premise": "Not the least in the world. But, pausing a moment, he added: \"Still, it does not surprise me. ", "hypothesis": "He was absolutely surprised by it."} {"idx": "mnli-10320", "premise": "The major names to look out for are Royal Selangor and Tumasek Pewter, both available throughout the country.", "hypothesis": "Royal Selangor and Tumasek are the only names available throughout the country."} {"idx": "mnli-10321", "premise": "But it was mighty uncertain whether it would bear my weight.", "hypothesis": "It was not a surety that it would hold up under my weight. "} {"idx": "mnli-10322", "premise": "The tempting shops and first-class restaurants more than make up for the crowded pebble beach.", "hypothesis": "Most of the time the pebble beach is quite empty and quiet."} {"idx": "mnli-10323", "premise": "The most accessible islands from Athens are the Cyclades to the southeast, thrown like a handful of pebbles into the sea.", "hypothesis": "Southeast of Athens there are islands called the Cyclades."} {"idx": "mnli-10324", "premise": "but i wonder if yeah and i i still haven't been called yet in fact yeah in fact out of our office staff is let's see there's uh four six there's seven of us and there's only one been called", "hypothesis": "There will probably be more called within the next week or so."} {"idx": "mnli-10325", "premise": " \"Nye's right,\"Topham agreed.", "hypothesis": "Topham is friends with Nye."} {"idx": "mnli-10326", "premise": "THE KAL IS WOUNDED, came Susan's voice in his head.", "hypothesis": "Adrin's voice came into his head telling him that the Kal is wounded."} {"idx": "mnli-10327", "premise": "We need your services.\" \"What do you want?\" Dave asked.", "hypothesis": "\"What kind of services do you want me to provide?\" Dave inquired."} {"idx": "mnli-10328", "premise": "'Sort of,' I said.", "hypothesis": "I didn't want to, but slightly agreed."} {"idx": "mnli-10329", "premise": "3) LSC will identify in which states, if any, it proposes to define new service areas at least sixty (60) days prior to publishing those service areas in the Federal Register.", "hypothesis": "The LSC won't define its new service areas, if any, until the day before it seeks to publish those areas in the Federal Register."} {"idx": "mnli-10330", "premise": "If News Quiz were not a quiz but rather a pornographic Japanese comic book, dense with misogyny and conveniently available in omnipresent vending machines on the platforms of swift, efficient commuter railways, those would be the attributes of the sexed-up superhero whose adventures we chronicled, even if it made many of our fellow passengers really uncomfortable.", "hypothesis": "News Quiz is not a Japanese comic. "} {"idx": "mnli-10331", "premise": "Kind sir.", "hypothesis": "Sir, you are kind."} {"idx": "mnli-10332", "premise": "MODIFICATION ADJUSTMENT TRANSFER - A non-expenditure transfer from a financing account to the Treasury, or vice versa, to offset the difference between the cost of modification of direct loans (or loan guarantees) and the change in the book value of direct loans (or loan guarantee liabilities).", "hypothesis": "The Treasury can make a modification adjustment transfer."} {"idx": "mnli-10333", "premise": "yeah and you give them you know they get their free lunch and they throw most of it away but then they have their money to go buy dessert and that they eat", "hypothesis": "Their free lunches came with apples in them."} {"idx": "mnli-10334", "premise": "The litigation ban is Litigants challenging the covered statutes or regulations do not receive LSC funding, and neither do litigants defending those laws against challenge.", "hypothesis": "Because of the conflict of interest, those challenging and defending the covered regulations and statutes do not receive funding from the LSC."} {"idx": "mnli-10335", "premise": "Here was Kazin, 50 years older than I but still traveling happily toward New York, still talking about books and people with passion and devotion, and still holding out the promise of a New World.", "hypothesis": "Kazin was 50 years older, but hadn't changed a bit."} {"idx": "mnli-10336", "premise": "This contradiction of Saturday night summed up the inability of the American political class to come properly to terms with the interweaving of show business and death, of dollars and guns.", "hypothesis": "Politicians made fools of themselves on Saturday trying to mix business and pleasure."} {"idx": "mnli-10337", "premise": "TheRequired auditor may have to generate this list on the basis of interviews if one is not available.", "hypothesis": "The auditor must provide this list to all applicants."} {"idx": "mnli-10338", "premise": "San'doro waited near him, his knives still sheathed.", "hypothesis": "San'doro waited, keeping his knives sheathed."} {"idx": "mnli-10339", "premise": "The cover story lionizes Chuck Close, who manages to paint astonishing Pointillist portraits despite near-total paralysis.", "hypothesis": "Chuck Close has an interest in sculpture, but has never painted."} {"idx": "mnli-10340", "premise": "You could have heard a pin drop.", "hypothesis": "It was so loud in there you could not hear yourself think."} {"idx": "mnli-10341", "premise": "130 \"No,\" admitted Boris at last sullenly, \"you do not.\"", "hypothesis": "Boris confidently objected, a smile breaking out across his face."} {"idx": "mnli-10342", "premise": "During his stint as governor of the island, Zarco is believed to have lived a short distance up Caleda do Pico, in the Quinta das Cruzes.", "hypothesis": "Zarco was governor of the island for a time."} {"idx": "mnli-10343", "premise": "Just as Christianity introduced Mediterranean culture into northern Europe, so Buddhism brought Chinese culture into Japanese society.", "hypothesis": "Chinese culture would not have influenced Japan if not for Buddhism."} {"idx": "mnli-10344", "premise": "but didn't they pass that thing that we were gonna have a lottery or not", "hypothesis": "Are we going to have a lottery fundraiser?"} {"idx": "mnli-10345", "premise": "Buy your ticket and pass through the turreted Gate of Salutations, better known as the Orta Kap??, or Middle Gate.", "hypothesis": "No one can go through the Middle Gate without a ticket."} {"idx": "mnli-10346", "premise": "Macau, the final bastion of Portugal's great 16th-century empire, is much more than just a quirk of history.", "hypothesis": "Macau was a part of Portugal's 16th-century empire."} {"idx": "mnli-10347", "premise": "The 15th-century Palazzo da Schio (number 147) is also known as Ca'd'Oro, after the famous Venetian Gothic palace.", "hypothesis": "The Palazzo da Schio dates from the late 1440s."} {"idx": "mnli-10348", "premise": "A product development process includes two phases followed by production-integration phase and demonstration phase.", "hypothesis": "A product development process consists of ten phases."} {"idx": "mnli-10349", "premise": "Apparently, real Velociraptors were small and fairly timid.", "hypothesis": "They exaggerated how rabid they were in several movies."} {"idx": "mnli-10350", "premise": "it's it's been a rough tow a rough road to hoe ever since he left i don't know why it's so hard to find uh a good quarterback these days", "hypothesis": "It's been a rough time, but the quarterback doesn't matter all that much."} {"idx": "mnli-10351", "premise": "Well, I'm sure as hell not buying Jumbo anymore!", "hypothesis": "I'm not buying Jumbo again because they raised their prices."} {"idx": "mnli-10352", "premise": "This knowledge, coupled with vast experience in manufacturing trucks, ensured the stability of the 797-truck design before initial manufacturing started.", "hypothesis": "The stability of the 797 truck design was far from a sure thing before manufacturing began."} {"idx": "mnli-10353", "premise": "Reviewers call it pretentious and filled with inaccurate references to theoretical physics, Walt Whitman, and the Kabbalah.", "hypothesis": "Reviewers may see some good parts of the story."} {"idx": "mnli-10354", "premise": "Both new protocols will be used by staff and consultants who review programs and in their reports and recommendations based on the reviews.", "hypothesis": "The staff and consultants will not use the new protocols."} {"idx": "mnli-10355", "premise": "To maximize the value of expenditures on external training and events, one central group required staff members who attended These events to brief others in the central group on what they had learned.", "hypothesis": "One central group required staff members to brief the group on what they learned at the events. "} {"idx": "mnli-10356", "premise": "They crossed streams of fresh water that made Kal and San'doro nearly weep.", "hypothesis": "Kal and San'doro were so sick of seeing water they had to cross that they were completely frustrated."} {"idx": "mnli-10357", "premise": "With exceptional year-round weather, over 72 miles (116 km) of beaches, vast mountain ranges, and a hyperathletic community, Los Angeles has enough outdoor activities to keep you busy for the next ten years.", "hypothesis": "The beaches attract millions of visitors per year."} {"idx": "mnli-10358", "premise": "That's all.", "hypothesis": "There's a few more things."} {"idx": "mnli-10359", "premise": "They were infused with the idealism and spirit of the Kennedy years and strengthened by President Johnson's vision of a Great Society.", "hypothesis": "They were bolstered by Johnson's vision of what social programs made America great."} {"idx": "mnli-10360", "premise": "Tommy dropped off the bed and came and inspected the contents of the tray.", "hypothesis": "Tommy took the bed somewhere."} {"idx": "mnli-10361", "premise": "To memorialize his son, Subia asked his artist friend Felipe Adame to paint a mural at his home.", "hypothesis": "Art was commissioned in memory of the boy."} {"idx": "mnli-10362", "premise": "It's an odd factor, Do people believe that Brokaw, Rather and Jennings--reading scripts written by others from their TelePrompTers--are making things up?", "hypothesis": "Do people believe that Brokaw, Jennings and Rather--reading scripts written by others from their TelePrompTers--are making things up? It's an odd factor."} {"idx": "mnli-10363", "premise": "Think about cutting him.", "hypothesis": "Do not consider cutting him."} {"idx": "mnli-10364", "premise": "And we care deeply about it today or we wouldn't be here together in this room.", "hypothesis": "We don't care about that at all nowadays."} {"idx": "mnli-10365", "premise": "i don't know if they do it either to be truthful", "hypothesis": "I'm certain they are lying."} {"idx": "mnli-10366", "premise": "He eventually escaped and returned to Ireland as a missionary in a.d. 432.", "hypothesis": "After he escaped, he never again returned to Ireland."} {"idx": "mnli-10367", "premise": "It has seen such illustrious guests as Winston Churchill and Agatha Christie, who wrote her thriller Death on the Nile while staying here.", "hypothesis": "Neither Agatha Christie nor Winston Churchill has ever stayed here. "} {"idx": "mnli-10368", "premise": "The report says the state would need to triple its combined public and private investment in legal services to adequately meet the legal needs of low-income Californians.", "hypothesis": "They did not know how many there were that would be considered low income."} {"idx": "mnli-10369", "premise": "Approach it via a narrow alley near the intersection of Jalan Acheh and Lebuh Pitt.", "hypothesis": "It can be approached via a narrow alley."} {"idx": "mnli-10370", "premise": "This, in turn, is based on a productive hourly rate (pay, overtime pay, and benefits for hours worked) increased to account for other costs that can be associated with carriers.", "hypothesis": "Postage is part of the productive hourly rate."} {"idx": "mnli-10371", "premise": "Find time, too, for the well-presented Museo Municipal in Carrer de la Corretgeria, 46.", "hypothesis": "Museo Municipal is in Carrer de la Corretgeria and it is very well-known."} {"idx": "mnli-10372", "premise": "yeah i'm the i'm the teacher i give as it were", "hypothesis": "Yes I am a teacher."} {"idx": "mnli-10373", "premise": "We'll have to hurry.\" Carshalton Terrace proved to be an unimpeachable row of what Tuppence called \"ladylike looking houses.\" They rang the bell at No. 27, and a neat maid answered the door.", "hypothesis": "A disheveled maid answered the door after they knocked."} {"idx": "mnli-10374", "premise": "sometimes yeah well i i enjoy needlepoint although boy i guess i got myself burned out i did too much too fast and", "hypothesis": "I did a lot of needlepoint very quickly. "} {"idx": "mnli-10375", "premise": "The south remained dominated by the Hindu kingdom of Vijayanagar for the next 250 years.", "hypothesis": "The Hindu kingdom of Vijayanagar dominated the south for 250 years."} {"idx": "mnli-10376", "premise": "In a real courtroom, he and Fridlund-Horne agreed, a person's entire demeanor is a part of the evidence that the judge sees.", "hypothesis": "He and Fridlund-Horne both think that judges should completely ignore a person's demeanor as evidence."} {"idx": "mnli-10377", "premise": "I didn't want to give my own because of poor father in case I should get mixed up in anything shady.\" 23 \"Perhaps that's so,\" said Tommy slowly.", "hypothesis": "\"I was happy to give my own.\""} {"idx": "mnli-10378", "premise": "probably yeah and in Dallas you know we had the uh Annette Strauss and she's a uh first woman mayor so", "hypothesis": "Dallas has never had a female mayor before, and never will."} {"idx": "mnli-10379", "premise": "But it's equally rational to avoid risk or to seek it out.", "hypothesis": "Avoiding risk is much more irrational than seeking it out."} {"idx": "mnli-10380", "premise": "Easter and the Totem(1953) collapses back to Totem Lesson 1 (1944).", "hypothesis": "Easter and the Totem traces back to Alice in Wonderland."} {"idx": "mnli-10381", "premise": "a lot more indepth", "hypothesis": "There's a lot more information."} {"idx": "mnli-10382", "premise": "oh just to see just just to check on a lab", "hypothesis": "I do not think the lab needs to be checked. "} {"idx": "mnli-10383", "premise": "yeah you see it on TV The guy gets up and lives afterwards", "hypothesis": "The guy remains seated throughout the whole thing."} {"idx": "mnli-10384", "premise": "But risking holiday sentimentality (with the ready-made excuse that it's just the chestnut stuffing talking), I'd like to mention some things I'm thankful for, like Tim Carvell's two (!) responses involving pushing people or poultry out of airplanes; Jennifer Miller's two (!) bits of self-revelation about her dark and ferocious inner life and apartment; Larry Amaros' determination that the Olsen twins wander parched and frightened, not merely in the Serengeti but during the dry season.", "hypothesis": "Risking holiday sentimentality, I would like to mention few things I'm thankful for, like Larry Amaros' determination that the Olsen twins wander parched and frightened, and Tim Carvell's two (!) responses involving pushing poultry or...people, out of airplanes, among others."} {"idx": "mnli-10385", "premise": "I tell you I couldn't.", "hypothesis": "I guarantee you I could."} {"idx": "mnli-10386", "premise": "Marcus was older than us, a captain during the war and our leader when they started calling us the Gray Wolves near the end of the war.", "hypothesis": "Marcus was a captain and leader during the war."} {"idx": "mnli-10387", "premise": "Conferees agreed that leadership is broader than just management and that the concept of leadership rests on power sharing.", "hypothesis": "Conferees weren't in agreement concerning the importance of power sharing to the concept of leadership."} {"idx": "mnli-10388", "premise": "Two weeks later my wife, my son, and I were in the East Room of the White House, tears streaming down our cheeks as Richard Nixon said farewell to his staff.", "hypothesis": "My family and I were in the Lincoln Memorial."} {"idx": "mnli-10389", "premise": "Beyond the Bassin d'Apollon is the Grand Canal, on which the king kept his Venetian gondolas.", "hypothesis": "The king kept his Venetian gondolas in the moat."} {"idx": "mnli-10390", "premise": "The design for the new building was the subject of a competition won by Spanish architect and designer Enric Miralles.", "hypothesis": "The new building was intended to look similar to the old building."} {"idx": "mnli-10391", "premise": "really i'm doing my Master's in in Computer Science and Computer Engineering", "hypothesis": "Right now I'm trying to get my masters degree in Computer Science and Computer Engineering."} {"idx": "mnli-10392", "premise": "and most of them are partying", "hypothesis": "Most of them have tests in the morning."} {"idx": "mnli-10393", "premise": "But he looked so honest, I could hardly believe it.", "hypothesis": "I was shocked by the actions that happened"} {"idx": "mnli-10394", "premise": "As at Garda, a mild climate nurtures luxuriant vegetation in the villa gardens and parks.", "hypothesis": "The temperate climate allowed for a lot of plant growth."} {"idx": "mnli-10395", "premise": " She came in for a one-point landing a couple of yards away.", "hypothesis": "Only a few yards away she came in for a one point landing."} {"idx": "mnli-10396", "premise": " San'doro drew his two daggers, the blades shone red in the low moon.", "hypothesis": "He was getting ready to fight demons."} {"idx": "mnli-10397", "premise": "A cloud of white smoke exploded from the back of the gun and swept into the hot wind.", "hypothesis": "The gun had never been fired."} {"idx": "mnli-10398", "premise": "The old western was almost always a tale of a courageous loner imposing order on lawlessness, as in the Wayne films and Shane (1953).", "hypothesis": "The old western usually depicts a vigilante in action."} {"idx": "mnli-10399", "premise": "In addition to seeking clarification of various operational issues, some agencies raised questions concerning the statements of our audit and access authorities cited in the protocols.", "hypothesis": "A few of the agencies were concerned about the mentions in the protocols concerning access authority."} {"idx": "mnli-10400", "premise": "but i like i i'm a Danielle Steele fan", "hypothesis": "I hate Danielle Steele."} {"idx": "mnli-10401", "premise": "i agree i agree but um yeah like like you said i wonder you know if if it's certainly not going to be a slow change process and i wonder if it'll ever be a change process", "hypothesis": "I think it will change fast."} {"idx": "mnli-10402", "premise": "Ponta Delgada has a public pool by the sea.", "hypothesis": "There is a public pool by the sea in Ponta Delgada."} {"idx": "mnli-10403", "premise": "Kinsley fails to address the main point of the privatization Social Security changes people's behavior.", "hypothesis": "Privatizing Social Security means that recipients' future benefits will be less secure."} {"idx": "mnli-10404", "premise": "Fallen works feverishly to keep you distracted from its hollow center but, like a lot of movies these days, it starts to self-destruct well before you've got 500 cubits away from the theater.", "hypothesis": "Fallen tries hard to entertain, and the script is the key issue to the failure."} {"idx": "mnli-10405", "premise": "These new agreements described how the sensitivity of information would be defined, how shared information would be protected from dissemination outside the group, and what information could be shared with nonmembers.", "hypothesis": "Sensitive information should not be shared outside the group."} {"idx": "mnli-10406", "premise": "um he's the type that he is willing to have to take on more responsibility um if that meant you know for me to be able to uh uh advance or go back to work or whatever i'm kind of more thank you i'm kind of more middle of the road i think that when children are small i think it's okay for women to work especially there should be some a lot more part time but i think it's um i don't believe in this career you know this career drive when when they're small because i think they're downstairs Aaron i think that's very um", "hypothesis": "He wants to take on more responsibility around the workplace."} {"idx": "mnli-10407", "premise": "And, even if the choice were up to each of us, it would be a choice we make in a community that still places strong constraints on what a black thinker can do.", "hypothesis": "The community has no racial rules in place."} {"idx": "mnli-10408", "premise": "He was brilliant, an artist in the medium of steel.", "hypothesis": "He made animal sculptures out of steel. "} {"idx": "mnli-10409", "premise": "They stuck him into this thing resembling a caftan, not a flight suit, and he couldn't even take a photo of himself, but maybe it was better without one anyway, because in this vomit-green inflatable quilted shit, he looked like a huge pear, even though he weighed only 125.5 kilograMs. 'And what is this?' He asked the captain pointing with his eyes at the screen, where wrapped in a thick layer of brownish gases, an outline of Earth could be seen.", "hypothesis": "He didn't talk to the captain."} {"idx": "mnli-10410", "premise": "The Supplementary Information accompanying the final rule states in this ", "hypothesis": "The final rule contains no supplementary information whatsoever and is not useful in any aspect of reality."} {"idx": "mnli-10411", "premise": "The State of Israel", "hypothesis": "The state of Israel declared war on Palestine."} {"idx": "mnli-10412", "premise": "uh-huh that's true that's true yeah", "hypothesis": "That's right."} {"idx": "mnli-10413", "premise": "First, is it a mandate[d] savings program?", "hypothesis": "Is it a mandated attempt to overthrow the regime."} {"idx": "mnli-10414", "premise": "In the New Republic , Robert Boyers condemns John Updike for setting his sci-fi novel Toward the End of Time in the aftermath of a horrific conflagration.", "hypothesis": "In the New Republic, Robert Boyers praises John Updike for setting his sci-fi novel Toward the Horizon in the aftermath of a technologic evolution."} {"idx": "mnli-10415", "premise": "At the start of the new millennium, Edinburgh is once again wielding true political power on behalf of its fellow The Scotland Act, passed in November 1998, transferred control of domestic policy from London back to the Scots for the first time since 1707.", "hypothesis": "Scotland was disappointed in passage of The Scotland Act of 1998, as it took away power."} {"idx": "mnli-10416", "premise": "East Jerusalem has both modern streets and ancient monuments, just as West Jerusalem does.", "hypothesis": "There are only ancient streets in Jerusalem."} {"idx": "mnli-10417", "premise": "okay we're gonna talk about the public school system what's wrong with it and or if anything is wrong with it and what we can do about it what should be done about it", "hypothesis": "We will discuss any issues in the public school system."} {"idx": "mnli-10418", "premise": "We'll start with the London area.", "hypothesis": "London is the last place we'll go."} {"idx": "mnli-10419", "premise": "Fifth month: Promoted one floor up to duties of wardmaid with mop and pail.", "hypothesis": "I was demoted in the fifth month. "} {"idx": "mnli-10420", "premise": "but uh all right well thank you for calling and nice and have a good weekend", "hypothesis": "Okay, thank you for calling and have a great weekend."} {"idx": "mnli-10421", "premise": "because we have you know everywhere everywhere that a tree is down people need help and we're all all a lot of older folks need help getting their yards cleaned out because they can't afford to pay anyone and they and and they certainly can't carry it themselves and so", "hypothesis": "Old folks can easily clean their yards without any outside help regardless of the circumstances."} {"idx": "mnli-10422", "premise": "you know i had a real problem with that", "hypothesis": "I agreed with that"} {"idx": "mnli-10423", "premise": "Although the lines in Figure 9 appear to cross, based on the models in Part II, it is interesting to consider the possibility that they may not.", "hypothesis": "Figure 9 was skipped because the model wasn't ready yet, we should probably put some lines in there."} {"idx": "mnli-10424", "premise": "With the combination of higher prices and improved efficiency, total expenditures for electricity consumption in 2015 are projected to increase by about 17% to 39%, depending on the scenario.", "hypothesis": "In 2015, spending on electricity is expected to increase by at least 17%."} {"idx": "mnli-10425", "premise": "How long will it take to get them here for a council?\" Ser Perth appeared from the group.", "hypothesis": "Ser Perth wanted to know how long it would take to get them here."} {"idx": "mnli-10426", "premise": "\"Yes, suh.\" Drew's agreement was drowned out by a harsh cry from overhead.", "hypothesis": "\"No, sir,\" Drew disagreed loudly. "} {"idx": "mnli-10427", "premise": "Madeira's microclimates are very difficult to judge, especially from below.", "hypothesis": "Madeira's climate is very predicable."} {"idx": "mnli-10428", "premise": "Thorn's body sagged and he sat on the body of a felled horse.", "hypothesis": "Thorn rode a horse."} {"idx": "mnli-10429", "premise": "Such is their exuberance and rapture that real outbreaks of violence can occur.", "hypothesis": "Violent outbreaks can occur during their intense exuberance."} {"idx": "mnli-10430", "premise": "If the behavior of people who are in the profession of making money isn't well explained by the motivation of making money, then it seems a real stretch to apply it elsewhere--for example, to nurses.", "hypothesis": "Most people who are in the profession of making money can't have their motives well explained by the motivation of making money."} {"idx": "mnli-10431", "premise": "In fact, on June 29th, he had been staying away, in Wales. ", "hypothesis": "He was staying in Wales on June 29th."} {"idx": "mnli-10432", "premise": "(The survey starts in the Northeast and works its way clockwise around the country.", "hypothesis": "The survey covers only Texas."} {"idx": "mnli-10433", "premise": "Tram lines laid down at the end of the 19th century still carry old trams for those who prefer to ride rather than walk.", "hypothesis": "Some people prefer the trams to walking since it is faster."} {"idx": "mnli-10434", "premise": "no i mean you can go it will cover something major but forget about things like eyes or your teeth or anything else", "hypothesis": "It is not a very good plan."} {"idx": "mnli-10435", "premise": "oh them too well because i he loves she's one of those that loves outside and she doesn't go far but she just wants to be able to have that freedom", "hypothesis": "She really enjoys being outside and likes the freedom of it."} {"idx": "mnli-10436", "premise": "But Einstein wins the triathlon because in addition to acing the science test, he prodded Roosevelt to build the bomb (10 points for defeating totalitarianism), fled Germany and immigrated to the United States (five more points for defeating totalitarianism and five for liberation and justice), and preached pacifism and praised Gandhi (10 more points for liberation and justice).", "hypothesis": "Einstein didn't travel to foreign countries in his lifetime."} {"idx": "mnli-10437", "premise": "Several of these professional women across from me were wearing Ally McBeal skirts.", "hypothesis": "Ally McBeal skirts are worn by many professional women."} {"idx": "mnli-10438", "premise": "You eat the Chicken With Fettuccini Cream Sauce straight out of the ripped-open box.", "hypothesis": "You eat the pork with fettuccini cream sauce straight out of the ripped-open box."} {"idx": "mnli-10439", "premise": "It will even out in a day or so.", "hypothesis": "It'll be alright in a day or two."} {"idx": "mnli-10440", "premise": "So you're going to ride out within the hour and be well along before you camp tonight.", "hypothesis": "Are you going to stay overnight and ride out in the morning?"} {"idx": "mnli-10441", "premise": "If they had hurt Susan, he would kill every one of them himself.", "hypothesis": "He is on his way to rescue Susan. "} {"idx": "mnli-10442", "premise": "No one knows for certain when the figure was carved; one legend dates it to the early 8th century.", "hypothesis": "The figure was actually carved in the 9th century."} {"idx": "mnli-10443", "premise": "Partiality and-in some instances-the inability to generalize from the findings can limit the utility of case study methods for evaluation.", "hypothesis": "The usefulness of case study methods of evaluation are affected by partiality."} {"idx": "mnli-10444", "premise": "Most of all, it was a competition in truth-telling (or falsifying), a Cold War duel in credibility occurring amid a mounting pileup of classified information, exposes, and oxymoronic jargon that would eventually donate euphemistic doublespeak terms like dual hegemony, limited nuclear war, and the slogan win the peace to the American language.", "hypothesis": "There were lots of credibility problems in the US during the Cold War."} {"idx": "mnli-10445", "premise": "But admitting that people's happiness depends on their relative economic level as well as their absolute economic resources has some subversive implications.", "hypothesis": "Admitting people's happiness depends on their economic situation is subversive. "} {"idx": "mnli-10446", "premise": "Meanwhile, La Brea (the blocks between Wilshire and Melrose and Beverly Boulevard (between La Brea and Curson) have become destinations for the stylish locals who are too old for Melrosefashion and too hip for Rodeo.", "hypothesis": "Styilsh locals have no place of their own to go to."} {"idx": "mnli-10447", "premise": "Your query involves some interesting concepts.", "hypothesis": "You have a basic and boring question."} {"idx": "mnli-10448", "premise": "Pause for a moment at the palace's western terrace alongside the Galerie des Glaces for a first view of his harmonious, subtly asymmetrical arrangement of the grounds.", "hypothesis": "If you were to stop for a moment at the western terrace by the Hall of Mirrors you could catch a glimpse of the asymmetrically arranged grounds."} {"idx": "mnli-10449", "premise": "A Longevity Test lets you calculate your life expectancy.", "hypothesis": "This Longevity Test will tell you how to die as fast as possible."} {"idx": "mnli-10450", "premise": "The Rajputs made a belated alliance and fought valiantly from one desert fortress to another, but their elephants could not match their opponents' fast horses and Afghan cavalry firing superior crossbows at the gallop.", "hypothesis": "The Rajputs and the Afghans were in a war."} {"idx": "mnli-10451", "premise": "and he bought a used mower it was a real big heavy one and he said that that you know basically they they sold it on him because you know it was a macho thing", "hypothesis": "He bought a lightweight mower because he didn't want anything too macho."} {"idx": "mnli-10452", "premise": "'Put your Gauntlet down.'", "hypothesis": "Put you gauntlet down before it burns you."} {"idx": "mnli-10453", "premise": "How many 8-to-12-year-old girls know Mia but don't know Michael?", "hypothesis": "Some girls know about Mia but not Michael."} {"idx": "mnli-10454", "premise": "The bleakest lesson of After the Madness is perhaps that prison has lost its capacity to shock.", "hypothesis": "After the Madness has shown that being in prison isn't that bad."} {"idx": "mnli-10455", "premise": "The view of the lush mossy landscaped garden from the verandah at the back of the building is one of Kyoto's most famous.", "hypothesis": "The Kyoto temple does not have a garden."} {"idx": "mnli-10456", "premise": "Clinton's primary message--don't let the Republicans spend the surplus on tax cuts--didn't seem all that urgent, since it's not clear that even the House Republicans have a majority to do that.", "hypothesis": "Clinton did not want the people to pay any less taxes than they already were."} {"idx": "mnli-10457", "premise": "These benefits are a result of the Congress or federal departments and agencies implementing our recommendations to make government services more efficient, improve the budgeting and spending of tax dollars, and strengthen the management of federal resources.", "hypothesis": "Though our recommendations were ignored, government services have become more efficient."} {"idx": "mnli-10458", "premise": "For years their territory had been the target of a struggle between the British and French, and the emphatic British victory in the French and Indian War forced them to leave, when they refused to swear allegiance to the British Crown.", "hypothesis": "The British won the French and Indian War after three months."} {"idx": "mnli-10459", "premise": "But why is a policy of ifs and buts worse than a policy of no ifs and buts?", "hypothesis": "A policy with exceptions is awful."} {"idx": "mnli-10460", "premise": "Speaking of The third-place finisher, Forget Me Not , features an animated condom in a drawer.", "hypothesis": "Forget Me Not ultimately finished in third place."} {"idx": "mnli-10461", "premise": "The abbey that today stands in ruin at the southern tip of Burgundy ruled its medieval world the way Louis XIV's Versailles dominated 17th-century France.", "hypothesis": "There is an important, albeit ruined, abbey in Burgundy."} {"idx": "mnli-10462", "premise": "Tommy continued to stare at him.", "hypothesis": "Tommy kept staring at him."} {"idx": "mnli-10463", "premise": "There are no trees and no shrubs, just 15 stark rocks embellished with ancient moss, standing in clusters amid the perfectly rakia white gravel.", "hypothesis": "There is old moss on the 15 rocks."} {"idx": "mnli-10464", "premise": "There's a good re-creation of King Tutankhamun's tomb at the time of its discovery so you can see just what Howard Ceter saw in 1922.", "hypothesis": "Howard Ceter fainted when he saw King Tutankhamun's tomb."} {"idx": "mnli-10465", "premise": "Reese Topham tells me that he explained the local situation to you, and you appeared to understand it then.", "hypothesis": "Resse Topham told me that you know about the situation and you understand it."} {"idx": "mnli-10466", "premise": "The Fourth Crusade, launched in 1202 and partly inspired by Venetian jealousy of Byzantium's trading power, became an excuse to plunder Constantinople itself.", "hypothesis": "The Fourth Crusade plundered Constantinople, and then burned it to the ground."} {"idx": "mnli-10467", "premise": "no i do not i work for GTE", "hypothesis": "I've been at GTE for years."} {"idx": "mnli-10468", "premise": "No more trouble.", "hypothesis": "The bar fight had caused a lot of trouble."} {"idx": "mnli-10469", "premise": "or whatever i have that's", "hypothesis": "I have something."} {"idx": "mnli-10470", "premise": "Only once did he come near disaster.", "hypothesis": "He always got himself in deadly peril."} {"idx": "mnli-10471", "premise": "i've got uh yeah and i've got yeah and i've got a History of Kingsley Iowa", "hypothesis": "I have no history of Kingsley, Iowa."} {"idx": "mnli-10472", "premise": "go to the living room and get a glass of water go to the bedroom and make the bed go do something", "hypothesis": "Go do something like make a sandwich or go outside for a walk."} {"idx": "mnli-10473", "premise": "i i liked Atlanta too i have a sister-in-law that lives in Atlanta", "hypothesis": "My sister-in-law lives in Savannah."} {"idx": "mnli-10474", "premise": "They publicly converted to Islam to escape heavy taxes, continuing to practice their Orthodox faith in secret.", "hypothesis": "They built several fake mosques that were nothing more than empty shells."} {"idx": "mnli-10475", "premise": "In fact, Tutmosis II tried to remove all traces of her at Luxor and Karnak when he finally became Pharaoh following her death, but this does not spoil the formidable architectural achievement of the temple itself.", "hypothesis": "She was Tutmosis II's vengeful lover."} {"idx": "mnli-10476", "premise": "okay well i got the first one this evening that i had gotten at home i", "hypothesis": "Earlier this night was when I got the first one, at my house."} {"idx": "mnli-10477", "premise": "The auditor can examine projected versus actual levels of total personnel or of key, experienced personnel.", "hypothesis": "The auditor can only look at actual levels."} {"idx": "mnli-10478", "premise": " was reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget as complying with the requirements of the order.", "hypothesis": "The review performed by the Office of Management and Budget was overseen and signed off on by the manager of the office himself. "} {"idx": "mnli-10479", "premise": "future-to have slain the deficit dragon.", "hypothesis": "In the past, the deficit dragon was already slain."} {"idx": "mnli-10480", "premise": "Five points short.", "hypothesis": "Something was five points short of what was needed."} {"idx": "mnli-10481", "premise": "The notion that it was what Fiss calls a source of empowerment for the members of the gay community to have homosexuality associated with snarling guys prancing around in leather jockstraps, using bullwhips as sex toys, and pissing in each other's mouths, at a time when AIDS had become a national health problem and the issue of gays in the military was about to arise, is ludicrous.", "hypothesis": "Fiss says some things empower gay people, so we should embrace that."} {"idx": "mnli-10482", "premise": "The benefits estimates here incorporate Chestnut's estimate that a one percent increase in income is associated with a 0.9 percent increase in WTP for a given change in visibility.", "hypothesis": "Chestnut says incomes will decrease this year."} {"idx": "mnli-10483", "premise": "But the surrounding area is a sleek Westside business center of high-rise office towers, high-flying corporations, and theaters and shopping to support the affluent residents on its periphery.", "hypothesis": "The area around it has a lot of tall buildings."} {"idx": "mnli-10484", "premise": "both of the ones i met have been really funny guys i don't know if that's uh", "hypothesis": "Both of the two I've met have been funny."} {"idx": "mnli-10485", "premise": "and and uh so i i uh i i think we're almost coming from the same place on this subject really", "hypothesis": "I think we nearly are coming from the same place. "} {"idx": "mnli-10486", "premise": "This device is a visual counterpart to the firing of the One O'Clock Gun at the Castle.", "hypothesis": "The One O'Clock Gun fires at exactly One O'Clock. "} {"idx": "mnli-10487", "premise": " \"That is not what I was about to say, Senor Rivas.", "hypothesis": "I wasn't going to say that, Rivas."} {"idx": "mnli-10488", "premise": "Or, men might fight for seemingly nonsexual reasons, but the winner still enjoys the high social status that wows the ladies.", "hypothesis": "Alternatively, men might fight for reasons seemingly unrelated to sex, but the winner will still enjoy high social status and the attractiveness associated with it."} {"idx": "mnli-10489", "premise": "Data converted to 2000 dollars using the consumer price index for all urban consumers.", "hypothesis": "Data converted to 2k dollars for all urban consumers using the consumer price index."} {"idx": "mnli-10490", "premise": "because then you're you're coming in contact with it it's not as meaningful for me to go to Minnesota and do something up there that i'll never be able to see again unless i happen to go on vacation up there", "hypothesis": "it's just as meaningful to do it far away as it is at home"} {"idx": "mnli-10491", "premise": "Exposure stared him in the face.", "hypothesis": "He stayed secret, safely away from the public eye."} {"idx": "mnli-10492", "premise": "Today, millions of frequent flyer miles earned on official travel are going unused, benefiting neither the government nor its employees.", "hypothesis": "Millions of frequent flyer miles can be redeemed for gifts."} {"idx": "mnli-10493", "premise": "Near this building is the old CityHall, at Lebuh Pasar Besar, which now houses the Textile Museum.", "hypothesis": "The Textile Museum is located in the current City Hall."} {"idx": "mnli-10494", "premise": "Surely you know the plan \" Kramenin interrupted him, using the words that have created many unnecessary panics: \"We have been betrayed! ", "hypothesis": "Surely you are aware of the plan. Kramenin went on to evoke panics."} {"idx": "mnli-10495", "premise": "it's probably and plus no one bothers him you know you walk behind a lawn mower making all that noise no one ever talks to you you know you're on your own", "hypothesis": "He volunteers to cut the grass sometimes because he knows he'll be left alone while he's doing it."} {"idx": "mnli-10496", "premise": "the Mazda definitely did not not at all", "hypothesis": "The Mazda definitely did that"} {"idx": "mnli-10497", "premise": "It was here that members of the mock-Tudor Royal Selangor Club (1884), also designed by A. C. Norman, took time off from the affairs of the Empire to play cricket.", "hypothesis": "The members took time off to play some cricket."} {"idx": "mnli-10498", "premise": "Slate is part of the revolution, not the establishment.", "hypothesis": "Slate is the establishment, not the rebel."} {"idx": "mnli-10499", "premise": "The historical data covers the period 1970 through 2000 while the projected trends are through the year 2015.", "hypothesis": "Historical data covers 1970-1980"} {"idx": "mnli-10500", "premise": "That is why we're here.", "hypothesis": "We don't know why we are here. "} {"idx": "mnli-10501", "premise": " You may use this eBook for nearly any purpose such as creation of derivative works, reports, performances and research.", "hypothesis": "You can use the e-book for reports."} {"idx": "mnli-10502", "premise": "The message confused some of Red Eye's subscribers, and Red Herring rapidly began a damage control campaign.", "hypothesis": "No one was affected at Red Eye from the confusing message."} {"idx": "mnli-10503", "premise": "our conversation i realize that one of the things that perhaps causes me not to get a jarring difference between the two locations is that at the office i'm doing work things that in some ways are dissimilar from what i do at home uh and as a result i don't get the comparative feel uh i suspect if i were coming home and trying to do some of the projects i do at the office i would go crazy on my on my machine uh i haven't tended to play the games and and uh do the applications at work that i do at home so i probably have never been in", "hypothesis": "I do the same things at home that I do at the office."} {"idx": "mnli-10504", "premise": "Who told you that, mon ami?", "hypothesis": "No one let you know."} {"idx": "mnli-10505", "premise": "You will not be able to help yourself. ", "hypothesis": "You won't be able to resist the temptation."} {"idx": "mnli-10506", "premise": "Somewhere off-stage, Natalia was rolling her eyes.", "hypothesis": "Natalia was rolling her eyes somewhere off-stage."} {"idx": "mnli-10507", "premise": "Our grantees now estimate that they currently turn away four out of every five low-income individuals who are seeking critical legal assistance.", "hypothesis": "All low-income individuals who are seeking vital legal assistance are accepted by our grantees."} {"idx": "mnli-10508", "premise": "After tea, Mrs. Inglethorp went to lie down to rest before her efforts in the evening and I challenged Mary Cavendish to a single at tennis. ", "hypothesis": "Mrs. Ingkethorp tires easily. "} {"idx": "mnli-10509", "premise": "It's not half so insane as a thing I read this morning beginning 'Petunia' ", "hypothesis": "It's twice as crazy as what I read this morning."} {"idx": "mnli-10510", "premise": "and resale value is really important to me", "hypothesis": "I don't care about resale value, I care about quality and brand."} {"idx": "mnli-10511", "premise": "But the new entity does not want to have any responsibility for administering a grant.", "hypothesis": "They will not administer a grant."} {"idx": "mnli-10512", "premise": "well it was nice talking to you i haven't ever i need to i've never initiated one of these phone calls do you call in do you get to pick the subject or do they kind of", "hypothesis": "The subject is chosen by you."} {"idx": "mnli-10513", "premise": "Now they've stopped laughing, but they want to stop it.", "hypothesis": "They are not laughing anymore, but they want to prevent it from happening."} {"idx": "mnli-10514", "premise": "Macau, the final bastion of Portugal's great 16th-century empire, is much more than just a quirk of history.", "hypothesis": "Macau was located in Japan's capital city."} {"idx": "mnli-10515", "premise": "oh your kidding", "hypothesis": "You are being serious."} {"idx": "mnli-10516", "premise": "Round church towers topped with tiny croses punctuate the skyline.", "hypothesis": "Skyscrapers fill the skyline. "} {"idx": "mnli-10517", "premise": "The Vice President has also expressed concern regarding certain requests for his personal schedule.", "hypothesis": "The VP is worried that people are going to get his personal schedule."} {"idx": "mnli-10518", "premise": "There were logistical problems to be overcome.", "hypothesis": "They had to overcome logistical problems. "} {"idx": "mnli-10519", "premise": "And he still had not solved the problem of roping.", "hypothesis": "The roping problem was solved easily by him. "} {"idx": "mnli-10520", "premise": "According to the bank's central security manager, the bank chairman's goal is for all business units to have favorable ratings (4 or 5) in both categories.", "hypothesis": "the categories are \"security\" and weaknesses."} {"idx": "mnli-10521", "premise": "Inspector Brown.", "hypothesis": "Inspector Brown likes candy."} {"idx": "mnli-10522", "premise": "So I'm off.\"", "hypothesis": "So I am leaving."} {"idx": "mnli-10523", "premise": "And you can't bring me back from the dead.", "hypothesis": "It's not possible to bring me back from the dead."} {"idx": "mnli-10524", "premise": "Census Bureau data from the Current Population Survey.", "hypothesis": "This is data from the Census Bureau."} {"idx": "mnli-10525", "premise": "The graffiti that covers the entranceway and ancient walls is a poignant reminder of how well beloved and internationally embraced this universally renowned storia d'amore is.", "hypothesis": "There is graffiti on the entranceway from China."} {"idx": "mnli-10526", "premise": "Her appearance is a needless affront to the president and the presidency, say Carlson and Jack Germond ( Inside Washington ). Tony Blankley (CNN's Late Edition ) sat next to her at dinner and reports she carried herself like a lady, in contrast to certain vulgar attendees who booed her and made classist snipes about her appearance.", "hypothesis": "She was a lady despite how she was treated."} {"idx": "mnli-10527", "premise": "My patient publisher was weary of waiting; my friends were beginning to taunt me with the prospect that I'd never finish; I was ready, as the self-help literature counsels, to move on.", "hypothesis": "I don't care if they're tired of waiting, I'm not ready to move on."} {"idx": "mnli-10528", "premise": "Direct Reporting of Fraud and Illegal Acts", "hypothesis": "Reporting fraud and illegal acts "} {"idx": "mnli-10529", "premise": "There is, indeed, a fine collection there. ", "hypothesis": "The collection was quite ordinary."} {"idx": "mnli-10530", "premise": "Our goals and related efforts as contained in state plans are based on a deeper understanding of client demographics published in the new census material.", "hypothesis": "The more census material there is the more accurate the demographic is."} {"idx": "mnli-10531", "premise": "Maybe the existence of Social Security doesn't really lower people's retirement savings.", "hypothesis": "The existence of social security might increase people's retirement savings. "} {"idx": "mnli-10532", "premise": "Pubescent brains are flooded with aggression-inducing sex hormones and aren't sophisticated enough to refer to past experience when making judgments.", "hypothesis": "Most young teens have a very strong understanding of the mental effects of sex hormones. "} {"idx": "mnli-10533", "premise": "When the Flamingo opened in December 1946, it did so with Hollywood flair and the new Vegas flash.", "hypothesis": "The Flamingo closed on December 1946."} {"idx": "mnli-10534", "premise": "To haggle successfully, pitch your opening price well below target and don't look too keen.", "hypothesis": "Customers can do almost anything in order to negotiate but vendors don't change the price."} {"idx": "mnli-10535", "premise": "But surely Miss Howard had ample opportunities of aiding him.", "hypothesis": "Miss Howard could have helped him."} {"idx": "mnli-10536", "premise": "Directly behind the square sits the main building of the Sorbonne.", "hypothesis": "The main building is behind the square."} {"idx": "mnli-10537", "premise": "a long time yes and they they take up a lot of you know good space you know kind of like a bookcase", "hypothesis": "They take up no space at all. "} {"idx": "mnli-10538", "premise": "oh really Holy mackerel", "hypothesis": "Did that really happen?"} {"idx": "mnli-10539", "premise": "But I can't escape them, can I, Adrin turned to Jon.", "hypothesis": "\"But can I escape them? Do I want to?\" asked Adrin, turning to Jon."} {"idx": "mnli-10540", "premise": "It is time to revisit and update the Clean Air Act once again in order to achieve the additional reductions needed to address public health and environmental problems in the most cost effective manner.", "hypothesis": "The Clean Air Act would be improved by reducing carbon emission limits on motorcycles."} {"idx": "mnli-10541", "premise": "The building is undergoing restoration that will last until 2004 but the exhibits are expected to remain open.", "hypothesis": "It's assumed exhibits will be closed for a long time for no reason in the building."} {"idx": "mnli-10542", "premise": "he gets right into it and uh", "hypothesis": "He just goes right into it just like that."} {"idx": "mnli-10543", "premise": "In addition, during the first Phase of the program (1995-1999), SO2 emissions were between 20 to 30 percent below their allowable levels.", "hypothesis": "The first phase of the program saw SO2 emissions between 20 to 30 percent below their allowable levels."} {"idx": "mnli-10544", "premise": "sure of course no one does i'm sure they don't you know it was", "hypothesis": "You know that nobody is knowledgeable because of the spy."} {"idx": "mnli-10545", "premise": "You can fly to an airstrip near the park in half an hour, go by car or tourist bus in about six hours, or spend a day or two paddling the rapids of the Trisuli River en route.", "hypothesis": "The travelers that walk through the rapids of Trisuli River are too tired to visit the park in one day."} {"idx": "mnli-10546", "premise": "Termination", "hypothesis": "They were terminated. "} {"idx": "mnli-10547", "premise": "As for th' kid ridin' north well, I'd say that was some more of his tryin' to make a real big brag.", "hypothesis": "The kid has never ridden north so this will be an accomplishment."} {"idx": "mnli-10548", "premise": "These words represent both a reality and an aspiration.", "hypothesis": "It is an aspiration as well as a reality."} {"idx": "mnli-10549", "premise": "The Case Study Method in Social Inquiry.", "hypothesis": "No study of social inquiry."} {"idx": "mnli-10550", "premise": "Miss Aldonka was still doubtful and Czarek doubled his efforts:", "hypothesis": "Czarek is trying to work harder to make Miss Aldonka believe him."} {"idx": "mnli-10551", "premise": "One person--perhaps only one person--exists in the world whose evil is so great that it cannot be neutered.", "hypothesis": "There's only one person in the world who is too evil to be saved."} {"idx": "mnli-10552", "premise": "Gary yes right the longhaired guy", "hypothesis": "Gary's the guy with the buzz cut."} {"idx": "mnli-10553", "premise": "CLOs, which should ultimately lead to greater consumer and producer surplus.", "hypothesis": "CLOs should lead to only instability within the marketplace."} {"idx": "mnli-10554", "premise": "This is the millennium of the West, concludes the special year-end issue, which is by far the best of the millennial mags.", "hypothesis": "The West is the worst millennial magazine out there."} {"idx": "mnli-10555", "premise": "The Merchant struggled violently and, of course, quite futilely.", "hypothesis": "The Merchant had no hope of winning."} {"idx": "mnli-10556", "premise": "In mid-1999 it was bought by the New York investment firm Evercore Partners.", "hypothesis": "Mid-1999 was a time where everyone was buying things."} {"idx": "mnli-10557", "premise": "You have 69 lived for two years with Miss Dufferin, The Parsonage, Llanelly, and Mrs. Vandemeyer can apply to her for a reference.", "hypothesis": "You don't have any options to use as a reference."} {"idx": "mnli-10558", "premise": "I think it's worked,' she said about a month later before going out to a club, and her father had a vague impression that there were more or less three zits less on his daughter's face.", "hypothesis": "The father thought there were around three zits less on his daughter's face."} {"idx": "mnli-10559", "premise": "The amount of goods and services produced depends not only on the amount of capital and labor but also on how efficiently these inputs are used.", "hypothesis": "The amount of goods produced is a fixed value."} {"idx": "mnli-10560", "premise": "A deep chill ran through him as he stared down nearly a thousand feet to the razor sharp rocks peaking through the fog below.", "hypothesis": "He got a chill looking at all the rocks."} {"idx": "mnli-10561", "premise": "Software Volatility Software volatility is also measured graphically.", "hypothesis": "Software volatility is also measured metaphorically.."} {"idx": "mnli-10562", "premise": "Scorsese's own Getterdammerung came with New York, New York , a hugely ambitious jazz epic starring De Niro and Liza Minelli (Scorsese's mistress at the time), and the first of a series of flops that continued with Raging Bull and The King of Comedy .", "hypothesis": "There are many ways in which jazz musicians become popular."} {"idx": "mnli-10563", "premise": "An expectation gap between what an audit is and is not continues to exist, especially with regard to the auditor's responsibility for detecting fraud.", "hypothesis": "The auditor has too much expectation placed on him."} {"idx": "mnli-10564", "premise": "For alcohol abuse or dependence, CAGE was found most effective with sensitivities of 43 percent to 94 percent.", "hypothesis": "CAGE was found most effective for alcohol abuse or dependence."} {"idx": "mnli-10565", "premise": "Some are also upset by the eroticism of Parmigianino in his strange but undeniably graceful Madonna with the Long Neck (1534) just look at those elongated fingers a masterpiece of the sophisticated and subsequently decadent Mannerism that followed the High Renaissance.", "hypothesis": "Parmigianino painted the controversial Madonna with the Long Neck during the Mannerism movement after the High Renaissance."} {"idx": "mnli-10566", "premise": "It provides an analytical perspective on the Government because it shows the short- and long-term direction of current programs.", "hypothesis": "Showing the short term direction of current programs does not offer an analytical perspective on the Government."} {"idx": "mnli-10567", "premise": "But the medium-budget, artisanal, personal filmmaking of the early '70s soon gave way to grander visions.", "hypothesis": "Personal filmmaking of the early '70s soon gave way to grander visions."} {"idx": "mnli-10568", "premise": "Pensions for federal 4.2", "hypothesis": "Federal pensions are paid weekly."} {"idx": "mnli-10569", "premise": "no you could probably just you know", "hypothesis": "\"You can most likely approach her, you know.\""} {"idx": "mnli-10570", "premise": "Dean was an industrial village, its economy depending on numerous small mills that have now completely disappeared.", "hypothesis": "There used to be many mills in the village of Dean. "} {"idx": "mnli-10571", "premise": "Any modern presidential affair would need to meet stringent demands.", "hypothesis": "A president's affairs are silly and not to be taken seriously."} {"idx": "mnli-10572", "premise": "She lifted her eyebrows at the sight of the girl.", "hypothesis": "She didn't see the girl. "} {"idx": "mnli-10573", "premise": "To ensure that nonfinancial managers at all levels understand the value of financial information, Boeing has developed an education program that teaches managers basic business competence.", "hypothesis": "Boeing does not put any effort into improving its managers level of business competence. "} {"idx": "mnli-10574", "premise": "what you see is what you get editor for almost all of my word processing so i have not although i have access at home to things like Works and WordPerfect uh but i i do not obviously notice it i i think the thing that surprises me most when i change work to home environment is the cursor speed and after i if initially get over the uh the cursor speed in the sense of moving linearly across the screen uh as opposed to tabbing", "hypothesis": "I like the new word processors a lot more than the old ones."} {"idx": "mnli-10575", "premise": "well i guess that covers it It was real good talking to you", "hypothesis": "We will have more to discuss later."} {"idx": "mnli-10576", "premise": "The whole peninsula is a memorial, with plaques describing the campaign's progress, and monuments to the soldiers of the Allied and Turkish armies.", "hypothesis": "The peninsula is home to monuments to the soldiers of the Allied and Turkish armies."} {"idx": "mnli-10577", "premise": "i can't believe that i mean when i was in junior high and high school that never happened you never heard about that", "hypothesis": "None of that ever occurred when I attended junior high and high school."} {"idx": "mnli-10578", "premise": "uh-huh well that's a really good idea", "hypothesis": "Oh no, that's an awful idea."} {"idx": "mnli-10579", "premise": "in uh games and stuff because of uh", "hypothesis": "Neither game nor anything like that."} {"idx": "mnli-10580", "premise": "To their credit, these groups have been a model of cooperation and innovation to improve efficiencies in the delivery of legal services in our state.", "hypothesis": "They were such a disgrace to their community."} {"idx": "mnli-10581", "premise": "but that same person also has a family and you know his parents are going to cry and you know life ends there and to me that's ridiculous", "hypothesis": "It is ridiculous that life just ends like that."} {"idx": "mnli-10582", "premise": "He was some time over the task.", "hypothesis": "It took him a while to do the task."} {"idx": "mnli-10583", "premise": "The number is followed by a P for paragraph which is followed by the paragraph number(s).", "hypothesis": "The paragraph precedes the numbers"} {"idx": "mnli-10584", "premise": "And because the question of Java vs.", "hypothesis": "Java vs has a question."} {"idx": "mnli-10585", "premise": "In three of the five DOD program examples in chapter 3, managers decided to move forward in development, even when developers had failed to capture design and manufacturing knowledge to support increased investments.", "hypothesis": "Managers fell behind in three of the five DOD program examples."} {"idx": "mnli-10586", "premise": "so uh what do you plan to do with it", "hypothesis": "So you are going to bed soon?"} {"idx": "mnli-10587", "premise": "The Rh??ne Valley region around Lyon is the epicenter of French gastronomy.", "hypothesis": "Gastronomy first derived in France."} {"idx": "mnli-10588", "premise": "i haven't even priced them i guess they must be", "hypothesis": "I think they must be."} {"idx": "mnli-10589", "premise": "oh uh-huh oh that's good", "hypothesis": "Uh that is really horrible."} {"idx": "mnli-10590", "premise": "Rockefeller's addiction to living in an expensive realm of his own, for creating his own entourage, ultimately accounted for Gerald Ford's decision to toss Rockefeller overboard and pick Bob Dole as his running mate in 1976 (something that will presumably be discussed in Reich's next book).", "hypothesis": "Ford chose Rockefeller as his running mate."} {"idx": "mnli-10591", "premise": "It is not our society.", "hypothesis": "It is not our society."} {"idx": "mnli-10592", "premise": "It is not uncommon for extensive testimony to focus on discount differences of one or two tenths of a cent per piece.", "hypothesis": "It's highly unusual for a small discount different like one tenth of a cent per piece to be discussed extensively in testimony."} {"idx": "mnli-10593", "premise": "your husband what what group is your husband in", "hypothesis": "Why? No reason, no reason at all for wanting to know that information as an attractive female."} {"idx": "mnli-10594", "premise": "uh-huh go ahead they take such a beating", "hypothesis": "Besides taking a lot of punishment, they also dish out some very heavy blows."} {"idx": "mnli-10595", "premise": "Idealists don't like the way it's being fought.", "hypothesis": "Idealists believe the method of fighting is perfect."} {"idx": "mnli-10596", "premise": "how with uh the work load kids have nowadays and what often most college students i'm like maybe when we went to school i don't know how long ago you went but", "hypothesis": "We never went to college."} {"idx": "mnli-10597", "premise": "i don't think you can hide", "hypothesis": "You'll be able to hide this really easily."} {"idx": "mnli-10598", "premise": "No less defiant than Castro himself, beneath the rubble this city is a living, breathing, vital, and sensual creature.", "hypothesis": "The city is like Castro in many ways as it followed its leaders ways through the years."} {"idx": "mnli-10599", "premise": "I was fast asleep.\" The Coroner smiled. ", "hypothesis": "The Coroner showed slight amusement at the man's statement that he had been asleep. "} {"idx": "mnli-10600", "premise": "in Virginia yeah well how'd you get into this program", "hypothesis": "How do you apply for the program?"} {"idx": "mnli-10601", "premise": "yeah kind of like watching the Olympics", "hypothesis": "No, nothing like the Olympics."} {"idx": "mnli-10602", "premise": "With Tom Brokaw's sentimental nonsense about World War II?", "hypothesis": "With the sentimental nonsense that Tom Brokaw wrote in his book about World War II?"} {"idx": "mnli-10603", "premise": "Private and public gardens burst with orchids, bougainvillea, and jacarandas, while orchards heave with mangoes, passion fruit, watermelons, and avocados.", "hypothesis": "The fruit from the orchards is often picked by visiting members of the public. "} {"idx": "mnli-10604", "premise": "Their numbers have grown steadily ever since, and today many thousands of visitors come to enjoy the countryside and to visit the sites first made famous by Romantic poets.", "hypothesis": "Without the romantic poets, the area would not be known about."} {"idx": "mnli-10605", "premise": "so that's i think that is good that they're like that i do know there's a lot of companies that are very strict about what the employees wear and they must wear blue or gray or black and a white shirt and you know no variation and i don't i don't quite agree with that", "hypothesis": "I don't think that's a good idea but thank god we can wear horse masks at work."} {"idx": "mnli-10606", "premise": "When obtaining, storing, and using computer-generated information, an organization must always be mindful of privacy and security issues.", "hypothesis": "Privacy and security are not factors companies need to worry about."} {"idx": "mnli-10607", "premise": "In the nave, the church's famous Byzantine mosaics show, on the left, Ravenna's fortified port of Classis, from which a procession of 22 virgins follows the three Magi with gifts for Jesus on his mother's lap; on the right, from Theodoric's palace, 26 male martyrs march towards Christ.", "hypothesis": "Classis is the name of a port in Ravenna."} {"idx": "mnli-10608", "premise": "which the government used private speakers to transmit information pertaining to its own program.", "hypothesis": "The government paid the speakers above the industry standard."} {"idx": "mnli-10609", "premise": "Millie, the first dog of the Bush White House, has died.", "hypothesis": "Millie was a dog during President Nixon's time in office. "} {"idx": "mnli-10610", "premise": "He no longer has to answer for the erratic Robertson.", "hypothesis": "Robertson's unpredictable behavior won't affect him any more. "} {"idx": "mnli-10611", "premise": "Yes, our parents had many of the same sexual traumas we did but, no, we don't want to hear about them in detail.", "hypothesis": "We would love to hear detailed accounts of our parents' sexual traumas."} {"idx": "mnli-10612", "premise": "weatherwise or otherwise weatherwise", "hypothesis": "n/a"} {"idx": "mnli-10613", "premise": "Because surrender was never considered, the Spanish and today's Puerto Ricans regard this episode as a victory.", "hypothesis": "They never considered surrendering."} {"idx": "mnli-10614", "premise": "The man's rage boiled and he rushed Jon.", "hypothesis": "The man started a fight with Jon."} {"idx": "mnli-10615", "premise": "Grim faces and hardened jaws are not people-friendly.", "hypothesis": "People love to interact with people having grim faces and hardened jaws according to the recently completed study."} {"idx": "mnli-10616", "premise": "In addition, if during the performance of the attestation engagement, risk factors or other conditions are identified that cause the auditors to believe that an additional response is required, such factors or other conditions, and any future response the auditors concluded was appropriate, should be documented.", "hypothesis": "Risk factors show auditors where there is embezzlement."} {"idx": "mnli-10617", "premise": "He had said too much.", "hypothesis": "He spoke too many words."} {"idx": "mnli-10618", "premise": "Then suddenly the scraps became a mass of sour-smelling stuff.", "hypothesis": "The stuff smelled bad because it was full of garbage."} {"idx": "mnli-10619", "premise": "Housed in an old byat, it is currently under renovation, but the work is mostly on the exterior leaving the wealth of artifacts inside undisturbed.", "hypothesis": "The work of the renovation is mostly on the outside. "} {"idx": "mnli-10620", "premise": "'Sir, in that case...I want you to tell me all about your life.'", "hypothesis": "I want to learn more about your life."} {"idx": "mnli-10621", "premise": "well we've got one eighty nine", "hypothesis": "We'd like to upgrade, but can't afford it yet."} {"idx": "mnli-10622", "premise": "The brehon laws gave women a high status they could own property, divorce, and even enter the professions.", "hypothesis": "Women had more personal agency and fulfillment under brehon laws."} {"idx": "mnli-10623", "premise": "While it's true that expansion temporarily diluted the talent pool, the DH artificially increased offense, and players have gained the economic upper hand, there is a widespread consensus that the quality of the game itself is as good as or better than ever . Improvements in hitting have been matched by craftier pitching (by such hurlers as Atlanta's Greg Maddux and Baltimore's Mike Mussina).", "hypothesis": "The pool of talent broadened with the expansion."} {"idx": "mnli-10624", "premise": "Ensure that all interested parties participate in design reviews from the planning and design phases, so that all perspectives are represented as the design evolves.", "hypothesis": "A design that incorporates all perspectives is best created based only on feedback from one user."} {"idx": "mnli-10625", "premise": "Never did a piece of architecture more exactly express the personality of its builder than the Ceteau de Versailles ' extravagant, pompous, dazzling, formidable, glorious, and vain.", "hypothesis": "The Ceteau de Versailles expressed the personality of its builder exactly."} {"idx": "mnli-10626", "premise": "that's true good point", "hypothesis": "That is right, and that is a great point."} {"idx": "mnli-10627", "premise": "Price caps may sound more attractive with every passing rate case.", "hypothesis": "Rate cases make price caps sound more attractive."} {"idx": "mnli-10628", "premise": "i i like our benefits", "hypothesis": "I enjoy our benefits. "} {"idx": "mnli-10629", "premise": "Now I have finished with this room. ", "hypothesis": "I'm done with this area now, and can start on the master bedroom. "} {"idx": "mnli-10630", "premise": "Field Settings.", "hypothesis": "These settings are for the field."} {"idx": "mnli-10631", "premise": "Sure came a long way if that's where he started.\"", "hypothesis": "Sounds like he only went two blocks. "} {"idx": "mnli-10632", "premise": "no oh yeah yeah i well the only time i can go in too and all these classes that are available are like Saturday", "hypothesis": "All these classes I go to are available on Saturdays."} {"idx": "mnli-10633", "premise": "Today, Normandy offers a welcoming coastline dotted with old seaside resorts, wonders such as Mont-Saint-Michel, and reminders of the battles of D-Day.", "hypothesis": "Normandy's coastline is a popular destination for hiking and camping."} {"idx": "mnli-10634", "premise": " \"There remains only one step,\" Sather Karf decided after a moment more.", "hypothesis": "The last step was to open the gate to the Vampire Lords dimension."} {"idx": "mnli-10635", "premise": "But he knew the answer.", "hypothesis": "Nobody knew the answer, not even him."} {"idx": "mnli-10636", "premise": "I found them bulky, and their primary benefit seemed to come from the heat retention qualities of the neoprene.", "hypothesis": "Neoprene has heat retention qualities and it helps the products sell."} {"idx": "mnli-10637", "premise": "we had an existing IRA so we have both of us have some money in an IRA that we're also trying to figure to put it we're putting it in CDs right now and then we're also looking at it in possibly getting a mutual fund", "hypothesis": "We already got an IRA but now we are looking to get a mutual fund."} {"idx": "mnli-10638", "premise": "They then go on to recite a litany of risks (for the text, click here).", "hypothesis": "The risks are dangerous enough that it's not worth attempting."} {"idx": "mnli-10639", "premise": "But it wasn't until 1924, with the first Winter Olympic Games at Chamonix, that skiing ' at the time only crosecountry ' attracted international attention.", "hypothesis": "The first Winter Olympic Games was held in Germany in 1990."} {"idx": "mnli-10640", "premise": "yeah yeah so uh but yeah i'd love to go catch catch like the Marlins or whatever in the deep sea fishing", "hypothesis": "I don't ever want to go fishing."} {"idx": "mnli-10641", "premise": "Oh, you, I replied hastily. ", "hypothesis": "I replied to John."} {"idx": "mnli-10642", "premise": "so i know uh you know i know about this project so i got my students to sign up and uh apparently a number of them have been participating", "hypothesis": "I know about this project a number of my students have been participating in it. "} {"idx": "mnli-10643", "premise": "Patients with BACs of 0.10 and 0.08 g/dl had impaired mental status, mostly in short-term memory.", "hypothesis": "Though impaired mental status was mostly in short-term memory, long-term memory was also affected."} {"idx": "mnli-10644", "premise": "yeah yeah they have i don't either well um you know they what you don't hear about is how many they turn away", "hypothesis": "The amount of people they turn away is reported on almost daily."} {"idx": "mnli-10645", "premise": "Please tell Jeffrey Goldberg (News You Can't Use) to log off.", "hypothesis": "Jeffrey Goldberg needs to get out of sight. "} {"idx": "mnli-10646", "premise": "And perhaps this was the time when he should begin building up the background one Drew Kirby must present to Tubacca, Arizona Territory.", "hypothesis": "He should start building up the background."} {"idx": "mnli-10647", "premise": "Jon impaled the attacker and kicked him down.", "hypothesis": "Jon kicked the attacker. "} {"idx": "mnli-10648", "premise": "Despite this, in many ways Kyoto is a surprisingly typical modern Japanese city, with the usual nondescript concrete buildings along with the remarkable pockets of culture and beauty.", "hypothesis": "There is a lot of cultural activities in Kyoto."} {"idx": "mnli-10649", "premise": "The small museum at the site traces the history of the island from the time of the Arawak.", "hypothesis": "The museum is one of the largest in the region."} {"idx": "mnli-10650", "premise": "What's the matter? Drew called.", "hypothesis": "Drew thought the tent fire was the issue. "} {"idx": "mnli-10651", "premise": "Ponta de Sao Lourenco (moderate; 4 hours): great rock formations, flora, and views of the Atlantic.", "hypothesis": "In Ponta de Sao Lourenco is a beach with no rock formations."} {"idx": "mnli-10652", "premise": "so uh yeah in fact uh uh well i got married last summer and uh that's that's we ended up there for a couple days uh on our honeymoon we kind of took uh a tour of the United States for about a week", "hypothesis": "We were married in the US."} {"idx": "mnli-10653", "premise": "you know but just like if a man and wife is fighting and he kills her that he shouldn't die because it might been accident or you never know what you know what what they done went through together should i say", "hypothesis": "If a domestic dispute results in a murder, it could have been an accident. "} {"idx": "mnli-10654", "premise": "Amount does not include revenue forgone as a result of tax-deferral on investment income.", "hypothesis": "Amount doesn't include revenue ignored as a result of tax deferral on investment income "} {"idx": "mnli-10655", "premise": "that's right uh-huh yeah i read some time well not too long ago that the average uh professional career only lasts seven years so that's when you think about it that's really not a very long time of course", "hypothesis": "The average career span is not as long as many believe it is."} {"idx": "mnli-10656", "premise": "'List your thirteen virtues.'", "hypothesis": "List your top thirteen virtues."} {"idx": "mnli-10657", "premise": " I mean--rilly!", "hypothesis": "They meant \"rilly\""} {"idx": "mnli-10658", "premise": "that was a that was a real good one", "hypothesis": "That might have been the best one I've ever seen."} {"idx": "mnli-10659", "premise": "Second, each leading commercial company had a product development process that was prominent and central to its success.", "hypothesis": "each leading commercial company had a product that was very expensive"} {"idx": "mnli-10660", "premise": "He didn't seem like a madman.", "hypothesis": "He seemed like a lunatic. "} {"idx": "mnli-10661", "premise": "In North Carolina, a visa may be issued for six weeks to seven months.", "hypothesis": "North Carolina is the only state in the US that does not issue visas at all. "} {"idx": "mnli-10662", "premise": "so it was my favorite place", "hypothesis": "I took a couple of friends there once."} {"idx": "mnli-10663", "premise": "This is the fabled game of cheering (and cursing) crowds, where everyone at the table has a stake in what one hapless gambler does with the dice.", "hypothesis": "No one is allowed to speak."} {"idx": "mnli-10664", "premise": "The technical verification of the ability of a proposed system configuration, replacement component, or the features or functions of its software, to satisfy functional requirements.", "hypothesis": "If a system does not meet satisfaction, then it is scrapped."} {"idx": "mnli-10665", "premise": "Each of the comments and the response and changes", "hypothesis": "The situation was addressed as required."} {"idx": "mnli-10666", "premise": "How satisfactory is the compromise?", "hypothesis": "The satisfaction of the compromise is low"} {"idx": "mnli-10667", "premise": "No, they had not kept the letter. ", "hypothesis": "They had accidentally lost the letter."} {"idx": "mnli-10668", "premise": "A second benefit is better planning of material storage and handling equipment.", "hypothesis": "No benefits have been observed with regard to storage or equipment."} {"idx": "mnli-10669", "premise": "Tolerance of the practice varies.", "hypothesis": "Quality is the same on all of them."} {"idx": "mnli-10670", "premise": "yeah probably not", "hypothesis": "Most likely not."} {"idx": "mnli-10671", "premise": "There's the money, too, she observed thoughtfully.", "hypothesis": "She carefully noticed the cash, too."} {"idx": "mnli-10672", "premise": "Results that don't fit the theory, such as the defeat of Matt Fong in the California Senate race, have simply been ignored--as has the fact that the Republicans retained their majorities in both houses.", "hypothesis": "All theories take all perspectives and information into account."} {"idx": "mnli-10673", "premise": "See for yourself.'", "hypothesis": "Look for yourself."} {"idx": "mnli-10674", "premise": "yeah well you don't own cats yeah you they they own you", "hypothesis": "You don't own cats, they own you. "} {"idx": "mnli-10675", "premise": "But for now, Putin and his generals will get their victory --a Potemkin triumph for a Potemkin army.", "hypothesis": "Putin and his generals can celebrate their victory."} {"idx": "mnli-10676", "premise": "These are promising and admirable ideas--modest solutions to a modest problem.", "hypothesis": "The solutions are modest."} {"idx": "mnli-10677", "premise": "Crew and Kleindorfer, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993.", "hypothesis": "Crew and Kleindorfer worked for Kluwer Academic Publishers until 1995."} {"idx": "mnli-10678", "premise": "or uh you know increase your hospital benefits if you were in had a lot kids or something like that or", "hypothesis": "Or remove any hospital benefits if you have a lot of kids."} {"idx": "mnli-10679", "premise": "Table 6-7 shows the results of a survey of major suppliers of SCR catalyst to coal-fired boilers.", "hypothesis": "The table shows the results of a survey of major suppliers of CO2."} {"idx": "mnli-10680", "premise": "A typical turnkey 500 MWe unit FGD system retrofit requires 380,000=man-hours, or approximately 200 person-years, of which 20 percent, or 72,000 man-hours, are dedicated to engineering and project management,3 and roughly 40 percent of man-hours are for boilermakers.", "hypothesis": "An FGD system only needs 10,000 man hours."} {"idx": "mnli-10681", "premise": "The salt mines.", "hypothesis": "The mines of salt."} {"idx": "mnli-10682", "premise": "No horned helmet was found, but the discovery is complicating--perhaps overturning--theories about the settlement of North America.", "hypothesis": "However, a brass boot was found in America."} {"idx": "mnli-10683", "premise": "By then Gore will be campaigning seriously, distancing himself from Clinton, and running macho ads; Bradley will have defined his big ideas and endured the inevitable media backlash to his current rave notices; and the voters will actually be paying attention.", "hypothesis": "Gore is going to try to stay far away from Clinton's bad reputation."} {"idx": "mnli-10684", "premise": "There were several rents and slits in the ancient material which afforded him a good view.", "hypothesis": "He was able to see inside the material due to the slits."} {"idx": "mnli-10685", "premise": "For obvious reasons it is known universally as the Peppercanister Church ; occasional events and concerts are held here.", "hypothesis": "Concerts and events are held sometimes at the Peppercanister Church."} {"idx": "mnli-10686", "premise": "They might, too.", "hypothesis": "They could do that too."} {"idx": "mnli-10687", "premise": "Keirsey has redefined these four pairs this ", "hypothesis": "Keirsey has kept these pairs as they werel"} {"idx": "mnli-10688", "premise": "there could be yeah there could be and and it came i mean i used to i used to work in Boston which was an hour and a half away", "hypothesis": "I worked in Boston in the past, an hour and 30 minutes distance."} {"idx": "mnli-10689", "premise": "yeah exactly morals yeah", "hypothesis": "Yes, it's morals."} {"idx": "mnli-10690", "premise": "Call him Armey's good-cop counterpart.", "hypothesis": "Call him Armey's bad-cop counterpart."} {"idx": "mnli-10691", "premise": "A special combination ticket is available for both Himeji Castle and nearby Koko-en, a superb landscaped garden built in 1992 by a Kyoto-based master gardener on the site of a former samurai residence.", "hypothesis": "Koko-en, an amazing garden, was build in 1992 by a gardener based in Kyoto."} {"idx": "mnli-10692", "premise": "This study provides an estimate of the resources required for the installation of control technologies to obtain emission reductions of sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and mercury under the Clear Skies Act.", "hypothesis": "There was no study."} {"idx": "mnli-10693", "premise": "France's cathedrals, museums, and palaces deserve your attention, but they'll be much easier to appreciate if you alternate them with time at the beach or on country walks.", "hypothesis": "It's best to avoid the beaches or countryside in France."} {"idx": "mnli-10694", "premise": "Also husk-roasted sweet corn dipped in butter.", "hypothesis": "The husk-roasted sweet corn was never dipped in butter."} {"idx": "mnli-10695", "premise": "Experts swear that it takes a lifetime to learn all the subtleties of the corrida, or fiesta brava, as the bullfight is known in Spain.", "hypothesis": "Experts claim it takes an entire life to learn the subtleties of bullfighting. "} {"idx": "mnli-10696", "premise": "Represented in the Group were LSC-funded programs, the organized bar, the judiciary, both law schools in the state, eligible clients, the Colorado Lawyers Trust Account Foundation (the state=s IOLTA program), the Legal Aid Foundation (the statewide fundraising arm for Colorado=s federally-funded legal services programs) providers of specialized legal services and other groups interested in the provision of legal assistance to low-income people.", "hypothesis": "A group interested in providing healthcare to low income people."} {"idx": "mnli-10697", "premise": "Horyuji was actually built decades after Prince Shotoku's death in 622.", "hypothesis": "Horuyuji was built right before Prince Shotoku died. "} {"idx": "mnli-10698", "premise": "Under the name of ?", "hypothesis": "Using which name?"} {"idx": "mnli-10699", "premise": "All of these unfortunate circumstances resulted in Benedykt's addiction to drugs, alcohol and sex.", "hypothesis": "The circumstances all contributed to Benedykt's drug addiction."} {"idx": "mnli-10700", "premise": "they didn't say what they just said they thought acid rain's contribution may be less than was previously suspected um but it may be other natural things at work um", "hypothesis": "I really hope the acid rain comes to an end."} {"idx": "mnli-10701", "premise": "uh-huh oh definitely definitely i know my stepfather bought my mother a little personal computer oh i guess probably three years ago for Christmas and", "hypothesis": "My stepdad bought a small computer for my mom. "} {"idx": "mnli-10702", "premise": "An' by that time he didn't know wot he was doin'.", "hypothesis": "At the time he was perfectly aware of what he was doing."} {"idx": "mnli-10703", "premise": "(That is why, the Economist observed a few years ago, in its trademark tone of languorous hauteur, when a Russian steel factory reduces output, it is an achievement, not a pity.", "hypothesis": "It is a good thing when a Russian steel factory slows its output. "} {"idx": "mnli-10704", "premise": "And now, to-day, he puts forward a suggestion that he himself must have known was ridiculous. ", "hypothesis": "It is ridiculous to think he may have know."} {"idx": "mnli-10705", "premise": "Do you think it would be such a disaster if they did meet?", "hypothesis": "Do you think it would be terrible if they met?"} {"idx": "mnli-10706", "premise": "(Please note, his wife has forgiven all but the handbag).", "hypothesis": "The handbag was the only thing that was forgiven."} {"idx": "mnli-10707", "premise": "In Chasing Amy , Alyssa says, when confronted with her past sexual behavior, We are not born with maps inside us, but somehow I think an interviewer will want a more comprehensive answer.", "hypothesis": "Alyssa states that we are not born with maps inside of us."} {"idx": "mnli-10708", "premise": " Ca'daan took out a loaf of round bread wrapped in white linen.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daans bread was in a brown paper sack. "} {"idx": "mnli-10709", "premise": "Why don't the courts put a stop to this?", "hypothesis": "Why doesn't Jesus stop this?"} {"idx": "mnli-10710", "premise": "Yahoo could theoretically offer its entire inventory of New Hampshire Republicans through Feb. 1 to the Forbes campaign at a premium price.", "hypothesis": "Yahoo might sell its inventory to the Forbes campaign."} {"idx": "mnli-10711", "premise": "Lunch and dinner daily, 10am 10pm.", "hypothesis": "Lunch and dinner are never available."} {"idx": "mnli-10712", "premise": "Thus, on a delivered piece basis, rural routes use 20 percent more carrier time than do all city routes, and 22 percent more than city residential routes.", "hypothesis": "On a delivered piece basis, rural routes use 29 percent more carrier energy than do all city routes"} {"idx": "mnli-10713", "premise": "In addition, it provides case studies, lessons from experts, and a forum allowing users to share information or to ask questions.", "hypothesis": "There is a forum where users can give feedback and make inquiries."} {"idx": "mnli-10714", "premise": "The third-largest island in the Caribbean, just south of Cuba, Jamaica is 233 km (145 miles) in length and 83 km (52 miles) across at its widest point.", "hypothesis": "Jamaica is south of Cuba."} {"idx": "mnli-10715", "premise": "At the Stamboul end of the bridge is the colourful district of Eminene, a major transport hub where bus, ferry, tram, and train services interconnect.", "hypothesis": "The district of Eminene is the busiest place in the world."} {"idx": "mnli-10716", "premise": "Sergeant Muller ... that was Muller standing over the man on the floor.", "hypothesis": "A man stood over Sergeant Muller, who was lying on the floor. "} {"idx": "mnli-10717", "premise": "yeah okay i just thought they had some", "hypothesis": "I did not think that they had any."} {"idx": "mnli-10718", "premise": "Types of testing.", "hypothesis": "Different types of animal testing."} {"idx": "mnli-10719", "premise": "On the downside, the band relies heavily on its predecessors, and some songs sound lifted directly from the Ramones, the Runaways, and Metley Cree (they also cover the Cree's Too Fast For Love).", "hypothesis": "The downside is that the band relies heavily on its predecessors."} {"idx": "mnli-10720", "premise": "He still kept his eyes fixed on him as he spoke. ", "hypothesis": "He read a book while he was speaking to him."} {"idx": "mnli-10721", "premise": "In its June 1998 report, the Inspector General noted that the staff had a strong commitment to protecting public health and safety but expressed high levels of uncertainty and confusion about the new directions in regulatory practices and challenges facing the agency.", "hypothesis": "The Inspector General said the staff was not committed enough to protecting the public."} {"idx": "mnli-10722", "premise": "The blue-plate specials typically offered as American cuisine--hamburgers, pizza, fried chicken, baked beans, hot dogs--aren't worth considering, Mintz says, despite such irrepressible enthusiasts as Edna Lewis and Betty Fussell.", "hypothesis": "The purple-plate specials typically include American food like pizza or fried chicken. "} {"idx": "mnli-10723", "premise": "Few outside of the Voth tribes knew what the scars meant, but Jon was one of those few.", "hypothesis": "He had no idea they had scars let alone what they meant."} {"idx": "mnli-10724", "premise": "Gotta run now because the TV news has just started a story about the police apprehending Soccer Guy--this sidewalk bandit who distracted tourists by breaking into a soccer-ball-handling routine, then circling and bumping them until he'd pickpocketed their wallets.", "hypothesis": "Soccer Guy was a famous rugby player."} {"idx": "mnli-10725", "premise": "For purposes of this exercise, there are at least seven categories of costs and four benefits that might be reviewed.", "hypothesis": "For this exercise, there could be over seven categories of costs."} {"idx": "mnli-10726", "premise": "oh they are they're they're loads of fun that's the most playful cat around", "hypothesis": "Orange tabby cats are the most playful cats."} {"idx": "mnli-10727", "premise": "The man had cut out a pack from the mule, but left the rest.", "hypothesis": "The man took the pack off of the mule."} {"idx": "mnli-10728", "premise": "I looked at her. ", "hypothesis": "I looked at Mrs. Stevenson. "} {"idx": "mnli-10729", "premise": "It requires an entrance fee, as does the Tesoro (Treasury), a collection of the Crusaders' plunder.", "hypothesis": "The entrance fee maintains the building in working order."} {"idx": "mnli-10730", "premise": "The sky shell and world supports were blown into shape around the world model inside the outer tracks in one continuous operation.", "hypothesis": "It took several operations to blow into shape the sky shell and world supports."} {"idx": "mnli-10731", "premise": "but i guess it's because it's not aimed for an audience of my age", "hypothesis": "The show is perfect for people my age."} {"idx": "mnli-10732", "premise": "While the first success factor refers to legitimacy at a strategic planning level, this success factor addresses a more operational level.", "hypothesis": "There is no success factor associated with the legitimacy strategic planning level."} {"idx": "mnli-10733", "premise": "The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) was cited as an example of an approach that blended both a principles-based (general fiduciary standards) and rulesbased (prohibited transactions) approach to an important issue (retirement security).", "hypothesis": "The ERISA was not cited as an example of an approach that blended both a principles-based and rules-based approach."} {"idx": "mnli-10734", "premise": "They are real and they are coming.", "hypothesis": "They exist and are on the way."} {"idx": "mnli-10735", "premise": "so that that has a lot to do with it", "hypothesis": "That has more to do with it than anything else. "} {"idx": "mnli-10736", "premise": "We also see signs that Venus and Mars were once more hospitable to life and over many hundreds of millions of years became inhospitable.", "hypothesis": "Venus and Mars can never have life again."} {"idx": "mnli-10737", "premise": "Armies of North African nomads, intent on disseminating Islam, invaded the peninsula in a.d. 711.", "hypothesis": "North African nomads invade."} {"idx": "mnli-10738", "premise": "and they were all more or less hospitalized type you know really really sick it's a tough question", "hypothesis": "The food was bad at the party so they got sick and was sent to the hospital."} {"idx": "mnli-10739", "premise": "A hundred species of butterfly have been identified here, and as many different birds.", "hypothesis": "A hundred species of bird has been discovered here."} {"idx": "mnli-10740", "premise": "You're sure to overdose, but that's the obsessive/compulsive thrill you're looking for, right?", "hypothesis": "There are no risks of overdosing. Enjoy!"} {"idx": "mnli-10741", "premise": "Although bidders tend to portray themselves as rescuing ailing companies--UPR said it was reacting to a decade of broken promises and poor performance at Pennzoil--in fact they almost uniformly bid for profitable, healthy companies that the market, for one reason or another, is undervaluing.", "hypothesis": "Pennzoil was doing remarkably well."} {"idx": "mnli-10742", "premise": "July 9, PBS's The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer ran, without comment, all the PDFA's new ads.", "hypothesis": "Leher refused to run the new ads on his show."} {"idx": "mnli-10743", "premise": "Philosophy and the fine arts do not intimidate the French as something to be confined to a small ??lite.", "hypothesis": "The French detest how the philosophy community is supported by only a small percentage of people and as a result, they avoid the subject entirely."} {"idx": "mnli-10744", "premise": "The trade in sugar cane and spices was becoming profitable.", "hypothesis": "The trade in sugar cane and spices was yielding more profit. "} {"idx": "mnli-10745", "premise": "They should be ashamed.", "hypothesis": "They spread rumors about that person."} {"idx": "mnli-10746", "premise": "well yeah and what i like about that show is that the time the time period that that takes place in is exactly the age i was during that time period", "hypothesis": "I was that age during the time period that the shows takes place in."} {"idx": "mnli-10747", "premise": "Most influential at this stage was architect William Playfair, and his flair can be seen in many of the streets and public buildings of the time.", "hypothesis": "William Playfair was an architect who was influential. "} {"idx": "mnli-10748", "premise": "so you're making uh you know fifteen dollars profit easily", "hypothesis": "You'll make more in profits this way than you ever did before. "} {"idx": "mnli-10749", "premise": " A piece describes the horrific trade in Mexican boxers.", "hypothesis": "One piece does not describe the horrific trade done in Mexican boxers."} {"idx": "mnli-10750", "premise": "oh well we're having sunshine i think it's gonna be up in the seventies today so", "hypothesis": "Today we are going to the park to enjoy the nice weather."} {"idx": "mnli-10751", "premise": "They were pitiful even by microbial standards.", "hypothesis": "They were the most pitiful viruses."} {"idx": "mnli-10752", "premise": "Universal screening is appropriate in populations with high case rates.", "hypothesis": "Populations with high case rates are ideal for universal screening."} {"idx": "mnli-10753", "premise": "The Distribution of Inbound Mailby Weight Interval.", "hypothesis": "The Distribution of Inbound Mailby Weight Interval is exactly the type of sentence that will get you slapped."} {"idx": "mnli-10754", "premise": "Five Romanesque portals correspond to the five Islamic-style domes covering the church's Greek-croseground plan.", "hypothesis": "The portals and domes were created at the same time."} {"idx": "mnli-10755", "premise": "Las Vegas with a Vision", "hypothesis": "Las Vegas and Los Angeles with a dream."} {"idx": "mnli-10756", "premise": "There is a viewing platform around the camera, allowing first-hand viewing of the cityscape; there are also helpful explanatory maps pointing out the highlights on the horizon.", "hypothesis": "There are no maps available."} {"idx": "mnli-10757", "premise": "neither of us had any help with our college degrees and just this last month we paid off my final school loan so we're starting our kids a little bit early", "hypothesis": "We struggled to pay for our college debt, so we are starting college savings for our kids. "} {"idx": "mnli-10758", "premise": "well i think you will be real pleased to get away from the banana as i used to call it it's uh i used it on uh some other machines in days gone by and was real pleased to leave it it was a real memory hog when you started making large block changes to it", "hypothesis": "I think you'd be happy to get away from the banana, it was a big memory hog. "} {"idx": "mnli-10759", "premise": "Projected AC Demand Due to Multipollutant Initiative.", "hypothesis": "Aggregated costs are tracked for separate initiatives."} {"idx": "mnli-10760", "premise": "Housing had always been scarce for Hong Kong's Chinese.", "hypothesis": "The chinese in Hong Kong have always had a hard time finding housing."} {"idx": "mnli-10761", "premise": "(The United States, Olson notes, has far laxer discovery rules than any other developed nation.)", "hypothesis": "The US has relaxed rules for discovery."} {"idx": "mnli-10762", "premise": "It seemed too easy\u2026 .", "hypothesis": "It was easier than it should have been."} {"idx": "mnli-10763", "premise": "Second, rats are not humans.", "hypothesis": "The last point: rats are not humans."} {"idx": "mnli-10764", "premise": "yeah but if the average is seven years that means a lot of guys don't make it seven years you know", "hypothesis": "Many don't last seven years."} {"idx": "mnli-10765", "premise": "You want them to hear us? he whispered indignantly.", "hypothesis": "He asked the other person to speak out confidently, loud and clear. "} {"idx": "mnli-10766", "premise": "the knife was very sharp and Ca'daan's skin crawled at the sound of it shaving the man's head.", "hypothesis": "The man was happy to be rid of his hair. "} {"idx": "mnli-10767", "premise": "We then examine the consequences of volume loss on postal systems in order to provide a measure of burden in terms of increases in average unit costs as volume is lost to competitors, or", "hypothesis": "The competition in the industry is quite high."} {"idx": "mnli-10768", "premise": "Inside, the marvelous light is due in part to two more outsize rosewindows dominating the transept.", "hypothesis": "This was because of refraction."} {"idx": "mnli-10769", "premise": "'Tell him the real Ben Franklin is ready to talk.'", "hypothesis": "Someone wants to talk to him."} {"idx": "mnli-10770", "premise": "To my surprise, the hat didn't seem to be following me... ...The hat was in front of me.", "hypothesis": "The hat was teleported from behind me to be ahead of me."} {"idx": "mnli-10771", "premise": "She stopped screaming and smiled, her teeth a ruin of decay.", "hypothesis": "She showed her teeth as she smiled."} {"idx": "mnli-10772", "premise": "The fact that an organization is profiled for a particular practice is not meant to imply success or lack of success in other dimensions.", "hypothesis": "The practice is uncussessful "} {"idx": "mnli-10773", "premise": "Pretty thick, isn't it?\"", "hypothesis": "Is it thin?"} {"idx": "mnli-10774", "premise": "that's right that's why now that works if you can find somebody to do it with but it's very rare that you can find somebody to do it with", "hypothesis": "It is easy to find somebody to do it with."} {"idx": "mnli-10775", "premise": "How did you know? I whispered. ", "hypothesis": "I whispered to the person."} {"idx": "mnli-10776", "premise": "it worked out well oh yeah you can just go in there and join just like anywhere else too", "hypothesis": "It did not turn out well at all."} {"idx": "mnli-10777", "premise": "when it clears leather shot the shot's going to be fired you don't pull it out for show you pull it out to take care of business the same way with the blade it it comes out of my back pocket or it comes out of a sheath on my web gear it's coming out and it's going to draw blood you don't pull it trying to think is it uh in the Gurkha forces out of India had a legend that went along with their legendary side arm the Khukri which is their blade", "hypothesis": "If I pull my blade, I can do so to show it off to everyone around."} {"idx": "mnli-10778", "premise": "Converted from one of the city's fine Edwardian homes, the Four Seasons is less than five minutes' walk from New Kingston, behind secure walls in grounds embellished with a wide selection of tropical fruit trees.", "hypothesis": "The Four Seasons was built from the ground up well outside the city limits."} {"idx": "mnli-10779", "premise": "Let me throw out a few of my ideas for change that are not conditioned on congressional ", "hypothesis": "I don't have any ideas that can be pursued without congress."} {"idx": "mnli-10780", "premise": "well i don't know i uh as much as i didn't like school when i was going through it from my perspective now i can see that it's a lot better than what we have now", "hypothesis": "Even though I didn't like school I know that it was a lot better back then than what we have now."} {"idx": "mnli-10781", "premise": "can't even think of what team he plays for either", "hypothesis": "He plays for the Ravens."} {"idx": "mnli-10782", "premise": "Annually, the Federal Government provides funding to state and local governments for the purchase, the construction, or the major renovation of physical property owned by state and local governments; additionally, from time to time, the Federal Government transfers PP&E to these governments in exchange for less than fair value.", "hypothesis": "Physical property owned by state and local governments can have their purchase partially funded by the Federal Government."} {"idx": "mnli-10783", "premise": "From INdiaaaaah.", "hypothesis": "Russia"} {"idx": "mnli-10784", "premise": "At the south end of the Kaanapali Beach resort complex, the Hyatt Regency is a 40-acre tropical fantasy resort, with exotic birds, waterfalls, garden atriums, and sculpted swimming pools.", "hypothesis": "The south end of the complex has waterfalls and atriums that are romantic and secluded."} {"idx": "mnli-10785", "premise": "because they check those and i know one girl she was on some kind of medication", "hypothesis": "The girl went to the doctor for a prescription."} {"idx": "mnli-10786", "premise": "my fiancee takes probably six Sunday papers He takes both San Antonio papers an Austin paper both Houston papers i guess he takes seven the San Marcos paper and the New Braunsfel paper but he's a football coach at Southwest Texas State University so he's getting all the sports sections", "hypothesis": "My fiancee hates sports so he ignores the sports section in the Texas State University."} {"idx": "mnli-10787", "premise": " \"Magic!\" Dave said.", "hypothesis": "Dave uttered the word 'Magic.'"} {"idx": "mnli-10788", "premise": "Bug fixing is time consuming.", "hypothesis": "Fixing bugs takes no time at all."} {"idx": "mnli-10789", "premise": "yeah oh and still are", "hypothesis": "Still are. "} {"idx": "mnli-10790", "premise": "Any year now could be Dick Clark's last.", "hypothesis": "It is sure Dick Clark will last many years."} {"idx": "mnli-10791", "premise": "The submarine, the sinking ship, every one to take to the boats and so on.", "hypothesis": "The took to the boats because vampires can't cross water on their own"} {"idx": "mnli-10792", "premise": "But ask Miss Tuppence if she also has not had her suspicions.\" Jane turned mutely to Tuppence.", "hypothesis": "Jane thinks Tuppence has had suspicions."} {"idx": "mnli-10793", "premise": "Whittington seemed to be doing all the talking, and the nurse just listened.", "hypothesis": "It seemed the nurse was only listening while Whittington spoke"} {"idx": "mnli-10794", "premise": "I'm going to bed.\" The door into the hall was a wide one. ", "hypothesis": "I'm going to bed."} {"idx": "mnli-10795", "premise": "In this time in which access to justice for underprivileged Texans has suffered from Congressional retreat, litigation assault and a decline in statewide funds, Justice Hankinson has been a source of innovative ideas and inspirational leadership, TEAJF Board Chairman Dick Tate said. ", "hypothesis": "Access to justice for poor Texans has been encouraged by Congressional retreat."} {"idx": "mnli-10796", "premise": "The word comes from an old Iberian term meaning Lord of All. ", "hypothesis": "The Nigerian term means Lord of All."} {"idx": "mnli-10797", "premise": "well see i didn't either until it happened", "hypothesis": "Some one else missed it too."} {"idx": "mnli-10798", "premise": "uh-huh uh-huh yeah the friend of ours over here he's got uh sixty five or sixty six Mustang with the six cylinder and uh i was look under the hood of that the other day and like you say you can see the road it's amazing", "hypothesis": "Our friend's Mustang is in really good condition."} {"idx": "mnli-10799", "premise": "Her Memento Mori is one of my all-time favorites (short, mean, and funny--three priceless qualities).", "hypothesis": "Her Memento Mori is long and winding and dry."} {"idx": "mnli-10800", "premise": "This represents the current NIPA definition of investment used throughout this primer unless otherwise stated.", "hypothesis": "This primer won't be using the current NIPA definition of investment."} {"idx": "mnli-10801", "premise": "But modern Kagoshima is now an attractive green and airy place, with wide boulevards, delightful parks, and a couple of intriguing historical museums.", "hypothesis": "Kagoshima, once green and airy, is now grey and polluted."} {"idx": "mnli-10802", "premise": "Meanwhile the vast majority of ordinary Egyptians, who offer a warm welcome to tourists, put their faith in Allah for an upturn in their economic fortunes.", "hypothesis": "The economy of Egypt has been suffering recently."} {"idx": "mnli-10803", "premise": "The old man took me about.", "hypothesis": "I was taken about by the old man."} {"idx": "mnli-10804", "premise": "Most Japanese theater aims less at developing a coherent plot, in the Western manner, than at creating a particular tone, atmosphere, and emotional extremes.", "hypothesis": "Japanese theaters are hugely popular to visiting American tourists. "} {"idx": "mnli-10805", "premise": "These organizations consider and apply the various strategies as appropriate within the organizational, financial, and cultural parameters of their individual business and government enterprises.", "hypothesis": "These groups apply different strategies in the organization."} {"idx": "mnli-10806", "premise": "We specialize in public benefits, housing evictions and domestic violence, Comart said, but added that because of such a high volume of need and staffing reductions, most cases are advice and brief services as opposed to extended representation.", "hypothesis": "They house people allergic to fish and anxiety sufferers. "} {"idx": "mnli-10807", "premise": "you know two hours for a movie especially you know things that are i hate things that are continued", "hypothesis": "It's an hour for a movie."} {"idx": "mnli-10808", "premise": "maybe one of these days i'll you know i'm kind of like you maybe one of these days i'll get around to it i'll do something with the piano but probably not", "hypothesis": "One of these days I will play something on the piano."} {"idx": "mnli-10809", "premise": "but now if you cook them wrong you can loose the vitamins to", "hypothesis": "It doesn't matter how you cook them."} {"idx": "mnli-10810", "premise": ", uptown vs. downtown)--let alone the idea that a possession could bring its buyer simple pleasure.", "hypothesis": "A buyer does not possess what they bought."} {"idx": "mnli-10811", "premise": "Peering into the passenger compartment, I noticed about ten of Lincoln's cops sweeping their way through the train's interior.", "hypothesis": "I saw that several of Lincoln's cops were in the train. "} {"idx": "mnli-10812", "premise": "right right yeah i know that i saw in a book i was reading a Spanish book uh not that i read Spanish you know i just you know reading some Spanish words and there was a comment in there about the Mexicans don't really want us to say we're Americans they would like to say that we're North Americans because they're Americans too you know and i guess that's true we don't think of any one else but ourselves i guess we're kind of uh the smart asses in the world i suppose uh or of America anyway we think of ourselves as the only Americans when they're Americans too", "hypothesis": "I found out in a book that the Mexicans don't like it when we call ourselves Americans as if Mexico were not part of America."} {"idx": "mnli-10813", "premise": "The CAGE was developed in 1968 as a brief screening tool for primary care providers to detect alcohol abuse and dependence.", "hypothesis": "CAGE was criteria for screening for diabetes."} {"idx": "mnli-10814", "premise": "The 100-sq-m (1,076-sq-ft) courtyard is enclosed by long colonnades with a pavilion at each corner.", "hypothesis": "The courtyard is open with just one pavilion in the center."} {"idx": "mnli-10815", "premise": "They do not reflect EPA endorsement of these spending levels.", "hypothesis": "They do reflect EPA endorsement of these spending levels. "} {"idx": "mnli-10816", "premise": "and that just seems ridiculous", "hypothesis": "It seems ridiculous."} {"idx": "mnli-10817", "premise": "I heard a thump.", "hypothesis": "I heard a thump and a loud noise from the kitchen."} {"idx": "mnli-10818", "premise": "a mild abrasive pad like a Scotchbrite pad or something like that and water and soap and water so we got pretty lucky on that", "hypothesis": "Even after using soap and water, things did not get better."} {"idx": "mnli-10819", "premise": "okay it didn't make the national national national national news too much which i find really weird", "hypothesis": "I am not surprised as this wouldn't interest the journalists one bit."} {"idx": "mnli-10820", "premise": "An article condemns President Clinton for ingratitude toward his loyal vice president.", "hypothesis": "The article praised President Clinton for his exquisite treatment of his vice president."} {"idx": "mnli-10821", "premise": "Toobin is, of course, being massively hypocritical here, given that he too is now profiting from enclosing his reporting in hard covers.", "hypothesis": "He is making money from the reports which is deceptive because of the nature of his covers."} {"idx": "mnli-10822", "premise": "right and uh wait for an opportunity to use it", "hypothesis": "That opportunity may be later or sooner."} {"idx": "mnli-10823", "premise": "The race is not going nowhere, said the Astronomer, earnestly.", "hypothesis": "The race has an end point, said the Astronomer earnestly."} {"idx": "mnli-10824", "premise": "A man had run up and was standing beside the egg, beating at it.", "hypothesis": "The man was in a hurry to cook dinner."} {"idx": "mnli-10825", "premise": "They did not, but Sir James referred him to Mrs. Vandemeyer's solicitor.", "hypothesis": "Sir James has a high opinion of Mrs. Vandemeyer's solicitor. "} {"idx": "mnli-10826", "premise": "Do you understand now, monsieur?", "hypothesis": "You understand now."} {"idx": "mnli-10827", "premise": "Legend says that Theseus was thrown to his death here, many generations ago.", "hypothesis": "This place is not related to Theseus's death whatsoever."} {"idx": "mnli-10828", "premise": "Once we got past that, it became a real positive for the Long Beach program and Long Beach clients.", "hypothesis": "It benefited the Long beach program eventually."} {"idx": "mnli-10829", "premise": "Also, a George Stephanopoulos essay urges Clinton to step forward and tell us everything about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky.", "hypothesis": "Clinton was never mentioned in Stephanopoulos' essay."} {"idx": "mnli-10830", "premise": "The Daily Telegraph reported that David Trimble, the Ulster Unionist Party leader and first minister in the new Ulster assembly, had threatened to resign if the march wasn't allowed through.", "hypothesis": "Trimble is the VP of the Ulster Unionists. "} {"idx": "mnli-10831", "premise": "The rule will apply to 82 percent of the general, short-term, acute care hospitals that participate in the Medicare program, or 5,130 hospitals, all of which are considered small entities by HCFA.", "hypothesis": "This rule applies to all hospitals, regardless of size."} {"idx": "mnli-10832", "premise": "i still haven't checked out to see if they do make the eighteen i i'm sure they do", "hypothesis": "They don't make the 18."} {"idx": "mnli-10833", "premise": "The Alternative approach also uses different data to value reductions in the risk of premature mortality and chronic bronchitis and makes adjustments relating to the health status and potential longevity of the populations most likely affected by PM.", "hypothesis": "The alternative approach uses the same data but finds different results."} {"idx": "mnli-10834", "premise": "For all his accomplishments, Herod was nevertheless hated by his subjects; he taxed, he tortured, and he ordered the massacre of male Jewish infants in an attempt to do away with the heralded Messiah.", "hypothesis": "Herod wasn't known treat his subjects brutally or to be an unjust ruler."} {"idx": "mnli-10835", "premise": "Many of the grand country quintas (villas) that still dot the island today have their roots in the early Madeira wine industry.", "hypothesis": "The island's villas are still occupied and host large vineyards."} {"idx": "mnli-10836", "premise": "I did the usual stunt.", "hypothesis": "I didn't do the usual."} {"idx": "mnli-10837", "premise": "he's uh i read those uh actually i think my favorite author really right now is uh William Johnstone", "hypothesis": "He likes other authors as well."} {"idx": "mnli-10838", "premise": "and so she's going to get some money for that and take some money from the bank and then try to make as much down payment as possible to keep the monthly payment low", "hypothesis": "if she can keep the monthly payment low she will be able to buy more food"} {"idx": "mnli-10839", "premise": "The agency representatives also said that they were not aware of any data suggesting that the lack of a standardized approach to regulatory participation was a problem to either the public in general or to the regulated entities that are most likely to participate in rulemaking.", "hypothesis": "Surprisingly, agency representatives stated they were not aware of data. "} {"idx": "mnli-10840", "premise": "In the same way, we have his statement that he put the coffee down in the hall. ", "hypothesis": "He said that he put the coffee down in the hall."} {"idx": "mnli-10841", "premise": "Ca'daan caught sight of an ivory face, beautiful eyes, and bare breasts of a woman from behind a silk drape.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan was alone in the room, and the loneliness crept into his soul and pained his heart."} {"idx": "mnli-10842", "premise": "Officials from this organization described a situation in which a company had notified them of a newly identified vulnerability.", "hypothesis": "The company had no issues."} {"idx": "mnli-10843", "premise": "oh really if you had a choice of your car what would you get", "hypothesis": "What kind of car would you give if you had a blank check?"} {"idx": "mnli-10844", "premise": "These reductions in life years lost are applied regardless of the age at death.", "hypothesis": "Reductions in life years lost are always applied."} {"idx": "mnli-10845", "premise": "yeah unfortunately because because i often i often sort of wonder how having never been to the Soviet Union um how different the people there really are you know how how much everyone always thought of them as you know sort of the", "hypothesis": "I traveled to the Soviet Union in the 80s and I know exactly what the people there are like."} {"idx": "mnli-10846", "premise": "3) Loral's lawyers tried in vain to block the transmission just after it had occurred.", "hypothesis": "Loral's lawyers wanted to stop the fax transmission."} {"idx": "mnli-10847", "premise": "Is that clear?\"", "hypothesis": "Do you think you know?"} {"idx": "mnli-10848", "premise": "The IRS also points out that upper-income audits dropped in response to the closing down of tax shelters in the 1986 Tax Reform Act.", "hypothesis": "The IRS audited 40,000 upper-income people last year."} {"idx": "mnli-10849", "premise": "The following is a recommended selection of Las Vegas's best hotels in four price categories.", "hypothesis": "Here are some great places to stay in Las Vegas."} {"idx": "mnli-10850", "premise": "Most gains and losses from transferring assets within and between sectors wash out at the national level and may not represent newly available resources for the economy as a whole.", "hypothesis": "Transferring assets may result in gains or losses ."} {"idx": "mnli-10851", "premise": "control", "hypothesis": "Control "} {"idx": "mnli-10852", "premise": "The recurring theme is too much and too little self-esteem.", "hypothesis": "The theme is that too much self-esteem is just as damaging as too little."} {"idx": "mnli-10853", "premise": "and if it's not if it's not mom then then dad or somebody's got to move in there and do the job because the kids really need it", "hypothesis": "The children are relying on them."} {"idx": "mnli-10854", "premise": "I can do nothing with the American.", "hypothesis": "The American is protected by international laws."} {"idx": "mnli-10855", "premise": "In a month from now sooner or later as you wish I will guarantee you such a reign of terror in Ireland as shall shake the British Empire to its foundations. There was a pause, and then came the soft, sibilant accents of Number One: \"Good! ", "hypothesis": "A reign of terror will grasp Ireland in just a month's time."} {"idx": "mnli-10856", "premise": "Selected Local Shopping", "hypothesis": "There is some local shopping that locals prefer over the tourist-filled malls."} {"idx": "mnli-10857", "premise": "Legal services programs provide a broad range of generalized information and assistance to people wishing to handle simple legal matters themselves without extensive assistance from an attorney.", "hypothesis": "Legal service programs are not legal to use in court."} {"idx": "mnli-10858", "premise": "Azay-le-Rideau", "hypothesis": "It's Azay-le-Rideau."} {"idx": "mnli-10859", "premise": "The final rule has been reviewed under Executive Order", "hypothesis": "The Executive order will not be reviewed."} {"idx": "mnli-10860", "premise": "Based on the number and complexity of the comments, APHIS decided to issue only a small portion of the proposed rule at this time and to review and reanalyze the other portions of the rule before issuing them as final.", "hypothesis": "APHIS responded to the comments by choosing to review the rules."} {"idx": "mnli-10861", "premise": "Vishnu, a four-armed god with mace, conch, discus, and lotus, has many incarnations, of which the most famous is Krishna, who appears as conquering hero, flute-playing lover, or mischievous baby.", "hypothesis": "Vishnu has eight arms, similar in fashion to an octopus."} {"idx": "mnli-10862", "premise": "2) The FBI warned six members of Congress last year that China had targeted them for illegal campaign donations through foreign companies.", "hypothesis": "Congress investigated the FBI for illegal campaign cookies."} {"idx": "mnli-10863", "premise": "Funding for legal aid preserves community resources and saves tax dollars.", "hypothesis": "Legal aid funding saves tax money."} {"idx": "mnli-10864", "premise": "But they conclude that all the choices available to Witztum and Rips created wiggle room, thus permitting the authors' biases to corrupt the results.", "hypothesis": "There were no choices available."} {"idx": "mnli-10865", "premise": "Adrin's eyes crawled over Vrenna as she stretched, revealing her shapely ivory body under the gray cloak.", "hypothesis": "Adrin stared at Vrenna's body."} {"idx": "mnli-10866", "premise": "It had to duplicate the courses of the objects in their sky and simulate the general behavior of the dome.", "hypothesis": "It could create random courses of the objects in the sky."} {"idx": "mnli-10867", "premise": "It was constructed in 1897 (after its predecessor was burned down, because the maharaja wanted a new one) and represents all the excesses of Mughal nostalgia and undigested Victoriana.", "hypothesis": "The old one was burned down because the maharaja desired a new one and a new one built in 1897."} {"idx": "mnli-10868", "premise": " Ser Perth appeared at the doorway with two of the mandrakes.", "hypothesis": "Ser Perth appeared at the doorway, looking for the two mandrakes."} {"idx": "mnli-10869", "premise": "What part of Texas are you from? ", "hypothesis": "What part of Kentucky are you from?"} {"idx": "mnli-10870", "premise": "I do, however, wonder about what is not there.", "hypothesis": "There used to be something there."} {"idx": "mnli-10871", "premise": "The southeast of France, from the Alps down through the Rh??ne Val?\u00adley to Provence and the Cete d'Azur (French Rivi?\u00adera), is France's playground, with resorts that cater to tourists' needs in both summer and winter.", "hypothesis": "The resorts in France are extremely far away from France's playground."} {"idx": "mnli-10872", "premise": "But not all of it has, and not all of it will be.", "hypothesis": "Not everything of it has or will be."} {"idx": "mnli-10873", "premise": "yes when i first started teaching i remember i went up to my job and i said okay i want to see a curriculum guide you know so i'll know what i'm suppose to teach and they go we don't have one of we don't even know where one is", "hypothesis": "When I began teaching they did not have a curriculum guide."} {"idx": "mnli-10874", "premise": "In general, economists tend to view an individual's willingness-to-pay (WTP) for an improvement in environmental quality as the most complete and appropriate measure of the value of an environmental or health risk reduction.", "hypothesis": "WTP data is sometimes difficult to collect and quantify."} {"idx": "mnli-10875", "premise": "um-hum actually he he wrote that prior to the uh Medellin Medellin Cartel being exposed it was on the stands prior to that time it it's quite timely and either he knows somebody or he has a real good a real good imagination because its it hits pretty close to home", "hypothesis": "He has said he knows someone within the organization and the article seems to support his statement."} {"idx": "mnli-10876", "premise": "It is far better to allow a daily ration of a couple of major temples, a museum, and a strolling garden or two than to cram everything into a short time, leaving only a blur of each and a lasting impression of none.", "hypothesis": "It takes a few hours to visit two temples and a museum."} {"idx": "mnli-10877", "premise": "I didn't go straight back to Daniel's bar.", "hypothesis": "I went back to Daniel's bar."} {"idx": "mnli-10878", "premise": "um-hum oh i think they're all overcrowded", "hypothesis": "Seems to me like every one is overcrowded"} {"idx": "mnli-10879", "premise": "But the Post made a telling omission here.", "hypothesis": "The fact that the Post made an omission was very telling."} {"idx": "mnli-10880", "premise": "I've papers for them.", "hypothesis": "I've got crickets for them."} {"idx": "mnli-10881", "premise": "Still, if coal and oil are the low price for which they would sell us the troubles and tortures of racial youth, my answer is that the commodity would be dear if offered gratis.\" ", "hypothesis": "I think the commodity would be worthless if it were offered for free."} {"idx": "mnli-10882", "premise": "Trust or not, I suppose we will have to rely on each other all the same.'", "hypothesis": "I guess we have to depend on each other."} {"idx": "mnli-10883", "premise": "It didn't win every battle, but assisted by high-profile friends such as Beatrix Potter, the National Trust slowly came to exert more influence.", "hypothesis": "Beatrix Potter does not care for the National Trust."} {"idx": "mnli-10884", "premise": "When it opened in 1912, the university had a total of 72 students.", "hypothesis": "The university had an extremely small student body when it first opened."} {"idx": "mnli-10885", "premise": "yeah i had a i had an interesting call about uh two weeks ago um came in late too it was like eleven thirty at night and i answered it and", "hypothesis": "I got a very interesting call two weeks ago at about 11:30 at night. "} {"idx": "mnli-10886", "premise": "WEAPONS SYSTEMS - A combination of one or more weapons with all related equipment, materials, services, personnel and means of delivery and deployment required for self-sufficiency.", "hypothesis": "A weapons system involves more than one missle system."} {"idx": "mnli-10887", "premise": "Threatened by the Fascists' March on Rome in 1922, King Vittorio Emanuele III invited Mussolini, il Duce, to form a government.", "hypothesis": "They wanted to form a government."} {"idx": "mnli-10888", "premise": "Once a unit opts into the trading programs, the unit will remain an affected unit.", "hypothesis": "The affected units are supposed to attend meetings every Wednesday and Friday."} {"idx": "mnli-10889", "premise": "we have Kroger but not a Skaggs", "hypothesis": "We have both a Kroger and Skaggs."} {"idx": "mnli-10890", "premise": "i only get the newspaper on the weekends so", "hypothesis": "I like to sit and read the newspaper cover to cover on the weekends."} {"idx": "mnli-10891", "premise": "Ca'daan saw the damage he was doing to the horse but the visions of red-armored demon cannibals kept his feet kicking and the mare moved on.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan was thinking about demon cannibals."} {"idx": "mnli-10892", "premise": "'I hear you've been enjoying yourself.'", "hypothesis": "I hear that you've had fun."} {"idx": "mnli-10893", "premise": "She pulled at it but the head was barbed.", "hypothesis": "She tugged at it."} {"idx": "mnli-10894", "premise": "Instead of Wanda 's delicious anti-PC nastiness (flattened lapdogs, stuttering jokes) and bawdy high-spiritedness, Fierce piles on sight gags as crass commercialism runs amok in the zoo, says the USA Today's Susan Wloszczyna.", "hypothesis": "There are two different types of comedy being discussed."} {"idx": "mnli-10895", "premise": "We've got one lawyer for every 30,000 poor people in the Valley, Hall said in Sunday's editions of The Monitor (McAllen).", "hypothesis": "The Valley has seen a shortage of lawyers for over five years."} {"idx": "mnli-10896", "premise": "we're we we fight that that battle every day here at work uh", "hypothesis": "We have never had any issue like that at work."} {"idx": "mnli-10897", "premise": " Definitely not.", "hypothesis": "Certainly."} {"idx": "mnli-10898", "premise": "Still, many magazine editors said Clinton was right.", "hypothesis": "Clinton asserted that she was responsible for key legislation."} {"idx": "mnli-10899", "premise": "To return to the discussion, my favorite response is I'm told I'm great!", "hypothesis": "The answer I like to hear the most is that I'm terrible. "} {"idx": "mnli-10900", "premise": "The island's fine church, Saint-Louis-en-l'Ile, is as elegant as the mansions ' bright and airy with a golden light illuminating an attractive collection of Dutch, Flemish, and Italian 16th- and 17th-century art and some superb tapestries from the 12th century.", "hypothesis": "There is a beautiful church on the island."} {"idx": "mnli-10901", "premise": "During the last 20 years, change has been particularly pronounced with", "hypothesis": "There is a greater change "} {"idx": "mnli-10902", "premise": "By 1582, Christian converts were estimated at 150,000; by 1615 there were half a million throughout the country.", "hypothesis": "Five hundred thousand converts to Christianity were present in the country by 1615."} {"idx": "mnli-10903", "premise": "Most marriages in India are still arranged traditionally with carefully negotiated dowries.", "hypothesis": "The majority of marriages within India are still of the traditional arranged variety."} {"idx": "mnli-10904", "premise": "The two distinct worlds of upper-class and lower-class culture have merged into a single megaworld of pop culture.", "hypothesis": "A megaworld of pop culture has arisen from the merging of the lower-class and upper-class cultures."} {"idx": "mnli-10905", "premise": "Slate writer Mickey Kaus calls them).", "hypothesis": "Slate writer Mickey Kaus does not acknowledge their presence."} {"idx": "mnli-10906", "premise": "Mongolians from South China and Polynesian and Malay peoples from the Philippines and the Indonesian islands settled along the rivers of the peninsula and northern Borneo.", "hypothesis": "Mongolians settled along the rivers because they could fish there."} {"idx": "mnli-10907", "premise": "One day, soon perhaps, the public will have to stop gaping at the ability of Boris Yeltsin 'to be good at times of crisis.", "hypothesis": "Boris Yeltsin was a quick thinker."} {"idx": "mnli-10908", "premise": "It would be a big mistake for Congress to respond to irate seniors by punishing the HMOs.", "hypothesis": "The Congress must punish the HMOs and the seniors can't do anything about it."} {"idx": "mnli-10909", "premise": "we have i know of one that the one that we use uh has uh recycling for the bags", "hypothesis": "None of them that we use have bag recycling."} {"idx": "mnli-10910", "premise": "right well i would think they would be", "hypothesis": "I am not sure, but I believe they will be."} {"idx": "mnli-10911", "premise": "Researchers have found fossils, similar to those in the meteorite, in some of the oldest rock on Earth.", "hypothesis": "Meteorites have been known to contain fossils. "} {"idx": "mnli-10912", "premise": "He brought the weakened bomb into Hitler's briefing room and nudged it as close to the target as he could, then left on a mumbled excuse, drove off the compound, and flew to Berlin.", "hypothesis": "A man attempted to kill Hitler with a bomb."} {"idx": "mnli-10913", "premise": "There are three principal remedies for Internet ", "hypothesis": "There are 3 ways we can make the internet sick."} {"idx": "mnli-10914", "premise": "and i it was just too much to start with and i still haven't finished it because i stopped i stopped and i thought well i better do some simple things and work up to this because it was just so difficult to to get it done and there were so many different shadings and colors and", "hypothesis": "It wasn't too much, I began at the right pace. "} {"idx": "mnli-10915", "premise": "Without looking at Tommy the girl went over to the table, and picked up the tray.", "hypothesis": "While avoiding glancing at Tommy, the girl went to clear the table."} {"idx": "mnli-10916", "premise": "I have to ask her, Ca'daan said again.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan refused to speak to her."} {"idx": "mnli-10917", "premise": "I am out a good deal.", "hypothesis": "I lost a good deal and I don't know what to do."} {"idx": "mnli-10918", "premise": "As a basic guide we have used the symbols below to indicate prices for a double room with bath, including ", "hypothesis": "We used the symbols to show the price for a double room."} {"idx": "mnli-10919", "premise": "oh Lord right yeah i i saw the first one and i i thought that was you know pretty humorous", "hypothesis": "I watched the first one, and I found it hilarious."} {"idx": "mnli-10920", "premise": "Yore hat, suh. Hamilcar brought in the well-brushed headgear, much more respectable looking than it had been an hour ago.", "hypothesis": "Hamilcar gave him a hat that he had brought with him earlier in the day."} {"idx": "mnli-10921", "premise": "Control activities can include both prepayment and postpayment mechanisms to manage improper payments.", "hypothesis": "Prepayment and postpayment mechanisms can ensure proper payments."} {"idx": "mnli-10922", "premise": "You don't understand? ", "hypothesis": "Do you need me to explain again?"} {"idx": "mnli-10923", "premise": "The Wall Street Journal Washington Wire reports that the New Hampshire state Democratic Party chairman says Clinton shouldn't gloat when he attends a fund-raiser in his state next week, but adds, I'm not sure anyone [there] can control their passion.", "hypothesis": "The Washington Wire says Clinton is proudest of that win."} {"idx": "mnli-10924", "premise": "how many miles there is that now what did you just replace", "hypothesis": "You have recently made a replacement."} {"idx": "mnli-10925", "premise": "Although many factors contribute to these weaknesses, audits by GAO and Inspectors General have found that an underlying cause is poor security program management.", "hypothesis": "Security and program management were found to be the strongest sectors with no problems during the audit."} {"idx": "mnli-10926", "premise": "The moats and turrets ' though Gothic in style ' are purely decorative, and the staircase is noted for its innovative straight flights and landings rather than the old spiral form that was designed to fend off invaders.", "hypothesis": "The straight flights are lack innovation."} {"idx": "mnli-10927", "premise": "for everybody to see", "hypothesis": "For every person to view. "} {"idx": "mnli-10928", "premise": "The best spot in Orange County is Laguna Beach, as the entire city beach area is a designated marine preserve.", "hypothesis": "Laguna Beach is a designated marine preserve."} {"idx": "mnli-10929", "premise": "The commercial passenger number 0289/Mr. Pearinsky leafed through a couple of pages, compared the photos with the view outside and fell asleep.", "hypothesis": "Mr. Pearinsky stayed awake the whole flight watching a movie."} {"idx": "mnli-10930", "premise": "Somewhere on the other side of the horse, another man cried out followed by another crack of thunder.", "hypothesis": "The horse was frightened and kicked the man in the head. "} {"idx": "mnli-10931", "premise": "At a point where the Ill divides into four canals, the tanners shared the waterways with the millers and fishermen.", "hypothesis": "Tanners, millers and fishermen used to argue about which parts of the canal belonged to whom. "} {"idx": "mnli-10932", "premise": "Well, that is what Mrs. Inglethorp did. ", "hypothesis": "Mrs. Inglethorp did what no one expected her to do."} {"idx": "mnli-10933", "premise": "Notably, the principles address senior executivesa responsibility for creating an effective management context for their CIOs, as well as the CIOsa responsibilities for building credibility and organizing information technology and management to meet business needs.", "hypothesis": "There is no person who is in charge of building credibility."} {"idx": "mnli-10934", "premise": "I think farmers across the United States realize that,' Christensen said.", "hypothesis": "Christensen thinks that us farmers realize that. "} {"idx": "mnli-10935", "premise": "When the paper used this reporter's stories on A1 for five consecutive days, she came home and submitted the expenses.", "hypothesis": "The reported submitted the expenses after returning home."} {"idx": "mnli-10936", "premise": "Some of the stuff is depressingly ugly, but there is also an admirable renewal in both classic and modern design.", "hypothesis": "There is a rebirth of ancient and current design, as well as a plethora of unsightly crap."} {"idx": "mnli-10937", "premise": "You forget yourself, Dave Hanson!", "hypothesis": "You have forgotten where you came from, Hanson!"} {"idx": "mnli-10938", "premise": "oh really oh you really rough it then", "hypothesis": "Oh really it must be a breeze for you then."} {"idx": "mnli-10939", "premise": "If you can't make up your mind, just head to one of the giant movie complexes with multiple theaters.", "hypothesis": "There's more than one giant movie complex."} {"idx": "mnli-10940", "premise": "Time 's cover story is pegged to the release of testimony in the Paula Jones case.", "hypothesis": "The cover story in Time is about the innocence of Paula Jones."} {"idx": "mnli-10941", "premise": "Given its short history as a unified nation, much of Italy's patriotic sense seems to be most visible in the national football (soccer) team.", "hypothesis": "Most Italians like to play soccer during their free time."} {"idx": "mnli-10942", "premise": "It involved the examination of invoices after payment in lieu of prepayment examination.", "hypothesis": "Invoices were not examined after payment."} {"idx": "mnli-10943", "premise": "Needless to say the bowl, which is still in one piece, is kept under lock and key at all times.", "hypothesis": "The bowl is very precious, and we must guard it."} {"idx": "mnli-10944", "premise": "The altar scared me.", "hypothesis": "The altar was frightening."} {"idx": "mnli-10945", "premise": "Drive out of town south along the D93, sign?\u00adposted Route des Plages, to Tahiti or Pampelonne for the best beaches, which have fine sand shaded by lovely umbrella pines.", "hypothesis": "Umbrella pine trees overlook the beaches in Tahiti and Pampelonne."} {"idx": "mnli-10946", "premise": "Apparently, the restaurant business could fund some pretty serious hobbies.", "hypothesis": "The restaurant business makes $2million a year."} {"idx": "mnli-10947", "premise": "For example, presort discounts have aspects of type 1, type 2, type 3, and maybe some of type 5. Similarly, drop-ship discounts have multiple aspects.", "hypothesis": "Drop-ship discounts, and their multiple aspects, are generally favored to presort discounts."} {"idx": "mnli-10948", "premise": "well Hawaii is pretty far too think about it", "hypothesis": "Hawaii is fairly far away, when you think about it."} {"idx": "mnli-10949", "premise": "As a side effect of that disease, reporters have excessive respect for a well-run campaign.", "hypothesis": "Reporters like when campaigns have good ads and no negative ones."} {"idx": "mnli-10950", "premise": "uh for kids to either either do military service or public service one of the two uh a lot of reasons for that not not just because i'm a i'm a hard ass or anything it's just that", "hypothesis": "I think kids should do either military or public service."} {"idx": "mnli-10951", "premise": "All student magicians take up the Medical Art for a time.", "hypothesis": "Every magician learns the Medical Art for a while when they are a student."} {"idx": "mnli-10952", "premise": "Seagram's sympathizers pointed out that the product is legal, and dismissed Clinton's warning as a political stunt designed to endear him to parents.", "hypothesis": "Seagram's sympathizers pointed out that the product is legal and dismissed Clinton's warning as a political stunt. "} {"idx": "mnli-10953", "premise": "'What are you using for a brain?'", "hypothesis": "What are you using as the heart?"} {"idx": "mnli-10954", "premise": "Reagan and Thatcher present us with contrasting retirement strategies--pathetic senility and rancorous immortality, each in its way a grotesque form of self-parody.", "hypothesis": "No one really like the retirement strategies that were presented."} {"idx": "mnli-10955", "premise": "She read in his glance kindliness, and something else more difficult to fathom.", "hypothesis": "He looked angry and clearly upset. "} {"idx": "mnli-10956", "premise": "Shopping hours in Ibiza last from around 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m.", "hypothesis": "Shopping hours in Ibiza are very short and only from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m."} {"idx": "mnli-10957", "premise": "North from Ribeiro Frio, toward the coast, is Faial, much photographed because of its picturesque setting at the foot of the Penha d'??guia.", "hypothesis": "Ribeiro Frio is photographed a lot."} {"idx": "mnli-10958", "premise": "Many people cannot manage to go to Italy outside the major holiday periods Easter, July, and August.", "hypothesis": "Finding the time to visit Italy is difficult for a lot of people. "} {"idx": "mnli-10959", "premise": "With the backing of Congress, PM Gowda ruled until May 1997, when Congress unseated him and appointed Inder Kurnal Gujral in his place.", "hypothesis": "PM Gowda was not replaced until the year 2005."} {"idx": "mnli-10960", "premise": "you know it the city itself is great but i mean you go in the in the uh car for a drive and you could see nothing for miles and miles and miles", "hypothesis": "The city is great but the peacefulness of the country is better."} {"idx": "mnli-10961", "premise": "'Like the cheapest whore I've ever met,' Derry said.", "hypothesis": "The wine is like the cheapest whore Derry every met."} {"idx": "mnli-10962", "premise": "the sort of person uh it was uh really something", "hypothesis": "The kind of person, it was really something."} {"idx": "mnli-10963", "premise": "The neighbor is friendly and seems trustworthy.", "hypothesis": "It seems like the neighbor is trustworthy. "} {"idx": "mnli-10964", "premise": "okay no i'm in California", "hypothesis": "I am in the East Coast."} {"idx": "mnli-10965", "premise": "They say that Netscape and the network computer threaten Microsoft's prosperity.", "hypothesis": "Microsoft feels intimidates by the competition. "} {"idx": "mnli-10966", "premise": "This year's gathering is limited to lawyers and paralegals working for legal aid organizations.", "hypothesis": "Last year's gathering was open to anyone in the legal profession."} {"idx": "mnli-10967", "premise": "Away from the expressways and southeast from the Central Market lie the exotic offerings of Chinatown, within the boundaries of Jalan Sultan, Jalan Bandar (now known as Jalan Tun H. S. Lee), and especially along Jalan Petaling.", "hypothesis": "Chinatown is situated directly beside the expressways."} {"idx": "mnli-10968", "premise": "La Rochelle", "hypothesis": "La Roxanne."} {"idx": "mnli-10969", "premise": "Longitudinal Data Sometimes called time series data, observations collected over a period of time; the sample (instances or cases) may or may not be the same each time.", "hypothesis": "Another name for longitudinal data is time series data."} {"idx": "mnli-10970", "premise": "First described by network architects Jerome Saltzer, David P. Reed, and David Clark, end-to-end means that you keep the network stupid, and build intelligence at the ends--in the applications, or the users.", "hypothesis": "Saltzer was a network architect for Apple."} {"idx": "mnli-10971", "premise": "If transferred to the General Fund, the penalties are recognized as nonexchange revenue in the Government-wide consolidated financial statements; if transferred to another entity, they are recognized as nonexchange revenue by the entity that receives the transfer.", "hypothesis": "Substantial penalties are incurred for transferring money from the General Fund."} {"idx": "mnli-10972", "premise": "Researchers and experts in the field were also interviewed.", "hypothesis": "Only random people selected at a movie theater were interviewed."} {"idx": "mnli-10973", "premise": "My dear Hastings, I don't mind telling you that I'm at my wit's end for money. 14 \"Couldn't your brother help you?\"", "hypothesis": "I have no need for money, Hastings."} {"idx": "mnli-10974", "premise": "yeah but the snow also helps you know and it it we had like one foot deep snow in this in this open field and so it was a little hard to run but when you got hit and you fell you didn't really feel it", "hypothesis": "It's much easier to run in deep snow than on smooth grass."} {"idx": "mnli-10975", "premise": "The ultra-orthodox tend to be funny, particularly when they wear unusual hats and when they're not pelting you with stones.", "hypothesis": "The people who are extremely orthodox are often humorous."} {"idx": "mnli-10976", "premise": "Drew knocked on the age-darkened surface of the big door.", "hypothesis": "Drew knocked on the big door."} {"idx": "mnli-10977", "premise": "Japan and Its People", "hypothesis": "Japan has people."} {"idx": "mnli-10978", "premise": "well thank you and you have a good day okay bye-bye", "hypothesis": "Thank you for thatand have a good day, okay? Bye-bye!"} {"idx": "mnli-10979", "premise": "President Clinton began backing away from his pledge to remove U.S. troops from Bosnia by June 1998, which had replaced his previous pledge to remove the troops by December 1997.", "hypothesis": "Troop withdrawal cannot be easily planned. Just last week guerrillas had laid siege to a town he was planning to vacate."} {"idx": "mnli-10980", "premise": "well March is the the month for high winds", "hypothesis": "The winds are calm in MArch."} {"idx": "mnli-10981", "premise": "Instead of with New York, substitute to.", "hypothesis": "Substitute to somewhere else, instead of with New York."} {"idx": "mnli-10982", "premise": "we were lucky um we were going to Seven Springs up in Pennsylvania and the first time we went up there the instructor said that was the first uh really good weekend that they'd had this year", "hypothesis": "we were very unlucky going to Seven Springs for the weekend, we were told it was the worst weather they'd had this year"} {"idx": "mnli-10983", "premise": "To meet the family's extravagant debts, ground-floor rooms were turned into boutiques and cafe that attracted fashionable society, together with some shady hangers-on and intellectuals.", "hypothesis": "The family was debt free."} {"idx": "mnli-10984", "premise": "The Prior's Quarters in the second dormitory (cells 12, 13, and 14) were the home of fire-and-brimstone preacher Girolamo Savonarola from 1481 until his death in 1498 .", "hypothesis": "Girolamo Savonarola was born in the Prior's Quarters in 1499."} {"idx": "mnli-10985", "premise": "ha!\" Albert's hand stole to his pocket.", "hypothesis": "Albert brought his hand to his pocket."} {"idx": "mnli-10986", "premise": "Its cobblestoned streets are full of atmospheric tascas (tapas bars) and restaurants, and they contain several of the city's most important sights, including the Royal Palace, Plaza Mayor, Puerta del Sol, and Monasterio de las Decalzas Reales, Madrid's most important convent.", "hypothesis": "Many of the tourist attractions like tapas bars are located on the cobblestone streets. "} {"idx": "mnli-10987", "premise": "The museum displays the outstanding Islamic and European furniture, art, and handicrafts collected by Gayer-Anderson during his time in Egypt.", "hypothesis": "Gayer-Anderson was unable to collect any handicrafts during his time in Egypt."} {"idx": "mnli-10988", "premise": "because if if i if i had been allowed to work you know maybe thirty hours a week instead of fifty hours a week i might still be working basically full time or part time if there was if there had been some way to work it out because i liked my job really well but i was just pulled in so many different directions i was it was just driving me crazy", "hypothesis": "I really enjoy my work, and that I only have to work twenty hours or so a week."} {"idx": "mnli-10989", "premise": "Adrin ducked underneath, spun, and the two men grappled again.", "hypothesis": "Adrin and another man grappled each other."} {"idx": "mnli-10990", "premise": "Nitrates can play a larger role in visibility problems in some portions of the West than in the East.", "hypothesis": "The West does not have visibility problems due to nitrates."} {"idx": "mnli-10991", "premise": "yeah i think i can agree with that too", "hypothesis": "I'm pretty sure I'm able to agree with that too."} {"idx": "mnli-10992", "premise": "The purpose here is not to provide reasons or to quantify why the mailer/competitor might be able to do the work for less than the postal service, despite the likelihood that the mailer/competitor's scale of operations will be smaller.", "hypothesis": "The purpose is to give reasons why the mailer might be cheaper than the postal service."} {"idx": "mnli-10993", "premise": "His hometown was Ornans.", "hypothesis": "He was from Ornans."} {"idx": "mnli-10994", "premise": "Ah yes, I had a little plastic surgery on my forehead, so it would wrinkle to the left, such is a trend this season, I can't help it.", "hypothesis": "The speaker is a public figure and needs to be very particular about their appearance."} {"idx": "mnli-10995", "premise": "and it's a fly you call it a pattern", "hypothesis": "If it's not a fly you call it complete randomness. "} {"idx": "mnli-10996", "premise": "The bridge marks the spot where the Buddhist priest Shodo is said to have crosed the river in the year 766 on the backs of two huge serpents, to found the temple that would later become Rinnoji.", "hypothesis": "Shodo was a local blacksmith that discovered he can talk with animals."} {"idx": "mnli-10997", "premise": "A Grand Staircase then led north to the most important official chambers within this wing, its sturdy painted colonnades typical of those found throughout the palace.", "hypothesis": "The building was 200 years old."} {"idx": "mnli-10998", "premise": "Worship of Ra would grow to become one of the most important facets of Egyptian culture over the next 3,000 years.", "hypothesis": "Worship of Ra was one of the most important facets of Egyptian Culture. "} {"idx": "mnli-10999", "premise": "Mercury is a naturally occurring element, but human activity mobilizes mercury in the environment, making it more bioavailable.", "hypothesis": "Mercury may be natural, but it is also highly toxic to humans when touched."} {"idx": "mnli-11000", "premise": "are playing for the money rather than the the uh fun and for the uh competition that used to be in the older days", "hypothesis": "They play today for money more than for fun or competition."} {"idx": "mnli-11001", "premise": "Equally impressive crowd scenes occur below Umeda in a mammoth network of shops, bars, and cozy inexpensive restaurants whose scale boggles the mind.", "hypothesis": "There is an impressive retail area below Umeda. "} {"idx": "mnli-11002", "premise": "We're trying to liberalize the [federal] Stafford and Perkins loan programs, he said. ", "hypothesis": "He said he is trying to help the Stafford loan program."} {"idx": "mnli-11003", "premise": "'Listen, Ben, I don't have long.", "hypothesis": "Ben, I can't stay long."} {"idx": "mnli-11004", "premise": "'What exactly did you do?'", "hypothesis": "Tell me what you did."} {"idx": "mnli-11005", "premise": "i think it's great i love watching a microbiologist fighting off with a policemen or something else and competition", "hypothesis": "Watching a microbiologist fight a policeman is enjoyable to me."} {"idx": "mnli-11006", "premise": "The workers who have the skill, talent, and luck to get these jobs generally do very well.", "hypothesis": "The workers who have the skill, talent, and luck to get these jobs do well at them."} {"idx": "mnli-11007", "premise": "The real thing! ", "hypothesis": "This is real."} {"idx": "mnli-11008", "premise": "yeah things like that are just kind of absurd or once in a while they'll they'll keep uh just hounding someone that they're interviewing", "hypothesis": "Some times they are odd when they are hounding someone during an interview."} {"idx": "mnli-11009", "premise": "The large department stores have fixed prices, but elsewhere you should ask whether there is a discount, especially if you buy several items in one shop.", "hypothesis": "Many people feel uncomfortable asking at first when asking for a discount."} {"idx": "mnli-11010", "premise": "They may, if they so desire, do additional research.", "hypothesis": "It is unnecessary for them to do more research."} {"idx": "mnli-11011", "premise": "as a result i really didn't have that much interest to learn how to maintain fix and maintain cars", "hypothesis": "fixing cars is extremely difficult, that's why I stopped trying"} {"idx": "mnli-11012", "premise": "The beneficiaries of the improvements are Legal Aid's clients, who include residents of subsidized and public housing, the elderly, migrant farm workers, and neglected and abused children.", "hypothesis": "Neglected and abused children never receive services from Legal Aid."} {"idx": "mnli-11013", "premise": "Guess The argument may be as dumb as it sounds.", "hypothesis": "This is where they give you two lines from the opposing sides and challenge you to guess what the orignal question posed was."} {"idx": "mnli-11014", "premise": "As a result, the English parliament enacted the Penal Laws of 1704, which disenfranchised the Catholic Irish; their purpose was to keep the majority of Irish poor and powerless.", "hypothesis": "The Penal Laws were enacted by English parliament in 1704."} {"idx": "mnli-11015", "premise": "But here's a way to recover some of the advantages of monarchy while retaining the advantages of our current system of government.", "hypothesis": "There is no way to keep the advantages of what we have while instilling the good parts of a monarchy."} {"idx": "mnli-11016", "premise": "The rider drew a wicked serrated blade but his horse collapsed and San'doro ripped him open with a violent backward tug on his left dagger.", "hypothesis": "The man fell off his horse as it fell to the ground. "} {"idx": "mnli-11017", "premise": "Shall I revive him for you?\" Dave felt sick as he stared at the ghastly terror on the face of the corpse.", "hypothesis": "\"I can't revive him, I'm sorry.\""} {"idx": "mnli-11018", "premise": "But few would discard laws against organ selling.", "hypothesis": "Few people on Earth would get rid of any organ selling law."} {"idx": "mnli-11019", "premise": "uh i don't know i mean even Britain has converted over and we inherited this mess from them and uh", "hypothesis": "We do not inherit it from Britain."} {"idx": "mnli-11020", "premise": "Hadn't you better wait until to-morrow?\"", "hypothesis": "Everyone will be asleep right now."} {"idx": "mnli-11021", "premise": "Woolens and Woven Goods??", "hypothesis": "Are there many options for woven goods in the area?"} {"idx": "mnli-11022", "premise": "Most of the men here-- She pointed to the gangs that moved about busily doing nothing, all in costumes similar to his, except for the boots and hat.", "hypothesis": "Everyone was wearing different outfits."} {"idx": "mnli-11023", "premise": "you know with the great needs that we need today in science and biology and uh you know the the problems we have with AIDS and cancer and and that how come everybody is a lawyer you know you know", "hypothesis": "There are too many lawyers and the world is in need of doctors."} {"idx": "mnli-11024", "premise": "There may be a conjunction.\" He fell back, panting, his heart fluttering.", "hypothesis": "He was surprised."} {"idx": "mnli-11025", "premise": "These show performances from December or January until late spring or early summer.", "hypothesis": "The shows continue until early summer or late spring."} {"idx": "mnli-11026", "premise": "It was obviously impossible, and even Menes must be aware of that.", "hypothesis": "It could be finished within a week, and Menes knew that."} {"idx": "mnli-11027", "premise": "well that's the way to do it", "hypothesis": "That is not going to work"} {"idx": "mnli-11028", "premise": "The terra-cotta bowls have centuries of tradition behind them; the ashtrays are also attractive, if obviously less authentic.", "hypothesis": "The ashtrays are less traditioal, but still attractive."} {"idx": "mnli-11029", "premise": "Use of IT in Other Forms of Interactive Participation", "hypothesis": "IT not used in Other Forms. "} {"idx": "mnli-11030", "premise": "yes uh in fact i probably haven't missed more than five or six times in as i say about a year and three months", "hypothesis": "I haven't missed much in over a year."} {"idx": "mnli-11031", "premise": "yeah same thing here", "hypothesis": "I have the same over here."} {"idx": "mnli-11032", "premise": "well do your do any of your friends have have uh older children that they do anything with do do you have friends with older children or they just all have young kids", "hypothesis": "Younger children can be quite the handfull. "} {"idx": "mnli-11033", "premise": "'Sort of,' I said.", "hypothesis": "I said no."} {"idx": "mnli-11034", "premise": "Nichiren's defiance of both Zen and Jodo ( Pure Land ) Buddhism eventually persuaded the shogunate to order him beheaded on a hill to the south of Hase.", "hypothesis": "The shogunate ordered Nichiren to be killed by hanging."} {"idx": "mnli-11035", "premise": "None seems comfortable with the notion of removing Clinton for sex-related misdeeds.", "hypothesis": "Everyone was comfortable with the thought of getting rid of Clinton."} {"idx": "mnli-11036", "premise": "yeah i think i would too i think i would too", "hypothesis": "I don't think I would. "} {"idx": "mnli-11037", "premise": "and she didn't act like it bothered her at all oh this happens all the time and we walked through the fence out the alleys or come to the back of the house you know and walked and i looked down both directions of the alley and i saw neither one of them and uh", "hypothesis": "She wasn't bothered, but I couldn't find them."} {"idx": "mnli-11038", "premise": "Requisite alarming Thirty-four percent of Americans believe aliens have visited Earth, and the Roswell festivities may draw 100,000 visitors.", "hypothesis": "A shocking 34% of Americans think aliens have been to Earth, with the Roswell events potentially having 100,000 visitors."} {"idx": "mnli-11039", "premise": "In my view, the FTC seems to be getting the balance about neither rolling over and playing dead nor being blind to business practicalities and long-run competitive innovation in retailing (new kinds of superstores, discount shopping on the Net.", "hypothesis": "In my opinion, the FTC is getting the balance about neither being blind to business practicalities nor rolling over and playing dead."} {"idx": "mnli-11040", "premise": "Leonardo da Vinci spent his last days in a small manor house nearby, the Clos-Luc??, now a museum illustrating his talents.", "hypothesis": "Many of Leonardo da Vinci's works are exhibited at the manor house."} {"idx": "mnli-11041", "premise": "No. 151 \"Is it not a fact that, at the time you claim to have been waiting about at a solitary and unfrequented spot, you were really in the chemist's shop in Styles St. Mary, where you purchased strychnine in the name of Alfred Inglethorp?\"", "hypothesis": "Did you not use a fake name to purchase strychnine?"} {"idx": "mnli-11042", "premise": "What do I need to do?'", "hypothesis": "What do I feel like doing?"} {"idx": "mnli-11043", "premise": "FEDERAL ENTITIES (UNITS, COMPONENTS) - See entity.", "hypothesis": "federal groups"} {"idx": "mnli-11044", "premise": "At the same time, the governor and his cronies were busily pocketing bribes, as was the custom in the self-financing French colonial service.", "hypothesis": "The governor and his cronies were the farthest thing from corrupt. "} {"idx": "mnli-11045", "premise": "Beautifully restored and with lush archaeological gardens, its towers and rooms now house an impressive state-of-the-art museum encompassing the history of Jerusalem, and offering a perfect introduction to the Old City", "hypothesis": "The building and its surroundings still lie in a dilapidated state. "} {"idx": "mnli-11046", "premise": "In 1992, only 1,070 abortions were performed after the 25 th week.", "hypothesis": "Until 25 weeks, a little over a thoousand reported abortions were performed with a lot being hidden"} {"idx": "mnli-11047", "premise": "They don't seem to have the damage they claim they have, and they're bragging about it.", "hypothesis": "They're exaggerating the damage they received during the storm."} {"idx": "mnli-11048", "premise": "Around Jalan Dato' Sagor and the nearby streets are some of the best preserved examples of Chinese architecture in Malaysia.", "hypothesis": "There is no trace of Chinese architecture in Malaysia."} {"idx": "mnli-11049", "premise": "Thursday's judge, the Honorable Charles Adams of the Coconino County Superior Court, agreed, but highly discouraged self-representation.", "hypothesis": "The case was delayed until representation could be acquired."} {"idx": "mnli-11050", "premise": "He suggested that research on ways of paying for these services could be an important factor in promoting and institutionalizing changes.", "hypothesis": "Scientific study of the financials surrounding these programs would go a long way to getting them approved."} {"idx": "mnli-11051", "premise": "uh not lately but uh yeah there was a little bit of rain couple days ago and they had tornados up in uh Oklahoma and i guess in Wichita Falls too", "hypothesis": "The weather in Oklahoma was terrible. "} {"idx": "mnli-11052", "premise": "While this guidance focuses only on the reliability of data in terms of accuracy and completeness, other data quality considerations are just as important.", "hypothesis": "The guidance focuses on the reliable data obtained from surveys."} {"idx": "mnli-11053", "premise": "The agency has agreements with 11 government departments, including the Department of Family and Community Services (FACS); the Department of Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business; the Department of Veterans' Affairs; and the Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs.", "hypothesis": "Several government departments have agreements with this agency. "} {"idx": "mnli-11054", "premise": "Specific actions for each stage are discussed in sections 6-10.", "hypothesis": " Specific actions for each stage are discussed in sections 6-10."} {"idx": "mnli-11055", "premise": "I'll take responsibility for my oversight.", "hypothesis": "I'll take responsibility of my mistake. "} {"idx": "mnli-11056", "premise": "Again Tommy's fist shot out, and the driver sprawled on the pavement.", "hypothesis": "Tommy hit the driver with his fist and the driver fell down onto the pavement."} {"idx": "mnli-11057", "premise": "His shout was drowned in the roar of the motor.", "hypothesis": "He tried to stop the car."} {"idx": "mnli-11058", "premise": "So, if we say that we are free, how can we prove that we have not been programmed to say that by a Master who is manipulating us into thinking that?", "hypothesis": "If we think we're free, will the master tell us what to do?"} {"idx": "mnli-11059", "premise": "uh well it's actually um waste water taking taking care of uh i'm actually in the air division and we monitor um", "hypothesis": "We monitor waste water in the air division."} {"idx": "mnli-11060", "premise": "Off?\" John nodded gloomily. ", "hypothesis": "Off? John agreed darkly."} {"idx": "mnli-11061", "premise": "It was so old that Red's father couldn't tell Red when it had been built.", "hypothesis": "Red's father hadn't been born when it was built."} {"idx": "mnli-11062", "premise": "The Congress also recognized a need for better financial information and controls over costs.", "hypothesis": "Congress didn't see a reason to think that greater control of costs was necessary."} {"idx": "mnli-11063", "premise": " You must be careful if swimming along the Mediterranean coast, as many lives are lost here each year to the vicious undertows.", "hypothesis": "Many lives are lost to the Mediterranean coast's deadly undertows."} {"idx": "mnli-11064", "premise": "Just beyond the city now are several theme parks built out of the remains of the gorges created from tin mining.", "hypothesis": "The tin mines have no use anymore."} {"idx": "mnli-11065", "premise": "You say that the attraction between this woman and you is more than plutonic, it is also physical.", "hypothesis": "The claim that the attraction is physical. "} {"idx": "mnli-11066", "premise": "and that's coming right into your homes", "hypothesis": "That isn't entering your homes and never will. "} {"idx": "mnli-11067", "premise": "but um i mean the Baltic States i think are just sort of trapped i mean they were taken over couple of you know not too long ago", "hypothesis": "The Baltic States have freedom and a brilliant future ahead of them."} {"idx": "mnli-11068", "premise": "I didn't want to arouse the household, so Denby gave me a bed.\"", "hypothesis": "Denby gave me a clean bed, because I didn't want to awaken the household with my loud tap shoes. "} {"idx": "mnli-11069", "premise": "Pilgrims came from all over the Roman (and, later, Byzantine) Empire during the following centuries, but the prosperity they brought lasted only until 614, when Persian armies overtook Judea and reduced Jerusalem to rubble again.", "hypothesis": "Pilgrims came from all over Rome, but especially from what is now France and brought prosperity."} {"idx": "mnli-11070", "premise": "An Evolving Logic of Participant Observation, Educational Ethnography and Other Case Studies.", "hypothesis": "A de-evolution of logic participant observation and educational ethnography"} {"idx": "mnli-11071", "premise": "You and your men can protect the town just fine.", "hypothesis": "You guys should b able to protect the town from the hurricane that will be sweeping through. "} {"idx": "mnli-11072", "premise": "Here they'll have the latest calypso mixed with more familiar pop and soul.", "hypothesis": "So they'll play country western and folk music."} {"idx": "mnli-11073", "premise": "Taken together, These reforms can help redirect an organization's culture from the traditional focus on inputs and activities to a new focus on defining missions and achieving results.", "hypothesis": "Most organizations will improve if they follow these reforms."} {"idx": "mnli-11074", "premise": "you're really skinny where'd this weight go well evidently i had some weight that i could afford to lose because i'm certainly not skinny now but i guess everything just shook into place so", "hypothesis": "You are so thin!"} {"idx": "mnli-11075", "premise": "Opposite the entrance to the tomb is the Greek Orthodox Katholikon, a brilliantly decorated nave.", "hypothesis": "The Greek Orthodox Katholikan is located at the opposite of the tomb's entrance."} {"idx": "mnli-11076", "premise": "(The American convention is not quite what it American journalists are permitted to act on their prejudices--the news columns and air time devoted to Flytrap wouldn't make sense unless reporters and editors believed the accusations.", "hypothesis": "Media is not interested in Flytrap."} {"idx": "mnli-11077", "premise": "Lobbying Congress was not part of Huang's job at Commerce, and Huang had contributed to Berman's 1994 campaign.", "hypothesis": "Huang didn't support Berman, which is why he refused to contribute to his 1994 campaign."} {"idx": "mnli-11078", "premise": "A short street of shops descending from the far corner of the square, behind a 15th-century replica of the Pashupatinath temple (see page 45), leads to Taumadi Tole.", "hypothesis": "A short street of shops leads down to Taumadi Tole."} {"idx": "mnli-11079", "premise": "yeah oh no in her little bridesmaid dress", "hypothesis": "No, in her jeans. "} {"idx": "mnli-11080", "premise": "The goals of the single statewide program included establishing uniform standards for high quality legal representation, increased administrative efficiency and the provision of more effective, accurate and helpful brief service and advice, increased training, technical assistance and support for all staff, but particularly for casehandlers in small remote rural offices, and significantly increased access for more low-income Coloradans in need of service.", "hypothesis": "We wish to improve rural caseholders' support."} {"idx": "mnli-11081", "premise": "Ribeiro Frio is relaxing, but the real reason for its popularity are two walks that begin here.", "hypothesis": "Ribeiro Frio is popular because of the two walks that start here."} {"idx": "mnli-11082", "premise": "Exhibit A-4 in Appendix A examines a schedule for retrofitting a facility with multiple (seven) SCR retrofits.", "hypothesis": "There are no appendices to this paper."} {"idx": "mnli-11083", "premise": "This won't work, says Stephanopoulos, speaking You can [avoid questions] in one press conference.", "hypothesis": "Stephanopoulos says that there is no way to avoid questions."} {"idx": "mnli-11084", "premise": "(The doo-wop- and Latin-influenced musical details the redemption of a Puerto Rican teen who commits murder in 1959 New York.)", "hypothesis": "The Jazz influences in the musical are present as they follow the story of a teen from Puerto Rico."} {"idx": "mnli-11085", "premise": "Under these rules for minor classification proposals, the procedural deadline for rendering a Commission decision is 90 days from the filing of the Postal Service request if no hearings are held, and 120 days if hearings are scheduled in the case.", "hypothesis": "Under these rules for minor classification proposals, the procedural deadline for rendering a Commission decision is 150 days from the filing of the Postal Service request if no hearings are held, and 240 days if hearings are scheduled in the case"} {"idx": "mnli-11086", "premise": "How do they fit into the big picture?", "hypothesis": "They didn't fit into the big picture "} {"idx": "mnli-11087", "premise": "(Belize and Gibraltar are best, because they don't recognize American divorce judgments.)", "hypothesis": "Belize and Gibraltar fully recognize United States divorces."} {"idx": "mnli-11088", "premise": "And the name of that guy?", "hypothesis": "I know that guys name."} {"idx": "mnli-11089", "premise": "Then his pride in Shiloh banished some of his stiffness.", "hypothesis": "He became less stiff because he was proud of Shiloh."} {"idx": "mnli-11090", "premise": "He should have given him the pistols, thought Jon.", "hypothesis": "Jon thought he should have given him the pistols."} {"idx": "mnli-11091", "premise": "Many beaches also have water rides in which you sit on or in a rubber shape and are pulled along behind a speed boat.", "hypothesis": "Lots of beaches have rides where you can be pulled on something behind a speed boat. "} {"idx": "mnli-11092", "premise": "acid rain yeah that's that's what i was uh", "hypothesis": "What I was referring to was acid rain."} {"idx": "mnli-11093", "premise": "In New York there is, at least, an infrastructure to rebuild, cultural institutions that draw tourists, and a wealth of human capital with technical and creative energy.", "hypothesis": "There are no software developers in the skilled worker sphere of New York. "} {"idx": "mnli-11094", "premise": "This risk can be acceptably mitigated if the plan calls for invoice examination to be commensurate with the risk to the government.", "hypothesis": "There is no way to mitigate the risk."} {"idx": "mnli-11095", "premise": "But if ethics is relegated to peripheral and obsolete questions while industry deconstructs, redesigns, and manufactures human components just like any other commodity, laws that exempt these components from patenting, licensing, and other property rights will lose their moral basis.", "hypothesis": "Human components can't be manufactured, so there's no issue."} {"idx": "mnli-11096", "premise": "He didn't seem like a madman.", "hypothesis": "He didn't not appear to be crazy. "} {"idx": "mnli-11097", "premise": "'If he's expecting a trap, he might just decide not to show up.", "hypothesis": "He won't be expecting a trap so be prepared for him to arrive. "} {"idx": "mnli-11098", "premise": "you know it's like i can only do it when i have time i have a whole stack of material and patterns to sew up as it is so", "hypothesis": "It can be a lot of work."} {"idx": "mnli-11099", "premise": "Most use other substances as well, so it is important to be able to intervene for a variety of problems.", "hypothesis": "It is only required to know about one substance."} {"idx": "mnli-11100", "premise": "He was breathing-", "hypothesis": "He took breaths."} {"idx": "mnli-11101", "premise": "Even beyond the klunky language, the authors fail to transcend their narrow context and explore what management success in the movie business might have entailed.", "hypothesis": "the authors fail to transcend their narrow context and explore what management success in the movie business might have entailed."} {"idx": "mnli-11102", "premise": "Your first view of the castle will be the Gate House, which you pass through to reach the inner wards. ", "hypothesis": "The Gate House is totally hidden."} {"idx": "mnli-11103", "premise": "That would, in effect, penalize companies for efficiency and productivity.", "hypothesis": "That would penalize companies for being productive."} {"idx": "mnli-11104", "premise": "I always thought my jaw was wider than that.", "hypothesis": "I thought my jaw was thinner than that."} {"idx": "mnli-11105", "premise": "But not with the hair of a pig!", "hypothesis": "Not with pig's hair!"} {"idx": "mnli-11106", "premise": "the other year", "hypothesis": "This veryyear."} {"idx": "mnli-11107", "premise": "and um and then they start asking you know well is your wife there and then i'm thinking well how did they know i was married you know and i'll say i'll say no she's not because actually my wife and i live apart right now because i'm in graduate school and um", "hypothesis": "They pry by asking questions about my marital status."} {"idx": "mnli-11108", "premise": "It was sixth-century barbarians who commandeered the massive round brick pile as a fortress, using ancient statues as missiles to hurl on the heads of their enemies below.", "hypothesis": "Barbarians first commandeered the fortress in the 8th century."} {"idx": "mnli-11109", "premise": "The joys of deriding portly Austrian burghers in the '60s haven't prevented us from becoming a nation of American fatties.", "hypothesis": "America is a nation with a lot of over-weight people."} {"idx": "mnli-11110", "premise": "who do they of course you know Mike Marshall was the big guy the year that uh uh they won the World Series and Kirk Gibson Who who are are the Dodgers big RBI guys now", "hypothesis": "Mike Marshall was one of their best players."} {"idx": "mnli-11111", "premise": "This is said to give the doctor-investors an incentive not only to cut corners (the traditional HMO complaint) but also to send poor patients to doctors outside the company while referring rich patients to doctors affiliated with the company.", "hypothesis": "Inevitably, poor patients would end up receiving inferior care."} {"idx": "mnli-11112", "premise": "In addition, it carries mail that is sealed against inspection and acts as a watchdog over fraudulent use of the mails.", "hypothesis": "It also contains measures to prevent mail fraud."} {"idx": "mnli-11113", "premise": "'Put your Gauntlet down.'", "hypothesis": "You should pick up your gauntlet."} {"idx": "mnli-11114", "premise": "15 Absent changes in the structure of Social Security and Medicare, some time during the 2040s, government would do little but mail checks to the elderly and their health care providers.", "hypothesis": "There were absent changed in the structure of Social Security and Medicare that totaled to 15."} {"idx": "mnli-11115", "premise": "and um and they live in an apartment complex so we swam a lot and we played on the playground a lot and we would go to a movie on Thursdays and um there was always an activity you know they had their favorite TV shows and things like that that we watched and then we took naps and um i don't know it it just seems like there was always something to do children are so full of energy", "hypothesis": "I do not know how to swim so I always avoided going to the pool."} {"idx": "mnli-11116", "premise": "okay well i guess we should get on with this um did you get the message about what it was right yeah okay go great let me just hit the button", "hypothesis": "We cannot start at the moment; we'll have to wait a while."} {"idx": "mnli-11117", "premise": "Its colonies on the peninsula's west coast brought with them the Malay language (Malayu was the name of a state on Sumatra).", "hypothesis": "There were colonies on the east coast."} {"idx": "mnli-11118", "premise": "Finally, the meeting over, he races out the back exit before they can pummel me.", "hypothesis": "There are no instances where we would want the meeting to end."} {"idx": "mnli-11119", "premise": "Our methodology for measuring scale economies essentially compares the cost of providing delivery by a single firm with the cost of providing delivery by two firms.", "hypothesis": "We have a method for measuring scale economies."} {"idx": "mnli-11120", "premise": "His technique is too methodical and slow, she said.", "hypothesis": "She stated John's technique of playing cars was too slow."} {"idx": "mnli-11121", "premise": "Which is why Noal Coward set so few of his plays underwater.", "hypothesis": "The actors drowning every day is why Noal Coward didn't do many underwater plays."} {"idx": "mnli-11122", "premise": "Adrin stooped and picked up his rapier.", "hypothesis": "Adrin picked up his sword."} {"idx": "mnli-11123", "premise": "He lay on a high bed, surrounded by prim white walls, and there was even a chart of some kind at the bottom of the bedframe.", "hypothesis": "He was lying down in an austere room."} {"idx": "mnli-11124", "premise": "That is a pity, said the Coroner dryly. ", "hypothesis": "That's wonderful, he said."} {"idx": "mnli-11125", "premise": "yeah uh but i'd rather you know watch it on of course the only problem with cable though is it's it's is that they show the same one over about five hundred times before you know you don't get that many new ones in but uh uh", "hypothesis": "Cable always has new things on."} {"idx": "mnli-11126", "premise": "99 percent chance that a Republican Congress will pursue any case Starr can deliver.", "hypothesis": "There is a 50 percent chance that a Republican Congress will pursue any case Starr can deliver."} {"idx": "mnli-11127", "premise": "But the New York Times ' Christopher Lehmann-Haupt describes the book as classic Kundera--skeptical of modernity, unpredictable, and reminiscent of his masterpiece, The Unbearable Lightness of Being .", "hypothesis": "Christopher Lehmann-Haupt believes that this book is similar to The Unbearable Lightness of Being."} {"idx": "mnli-11128", "premise": "Once you get your adolescent to endorse this idea (and to forget that Juliet was just 14), you've won.", "hypothesis": "Juliet was just 14."} {"idx": "mnli-11129", "premise": "In recent weeks the characters have become embroiled in the Monica Lewinsky affair, as Ken Starr tries to subpoena a manuscript the three e-mailers are desperate to keep unpublished.", "hypothesis": "Ken Starr wants to subpoena a document three people are trying to keep hidden."} {"idx": "mnli-11130", "premise": "She's probably smarter than any of us.", "hypothesis": "She is not as smart as us."} {"idx": "mnli-11131", "premise": "uh as being a major source of pollution and they've uh ignored the trucks entirely", "hypothesis": "They felt uncomfortable about the trucks being a large source of pollution."} {"idx": "mnli-11132", "premise": "One reason they give is that skilled observers and interviewers can make judgments and valuations about factors that are otherwise very difficult to assess, such as how much effort a manager made to get information before a key decision was made or how much that person knew about what was going on.", "hypothesis": "Skilled interviewers are favored over observers."} {"idx": "mnli-11133", "premise": "A buckskin-clad man mounted on a powerful grulla gelding faced Fenner, his whole tense body and snapping eyes backing the demand he made: \"Where's Johnny?\"", "hypothesis": "The man dismounted from his horse and ignored Fenner."} {"idx": "mnli-11134", "premise": "She says the future of cars is fuel-cell engines--they use hydrogen, and their only waste is water.", "hypothesis": "Fuel-cell engines are more efficient than current car engines."} {"idx": "mnli-11135", "premise": "With the glorious exception of the St. Crispin's Day speech from Henry V , there is nothing more demoralizing than an inspirational address.", "hypothesis": "Everyone cried after hearing the St. Crispin's Day speech."} {"idx": "mnli-11136", "premise": "It would be more likely to be a bit after four, not before it.\"", "hypothesis": "The event will most likely start after four, not before it."} {"idx": "mnli-11137", "premise": "They do it because they're selfish creeps.", "hypothesis": "They have been selfish before."} {"idx": "mnli-11138", "premise": "But they'll get used to it.", "hypothesis": "That kind of treatment can become your second nature."} {"idx": "mnli-11139", "premise": "Planners are seeking funds to improve the statewide website and expand internet access to community education materials beyond the current community education site for immigrant advocacy organizations.", "hypothesis": "Planners want the improvements of the statewide website to be funded, said the news."} {"idx": "mnli-11140", "premise": "'That's your project.'", "hypothesis": "The project was supposed to be both of ours, but it's been thrust upon me."} {"idx": "mnli-11141", "premise": "Scary rodent-borne viruses are making a comeback across the country, not just in Southern California.", "hypothesis": "Rare viruses have been eliminated."} {"idx": "mnli-11142", "premise": "You are on target with your suggestion.", "hypothesis": "Your suggestion was accurate and useful."} {"idx": "mnli-11143", "premise": "I'd just got to get a look into that room.", "hypothesis": "I needed to get a look into that room so I could see her once more."} {"idx": "mnli-11144", "premise": "By Wednesday morning we had received half a dozen e-mail messages from various readers establishing beyond question, with supportive documentation, that Amelio supported George Bush in 1992 and Bob Dole in 1996.", "hypothesis": "There was nothing provided that supported the fact that Amelio supported George Bush in 1992."} {"idx": "mnli-11145", "premise": "They drank the fresh blood of the weak.", "hypothesis": "They drank fresh blood from weaklings."} {"idx": "mnli-11146", "premise": "If one has information about Monica, then that one is happy, but the other one is very unhappy, since he or she is at a disadvantage.", "hypothesis": "Monica's a great chick, also great in bed too."} {"idx": "mnli-11147", "premise": "Buildings of wood and stone rose two and even three stories tall.", "hypothesis": "The land was flat and untainted with civilization."} {"idx": "mnli-11148", "premise": "But most overwhelming of all is the impression of the whole best appreciated looking back from the bench by the chapel's exit.", "hypothesis": "The most overwhelming is the view looking back from the bench. "} {"idx": "mnli-11149", "premise": "well my husband has even camped at Lake Lavon with one of his friends he just decided to take the kids out there", "hypothesis": "My husband has been camping at Lake Lavon, he has decided to take the children there"} {"idx": "mnli-11150", "premise": "The award is named for Supreme Court Justice O'Connor.", "hypothesis": "Justice O'Connor is who the award was named after."} {"idx": "mnli-11151", "premise": "Therefore, the profit position of the postal service increases to the tune of about $650 million and the technical gain to the Nation goes up to the same $650 million.", "hypothesis": "Both the postal service's profit and the nation's technical gain increase by around $650M."} {"idx": "mnli-11152", "premise": "An alternative approach might be to schedule outages to avoid any outage during high electricity demand periods.", "hypothesis": "We can schedule outages in low demand periods."} {"idx": "mnli-11153", "premise": "It has also led to computer security and other information technologyrelated legislation.", "hypothesis": "It has still not caused any legislation relating to information technology."} {"idx": "mnli-11154", "premise": "News that Neanderthals have little in common with modern humankind should be welcome to admirers of Bradley's work.", "hypothesis": "There has been news that modern humans were not closely related with Neanderthals."} {"idx": "mnli-11155", "premise": "Sample After admitting that her hubby's strategizing may have kept Clinton from being ridden out of D.C. on a rail, Matalin predicts that Someday, in the history book, you [Carville] will look back and rue the day that you helped wage this war the way you have.", "hypothesis": "Matalin thinks Carville will rnever egret his actions."} {"idx": "mnli-11156", "premise": "One notable feature is the contemporary art featured in public areas and bedrooms.", "hypothesis": "It has contemporary art in the public area that was purchased for $50million."} {"idx": "mnli-11157", "premise": "In some states, it may be possible to develop and implement statewide initiatives to improve service delivery, increase resources, and enhance the capacity of the system to meet the civil legal needs of all low-income people without altering service areas or historical relationships.", "hypothesis": "Increasing resources is crucial to the success of the system."} {"idx": "mnli-11158", "premise": "Bush has him executed, and all of America and the Lockheed board of directors can sleep peacefully!", "hypothesis": "Bush could not be involved in the decision to execute him."} {"idx": "mnli-11159", "premise": "and then the second time i was going to do it at Richland College and we i just get with another friend and we'd end up just smoking cigarettes and riding around like we couldn't find the place", "hypothesis": "The second time I was able to do it at Richland College. "} {"idx": "mnli-11160", "premise": "In the end, it's not that Dunlap is a short-term thinker.", "hypothesis": "In the end, it is all about Dunlap thinking in the short-term. "} {"idx": "mnli-11161", "premise": "When it was gone, he felt better.", "hypothesis": "He felt sick while it was still around."} {"idx": "mnli-11162", "premise": "You have to pay the group's dues ($10 a year) to use the services; after that you get 30 minutes of legal counseling, either face-to-face or by phone, at no cost.", "hypothesis": "The services are free to everyone with no dues required."} {"idx": "mnli-11163", "premise": "Scenarios C and D are based on the recently published DOE-sponsored report, Scenarios for a Clean Energy Future (Interlaboratory Working Group, 2000; see also, Brown, et al, 2001).", "hypothesis": "The scenarios are based on the recently published DOE-sponsored report which focuses on CO2 reduction."} {"idx": "mnli-11164", "premise": "Grantees cannot continue representation in a welfare matter even where a constitutional or statutory validity challenge becomes apparent after representation is well under way.", "hypothesis": "Grantees always represent people in welfare matters."} {"idx": "mnli-11165", "premise": "Not far from these modest areas are the city's first upscale developments, Rancho Circle and the Scotch 80s.", "hypothesis": "The city has several upscale developments."} {"idx": "mnli-11166", "premise": "Could this anti-missile insurance policy reawaken a Cold War confrontation thought dead, lo, these past 10 years?", "hypothesis": "Could a Cold War kind of problem begin with this anti-missle philosophy?"} {"idx": "mnli-11167", "premise": "An interpretation that the representation must commence while the alien is still in the United States would encourage employers to create even greater obstacles to access to legal services while the workers are physically in the United States.", "hypothesis": "Scholars generally agree there is no undue burden to aliens seeking legal services while employed in the United States."} {"idx": "mnli-11168", "premise": "They'd know.\"", "hypothesis": "They would notice."} {"idx": "mnli-11169", "premise": "North of Konak Meydane, Ataturk Caddesi (also known as the Kordon) runs along the waterfront to the ferry port at Alsancak, 3 km (2 miles) away.", "hypothesis": "The Ataturk Caddes does not run along the waterfront."} {"idx": "mnli-11170", "premise": "Funchal's new tourist zone testifies to local travel industry ambitions.", "hypothesis": "The local travel industry is trying to improve."} {"idx": "mnli-11171", "premise": "The First Report and Order also eliminates an exception to an existing rule which permitted cellular licensees under some circumstances to restrict resale by their licensed cellular competitors.", "hypothesis": "Cellular licensees were previously able to restrict the reselling of their products competitors."} {"idx": "mnli-11172", "premise": "A small drum took up a beat, and the slaves strained and tugged in unison.", "hypothesis": "The drumbeat followed an unconventional rhythm."} {"idx": "mnli-11173", "premise": "After that his work was done.", "hypothesis": "After washing all the dishes he was done with his work."} {"idx": "mnli-11174", "premise": "After coaxing information from the woman, Luu called the elder-abuse hotline.", "hypothesis": "Luu called the hotline for help."} {"idx": "mnli-11175", "premise": "The presence language appeared in the LSC appropriations act as part of an effort to expand LSC representation to aliens other than lawful residents, and does not appear to have been intended to limit LSC representation to aliens who were continuously physically present in the United States.", "hypothesis": "LSC itended to limit representation of aliens in the United States."} {"idx": "mnli-11176", "premise": "Dorcas answered it in due course. ", "hypothesis": "Dorcas answered it. "} {"idx": "mnli-11177", "premise": "Those he had ever cared about he could list on the fingers of one sun-browned, rein-hardened hand: Cousin Meredith; her son Shelly he had died at Chickamauga between one short breath and the next Shelly's younger brother Boyd, who had run away to join Morgan, too, in the sunset of the raider's career; and Anse, whom he had believed dead until this past hour.", "hypothesis": "He cared greatly about every single person he had met."} {"idx": "mnli-11178", "premise": "Pending implementation of the State Planning Evaluation Instrument, LSC responded to and engaged state justice communities around the self-evaluations reports they sent in pursuant to Program Letter 2000-07.", "hypothesis": "The State Planning Evaluation Instrument has already been implemented."} {"idx": "mnli-11179", "premise": "well you know the the i'm i'm also hoping that this budget process will rub off on them because uh when i grew up i had no", "hypothesis": "We'll help them with their budgeting so there's no sense in them trying to learn how to do it."} {"idx": "mnli-11180", "premise": "Oh, yes; they are identical. Poirot nodded, and gently taking the photographs from me locked them up again. ", "hypothesis": "These photos are exactly the same, Poirot exclaimed as he took them from my hand and locked them in the large safe behind the painting."} {"idx": "mnli-11181", "premise": "It's raining in Maryland this Chalk this one up for Sauerbrey.", "hypothesis": "It's so hot in Maryland."} {"idx": "mnli-11182", "premise": "Too much direct sunlight - 1 percent.", "hypothesis": "The sun is barely shining."} {"idx": "mnli-11183", "premise": "Fateh Sagar Lake is reached by boat at the north end of Pichola, but you can also get there by a pleasant drive past the gardens of bougainvillaea and lilac of Lakshmi Vilas Palace.", "hypothesis": "Fateh Sagar Lake can be reached by boat or by a short drive."} {"idx": "mnli-11184", "premise": "All during this process, EPA issued many notices of data availability and held other meetings with numerous industry stakeholders, trade associations, environmental groups, states, and other interested parties.", "hypothesis": "Meanwhile, the EPA was hosting meetings with industry stakeholders, trade associations, and environmental groups, among others."} {"idx": "mnli-11185", "premise": "The Postal Service responded that the information does not exist.", "hypothesis": "The postal service denied that there was any information."} {"idx": "mnli-11186", "premise": "It has also spawned an entire new business model, exemplified by Dell Computer, that is reshaping the entire personal-computer industry.", "hypothesis": "The business model exemplified by Dell is reshaping the personal computer industry."} {"idx": "mnli-11187", "premise": "From King's Cross.", "hypothesis": "From any place other than King's Cross. "} {"idx": "mnli-11188", "premise": "From the hall, a colonnade leads to an immense hypostyle (with columns supporting the roof) hall, decorated with double rows of papyrus columns with beautifully preserved colors, and on to the Court of Amenophis III.", "hypothesis": "The colors on the single row of papyrus columns have significantly faded."} {"idx": "mnli-11189", "premise": "As the examination of program implementation and program effectiveness became more central to the case study, so did the ability to generalize findings.", "hypothesis": "The program implementation is assumed to be good."} {"idx": "mnli-11190", "premise": "Social Science Research Council Bulletin, 60 (1949).", "hypothesis": "The bulletin was published in the year 1949."} {"idx": "mnli-11191", "premise": "We helped spur the administration to make human", "hypothesis": "We needed the administration to cooperate"} {"idx": "mnli-11192", "premise": "We then present six tours spreading out from the capital to the centers of historic and artistic interest as well as to sites of natural beauty.", "hypothesis": "There are no tours leading out of the capital city."} {"idx": "mnli-11193", "premise": "Newsweek offers a piece by a Cunanan friend who says he was a hard guy to read.", "hypothesis": "The Newsweek piece was on the front page."} {"idx": "mnli-11194", "premise": "ARL's performance measures gauge the relevance of ARL's current work to the agency's long-term goals and give ARL's leaders indicators of productivity and quality.", "hypothesis": "ARL performance measures are shown to improve productivity and quality."} {"idx": "mnli-11195", "premise": "oh but i still feel good the minute i put that paint on even if it has got a dent in it i do", "hypothesis": "I do not like painting when dents are present."} {"idx": "mnli-11196", "premise": "Local tailors are experts when it comes to producing custom-tailored garments for both men and women, and are also adept at copying patterns.", "hypothesis": "Local tailors are the least adept at producing custom garments."} {"idx": "mnli-11197", "premise": "yeah get a real job full time", "hypothesis": "No, get a part time job."} {"idx": "mnli-11198", "premise": "Station VII (Jesus falls again): At the intersection of the Via Doloroseand the market street called Souk Khan ez-Zeit is the spot where, according to traditional belief, Jesus fell under the weight of the crosea second time.", "hypothesis": "Jesus fell again at Station VII, at the intersection of Via Dolores."} {"idx": "mnli-11199", "premise": "Honshu, the main island and home to Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka, enjoys a temperate climate of unusually distinct bitter winters and hot, humid summers.", "hypothesis": "Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka all share the same weather patterns."} {"idx": "mnli-11200", "premise": "Time reports that high schools in 40 states now offer marriage-education electives.", "hypothesis": "Marriage-education electives are beneficial to high schools in America."} {"idx": "mnli-11201", "premise": "Incumbent commentators noted that this will encourage licensees to wait out incumbents and increase the likelihood that incumbents would have to assume the costs of their own relocation.", "hypothesis": "If incumbents have to pay for their relocation on their own it could become very costly for them."} {"idx": "mnli-11202", "premise": "It proved unexpectedly difficult.", "hypothesis": "Over time, the task can get easier."} {"idx": "mnli-11203", "premise": "That's the first rule with circus-folks.", "hypothesis": "That is the priary rule with circus people."} {"idx": "mnli-11204", "premise": "In the rain.", "hypothesis": "On a sunny day."} {"idx": "mnli-11205", "premise": "L.A.'s concert halls and theaters present some of the finest music and drama performances in the country.", "hypothesis": "L.A.'s concert halls are rated poorly by every major critic in the country."} {"idx": "mnli-11206", "premise": "It is hard to see how providing free legal services to some welfare claimants (those whose claims do not challenge the applicable statutes) while not providing it to others is beyond the range of legitimate legislative choice.", "hypothesis": "It's so easy to get why some people get asisstasnce and why some don't. "} {"idx": "mnli-11207", "premise": "The original designer, Erwin von Steinbach, began the pink Vosges sandstone facade in 1277, but only got as far as the splendid Gallery of Apostles over the central rosewindow.", "hypothesis": "Erwin von Steinbach died in 1280, and was thus unable to complete the fa\u00e7ade."} {"idx": "mnli-11208", "premise": "The site is still an active dig and new discoveries are being made all the time.", "hypothesis": "The site is no longer an active dig when the area flooded last summer."} {"idx": "mnli-11209", "premise": "It's a cool and relaxing way to be pushed along, almost like a tropical gondola ride.", "hypothesis": "Imagine a gondola ride, being pushed along with the water and relaxing, but now imagine it is tropical."} {"idx": "mnli-11210", "premise": "have you ever been there", "hypothesis": "I know you've never been there."} {"idx": "mnli-11211", "premise": "noticed how wonderful it might be uh i suspect Lotus One Two Three and spreadsheet application might be the one common thread", "hypothesis": "I can't believe people still use that software."} {"idx": "mnli-11212", "premise": "significant instances of noncompliance.", "hypothesis": "Noncompliance issues are categorized, with one of those being \"significant instances\"."} {"idx": "mnli-11213", "premise": "In the federal government, for example, they occur in a variety of programs and activities, including those related to contractors and contract management; health care programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid; financial assistance benefits, such as Food Stamps and housing subsidies; and tax refunds.", "hypothesis": "Among the programs and activities in which they can be found, Medicare is not one of them."} {"idx": "mnli-11214", "premise": "He reconsidered his belief that there was no delirium, wondering if the feeling were not itself a form of hallucination.", "hypothesis": "He thought that the feeling was perhaps a form of hallucination."} {"idx": "mnli-11215", "premise": "Ca'daan moved closer.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan moved far away."} {"idx": "mnli-11216", "premise": "George Pataki, R-N.Y., said he will ask the state athletic commission to investigate the fight.", "hypothesis": "There was a fight that may be reviewed by the athletic commission."} {"idx": "mnli-11217", "premise": "Francisco de Goya painted a court portrait of the next king, Charles IV, in which he looked strangely like George Washington.", "hypothesis": "de Goya painted a portrait that looked just like him."} {"idx": "mnli-11218", "premise": "and i just i ran out of time really and i i waited until the house was completely finished in the interior and the exterior exterior of the house short of the breezeway and the and the attached garage", "hypothesis": "I had plenty of time to finish it."} {"idx": "mnli-11219", "premise": "Turn left at Galatasaray Square, and left again at the British Consulate along Me?\u0332utiyet Caddesi, and you will reach the Pera Palas Hotel, established in 1892 to provide accommodation for Orient Express passengers.", "hypothesis": "You will reach the Grand Budapest Hotel, established in 1878."} {"idx": "mnli-11220", "premise": "The annual reports have been integrated into ARL's planning and budgeting processes and are discussed by agency leadership at the Director's quarterly meetings.", "hypothesis": "ARL's planning and budgeting processes ignore the annual reports."} {"idx": "mnli-11221", "premise": "Margaret Thatcher was prime minister uh Indira Gandhi uh in India so many uh women are heads of state and i you know we we keep saying oh yes we feel someday a woman will be president but i have some question whether or not they will ever really get around to that i think we'll have a black president before before we have a woman president", "hypothesis": "Our current president is a black female."} {"idx": "mnli-11222", "premise": "Most comic! ", "hypothesis": "That's laughable."} {"idx": "mnli-11223", "premise": "Smiley Burnette i don't know if you're old enough to remember him", "hypothesis": "I am younger than you."} {"idx": "mnli-11224", "premise": "This includes risks of neurotoxic effects such as mental retardation, cerebral palsy, difficulty speaking and hearing others, and other learning disabilities.", "hypothesis": "There are no risks of neurotoxic effects, everything is perfectly safe."} {"idx": "mnli-11225", "premise": "The prisoner, returning to the house on Tuesday evening, had been authoritatively told that there had been a violent quarrel between Mr. and Mrs. Inglethorp. ", "hypothesis": "Mr. and Mrs. Inglethorp invited the prisoner to their home on Wednesday night."} {"idx": "mnli-11226", "premise": "uh right here in Maryland", "hypothesis": "Not in Maryland."} {"idx": "mnli-11227", "premise": "The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs of OMB approved the final rule as complying with the requirements of the Order based on the information supplied by EPA, including a planned regulatory action document describing the reason for the rule and an assessment of the costs and budgetary impact of the rule.", "hypothesis": "The final rule was approved by the OMB's Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs."} {"idx": "mnli-11228", "premise": "Your CarboMedics valve, he said, his eyes shining, is beautiful.", "hypothesis": "Your hair is beautiful, he said."} {"idx": "mnli-11229", "premise": "Good-looking, I suppose? said Mr. Carter with a smile that made Tommy flush to the roots of his hair.", "hypothesis": "Mr. Carter's statement made Tommy blush."} {"idx": "mnli-11230", "premise": "Pottery and In Nassau Street the Kilkenny Shop has a fine selection.", "hypothesis": "The Kilkenny Shop is an amazing place to find fine pottery."} {"idx": "mnli-11231", "premise": "Impaling all the old men took a long time and when the armored men stood the pikes upright, the sharp tips gleaming from the elders' gaping mouths.", "hypothesis": "Nobody died, and no old men were impailed. "} {"idx": "mnli-11232", "premise": "The Ponte Vecchio, intact since 1345, was Florence's first, and for centuries only, bridge.", "hypothesis": "The Ponte Vecchio has been in perfect conditions since 1345."} {"idx": "mnli-11233", "premise": "The basis is rice, soaked in stock coloured yellow with locally grown saffron, and fried.", "hypothesis": "The fried rice is soaked in rum with garlic. "} {"idx": "mnli-11234", "premise": "Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has estimated that four out of every five low-income people in America who need legal representation don't receive it.", "hypothesis": "Ruth Bader Ginsburg thinks poor people have a very hard time getting the help they need."} {"idx": "mnli-11235", "premise": "But it wasn't always so.", "hypothesis": "It hadn't always been like this."} {"idx": "mnli-11236", "premise": "The rise in the number of home runs (a record of 4,962 last year) has been paralleled by increased strikeouts in every year of this decade.", "hypothesis": "Home runs and strikeouts have both been decreasing annually."} {"idx": "mnli-11237", "premise": "oh yes yes they are they i love those but they unfortunately they don't have nearly enough of those those and the National Geographic ones specials those those are great too", "hypothesis": "I like those, but they only have a few of them."} {"idx": "mnli-11238", "premise": "but i'm kind of getting a little more leery of credit cards you know as time goes by unless you just absolutely have to now there are times when you'd at least think you do anyway", "hypothesis": "Credit cards are not relevant. "} {"idx": "mnli-11239", "premise": "Referral to appropriate treatment is the critical end point of this type of intervention and compliance with the referral the important outcome.", "hypothesis": "The majority of people will comply with intervention and referral."} {"idx": "mnli-11240", "premise": "There are Hindu motifs on the ceiling in the main hall, and in one on the west peacocks holding snakes in their beaks, for example.", "hypothesis": "There are paintings on the ceiling of the main hall."} {"idx": "mnli-11241", "premise": "This is the traditional site of the martyrdom of St. Stephen, and one of the more modest gates in the walls erected by Suleiman the Magnificent.", "hypothesis": "The location of St. Stephen's martyrdom is up for debate."} {"idx": "mnli-11242", "premise": "sort of rent a mom to be you know not to be crass about it but uh", "hypothesis": "I'm sorry but I'm going to straight out say that it's pretty much just having a permanent guardian."} {"idx": "mnli-11243", "premise": "System to help the uninitiated fill out minor paperwork could go statewide, agency says.", "hypothesis": "The system helps people pay their fines."} {"idx": "mnli-11244", "premise": "Come on over an' let Doc take a look at that face of yours, Nye ordered.", "hypothesis": "Nye told him to get his face looked at."} {"idx": "mnli-11245", "premise": "Triangulation Assurance that reasons given for events properly reflect influences from many different sources", "hypothesis": "There is no way to properly reflect the influence of many different sources on an event."} {"idx": "mnli-11246", "premise": "yeah you know uh is he going to yell at me for buying this with this you know and he's not a yeller though but", "hypothesis": "He doesn't care what I buy and never checks."} {"idx": "mnli-11247", "premise": "To assess the impact of this, it was assumed that the boilermakers in the U.S. continued to grow at the 5.3 percent pace that the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers, and Helpers has set as a minimum growth target.", "hypothesis": "The growth rate of U.S. boilermakers didn't come into account in assessing this."} {"idx": "mnli-11248", "premise": "Anybody told me I'd see Drew Rennie live an' kickin', I'd said straight to his face he was a fork-tongued liar! Drew came partly to his senses and the present.", "hypothesis": "If someone told me I'd see Drew Rennie alive, I'd have called him an honest man."} {"idx": "mnli-11249", "premise": "Milosevic points to 1989.", "hypothesis": "He suggests that 1989 is the year when America took a sharp turn towards social conservatism."} {"idx": "mnli-11250", "premise": "Legal Services is trying to get it back for the elderly couple.", "hypothesis": "The elderly couple reclaimed it on their own, without legal representation."} {"idx": "mnli-11251", "premise": "We are free to fall in love with the entire country and invariably it's a glorious lifelong love affair.", "hypothesis": "People have lifelong love affairs with the country."} {"idx": "mnli-11252", "premise": "It's home to the super-pricey emporia Tiffany, Chanel, Mondi, and Giorgio Armani, but the more affordable retailers such as Ralph Lauren and Guess?", "hypothesis": "Rodeo Drive is full of junky souvineer stores."} {"idx": "mnli-11253", "premise": "Parents of SIDS babies have been wrongly accused in the past.", "hypothesis": "SIDS children's parents have been wrongly accused before."} {"idx": "mnli-11254", "premise": "However, the sale of assets to foreigners can affect the nation's ability to consume and invest.", "hypothesis": "The nation's ability to consume and invest can be affected by foreigners buying assets."} {"idx": "mnli-11255", "premise": "With Paris as his capital, he extended his rule to the Medi?\u00adter?\u00adra?\u00adnean.", "hypothesis": "He remains in his capital, Paris, most of the time."} {"idx": "mnli-11256", "premise": "Participants also noted that the PCAOB should take advantage of the fact that under the current environment no one has more motivation for getting bad auditors off the street than the accounting firms themselves.", "hypothesis": "The PCAOB should not be concerned with bad auditors at accounting firms."} {"idx": "mnli-11257", "premise": "uh Two Thousand and Ten was far better", "hypothesis": "2010 was just terrible."} {"idx": "mnli-11258", "premise": "try to find a time when everybody can be there and we've", "hypothesis": "We try to find the time to all go at once and spend time together."} {"idx": "mnli-11259", "premise": "Jon felt for the doomed beasts.", "hypothesis": "Jon was sympathetic for the beasts."} {"idx": "mnli-11260", "premise": "The analysis included in the proposed rulemaking provides the information required by sections 603(b)(1) and (2), describing the reasons for the proposed action and its objectives and legal basis.", "hypothesis": "There are reasons for the proposed actions included in the proposal."} {"idx": "mnli-11261", "premise": "what is it Duxbury", "hypothesis": "I am certain that it is not called Duxbury."} {"idx": "mnli-11262", "premise": "India accused Pakistan of backing the hijacking and giving shelter to the terrorists.", "hypothesis": "Pakistan gave a lot of help to the terrorists."} {"idx": "mnli-11263", "premise": "As long as finance is a mainly domestic affair, what people want in a bank run is local money--and, guess what, the government is able to print as much as it wants.", "hypothesis": "In case of a bank run, the country could run out of money."} {"idx": "mnli-11264", "premise": "The building was undergoing restoration at press time.", "hypothesis": "All buildings are restored during press time."} {"idx": "mnli-11265", "premise": "Muslim rule was largely tolerant, and continued peacefully for nearly four centuries with a joint Christian-Muslim protectorate of Holy Places.", "hypothesis": "Christians and Muslims worked together to protect Holy Places. "} {"idx": "mnli-11266", "premise": "well i i uh just in my lifetime i know that the role of women has changed drastically also my mother when she began having her family she quit her job and stayed home until", "hypothesis": "Women's roles have changed because of the economy."} {"idx": "mnli-11267", "premise": "yeah especially in Texas period", "hypothesis": "especially in Ohio"} {"idx": "mnli-11268", "premise": "um i liked Eric Dickerson Dickerson", "hypothesis": "i was never a fan of Eric Dickerson"} {"idx": "mnli-11269", "premise": "The overwhelming consensus is that he won't.", "hypothesis": "Everyone thinks that he will."} {"idx": "mnli-11270", "premise": "It occurred to me suddenly that I would go down to the village, and look up Bauerstein. ", "hypothesis": "I have no idea who Bauerstein is, nor do I want to know. "} {"idx": "mnli-11271", "premise": "The idea of a long, leisurely lunch hour is utterly alien.", "hypothesis": "Lunch breaks only go for 30 minutes."} {"idx": "mnli-11272", "premise": "Well, said Tuppence meditatively.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence thought about it."} {"idx": "mnli-11273", "premise": "yeah oh yeah oh yes very much so hip injuries and things like that yeah yeah that that forces a lot of the guys to get out of the game", "hypothesis": "Many guys leave the game due to injuries."} {"idx": "mnli-11274", "premise": "Both Texas and Illinois found the first-time payment accuracy review to be expensive-$250,000 and $400,000 in direct costs, respectively.", "hypothesis": "Texas and Illinois made money from doing the review."} {"idx": "mnli-11275", "premise": "The alligator farm here is something of a curiosity.", "hypothesis": "The alligator farm is somewhat strange."} {"idx": "mnli-11276", "premise": "which is unheard of in a small town you know you don't usually associate associate that", "hypothesis": "It is common in small towns."} {"idx": "mnli-11277", "premise": "Julia Sweeney chose to take the story of her brother's illness and hers to the stage and then the screen; Pauline Kael made no such decision, which is why Rushmore director Wes Anderson's New York Times account of visiting the retired New Yorker critic seemed an unseemly invasion of privacy.", "hypothesis": "Julia Sweeney's brother was the epitome of health."} {"idx": "mnli-11278", "premise": "Tourist development in the Sinai is mainly along the east coast where the coast meets the waters of the Gulf of Aqaba, though there can be many miles between resorts.", "hypothesis": "The distance between resorts can sometimes span miles."} {"idx": "mnli-11279", "premise": "yeah so what we're saying is that we use a credit card when it uh is convenient but if it's going to cost us money we don't though", "hypothesis": "It rarely ever costs us money to use a credit card when it's convenient."} {"idx": "mnli-11280", "premise": "The president--and this has been especially true of Clinton--frequently nominates the least offensive nominee rather than the most qualified in order to pacify the Senate.", "hypothesis": "If Clinton nominated the most qualified nominee, the Senate might vote against them."} {"idx": "mnli-11281", "premise": "It configured both relatively painlessly.", "hypothesis": "Both were configured relatively painlessy."} {"idx": "mnli-11282", "premise": "However, while the cost estimated by the FDA on the private sector is $81.", "hypothesis": "The FDA could not estimate the cost of the private sector."} {"idx": "mnli-11283", "premise": "and it seems to me that you'd get a lot more uh information if your questions were heard if you were allowed to ask the witnesses things or if or the lawyers things or even the judge", "hypothesis": "Without talking to the witnesses, you can't find out the truth."} {"idx": "mnli-11284", "premise": "Investment (1960-2000) 66 Figure 3.3:Net U.S.", "hypothesis": "The investment is good."} {"idx": "mnli-11285", "premise": "President Clinton, comparing the negotiations to those over the 1996 welfare bill, signaled that he will accept a compromise plan.", "hypothesis": "President Clinton didn't want to compromise at all."} {"idx": "mnli-11286", "premise": "The best season is February to May, when you'll be able to see plenty of beautiful cheetal (spotted deer), blackbuck, sloth bear, gaur or bison (largest of the wild cattle), wild boar, Kanha's unique barasingha ( 12-pointer ) swamp deer, and also monkeys galore.", "hypothesis": "May through September is the best time to visit, and if you come before May, you probably won't see much."} {"idx": "mnli-11287", "premise": "Attempts at dramatic entrances were not always successful.", "hypothesis": "Make a late exit is fun."} {"idx": "mnli-11288", "premise": "The researchers are selected through peer review procedures.", "hypothesis": "The researchers are selected through peer review procedures."} {"idx": "mnli-11289", "premise": "Brown replied that only a certain proportion of the funding can be applied toward development in R-01 grants, and some of the technology, for example interactive videos, can be quite expensive to develop.", "hypothesis": "Brown replied that some of the technology, like interactive videos and web pages, can be quite expensive to develop."} {"idx": "mnli-11290", "premise": "Instead, as with abortion, the panelists praised the new techniques for solving the old questions.", "hypothesis": "New techniques solved the old questions."} {"idx": "mnli-11291", "premise": "The man passed the recess, breathing heavily as he went.", "hypothesis": "The man held is breath as he passed by the recess."} {"idx": "mnli-11292", "premise": "But what if times get tough and caps start to pinch?", "hypothesis": "It is very possible that we may be struggling soon."} {"idx": "mnli-11293", "premise": "! Additional questions.", "hypothesis": "All questions have been answered."} {"idx": "mnli-11294", "premise": "where have you have you played any in Texas", "hypothesis": "Why have you never played in Texas?"} {"idx": "mnli-11295", "premise": "Dublin is a young city.", "hypothesis": "Dublin is an old city."} {"idx": "mnli-11296", "premise": "The cart was driven by a Mexican in leather breeches and jacket over a red shirt.", "hypothesis": "A Mexican who wore leather pants and a red shirt drove the cart."} {"idx": "mnli-11297", "premise": "Like the first, this was a rather cinematic moment, but it didn't work quite as well.", "hypothesis": "There was a cinematic moment like the first but it didn't work as well "} {"idx": "mnli-11298", "premise": "and i know some of the i know those people i i mean i know they're people too and i know they deserve to have food to eat and water to drink", "hypothesis": "I see those people as subhuman and they should be left to starve."} {"idx": "mnli-11299", "premise": "He remains a revered figure in the Irish pantheon.", "hypothesis": "He went down in Irish lore as a disgrace."} {"idx": "mnli-11300", "premise": "The house itself dates from the 16th century.", "hypothesis": "Houses were being built in the 16th century."} {"idx": "mnli-11301", "premise": "Ca'daan returned to the warriors court wiser than the day before.", "hypothesis": "When Ca'daan returned to the warriors court, he was wiser than the day before."} {"idx": "mnli-11302", "premise": "There are plenty of ducks, moorhens, and swans and the canal is spanned by the very distinctive curves of the 18th-century bridges.", "hypothesis": "Many birds can bee seen near the 18th-century bridges spanning the canal."} {"idx": "mnli-11303", "premise": "OSHA conducted an economic analysis of the costs and benefits of the final respiratory protection rule.", "hypothesis": "OSHA did an analysis but found that it benefitted people with respiratory problems."} {"idx": "mnli-11304", "premise": "By adopting the language of elections (vote, elect, referenda) and by encouraging voters and politicians to treat vote.com as the vehicle through which the public delivers mandates to its leaders, Morris is trying to make vote.com, in effect, the place where people vote.", "hypothesis": "You can reach your candidate by logging on to vote.com."} {"idx": "mnli-11305", "premise": "my wife used to plant a few snow peas i don't really care for snow peas well she just plants a few for herself", "hypothesis": "My wife likes snow peas because her mother cooked them when she was growing up."} {"idx": "mnli-11306", "premise": "Do you always carry it him with you? inquired Tommy with burning curiosity.", "hypothesis": "Tommy really wanted to know. "} {"idx": "mnli-11307", "premise": "What is it? asked San'doro poking it with his knife.", "hypothesis": "As San'doro poked it with his knife he asked what it was."} {"idx": "mnli-11308", "premise": "The Denver Broncos will host the New York Jets in the other.", "hypothesis": "The Broncos will play the Jets in Denver."} {"idx": "mnli-11309", "premise": "yeah i think so yeah seven twenty five", "hypothesis": "I think seven twenty five will be enough to buy more drinks."} {"idx": "mnli-11310", "premise": "On these days the whole neighborhood turns out and the tiny grandstand is full of people cheering.", "hypothesis": "The grandstand is large, but it is never filled."} {"idx": "mnli-11311", "premise": "(Mother Teresa cared passionately about animals.)", "hypothesis": "Mother Teresa loved animals. "} {"idx": "mnli-11312", "premise": "Screening undertaken using clinical impression or biochemical tests is not as accurate or as sensitive as structured questionnaires for identifying alcohol use disorders or problematic consumption.", "hypothesis": "Identifying alcohol use disorders is very hard."} {"idx": "mnli-11313", "premise": "The only housing available was huts or tents, and the roads were generally quagmires.", "hypothesis": "The roads were muddy and only huts or tents were available for housing."} {"idx": "mnli-11314", "premise": "We're not breaking any rules.", "hypothesis": "No rules are being broken."} {"idx": "mnli-11315", "premise": "uh yeah yeah some some like that uh uh lots of uh different types of vases uh ones that stand on the floor and others that you can put on tables and uh he's been doing a lot of uh lot of decorative type plates lately", "hypothesis": "No people like different types of vases"} {"idx": "mnli-11316", "premise": "Adrin fell back into a more relaxed version of his traditional fighting stance, much less graceful but much more functional.", "hypothesis": "Adrin laid down."} {"idx": "mnli-11317", "premise": "He poured several skins together and drank the stuff, forcing himself to endure the agony of its passage down his throat.", "hypothesis": "What he drank was painful for him to swallow."} {"idx": "mnli-11318", "premise": "The world also stands in awe of Italian cuisine.", "hypothesis": "The world hates Italian food."} {"idx": "mnli-11319", "premise": "Such a review includes (1) examining the general and application controls of a computer system,3 (2) testing whether those controls are being complied with, and", "hypothesis": "Computer controls cannot be learned."} {"idx": "mnli-11320", "premise": "I just wanted to thank you for allowing Mark Alan Stamaty a forum for his hilarious--and often insightful--cartoon about a (slightly) warped world.", "hypothesis": "Thanks for letting Mark Alan Stamaty do his funny cartoon."} {"idx": "mnli-11321", "premise": "In a 1970 study, teen-age boys were asked their preferences among paintings by two foreign painters.", "hypothesis": "One study from the late 1980s asked elderly women their preference on two local artists."} {"idx": "mnli-11322", "premise": "Folk Beliefs", "hypothesis": "Beliefs of the folk."} {"idx": "mnli-11323", "premise": "Microgovernment does not seem to cost anything--no new budget lines, no new bureaucracies--but of course it does.", "hypothesis": "Microgovernment looks expensive, as can be seen from the budget lines, and so it's not surprising that it is expensive."} {"idx": "mnli-11324", "premise": "yeah he's not that far he was sort of in between Strasbourg and Paris", "hypothesis": "He's on his way to Paris from Strasbourg."} {"idx": "mnli-11325", "premise": "In order to insure the highest quality and maximum level of services to potentially eligible clients in each state, and so that the goal of meeting those needs will be realized, LSC has developed the State Justice Communities Planning Initiative Evaluation Instrument.", "hypothesis": "In order to be sure the services are good quality, the LSC has an evaluation instrument that it asks each client to fill out."} {"idx": "mnli-11326", "premise": "yeah you had a good time there", "hypothesis": "You had a fun time there. "} {"idx": "mnli-11327", "premise": "they exactly and and yeah they never they never did things to embarrass the town and that's what i think would be would be bad about New England", "hypothesis": "They never acted in a way to shame the town out of fear for their lives, and perhaps I think that's the issue with New England"} {"idx": "mnli-11328", "premise": "One of the most stupid errors that LSC made as we kicked off an era of planning was not to take the time-and expend the energy-to make other offices and units within our own organization understand the importance of what we were doing and their vital role in helping promote and develop world-class delivery systems.", "hypothesis": "The LSC did not make parts of the organization understand their purpose."} {"idx": "mnli-11329", "premise": "One prominent critic called the story a whitewash.", "hypothesis": "A critic thought the story was a whitewash."} {"idx": "mnli-11330", "premise": "people now i mean it used to be the law was and no one enforced it but they are enforcing it now and and i'm glad they are however one solution presents another problem well i would like certainly like to see this you know if this is true with this fellow in Atlanta it sounds wonderful", "hypothesis": "There are better structures and systems for law enforcement these days."} {"idx": "mnli-11331", "premise": "The magnificently proportioned 13th-century Cathedrale Notre-Dame was badly damaged in World War I, but it has been well restored and it remains one of the country's greatest Gothic edifices.", "hypothesis": "THe cathedral was bombed three times in WWI."} {"idx": "mnli-11332", "premise": "i never neither and i never have figured out how he won the entertainer of the year for about three or four years in a row", "hypothesis": "I have never understood how he won that award so many times."} {"idx": "mnli-11333", "premise": "Representative DeLay observed in his floor statement that NHTSA was engaged in a rulemaking which could result in a sharp increase in the standards for light trucks and vans and that this action would be devastating to the Nation's economy.", "hypothesis": "The NHTSA's rulemaking could decrease the standards of light trucks, according to DeLay."} {"idx": "mnli-11334", "premise": "The most controversial part of Finkelstein's book, though, is the last chapter, in which he sets out to explain why the Goldhagen book was such a big deal.", "hypothesis": "Finkelstein has never written a book of his own."} {"idx": "mnli-11335", "premise": "At L'Isle-sur-Serein, the river divides to encircle the tranquil little town and the ruins of its 15th-century chateau.", "hypothesis": "The river runs right through the town at L'Isle-sur-Surein."} {"idx": "mnli-11336", "premise": "Such reports shall include background on the use of such authority within the past 24 months and shall be provided to the Committees on Appropriations, the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, and the House Committee on Government Reform.", "hypothesis": "Reports would be given to the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs."} {"idx": "mnli-11337", "premise": "Diexodos also organizes bike tours (see details above), or you can rent equipment in all the major resorts and plan your own itinerary.", "hypothesis": "No equipment rentals are available, so if you want to bike around the area, you'll have to sign up for a tour."} {"idx": "mnli-11338", "premise": "and it was very uh very much in demand for a career", "hypothesis": "I went into this career because I wanted a guaranteed job."} {"idx": "mnli-11339", "premise": "From the top rows of seats you can enjoy a grand view of the Arcadian Way, the city's col?\u03afnnaded main street, once lined with fine statues, and lit by oil lamps at night.", "hypothesis": "Oil lamps light up the street at night along the main street."} {"idx": "mnli-11340", "premise": "okay that's uh uh we used to budget when the children were small um things were and there was only one income so we had to watch what we were doing", "hypothesis": "We have never tried doing our own budget before."} {"idx": "mnli-11341", "premise": "From then until 1812, when the intrepid Swiss explorer John L. Burckhardt rediscovered Petra, it was almost totally forgotten.", "hypothesis": "Petra was almost completely forgotten until 1812 when Swiss explorer John L. Burckhardt found it again."} {"idx": "mnli-11342", "premise": "But she is still a child.", "hypothesis": "She is a child and is still far too young, but she is developing well, and has a fierce strike and agile reflexes."} {"idx": "mnli-11343", "premise": "These model predictions are used in conjunction with the observed concentrations obtained from the Aerometric", "hypothesis": "The Aerometric was unable to provide any concentrations for the models."} {"idx": "mnli-11344", "premise": "The hum of voices, the bray of mules, the baa-ing and naa-ing of sheep and goats, kept up a roar to equal surf on a seacoast.", "hypothesis": "There was a hush and nothing made a sound, not even the animals. "} {"idx": "mnli-11345", "premise": "Second, the Assets for Independence Act of 1998 authorized federal funding for a 5-year demonstration project to evaluate the effectiveness of matching incentives for certain low-income savers.", "hypothesis": "The Assets for Independence Act of 1998 did not authorize federal funding for a 5-year demonstration project."} {"idx": "mnli-11346", "premise": "Specifically, although most public companies are required to have a board that is comprised of a majority of independent directors and certain key committees are required to be comprised solely of outside directors, a closer look reveals that the independence of many boards may be more a matter of form than substance.", "hypothesis": "Public companies can put whoever they want on their boards."} {"idx": "mnli-11347", "premise": "uh how we go about that it's uh uh it's a little bit difficult", "hypothesis": "It's very easy because I know exactly how it's done."} {"idx": "mnli-11348", "premise": "The formidable barrier of the Pyrenees forms the frontier with Spain.", "hypothesis": "Pyrenees forms a formidable barrier with Spain."} {"idx": "mnli-11349", "premise": "Another factor affecting the environment is the agency's organizational structure.", "hypothesis": "The agency does not have an organizational structure."} {"idx": "mnli-11350", "premise": "The program completed 3,070 initial engineering drawings at its critical design review in 1995, about 26 percent of the eventual drawings needed.", "hypothesis": "At the critical design review in 1995 about 300 drawings were complete."} {"idx": "mnli-11351", "premise": "This is why your dentist hectors you to rubber-tip your gums, brush with a superconcentrated fluoride toothpaste, and wear a night guard to control your bruxing (which loosens teeth, opening pockets between teeth and gum, etc.).", "hypothesis": "That is the reason why your dentist dismisses night guards and special toothpastes as needless."} {"idx": "mnli-11352", "premise": "yes yes uh we have Domino's we have Pizza Hut and then we have a couple of other smallers Little Ceasars and Juan's Pizza they're all in the general facility where i live and so i can and then yet my most favorite one doesn't deliver", "hypothesis": "My favorite pizza place also delivers to places near where I live."} {"idx": "mnli-11353", "premise": "Each of the major functions (delivery, mail processing, transportation, and window service) is conducted using similar methods and technologies.", "hypothesis": "They use similar methods for all of the major functions."} {"idx": "mnli-11354", "premise": "Submitting a decision to the U.S.", "hypothesis": "No decision will be necessary -- it has already been decided."} {"idx": "mnli-11355", "premise": "Now that the background material he sent to Congress has been released, the press has become interested in whether Linda Tripp doctored her tapes and whether Starr's agents and prosecutors improperly detained Lewinsky or misrepresented their treatment of her in the Jan.", "hypothesis": "Congress rejected his background material on the case."} {"idx": "mnli-11356", "premise": "They were building a new hall for it, to be constructed only of natural materials and hand labor, but that was a project that would take long months still.", "hypothesis": "The new hall was to be built using wood and rock."} {"idx": "mnli-11357", "premise": "Go, my nephew.", "hypothesis": "I wish my nephew would leave."} {"idx": "mnli-11358", "premise": "Among key items are Braque's Man with Guitar (1914), Matisse's collage The Sorrow of the King (1952), Dali's Six Images de L??nine sur un Piano (1931), and Andy Warhol's Ten Lizes (1963).", "hypothesis": "The museum has 1000 famous works there."} {"idx": "mnli-11359", "premise": "Understanding the controls relevant to compliance with those laws and regulations that the auditors have determined are significant can help auditors assess the risk of illegal acts.", "hypothesis": "The controls are not much help."} {"idx": "mnli-11360", "premise": "The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) publishes an official measure of output per unit of combined labor and capital inputs-multifactor productivity.", "hypothesis": "More labor output directly correlates to higher productivity rates."} {"idx": "mnli-11361", "premise": "operating system engaged in symmetric multitasking.", "hypothesis": "Operating systems can multitask."} {"idx": "mnli-11362", "premise": "Gladstone's Land, built in 1620, still has its period shopfronts at the roadside.", "hypothesis": "Gladstone's Land is a very recent, modern development."} {"idx": "mnli-11363", "premise": "Adding the current annual replacement demand from worldwide installations to the projected annual replacement demand under the Clear Skies Act would yield a total of 17,600 - 20,600 m3/yr demand for replacement catalyst by 2005.", "hypothesis": "An increased amount of replacement catalyst will be expected in 2005 due to the Clear Skies Act."} {"idx": "mnli-11364", "premise": "Alexander Solzhenitsyn is in the cardiac intensive-care unit of a Moscow hospital.", "hypothesis": "Alexander Solzhenitsyn finds himself in a hospital in Moscow."} {"idx": "mnli-11365", "premise": "The ideas presented in this guide may also provide the foundation for further discussion within the federal CIO community.", "hypothesis": "The ideas in the guide don't mean anything."} {"idx": "mnli-11366", "premise": "and that was a riot to see that", "hypothesis": "It was fun to see that movie."} {"idx": "mnli-11367", "premise": "( This may not work with your e-mail system.)", "hypothesis": "Your email system is compatible with it."} {"idx": "mnli-11368", "premise": "Celebrating Trajan's campaigns against the Dacians in what is now Romania, the minutely detailed friezes spiraling around the column constitute a veritable textbook of Roman warfare utilizing some 2,500 figures.", "hypothesis": "The friezes were added to the column four centuries ago. "} {"idx": "mnli-11369", "premise": "One of the most prosperous city-states of the Aegean coast was Pergamum, ruled since 264 b.c. by the Attalid dynasty.", "hypothesis": "Pergamum was the most prosperous city-state of the Aegean."} {"idx": "mnli-11370", "premise": "Hello, princess.", "hypothesis": "Hello, lady."} {"idx": "mnli-11371", "premise": "And that would include boraquasco.", "hypothesis": "The boraquasco was not included. "} {"idx": "mnli-11372", "premise": "uh-huh yeah a lot of people do that for a living i guess", "hypothesis": "There is a shortage of people in that job because no one wants to do it. "} {"idx": "mnli-11373", "premise": "As that housewife club thing turns out--reactionary bastion.", "hypothesis": "It was expected that the housewife club thing turned out to be a reactionary bastion."} {"idx": "mnli-11374", "premise": "um yep but i love to cook i wish i was a better cook than i was but i i love to cook", "hypothesis": "I hate cooking."} {"idx": "mnli-11375", "premise": "This data include volumes by the weight intervals associated with the U.S.", "hypothesis": "The U.S.'s weight intervals are very different to the rest of the world."} {"idx": "mnli-11376", "premise": "Tall man, with a lot of freckles and red hair?", "hypothesis": "Is the person you are looking for tall with red hair?"} {"idx": "mnli-11377", "premise": "And, true to my old profession, as I write this I'm crashing to meet the deadline I was assigned by editor Michael Kinsley.", "hypothesis": "I can submit this writing any day I want."} {"idx": "mnli-11378", "premise": "It is well known that the behavior of individuals is affected by the nature of their compensation arrangements", "hypothesis": "Tests where made on chimps and it was proven."} {"idx": "mnli-11379", "premise": "Which companies to boycott?", "hypothesis": "The companies deserve to be boycotted."} {"idx": "mnli-11380", "premise": "OGDEN -- For most lawyers, full waiting rooms and appointments booked out to mid-July would equate to a lucrative law practice.", "hypothesis": "The waiting rooms are full because the lawyers are really good."} {"idx": "mnli-11381", "premise": "Their love of perfection serves them well.", "hypothesis": "They are very sloppy and just don't care."} {"idx": "mnli-11382", "premise": "If we assume (since you don't do macro) that these prognosticators of doom are correct, what's a body to do?", "hypothesis": "Let's believe for a moment in the possibility that the doomsayers are all making valid arguments for failure."} {"idx": "mnli-11383", "premise": "when my husband was in business he had one customer who said that he had to use credit cards because he spent more than he made every month and he was perfectly serious about it", "hypothesis": "One of my husband's customers said that he spent more than he made. "} {"idx": "mnli-11384", "premise": "uh okay okay that makes sense then i believe", "hypothesis": "No, that is stupid."} {"idx": "mnli-11385", "premise": "The Castle Rock and Arthur's Seat are the remains of lava streams that hardened after the two volcanoes around them became dormant and cold.", "hypothesis": "THe lava flowed out of the volcano and straight to the ocean."} {"idx": "mnli-11386", "premise": "Jon fell in and out of sleep until the huge red sun rose and painted the Old One in scarlet.", "hypothesis": "Jon slept fitfully until the sun colored the Old One in a scarlet hue."} {"idx": "mnli-11387", "premise": "Another is that the size fits most transoms, windows, and walls.", "hypothesis": "The size fits most transoms, windows and walls "} {"idx": "mnli-11388", "premise": "Farmworkers commonly are dependent upon their employer for both their income and housing.", "hypothesis": "Farmworkers are loyal to their employers because of what they receive from them. "} {"idx": "mnli-11389", "premise": "no it's uh i could say it's been a while for me too i uh i've got my wife motivated about it um", "hypothesis": "I have managed to get my wife motivated about it."} {"idx": "mnli-11390", "premise": "Agency Comments and Our Evaluation", "hypothesis": "Our Evaluation and Agency Comments."} {"idx": "mnli-11391", "premise": "The reader is led to despise one character because of his bad taste in neckties, but not to hold racism and homophobia against another.", "hypothesis": "The reader is encouraged to hold racism and homophobia against another."} {"idx": "mnli-11392", "premise": "and they gave gave it to her anyway", "hypothesis": "They didn't give it to her."} {"idx": "mnli-11393", "premise": "part of me says that i'd kind of like to do it just to see what it's like to be in that position where you are playing you know life and death with somebody else could i bring myself to do it", "hypothesis": "Half of me would like to find out what it's like to play god to peoples' lives, to ruin or improve them."} {"idx": "mnli-11394", "premise": "oh i'm sure yeah that's a pretty large area", "hypothesis": "That's a very small parking lot."} {"idx": "mnli-11395", "premise": "The artist's masterpiece is the Anastasis (Resurrection) in the vault of the apse, showing Christ pulling Adam and Eve from their tombs, while the figure of Satan lies bound and helpless beneath His feet.", "hypothesis": "The Anastasis is the last painting the artist ever created."} {"idx": "mnli-11396", "premise": "Of course not. ", "hypothesis": "Of course."} {"idx": "mnli-11397", "premise": "Here's what worries Given the subtlety of the real issues here, what is the chance that this stuff will be decided on its merits?", "hypothesis": "It is not questioned that merits will be considered."} {"idx": "mnli-11398", "premise": "Is she comically over the top, attention-grabbing and at times hysterical (Anthony Tommasini, the New York Times ), or is she simply a captivating comic presence (Charles Isherwood, Variety )? Not everyone loved the New York 's Peter Davis says, [T]he characters [are] foggily defined and the heart of the opera left unexamined.", "hypothesis": "Some people liked the New York 's Peter Davis opera and some people didn't."} {"idx": "mnli-11399", "premise": "yeah and i think that you know if they can get enough going", "hypothesis": "yes, and i believe you're aware that if they get enough going"} {"idx": "mnli-11400", "premise": "I helped sack villages not defend them,\" said San'doro.", "hypothesis": "San'doro said the villagers should defend themselves."} {"idx": "mnli-11401", "premise": "Sadly, only numbers 14 and 26 are still in their original state.", "hypothesis": "Fourteen is crumbling but twenty-six is standing strong. "} {"idx": "mnli-11402", "premise": "We are concerned that S. 556's short timeframes for installation of controls could lead power plants to be taken off-line at important times, which could lead to electricity shortages.", "hypothesis": "We are worried that power plants will be running when they should be shut down."} {"idx": "mnli-11403", "premise": "These people have made Nueva Tabarca their home for more than two centuries, in spite of poor fishing and the lack of doctor, priest, and schoolmaster.", "hypothesis": "No one wanted to live in Nueva Tabarca because they fishing wasn't all that great. "} {"idx": "mnli-11404", "premise": "A handful of Jewish families still live in the Ghetto.", "hypothesis": "Not all of the families in the Ghetto are Christians."} {"idx": "mnli-11405", "premise": "Alien agricultural workers, who are not temporary H-2A workers, are protected in their employment by the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act (MSWPA), 29 U.S.C.", "hypothesis": "The migrant and seasonal agricultural worker protection act protects alien agricultural workers."} {"idx": "mnli-11406", "premise": "and i i certainly i i grew up in a smaller town in Texas and it wasn't that way when i was younger", "hypothesis": "The small town I grew up in was in Texas and it certainly wasn't that way."} {"idx": "mnli-11407", "premise": "It should also be noted that decreasing the amount of time provided to install control technologies to meet a given strategy has the potential to affect the cost of compliance as this will accelerate their installation.", "hypothesis": "Installation will be accelerated."} {"idx": "mnli-11408", "premise": "FEMA's teams at the U.S.", "hypothesis": "In the USA, the teams from FEMA"} {"idx": "mnli-11409", "premise": "Milne said she may ask the board overseeing her organization to give her until November to seek funding from additional sources.", "hypothesis": "Milne said she wanted a November deadline."} {"idx": "mnli-11410", "premise": "yeah and they're still they're still out there though uh", "hypothesis": "They are out there still."} {"idx": "mnli-11411", "premise": "so your kids were having a good time and you were working", "hypothesis": "So you were off work and went on days out a lot with your kids"} {"idx": "mnli-11412", "premise": "Who does the tenant turn to?", "hypothesis": "There is no reason a tenant would ever need help."} {"idx": "mnli-11413", "premise": "Under the Act of Union, Irish members of parliament now served in London.", "hypothesis": "The Act of Union was done with the intention of ensuring that the English would continue to be dominant."} {"idx": "mnli-11414", "premise": "Reims ' a center of production of the wine of kings ' is also home to the cathedral where kings of France were crowned from the Middle Ages to the early 19th century.", "hypothesis": "Reims made wine for the kings."} {"idx": "mnli-11415", "premise": "Natalia/Lincoln began fiddling with his/her top-hat.", "hypothesis": "Lincoln was messing with his hat."} {"idx": "mnli-11416", "premise": "It provides the front end for the lawyers in dealing with the clients, Hall says.", "hypothesis": "Hall said it doesn't provide front end at all"} {"idx": "mnli-11417", "premise": "The F/A-18-E/F program eliminated over 40 percent of the parts used to build predecessor aircraft to make the design more robust for manufacturing and identified critical manufacturing processes, bringing them under control before the start of production.", "hypothesis": "The production had already begun until the report was generated. "} {"idx": "mnli-11418", "premise": "It is now the central laboratory of the Army Materiel Command.", "hypothesis": "It is now not a lab."} {"idx": "mnli-11419", "premise": "Executive Effectively Implementing the Government Performance and Results Act", "hypothesis": "The act involved government performance."} {"idx": "mnli-11420", "premise": "In just the past few days' New York Times , Walter Goodman characterized Crossfire as the CNN shout show, and Maureen Dowd summarized Ferraro's duties as blathering night after night with political hacks.", "hypothesis": "Walter Goodman doesn't like Crossfire."} {"idx": "mnli-11421", "premise": "The chemical and biological weapons that are supposedly the main concern of U.S. and U.N. inspectors are easily moved and hidden.", "hypothesis": "Weapons are very difficult to hide."} {"idx": "mnli-11422", "premise": "and springtime you have to use bags to pack them", "hypothesis": "You can get bags for packing leaves at the local hardware shop."} {"idx": "mnli-11423", "premise": "yeah what do you where do you like to camp how do you like to camp", "hypothesis": "Perhaps we could go camping together."} {"idx": "mnli-11424", "premise": "We're getting a bit unpopular here blocking the gangway as it were.", "hypothesis": "We're unpopular from blocking the gangway."} {"idx": "mnli-11425", "premise": "The Vermont Supreme Court granted gays greater partnership rights.", "hypothesis": "Greater partnership rights were granted by the Vermont Supreme Court."} {"idx": "mnli-11426", "premise": "The police The crime was random, not a hate thing . Parents' That's all the more frightening.", "hypothesis": "The victim was killed in a crime of passion by a jilted ex-lover."} {"idx": "mnli-11427", "premise": "Control can be fun.", "hypothesis": "Control can be stressful."} {"idx": "mnli-11428", "premise": "Birds both move quickly and maintain close distance to each Humans do one or the other.", "hypothesis": "Birds will either move quickly or remain close. "} {"idx": "mnli-11429", "premise": "the thing is I don't know how I can pick one or the other as maid of honor.", "hypothesis": "I don't want to make a friend upset."} {"idx": "mnli-11430", "premise": "Thick, luxuriant moss thrives throughout.", "hypothesis": "Beautiful moss thrives everywhere. "} {"idx": "mnli-11431", "premise": "I guess so.", "hypothesis": "I think so."} {"idx": "mnli-11432", "premise": "The prosecution averred that on Monday, July 16th, the prisoner had entered the chemist's shop in the village, disguised as Mr. Inglethorp. ", "hypothesis": "Mr. Inglethorp entered the chemist's shop in the village."} {"idx": "mnli-11433", "premise": "News fiddles with its rankings to improve newsstand sales.", "hypothesis": "News always tell their rankings as they are, to improve sales."} {"idx": "mnli-11434", "premise": "Beginning on the upper terrace with a splendid view of the bay, the hour-long guided tour (conducted in English, French, or German) takes you through three levels of abbey the church, cloister, and refectory at the top; the Salle des Chevaliers (Knights' Hall) and Salle des H??tes (Guests' Hall) in the middle; and the storeroom and almonry underneath.", "hypothesis": "The tour is not appropriate for young children."} {"idx": "mnli-11435", "premise": "He was in a half crouch, the Colt flipped over and out, pointing into the shadows where the newcomer emerged.", "hypothesis": "After emerging from the shadows, the newcomer smiled at the gun."} {"idx": "mnli-11436", "premise": "The two worlds met and fused, and out of the two came this world, in what the books call the _Dawnstruggle_.", "hypothesis": "The world wouldn't be the same if it had begun any differently."} {"idx": "mnli-11437", "premise": "they're like between a rock and a hard spot", "hypothesis": "The awkward and difficult circumstance came to be because of a conflict of communication and interest."} {"idx": "mnli-11438", "premise": "Meanwhile, liberals in the Democratic party have been publicly embracing the idiom of hard work and personal responsibility.", "hypothesis": "Republicans do not believe in hard work."} {"idx": "mnli-11439", "premise": "There, among the intellectuals and book people and artsy-fartsies generally, you will find nothing but wholesomeness.", "hypothesis": "People who like to read are extremely deviant."} {"idx": "mnli-11440", "premise": "Not everything in the garden is rosy of course.", "hypothesis": "The things in the garden that are not rosy are a danger."} {"idx": "mnli-11441", "premise": "Given their consistent results and broad applicability to general US populations, the Six-City and ACS data have been of particular importance in benefits analyses.", "hypothesis": "The Six-City data is quite important due to its results and applicability. "} {"idx": "mnli-11442", "premise": "But did the book add anything to my appreciation of his paintings?", "hypothesis": "Even before I read the book, I thought his paintings were amazing."} {"idx": "mnli-11443", "premise": "The terms financial reports and consolidated financial reports are used to refer to a document which would include the financial statements but which would also include items such a management discussion and analysis section, a statement of program performance measures, required supplemental information or required supplementary stewardship information not included in the financial statements or other supplemental financial and management information.", "hypothesis": "Financial and consolidated reports contain only tax information."} {"idx": "mnli-11444", "premise": "Can't say as how I'd like to find out the truth.", "hypothesis": "I can say that I'd like to stay in the dark about this."} {"idx": "mnli-11445", "premise": "uh but if we did it oh man", "hypothesis": "We would become so popular, all the girls would love us."} {"idx": "mnli-11446", "premise": "As an independent regulatory agency, the Commission is not subject to Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995.", "hypothesis": "Since it is an independent agency, the Commission can ignore requirements of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act."} {"idx": "mnli-11447", "premise": "The enormous main altar, which is dedicated to St. Catherine of Alexandria, shows some scenes from the saint's martyrdom in a series of sumptuously gilded panels.", "hypothesis": "Alters exist that show scenes of St. Catherine of Alexandria's martyrdom."} {"idx": "mnli-11448", "premise": "You have spied upon them.", "hypothesis": "You approached them out in the open. "} {"idx": "mnli-11449", "premise": "The privacy and confidentiality of medical records, credit histories, and other personal data on millions of individuals stored in electronic databases are also at potential risk.", "hypothesis": "Some electronic databases were hacked leaving the privacy and confidentiality of medical records, credit histories, and other personal data of many people at risk."} {"idx": "mnli-11450", "premise": "It is not uncommon for alien agricultural workers to withhold asserting claims against an employer or farm labor contractor until after the work has ended and the farmworker is away from the area of employment.", "hypothesis": "Alien agricultural workers usually file claims against employers immediately after the offense happens."} {"idx": "mnli-11451", "premise": "yeah yeah which is which is basic i mean when hello", "hypothesis": "It's not hard to understand something so simple."} {"idx": "mnli-11452", "premise": "This is another game in which lessons and lots of spare money are recommended.", "hypothesis": "The game has lessons available."} {"idx": "mnli-11453", "premise": "After that, we were able to raise funds, he said. ", "hypothesis": "Funding goals were not met."} {"idx": "mnli-11454", "premise": "The man drank, as did the others.", "hypothesis": "The men were drinking ale. "} {"idx": "mnli-11455", "premise": "He was nearly driven desperate. ", "hypothesis": "He kept on going strong, with high hopes."} {"idx": "mnli-11456", "premise": "right that's that's right", "hypothesis": "that is wrong"} {"idx": "mnli-11457", "premise": "What Murray likes about the idea is that it would finally discharge society's obligation to members of the underclass.", "hypothesis": "Since Murray was born rich, he doesn't care about the underclass."} {"idx": "mnli-11458", "premise": "White was probably right- the world does need a revolution- but he was in too much of a hurry.", "hypothesis": "White only believed in the status quo."} {"idx": "mnli-11459", "premise": "Food and a bath!", "hypothesis": "Something to eat and washing up."} {"idx": "mnli-11460", "premise": "yeah well that's what i do we had a printer a a Hewlett Packard Ready Writer", "hypothesis": "The Hewlett Packard Ready Writer was very reliable for us."} {"idx": "mnli-11461", "premise": "We got us our herd, leastwise th' beginnin' of one.", "hypothesis": "We're going to grow this herd together."} {"idx": "mnli-11462", "premise": "Children's clothes are fun and stylish too, though you may balk at the prices.", "hypothesis": "Children's clothes are fun, stylish and very cheap."} {"idx": "mnli-11463", "premise": "Strictly Tourist", "hypothesis": "Only tourists are allowed."} {"idx": "mnli-11464", "premise": "The Ottomans built countless mosques in their capital, the finest of which is the S??leymaniye, inspired by the form of the Haghia Sophia.", "hypothesis": "Mosques were abundant in the capital."} {"idx": "mnli-11465", "premise": "The people were at first cool to the war, despite the jingoism of flashy aristocratic aesthete and author Gabriele D'Annunzio and his friend, an ex-socialist newspaperman named Benito Mussolini.", "hypothesis": "The people were for the war at first."} {"idx": "mnli-11466", "premise": "It concluded, Japan cannot afford to stand idly China's difficulties make ours look small in comparison.", "hypothesis": "Japan should simply stand to the side and do nothing. "} {"idx": "mnli-11467", "premise": "Will that be good?", "hypothesis": "Will having more money make that better for you?"} {"idx": "mnli-11468", "premise": "uh-huh yeah we actually our division is corporate wide and we take care of just the Dallas area course we have several plants here but um we do air modeling also", "hypothesis": "We take care of the New York area only, at the customer level."} {"idx": "mnli-11469", "premise": "six- two to fly with,in back; two at the face to withstandthe impossible winds thatare God;", "hypothesis": "God is not any of the winds withstood."} {"idx": "mnli-11470", "premise": "Otherwise--Well, I guess I can do it on my own.", "hypothesis": "I suppose I can do it alone."} {"idx": "mnli-11471", "premise": "that's the whole that's what i think i think God will definitely get uh you know uh there's two people that i know you should not mess uh abuse and that's a child and a someone person that's elderly you shouldn't abuse anybody but but down right", "hypothesis": "You shouldn't abuse anyone."} {"idx": "mnli-11472", "premise": "About three dozen cases, involving 123 people facing eviction, were handled, according to Volunteer Lawyer Project Director Barbara Romeo.", "hypothesis": "Barbara Romeo handled well over 1,000 cases involving evictions and was successful in every one of them. "} {"idx": "mnli-11473", "premise": "well you know uh now here here's something that uh first occurred to me when they started having all these problems with these automatic uh weapons", "hypothesis": "Here is a thing that occurred to me about automatic weapons. "} {"idx": "mnli-11474", "premise": "I would like to say Tolly was working for evil, my grandfather for good, but I don't know if it's that simple.", "hypothesis": "I am positive that my grandfather worked for evil and that Tolly didn't work at all."} {"idx": "mnli-11475", "premise": "It's the idea that perfect competition might be just around the corner, not the competition itself, that keeps the paranoid prosperous.", "hypothesis": "It's not the competition, but the fact that the next competitor might be better that keeps the game interesting."} {"idx": "mnli-11476", "premise": "Roy Barnes will spend his first day as a private citizen by starting his new job as a full-time, pro-bono (unpaid) lawyer at the Atlanta Legal Aid Society.", "hypothesis": "Roy Barnes had also attended law school in Atlanta."} {"idx": "mnli-11477", "premise": "employing management and engineering practices that are disciplined and effective.", "hypothesis": "Disciplined engineering practices that are also effective were being employed."} {"idx": "mnli-11478", "premise": "2 LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION v.", "hypothesis": "There is a court case involving 2 Legal Services Corporation."} {"idx": "mnli-11479", "premise": "There were no towns, and the cow was the medium of exchange.", "hypothesis": "The medium of exchange was the cow."} {"idx": "mnli-11480", "premise": "Soon to go on view in the archaeological park are reconstructed houses from various periods, including Canaanite dwellings built 5,000 years ago.", "hypothesis": "Canaanite houses are being reconstructed soon to be seen in the park."} {"idx": "mnli-11481", "premise": "I claim my reward.\" \"And you shall have it.", "hypothesis": "You won't be rewarded. "} {"idx": "mnli-11482", "premise": "I have met a woman whom I am attracted to.", "hypothesis": "I am attracted to a woman I met."} {"idx": "mnli-11483", "premise": "Its proximity to the Strip make it popular for tourists as well.", "hypothesis": "It's within walking distance of the strip which makes it easy for tourists to find."} {"idx": "mnli-11484", "premise": "i mean they they uh go home and grade papers lesson plans prepare for the next day", "hypothesis": "They do many things at home."} {"idx": "mnli-11485", "premise": "Miraculously the cathedral escaped unharmed from the heavy air raids of World War II.", "hypothesis": "The cathedral retained its structural integrity during the heavy air raids of World War II."} {"idx": "mnli-11486", "premise": "Public interest and government sector employers fear that these barriers will turn too many young attorneys away from the battleground of equal justice and their departure will place the American justice system in crisis.", "hypothesis": "The American justice system lacks attorneys of equal justice already, so losing any more could place the American justice system in crisis."} {"idx": "mnli-11487", "premise": "In Austria, there used to be customs about when businesses could operate, says Dusty Sprengnagel, who owns a shop called Neon Line and whose book on neon will reach store shelves later this year.", "hypothesis": "There used to be standards for when businesses could run in Austria."} {"idx": "mnli-11488", "premise": "However, before such catastrophic effects, low national saving would probably result in higher interest rates, rising inflation, and the increasing reluctance of foreign investors to lend to a weakening U.S. economy.", "hypothesis": "Previously, low national saving would make interest rates drop."} {"idx": "mnli-11489", "premise": "Each piece was photographed for the archives, against just such a fate.", "hypothesis": "The pieces were photographed to go into the archives."} {"idx": "mnli-11490", "premise": "To name just one example, Hollings uses Thurmond's silence on the Lewinsky scandal to excuse his own silence.", "hypothesis": "There was a scandal that involved Lewinsky and it blew up in the media recently."} {"idx": "mnli-11491", "premise": "Cairo Film Festival is held each December with screenings of major international films taking place at various hotels all across Cairo.", "hypothesis": "Hotels scramble to present the Cairo Film Festival screenings during the summer."} {"idx": "mnli-11492", "premise": "yeah i thought it would have been higher than that", "hypothesis": "This seems like a very low value to me."} {"idx": "mnli-11493", "premise": "If they had survived, there would be no trade in any case.", "hypothesis": "Even if they'd survived, the trade would have happened."} {"idx": "mnli-11494", "premise": "I did far worse than that.", "hypothesis": "I did bad things."} {"idx": "mnli-11495", "premise": "No, you don't.", "hypothesis": "You do not have that."} {"idx": "mnli-11496", "premise": "People will come in here very confused and very sad and not know what to do.", "hypothesis": "They will become sad because it's government work. "} {"idx": "mnli-11497", "premise": "The WP reports that, voting along racial lines, the Mississippi state Senate yesterday rejected a proposal to compensate relatives of those killed in the state in hate crimes during the civil rights era.", "hypothesis": "Whether or not they should have been compensated is still under dispute."} {"idx": "mnli-11498", "premise": "The hammer he swung must have weighed fifteen stones.", "hypothesis": "The hammer was very lightweight, so he swung it."} {"idx": "mnli-11499", "premise": "Take the right-hand stairs down from the platform to the ground floor.", "hypothesis": "There are a number of ways to get to the ground floor."} {"idx": "mnli-11500", "premise": "Most H-2A workers are in the United States for brief periods of time and do not seek legal representation until they have completed their contract, often because of fear of retaliation by the growers.", "hypothesis": "All H-2A workers spend all of their lives in the United States."} {"idx": "mnli-11501", "premise": "And this time the work was much more labor-intensive and even more exhausting than before, but the condition and health of the tired bacillus not as good as in the times of youth, about two hours ago.", "hypothesis": "The work was much harder this time and much more tiring."} {"idx": "mnli-11502", "premise": "Rolling Stone 's cover story traces Stern's history from mediocre rock DJ to king of shock jocks.", "hypothesis": "Rolling Stone covered Stern's fall to mediocre rock DJ."} {"idx": "mnli-11503", "premise": "That is all my business.", "hypothesis": "This all certainly concerns me."} {"idx": "mnli-11504", "premise": "First moment I clapped eyes on her photograph my heart did all the usual stunts you read about in novels.", "hypothesis": "I had never seen someone so attractive before."} {"idx": "mnli-11505", "premise": "No, it is astonishing until you get used to the idea, and see how it makes everything fit in. ", "hypothesis": "It is still astonishing even when you see how everything fits."} {"idx": "mnli-11506", "premise": "Darn you! cried Julius.", "hypothesis": "Julius whispered to himself."} {"idx": "mnli-11507", "premise": "It might be worth an attempt to ferret them out.", "hypothesis": "Under no circumstances should resources be wasted on this."} {"idx": "mnli-11508", "premise": "The bull is played with magenta capes first by the matador's team, or cuadrilla, then by the matador himself.", "hypothesis": "The bull is played only by the matador himself."} {"idx": "mnli-11509", "premise": "Anti-tobacconists insist that nicotine's addictive powers explain it all.", "hypothesis": "Those who are against tobacco, believe in the addictive power of nicotine, but also add other arguments for their campaign."} {"idx": "mnli-11510", "premise": "Only a little farther south, around Langdale Pikes, for example, the terrain is formed of volcanic rock; much younger and more dramatic in appearance, these mountains have rough crags and sharper peaks.", "hypothesis": "Langdale Pikes is a young landscape that looks like the ROcky Mountains."} {"idx": "mnli-11511", "premise": "In addition, the annual report is to include (1) an independent financial audit, (2) applicable financial and performance requirements under the Chief Financial Officers Act and the Results Act, (3) the results achieved by the Office relative to its goals, (4) an evaluation of the Chief Operating Officer's performance, (5) recommendations for legislative and regulatory changes to improve service and program integrity, and (6) other information as detailed by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget.", "hypothesis": "The annual report includes an independent financial audit."} {"idx": "mnli-11512", "premise": "and uh there's a lot of job security in that because it takes so long to uh come up to an experience level where you're able to you know you have to be able to maintain them do the maintenance uh", "hypothesis": "There's job security in that, since it takes a while to get the experience."} {"idx": "mnli-11513", "premise": "Nagarkot, Dhulikhel, and Kodari", "hypothesis": "Nagarkot and Kodari are the only ones."} {"idx": "mnli-11514", "premise": "She wore a boiled leather chestguard molded perfectly around the shape of her bare breasts.", "hypothesis": "She wore no armor over her bare breasts."} {"idx": "mnli-11515", "premise": "and uh i think those two things bother me more than anything else as far as an invasion of privacy", "hypothesis": "If those things could be worked out, privacy interests would go a long way towards being protected in my opinion."} {"idx": "mnli-11516", "premise": "A craperie on the pretty Rue du Clape en Bas is open in summer months only and offers free concerts Thursday evenings.", "hypothesis": "Free concerts are offered only on Friday evenings."} {"idx": "mnli-11517", "premise": "If you don't want to be fleeced, don't plunge in blindly.", "hypothesis": "If you jump right in without thinking, you will get fleeced out of your belongings and will have to pay a huge debt."} {"idx": "mnli-11518", "premise": "The more he contrasts himself with the cool, schoolmarmish Inglis, the better.", "hypothesis": "It is better for him to continue contrasting himself with Inglis."} {"idx": "mnli-11519", "premise": "Our campaigns often end up doing the very opposite of what they intend, Bradley laments.", "hypothesis": "Bradley is disappointed for the outcome of the campaigns."} {"idx": "mnli-11520", "premise": "From the end April and into early May is Golden Week, the unofficial name for the conjunction of three major national holidays (Green Day, Constitution Day, and Children's Day).", "hypothesis": "There are a lot of holidays from the end of April to the beginning of March."} {"idx": "mnli-11521", "premise": "or to put their child into a setting into a home setting where they would you know like they they would get leave at eight in the morning and and drop a two year old off in a home where you knew there were going to be four other kids and", "hypothesis": "They don't have to leave their kids in the morning at all."} {"idx": "mnli-11522", "premise": "Saloon brawling with the army ain't going to change that.", "hypothesis": "Getting into fights in bars with members of the Army will not change a thing."} {"idx": "mnli-11523", "premise": "The Reagan defense budgets helped, as did an aggressive marketing plan abroad and, most importantly, the merger with Martin Marietta and the acquisition of General Dynamics' F-16 fighter division.", "hypothesis": "The Reagan defense budget was no help at all and either was the overseas marketing campaign. "} {"idx": "mnli-11524", "premise": "She was trying something desperately, but fear was thick on her face, and her hands were unsure.", "hypothesis": "She was calmed and confident that she was not in any danger."} {"idx": "mnli-11525", "premise": "The interim rule, to conform the regulations to a recent United States Supreme Court decision (Brown v.", "hypothesis": "The rule requires schools to adopt student uniform regulations."} {"idx": "mnli-11526", "premise": "With regard to possible sources of downward bias, it is of note that the recent studies suggest that the single day time series studies may understate the short-term effect on the order of a factor of two.", "hypothesis": "Recent studies did not cover the single day time series."} {"idx": "mnli-11527", "premise": "However, Port Antonio harbor still has a buzz of activity, especially in the harvesting season, as all of modern Jamaica's banana exports leave from here.", "hypothesis": "There is a hive of activity in Port Antonio's harbor on account of the busy banana trade."} {"idx": "mnli-11528", "premise": "He was convinced that the manager gave him this task today simply to make his life totally miserable after the shindig at Elwira's.", "hypothesis": "There was quiet book reading at Elwira's."} {"idx": "mnli-11529", "premise": "Soldiers! Fenner sniffed.", "hypothesis": "Soldiers are coming for us right now, Fenner said. "} {"idx": "mnli-11530", "premise": "Today's Papers has just the campaign slogan for Still Packing Wood.", "hypothesis": "The campaign slogan was in the papers."} {"idx": "mnli-11531", "premise": "However, Greece was not yet a country; each city-state was self-governing and autonomous.", "hypothesis": "The city-states of Greece were largely dependent on the country of Greece for their governance."} {"idx": "mnli-11532", "premise": "One program, Bronx Legal Services, was so distressed by the changes that it filed a lawsuit in the Southern District of New York, seeking to block its restructuring.", "hypothesis": "The Bronx Legal Services were in distress by the charges."} {"idx": "mnli-11533", "premise": "1 percent of GDP in 2000-the lowest point in over 65 years.", "hypothesis": "The percentage of GDP that is steel is the lowest point in 65 years."} {"idx": "mnli-11534", "premise": "In fact, quite a number of the agencies proposed to be transferred to DHS have multiple functions.", "hypothesis": "Many of the agencies that would be subsumed by the DHS have several functions."} {"idx": "mnli-11535", "premise": "But it's a small amount of money that's stolen from a lot of people.", "hypothesis": "A huge amount of money was stolen from every US citizen."} {"idx": "mnli-11536", "premise": "okay ready one", "hypothesis": "This one is ready."} {"idx": "mnli-11537", "premise": "Thomas Babor wondered whether a couple of unquestioned assumptions had arisen during discussions at the conference.", "hypothesis": "Thomas Babor wondered if a few assumptions had come up during discussions at the conference."} {"idx": "mnli-11538", "premise": "The basic financial statements in financial reports prepared pursuant to the Chief Financial Officers Act, as amended, are called the principal financial statements.", "hypothesis": "The principal financial statements are handled in accordance with the Chief Financial Officers Act."} {"idx": "mnli-11539", "premise": "The golden mile of the sea-front promenade is packed with people on summer days.", "hypothesis": "There are a lot of people on the promenade in summer."} {"idx": "mnli-11540", "premise": "Expect some ribald remarks in broad Dublin accents.", "hypothesis": "The ribald remarks are often caused by Guiness."} {"idx": "mnli-11541", "premise": "None of these were published in journals devoted to emergency medicine.", "hypothesis": "All of these were found in emergency medicine journals."} {"idx": "mnli-11542", "premise": "I will show yooooouuuuuu! Edward cried out deep inside his soul with a battle cry of a future victor, and his emotions manifested themselves physiologically through the dilation of his left pupil by 6 percent. and a very quiet, nasal 'oouuu'.", "hypothesis": "Edward was silent."} {"idx": "mnli-11543", "premise": "But he is yet a boy.", "hypothesis": "But he is still a boy."} {"idx": "mnli-11544", "premise": "And Malaysia offers a showcase of festivals of events and festivities throughout the year as well.", "hypothesis": "Plenty of events take place in Malaysia all year long."} {"idx": "mnli-11545", "premise": "Two and a half, and counting.", "hypothesis": "There is only one."} {"idx": "mnli-11546", "premise": "Federal Computer Week (FCW) is directed toward users and buyers of federal information technology.", "hypothesis": "FCW was established a few years ago."} {"idx": "mnli-11547", "premise": "Why did we shed our blood, he asks an uncomprehending scientific Puritan, if I can't dance to my heart's content?", "hypothesis": "Why did we shed our blood, asks the Puritan, if everyone can dance as they please?"} {"idx": "mnli-11548", "premise": "Silence sat for a moment followed by a single word.", "hypothesis": "Silence sat for a moment followed by the word, yes!"} {"idx": "mnli-11549", "premise": "The Board appoints LSC's President, who serves as the Corporation's chief executive officer, subject to general policies established by the Board.", "hypothesis": "The Board establishes general policies and appoints the LSC President, who is also the CEO. "} {"idx": "mnli-11550", "premise": "The high peaks of the Blue Mountains dominate the landscape.", "hypothesis": "In the landscape are the peaks of Blue Mountains."} {"idx": "mnli-11551", "premise": "I couldn't do any of those things, because I was now living in the confined quarters of the Salmon Corporation.", "hypothesis": "The Salmon Corporation did not have confined living quarters."} {"idx": "mnli-11552", "premise": "Prudie thinks you're handling things perfectly.", "hypothesis": "Prudie says you don't know how to do your job."} {"idx": "mnli-11553", "premise": "That was all.", "hypothesis": "We have barely gotten started."} {"idx": "mnli-11554", "premise": "Abdication of Victor Emanuel III; proclamation of the Republic", "hypothesis": "The republic was fair."} {"idx": "mnli-11555", "premise": "Then in 1805 the building was turned over to the Institut, which comprises the Academie Franaaise, supreme arbiter of the French language founded by Cardinal Richelieu in 1635, and the Academies des Belles-Lettres, Sciences, Beaux-Arts, and Sciences Morales et Politiques.", "hypothesis": "The Institut enrolls students from all over Europe."} {"idx": "mnli-11556", "premise": "Unfortunately the crowd parted eagerly, awed by Abraham Lincoln's hat.", "hypothesis": "I was exposed when the crowd looked at Lincoln's hat."} {"idx": "mnli-11557", "premise": "Sharon has visited Russia three times in the past few months, including once in the midst of the Kosovo bombing.", "hypothesis": "Sharon has never been to Russia. "} {"idx": "mnli-11558", "premise": "I began to feel very small.", "hypothesis": "I began to feel quite big."} {"idx": "mnli-11559", "premise": "In all discussion of metaphor, writes H. W. Fowler in Modern English Usage , it must be borne in mind that some metaphors are living, i.e., are offered and accepted with a consciousness of their nature as substitutes for their literal equivalents, while others are dead, i.e., have been so often used that speaker and hearer have ceased to be aware that the words used are not literal.", "hypothesis": "There is a wide variety of different metaphors."} {"idx": "mnli-11560", "premise": "What a guy he must look.", "hypothesis": "You'd easily be able to recognize him."} {"idx": "mnli-11561", "premise": "Many offer dinner as well as drinks.", "hypothesis": "None of them offer dinner nor drinks. "} {"idx": "mnli-11562", "premise": "i i have a a little bit i can't say that i'm i i would be an expert on the on the region but uh certainly uh i it it gets it gets there you you've got this this toss up between or not not so much a toss up but a a dilemma when when you want a country to have it's it's um own uh dominion or its free rein over its its own people and then on the other hand uh the uh the government in power that under what seem what seems to be popular support uh Sandinistas had to a given extent popular support um starts making overtures to the Soviet Union and and into what we consider our sphere of influence and now we're we're in this dilemma over uh United States is believes in Democracy and and self-determination where and but that on the other hand we believe in self-preservation and uh agree with the or not so much agree with but are terribly concerned about the influence Soviet influence in in what's considered to be the United States' fear of the world which is not only you we used to see spheres but now we're in a situation where the United States is looks like we're it now", "hypothesis": "I do not have any at all."} {"idx": "mnli-11563", "premise": "it would really um and i don't the people that i've known like from Germany and Finland that have done that are they do military service which you know i don't exactly recommend but still", "hypothesis": "I don't recommend military service."} {"idx": "mnli-11564", "premise": "What he's really out for is Hunt's hide.", "hypothesis": "He does not care at all about Hunt's hide."} {"idx": "mnli-11565", "premise": "How ridiculous! ", "hypothesis": "How realistic. "} {"idx": "mnli-11566", "premise": "The Gardens", "hypothesis": "The kitchen."} {"idx": "mnli-11567", "premise": "Of the $12 million, 22 percent is earmarked for the LSNY budget and 78 percent is allocated among the seven local corporations, according to LSNY spokeswoman, Edwina Martin.", "hypothesis": "The seven companies had set aside at least 78 percent."} {"idx": "mnli-11568", "premise": "It is instructive to note that the 1947 legislation creating DOD was further changed by the Congress in 1949, 1953, 1958, and 1986 in order to improve the department's structural effectiveness.", "hypothesis": "The 1947 legislation that created DOD was never changed by Congress."} {"idx": "mnli-11569", "premise": "The 1) They've agreed to give peace a chance.", "hypothesis": "They're going to continue fighting."} {"idx": "mnli-11570", "premise": "yeah uh yeah for ones that you want to see again or you know ones that you really weren't sure if you wanted to see or not you know", "hypothesis": "For ones you have watched more than once."} {"idx": "mnli-11571", "premise": "But it is well worth a visit to the top (a short hike from the bus stop) to peer down into the bleak, barren crater emitting puffs of sulfurous fumes and contrasting starkly with the colorful vegetation all around it.", "hypothesis": "The top of the area has a beautiful scenery."} {"idx": "mnli-11572", "premise": "Many islands will also have one venue for Greek night, an evening of culinary and cultural delights.", "hypothesis": "None of the islands reserve a venue for Greek night."} {"idx": "mnli-11573", "premise": "but it uh it's it's wide enough to pick up uh like the width two widths of a lawn mower", "hypothesis": "It's wide enough, about the width of the kind of lawnmower that you can ride."} {"idx": "mnli-11574", "premise": " Retired Supreme Court Justice William Brennan died.", "hypothesis": "William Brennan was never a supreme court justice, and he is still alive."} {"idx": "mnli-11575", "premise": "Slate writer Mickey Kaus calls them).", "hypothesis": "Slate writer Mickey Kaus summons them."} {"idx": "mnli-11576", "premise": "From Marseillan, our route takes you toward Marseillan-Plage and up the N112 along more than seven miles of flat, sandy beach ' on weekends in August the crowds and numbers of cars can make this a slow trip ' to the large fishing port of Syte.", "hypothesis": "There are no ways to go along the beaches on weekends."} {"idx": "mnli-11577", "premise": "and every you know they go all the time i mean it's like they would go almost everyday to the store and they had their little bags way back then and fill it up and they had this little bitty old teeny refrigerators", "hypothesis": "back in those days they couldn't store much in the fridge, so they had to go to the store every day"} {"idx": "mnli-11578", "premise": "And it was Ian Willmut, whose work opened the door to human cloning, who most forcefully denounced that prospect at Senate hearings held last spring.", "hypothesis": "Ian Willmut is a major proponent of human cloning."} {"idx": "mnli-11579", "premise": "The scary traffic is a real experience vehicles of all kinds jockey for position on crowded streets, missing each other by inches, and speeding on the freeways is rampant.", "hypothesis": "Driving is scary because accidents are quite common."} {"idx": "mnli-11580", "premise": "None was serious, obviously, and one suspects the new Morris wouldn't lie about a big thing.", "hypothesis": "The new Morris would probably lie about something small."} {"idx": "mnli-11581", "premise": "yeah there's i've i've read a lot of things um since i got involved in the water business back in eighty three um and it's amazing that the the legislation they have", "hypothesis": "There is a new piece of legislation that is being into the water business right now."} {"idx": "mnli-11582", "premise": "It also follows an American In the Lincoln-Douglas debates, both sides quoted Jefferson.", "hypothesis": "Both LIncoln and Douglas quoted Jefferson."} {"idx": "mnli-11583", "premise": "The evening had clearly exhausted her.", "hypothesis": "She could not wait to get home and slip under the covers of her bed."} {"idx": "mnli-11584", "premise": "i thought that was disgusting i mean", "hypothesis": "I loved it, and want to watch more of it."} {"idx": "mnli-11585", "premise": "well as a matter of fact i just got rid of a car because of the requirement to do some major repairs", "hypothesis": "Even with repair familiarity, it wasn't worth it to try to fix it."} {"idx": "mnli-11586", "premise": "There are places to relax or enjoy a picnic, and adventure playgrounds for the children.", "hypothesis": "There are things for children and adults alike to enjoy. "} {"idx": "mnli-11587", "premise": "The crowds, the charm, the success...I remembered my ultimate nature as a fraud.", "hypothesis": "I thought that every success that I had wasn't really true."} {"idx": "mnli-11588", "premise": "Scarcely a hundred Sumatran Rhino remain; the best place to see them is at the Sepilok sanctuary, where controlled breeding may combat the ravages of poaching.", "hypothesis": "Sumatran Rhinos are being bred at the Sepilok sanctuary."} {"idx": "mnli-11589", "premise": "However, in a few areas, small changes will be proposed that are relatively easy to implement.", "hypothesis": "Small changes to routes will happen that are easy to add."} {"idx": "mnli-11590", "premise": "The statute extends GAOas audit authority to aall matters- related to the use of public money, not just costs of activities.", "hypothesis": "GAO can't look at public money."} {"idx": "mnli-11591", "premise": "The beautifully restored ruins of the Eglise Toussaint (dating from the 13th century) have been incorporated into the Gal??rie David d'Angers (33 Rue Toussaint), which houses a unique collection of the sculptor's portrayals of notables including Balzac, Victor Hugo, Gutenberg, Paganini, and George Washington (here in Angers you'll see a plaster bust, the bronze of which stands in the United States Capitol).", "hypothesis": "The ruins of the Eglise Toussaint were beautifully restored."} {"idx": "mnli-11592", "premise": "Simmons works most directly with residents of the approximately 55,700 mobile homes in Iowa.", "hypothesis": "Simmons is enthusiastic about his work with mobile park dwellers in Iowa."} {"idx": "mnli-11593", "premise": "yeah from everywhere too not just from Mexico you know just everywhere", "hypothesis": "It's only source is Mexico."} {"idx": "mnli-11594", "premise": "That's better.", "hypothesis": "That's worse. "} {"idx": "mnli-11595", "premise": "For example, the policy states there should be no significant manufacturing risks but does not define what this means or how it is measured.", "hypothesis": "Manufacturing risks are not defined in the policy, meaning it is up for interpretation."} {"idx": "mnli-11596", "premise": "SOUTHWEST", "hypothesis": "The direction southward and westward of here."} {"idx": "mnli-11597", "premise": "It was recently restored after a 1997 fire that left the city, and the nation, alarmed at how close it came to being completely destroyed.", "hypothesis": "It still has not been restored after the fire in 1997."} {"idx": "mnli-11598", "premise": "Because, mon ami, it is the law of your country that a man once acquitted can never be tried again for the same offence. ", "hypothesis": "A man can be tried for the same offence in your country even after acquittal."} {"idx": "mnli-11599", "premise": "Please sit down and be quiet, the masseuse, who Simon already named her Dobrava, said tersely.", "hypothesis": "The masseuse ordered Simon to be sit down and be quiet"} {"idx": "mnli-11600", "premise": "no that that's definitely true in fact i i work out of my home um i'm an accountant and i do taxes and bookkeeping and", "hypothesis": "I know the ins and outs of personal finance. "} {"idx": "mnli-11601", "premise": ": Adrin's Second Lesson", "hypothesis": "Adrin learns a second lesson."} {"idx": "mnli-11602", "premise": "Florida lawmakers are quickly moving through legislation to provide legal aid for needy families dealing with civil litigation.", "hypothesis": "The families are grateful for the new laws."} {"idx": "mnli-11603", "premise": "It was a guess that turned out to be correct. ", "hypothesis": "It was completely wrong."} {"idx": "mnli-11604", "premise": "After a stop to contemplate Diamond Rock (see box below), most tourists continue south over winding roads through Sainte-Luce, Riviyre-Pilote, and Le Marin without stopping until they reach Sainte-Anne.", "hypothesis": "Diamond Rock is a very treacherous hill for novice hikers."} {"idx": "mnli-11605", "premise": "There are swatches of course, sir, but if you prefer to take care of the strikers, we can wait, no problem.", "hypothesis": "Strikers are easier to take care of than swatches. "} {"idx": "mnli-11606", "premise": "yeah and you're not sure where to go and vote and all that", "hypothesis": "You have to figure out where you have to go in order to vote."} {"idx": "mnli-11607", "premise": "and of course there couples get kind of spiteful at times and", "hypothesis": "The couples there are always so lovely and fair."} {"idx": "mnli-11608", "premise": "and uh i got my husband i got i got married to a TIer and uh well the first thing my mom and i did when we moved out here was go to Southfork it was very embarrassing", "hypothesis": "It was so embarrassing when my Mom and I went to Southfork after moving here. "} {"idx": "mnli-11609", "premise": "It's not hard to see why they use it.", "hypothesis": "It makes sense that they use it because it is so easy to use."} {"idx": "mnli-11610", "premise": "In the lofty Gothic interior, Donatello's seven sculptures at the high altar include a stoical Crucifixion and large bronze reliefs narrating St. Anthony's miracles.", "hypothesis": "Donatello has eight sculptures in the Gothic interior."} {"idx": "mnli-11611", "premise": "Penha d'Aguia dominates the northeast coast.", "hypothesis": "Penha d'Aguia has almost no presence in the northeast coast."} {"idx": "mnli-11612", "premise": "I lived last with a Miss Dufferin, The Parsonage, Llanelly.", "hypothesis": "I have lived with several people since living with Miss Dufferin."} {"idx": "mnli-11613", "premise": "An article says other nations might turn to Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin for stability while Clinton reels.", "hypothesis": "Foreign powers do not trust Robert Rubin."} {"idx": "mnli-11614", "premise": "South and west of modern Nara is an ancient area called Nishinokyo (meaning west of the capital ), where you will find three important temples.", "hypothesis": "Nishinokyo,an ancient site with three important temples, can be found south and west of modern Nara."} {"idx": "mnli-11615", "premise": "Auditors may also determine the validity and reliability of computer-processed data by direct tests of the data.", "hypothesis": "Auditors can determine if something is valid and reliable using direct tests on computer models."} {"idx": "mnli-11616", "premise": "Bill and Monica also at one point planned a tryst on Martha's Vineyard, but Bill finally chickened out, says the publication.", "hypothesis": "Bill and Monica made plans but later didn't follow through on them."} {"idx": "mnli-11617", "premise": "so what have your other topics been", "hypothesis": "What topics did you do besides politics?"} {"idx": "mnli-11618", "premise": "Here you will discover a commanding view of Kobe, Osaka, Awaji Island, and the Inland Sea.", "hypothesis": "There is a good view of Awaji."} {"idx": "mnli-11619", "premise": "for the Cowboys", "hypothesis": "For the Cowboys team."} {"idx": "mnli-11620", "premise": "and the other one's", "hypothesis": "These and those."} {"idx": "mnli-11621", "premise": "Although the narrow streets and squares above the Grand Canal have lots to offer the visitor, most people gravitate to the cafe and restaurants along the water.", "hypothesis": "Grand Canal offers the most spectacular view."} {"idx": "mnli-11622", "premise": "The sky isn't falling now, kid.", "hypothesis": "The whole world is crashing down around us. "} {"idx": "mnli-11623", "premise": "Listen, I really don't want to criticize.", "hypothesis": "Look, I don't feel like passing judgement."} {"idx": "mnli-11624", "premise": "oh okay huh oh well it's funny you should say something like that because uh i'm from Dallas for thirty two years i was from New England originally", "hypothesis": "I've lived most of my life in Dallas."} {"idx": "mnli-11625", "premise": "Now we'll go back to the character we had before--and just when I was getting used to the change.\" He jerked his eyes off the raw patch of emptiness in the sky, where a few stars seemed to be vanishing.", "hypothesis": "There are plenty of stars in the sky."} {"idx": "mnli-11626", "premise": "i go out i had all my stuff set i had my little campfire thing setup and my my pots and pans and stove and all that", "hypothesis": "Even after all the preparation I still forgot my pots, my stove and everything."} {"idx": "mnli-11627", "premise": "If not, there's usually one within easy reach.", "hypothesis": "You can take as many as you wish."} {"idx": "mnli-11628", "premise": "The things he seemed to remember from his other waking must be a mixture of fact and delirium.", "hypothesis": "He couldn't remember anything, be it real or otherwise."} {"idx": "mnli-11629", "premise": "Bloodshed began as soon as the Partition boundaries were set.", "hypothesis": "The partition was never set."} {"idx": "mnli-11630", "premise": "The page for just one of these pesticides contained hundreds of pages of information about the rule (e.g.", "hypothesis": "One page can contain hundreds of pages of information."} {"idx": "mnli-11631", "premise": "If they had hurt Susan, he would kill every one of them himself.", "hypothesis": "He doesn't care what happens to Susan. "} {"idx": "mnli-11632", "premise": "yep exactly i like things that uh you know two people can do but i like the quiet of doing things away you know kind of gives you some space for yourself and that's what i find in making the dolls and things that it gives me something that i can create and i like to crochet and knit i made some afghans and that kind of stuff i like doing things with my hands", "hypothesis": "I don't enjoy creating anything by hand."} {"idx": "mnli-11633", "premise": "but yeah she is she i i don't know i i can't say that that i i well i can't say that i did or didn't vote for her because i didn't get to vote this time but i don't know that i'm i guess i'm ready just hard to see a woman in such a i guess powerful position", "hypothesis": "I did not vote for her, because I didn't vote at all."} {"idx": "mnli-11634", "premise": "It is doubtful that using adjusted costs would change the nature of the results obtained.", "hypothesis": "It is thought that using adjusted costs would change the nature of the results."} {"idx": "mnli-11635", "premise": "I guess she won't want to make tracks away from the dollars.", "hypothesis": "She will want to stay near the dollars."} {"idx": "mnli-11636", "premise": "A glance along the shelves of any bar shows the vast range of Spanish liqueurs.", "hypothesis": "It is very difficult to see any Spanish liqueurs on the shelves of any bar."} {"idx": "mnli-11637", "premise": "All that lead to a confrontation regarding the Himko-Rybson theory, a confrontation that Doctor Edward did not survive, even though neither Himko, nor Rybson thought that Ms. Ceracz fancied them, because they were both long dead.", "hypothesis": "himko thought Ms Ceracz loved them."} {"idx": "mnli-11638", "premise": "For a more extensive discussion, see N. Gregory Mankiw, Macroeconomics, Fourth Edition (New York, N.Y.: Worth Publishers, 2000), pp. 90-97; or Olivier Blanchard, Macroeconomics, Second Edition (Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2000), pp. 214-220.", "hypothesis": "There is a very brief discussion in Macroeconomics, Fourth Edition."} {"idx": "mnli-11639", "premise": "embarrassing well yeah i just i bought the cloth and the the pattern for it i didn't um i didn't buy the uh i didn't buy a kit", "hypothesis": "I bought everything, it came in a kit."} {"idx": "mnli-11640", "premise": "to uh Texas a year and a half ago", "hypothesis": "To Texas, eighteen months ago."} {"idx": "mnli-11641", "premise": "In 2002, the President's Quality Award criteria were reoriented to be consistent with the President's Management Agenda.", "hypothesis": "the President's Quality Award criteria were reoriented to be consistent with the President's Management Agenda."} {"idx": "mnli-11642", "premise": "If you can't find a lobbyist, the court won't appoint one for you.", "hypothesis": "The court appoints a lobbyist for everyone."} {"idx": "mnli-11643", "premise": "She just rapped out a 'no' ", "hypothesis": "She said one word, defiantly."} {"idx": "mnli-11644", "premise": "There's a fragile elegance to the white marble pavilion's graceful silhouette, with a cupola and four octagonal turrets, and topped by domed kiosks.", "hypothesis": "The pavilion is made from bricks and concrete."} {"idx": "mnli-11645", "premise": "Based on those", "hypothesis": "Nothing can be ascertained from those."} {"idx": "mnli-11646", "premise": "Jon smiled.", "hypothesis": "Jon frowned."} {"idx": "mnli-11647", "premise": "He gagged on it.", "hypothesis": "He ate it without trouble."} {"idx": "mnli-11648", "premise": "This takes on a metropolitan dimension in Kuala Lumpur.", "hypothesis": "In Kuala Lumpur, this takes on a metropolitan dimension."} {"idx": "mnli-11649", "premise": "They were swallowing space as the monster moved purposefully away.", "hypothesis": "The monster laid down for a nap."} {"idx": "mnli-11650", "premise": "Also available are more moderately priced leather goods, on the bustling Via Tritone, Via Nazionale and Via del Corso.", "hypothesis": "Cheaper leather goods are not available on the Via Tritone."} {"idx": "mnli-11651", "premise": "and those held that's interesting i didn't know they could do that", "hypothesis": "I didn't know they were able to do that, but now you told me"} {"idx": "mnli-11652", "premise": "Data base information and data analysis technique", "hypothesis": " Data base information is a data analysis technique."} {"idx": "mnli-11653", "premise": "Madrid's third major expansion took place in the 19th century, resulting in the foundations of modern Madrid, a sprawling succession of residential neighborhoods, shops, cinemas, restaurants, banks and smaller museums.", "hypothesis": "The third major expansion of Madrid occurred in the 20th century."} {"idx": "mnli-11654", "premise": "It's hard to choose, because so many of them make me laugh and laugh until people who should by all rights fear me barge into my office and tell me to get a grip.", "hypothesis": "None of these were in any way amusing."} {"idx": "mnli-11655", "premise": "What jades the public on military intervention in civil wars such as Korea, Vietnam, and Somalia is the prospect that the sacrifice in lives and treasure may be in vain.", "hypothesis": "The Somalian civil war lasted a long time and claimed many lives."} {"idx": "mnli-11656", "premise": "I reckoned it would be no good worrying you with a petty little business like this.", "hypothesis": "I knew you would want me to tell you about this business."} {"idx": "mnli-11657", "premise": "Safaris and desert Over 90% of Egypt's land is desert, making it only a matter of time before it became a tourist resource.", "hypothesis": "Only a small portion of Egypt's land is not desert."} {"idx": "mnli-11658", "premise": "The knights, said Ca'daan.", "hypothesis": "The Knights are pursuing Ca'daan."} {"idx": "mnli-11659", "premise": "You train all your life and cross leagues of barren desert to break your ankle on the way in.", "hypothesis": "The ankle was broken on the way into the fort."} {"idx": "mnli-11660", "premise": "Waxy, lean, and lupine in his black Zegna suits, he sports what appear to be false front choppers, and masticates his dumb, satanic monologues with Shavian relish.", "hypothesis": "The Zegna suits are black."} {"idx": "mnli-11661", "premise": "The proposed bill, sponsored by Rep.", "hypothesis": "The proposed bill was sponsored by Rep, an IT company."} {"idx": "mnli-11662", "premise": "Others are eager to explore nature's wildlife at the bottom of a coral reef or at the top of a mountain peak.", "hypothesis": "Others are not eager to seek wildlife at the top of a mountain."} {"idx": "mnli-11663", "premise": "Grassmarket has a memorial to the Covenanters (Scottish Protestant clergymen) martyred by Catholic Stuart kings in the 17th century.", "hypothesis": "There is a memorial for the Scottish Protestant clergymen in Grassmarket."} {"idx": "mnli-11664", "premise": "The new religion soon cemented national solidarity in the face of more barbarian invasions, this time by the Franks.", "hypothesis": "National solidarity has been cemented soon by the new food."} {"idx": "mnli-11665", "premise": "How else does one produce and control a salamander, except by magic?", "hypothesis": "Is there any way to create and control a salamander but magic?"} {"idx": "mnli-11666", "premise": "Got me this to prove it.", "hypothesis": "I do not have any proof."} {"idx": "mnli-11667", "premise": "yes yes i think the whole thing of how they got there was to me i i kind of well i i guess that's the rules and and the way the and the way the the play-offs are run but i i don't know i just think there was probably some other teams that they only missed by couple of points and they really should have been in there but", "hypothesis": "I think that the way they got there was completely justified and that they deserved to be there."} {"idx": "mnli-11668", "premise": "At its heart is the grand sloping fan-shaped Piazza del Campo, site of the old Roman forum and arena of the town's world-famous annual Palio horse race.", "hypothesis": "The forum is the largest preserved Roman forum."} {"idx": "mnli-11669", "premise": "Inevitably, devastating bombing reprisals flattened the city.", "hypothesis": "Bombing campaigns had no effect on the city."} {"idx": "mnli-11670", "premise": "6) The pact will promote fiscal irresponsibility by reducing stern German domination of European fiscal policy.", "hypothesis": "The pact would reduce Germany's place in European fiscal policy."} {"idx": "mnli-11671", "premise": "We look to Congress for a Paper Decency Act, to close the giant loophole left open when last year's Communications Decency Act was limited to electronic media.", "hypothesis": "Congress has never passed any laws."} {"idx": "mnli-11672", "premise": "Beautiful private villas and a small number of fine resort hotels sit proudly on the headlands or nestle in the small bays.", "hypothesis": "The war torn region and deserted hills sit on the headlands and in the small bays."} {"idx": "mnli-11673", "premise": "Russert objected again.", "hypothesis": "Russert did not object. "} {"idx": "mnli-11674", "premise": "This monumental construction covers a140-sq-m (1,500-sq-ft) area, with a Great Hypostyle Hall of 122 columns in nine rows, 21 m (70 ft) high, and is considered one of the finest ancient structures in the country.", "hypothesis": "The columns in this construction were built to honor the gods. "} {"idx": "mnli-11675", "premise": "A lotta wild stuff down there nobody's been runnin' brands on anythin' much since '61.", "hypothesis": "There is so much wild stuff going on that it is hard to keep up with it all."} {"idx": "mnli-11676", "premise": "That's not a problem for most of the shelter's indigent residents, who can access free legal aid locally from West Texas Legal Services.", "hypothesis": "Most of the shelter's residents can access aid from the West Texas Legal Services."} {"idx": "mnli-11677", "premise": "There's a shop and a decent cafe in the small complex of traditional buildings.", "hypothesis": "You can even buy a donut in the small complex of traditional buildings."} {"idx": "mnli-11678", "premise": "But he's entitled to have a public defender ...", "hypothesis": "He has the right to be represented by a public defender. "} {"idx": "mnli-11679", "premise": "If asked to participate in press briefings sponsored by requesters, GAO will provide support if the press briefing is held in Washington, D.C.", "hypothesis": "The requesters are often well-known companies from all around the world."} {"idx": "mnli-11680", "premise": "Situated 20 km (12.5 miles) southwest of Tokyo, Yokohama was an unimportant little fishing village until 1854, when Japan's long centuries of self-imposed isolation came to an end.", "hypothesis": "Yokohama is now a very large city."} {"idx": "mnli-11681", "premise": "Menorca gets big-time package holidaymakers, especially from Great Britain, and beaches and roads get awfully crowded in the height of the summer season, but the island seldom feels frenetic.", "hypothesis": "British holidaymakers tend to stay away from Menorca."} {"idx": "mnli-11682", "premise": "the uniformed services, recognize that promotional material received by a uniformed service member traveling on official business at government expense belongs to the government and must be relinquished in accordance with service regulations.", "hypothesis": "The uniformed services are allowed to do what they want."} {"idx": "mnli-11683", "premise": "Israeli museums are usually modern, lively places.", "hypothesis": "The museums in Israel are typically very lively and modern. "} {"idx": "mnli-11684", "premise": "um-hum right um-hum yeah when i was in college i worked um with a group and i actually ran a Big Brother Big Sister program", "hypothesis": "In college I worked with a group that ran the Big Brother Big Sister program."} {"idx": "mnli-11685", "premise": "you know it's just them there they are and they're writing the whole time", "hypothesis": "they write about what your saying and your facial expressions. "} {"idx": "mnli-11686", "premise": "and i go okay i mean you just you did what you wanted to do", "hypothesis": "You got what you wanted to do done."} {"idx": "mnli-11687", "premise": "Mr. Pytlasinski, and don't you have, you know, by chance just a drop of that borax for a heiress from podunk Zapolandia?", "hypothesis": "There is an heiress from podunk Zapolandia"} {"idx": "mnli-11688", "premise": "In 1982, for example, RCED examined the progress made since the 1970's in cleaning up the nation's air, water, and land, finding that while strides had been made toward meeting the established goals (cleaner air, properly treated wastewater, more drinkable water), deadlines had been extended and unresolved issues made meeting even these deadlines difficult (U.S.", "hypothesis": "Since 1970 no progress has been made in cleaning the nation's air."} {"idx": "mnli-11689", "premise": "Travel south from Chios Town to reach the mastic groves.", "hypothesis": "The mastic groves are south of Chios Town."} {"idx": "mnli-11690", "premise": "LSC recognizes the increasingly active role that state planners have assumed in overseeing state civil equal justice delivery activities.", "hypothesis": "State planners have become more active in overseeing civil equal justice delivery activities. "} {"idx": "mnli-11691", "premise": "oh do you work in Shreveport or go to school or what", "hypothesis": "Do you work retail in Shreveport currently or do you attend university?"} {"idx": "mnli-11692", "premise": "We egg on Dennis Rodman, watching him parade like a peacock and break down in tears on national TV.", "hypothesis": "While watching him parade like a peacock and break down in tears on TV, we egg on Dennis Rodman."} {"idx": "mnli-11693", "premise": "Diaz does not quote, at full embarrassing length, Ellis' explanation that he got mixed up with the wrong folk because one of them was like a brother to me.", "hypothesis": "Ellis got mixed up with the wrong folk but I don't care. "} {"idx": "mnli-11694", "premise": "EPA addressed OIRA's concerns by lessening the information collection requirements for risk management plans in its final rule.", "hypothesis": "EPA lessened the information collection requirements for risk management plans."} {"idx": "mnli-11695", "premise": "oh okay well i'm a Tech graduate so", "hypothesis": "Tech was a good school."} {"idx": "mnli-11696", "premise": "It is the ultimate answer to Sapper's kettle, because its form was generated by the desire to make it extremely difficult for users to burn their fingers.", "hypothesis": "The form is designed to protect their fingers."} {"idx": "mnli-11697", "premise": "Only Billy has a reputation as a straight arrow.", "hypothesis": "Billy was the only straight arrow."} {"idx": "mnli-11698", "premise": "Similarly, as discussed previously, managers are looking for practical techniques for more precisely measuring the value of security controls and obtaining better data on risk factors.", "hypothesis": "The managers do not care about risk factors and value of security controls."} {"idx": "mnli-11699", "premise": "you kind of group your behavioral problems together that way", "hypothesis": "It is impossible to bring together behavioral problems that way."} {"idx": "mnli-11700", "premise": "However, when defined contribution plans, like 401(k) plans, incur such losses, the individual plan participants are directly affected and bear the losses themselves.", "hypothesis": "The individual plan participants are directly affected and bear the losses themselves, when defined contribution plans."} {"idx": "mnli-11701", "premise": "For such exceptions, as explained in the Basis for Conclusions, the interest should be classified in the same way as the predominant source of balances rather than according to the normal rule.", "hypothesis": "For such exceptions, the interest should not be classified at all, since it can be completely skipped in such scenarios."} {"idx": "mnli-11702", "premise": "Befitting a lush, tropical island stranded in the middle of the ocean, Madeira's origins are shrouded in mystery and fanciful legend.", "hypothesis": "Some say that Madeira rose above the waves when an underwater volcano erupted in the eight century BC."} {"idx": "mnli-11703", "premise": "and that's an oil base on the bottom and then a water base", "hypothesis": "There's oil at the bottom and water at the top."} {"idx": "mnli-11704", "premise": "If you paid a fee for obtaining a copy of or access to a Project Gutenberg-tm electronic work and you do not agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement, you may obtain a refund from the person or entity to whom you paid the fee as set forth in paragraph 1.E.8.", "hypothesis": "All Project Gutenberg sales are final and nonrefundable. "} {"idx": "mnli-11705", "premise": "It is even less true now--and not because America, in the classic pluralist formulation, is a nation of nations, a neutral holding pen for various diasporas; nor because America is some dehumanizing, single-mold melting pot.", "hypothesis": "It is not because this country is some kind of homogeneous society."} {"idx": "mnli-11706", "premise": "The ground floor originally had an open loggia at the corner for the family banking business.", "hypothesis": "The ground floor was entirely taken up apartments for rent."} {"idx": "mnli-11707", "premise": "that's what i i you know that's how i camp too that's how i define camping the rest of the rest of that is really really not the same as a matter of fact my my my", "hypothesis": "I camp that way as well."} {"idx": "mnli-11708", "premise": "By his 20s, he was already striving to forge his siblings into a powerful unit, organizing his brothers and sister to confront their father with a demand that the family assets be turned over (gradually) to the next generation.", "hypothesis": "His siblings threatened they would never return if their father didn't start migrating his assets."} {"idx": "mnli-11709", "premise": "He guided her into an adjoining study, holding a slice of pizza in his free hand, and said, in the warm, caring way she'd always admired, I need someone like you in times like these.", "hypothesis": "Holding a slice of pizza in his free hand, he guided her into an adjoining study, and said, in the warm, caring way she'd always admired, I need someone like you in times like these."} {"idx": "mnli-11710", "premise": "is it's not a lot of the firms that offer mortgage mortgage loan firms aren't offering um that loan", "hypothesis": "Only a few firms offer mortgage loans."} {"idx": "mnli-11711", "premise": "12 We assume that current-law benefits are paid in full even after the projected exhaustion of the OASDI and HI Trust Funds.", "hypothesis": "They did not want to see anyone not get their benefits."} {"idx": "mnli-11712", "premise": "Many of EPA's stakeholders are businesses or other regulated entities that wanted the agency to address such matters as the procedural costs of environmental regulations.", "hypothesis": "EPA stakeholders are primarily out for profit and as such, procedural costs and expenses are of particular concern to them"} {"idx": "mnli-11713", "premise": "Will that be good?", "hypothesis": "That won't be satisfactory at all."} {"idx": "mnli-11714", "premise": "Food, Hanson anticipated.", "hypothesis": "That drug again, Hanson anticipated."} {"idx": "mnli-11715", "premise": "In 1944 the resistance pulled off an amazing coup by kidnapping the German commander, General Kreipe, and smuggling him off the island.", "hypothesis": "Despite numerous attempts the resistance could not kidnap General Kreipe."} {"idx": "mnli-11716", "premise": "yeah in fact i think you can even uh order a magazine that keeps you up to date every day of what happened on every particular soap in case you miss it", "hypothesis": "There is a magazine dedicated to soap opera plots. "} {"idx": "mnli-11717", "premise": "Robert McIntyre compares apples with oranges in his article What Marriage Penalty?", "hypothesis": "I know Robert McIntyre compares oranges and apples in his article."} {"idx": "mnli-11718", "premise": "The problem isn't so much that men are designed by natural selection to fight as what they're designed to fight women .", "hypothesis": "Men have specifically evolved in time to fight women."} {"idx": "mnli-11719", "premise": "At the east end of the Louvre is the Cour Carr??e, covering the original fortress built by Philippe Auguste in 1190 to protect Paris from river attack while he was away on a crusade.", "hypothesis": "The fortress was built by Napoleon and served as his personal residence."} {"idx": "mnli-11720", "premise": "i don't know did i don't know how old you are but it seems to me like the last uh newscaster that presented news in just the nice simple factual way that i wanted to hear was Walter Cronkite", "hypothesis": "Walter Cronkite is the only news anchor I have ever liked."} {"idx": "mnli-11721", "premise": "of the of course you never know the guys they pick you know may may never play a game you just never know it's it's a gamble it really is they may get hurt or not be able to participate at that level if you know", "hypothesis": "The draft is an unknown."} {"idx": "mnli-11722", "premise": "but uh but what if they pay for it what if they pay for", "hypothesis": "But what if they pay for your car?"} {"idx": "mnli-11723", "premise": "But if they just gave the magazine away, advertisers would lose interest.", "hypothesis": "Advertisers would lose interest if magazine were free because that would make them less money."} {"idx": "mnli-11724", "premise": "He had every reason to be Old age is an unforgivable insult.", "hypothesis": "He had a right to be mad when he was referred to as old age."} {"idx": "mnli-11725", "premise": "Pol Pot is in captivity", "hypothesis": "Pol Pot is being punished for his crimes."} {"idx": "mnli-11726", "premise": "IMPLEMENTATION GUIDANCE", "hypothesis": "Implementation guidance. "} {"idx": "mnli-11727", "premise": "It was the best night of my life.", "hypothesis": "Tonight absolutely blew! "} {"idx": "mnli-11728", "premise": "Referencing is a process in which statements of facts, figures, and dates are traced back to the supporting working papers by an experienced auditor who is independent of the audit.", "hypothesis": "Referencing is important to prove that the audit is correct."} {"idx": "mnli-11729", "premise": "Oh honey, gramps hasn't come up with that yet.", "hypothesis": "Gramps hasn't come up with that yet, because he was busy taking care of his grandchildren."} {"idx": "mnli-11730", "premise": "The analyses use both quantifiable and general descriptions of the effects of the rule on small entities as required by section 607 and numerous small entities participated in the rulemaking as required by section 609 by submitting comments on the proposed rule and by attending an open public meeting in August 1995 and the September 1995 meeting of the Good Manufacturing Practice Advisory Committee.", "hypothesis": "Quantifiable descriptions of how the rule will affect small entities is utilized by the analyses."} {"idx": "mnli-11731", "premise": "The next morning, Ca'daan watched the four boys playing again.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan watched the four boys play the next morning."} {"idx": "mnli-11732", "premise": "i've everybody i've talked to has received one and i haven't gotten mine", "hypothesis": "I got one, too. "} {"idx": "mnli-11733", "premise": "How come, they ask, did we wind up with an increase that was larger than that proposed by the USPS, when almost everyone else got a break?", "hypothesis": "USPS proposed that there should be decreases."} {"idx": "mnli-11734", "premise": "Ipoh is now the second largest city in Malaysia, while Kuala Kangsar is the royal capital and has been home to Perakia sultans since the 15th century.", "hypothesis": "Kuala Kangsar is not the royal capital."} {"idx": "mnli-11735", "premise": "on the operation of the defense acquisition system to include (1) a requirement to capture specific design knowledge to be used as exit criteria for transitioning from system integration to system demonstration", "hypothesis": "The defense acquisition system will include a requirement to capture design knowledge. "} {"idx": "mnli-11736", "premise": "Within-study variation refers to the precision with which a given study estimates the relationship between air quality changes and health effects.", "hypothesis": "Within-study variation is a measurement of time"} {"idx": "mnli-11737", "premise": "It is one of the most popular activities on Jamaica (see page 88).", "hypothesis": "This is among Jamaica's most popular destinations."} {"idx": "mnli-11738", "premise": "Even so, rationality does imply some logical consistency in your choices about risk.", "hypothesis": "Your choices about risk reflect a level of logical consistency. "} {"idx": "mnli-11739", "premise": "Was Toobin's own judgment distorted by his presumably large Random House advance?", "hypothesis": "No one knows who Toobin is. "} {"idx": "mnli-11740", "premise": "The House of Mohammed Ali, however, ultimately failed to live up to its founder's great achievements, as the ruling body increasingly grew to be corrupt and recklessly irresponsible.", "hypothesis": "The ruling body grew to be corrupt and recklessly irresponsible over the span of just two generations. "} {"idx": "mnli-11741", "premise": "Broder and Waas say they have spoken with two ex- Spectator employees who anonymously corroborate Mann and Rand's assertion that the Arkansas Project paid Hale.", "hypothesis": "The two spoke to ex-Spectator employees last week to verify their story."} {"idx": "mnli-11742", "premise": "The West is, above all, Rajasthan, land of the great maharajas, with its desert and lake palaces, but it's also the bustle of Mumbai and the splendor of the cave temples at Ajanta and Ellora.", "hypothesis": "The West's only symbol of progress is the temple at Ajanta."} {"idx": "mnli-11743", "premise": "He is a long He lacks business experience, and he alienated owners with his pro-player stance during the strike.", "hypothesis": "He sided with the baseball players in the strike."} {"idx": "mnli-11744", "premise": "oh how neat well that's a good choice", "hypothesis": "That is a bad choice."} {"idx": "mnli-11745", "premise": "Brill grazed in huge fields of golden wheat.", "hypothesis": "The Brill were hungry and had nothing to eat."} {"idx": "mnli-11746", "premise": "She felt rather than saw Julius throw a sideways glance at her.", "hypothesis": "She had a visceral feeling that Julius glanced at her."} {"idx": "mnli-11747", "premise": "You can rent a canoe to get there under your own steam or take a ride in one of the many small ferry boats departing from Long Bay.", "hypothesis": "The small ferry boats are a nicer ride due to being larger than a canoe."} {"idx": "mnli-11748", "premise": "latest latest one i've saw which was a mistake to go see was Lionheart had Claude Van Damme", "hypothesis": "The latest one I watched was Lionheart, featuring Claude Van Damme."} {"idx": "mnli-11749", "premise": "Outside these were the Untouchables, those of aboriginal descent.", "hypothesis": "The Untouchables were treated poorly by others."} {"idx": "mnli-11750", "premise": "Also shown are a lot of stars--24 or 25, one of them could be a dust speck--symbolizing something to do with the sky or night time or celebrities or spaceships or celebrities in spaceships like in Star Wars . There are a helmet and some ferns or laurel, some kind of leaves, and a Latin motto, Salus Populi Suprema Lex Esto, which, if I remember my Latin, means The Best People in This State Don't Have To Obey the Traffic Laws.", "hypothesis": "One of the stars could be a rock."} {"idx": "mnli-11751", "premise": "The Mus??e des Arts D??coratifs (30 Rue de la Charit??), which is in the 18th-century H??tel Lacroix-Laval, displays tapestries, furniture, and porcelain; next door in the H??tel Villeroy (34 Rue de la Charit??) is the Mus??e Historique des Tissus, with more tapestries and silks and other fabrics.", "hypothesis": "The art museum has tapestries and furniture."} {"idx": "mnli-11752", "premise": "A discussion took place to his right.", "hypothesis": "A discussion about politics was taking place. "} {"idx": "mnli-11753", "premise": "What? cried Poirot, in apparently lively astonishment. ", "hypothesis": "\"What?\" shouted Poirot, seemingly shocked."} {"idx": "mnli-11754", "premise": "They can kill twenty of the local stock or will give you a bloody show if they fail.", "hypothesis": "They were peaceful monks passing through the town. "} {"idx": "mnli-11755", "premise": "Entry and Competition in the Postal Foundations for the Construction of Entry Scenarios.", "hypothesis": "Entry and competition in the fast food industry. "} {"idx": "mnli-11756", "premise": "I still had to select my items from lists, and it was good that I generally knew what types of hardware I was running, but it worked.", "hypothesis": "I had no idea what hardware I had, so I failed to select my items from lists."} {"idx": "mnli-11757", "premise": "But it can't be so \u201dit's too monstrous, too impossible. ", "hypothesis": "But yes, it's not impossible to believe at all."} {"idx": "mnli-11758", "premise": "For the own-price elasticities in a traditional model, we need ", "hypothesis": "Nothing is needed for priced elasticities in a mode!"} {"idx": "mnli-11759", "premise": "When an audit is terminated before it is completed, auditors should communicate that fact to management of the audited entity, the entity requesting the audit, and other appropriate officials, preferably in writing.", "hypothesis": "Auditors should never communicate the fact to management of the audited entity."} {"idx": "mnli-11760", "premise": "HUD staff advised that, after submission to OMB, HUD made technical, editorial, and clarifying changes to the rule, which OMB also approved.", "hypothesis": "Advice of the HUD staff has been completely correct and helpful."} {"idx": "mnli-11761", "premise": "The term aggregate entry age normal refers to an approach whereby costs are determined for the group as a whole rather than for each individual participant separately.", "hypothesis": "Aggregate entry age normal means how you determine costs for the individual."} {"idx": "mnli-11762", "premise": "yeah i've done some cross um cross stitch but i never count right and i always have to either take it out or have my picture slightly off centered or or something it never has worked it out completely right", "hypothesis": "I get frustrated cross stitching so I prefer other crafts."} {"idx": "mnli-11763", "premise": "Since its numerous attractions are spread evenly throughout the city, good maps are essential.", "hypothesis": "The fact that attractions are spread evenly in the city is a strategy to make tourists to visit the whole city."} {"idx": "mnli-11764", "premise": "ENTITLEMENT PERIOD - The period (such as, monthly) for which benefits become due.", "hypothesis": "The entitlement period is when the benefits are due to the recipients for the first time."} {"idx": "mnli-11765", "premise": "He said, placatingly, \"A circus _would_ be more fun.\"", "hypothesis": "I agreed with him that it would be a good time."} {"idx": "mnli-11766", "premise": "Minimum reporting shall include the ", "hypothesis": "There is minimum reporting, which just requires the bare minimum of laws are addressed."} {"idx": "mnli-11767", "premise": "It suggests, in particular, that what might seem to a naive commentator like a natural conclusion--if productivity growth in the steel industry reduces the number of jobs for steelworkers, then productivity growth in the economy as a whole reduces employment in the economy as a whole--may well involve a crucial fallacy of composition.", "hypothesis": "Steelworker jobs increase with productivity growth."} {"idx": "mnli-11768", "premise": "The attorneys who appear before Zelon attest to the fact that counsel and clients in her courtroom have faith in her objectiveness.", "hypothesis": "They trust her to be fair and objective."} {"idx": "mnli-11769", "premise": "'Even so, I have to assume White has at least tried to recruit you.'", "hypothesis": "I'm assuming that White hasn't tried to recruit you at all. "} {"idx": "mnli-11770", "premise": "Don't blame the poor fellow.", "hypothesis": "The poor fellow did nothing to deserve blame."} {"idx": "mnli-11771", "premise": "Let the taxi driver worry about that, while you admire the magnificent scenery changing from lowland mangrove, bamboo, and palms, to denser rainforest of lush greenery and, as the heat drops away to the more comfortable mountain air, montane oaks and laurels familiar to temperate climates.", "hypothesis": "The taxi driver should not be worrying about anything."} {"idx": "mnli-11772", "premise": "Finding the most suitable Greek island for your style of vacation is important, as each group of islands, as well as each individual island, is unique.", "hypothesis": "The Greek islands each cater best to a different kind of vacationer."} {"idx": "mnli-11773", "premise": "Critics are unimpressed with first-time director (and Academy Award-winner) Kevin Spacey's attempts at stylishness, particularly the relentless allusions to film noir.", "hypothesis": "The critics didn't like the plot of the movie."} {"idx": "mnli-11774", "premise": "Newsweek 's Jeff Giles calls it a hokey tragic romance and Entertainment Weekly 's Vanessa Friedman says it reads like a high school essay--'write the story as if you were Charlotte Bronta.", "hypothesis": "To Jeff Giles, last month, it was a hockey tragic romance."} {"idx": "mnli-11775", "premise": "These three agencies, which have a total of 35 lawyers and 84 staff employees, last year provided legal advice or represented clients in disputes in over 21,000 legal matters.", "hypothesis": "There are 35 lawyers that work for the three agencies in Tulsa."} {"idx": "mnli-11776", "premise": "But no matter!\" And, with a characteristic shrug, he dismissed whatever it was that was worrying him from his mind. ", "hypothesis": "He was constantly worried."} {"idx": "mnli-11777", "premise": "What you've got is poor people with acute legal needs not being able to have those needs met, said Ernie Lewis, head of the state public-defender system and a board member of APPALRED. ", "hypothesis": "Ernie Lewis is both an APPALRED board member and the head of the state public-defender system."} {"idx": "mnli-11778", "premise": "In addition, GAO staff will request that agency officials identify knowledgeable agency personnel and discuss the kinds of information that would be useful to carry out the work's objectives, such as available studies or electronic files.", "hypothesis": "The GAO staff doesn't want to discuss anything with the agency employees."} {"idx": "mnli-11779", "premise": "This ancient city is due northeast of Bodh Gaya, out on the road to Naland, and it has been holy to both the Buddhists and Jains since the sixth century b.c.", "hypothesis": "The city is ancient and situated on the road to Naland."} {"idx": "mnli-11780", "premise": "After finishing high school in Cozad, Neb., German went off to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.", "hypothesis": "The University of Nebraska-Lincoln wasn't German's first choice."} {"idx": "mnli-11781", "premise": "The island's capital, Sapporo, was a natural choice for Japan's first Winter Olympic Games in 1972.", "hypothesis": "Sapporo had hosted other Olypic Games events in the future."} {"idx": "mnli-11782", "premise": "The National Trust runs the boat, which resembles the Venetian rowboats, and the plush interior takes one back to the genteel times when tourism was just in its infancy, when this steamer ride would have been just one part of a European Grand Tour. ", "hypothesis": "The boats run by the National Trust pay homage to Venetian rowboats with their plush interiors."} {"idx": "mnli-11783", "premise": "Within the temple itself the gods share Hypostyle Halls and an inner sanctum.", "hypothesis": "Besides a Hypostyle Halis and an inner sanctum, the gods also share objects that symbolize their power."} {"idx": "mnli-11784", "premise": "A higher rate of technological change and improved efficiency in using labor and capital can boost GDP and thus future living standards.", "hypothesis": " A higher rate of technological change leads to happier people."} {"idx": "mnli-11785", "premise": "Two hills, Hari Parbat to the north of town and Shankaracharya to the east, offer pleasant walks with the reward of a magnificent view over the lakes and the whole Vale of Kashmir, 134 km long and 40 km wide (82 by 25 miles).", "hypothesis": "People can get a good view of the lakes and the Vale of Kashmir if they walk up Hari Parbat or Shankaracharya."} {"idx": "mnli-11786", "premise": "I am staying as well, said the Kal.", "hypothesis": "The Kal was also refusing to leave."} {"idx": "mnli-11787", "premise": "Her stage play, The Mousetrap, holds the record for the longest initial run in the world, opening at the Ambassadors Theatre in London on 25 November 1952, and as of 2007 is still running after more than 20,000 performances.", "hypothesis": "Her play, along with being a commercial success, was a critical success and every critic loved it. "} {"idx": "mnli-11788", "premise": "um-hum i've i've heard a lot of wonderful things about the Mac except it does have a limitation as far as the screen goes", "hypothesis": "There are no restrictions for the Mac screen. "} {"idx": "mnli-11789", "premise": "When the case study involves one site and modest expense, the price for identifying better questions early may seem affordable.", "hypothesis": "If a case study involves multiple sites it will often be less expensive."} {"idx": "mnli-11790", "premise": "uh-huh yeah right each one of those puts on a few pounds doesn't it", "hypothesis": "That adds mounds of weight, we're talking over 25 pounds here."} {"idx": "mnli-11791", "premise": "The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) defines at-risk drinking as consumption of more than 14 drinks/week or more than 4 drinks/occasion for men ages 18 to 65.", "hypothesis": "The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) defines at-risk differently for different population groups."} {"idx": "mnli-11792", "premise": "Follow the long avenue de la Grande-Armee down from l'Etoile and the battery of towers looms bigger and bigger beyond the elegant, leafy suburb of Neuilly.", "hypothesis": "l'Etoile is isolated from all civilization."} {"idx": "mnli-11793", "premise": "Not all Republican moderates are Moderates.", "hypothesis": "Some Republicans are radical."} {"idx": "mnli-11794", "premise": "uh just about anything you would want in Texas as a gardener is here just around us you know", "hypothesis": "In Texas gardening is banned."} {"idx": "mnli-11795", "premise": "The session also examined the impact of planning and creation of a vision on pro bono involvement, leveraging human resources, and related service delivery issues.", "hypothesis": "The pro bono involvement will help the community significantly."} {"idx": "mnli-11796", "premise": "got more uh civilized and uh give them lethal injection so we definitely do have uh capital punishment", "hypothesis": "We still use the electric chair and it is more civilized."} {"idx": "mnli-11797", "premise": "Paris is one of the world's most densely populated capitals.", "hypothesis": "In terms of population, Paris is one of the most dense capitals in the world."} {"idx": "mnli-11798", "premise": "Many hotels have swimming pools, for those who may be allergic to sand.", "hypothesis": "Should you want to shun the beach, you can usually swim in hotel swimming pools."} {"idx": "mnli-11799", "premise": "Finally, on July 30, the committee passed a third, slightly weaker, article 21-17, which charged the president with having willfully disobeyed subpoenas.", "hypothesis": "The committee passed a third article, charging the president with disobeying subpoenas and he will eventually be impeached because of this."} {"idx": "mnli-11800", "premise": "The confusion isn't overwhelmingly important, of course.", "hypothesis": "The misunderstanding was not critical. "} {"idx": "mnli-11801", "premise": "These unique roles involve sound management practices and professional audits and attestation engagements.", "hypothesis": "It's expected that the scope of these roles will eventually expand from here."} {"idx": "mnli-11802", "premise": "For cheap bargains, check out the Tati chain at Barbas-Rochechourart and Republique, with astonishing jewelry outlets on rue de la Paix and boulevard St-Germain.", "hypothesis": "There are no jewelers in Barbas-Rochechourart and Republique."} {"idx": "mnli-11803", "premise": "Similarly, when dictionaries are all online, Random House could hold up the world's Scrabble players and copy editors.", "hypothesis": "Random House cannot hold anyone up. "} {"idx": "mnli-11804", "premise": "yeah yeah it does and you just feel guilty if you don't do something with them you know because you hate to contribute to the problem but on the on the other hand the alternatives aren't to great either", "hypothesis": "Doing something with them makes you feel better about yourself."} {"idx": "mnli-11805", "premise": "No names, please.", "hypothesis": "Please, don't mention the names of any people in the room."} {"idx": "mnli-11806", "premise": "The church's dimensions are 212 m (695 ft) exterior length, 187 m (613 ft) inside length; 132 m (435 ft) to the tip of the dome (diameter 42.45 m/139 ft).", "hypothesis": "The dome of the church was installed by a team of Greek engineers."} {"idx": "mnli-11807", "premise": "well the one thing's for sure we can always discuss the weather how some ever we can't do very much to change it", "hypothesis": "We can always talk about the weather but we can't do a lot to change it."} {"idx": "mnli-11808", "premise": "Big business has wagered hundreds of billions of dollars on the development of high-tech, low-cost media technology--broadband services, satellites, encryption technology, miniaturized computers and communications devices, you name it--that is largely impervious to the Bennetts and Gores of this world.", "hypothesis": "Big business has spent billions developing hospital technology."} {"idx": "mnli-11809", "premise": "In support of this contention, they suggest the challenged limitation takes into account the nature of the grantees' activities and provides limited congressional funds for the provision of simple suits for benefits.", "hypothesis": "These benefits helped 50,000 people last year."} {"idx": "mnli-11810", "premise": "(Apparently spiritual guidance was a necessity for those who dwelt among an excess of temptation. )", "hypothesis": "Those who dwelt among temptation didn't want to give in."} {"idx": "mnli-11811", "premise": "Who are you talking to?", "hypothesis": "Who're you talking to? "} {"idx": "mnli-11812", "premise": "But I suppose you hardly wish to go out to-day, as you only came yesterday.\"", "hypothesis": "I imagine that you want to go out immediately even though you just arrived yesterday."} {"idx": "mnli-11813", "premise": "4 million of its $15 million budget from the Maryland Legal Services Corp., which was established by the General Assembly in 1982.", "hypothesis": "The General Assembly created a legal services corporation in 1982."} {"idx": "mnli-11814", "premise": "Beware of rebajas (sales); they may be genuine, but reductions are generally few and far between, especially in season.", "hypothesis": "There are usually not many big sales reductions in season."} {"idx": "mnli-11815", "premise": "You can, though, aspire to half measures that do two things.", "hypothesis": "Not taking all the precautions necessary produces two effects."} {"idx": "mnli-11816", "premise": "Later in the day Tommy received a wire: \"Join me Manchester Midland Hotel.", "hypothesis": "Tommy stayed in that day and missed any messages sent to him."} {"idx": "mnli-11817", "premise": "businesses, and about 30 percent were other establishments, such as health care facilities, educational institutions, and government agencies.", "hypothesis": "the three types of establishments mentioned are not the only ones that fit this category."} {"idx": "mnli-11818", "premise": "expenditures because it can get very expensive but i think we you know we do all kinds of things to make the the the world a better place to live and i think some of the folks that aren't aware of it will be surprised at how much effort and energy is put into doing that i really would um", "hypothesis": "It can get very expensive."} {"idx": "mnli-11819", "premise": "Dave tried to crawl out, but something held him back.", "hypothesis": "Dave was held back."} {"idx": "mnli-11820", "premise": "Alcohol problems among emergency department patients consume an extraordinary amount of health care dollars.", "hypothesis": "Alcohol problems are not a significant factor in emergency department activity."} {"idx": "mnli-11821", "premise": "yeah did i did we push", "hypothesis": "I want to know if we exerted ourselves."} {"idx": "mnli-11822", "premise": "Johnny was throwing his weight around again last night.", "hypothesis": "Johnny was expressing his authority last night."} {"idx": "mnli-11823", "premise": "well there there are a few out there it's i suppose it depends on who you're working for and where at", "hypothesis": "It depends on where you are located and who you work for."} {"idx": "mnli-11824", "premise": "One alternative might be to create a special accountability track that ensures that non-homeland security functions are well supported and executed in DHS, including milestones for monitoring performance.", "hypothesis": "That ensures that all homeland security functions are executed in EPA."} {"idx": "mnli-11825", "premise": "To combat highway congestion and pollution, L.A. is now building a much-needed light rail network.", "hypothesis": "Los Angeles hopes to fight pollution by building a light rail network."} {"idx": "mnli-11826", "premise": "In fact the contribution would often be unknown if it weren't for federal reporting regulations.", "hypothesis": "Federal guidelines do not require the contribution to be known."} {"idx": "mnli-11827", "premise": "They just looked like little animals and I thought you'd let me keep them, ma.", "hypothesis": "Mom, I figured I could keep them because they looked like small animals."} {"idx": "mnli-11828", "premise": "Indeed, we leave the LSC program subject to even a greater uncertainty than the one we purport to have eliminated, since other circuits may conclude (as I do) that if the limitation upon welfare representation is unconstitutional, LSC attorneys cannot engage in welfare litigation at all.", "hypothesis": "LSC attorneys can't engage in welfare litigation, or so the popular opinion says."} {"idx": "mnli-11829", "premise": "If only I could succeed in carrying the bluff through, it might save me.", "hypothesis": "I have no chance of being saved even if I do bluff. "} {"idx": "mnli-11830", "premise": "Even this distinction, though, is changing with the development of off-line software that automatically goes to the Web to retrieve material, and stores it on your own computer.", "hypothesis": "Software is being developed that retrieves material from the web and stores it on your computer."} {"idx": "mnli-11831", "premise": "He, too, began to play the part assigned to me, he writes in Witness .", "hypothesis": "The part that was assigned to him was not a dynamic role."} {"idx": "mnli-11832", "premise": "um no i don't Barry Levinson did um Diner and Tinman and Avalon which are all set in Baltimore", "hypothesis": "Barry Levinson did things set in Baltimore."} {"idx": "mnli-11833", "premise": "The solution is If you want elected officials who put principle ahead of power, voting for women gives you better odds.", "hypothesis": "It is a terrible idea to have women in positions of power."} {"idx": "mnli-11834", "premise": "Yes, sir; it always was. ", "hypothesis": "Indeed, mister; it always has been."} {"idx": "mnli-11835", "premise": "yeah the cheese fondue i make some people like Swiss um i prefer cheddar and i'll mix i won't make i won't have a sharp cheddar because for fondue i think it should be a little calmer than real sharp cheddar and then i was going to make other things like potato skins", "hypothesis": "I hate cheddar cheese, but sharp cheddar is perfect for fondue."} {"idx": "mnli-11836", "premise": "The statutory provision is implemented in the corporation's alien eligibility rule.", "hypothesis": "The alien eligibility rule is under review."} {"idx": "mnli-11837", "premise": "to get them on their", "hypothesis": "They should be on their"} {"idx": "mnli-11838", "premise": "There is also an international residency program for artists, and visitors may meet the artists in their studios (depending on their schedules).", "hypothesis": "Artists can participate in an international residency program and talk to visitors in their studios."} {"idx": "mnli-11839", "premise": "The sunset colors were still vivid.", "hypothesis": "The horizon was already pitch black."} {"idx": "mnli-11840", "premise": "These and other questions are worth exploring to determine what changes are needed on a going-forward basis to minimize the possibility that these types of events will occur in the future.", "hypothesis": "These questions are worth figuring out because they will reduce the chance of that happening again in the future."} {"idx": "mnli-11841", "premise": "that's too simple", "hypothesis": "It is too easy, so we cannot do it. "} {"idx": "mnli-11842", "premise": " \"Yes, but every one of them could be only a shadow to scare a jackrabbit.\"", "hypothesis": "\"Only a shadow to scare a jackrabbit, that's what every one of them could be, yeah.\""} {"idx": "mnli-11843", "premise": "An example is computerized edit checks built into the system to review the format, existence, and reasonableness of data.", "hypothesis": "Computerized edit checks is not an example."} {"idx": "mnli-11844", "premise": "Under the Department of Housing and Urban Development' enforcement program, tenants may not avoid eviction simply by claiming ignorance of the crime or an inability to stop it.", "hypothesis": "Under the tenants of the program, people living there can't keep from being evicted just by saying they had no idea a crime was happening."} {"idx": "mnli-11845", "premise": "I think pro bono ought to be that.", "hypothesis": "That is the worst example of what pro bono ought to be like."} {"idx": "mnli-11846", "premise": "lots of lots of lots of luck on the job market", "hypothesis": "Very unlucky on the job market. "} {"idx": "mnli-11847", "premise": "Population (avoided cases per year)", "hypothesis": "Statistics on number of annual cases."} {"idx": "mnli-11848", "premise": "Louis XIII had hoped to make his favorite hunting lodge a modest retirement home.", "hypothesis": "Louis XIII wanted to make his favorite hunting lodge into a restaurant."} {"idx": "mnli-11849", "premise": "The ratio of occurrence of hydrogen-ammonia planets and these super-dense water-oxygen worlds of theirs over the entire Galaxy--and remember that they have actually conducted a survey of significant sample volumes of the Galaxy which we, without interstellar travel, cannot do--is about 3 to 1.", "hypothesis": "They need a specific ratio in order to perform the travel."} {"idx": "mnli-11850", "premise": "The rich now talk like everyone else, except Donald Trump, who speaks as if taught by Diane Fosse.", "hypothesis": "Donald Trump speaks like he was thought by Princess Diana."} {"idx": "mnli-11851", "premise": "The adjacent museum and chapter house contain a number of interesting pieces of religious art and relics, including 17th-century tapestries, the Baroque carriage propelled through the streets of Segovia every Corpus Christi, and the reminder of a 14th-century the tomb of the infant prince Pedro, son of Enrique II.", "hypothesis": "The museum is empty."} {"idx": "mnli-11852", "premise": "Chronic Illness", "hypothesis": "It is not possible for ilnesses to be chronic."} {"idx": "mnli-11853", "premise": "The thesis is simply wrong and cannot be refined into sense.", "hypothesis": "The thesis is right, and it can be easily proven that it makes sense."} {"idx": "mnli-11854", "premise": "well uh what do you know what the last repair was uh that that you had done to your car", "hypothesis": "You don't have a car to repair."} {"idx": "mnli-11855", "premise": "Long-Term Budget Moving From Balancing the Budget to Balancing Fiscal Risk (GAO-01-385T, February 6, 2001).", "hypothesis": "There is no risk."} {"idx": "mnli-11856", "premise": "Participants discussed the need to mitigate the opportunity and risk for fraud by educating boards of directors and ultimately changing the tone at the top of the company.", "hypothesis": "Boards of directors can be trained to minimize fraud."} {"idx": "mnli-11857", "premise": "Jon approached.", "hypothesis": "Jon came forward."} {"idx": "mnli-11858", "premise": "A blur of motion took Ca'daan's eyes from the warrior woman.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan's eyes did not move away from the woman. "} {"idx": "mnli-11859", "premise": "Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., was elected speaker of the House . Former pro wrestler Jesse Ventura was sworn in as governor of Minnesota.", "hypothesis": "A former wrestler, thanks to his popularity and dedication, has become the governor of Minnesora."} {"idx": "mnli-11860", "premise": "yeah they got uh blueberry and i guess it's apple or some kind of a maybe cinnamon cinnamon apple it's it's got the cinnamon on top of it", "hypothesis": "They definitely have blueberry and may have some form of cinnamon-topped apple, too. "} {"idx": "mnli-11861", "premise": "The segment wraps up with a review of Metabolife's Web campaign against ABC News and gives the final word to the formerly comatose Cunningham- I wouldn't have taken it if I'd known the side effects, because I almost didn't make it.", "hypothesis": "The segment is intended to discredit Metabolife and spread awareness about Cunningham's story."} {"idx": "mnli-11862", "premise": "He is, on the contrary, a patriot. ", "hypothesis": "That's correct, he is not a patriot."} {"idx": "mnli-11863", "premise": "5) Based on studies that have been questioned extensively, the rates for Standard-A mail do not vary with weight up to about 3.3 ounces.", "hypothesis": "Standard-A mail rates don't change as long as the weight is below 3.3 ounces."} {"idx": "mnli-11864", "premise": "The town was the birthplace of the famous writer, Jose Martanez Ruiz, better known as Azoran.", "hypothesis": "Jose Martanez Ruiz (also called Azoran) was born there."} {"idx": "mnli-11865", "premise": "Southeast of Arbois, the Recul??e des Planches takes you to the fairy-tale waterfalls of the Cuisance and ends at the dramatic Cirque du Fer ?\u00a0 Cheval.", "hypothesis": "There are no waterfalls located near Arbois."} {"idx": "mnli-11866", "premise": "Some people make a good selection almost immediately, just as others can take a very long time to make a colossal mistake.", "hypothesis": "A snap decision can be either good or bad, but people rarely make mistakes when they take their time."} {"idx": "mnli-11867", "premise": "Good science, not just Nobel Prize-caliber science, depends on hypothesis and test, and then the rigorous demonstration that the preferred interpretation of the data was the only interpretation.", "hypothesis": "The best science is Nobel Prize-caliber science and it depends on hypothesis and testing."} {"idx": "mnli-11868", "premise": "A short bus ride from the station plaza brings you to the red-lacquer Shinkyo ( Sacred Bridge ), a 28-m (92-ft) span over the Daiya River, where your exploration of Toshogu begins.", "hypothesis": "It takes 10 minutes to reach the Sacred Bridge by bus."} {"idx": "mnli-11869", "premise": "The Counselas assertion that the phrase aexisting law- is limited to statutes and excludes the Constitution is unsupported.", "hypothesis": "The Counselas asserted that Existing law is not limited to statues and it does include the Constitution."} {"idx": "mnli-11870", "premise": "Following the avant-garde lead of big sister Guadeloupe, Saint-Martin has introduced a nudist beach.", "hypothesis": "Unlike Guadeloupe, Saint-Martin does not have a nudist beach."} {"idx": "mnli-11871", "premise": "When pressed, we fall to the western trails and to the caves.", "hypothesis": "The trails go off to the west."} {"idx": "mnli-11872", "premise": "As the road rises, the rugged countryside becomes spectacularly barren, though plunging volcanic hillsides have been softened and greened by time.", "hypothesis": "The hillsides are full of ferns and trees."} {"idx": "mnli-11873", "premise": "Not far from the Municipal Park, the Calahorra Tower, Guardian of Elche, once formed part of the main gate in the long-vanished wall that surrounded Elche in Moorish times.", "hypothesis": "The Calahorra Tower is quite a distance from the Municipal Park."} {"idx": "mnli-11874", "premise": "The low-rate initial production decision occurs after this phase of product development.", "hypothesis": "After this part of the product development stage is where the low-rate initial production decision occurs."} {"idx": "mnli-11875", "premise": "Felipe II took credit for a rousing naval victory at Lepanto, teaming with Venetians against the Turks, but less than two decades later Spain was subjected to the humiliating defeat of its invincible armada, at the hands of Sir Francis Drake and a small English navy.", "hypothesis": "Spain's armada was considered to be invincible, but it suffered a humiliating defeat."} {"idx": "mnli-11876", "premise": "The carp's ability to struggle upstream against a strong current is regarded as a fit model for Japanese boys.", "hypothesis": "The carp swims with the current."} {"idx": "mnli-11877", "premise": "The Merchant who opened a new planet could have a ten year monopoly of its trade, which he might hug to himself or, more likely, rent out to all comers at a stiff price.", "hypothesis": "A Merchant could make really good money off of their 10 year monopoly."} {"idx": "mnli-11878", "premise": "the thing that the thing that gets me is that while we're supporting them they're working when they get out of jail they get handed all that money", "hypothesis": "Nothing gets me."} {"idx": "mnli-11879", "premise": "He ran his hand through his hair as Ca'daan's uncle had done.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan's uncle was named Phil. "} {"idx": "mnli-11880", "premise": "I was with her two years.\"", "hypothesis": "I accompanied her over a span of two years."} {"idx": "mnli-11881", "premise": "This involves a morning or afternoon of theory and swimming pool work, which will give you the chance to try out the basic techniques.", "hypothesis": "This involves a morning or afternoon of tea in the pool to prepare you for your journey."} {"idx": "mnli-11882", "premise": "But the best studies of intensive-supervision programs for high-risk parolees soon found that the programs cut neither recidivism nor costs.", "hypothesis": "There have been no studies involving recidivism rates. "} {"idx": "mnli-11883", "premise": "It also has the world's largest collection of Nestorian croses from the Yuan Dynasty period.", "hypothesis": "The Yuan Dynasty hated crosses and burned every one that they could find."} {"idx": "mnli-11884", "premise": "which there are none down here", "hypothesis": "There are plenty down here."} {"idx": "mnli-11885", "premise": "TAX GAP - An estimate of taxes (including duties) that are unpaid because of non-compliance with existing laws and regulations.", "hypothesis": "A tax gap is the amount of taxes that have not been spent yet."} {"idx": "mnli-11886", "premise": "we've been trying to you know we've done that the whole time we were in school like trying to repair our own cars and things and", "hypothesis": "While we were in school we tried to repair our own vehicles."} {"idx": "mnli-11887", "premise": " for example, motor vehicle records to detect crashes; police records to assess criminal activities; and state vital statistics registries, the Social Security Death Index, and the Fatal Accident Reporting System (FARS) to detect mortality.", "hypothesis": "There is no system to detect mortality in accidents."} {"idx": "mnli-11888", "premise": "His eyes blurred with tears and he tasted iron in the back of his throat.", "hypothesis": "He sobbed until he couldn't breathe."} {"idx": "mnli-11889", "premise": "You might object that even if Martin had dallied with Joan, he would only have freed Maxwell to prey on another equally innocent victim.", "hypothesis": "You might not like that even if Martin had fooled around with Joan, he would only have freed Maxwell to trick another equally innocent victim."} {"idx": "mnli-11890", "premise": "Fire Administration in Emmitsburg, MD.", "hypothesis": "In Emmitsburg, there is a Fire Administration."} {"idx": "mnli-11891", "premise": "What concerns me most, however, is that I'll soon be entering the work world, and the ability to make light conversation is paramount in business relationships.", "hypothesis": "I expect to be a huge success in the business world."} {"idx": "mnli-11892", "premise": "The guardians are particularly helpful and attentive.", "hypothesis": "The guardians aren't very good at helping."} {"idx": "mnli-11893", "premise": "The CityHall complex was architect Tange Kenzo's magnum opus, arguably the last great work of his career.", "hypothesis": "The CityHall comples was Tange Kenzo's worst work of all time."} {"idx": "mnli-11894", "premise": "Republicans should counter with logical, informative statements that point out the costs involved in litigation.", "hypothesis": "Republicans are having deep issues in regards to litigation"} {"idx": "mnli-11895", "premise": "U.S. investment, in fact, is likely to improve standards of disclosure and accounting in many foreign corporations.", "hypothesis": "Improvement of disclosure and accounting is likely to get better because of U.S. investment."} {"idx": "mnli-11896", "premise": "Excursions from Kyoto", "hypothesis": "Resting in Kyoto. "} {"idx": "mnli-11897", "premise": "Second, we have concerns about what is not in S. 556.", "hypothesis": "We are concerned about what's left out of s 556"} {"idx": "mnli-11898", "premise": "It's surprising that Tribe's essay doesn't discuss his textualist argument for the unconstitutionality of Colorado's Amendment 2, which forbade cities to enact anti-discrimination ordinances based on sexual orientation.", "hypothesis": "Tribe's essay contains all the fundamental parts needed, which is not surprising."} {"idx": "mnli-11899", "premise": "In future trials, he recommended that the fidelity of the intervention and variations among interventionists be more closely monitored.", "hypothesis": "His recommendations will be adhered to."} {"idx": "mnli-11900", "premise": "two what what do you have", "hypothesis": "I have two rum bottles, what do you have?"} {"idx": "mnli-11901", "premise": "Then there was nothing to be done.", "hypothesis": "They had so much to do!"} {"idx": "mnli-11902", "premise": "and and i know it's getting off the subject a little bit but i i do you follow a lot of the sports at LSU", "hypothesis": "LSU sports are the only sports that matter."} {"idx": "mnli-11903", "premise": "so anyway i think our society is just worse off than i realized that's what i thought", "hypothesis": "I think our society is doing just great."} {"idx": "mnli-11904", "premise": "I used to be the best pit fighter in Tog Veel.", "hypothesis": "I fought in pits."} {"idx": "mnli-11905", "premise": "The center contains a library, exhibition rooms, and a study center devoted to the great novelist.", "hypothesis": "People can definitely learn and study the great novelist in the center."} {"idx": "mnli-11906", "premise": "the home that uh we bought back in the early eighties was uh was was typical tract home and we were uh trying to find something that would would get us into the housing market as it were thinking that someday we'd move on uh the economy however changed that a little bit and looks like we're going to be in this home for a while but uh it's not too bad", "hypothesis": "We bought a tract home in the early eighties just to get into the housing market, thinking that we'd move on, but the economy changed, and it looks like we're going to be living here for a while. "} {"idx": "mnli-11907", "premise": "That strategic advantage is no less important today than it was 2,500 years ago, when a band of Greeks first founded the city of Byzantium on this very spot.", "hypothesis": "1500 years ago Byzantium was founded by Greeks."} {"idx": "mnli-11908", "premise": "He returned with the information that she was undoubtedly \"one of the crooks,\" but Tommy mistrusted the vividness of his imagination.", "hypothesis": "Tommy believed every word he said."} {"idx": "mnli-11909", "premise": "More recently, the Congress and the President have sought to remedy longstanding issues and concerns in the government's homeland security functions by proposing greater consolidation and coordination of various agencies and activities.", "hypothesis": "The Congress and President are trying to fix issues that are present in homeland security."} {"idx": "mnli-11910", "premise": "because it's yeah and it's so it's supposed to pull itself along and my husband it doesn't bother him and he i'm got out and mowed for him one day just to be nice so he wouldn't have to do it when he got home and i said what is with this mower i can't even push it around the yard", "hypothesis": "The mower pushes itself and I don't know how to use it."} {"idx": "mnli-11911", "premise": "In fact, there is nothing crypto about his agenda; writing about sex for a lay audience in the 1940s and 1950s was an openly revolutionary act.", "hypothesis": "There is nothing hidden in his agenda. He explains his ideas and thoughts in the 40s and 50s. "} {"idx": "mnli-11912", "premise": "You can't even remember black-and-white TV or those first transistor radios that one of the Fray people mentioned [ahem, actually, Chatterbox can remember these things, but that's a small point] ...", "hypothesis": "Black-and-white TV is old technology"} {"idx": "mnli-11913", "premise": "The complex adds to the Negara (National) and Merdeka stadiums near the city.", "hypothesis": "The Negara and Merdeka stadiums are near the city."} {"idx": "mnli-11914", "premise": "For the past few weeks my usual stack of junk mail has been supplemented with a steady stream of 2001 tax statements and forms, reminding me that the clock has begun ticking towards April 15.", "hypothesis": "Tax forms have started to arrive for 2001."} {"idx": "mnli-11915", "premise": "The original statistical work in The Bell Curve consists of regression analyses on a database called the National Longitudinal Study of Youth.", "hypothesis": "The Bell Curve shows the analysis of a database called the National Longitudal Study of Youth."} {"idx": "mnli-11916", "premise": "oh it's out it's outrageous and then a lot of companies you know offer you know you can have a certain amount deducted pre tax from your pay check for medical expenses but not covered by insurance but", "hypothesis": "You can have some income deducted pre tax for medical."} {"idx": "mnli-11917", "premise": "but i've heard so many statements that i've lost track", "hypothesis": "I've lost count of how many stories I've been told."} {"idx": "mnli-11918", "premise": "Like federal agencies, the organizations we studied must protect the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of the information resources they rely on.", "hypothesis": "Confidential information can include client personal and financial information."} {"idx": "mnli-11919", "premise": "Its sculptures include a flute-playing maiden and a small nymph pulling a thorn from her foot.", "hypothesis": "It also has sculptures of children and soldiers."} {"idx": "mnli-11920", "premise": "If you are saving up for a special meal, or just economizing, fill up on traditional potajes, thick soups full of vegetables, in unpretentious restaurants with one fork or none.", "hypothesis": "Don't fill up on traditional potajes if you are trying to save up for a special meal."} {"idx": "mnli-11921", "premise": "At the end of the Napoleonic era, the monarchy was restored.", "hypothesis": "The monarchy stayed in power for hundreds of years."} {"idx": "mnli-11922", "premise": "That funding allowed a significant increase in investment to develop a manufacturing capability before critical", "hypothesis": "There was an increase in funding. "} {"idx": "mnli-11923", "premise": "His successor, Benjamin Netanyahu, an American-educated conservative, has slowed the implementation of the Oslo accord.", "hypothesis": "The Oslo accord was slowed by Benjamin Netanyahu."} {"idx": "mnli-11924", "premise": "It's a great story, the kind the Olympics used to give us all the time.", "hypothesis": "It is a boring story, like all Olympics stories."} {"idx": "mnli-11925", "premise": "Like Trader Joe's, Restoration Hardware does not carry lines but rather selects individual items that seem to capture the store's spirit, many of which are made exclusively for the chain.", "hypothesis": "Restoration Hardware selects individual items that seem to capture the store's spirit, instead of carrying lines; they do it like Trader Joe's does."} {"idx": "mnli-11926", "premise": "and then whenever we do trot lines and stuff they usually get catfish", "hypothesis": "We usually catch catfish by noodling."} {"idx": "mnli-11927", "premise": "The cover story clucks over the dismal state of Sino-U.S. relations.", "hypothesis": "The cover story fusses about the dreary condition of Sino-U.S. relations."} {"idx": "mnli-11928", "premise": "Indicated is a way of implying he said it while indicating he must not have actually said it.", "hypothesis": "He strongly implied that he hadn't actually indicated anything."} {"idx": "mnli-11929", "premise": "I must say I was overjoyed to see him in the plight he was in on Tuesday. ", "hypothesis": "I was very happy to see him in that unfortunate situation on Tuesday."} {"idx": "mnli-11930", "premise": "I'm more conflicted about my high-school writing teacher, who announced that his lessons were so valuable that he deserved 10 percent of the profits from our first books.", "hypothesis": "The high-school writing teacher placed a value on his own lessons."} {"idx": "mnli-11931", "premise": "um and i really i really had a racket going because uh my paycheck was being uh electronically deposited here in the states and the bank that i banked with i could write them a check on an American bank and they would give me instant credit for it so", "hypothesis": "I managed to scam banks out of $15,000."} {"idx": "mnli-11932", "premise": "To everyone's surprise, New Orleans became the stage for the most glorious, indeed the only, American victory of the whole conflict.", "hypothesis": "The Americans achieved many victories during the conflict. "} {"idx": "mnli-11933", "premise": "If you tire of the easy life on the beachfront, take a trip west of La Baule around the wilder coast of the peninsula past Batz-sur-Mer (pronounced Bah) to the pretty little fishing port and resort of Le Croisic.", "hypothesis": "The little fishing port is a treasure that did not draw too many tourists."} {"idx": "mnli-11934", "premise": "He's capable of much more than he usually gives.", "hypothesis": "He gives as much as he is capable of. "} {"idx": "mnli-11935", "premise": "7Further, current law allows the representation of any alien who herself or whose child has beensubject to domestic violence.", "hypothesis": "The law was recently passed."} {"idx": "mnli-11936", "premise": "oh it's built in", "hypothesis": "It's included."} {"idx": "mnli-11937", "premise": "Interestingly, this was a period when Chatterbox felt more enthusiastic about Clinton's presidency than he has ever felt since.", "hypothesis": "Chatterbox was happier about Clinton being president back then."} {"idx": "mnli-11938", "premise": "What time did you bring it up last night?", "hypothesis": "What time will you bring it up tomorrow?"} {"idx": "mnli-11939", "premise": "The Navy used early versions of the F/A-18 aircraft to demonstrate new component designs and new materials.", "hypothesis": "The Navy demonstrated new component designs using early versions of the F/A-18 aircraft."} {"idx": "mnli-11940", "premise": "There aren't any jobs! ", "hypothesis": "No well-paying jobs exist. "} {"idx": "mnli-11941", "premise": "VoiceType is IBM's previous generation of voice-recognition software.", "hypothesis": "VoiceType was invented by Apple."} {"idx": "mnli-11942", "premise": "yeah i uh uh i've been mainly with groups of people and uh sometimes with a family here and there a couple of families get together but mainly it college age kids and uh on this one weekend where the tents blew down that same weekend we had one one college kid that yeah he thought he wanted to come and then when he got there it was a little more boring and you know that place doesn't have a whole lot to do up there", "hypothesis": "I enjoy hanging out with friends more than relatives."} {"idx": "mnli-11943", "premise": "I thought for a moment.", "hypothesis": "I was thinking."} {"idx": "mnli-11944", "premise": "Koyasan was already known as a sacred site for ascetic practices when Kobo Daishi, a revered Buddhist priest, teacher, and scholar, received imperial permission to establish a religious community to develop his new Shingon sect in 816.", "hypothesis": "Ascetic practices have never occured at Koyasan since they were outlawed."} {"idx": "mnli-11945", "premise": "The legal system marketplace just doesn't serve low-income people too well, except in fee-generat-ing type cases, Brewer said. ", "hypothesis": "Low-income people gain the most from the legal system marketplace."} {"idx": "mnli-11946", "premise": "Designed by Louis le Vau in 1668 to harmonize with the Louvre across the river, the Institut began as a school for the sons of provincial gentry, financed by a legacy of Cardinal Mazarin.", "hypothesis": "It took three years for the Institut to be built."} {"idx": "mnli-11947", "premise": "The state's chief judge is seeking a $1.", "hypothesis": "Texas's chief judge only wants $1. "} {"idx": "mnli-11948", "premise": "The Assets for Independence Act of 1998 authorized federal funding for a 5-year demonstration project to evaluate the effectiveness of matching incentives for low-income savers.", "hypothesis": "A 5-year project evaluating matching incentives for low-income savers was authorized in 1998."} {"idx": "mnli-11949", "premise": "9 Some readers may not view a letter/flat rate differential as focused on worksharing.", "hypothesis": "Letter/flat rate diffenertial might not be viewed as focused on worksharing, by some readers."} {"idx": "mnli-11950", "premise": "Medieval A 12th-century fortress' foundations and drawbridge support uncovered while excavating new entrance halls.", "hypothesis": "The modern fortress does not have a drawbridge. "} {"idx": "mnli-11951", "premise": "is that for designs or is that for the regular seam in the fabric or", "hypothesis": "It is for crying."} {"idx": "mnli-11952", "premise": "The rule, promulgated by an independent regulatory agency, is not subject to title II of the act.", "hypothesis": "The rule is always subject to Title II of the Act, regardless of the agency behind it."} {"idx": "mnli-11953", "premise": "yeah and then he'd have to pay it all", "hypothesis": "He wouldn't have to pay anything."} {"idx": "mnli-11954", "premise": "For fiscal year 2002, VBA revised its performance plans for the senior executives in the regional offices to improve individual accountability for performance elements by linking organizational performance goals and actual performance with meaningful and measurable performance elements.", "hypothesis": "VBA revised the performance plans."} {"idx": "mnli-11955", "premise": "Saint-Malo suffered severe bomb damage during World War II, but the old town, surrounded on three sides by the sea, has been tastefully restored.", "hypothesis": "The damage was brutal and took lots of work to fix. "} {"idx": "mnli-11956", "premise": "One of the major sights is the much-photographed, triangular 12th-century Palais de l'Isle, which stands in the middle of the Thiou river like the prow of a boat.", "hypothesis": "The Palais is stunning, everyone is enamored by it. "} {"idx": "mnli-11957", "premise": "Under that system, team members provide her with input on her performance as a team coach as well as input on the performance of other team members.", "hypothesis": "She receives the input about her performance from the team members."} {"idx": "mnli-11958", "premise": "Put one on and feel as comfortable and stylish as an Ohio Turnpike toll-taker.", "hypothesis": "Ohio toll-takers wear uniforms."} {"idx": "mnli-11959", "premise": "Lockheed helped build the Hubble Telescope--no surprise, really, given how it performed initially--and the space shuttle.", "hypothesis": "Lockheed had no notable involvement with any programs involving space."} {"idx": "mnli-11960", "premise": "In such cases, the difference should be recognized as a charge to operations in the current period.", "hypothesis": "If this is the case then the difference should be marked in the current period as an operations charge. "} {"idx": "mnli-11961", "premise": " When they reached the shattered body, there could be no question of its being dead.", "hypothesis": "The body had gotten so smashed up only after the person already died."} {"idx": "mnli-11962", "premise": "For example, GAO has taken significant steps to consolidate its field office structure.", "hypothesis": "The field office structure is being consolidated by moving all managers into a single office."} {"idx": "mnli-11963", "premise": "a 716(b) establish mechanisms for resolution of GAO access-to-records problems.", "hypothesis": "There are mechanisms for the GAO to access the records."} {"idx": "mnli-11964", "premise": " There were no lights from the plane factory.", "hypothesis": "The plane factory's power was off, which explains the darkness."} {"idx": "mnli-11965", "premise": "who's your favorite team", "hypothesis": "Do you like the Saints?"} {"idx": "mnli-11966", "premise": "According to the USAT Snapshot, fully 62 percent of members of the U.S. college class of 2001--which the paper notes, includes Chelsea Clinton--would not ever consider doing what either of their parents do for a living.", "hypothesis": "Most college students want to follow exactly in their parents' footsteps."} {"idx": "mnli-11967", "premise": "Just to the east of the financial district, Wan Chai was once an area of sleazy clubs and topless bars; this was the setting for The World of Suzy Wong.", "hypothesis": "Wan Chai was has always been known to have the most prestigious schools around."} {"idx": "mnli-11968", "premise": "Yes, said Jon.", "hypothesis": "Jon confirmed it to the people. "} {"idx": "mnli-11969", "premise": "The pope was critical, especially in Poland.", "hypothesis": "The pop was not important."} {"idx": "mnli-11970", "premise": "Ground meat.", "hypothesis": "Solid vegetable."} {"idx": "mnli-11971", "premise": "Last year, the Belgian secretary-general of NATO had to quit over charges that his Flemish Socialist Party accepted $50 million in bribes from a defense contractor.", "hypothesis": "The Belgian Secretary General of NATO resigned due to charges of accepting bribes. "} {"idx": "mnli-11972", "premise": "Blockades have always been regarded as acts of war.", "hypothesis": "Blockades on other nations have always been viewed as an act of war."} {"idx": "mnli-11973", "premise": "Saxton was, in fact, decorous and polite.", "hypothesis": "Saxton was rude and loud."} {"idx": "mnli-11974", "premise": "At these coves, you can enjoy crystal-clear, clean water and gently sloping white sandy beaches.", "hypothesis": "These coves are a great place to watch the waves pound against the jagged rocks."} {"idx": "mnli-11975", "premise": "If I want you, I'll come to you.", "hypothesis": "I'll come get you if I need you. "} {"idx": "mnli-11976", "premise": "Instead, program managers and contractors push the capture of design and manufacturing knowledge to later in the development program to avoid the identification of problems that might stop or limit its funding.", "hypothesis": "The capture of design takes place towards the end of the process."} {"idx": "mnli-11977", "premise": "Colleen Werthmann is doing a show called SHE HATES HER SUPERVISOR next Monday at the Westbeth Theatre, 151 Bank St., New York.", "hypothesis": "Collen Werthmann is a television host."} {"idx": "mnli-11978", "premise": "bonds or education savings accounts to pay for college, other provisions, such as the HOPE credit, are aimed more at making college more affordable.", "hypothesis": "You can entirely rely on HOPE credit to pay for your college education. "} {"idx": "mnli-11979", "premise": "The Dorians, who came overland from northern Europe, conquered the Mycenaeans.", "hypothesis": "The Mycenaeans repelled the invaders."} {"idx": "mnli-11980", "premise": "At the same time, they show technical losses, respectively, of $25 million and $29 million.", "hypothesis": "At that time there were massive technical surpluses."} {"idx": "mnli-11981", "premise": "But what is this awesome thing--the charismatic in music?", "hypothesis": "Music doesn't have any charisma added to it."} {"idx": "mnli-11982", "premise": " Coronel Shannon stepped aside from the door \"we may not be able to git you somethin' as fine as this here prancer, but we ain't altogether lackin' in mighty good hosses.", "hypothesis": "We have no other horses left. "} {"idx": "mnli-11983", "premise": "You will have to be willing to do the same.", "hypothesis": "You will be required to be willing to follow suit."} {"idx": "mnli-11984", "premise": "The Nile valley south of Luxor is home to three temple complexes.", "hypothesis": "There are three complexes of temples within the Nile Valley."} {"idx": "mnli-11985", "premise": "He's calling all hands on deck.", "hypothesis": "He needed everyone's help."} {"idx": "mnli-11986", "premise": "For now, is that we start with Nike and Reebok and let Converse off with a stern warning, since Dennis Rodman is its first major offense.", "hypothesis": "There will be no more offenses."} {"idx": "mnli-11987", "premise": "And purpose,\" said Jon.", "hypothesis": "Jon was talking about purpose. "} {"idx": "mnli-11988", "premise": " \"Don't include yourself in the empty-pocket brigade, Johnny,\"Topham rapped out.", "hypothesis": "The brigade is exclusive to people whose pockets are empty."} {"idx": "mnli-11989", "premise": "be good was it good talking to you i had a good i really appreciate your suggestions", "hypothesis": "sorry this wasn't a very nice conversation "} {"idx": "mnli-11990", "premise": "This site provides online access to accounting publications like the Journal of Accountancy and the CPA Newsletter.", "hypothesis": "The Journal of Accountancy is a free publication for accountants."} {"idx": "mnli-11991", "premise": "okay do you want to go first", "hypothesis": "Do you want to go first?"} {"idx": "mnli-11992", "premise": "Intimations of his own mortality turned out to be premature.", "hypothesis": "The facts showed he would die soon."} {"idx": "mnli-11993", "premise": "Christopher wasn't a wide person, and so his piece of conference table didn't have to be too big either, which also practically solved office space problems in the 0-1 Computer firm.", "hypothesis": "Christopher had a table at the 0-1 Computer firm."} {"idx": "mnli-11994", "premise": "The result of applying these adjustment factors is an updated set of unit economic values used in the valuation step.", "hypothesis": "The adjustment factor is necessary."} {"idx": "mnli-11995", "premise": "About one hour away from Bhopal, the stupas of Sanchi are the most admired Buddhist monuments in the whole of India.", "hypothesis": "The stupas of Sanchi may be one of the most admired Buddhist monuments."} {"idx": "mnli-11996", "premise": "yeah or sometimes they don't like either of the choices", "hypothesis": "Some people prefer other choices to the ones they have."} {"idx": "mnli-11997", "premise": "Besides Dad and your father are going away and I guess it's about lunch time.\" ", "hypothesis": "It is almost time to each lunch."} {"idx": "mnli-11998", "premise": "Even for the young the remaining days are few.", "hypothesis": "The remaining days are few, even for the young."} {"idx": "mnli-11999", "premise": "In 1993, FEMA's new Director refocused the agency on meeting its mission and aligning its activities to better serve the public.", "hypothesis": "They truly cared about the public."} {"idx": "mnli-12000", "premise": "The parents, on the other hand, had to pass an exam in using a joystick and provide a proof of income of at least 7000 zloty per month for a young family member.", "hypothesis": "The parents didn't have to prove anything to anyone."} {"idx": "mnli-12001", "premise": "but i don't think you would uh someone might grab you mess around with you but they're not going to grab you steal your your money and slit your throat which in a lot of big cities", "hypothesis": "There are some people who have bad intentions. "} {"idx": "mnli-12002", "premise": "Some of the old houses have been redeveloped as museums and eclectic galleries.", "hypothesis": "The houses became vacant after a nearby factory was relocated."} {"idx": "mnli-12003", "premise": "IRS travel officials did not have data on the savings achieved through their program because the program is less than a year old.", "hypothesis": "Data on the savings was available to the IRS."} {"idx": "mnli-12004", "premise": "His?\u00adto?\u00adrians regard this as the finest and best preserved of all the surviving theaters in the Roman Empire, unique for its towering scenic wall, with a statue of Em?\u00adper?\u00ador Augustus to greet you.", "hypothesis": "No Roman theaters had statues of Emperor Augustus"} {"idx": "mnli-12005", "premise": "But the Wall Street Journal says there is still no evidence to confirm conservative theorists' suspicions of a conspiracy between Chinese intelligence agents, the Lippo Group, and John Huang.", "hypothesis": "The WSJ says it's clear the theories are accurate."} {"idx": "mnli-12006", "premise": "Opposite the modern art gallery is the Dean Gallery, occupying a fine Victorian mansion that was once an orphanage.", "hypothesis": "The Dean Gallery is located in a mansion that used to be an orphanage."} {"idx": "mnli-12007", "premise": "The system is the first of its kind in the federal government and was a 1996 winner of the Vice President's Hammer Award.", "hypothesis": "The Vice President's Hammer Award was awarded to the system in the year 1803."} {"idx": "mnli-12008", "premise": "thank you good night", "hypothesis": "Thank you, have a great night."} {"idx": "mnli-12009", "premise": "Another option, bordering West Hollywood and Beverly Hills, is the 200-plus store Beverly Ceter; Westwood has the Westside Pavilion.", "hypothesis": "All the stores at the Beverly Center are expensive."} {"idx": "mnli-12010", "premise": "It did not complete 90 percent drawings-the best practice-until 1999.", "hypothesis": "I completed 90 percent drawings-interesting practices is 1999."} {"idx": "mnli-12011", "premise": "This will allow us to determine extent to which decline is household-level", "hypothesis": "The impact of households on the decline cannot be determined."} {"idx": "mnli-12012", "premise": "A bizarre curiosity here is the Paso de la Diablesa (She-Devil Statue).", "hypothesis": "The Plaza de la Diablesa is a statue."} {"idx": "mnli-12013", "premise": "Over its long history, the cathedral has witnessed many momentous occasions.", "hypothesis": "The cathedral was originally built as a political statement."} {"idx": "mnli-12014", "premise": "So you think now.", "hypothesis": "You don't think."} {"idx": "mnli-12015", "premise": "I don't think so.", "hypothesis": "You are looking in the wrong place."} {"idx": "mnli-12016", "premise": "Very sad,\" murmured Dr. Bauerstein.", "hypothesis": "Very good, said Dr. Bauerstein. "} {"idx": "mnli-12017", "premise": "oh that's my problem i'll go down to the uh SPCA or the Humane shelter and i i feel so sorry for them and i just want to i want to bring them all home", "hypothesis": "i feel sad for the shelter animals, and i would adopt them all if i had space and money"} {"idx": "mnli-12018", "premise": "absolutely do you have a family", "hypothesis": "You have 4 parents, how interesting!"} {"idx": "mnli-12019", "premise": "Once again, the stunned citizens felt abandoned and betrayed.", "hypothesis": "The citizens were stunned and felt betrayed and it wasn't for the first time."} {"idx": "mnli-12020", "premise": "Also on the National Monument grounds is a Cenotaph to the British Commonwealth's dead of the two World Wars.", "hypothesis": "There is a Cenotaph that honors the British dead."} {"idx": "mnli-12021", "premise": "The final rule requires the collection of information which is subject to review by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under the Paperwork Reduction Act.", "hypothesis": "There will be no review of the collection of information by the OMB. "} {"idx": "mnli-12022", "premise": "Take a stroll around the picture-perfect little fishing harbor, where the boats become stranded like beached whales at low tide.", "hypothesis": "It only takes an hour to stroll around the harbor."} {"idx": "mnli-12023", "premise": "CAPITALIZE - To record and carry forward into one or more future periods any expenditure the benefits or process from which will then be realized.", "hypothesis": "If an expenditure is carried forward for a period of time so that its expense is spread over a greater period it is referred to as being Capitalized."} {"idx": "mnli-12024", "premise": "As in the new nationwide sulfur dioxide trading program, compliance with the requirement to hold allowances will thus be determined on a facility-wide basis.", "hypothesis": "There is a new nationwide sulfur dioxide trading program."} {"idx": "mnli-12025", "premise": "It can't be true. ", "hypothesis": "That sounds about right."} {"idx": "mnli-12026", "premise": "Padilla said the model of owning a building that functions as a one-stop legal service facility is a new endeavor for the organization.", "hypothesis": "Padilla says they would never own a building."} {"idx": "mnli-12027", "premise": "The result is an extraordinary savings in staff time and has become a model for other intake systems.", "hypothesis": "A lot of staff time is lost."} {"idx": "mnli-12028", "premise": "Most of them were only just recognisable; a few were still mere chunks of meat.", "hypothesis": "I could barely recognize a lot."} {"idx": "mnli-12029", "premise": "Particularly good are the extra virgin cold pressed oils from Sitaa, Toploe, and Agaa Triada.", "hypothesis": "Toploe produces the highest grades of oil."} {"idx": "mnli-12030", "premise": "As we finished lunch, I asked whether I was right in assuming Yates thought term limits were a bad idea.", "hypothesis": "I was wrong in assuming Yates to term was a bad idea."} {"idx": "mnli-12031", "premise": "When ordering, it is customary to be taken to the kitchen to look at the various dishes you will find printed menus only in tourist restaurants.", "hypothesis": "Only tourists restaurants give out printed menus."} {"idx": "mnli-12032", "premise": "that kind of ups our stock in there just a little bit it makes us more legitimate so now what they're saying is that well since we won whatever we say goes because it's a kind of a might makes right attitude about it and you know we've got the power", "hypothesis": "Even though our stock increased, it makes us less legitimate now and we've lost the power that we had."} {"idx": "mnli-12033", "premise": "Next, I ventured into the freezer, a chilling minus 8 degrees Fahrenheit.", "hypothesis": "It was very cold in the freezer."} {"idx": "mnli-12034", "premise": "Adapting the research case study to the evaluator's needs has entailed a number of changes.", "hypothesis": "The research needs to be adapted to the evaluators needs"} {"idx": "mnli-12035", "premise": "American critics!", "hypothesis": "Critics from the US."} {"idx": "mnli-12036", "premise": "It will be at Barneys downtown.", "hypothesis": "The things will be downtown at Barneys."} {"idx": "mnli-12037", "premise": "As we have reported, IRS recently initiated appropriate first steps to address these weaknesses via its initial modernization expenditure plan that represents the first step in a longterm, incremental modernization program.", "hypothesis": "We have reported something on the IRS."} {"idx": "mnli-12038", "premise": "One of Italy's finest, the Galleria dell'Accademia Carrara has an important Mantegna Madonna and Child and interesting works by Lotto (a Venetian master who spent many years living in Bergamo), Bellini, Raphael, and Titian as well as foreign masters.", "hypothesis": "The artist Lotto does not have any works in the Galleria dell'Accademia despite spending many years in Bergamo."} {"idx": "mnli-12039", "premise": "The three principal streets dividing the town (Cardine III, IV, and V) have curbed pavements, lined with two-story houses with balconies and overhanging roofs for shade.", "hypothesis": "All of the streets in the town are very small."} {"idx": "mnli-12040", "premise": "The train was just starting as he swung himself aboard.", "hypothesis": "He barely managed to board the train in time."} {"idx": "mnli-12041", "premise": "Once, indeed, on the occasion of my appointment as a contributing editor for literary matters, I was taken, blindfolded, to John Podhoretz's secret dacha , where the Great Leader sits at a plain pine table smoking American cigarettes and planning the glorious overthrow of the reactionaries at the New Republic and New York Review of Books .", "hypothesis": "The Great Leader does not smoke and is peaceful."} {"idx": "mnli-12042", "premise": "Time 's John Stacks argued that past dabblings with cocaine could make Bush's drug enforcement policy hypocritical.", "hypothesis": "John Stack said that Bush's past dalliance with cocaine made his drug policy hypocritical."} {"idx": "mnli-12043", "premise": "Public company management needs to set the appropriate tone at the top and that culture needs to be carried throughout the company and exhibited by the board of directors in its oversight of management and in its protection of shareholder interests.", "hypothesis": "Establishing tone and corporate culture is up to hourly employees alone."} {"idx": "mnli-12044", "premise": "Partiality and-in some instances-the inability to generalize from the findings can limit the utility of case study methods for evaluation.", "hypothesis": "The findings need to be analyzed for the case studies."} {"idx": "mnli-12045", "premise": "because they figured everybody else is just coming to just to be there", "hypothesis": "They think that they are showing up just to have a place there."} {"idx": "mnli-12046", "premise": "They incur less overtime and the rural carrier work force has a higher proportion of casual employees.", "hypothesis": "The rural carrier work force has a lower proportion of casual employees."} {"idx": "mnli-12047", "premise": "This model has value but fails to meet the broader range of information needs of investors who want more forward-looking information and data that reflect a company's overall performance, risk profile, and expectations for future performance.", "hypothesis": "This model has no value because the range of information it offers is to broad to meet the needs of investors."} {"idx": "mnli-12048", "premise": "The real question is how to strike an appropriate balance among the often conflicting values of truth on the one hand and considerations such as privacy and equality on the other.", "hypothesis": "The real question is how to strike an acceptable balance between the often conflicting values of truth on the one hand and considerations such as privacy and equality on the other."} {"idx": "mnli-12049", "premise": "More recently, Saint-Francois has grown to be a major tourist center.", "hypothesis": "The region makes a lot of money from tourists."} {"idx": "mnli-12050", "premise": "Ashkelon is a site of great antiquity (perhaps 4,000 years old).", "hypothesis": "Ashkelon has never been considered to possibly be 4,000 years old."} {"idx": "mnli-12051", "premise": "In the Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis, the FCC finds that there will be no economic impact on small businesses.", "hypothesis": "The FCC points out that medium to large-sized business may be negatively impacted."} {"idx": "mnli-12052", "premise": "But perhaps you'd like to know what I was doing in your garden?' ", "hypothesis": "There is no chance that you want to know why I was in your garden. "} {"idx": "mnli-12053", "premise": "Beyond the bridge, on the opposite shore, is the Beylerbeyi Palace, a summer residence and hunting lodge built for Sultan Abdul Aziz in 1865 (guided tours 9:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. , closed Monday and Thursday).", "hypothesis": "Sultan Abdul Aziz was known to be more like a dictator than a sultan."} {"idx": "mnli-12054", "premise": "In foreign affairs, after he had crushed the Duke of Milan's army at Marignano and formed a showy alliance with Henry VIII of England, Francois I's European ambitions were halted by the German Emperor Charles V. Francois even suffered the indignity of a year's imprisonment in Madrid, following a resounding defeat at Pavia in 1525.", "hypothesis": "Although once very powerful, Francois I was quickly defeated by other countries."} {"idx": "mnli-12055", "premise": "I'm no economist, but I believe this is the point President Clinton intends to make in Tokyo tomorrow.", "hypothesis": "President Clinton intends to make this point tomorrow in Tokyo."} {"idx": "mnli-12056", "premise": "You may not fall into conversation in Dublin quite as readily as in a country pub, but you'll find that here, as everywhere, the Irish are welcoming hosts.", "hypothesis": "Irish people may not start the conversation but they will talk to you."} {"idx": "mnli-12057", "premise": "Bees harvest the pollen of the wild herbs on the hillsides to produce delicious honey to which fresh nuts (almonds or walnuts) are added.", "hypothesis": "Bees harvest pollen from plants to make honey. "} {"idx": "mnli-12058", "premise": "Perhaps it's because the beauties are wan, weak, They've lost their erotic vitality like some brittle-boned show dog or Ron Perelman's consort.", "hypothesis": "The beauties have never lost their erotic vitality."} {"idx": "mnli-12059", "premise": "Books here in Stein's?", "hypothesis": "Lobsters here in Steins?"} {"idx": "mnli-12060", "premise": "i just i don't know i feel so sorry for them but at the same time", "hypothesis": "I am sure that I feel sorry for the others."} {"idx": "mnli-12061", "premise": "Who wrote that piece of shit, anyway?", "hypothesis": "This is the worst piece of writing ever."} {"idx": "mnli-12062", "premise": "'I'd rather not have you out in the field during this crises.'", "hypothesis": "I want you in the field at all times, no matter what. "} {"idx": "mnli-12063", "premise": "Then he was alone in his mind with his memories--mostly of the last day when he'd still been alive.", "hypothesis": "He was in a crowded room playing poker with his memories. "} {"idx": "mnli-12064", "premise": "Ca'daan saw a jet of red blood spray across the small man followed by another as the man's heart pumped his lifeblood from his body.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan ran away before he could see anything."} {"idx": "mnli-12065", "premise": "Federal Acquisition www.ARNet.gov/far/ Critical Infrastructure Assurance www.caio.gov Federal Computer Incident Response www.fedcirc.gov Federal Information Processing www.itl.nist.gov General Accounting //www.gao.gov/ GSAas www.policyworks.gov IT Policy On- www.itpolicy.gsa.gov National Partnership for Reinventing www.npr.gov Office of Management and Budget www.whitehouse.gov/omb", "hypothesis": "The Federal Computer Incident Response is found at fedcirc.gov."} {"idx": "mnli-12066", "premise": "Of the notable stories in this collection, A Coupla Scalped Indians, published in 1956 and possibly a fragment for a new novel, is the biggest disappointment, since it is the latest Ellison work here.", "hypothesis": "A Coupla Scalped Indians was published in 1902."} {"idx": "mnli-12067", "premise": "In wooing Katherine, the French princess whose country and relatives he has just laid waste to, Henry, having never met the girl, calls her an angel and claims to be in love with her.", "hypothesis": "Katherine is the king of france"} {"idx": "mnli-12068", "premise": "The buzzing sound of the wings signals their approach and, if you are lucky, they will fly up and perch on your finger to take the food.", "hypothesis": "They sometimes rest on fingers to take food."} {"idx": "mnli-12069", "premise": "It was a strong business.", "hypothesis": "It was a weak business."} {"idx": "mnli-12070", "premise": "I commend Judith Shulevitz on an excellent column, Don't Take It So Personally.", "hypothesis": "Judith Shulevitz has always wanted to be a writer, but has not been able to make it happen. "} {"idx": "mnli-12071", "premise": "The area around the Inland Sea offers a wide range of attractions, from the varied towns and cities of Western Honshu to the major pilgrimage destination of Shikoku island.", "hypothesis": "People take a pilgrimage to Shikoku island for religious purposes."} {"idx": "mnli-12072", "premise": "In 1974, Congress enacted the Legal Service Corporation Act (LSCA), which created the LSC for the purpose of providing legal assistance to indigent people in civil matters.", "hypothesis": "Congress provided a noble service to the poor."} {"idx": "mnli-12073", "premise": "You will find good crab and shrimp at the fishing village of Pantai Kundor.", "hypothesis": "You can find good crab and shrimp and possibly lobster in the fishing village of Pantai Kundo."} {"idx": "mnli-12074", "premise": "I hadn't seen the body, hadn't been back to her restaurant, hadn't RSVP'd the funeral.", "hypothesis": "I planned on going to the funeral but never sent in my RSVP.."} {"idx": "mnli-12075", "premise": "A National Estimate of the Economic Costs of Asthma.", "hypothesis": "The Estimate of the Economic Costs of pollution in the Nation."} {"idx": "mnli-12076", "premise": "The preamble to the final rule contains the Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis conducted by the FDA.", "hypothesis": "The fda conducted the final regulatory flexibility analysis. "} {"idx": "mnli-12077", "premise": "At the end of the Ridge, you'll find the baronial pile of Viceregal Lodge, nowadays used by the Institute for Advanced Studies.", "hypothesis": "No one uses the Viceregal Lodge today; the place is abandoned."} {"idx": "mnli-12078", "premise": "In either strategy, the evaluator needs to search the full data base thoroughly for disconfirming evidence, in order to avoid the pitfall of premature conclusions and data analysis ends when the best fit possible has been reached between the observations and a statement about what they mean.", "hypothesis": "Evaluators should reach a conclusion as quickly as possible, then search for evidence to support it."} {"idx": "mnli-12079", "premise": "See here, it was like this, he said at last. ", "hypothesis": "He said it was like this."} {"idx": "mnli-12080", "premise": "In our discussions with members, these leaders were given considerable credit for the quality and value of the information that the members received and the success of the information-sharing organizations.", "hypothesis": "Leaders were given considerable credit for the value of the information the members received. "} {"idx": "mnli-12081", "premise": "Still, the singers, dancers, guitarists, and flashy, colorful costumes are enjoyable to all but the purist.", "hypothesis": "The performers enjoy putting their costumes together."} {"idx": "mnli-12082", "premise": "In the Epic of Gilgamesh, a prostitute lures Enkidu away from his animal companions.", "hypothesis": "The animals attacked the prostitute. "} {"idx": "mnli-12083", "premise": "that would be fun", "hypothesis": "That'd be fun."} {"idx": "mnli-12084", "premise": "Well, I guess we better be going.", "hypothesis": "We should be moving on."} {"idx": "mnli-12085", "premise": "Gardens, Rivers, and Plantations", "hypothesis": "The photo collections features the gardens and streams of the area."} {"idx": "mnli-12086", "premise": "I do love women.", "hypothesis": "I have always loved women."} {"idx": "mnli-12087", "premise": "oh okay i don't know i don't know if anything will ever happen to to change change change things i i guess it's going to have to change", "hypothesis": "It will have to change, though I don't know if it will."} {"idx": "mnli-12088", "premise": "The Comparative Method in the Social Sciences.", "hypothesis": "The social sciences use a comparative method."} {"idx": "mnli-12089", "premise": "The Indonesian movement was a rather spontaneous resistance led by ordinary students, workers, the unemployed, and the lower-middle classes.", "hypothesis": "The Indonesian movement was led by high profile citizens."} {"idx": "mnli-12090", "premise": "Legal Services provides lawyers to help them only with civil legalities, such as consumer, family, housing and employment law matters.", "hypothesis": "Legal Services does not offer help with criminal matters."} {"idx": "mnli-12091", "premise": "He was defeated at the famous Battle of Marathon in 490 b.c. , and ten years later his son Xerxes lost the Persian fleet at the Battle of Salamis.", "hypothesis": "Xerxes lost the Persian fleet ten years after his father's defeat at the Battle of Marathon. "} {"idx": "mnli-12092", "premise": "It'll be the end of it if you do.\" Tommy turned to Tuppence.", "hypothesis": "It would resolve the outstanding parking ticket disputes if he did."} {"idx": "mnli-12093", "premise": "However, several conceptual and practical issues need to be clarified so they can be resolved in a future research and implementation agenda.", "hypothesis": "The agenda has many vestigial details. "} {"idx": "mnli-12094", "premise": "The Sacrista (Sacristy) is an art museum within the cathedral.", "hypothesis": "The Sacrista is only used to house wild animals used in various ceremonies."} {"idx": "mnli-12095", "premise": "As you walk through Dublin's streets it will sometimes seem that there's a pub on every corner.", "hypothesis": "Dublin's streets are littered with pubs."} {"idx": "mnli-12096", "premise": "Saturated fat is still evil.", "hypothesis": "Saturated fat is heavenly."} {"idx": "mnli-12097", "premise": "But consider yourself fortunate if you've never invested a penny in this market.", "hypothesis": "You are fortunate if you have never invested in the market because it is crashing."} {"idx": "mnli-12098", "premise": "Presumably he gets paid.", "hypothesis": "It's a stretch to assume he gets paid."} {"idx": "mnli-12099", "premise": "Apartments also available.", "hypothesis": "There are also apartments for rent."} {"idx": "mnli-12100", "premise": "Several recently refurbished rooms display over 1,700 objects found at the tomb of Tutankhamun by Howard Ceter in 1922.", "hypothesis": "Howard Ceter found over 1,700 objects at the tomb of Tutankhamun."} {"idx": "mnli-12101", "premise": "Welldeveloped techniques exist to provide monetary estimates of these benefits to agricultural producers and consumers.", "hypothesis": "These techniques were developed in concert with the Board of Labor Statistics."} {"idx": "mnli-12102", "premise": "Table 7 illustrates key criteria used by commercial companies that are currently lacking in DOD's policy.", "hypothesis": "Table 7 is a very long chart."} {"idx": "mnli-12103", "premise": "After allied district chiefs had repelled assaults from Thai-controlled armies from Pahang, Tun Perak personally led a famous victory over a Thai fleet off Batu Pahat in 1456.", "hypothesis": "Tun Perak failed to lead his army to victory and was killed in 1456."} {"idx": "mnli-12104", "premise": "Flat land is at such a premium in Funchal that even the likes of Reid's and Hotel Savoy can only afford two tennis courts each.", "hypothesis": "Flat land in Funchal is so affordable that hotels can afford two tennis courts each."} {"idx": "mnli-12105", "premise": "What's valuable about Chicago isn't just that it's a high-caliber, difficult school.", "hypothesis": "Chicago is the top economics school."} {"idx": "mnli-12106", "premise": "Jon gave grim thought to the villagers.", "hypothesis": "Jon thought negatively of the villagers."} {"idx": "mnli-12107", "premise": "The 15th is also Coming-of-Age Day nationwide, a milestone event for 20-year-olds attaining the age of majority.", "hypothesis": "Coming-of-Age Day occurs on the 28th but isn't a very significant day."} {"idx": "mnli-12108", "premise": "At first, the Japanese curtailed the privileges of the Malay rulers and forced them to pay homage to the emperor of Japan.", "hypothesis": "The Japanese did not have an emperor."} {"idx": "mnli-12109", "premise": "In the aftermath of the war, Poland was Sovietized, with the installation of a Soviet-friendly communist regime, the nationalization of businesses, confiscation of church property, and forced exile of political and religious leaders.", "hypothesis": "Poland was forced to adopt Soviet principles."} {"idx": "mnli-12110", "premise": "money money is not the answer", "hypothesis": "Money is always the answer. "} {"idx": "mnli-12111", "premise": "well and Ninja Turtles", "hypothesis": "Plus Ninja Turtle shirts."} {"idx": "mnli-12112", "premise": "Also, one would expect increased similarity in their rate structures.", "hypothesis": "One would expect a decrease in the similarity as their rate structures became more unique."} {"idx": "mnli-12113", "premise": "It adds that prior light truck standards have not been viewed as having federalism implications warranting preparation of a Federalism Analysis.", "hypothesis": "It adds that prior light truck standards, it was a much nicer place and time"} {"idx": "mnli-12114", "premise": "She's mostly called that, sir, but Marguerite's her name.", "hypothesis": "Her actual name is something else."} {"idx": "mnli-12115", "premise": "I'm listening.\"", "hypothesis": "I am paying attention."} {"idx": "mnli-12116", "premise": "the two cities are very very identical so if you were familiar with Atlanta", "hypothesis": "Atlanta is its own city. "} {"idx": "mnli-12117", "premise": "yeah i don't believe they have to pay any uh like federal tax uh", "hypothesis": "They have to pay a federal tax."} {"idx": "mnli-12118", "premise": "uh i guess a Christian based home and so we try to make the family as important as we can", "hypothesis": "Family is important in a Christian based home"} {"idx": "mnli-12119", "premise": "right exactly and then and then uh uh i'm i'm just not sure if i see you know if i see it going like i say to the right places i mean it'd be it'd be one thing if it were taking a bite out of your savings and then you were getting it all back when you got older", "hypothesis": "I want to put all the money on it because I don't care if you get it back when you're older."} {"idx": "mnli-12120", "premise": "His car was seen near our house around the time of the poisoning.", "hypothesis": "He was out of the country then."} {"idx": "mnli-12121", "premise": "Nonexchange transactions with the public", "hypothesis": "The transactions were done at a bank."} {"idx": "mnli-12122", "premise": "I must make him see the gravity of his position. ", "hypothesis": "Imust make him see how serious his situation is before it is too late."} {"idx": "mnli-12123", "premise": "I look forward to continuing to work with Congress, OPM, OMB, agencies, the National Commission on the Public Service, and other interested parties as we jointly seek to ensure that the federal government modernizes its human capital strategies in order to maximize performance, assure accountability, transform itself, and prepare for the future.", "hypothesis": "Someone looks forward to working with Congress."} {"idx": "mnli-12124", "premise": "This approach not only provides periodic estimates of payment and service accuracy rates to help measure the results of existing enforcement and detection efforts, but also helps deter future erroneous and fraudulent billings.", "hypothesis": "This approach does not provide any estimates of accuracy rates."} {"idx": "mnli-12125", "premise": "The bizarre bit is that this particular quotation--Clinton rises to the occasion during important presidential moments--seems noticeably ordinary.", "hypothesis": "There's nothing really bizarre about this quote--Clinton rises to the occasion on important presidential moments--at all."} {"idx": "mnli-12126", "premise": "At first I had no suspicions, but on the boat to Holyhead I began to get uneasy.", "hypothesis": "I did not board the boat to Holyhead."} {"idx": "mnli-12127", "premise": "Discretion when using your camera is advisable here.", "hypothesis": "Use your camera at your own discretion."} {"idx": "mnli-12128", "premise": "Sales of foreclosed associated with post-1991 direct laons and loan guarantees (600)", "hypothesis": "This does not includes sales of foreclosed items which involve loans."} {"idx": "mnli-12129", "premise": "The birth-control pill is reportedly making a comeback.", "hypothesis": "Oral sex is reportedly making a comeback."} {"idx": "mnli-12130", "premise": "Keep away, she had said to him.", "hypothesis": "She told him to stay away from her."} {"idx": "mnli-12131", "premise": "It couldn' There was no away.", "hypothesis": "There was a few ways to get away."} {"idx": "mnli-12132", "premise": "In addition to the quarterly meetings, informal meetings and teleconferences are held among members on an ad hoc basis to discuss issues as they arise, such as assisting entities under attack.", "hypothesis": "The company only allowed its employees to discuss important matters during the scheduled quarterly meetings. "} {"idx": "mnli-12133", "premise": "This haven for film stars and golf proseince the 1930s now caters to a broad spectrum of visitors.", "hypothesis": "Film stars used to consider this a haven in the 1930s."} {"idx": "mnli-12134", "premise": "In exchange, he agreed not to extend Johor's rule to neighboring states.", "hypothesis": "In return, he received assurances his rule would continue unopposed."} {"idx": "mnli-12135", "premise": "Outcome - An assessment of the results of a program compared to its intended purpose.", "hypothesis": "An outcome is the beginning of a program."} {"idx": "mnli-12136", "premise": "McGwire's Balls", "hypothesis": "McGwire's balls were visited by millions."} {"idx": "mnli-12137", "premise": "You might say the acquisition of Avis was therefore inevitable.", "hypothesis": "The acquisition of Avis certainly didn't have to happen."} {"idx": "mnli-12138", "premise": "On Formentera, have a meal at a simple beach restaurant.", "hypothesis": "Get a job at a simple beach restaurant on Formentera."} {"idx": "mnli-12139", "premise": "The Postal Service commented that, in its view, legal constraints would not preclude a contract mechanism in principle, but that no such arrangement would be permissible without the Commission's participation in accordance with 39 U.S.C.", "hypothesis": "The provision was favorable to the Postal Service and legal, but it would be up to the Commission to decide whether it could be implemented."} {"idx": "mnli-12140", "premise": "Now the former Nathan's Folly is known as the Golden Mile. ", "hypothesis": "The Golden Mile was previously called the Nathan's Folly."} {"idx": "mnli-12141", "premise": "how with uh the work load kids have nowadays and what often most college students i'm like maybe when we went to school i don't know how long ago you went but", "hypothesis": "I don't think that there's any evidence that it makes a difference for kids."} {"idx": "mnli-12142", "premise": "because actually when you when you do uh service overseas you end up learning something usually that's that's really useful plumbing or farming or or something like that so you're really learning a skill", "hypothesis": "You won't learn anything by serving overseas. "} {"idx": "mnli-12143", "premise": "But since you have proven exponentially easier to track and catch than White, I severely doubt you're using the same underground network.", "hypothesis": "We had a much easier time locating White than you."} {"idx": "mnli-12144", "premise": "If you don't catch a major match, you may come acrosea competition in a Calcutta alley or a meadow in Kashmir.", "hypothesis": "There is a very good chance that you will get to see a competition if you visit an in an alley in Calcutta."} {"idx": "mnli-12145", "premise": "hi uh as a matter of fact this past weekend since we had a long weekend i uh took on a painting project in my bathroom and i had wallpaper up i had to completely strip the wallpaper off and then spackle holes and then paint that and it took me all weekend because uh the wallpaper getting it off i had to wet the walls down and that had to dry and then the spackling had to dry a day and then the painting took another day", "hypothesis": "The spackling dried out in less than an hour. "} {"idx": "mnli-12146", "premise": "if that if if that amounts for anything", "hypothesis": "If that counts as a viable option."} {"idx": "mnli-12147", "premise": "Any relatives I have are in homes for decayed gentlewomen! ", "hypothesis": "I have lots of relatives"} {"idx": "mnli-12148", "premise": "The Yohanan Ben Zakkai Synagogue is actually four synagogues in one; the largest room gives the complex its name.", "hypothesis": "That synagogue has only one small room, and it's usually filled with devotees locked in prayer."} {"idx": "mnli-12149", "premise": "right i don't uh you know i i guess they say that a lot of people in the in the Middle East particularly can pick up fakes", "hypothesis": "People from the Middle East, specially from Turkey, can pick up fakes."} {"idx": "mnli-12150", "premise": "I thank you for the opportunity to work with you to continue that great tradition.", "hypothesis": "The tradition has been happening for many years."} {"idx": "mnli-12151", "premise": "This is the only city in the world to have been the capital of both an Islamic and a Christian empire.", "hypothesis": "The Christians and Islamics lived in the city together."} {"idx": "mnli-12152", "premise": "Pause now at a cafe in that most serene of city squares, the Piazza Navona.", "hypothesis": "Piazza Navona is a good place to stop to go to a cafe and take in the most serene of city squares."} {"idx": "mnli-12153", "premise": "Nonetheless, it represents the most reliable, albeit conservative 8, estimate of cases closed in 1999 by LSC grantees.", "hypothesis": "The most reliable conservative 8 is represented by it."} {"idx": "mnli-12154", "premise": "Isaac Ehrlich, the man who proved to the satisfaction of the economics profession that capital punishment works, is a passionate opponent of capital punishment.", "hypothesis": "Isaac Ehrlich convinced the economic field that capital punishment works even though he opposed capital punishment personally."} {"idx": "mnli-12155", "premise": "We're getting deluged with calls on the issue, said Hamon, whose agency supports the state's legal-services programs and operates a legal hotline for the elderly.", "hypothesis": "They were getting slammed with phone calls."} {"idx": "mnli-12156", "premise": "We began implementing these protocols in January of this year and will test them until August 2000.", "hypothesis": "We are going to wait until April 2001 to test the protocol."} {"idx": "mnli-12157", "premise": "It does not apply to inventory, nor does it apply to forfeited property (as explained in the previous section on nonexchange revenue).", "hypothesis": "This rule applies to forfeited property of all kinds."} {"idx": "mnli-12158", "premise": "yeah that's what i said you know summer during the summertime you've got to get up at six o'clock in the morning", "hypothesis": "During the summer months, you have to get up very early in the morning. "} {"idx": "mnli-12159", "premise": "Stop blaming John.", "hypothesis": "John didn't do it."} {"idx": "mnli-12160", "premise": "Very, very slowly, I stood up.", "hypothesis": "I rose to my feet. "} {"idx": "mnli-12161", "premise": "Thus it came about that, three days later, I descended from the train at Styles St. Mary, an absurd little station, with no apparent reason for existence, perched up in the midst of green fields and country lanes. ", "hypothesis": "The station at Styles St. Mary had a purpose for its existence. "} {"idx": "mnli-12162", "premise": "Crusaders, Mamelukes, and Turks", "hypothesis": "Zealots, Turkish people, and slaves."} {"idx": "mnli-12163", "premise": "like this thing this is a pretty good idea i didn't even know they were thinking about it i wonder if they thought about it themselves or whether someone somewhere is really uh thinking that uh it'd be a good idea to have everybody spend some time in public service", "hypothesis": "This is a brilliant idea and more people should think about it."} {"idx": "mnli-12164", "premise": "He looked at the wall clock.", "hypothesis": "He checked the time on the wall clock."} {"idx": "mnli-12165", "premise": "I don't know, said the girl truthfully.", "hypothesis": "The girl honestly stated that she didn't know. "} {"idx": "mnli-12166", "premise": "In one of them, a congressional hearing on the minimum wage becomes an attack ad as Rep.", "hypothesis": "The congressional hearing on minimum wage was a peaceful event."} {"idx": "mnli-12167", "premise": "You can take a tour of the port in one of the small sampans, propelled by hand by women drivers.", "hypothesis": "The sampans are powered by their female conductors."} {"idx": "mnli-12168", "premise": "Port Morant, a little way west, was the place where Captain Bligh of The Bounty fame first landed breadfruit on Jamaica.", "hypothesis": "Port Morant is a small town."} {"idx": "mnli-12169", "premise": "If I succeed in obtaining the address from her, we can go there at once, taking Mrs. Vandemeyer with us if necessary.", "hypothesis": "Once I get the address, we can go there in about 3 weeks. "} {"idx": "mnli-12170", "premise": "Nerds are genuinely threatening.", "hypothesis": "There's nothing to fear about nerds."} {"idx": "mnli-12171", "premise": "i wish they would", "hypothesis": "I wish they would impeach the President."} {"idx": "mnli-12172", "premise": "she said that i didn't said you know don't tell me what women can do", "hypothesis": "\"She protested that I did not stand up for women.\""} {"idx": "mnli-12173", "premise": "Migrant farm workers - 16,000 to 40,000 in Colorado, according to the U.S.", "hypothesis": "There are only 2,000 migrants in Colorado, U.S.A."} {"idx": "mnli-12174", "premise": "In Hong Kong, the South China Morning Post, under the headline U.S.", "hypothesis": "The South China Morning Post is located in Japan."} {"idx": "mnli-12175", "premise": "The first three explanations all rely on various forms of greed or other base human motivations that are close enough to greed to be easily worked into economic theory.", "hypothesis": "Several later explanations rely on greed."} {"idx": "mnli-12176", "premise": "Like the end of system integration, the policy fails to provide specific criteria for what constitutes the knowledge required to support the decision to move into production.", "hypothesis": "The policy shares a characteristic with the end of system integration."} {"idx": "mnli-12177", "premise": "The first step in the benefits analysis is the specification of the regulatory scenarios that will be evaluated.", "hypothesis": "Specifying the scenarios that will be evaluated is the first step of the benefits analysis process."} {"idx": "mnli-12178", "premise": "Founded by the ancient Romans, the city has a proud soldiering history, giving the Venetian Republic a famous condottiere, Bartolomeo Colleoni, and the largest contingent in Garibaldi's 1,000 Red Shirts.", "hypothesis": "This city is proud of its military involvement."} {"idx": "mnli-12179", "premise": "with me i just decided not to face it and you know in most in in so many words you know in one way or the other i just decided not to face that issue and i just keep them with me", "hypothesis": "The issue was too difficult to face, so I just kept them."} {"idx": "mnli-12180", "premise": "can be in day care for a few hours a week or my husband if it's you know and and when he's at home can take care of them", "hypothesis": "My husband refused to watch his own children."} {"idx": "mnli-12181", "premise": "Please go inside, sir.", "hypothesis": "Please go outside, sir."} {"idx": "mnli-12182", "premise": "This mail is sent by households to non-households and includes mainly payments made to utility and credit card companies as well as orders placed or payments made in response to advertising.", "hypothesis": "The mail is sent by non-households to households."} {"idx": "mnli-12183", "premise": "'All right.' Lincoln reluctantly released me.", "hypothesis": "Lincoln never laid a hand on me."} {"idx": "mnli-12184", "premise": "The mid-1980s witnessed a gradual program of liberalization in Poland on the heels of Mikhail Gorbachev's remarkable perestroika and glasnost in the Soviet Union, the promises of greater openness and economic freedoms.", "hypothesis": "Soon after glasnost began, Poland started to become more liberal."} {"idx": "mnli-12185", "premise": "on Governmental Affairs, 96th Cong.", "hypothesis": "Homeland security was also talked about in the 96th Cong."} {"idx": "mnli-12186", "premise": "The overarching goal has always been-and will always be-the creation of world class legal services delivery systems in which no client or potential client is turned away.", "hypothesis": "Many who have worked in the legal system would agree that thee goals are far easier said than done."} {"idx": "mnli-12187", "premise": "and all this and so no i don't trust them a bit i think it's a big scam", "hypothesis": "It looks like a pyramid scheme to me."} {"idx": "mnli-12188", "premise": "Johnson said through the program her shelter, which served 187 women and children last year, has been able to form better relationships with those who work with domestic violence victims.", "hypothesis": "Johnson said the program served 187 women and kids last year and hoped to do more this year."} {"idx": "mnli-12189", "premise": "Newsweek congratulates New York for its remarkable comeback, applauding its falling crime rate, cleanliness, swinging nightlife, and entrepreneurial immigrants.", "hypothesis": "New York has actually become the number one place to live in the US."} {"idx": "mnli-12190", "premise": "The terms are almost too liberal, Mr. Whittington.", "hypothesis": "The terms of the deal were far too liberal to be in the favor of everyone involved."} {"idx": "mnli-12191", "premise": "that had gone in and and some of them were quite big in the sense they were community development and they were building schools and doing coops and things like that health um inoculation and and things", "hypothesis": "They did not build any schools for this community. "} {"idx": "mnli-12192", "premise": "Today, Italy; tomorrow, who knows?", "hypothesis": "We could go anywhere next!"} {"idx": "mnli-12193", "premise": "He ought to be bending over backwards for reconciliation, but if you want to do impact work and people in the San Gabriel Valley want direct services, you have to accommodate that or change your approach, the observer said. ", "hypothesis": "The observer advised that he change his approach."} {"idx": "mnli-12194", "premise": "you had to do some work and", "hypothesis": "You had to do an amount of work."} {"idx": "mnli-12195", "premise": "For purposes of this paper, however, it is not necessary to specify a new labor environment.", "hypothesis": "On this paper, it is required to specify a new labor movement."} {"idx": "mnli-12196", "premise": "Though it is a small percentage, the difference represents thousands of hours.", "hypothesis": "Thousands of hours is only a small percentage of the total effort."} {"idx": "mnli-12197", "premise": "um-hum that's right and that's good that's the best way to stop it", "hypothesis": "I have no idea how to prevent this."} {"idx": "mnli-12198", "premise": "And there are other possibilities. ", "hypothesis": "There was only the one answer. "} {"idx": "mnli-12199", "premise": "uh-huh i saw that i saw that the other day i don't don't drink soda pop but i saw a two liter soda pop bottle so yeah things like that", "hypothesis": "I guzzle soda pop like my life depended on it "} {"idx": "mnli-12200", "premise": "yes it's whether the parent wants to take the risk", "hypothesis": "It depends on whether the parent wants to take the risk."} {"idx": "mnli-12201", "premise": "but um oh we suffered that first summer we traded that thing in as as soon as we could because it just it's indispensable down here to have air conditioning", "hypothesis": "Air conditioning is essential down here."} {"idx": "mnli-12202", "premise": "that is neat you know i like that", "hypothesis": "That is neat and I enjoy it."} {"idx": "mnli-12203", "premise": "Praise goes to Lee's argument, her sensitivity, and her writing.", "hypothesis": "Lee's argument received praise."} {"idx": "mnli-12204", "premise": "Blois Olson, a spokesman for Minneapolis-based Dominium, said the company didn't build the complexes but only acquired them.", "hypothesis": "Blois was tired when he made the statement and it made him quite cranky. "} {"idx": "mnli-12205", "premise": "It's only a low-level Sim, I told myself.", "hypothesis": "The Sim is low-level."} {"idx": "mnli-12206", "premise": "Once mercury is deposited in lakes, rivers, and oceans, it bioaccumulates in the food chain, resulting in high concentrations in predatory fish.", "hypothesis": "Mercury is never found in any fish, even when highly concentrated in lakes, oceans and rivers."} {"idx": "mnli-12207", "premise": "some uh and that and he was trying to keep uh uh uh i can't even think of the guy's name either the coach of the Vikings", "hypothesis": "His name is Susan."} {"idx": "mnli-12208", "premise": "but that's the same thing you're saying about the little Mexican children that you feel sorry for them and you would swim the river twice but i", "hypothesis": "You expressed sympathy for the little Mexican children."} {"idx": "mnli-12209", "premise": "You can see the copper plates giving land rights to a Jewish community on the coast back in a.d. 379.", "hypothesis": "There were no such things as land rights for Jews."} {"idx": "mnli-12210", "premise": "Where does he come in?\"", "hypothesis": "I know exactly what he will do."} {"idx": "mnli-12211", "premise": "i'm not sure i have", "hypothesis": "I am not certain if I possess."} {"idx": "mnli-12212", "premise": "So it was bitterly ironic when Elizabeth died without an heir and James, Mary's Catholic son, inherited the English throne.", "hypothesis": "Elizabeth had trouble conceiving children and this was the end of her royal bloodline. "} {"idx": "mnli-12213", "premise": "He said the way to accomplish this is to find and work with agency staff interested in the topic.", "hypothesis": "He wanted someone passionate about the issue."} {"idx": "mnli-12214", "premise": "i mean that's what you your going to have to expect that to happen people are just totally unfeeling like uh", "hypothesis": "People can be really sympathetic and sentimental, I think."} {"idx": "mnli-12215", "premise": "On August 6, 1993, HUD conducted a public hearing, which produced testimony and documents from 36 interested parties; in addition, HUD received 1,526 comments on the matters at issue.", "hypothesis": "There were 36 interested parties at the HUD public hearing."} {"idx": "mnli-12216", "premise": "maybe we'll get across we'll cross paths again good night", "hypothesis": "May our paths never cross again."} {"idx": "mnli-12217", "premise": "$20,171 to support overtime costs of two additional officers to serve PFAs during nonscheduled work hours, ensuring more expedient and immediate delivery and service of PFA orders.", "hypothesis": "The additional officers do not want to work overtime."} {"idx": "mnli-12218", "premise": "We found in our earlier report complied with the requirements of the act.", "hypothesis": "Our earlier report was compiled per the statute's direction."} {"idx": "mnli-12219", "premise": "uh-huh yeah i like him", "hypothesis": "He's one of my favorites."} {"idx": "mnli-12220", "premise": "As Commissioner Rossotti has stated, IRS' current cumbersome organizational structure and inadequate technology are the principal obstacles to delivering dramatic improvements in customer service and productivity.", "hypothesis": "The IRS' current level of technology is adequate for serving customers."} {"idx": "mnli-12221", "premise": "The one to the joint venture?", "hypothesis": "The one to the business corporation between the two companies?"} {"idx": "mnli-12222", "premise": "that is used in most medicines. ", "hypothesis": "That is used in all medicines."} {"idx": "mnli-12223", "premise": "In the fall Blackpool comes alive with thousands of colored lights that create fanciful pictures and patterns on the sea front.", "hypothesis": "The sea front is painted by the colored lights."} {"idx": "mnli-12224", "premise": "The President's Clear Skies Initiative is designed to help us meet our national air quality goals.", "hypothesis": "The President began the initiative in the hope that their successor would follow suit."} {"idx": "mnli-12225", "premise": "no it's just as boring", "hypothesis": "It is fascinating."} {"idx": "mnli-12226", "premise": "Look for the elaborate oriental lines of the Mosque of Abu El Abbas on your right.", "hypothesis": "The elaborate oriental lines weren't actually intentional, but a gift of nature."} {"idx": "mnli-12227", "premise": "I do not look forward to saying, 'I'm sorry.", "hypothesis": "They aren't looking forward to apologizing."} {"idx": "mnli-12228", "premise": "Many of them are quite elite in their own right.", "hypothesis": "Many of them are elite."} {"idx": "mnli-12229", "premise": "I suggest that you should represent yourself to be what you are, a former V.A.D., who has chosen domestic service as a profession.", "hypothesis": "You should hide your past as a former V.A.D. and try to change the subject if it comes up."} {"idx": "mnli-12230", "premise": "The nation first became a net debtor in", "hypothesis": "The nation became in debt"} {"idx": "mnli-12231", "premise": "But what it isn't is a rational way to run an industry.", "hypothesis": "This idea can lead to drastic changes."} {"idx": "mnli-12232", "premise": "Beaches in the main resorts have well-organized watersports facilities with jet-skis and water rides, kayaking and parasailing behind speed boats.", "hypothesis": "There is little offered by the main resorts here."} {"idx": "mnli-12233", "premise": "and i thought yeah no kidding", "hypothesis": "I thought yeah of course."} {"idx": "mnli-12234", "premise": "This is an area where we have seen an increase in a need for help.", "hypothesis": "Public education is an area which needs more help. "} {"idx": "mnli-12235", "premise": "people, results driven, business acumen, and building coalitions and communications.", "hypothesis": "The most important of these was business acumen."} {"idx": "mnli-12236", "premise": "Executive Improving Mission Performance Through Strategic Information Management and Technology (GAO/AIMD-94-115, May 1994)", "hypothesis": "Mission performance can be improved through personnel information management."} {"idx": "mnli-12237", "premise": "Two magnificent state rooms follow, both designed by Sir William Bruce as part of the extensions and refurbishment in the 1660s.", "hypothesis": "Although refurbishments were completed in the 1660s, no additional rooms were added."} {"idx": "mnli-12238", "premise": "yeah i i think so too i think that's a bit dramatic but but other than that i think it it's a good idea to get them involved in the city and community activities and you know like the uh shelters and", "hypothesis": "The benefits the community would be getting can't be understated."} {"idx": "mnli-12239", "premise": "What's likely is a bitter battle between Perot and Ventura, conducted through proxies, their respective stand-ins for the Reform Party presidential nominee.", "hypothesis": "Perot and Ventura are likely to have a bitter battle."} {"idx": "mnli-12240", "premise": "I'm considering it--being so tired of dealing with his tantrums and childish attitudes.", "hypothesis": "I don't believe that he has any good qualities."} {"idx": "mnli-12241", "premise": "The Pont Alexandre III is undoubtedly the most romantic with its Belle Epoque lanterns and melodramatic statues of Fame and Pegasus.", "hypothesis": "The Pont Alexandre III has beautiful lanterns that make it a romantic place to stroll late at night."} {"idx": "mnli-12242", "premise": "On the northern coast, the village of Kokari has a picturesque harbor, and is a magnet for visitors.", "hypothesis": "Kokari is full of trash and has unfortunate smells, making it unavailable for visitors."} {"idx": "mnli-12243", "premise": "Perhaps because we are nearing the end of a millennium, there seems to be a renewal of interest in theories of history.", "hypothesis": "We are nearing the end of the millennium and it's causing retrospection. "} {"idx": "mnli-12244", "premise": "We like to think of ourselves as content providers, I heard a cleric say recently about his line of work, a comment that I took to be knowingly ironic but which could also have been a sincere and pathetic attempt to be with it.", "hypothesis": "I heard a cleric say he provides feelings."} {"idx": "mnli-12245", "premise": "Horse-racing is popular, with races such as the Calcutta Derby, St. Leger, and the Oaks in Mumbai.", "hypothesis": "Calcutta Derby is the biggest race of the year with your reputation on the line."} {"idx": "mnli-12246", "premise": "But if the story was about the bonanza to the fan, the first number is accurate.", "hypothesis": "The first number is accurate if the store was not about the bonanza to the fan."} {"idx": "mnli-12247", "premise": "so that's it gets expensive around here to do a lawn because you're always you know buying the fertilizer and the you know the bug killers and weed killers yeah", "hypothesis": "It is very inexpensive to do a lawn."} {"idx": "mnli-12248", "premise": "Instead of requiring a date stamp, the Report and Order required that new telephones be stamped with the letters HAC.", "hypothesis": "Phones need to be marked "} {"idx": "mnli-12249", "premise": "okay Dee are you familiar with the Latin American policies of late", "hypothesis": "Dee, are you aware of the recent policies in Lain America?"} {"idx": "mnli-12250", "premise": "I phrased it that I wanted you well and true.", "hypothesis": "I didn't put any thought into how I said it."} {"idx": "mnli-12251", "premise": "what do you think could be done about it", "hypothesis": "What can we do about it?"} {"idx": "mnli-12252", "premise": "(Indeed, they point out, over 20-year periods, bond returns actually vary more widely than stock returns.)", "hypothesis": "They pointed out that bonds vary more widely than stock returns."} {"idx": "mnli-12253", "premise": "John F. Walvoord, a major pretrib writer, recently wrote that two out of three Israelites will perish during the Tribulation.", "hypothesis": "No article has been written about people from Israel."} {"idx": "mnli-12254", "premise": "What did he expect us to do next?", "hypothesis": "What did he expect us to do back then?"} {"idx": "mnli-12255", "premise": "I feel so excited.", "hypothesis": "I can't wait to do it. "} {"idx": "mnli-12256", "premise": "Plausible chronicling, laced with a dose of mythology, begins with the arrival of Korean scribes at the Japanese court around a.d. 400, at a time when Japan also had a military foothold in southern Korea.", "hypothesis": "The Korean scribes arrived at the Japanese court in 600 a.d."} {"idx": "mnli-12257", "premise": "Other centers for concerts, plays, and entertainment are Sha Tin Town Hall and Tsuen Wan Town Hall in the New Territories.", "hypothesis": "The Sha Tin Town Hall is a local favorite spot for concerts, plays, and entertainment. "} {"idx": "mnli-12258", "premise": "To Marguerite.", "hypothesis": "For Marguerite"} {"idx": "mnli-12259", "premise": "Some trace their ancestry to the influence of Spain.", "hypothesis": "Nobody can trace their ancestry to Spain."} {"idx": "mnli-12260", "premise": "yeah it's kind of like the inside dual on a truck you know when one of them breaks it's not the outside one it's it's the it's usually that power steering belt or something that's way back in there everything's got to come off", "hypothesis": "Just like in a truck it's typically the power steering belt or something else way in the back. "} {"idx": "mnli-12261", "premise": "When you find something you want to buy, ask the shopkeeper how much it costs, and then offer around half of what you're prepared to pay.", "hypothesis": "Bargaining is usually a quick and simple process."} {"idx": "mnli-12262", "premise": " \"Good work, Nema,\" he said wearily.", "hypothesis": "\"You could have done better, Nema,\" he said with irritation."} {"idx": "mnli-12263", "premise": "To make such a trip you will need either a Chinese visa or a special group-tour permit for Tibet.", "hypothesis": "You will not need any documentation of any kind to make such a trip. "} {"idx": "mnli-12264", "premise": "Something like in haste or gotta run, but I got your message.", "hypothesis": "I got your message but I've gotta run to the store. "} {"idx": "mnli-12265", "premise": "I want to know what happens next with the mob--in real life--if, as you say, the smarter ones realize that the Bada-Bing lifestyle is dead.", "hypothesis": "The mafia life isn't one of popularity anymore... I'd like to see how it's functioning today. "} {"idx": "mnli-12266", "premise": "She had caught sight of the picture he had laid against the wall the night before.", "hypothesis": "The girl noticed a picture."} {"idx": "mnli-12267", "premise": "uh-huh yeah that makes it hard", "hypothesis": "Yes, that makes it difficult."} {"idx": "mnli-12268", "premise": "The light died out of Mrs. Vandemeyer's eyes.", "hypothesis": "Mrs. Vandemeyer's eyes looked lifeless."} {"idx": "mnli-12269", "premise": "Barcelos holds the country's largest weekly market.", "hypothesis": "The weekly market in Barcelos is large."} {"idx": "mnli-12270", "premise": "The universe was stable again.", "hypothesis": "The universe has not been this stable in over 5 years."} {"idx": "mnli-12271", "premise": "Its white gables are clothed in Carrara marble, the outer faaades with a combination of grey marble and glass; the inside walls are covered with aluminum.", "hypothesis": "The outer facades have a combination of glass and grey marble."} {"idx": "mnli-12272", "premise": "5) Dueling spins : The New York Times says the scandal will dog and impede Clinton's foreign policy.", "hypothesis": "The New York Times is a Hollywood Stars tabloid. "} {"idx": "mnli-12273", "premise": "yes that's i agree with that completely i know we don't have enough prisons but there has got to be some kind of punishment for these people", "hypothesis": "No we have enough of prisons to hold all of these kinds of people."} {"idx": "mnli-12274", "premise": "Try the House of Ireland (see above), or the Irish Crystal Store on Wicklow Street.", "hypothesis": "Your shopping needs will be met at the House of Ireland or the Irish Crystal Store."} {"idx": "mnli-12275", "premise": "as well as Saddam Hussein i i mean i think their big problem up there is you know unfortunately not only are they there there's more than one group fighting for the same place where they all want you know whereas the Baltics are saying well we want our own we just want this little tiny piece of land", "hypothesis": "They are in a worse position than the Baltics."} {"idx": "mnli-12276", "premise": "These studies suggest that the short-term risk can double when the single-day effects are combined with the cumulative impact of exposures over multiple days to weeks prior to a mortality event.", "hypothesis": "There were studies done to investigate the short-term risks."} {"idx": "mnli-12277", "premise": "right i hear that's like one of the major uh the major costs to companies to corporations nowadays", "hypothesis": "That is a relatively small expense on the balance sheets of companies today."} {"idx": "mnli-12278", "premise": "yeah your name is Lynn Linda okay", "hypothesis": "Lynn Linda is your name."} {"idx": "mnli-12279", "premise": "There may not be much fun left in the world.", "hypothesis": "There is a lot of fun to be had in the world."} {"idx": "mnli-12280", "premise": "The liveliest meeting place is around the monumental Renaissance Fontaine des Innocents (once part of a cemetery).", "hypothesis": "Many tourists flock to visit the Renaissance Fontaine des Innocents each year."} {"idx": "mnli-12281", "premise": "But what separates documentary from fiction is that real people are often more complicated, and more conflicted, than finished characters--as Brenda proved to be more (or, at least, other) than the sum of her parts.", "hypothesis": "All of the things real people do throughout a day makes them more complicated than finished characters."} {"idx": "mnli-12282", "premise": "(For instance, if you're a presidential candidate and are asked if you have ever smoked marijuana, and you have, but only in England, you might reply that you have broken no state laws.)", "hypothesis": "A presidential candidate could have broken some laws."} {"idx": "mnli-12283", "premise": "Ask permission to visit the spreading baroque cloisters, magnificent staircase, and beautifully tiled refectory.", "hypothesis": "There is a magnificent staircase that is worth visiting."} {"idx": "mnli-12284", "premise": "gosh they don't kill them they just molest", "hypothesis": "They don't kill, they just molest."} {"idx": "mnli-12285", "premise": "but um but basically all over here everywhere everybody wears jeans and if not what the what the thing is that they're wear ing now is sometimes you wear like shorts with biker pants underneath it which is", "hypothesis": "Often people wear shorts and biker pants unless they're wearing jeans."} {"idx": "mnli-12286", "premise": "So I come whippin' a mighty tired hoss outta Texas, an' I ain't plannin' on goin' back to any Fifth Military District!\"", "hypothesis": "He doesn't plan on going back to any Fifth Military District."} {"idx": "mnli-12287", "premise": "Perfectly good Uzbek cotton that had real value--it could be sold on the world market--was made into shirts so ugly and poorly cut that not even Soviet consumers would buy them.", "hypothesis": "Uzbek cotton is worthless."} {"idx": "mnli-12288", "premise": "The pictures' precariousness, their de Kooningness, has unmistakably begun to leak away.", "hypothesis": "The precariousness of the picture and how it hangs has shifted."} {"idx": "mnli-12289", "premise": "French painters represented include Delacroix and Francois Clouet, as well as Gricault, who was born in Rouen.", "hypothesis": "The french painters that were represented included more than 3 of them."} {"idx": "mnli-12290", "premise": "There will always be localized Italian-American gangs, but a wide network of criminals who have their hooks into organized labor and adhere to a code of silence?", "hypothesis": "Will the mafia always exist in America, in its current form?"} {"idx": "mnli-12291", "premise": "These other professional standards are not incorporated into GAGAS, but can be used in conjunction with GAGAS.", "hypothesis": "These other professional standards should be incorporated into GAGAS. "} {"idx": "mnli-12292", "premise": "Well, Texas sure is a great big piece o' country, so maybe you don't know 'bout them river tricks.", "hypothesis": "Greenland is a nice time to visit in the summer, so maybe you know about the travel plans."} {"idx": "mnli-12293", "premise": "During the Spanish Civil War, it was a stronghold of the pro-Franco forces, who held out during a 72-day siege that all but destroyed it.", "hypothesis": "It was a stronghold of pro-franco forces but it was nearly destroyed."} {"idx": "mnli-12294", "premise": "I've heard that a girl always refuses you once a sort of convention.\" Tommy caught his arm.", "hypothesis": "Tommy grabbed his arm forcefully."} {"idx": "mnli-12295", "premise": "Figure 2 illustrates the six principles and their relationship with the three critical success factors and their respective organizational foci.", "hypothesis": "As can be seen in Figure 2, 6 principles used within 3 success factors and their main focus point, is seen. "} {"idx": "mnli-12296", "premise": "A typical Turkish meal begins with a spread of meze (starters), washed down with rakia, followed by grilled meat, fish, or kebabs, and rounded off with fresh fruit or milk puddings, and cups of the famous strong black Turkish coffee.", "hypothesis": "The majority of Turkish meals feature a single course of food."} {"idx": "mnli-12297", "premise": "The carp's ability to struggle upstream against a strong current is regarded as a fit model for Japanese boys.", "hypothesis": "The carp's ability to struggle upstream against a strong current is unmatched by any other animal."} {"idx": "mnli-12298", "premise": "The site links to his speeches and the petition that helped set him free, as well as to his June 4 statement on the ninth anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre.", "hypothesis": "He made a statement on June 4 that can be found on the site."} {"idx": "mnli-12299", "premise": "With best wishes,", "hypothesis": "The wishes are for a happy birthday."} {"idx": "mnli-12300", "premise": "Food shortages.", "hypothesis": "Lack of food. "} {"idx": "mnli-12301", "premise": "Eszterhas is a self-promoter but not a cynic.", "hypothesis": "Eszterhas is not a self-promoter."} {"idx": "mnli-12302", "premise": "Ca'daan and the woman walked back to the others.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan ran away from the others."} {"idx": "mnli-12303", "premise": "Th' boys he nodded at Drew and Anse \"were sittin' at that table, mindin' their own business.", "hypothesis": "He said that the boys were running around and causing trouble."} {"idx": "mnli-12304", "premise": "i think eventually it's going get to the point where there's going to be a majority of the American people that have had enough of what it's finally come to we're you getting so far down to where you're being taxed so far down where you can't even afford to change your mind", "hypothesis": "I think that a majority of the American people are going to get tired of being taxed so much."} {"idx": "mnli-12305", "premise": "i got rid of a lot of them especially the ones where i paid fees", "hypothesis": "I kept the ones with fees unfortunately."} {"idx": "mnli-12306", "premise": "Finally, in 1936, a large section of the army under General Francisco Franco rose in revolt against the government.", "hypothesis": "In 1948 there was a minor revolution against the city officials."} {"idx": "mnli-12307", "premise": "See accompanying notes to the financial statements for the reporting of condition of these items.", "hypothesis": "The condition of items can be found in the accompanying notes."} {"idx": "mnli-12308", "premise": "I beg your pardon. A man's voice beside her made her start and turn.", "hypothesis": "She was expecting the man next to her to speak and wasn't surprised when he did. "} {"idx": "mnli-12309", "premise": "They are not land-hungry.", "hypothesis": "They want all of the land."} {"idx": "mnli-12310", "premise": "Goodness and purity maketh not much of a column.", "hypothesis": "Goodness and purity maketh much of a column."} {"idx": "mnli-12311", "premise": "The Commission determined to retain its prior year practice of mitigating the impact of the fees by establishing maximum annual fees for two categories of small entities.", "hypothesis": "All the Commission's prior year practices were a success."} {"idx": "mnli-12312", "premise": "Red stared at him sidelong.", "hypothesis": "Red left hi gaze on him from a side position."} {"idx": "mnli-12313", "premise": "Still thriving are the old commercial areas which brought so much of the wealth to the city and country generally.", "hypothesis": "The old commercial areas are dead. "} {"idx": "mnli-12314", "premise": "Nowadays, the city is a blend of historic buildings and modern skyscrapers, and the contrast is striking.", "hypothesis": "The city's skyline is hardly visible; mostly buildings that are not prolific."} {"idx": "mnli-12315", "premise": "Eat My Flannel", "hypothesis": "Flannel needs to be eaten."} {"idx": "mnli-12316", "premise": "uh-huh yeah really yeah and i need all the help i can get", "hypothesis": "yes, and i need a lot of help now that i'm injured"} {"idx": "mnli-12317", "premise": "Orange groves sprawl on both sides of the Ibiza Sant Rafel road, cutting through the attractive, parched landscape.", "hypothesis": "Only lemons are grown on the sides of the Ibiza Sant Rafel road."} {"idx": "mnli-12318", "premise": "And it implies that the Harlem racket reverted to local control.", "hypothesis": "We got what we wanted - the Harlem racket is under local control again."} {"idx": "mnli-12319", "premise": "White describes his wife Katherine, who, very sick in the fall of the last year of her life, goes out into the garden, as she has done every year before, to plant the spring bulbs she knew she would never live to see rise.", "hypothesis": "White says his wife was very healthy."} {"idx": "mnli-12320", "premise": "Where's the key? ", "hypothesis": "The key is missing."} {"idx": "mnli-12321", "premise": "MARKETABLE TREASURY SECURITIES - Debt securities, including Treasury bills, notes, and bonds, that the U.S.", "hypothesis": "Marketable treasury securities do not exist in the U.S."} {"idx": "mnli-12322", "premise": "The oldest dances are survivors from Moorish times, and are usually performed in mountain villages.", "hypothesis": "The oldest dances are routinely performed in sea-side villages."} {"idx": "mnli-12323", "premise": "If, for example, a company wants to argue that unionization will raise labor costs to the point where it will be forced to shut down operations, should it be allowed to do so?", "hypothesis": "Unions protect workers rights, so should the companies be allowed to argue against them for fear it may hurt thier bottom dollar?"} {"idx": "mnli-12324", "premise": "Look left down Bank Street to see the ornate facade of the Bank of Scotland headquarters, a symbol of the city's continuing important position in the financial world.", "hypothesis": "The Bank of Scotland isn't very important to the financial world. "} {"idx": "mnli-12325", "premise": "and he bought a used mower it was a real big heavy one and he said that that you know basically they they sold it on him because you know it was a macho thing", "hypothesis": "He bought a big, heavy used mower because it was more macho."} {"idx": "mnli-12326", "premise": "Grace and consistency?", "hypothesis": "Consistency?"} {"idx": "mnli-12327", "premise": "Montpellier is a good base for visits both south into Languedoc-Roussillon and east into the Camargue and Provence.", "hypothesis": "Montpellier is to the east of the Camargue."} {"idx": "mnli-12328", "premise": "Under the Alternative Estimate, the number of avoided cases of chronic bronchitis, hospital and ER visits, and minor respiratory illnesses and symptoms is the same as the Base.", "hypothesis": "The Alternative Estimate does not include hospital visits."} {"idx": "mnli-12329", "premise": "CIO magazine aims to provide actionable insight and decision support for information technology and business executives so that they may use information technology to obtain a competitive advantage.", "hypothesis": "CIO magazine is a publication that focuses on information technology."} {"idx": "mnli-12330", "premise": "He killed another stud this season.", "hypothesis": "He loves studs, he wouldn't hurt one."} {"idx": "mnli-12331", "premise": "get you a little name plaque", "hypothesis": "Get yourself a plaque with your name on it"} {"idx": "mnli-12332", "premise": "--DeParle's big concluding anecdote is the story of Michelle Crawford, a 39-year-old Milwaukee woman who went to work last year at a plastics plant, after two decades of desperation and chronic dependence on welfare.", "hypothesis": "DeParle told the story of Michelle Crawford, who quit working at the plastics plant. "} {"idx": "mnli-12333", "premise": "from the day care", "hypothesis": "They came from the direction of the day care."} {"idx": "mnli-12334", "premise": "In resolving business issues, they were sometimes able to identify more efficient technical opportunities.", "hypothesis": "Resolving business problems were able to identify more efficient technical opportunities "} {"idx": "mnli-12335", "premise": "Forty thousand of us die that way each year.", "hypothesis": "Four thousand people die the same way each year."} {"idx": "mnli-12336", "premise": "oh you'll find something like that uh especially when you have kids", "hypothesis": "You will find peace one day, when you have kids."} {"idx": "mnli-12337", "premise": "i found that true especially for walking on toes or fronts", "hypothesis": "It does not happen when I walk on my toes. "} {"idx": "mnli-12338", "premise": "The profundity of an artist such as we won't see again for some time (Sarah Kaufman, the Washington Post ). Critics forgive his use of goofy gimmicks--he improvises a dance to his own heartbeat, which is amplified by a device affixed to his chest--focusing instead on the credibility he has given modern dance, having switched from classical ballet in midcareer.", "hypothesis": "The artist switched from classical ballet to get into modern dance."} {"idx": "mnli-12339", "premise": "National saving represents resources available for investment in the nation's stock of capital goods, such as plant, equipment, and housing.", "hypothesis": "A nation's stock of capital goods includes both industrial and agricultural machinery. "} {"idx": "mnli-12340", "premise": "First of all, he must have a square meal.", "hypothesis": "He doesn't need a square meal."} {"idx": "mnli-12341", "premise": "Both the external and internal environments are important, and neither can be viewed independently of the other.", "hypothesis": "It has long been held in this industry that there's a relationship between the internal and external environments that can't be underestimated."} {"idx": "mnli-12342", "premise": "I tell you, pal, I don't like this place.", "hypothesis": "Yeah, this place is cool."} {"idx": "mnli-12343", "premise": "interested parties to a common objective and integrate their knowledge,", "hypothesis": "Interested people pool their knowledge to achieve a common goal."} {"idx": "mnli-12344", "premise": "Such a program (with appropriate measures to address local concerns) would provide significant health benefits even as we increase electricity supplies.", "hypothesis": "Significant health benefits would be provided by such a program."} {"idx": "mnli-12345", "premise": "It was the only defeat of Drake's career.", "hypothesis": "Drake lost many battles during his career."} {"idx": "mnli-12346", "premise": "One popular hypothesis about Aug. 17 is the notion that Clinton won't admit/apologize because Hillary Clinton won't let him.", "hypothesis": "Hillary clearly wants Bill to apologize."} {"idx": "mnli-12347", "premise": "Birch, unlike Clinton, had to give a principled answer--uh, yes--at which point Will and Bennett dragged her through the sordid exercise of distinguishing gay marriage from polygamy and incest.", "hypothesis": "Bennett said gay marriage was similar to incest and should be outlawed."} {"idx": "mnli-12348", "premise": "The more pacific Greek-style temple known as the Maison Carr??e, an elegant monument dating from the first century b.c. , is noted for the finely sculpted Corinthian capitals on its columns.", "hypothesis": "The Greek-style temple has Ionic capitals on its columns."} {"idx": "mnli-12349", "premise": "I saw White.", "hypothesis": "White - I saw him."} {"idx": "mnli-12350", "premise": "A police helicopter was tumbling through the sky, tracing a rapid path back down to earth.", "hypothesis": "A helicopter was on fire and crashing to the ground. "} {"idx": "mnli-12351", "premise": "But the town itself, with its miraculously preserved old city center, has much else to offer.", "hypothesis": "The town itself has lots of interesting events."} {"idx": "mnli-12352", "premise": "um not really just yet we've uh well i i do have uh a little bit of property i grew up in South Dakota", "hypothesis": "No, I don't think it will be possible because I don't own land."} {"idx": "mnli-12353", "premise": "Hong Kong hotels have excellent business services and conference facilities; many have shopping malls.", "hypothesis": "Hong Kong only has small, locally owned hotels that have limited facilities, but feature a great location near public transport."} {"idx": "mnli-12354", "premise": "The most striking feature of Santo da Serra is its flatness; it may not be in the league of Pa??l da Serra, but it is still large enough to accommodate a 27-hole golf course .", "hypothesis": "The many highs and peaks of Santo da Serra are its most striking characteristic."} {"idx": "mnli-12355", "premise": "He was pictured in last Friday's New York Times actually wagging his finger, Clinton-that woman-style, as he publicly lied to get himself out of a fix.", "hypothesis": "There have never been any pictures of him published. "} {"idx": "mnli-12356", "premise": "It is also the male who emits a formidable honk through its nose at times of great excitement or alarm.", "hypothesis": "The male's nose honk is used in times of alarm."} {"idx": "mnli-12357", "premise": "Do it too late and you seem, actually it's glib and insincere again.", "hypothesis": "It's glib and insincere if you do it too late."} {"idx": "mnli-12358", "premise": "The time needed to complete this phase of an implementation project is about 23 months.", "hypothesis": "This phase will take less than a year."} {"idx": "mnli-12359", "premise": "do you go right after work", "hypothesis": "Isn't it annoying to go after work?"} {"idx": "mnli-12360", "premise": "i'm in computer science actually i'm uh today i had uh i'm in a Masters program", "hypothesis": "I'm in a masters program, and I touch on computer science."} {"idx": "mnli-12361", "premise": "She was unable to chew gum while the braces were on, so now she is going cow wild, so to speak.", "hypothesis": "She couldn't chew gum with braces."} {"idx": "mnli-12362", "premise": "At a higher price, too many customers would walk away.", "hypothesis": "Too many customers walk away from a high price "} {"idx": "mnli-12363", "premise": "And no idea of saying good-bye politely to the ladies.", "hypothesis": "And kindly bid farewell to the ladies."} {"idx": "mnli-12364", "premise": "and uh it uh it was interesting just to listen to the rationale uh being proposed and the logic of some of the people uh it was also extremely difficult to stay awake sometimes because there was so many witnesses and we were not allowed to take any notes of any kind uh and i thought that that was a failing because uh from the standpoint that it was difficult to try to remember everything and and yet the judge said well um if you're taking notes you're missing something", "hypothesis": "It was a good thing that we could not write anything down. "} {"idx": "mnli-12365", "premise": "jeez you can't get any interest rates", "hypothesis": "The interest rates are low because we do not invest enough. "} {"idx": "mnli-12366", "premise": "The remaining costs are institutional costs that are primarily driven by the size of the network.", "hypothesis": "The remaining costs are institutional ones that are driven by the investors' desire."} {"idx": "mnli-12367", "premise": "i've got two and it is hard to find day care for them", "hypothesis": "I've tried over and over to find proper day care for them."} {"idx": "mnli-12368", "premise": "You planning a trip, Mister Kirby? Stein peered at him over a pair of old-fashioned, steel-bowed spectacles which perched on his sharp parrot's beak of a nose.", "hypothesis": "Stein was wearing old-fashioned glasses. "} {"idx": "mnli-12369", "premise": "a new car", "hypothesis": "A used vehicle."} {"idx": "mnli-12370", "premise": "After the battle against the slave lord, the group needed it.", "hypothesis": "The slaves battled the group."} {"idx": "mnli-12371", "premise": "She wants Evie to stay on, is begging her to, but she doesn't want me, and \u201dand \u201dI don't know what to do.\" Suddenly the poor child burst out crying. ", "hypothesis": "I can't afford a place of my own and this seems like home to me. "} {"idx": "mnli-12372", "premise": "They will get the underlying implicit message.", "hypothesis": "They will take a while to get the underlying implicit message."} {"idx": "mnli-12373", "premise": "I've some letters I must finish by post-time. ", "hypothesis": "I have some letter I must finish before a certain time."} {"idx": "mnli-12374", "premise": "Running alongside the building, the majestic Bunker Hill Steps lead to Caleornia Plaza, forming a symbolic link between the old downtown and the new.", "hypothesis": "The is no way to go from the old area of town to the new without leaving the city."} {"idx": "mnli-12375", "premise": "Helping an offeror to bring its proposal up to the level of other proposals through successive rounds of discussion, such as by pointing out weaknesses resulting from the offeror's lack of diligence, competence, or inventiveness in preparing the proposal.", "hypothesis": "Pointing out weaknesses can help an offeror bring its proposal up to the level of others, because it shows the offeror can detect mistakes easily."} {"idx": "mnli-12376", "premise": "The award-winning South Coast Repertory Theater is also based here, and the adjacent South Coast Plaza shopping plaza hosts many of the most fashionable department stores.", "hypothesis": "There is not a shopping plaza here."} {"idx": "mnli-12377", "premise": "Jazz fans will find live jazz presented by international artists at the Jazz Club and Bar, 2/F, 34-36 D'Agular, Central; and at the Blue Note in the Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui.", "hypothesis": "Live jazz by international artists can be found at the Jazz Club and Bar as well as the Blue Note. "} {"idx": "mnli-12378", "premise": "Figure 19 shows GAO's human capital profile as of fiscal years 1989 and 2000.", "hypothesis": "The figure depicts GAO's capital from 1989 to 2000."} {"idx": "mnli-12379", "premise": "Determine the basis of the protest and its resolution.", "hypothesis": "The basis of the protest and its resolution; determine it. "} {"idx": "mnli-12380", "premise": "Also, GPRA requires each agency to submit to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), beginning for fiscal year 1999, an annual performance plan.", "hypothesis": "All agencies are, or will soon be, required to submit an annual performance plan."} {"idx": "mnli-12381", "premise": "Farmworker hours are often long, and their access to telephones and transport may be nonexistent.", "hypothesis": "Due to the time they put in they may not have the ability to have access to a phone."} {"idx": "mnli-12382", "premise": "It may be Egypt's position at the meeting point of three cultures Africa, Europe, and the Middle East that accounts for its complexity.", "hypothesis": "Egypt has African, European, and Middle Eastern influences that blend to create unique food and art."} {"idx": "mnli-12383", "premise": "Although Madeira's fortified wines aren't made here any longer, you can take a tour of the lodge (Mon Fri, 10:30 am and 3:30pm, Sat 11am) and the wine cellars.", "hypothesis": "A tour of the wine cellars can still be taken."} {"idx": "mnli-12384", "premise": "Yes, but it was possible.", "hypothesis": "It was impossible."} {"idx": "mnli-12385", "premise": "even though you could probably get away with a cotton dress you got to go out and buy the rayon dress or something you know", "hypothesis": "The rayon dress is more expensive than the cotton one."} {"idx": "mnli-12386", "premise": "Capital combines with labor and total factor productivity to determine GDP in the next period, and the process continues.", "hypothesis": "Capital combines labor and total factor productivity to determine GDP"} {"idx": "mnli-12387", "premise": "well i think uh i haven't had that much of course i just heard but i haven't had that much time to think about it either i guess the um biggest thing i find find find is the financial aspects uh particularly", "hypothesis": "I've had plenty of time to think these things over."} {"idx": "mnli-12388", "premise": "In 1871 under the Third Republic, Martinique and Guadeloupe were granted representation in the National Assembly in Paris, which they have retained ever since.", "hypothesis": "Martinique and Guadeloupe were given representation in the National Assembly in Paris which allowed them to vote for all new laws."} {"idx": "mnli-12389", "premise": "Afterward, the doctors compare the results of the placebo surgeries with those of real operations.", "hypothesis": "Placebo and genuine surgeries were compared to one another."} {"idx": "mnli-12390", "premise": "For example, the manufacturer's central security group recently revamped the company's entire information security manual and dedicated one staff member to maintaining it.", "hypothesis": "The company's entire information security manual has been revamped by the manufacturer's central security group."} {"idx": "mnli-12391", "premise": "The city was conquered and reconquered for 200 years before being destroyed by Muslim armies in the 13th century.", "hypothesis": "In the 1200s, Muslim armies ravaged the city. "} {"idx": "mnli-12392", "premise": "This rapier was plain, not ornate, with a simple dull handguard and a chipped blade.", "hypothesis": "This rapier has a chipped blade."} {"idx": "mnli-12393", "premise": "This follows a hand transplant performed in France last September.", "hypothesis": "A hand transplant had never been performed in France."} {"idx": "mnli-12394", "premise": "really yes well i had that that cat that i mentioned i'll be one morning and you know the first thing you do is you get up and you you you you you you feed this cat something something and and you make sure that it can get to its litterbox well", "hypothesis": "The first thing you do in the morning is feed the cat. "} {"idx": "mnli-12395", "premise": "You don't even know where the welfare office is.", "hypothesis": "I'm sure you know where the office is."} {"idx": "mnli-12396", "premise": "But it was absurd of John to make such a fuss about it, and to go shouting out: \"I tell you I won't have it!\" I woke up with a start. ", "hypothesis": "John was being absurd by making such a big fuss about it."} {"idx": "mnli-12397", "premise": "I will introduce you, said Gauve.", "hypothesis": "Guave said he would introduce the man to the townspeople."} {"idx": "mnli-12398", "premise": "Wilshire Boulevard began as an Indian trail connecting the downtown area with the La Brea tar pits and later was developed as an upscale shopping and business district.", "hypothesis": "The Wilshire Boulevard is considered to be a flourishing part of the city."} {"idx": "mnli-12399", "premise": "If employees are the best owners, then Simon was wrong to orchestrate the management buyout.", "hypothesis": "Simon was right to buy out the managers."} {"idx": "mnli-12400", "premise": "The two were finely balanced.", "hypothesis": "The two were unconnected to each other."} {"idx": "mnli-12401", "premise": "Trent Lott must have been moved.", "hypothesis": "Trent Lott must have stayed at the same spot."} {"idx": "mnli-12402", "premise": "Legal Aid now offers some of the most creative services for legal aid found across the country, said Michael A. Millemann, a law professor at the University of Maryland and a former deputy director of the Multnomah County, Ore., Legal Aid Service. ", "hypothesis": "Michael Millemann teaches law at the University of Maryland."} {"idx": "mnli-12403", "premise": "7 billion remained.", "hypothesis": "The number remaining was greater than the population of China."} {"idx": "mnli-12404", "premise": "yeah right yeah i thought that it made you think about um you know what happens when you die and everything and is are there really angels and ghost and things and so", "hypothesis": "I am positive there are ghosts present after one dies."} {"idx": "mnli-12405", "premise": "Aloud, he said nothing.", "hypothesis": "He started yelling."} {"idx": "mnli-12406", "premise": "Nevertheless, a small park on the roadside at Discovery Bay stands as a tribute to his achievement.", "hypothesis": "A little park stands in commemoration of his achievement."} {"idx": "mnli-12407", "premise": "GAO officials responsible for the completion of the engagement will participate in the meeting.", "hypothesis": "GAO officials responsible for finishing the engagement will be at the meeting "} {"idx": "mnli-12408", "premise": "Jamaica is an island with a strong personality that doesn't simply wait in the wings.", "hypothesis": "Jamaica has a strong personality."} {"idx": "mnli-12409", "premise": "Inside the gates, dozens of horses await to transport you gently along the 21.2-km (11.2-mile) track through the siq (gorge) to the city.", "hypothesis": "Horses carry people through the gorge to the city."} {"idx": "mnli-12410", "premise": "Across the tops of these small former workshops, Vasari provided a covered corridor for Duke Cosimo to keep out of the rain when croseng from his Pitti Palace to the Uffizi.", "hypothesis": "It was often necessary for the duke to visit the Uffizi."} {"idx": "mnli-12411", "premise": "This near cult of fairness prevents conflicts, but it also prevents interest.", "hypothesis": "The cult of fairness prevents them from fighting for resources."} {"idx": "mnli-12412", "premise": "so you know i come out pretty good on it i mean i get and plus my TI money i come out real good on it now the last one i served on i was working at TI and so i got time off for it but i was working third shift and that made it a little difficult", "hypothesis": "I was working for TI during my last jury duty."} {"idx": "mnli-12413", "premise": "We have a very formidable adversary.", "hypothesis": "The adversary is a chump."} {"idx": "mnli-12414", "premise": "The Weekly Standard 's John Podhoretz compares Horowitz's conversion to conservatism to Whittaker Chambers' magisterial tale of apostasy, Witness . Leftists dismiss the book as score-settling and name-calling.", "hypothesis": "Witness is a book written by Whittaker Chambers. "} {"idx": "mnli-12415", "premise": "huh well he made it", "hypothesis": "Looks like he pulled it off."} {"idx": "mnli-12416", "premise": "My uncle would like to talk to you, said Ca'daan.", "hypothesis": "\"My uncles desires to speak with you,\" said Ca'daan."} {"idx": "mnli-12417", "premise": "i was i was a lot more impressed with her than i though i would be it turned out to be a better thriller than i was expecting it to be so yeah it was a pretty good movie", "hypothesis": "She usually can't act her way out of a bag, but was good in this movie."} {"idx": "mnli-12418", "premise": "But General de Gaulle gained his revenge by starting his march of Liberation here in 1944.", "hypothesis": "General de Gaulle got revenge on the Italians, who had threatened his kingdom for years."} {"idx": "mnli-12419", "premise": "father said. ", "hypothesis": "The father talked to the police."} {"idx": "mnli-12420", "premise": "Immediately inside the gate is the richly decorated Throne Room (Arz Odase), where the sultan received foreign ambassadors.", "hypothesis": "The sultan received foreign ambassadors in the Throne Room which was found immediately inside the gate."} {"idx": "mnli-12421", "premise": "and when you're in jail they take you out just like they do in Alabama or anywhere else in what they call a chain gang and they clean the city parks", "hypothesis": "Every state has prisoners clean the city parks."} {"idx": "mnli-12422", "premise": "Hollywood first became the center of the film industry in the 1920s, after Cecil B. DeMille set up the town's first movie studio near Highland and Sunset in a horse barn and filmed The Squaw Man, the first feature-length film, in 1913.", "hypothesis": "After Cecil B. DeMille, many more people flocked to Hollywood to establish studios."} {"idx": "mnli-12423", "premise": "Food and Drink", "hypothesis": "Starvation and thirst"} {"idx": "mnli-12424", "premise": "The modes of any period can easily be made to look stupid.", "hypothesis": "This is because each period's had modes that were dated and timeless."} {"idx": "mnli-12425", "premise": "first class in September 1995, the GPRA training has been delivered 3 times via satellite to 38 sites and has reached 760 people.", "hypothesis": "The GPRA training takes four days to complete and has a fifty percent washout rate."} {"idx": "mnli-12426", "premise": "but they don't look you know like she had complained about it one time and the girl said she was sorry she picked up these utensils and and when back and grabbed some new ones and then put the new ones back down and the new ones looked worse than the ones that she took away so she is not even looking you know and", "hypothesis": "She wanted to complain to management about the cutlery."} {"idx": "mnli-12427", "premise": "The Art Gallery in the Institute of Chinese Studies Building is worth a visit for its painting and calligraphy collections.", "hypothesis": "The Art Gallery has painting and calligraphy collections. "} {"idx": "mnli-12428", "premise": "an executive and operational capability to encourage and manage change.", "hypothesis": "The operational capability encourages and manages change among CEOs"} {"idx": "mnli-12429", "premise": "She had birthed three of Adrin's five brill and, if this blockage didn't kill her, would be ready to market at the next caravan north.", "hypothesis": "Adrin had no brill."} {"idx": "mnli-12430", "premise": "Do you steal Tootsie pops at checkout counters?", "hypothesis": "Stealing is always bad, no matter the circumstances."} {"idx": "mnli-12431", "premise": "Many advisors try to help their clients meet a short-term value-oriented objective.", "hypothesis": "Short term objectives are favored because of potential market instability in the future."} {"idx": "mnli-12432", "premise": "i mean you don't have to go that far south", "hypothesis": "You have to go to the deep south. "} {"idx": "mnli-12433", "premise": "Newsweek psychologizes that his parents' suicides caused his clear longing for certainties, a need to be in control.", "hypothesis": "Newsweek discussed the impact on him of the suicide of his parents."} {"idx": "mnli-12434", "premise": "yeah anybody yeah yeah", "hypothesis": "Yes, any person."} {"idx": "mnli-12435", "premise": "i don't think i uh i think if uh i enjoyed Flatliners i rented that not to uh just about a week or so ago and i i like Julia Roberts", "hypothesis": "I rented Flatliners a week or so ago, but I haven't watched it yet."} {"idx": "mnli-12436", "premise": "Today, thousands of kilometers of public footpaths and bridle ways extend to almost every valley and reach to every peak, offering new delights at every turn in the road.", "hypothesis": "There are no paths through the majority of the mountains."} {"idx": "mnli-12437", "premise": "The Sarbanes-Oxley provisions were based in large part on GAO's new independence standards.", "hypothesis": "Part of Sarbanes-Oxley was based on the new independence standards of the GAO. "} {"idx": "mnli-12438", "premise": "Goodman's explanations of Jewish ritual sometimes veer from the helpful to the condescendingly overexplicit, as if she were writing for young adults.", "hypothesis": "Goodman explained Polish rituals."} {"idx": "mnli-12439", "premise": "But a very good imitation, I must admit.\" Dave turned from Ser Perth toward Nema, but her head was bent over the cords she was weaving, and she avoided his eyes.", "hypothesis": "She tried not to make eye contact with him."} {"idx": "mnli-12440", "premise": "She didn't wait long to come here.", "hypothesis": "She did not have a long wait."} {"idx": "mnli-12441", "premise": "Assuming the bare-bones basic functions of government are to be maintained, where then will be the room for any border-control guards or anti-terrorism measures, or Head Start or education grants or peanut subsidies or national parks, or disaster relief--let alone the enhancements that Congress deemed so necessary this October?", "hypothesis": "There will always be room for border control guards."} {"idx": "mnli-12442", "premise": "Others continue to dismiss his work as sappy and say he can't paint very well (Mark Stevens, New York ). Time 's Robert Hughes says Burne-Jones has become popular because confrontational Modernism is losing its mandate in our fin de siacle . (Click here for Christopher Benfey's review of the show in Slate .)", "hypothesis": "People say he is the best painter."} {"idx": "mnli-12443", "premise": "The armored man howled in his helm as the hand enclosed, twisting metal and crushing bone.", "hypothesis": "The armored man whooped as his armor failed, and watched as it dropped from his body ineffectively at the unarmed attack."} {"idx": "mnli-12444", "premise": "A more sophisticated approach would be to model a changing international environment in detail.", "hypothesis": "The approach would be hard to model."} {"idx": "mnli-12445", "premise": "Kondracke screams back that he's used them before, he'll use them again.", "hypothesis": "Kondracke is determined to use them again."} {"idx": "mnli-12446", "premise": "Well, I'm darned! said Julius.", "hypothesis": "This is good for me, Julius thought. "} {"idx": "mnli-12447", "premise": "The difference, if any, between the reacquisition price and the net carrying value of the extinguished debt should be recognized as a loss or gain in accounting for interest on Treasury debt.", "hypothesis": "The difference is not recognized."} {"idx": "mnli-12448", "premise": "Rouen continues to work on its monuments and public buildings, and recently has finished quayside renovations aimed at bringing life back to the riverside with new promenades.", "hypothesis": "Fundraisers have been held to finance the Rouen renovations."} {"idx": "mnli-12449", "premise": "He replied: 'You're on to it, sir.", "hypothesis": "He gave him no reply."} {"idx": "mnli-12450", "premise": "I beg your pardon, Mr. Hersheimmer.", "hypothesis": "I don't care if you're upset, Mr. Hersheimmer."} {"idx": "mnli-12451", "premise": "British journalist Iain Pears' best-selling murder mystery, set in 17 th century England, is compared to Umberto Eco's The Name of the Rose . Pears uses the thriller as an occasion to wax philosophical, meditating on scientific method and political liberalism.", "hypothesis": "The comparison between Umberto Eco's and Iain Pears' books is unfair."} {"idx": "mnli-12452", "premise": "And, although I took issue with a number of provisions in his bill, I consider it unfortunate, that the Chairman has run out of time in his search for the Holy Grail of postal reform.", "hypothesis": "I am in agreement with the contents of his entire bill."} {"idx": "mnli-12453", "premise": "A variety of goods are available throughout Malaysia.", "hypothesis": "Malaysia is a good place to visit for shopping."} {"idx": "mnli-12454", "premise": "But whenever Drew thought seriously of the future he had that odd sense of dislocation and loss which he had first known on the night he had seen Don Cazar arrive at the cantina.", "hypothesis": "He experienced the same feeling of loss whenever he thought of his future."} {"idx": "mnli-12455", "premise": "And there was another Abraham Lincoln.", "hypothesis": "There was more than one Abraham Lincoln. "} {"idx": "mnli-12456", "premise": "Fado's origins are unclear.", "hypothesis": "Though Fedo has claimed he is descended from a duke, it is unclear what his origins are."} {"idx": "mnli-12457", "premise": "It'll take 'em at least five minutes to get busy after us.", "hypothesis": "It'll take them a little moment for them to start chasing us."} {"idx": "mnli-12458", "premise": "The Taanos feared an evil spirit, Juracan, who was responsible for violent storms and gave his name to the tropical hurricanes of the West Indies.", "hypothesis": "The West Indies were governed by Juracan."} {"idx": "mnli-12459", "premise": "but uh i think the real honest to gosh oaks like the what bur oaks and pin oaks and red oaks and all that sort of thing they they'll grow a lot faster", "hypothesis": "The person believes that certain trees grow faster than others."} {"idx": "mnli-12460", "premise": "yeah you know something really a serial killer or", "hypothesis": "Nah nothing like a serial killer."} {"idx": "mnli-12461", "premise": "yeah it was quite a session that disrupted disrupted my whole summer of course", "hypothesis": "That session threw off my entire summer. "} {"idx": "mnli-12462", "premise": "If the method is highly susceptible to this kind of internal change, the appropriate scope for case studies should be examined.", "hypothesis": "If the method is susceptible to internal change, the scope of case studies should be looked at."} {"idx": "mnli-12463", "premise": "And you never told me? ", "hypothesis": "Why didn't you tell me?"} {"idx": "mnli-12464", "premise": "Tommy disentangled it and smoothed out the telegram.", "hypothesis": "Tommy unwrinkled the telegram so he could read it."} {"idx": "mnli-12465", "premise": "This is Eilat's best dairy restaurant, generously serving delicious vegetarian dishes and salads in enormous portions.", "hypothesis": "The restaurant serves vegetarian food."} {"idx": "mnli-12466", "premise": "Batterers use the courts as a way to maintain control, she said. ", "hypothesis": "Batterers also use batteries to maintain control in many cases."} {"idx": "mnli-12467", "premise": "There was no strychnine present.\" I heard Poirot chuckle softly beside me. ", "hypothesis": "None of the drug was found."} {"idx": "mnli-12468", "premise": "British army office Robert Gayer-Anderson bought the latter between the two World Wars, and fully restored it with exquisite fretwork, wooden balconies, tiled floors, and simple stucco walls.", "hypothesis": "It was bought by a British army officer in the 20th century."} {"idx": "mnli-12469", "premise": "He'd agreed to admit anything, but some of this was such complete nonsense that his mind rejected it automatically.", "hypothesis": "He refused to admit to something."} {"idx": "mnli-12470", "premise": "A few American men have actually moved to Cuba to get married.", "hypothesis": "A few Cubans moved to Ohio today."} {"idx": "mnli-12471", "premise": "The skyscrapers were supposed to stay shiny at all times- very rich people have paid some very big guns to keep them shiny at all times.", "hypothesis": "The tall buildings were shiny."} {"idx": "mnli-12472", "premise": "For years, ambitious French people saw Paris as the only place to make their fortune, and so people from every region of France ' with every local cuisine to feed them ' are represented in the metropolis.", "hypothesis": "People thought Paris's economy was too stagnant."} {"idx": "mnli-12473", "premise": "His words drove a chill through Ca'daan's bones.", "hypothesis": "The words gave Ca'daan a chill. "} {"idx": "mnli-12474", "premise": "Walk to the bottom of Kildare Street and you will reach St. Stephen's Green, formerly an open common, but enclosed in 1663 and now a 9-hectare (22-acre) park in the heart of the city surrounded by some beautiful buildings.", "hypothesis": "Kildare Street is a one way street."} {"idx": "mnli-12475", "premise": "And I'm sure it looked wonderfully natural at a distance. ", "hypothesis": "It wouldn't have been mistaken as the real thing if you looked at it closely. "} {"idx": "mnli-12476", "premise": "He would soon confirm their belief that Don Cazar had in truth hired Shiloh instead of his owner.", "hypothesis": "In moments he would reveal that Cazar hired Shiloh."} {"idx": "mnli-12477", "premise": "and uh you know you there's a uh a nice warm feeling i remember getting out of doing things like that when i was younger i mean i was a Boy Scout and the whole bit and", "hypothesis": "There's a nice feeling I get when I do nice things."} {"idx": "mnli-12478", "premise": "Now, what happens when we give excessive discounts for some type of mail?", "hypothesis": "We are always able to offer deep discounts on mail."} {"idx": "mnli-12479", "premise": "A Soldier's Daughter Never Cries (October Films).", "hypothesis": "The soldier's daughter always cries. "} {"idx": "mnli-12480", "premise": "All the interesting sights around the capital make for an easy day trip by car or local train, enabling you to keep your Paris hotel if you wish (although you would probably enjoy a change of scene and find the local country inns less expensive).", "hypothesis": "Keeping your Paris hotel is required when exploring the city sights."} {"idx": "mnli-12481", "premise": "Housed in the elegant residence of a famous 19th-century collector, at 158 Bou?\u00adle?\u00advard Haussmann, the Musee Jacquemar-Andre displays one of France's finest gatherings of 18th-century French, 17th-century Flemish and Dutch, and Italian Renaissance art, in much the same spirit as New York's Frick Collection or London's Wal?\u00adlace Collection.", "hypothesis": "In the Musee Jacquemar-Andre you can see fine examples of Flemish, Dutch, French, and Italian art."} {"idx": "mnli-12482", "premise": "so they just want black and white ones and see we can just run them through the laser printer real quick", "hypothesis": "They prefer just to have black and white ones."} {"idx": "mnli-12483", "premise": "oh you should have used it you wouldn't have been liable for the payment", "hypothesis": "If you used your credit card you wouldn't be liable for the payment."} {"idx": "mnli-12484", "premise": "Since the hamburger market is plateauing, McDonald's allows franchisees to offer new food stuffs such as McBrat, the bratwurst on a bun in Wisconsin.", "hypothesis": "McDonald's never allows franchisees to order menu items other than hamburgers. "} {"idx": "mnli-12485", "premise": "Key features are the horseshoe-shaped staircase (Escalier du Fer-?\u00a0-Cheval) at the end of the stately Cour du Cheval Blanc; the Renaissance ballroom whose ornate ceiling is reflected in the parquet floor; and the allegorical paintings in the Galerie Francois Ier.", "hypothesis": "The floor of the Renaissance ballroom is made of porcelain tile."} {"idx": "mnli-12486", "premise": "well it took us six hours to reach agreement yeah", "hypothesis": "We came to an agreement in about an hour."} {"idx": "mnli-12487", "premise": "Those under the caption space exploration are valued using the specific identification method, that is, the specific cost of each unit of PP&E is attributed to that unit.", "hypothesis": "Space exploration is very valued."} {"idx": "mnli-12488", "premise": "Or, do we start in a practice setting and keep refining as we go along?", "hypothesis": "Or, do we not consider any option?"} {"idx": "mnli-12489", "premise": "where do you what area do you live in oh okay i live in Dallas uh Rowlett", "hypothesis": "Where do you live? I live in Rowlett, Dallas."} {"idx": "mnli-12490", "premise": "However the paper variety will never be able to read itself to the subscriber.", "hypothesis": "The paper variety is not audio."} {"idx": "mnli-12491", "premise": "If it were, they may all be dead.", "hypothesis": "If it were in fact already at the house, they might be dead."} {"idx": "mnli-12492", "premise": "Projections of current services provided by the Government aid in assessing the sufficiency of future budgetary resources to sustain public services and meet obligations as they come due.", "hypothesis": "Government aid does not rely on projections at all as it's funding is static."} {"idx": "mnli-12493", "premise": "None of this means that Gillette and Campbell's are not pushed by their competition, since all the evidence suggests that they are constantly looking for competitive advantages.", "hypothesis": "Gillette and Campbell's are the two leaders in their industry."} {"idx": "mnli-12494", "premise": "Public bridle paths throughout the Lake District lead through particularly beautiful and tranquil countryside.", "hypothesis": "It is free to stroll through the bridle paths and they are well maintained."} {"idx": "mnli-12495", "premise": "Do you young people want lights, or do you enjoy the twilight? she asked. ", "hypothesis": "She didn't want to know young people's preference on lights and twilight"} {"idx": "mnli-12496", "premise": "The surrounding warehouse districts have interesting stores for souvenir browsing.", "hypothesis": "Stores in the warehouse districts are open every day but Sunday. "} {"idx": "mnli-12497", "premise": "In 1997 the Royal Yacht Britannia, the vessel that carried the queen and her official representatives on 968 royal and diplomatic visits to venues around the world, was decommissioned.", "hypothesis": "The Royal Yacht Britannia has carried both the queen and her representatives."} {"idx": "mnli-12498", "premise": "I don't even know how to quilt.", "hypothesis": "they do not know how to quilt."} {"idx": "mnli-12499", "premise": "As expected, CAGE and AUDIT performed best within the spectrum of alcohol use they were developed to explore.", "hypothesis": "CAGE and AUDIT did better than other comparable programs."} {"idx": "mnli-12500", "premise": "It's a magical environment.", "hypothesis": "The environment may be seen as magical."} {"idx": "mnli-12501", "premise": "i'll uh buy some plastic and make a little house and", "hypothesis": "I'll buy some metal and make a huge house."} {"idx": "mnli-12502", "premise": "Part III of this report analyzes applicable law and applies it to the findings in Part II.", "hypothesis": "The report analyzes applicable law within it. "} {"idx": "mnli-12503", "premise": "um-hum well my degree was in fourth through seventh grade but i taught junior high", "hypothesis": "I have a degree for teaching junior high."} {"idx": "mnli-12504", "premise": "This path has been smoothed by the nihilism of those Arab intellectuals--including Said--who prefer utopian dreams to a view of politics as the art of compromise.", "hypothesis": "Said prefers his version of utopia over compromise."} {"idx": "mnli-12505", "premise": "But even though Suharto has been defeated, the real battle lines between economic and political liberalization are just now being drawn.", "hypothesis": "Suharto has been defeated."} {"idx": "mnli-12506", "premise": "yeah and all that stuff well i'm i'm pretty easy as far as yard work i'll go out there and cut it and i'll edge it if it dies it dies", "hypothesis": "I'll get there if it is getting out of control and mow it or trim the edges, but I don't really worry that much over it."} {"idx": "mnli-12507", "premise": "LSC grantees may not represent aliens in this category who have never entered or been present in the United States.", "hypothesis": "LSC grantees were sorry to discover that they couldn't represent this category of aliens."} {"idx": "mnli-12508", "premise": "The Industrialist's son pointed imperiously and the Astronomer's son nodded and made off at a run toward the house.", "hypothesis": "The industrialist and astronomer both had sons."} {"idx": "mnli-12509", "premise": "Because we are older and wiser-and perhaps more damaged and more battle-scarred-we know that the promise of legal services has not been fulfilled.", "hypothesis": "We know legal services isn't fulfilling its mission because we experience."} {"idx": "mnli-12510", "premise": "The qualifications for the award were based upon demonstrated dedication to the innovative development and delivery of legal services to the poor in one of the 14 pro bono districts of Indiana.", "hypothesis": "Demonstrated dedication was not a qualification the award was based on."} {"idx": "mnli-12511", "premise": "IPM Is Well Suited to Model Multi-Emission Control Programs", "hypothesis": "The program could not find any agency willing to help."} {"idx": "mnli-12512", "premise": "In response, the Congress passed reforms in 1977 and 1983 that together were intended to assure Social Security's solvency for a 75-year period.", "hypothesis": "In 1976, Congress passed a bunch of reforms that would leave Social Security at the mercy of the current administration."} {"idx": "mnli-12513", "premise": "Some changes in personal values are simply part of growing older.", "hypothesis": "Due to changing hormones and heartbreak, personal goals change as you age"} {"idx": "mnli-12514", "premise": "yeah there's there's always a drawback to everything i mean i don't know well", "hypothesis": "There's always something negative with everything."} {"idx": "mnli-12515", "premise": "John N. Erlenborn, President Victor M. Fortuno, Vice President for Legal Affairs, General Counsel, and Corporate Secretary Mauricio Vivero, Vice President for Governmental Relations", "hypothesis": "the organization has no president at all."} {"idx": "mnli-12516", "premise": "yeah all those old good ones that you you know wish they had on more now but", "hypothesis": "I wish they had more like that now."} {"idx": "mnli-12517", "premise": "Restoring Social Security's long-term solvency will require some combination of increased revenues and reduced expenditures.", "hypothesis": "A combination of cutting costs and bring up revenues are going to be necessary to assure Social Security's long term financial wherewithal."} {"idx": "mnli-12518", "premise": "One reason for this is that Madonna's pregnancy during shooting required her Dior finery to mask her thickening midsection, whereas photos of Evita in the clothes show that her slimness and tiny waist--maintained both by will and by deteriorating health--were a strong focus of her visual appeal.", "hypothesis": "Evita was always chubby."} {"idx": "mnli-12519", "premise": "Still, the stock price will likely improve as 1999 nears.", "hypothesis": "As 1999 draws closer, we think the stock price will improve."} {"idx": "mnli-12520", "premise": "If they had had any, they would have been ten or eleven by now.", "hypothesis": "\"There would have been plenty more, as long as they at least had some.\""} {"idx": "mnli-12521", "premise": "A tinge of Jewish blood is not a bad thing. ", "hypothesis": "A bit of Jew in a person isn't a terrible thing."} {"idx": "mnli-12522", "premise": "Just down the hill beyond the arch, on calle de Cervantes, the Museo de Santa Cruz (Museum of the Holy Crose is housed in the sumptuous 16th-century Hospital of the Holy Crose as notable as the contents within.", "hypothesis": "The Hospital of the Holy Crose had housed many institutions in his 500 years existence."} {"idx": "mnli-12523", "premise": "The WP reports that the implementation of various energy-efficient measures has saved taxpayers nearly $1.", "hypothesis": "They were delighted to have saved over $100."} {"idx": "mnli-12524", "premise": "Like the Holy Sepulchre in Jeru-salem, this church is too important to stay in the hands of one denomination, so it is administered jointly by Greek Orthodox, Armenian, and Franciscan priests.", "hypothesis": "The Holy Sepulchre is administered only by one religious denomination."} {"idx": "mnli-12525", "premise": "The Caleornia ScienceCeter andIMAX Theater (700 State Drive) presents technological exhibits from robotics and fiber optics to a miniature winery.", "hypothesis": "The most popular exhibit is the one teaching children how to make rockets."} {"idx": "mnli-12526", "premise": "For undermanned Guadeloupe and Martinique, the French pirates were critically in return for a safe haven, they carried in supplies, raided enemy merchant vessels, and joined battles against invading forces.", "hypothesis": "The French pirates carried no supplies."} {"idx": "mnli-12527", "premise": "or or it's also a good environment it may be good for someone who already has self-discipline who has a certain amount of leadership quality in their own", "hypothesis": "It is not a good environment for someone with self discipline and leadership."} {"idx": "mnli-12528", "premise": "Slightly more recently, part of the film South Pacific was shot on the beach at Portinatx.", "hypothesis": "The council of Portinatx was disappointed that their town had been rejected as a potential filming site for South Pacific."} {"idx": "mnli-12529", "premise": "Our interest rate assumption for 2000 through 2005 is consistent with the average rate on the debt held by the public implied by CBO's interest payment projections in its baseline.", "hypothesis": "The interest rate assumption is based on the CBO's baseline, which is the closest we can get."} {"idx": "mnli-12530", "premise": "NAO has also provided constructive advice on how DWP might improve its internal control and risk management procedures.", "hypothesis": "We received a bunch of helpful advice from NAO."} {"idx": "mnli-12531", "premise": "He couldn't have been more than thirteen years old all dressed up in dueling armor.", "hypothesis": "He was a ready to fight."} {"idx": "mnli-12532", "premise": "NOx reduction caps for the East and West will also be set to accommodate these different needs, and separate East and West trading regions will be created.", "hypothesis": "At least two separate trading regions will be made."} {"idx": "mnli-12533", "premise": "Who is devoting himself to enriching our popular culture with high art?", "hypothesis": "Who is going to go to muesums to see the art?"} {"idx": "mnli-12534", "premise": "But this is food, which means that it's not easy for all irrepressible enthusiasts to sit still and listen.", "hypothesis": "Enthusiasts have difficulty listening to others about food."} {"idx": "mnli-12535", "premise": "Its famous bullet trains zip through the country at up to 300 km (186 miles) per hour.", "hypothesis": "Its bullet train is famous, and can reach speeds of up to 300 km per hour."} {"idx": "mnli-12536", "premise": "The lame vs. the destitute--it could be a great race.", "hypothesis": "The lame vs. the destitute, what a boring race."} {"idx": "mnli-12537", "premise": "Red Sea Sports are also recommended.", "hypothesis": "Red Sea Sports should be avoided at all costs."} {"idx": "mnli-12538", "premise": "In addition to being Marie-Antoinette's last home, the palace was a favorite of Napoleon III and his wife Eug??nie, whose extravagant memorabilia constitute the Musee du Second-Empire.", "hypothesis": "Napoleon III lived in the palace without his wife."} {"idx": "mnli-12539", "premise": "Here they created what most of us envision as the Way of the Samurai : the values, codes, religion, and culture of a warrior caste that would rule Japan for 700 years.", "hypothesis": "This is where the Samurai laws were first developed."} {"idx": "mnli-12540", "premise": "One of the more energetic droplets jumped through the right side of the nasal cavity and let the wind carry it all the way until the first row of the audience.", "hypothesis": "The droplet went out of the nose and onto the floor."} {"idx": "mnli-12541", "premise": "The cafe boasted wire tables and chequered clothes.", "hypothesis": "The cafe had tables or people to sit at."} {"idx": "mnli-12542", "premise": "San'doro lunged but Stark's short blade kept him at bay.", "hypothesis": "San'doro lunged, but his opponent's short sword kept him from moving closer--he did not want a fight."} {"idx": "mnli-12543", "premise": "The Merchant drew away and said, huskily, \"What are they doing?\" ", "hypothesis": "The person pulled back and asked a question."} {"idx": "mnli-12544", "premise": "More important, the problems created by this concurrent approach on individual programs can profoundly affect DOD's overall modernization plans.", "hypothesis": "The DOD has modernization plans that could be affected by the concurrent approach to individual programs."} {"idx": "mnli-12545", "premise": "But equally strange was Doris Day, whose many movie outfits were conceived as musical-comedy costumes--bright, smooth, and jaunty, every blue and yellow clear and true, every neat hat perfectly matching, and every outline eternally crisp--even if she was supposed to be working in an office or teaching in a journalism school.", "hypothesis": "Doris Day's costumes were carefully thought out and planned and meticulous."} {"idx": "mnli-12546", "premise": "Fort-de-France's main shopping streets, tourist-oriented or not, are between the Savane and the Levassor River.", "hypothesis": "In the middle of the Savane and Levassor River is where you'll find Fort-de-France's main shopping streets."} {"idx": "mnli-12547", "premise": "Case study means different things to different methodologists, who reach different conclusions about how to do case studies, how to report them, and their overall appro-priateness for answering a specific question.", "hypothesis": "Methodologists each have a different meaning for case studies."} {"idx": "mnli-12548", "premise": "It is like hammering water.", "hypothesis": "It is akin to hammering water."} {"idx": "mnli-12549", "premise": "Industry compliance has been nearly 100 percent, and the program only requires a handful of EPA employees to operate.", "hypothesis": "The compliance of the industry has been excellent."} {"idx": "mnli-12550", "premise": "A story describes the breakthrough period of Muhammad Ali.", "hypothesis": "The breakthrough period of Muhammad Ali has never been described."} {"idx": "mnli-12551", "premise": "think we need to figure out a way to uh to make medical care cheaper why is this stuff so expensive why is the cost going up so incredibly fast you know because it's it's coming out of my paycheck it's coming out of your paycheck and it's coming out of our taxes too", "hypothesis": "I'm struggling a lot with paying for my medical care at the moment."} {"idx": "mnli-12552", "premise": "It was refurbished in the Victorian era but rendered useless by succeeding Nile dams.", "hypothesis": "The Nile dams destroyed the refurbishment of the Victorian era."} {"idx": "mnli-12553", "premise": "Zuiganji temple is the center of an old Zen Buddhist seminary.", "hypothesis": "Zen Buddhist priests practice sermons in the Zuiganji temple."} {"idx": "mnli-12554", "premise": "'I hear you've been enjoying yourself.'", "hypothesis": "I have heard that you are sad."} {"idx": "mnli-12555", "premise": "The Eskdale Corn Mill sits at the very top of the village, over Pack Horse Bridge.", "hypothesis": "Pack Horse Bridge is near to the Eskdale Corn Mill."} {"idx": "mnli-12556", "premise": "Forced by a cruel publishing house to give up her last, cherished family jewel at a fire-sale price.", "hypothesis": "Her outstanding debt may have been the driving force behind the publishing house forcing her to sell her expensive family heirloom."} {"idx": "mnli-12557", "premise": "In any case, we recommend that you choose from at least two of them, ideally three, when planning your menu. ", "hypothesis": "There are exactly five items to choose from in the menu."} {"idx": "mnli-12558", "premise": "The oldest Jewish community still in existence is situated down the coast at Cochin (see page 182), dating back at least to the fourth century a.d.", "hypothesis": "Cochin has no Jewish people living in it today."} {"idx": "mnli-12559", "premise": "And a trip on a lake ferry can be run in any sort of weather.", "hypothesis": "Lake ferries only operate in July."} {"idx": "mnli-12560", "premise": "And We're boycotting not just hoops shoes, but running shoes, hiking boots, sweatpants, socks.", "hypothesis": "Running shoes and hiking boots are going to be the biggest casualties of the boycott."} {"idx": "mnli-12561", "premise": "At the same time, electricity sales in 2020 were projected to decrease by 24% compared to the CEF reference case.", "hypothesis": "Electricity sales will go up in 2020."} {"idx": "mnli-12562", "premise": "Each performance element will include a fully successful performance standard.", "hypothesis": "There will be a completely successful performance standard with each performance element."} {"idx": "mnli-12563", "premise": "Extramarital affairs", "hypothesis": "Two extramarital affairs."} {"idx": "mnli-12564", "premise": "Two tall skyscrapers dominate the plaza.", "hypothesis": "Two skyscrapers are in the plaza, but will be torn down."} {"idx": "mnli-12565", "premise": "Take two or three days anything less is likely to be a waste of time.", "hypothesis": "You must take your time to appreciate it. "} {"idx": "mnli-12566", "premise": "it's it's it's a whole monopoly that needs to be broken up that's for sure it doesn't it's they have far too much influence over there and they're so unstable that it makes it hard for um it it makes it hard for us to deal with them i have that same problem at work", "hypothesis": "It's an entire monopoly that needs to be disbanded they are too influential."} {"idx": "mnli-12567", "premise": "so i i i i i think it's essential that it's done and i think the real trick is to avoid the you know a little more attention to human psychology and whereas people want round numbers and after all the whole reason to go over to metric is to have round numbers so they don't deal with thirty seconds of an inch and so what the exact", "hypothesis": "Most people enjoy using the fraction system."} {"idx": "mnli-12568", "premise": "Knott's Berry Farm, the nation's oldest theme park, started as a berry farm on 20 acres (8 hectares) of rented land along a dusty road in Buena Park, just west of Anaheim.", "hypothesis": "The country's longest-standing park is Knott's Berry Farm."} {"idx": "mnli-12569", "premise": "The Golden Horn is an inlet of the Bosphorus, penetrating 71.2 km (41.2 miles) into the hills behind the city.", "hypothesis": "The Golden Horn got its name from the golden reflection of the sun in the water as it sets."} {"idx": "mnli-12570", "premise": "There was a pretty rogue for you! ", "hypothesis": "There was a pretty rogue that was made just for you."} {"idx": "mnli-12571", "premise": "i think she was i'm not sure it was a hundred or so years ago so i i don't know i'm not real up on past history or anything", "hypothesis": "It was quite a bit ago, but I'm not sure how long. "} {"idx": "mnli-12572", "premise": "One study of 2,500 randomly selected emergency department physicians found that only 55% believed that mental health professionals (psychologists and psychiatrists) can effectively address alcohol problems.", "hypothesis": "All ER doctors think alcoholism does not exist."} {"idx": "mnli-12573", "premise": "The mob, reportedly acting on Cohn's behalf, threatened Davis with violence to force him into a sham marriage with a fellow African-American.", "hypothesis": "Davis succumbed to the mob's violent threats."} {"idx": "mnli-12574", "premise": "As a result, the online user could review all comments on a rulemaking and file a responding comment while the comment period was still open.", "hypothesis": "The online user couldn't review all the comments made and then respond to them in that same period."} {"idx": "mnli-12575", "premise": "Madrid remained in Republican hands for most of the war, but the government was evacuated in the early stages of a nationalist siege that lasted until March 1939.", "hypothesis": "The Republicans retained Madrid for the majority of the war, however the government escaped early on."} {"idx": "mnli-12576", "premise": "Reading this did make me wish, in hindsight, that ER's biographer were a little less admiringly sober.", "hypothesis": "ER's biographer was very frank."} {"idx": "mnli-12577", "premise": "A two-hour drive away, at City University of New York Law School in Queens, Rooney spends several days a week helping upstart lawyers develop storefront practices that, like his, provide legal representation to folks who can't afford a $250-an-hour legal counselor.", "hypothesis": "The City University of New York Law School is two hour away from where Rooney lives."} {"idx": "mnli-12578", "premise": "Fish are not working up to their full potential.", "hypothesis": "Fish are at full potential."} {"idx": "mnli-12579", "premise": "Yes, it is suggestive, his eye sweeping the whole length of the wall, \"but it was not his candle that made this great patch, for you perceive that this is white grease; whereas Monsieur Lawrence's candle, which is still on the dressing-table, is pink. ", "hypothesis": "He looked at the whole wall."} {"idx": "mnli-12580", "premise": "uh it's as years go by it becomes more fun now than it was twenty eight years ago you know but uh", "hypothesis": "It's more fun now than it was twenty-eight years ago. "} {"idx": "mnli-12581", "premise": "it bothers me", "hypothesis": "I don't like that I have to get up so early. "} {"idx": "mnli-12582", "premise": "and it really um we like it it the interestingly enough one of the features we like are the electric locks", "hypothesis": "We like the electric lock capability on that vehicle."} {"idx": "mnli-12583", "premise": "La Iglesia de St. Martin is a 12th-century Romanesque beauty with glorious portals and porches.", "hypothesis": "There were beautiful portals and porches built in the 12th-century."} {"idx": "mnli-12584", "premise": "The creature reminded him of a venomous snake.", "hypothesis": "He reminded me of a venomous snake."} {"idx": "mnli-12585", "premise": "Only the squeamish will object to the giant toads and harmless little white cave-racer snakes.", "hypothesis": "There are giant toads which squeamish people will object."} {"idx": "mnli-12586", "premise": "Poirot unfolded the sheet of paper eagerly, and uttered an exclamation of satisfaction. ", "hypothesis": "Poirot yelled in satisfaction as he unfolded the paper eagerly."} {"idx": "mnli-12587", "premise": "These districts are home to modern hotels, the offices of numerous international aid organizations and other non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and the homes of many expatriots from around the world.", "hypothesis": "Nowadays, these districts are disaster zones filled exclusively with homeless natives and dilapidated buildings."} {"idx": "mnli-12588", "premise": "There are also many nightclubs attached to the hotels at the seaside resorts.", "hypothesis": "There aren't any nightclubs attached to the hotels."} {"idx": "mnli-12589", "premise": "If any couple could have synthesized the impulses to rove and stay put, it's this one, but Beaufoy throws in the towel at the point where the husbands and wives of A Walk on the Moon and Metroland are just getting warmed up.", "hypothesis": "That couple was most likely to stay together."} {"idx": "mnli-12590", "premise": "yeah because well my brother-in-law lives in Minnesota and they're just nice plastic bins and you fill them up and put them out with your other trash and they pick them up", "hypothesis": "They don't help with recycling in Minnesota."} {"idx": "mnli-12591", "premise": "No, Johnny Shannon was not a reckless boy; Drew Kirby knew that, if no one else on the Range did.", "hypothesis": "Drew knew that Johnny Shannon wasn't reckless."} {"idx": "mnli-12592", "premise": "do you want to go first", "hypothesis": "Would you like to go last?"} {"idx": "mnli-12593", "premise": "Better shops are air-conditioned.", "hypothesis": "Wealthier customers prefer the cool air."} {"idx": "mnli-12594", "premise": "Several commercial companies we visited began gathering this data very early in development and tracked it throughout development.", "hypothesis": "None of the companies we visited gathered data at all."} {"idx": "mnli-12595", "premise": "hIncluded as expense in calculating net cost.", "hypothesis": "Net cost includes expenses."} {"idx": "mnli-12596", "premise": "Over that period, GAO underwent budgetary cuts totaling 33 percent in constant fiscal year 1992 dollars.", "hypothesis": "The fiscal year of 1992 dollars, the GAO went through a 33 percent budget cut in that period."} {"idx": "mnli-12597", "premise": "Really, I continued, \"it's her extraordinary vehemence against Inglethorp that started me off suspecting her. ", "hypothesis": "It's the woman's supernatural passion against the entity that raised my suspicions."} {"idx": "mnli-12598", "premise": "At election time, we are not urged to avoid the media so as to remain unbiased until we get to the voting booth.", "hypothesis": "We weren't told to avoid watching the news."} {"idx": "mnli-12599", "premise": "yeah they want to see all the horror movies", "hypothesis": "Horror movies are popular amongst them."} {"idx": "mnli-12600", "premise": "4 Corpse Some anthropologists say the technology is new but the impulse is old.", "hypothesis": "There were 4 corpses that made the anthropologists question whether the technology is new but the impulse is old."} {"idx": "mnli-12601", "premise": "The Globe stretches the reconciliation theme to new heights with a story suggesting that the fates are trying to bring John F. Kennedy Jr. back to his ex Daryl Hannah.", "hypothesis": "John K Kennedy dated Daryl Hannah."} {"idx": "mnli-12602", "premise": " There was a slight movement.", "hypothesis": "No one noticed the slight movement."} {"idx": "mnli-12603", "premise": "Chapter 4 25 Audit Objectives 26 Needs / Documentation Required 26", "hypothesis": "Documentation is needed for Audit Objectives."} {"idx": "mnli-12604", "premise": "Under such a rate structure, letter-size pieces have a lower rate than flat-size pieces.", "hypothesis": "Letter-size pieces are rated lower than flat ones, according to the rate structure."} {"idx": "mnli-12605", "premise": "yeah yeah i was i was uh we don't have cable so we were watching C N N a lot and then trying to switch thank goodness for remote control", "hypothesis": "We don't have a TV, so we can't watch any channels."} {"idx": "mnli-12606", "premise": "The glory of this lively and cosmopolitan city lasted until 1801, when the Act of Union brought Ireland under direct rule from London.", "hypothesis": "The Act of Union made it impossible for London to rule directly over Ireland."} {"idx": "mnli-12607", "premise": "State officials continue to raise the bar and seek new ways to increase accountability and improve the state's performance.", "hypothesis": "State officials seek to improve the economy of the state."} {"idx": "mnli-12608", "premise": "PHILADELPHIA--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 29, 2002--Philadelphia lawyers have reason to be proud of their collective commitment to make legal services available to the poor and needy in the region but the justice system still remains closed to many and much more needs to be done.", "hypothesis": "Despite efforts, legal services in the Philadelphia area are largely unavailable to the poor."} {"idx": "mnli-12609", "premise": "Conversely, Arendt's public realm is the exact opposite of the private It's where you're not protected and shouldn't be.", "hypothesis": "Ardent is a very private person. "} {"idx": "mnli-12610", "premise": "His 17th-century house (30 Rue des Marchands) is now the Musee Bartholdi, displaying his models and drawings.", "hypothesis": "The house only houses tea time with no art. "} {"idx": "mnli-12611", "premise": "Byzantine ritual colored the Roman liturgy.", "hypothesis": "Roman liturgy was free of influence of Byzantine rituals."} {"idx": "mnli-12612", "premise": "This estimate is the mean of a distribution fitted to the estimates from 26 value-of-life studies identified in the Section 812 reports as applicable to policy analysis.", "hypothesis": "The estimate has based off of the given values."} {"idx": "mnli-12613", "premise": "It includes 12 competencies that our employees overwhelmingly validated as the keys to meaningful performance at GAO.", "hypothesis": "GAO has performance data and standards to uphold."} {"idx": "mnli-12614", "premise": "This sector does not contain advertising mail.", "hypothesis": "The sector does not need to advertise."} {"idx": "mnli-12615", "premise": "I found what I was looking for.", "hypothesis": "I was still looking for them. "} {"idx": "mnli-12616", "premise": "The temperature begins to rise by mid-February.", "hypothesis": "Warmer spring temperatures begin to set in during February."} {"idx": "mnli-12617", "premise": "Jon would not hold back the blow.", "hypothesis": "Jon wasn't going to hold back the blow."} {"idx": "mnli-12618", "premise": "Jon placed a hand on San'doro's shoulder and stood.", "hypothesis": "Jon pushed on San'doro's shoulder roughly to get up. "} {"idx": "mnli-12619", "premise": "Mahmud smashed the infidels' idols and destroyed their temples as he went, but was nonetheless cultured enough to use the booty to build a library, a museum, and a splendid mosque when he got back to Ghazni.", "hypothesis": "Mahmud looted libraries, museums and mosques in the interest of becoming rich."} {"idx": "mnli-12620", "premise": "Vrenna! shouted Jon.", "hypothesis": "Jon shouted for his daughter Vrenna but she was already gone. "} {"idx": "mnli-12621", "premise": "Although one might expect an increase in federal saving to lead to an increase in national saving, changes in federal saving do not flow through to changes in national saving and investment in a dollar-for-dollar relationship.", "hypothesis": "National saving and investment have a direct correlation with federal savings."} {"idx": "mnli-12622", "premise": "The Rollestons came over with the Conqueror, one of our oldest families.\" Mary had excused herself on the plea of an engagement with Dr. ", "hypothesis": "The Rollestons were one of the oldest families present."} {"idx": "mnli-12623", "premise": "The gypsum throne is the oldest in Europe and traces of paint show that it would have been brightly colored when in use.", "hypothesis": "There is an old throne made out of gypsum."} {"idx": "mnli-12624", "premise": "Everyone was applauding.", "hypothesis": "They gave a standing ovation."} {"idx": "mnli-12625", "premise": "I've got to say something.\" ", "hypothesis": "I must not say anything."} {"idx": "mnli-12626", "premise": "The qualifications for the award were based upon demonstrated dedication to the innovative development and delivery of legal services to the poor in one of the 14 pro bono districts of Indiana.", "hypothesis": "Demonstrated dedication was the qualification the award was based on, because dedication is important to any task."} {"idx": "mnli-12627", "premise": "updated they did that maybe improvements so they could sell it and things so we didn't have to do any painting", "hypothesis": "They did improvements so we didn't have to do any painting."} {"idx": "mnli-12628", "premise": "They are expected to cover most situations that arise during the course of GAO's work.", "hypothesis": "Most situations that the GAO comes across can be covered with these."} {"idx": "mnli-12629", "premise": "Pigs are sociable, loving, and a hell of a lot brighter than Dalmatians.", "hypothesis": "Pigs are the best animals you can take care of."} {"idx": "mnli-12630", "premise": "As part of their approval of the change, supervisors or designees must verify that the dates and amounts of material changes have been recorded in the appropriate T&A record.", "hypothesis": "Designees can replace supervisors in verifying dates and amounts."} {"idx": "mnli-12631", "premise": "Then he went into private practice in Cozad.", "hypothesis": "His private practice office was in Cozad."} {"idx": "mnli-12632", "premise": "Emperador (swordfish) is especially good grilled, and lenguado (sole) is delicious in batter, grilled, or sauteed in butter.", "hypothesis": "Swordfish tastes best baked and sole is usually used in tacos. "} {"idx": "mnli-12633", "premise": "i mean the man is sixty two years old if", "hypothesis": "The man is twenty years old."} {"idx": "mnli-12634", "premise": "blood pressure yeah they sit there in the cafeteria sometimes and take that on your way out", "hypothesis": "They always ask people to get their blood pressure measured."} {"idx": "mnli-12635", "premise": "His draw was slow with his rapier in hand.", "hypothesis": "He pulled the short sword out of the sheath."} {"idx": "mnli-12636", "premise": "On Monday, therefore, at six o'clock, Alfred Inglethorp arranges to be seen by a number of people at a spot far removed from the village. ", "hypothesis": "No one saw Alfred Inglethorp on Monday, either inside or outside the village."} {"idx": "mnli-12637", "premise": "However, the leather garment industry is growing, and there is a wide range of locally produced leather accessories, all at extremely attractive prices.", "hypothesis": "There is no leather garment industry so prices are inflated."} {"idx": "mnli-12638", "premise": "you think well nobody's using the bathroom farther up stream so it's got to be all right so we were doing things like uh you know we all had our little collapsible cups and we were going up to where the water was coming over rocks and all that and we'd just kind of stick our cups in there and drink and then we were there for five or six days and and and it was neat you know we saw deer and uh", "hypothesis": "You think no one is going to the bathroom upstream so it should be safe to drink."} {"idx": "mnli-12639", "premise": "yep you know my neighbors across the street their uh mother was sick at times and they they couldn't handle her so they put her in a home and then uh the old Frenchman he'd get a little drunk look round at his kids oh you still need your mother i guess i'll look after her and and that what happens a lot when people are sick or they just real manic depressants they end up being put in homes and it's like oh well but that's it's it's i'm really glad that i come from an area where um", "hypothesis": "My neighbors had a sick mother."} {"idx": "mnli-12640", "premise": "yeah well it's sort of like North Carolina North Carolina has an interesting thing on their income tax uh they create money tax you with or to tax you on there's a neat little formula on the back that you have to complete and assuming you're you're you're at poverty line where you're uh deduction or you take the standard deduction of thirty two fifty uh that will work out to an additional three hundred dollars", "hypothesis": "People in North Carolina have something interesting on their tax forms."} {"idx": "mnli-12641", "premise": "I am authorised.", "hypothesis": "i have the authority to fire you."} {"idx": "mnli-12642", "premise": "Highway 90 northward through the Jordan Valley leads to the lyrical shores of the Sea of Galilee, a good destination for an excursion of one or more days from Jerusalem.", "hypothesis": "The shores of the Sea of Galilee are lyrical."} {"idx": "mnli-12643", "premise": "besides your initial deductible that's what varies the most i guess uh", "hypothesis": "Your inicial deductible varies the most due to health issues"} {"idx": "mnli-12644", "premise": "In contrast, physicians or nurses in a variety of primary care settings have delivered brief alcohol-focused interventions.", "hypothesis": "These interventions often are more successful than out patient rehab."} {"idx": "mnli-12645", "premise": "Peirce's triumph is to make these scenes at once exuberant (occasionally hilarious) and foreboding, so that all the seeds of Brandon's killing are right there on the screen.", "hypothesis": "Brandon killed 10 people."} {"idx": "mnli-12646", "premise": "Whilerulingfrompalaces ontheeastbankoftheNile, Pharaohs chose to be buriedonthewestbank,asthiswastherestingplaceoftheGodAmun Ra intheformof the setting sun.", "hypothesis": "Pharaohs chose to emulate the god Amun Ra, and followed the path of the sun in life and death."} {"idx": "mnli-12647", "premise": "The elegant classical 18th-century cloisters make a poignant contrast with the Romanesque church.", "hypothesis": "The 18th century cloisters clash with the Romanesque church."} {"idx": "mnli-12648", "premise": "Many owners originally identified the project definition activity as a core competency.", "hypothesis": "Project owners don't identify project definition activity "} {"idx": "mnli-12649", "premise": "'Hardly ever.'", "hypothesis": "Rarely."} {"idx": "mnli-12650", "premise": "Since then, he's been semi-retired, devoting himself to helping fellow seniors who are needy.", "hypothesis": "He devotes himself to helping seniors who do not have the money that he does."} {"idx": "mnli-12651", "premise": "But linking competition to state planning has expanded the impact of both of these initiatives in powerful ways that we were not able to envision in 1998.", "hypothesis": "Since state planning has been linked to competition, our employees have been happier with their jobs."} {"idx": "mnli-12652", "premise": "Note 3 : Here's Theroux on ", "hypothesis": "The last note includes Here's Theroux"} {"idx": "mnli-12653", "premise": "yeah and see i don't know that and it well you know i was real impressed with his handling of this i know that", "hypothesis": "The way he handled it wasn't really great."} {"idx": "mnli-12654", "premise": "Crete's main traditional musical instrument is the lyra, a U-shaped stringed instrument.", "hypothesis": "The lyra is a type of musical instrument with strings."} {"idx": "mnli-12655", "premise": "Very well. He rang the bell. ", "hypothesis": "He ignored the bell and knocked instead. "} {"idx": "mnli-12656", "premise": "it's a luxury car it's a it's a sports luxury car it's right below the Continental the Lincoln Continental", "hypothesis": "It's the exact same as the Continental."} {"idx": "mnli-12657", "premise": "Gates' 29-page CV is packed with other projects to which he devotes scant energy.", "hypothesis": "Gates CV is known to be noticably short with few projects"} {"idx": "mnli-12658", "premise": "News ' criteria can generate a quibble like this one.", "hypothesis": "New criteria can make a quibble."} {"idx": "mnli-12659", "premise": "Cat-footin' up on a man ought to make you expect somethin' of a reception, Drew countered.", "hypothesis": "Drew was unsurprised by his sudden appearance."} {"idx": "mnli-12660", "premise": "All of these lodges, and even some outside the park, have their own elephants and nature guides.", "hypothesis": "Nature guides and elephants can be seen at all of these lodges, and even at some outside of the park."} {"idx": "mnli-12661", "premise": "Check with the tourist information centers for details about these and similar events at Dalemain, Holker Hall, and Muncaster Castle.", "hypothesis": "Tourist information centers can be contacted by email."} {"idx": "mnli-12662", "premise": "Either random public gunplay or regular bathing.", "hypothesis": "It can be either of the two; spontaneous gunfights in public or bathing on a regular basis."} {"idx": "mnli-12663", "premise": "2. Given the magnitude of alcohol problems and the ability of emergency departments to identify patients who might not otherwise seek treatment, funding agencies should give high priority to research on alcohol problems in EDs.", "hypothesis": "Alcohol causes no problems."} {"idx": "mnli-12664", "premise": "She is Crystall, the $200 an hour Miss Utah Olympics.", "hypothesis": "$200 an hour is what miss Utah charges "} {"idx": "mnli-12665", "premise": "It was extremely unlikely that Albert would have any knowledge of it indeed, it would have been fatal for Tuppence's plans, since the badge in question was the device of a local training corps originated by the archdeacon in the early days of the war.", "hypothesis": "Chances were, Albert didn't know anything about it."} {"idx": "mnli-12666", "premise": "The other venerable house in the square, now a restaurant, is the Maison Kam?\u00admer?\u00adzell.", "hypothesis": "The restaurant was built after the destruction of the house."} {"idx": "mnli-12667", "premise": "Neutral is generally understood to mean sell, outperform to mean your call, and accumulate to mean you might want to buy it if you have extra money lying around.", "hypothesis": "Neutral means sell."} {"idx": "mnli-12668", "premise": "yeah that sounds familiar", "hypothesis": "I am not familiar with that."} {"idx": "mnli-12669", "premise": "You should always pay attention to your instincts.\"", "hypothesis": "Your instincts are usually correct."} {"idx": "mnli-12670", "premise": "Pensions, income from accumulated assets, and earnings from continued employment largely determine which households will have the highest retirement income (see figures 1.4 and 1.5).", "hypothesis": "Retirement income is equal across households."} {"idx": "mnli-12671", "premise": "She thought that Mrs. Inglethorp was shielding her stepson. ", "hypothesis": "Mrs. Inglethorp had a stepson."} {"idx": "mnli-12672", "premise": "and but there is a grass that you can use that is shade tolerant but i don't remember what it is but it's got like a boot on the front of the book", "hypothesis": "There's a grass that is tolerant of the shade."} {"idx": "mnli-12673", "premise": "1 ROLE OF THE STATISTICIAN", "hypothesis": "The statistician plays a role."} {"idx": "mnli-12674", "premise": "To gauge the financial situation of individual households requires going beyond aggregate household data.", "hypothesis": "Aggregate data is all that is needed to determine household financial standings."} {"idx": "mnli-12675", "premise": "i mean that's all he talks about but anyway there's a good book by Larry Abraham um you probably have heard of None Dare Call It Treason and Call it Conspiracy", "hypothesis": "Larry Abrahams books aren't worth reading "} {"idx": "mnli-12676", "premise": "He died here in 1936: Melancholy gardens of dark laurel and cypresses lead up to a hilltop mausoleum of the writer's sarcophagus flanked by those of his disciples.", "hypothesis": "The writer and his disciples are not in a mausoleum, but are buried in graves."} {"idx": "mnli-12677", "premise": "um-hum um-hum um-hum how do you feel about it must be a somewhat different environment from a regular college how does that uh", "hypothesis": "What is your feeling about it being different from regular college? "} {"idx": "mnli-12678", "premise": "Kids are reintroducing prayer to public schools.", "hypothesis": "Public prayers is not going back into schools by kids."} {"idx": "mnli-12679", "premise": "That's all very well.", "hypothesis": "That is not discussed."} {"idx": "mnli-12680", "premise": "huh and i don't want to go with those canvas bags right now i'm sorry i'm not that European", "hypothesis": "Those canvas bags are a little too European for my tastes, I am not into them."} {"idx": "mnli-12681", "premise": "The person in charge of setting it up?", "hypothesis": "The person in charge of setting it up?"} {"idx": "mnli-12682", "premise": "Semistructured approaches may be appropriate for critical instance case studies involving multiple sites, particularly if more than one investigator was responsible for collecting data for several sites.", "hypothesis": "Semistructed approaches are preferred by people of the middle class."} {"idx": "mnli-12683", "premise": "I see. A faint expression of relief swept over John's face. ", "hypothesis": "John's face changed to a faint sense of relief. "} {"idx": "mnli-12684", "premise": "She looked at me.", "hypothesis": "She stared at me."} {"idx": "mnli-12685", "premise": "uh unless you go over toward East Texas where there's a considerable considerable amount of woods or if you go uh extreme south part where there's some some things worth seeing by foot uh the majority of of camping experiences around here seem to be geared toward entertainment where you're you're looking at the state parks all seem to have something of a", "hypothesis": "In East Texas, there are a lot of woods."} {"idx": "mnli-12686", "premise": "Shiny shoes clattered against toe-tipped heels.", "hypothesis": "The shoes were very dull."} {"idx": "mnli-12687", "premise": "sometimes the deejays are just kind of annoying and irritating and uh it gets kind of old and they play the same songs over and over and i just get kind of tired of all that", "hypothesis": "The DJs can be annoying by playing the same songs over and over. "} {"idx": "mnli-12688", "premise": "Do people really want that?", "hypothesis": "I am not sure if that is what people really want."} {"idx": "mnli-12689", "premise": "On April 18, 1996, the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), Department of Agriculture, published in the Federal Register (61 Fed.", "hypothesis": "They published a birthday greeting to the head of the Department of Agriculture."} {"idx": "mnli-12690", "premise": "Executive Effectively Implementing the Government Performance and Results Act", "hypothesis": "The act was designed with the private sector in mind."} {"idx": "mnli-12691", "premise": "I collected my remaining meager possessions from the shack and we left.", "hypothesis": "I entered the shack with the all of my possessions. "} {"idx": "mnli-12692", "premise": "so often that you know if if i have seen just a program once chances are it'll be that exact same show if i ever decide to tune it in again", "hypothesis": "frequently I keep seeing the exact same program when I tune in, even if I have seen the show just once. "} {"idx": "mnli-12693", "premise": "One of them's got something on him that looks like it might be iron or something.", "hypothesis": "One of them has something that looks like iron."} {"idx": "mnli-12694", "premise": "only scratches the surface of this issue by focusing on the murky areas of politics, raw power, and corruption.", "hypothesis": "Politics, power, and corruption are only some of the symptoms of the issue."} {"idx": "mnli-12695", "premise": "Government and industry practitioners discussed best practices, tools, and processes they have used or seen used to review facility designs, and suggested how federal agencies could use such tools and processes to foster quality design.", "hypothesis": "Design quality can be fostered through the use of tools and processes."} {"idx": "mnli-12696", "premise": "Bunrakias heyday was the beginning of the 18th century, when playwright Monzaemon Chikamatsu wrote works specifically for the puppets that are regarded as among the greatest achievements of Japanese literature.", "hypothesis": "Monzaemon Chikamatsu found that writing work for puppets allowed him to be creative in a different way from simple literature."} {"idx": "mnli-12697", "premise": "It will likely emerge in the 21st century as a regional leader in more than just economic terms.", "hypothesis": "It will never be a regional leader."} {"idx": "mnli-12698", "premise": "The firm will not set a companywide goal for all lawyers to meet because free time varies for each person, Burke said.", "hypothesis": "The Firm sets goals for everyone."} {"idx": "mnli-12699", "premise": "'I wouldn't suggest it if we couldn't.'", "hypothesis": "I wouldn't suggest killing him if we couldn't do it."} {"idx": "mnli-12700", "premise": "In addition, two domestic investment trends helped promote growth in GDP and living (1) the price of investment goods declined relative to other goods and (2) investment in high-yielding information technology has risen rapidly.", "hypothesis": "There are two trends within investment that help promote the growth of the Gross Domestic Product."} {"idx": "mnli-12701", "premise": "The only reason to release it now is political, and national security officials shouldn't play politics.", "hypothesis": "Politics are being brought into a field they don't belong because national security officials feel they have a stance in politics, which they have no place to be in."} {"idx": "mnli-12702", "premise": "Such provisions have been critical to the success of the Acid Rain Program, encouraging individual sources to find the most cost-effective means of compliance with the collective emission reduction goal.", "hypothesis": "They did not encourage individuals to find cheaper means of compliance."} {"idx": "mnli-12703", "premise": "uh anyway i love to do that and the other thing that i love is that i am a distance runner by hobby", "hypothesis": "I do marathons."} {"idx": "mnli-12704", "premise": "In Victoria Gardens, don't miss the stone elephant from Elephanta Island; it belongs to the Victoria and Albert Museum nearby, a reminder of the old history of Imperial Bombay.", "hypothesis": "The stone elephant was created by British artisans in Imperial Bombay."} {"idx": "mnli-12705", "premise": "Tax wealth more, labor less.", "hypothesis": "They would rather rest than break a sweat."} {"idx": "mnli-12706", "premise": "The two-story cover package credits the police.", "hypothesis": "The cover package led to high sales for this issue."} {"idx": "mnli-12707", "premise": "Patients who returned 7 to 10 days later for a second intervention session did not improve on outcomes at 3 months, but they did improve on alcohol-related negative consequences and injuries at 1 year.", "hypothesis": "Patients didn't improve in 3 months with a 2nd intervention,but did in one year. "} {"idx": "mnli-12708", "premise": "He had, in today's parlance, paid his dues.", "hypothesis": "He'd done more than enough"} {"idx": "mnli-12709", "premise": "You have to feel sorry for Bradley.", "hypothesis": "Although he looks like he has it all, you also have to feel sorry for Bradley"} {"idx": "mnli-12710", "premise": "Blanka read ultra-fast:", "hypothesis": "Blanka is illiterate."} {"idx": "mnli-12711", "premise": "To reach the ancient sites drop down from Agaa Vavara on to the Plain.", "hypothesis": "The sites can be reached by dropping from Vavara onto the Plain."} {"idx": "mnli-12712", "premise": "Sampling frame generated from the 1980 Census 100-percent detail file.", "hypothesis": "The file showed a sharp increase in population since 1970."} {"idx": "mnli-12713", "premise": "She hardly needs to mention it--the media bring it up anyway--but she invokes it subtly, alluding (as she did on two Sunday talk shows) to women who drive their daughters halfway across the state to shake my hand, a woman they dare to believe in.", "hypothesis": "Women drive their daughters from halfway across the state to shake her hand."} {"idx": "mnli-12714", "premise": "On the subject of Italian-Americans and their gripes about The Sopranos , et al.", "hypothesis": "While were discussing Italian-Americans, lets talk about something related to their gripes with The Sopranos."} {"idx": "mnli-12715", "premise": "She was just being sent home to some bigwig.", "hypothesis": "She headed home as if nothing out of the ordinary happened, to her regular life."} {"idx": "mnli-12716", "premise": "There's probably zillions of planets.\" ", "hypothesis": "There is no way to count all the planets."} {"idx": "mnli-12717", "premise": "You couldn't call it a suspicion, I murmured. ", "hypothesis": "You could call it a suspicion, I yelled."} {"idx": "mnli-12718", "premise": "According to biblical accounts, Jesus spent his life ministering in the Galilee Valley.", "hypothesis": "As the Bible recounts, Jesus ministered in the Galilee Valley during his lifetime."} {"idx": "mnli-12719", "premise": "a small patch where there was no color, and yet the sky there was not black.", "hypothesis": "The sky blanketed his vision with an endless expanse of blue."} {"idx": "mnli-12720", "premise": "Things were much too ineffable, it seems, for Italian tastes.", "hypothesis": "The Italians found them to be much too ineffable."} {"idx": "mnli-12721", "premise": "Of what did he speak?\" Jon felt his anger growing.", "hypothesis": "Jon's temper was slowly cooling down."} {"idx": "mnli-12722", "premise": "For these communities, the FCC's e-rate department recommends dial-up services like AOL that offer 800 access at a pricey 10 cents a minute premium.", "hypothesis": "The FCC only recommends the expensive dial-up services like AOL for companies who need 800 access for a higher level of internet service. "} {"idx": "mnli-12723", "premise": "The HMOs pay all medical bills except for a small copayment and generally provide generous drug coverage, often at no extra cost--except giving up one's choice of doctor or hospital.", "hypothesis": "HMOs don't pay anything."} {"idx": "mnli-12724", "premise": "A figure stopped at the bluff's edge leading a horse.", "hypothesis": "Someone was about to start going over the side of the bluff."} {"idx": "mnli-12725", "premise": "Today's implants, affixed to your jawbone by a titanium screw, can hold for the rest of your life.", "hypothesis": "The titanium screw that is used in the implant is very expensive to produce."} {"idx": "mnli-12726", "premise": "A further exotic touch is added by the Muslim ladies just inside the gate, selling brightly coloured cloth and clothes, alongside street vendors selling fruits, bread, and other wares.", "hypothesis": "No one is allowed to sell things close to the gate."} {"idx": "mnli-12727", "premise": "Tommy looked round.", "hypothesis": "Tommy was swollen from the allergic reaction and looked quite round."} {"idx": "mnli-12728", "premise": "and i anticipate the same thing with the Honda whenever i decide to sell it course i may never sell it", "hypothesis": "The same thing only happens with Hondas, not any other car. "} {"idx": "mnli-12729", "premise": "What possessed him to go posting off to London in this unaccountable way? ", "hypothesis": "Why would he have a reason to go off to London if he didn't want to tell anybody and never made it apparent that he wished to go?"} {"idx": "mnli-12730", "premise": "Or from our own non-stock repositories of future value--i.e.", "hypothesis": "Repositories of future value are an example."} {"idx": "mnli-12731", "premise": "On the second floor window some one standing between the window and the light in the room threw a silhouette on the blind.", "hypothesis": "There was a silhouette on the blinds of the man that was standing there."} {"idx": "mnli-12732", "premise": "The revival of interest in Wilde--another play about him ( Gross Indecency ) and a new movie ( Wilde )--continues to delight critics.", "hypothesis": "Wilde remains uninteresting and people do not care less about his life. "} {"idx": "mnli-12733", "premise": "things like that goes in those boxes but we get tons of catalogs and things like that and magazines and there's no way to get rid of them it just seems like such a waste", "hypothesis": "We managed to get rid of all the catalogs and magazines we had."} {"idx": "mnli-12734", "premise": "Case studies are undertaken for their explanatory power and their superior ability to identify the reasons for problems and the nature of events.", "hypothesis": "More case studies should be examined to find further issues."} {"idx": "mnli-12735", "premise": "Based on consultations with our advisory group and our case study entities, we consolidated and refined the factors to those presented in this guide.", "hypothesis": "Consultation with our advisory group was a lengthy, labor-intensive process."} {"idx": "mnli-12736", "premise": " Follow the main road inland past the island's lone petrol (gasoline) station (which is closed after dark! )", "hypothesis": "The gas station is closed after dark on weekdays."} {"idx": "mnli-12737", "premise": "You mean--? \"Take care!", "hypothesis": "Wait, are you sure you meant what you said?"} {"idx": "mnli-12738", "premise": "Ehud Barak pledged to strike peace deals with Syria and the Palestinians within 15 months.", "hypothesis": "Barak wants peace deals with Syria and the Palestinians very soon."} {"idx": "mnli-12739", "premise": "well that's true too yeah yeah but you know the violent crime is is uh definitely something's got to be done on that because", "hypothesis": "Yes, it's false and nothing need to be done on the gruesome crimes committed."} {"idx": "mnli-12740", "premise": "San San gained a reputation in the days of Errol Flynn for its elegant social scene; today it is an exclusive hideaway with a fine golf course.", "hypothesis": "San San gained a reputation for being one of the most dangerous, gang-ridden areas in the region."} {"idx": "mnli-12741", "premise": "The interim rule has been reviewed under Executive Order", "hypothesis": "The interim rule was reviewed under the new guideline by the EPA."} {"idx": "mnli-12742", "premise": "And to the north of the palace are the 13th-century Gothic Notre-Dame and, along the Rue de la Chouette and the Rue Verrerie, attractive late-Gothic and Renaissance houses, with picturesque inner courtyards, that have been transformed into antiques shops.", "hypothesis": "To the palace's north is a collection of pretty Renaissance and late-Gothic properties. "} {"idx": "mnli-12743", "premise": "On the way, you'll pass the Casino Costa Blanca, where the stakes are low and the excitement runs high.", "hypothesis": "At the Casino Costa Blanca, excitement is high and the stakes are low."} {"idx": "mnli-12744", "premise": " Bar and caf?? bills include service, but small tips are the custom.", "hypothesis": "Tips are uncustomary as there is already a service fee included."} {"idx": "mnli-12745", "premise": "you know they just try to uh to to get you to get uh have their credit card and um um uh uh six half a dozen isn't enough", "hypothesis": "They have no choices to make in terms of pricing."} {"idx": "mnli-12746", "premise": "but i never think about it until after you go there for about a week your toes you start getting blisters anyway so no big deal", "hypothesis": "Blisters only form once you have been there for two weeks."} {"idx": "mnli-12747", "premise": "Turkey's Aegean coast is one of Europe's most popular holiday destinations, offering an unparalleled combination of natural beauty and historical interest.", "hypothesis": "The country Turkey is in the Asian continent."} {"idx": "mnli-12748", "premise": "Adrin beat the rain from his hat and wiped the blood from his face leaving red streaks over his eyes.", "hypothesis": "Adrin had been wounded in the head."} {"idx": "mnli-12749", "premise": "But it wasn't the sort of thing a fellow would be likely to guess.\"", "hypothesis": "A person wouldn't usually guess that sort of thing."} {"idx": "mnli-12750", "premise": "This session focused on how programs should complete grant applications, and the new grant application requirements for applicants which anticipate sub-granting part of the LSC grant during the grant year.", "hypothesis": "Programs should complete grant applications a certain way."} {"idx": "mnli-12751", "premise": "Their tough-minded pragmatism survives today not only in Tokyo but also in the dynamic industrial zone that has burgeoned around it in such towns as Kawasaki and Yokohama.", "hypothesis": "Yokohama is part of the industrial zone around Tokyo."} {"idx": "mnli-12752", "premise": "Having outlived his children and grand?\u00adchildren, he was succeeded by his five-year-old great-grandson, Louis XV.", "hypothesis": "He outlived his children and grandchildren."} {"idx": "mnli-12753", "premise": "Corporate lawyers received brush-up training from the [City Bar], and a given firm without certain expertise felt free to call on another firm that had it.", "hypothesis": "Most of the lawyers do not agree that they are in need of Brush up training."} {"idx": "mnli-12754", "premise": "What was he doing to her? ", "hypothesis": "He was doing something mean to the woman."} {"idx": "mnli-12755", "premise": "and uh well my my my my parents", "hypothesis": "I don't have parents."} {"idx": "mnli-12756", "premise": "Bracketing Best case Worst case Cluster Representative Typical Special interest", "hypothesis": "Organizing all scenarios "} {"idx": "mnli-12757", "premise": "Beyond icek Pasaje, the side streets off Istiklal Caddesi are the focus for Istanbul's raunchier nightlife, packed with seedy bars, adult cinemas, and nightclubs best avoided, unless you want to spend all your money at once.", "hypothesis": "The side streets off Istiklal Caddesi has a hospital, children's center and university."} {"idx": "mnli-12758", "premise": "Lalley remembers calling a meeting of managing partners of all the big law firms in town to deal with the cutback.", "hypothesis": "The way Lalley remembers it, is that there was no meeting calling."} {"idx": "mnli-12759", "premise": "yeah i think that the NFL is going to use that league as uh uh kind of like as a minor league to recruit players", "hypothesis": "I think the NFL is going to recruit players from that league."} {"idx": "mnli-12760", "premise": "oh can you really that amazes me", "hypothesis": "I'm not impressed that you can do that."} {"idx": "mnli-12761", "premise": "Jon could not imagine what they had faced in their own tunnel.", "hypothesis": "Jon knew exactly what was down this tunnel, no doubt about it."} {"idx": "mnli-12762", "premise": "Alexander the Great occupied Egypt and appointed Cleomenes of Naucratis, a Greek resident in Egypt and his Macedonian general, as governor.", "hypothesis": "Alexander the Great thought that Cleomenes of Naucratis did not have the ability to govern."} {"idx": "mnli-12763", "premise": "By the early 18th century, Spain was already exporting it to France.", "hypothesis": "Spain began exporting it to France no late than the 18th century."} {"idx": "mnli-12764", "premise": "yeah it it's a little disturbing", "hypothesis": "This was a pleasant concept."} {"idx": "mnli-12765", "premise": "It was coined almost 200 years ago (I think perhaps by David Ricardo), to describe the pre-industrial land-tenure system in Britain, wherein peasants would destructively graze their livestock on commonly held land.", "hypothesis": "It used to be illegal for livestock to graze on public land."} {"idx": "mnli-12766", "premise": "um-hum really yeah it's not mine either but uh i know i know our policy i like in Nicaragua i'm familiar with that because we have um some friends that live on the Nicaraguan border and they're they're missionaries there and they they live there and they have to travel by boat forty five minutes to get to their car and stuff and uh i know that they helped a lot of those Sandinistas refugees coming across the border and they housed them and stuff they've been down there about three years now and they lived it's kind of weird they have bats in their roof but the bats eat the bad spiders so they leave the bats you know so uh", "hypothesis": "I live in Nicaragua."} {"idx": "mnli-12767", "premise": "Whittington mentioned it that day.\"", "hypothesis": "Whittington talked about it that day."} {"idx": "mnli-12768", "premise": "In less extreme cases, they become writers.", "hypothesis": "They become artists in extreme situations."} {"idx": "mnli-12769", "premise": "it's it's interesting to hear that Bush has", "hypothesis": "Bush is very interesting."} {"idx": "mnli-12770", "premise": "uh-oh well what about your summers in Dallas now is that similar was it humid up in the New England states like it is down there", "hypothesis": "The humidity in New England makes life uncomfortable."} {"idx": "mnli-12771", "premise": "The enormous mountain of salt you'll see comes from the La Mata and Torrevieja pans.", "hypothesis": "The salt from La Mata is often used as table salt."} {"idx": "mnli-12772", "premise": "Next thing I did was 86 to write out a wire to Beresford saying where I was, and that I was laid up with a sprained foot, and telling him to come down if he wasn't busy.", "hypothesis": "Beresford was contacted to come help with the injured foot. "} {"idx": "mnli-12773", "premise": "Postal Service, the Commission extended their application for an additional five-year period in a recent rulemaking.", "hypothesis": "The Postal Service's application was renewed for another five years."} {"idx": "mnli-12774", "premise": "Finally he lifted his hand in faint greeting, sighed and dropped slowly to a seat.", "hypothesis": "He sat down after greeting them."} {"idx": "mnli-12775", "premise": "Perhaps more important, such high-end accommodations raise the standards of expectations back to the mythology of the Rat Pack era.", "hypothesis": "The low-end accommodations raised the standards of expectation."} {"idx": "mnli-12776", "premise": "Romans, Visigoths, and Moors all squabbled over the strategically positioned town, which was sacked by Sir Francis Drake in 1588 and taken by Archduke Charles in 1707.", "hypothesis": "The town was captured by Walter Raleigh in 1565."} {"idx": "mnli-12777", "premise": "you know the thing that that i surprised me even more you know if we got a good contest going we do manage to get fifty percent out in national elections and uh but what's even worse is the off year congressional elections uh when there's not a presidential election uh and the local election and it bothers me and i i think that's even more important to vote in those because uh oh sure and", "hypothesis": "More people vote in a presidential election than a congressional election."} {"idx": "mnli-12778", "premise": "If certain pertinent information is prohibited from general disclosure, the report on the attestation engagement should state the nature of the information omitted and the requirement that makes the omission necessary.", "hypothesis": "Omitting information from general disclosure is perfectly fine to do without any need to explain it."} {"idx": "mnli-12779", "premise": "Think of a banner ad as the Internet on a bumper sticker.", "hypothesis": "A banner ad on the internet is similar to a bumper sticker on a car. "} {"idx": "mnli-12780", "premise": "but we i don't know i i don't really miss the snow i miss the change of seasons myself", "hypothesis": "Personally, I don't like the snow that much."} {"idx": "mnli-12781", "premise": "yeah and he he went to uh he went to the bank and he took um i can't remember the guy the guy he defended for murder Earl you know they had a lien against his house so he'd pay his legal bills do you remember that", "hypothesis": "He went to the bank with Earl."} {"idx": "mnli-12782", "premise": "In fact, at lunchtime even some Ibicencos themselves consider wine off-limits it's just too relaxing.", "hypothesis": "The Ibicencos are serious during the day."} {"idx": "mnli-12783", "premise": "Much of the actual courtyard pavement (lithostrotos) survives in the Monastery of the Flagellation, where Jesus Christ was scourged, and in the adjacent Convent of the Sisters of Zion.", "hypothesis": "In the Monastery of the Flagellation, a lot of the pavement in the courtyard survives from ancient times."} {"idx": "mnli-12784", "premise": "The Postal Service usually responds to these measurements by saying that they are not statistically valid or that they are not representative.", "hypothesis": "The Postal Service responds by saying the information is correct."} {"idx": "mnli-12785", "premise": "This took place in September 1997, with the majority supporting the creation of a Scottish Parliament, although many strident nationalists thought the proposals did not go far enough.", "hypothesis": "Nationalists to this day have no intentions of ending the cause until Scotland has full independence."} {"idx": "mnli-12786", "premise": "Many on both sides anticipate that the Democratic primary of 2000 will be a showdown, with Dick Gephardt representing the old Dems and Al Gore standing in for the new.", "hypothesis": "They expected the new Democrats to finally dethrone the older vestiges of the party."} {"idx": "mnli-12787", "premise": "This expression appears occasionally throughout the history of inaugurals, but it has hit its stride in recent years.", "hypothesis": "The expression is more common the past few years because of the political climate."} {"idx": "mnli-12788", "premise": "The last of the zealots held out for another three years at Masada (see page 76).", "hypothesis": "As the zealots struggled to survive at Masada, they were troubled with infighting and a food shortage."} {"idx": "mnli-12789", "premise": "Rules limit how much blood you can donate or sell at one sitting.", "hypothesis": "Rules limit the amount of blood you can sell or donate in a sitting."} {"idx": "mnli-12790", "premise": "But something else is bothering Reese.", "hypothesis": "Reese is bothered by a different thing."} {"idx": "mnli-12791", "premise": "These have a public purpose, captured in the Irish poet William Butler Yeats' lines about the best-known Sistine That girls at puberty may find/ The first Adam in their thought.", "hypothesis": "Yeats was a Chinese chef."} {"idx": "mnli-12792", "premise": "[S]ome of it would almost certainly have made him wince.", "hypothesis": "He would have found all of it really pleasant."} {"idx": "mnli-12793", "premise": "Spiritual preoccupations turned away from the world's few joys and woes in the present, to mystic contemplation of the ineffable hereafter.", "hypothesis": "There are luxurious homes near the shore in plantation style that commonly come with hot tubs and covered porches,"} {"idx": "mnli-12794", "premise": "What were the pleasures, Sather Karf?", "hypothesis": "What pleasures were there Sather Karf?"} {"idx": "mnli-12795", "premise": "and so the only way that i the only thing i know to do in in is if it sounds plausible i'll say go ahead and do it but save me the parts or something so i can have him look at it", "hypothesis": "I never give the go ahead without his approval first. "} {"idx": "mnli-12796", "premise": "So the first choice should be read as being between the certainty of being rich and a possibility of being rich.", "hypothesis": "The first choice is the best one for the good of the people."} {"idx": "mnli-12797", "premise": "'So our young friend is coming round again.", "hypothesis": "Our elderly enemy has shown his face."} {"idx": "mnli-12798", "premise": "have you ever lived in that part of the country", "hypothesis": "Have you ever lived in Kentucky?"} {"idx": "mnli-12799", "premise": "Referrals; Community legal education presentations; Community legal education materials, articles and web sites; Pro se clinics, distribution of pro se materials including the technologically enhanced", "hypothesis": "The list includes: referrals, community legal education presentations, community legal education materials, articles and websites, pro se clinics, distribution of pro se materials including the technologically enhanced. "} {"idx": "mnli-12800", "premise": "right that's true i think they ought to teach people how to shoot them too how to take care of one how to act around one when they buy them", "hypothesis": "I think they should sell them without teaching people about them."} {"idx": "mnli-12801", "premise": "no i've haven't gone camping in years but it's something that i've done in the past how about you", "hypothesis": "It's been years since I last went camping."} {"idx": "mnli-12802", "premise": "Mathew Brady died in 1896.", "hypothesis": "Mathew Brady was born in 1896."} {"idx": "mnli-12803", "premise": "Subsequent analysis of regional office plans for productivity improvement led to the conclusion that their implementation could save about $60 million annually.", "hypothesis": "They concluded that they could save about $60 million."} {"idx": "mnli-12804", "premise": "The SBA has confirmed that some agencies follow this practice without objection from the SBA.", "hypothesis": "The SBA has shown some agencies follow this."} {"idx": "mnli-12805", "premise": "well i think i think my best part actually is chipping or at least it was last year i haven't been out this year it's kind of been uh kind of strange i hadn't been able to get out yet but uh my biggest problem is staying in the fairway", "hypothesis": "Last year my strong suit was chipping, I haven't been able to golf yet this year but hope to soon."} {"idx": "mnli-12806", "premise": "The thing is, we've become closer--and now I'm attracted to him.", "hypothesis": "Since we have become closer, I find him less attractive."} {"idx": "mnli-12807", "premise": "well what's your favorite dish", "hypothesis": "I think enchiladas are your favorite dish."} {"idx": "mnli-12808", "premise": "No estimate of this is available but if the growth is high, the postal service loss for the program could be low, which would yield a discount larger than 4.5a.", "hypothesis": "There's no estimate of this, but If the growth is high, the postal service loss could be low, which would give a discount bigger than 4.5a."} {"idx": "mnli-12809", "premise": "Most of the world's national symbols the Statue of Liberte the Eiffel Tower, the Kremlin, the Great Wall are man-made.", "hypothesis": "The Great Wall is a national symbol that was built by men."} {"idx": "mnli-12810", "premise": "There are many regulations in place that will reduce air emissions from electric power generation.", "hypothesis": "None of the regulations reduce emissions."} {"idx": "mnli-12811", "premise": "oh well it one thing that gets me is when you see them do putting out the um the um knives forks and what have you and when they put them down they hold them by the edge that you are going to put in your mouth", "hypothesis": "I hate how they handle they cutlery, when they are setting the table."} {"idx": "mnli-12812", "premise": "Announcing any benefits changes sooner rather than later would make it easier for individuals to plan for retirement and to adjust their saving behavior accordingly.", "hypothesis": "Benefits are mostly spent on medication and housing."} {"idx": "mnli-12813", "premise": "Thorn was gone into the night.", "hypothesis": "Thorn left for battle into the night."} {"idx": "mnli-12814", "premise": "But Don Cazar's first words were a little startling.", "hypothesis": "Don did not speak a single word."} {"idx": "mnli-12815", "premise": "but that added up too i mean when when she left and the pay out came in you know if we just rolled that over and it just sits there and gathers", "hypothesis": "As soon as the payout came, we took care of it."} {"idx": "mnli-12816", "premise": "We will have Casual Fridays like all other good media companies, but that doesn't mean you should just slip back into your Office 97 jacket or that favorite Microsoft Bob T-shirt.", "hypothesis": "Casual fridays are not that casual."} {"idx": "mnli-12817", "premise": "uh that makes sense", "hypothesis": "That doesn't make sense."} {"idx": "mnli-12818", "premise": "'No, that's more or less all I'm going to offer you in return.'", "hypothesis": "That's all you're gonna get in exchange for the $5 bill. "} {"idx": "mnli-12819", "premise": "But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't try to address them in a proactive and straight-on manner.", "hypothesis": "There is no point in trying to be proactive here."} {"idx": "mnli-12820", "premise": "As on most tropical islands, the pace of life tends to be lazy.", "hypothesis": "The way of life on tropical islands are more laid back and lazy."} {"idx": "mnli-12821", "premise": "yeah and and they they need that you know to be able to relate to other people besides", "hypothesis": "They don't want you treating your coworkers and customers like babies."} {"idx": "mnli-12822", "premise": "I'll let you stay up to call signals from here.", "hypothesis": "You can stay up and call signals for another hour or so."} {"idx": "mnli-12823", "premise": "Once you've found a consistent division, you can be sure that no other is possible.", "hypothesis": "There are many other possible divisions even after finding a consistent division. "} {"idx": "mnli-12824", "premise": "Gotta be new and winning, not like those earlier super sweet yogurts, total crap.", "hypothesis": "The fake sugar they used in the earlier yogurts made it taste badly."} {"idx": "mnli-12825", "premise": "Though an in-depth discussion of quality-assurance practices to be used in electronic testing and analyses is beyond the scope of this guidance, it is important to perform appropriate checks to ensure that you have obtained the correct file.", "hypothesis": "Certain checks are vital to insure you have obtained the correct file."} {"idx": "mnli-12826", "premise": "BUT IF THEY KNOW THAT THE PAPERS HAVE BEEN 184 RECOVERED BY US, neither of those two girls' lives will be worth an hour's purchase.", "hypothesis": "If they know we have the papers, it will be terrible and we'll all die."} {"idx": "mnli-12827", "premise": "The volcano last erupted in spring 1991, but it is no longer considered dangerous.", "hypothesis": "1991 was the last time the volcano erupted."} {"idx": "mnli-12828", "premise": "This has some very realistic audio-visual re-enactments of eruptions and earthquakes, with special stereo sound effects.", "hypothesis": "The special sound effects help emerge everyone in the fantasy."} {"idx": "mnli-12829", "premise": "She bore two sons who both died in infancy, but by the time she was about to give birth to their third child, her husband lay dying at Falkland Palace.", "hypothesis": "Her husband lay dying at Falkland palace after she had bore three sons."} {"idx": "mnli-12830", "premise": "(Click to learn more about the surprising Islamic origins of this argument and what Ludwig Wittgenstein had to say about it.)", "hypothesis": "You cannot learn anything about Islam. "} {"idx": "mnli-12831", "premise": "Julius, upright, leant over the back of the car.", "hypothesis": "Julius, standing tall, hovered over the back of the car."} {"idx": "mnli-12832", "premise": "But I will always deeply treasure the mementos of our friendship he left with me.", "hypothesis": "I can not appreciate the moments together, because he left me."} {"idx": "mnli-12833", "premise": "Very often, you end up sharing it with Italian passengers who offer in exchange their own homemade goodies.", "hypothesis": "People here are stingy. Do not expect handouts. "} {"idx": "mnli-12834", "premise": "uh Delford have you ever heard of that", "hypothesis": "Have you ever heard of Delford?"} {"idx": "mnli-12835", "premise": "For example, participants stated that the SEC has recently been operating on a budget of about $450 million.", "hypothesis": "Participants estimated SEC's operation costs."} {"idx": "mnli-12836", "premise": "Ask for a bedroom facing the Old City walls.", "hypothesis": "Bedrooms exist that face the Old City Walls."} {"idx": "mnli-12837", "premise": "As a result, some are questioning the future role of the AICPA and whether they should continue to renew their membership.", "hypothesis": "The membership of the AICPA is growing despite recent questions."} {"idx": "mnli-12838", "premise": "Another favorite Republican cause is the Small Business Administration, which exists to make loans to companies that banks deem nonviable.", "hypothesis": "The SBA may or may not be a favorite Republican cause as far as the actual majority opinion of all Republicans- However, this person most likely cannot know that for certain."} {"idx": "mnli-12839", "premise": "There's not so much promotion in mine, said Tommy regretfully, \"and a great deal less variety.", "hypothesis": "Tommy's was the most exciting. "} {"idx": "mnli-12840", "premise": "It is when we have competent counsel representing both litigants, regardless of money, that the system works best.", "hypothesis": "Money is the biggest factor in how well the system works."} {"idx": "mnli-12841", "premise": "If there is any reason to believe that you have been shadowed, destroy them at once.", "hypothesis": "Destroy them immediately if you suspect anyone is shadowing you."} {"idx": "mnli-12842", "premise": "well do you work at a Attleboro or does your or your husband", "hypothesis": "You don't work at Attleboro do you?"} {"idx": "mnli-12843", "premise": "The privilege squabble, in fact, marks the first time the Dead President defense has failed.", "hypothesis": "This might be the end of the Dead President argument as a valid defense."} {"idx": "mnli-12844", "premise": "yeah i agree i agree i think it also gives a woman a chance to if she does have a job a nd a career it gives the man and the wife both a chance to both be working and maybe save up some money and then it gives her a little more option if she wants to stay home with the children while they're young", "hypothesis": "Do women stay at home with kids for a long time?"} {"idx": "mnli-12845", "premise": "I'm _trying_ to.", "hypothesis": "I don't believe so."} {"idx": "mnli-12846", "premise": "yeah oh sure yeah you don't know really you don't know where it is", "hypothesis": "You know exactly where it is."} {"idx": "mnli-12847", "premise": "I'll come at once. I sprang out of bed; and, pulling on a dressing-gown, followed Lawrence along the passage and the gallery to the right wing of the house. ", "hypothesis": "I got out of bed and got ready to go quickly."} {"idx": "mnli-12848", "premise": "yeah we have a little bit and we've just gotten one of those little tents that we throw out on the ground and that's what we camp in so we kind of rough it", "hypothesis": "We decided to stay in a hotel instead of the camp grounds."} {"idx": "mnli-12849", "premise": "helps yeah", "hypothesis": "It doesn't help."} {"idx": "mnli-12850", "premise": "This relieves the carrier from the need to travel back down a road to serve curbside boxes on the other side", "hypothesis": "Carriers will not be relieved "} {"idx": "mnli-12851", "premise": "Nearby, a ramshackle winery with an antique wooden press produces the local Porto Santo wine.", "hypothesis": "The wine found in Porto Santo is made locally."} {"idx": "mnli-12852", "premise": "Fat people who exercise regularly are healthier than thin people who don't.", "hypothesis": "If thin people don't exercise then they are less healthy than fat people who do."} {"idx": "mnli-12853", "premise": "you had to do something", "hypothesis": "You had to do nothing."} {"idx": "mnli-12854", "premise": "federal budget will increasingly be driven by demographic trends.", "hypothesis": "There are other trends that drive the federal budget besides demographic ones."} {"idx": "mnli-12855", "premise": "And suppose the total market for advertising doubled . In this highly optimistic scenario, Internet ad spending would be $400 per household.", "hypothesis": "The total market for advertising is expected to remain the same for the foreseeable future."} {"idx": "mnli-12856", "premise": "The market runs all the way up to Tin Hau Temple, where you will find fortune tellers' tables (some speak English) and possibly street performers singing Chinese opera or pop songs.", "hypothesis": "A little less than half of the fortune tellers' tables at Tin Hau Temple speak English."} {"idx": "mnli-12857", "premise": "Bill, I think, has proven that a basketball player, baseball player, football player are very intelligent people and that type of stigma attached to you is not worthy.", "hypothesis": "Bill has shown that athletes are incredibly smart people."} {"idx": "mnli-12858", "premise": "How did you get in?", "hypothesis": "They'd gotten in through a hole in the wall that had been thought to be covered up."} {"idx": "mnli-12859", "premise": "okay with two little kids i can understand that", "hypothesis": "With two little children I can get that."} {"idx": "mnli-12860", "premise": "i never really watched the whole thing", "hypothesis": "I watched the entirety."} {"idx": "mnli-12861", "premise": "This narrative (1) stated that Information is a corporate asset . . . . Information must be protected according to its sensitivity, criticality and value, regardless of the media on which it is stored, the manual or automated systems that process it, or the methods by which it is distributed, (2) outlined the responsibilities of information owners, custodians, and users, (3) defined the organization's three data classification categories, and (4) stated that each business unit should develop an information protection program to implement these policies.", "hypothesis": "Information will be stored in order of importance."} {"idx": "mnli-12862", "premise": "From the north-coast resort of Rodi Garganico, you can take a 90-minute boat trip during the summer months out to the pine-tree-covered Tremiti Islands.", "hypothesis": "It may take considerably longer than 90 minutes to sail to the islands depending on the weather."} {"idx": "mnli-12863", "premise": "It will contain whatever news scooplets, insights, and reflections Deputy Editor Jack Shafer can either solicit from Slate's staff and readers or, if necessary, download from his own head.", "hypothesis": "The stories are posted daily"} {"idx": "mnli-12864", "premise": "Kawaguchi-ko is the most popular, probably because of the excursion boats that ply the route along the north shore, where with luck and good weather you get a perfect mirror-image reflection of Mt.", "hypothesis": "There are a lot of mountains in the area."} {"idx": "mnli-12865", "premise": "The hat was behind me.", "hypothesis": "The stetson lay on a table in back of me."} {"idx": "mnli-12866", "premise": "According to those who edited the Dictionary , Gates read entries only just before they were sent to press, then looked closely only at items within his area of expertise, such as the Harlem Renaissance and Hurston.", "hypothesis": "Gates read dictionary entries that started with \"T\" when they were being printed."} {"idx": "mnli-12867", "premise": "An additional observatory was added in the 1820s, but the smoky skies and train steam over the city at that time made it an unsuitable location for watching the stars.", "hypothesis": "The observatory built in the 1820s was the best place to see the stars."} {"idx": "mnli-12868", "premise": "Business and Industrial Council's Educational Foundation, is simultaneously writing position papers on foreign policy for the harshly conservative Cato Institute and supplying factoids for presidential hopeful Gephardt's speeches on trade policy.", "hypothesis": "The Foundation is only focusing on foreign policy papers."} {"idx": "mnli-12869", "premise": "yeah and just not pay any attention to it yeah", "hypothesis": "Pay all of your attention to it, it's important."} {"idx": "mnli-12870", "premise": "um-hum yeah but yeah you're right that wasn't a very pleasant experience", "hypothesis": "I love it so much I can't help but tell everyone about it."} {"idx": "mnli-12871", "premise": "1999: Western Union Introduces Singing Mammogram", "hypothesis": "Western Union doesn't have any products related to mammograms."} {"idx": "mnli-12872", "premise": "Both villages offer good waterfront restaurants with homestyle Chinese food, principally seafood fresh from the tank.", "hypothesis": "All seafood has to be imported from hundreds of miles away."} {"idx": "mnli-12873", "premise": "well the classic the other classic examples the Jehovah's Witness or or Mormons or someone knocking at the front door um which is more intrusive because i have to feel really tell someone to go away and there's that sense of i have now opened my door they now see what i look like what i live like and normally and they're doing something that normally i really only invite people to because i", "hypothesis": "I tell Mormons to go away and get off my porch."} {"idx": "mnli-12874", "premise": "It took two of us to stop him and he lived with a sword in his chest for much of the night.", "hypothesis": "It took two of us to slay him, and even then he persisted nearly until morning."} {"idx": "mnli-12875", "premise": "Suppose we say a little something down, and a fuller discussion of the matter later? Whittington gave her an ugly glance.", "hypothesis": "Whittington was not feeling especially fond of her at the moment."} {"idx": "mnli-12876", "premise": "Asano was ordered to commit suicide for his offense; however, Kira went free.", "hypothesis": "Asano and Kira both committed the same offense. "} {"idx": "mnli-12877", "premise": "Crawl off in a corner and give birth, without pay?", "hypothesis": "Give birth in a corner without pay?"} {"idx": "mnli-12878", "premise": "I guess you never know what might turn up.\" Tommy kept a respectful silence.", "hypothesis": "You know what we'll find out there, Tommy started to scream"} {"idx": "mnli-12879", "premise": "The man suddenly pointed to his computations.", "hypothesis": "The man pointed towards his computations in sudden motion."} {"idx": "mnli-12880", "premise": "The career criminal program aimed at swift and certain justice by trying to expedite and strengthen processing of individuals who had long criminal histories at the time of apprehension.", "hypothesis": "The career criminal program aimed at justice."} {"idx": "mnli-12881", "premise": "The Commission adopts these rules pursuant to sections 301 and 303(r) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C.", "hypothesis": "They rejected the rules and did what they wanted."} {"idx": "mnli-12882", "premise": "The early shadow of the colossal statue covered the village completely.", "hypothesis": "The statue was so small that you needed a microscope to see its shadow. "} {"idx": "mnli-12883", "premise": "I can't help thinking that I'm really rather clever! ", "hypothesis": "I can't help thinking that I am foolish."} {"idx": "mnli-12884", "premise": "well i um several years ago a radio broke in my car and i never i got out of the habit of listening to the radio and so", "hypothesis": "I always stuck to the habit of listening to the radio, and mine broke. "} {"idx": "mnli-12885", "premise": "The town's name, which means wild river or ravine, seems hyperbolic for such an orderly and peaceful little community.", "hypothesis": "The town is chaotic and hectic. "} {"idx": "mnli-12886", "premise": "The stalls of the morning market (see page 85) are piled with appetizing produce.", "hypothesis": "The stalls of the morning market are only filled with clothing."} {"idx": "mnli-12887", "premise": "He has not many sources of supply left.", "hypothesis": "He does not have a lot of supply sources remaining."} {"idx": "mnli-12888", "premise": "well i grew up in Los Angeles", "hypothesis": "I am from Los Angeles."} {"idx": "mnli-12889", "premise": "Transforming the Civil Building the Workforce of the Future, Results of a GAO-Sponsored Symposium (GAO/GGD-96-35, Dec. 26, 1995).", "hypothesis": "Keeping the civil building the workforce of the future static. "} {"idx": "mnli-12890", "premise": "yeah it it obviously is not a DC you know", "hypothesis": "It resembles DC a lot."} {"idx": "mnli-12891", "premise": " When the warlocks of this world had discovered that they could not solve the problem of the sky, they must have gone into a state of pure hysteria, like a chicken dashing back and forth in front of a car.", "hypothesis": "The warlocks used their dark magic to solve every world problem."} {"idx": "mnli-12892", "premise": "Financial Executives Research Foundation,", "hypothesis": "Financial Executives foundation that does research"} {"idx": "mnli-12893", "premise": "The crowd murmured and whispered when they caught sight of the jewels in the sword's twisted hand-guard.", "hypothesis": "The sword was plain and unadorned."} {"idx": "mnli-12894", "premise": "These are 19th-century The originals were torn down during the Revolution because they were thought to depict kings of France (21 of them were recently discovered and preserved in the Musee du Moyen Age, see page 55).", "hypothesis": "Special effort was made to preserve them during the Revolution because they depicted the kings of France."} {"idx": "mnli-12895", "premise": "Parliamentary elections are scheduled for early January, and HDZ is trailing the less nationalistic opposition in the polls.", "hypothesis": "HDZ is the most moderate party in this election and the clear favorite to win."} {"idx": "mnli-12896", "premise": "yeah well i think they got i think that was almost everyone of them that he recruited uh recruited for this year", "hypothesis": "No one he recruited was worth hiring this year."} {"idx": "mnli-12897", "premise": "Lowell tries to get Starr to admit that he should have told the attorney general about his contacts with Paula Jones' lawyers and that he mistreated Monica Lewinsky by holding her for hours at the Ritz-Carlton and denying her a lawyer.", "hypothesis": "Lowell tried to get Starr to admit his wrong doings. "} {"idx": "mnli-12898", "premise": "Some journalists wrote scathingly of me, Mitchell, [former Texas Gov.] Ann Richards [also McPherson's partner], because we had agreed to do that.", "hypothesis": "There were reports who were mad at these people."} {"idx": "mnli-12899", "premise": "Yet it is clear that very few people outside the world of academic economics think about things that way.", "hypothesis": "It's clear that not many people outside the world of economics think about things like that."} {"idx": "mnli-12900", "premise": "The Di news continues as both mags chronicle the life and final drunken hours of Di driver Henri Paul.", "hypothesis": "Both mags feature a short story about the death of Di's brother. "} {"idx": "mnli-12901", "premise": "I realize now that the cameras and microphones were probably installed by [the Globe ] while I was out, she reports.", "hypothesis": "She still had no idea who installed the camera and microphones."} {"idx": "mnli-12902", "premise": "And, you know what they say---Today a peacock tomorrow a feather duster!", "hypothesis": "Always a peacock "} {"idx": "mnli-12903", "premise": "but i tell you what if you get to watch some of these now i don't know how it will be this year you know but i mean these games go right down to the wire", "hypothesis": "These games are not worth watching as they are not exciting."} {"idx": "mnli-12904", "premise": "have you tried any growing any um like fruits and vegetables or anything i guess vegetables are inside inside like in pots and stuff", "hypothesis": "Have you attempted to grow fruits and vegetables inside in pots or something like that?"} {"idx": "mnli-12905", "premise": "Dissatisfied with the chump change earned by selling untaxed cigarettes and fireworks, the Indians have opened gambling casinos on reservations all over the state.", "hypothesis": "Tribes make a ton of money off of casinos."} {"idx": "mnli-12906", "premise": "But I knew the answer to the last well enough.", "hypothesis": "Unfortunately, I didn't know what the answer was."} {"idx": "mnli-12907", "premise": "we reviewed to empower and involve employees.", "hypothesis": "We are not going to involve employees."} {"idx": "mnli-12908", "premise": "in fact the news tonight they had uh someone come on a seventy three year old man they they had gotten into a housing for the elderly and and the person who perpetrated the crime went in with someone who had a relative there and uh apparently this this person was on drugs and the old man was an invalid and he was in an elevator and he died for twelve dollars", "hypothesis": "The perpetrator was on heroin"} {"idx": "mnli-12909", "premise": "I apologize for my sin of pride.", "hypothesis": "On behalf of my son, I humbly apologize."} {"idx": "mnli-12910", "premise": "You can't liberate me.", "hypothesis": "You can certainly liberate me."} {"idx": "mnli-12911", "premise": "yeah so you know i think houses uh i think they hold up pretty well if you've got a if you have a good builder", "hypothesis": "I think houses hold up well if you have a good builder. "} {"idx": "mnli-12912", "premise": "More recently, space requirements for construction and accommodating the FGD system have been addressed with the implementation of improvements in technology, including fewer and smaller absorbers and more efficient on-site use and treatment of wastes and byproducts.", "hypothesis": "Recent improvements to space construction includes more efficient on-site use and treatment of wastes and byproducts."} {"idx": "mnli-12913", "premise": "so it's a little more convenient but you're i guess you're not as dedicated if you don't drive over do it", "hypothesis": "I think you are more dedicated to it if you have to drive over to it."} {"idx": "mnli-12914", "premise": "That object, it concerns Mr. Alfred Inglethorp.\" 93 Inglethorp was sitting a little by himself \u201dI think, unconsciously, every one had drawn his chair slightly away from him \u201dand he gave a faint start as Poirot pronounced his name. ", "hypothesis": "Everyone was in fear subconsciously at the implications of the findings."} {"idx": "mnli-12915", "premise": "well yeah but you know i need to be at the office too you know i've just got to deal with all those other things that happen but", "hypothesis": "I also have to spend time at the office. "} {"idx": "mnli-12916", "premise": " Twice he passed abandoned villages, but there was nothing there for him.", "hypothesis": "The villages he passed were empty because the people had all ran into hiding. "} {"idx": "mnli-12917", "premise": "But the noise from the plaza and torchlight made a barrier for eye and ear.", "hypothesis": "But there was too much noise to be able to hear or see."} {"idx": "mnli-12918", "premise": "These compounds fall to the Earth in either dry form (gas and particles) or wet form (rain, snow, and fog).", "hypothesis": "These particles could only have come to Earth in dry form."} {"idx": "mnli-12919", "premise": "So, by a process known to psychologists as transference, she transferred her feelings, both positive and negative, to you, the second-most-important Bill in the country.", "hypothesis": "She is like a zombie; she does not have feelings."} {"idx": "mnli-12920", "premise": "yeah i uh i think that while it's a good change for i think women to be able to fulfill their potential in whatever they feel you know their expertise may be uh i think sometimes other things suffer and that i think it's hard to find a balance there", "hypothesis": "Women should be able to reach for their potential, but it is hard to keep a balance. "} {"idx": "mnli-12921", "premise": "i was surprised that last year was my first trip out there i'd never been to California and i went through out to Death Valley and", "hypothesis": "My first trip to California included a trip to Death Valley. "} {"idx": "mnli-12922", "premise": "Effective management of an organization's workforce-its human capital-is essential to achieving results and an important part of internal control.", "hypothesis": "An organizations workforce can be ignored to reach a goal."} {"idx": "mnli-12923", "premise": "A hundred thousand pounds, repeated Tuppence.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence said, \"A hundred thousand pounds.\""} {"idx": "mnli-12924", "premise": "Ramose's Tomb is also important.", "hypothesis": "His tomb is important because it holds the secret of the vampires."} {"idx": "mnli-12925", "premise": "Those services are free.", "hypothesis": "Every service costs something."} {"idx": "mnli-12926", "premise": "Quite sure, sir.", "hypothesis": "No, definitely not, sir."} {"idx": "mnli-12927", "premise": "Four (long) streets away is the Museo Monografic Puig des Molins, a modern, spacious new town museum built on the edge of a particularly attractive hill, covered with olive trees wild flowers and which is known as Puig des Molins (Hill of the Windmills).", "hypothesis": "There are no olive trees on the hill."} {"idx": "mnli-12928", "premise": "They almost always deny you at first, Lavery said. ", "hypothesis": "They almost always accept you first, Lavery said."} {"idx": "mnli-12929", "premise": "From the top of a hefty climb up the tower are breathtaking views of Segovia and the valley beyond.", "hypothesis": "Beautiful views of Segovia can be seen from the top of the tower."} {"idx": "mnli-12930", "premise": "The organization supports requiring judges to undergo psychological testing and holding them personally liable for reckless rulings.", "hypothesis": "The organization wants judges to be tested for psychological problems and be held responsible for reckless rulings."} {"idx": "mnli-12931", "premise": "One year later Rabin was assassinated.", "hypothesis": "There was an unsuccessful assassination attempt on Rabin."} {"idx": "mnli-12932", "premise": "A fertile island of vines, olive groves, and pine forest, that lies just 3 km (2 miles) from the Turkish coast, Samos has taken a back seat in Aegean history since its golden age in the fifth century b.c.", "hypothesis": "Despite being a fertile island of vines and olive groves Samos has not had an important role in Aegean history since its golden age in the fifth century b.c."} {"idx": "mnli-12933", "premise": "The Ottoman admiral bypassed the defensive chain by having his ships dragged overland under cover of darkness, opening a second attack.", "hypothesis": "The ships were dragged overland at night to get past the defensive chain."} {"idx": "mnli-12934", "premise": "He looked past the brill's enormous rump to the dark skinned beauty at the door.", "hypothesis": "There were no animals near him."} {"idx": "mnli-12935", "premise": "Adjacent to this temple, within a cage to prevent their theft, are two images alternately described as the White Tara and the Green Tara (Buddhist deities) and as Ganga and Jamuna (Hindu deities).", "hypothesis": "The White Tara and Green Tara aren't actually white and green."} {"idx": "mnli-12936", "premise": "The original report was authored by Lois-ellin Datta in April 1987.", "hypothesis": "The original report was released in 1947."} {"idx": "mnli-12937", "premise": "but uh what's that", "hypothesis": "I know what that is."} {"idx": "mnli-12938", "premise": "There's plenty of reason to be out on a July night, instead of sitting in the basement.", "hypothesis": "There are lots of reasons to go out on a July night."} {"idx": "mnli-12939", "premise": "The political spin is that Bauer will be the Pat Buchanan of 2000: He lacks experience in elected office and is too conservative for most voters (he plans to make anti-abortion legislation a cornerstone of his campaign), but he will have plenty of diehard donors, volunteers, and caucus-goers from the religious right.", "hypothesis": "Bauer is running for senator. "} {"idx": "mnli-12940", "premise": "What had he expected, anyway?", "hypothesis": "He had not expected anything to begin with."} {"idx": "mnli-12941", "premise": "You spill some fine horse manure yourself, young man, said A'deem with a wink.", "hypothesis": "A'deem winked after he talked."} {"idx": "mnli-12942", "premise": "Adrin's eyes were on the girl.", "hypothesis": "Adrin moved his eyes away from her."} {"idx": "mnli-12943", "premise": "The ultimate effect of Social Security reform on national saving depends on complex interactions between government saving and personal saving-both through pension funds and by individuals on their own behalf.", "hypothesis": "Savings, whether through corporate pensions or personal savings, has no impact whatsoever on Social Security reform."} {"idx": "mnli-12944", "premise": "You have no standing in this deal.", "hypothesis": "You have every right to participate in this deal."} {"idx": "mnli-12945", "premise": "Tobey sketched spinach hawkers and bums at the downtown Pike Place Public Market and was sometimes mistaken for one.", "hypothesis": "Tobey wore clothes like a homeless man in order to blend in."} {"idx": "mnli-12946", "premise": "But less tendentious media outlets have also reported on Albright's ethnic background.", "hypothesis": "Albright's ethnic background has remained to mystery to all media outlets."} {"idx": "mnli-12947", "premise": "you want to go ahead or", "hypothesis": "Would you like to advance?"} {"idx": "mnli-12948", "premise": "Well, this dismissal only matched his gloomiest expectations.", "hypothesis": "He was pleased with the dismissal. "} {"idx": "mnli-12949", "premise": "I'm not into this Multivista stuff, because what is some dumpy system when compared to a beautiful hyperextension of the sun somewhere over Kuchara, when compared to the golden hue of onion fried with the kse-fi waves, when compared to the number of dividers for credit membranes in a wallet of a rich man, when compared to the magnificent smell of a briessante roll dunked in wholesome milk synthetically enriched with substances boosting the secretion of happiness hormones, that one from two years ago, not three,' Gonzo said in a tone characteristic for a man who just discovered a solution to his life problem.", "hypothesis": "He is in to multivista."} {"idx": "mnli-12950", "premise": "The festivals with greatest appeal for the kids are the famous Flower Festival, with its childrens' parade and Wall of Hope, and Carnaval.", "hypothesis": "Kids love fun and colorful stuff, and it doesn't have to cost much."} {"idx": "mnli-12951", "premise": "Why did we shed our blood, he asks an uncomprehending scientific Puritan, if I can't dance to my heart's content?", "hypothesis": "Why did we sacrifice our lives, if I am not allowed to dance freely, asks the Puritan."} {"idx": "mnli-12952", "premise": "This Palladian masterpiece, however, was finished by Irishman Edward Lovett Pearce who is responsible for the colonnades and side pavilions.", "hypothesis": "Pearce spent six years finishing the masterpiece."} {"idx": "mnli-12953", "premise": "The hand she lifted was cold as ice\u2026 .", "hypothesis": "The hand was ice cold."} {"idx": "mnli-12954", "premise": "They caught up with me in Salvora.", "hypothesis": "I ran away to Salvora to stay safe."} {"idx": "mnli-12955", "premise": "Jon stabbed hard, aiming for Adrin's left side.", "hypothesis": "With great force, Jon stabbed Adrin's left side."} {"idx": "mnli-12956", "premise": "There's no central phone book for all e-mail addresses.", "hypothesis": "All e-mail addresses can be found in a central directory."} {"idx": "mnli-12957", "premise": "Today there are more than 300,000.", "hypothesis": "300,000 people are outside protesting today."} {"idx": "mnli-12958", "premise": "Barring risks from unscheduled activity, you can go as far as the 600 m- (1,962 ft-) wide steaming crater.", "hypothesis": "An example of unscheduled activity at the crater would be a party"} {"idx": "mnli-12959", "premise": "So much for the cruel stereotype of the pea-brained dinosaur.", "hypothesis": "Dinosaurs did not have pea brains."} {"idx": "mnli-12960", "premise": "Station IX (Jesus falls a third time): Jesus's third fall under the weight of the croseis legend, and therefore the exact location is disputed.", "hypothesis": "Jesus could not carry the croseis since it was heavy."} {"idx": "mnli-12961", "premise": "He thought that the use of these drugs would make the population indifferent and willing to accept control by political leaders.", "hypothesis": "Certain drugs can cause people to feel a certain way about total control by their political leaders."} {"idx": "mnli-12962", "premise": "What would be evaluated-the usefulness of a screen or the psychometric properties of a screen?", "hypothesis": "The usefulness of a screen is not going to be evaluated?"} {"idx": "mnli-12963", "premise": "The president shouldn't hide from the voters behind fancy-pants lawyers.", "hypothesis": "The President should face his voters."} {"idx": "mnli-12964", "premise": "i guess it it might would yeah um-hum yeah well it will make it will make them taste better i'm sure", "hypothesis": "Doing it organically will make it taste better"} {"idx": "mnli-12965", "premise": "The blancos and the nigger gangs, well, they'd kill you", "hypothesis": "They will murder you mercilessly, those groups."} {"idx": "mnli-12966", "premise": "These days the students attend overcrowded classrooms, but the tradition of lively open-air discussion continues, often over an endlessly nursed coffee or glass of wine in one of the sidewalk cafe on the Boulevard Saint-Michel, in the streets around the faculty buildings, or in the ever-present cinema queues.", "hypothesis": "There isn't any lively open-air discussion anymore."} {"idx": "mnli-12967", "premise": "He stood, undressed, and slept in his bed until the following dawn.", "hypothesis": "He got undressed and went to sleep until the next morning. "} {"idx": "mnli-12968", "premise": "i don't think so no i think it's supposed to be natural", "hypothesis": "Everything must be artificial no matter what."} {"idx": "mnli-12969", "premise": "His hand lifted, his fingers dancing.", "hypothesis": "His fingers danced as he lifted his hand."} {"idx": "mnli-12970", "premise": "The preliminary assessment is the first decision point in the assessment process, including the consideration of multiple factors, a determination of the sufficiency of the data reliability with what is known at this point, and a decision about whether further work is required.", "hypothesis": "There are an abundance of decisions about further work that need made."} {"idx": "mnli-12971", "premise": "Issues in Data Synthesis, eds.", "hypothesis": "The issues only arise in some situations."} {"idx": "mnli-12972", "premise": "If there is life after death, Fred Goldman will probably chase O.J.", "hypothesis": "Fred will most likely not chase anyone."} {"idx": "mnli-12973", "premise": "well i think we've made it", "hypothesis": "We will never make it."} {"idx": "mnli-12974", "premise": "Its airy arcades reach out to the 900-year-old basilica and turn a corner past the soaring brick campanile to the Piazzetta and landing stage of St. Mark's basin (il Bacino), historic gateway to the Adriatic and distant ports beyond.", "hypothesis": "St. Mark's basin has been subject to much restoration over the last 900 years."} {"idx": "mnli-12975", "premise": "FEMA's new, all-hazard mission takes a multifaceted, sequential approach to managing mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.", "hypothesis": "FEMA deals with hazardous missions such as hurricanes and tornadoes. "} {"idx": "mnli-12976", "premise": "The FCC published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in the Federal Register on January 26, 1996.", "hypothesis": "A Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) was published in January 1996."} {"idx": "mnli-12977", "premise": "yeah and or they found that Tomczak really wasn't a he was a good backup quarterback was what he was", "hypothesis": "Tomczak never should have been a starter. "} {"idx": "mnli-12978", "premise": "That was back when the Bushes were still trying to woo me over from the Dark Side.", "hypothesis": "The Bushes were passive and uncaring."} {"idx": "mnli-12979", "premise": "oh, my lord!", "hypothesis": "No surprise at all."} {"idx": "mnli-12980", "premise": "When Keats looks at the painted figures and trees on the Grecian urn (in Ode on a Grecian Urn), he is not just happy that these apparitions will never fade, because they are art, and thus permanent; he is happy that they have never had to live, that they are not Ah, happy, happy boughs!", "hypothesis": "In its Ode on a Grecian Urn, Keats looks at the painted objects with happiness because his lover painted them."} {"idx": "mnli-12981", "premise": "Skepticism about treatment benefits is apparently widespread.", "hypothesis": "There is no skepticism around the treatment benefits."} {"idx": "mnli-12982", "premise": "that's good they scaled down quite a bit they have a lot of changes out there lately", "hypothesis": "They have changed a lot recently."} {"idx": "mnli-12983", "premise": "The proposal -- complete with a line-item budget and commitments from participating experts -- is expected to reach the state Department of Health by July 8.", "hypothesis": "The Department of Health will deliberate about the $1,000,000 budget when they get it."} {"idx": "mnli-12984", "premise": "Inside is a 16th-century sculpted sandstone pulpit and marble altar.", "hypothesis": "The altar is made out of sandstone."} {"idx": "mnli-12985", "premise": "Small holdings abound, and traditional houses sit low on the treeless hillsides.", "hypothesis": "There were no buildings on any of the hills."} {"idx": "mnli-12986", "premise": "So I, accordingly, went that way. ", "hypothesis": "I went the other way."} {"idx": "mnli-12987", "premise": "Since communism closed shop in Russia, all the volunteers have disappeared.", "hypothesis": "The volunteers disappeared because they were needed after communism"} {"idx": "mnli-12988", "premise": "yeah well um i think the weather lately has been um a bit warmer than i would expect this time of year", "hypothesis": "It has been warmer outside than I'd expect around this time of the year."} {"idx": "mnli-12989", "premise": "And we are all Osminists now.", "hypothesis": "We are all Osminists now."} {"idx": "mnli-12990", "premise": "so i think it makes for a more solid basis for them or i hope so at least", "hypothesis": "I think it builds a solid foundation for them."} {"idx": "mnli-12991", "premise": "My superiors are prone to shifting expectations, especially when what they perceived as an exercise in style starts to have substance.'", "hypothesis": "My superiors are happier when everything is just about style."} {"idx": "mnli-12992", "premise": "An SAB Advisory on the Health and Ecological Effects Initial Studies of the Section 812 Prospective Report to Advisory by the Health and Ecological Effects Subcommittee, February.", "hypothesis": "The studies were conducted in response to environmental pollution creating adverse health effects on humans."} {"idx": "mnli-12993", "premise": "And what shall we do then?", "hypothesis": "What should we do?"} {"idx": "mnli-12994", "premise": "She had six children, all alive after the first assault, and a tiny husband of a man who kept quiet.", "hypothesis": "She had a large family."} {"idx": "mnli-12995", "premise": "right you have to question you have to wonder how much tillable land they have uh being an island", "hypothesis": "I would not mind living on an island to find out."} {"idx": "mnli-12996", "premise": "Reviewers may not be familiar with the characteristics of an emergency department as a unique clinical community.", "hypothesis": "Typically, reviewers are fully aware of an emergency department's unique characteristics from the get go."} {"idx": "mnli-12997", "premise": "yeah it was Twins was good too because when i thought of that i thought of anyway um", "hypothesis": "Twins was the best movie I saw last year."} {"idx": "mnli-12998", "premise": "The Jews are Neanderthals.", "hypothesis": "Jewish people are like Neanderthals."} {"idx": "mnli-12999", "premise": "25--to get a copy of my book legally from my Web site.", "hypothesis": "My book is free on my site."} {"idx": "mnli-13000", "premise": "A fine collection of medieval church artifacts and Celtic carvings can be found on the first floor.", "hypothesis": "There is a collection of artifacts from the Catholic church."} {"idx": "mnli-13001", "premise": "That gets to you pretty quick.", "hypothesis": "It's something that can get to you and get to you fast. "} {"idx": "mnli-13002", "premise": "Given its short history as a unified nation, much of Italy's patriotic sense seems to be most visible in the national football (soccer) team.", "hypothesis": "Italy has no national soccer team unlike other countries."} {"idx": "mnli-13003", "premise": "As I will discuss later in this testimony, GAO's flexibility to engage in this important component of our work has been increasingly constrained by other demands on our resources.", "hypothesis": "GAO's flexibility to engage in that part of the work is increased by our abundance of resources."} {"idx": "mnli-13004", "premise": "He disputes that the ads played a role in the current scandal.", "hypothesis": "The ads don't play any role in the current scandal. "} {"idx": "mnli-13005", "premise": "Some magnetic influence that irresistibly impelled Mrs. Vandemeyer to commit suicide?\" Tommy looked at him with respect.", "hypothesis": "Tommy thinks Mrs. Vandemeyer's suicide was caused by ghosts."} {"idx": "mnli-13006", "premise": "In addition to the fine paintings found elsewhere in the escorial, the new museums have been created to display the great works commissioned or collected by the Spanish monarchs.", "hypothesis": "The new museums were created to display great works collected by Spanish monarchs, but many others have found home here."} {"idx": "mnli-13007", "premise": "isn't it great it's just a it's just a miracle that how fast that adds up you know", "hypothesis": "It's amazing how fast loose change adds up. "} {"idx": "mnli-13008", "premise": "As a result, rural carrier labor cost to the Postal Service in 1989 averaged $20.", "hypothesis": "rural carrier labor cost to the Postal Service in 1999 averaged $20"} {"idx": "mnli-13009", "premise": "yeah it's it's tough on the joints if you jog on concrete or on asphalt supposed to be much better if you find uh grass or or uh dirt to jog on", "hypothesis": "Hard surface roads are good for joints when we jog."} {"idx": "mnli-13010", "premise": "And last August, the American Bar Association created a Commission on Loan Repayment and Forgiveness to formulate ways to expand such credits beyond the relative handful of schools offering such help - usually the more well-endowed campuses such as NYU Law, Harvard Law, Columbia Law School and Yale Law School.", "hypothesis": "The Commission on Loan Repayment was created by the FCC, with the help of the EPC - the American Bar Association was not involved. "} {"idx": "mnli-13011", "premise": "You can puff yourself up with thank-you notes from a dozen organizations, or you can be truly charitable by concentrating your efforts where you believe they will do the most good.", "hypothesis": "You have never done anything of value in Africa."} {"idx": "mnli-13012", "premise": "It was prepared at the request of Senator Joseph I. Lieberman, Chairman, Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs.", "hypothesis": "They made it available per their inquiry."} {"idx": "mnli-13013", "premise": "The value of a Work Loss Day presented here represents the national median.", "hypothesis": "The value is similar to the national median."} {"idx": "mnli-13014", "premise": "Pitfalls Not collecting the right amount of data", "hypothesis": "There shouldn't be any problems related to an insufficient amount of data."} {"idx": "mnli-13015", "premise": "EPA believes the study has received adequate review and has been cited in numerous peerreviewed publications.", "hypothesis": "According to the EPA there has been adequate review and citation. "} {"idx": "mnli-13016", "premise": "as accomplishments or results that occur (at least partially) because of the service efforts of Government entities.", "hypothesis": "Some results occur because of government entities"} {"idx": "mnli-13017", "premise": "The Highlands are best reached by train on the KL Butterworth line to Tapah Road station and then by taxi up into the hills.", "hypothesis": "You can access The Highlands by train."} {"idx": "mnli-13018", "premise": "The prisoner is at the bar, gentlemen.\" The German was seated once more behind the table.", "hypothesis": "The German was drinking a beer while sitting on behind the table."} {"idx": "mnli-13019", "premise": "Indeed, we leave the LSC program subject to even a greater uncertainty than the one we purport to have eliminated, since other circuits may conclude (as I do) that if the limitation upon welfare representation is unconstitutional, LSC attorneys cannot engage in welfare litigation at all.", "hypothesis": "We need to make the LSC program clearer, to prevent other circuits from thinking the attorneys can't do their job."} {"idx": "mnli-13020", "premise": "no that was another one yeah yeah uh well you know who i'm talking about", "hypothesis": "Not that guy, but the other one you are familiar with."} {"idx": "mnli-13021", "premise": "Since October 1995, the Unified Agenda has been published electronically and is searchable either through RISC's web site (//reginfo.gov) or the Government Printing Office's GPO Access web site (which can be accessed through //www.access.gpo.gov).", "hypothesis": "The Unified Agenda is searchable through RISC's website."} {"idx": "mnli-13022", "premise": "Edinburgh is the home of Scottish Rugby Union, and the stadium can be found at Murrayfield, west of the city center.", "hypothesis": "There are other rugby stadiums that are based in Edinburgh."} {"idx": "mnli-13023", "premise": "Participants recognized that the SEC's resources had not kept up with its increased workload over the years.", "hypothesis": "The SEC's workload and resources correlated similarly."} {"idx": "mnli-13024", "premise": "and we had about ten people sharing this printer by it was attached to like a central PC and you had to take your diskette to the PC to print something", "hypothesis": "Only one person had access to the printer. "} {"idx": "mnli-13025", "premise": "and um i think from there on through the movie let's see what else did it", "hypothesis": "I think it also fell from the upper shelf."} {"idx": "mnli-13026", "premise": "The jagged mountain ranges and dense forests leave less than two-fifths of the country suitable for habitation and farming.", "hypothesis": "Jagged mountain ranges dominate the country, making it a poor place for farming."} {"idx": "mnli-13027", "premise": "Whittington was speaking.", "hypothesis": "No one could hear Whittington."} {"idx": "mnli-13028", "premise": "oh okay and i was in the Philippines for about three or four years and Gene used to come out and visit us uh when i was in the Philippines and", "hypothesis": "Gene used to come visit when I was in the Philippines. "} {"idx": "mnli-13029", "premise": "A handful--the most researched is a tribe of Alaskan Inuit--have condoned affairs.", "hypothesis": "Some, including a tribe of Alaskan Inuit, accept the practice of having affairs."} {"idx": "mnli-13030", "premise": "are they even are you are you in northern Virginia or are you in the District of Columbia", "hypothesis": "I know where you are, don't worry."} {"idx": "mnli-13031", "premise": "have you ever lived in that part of the country", "hypothesis": "Did you bomb that part of the country yet?"} {"idx": "mnli-13032", "premise": "It is a city to which people migrate from all over Spain in search of new opportunities; a place where few people can claim any deep roots.", "hypothesis": "The number of people with ancestors in the region is small due to massive migration."} {"idx": "mnli-13033", "premise": "out there somebody else flies in or something because uh my wife's family all have well they have a lot of connections with the airlines my", "hypothesis": "My in-laws have many connections with the airline companies."} {"idx": "mnli-13034", "premise": "This was the first public photo studio opened in Portugal (during the 1850s), and some of the props on display are amusingly quaint.", "hypothesis": "Before that, only private photo studios existed."} {"idx": "mnli-13035", "premise": "For individuals and the nation as a whole, saving more means forgoing consumption today in order to consume more in the future.", "hypothesis": "It is important that we forgo consumption today in order to have enough for the future."} {"idx": "mnli-13036", "premise": "His later chapters ask whether, in a new world where blacks are present (if still in small numbers) in our society's most powerful intellectual institutions, black thinkers might be free to spend less time thinking about what it means to be black.", "hypothesis": "He wrote about religion."} {"idx": "mnli-13037", "premise": "Bad luck.", "hypothesis": "We were lucky and blessed at every step."} {"idx": "mnli-13038", "premise": "Finally, the statute included the Communications Decency Act, which was struck down this week by the Supreme Court.", "hypothesis": "The Communications Decency Act, which was struck down by the Supreme Court this week but they agreed to revisit it with a few revisions."} {"idx": "mnli-13039", "premise": "These key characteristics can provide insights into what constitutes successful CIO organizations.", "hypothesis": "Examples of these characteristsics include: specialization, high budget, and versatile management."} {"idx": "mnli-13040", "premise": "I understand that now; but when did you first begin to suspect Miss Howard?", "hypothesis": "I am aware of that now, but when did you start to suspect Miss Howard?"} {"idx": "mnli-13041", "premise": "If it is so, th' man who gits Kitchell may jus' rid this country of some of them two-legged wolves into th' bargain.\" ", "hypothesis": "The man was a professional exterminator."} {"idx": "mnli-13042", "premise": "Said if he made his pile, as he seemed in a fair way to do, she'd never see a cent of it.", "hypothesis": "He has made a pile before."} {"idx": "mnli-13043", "premise": "It's possible, of course, that the cost of losing a major class action suit or one of these state Medicaid suits was just too enormous to chance.", "hypothesis": "Losing a major class action suit would mean bankruptcy."} {"idx": "mnli-13044", "premise": "The building at the corner of Charlotte Square and South Charlotte Street was the birthplace of Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone.", "hypothesis": "There is a building where South Charlotte Street meets Charlotte Square."} {"idx": "mnli-13045", "premise": "It sets an interim reliability milestone and expects to be at least halfway toward the expected goal by the time it begins to build production units.", "hypothesis": "It does not set any reliability milestones."} {"idx": "mnli-13046", "premise": "and and there's something about listening to water run that's relaxing to the soul", "hypothesis": "Listening to running water can relax you."} {"idx": "mnli-13047", "premise": "I do the SERVICE, monsieur.", "hypothesis": "I don't do the service, ma'am, they do."} {"idx": "mnli-13048", "premise": "They're very particular at the National Gallery.", "hypothesis": "The National Gallery does not exist."} {"idx": "mnli-13049", "premise": "Peace, said San'doro.", "hypothesis": "San'doro said, \"Peace\" and walked away."} {"idx": "mnli-13050", "premise": "a time when overall agency budgets are under pressure, training budgets are unlikely to increase.", "hypothesis": "a fall in the stock market, training budgets should not go up"} {"idx": "mnli-13051", "premise": "Because of 'women and children first.'", "hypothesis": "Because of the old rule of 'women and children first'"} {"idx": "mnli-13052", "premise": "the knife was very sharp and Ca'daan's skin crawled at the sound of it shaving the man's head.", "hypothesis": "A man was having his head shaved. "} {"idx": "mnli-13053", "premise": "When a worksharing situation of this kind is faced, there is the potential for the mailer to do the work at considerably less cost than could the postal service.", "hypothesis": "The postal service is always cheaper than the mailer."} {"idx": "mnli-13054", "premise": "Based on the data and the testimony submitted, as well as on evidence", "hypothesis": "Based on nothing but intuition."} {"idx": "mnli-13055", "premise": "It can be reached by bus, suburban railway line, or cable car (teleferico).", "hypothesis": "The only way to reach it is by boat or airplane."} {"idx": "mnli-13056", "premise": "The mail-order shortages also reflect the new-found fashion consciousness of retailers like Lands' End and L.L.", "hypothesis": "Retailers like L.L and Lands' End appear to have new-found ideas about fashion."} {"idx": "mnli-13057", "premise": "Don't be bunrakiais theater for adults rather than children, using the same dramatic themes, stories, and conventions as in noh and kabuki but achieving a unique impact with the almost life-sized, colorfully costumed puppets.", "hypothesis": "The bunrakiais theatre puts on shows with puppets with fairly low-key storylines."} {"idx": "mnli-13058", "premise": "INCREMENTAL COST - The increase or decrease in total costs that would result from a decision to increase or decrease output level, to add a service or task, or to change any portion of operations.", "hypothesis": "Adding a service is a good idea."} {"idx": "mnli-13059", "premise": "Do you want to see?\"From the inner band of his hat he brought out a much creased paper.", "hypothesis": "Would you like to look? He pulled out a wrinkled paper from the inside of his hat. "} {"idx": "mnli-13060", "premise": "He had got even with Conrad, which was one satisfaction.", "hypothesis": "He'd been waiting a long time to get back at Conrad."} {"idx": "mnli-13061", "premise": "See here, he knew that in his position he was bound to be suspected, so he conceived the exceedingly clever idea of preparing a lot of manufactured evidence against himself. ", "hypothesis": "Given his position, he knew that he would be a suspect."} {"idx": "mnli-13062", "premise": "In making him a pariah, the world is legitimizing men who are almost as awful.", "hypothesis": "People undeserving of fame often get it. "} {"idx": "mnli-13063", "premise": "The tomb of Al-Mansur Kalawan is at the heart of the complex and is surrounded by beautiful screens of ornate Islamic fretwork.", "hypothesis": "THe tomb is at the top."} {"idx": "mnli-13064", "premise": "Turn off on Contri Porti for others.", "hypothesis": "Contri Porti is well worth stopping and seeing."} {"idx": "mnli-13065", "premise": "you know if everybody's trying to incorporate a little bit of it into into their school and they made sure they pointed it out you know", "hypothesis": "Nobody should incorporate that into their school."} {"idx": "mnli-13066", "premise": "The other TV networks follow, as do the big news Web sites--CNN Interactive, MSNBC, and ABCnews.com.", "hypothesis": "The other TV networks and big news websites will follow."} {"idx": "mnli-13067", "premise": "1999: Drugs Win Drug War", "hypothesis": "Drugs lose the Drug War"} {"idx": "mnli-13068", "premise": "it's the rest of it huh you know the uh-huh", "hypothesis": "It's none of it."} {"idx": "mnli-13069", "premise": "All program and policy assumptions have a start date of 2002.", "hypothesis": "All program and policy assumptions have a start date of 2002."} {"idx": "mnli-13070", "premise": "uh i don't because uh i come from a lot a bigger city than this one and i i'm in Raleigh and", "hypothesis": "I live in Raleigh but i grew up in a big city"} {"idx": "mnli-13071", "premise": "1. What Are Key Issues in Evaluating National Saving?", "hypothesis": "When assessing national saving, are there are any issues that stand out?"} {"idx": "mnli-13072", "premise": "Bethlehem's population, mostly Arab, is divided between Christians and Muslims, and its church towers and minarets are spread dramatically along the Judean hilltops.", "hypothesis": "There are more Christians than Muslims in Bethlehem."} {"idx": "mnli-13073", "premise": "Then show it to me.", "hypothesis": "Then hide it from me."} {"idx": "mnli-13074", "premise": "SUBSIDY COST -The cost of a grant of financial aid, usually by a governmental body, to some person or institution for particular purposes.", "hypothesis": "Most subsidy costs -- the costs of a grant of financial aid to a person or institution for specific purposes -- are paid by private individuals."} {"idx": "mnli-13075", "premise": "A $100,000 technology grant awarded to Texas Rural Legal Aid will fund an Austin call center and connect it with centers in San Antonio and Corpus Christi to assist the poor with legal problems in a 68-county area of Southwest Texas.", "hypothesis": "The technology grant allowed them to purchase the highest quality cell phones."} {"idx": "mnli-13076", "premise": "The player who doesn't come back to the bar covered in tacky paint wins.", "hypothesis": "The object of the game is to avoid getting paint on you."} {"idx": "mnli-13077", "premise": "He says that everything points to its being a simple case of heart failure.\"", "hypothesis": "His assessment that it is heart failure is incorrect"} {"idx": "mnli-13078", "premise": "and uh on special occasions i mean birthdays and things like that we we don't we still have fun on things", "hypothesis": "There is never any fun during special occasions or birthdays."} {"idx": "mnli-13079", "premise": "(Also in Trois- the Sugarcane Museum. )", "hypothesis": "The Sugarcane museum holds many different exhibits and items."} {"idx": "mnli-13080", "premise": "Our helicopter tore through sky.", "hypothesis": "The helicopter flew through the night sky. "} {"idx": "mnli-13081", "premise": "This filly ought to pick up her heels some, if she takes after her dam and sire.", "hypothesis": "The horse should move her heels more if she takes after her parents."} {"idx": "mnli-13082", "premise": "This is what it had come down to.", "hypothesis": "The situation had come to a crossroad."} {"idx": "mnli-13083", "premise": "so i'm very limited what i do", "hypothesis": "I have zero limits."} {"idx": "mnli-13084", "premise": "He watched the man pass.", "hypothesis": "The man passed by on a horse."} {"idx": "mnli-13085", "premise": "This study will be funded by an LSC technical assistance grant and will be coordinated with an ABA peer study.", "hypothesis": "This study will be funded by an LSC technical assistance grant "} {"idx": "mnli-13086", "premise": "Jon looked at the desert ghost, unsure of the look in his eyes.", "hypothesis": "Jon thought that he might have made the ghost angry. "} {"idx": "mnli-13087", "premise": "The Mughal Gardens are on the eastern shore of Dal Lake.", "hypothesis": "The Mughal Gardens are on the northern shore of Dal Lake."} {"idx": "mnli-13088", "premise": "I can't tell you how excited I am by it.", "hypothesis": "I have been waiting for this for a long time."} {"idx": "mnli-13089", "premise": "yeah it's not like these other programs where they just make up anything they want", "hypothesis": "It's not like programs where they just make up whatever they want."} {"idx": "mnli-13090", "premise": "He drowned in doubt.", "hypothesis": "He was overwhelmed in doubt."} {"idx": "mnli-13091", "premise": ", First-Class Mail used by households to pay their bills).", "hypothesis": "Men use mail to pay bills."} {"idx": "mnli-13092", "premise": " \"Well, it isn't all I have to say!", "hypothesis": "I have more to say."} {"idx": "mnli-13093", "premise": "We found that successful organizations pursue something called strategic information management-that is, comprehensive management of information and information technology to maximize improvements in mission performance.", "hypothesis": "They pointed out the failures of the companies that would not let go of their mission."} {"idx": "mnli-13094", "premise": "you know that", "hypothesis": "That's something which you know. "} {"idx": "mnli-13095", "premise": "Got Old Tar when he turned up in a wild-hoss corral th' mustangers set over in th' Red River country \"", "hypothesis": "Old Tar went to Red River country."} {"idx": "mnli-13096", "premise": "To illustrate their views, fraygrants posted lists of their favorite films in different genres, from the familiar to the obscure.", "hypothesis": "There were obscure genres listed as well."} {"idx": "mnli-13097", "premise": "For the next 400 years, English and French monarchs fought over the sovereignty of various parts of France ' among them Aquitaine, Touraine, Normandy, and Flanders.", "hypothesis": "English and French monarchs wanted power over all the land."} {"idx": "mnli-13098", "premise": "The helpful tourist information desk in the JR station can direct you to the most popular or unusual spots, especially those with outdoor baths (rotenburo).", "hypothesis": "It will be difficult to find the outdoor baths from the JR station because it has no tourist information desk."} {"idx": "mnli-13099", "premise": "Anse sat crosslegged beside him, the bruise now a black shadow on his jaw.", "hypothesis": "The bruise he got from being kicked in the face appeared as a black shadow on his jaw. "} {"idx": "mnli-13100", "premise": "Renewed pride in France's provincial cities is reducing this trend, but Paris retains its aura of superiority ' and its lack of a distinctive cuisine.", "hypothesis": "Despite growing pride in other French provincial cities, Paris continues to think of itself as superior."} {"idx": "mnli-13101", "premise": "well the only thing up here is division one oh yeah", "hypothesis": "We don't have anything Division 1 here."} {"idx": "mnli-13102", "premise": "i keep meaning to do that everytime i go to a show i keep saying well i'll take them with me and let somebody look at them they just they just feel phony you know they feel like they're made of lead or something and uh they don't have any sort of it's it's got a it's got a like a picture on it", "hypothesis": "The pass I have to go to the shows don't feel real so I don't like using them."} {"idx": "mnli-13103", "premise": "It's called peace of mind.", "hypothesis": "It's referred to as a piece of cake."} {"idx": "mnli-13104", "premise": "Godavari's Royal Botanical Gardens at the foot of the mountain has an orchid collection, lovely trees, and a brook.", "hypothesis": "The gardens are in a shambles and filled with weeds and dead trees."} {"idx": "mnli-13105", "premise": "Boaz has worked out every possible detail of his libertarian heaven in an utterly comprehensive and slightly mad way.", "hypothesis": "Before he became a libertarian, Boaz was a democratic socialist."} {"idx": "mnli-13106", "premise": "I'll hurry over that part.", "hypothesis": "\"I'll be quick with that part so I can start the engine.\""} {"idx": "mnli-13107", "premise": "She got up, facing the shed.", "hypothesis": "She stayed seated."} {"idx": "mnli-13108", "premise": "Open-air cafes are one of the area's pleasures.", "hypothesis": "One the places to avoid in the area is the open-air cafes which aren't very accommodating."} {"idx": "mnli-13109", "premise": "Found him crawlin' along right near town.", "hypothesis": "He had a several gold bars on his person."} {"idx": "mnli-13110", "premise": "Assessing the Decline in the National Saving Rate.", "hypothesis": "The nation always ignores it's saving rate. "} {"idx": "mnli-13111", "premise": "Across the plaza from the Western Wall is the Jewish Quarter, virtually destroyed during the fighting in 1948.", "hypothesis": "The Jewish Quarter was essentially destroyed in 1948 during the fighting."} {"idx": "mnli-13112", "premise": "Alcohol and injury, as well as brief interventions, are on the list.", "hypothesis": "The list says alcohol and injury are negatives facing staff."} {"idx": "mnli-13113", "premise": "The renegade devil!", "hypothesis": "Two shy devils!"} {"idx": "mnli-13114", "premise": "so far there's only two of us that have gone and my older brother has paid his entire way and i'm on my i have six weeks left for and i'll you know i'll graduate and i paid my entire way and that's the way it'll go down the line and", "hypothesis": "My brother and I paid our ways through college."} {"idx": "mnli-13115", "premise": "Access cost variability is estimated from the coverage function shown in Figure 1. Under the duopoly scenario described, it would grow by 61 percent.", "hypothesis": "Access cost variability is precisely calculated from the coverage function shown in Figure 1."} {"idx": "mnli-13116", "premise": "He was amused by my Slateness.", "hypothesis": "I entertained him with my Slateness."} {"idx": "mnli-13117", "premise": "yeah yeah and i think that that's the trend now i think that's the trend now and i think people are a lot more willing to give of their time", "hypothesis": "More and more Americans are volunteering their time and doing charity work. "} {"idx": "mnli-13118", "premise": "do they have many buildings that have security there", "hypothesis": "Do you think more security is needed? "} {"idx": "mnli-13119", "premise": "All of the workers", "hypothesis": "All workers are affected."} {"idx": "mnli-13120", "premise": "The State Department reported that China's human-rights record worsened in 1996.", "hypothesis": "In 1996 it was shown that China's human-rights record became worse."} {"idx": "mnli-13121", "premise": "And the cosmopolitan crowd outside mingling with street performers, artists, and fire-eaters provides hours of free entertainment.", "hypothesis": "Fire eaters, artists and street performers are present to entertain the crowds for free."} {"idx": "mnli-13122", "premise": "Wander around the neighborhood's back streets to admire the beautifully kept residential houses, many with elegantly carved teak window screens and doorways and handsome gold-and-black lacquered name plates.", "hypothesis": "The name plates are attractive."} {"idx": "mnli-13123", "premise": "uh that that was tremendous and Tom Cruise", "hypothesis": "Brad Pitt was tremendous. "} {"idx": "mnli-13124", "premise": "Still, when problems crop up after the wedding, you can go to The Marriage Toolbox, which derides the outdated advice of yesteryear's home-economics textbooks in favor of an online journaling technique that helps you release your inner kvetch.", "hypothesis": "You can write your complaints in The Marriage Toolbox to help you cope with some issues."} {"idx": "mnli-13125", "premise": "The practices commercial companies use to capture knowledge are not currently used in this environment because the business case does not favor them.", "hypothesis": " The practices commercial companies use to capture knowledge are usually used"} {"idx": "mnli-13126", "premise": "122 \"Haven't you heard?\"", "hypothesis": "Have you heard?"} {"idx": "mnli-13127", "premise": "you don't you don't have to put a whole lot out just if you've got a broadcast spreader", "hypothesis": "You don't have to use much of the chemical if you have a broadcast spreader."} {"idx": "mnli-13128", "premise": "i have that one", "hypothesis": "I do not own that one yet"} {"idx": "mnli-13129", "premise": "um-hum yeah right what kind of car is it", "hypothesis": "What kind of a jet plane is it?"} {"idx": "mnli-13130", "premise": "First, the RJR deal was atypical of KKR's broader strategy.", "hypothesis": "The new strategy involved divesting itself of all assets."} {"idx": "mnli-13131", "premise": "On the Adriatic, Pesaro honors its native son Rossini from mid-August to late September.", "hypothesis": "Rossini is honoured from August to September."} {"idx": "mnli-13132", "premise": "He wants the United States to join with other financial centers in adopting a transactions tax on currency exchanges to stanch speculation and inhibit wide swings in currency values.", "hypothesis": "A transaction tax would limit wide swings in the value of currency."} {"idx": "mnli-13133", "premise": "As with other federal agencies, performance information is becoming an increasingly important part of DOD's budget process.", "hypothesis": "Performance information is vital to the DOD's budget process."} {"idx": "mnli-13134", "premise": "In that sense, News Corp. or Disney--which owns the Angels--could hardly be more venal or short-term in focus than the current crop of owners.", "hypothesis": "The Angels are owned by Disney, which is likely to be more focused than current owners."} {"idx": "mnli-13135", "premise": "The greatest events and achievements of the past 1,000 years are reviewed, including the miraculous growth of prosperity since 1750, the persistence of the city, the emancipation of women, the rise of the law, and the invention of limited liability (the key to the rise of equity corporations).", "hypothesis": "A review of the greatest events/achievements for the last 100 years took place. "} {"idx": "mnli-13136", "premise": "He dared to look up.", "hypothesis": "The man looked up."} {"idx": "mnli-13137", "premise": "I could only see sideways into the room.", "hypothesis": "I could look straight into the room. "} {"idx": "mnli-13138", "premise": "Two of the recurring themes of Scottish history are minors inheriting the throne and divided loyalties.", "hypothesis": "Because minors have inherited the throne often enough throughout Scottish history, Scottish people are used to it by now."} {"idx": "mnli-13139", "premise": "The first is the state of the weather yesterday. ", "hypothesis": "The first is how the weather was last week."} {"idx": "mnli-13140", "premise": "um-hum you don't and so i moved because i moved the day probably a week after one of the apartments blew up", "hypothesis": "After one of the apartments blew up, I moved."} {"idx": "mnli-13141", "premise": "Increased saving and investing can lead to greater economic growth, and a larger economy in turn would mean higher real wages, resulting in more government revenue to pay benefits.", "hypothesis": "A larger economy would mean lower real wages."} {"idx": "mnli-13142", "premise": "Monetary union and relaxed fiscal policy are sparking the boom.", "hypothesis": "The policies allowed more growth for small businesses."} {"idx": "mnli-13143", "premise": "given and and i had a tough time with that and and being a person who saw what the jury didn't plus what the jury did because we were just observing you know there in the courtroom", "hypothesis": "I have never been in a courtroom before."} {"idx": "mnli-13144", "premise": "Other Executive Orders and Statutes", "hypothesis": "The executive orders were made recently."} {"idx": "mnli-13145", "premise": "Electronic signatures meeting the aforementioned criteria, however, can provide the necessary data integrity for highly automated systems because the signature seals the data once it is applied.", "hypothesis": "Electronic signatures are often safe enough."} {"idx": "mnli-13146", "premise": "I didn't dig, though.", "hypothesis": "I dug a big hole."} {"idx": "mnli-13147", "premise": "You'd expect that the public would get something, perhaps affordable seats, in return for subsidizing stadiums.", "hypothesis": "You would not expect the public to get anything in return for subsidizing stadiums."} {"idx": "mnli-13148", "premise": "The annualized costs associated with the rule in 2006 will exceed $370 million, which is 7 percent of the projected expenditure on These engines in that year.", "hypothesis": "The costs will be about $2 million."} {"idx": "mnli-13149", "premise": "you you know she came in for a pleasurable visit and", "hypothesis": "She had a good visit."} {"idx": "mnli-13150", "premise": "i like that", "hypothesis": "I hate that."} {"idx": "mnli-13151", "premise": "It is pledged to confidentiality and could intervene.", "hypothesis": "It promised confidentiality and can possibly intervene."} {"idx": "mnli-13152", "premise": "The rule imposes information collection requirements in the registration process, in the preparation and submission of the risk management plans, and in the maintenance of on-site documentation.", "hypothesis": "The rules cover registration, preparation of risk management plans and maintenance of documentation of the last year on site. "} {"idx": "mnli-13153", "premise": "And who is Dr. Bauerstein?\"", "hypothesis": "No one knows who Dr. Bauerstein is. "} {"idx": "mnli-13154", "premise": "but i think they going to have to do something to make people wake up like on especially the drug dealers you know the the not the little penny ante ones on the corner i don't think they ought to get in trouble i mean i know they ought to get in trouble i'm not they ought to get in trouble but not not death because see they you know we're to me what they ought to do if they can find the big man", "hypothesis": "Small time drug dealers shouldn't face the death penalty. "} {"idx": "mnli-13155", "premise": "The Coroner, however, passed briskly to the next point, and Poirot drew a deep breath of relief. ", "hypothesis": "Poirot was relived that the coroner had moved to the next point."} {"idx": "mnli-13156", "premise": "He swore as something wet and slimy that looked like seaweed plopped into his hand.", "hypothesis": "It was actually seaweed that had somehow gotten stuck in the engine."} {"idx": "mnli-13157", "premise": "Johnny Shannon, a bandage about his uncovered head, lurched as if trying to free himself from the other's grip and caught at a chair back.", "hypothesis": "Johnny Shannon's head was covered by a large hat."} {"idx": "mnli-13158", "premise": "If the method is highly susceptible to this kind of internal change, the appropriate scope for case studies should be examined.", "hypothesis": "If the method is susceptible to massive internal change, the scope of case studies should be looked at."} {"idx": "mnli-13159", "premise": "With such a highly developed sense of ritual and tradition, Japan's matsuri (festivals) are much more than just fun for the for many they remain integral to life itself.", "hypothesis": "Japan's festivals offer a sense of ritual and tradition and have become a cherished aspect of life."} {"idx": "mnli-13160", "premise": "The cold accents of the German took up the conversation: \"Have you anything to say before you are put to death as a spy?\"", "hypothesis": "The German stayed quiet until all others were done speaking."} {"idx": "mnli-13161", "premise": "We were there.\"", "hypothesis": "We were there but forgot all about it."} {"idx": "mnli-13162", "premise": "Presently Mrs. Inglethorp turned to give some instructions about letters to Evelyn Howard, and her husband addressed me in his painstaking voice: \"Is soldiering your regular profession, Mr. Hastings?\"", "hypothesis": "Mrs. Inglethorp wasn't married."} {"idx": "mnli-13163", "premise": "\u2026 From an early age I realized that I had exceptional abilities.", "hypothesis": "At an early age I thought I was ordinary."} {"idx": "mnli-13164", "premise": "There, by happy coincidence, the two alpha males (Kerchak the bull ape and the evil English hunter) are gone, clearing the way for the utopia of beta males and females.", "hypothesis": "The beta males and females are suffering without the two alpha males."} {"idx": "mnli-13165", "premise": "Don't miss the handsome Renaissance H??tel de Ville (on Rue des Merciers) with its Italian-style courtyard, staircase, and belfry.", "hypothesis": "The belfry of the Renaissance Hotel de Ville is no longer standing."} {"idx": "mnli-13166", "premise": "yeah well this this one was definitely outdoor cat because i saw him all the time and i suspect somebody had just had him and moved off", "hypothesis": "I believe someone may have owned this cat before moving."} {"idx": "mnli-13167", "premise": "Maybe he'd do something wise and epic and principled.", "hypothesis": "I would not do anything good."} {"idx": "mnli-13168", "premise": "A working town through much of its history, with the wool and mining industries as major employers, Keswick also aroused the interest of writers and artists.", "hypothesis": "Keswick repelled writers and artists with its history."} {"idx": "mnli-13169", "premise": "Jerusalem has the widest range of goods and types of shop that you'll find anywhere in Israel.", "hypothesis": "Jerusalem has the worst selection of goods and types of shop in all of Israel. "} {"idx": "mnli-13170", "premise": "Yes, it is Mrs. Inglethorp's. ", "hypothesis": "No, it doesn't belong to Mrs. Inglethorp."} {"idx": "mnli-13171", "premise": "The Socialist Workers' Party of Felipe Gonz?\u00a1lez M?\u00a1rquez was elected in 1982 and his government committed itself to Spain's integration into the European Union (formerly the European Community).", "hypothesis": "Spain's integration into the European Union was a very slow and arduous process."} {"idx": "mnli-13172", "premise": "Under the revised structure, which is expected to be put in place in the early part of next year, LSNY will have a controlling voice in the selection of the boards for the local corporations.", "hypothesis": "LSNY will not have a voice in the selection of the boards for local corporations. "} {"idx": "mnli-13173", "premise": "Leicester and sublime artistic expression in the drawings he did toward the end of his life--could be pretty morbid.", "hypothesis": "His drawing took on a light airy and cheerful expression as he came to the end of his life. "} {"idx": "mnli-13174", "premise": "uh in the Houston area", "hypothesis": "It's quite far from Houston."} {"idx": "mnli-13175", "premise": "When Jon looked at the script, it shifted under the man's skin.", "hypothesis": "THe script was stored on a computer."} {"idx": "mnli-13176", "premise": "Getting the president re-elected is only one of the many, many accomplishments claimed by Morris, who plays both Boswell and Johnson in his memoirs.", "hypothesis": "Morris plays both Boswell and Johnson in his memoirs, and he claims to have gotten the president re-elected, among many other accomplishments"} {"idx": "mnli-13177", "premise": "But overworked engineers and sleepy dispatchers aren't creative, they're simply destructive.", "hypothesis": "Overworked engineers are still very safe."} {"idx": "mnli-13178", "premise": "Funny scraps one does overhear, murmured Tommy.", "hypothesis": "Tommy hating evesdropping"} {"idx": "mnli-13179", "premise": "aIn 1984, New York implemented a corporate responsibility law that made CEOs personally liable for timely filing of corporate tax returns.", "hypothesis": "The CFO of every corporation is responsible for corporate taxes."} {"idx": "mnli-13180", "premise": "You are near a small rock in the middle of the desert.", "hypothesis": "The desert has nothing in it."} {"idx": "mnli-13181", "premise": "(financial eligibility, citizenship/eligible alien status, within program priorities, etc.) it may not be reported to LSC as a case.", "hypothesis": "The financial eligibility and citizenship status may not be reported to LSC as a case. "} {"idx": "mnli-13182", "premise": "A bit of column embedded in a wall is now marked as Station IX, though it is of less interest than the convent itself.", "hypothesis": "A huge column was put in the wall of the convent but more people still prefer the convent."} {"idx": "mnli-13183", "premise": "We apologize to our audience, Philip Morris and Reynolds.", "hypothesis": "We are not sorry, Philip Morris and Reynolds."} {"idx": "mnli-13184", "premise": "I am myself, I am fully in possession of my faculties, and I do not appreciate the implication that I could be otherwise.", "hypothesis": "I had full blown dementia."} {"idx": "mnli-13185", "premise": "Except that unique animals might have landed during the night. ", "hypothesis": "During the night several ordinary animals may have possibly landed."} {"idx": "mnli-13186", "premise": "And I've never looked lovelier.", "hypothesis": "I have never looked lovelier than when I am in leather."} {"idx": "mnli-13187", "premise": "Asano was ordered to commit suicide for his offense; however, Kira went free.", "hypothesis": "As a result of his offense, Asano was instructed to kill himself. "} {"idx": "mnli-13188", "premise": "As it happens, McCain says he supports both paycheck protection and stockholder protection.", "hypothesis": "McCain supports stockholder protection and paycheck protection."} {"idx": "mnli-13189", "premise": "The FDA has concluded that the rule will have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities and an initial regulatory flexibility analysis and final regulatory flexibility analysis have been prepared and included in the notice of proposed rulemaking and the final rule notice, respectively, as required by sections 603 and 604.", "hypothesis": "The FDA has come out with several conclusions. "} {"idx": "mnli-13190", "premise": "yeah well it's it's so interesting i just i just don't think Mexico's problems are going to be cured by semantics", "hypothesis": "Semantics can be surprisingly useful but debating them won't help Mexico. "} {"idx": "mnli-13191", "premise": "twenty miles is going is just going a little different way it's probably twenty miles longer than my normal way to work i live in Rhode Island work in Massachusetts but", "hypothesis": "Rhode Island is where I call home."} {"idx": "mnli-13192", "premise": "Although not applicable to attestation engagements, the AICPA statements on auditing standards may provide useful guidance related to fraud for auditors performing attestation engagements in accordance with GAGAS.", "hypothesis": "The AICPA's statements regarding auditing standards may help auditors performing attestation engagements."} {"idx": "mnli-13193", "premise": "so why'd you move up to Colorado", "hypothesis": "I want to know what's going on in Colorado."} {"idx": "mnli-13194", "premise": "how do you feel about it do you do you think there should be capital punishment", "hypothesis": "Do you agree with capital punishment for murder?"} {"idx": "mnli-13195", "premise": "The relationship it describes may strike many as exploitative or ugly for other reasons, but it is not illegal.", "hypothesis": "The relationship is morally questionable."} {"idx": "mnli-13196", "premise": "These considerations provide a basis for considering an Alternative Estimate using the most recent estimates from the wealth of time-series studies, in addition to one based on the long-term cohort studies.", "hypothesis": "Time-series studies and long-term cohort studies have been used in considering an Alternative Estimate."} {"idx": "mnli-13197", "premise": "Originally incorporated in 1923 as the Legal Aid Society of Albany, it now serves income- eligible clients in eight counties throughout the Capital Region.", "hypothesis": "The Legal Aid Society helps poor people in the south."} {"idx": "mnli-13198", "premise": "The men were charging.", "hypothesis": "The men were running at him."} {"idx": "mnli-13199", "premise": "When I interviewed Klein for my piece about the Microsoft case, he singled out Brian Arthur as the economist who has most influenced his thinking about the way in which high-technology markets operate.", "hypothesis": "Klein has spoken a lot about high-technology markets, influenced by Brian Arthur. "} {"idx": "mnli-13200", "premise": "that's exactly what happened to us we were living um in Minneapolis at the time and we were getting ready to come back to Texas um and i went i mean into a Waldon's and stood in line for like six hours it seemed like but i haven't read it there is a good one out though that we've had for a few years that i've actually read more than once it's called The Kingdom of Sound", "hypothesis": "We were living in Minneapolis and were planning to come back to Texas. "} {"idx": "mnli-13201", "premise": ", here is how it works.", "hypothesis": "It works like this."} {"idx": "mnli-13202", "premise": "The NRCS economic analysis is discussed in the preamble to the final rule.", "hypothesis": "The NRCS analysis takes up two pages in the final rule."} {"idx": "mnli-13203", "premise": "This museum of ancient art focuses on Buddhist statues and sculptural styles from around 600 through the Middle Ages.", "hypothesis": "The Buddhist statues attract many American tourists."} {"idx": "mnli-13204", "premise": "Posters, portraits, easel-sketches.", "hypothesis": "The room was filled with prints, posters and paintings."} {"idx": "mnli-13205", "premise": "Of course that man was Presidential material.", "hypothesis": "Yes, he was a Presidential man. "} {"idx": "mnli-13206", "premise": "What this means is that the revenue from any new taxes on pollution could be used to reduce other taxes, such as Social Security contributions or the income tax (but not, of course, the capital-gains tax).", "hypothesis": "Social Security contributions or the income tax could be reduced by a new tax on pollution."} {"idx": "mnli-13207", "premise": "How would you like to have a lawyer for six months?", "hypothesis": "Would you be interested in having a lawyer for the next half a year?"} {"idx": "mnli-13208", "premise": "Her prose does not race; it hovers, insinuating its way in and around timeless mysteries, says Time . Both novels, however, are said to be excessively self-conscious.", "hypothesis": "Her prose is typically subtle and unhurried. You will also see that she writes with an extreme self-concious style. "} {"idx": "mnli-13209", "premise": "The huge royal palace of Fontainebleau is an elegant monument to the Renaissance tastes of Francois I and Henri IV, although subsequent monarchs added on and generally refurbished.", "hypothesis": "It was Francois I's idea to construct Fontainebleau."} {"idx": "mnli-13210", "premise": "boy i tell you i just got my car back from a dealer and when it was in there i had them just go ahead and change the oil and filter thirty four dollars", "hypothesis": "The price has gone down since the last oil change I had."} {"idx": "mnli-13211", "premise": "Without a national program, each of the OTC states would adopt a state-by-state program, mostly based on the California program, unless a state could show it could meet the Clean Air Act requirements by some other means.", "hypothesis": "They would have to take on individual plans for every state unless they could show they meet the standards."} {"idx": "mnli-13212", "premise": "There are now more than 57,000 active attorneys in Illinois.", "hypothesis": "The state has over 57,000 attorneys that are active."} {"idx": "mnli-13213", "premise": "uh-huh it kind of kind of down played compared to what you'd like huh do you find yourself um", "hypothesis": "do you find yourself letting this have a big impact on your life"} {"idx": "mnli-13214", "premise": "There is only one public accusation against Thomas.", "hypothesis": "There is one public accusation against Thomas."} {"idx": "mnli-13215", "premise": "This is worth bearing in mind during the president's upcoming trip to China.", "hypothesis": "During the president's upcoming trip to China, it will be worth keeping this in mind."} {"idx": "mnli-13216", "premise": "When Cook later tied up on the Big Island of Hawaii, at Kealakekua Bay, he was hailed as the god Lono and feasted on a grand scale.", "hypothesis": "The people of Kealakekua Bay didn't believe in Lono."} {"idx": "mnli-13217", "premise": "National promotion and disease prevention objectives.", "hypothesis": "National promotion is usually the most effective means of achieving disease prevention objectives."} {"idx": "mnli-13218", "premise": "Nevertheless, the deposit has long been construed as a Federal budget receipt (a governmental receipt), and the unemployment trust fund has long been included as an account in the Federal budget.", "hypothesis": "The unemployment trust fund is related to the deposit."} {"idx": "mnli-13219", "premise": "[A]ttorneys providing legal assistance must have full freedom to protect the best interests of their clients.", "hypothesis": "Attorneys should be limited in how much freedom they have to protect their clients' best interests."} {"idx": "mnli-13220", "premise": "In retrospect, Clinton appears to have shrewdly pitted the Ickes group against Morris as an exercise in the management style FDR called creative tension.", "hypothesis": "It appears that Clinton used a clever tactic that FDR called creative tension."} {"idx": "mnli-13221", "premise": "I must say I think you might have given me a hint. 138 \"Perhaps, mon ami, I did not do so, just because he was your old friend.\" I was rather disconcerted by this, remembering how I had busily passed on to John what I believed to be Poirot's views concerning Bauerstein. ", "hypothesis": "Poirot thought that Bauerstein had no role in the crime."} {"idx": "mnli-13222", "premise": "Programs and Staff", "hypothesis": "There are programs and staff."} {"idx": "mnli-13223", "premise": "If they are there, I want to be the one to find them and return them to the proper owners.", "hypothesis": "If they are there, I want to find them so that I can return them to their rightful owners."} {"idx": "mnli-13224", "premise": "say it's between four hundred and six hundred you might have to do it depending how many people are in your class and you know like you the they right", "hypothesis": "Class sizes usually range between four and six hundred."} {"idx": "mnli-13225", "premise": "And did I not immediately afterwards speak of the difficulty of bringing the murderer to justice? ", "hypothesis": "I said right away that it would be easy to bring the murderer to justice."} {"idx": "mnli-13226", "premise": "oh our payments are like two twenty", "hypothesis": "We're paying around $220."} {"idx": "mnli-13227", "premise": "West of the railway station and within view is the Masjid Negara (National Mosque), a vast, modern complex covering over 5 hectares (13 acres).", "hypothesis": "You can visit the Masjid Negara or the National Mosque just west of the railway station."} {"idx": "mnli-13228", "premise": "They spent much of the meal in silence.", "hypothesis": "They were screaming across the dining table. "} {"idx": "mnli-13229", "premise": "That you should be so ignorant, though you were considered brilliant is a sad commentary on your world.", "hypothesis": "You are quite dumb despite being seen as the opposite. "} {"idx": "mnli-13230", "premise": "Law Bulletin Staff Writer", "hypothesis": "Law Bulletin Employee Writer"} {"idx": "mnli-13231", "premise": "This airy and modern state-owned parador has breathtaking views of the magical outline of Segovia, including the Roman aqueduct, medieval walls, cathedral and castle (all illuminated at night).", "hypothesis": "Despite the great view from the parador, the cathedral and castle cannot be seen."} {"idx": "mnli-13232", "premise": "The majestic Cathedrale Notre-Dame is a masterpiece of French Gothic architecture.", "hypothesis": "The Cathedrale Notre-Dame is an example of German Gothic architecture."} {"idx": "mnli-13233", "premise": "The pirates may well have been the key to the outcome, for they alone knew the ins and outs of the bayou country, from where the British attack would come.", "hypothesis": "The pirates are said they could be the key to the outcome which occurred."} {"idx": "mnli-13234", "premise": "yeah an they have to be in ideal physical shape basically", "hypothesis": "They can be in lousy shape."} {"idx": "mnli-13235", "premise": "you start um the dollar value on things", "hypothesis": "You begin the dollar value on things. "} {"idx": "mnli-13236", "premise": "Wilkins hadn't an idea of such a thing, until Bauerstein put it into his head. ", "hypothesis": "Wilkins knew about it before Bauerstein told him"} {"idx": "mnli-13237", "premise": "i'm always explaining to people i do little things like that like you know take the stairs instead of the um the elevator and", "hypothesis": "I always explain to people that taking the elevator instead of the stairs is one of the little things you can do."} {"idx": "mnli-13238", "premise": "uh you know i i mean that's my own observation anyway", "hypothesis": "That is my own observation, but I think it is correct. "} {"idx": "mnli-13239", "premise": "Remnants of a medieval kastro and a fine archaeological museum housed in a mosque are two of the highlights.", "hypothesis": "The medieval kastro and archaeological museum are the most important reasons to visit."} {"idx": "mnli-13240", "premise": "What should the government do?", "hypothesis": "What should the people running this nation do?"} {"idx": "mnli-13241", "premise": "The system was developed by the Legal Aid Society of Orange County with about $800,000 in grants.", "hypothesis": "The system created was successful."} {"idx": "mnli-13242", "premise": "The peninsula's unity was enhanced by the expanding network of railways and roads.", "hypothesis": "As roads and railways closed, the people of the peninsula were cut off from each other."} {"idx": "mnli-13243", "premise": "Willie Nelson's slated to voice their new 'Talking Talmud.", "hypothesis": "The \"Talking Talmud\" is nothing new for Willie Nelson."} {"idx": "mnli-13244", "premise": "It still has an immensely impressive ninth-century-b.c.", "hypothesis": "Fortunately, it still carries an immensely impressive 9th-century b.c."} {"idx": "mnli-13245", "premise": "Of course that man was Presidential material.", "hypothesis": "He is the opposite of presidential. "} {"idx": "mnli-13246", "premise": "Beautiful private villas and a small number of fine resort hotels sit proudly on the headlands or nestle in the small bays.", "hypothesis": "Some of the wealthiest people reside in the headlands or in the small bays."} {"idx": "mnli-13247", "premise": "The mountains you see off in the distance on Benidorm's horizon are fragrant with wild herbs and lavender, and in July and August the hedges are lush with blackberries that few local people bother to pick.", "hypothesis": "Wild herbs and lavender are the scents you'll find in the mountains."} {"idx": "mnli-13248", "premise": "Recognition of the differences described above, as well as others, should influence the application of advice provided in this guide.", "hypothesis": "Recognizing the differences should influence the application of advice in the guide."} {"idx": "mnli-13249", "premise": "Employing interactive video- and touch-screen technology, the kiosks guide users through the bureaucracy of obtaining domestic-violence restraining orders, establishing child custody, responding to child support and eviction orders, initiating small-claims suits and requesting waivers for legal filing fees.", "hypothesis": "Using certain technologies, the kiosks makes it easier for users to things like restraining orders."} {"idx": "mnli-13250", "premise": "yeah i yeah i i i think you're right there and i'm glad you mentioned the League of Women Voters i've i don't know how long they've been around maybe a long time but it's only in my more mature years that i have become aware of them", "hypothesis": "The League of Women Voters was recently established."} {"idx": "mnli-13251", "premise": "Wouldn't it be nice if people restricted their opinions to those areas in which they had professional expertise?", "hypothesis": "It would be bad if people spoke their opinions on things that they knew about."} {"idx": "mnli-13252", "premise": "and i love it", "hypothesis": "I hate it."} {"idx": "mnli-13253", "premise": "i don't i don't have an answer for the local elections and why you have ten percent of the people voting that's really so low i'm amazed", "hypothesis": "I thought maybe 50 percent of people voted."} {"idx": "mnli-13254", "premise": "Now the strange commerce and industry of this world were humming again.", "hypothesis": "Now the strange business of this world was working again."} {"idx": "mnli-13255", "premise": "3. Section 6008 of the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994, Public Law 103-355 (5 U.S.C.", "hypothesis": "Section 6008 of the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994 is null."} {"idx": "mnli-13256", "premise": "5. Research studies of cost-effectiveness are needed to convince physicians and administrators that having staff available to address alcohol problems is an integral component of the practice of medicine and part of their mission.", "hypothesis": "Alcohol problems are a widespread issue for physicians."} {"idx": "mnli-13257", "premise": "Tuppence, you are the limit!", "hypothesis": "You're very liberating, Tuppence! "} {"idx": "mnli-13258", "premise": " Past the small coves north of Sant Antoni, the rest of the coastal circle is something of a no-man's land of relatively fierce seas and cruel rocks.", "hypothesis": "The rocks are cruel."} {"idx": "mnli-13259", "premise": "They point out that State has an established field structure and that it may be impractical to create a similar field structure in the proposed department.", "hypothesis": "To them, State has an established field structure, said the teacher."} {"idx": "mnli-13260", "premise": "Managerial Cost Accounting Concepts and Standards for the Federal Government", "hypothesis": "There is no managerial cost to account concepts"} {"idx": "mnli-13261", "premise": "But since the fault is only theirs, may no ill dreams follow you beyond Lethe!\" The knife started down, just as Nema managed to break free.", "hypothesis": "Nema escaped at the moment the knife began to descend."} {"idx": "mnli-13262", "premise": "I certainly think it helped sales of our detectors, says Mike Lupynec, the company's president and CEO.", "hypothesis": "Lupynec said the detector sales went down"} {"idx": "mnli-13263", "premise": "because that's a when i had my yard it was you know it was it was really a hassle uh cutting grass was just a terrible just the thought of it was a terrible thing oh i used to hate it", "hypothesis": "I loved doing yard work when I was able to."} {"idx": "mnli-13264", "premise": "In 2002, we designed several new approaches.", "hypothesis": "We designed new approaches."} {"idx": "mnli-13265", "premise": "But by phasing in rates, they may be able to have their cake and eat it, too-- smaller periodic increases and fewer cases to litigate.", "hypothesis": "Phasing in rates can result in smaller increases."} {"idx": "mnli-13266", "premise": "Not even a cover rave in Time for Eyes Wide Shut --a Warner Bros. release--could turn that plodding movie into a hit.", "hypothesis": "This is because people only watched it to see Nicole Kidman nude."} {"idx": "mnli-13267", "premise": "it bothers me", "hypothesis": "I'm not bothered by it. "} {"idx": "mnli-13268", "premise": "we didn't of course weren't prepared for it so", "hypothesis": "We did it and were prepared."} {"idx": "mnli-13269", "premise": "Cardinal Richelieu (the powerful 17th-century French statesman) for one dreamed of conquest in the New World.", "hypothesis": "Richelieu was powerfless in the 17th century."} {"idx": "mnli-13270", "premise": "In 1922 the League of Nations granted the British a mandate to administer Palestine.", "hypothesis": "Other countries attempted to get a mandate to administer Palestine."} {"idx": "mnli-13271", "premise": "and one of the things the questions the other day uh this last paper and i haven't seen the results of it i'm anxious to was do you think that um capital punishment ought to apply to drug dealers", "hypothesis": "Yes, all drug dealers must die for the terrible things they do."} {"idx": "mnli-13272", "premise": "It is also the starting point for three-hour treks to the summit of Mount Fengari, where you can clearly see the Turkish coast just as Poseidon did.", "hypothesis": "It only takes an hour to get to the top of the mountain."} {"idx": "mnli-13273", "premise": "Perhaps this is because attorneys, spurred on by campaigns such as the annual one called, And Justice for All, have been unusually generous in recent years, donating money for this purpose.", "hypothesis": "Attorneys have given a lot of money late.y"} {"idx": "mnli-13274", "premise": "He seemed to be reliving the events, rethinking the thoughts he'd had then.", "hypothesis": "He was thought to be reliving the events that had happened."} {"idx": "mnli-13275", "premise": "Tunnels collapse.", "hypothesis": "Tunnels collapse due to heavy rain."} {"idx": "mnli-13276", "premise": "i know i'm trying to think if there's anything i do you like uh i like stuff that's on Great Performances and i we used to watch mystery quite quite a bit and enjoyed that", "hypothesis": "I'm trying to think of things I do that you like."} {"idx": "mnli-13277", "premise": "Where did the rage in Kaufman come from, and at what point did it kill the comedy?", "hypothesis": "What was the source of Kaufman's anger?"} {"idx": "mnli-13278", "premise": "The short-term question was how such a nut got drafted into the Israeli army", "hypothesis": "It was questionable how someone like that had been drafted to the army."} {"idx": "mnli-13279", "premise": "i'm sorry i dropped the phone yeah", "hypothesis": "I'm glad that the phone fell to the ground."} {"idx": "mnli-13280", "premise": "Lunch and dinner daily, 10am 10pm.", "hypothesis": "Two meals are available every day."} {"idx": "mnli-13281", "premise": "It's a continent really.", "hypothesis": "It is considered a continent."} {"idx": "mnli-13282", "premise": "on your on your taxes yeah that's really about it it's uh have you ever owned your own home", "hypothesis": "Did you used to rent an apartment and now you own your own home?"} {"idx": "mnli-13283", "premise": "beautiful sweater uh sweater from uh i believe it was Ross Dress For Less and it was it was really pretty it was just you know it was just plain a plain uh round you know round uh necked", "hypothesis": "I bought a beautiful sweater I think from Ross."} {"idx": "mnli-13284", "premise": "really started going about seventeen he's seventeen now he was he was fifteen then but uh i've got a son son and both daughters like to go and uh they have got a a dock down in the protected area", "hypothesis": "My kids need to be aware of and alert to the presence of alligators in those waters."} {"idx": "mnli-13285", "premise": "But you'd be a bit more convincing in selling that message if you actually wrote about what I wrote.", "hypothesis": "If you actually wrote what I wrote about you'd be more convincing."} {"idx": "mnli-13286", "premise": "For fifteen years, Las Vegas was used as a Spanish Trail way-station.", "hypothesis": "At one time, Las Vegas was a Spanish Trail way-station."} {"idx": "mnli-13287", "premise": "It wouldn't work.", "hypothesis": "It was too difficult."} {"idx": "mnli-13288", "premise": "If you've installed Internet Explorer 4.0, the new version of Microsoft's browser, you might like to take a peek at our new Table of Contents, designed especially to take advantage of the advances in Internet Explorer 4.0.", "hypothesis": "If you have the current version of Internet Explorer, Internet Explorer 4.0, you should check out the new Table of Contents, catered towards Internet Explorer 4.0 users."} {"idx": "mnli-13289", "premise": "she said that i didn't said you know don't tell me what women can do", "hypothesis": "\"She protested that I stood up for women and men.\""} {"idx": "mnli-13290", "premise": "He felt convinced that their quest was going to be unsuccessful.", "hypothesis": "He felt convinced that their quest for more money was going to be unsuccessful."} {"idx": "mnli-13291", "premise": "found an outfit down here to rebuild it and uh i reinstalled that and that was probably one of the most miserable things i had gotten into in a long time", "hypothesis": "I should have also found an outfit to do the reinstallation."} {"idx": "mnli-13292", "premise": "Although the term is normally used in connection with taxes, as used in this Statement assessments also include determinations of amounts due for any other kind of nonexchange revenue.", "hypothesis": "Fines and penalties are other types of nonexchange revenue that can be collected."} {"idx": "mnli-13293", "premise": "Plano oh yeah i'm out in Rowlett and we have that brown clay soil and it's real hard to grow anything here", "hypothesis": "I've managed to grow three things in Rowlett."} {"idx": "mnli-13294", "premise": "yeah it does basically though the the golf season only shuts down for maybe three months out of the year if that much you know probably not even that much because really", "hypothesis": "The golf course is only closed during winter seasons."} {"idx": "mnli-13295", "premise": "What if the stock market is too high?", "hypothesis": "What if the stock market is too high and continues to grow?"} {"idx": "mnli-13296", "premise": "and help out", "hypothesis": "but considering how lazy you are it's unlikely"} {"idx": "mnli-13297", "premise": "In the 13th-century cloistered cemetery of the Camposanto (Holy Ground believed to be filled with sacred dirt brought back from the Holy Land during the Crusades), note the Gothic tabernacle enclosing a Madonna and Saints.", "hypothesis": "There is a Gothic tabernacle containing Madonna and Saints in the 13th century cemetery of the Camposanto."} {"idx": "mnli-13298", "premise": "Finally, there are some operational changes that would probably be made.", "hypothesis": "There is no such thing as an operational change."} {"idx": "mnli-13299", "premise": "If you want to be sure of not catching sight of anything risqu??, follow the local people.", "hypothesis": "Following the locals will allow you to see risque things."} {"idx": "mnli-13300", "premise": "In the same way, we have his statement that he put the coffee down in the hall. ", "hypothesis": "He said that he kept the coffee for himself."} {"idx": "mnli-13301", "premise": "The first moral is that children are never safer than when staring at a computer screen.", "hypothesis": "Children are safe when looking at a compute screen."} {"idx": "mnli-13302", "premise": "S. at some time during the course of representation.", "hypothesis": "It happened at the beginning. "} {"idx": "mnli-13303", "premise": "Either way, it was his editorial policy that the essential thing about smoking was not selling a toxic product that kills half a million people a year; it was freedom of choice.", "hypothesis": "People prefer choices and to not have the government restrict it."} {"idx": "mnli-13304", "premise": "Even though my personal tastes in legislation tend toward the kind that begin, Congress shall pass no law, I admired the old Bill Clinton who attempted to reorganize the $1 trillion health-care business and who forthrightly called for a workfare program that would cost more, not less, than simple handouts.", "hypothesis": "I felt that Bill Clinton's attempt to reorganise the healthcare business was a positive thing. "} {"idx": "mnli-13305", "premise": "The old and new Rouen come together around the bright and airy market halls and the attractive modern Eglise Sainte-Jeanne-d'Arc.", "hypothesis": "The modern church named after Joan of Arc is close to the beach."} {"idx": "mnli-13306", "premise": "According to Department of Transportation officials, the certification and statement were not separately provided to the SBA Chief Counsel for Advocacy.", "hypothesis": "The SBA Chief Counsel for Advocacy did not accept the statement."} {"idx": "mnli-13307", "premise": "A sob came to her throat.", "hypothesis": "She felt like she couldn't have wept if she tried."} {"idx": "mnli-13308", "premise": "He now faces an election in three months, says Berger.", "hypothesis": "He will be up for election in three months."} {"idx": "mnli-13309", "premise": "Playing my part had become second nature to me.", "hypothesis": "The character was difficult for me to play and felt unnatural."} {"idx": "mnli-13310", "premise": "But first there would have to be seizure of control by some group that was not indifferent.", "hypothesis": "There would have to be a seizure of control first."} {"idx": "mnli-13311", "premise": "uh-huh right right i do too even the credit card things and like we have a Visa and we've got we get ten applications probably a month", "hypothesis": "I never get credit card applications."} {"idx": "mnli-13312", "premise": "helps yeah", "hypothesis": "It is the most helpful."} {"idx": "mnli-13313", "premise": "Now, Poirot, I remarked resignedly, \"perhaps you will tell me what all this is about?\"", "hypothesis": "I said to Poirot, maybe you can tell me what's going on?"} {"idx": "mnli-13314", "premise": "oh sure sure they do and then they take your old part and sell it to some reconditioning house and make money off of that too", "hypothesis": "They resell the old part to a reconditioning house for profit."} {"idx": "mnli-13315", "premise": "Tommy's been the goods this trip! ", "hypothesis": "Everyone in the company except Thorn and the Kal rode small desert horses."} {"idx": "mnli-13316", "premise": "i do too i mean they are just slapstick it you have to see those twice to catch everything", "hypothesis": "Since they are slapstick you might have to see it twice to get everything."} {"idx": "mnli-13317", "premise": "i would love to do that but they have snakes over there", "hypothesis": "There are snakes over there."} {"idx": "mnli-13318", "premise": "that's true with so many elected officials i guess there's just so many people to go around in some of those cases", "hypothesis": "There is a large number of elected official in certain cases."} {"idx": "mnli-13319", "premise": "CBO An Economic Model for Long-Run Budget Simulations.", "hypothesis": "CBO budget simulations do not work. "} {"idx": "mnli-13320", "premise": "Though optimistic, advocates know that getting $1.", "hypothesis": "They are pessimistic."} {"idx": "mnli-13321", "premise": "that everyone should be tested what do you think", "hypothesis": "Nobody gets tested, I don't care what you think."} {"idx": "mnli-13322", "premise": "I was only ragging you! ", "hypothesis": "I never rag on anyone."} {"idx": "mnli-13323", "premise": "Symptoms of eutrophication are found in many of our nation's coastal ecosystems.", "hypothesis": "The nation's coastal ecosystems are cleaner than ever before, with no traces of eutrophication."} {"idx": "mnli-13324", "premise": "yeah well actually there's been some studies that say it has some positive effects that the students the the kids get you know exposure to other kids their age at an earlier time", "hypothesis": "Science has shown that the younger they meet other kids, the better."} {"idx": "mnli-13325", "premise": "certainly a a supplemental way uh and i suppose if but maybe in in your instance if if you're started with TI in your early to mid twenties and happen to stay with them until you're sixty five then you'll have a very good retirement plan", "hypothesis": "Your TI retirement plan over 40 years might depend on the economy over the same period."} {"idx": "mnli-13326", "premise": "and bowling and right now my biggest hobby i guess since um you know recovering is watching television and playing Nintendo with my son", "hypothesis": "My biggest hobby during recovery is television and playing Nintendo with my son."} {"idx": "mnli-13327", "premise": "All of the organizations agreed that trust had to be built over time and through personal relationships, and they had taken various steps to facilitate the process, such as the ", "hypothesis": "The organizations first steps were very successful."} {"idx": "mnli-13328", "premise": "Buttoned up, I looked almost respectable.", "hypothesis": "I looked decent."} {"idx": "mnli-13329", "premise": "It also conceals a Gothic masterpiece, the Sainte-Chapelle.", "hypothesis": "The Sainte-Chapelle is unconcealed."} {"idx": "mnli-13330", "premise": "yeah well i mean i don't mean to well i guess i do in a way sometimes i think a religion has a lot to do with that i think that that uh because of those countries countries a lot you know where such Catholic influence and i think the Catholic religion itself was was such a dominant factor as far as keeping the people down so to speak", "hypothesis": "I think other religions may also have been complicit in holding people back."} {"idx": "mnli-13331", "premise": "The Singapore naval base was left empty.", "hypothesis": "There was no one left at the naval base in Singapore."} {"idx": "mnli-13332", "premise": "Upon Tun Abdul Razak's death in 1976, the post of prime minister was taken up by Datuk Hussein Onn, a son of the founder of the UMNO.", "hypothesis": "Datuk Hussein Onn died in 1976, and Tun Abdul Razak became prime minister."} {"idx": "mnli-13333", "premise": "There might be interventions developed specifically for the ED that would be worthwhile to test.", "hypothesis": "It would be worthwhile to test the interventions that are specifically designed for the ED."} {"idx": "mnli-13334", "premise": "yeah and so i've uh prior to that i uh i worked in a food store", "hypothesis": "I loved eating everything in the food store."} {"idx": "mnli-13335", "premise": "The Harry Truman Research Institute is among the striking new university buildings, and the university library serves as Israel's National Library.", "hypothesis": "The university has many modern buildings, including the Harry Truman Research Institute."} {"idx": "mnli-13336", "premise": "Five, this!\" With a dramatic gesture, he pointed to a large splash of candle grease on the floor by the writing-table. ", "hypothesis": "He dramatically gestured towards the writing table, where there was a large splash of candle grease on the floor."} {"idx": "mnli-13337", "premise": "That gets to you pretty quick.", "hypothesis": "That is something that would affect you."} {"idx": "mnli-13338", "premise": "yeah they had a program on the other day about people that were addicted to soap operas", "hypothesis": "I watched a programme about people who were addicted to soap operas."} {"idx": "mnli-13339", "premise": "yeah i don't believe that very often happens", "hypothesis": "That happens a lot."} {"idx": "mnli-13340", "premise": "They also can be a significant deterrent and provide for a level of program integrity that could not otherwise be achieved.", "hypothesis": "There is not hope that they will be any kind of deterrent."} {"idx": "mnli-13341", "premise": "but uh uh thank God for small favors the uh uh what do they call them the the marching band or something", "hypothesis": "Favors are annoying."} {"idx": "mnli-13342", "premise": "so it's stayed cold for the entire week", "hypothesis": "This week the weather has started to warm up."} {"idx": "mnli-13343", "premise": "how long have you been up there in uh Attleboro Attleboro", "hypothesis": "You were never in Attleboro. "} {"idx": "mnli-13344", "premise": "Depending on how much time you have, you may want to combine two or three of the regions in order to get a sense of the great diversity of French Paris and the wine country, the mountains, or the Atlantic or Mediterranean coasts.", "hypothesis": "All the regions are the same, it really doesnt matter if you see ten of the, or just one."} {"idx": "mnli-13345", "premise": "''If you don't come up with the money somewhere, legal services to people in need will diminish or go away,'' he said.", "hypothesis": "There is enough money to cover legal services for people in need for many years."} {"idx": "mnli-13346", "premise": "Took a car across the town mighty pretty place by the way, I guess I'll take Jane there for a spell when I find her and then paid it off and struck out along those pine-woods on the top of the cliff.", "hypothesis": "I walked to the local park which was an eyesore and decided I would not take Jane there."} {"idx": "mnli-13347", "premise": "Pollard handed over information about how the United States tracked Soviet subs.", "hypothesis": "The information on how Soviet subs were tracked by the US was kept secret."} {"idx": "mnli-13348", "premise": "This is the Kathesimbhu temple, built in the mid-17th century in the style of Swayambhunath (see page 42) as a service to devotees physically unable to climb up to that hilltop shrine.", "hypothesis": "The temple was built in the style of Swayambhunath."} {"idx": "mnli-13349", "premise": "While this may have been true for a good many (Beatles, Dylan), the requirements of publishing every two weeks meant others, like the Moodies, Vanilla Fudge, Jefferson Airplane (Son of Jesus, anyone?)", "hypothesis": "Both Bob Dylan and the Beatles refused to work under these terms."} {"idx": "mnli-13350", "premise": "and she begins ashoving on of her hat in front of the glass, and she was down in two ticks, almost as quick as I was, and I seed her going down the steps and into the taxi, and I heard her call out what I told you.\" The small boy stopped and replenished his lungs.", "hypothesis": "The small boy heard her call out that she would never return here again, as she steps into the taxi."} {"idx": "mnli-13351", "premise": "Civilian agencies also are increasingly reliant on automated, often interconnected, systems, including the Internet, to support their operations.", "hypothesis": "The internet is used by some civilian agencies."} {"idx": "mnli-13352", "premise": "right yeah so but i enjoy taking in a movie when i can i'm going to try to watch the second half of this one tonight", "hypothesis": "I will try to watch the other half of this one tonight."} {"idx": "mnli-13353", "premise": "A second problem is that a Gulf War Syndrome with consistent symptoms has yet to be defined.", "hypothesis": "Symptoms of a Gulf War Syndrome have been defined."} {"idx": "mnli-13354", "premise": "When his family fell on hard times, Degas blamed it on the Jews.", "hypothesis": "Degas was a racist idiot. "} {"idx": "mnli-13355", "premise": "See that you do not fail us!\" He waved dismissal and Ser Perth led Dave and Nema out.", "hypothesis": "Ser Perth escorted Nema and Dave out through a side door."} {"idx": "mnli-13356", "premise": "Greyhound racing is on at Shelbourne Park, Ringsend, and at Harold's Cross Stadium.", "hypothesis": "Greyhound racing only ever takes place in three specific venues. "} {"idx": "mnli-13357", "premise": "cross paths later um bye", "hypothesis": "I'll never see them again."} {"idx": "mnli-13358", "premise": "As I was saying, her pride and jealousy have been laid aside. ", "hypothesis": "As I was mentioning, she is more jealous and proud."} {"idx": "mnli-13359", "premise": "These firms, however, may not use the mail boxes.", "hypothesis": "The mail boxes may not be used by these firms."} {"idx": "mnli-13360", "premise": " ordinary shoes for both men and women can be quite cheap, but anything stylish is likely to cost as much as at home.", "hypothesis": "Dolce and Gabbana shoes are much more expensive than Gucci shoes. "} {"idx": "mnli-13361", "premise": "The marginal costs of emission reductions over the period 2005 through 2015 are shown in Figures 6 through 9 for all four scenarios.", "hypothesis": "There are marginal costs for each of the four scenarios."} {"idx": "mnli-13362", "premise": "The small town of Selcuk, about 5 km (3 miles) from Ephesus, has an interesting museum and several noteworthy monuments.", "hypothesis": "Several monuments and a fascinating museum can be found in Selcuk, near Ephesus."} {"idx": "mnli-13363", "premise": "The brown man was covered in blood.", "hypothesis": "The man with brown skin had just gutted a deer. "} {"idx": "mnli-13364", "premise": "She smiled, and so did I. ", "hypothesis": "She smiled, I frowned."} {"idx": "mnli-13365", "premise": "Its facade features black calligraphy; in the cenotaph-chamber there are pretty painted flowers.", "hypothesis": "All the calligraphy on the facade is white."} {"idx": "mnli-13366", "premise": "and so uh you know then i had to put write the name on the whole bedspread i'm talking uh like it's", "hypothesis": "Then I had to write the name on the floor."} {"idx": "mnli-13367", "premise": "The resource titles listed below are abbreviated.", "hypothesis": "The resource titles were shortened the save space. "} {"idx": "mnli-13368", "premise": "He watched Ca'daan, perhaps gauging his reaction.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan was reacting to the horrible conditions."} {"idx": "mnli-13369", "premise": "But here he shook his head in answer to his own thoughts.", "hypothesis": "He nodded his head to his own thoughts."} {"idx": "mnli-13370", "premise": "well i've i've lost most of my hair so that's no real problem", "hypothesis": "I'm gown out all my hair which is a problem."} {"idx": "mnli-13371", "premise": "perform their work in this manner and comply with GAGAS in reporting the results, their work can lead to improved government management, decision-making, and oversight, and can assist in fulfilling the government's duty to be accountable to the public.", "hypothesis": "Their work can lead to improved government management of how to spend their time"} {"idx": "mnli-13372", "premise": "We agreed to do it because we thought it made a lot of sense in terms of the public interest and, secondly, because it was very handsomely compensated work.", "hypothesis": "We agreed to do it because it made sense, plus the compensation was pretty good."} {"idx": "mnli-13373", "premise": "that if everybody uh and so yeah i know like our cafeteria here uses a lot of styrofoam but uh", "hypothesis": "Our cafeteria here only uses one hundred percent recycled plastic materials. "} {"idx": "mnli-13374", "premise": "A delicate rock crystal rhyton on display here shows the sophistication of both workmanship and personal taste in the New-Palace period.", "hypothesis": "Delicate, hand-made crystal ceremony drinking vessels are on display."} {"idx": "mnli-13375", "premise": "That hateful man! ", "hypothesis": "The man was a paragon of compassion and gentleness."} {"idx": "mnli-13376", "premise": "It more clearly conveys our role and the expectations of our clients in the Congress, the press, and the public.", "hypothesis": "Our clients expect a Christmas party be provided for them every year."} {"idx": "mnli-13377", "premise": "Since then, she has earned promotions from managing attorney, senior attorney, then director of the Council on Aging project.", "hypothesis": "In the last 10 years she has had career success and moved up the ladder steadily."} {"idx": "mnli-13378", "premise": "The Duce's motto of Better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep contrasted with the one he gave the Believe, obey, fight. ", "hypothesis": "The motto was meant to inspire others."} {"idx": "mnli-13379", "premise": "The Art Gallery, upstairs, has a display of batik paintings, oils, graphics, and Chinese ink drawings.", "hypothesis": "There is no Art Gallery"} {"idx": "mnli-13380", "premise": "Last week, a witness collapsed in tears while apologizing to the ranchers.", "hypothesis": "A witness apologized to the ranchers last week."} {"idx": "mnli-13381", "premise": "He stood, looking at her and then to the huge man in the smithy.", "hypothesis": "He was sitting down. "} {"idx": "mnli-13382", "premise": "They're not, said Susan.", "hypothesis": "Susan said they're not coming to kill us."} {"idx": "mnli-13383", "premise": "The Industrialist tried.", "hypothesis": "The Industrialist tried to remove the chairs."} {"idx": "mnli-13384", "premise": "The stamps at the various numbered stations throughout the complex are particularly elegant and make a fine and unusual souvenir of your visit.", "hypothesis": "The stamps make a fine souvenir, because they are very unique."} {"idx": "mnli-13385", "premise": "Lighter, lighter...Unfortunately, we do not carry this product.", "hypothesis": "The convenience store does not carry lighters."} {"idx": "mnli-13386", "premise": "For guidance on deferred maintenance reporting, see the Deferred Maintenance standard Accounting for Property, Plant, and Equipment, SFFAS ", "hypothesis": "Deferred maintenance reporting can be read at Deferred Maintenance standard Accounting for Property, Plant, and Equipment, SFFAS, but it is rather dry reading."} {"idx": "mnli-13387", "premise": "ENJOY EVERY MOMENT, A CHANCE THAT SHE WILL NEVER HAVE.", "hypothesis": "She will never get to enjoy the moment because she has no legs."} {"idx": "mnli-13388", "premise": "good talking to you Michelle", "hypothesis": "It was not a pleasant experience."} {"idx": "mnli-13389", "premise": "You'll see plenty of soap and shampoo and, on the Dhobi Ghat, laundry-washing, too.", "hypothesis": "The Dhobi Ghat is a great place to do laundry."} {"idx": "mnli-13390", "premise": "Most people do. ", "hypothesis": "The majority do like it better. "} {"idx": "mnli-13391", "premise": "Three or four are masterpieces of Hindu architecture.", "hypothesis": "None of them are masterpieces. "} {"idx": "mnli-13392", "premise": "General aviation isn't a hobby", "hypothesis": "General aviation is a difficult discipline to master "} {"idx": "mnli-13393", "premise": "The brown man both fought and instructed as well as Jon so Jon simply watched the exchange.", "hypothesis": "The brown man was from India."} {"idx": "mnli-13394", "premise": "Donation of property, plant, and types that are expensed.", "hypothesis": "Donations are expensed differently depending on their value."} {"idx": "mnli-13395", "premise": " It costs about four times as much to fly to and from Les Saintes as to make the round-trip sea journey.", "hypothesis": "It is far cheaper to make the trip via plane than boat."} {"idx": "mnli-13396", "premise": "OSHA published an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on May 14, 1982 (47 Fed.", "hypothesis": "OSHA failed to publish its intended Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in 1982."} {"idx": "mnli-13397", "premise": "thank you sir bye", "hypothesis": "That's helpful, later."} {"idx": "mnli-13398", "premise": "Program Evaluation The application of scientific research methods to assess program concepts, implementation, and effectiveness.", "hypothesis": "It deals with going over the program's aspects from beginning to end."} {"idx": "mnli-13399", "premise": "We are here for people who have no place to turn, Adrienne Worthy, executive director for the agency, said Tuesday. ", "hypothesis": "The agency has shut down its services."} {"idx": "mnli-13400", "premise": "i think one of the most interesting things about the possibility of uh attaining a fifty first state is what would we do about our flag how do you arrange fifty one stars", "hypothesis": "Adding another star to our flag would call for a major redesign. "} {"idx": "mnli-13401", "premise": "There was Judy Chicago, selling Holocaust jewelry to raise money for her (stupid and vulgar) painting cycle on the subject.", "hypothesis": "Judy Chicago needed no money."} {"idx": "mnli-13402", "premise": "Be sure to see the monogram of James IR4 on some of the stone brackets, along with the red roseand the thistle signifying the new alliance of Scotland and England.", "hypothesis": "James' monogram is nowhere to be seen."} {"idx": "mnli-13403", "premise": "Kids buy again and again in hopes of finding that rare holographic Pikachu.", "hypothesis": "Kids keep buying because they want to get the rare holographic Pikachu. "} {"idx": "mnli-13404", "premise": "Instead, courts give the financially dependent spouse maintenance payments, which provide support while she or he gains a footing in the work force.", "hypothesis": "The courts tend to order financial support to a spouse who was financially dependent on the other. They order payments for a certain period of time."} {"idx": "mnli-13405", "premise": "If you're here out of season, the costumes, worn year after year, will be on display in the 18th-century Casal de San Jordi.", "hypothesis": "The costumes are on display at the Casal de San Jordi."} {"idx": "mnli-13406", "premise": "Both suppliers and consumers will gravitate toward , regardless of whether it is technically the best.", "hypothesis": "It doesn't really matter to suppliers and consumers whether or not it is technically the best."} {"idx": "mnli-13407", "premise": "when i was at my parents down there", "hypothesis": "I have not visited my parents for 20 years."} {"idx": "mnli-13408", "premise": "Surely that is, paradoxically, the most persuasive reason to slow down a bit at work and hang out more at home.", "hypothesis": "It was persuasive to work harder and not go home. "} {"idx": "mnli-13409", "premise": "it's just kind of convenient and she's the kind that goes for convenience over anything else", "hypothesis": "She cares about convenience."} {"idx": "mnli-13410", "premise": "A permanent independent prosecutor's office could be held more easily to reasonable financial and procedural guidelines.", "hypothesis": "If the prosecutor's office was temporary, it would be difficult to hold them to a high standard."} {"idx": "mnli-13411", "premise": "Yet he could only evade, not lie directly.", "hypothesis": "It was difficult to be vague enough but not lie. "} {"idx": "mnli-13412", "premise": "One restores what the other took away.\"", "hypothesis": "One replenishes what the other spent."} {"idx": "mnli-13413", "premise": "they were they were i mean i you know i i go to Italy every summer except i missed last summer but i mean it's like that you go into the small towns especially you know like in where he was in Sicily", "hypothesis": "I go to Italy every summer except last one. "} {"idx": "mnli-13414", "premise": "yeah family well well that's what i meant by salt that we we did that like as a family little ornaments and things like that and just kind of really got into it like during the Christmas season making them up for other people and things like that but", "hypothesis": "We the kids were little, we made handmade gift for family and friends."} {"idx": "mnli-13415", "premise": "I felt very ill and sick.", "hypothesis": "I felt fine. "} {"idx": "mnli-13416", "premise": "Just reverse the route if you're coming from Brittany.", "hypothesis": "If you're coming from Brittany, simply continue."} {"idx": "mnli-13417", "premise": "We have one or two more things we must do first.", "hypothesis": "There's nothing I need to bother with."} {"idx": "mnli-13418", "premise": "This route takes you through Morne Rouge and Ajoupa Bouillon.", "hypothesis": "The route takes you to Morne Rouge and Ajoupa Bouillon. "} {"idx": "mnli-13419", "premise": "If you take an evening tour, be prepared!", "hypothesis": "The evening tour is when it is most dangerous to pickpockets."} {"idx": "mnli-13420", "premise": " The results for fine particle concentrations, visibility, sulfur deposition, and nitrogen deposition are based on the Regional Modeling System for Aerosols and Deposition (REMSAD).", "hypothesis": "The system was near perfect with it's predictions."} {"idx": "mnli-13421", "premise": "Ware's group has developed the mental-health segment first.", "hypothesis": "Ware's group was the first to develop the mental-health segment."} {"idx": "mnli-13422", "premise": "This seems to me a wholly irrational distinction to make.", "hypothesis": "Yes I think it's perfectly reasonable to parse it that way."} {"idx": "mnli-13423", "premise": "right what's yeah what's what's the poor guy going to do that's that's you know being threatened or thrown out on the street and he's got a family to support and he's got no job um i'm not sure how much of that is is crime rather than just kids out there for a good time yeah", "hypothesis": "He is not employed and has relatives whom he needs to support."} {"idx": "mnli-13424", "premise": "PROCESS - The organized method of converting inputs (people, equipment, methods, materials, and environment), to outputs (products or services).", "hypothesis": "Process is the organized method of converting outputs to inputs."} {"idx": "mnli-13425", "premise": "Blum masterfully explains why the effects of hormones are more complicated than pop science would have us think.", "hypothesis": "Pop science intentionally simplifies any material on hormones."} {"idx": "mnli-13426", "premise": "oh you are uh well that doesn't leave too much time for a movie", "hypothesis": "That doesn't give us much time to watch a movie."} {"idx": "mnli-13427", "premise": "In an effort to provide yet one more thing to bet on, players are imported from Spain to take part in this lightning-fast Basque ball game.", "hypothesis": "The ball game is strictly for Basque players."} {"idx": "mnli-13428", "premise": "right well it truly surprises me because it seems like we seems like we do get a lot of rain but i guess not i guess it doesn't accumulate too much but um i'm glad it's summer", "hypothesis": "I suppose the rain doesn't accumulate too much."} {"idx": "mnli-13429", "premise": "this is true that's funny that's funny", "hypothesis": "The joke you told is funny."} {"idx": "mnli-13430", "premise": "Does it make sense for companies to be able to keep significant financial transactions off their books when unrelated parties provide only 3 percent of the related capital at risk?", "hypothesis": "Companies must tell about a transaction, even when unrelated parties give less than 3% of the capital at risk?"} {"idx": "mnli-13431", "premise": "It is popularly supposed (particularly by people who live in them) that democracies are good, while various forms of despotism are bad.", "hypothesis": "Democracies are good and despotism is bad "} {"idx": "mnli-13432", "premise": "But Slate's editors and staff will be spending the week in various mountain retreats, perfecting the spiritual arts of transcendental meditation and HTML coding.", "hypothesis": "Slate's editors will help each other become better coders."} {"idx": "mnli-13433", "premise": "Eventually, a theme park was born.", "hypothesis": "The theme park was based around religious imagery."} {"idx": "mnli-13434", "premise": "Shh, Dave Hanson.", "hypothesis": "Dave Hansom please be quiet."} {"idx": "mnli-13435", "premise": "You do not understand all this but you can go out to-day.", "hypothesis": "You have a very clear understanding of the situation, but you must stay inside today. "} {"idx": "mnli-13436", "premise": "yes it's it's it's bad sometimes the kids have no choice because the parents are are worse i mean it they'll do drugs in front of their kids they bring this boyfriends and girlfriends home in front of kids they they treat them like little slaves they holler at they hit them", "hypothesis": "The kids have no choice because the parents expose them to a bad life."} {"idx": "mnli-13437", "premise": "Yes, but Miss Howard did not know of the paper's existence. ", "hypothesis": "Miss Howard never knew about it."} {"idx": "mnli-13438", "premise": "oh yes that's right um-hum yeah i think a great strides are being made nowadays in in caring for the elderly you know in several in a whole lot of areas because people are of course population is getting older you know", "hypothesis": "I think the older generation is making great progress in taking care of the elderly. "} {"idx": "mnli-13439", "premise": "Any year now could be Dick Clark's last.", "hypothesis": "It is possible this year could be the last of Dick Clark."} {"idx": "mnli-13440", "premise": "i agree and and uh uh i also think we extend too much help to other uh countries we need enough help here in this country", "hypothesis": "We should think about how we can assist other lands. "} {"idx": "mnli-13441", "premise": "GAO also seeks to lead the government in the strategic management and security of effective technology utilization.", "hypothesis": "The GAO is haphazard and wishes to cause more destruction and lack of security through technology."} {"idx": "mnli-13442", "premise": "Those who have been victimized by document preparers who are not attorneys should call their local district attorney or the Attorney General's Public Inquiry Unit at (800) 952-5225.", "hypothesis": "Those who have been treated unfairly by document preparers can call (800) 952-5225."} {"idx": "mnli-13443", "premise": "We obtained information primarily through interviews with senior security managers and document analysis conducted during and after visits to the organizations we studied.", "hypothesis": "Interviews and document analysis are two ways that information was gathered."} {"idx": "mnli-13444", "premise": "The Commission indicates that it gave full consideration to the comments filed by all interested parties and, in certain instances, decided to adjust the Schedule of Regulatory Fees because of these comments.", "hypothesis": "The Commission says it gave full consideration to all the comments."} {"idx": "mnli-13445", "premise": "Memorandum to Jim DeMocker, Office of Air and Radiation, Office of Policy Analysis and Review, US Environmental Protection Agency, June 27.", "hypothesis": "Jim DeMocker was part of the US Environmental Protection Agency on June 27."} {"idx": "mnli-13446", "premise": "Recently my wife wrote to you concerning my . Your answer was It's unsafe", "hypothesis": "The answer says it is a very unsafe approach."} {"idx": "mnli-13447", "premise": "Legislation is available online at www.legis.state.il.us.", "hypothesis": "The legislation is available only in the courthouse."} {"idx": "mnli-13448", "premise": "This study extracted hourly, surface-layer ozone concentrations for each grid-cell from the standard CAMx output file containing hourly average ozone values.", "hypothesis": "The output file was completely empty for some reason."} {"idx": "mnli-13449", "premise": "He took out the key from the lock, and passed it to me to inspect. ", "hypothesis": "He handed me a lock."} {"idx": "mnli-13450", "premise": "Certainly.\"", "hypothesis": "Of course."} {"idx": "mnli-13451", "premise": "The other rhetorical way out for Republican politicians is to say that you yourself are as hard-core as ever, but since a majority of Americans apparently disagrees, there's no point in trying to do anything about it it.", "hypothesis": "All Americans support the same ideologies. "} {"idx": "mnli-13452", "premise": "As the larger of the two men came out in front of them, the merchant stopped the cart.", "hypothesis": "The merchant pushed his cart faster."} {"idx": "mnli-13453", "premise": "'Um,' I coughed.", "hypothesis": "I coughed when I said um."} {"idx": "mnli-13454", "premise": "Map maker, map maker, make me a map.", "hypothesis": "Map maker, make me a map."} {"idx": "mnli-13455", "premise": "and and you know they can they'll take somebody who maybe is mentally retarded and then it's and they're under pressure to to solve a crime and some and the circumstances uh may be molded to blame somebody who didn't do it and especially if it's you know somebody who's mentally retarded who can't defend themselves very well and i'd hate to see them get the ultimate punishment and it turns out it wasn't them", "hypothesis": "I would enjoy seeing a mentally handicapped person get the death penalty for a crime that they didn't commit."} {"idx": "mnli-13456", "premise": "Late in the 18th century, British and French forces fought bloody hand-to-hand battles for this strategic hill, considered the key to the defense of all Guadeloupe.", "hypothesis": "This hill was considered a strategic point in the defense of Guadeloupe by both British and French forces in the late 18th century."} {"idx": "mnli-13457", "premise": "Legal Services is funded by Congress through an annual $329.", "hypothesis": "legal services are funded by private investors and congress has no say."} {"idx": "mnli-13458", "premise": "In addition, under the contractor's proposal, Interior would have had to provide the contractor with data on the frequent flyer miles received by its employees.", "hypothesis": "Frequent flyer miles received by the contracterors employees would have to be provided to the contractor. "} {"idx": "mnli-13459", "premise": "Adrin had fired left handed and in combat.", "hypothesis": "Adrin had nothing to protect himself with."} {"idx": "mnli-13460", "premise": "As the impeachment drama dissipated, though, and Congress and the press started to lay off, Clinton's approval rating dropped.", "hypothesis": "After the impeachment drama passed, Clinton's approval rating skyrocketed. "} {"idx": "mnli-13461", "premise": "and uh that gets put in your permanent uh files on your record", "hypothesis": "It does not go on file."} {"idx": "mnli-13462", "premise": "Guided boat tours depart from the landing stage (Embarcadyre Vedettes) of the vast Esplanade des Quinconces.", "hypothesis": "There are boat tours from the landing stage of the island."} {"idx": "mnli-13463", "premise": "yeah but i agree too with what everything you said but i think the two go and then you put those two things together and you're going to have you know no one going to vote but then um i don't know disillusion what's the solution", "hypothesis": "I agree that no one will vote on this amendment."} {"idx": "mnli-13464", "premise": "Other steel may be needed to reinforce existing steel at a facility.", "hypothesis": "The steel does not need any more reinforcing "} {"idx": "mnli-13465", "premise": " \"Guess so.\"", "hypothesis": "I think so. "} {"idx": "mnli-13466", "premise": "What's the melting point of this sky material? He never did manage to make Sather Garm understand what a melting point was.", "hypothesis": "Sather could not understand what a melting point is because he is stupid."} {"idx": "mnli-13467", "premise": "Situated 20 km (12.5 miles) southwest of Tokyo, Yokohama was an unimportant little fishing village until 1854, when Japan's long centuries of self-imposed isolation came to an end.", "hypothesis": "Yokohama is located to the north of Tokyo."} {"idx": "mnli-13468", "premise": "1 ranking in the Forbes 400.", "hypothesis": "Bill Gates holds the 1 ranking in the Forbes 400."} {"idx": "mnli-13469", "premise": "During evolution, the whole Darwinian point of male power--lots of sex, lots of offspring--didn't compute for females.", "hypothesis": "Men have evolved more than women."} {"idx": "mnli-13470", "premise": "you know people that are out there barely struggling to pay their uh house payment and buy food aren't going to be out buying you know anything else and the people that you know have the uh disposable income that are probably more able to pay the income tax uh or pay the sales tax are the ones that are really you know have the money and they're out there buying the items maybe they should be you know paying more of the burden um there was there's another crazy thing that gets me it's like the more children you have the less tax you pay and to me that is completely crazy and i have five children so i mean you know i uh i you know it it's kind of odd when i talk about this with other people because it it just doesn't make sense to me you're getting more services", "hypothesis": "Everyone should pay the same sales tax, regardless of their earnings."} {"idx": "mnli-13471", "premise": "This being an informal palace, the Ballroom is barely large enough to accommodate 200 noble dancers.", "hypothesis": "The Ballroom is massive, one of the largest in the world."} {"idx": "mnli-13472", "premise": "Along the foot of Mt. Wakakusa is the Kasuga Grand Shrine, established to house the Shinto deities of the powerful Fujiwara family.", "hypothesis": "The shrine is a popular tourist attraction."} {"idx": "mnli-13473", "premise": "Derry wasn't with me.", "hypothesis": "Derry was standing there, right next to me."} {"idx": "mnli-13474", "premise": "Hullo, Evie, here's our wounded hero! ", "hypothesis": "The injury had not slowed Evie down."} {"idx": "mnli-13475", "premise": "A very slow smile overspread the face of the other.", "hypothesis": "The other cried."} {"idx": "mnli-13476", "premise": "The ruins of the ancient mosque Quwwatu'l-Islam-Masjid (which means The Might of Islam ), was built with the might of the Hindus.", "hypothesis": "The Quwwatu'l-Islam-Masjid mosque was built entirely by Buddhists."} {"idx": "mnli-13477", "premise": "If it's ever built, the kitchen will come in two sizes, min and max.", "hypothesis": "Kitchens come one size fits all. No choices here."} {"idx": "mnli-13478", "premise": "Such a rating system provides not only a measure of performance and awareness, but it also places primary responsibility for information security with the managers whose operations depend on it.", "hypothesis": "This rating system offers a considerable improvement over the previous system."} {"idx": "mnli-13479", "premise": "Actually, it did work, for a while.", "hypothesis": "It still works."} {"idx": "mnli-13480", "premise": "'The backwards are often obsessed with the past,' Natalia shrugged, opening her door.", "hypothesis": "Natalia thinks that people are obsessed with the past."} {"idx": "mnli-13481", "premise": "The Washington Post 's Lloyd Rose calls the production a preachy bore.", "hypothesis": "Lloyd Rose of The Washington Post was not entertained by the production."} {"idx": "mnli-13482", "premise": "Interpretation of the law and the Constitution is the primary mission of the judiciary when it acts within the sphere of its authority to resolve a case or controversy.", "hypothesis": "The judiciary is not allowed to interpret the words of the Constitution for modern life. "} {"idx": "mnli-13483", "premise": "POSTAL SERVICE AUTHORITY TO DEVELOP, INTRODUCE AND PROVIDE NEW PRODUCTS AND SERVICES", "hypothesis": "The Postal service has no authority to deal with new products."} {"idx": "mnli-13484", "premise": "well i hadn't read it and i couldn't figure what was going on half the time so", "hypothesis": "I had read it and figured it out immediately."} {"idx": "mnli-13485", "premise": "oh yeah thirty nine cents or whatever for those little tacos yeah my son likes those yeah", "hypothesis": "The little tacos cost a dollar each."} {"idx": "mnli-13486", "premise": "unused for months.", "hypothesis": "Used daily for years it is quite noticeable."} {"idx": "mnli-13487", "premise": "Various studies have shown how the ratio of executive compensation to average employee compensation has risen to levels of irrationality and levels that far exceed those of other major industrialized nations.", "hypothesis": "The ratio of executive compensation to employee compensation makes workers upset."} {"idx": "mnli-13488", "premise": "To arrive at this estimate, total cases reported by LSC grantees would be augmented with an estimate of all cases handled by LSC-funded organizations.", "hypothesis": "We would not be able to arrive at this estimate."} {"idx": "mnli-13489", "premise": "Time describes honor killings in Jordan, which comprise a quarter of the Arab nation's homicides.", "hypothesis": "A Time story explains about honor killings in Jordan which make up 25% of the country's homicides."} {"idx": "mnli-13490", "premise": "application of case study methods brings together the findings from case studies done at different times.", "hypothesis": "Case studies provide little information towards the appropriate methods and studies that should be taken."} {"idx": "mnli-13491", "premise": "With respect to HUD's Statement of Policy on CLOs, the Analysis states that the guidance provided should enable CLOs to develop with much greater certainty about RESPA consequences and with few restrictions on reasonable pricing and compensation.", "hypothesis": "The analysis says that guidance should help CLOs."} {"idx": "mnli-13492", "premise": "i'll go ahead and and charge it knowing that the money will be there", "hypothesis": "I wont charge it this time since I know money wont be there."} {"idx": "mnli-13493", "premise": "Being crossed off Tom Hanks' Christmas card list.", "hypothesis": "They were taken off of Tom Hanks' Christmas card. "} {"idx": "mnli-13494", "premise": "they they get well it it depends on how you look at that because like Sweden they pay a lot in taxes but their day care is government subsidized", "hypothesis": "In Sweden, the people a lot in taxes for government-subsidized day care."} {"idx": "mnli-13495", "premise": "he keeps the one with the least amount of the uh uh what you call it yeah no the uh", "hypothesis": "He keeps more than one."} {"idx": "mnli-13496", "premise": "and plus they require a lot in the way of training and which now that i'm home would probably be a good time to do it if i were going to do it but you know i just don't you know there i don't know why but with dogs it seems you have to have a lot more vet bills", "hypothesis": "Dogs never need to go to the vet at all. "} {"idx": "mnli-13497", "premise": "The exit from the Harem opens into the Third Court, otherwise reached through the Gate of the White Eunuchs.", "hypothesis": "The exit from the Harem was to the north and the Gate of the White Eunuchs to the south."} {"idx": "mnli-13498", "premise": "They are not otherwise related to the entity's cost and therefore are not an offset to its gross cost in determining its net cost of operations.", "hypothesis": "They have no relationship with the entity's cost."} {"idx": "mnli-13499", "premise": "The strategic goals explain the purposes of the agency's programs and the results they are intended to achieve.", "hypothesis": "Agency's have multiple strategic goals to achieve."} {"idx": "mnli-13500", "premise": "she's uh four months right now", "hypothesis": "That pretty young."} {"idx": "mnli-13501", "premise": "but uh yeah they they really i think they hurt the sport this year with all that controversy over that locker room incident with uh with uh all that the reporter and stuff and", "hypothesis": "If the reporters hadn't been there, the incident would not have taken place."} {"idx": "mnli-13502", "premise": "Bill and Hillary Clinton are on the campaign trail, accusing Republicans of substituting partisan impeachment proceedings for legislation to address the nation's ills.", "hypothesis": "Bill Clinton is running for president."} {"idx": "mnli-13503", "premise": "Jon had taken Vrenna's amazing diversion to reload his pistols.", "hypothesis": "Vrenna distracted them by taking off her shirt. "} {"idx": "mnli-13504", "premise": "The results are in quadrillion Btu in both the reference case and each of the four policy scenarios.", "hypothesis": "The results are present in the policy scenarios."} {"idx": "mnli-13505", "premise": "I collected my C note at my 21 st birthday party.", "hypothesis": "I never got my C note at my birthday party."} {"idx": "mnli-13506", "premise": "to provide the context for the overall message and to help the reader understand the significance of the issues discussed.", "hypothesis": "It provides the context for the message of unity."} {"idx": "mnli-13507", "premise": "um that's got to be a a grim uh supper topic there", "hypothesis": "That is a happy topic for lunch."} {"idx": "mnli-13508", "premise": "All you need to get around are your own two feet, although renting a bicycle at the railway station will give you easy access to the surrounding countryside.", "hypothesis": "You have to take a horse because the terrain is too tough to walk on."} {"idx": "mnli-13509", "premise": "Here, too, he resembles Kennedy, who was a cheerleader for politics, publishing a magazine that detached politics from ideology.", "hypothesis": "He is nothing like Kennedy."} {"idx": "mnli-13510", "premise": "Others have been painstakingly restored in an on-going cooperation between Nepal and German experts, making use of the undiminished skills of the local craftsmen.", "hypothesis": "Local craftsmen have been used for restoration services."} {"idx": "mnli-13511", "premise": "Factories in Kowloon and the New Territories, producing traditional and modern china, are geared to entertain and instruct visiting tourists; prices are appealing.", "hypothesis": "There are no factories in Kowloon and the New Territories."} {"idx": "mnli-13512", "premise": "Members stated that the first meetings discussed broad subjects that individuals were concerned about or equally affected by, such as computer forensics.", "hypothesis": "The first meetings talked about subjects the individuals were interested in."} {"idx": "mnli-13513", "premise": "over and above your house payment it'll make uh it has a magic with numbers it i it'll shave almost you know X number of dollars off", "hypothesis": "You'll be able to save money on your payment."} {"idx": "mnli-13514", "premise": "A solicitation document provides information necessary for vendors to propose equipment, software, and services to meet the agency's requirements.", "hypothesis": "The only way for the agency to communicate information with vendors is verbally. "} {"idx": "mnli-13515", "premise": "Station X (Jesus is stripped): After entering the church, turn right and climb the narrow staircase.", "hypothesis": "You can get to the worst station Jesus endured by climbing the narrow station inside the church."} {"idx": "mnli-13516", "premise": "oh yeah you could almost label everything quality in some sense or other but i think sometimes the word is a little over used but", "hypothesis": "The word 'quality' is used by marketers everyday."} {"idx": "mnli-13517", "premise": "He'd probably pick it up in his fillings.", "hypothesis": "He had no fillings."} {"idx": "mnli-13518", "premise": "yeah i think he is i think he was", "hypothesis": "I don't think she is."} {"idx": "mnli-13519", "premise": "Tommy felt that, thanks to Mr. Carter, he understood the position fairly accurately.", "hypothesis": "Mr. Carter made Tommy feel that he understood the position. "} {"idx": "mnli-13520", "premise": "The world's oldest rainforests engulf low but steeply rising mountain chains that cross the peninsula from east to west like ribs, with one long north south Main Range as their backbone.", "hypothesis": "The Amazon is the world's most expansive and oldest rainforest, covering dozens of mountains across South America."} {"idx": "mnli-13521", "premise": "i've no i've i've been out for years uh i didn't think it was on anymore um but", "hypothesis": "I can't believe that it's still on."} {"idx": "mnli-13522", "premise": "The mouth of the Golden Horn is spanned by the busy Galata Bridge.", "hypothesis": "The Galata Bridge is the busiest bridge in the world."} {"idx": "mnli-13523", "premise": "But to-day's the 23rd, and time's getting short.", "hypothesis": "Today's the 22nd, we've got plenty of time."} {"idx": "mnli-13524", "premise": "Validity (as used here) refers to whether the data actually represent what you think is being measured.", "hypothesis": "The data is regarding population density in urban areas."} {"idx": "mnli-13525", "premise": "and they're they're good they're they're i like news shows too like uh Sixty Minutes or Twenty Twenty", "hypothesis": "I always have my TV tuned in to Sixty Minutes every night."} {"idx": "mnli-13526", "premise": "let's see my mother-in-law lives uh not too far from here so she helps with our son's clothes when she can", "hypothesis": "She's a great mother, glad we got to know her."} {"idx": "mnli-13527", "premise": "As an actor, he is famous for demanding take after take till he's sure it's right.", "hypothesis": "He's very prideful of his work and wishes to conduct take after take until he is sure he has completed the take to satisfaction, something he does on many projects he acts for."} {"idx": "mnli-13528", "premise": "In the winter months it is dank and cold but with a mystical beauty all its own.", "hypothesis": "The winter months are cold but uniquely beautiful."} {"idx": "mnli-13529", "premise": "yeah the governor was you know the governor he did this", "hypothesis": "The governor was responsible for it."} {"idx": "mnli-13530", "premise": "Dionysos Restaurant at Limnes near egios Nikelaos also holds music and dance evenings.", "hypothesis": "Music is forbidden here."} {"idx": "mnli-13531", "premise": "I am authorised.", "hypothesis": "I have no authority. "} {"idx": "mnli-13532", "premise": "The Petite Venise (Little Venice) district is south of the Old Town.", "hypothesis": "To reach Little Venice, you must take a gondola through the canals east of the Old Town."} {"idx": "mnli-13533", "premise": "yeah wasn't it amazing", "hypothesis": "It was ho-hum and mundane."} {"idx": "mnli-13534", "premise": "Even with much heat, it could not be done.", "hypothesis": "It couldn't be done even with a lot of heat."} {"idx": "mnli-13535", "premise": "For the moment, I reckon you're the boss.", "hypothesis": "For now, it seems to me that you are in charge."} {"idx": "mnli-13536", "premise": "depends on how much power you have and who you know", "hypothesis": "I recommend inviting some of the interested parties to a luncheon."} {"idx": "mnli-13537", "premise": "One- I would have to do it.", "hypothesis": "This is something I need to do."} {"idx": "mnli-13538", "premise": "If a state does not participate (or is not certified by the Department of Labor as meeting Federal requirements): (i) the Federal unemployment tax is levied within the state at its maximum rate, (ii) the system does not pay any unemployment compensation benefits within the state, and (iii) the Federal Government provides no grants to state governments to pay for the costs of administration.", "hypothesis": "If a state does not participate it is possible that the Federal unemployment tax is levied within the state."} {"idx": "mnli-13539", "premise": "Bloom glides over her motives.", "hypothesis": "Bloom scrutinized her motives like lately."} {"idx": "mnli-13540", "premise": "But if you're not watching close ly, you may miss the unprepossessing bust of Christopher Columbus perched atop a column in a little roadside square.", "hypothesis": "The bust of Christopher Columbus is only about eight inches high."} {"idx": "mnli-13541", "premise": "So I won't.", "hypothesis": "Thus, I will not do so. "} {"idx": "mnli-13542", "premise": "Agency Comments As required by generally accepted government auditing standards, GAO provides responsible agency officials and other directly affected parties with an opportunity to review and provide comments on a draft of a report before it is issued.", "hypothesis": "GAO provides responsible agency officials and other directly affected parties with an opportunity to review and provide comments on a draft of a report before it is issued."} {"idx": "mnli-13543", "premise": "Although the NIPA federal surplus or deficit is arithmetically similar to the federal unified budget surplus or deficit, there are some conceptual differences.", "hypothesis": "The NIPA federal surplus is more commonly used by authorities."} {"idx": "mnli-13544", "premise": "He stared at the useless hilt in his hand.", "hypothesis": "He had no use for the hilt in his hand that he was staring at. "} {"idx": "mnli-13545", "premise": "Most race fans, though--real ones, not Stevenson's cartoonish inventions--react to the wrecks for different reasons.", "hypothesis": "Most race fans have negative reactions to wrecks for different reasons."} {"idx": "mnli-13546", "premise": "'Lincoln's here,' I said to White, as soon as I found our cabin.", "hypothesis": "I told White that Lincoln was here."} {"idx": "mnli-13547", "premise": "uh i think it's going to we were a little worried there was a lot of background noise on it but uh we can hook it into our uh stereo system after we get the pictures all done", "hypothesis": "There was still some background noise that we could hear on it."} {"idx": "mnli-13548", "premise": "and i think you all were about a mile and a half deep in ice", "hypothesis": "You were in a dangerous location that far out on the ice. "} {"idx": "mnli-13549", "premise": "The visions he saw poured out of him.", "hypothesis": "He did not have any visions at all."} {"idx": "mnli-13550", "premise": "(William Saletan dissects the ethics of the sale in .)", "hypothesis": "John Howard broke down the ethics of the sale."} {"idx": "mnli-13551", "premise": "No one who is a friend, enemy, colleague, or rival of the author is supposed to get an assignment.", "hypothesis": "None of the author's companions should get an assignment."} {"idx": "mnli-13552", "premise": "These companies, about 450 of which responded to the survey, represented a cross section of U.S. 34 percent were manufacturing companies, 36 percent were nonmanufacturing (e.g.", "hypothesis": "450 companies responded to the survey that was conducted."} {"idx": "mnli-13553", "premise": "Also, you should be one of the hunters, no?", "hypothesis": "In addition, you ought to be one of the hunters, right?"} {"idx": "mnli-13554", "premise": "Television, radio, and print outlets are donating less time and space to anti-drug advertising.", "hypothesis": "Media outlets have become especially focused on anti-drug advertising."} {"idx": "mnli-13555", "premise": "Most race fans, though--real ones, not Stevenson's cartoonish inventions--react to the wrecks for different reasons.", "hypothesis": "During races, wrecks do not usually illicit a reaction from the fans."} {"idx": "mnli-13556", "premise": "Outlook 97 went through several thousand builds before it was released, each build bringing us infinitesimally closer to perfection.", "hypothesis": "Outlook 97 was released right away."} {"idx": "mnli-13557", "premise": "To accomplish this, the board must raise or lower interest rates to bring savings and investment at that target unemployment rate in line with each other.", "hypothesis": "Raising or lowering interest rates to bring savings and investment at that target unemployment rate in line with each other, is something that the board has to do to accomplish this."} {"idx": "mnli-13558", "premise": "You know when you asked me to marry you, faltered Tuppence, her eyes downcast in the true manner of the early Victorian heroine, \"and wouldn't take no for an answer.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence made it clear that she wasn't going to accept his marriage proposal."} {"idx": "mnli-13559", "premise": "A cover article follows a squad of West Point cadets through the revamped basic training they receive before their first semester.", "hypothesis": "The cover article featured an article about the President of the United States."} {"idx": "mnli-13560", "premise": "but we could do that that'll help", "hypothesis": "I am sure they would appreciate our assistance."} {"idx": "mnli-13561", "premise": "He imagined himself frozen through 50 years of authoritarianism, awakening in 1979 into a risk-free world where people of his temperament were no longer allowed to exist.", "hypothesis": "He imagined being frozen and waking up in 1979."} {"idx": "mnli-13562", "premise": "that that that must be the rationale for for where it comes from United States", "hypothesis": "That isn't the rationale the people in the USA have."} {"idx": "mnli-13563", "premise": "But those who work for Legal Services in Alabama say the money is not why they entered the field.", "hypothesis": "Money was not seen as a motivator for those who work for Legal Services in Alabama."} {"idx": "mnli-13564", "premise": "WHO developed the AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test) in 1992 as a brief screening tool to detect at-risk drinking in addition to alcohol abuse and dependence.", "hypothesis": "The AUDIT system was developed by the World Health Organisation in 1992."} {"idx": "mnli-13565", "premise": "There, by happy coincidence, the two alpha males (Kerchak the bull ape and the evil English hunter) are gone, clearing the way for the utopia of beta males and females.", "hypothesis": "One or two of the beta males will graduate to alpha males."} {"idx": "mnli-13566", "premise": "One thing to bear in It is not the squeaky wheel that gets the grease", "hypothesis": "The squeaky wheel doesn't get the grease."} {"idx": "mnli-13567", "premise": "Nicolas Guillen, the nation's finest poet, described the island as a long green alligator. ", "hypothesis": "Nicolas Guillen, the nation's finest poet, described the island as a long green alligator but this description is seen as wrong."} {"idx": "mnli-13568", "premise": "One of them Belgies from the village?\"", "hypothesis": "I think it's possible the man was from the village."} {"idx": "mnli-13569", "premise": "oh i guess i really don't know", "hypothesis": "I am certain of it."} {"idx": "mnli-13570", "premise": "A few men were just planning to leave, and they looked at Dave suspiciously, but made no protest.", "hypothesis": "The men about to leave looked at Dave like they wanted to start a fight, but decided not to."} {"idx": "mnli-13571", "premise": "The whole town really did turn out to party.", "hypothesis": "The party lasted all night with everyone there."} {"idx": "mnli-13572", "premise": "He spoke in a clipped manner now.", "hypothesis": "The manner in which he spoke was clipped."} {"idx": "mnli-13573", "premise": "Grey scree slopes dominate both sides of the pass, which only sheep seem to be able to move acrosewith ease.", "hypothesis": "Sheep are known for their agility and flexibility. "} {"idx": "mnli-13574", "premise": "The cry formed again and the riders turned and began to thunder away.", "hypothesis": "The riders stayed where they were. "} {"idx": "mnli-13575", "premise": "English is spoken in hotels and tourist destinations.", "hypothesis": "English is the most spoken language in the hotels and tourist destinations."} {"idx": "mnli-13576", "premise": "He noted that this rock-hewn cave matched very well the description of Jesus's tomb; a skull-like hill nearby strengthened Gordon's belief in its authenticity.", "hypothesis": "Many scholars contest this interpretation since there are many other potential sites."} {"idx": "mnli-13577", "premise": "it's just that you know people people take advantage take advantage of that you know like the the companies were saying we're trying not to raise our prices but when you know when we get a barrel coming in at more than what we're selling it for we've got to raise our prices", "hypothesis": "We didn't want to raise our prices but to stay in business we have to."} {"idx": "mnli-13578", "premise": "Later this year, the Foundation will initiate a study to evaluate the most effective way in which pro bono can be encouraged and supported.", "hypothesis": " the Foundation will initiate a study to evaluate the most effective way in which chicken can be cooked"} {"idx": "mnli-13579", "premise": "'You're not helping.'", "hypothesis": "You're a great help."} {"idx": "mnli-13580", "premise": "In addition, any effects of the winner's curse are offset by the fact that losing bidders become winning sellers when they re-auction products.", "hypothesis": "It is not permitted to sell if you are a bidder."} {"idx": "mnli-13581", "premise": "Hospitals could hire physician assistants to handle calls that don't require doctors, but that's expensive.", "hypothesis": "It would certainly be costly to hire physicians assistants, but it could fit in the budget if the government cut some other parts of the funding for the hospital."} {"idx": "mnli-13582", "premise": "As an intellectual, Monica may be a few boutiques short of a mall.", "hypothesis": "Monica needs just three more boutiques to start a mall."} {"idx": "mnli-13583", "premise": "or on the video that's right but", "hypothesis": "It's true in the video but still"} {"idx": "mnli-13584", "premise": "Indicators of success -- Our senior management includes more women, gays, lesbians, people of color, older people and people with disabilities.", "hypothesis": "There are no younger people in senior management."} {"idx": "mnli-13585", "premise": "Johnson encouraged Kennedy to run and promised to do whatever he could to help him.", "hypothesis": "Johnson tried to stop Kennedy from running."} {"idx": "mnli-13586", "premise": "In addition, the rule is expected to result in less volatility of producers' incomes and less risk of no income due to adverse weather events and rural communities and producers will benefit from the certainty of payments in times of catastrophic yield losses.", "hypothesis": "The producer's incomes are expected to be more stable."} {"idx": "mnli-13587", "premise": "The president--and this has been especially true of Clinton--frequently nominates the least offensive nominee rather than the most qualified in order to pacify the Senate.", "hypothesis": "Clinton and other presidents tend to pick the least offensive nominee instead of the best-qualified one."} {"idx": "mnli-13588", "premise": "And denying women emergency contraception.", "hypothesis": "A new law removing access to emergency contraception for women. "} {"idx": "mnli-13589", "premise": "The park is landscaped with lakes and gardens.", "hypothesis": "The park is a dirt lot."} {"idx": "mnli-13590", "premise": "Funny though\" he glanced at Drew \"I don't remember his mentioning a brother.", "hypothesis": "He talked to drew at length about the guy."} {"idx": "mnli-13591", "premise": "Will that be good?", "hypothesis": "Is that going to be sufficient?"} {"idx": "mnli-13592", "premise": " First, a note about the lavish traditional the men sport red hats (similar to the Catalonian model), bandannas tied round their necks, gold-trimmed black corduroy or cotton jackets over their loose-fitting white shirts, bright red cummerbunds, baggy trousers of white linen , wide at the thighs but tight at the ankles, and the familiar Ibicenco straw shoes for comfort.", "hypothesis": "The men wear elaborate local garb which can be very noteworthy. "} {"idx": "mnli-13593", "premise": "The worst part about the sea, as Ramanathan and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography must both lament when it comes time for their annual talent show, is that nothing amusing ever takes place beneath it.", "hypothesis": "Ramanathan and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography claim that nothing happens beneath the sea."} {"idx": "mnli-13594", "premise": "He couldn't fully believe what he'd heard, but there had been too many strange things to let him disbelieve, either.", "hypothesis": "Dave believed what he heard fully."} {"idx": "mnli-13595", "premise": "It will build on the successes of the Acid Rain cap and trade program.", "hypothesis": "They used the Acid Rain cap and trade program to continue their success."} {"idx": "mnli-13596", "premise": "yeah suburban track yeah we uh we lived out of state for a while and came back and uh we lived in a smaller city and now we say gee Dallas really is big and polluted", "hypothesis": "Dallas is cleaner and smaller than the city we came from."} {"idx": "mnli-13597", "premise": "She was not like 800 interns, Davis said.", "hypothesis": "She outperformed 800 interns. "} {"idx": "mnli-13598", "premise": "More specifically, the full cost of an output produced by a responsibility segment is the sum of (1) the costs of resources consumed by the responsibility segment that directly or indirectly contribute to the output, and (2) the costs of identifiable supporting services provided by other responsibility segments within the reporting entity and by other reporting entities.", "hypothesis": "The full output costs are the sum of resources and supporting services."} {"idx": "mnli-13599", "premise": "The subclasses of mail that exist today are based in considerable degree on content.", "hypothesis": "Mail is a big set of 21 sub classes."} {"idx": "mnli-13600", "premise": "Postal Service First-Class/Priority Rates were applied to inbound mail, the Commission tried to identify the corresponding rates for the FPAs.", "hypothesis": "First Class/Priority Rates were applied to outbound mail."} {"idx": "mnli-13601", "premise": "A little way from Askham village is Lowther Park.", "hypothesis": "A long way from Askham village is Lowther Park."} {"idx": "mnli-13602", "premise": "Domestic violence accounted for five of 12 murders in 2001 in Jackson, police have said.", "hypothesis": "According to police, only three in 12 murders occurring in Jackson in 2001 were domestic violence cases."} {"idx": "mnli-13603", "premise": "It is a matter of precaution only.\" John turned to me, taking out his cigarette-case, and lighting a cigarette as he did so. ", "hypothesis": "He moved to look at me and took out his tobacco."} {"idx": "mnli-13604", "premise": "'But since Boston's still essentially underwater and Philadelphia is...well, Philadelphia...we thought we'd go somewhere calmer.", "hypothesis": "We were afraid of Philadelphia and wanted to go somewhere else."} {"idx": "mnli-13605", "premise": "It should be possible to complete a project in less than 4 months from receipt of order.", "hypothesis": "This is the most extensive project of its type."} {"idx": "mnli-13606", "premise": "It's a good mirror to their own puffed-up souls.", "hypothesis": "They are the most humble people I know."} {"idx": "mnli-13607", "premise": "The Washington Post says Clinton's foreign travels will distract attention from the scandal.", "hypothesis": "The washington post says that everybody will forget about Clintons scandal"} {"idx": "mnli-13608", "premise": "Behind him is Padua's great site of pilgrimage, the 13th- and 14th-century Basilica of Sant'Antonio, the city's protector simply known as II Santo, built in honor of the Portuguese-born Franciscan monk who died in Padua in 1231.", "hypothesis": "Pilgrims never visit the Basilica of Sant'Antonio."} {"idx": "mnli-13609", "premise": "Adrin and Jon stood, pistols in hand and swords at the ready as they faced the last of the Sticks.", "hypothesis": "Jon and Adrin had both guns and swords. "} {"idx": "mnli-13610", "premise": "They go blind.", "hypothesis": "The people lose their eyesight."} {"idx": "mnli-13611", "premise": "How many brill would it take and how long would we travel?His uncle was right, thought Ca'daan.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan's uncle had been correct."} {"idx": "mnli-13612", "premise": "Their initial story of what is happening and why is displayed as a flowchart with a series of critical paths for action.", "hypothesis": "The presenters presented regarding what is happening and why they have presented it the way they have."} {"idx": "mnli-13613", "premise": "Such a program (with appropriate measures to address local concerns) would provide significant health benefits even as we increase electricity supplies.", "hypothesis": "The program wouldn't help with health benefits."} {"idx": "mnli-13614", "premise": "The victims over 30,000 included most of Martinique's social and managerial elite.", "hypothesis": "There were 30,000 victims that were killed."} {"idx": "mnli-13615", "premise": "If you visit Parosen July or August, be sure to take a trip to Petaloudes or the Valley of the Butterflies south of Parikia, a breeding ground for giant tiger moths.", "hypothesis": "The summer months in Parosen are very hot."} {"idx": "mnli-13616", "premise": "That means that we will lose money to supply one attorney, but we should be able to continue to manage.", "hypothesis": "We will lose the money that pays for our seven attorneys."} {"idx": "mnli-13617", "premise": "right about now", "hypothesis": "Right about this time now."} {"idx": "mnli-13618", "premise": "Bronx Legal Services Director Walker Thompson said the increased central oversight dictated by its funders compromises his office's independence.", "hypothesis": "Thompson says his office is very independent. "} {"idx": "mnli-13619", "premise": "He heard a great tearing sound of thunder.", "hypothesis": "He heard a loud thundering."} {"idx": "mnli-13620", "premise": "that and uh the little dwarf yaupon hollies you know they they seem to or just yaupons period seem to do all right", "hypothesis": "Yapons just don't do that good hands down."} {"idx": "mnli-13621", "premise": "so so that one was all right and then what else i had i think i had some other uh like staying in shape or working out this other guy i got this guy from New York so", "hypothesis": "My number 1 New Year's resolution is to work out."} {"idx": "mnli-13622", "premise": "I kept it on me all the time wrapped in my leggings, and I cut her, just a little at the throat.", "hypothesis": "I cut a woman with my knife."} {"idx": "mnli-13623", "premise": "On the bright side, Forbes' campaign manager says this year Forbes is much less likely to run the same kind of negative spots that he did against Dole, because four years ago he was a message candidate.", "hypothesis": "It is highly likely that Forbes will run similar negative campaign spots again."} {"idx": "mnli-13624", "premise": "ESOPs were invented in the late 1950s, but did not become popular until the 1980s.", "hypothesis": "ESOPs were popular in the 1980s but were actually invented 30 years earlier."} {"idx": "mnli-13625", "premise": "to uh you know if i want to grow a tomato or something in there i i mean i guess it'd go for my flowers but", "hypothesis": "It will probably seek after my flowers."} {"idx": "mnli-13626", "premise": "There are literally thousands of climbing challenges, from small bouldering routes to towering, experts-only cliffs.", "hypothesis": "There are less than a hundred climbing challenges in the city."} {"idx": "mnli-13627", "premise": "At yuletide, even midlevel fashion-mag writers and editors are inundated with cashmere sweaters, Versace pillows, coats ...", "hypothesis": "Items are sent to fashion editors during the holiday season."} {"idx": "mnli-13628", "premise": "Therefore, 21 months appears to be somewhat conservative.", "hypothesis": "21 months is a conservative guess for how long the build will take."} {"idx": "mnli-13629", "premise": "Officials from this organization described a situation in which a company had notified them of a newly identified vulnerability.", "hypothesis": "There was a new vulnerability."} {"idx": "mnli-13630", "premise": "The highlight is an art gallery, with paintings of the maharajas in very British, landed-gentry poses, and a glass case featuring a rolled gold replica of the British crown set between a tea kettle which is noticeably bigger than the coffee pot near it.", "hypothesis": "The art in this gallery was heavily influenced by British culture."} {"idx": "mnli-13631", "premise": "And I puffed my chest out accordingly.", "hypothesis": "I puffed out my chest."} {"idx": "mnli-13632", "premise": "You can survey the area from the revolving restaurant and bar on the 35th floor.", "hypothesis": "One can look from atop the revolving restaurant and bar located on the 30th floor."} {"idx": "mnli-13633", "premise": "Their curiosity pushed them to build vessels that were strong enough to ford the open seas and reach these islands, marking the start of the long legacy of Mediterranean seafaring.", "hypothesis": "They were curious about the vessels that would help them travel around the world."} {"idx": "mnli-13634", "premise": "and combined would account for percent of the increase in the IC terminal dues net balance.", "hypothesis": "There has been an increase in the IC terminal balance."} {"idx": "mnli-13635", "premise": "Spoken to him face to face.", "hypothesis": "They never met in person, speaking only in written messages."} {"idx": "mnli-13636", "premise": "uh how about uh accessories power windows and all that", "hypothesis": "Additional accessories are completely useless and shouldn't be bought. "} {"idx": "mnli-13637", "premise": "should be able to metabolize an ounce of alcohol per hour", "hypothesis": "Alcohol can be metabolized. "} {"idx": "mnli-13638", "premise": "They continued to eat as he came closer.", "hypothesis": "They ate fried chicken."} {"idx": "mnli-13639", "premise": "The other is the foreign chap he's talking to.\"", "hypothesis": "The other guy he is talking to is not foreign. "} {"idx": "mnli-13640", "premise": "Brodkey underplays the untying of an old psychological knot when he reveals details of his childhood.", "hypothesis": "Brodkey's childhood was very traumatizing, which may explain why he tried to keep it in the hush."} {"idx": "mnli-13641", "premise": "It was originally the official residence of Dutch governors and their officers.", "hypothesis": "Governors and their officer's official residence was it initially. "} {"idx": "mnli-13642", "premise": "Leadership is about being clever, hard-working, and drawing the best work from a team.", "hypothesis": "Leadership is about being hard-working leader. "} {"idx": "mnli-13643", "premise": "South of Gezira is Roda Island, home to Manial Palace, now converted into an art gallery.", "hypothesis": "Roda Island has a famous art gallery full of Picassos."} {"idx": "mnli-13644", "premise": "that's sad", "hypothesis": "Let me know if I can help."} {"idx": "mnli-13645", "premise": "This suggests that labor demands to install SCR's for the NOX SIP Call may not lead to increased installation time for scrubbers.", "hypothesis": "Scrubbers may not be faced with longer installation times as a result of labor's demands."} {"idx": "mnli-13646", "premise": "so i decided that i would plant me a tomato plant in a flower pot", "hypothesis": "I thought it was too ridiculous to have a tomato plant in a flower pot."} {"idx": "mnli-13647", "premise": "... m' cousin, Anson Kirby ... Drew made, the introduction to Bartolom\u00e9 Rivas.", "hypothesis": "Drew introduced his cousin to Bartolom\u00e9 Rivas."} {"idx": "mnli-13648", "premise": "for information technology experts in the job market.", "hypothesis": "It is not for information technology experts."} {"idx": "mnli-13649", "premise": "it really is i was very happy about that because i you know i feel the same way you do", "hypothesis": "I felt joyful about that because I feel the same way as you. "} {"idx": "mnli-13650", "premise": "I honestly don't know. ", "hypothesis": "I am not sure."} {"idx": "mnli-13651", "premise": "well what do you think about Nolan Ryan being the first baseball player to earn a million dollars that's the only thing i found out tonight", "hypothesis": "I found out a long time ago about Nolan Ryan's status as the first baseball player to bring home a million."} {"idx": "mnli-13652", "premise": "asked her if she enjoyed her job", "hypothesis": "I asked if she was happy with work."} {"idx": "mnli-13653", "premise": "Hurricane Hugo and the Loma Prieta earthquake in 1989 generated intense criticism of the federal response effort.", "hypothesis": "The hurricanes took back in 1999."} {"idx": "mnli-13654", "premise": "At Benasau, the Sella road meets the C-3313.", "hypothesis": "The C-3313 goes through Benasau and it is a major thoroughfare."} {"idx": "mnli-13655", "premise": "Though their economic well-being is about the most precarious of any part of France, these basically agricultural islands can and do provide the scenery, the sun, the sea, and the sand in sufficient quantity to attract rapidly growing numbers of vacationers looking for fun, relaxation, and.", "hypothesis": "The islands have a lot of good scenery like the sloping mountains and crystal clear water."} {"idx": "mnli-13656", "premise": "And she might not care, be hurt but not surprised, or be deeply hurt and surprised.", "hypothesis": "She is going to be hurt and surprised."} {"idx": "mnli-13657", "premise": "In this case however, the dogma being shattered is based fundamentally on ignorance.", "hypothesis": "The dogma is from dogs."} {"idx": "mnli-13658", "premise": "yeah or they can't yeah they just can't", "hypothesis": "Yeah, they can't take away your rights"} {"idx": "mnli-13659", "premise": "no i'm single right now and i'm you know sorting things out which way i'm going to go with my life before i", "hypothesis": "I'm married and I have seven children from a previous marriage."} {"idx": "mnli-13660", "premise": "and you know they can get a they they can grasp the points can they convey the data verbally or in writing and that's what's you know really scary to me um i would really you know there's such a a push push among among young mothers these days to make sure their child is computer literate i would really think that they should be stressing more can the kid write a thought and at an early age and if they can't i mean if they have missed that training then somebody you know before you're you you start penalizing them with bad grades for not being able to communicate what they're thinking teach them these basic skills", "hypothesis": "I think we aren't focusing enough on teaching communication skills to our children."} {"idx": "mnli-13661", "premise": "A positive profile of presidential son/Texas Gov.", "hypothesis": "The presidential son is also the governor of Texas."} {"idx": "mnli-13662", "premise": "Let me introduce you to Miss Cowley.", "hypothesis": "A person wanted to introduce Miss Cowley to another person."} {"idx": "mnli-13663", "premise": "Many people walk the distance, using High Street, the path of an old Roman road that cuts across the fell tops from Lake Windermere toward Penrith.", "hypothesis": "Few people take the old Roman road between Lake Windermere toward Penrith."} {"idx": "mnli-13664", "premise": "Before you leave the castle's Esplanade, be sure to see the small bronze fountain on the wall to the left of the entrance.", "hypothesis": "There is a small fountain on the wall of the castle."} {"idx": "mnli-13665", "premise": "The efficient and accurate pricing of options has helped to make the economy more efficient.", "hypothesis": "The economy has been made less efficient because of accurate option pricing."} {"idx": "mnli-13666", "premise": "What a rotten world it is, though!\"", "hypothesis": "It is a rotten world, though!"} {"idx": "mnli-13667", "premise": "In addition, the ability to achieve design stability at the critical design review allowed program officials to focus the system demonstration phase on maturing the manufacturing processes.", "hypothesis": "Design stability by the critical design review had no effect on the system demonstration phase for program officials."} {"idx": "mnli-13668", "premise": "Pornographers in wheelchairs.", "hypothesis": "No pornographers are stuck in wheelchairs."} {"idx": "mnli-13669", "premise": "So many people were involved in this process.", "hypothesis": "About ten thousand people were involved in this process."} {"idx": "mnli-13670", "premise": "Post-war politics brought a new set of problems.", "hypothesis": "Post-war politics brought more problems to the empire."} {"idx": "mnli-13671", "premise": "On a stay at one of these lodges, a half day is usually spent in dug-out canoes searching for endangered gharials, a narrow jawed fish-eating crocodile, and their flesh-eating cousins, the huge marsh muggers.", "hypothesis": "During a stay at one of these lodges, usually half a day is spent in canoes searching for narrow jawed fish-eating crocodiles, and their flesh-eating cousins, the big marsh muggers."} {"idx": "mnli-13672", "premise": "Would you?\"", "hypothesis": "The person is being asked if he could."} {"idx": "mnli-13673", "premise": "Lawrence remained behind, but after a few moments Cynthia called to him over her shoulder to come and join us. ", "hypothesis": "Lawrence was hesitated about joining."} {"idx": "mnli-13674", "premise": "This means there would be no separate in-county rates, no separate rates for classroom material, no separate rates for nonprofit organizations (which exist both in Periodicals and in Standard A), no separate rates for Library mail,11 and no separate rates for Science-of-", "hypothesis": "Ther would be extra in-county rates."} {"idx": "mnli-13675", "premise": "No matter how hard I try, I feel that I say the wrong thing or something inappropriate.", "hypothesis": "I don't want to talk anymore."} {"idx": "mnli-13676", "premise": "When GAO needs access to classified, proprietary, or otherwise sensitive information, it will comply with all applicable statutory requirements, including obtaining the necessary security and other clearances for assigned GAO staff.", "hypothesis": "GAO needs some information that has security clearances."} {"idx": "mnli-13677", "premise": "We'll just make it to Fena Dim before it hits.", "hypothesis": "We will barely make it to Fena Dim before it strikes."} {"idx": "mnli-13678", "premise": "I don't see you going without eating money, drinking money either, more's a pity.", "hypothesis": "He can be without money for food and drinks."} {"idx": "mnli-13679", "premise": "This site includes reports on those rankings in addition to highlighted innovative practices.", "hypothesis": "The site specifically does not include reports on innovative practices."} {"idx": "mnli-13680", "premise": "Approximately 70 participants examined the practicalities of mergers and consolidations", "hypothesis": "30 participants looked at the practicality of it. "} {"idx": "mnli-13681", "premise": "exchange electronic messages, obtain data from remote computer sites, and maintain critical records.", "hypothesis": "You don't have to keep any records."} {"idx": "mnli-13682", "premise": "What sports!", "hypothesis": "I don't even like sports!"} {"idx": "mnli-13683", "premise": "yeah in seventy four", "hypothesis": "I am twenty four."} {"idx": "mnli-13684", "premise": "Readiness to change may or may not be related to problem severity.", "hypothesis": "Chances are greater that readiness to change is not related to problem severity."} {"idx": "mnli-13685", "premise": "At the funeral home the night after she died, reports the Star , He ran up to the casket and tried to lift Tammy right out of it, saying, 'Come on honey, I'm taking you home.", "hypothesis": "He grieved quietly in full acceptance of Tammy's passing."} {"idx": "mnli-13686", "premise": "The rue des Francs-Bourgeois ends at what most agree is the loveliest residential square in Paris, place des Vosges.", "hypothesis": "The place des Vosges used to be the worst place to live in Paris."} {"idx": "mnli-13687", "premise": "Of the arrest?", "hypothesis": "Yes that criminal."} {"idx": "mnli-13688", "premise": "A draft summary of the Health Security Act, released in September of 1993, contained a chart showing projected growth for Medicare slowing to less than 6 percent by 1997, and less than 5 percent by 1999.", "hypothesis": "Medicare's overall growth did indeed slow to less than 6 percent by 1997, and less than 5 percent by 1999. "} {"idx": "mnli-13689", "premise": "The blanket coverage of Mother Nature exacts a weather fatigue.", "hypothesis": "They were upset that it did not get the attention it deserved."} {"idx": "mnli-13690", "premise": "um-hum and i know when i spent the time that i've studied in Mexico uh since Spanish was one of my majors in college that uh there was a kind of a lot of resentment there towards America", "hypothesis": "In Mexico, there is a lot of resentment toward America. "} {"idx": "mnli-13691", "premise": "Israeli schoolchildren make the long climb to swell national pride, and army recruits are sworn in here with the words Masada shall not fall again. ", "hypothesis": "The climb is too difficult for children, so only adults are allowed up."} {"idx": "mnli-13692", "premise": "LA you mean", "hypothesis": "You mean NY."} {"idx": "mnli-13693", "premise": " Federal Communications Competitive Bidding Procedures", "hypothesis": "local communications bidding methods."} {"idx": "mnli-13694", "premise": "Three, operating managers in the private sector, based on their extensive experience, are allowed to prepare mental estimates of what costs probably are.", "hypothesis": "Mental estimates are allowable due to the manager's experience."} {"idx": "mnli-13695", "premise": "i couldn't believe that she couldn't think of any place they said the crime apparently the crime is just uh", "hypothesis": "It was not believable that she could not think of places with crime. "} {"idx": "mnli-13696", "premise": " Revision of Fee Schedules; 100% Fee Recovery, FY 1966", "hypothesis": "100% of fees were recovered by the IRS."} {"idx": "mnli-13697", "premise": "38 Visits to the emergency department are so common among substance-abusing patients that it is unlikely they represent a special treatment-resistant subgroup.", "hypothesis": "Visits to the ED are very rare among substance abusers."} {"idx": "mnli-13698", "premise": "For example, in principle I, while leading organizations generally include their CIOs in executive business decisionmaking, in the federal government setting information management is still often viewed as a support function rather than a strategic activity.", "hypothesis": "Information management is usually seen as a supportive role rather than a strategic one."} {"idx": "mnli-13699", "premise": "In 1937 De Valera's republican constitution took Ireland out of the British Commonwealth, and the new republic elected its first president, Douglas Hyde, in 1938.", "hypothesis": "Ireland left the British Commonwealth in 1937, and elected its first president in 1938."} {"idx": "mnli-13700", "premise": "As long as your Lojack reduces the number of insurance claims, the company should be willing to pay you to install it.", "hypothesis": "Your Lojack is almost guaranteed to reduce the number of insurance claims."} {"idx": "mnli-13701", "premise": "Volcanoes, hummingbirds, mangroves, mongooses, and palm trees complete the picture.", "hypothesis": "This image was taken in Madagascar "} {"idx": "mnli-13702", "premise": "the the black guy that", "hypothesis": "I was sure it was the African American's birthday."} {"idx": "mnli-13703", "premise": "We don't want to shoot him, but it may be necessary.", "hypothesis": "We may have to shoot him because he will not stop talking."} {"idx": "mnli-13704", "premise": "But all that line are grays.", "hypothesis": "All that line are grays."} {"idx": "mnli-13705", "premise": "Aldrin's ShareSpace company hopes to use jumbo-jet-style spacecraft to bring tourists to orbiting space hotels.", "hypothesis": "All of ShareSpace's operations will be run from a base of operations in Florida."} {"idx": "mnli-13706", "premise": "the Sherman facility we are still in the closer to but still have a little bit of um finalization to do right it's been pitched to the Sherman uh City Council with uh open arms as well as the public we had open forum and and uh", "hypothesis": "The matter is now in front of the City Council and we still have work to do on it."} {"idx": "mnli-13707", "premise": "but last night they killed uh uh four people in a chain food", "hypothesis": "Four people were killed last night."} {"idx": "mnli-13708", "premise": "Dave thought it over.", "hypothesis": "Dave considered it."} {"idx": "mnli-13709", "premise": "Lee's bodyguard and cook (and, one presumes, slave).", "hypothesis": "One presumes that Lee's bodyguard is his brother."} {"idx": "mnli-13710", "premise": "Rural costs were 20 percent of total delivery costs.", "hypothesis": "The rural costs were a small part of delivery costs in Texas."} {"idx": "mnli-13711", "premise": "There was--my personal favorite--the travel agency advertising a Jewish Singles Weekend, the high point of which was a visit to the Washington Holocaust Museum.", "hypothesis": "The travel agency had a great ad for Jews."} {"idx": "mnli-13712", "premise": "In 1985, for example, NSIAD examined emerging issues in export competition through a case study of the Brazilian market (U.S.", "hypothesis": "A case study of the Brazilian market was used to examine emerging issues in export competition."} {"idx": "mnli-13713", "premise": "okay did it work out your first time all right", "hypothesis": "Did your first time work out okay?"} {"idx": "mnli-13714", "premise": "but there's i think there's a there's a big difference between use and abuse and i do do agree that drug abuse should be punished but if somebody's going to in their own home on their own time in such a way that doesn't interfere interfere with their responsibilities you know do it do some drugs then that should be their business", "hypothesis": "If someone is able to keep their addiction at home and have good performance at work, then who cares?"} {"idx": "mnli-13715", "premise": "The door opened.", "hypothesis": "The door is not closed."} {"idx": "mnli-13716", "premise": "Names were still potent, resonance worked within its limits, and the general principles of similarity still applied; but those were not enough for them.", "hypothesis": "There were no limits to the power of names."} {"idx": "mnli-13717", "premise": "How could an economist of Greenspan's sophistication fumble such important questions in such an unsophisticated manner?", "hypothesis": "It was not surprising that an economist of Greenspan's level was able to smoothly answer every question put to him."} {"idx": "mnli-13718", "premise": "The survey used photographs reflecting different visibility levels in the specified recreational areas.", "hypothesis": "The survey fails to include the use of photographs."} {"idx": "mnli-13719", "premise": "but uh and then so we're when we're in New Hampshire everybody else is in that area anyway and usually somebody will drive in from New York so uh it's usually some kind of uh semi reunion", "hypothesis": "Family members come from as far away as New York."} {"idx": "mnli-13720", "premise": "The wise course for Republicans might be to accept a plea bargain under which neither Clinton's behavior nor Starr's will be further investigated with regard to the Lewinsky matter.", "hypothesis": "Republicans are also able to try other tasks"} {"idx": "mnli-13721", "premise": "I wonder An idea was dawning in her brain.", "hypothesis": "It had taken weeks to get to this point."} {"idx": "mnli-13722", "premise": "Impeachment, once taboo, now seems like a legitimate weapon, a way to settle the score.", "hypothesis": "Impeachment can be a good way to make things even, depending when it's done."} {"idx": "mnli-13723", "premise": "so that's quite uh handy for our our youngsters we can take them up and", "hypothesis": "The youngsters will be grateful for help."} {"idx": "mnli-13724", "premise": "yeah yeah they have a state income tax in Maryland but i noticed when i was in the in the in Texas they didn't have a state income tax but they sure nailed you on those darn county taxes and school taxes and property taxes", "hypothesis": "I moved to Texas to get away from state income tax."} {"idx": "mnli-13725", "premise": "This recent Head Start graduate has had a seizure disorder since he was 10 months old.", "hypothesis": "His seizure disorder began when he was 21 months old."} {"idx": "mnli-13726", "premise": "yeah i had i had a cousin that was stationed there", "hypothesis": "My cousin was stationed there. "} {"idx": "mnli-13727", "premise": "One of the most important paintings, on permanent loan from the Jesuit Brothers in whose house it was discovered in 1993, is Caravaggio's long-lost The Taking of Christ.", "hypothesis": "The painting is not important at all."} {"idx": "mnli-13728", "premise": "yeah when when i was a kid we used to collect newspapers and bring them to a recycle thing we got like a penny a pound for them", "hypothesis": "A pound of newspaper came out to about twenty newspapers."} {"idx": "mnli-13729", "premise": "The wheel is spun, the ball drops, and where it lands determines the outcome.", "hypothesis": "The wheel is spun and then the ball flies into a bucket."} {"idx": "mnli-13730", "premise": "were very interested that to make it as close a home environment as possible i i think i think i think you know for myself i i see that as probably the the", "hypothesis": "We found a place that had a good staff."} {"idx": "mnli-13731", "premise": "yeah oh yeah you know and i don't mind you know at first it was the the little extra money that you got you know returning the cans in and stuff like that but now you know i don't mind as long as things are getting recycled you know that we don't get reimbursed", "hypothesis": "I don't mind if I don't get reimbursed for recycling as long as it gets done. "} {"idx": "mnli-13732", "premise": "Not exactly.", "hypothesis": "Not quite."} {"idx": "mnli-13733", "premise": "Several of the individuals and organizations that we contacted during this review indicated that standardizing innovative uses of IT to facilitate public participation in rulemaking could have advantages when compared with the current fragmented system.", "hypothesis": "Only organizations were contacted for the review, not individuals.."} {"idx": "mnli-13734", "premise": "Northern The Music of Jean Sibelius (Lincoln Center, New York City).", "hypothesis": "The Lincoln Center features the music of Jean Sibelius. "} {"idx": "mnli-13735", "premise": "Weather games, weather videos, weather prizes--they have all found their way to the Web.", "hypothesis": "On the web are weather games, videos, and prizes."} {"idx": "mnli-13736", "premise": "Proving The Bell Curve 's thesis would require proving that success increasingly correlates with IQ in areas of life where mental tests are not the explicit gatekeepers.", "hypothesis": "Mental tasks include moving objects around a table."} {"idx": "mnli-13737", "premise": "I began rather tactfully, I thought, but I had not gone far before she stopped me authoritatively. ", "hypothesis": "I thought I was going at a good pace but she stopped me."} {"idx": "mnli-13738", "premise": "In the Rio Grande Valley, Hall's attorneys set up separate groups to assist small-business owners and residents with low-interest loans and legal representation.", "hypothesis": "Hall has attorneys willing to help residents and small business owners."} {"idx": "mnli-13739", "premise": "''I handle average-type people stuff,'' said Chambers, sitting in front of a wall of used law books she picked up at auction.", "hypothesis": "Chambers works on problems that everyday people would have."} {"idx": "mnli-13740", "premise": "Walker's two clients, Jamie Harrison and Robin Hull, declined to be interviewed.", "hypothesis": "Jamie Harrison did not want to be interviewed."} {"idx": "mnli-13741", "premise": "On Wednesday, April 30, police in Pecos, 80 miles from Ft.", "hypothesis": "Pecos police found drugs from Ft."} {"idx": "mnli-13742", "premise": "and uh oh anytime we can find those my parents just scoop up on those because they are so good for fishing", "hypothesis": "They're really cheap, too."} {"idx": "mnli-13743", "premise": "It was the first colonist, Juan Ponce de Leen, who, admiring a bay on the north coast, declared it Puerto Rico ( rich port ).", "hypothesis": "Ponce de Leen named the area Puerto Rico."} {"idx": "mnli-13744", "premise": "Indicators of success --We endorse a common vision of diversity and goal for achievement on the national, state and local levels, and diversity issues are included in every state plan.", "hypothesis": "We do not want a common vision of achievements on the national, state nor local levels."} {"idx": "mnli-13745", "premise": "For foreign tourists, the most interesting thing about this area will probably be witnessing the fascination these residences hold over Japanese visitors.", "hypothesis": "There isn't much interest in visitors in this region."} {"idx": "mnli-13746", "premise": "Is that the Pig Latin version?", "hypothesis": "There are multiple versions. "} {"idx": "mnli-13747", "premise": "The body of the bearded man fell quivering and convulsing to the ground.", "hypothesis": "The man with the beard started to shake as he fell to the ground."} {"idx": "mnli-13748", "premise": "young man who uh who's a family they go to our church and it's the son and so on and he was friends with my children", "hypothesis": "My kids really enjoy going to church. "} {"idx": "mnli-13749", "premise": "Re David Plotz's Nov. 12 article Sin City 1, Puritans 0: I am 253 pounds of big-eating ex-football player.", "hypothesis": "David Plotz is a big eating ex-football player that weighs 253 pounds."} {"idx": "mnli-13750", "premise": "For one instant he stopped dead, staring at the figure on the bed, and, at the same instant, Mrs. Inglethorp cried out in a strangled voice, her eyes fixed on the doctor: \"Alfred, Alfred, , \" Then she fell back motionless on the pillows. ", "hypothesis": "After looking at the doctor, Mrs. Inglethorp left the room."} {"idx": "mnli-13751", "premise": "But it wasn't till I heard that the order for Tommy's execution came right on the heels of our interview with him that Sunday that I began to tumble to the fact that he was the big bug himself.\"", "hypothesis": "\"He could not be the big bug as the order for Tommy's execution and our interview were unrelated.\""} {"idx": "mnli-13752", "premise": "Finally, we compare actual unit revenues, and some derived unit costs, for the seven posts with the model's prediction of unit costs.", "hypothesis": "We compared all seven products to see which was the most cost effective."} {"idx": "mnli-13753", "premise": "The northwest area offers a complete contrast to the olive groves of the east, with a volcanic landscape totally devoid of trees.", "hypothesis": "Unlike the lush olive groves of the east, the northwest presents a barren, empty volcanic landscape."} {"idx": "mnli-13754", "premise": "John noticed my surprise at the news of his mother's remarriage and smiled rather ruefully. ", "hypothesis": "John did not regard me in any way. "} {"idx": "mnli-13755", "premise": "John turned. ", "hypothesis": "John changed direction."} {"idx": "mnli-13756", "premise": "Because of a similar lack of meaningful data, the Commission has concluded that all of the 30 regional licenses for narrowband PCS and all of the 11 licenses for narrowband nationwide PCS licenses have been awarded to small business.", "hypothesis": "The Commission said all 30 licenses for PCS were given to small businesses."} {"idx": "mnli-13757", "premise": "We taxpayers are employing an army of lawyers and economists who spend their every waking moment--and probably a few in dreamland--thinking of ways to get Microsoft.", "hypothesis": "No lawyers or economists are employed with taxpayer dollars."} {"idx": "mnli-13758", "premise": "12 Federal Emergency Management Status of Achieving Key Outcomes and Addressing Major Management Challenges (GAO-01-832, July 9, 2001).", "hypothesis": "The Federal Emergency Management has a status of achieving key outcomes."} {"idx": "mnli-13759", "premise": "In return for a donation to the shrine, the shrine maidens (miko), dressed in the typically Shinto outfit of bright-red pleated skirts with white blouses, will perform one of the dances.", "hypothesis": "The shrine maiden dances are on a set, strict schedule with no amount of donations changing their routine. "} {"idx": "mnli-13760", "premise": "Not a lot of Indians, however, could afford the trip to Britain to take the examination.", "hypothesis": "Lots of Indians could cheaply travel to Britain and take the exam."} {"idx": "mnli-13761", "premise": "In the following material, each of these standards is presented in a short, concise statement.", "hypothesis": "It was all presented in short, rambling statements. "} {"idx": "mnli-13762", "premise": "Some agencies have explored new ways of devolving decisionmaking authority in exchange for operational flexibility and accountability for results.", "hypothesis": "Some agencies have explored new ways of devolving decision making authority."} {"idx": "mnli-13763", "premise": "and you know i just fell in love with this brand new white Prelude", "hypothesis": "I fell in love with the new Prelude, it was a white one."} {"idx": "mnli-13764", "premise": "fire protection.", "hypothesis": "Water protection."} {"idx": "mnli-13765", "premise": "And should you let this stud of yours run with a picked manada of mares, I could promise good fees.\"", "hypothesis": "The stud had a pick of mares."} {"idx": "mnli-13766", "premise": "For white wines, the physical standards include clove, bell pepper, brine from canned asparagus, and apricot puree.", "hypothesis": "The standards for white wines have never included bell pepper, brine from canned asparagus or apricot puree."} {"idx": "mnli-13767", "premise": "you know i and and you know at a time when they're afraid of their shadow all they need is you know some skunk or something to rub up the outside of the tent they'd be awake all night", "hypothesis": "Some people are easily spooked when camping."} {"idx": "mnli-13768", "premise": "There is some trouble? Bartolom\u00e9 shifted from one foot to the other, his spurs ringing.", "hypothesis": "There is a man named Bruce."} {"idx": "mnli-13769", "premise": "The Commission identified 21 sites with rates for industrial countries and eight sites with rates for developing countries.", "hypothesis": "The commission saw 21 sites that had rates for agricultural countries."} {"idx": "mnli-13770", "premise": "Consider the sex lives of older Americans.", "hypothesis": "Think about older Americans and their sex lives."} {"idx": "mnli-13771", "premise": "Ca'daan hurried while the man and girl ran with him.", "hypothesis": "They were running with Ca'daan."} {"idx": "mnli-13772", "premise": "oh when i first got her i mean Sheba was just a little tiny thing got her at ten weeks and and Kitty Cat took it upon herself to train her and she and Kitty Cat would jump all over her and beat her up and all you'll hear is Sheba you know all the time well now she's bigger than Kitty Cat and she's giving Kitty Cat some payback", "hypothesis": "We didn't get Sheba until she was a year old. "} {"idx": "mnli-13773", "premise": "It seemed to be the middle of the night when I was awakened by Lawrence Cavendish. ", "hypothesis": "Lawrence needed to speak with her. "} {"idx": "mnli-13774", "premise": "yeah the other thing that we've done that that was really nice to see we had one of the financial companies um Hancock oh John Hancock company came out and their agents did a long term analysis based on salary and uh what we were planning what what what our uh goals were on a long term budget in terms of retirement kid's college paying off the house buying a different house", "hypothesis": "Some agents from the John Hancock company came to give us advice on how to manage our money."} {"idx": "mnli-13775", "premise": "In 2000, IOLTA collected $16.", "hypothesis": "The money IOLTA collected was donated."} {"idx": "mnli-13776", "premise": "Big house it was, with a lot of piny grounds around it.", "hypothesis": "Dinky house it was, with almost no land available around it."} {"idx": "mnli-13777", "premise": "Suddenly my attention was arrested by a weedy looking young man rushing down the street at a great pace. ", "hypothesis": "There was a made rushing quickly down the street who caught my attention."} {"idx": "mnli-13778", "premise": "What did they think? Susan seemed to think before answering.", "hypothesis": "Susan wondered what they thought about the upcoming election."} {"idx": "mnli-13779", "premise": "For more information on the criteria we used to select these organizations, see appendix I. As federal agencies continue to improve their management and financial accountability, they will be able to draw upon the expertise and experience of these private sector and state government organizations.", "hypothesis": "Appendix I is the most comprehensive compilation of its nature."} {"idx": "mnli-13780", "premise": "While the program did not fully use each of the best practices, it did embrace the concepts of capturing design and manufacturing knowledge early in the program.", "hypothesis": "The program embraced capturing design and manufacturing knowledge but did not totally use best practices. "} {"idx": "mnli-13781", "premise": "A DOT official said that the Department permits the public to submit comments electronically on all of its proposed rules.", "hypothesis": "A DOT official did not say whether or not the electronic comments left by the public are considered before a proposed rule is voted upon."} {"idx": "mnli-13782", "premise": "The rain ran down her face and it looked like tears.", "hypothesis": "The snow on her face looked like tears."} {"idx": "mnli-13783", "premise": "all covered up", "hypothesis": "That thing is exposed."} {"idx": "mnli-13784", "premise": "well i mean and it's uh i don't know what do you what do you think of Incaviglia's uh loss", "hypothesis": "Do you know a team called Incaviglia?"} {"idx": "mnli-13785", "premise": "we were giving them a bath about every other day boy we were giving them a bath at least once a day but they were so horrible", "hypothesis": "We would give these animals a bath but overall, it was a horrible experinve."} {"idx": "mnli-13786", "premise": "He was dead before the tavern door stopped swinging.", "hypothesis": "He ran away before he could get hurt."} {"idx": "mnli-13787", "premise": "yeah yeah that's neat", "hypothesis": "That is really neat."} {"idx": "mnli-13788", "premise": "Correct. Proceed, O Sherlock!", "hypothesis": "This is incorrect, Watson. "} {"idx": "mnli-13789", "premise": "The red macroalga, Champia parvula, test is acceptable if survival is 100 percent, and the mean number of cystocarps per plant should equal or exceed 10.", "hypothesis": "The test usually results in 100% survival and is thus usually acceptable."} {"idx": "mnli-13790", "premise": "Surya was given his due with dignified green chlorite statues of parsva-devatas (sun-deities) set in niches facing the four points of the compass, and much of the sculpture profusely decorating the walls emphasizes his life as a king his battles, the royal hunt, and life at court.", "hypothesis": "The sculpture emphasizes Surya's life as king. "} {"idx": "mnli-13791", "premise": "The recommendations should be reviewed with agency officials and be appropriate to the probability and significance of the risks identified.", "hypothesis": "The recommendations shouldn't be reviewed with agency officials"} {"idx": "mnli-13792", "premise": "In about 721 b.c. , the north (Israel) was invaded and devastated by Assyrians.", "hypothesis": "The Assyrians invaded Israel and wreaked havoc in around 721 b.c."} {"idx": "mnli-13793", "premise": "Takachiho in central Kyushu, armed with the imperial mirror, sword, and jewel that Jimmu (Japan's first emperor) used on his conquest of the Yamato Plain near Nara.", "hypothesis": "Takachiho holds Jimmu's hold sword he used to conquer Yamato Plain."} {"idx": "mnli-13794", "premise": "on on credit cards and uh i i had recently had some dealings with a fellow that they had run up he was making oh considered a modest salary for an engineer and he had run up uh more than a years salary in in various debts to and he wound up declaring bankruptcy but there it it's hard to believe that you'd run up twenty thirty thousand dollars of uh well it was a combination of things he had uh there were", "hypothesis": "I dealt with a guy that made enough money but had a lot of debt."} {"idx": "mnli-13795", "premise": "It is clear that additional investments will be necessary in the coming years to increase our enabling technology and knowledge management efforts to meet the challenges of the future and effectively support Congress.", "hypothesis": "Congress needs plenty of support from investments and technology. "} {"idx": "mnli-13796", "premise": "EPA avers that it fully considered all of the timely received public comments and its responses to significant comments are either contained in the preamble or included in the public docket.", "hypothesis": "The EPA has a policy of never responding publicly to comments."} {"idx": "mnli-13797", "premise": "A further exotic touch is added by the Muslim ladies just inside the gate, selling brightly coloured cloth and clothes, alongside street vendors selling fruits, bread, and other wares.", "hypothesis": "You can also buy spices from the vendors just inside the gate. "} {"idx": "mnli-13798", "premise": "Wolfe reminds us that for the Democrats, taking back the middle doesn't have to mean craven opportunism or a betrayal of its beliefs.", "hypothesis": "Wolfe says the Democrats can take the middle back without giving up their beliefs on welfare and abortion."} {"idx": "mnli-13799", "premise": "Dave Hanson, to whom nothing is impossible, he said.", "hypothesis": "He said nothing was Impossible to the great gentleman Dave Hanson."} {"idx": "mnli-13800", "premise": "It's owing to him that we've ferreted you out at last.", "hypothesis": "He helped us finally find you."} {"idx": "mnli-13801", "premise": "All in good time.", "hypothesis": "Eventually if you're a good boy."} {"idx": "mnli-13802", "premise": "You'll find your experience with the newspapers less frustrating if you accept the idea that the reporter is there to tell not your story but his or hers.", "hypothesis": "Reporters don't care about the opinions of their readers. "} {"idx": "mnli-13803", "premise": "yeah uh according to uh to the way that that our test is set up apparently everyone is supposed to be tested within a five year period", "hypothesis": "The parameters of the test can be changed to a different frequency."} {"idx": "mnli-13804", "premise": "so i don't think there's ever been a war that's been so thoroughly covered by the news", "hypothesis": "The news media should report on every war just as thoroughly."} {"idx": "mnli-13805", "premise": "uh because otherwise uh you know they're not going to go house to house collecting it and you're not going to bother if you have one bag full to drive all the way to some recycling center to turn in just your little plastic peanuts", "hypothesis": "They aren't keen on picking up recycling from your house, and you won't go to the center if you only have a little to recycle."} {"idx": "mnli-13806", "premise": "The city of Edinburgh grew up around the steep, ragged cliff of the Castle Rock and its easily defended summit.", "hypothesis": "The city of Edinburgh is right next to Castle Rock cliff."} {"idx": "mnli-13807", "premise": "Furthermore, while there have been no definitions or real elucidations, the discussions seem mired in the concept of a personal Christian-type deity, as though the ability to prove or disprove the existence of that sort of entity is in some way dispositive.", "hypothesis": "There is no evidence to prove that there is a personal Christian god."} {"idx": "mnli-13808", "premise": "I can't, gasped Tuppence.", "hypothesis": "I have tried again, I just can't, gasped Tuppence."} {"idx": "mnli-13809", "premise": "You'll have to confine your viewing to the outside of the old citadel in the harbor, Fort Saint-Louis, unless you're able to obtain special visitor's permission from the French military (true of all Martinique's forts), or happen by during recently authorized but infrequent visiting hours. ", "hypothesis": "Anyone can enter the old citadel of Fort Saint-Louis without permission."} {"idx": "mnli-13810", "premise": "I observe that 50 years ago Mad magazine observed the popularity of Chinese restaurants with an elegant piece of satire called Two Chinese Guys Go Into an American Restaurant.", "hypothesis": "Mad Magazine never satirized anything, but always took things completely seriously. "} {"idx": "mnli-13811", "premise": "And aren't we all?", "hypothesis": "And not all of us are."} {"idx": "mnli-13812", "premise": "Quickest way to get here.\"", "hypothesis": "Fastest travel route here."} {"idx": "mnli-13813", "premise": "It can be seen that time per box drops off sharply at the low end of the density spectrum and then it flattens.", "hypothesis": "Time per box drops off with lower density because the boxes become smaller."} {"idx": "mnli-13814", "premise": "Allowance trading provides incentives for energy conservation and technology innovation that can both lower the cost of compliance and yield pollution prevention benefits.", "hypothesis": "There is no benefit to offering incentives for energy conservation."} {"idx": "mnli-13815", "premise": "A great many archaeological treasures have been unearthed here on the grounds of an ancient temple dedicated to the Carthaginian goddess Tanit, and most of the artefacts can be viewed at the archaeological museum in Dalt Vila.", "hypothesis": "Artifacts have never been discovered here on the grounds of the temple dedicated to the Carthaginian goddess Tani."} {"idx": "mnli-13816", "premise": "There's nothing funny about a proposal.\"", "hypothesis": "Proposals are very serious events."} {"idx": "mnli-13817", "premise": "Taylor says the job discussions provided valuable information and insights that helped him as a journalist.", "hypothesis": "She kick started her career after wanting to make a difference in the field. "} {"idx": "mnli-13818", "premise": "About one-third of the way through the reliability growth test program, testing was halted because too many failures occurred in components such as the power supply, the high voltage electrical system, and the cooling system.", "hypothesis": "The reliability test program was a fantastic success."} {"idx": "mnli-13819", "premise": "The judges and lawyers are offering their expertise as part of the Community Justice Program, a new facet of the San Antonio Bar Association's pro-bono work to bring free legal services to residents outside of the courthouse's confines.", "hypothesis": "Judges and Lawyers are offering their work to the Community Justice Program, which is a new part of the San Antonio Bar Association's pro-bono work bringing free legal services to residents outside of the courthouse's jurisdiction."} {"idx": "mnli-13820", "premise": "And not a clue left behind.", "hypothesis": "There were zero clues left behind."} {"idx": "mnli-13821", "premise": "So I screamed out that he was escaping, and I said I wanted to go back to Marguerite.", "hypothesis": "His escape was marked by a scream."} {"idx": "mnli-13822", "premise": "However, experience has indicated that project planning can surmount even difficult situations (e.g.", "hypothesis": "Difficult situations make project planning difficult but not impossible."} {"idx": "mnli-13823", "premise": "well i have i'm really torn on the subject i'm not a good candidate for this one i see what you see and i agree with you", "hypothesis": "You can see the same things as I do, so you agree with me. "} {"idx": "mnli-13824", "premise": "Then she gave a jump.", "hypothesis": "She jumped"} {"idx": "mnli-13825", "premise": "The volume of business bill/payment mail is unknown.", "hypothesis": "The volume of business mail is well known "} {"idx": "mnli-13826", "premise": "This must change and under the recent Sarbanes-Oxley accounting reform legislation, some related changes will be required.", "hypothesis": "There needs to be changes made to the regulation, as it is now pretty outdated."} {"idx": "mnli-13827", "premise": "I hope they see reason.", "hypothesis": "I hope they are reasonable. "} {"idx": "mnli-13828", "premise": "well there's this uh there's this type kind of restaurant called a brew pub are you familiar with those", "hypothesis": "What's a brew pub? I've never heard of it. "} {"idx": "mnli-13829", "premise": "Specifically, these organizations bring in employees with desirable skills from across the enterprise to work in conjunction with IT professionals, thereby maximizing the capability of their technical resources.", "hypothesis": "Desirable skills can be acquired in school or through self training."} {"idx": "mnli-13830", "premise": "Starr's investigation of whether Clinton covered up an affair with Lewinsky arose in the context of the depositions both gave in the Jones case.", "hypothesis": "Clinton covered up the affair."} {"idx": "mnli-13831", "premise": "it's humid", "hypothesis": "It's muggy. "} {"idx": "mnli-13832", "premise": "Whales are still sighted here, but not frequently.", "hypothesis": "The whales ultimately changed their migration patterns."} {"idx": "mnli-13833", "premise": "The best strategy is to schedule two visits into your itinerary, both before and after your trips to the temples and other historical sites along the Nile.", "hypothesis": "The worst strategy is to schedule two visits into your itinerary."} {"idx": "mnli-13834", "premise": "There's a lot of interesting economics in that question, and if I manage to sort it out, I'll let you know.", "hypothesis": "The question is full of interesting economics that I haven't sorted out yet. "} {"idx": "mnli-13835", "premise": "A staunch opponent of the Communist regime, Wojtyla returned to Poland in 1979 as Pope and drew great, thunderous crowds at every stop.", "hypothesis": "When a great opponent of Wojtyla went back to Poland in 1979 crowds of people gathered."} {"idx": "mnli-13836", "premise": "His good-natured face wore an unaccustomed frown of anger. ", "hypothesis": "He always looked angry."} {"idx": "mnli-13837", "premise": "Most reporters would write, Bob Dole yesterday compared the White House to an animal house, sparing the exclamation points, and making him sound at least compos mentis.", "hypothesis": "The White House is akin to an animal house, according to Bob Dole."} {"idx": "mnli-13838", "premise": "If she actually believed that millions of human lives were at stake, the former head of the Red Cross surely wouldn't try to build a holy crusade around refusal to discuss the matter.", "hypothesis": "The Red Cross is run by democratic vote, and therefore has no, and has had no, head. "} {"idx": "mnli-13839", "premise": "The most popular one is Big Bear, which has numerous ski lifts and a large snow-making operation.", "hypothesis": "It is the most popular location among resorts of its type."} {"idx": "mnli-13840", "premise": "La Granja de San Ildefonso, about 10 km (6 miles) southeast of Segovia (80 km or 50 miles north of Madrid), is a huge palace set in classic formal gardens.", "hypothesis": "La Granja de San Ildefonso no longer exists, sadly."} {"idx": "mnli-13841", "premise": "um-hum maybe she likes the smell of it", "hypothesis": "She might like the smell."} {"idx": "mnli-13842", "premise": "The audit team should include persons sufficiently knowledgeable about the information technology being purchased to judge how well the agency has defined its requirements in the RFP.", "hypothesis": "Knowledge about information technology is not important for the audit team."} {"idx": "mnli-13843", "premise": "Alas, golden ages do end.", "hypothesis": "The golden days last forever."} {"idx": "mnli-13844", "premise": "Between you and me, sir, remarked Japp, \"I'd sooner have any amount of rumours than be arrested for murder. ", "hypothesis": "Getting arrested for murder would show up on his record forever."} {"idx": "mnli-13845", "premise": "Control activities will not be fully effective until everyone, from the person on the counter through to the head of the agency, takes responsibility for managing risk from the perspective of their respective positions.", "hypothesis": "For control activities to be as effective as possible, it's enough for the head of the agency to take personal responsibility in the management of risk in his or her position."} {"idx": "mnli-13846", "premise": "The workers' rights center is the second created by Neighborhood Legal Services.", "hypothesis": "The workers' rights center was created to give workers legal protection."} {"idx": "mnli-13847", "premise": "well in my case my husband is not a carpenter but in fact he's in electronics but he knew the only way we'd ever have a new home is if he would build it so it took him about two and a half years but uh he built us a house it's uh we have thirty two hundred square feet and it's a brick house and pricewise it wasn't great because he did it all hisself you know so that way he could we could kind of control in control it", "hypothesis": "My husband did not want to build a new house but buy an older home."} {"idx": "mnli-13848", "premise": "you you either have the person who who is uh the type of individual who can work for a large corporation that can afford to pay them you know let them go", "hypothesis": "You can't always afford to pay everyone. "} {"idx": "mnli-13849", "premise": "It was too bad.", "hypothesis": "That is fine with me."} {"idx": "mnli-13850", "premise": "uh-huh it's almost getting to the point where there is there's too much that", "hypothesis": "It's getting to be too little."} {"idx": "mnli-13851", "premise": "Specifications for Database Management Systems,", "hypothesis": "There are no specification needed when it comes to Database Management."} {"idx": "mnli-13852", "premise": "Recipients include Lisa Levsen, 33, a doctor who graduated from USC Medical School with $144,000 in debt and monthly loan payments of $1,200.", "hypothesis": "After Lisa Levsen finished medical school she owed $144,000."} {"idx": "mnli-13853", "premise": "For roughly 85 percent of life's 3.5 billion-year history, it was entirely made up of single-celled organisms, such as bacteria and algae.", "hypothesis": "Historically, most like has been single celled algae and bacteria."} {"idx": "mnli-13854", "premise": "Nor has the fun we all had sneering at England's squandering its North Sea oil windfall in the '70s and '80s kept the Republican Party from proposing to give away the budget surplus to their rich constituents.", "hypothesis": "England may have been in favor of the president of the Republican party. "} {"idx": "mnli-13855", "premise": "yes but it wasn't quite business but to give the the students um an made you feel like you were the authority i felt like if i came in just in jeans or tattered clothes that i didn't have as good control over the class", "hypothesis": "I could've walked in wearing jeans and still gotten the students to respect my authority."} {"idx": "mnli-13856", "premise": "The Kosovo crisis erupted again.", "hypothesis": "Kosovo is in peace."} {"idx": "mnli-13857", "premise": "This is true moorland open stretches of heath that contrast sharply with the high peaks in the background.", "hypothesis": "The moorland and its stretches of heath blend in nicely with the high peaks nearby."} {"idx": "mnli-13858", "premise": "For the moment, however, the fix is in for the consumer.", "hypothesis": "For the moment, the fix is in for the consumer but that will change quickly."} {"idx": "mnli-13859", "premise": "The Guardian and the Observer have a broad site packed with information.", "hypothesis": "The guardian and Observer run websites with plentiful information."} {"idx": "mnli-13860", "premise": "yeah that's something i've it's interesting to me people who watch people who are that know how to paint i just felt like that's something i've never been very good at or very good at drawing or anything", "hypothesis": "I'm an expert painter."} {"idx": "mnli-13861", "premise": "Go back up to the main promenade road, turn left, and you will find two more sites associated with Jesus.", "hypothesis": "These two sites mark other places where Jesus himself walked."} {"idx": "mnli-13862", "premise": "Anyway, it was a gay house, always visitors.", "hypothesis": "It had visitors from London."} {"idx": "mnli-13863", "premise": "In an attestation engagement, auditors issue an examination, a review, or an agreed-upon procedures report on subject matter, or on an assertion about the subject matter, that is the responsibility of another party.", "hypothesis": "The procedures report is agreed upon by 20 to 25 members."} {"idx": "mnli-13864", "premise": "Two palheiroseperfectly painted in red, white, and blue, are the objects of many tourist cameras, while one immediately behind these remains a private home, its owners desperate to keep out gawkers.", "hypothesis": "The owners of the private home want to keep tourists away."} {"idx": "mnli-13865", "premise": "You'll find fossils of fish and other marine creatures that were deposited in sediment millions of years ago, when this area lay on the ocean floor.", "hypothesis": "You can find really large fossils of ocean creatures here. "} {"idx": "mnli-13866", "premise": "Usually, my tardiness wasn't a problem.", "hypothesis": "My tardiness was always a problem."} {"idx": "mnli-13867", "premise": "This joint effort contributed to a significant decline in the reported towing industry fatality from 91 per 100,000 industry employees in 1990 to 27 per 100,000 in 1995.", "hypothesis": "The joint effort to increase driver safety contributed to the decline in deaths within the industry. "} {"idx": "mnli-13868", "premise": "For readers who are interested in more detailed information on the topics covered here, we also include a bibliography.", "hypothesis": "Apologies, but we do not have anymore information on the topic."} {"idx": "mnli-13869", "premise": "yeah because when you're touristing you probably don't want to take the time to", "hypothesis": "Tourists always make time for that."} {"idx": "mnli-13870", "premise": "Suazo, who represented Salt Lake's urban and diverse District 2, was admired by his Senate colleagues for his tireless efforts for equal access to justice for all of Utah's citizens.", "hypothesis": "Suazo represents Salt Lake's seventh district."} {"idx": "mnli-13871", "premise": "Leave the car behind and take the Porte de la Chapelle line on the m??tro from Concorde to Abbesses.", "hypothesis": "The metro is the fastest way to get from Concorde to Abbesses."} {"idx": "mnli-13872", "premise": "The second was in the combination of case study methods with other methods, particularly surveys, in order to achieve the generalizability that evaluators called external validity.", "hypothesis": "The case study methods were combined with other methods to make the study as valid as possible."} {"idx": "mnli-13873", "premise": "What does an Applied Fundamentals Division do? I don't really know- no one does.", "hypothesis": "I don't know what an Applied Fundamentals Division does for businesses."} {"idx": "mnli-13874", "premise": "He looked around and noticed that the patients in other beds wouldn't look him in the eye, either.", "hypothesis": "Nobody in the room would look him in the eye."} {"idx": "mnli-13875", "premise": "The largest of the three, the Great Pyramid of Cheops is the only survivor of the Seven Wonders of the World described by Greek and Roman scholars.", "hypothesis": "Greek and Roman scholars exaggerated when describing the Seven Wonders of the World."} {"idx": "mnli-13876", "premise": "and then across from that is a a major four lane street and then across from that is is uh the parks of the city that we live in has some soccer fields and some baseball fields and that completely goes on to the horizon so as far as we can look out over our little retaining wall is grass and trees and parks", "hypothesis": "When we look out to the horizon we see basically nothing."} {"idx": "mnli-13877", "premise": "Now you jus' walk yourself outta here on th' bounce.", "hypothesis": "Walk your butt out of here very quickly before we kill you dog."} {"idx": "mnli-13878", "premise": "Tel Aviv's favourite steakhouse.", "hypothesis": "It's a steakhouse in Tel Aviv."} {"idx": "mnli-13879", "premise": "Reassuring Unlike Martinique, Guadeloupe has no poisonous snakes or other harmful animals.", "hypothesis": "The native Guadeloupeans eradicated all harmful species long ago."} {"idx": "mnli-13880", "premise": "The Judicial Council is addressing language barriers by increasing the availability of qualified interpreters and translating forms and instructions into Spanish, Vietnam-ese, Korean and Chinese.", "hypothesis": "Language barriers are being addressed by the Judicial Council."} {"idx": "mnli-13881", "premise": "You'd never have believed a pretty young lady like that could have made herself into such a ruffian. ", "hypothesis": "The young lady is believed to be pretty."} {"idx": "mnli-13882", "premise": "Figure 4.4: GDP Per Capita Under Alternative Fiscal Policy Simulations (1960-2075)", "hypothesis": "Figure 2.1"} {"idx": "mnli-13883", "premise": "With funding from the Lawyers Trust Fund of Illinois, the Technology Working Group and representatives from CARPLS (the Chicago-based hotline and referral services), Legal Assistance Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago, Prairie State Legal Services and Land of Lincoln Legal Assistance Foundation have formed a Best Practices group.", "hypothesis": "The Lawyers Trust Fund of Illinois gives funding to the Technology Working Group."} {"idx": "mnli-13884", "premise": "Today, that process is still young but steadily evolving.", "hypothesis": "The process is still evolving."} {"idx": "mnli-13885", "premise": "The newcomer knocked on the door as all had done, but his reception was very different.", "hypothesis": "When the newcomer finished, he knocked on the door."} {"idx": "mnli-13886", "premise": "ah sounds familiar", "hypothesis": "It's hard to recall where I heard something similar. "} {"idx": "mnli-13887", "premise": "When the client returned to the United States, the administrative burdens to resume representation would once again have to be undertaken.", "hypothesis": "The client spent over two months outside the United States."} {"idx": "mnli-13888", "premise": "It can't be, for example, any activity that lets Clinton talk, even though that's what he does best.", "hypothesis": "Clinton is a great talker. "} {"idx": "mnli-13889", "premise": "The spot is aimed at the woman, the secondary consumer of condoms, reminding her that an alternative to no is wait a minute, followed by a quick dip into her nightstand drawer for a rubber.", "hypothesis": "Women are the primary consumers of condoms."} {"idx": "mnli-13890", "premise": "and we have one of course i say in college driving and and one going to drive this summer so uh kids are cost you practically nothing because you always get so many things from your relatives and everything but you wait until they go and get a car insurance and you and that's when they get expensive as they get older you know uh it it", "hypothesis": "Kids are expensive when they get older."} {"idx": "mnli-13891", "premise": "And there is certainly something romantic in the notion that America needs an honorable, truth-telling president like him.", "hypothesis": "There is something fanciful about America's need for an honest president like him."} {"idx": "mnli-13892", "premise": "We conducted our fieldwork from May 2000 through March 2001.", "hypothesis": "We had enough funding for the field work we conducted."} {"idx": "mnli-13893", "premise": "He could remember one moment, just before midnight, when she had stopped and seemed to give up hope.", "hypothesis": "He could not remember anything from around midnight."} {"idx": "mnli-13894", "premise": "so it's all about you say it is all voluntary do they", "hypothesis": "It is always all about you."} {"idx": "mnli-13895", "premise": "But Tommy caught the tremor in his voice.", "hypothesis": "Tommy is perceptive enough to catch falters when people speak."} {"idx": "mnli-13896", "premise": "well i think the Phillies picked up some good players in the free agent market didn't they", "hypothesis": "I think with all the options of players, the ones the Phillies picked were great choices."} {"idx": "mnli-13897", "premise": "'Tea?' He offered.", "hypothesis": "'Coffee?' he offered."} {"idx": "mnli-13898", "premise": "Alexander Cockburn once imagined this MacNeil/Lehrer And now, for another view of Hitler ...", "hypothesis": "Cockburn's book showed another view of Hitler."} {"idx": "mnli-13899", "premise": "Every time I renew my passport--content provider, I put that right in.", "hypothesis": "I put in that I am a content provider on my passport renewal."} {"idx": "mnli-13900", "premise": "i'm not sure um what exactly is wrong with her um up until nineteen eighty two uh actually i'm sorry not until yeah i guess it was around eighty two eighty three i found out i had a grandmother", "hypothesis": "I only found out that I had a grandmother because I asked enough family members. "} {"idx": "mnli-13901", "premise": "uh because we used to go we we we uh built our home and we built it to we designed it to be heated by uh wood you know uh uh wood stove", "hypothesis": "We do not have a wood stove in our home. "} {"idx": "mnli-13902", "premise": "This research is crucial as the field progresses from evaluating efficacy in research settings to examining effectiveness in the current, complex health care delivery system.", "hypothesis": "This research is crucial as the poor African children still have little to no access of water"} {"idx": "mnli-13903", "premise": "The Washington-based Legal Services Corp. wants the buildings transferred to the S.C.", "hypothesis": "The Legal Services Corp in Washington wants all buildings older than 30 years to be transferred to the S.C. "} {"idx": "mnli-13904", "premise": "Yet gambling is only half the story.", "hypothesis": "Gambling is only part of the reason the men are so poor."} {"idx": "mnli-13905", "premise": "oh no hm i wish you good luck", "hypothesis": "May life be rife with difficulty. "} {"idx": "mnli-13906", "premise": "They had been heading there all the time.", "hypothesis": "They weren't going there."} {"idx": "mnli-13907", "premise": "I know that.", "hypothesis": "I know, I just learned that yesterday."} {"idx": "mnli-13908", "premise": "We can't decide whether to tell our friends about the error.", "hypothesis": "Our friends would be upset if we told them about the mistake."} {"idx": "mnli-13909", "premise": "I did not quite know what to say. ", "hypothesis": "I knew exactly what I needed to say."} {"idx": "mnli-13910", "premise": "well uh we have to cut into the savings uh at this point to uh to buffer that", "hypothesis": "At least we will not have to touch any of our savings."} {"idx": "mnli-13911", "premise": "Hong Kong by night can suit any taste riotous, sedate, raw, or cultured.", "hypothesis": "The nightlife of Hong Kong has a wide appeal to many different tastes."} {"idx": "mnli-13912", "premise": "It was done to unify both the real and virtual identity, so you could pay taxes either here or there.", "hypothesis": "It was done to combine the real and virtual identities so that taxes could be paid in either place."} {"idx": "mnli-13913", "premise": "Jerusalem has some excellent outlets.", "hypothesis": "The clothing in Jerusalem's stores are boring and overpriced."} {"idx": "mnli-13914", "premise": "Tommy gave a faint whoop of relief.", "hypothesis": "Tommy was relieved and was able to relax."} {"idx": "mnli-13915", "premise": "just hadn't heard much about them lately", "hypothesis": "They are keeping to themselves."} {"idx": "mnli-13916", "premise": "had to put our uh food up in the in the trees and all that i was the unlucky guy that got up every morning and said well i guess might as well putz around here while everyone else is sleeping so i was usually the guy who had to get it out of the tree and all that", "hypothesis": "We had to put our food in the tree."} {"idx": "mnli-13917", "premise": "no not this one she's dead to the world right now oh well well let's see i guess that's about it on food", "hypothesis": "I guess that is all there is on food."} {"idx": "mnli-13918", "premise": "She tore out the leaf and handed it to Tommy.", "hypothesis": "She handed the leaf to Tommy."} {"idx": "mnli-13919", "premise": "In his dreams of the future, Leger wanted his machines to be as sexy and intimate as beautiful women, and his women to be as available and predictable as household appliances.", "hypothesis": "Leger wanted sexy and intimate machines and women who acted like appliances."} {"idx": "mnli-13920", "premise": "Woodchuck refrains from identifying the product because it's selling the name of the product, not the product itself.", "hypothesis": "The product is more important than the name."} {"idx": "mnli-13921", "premise": "Susan Molinari used this figure in her Republican Convention keynote address to illustrate the burden of Clinton's tax increase.", "hypothesis": "This figure has been used in Susan Molinari's Republican Convention keynote address, but had no success."} {"idx": "mnli-13922", "premise": "There's no earthly clue in it as to where she's gone, he assured Tommy.", "hypothesis": "He told Tommy he knew where she'd gone."} {"idx": "mnli-13923", "premise": "These witnesses of yours are all right, I suppose?\"", "hypothesis": "All of your witnesses are certainly not reliable."} {"idx": "mnli-13924", "premise": "yeah that they they are gold they're just of course the the twenty dollar gold pieces go for coin value not the bullion value", "hypothesis": "The twenty dollar gold pieces go for bullion value."} {"idx": "mnli-13925", "premise": "it it could be the starter that it just gets too hot", "hypothesis": "The starter doesn't get too hot."} {"idx": "mnli-13926", "premise": "into the system i thought that would be good experience for me and i've applied at another district where many of the children are Asian", "hypothesis": "I know a district with a lot of Asian children"} {"idx": "mnli-13927", "premise": "In fact, these all had a home-spun, improvisational air about their costumes.", "hypothesis": "Each costume looked well thought out and planned ahead. "} {"idx": "mnli-13928", "premise": "Another subdued game of European fame, roulette does not enjoy much popularity in Las Vegas.", "hypothesis": "Roulette isn't very popular in Vegas."} {"idx": "mnli-13929", "premise": "Outside, cops scurried.", "hypothesis": "The cops were hurrying around looking for the man. "} {"idx": "mnli-13930", "premise": "Ah yes, I remember.", "hypothesis": "I remember nothing about that."} {"idx": "mnli-13931", "premise": "oh that's that's pretty good size though", "hypothesis": "That one's fairly big."} {"idx": "mnli-13932", "premise": "6. Worry a lot about Amid all the fretting about normal trade status, WTO, espionage, and Tibet, we tend to overlook Taiwan.", "hypothesis": "We worry about Tibet and overlook Taiwan."} {"idx": "mnli-13933", "premise": "Even with the guidance provided by OMB for establishing the new information technology management leadership positions, agencies face distinct challenges in effectively positioning federal CIOs and supporting organizations to ensure that information management adds value in their business/mission performance .4 CIOs in the federal sector face structural and cultural hurdles generally not found elsewhere.", "hypothesis": "The cultural and structural hurdles are due to growing diversity. "} {"idx": "mnli-13934", "premise": "Some Indians already resent suggestions they are descended from ancient Asians--such contentions fly in the face of their creation myths.", "hypothesis": "Suggestions that Indians are descended from ancient Asians are occasionally met with resentment. "} {"idx": "mnli-13935", "premise": "higher than any other ones and then they said that we'll give you back some of your money", "hypothesis": "They informed me all investments are final and I wouldn't get any returns."} {"idx": "mnli-13936", "premise": "'I can't do it,' I blurted.", "hypothesis": "'I'm able to do it' I shouted. "} {"idx": "mnli-13937", "premise": "i think it is and when when the players themselves are turning down contracts that are three or four years in duration for three or four million dollars a year looking for more money yet", "hypothesis": "The players are choosing to reject contracts which earn them up to four million per year"} {"idx": "mnli-13938", "premise": "and that's scary because you know in the end you're getting insurance for basically nothing", "hypothesis": "Insurance that they are going to have will essentially cost them nothing."} {"idx": "mnli-13939", "premise": "and uh i was pretty impressed he had a he before he started out on his experiments he had a battery of tests done on his body to determine the age of each one of his organs", "hypothesis": "In order to calculate his organs' age, he had a number of tests performed on his body. "} {"idx": "mnli-13940", "premise": "Some offsetting collections are credited directly to appropriation or fund accounts; others, called offsetting receipts, are credited to receipt accounts.", "hypothesis": "Offsetting receipt amounts typically exceed the appropriation and fund account amounts."} {"idx": "mnli-13941", "premise": "This environment results in higher risks and a greater reliance on cost-reimbursement10 contracts for longer periods of time during product development.", "hypothesis": "The risks are lower."} {"idx": "mnli-13942", "premise": "they do and they're anxious for us to be able to hold it but i these just aren't going to be as tame as the book i got a book first", "hypothesis": "This book will definitely be good. "} {"idx": "mnli-13943", "premise": " Sea angling is permitted year rou nd, but river fishing requires a license.", "hypothesis": "River fishing is only permitted at certain times of the year. "} {"idx": "mnli-13944", "premise": "and slivers of ginger and then just cover it and put it in the microwave for just just two say two minutes check it after two minutes to see if the fish flakes and if the fish flakes it's done don't overcook it though", "hypothesis": "Slice the ginger up finely, microwave for two minutes, but be sure not to overcook the fish."} {"idx": "mnli-13945", "premise": "5. Change the question.", "hypothesis": "Keep the question the same."} {"idx": "mnli-13946", "premise": "Over the years these bags have proved so handy that to keep up with demand the local supply of genuine handmade bags has been augmented with imported goods.", "hypothesis": "The handmade bags are made out of locally grown materials."} {"idx": "mnli-13947", "premise": "I might have gotten carried away with being Franklin...but still, in the back of my head, there had always been this house to return to.", "hypothesis": "I knew there was no where to return to."} {"idx": "mnli-13948", "premise": "The island happily caters to families in addition to single travelers, and backpackers as well as the wealthy.", "hypothesis": "This island is only suitable for the bourgeois."} {"idx": "mnli-13949", "premise": "As previously mentioned, the e-rate discount won't cover any portion of the hardware bill either, leaving the local community responsible for PCs, modems, and training for teachers and supervisors.", "hypothesis": "The e-rate discount only covers the software side of purchases."} {"idx": "mnli-13950", "premise": "yeah well yeah i like them i i have to admit i do like my credit cards uh i love it when he decides to go in a store and buy something for me", "hypothesis": "I like when we go shopping together."} {"idx": "mnli-13951", "premise": "Prior to implementing sampling procedures, a sampling plan should be developed.", "hypothesis": "Sampling plans should be developed first."} {"idx": "mnli-13952", "premise": "They spoke of our guys and those guys.", "hypothesis": "They told us about us and them."} {"idx": "mnli-13953", "premise": "We're adding new diagnostic procedures each day.", "hypothesis": "We are using new diagnostic procedures each day that are safer."} {"idx": "mnli-13954", "premise": "No one individual should control all key aspects of a transaction or event.", "hypothesis": "Transactions should be varied in response "} {"idx": "mnli-13955", "premise": "NORTHWEST", "hypothesis": "Southeast."} {"idx": "mnli-13956", "premise": "WINZ's monitoring of its payment accuracy is discussed further in the case illustration on the following page.", "hypothesis": "Page number 34 contains WINZ's monitoring information also."} {"idx": "mnli-13957", "premise": "of course we kind of concentrate on there wasn't much to take out of the country i felt like we're going in and taken all their um their gold or oil or bananas or coffee or anything like that because uh it just", "hypothesis": "The country was plentiful."} {"idx": "mnli-13958", "premise": "That is, reliability of the findings is developed through the multiple data sources within each type.", "hypothesis": "Multiple data sources have no impact on reliability."} {"idx": "mnli-13959", "premise": "When stock prices fell by a quarter in one day in 1987, the American economy barely noticed, thanks largely to quick action by Greenspan's Federal Reserve.", "hypothesis": "The Greenspan's Federal Reserve saved the American economy despite stock prices falling."} {"idx": "mnli-13960", "premise": "In addition, some proposals would fundamentally alter the program structure by setting up individual retirement accounts.", "hypothesis": "All the current proposals would make no changes to the program."} {"idx": "mnli-13961", "premise": "Targeting all the funds to priority areas, targeting the majority of the funds to priority areas, and targeting the majority of the funds to non-priority areas.", "hypothesis": "There are three ways that funds can be targeted."} {"idx": "mnli-13962", "premise": "yeah that's nice out through there i've got a", "hypothesis": "That's really nice "} {"idx": "mnli-13963", "premise": "Three things you will need if you are a 110-year-old black writer intent on composing your autobiography on a manual typewriter in an outdoor location where New York police officers may happen to walk by.", "hypothesis": "Some people use manual typewriters to write with."} {"idx": "mnli-13964", "premise": "We were friends.", "hypothesis": "We were best friends."} {"idx": "mnli-13965", "premise": "I took the cord out of the wall from the fax machine, Mr. Bookstaver said in a recent interview. ", "hypothesis": "Mr Bookstaver told the interviewer that it was his wife who had pulled the fax machine's cord from the wall."} {"idx": "mnli-13966", "premise": "But Congress won't be able to impeach him if the Republican majority has squandered its authority by overplaying an arguably lesser scandal that most people think boils down to lying about sex.", "hypothesis": "If the Republican majority does something to squander its authority, Congress will not be able to impeach him. "} {"idx": "mnli-13967", "premise": "Every scene is weighted, emotionally significant, resplendent with the thick texture of feeling and history, writes New York 's Denby.", "hypothesis": "The climax of the book brought out the most emotions of the readers"} {"idx": "mnli-13968", "premise": "Skepticism, as Bradley defines it, is about whether a big-money political system will let his vision come true.", "hypothesis": "Bradley says skepticism is about whether a political system will allow his plan to come true "} {"idx": "mnli-13969", "premise": "From here it is a steep journey up to the village of Olimbos, which still holds fast to its traditional way of life.", "hypothesis": "Goats, sheep, and chickens can be seen circling the narrow square of Olimbos."} {"idx": "mnli-13970", "premise": "There wasn't?", "hypothesis": "Was it there?"} {"idx": "mnli-13971", "premise": "Accordingly, he wished them goodbye, and they left the hotel.", "hypothesis": "Accordingly, he hugged them and led the out of the hotel."} {"idx": "mnli-13972", "premise": "Witness the new anti-sweatshop consortium, featuring Nike, Liz Claiborne, Kathie Lee Gifford, et.", "hypothesis": "There are many witnesses present at the anti-sweatshop consortium."} {"idx": "mnli-13973", "premise": "She was given to changing her 55 mind as to her testamentary dispositions, now benefiting one, now another member of her family.", "hypothesis": "She tended to change her mind when confronted."} {"idx": "mnli-13974", "premise": "Finally, a question to which I know the Murderers yell at each other.", "hypothesis": "My answer was correct, the Murderers did hug each other."} {"idx": "mnli-13975", "premise": "The model rules explicitly reject virtually everything Feige said in his Gist piece.", "hypothesis": "The Gist piece is a body of written work."} {"idx": "mnli-13976", "premise": "The taste was more awful than any he could imagine.", "hypothesis": "It was delicious tasting!"} {"idx": "mnli-13977", "premise": "We then conducted case studies at a number of private and public organizations.", "hypothesis": "We didnt do any case studies."} {"idx": "mnli-13978", "premise": "There is a tearoom on the premises.", "hypothesis": "They have a tearoom."} {"idx": "mnli-13979", "premise": "he'd be lucky if he can get an assistant uh job someplace", "hypothesis": "He would be fortunate if he could even get a job as an assistant. "} {"idx": "mnli-13980", "premise": "Alternatively, it can be considered a lower bound on the stand-alone cost of city delivery.", "hypothesis": "The stand alone cost of city delivery is lower bound."} {"idx": "mnli-13981", "premise": "The Mus??e du Docteur-Faure (Villa des Chimyres, Boulevard des Cetes) contains some Rodin bronzes and watercolors, and works by Degas, Sisley, Corot, and C??zanne.", "hypothesis": "The area is known for its history of art."} {"idx": "mnli-13982", "premise": "Some examples, taken from the delightful Samuel Johnson Sound Bite Page maintained by Frank Lynch.", "hypothesis": "Samuel Johnson Sound Bite Page is maintained solely by Ray Stallone. "} {"idx": "mnli-13983", "premise": "An early proponent of make love, not war, Rubens shows Venus restraining Mars in his vivid Consequences of War and portrays himself on the far left of his Four Philosophers (Hall 7, Mars).", "hypothesis": "Ruben portrays himself on the far right of his Four Philosophers."} {"idx": "mnli-13984", "premise": "He pointed into the smithy.", "hypothesis": "He pointed at the man in the smithy. "} {"idx": "mnli-13985", "premise": "Oh yes, I'd like a lighter, please.", "hypothesis": "Can I have a cigarette and a lighter."} {"idx": "mnli-13986", "premise": "Both the Chapel and Examination Hall were designed by Sir William Chambers, the architect responsible for Marino Casino .", "hypothesis": "Sir William Chambers was a failed architect with no work remaining."} {"idx": "mnli-13987", "premise": "He looked over at Susan.", "hypothesis": "He looked over at the woman who was sharpening a sword."} {"idx": "mnli-13988", "premise": "But after so many years closed off from the rest of Europe, of equal significance was the injection of foreign influences into Franco's once hermetically sealed Spain.", "hypothesis": "However the 20 years isolated from the rest of Europe."} {"idx": "mnli-13989", "premise": "Former corporate wife Lorna Wendt won a $20-million divorce judgment against her ex-husband, GE Capital Services CEO Gary Wendt.", "hypothesis": "Lorna did not win any money after going to court against her ex-husband."} {"idx": "mnli-13990", "premise": "The view of Ibiza, the sea, and the Spanish mainland is worth it, however.", "hypothesis": "The view of Ibiza is not really worth it."} {"idx": "mnli-13991", "premise": "I make that to be about 11 percent.", "hypothesis": "11 percent of each human being is made up on fats."} {"idx": "mnli-13992", "premise": "And, (5) what are key issues in evaluating national saving?", "hypothesis": "What aren't issues in national savings"} {"idx": "mnli-13993", "premise": "and uh and now they know that the number or percentage of smokers is is less than the the uh the people who do not smoke then they can go ahead and do that um", "hypothesis": "No one smokes at all so the percentage or quantity of smokers is irrelevant."} {"idx": "mnli-13994", "premise": "\"Tonight?\" Tobe Kells made a quick examination.", "hypothesis": "Is it happening tonight?"} {"idx": "mnli-13995", "premise": "they've recently voted that Spanish is the official language which i always assumed it was anyway", "hypothesis": "Spanish has recently been made the official language."} {"idx": "mnli-13996", "premise": "At once lush and frightening, Tout de Suite literally vibrates with intimations of Davis' future explorations beyond jazz.", "hypothesis": "Tout de Suite is playing Davis's music."} {"idx": "mnli-13997", "premise": "SOUTHEAST", "hypothesis": "Our goal is to reach the North Pole."} {"idx": "mnli-13998", "premise": "A more plausible story is that bicycle shoppers like to visit fancy showrooms with knowledgeable sales staffs but then buy from discounters.", "hypothesis": "Bicycle shoppers prefer to save money when they buy from discounters."} {"idx": "mnli-13999", "premise": "Adrin's own off-hand dagger came up, the tip and guard catching Jon's blade.", "hypothesis": "Jon and Adrin were taking an acting class and learning how to fight onstage. "} {"idx": "mnli-14000", "premise": "The populations of all three islands played a major role in the fight for Greek statehood at the beginning of the 19th century.", "hypothesis": "The beginning of the 19th century saw the fight for Greek statehood."} {"idx": "mnli-14001", "premise": "It is the rate used to credit interest to the dividend fund, and against which experience is measured to determine the amount of the interest portion of dividends paid to individual policyholders.", "hypothesis": "The amount of interest paid to policyholders is a function of a formula. "} {"idx": "mnli-14002", "premise": "Delightful, typical old Jerusalem stone house with a charming garden terrace.", "hypothesis": "The old Jerusalem house is made of stone and has a garden terrace."} {"idx": "mnli-14003", "premise": "so that's scary", "hypothesis": "I am afraid of it."} {"idx": "mnli-14004", "premise": "The man stepped back, blood gushing through his fingers from his ruined face.", "hypothesis": "The man's face was injured. "} {"idx": "mnli-14005", "premise": "it'd be nice if justice traveled that quickly but but it sure it it sure doesn't", "hypothesis": "Justice doesn't come quickly, but I wish it did."} {"idx": "mnli-14006", "premise": "With poverty down, politicians are raiding food-stamp surpluses for extra cash.", "hypothesis": "Politicians are are using food stamp surpluses for more money while poverty is low."} {"idx": "mnli-14007", "premise": "The accompanying It's your money slogan, while unconvincing to both voters and pundits, is fundamentally true.", "hypothesis": "The \"It's your money\" slogan is unconvincing, but true."} {"idx": "mnli-14008", "premise": "To combat highway congestion and pollution, L.A. is now building a much-needed light rail network.", "hypothesis": "The light rail network that L.A. is building has been pushed for by residents for many years."} {"idx": "mnli-14009", "premise": "'Where do you think you're going?'", "hypothesis": "I don't care if you leave."} {"idx": "mnli-14010", "premise": "1 shows one way to present this kind of analysis.", "hypothesis": "The analysis was shown in two ways."} {"idx": "mnli-14011", "premise": "it's yeah and there's no warranty", "hypothesis": "It definitely has a warranty."} {"idx": "mnli-14012", "premise": "of course it's real hot here too you know", "hypothesis": "It is really hot during both summer and winter here."} {"idx": "mnli-14013", "premise": "Examples included denial of service, unauthorized access, data compromise, system damage, copyright infringement, and unauthorized commercial activity.", "hypothesis": "Unauthorized commercial activity is one of the examples."} {"idx": "mnli-14014", "premise": "as a recurring character every week", "hypothesis": "There aren't any recurring characters."} {"idx": "mnli-14015", "premise": "Guangzhou's most important Buddhist monument is the 1,400-year-old Temple of the Six Banyan Trees (open 8am 5pm).", "hypothesis": "The Temple of the Six Banyan Trees is open for about nine hours a day."} {"idx": "mnli-14016", "premise": "Sample the taste of ackee cooked with saltfish, Jamaica's national dish, and the smell of hot jerk pork cooked in a pit barbecue.", "hypothesis": "Ackee cooked with saltfish is not available for sampling. "} {"idx": "mnli-14017", "premise": "His hometown was Ornans.", "hypothesis": "He still lives in Ornans to this day."} {"idx": "mnli-14018", "premise": "well i'm sure it's been done i'm sure it has been done well they have weddings for dogs now and cats and you know you they have all that parties for them where they dress up i've seen it in", "hypothesis": "You know it's illegal to dress up your dogs and cats right?"} {"idx": "mnli-14019", "premise": "In the absence of an indigenous alphabet, Japanese scholars had with the greatest difficulty tried to adapt the complex ideograms of monosyllabic Chinese to the essentially polysyllabic Japanese.", "hypothesis": "Japanese scholars adapted monosyllabic Japanese to polysyllabic Chinese."} {"idx": "mnli-14020", "premise": "It is also, needless to say, free of any taint of bias or corruption.", "hypothesis": "It reeks of bias, and appears to be nothing but corruption, costumed and paraded as something better than it actually is."} {"idx": "mnli-14021", "premise": "Meanwhile, the Capitol is up for sale.", "hypothesis": "The Capitol building is for sale for ten million dollars."} {"idx": "mnli-14022", "premise": "The vast grounds have been turned into a leisure park (open summer only) which has more than forty attractions.", "hypothesis": "The leisure park is only open in the summer because the temperatures are too cold any other time."} {"idx": "mnli-14023", "premise": "The bones of escaped brill still littered the trails between Fena Set and Fena Dim as a grim reminder of the lethality of the torrent.", "hypothesis": "There were no traces left of the lethal events that had happened earlier. "} {"idx": "mnli-14024", "premise": "Today the Palais-Royal is a chic self-contained neighborhood of expensive apartments, shops, and restaurants.", "hypothesis": "The Palais-Royal is both chic and expensive to rent in."} {"idx": "mnli-14025", "premise": "The prior Executive Order contained a similar requirement now found at Section 3(b)(2)(A) of the newly effective Order requiring that the preemptive effect of the rule be specified.", "hypothesis": "The two orders had nothing in common."} {"idx": "mnli-14026", "premise": "Don't worry about the risk to endangered animal species most Egyptian ivory is camel or donkey bone, not elephant tusk.", "hypothesis": "Camel and donkey bones are sometimes used for making ivory."} {"idx": "mnli-14027", "premise": "Another of Funchal's loveliest gardens, five minutes away by car is Quinta da Boa Vista (Rua Luis Figueiroa de Albuquerque).", "hypothesis": "The Quinta da Boa Vista is located 50 minutes away by car."} {"idx": "mnli-14028", "premise": "I have thought of something ", "hypothesis": "My idea will make things easier"} {"idx": "mnli-14029", "premise": "The milk advocates rightly point out that physical activity, particularly the kind that requires weight-bearing, is crucial to bone growth and maintenance.", "hypothesis": "Bone growth is hindered by physical activity."} {"idx": "mnli-14030", "premise": "We anticipate this revision of the standards, when finalized, will become effective for financial audits of periods ending on or after January 1, 2003, and for attestation engagements and performance audits beginning on or after January 1, 2003.", "hypothesis": "These rules are a sharp departure from earlier versions."} {"idx": "mnli-14031", "premise": "The first prong would represent basic reporting applicable to all public companies.", "hypothesis": "It is vital that any good reporter sticks to the basic reporting methods."} {"idx": "mnli-14032", "premise": "Table 1, line 6 shows that under a domestic postage-based system, the U.S.", "hypothesis": "The first line of the sixth table above."} {"idx": "mnli-14033", "premise": "i mean if a guy screws up you got to say okay you screwed up what do we do now and move on", "hypothesis": "If someone makes a mistake, you have to acknowledge the mistake, keep going and ask what do we do now."} {"idx": "mnli-14034", "premise": "Supposing we sit down, she said pleasantly.", "hypothesis": "They both remained standing, neither wanting to sit."} {"idx": "mnli-14035", "premise": "Most of this coast, though, is filling with hotels, villas, and apartment blocks.", "hypothesis": "The majority of the coast is filled with types of accommodation."} {"idx": "mnli-14036", "premise": "same job as he was doing only he's retired and doing it independently but uh", "hypothesis": "He's retired but doing the same work just on his own."} {"idx": "mnli-14037", "premise": "In the Internet world, where content--even good content--is proliferating rapidly, a very good filter will be needed to sort out what interests you from what doesn't.", "hypothesis": "If you do not sort things on the internet, you will eventually encounter child pornography."} {"idx": "mnli-14038", "premise": "The WP reports that the implementation of various energy-efficient measures has saved taxpayers nearly $1.", "hypothesis": "The taxpayers saved only a dollar."} {"idx": "mnli-14039", "premise": " Poussin's bittersweet Arcadian Shepherds; Watteau's melancholy Gilles and graceful Embarkation for Cythera; Dela?\u00adcroix's Liberty Guiding the People; and Courbet's penetrating study of provincial bourgeois life, Funeral at Ornans.", "hypothesis": "Courbet studied urban life."} {"idx": "mnli-14040", "premise": "Willingly. He picked up his little suit-case, and we went out through the open window in the drawing-room. ", "hypothesis": "He left his suit-case on the floor, and we went out through the door."} {"idx": "mnli-14041", "premise": "And suppose she came round again and hooked it.", "hypothesis": "There's no chance that she'll try hooking it again."} {"idx": "mnli-14042", "premise": "Produced by NYD2, a communications firm based in Somerset, the documentary features case histories of clients whose needs ranged from housing to fighting off deportation.", "hypothesis": "They documentary won an award."} {"idx": "mnli-14043", "premise": "New Cool and cloudy but no rain.", "hypothesis": "Windy and dark, without rain."} {"idx": "mnli-14044", "premise": "this is probably really a good subject for me because i really like to do uh hand work uh mostly i do needlepoint i guess", "hypothesis": "I do needlepoint most of the time, but do other things when I get bored."} {"idx": "mnli-14045", "premise": "yeah well they i think it's one of the important things", "hypothesis": "It is the most important thing to note."} {"idx": "mnli-14046", "premise": "oh probably November December until March or April i guess around April and then i went ahead and built the breezeway and the garage because i thought it was too cold to be pouring concrete outside in the winter time", "hypothesis": "I had to wait till April to build the breezeway, the owner was not happy."} {"idx": "mnli-14047", "premise": "As Van Buren knew, parties are inherently democratic, the most effective way of organizing otherwise powerless individuals.", "hypothesis": "Van Buren was running for president."} {"idx": "mnli-14048", "premise": "Early this century, the progressives were people who realized that communications and transportation technologies were pushing the scope of economic activity outward, from individual states to the United States as a whole.", "hypothesis": "Progressives in the early century, believed technologies could economically help communities."} {"idx": "mnli-14049", "premise": "I guess if I go to and fro hustling them, they ought to get busy!\" The energy of Mr. Hersheimmer was tremendous.", "hypothesis": "If I make them speed up, they will."} {"idx": "mnli-14050", "premise": "The British Are Coming!", "hypothesis": "The British are on their way to our outpost."} {"idx": "mnli-14051", "premise": "For GAO-and for most of the federal government-to compete with the private sector, we must be able to have a more flexible compensation system that can bring people into government employment at attractive pay levels.", "hypothesis": "Providing attractive pay levels is key to making this work, although what these levels are is still under heavy debate."} {"idx": "mnli-14052", "premise": "The media is going to beat it to death until he finally has to just say one way or the other.", "hypothesis": "The media will hound him until he is compelled to take a position."} {"idx": "mnli-14053", "premise": "Postal Service yields results contrary to the entry price and net avoided cost measures for the cost of the USO.", "hypothesis": "The results yielded by the Postal Service are contrary the entry price."} {"idx": "mnli-14054", "premise": "That is the case, said the doctor quietly.", "hypothesis": "The doctor quietly agreed with the other person."} {"idx": "mnli-14055", "premise": "Users should also be involved and provide support throughout the acquisition to ensure that their requirements are understood and that the resulting system is both accepted and used.", "hypothesis": "It is good for users to provide support during the acquisition so that the result is appropriate."} {"idx": "mnli-14056", "premise": "it's too many for students", "hypothesis": "It's too many homework for college students"} {"idx": "mnli-14057", "premise": "Since this world first came out of Duality, a Sather Karf has known that mystery!", "hypothesis": "Sather Karf knew nothing about that mystery."} {"idx": "mnli-14058", "premise": "It also displays the collection of Impres?\u00adsion?\u00adists and their followers transferred from the Jeu de Paume museum, which is now used for temporary exhibitions .", "hypothesis": "The museum has no space for temporary exhibits."} {"idx": "mnli-14059", "premise": "This sounds like a lot of steps.", "hypothesis": "It seemed complicated "} {"idx": "mnli-14060", "premise": "That's all there is to it.", "hypothesis": "There is nothing more to know about it."} {"idx": "mnli-14061", "premise": "However, the initial regulatory flexibility analysis indicates that the rule will result in a significant decrease in the amount of testing and Commission authorization of computer systems with a resultant reduction in economic burden.", "hypothesis": "Testing of computer systems will be reduced under this rule."} {"idx": "mnli-14062", "premise": "Central Cairo is based around the River Nile, and several modern streets and squares where you'll find most of the international hotels.", "hypothesis": "In addition to containing most of the international hotels, Central Cairo has a busy nightlife. "} {"idx": "mnli-14063", "premise": "Checking his rear, Jon chanced a glance at the river.", "hypothesis": "Jon checked behind him for demons by the river."} {"idx": "mnli-14064", "premise": "In fiscal year 2000, more than 3.8 million patients used VA health care, over 2.6 million veterans and family members received monthly VA disability compensation payments, and nearly 2.4 million graves were maintained at national cemeteries.", "hypothesis": "Veterans are not allowed to claim VA health care."} {"idx": "mnli-14065", "premise": "uh-huh or a mother some of them the fathers are raising the children", "hypothesis": "The mothers are always the parent which raises the children. "} {"idx": "mnli-14066", "premise": "It's a service to help you stay out of the courtroom, he said.", "hypothesis": "Avoiding the courtroom is the best way to help."} {"idx": "mnli-14067", "premise": "she knows what she's doing all the teachers like about half the teachers are degreed teachers and oh it makes a huge difference", "hypothesis": "The teachers are all terribly under-qualified."} {"idx": "mnli-14068", "premise": "However, the Weekly Standard attacks the author, calling him an apologist for dictator Enver Hoxha.", "hypothesis": "The author has earned praise from the Weekly Standard for his sharp criticism of dictator Enver Hoxha."} {"idx": "mnli-14069", "premise": "But I'm not a nurse, thank heaven, I work in the dispensary.\"", "hypothesis": "I do not work in the dispensary as I am a nurse. "} {"idx": "mnli-14070", "premise": "There was no reason in the wide world why Don Cazar should expect him to be anyone except Drew Kirby.", "hypothesis": "Don Cazar did not have reason to expect Drew Kirby to be anyone else but himself."} {"idx": "mnli-14071", "premise": "There are numerous set and theme changes, plenty of water use, and a number in which the dancers (topless at the late show) come into the audience.", "hypothesis": "There are no set changes or special effects."} {"idx": "mnli-14072", "premise": "OSI will inform the agency of any serious security issues discovered during these operations shortly after the operations have been completed and before any of the related findings are made public.", "hypothesis": "The OSI will inform the agency at the same time as the public."} {"idx": "mnli-14073", "premise": "Drink it at once! Imperiously she pressed the glass to the girl's lips.", "hypothesis": "She put an amber glass to the girl's mouth. "} {"idx": "mnli-14074", "premise": "yeah yeah it's not bad so you don't need you don't need money for gasoline you don't need money you know incidentals uh for coffee when i come into work in the morning and things like that but other than that um it looks like we're probably going towards a cashless society", "hypothesis": "A lot of people are still doing their payments in cash."} {"idx": "mnli-14075", "premise": "teaching oh yes", "hypothesis": "Teaching math, yes."} {"idx": "mnli-14076", "premise": "[Hersh has] disassembled and obliterated his own career and reputation.", "hypothesis": "Hersh has ruined his career and reputation."} {"idx": "mnli-14077", "premise": "Specifically, reduced rates for books would be eliminated, and even if there were a separate subclass for them, it would not have rates that are invariant with distance.", "hypothesis": "A separate subclass for books is unlikely as the goal is partially to streamline the system."} {"idx": "mnli-14078", "premise": "yeah oh my mom and dad read all the time", "hypothesis": "Neither of my parents likes to read."} {"idx": "mnli-14079", "premise": "The artifacts that most people put at the top of their lists are on the second floor, so you may want to head there first before you get worn out.", "hypothesis": "The most attractive artifacts are on the second floor"} {"idx": "mnli-14080", "premise": "right well and i think uh you touched on it you know you've got to start them at the home", "hypothesis": "I think it is a bad idea to start them at home."} {"idx": "mnli-14081", "premise": "But I think I will only ask them to go.\"", "hypothesis": "I'll just suggest they leave."} {"idx": "mnli-14082", "premise": "The floor jumped, and for an instant everything felt lighter.", "hypothesis": "I felt the earthquake move the floor."} {"idx": "mnli-14083", "premise": "Here, luxurious homes and landscaped lawns sit on some of the most expensive real estate in the world.", "hypothesis": "No other homes match the luxurity or elite status of these homes."} {"idx": "mnli-14084", "premise": "they don't kill them no they've taken and they're all like um like nine anywhere from nine to twelve years old i think is what they've been", "hypothesis": "They don't kill them, they take them."} {"idx": "mnli-14085", "premise": "Ah, welcome mehsye Czarek, Rysia from the Wegorek Palace said, 'You know, I met that Borys the actor, he was very nice and I even liked his play that he did for us at the palace.", "hypothesis": "Rysia was from the Smith Palace."} {"idx": "mnli-14086", "premise": "The article notes that Easton Ellis is gay and makes veiled remarks about McInerney's sexuality.", "hypothesis": "The article comments about both Eliis and Mcnerney's sexuality."} {"idx": "mnli-14087", "premise": "What the hell does he expect me to do?\" Dave asked hotly.", "hypothesis": "Dave was not happy with the too high expectations. "} {"idx": "mnli-14088", "premise": "Among the most important work that GAO has done are reviews related to the Year 2000 (Y2K) computing challenge.", "hypothesis": "The Y2K computing challenge reviews are some of the most important work conducted by the GAO."} {"idx": "mnli-14089", "premise": "The Provost's House on the southwest corner of College Green was built in the late 18th century and is one of the finest houses in the city.", "hypothesis": "College Green is the finest House in the city."} {"idx": "mnli-14090", "premise": "However, there were significant differences in how the agencies had implemented these capabilities.", "hypothesis": "Some agencies wanted to use the resources to fight the enemies while others wanted to use them for defense."} {"idx": "mnli-14091", "premise": "Feminists ignore Clinton's heinous behavior because they belong to the establishment and are friendly with Bill and Hillary.", "hypothesis": "Clinton had acceptable behavior."} {"idx": "mnli-14092", "premise": "Among his many accomplishments, Dr. Johnson was the first of the great Scot-bashers, elevating a common anti-immigrant prejudice to a wittier sort of anti-immigrant prejudice and a way to tweak his great friend James Boswell.", "hypothesis": "Dr. Johnson had nothing but high praise for the Scots. "} {"idx": "mnli-14093", "premise": "On 3 March is the Hina Doll Festival, a special event for young girls.", "hypothesis": "The Hina Doll Festival is on March 7th."} {"idx": "mnli-14094", "premise": "FORECLOSURE - A method of enforcing payment of a debt secured by a mortgage by seizing the mortgaged property.", "hypothesis": "Foreclosure is renegotiating the terms of a mortgage."} {"idx": "mnli-14095", "premise": "For example, a couple could contribute up to $2,000 annually.", "hypothesis": "A married couple would only put in $500 per year."} {"idx": "mnli-14096", "premise": "Poirot, I said, \"what was in this particular little bottle?\" Poirot looked out of the window. ", "hypothesis": "Poirot looked out the window because he was trying to figure out a good lie."} {"idx": "mnli-14097", "premise": "In those days, a trembling boy who yearned to see a naked woman had to see her on the radio, and that took imagination.", "hypothesis": "Before television, adolescent boys had better imaginations."} {"idx": "mnli-14098", "premise": "so do you have any hobbies", "hypothesis": "Do you have any diseases?"} {"idx": "mnli-14099", "premise": "Ancient olive groves play host to donkeys and herds of goats, and low-growing vines cover the ground under tall Cypress trees the archetypal Greek landscape.", "hypothesis": "Donkeys and goats mainly live in old olive groves."} {"idx": "mnli-14100", "premise": "The Postal Service would suffer financial losses.", "hypothesis": "Financial losses would be suffered by the Political Service."} {"idx": "mnli-14101", "premise": "Between the Nipponbashi and Namba districts, try to find nearby Doguya-suji, ( Kitchen Street ), a narrow alley of restaurant wholesalers.", "hypothesis": "Doguya is the Chinese word for street."} {"idx": "mnli-14102", "premise": "He adopted an upbeat American organicism derived from Henry David Thoreau and Walt Whitman.", "hypothesis": "He did not show any regard to Whitman or Thoreau. "} {"idx": "mnli-14103", "premise": "The Commission subsequently granted a requested extension of the experiment,16 and ultimately approved a request to make the experimental program a permanent mail classification.", "hypothesis": "The experimenters asked for a two-month extension."} {"idx": "mnli-14104", "premise": "As punishment, Stephanopoulos has to go through the ordeal of another deposition and pay some of Klayman's legal costs.", "hypothesis": "Stephanopoulos has already had a deposition, and it will going through another one."} {"idx": "mnli-14105", "premise": "Then he went to the door opposite leading into Cynthia's room. ", "hypothesis": "He went to the door to Cynthia's to call on her."} {"idx": "mnli-14106", "premise": "right right that's true that's true", "hypothesis": "No, that is off by miles."} {"idx": "mnli-14107", "premise": "The fascinating Musee du Cham?\u00adpignon (Saint Hilaire Saint Florent) explains the whole process and displays fossils found in the caves as well as a troglo?\u00addyte family's home.", "hypothesis": "Fossils are displayed but there is no explanation of how they were found."} {"idx": "mnli-14108", "premise": "Saint-Malo suffered severe bomb damage during World War II, but the old town, surrounded on three sides by the sea, has been tastefully restored.", "hypothesis": "The town was never restored following the bomb damage it took in World War II."} {"idx": "mnli-14109", "premise": "An orange contractor card automatically gets you seated in Siberia.", "hypothesis": "An orange contractor card is frowned upon in Siberia."} {"idx": "mnli-14110", "premise": "His girlfriend had dumped him, he got fired, his bank card was cancelled and he was evicted.", "hypothesis": "He broke up with his girlfriend, started a new job, cut up his credit cards, and moved out of his mom's basement."} {"idx": "mnli-14111", "premise": "yeah well how did you like your Volvo", "hypothesis": "How did you like your Volvo, compared to the car you had before it?"} {"idx": "mnli-14112", "premise": "well me i'm going and my daughter down in Austin", "hypothesis": "My daughter lives in Austin."} {"idx": "mnli-14113", "premise": "as opposed to well", "hypothesis": "Instead of higher salaries."} {"idx": "mnli-14114", "premise": "The New York Times ' Caryn James says it undermined the whole episode, making Ambush something the show has never been before and isn't likely to be terminally dull.", "hypothesis": "Caryn James said Ambush was always terminally dull and this episode was actually pretty exciting."} {"idx": "mnli-14115", "premise": "For it is of the most complicated! ", "hypothesis": "It is very complicated for people to solve the puzzle."} {"idx": "mnli-14116", "premise": "and i think the two thirty five came because they could people could get into them for a down payment of something like two hundred and thirty five dollars", "hypothesis": "The down payment is about $235."} {"idx": "mnli-14117", "premise": "Not all anthropologists agree.", "hypothesis": "Not everyone that is in the field of anthropology agrees."} {"idx": "mnli-14118", "premise": "Is money money similarly presages Bob Dole on the 1996 campaign stump reminding people, It's your money!", "hypothesis": "Bob Dole wanted people to be in control of how money was spent."} {"idx": "mnli-14119", "premise": "If, after concluding a deal, you try to pay with a credit card, he may then boost the price in order to cover the card charges.", "hypothesis": "If you pay with a credit card, he will give you a discount."} {"idx": "mnli-14120", "premise": "oh well good good you have a little time think about that i guess i i have uh when i was teaching school i saw many kids so many kids that were at loose ends", "hypothesis": "You don't have time to think about it."} {"idx": "mnli-14121", "premise": " A hand closed over Dave's eyes, and the voice of the nurse whispered in his ear.", "hypothesis": "Dave knew the voice of the nurse."} {"idx": "mnli-14122", "premise": "According to the only study of South Carolina gamblers, the state seems to have a problem-gambling rate twice as high as Nevada's.)", "hypothesis": "South Carolina residents don't gamble at all."} {"idx": "mnli-14123", "premise": "The very heart of the city's centro storico, it was begun in 1296 under Arnolfo di Cambio, although the imposing green, white, and rosemarble neo-Gothic facade was completed only six centuries later.", "hypothesis": "The centro storico's construction took so long because the city could barely afford it."} {"idx": "mnli-14124", "premise": "really yeah i hadn't thought about that um-hum", "hypothesis": "That's something I hadn't considered."} {"idx": "mnli-14125", "premise": "Although his parents are very open and mostly mind their own business, there is one issue that leaves me in a tight spot.", "hypothesis": "I have one issue with his parents despite them being quiet and respectful."} {"idx": "mnli-14126", "premise": "um the only one that i watch religiously is LA Law", "hypothesis": "I don't think I have ever watched LA Law."} {"idx": "mnli-14127", "premise": "One of the boys, the smallest, smiled at Susan.", "hypothesis": "Susan saw a frown on the boy's face."} {"idx": "mnli-14128", "premise": "By the way, said Julius suddenly, \"you're all wrong about that photograph of Jane.", "hypothesis": "Julius knows something about the origin of that photograph of Jane that most people don't. "} {"idx": "mnli-14129", "premise": "The church is dedicated to Mary, representing her 175 times in the various sculptures and windows.", "hypothesis": "The church, which is dedicated to Mary, features only two depictions of her, a large statue and a stained glass window."} {"idx": "mnli-14130", "premise": "Thoroughly destroyed by war , it is economically devastated and ethnically divided.", "hypothesis": "United by its diversity, the country is recording record economic growth."} {"idx": "mnli-14131", "premise": "The H-2A workers' presence in the United States under the temporary worker visa entitled them to LSC eligibility.", "hypothesis": "A lot of the H-2A workers are not aware of their LSC eligibility."} {"idx": "mnli-14132", "premise": "It's no surprise that the majors want open skies when it suits them and closed skies when it doesn't.", "hypothesis": "The majors would prefer to let the weather do as it pleases."} {"idx": "mnli-14133", "premise": "As a result, some lower-class whites no longer felt singled out to carry the burden of integration.", "hypothesis": "All whites felt singled out to carry the burden of integration."} {"idx": "mnli-14134", "premise": "In the Lodore area, it's worth taking a detour to see Lodore Falls, situated behind the Lodore Hotel.", "hypothesis": "Lodore Falls can be found nearby the Lodore Hotel."} {"idx": "mnli-14135", "premise": "The temple's truly unique feature is the large red-brick aqueduct behind the main buildings, which still carries water from Lake Biwa and is a popular strolling route for local residents.", "hypothesis": "The temple's unique characteristic was its grand, golden entrance."} {"idx": "mnli-14136", "premise": "The Kiosk of Emperor Trajan, a beautiful building with ornate floral capitals supported by elegant Corinthian columns, makes a striking contrast to the Egyptian temple designs.", "hypothesis": "The Kiosk of Trajan is so similar to Egyptian temples that they can be hard to tell apart."} {"idx": "mnli-14137", "premise": "restaurant, serving French cuisine, is one of the best in the area.", "hypothesis": "The diner is one of the best around it's location."} {"idx": "mnli-14138", "premise": "On these occasions, you might find it hard to compete with the many thousands of Japanese visitors who come to pay their respects.", "hypothesis": "There is hardly any competition around at all."} {"idx": "mnli-14139", "premise": "The assigned OMB control number is 0579-0015.", "hypothesis": "The only control number assigned for the OMB is 0579-0015."} {"idx": "mnli-14140", "premise": "The basement is a square kilometre in size, and that's the lab.", "hypothesis": "The basement is large."} {"idx": "mnli-14141", "premise": "Lincoln had taken the opportunity to backtrack and outflank our men.", "hypothesis": "Lincoln snuck backwards to attack from behind."} {"idx": "mnli-14142", "premise": "Challenged by the Human Rights Campaign's Elizabeth Birch in the letters column of the Dec. 8 Standard , Bennett, remarkably, dug in to defend the Cameron numbers, which he said coincided with the views of other authorities such as psychiatrist . Satinover's 1996 book, Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth , does discuss gay life spans, but cites as its authority ...", "hypothesis": "Elizabeth Birch of the Human Rights Campaign challenged iy in letters. "} {"idx": "mnli-14143", "premise": "As was the case with Reebok, Hilfiger's pursuit of the minority market has exposed him to a backlash (it's probably no accident that Lauren, whose turf he invaded, was cast as the good guy in the Klensch Style story).", "hypothesis": "The minority market pursuit was a suicide mission for Hilfiger."} {"idx": "mnli-14144", "premise": "Remember term limits?", "hypothesis": "Do you remember the term limits that exist?"} {"idx": "mnli-14145", "premise": "There is no question that Congress has expansive oversight powers with respect to agency processes and activities.", "hypothesis": "Agency processes are not overseen by Congress."} {"idx": "mnli-14146", "premise": "Even knowing it was but a statue carved by man did little to reduce his wonder.", "hypothesis": "A man carved the statue."} {"idx": "mnli-14147", "premise": "Since Jackson II, the institution has fallen sharply from grace.", "hypothesis": "Poor management has caused the institution to fall from grace."} {"idx": "mnli-14148", "premise": "OPERATING LEASE - An agreement conveying the right to use property for a limited time in exchange for periodic rental payments.", "hypothesis": "An operating lease is expensive. "} {"idx": "mnli-14149", "premise": "I can help you, said Ca'daan.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan offered to help."} {"idx": "mnli-14150", "premise": "well they are predicting rain and thunderstorms and i wouldn't be a bit surprised by what we would not be getting the same weather you had", "hypothesis": "They're forecasting sunny skies. "} {"idx": "mnli-14151", "premise": "We don't know where it came from or what the thinking was behind it.", "hypothesis": "We don't know what were its origins."} {"idx": "mnli-14152", "premise": "you know whether uh uh we would want to invest in in private schools as they're growing growing up because you know just in the Dallas area um we're not real comfortable with the with the public schools", "hypothesis": "There are no public schools in the Dallas area."} {"idx": "mnli-14153", "premise": "In the meantime, the opening of Hong Kong was the last blow to Macau's prosperity.", "hypothesis": "Hong Kong opened up."} {"idx": "mnli-14154", "premise": "To this there are two replies.", "hypothesis": "To this there are more than one reply."} {"idx": "mnli-14155", "premise": "They were written by the same author and could have been part of a matched set.", "hypothesis": "The books were by the same author. "} {"idx": "mnli-14156", "premise": "Time 's cover story is pegged to the release of testimony in the Paula Jones case.", "hypothesis": "Time's cover story is related to the testimony in the Paula Jones case."} {"idx": "mnli-14157", "premise": "Most people saving through taxpreferred retirement accounts are middle- to upper-income.", "hypothesis": "Most people saving through tax preferred retirement accounts achieve middle income or upper-income levels."} {"idx": "mnli-14158", "premise": "you know they tell you that kids can you know be impressed by all that stuff and it's true i i had a lot of things that i i nobody told me that it was all fake i was just sitting there watching it going oh jeez", "hypothesis": "There were films that no one told me weren't real, and I would watch them and say \"Oh, wow!\", but I eventually found the truth out myself."} {"idx": "mnli-14159", "premise": "In the years following his interment, the tomb entrance became covered with debris when another tomb was dug nearby, saving it from tomb robbers.", "hypothesis": "Debris covered the entrance to the tomb after a separate one was dug close to it."} {"idx": "mnli-14160", "premise": "tax rates-for both businesses and individuals.", "hypothesis": "Some businesses and individuals are exempted from taxes. "} {"idx": "mnli-14161", "premise": "All the signs here are in Korean, and there are a multitude of restaurants and a large shopping mall of Korean stores at Koreatown Plaza (Western and San Marino).", "hypothesis": "Only a few of the signs in the Koreatown Plaza are in Korean."} {"idx": "mnli-14162", "premise": "Here is a beautiful city, one that ought to make any American proud.", "hypothesis": "The city in question is universally acknowledged as being extremely ugly."} {"idx": "mnli-14163", "premise": " Don Lorenzo, por favor , will you act as banker?\"He beckoned Drew after him into a small back room which was in sharp contrast to the main part of the Four Jacks.", "hypothesis": "Four Jacks has a small room that is used for secret meetings."} {"idx": "mnli-14164", "premise": "SSA estimates that reduced program outlays resulting from the rule will be $4.", "hypothesis": "SSA states that there will not be any outlays resulting from the rule."} {"idx": "mnli-14165", "premise": "all right we're on uh hey Rick who's your favorite team", "hypothesis": "Rick's taste in baseball teams is secret to everyone."} {"idx": "mnli-14166", "premise": "Programs were requested to develop plans to coordinate and integrate their work in seven important areas--enhancing client access and efficiency in delivering high quality legal assistance; using technology to expand access and enhance services; promoting client self-help and preventive legal education and advice; coordinating legal work and training; collaborating with the private bar; expanding resources to support legal services; and designing a system configuration that enhances client services, reduces barriers and operates efficiently and effectively.", "hypothesis": "Programs are sufficient to help clients have better access to legal help."} {"idx": "mnli-14167", "premise": "If they got sick, they scrounged up the few dollars the doctor requested and received care that, while sympathetically tendered, probably wasn't worth much more than they paid for it.", "hypothesis": "They paid the doctors for treatment that wasn't worth very much."} {"idx": "mnli-14168", "premise": "This awareness can also help auditors judge whether possible findings could be significant to various possible users.", "hypothesis": "Auditors see no benefit in looking at the findings."} {"idx": "mnli-14169", "premise": "yeah really so i enjoy aerobics and i do it because i like it i mean i like the music and", "hypothesis": "I do a lot of aerobics because of the music."} {"idx": "mnli-14170", "premise": "so what is happened now is that those people that did not register them are um", "hypothesis": "The people who did not register are in the thousands."} {"idx": "mnli-14171", "premise": "they they cost you practically nothing from one to five and then slowly but surely starts to creep up when they start to take lessons but uh it's well worth it and everything", "hypothesis": "They are most expensive between one and five."} {"idx": "mnli-14172", "premise": "Mainly I am happy and proud--not just because he is a TV Star but because he is a TV Star in addition to being a good son, a good father, a good writer, and an energetic worker for many good public causes.", "hypothesis": "I'm proud that he is a good son of mine as well as an actor."} {"idx": "mnli-14173", "premise": "and she wanted to paint the shed it's a it's a wooden shed uh and she took it and they've got this machine that matches the color of paint", "hypothesis": "There was this brick shed that she wanted to throw eggs at. "} {"idx": "mnli-14174", "premise": "How could I, when I have so often written that they will not?", "hypothesis": "I have reported that they have countless times in the past."} {"idx": "mnli-14175", "premise": "often refer to these initiatives as state planning's companion initiatives, and these initiatives - competition, the quality initiative, the diversity initiative, technology initiative grants, the matters initiative, our efforts to enhance services for self-represented litigants, the Legal Resource Library, to name just a few - have become as important to the creation of a world-class delivery system as state planning has proved itself to be.", "hypothesis": "There are only five important companion initiatives. "} {"idx": "mnli-14176", "premise": "The New York Times reports that economists with the Army Corps of Engineers, charged with executing a cost-benefit analysis of un-damming the Snake River in eastern Washington, plan to factor in something they call existence value--the value of the psychic benefit people get from knowing the river is running wild.", "hypothesis": "The New York Times has made no reference to the un-damming of the Snake River."} {"idx": "mnli-14177", "premise": "Care Corporation and the Franklin C. Fetter Family", "hypothesis": "Franklin C. Fetter Family is associated with Care Corporation. "} {"idx": "mnli-14178", "premise": "sometimes i think i am going crazy trying to do it but", "hypothesis": "I think what I'm attempting to do is a perfectly sane thing to do."} {"idx": "mnli-14179", "premise": "well actually there's a gentleman down in Atlanta who has invented a process using a certain acid and he can take a tire and turn it into immediately burnable oil", "hypothesis": "A guy down south can make a tire into oil."} {"idx": "mnli-14180", "premise": "Didn't have anythin' to go back to there.", "hypothesis": "All my family and friends were no longer there. "} {"idx": "mnli-14181", "premise": "You have made rather a hog of yourself! ", "hypothesis": "You've made a pig out of yourself."} {"idx": "mnli-14182", "premise": "Then you won't do as I ask you?", "hypothesis": "You are going to do what I want, then? "} {"idx": "mnli-14183", "premise": "yeah well we wouldn't have to worry about that", "hypothesis": "You don't want to worry about that so think about something else. "} {"idx": "mnli-14184", "premise": "Department of the Treasury and other public and private organizations.", "hypothesis": "The Treasury Department and other private and public organizations."} {"idx": "mnli-14185", "premise": "well see i would prefer the cold i'm from southern California", "hypothesis": "I would prefer when it's cold because I hate the heat."} {"idx": "mnli-14186", "premise": "law enforcement officials throughout the United States and Canada rely on", "hypothesis": "The law enforcement in Canada rely on it."} {"idx": "mnli-14187", "premise": "For centuries it has been called the Echizen region, and that culturally significant name has definitely stuck.", "hypothesis": "The region is called the Echizen region. "} {"idx": "mnli-14188", "premise": "Michelangelo paints Sistine Chapel ceiling", "hypothesis": "The artist who painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling is unknown."} {"idx": "mnli-14189", "premise": "Poor Emily was never murdered until he came along. ", "hypothesis": "He killed Emily by shooting her."} {"idx": "mnli-14190", "premise": "This is a family of techniques, some of which have been adapted for computers and some of which use wall-space.", "hypothesis": "There are techniques for mapping the human genome that make use of computers and wall-space."} {"idx": "mnli-14191", "premise": "They had a greater tolerance for weight gain, saying it would take a 20 pound gain before they took action, as opposed to the 10 pound gain that would trigger action in higher-income women.", "hypothesis": "They would take action for a gain of only 5 pounds."} {"idx": "mnli-14192", "premise": "The popular phrase Soon come indicates an apparent lack of concern about time and an unhurried attitude to daily tasks.", "hypothesis": "The phrase soon come shows a dedicated attitude to daily tasks."} {"idx": "mnli-14193", "premise": "Either labor can get it directly from the boss, or labor can get it from the boss via Congress.", "hypothesis": "Labor needs to make a choice and inform the organizations involved."} {"idx": "mnli-14194", "premise": "The office continues to represent Head Start in low-income districts.", "hypothesis": "Head Start is lucky to be represented by the office."} {"idx": "mnli-14195", "premise": "Until tomorrow ...", "hypothesis": "Until the following day..."} {"idx": "mnli-14196", "premise": "DIRECTED FLOWS OF RESOURCES -Expenses to nonfederal entities imposed by federal laws or regulations without providing federal financing.", "hypothesis": "Companies have used resource without identifying the source of income. "} {"idx": "mnli-14197", "premise": "It will help to identify innovative, best-practice models that point the way toward more efficient and effective methods of addressing the legal needs of low income people.", "hypothesis": "That will help to identify new models that can help the legal needs of the people who have a low income."} {"idx": "mnli-14198", "premise": "huh boy you you like basketball though don't you", "hypothesis": "You are a basketball, aren't you?"} {"idx": "mnli-14199", "premise": "The press rallies to the Pulitzer Prize winner's defense on hearing that the Manhattan Theatre Club was canceling his play about a gay Jesus.", "hypothesis": "Since the writer was a Pulitzer Prize winner, journalists felt that the Manhattan Theatre Club needed to give his play a chance."} {"idx": "mnli-14200", "premise": "plus also i i'm sure that there's a legitimate reason for it but i don't understand uh personally why you have to register as a Democrat or Republican or whatever and then being being able only to vote in that that race that primary", "hypothesis": "I don't think there's a legitimate reason for it at all. "} {"idx": "mnli-14201", "premise": "The metaphor of the pulpit suggests not reading but oral and visual contact between the preacher and his flock.", "hypothesis": "Reading instead of visual contact can create a sense of disconnection with the listeners."} {"idx": "mnli-14202", "premise": "Our joint goal is to coordinate funding efforts to improve the delivery of legal services through the use of technology.", "hypothesis": "Our joint goal is to not fund the delivery of legal services"} {"idx": "mnli-14203", "premise": "For anyone who knows Washington, the idea that a roomful of slick corporate lobbyists would treat a sitting labor secretary this way is preposterous.", "hypothesis": "The idea of lobbyists treating a secretary is ridiculous in Washington."} {"idx": "mnli-14204", "premise": "Olorosos (which include the brown and cream varieties) are sweet, heavy, and dark, and go well with dessert.", "hypothesis": "Olorosos goes well with dessert."} {"idx": "mnli-14205", "premise": "When he married in 1901, he and his wife (Olga Knipper of the Moscow Art Theater) went directly from the ceremony to a honeymoon in a sanitarium.", "hypothesis": "His wife went straight to a sanitarium after their honeymoon, but she was release a few days later. "} {"idx": "mnli-14206", "premise": "If you are traveling on to another EU country, you should collect your VAT refunds at your final point of departure for home.", "hypothesis": "VAT refunds should be collected at your final point of departure, if you are travelling on to another EU country."} {"idx": "mnli-14207", "premise": "The Andersen story illustrates how a few people can do the wrong thing with catastrophic consequences for many innocent parties.", "hypothesis": "How an action taken by a small group of people can have poor outcomes for unrelated entities is well illustrated by the Anderson event."} {"idx": "mnli-14208", "premise": "Eventually his body was washed ashore, and identified beyond any possible doubt.", "hypothesis": "The body belonged to a man who was a suspected murder victim."} {"idx": "mnli-14209", "premise": "so they put they they want you know they want the best and they don't think they think what the best is is reputation for for research and that's a one standard but it's not relevant to what they need", "hypothesis": "They think research is the best but its not necessary."} {"idx": "mnli-14210", "premise": "right no that's true i mean", "hypothesis": "\"I mean that it is a lie.\""} {"idx": "mnli-14211", "premise": "Dorcas's eyes looked as though they would pop out of her head. ", "hypothesis": "Doorca's eyes looked ready to leave her sockets."} {"idx": "mnli-14212", "premise": "actually actually a little bit later like nineteen uh nineteen thirteen nineteen twelve nineteen thirteen", "hypothesis": "Yes, I think it would have been at a much earlier time like 1850."} {"idx": "mnli-14213", "premise": " \"Any chance they'll push a star after you here?\"", "hypothesis": "He is being asked if there is a chance."} {"idx": "mnli-14214", "premise": "Poirot seized his hat, gave a ferocious twist to his moustache, and, carefully brushing an imaginary speck of dust from his sleeve, motioned me to precede him down the stairs; there we joined the detectives and set out for Styles. ", "hypothesis": "I was not sure if Poirot and I would be useful or in the way of the detectives."} {"idx": "mnli-14215", "premise": "Play is activity engaged in for the enjoyment of it without regard to the financial remuneration.", "hypothesis": "People who are playing don't care about money."} {"idx": "mnli-14216", "premise": "and they said bring some tapes with you so they they are always borrowing my tapes", "hypothesis": "They ask to borrow my tapes every time I come over."} {"idx": "mnli-14217", "premise": "Couldn't let you know before at the pace you were going.", "hypothesis": "You were going too fast for me to tell you."} {"idx": "mnli-14218", "premise": "Take time, mon ami. ", "hypothesis": "Don't rush on my account. "} {"idx": "mnli-14219", "premise": "Reporting Compliance With Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards", "hypothesis": "Reporting Compliance With Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards"} {"idx": "mnli-14220", "premise": "and um called food um what's it called i forgot what it's called anyway and and lemon", "hypothesis": "I forgot the name of that food."} {"idx": "mnli-14221", "premise": "well i sort of one of the reasons it's taken so long is i've been working uh you know it's sort of half student half working and source of income and stuff so i'm actually managing to do this with zero debt", "hypothesis": "I am going part time and working so I don't have any debt but it is a struggle."} {"idx": "mnli-14222", "premise": "The immense main retable is composed of red marble, green jasper, and gilded bronze.", "hypothesis": "The immense main retable is beautiful."} {"idx": "mnli-14223", "premise": "I felt like I was betraying something.", "hypothesis": "It felt fine, I had no qualms."} {"idx": "mnli-14224", "premise": "Watch your favorite theorists tackle everybody's favorite subject, as Katha Pollitt limns 50 Progressive Ways To Make Him Scream, and Judith Butler finds Hot Honeymoon Hump Tips That Catharine MacKinnon Could Love.", "hypothesis": "Judith and Katha have performances often."} {"idx": "mnli-14225", "premise": "well i guess i would first identify myself as middle aged and therefore having seen the last generation i guess it puts me in you know gives me a perspective on that", "hypothesis": "I consider myself to be senior aged."} {"idx": "mnli-14226", "premise": "West Bow (said to be so named because it was within a bow's length of the castle walls) and Candlemakers Row are streets leading away from Cowgate Head, at the end of Grassmarket.", "hypothesis": "Candlemakers Row is extremely narrow and paved with cobblestone."} {"idx": "mnli-14227", "premise": "Good old hospital demobbed like everything else, I suppose?\" Tuppence sighed.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence works in the hospital."} {"idx": "mnli-14228", "premise": "Kat Hing Wai was built four or five centuries ago by the Hakka Tang clan, one of the Five Great Clans that migrated here from North China .", "hypothesis": "The Hakka Tang clan were one of the most brutally violent of the Five Great Clans."} {"idx": "mnli-14229", "premise": "But...excuse me, if I may make a comment, but I thought you were a dark haired guy, and not a baldie.'", "hypothesis": "Your hair is amazing, although I thought you were bald."} {"idx": "mnli-14230", "premise": "yeah they just poop and it's yeah they", "hypothesis": "They don't poop."} {"idx": "mnli-14231", "premise": "For such purposes, some Martiniquais resort to different means.", "hypothesis": "All Martiniquais resorts have the same method."} {"idx": "mnli-14232", "premise": "than to get that two cents when you take it to the store we still have bins at the grocery stores where you can turn in bottles and cans", "hypothesis": "Bring in bottles and cans and dispose of them in the grocery store bins."} {"idx": "mnli-14233", "premise": "and um who are the other two he stole two associates", "hypothesis": "He stole two associates"} {"idx": "mnli-14234", "premise": "One of the major problems HMOs are facing is inadequate Medicare reimbursement.", "hypothesis": "Medicare is deliberately reducing how much they are able to reimburse HMOs as a means to protest their practices."} {"idx": "mnli-14235", "premise": "Need the URL for Joe Conason's columns?", "hypothesis": "Joe Conason's columns are online."} {"idx": "mnli-14236", "premise": "Your prophecy is fulfilled.", "hypothesis": "Your prophecy has come to be."} {"idx": "mnli-14237", "premise": "and i knew the people involved both the people who perjured and the people who uh were defendants", "hypothesis": "I knew they would commit perjury before they even took the stand."} {"idx": "mnli-14238", "premise": "Osman Gazi was the founder of the House of Osman, the dynasty that ruled the Ottoman Empire for 600 years.", "hypothesis": "The House of Osman started with Osman Gazi and his descendants ruled the Ottoman Empire for 600 years."} {"idx": "mnli-14239", "premise": "Pig breeding was the main occupation of these early settlers, but they also planted sugar cane and other crops that required large numbers of laborers.", "hypothesis": "Pigs were a big thing to settlers."} {"idx": "mnli-14240", "premise": "Just to the south is the great Amphitheater, the oldest surviving in Italy, offering a fine view back over the town from its upper tiers.", "hypothesis": "The great Amphitheater lies to the south, but views of the town are not possible due to the large building erected in front of it."} {"idx": "mnli-14241", "premise": "Or, to quote Kael again, Mean Streets never loses touch with the ordinary look of things or with common experience.", "hypothesis": "Mean Streets also shows everyday, common people."} {"idx": "mnli-14242", "premise": "Pokemon has been banned in countless schools because kids won't stop trading cards.", "hypothesis": "Pokemon is a big part of the school curriculum."} {"idx": "mnli-14243", "premise": "The players, main and line referees, and the audience members in the first five rows had to wear surgical masks during the game, and each unsuitable or already used puck would be disposed in special bio-hazard waste containers commissioned by the Federation for specifically this purpose, and designed and produced by the Beoning company.", "hypothesis": "The players wore masks."} {"idx": "mnli-14244", "premise": "Farther along the Nablus Road, the sturdy, square, handsome tower of St. George's Cathedral, which was consecrated in 1910, is a little piece of England in the heart of Arab Jerusalem.", "hypothesis": "St. George's Cathedral was built in the English style."} {"idx": "mnli-14245", "premise": "Baron Haussmann greatly enlarged the parvis, the cathedral forecourt, diminishing the impact of the towering west front.", "hypothesis": "The cathedral forecourt is now bigger than ever."} {"idx": "mnli-14246", "premise": "They held it for only four years, but the city was razed once again (just as Jesus had prophesied), the fortress of Masada fell, and the Jews were again taken into exile and slavery.", "hypothesis": "The Jews lived happily without facing any conflict."} {"idx": "mnli-14247", "premise": "Being a Chinese spy?", "hypothesis": "A Chinese spy "} {"idx": "mnli-14248", "premise": "if they started billing people by the pound things might change drastically", "hypothesis": "If they started billing all of us by the pound, things might finally start to change. "} {"idx": "mnli-14249", "premise": "You swing like that and you will find an axe in your gut.", "hypothesis": "They were wielding the axe incorrectly."} {"idx": "mnli-14250", "premise": "Research suggests that individuals who are not financially literate tend to save less.", "hypothesis": "The key to saving money is by being financially illiterate. "} {"idx": "mnli-14251", "premise": "4 billion for Medicaid covering over 644,000 recipients.", "hypothesis": "Only 200,000 people split the $4 billion Medicaid had to offer."} {"idx": "mnli-14252", "premise": "because they they sort of pull that over on you you know like um like this is a charitable organization but actually it's not it's a come on so that they can get your name and phone number", "hypothesis": "When they have your phone number, they harass you."} {"idx": "mnli-14253", "premise": "No actors were harmed during the making of this film, only four stuntmen suffered accidents with various degrees of complications.", "hypothesis": "Four stuntmen got hurt."} {"idx": "mnli-14254", "premise": "In The Stakeholder Society , the pair present a novel plan to fight income Give all Americans a capital stake of $80,000 when they reach adulthood to spend as they wish.", "hypothesis": "The pair have a plan to fix incomes."} {"idx": "mnli-14255", "premise": "For traditional crafts, the House of Ireland, on the corner of Nassau and Dawson carries a fine selection of jewelry, crystal, and knitwear.", "hypothesis": "Nassau and Dawson are not connected to each other."} {"idx": "mnli-14256", "premise": "Dolphins and fish are popular themes, as are stylized images of Greek gods.", "hypothesis": "Images of dolphins, fish, and other animals are exceedingly rare."} {"idx": "mnli-14257", "premise": "Mr. Bookstaver's reasoning for the delay went deeper than journalistic instinct, back to his years as press officer for the Emergency Services Unit of the New York Fire Department.", "hypothesis": "He was a rookie but willing to give it his all."} {"idx": "mnli-14258", "premise": "i just i usually yeah okay well it's been fun you have a good day", "hypothesis": "this was a massive drag, have a good day"} {"idx": "mnli-14259", "premise": "We have exposed the counterrevolutionary machinations of Richard Ford and Amy Tan.", "hypothesis": "The counterrevolutionary machinations of Richard Ford and Amy Tan have been exposed, according to the report."} {"idx": "mnli-14260", "premise": "APHIS cites as statutory authorization for this rule 7 U.S.C.", "hypothesis": "APHIS has statutory authorization according to the rule 7 U.S.C."} {"idx": "mnli-14261", "premise": "right and do most for", "hypothesis": "The layoffs do a lot for our budget."} {"idx": "mnli-14262", "premise": "hum well do you think we've", "hypothesis": "Do you think we've"} {"idx": "mnli-14263", "premise": "that they were doing that i know that they originally talking about uh health", "hypothesis": "They were discussing health in the first place."} {"idx": "mnli-14264", "premise": "(Click here for more on the book.)", "hypothesis": "If you want to know more on the movie, click here."} {"idx": "mnli-14265", "premise": "well it's not like leaving home when you take it with you the whole idea is to get away from it", "hypothesis": "You don't want to bring the stress with you. "} {"idx": "mnli-14266", "premise": "How do you think I can look for them if you keep me tied by the leg here?", "hypothesis": "I can't look for them because you're holding me back."} {"idx": "mnli-14267", "premise": "uh-huh well um i we just recently graduated from Rice University and uh we were going through a lot of job interviews and things and some of the things that were important to me my uh when my husband was looking for his job was um hours you know we he had been in graduate school so i was used to his not being home at all so i was you know didn't want him to have a job that", "hypothesis": "I wanted my husband to find a job that was 9-5."} {"idx": "mnli-14268", "premise": "If the others had been there, I should have done just the same.\"", "hypothesis": "If the others had been around, I should have followed suit."} {"idx": "mnli-14269", "premise": "The chapel provides an exquisite setting for chamber music concerts.", "hypothesis": "The chapel is a great place to hold chamber music concerts."} {"idx": "mnli-14270", "premise": "To avoid that, for this recommendation we would have to say something like, Problematic alcohol-use screening instruments under consideration for use in the ED should be evaluated as a component of protocols that provide alcohol-use interventions for patients to decrease problems or use.", "hypothesis": "For this recommendation we have to email something like, problematic cocaine use screening instruments under construction."} {"idx": "mnli-14271", "premise": "So Shiloh stays here at the Stronghold; don't risk him loose.\"", "hypothesis": "It was better to leave Shiloh in the Stronghold. "} {"idx": "mnli-14272", "premise": "What now? ", "hypothesis": "Something was going to happen now."} {"idx": "mnli-14273", "premise": "We've seen this model before.", "hypothesis": "They were thrilled to see something new."} {"idx": "mnli-14274", "premise": "HHS has requested emergency review of the collections because the collection of the information is needed before the expiration of the normal time limits of the act to assure guaranteeing availability of individual health insurance coverage to certain individuals with prior group coverage.", "hypothesis": "HHS has denied emergency review of the collections because it is unimportant."} {"idx": "mnli-14275", "premise": "oh that was a great one", "hypothesis": "I would recommend it to friends."} {"idx": "mnli-14276", "premise": "If you consume teen culture at all, you have surely noticed the remarkable number of sympathetic parents around.", "hypothesis": "There are a large number of sympathetic parents in teen culture."} {"idx": "mnli-14277", "premise": "Thanks to me.", "hypothesis": "I did not help in any way."} {"idx": "mnli-14278", "premise": "And please accept cookies so you can enjoy", "hypothesis": "You will enjoy regardless of if you accept cookies."} {"idx": "mnli-14279", "premise": "He thought the books of great value and so brought them here.\"Drew opened the top volume.", "hypothesis": "He was wrong about the value of the books."} {"idx": "mnli-14280", "premise": "well yours is probably the same as ours it's uh Tigon isn't Tigon uh part of GTE or vice versa or something like that", "hypothesis": "Your is likely to be the same as ours."} {"idx": "mnli-14281", "premise": "They abuse it unceasingly.", "hypothesis": "They get pleasure from abusing it."} {"idx": "mnli-14282", "premise": "and uh of course now i i do have to i remember one case where we had some Canadians in there who were every bit as bad but i mean it i think it's just kind of the North American situation uh in Panama they've been used to Americans down there for so darn long but i didn't see quite as much of that sort of thing as Panamanians are just about as as uh as as Americans as far as uh creature comforts you know they're uh they're they're every bit uh i i know when my my son was in the Air Force and he was stationed in Panama and he married a Panamanian girl and when she came up here uh you know she's you know except for the language situation some of the cultures she's just about an American you know is as far as TV and", "hypothesis": "The people of Panama maintain a distinct culture and reject popular American media."} {"idx": "mnli-14283", "premise": "i think you're right i don't think we're i think we're we'd we'd overstep our bounds if we went in and did that", "hypothesis": "If we did that, we'd be overstepping our bounds. "} {"idx": "mnli-14284", "premise": "On the same street you will also find the ticket office for the Military Tattoo (see pages 35), with an accompanying gallery and souvenir shop.", "hypothesis": "There's a souvenir shop near the ticket office but there's no gallery."} {"idx": "mnli-14285", "premise": "She signed a false affidavit in the Paula Jones case.", "hypothesis": "This was the first of many false affidavits in the case of Paula Jones."} {"idx": "mnli-14286", "premise": "Pub, restaurant.", "hypothesis": "Game room."} {"idx": "mnli-14287", "premise": "Lockheed helped build the Hubble Telescope--no surprise, really, given how it performed initially--and the space shuttle.", "hypothesis": "Lockheed helped build two very important things."} {"idx": "mnli-14288", "premise": "And yes, Steve, I do want to hear your Phil Harris theory of politics.", "hypothesis": "Steve has a Phil Harris theory of politics."} {"idx": "mnli-14289", "premise": "Do you still believe that Mrs. Inglethorp was poisoned by her husband?\"", "hypothesis": "Your theory is, her husband poisoned her?"} {"idx": "mnli-14290", "premise": "Yet the Bureau's efforts go beyond helping individual clients.", "hypothesis": "The Bureau's endeavors focus on more than just assisting individual clients."} {"idx": "mnli-14291", "premise": "They're only mandrakes, he explained.", "hypothesis": "The mandrakes looked exactly like the medicinal herb they had been hunting for."} {"idx": "mnli-14292", "premise": "I beg your pardon, he saw a man with a black beard like Mr. Inglethorp's, and wearing glasses like Mr. Inglethorp, and dressed in Mr. Inglethorp's rather noticeable clothes. ", "hypothesis": "He saw a man that appeared to be Mr. Inglethorp, accompanied by a woman."} {"idx": "mnli-14293", "premise": "Each subclass must generate sufficient revenue to cover its costs.", "hypothesis": "It is impossible to generate enough revenue, isn't it?"} {"idx": "mnli-14294", "premise": "didn't make me have um to much trouble and", "hypothesis": "They didn't want to give them trouble"} {"idx": "mnli-14295", "premise": "Electricity generators must install monitors to prove that they have sufficient allowances to match their actual emissions.", "hypothesis": "Sometimes actual emissions do not match theoretical emissions."} {"idx": "mnli-14296", "premise": "It worries me that before I thought too hard about it, I was having a pretty good time.", "hypothesis": "Once the speaker thought about it, they were no longer enjoying themselves."} {"idx": "mnli-14297", "premise": "Consequently, installation of these technologies on many coal-fired utility boilers is not expected to result in severe changes in demand for the hardware items listed.", "hypothesis": "It is not expected that there will be significant changes in demand for the hardware items."} {"idx": "mnli-14298", "premise": "The Court's decision displays not only an improper special solicitude for our own profession; it also displays, I think, the very fondness for reform through the courts- the making of innumerable social judgments through judgepronounced constitutional imperatives- that prompted Congress to restrict publicly funded litigation of this sort.", "hypothesis": "Congress restricted publicly funded litigation in the state courts."} {"idx": "mnli-14299", "premise": "He motioned to Hanson.", "hypothesis": "He used a hand gesture to communicate with hanson."} {"idx": "mnli-14300", "premise": "Campaigns are self- If Bradley gets close enough to be a real challenge to Gore, he will be subject to the same withering fire that Gore faces.", "hypothesis": "Bradley will never get enough momentum to be a real challenge to Gore in this campaign."} {"idx": "mnli-14301", "premise": "Drew mounted the mule and rode.", "hypothesis": "Drew had to walk, he didn't know how to ride a mule."} {"idx": "mnli-14302", "premise": "However, in recent years, as figure 4.1 illustrates, private saving-which is the major component of nonfederal saving-declined as federal saving rose-which is consistent with the Ricardian equivalence hypothesis.", "hypothesis": "Federal saving plummeted as private saving rose in recent years."} {"idx": "mnli-14303", "premise": "um-hum yeah i think their policy with them that though is um i don't know i think i wish we would have just i'm not that up on the policy of way i know that's kind of old but i don't know i just i'm glad that the Sandinistas aren't in power anymore because i think that they were very wicked and uh probably some of the biggest drug dealers that the world has probably ever seen and i feel like most of the leaders in Latin America are probably you would be safe to say that they were just very very you know big into drugs", "hypothesis": "Sandinistas are some of the worst drug dealers in Latin America."} {"idx": "mnli-14304", "premise": "The WJC, which is also funded by Scaife, sponsors investigative reporting for right-wing causes.", "hypothesis": "The WJC promotes investigative reporting for the GOP."} {"idx": "mnli-14305", "premise": "Time notes the rising popularity of Web palaces.", "hypothesis": "Time notes the increasing popularity of Web palaces."} {"idx": "mnli-14306", "premise": "well it's about time huh", "hypothesis": "After all, it is time. "} {"idx": "mnli-14307", "premise": "Do you mean tall or short?", "hypothesis": "Do you mean above 6 feet?"} {"idx": "mnli-14308", "premise": "Yes, suh. Anse, too, must be caught up in the same web of memory.", "hypothesis": "No sir, Anse must have no memories. "} {"idx": "mnli-14309", "premise": "We started with a budget that today wouldn't pay the salary of one staff person.", "hypothesis": "Most of the budget had to go into startup costs and there wasn't enough for a salary after that."} {"idx": "mnli-14310", "premise": "see i joined uh when this one down here opened up i joined as a VIP and the VIP gives you uh oh gives you a diet a computerized diet and they go over all your health and all your history and they show you how everything to do and how to do it and the whole nine yards so it became part of the package so i went through it", "hypothesis": "I haven't joined yet, but I'm thinking about it."} {"idx": "mnli-14311", "premise": "From a practical perspective, if stock options aren't compensation, what are they?", "hypothesis": "Stock options are what cash-strapped companies do to pay their workers."} {"idx": "mnli-14312", "premise": "And so when I picked up a copy of Bionomics , the first thing I did was check out the author's treatment of my heroes and of what I knew to have been the important . His record was Not one of the right people was mentioned, not one of the key developments discussed.", "hypothesis": "I make a habit to always read the current Bionomics."} {"idx": "mnli-14313", "premise": "Does it work both ways?I don't know,\" said Jon.", "hypothesis": "Jon knew everyting."} {"idx": "mnli-14314", "premise": "By 2030, saving the Social Security surpluses results in a", "hypothesis": "There is an increasing in the saving habits of people."} {"idx": "mnli-14315", "premise": "I don't know who the other man is, but the bigger of the two was Whittington.\" 49 Chapter 7 The House in Soho WHITTINGTON and his companion were walking at a good pace.", "hypothesis": "Whittington and the other man were walking towards the city."} {"idx": "mnli-14316", "premise": "no i have no idea but uh so you think that mostly they're they're pretty much satisfied with things the way they are", "hypothesis": "It's been that way for a long time, so they'd be hesitant to change it."} {"idx": "mnli-14317", "premise": "In the late 1870s, he defaulted on a loan from rancher Archibald Stewart, so Stewart took the Las Vegas Ranch for his own.", "hypothesis": "He didn't pay his loan back to Stewart."} {"idx": "mnli-14318", "premise": "So, unlike many Quiz participants, I won't.", "hypothesis": "I will."} {"idx": "mnli-14319", "premise": "Sharp Elbows wasn't living up to his own elevated standard of positive campaigning.", "hypothesis": "Sharp Elbows was finally living up to a standard of positive campaigning that he had set, and was beloved by his opponets."} {"idx": "mnli-14320", "premise": "But there was no easing of the pain that threatened to make him black out at any second.", "hypothesis": "He was not able to reduce the severity of the pain in time."} {"idx": "mnli-14321", "premise": "Well, Miss Tuppence, then, as I'm certainly going to be a friend.", "hypothesis": "Miss Tuppence is going to be my friend."} {"idx": "mnli-14322", "premise": "3 million for a 30-second spot) and banal products.", "hypothesis": "They did not have the means to pay for the advertisement."} {"idx": "mnli-14323", "premise": "What is the first you heard of it?\" 40 \"Well, sir, I happened to be going along the hall outside yesterday, , \"", "hypothesis": "I was outside of the hall yesterday."} {"idx": "mnli-14324", "premise": "(The same is true for another of Vietnam's most famous Eddie Adams' photo of the gun-to-temple execution of a Viet Cong.)", "hypothesis": "A Viet Cong execution photo by Adams' is one of the most famous pictures from that era."} {"idx": "mnli-14325", "premise": "She seemed living in the memory of those old glad days. ", "hypothesis": "She was reliving some horrible experiences she had had."} {"idx": "mnli-14326", "premise": "Sometimes another shock does the trick.", "hypothesis": "The person stated that sometimes, another shock works."} {"idx": "mnli-14327", "premise": "To reach the Galata Tower from the top station, turn left out of the exit and immediately left down a very steep road.", "hypothesis": "It is possible to get to the top station from Galata Tower."} {"idx": "mnli-14328", "premise": "The grant will pay the salaries of two lawyers and an intake specialist for 18 months at the center, which will operate out of rented space in Salem's old Masonic building at 70 Washington St. Center organizers hope to obtain more funds to extend the program.", "hypothesis": "Seventeen lawyers will be paid for by the grant."} {"idx": "mnli-14329", "premise": "The New England Journal of Medicine rushed the story to press.", "hypothesis": "The press was readily available to receive the story that the Journal of Medicine had to offer them."} {"idx": "mnli-14330", "premise": "(I'm sure both projects will come in on budget, and that the retractable roof will work flawlessly.)", "hypothesis": "A retractable roof may not last more than 15 years."} {"idx": "mnli-14331", "premise": "some of it's fun but the cutting of grass and i just don't enjoy that", "hypothesis": "I enjoy cutting the grass."} {"idx": "mnli-14332", "premise": "Gail D'Onofrio noted that her planned study will use physicians, physician assistants, and senior emergency medicine residents to deliver brief interventions for injured and non-injured harmful and hazardous drinkers.", "hypothesis": "The study will focus on long term interventions for people who are at risk of one day drinking."} {"idx": "mnli-14333", "premise": "Our profession, the performance and accountability profession, currently faces a crisis of confidence that must be addressed not only for the good of our profession but also for the good of our country and the nation's capital markets.", "hypothesis": "Our profession has never enjoyed greater trust and confidence."} {"idx": "mnli-14334", "premise": "(Adapted from Kohler's Dictionary for Accountants)", "hypothesis": "Kohler's Dictionary for Accountants is a very outdated book that has no use. "} {"idx": "mnli-14335", "premise": "she says.", "hypothesis": "She talks about food."} {"idx": "mnli-14336", "premise": "12 No unreasonable offer refused.' ", "hypothesis": "I won't turn down an offer of $1,000."} {"idx": "mnli-14337", "premise": "In the Algarve, dinghies and sailing instruction are available at Praia de Luz, Quinta do Lago, and Portimao.", "hypothesis": "Portimao does not have any ships."} {"idx": "mnli-14338", "premise": "yeah as long as Troy Aikman doesn't get hurt again that kind of killed them at the end of the season last year", "hypothesis": "If he gets hurt again, that's going to be great."} {"idx": "mnli-14339", "premise": "those are expensive machines", "hypothesis": "Those machines cost a lot."} {"idx": "mnli-14340", "premise": "Turkish coffee (kahve) is strong, black, and served complete with grounds in a small espresso cup, with a glass of water on the side.", "hypothesis": "Turkish coffe is weak, white, and served with complete grounds in a big cup."} {"idx": "mnli-14341", "premise": "The Commission did not identify any other statutes or executive orders imposing requirements relevant to this Report and Order.", "hypothesis": "Since the commission did not identify their requirements, we our on our own."} {"idx": "mnli-14342", "premise": "Now I find I hate returning e-mails.", "hypothesis": "I despise returning emails to people now, they can be so tedious. "} {"idx": "mnli-14343", "premise": "And pretty too. ", "hypothesis": "and ugly too."} {"idx": "mnli-14344", "premise": "Severn dug trenches and holes near the support.", "hypothesis": "There were trenches near the support."} {"idx": "mnli-14345", "premise": "Stalls here sell books, used clothes, cheese and jams, and a variety of flea-market stuff.", "hypothesis": "The cheese and jams sold here are local products."} {"idx": "mnli-14346", "premise": "That's basically a mathematical proposition, which I have translated into English in this column.", "hypothesis": "You'll still need some background in mathematics to understand the English version of the proposition."} {"idx": "mnli-14347", "premise": "But thankfully, CaleLlonga's worst problems are a thing of the past, and pollution, which was once rampant, has been halted by the construction of a sewage plant some distance away.", "hypothesis": "Pollution on Cala Llonga is a bigger problem than ever."} {"idx": "mnli-14348", "premise": "But you needn't 196 worry any.", "hypothesis": "You absolutely should be worried."} {"idx": "mnli-14349", "premise": "But from the only angles that matter she's beautiful, and her Gerry has a darting intelligence to boot.", "hypothesis": "They lady looks pretty."} {"idx": "mnli-14350", "premise": "The best way to view the Blue Mountains is to drive from Buff Bay on the north coast down to Kingston on the B1 highway, although the road can be impassable after a heavy rain due to landslides.", "hypothesis": "There are many ways to view the Blue Mountains, but this way is the best."} {"idx": "mnli-14351", "premise": "He enters the room, unlocking the door by means of one of the other doorkeys \u201dthey were all much alike. ", "hypothesis": "He enters the room after unlocking with one of the keys."} {"idx": "mnli-14352", "premise": "um and season really same season to season um uh it changes with the weather you know uh wear light clothing i guess if it's hot out but um", "hypothesis": "the season changes the wardrobe--wear light clothing if it's hot out"} {"idx": "mnli-14353", "premise": "This is revolution.'", "hypothesis": "This is the opposite of what a revolution looks like. "} {"idx": "mnli-14354", "premise": "cowboys and Indians in my case", "hypothesis": "In my case, cowboys and Indians."} {"idx": "mnli-14355", "premise": "The morrow held possibilities.", "hypothesis": "There are possibilities tomorrow."} {"idx": "mnli-14356", "premise": "By the way, said Julius suddenly, \"you're all wrong about that photograph of Jane.", "hypothesis": "Julius is entirely on your side in terms of your believes about the photograph of Jane. "} {"idx": "mnli-14357", "premise": "Ms. Ceracz was less street-smart savvy than Pisak, but she knew how to use to her advantage the fact that he thought she liked him, which was not true, even though the woman wasn't good-looking, but then again, neither was Pisak.", "hypothesis": "Ms. Ceracz was a very good-looking woman."} {"idx": "mnli-14358", "premise": "Four hundred of Cumberland's troops died in an epidemic of yellow fever and dysentery, and the British had to withdraw less than three months after their victory.", "hypothesis": "Yellow fever and dysentery killed four hundred of Cumberland's troops."} {"idx": "mnli-14359", "premise": "The SEC received 39 comments and in the preamble to the final rule discusses the comments received and the modifications made to the proposed rule as a result of the comments.", "hypothesis": "The SEC got some comments on the website."} {"idx": "mnli-14360", "premise": "Bees harvest the pollen of the wild herbs on the hillsides to produce delicious honey to which fresh nuts (almonds or walnuts) are added.", "hypothesis": "The bees produce honey by eating meat. "} {"idx": "mnli-14361", "premise": "She's on top of you, moving forward and back.", "hypothesis": "She's moving back and forth on top of you."} {"idx": "mnli-14362", "premise": "He didn't--\" Her voice died away as she ran toward the clearing.", "hypothesis": "Her voice went quiet as she sprinted to the clearing."} {"idx": "mnli-14363", "premise": "His serious business included organizing the first system of man-made levees to protect the city from the Mississippi.", "hypothesis": "He helped organize the robots to make the levees. "} {"idx": "mnli-14364", "premise": "Numerous small boutiques make the old town a good place for souvenir hunting.", "hypothesis": "Small boutiques make the town a good place for souvenir hunting."} {"idx": "mnli-14365", "premise": "But my feelings toward Mary became more romantic when I reached the 6 th grade.", "hypothesis": "It took me until 6th grade to realize that Mary was beautiful, at which point my feelings became romantic."} {"idx": "mnli-14366", "premise": "You know what you know now, said Jon.", "hypothesis": "Jon said the person knew something."} {"idx": "mnli-14367", "premise": "Conner, 37, is the managing attorney of Delaware Volunteer Legal Services, an organization of volunteer attorneys offering help to low-income residents.", "hypothesis": "Conner is an attorney with Oklahoma Volunteer Legal Services."} {"idx": "mnli-14368", "premise": "no they haven't", "hypothesis": "They have absolutely done it."} {"idx": "mnli-14369", "premise": "Not this color, not that that 'texture', not that intensity of light reflection.", "hypothesis": "Maybe these colors reflections and intensities."} {"idx": "mnli-14370", "premise": "There's probably no staler chestnut than the Southern alibi that it wasn't slavery's defense but honor and loyalty to place that made most Confederates take up arms to fight the Northern aggressors.", "hypothesis": "Northerners claim that they weren't defending slavery."} {"idx": "mnli-14371", "premise": "The Beverly Hills set usually bops over to Century CityShopping Ceter, a pleasantly designed open-air mall that's an absolute parking nightmare on weekends.", "hypothesis": "Century City Shopping Center is an open-air mall"} {"idx": "mnli-14372", "premise": "Reading between the lines, it may be that the child's biological father and your husband's own offspring-situation are part of the equation.", "hypothesis": "Your father's children are the only part of the problem."} {"idx": "mnli-14373", "premise": "to keep an eye out for it but i've got out of the habit of listening to the radio", "hypothesis": "I haven't been listening to the radio recently but I will look out for it."} {"idx": "mnli-14374", "premise": "oh that's that's one of the worse things about it it really is but uh you know", "hypothesis": "There really aren't any bad things about it, that I know about. "} {"idx": "mnli-14375", "premise": "Bell had recently been approved to have the federal government subsidize part of his monthly rent, but the government's portion of the December rent was going to be delayed until January, and the landlord was reluctant to wait.", "hypothesis": "Bell required rent subsidy because of low paid employment."} {"idx": "mnli-14376", "premise": "Pilgrims coming from Tibet, as well as local refugees, supply the shops that ring the stupa with the city's best selection of Tibetan antiques.", "hypothesis": "The finest selection of Tibetan antiques in the city are from the shops around the stupa."} {"idx": "mnli-14377", "premise": "We have no money to give them.", "hypothesis": "We don't have any money to give them."} {"idx": "mnli-14378", "premise": "APHIS points out that commercial pork production in Sonora is relatively new and that the United States has imposed restrictions on the importation of swine and fresh pork products from Mexico for over 20 years.", "hypothesis": "APHIS shows Sonora has had pork production about as long as anyone else."} {"idx": "mnli-14379", "premise": "And because the architecture allows AT and T to choose, it allows AT and T to control how its network gets used.", "hypothesis": "It allows AT and T to control how its network gets used because of the architecture that allows AT and T to choose."} {"idx": "mnli-14380", "premise": "I also think it is commendable that his articles, although unfavorable to Microsoft in the main, are being hosted on a Microsoft-owned site.", "hypothesis": "The fact that Microsoft will host articles unfavorable to Microsoft is commendable."} {"idx": "mnli-14381", "premise": "This sobering news served a vital purposeit created a sense of urgency surrounding the need to change and helped the CFO rally the organizational support needed to institute a comprehensive reengineering initiative", "hypothesis": "The CFO realized this news would help get the necessary support to get the reengineering initiative off the ground. "} {"idx": "mnli-14382", "premise": "Its paneled front was carved with deeply incised patterns centering about a shield bearing arms.", "hypothesis": "A shield bearing arms was on the paneled front. "} {"idx": "mnli-14383", "premise": "oh yeah frostbites", "hypothesis": "Oh yeah nerve damage from the cold"} {"idx": "mnli-14384", "premise": "um i like grilled cheese too", "hypothesis": "I despise grilled cheese."} {"idx": "mnli-14385", "premise": "That, however, was just what Hunt Rennie did not want and what Drew had promised not to do.", "hypothesis": "But, even though one didn't want it, and the other promised not to do, it still happened."} {"idx": "mnli-14386", "premise": "yeah and that just she doesn't belong with him", "hypothesis": "I don't think she should be with him, she is a doctor and he is a thug."} {"idx": "mnli-14387", "premise": "In ancient times, this land had a forest of giant sequoia trees.", "hypothesis": "Giant Sequoia trees are some of the largest trees in the world."} {"idx": "mnli-14388", "premise": "Mentally compromised.' Greuze smiled.", "hypothesis": "Greuze was visibly upset. "} {"idx": "mnli-14389", "premise": "Wasn't it Warren Buffet who suggested a 100 percent capital gains tax on any investment held less than a year?", "hypothesis": "Warren Buffet suggested a special tax for investments held less than a year."} {"idx": "mnli-14390", "premise": "Moreover, any additional costs would be eligible to receive up to 50 percent Federal matching funds.", "hypothesis": "No costs are eligible for matching of any percentage by Federal funds."} {"idx": "mnli-14391", "premise": "After all, if spending money you don't really have is the key to prosperity, big government deficits would do the trick just as well.", "hypothesis": "If going into debt resulted in better economic situations, then growing the national deficit would be a viable strategy."} {"idx": "mnli-14392", "premise": "A black webwork of tattoos circled Thorn's body.", "hypothesis": "Thorn's tattoos were all brightly colored."} {"idx": "mnli-14393", "premise": "The center contains the National Film Archive, an information center, a bookshop, and a library.", "hypothesis": "The National Film Archive is on the outskirts along with a bookshop and a library."} {"idx": "mnli-14394", "premise": "I've still never smoked a cigarette, although I'll enjoy a Cuban cigar if you're buying.", "hypothesis": "I am not opposed to smoking Cuban cigars, but I have never tried a cigarette."} {"idx": "mnli-14395", "premise": "Even if possible, attempts to turn back the technological clock by restricting abortion and contraception would now be counterproductive.", "hypothesis": "Even if possible, attempts to restrict abortion are morally wrong."} {"idx": "mnli-14396", "premise": "I think I'll go watch TV.", "hypothesis": "I will go read a book."} {"idx": "mnli-14397", "premise": "Robert Woolard favored continuing intervention research in EDs.", "hypothesis": "Woolard was a fan of continuing intervention research."} {"idx": "mnli-14398", "premise": "In studies with the marine organisms, only one LC50 (presumably the combined LC50 from duplicate tests) was reported for each toxicity test.", "hypothesis": "One LC50 was delivered to be tested for toxicity. "} {"idx": "mnli-14399", "premise": "He may not survive, said the Patient by the Window, who knew The Sleeper a little, because he had been sharing the room with him for the already mentioned three months.", "hypothesis": "The patient had been sharing a room for three months"} {"idx": "mnli-14400", "premise": "While this would bias estimates based on more recent pollution levels upwards, it also would imply a truly long-term chronic effect of pollution.", "hypothesis": "Estimates would be biased."} {"idx": "mnli-14401", "premise": "Evaluating Information Technology A Practical Guide, Version 1.0, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Information Policy and Technology Branch, Office of Management and Budget, November 1, 1995.", "hypothesis": "The guide was published by the IRS>"} {"idx": "mnli-14402", "premise": "i really do i yeah it's going to take uh you know the the police i i think i don't think can do it uh can do it alone you know", "hypothesis": "I can do it alone definitely. "} {"idx": "mnli-14403", "premise": "In the New York Times Book Review , Daphne Merkin calls Allegra Goodman's Kaaterskill Falls a throwback to a time before fiction turned graphic and interior and hot to the touch.", "hypothesis": "Kaaterskill Falls is very graphic."} {"idx": "mnli-14404", "premise": "Mark Shields looks directly at Robert Novak on Capital Gang and calls him Al Hunt, much to the amusement of the other panelists.", "hypothesis": "Mark Shields didn't speak."} {"idx": "mnli-14405", "premise": "I will not let you die here because of those people, said San'doro.", "hypothesis": "Those people want nice things to happen to you."} {"idx": "mnli-14406", "premise": "That's Whittington! ", "hypothesis": "I haven't seen Whittington in an age."} {"idx": "mnli-14407", "premise": "Parliament, which was denied knowledge of the secret war treaty until the Peace Conference of 1919, was exposed as impotent.", "hypothesis": "The secret war treaty wasn't revealed until the Peace Conference of 1919."} {"idx": "mnli-14408", "premise": "One fell near, and its heat seared at him, giving him no place of shelter.", "hypothesis": "He could not escape from the piece that fell near him."} {"idx": "mnli-14409", "premise": "no i haven't i've never been up there", "hypothesis": "I've been there!"} {"idx": "mnli-14410", "premise": "Excuse me, Wells. He went hurriedly out into the hall. ", "hypothesis": "He ran out of class without looking back."} {"idx": "mnli-14411", "premise": "i would when i was in school um i was supposedly in one of the best school systems in the country in Fairfax county and i'm i think back and i i don't feel like i i could have learned a lot more and don't feel like i learned as much i've only been out of school high school for four years but i think i could have learned a lot more and i've i worry about the children that are in", "hypothesis": "I was a student in Fairfax county and within apparently one of the best school systems in the nation, yet looking back there was plenty of things that I should have learned but did not and that worries me for future students."} {"idx": "mnli-14412", "premise": "A better answer would appeal to the tradeoffs males face between investing in their current offspring vs. competing with other males to sire new offspring with other females.", "hypothesis": "Males are free agents in this society, impregnating females and moving on to the next receptive woman."} {"idx": "mnli-14413", "premise": "It's putting one over the plate that, when you clobber it, erupts in a shower of confetti that coalesces into a single scarlet flamingo that flies over to the box seats and bites George Steinbrenner on the ass.", "hypothesis": "It is hitting a home run."} {"idx": "mnli-14414", "premise": "Since then, there's been no mention of tollbooths on the bridge to the 21 st century.", "hypothesis": "Since then, plenty of mentions of bridge tollbooths on that bridge have been made in this century."} {"idx": "mnli-14415", "premise": "I understand, said Adrin.", "hypothesis": "Adrin understood that I couldn't go with him."} {"idx": "mnli-14416", "premise": "unfair to to children like uh engineers usually work fifty or sixty hours a week i refused to work more than thirty i was part-time and even that was a rat race but", "hypothesis": "I've never worked a day in my life. "} {"idx": "mnli-14417", "premise": "The Alaska movement, like the Texas one, stems from a libertarian aversion to the federal government.", "hypothesis": "The Alaska movement is the result of a form of libertarianism."} {"idx": "mnli-14418", "premise": "Good morning, she remarked cheerfully.", "hypothesis": "She was grumpy and didn't say hello."} {"idx": "mnli-14419", "premise": "Mr. Carter listened in silence with a resumption of his tired manner.", "hypothesis": "Mr. Carter repeatedly showed signs he was weary of this conversation."} {"idx": "mnli-14420", "premise": "Pace your stamina for the second floor's excellent Galleria Sabauda (Savoy Gallery), with an important collection of Italian and European art, also due to the Savoys' penchant for collecting.", "hypothesis": "Some of Da Vinci's best work can be seen at the Savoy Gallery."} {"idx": "mnli-14421", "premise": "The city's impact on the rock and pop music scene with the likes of U2 and Bob Geldof is well known there's even a self-guided tour of their haunts.", "hypothesis": "The city's 500 year musical history is shown off."} {"idx": "mnli-14422", "premise": "based on the variety of food i don't particularly like to sort of American you know meat and potatoes type of restaurants", "hypothesis": "I don't particularly like american food restaurants."} {"idx": "mnli-14423", "premise": "Santorini also has interesting dive sites.", "hypothesis": "Santorini's dive sites ate interesting. "} {"idx": "mnli-14424", "premise": "Impossible to say.", "hypothesis": "The speaker cannot say why. "} {"idx": "mnli-14425", "premise": "Thomas counsels successful young black men that, upon leaving their neighborhoods, you won't ever really be able to go back.", "hypothesis": "Thomas counsels young black men against their will."} {"idx": "mnli-14426", "premise": "thanks for calling you too bye-bye", "hypothesis": "Thanks for taking the time to call in, be well."} {"idx": "mnli-14427", "premise": "One, two, three, four, five, but where, then, is the cup of Mr. Inglethorp?\"", "hypothesis": "Mr. Inglethorps cup was missing."} {"idx": "mnli-14428", "premise": "yeah i haven't thought about that much i i've uh wondered about it but i haven't really got concerned about it one way or another you know", "hypothesis": "I think about it night and day."} {"idx": "mnli-14429", "premise": "And in some very basic sense, what KKR has done best is get managers to take other people's seriously.", "hypothesis": "KKR's main goal is to disrupt the workplace and destroy bonds between managers and other people."} {"idx": "mnli-14430", "premise": "right right right isn't it such such a long running", "hypothesis": "It's really long running."} {"idx": "mnli-14431", "premise": "say ten dollars at you know at at the most out of a decent fabric", "hypothesis": "If you're paying more than ten dollars for that, it's a rip off."} {"idx": "mnli-14432", "premise": "8 This may entail identifying legislative changes that are needed to clarify or modify Congress' intent and expectations or to address differing conditions and citizens' needs that have occurred since the initial statutory requirements were established.", "hypothesis": "Identifying legislative changes may be required. "} {"idx": "mnli-14433", "premise": "A recent review of my bookmarked Web sites offered an interesting contrast in sites geared towards associates.", "hypothesis": "A recent review of my law handbook bookmarks revealed I was not prepared to be an associate."} {"idx": "mnli-14434", "premise": "yeah yeah yeah most of them too scared to do anything about it", "hypothesis": "Most of them are too scared to do anything. "} {"idx": "mnli-14435", "premise": "i got married at a hundred and thirty pounds and twenty years old and i was just this little toothpick up there had to buy a new suit for it just to fit in there", "hypothesis": "I was so skinny when I got married I had to buy a new suit, but it doesn't fit anymore."} {"idx": "mnli-14436", "premise": "This is an alternative to some recent legislative suggestions that the markup on the competitive subclasses as a group must be at least as large as the markup on all other subclasses.", "hypothesis": "Many corporate heads lobbied for the new markup rules."} {"idx": "mnli-14437", "premise": "The assistant shoemaker is another of Malamud's weirdly insistent, lonely souls--impelled, who knows why, to devote himself to a hopeless love; still wincing from the horrors of Europe, which he has not entirely escaped; inarticulate, yet bursting with passion, if only his boss, the master shoemaker, will deign to listen.", "hypothesis": "The assistant shoemaker is always 100% focused on making shoes."} {"idx": "mnli-14438", "premise": "I am busy.", "hypothesis": "I am not busy."} {"idx": "mnli-14439", "premise": "yeah yeah that's true yeah i and i haven't haven't noticed that up at Spring Creek", "hypothesis": "no, i don't think so, i've definitely seen that happening at Spring Creek"} {"idx": "mnli-14440", "premise": "This legislation is intended to reduce air pollution from electricity generators and improve air quality throughout the country.", "hypothesis": "This legislation will be enforced on large-scale power providers."} {"idx": "mnli-14441", "premise": "and uh then we just had about an inch and a half or two inches of rain in less than an hour it was just coming down by the bucketfulls and a great deal of lightning it it wasn't uh it wasn't conditions to being out in it and i had just gotten home we had a lot of tornado warnings also", "hypothesis": "We had a couple inches of rain, so we went out and played with our rainboots on."} {"idx": "mnli-14442", "premise": "Site selects itself in specific problem-for decisive testing, have to assume uniform system with regard to issue and so convenience sample acceptable; number of cases is usually one instance; comprehensive data for specific problem-for decisive testing, need more modeling, hypotheses, and targeting to know what to study; data analysis and collection concurrent and data feed new collection, and emphasis on ruling out alternative causes; report describes instances, presents conclusions about cause, gives evidence", "hypothesis": "Sites have to assume uniform system with regard to issue."} {"idx": "mnli-14443", "premise": "How could any man could survive such a large wound so close to the heart?", "hypothesis": "The man had a huge wound near his heart."} {"idx": "mnli-14444", "premise": "Tuppence stole a glance at him sideways.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence took a sideways peek over at him."} {"idx": "mnli-14445", "premise": "We are in the air a lot, and in hotels and restaurants.", "hypothesis": "We are in hotels and restaurants often, as well as being in the air."} {"idx": "mnli-14446", "premise": "I threatened Julius with the revolver, because I wanted Tuppence to repeat that to Sir James, so that he wouldn't worry about us.", "hypothesis": "I thought I was doing the right thing, threatening Julius with the gun."} {"idx": "mnli-14447", "premise": "Today, the Ceteau de Pau, more Renaissance palace than for?\u00adtress and restored in the 19th century, is an interesting museum of Gobelins tapestries and paraphernalia from the early life of the country's most popular king.", "hypothesis": "A renaissance palace Ceteau de Pau was destroyed in the 16th century."} {"idx": "mnli-14448", "premise": "There's an off-campus?", "hypothesis": "Is there an off-campus?"} {"idx": "mnli-14449", "premise": "His entire body, naked from the waist up, was covered in tattoos depicting every demon or devil in the five hells.", "hypothesis": "His body was heavily tattooed."} {"idx": "mnli-14450", "premise": "All the beaches served by public transport have snack bars, beach chairs for hire, and umbrellas and additional amenities to one degree or another.", "hypothesis": "The beaches with access to public transport have snack bars, beach chairs, and umbrellas."} {"idx": "mnli-14451", "premise": "She paused a moment to survey herself in Mrs. Vandemeyer's long glass, and be sure that nothing was amiss with her appearance.", "hypothesis": "She didn't care if she was dissolved or not and ignored mirrors constantly. "} {"idx": "mnli-14452", "premise": "At one point the crown jewel of Las Vegas shopping, the mall now resides in a central and older region of the valley, sandwiched between middle-class families and upper-crust long-timers.", "hypothesis": "There are middle class families living near an older region of Las Vegas."} {"idx": "mnli-14453", "premise": "The royal apartments were set ablaze in the uprising of 1871 and were subsequently restored to become the home of the Council of State and more recently of the Ministry of Culture.", "hypothesis": "There was no fire in the royal apartments in the year 1871."} {"idx": "mnli-14454", "premise": "I could tell, because the moment I stepped on stage they exploded into rapturous applause.", "hypothesis": "The moment I stepped on stage, they booed."} {"idx": "mnli-14455", "premise": "He'd have to shield the cord from the sun stuff, but that could be done.", "hypothesis": "There no way he can shield the cord from the sun stuff."} {"idx": "mnli-14456", "premise": "Sharp things.", "hypothesis": "Knives. "} {"idx": "mnli-14457", "premise": "During the reporting period, LSC provided technology training at the Southeast Projects Directors meeting; the Committee On Regional Training for Michigan, Ohio, and West Virginia; the Indiana Access to Justice Conference; the EJC; the National Legal Aid and Defender Association; and the Management Information Exchange.", "hypothesis": "LSC provided technology during the reporting period, however they did not take into consideration the training."} {"idx": "mnli-14458", "premise": "Long before Legal Services Corp. advised legal aid programs to recruit more privatesector attorneys, Dudovitz in 1992 established domestic-violence clinics in four San Fernando Valley courthouses in a partnership with the local bar association.", "hypothesis": "Dudovitz in 1992 established domestic-violence clinics in four San Fernando Valley courthouses, whilst also adding Spongebob paintings on each clinic door-frame."} {"idx": "mnli-14459", "premise": "You will tell me now right here where she is to be found. Kramenin shook his head.", "hypothesis": "Karmenin expressed his disapproval with a head shake."} {"idx": "mnli-14460", "premise": "It's nature's sleeping pill.", "hypothesis": "A natural environment at night is much noisier than most cities."} {"idx": "mnli-14461", "premise": "you know that's the hard part", "hypothesis": "That is the hard part but it is over quickly."} {"idx": "mnli-14462", "premise": "um i think that the way they they levy taxes is a little bit uh crazy i think if if they uh people and and i'll use Plano as an example uh house prices in Plano were falling and so they decided well in order to get more tax revenue we're going to have to raise the price uh you know we're going to have to raise the uh the the uh tax per hundred dollars of value on the house", "hypothesis": "The tax rate was like 4% but now I think it's more like 6% in Plano. "} {"idx": "mnli-14463", "premise": "Finally, the private bar and other nonprofit legal services providers are neither available, willing, nor able to take over the representation of these populations.", "hypothesis": "Nonprofit legal services providers are safe havens for these populations."} {"idx": "mnli-14464", "premise": "Many hotels on both islands are still beholden to the large tour operators.", "hypothesis": "Many hotels have no room for the large tour operaters."} {"idx": "mnli-14465", "premise": "wow all that for getting tennis balls shot at you at a hundred miles an hour", "hypothesis": "The balls struck them with great force."} {"idx": "mnli-14466", "premise": "The 2001 State Plan divides the state into six regions, and highlights a regional approach in its collaboration and configuration strategies.", "hypothesis": "The 2001 State Plan combines the state into 1 region."} {"idx": "mnli-14467", "premise": "but i think the US is one of the few countries that still do", "hypothesis": "US is the last country to have it, last I heard."} {"idx": "mnli-14468", "premise": "well it's it's not too bad it it uh the floors are finished with a polyurethane and it's really not to bad to get off it it we're just using latex and it's not too bad to get it off once it's dried even it it it uh comes off with like a", "hypothesis": "It's impossible to undo latex and polyurethane related work that has been done on a floor."} {"idx": "mnli-14469", "premise": "She laid her hand on my arm, and sank her voice to a whisper. ", "hypothesis": "She whispered to me softly"} {"idx": "mnli-14470", "premise": "Request the Sportugal Golfing brochure from a Portuguese National Tourist Office (see page 169) or pick up a copy of Algarve Golf Guide, with information on all of the courses and pro playing tips.", "hypothesis": "Course information can be found in the Algarve Golf Guide."} {"idx": "mnli-14471", "premise": "They are the first eighth seed (i.e.", "hypothesis": "They are the nineteenth first seed."} {"idx": "mnli-14472", "premise": "Red Rock Canyon affords numerous routes, including a two-mile Pine Creek Canyon trek and a slightly longer walk along the Keystone Thrust Trail.", "hypothesis": "The Keystone Thrust Trail is longer but easier than Pine Creek."} {"idx": "mnli-14473", "premise": "Because the federal government frequently commingles aspects of insurance and guarantees within the same program, this Statement treats the terms as a single type of activity.", "hypothesis": "The federal government does not frequently work on insurance."} {"idx": "mnli-14474", "premise": "Natural selection is a resourceful tinkerer and could have rewired men's brains to respond to lowered testosterone in any number of ways, not necessarily by becoming less competitive.", "hypothesis": "Natural selection might have made men's brains respond to lowered testosterone. "} {"idx": "mnli-14475", "premise": "[BLOCK QUOTE] What's your name?", "hypothesis": "Please state your name. "} {"idx": "mnli-14476", "premise": "They meant nothing.", "hypothesis": "They meant something."} {"idx": "mnli-14477", "premise": "She has merely learned that her leaders are capable of stupid mistakes in their dealings with her.", "hypothesis": "She learned that leaders can make dumb mistakes when dealing with her. "} {"idx": "mnli-14478", "premise": "Nearby is the Outer Chamber of Mary, Queen of Scots, where she socialized with her favorites and debated religion with John Knox.", "hypothesis": "Mary was the Queen of Scots."} {"idx": "mnli-14479", "premise": "(Interestingly, there's an elegant white statue of a veiled woman outside the church.)", "hypothesis": "There is a statue outside the church and it is beautiful."} {"idx": "mnli-14480", "premise": "Have you lighted the fire in my room as I told you?\"", "hypothesis": "I did not ask you to start a fire. "} {"idx": "mnli-14481", "premise": "because he said it was just too dang heavy", "hypothesis": "He told me it was incredibly easy to move."} {"idx": "mnli-14482", "premise": "and i think part of it is that they've got to give authority back to the local school", "hypothesis": "I believe part of it is, they need to give authority back to the neighborhood school."} {"idx": "mnli-14483", "premise": "Your hotel may be on an outstanding beach.", "hypothesis": "There are no hotels on the beaches."} {"idx": "mnli-14484", "premise": "You are mistaken, sir, said Adrin, his voice wavering.", "hypothesis": "Aldrin is a parrot."} {"idx": "mnli-14485", "premise": "Ever since Ferdinand and Isabella, Spanish monarchs have retreated to this oasis to escape Madrid's summer heat.", "hypothesis": "The oasis has long been a retreat for Spanish monarchs."} {"idx": "mnli-14486", "premise": "The office usually is so overwhelmed, attorneys who work there say, that they have to stop taking calls and evaluating new cases for the day by 10 a.m.", "hypothesis": "The office is so slow that the lawyers are able to take phone calls at all hours without interrupting their work."} {"idx": "mnli-14487", "premise": "are they i i have never i've never been", "hypothesis": "I've been many times, so I know they are"} {"idx": "mnli-14488", "premise": "which there are none down here", "hypothesis": "They don't have any here."} {"idx": "mnli-14489", "premise": "A constant dollar is derived by dividing a current dollar amount by a price index.", "hypothesis": "A constant dollar is from dividing current dollar amount by price index"} {"idx": "mnli-14490", "premise": "When in Italy, look instead for the APT (Azienda di Promozione Turistica) for more detailed regional sightseeing information; they occasionally help as well with hotel and camping accommodation.", "hypothesis": "In Italy you should look to the APT for hotel accommodation."} {"idx": "mnli-14491", "premise": "oh they send in they do videos of funny things that happen at home you know and then send it in and show it on TV and oh boy i tell you what it's it's hysterical", "hypothesis": "The videos selected aren't really that funny and actually look quite dangerous."} {"idx": "mnli-14492", "premise": "Did you notice the postmark?\"", "hypothesis": "Was the postmark seen by you?"} {"idx": "mnli-14493", "premise": "Throughout the study period, the presence requirement was never mentioned as an issue.", "hypothesis": "The issue of the presence requirement was not brought up during the study period."} {"idx": "mnli-14494", "premise": ", every one percent increase in the number of households has yielded exactly a one percent increase in all annual mail volumes and for all years in Tables 1, 2, and 3), we can, then, divide the annual volume figures by the number of households in the respective year to obtain annual volume figures per household.", "hypothesis": "Looking at the figures contained in Table 1 we can see no one actually uses the Post Office anymore."} {"idx": "mnli-14495", "premise": "80 \"Yes, sir. ", "hypothesis": "That is correct, sir. "} {"idx": "mnli-14496", "premise": "The sum of national saving and saving borrowed from abroad represents the total amount of resources available for investment, that is, the purchase of capital goods-plant, equipment, software, houses,1 and inventories-by businesses and governments.", "hypothesis": "The difference of national saving and savings borrowed from abroad is equal to the amount of resources available for investment. "} {"idx": "mnli-14497", "premise": "As a founding member of the Euro?\u00adpean Community, France looked to a wider, continental challenge in the 1990s.", "hypothesis": "As a founding member of the European Community, France looked to a continental challenge in the 1990s."} {"idx": "mnli-14498", "premise": "Of course, we never rejected people for being too flaky.", "hypothesis": "We have rejected people for lateness however."} {"idx": "mnli-14499", "premise": "Down on the right is Maxim's restaurant, which began as an ice cream parlor and is now a monument more venerable than the Madeleine.", "hypothesis": "Maxim's restaurant first opened as an ice-cream parlor in 1940."} {"idx": "mnli-14500", "premise": "but i don't know whether they'll be far enough up where they can do any good", "hypothesis": "They have always been good. "} {"idx": "mnli-14501", "premise": "Why not have a kid out of wedlock, collect your $230 a month in stamps, live with your mom and worry about going to work later?", "hypothesis": "Why not get married, buy a house and then have a child?"} {"idx": "mnli-14502", "premise": "Good luck to you,\" the man smiled at Ca'daan again and Ca'daan smiled back, bowed, and started off.", "hypothesis": "The men were great friends."} {"idx": "mnli-14503", "premise": "Why, if it isn't Mr. Poirot! cried the Inspector. ", "hypothesis": "Who is that, I am not sure."} {"idx": "mnli-14504", "premise": "so you know you don't have to be an expert in any aspect of it at all", "hypothesis": "All aspects of it require you to be an expert."} {"idx": "mnli-14505", "premise": "yeah them there must be uh um some of the some of the uh", "hypothesis": "Those must be some of the"} {"idx": "mnli-14506", "premise": "Social Security is a Ponzi scheme.", "hypothesis": "Social Security is nothing like a Ponzi scheme."} {"idx": "mnli-14507", "premise": "The spread of nuclear and biological weapons, the growth of international organized crime, and global environmental degradation are a few examples.", "hypothesis": "One example can be the international growth of small startups."} {"idx": "mnli-14508", "premise": "He remembered now that she'd called him a mandrake-man before, in a tone of pity.", "hypothesis": "He did not like being called a mandrake man."} {"idx": "mnli-14509", "premise": "However, the requirements now found at section 3(b)(2)(A), (D), and (E) were similarly included in the previous version of the Executive Order and it appears that the Department meets those requirements.", "hypothesis": "The Executive Order has caused the change in requirements."} {"idx": "mnli-14510", "premise": "Accordingly, the number of dollars involved in worksharing is in the billions and the effects on mailers and the economy are quite large.", "hypothesis": "I have invested billions of dollars in worksharing."} {"idx": "mnli-14511", "premise": "Coco, with, I think, rum in it. He passed on to the debris on the floor, where the table by the bed had been overturned. ", "hypothesis": "The table was overturned by a fight."} {"idx": "mnli-14512", "premise": "I intend to resume the habit as a delight of old age", "hypothesis": "I'm not going to bother continuing it."} {"idx": "mnli-14513", "premise": "Tween 'em they give everybody wot wanted a spot of trouble all they could chew off an' a lot more'n they could swallow.", "hypothesis": "Together, they were able to cause trouble for people who wanted it."} {"idx": "mnli-14514", "premise": "NOW doesn't like the way Promise Keepers urges men to reclaim their role as the head of the family.", "hypothesis": "Promise Keepers thinks men and women are equal partners."} {"idx": "mnli-14515", "premise": "yeah yeah that i think that's", "hypothesis": "That is what I think"} {"idx": "mnli-14516", "premise": "Watch them at the wheel of a Long ago, driving became a major opportunity for the Italians to display their dramatic talents.", "hypothesis": "The Italians had the opportunity to drive."} {"idx": "mnli-14517", "premise": "(From Actuarial Standard of Practice No.", "hypothesis": "These standards of practice include using only black ink to write work related notes."} {"idx": "mnli-14518", "premise": "In considering required reporting of stewardship information, the Board became increasingly aware of the need to be highly selective in proposing requirements for the consolidated financial report of the Federal Government.", "hypothesis": "There is no need to be highly selective in proposing precise requirements about that topic."} {"idx": "mnli-14519", "premise": "General Wojciech Jaruzelski adopted a hard line and declared martial law in December 1981 in response to continued strikes across Poland.", "hypothesis": "Martial law was declared in Poland in December 1981. "} {"idx": "mnli-14520", "premise": "Outside, a particularly large float drifted by.", "hypothesis": "There was a float outside."} {"idx": "mnli-14521", "premise": "uh yeah yeah some some like that uh uh lots of uh different types of vases uh ones that stand on the floor and others that you can put on tables and uh he's been doing a lot of uh lot of decorative type plates lately", "hypothesis": "Some people like different types of vases to be smashed"} {"idx": "mnli-14522", "premise": "It became a cabinet-level position in March 1989-the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).", "hypothesis": "In march 1989 it became a cabinet level position. "} {"idx": "mnli-14523", "premise": "The Byzantines tried to protect the Golden Horn from enemy ships by stretching a huge chain across its mouth.", "hypothesis": "No enemy ships managed to get past the Golden Horn."} {"idx": "mnli-14524", "premise": "For the five centuries since then, the Buddha has been dispensing his benevolence to visitors in the open air.", "hypothesis": "For 500 years, the Buddha has been outdoors."} {"idx": "mnli-14525", "premise": "The first day I showed up at Legal Aid, I interviewed myself, he said.", "hypothesis": "He had to interview himself due to a lack of staff."} {"idx": "mnli-14526", "premise": "President Clinton was fined $90,000 for his false testimony in the Paula Jones case.", "hypothesis": "Clinton had many fines relating to the various cases."} {"idx": "mnli-14527", "premise": "so i'm hoping maybe they'll draft a good quarterback this year i don't know who they're gonna get but i hope", "hypothesis": "I hope they get a good quarterback this year."} {"idx": "mnli-14528", "premise": "already already hit Oklahoma and probably right down here soon so", "hypothesis": "We were hit before Oklahoma was."} {"idx": "mnli-14529", "premise": " \"You're my cousin Anson Kirby.\"Drew had already thought that out.", "hypothesis": "\"You're my aunt's son Anson Kirby.\""} {"idx": "mnli-14530", "premise": "In October of 1907, as the stock market was melting down, J.P.", "hypothesis": "The stock market was consistently strong in October of 1907."} {"idx": "mnli-14531", "premise": "It referred to the mysterious man found dead in New York.", "hypothesis": "The strange male deceased in New York is what it specified. "} {"idx": "mnli-14532", "premise": "The Edgemar complex, located in the 2400 block, exhibits the work of L.A.'s favorite postmodern architect, Frank Gehry (a Santa Monica resident).", "hypothesis": "The Edgemar complex, located in the 2400 block, exhibits the work of L.A.'s favorite postmodern architect, Frank Gehry (even though he is a Santa Monica resident)."} {"idx": "mnli-14533", "premise": "Just who is in charge, anyway?", "hypothesis": "With so much chaos, it was hard to find out who was giving orders."} {"idx": "mnli-14534", "premise": "The gay rights groups claim the ex-gay movement is a public relations front for conservative efforts to discriminate against gays.", "hypothesis": "They say that the support from conservatives will stop the ex-gay movement"} {"idx": "mnli-14535", "premise": "Teodoro picks it up, and we follow.", "hypothesis": "We follow Teodoro, then."} {"idx": "mnli-14536", "premise": "Even at 75 miles per hour, I could count on driving at least 12 hours, making it just in time for the opening gavel at 1 p.m.", "hypothesis": "I will have to drive 12 hours and barely make the opening gavel, even if traffic doesn't co-operate."} {"idx": "mnli-14537", "premise": "He had backtracked their trail during the day and reported no followers.", "hypothesis": "He checked twenty times but no one had followed him."} {"idx": "mnli-14538", "premise": "Hospitals could hire physician assistants to handle calls that don't require doctors, but that's expensive.", "hypothesis": "It would be expensive for hospitals to hire physicians assistants to handle calls that wouldn't require doctors, but it is a possible option."} {"idx": "mnli-14539", "premise": "yeah yeah um i haven't really the only day cares that i have been familiar with are the ones that are local here with the churches and they seem to from my experience be the best at what they're doing just because of what they're based on", "hypothesis": "the local day cares that i'm familiar with are very poorly run and not associated with churches"} {"idx": "mnli-14540", "premise": "One might have been tempted to chide these respondents with the comment that Pride goes before a fall (Proverbs 16:19), but doubtless they would just have snapped back brazenly with Euripides or Racine.", "hypothesis": "People that use the Pride goes before the fall are usually very well versed in debate."} {"idx": "mnli-14541", "premise": "Sprinkled through it are bits of English and Swedish.", "hypothesis": "There are pieces of English and Swedish mixed together."} {"idx": "mnli-14542", "premise": "And diamonds and pearls rolling about in the gutter for anyone to pick up!\" Tommy heard a chair shifted.", "hypothesis": "Other precious gems were in the gutter as well. "} {"idx": "mnli-14543", "premise": "The Hebrew University and the Hadassah Medical Centre were built on Mount Scopus beginning in 1925 and became the pride of the Jewish community in Palestine under British control.", "hypothesis": "The Hadassah Medical Centre learned new techniques from British doctors."} {"idx": "mnli-14544", "premise": "Walking up to Howth lighthouse, it is difficult to believe that Dublin is just a few miles away until you see Dublin Bay spread out before you.", "hypothesis": "Dublin is only a few miles away."} {"idx": "mnli-14545", "premise": "Leading public organizations here in the United States and abroad have found that strategic human capital management must be the centerpiece of any serious change management initiative and efforts to transform the cultures of government agencies.", "hypothesis": "Public organizations found the best ways to eliminate government agencies."} {"idx": "mnli-14546", "premise": "Shiloh's not for sale, Coronel, Drew replied.", "hypothesis": "Not Shiloh but the others are for sale , Coronel."} {"idx": "mnli-14547", "premise": "Everything is sold here, from clothing to souvenirs to electronic goods, and the market is known for its street-side food stalls, where you can dine inexpensively on seafood.", "hypothesis": "The market is known for its ban on selling food.."} {"idx": "mnli-14548", "premise": "At many points around St. Barts and its small rocky offshore islets, there is fine reef snorkeling.", "hypothesis": "You will see a lot of exotic fish when snorkeling at St. Bart's."} {"idx": "mnli-14549", "premise": "Bequest motives interact with economic policy in surprising ways.", "hypothesis": "There are surprising ways in which bequest motives interact with economic policy."} {"idx": "mnli-14550", "premise": "As I understand it, the war between Iraq and the United States, begun in 1991, has not yet ended.", "hypothesis": "As I understand, the US and Iraq war has not ended, but today few troops remain in Iraq. "} {"idx": "mnli-14551", "premise": "oh yeah guess i'll have to turn on the weather on the news tonight see what we're supposed to expect", "hypothesis": "I'll just check the weather online."} {"idx": "mnli-14552", "premise": "Then, quite suddenly, he looked up.", "hypothesis": "He looked up suddenly to catch a glimpse of me staring at him."} {"idx": "mnli-14553", "premise": "Walk across the courtyard to the beautiful five-tiered Panch Mahal, a palace with the Persian system of ventilation known as badgir (wind tower): without walls on three sides, it is open for the breezes to sweep in.", "hypothesis": "The courtyard has a ventilation system in place."} {"idx": "mnli-14554", "premise": "but i think they're on the down slide i don't know", "hypothesis": "They are on an upturn."} {"idx": "mnli-14555", "premise": "um-hum well yes of course we do have capital punishment and we've you know done away with our quote fair share number", "hypothesis": "Capital punishment is morally reprehensible."} {"idx": "mnli-14556", "premise": "This thing works subconsciously, like workfare.", "hypothesis": "There is no relation between workfare and this thing."} {"idx": "mnli-14557", "premise": "Gigot would have us believe the If Starr rises, Clinton falls; but if Starr falls, Clinton doesn't rise.", "hypothesis": "It is not true that Starr goes up when Clinton goes down. "} {"idx": "mnli-14558", "premise": "yes that's true it doesn't seem to workout that way though does it i think that the lobbyist uh are so protecting what they have in the budget that it doesn't seem to work that every man has to pay his own fair share and maybe that's why corporate America gets away with what they're doing because of the kickbacks and et cetera i'm a bit of a a pessimist i don't see a change in my lifetime i'm afraid you're younger perhaps you can foresee one", "hypothesis": "I have been a pessimist my whole life."} {"idx": "mnli-14559", "premise": "This museum documents the history of printing and displays many beautiful and rare manual printing machines dating from the early 1800's.", "hypothesis": "This museum might be interesting to visit for someone who likes history or is interested in the written word."} {"idx": "mnli-14560", "premise": "Sixtyfive percent of the people in probate court appear without lawyers because they can't afford them.", "hypothesis": "Most people in probate wish they had an attorney but can't afford it."} {"idx": "mnli-14561", "premise": "Or two known defectors.", "hypothesis": "There are two known defectors."} {"idx": "mnli-14562", "premise": "The prevalence of this co-factor to the emergency admission, and the fact that alcohol is a risk factor both for the first visit and for a return visit to the emergency setting, have occasioned a call for an effective method of intervening with alcohol problems in these settings.", "hypothesis": "Alcohol is a risk factor for first and return visits to the ED."} {"idx": "mnli-14563", "premise": "Editor's Several errors in this piece as originally posted have been corrected.", "hypothesis": "The errors weren't fixed."} {"idx": "mnli-14564", "premise": "Time has fresh shots of an anguished Ethel and a plaintive Rory Kennedy.", "hypothesis": "Rory Kennedy has never appeared before a camera."} {"idx": "mnli-14565", "premise": "In addition, the rule revises certain controlled business disclosure requirements.", "hypothesis": "The revisions met the requirements."} {"idx": "mnli-14566", "premise": "Those dueling Greek painters return in a new guise, as Mario Merz, in the Zeuxis role, covers a glass table with an array of fresh vegetables and fruit, changed daily by a New York caterer ( Spiral Table , 1982), while Christo, playing Parrhasios, conceals the familiar Cezannesque shapes--wine bottle, vase, etc.--under a drapery of canvas ( Package on a Table , 1961).", "hypothesis": "The dueling Greek painters are very young to be so masterful."} {"idx": "mnli-14567", "premise": "Except that the executive who was assigned the difficult task of dealing with the Shopping Avenger, one Jennifer Nemeth, did a provisionally satisfactory job of making the Shopping Avenger happy.", "hypothesis": "They should have assigned a different executive to deal with the Shopping Avenger. "} {"idx": "mnli-14568", "premise": "He reflected for a moment, and then asked: \"Was Mrs. Inglethorp herself aware of that fact?\"", "hypothesis": "He wasted no time thinking about what he was going to say."} {"idx": "mnli-14569", "premise": "i just have a feeling that the military involvement isn't over yet that i i still feel like there's more to come i don't think this whole issue is settled as far as we're concerned", "hypothesis": "I think military involvement isn't over yet."} {"idx": "mnli-14570", "premise": "Get as many into the caves as will go.", "hypothesis": "Put as many into the caves as will go."} {"idx": "mnli-14571", "premise": "Tadeusz Koaciuszko, a hero of the American War of Independence, led a military insurrection in 1794, defeating the Russians with a mostly peasant army.", "hypothesis": "Tadeusz Koaciuszko used an army of nobles to beat the Russians."} {"idx": "mnli-14572", "premise": "Roy Lichtenstein (1923-1997).", "hypothesis": "Roy Lichtenstein died in 1997."} {"idx": "mnli-14573", "premise": "so it it would seem to be real beneficial", "hypothesis": "It seems detrimental."} {"idx": "mnli-14574", "premise": "She is 58.", "hypothesis": "She is past 50."} {"idx": "mnli-14575", "premise": "The trend is called brachycephalization, and it has been happening mainly in rural Poland between the Carpathian Mountains and the Black Sea--which, for some arcane reason, is one of the few places on Earth where humans are still evolving.", "hypothesis": "Humans are evolving rapidly in Poland."} {"idx": "mnli-14576", "premise": "well yeah it does he has more money out of the uh ads than he does the game itself", "hypothesis": "He has more money out of advertisement than the game itself."} {"idx": "mnli-14577", "premise": "of course that's probably a lot easier on TV to figure it out than it is in other things because TV they have a tendency to do a lot of things uh that aren't you know what i mean um predictable exactly but i mean you know the the dinner a dinner theater like this ought to be just wild i don't know", "hypothesis": "TV is more predictable than dinner theaters because TV producers have to appeal to a huge mass audience. "} {"idx": "mnli-14578", "premise": "OSHA has certified to the Small Business Administration that the final rule will not have a significant impact on a substantial number of small entities.", "hypothesis": "The SBS has to worry, the rule will ruin them. "} {"idx": "mnli-14579", "premise": "Nobody ever seems to be able to pass from one holy place or historical site to another without stopping along the way to browse through boxes of broken Roman-era glass at an antiquities shop, bargain for figs and grapes in the markets, sample Arabic desserts, or examine old Hanukkah menorahs and hand-embroidered Bedouin cafens.", "hypothesis": "No one goes from one historical place to another without looking through the boxes of broken glass."} {"idx": "mnli-14580", "premise": "um-hum yes um-hum just tense yeah absolutely yeah we've had our our two cats uh declawed because we keep them in the house all the time", "hypothesis": "We would put our cats outside if they were not declawed. "} {"idx": "mnli-14581", "premise": "It's fairly unusual, in my experience, for a politician to accept a reporter's opinion that one of his major proposals is seriously flawed.", "hypothesis": "A politician will usually defend his proposal to the press rather than acknowledge any serious flaws. "} {"idx": "mnli-14582", "premise": "Which one you wish, senor? Teodoro Trinfan, rope in hand, stood there ready to cast for one of the milling colts.", "hypothesis": "The man asked which one he would like, ready with rope in hand. "} {"idx": "mnli-14583", "premise": "And anyway, who cares whether your kitchen-sink epic features short, fat Mom and Dad or tall, thin contract players?", "hypothesis": "Who cares if your epic features contract players?"} {"idx": "mnli-14584", "premise": "The park also has a restaurant and children's play area.", "hypothesis": "There is both a play area for children and a restaurant in the park. "} {"idx": "mnli-14585", "premise": "The regions of Japan to the northeast of Tokyo are more sparsely inhabited and tend to be less often visited by tourists, either foreign or Japanese.", "hypothesis": "The part of Japan northeast of Tokyo is where most tourists visit."} {"idx": "mnli-14586", "premise": "She became a registered nurse, but always held on to the idea that someday she would be a lawyer.", "hypothesis": "She became a nurse but still wanted to be a lawyer. "} {"idx": "mnli-14587", "premise": "Suggestions have been offered in the United States that the most attractive customers of some presort firms are being charged a price in the neighborhood of one cent per piece.", "hypothesis": "The most attractive customers of some presort firms are being charged much less than other customers."} {"idx": "mnli-14588", "premise": "For today at least, Kelly, once a world-class war correspondent, is just the guy sitting next to you in coach who just has to show you pictures of his kid.", "hypothesis": "Kelly is very important in the subject."} {"idx": "mnli-14589", "premise": "But what's interesting is how similar Lockheed's tactics remain to those it deployed when it was running what was called the grease machine.", "hypothesis": "The tactics at Lockheed remain similar to those it developed in the past."} {"idx": "mnli-14590", "premise": "We may have to collapse some of the tunnels if we need to route attackers, said Jon.", "hypothesis": "Jon said we may have to dig up some of the tunnels."} {"idx": "mnli-14591", "premise": "It seems to me that, in general, current members of the SES fill three broad executive leadership, program management, and senior technical and specialists positions.", "hypothesis": "To me, current members of the SES often fill three broad executive leadership."} {"idx": "mnli-14592", "premise": "A System of Logic", "hypothesis": "The system is logical."} {"idx": "mnli-14593", "premise": "Some suggestions are Chompy's in the Powerscourt Townhouse Centre, The Bistro for pizza and pasta in Castle Market, Fitzer's cafes, and the Coffee Dock Grill in Jury's Hotel, Ballsbridge, which provides a special menu just for children.", "hypothesis": "This menu just for children is filled with themed foods, named after famous cartoon characters."} {"idx": "mnli-14594", "premise": "I wanted to vomit.", "hypothesis": "I started dry heaving."} {"idx": "mnli-14595", "premise": "The presence language appeared in the LSC appropriations act as part of an effort to expand LSC representation to aliens other than lawful residents, and does not appear to have been intended to limit LSC representation to aliens who were continuously physically present in the United States.", "hypothesis": "Aliens were physically present in the United States."} {"idx": "mnli-14596", "premise": "To overcome this obstacle, most of the organizations required members to sign confidentiality or informationsharing agreements.", "hypothesis": "There's no reason for organizations to have members to sign confidentiality or informationsharing agreements."} {"idx": "mnli-14597", "premise": "it does it really does you know she and they have to go back uh occasionally you know she has to write letters to the parole board and you know lawyers and just just ever so often she mentions well she's got to do something else you know write another letter or do something it's just", "hypothesis": "She has to bed the parole board to let people out."} {"idx": "mnli-14598", "premise": "and that's about uh three or four less than civil servants get", "hypothesis": "That's about three or four less times the salary that civil servants get"} {"idx": "mnli-14599", "premise": "The western end of George Street begins at Charlotte Square, originally named St. George's Square after the patron saint of England (mirroring St. Andrew's Square at the street's eastern end, which was named for the patron saint of Scotland).", "hypothesis": "The name was changed to Charlotte square due to popular demand."} {"idx": "mnli-14600", "premise": "There are, however, four other applications of case studies that are less often used at present but that could be appropriate for our jobs.", "hypothesis": "They are rare currently due to the landscape of the industry."} {"idx": "mnli-14601", "premise": "Applause for this off-off Broadway play (written by Moises Kaufman, an unknown gay Venezuelan dramatist), which finally hits the big time.", "hypothesis": "Kaufman's Broadway plays have yet to seen the sage."} {"idx": "mnli-14602", "premise": "(Though in the 1980s, Congress did jiggle the tax rules in ways that encouraged both LBOs and ESOPs.)", "hypothesis": "LBOs and ESOPs were encouraged by the tax rules of the Congress."} {"idx": "mnli-14603", "premise": "i see well it will become even more important you know when and if you do", "hypothesis": "If you decide to, then it won't matter."} {"idx": "mnli-14604", "premise": "Adrin didn't move.", "hypothesis": "Adrin was motionless."} {"idx": "mnli-14605", "premise": "Still, what little they owned was out in force today.", "hypothesis": "They owned a lot of things."} {"idx": "mnli-14606", "premise": "DOT officials said the system had saved the department more than a million dollars each year in administrative costs and facilitated the rulemaking process in other ways.", "hypothesis": "The system cost the department money."} {"idx": "mnli-14607", "premise": "Liberals lauded his nonviolence.", "hypothesis": "Liberals lauded him because of his violence."} {"idx": "mnli-14608", "premise": "This negotiated travel program saves the government over $2 billion annually.", "hypothesis": "$2 billion a year in savings is helpful "} {"idx": "mnli-14609", "premise": "um it's essentially the four of us makes up my family but um", "hypothesis": "We have a family of five."} {"idx": "mnli-14610", "premise": "A few steps from the Basilica of the Agony, at the head of the Kidron Valley, is Mary's Tomb.", "hypothesis": "Mary's Tomb is close to the Basilica of the Agony."} {"idx": "mnli-14611", "premise": "At Wynette's funeral last year, Richey virtually had to be kept from jumping in her grave after her.", "hypothesis": "Wynette is still alive."} {"idx": "mnli-14612", "premise": "If you are driving from Paris, you'll get the best out of Burgundy by leaving the autoroute at either the Courtenay or the Auxerre exit and going the rest of the way on the perfectly good ' and above all beautiful ' secondary roads.", "hypothesis": "If you are driving from Poland, turn left and leave, you'll get the best out of Chicago by leaving."} {"idx": "mnli-14613", "premise": "The LSC and the United States, however, in effect ask us to permit Congress to define the scope of the litigation it funds to exclude certain vital theories and ideas.", "hypothesis": "The LSC has raised no questions about the Congress."} {"idx": "mnli-14614", "premise": "Start out at San Casciano in Val di Pesa, 17 km (11 miles) south of Florence, with a bonus for art-lovers of a Simone Martini Crucifixion and other Sienese works in the church of La Misericordia.", "hypothesis": "San Casciano lies 17 km south of Florence."} {"idx": "mnli-14615", "premise": "There, that's better.", "hypothesis": "It is better like this."} {"idx": "mnli-14616", "premise": "All other spending as well as federal revenue are assumed to grow at essentially the same rate as the economy.", "hypothesis": "All federal revenue spending was assumed to grow at the same rate"} {"idx": "mnli-14617", "premise": "But a lot o' them officers now they come out here wi' biggety idears 'bout how t' handle Injuns, thinkin' they knows all thar's t' be knowed 'bout fightin' an' them never facin' up to a Comanche in war paint, let alone huntin' 'Paches.", "hypothesis": "Paches was talking about dancing."} {"idx": "mnli-14618", "premise": "Children of the 'fetus replacement' generation were popping out like bunnies in the spring.", "hypothesis": "The generation was the largest ever."} {"idx": "mnli-14619", "premise": "Virtually all the fans with whom I have spoken over the years (quite a friendly bunch, actually) consider the absence of big wrecks, injuries, etc., a key component of a good race.", "hypothesis": "Virtually all the fans disagreed with viewing the absence of injuries or wrecks as key components of a good race."} {"idx": "mnli-14620", "premise": "Modern New Kingston, with its office buildings and high rise blocks, is the administrative heart of Jamaica, with government offices, consulates, and boutiques.", "hypothesis": "All government officials reside in New Kingston. "} {"idx": "mnli-14621", "premise": "It describes the reasons for the proposed action and its objectives and legal basis.", "hypothesis": "The reasons for the proposed action were described."} {"idx": "mnli-14622", "premise": "East Shinjuku is really two a daytime quarter of department stores, vertical malls, and discount stores, and a nighttime quarter of bars (straight and gay), cheap restaurants, strip joints, game parlors, jazz clubs, rooms-by-the-hour hotels, raves, and honky-tonks most of the latter in a seedy, neon-lit neighborhood called Kabuki-cho.", "hypothesis": "East Shinjuku doesn't have any night time activities, there is an early cerfew. "} {"idx": "mnli-14623", "premise": "We assume that net foreign investment rises by one-third of any increase in the national saving rate.", "hypothesis": "There are times that net foreign investment does not rise when national savings rate do. "} {"idx": "mnli-14624", "premise": "The cover story says liberals shouldn't get excited about the budget surplus because it could easily disappear.", "hypothesis": "The budget surplus will not easily disappear. "} {"idx": "mnli-14625", "premise": "Morrison at first disliked the film, but she is now a fan.", "hypothesis": "She is a fan of the film now."} {"idx": "mnli-14626", "premise": " The National Diamond Centres in Netanya.09-862 4770) as well as Jerusalem.02-673 3770) will pick you up from your hotel and give you a free tour of the workshops, where they will offer a wide choice of goods to select from and expert advice on what you may want to buy.", "hypothesis": "Diamond specialists will give you advice and a free tour of the workshops that work with diamond."} {"idx": "mnli-14627", "premise": "When auditors conclude significant abuse has or is likely to have occurred, they should also include", "hypothesis": "Auditors conclude abuse has or is likely to occur "} {"idx": "mnli-14628", "premise": "Schiff has also appeared recently in the tabs.", "hypothesis": "Schiff hates it when he appears in the tabloids. "} {"idx": "mnli-14629", "premise": "But you are wonderful. ", "hypothesis": "You are also extremely popular. "} {"idx": "mnli-14630", "premise": "The train's narrow roof beckoned me, boasting of safety... The roof lied.", "hypothesis": "The train's roof was shaky."} {"idx": "mnli-14631", "premise": "As in Delhi's Fort, most of the private palace apartments face the Yamuna river.", "hypothesis": "Most private palace apartments face the Yamuna River."} {"idx": "mnli-14632", "premise": "uh-huh oh really yeah that's when my nephew's birthday is and he goes well you should have it on the fifteenth so we'll see", "hypothesis": "My nephew wants to have it on the fifteenth"} {"idx": "mnli-14633", "premise": "The ossuary, now a chapel, is late Renaissance in the very elaborate Breton manner ' with Corinthian columns, lanterns, niches, and caryatids.", "hypothesis": "What was once an ossuary is now a chapel. "} {"idx": "mnli-14634", "premise": "Party entrepreneurs were often newspaper editors and postmasters, and postmasterships quickly became a staple of party patronage.", "hypothesis": "The editors use terrible tactics to gain funds. "} {"idx": "mnli-14635", "premise": "so within a month i guess or two we'll know", "hypothesis": "We should know something in about a month. "} {"idx": "mnli-14636", "premise": "As you approach the Temple Mount along the Street of the Chain, you'll notice the imposing doorways of the great Mameluke-style mansions of Jerusalem from the 14th century, with their stalactite-like ornamentation.", "hypothesis": "Jerusalem construction workers always loved to put large doorways on buildings. "} {"idx": "mnli-14637", "premise": "This examination should focus on a number of issues that have been suggested", "hypothesis": "No issues have been suggested."} {"idx": "mnli-14638", "premise": "When tenants have vigorous representation, the outcome is much different, Legal Services lawyer Lewis Liebler said Wednesday as he joined about six other lawyers doing pro bono work.", "hypothesis": "There were no lawyers interested in coming forward to provide pro bono work."} {"idx": "mnli-14639", "premise": "and the prices what you get here for about a hundred thousand you could get there for about seventy five eighty", "hypothesis": "What you can get there for a hundred thousand you can get here for twenty. "} {"idx": "mnli-14640", "premise": "They share a common ancestry with inhabitants of the Indonesian archipelago.", "hypothesis": "They bore no relation to inhabitants of the Indonesian archipelago."} {"idx": "mnli-14641", "premise": "so because you always put your phone number down so they can call and tell you that you won", "hypothesis": "So you put your phone number down and they can call and tell you that you won the monthly draw"} {"idx": "mnli-14642", "premise": "It says the point of this odyssey isn't revenge but regret--for irredeemably blown chances and a tragic waste of love.", "hypothesis": "The point wasn't supposed to be revenge, but it occured anyways."} {"idx": "mnli-14643", "premise": "or you want to take the other side of it you can argue that's one of those you can pick either side and we could spend a lot of time on it because", "hypothesis": "Or if you want to play devil's advocate, you could argue that either stance is one that could be debated at length."} {"idx": "mnli-14644", "premise": "The site was swampy and mosquito-ridden, and, after a number of outbreaks of disease, his fellow colonists abandoned him and moved to the future capital city.", "hypothesis": "The site was clear of any swampy ground."} {"idx": "mnli-14645", "premise": "because you have to you have to show they knowingly did it", "hypothesis": "They did it in ignorance so why would you blame them?"} {"idx": "mnli-14646", "premise": "Take the funicular railway from the Place Saint-Jean up to the top of the hill and walk down the Chemin du Rosaire, which gives spectacular views of the town below.", "hypothesis": "The trip involves a few simple steps, involving a a railway and a walk down a hill."} {"idx": "mnli-14647", "premise": "Housed in the elegant residence of a famous 19th-century collector, at 158 Bou?\u00adle?\u00advard Haussmann, the Mus??e Jacquemar-Andr?? displays one of France's finest gatherings of 18th-century French, 17th-century Flemish and Dutch, and Italian Renaissance art, in much the same spirit as New York's Frick Collection or London's Wal?\u00adlace Collection.", "hypothesis": "Renaissance was a period of artistry most represented by Italian art."} {"idx": "mnli-14648", "premise": "They have contended with difficult working conditions as demand for Legal Aid's services is on the rise because of Sept. 11 and the deteriorating economy.", "hypothesis": "The economy improved right after September 11th."} {"idx": "mnli-14649", "premise": "He now faces an election in three months, says Berger.", "hypothesis": "This is the first time he's run for office."} {"idx": "mnli-14650", "premise": "The Ohara Tokikan pottery hall is devoted to the work of modern pottery masters Kanjiro Kawai, Shoji Hamada, and Kenkichi Tomimoto, as well as their much admired friend, Bernard Leach, the influential British potter credited with popularizing Japanese rustic ceramic styles and techniques abroad.", "hypothesis": "The Ohara Tokikan pottery hall also features a craft shop where you can buy modern works."} {"idx": "mnli-14651", "premise": "Ten weeks after OPP launched LRI, site activity reports showed that users had viewed approximately 15,500 pages.", "hypothesis": "OPP launched LRI for the 10,000 employees."} {"idx": "mnli-14652", "premise": "Why, of course. ", "hypothesis": "I'll certainly show you my horse."} {"idx": "mnli-14653", "premise": "It is drunk as an aperitif, and indeed throughout the meal.", "hypothesis": "It is not ever drunk during the meal."} {"idx": "mnli-14654", "premise": " \"Hope you're keepin' him closer.", "hypothesis": "Keep him at a far distance."} {"idx": "mnli-14655", "premise": "how do you vote how do you vote in the military do you vote absentee in your own registered state um-hum", "hypothesis": "How does someone deployed in the military vote?"} {"idx": "mnli-14656", "premise": "But more money is essential.", "hypothesis": "More financial funds are necessary."} {"idx": "mnli-14657", "premise": "She whispered to herself, as though she had forgotten I was there: 'These few words, and everything's changed.' And then she says to me: 'Never trust a man, Dorcas, they're not worth it!' I hurried off, and got her a good strong cup of tea, and she thanked me, and said she'd feel better when she'd drunk it. ", "hypothesis": "She spoke, but it was to herself rather than me."} {"idx": "mnli-14658", "premise": "Taniguchi, acclaimed for his sleek Tokyo buildings, plans to use unassuming materials--glass, aluminum, and black slate--which critics say won't distract from nearby masterpieces by Cesar Pelli and Philip Johnson.", "hypothesis": "Taniguchi will be using glass, aluminum and black slate to create his next building in Tokyo."} {"idx": "mnli-14659", "premise": "The only survivor was a prisoner in a thick-walled dungeon, who for years afterwards was displayed abroad as a circus attraction.", "hypothesis": "The one prisoner that survived was paid well to be in the circus. "} {"idx": "mnli-14660", "premise": "Twenty-five years ago, our government made a pledge to help ensure that all persons have access to America's civil justice system by enacting legislation that created Legal Services Corporation.", "hypothesis": "The government pledged to make sure everyone had access to the civil justice system."} {"idx": "mnli-14661", "premise": "uh-huh well you kind of know what it's like then", "hypothesis": "Well if that's the case you are familiar with what it is like."} {"idx": "mnli-14662", "premise": "The ability to leverage other funds to represent LSC eligible clients is a factor LSC considers in evaluating its grantees.", "hypothesis": "The LSC carefully evaluates grantees "} {"idx": "mnli-14663", "premise": "Both had diamonds painted over their left eyes.", "hypothesis": "They have red circles painted over their left eyes."} {"idx": "mnli-14664", "premise": "Auditors General in their countries, and many more have served as Deputies or in other highlevel posts.", "hypothesis": "Very few serve as deputy or higher in their countries."} {"idx": "mnli-14665", "premise": "The woman, disarmed, stood.", "hypothesis": "The woman, who was disarmed, stood up to return to battle."} {"idx": "mnli-14666", "premise": "He said it is easier to change a field from within than from the outside.", "hypothesis": "He knew from experience, having joined the field to enact the change he wanted to see."} {"idx": "mnli-14667", "premise": "Considering the Results of Previous Audits", "hypothesis": "Analysing the Results of Previous Couples"} {"idx": "mnli-14668", "premise": "and uh it gives you the uh impression the uh impression that the company really doesn't trust the people that work for them", "hypothesis": "The company fully trusts them and wants to see them all succeed."} {"idx": "mnli-14669", "premise": "well, anyway, your letter is most interesting.", "hypothesis": "Your letter has a nice picture included in it."} {"idx": "mnli-14670", "premise": "We jus' git high behind an' take care.", "hypothesis": "Just get high up and watch for danger."} {"idx": "mnli-14671", "premise": "These effects are left unquantified for a variety of reasons, but mostly because of the complexity of modeling these effects and the major uncertainties in reliably quantifying the incremental effects of atmospheric emissions reductions on ecological endpoints.", "hypothesis": "The effects have not been quantified."} {"idx": "mnli-14672", "premise": "Paper presented at the Annual American Educational Research Association meeting, New York, March 1982.", "hypothesis": "The research paper by NYU academics was submitted to the Annual AERA meeting in March 1982."} {"idx": "mnli-14673", "premise": "Well, I hope not.", "hypothesis": "I hope so."} {"idx": "mnli-14674", "premise": "As we know from the Oscars, it's the sanctimonious stuff that gets rewarded.", "hypothesis": "The Oscars are the only proof that sanctimonious things are rewarded."} {"idx": "mnli-14675", "premise": "We must also hope that he does not weight his conversation to talk of impeachment and partisan politics.", "hypothesis": "We must also hope that he does weight his conversation to talk of impeachment and partisan politics."} {"idx": "mnli-14676", "premise": "* EPA cost modeling for wet scrubber installations estimate 29 tons of limestone required to achieve 95 percent SO2 removal while burning a 4 percent sulfur coal.", "hypothesis": "Sulfur emissions from burning coal cannot be reduced by any known method."} {"idx": "mnli-14677", "premise": "According to Laibson, the conflict is not between you and your mate, but between you-today and you-tomorrow.", "hypothesis": "The conflict isn't between the couple."} {"idx": "mnli-14678", "premise": "did they have some pretty good campsites up there", "hypothesis": "They have good campsites in North Dakota."} {"idx": "mnli-14679", "premise": "Look for the Parmigianino frescoes in the first, second, and fourth chapels on the left aisle.", "hypothesis": "Search the chapels to find the only two Parmigianino frescoes still around."} {"idx": "mnli-14680", "premise": "However, EPA's Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances home page did have a Laws and Regulations link that contains a link to a list of proposed rules available for comment.", "hypothesis": "The EPA's website listed links to proposed rules. "} {"idx": "mnli-14681", "premise": "This approach provides perhaps a better technique for isolating the actual costs of the emissions caps.", "hypothesis": "The costs of emissions caps are estimated at several million dollars per year."} {"idx": "mnli-14682", "premise": "Comptroller General Aof the United States", "hypothesis": "The general comptroller"} {"idx": "mnli-14683", "premise": "A little car trouble wasn't about to keep him from delivering his message.", "hypothesis": "Car trouble wouldn't stop him from delivering his message "} {"idx": "mnli-14684", "premise": "In Rome, La Repubblica reported from New York on the ambivalence of President Clinton's attitude toward Hollywood, pointing out that a few hours after accusing it of promoting violence and having direct responsibility for massacres in American schools, he had gone to dinner in Beverly Hills with film industry friends who had poured millions of dollars into Democratic Party coffers.", "hypothesis": "President Clinton is good friends with Meryl Streep."} {"idx": "mnli-14685", "premise": "yeah i i always wondered about that myself", "hypothesis": "I always wondered about that myself since I was about 6 or 7 years old."} {"idx": "mnli-14686", "premise": "You are sure of that?", "hypothesis": "I'm positive that was not correct."} {"idx": "mnli-14687", "premise": "um-hum uh we're going to breed her with a champion so we'll be able to get uh probably around two fifty for the kittens", "hypothesis": "We are going to have her spayed tomorrow."} {"idx": "mnli-14688", "premise": "He always liked knives more than swords and he had about three on him, big ones with heavy blades.", "hypothesis": "He cut himself often while playing with knives."} {"idx": "mnli-14689", "premise": "According to the results of three recent surveys, the private sector commonly allows its employees to retain for personal use frequent flyer miles received on business travel.", "hypothesis": "Allowing employees to use their frequent flyer miles were treated as a type of benefit."} {"idx": "mnli-14690", "premise": "The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency is charged by Congress with protecting the Nation's land, air, and water resources.", "hypothesis": "Land resources are supposed to be protected by the EPA."} {"idx": "mnli-14691", "premise": "One woman he represented was facing eviction with her three children, and a second woman had four children and a fifth on the way.", "hypothesis": "the first woman did not actually have three children, one of the children was actually just a dog."} {"idx": "mnli-14692", "premise": "In fact, Dave Hanson had never felt that good in his life--or his former life.", "hypothesis": "Dave had never felt worse in this life or the previous one."} {"idx": "mnli-14693", "premise": "humidity or something", "hypothesis": "It's certainly not humidity."} {"idx": "mnli-14694", "premise": "Reporters always like to take popular people down, and they're trained to sympathize with underdogs (afflict the comfortable, comfort the afflicted).", "hypothesis": "Reporters always enjoy muddying popular people's reputations."} {"idx": "mnli-14695", "premise": "When Italians moved the melodrama of their lives indoors, they called it opera.", "hypothesis": "Opera can be said to come from the dramatic lives of Italians."} {"idx": "mnli-14696", "premise": "'Well,' Greuze coughed.", "hypothesis": "Greuze coughed for a full minute."} {"idx": "mnli-14697", "premise": "We began trading salt for the captured enemies of the desert tribes.", "hypothesis": "The tribes traded to get salt."} {"idx": "mnli-14698", "premise": "uh-huh what what what bothers the heck out of me is uh one of these so-called American made cars where part of it's put together in Japan and what you've got is you've got standard and metric", "hypothesis": "Some cars are in both standard and metric, it's aggravating."} {"idx": "mnli-14699", "premise": "but uh like i said i stayed in today because i picked up a cold the other day so didn't feel like going outside and doing much", "hypothesis": "You stayed in the other day."} {"idx": "mnli-14700", "premise": "I'm sorry, Father.", "hypothesis": "Dad, I am not sorry."} {"idx": "mnli-14701", "premise": "materials, reach a wider audience, and provide its clients with information in a format that better meets their needs.", "hypothesis": "The materials reach a larger group and provide it with better organized information. "} {"idx": "mnli-14702", "premise": "As I was saying, her pride and jealousy have been laid aside. ", "hypothesis": "She is no longer proud and jealous as I was saying."} {"idx": "mnli-14703", "premise": "yeah i know did is it easy to find painters uh painters to do this for you", "hypothesis": "It was hard to find a painter."} {"idx": "mnli-14704", "premise": "Speeches were made in the Park and Trafalgar Square.", "hypothesis": "People gathered in Trafalgar Square to learn what happened."} {"idx": "mnli-14705", "premise": "'Is that what lent your impression credence? You're merely playing up to a fantasy.", "hypothesis": "I know why you did that."} {"idx": "mnli-14706", "premise": "The small man drew a shining dagger from within his cloak but instead of attacking the merchant he went after the girl.", "hypothesis": "The man had a weapon hidden in his clothes. "} {"idx": "mnli-14707", "premise": "This collaborative effort is a major step for Indiana in the area of pro se support.", "hypothesis": "Indiana is moving towards pro se support."} {"idx": "mnli-14708", "premise": "Orrin Hatch said Americans are entitled to know about felonies committed by a candidate.", "hypothesis": "The American people should not know whether a candidate has a felony said, Orrin Hatch."} {"idx": "mnli-14709", "premise": "but uh even now i would i would like to not have to work in some ways it it's a kind of pull and tug on the other hand", "hypothesis": "I'd rather just stay home. "} {"idx": "mnli-14710", "premise": "The sales pitch designed to support workers will also protect shirkers.", "hypothesis": "The sales pitch will look after workers and protect slackers."} {"idx": "mnli-14711", "premise": "Beyond Crawford Market, the area that the Indians truly call their own away from the Apollo Bunder and the Maidan and still redolent of their old imperial masters is known in tribute to simple reality as the City", "hypothesis": "An area known as the City is located past the Crawford Market."} {"idx": "mnli-14712", "premise": "yeah that's yeah yeah well we really have uh our our bedrooms i guess are the ones that have uh that have to be painted uh we've got paper on uh our dining room and kitchen and bathrooms and then we've got paneling in our family room and game room", "hypothesis": "I'm not doing any remodeling on the house."} {"idx": "mnli-14713", "premise": "By the old Mexican law the hunting season for horses runs from October to March.", "hypothesis": "Hunting horses is forbidden year-round by old Mexican law. "} {"idx": "mnli-14714", "premise": "All the time the torero is assessing the bull, noting his temperament, how he charges, and how he uses his horns.", "hypothesis": "The torero is constantly assessing the bull by watching how he charges and uses his horn, and what his temperament is. "} {"idx": "mnli-14715", "premise": "After all, they don't offer employees car insurance.", "hypothesis": "This company does not offer car insurance for their employees."} {"idx": "mnli-14716", "premise": "For example, to achieve 80 percent mercury reduction from a low sulfur bituminous coal using an ACI system with humidification will require a treatment rate of about 8 lb/million acf (MMacf).", "hypothesis": "This system is very expensive to install and operate."} {"idx": "mnli-14717", "premise": "You must be near as shiny as Don Cazar or Mister Topham!\" ", "hypothesis": "You must be as shiny and clean as Don Cazar or Mister Topham!"} {"idx": "mnli-14718", "premise": "You'll find a printed guide indicating times and difficulty of various hikes at the Pointe-?\u00a0-Pitre tourist office.", "hypothesis": "The tourist office has printed guides for the hikes."} {"idx": "mnli-14719", "premise": "Did you not find it yourself?", "hypothesis": "You don't remember even having this conversation with me?"} {"idx": "mnli-14720", "premise": "He knew without question that he was well.", "hypothesis": "He knew already that he had to have been well."} {"idx": "mnli-14721", "premise": "They incur less overtime and the rural carrier work force has a higher proportion of casual employees.", "hypothesis": "The rural carrier work force has a higher proportion of casual employees."} {"idx": "mnli-14722", "premise": "you know and uh certainly nothing that you have to do anything about um", "hypothesis": "You know you don't have to do anything since you aren't involved."} {"idx": "mnli-14723", "premise": "I haven't got them.", "hypothesis": "I haven't got them but I know who might."} {"idx": "mnli-14724", "premise": "well it was nice talking to you and good luck with the baby", "hypothesis": "I hope you have awful luck with the baby."} {"idx": "mnli-14725", "premise": "Fernando glad to know you", "hypothesis": "I am ashamed to know you, Fernando. "} {"idx": "mnli-14726", "premise": "Multiple, feasible referral options that vary in intensity and scope should be available as part of the intervention.", "hypothesis": "There should only be one feasible referral option available."} {"idx": "mnli-14727", "premise": "Sabeel Qait Bey, an ornate little 15th-century kiosk, shows the fine design and craftsmanship of the Mameluke period; from this kiosk, fresh water was served to visitors in earlier times.", "hypothesis": "The designs of the Mameluke period were complex and sturdy."} {"idx": "mnli-14728", "premise": "National initiatives undertaken or completed in 2001 ", "hypothesis": "There were many national initiatives completed in 2001. "} {"idx": "mnli-14729", "premise": "I'll \" The pity on Mr. Carter's face stopped him.", "hypothesis": "Mr Carter made a face of disgust."} {"idx": "mnli-14730", "premise": "Most Falwell-style Christians would probably say yes, since the Antichrist is a false Messiah, he'll have to be Jewish, like Christ himself.", "hypothesis": "Falwall would say yes to that question."} {"idx": "mnli-14731", "premise": "Very slowly, a fraction of an inch at a time, he moved it round, holding his breath in his excessive care.", "hypothesis": "He was holding his breath because he was in a mission."} {"idx": "mnli-14732", "premise": "quit drooling on me look at this i'm wet", "hypothesis": "Stop getting your slobber all over me."} {"idx": "mnli-14733", "premise": "Today, 36 states have such bodies; most others are in the midst of creating one.", "hypothesis": "Most of the other states are making such bodies."} {"idx": "mnli-14734", "premise": "It's been there for millions of years.", "hypothesis": "It is a rock formation."} {"idx": "mnli-14735", "premise": "In order to better support the Congress and maximize the value of our strategic plan, in April I announced a realignment of GAO.", "hypothesis": "Our plan is to support Congress for the next fifty years."} {"idx": "mnli-14736", "premise": "If those subway ads are more effective against the cautious Martins than against the reckless Maxwells, then they are a threat to the hapless Joans.", "hypothesis": "The Joans are at risk if the subway ads have more effect on the Martins than the Maxwells."} {"idx": "mnli-14737", "premise": "Background information generally sets the stage for reporting the results of an engagement or provides information that puts the results in proper context.", "hypothesis": "Background information tells you about a person."} {"idx": "mnli-14738", "premise": "Just before the Bond Street Tube station they crossed the road, Tommy, unperceived, faithfully at their heels, and entered the big Lyons'.", "hypothesis": "Tommy lost them at Bond Street Tube station."} {"idx": "mnli-14739", "premise": "and i don't think the US will stand for it i don't think he would do that uh i think we learned too much", "hypothesis": "I think that the US will stand for that of course, they are communists."} {"idx": "mnli-14740", "premise": "And Rams coach Dick Vermeil is acting like he knew what he was doing all along, even if he didn't protect Warner in last season's expansion draft.", "hypothesis": "Vermeil is the coach of the Cubs."} {"idx": "mnli-14741", "premise": "The area around the port in Ibiza Town offers the largest choice of shops on the island.", "hypothesis": "Ibiza Town is completely bereft of shops to choose from."} {"idx": "mnli-14742", "premise": "They contain diaries, poems, puzzles, and interviews.", "hypothesis": "They include love letters, newspaper articles and honorary degrees."} {"idx": "mnli-14743", "premise": "Interconnected business services.", "hypothesis": "The services are interconnected."} {"idx": "mnli-14744", "premise": "Practically all the major Champagne labels offer tours; the Office de Tourisme (beside the cathedral, at 2 Rue Guil?\u00adlaume de Machault) is the best source of information on hours and prices.", "hypothesis": "The Office de Tourisme is located far from the cathedral."} {"idx": "mnli-14745", "premise": "oh i'm thinking around twenty or twenty five dollars", "hypothesis": "I think this game is worth at least twenty dollars"} {"idx": "mnli-14746", "premise": "After the sessions, my hosts eagerly escorted me around the city and took me to the towering Hradcany Castle (Kafka's Castle, since he had once lived in a small hovel in the wall underneath.)", "hypothesis": "The Hradcany Castle, which my hosts brought me to, was very tall."} {"idx": "mnli-14747", "premise": "Venice, founded on its islets and lagoons in the sixth century by mainland refugees fleeing Lombard raiders, prospered from a privileged relationship with Byzantium and an uninhibited readiness to trade with Muslims and others farther east.", "hypothesis": "Venice was created for Muslim trade."} {"idx": "mnli-14748", "premise": "The old man had died of a chill that had left him bedridden and coughing for three weeks.", "hypothesis": "The old man passed painlessly in the night. "} {"idx": "mnli-14749", "premise": "The Department promulgated this rule under the notice and comment procedures of 5 U.S.C.", "hypothesis": "The department implemented the rule without a committee vote."} {"idx": "mnli-14750", "premise": "While other quarters are known for their palaces and churches, Montparnasse (named after a 17th-century gravel mound since removed) has cafe and bars for its landmarks, most of them along the Boulevard du the Closerie des Lilas; the Select, a Henry Miller hang-out; the Coupole, favorite of Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir; the D??me; and the Rotonde.", "hypothesis": "Sartre never visited Montparnasse."} {"idx": "mnli-14751", "premise": "so but uh of course my husband did everything except my brother's a trim carpenter and he came in you know and did the inside for us and that helped and and uh yes and uh we had to hire course the plumbing and the brick and everything else nothing you know he did everything else", "hypothesis": "My brother helped with the construction project."} {"idx": "mnli-14752", "premise": "to deny that at least you know the majority of it is true so you know you know it depends on how you look at it", "hypothesis": "At least you know most of the teachers are telling the truth about the test scores."} {"idx": "mnli-14753", "premise": "Nobody knew how he felt.", "hypothesis": "Everyone knew how he felt."} {"idx": "mnli-14754", "premise": "Shinjuku Gyoen is famous for its botanical greenhouse, for its flowering cherry trees in April, and for its chrysanthemum exhibition during the first two weeks of October.", "hypothesis": "Every year, thousands of people visit the chrysanthemum exhibition in Shinjuku Gyoen's botanical greenhouse. "} {"idx": "mnli-14755", "premise": "Prices are generally fixed, except in markets.", "hypothesis": "Prices for many common consumer goods like milk are generally fixed, but not in markets."} {"idx": "mnli-14756", "premise": "He had slept with only two women in his life.", "hypothesis": "He had not slept with many women."} {"idx": "mnli-14757", "premise": "This suggests that paycheck protection will likely live on more as a rhetorical excuse for Republican opponents of campaign reform than as an actual cause.", "hypothesis": "Paycheck protection will not help either party in the campaign."} {"idx": "mnli-14758", "premise": "We can draw no other conclusion given the significant contribution that power generation makes to the emissions that cause such serious public health and environmental problems.", "hypothesis": "Emissions do not cause damage and are not a hazard to public health nor do they lead to environmental problems."} {"idx": "mnli-14759", "premise": "West from Little Langdale toward the coast of the Irish Sea, there is only a single route and it is one that tests the nerve of even the most experienced driver.", "hypothesis": "East from Little Langdale are a hundred routes."} {"idx": "mnli-14760", "premise": "The relationship between LSC-funded providers and their partners in the state justice community in Colorado has always been positive.", "hypothesis": "The positive relationship between LSC-funded providers and their partners has had a positive impact in the community."} {"idx": "mnli-14761", "premise": "By little I do not mean small.", "hypothesis": "Small is not what I mean."} {"idx": "mnli-14762", "premise": "Not on muscle.", "hypothesis": "Not on a bicep"} {"idx": "mnli-14763", "premise": "Patricia Perry reported that one alcohol intervention project in New York State was implemented in 18 hospitals, but in a different way in each one.", "hypothesis": "The alcohol intervention project taught the same things, but in different ways."} {"idx": "mnli-14764", "premise": "Surely farmers are willing to pay much more for fertile seeds than for infertile, and you can be sure that Monsanto fully exploits that willingness.)", "hypothesis": "Monsato is happy about the fact that he is getting rich off of fertile seeds"} {"idx": "mnli-14765", "premise": "And that is all? ", "hypothesis": "You said that there is nothing at all. "} {"idx": "mnli-14766", "premise": "The 40 percent reduction in mortality under the Alternative Estimate and the difference in valuation of premature mortality and chronic bronchitis explain the difference in benefits between these two approaches.", "hypothesis": "The difference in benefits between these two approaches cannot be ignored."} {"idx": "mnli-14767", "premise": "The museum is almost on the spot where the Portuguese first landed.", "hypothesis": "The Portuguese landed miles away from the present location of the museum."} {"idx": "mnli-14768", "premise": "you know but that's what they do i mean that's a year and a half of your life that's that you don't do anything that you have to be there you know maybe five times you know five times a week and that you know that you have a i guess a round robin schedule or something", "hypothesis": "It sounds like you have a round robin schedule for the past year and a half of your life."} {"idx": "mnli-14769", "premise": "These adaptations created the need for a better understanding of the relationship between case study techniques and other techniques and between quantitative and qualitative approaches within case studies.", "hypothesis": "These adaptations create the need for a more comprehensive understanding of case study techniques and other techniques like public studies."} {"idx": "mnli-14770", "premise": "Would you want Adrin defending your wife and children and then panic at the first sign of an enemy's sword?Ca'daan felt his fingers go numb.", "hypothesis": "He was relieved to hear that Adrin was protecting them. "} {"idx": "mnli-14771", "premise": "the what kind of what kind of equipment do you use uh i mean just brush and roller or", "hypothesis": "Do you use brushes or rollers at all?"} {"idx": "mnli-14772", "premise": "Then there are the legitimate programs that have been infected with subprograms called viruses . Viruses are crafty things that are cleverly (if perversely) designed to replicate themselves whenever their host program is run.", "hypothesis": "Viruses are easily defeated by deleting their host programs."} {"idx": "mnli-14773", "premise": "I will introduce you, said Gauve.", "hypothesis": "Guave said he would introduce them."} {"idx": "mnli-14774", "premise": "8 trillion dollars in fiscal year 2000.", "hypothesis": "For the fiscal year 2000, the sum was 8 trillion dollars."} {"idx": "mnli-14775", "premise": "The ropes were made using the new revolutionary SkySafe technology, whatever that meant, but which had one major fault - their colors were fine for beginners parachuting from jump towers, and the director had already completed his first real jump.", "hypothesis": "The ropes were made using the new revolutionary technology."} {"idx": "mnli-14776", "premise": "I am sorry I was not there to help.", "hypothesis": "I'm glad that I was able to help you. "} {"idx": "mnli-14777", "premise": "This mare o' yourn what's so special, young feller.... Me, I'd like t' see a hoss what's got to be took care of like she was a bang-up lady!\"He put two fingers to his lips and whistled.", "hypothesis": "I would like to know what is so special about your mare."} {"idx": "mnli-14778", "premise": "The mean value of avoiding one statistical death (i.e.", "hypothesis": "The mean value of avoiding a statistical death is 5%"} {"idx": "mnli-14779", "premise": "The dealer took the car back.", "hypothesis": "The car was taken back by the dealer."} {"idx": "mnli-14780", "premise": "In life, Ieyasu had made himself the absolute monarch of Japan.", "hypothesis": "Leyasu held no power. "} {"idx": "mnli-14781", "premise": "The problem is the county doesn't have any enforcement agency, Goedicke said. ", "hypothesis": "The issues is that the county lacks enforcement agencies, said Goedicke."} {"idx": "mnli-14782", "premise": "Buyer Beware.", "hypothesis": "The buyer should keep their eyes peeled for scams."} {"idx": "mnli-14783", "premise": "These expenditures include production incentives and investment tax credits for renewable energy, energy efficiency and transportation technologies.", "hypothesis": "the expenditures include production incentives and investment tax credits."} {"idx": "mnli-14784", "premise": "Yet the recent evolution of Hanukkah represents not a capitulation to the forces of Christmas but an assertion of Jewishness amid a multicultural society.", "hypothesis": "Hanukkah and Christmas are the same thing."} {"idx": "mnli-14785", "premise": "The warm, sulphurous waters (around 35 50??C/ 95 122??F) are said to be good for treating rheumatism and respiratory complaints.", "hypothesis": "The temperatures are around 65 degrees."} {"idx": "mnli-14786", "premise": "yeah i'm glad that i'm glad that i saw Ghost before it went", "hypothesis": "I don't think I would have watched Ghost if I had waited till now."} {"idx": "mnli-14787", "premise": "yes i i felt that it certainly was i mean i was smarter than most of the people that i was working for and uh you know every time something new came up i was explaining it to them and uh i had", "hypothesis": "I explained everything to them because I'm so smart."} {"idx": "mnli-14788", "premise": "But he added that many other groups had gone along [with the reorganization] reluctantly when faced with the possible loss of most of their budgets.", "hypothesis": "He said groups had reorganized and ended up saving a lot of money."} {"idx": "mnli-14789", "premise": "but um i brought um my kids when they were little they had given me uh some azaleas so i brought all my azalea bushes and you know i brought i brought as much as i could bring", "hypothesis": "I just decided to start over with my plants."} {"idx": "mnli-14790", "premise": " The annual investment34 made in the year ended on the balance sheet date as well as in each of the 4 years preceding that year shall be reported.", "hypothesis": "The report shall exclude any annual investment."} {"idx": "mnli-14791", "premise": "and this is about nineteen sixty four i believe or something like that and there still hasn't been any you know new development in prescribed drugs that can help it", "hypothesis": "I am aware of all the new prescription developments for it."} {"idx": "mnli-14792", "premise": "As a research method, the case study originates in the social sciences, particularly in the fieldwork of anthropology and sociology.", "hypothesis": "Case studies originated in Biological Sciences as a research method."} {"idx": "mnli-14793", "premise": "Friday, we publish the weekend edition at about 11 a.m.", "hypothesis": "We publish the weekend edition at 1 p.m."} {"idx": "mnli-14794", "premise": "The view from the rooftop cafeteria is better than the food for anyone hoping to sample the joys of Arab cuisine, however.", "hypothesis": "The food is the best part of the rooftop cafeteria."} {"idx": "mnli-14795", "premise": "One of the most prosperous city-states of the Aegean coast was Pergamum, ruled since 264 b.c. by the Attalid dynasty.", "hypothesis": "Pergamum was a very poor city-state."} {"idx": "mnli-14796", "premise": "oh yeah my wife too that's her favorite too yeah you know it's funny with Chinese restaurants since you can't read the menu or anything you tend to stick with one thing i used to it used to always be sweet and sour pork for me and then i just i i started getting a little more health conscious", "hypothesis": "these days i tend to stick to vegetable dishes at Chinese restaurants"} {"idx": "mnli-14797", "premise": "Both newsweeklies celebrate cities.", "hypothesis": "The two newsweeklies celebrate rural life, but don't have many positive things to say about cities."} {"idx": "mnli-14798", "premise": "Versailles was truly the shining star of Europe by its architectural splendor, and most of all by the sheer hypnotic power of Louis XIV's cult of self-glorification.", "hypothesis": "Versailles was known as the shining star, but was really over-hyped."} {"idx": "mnli-14799", "premise": "On June 17, 1997, the FCC published a notice of proposed rulemaking in the Federal Register seeking comments on the proposal.", "hypothesis": "FCC published a notice of proposed rulemaking in the Federal Register towards the end of the 20th century."} {"idx": "mnli-14800", "premise": "yeah yeah it's not bad so you don't need you don't need money for gasoline you don't need money you know incidentals uh for coffee when i come into work in the morning and things like that but other than that um it looks like we're probably going towards a cashless society", "hypothesis": "It seems we are moving towards a cashless society."} {"idx": "mnli-14801", "premise": "'It's the pain meds, see.", "hypothesis": "The pain medication is making me feel terrible."} {"idx": "mnli-14802", "premise": "And I know you and I are brothers in bloodshed.", "hypothesis": "Since we're both brothers, we can fight the demons together."} {"idx": "mnli-14803", "premise": "In the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking the Commission solicited comments on the costs to establishments of providing volume control and hearing aid compatibility.", "hypothesis": "The Commission deliberately ignored and dissuaded any comments about costs and hearing aid compatibility."} {"idx": "mnli-14804", "premise": "Well, the PMG, being the kind soul that he is, reach in his pocket, pulled out one of those nice, crisp, new $50 dollar bills and mailed it to the boy's mother.", "hypothesis": "The PMG pulled out a new $50 bill and mailed to the boy's Mother."} {"idx": "mnli-14805", "premise": "'See if you enjoy spending more time as a fugitive, sorting through garbage.", "hypothesis": "I knew he would change his mind when I told him to try digging through the trash. "} {"idx": "mnli-14806", "premise": "yeah yeah yeah that's just like moving to another area for a while", "hypothesis": "It was just like moving to another area for awhile."} {"idx": "mnli-14807", "premise": "Sensitivity analyses reveal that variations in these assumptions generally would not affect the relative outcomes of alternative policies.", "hypothesis": "The relative outcomes would not be affected."} {"idx": "mnli-14808", "premise": "and uh it's strangely enough it's almost like the law of averages catches you on the following year", "hypothesis": "It's almost like the following year is when the law of averages gets you."} {"idx": "mnli-14809", "premise": "The hardware and equipment to support wet FGD technology involves five major systems.", "hypothesis": "There were originally only three major systems."} {"idx": "mnli-14810", "premise": "In its most recent long-term modeling report, CBO assumed total factor productivity growth of 1.7 percent beyond 2010.", "hypothesis": "CBO has thorough modeling reports"} {"idx": "mnli-14811", "premise": "The large man, Barik, breathed deep and his large chest expanded.", "hypothesis": "Barik was a big man. "} {"idx": "mnli-14812", "premise": "uh-huh i've heard of that problem with many other different cars doesn't seem to be prevalent with just one manufacturer", "hypothesis": "Auto makers produce problem free vehicles, no issues or recalls are ever reported."} {"idx": "mnli-14813", "premise": "While transaction processing will always exist, it does not have to drain the finance organization's resources.", "hypothesis": "Most finance organizations deal with transaction processing."} {"idx": "mnli-14814", "premise": "During a counter-offensive in 1109, the town was overrun by the Moors, but the Christianized fortress held.", "hypothesis": "Moors swept through the town in 1109, putting its garrison to the sword and claiming its fortress."} {"idx": "mnli-14815", "premise": "Second, the Senate request asked EPA to assume a 2002 start date in running the technology and policy scenarios.", "hypothesis": "The Senate wanted the EPA to start running the technology and policy scenarios in 2002"} {"idx": "mnli-14816", "premise": "that's right that's right absolutely that's right absolutely absolutely", "hypothesis": "That is absolutely correct."} {"idx": "mnli-14817", "premise": "In 2001, Delaware Volunteer Legal Services helped more than 1,000 low-income defendants.", "hypothesis": "Delaware Volunteer Legal Services helped 325 poor people."} {"idx": "mnli-14818", "premise": "you know he was in trouble the time was running out on the clock and he goes walking up to Mike Ditka to talk to him and Mike Ditka just turns his back on him and walks away", "hypothesis": "Mike Ditka was always there to give him advice."} {"idx": "mnli-14819", "premise": "William Safire argues that Jesuitical has by now developed a sense devoid of any overtones of subtle, intricate, moralistic reasoning, informed by a rigorous logic is his definition.", "hypothesis": "According to William Safire, Jesuitical has a sense that does not include overtones of subtle moralistic reasoning."} {"idx": "mnli-14820", "premise": "The town center, Piazza Mino da Fiesole, with its austere cathedral founded in 1028, is the starting-point for some exhilarating hill walks (the tourist office in the main piazza has walking maps), the most immediate being the steep paved lane leading from the square up to the small San Francesco convent and post-card views of Florence.", "hypothesis": "The tourist office overcharges for the walking maps it sells."} {"idx": "mnli-14821", "premise": "With the colonization of Madeira and the Azores, the foundations were laid for the future Portuguese empire.", "hypothesis": "The Madeira and Azores colonies were the beginning of the Portuguese empire."} {"idx": "mnli-14822", "premise": "As evidenced by bones, weapons, and pottery most recently uncovered by archeologists, the Asian equivalent of Neanderthal Man crossed a now-submerged land bridge from eastern Siberia to what is now Sakhalin Island and northern Japan some 100,000 years ago.", "hypothesis": "Archeologists discovered pottery, bones and weapons in elaborate burial tombs."} {"idx": "mnli-14823", "premise": "Driving yourself on the narrow winding road with frequent back-ups imposed by trucks in a hurry could be a hazardous business.", "hypothesis": "The narrow windy road can prove to be dangerous."} {"idx": "mnli-14824", "premise": "it's too many for students", "hypothesis": "That's nothing for the students"} {"idx": "mnli-14825", "premise": "The buzzing sound of the wings signals their approach and, if you are lucky, they will fly up and perch on your finger to take the food.", "hypothesis": "The hummingbirds are hand fed by keepers in the aviary."} {"idx": "mnli-14826", "premise": "The Greyfriars Church was closely linked with the Protestant Covenanters, and many of those hanged in the Grassmarket are buried here.", "hypothesis": "Their graves are marked by simple wooden crosses."} {"idx": "mnli-14827", "premise": "Others take issue with Finnegan's claim that these are especially hard times to grow up One wants to ask, 'Harder compared to what?", "hypothesis": "Finnegan thinks that life has never been harder for young adults than it is today."} {"idx": "mnli-14828", "premise": " The heat was already rising.", "hypothesis": "The rising air was warm."} {"idx": "mnli-14829", "premise": "Beach activities are well-organized on the northern coast, with all types of watersports and rides.", "hypothesis": "The northern coast is harsh and rocky, and it holds little appeal for tourists."} {"idx": "mnli-14830", "premise": "um the one the the most valueless girl doesn't but she's married now i i'm not quite sure why i i think he said that he'd give her a big ring and", "hypothesis": "she was one of the most valueless girls in the whole town, but she managed to get married"} {"idx": "mnli-14831", "premise": "Since she has full immunity, it doesn't hurt her if it's bogus.", "hypothesis": "She has full immunity since she isn't invested in it, so lying about it to her wont impact her view. "} {"idx": "mnli-14832", "premise": "At six o'clock, Miss Howard, disguised as Alfred Inglethorp, enters the chemist's shop, with her story about a dog, obtains the strychnine, and writes the name of Alfred Inglethorp in John's handwriting, which she had previously studied carefully. ", "hypothesis": "Miss Howard never made any attempt to impersonate Alfred Inglethorp. "} {"idx": "mnli-14833", "premise": "you're right you're sure right it's it's nice to look at but the last couple of storms we've had the last couple of snowstorms we've had have really been good because they snowed and and like within a day it's warmed right back up and melted the roads and stuff so", "hypothesis": "It was quite normal to have such warm weather after a snowstorm. "} {"idx": "mnli-14834", "premise": "Three years after the fall of Jerusalem in a.d. 70, the Romans besieged the fortress.", "hypothesis": "Jerusalem fell to the Romans in 75 AD."} {"idx": "mnli-14835", "premise": "5 component species and PM10) at each grid cell.", "hypothesis": "Each grid cell has PM12), in addition to its 5 component species and PM10)."} {"idx": "mnli-14836", "premise": "because it's called uh what it's called is Blackening Magic and it it comes in a bottle and uh", "hypothesis": "It's called Blackening Magic. "} {"idx": "mnli-14837", "premise": "Chairman The Honorable John D. Dingell Ranking Minority Member Committee on Commerce House of Representatives", "hypothesis": "John D. Dingell has been an honorable chairman for 20 years."} {"idx": "mnli-14838", "premise": "Over the past 25 years, the Postal Service has filed many such mail classification requests with the Commission, seeking either to establish new postal products or to reconfigure pre-existing services.", "hypothesis": "The Postal Service and Commission hold a widely antagonistic relationship."} {"idx": "mnli-14839", "premise": "He's a very friendly ghost.", "hypothesis": "He is a mean ghost."} {"idx": "mnli-14840", "premise": "yeah yeah i think so you too good-bye", "hypothesis": "Yes, I believe so, good-bye."} {"idx": "mnli-14841", "premise": "At Newby Mill near Lakeside Stott Park, Bobbin Mill was still operating commercially as recently as 1974.", "hypothesis": "Though the building still stood, Bobbin Mill had finished operations permanently in 1965."} {"idx": "mnli-14842", "premise": "So Mrs. Cavendish stood by the tray, and poured out. ", "hypothesis": "Cavendish stood by the tray."} {"idx": "mnli-14843", "premise": "but there's a lot of them it's very prevalent a lot of the crime is very prevalent", "hypothesis": "There is no crime around. "} {"idx": "mnli-14844", "premise": "But if you look at the international monetary literature when Mundell was in his glory days, you get the impression that he was 15 or 20 years ahead of his contemporaries.", "hypothesis": "Mundell seems at least 15 years ahead on his contemporaries because he was more aware about the situation and could predict it well."} {"idx": "mnli-14845", "premise": "Targeted investments need to be made in our", "hypothesis": "We must invest in the poor communities. "} {"idx": "mnli-14846", "premise": "Since then it has undergone a rapid industrialization balanced today by renewal of its cattle farming.", "hypothesis": "Cattle farming alone is responsible for the balancing of its period of over-industrialization."} {"idx": "mnli-14847", "premise": "and um you place the shrimp in the in the rice steamer and you put a bay leaf and put some uh red pepper over it", "hypothesis": "Place the shrimp in the skillet and saut\u00e9 with butter and garlic."} {"idx": "mnli-14848", "premise": "Your eyes will be burned if a drop of the Dead Sea touches them, and you will feel the sting of salt and iodine if you have cuts or abrasions on your skin.", "hypothesis": "A drop of water will sting your eyes."} {"idx": "mnli-14849", "premise": "He suggested that the final report from the conference include a section that addresses the difficult human subjects issues involved in working with intoxicated patients, such as protocols and procedures that IRBs found unacceptable.", "hypothesis": "Working with patients who are intoxicated doesn't involve any human subjects issues, let alone difficult ones."} {"idx": "mnli-14850", "premise": "Not even if it means accepting funding cuts that the Guttmacher Institute concluded would lead to an increase in unwanted pregnancies, maternal deaths, and infant mortality.", "hypothesis": "Cutting funds will raise the number of deaths and unwanted pregnancies."} {"idx": "mnli-14851", "premise": "yeah it is it's real exciting", "hypothesis": "Everyone is very excited about it."} {"idx": "mnli-14852", "premise": "dull, provincial, and oddly prevalent on U.S. comedy shows.", "hypothesis": "It lost its flavor after a few U.S. comedies milked it dry."} {"idx": "mnli-14853", "premise": "The Vale of Kashmir, 1,700 m (5,000 ft) above sea level, has historically offered much-needed respite for conquerors and travelers alike.", "hypothesis": "The Vale of Kashmir has always offered a place for people to rest."} {"idx": "mnli-14854", "premise": "I was on a different footing. ", "hypothesis": "Everyone had a better shot than me."} {"idx": "mnli-14855", "premise": "Down the narrow alley beside Bewley's is St. Teresa's Church, with stained-glass windows by Phyllis Burke, and a fine sculpture by John Hogan.", "hypothesis": "St. Teresa's Church sits on a wide thoroughfare. "} {"idx": "mnli-14856", "premise": "you know this girl just coming to America type thing you know so you know i would have loved it the opportunity to do that", "hypothesis": "Coming to American was a new and exciting experience for her. "} {"idx": "mnli-14857", "premise": "What about HOMELESS PEOPLE?", "hypothesis": "What about the people who live on the streets?"} {"idx": "mnli-14858", "premise": "oh i'm not i don't think i'm in the new car market", "hypothesis": "I'm shopping around for a brand new car."} {"idx": "mnli-14859", "premise": "and one of the things that uh well they were really selling everybody on back then was this Indian Hawthorne boy you know that's the best stuff in the world", "hypothesis": "They convinced everyone that the Indian Hawthorne boy was great. "} {"idx": "mnli-14860", "premise": "After weighing the options, we arranged for a donation from Lexis of their HotDocs document assembly software for each state, which will greatly enhance the availability of legal forms that lay people can easily fill out online.", "hypothesis": "We got a software donation from Lexis for the law school."} {"idx": "mnli-14861", "premise": "oh oh i started out as a PE major", "hypothesis": "In the beginning I was getting a degree in PE."} {"idx": "mnli-14862", "premise": "um you know uh Christmas really doesn't seem like Christmas to me unless i do see the snow and the ice", "hypothesis": "It doesn't feel like Christmas here in Florida without the snow."} {"idx": "mnli-14863", "premise": "The friendly cooperation that characterizes civil societies is a pale shadow of the love that inspires great self-sacrifice.", "hypothesis": "The friendly cooperation that characterizes civil societies requires self-sacrifice from both parties."} {"idx": "mnli-14864", "premise": "you know like if we're just going through and they camp one night and then head on", "hypothesis": "It's the same as passing through but staying for a night."} {"idx": "mnli-14865", "premise": "Exploratory analyses of large data bases are often used to select a smaller number of variables for additional testing, on the basis of interesting patterns that emerged from various combinations of the elements of the large data base.", "hypothesis": "Additional testing of every variable would require too many resources."} {"idx": "mnli-14866", "premise": "and the the basic units of measure are are distance and time and mass and electric charge", "hypothesis": "The basic units of measurement are speed and height."} {"idx": "mnli-14867", "premise": "Because of the difficulty of measuring such results for research and development programs in financial, economic, or quantitative terms, outcome data for such programs are expected to consist typically of a narrative discussion of the major results achieved by the program during the year, along the following ", "hypothesis": "Because of the difficulty in measuring results of research and development in certain terms, outcome data is expected to consist entirely of a narrative discussion of major results."} {"idx": "mnli-14868", "premise": "and it was it it was brand new when i checked it out and of course it was beautiful and clean and smelled wonderful in there but", "hypothesis": "When I looked at it, I noticed it was new and had a nice smell inside."} {"idx": "mnli-14869", "premise": "it's one of those things that all looks good on paper but putting it into reality is a whole different ball game", "hypothesis": "It looks nice and neat on paper but putting in action is not the same."} {"idx": "mnli-14870", "premise": "The Social Costs of Chronic Heart and Lung Disease, Resources for the Future Discussion", "hypothesis": "Lung disease often includes pneumonia and bronchitis."} {"idx": "mnli-14871", "premise": "And there is much dispute over whether El Nieo will cause as much trouble as some allergists predict.", "hypothesis": "The same allergists who were wrong about El Nino, are predicting that El Nieo will be troublesome. "} {"idx": "mnli-14872", "premise": "Takayama is a town famous for its carpenters a reputation going back to the great days of the imperial courts of Nara and Kyoto.", "hypothesis": "Back in the great days of the imperial courts of Nara and Kyoto, carpenters were always ready to help out."} {"idx": "mnli-14873", "premise": "In Victoria Gardens, don't miss the stone elephant from Elephanta Island; it belongs to the Victoria and Albert Museum nearby, a reminder of the old history of Imperial Bombay.", "hypothesis": "Look for the stone elephant when you visit Victoria Gardens."} {"idx": "mnli-14874", "premise": "He signed the Preservation of Marriage Act!", "hypothesis": "He unwillingly signed the Preservation of Marriage Act."} {"idx": "mnli-14875", "premise": "The fair-bearded, spectacled gentleman who sat at the head of the table looked singularly honest and normal.", "hypothesis": "The man had no glasses."} {"idx": "mnli-14876", "premise": "The sanctuary exemplifies piety and militancy.", "hypothesis": "The sanctuary has nothing to do with peace. "} {"idx": "mnli-14877", "premise": "All they've asked him to do is remove his clothes at an orgy, which seems not unreasonable.", "hypothesis": "It doesn't seem unreasonable that they've asked him t remove his clothes at an orgy because everyone else will be naked. "} {"idx": "mnli-14878", "premise": "uh-huh uh-huh well it's going to be interesting in the next few years to see what happens because there's quite a strong democratic um um", "hypothesis": "It will be fascinating to see what happens in the new couple of years."} {"idx": "mnli-14879", "premise": "oh i i i do but i'm not going to be at the end of this month so", "hypothesis": "I don't and I will have at the end of the week."} {"idx": "mnli-14880", "premise": "Two men might fight over a woman until one man submits and the winner gets the woman.", "hypothesis": "Two men go out for drinks and ignore the woman."} {"idx": "mnli-14881", "premise": "Also, a pair of Microsoft articles.", "hypothesis": "A single article on Apple is there."} {"idx": "mnli-14882", "premise": " Projections based on intermediate assumptions of the 2001 HI Trustees' Report.", "hypothesis": "Projections are based on attendee numbers of Disney Land."} {"idx": "mnli-14883", "premise": "He felt instinctively that the American would arrive in time.", "hypothesis": "He believed the American wouldn't be late."} {"idx": "mnli-14884", "premise": "how'd they do that oh let me guess what they did they had classes on the SAT", "hypothesis": "they had classes on the SAT, didn't they?"} {"idx": "mnli-14885", "premise": "This investment has made major contributions to the performance, stability, and accountability of the government and the protection of tax dollars.", "hypothesis": "Stability is one of the areas that this investment has contributed towards."} {"idx": "mnli-14886", "premise": "Dwell among them and let their purity wash away the filth of politics with which you are encrusted after lo!", "hypothesis": "Living with them will cleanse you of the impurities of politics."} {"idx": "mnli-14887", "premise": "right right and of course you know they they did specifically single them out when we started you know that they were going to do all them first", "hypothesis": "They had not said at all who they were going to do first."} {"idx": "mnli-14888", "premise": "In addition, the MCCJ sponsored, with funding from the Maryland Legal Services Corporation and the Project for the Future of Equal Justice, a thorough evaluation of the state's delivery system by consultant John A. Tull.", "hypothesis": "The MCCJ sponsored an evaluation of the delivery system."} {"idx": "mnli-14889", "premise": "In the light of what happened they are interesting.", "hypothesis": "Regardless of what happened, they are not interesting."} {"idx": "mnli-14890", "premise": "He said, \"Not quite.\" ", "hypothesis": "THat isn't the case said the man."} {"idx": "mnli-14891", "premise": "Just east of the intersection, in Saladin Street, is the entrance to the eerie Tombs of the Kings, which is actually the first-century tomb of Queen Helena of Adiabne (in Mesopotamia), a convert to Judaism.", "hypothesis": "Criminals are buried in the Tombs of the Kings found in Helena Street."} {"idx": "mnli-14892", "premise": "But there was no time to be lost.", "hypothesis": "We are short on time and can't get lost."} {"idx": "mnli-14893", "premise": "because all you needed was a big frying pan you dumped everything in together", "hypothesis": "You needed a big pan."} {"idx": "mnli-14894", "premise": "I watched my own hands lift the overflowing kettle, spilling a little water in the process.", "hypothesis": "I couldn't see my hands, but I knew I was holding the nearly empty kettle with a firm grip as I walked it across the room. "} {"idx": "mnli-14895", "premise": "with Gil Janklowicz", "hypothesis": "with Gil Janklowicz"} {"idx": "mnli-14896", "premise": "Get real, folks.", "hypothesis": "People, it's time to think realistically. "} {"idx": "mnli-14897", "premise": "Soon after, German forces launched an occupation of Krakew, where they based their governing body, and laid siege to Warsaw.", "hypothesis": "An occupation of Krakew, where they based their governing body, was soon after launched by the Germans, and it laid siege to Warsaw."} {"idx": "mnli-14898", "premise": "A $3 million cost resulting from the loss of revenue is estimated from the tobacco marketing card and the undivided interest language which allows a landowner to obtain catastrophic coverage to satisfy the linkage requirement for all other landowners who hold an undivided interest in given insurable acreage.", "hypothesis": "The cost is currently $3 million and rapidly growing."} {"idx": "mnli-14899", "premise": "The King's Bedroom, with two portraits by Van Dyck, is set at the exact center of the sun's path from east to west.", "hypothesis": "There are no pictures in this bedroom."} {"idx": "mnli-14900", "premise": "Others argue that the quality of service, product features, and underlying cost of these Postal Service's offerings make them uncompetitive.", "hypothesis": "The Postal Service continues to innovate and remain competitive in the marketplace."} {"idx": "mnli-14901", "premise": "his wife that's happening more and more often too", "hypothesis": "I wouldn't want his wife to shoot him. "} {"idx": "mnli-14902", "premise": "Do you reckon there was a dictaphone in Jane's room? ", "hypothesis": "I didn't see a dictaphone in her room."} {"idx": "mnli-14903", "premise": "This value does not reflect the 5-year lag adjustment and the adjustment for changes in real income over time that are included in the mortality valuation in our national benefits summaries.", "hypothesis": "The value accurately reflects the 5-year lag adjustment and adjustment for changes in real income over time."} {"idx": "mnli-14904", "premise": "no you must really keep up", "hypothesis": "You really need to keep up."} {"idx": "mnli-14905", "premise": "No, he said musingly, \"I don't. ", "hypothesis": "He quickly said, I think so."} {"idx": "mnli-14906", "premise": "As we have pointed out, [i]t does not follow . . . that viewpoint-based restrictions are proper when the [government] does not itself speak or subsidize transmittal of a message it favors but instead expends funds to encourage a diversity of views from private speakers.", "hypothesis": "Restrictions are appropriate when the government does not speak of the transmittal of a message it favors. "} {"idx": "mnli-14907", "premise": "The rosy Potent anti-rejection drugs now make it possible to prevent the body from rejecting a new hand.", "hypothesis": "It's possible to transplant any body part due to anti-rejection drugs. "} {"idx": "mnli-14908", "premise": "Do you think she is manipulating us for her own goal?Thorn stared at Jon for a long moment before speaking.", "hypothesis": "Thorn refused to answer."} {"idx": "mnli-14909", "premise": "um-hum well we moved into this house it was a year old and the landscaping was semi-in but there was still a lot more to do", "hypothesis": "The house was ancient when we moved in."} {"idx": "mnli-14910", "premise": "However, the evidence was strong for a harm reduction effect across various indicators of risk and re-injury.", "hypothesis": "All of the evidence indicated that there was no change in any risk factors."} {"idx": "mnli-14911", "premise": "The Statewide Technology Committee is standardizing all systems, and a statewide technology plan for the state is set to be completed in early June.", "hypothesis": "The Statewide Technology Committee has been using outdated, non-standarized systems for a decade and there are no plans to change anytime soon."} {"idx": "mnli-14912", "premise": "some memories", "hypothesis": "Multiple memories."} {"idx": "mnli-14913", "premise": "Being christened 'Merlin D. Tuttle.", "hypothesis": "He was never christened."} {"idx": "mnli-14914", "premise": "If this city's Durbar Square seems less crowded than those in Patan and Kathmandu, it's because it was most affected by the 1934 earthquake.", "hypothesis": "Thankfully this square was left untouched by the 1934 earthquake."} {"idx": "mnli-14915", "premise": "These are the ideals I used when I was in private practice.", "hypothesis": "I used to be in private practice."} {"idx": "mnli-14916", "premise": "I \u201dpoison my dearest Emily!\"", "hypothesis": "How could you think I would poison Emily?"} {"idx": "mnli-14917", "premise": "have more vacation", "hypothesis": "Take more vacation days"} {"idx": "mnli-14918", "premise": "In his post-announcement interviews, Bryan was blunt about how much this bothered him.", "hypothesis": " In his post-announcement interviews, Bryan was blunt about how much this bothered him but was willing to put it behind him."} {"idx": "mnli-14919", "premise": "Reviewers have noted some possible sources of upward bias in the long-term studies.", "hypothesis": "The reviewers have found some likely biases for the studies."} {"idx": "mnli-14920", "premise": "What's the difference between buying up a train and buying up a liner? ", "hypothesis": "That the person wants to buy up both."} {"idx": "mnli-14921", "premise": "Baracoa became the first of seven settlements across Cuba.", "hypothesis": "Baracoa was a settlement in Cuba and it gave citizens a safe place to live."} {"idx": "mnli-14922", "premise": "He issued a few short sharp orders to the servants. ", "hypothesis": "He angrily ordered the servants."} {"idx": "mnli-14923", "premise": "Pub, restaurant.", "hypothesis": "Bar, eating establishment."} {"idx": "mnli-14924", "premise": "If you want a model to determine how the orbits should be, we have the finest orrery ever built here in the camp.", "hypothesis": "The orrery is over 100 feet tall and made of pure copper."} {"idx": "mnli-14925", "premise": "oh i'm telling you i just cried and cried and cried and cried it was so sweet it was sweet but it was sad because you know you just really miss Gary", "hypothesis": "It didn't make me emotional at all."} {"idx": "mnli-14926", "premise": "Don't leave she seemed unable to proceed, murmuring something that sounded like \"sleepy.\" Then she tried again.", "hypothesis": "She tried again to speak but she just couldn't."} {"idx": "mnli-14927", "premise": "Malls and tourist shops tend to open all hours to suit the local trade.", "hypothesis": "The malls and tourist shops are closed on holidays."} {"idx": "mnli-14928", "premise": "An article surveys the exploding--er, growing--private plane industry.", "hypothesis": "This article explicitly states that the private plane industry is an an all time low."} {"idx": "mnli-14929", "premise": "Very Castilian in feel, but the views from the terraces and large pool are the chief attractions.", "hypothesis": "The huge swimming pool is one of the best in the country."} {"idx": "mnli-14930", "premise": "A new school of Jewish historians is more critical of the dislocations caused by Jewish land acquisition, and concludes that it was not always fair.", "hypothesis": "The dislocations were widespread."} {"idx": "mnli-14931", "premise": "A year ago, the wife of the Oxford don noticed that the pattern on Kleenex quilted tissue uncannily resembled the Penrose Arrowed Rhombi tilings pattern, which Sir Roger had invented--and copyrighted--in 1974.", "hypothesis": "It has been recently found out a huge difference between the pattern on the recent Kleenex quilted tissue and the one of the Penrose Arrowed Rhombi tilings."} {"idx": "mnli-14932", "premise": "right to to actually be a leader uh a team leader and uh you know the Rangers really don't have any star players besides Ryan that uh i think the other players look up to because Incaviglia i don't think you know uh he stands out to be a a real leader", "hypothesis": "Ryan is a really good team leader for the Rangers."} {"idx": "mnli-14933", "premise": "well gosh all kinds um mostly between the ages of two and ten um last like a few summers ago i kept two children every day for the entire summer and i mean they became like my children", "hypothesis": "Also, some kids over the age of ten too. "} {"idx": "mnli-14934", "premise": "yeah uh Garp The World of Garp", "hypothesis": "The World of Garp is a famous movie."} {"idx": "mnli-14935", "premise": "At the upper terminus there is a four-level shopping center, the Peak Galleria, and the Peak Tower, which resembles an airport control tower and has shops, entertainment, and restaurants.", "hypothesis": "The Peak Tower is built underground to where people can access its shops."} {"idx": "mnli-14936", "premise": "This set up needless competition for scarce resources and created hurt feelings among some staff.", "hypothesis": "Not everyone was happy with this, it became very hard to get ahold of valuable resources."} {"idx": "mnli-14937", "premise": "But I don't believe that.", "hypothesis": "But I completely buy it."} {"idx": "mnli-14938", "premise": "If a lot of these value-conscious, knowledgeable customers are there, then chances are you've found the right place to get a satisfying meal no matter what the official rating is.", "hypothesis": "You know you're in the right place if you find knowledgeable customers there."} {"idx": "mnli-14939", "premise": "5) Handwritten addresses and pieces without Zip Codes are accepted without surcharge.", "hypothesis": "pieces without Zip Codes are accepted without surcharge."} {"idx": "mnli-14940", "premise": "and so the thing is you know is like i asked a guy you know why why do you wear that he goes well it costs me the same amount which is true because some dress pants you know cost me twenty five dollars which is the same as jeans", "hypothesis": "Dress pants cost double as much as jeans."} {"idx": "mnli-14941", "premise": "Semans says she wrote that line into the narrative after she had told a lot of people, including her parents, about the spot.", "hypothesis": "Semans gave her main character a birthmark on her leg to match the author's own."} {"idx": "mnli-14942", "premise": "He is endeavouring to make out that there is quite as much evidence against Lawrence as against John \u201dand I am not at all sure that he will not succeed.\" Detective-inspector Japp was the first witness called when the trial was reopened, and gave his evidence succinctly and briefly. ", "hypothesis": "He was trying to persuade the jury that there is an equal amount of evidence against Lawrence as against John."} {"idx": "mnli-14943", "premise": "11-affect the contributions of government and personal saving relative to national saving.", "hypothesis": "Personal saving's contributions to national savings are going to be affected"} {"idx": "mnli-14944", "premise": "In a way, Slim was disappointed.", "hypothesis": "Slim left theater half way through the show."} {"idx": "mnli-14945", "premise": "The Old Cityis Jerusalem's most endlessly fascinating attraction, and it is easy to cover on foot.", "hypothesis": "Jerusalem's greatest attraction is the Old City."} {"idx": "mnli-14946", "premise": "The picture-postcard resort of Bodrum occupies the site of ancient Halicarnassus, famed as the city of King Mausolus (whose tomb was one of the Seven Wonders of the World), as well as the birthplace of Herodotus, the Father of History. ", "hypothesis": "The father of history was known as Herodotus."} {"idx": "mnli-14947", "premise": "(Tonight at 2:30: Sherilyn Fenn and Rob Estes in Permission From a Male Relative or Shannon Tweed and Harry Hamlin in Clearance From the Vice Squad . Even if you put Adrienne Barbeau in it, A University Degree just doesn't have the same ring.)", "hypothesis": "Clearance From the Vice Squad is the best show screening tonight."} {"idx": "mnli-14948", "premise": "Red said, \"You've got to be quiet.", "hypothesis": "Red wrote, You have to be loud."} {"idx": "mnli-14949", "premise": "The French Rev?\u00ado?\u00adlu?\u00adtion?\u00adaries threatened to tear the steeple down because it offended their principle of equality, but were reassured when one of the townsmen coiffed the spire with a patriotic red-white-and-blue bonnet.", "hypothesis": "The French Revolutionaries were on their way to tear the steeple down when the townsman changed their minds."} {"idx": "mnli-14950", "premise": "wait a while it'll change that's right that's about like it is too because yesterday was really nice", "hypothesis": "The weather was sunny yesterday."} {"idx": "mnli-14951", "premise": "The stadium also comes alive one day a month during the swapmeet, or flea market.", "hypothesis": "The stadium hosts a swap meet every month."} {"idx": "mnli-14952", "premise": "Leave them alone, Julia.)", "hypothesis": "Julia, don't let them speak like that!"} {"idx": "mnli-14953", "premise": "It yielded, and he slipped inside.", "hypothesis": "He went into the door to get the treasure"} {"idx": "mnli-14954", "premise": "Somehow this man had crossed the torrent.", "hypothesis": "The man was stumped by the torrent, unable to find a way around."} {"idx": "mnli-14955", "premise": "We are all acutely aware that our civil legal services delivery system is strained to the breaking point.", "hypothesis": "The delivery system of our civil legal services is doing perfectly fine."} {"idx": "mnli-14956", "premise": "As the narrator Every moment could be seen to connect to every other moment, every act to have logical if obscure consequences, an unbroken narrative of vivid complexity.", "hypothesis": "The narrator wanted to share the story with other people."} {"idx": "mnli-14957", "premise": "he's no Spring chicken anymore and like you say Warren Moon's an excellent Warren Moon's an excellent but he's very exciting to watch uh-huh sure uh-huh absolutely", "hypothesis": "He is not young, but many people still like him."} {"idx": "mnli-14958", "premise": "A momentary lack of brain power, Kudupi hissed quietly, took a shot of chrynine and washed it down with his drink, 'So?'", "hypothesis": "After taking a shot of chrynine and washing it down with a drink, Kudupi quitely said, 'So?'"} {"idx": "mnli-14959", "premise": "I'm a Southerner and Manners Are Our Thing", "hypothesis": "We, Southerners, are taught to always greet strangers."} {"idx": "mnli-14960", "premise": "right see when we take PE you have to dress in the in PE clothes but it is it's issued to any one that wants one that's in the university", "hypothesis": "The university has PE clothes for any one."} {"idx": "mnli-14961", "premise": "of capital goods in the United States than in other developed countries.", "hypothesis": "80% of capital goods are made in the United States."} {"idx": "mnli-14962", "premise": "it was it was filmed in Ireland", "hypothesis": "The thing was filmed in Ireland."} {"idx": "mnli-14963", "premise": "Nanak's teachings were written in the Adi Granth, which acquired for Sikhs the sanctity of the Koran.", "hypothesis": "Nanak's teachings cannot be found written in any document. "} {"idx": "mnli-14964", "premise": "okay you want to go first or me", "hypothesis": "I don't care what you say, I go first."} {"idx": "mnli-14965", "premise": "My favorite strip was when Lucy fell ill and sent Rerun to hold the football for Charlie Brown.", "hypothesis": "I didn't like any of those cartoons."} {"idx": "mnli-14966", "premise": "But it was the label that was attracting Poirot's attention. ", "hypothesis": "Nothing stood out to Poirot."} {"idx": "mnli-14967", "premise": "that's true past a point it doesn't make any difference", "hypothesis": "That's true up to a point."} {"idx": "mnli-14968", "premise": "The monumental baths, separate Latin and Greek libraries, Greek theater, temples, and pavilions together make up the home of a man who drew no distinction between the pleasures of mind and body.", "hypothesis": "The man regularly made full use of all the amenities in his home."} {"idx": "mnli-14969", "premise": "The methodological meaning is important in understanding what differentiates a case study from a noncase study and a good case study from a not-so-good case study.", "hypothesis": "One case is as good as another."} {"idx": "mnli-14970", "premise": "Behavior in the Human Male , in its impulse toward acceptance and liberation, the broad and generous desire for others not to be harshly judged.", "hypothesis": "Acceptance and liberation cause males not to harshly judge others."} {"idx": "mnli-14971", "premise": "this is your first call", "hypothesis": "You've never had a call before."} {"idx": "mnli-14972", "premise": "I'm with you there.", "hypothesis": "I can't agree with you on that one."} {"idx": "mnli-14973", "premise": "and then jumping up and down in his chair and crying, Evidence!", "hypothesis": "This is evidence- him laughing and eating an ice-cream."} {"idx": "mnli-14974", "premise": "well, as the New York Times . You could learn more from any randomly selected porn video.", "hypothesis": "Watching porn will prevent anyone in search of knowledge from learning."} {"idx": "mnli-14975", "premise": "Check out the Cyclotourism Guide put out by the Balearic Tourist Office; it details 10 rides on Mallorca and four in Menorca.", "hypothesis": "The rides will allow tourists to see many things such as beaches and volcanos."} {"idx": "mnli-14976", "premise": "The following table summarizes the details on the size and structure of the organizations' information security staffs.", "hypothesis": "The table summarizes hundreds of pages of information altogether."} {"idx": "mnli-14977", "premise": "Spanish brandy is a bit heavy and sweet and bears little resemblance to the best French cognacs, but it is a good, reasonably priced drink.", "hypothesis": "Brandy from Spain is the most expensive in the world."} {"idx": "mnli-14978", "premise": "um-hum uh-huh yeah my grandparents my grandfather came to the United States through Argentina this was around the turn of the century", "hypothesis": "Back at the turn of the century, my grandparents traveled to the United States via Argentina."} {"idx": "mnli-14979", "premise": "Jon bowed and left.", "hypothesis": "Jon bowed and proceeded to leave the premises."} {"idx": "mnli-14980", "premise": "I believe you, said the old gentleman, chuckling, and pinched her ear in high good-humour.", "hypothesis": "The old gentleman looked at her sternly and told her off."} {"idx": "mnli-14981", "premise": "Expecting a huge marketing success, the company also made a decision to simultaneously release it in all possible variations: as an energy bar, diet chips, effervescent tablets and a carbonated beverage.", "hypothesis": "The company released a wide variety of products into the market."} {"idx": "mnli-14982", "premise": "Greek mythology also has it that Andromeda, the beautiful daughter of the King of Jaffa, was chained to a rock at sea just outside the harbour, as a sacrifice to a sea monster (but she was rescued just in time by Perseus).", "hypothesis": "The sacrifice was meant to appease the monster, and prevent the town's destruction."} {"idx": "mnli-14983", "premise": "yeah i'm a runner", "hypothesis": "I don't run. "} {"idx": "mnli-14984", "premise": "Special Interest New York would be of special interest as a large state with a very low rate of unfiled returns.", "hypothesis": "Special Interest New York is of no interest as they have average rates of unfiled returns."} {"idx": "mnli-14985", "premise": "um-hum i bet she did", "hypothesis": "I doubt that she did."} {"idx": "mnli-14986", "premise": "It weighed about a kilo and was the size of a bag of flour.", "hypothesis": "It weighed in around one kilo and was similar in size to a bag of flour. "} {"idx": "mnli-14987", "premise": "Fortunately none of them hit him.", "hypothesis": "All of them ended up hitting him hard."} {"idx": "mnli-14988", "premise": "exactly so they got rid of that tax in a hurry", "hypothesis": "They made ten more taxes for it."} {"idx": "mnli-14989", "premise": "A Current Services Assessment (CSA) provides receipt and outlay data on the basis of projections of future activities.", "hypothesis": "Some activities have heavy impact on the assessment."} {"idx": "mnli-14990", "premise": "Auditors will need to exercise professional judgment in assessing the significance of audit results or findings.", "hypothesis": "Auditors need to apply their experience in assessing the significance of audit results."} {"idx": "mnli-14991", "premise": "I agree that your initial ramp-up strategy of having everyone wear more black is an excellent starting point.", "hypothesis": "Everyone should be wearing white as a starting point."} {"idx": "mnli-14992", "premise": "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus (Gershwin Theater, New York).", "hypothesis": "Gershwin Theater is actually situated in Boston, Massachusetts."} {"idx": "mnli-14993", "premise": "Each of these features-if carried out-confers certain benefits in terms of the product.", "hypothesis": "There are benefits to the product in implementing these features."} {"idx": "mnli-14994", "premise": "well i think uh obviously i think the the medical is the most expensive or it's the most important", "hypothesis": "I feel the medical is quite cheap and affordable by all."} {"idx": "mnli-14995", "premise": "He told her, says the publication, that his relationship with Hillary was now nothing more than a political alliance that would end when his term did.", "hypothesis": "His relationship with Hillary was only a political alliance."} {"idx": "mnli-14996", "premise": "He is buried with 2,023 of his warriors, who died in the ill-fated 1877 Satsuma Rebellion.", "hypothesis": "Him and 2.023 of his warriors are buried here."} {"idx": "mnli-14997", "premise": "The latter dates back to 1890s, while the present facade was built in the 1950s, with the temple still home to a group of monks and nuns.", "hypothesis": "The present facade was built in the 1950s, with the temple still home to a group of nuns and monks, while the latter dates back to 1890s."} {"idx": "mnli-14998", "premise": "If you're a pessimist and don't trust your future self to be frugal, then you might as well spend all your money today so it doesn't fall into the hands of that future spendthrift.", "hypothesis": "If you don't believe you'll save your money in the future, you may as well blow it all now."} {"idx": "mnli-14999", "premise": "The last thing I wanted to do was lug five reptile corpses all the way across town to the dump, especially at this time of night.", "hypothesis": "I walked across town during the day carrying birds."} {"idx": "mnli-15000", "premise": "6. Boys Don't Cry . Starkly beautiful, Kimberly Peirce's debut film has at its core a tragicomic That the cross-dressing Brandon Teena, a k a Teena Brandon (the rapturous Hillary Swank) feels most at home among the sort of roughnecks who would kill her if they knew her true gender.", "hypothesis": "Boys Don't Cry is Kimberly Peirce's debut film."} {"idx": "mnli-15001", "premise": "Sergeant, just what is going on here?\"Whoever, having once heard that turkey cock crow, could ever forget it, thought Drew.", "hypothesis": "Drew could never forget the sound of a turkey cock crowing."} {"idx": "mnli-15002", "premise": "Unlike past laws restricting the work of legal services, these provisions apply to all the funds of a recipient, with very few specified exceptions.", "hypothesis": "Legal services have always been available to everyone"} {"idx": "mnli-15003", "premise": "oh yeah i mean the the stud fee is worse i mean we're going to be paying probably three to four hundred dollars for a stud", "hypothesis": "Stud fees are a few hundred."} {"idx": "mnli-15004", "premise": "And anecdotes usually don't show the reasons for a situation, and thus are of limited value in suggesting solutions.", "hypothesis": "The anecdotes are not always helpful for solutions."} {"idx": "mnli-15005", "premise": "A piece profiles Manhattan's real-estate barons.", "hypothesis": "Not a single piece has a word on Manhattan's real-estate barons."} {"idx": "mnli-15006", "premise": "He's been wrong four out of five times on this stock.", "hypothesis": "His picks on stock have been wrong 80% of the time."} {"idx": "mnli-15007", "premise": "As a result, the agencies' participation vehicles varied substantially.", "hypothesis": "The agencies participation vehicles were very different "} {"idx": "mnli-15008", "premise": "(Or maybe it isn't so Philip Weiss tellingly led his attack on Farrow in the New York Observer last week with a little temper tantrum at his mom.)", "hypothesis": "Philip Weiss and Farrow are best friends."} {"idx": "mnli-15009", "premise": "Adrin ate like a bear on a fresh kill.", "hypothesis": "Adrin chose not to eat."} {"idx": "mnli-15010", "premise": "Who does your transcribing?", "hypothesis": "Who does your dishes?"} {"idx": "mnli-15011", "premise": "but uh it's it's still it it still remains a tough question and it's there's a lot of you know the whole the whole department of defense uh reasoning behind the original plan and whatnot there's a lot of different things that uh come into play but that was i think everybody everybody pretty much knows that that was kind of a smoke screen to implement it throughout the whole company", "hypothesis": "The employees staged protests against the employers for their unjust actions."} {"idx": "mnli-15012", "premise": "devolving decisionmaking authority.", "hypothesis": "delegating the right to make decisions. "} {"idx": "mnli-15013", "premise": "we it's very difficult to find their stations so i guess that's one reason why we use uh we've used Discover and Visa quite a bit for fuel even", "hypothesis": "We usually pay cash for fuel because the stations are so difficult to find."} {"idx": "mnli-15014", "premise": "The executive engages in substantial personal development activities such as attending training courses, reading books, and undertaking projects in order to develop skills.", "hypothesis": "The activities create improved personal skills."} {"idx": "mnli-15015", "premise": "yeah but other than that we haven't had any problems", "hypothesis": "We had a bunch of other problems as well."} {"idx": "mnli-15016", "premise": "weapon systems over the next 5 years requires an approach that keeps cost, schedule, and performance risks to a minimum.", "hypothesis": "Cost is an irrelevant factor in weapons systems in the next five years."} {"idx": "mnli-15017", "premise": "53 \"You will understand, Wells,\" he added, \"that this is all strictly private. ", "hypothesis": "he added, \"This is completely confidential, and you'll go to jail if anyone else finds out.\""} {"idx": "mnli-15018", "premise": "Dealing with this kind of situation is different from anything being done today.", "hypothesis": "This situation is similar to what is happening today."} {"idx": "mnli-15019", "premise": "Sure, Red.", "hypothesis": "Sure, Red."} {"idx": "mnli-15020", "premise": "The total number of drawings expected to represent the completed design grew from about 2,900 at the critical design review to almost 4,700 as of July 2001.", "hypothesis": "The number of drawings dropped from 2,900 to around 1,000."} {"idx": "mnli-15021", "premise": "His investigation's integrity, he notes, has been challenged.", "hypothesis": "No one challenged the integrity of the investigation that was conducted."} {"idx": "mnli-15022", "premise": "A constant cycle of building, decay, collapse, and rebuilding plus the occasional catastrophic fire gave the Old Town its characteristic irregular layout and chimney-strewn skyline.", "hypothesis": "Old Town's characteristic chimney-strewn skyline and irregular layout come from a constant cycle of building, decay, collapse, and rebuilding, along with the occasional catastrophic fire."} {"idx": "mnli-15023", "premise": "PROMO's report claimed that local TV news foments fear and hostility among city residents and suburbanites alike by devoting a disproportionate share of its broadcast time to crime.", "hypothesis": "Despite the decreased crime rates in recent years, the public's concern about crime is at an all-time high due to the ratings-focused media."} {"idx": "mnli-15024", "premise": "It's not an easy proposition anyway.", "hypothesis": "This is not an easy proposal. "} {"idx": "mnli-15025", "premise": "nobody nobody goes anywhere no one will", "hypothesis": "Everyone pushes themselves where no one has gone before. "} {"idx": "mnli-15026", "premise": "Walker, one of two legal service lawyers handling hundreds of abuse cases in 17 counties, said, Our big concern now is the chilling effect this will have.", "hypothesis": "Walker doesn't handle abuse, just bank fraud."} {"idx": "mnli-15027", "premise": "and uh we were never much of uh a very uh family thing you know may like go skiing in Vermont or something", "hypothesis": "Families never spend time together."} {"idx": "mnli-15028", "premise": "Here, as far south as you can go on Martinique, the landscape is desolate.", "hypothesis": "There isn't much to see in Martinique."} {"idx": "mnli-15029", "premise": "Opponents such as Harris and Pfeifer argued loudly that the city was forecasting a deficit because it is saddled with debt voters didn't approve, to fund a library they didn't request, for the president who didn't inhale.", "hypothesis": "Voters didn't approve the debt that the city was running on."} {"idx": "mnli-15030", "premise": "issued in order to assess the reasonableness of the agency's schedule (if a system design has been prepared), or after a contract has been awarded and software development has begun.", "hypothesis": "The agency's schedule is being assessed to see how reasonable it is."} {"idx": "mnli-15031", "premise": "Truscott compares the intensive training you get in the Army with one of these weapons long before you're ever allowed to fire it, and then only under the supervision of an expert marksman, with the situation in states like Arkansas, where it's legal for a 10-year-old to own a semiautomatic assault weapon without a moment of safety instruction, training in how to shoot it or adult supervision.", "hypothesis": "Truscott compares the training received in the military with these weapons way before you are ever allowed to fire it, and then only under expert supervision, with the situation in states like Arkansas, were it's legal for a child to possess an assault weapon with no training of any kind. "} {"idx": "mnli-15032", "premise": "New York Post gossip columnist Neal Travis last week repeated an item he first ran a year ago, at the time of Clinton's second inaugural.", "hypothesis": "This was the first time Neal Travis ever repeated an item he ran previously."} {"idx": "mnli-15033", "premise": "Bartus, look! EveryToy.", "hypothesis": "Bartus, close your eyes."} {"idx": "mnli-15034", "premise": "yeah i find that that the that in the in the cities it's more less the kids go there", "hypothesis": "I notice that less kids in the cities go there."} {"idx": "mnli-15035", "premise": "Before, he had been torn between two alternatives.", "hypothesis": "He used to be quite torn between the choices until this morning."} {"idx": "mnli-15036", "premise": "Environmental Defense hailed this legislation as a model for the country.", "hypothesis": "This legislation was supported by the Environmental Defense."} {"idx": "mnli-15037", "premise": "The proposed rulemaking was published in the Federal Register on September 6, 1996, 61 Fed.", "hypothesis": "The proposed rulemaking was 10 pages long."} {"idx": "mnli-15038", "premise": "uh-huh they live lean for one thing and they tithe and they really believe the Bible says that tithe puts it puts a hole in your money bag we don't honor God with the first portion and so they i think that helps a lot i think that's the key", "hypothesis": "The people truly believe the Bible."} {"idx": "mnli-15039", "premise": "He eyed the handle of the door tentatively.", "hypothesis": "He shifted his gaze from the handle of the door."} {"idx": "mnli-15040", "premise": "yes But i think that's almost impossible next to impossible", "hypothesis": "I think that it is a completely possible."} {"idx": "mnli-15041", "premise": "New Jersey has a Legal Services budget of almost $38 million and a staff of 500, including about 200 attorneys.", "hypothesis": "New Jersey has a budget of about $3 million for legal services."} {"idx": "mnli-15042", "premise": "You don't need to play Mike Wallace and demolish Leuchter on camera.", "hypothesis": "You should act like Mike Wallace on camera."} {"idx": "mnli-15043", "premise": "In that instance, the public was probably expressing disapproval of the press.", "hypothesis": "The general public like the press."} {"idx": "mnli-15044", "premise": "Cap in, powder in, plug in, ball in, seal it in, ram it down.", "hypothesis": "If they missed a step it would not function properly."} {"idx": "mnli-15045", "premise": "That was good.", "hypothesis": "That was pleasant."} {"idx": "mnli-15046", "premise": "Fees on post-1991 direct loans and loan guarantees.", "hypothesis": "Fees on direct loans and guarantees of loan, after 1991."} {"idx": "mnli-15047", "premise": "The Evolving Structure of Postal and Delivery Industries June 11-14, 1997, Helsinger, Denmark", "hypothesis": "The postal delivery system is evolving."} {"idx": "mnli-15048", "premise": "Leading organizations work to create environments that are conducive to sharing ideas on how information technology can support the businesses and vice versa.", "hypothesis": "New information technology that supports businesses includes adopting more advanced cell phones."} {"idx": "mnli-15049", "premise": "In the federal government, implementation of this process will likely not be easy or quick.", "hypothesis": "The implementations will be easy and quick. "} {"idx": "mnli-15050", "premise": "Attorney General Jay Nixon sought the order, which was granted Wednesday on an emergency basis.", "hypothesis": "Jay Nixon has been a controversial figure in recent times."} {"idx": "mnli-15051", "premise": "Japan lies on the Pacific Rim at the edge of Asia.", "hypothesis": "Japan is located in the center of Asia."} {"idx": "mnli-15052", "premise": "Celeste made her strange sign again and whispered to herself.", "hypothesis": "Celeste started screaming."} {"idx": "mnli-15053", "premise": "I got mad.", "hypothesis": "I became furious."} {"idx": "mnli-15054", "premise": "'Or else.'", "hypothesis": "It's fine if you don't."} {"idx": "mnli-15055", "premise": "We make a decent living.", "hypothesis": "Christmas is always filled with presents."} {"idx": "mnli-15056", "premise": "For panoramic views, visit the hilltop Cimetiyre Marin, burial place of the poet Paul Val??ry and singer Georges Brassens, before heading back up the N112 to Montpellier.", "hypothesis": "From the hilltop Cimetiyre Marin you can see a river."} {"idx": "mnli-15057", "premise": "Both girls looked equally puzzled.", "hypothesis": "Neither of the girls were surprised by it."} {"idx": "mnli-15058", "premise": "Total benefit numbers reflect use of three percent discount rate.", "hypothesis": "Benefit numbers account for the discount rate."} {"idx": "mnli-15059", "premise": "Today's Papers appreciates all its sharp-eyed grammarian readers and will press on irregardless of its occasional missteps.", "hypothesis": "Today's Papers occasionally has grammatical errors."} {"idx": "mnli-15060", "premise": "Either way, it's cheap entertainment there's no charge for boat watching.", "hypothesis": "There used to be a fee charged for watching boats."} {"idx": "mnli-15061", "premise": "yeah those those are those are always the i i think those are more fun than major league games sometimes", "hypothesis": "Most people prefer major leagues games to those"} {"idx": "mnli-15062", "premise": "that this this is the idea that i think is actually very is is what i think we should all revert to the idea that um basically they said you know everything happened in kindergarten and and in kindergarten we learned to share and we learned to um play with each other we learned to take nap you know and to take naps and and whenever we'd start a fight we'd all apologize and hug each other", "hypothesis": "They said kindergarten was a place for learning to be good people."} {"idx": "mnli-15063", "premise": "well i've i've heard some uh there's a book out now called The Saturday Morning Mind Control", "hypothesis": "I've heard that the book called The Saturday Morning Mind Control is about cartoons."} {"idx": "mnli-15064", "premise": "Regionwide efforts are also underway.", "hypothesis": "Current efforts are regional as well."} {"idx": "mnli-15065", "premise": "PSC assembled three volunteer companies to participate in our study.", "hypothesis": "There could have been more companies but the PSC failed to find them. "} {"idx": "mnli-15066", "premise": "i i we're certainly in agreement there", "hypothesis": "I agree with you"} {"idx": "mnli-15067", "premise": "the guy knows basketball i think he'll do all right for the Lakers", "hypothesis": "This guy will be bad for the lakers, he doesn't know about basketball."} {"idx": "mnli-15068", "premise": "getting ready to start to for the Spring season and see if i can grow me another nice lawn i usually have a pretty nice lawn it's a lot of work you know but it's", "hypothesis": "I doubt I can grow a nice lawn this spring season."} {"idx": "mnli-15069", "premise": "They want coal and oil.\"", "hypothesis": "They want fossil fuels to build the structure."} {"idx": "mnli-15070", "premise": "To meet BLM's expectation to establish cooperative and constructive relationships that facilitate input from a range of stakeholders, the senior executive who heads the Montana state office set an expectation to expand partnerships and maintain close working relationships with national interest groups in his individual plan for the 2001 performance appraisal cycle.", "hypothesis": "BLM does not expect to establish a relationship with stakeholders."} {"idx": "mnli-15071", "premise": "He snatched at it.", "hypothesis": "He wanted whatever it was very badly."} {"idx": "mnli-15072", "premise": "TERMINAL DIVIDENDS - Dividends to policyholders calculated and paid upon termination of a contract, such as on death, surrender, or maturity.", "hypothesis": "Dividends are calculated and paid only upon death."} {"idx": "mnli-15073", "premise": "These steps, listed in order of completion, ", "hypothesis": "The steps are not provided."} {"idx": "mnli-15074", "premise": "And, remember, all this is in confidence.\"", "hypothesis": "The person wants the other to tell his message to everyone."} {"idx": "mnli-15075", "premise": "It also concluded that any costs are significantly outweighed by the benefits to be achieved.", "hypothesis": "Benefits achieved outweighed cost."} {"idx": "mnli-15076", "premise": "The main thoroughfare, the Canebiyre, will give you a taste of the city's heady atmosphere.", "hypothesis": "The Canebiyre has an atmosphere that is not typical for the area. "} {"idx": "mnli-15077", "premise": "I am 25 and have one criminal conviction for hacking, a bad credit history, and some failed personal and professional relationships.", "hypothesis": "My professional cooperation with people has consistently successful."} {"idx": "mnli-15078", "premise": "From the crest of Mount Scopus, the views of Jerusalem, the Judean hills, and the desert are spectacular.", "hypothesis": "The desert is not visible from the peak of Mount Scopus."} {"idx": "mnli-15079", "premise": "Mailers would demand such performance and such knowledge.", "hypothesis": "Mailers don't want performance "} {"idx": "mnli-15080", "premise": "Der Stuka offers a seven-story drop, while the Black Hole shoots you through a dark tunnel.", "hypothesis": "Der Stuka offers a ten-story drop, while the Black Hole only shoots you through an illuminated tunnel."} {"idx": "mnli-15081", "premise": "they hold competitions in Los Angeles in um Florida and Minneapolis Minneapolis um um trying to think of i think it's in four places around the United States they hold competition and the only requirement is of course your skill of passing these tests", "hypothesis": "The competitions in Florida are quite a show."} {"idx": "mnli-15082", "premise": "Founded to the east of the river, it was protected from the yearly Nile flood and surrounded by a high wall to guard against invaders.", "hypothesis": "The yearly Nile flood destroyed it rather quickly."} {"idx": "mnli-15083", "premise": "oh my well our weather's suddenly turned cold again uh our weather is so unstable you never know", "hypothesis": "our weather is still warm and stays the same all year long"} {"idx": "mnli-15084", "premise": "yeah we mainly just did a bit of black and white it's", "hypothesis": "We did mainly black and white paintings."} {"idx": "mnli-15085", "premise": "The Explora science museum has exciting exhibits on everything from astronomy and mathematics to computer science.", "hypothesis": "The Explora science museum has exhibits dedicated to astronomy, math and computer science."} {"idx": "mnli-15086", "premise": "Two good places to witness the rush-bearing ceremony are St. Mary's Parish Church in Ambleside (4 July) and Grasmere Parish Church in Grasmere (1 August).", "hypothesis": "You can watch the rush-bearing ceremony on the first of August at Grasmere Parish Church."} {"idx": "mnli-15087", "premise": "The various staffing and sourcing strategies provide leading organizations with dynamic workforces that can quickly carry out these functions to meet changing business needs.", "hypothesis": "Provided dynamic workforces cannot carry out these functions. "} {"idx": "mnli-15088", "premise": "When he finally succeeded, after a prolonged siege and heavy losses, he punished the local population by cutting off the noses and lips of all men except those who played wind instruments.", "hypothesis": "All men who played wind instruments were tasked with helping cut off people's noses. "} {"idx": "mnli-15089", "premise": "A Day of Service occurs on the day before the opening of a national conference.", "hypothesis": "Before the opening Day of service will occur."} {"idx": "mnli-15090", "premise": "Don't go this evening.", "hypothesis": "Do not leave tonight."} {"idx": "mnli-15091", "premise": "Amazon users have to page through screen after screen of details about shipping charges, refund rules, and disclaimers about availability and pricing.", "hypothesis": "Amazon wants their users to be aware of the shipping charges and refund rules that apply to their order. "} {"idx": "mnli-15092", "premise": "no i had to press one", "hypothesis": "I had to press one issue."} {"idx": "mnli-15093", "premise": "um-hum yeah well uh get back to compooter computer programming of yours uh", "hypothesis": "Go back to playing computer games."} {"idx": "mnli-15094", "premise": "With the cloister, the monks' ethereally lit refectory, the grand Knights' Hall, and the elegant Guests' Hall together make up the masterpiece of 13th-century Gothic architecture that earned the abbey its name of la Merveille.", "hypothesis": "The la Merveille was the most magnificent 13th-century gothic structure built."} {"idx": "mnli-15095", "premise": "i'd like to have a volunteer come here and rake leaves and mow the grass and", "hypothesis": "I'm not able to mow the grass and rake leaves myself."} {"idx": "mnli-15096", "premise": "The best place to shop for quality jewellery is the Old Bedesten in the Grand Bazaar; cheaper items can be found in the shops along nearby Kalpakcelar Ba Caddesi (the bazaar's main street).", "hypothesis": "Old Bedesten in the Grand Bazaar offers top-notch jewellery,"} {"idx": "mnli-15097", "premise": "um it was it was fine but it was an old one and um", "hypothesis": "It was still good, despite being the oldest one around."} {"idx": "mnli-15098", "premise": "As part of this transaction, the Government promises a pension and other retirement benefits (especially health benefits) to the employees after they retire.", "hypothesis": "It's unlikely that any employee will be able to afford to retire. "} {"idx": "mnli-15099", "premise": "dust like that.", "hypothesis": "The dust is exactly like that."} {"idx": "mnli-15100", "premise": "The use of modular and fabricated absorbers shifts much of the construction off-site, reducing the need for specialized cranes and equipment.", "hypothesis": "A great deal of the construction can be done elsewhere, which means special equipment is not needed. "} {"idx": "mnli-15101", "premise": "From experience, he knew that the less defined the flavor, the better the manager liked it.", "hypothesis": "The manager did not like flavors that were defined."} {"idx": "mnli-15102", "premise": "yeah well i don't they uh the games they lost lost i don't think they lost by any blowout i think they were all close games", "hypothesis": "though they lost some games, they were still all close games"} {"idx": "mnli-15103", "premise": "He would call evidence to show who did destroy the will, and it was possible that that might open up quite a new view of the case. ", "hypothesis": "The evidence showing who destroyed the will would change the course of the case."} {"idx": "mnli-15104", "premise": "As much as it takes.", "hypothesis": "As much as needed. "} {"idx": "mnli-15105", "premise": "Jon looked down the tunnel and saw the shadows of men approaching.", "hypothesis": "Jon wasn't able to see anyone coming. "} {"idx": "mnli-15106", "premise": "Additionally, the FCC did not adopt safe harbor rules at this time, as suggested by some commenters, to avoid interference.", "hypothesis": "FCC didn't adopt the rules because they were too complex."} {"idx": "mnli-15107", "premise": "The number of patents emerging from the program is also increasing, primarily from the development component of the program.", "hypothesis": " The number of patents emerging from the program is increasing."} {"idx": "mnli-15108", "premise": "so are you ready", "hypothesis": "So you're Freddy?"} {"idx": "mnli-15109", "premise": "Topham had reason to be proud of his bath, Drew admitted some time later.", "hypothesis": "Topham was proud of his bath because it was so old."} {"idx": "mnli-15110", "premise": "It is by the charity of that good Mrs. Inglethorp that I am here.\" Then, as I looked at him inquiringly: \"Yes, my friend, she had kindly extended hospitality to seven of my countrypeople who, alas, are refugees from their native land. ", "hypothesis": "Mrs. Inglethorp did nothing to help us."} {"idx": "mnli-15111", "premise": "Between the estuaries of the Touques and Dives rivers, 20 km (12 miles) of sandy beaches, handsome villas, and picturesquely ?\u00adweather-beaten old hotels give a nostalgic peek at Napoleon III's Second Empire and the Belle Epoque of the 1900s.", "hypothesis": "There are ten estuaries of the Touques and Dives rivers."} {"idx": "mnli-15112", "premise": "The acoustics are so exceptional that summer concerts are held in the caves.", "hypothesis": "The acoustics were so awful that summer concerts couldn't be held in the caves."} {"idx": "mnli-15113", "premise": "Susan, standing behind Jon, looked up to Ca'daan.", "hypothesis": "Susan stood over Ca'daan and peered down at him. "} {"idx": "mnli-15114", "premise": "The problem is we are both married.", "hypothesis": "Both of them are single."} {"idx": "mnli-15115", "premise": "The second 'scandal' she spoke of was not the same as the first \u201dand it concerned herself! ", "hypothesis": "She was involved in the second scandal."} {"idx": "mnli-15116", "premise": "A statement of requirements expressed in terms thatCompatibility-require items to be compatible with existingLimited information processing resources.", "hypothesis": "Compatibility is requirements that things are compatible with existing resources."} {"idx": "mnli-15117", "premise": "and that's all i plan to do of course i'm limited on memory now because i've got the low line i got the model twenty five", "hypothesis": "I own the model twenty five, which has low memory."} {"idx": "mnli-15118", "premise": "Connolly said her program has been working to provide free legal services for 25 years, and the demand isn't abating.", "hypothesis": "Demand is still high after twenty five years of providing services."} {"idx": "mnli-15119", "premise": "To operate the device, turning it on stand-by was enough.", "hypothesis": "To operate the device you needed to power it up fully. "} {"idx": "mnli-15120", "premise": "With CEO support, the CIOs are in a good position to have significant impact on not just IT, but the entire business enterprise.", "hypothesis": "The CIOs have the support of the CEO."} {"idx": "mnli-15121", "premise": "no she she wouldn't have got no property see there was no grounds for divorce she was she wanted out cause she had a boyfriend and it was weird but uh the capital punishment i don't know actually what they give the death penalty for", "hypothesis": "The only reason she desired a divorce was to move on to a new relationship, not money."} {"idx": "mnli-15122", "premise": "The town capitalized on its popularity by creating a modern resort full of almost nonstop entertainment.", "hypothesis": "The town is not well known around the country."} {"idx": "mnli-15123", "premise": "Well, my idea is, that perhaps he's found some way of making strychnine tasteless. ", "hypothesis": "He must be a chemist in order to have found that out."} {"idx": "mnli-15124", "premise": "Because she cares for some one else, mon ami.", "hypothesis": "She cares for you, but you're not the only one."} {"idx": "mnli-15125", "premise": "At the center of the confrontation with the harsh reality of daily life is the concept of karma; that is work or deed, and the implication that the sum total of one's acts in a previous life will determine one's present station in life.", "hypothesis": "According to beliefs about karma, acts in one's previous life has an effect on one's station in this life."} {"idx": "mnli-15126", "premise": "You did your best.", "hypothesis": "Your best got us closer to the goal."} {"idx": "mnli-15127", "premise": "A short walk from the Piazza della Vittoria takes you to the island-famous Villa San Michele, home of Swedish doctor-writer (and great lover of Capri) Axel Munthe (d.", "hypothesis": "Axel Munthe was a Swiss doctor."} {"idx": "mnli-15128", "premise": "APHIS rejected the first alternative because it believed scientific evidence permitted importation of pork products from Sonora and not permitting such importation would be contrary to trade agreements entered into by the United States.", "hypothesis": "The United States entered into the trade agreement to permit imported pork products from Sonora over a decade ago."} {"idx": "mnli-15129", "premise": "The center, which will be housed in the law library at the main courthouse in Waukegan, could open later this summer.", "hypothesis": "The center in the main courthouse law library of waukegan could open this summer "} {"idx": "mnli-15130", "premise": "it's very pro American", "hypothesis": "It is anti-American. "} {"idx": "mnli-15131", "premise": "Some conservatives, including reporters at the New York Post and Washington Times , blame Clinton's philandering on the '60s free-love attitudes he adopted as an anti-war radical and never jettisoned.", "hypothesis": "Clinton has never cheated on his wife."} {"idx": "mnli-15132", "premise": "you you use um like your first couple of years you use personal computers because uh you know the software you know like it's easier for you to go and run a program you know through the disk", "hypothesis": "Some personal computer programs are much easier than others to run."} {"idx": "mnli-15133", "premise": "oh boy i worked hard through i went through the J O B's and found this and was versatile enough had a little bit of office experience and they hired me and i was just real thankful and now there's nothing for all the people who are getting laid off now there's just nothing", "hypothesis": "They hired me because I had office experience."} {"idx": "mnli-15134", "premise": "We haven't been as good at communicating our story, he said.", "hypothesis": "We have shown the world our story."} {"idx": "mnli-15135", "premise": "Time reports on a new study showing that kids have less free time than ever They spend most of their waking hours on school, homework, and organized sports.", "hypothesis": "Time also reports on a conflicting study and compares their study methods."} {"idx": "mnli-15136", "premise": "Adrin's jaw clenched.", "hypothesis": "Adrin clenched his jaw."} {"idx": "mnli-15137", "premise": "Advocating civil disobedience, he led his famous Salt March to the sea, to scoop up salt and circumvent the hated British salt tax.", "hypothesis": "He used civil disobedience and led the Salt March to the sea to avoid the British salt tax."} {"idx": "mnli-15138", "premise": "We must have unselfish, far-seeing leadership or we fail.", "hypothesis": "If we don't have unselfish leadership, we will have success."} {"idx": "mnli-15139", "premise": "Some even assimilate Buddhist and primitive, non-Hindu local deities.", "hypothesis": "There is an assimilation by some of the non-Hindu gods. "} {"idx": "mnli-15140", "premise": "The Palais-Royal, across the rue de Rivoli from the Louvre, was built as Cardinal Richelieu's residence in 1639 (it became royal when Anne of Austria moved in with young Louis XIV).", "hypothesis": "The Palais-Royal never housed Anne of Austria. "} {"idx": "mnli-15141", "premise": "David Denby has expressed the disappointment of a generation of critics who entered the field during the feverish, Kael-inspired '70 Once upon a time they wanted to grab readers by the hand and lead them to passionate works of art, but no one would aim so high today.", "hypothesis": "David Denby is greatly impressed by the whole generation of critics."} {"idx": "mnli-15142", "premise": "Each group named itself--one the Eagles and the other the Rattlers.", "hypothesis": "One group was named the Eagles, the other the Rattlers."} {"idx": "mnli-15143", "premise": "Despite the hard work and the advancements of the last thirty years, economic and social inequality coupled with racial and gender-based discrimination continues to be the central reality of our clients' lives.", "hypothesis": "The main reality of our clients' lives are social inequality and racial and gender based discrimination."} {"idx": "mnli-15144", "premise": "He stretched out his legs, and the sun made twinkly points of light on the rowels of the Mexican spurs.", "hypothesis": "He sat in the sun all afternoon. "} {"idx": "mnli-15145", "premise": "Sociology Lives!", "hypothesis": "Sociology is dead."} {"idx": "mnli-15146", "premise": "I need hardly ask what you are doing here, gentlemen, remarked Poirot. ", "hypothesis": "You need to explain to me what exactly you're doing here, said Poirot."} {"idx": "mnli-15147", "premise": "He'd be a hero of the profession.", "hypothesis": "A hero of the profession would be him."} {"idx": "mnli-15148", "premise": "you know occasionally we have some around but you know for other kind of cans just to it'd probably only take aluminum cans like that don't they", "hypothesis": "Sometimes we have cans around."} {"idx": "mnli-15149", "premise": "right oh yes you're not kidding", "hypothesis": "They're deadly serious."} {"idx": "mnli-15150", "premise": "Just beyond, the shop-lined white marble Rialto Bridge arches the canal at its narrowest point.", "hypothesis": "Along the canal is the best place for shopping."} {"idx": "mnli-15151", "premise": "yeah huh well that almighty dollar", "hypothesis": "Dollars are worthless"} {"idx": "mnli-15152", "premise": "I'm a registered and certified virgin.", "hypothesis": "I have never had sex before."} {"idx": "mnli-15153", "premise": "Without developing the criteria that the system should meet and then effectively assessing the risks, agencies could adopt signature systems that will not provide the necessary data integrity.", "hypothesis": "All systems give the necessary data integrity."} {"idx": "mnli-15154", "premise": "But because it is put forward by a fatuous Charleston, S.C., college professor, we hear it for what Horwitz rightly calls a clever glide around race and slavery, rather like the slick-tongued defense of the Southern 'way of life' made by antebellum orators, South Carolinians in particular.", "hypothesis": "Antebellum orators used to make logically consistent and rational arguments about life in the South before the war."} {"idx": "mnli-15155", "premise": "In the preamble to the final rule, the actions taken on the comments received are discussed, including raising the level of foreign ownership that requires prior notification from 10 percent to greater than 25 percent.", "hypothesis": "Actions taken on the comments received are discussed with great passion."} {"idx": "mnli-15156", "premise": "it uh the humidity's a little higher", "hypothesis": "It's a little less humid."} {"idx": "mnli-15157", "premise": "it was a marketing ploy", "hypothesis": "That was not a ploy to get more business."} {"idx": "mnli-15158", "premise": "As these false stations gained credence with pilgrims, the Franciscan monks living in the area decided that faith could be served by accommodating the fabrications, and so legend was allowed to became reality. ", "hypothesis": "The legends are completely true as the Franciscan monks live in the area."} {"idx": "mnli-15159", "premise": "The model is currently on display at the Cooper-Hewitt Museum in New York City.", "hypothesis": "The model will be transferred from the Cooper-Hewitt Museum in a month."} {"idx": "mnli-15160", "premise": "When Adrin's rapier came around Jon parried low on the blade.", "hypothesis": "Adrin's sword almost hit Jon."} {"idx": "mnli-15161", "premise": "Casualties on both sides were Allied losses numbered 2,000 killed and 12,000 taken prisoner, while the German war cemetery contains almost 4,500 graves.", "hypothesis": "German casualties were mostly male. "} {"idx": "mnli-15162", "premise": "While we may deplore that sex has become the dominating factor in many young people's lives, the goal should be to expand and emphasize the nonsexual means of personal expression (liberation) available to them, not to return to the repressive and contaminating moral hypocrisies of a previous age.", "hypothesis": "People don't express themselves sexually enough. "} {"idx": "mnli-15163", "premise": "The study was based on information collected from employers by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission from 1990 through 1999 on so-called EEO-1 forms.", "hypothesis": "The employers collected information for a study to be based."} {"idx": "mnli-15164", "premise": "But in the case of Alfred Inglethorp, all that is changed. ", "hypothesis": "All that is changed in his case, for the better. "} {"idx": "mnli-15165", "premise": "Staff members at those agencies can update the online information about the services they provide and they can add to an electronic library of legal information in 12 different practice areas -- without leaving their offices.", "hypothesis": "Agencies are able to make updates online about their programs."} {"idx": "mnli-15166", "premise": " Praise be to Mother Ganga! ", "hypothesis": "Curses on Mother Ganga!"} {"idx": "mnli-15167", "premise": "The masters at the tower of the Eye have ways to stop it but it would be very hard to stop one as strong as she.", "hypothesis": "If they all worked together, they could stop her."} {"idx": "mnli-15168", "premise": "The village is named after the three small islands it overlooks in a corner of Fort-de-France's huge bay.", "hypothesis": "The village is all a higher elevation."} {"idx": "mnli-15169", "premise": "Also, the unwieldy bureaucracy couldn't keep its loyalties straight, with the too-rapid turnover in rulers vying for Ashoka's throne.", "hypothesis": "People weren't loyal to the bureaucracy. "} {"idx": "mnli-15170", "premise": "Hay fever was the small cost of survival.", "hypothesis": "You must become ill if you want to survive. "} {"idx": "mnli-15171", "premise": "One thing is you cannot begin to fathom the mystery of India without a visit to Varanasi.", "hypothesis": "Varanasi is key in understanding the mysterious region of India."} {"idx": "mnli-15172", "premise": "i don't care", "hypothesis": "This doesn't matter to me "} {"idx": "mnli-15173", "premise": "Guides are optional, but they are sure-footed and will take care of your camera until you reach the top.", "hypothesis": "The guides will make sure to keep you camera safe."} {"idx": "mnli-15174", "premise": "yeah for your automobile", "hypothesis": "The car needs it."} {"idx": "mnli-15175", "premise": "We admire perfectionist monomania in Internet tycoons, so why not in Martha?", "hypothesis": "Martha has no perfectionist monomania."} {"idx": "mnli-15176", "premise": "The percent of total revenue by semi-decile is shown in Table 6. At every semidecile except the first, Poste Italiane receives a greater percentage of total revenue than the U.S.", "hypothesis": "The U.S. receives a greater percentage of total revenue than Poste Italiane on every semidecile."} {"idx": "mnli-15177", "premise": "At the far end of the courtyard is the Kyozo (Sutra Library), which houses some 7,000 Buddhist scriptures in a huge revolving bookcase.", "hypothesis": "Thousands of Buddhists scriptures are kept in the Sutra Library."} {"idx": "mnli-15178", "premise": "It was black leather with a high collar that closed around the front.", "hypothesis": "It had no collar and was made of canvas."} {"idx": "mnli-15179", "premise": "Suddenly my attention was arrested by a weedy looking young man rushing down the street at a great pace. ", "hypothesis": "I didn't notice the man hurrying down the street."} {"idx": "mnli-15180", "premise": "well what's going to be interesting is to see what the economic impact of of uh of the the region uh you know at the moment it the tremendous drug traffic through there but uh the idea of of uh", "hypothesis": "the large amount of drug traffic through there will impact the economy"} {"idx": "mnli-15181", "premise": "Single people fear they're going to die alone--unloved and unloving.", "hypothesis": "Single people fear they'll never find anyone."} {"idx": "mnli-15182", "premise": "The laissez-faire philosophy has worked wonders on the Pacers.", "hypothesis": "Under their current coach, the Pacers have won a lot when they employed the lassez-faire philosophy."} {"idx": "mnli-15183", "premise": "In exchange for the anointment, the Church was enriched with lands and the right of taxation by tithe, a percentage of the farmer's seasonal produce.", "hypothesis": "The Church gave anointments in exchange for land and the right to tax."} {"idx": "mnli-15184", "premise": "The boats may appear deceptively primitive, but many of them have their own electric generators and all the modern conveniences.", "hypothesis": "The boats appear primitive because it greatly discourages thievery."} {"idx": "mnli-15185", "premise": "Would clear out at once.", "hypothesis": "Would leave immediately."} {"idx": "mnli-15186", "premise": "The church of Santa Trinita has a late-16th-century Baroque facade with a Gothic interior.", "hypothesis": "The church of Santa Trinita has a Rococo facade with a contemporary interior."} {"idx": "mnli-15187", "premise": "98 Identifying Sources of Audit Evidence", "hypothesis": "It's better to identify more sources of audit evidence rather than less."} {"idx": "mnli-15188", "premise": "Your face is that of an icon.", "hypothesis": "You are famous."} {"idx": "mnli-15189", "premise": "I will pour it out.\"", "hypothesis": "I shall refill the bottle."} {"idx": "mnli-15190", "premise": "Weather permitting, you can take a ride on one of the steamers.", "hypothesis": "You can take a ride on one of the steamers if the weather permits. "} {"idx": "mnli-15191", "premise": "Local phone rates are going up, too, though some of this rise may be attributable to a reduction in subsidies.", "hypothesis": "Local phone rates are going up."} {"idx": "mnli-15192", "premise": "At the end of the Ice Age (some 13,000 years ago), the glaciers melted, leaving a long ridge of sediment sloping gradually from the top of the volcanic hills.", "hypothesis": "The Ice Age ended 13,000 years ago."} {"idx": "mnli-15193", "premise": "Then the Serbs, in defiance of a cease-fire and NATO and U.S. warnings, shelled the area around the massacre site.", "hypothesis": "The Serbs defy the cease-fire around the massacre site."} {"idx": "mnli-15194", "premise": "I guess the professional always scores over the amateur in the end.", "hypothesis": "The amateur always scores over the professional in the end."} {"idx": "mnli-15195", "premise": " \"He's green, but, yes, I'll do it.\"Drew's motives were mixed.", "hypothesis": "he is yellow"} {"idx": "mnli-15196", "premise": "It is what you devote to the community and to those in need, Burke said. ", "hypothesis": "It is what you give to the community and those in need."} {"idx": "mnli-15197", "premise": "Figure 1 illustrates the reported and projected trends in certain federal expenditures, excluding interest on the public debt, for fiscal years 1980 through 2006.", "hypothesis": "Certain federal expenditures trends can be observed in Figure 1."} {"idx": "mnli-15198", "premise": "they can ask questions", "hypothesis": "If they have questions, they can ask."} {"idx": "mnli-15199", "premise": "are you all behind what time is it there it's six o'clock here now", "hypothesis": "It is six o'clock over there too."} {"idx": "mnli-15200", "premise": "and if ever i see it on the menu i always get it", "hypothesis": "I don't order if I don't see it."} {"idx": "mnli-15201", "premise": "Deposed by the Russians in 1736, Stanislas had the good fortune to be Louis XV's father-in-law and was given the Duchy of Lorraine as compensation.", "hypothesis": "Stanislas was never given the Duchy of Lorraine."} {"idx": "mnli-15202", "premise": "And revelations about the agency's Cold War malfeasance have damaged its prestige.", "hypothesis": "More Cold War revelations will hurt its standing to a point of no return."} {"idx": "mnli-15203", "premise": "But lawyers who have appeared before her say that they appreciate her intelligent interpretation of the law.", "hypothesis": "Lawyers thanked her for the thorough interpretation of the law."} {"idx": "mnli-15204", "premise": "Let's face The world is a mess, life is basically futile, and other people are pretty dreadful and don't like you much anyhow.", "hypothesis": "People are terrible."} {"idx": "mnli-15205", "premise": "It sparked a vigorous debate about morality, introduced role models who defied stereotypes (powerful attorneys in wheelchairs, patrician female lawmakers), and demonstrated that the political process is sturdy and forgiving.", "hypothesis": "It produced characters that defied stereotypes like paralyzed lawyers."} {"idx": "mnli-15206", "premise": "According to most reports from Zagreb, Tudjman is brain dead and has been for some weeks.", "hypothesis": "Reports from Zagreb say Tudjman is brain dead, he will be taken off life support soon."} {"idx": "mnli-15207", "premise": "The NHH-to-HH sector includes both bill and advertising mail.", "hypothesis": "Bill and advertising mail are included in the NHH-to-HH sector."} {"idx": "mnli-15208", "premise": "What you will find is a lively workaday business world, hotels overflowing with conventioneers, and an atmosphere that is a refreshing diversion from the celluloid images to the west.", "hypothesis": "It is a very droll and dull business environment."} {"idx": "mnli-15209", "premise": "You can walk south along the narrow alleyway cutting the Al-Ghuri complex to reach Bab Zuweila Gate, once the lower entrance to the city.", "hypothesis": "The Bab Zuweila Gate is where the poor proletariat once gathered to plot against the wealthy bourgeois."} {"idx": "mnli-15210", "premise": "Rest now while we can.", "hypothesis": "We must stay awake until the dawn."} {"idx": "mnli-15211", "premise": "i'm sure you have a representative somewhere in the area just nothing more than a business representative or government services representative", "hypothesis": "I'm positive you don't have any representatives in the area. "} {"idx": "mnli-15212", "premise": "It's seen that way just the same.", "hypothesis": "It looks just the same way."} {"idx": "mnli-15213", "premise": "For easy access to definitions of key terms, we include a glossary at the end of this report.", "hypothesis": "A glossary is provided at the end of the report to make it easy to find definitions of important terms."} {"idx": "mnli-15214", "premise": "Scott Crocker, executive director of Kentucky Legal Aid, which serves western and southern Kentucky, said his office will lose about $260,000 out of a budget of about 2 million.", "hypothesis": "They will lose over $250,000."} {"idx": "mnli-15215", "premise": "yeah well they have some you know half way decent rapids there", "hypothesis": "They have terrible rapids."} {"idx": "mnli-15216", "premise": "As Scandinavians and Bavarians cycle by, 1968 seems as remote as when the first cattle-herders came here from the other side of India some 3,500 years ago.", "hypothesis": "The cattle-herders who came from the other side of India decided that this was a much nicer place to live."} {"idx": "mnli-15217", "premise": "some people do i know", "hypothesis": "I don't know anything about what some people"} {"idx": "mnli-15218", "premise": "i mean they are but i don't label it as such", "hypothesis": "I do not want them to be offended."} {"idx": "mnli-15219", "premise": "If loans to ski resorts, fast-food chains, and the Bolivian government paid a slightly higher return than loans to a local small business or housing complex, then they had to be the more deserving use of capital.", "hypothesis": "Loans to ski resorts have a lower return that small businesses."} {"idx": "mnli-15220", "premise": "Warmth seemed to flow from it into Dave.", "hypothesis": "Dave could feel the warmth."} {"idx": "mnli-15221", "premise": "It's true that Democrats cynically oversimplified Quayle's blunders.", "hypothesis": "It's true that Democrats cynically oversimplified Quayle's blunders."} {"idx": "mnli-15222", "premise": "Comart is a lawyer with Pine Tree Legal Assistance Inc., a statewide group that provides free legal aid to those who qualify.", "hypothesis": "Comart is the best lawyer at Pine Tree Legal Assistance Inc."} {"idx": "mnli-15223", "premise": "We are pleased that the Administration has just released the national homeland security strategy and GAO stands ready to work with the Congress and the Administration to ensure that a sound and strong strategy can be effectively implemented to protect the country against terrorism.", "hypothesis": "The national homeland security strategy has not yet been released."} {"idx": "mnli-15224", "premise": "And there'd been something about spittle.", "hypothesis": "There was something about spittle."} {"idx": "mnli-15225", "premise": "Portions of the data from a few pay periods were not usable.", "hypothesis": "Some of the data ended up being unusable."} {"idx": "mnli-15226", "premise": "And good afternoon to you, too, President Reagan.", "hypothesis": "It's hoped that President Reagan has a terrible day."} {"idx": "mnli-15227", "premise": "4 million has in the past come from the Legal Services Corp., the entity that disburses federal money for legal aid.", "hypothesis": "$4 million was given by Legal Services last year."} {"idx": "mnli-15228", "premise": "You'll call me if ", "hypothesis": "You'll never call me"} {"idx": "mnli-15229", "premise": "Indeed, the VSL estimate of $6 million (1999 dollars) is itself the central tendency of a number of estimates of the VSL for some rather narrowly defined populations.", "hypothesis": "$6 million in 1999 dollars was the VSL estimate."} {"idx": "mnli-15230", "premise": "you know i can barely hear you", "hypothesis": "I can't really hear you."} {"idx": "mnli-15231", "premise": "yeah i had a uh i teach a course in Voice I O Systems", "hypothesis": "I teach a course in Voice IO systems."} {"idx": "mnli-15232", "premise": "We're eager to compromise.", "hypothesis": "We want to make a deal."} {"idx": "mnli-15233", "premise": "not too much not too much well that's right well i think it is good to to read books and and because even if it's like you say it's light reading you are still getting some mental exercise", "hypothesis": "I usually read for at least 3 hours a day. "} {"idx": "mnli-15234", "premise": "'You and me.", "hypothesis": "You and me will take over the world."} {"idx": "mnli-15235", "premise": "Diexodos is a company that organizes guided hiking tours either by the day or longer.", "hypothesis": "Diexodos is a virtual reality environment experience."} {"idx": "mnli-15236", "premise": "Or the program could be restricted in various ways in order to blunt possible objections.", "hypothesis": "Restrictions will prevent objections."} {"idx": "mnli-15237", "premise": "Structured Interview An interview in which questions to be asked, their sequence, and the detailed information to be gathered are all predetermined; used where maximum consistency across interviews and interviewees is needed.", "hypothesis": "In a structured interview, the questions and their order as well as the information being asked of interviewees are decided ahead of time."} {"idx": "mnli-15238", "premise": "No, I said thoughtfully. ", "hypothesis": "The more I wondered about it, the more I disagreed. "} {"idx": "mnli-15239", "premise": "Here in Canada.", "hypothesis": "Here in Canada, we have all one could ever wish for."} {"idx": "mnli-15240", "premise": "Therefore, although there is little slack in the availability of boilermakers, better coordination may have avoided the labor shortage problems.", "hypothesis": "Employment opportunities are beyond stable for boilermakers."} {"idx": "mnli-15241", "premise": "You're just as good as them.'", "hypothesis": "They aren't any better than you are. "} {"idx": "mnli-15242", "premise": "You'll have to go farther north to reach the rugged fell landscapes. ", "hypothesis": "There are rugged landscapes to the north."} {"idx": "mnli-15243", "premise": "For various reasons, I don't think this explains much about the evolution of American Jewish memory of the Holocaust.", "hypothesis": "This is the best explanation for the evolution of American Jewish memory of the Holocaust."} {"idx": "mnli-15244", "premise": "Across the river on the west bank are the remains of other temples, and more importantly, the burial places of the great Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, hidden in a slender valley beyond the narrow fertile river plain.", "hypothesis": "The remains of temples and burial places lie on the west bank. "} {"idx": "mnli-15245", "premise": "yeah that that it's a major cause of uh early", "hypothesis": "That is a minor cause."} {"idx": "mnli-15246", "premise": "Therefore I reckon some one put them wise and not earlier than Sunday afternoon.", "hypothesis": "It had to have been one of us who told them."} {"idx": "mnli-15247", "premise": "Royal rule was to last for more than a century, with West Indian sugar helping to catapult France to economic supremacy in Europe.", "hypothesis": "North American sugar was helping to catapult France to economic supremacy. "} {"idx": "mnli-15248", "premise": "uh you'll then you'll like O'Leary he's he's he's quite good at it i've got into one that i didn't think i would it's a i'm not it's a kind of a historical Indian novel thing by Donald Colesmith", "hypothesis": "I have started reading a historical Indian novel by Donald Colesmith."} {"idx": "mnli-15249", "premise": "Messieurs, mesdames, said Poirot, with a flourish, \"let me introduce you to the murderer, Mr. Alfred Inglethorp!\" 164 Chapter 13 POIROT EXPLAINS \"Poirot, you old villain,\" I said, \"I've half a mind to strangle you! ", "hypothesis": "Mr. Inglethorp has a deep desire to kill Poirot, for he is a killer."} {"idx": "mnli-15250", "premise": "get out of here for heaven's sake i've never heard of one", "hypothesis": "Wow, you're kidding me, I have never even heard of one."} {"idx": "mnli-15251", "premise": "Companies that could pay their foreign debts when a dollar cost 900 won could not pay when a dollar cost 1,400 won.", "hypothesis": "The won's value to the dollar has no meaning to the ability to pay debts."} {"idx": "mnli-15252", "premise": "You want work? ", "hypothesis": "Don't you want to work?"} {"idx": "mnli-15253", "premise": "The Integration of Fieldwork and Survey Methods.", "hypothesis": "Fieldwork and Survey methods have been integrated."} {"idx": "mnli-15254", "premise": "They are an integral part of an organization's actions in planning, implementing, reviewing, and achieving effective results.", "hypothesis": "They have no part in the process of obtaining results. "} {"idx": "mnli-15255", "premise": "His first care was to bind up his bleeding wrist.", "hypothesis": "His wrist was uninjured."} {"idx": "mnli-15256", "premise": "the one thing that i had thought about to help correct that problem you've got career politicians that spend thirty forty years in Washington that's all they have ever done", "hypothesis": "Most politicians only work in Washington for two or three years. "} {"idx": "mnli-15257", "premise": "Table 3.6 summarizes key features of program effects case studies.", "hypothesis": "Table 3.6 is a two-page long summary of pertinent information."} {"idx": "mnli-15258", "premise": "Some pursued strategic planning initiatives.", "hypothesis": "All of them were glad to use strategic initiatives."} {"idx": "mnli-15259", "premise": "A general willingness", "hypothesis": "General willingness to sacrifice their first born. "} {"idx": "mnli-15260", "premise": "Ever since the roulette wheel and baccarat tables began bringing in enough money to do away with taxes in the 19th century, this tiny principality has attracted the cream of dethroned monarchs, tired moguls, and resting athletes?\u00ad.", "hypothesis": "High taxes have been in place in this principality since the 19th century."} {"idx": "mnli-15261", "premise": "It was French police who rounded up the deportees for the concentration camps, many of them denounced by French civilians seeking to profit from the confiscation of property.", "hypothesis": "The French police rounded up deportees."} {"idx": "mnli-15262", "premise": "In most cases, information resources will be purchased by issuing an RFP, which forms the basis for the resulting contract.", "hypothesis": "These contracts generally cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to fulfill."} {"idx": "mnli-15263", "premise": "yeah that could be a little boring sometimes i guess too but", "hypothesis": "I guess the game may be a little boring at times."} {"idx": "mnli-15264", "premise": "He said a package of 20 letters of support failed to reach some of the judges.", "hypothesis": "He said the 20 letters failed to reach some of the judges, but we know it's a lie."} {"idx": "mnli-15265", "premise": "The most senior information management executive positioned at a level above these CIOs asserts that he is not the acorporate CIO- and does not want to be.", "hypothesis": "The longest working management worker wishes to be the CEO of the company and have power over all other employees. "} {"idx": "mnli-15266", "premise": "I scrambled up with greater speed.", "hypothesis": "I ran up faster."} {"idx": "mnli-15267", "premise": "The programs are also poised to make a major investment in technology to expand the delivery of legal services.", "hypothesis": "New computers, iPads, and cellphones are being purchased to help deliver legal services faster."} {"idx": "mnli-15268", "premise": "Congratulations to all our winners.", "hypothesis": "There were no winners."} {"idx": "mnli-15269", "premise": "and i guess they they feel a bit ashamed they've done so well", "hypothesis": "I think they are happy they did so well."} {"idx": "mnli-15270", "premise": "yeah well that's that's yeah that had that had been the thing that had always i mean i i i have always thought about the ozone layer as sort of like a layer and it would move around i didn't know that the hole just stayed there you know i guess i i don't i'm not that much of a meteorologist but uh yeah i was a little surprised at that too because up to that point all i'd heard about was the one over the pole", "hypothesis": "I always thought the hole in the ozone went away."} {"idx": "mnli-15271", "premise": "No doubt I am very dense, but I cannot see what the proximity of the coast has got to do with the murder of Mrs. Inglethorp.\"", "hypothesis": "The proximity of the coast has nothing do with Mrs. Inglethorp's murder."} {"idx": "mnli-15272", "premise": "The monastery also has a museum, which conveys the flavor of monastic life along with icons and manuscripts.", "hypothesis": "The icons and manuscripts at the monastery are rare and valuable."} {"idx": "mnli-15273", "premise": "First, the companies kept the degree of the design challenge manageable before starting a new product development program by using an evolutionary approach to develop a product.", "hypothesis": "The companies quickly shot down the idea of using a new approach."} {"idx": "mnli-15274", "premise": "oh jeez yeah what do you what do you do when you get a i mean like a really violent storm like a tornado just stay in your truck", "hypothesis": "it's best to stay in your truck when a violent tornado hits"} {"idx": "mnli-15275", "premise": "It is reported that even his own followers are ignorant of it.", "hypothesis": "It is reported that his followers are fully knowledgeable."} {"idx": "mnli-15276", "premise": "It's double Dutch to me.\"", "hypothesis": "It is too difficult for me."} {"idx": "mnli-15277", "premise": "I loved everything about talking to the folks who schlepped there on a Sunday morning; the comic effect of having a guy dressed like McGruff, the Crime Dog from public service ads, standing behind Dole.", "hypothesis": "Having a guy dressed like the Crime Dog McGruff had a certain comedic effect."} {"idx": "mnli-15278", "premise": "he ripped them off and stuck them in the envelopes and there they went you know and he said you know i can balance my checkbook in seconds you know because it's all in the computer you know so", "hypothesis": "He didn't know how to balance a checkbook."} {"idx": "mnli-15279", "premise": "She had not feared Whittington, but this woman was different.", "hypothesis": "She feared this woman but knew that she could beat her."} {"idx": "mnli-15280", "premise": "The bough creaked and swayed in a nasty fashion, and it didn't do to think of the drop below, but at last I got safely to where I wanted to be.", "hypothesis": "It would have been no good to me to ponder how far I could fall. "} {"idx": "mnli-15281", "premise": "no my husband does", "hypothesis": "I enjoy music, but my husband does not."} {"idx": "mnli-15282", "premise": "When national saving is lower than domestic investment, a nation can borrow from foreign savers to make up the difference.", "hypothesis": "The national saving cannot be lower than domestic investment."} {"idx": "mnli-15283", "premise": "And even if the costs were a dead economic loss to other jurisdictions, surely there are gains in national pride for recompense.", "hypothesis": "Even if it loses money in other jurisdictions, there will be gains in national pride. "} {"idx": "mnli-15284", "premise": "Special equipment available for disabled guests.", "hypothesis": "They make no accommodations for disabled guests."} {"idx": "mnli-15285", "premise": "In fact, a case study where the only people interviewed were senior officials would be seen as a not-good case study, in contrast to one where the views of individuals at all levels affected was obtained.", "hypothesis": "People at all levels should be interviewed for a case study."} {"idx": "mnli-15286", "premise": "because we had one of our uh a person similar similar stature to uh Gahouli from the legal department Mel Sharp he lives around in that area too he lives on Whiteman Place i think", "hypothesis": "Mel Sharp lives far from there."} {"idx": "mnli-15287", "premise": "well Brinkley was sort of trying to be in the mold", "hypothesis": "Brinkley was close to being what it wanted to be."} {"idx": "mnli-15288", "premise": "Andrew Young, Maynard Jackson, and the mulatto elite dismissed Lewis and lined up behind Bond.", "hypothesis": "Andrew, Maynard, and the mulatto elite were physically involved with fighting Lewis. "} {"idx": "mnli-15289", "premise": "South, on 25 August Street (Odes 25 Avgoustou), you will see the impressive faaade of the Venetian Loggia, originally dating from 1628 but reconstructed after a later earthquake.", "hypothesis": "An earthquake destroyed most of the Venetian Loggia in 1889."} {"idx": "mnli-15290", "premise": "you know i think that's what it's going to take though", "hypothesis": "That just may be what it's going to require."} {"idx": "mnli-15291", "premise": "Examples of the agencies' expectations for customer satisfaction are shown in table 2.", "hypothesis": "The table contains examples from the agencies."} {"idx": "mnli-15292", "premise": "Is it too late to make fun of Giuliani?", "hypothesis": "Is it too late to make fun of Guiliani's hair?"} {"idx": "mnli-15293", "premise": "Just carry up my despatch-case, will you, dear? ", "hypothesis": "Just leave the case on the floor, dear."} {"idx": "mnli-15294", "premise": "oh uh not McCrae but uh let's see are you uh Perkins", "hypothesis": "So you're not McCrae, well are you Perkins?"} {"idx": "mnli-15295", "premise": "yeah but i yeah either Alabama or Hank Williams Junior", "hypothesis": "Neither Hank Williams Junior or Alabama."} {"idx": "mnli-15296", "premise": "so i i don't think they are too", "hypothesis": "I think they will."} {"idx": "mnli-15297", "premise": "In these torture session, Klayman rants and raves and demands to certify for the court answers that he deems evasive.", "hypothesis": "Klayman rants while under torture."} {"idx": "mnli-15298", "premise": "I do not say that. ", "hypothesis": "Yes, that's exactly what I have to say."} {"idx": "mnli-15299", "premise": "oh possibly four but uh it was it it's it's really made such a difference from her i really would like to i'm a disabled person so i'm unable to to really take care of a pet and if if that", "hypothesis": "I love goign running and on long hikes."} {"idx": "mnli-15300", "premise": "right yeah yeah i have a lot of problems with it um i um i have been tested also several times and uh in fact it has always come up negative i mean but that's no problem with it", "hypothesis": "I have never had any issues."} {"idx": "mnli-15301", "premise": "Where Boutros-Ghali was highhanded and arrogant, Annan is gentle, soft-spoken, calm.", "hypothesis": "Annan is quiet and smart."} {"idx": "mnli-15302", "premise": "Ceramics and pottery.", "hypothesis": "There is a huge assortment of pottery and ceramics."} {"idx": "mnli-15303", "premise": "The smallest items, such as combs, were exquisitely worked.", "hypothesis": "The smallest items were often left plain and undecorated. "} {"idx": "mnli-15304", "premise": "Before applying technology to its data dissemination efforts, the Bureau released massive amounts of data in printed reports.", "hypothesis": "This was a necessary step to take before applying technology to its data dissemination efforts."} {"idx": "mnli-15305", "premise": "His life is comfortable, and he sees no reason to change it.", "hypothesis": "Although his girlfriend wants him to change, he sees no reason because it is so comfortable. "} {"idx": "mnli-15306", "premise": "um no kidding", "hypothesis": "No joke."} {"idx": "mnli-15307", "premise": "I intend to marry, of course, replied Tuppence.", "hypothesis": "I plan to find a life partner, of course, replied Tuppence."} {"idx": "mnli-15308", "premise": "We will have Casual Fridays like all other good media companies, but that doesn't mean you should just slip back into your Office 97 jacket or that favorite Microsoft Bob T-shirt.", "hypothesis": "This is not a media company."} {"idx": "mnli-15309", "premise": "Still, the singers, dancers, guitarists, and flashy, colorful costumes are enjoyable to all but the purist.", "hypothesis": "Almost everyone enjoys the performers and their costumes."} {"idx": "mnli-15310", "premise": "Wind your way towards the sea through the narrow streets of the old town, and suddenly you'll see a group of housefronts in sun-bleached blues, pinks, and yellows.", "hypothesis": "The old town has houses that are painted blue, pink, and yellow. "} {"idx": "mnli-15311", "premise": "They had enough food and water for the eight of them, but few other comforts and little room for further loss.", "hypothesis": "They had enough supplies to survive."} {"idx": "mnli-15312", "premise": "Since 1992, GAO has provided the Congress with a long-term perspective on alternative fiscal policy paths.", "hypothesis": "Since 1992, GAO has provided the Congress with a long-term perspective on alternative fiscal policy paths."} {"idx": "mnli-15313", "premise": "All this was given concrete historical reality in October 1917 with the holy Russian Revolution.", "hypothesis": "The holy Russian Revolution began in late 1920."} {"idx": "mnli-15314", "premise": "This is the most immediately available policy to protect patients with federal confidentiality regulations and alleviate legitimate concerns about the right to privacy.", "hypothesis": "This is the most common sense policy to protect patients and alleviate legitimate concerns about the right to privacy."} {"idx": "mnli-15315", "premise": "Christopher Dunn related that his research interventions took 30 to 40 minutes, but his interventions outside the research arena took about 20 minutes because the process did not have to be so complicated and uniform, and there was less data collection.", "hypothesis": "A few of Christopher's research interventions went for as long as an hour."} {"idx": "mnli-15316", "premise": "After a campaign of great destruction, the authorities assured them that slavery would be abolished.", "hypothesis": "The campaign caused absolutely no damage."} {"idx": "mnli-15317", "premise": "The Castle of St. Peter was built in the 15th century by the Knights of St. John, who used stone that had been quarried from the ruins of the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus.", "hypothesis": "St. Peter's castle was constructed in the15th century."} {"idx": "mnli-15318", "premise": "Social Security is financed mainly on a pay-as-you-go basis, which means that payroll taxes of current workers are used to pay retirement, disability, and survivor benefits for current beneficiaries.", "hypothesis": "Taxes paid by people currently working are used to fund social security programs for those currently on it."} {"idx": "mnli-15319", "premise": "yeah a little bit", "hypothesis": "Yes, a small amount. "} {"idx": "mnli-15320", "premise": "The hum of voices, the bray of mules, the baa-ing and naa-ing of sheep and goats, kept up a roar to equal surf on a seacoast.", "hypothesis": "The surf was more pleasant to listen to than all these farm sounds. "} {"idx": "mnli-15321", "premise": "The winding Cagliari-Muravera road across the plunging ravines of the Sarrabus mountains to the coast is one of the most spectacular drives on the whole island.", "hypothesis": "One of the most amazing routes to take on the entire island is the Cagliari-Muravera road that spans across the Sarrabus mountains."} {"idx": "mnli-15322", "premise": "except that it is an accepted place you know it's like any other country you know for whatever reason it's", "hypothesis": "It is barely a country. "} {"idx": "mnli-15323", "premise": "The basic roles and responsibilities of the board were defined as enhancing shareholder value, assessing and monitoring risk, and ensuring management accountability.", "hypothesis": "A responsibility of the board was to make sure the shareholders lost money."} {"idx": "mnli-15324", "premise": "Did it all go wrong when we left the farm?", "hypothesis": "Leaving the farm undoubtedly had only positive results. "} {"idx": "mnli-15325", "premise": "It was there that she met Nancy Mintie.", "hypothesis": "She met Nancy Mintie there. "} {"idx": "mnli-15326", "premise": "Karnak and Luxor temples were greatly expanded and several huge building projects took place on the west bank.", "hypothesis": "There were many large scale building projects that took place on the west bank."} {"idx": "mnli-15327", "premise": "yeah how what do what do you mean by that", "hypothesis": "You didn't even say anything, did you?"} {"idx": "mnli-15328", "premise": "but you know that it is incredible you you know", "hypothesis": "It's really a great thing"} {"idx": "mnli-15329", "premise": "I rather wonder you're not there too, Peel Edgerton?", "hypothesis": "I wonder if you aren't there."} {"idx": "mnli-15330", "premise": "However, combining statistical sampling with fast pay procedures is permitted under appropriate circumstances.", "hypothesis": "The fast pay procedures are the rate that employees are given their stipend."} {"idx": "mnli-15331", "premise": "oh yeah you hear a lot about it", "hypothesis": "You never hear anything about it."} {"idx": "mnli-15332", "premise": "Invaders Galore", "hypothesis": "Conquerors in numbers."} {"idx": "mnli-15333", "premise": "Sometimes they fail now, she told him.", "hypothesis": "She figured that most of them would fail."} {"idx": "mnli-15334", "premise": "Specifically, federal organizations must overcome the challenges of effectively linking information technology and management to agency missions, positioning and legitimizing information management leadership, measuring performance, and building capabilities and skills.", "hypothesis": "Federal Organizations face challenges with linking information technology to agency missions."} {"idx": "mnli-15335", "premise": "okay i don't know about you but i hate to do yard work and i pay somebody to do all of my yard work", "hypothesis": "It is opulent of me to hire someone to do my yard work. "} {"idx": "mnli-15336", "premise": "Go on with the affairs of the nation.", "hypothesis": "I see that you have more important things to attend to."} {"idx": "mnli-15337", "premise": "and the judge was extremely concerned for our welfare if we were well if we were comfortable and uh things of that nature which made us feel good", "hypothesis": "The judge was not concerned with us at all. "} {"idx": "mnli-15338", "premise": "Not only is Greenspan's answer scientifically baseless", "hypothesis": "Greenspan's answer was made up."} {"idx": "mnli-15339", "premise": "Islam has refrained from such an expedient.", "hypothesis": "Islam does not stray far from rigid, conservative practices."} {"idx": "mnli-15340", "premise": "That's odd.", "hypothesis": "Don't worry that is normal."} {"idx": "mnli-15341", "premise": "Our approach would significantly reduce the state resources needed to conduct modeling, planning and regulatory activities to attain the standards.", "hypothesis": "Our approach would reduce state resources that are needed to conduct modeling for EPA standards."} {"idx": "mnli-15342", "premise": "In the next section of this report, we describe in more detail the picture that emerges from the 2001 Matters Service Reports.", "hypothesis": "The report gives more details from the 2001 Matters Service Reports."} {"idx": "mnli-15343", "premise": "i'm in Blacksburg Virginia", "hypothesis": "I am in the state of Virginia in a town called Blacksburg. "} {"idx": "mnli-15344", "premise": "He suggested the recommendation encourage the emergency medicine academic organization to help its members find other funding opportunities.", "hypothesis": "The emergency medicine academic organization was encouraged to help its members find other funding opportunities, because of their dire need."} {"idx": "mnli-15345", "premise": "12Acquiring nonfederal financial assets would reduce the reported unified surplus or increase the unified deficit because, under current budget scoring rules, such acquisitions would be treated as spending.", "hypothesis": "Getting nonfederal financial assets would change the amount of the deficit."} {"idx": "mnli-15346", "premise": "As Jared Hohlt in Slate , the comedian got sick at the point where he needed to reinvent himself to keep from sinking into obscurity.", "hypothesis": "The comedian was able to pull himself into a healthy state when he needed to."} {"idx": "mnli-15347", "premise": "uh the the line what i waited maybe ten minutes in line it was it was uh a minor inconvenience it was certainly worth it to me i think", "hypothesis": "I would have been willing to wait an additional five minutes in the line."} {"idx": "mnli-15348", "premise": "They thought the force was with them and always would be.", "hypothesis": "They knew the force was not gonna be with them, it had never been."} {"idx": "mnli-15349", "premise": "Environmental Protection Agency, Feasibility of Installing NOX Control Technologies by May 2003, September 1998.", "hypothesis": "NOX control technologies can be used, but are very expensive."} {"idx": "mnli-15350", "premise": "They did little to protect against the Kal's attacks anyway.", "hypothesis": "Kal's attacks were difficult to prevent."} {"idx": "mnli-15351", "premise": "you know huh-uh huh-uh but it looks like it you know you look like you went to a whole bunch", "hypothesis": "He only visited one country in his life."} {"idx": "mnli-15352", "premise": "EPA subsequently sent the information collection requirements to the Office of Management and Budget for approval under the Act.", "hypothesis": "The EPA is the environmental protection agency and regulates environmental policy in accordance to the will of the people."} {"idx": "mnli-15353", "premise": "yeah yeah they're not going to change that to meters it will always be", "hypothesis": "Yes, they're changing from feet to meters sooner or later."} {"idx": "mnli-15354", "premise": "For a people so fiercely proud of their identity, the French are a rich mixture.", "hypothesis": "The French people are proud, vibrant patriots."} {"idx": "mnli-15355", "premise": "which is which is strange i mean because yours start at seven and end at ten and ours start at at at at at eight and end at eleven that's why we i i would actually like it better if everything started at seven and ended at ten", "hypothesis": "Yours starts at seven and finishes at ten and I would prefer it more if ours was like that."} {"idx": "mnli-15356", "premise": "Perhaps Zarco knew precisely where he was heading, having learned of the existence of Madeira from a Castilian source.", "hypothesis": "Zarco learned of Madeira's existence from a Castilian."} {"idx": "mnli-15357", "premise": "This approach requires a total time of 35 months for seven SCR retrofits.", "hypothesis": "Thirty five months are required for the seven SCR retrofits."} {"idx": "mnli-15358", "premise": "Given the high-tech world of modern biology, the method by which the Scottish team managed to provoke this extraordinary dedifferentiation is almost old-fashioned in its simplicity.", "hypothesis": "The Scottish team provoked a dedifferentiation."} {"idx": "mnli-15359", "premise": "Beneath them sprawl the enemy's dead.", "hypothesis": "The dead were killed by evil men."} {"idx": "mnli-15360", "premise": "My oesophagus began to spasm, and I fought the urge to vomit.", "hypothesis": "The food looked appetizing and it made me more hungry. "} {"idx": "mnli-15361", "premise": "oh okay and uh uh we're not to have much mutual interest there but i'm curious uh uh what class are they class A", "hypothesis": "Our interests are in two entirely different species of frogs."} {"idx": "mnli-15362", "premise": "Signs of a renaissance of the handwritten word are here and there discernible.", "hypothesis": "Writing on a paper is now obsolete."} {"idx": "mnli-15363", "premise": "Pay a visit to the Casa Museu da Taipa, and you'll be able to get a glimpse of how Macanese families lived in former days.", "hypothesis": "There is only one place to see how the Macanese really used to live."} {"idx": "mnli-15364", "premise": "These days, over the instrumental break, she's prone to toss in a homily about world peace and how, whether we're in America, Bosnia, Rwanda, the Middle East; are young, old, black, white, gay, straight, or transsexual, we're all still people, people who need people.", "hypothesis": "She hates the idea of equality for everyone, everywhere."} {"idx": "mnli-15365", "premise": "Wasn't the old cat in a rage when she found out? ", "hypothesis": "I don't believe that the cat made any emotions when she found out."} {"idx": "mnli-15366", "premise": " \"Yesterday \"Drew tried to think back to how he had felt yesterday about Topham's warning and how he himself had held the absurd belief that if Don Cazar was going to be in trouble, Drew himself wanted to be there.", "hypothesis": "Don Cazar had been a friend of Drew's family before his betrayal."} {"idx": "mnli-15367", "premise": "You'll probably end up with a price that's around 50 70% of this initial price so if the goods are genuinely more expensive than you want to pay, better to walk away now with a handshake and a firm no thank you. ", "hypothesis": "The prices may be more expensive than you want to pay."} {"idx": "mnli-15368", "premise": "John A. Tull, a private consultant in Colorado who has worked with legal services organizations for more than 30 years and is a former vice president of the national Legal Services Corp., said Legal Aid really stands out for its remarkable sense of commitment to make a difference in the lives of its clients.", "hypothesis": "John A. Tull thought that legal service organizations are a blight upon society."} {"idx": "mnli-15369", "premise": "Tuppence hated letting the grass grow under her feet.", "hypothesis": "She wanted to grow carrots instead of grass."} {"idx": "mnli-15370", "premise": "The island's fine church, Saint-Louis-en-l'Ile, is as elegant as the mansions ' bright and airy with a golden light illuminating an attractive collection of Dutch, Flemish, and Italian 16th- and 17th-century art and some superb tapestries from the 12th century.", "hypothesis": "The island has no church so people gathered in the park."} {"idx": "mnli-15371", "premise": "Let's hear it.", "hypothesis": "Don't say a thing about it."} {"idx": "mnli-15372", "premise": "Outlook SWAT teams swooped down daily to reduce the size of our code.", "hypothesis": "Outlook was used for many purposes."} {"idx": "mnli-15373", "premise": "Non-COPD deaths for populations aged 64 and younger are valued at $0.", "hypothesis": "Non-COPD deaths are very rare in young people."} {"idx": "mnli-15374", "premise": "There are always giants, and each of you has the potential to become one.", "hypothesis": "None of you will ever be a giant."} {"idx": "mnli-15375", "premise": "Founded in 1985 by several private health insurers and federal/state law enforcement officials, the National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association is a unique, issue-based organization comprising private and public sector organizations and individuals responsible for the detection, investigation, prosecution, and prevention of health care fraud.", "hypothesis": "The National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association is involved with over 100,000 cases of health care fraud a year. "} {"idx": "mnli-15376", "premise": "so what are you majoring in", "hypothesis": "I majored in Psychology last term."} {"idx": "mnli-15377", "premise": "Expect a single dive to cost around 5,000 7,000 esc.", "hypothesis": "Singles dives do not require any payment."} {"idx": "mnli-15378", "premise": "i know i really liked some of them there was there's one about someone got divorced um i don't one of the partners uh", "hypothesis": "I really liked them."} {"idx": "mnli-15379", "premise": "uh no not yet i know that sounds funny coming from a woman but usually i don't", "hypothesis": "That sounds funny to hear a woman say that."} {"idx": "mnli-15380", "premise": "so it it it gets bad you know it just depends on like i said the nursing home now my grandmother was in a nursing home in California before she died but it was a nice nursing home for you know it was one of the nice ones", "hypothesis": "My grandmother did not die at our home"} {"idx": "mnli-15381", "premise": "He watched the farmers, tradesmen, herders, and children finishing their day.", "hypothesis": "The people were all finishing up for the day."} {"idx": "mnli-15382", "premise": "placed an order again for some bulbs and waiting for those to show up and", "hypothesis": "I have all of my gardening supplies for the year."} {"idx": "mnli-15383", "premise": "Nearby are YS Falls, found on an old plantation that dates from 1684.", "hypothesis": "The old plantation used to grow a variety of crops."} {"idx": "mnli-15384", "premise": "Performance artist Karen Finley reprises her 1990 show--she spread chocolate over her naked body--which made her the poster girl for right-wing denunciations of the National Endowment for the Arts.", "hypothesis": "Karen Finley had a performance show in the 1990s."} {"idx": "mnli-15385", "premise": "Section 716(b)(1) provides that when GAO is not given access to records within a reasonable time, the Comptroller General may make a written request for such records to the agency head.", "hypothesis": "The request will be granted."} {"idx": "mnli-15386", "premise": "The media were soon placed under state control, promised elections were never held, and Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDRs) were established to keep tabs on dissenters.", "hypothesis": "Despite the media being under state control, the elections were still held and broadcast worldwide. "} {"idx": "mnli-15387", "premise": "He turned it and withdrew it just as Conrad hurled himself against the door from the inside with a volley of curses.", "hypothesis": "Conrad was very angry to be locked in the room."} {"idx": "mnli-15388", "premise": "Accordingly, HCFA did not follow notice and comment procedures with respect to this provision.", "hypothesis": "HCFA didn't respectfully follow notice and comment procedures."} {"idx": "mnli-15389", "premise": "To the left of the entrance are the monks' bakery and an imposing pigeon loft.", "hypothesis": "The monks' bakery is positioned on the left side of the entrance."} {"idx": "mnli-15390", "premise": "Still, when problems crop up after the wedding, you can go to The Marriage Toolbox, which derides the outdated advice of yesteryear's home-economics textbooks in favor of an online journaling technique that helps you release your inner kvetch.", "hypothesis": "You can use The Marriage Toolbox to help you get through post wedding issues. "} {"idx": "mnli-15391", "premise": "we're not interested in what other countries do and then other times we jump in and do things and while i'm really glad that they", "hypothesis": "It's to our credit that we jump in to help other countries."} {"idx": "mnli-15392", "premise": "Ah! said Poirot appreciatively. ", "hypothesis": "Ah! said Poirot thankfully."} {"idx": "mnli-15393", "premise": "i you know i haven't seen the news in a couple of days so it uh i'm a little behind on things", "hypothesis": "I never watch the news."} {"idx": "mnli-15394", "premise": "The 18th century was not a good time for the native Irish, but the Protestant Ascendancy flourished.", "hypothesis": "The 18th century was a time of great joy for the native irish."} {"idx": "mnli-15395", "premise": "He outwits the psychotic assassin.", "hypothesis": "The assassin has no remorse when killing people."} {"idx": "mnli-15396", "premise": "no there's no carpet in the house right now", "hypothesis": "My house is full of carpets."} {"idx": "mnli-15397", "premise": "A few have been hit, but all were aided by altitude, the elements, or both.", "hypothesis": "In spite of being hit, some of them were aided by the elements or/and the altitude."} {"idx": "mnli-15398", "premise": "Some say the carvings are there for protection, because the goddess of lightning is a virgin who would not come near anything so shocking.", "hypothesis": "The purpose of the carvings is to attract the goddess of farming."} {"idx": "mnli-15399", "premise": "The Taira, controlling the region along the Inland Sea, defeated the Minamoto armies based in the Kanto province east of the capital.", "hypothesis": "The Minamoto defeated the Taira that controlled the region along the Inland Sea."} {"idx": "mnli-15400", "premise": "Shall we go in?\" A policeman produced a key.", "hypothesis": "The policeman had no way to open the door."} {"idx": "mnli-15401", "premise": "Bauer : Son of janitor.", "hypothesis": "Bauer: Son of Baun. "} {"idx": "mnli-15402", "premise": "There's also an Online Internship Application , which offers students experience in correspondence, grassroots organization, volunteer coordination, fundraising, events planning and coordination, and media events.", "hypothesis": "There's also an Online Internship Application which offers students experience in various activities."} {"idx": "mnli-15403", "premise": "Benchmarking therefore helps define specific reference points for setting goals for improving performance.", "hypothesis": " Benchmarking helps define reference points for setting goals and improvements "} {"idx": "mnli-15404", "premise": "These guys need professional help, but are afraid to be seen near a psychiatrist's office.", "hypothesis": "Guys think mental health treatment is for crazy people."} {"idx": "mnli-15405", "premise": "The CV-based estimates of VSL collectively may better represent the population affected by pollution than the labor market studies.", "hypothesis": "The CV-based estimates of VSL collectively are not considered effective in representing the population affected by pollution."} {"idx": "mnli-15406", "premise": "Move from the rich, scented air surrounding the many Chinese temples to such modern buildings as the 65-story Komtar or Tun Abdul Razak Complex a government, shopping, and entertainment center.", "hypothesis": "There are no temples in that area, all of them were destroyed in the 12th century."} {"idx": "mnli-15407", "premise": "There is a Creole patois, heavily influenced by immigrants from Haiti, but it's essentially based on French.", "hypothesis": "The Creole patois is essentially based on German."} {"idx": "mnli-15408", "premise": "or Norwegian or something", "hypothesis": "Norwegian or something else."} {"idx": "mnli-15409", "premise": "131 \"John was so kind as to break that to me this morning.\"", "hypothesis": "\"John did not tell me that.\""} {"idx": "mnli-15410", "premise": "they killed i'm in Dallas", "hypothesis": "I moved to Dallas after those people were killed. "} {"idx": "mnli-15411", "premise": "Here I am raising the entirely separate question of whether we should reproduce more quickly in order to give life to potential people.)", "hypothesis": "I am ready to have a baby with you. "} {"idx": "mnli-15412", "premise": "But you're no mandrake-man.\" A load of sickness seemed to leave Hanson's mind.", "hypothesis": "Hanson was completely certain that the person was a mandrake man."} {"idx": "mnli-15413", "premise": "yeah well uh we're not uh really sailors but i want some summer soon to um hire a sailboat with a captain since we're not you know versed in that and uh go to the Caribbean", "hypothesis": "In order to sail to the Caribbean he will have to hire sailors."} {"idx": "mnli-15414", "premise": "oh how awful", "hypothesis": "I cannot imagine how you feel right now."} {"idx": "mnli-15415", "premise": "And this is something else, stranger, you went for your gun a few minutes ago.", "hypothesis": "He has a gun."} {"idx": "mnli-15416", "premise": "You'll have to walk despite the pain.\"", "hypothesis": "You have to keep walking and ignore the pain."} {"idx": "mnli-15417", "premise": "Third, you will-let me repeat that loudly and firmly-you WILL face resistance.", "hypothesis": "Believe me, we won't take this lying down."} {"idx": "mnli-15418", "premise": "The qualifications for the award were based upon demonstrated dedication to the innovative development and delivery of legal services to the poor in one of the 14 pro bono districts of Indiana.", "hypothesis": "Demonstrated dedication was the qualification the award was based on."} {"idx": "mnli-15419", "premise": "John's Music Page.", "hypothesis": "John has a page for his poetry."} {"idx": "mnli-15420", "premise": "His first, crucial in his career copypaste he performed to fill out a document labeled Gonzobio.docxx.", "hypothesis": "He filled out the Gonzobio document."} {"idx": "mnli-15421", "premise": "It comprises over 1500 different shows, with literally dozens of performances taking place daily (at all times of the day and night).", "hypothesis": "There are just 2 shows."} {"idx": "mnli-15422", "premise": "i have a i have a bad back", "hypothesis": "I have a bad back from an accident."} {"idx": "mnli-15423", "premise": "The intervention was a single motivational interview that lasted approximately 30 minutes with", "hypothesis": "Subsequent studies have indicated that three one hour interventions provide the best results."} {"idx": "mnli-15424", "premise": "Elementary, my dear Watson the smell of onions is unmistakable.\"", "hypothesis": "It's not apparent, but it smells like asparagus. "} {"idx": "mnli-15425", "premise": "One other--rather curious--explanation for the Republican defeat in the 1996 presidential race was proffered by a member of Bob Dole's polling staff.", "hypothesis": "The Republican party lost the 1996 presidential race."} {"idx": "mnli-15426", "premise": "discussion of the elements of a finding in paragraphs 7.45 through 7.48.", "hypothesis": "The elements found are in paragraphs 7.45 through 7.48 in Chapter 7."} {"idx": "mnli-15427", "premise": "In other words: when a parent wanted to have some peace and quiet, he or she would leave the kid at home in front of the computer with a bag of chips.", "hypothesis": "A bag of chips and a computer were all that were needed for a parent to get some peace and quiet from their children."} {"idx": "mnli-15428", "premise": "The lively secular and pagan mosaics from Pompeii's patrician villas make a striking contrast with the rigid formality of church mosaics that we see elsewhere in Italy.", "hypothesis": "Pompeii's mosaics all survived the Volcano."} {"idx": "mnli-15429", "premise": "Meanwhile, Asian laborers were invited to take up the work previously carried out by the slaves; their descendants can still be found on the island, particularly around Little London in the west.", "hypothesis": "The island's economy improved after the end of slavery."} {"idx": "mnli-15430", "premise": "yeah like the Hornets anyone can beat the Hornets", "hypothesis": "Nobody can possibly beat the Hornets."} {"idx": "mnli-15431", "premise": "Though the national government must escort inspectors to the perimeter of the suspected site, it can then argue that the search violates its constitution, or whatever.", "hypothesis": "The National government does not have to escort inspectors to the site."} {"idx": "mnli-15432", "premise": "There is also a market and a porcelain shop.", "hypothesis": "Additionally there is a porcelain store and a market."} {"idx": "mnli-15433", "premise": "i beg your we've been talking for a little bit i appreciate the call i enjoyed talking with you", "hypothesis": "I've enjoyed chatting with you about things like the weather and local sports. "} {"idx": "mnli-15434", "premise": "Agencies were to establish these performance management systems by their 2001 senior executive performance appraisal cycles.", "hypothesis": "They didn't have to establish performance management systems of any kind. "} {"idx": "mnli-15435", "premise": "Listen to the infy, he said while an expatriate held forth in the Senior Common Room.", "hypothesis": "\"Listen to the Infy\", he said while an expatriate stayed in the common room. "} {"idx": "mnli-15436", "premise": "John (Peter Sarsgaard), one of his future rapists and murderers, calls him little buddy and seems almost attracted to him; Sarsgaard's performance is a finely chiseled study of how unresolved emotion can suddenly resolve itself into violence.", "hypothesis": "John calls him a little worm and seems to be borderline disgusted with him."} {"idx": "mnli-15437", "premise": "A source emitting NOx and SO2 can cause PM2.", "hypothesis": "Sources emitting NOx have no effect in the creation of PM2."} {"idx": "mnli-15438", "premise": "well i'll check that out uh-huh", "hypothesis": "I am not interested in that at all."} {"idx": "mnli-15439", "premise": "It's more publicly renowned, however, as the setting where Julia Roberts' and Richard Gere's characters found love in the film Pretty Woman.", "hypothesis": "The film,Pretty Woman, starred Julia Roberts."} {"idx": "mnli-15440", "premise": "okay well personally i don't have any children i'm twenty two and i'm doing my Master's at NC State so uh uh children wouldn't be very convenient for me right now", "hypothesis": "I would like to have children some day after I finish my studies."} {"idx": "mnli-15441", "premise": "And if you haven't yet installed Internet Explorer 4.0, you can get a free download by clicking here.", "hypothesis": "You are unable to obtain a free download of Internet Explorer 4.0"} {"idx": "mnli-15442", "premise": "Carmel is now an elegant residential and hotel district (Carmelit to Gan Ha-em) featuring the best shops, restaurants, and cafe.", "hypothesis": "Carmel is elegant in its presentation."} {"idx": "mnli-15443", "premise": "The New Republic 's Alan Wolfe finds similarities between Jones and Both are voyeurs who exaggerate their subject's sexual activity.", "hypothesis": "Jones is not a voyeur."} {"idx": "mnli-15444", "premise": "Take no unnecessary risks once the papers are in your hands.", "hypothesis": "When the papers are in your grasp, don't take any unneeded risks."} {"idx": "mnli-15445", "premise": "And of some guy vomiting up sausage all over the waiter.", "hypothesis": "A man threw up because of his poor gag reflex."} {"idx": "mnli-15446", "premise": "I can't see why, I said, rather nettled. ", "hypothesis": "I couldn't see why the reporter quit his job. "} {"idx": "mnli-15447", "premise": "GAO has previously recommended that reorganizations should emphasize an integrated approach; that reorganization plans should be designed to achieve specific, identifiable goals; and that careful attention to fundamental public sector management practices and principles, such as strong financial, technology, and human capital management, are critical to the successful implementation of government reorganizations.", "hypothesis": "There is no goal that we cannot achieve, as longs as we work hard for it."} {"idx": "mnli-15448", "premise": "But when the economy is actually growing at 3 percent, the statistics will say that it is growing at 2 percent--and yet it cannot grow any faster.", "hypothesis": "When statistics say the economy is growing at 2 percent people will want it to grow faster. "} {"idx": "mnli-15449", "premise": "GAO will grant congressional Members, upon their written request, access to its workpapers at the GAO site or will provide copies of selected workpapers only after a product that results from the workpapers in question has been made publicly available.", "hypothesis": "GAO is granting Congressmen from Texas access to their papers."} {"idx": "mnli-15450", "premise": "okay now um what do you think about about the death penalty itself do you think that we should have a death penalty", "hypothesis": "I think there shouldn't be a death penalty."} {"idx": "mnli-15451", "premise": "But psychiatrists insist that an idea cannot compel even a child to commit suicide.", "hypothesis": "Psychiatrists believe there are only few causes for a child's suicide."} {"idx": "mnli-15452", "premise": "and it was weird it was like they were trying if you were good boy let's don't have you on our team you know but um this year they had all good players except for the quarterback", "hypothesis": "Before, it was weird because they seemed to only pick bad players, but now they seem to have good players save for the quarterback."} {"idx": "mnli-15453", "premise": "Leading organizations we studied create a set of mission-related processes and systems within which to operate, but they then give their managers extensive authority to pursue organizational goals while using those processes and systems.", "hypothesis": "The managers tend to not be given any authority when it comes do the goals of the organisation."} {"idx": "mnli-15454", "premise": "We believe that insights into the burden of the USO can be gained by comparing postal systems.", "hypothesis": "Comparing postal systems could gain insights into the USO burden. "} {"idx": "mnli-15455", "premise": "Ca'daan realized it was a smile.", "hypothesis": "It was a smile, Ca'daan realized."} {"idx": "mnli-15456", "premise": "Like some men who have no formal education, Amos is highly respectful of the printed word.", "hypothesis": "People with formal education often don't respect printed word."} {"idx": "mnli-15457", "premise": "Now make for the Plaza de Caturla, a small square on the western outskirts of Orihuela.", "hypothesis": "People meet in the Plaza de Caturla in the evenings."} {"idx": "mnli-15458", "premise": "Men at Work and the columns in Bunts are fresher, less rococo, less pretentious, than his political columns.", "hypothesis": "Men at Work is more fresh than the columns in Bunts."} {"idx": "mnli-15459", "premise": "oh okay see all right yeah that's the one i was thinking of but i have i've seen quite a few movies i i enjoy them i think that uh it's it's kind of like uh good entertainment an uh an escape type of thing", "hypothesis": "i really like to watch comedies to escape real life"} {"idx": "mnli-15460", "premise": "High on a hill above the village is an odd church actually a clockless clock tower standing over a small chapel dedicated to Our Lady of F?\u00a1tima.", "hypothesis": "The church above the village is old and stone with gargoyles. "} {"idx": "mnli-15461", "premise": "get slower", "hypothesis": "Get less fast."} {"idx": "mnli-15462", "premise": "Tales From the Trans-Crypt", "hypothesis": "Non-fiction from the Trans-Crypt."} {"idx": "mnli-15463", "premise": "Pleasure palaces were a secondary consideration, and were in fact mostly additions by Akbar's successors.", "hypothesis": "There were secondary considerations for pleasure palaces."} {"idx": "mnli-15464", "premise": "Beyond this is the King's Closet, where only his intimate entourage would be admitted for evenings of drinking and card games.", "hypothesis": "There were quarters provided for all of the invited guests of King's Closet."} {"idx": "mnli-15465", "premise": "Last January the Postal Service proposed an array of rate increases designed to generate an additional $2.", "hypothesis": "With the goal of generating an additional $2 the Postal Service suggested an array of rate increases and the establishment of a VIP service."} {"idx": "mnli-15466", "premise": "In connection with CLOs, the Analysis identifies potential concerns of small real estate firms and lenders, but also sets forth potential advantages of CLOs to those entities.", "hypothesis": "There are potential concerns existing in small real estate firms."} {"idx": "mnli-15467", "premise": "Initial demand for land in the New Town was not spectacular; in fact, incentives had to be offered to entice buyers.", "hypothesis": "At the onset, the land in the New Town was hot commodity, snapped up instantly by eager buyers. "} {"idx": "mnli-15468", "premise": "Silence followed.", "hypothesis": "It was followed by silence."} {"idx": "mnli-15469", "premise": "Teams, to broaden their knowledge.", "hypothesis": "It is necessary for them to increase their knowledge."} {"idx": "mnli-15470", "premise": "But the specific sections of communications law that constrain political speech in the electronic media--including provisions for equal time for all candidates--do not apply to the Internet.", "hypothesis": "Communications law has failed to update itself in accordance with the times."} {"idx": "mnli-15471", "premise": "He moved his capital along with the Stone of Destiny (on which Scottish kings were crowned) to the sacred Pict site of Scone, close to Perth.", "hypothesis": "The capital was moved with the Stone of Destiny in the 12th century."} {"idx": "mnli-15472", "premise": "well i suspect that that's a reference to Thoreau's Fish in the Bucket of Milk but i don't know for sure and i'm not sure what the relevance would be if it were but", "hypothesis": "I know that is not a reference to Thoreau's Fish in the Bucket of Milk."} {"idx": "mnli-15473", "premise": "A piece claims world population will fall in the next 50 years.", "hypothesis": "It's been claimed that world population will fall within 50 years, but nobody believes it."} {"idx": "mnli-15474", "premise": "The city of Alexandria has no proper beaches but 8 km (5 miles) to the east is Montazah, a resort center with hotels and sandy bays.", "hypothesis": "The city of Alexandria has the best beaches."} {"idx": "mnli-15475", "premise": "Tadau Keamatan (Sabah Rice Harvest Festival) is celebrated by the Kadazan of Sabah with lots of rice wine and buffalo races.", "hypothesis": "There are lots of buffalo races and rice wine during the Sabah Rice Harvest Festival."} {"idx": "mnli-15476", "premise": "From an erratic performance on the David Letterman show to a violent confrontation with a boyfriend to the latest, her odd behavior at the Cannes Film Festival.", "hypothesis": "She was never on the David Letterman show and furthermore she didn't attend the Cannes Film Festival."} {"idx": "mnli-15477", "premise": "So what the hell.", "hypothesis": "So, why not?"} {"idx": "mnli-15478", "premise": "and so we you know and it was prime time it was what seven thirty eight o'clock on a week night and no we have cable and there wasn't anything on any channel and and the stuff that was on the prime the networks you know ABC NBC CBS", "hypothesis": "Everything was on that night, I couldn't decide what to watch."} {"idx": "mnli-15479", "premise": "The huge white Singha Durbar palace of the prime minister had 1,700 rooms, far more than the king's.", "hypothesis": "The palace f the prime minister was larger than that of the king."} {"idx": "mnli-15480", "premise": "yeah well if they went AWOL what are you going to do shoot them put them in jail", "hypothesis": "Well if they're AWOL then what will you do? "} {"idx": "mnli-15481", "premise": "Neighborhood Legal Services participated in several cooperative efforts with homeless advocacy and health care agencies in his new territory.", "hypothesis": "Neighborhood Legal Services was involved in fighting terrorism and hate groups."} {"idx": "mnli-15482", "premise": "and uh course i guess i guess i've been purged from their records i used to have an American Express uh back when i had my business i got one", "hypothesis": "I got an American Express while I had my business."} {"idx": "mnli-15483", "premise": "Generalizability We often are asked questions where the customer wants in-depth information that is nationally generalizable, but frequently the issue may not yet be ripe for a national study or we do not have the resources to collect in-depth data from nationally representative samples.", "hypothesis": "The person submitting a question expects an immediate response."} {"idx": "mnli-15484", "premise": "If not, no big deal.", "hypothesis": "It is a big problem, if not."} {"idx": "mnli-15485", "premise": "It did not really matter.", "hypothesis": "The thing mattered much."} {"idx": "mnli-15486", "premise": "and uh and the manufacturer recommended that uh he gave me uh i can't remember what the solution was and he said just uh wash your house down with it", "hypothesis": "Wash your house down with the chemical cleaner."} {"idx": "mnli-15487", "premise": "Unreliable generally.", "hypothesis": "Very reliable, always."} {"idx": "mnli-15488", "premise": "oh i know Hal Ammon quite well", "hypothesis": "I don't know Hal Ammon at all."} {"idx": "mnli-15489", "premise": "The Physician's Guide to Helping Patients with Alcohol Problems.", "hypothesis": "The Guide for Helping Patients with Alcohol Problems, for Physician's, is updated once every three years. "} {"idx": "mnli-15490", "premise": "Specifically, these reviews quantify the amount of fraud, customer error, and official error (error by government employees) affecting benefit claims.", "hypothesis": "Fraud, customer error, and official error all affect benefit claims."} {"idx": "mnli-15491", "premise": "but it uh it's it's wide enough to pick up uh like the width two widths of a lawn mower", "hypothesis": "It's not very wide at all, much shorter in width than a lawnmower."} {"idx": "mnli-15492", "premise": "Let's not discuss that now.\"", "hypothesis": "Let's not discuss that at the moment."} {"idx": "mnli-15493", "premise": "The Evening and Morning Drawing Rooms (originally the Presence Chamber and the Privy Chamber) were designed to meet visiting dignitaries and are splendid in their detail; the oak-paneled ceiling is superbly decorated.", "hypothesis": "Visiting dignitaries were met in the Drawing rooms."} {"idx": "mnli-15494", "premise": "The next morning, I woke up quite early and went to see Greuze.", "hypothesis": "I woke up early the next day and visited Greuze. "} {"idx": "mnli-15495", "premise": "My name is Benjamin Franklin.", "hypothesis": "He is named Benjamin Franklin."} {"idx": "mnli-15496", "premise": "Does it matter?", "hypothesis": "Is it something that matters?"} {"idx": "mnli-15497", "premise": "A window was open to the night, and as Drew stretched out wearily, he could hear the distant tinkle of a guitar, perhaps from the Four Jacks.", "hypothesis": "The guitar that Drew heard playing from Four Jacks was played by an old barkeep."} {"idx": "mnli-15498", "premise": "In the Queen's Bedroom, 19 royal children were born, many of them ' as was the custom ' with members of the public looking on.", "hypothesis": "There was only one royal child born there."} {"idx": "mnli-15499", "premise": "a 32902 would have provided NHTSA more information on which to assess the relationship between that section and section", "hypothesis": "NHTSA was not provided with sufficient information."} {"idx": "mnli-15500", "premise": "I really don't know.\"", "hypothesis": "I know exactly what to do."} {"idx": "mnli-15501", "premise": "'I have been for some time.", "hypothesis": "I have never been here."} {"idx": "mnli-15502", "premise": "Uncharacteristic, I might add.", "hypothesis": "Pretty normal, I would say."} {"idx": "mnli-15503", "premise": "She pointed up a rickety ladder that apparently led to some attics.", "hypothesis": "She did not indicate where the attics might be. "} {"idx": "mnli-15504", "premise": "pieces that have been around a while i haven't paid much attention to most of the current music what about you", "hypothesis": "Musically quality and has steadily declined over the years."} {"idx": "mnli-15505", "premise": "the Lakers LA", "hypothesis": "The Lakers from LA just won the championship."} {"idx": "mnli-15506", "premise": "It charts the history of Scotland, bringing under one roof a number of important collections of artifacts.", "hypothesis": "The history of Scotland is covered in the museum."} {"idx": "mnli-15507", "premise": "What is cause for some concern, though, is the peculiar public pedestal upon which they've been placed, especially since Fred now is venturing into the arena of criminal-justice reform.", "hypothesis": "Fred wants to privatize prisons."} {"idx": "mnli-15508", "premise": "having hurt my wrist.", "hypothesis": "Having not scathed my wrist at all."} {"idx": "mnli-15509", "premise": "However, HHS is accepting comments on the interim final rule for a 90-day period for consideration in the development of the final rules to be issued implementing the HIPAA.", "hypothesis": "For 90 days, the HHS will accept comments on the interim final rule. "} {"idx": "mnli-15510", "premise": "management, information systems, and business practices.", "hypothesis": "Management, information systems and business practices. "} {"idx": "mnli-15511", "premise": "Over a millennium, Poland evolved from a huge and imposing, economically powerful kingdom to a partitioned nation that ceased to exist on world maps for over 120 years, and finally to a people and land at the center of the 20th century's greatest wars and most horrific human tragedies.", "hypothesis": "Poland had been carefully insulated from the 20th century's greatest wars."} {"idx": "mnli-15512", "premise": "Attestation engagements are governed by the standards for attestation engagements issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).", "hypothesis": "Attestation engagements are governed by the World Health Organization."} {"idx": "mnli-15513", "premise": ", GPO Access) and web sites for particular agencies or offices that have identified rules available for comment (e.g.", "hypothesis": "Particular agencies and or offices do not identify which rules are available for comment."} {"idx": "mnli-15514", "premise": "An effective market-based approach would make some existing provisions of the Clean Air Act unnecessary.", "hypothesis": "Some provisions that are included in the Clean Air Act would no longer be necessary with a market-based approach."} {"idx": "mnli-15515", "premise": "Enter through a small, low according to one legend, the door was designed to keep aggressors from riding in; another legend claims it was designed to make visitors bow in humility.", "hypothesis": "The door was designed to keep aggressors from riding in according to one legend."} {"idx": "mnli-15516", "premise": "For example, the revolutionary changes that are taking place as a result of the CFO and Results Acts provide an ideal occasion to revamp the opportunities available to federal financial professionals and to market the possibilities offered by a career in federal financial management.", "hypothesis": "Federal financial professionals have opportunities to revamp things now."} {"idx": "mnli-15517", "premise": "i've never heard of such of thing this is this is really a surprise to me i wasn't total i'm glad it was you because i was afraid i'd get some guy on here that knows all about this", "hypothesis": "That doesn't shock me at all; that's easy."} {"idx": "mnli-15518", "premise": "Suppose you ask those high-binders of yours! he snapped.", "hypothesis": "He snapped, suppose you ask those high-binders of yours!"} {"idx": "mnli-15519", "premise": "The rule is designed to strengthen the Commission's enforcement of the Children's Television Act of 1990 (CTA).", "hypothesis": "The rules were voted on before they were implemented. "} {"idx": "mnli-15520", "premise": "Crosethe Rue de Rivoli to the Palais-Royal, built for Car?\u00addi?\u00adnal Richelieu as his Paris residence in 1639, and originally named Palais-Cardinal.", "hypothesis": "Cardinal Richelieu had a home in Paris in the 17th century."} {"idx": "mnli-15521", "premise": "We don't aim to argue the matter any.", "hypothesis": "We don't think we would win an arguement about the matter."} {"idx": "mnli-15522", "premise": "Get into this, she ordered.", "hypothesis": "She often gave orders."} {"idx": "mnli-15523", "premise": "Then you know where she is?", "hypothesis": "Then you have been in touch with her?"} {"idx": "mnli-15524", "premise": "i haven't noticed it mostly being yeah well i mean well on General Motors cars it was all metric i use my metrics essentially when i work on the cars i don't well i guess uh in changing the oil i guess that's uh i don't even know a nine sixteenths or something like that i don't even remember", "hypothesis": "There are so many things I can do on a car."} {"idx": "mnli-15525", "premise": "William Henry Harrison could talk about the governments of Athens, Rome, and the Helvetic Confederacy and expect his audience to know what he was talking about.", "hypothesis": "Harrison did not expect a single person in his audience to know about government."} {"idx": "mnli-15526", "premise": "Because sources can reduce emissions early, earn allowances for these actions, and use the allowances later, actual emissions are projected to be higher than the cap in the first years of each cap.", "hypothesis": "Actual emissions are projected to be higher than the cap."} {"idx": "mnli-15527", "premise": "Offices of the Malaysian Tourist Development Corporation in your home country can provide guidance to the most reputable companies .", "hypothesis": "The Malaysian Tourist Development Corporation has multiple offices."} {"idx": "mnli-15528", "premise": "Its volume declined from 7.2 billion pieces in 1990 to", "hypothesis": "The volume decline was due to the baby boomer generation aging."} {"idx": "mnli-15529", "premise": "Menorca gets big-time package holidaymakers, especially from Great Britain, and beaches and roads get awfully crowded in the height of the summer season, but the island seldom feels frenetic.", "hypothesis": "Germans make up the second largest group of tourists."} {"idx": "mnli-15530", "premise": "Pasadena soon became a popular resort area.", "hypothesis": "Pasadena became a popular resort area because of the nice weather."} {"idx": "mnli-15531", "premise": "so if the economy gets better are you going to get another one another house", "hypothesis": "When the economy improves you can buy another one."} {"idx": "mnli-15532", "premise": "You can explore for yourself by diving at the site; contact Morgan's Harbour Hotel for more details.", "hypothesis": "You may dive at the site by yourself."} {"idx": "mnli-15533", "premise": "Any difference between the book value loss (or gain) and the cost of modification is recognized as a gain or loss.", "hypothesis": "A gain or a loss is calculated by the difference between book value loss and cost of modification."} {"idx": "mnli-15534", "premise": "These alliances have sweated blood in fights with Republican Mayor Richard Riordan over public transportation, housing, and health care.", "hypothesis": "The alliances have always agreed Republicans over public service issues."} {"idx": "mnli-15535", "premise": "I seemed to see her for a moment as she was, a proud wild creature, as untamed by civilization as some shy bird of the hills. ", "hypothesis": "I saw her as a proud wild creature."} {"idx": "mnli-15536", "premise": "In making him a pariah, the world is legitimizing men who are almost as awful.", "hypothesis": "In making them pariahs, the world makes men just as bad legitimate. "} {"idx": "mnli-15537", "premise": "uh mainly the the books i read are uh business related", "hypothesis": "Books about business are fun to read."} {"idx": "mnli-15538", "premise": "The river itself flows through changing terrain, from its source in the Auvergne mountains through deep gorges to fertile lowlands and on to the sea near Bordeaux.", "hypothesis": "The river ends in a large lake with no outlet."} {"idx": "mnli-15539", "premise": "Liberal reformers wanted a constitutional monarchy similar to England's, not a republic.", "hypothesis": "England uses a republic system."} {"idx": "mnli-15540", "premise": "Kathy is inviting her entire nursery school class so, please, hug a 4-year-old!", "hypothesis": "Please ignore a 4 year old."} {"idx": "mnli-15541", "premise": "yeah uh i was i went in in nineteen and sixty five when they were drafting people in fact my father was on the draft board so", "hypothesis": "In 1965 my dad was on the draft board."} {"idx": "mnli-15542", "premise": "Evaluation of Limitations on Total Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxides, And Mercury Emissions That Start in 2018.", "hypothesis": "There was an evaluation to the Limitation on Total Sulfur Dioxide."} {"idx": "mnli-15543", "premise": "The highlight of a visit to the Basilica is a walk in the garden, which harbors gnarled and ancient olive trees.", "hypothesis": "There are a number of olive trees in the garden."} {"idx": "mnli-15544", "premise": "The president needs to spurn the vital center, defy the spirit of reconciliation, and recognize he has only a little time left to tell the public what it doesn't want to hear.", "hypothesis": "The President always tells the public what they want to hear."} {"idx": "mnli-15545", "premise": "Ser Perth bent before it, and the door opened silently while he and Dave entered.", "hypothesis": "The door was fully functioning."} {"idx": "mnli-15546", "premise": "In his crime bill, passed in 1994, he went further than any Republican president would have dared to restrict habeas corpus, the writ by which state prisoners, including those on death row, can get their cases reviewed by federal courts.", "hypothesis": "The man who was president in 1994 was all for liberal rights for all prisoners."} {"idx": "mnli-15547", "premise": "I had to see him...I had to see me.", "hypothesis": "I couldn't bring myself to see."} {"idx": "mnli-15548", "premise": "At Greek evenings, hotels usually allow kids to get up on the dance floor and try the steps themselves.", "hypothesis": "Hotels let children try dance steps during Greek evenings."} {"idx": "mnli-15549", "premise": "Development of an outcome measures reporting system to supplement or replace LSC's CSR system is underway.", "hypothesis": "The LSC's CSR system is going to be changed."} {"idx": "mnli-15550", "premise": "Nearby, O Fugitivo (Rua Imperatriz Dona Am??lia, 68) is a popular nightclub with nightly Brazilian dancers and transvestite shows (it's open until 6am).", "hypothesis": "O Fugitivo was a popular nightclub."} {"idx": "mnli-15551", "premise": "He's staying in the village doing a rest cure, after a bad nervous breakdown. ", "hypothesis": "The high stress of the situation was too much for him and caused an intense nervous breakdown."} {"idx": "mnli-15552", "premise": "While this is a proxy for labor and non labor costs, it is considered realistic since in the U.S., the use of workforce full time equivalents provide estimates within a few percentage points of those calculated with labor and non labor costs.", "hypothesis": "Workforce full time equivalents do not give estimates anywhere close to those derived from labor and non labor costs."} {"idx": "mnli-15553", "premise": "Then he added rather hesitatingly: \"Shall we have to appear as witnesses, all of us, I mean?\"", "hypothesis": "He didn't really want to appear as a witness."} {"idx": "mnli-15554", "premise": "There are about 1,000 elephants on the peninsula, and twice that number in eastern Sabah.", "hypothesis": "There are less than 1,000 elephants in eastern Sabah."} {"idx": "mnli-15555", "premise": "The argument only works if you believe that mathematics is eternal and precedes the universe.", "hypothesis": "Math is new."} {"idx": "mnli-15556", "premise": "The audience for music is very susceptible to pomposity.", "hypothesis": "The audience for music is not at all susceptible to pomposity"} {"idx": "mnli-15557", "premise": "Israelis distrust him because he was in the PLO and his brother is a member of Hamas, while Palestinians despise him for cooperating with their enemy, the Israelis.", "hypothesis": "The PLO has never been helpful to the Palestinians. "} {"idx": "mnli-15558", "premise": "Why would Gates allow the publication of such a book with his byline and photo on the dust jacket?", "hypothesis": "Gates has a book with his picture and byline in it."} {"idx": "mnli-15559", "premise": "yeah i don't either it's not until you have kids i guess you worry about those things", "hypothesis": "It's something everyone has to worry about, parents or otherwise."} {"idx": "mnli-15560", "premise": "This haven of design-oriented luxury, occupying a former palace and then embassy, is the place to be if you don't care for the old-money ambience and size of the Ritz and Palace.", "hypothesis": "The place was small and dumpy."} {"idx": "mnli-15561", "premise": "But the value of Japanese manufacturing practices was, if anything, understated.", "hypothesis": "They have overstated the value of Japanese manifacturing practices."} {"idx": "mnli-15562", "premise": "but what what i plan to do in the future is um go ahead and get my upper education as far as my masters and work on my doctorate and teach um college", "hypothesis": "Sometime soon, I will go to school."} {"idx": "mnli-15563", "premise": "it really changed my lifestyle and kept me from just having a you know easy access to current music and so i did like i say tend to go back to albums and cassettes and things that i had already had purchased but we don't have a CD yet do you", "hypothesis": "I listened to many old albums and cassettes that I owned."} {"idx": "mnli-15564", "premise": "And crawled back up, onto unsteady feet.", "hypothesis": "He had great balance."} {"idx": "mnli-15565", "premise": "Kells had been as good as his promise, Drew noted.", "hypothesis": "Kells had fulfilled his promise."} {"idx": "mnli-15566", "premise": "yeah oh yeah i i do that i do that but the rest like i said the rest of them i've been trying to to pay off and uh get back on a cash basis except for gas it's too easy to to run into the gas station", "hypothesis": "I want to pay for everything with methods other than cash"} {"idx": "mnli-15567", "premise": "so now she finds the basement sales and just like you know everybody else", "hypothesis": "She used to buy things regardless of their price."} {"idx": "mnli-15568", "premise": "A bargain!", "hypothesis": "It is a bargain because it is being sold for such a low price."} {"idx": "mnli-15569", "premise": "At the end of each entry is information about how the destination can be reached.", "hypothesis": "Each entry is written in an elegant, but easy to read, font."} {"idx": "mnli-15570", "premise": "No, no! Poirot went up to her and pleaded in a low voice. ", "hypothesis": "Poirot begged that she stay the night at his place."} {"idx": "mnli-15571", "premise": "yes it's enjoyable talking with seeing that somebody feels the same way so well you you too good luck bye-bye", "hypothesis": "I've really enjoyed our time together so let's talk again soon"} {"idx": "mnli-15572", "premise": "Still, it took a while to get near his normal speed.", "hypothesis": "It took him awhile to get to his normal speed."} {"idx": "mnli-15573", "premise": "Congress intended that mailers should be able to use the Postal Rate Commission's proceedings to assure that some mailers were not crosssubsidizing other mailers and to assure that postage rates reflected the costs actually incurred to provide service.", "hypothesis": "Congress was happy to let mailers cross-subsidize other mailers."} {"idx": "mnli-15574", "premise": "Do you remember telling me that my hand shook as I was straightening the ornaments on the mantel-piece?\"", "hypothesis": "You were scared when you moved the ornaments."} {"idx": "mnli-15575", "premise": "And it comes just in time, because technology for making biological weapons is spreading.", "hypothesis": "Almost every country in the world has the technology to make biological weapons."} {"idx": "mnli-15576", "premise": "Membership imposes an obligation to maintain standards of both quality and service, and provides dissatisfied customers with an officially recognized channel for redressing complaints; the number to call is Tel. 2508 1234.", "hypothesis": "Unhappy customers have an official channel for making complaints."} {"idx": "mnli-15577", "premise": "it it it's i'm glad i don't live in a big city", "hypothesis": "I have no desire to live in a big city."} {"idx": "mnli-15578", "premise": "During the following days and weeks, Benedictino analyzed his look in the mirror and noticed more and more significant changes for the better.", "hypothesis": "Benedictino has noticed several significant good changes in his appearance."} {"idx": "mnli-15579", "premise": "exactly right right well and uh you know one thing my wife and i've talked about it are uh private schools", "hypothesis": "My wife and I are thinking of sending our children to private schools."} {"idx": "mnli-15580", "premise": "Had she run upstairs again? ", "hypothesis": "Is this the third time she's run upstairs?"} {"idx": "mnli-15581", "premise": "all right when i was uh in my early twenty twenty one twenty two years old i was working for a a guy in a gas station", "hypothesis": "I've never had a job."} {"idx": "mnli-15582", "premise": "King Djoser of the Fourthth Dynasty was the first to attempt to build a large funerary monument to hold his mortal remains and protect the riches buried with him for his next life.", "hypothesis": "King Djoser was the first to attempt to build a large funerary monument. "} {"idx": "mnli-15583", "premise": "Promotional items include only those obtained under the same terms as those offered to the general public and at no additional cost to the government.", "hypothesis": "Items obtained under different terms than those offered to the general public do not qualify as promotional items."} {"idx": "mnli-15584", "premise": "and she sees what what she's missed out of college now wishes that she'd done something like that", "hypothesis": "Now that she knows what she missed out in college she wishes she could go."} {"idx": "mnli-15585", "premise": "Usually tapas include seafood, meatballs, salad vegetables, fried fish, and olives.", "hypothesis": "Tapas rarely contain olives and salted vegetables."} {"idx": "mnli-15586", "premise": "yeah It's even getting hard for the four year people to find jobs", "hypothesis": "Everyone has been hurt by the economy of the nation, jobs are scarce."} {"idx": "mnli-15587", "premise": "let's see my mother-in-law lives uh not too far from here so she helps with our son's clothes when she can", "hypothesis": "She lives fairly close by so she aids us with our child's clothing."} {"idx": "mnli-15588", "premise": "More thatched houses of a larger and more conventional kind are to be found 5 km (3 miles) south of Santana.", "hypothesis": "Bigger thatched houses can be seen a few kilometers south of Santana."} {"idx": "mnli-15589", "premise": "In lower of cost or market computations, the term market means replacement cost, subject to ceiling and floor limitations.", "hypothesis": "Ceiling and floor limitations apply."} {"idx": "mnli-15590", "premise": "Babies, especially preemies, are more relaxed, have better digestion, and are generally happier when they are massaged.", "hypothesis": "Massages have a very positive outcome to babies. "} {"idx": "mnli-15591", "premise": "you can't trust legislators anyway", "hypothesis": "I trust the governor."} {"idx": "mnli-15592", "premise": "A piece maps the minefield of New York state politics.", "hypothesis": "New York state politics are full of arrogant politicians."} {"idx": "mnli-15593", "premise": "Due to emergency department time constraints, so-called brief motivational interventions are the intervention model most likely to be successfully implemented.", "hypothesis": "Brief motivational interventions are the least likely model to be implemented."} {"idx": "mnli-15594", "premise": "Also in the palace is a fascinating Musee de la Voiture.", "hypothesis": "Inside the palace is a car museum."} {"idx": "mnli-15595", "premise": "Just the minimum exchange of words, the necessary information.", "hypothesis": "The most words you can fit into the situation."} {"idx": "mnli-15596", "premise": "I think that getting rid of all guns ...", "hypothesis": "I think that getting rid of all guns is a bad thing"} {"idx": "mnli-15597", "premise": "do you have grandchildren yet", "hypothesis": "Do you have grown-up grandchildren yet?"} {"idx": "mnli-15598", "premise": "As they passed the third floor landing a young clerk came out of an office.", "hypothesis": "A young clerk appeared from out of an office as they passed the third floor landing."} {"idx": "mnli-15599", "premise": "She actually did live--and not just for the cameras.", "hypothesis": "She was a movie star. "} {"idx": "mnli-15600", "premise": "Like Tuppence, he felt the magnetism of the other's personality.", "hypothesis": "He was attracted to the other's personality. "} {"idx": "mnli-15601", "premise": "The correction modification seems to have no effect.", "hypothesis": "The mod appears to have no apparent effect."} {"idx": "mnli-15602", "premise": "Section 717(b) also clearly authorizes this study.", "hypothesis": "Section 717(b) does not allow this study."} {"idx": "mnli-15603", "premise": "Ponta de Sao Lourenco (moderate; 4 hours): great rock formations, flora, and views of the Atlantic.", "hypothesis": "Ponta de Sao Lourenco features some of the best views of the Atlantic."} {"idx": "mnli-15604", "premise": "And, naming no names, there's one in this house that none of us could ever abide! ", "hypothesis": "Everybody in this house is liked."} {"idx": "mnli-15605", "premise": "Might this be for you, sir? The carter held out a very dirty folded note, on the outside of which was written: \"Take this to the gentleman at the inn near Astley Priors.", "hypothesis": "The carter had nothing for him."} {"idx": "mnli-15606", "premise": "Shearer's efforts as a free-lance political fixer have not been limited to domestic affairs.", "hypothesis": "Shearer worked as a political fixer."} {"idx": "mnli-15607", "premise": "Now economists are pointing out the unfairness of subsidizing the reduction in the number of doctors while refusing to do the same for other professions, such as economists.", "hypothesis": "Now economists are pointing out the unfairness of subsidizing professions fairly."} {"idx": "mnli-15608", "premise": "The idea of a nation of stockholders is appealing but, in practice, the plants' old Soviet-style managers gained control.", "hypothesis": "Having a nation of stockholders would be good."} {"idx": "mnli-15609", "premise": "The Royal Museum has displays devoted to anthropology, archaeology, natural sciences, and technology.", "hypothesis": "The museum has sections for anthropology, archaeology, natural sciences and technology. "} {"idx": "mnli-15610", "premise": "Could be.", "hypothesis": "No possibility of it happening."} {"idx": "mnli-15611", "premise": "Ah yes, hello Mr. Vice-premier! Wiesio, what's up? It made an impression only on Wojtek, who had serious money probleMs. 'Boss, this is not Mr. Vice-premier, but Chojnacki from accounting.", "hypothesis": "Wojtek had serious money problems because of his gambling problem. "} {"idx": "mnli-15612", "premise": "and i had this really nice place you had to uh drive in as far as i could and then park and then you had to walk in the rest of the way", "hypothesis": "To get to my place you had to take a helicopter."} {"idx": "mnli-15613", "premise": "Such an approach gave more authentic information than relying only on IRS records of calls received, or a survey of taxpayers.", "hypothesis": "The IRS got hold of more authentic information."} {"idx": "mnli-15614", "premise": "you know they people people been sitting like they had on 20/20 or 48 Hours one of them they had them on the man was twenty years waiting on death row", "hypothesis": "The man sitting the way they did on 20/20 or 48 Hours was waiting five years."} {"idx": "mnli-15615", "premise": "In such cases, the reason for not including the agency comments will be stated in the report.", "hypothesis": "Agency comments that aren't included will be mentioned in the report."} {"idx": "mnli-15616", "premise": "Not surprisingly, Scalia is no big fan of stare decisis : In his dissents, he often calls upon the court to scour away layers of encrusted precedent in order to get at the original meaning of the underlying text.", "hypothesis": "Scalia fancies himself as an originalist and sometimes disagrees with the majority decisions."} {"idx": "mnli-15617", "premise": "With the presence of Mr. Inglethorp, a sense of constraint and veiled hostility seemed to settle down upon the company. ", "hypothesis": "Mr. Inglethorp's arrival brought tension to the company. "} {"idx": "mnli-15618", "premise": "You are agitated; you are excited, it is but natural. ", "hypothesis": "You will feel a range of emotions. "} {"idx": "mnli-15619", "premise": "Of all the good stuff in this issue of SLATE, I'm probably most excited at having the wonderful novelist Muriel Spark writing our diary column.", "hypothesis": "I'm sure that Muriel Spark's insights and fresh prose will be greatly appreciated by readers."} {"idx": "mnli-15620", "premise": "and if your blessed with you know good dental uh situation you are extremely lucky you really are i've had a lot of problems i still have some ongoing problems mainly because back when i was growing up", "hypothesis": "If you're in a good dental situation you're extremely lucky."} {"idx": "mnli-15621", "premise": "government accounts within the unified budget.", "hypothesis": "The accounts inside the unified budget belonged to the government."} {"idx": "mnli-15622", "premise": "The analysis explains the methodologies and the reasons behind their use in arriving at the cost and benefits of the rule.", "hypothesis": "The analysis explains the methodologies and the reasons behind their evaluation of the rule in regards to its cost and benefits."} {"idx": "mnli-15623", "premise": "A short way along the busy main road is the Garden of Gethsemane.", "hypothesis": "The Garden of Gethsemane can be found a little way up the main road."} {"idx": "mnli-15624", "premise": "comprehensively improve grantees' delivery of services to clients.", "hypothesis": "Services always have to be delivered in exactly the same way."} {"idx": "mnli-15625", "premise": "this is Archie", "hypothesis": "This is Jon."} {"idx": "mnli-15626", "premise": "that's crazy but i think they're under stress i mean i can't imagine working in a nursing home like that either because it must be so depressing", "hypothesis": "I would imagine that it would be fun to work in a nursing home like that."} {"idx": "mnli-15627", "premise": "Apparently, Ben Franklin used to play the guitar.", "hypothesis": "Ben's father taught him how to play guitar when he was only 3. "} {"idx": "mnli-15628", "premise": "Version 6.40 of REMSAD was employed for this analysis.", "hypothesis": "REMSAD version 7.20 was used to complete the analysis."} {"idx": "mnli-15629", "premise": "In areas popular with tourists, though, you might find the waiter hovering.", "hypothesis": "Waiters do not hover in areas unpopular with tourists."} {"idx": "mnli-15630", "premise": "The news cycle on drug scares has become so fast that the backlash (accusing the new report of over-hyping the heart-disease link and ignoring the benefits of reduced obesity) is already underway.", "hypothesis": "The news is facing no backlash over the drug reports."} {"idx": "mnli-15631", "premise": "In Ibiza several families were torn in their loyalties between the Republican and Nationalist causes.", "hypothesis": "In Ibiza, several families were torn between the Republicans and Democrats."} {"idx": "mnli-15632", "premise": "what would you do about this pressing problem", "hypothesis": "There is a pressing problem."} {"idx": "mnli-15633", "premise": "It's best to book in advance for the activities, as The Ark has become quite popular, and activities sometimes fill up in advance; Tel. 670 7788, fax 670 7758.", "hypothesis": "There is plenty of room at The Ark; no need to book in advance."} {"idx": "mnli-15634", "premise": "STANDARD COSTS - Predetermined expected unit costs, which are acceptable for financial reporting purposes if adjusted periodically to reflect actual results.", "hypothesis": "The reports would need to be updated if the costs changed."} {"idx": "mnli-15635", "premise": "She herself, I noticed, was dressed in her white land smock. ", "hypothesis": "She wore a white smock."} {"idx": "mnli-15636", "premise": "You can wander around the grand staterooms, promenade deck, bridge, and other exhibits that portray life in the working and living quarters of the ship.", "hypothesis": "The bridge is not representative of life in the working parts of the ship."} {"idx": "mnli-15637", "premise": "New principle-based accounting and reporting standards should be focused on value and risk.", "hypothesis": "Risk and value are both important factors for principle-based accounting."} {"idx": "mnli-15638", "premise": "Ser Perth, I'm afraid you've made a slight mistake. \"We don't make mistakes in such matters.", "hypothesis": "Ser Perth, I think you've miscalculated slightly."} {"idx": "mnli-15639", "premise": "Natalia didn't comment, though her expression was even more dour than usual.", "hypothesis": "Natalia was happy and excited."} {"idx": "mnli-15640", "premise": "I almost wish she'd included more voice-over narration, more commentary on the things that, as a filmmaker, she hasn't learned to bring out.", "hypothesis": "A more voice-over narration would have been a nice inclusion as it would have added a personal touch to the film."} {"idx": "mnli-15641", "premise": "Instead of requiring a date stamp, the Report and Order required that new telephones be stamped with the letters HAC.", "hypothesis": "They wanted phones marked with numbers "} {"idx": "mnli-15642", "premise": "Well north of Kaanapali Beach, the Mauian is a Hawaiian-owned hotel dating back to 1959, restored to its original ambience.", "hypothesis": "The Mauian is a Hawaiian-owned hotel that was built in 1959."} {"idx": "mnli-15643", "premise": "Perched on the Gargano heights south of the forest, Monte Sant'Angelo was a major medieval pilgrimage town, celebrated for its fifth-century sanctuary of St. Michael in a grotto where the archangel appeared to the Bishop of Siponto three times.", "hypothesis": "Monte Sant'Angelo is an ordinary town with no particular claim to fame."} {"idx": "mnli-15644", "premise": "But to the San Gabriel-Pomona Valley legal aid program, the positives of merging with Dudovitz's program, San Fernando Valley Neighborhood Legal Services, were never obvious.", "hypothesis": "It's easy to see the benefits of the combining the LA and San Fernando Valley programs."} {"idx": "mnli-15645", "premise": "so who is your favorite football team", "hypothesis": "I don't want to know who you cheer for in football."} {"idx": "mnli-15646", "premise": "Its many supporters argue that the office's expansion of community development work - including helping non-profits incorporate or defend themselves in lawsuits - sets it apart from other agencies.", "hypothesis": "This office is known for helping non-profits win lawsuits against big corporations. "} {"idx": "mnli-15647", "premise": "and uh usually if you can find somebody of course now when you go down there you know i mean they've got just there's no where you can miss", "hypothesis": "It's hard to find someone or somewhere. "} {"idx": "mnli-15648", "premise": "Legend has it that all Belur, Halebid, and Somnathpur temples designed by the same architect.", "hypothesis": "The legend of the architect is fairly unsubstantiated."} {"idx": "mnli-15649", "premise": "The cool season is from October to March, the ideal time for seeing most of India ( except in the northern hills and mountains, where it's bitterly cold).", "hypothesis": "October would be a good time to visit India, unless you plan on going to the northern hills."} {"idx": "mnli-15650", "premise": " I'd like a/an/some Quisiera ", "hypothesis": "I think it would help me."} {"idx": "mnli-15651", "premise": "In the summer, get there by noon or you won't see a thing.", "hypothesis": "Summer is when the most people visit."} {"idx": "mnli-15652", "premise": "Guadeloupe and Martinique, much the largest of the islands and about 160 km (100 miles) apart, are becoming internationally known resorts.", "hypothesis": "Martinique is mostly used for rowing competitions."} {"idx": "mnli-15653", "premise": "Two major festivals, Assumption Day on 15 August and Annunciation Day on 25 March, see thousands of believers crawling up the hill from the port to worship the icon.", "hypothesis": "In addition to worshiping the icon the believers will pray too."} {"idx": "mnli-15654", "premise": "Dunlap, for his efforts in wrecking--that is, restructuring--corporations, is rewarded with huge chunks of options that he immediately exercises so he can pocket the cash, not so he can invest in the future of the company.", "hypothesis": "Dunlap saves corporations through bankruptcy not through restructuring."} {"idx": "mnli-15655", "premise": "That means the responsibility for giving is greater now than ever.", "hypothesis": "It is now greater due to the fact of the wage gap and poverty levels."} {"idx": "mnli-15656", "premise": "An article condemns President Clinton for ingratitude toward his loyal vice president.", "hypothesis": "President Clinton was not grateful enough to any of his staffers."} {"idx": "mnli-15657", "premise": " S\u00ed , this one has the pride, the appearance.", "hypothesis": "This one has a hungry look about it. "} {"idx": "mnli-15658", "premise": "It's just this hard when I try to answer the Why do older Oklahomans need lawyers?", "hypothesis": "It's easy to explain why Oklahomans need lawyers."} {"idx": "mnli-15659", "premise": "You can walk south along the narrow alleyway cutting the Al-Ghuri complex to reach Bab Zuweila Gate, once the lower entrance to the city.", "hypothesis": "The Bab Zuweila Gate lies at the northern edge of the city."} {"idx": "mnli-15660", "premise": "what he thought of uh one of the other action guys God i can't even remember the name he said well he wouldn't really talk about it didn't want to talk about him because he didn't think he was such a uh a good action guy", "hypothesis": "I don't remeber the name of the guys."} {"idx": "mnli-15661", "premise": "Do you want to lie on beaches or hike in mountains?", "hypothesis": "It's impossible to actually lie on the beaches."} {"idx": "mnli-15662", "premise": "He'll be dead in six hours, and so will his revolution.", "hypothesis": "His revolution will continue long after his death. "} {"idx": "mnli-15663", "premise": "If only Klein weren't so categorically averse to American health culture, he might allow that a little self-imposed Puritanism now and then--a little punishing exercise here, a little culinary deprivation there--can be a sensual pleasure too, albeit of a different sort.", "hypothesis": "Klein has some problems with American health culture."} {"idx": "mnli-15664", "premise": "and you got to have your pumpkin pie", "hypothesis": "You should never serve pumpkin pie."} {"idx": "mnli-15665", "premise": "A comprehensive transition plan needs to be developed.", "hypothesis": "Transition plans are optional."} {"idx": "mnli-15666", "premise": "I will not read the details of the coup that was planned.", "hypothesis": "The part about the coup was too troubling for me."} {"idx": "mnli-15667", "premise": "you know to learn how to be a a father and a parent", "hypothesis": "You will be a great parent."} {"idx": "mnli-15668", "premise": "The experts leave few real bargains among the old treasures, but it's fun to keep looking.", "hypothesis": "Bargains are few in number thanks to the experts."} {"idx": "mnli-15669", "premise": "so we're you know going talking to some of our friends that are landscapers and things and learning about different kinds of grass we trying to go grow grass and it just seems so funny to me that when i grew up in Missouri and you didn't have to worry about growing grass there it just happened automatically", "hypothesis": "Growing grass can actually be a pain in the butt. "} {"idx": "mnli-15670", "premise": "uh but they are the only state that does it", "hypothesis": "They are the only state that does."} {"idx": "mnli-15671", "premise": "Unfortunately, there is nobody here to hand you a cooling drink at the end of your exploration and the difficult journey from the main road to the lighthouse makes it thirsty work indeed.", "hypothesis": "Someone will hand you a drink when you complete the trek."} {"idx": "mnli-15672", "premise": "Then the three were asked to comment on these past thoughts (none found any errors, of course).", "hypothesis": "Several people were asked to comment on the future thoughts, and they found several errors."} {"idx": "mnli-15673", "premise": "He noted a growing understanding of the importance of screening for alcohol and other drugs together.", "hypothesis": "It is fruitless to screen for drugs and alcohol."} {"idx": "mnli-15674", "premise": "Beresford speaking.", "hypothesis": "Beresford is talking to someone else."} {"idx": "mnli-15675", "premise": "All of the organizations identified trust as the essential underlying element to successful relationships and said that trust could be built only over time and, primarily, through personal relationships.", "hypothesis": "Trust is an essential element for good relationships according to all the organizations."} {"idx": "mnli-15676", "premise": "Among the extravagantly colored Hindu temples and subtle mosques in the Muslim neighborhoods, Jain merchants sell gold in the Zaveri Bazaar, while others sell silver, brass, copper, leather, and lace.", "hypothesis": "Jain merchants do not sell any valuable metals in the Zaveri Bazaar."} {"idx": "mnli-15677", "premise": "you can buy marinating mixes here i don't know if get it up there or you can you know marinate it in any kind of barbecue sauce you like and then you um", "hypothesis": "Marinating mixes are not sold here."} {"idx": "mnli-15678", "premise": "Today, we neither have such a group nor the atmosphere for its emergence.", "hypothesis": "We currently do not have such a group."} {"idx": "mnli-15679", "premise": "Particularly impressive is the way that the influence of the Milliken Men cuts across the usual political lines.", "hypothesis": "The influence of the Miliken Men is pretty dismal."} {"idx": "mnli-15680", "premise": "2) No, he's been campaigning for months.", "hypothesis": "He's been campaigning for the last few weeks."} {"idx": "mnli-15681", "premise": "I've had enough of the fellow hanging about. ", "hypothesis": "I'm done tolerating that guy loitering about."} {"idx": "mnli-15682", "premise": "If the auditor chooses to apply or use standards or methodologies developed by other professional organizations when performing work under GAGAS, the auditor should also apply the standards in this chapter as appropriate.", "hypothesis": "If other standards are used, auditors need not use the standards in this chapter."} {"idx": "mnli-15683", "premise": "Exactly. He unlocked a little drawer, and took out some photographs which he laid on the table. ", "hypothesis": "Five photos were laid on the table."} {"idx": "mnli-15684", "premise": "that's marvelous just marvelous well i work in I A Smith so we're forever looking at something else uh i you know i work", "hypothesis": "My work is in IA, so this is awesome."} {"idx": "mnli-15685", "premise": "Total AC usage in the United States was 182,887 tons/yr in 2000, as given in the U.S.", "hypothesis": "In 2000, the total AC usage in the US was 182,887 tonr/yr."} {"idx": "mnli-15686", "premise": "standard we usually don't or if it it is a purchase uh then it's paid off when the bill comes you know so it isn't any extended uh it may be that i picked up something at the store but then when the bill comes we always pay it off then so it's not any you know uh build up on the charge cards at all", "hypothesis": "Do you have multiple credit cards?"} {"idx": "mnli-15687", "premise": "I'm tellin' you, it was so cold th' ramrod came out to give th' mornin' orders an' his words, they jus' naturally froze up solid.", "hypothesis": "It was so cold . his words froze to his lips."} {"idx": "mnli-15688", "premise": "When you wanted your world saved, you were free enough with offers of reward.", "hypothesis": "You did not want to give up much to save your world."} {"idx": "mnli-15689", "premise": "yeah Lilly yeah Lilly she she said i said it's for it's for your daughter to use oh no she said i know she doesn't get to touch it she hung it on the wall", "hypothesis": "I do not have any children."} {"idx": "mnli-15690", "premise": "At the eastern reaches the high ground gives way to undulating farmland.", "hypothesis": "The high ground turns suddenly to flat plains as far as the eye can see. "} {"idx": "mnli-15691", "premise": "Another treat is the free taxi from your hotel that they provide.", "hypothesis": "The taxi ride from the hotel is very expensive."} {"idx": "mnli-15692", "premise": "Agencies that expect their employees to take greater responsibility and be held accountable for results must ensure that the employees have the training and tools they need to fulfill these expectations.", "hypothesis": "Employees must have training, good wages, and tools to be accountable, or they will not be able to be accountable for results."} {"idx": "mnli-15693", "premise": "Monuments to the heroes of independent Jamaica can be found in a small corner of the park, and both Marcus Garvey and Norman Manley are buried here.", "hypothesis": "At least two men are buried in the park. "} {"idx": "mnli-15694", "premise": "I purposely didn't mention any name because, of course, Whittington might be calling himself something quite different down here, but the doctor answered at once.", "hypothesis": "The doctor was slow to respond. "} {"idx": "mnli-15695", "premise": "(Kohler's Dictionary for Accountants).", "hypothesis": "Kohler has published a dictionary with accountants in mind."} {"idx": "mnli-15696", "premise": "She crumpled it up into a ball and threw it into the grate, and made a sort of noise like 'Whoop!' ", "hypothesis": "She threw the ball into the grate so no one could get it"} {"idx": "mnli-15697", "premise": "On his keyboard he typed various letters and numbers, which would become computer programs for the 0-1 Computer Associates company.", "hypothesis": "Letters and numbers typed on a keyboard can become computer programs. "} {"idx": "mnli-15698", "premise": "I said at last.", "hypothesis": "I said it best. "} {"idx": "mnli-15699", "premise": "Oh, yes. ", "hypothesis": "No that's inconceivable."} {"idx": "mnli-15700", "premise": "i hate it almost as much as i do France", "hypothesis": "France has been a horrible place for me. "} {"idx": "mnli-15701", "premise": "Drew shook his head.", "hypothesis": "Drew smile and nodded."} {"idx": "mnli-15702", "premise": "well i think uh i think on a scale of one to ten i would be i would be more toward a uh a uh uh an a stand that would not totally ban guns but would certainly very much control them uh", "hypothesis": "I would take a stand that said guns were controlled but not banned."} {"idx": "mnli-15703", "premise": "We started walking on two legs between 6 million and 4 million years ago, tool-making began 2.5 million years ago, and our brains grew dramatically between 2 million and 1 million years ago.", "hypothesis": "We became bipedal walkers 5 million years ago."} {"idx": "mnli-15704", "premise": "LSC uses three primary tools to assure quality in the programs that it ", "hypothesis": "Three primary tools are used by LSC to assure quality."} {"idx": "mnli-15705", "premise": "35 \"Eh voila une table!\" cried Poirot. ", "hypothesis": "Poirot cried and said nothing."} {"idx": "mnli-15706", "premise": "Not precisely young and beautiful, but as game as they make them.\"", "hypothesis": "She is both young and beautiful."} {"idx": "mnli-15707", "premise": "To memorialize his son, Subia asked his artist friend Felipe Adame to paint a mural at his home.", "hypothesis": "To honor his daughter Subia planted a tree."} {"idx": "mnli-15708", "premise": "Rafts have long been a method of transport for local people, who use them to carry bananas down from the upper slopes to the port.", "hypothesis": "Rafts were used to carry apples."} {"idx": "mnli-15709", "premise": "Water rushed down my throat, tasting of salt.", "hypothesis": "The water in my mouth was not salty."} {"idx": "mnli-15710", "premise": "Meantime, she has graduated from Coppin State College, works as a drug and alcohol counselor, left subsidized housing and plans to start work on a master's degree this year.", "hypothesis": "She is persuing a masters's degree in alcohol and drug counseling."} {"idx": "mnli-15711", "premise": "The other principal hotel for nightlife is the Madeira Carlton , which puts on similar theme evenings, plus classical concerts and children's shows.", "hypothesis": "Guests can enjoy theme evenings, classical concerts, and children's shows at the Madeira Carlton."} {"idx": "mnli-15712", "premise": "(Let this be a lesson to us all.)", "hypothesis": "We can use this as a lesson to learn from."} {"idx": "mnli-15713", "premise": "on Saturdays they have uh a variety of things uh and a lot of times i record it and watch it some other time but uh", "hypothesis": "I often watch things I record."} {"idx": "mnli-15714", "premise": "possibly i think that um uh i'm i'm i'm actually Jewish so i suspect that i would be more in favor of sort of nonsectarian sort of prayer", "hypothesis": "I'm actually catholic so"} {"idx": "mnli-15715", "premise": "The other whipmaster, carrying a heavy sword and small stretched leather shield, took more time.", "hypothesis": "The other demon whipmaster took more time and he was carrying a sword and a shield."} {"idx": "mnli-15716", "premise": " The pundits plumbed the upcoming global-warming treaty conference in Kyoto for its political content.", "hypothesis": "The pundits were interested in the political content."} {"idx": "mnli-15717", "premise": "Perhaps I ought to make that quite clear.", "hypothesis": "I should have made it easier to understand."} {"idx": "mnli-15718", "premise": "In addition, some employees who now travel on free tickets obtained with frequent flyer miles might no longer be able to travel when funds for air travel were not available or were in short supply.", "hypothesis": "Employees will still be able to fly free when funds for air travel are not available."} {"idx": "mnli-15719", "premise": "Kimsey is campaigning to bring a baseball team to the area.", "hypothesis": "Kimsey organized a campaign to forge a baseball team."} {"idx": "mnli-15720", "premise": "but really it's pitiful", "hypothesis": "It never changes."} {"idx": "mnli-15721", "premise": "Domestic violence victims needing legal help can get it through a program launched by Central Southwest Mississippi Legal Services Corp.", "hypothesis": "Central Southwest Mississippi Legal Services Corp helps domestic violence victims."} {"idx": "mnli-15722", "premise": "well they send you a free bus ticket and i use it", "hypothesis": "I have no need for bus tickets."} {"idx": "mnli-15723", "premise": "And, when the no-shift elasticities of the basic and workshared product are the same, the gains become even smaller and the peak becomes very pronounced.", "hypothesis": "Smaller gains and more pronounced peaks aren't what you want with the product."} {"idx": "mnli-15724", "premise": "Federal employees should be viewed not as costs to be cut, but as assets to be valued.", "hypothesis": "Federal employees are often viewed as a cost to cut."} {"idx": "mnli-15725", "premise": "People like the staff at the legal services programs in New Jersey, Maryland, Washington, Texas, Missouri, California, and Indiana who are actively and continuously engaged in reassessing their delivery practices and policies to meet emerging and unmet needs.", "hypothesis": "Staff of legal services programs actively try and meet the needs they are required of."} {"idx": "mnli-15726", "premise": "But he certainly could have been instilled with a tendency to misrepresent in order to please a possible employer.", "hypothesis": "He could have a tendency to lie to please a possible employer. "} {"idx": "mnli-15727", "premise": "an even even if it's just a little bit yeah", "hypothesis": "Even if there is nearly nothing."} {"idx": "mnli-15728", "premise": "oh yeah um well right now we um start our seeds inside", "hypothesis": "We startt our seeds outside."} {"idx": "mnli-15729", "premise": "It must act to replace all or most of the $2.", "hypothesis": "I lost the $2."} {"idx": "mnli-15730", "premise": "Jon tested Adrin with a series of cuts.", "hypothesis": "Jon saw no need to test Adrin."} {"idx": "mnli-15731", "premise": "Volume I,Version 1.0 February 28, 1997 660", "hypothesis": "Volume 1, version 1 was not released until 1999."} {"idx": "mnli-15732", "premise": "Reports by GAO or other auditing institutions can provide valuable background information.", "hypothesis": "Reports from GAP and other auditing institutions can give valuable information."} {"idx": "mnli-15733", "premise": "Are the secret courts constitutional?", "hypothesis": "There are secret courts with questionable legality."} {"idx": "mnli-15734", "premise": "The number is followed by a P for paragraph which is followed by the paragraph number(s).", "hypothesis": "The number, then a p then the paragraph "} {"idx": "mnli-15735", "premise": "Now that the background material he sent to Congress has been released, the press has become interested in whether Linda Tripp doctored her tapes and whether Starr's agents and prosecutors improperly detained Lewinsky or misrepresented their treatment of her in the Jan.", "hypothesis": "It was later proven that Linda had doctored her tapes."} {"idx": "mnli-15736", "premise": "Since everyone who matters presumably knows all about who backs the Milliken Men and why, why does their advice still get taken?", "hypothesis": "It seems the advice they give is not very accurate."} {"idx": "mnli-15737", "premise": "I touched on these earlier.", "hypothesis": "I haven't talked about these at all, have I?"} {"idx": "mnli-15738", "premise": "and um i mean but she was truly she was truly aware i mean i i didn't i don't know how i would how i would deal if if one of my parents came with with Alzheimer's or something like that which is which is far more devastating", "hypothesis": "She was lucid, at least--I don't know how much she was there, but it wasn't like she had Alzheimer's."} {"idx": "mnli-15739", "premise": "They had already arranged their infamous plot \u201dthat he should marry this rich, but rather foolish old lady, induce her to make a will leaving her money to him, and then gain their ends by a very cleverly conceived crime. ", "hypothesis": "They had not yet arranged any kind of plot."} {"idx": "mnli-15740", "premise": "A stroll through any of these hamlets, Bungamati, Thecho, or Chapagaon, will provide intimate glimpses of country life.", "hypothesis": "Modern life can seen on a walk in Bungamati, Thecho, or Chapagaon."} {"idx": "mnli-15741", "premise": "The unofficial spin, from James Jones is a puppet of greedy right-wingers, and besides, Clinton is whipping her in the polls.", "hypothesis": "Clinton is in first place in the polls."} {"idx": "mnli-15742", "premise": "He don't like havin' his colt crop whittled down.", "hypothesis": "He wasn't happy about losing his animals."} {"idx": "mnli-15743", "premise": " Training and tools are provided to facilitate and accelerate the pace of change initiatives.", "hypothesis": "Tools are provided to help the pace of change initiatives."} {"idx": "mnli-15744", "premise": "Gertis is such a huge site at its height it had a population of 300,000 that you will see signposts to remains lying in the midst of crops south of the modern road.", "hypothesis": "Because Gertis is such an expansive site, some remains even lie in the middle of crops."} {"idx": "mnli-15745", "premise": "well we um back when my my i have four sons they're all grown now and and two of them are married with children of their own but when they were just uh pre teenagers we um", "hypothesis": "I had four sons that are all grown now."} {"idx": "mnli-15746", "premise": "Forbes : The basis of Western Civilization.", "hypothesis": "There are no civilizations in the West."} {"idx": "mnli-15747", "premise": "You can find a sculpture of him in a position of prayer facing the statue of Adinath, in the second row of pillars, second pillar from the left.", "hypothesis": "In the second row of pillars, second pillar from the left, you can find a sculpture of him praying to the statue of Adinath."} {"idx": "mnli-15748", "premise": "During this period, foreigners were allowed to buy large parcels of land for the first time (much of it used for the sugarcane plantations), and ties to America, both economic and political, were dramatically tightened, with talk of possibly annexing Hawaii reaching the White House.", "hypothesis": "Foreigners were not allowed to buy a lot of land."} {"idx": "mnli-15749", "premise": "and boy there are kids in this this little section of Plano that we're in we're surrounded less than a mile we have six different centers to our at our disposal so", "hypothesis": "There are kids in Plano that go to these centers because they're just blocks from their homes."} {"idx": "mnli-15750", "premise": "Florida planning efforts began in 1991 with The Florida Bar and Florida Bar Foundation's Joint Commission on the Delivery of Legal Assistance study and report.", "hypothesis": "The Florida State government fully subsidized all research."} {"idx": "mnli-15751", "premise": "They'll take care to get him out of the way at the right minute.", "hypothesis": "They will be prepared to get him out of the way at the right time."} {"idx": "mnli-15752", "premise": "Rather than compromise, the king fled Paris in a vain effort to join up with armed forces hostile to the Revolution.", "hypothesis": "The king ran away from Paris and took his weapon to fight in the Revolution."} {"idx": "mnli-15753", "premise": "In long-exposure photographs of this display, the entire temple appears to be on fire.", "hypothesis": "This display has never been photographed."} {"idx": "mnli-15754", "premise": "uh i we could just we were all centered around that television yep", "hypothesis": "We were all outside."} {"idx": "mnli-15755", "premise": "it's just a shame you keep going there and like week after week and every week you come away a loser i mean you after a while guys get tired and we just didn't go anymore so", "hypothesis": "We love going as we almost always win."} {"idx": "mnli-15756", "premise": "If the president mortgages our future by weakening defense, the price of land will fall.", "hypothesis": "If defense were weakened, there are other ways for land to retain its value."} {"idx": "mnli-15757", "premise": "Home-made floats made their way through the main street, accompanied by ticker tape and thrown confetti.", "hypothesis": "The homemade floats were fun to look at."} {"idx": "mnli-15758", "premise": "9 billion if the value of scale is adjusted for Wachter's wage premium.", "hypothesis": "None of the scale value was adjusted to Wachter's wage/ "} {"idx": "mnli-15759", "premise": "Or perhaps it was just that I could not understand.", "hypothesis": "Everyone can grasp this easily."} {"idx": "mnli-15760", "premise": "Maybe it's time you taught me what an old deserter could possibly teach.", "hypothesis": "Can the old deserter teach me about battle?"} {"idx": "mnli-15761", "premise": "These levels are common and well accepted levels for this type of analysis and are presented as a recommended minimum significance level for toxicity test data analysis.", "hypothesis": "One should always expect these levels for this type of analysis."} {"idx": "mnli-15762", "premise": "The civil war developed into one of the great causes of the 20th century, with support for both sides pouring in from outside of Spain.", "hypothesis": "The civil war developed into a great case because so many people were in volved."} {"idx": "mnli-15763", "premise": "Each local ironic effect has to be placed precisely", "hypothesis": "Each local area has a specialty dish that is available at every coffee shop."} {"idx": "mnli-15764", "premise": "It asks questions Have you wanted to harm yourself?", "hypothesis": "The survey asks only basic questions, and does not probe into psychological disorders or diseases."} {"idx": "mnli-15765", "premise": "The proposed bill, sponsored by Rep.", "hypothesis": "The proposed bill was sponsored by Rep."} {"idx": "mnli-15766", "premise": "He says she gave him the confidence to be an actor, and he ended up helping to support her at the end of her life.", "hypothesis": "He ended her association with her many years before her death."} {"idx": "mnli-15767", "premise": "Now--the Sather Karf told you what you were to do, of course, but--\" \"Wait a minute,\" Dave suggested.", "hypothesis": "Now, simply do as you were told by the Sather Karf."} {"idx": "mnli-15768", "premise": "The EPA has cited sections 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 213, 215, 216, and 301(a) of the Clean Air Act, as amended, (42 U.S.C.", "hypothesis": "The EPA cited those sections."} {"idx": "mnli-15769", "premise": "Agencies collocated team members when the employees had been working in the same building or facility.", "hypothesis": "The agencies collected employees working in separate buildings "} {"idx": "mnli-15770", "premise": "EPA submitted the information collection request to OMB, which has not yet approved it.", "hypothesis": "The OMB does not accept information requests from EPA."} {"idx": "mnli-15771", "premise": "Where did you find this? I asked Poirot, in lively curiosity. ", "hypothesis": "From whence did you locate this, I inquired of Poirot with intrigue."} {"idx": "mnli-15772", "premise": "everything blooming and and the weather and uh think a lot of people have contracted uh spring fever too so had a lot of people out at work you know for fishing and and uh golf reasons and things like that", "hypothesis": "This has been the nicest January we have ever seen and it's giving people major spring fever. "} {"idx": "mnli-15773", "premise": "A visit to a tea plantation is easily arranged, with bus service readily available to and from the farms.", "hypothesis": "A visit to a tea plantation is hard to arrange, because there are no buses available."} {"idx": "mnli-15774", "premise": "That's good news for consumers.", "hypothesis": "That is bad news for me."} {"idx": "mnli-15775", "premise": "Hari Raya Haji : Muslim families celebrate the return of pilgrims from their journey to Mecca.", "hypothesis": "Hari Raya Haji is a holiday that celebrates the deaths of pilgrims."} {"idx": "mnli-15776", "premise": "With an average height of 40 feet (12 m), it was a formidable site, and is still one of the most impressive parts of the old city.", "hypothesis": "The average height of the site was 40 feet."} {"idx": "mnli-15777", "premise": "right and you know there's not going to be those adding mistakes that we all make", "hypothesis": "you know there will still be a lot of those common adding mistakes"} {"idx": "mnli-15778", "premise": "Nearby is Casa Romana, a Roman villa recreated in every detail.", "hypothesis": "There is a recreated Roman villa located not far away."} {"idx": "mnli-15779", "premise": "To avoid that, for this recommendation we would have to say something like, Problematic alcohol-use screening instruments under consideration for use in the ED should be evaluated as a component of protocols that provide alcohol-use interventions for patients to decrease problems or use.", "hypothesis": "We need to word our recommendation carefully in order to avoid that."} {"idx": "mnli-15780", "premise": "So this is the only division that obeys all the principles we've stated.", "hypothesis": "This is the only part that does not obey all the principles that were said."} {"idx": "mnli-15781", "premise": "Effective for Fiscal Periods Ending ", "hypothesis": "The fiscal period runs from January to March 2004."} {"idx": "mnli-15782", "premise": "John (Peter Sarsgaard), one of his future rapists and murderers, calls him little buddy and seems almost attracted to him; Sarsgaard's performance is a finely chiseled study of how unresolved emotion can suddenly resolve itself into violence.", "hypothesis": "There are a number of critics who felt that Sarsgaard turned in an incredible performance."} {"idx": "mnli-15783", "premise": "Only two synagogues, the Ha'Ari and the Caro, are of real note.", "hypothesis": "Visitors often overlook the Ha'Ari and Caro synagogues in favor of the other, more important ones in the area."} {"idx": "mnli-15784", "premise": "Toward this end, LSC has recently initiated activities to develop more appropriate strategies and mechanisms to gather and to quantify data on all of the work -- cases and matters, regardless of funding source -- being performed by its grantees.", "hypothesis": "On top of gathering and quantifying data, LSC seeks to do this eventually for non-grantees as well."} {"idx": "mnli-15785", "premise": "The company was run by management now, which, people argued, would make Avis more entrepreneurial.", "hypothesis": "The managers had lost control over the company."} {"idx": "mnli-15786", "premise": "Although various forms of puppet theater date back to the 11th century, the remarkably expressive and elaborately costumed bunrakiastyle was thriving by the 17th century in both Osaka and Kyoto.", "hypothesis": "Some forms of puppet theater date back to the 11th century in Japan."} {"idx": "mnli-15787", "premise": "well i haven't counted i i would have guessed eight even but you might be right i don't have any idea", "hypothesis": "It may be about eight, but I'm not really sure. "} {"idx": "mnli-15788", "premise": "But who forced it? ", "hypothesis": "It hadn't been forced at all."} {"idx": "mnli-15789", "premise": "yeah yeah well when my sister oh when my sister had her first uh child my niece and this is we're talking fifteen years ago i was it was my last year of college", "hypothesis": "My sister never had children, I learned about that when I was in the first year of college."} {"idx": "mnli-15790", "premise": "This ancient ritual is meant to pave the way for a good harvest, with branches of hollyhock to stave off thunder and earthquakes.", "hypothesis": "The ancient ritual is done to promote a path for a good harvest, using hollyhock to fight off thunder and earthquakes."} {"idx": "mnli-15791", "premise": "Like everything else in the house, the furniture was falling to pieces, and the dirt was, if anything, more abundant.", "hypothesis": "The house was very clean and well put together."} {"idx": "mnli-15792", "premise": "I'd never seen this one before.", "hypothesis": "This was something I saw every day."} {"idx": "mnli-15793", "premise": "no i just been uh up here in Plano for about uh i guess close to three years now and uh", "hypothesis": "I've been in Plano for almost three years."} {"idx": "mnli-15794", "premise": "Since it had started so promising, he finished a six-pack of beer and threw himself onto the bed to calmly think up new ideas.", "hypothesis": "He could only afford to drink a six pack of beer."} {"idx": "mnli-15795", "premise": "Enclosed by the mountains of the Galilee and the Golan, this azure freshwater lake is surrounded by orchards, banana plantations, kibbutzim, and Old and New Testament sites.", "hypothesis": "There is no lake between the Golan and Galilee mountains."} {"idx": "mnli-15796", "premise": "Some patients treated in emergency departments need more intensive treatment such as inpatient or outpatient therapy or participation in self-help groups.", "hypothesis": "The ER can't give some weight-loss patients everything they need."} {"idx": "mnli-15797", "premise": "pays the same rate as a flat or a parcel of the same weight.", "hypothesis": "Pays different rates whether flat or the same weight."} {"idx": "mnli-15798", "premise": "Are you hurt? Ca'daan turned and faced Jon.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan asked Jon if he was hurt."} {"idx": "mnli-15799", "premise": "Rome was plundered by imperial armies in 1527; the Medici were driven out of Florence and returned to power only under tutelage of the Spanish, who won effective control of the whole country.", "hypothesis": "Rome had never been plundered by imperial armies."} {"idx": "mnli-15800", "premise": "Some rely wholly on information collected by others, not trained as sociologists or anthropologists, rather than on firsthand observation.", "hypothesis": "Some rely on collected info, others on firsthand observation "} {"idx": "mnli-15801", "premise": "The security officers at the computer vendor said that because the company's information security policies emphasized user behavior, they were included in the organization's employee code of conduct.", "hypothesis": "The company's security policies are included in the employee code of conduct."} {"idx": "mnli-15802", "premise": "The bill calling for the $7 increase passed the House but is currently stalled in the Senate.", "hypothesis": "The Senate has already okayed the bill and the House is in agreement."} {"idx": "mnli-15803", "premise": "Crossfire co-host Bill Press summed up their story Big victory for Clinton, big loss for Ken Starr.", "hypothesis": "One of the presenters at Crossfire claimed this was a victory for Clinton."} {"idx": "mnli-15804", "premise": "afforded interested parties the opportunity to comment on the proposed rule.", "hypothesis": "People were not allowed to voice their comments. "} {"idx": "mnli-15805", "premise": "The last data report available to us is for 1997.", "hypothesis": "1997 is the most recent data report we can access."} {"idx": "mnli-15806", "premise": "I was still staring, when I was startled and recalled by the verdict being given: \"Wilful Murder against some person or persons unknown.\" 84 Chapter 7 POIROT PAYS HIS DEBTS As we came out of the Stylites Arms, Poirot drew me aside by a gentle pressure of the arm. ", "hypothesis": "I recalled the verdict being given when I was still staring. "} {"idx": "mnli-15807", "premise": "There was an elderly woman who had some plumbing work done to her home and the work was not up to standards and the cost was above what it should have been ...", "hypothesis": "The elderly woman wasn't sure how to negotiate with other plumbers and was taken advantage of as a result."} {"idx": "mnli-15808", "premise": "A combination of Jamaican, American, and Mexican cuisine served in a cliff-top setting.", "hypothesis": "There is no American food on the island."} {"idx": "mnli-15809", "premise": "Any fino will make a good aperitif.", "hypothesis": "A fino can influence the outcome."} {"idx": "mnli-15810", "premise": "And, and, and George Bush, Moynihan stammered.", "hypothesis": "Moynihan is talking about politics."} {"idx": "mnli-15811", "premise": "it was a mess for the little one so", "hypothesis": "The little one would not recover after this quickly due to the mess."} {"idx": "mnli-15812", "premise": "you prepare a lot of vegetables and there's lots of different casseroles and things so you just make you just", "hypothesis": "the casseroles only include vegetable ingredients"} {"idx": "mnli-15813", "premise": "We describe characteristics of routes most likely to be profitable to competitors and provide a range of estimates for the cost of cream skimmers.", "hypothesis": "There are no characteristics to describe regarding profitable routes as there are none. "} {"idx": "mnli-15814", "premise": "In the period 1980 through 1986, for example, and again 1993 through 2000, the annual rate of decline was only 1.7 percent.", "hypothesis": "Between 1986 and 1993, there were events that happened to increase the annual rate of decline."} {"idx": "mnli-15815", "premise": "Customer involvement is important to first make senior executives aware of differing or competing expectations and to then build partnerships and coalitions to reach mutual understanding of the issues.", "hypothesis": "Customer involvement makes executives aware of serviec expectations."} {"idx": "mnli-15816", "premise": "The mare, after a first nervous start, stood easy under his sure and gentle hands.", "hypothesis": "The mare was just under four years old."} {"idx": "mnli-15817", "premise": "The individual artisans' shops are no longer here, but you can visit a silk-weaving factory, a ceramics plant, and the Foshan Folk Art Studio, where you can observe workers making Chinese lanterns, carving sculptures, painting scrolls, and cutting intricate designs in paper.", "hypothesis": "It is possible to watch the construction of Chinese lanterns."} {"idx": "mnli-15818", "premise": "Some have argued that the mission of the visa function is primarily related to homeland security and that therefore the function should be located within the proposed department.", "hypothesis": "The mission of the visa function was discussed by some people, but the argument was useless."} {"idx": "mnli-15819", "premise": "According to HUD staff, after the Economic Analysis was submitted to OMB, HUD made changes in the Analysis to maintain its consistency with the rule, to which minor changes had been made as described below.", "hypothesis": "HUD made some changes to the Economic Analysis."} {"idx": "mnli-15820", "premise": "so it's not a it's not a thick rich type of a sauce it's more of a when you use corn starch in in gravy like you know when you have um Chinese food", "hypothesis": "It's more of a thick-textured sauce; it can be quite heavy and you'd need something light afterwards."} {"idx": "mnli-15821", "premise": "As a practical matter this may be unavoidable.", "hypothesis": "As a practical matter this may be unavoidable because they already know."} {"idx": "mnli-15822", "premise": "But, if it's all so long ago, and the war's over, what does it matter now?\"", "hypothesis": "The war in question ended sometime in the 1950s."} {"idx": "mnli-15823", "premise": "Service members may not approve their own absence reports unless prior authority to do so is granted in writing by an authorized official.", "hypothesis": "Service members can't approve their own vacation reports unless an official says they can."} {"idx": "mnli-15824", "premise": "93 \"Frankly, things look bad for him.", "hypothesis": "Things look pretty uncertain for him."} {"idx": "mnli-15825", "premise": "and uh uh and i guess you don't have to have a Christian based home to to feel that way but that's just part of our priorities that's right it certainly gives you some some specific specific goals to work towards but uh", "hypothesis": "You don't have to have a Christian background to feel that way."} {"idx": "mnli-15826", "premise": "Purposive instance Ability to match questions asked and later generalization of findings at level appropriate to the questions", "hypothesis": "Findings can be generalized after questions are asked."} {"idx": "mnli-15827", "premise": "Nails welded or hammered facing up.", "hypothesis": "The nails were designed to injure people."} {"idx": "mnli-15828", "premise": "With its cobblestone courtyard, it looks like a picturesque country pub, and seems to be a must for every visitor.", "hypothesis": "It has dirt yards and looks like a typical city pub."} {"idx": "mnli-15829", "premise": "German bought into a coffee farm in Costa Rica and later adopted three sisters from that country.", "hypothesis": "German bought a coffee farm and adopted 3 sisters in Costa Rica"} {"idx": "mnli-15830", "premise": "okay oh okay well my yeah actually my husband he's with the uh he's with the federal government and uh i'm a civil engineer but i'm taking a year off", "hypothesis": "My husband and I are both unemployed and have been for our entire lives."} {"idx": "mnli-15831", "premise": "well i'll let you go if you want to go ahead and take that um yeah uh it seems just if you watch what kind of crowd that start running around with and kind of keep up with who their friends are that's best way to avoid trouble from what i can gather", "hypothesis": "It doesn't matter what kind of crowd you're with as long as you're a good person."} {"idx": "mnli-15832", "premise": "We are sending copies of this letter to Senator George V. Voinovich, Chairman, and Senator Max S. Baucus, Ranking Minority Member, Subcommittee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; Representative Bob Franks, Chairman, and Representative Robert Wise, Jr., Ranking Democratic Member, Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings, Hazardous Materials and Pipeline Transportation, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure; and to others upon request.", "hypothesis": "Replicas of this letter will be sent to various member of government upon request."} {"idx": "mnli-15833", "premise": "That, at any rate, was what I was telling them.", "hypothesis": "I told them the budget would not be viable for this district."} {"idx": "mnli-15834", "premise": "I have one objection to FDA Smoke Rings, by Jack The regulation of tobacco doesn't mean that adults are living in a childproof world.", "hypothesis": "The regulation of tobacco doesn't mean that adults are living in a childproof world may be questioned."} {"idx": "mnli-15835", "premise": "It would be impossible to name every place of interest in a guide of this size, so we aim to give you a representative overview of the country rather than an encyclopedic listing of must-see sites.", "hypothesis": "It's possible to name every place of interest in this guide, we want to give an encyclopedic listing of must-see sites."} {"idx": "mnli-15836", "premise": "Since Orange is the gateway to Provence, make an appropriate entrance into town from the north, at the imposing three-arched arc de triomphe.", "hypothesis": "You should stop at the arc the triomphe before entering the town."} {"idx": "mnli-15837", "premise": "Case studies do not compare individuals or groups to others randomly assigned to different treatments.", "hypothesis": "Case studies always compare people that have different treatments."} {"idx": "mnli-15838", "premise": "The debate in Kansas over the teaching of evolution misses the real debates within the field.", "hypothesis": "The debate in Kansas over the teaching of evolution is mainly between experts."} {"idx": "mnli-15839", "premise": "Crete prospered greatly under the 465 years of Venetian occupation (1204-1669), although there were revolts by the native population, which were brutally put down.", "hypothesis": "Crete did well for over 400 years."} {"idx": "mnli-15840", "premise": "On nights with a full moon, the grounds stay open till midnight.", "hypothesis": "The grounds close at midnight every night."} {"idx": "mnli-15841", "premise": "yeah i know it seems like you can never get warm enough to", "hypothesis": "I know it has been so hot this week."} {"idx": "mnli-15842", "premise": "It was hard to swallow, but there were too many things here that couldn't be in any world he had known.", "hypothesis": "There were no differences between this and that world."} {"idx": "mnli-15843", "premise": "Rumors persist that the performances will resume stay tuned.", "hypothesis": "Keep on eye on this space as some believe the performances will get going again."} {"idx": "mnli-15844", "premise": "yeah uh i was here in nineteen sixty well i got to go back that i moved down from Pittsburgh in in fifty nine and uh in fifty eight i really became a pro football fan went to all the Steelers home games", "hypothesis": "I was a Steelers fan. "} {"idx": "mnli-15845", "premise": "uh do you have a mandatory shut down", "hypothesis": "Do you have a compulsory shut down?"} {"idx": "mnli-15846", "premise": "I saw him put it down there.\"", "hypothesis": "I watched him place it there"} {"idx": "mnli-15847", "premise": "Hargarten said there should be some reference in the recommendations to the high-risk environment in which these people live and work and visit the ED.", "hypothesis": "People living in high risk environment do not have much reference in the recommendations."} {"idx": "mnli-15848", "premise": "And then in 1937, with the popular support of ultra-right-wing groups, the army overrode parliamentary resistance in Tokyo and went to war against the Chinese Nationalists.", "hypothesis": "The army never went to war with Chinese Nationalists."} {"idx": "mnli-15849", "premise": "although um i'm i'm only twenty five so i've never actually been through a period of war and i don't know anyone in the military and i don't have a lot of background knowledge in uh", "hypothesis": "I have survived many wars."} {"idx": "mnli-15850", "premise": "As illustrated in table 4.2, deductions for taxpayers in higher tax brackets are more costly for the government.", "hypothesis": "Table 4.2 shows deductions of a mathematician."} {"idx": "mnli-15851", "premise": "Given the steady decline in the personal saving rate, it is doubtful that Americans would willingly reduce consumption so much that the nation would be at risk of saving too much.", "hypothesis": "The personal saving rate is decreasing 3% each year."} {"idx": "mnli-15852", "premise": "A good omen.", "hypothesis": "The omen signaled a bountiful harvest."} {"idx": "mnli-15853", "premise": "For a quick overview of the topics discussed in this report, see the summary section.", "hypothesis": "The summary section doesn't really discuss the topics brought up in this report."} {"idx": "mnli-15854", "premise": "We were on our backs in gravel under the machine, when he mentioned offhandedly, Jakeman has a set of tracks he'd given me for 100 bucks.", "hypothesis": "We were working hard when Jakeman mentioned how he has a machine that does the work."} {"idx": "mnli-15855", "premise": "over weight or anything but you know how you always want to lose a few and", "hypothesis": "There is never any to lose."} {"idx": "mnli-15856", "premise": "I have no authority to go through these papers. ", "hypothesis": "I don't have the authority to look at classified papers."} {"idx": "mnli-15857", "premise": "[S]he tries in vain to pass off tired observations as radical aperaus, subjective musings as general truths, sappy suggestions as useful ideas, writes the New York Times ' Michiko Kakutani.", "hypothesis": "Michiko Kakutani wrote in the New York Times that they try in vain to pass off tired observations as general truths, and the critics agreed."} {"idx": "mnli-15858", "premise": "Straight ahead on the square stands the Camara Municipal (Town Hall), which occupies a former 18th-century palace.", "hypothesis": "The town hall used to be an 18th-century palace."} {"idx": "mnli-15859", "premise": "so what are the benefits working for a large organization", "hypothesis": "What are the benefits of working for a smaller company?"} {"idx": "mnli-15860", "premise": "Ninety-five percent of the total amount of sulfur dioxide allowances allocated each year under Section 423 will be allocated based on the amount of sulfur dioxide allowances allocated under the Acid Rain Program for 2010 and thereafter and that are held in allowance accounts in the Allowance Tracking System on the date 180 days after enactment.", "hypothesis": "Most of the sulfur dioxide that is allowed are controlled by the Acid Rain Program."} {"idx": "mnli-15861", "premise": "COPD deaths for populations aged 65 and older are valued at $0.", "hypothesis": "Deaths of COPD at age 65 are valued at $1, older than that is $0."} {"idx": "mnli-15862", "premise": "'Derry,' I said.", "hypothesis": "I spoke to Dery."} {"idx": "mnli-15863", "premise": "let me move as far away as possible", "hypothesis": "I need to move to place that is far from here."} {"idx": "mnli-15864", "premise": "As the last gringo reporter in Nicaragua, I naturally put in my bid for an interview with Clinton, which was politely declined by the White House handlers.", "hypothesis": "As the last Mexican reporter in Nicaragua, I did not want to talk to Clinton."} {"idx": "mnli-15865", "premise": "Sidestepping the stagnant economic burden of Spanish domination, the sparsely populated duchy expanded quickly.", "hypothesis": "Avoiding Spain's army of 50,000 the duchy expanded."} {"idx": "mnli-15866", "premise": "Under the Department of Housing and Urban Development' enforcement program, tenants may not avoid eviction simply by claiming ignorance of the crime or an inability to stop it.", "hypothesis": "This policy was changed in 2016."} {"idx": "mnli-15867", "premise": "And also an intracheek scar correction, but that's just purely cosmetic, Janina added, wanting to talk about herself for as long as possible, or rather, to not talk about That.", "hypothesis": "Janina wanted to get past the dull conversation and discuss That."} {"idx": "mnli-15868", "premise": "land or something", "hypothesis": "Land, water, or something."} {"idx": "mnli-15869", "premise": "If there is a start, then there will be some other problem.", "hypothesis": "As soon as it starts, all the problems will vanish. "} {"idx": "mnli-15870", "premise": "The fishing is excellent, and some companies will even set up a barbeque so that you can enjoy your catch the same day.", "hypothesis": "It costs less money to cook your fish on your own that to use one of the company barbecues. "} {"idx": "mnli-15871", "premise": "Napoleon Bonaparte, with his seductive ideas of Italian independence, was welcomed after driving out the Austrians and Spanish in 1797.", "hypothesis": "50,000 Italian lives were lost in the eviction of the Austrians."} {"idx": "mnli-15872", "premise": "yeah that would be gosh", "hypothesis": "Wouldn't that be."} {"idx": "mnli-15873", "premise": "If construction and operating permits are included in the analysis, the project is likely to take longer than would be necessary only for engineering, supply, installation, and startup of the ACI system.", "hypothesis": "Getting the permits only takes a couple of days."} {"idx": "mnli-15874", "premise": "The other?I met a swordsman yesterday who agreed to help us, another northerner.", "hypothesis": "A swordsman was eager to help."} {"idx": "mnli-15875", "premise": "and i talked to my parents on the phone i said you know we Texans are a funny breed we we water we water we spend hundreds of dollars a month during the dry part of July August watering our lawn we go out and spend thirty or forty dollars a whack on fertilizer and then we bitch and gripe about having to mow it so often", "hypothesis": "I think that Texans are a bit quirky because we spend so much money on our lawns."} {"idx": "mnli-15876", "premise": "There was now nothing to do but to wait.", "hypothesis": "There was nothing to do but wait for the storm to pass."} {"idx": "mnli-15877", "premise": "in particular pursuant to the mandate to develop a National Market System contained in Section 11A of the Act, 15 U.S.C.", "hypothesis": "The National Market system will be disbanded."} {"idx": "mnli-15878", "premise": "Acrosea narrow channel sits Antiparosetranslated as opposite Parose, with a main settlement which takes you back to the Greek Islands of twenty years ago.", "hypothesis": "The main settlement takes you back to the Greek Islands of over ten years ago."} {"idx": "mnli-15879", "premise": "for the unit pursuant to the emissions limitation requirements of this section applicable to the unit adjusted to reflect the unit's annual average fuel consumption on a Btu basis of any three consecutive calendar years between 1980 and 1989 (inclusive) as elected by the owner or operator and (B) the number of allowances allocated for the unit pursuant to the emissions limitation requirements of this Provided, That the number of allowances allocated pursuant to this subsection shall not exceed an annual total of 40,000.", "hypothesis": "The units of measurement were tracked over several calendar years."} {"idx": "mnli-15880", "premise": "yeah it's there hanging the hanging the drywall is not uh not a lot of fun you got to you got to really pay attention and and know pretty much what your doing with that to get it up and get the the uh seams and everything", "hypothesis": "You don't have to pay close attention to hang drywall."} {"idx": "mnli-15881", "premise": "um-hum oh that's true i hadn't thought of it that way i think", "hypothesis": "Some people I know had thought of it that way."} {"idx": "mnli-15882", "premise": "Poirot looked inquiringly at me. ", "hypothesis": "Poirot looked questioningly as me."} {"idx": "mnli-15883", "premise": "i used to uh i i sewed you know in high school and when i went to college i think everything in my closet i had made but i haven't sewed since then and that's been fifteen years", "hypothesis": "I sew almost every week."} {"idx": "mnli-15884", "premise": "The impact of his treatment of the beast fell upon him and Ca'daan let out a single sob.", "hypothesis": "Caden laughed as the impact of the treatment took full effect. "} {"idx": "mnli-15885", "premise": "of course charged those puppies up and it's oh boy when those bills start coming in they want a lot of money when you start getting them up there", "hypothesis": "the bills are surprisingly reasonable when they arrive"} {"idx": "mnli-15886", "premise": "uh have my daughter and teach Sunday school and go to school myself so it's it's hard for me to", "hypothesis": "I have nothing to do all day so I just sit at home and play video games."} {"idx": "mnli-15887", "premise": "Participants offered that an artful blend of both principles and rules would be useful.", "hypothesis": "Participants offered that an artful blend of both oranges and bananas can actually be quite useful"} {"idx": "mnli-15888", "premise": "Do you agree with this characterization of Lind's argument?", "hypothesis": "Do you concur with this portrayal of Lind's argument?"} {"idx": "mnli-15889", "premise": "He saw the smoke filling the air.", "hypothesis": "It was obvious to him that smoke was filling the air."} {"idx": "mnli-15890", "premise": "This paper focuses on changes the United States Postal Service would make if it had the freedom to position itself to withstand competition in all of its markets.", "hypothesis": "The paper says the USPS should be able to beat the competition. "} {"idx": "mnli-15891", "premise": "The Christian Coalition unveiled the Samaritan Project, a public/private package of proposals to aid inner-city blacks and Hispanics.", "hypothesis": "The coalition wanted to help minorities."} {"idx": "mnli-15892", "premise": "AGA is an educational organization dedicated to the enhancement of public financial management.", "hypothesis": "AGA is dedicated to makin the public more financially responsible."} {"idx": "mnli-15893", "premise": "And in a post-acquittal Washington Post survey, 48 percent still say Clinton should face criminal charges at some point.", "hypothesis": "Some people think Clinton should face criminal charges for being so adorable."} {"idx": "mnli-15894", "premise": "Federal grant applications for improving the town's industrial park (itself a federally subsidized project), upgrading its sewer system, rehabilitating a government airport, building a golf course ...", "hypothesis": "Many projects for public works within the town have open federal grant requisitions."} {"idx": "mnli-15895", "premise": "But money\" Tuppence warmed to her pet creed \"well, there's nothing unsatisfactory about money, is there?\"", "hypothesis": "Tuppence is a greedy money hungry person."} {"idx": "mnli-15896", "premise": "'But still, you must have some insight...'", "hypothesis": "I imagine you don't know anything."} {"idx": "mnli-15897", "premise": "Ah, my friend, one may live in a big house and yet have no comfort. After which piece of moralizing, he resumed his search. ", "hypothesis": "Having a large house will give you the most comfort. "} {"idx": "mnli-15898", "premise": "The Byzantines tried to protect the Golden Horn from enemy ships by stretching a huge chain across its mouth.", "hypothesis": "Enemy ships were eyeing to enter the Golden Horn."} {"idx": "mnli-15899", "premise": "One of Jon's hands moved under his cloak.", "hypothesis": "Jon moved his hand out from under his cloak."} {"idx": "mnli-15900", "premise": "Rich farmland, vineyards, and dense forest, with the protective Vosges mountain range on one side and the great Rhine river on the other, combine to make Alsace a nicely self-contained and comfortable region.", "hypothesis": "Alsace is nestled between farmland, vineyards, forests, the Vosges mountain range, and the Rhine river."} {"idx": "mnli-15901", "premise": "yeah that's for sure that's that's the way things have gotten", "hypothesis": "That is not how things are in the present day."} {"idx": "mnli-15902", "premise": "It's basic truth in advertising.", "hypothesis": "The point of advertising is to sell products."} {"idx": "mnli-15903", "premise": "i guess what worries me about jogging is that i hear that it's very hard on your body and and that you know you can end up getting hurt worse", "hypothesis": "I have injured myself before when I used to run marathons."} {"idx": "mnli-15904", "premise": " 753 b.c. Rome founded", "hypothesis": "Rome has been razed to the ground."} {"idx": "mnli-15905", "premise": " V The knife had pierced Dave's chest until the hilt pressed against his rib cage.", "hypothesis": "The knife pierced Dave's chest."} {"idx": "mnli-15906", "premise": "It's only a few hundred yards from the highway along a fern-lined path to the Crayfish Falls (Cascade aux Ecrevisses), a paradisiacal swimming hole to splash around in.", "hypothesis": "The Crayfish Falls isn't far from the highway, well within walking distance along a fern-lined path. "} {"idx": "mnli-15907", "premise": "Sewage and dirty water were thrown from upper floors to the streets below and left to fester.", "hypothesis": "Streets were kept clean from refuse."} {"idx": "mnli-15908", "premise": "GPRA requires first that agencies consult with Congress and other stakeholders to clearly define their missions.", "hypothesis": "The GPRA heavily interferes with decision making regarding missions by agents."} {"idx": "mnli-15909", "premise": "President Clinton's response to charges of selling special access--that these donors are also his friends and he has the right to have conversations with his friends and invite them to his home--is disingenuous, but might be hard to refute in court.", "hypothesis": "President Clinton's response is disingenuous."} {"idx": "mnli-15910", "premise": "In order to obtain more comments regarding the possible requirement for control of combustion chamber deposits in the final rule and to seek more public input in other areas involving the certification testing and various implementation and enforcement provisions, a Notice of Reopening of the Comment Period was published on December 28, 1994.", "hypothesis": "They want to get more comments about a requirement for power plants."} {"idx": "mnli-15911", "premise": "yeah um-hum i've i've really i could go on for hours about the criminal justice system and what i think we ought to do about it but", "hypothesis": "I have a lot of ideas of opinion about the criminal justice system."} {"idx": "mnli-15912", "premise": "And he still had not solved the problem of roping.", "hypothesis": "The issue of roping was not solved by him."} {"idx": "mnli-15913", "premise": "(Click here to find out more about Lovano and here to find out more about Osby.)", "hypothesis": "There is information available on Lovano and Osby."} {"idx": "mnli-15914", "premise": "A number of sporting contests have become part of Lakeland tradition.", "hypothesis": "some sporting contests are part of the tradition."} {"idx": "mnli-15915", "premise": "The newcomers were the Hittites, and their domination of Anatolia can be divided into three distinct the Old Kingdom (c. 1600 1450 b.c. ), then the New or Empire Period (c.1450 1200 b.c. ), and the Late Hittite Period (c. 1200 700 b.c. ). Their first capital city was Hattusa (now Bo azk??y, near Ankara), which dates from the 13th century b.c. and has tombs, fortifications, enclosed temples, and a citadel containing an impressive library of more than 3,300 cuneiform tablets.", "hypothesis": "The Hittites dominated Anatolia."} {"idx": "mnli-15916", "premise": "Bradley, he is, you know, the type of individual who has always been fair.", "hypothesis": "All this while, Bradley has been objective and discerning, but what happened to him now?"} {"idx": "mnli-15917", "premise": "11 Electricity generating facilities often plan the connection to occur during planned outages to avoid additional downtime.", "hypothesis": "Each Agency works alone and refuse to cooperate with other agencies. "} {"idx": "mnli-15918", "premise": "The nearby Eglise Notre Dame also combines Flemish architecture with a Renaissance porch.", "hypothesis": "Renaissance architecture was inspired mainly by Michelangelo and Raphael."} {"idx": "mnli-15919", "premise": "hm so i guess we've kind of neglected Latin America", "hypothesis": "We have not paid much attention to Latin America."} {"idx": "mnli-15920", "premise": "The rain irrigates the forests and fills the streams, waterfalls, and rivers that feed the lakes, so without it, of course, the magnificent landscapes would be altered forever.", "hypothesis": "The rain is damaging to the landscapes of the area."} {"idx": "mnli-15921", "premise": "um i don't agree with that i don't agree because i think that they are pretty vocal about it in in uh Africa i think the y've made a lot more changes hey they've their very vocal", "hypothesis": "They don't stay quiet in Africa. "} {"idx": "mnli-15922", "premise": "Embraced by green wooded escarpments and backed by snow-capped Alps, the lake favored by some of England's most romantic 19th-century poets Words?\u00adworth, Shelley, and Byron retains a certain wistful atmosphere for the leisure hours of the Milanese (it's less than an hour from Milan by train or car).", "hypothesis": "The lake was only popular with locals, not yet being discovered by the rest of the world."} {"idx": "mnli-15923", "premise": "Auditors without sufficient knowledge to perform the functions listed above may have to engage a consultant for quality control purposes for the areas related to the specialist's work.", "hypothesis": "Specialists are sometimes consulted in audits."} {"idx": "mnli-15924", "premise": "James and Hemingway give way to the shabby backdrops of John Le Carre's novels.", "hypothesis": "Compared to Hemingway and James authors who are famous for their descriptive backdrops in their books, John Le Carre's holds very little appeal as he chooses to focus on the development of the characters and plot. "} {"idx": "mnli-15925", "premise": "Wet FGD retrofit technology generally provides a conservatively high estimate of most resources.", "hypothesis": "Wet FGD retrofit usually provides generous high estimates of most resources."} {"idx": "mnli-15926", "premise": "IRS has important management reform initiatives underway to address long-standing management weaknesses, but it missed the opportunity to demonstrate these actions in its portion of the Department of the Treasury's fiscal year 2000 performance plan.", "hypothesis": "The IRS plans to combat the problem of management weakness."} {"idx": "mnli-15927", "premise": "And, as I mentioned earlier, we are continuing to consolidate and reduce our field offices to streamline our operations, reduce silos, and improve productivity.", "hypothesis": "We are increasing out numbers of field officers and broadening operations."} {"idx": "mnli-15928", "premise": "This site contains information on membership, a calendar of events, and links to AFFIRM's publications.", "hypothesis": "There are links to AFFIRM's publications on the site. "} {"idx": "mnli-15929", "premise": "yeah yeah are you having any trouble with bugs in in your garden", "hypothesis": "Do bugs help your garden?"} {"idx": "mnli-15930", "premise": "Slightly out of breath, she came to a halt outside the ground glass door with the legend painted across it \"Esthonia Glassware Co.\" Tuppence knocked.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence did not knock on the ground glass door with the legend painted across it."} {"idx": "mnli-15931", "premise": "But what battle had Rennie emerged from some struggle with Shannon or Bayliss?", "hypothesis": "Rennie and Shannon may have been in a battle."} {"idx": "mnli-15932", "premise": "In the history of tobacco litigation, only one plaintiff had ever been awarded any damages, and those were compensatory rather than punitive.", "hypothesis": "All plaintiffs have won and have been awarded millions after suing tobacco producers."} {"idx": "mnli-15933", "premise": "Writing novels, performing surgery, preparing a light and elegant souffle--each must be done without rousing declamation.", "hypothesis": "Writing novels, performing surgery, preparing light meals should all be done calmly. "} {"idx": "mnli-15934", "premise": "He is alone in the private quarters.", "hypothesis": "He has a few friends with him in the private quarters."} {"idx": "mnli-15935", "premise": "It was that all the Natashas in this Washington audience had suddenly recognized themselves.", "hypothesis": "None of the people in the audience recognized themselves."} {"idx": "mnli-15936", "premise": "He wasn't the sort.", "hypothesis": "He was that type of person. "} {"idx": "mnli-15937", "premise": "In full costume.", "hypothesis": "He was wearing normal clothes."} {"idx": "mnli-15938", "premise": "He interviews the adoring mom.", "hypothesis": "The mom adores being on tv."} {"idx": "mnli-15939", "premise": "If you don't want to be fleeced, don't plunge in blindly.", "hypothesis": "If you dive in without a second thought, you will get fleeced."} {"idx": "mnli-15940", "premise": "Those dueling Greek painters return in a new guise, as Mario Merz, in the Zeuxis role, covers a glass table with an array of fresh vegetables and fruit, changed daily by a New York caterer ( Spiral Table , 1982), while Christo, playing Parrhasios, conceals the familiar Cezannesque shapes--wine bottle, vase, etc.--under a drapery of canvas ( Package on a Table , 1961).", "hypothesis": "The two painters challenged each other to get better."} {"idx": "mnli-15941", "premise": "The tourist information offices will have details of the programs.", "hypothesis": "The tourist information offices hold very scant info about the programs. "} {"idx": "mnli-15942", "premise": "Above the town, the slopes of Mount Kynthos rise to a height of 112 m (367 ft), offering a view across the whole site.", "hypothesis": "You can see the entire site from Mount Kynthos. "} {"idx": "mnli-15943", "premise": "Assessing the external environment is particularly important, in part because so many external forces that fall beyond an organization's influence can powerfully affect its chances for success.", "hypothesis": "Even though an organization can't control external forces, these forces nonetheless still have an impact on the organization's ability to succeed."} {"idx": "mnli-15944", "premise": "No guards.", "hypothesis": "Zero protection. "} {"idx": "mnli-15945", "premise": "REPORTING STANDARDS FOR PERFORMANCE AUDITS", "hypothesis": "REPORTING STANDARDS FOR AUDITS OF PERFORMANCE."} {"idx": "mnli-15946", "premise": "i don't think i uh i think if uh i enjoyed Flatliners i rented that not to uh just about a week or so ago and i i like Julia Roberts", "hypothesis": "I rented Flatliners about a week ago, and I enjoyed it."} {"idx": "mnli-15947", "premise": "Look, I'm ready to agree right now.", "hypothesis": "He is not ready."} {"idx": "mnli-15948", "premise": "and uh that was a uh a great shock for a lot of people", "hypothesis": "No one was shocked by it."} {"idx": "mnli-15949", "premise": "The CO2 provisions in S. 556 will cost consumers too much and endanger our energy security by causing too much electricity generation to switch from coal to natural gas.", "hypothesis": "It is too expensive to follow the CO2 provisions. "} {"idx": "mnli-15950", "premise": "Jews, Moors, and Benedictine monks worked alongside each other in translation teams.", "hypothesis": "Translation work was undertaken by Benedictine monks."} {"idx": "mnli-15951", "premise": "This doubles the NBA's previous record fine, also earned by Rodman, for kicking a photographer earlier this year.", "hypothesis": "The fine Rodman earned doubled the previous record fine."} {"idx": "mnli-15952", "premise": "The passenger terminal is a modern building with a restaurant on top.", "hypothesis": "The passenger terminal is a one-storey building with no roof space usable."} {"idx": "mnli-15953", "premise": "The search for a modern Cagney is a vain one--nobody could compare to him.", "hypothesis": "There is no good comparison to Cagney."} {"idx": "mnli-15954", "premise": "As part of its first agencywide strategic planning effort, FEMA comprehensively reviewed its programs and structures and initiated a major reorganization in November 1993.", "hypothesis": "FEMA reorganized their programs to be more cost effective."} {"idx": "mnli-15955", "premise": "My wife of eight years is starting to make me wonder if she is mature enough to even be married.", "hypothesis": "My wife is immature."} {"idx": "mnli-15956", "premise": "Viewed simply, four specific discounts are now being offered.", "hypothesis": "There are now several different discounts being offered."} {"idx": "mnli-15957", "premise": "of course who can't use that", "hypothesis": "No one can use that."} {"idx": "mnli-15958", "premise": "Curved swords hung on their hip and bows sat across their backs.", "hypothesis": "They had bows on their backs."} {"idx": "mnli-15959", "premise": "The specific control activities used by a given agency may be different from those", "hypothesis": "Different agencies have different cost control activities."} {"idx": "mnli-15960", "premise": "It seemed vaguely familiar to Tommy, but he thrust the impression aside as impossible.", "hypothesis": "Tommy assumed he was simply seeing things."} {"idx": "mnli-15961", "premise": "is that right yeah we uh we thought the opposite we thought well it's going to be TI people and i think they went to customers you know people that use TI computers and everything which is fine", "hypothesis": "I think they approached the people that use TI products."} {"idx": "mnli-15962", "premise": "The Kal whirled and Adrin went skidding across the ground.", "hypothesis": "Adrin skidded across the ground while the Kal whirled."} {"idx": "mnli-15963", "premise": "Falling demand for other things would necessarily result in falling prices for those things.", "hypothesis": "Falling demand means higher prices."} {"idx": "mnli-15964", "premise": "So it's kind of a problem.", "hypothesis": "It's kind of a problem because it involves dangerous people."} {"idx": "mnli-15965", "premise": "Scientific studies, however, have reliably linked atmospheric emissions of sulfur, nitrogen, and mercury to a much wider range of other environmental and ecological effects.", "hypothesis": "The environmental and ecological effects have severe consequences for humanity."} {"idx": "mnli-15966", "premise": "because i was watching CNN and they would they would switch back to one of their Israel bureaus and the people would be standing there in gas masks and you'd be hearing the sirens and it was just i was amazed", "hypothesis": "CNN would switch to news on Israel throughout the day."} {"idx": "mnli-15967", "premise": "hum yep the more cars the merrier the paperwork", "hypothesis": "Paperwork is very minimal while owning multiple cars."} {"idx": "mnli-15968", "premise": "(without fringe benefits) was $24,076 for full-time U.S. workers in that year.", "hypothesis": "Fringe benefits are not included for federal workers."} {"idx": "mnli-15969", "premise": "5) They've relaxed their enmity precisely because they've shown each other their nuclear weapons.", "hypothesis": "They showed their nuclear weapons to those who asked."} {"idx": "mnli-15970", "premise": "There is a wide promenade along the seafront with cafe and restaurants, but the heart of the magnificent old town lies just above this, overlooking the harbor.", "hypothesis": "The city is without water and food."} {"idx": "mnli-15971", "premise": "The grim The anti-rejection drugs can cause infection and cancer, and since a hand isn't an essential organ, it isn't worth that risk.", "hypothesis": "The drug does not cause infection or cancer. "} {"idx": "mnli-15972", "premise": "The hotline, which is part of Legal Services of Northern California, was the only California application from 24 submitted nationwide for $1.", "hypothesis": "The hotline is part of the Legal Services of Northern Texas."} {"idx": "mnli-15973", "premise": "MANAGERIAL COST ACCOUNTING SYSTEM - The organization and procedures, whether automated or not, and whether part of the general ledger or stand-alone, that accumulates and reports consistent and reliable cost information and performance data from various agency feeder systems.", "hypothesis": "Business decisions are made from managerial cost accounting system information."} {"idx": "mnli-15974", "premise": "The boredom and tedium of noble life tore at me.", "hypothesis": "Noble life is both boring and tedious. "} {"idx": "mnli-15975", "premise": "that's true but i that's that was one of my favorite subjects in school was uh", "hypothesis": "I hated school, all teachers and all subjects."} {"idx": "mnli-15976", "premise": "The bandits parted with laughter as the man with the sword swung.", "hypothesis": "The bandits were amused, as the short man's sword flailed wildly."} {"idx": "mnli-15977", "premise": "The jumping-off point for this popular vacation area is the town of Atami, about an hour from Tokyo on the shinkansen super-express train.", "hypothesis": "It can take several hours to travel from Tokyo to Atami by bus. "} {"idx": "mnli-15978", "premise": "Just west of CityHall is one of Dublin's most important historic sites, Dublin Castle.", "hypothesis": "Dublin Castle is situated to the east of CityHall. "} {"idx": "mnli-15979", "premise": "[B]ecause the equality of right and ability breeds equality of hope in the attaining of our Ends, and because each man's ends are naturally to be preferred to his rival's, the two will inevitably become enemies, and in the absence of a neutral arbiter they will endeavor to destroy or subdue one another.", "hypothesis": "Men who are equal are naturally cooperative. "} {"idx": "mnli-15980", "premise": "not with me personally it is with a lot of other people", "hypothesis": "I'm the only one it's with, no one else."} {"idx": "mnli-15981", "premise": "do you when you go to the Texans i have to ask you and if this is getting to we're not supposed to get too particular but i'm just curious", "hypothesis": "We're not supposed to ask too many questions about that."} {"idx": "mnli-15982", "premise": "That, too, seemed empty and deserted.", "hypothesis": "There were people everywhere. "} {"idx": "mnli-15983", "premise": "Having narrowed the field to three, Dole needs to focus the contest on criteria that favor her.", "hypothesis": "Dole needs to focus the contest on criteria that favor her now that she has narrowed the field to three. "} {"idx": "mnli-15984", "premise": "reproduction were measured and evaluated.", "hypothesis": "reproduction were not recorded or evaluated."} {"idx": "mnli-15985", "premise": "yeah it just got the the name of being an oak because it's got a kind of an acorn kind of thing on it", "hypothesis": "It's called an oak because of the leaves thing on it."} {"idx": "mnli-15986", "premise": "well it's so i guess i'm a real i'm a realist and so when i watch movies like that it's like this can not happen so i just don't enjoy it you know because it's just like come on give me a break you know i mean i just and so many of them are done so poorly", "hypothesis": "So, I am a realist, and so when I watch movies like that, I think that this can not happen, so I don't enjoy it."} {"idx": "mnli-15987", "premise": "They are not for us.", "hypothesis": "We loved spending time with them."} {"idx": "mnli-15988", "premise": "His performance as Frank Horrigan, an aging Secret Service agent, in In The Line of Fire (1993), was the most affecting he has ever given--a fallen stereotype, a glimpse of the human caught in the pose.", "hypothesis": "The most affecting performance that he has ever had was that of Frank Horrigan, an old secret service agent. "} {"idx": "mnli-15989", "premise": "Alternatively, an interpretation of the presence requirement that required H-2A workers to be present in the United States throughout the course of the representation would eviscerate their right to legal representation altogether.", "hypothesis": "An interpretation requiring presence throughout the course of representation for H-2A workers would greatly benefit their right to legal representation."} {"idx": "mnli-15990", "premise": "But he didn't want a joke.", "hypothesis": "He wanted a joke."} {"idx": "mnli-15991", "premise": "we're in uh as i said a small town in Indiana and it's a WASP community with a student body of five hundred in the high school so the setting is very different than it would be in", "hypothesis": "There are five hundred students in the high school of the town."} {"idx": "mnli-15992", "premise": "It has made it more anxiety-inducing.", "hypothesis": "Applying for the job was very scary. "} {"idx": "mnli-15993", "premise": "The artist's tomb was installed in the church in 1919.", "hypothesis": "The church has no tombs."} {"idx": "mnli-15994", "premise": "okay so you're like at the bottom of Cape Cod", "hypothesis": "You are in Las Vegas."} {"idx": "mnli-15995", "premise": "A long history of absorbing outside influences has resulted in a society in which people expect to have a Shinto baptism, a pseudo-Christian wedding (usually held in a hotel chapel and officiated by an unordained foreigner in a robe), and a Buddhist funeral.", "hypothesis": "Japanese people live their lives purely as Buddhists."} {"idx": "mnli-15996", "premise": "Each wing isathen divided into numbered areas, which are shown on the floor plans (in color).", "hypothesis": "The floor plan shows many things, including the numbered areas."} {"idx": "mnli-15997", "premise": "Foreign visitors are not obliged to take sides.", "hypothesis": "Visitors are forced to choose upon entering the country."} {"idx": "mnli-15998", "premise": "The case attracted national attention because she claimed that her contributions to his career--maintaining their home, entertaining his associates, advising him on personnel--constituted a business partnership entitling her to half his alleged $100-million-plus worth, instead of the lesser percentage usually awarded to ex-wives of multimillionaires.", "hypothesis": "The case won her a lot of her ex husbands money"} {"idx": "mnli-15999", "premise": "yeah the hard work yeah it's", "hypothesis": "The hard work is worth the payoff."} {"idx": "mnli-16000", "premise": "Surprisingly, the $10 million spectacular isn't Broadway's all-time biggest flop.", "hypothesis": "The color purple was expected to flop at it's first premiere. "} {"idx": "mnli-16001", "premise": "and anyway uh where uh oh we're talking about the size of the company yeah it was uh about eight or nine thousand people when i got here it has in the past gotten up to eighty six thousand we're not we're that high right now", "hypothesis": "The company has grown very big since I got here."} {"idx": "mnli-16002", "premise": "To provide a basis for pay, leave, and benefits, the records must include aggregate hours of regular time, other time (e.g.", "hypothesis": "There is no record of hours worked."} {"idx": "mnli-16003", "premise": "DOD has recognized the nature of this problem and has taken steps to address it, including advocating the use of best practices for product development from commercial companies.", "hypothesis": "The DOD is now advocating using best practices."} {"idx": "mnli-16004", "premise": "For business, Hong Kong is still a good place to make money , an increasing amount of which will come from China.", "hypothesis": "China has an increasing amount of money."} {"idx": "mnli-16005", "premise": "Assessing Confounding, Effect Modification, and Thresholds in the Association Between Ambient Particles and Daily Deaths Environ.", "hypothesis": "Confounding will not be assessed."} {"idx": "mnli-16006", "premise": "yes sir have a great day bye-bye", "hypothesis": "I hope you have a nice evening."} {"idx": "mnli-16007", "premise": "Should I push the issue, or just let sleeping dogs lie and wait for him to act like a man and make his own decisions?", "hypothesis": "Should I let him make up his own mind about adopting a child of our own?"} {"idx": "mnli-16008", "premise": "The answer here is probably yes as well, even though private-sector firms would say no on both points.", "hypothesis": "Private-sector firms disagree because they dispute the data provided. "} {"idx": "mnli-16009", "premise": "but now that i'm there i mean it's it's a lot more convenient because there's so many kids that dawdle", "hypothesis": "A lot of kids take too long."} {"idx": "mnli-16010", "premise": "All this was in the days before the paparazzi, of course.", "hypothesis": "There was a time before the paparazzi were a phenomenon."} {"idx": "mnli-16011", "premise": "But should it?", "hypothesis": "It cannot."} {"idx": "mnli-16012", "premise": "uh-huh right right but it it's going to be a while i think but", "hypothesis": "No, it shouldn't take long at all."} {"idx": "mnli-16013", "premise": "There is considerable agreement that the consequence of the many variants in data collection for multiple sites is uncertain, but providing detailed information on the procedures that are used and an explanation of the reasons for the approach are essential to a good case study.", "hypothesis": "Providing detailed analyses that may seem to complicate the case study are necessary."} {"idx": "mnli-16014", "premise": "Now, Hall said, he wants to make services to the poor more efficient by working with law students who will handle less complicated legal matters, allowing licensed attorneys to take more high impact cases to court.", "hypothesis": "Law students could be utilized to make services more efficient."} {"idx": "mnli-16015", "premise": "An alternative short walk is to head out along the levada for a half hour or so (before steep drops begin), by which time you will certainly have been able to sample its charm, and then head back to Ribeiro Frio.", "hypothesis": "You can go back to Riberiro Frio after walking on the levada."} {"idx": "mnli-16016", "premise": "With the help of UNESCO a new high-tech depository has been built on a site on the Corniche, east of the central square.", "hypothesis": "UNESCO was to sole provider of the depository that it built."} {"idx": "mnli-16017", "premise": "Congress and the administration have repeatedly expressed a commitment to more fully link resources to results.", "hypothesis": "The administration couldn't care less about linking resources to results."} {"idx": "mnli-16018", "premise": "The asymmetry of the two towers embracing the delicate tracery of the slender spires creates a distinctive silhouette.", "hypothesis": "The two towers are entirely identical in shape."} {"idx": "mnli-16019", "premise": "yeah i i agree with that", "hypothesis": "I disagree."} {"idx": "mnli-16020", "premise": "It is an odd piece of reportage, with no interest in the evocation of place.", "hypothesis": "The report was not very unusual at all. "} {"idx": "mnli-16021", "premise": "The Supplementary Information published in the Federal Register with the final rule includes the full text of the Commission's final regulatory flexibility analysis.", "hypothesis": "The supplementary information includes the full text of the regulatory analysis. "} {"idx": "mnli-16022", "premise": "On the opposite side of the Abbey from its entrance are two more sites of great religious significance.", "hypothesis": "The Abbey is the only religious site in that area."} {"idx": "mnli-16023", "premise": "Concentration-response functions from epidemiological studies are applied to each grid cell to predict the changes in incidences of health outcomes (e.g.", "hypothesis": "Each grid cell is used to show how health outcomes stay the same."} {"idx": "mnli-16024", "premise": "Backpackers may want to go it alone, but most are advised to plan their visit through a tour operator in KL or before they leave for Malaysia.", "hypothesis": "Backpackers always want to go it as a group because it is more fun."} {"idx": "mnli-16025", "premise": "Private tutors, who cost up to $415 per hour, and $800 test-prep courses serve only the wealthiest, most overprivileged kids, thus undermining the idea that the SAT should level the playing field in college admissions.", "hypothesis": "Private tutors and test-prep courses are very cheap and available to every kid in school."} {"idx": "mnli-16026", "premise": "Unfortunately there really is no satisfactory measure of actual life expectancy among gay men.", "hypothesis": "Unfortunately there really is no satisfactory measure of actual life expectancy among straight men."} {"idx": "mnli-16027", "premise": "Luxurious recent addition to Eilat with large well-equipped rooms, many with wonderful views across the Gulf of Aqaba.", "hypothesis": "The addition has lots of great views of the ships coming across the gulf."} {"idx": "mnli-16028", "premise": "Well, I'll be liter'ly bumfuzzled!", "hypothesis": "I understand clearly."} {"idx": "mnli-16029", "premise": "The ground floor dates from 1467, and the beautifully sculpted wooden facade of the superstructure from 1589.", "hypothesis": "The ground floor was built in the Summer of 1467."} {"idx": "mnli-16030", "premise": "It was Albright, after all, who titled a 1993 memo to Clinton Why America Must Take the Lead.", "hypothesis": "Albright thought America needed to be a leader."} {"idx": "mnli-16031", "premise": "Perhaps Jane's widowed human father will wed Tarzan's widowed gorilla mother (so the Southern Baptist Convention should be worried about bestiality but not homosexuality).", "hypothesis": "Jane's father was happily married."} {"idx": "mnli-16032", "premise": "'Shame you work for the mafia, then,' I replied.", "hypothesis": "I said i want no part of the mafia to him. "} {"idx": "mnli-16033", "premise": "A tapa is a mouthful of anything that tastes good and fits on a cocktail stick.", "hypothesis": "Anything that is a mouthful, tastes good, and will fit on a cocktail stick is a tapa."} {"idx": "mnli-16034", "premise": "That isn't bad, and it certainly isn't Clinton's absolute lowest approval rating as president---that would be 1993 and 1994, when Clinton's popularity dropped on several occasions to 37 percent.", "hypothesis": "Clinton's approval rating has always been consistent."} {"idx": "mnli-16035", "premise": "The dark skinned Sai Routha nearly fell over.", "hypothesis": "Sai had pale skin."} {"idx": "mnli-16036", "premise": "Studies on alcohol interventions in emergency departments should consume a proportionate amount of research dollars.", "hypothesis": "Alcohol studies do not necessarily need to be expensive."} {"idx": "mnli-16037", "premise": "should handle cases like that", "hypothesis": "It's impossible to deal with those types of cases."} {"idx": "mnli-16038", "premise": "LSC promotes the use of technology to remove barriers to access by establishing seamless intake systems that cover an entire state.", "hypothesis": "LSC makes innovative technology "} {"idx": "mnli-16039", "premise": "The covered market, built in volcanic stone from Agde with a timber frame, dates back to the 17th century.", "hypothesis": "The covered market was constructed in the 1940s."} {"idx": "mnli-16040", "premise": "yeah it's uh i don't do you have little kids or what", "hypothesis": "It doesn't matter if you have kids or not."} {"idx": "mnli-16041", "premise": "It hovered at the edge of a great new hole and seemed to be wobbling, careening and losing its balance.", "hypothesis": "It seemed that a slight bump would send it tumbling down."} {"idx": "mnli-16042", "premise": "Not now, not now, mon ami. ", "hypothesis": "We can't do that right now, we have to wait until tomorrow."} {"idx": "mnli-16043", "premise": "It should not be necessary to relocate any existing boiler equipment to install an ACI system.", "hypothesis": "It is essential to relocate existing boiler equipment when installing ACI systems, and it is definitely necessary."} {"idx": "mnli-16044", "premise": "On the other hand, he had a full view of the second man and studied him attentively.", "hypothesis": "He could clearly see the man, and he observed him carefully."} {"idx": "mnli-16045", "premise": "There is a discussion of the current costs of transplantation and the analysis concludes that the final rule will not substantially raise the costs.", "hypothesis": "The final rule might raise costs by a very small amount."} {"idx": "mnli-16046", "premise": ", advertising mail sent by non-households to other non-households) is not known and, thus, it is not included in advertising mail.", "hypothesis": "Advertising mail from a non household to a non household is included in advertising mail"} {"idx": "mnli-16047", "premise": "Is that clear?\"", "hypothesis": "Is that confusing? "} {"idx": "mnli-16048", "premise": "The people who should be looking into these allegations is not a partisan prosecutor but the EEOC, she opined on the talk-show circuit.", "hypothesis": "Partisan prosecutors should be investigating these allegations, not the EEOC."} {"idx": "mnli-16049", "premise": "The same section also authorizes the Postal Service to provide, establish, change, or abolish special nonpostal or similar services[.", "hypothesis": "The Postal Service must seem legislative permission to make any service changes."} {"idx": "mnli-16050", "premise": "are you getting a lot of static on your end of the line", "hypothesis": "I don't think you're getting any static on your end."} {"idx": "mnli-16051", "premise": "It's worth taking a day's drive or a few days of walking to seek them out.", "hypothesis": "They can only be found here, so it's worth it."} {"idx": "mnli-16052", "premise": "Since data from other studies indicate that facilitating the referral and making the connections increase compliance, the intervention ideally should have a component of compliance enhancement if it includes referral to community treatment programs.", "hypothesis": "Community treatment programs facilitate referral programs."} {"idx": "mnli-16053", "premise": "For instance, as the mobility of capital reduces the power of unions, the chance for including labor rights in the world trade treaty known as GATT--the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs--grows remote.", "hypothesis": "Labor issues will certainly be covered in the agreement."} {"idx": "mnli-16054", "premise": "(Co-editor of Nerve Genevieve Field was executive editor of MTV Books--words that, linked together, look about as strange to my eyes as God and asshole did to Norman Mailer's.)", "hypothesis": "The executive editor of MTV Books was also the Co-editor of Nerve Genevieve Field."} {"idx": "mnli-16055", "premise": "Russian Orthodox nuns oversee the church and its grounds.", "hypothesis": "The nuns are happy to tend to the grounds."} {"idx": "mnli-16056", "premise": "A ceremonial ramp leads acrosewhat used to be a moat into an impressive gateway, over the Portal de las Tables, the arch with a Latin inscription dating the wall to 1585, during the reign of King Philip II of Spain.", "hypothesis": "The wall was built in 1900."} {"idx": "mnli-16057", "premise": "A 1997 expansion then doubled the space.", "hypothesis": "The expansion doubled the available space."} {"idx": "mnli-16058", "premise": "Maybe just 'Mr. White,' would be better.", "hypothesis": "Mr. White sounded more American, thus better."} {"idx": "mnli-16059", "premise": "i guess if you're looking for that you're", "hypothesis": "I suppose if that's something you're searching for "} {"idx": "mnli-16060", "premise": "Why read this crap, then?", "hypothesis": "This is crap you shouldn't read."} {"idx": "mnli-16061", "premise": "The document itself, said the German bluntly.", "hypothesis": "The piece of paper itself, said the German bluntly."} {"idx": "mnli-16062", "premise": "Practicing on dead patients is nothing new.", "hypothesis": "The medical community can only practice on live patients."} {"idx": "mnli-16063", "premise": "Macau's oldest museum, the Maritime Museum (Wednesday Monday 10am 5:30pm; admission HK$10, HK$5 children over 10) traces the history of Macau's connection to the sea.", "hypothesis": "The Maritime Museum charges an admission fee for visitors over the age of 10."} {"idx": "mnli-16064", "premise": "i think it depends on what part of the state", "hypothesis": "The part of the state makes a difference. "} {"idx": "mnli-16065", "premise": "Vendors and hair braiders are sure to approach you.", "hypothesis": "You're likely to be solicited by vendors or hair braiders."} {"idx": "mnli-16066", "premise": " Sports and Outdoor Activities", "hypothesis": "Activities outside."} {"idx": "mnli-16067", "premise": "The Postal Service might stop (or substantially alter) its detached address label program for advertising mail.", "hypothesis": "The detached address label program may be stopped by the Postal Service."} {"idx": "mnli-16068", "premise": "i will admit i work with uh someone who's Iranian and he definitely has a very different slant on the news he's very very skeptical of the news media and i will admit i'm reasonably skeptical also", "hypothesis": "It's reasonable to be skeptical of the news media."} {"idx": "mnli-16069", "premise": "Further west, off the Rue de l'Antiquaille, are two important Roman amphitheaters that are still used for performances today and the attractive Mus??e de la Civilisation Gallo-Romaine (corner of the Rue Cl??berg), which houses a collection of statues, mosaics, coins, and tools.", "hypothesis": "Near the Rue de l'Antiquaille, performances take place in ancient Roman amphitheaters."} {"idx": "mnli-16070", "premise": "I can't make anyone hear.\"", "hypothesis": "There is no way for me to get their attention."} {"idx": "mnli-16071", "premise": "Statement of David M. Walker Comptroller General of the United States", "hypothesis": "The statement was made in print."} {"idx": "mnli-16072", "premise": "Long Beach boasts some 50 murals, many dating from the New Deal era of the 1930s.", "hypothesis": "Long Beach has a mural of a cityscape painted in 1930."} {"idx": "mnli-16073", "premise": "Whatever the merits of this idea--and there are some--it does not address the problem at hand.", "hypothesis": "The idea should be improved to address the problem."} {"idx": "mnli-16074", "premise": "My job takes me to dozens of grocery stores, which distribute a great number of these offensive babble-on-ion manuscripts, and where a large number of employees read them in the break room.", "hypothesis": "My job persistently takes me to one grocery store."} {"idx": "mnli-16075", "premise": "but then you need to make it sure that the rich people can't buy somebody off and and maybe send them in their place or or get out of it some other way", "hypothesis": "you don't have to worry about rich people bribing somebody to let them go"} {"idx": "mnli-16076", "premise": "Allowances will be allocated based on the units' baseline heat input multiplied by standard emission rates that vary depending on the fuel combusted by the units.", "hypothesis": "Allowances are based on the baseline heat of the unit and multiplied based on emission rates."} {"idx": "mnli-16077", "premise": "There is even a rare sight of yellow wheat fields grown for beer and noodles rather than for bread (which is mostly imported).", "hypothesis": "There is only wheat for bread, as beer only comes imported."} {"idx": "mnli-16078", "premise": "A hombre gits tired readin' labels on cans.", "hypothesis": "A hombre doesn't like to use his brain."} {"idx": "mnli-16079", "premise": "i mean a mortgage i know you can", "hypothesis": "You can't deduct a mortgage."} {"idx": "mnli-16080", "premise": "The prescient Sam Donaldson wisely took the weekend off.", "hypothesis": "Sam Donaldson spent the weekend working."} {"idx": "mnli-16081", "premise": "In your article Amazon.Con, you compare order time on the phone for a traditional bookstore vs.", "hypothesis": "The order time between phone orders and in-store orders is looked at. "} {"idx": "mnli-16082", "premise": "Holding elective office, he explained, is not the only way to help others.", "hypothesis": "He thinks that holding an elected position is still one way to make life better for other people."} {"idx": "mnli-16083", "premise": "yeah which is why for centuries you know hundreds of years the British and the French had so much influence in there because they'd go in and they'd win something", "hypothesis": "For hundreds of years the British and French had a lot of influence in the Ottoman empire."} {"idx": "mnli-16084", "premise": "I crept over to my coat and took out the magazine, and an odd envelope or two that I had shoved in.", "hypothesis": "My coat is plaid. "} {"idx": "mnli-16085", "premise": "I must see our agent over those estate accounts. He turned to John. ", "hypothesis": "I don't need to see an agent."} {"idx": "mnli-16086", "premise": "In five minutes his woes were forgotten.", "hypothesis": "He eventually remembered his woes again."} {"idx": "mnli-16087", "premise": "horrible but there's a lot of things you can buy that have soybean products in them to begin with that you don't even know where in there so um it's it's just a matter of learning you know", "hypothesis": "It's terrible that so many products contain soybeans."} {"idx": "mnli-16088", "premise": "no uh in the particular incidence that i was aware of now TI wasn't the only ones in there Playtex was in there was uh several other companies and uh", "hypothesis": "I wasn't aware of any incidence where TI was involved "} {"idx": "mnli-16089", "premise": "See also Full Cost.", "hypothesis": "See the full cost"} {"idx": "mnli-16090", "premise": "today is his birthday yeah yeah", "hypothesis": "His birthday is today."} {"idx": "mnli-16091", "premise": "so he i mean i don't think he he could get hurt i just hope to God he doesn't ever hurt anyone but he he hasn't had any accidents luckily", "hypothesis": "Hopefully he doesn't hurt anyone; luckily he hasn't had accidents lately. "} {"idx": "mnli-16092", "premise": "Then came the accusation of treason in 1894 against the French army officer Alfred Dreyfus, who happened to be Jewish, and the subsequent division of French society into French nationalists convinced of Dreyfus' guilt and those equally convinced of his innocence.", "hypothesis": "In 1894 the accusation of treason was brought up against the French Army."} {"idx": "mnli-16093", "premise": "The fortifications are a prime surviving testimony to the military technology of the time and have been proclaimed a national monument.", "hypothesis": "The fortifications are not a national monument."} {"idx": "mnli-16094", "premise": "i love it in the it was a lot nicer than i expected", "hypothesis": "The thing was more pleasurable than I anticipated."} {"idx": "mnli-16095", "premise": "When Norm called in June to ask if I would participate in an R2000-1 postmortem conference, I agreed on the condition that (1) I speak before Gene and (2) that I not be subjected to Florida's erratic weather.", "hypothesis": "Norm asked if I would go to the conference in Texas."} {"idx": "mnli-16096", "premise": "Top leadership-both political and career-needs to make clear its commitment to the fundamental principles of results-oriented management and ensure that managers and staff at all levels recognize that they must do the same.", "hypothesis": "Results-oriented management should be abandoned by leadership because it leads to poor-quality output."} {"idx": "mnli-16097", "premise": "The McCains go in to chat up the employees and buy a blue-and-white patchwork quilt.", "hypothesis": "The patchwork quilt that the McCains bought made them happy."} {"idx": "mnli-16098", "premise": "At 8:02am on 8 May, Pelee erupted titanically.", "hypothesis": "Pelee erupted last May."} {"idx": "mnli-16099", "premise": "Many people are willing to serve higher goals and the selection process needs to go beyond its usual pool of suspects.", "hypothesis": "There are more people willing this year than there was two years ago."} {"idx": "mnli-16100", "premise": "The BJP defeated Congress in the general elections of May 1996, winning the largest number of seats in Parliament.", "hypothesis": "The BJP won the most seats in Parliament in May 1996."} {"idx": "mnli-16101", "premise": "I haven't strenuously objected to my love's praise for people such as Tom DeLay and (I'm serious here) G. Gordon Liddy because of the terrific time we're having and the incredible sex we share.", "hypothesis": "I feel very differently about people such as G. Gordon Liddy than does my love. "} {"idx": "mnli-16102", "premise": "Conservatives noted their disagreements with him but remembered him as a man of principle and a truly nice guy.", "hypothesis": "Conservatives said they had disagreements with him over health care but that he was a moral guy."} {"idx": "mnli-16103", "premise": "Tommy burst into its sacred portals eagerly, but his enthusiasm received a check.", "hypothesis": "Tommy burst into a religious site eagerly and his excitement grew."} {"idx": "mnli-16104", "premise": "Certainly tenure was in the bag for these fellows after coming up with the formula, though it probably was likely for them anyway.", "hypothesis": "The formula for the discovery of the atom splitting definitely guaranteed their tenure. "} {"idx": "mnli-16105", "premise": "i said opposing viewpoints", "hypothesis": "I wanted opposing viewpoints so we could debate them."} {"idx": "mnli-16106", "premise": "Throughout this period, Ireland's political organization continued much as it had under pagan Celtic rule.", "hypothesis": "The political structure of Ireland remained largely unchanged during this period from Celtic rule. "} {"idx": "mnli-16107", "premise": "The market is open from Monday to Saturday from early in the morning until late afternoon; the best time to visit is on a Friday or Saturday, when fishermen, farmers, and traders from all over the island pour into town.", "hypothesis": "There aren't many fish in the market during Monday."} {"idx": "mnli-16108", "premise": "yeah that was very good um he was in The Untouchables too", "hypothesis": "I think he was in The Untouchables."} {"idx": "mnli-16109", "premise": "Roans six.", "hypothesis": "There were six, although he wasn't one hundred percent positive."} {"idx": "mnli-16110", "premise": "and i was doing it just keep them occupied", "hypothesis": "I wanted to keep them out of the way."} {"idx": "mnli-16111", "premise": "an appointment say at eight thirty and she has to be all the way across town at her office at eight thirty then she needs to have them ride the bus one way and i'll get off in time to hopefully pick both of them up and not have the day care center in the other direction but uh just a myriad of of possibilities that these people have to serve so they have a myriad of pay structures but uh it it can get expensive most of them run uh", "hypothesis": "She doesn't have enough time to get where she needs to be most days."} {"idx": "mnli-16112", "premise": "The charming medieval and Renaissance center around the cathedral has been renovated and is now reserved for pedestrians.", "hypothesis": "Only pedestrians are allowed at the medieval and Renaissance center around the cathedral."} {"idx": "mnli-16113", "premise": "The elegant classical 18th-century cloisters make a poignant contrast with the Romanesque church.", "hypothesis": "The combination of classical, 18th-century cloisters and the Romanesque church design is interesting."} {"idx": "mnli-16114", "premise": "It can be, but only 1) Subjects get the best care feasible locally (they do).", "hypothesis": "It is extremely impossible even if they can afford to pay for their hospitalization. "} {"idx": "mnli-16115", "premise": "yeah well i i have another thing that i thought about too um for instance when you try to save money and you earn interest on whatever your investment is and you know we're not typically talking about big dollars but here you feel like you've you've done something good you've you've earned your interest and then you have to go back and pay taxes on it so the real amount of your savings on that is is not much", "hypothesis": "Since investments are currently tax-free, you can make great money on interest from savings."} {"idx": "mnli-16116", "premise": "As discussed below, we strongly disagree with the Vice Presidentas positions.", "hypothesis": "They wholeheartedly agree with the Vice Presidenta."} {"idx": "mnli-16117", "premise": "um-hum crepes yeah", "hypothesis": "Crepes are french food."} {"idx": "mnli-16118", "premise": "Some lawyers will likely be laid off, and agency officials will meet this week to discuss whether to cut services, Bartylak said.", "hypothesis": "Some job cuts will be made."} {"idx": "mnli-16119", "premise": "Critics claim Pokemon is literally addicting kids.", "hypothesis": "The critics think that Pok\u00e9mon is driving away kids."} {"idx": "mnli-16120", "premise": "It took the sculptors Jean de Marville, Claus Sluter, and Claus de Werve 26 years (from 1385 to 1411) to complete the intricate marble and alabaster sculptures for the extravagant mausoleum of Philippe le Hardi.", "hypothesis": "The sculptures for Philippe le Hardi's mausoleum took more than two decades to complete. "} {"idx": "mnli-16121", "premise": "* Additionally, U.S. urea manufacturers and distributors routinely trade within a 130,000,000 tons worldwide annual production capacity.", "hypothesis": "The U.S urea manufacturers trade over 130,000,000 tons of worldwide annual production capacity. "} {"idx": "mnli-16122", "premise": "The transplant is now closer to reality.", "hypothesis": "We are far from the reality of a transplant."} {"idx": "mnli-16123", "premise": "My old Midwestern mother taught me the answer to that one years ago.", "hypothesis": "The mother is midwestern."} {"idx": "mnli-16124", "premise": "At their press conference after the Senate verdict, several House prosecutors interrupted their sermons against the polls to point out where the public agreed with them.", "hypothesis": "After the Senate verdict, some House prosecutors indicated where the public was on their side."} {"idx": "mnli-16125", "premise": "well we uh when we graduated from school in Houston uh my husband went went to school at Rice and got his PhD so that that's what brought us here and um we had um heard a lot about Richardson being a good area and the homes there being really nice and but we kind of just got the impression it was out of our price range", "hypothesis": "Richardson is a very drab area but the prices seem very affordable to us."} {"idx": "mnli-16126", "premise": "Another management reform initiative that provides a legislative basis for measuring performance is the Information Technology Management Reform Act of 1996, which requires each federal agency to ensure that performance measures are prescribed for information technology that it will use or acquire and that the performance measures assess how well the information technology supports agency programs.", "hypothesis": "There was an act regarding the reform of IT management passed in 1996."} {"idx": "mnli-16127", "premise": "The FDA's position is that reductions in personal property's value, even prohibitions on all economically viable uses, and financial expenditures to comply with a regulatory requirement do not necessarily establish a taking, citing various court decisions for support.", "hypothesis": "The FDA cites various court decisions to support their position. "} {"idx": "mnli-16128", "premise": "and i just i got about like a hundred pages through it and realized i had like a thousand more i thought i can't do this", "hypothesis": "I have a hard time sitting still and reading in one sitting."} {"idx": "mnli-16129", "premise": "But the town's most cherished treasure is the magnificent Bayeux Tapestry (or more accurately, embroidery), which was created for Bayeux Cathedral in 1077 to tell the story of Duke William's conquest of England.", "hypothesis": "The most revered item in the entire town is the Bayeux Tapestry. "} {"idx": "mnli-16130", "premise": "i mean you're still is a target over there", "hypothesis": "You're not a a target there."} {"idx": "mnli-16131", "premise": "The official most knowledgeable of the time worked should approve any overtime or compensatory time.", "hypothesis": "Overtime or compensatory time.needs to be approved."} {"idx": "mnli-16132", "premise": "(You hear the distant pop-pop-pop-pop-pop of the hero's gun.)", "hypothesis": "Y can not hear the hero firing his gun because he is already dead."} {"idx": "mnli-16133", "premise": "And the world of coffee came to an end, because now there is coffee-flavored liquid-like synflex.", "hypothesis": "Coffee was needed now more thane ver. "} {"idx": "mnli-16134", "premise": "The regal, extravagant Comedor de Gala (Ceremonial Dining Room), built for the wedding of Alfonso XII and his second wife, Maria Cristina in 1879, seats 145 guests.", "hypothesis": "Comedor de Gala has not been used sense the wedding for which it was built."} {"idx": "mnli-16135", "premise": "yeah and i i was afraid that Rambo was going to do the same thing that Rocky was going to do you know go into fourteen hundred episodes", "hypothesis": "I was afraid that Rambo was going to do a similar thing to that of Rocky."} {"idx": "mnli-16136", "premise": "It probably didn't make much difference what he did now or who had him; time was running out for this world.", "hypothesis": "There is not a lot of time left."} {"idx": "mnli-16137", "premise": "Hong Kong Comes Back", "hypothesis": "Hong Kong returns."} {"idx": "mnli-16138", "premise": "The grace of its overall form is best viewed from across the canal, because, like St. Peter's in Rome, the dome disappears at closer quarters behind its elongated nave.", "hypothesis": "The dome of St. Peter's can be seen best from nearby."} {"idx": "mnli-16139", "premise": "Outside the center, shops may close by 5:30 or 6pm and all day Sunday, with late-night shopping until 8pm on Thursday.", "hypothesis": "Sunday is a sacred time here, so the shops are closed all day."} {"idx": "mnli-16140", "premise": "The majestic Rendezvous Court near Olive Street was originally the hotel lobby; from here, you can climb the Spanish baroque staircase leading up to the galleria, with its coffered ceiling.", "hypothesis": "The staircase was from the Spanish baroque era."} {"idx": "mnli-16141", "premise": "Every year the she-devil and her companion, a carved skeleton, are trundled through Orihuela as a warning to the wise. ", "hypothesis": "The she-devil, a warning to the dumbest among the people, is trundled through Orihuela every decade. "} {"idx": "mnli-16142", "premise": "The themes found in rembetiko are those closest to the hearts of the common lost love, poverty, social division, and discrimination.", "hypothesis": "Discrimination is not a theme found in rembetiko."} {"idx": "mnli-16143", "premise": "The treasures of the Ca'd'Oro's Galleria Franchetti of Renaissance art include Andrea Mantegna's St. Sebastian and Titian's Venus at the Mirror.", "hypothesis": "There are many treasures inside the gallery of Renaissance art."} {"idx": "mnli-16144", "premise": "oh so there was a history of that", "hypothesis": "There is a history of that. "} {"idx": "mnli-16145", "premise": "As an actor, he is famous for demanding take after take till he's sure it's right.", "hypothesis": "He is a one-and-done style actor, always confident of his work on the first try. "} {"idx": "mnli-16146", "premise": "I accordingly secured a sample of that coco, and sent it to be analysed.\" 160 \"But that had already been done by Dr. ", "hypothesis": "The sample of coco was sent to be analysed."} {"idx": "mnli-16147", "premise": "But the wound was already healing.", "hypothesis": "The wound was beginning to visibally heal already."} {"idx": "mnli-16148", "premise": "During the American War of Independence, France's sympathies were American ships were granted safe anchorage in the FWI, privateers raiding from Saint-Barth??lemy's coves sank many a British merchantman, and a Martinique regiment fought the British at Savannah, Georgia.", "hypothesis": "The French did not sympathize with the Americans in their War of Independence."} {"idx": "mnli-16149", "premise": "Natalia/Lincoln began fiddling with his/her top-hat.", "hypothesis": "Lincoln didn't touch the hat."} {"idx": "mnli-16150", "premise": "Chief Financial Officers (CFO) Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-576) provides a framework for improving federal government financial systems.", "hypothesis": "The legal framework provided by the CFO Act 1990 is the first of its kind concerning federal government financial systems."} {"idx": "mnli-16151", "premise": "The Times speculated that NATO officials leaked the bad news to persuade Congress not to pull out the troops.", "hypothesis": "NATO wanted the trips pulled, so they leaked positive news to get them pulled."} {"idx": "mnli-16152", "premise": "and and and the uh the law says that if you've got a certain quantity on you you're presumed to be a dealer", "hypothesis": "If you have more than a certain amount the law presumes you a dealer."} {"idx": "mnli-16153", "premise": "Heart failure, or possibly an overdose of some sleepingdraught. He sniffed.", "hypothesis": "She had gotten shot."} {"idx": "mnli-16154", "premise": "uh i do walking on the treadmill and then i do low impact aerobics", "hypothesis": "I engage in cardiovascular exercise on a treadmill and perform low impact aerobics."} {"idx": "mnli-16155", "premise": "Beyond Aoshima the picturesque, winding Nichinan coast alternates rugged cliffs with some fine sandy bathing beaches.", "hypothesis": "The coast is the sight of cliffs and beaches."} {"idx": "mnli-16156", "premise": "Children are welcome in most bars and often accompany their parents on late-night outings, having recouped their energy during their siesta.", "hypothesis": "The children are with the parents all day."} {"idx": "mnli-16157", "premise": "Worker strikes and protests erupted in Poznan, and spread into armed confrontations in the streets.", "hypothesis": "Violent protests erupted in the streets of the Poznan."} {"idx": "mnli-16158", "premise": "Air Daily, For Now, Labor Capable of Meeting SCR Demand, Clear Air Regulations and Markets ", "hypothesis": "For now labor is capable of meeting clean air regulations due to voter pressure. "} {"idx": "mnli-16159", "premise": "The term basic does not necessarily mean that other financial information not covered by the auditor's opinion is less important to users than that contained in the basic statements; it merely connotes the expected nature of the auditor's review of, and association with, the information.", "hypothesis": "Financial information is described by auditors as basic because it's generally information that isn't useful in the auditor's opinion."} {"idx": "mnli-16160", "premise": "De Kooning could have been thinking of his idol Soutine when he observed, Flesh was the reason why oil painting was invented.", "hypothesis": "De Kooning detested oil painting."} {"idx": "mnli-16161", "premise": "That is why we're here.", "hypothesis": "Our reason for being here is a good one. "} {"idx": "mnli-16162", "premise": "Suppose that you hear someone making what sounds like a dumb argument, but you know that he has an impressive track record at market or economic prediction.", "hypothesis": "The person may have been lucky in their previous predictions."} {"idx": "mnli-16163", "premise": "It is impossible to name a single amusing movie that takes place beneath the waves.", "hypothesis": "Tons of hilarious movies are set in the ocean."} {"idx": "mnli-16164", "premise": "my uh my taxes exceed my mortgage payment", "hypothesis": "My taxes are very low."} {"idx": "mnli-16165", "premise": "Whose son?", "hypothesis": "Whose boy?"} {"idx": "mnli-16166", "premise": "Until very, very recently, LSC programs were organized and operated pretty much as they had a quarter of a century ago.", "hypothesis": "LSC programs have finally be revolutionized."} {"idx": "mnli-16167", "premise": "The host is Rosie O'Donnell, a symbol of the blandness that usually afflicts the awards.", "hypothesis": "The host is Oprah Winfrey, the best host in the universe."} {"idx": "mnli-16168", "premise": "The main difference between these congressional Republicans and Pat Buchanan is that none of them have been thoughtful enough to apply their beliefs to World War II, or politically foolish enough to mention it if they have.", "hypothesis": "Congressional Republicans were stubbornly applying their beliefs to World War I."} {"idx": "mnli-16169", "premise": "Oh, I know what I'm talking about. ", "hypothesis": "Oh, I can prove it to you."} {"idx": "mnli-16170", "premise": "Some contributions may represent saving that would have occurred even without the tax incentives or amounts merely shifted from taxable assets or even financed by borrowing.", "hypothesis": "Some contributions may represent saving that would have occurred even without the tax incentives"} {"idx": "mnli-16171", "premise": "What is wrong with the orrery? he asked.", "hypothesis": "He asked everyone around what the hell was wrong with the orrery."} {"idx": "mnli-16172", "premise": "On the contrary, he shows how educated elites like himself and Molly Munger are fighting against the Marie Antoinette syndrome.", "hypothesis": "The Marie Antoinette syndrome is being supported by him and Molly Munger."} {"idx": "mnli-16173", "premise": "The lion, symbol of power and pride, was an understandable choice as the emblem of India's regained nationhood in 1947.", "hypothesis": "The symbol of pride for India is a caterpillar."} {"idx": "mnli-16174", "premise": "AGSIMe is an econometric-simulation model that is based on a large set of statistically", "hypothesis": "AGSIMe is an econometric-simulation model."} {"idx": "mnli-16175", "premise": "Figure 3: Product Timeliness", "hypothesis": "late products"} {"idx": "mnli-16176", "premise": "Everybody is trying to do the same thing; some succeed, and those who don't are envious.", "hypothesis": "Everyone had success and are on equal terms."} {"idx": "mnli-16177", "premise": "Those who feel a holiday isn't the same without a game are welcome to tee off there.", "hypothesis": "Those who think holidays are not normal without a game are able to start there."} {"idx": "mnli-16178", "premise": "With the talent of impresario Rudolf Bing, it was a great success and rapidly became one of the premier festivals of its kind in the world.", "hypothesis": "It was a great success and rapidly became one of the premier festivals of its kind in the world, thanks to the talent of impresario Rudolf Bing."} {"idx": "mnli-16179", "premise": "Fair enough.", "hypothesis": "That's not fair at all."} {"idx": "mnli-16180", "premise": "We can no longer do it for $20, said Alpaugh Irrigation board president Steve Martin.", "hypothesis": "The pamphlets can no longer be sold for only $20. "} {"idx": "mnli-16181", "premise": "The enormous personal popularity of this good-natured but tough king from the Pyrenees proved vital for healing the wounds from the bitter wars.", "hypothesis": "His personal popularity made other rulers more inclined to consent to trade agreements that they wouldn't have otherwise."} {"idx": "mnli-16182", "premise": "yeah oh yeah that was just such super team", "hypothesis": "They were such a great team."} {"idx": "mnli-16183", "premise": "Beyond the library is the city's most splendid building, its glittering white marble columns, now partly restored.", "hypothesis": "The most splendid building was only partly restored."} {"idx": "mnli-16184", "premise": "Beyond the main temple complex, Karnak stretches out over the landscape as far as the eye can see, but many of the other remains are more difficult to identify.", "hypothesis": "Karnak stretches as far as the eye can see."} {"idx": "mnli-16185", "premise": "because they're always because they're always ruining something", "hypothesis": "I don't see the problem, you can rely on them"} {"idx": "mnli-16186", "premise": "Boasting some of William Wordsworth's favorite haunts as well as an old Roman road that is now a very popular hiking route, the Northeast is spectacular walking country, transitional terrain between the Lake District's high fells and peaks and the lowland passes around Penrith and the Eden valley.", "hypothesis": "The Northeast is known for it's amazing rivers and lakes but, is a poor choice for anyone interested in hiking. "} {"idx": "mnli-16187", "premise": "Accordingly, they monitored numerous factors associated with their security programs, and they used the results to identify needed improvements.", "hypothesis": "There are a lot of different aspects to it."} {"idx": "mnli-16188", "premise": "The first version, crafted by CNN's Rowland Evans, Sir, is it not in your interest to tell us flatly if these rumors are or are not true?", "hypothesis": "Sir Rowland Evans works for MSNBC America."} {"idx": "mnli-16189", "premise": "Yours, TOMMY BERESFORD.\" A peculiar smile lingered for a moment on Julius's face.", "hypothesis": "Julius had a smile on his face."} {"idx": "mnli-16190", "premise": "oh really do you smoke", "hypothesis": "Do you smoke a pipe?"} {"idx": "mnli-16191", "premise": "Slim looked away.", "hypothesis": "Slim stared directly at it."} {"idx": "mnli-16192", "premise": "yeah i'm in Dallas and they're long here too so", "hypothesis": "They're here in Dallas and so am I."} {"idx": "mnli-16193", "premise": "Aha, Mieczyslaw said quietly, and Janina squeezed his hand, and then stroked it gently without realizing what she was doing, simply because she needed to connect with this poor man.", "hypothesis": "Janina knew that Mieczyslaw was sad and needed encouragement."} {"idx": "mnli-16194", "premise": "He stared at the useless hilt in his hand.", "hypothesis": "He could find many uses for the hilt that he was holding."} {"idx": "mnli-16195", "premise": "France has 109 persons per square kilometer and the U.S. has 30.", "hypothesis": "France only has 12 persons per square kilometer."} {"idx": "mnli-16196", "premise": "He stabbed one through the eye and kicked another with a powerful skull crushing round kick.", "hypothesis": "He took his knife and stabbed one through the eye after making a crushing blow with a powerful round kick."} {"idx": "mnli-16197", "premise": "It's still a great place to shop.", "hypothesis": "You can shop there."} {"idx": "mnli-16198", "premise": "Wait a minute.", "hypothesis": "Wait for a duration equal to 60 seconds."} {"idx": "mnli-16199", "premise": "However, the Eucharist is a memorial (Greek anamnesis) in which the atoning work of Christ on the cross is proclaimed and made effective in the life of the church.", "hypothesis": "The Eucharist is not done in a church setting."} {"idx": "mnli-16200", "premise": "Box 4.1 explains how the NIPA surplus or deficit differs from the federal unified budget surplus or deficit.", "hypothesis": "It is explained in box 2.6"} {"idx": "mnli-16201", "premise": "you mean really trying to plant something that's what you're saying farming", "hypothesis": "Do you mean really planting something as in farming?"} {"idx": "mnli-16202", "premise": "Essays on the Case Study Method", "hypothesis": "No essays on the study "} {"idx": "mnli-16203", "premise": "no i don't i did it by hand uh-huh it wasn't too much of a job really like i say it's just", "hypothesis": "It wasn't too much of a job for me to do by hand."} {"idx": "mnli-16204", "premise": "Very basic but very good Jamaican food served through the kitchen window, with garden gazebos to sit and eat in.", "hypothesis": "They serve no food."} {"idx": "mnli-16205", "premise": "alrighty you too thank you bye bye", "hypothesis": "You thanked me."} {"idx": "mnli-16206", "premise": "participate directly in the oversight process as an independent congressional entity.", "hypothesis": "The oversight process cannot be participated in directly."} {"idx": "mnli-16207", "premise": "This former synagogue, set in the heart of what was the city's Jewish quarter in the last century, tells the story of the Jews in Ireland by means of documents, various memorabilia, and old photographs (look for a Guinness bottle with a Hebrew label).", "hypothesis": "The Jewish population in Ireland has a long history."} {"idx": "mnli-16208", "premise": "The impact of this seasonal influx of tourists (mainly German, British, and French) has been dramatic.", "hypothesis": "The summer season is the most popular tourist season."} {"idx": "mnli-16209", "premise": "Danvers sailed for England on the Lusitania.", "hypothesis": "Danvers was a passenger on the Lusitania and was bound for England. "} {"idx": "mnli-16210", "premise": "Breakfast?\" The girl nodded.", "hypothesis": "She ate an apple and two pancakes for breakfast."} {"idx": "mnli-16211", "premise": "The Washington Post warned that the law may be resurrected the next time Congress becomes dissatisfied with the way the Justice Department conducts a politically charged investigation and urges that it be replaced with a rule that would give the attorney general wide discretion on when to seek an independent counsel and some say in who that investigator is.", "hypothesis": "The Washington Post asserts that the attorney general should have no say on when to seek independent counsel."} {"idx": "mnli-16212", "premise": "Even if the place had nothing else, it would be worth the trip, for the Taj, as one calls it affectionately, is a sight that awakens the wonder and enthusiasm of the most blas??, world-weary traveller.", "hypothesis": "It is never worth visiting the Taj Mahal."} {"idx": "mnli-16213", "premise": "The self-guided tour begins at the intimate little Royal Chapel, a harmonious mix of white marble, Corinthian columns, and Baroque murals with gilded altar and balustrades.", "hypothesis": "You can take a self-guided tour of the chapel."} {"idx": "mnli-16214", "premise": "well i believe in capital punishment um and i i think the way that i understand the laws right now they are only for certain crimes um i'm not sure exactly what they are i think rape and uh", "hypothesis": "I think capital punishment is for rape as well as other crimes."} {"idx": "mnli-16215", "premise": "because it's pretty scary when you own a home and you know", "hypothesis": "you never know what may happen to your home"} {"idx": "mnli-16216", "premise": "Popular traditional themes are Cycladic figures (especially on the Cyclades islands) or pottery with scenes taken from ancient Greek frescoes or mosaics.", "hypothesis": "Pottery with ancient Greek scenes are popular themes."} {"idx": "mnli-16217", "premise": "Still, the library is beginning to seem less of an albatross.", "hypothesis": "The library is making him feel less sad."} {"idx": "mnli-16218", "premise": "For example, the home page of both DOL and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) within DOL pointed to a separate web site for OSHA's November 1999 proposed rule on ergonomics, which pulled together in one place all of the electronic information related to this rulemaking (e.g.", "hypothesis": "DOL and OSHA had websites, and OSHA's had electronic information from this rulemaking."} {"idx": "mnli-16219", "premise": "The first row labeled Personal Mail and the sixth row labeled Business Mail are identical to first and fifth rows in Table 1, respectively.", "hypothesis": "Both types of mail are represented using the same figure."} {"idx": "mnli-16220", "premise": "OF THIS CONDITION AND TO SEND PEOPLE THE MESSAGE TO LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST AND", "hypothesis": "To inform the people to seize the day."} {"idx": "mnli-16221", "premise": "It won't happen overnight and it won't happen without some setbacks.", "hypothesis": "It will go quickly and smoothly."} {"idx": "mnli-16222", "premise": "It is Mr. Mace, from the chemist's shop. ", "hypothesis": "Mr. Mace is from the cobbler's shop."} {"idx": "mnli-16223", "premise": "Regulatory Impact Analysis for the Final Regional Haze Rule.", "hypothesis": "The Analysis is 3,600 pages long."} {"idx": "mnli-16224", "premise": "Like New York's Lincoln Ceter it has several the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion presents classical music, opera, and ballet; the Ahmanson Theater hosts big musicals; and the Mark Taper Forum offers a more intimate setting for contemporary drama.", "hypothesis": "The Ahmanson Theater has a lot of big musicals."} {"idx": "mnli-16225", "premise": "Whispers of silk and crimson wrapped the statue but hot wind blew them continually revealing the statue's detailed virtues.", "hypothesis": "The hot wind blew on the statue."} {"idx": "mnli-16226", "premise": "He was replaced as caliph by his cousin, whose powers were strictly limited by secular laws, until that position, too, was abolished in 1924.", "hypothesis": "The position of caliph was regarded as purely ceremonial. "} {"idx": "mnli-16227", "premise": "As we entered the hall, Mrs. Inglethorp came out of her boudoir. ", "hypothesis": "We did not see Mrs. Inglethorp at all. "} {"idx": "mnli-16228", "premise": "The reaction of Native Americans to those movies may have been different.", "hypothesis": "The movies had various implications of Native Americans."} {"idx": "mnli-16229", "premise": "Introversion.", "hypothesis": "Being more energized by solitary pursuits than being with others. "} {"idx": "mnli-16230", "premise": "Slate ! After installing Corel's WordPerfect I was even able to write this column on Linux in Linux.", "hypothesis": "WordPerfect is the best word processing software."} {"idx": "mnli-16231", "premise": "All congressionally requested products will have a targeted issuance date.", "hypothesis": "The products congress requests will have an issuance date stamped on them."} {"idx": "mnli-16232", "premise": "IIBT is a nonprofit educational and research institution for advancing the management of business technologies in the public and private sectors in order to improve performance.", "hypothesis": "IIBT seeks to advance management of business technology in public and private sectors."} {"idx": "mnli-16233", "premise": "The other source of free legal aid in Indiana is through district pro bono commissions established by the chief justice of the Indiana Supreme Court.", "hypothesis": "A judge on the Indiana Supreme Court created a program that provides free legal aid in Indiana. "} {"idx": "mnli-16234", "premise": "the other one you need to go see is Sleeping With The Enemy", "hypothesis": "You need to watch Sleeping With The Scammer."} {"idx": "mnli-16235", "premise": "His blockmate confesses to Wachtler takes the occasion to celebrate the Miranda warning.", "hypothesis": "The Miranda warning was his saving grace."} {"idx": "mnli-16236", "premise": "In some cases, one wonders what some highly compensated top executives were doing to earn their pay given their public statements and testimonies subsequent to the decline of their companies.", "hypothesis": "Everyone knows what the executives are paid to give their statements. "} {"idx": "mnli-16237", "premise": "uh-huh well that's interesting", "hypothesis": "I would like to learn more. "} {"idx": "mnli-16238", "premise": "One example is a book on bureaucratic failures, which is based entirely on GAO reports of management problems in different agencies over a considerable period of time (Pierce, 1981).", "hypothesis": "Pierce wrote a book on bureaucratic failures in the 18th century."} {"idx": "mnli-16239", "premise": "I guess I want to get your great granddaughter turned into a registered and certified wife and take her on a long honeymoon, he decided.", "hypothesis": "He decided that he wanted to get her registered as a wife."} {"idx": "mnli-16240", "premise": "He then made a speech in September 1980 in which he laid out the quantities involved and the underlying assumptions.", "hypothesis": "He spoke about the quantities in September."} {"idx": "mnli-16241", "premise": "yes Cuba's really close but uh Puerto Rica is uh is it's like uh i live in Vermont from Vermont to Florida it's another another uh what fourteen hundred miles across the ocean", "hypothesis": "From Vermont to Florida is about fourteen hundred miles."} {"idx": "mnli-16242", "premise": "A Note on the Impact of Hedonics and Computers on Real GDP.", "hypothesis": "It included an extensive report on computers."} {"idx": "mnli-16243", "premise": "For example, such approvals could be evidenced by purchase orders signed by an authorized official or travel orders and vouchers signed by supervisors.", "hypothesis": "There is evidence that the purchases were signed off."} {"idx": "mnli-16244", "premise": "Financial condition allows an assessment of an entity on the basis of additional data that could include financial and nonfinancial information about current conditions.", "hypothesis": "Financial condition makes it impossible to assess entities on the basis of additional data. "} {"idx": "mnli-16245", "premise": "um-hum yeah see i have an unlisted telephone number but i still get all of those calls and then some of them are speaking in a foreign language that i don't even understand so yeah i do i really feel that that's uh an invasion of my privacy i agree with you on that particular subject there let me see", "hypothesis": "My phone number is listed."} {"idx": "mnli-16246", "premise": "district in the United States, as well as in Puerto Rico,", "hypothesis": "Puerto Rico is included."} {"idx": "mnli-16247", "premise": "1.15 Given the importance and complexity of government programs in providing a variety of public services, auditors are increasingly being called on by legislative bodies and government agencies to expand the variety of performance audits to include work that has a prospective focus or provides guidance, best practice information, or information on issues that affect multiple programs or entities already studied or under study by an audit organization.", "hypothesis": "There is a growing demand for auditors to do more performance audits that provide guidance and best practice."} {"idx": "mnli-16248", "premise": "Second, the coastal swells here are extremely dangerous, preventing the swimming activities and water sports so beloved by visitors.", "hypothesis": "Visitors do not often visit the shoreline because of dangerous coastal swells."} {"idx": "mnli-16249", "premise": "This fortress of whitewashed stone, squat as a bunker, sheltered townsfolk at times when pirate raids threatened.", "hypothesis": "People used to shelter at a fortress of whitewashed stone."} {"idx": "mnli-16250", "premise": "Perversely, Weld lost the ideology/competence battle by winning the drugs/morality battle.", "hypothesis": "The battle of drugs and morality was won by Weld."} {"idx": "mnli-16251", "premise": "In those days l'universit?? meant merely a collection of people ' students who met on a street corner, or in a public square or courtyard, to hear a teacher lecture from a bench, or from an upstairs window or balcony.", "hypothesis": "L'Universit\u00e9 still has the same meaning as it did in the past."} {"idx": "mnli-16252", "premise": "there have been times that i have been bad about the credit cards and so pretty much now uh we don't use them too much if we travel or something yeah but you know", "hypothesis": "Since I was not financially responsible, I limit my use of credit to travel."} {"idx": "mnli-16253", "premise": "Second, further work would likely allow us to develop, for a higher percentage of outbound DC mail, (1) estimates of the domestic postage costs that would be incurred if the Postal Service paid domestic postage instead of terminal dues and, (2) the outbound mail revenues associated with such mail flows.", "hypothesis": "Further work would allow us to develop by 50% more than we currently are."} {"idx": "mnli-16254", "premise": "I'm a registered and certified--\" She stopped then, blushing, and Bork chuckled.", "hypothesis": "She began talking about her certification but stopped and Bork laughed."} {"idx": "mnli-16255", "premise": "i liked Rainman i thought i thought it was interesting that he was doing something", "hypothesis": "The interesting part about Rainman was he was doing something to help people with his condition."} {"idx": "mnli-16256", "premise": "The bureaucracy was to be streamlined, and the army reorganized to raise the ratio of British to Indians.", "hypothesis": "The army was changed to have a higher ratio of Indians in it."} {"idx": "mnli-16257", "premise": "well that those are some of the things that are very important to us too um", "hypothesis": "There are many things that are important to us."} {"idx": "mnli-16258", "premise": "looks like Untitled (1946).", "hypothesis": "It looks entirely unlike Untitled (1946)."} {"idx": "mnli-16259", "premise": "yeah yeah yeah yeah that is he just brings stuff alive you know you could just visualize everything that's", "hypothesis": "His work is bland and fails to catch the interest of its viewers."} {"idx": "mnli-16260", "premise": "yeah that that's sort of the way i feel too i don't know what else we just saw something recently", "hypothesis": "I don't quite agree with you. "} {"idx": "mnli-16261", "premise": "e) Protected herself with immunity when she needed to, even though her testimony would do enormous harm to Clinton and the nation.", "hypothesis": "Clinton would be damaged by the testimony."} {"idx": "mnli-16262", "premise": "The dealer took the car back.", "hypothesis": "The car was not taken back by the dealer."} {"idx": "mnli-16263", "premise": "Throughout this time, the number of visitors has continued to grow, as has the volume of motor traffic.", "hypothesis": "Visitor numbers have continued growing throughout the time period."} {"idx": "mnli-16264", "premise": "Clearly something must be done. ", "hypothesis": "Something has to be done. "} {"idx": "mnli-16265", "premise": "Takachiho in central Kyushu, armed with the imperial mirror, sword, and jewel that Jimmu (Japan's first emperor) used on his conquest of the Yamato Plain near Nara.", "hypothesis": "Jimmu's old sword is lost to history."} {"idx": "mnli-16266", "premise": "3 percent annually; in 1990-93, its growth slowed down to a healthy 3.0 percent annually; and in 1993-97, it grew by 3.3 percent annually.", "hypothesis": "8 percent annually; in 1922-1923, its growth stopped."} {"idx": "mnli-16267", "premise": "Meanwhile, the New York Times Magazine offers a rosy portrait of California after the abolition of affirmative action.", "hypothesis": "The New York Times Magazine hates California in light of the abolition."} {"idx": "mnli-16268", "premise": "224 \"By the way, Julius,\" she remarked demurely, \"I haven't given you my answer yet.\"", "hypothesis": "She reconsidered Julius' proposal, and was ready to accept it."} {"idx": "mnli-16269", "premise": "yeah i imagine so well everybody it seems like everyone is so particular especially in the Dallas area there there's so much money and everyone can afford they have enough leisure time to afford a nice lawn and", "hypothesis": "I wish I had the money to landscape."} {"idx": "mnli-16270", "premise": "they just you know just kind of scoot it on another spot on the on the sink and and put the next plate down and and in a while get around to it and i think most women walk in and and and with oh got to clean all this up got to get this out and this in and this you know taken care of instead of having someone say now this needs to be done this is the time this needs to be done but", "hypothesis": "Most women just clean things up, rather than delegate the tasks to other people"} {"idx": "mnli-16271", "premise": "and as long as both were given you basically just don't read the kilometers per hour you just say well look read the miles per hour one the other one must be for someone else", "hypothesis": "You read kilometers per hour because there is no miles per hour. "} {"idx": "mnli-16272", "premise": "Tonic with the extract of an urban puddle, he said and Lola ran to the bathroom to test the efficiency of the 137th acne treatment of her life.", "hypothesis": "Lola got another acne treatment to improve her skin."} {"idx": "mnli-16273", "premise": "In response to comments, the Commission extended the compliance deadline for volume control from 1 year to 2 years and for HAC labelling of telephones by 6 months.", "hypothesis": "The deadline is staying the same at one year."} {"idx": "mnli-16274", "premise": "He swatted at it negligently.", "hypothesis": "He was careless to swat at it."} {"idx": "mnli-16275", "premise": "just camp out", "hypothesis": "Don't camp out."} {"idx": "mnli-16276", "premise": "she does it all now for about ten years and i don't even she complains to me about it she threatens me to give it back to me and i said i've been a happy man since i haven't fooled with that checkbook you know so i know it's a big pain to try to do that", "hypothesis": "I have always been the one in charge of our checkbook."} {"idx": "mnli-16277", "premise": "Inappropriate selection of this technique as real issue may not be specific problem.", "hypothesis": "This technique involves casting bones or dice to pick a location."} {"idx": "mnli-16278", "premise": "no i mean they had a nice stereo they listen to stereo they were into Michael Jackson", "hypothesis": "They had a nice stereo; they listened to Michael Jackson. "} {"idx": "mnli-16279", "premise": "wow do you have time to do that in your job", "hypothesis": "Do you have time to swim that much with your job?"} {"idx": "mnli-16280", "premise": "Unlike the earlier schemes, Ray's plan didn't exempt the wealthy whites in southeast Charlotte.", "hypothesis": "Ryan's schemes completely exempted wealthy white people. "} {"idx": "mnli-16281", "premise": "An example of targeted outreach is the posting of an advertisement for order-of-protection clinics in domestic violence shelters and family counseling agencies.", "hypothesis": "Posted advertisements are inexpensive but also minimally effective."} {"idx": "mnli-16282", "premise": "The finely arched front doors are often at the top of a sturdy staircase over the street-level cellar.", "hypothesis": "They used architectural principles when they built cellar front doors."} {"idx": "mnli-16283", "premise": "Barik roared again but caught nothing but air with his next blow.", "hypothesis": "Barik was outmatched and missed his opponent."} {"idx": "mnli-16284", "premise": "I don't know where Derry found the clothes.", "hypothesis": "I knew exactly where the clothes came from."} {"idx": "mnli-16285", "premise": "but they don't put salt on the roads down there then", "hypothesis": "They throw lots of salt down on the roads down there."} {"idx": "mnli-16286", "premise": "In summer it's overcrowded, but that's part of the fun.", "hypothesis": "There aren't many people around in summer time, so it's pretty boring."} {"idx": "mnli-16287", "premise": "The climax is the movie starring John Travolta.", "hypothesis": "John Travolta does not appear in the movie that spells a nadir for the film industry."} {"idx": "mnli-16288", "premise": "Screening for alcohol problems in emergency department patients with minor results and recommendations for practice and policy.", "hypothesis": "No screening policy exists for emergency patients."} {"idx": "mnli-16289", "premise": "i think it all depends on mental set more than sex", "hypothesis": "I think sex should be considered first."} {"idx": "mnli-16290", "premise": "Fill in the blank, for example, typically sparks the most responses.", "hypothesis": "Fill in the blanks don't elicit any responses at all."} {"idx": "mnli-16291", "premise": "Expeditions were organized to the best viewing points for the first spring cherry blossoms, and special pavilions were built to watch the rising of the full moon.", "hypothesis": "The pavilion was built purely as a monument to the king, with no functional use whatsoever."} {"idx": "mnli-16292", "premise": "Click to read a letter to the editor criticizing the original version.", "hypothesis": "All letters to the editor are critical."} {"idx": "mnli-16293", "premise": "Yes, sir. Tommy smoothed out the note thoughtfully.", "hypothesis": "The note was a doodle of Tommy riding a space ship."} {"idx": "mnli-16294", "premise": "Or is it?", "hypothesis": "It definitely isn't."} {"idx": "mnli-16295", "premise": "Other exhibits include gilded thrones studded with precious stones, a pair of solid gold candlesticks set with 666 diamonds (one for each verse of the Koran), and reliquaries containing the hand and part of the skull of John the Baptist.", "hypothesis": "The exhibits have many gilded objects as well as reliquaries."} {"idx": "mnli-16296", "premise": "and they're they're good they're they're i like news shows too like uh Sixty Minutes or Twenty Twenty", "hypothesis": "I like watching news shows such as Sixty Minutes or Twenty Twenty."} {"idx": "mnli-16297", "premise": "yeah uh well they say your metabolism slows with uh six percent with every ten years of your life or something like that", "hypothesis": "They say that your metabolism gets slower as you get older."} {"idx": "mnli-16298", "premise": "15 Twenty-seven years ago, our government made a pledge to help ensure that all persons have access to America's civil justice system by enacting legislation that created Legal Services Corporation.", "hypothesis": "Three hundred years ago, our government made a pledge to help ensure."} {"idx": "mnli-16299", "premise": "Even Moms Allen seems to be turning Californian.", "hypothesis": "Moms Allen seems to be becoming a Californian too."} {"idx": "mnli-16300", "premise": "I see. In spite of her laugh, Mary was looking thoughtful this morning. ", "hypothesis": "Mary did not look thoughtful this morning."} {"idx": "mnli-16301", "premise": "Some suggest that the law require employers to offer both a managed-care plan and an indemnity plan, as it did in the 1970s when HMOs were first created.", "hypothesis": "HMO stands for: Harry Married Owl."} {"idx": "mnli-16302", "premise": "A straight spine is something Evita did have that Madonna and most others now either lack or choose not to show off.", "hypothesis": "Evita's harsh political commentary was often lauded by fans."} {"idx": "mnli-16303", "premise": "It is possible to achieve better results at lower costs,", "hypothesis": "The lower costs were only available in some regions."} {"idx": "mnli-16304", "premise": "Missed our link to the sidebar recapping the Ravenswood case?", "hypothesis": "People who missed the sidebar can find information about it elsewhere."} {"idx": "mnli-16305", "premise": "You can find a sculpture of him in a position of prayer facing the statue of Adinath, in the second row of pillars, second pillar from the left.", "hypothesis": "You will find the sculpture of him in a standing position facing away from the statue of Adinath."} {"idx": "mnli-16306", "premise": "so they are are uh you know really putting it to the visitors and people got a little fed up with it and they suddenly and suddenly the the foundling fathers of uh of Florida found out that they were losing beaucoup bucks people were going elsewhere for uh their vacations", "hypothesis": "Florida didn't realize what was happening."} {"idx": "mnli-16307", "premise": "Her appearance presented a valiant attempt at smartness.", "hypothesis": "She was smartly dressed."} {"idx": "mnli-16308", "premise": "Some black female celebs (Dionne Warwick) shill for phone-psychic scams that exploit poor black women.", "hypothesis": "Phone psychic scams target black women."} {"idx": "mnli-16309", "premise": "Jon tested Adrin with a series of cuts.", "hypothesis": "Jon gave Adrin a test with a series of cuts."} {"idx": "mnli-16310", "premise": "Sheppard, Time ). Skeptics renew old attacks on sociobiology's all-encompassing view of human nature.", "hypothesis": "Skeptics bring out old attacks on the scientific field again."} {"idx": "mnli-16311", "premise": "He got up and hummed a little tune. ", "hypothesis": "He hummed as he got up."} {"idx": "mnli-16312", "premise": "The word aswan actually means trade or market in ancient Egyptian, signifying its most pre-eminent activity.", "hypothesis": "The town of Aswan is so old that it was named in ancient Egyptian language."} {"idx": "mnli-16313", "premise": "oh yeah that that to me yeah it'd be very hard to believe too", "hypothesis": "I find it difficult to believe as well."} {"idx": "mnli-16314", "premise": "your first ones you mean it was this way", "hypothesis": "This is the way it was."} {"idx": "mnli-16315", "premise": "The ancient port of the Pallava kings, a high point in any tour of south Indian monuments, is only 60 km (36 miles) south of Chennai, but stay there overnight, rather than making a day-trip from Chennai, if possible.", "hypothesis": "It's recommended to stay overnight at the ancient port of the Pallava kings which is a highlight of the south Indian monuments. "} {"idx": "mnli-16316", "premise": "You could interpret that as a story about well-meaning do-gooders who hurt the very people they're trying to help, but such an interpretation would be hard to defend.", "hypothesis": "The story was about people who were hurt intentionally."} {"idx": "mnli-16317", "premise": "that's that's a common feeling i i i empathize because um i well i'm real glad my husband knows something about cars but when i go in i feel really at a loss", "hypothesis": "My husband takes care of all the car stuff."} {"idx": "mnli-16318", "premise": "It is going toward final destruction.", "hypothesis": "The project is going nowhere."} {"idx": "mnli-16319", "premise": "Election slogans, insults, obscene drawings the tradition continued today is millennia old.", "hypothesis": "Everything in the election campaign is traditional."} {"idx": "mnli-16320", "premise": "What time are you supposed to return?\"", "hypothesis": "When will you be back?"} {"idx": "mnli-16321", "premise": "What had he said wrong? ", "hypothesis": "What did he get right?"} {"idx": "mnli-16322", "premise": "Wander through the refreshing greenery to the intersection of Agron, King David, and Mamilla streets, then climb the hill along King David Street past the modern Hebrew Union College.", "hypothesis": "The Agron, King David, and Mamilla streets do not cross each other."} {"idx": "mnli-16323", "premise": "(Here, again, Huntington conflates with other explanatory variables.)", "hypothesis": "Huntington has extensively studying this field of research."} {"idx": "mnli-16324", "premise": "what do you all have aspen you all have mostly aspen or", "hypothesis": "You all have aspen"} {"idx": "mnli-16325", "premise": "oh he wanted to take the current secondary highway system and", "hypothesis": "He always admired the highway system."} {"idx": "mnli-16326", "premise": "The SEC cites section 203A(c) of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C.", "hypothesis": "The SEC cites the Investment Advisers Act of 1955."} {"idx": "mnli-16327", "premise": "and uh for me that's uh mostly newspaper and radio i almost never watch television as a matter of course so i don't get news from television except during the war i watched a lot of CNN because it was so good", "hypothesis": "i only get my news from TV and i avoid reading the newspaper"} {"idx": "mnli-16328", "premise": "Concerts are frequently held here.", "hypothesis": "There are many concerts held here."} {"idx": "mnli-16329", "premise": "It now hangs on an electric cable to be hoisted above harm's way should another flood ever happen.", "hypothesis": "The last flood ruined all the cables."} {"idx": "mnli-16330", "premise": "A roof terrace offers panoramic views over the city skyline, and there is an excellent restaurant on the third floor.", "hypothesis": "The restaurant can be located in the basement."} {"idx": "mnli-16331", "premise": "But as a political strategy, Gore's position has an unbeaten record.", "hypothesis": "Gore's political stance has never been bested."} {"idx": "mnli-16332", "premise": "well your education's a lot what you make of it too so", "hypothesis": "Your education is what you make of it."} {"idx": "mnli-16333", "premise": "You have to have a sort of bluster.", "hypothesis": "You won't need a bluster for this."} {"idx": "mnli-16334", "premise": "yeah so that's a tough conference", "hypothesis": "It's a tough conference"} {"idx": "mnli-16335", "premise": "As the steward of taxpayer dollars, it is accountable for how its agencies and grantees spend those funds, and is responsible for safeguarding against improper payments-payments that should not have been made or that were made for incorrect amounts.", "hypothesis": "it is responsible for how its agencies spend taxpayer dollars."} {"idx": "mnli-16336", "premise": "yeah did you see Goodfellas", "hypothesis": "Did you see Blow?`"} {"idx": "mnli-16337", "premise": "uh no i started in nineteen fifty nine i", "hypothesis": "It was many years ago."} {"idx": "mnli-16338", "premise": "What'd' you think that there shield was packed with?", "hypothesis": "Their skirt was packed with something."} {"idx": "mnli-16339", "premise": "It is measured real GDP per worker --nothing more, nothing less.", "hypothesis": "The measurement is by the real GDP per worker."} {"idx": "mnli-16340", "premise": "And it makes an already litigious society more so, afflicting more and more people with onerous discovery, bottomless legal expenses, and grotesque but legal invasions of privacy.", "hypothesis": "Legal expenses account for a lot of bankruptcy. "} {"idx": "mnli-16341", "premise": "A few days later the king was dead, leaving a week-old baby girl to inherit the Scottish crown.", "hypothesis": "When the king was poisoned by a rival country, a week-old baby girl inherited the Scottish crown."} {"idx": "mnli-16342", "premise": "that's an excellent movie", "hypothesis": "That movie was awesome, I want to watch it again."} {"idx": "mnli-16343", "premise": "There are lots of enormous rocks, anyway, which in my experience tends to mean lots of enormous snakes.", "hypothesis": "There are big rocks, and therefore big snakes."} {"idx": "mnli-16344", "premise": "sounds sounds sort of like The Incredible Journey", "hypothesis": "The Incredible Journey is about an Incredible walk."} {"idx": "mnli-16345", "premise": "the and i i like that that's good fun reading", "hypothesis": "I hate reading so much."} {"idx": "mnli-16346", "premise": "The goal of the stewardship objective is that the Federal Government report on the broad outcomes of its actions.", "hypothesis": "The stewardship objective is meant to obscure governmental activities and results."} {"idx": "mnli-16347", "premise": "Undoubtedly he was in a tight place.", "hypothesis": "He was in a situation with very little wiggle room."} {"idx": "mnli-16348", "premise": "We do not fear the forces of nature as much as our species once did, because we understand those forces better.", "hypothesis": "Our species has grown to understand the forces of nature better."} {"idx": "mnli-16349", "premise": "Should power generators that do not emit air pollutants (e.g.", "hypothesis": "Generators that pollute the air "} {"idx": "mnli-16350", "premise": "Jon saw Vrenna hurl herself at the fifth rider, both short swords held across her chest and over her shoulders.", "hypothesis": "She was determined to take him down."} {"idx": "mnli-16351", "premise": "And that's what I told myself.", "hypothesis": "I said it to myself."} {"idx": "mnli-16352", "premise": "Comments filed electronically in relation to the HHS administrative simplification initiative were stored automatically in a database, and the comments were then publicly available via the initiative's web site.", "hypothesis": "The initiative's website published the comments which can be accessed by general public."} {"idx": "mnli-16353", "premise": "It tells us that Abraham made a covenant with God which called for his descendants to conquer many lands.", "hypothesis": "Abraham's descendants conquered God and his many lands. "} {"idx": "mnli-16354", "premise": "Tommy was equally afflicted.", "hypothesis": "Tommy was not feeling so great about it."} {"idx": "mnli-16355", "premise": "LSC's primary goals for the calendar year 2002 grants competition are to refine the Request for Proposal (RFP), simplify the applicant process for competing for LSC grants, and obtain applicant information essential to maintaining a quality legal services delivery system.", "hypothesis": "LSC's goals are to simplify the application process to make it available to all."} {"idx": "mnli-16356", "premise": "yeah i know what you mean i uh when i was in Dallas i was supervisor and i had uh four non exempts um under me", "hypothesis": "I haven't ever been a supervisor."} {"idx": "mnli-16357", "premise": "and at the end of the semester you go back in and your like your final exam is a three mile walk and if you walk it in this many minutes you get an A this many minutes you get a B", "hypothesis": "THere is no final exam."} {"idx": "mnli-16358", "premise": "I think I got all my gray hair in the two weeks after that, he said.", "hypothesis": "He got the grey hair from all the stress."} {"idx": "mnli-16359", "premise": "The F-22 program initially had taken steps to use statistical process control data during development and gain control of critical manufacturing processes by the full rate production decision.", "hypothesis": "At no point in the F-22 program were steps taken to look at any kind of statistical process control data."} {"idx": "mnli-16360", "premise": "no it's not this is uh about uh ten degrees cooler than usual but about a week ago we were up to eighty and eighty five degrees", "hypothesis": "It's about ten degrees warmer than normal and last week it was freezing. "} {"idx": "mnli-16361", "premise": "For example, users of financial reports are interested in a company's overall performance and outlook and, accordingly, would be interested in the effectiveness of internal control over the process that produces that data.", "hypothesis": "Financial report users are more interested than others in evaluating the internal controls."} {"idx": "mnli-16362", "premise": "In exactly the same way, Mrs. Inglethorp had laid down her cup of coffee on reaching her room the night before, and the treacherous table had played her the same trick. ", "hypothesis": "The tables in Mrs. Inglethorp's house are treacherous"} {"idx": "mnli-16363", "premise": "And they needed protection from the magicians.", "hypothesis": "Protection from the magicians was what they needed."} {"idx": "mnli-16364", "premise": "exactly so they got rid of that tax in a hurry", "hypothesis": "They got rid of that tax fast."} {"idx": "mnli-16365", "premise": "Emergency department interventions are consistent with the No Wrong Door to Treatment theme of the National Treatment Plan.", "hypothesis": "This policy has a poor success rate but it is politically expedient."} {"idx": "mnli-16366", "premise": "Dean Bridge carries the main road over the Water; it was designed and built by Thomas Telford, one of Scotland's greatest civil engineers.", "hypothesis": "While well designed originally, the bridge has fallen into disrepair. "} {"idx": "mnli-16367", "premise": "The square has a pretty flower market, and you know you're approaching the south of France when you see your first serious games of boules here.", "hypothesis": "There is a pretty flower market in the square. "} {"idx": "mnli-16368", "premise": "Built in 1729 to house the Irish Parliament, the striking Bank of Ireland building preserves the impressive chamber of the Irish House of Lords with its 18th-century tapestries, and coffered ceiling.", "hypothesis": "The Bank of Ireland is a normal bank with average lending procedures."} {"idx": "mnli-16369", "premise": "What is it? said the brown man.", "hypothesis": "The sad, tall brown man asked what the problem was. "} {"idx": "mnli-16370", "premise": "Monica moves to the Pentagon, but the relationship intermittently continues.", "hypothesis": "The relationship intermittently continues after Monica moved to the Pentagon."} {"idx": "mnli-16371", "premise": "Enjoyable cafe-bars in Havana include Cafe de Paris (Obispo and San Ignacio), Cafe O'Reilly (O'Reilly and San Ignacio), Montserrate (Avenida de Belgica and Obrapaa), and El Patio (Plaza de la Catedral).", "hypothesis": "Cafe de Paris is a cafe-bar in Havana."} {"idx": "mnli-16372", "premise": "A timely expenditure of tax revenues might just work wonders.", "hypothesis": "A timely expenditure might work wonders, but only for the elderly."} {"idx": "mnli-16373", "premise": "Anyone can make toys, apparently.", "hypothesis": "Not just anyone can craft a toy."} {"idx": "mnli-16374", "premise": "She pulled at it but the head was barbed.", "hypothesis": "She pushed on it gently."} {"idx": "mnli-16375", "premise": "We make no attempt to adjust for these increases.", "hypothesis": "We don't try to adjust for those changes."} {"idx": "mnli-16376", "premise": "just shouldn't be allowed to to even even live uh about the issue about sentencing by the judge", "hypothesis": "The issue about sentencing by the judge was corruption."} {"idx": "mnli-16377", "premise": "Miss Finn, he said, \"this is your cousin, Mr. Julius P.", "hypothesis": "Miss Finn was astonished that he had found her cousin, Julius."} {"idx": "mnli-16378", "premise": "i guess yeah yeah we have done that but but we camped mostly when the kids were little we were in we were in New Jersey", "hypothesis": "The kids enjoyed camping when we were in New Jersey."} {"idx": "mnli-16379", "premise": "I took a seat.", "hypothesis": "I sat down at the back of the bus. "} {"idx": "mnli-16380", "premise": "The wonderful mosaics and frescoes, dating from between 1310 and 1320 (contemporary with those of Giotto in Italy), are almost certainly the work of a single artist, now unknown.", "hypothesis": "We know the name of the artist who created the mosaics and frescoes."} {"idx": "mnli-16381", "premise": "The two towns were united in 1856.", "hypothesis": "It took decades of negotiation and conflict, but the towns were finally united."} {"idx": "mnli-16382", "premise": "Jon and Susan ate breakfast.", "hypothesis": "In addition to having breakfast, Jon and Susan also enjoyed large glasses of orange juice."} {"idx": "mnli-16383", "premise": "4) Except for the barcode discount, Periodicals rates are not based on shape or machinability.", "hypothesis": "Book rates vary "} {"idx": "mnli-16384", "premise": "To date, the program has identified about 260 different types of failures, such as main landing gear tires wearing out more quickly than planned, fasteners being damaged, and canopy delaminating.", "hypothesis": "The landing gear tires wear out twice as fast as planned."} {"idx": "mnli-16385", "premise": "The strange permeating influence of the unseen chief held it together.", "hypothesis": "The chief was able to restore peace for many years."} {"idx": "mnli-16386", "premise": "Leading Indicators : French or regular?", "hypothesis": "French or regular are not indicators."} {"idx": "mnli-16387", "premise": "Little horrible beasts with--with--I can't describe it.", "hypothesis": "Sweet, charming little creatures with adorable, little faces."} {"idx": "mnli-16388", "premise": "Reducing the formation of ground-level ozone, or smog, will bring healthier air to tens of millions of people, and reduce the number of ozone-related health problems such as respiratory infection, asthma attacks, and chronic lung damage.", "hypothesis": "Millions of people want to reduce the amount of ground-level ozone."} {"idx": "mnli-16389", "premise": "um i spent a lot of time with her when i was home uh she'd always be the one you know sitting on my lap or being close to me and the two guys would be off uh uh playing someplace but it seems like whenever i wanted to do something like go out for the kids and uh she'd always say well i want to go to my girlfriend's house or i want to stay home and do this or she had like little projects she was working on at home and things like that so i i kind of missed that um i my daughter especially uh being with her", "hypothesis": "She had little projects at home and at her girlfriends so she didn't want to do things with me and the two guys."} {"idx": "mnli-16390", "premise": "Northeast of the piazza, in the Palazzo dell'Accademia delle Scienze, is the Egyptian Museum (Museo Egizio), second in importance only to the one in Cairo.", "hypothesis": "The Egyptian museum in Italy is important after the one in Cairo. "} {"idx": "mnli-16391", "premise": "A bargain!", "hypothesis": "It is not a bargain."} {"idx": "mnli-16392", "premise": "These early European settlements were built without fortifications and comprised vast numbers of dwellings.", "hypothesis": "All of the buildings were fortified with armories and moats."} {"idx": "mnli-16393", "premise": "In any case, we need no protection.", "hypothesis": "We wan't protection very badly. "} {"idx": "mnli-16394", "premise": "Kelantan Kite Festival takes advantage of favorable winds to stage state-wide kite-flying contests .", "hypothesis": "The Kelantan Kite Festival is not possible without favorable winds."} {"idx": "mnli-16395", "premise": "'You were right.' I pushed into her flat without thinking- I'm allowed to do that.", "hypothesis": "I used my key to go into the apartment."} {"idx": "mnli-16396", "premise": "THE NATURE OF STEWARDSHIP REPORTING", "hypothesis": "there is stewardship reporting for nonprofits"} {"idx": "mnli-16397", "premise": "Ca'daan and Adrin watched the riders leave, heading north with fresh provisions.", "hypothesis": "Adrin say the riders carrying lots of food."} {"idx": "mnli-16398", "premise": "Its narthex is set at an angle to the main entrance (through a Renaissance porch).", "hypothesis": "The narthex and the main entrance are located next to each other."} {"idx": "mnli-16399", "premise": "In recognition of these tensions, LSC has worked diligently since 1995 to convey the expectations of the State Planning Initiative and to establish meaningful partnerships with stakeholders aimed at fostering a new symbiosis between the federal provider and recipients of legal services funding.", "hypothesis": "Meaningful partnerships with stakeholders is crucial."} {"idx": "mnli-16400", "premise": "As a result of the process, many states, including Maine, Connecticut, Colorado and Washington now have only a single LSC grantee, while Illinois and Texas have a mere three.", "hypothesis": "The process has caused many states to have only one LSC grantee."} {"idx": "mnli-16401", "premise": "yeah they they're not their prices aren't that terrific they they used to be but they've gotten they've got to pay for all that national advertising now", "hypothesis": "The prices are much better to me now."} {"idx": "mnli-16402", "premise": "Some force brought them together.", "hypothesis": "An unseen force brought them together in dispair."} {"idx": "mnli-16403", "premise": "Forbes : I'm an independent outsider.", "hypothesis": "The person is very outspoken"} {"idx": "mnli-16404", "premise": "Hari Raya Haji : Muslim families celebrate the return of pilgrims from their journey to Mecca.", "hypothesis": "Hari Raya Haji is a muslim holiday similar to Thanksgiving."} {"idx": "mnli-16405", "premise": "This involves a disjuncture between mouth and brain.", "hypothesis": "This involves a separation between the brain and mouth."} {"idx": "mnli-16406", "premise": "Festa de San Pedoa (29 June): Boisterous Christian tribute to Peter, the patron saint of fishermen, in Melaka, where the Portuguese community has its fishing boats blessed.", "hypothesis": "The Christians ignore Peter."} {"idx": "mnli-16407", "premise": "The Moors built a second wall, of which towers and remnants are still evident today.", "hypothesis": "Parts of the second wall built by the Moors are still visible today."} {"idx": "mnli-16408", "premise": "Resources, protocols and guidelines for conducting meaningful statewide needs assessment.", "hypothesis": "Resources protocol and guidelines are all good to go, no need for assessment."} {"idx": "mnli-16409", "premise": "The federal protections afforded to H-2A workers were intended to protect U.S. workers by eliminating incentives for employers to prefer H-2A workers over U.S. workers.", "hypothesis": "The federal protections given to H-2A workers were intended to encourage employers to prefer H-2A workers over US workers."} {"idx": "mnli-16410", "premise": "Almost double nominal increase in aggregate household telephones services expenditures from 1986 to 1994.", "hypothesis": "Aggregate household telephone service expenditures almost doubled their nominal increase."} {"idx": "mnli-16411", "premise": "that's right that's exactly right you get some kids in there and it's over quick", "hypothesis": "That's exactly correct and you get some children in there and it's finished quickly."} {"idx": "mnli-16412", "premise": "You obviously come from a culture of even more superstition than ignorance.", "hypothesis": "Your culture is ignorant. "} {"idx": "mnli-16413", "premise": "The initiated will appreciate the significance, others the mysterious atmosphere of its cream-colored gnomons (the uprights of sundials), quadrants, and sextants.", "hypothesis": "There's a lot to learn fro this environment, and many tools to study it with."} {"idx": "mnli-16414", "premise": "SCR systems are primarily made from steel, standard mechanical hardware, and catalyst.", "hypothesis": "SCR systems are primarily made from tree branches, lime and sawdust. "} {"idx": "mnli-16415", "premise": "uh i think that's pretty", "hypothesis": "I think that is ugly."} {"idx": "mnli-16416", "premise": "East of Marseilles lies an area of rugged, narrow inlets called calanques that are favorites of hikers, mountain climbers, scuba divers, cliff divers, yachters, swimmers, and bird-watchers.", "hypothesis": "The calanques east of Marseilles is a favorite area for sunbathers."} {"idx": "mnli-16417", "premise": "A sidebar attributes the decline to quality-of-life policing and a crime-tracking program called COMPSTAT.", "hypothesis": "The crime tracking program is a sidebar attribute."} {"idx": "mnli-16418", "premise": "The point is how the Press sees the public react.'", "hypothesis": "They carried on regardless to how the public reacted."} {"idx": "mnli-16419", "premise": "Nearby Ennoji boasts a remarkable group of sculptures representing Enma (the Lord of Hell) and his judges.", "hypothesis": "Nearby Ennoji has sculptures of Enma and other deities."} {"idx": "mnli-16420", "premise": "Perfectly. ", "hypothesis": "Full of errors."} {"idx": "mnli-16421", "premise": "he was really funny", "hypothesis": "He was funny, but I think it's only because he had a good crowd."} {"idx": "mnli-16422", "premise": "We'll have a look around this evening, anyway.", "hypothesis": "We're not going to look around this evening."} {"idx": "mnli-16423", "premise": "In imitation of Rembrandt's flayed ox on display at the Louvre, Soutine hung a carcass of beef in his studio.", "hypothesis": "To imitate Rembrandt, Soutine hung up a beef carcass."} {"idx": "mnli-16424", "premise": "Those curious enough to walk down the rural road to the seacoast will find pigs, goats, chickens, and children, but no likely looking landing place for a boat.", "hypothesis": "If you walk along the seacoast, you'll find all sorts of animals but not really any good places to land a boat."} {"idx": "mnli-16425", "premise": "uh-huh yeah that well that's true it's very cheap to make a slapstick movie", "hypothesis": "Slapstick movies are somewhat cheap to make."} {"idx": "mnli-16426", "premise": "Those papers were my trust.", "hypothesis": "You took my papers."} {"idx": "mnli-16427", "premise": "King Street is the heart of the downtown area and the main shopping street.", "hypothesis": "The King Street area is taxed at a higher rate than the rest of the country."} {"idx": "mnli-16428", "premise": "Imagine we now have been asked to examine in more detail what explains differences among states in missing returns, since cumulatively the effect is to make states look poorer than they actually would be if they collected revenues authorized by their own legislatures.", "hypothesis": "We will not examine any returns for any reason."} {"idx": "mnli-16429", "premise": "operator holds for use for the unit for that calendar year shall be liable for the payment of an excess emissions penalty, except where such emissions were authorized pursuant to section 110(f).", "hypothesis": "When excess emissions are authorized under section 110(f), the operator is not liable for a penalty payment."} {"idx": "mnli-16430", "premise": "And, instead of sitting there as dumb as a fish, let him banish his blushes, and tell us all about it.\"", "hypothesis": "\"Let him stop talking as we have heard more than enough about it.\""} {"idx": "mnli-16431", "premise": "Lakeside is just a five-minute walk from Keswick, via a footpath that leads along the shore line.", "hypothesis": "Keswick is accessible on foot from Lakeside."} {"idx": "mnli-16432", "premise": "Each chapter lists audit objectives, commonly expected documentation, detailed audit questions, and references to federal regulations and guidance.", "hypothesis": "In Corporate Tax 101 for Dummies, each chapter contains comprehensive information."} {"idx": "mnli-16433", "premise": "The little identifying cards psychologist Gordon sets beside each item display an impressive mastery of the manipulative arts.", "hypothesis": "Psychologist Gordon uses identifying cards for the displayed items."} {"idx": "mnli-16434", "premise": "and i just i just hate the emotional price a lot of the Vietnam people paid", "hypothesis": "I do not have empathy for the Vietnam people."} {"idx": "mnli-16435", "premise": "They got aroused to see someone like me torment and beat someone like her.", "hypothesis": "They tried to help her when she was being hurt,"} {"idx": "mnli-16436", "premise": "The people no longer obey us, since we have no food to give them.\" \"You're the only hope,\" Bork agreed.", "hypothesis": "The people are fanatically devoted to us because we still feed them."} {"idx": "mnli-16437", "premise": "yeah from what i've read most people in the United States do do some type of volunteer work at some time in their lives", "hypothesis": "From my understanding, the majority of people in the USA have volunteered at one time or another. "} {"idx": "mnli-16438", "premise": "i have a girlfriend who has one that her husband doesn't know she has now uh she must rent a p post office box or something or i mean she couldn't beat him to the mail every month i wouldn't think", "hypothesis": "My husband has one that he thinks I don't know bout but I get the mail every day. "} {"idx": "mnli-16439", "premise": "he oh he liked right if it tasted good yeah uh", "hypothesis": "He liked breakfast if it tasted good."} {"idx": "mnli-16440", "premise": "no no i go to the it's the Naval Postgraduate school out here", "hypothesis": "No I attend the Naval Postgraduate school"} {"idx": "mnli-16441", "premise": "Through its influence on real wages, labor productivity is the fundamental determinant of a nation's standard of living.", "hypothesis": "A nation's standard of living is affected by labor productivity."} {"idx": "mnli-16442", "premise": "right they just have a good time probably", "hypothesis": "Chances are they have a really bad time."} {"idx": "mnli-16443", "premise": "Reorganize monetary policy to confront the realities of a globalized money supply, both to achieve greater stability and open the way to greater growth.", "hypothesis": "They advocated for the money policies to be on a global level to bring stability."} {"idx": "mnli-16444", "premise": "The reality, though, is that this kind of stuff still happens all the time (even though eventually everyone does seem to get caught).", "hypothesis": "The truth is that this kind of stuff happens very often."} {"idx": "mnli-16445", "premise": "Safire notes that Steve and Cokie Roberts were there too, facts confirmed by the husband-and-wife team on CNN's Late Edition and This Week , respectively.", "hypothesis": "Steve and Cokie Roberts never go anywhere without eachother. "} {"idx": "mnli-16446", "premise": "But a post-election poll by the Wirthlin Group showed one in nine voters claimed the Internet influenced the way they voted.", "hypothesis": "A poll showed that almost 10% of people said the Internet influenced their vote."} {"idx": "mnli-16447", "premise": "A key measure of design stability was stakeholders' agreements that engineering drawings were complete and supported by testing and prototyping when necessary.", "hypothesis": "Engineering drawings should never be complete and supported by testing."} {"idx": "mnli-16448", "premise": "For example, iron and steelworkers who had been boilermakers in the past could move back into boilermaker work very quickly.", "hypothesis": "Boilermaker work in the past is completely different from today, so past experience has no advantage."} {"idx": "mnli-16449", "premise": "that's right our own hemisphere but we've that's been uh that's been the way it's always been", "hypothesis": "This is how things have always been."} {"idx": "mnli-16450", "premise": "yeah this is actually a duplex that we're in so and it's rented", "hypothesis": "We're in a duplex."} {"idx": "mnli-16451", "premise": "'That's your project.'", "hypothesis": "The project is not mine."} {"idx": "mnli-16452", "premise": "He is simply he.", "hypothesis": "Pronouns are sometimes difficult to follow, so he chooses to use the word 'he' out of simplicity."} {"idx": "mnli-16453", "premise": "As part of its first agencywide strategic planning effort, FEMA comprehensively reviewed its programs and structures and initiated a major reorganization in November 1993.", "hypothesis": "FEMA reviews its programs and reorganized them to be better."} {"idx": "mnli-16454", "premise": "No matter how fast we all run, someone must be behind.", "hypothesis": "We can all be in the same position if we run at the same speed."} {"idx": "mnli-16455", "premise": "Nor is it the result of the benign policies of national governments, which are as callous and corrupt as ever.", "hypothesis": "The benign policies of national governments, such as Canada are as corrupt as ever."} {"idx": "mnli-16456", "premise": "As discussed below, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) determined that this final rule was a significant regulatory action based on an annual economic impact of $100 million or more under Executive Order 12866 and submitted to the Office of Management and Budget the required regulatory impact analysis which contains an analysis of the costs and benefits of the rule.", "hypothesis": "The EPA determined the final rule was significant because the economic impact was more than $100 million."} {"idx": "mnli-16457", "premise": "I still think you might have given me a hint.", "hypothesis": "In retrospect, I'm of the opinion that you may have given me a clue."} {"idx": "mnli-16458", "premise": "At nearby Oriago, the Palladian style can be seen in Villa Gradenigo, and at Mira, in the 18th-century Villa Widmann.", "hypothesis": "Villa Widmann was built in August of 1859."} {"idx": "mnli-16459", "premise": "Others blame Republicans for muting substantive conservative issues such as education reform in a misguided wager that the Lewinsky scandal would bring conservative voters to the polls.", "hypothesis": "Others say Republicans tried to encourage discussion about some conservative issues."} {"idx": "mnli-16460", "premise": "The Broncos have invited their fans to join in, creating a stadium saluting in unison and marking the pinnacle of the football culture's fascistic tendencies.", "hypothesis": "The Broncos could not get their fans to join in the saluting."} {"idx": "mnli-16461", "premise": "Rising debt, in turn, raised interest costs to the budget, and the federal government increased debt held by the public to finance these interest payments.", "hypothesis": " Rising debt didn't raise interest costs to the budget,"} {"idx": "mnli-16462", "premise": "I will involve them in after-school programs, maternity group homes, prison fellowships, and drug treatment programs.", "hypothesis": "I don't think they should be involved in after-school programs or maternity group homes."} {"idx": "mnli-16463", "premise": "This is a common problem.", "hypothesis": "This is an uncommon issue we are facing."} {"idx": "mnli-16464", "premise": "George Deukmejian reporting that there are 2,000 gated communities in Los Angeles when there are, in fact, 100.", "hypothesis": "Deukemjian is a fool and a liar, and deserves to be strung by his balls."} {"idx": "mnli-16465", "premise": "Richard White is quoted as saying, I don't think we need to.", "hypothesis": "Richard White thinks we always need to."} {"idx": "mnli-16466", "premise": "This interactive journey through the history of the earth takes you back to the moment of the Big Bang. ", "hypothesis": "The Big Bang is shown on the interactive journey."} {"idx": "mnli-16467", "premise": "yeah it's it's made very c lear upon hiring", "hypothesis": "The dress code rules are given to you upon acceptance of the job offer."} {"idx": "mnli-16468", "premise": "well i did uh and i'm currently uh consulting now so i'm with this you know a smaller organization um so my benefits are", "hypothesis": "I decided not to work for the smaller group. "} {"idx": "mnli-16469", "premise": "oh i guess i i just you know i always i have always tried to sew and uh i didn't like the way it looked so i'd never wear anything but now i i really have bought some uh new sewing equipment i bought the Serger machine", "hypothesis": "I tried to sew a dress."} {"idx": "mnli-16470", "premise": "they're great okay", "hypothesis": "Yeah the teams great."} {"idx": "mnli-16471", "premise": "Green flames, appearing blue in San'doro's second sight, rose through the roofs and exploded out of the shuttered windows.", "hypothesis": "Green flames came through the windows of the house."} {"idx": "mnli-16472", "premise": "it's up to fifty five on the gold card it's eighty five for the Optima oh i'm sorry fifty fifty", "hypothesis": "It's not fifty five for the gold card, it's fifty fifty. "} {"idx": "mnli-16473", "premise": "Rome followed up defeat of the Carthaginians with large-scale massacres and enslavement of their Italian supporters.", "hypothesis": "Rome did not care for any of its supporters."} {"idx": "mnli-16474", "premise": "Osaka will win no urban beauty contests, but there are plenty of sights to see here, including a couple of interesting museums, a remarkable aquarium, and an underground shopping complex that might be the world's largest.", "hypothesis": "The underground shopping mall was paid for with tax dollars."} {"idx": "mnli-16475", "premise": "Commentators dismissed him as a pampered wimp who jerked around both the military and the taxpayer.", "hypothesis": "Commentators said he was a wimp."} {"idx": "mnli-16476", "premise": "But the most impressive structure is the medieval castle built atop Roman, Hellenistic, and more ancient settlements.", "hypothesis": "The medieval castle was constructed on top of ancient settlements."} {"idx": "mnli-16477", "premise": "(The wife doesn't want to go out or come to our house.)", "hypothesis": "The wife doesn't desire to leave or go to our house."} {"idx": "mnli-16478", "premise": "The walls' paintings have gone and water no longer flows in its indoor Nahr-i-Bihisht (River of Paradise), but mosaics made of mirrors ornament the ceiling and walls of six boudoirs, making a galaxy of stars when candle-lit (strike a match).", "hypothesis": "The River of Paradise is a must-see, the water still flows there today. "} {"idx": "mnli-16479", "premise": "These entertainments flourish, as does flamenco, a popular art form with spiritual callings, for both the purist and the tourist.", "hypothesis": "Flamenco is a very popular form of art that has spiritual leanings."} {"idx": "mnli-16480", "premise": "The grapes that qualify as Chianti Classico, distinguished by a coveted black rooster label, grow in the region between Florence and Siena, most of them along the ancient Via Chiantigiana, which is route S222.", "hypothesis": "The grapes that qualify as Chianti Classico are grown on the western coast of Japan exclusively."} {"idx": "mnli-16481", "premise": "Pistols? This seemed to interest Adrin.", "hypothesis": "Adrin was a collector of pistols."} {"idx": "mnli-16482", "premise": "The avatars of the new make huge sums of money, all the while pontificating about the efficiency and rationality of the market.", "hypothesis": "Huge sums of money are made by new athletes."} {"idx": "mnli-16483", "premise": "His two ramming rods were set, each ready to slide a fresh paper capsule into the guns in a mere moment.", "hypothesis": "He got his gun ready to fire on the crowd."} {"idx": "mnli-16484", "premise": "A test that uses a representative set of programs and", "hypothesis": "The test doesn't require using a representative set of programs."} {"idx": "mnli-16485", "premise": "Indeed, increasing returns have traditionally been used as arguments against free markets, for government intervention.", "hypothesis": "Increasing returns have been used as arguments against free markets. "} {"idx": "mnli-16486", "premise": "Social Security income for the highest fifth may be lower than for the previous fifth because, among other possible reasons, some elderly workers or their spouses may not yet be collecting benefits.", "hypothesis": "The highest fifth have social security income higher than the previous fifth."} {"idx": "mnli-16487", "premise": "A short time later, similar treaties were signed with Britain and Russia.", "hypothesis": "Similar treaties were signed with Russia and Britain, not long after."} {"idx": "mnli-16488", "premise": "The sheet was blank! ", "hypothesis": "The pen ran out of ink so I couldn't write anything on the sheet. "} {"idx": "mnli-16489", "premise": "holiday greeting cards, other cards, letters, and invitations).", "hypothesis": "Letters and invitations but not cards of any kind."} {"idx": "mnli-16490", "premise": "Chelimsky, Eleanor, and J. Dahmann.", "hypothesis": "Chelimsky is arguing with Eleanor."} {"idx": "mnli-16491", "premise": "In addition, saving can be invested abroad without lowering the global rate of return.", "hypothesis": "Saving can be invested locally, with some effects on global rate of return."} {"idx": "mnli-16492", "premise": "And there is much dispute over whether El Nieo will cause as much trouble as some allergists predict.", "hypothesis": "Some allergists are predicting El Nieo to cause trouble. "} {"idx": "mnli-16493", "premise": "i guess what makes me think of that you know uh you hear them doing that like it's a or like Amtrak you know if if they have a derailment or or transportation industry it seems like if there's accidents train accidents things like that they test and i think well why not because we do have some large industrial accidents sometimes", "hypothesis": "There are Amtrak derailments."} {"idx": "mnli-16494", "premise": "Judging from what Pez dispensers are fetching on eBay, he might just be right.", "hypothesis": "Looking at what Pez dispensers are selling for on eBay, there's a chance he could be right."} {"idx": "mnli-16495", "premise": "One of the men shouted but the man with the donkey didn't hear.", "hypothesis": "The other man heard the man making fun of the donkey."} {"idx": "mnli-16496", "premise": "While its facade is more sober than the exultant Baroque churches put up as the movement gained momentum, the interior glorifies the new militancy in gleaming bronze, gold, marble, and precious stones.", "hypothesis": "Its facade is far more gaudy than any Baroque church."} {"idx": "mnli-16497", "premise": "Rather than being technical experts specifically, their CIOs intuitively understand IT principles and trends and act as strategists, applying technology and approaches skillfully to help resolve or overcome daunting business challenges.", "hypothesis": "CIOs can address all IT issues."} {"idx": "mnli-16498", "premise": "uh-huh and i was never called that until i came here", "hypothesis": "I was called that even before I came here."} {"idx": "mnli-16499", "premise": "At once.\"", "hypothesis": "Over a long period of time."} {"idx": "mnli-16500", "premise": "But at least most of them did something important earlier in their careers--and probably something dangerous, to boot.", "hypothesis": "The writing career of Edward Melon flourished after he published the risky pieces on his personal blog. "} {"idx": "mnli-16501", "premise": "A variety of changes at the individual, system, and policy level will be needed to accomplish this goal.", "hypothesis": "10 changes and sign-offs from all the department heads will be necessary to reach the goal."} {"idx": "mnli-16502", "premise": "oh that'll that'll sound wonderful won't it", "hypothesis": "Sounds like nothing interesting, do you agree?"} {"idx": "mnli-16503", "premise": "According to officials who heard the tapes, King that night betrayed his wife, Coretta--not for the first or the last time--shouting, amid his most private activities, I'm fucking for God!", "hypothesis": "King spent his life being faithful to his wife, Coretta."} {"idx": "mnli-16504", "premise": "Nothing, he said.", "hypothesis": "He was upset and didn't want to say anything."} {"idx": "mnli-16505", "premise": "well uh you know the only person i've ever known that had a hole in one was my brother-in-law but uh and he he said he got his luckily so i don't know that's that's but i mean", "hypothesis": "My brother-in-law was the only one able to get a hole in one, he was so lucky. "} {"idx": "mnli-16506", "premise": "The report created a stir but was soon debunked when the scientist explained that he had merely fertilized an egg in vitro and then caused it to split, producing twins.", "hypothesis": "The report created a stir but was soon tossed aside when the scientist admitted that he had merely fertilized an egg in vitro and then caused it to split, producing twins."} {"idx": "mnli-16507", "premise": "Although ancient Alexandria sank into the sea, the city continued to flourish as a trading port.", "hypothesis": "Ancient Alexandria collapsed when it sank into the sea, killing all inhabitants."} {"idx": "mnli-16508", "premise": "(Contest Best punch line e-mailed to the Shopping Avenger will be rewarded by public mention in this space, plus a lifetime supply of Turtle Wax, if the Shopping Avenger can figure out what Turtle Wax is.)", "hypothesis": "The best punch line will be rewarded by mention and a lifetime supply of Turtle Wax the greatest ski wax on Earth."} {"idx": "mnli-16509", "premise": "so yeah i think so i mean i didn't want to rush school at her the whole time but", "hypothesis": "I didn't want to send her to school too early."} {"idx": "mnli-16510", "premise": "Although competition and efficiency are important, and may be the bottom line, the movement toward worksharing has been guided by other justifications as well.", "hypothesis": "The worksharing movement is not at all justified."} {"idx": "mnli-16511", "premise": "In Oregon, vote-by-mail took a decade to go from proposal to implementation because of skepticism by citizens and politicians.", "hypothesis": "All Oregon citizens were eager to have vote-by-mail implemented."} {"idx": "mnli-16512", "premise": "okay i can believe that uh-huh no i've well Wisconsin gets pretty bad sometimes too but uh probably not near as bad as New York uh i'm sure", "hypothesis": "Wisconsin weather is worse than New York."} {"idx": "mnli-16513", "premise": "After Henri's death, his widow, Catherine de M??dicis, took Chenonceau for herself and added the galleried floors of ballrooms and reception halls that complete the bridge across the river.", "hypothesis": "After Catherine de Medicis had control of Chenonceau, she introduced galleried floors of ballrooms and reception halls."} {"idx": "mnli-16514", "premise": "uh to one level down from assistant description", "hypothesis": "This is an invaluable position in terms of workplace proficiency."} {"idx": "mnli-16515", "premise": "um what's what's the uh consensus down there when when uh TI announced that uh the drug testing program did you get a lot of uh animosity against that", "hypothesis": "The drug testing program is very important for those who are suffering from dementia."} {"idx": "mnli-16516", "premise": "As he did, she gasped.", "hypothesis": "She was pretty calm about the whole thing."} {"idx": "mnli-16517", "premise": "Is that wrong?", "hypothesis": "Is that right?"} {"idx": "mnli-16518", "premise": "The issue did not take for Gore, but the exchange attracted the interest of Jim Pinkerton, the research director for the then flailing Bush campaign.", "hypothesis": "Jim Pinkerton was the research director for the Bush campaign."} {"idx": "mnli-16519", "premise": "The comparison came as no surprise to the architects, Italy's Renzo Piano and Britain's Richard Rogers, who deliberately left the building's service systems visible and color-coded.", "hypothesis": "The building's service systems were easily seen. "} {"idx": "mnli-16520", "premise": "The view is especially effective at night.", "hypothesis": "The view is especially effective at dawn."} {"idx": "mnli-16521", "premise": "formed yeah they're already right", "hypothesis": "They are correct. "} {"idx": "mnli-16522", "premise": "um-hum yeah but i can remember remember back growing up my mother i mean it was she always worked but it wasn't that easy for her to just take off", "hypothesis": "Growing up my mother had 3 jobs."} {"idx": "mnli-16523", "premise": "Nearby Abu Serga Church (St. Sergius) also claims this distinction.", "hypothesis": "Abu Serga Church is far away and not very similar."} {"idx": "mnli-16524", "premise": "The size of the mortality risk estimates from these epidemiological studies, the serious nature of the effect itself, and the high monetary value ascribed to prolonging life make mortality risk reduction the most important health endpoint quantified in this analysis.", "hypothesis": "The mortality risk decreases as you spend more money."} {"idx": "mnli-16525", "premise": "Also, there were the rats.", "hypothesis": "There were no critters."} {"idx": "mnli-16526", "premise": "Reiben (Burns) and Mellish want to blow him away, but the translator--who has almost never fired a gun--protests vigorously that such an act would be a war crime and that the German must be taken prisoner or freed.", "hypothesis": "Burns and Mellish have no fury in punishing germans"} {"idx": "mnli-16527", "premise": "A new thought drove her to the washstand.", "hypothesis": "She thought maybe she should go outside."} {"idx": "mnli-16528", "premise": "To see the first and oldest pyramid you must make an hour's journey south of Cairo to Saqqara and, following this, on to the ancient capital of Lower Egypt Memphis.", "hypothesis": "You must take an hour's journey to the south of Cairo and Saqqara, and then to the old capital of Lower Egypt in order to see the first and oldest pyramid."} {"idx": "mnli-16529", "premise": "A kind of dark suspicion smouldered in her eyes.", "hypothesis": "Her glaze was filled with suspicion."} {"idx": "mnli-16530", "premise": "A hotel court will probably be your best chance for a game of tennis, but it may not be possible to hire balls and racquets.", "hypothesis": "The best time for you to play that game of tennis is just before dark."} {"idx": "mnli-16531", "premise": "But with the conjunctions and signs failing, all such creations are returning to their original form, unless a spell is used continually over them.", "hypothesis": "With the spells weakening, such creatures are returning to their original form."} {"idx": "mnli-16532", "premise": "I have the head of a sieve. ", "hypothesis": "I broke my sieve."} {"idx": "mnli-16533", "premise": "Professed belief in some ridiculous half-man half-god who performs miracles and can be three and one at the same time and lives forever.", "hypothesis": "Some people believe in a half-man, half-god."} {"idx": "mnli-16534", "premise": "nice talking to you too Jim", "hypothesis": "Jim, talking to you is like talking to a brick wall!"} {"idx": "mnli-16535", "premise": "Got you a couple of blooded hosses an' a good heavy money belt.", "hypothesis": "He did not give him a money belt."} {"idx": "mnli-16536", "premise": "And young graduates are not leaving now multinational corporations and European Union investment mean there are plenty of opportunities for them at home.", "hypothesis": "There are zero opportunities for young graduates at home."} {"idx": "mnli-16537", "premise": "The essential piece of jewelry in India, however, is the bangle.", "hypothesis": "All the women in India wear bangles."} {"idx": "mnli-16538", "premise": "BLM implemented a balanced approach to manage its senior executive performance to focus attention and accountability on organizational priorities, make resource allocations, and minimize employee frustration.", "hypothesis": "BLM's implementation of a balanced approach to managing its senior executive performance was a huge success, and has been implemented by many other companies since."} {"idx": "mnli-16539", "premise": "Perhaps the better conceit than credibility is consistency . The consistent Israeli policy, for instance, of not giving concessions to terrorists is widely acknowledged to have stymied the once common hijackings and other acts of terror directed against Israel.", "hypothesis": "By not acceding to the demands of terrorists, Israel has suffered fewer hijackings."} {"idx": "mnli-16540", "premise": "A nurse's kit! ", "hypothesis": "Basic nurse's equipment!"} {"idx": "mnli-16541", "premise": "Soon the Kal's eyes too went out of focus.", "hypothesis": "Suddenly Kal could see clearly. "} {"idx": "mnli-16542", "premise": "yeah i'm a runner", "hypothesis": "I run. "} {"idx": "mnli-16543", "premise": "'I suppose I haven't technically lost it yet,' I babbled.", "hypothesis": "I balled that I hadn't lost it yet."} {"idx": "mnli-16544", "premise": "like credit cards oh no never thought of it that way either he's you know he's addicted to it at times", "hypothesis": "I think he might be addicted to using the credit cards. "} {"idx": "mnli-16545", "premise": "But contemporary women can have it both ways.", "hypothesis": "With today's society, the contemporary woman can have it their way."} {"idx": "mnli-16546", "premise": "sure but um yeah i'm not sure how much the water pollution is is directly related to the air pollution other than acid rain yeah", "hypothesis": "Water pollution is directly related to groundwater contamination."} {"idx": "mnli-16547", "premise": "The exact shape of the curve depends on the specific set of parameters used to benchmark the model, such as the proportion of fixed costs at a specific per capita volume.", "hypothesis": "Each graph is created from different parameters"} {"idx": "mnli-16548", "premise": "coming out of the TV that just doesn't make my day you know", "hypothesis": "I love picturing that."} {"idx": "mnli-16549", "premise": "On traditional QandA shows like Meet the Press , journalists must pretend that they are neutral observers who have no opinion about the subject at hand.", "hypothesis": "Unfortunately, shows like Meet the Press force journalists into a acting like neutral observers."} {"idx": "mnli-16550", "premise": "The silence of the place was dispiriting.", "hypothesis": "The place used to be busy."} {"idx": "mnli-16551", "premise": "Indeed, two of Naples' museums are among the most important in Europe, but they and the piazzas and monuments play second fiddle to the colorful street life.", "hypothesis": "In Naples, the largest draw for tourists are the museums."} {"idx": "mnli-16552", "premise": "so uh yeah and i don't know do you do anything special to make it interesting", "hypothesis": "It's obviously an interesting topic."} {"idx": "mnli-16553", "premise": "The self-guided Rock 'n' Stroll Trail around Dublin, which follows in the footsteps of Irish rock legends, will appeal to teenagers, as will the interactive displays and shows at IMHF (see page 92).", "hypothesis": "The Rock 'n' Stroll Train around Dublin follows the footsteps of innovators in the baby carriage industry."} {"idx": "mnli-16554", "premise": "It took days of prodding and an embarrassing conversation with his cousin, Baglead, to clarify what exactly had happened.", "hypothesis": "Baglead told him what happened immediately."} {"idx": "mnli-16555", "premise": "The headline over the NYT 's online version doesn't mention the homosexual angle, while the WP 's headline--FRANCE LEGALIZES GAY UNIONS--doesn't mention the heterosexual angle.", "hypothesis": "The WP headline mentions the homosexual angle."} {"idx": "mnli-16556", "premise": "When Ben found out he was married to the mother of his stepbrother, he insisted that the truth be revealed.", "hypothesis": "Ben found out he was married to the mother of his stepbrother, so he wanted everyone to lie. "} {"idx": "mnli-16557", "premise": "Avenida Arriaga ends at the Praca do Infante, where a statue of Prince Henry the Navigator (a copy of the one at Lagos in the Algarve) sits at the easternmost tip of Parque Santa Catarina (St. Catherine Park).", "hypothesis": "The park doesn't have a statue of Prince Henry the Navigator located in it."} {"idx": "mnli-16558", "premise": "Drew Rennie at four, at six, at twelve, at sixteen riding out at night with Castleman's Company, weaving a path south through enemy-occupied territory to join General Morgan few of those would-be cavalrymen over twenty-one.", "hypothesis": "Drew Rennie road with the Castleman's Company into enemy territory since he was a young boy."} {"idx": "mnli-16559", "premise": "I've always felt that if anyone was to run Mr. Brown to earth, Peel Edgerton would be the man.", "hypothesis": "Peel Edgerton never like Mr. Brown and was owed money by him."} {"idx": "mnli-16560", "premise": "If so, what information in the financial statements are they using to value stock?", "hypothesis": "What info is used from financial statements "} {"idx": "mnli-16561", "premise": "because they all look the same", "hypothesis": "due to it being difficult to tell them apart"} {"idx": "mnli-16562", "premise": "The tobacco settlement--Issue 3--is dead for now, says Gwen Ifill ( Washington Week in Review ). The Senate just isn't in a barter mood, which is what [legislation] requires, Ifill says.", "hypothesis": "Gwen Ifill ha an opinion about the tobacco settlement Issue 3."} {"idx": "mnli-16563", "premise": "He was still tingling inside himself at this confirmation of his earlier discovery.", "hypothesis": "He was excited that his earlier discovery had been confirmed."} {"idx": "mnli-16564", "premise": "I still don't understand why, if he's Mr. Brown, he rescued us.\"", "hypothesis": "Why would Mr. Brown rescue us?"} {"idx": "mnli-16565", "premise": "no i haven't i don't know if i've even heard of that one it must have uh what's his name in it", "hypothesis": "That must have had Sylvester Stallone in it."} {"idx": "mnli-16566", "premise": "Kirby stopped you, but next time that could lead to real trouble.\"", "hypothesis": "Kirby protected him and made sure that he didn't get in trouble."} {"idx": "mnli-16567", "premise": "Some anti-British extremists saw the Japanese as an Asian liberator.", "hypothesis": "The anti-British extremists were Japanese."} {"idx": "mnli-16568", "premise": "That was all.", "hypothesis": "This is done."} {"idx": "mnli-16569", "premise": "well i well i didn't know this program reached out that far", "hypothesis": "I did not know how far out the program reached."} {"idx": "mnli-16570", "premise": "It's not an extended seminar on theory.", "hypothesis": "It is an extended seminar on theory and wastes the time of attendees."} {"idx": "mnli-16571", "premise": "We have been advised by an official at INS that the Application for Asylum and Withholding of Removal Form (INS Form I-589", "hypothesis": "There is no form available to apply for asylum."} {"idx": "mnli-16572", "premise": "If this recommendation is too narrowly defined, we will encourage people to look at small things like training programs.", "hypothesis": "If recommendations are defined we don't encourage people to look at training programs"} {"idx": "mnli-16573", "premise": "(Mainstream conservatives sure aren't complaining about the WTO's power to penalize countries that fail to open their telecommunications to foreign investment.)", "hypothesis": "The conservatives have no complaints about the power of the WTO."} {"idx": "mnli-16574", "premise": "They have commanders who speak through the air to one another.", "hypothesis": "Their commanders speak through the air to one another."} {"idx": "mnli-16575", "premise": "um-hum well that's amazing how i used to when i was in college i used to have the stereo on all the time or i had on MTV or something but ever since i've been out of college", "hypothesis": "When I listened to music, I used to turn up the volume really loud so nobody could hear me singing along."} {"idx": "mnli-16576", "premise": "Surrounded by rounded fells rather than high mountains, the countryside here is restful rather than challenging, and the walking is easy.", "hypothesis": "The mountains are some of the smallest in the country."} {"idx": "mnli-16577", "premise": "and i was oh i was ever so impressed with the campus in fact it was a two day trip and between appointments i got a chance to walk around and see it", "hypothesis": "I was there for two days and I was impressed by the campus."} {"idx": "mnli-16578", "premise": "Participants believed that a lack of sufficient funding provides constraints in two areas that are vital to the SEC-staffing and technology.", "hypothesis": "Participants were selected at random."} {"idx": "mnli-16579", "premise": "The glossaries originally published with each statement have been codified in a single glossary.", "hypothesis": "It made sense to combine all the glossaries."} {"idx": "mnli-16580", "premise": "Questions or comments about GAO's Agency Protocols may be directed to Mr. Gene L. Dodaro, Chief Operating Officer, at (202) 512-5600 or via e-mail at AgencyProtocols@gao.gov.", "hypothesis": "Gene Dodaro is the CEO of GAO."} {"idx": "mnli-16581", "premise": "As Branch notes, King and the movement's established leaders sounded ponderous against Malcolm's avenging swagger.", "hypothesis": "King really liked the avenging character of Malcolm."} {"idx": "mnli-16582", "premise": "At the eastern end of Princes Street is Register House, completed in 1788 from a design by Robert Adam and built for the Scottish public records office.", "hypothesis": "The house is on the western end of Princes Street. "} {"idx": "mnli-16583", "premise": "(GSA/IRMS, A Guide for Acquiring Commercial Software, Jan.", "hypothesis": "This is the title of a book."} {"idx": "mnli-16584", "premise": "The convulsions were of a peculiar violence, Dr. ", "hypothesis": "They were violent convulsions. "} {"idx": "mnli-16585", "premise": "It was also suggested that the SEC needed to explore how it is using its enforcement powers, as civil penalties may ultimately be hurting shareholders more than those who have violated the securities laws.", "hypothesis": "Some think the SEC needed to try harder to make its rules clear."} {"idx": "mnli-16586", "premise": "maybe on smaller smaller scales", "hypothesis": "Possibly on bigger scales."} {"idx": "mnli-16587", "premise": "including the Social Security Administration, Small Business Administration, National", "hypothesis": "Individual Administration, Centralized Administration and Semi-Centralized Administration are also included in that."} {"idx": "mnli-16588", "premise": "The rule, promulgated by an independent regulatory agency, is not subject to title II of the act.", "hypothesis": "The rule is promoted by an independent regulatory agent."} {"idx": "mnli-16589", "premise": "Eat out on the tree-shaded terrace in summer.", "hypothesis": "There is no outdoor area."} {"idx": "mnli-16590", "premise": "Closer to town is Lion Rock, shaped like a lion lying in wait.", "hypothesis": "Closer to town is the Hippo Camp, an array of tents shaped like the famous African animal."} {"idx": "mnli-16591", "premise": "We identified the following Web sites during the course of our work, which may be useful to organizations as sources of additional information.", "hypothesis": "The sites are covered in banner ads and ask for donations every time a page is loaded."} {"idx": "mnli-16592", "premise": "what would it take about thirty hours or something like that thirty two thirty six", "hypothesis": "It would only take an hour or two."} {"idx": "mnli-16593", "premise": "The Administrator must make any recommendations to Congress no later than July 1, 2009 and may submit separate recommendations addressing sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, or mercury at any time after the study and the peer review have been completed.", "hypothesis": "The Administrator plans to submit just one recommendation addressing sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and mercury."} {"idx": "mnli-16594", "premise": "uh no not really My husband is but not i do uh the world a favor and i don't sing aloud to anybody but myself", "hypothesis": "I sing to every person that I meet every day. "} {"idx": "mnli-16595", "premise": "In November 1997, the LSC Board adopted its first Strategic Plan for FY 1998-2003.", "hypothesis": "The first strategic plan for FY 1998-2003 started in 1997."} {"idx": "mnli-16596", "premise": "oh this is kind of tough i don't too often watch you know shows that are on on a regular basis", "hypothesis": "I like to watch shows that only come out every few years."} {"idx": "mnli-16597", "premise": "The National Technology Assistance Project (NTAP) coordinated by the Legal Aid Society of Orange County will help grantees with management or technology issues arising from their grants.", "hypothesis": "Most grantees struggle with the technology issues related to their grants. "} {"idx": "mnli-16598", "premise": "I've even considered changing my political views for her.", "hypothesis": "She's got me considering switching up my political beliefs. "} {"idx": "mnli-16599", "premise": "Six hours ", "hypothesis": "It takes six hours to drive there."} {"idx": "mnli-16600", "premise": "A Newsweek columnist says that the case did not divide blacks and whites", "hypothesis": "There is a divide between blacks and whites."} {"idx": "mnli-16601", "premise": "than we are", "hypothesis": "We must."} {"idx": "mnli-16602", "premise": "and Marxist Leninist communism is a threat to the United States because um the whole nature of it is to control the world the the whole goal of the Marxist Leninist theology is world domination", "hypothesis": "Marxist Leninist theology is a peaceful philosophy."} {"idx": "mnli-16603", "premise": "it it i don't either i don't either i was i almost hung up because i thought well gosh i don't i don't really have an opinion except for no i think that's dumb", "hypothesis": "I didn't think I had an opinion, so I hung up."} {"idx": "mnli-16604", "premise": "The LeLoLai VIP initiative is a package of benefits that offers discounts at many attractions, and participating hotels, restaurants, and shops.", "hypothesis": "The initiative includes savings at many tourist attractions."} {"idx": "mnli-16605", "premise": "Breakfast?\" The girl nodded.", "hypothesis": "The girl scoffed at the idea of getting breakfast at this hour."} {"idx": "mnli-16606", "premise": "Today, alas, what comes to mind is a couple of bad baritones from the Red Army Chorus, drunk on antifreeze, trying to convince some Iraqi guy that their music stands are made of plutonium and worth a few bucks.", "hypothesis": "The choir members were not trying to sell their stands, but the Iraqi guy kept trying to take them."} {"idx": "mnli-16607", "premise": "Between 1789 and 1815 the chapel served variously as a flour warehouse, a clubhouse for high-ranking dandies, and finally as an archive for Bonaparte's Consulate.", "hypothesis": "The chapel was a flour warehouse because it was so dry and dark."} {"idx": "mnli-16608", "premise": "Jon's own off-hand dagger also shaped like a falcon, wings raised on each side of the sharp blade, sat comfortably in his left hand.", "hypothesis": "Jon's dagger had shiny eyes on the bird."} {"idx": "mnli-16609", "premise": "It is perfectly acceptable to have a meal composed entirely of meze.", "hypothesis": "It's not right to have a meal composed of meze."} {"idx": "mnli-16610", "premise": "Just before the building was struck by lightning.", "hypothesis": "Right before lightning struck the building."} {"idx": "mnli-16611", "premise": "i can't yeah i can't believe they beat Arkansas i thought Arkansas would go all the way to the finals", "hypothesis": "I knew for sure that they would beat Arkansas."} {"idx": "mnli-16612", "premise": "yeah well i don't know you're in Massachusetts i think the the market is a little bit different here", "hypothesis": "I know exactly how it is there."} {"idx": "mnli-16613", "premise": "White smoke ran in calm trails into the cool mountain sky.", "hypothesis": "Black smoke ran in violent trails into the warm mountain sky."} {"idx": "mnli-16614", "premise": "The woman smiled back.", "hypothesis": "The woman looked happy."} {"idx": "mnli-16615", "premise": "That prompted the state's two main legal services providers - Columbia Legal Services and Northwest Justice Project - to cut their staffs, Alexander said.", "hypothesis": "Recently, Columbia Legal Services has increased it's staff by 100%. "} {"idx": "mnli-16616", "premise": "I'd never seen this one before.", "hypothesis": "I have seen many things."} {"idx": "mnli-16617", "premise": "well they're already talking about freedom of choice you know for schools that's an idea", "hypothesis": "Freedom of choice is an idea for schools."} {"idx": "mnli-16618", "premise": "Constitution, statutes, and court decisions applicable to obtaining evidence in criminal and civil cases.", "hypothesis": "The constitution doesn't apply to evidence in criminal cases."} {"idx": "mnli-16619", "premise": "It is also a surprisingly attractive sadly, a relative rarity among Japan's bland, homogenous cities.", "hypothesis": "Most cities in Japan are the same thing."} {"idx": "mnli-16620", "premise": "At the western end of the Dordogne Valley, this is undoubtedly the most attractive of the Bordeaux wine villages, not least due to the golden-tinted stone of the medieval houses around its sleepy Place du March??.", "hypothesis": "This village is on the eastern end of the Dordogne Valley and not very pretty."} {"idx": "mnli-16621", "premise": "well i guess that's it for camping huh", "hypothesis": "I guess there's more for camping huh."} {"idx": "mnli-16622", "premise": "Poirot followed me down the narrow stairs. ", "hypothesis": "I felt cramped as I walked down the staircase."} {"idx": "mnli-16623", "premise": "Life changed vast tracts of land were given to Norman lords and Roman Catholic religious orders.", "hypothesis": "The land was given back to the commoners."} {"idx": "mnli-16624", "premise": "she got married i don't know did you ever know Gary", "hypothesis": "She was married."} {"idx": "mnli-16625", "premise": "the Taiwanese guy ...", "hypothesis": "The guy is Taiwanese."} {"idx": "mnli-16626", "premise": "Capernaum's most impressive ruins are those of a large and richly ornamented synagogue in the Roman style, built in the centuries after Jerusalem's destruction on the site of an earlier synagogue in which Jesus might have prayed.", "hypothesis": "The synagogue is in good condition."} {"idx": "mnli-16627", "premise": "but uh he didn't carry any ties or anything because he he just went over there with the that attitude well if i don't take it then they won't make me wear it because uh he just", "hypothesis": "He was eager to carry lots of ties, because he always wanted to wear neckties."} {"idx": "mnli-16628", "premise": "But nothing more happened, and people gradually returned home.", "hypothesis": "After the gold rush hype died down, people realized there was no reason to be there anymore."} {"idx": "mnli-16629", "premise": "A more compelling explanation is that Ellison wanted to write a second novel that would meet the standard of Invisible Man while being an entirely different kind of book.", "hypothesis": "Ellison was unaware of a novel titled Invisible Man."} {"idx": "mnli-16630", "premise": "Purchases shipped directly from the shop to a non-EU country are not subject to VAT (though you may incur import taxes).", "hypothesis": "Purchases shipped directly from the shop to an EU country are not subject to VAT."} {"idx": "mnli-16631", "premise": "Reich appears to have fabricated much of this episode for dramatic effect.", "hypothesis": "It's safe to say that Reich's fabrications had the intended effect on the viewers."} {"idx": "mnli-16632", "premise": "The church was built in the 17th century and rebuilt after being damaged during the Civil War.", "hypothesis": "During the Civil War, there was some damage to the church."} {"idx": "mnli-16633", "premise": "so now they're a year older and i my daughter's eleven going to be eleven this summer and my son will be nine and a half and so i'm not i think i can leave them home for a if i can work part of the day you know i'm going to leave them home right", "hypothesis": "I should be able to leave my kids at home if I work partial days."} {"idx": "mnli-16634", "premise": "Human-rights organizations roundly criticize the PA, citing the 14 prisoners who have been tortured to death in the last three years while in police custody.", "hypothesis": "There are 23 prisoners who were in police custody and wound up being tortured to death within the last 3 years. "} {"idx": "mnli-16635", "premise": "No, she replied with perfect truth.", "hypothesis": "She lied and replied with \"yes\"."} {"idx": "mnli-16636", "premise": "The extensiveness of the assessment is driven by", "hypothesis": "There are reasons to have varying levels of scrutiny in the assessment"} {"idx": "mnli-16637", "premise": "Holocaust Memorial Museum, which he and his wife, Addie, worked for years to bring into existence.", "hypothesis": "He and his wife, Addie, spent years working to make the Holocaust Memorial Museum a reality. "} {"idx": "mnli-16638", "premise": "yeah yeah ours is seven point seven five almost eight and it drives me crazy i'm thinking you know everybody is sitting here screaming about", "hypothesis": "Ours is zero it drives me crazy and everyone is complaining about it."} {"idx": "mnli-16639", "premise": "yeah yeah yeah that's true so i guess i oh i'm pretty encouraged i really am but then i'm a product of my generation i don't know i if i'd been born a hundred years ago and were looking at this time i might not like it but it sure seems nice to me", "hypothesis": "If I was born a hundred years ago I would be a completely different person."} {"idx": "mnli-16640", "premise": "The high quality of the seam on Milos ensured that the area remained popular with early travelers.", "hypothesis": "The seam on Milos was high quality and made sure the area was popular with travelers who wanted to trade."} {"idx": "mnli-16641", "premise": "The more he contrasts himself with the cool, schoolmarmish Inglis, the better.", "hypothesis": "He should really stop contrasting himself with Inglis."} {"idx": "mnli-16642", "premise": "'I do.' I remembered myself.", "hypothesis": "I didn't say anything."} {"idx": "mnli-16643", "premise": "The male chin grows during puberty in response to testosterone.", "hypothesis": "Not only does a males chin grow during puberty, facial hair emerges."} {"idx": "mnli-16644", "premise": "Placa Major holds a craft market every Friday and Saturday.", "hypothesis": "Placa Major just sells things in a huge mall."} {"idx": "mnli-16645", "premise": "The Logorrheic Dismissal.", "hypothesis": "That's not a good example of the Logorrheic Dismissal."} {"idx": "mnli-16646", "premise": "It stretches around bays and rocky inlets from Olbia in the east to the promontory of La Maddalena.", "hypothesis": "It reaches as far as Olbia and then ends suddenly."} {"idx": "mnli-16647", "premise": "and it was it it was brand new when i checked it out and of course it was beautiful and clean and smelled wonderful in there but", "hypothesis": "When it was brand new it was very ugly and dirty."} {"idx": "mnli-16648", "premise": "As Europe awakened from the Dark Ages, Toledo provided a key link in transmitting vital knowledge of Arabic science and Greek philosophy to the Western world.", "hypothesis": "Toledo transmitted vital knowledge to Europe after the Dark Ages."} {"idx": "mnli-16649", "premise": "This process would yield an estimate for cases that are funded exclusively with LSC resources.", "hypothesis": "The process wouldn't yield an estimate"} {"idx": "mnli-16650", "premise": "As discussed in section 1, disposable personal income is the after-tax personal income (including government transfer payments) available for households' consumption and saving.", "hypothesis": "Disposable income is what you have after taxes."} {"idx": "mnli-16651", "premise": "Jon figured that twenty to twenty five fell in the first charge.", "hypothesis": "Jon figured that twenty nine to fifty fell in the first charge."} {"idx": "mnli-16652", "premise": "It was not uncommon for seekers to be built, tested, and reworked seven or eight times before they were acceptable.", "hypothesis": "Seekers are always accepted without any testing."} {"idx": "mnli-16653", "premise": "But that one, he is like the Apache; he is not to be caught.\"", "hypothesis": "Like the Apache, he won't be caught."} {"idx": "mnli-16654", "premise": "In enacting the LSC Act, Congress declared the need to provide equal access to the nation's system of justice for individuals who seek redress of grievances and said attorneys providing legal assistance must have full freedom to protect the best interests of their clients in keeping with the Code of Professional Responsibility, the Canon of Ethics, and the high standards of the legal profession.", "hypothesis": "There is absolutly nothing required od lawyers and attorneys."} {"idx": "mnli-16655", "premise": "A couple of blocks north is the Convento de la Encarnaci??n (Convent of the Incarnation), on the plaza of the same name.", "hypothesis": "Many tourists come to visit the convent of the incarnation."} {"idx": "mnli-16656", "premise": "you guys have a good time keep those printers coming", "hypothesis": "You all have a good time at the bar!"} {"idx": "mnli-16657", "premise": "which it was drawn.", "hypothesis": "The page is blank."} {"idx": "mnli-16658", "premise": "That is, if she paused, knew a momentary longing to draw back, and then stuck to her guns bravely \"I can find some one rich enough to make it worth my while.", "hypothesis": "She was nervous but ended up saying it anyways."} {"idx": "mnli-16659", "premise": "The two bronzes were presented in the mid-17th century by the Dutch government, in gratitude for the special exemption that gave them exclusive trading privileges with Japan during the period of national seclusion.", "hypothesis": "The Dutch were one of many nationalities allowed to trade with Japan in the mid-1600s."} {"idx": "mnli-16660", "premise": "When bathing in the sea became popular at the end of the 18th century, wealthy families from Edinburgh began to spend days here taking the waters in state-of-the art bathing machines. ", "hypothesis": "There were tensions between locals who welcomed the increased tourism, and those who did not."} {"idx": "mnli-16661", "premise": "the quest for a new diagnostic instrument.", "hypothesis": "They gave up after looking for ten minutes."} {"idx": "mnli-16662", "premise": "A university's central security group had developed a database that served as a valuable management tool in monitoring problems, reassessing risks, and determining how to best use limited resources to address the most significant information security problems.", "hypothesis": "A database was established to best direct its resources."} {"idx": "mnli-16663", "premise": "It makes me home-sick.\"", "hypothesis": "It makes me have sentimental feelings about home."} {"idx": "mnli-16664", "premise": "Before the San Gabriel program was subsumed by Dudovitz's group, it offered to merge with the Legal Aid Society of Orange County.", "hypothesis": "The Legal Aid Society of Orange County nearly merged with the San Gabriel program."} {"idx": "mnli-16665", "premise": "Charles Geveden, D-Wickliffe, would double the portion of the fee that goes to Legal Aid -- in district court to $10 from $5 and in circuit court to $20 from $10.", "hypothesis": "We do not know what the past portion of the fee that goes to Legal Aid was."} {"idx": "mnli-16666", "premise": "You overrate my manly charms, murmured Tommy.", "hypothesis": "He lacked manly charms, because he didn't care to be manly at all."} {"idx": "mnli-16667", "premise": "MLS's calculated efforts have created a lovely league, one that preserves the intimacy that the NBA, et al.", "hypothesis": "MLS has worked hard to build a good league."} {"idx": "mnli-16668", "premise": "You Stevens shut your trap! Muller's roar brought silence.", "hypothesis": "Stevens was a talkative guy, and many couldn't stand him."} {"idx": "mnli-16669", "premise": "Instead, you're still leading with Jacob Weisberg on Clinton's African apology (Sorry Excuse) and Cullen Murphy's discourse on lying (The Lie of the Land).", "hypothesis": "Clinton gave an apology to Africa for our role in slavery."} {"idx": "mnli-16670", "premise": "As long as coverage is relatively high, carriers will have to cover their entire route.", "hypothesis": "If coverage is high, the rural carriers will have to cover their whole route."} {"idx": "mnli-16671", "premise": " Not all the slaves got up.", "hypothesis": "Some of the slaves did not get up."} {"idx": "mnli-16672", "premise": "Yet another best-of-century the 25 most influential artists.", "hypothesis": "A list of the 25 most influential dogs."} {"idx": "mnli-16673", "premise": "where's she at", "hypothesis": "She's in the room with us."} {"idx": "mnli-16674", "premise": "i have watched that yeah that's good", "hypothesis": "No, I've never heard of it."} {"idx": "mnli-16675", "premise": "Had they any clue, or 103 would the whole thing remain in the category of undiscovered crimes? ", "hypothesis": "They didn't think it would remain undiscovered, in fact they knew it would get uncovered."} {"idx": "mnli-16676", "premise": "Roughly 172 million people around the world will have Internet access in the year 2000, and by 2003 and that number is expected to double.", "hypothesis": "390 million peopel have internet access."} {"idx": "mnli-16677", "premise": "The profile directed the team's efforts so that they could develop a strategy to address the areas that needed the most attention.", "hypothesis": "The profile focused on what made the team was good at."} {"idx": "mnli-16678", "premise": "uh my wife has a sailboat so i wind up on the sailboat a lot in the summertime", "hypothesis": "my wife no longer has a sailboat, she sold it last year"} {"idx": "mnli-16679", "premise": "And the idea is a good one, yes.", "hypothesis": "The idea is bad."} {"idx": "mnli-16680", "premise": "You are wrong, sir, I beg your pardon.", "hypothesis": "The man is wrong. "} {"idx": "mnli-16681", "premise": "Jon had known many good fighters and he had trained very well, yet he never heard Thorn arrive.", "hypothesis": "Thorn is a superior fighter to Jon."} {"idx": "mnli-16682", "premise": "Two, three times that thar mule saved m' skin fur me.", "hypothesis": "That alligator has saved me a time or two. "} {"idx": "mnli-16683", "premise": "Arrow's goal was to eliminate such anomalies with a more sophisticated voting system.", "hypothesis": "Arrow is going to eliminate anomalies with a better voting system."} {"idx": "mnli-16684", "premise": "and uh you know this uh couldn't catch his breath even in his sleep and that turned me off of day cares", "hypothesis": "He couldn't catch his breath."} {"idx": "mnli-16685", "premise": "might form one pair", "hypothesis": "could form one pair"} {"idx": "mnli-16686", "premise": "Kindly answer my question. ", "hypothesis": "Please reply to me."} {"idx": "mnli-16687", "premise": "This Ricardian equivalence hypothesis holds that people are forward-looking and recognize that current government surpluses or deficits affect government debt and future tax rates.", "hypothesis": "Foresight of the people is assumed in the Ricardian equivalence hypothesis."} {"idx": "mnli-16688", "premise": "Lastly, some of the increased market value of households' stock holdings may stem from the use of businesses' retained earnings for investment, which is already reflected in NIPA saving and investment.", "hypothesis": "The market value increasing for household stocks might be linked to businesses spending their earnings rather than investing them."} {"idx": "mnli-16689", "premise": "oh it's that one that's about uh what an inch and a half wide got a bunch of groves in it", "hypothesis": "Yes, that's the one I was talking about and the one you should use."} {"idx": "mnli-16690", "premise": "'Trust me, Mr. White.", "hypothesis": "After being informed of the situation Mr. White had to be assured that everything would work out."} {"idx": "mnli-16691", "premise": "Such information may be provided on a need-to-know basis only to persons authorized by law or regulation to receive it.", "hypothesis": "The process to be legally authorized to receive this information, is a lengthy one."} {"idx": "mnli-16692", "premise": "What an awful place Piccadilly Circus is.", "hypothesis": "Piccadilly Circus seems like a nice place but she wasn't fond of it."} {"idx": "mnli-16693", "premise": "yep this is this is it actually kind a boring subject in credit cards", "hypothesis": "This is a fascinating credit card related topic."} {"idx": "mnli-16694", "premise": "By the eve of World War II, the population was more than one and a half million.", "hypothesis": "The population had grown to 11.5 million."} {"idx": "mnli-16695", "premise": "The SEC did not identify any other statutes or executive orders imposing requirements relevant to the rule.", "hypothesis": "The SEC didn't point to any other orders that had requirements for the rule other than the newest one."} {"idx": "mnli-16696", "premise": "a 1395ww(g)(1)(A) (providing for the payment of hospitals' capital costs under a prospective payment system established by the Secretary).", "hypothesis": "All costs are covered by the Secretary."} {"idx": "mnli-16697", "premise": "Finally, you can get an excellent view of the cityscape from the Cairo Tower (El-Borg), designed like a minaret, though it does stand significantly higher at 182 m (600 ft) above the city.", "hypothesis": "You can get an excellent view of the city from the Cairo Tower."} {"idx": "mnli-16698", "premise": "Now can we get some of that Korean steel for the new stadiums?", "hypothesis": "Can we get Korean steel for the new stadiums being built this year."} {"idx": "mnli-16699", "premise": "In late 2000 - eleven months after the adoption of Strategic Directions 2000-2005 - LSC issued its fourth program letter on state planning that set forth expectations for each justice community.", "hypothesis": "The LSC issued its fourth program letter in late 2000."} {"idx": "mnli-16700", "premise": "Weeks after cover stories in Rolling Stone and Spin , the newsweeklies catch up with the hit animated TV show South Park . Newsweek 's cover story argues that South Park successfully balances crudity (singing, dancing stool samples) with inspired lunacy and sweetness (naive 9-year-olds).", "hypothesis": "Rolling Stone and Spin openly praise South Park."} {"idx": "mnli-16701", "premise": "money that you can touch but it's tax deferred and yields a higher rate in general than what we can get in CD's and gets life it's a it's a term life policy also", "hypothesis": "It's tax deferred, so you cannot touch it and it's a loss."} {"idx": "mnli-16702", "premise": "Pebereta talladeta started life as a stew composed of potatoes, pepper, and tunny fish gills, but today, thick tunny steaks are often the main ingredient.", "hypothesis": "Pebereta talladeta is an acquired taste."} {"idx": "mnli-16703", "premise": "British poet Rupert Brooke is buried at Tris Boukes, a bay in the far south.", "hypothesis": "Brooke has actually asked for his remains to be buried elsewhere."} {"idx": "mnli-16704", "premise": "You told it to me just a few weeks ago.", "hypothesis": "You just told me that yesteray."} {"idx": "mnli-16705", "premise": "They are said to be some of the finest prehistoric cave drawings ever discovered.", "hypothesis": "Near the cave drawings were also found a wide variety of jars and other artifacts."} {"idx": "mnli-16706", "premise": "On the other hand, if a postal service is above breakeven, its routes will be even more profitable and hence, more attractive to cream skimmers.", "hypothesis": "If a postal service is a love breakeven, its routes will lose profits and look bad. "} {"idx": "mnli-16707", "premise": "They must have been that way since the moment of creation.", "hypothesis": "There's little reason to believe this has ever changed. "} {"idx": "mnli-16708", "premise": "Both operational and structural aspects of the CIOas environment can vary significantly in the federal sector versus the private sector.", "hypothesis": "Federal CIO environments operate under different laws than private CIO environments."} {"idx": "mnli-16709", "premise": "His camera sweeps and then stops to probe--it fixes on an object and holds it up for scrutiny--and then goes back to sweeping.", "hypothesis": "His camera moved and then stopped."} {"idx": "mnli-16710", "premise": "Converted from one of the city's fine Edwardian homes, the Four Seasons is less than five minutes' walk from New Kingston, behind secure walls in grounds embellished with a wide selection of tropical fruit trees.", "hypothesis": "The city's former mayor lived at the property before its conversion into a hotel."} {"idx": "mnli-16711", "premise": "Argentine President Carlos Sael Menem, drive down East 88 th Street holding a can of Bud.", "hypothesis": "President Carlos Sael Menem held a can of Bud as he was going down East 88th Street."} {"idx": "mnli-16712", "premise": "Collection of mercury is somewhat more efficient when a FF is used for particle collection because of the higher gas-sorbent contact in the filter cake.", "hypothesis": "There are many ways to collect mercury."} {"idx": "mnli-16713", "premise": "A creative mix of international and local cuisine that includes a good vegetarian selection.", "hypothesis": "They only do international food."} {"idx": "mnli-16714", "premise": "I don't know. ", "hypothesis": "I am in no position to answer that."} {"idx": "mnli-16715", "premise": "but i don't remember i don't remember if it was Raleigh and Saint Augustine or or what but i do remember they had used a blend", "hypothesis": "I remember the name, but I'm not sure of what they had used."} {"idx": "mnli-16716", "premise": "The climb is worth making, if only for the view, the trees, and a cool, rushing stream.", "hypothesis": "There is a stream that can be reached by climbing."} {"idx": "mnli-16717", "premise": "From a stock of Mongolian, Chinese, Korean, and perhaps also Malay settlers, the country has had several thousand years to develop a solidly unified ethnicity.", "hypothesis": "Japan was originally made from several different ethnic groups but is now unified."} {"idx": "mnli-16718", "premise": "When I went to shut up, sir. ", "hypothesis": "When I went to be quiet."} {"idx": "mnli-16719", "premise": "In 1576 Pope Gregory XIII created the Macau diocese, covering all of China and Japan.", "hypothesis": "Pope Gregory XIII created the Macau diocese after discussions with the church."} {"idx": "mnli-16720", "premise": "With a couple of bikes on board, you can always explore the countryside as you travel.", "hypothesis": "You can explore the countryside by rowboat. "} {"idx": "mnli-16721", "premise": "She wore tattered tan robes and her hood protected her from the sun above.", "hypothesis": "She was exposed to the sun."} {"idx": "mnli-16722", "premise": "How's that for the bare outline?\" 118 Dr. Hall looked at Julius.", "hypothesis": "What do you think about the bare trace? Dr. Hall eyed Julius."} {"idx": "mnli-16723", "premise": "Perhaps he could devise some plan for finding out what had become of Tommy.", "hypothesis": "He was concerned that Tommy had been kidnapped into slavery. "} {"idx": "mnli-16724", "premise": "The current body of scientific knowledge does not provide information regarding atmospheric concentrations of CO2 or reduction levels necessary to prevent dangerous interference with the climate system.", "hypothesis": "If this information was available it could lead to greater scientific advancements."} {"idx": "mnli-16725", "premise": "It is time to consolidate and simplify to achieve our clean air goals.", "hypothesis": "Clean air goals are dumb and shouldn't exist."} {"idx": "mnli-16726", "premise": "like you say jazz or classical to the children to to give them some exposure to different kinds of music and i think that's really good because they're learning to like all different kinds and", "hypothesis": "It is important to education children on the many genres of music out there."} {"idx": "mnli-16727", "premise": "For example, in a basic research study of 40 low-income women, Belle and her colleagues lived for many months among them as observers, confidantes, and friends, listening to what they said and noting what they did.", "hypothesis": "Belle studied high-income women up close."} {"idx": "mnli-16728", "premise": "yeah they end up yeah yeah you end up getting the same degree and it's it's uh uh now i i think that that what happens is the prestige you you can't you you can't sell that too much", "hypothesis": "The prestige can be an important factor."} {"idx": "mnli-16729", "premise": "and a lot more games right", "hypothesis": "There aren't going to be too many games after this."} {"idx": "mnli-16730", "premise": "yeah yeah yep i'm still here", "hypothesis": "I'm still here."} {"idx": "mnli-16731", "premise": "The Anna Livia Fountain (nicknamed the Floozie in the Jacuzzi ) was unveiled in 1988 as part of Dublin's millennial celebrations; it refers to James Joyce's personification of the Liffey in Finnegan's Wake, and across the way, in Earl Street, his statue by Marjorie Fitzgibbon jauntily regards it.", "hypothesis": "The fountain is 500 years old."} {"idx": "mnli-16732", "premise": "An idiosyncrasy of genius.", "hypothesis": "A quirk of extreme intellect. "} {"idx": "mnli-16733", "premise": "Savor the French Riviera-style a tmosphere of Marina Port La Royale, Marigot's chic shop-and-dine center on the lagoon side.", "hypothesis": "Marina Port La Royale mirrors the atmosphere of the French Riviera."} {"idx": "mnli-16734", "premise": "Every time I renew my passport--content provider, I put that right in.", "hypothesis": "The passport renewal application doesn't have leniency for my position."} {"idx": "mnli-16735", "premise": "Jon saw it through the big man's eyes.", "hypothesis": "Jon could see it in the other man's eyeballs. "} {"idx": "mnli-16736", "premise": "Finally, AMIGA can provide an estimate of the consequent impact on the economy including key indicators as consumption, investment, government spending, GDP, and employment (Hanson, 1999).", "hypothesis": "Employment was not impacted."} {"idx": "mnli-16737", "premise": "The entrance to the mosque is through a door at the east wall above the temple complex.", "hypothesis": "The mosque can be entered through a door on the east wall."} {"idx": "mnli-16738", "premise": "i i liked Atlanta too i have a sister-in-law that lives in Atlanta", "hypothesis": "My brother lives in Orlando."} {"idx": "mnli-16739", "premise": "and there right outside the that place where the garbage can is we have the bag for the newspapers and now we've got the bag for the plastic bags", "hypothesis": "We had a bag for newspapers before."} {"idx": "mnli-16740", "premise": "MULTI-USE HERITAGE ASSETS", "hypothesis": "Some heritage assets are multi-use for small businesses."} {"idx": "mnli-16741", "premise": "For, if the case against him is true, how could he defend himself except by silence?", "hypothesis": "How could anything but silence be used to defend himself if the case was true?"} {"idx": "mnli-16742", "premise": "5 million in contributions because they may have come illegally from foreigners.", "hypothesis": "Contributions worth 10 million are suspected to be illegal."} {"idx": "mnli-16743", "premise": "Key to Vince McMahon, WWF president, has made himself part of the storyline.", "hypothesis": "The WWF was never successful when McMahon became part of his shows. "} {"idx": "mnli-16744", "premise": "It would seem on first glance that the gain from having the mailer do the work is only 0.2a.", "hypothesis": "The mailer doing the work will only gain 0.2a."} {"idx": "mnli-16745", "premise": "Wearing a towel and bath-clogs, you will be shown to the steamy marble washroom, where buckets of hot water will be poured over you before an attendant sets to work with a coarse glove, removing dirt and dead skin and leaving you pink and glowing.", "hypothesis": "You will enjoy having your whole body scrubbed by the attendant."} {"idx": "mnli-16746", "premise": "That is, the purpose of case studies is said by some researchers to be to generate hypotheses rather than to test or confirm them.", "hypothesis": "The purpose of the case study, by the reckoning of some researchers, is to confirm the hypothesis."} {"idx": "mnli-16747", "premise": "According to the group's manager, because of the shift in the central group's responsibilities, the members of the group had to change their mind-set from a staff organization to a service organization.", "hypothesis": "Long meetings were conducting during and outside of business hours to ensure a smooth transition."} {"idx": "mnli-16748", "premise": "oh uh-huh well uh i bought a motor home here four four years ago and i have been living in it ever since and i'm looking forward to just traveling", "hypothesis": "I plan to travel in my motor-home for months on end."} {"idx": "mnli-16749", "premise": "Most shops are open seven days a week.", "hypothesis": "These shops are open just a few days a week. "} {"idx": "mnli-16750", "premise": "Attorneys have filed charges against several key players associated with some of the recent integrity and accountability failures; the New York State Attorney General and the SEC are taking steps to address certain conflicts within the investment banking community, and the GAO has taken a number of steps as discussed below.", "hypothesis": "Attorneys have filed charges against several normal, rational human beings"} {"idx": "mnli-16751", "premise": "oh well that's good because i know they've been really expensive lately because they weren't in season of course they had to be be uh grown in greenhouses and stuff and in", "hypothesis": "They've gotten expensive lately because they are not in season."} {"idx": "mnli-16752", "premise": "and one had been broken off", "hypothesis": "One broke off because of wind damage."} {"idx": "mnli-16753", "premise": "yeah that's how it works", "hypothesis": "Yes, it works like this."} {"idx": "mnli-16754", "premise": "well we've got to talk so it's just just as well we argue", "hypothesis": "We talked but we argue just as well."} {"idx": "mnli-16755", "premise": "good case study should know how the data were collected and, step by step, how they were analyzed.", "hypothesis": "Data collection and analysis methods should be explained."} {"idx": "mnli-16756", "premise": "You will not speak?", "hypothesis": "Will you not speak up on this issue?"} {"idx": "mnli-16757", "premise": "The warrior woman turned and looked away.", "hypothesis": "The woman turned and looked in another direction."} {"idx": "mnli-16758", "premise": "But when it comes to the reality of the archaeological sites, nothing prepares you for their beauty, scale, and magnificence.", "hypothesis": "The archaeological sites are covered in moss and greenery."} {"idx": "mnli-16759", "premise": "It's dangerous to know too much!\" She leaned forward across the table.", "hypothesis": "Knowledge, in this situation, can be dangerous to outsiders. "} {"idx": "mnli-16760", "premise": "For some easy hiking, stop off at the lower station of Plan de l'Aiguille (2,310 m/7,580 ft).", "hypothesis": "The Plan de l'Aiguille offers easy hiking for newcomers."} {"idx": "mnli-16761", "premise": "yes it really is", "hypothesis": "I agree!"} {"idx": "mnli-16762", "premise": "He wasn't surprised.", "hypothesis": "The last thing he was is surprised."} {"idx": "mnli-16763", "premise": "exempt or nonexempt", "hypothesis": "That's always exempt."} {"idx": "mnli-16764", "premise": "Commissions study and recommend, the President proposes and the Congress disposes---as it sees fit!", "hypothesis": "The president has the authority to usurp congress. "} {"idx": "mnli-16765", "premise": "The 1972 ABM Treaty permits the United States and Russia to deploy 100 interceptors to defend either a missile field or the national capital.", "hypothesis": "Interceptors are missiles that lock on to other missiles and blow them up."} {"idx": "mnli-16766", "premise": "personal computers are are nice i guess if you can afford them the the problem if you happen to use one at work is you tend to get spoiled with the uh maybe a higher grade one maybe the the economics and the payback of having one at a business is a little bit better than having one at home and i've read a few articles that uh where people have nice uh three eighty six machines and nice graphics and the nice software packages and then when they come home they they just can't stand to come down to the X T level and and don't like the the slowness or the in some cases not even having a hard drive and that's pretty much where i fall into i use a a relatively nice array of machines at work for scientific purposes and i have a variety of of uh speeds and complexity of machines depending upon the instrument that it's controlling and then i have one that i do just general purpose work on and then for the house i don't have anything uh not that i wouldn't want one but i would probably not be satisfied with anything less than a really nice one and that's that's a quite an expense and then all the software tends to be uh", "hypothesis": "PCs are so cheap everyone should have one."} {"idx": "mnli-16767", "premise": "The hubbub of New Orleans was too much for them and they settled into the surrounding countryside.", "hypothesis": "They settled in the countryside and they evicted all the locals."} {"idx": "mnli-16768", "premise": "That week, however, he didn't have the suture he needed to sew in the valves.", "hypothesis": "He did not have his valves sewn that week. "} {"idx": "mnli-16769", "premise": " The best place is Phoenix Park, where you can also relax and watch sports, especially on weekends.", "hypothesis": "On weekends, there are a lot of matches in Phoenix Park, usually between amateurs who have free time to hang out."} {"idx": "mnli-16770", "premise": "SCR catalyst manufacturing is almost entirely dedicated to power generating applications.", "hypothesis": "SCR catalyst manufacturing is almost solely for automobile generating applications."} {"idx": "mnli-16771", "premise": "Is that right?\"", "hypothesis": "Is this correct?"} {"idx": "mnli-16772", "premise": "Choices about whether to invest, for example, in the stock market or in less risky, lower-yielding assets such as a bank saving account also make a difference.", "hypothesis": "Investment choices make a difference."} {"idx": "mnli-16773", "premise": "Keys to tech nearby research institutions, an educated talent pool, free-flowing venture capital, and that Valley-style, go-for-broke, entrepreneurial spirit.", "hypothesis": "Far away research institutions, an uneducated population, and a lack of venture capital were key."} {"idx": "mnli-16774", "premise": "hope you enjoy some more good movies lately", "hypothesis": "Hope you have seen some comedy recently."} {"idx": "mnli-16775", "premise": "Standardization, they said, could decrease the agencies' ability to tailor regulatory approaches and inhibit further agency innovation by freezing into place the particular practices that have been developed so far.", "hypothesis": "Standardization could decrease the agencies' liabilties"} {"idx": "mnli-16776", "premise": "Alabaster and Carving skills have been passed down through the centuries, particularly in villages near the Valley of the Kings and around the marble quarries at Aswan.", "hypothesis": "Especially in villages near the Valley of the Kings and Aswan's marble quarries, alabaster and carving skills have been passed down over hundreds of years."} {"idx": "mnli-16777", "premise": "Low levels of funding and the absence of state, regional and national poverty training materials and teachers can diminish opportunities for staff education on substantive poverty law issues.", "hypothesis": "Staff are not often educated on poverty law issues."} {"idx": "mnli-16778", "premise": "That's the question of your many valuable and important books.", "hypothesis": "Books don't stop to ask any major questions, just let the reader figure it out."} {"idx": "mnli-16779", "premise": "Bourbon Madrid is best symbolized by the handsome Paseo del Prado and Parque del Buen Retiro, once the royal family's private park and hunting grounds.", "hypothesis": "Bourbon Madrid isn't symbolized at all by the royal family's former private park and hunting grounds."} {"idx": "mnli-16780", "premise": "Tyndale has probably succeeded beyond his Today, any Farm Belt inhabitant picked at random surely knows more of Scripture than any randomly picked inhabitant of an American university town.", "hypothesis": "Tyndale thought educated people were evil, so he focused on those he could save in the Farm Belt regions. "} {"idx": "mnli-16781", "premise": " After the death of Franco in 1975, King Juan Carlos I restored democracy to Spain.", "hypothesis": "Without Franco's death, Spain would've remained a dictatorship."} {"idx": "mnli-16782", "premise": "Retirement of debt securities prior to maturity (586)", "hypothesis": "Retirement of debt securities before they mature. "} {"idx": "mnli-16783", "premise": "Twenty weeks? Mieczyslaw couldn't believe it, and his brown eyes got so big the room went half-dark.", "hypothesis": "Mieczyslaw didn't think he would be able to wait for twenty weeks."} {"idx": "mnli-16784", "premise": " Environmental Protection Addition of Facilities in Certain Industry Sectors", "hypothesis": "Environmental Protection Addition of Facilities in Certain Industry Sectors"} {"idx": "mnli-16785", "premise": "Able to feel pain and hear doctors (who sometimes ridicule the unconscious patient), awareness victims remain unable to speak or move for the duration of the surgery.", "hypothesis": "During the surgery, patients are aware but unable to move and speak."} {"idx": "mnli-16786", "premise": "Behind the distant ticker-tape parade, the sun was setting.", "hypothesis": "Night was drawing near as the ticker-tape parade continued."} {"idx": "mnli-16787", "premise": "Destroy the machine!", "hypothesis": "The machine must go!"} {"idx": "mnli-16788", "premise": "Spend a little time exploring these villages for a glimpse of a lifestyle that will soon disappear as the younger generation turns its back on a rural way of life.", "hypothesis": "Spending time in these villages will allow you to see a way of life that is being abandoned by the younger generation. "} {"idx": "mnli-16789", "premise": "Thirty-five years later, in 1975, the caudillo (strongman) was buried beneath a simple stone slab in the monumental church of the Valley of the Fallen.", "hypothesis": "The Valley of the Fallen is a beautiful church."} {"idx": "mnli-16790", "premise": "For a case study methodologist and for GAO, if proper care is taken, this should not be a problem.", "hypothesis": "Most case study methodologists do not take proper care."} {"idx": "mnli-16791", "premise": "The Gupta empire began to crumble in the fifth century, with the onslaught of the so-called White Huns.", "hypothesis": "The Gupta empire declined in the fifth century."} {"idx": "mnli-16792", "premise": "well are you going to buy a car soon", "hypothesis": "Do you plan on buying a car soon?"} {"idx": "mnli-16793", "premise": "The first is the imperative for daily reporters to move the ball on an ongoing story, such as Bush vs.", "hypothesis": "Most daily reporters, however, have become reluctant to make such moves it means sacrificing their access."} {"idx": "mnli-16794", "premise": "Two glass mosaic murals flanking the entrance depict themes of Malaysia's culture and history.", "hypothesis": "Two murals depict Malaysian culture and history, there used to be four."} {"idx": "mnli-16795", "premise": "All of this required muscle.", "hypothesis": "The stronger guys did the bulk of it all."} {"idx": "mnli-16796", "premise": "Go and rest,\" said his uncle.", "hypothesis": "His uncle told him that resting is for the weak."} {"idx": "mnli-16797", "premise": "yeah plus a lot more", "hypothesis": "Yes, and plenty more as well."} {"idx": "mnli-16798", "premise": "Meanwhile, though, the FBI filed charges against former Texaco executive Richard Lundwall, in what many saw as a maneuver to pressure him for new leads in the evidence-destruction criminal case against Texaco.", "hypothesis": "Richard Lundwall, a Texaco executive, is being put under the screw by the FBI."} {"idx": "mnli-16799", "premise": "He had never been one to pick a fight or take up a challenge.", "hypothesis": "He never started fights or began a challenge."} {"idx": "mnli-16800", "premise": "right yes i was going to say that it does make a difference when you're not accustomed", "hypothesis": "There is no difference at all."} {"idx": "mnli-16801", "premise": "I am as sure of that as if I had seen him in action.\"", "hypothesis": "It was awesome to see him in awesome."} {"idx": "mnli-16802", "premise": "That is labor's real job, the very core purpose of a union.", "hypothesis": "The frutis of labor are many."} {"idx": "mnli-16803", "premise": "I probably could still pass the (state) bar exam, he says, somewhat in jest, because of all the different areas of the law still very familiar to him.", "hypothesis": "His practice dipped into all of those areas of law, keeping the information fresh in his mind."} {"idx": "mnli-16804", "premise": "When Ronald Reagan regaled world leaders with his story of having witnessed the liberation of a Nazi concentration camp, he probably saw the event as vividly as he had once seen the film about it that he helped to make.", "hypothesis": "Ronald Reagan told a story about having witnessed the liberation of a Polish concentration camp."} {"idx": "mnli-16805", "premise": "It is also one of the grandest, with its Victorian wrought-iron balconies, marble staircases, and open-cage elevators surrounding a skylit atrium court.", "hypothesis": "It's filled with charm that you'd only find in older built buildings."} {"idx": "mnli-16806", "premise": "that water can get pretty cold though if you go too early", "hypothesis": "The water is cold if you go too early, but I like it."} {"idx": "mnli-16807", "premise": "His physiognomy underwent a curious change. ", "hypothesis": "His face changed in a weird way."} {"idx": "mnli-16808", "premise": "A far smaller crowd than the New Hampshire stadium, yet somehow far more intense.", "hypothesis": "The was the largest crowd we had seen."} {"idx": "mnli-16809", "premise": "she be she gets back at kitty cat for all the hassle", "hypothesis": "My cat is a little terror. "} {"idx": "mnli-16810", "premise": "DOD's current acquisition environment is driven by incentives to make decisions while significant unknowns about the system's design and manufacturability persist.", "hypothesis": "DOD's current acquisition environment is an unstable ecosystem."} {"idx": "mnli-16811", "premise": "Despite this, the imperial treasury allotted only 5,000 rupees a week for the plague and famine victims of 1631.", "hypothesis": "Only 5,000 rupees a week were allotted for the plague of 1631, according to the documentary."} {"idx": "mnli-16812", "premise": "Take the road to Agaa Vavara, in a vine-filled valley skirting the looming mountains of the Ida range to the west.", "hypothesis": "The looming mountains of the Ida range keep the temperatures cool in Agaa Vavara."} {"idx": "mnli-16813", "premise": "We used three sources of alternative C-R functions for this sensitivity (1) an alternative specification of the Pope/ACS model from Krewski, et al.", "hypothesis": "The Pope/ACS was not used."} {"idx": "mnli-16814", "premise": "obviously he's not going to turn himself in", "hypothesis": "He won't turn himself in"} {"idx": "mnli-16815", "premise": "they illustrate 1) Decline in revenue share from household sector 2) Increasing, in absolute value, own-price elasticity 3) Increasing substitutability away from postage consumption with computer use 4) Increasing substitutability between postage and telephone consumption.", "hypothesis": "There is a steep increase in revenue share from a household sector."} {"idx": "mnli-16816", "premise": "Business executives keep in mind that initial CIO models adopted should not be set in stone, but may have to be adjusted over time as their enterprises grow or mature.", "hypothesis": "Business executives believe that the initial CIO models should always be set in stone. "} {"idx": "mnli-16817", "premise": "two that's still tough", "hypothesis": "Two is hard because you're outnumbered."} {"idx": "mnli-16818", "premise": "This Palladian masterpiece, however, was finished by Irishman Edward Lovett Pearce who is responsible for the colonnades and side pavilions.", "hypothesis": "It was finished by Smith."} {"idx": "mnli-16819", "premise": "half of which is coming true", "hypothesis": "Half of the psychic reading is coming true."} {"idx": "mnli-16820", "premise": "my dad used to grow tomatoes and things at the house and i'd i think when i was real little i probably had a finger in on that every time he did it and had to you know be out there and watch and that type of stuff but i've never really tried anything like that since then", "hypothesis": "I've never even seen a tomato."} {"idx": "mnli-16821", "premise": "Indicators of success -- Money is available to implement innovative diversity agendas and model projects.", "hypothesis": "The more money that is available to supplement diversity agendas and project modelling, the greater the success of the overall project."} {"idx": "mnli-16822", "premise": "Frilly shirt.", "hypothesis": "The shirt was old fashioned."} {"idx": "mnli-16823", "premise": "but you don't have it depends on when didn't you you have a choice the only thing i can say is you have a choice of where they go sometimes", "hypothesis": "From time to time, you can decide their destination."} {"idx": "mnli-16824", "premise": "One of us is enough.", "hypothesis": "We only need one of us. "} {"idx": "mnli-16825", "premise": "More than 1.5 million Asians and Pacific Islanders now live in the two counties.", "hypothesis": "50 years ago there were just 100,000 Asians living in the two counties."} {"idx": "mnli-16826", "premise": "Gibson's big theory is that Dala's life was defined by his feelings of shame.", "hypothesis": "Gibson believes that Dala lives his life by way of his shameful feelings."} {"idx": "mnli-16827", "premise": "These programs had demonstrated a significantly higher degree of design stability prior to entering system demonstration and committing to initial manufacturing when compared to other DOD weapon programs in our review.", "hypothesis": "Our review shows that DOD weapon programs are already flawless."} {"idx": "mnli-16828", "premise": "Now we're ready.", "hypothesis": "We are ready now. "} {"idx": "mnli-16829", "premise": "um-hum yes that's the way they suck you in", "hypothesis": "They take every chance to push you away."} {"idx": "mnli-16830", "premise": "Following the conquest in 1453, his grave was rediscovered, and Mehmet the Conqueror erected a shrine on the spot, followed in 1458 by a mosque, the first to be built in Istanbul.", "hypothesis": "There were several Muslim shrines in Istanbul in 1453."} {"idx": "mnli-16831", "premise": "Through the provision of legal information, programs also assist individuals in preparing to represent themselves in court.", "hypothesis": "Through the provision of legal information, programs don't assist individuals in preparing to represent themselves in court."} {"idx": "mnli-16832", "premise": "Several security managers said that short policies that emphasized the most important aspects of the organizations security concerns were more likely to be read and understood than voluminous and detailed policies.", "hypothesis": "Short policies are more likely to be read than long, detailed policies. "} {"idx": "mnli-16833", "premise": "You were also usually a darned nuisance, fond as I was of you.", "hypothesis": "I liked you, but you were simply too smart for your own good."} {"idx": "mnli-16834", "premise": "Yes, sir, it will be about an hour and a half's run.", "hypothesis": "The run is a few miles long. "} {"idx": "mnli-16835", "premise": "First Build the prototype.", "hypothesis": "Build the first one."} {"idx": "mnli-16836", "premise": "The Hong Kong International Cricket Series, held in late September, brings teams from all over the world.", "hypothesis": "Teams from across the world compete in the International Cricket Series in Hong Kong."} {"idx": "mnli-16837", "premise": "The glories of Verona extend from its grand Roman arena to the palaces of the medieval and Renaissance families whose intrigues and love stories inspired Shakespeare.", "hypothesis": "Artists and designers of Verona inspired Shakespeare."} {"idx": "mnli-16838", "premise": "The Telegraph is the only newspaper that matches Ruddy's Foster-mania.", "hypothesis": "The telepgraph is a major newspaper."} {"idx": "mnli-16839", "premise": "from all their experiences and and that's one of my favorite things to do sit around and listen to their stories", "hypothesis": "I find their stories to be boring and I hate listening to them."} {"idx": "mnli-16840", "premise": "Other items include hats, scarves, ties, purses, kaftan shirts, and wall-hangings.", "hypothesis": "Hats, scarves, ties, purses, kaftan shirts, and wall-hangings are other items."} {"idx": "mnli-16841", "premise": "gee whiz yeah", "hypothesis": "Definitely not."} {"idx": "mnli-16842", "premise": "Aldrin's ShareSpace company hopes to use jumbo-jet-style spacecraft to bring tourists to orbiting space hotels.", "hypothesis": "Aldrin's ShareSpace company, which planned to explore the ocean depths, has been shuttered."} {"idx": "mnli-16843", "premise": "So long as we don't know, we can't really judge.", "hypothesis": "As long as he refuses to provide us with details, we can't really judge."} {"idx": "mnli-16844", "premise": "Too many public companies' disclosures are written in legal language and are way too long.", "hypothesis": "Public company disclosures are often too short and lacking in proper legal language."} {"idx": "mnli-16845", "premise": "Note, however, that the exchange does not go the other way .", "hypothesis": "Note that the exchange goes the other way."} {"idx": "mnli-16846", "premise": "Never, he said, in the course of his long experience, had he known a charge of murder rest on slighter evidence. ", "hypothesis": "Everyone agreed that the evidence for his guilt was iron clad."} {"idx": "mnli-16847", "premise": "'Why, fancy that!' ", "hypothesis": "There was no amusement in it. "} {"idx": "mnli-16848", "premise": "7.11 Auditors should obtain an understanding of the internal control environment, as well as specific internal controls, that are significant to the audit objectives, including internal control over compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, and consider whether the internal controls have been placed in operation.", "hypothesis": "Auditors, on finding a lack of compliance, should impose the controls themselves."} {"idx": "mnli-16849", "premise": "His name, SCOTTY, would be in green letters beneath the planet.", "hypothesis": "The name SCOTTY appeared below the planet."} {"idx": "mnli-16850", "premise": "Moreover, the ACI is located in a different part of the plant than FGD or SCR and activated carbon injection occurrs in the ductwork between the air preheater and the ESP or FF.", "hypothesis": "The ACI and FGD are placed just adjacent to each other in close proximity."} {"idx": "mnli-16851", "premise": "and then you say that's not my job so you quit", "hypothesis": "You aren't going to do work that wasn't assigned to you."} {"idx": "mnli-16852", "premise": "yeah Ninja Turtles got to have those", "hypothesis": "Ninja Turtles are the coolest."} {"idx": "mnli-16853", "premise": "At a minimum, the following information shall be ", "hypothesis": "At most, the information doesn't need to be"} {"idx": "mnli-16854", "premise": "Off the tourist route, on the east coast of the island, it is also known as Androseown.", "hypothesis": "Androseown is on the east coast of the island. "} {"idx": "mnli-16855", "premise": "i'm in Blacksburg Virginia", "hypothesis": "I have never been to Virginia. "} {"idx": "mnli-16856", "premise": " \"How d'you know he'll sign me on?\"Anse studied his own unkempt if now clean reflection in the shaving mirror on the wall.", "hypothesis": "Anse was blind. "} {"idx": "mnli-16857", "premise": "Their origins remain a mystery (their written language was finally deciphered in 1915), but they came from the direction of the Caucasus moun?\u03b4ains, spreading destruction and disorder throughout Anatolia.", "hypothesis": "They were a violent and ruthless people who took no prisoners."} {"idx": "mnli-16858", "premise": "The two men turned away from the rest of the crowd and faced this new arrival.", "hypothesis": "The two men were in the presence of many other people. "} {"idx": "mnli-16859", "premise": "Other participants noted, however, that having salaried board members could be problematic because shareholders would have to be able to hire and fire the directors that would cause great instability and salaried board members may also lack an independent spirit.", "hypothesis": "Participants noted that there are trees outside."} {"idx": "mnli-16860", "premise": "yes yes i've known people with effectively worthless degrees in this country i mean and they're highly educated people but of course if you're educated and you don't speak English no one thinks anything of you", "hypothesis": "I have known people with degrees that can't get them jobs."} {"idx": "mnli-16861", "premise": "Power generators will have the flexibility to reduce emissions in the most cost-effective way.", "hypothesis": "Flexible emission reduction can be done by power generators. "} {"idx": "mnli-16862", "premise": "To the east is St. Ann's Bay, birthplace of the black activist Marcus Garvey.", "hypothesis": "St. Anne's Bay is the birthplace of Marcus Garvey."} {"idx": "mnli-16863", "premise": "In accordance with these standards, all OSI work is conducted by personnel who collectively possess the required knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform it and who exercise due professional care (e.g.", "hypothesis": "Personnel performing OSI work must have relevant experience."} {"idx": "mnli-16864", "premise": "Why not let this kind gentleman here cut my throat without delay?\"", "hypothesis": "Please don't let him kill me."} {"idx": "mnli-16865", "premise": "Behind that disarmingly youthful fa\u00e7ade was another person altogether.", "hypothesis": "The youthful facade he had on his face made him look like someone else."} {"idx": "mnli-16866", "premise": "The number of participants who were not screened, who refused, who were discharged early, or who were ineligible was large in some studies.", "hypothesis": "There were only a few ineligible participants."} {"idx": "mnli-16867", "premise": "But even if you never leave your car, the huge billboards beaming with the faces of celebrities promoting their latest movie or recording (or simply themselves) announce this is the town's wild play palace.", "hypothesis": "Celebrities are rarely seen or heard about around there."} {"idx": "mnli-16868", "premise": "Akbar rushed back to reassert his power but he died soon after, poisoned, it is rumored, by his son.", "hypothesis": "Akbar died soon after he came back to reassert his power."} {"idx": "mnli-16869", "premise": "Christian and Islamic Jerusalem", "hypothesis": "Jerusalem has been influenced by many religions."} {"idx": "mnli-16870", "premise": "The town can be reached by the picturesque Strawberry Train (Tren de la Fresa), which leaves Atocha station at 10am on weekends, returning in the early evening, from April through July, and September.", "hypothesis": "The Strawberry Train is one way to get to the town."} {"idx": "mnli-16871", "premise": "Also as how you laid down some good round boys to back his chance.", "hypothesis": "He knew the boys."} {"idx": "mnli-16872", "premise": "A sidebar offers test-taking tips, The most obvious choice ...", "hypothesis": "The side bar gives test taking tips. "} {"idx": "mnli-16873", "premise": "but um and has learned quite a bit about it and tends to use it instead of instead of instead of the Mac so even without any propaganda and stuff he he seems to have switched", "hypothesis": "He tends to use it instead of the Mac."} {"idx": "mnli-16874", "premise": "H-2A workers constitute a small but growing portion of the United States' agricultural workforce.", "hypothesis": "H2a workers make up most of the agricultural work"} {"idx": "mnli-16875", "premise": "The project, funded by LSC and the Maine Bar Foundation, also permits the internet posting of briefs and other materials by Pine Tree staff to facilitate the representation of low-income clients by other providers and pro bono attorneys.", "hypothesis": "The LSC had to spend some time convincing the Maine Bar Foundation to get involved with the project."} {"idx": "mnli-16876", "premise": "When it was small enough, he pocketed it.", "hypothesis": "He put it in his pocket once it was small enough to fit. "} {"idx": "mnli-16877", "premise": "The French Rev?\u00ado?\u00adlu?\u00adtion?\u00adaries threatened to tear the steeple down because it offended their principle of equality, but were reassured when one of the townsmen coiffed the spire with a patriotic red-white-and-blue bonnet.", "hypothesis": "The steeple survives to this day."} {"idx": "mnli-16878", "premise": "really that's good in a way You know uh something we compete with", "hypothesis": "Competition never hurt anybody. "} {"idx": "mnli-16879", "premise": "Burros two of them were roped behind and, to Drew's surprise, a cow, bawling fretfully and intended, he later learned, to play foster mother to any unweaned foals which might be picked up.", "hypothesis": "Throughout all his life, Drew never saw or heard a cow. "} {"idx": "mnli-16880", "premise": "oh well anyway so what's your next purchase supposed to be", "hypothesis": "I do not care what you are going to buy next. "} {"idx": "mnli-16881", "premise": "If they once reached Sir James Peel Edgerton in safety, all would be well.", "hypothesis": "They might be safe once they'd reached Sir James Peel Edgerton."} {"idx": "mnli-16882", "premise": "TRANSFERS BETWEEN APPROPRIATION/FUND ACCOUNTS -Occur when all or part of the budget authority in one account is transferred to another account when such transfers are specifically authorized by law.", "hypothesis": "Transfers can be made between appropriation/fund accounts only when the law says they can."} {"idx": "mnli-16883", "premise": "He does not employ the poison that night. ", "hypothesis": "He did not bother with using a corrupt method that evening."} {"idx": "mnli-16884", "premise": "They should pull a Sister Souljah, loudly distancing themselves from a cultural figure on the far right, and start oozing compassion (one way to do heartwarming stories about children with fatal diseases).", "hypothesis": "By pulling a Sister Souljah, they should bring themselves much closer to this cultural figure of the far right."} {"idx": "mnli-16885", "premise": "huh-uh oh what kinds of things do they uh show", "hypothesis": "Do they show anything?"} {"idx": "mnli-16886", "premise": "Rothschild seems, in particular, to view evolutionary thinking as the antithesis of equilibrium economics.", "hypothesis": "Rothschild seems to think that evolutionary thinking and equilibrium economics are in the same boat."} {"idx": "mnli-16887", "premise": "well i i don't know there was well whatever it was there was a second there i couldn't even hear what you were saying but um", "hypothesis": "There was something happening in the background, and I couldn't hear you."} {"idx": "mnli-16888", "premise": "Alison Moore indicated that these differences can also influence how researchers and clinicians tailor interventions to apply to people with different cultural attributes.", "hypothesis": "Alison Moore indicated that these differences were of no importance to different cultural attributes."} {"idx": "mnli-16889", "premise": "that's what the nurses kept saying as they laughed all the way you know down the hallway", "hypothesis": "The nurses said we were dumb as they laughed down the hallway."} {"idx": "mnli-16890", "premise": "yeah and you can do your fires and everything and then move on", "hypothesis": "You can go on after the fires are done."} {"idx": "mnli-16891", "premise": "More than half of the forfeiture revenue of the two funds mentioned above is from currency and other monetary instruments.", "hypothesis": "Most forfeiture comes from currency and other monetary instruments."} {"idx": "mnli-16892", "premise": "The time frame needs to be very clear, as creating value is a long-term, not a short-term, process.", "hypothesis": "A muddled time frame would not bring up any issues."} {"idx": "mnli-16893", "premise": "'That's Stage Three.'", "hypothesis": "The man pointed at Stage Three to show me where it was."} {"idx": "mnli-16894", "premise": "well they have got some of the newer ones they you know with the aerodynamic features you can get pretty pretty decent gas mileage", "hypothesis": "All vans are terrible on gas. "} {"idx": "mnli-16895", "premise": "To enjoy excellent views, follow the coast road down to the small peninsula of Ponta Delgada, where you can cool off by the rocks in the seawater swimming pool.", "hypothesis": "Ponta Delgada has a 5-star hotel."} {"idx": "mnli-16896", "premise": "President Attends World Cup Final, Enjoys Two Scoreless Hours.", "hypothesis": "President Attends the World Cup Final and Watches for Two Hours."} {"idx": "mnli-16897", "premise": "the manufacturer required new security administrators to spend 2 to 5 days", "hypothesis": "The security administrators did not spend anytime."} {"idx": "mnli-16898", "premise": "I don't remember anything more until I woke up in the hospital. There was a pause.", "hypothesis": "There was a pause as I'd woke up in the hospital, I couldn't remember much."} {"idx": "mnli-16899", "premise": "Training programs teach nonfinancial managers the value of financial information and facilitate the pace of change", "hypothesis": "Training programs don't teach nonfinancial managers the value of financial information"} {"idx": "mnli-16900", "premise": "Nearby stands the tiny Konak Camii (mosque), built in 1756 and decorated with colourful K??tahya tile panels.", "hypothesis": "The Konak Camii was built in 1756."} {"idx": "mnli-16901", "premise": "That's enough to put you on the cover of Time magazine as the financial genius of the century.", "hypothesis": "The financial genius of the century would feature on the cover of Time magazine."} {"idx": "mnli-16902", "premise": "they have a great amount of talent but they just have poor coaching i think", "hypothesis": "They have lots of talent, but they suck at coaching"} {"idx": "mnli-16903", "premise": "One of France's greatest poets of the 20th century, Wilhelm Kostrowitsky, better known as Guillaume Apollinaire, was born in Rome of a Polish mother and an Italian father.", "hypothesis": "Wilhelm and his family moved to France shortly after his birth. "} {"idx": "mnli-16904", "premise": "A regular bus service runs along the southern shore, terminating at perhaps the most famous, Koukounaries Beach.", "hypothesis": "The bus service is irregular. "} {"idx": "mnli-16905", "premise": "Perfectly sickening the way those brass hats drove from the War Office to the Savoy, and from the Savoy to the War Office!", "hypothesis": "The brass hats were recovered from World War II."} {"idx": "mnli-16906", "premise": "And burnt in on Mr. Carter's brain was the strange scene which had taken place in the house in Soho the night before.", "hypothesis": "Mr. Carter had completely forgotten about the Soho house incident from the night before."} {"idx": "mnli-16907", "premise": "of course it's been going down for a number of years but this is the last year you can take anything so", "hypothesis": "It's been on the rise and there's plenty of years left."} {"idx": "mnli-16908", "premise": "UC Santa Cruz To Make the Grades?", "hypothesis": "Does UC Berkely do well enough?"} {"idx": "mnli-16909", "premise": "The hope and the logic is that competing HMOs might have better success.", "hypothesis": "Competing HMOs are not actually competing, they are coexisting and fixing prices."} {"idx": "mnli-16910", "premise": "But her Valley Girl airhead image is a cruel caricature.", "hypothesis": "Her image is good."} {"idx": "mnli-16911", "premise": "Figure 4 and Table 6 can be used to estimate likely profit and revenue losses to cream skimmers and Figure 3 to estimate the cost impact of volume losses.", "hypothesis": "The cost impact of volume losses can be seen in Figure 3."} {"idx": "mnli-16912", "premise": "But the Communists broke the alliance after Blum first failed to support the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War and then ' faced with financial difficulties ' put a brake on the reforms.", "hypothesis": "The Communists were disappointed that Blum didn't support their goals."} {"idx": "mnli-16913", "premise": "Many tailors have Web sites or are listed on Web sites.", "hypothesis": "Tailors can be found listed on Web sites."} {"idx": "mnli-16914", "premise": "'And the process we used to bring you here, I admit, was experimental.", "hypothesis": "The process that brought you were was experimental."} {"idx": "mnli-16915", "premise": "The Kentuckian marked the upward swing of a quirt lash, saw a smaller shape fling up an arm in a vain attempt to ward off the blow.", "hypothesis": "The person didn't even see the hit coming."} {"idx": "mnli-16916", "premise": "Historical Inaccuracy", "hypothesis": "Inaccurate history "} {"idx": "mnli-16917", "premise": "A chilling story about an American man's murder of his mail-order wife exposes the dark side of the hired-bride industry.", "hypothesis": "The story about the American man and his mail-order wife was an acceptable event for the operation of the hired-bride industry."} {"idx": "mnli-16918", "premise": "But when they did \u2026 Tommy smiled! ", "hypothesis": "Tommy didn't usually smile unless he saw something special."} {"idx": "mnli-16919", "premise": "Three of these areas (1) the automation of receipt and acceptance, (2) electronic signatures, and (3) statistical sampling regarding examination of claims in the payment process.", "hypothesis": "All three of these areas are not important and will not be developed into."} {"idx": "mnli-16920", "premise": "In considering required reporting of stewardship information, the Board became increasingly aware of the need to be highly selective in proposing requirements for the consolidated financial report of the Federal Government.", "hypothesis": "There is the need to be highly selective in proposing precise requirements about that topic, and the Board has become aware of that, but was too late."} {"idx": "mnli-16921", "premise": "The soaring vaults of the sober interior have the monumentality of French or German Gothic.", "hypothesis": "The vaults in the interior are very low."} {"idx": "mnli-16922", "premise": "Bloom glides over her motives.", "hypothesis": "Her motives aren't something that Bloom should be gliding over, however."} {"idx": "mnli-16923", "premise": "well yeah i think they they like a routine of sorts", "hypothesis": "They go by the same routine every day."} {"idx": "mnli-16924", "premise": "An agency is required to monitor contractor performance, ensuring that work done conforms to the agency's requirements.", "hypothesis": "If the agency is not pleased with the contractor's performance, they should write a report about it."} {"idx": "mnli-16925", "premise": "Take another, more leisurely, boat-ride for the view from the canal.", "hypothesis": "It costs a lot of money to take a boat ride on the canal."} {"idx": "mnli-16926", "premise": "in England, but his special hobby is criminology! ", "hypothesis": "He doesn't have many interests. "} {"idx": "mnli-16927", "premise": "measurement efforts, ARL established customer service standards and sent surveys to its customers to obtain feedback on the quality of its work.", "hypothesis": "ARL wanted to get feedback on it's customer service."} {"idx": "mnli-16928", "premise": "That business about Mrs. Vandemeyer had worried me when Julius told me about it.", "hypothesis": "When Julius told me about that business, I was concerned."} {"idx": "mnli-16929", "premise": "ii Program Letter 1995-1 directed LSC recipients to develop plans to stretch scarce federal dollars in the most effective, efficient ways possible.", "hypothesis": "The letter directed LSC recipients to develop plans to use their time more efficiently."} {"idx": "mnli-16930", "premise": "It was after that that Tommy proposed to give them a surprise.", "hypothesis": "Tommy didn't think a surprise would work and never proposed it."} {"idx": "mnli-16931", "premise": "The WSJ reports that the most common fake name given to pizza deliverers in Washington, D.C. is.", "hypothesis": "The WSJ belives that fake names are never given to pizza deliverers. "} {"idx": "mnli-16932", "premise": "and i was sore this morning when i got up but then tonight i got into a a it's sort of like an aerobics class", "hypothesis": "I cancelled my exercise class tonight. "} {"idx": "mnli-16933", "premise": "and i had a good time during that during that election but it floored me when he came up with Quayle because there are so many other capable Republicans", "hypothesis": "I couldn't believe it when he came up with Quayle because there were so many better options."} {"idx": "mnli-16934", "premise": "They call him Red, provided the Explorer.", "hypothesis": "They call him Blue, explained the Explorer."} {"idx": "mnli-16935", "premise": "Madeira's hand embroidery is unsurpassed worldwide.", "hypothesis": "No one in the world compares to Madeira's hand embroidery."} {"idx": "mnli-16936", "premise": "so you take a look at line fifty four you take a look at the output at the same time and you can see that where it messed up because you know it's like in the old computers the ones that uh we're using here a couple of years ago you would always have to have a printout", "hypothesis": "Look at line 54 then turn the computer off and destroy it."} {"idx": "mnli-16937", "premise": "I clicked the link, which led to a page of more links to lots of information on BIOS, but a half-hour search yielded no information on booting from the CD-ROM drive.", "hypothesis": "I found some information after searching for only 10 minutes."} {"idx": "mnli-16938", "premise": "She and her colleagues could trust him to win peace without appeasement.", "hypothesis": "He has a history of winning peace without appeasement."} {"idx": "mnli-16939", "premise": "my wife has uh has an American Express through her through the company", "hypothesis": "my wife uses her American Express card for business expenses and her company pays it off"} {"idx": "mnli-16940", "premise": "In the 20th century, it has become the front lawn of the Left Bank's most luxurious residences.", "hypothesis": "It has always been the front lawn of the residences."} {"idx": "mnli-16941", "premise": "You will also find the grave of the Beauty of Buttermere nearby.", "hypothesis": "The Beauty of Buttermere is buried in another cemetery far away."} {"idx": "mnli-16942", "premise": "The north side of the building has statues by Joseph Banks depicting Africa, America, Asia, and Europe.", "hypothesis": "Making statues depicting continents was fresh and profitable idea."} {"idx": "mnli-16943", "premise": "Brown felt that the recommendation placed too much responsibility on funding agencies.", "hypothesis": "To Brown, funding agencies were placed too little responsibility by the recommendation."} {"idx": "mnli-16944", "premise": "The Palais des Tuileries was destroyed by fire during a workers uprising in 1871.", "hypothesis": "The fire was caused by a monstrous lighting storm."} {"idx": "mnli-16945", "premise": "Many of the 237 carved panels, each different, were believed to conceal poisons, as well as jewels and state papers.", "hypothesis": "The panels are all indistinguishable from each other."} {"idx": "mnli-16946", "premise": "One morning last year, David Bookstaver arrived at work in lower Manhattan and literally pulled the plug on the first official news of what is surely the most substantial initiative for pro bono publico in the history of the New York State Unified Court System", "hypothesis": "David Bookstaver had worked in lower Manhattan for his entire life."} {"idx": "mnli-16947", "premise": "During the visits, we interviewed the CIO, members of the senior executive team, IT managers, and other officials as identified by the host organization, to obtain their individual perspectives on information and technology management issues.", "hypothesis": "We interviewed members of the senior executive team during the visits."} {"idx": "mnli-16948", "premise": "188 Chapter 23 A Race Against Time AFTER ringing up Sir James, Tommy's next procedure was to make a call at South Audley Mansions.", "hypothesis": "Tommy refused to visit South Audley Mansions."} {"idx": "mnli-16949", "premise": "i mean yeah and i mean certainly he wasn't going to take Bob Dole on and not that Bob Dole would even take the position i mean he'd be giving up more than he'd gain", "hypothesis": "He was a staunch opponent to Bob Dole the entire time."} {"idx": "mnli-16950", "premise": "uh you may be called up twenty times and one person will only be called up once but uh", "hypothesis": "They call up everyone the same number of times."} {"idx": "mnli-16951", "premise": "Stephane Mallarme actually did a bit of fashion reporting in the 1870s, some under the name of Mlle.", "hypothesis": "Stephane Mallarme wrote poetry and did fashion reporting in the 1870s."} {"idx": "mnli-16952", "premise": "Determined to cloak himself in the legend of his uncle's grandeur, he saw his own role as that of champion of the people.", "hypothesis": "The people did not think that he was a great leader."} {"idx": "mnli-16953", "premise": "right well my son is uh studying electronic technology and he's been able to do things on uh on the personal computer here that really have enhanced his um reports and his learning and all because he can lay things out that way", "hypothesis": "My son loves learning about technology and coding."} {"idx": "mnli-16954", "premise": "'There's nothing here!' Irate voices called.", "hypothesis": "There were no voices, it was quiet."} {"idx": "mnli-16955", "premise": "yep that that's it", "hypothesis": "That's exactly what I meant."} {"idx": "mnli-16956", "premise": "I found Paul Krugman's somewhat puzzling.", "hypothesis": "I could not understand Paul Krugman."} {"idx": "mnli-16957", "premise": "i heard the beep", "hypothesis": "I heard the beep from the microwave."} {"idx": "mnli-16958", "premise": "lots of pepper and you just boil them and they're absolutely wonderful but there's uh they're a pain to peel for some people once you get used to it they're real easy but um you know if you have nails or anything you can", "hypothesis": "Use a lot of pepper and boil them, they're a bit of a pain to peel."} {"idx": "mnli-16959", "premise": "Although the blinds were up, the window itself was shut, so I couldn't catch a word of what they said.", "hypothesis": "Since the window was shut, I couldn't make out what they were saying, although I could see them."} {"idx": "mnli-16960", "premise": "California Rural Legal Assistance has purchased an Oxnard building it had been renting since earlier this year, moving the provider of legal services for Ventura County's poor closer to two goals.", "hypothesis": "California Rural Legal Assistance bought a building for their new office."} {"idx": "mnli-16961", "premise": "but i do object to you know someone hiring a woman just because they have to meet their quota", "hypothesis": "I object to people hiring women for the purpose of meeting quota requirements."} {"idx": "mnli-16962", "premise": "One of them, Tonya Flynt-Vega, has accused him of sexually molesting her and, in an interview in the current issue of Penthouse , Flynt's former brother-in-law accuses him of molesting a second daughter.", "hypothesis": "One of them, Tonya accused him of molesting her, and Flynt's former brother-in-law accuses him of molesting another daughter."} {"idx": "mnli-16963", "premise": "It's best to visit Paris in early summer and autumn, and the island church of Mont-Saint-Michel, on the Normandy coast, can be pure magic in the mists of December.", "hypothesis": "The December mists can make it hard to appreciate the island church of Mont-Saint-Michel. "} {"idx": "mnli-16964", "premise": "These pronouncements on subjective issues annoy me no end.", "hypothesis": "I really liked these announcements on all issues."} {"idx": "mnli-16965", "premise": "For Singing in a church choir counts as volunteering", "hypothesis": "Singing in a church is not a volunteer activity."} {"idx": "mnli-16966", "premise": "yeah i yeah my my very favorite one that the top of the tick for me is uh Excalibur i i loved that film um", "hypothesis": "The film Excalibur is the best movie ever made."} {"idx": "mnli-16967", "premise": "Guided tours of these subterranean caverns with their dramatic stalactites and stalagmites are organized by boat from Alghero or on foot directly at the site, down a steep stairway in the cliffs.", "hypothesis": "There are guided tours of the caverns."} {"idx": "mnli-16968", "premise": "The windswept, desolate coastline frequently recalls the stormy conditions that prevented the Americans from setting up their own artificial harbor to land their equipment.", "hypothesis": "The coastline is a reminder of why the Americans could not set up their own harbor."} {"idx": "mnli-16969", "premise": "The very lines of his face had changed.", "hypothesis": "His facial appearance had changed."} {"idx": "mnli-16970", "premise": "i have to i have to honestly say that i drink more now than i did because you know it's what i can get away with and if i'm going to go on the weekends spend my money and you know i", "hypothesis": "This person is an alcoholic."} {"idx": "mnli-16971", "premise": "The time and effort needed to locate receiving reports would also not exist, and prompt payment requirements (taking advantage of discounts and avoiding late payment fees) could more easily be met.", "hypothesis": "Digital baking systems are much faster and more efficient as compared to paper systems."} {"idx": "mnli-16972", "premise": "okay what is that sound", "hypothesis": "The sound is clearly coming from the washing machine."} {"idx": "mnli-16973", "premise": " Dave looked.", "hypothesis": "Dave used his ability to see."} {"idx": "mnli-16974", "premise": "Columnist Robert Novak , supply-side evangelist Jude Wanniski , and Jack Kemp have all praised Farrakhan's self-help program, noting the similarities to their own conservative urban policy.", "hypothesis": "Farrakhan's program shares the same traits as their city policies."} {"idx": "mnli-16975", "premise": "The chopped meat. He waited patiently.", "hypothesis": "As he chopped the meat, he waited for his wife."} {"idx": "mnli-16976", "premise": "The man's eyes were solid black orbs.", "hypothesis": "The man looked happy."} {"idx": "mnli-16977", "premise": "This subcontinent is so rich and varied that the choice of what to see on a first visit can be daunting.", "hypothesis": "It will be easy to determine what to see on a first visit."} {"idx": "mnli-16978", "premise": "SPRINGFIELD -- About 225 attorneys and paralegals from across Illinois who provide legal services to the poor will gather in Chicago early next week for the first time in 13 years to swap ideas and offer each other encouragement.", "hypothesis": "Springfield- About 225 attorney and paralegals gathered in Chicago next weak to fight to the death."} {"idx": "mnli-16979", "premise": "Not many people could hit a horse on the run like that.", "hypothesis": "Very few people could actually hit a horse on the run like that."} {"idx": "mnli-16980", "premise": "He served as a Massachusetts state senator and a U.S. senator, and then, during James Monroe's presidency, as secretary of state, where he was largely responsible for formulating the principles behind the Monroe Doctrine.", "hypothesis": "He was never in government. "} {"idx": "mnli-16981", "premise": "At the majority of project sites, for example, procurement of items costing less than $25,000 required between one and five signatures; each approval beyond the first one added to the time required for the procurement and created inefficiency, revenue loss, and a potential danger to the staff and public when safety corrections were delayed.", "hypothesis": "People were injured due to the delays in safety corrections."} {"idx": "mnli-16982", "premise": "but it took them a little while", "hypothesis": "It required some time from them."} {"idx": "mnli-16983", "premise": "Meanwhile, Sweat's granddaughter called Salt Lake City housing officials, federal housing officials, state officials and several agents of Utah Nonprofit Housing to find out about her grandmother's rights.", "hypothesis": "All of the officials were very helpful regarding the phone calls that Sweat made."} {"idx": "mnli-16984", "premise": "The main point of critics such as Gloria Steinem (who wrote an op-ed piece in the New York Times ) is that the film sanitizes Hustler 's unsavory sexuality.", "hypothesis": "Gloria Steinem and similar critics found the film to be flawless."} {"idx": "mnli-16985", "premise": "and uh you know you don't hear a lot of angry words i'll you know be nice and uh you know it's going out to have fun", "hypothesis": "You wont hear anything bad and it will be fun"} {"idx": "mnli-16986", "premise": "One of his swords dropped and he clutched at his chest.", "hypothesis": "He picked up his sword while clutching his chest."} {"idx": "mnli-16987", "premise": "Those others are presumably still in office.", "hypothesis": "We presume those others are still in office."} {"idx": "mnli-16988", "premise": "Many have little or no English skills.", "hypothesis": "90% can't speak English."} {"idx": "mnli-16989", "premise": " \"He put a white stud white as milk to run with some light buckskin mares back 'fore th' war.", "hypothesis": "Before the war, there was a white man who was with multiracial women."} {"idx": "mnli-16990", "premise": "Slim dressed quickly, gladly confining his morning wash to the momentary sprinkle of a little lukewarm water.", "hypothesis": "Slim was late for work."} {"idx": "mnli-16991", "premise": "i've had i've had that meal in New York uh where they bring you a plank sort of with all this wonderful beef parts of beef cooked and barbecued and it's marvelous uh i have", "hypothesis": "The beef they cook there is disgusting, never eat there."} {"idx": "mnli-16992", "premise": "Brian Dennehy in Death of a Salesman .-- Chris Kelly", "hypothesis": "Chris Kelly does not mention Death of a Salesman. "} {"idx": "mnli-16993", "premise": "Meanwhile cook's just furious.", "hypothesis": "The cook was furious while the stew boiled."} {"idx": "mnli-16994", "premise": "On the night before the final Roman onslaught, over 900 Jewish defenders committed mass suicide rather than give the Romans the triumph of capturing them.", "hypothesis": "Rather than let the Romans be triumphant at their capture, 900 Jewish defenders killed themselves."} {"idx": "mnli-16995", "premise": "Fire ahead.", "hypothesis": "Fire."} {"idx": "mnli-16996", "premise": "and you know everything you know our land is in acres our people aren't going to understand what an amount of something is", "hypothesis": "Everyone knows and understands how our metric system works."} {"idx": "mnli-16997", "premise": "Jumiyges", "hypothesis": "Jumiyges is a name of a city."} {"idx": "mnli-16998", "premise": "A man should look after his own people\u2026 .", "hypothesis": "A person should sympathize with his nation."} {"idx": "mnli-16999", "premise": "In addition, PDD 63 recognized the importance of establishing mechanisms for sharing information on system vulnerabilities, threats, intrusions, and anomalies so that both government and industry could better prepare to warn and defend against computer-based attacks.", "hypothesis": "It is important to create information transmission protocols."} {"idx": "mnli-17000", "premise": "Just south of the cafe-ringed Piazza della Repubblica is the covered Mercato Nuovo, a 16th-century loggia once called the Straw Market because of the straw products for which Florence was known.", "hypothesis": "There are a lot of cafes on the Piazza della Repubblica."} {"idx": "mnli-17001", "premise": "We might look over what Trinfan has picked up as long as we are out here.", "hypothesis": "We will certainly not waste time looking at what Trinfan has picked up."} {"idx": "mnli-17002", "premise": "However, the Irish church with its Celtic cultural base developed differently from the emerging Christian world in Europe and was eventually superseded by Rome and its centralized administration.", "hypothesis": "The Irish church had a Celtic base."} {"idx": "mnli-17003", "premise": "well you don't have a choice", "hypothesis": "Well, you do have a lot of options."} {"idx": "mnli-17004", "premise": "True, there is no formal guarantee.", "hypothesis": "There was no warranty for the item I bought."} {"idx": "mnli-17005", "premise": "Though less energetic, life is equally refreshing down on the lovely lakes of Annecy and Le Bourget.", "hypothesis": "At Annecy and Le Bourget, activities at the lakes present a hurried and busy atmosphere."} {"idx": "mnli-17006", "premise": " If word of his journey had already spread, word of the attack must have also spread, but he saw no sign of panic in the village at all.", "hypothesis": "He could not figure out why the village was not panicked."} {"idx": "mnli-17007", "premise": "In the past, death threats have done little to deter sales of land.", "hypothesis": "Land sales take place without any threats being exchanged. "} {"idx": "mnli-17008", "premise": "up to a point i i'm getting now to the age where i don't like the new stuff that's coming and much of the new stuff that's coming out husband says i'm getting old", "hypothesis": "I still love everything new I see."} {"idx": "mnli-17009", "premise": "Newsweek says physicists are studying the movement of bird flocks to improve auto traffic on freeways and pedestrian traffic at stadium events.", "hypothesis": "Improving the flow of auto traffic on freeways is one of the reasons physicists are studying bird flocks."} {"idx": "mnli-17010", "premise": "How different? He paused a moment, then went on: \"Where is the girl now?\"", "hypothesis": "He wanted to know where the girl was."} {"idx": "mnli-17011", "premise": "Well, don't let him have too much of it. ", "hypothesis": "He will ask for much more. "} {"idx": "mnli-17012", "premise": "No matter how perfect his creations seem, it's probably not a good idea to trust them.'", "hypothesis": "It's probably not good to trust someone just because they're good at creating pottery."} {"idx": "mnli-17013", "premise": "Bustling Gran Via is a mix of hotels, shops, theatres, nightclubs, and cafe the street for strolling and window-gazing.", "hypothesis": "Gran Via is a bustling mix of hotels, shops, theatres, nightclubs, and cafes."} {"idx": "mnli-17014", "premise": "Government Printing Office", "hypothesis": "The office is located in Washington."} {"idx": "mnli-17015", "premise": "If you want to know where the real culture wars are, forget the academy and think Silicon Valley and Redmond.", "hypothesis": "Real culture wars take place in Redmond."} {"idx": "mnli-17016", "premise": "and and and it was posted you know above her bed not to give her penicillin", "hypothesis": "There was never any indication in her room that she was not to have penicillin."} {"idx": "mnli-17017", "premise": "Strolling L.A.'s open-air markets is an excellent way to grab some delicious and inexpensive grub, enjoy the never-ending sunshine, and mingle with the locals as they shop for fresh produce, flowers, incense, and gadgets galore.", "hypothesis": "Walking around LA's open-air markets is waste of time."} {"idx": "mnli-17018", "premise": "Anna came out and breathed a sigh of relief mixed with a resolution to once and for all get done with marihuash-flavored alcohol.", "hypothesis": "Anna was relieved and decided to be done with marihuash-flavored alcohol."} {"idx": "mnli-17019", "premise": "In May, Vajpayee announced the successful completion of nuclear tests, which, although touted by the Indians as a sign of their sovereignty, may complicate India's relations with its neighbors and the West.", "hypothesis": "India has never completed any successful nuclear tests."} {"idx": "mnli-17020", "premise": "how many do they have like at the Plano one usually", "hypothesis": "Do any of them ever go the Plano one?"} {"idx": "mnli-17021", "premise": "The grace of its overall form is best viewed from across the canal, because, like St. Peter's in Rome, the dome disappears at closer quarters behind its elongated nave.", "hypothesis": "The elongated nave of St. Peter's obscures the dome."} {"idx": "mnli-17022", "premise": "You'd think Soutine, with his obsessive delight in flesh, would paint nudes, but no; he painted only one in his whole career, and it's a minor painting.", "hypothesis": "He only painted one because it made him feel uncomfortable."} {"idx": "mnli-17023", "premise": "This imposing vista was originally planned for Napo?\u00adleon to see from his bedroom in the Louvre, which was then a palace .", "hypothesis": "Napoleon cared a lot about the view from his bedroom in all of his palaces."} {"idx": "mnli-17024", "premise": "He handed us our door keys, then darted off.", "hypothesis": "He was nervous so gave us our keys quickly."} {"idx": "mnli-17025", "premise": "The Commission also submitted the final rule to OMB.", "hypothesis": "The Commission also submitted the rule to other groups, but the final rule was only for OMB to evaluate."} {"idx": "mnli-17026", "premise": "Go to a garden store, and you'll find products with delightful names like Olivia's Cloning Compound, a mix of hormones to dunk on the cut end of a shoot to help it take root.", "hypothesis": "The products at gardening stores are often given technically or scientifically derived names (like Olivia's Cloning Compound) to describe their purpose."} {"idx": "mnli-17027", "premise": "Starr is much more likely to be interested in Steele herself and in why she changed her story.", "hypothesis": "Steele's story has never changed one bit."} {"idx": "mnli-17028", "premise": "By the final confrontation with her husband, McTeer has so skillfully foreshadowed Nora's transformation that, though it seems bewilderingly abrupt to her, it seems emotionally inevitable to us.", "hypothesis": "Nora's transformation was obvious and inevitable to her."} {"idx": "mnli-17029", "premise": "Aswan, Egypt's southernmost town, has played an important role throughout its long history.", "hypothesis": "Aswan is located right on the Egyptian border."} {"idx": "mnli-17030", "premise": "However, a much more graceful architectural touch can be seen in the panels of Shiva demonstrating the 108 basic poses performed in the sacred dance, bharatanatyam .", "hypothesis": "Shiva's portrayal on the panels is a common motif."} {"idx": "mnli-17031", "premise": "The luxuriously planted terraced gardens constitute one of the finest ensembles of the Italian formal style.", "hypothesis": "Both the beautiful gardens and rare floral arrangements showcase the Italian formal style."} {"idx": "mnli-17032", "premise": "um i wish i had", "hypothesis": "I intensely crave the chance to have done that differently."} {"idx": "mnli-17033", "premise": "Nestling at the foot of its ruined castle, the pretty medieval town of Kaysersberg is widely known as the birthplace of Nobel Peace Prize winner Albert Schweitzer (1875 1965).", "hypothesis": "Albert Schweitzer was both in the town of kaysersberg. "} {"idx": "mnli-17034", "premise": "High sensitivity ensures that most of the patients with problems will be detected.", "hypothesis": "Equipment sensitivity is unrelated to problem detection."} {"idx": "mnli-17035", "premise": "today was uh definitely a shorts day around here", "hypothesis": "Everyone in the office wore shorts today."} {"idx": "mnli-17036", "premise": "In an ugly tux.", "hypothesis": "It is pink and orange."} {"idx": "mnli-17037", "premise": "migrant labor camps oh my God they live in cardboard boxes", "hypothesis": "There are pictures of migrant workers living in cardboard boxes in the labor camps."} {"idx": "mnli-17038", "premise": "yeah it's kind of it follows his his travels throughout the world", "hypothesis": "It follows a persons world journey."} {"idx": "mnli-17039", "premise": "there are some big big tall oak trees one across", "hypothesis": "We don't have oaks or any type of american tree over here"} {"idx": "mnli-17040", "premise": "By car or ferry from Fort-de-France, you can reach Anse ?\u00a0 l'Ane which has a pleasant brown-sand beach with sea grapes providing shade, plus picnic tables, children's slides, and restaurants.", "hypothesis": "You can transit to Anse via car or ferry from Fort-de-France. "} {"idx": "mnli-17041", "premise": "And it means Alabama won't have a half-million dollars cut from its budget as had been expected.", "hypothesis": "Alabama didn't have its budget cut because the initial justification for doing so didn't stand up to scrutiny."} {"idx": "mnli-17042", "premise": "okay uh first um i need to know uh how how do you feel about uh about sending um an elderly uh family member to a nursing home", "hypothesis": "I don't have to know how you feel about sending a family member to a nursing home to live."} {"idx": "mnli-17043", "premise": "The rest is up to you.", "hypothesis": "The rest is up to you, but there isn't much time."} {"idx": "mnli-17044", "premise": "um-hum well it is March after all you know you're not supposed to worry about sunburn in March", "hypothesis": "March is not that hot."} {"idx": "mnli-17045", "premise": "and uh start over so uh with little things like that it's it's still a lot cheaper uh that particular for that particular model car runs a hundred and fifty dollars", "hypothesis": "That model car costs four thousand dollars."} {"idx": "mnli-17046", "premise": "If we have to turn back tomorrow, said the Kal.", "hypothesis": "\"We can't turn back. Not today. Not tomorrow. Never.\" said the Kal."} {"idx": "mnli-17047", "premise": "The triumvirate has outgrown ideology and practices pure Realeconomik.", "hypothesis": "Realeconomik is a new practice."} {"idx": "mnli-17048", "premise": "She looked very tired and ill, I thought. ", "hypothesis": "She looked totally fine and healthy."} {"idx": "mnli-17049", "premise": "I can still hear it to this day", "hypothesis": "I still remember the sound. "} {"idx": "mnli-17050", "premise": "Unlike his other riders, his expression was calm.", "hypothesis": "Unlike others, he looked calm. "} {"idx": "mnli-17051", "premise": "And while it may be unfair that homemakers are not paid for the work they do, the upside to the deal is that they are not taxed on it, either.", "hypothesis": "It might be unfair that homemakers aren't paid for work they do."} {"idx": "mnli-17052", "premise": "But I am instinctively skeptical that many customers are as fanatically loyal as my colleague's wife.", "hypothesis": "Naturally, I'm skeptical that many others are as loyal as my colleague's wife is."} {"idx": "mnli-17053", "premise": "American credibility is at stake.", "hypothesis": "American credibility could become either better or worse."} {"idx": "mnli-17054", "premise": " \"Over and over I find the figure seven and the figure three thousand.", "hypothesis": "I have found the number seven and three thousand only once."} {"idx": "mnli-17055", "premise": "yeah you had a good time there", "hypothesis": "You got a little crazy. "} {"idx": "mnli-17056", "premise": "even falling knowing already he was dead, and how much I pray to myself I want not, ever,", "hypothesis": "I pray to God in my head."} {"idx": "mnli-17057", "premise": "be the United States' first coast-to-coast bank, operating in 22 contiguous states from Washington, D.C., to Washington state;", "hypothesis": "Most banks only have branches in one state. "} {"idx": "mnli-17058", "premise": "sounds like the aftermath of like a hurricane down here", "hypothesis": "There are over fifty destroyed houses or buildings in this town."} {"idx": "mnli-17059", "premise": "The Allowance Tracking System for sulfur dioxide allowances was already established for the Acid Rain Program, and essentially the same system will be used for the new WRAP trading program.", "hypothesis": "The Allowance Tracking System was already established for the Acid Rain Program."} {"idx": "mnli-17060", "premise": "well it's not too bad i mean i i i thought they were pretty reasonable but i don't know i have nothing really to compare it with uh you know four or five dollars for a for a shrub", "hypothesis": "I thought that four or five dollars for a shrub was reasonable."} {"idx": "mnli-17061", "premise": "The second walk is one of the island's most popular levada trails.", "hypothesis": "One of the popular levada trails is the second walk."} {"idx": "mnli-17062", "premise": "Thus, I have never even touched a girl, much less kissed one.", "hypothesis": "The reason I've never kissed a girl before is because I'm too scared."} {"idx": "mnli-17063", "premise": "We are very grateful for the help of our attorneys.", "hypothesis": "We are thankful the attorneys helped the very poor people in Utah."} {"idx": "mnli-17064", "premise": "The design for the new building was the subject of a competition won by Spanish architect and designer Enric Miralles.", "hypothesis": "Enric Miralles is from Italy."} {"idx": "mnli-17065", "premise": "He had not shaved or washed for three days! ", "hypothesis": "He had tried to wash but wasn't able to."} {"idx": "mnli-17066", "premise": "um and you know you and uh let's see there's another one up in uh just north of Baltimore called Ralphie's Diner", "hypothesis": "Ralphie's Diner is north of Baltimore."} {"idx": "mnli-17067", "premise": "The policy states that an interim progress review should be held between the two stages, but the review has no established agenda and no required outputs of information unless specifically requested by the decision maker.", "hypothesis": "There are strict agendas and information requirements for the review."} {"idx": "mnli-17068", "premise": "The northern stood and stumbled.", "hypothesis": "The northerner stumbled after standing up."} {"idx": "mnli-17069", "premise": "To take the fragment of green material first, I found it caught in the bolt of the communicating door between that room and the adjoining one occupied by Mademoiselle Cynthia. ", "hypothesis": "I found the fragment of the green material caught in the door bolt."} {"idx": "mnli-17070", "premise": "5 percent of GDP compared to today's 3.5 percent.", "hypothesis": "The public is pleased to see that the percent of GDP is falling."} {"idx": "mnli-17071", "premise": "uh-huh or hail yeah it just you know", "hypothesis": "It is just hail but it will pass quickly."} {"idx": "mnli-17072", "premise": "that was loud sorry", "hypothesis": "I could barely hear anything. Could you?"} {"idx": "mnli-17073", "premise": "\"We ain't blind on th' Range.\" His head swung a little so he was looking at the girl.", "hypothesis": "He dreaded turning his head to face the girl."} {"idx": "mnli-17074", "premise": "The preamble to the proposed rule contained the information required under the Paperwork Reduction Act concerning the collections, including the needs and uses of the requirements, the number of estimated respondents, and the total annual burden hours.", "hypothesis": "The information was not contained in the proposed rule."} {"idx": "mnli-17075", "premise": "One doesn't want to get caught in them.", "hypothesis": "Getting caught in them is a great idea."} {"idx": "mnli-17076", "premise": "He did not say so, senor .", "hypothesis": "He did not say that, senor. "} {"idx": "mnli-17077", "premise": "This really is the crux of the necessary better to have fought and withdrawn than never to have fought at all.", "hypothesis": "The necessary better crux states it is better to not show up than to lose."} {"idx": "mnli-17078", "premise": "brown yeah that is that is awful and it it takes time and the and the kids they you have to water your lawn and they want to go out and run in it and get all muddy and you know so you're going do i want a dirt a green lawn or a muddy feet in the house", "hypothesis": "I make them take their shoes off on the porch."} {"idx": "mnli-17079", "premise": "Half-built robots and mysterious machines stand by lumps of bubbling flesh and vats of half-green liquid.", "hypothesis": "The robots are totally finished."} {"idx": "mnli-17080", "premise": "It's better to build a law enforcement system than to punish one outlaw.", "hypothesis": "It's best to build a system of law enforcement than it is to punish one person."} {"idx": "mnli-17081", "premise": "These were bilateral trade accords, countertrade, export financing, and compliance with trade-related industrial policy.", "hypothesis": "The export financing accounted for the bulk of it, however."} {"idx": "mnli-17082", "premise": "The Pitti's next-most visited gallery, the Silverware Museum (Museo degli Argenti), occupies 16 sumptuously decorated rooms to offset the Medici family's invaluable treasures gold, silver, jewels, beautiful 16th- and 17th-century amber and ivory, crystal, porcelain, and Baroque furniture.", "hypothesis": "The Silverware Museum is the least visited gallery in the Pitti."} {"idx": "mnli-17083", "premise": "The model describes three phases in the acquisition presolicitation, solicitation and award, and postaward.", "hypothesis": "Solicitation and award are phases that the model describes."} {"idx": "mnli-17084", "premise": "The town was little more than a single main street, bordered by shops and houses.", "hypothesis": "The town was vast, with many streets and avenues."} {"idx": "mnli-17085", "premise": "No small entity in any industry would need to increase its prices by more than .05 percent to compensate for the costs of compliance with the final rule.", "hypothesis": "All small entities will need to charge 5% more to make up for the costs of the rule."} {"idx": "mnli-17086", "premise": "you you know you you get stuck you get in a rut if if you do play a lot but you play with the same people you you aren't going to learn anything uh after after a short period once you learn everything they've got to offer then uh", "hypothesis": "You can muster your skills and experience by playing the same people."} {"idx": "mnli-17087", "premise": "Alcohol and Other Drug Screening of Hospitalized Trauma Patients, Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP), No.", "hypothesis": "It was a protocol for treating trauma patients with regards to alcohol and drugs."} {"idx": "mnli-17088", "premise": "Open noon to midnight.", "hypothesis": "They are open from 12am to 3 pm."} {"idx": "mnli-17089", "premise": "or she's i guess yeah it's was about ten years so i yeah i i was really happy that i was able to do that but i that's what i wanted to because i uh you know i just couldn't wait to have kids and so if i was i was so anxious to have them and i couldn't wait to have them it would be kind of silly you know to go back to work as soon as i had them so so it it it it was really great by the end of the ten years i was really ready", "hypothesis": "If I could, I would spend the rest of my life raising children instead of working."} {"idx": "mnli-17090", "premise": "Eventually, Bradley remembers something he admits was a mistake--I voted against Alan Greenspan the first time --and everybody laughs.", "hypothesis": "Nobody laughed after Bradley admitted his voting mistake."} {"idx": "mnli-17091", "premise": "have our kids um you know have little lessons with them and you know just see count see how things are going in our family and you know teach them about their grandparents or something like that bring out pictures of them so they get to know them and we just do all kinds of fun things like that and", "hypothesis": "The kids don't know who their grandparents are, they've never seen them."} {"idx": "mnli-17092", "premise": "A youth hostel (good for overnighting in order to experience sunrise at Masada) and kosher restaurant are at the foot of the mountain near the cable-car station.", "hypothesis": "The youth hostel and the kosher restaurant are part of the same building."} {"idx": "mnli-17093", "premise": "The press will reveal things about candidates that otherwise would not be revealed, says Carole Sergent, a college classmate of Alexander's and godmother to one of his children.", "hypothesis": "Carole Sergent does not know who Alexander is."} {"idx": "mnli-17094", "premise": "Eventually, we reached my workden- my 'office,' I suppose.", "hypothesis": "We never got to my office."} {"idx": "mnli-17095", "premise": "like i bought i bought the most", "hypothesis": "I sold the least."} {"idx": "mnli-17096", "premise": "Enclosed is our assessment of HUD's compliance with the procedural steps required by sections 801(a)(1)(B)(i) through (iv) of title 5 with respect to the rule.", "hypothesis": "We decided not to examine HUDs compliance."} {"idx": "mnli-17097", "premise": "This began as a royal library in 1368, when Charles V placed 973 manuscripts in the Louvre.", "hypothesis": "In 1368, it was a library."} {"idx": "mnli-17098", "premise": "Several of the individuals and organizations that we contacted said that the agencies should move to a more standardized approach, and said that standardization could make the current system of participation more accessible to the public.", "hypothesis": "Contacted organizations recommend making the agencies less accessible."} {"idx": "mnli-17099", "premise": "so a lot of it in the name of Christianity", "hypothesis": "A lot is done in the name of Christianity. "} {"idx": "mnli-17100", "premise": "The tactic is to fight Dole to a draw or a near-draw on the tax issue; that would be an intermediate victory for Clinton, and make a November victory more likely.", "hypothesis": "Dole cannot be defeated."} {"idx": "mnli-17101", "premise": "As good as the best done on my world. Ser Perth went away, temporarily pleased with himself, and Hanson stood staring at the model.", "hypothesis": "Ser Perth was only pleased with himself for around 5 minutes after leaving, then becoming very upset."} {"idx": "mnli-17102", "premise": "5: Software Size Estimates", "hypothesis": "The estimates of the software size."} {"idx": "mnli-17103", "premise": "All her friends spoke of her as Rita.", "hypothesis": "Her friends called her Rita because it is short for Margarita."} {"idx": "mnli-17104", "premise": "yeah i we try to do a lot of things as a family and you know inexpensively as possible so", "hypothesis": "We sometimes splurge a little bit more on pricier activities."} {"idx": "mnli-17105", "premise": "uh-huh yeah i agree with you like pre junior high and and um see and make it you know a curriculum oriented type of proposal as opposed to anything mandated like the old selective service or anything so it sounds like we're in agreement with that", "hypothesis": "I agree with you that it should be a curriculum."} {"idx": "mnli-17106", "premise": "Other participants commented that there is no shortage of qualified people to serve on boards of directors.", "hypothesis": "There aren't enough qualified people to work for the board."} {"idx": "mnli-17107", "premise": "but for the most part people were like well i don't like it uh it's not something i prefer to do but i understand the reasoning and i think part of the attitude is that i think TI went to really great lengths in communicating and tried to prepare them and and tell them why and you know they didn't just announce it without really any forethought", "hypothesis": "TI tried to prepare people for what was happening because he knew that his reputation would be smeared."} {"idx": "mnli-17108", "premise": "Koontz uh his last name ends in a Z i know that", "hypothesis": "I have trouble remembering how to spell Koontz."} {"idx": "mnli-17109", "premise": "The planned new Roman city, Aelia Capitolina, was built over the ruins of Herodian Jerusalem, and Jews were barred from residing there for all time.", "hypothesis": "Aelia Capitolina became the jewel of the middle east once it had been built."} {"idx": "mnli-17110", "premise": " Ser Perth appeared at the doorway with two of the mandrakes.", "hypothesis": "Ser Perth stood at the doorway, clutching two mandrakes."} {"idx": "mnli-17111", "premise": "Find out how long it took to get approvals from management and the direction management gave to project personnel.", "hypothesis": "Project personnel will never be approved "} {"idx": "mnli-17112", "premise": "Orders for scrubbers, such as the recent order for the Coleman Station in Kentucky, are continuing to be received in spite of the concerns raised about the availability of boilermaker labor during the simultaneous installation of SCRs for the NOX SIP Call.", "hypothesis": "Scrubbers were still ordered despite concerns of a boilermaker shortage. "} {"idx": "mnli-17113", "premise": "'Mr.Greuze says you can come in,' I was told.", "hypothesis": "I was nervous about going in."} {"idx": "mnli-17114", "premise": "A third type of city delivery route is the foot route.", "hypothesis": "There are at least 3 different types of city delivery routes."} {"idx": "mnli-17115", "premise": "you know especially if you get forget to record those little suckers", "hypothesis": "Nothing needed to be managed here."} {"idx": "mnli-17116", "premise": "A number of golf tournaments are held here every year.", "hypothesis": "Golf tournaments are never held here. "} {"idx": "mnli-17117", "premise": "And only now did he have time to relish his own excited pride and pleasure.", "hypothesis": "At the moment he did not have any time enjoy his pride and pleasure. "} {"idx": "mnli-17118", "premise": "and we're now finding out like we have peach trees in the middle of our garden now because we took peach seeds and dump them there whenever the garden like in the fall", "hypothesis": "We have peach trees."} {"idx": "mnli-17119", "premise": "They would publish it broadcast throughout England, and declare for the revolution 63 without a moment's hesitation.", "hypothesis": "A lot of people in England would watch the broadcast."} {"idx": "mnli-17120", "premise": "In 1791 the seat of government and the governor's (or captain general's) residence were transferred from the fort to the newly built, baroque Palacio de los Capitanes Generales (Palace of the Captain Generals) on the square's western flank.", "hypothesis": "The government's seat was transferred in 1791."} {"idx": "mnli-17121", "premise": "DU has a law- student body of about 1,000, and CU's population is about half that.", "hypothesis": "DU has around 15000 students total in addition to those in the law school."} {"idx": "mnli-17122", "premise": "But a small item in the WP 's TV column makes you wonder even about It seems that UPN has ordered up a full season of episodes for the virtually all-black Moesha, which as of last Sunday, the paper reports, ranked 124th among the 139 series on the air.", "hypothesis": "The paper reported that the show had the highest rating."} {"idx": "mnli-17123", "premise": "but over here nobody should be going that fast to be worried about wind", "hypothesis": "Nobody goes fast enough to have the wind bother them."} {"idx": "mnli-17124", "premise": "But the really interesting thing about Java is that Gilder isn't the only one using this kind of language.", "hypothesis": "Java is not interesting because Gilder isn't the only one using this kind of language."} {"idx": "mnli-17125", "premise": "what if they're not guilty", "hypothesis": "Guilty or not they still need to have their voice heard."} {"idx": "mnli-17126", "premise": "and it's just an old old compact that is super slow and but it does it does it's job so", "hypothesis": "The old compact is very slow but it's effective."} {"idx": "mnli-17127", "premise": "What Isikoff couldn't pin down was whether the advance was welcome or not.", "hypothesis": "Although he didn't know for sure, he believed the advance wasn't welcomed."} {"idx": "mnli-17128", "premise": "Tweed traditionally kept lairds and lords warm as they went out on grouse shoots on their northern estates before the invention of Goretex.", "hypothesis": "Lords and lairds have now dropped tweed in favour of Goretex."} {"idx": "mnli-17129", "premise": "so and the you know everybody just gives you a credit card just so you'll spend money so", "hypothesis": "They want you to spend your money because they earn more in sales."} {"idx": "mnli-17130", "premise": "oh sure i think that's that's i feel that you know for certain cases that i that i am willing to give up my rights to secure the rights of others i guess is what i'm saying", "hypothesis": "There are lots of people who need help with practicing their rights."} {"idx": "mnli-17131", "premise": "On the contrary, said Poirot quietly, \"there are several points in his favour.\"", "hypothesis": "Poirot had figured out that his alibi was actually true."} {"idx": "mnli-17132", "premise": "How do we tell them to get out of our house without causing family problems?", "hypothesis": "Asking them to leave will potentially cause family problems. "} {"idx": "mnli-17133", "premise": "Presentation to the Clean Air Science Advisory Committee.", "hypothesis": "The report was presented "} {"idx": "mnli-17134", "premise": "Bauerstein considered it advisable.\" Poirot nodded thoughtfully. ", "hypothesis": "Bauerstein warned against it and Poirot disagreed."} {"idx": "mnli-17135", "premise": "Yes, with a 'forlorn hope' ", "hypothesis": "Yes, without any hope."} {"idx": "mnli-17136", "premise": "No one could have known beforehand that she was going to be in that house much less that particular room.", "hypothesis": "Nobody knew that she would be in the house."} {"idx": "mnli-17137", "premise": "what are your music music interests", "hypothesis": "You don't like music, correct?"} {"idx": "mnli-17138", "premise": "(You can also take the funicular railway up from the Rue Tardieu; metro tickets are valid. )", "hypothesis": "The Rue Tardieu railway does not accept metro tickets."} {"idx": "mnli-17139", "premise": "This is not mere rhetoric.", "hypothesis": "This is not a rhetorical question I\"m asking you. "} {"idx": "mnli-17140", "premise": "ratemaking provisions.", "hypothesis": "The provisions are all approved."} {"idx": "mnli-17141", "premise": "or something rather than having the whole entire different wardrobe with", "hypothesis": "Instead of having the entire wardrobe."} {"idx": "mnli-17142", "premise": "This information helps in making decisions such as to contract work out, undertake a project, or increase, decrease, modify, or eliminate an activity or product.", "hypothesis": "Information like this could help us choose who to contract work out to, who to give our projects to, where to outsource our labor from and to, and which products to eliminate in the next quarter."} {"idx": "mnli-17143", "premise": "And should you let this stud of yours run with a picked manada of mares, I could promise good fees.\"", "hypothesis": "The stud had a pick of mares because it is popular."} {"idx": "mnli-17144", "premise": "I hadn't got any folk of my own, so it made it easy to arrange things.", "hypothesis": "I did not possess a folk, so that made arranging things simple."} {"idx": "mnli-17145", "premise": "His mind threatened to blank out with each step, but he forced himself on.", "hypothesis": "He forced himself on because he did not want to stay there."} {"idx": "mnli-17146", "premise": "Living poets will continue to be eligible as well.", "hypothesis": "Living poets will continue being eligible."} {"idx": "mnli-17147", "premise": "Any omitted paragraphs are indicated in the table of contents.", "hypothesis": "The page numbers of these paragraphs are also listed in the table of contents."} {"idx": "mnli-17148", "premise": "Tours of the brewery itself are not offered, but the Guinness Visitor Centre, in a four-story converted 19th-century building, presents a wonderful history of the world of Guinness.", "hypothesis": "The Guinness brewery is open to visitors 24/7."} {"idx": "mnli-17149", "premise": "(It's just bullshit, Magnet says.", "hypothesis": "Magnet says that they made it up."} {"idx": "mnli-17150", "premise": "The road climbs up through the tree line and into bracken fell (plateaus with thickets of shrubs) and sheep country until you reach the most difficult stretch of road in the Lake District, over the passes of Wrynose and Hardknott.", "hypothesis": "The most difficult road to traverse in the Lake District lies on the passes of Wrynose and Hardknott."} {"idx": "mnli-17151", "premise": "exist you know and and i think it might be another good public service might be to have them help out in geriatric homes or you know this type of thing they are around uh", "hypothesis": "They should do a musical number in the geriatric homes."} {"idx": "mnli-17152", "premise": "An interesting case, a very interesting case.", "hypothesis": "The man states that it's an interesting case."} {"idx": "mnli-17153", "premise": "um-hum um-hum um it almost makes you kind of think about things it gives you a different way of thinking them because you you're you're in you you know that you always wonder and when you see something like that that kind of well hey well maybe it could be that way", "hypothesis": "It is life changing to see something like that."} {"idx": "mnli-17154", "premise": "The Reagan defense budgets helped, as did an aggressive marketing plan abroad and, most importantly, the merger with Martin Marietta and the acquisition of General Dynamics' F-16 fighter division.", "hypothesis": "The marketing plan specifically focused on Germany, Poland, Switzerland and Norway. "} {"idx": "mnli-17155", "premise": "his argument is that uh the ownership is not inclined to lose big money long enough to to bring in the big dollars", "hypothesis": "The ownership is willing to spend a lot to make a lot."} {"idx": "mnli-17156", "premise": "The back jacket is crammed with bipartisan blurbs--from Jack Kemp to Vernon Jordan, Dianne Feinstein, and Ann McLaughlin, George Bush's secretary of labor.", "hypothesis": "On the rear of the book, you can see quotes from many different people."} {"idx": "mnli-17157", "premise": "their church doesn't teach birth control they preach against it", "hypothesis": "Their church believes in teaching abstinence as the only method of birth control."} {"idx": "mnli-17158", "premise": " Twice he passed abandoned villages, but there was nothing there for him.", "hypothesis": "More than once he had gone past empty homes where he found nothing. "} {"idx": "mnli-17159", "premise": "In the Salon de Diane, the billiard table's gone, but Bernini has left a superb bust of the king as reigning champion at 27.", "hypothesis": "There is a bust of the king in the Salon."} {"idx": "mnli-17160", "premise": "18 Because of the large sample size, these data are far more useful for our analysis than the subsequent panel data.", "hypothesis": "Data from previous panels was much too small. "} {"idx": "mnli-17161", "premise": "well i lived in Missouri and then in Utah and then um and both places had pretty good state income tax", "hypothesis": "I lived in Missouri and then in Utah because I got transferred"} {"idx": "mnli-17162", "premise": "But again, there's no evidence linking Huang's involvement to the Chinese government.", "hypothesis": "It is not currently possible to prove that Huang had ties with the Chinese government."} {"idx": "mnli-17163", "premise": "I find myself in disagreement with Hear Me, by Bill Barnes, about the quality of IBM's VoiceType software.", "hypothesis": "I disagree with other parts of Hear Me, by Bill Barnes."} {"idx": "mnli-17164", "premise": "I like. ", "hypothesis": "I hate it."} {"idx": "mnli-17165", "premise": "Now, the matter of Shiloh... Drew finished the sherry with appreciation.", "hypothesis": "Drew drank the wine graciously."} {"idx": "mnli-17166", "premise": "He had never fully realized how much the shame of what he thought himself to be had weighed on him.", "hypothesis": "He was ashamed of himself. "} {"idx": "mnli-17167", "premise": "People in the Brave New World satisfy the wants they have but are prevented from having some good wants, like want for love and family, and deprived of the opportunity to reach for new and better wants.", "hypothesis": "People in the Brave New World are under the control of intelligent machines."} {"idx": "mnli-17168", "premise": "Gradually Cretans settled down to intermarry with the occupiers and to participate in their style of government.", "hypothesis": "Cretans came through to conquer the native occupants and destroy their system of government."} {"idx": "mnli-17169", "premise": "of course i'm in i'm in North Carolina now and and uh the mountains here are pretty nice i haven't been i just got here last September but i'm planning to", "hypothesis": "North Carolina has a beautiful mountain-scape."} {"idx": "mnli-17170", "premise": "i tell you", "hypothesis": "I told you the secret already."} {"idx": "mnli-17171", "premise": "We're very grateful for all you've told us.", "hypothesis": "We really appreciate everything you told us."} {"idx": "mnli-17172", "premise": "Although these efforts were generally aimed at encouraging policy compliance, the senior security official at the retailing company emphasized the importance of improving users' understanding of risks.", "hypothesis": "There were no efforts to encourage any policy compliance."} {"idx": "mnli-17173", "premise": "When Subia finally met the governor a few days later at the Chamizal National Memorial, Subia needed no introduction.", "hypothesis": "Sub needed an introduction to the governor when Subia met the governor at the Chamizal National Memorial. "} {"idx": "mnli-17174", "premise": "Still, most people know by now that after a few beers at dinner, they've had too much to get up and drive.", "hypothesis": "Drinking and driving is ok and actually helps you to drive better."} {"idx": "mnli-17175", "premise": "He hired a room, and I hired one too.", "hypothesis": "We both reserved a room."} {"idx": "mnli-17176", "premise": "Areport from Phnom Penh in the South China Morning Post quoted the Cambodian Ministry of Health as saying that traffic accidents now outstripped land mine and other war-related injuries as a major cause of death in Cambodia.", "hypothesis": "Land mine and war-related injuries are a cause of many deaths in Cambodia."} {"idx": "mnli-17177", "premise": "The stock market historically has a higher rate of return than government bonds do.", "hypothesis": "Government bonds historically have a lower rate of return than the stock market."} {"idx": "mnli-17178", "premise": "Harvard Six Cities estimate of mortality.", "hypothesis": "They estimate the mortality in the six cities."} {"idx": "mnli-17179", "premise": "She's my cousin, and as patriotic a girl as ever stepped. 181 \"I don't care a damn what she is, but get out of here!\" retorted Tommy also at the top of his voice.", "hypothesis": "My cousin wasn't to blame for the situation."} {"idx": "mnli-17180", "premise": "The tourism ante is being upped by hoteliers, entrepreneurs, and government officials eager to broaden Madeira's offerings and appeal.", "hypothesis": "There is a concerted effort to increase tourism."} {"idx": "mnli-17181", "premise": "It is not in your possession? ", "hypothesis": "Do you not have it in your bag right now?"} {"idx": "mnli-17182", "premise": "The other electric utility projects that boilermakers work on include such projects as routine maintenance at operating plants and new plant construction, which account for approximately 13,500,000 man-hours of", "hypothesis": "Plants require routine maintenance every 6 months and the boilermakers do this specific task. "} {"idx": "mnli-17183", "premise": "The eternally crowded Third Street Promenade caters to the tourist and the local markets with a vast selection of affordable clothing stores, jewelry shops, and gift boutiques.", "hypothesis": "The Third Street Promenade has been demolished."} {"idx": "mnli-17184", "premise": "The basic qualification, the Open Water certificate, takes five days to complete.", "hypothesis": "The Open Water certificate only takes two days to earn."} {"idx": "mnli-17185", "premise": "The best-dressed Puerto Rican gentlemen wear these tailored, embroidered shirts for many occasions.", "hypothesis": "The shirts are popular with people from Puerto Rico."} {"idx": "mnli-17186", "premise": "Station Here Jesus is condemned in Herod the Great's Antonia Fortress.", "hypothesis": "Station Here Jesus is not welcome in Antonia Fortress."} {"idx": "mnli-17187", "premise": "TWEAK screens for alcohol abuse and dependence.", "hypothesis": "TWEAK is used primarily for alcohol related issues."} {"idx": "mnli-17188", "premise": "Most are illustrated with brutal photos of beached ships, downed trees, and shattered houses.", "hypothesis": "Most are scattered with brutal pictures of beach ships, downed trees and shattered houses."} {"idx": "mnli-17189", "premise": "A little known secret is that a standing ticket (usually around US$12) actually gives you the run of the you can move around freely, sit in unoccupied seats, and even enjoy the action from the ringside until the actual ticket-holders arrive later on.", "hypothesis": "Standing tickets cost hundreds of dollars!"} {"idx": "mnli-17190", "premise": "Such PPE is expensed if purchased, but no amount is recognized if it is received as a donation.", "hypothesis": "PPE is always considered an expense regardless of it has been donated or not."} {"idx": "mnli-17191", "premise": "Dublin's importance grew dramatically as the city became the center of social and business life in Ireland.", "hypothesis": "Dublin's influence began to wane as Ireland's social life began to trickle to other cities."} {"idx": "mnli-17192", "premise": "Dilbert kind of sums it up for me when it comes to postal reform.", "hypothesis": "Postal reform is summed up by Dilbert."} {"idx": "mnli-17193", "premise": "These costs are developed primarily to be marginal costs and will be assumed to be marginal costs in this paper.", "hypothesis": "The costs are developed primarily to be enough to transfer $9 to Donald Trump's bank account."} {"idx": "mnli-17194", "premise": "This was Johnson at his most evocative, trying to ease Kennedy out of his way while sucking up to him.", "hypothesis": "Johnson was never evocative."} {"idx": "mnli-17195", "premise": "Bakeries and newsagents open mornings only on most fiestas but don't count on it.", "hypothesis": "During fiesta times, bakeries and newsagents are always open all day. "} {"idx": "mnli-17196", "premise": "um yeah to a point it's not my best subject", "hypothesis": "It's my best subject in pretty much all respects."} {"idx": "mnli-17197", "premise": "Former Independent Counsel Joseph diGenova applauds Ginsburg, saying that he has hired another attorney to handle the legal issues so he can shape the PR battle for his client.", "hypothesis": "DiGenova said Ginsburg was terribleat his job."} {"idx": "mnli-17198", "premise": "LAP's current funding primarily comes from the state's two largest bar associations and private donations.", "hypothesis": "Private donations and the state's two largest bar associations provide funding for LAP. "} {"idx": "mnli-17199", "premise": "no you must pay all attention to what you're doing it's it's it is a lot more difficult than it seems like it would be it took me uh quite a bit of time i thought oh this won't take long at all but i was wrong it took while it took a while to do but it was fun i enjoyed it", "hypothesis": "The time it took was a lot shorter than my expectations were."} {"idx": "mnli-17200", "premise": "She lifted her eyebrows at the sight of the girl.", "hypothesis": "She raised her eyebrows when she saw what the girl was wearing. "} {"idx": "mnli-17201", "premise": "Unlike the other colonists, who eventually melted into the culture, the Cajuns kept to themselves in the bayou, retaining their 17th-century language and customs.", "hypothesis": "The Cajuns kept to themselves in the bayou, retaining their language and customs."} {"idx": "mnli-17202", "premise": "The capital of Rajasthan was built according to astrological precepts.", "hypothesis": "There was no astrology in the building of the capital."} {"idx": "mnli-17203", "premise": "1 It was not until the mid-nineteenth century that city delivery began on a regular basis in the U.S.", "hypothesis": "It took another century before rural delivery was available on a regular basis."} {"idx": "mnli-17204", "premise": "8 billion pieces of advertising mail.", "hypothesis": "A consistent number of pieces of advertising mail has been sent in the last year."} {"idx": "mnli-17205", "premise": "\u2026 I have been reading a life of Napoleon.", "hypothesis": "I was illiterate and couldn't read a word."} {"idx": "mnli-17206", "premise": "Of course he did.", "hypothesis": "He had obviously done that."} {"idx": "mnli-17207", "premise": "Items that former future Speaker of the House Bob Livingston has had affairs with outside of his marriage.", "hypothesis": "The Speaker of the House, Bob Livingston, is a very faithful man. "} {"idx": "mnli-17208", "premise": "Just as the flow of personal saving affects the stock of financial assets accumulated by households, government saving affects the stock of federal debt.", "hypothesis": "Government saving has no impact on the stock of federal debt."} {"idx": "mnli-17209", "premise": "The Forbes campaign claims that more than 160 stations in 45 states carry this commentary.", "hypothesis": "All 50 states carry this commentary."} {"idx": "mnli-17210", "premise": "When do we leave? ", "hypothesis": "We will leave in the next hour."} {"idx": "mnli-17211", "premise": "You don't understand how important this is.", "hypothesis": "You don't know how much this means."} {"idx": "mnli-17212", "premise": "Doctorow's Ragtime , is set in 1910.", "hypothesis": "The world-renowned Doctorow's Ragtime is set in 1910."} {"idx": "mnli-17213", "premise": "and and that she has a whole bunch of kittens but we have to be careful uh you know we have to get a particular color point uh stud you can't just breed them with anything we have to get a uh we have to get a silver point himmy so the silver will be predominate in the kittens", "hypothesis": "All of her cats are fully grown adults."} {"idx": "mnli-17214", "premise": "Show us, said the man.", "hypothesis": "Show us immediately said the man."} {"idx": "mnli-17215", "premise": "No, Lawrence, that's the poison cupboard. ", "hypothesis": "That is the poison cupboard."} {"idx": "mnli-17216", "premise": "But he's more comfortable behind the scenes", "hypothesis": "He doesn't enjoy the spotlight as much as the background work."} {"idx": "mnli-17217", "premise": "McCarthyism about cynicism.", "hypothesis": "McCarthyism was started in Hollywood."} {"idx": "mnli-17218", "premise": "Finally, the Caribs were expelled from the French domain, remaining for a period on Dominica and St. Vincent.", "hypothesis": "The Caribs were invited to France."} {"idx": "mnli-17219", "premise": "What a display! he said.", "hypothesis": "He thought the display was the best he had seen."} {"idx": "mnli-17220", "premise": "Their only son, prince Don Juan, died here at the age of 19, and his tomb lies in the monastery.", "hypothesis": "Prince Don Juan lived into his forties."} {"idx": "mnli-17221", "premise": "On his head was something like a miter, carrying a coiled brass snake in front of it.", "hypothesis": "The coiled brass snake wasn't alive, but hissing sounds could be heard from it."} {"idx": "mnli-17222", "premise": "Dave glanced over the edge again to see one of the tall buildings crumple under the impact.", "hypothesis": "One of the tall buildings crumpled under the impact, luckily it was abandoned."} {"idx": "mnli-17223", "premise": "yes but people grow up and they forget", "hypothesis": "No matter how old people get they never forget. "} {"idx": "mnli-17224", "premise": "I got you now, you dumb shit, he shouted infuriated pulling out a bundled pair of mismatched socks.", "hypothesis": "He was clearly looking for something that was hiding."} {"idx": "mnli-17225", "premise": "and they have a they're able to average it over a number of different occasions because peoples voices change a lot even from morning to evening and that's uh a big problem in speech recognition", "hypothesis": "People's voices do not change at all from morning to evening."} {"idx": "mnli-17226", "premise": "After Robert Kennedy's assassination in 1968, he endorsed strong gun control legislation, and as recently as last year he declared that AK-47s are inappropriate for private use.", "hypothesis": "He is considered to be a strong proponent of the second amendment."} {"idx": "mnli-17227", "premise": "Goosebumps struck me skin.", "hypothesis": "The goosebumps came in wave after wave."} {"idx": "mnli-17228", "premise": "There's an abundance of nature, history, art, and modern culture to be explored and enjoyed.", "hypothesis": "Most visitors spend most of their time exploring nature and modern culture."} {"idx": "mnli-17229", "premise": "From the belvedere in the treasury of the palace, where the Sultan used to gaze down upon his fleet, you can look across the mouth of the Golden Horn to the modern district of Beyo lu, where multi-storey hotels rise beyond the turret of the Galata Tower.", "hypothesis": "Because of poor placement, the view from the belvedere in the treasury of the palace does not hold any views."} {"idx": "mnli-17230", "premise": "Next door on the busy pedestrian street of Corso Vannucci is the Collegio del Cambio, 15th-century hall and chapel of the bankers' guild.", "hypothesis": "Corso Vannucci street once was home to the Collegio del Cambio before it was demolished."} {"idx": "mnli-17231", "premise": "I'll call him Jacob White, even though that's my name.", "hypothesis": "Nobody else can hold the name Jacob White but me. "} {"idx": "mnli-17232", "premise": "Not everyone is deflating however.", "hypothesis": "No one is deflating."} {"idx": "mnli-17233", "premise": "Finest collection of emeralds in the world.", "hypothesis": "A miserable collection of fake emeralds. "} {"idx": "mnli-17234", "premise": "The building at the corner of Charlotte Square and South Charlotte Street was the birthplace of Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone.", "hypothesis": "Alexander Graham Bell spent the first twenty years of his life in the building where he was born."} {"idx": "mnli-17235", "premise": "Unfortunately, for reasons of space, I had to condense his remarks, adding nothing, just making a few cuts and altering the punctuation to bring it into line with standard usage.", "hypothesis": "There is no reason I cannot focus on the things I need to. "} {"idx": "mnli-17236", "premise": "What do you mean, helping us?", "hypothesis": "What do you mean, assisting us?"} {"idx": "mnli-17237", "premise": "There is yet another new way to read Slate , or at least a part of it.", "hypothesis": "Slate has other ways to read at least part of it. "} {"idx": "mnli-17238", "premise": "uh-huh well i work at TI and they don't really have uh dress code so to speak there it's pretty lax about um you know we you can pretty much wear whatever you want to and i wear anything from jeans when i'm feeling really casual to uh suits and dresses when i'm meeting with a customer or i i teach training classes", "hypothesis": "I work at TI and they don't care what you wear."} {"idx": "mnli-17239", "premise": "This column, as my first in the Strange Bed, is free of history.", "hypothesis": "This column is not free of history."} {"idx": "mnli-17240", "premise": "Would Conrad again accompany the girl? ", "hypothesis": "Would Conrad serve the girl some lunch?"} {"idx": "mnli-17241", "premise": "Imported dried cod (bacalhao) is the Portuguese national dish; several varieties are available, usually baked.", "hypothesis": "The Portuguese love their cod baked, broiled, stewed, seared, etc."} {"idx": "mnli-17242", "premise": "Among the stops to consider are Bourges, Limoges, and Uzerche.", "hypothesis": "Limoges is not a stop to be considered."} {"idx": "mnli-17243", "premise": "the tester meows as he drops the vermin on the developer's doorstep.", "hypothesis": "The tester makes a cat noise on the developer's doorstep."} {"idx": "mnli-17244", "premise": "and uh running after them or going biking with them or just exploring you know on a little exploration exploration hike you know through the neighborhood it's amazing you know how many earthworms you can find and", "hypothesis": "An exploration hike reveals so many earthworms."} {"idx": "mnli-17245", "premise": "(The district also shares its name with one of Turkey's famous football clubs. )", "hypothesis": "There is a football team with the same name as the district."} {"idx": "mnli-17246", "premise": "It is something of a pantheon for the House of Savoy, buried in the basilica's Crypt of Kings.", "hypothesis": "Above the basilica is a hall dedicated to the House of Savoy."} {"idx": "mnli-17247", "premise": "It was hoped that the whole affair had been kept so secret that nothing would have leaked out.", "hypothesis": "They had told everyone to avoid mentioning anything."} {"idx": "mnli-17248", "premise": "I want to know more about this.", "hypothesis": "Can I get more information, then I can make a better decision."} {"idx": "mnli-17249", "premise": "The friendship between Harrer and the Dalai Lama continues to this day.", "hypothesis": "The friendship between the two men has ended."} {"idx": "mnli-17250", "premise": "One early critic of this trend, Sherman Lee, then director of the Cleveland Museum of Art, complained 20 years ago that NEH tends to lose sight of the fundamental purpose of an art exhibition, which is not to illustrate history but to allow an art work to be understood and enjoyed as a work of art.", "hypothesis": "Sherman Lee does not have any knowledge of art. "} {"idx": "mnli-17251", "premise": "Their price was $18,000.", "hypothesis": "Their price was over $10,000."} {"idx": "mnli-17252", "premise": "Guadeloupe and Martinique became full d??partements of France in 1946 a source of great pride to many.", "hypothesis": "Guadeloupe and Martinique were never fully part of france."} {"idx": "mnli-17253", "premise": "Today you're going to fight the Kal.", "hypothesis": "Today is the day that you will have a fight with the Kal. "} {"idx": "mnli-17254", "premise": "Friends of mine, especially women, found sitting through the film akin to being smeared with excrement.", "hypothesis": "Friends of mine didn't like the film, especially women, said the critic."} {"idx": "mnli-17255", "premise": "And no one is suggesting that legislators pack up and go home forthwith.", "hypothesis": "No suggestion is being made that the legislators leave."} {"idx": "mnli-17256", "premise": "I did, however, add that I had failed to acquire a family, and I hoped to secure a wife and two children as soon as possible so we could spend more time together.)", "hypothesis": "I wanted to get married to anyone who would take me."} {"idx": "mnli-17257", "premise": "Standing at the centre of Temple Mount is Jerusalem's greatest architectural achievement, the Dome of the Rock, whose golden cupola is the city's most famous landmark.", "hypothesis": "The Dome of the Rock is one of the most visited places in Jerusalem."} {"idx": "mnli-17258", "premise": "just twice for her and we're going to end up probably keeping one out of each litter", "hypothesis": "We will choose the biggest one to keep from each litter."} {"idx": "mnli-17259", "premise": "is that right yeah we uh we thought the opposite we thought well it's going to be TI people and i think they went to customers you know people that use TI computers and everything which is fine", "hypothesis": "They left out the people who own TI computers."} {"idx": "mnli-17260", "premise": "at that time there's been a couple of those here in Lewisville over the last few weeks yeah and they're you know they're not sure if we're working with the same guy or not but uh it's really scary you know it really is so", "hypothesis": "There have not been any of those around here in the last year."} {"idx": "mnli-17261", "premise": "what was i'm trying to remember oh the other the one i talked about the other night was good it was um about movies you know who what have you seen at the movies lately and stuff like that", "hypothesis": "we talked about the very last movie that I saw"} {"idx": "mnli-17262", "premise": "At IRS we identified the challenges the organization faces in revamping its human capital policies to help achieve its congressionally mandated transformation to an agency that better balances service to the taxpayers with enforcement of the tax laws.", "hypothesis": "The IRS aims to provide better service to tax payers while also improving its enforcement of tax laws."} {"idx": "mnli-17263", "premise": "These communications will take several forms, including, as facts and circumstances warrant, meetings between GAO's Comptroller General or Chief Operating Officer and the heads of agencies or their designees at the presidential appointee with Senate confirmation (PAS) level to discuss areas of mutual interest and concern.", "hypothesis": "Usually agency heads will send designees instead of attending meetings themselves."} {"idx": "mnli-17264", "premise": "The original Winnie-the-Pooh was the mascot of a Canadian regiment, an actual living bear named for the city of Winnipeg.", "hypothesis": "The mascot of a Canadian regiment was an actual living bear named for the city of Winnipeg."} {"idx": "mnli-17265", "premise": "Change in national saving represents the sum of the change in personal and government saving for a simplified example focused on one household and one type of IRA.", "hypothesis": " Change in national saving represents the sum of the change in personal and government saving"} {"idx": "mnli-17266", "premise": "Exposure Draft", "hypothesis": "Drafty Window Exposed"} {"idx": "mnli-17267", "premise": "He had carried these all along, Ca'daan realized.", "hypothesis": "He thought about what the man had been carrying."} {"idx": "mnli-17268", "premise": "The richness of the environment around the Blue Mountains has long been recognized; protecting the areas of virgin forest is now a priority.", "hypothesis": "There are parts of the Blue Mountains that have tons of wildlife."} {"idx": "mnli-17269", "premise": "The activities cited here would not be unusual, or even objectionable, if Gates imposed strict quality control standards upon them.", "hypothesis": "Gates regrets being lax with quality control standards."} {"idx": "mnli-17270", "premise": "dammed up the uh White River real pretty in Arkansas lake but we are hoping to explore a lot of the lakes around Texas and just stay close to home", "hypothesis": "The White River is a more exciting lake to visit than the lakes around Texas."} {"idx": "mnli-17271", "premise": "Follow him, of course, silly! ", "hypothesis": "The entire point is that you follow him."} {"idx": "mnli-17272", "premise": "A great many embroidered, items, including tablecloths and napkins, are all over Portugal especially at street markets.", "hypothesis": "It is impossible to find napkins in Portuguese markets."} {"idx": "mnli-17273", "premise": "First there was that shoulder hole; then I got me a good case of lung fever.", "hypothesis": "I had lung fever for weeks. "} {"idx": "mnli-17274", "premise": "Today, with trendy boutiques, blue-chip art galleries, a buzzing nightlife scene, and some of the finest restaurants in the county, Santa Monica looks as if it is set to continue forever as L.A.'s most popular playground.", "hypothesis": "Santa Monica isn't very popular or attractive"} {"idx": "mnli-17275", "premise": "In his discussion of one historic work--Jean Buchon's comparison of American rivers in his 1825 Atlas Geographique --Tufte notes how the depictions of the Mississippi and the Amazon must curl around the page, since there's no room to show them stretched out like the other rivers.", "hypothesis": "The book had depictions of more than one river."} {"idx": "mnli-17276", "premise": "Why open a gas station if nobody has a car?)", "hypothesis": "And there's no need for restaurants if people don't eat food anymore. "} {"idx": "mnli-17277", "premise": "ascended to that level yet", "hypothesis": "Ascended there already. "} {"idx": "mnli-17278", "premise": "i think it'll be freedom of choice", "hypothesis": "I think it'll be freedom of choice"} {"idx": "mnli-17279", "premise": "Dreams of it, sometimes, I does.", "hypothesis": "I do sometimes dream of it."} {"idx": "mnli-17280", "premise": "probability of being drawn.", "hypothesis": "They were hoping for it to be drawn."} {"idx": "mnli-17281", "premise": "This executive guide was prepared under the direction of Linda Calbom, Director, Financial Management and Assurance.", "hypothesis": "Linda Calbom is the Junior Executive Vice President of Financial Management and Assurance."} {"idx": "mnli-17282", "premise": "do not ask me to believe that any man could be so idiotic! ", "hypothesis": "Don't think I'd think a man could be so idiotic! "} {"idx": "mnli-17283", "premise": "Also see our reports and testimonies included as footnotes and the Related GAO Products section of this guide.", "hypothesis": "Our reports are included as footnotes in the report released in April."} {"idx": "mnli-17284", "premise": "invest in issues the Congress may need to address in the future and (2) provide products of broad institutional interest to the Congress.", "hypothesis": "Harry Potter will be discussed in chapter 2."} {"idx": "mnli-17285", "premise": "Candles everywhere, pools of orange flickering around my shadow.", "hypothesis": "Candles lit the area."} {"idx": "mnli-17286", "premise": "Clearly, the formulation and oversight of energy policy and the investigation of Enron-related activities represent important institutional prerogatives of the Congress.", "hypothesis": "Congress wanted nothing to do with Enron."} {"idx": "mnli-17287", "premise": "and so IBM says well we have to we have to have a team right and then they come in last and they have this whole team you know analyze why they came in last right because the person asked for it", "hypothesis": "IBM says they have to have a team analyze things."} {"idx": "mnli-17288", "premise": "If you can bear the thunderous traffic, the area around the Place de Paris Carmelit terminus is a good earthy place to explore, with a street market and several interesting small shops and eating houses.", "hypothesis": "Most people find that the attractions around the terminus make up for the loud traffic."} {"idx": "mnli-17289", "premise": "It was important to find a new island location where they could recreate the site, and one was found only 300 m (900 ft) north of the original setting.", "hypothesis": "It was not important to recreate this site at all. "} {"idx": "mnli-17290", "premise": "It was good to be warm again.", "hypothesis": "It was cold."} {"idx": "mnli-17291", "premise": "1. Effluent Samples", "hypothesis": "They were samples."} {"idx": "mnli-17292", "premise": "Classified products are distributed only to those with the appropriate security clearances and a need to know.", "hypothesis": "A need to know basis is often associated with government agencies or militaries that require security clearances."} {"idx": "mnli-17293", "premise": "There were some fifteen others and when they spoke, they spoke in a language I did not know.", "hypothesis": "They did not speak English."} {"idx": "mnli-17294", "premise": "Coarse kitchen salt, it looked. ", "hypothesis": "It appeared to be coarse kitchen salt."} {"idx": "mnli-17295", "premise": "Similarly, I subscribe to magazines to get an option just in case I want to read any of the articles.", "hypothesis": "Similarly, in case I want to read any of the articles, i subscribe to magazines, to have that option just in case."} {"idx": "mnli-17296", "premise": "Its spacious grounds are a magnificent example of the strolling gardens favored during the Edo period.", "hypothesis": "Most of today's gardens were created during the Edo period."} {"idx": "mnli-17297", "premise": "Whereas personal saving represented one-half to three-quarters of average", "hypothesis": "An individuals savings are typically less than three-quarters of average."} {"idx": "mnli-17298", "premise": "The Board designated a new category of reporting to highlight the unique nature of stewardship reporting, Required Supplemental Stewardship Information (RSSI).", "hypothesis": "Stewardship reporting has a unique nature to it. "} {"idx": "mnli-17299", "premise": "It had failed.", "hypothesis": "It tried its best."} {"idx": "mnli-17300", "premise": "i'm south they're north of me", "hypothesis": "We're about an hour away."} {"idx": "mnli-17301", "premise": "advertising mail sent by non-households to other households) is not known and, thus, it has not been added to advertising mail.", "hypothesis": "The advertising mail is unknown and has not been added to the rest of the advertising mail."} {"idx": "mnli-17302", "premise": "Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission", "hypothesis": "Assistant, Safety Actions, Exchange Commission"} {"idx": "mnli-17303", "premise": "you know, Boris!\"", "hypothesis": "Boris is pretending to not know, but he knows. "} {"idx": "mnli-17304", "premise": "We told those white liberals years ago that you couldn't expect more from Negroes.", "hypothesis": "The white liberals were told a long time ago."} {"idx": "mnli-17305", "premise": "information8 and state that the report is an integral part of the audit and should be considered in assessing the results of the audit.", "hypothesis": "The report includes financial information and testimony from witnesses. "} {"idx": "mnli-17306", "premise": "We can spike it to slow them but it will not stop them very long.", "hypothesis": "We can slow them by spiking it."} {"idx": "mnli-17307", "premise": "we were switching from one station to another and in between keeping the radio on", "hypothesis": "The radio was off, we didn't touch it."} {"idx": "mnli-17308", "premise": "My trouble is that I could never keep my mouth shut.", "hypothesis": "My issue was that I always wanted to ask questions."} {"idx": "mnli-17309", "premise": "In the mystic Holy Allegory (1490) of Giovanni Bellini, we can appreciate the typical Venetian serenity even without understanding its symbols.", "hypothesis": "The Holy Allegory is very easy to appreciate even without knowing its symbolism."} {"idx": "mnli-17310", "premise": "What's the world of a mandrake-man, Sather Karf?", "hypothesis": "What is the world of a snake, Sather Karf?"} {"idx": "mnli-17311", "premise": "Velazquez and his followers enslaved the native peoples and in the process exposed them to European diseases.", "hypothesis": "The native people was enslaved by Velasquez and they were tortured by him."} {"idx": "mnli-17312", "premise": "In 1767 a design by a young and previously unknown architect, James Craig, was approved and work began.", "hypothesis": "James Craig submitted a request for the approval of his draft which was later granted. "} {"idx": "mnli-17313", "premise": "Barry described two intervention trials among older adults in primary care.", "hypothesis": "The two interventions were very different, with one successful and one not."} {"idx": "mnli-17314", "premise": "it is and it the regulations i don't think the government the government regulations are the place i i don't think are are adequate either because they just don't the ones i've been in just don't aren't real real clean uh you know they do they do a halfway decent job but i it seems like they're they're they tend to be kind of slack", "hypothesis": "I'm going to vote for someone else so that they change the regulations."} {"idx": "mnli-17315", "premise": "Our technological improvements have dramatically slowed natural selection.", "hypothesis": "Technology has only increased the role played by natural selection."} {"idx": "mnli-17316", "premise": "they really have a lot of variety", "hypothesis": "There is not much selection."} {"idx": "mnli-17317", "premise": "Hawaii, as America's western outpost and major Pacific military base, was ruled by martial law.", "hypothesis": "Hawaii was ruled by democracy."} {"idx": "mnli-17318", "premise": "It was important to find a new island location where they could recreate the site, and one was found only 300 m (900 ft) north of the original setting.", "hypothesis": "A new location had to be found where one could recreate the site."} {"idx": "mnli-17319", "premise": "The most serious action takes place at the Olympic-size indoor pools in the Centre de Natation, at 34 boulevard Carnot, and the Forum des Halles shopping complex.", "hypothesis": "The pools at the Centre de Natation are smaller than Olympic size."} {"idx": "mnli-17320", "premise": "He launched his career there and it seems fitting that he return.", "hypothesis": "His career was in the exciting field of door to door vacuum sales."} {"idx": "mnli-17321", "premise": "Two sugars, if you have them.'", "hypothesis": "Ten sugars, if you have them handy."} {"idx": "mnli-17322", "premise": "because i mean the thing is is that whenever you i mean you seen like for example you know like the war that just went on you saw you saw that", "hypothesis": "I read about the war that just happened in a newspaper."} {"idx": "mnli-17323", "premise": "yes i understand i i wait until i put mine in bed before i make my calls", "hypothesis": "It take it out of my bed before I get on the phone."} {"idx": "mnli-17324", "premise": "right right you've kind of gotten out of that little stage there", "hypothesis": "You have sort of passed that little phase there."} {"idx": "mnli-17325", "premise": "you know and it's like you know it's ridiculous and that was that was the high week but it's running about seventy which is still ridiculous to have to make changes to seventy percent of everything that she types you know that's", "hypothesis": "Although she doesn't type well, I understand that she doesn't do it deliberately, and I'm happy with how things are; I empathise with her a lot. "} {"idx": "mnli-17326", "premise": "They both laughed.", "hypothesis": "The children were laughing."} {"idx": "mnli-17327", "premise": "Cairo Film Festival is held each December with screenings of major international films taking place at various hotels all across Cairo.", "hypothesis": "Each December, hotels across Cairo host screenings of international films during the Cairo Film Festival."} {"idx": "mnli-17328", "premise": "Toward the end of his life Sinatra also found himself in a charitable mood over an old rival, Marlon Brando.", "hypothesis": "He died without a penny to give to anyone."} {"idx": "mnli-17329", "premise": "He was known to have refused office in the interests of his profession, preferring to remain a simple Member for a Scotch constituency.", "hypothesis": "He felt that it would serve the people better if he were just a simple member. "} {"idx": "mnli-17330", "premise": "The author of this anti-conspiratorial missive?", "hypothesis": "What crazy person wrote this?"} {"idx": "mnli-17331", "premise": "See the local newspaper for schedule.", "hypothesis": "Refer to the local newspaper for the schedule."} {"idx": "mnli-17332", "premise": "Paths along the windswept bracken fells are for the most part flat and offer spectacular views of surrounding peaks.", "hypothesis": "You cannot see the peaks very well because the paths are hilly. "} {"idx": "mnli-17333", "premise": "FHWA's Senior Executive Performance Plans34 Performance Elements34 Performance Standards for Elements35 Performance Standards for Summary Ratings35", "hypothesis": "The performance standards for the Senior Executive."} {"idx": "mnli-17334", "premise": "Five times more needy people ask for help than staff can assist", "hypothesis": "The staff is requesting for new people to help them with work."} {"idx": "mnli-17335", "premise": " Use a 360-degree performance feedback system.", "hypothesis": "The performance feedback system is a 180-degree model."} {"idx": "mnli-17336", "premise": "yeah as a matter of fact and our lawn mower does that too it's you you shut off the where the bag would go or where it would you know spray out the side", "hypothesis": "Our lawn mower goes through the same thing because we have the same model and company."} {"idx": "mnli-17337", "premise": "Once all European prices are quoted in euros, it will be obvious to consumers when a German company is charging more than its French competitor or vice versa--whereas it wouldn't be if the prices were quoted in francs and marks and had to be converted at the going exchange rate.", "hypothesis": "Once all European prices were reflected in Euros, it showed that German companies charged more than other countries."} {"idx": "mnli-17338", "premise": "Critics of previous Wachter studies claim that they ignore the fact that the Postal Service pays minorities the same as it pays white males.", "hypothesis": "Critics believe that Wachter studies highlight a fact in terms of payment to minorities and white females."} {"idx": "mnli-17339", "premise": "You are only determining the reliability of the data as needed to support the findings, conclusions, or recommendations of the engagement.", "hypothesis": "You manipulated the data to support your findings. "} {"idx": "mnli-17340", "premise": "The Cambridge SoundWorks 88, half an inch taller but otherwise the same size as the Bose, takes a different approach.", "hypothesis": "The Cambridge SoundWorks 88 is just a bit taller than the Bose."} {"idx": "mnli-17341", "premise": "This guidance is designed to help you make an appropriate, defensible assessment in the most efficient manner.", "hypothesis": "Making an appropriate, defensible assessment in the most efficient manner, is what this guidance is designed to help you with."} {"idx": "mnli-17342", "premise": "It is here that Jesus is said to have washed the disciples' feet and presided over the Last Supper.", "hypothesis": "Jesus was never here at all. "} {"idx": "mnli-17343", "premise": "Ca'daan felt cold.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan was feeling hot."} {"idx": "mnli-17344", "premise": "relative to schools sort of in other countries as well like compared to the Japanese school system i was in a panel that would that addressed the issue of you know science and how our kids they're just very very far behind of science because a lot of them just aren't going into it because they just don't know anything about it and how it's got to be upgraded now is all", "hypothesis": "Most people don't know about science."} {"idx": "mnli-17345", "premise": "but until i get in a place where i feel like that's where i'm going to be for a long time they're just their so hard to move", "hypothesis": "It's so easy to move and I love doing it all the time."} {"idx": "mnli-17346", "premise": "The Clinton administration, most of the Senate, and a slew of economists opposed the bill, agreeing that it would invite protectionist retaliation from other countries.", "hypothesis": "Other countries stated that they would retaliate against the bill."} {"idx": "mnli-17347", "premise": "She'll do for him very nicely, said Tommy condescendingly.", "hypothesis": "She will be perfect for him, said Tommy condescendingly."} {"idx": "mnli-17348", "premise": "i think it i think it was his shoulder he had surgery on but anyway they're trying to keep him you know keep him uh from reinjuring anything but anyway", "hypothesis": "I think he had surgery and his foot and they want him to re-injure it for some reason. "} {"idx": "mnli-17349", "premise": "Thought you'd like to know the latest.", "hypothesis": "Thought you would be happy to hear the news."} {"idx": "mnli-17350", "premise": "i am as a matter of fact i'm at uh North Carolina State", "hypothesis": "I'm at NC State, by the way."} {"idx": "mnli-17351", "premise": "She didn't use it, however.", "hypothesis": "She did not use the weapon."} {"idx": "mnli-17352", "premise": "Browse through the Arab market behind the mosque and wander the alleyways towards the port.", "hypothesis": "The port can also be accessed by the boulevard next to the mosque."} {"idx": "mnli-17353", "premise": "The river is also where on many occasions during the year the faithful take ritual purification baths.", "hypothesis": "You cannot set foot in the river, as it is too polluted."} {"idx": "mnli-17354", "premise": "Computer security risks associated with the widespread use of information create the potential for disruptions to federal agencies and the private sector in aviation, banking, law enforcement, emergency services, and other critical services.", "hypothesis": "Federal agencies might lose all their money thanks to computer security risks."} {"idx": "mnli-17355", "premise": "yeah i don't i read about one or two thick novels like that a year", "hypothesis": "I only read one or two long novels a year. "} {"idx": "mnli-17356", "premise": "The hotel is a fascinating amalgamation of architectural styles, with the front section, which houses the cozy bars, being the oldest, dating from around 1670.", "hypothesis": "The hotel lacks a bar inside of it."} {"idx": "mnli-17357", "premise": "Even that mistake wouldn't get you to 40 percent.", "hypothesis": "That mistake will definitely bring you down to 40 percent."} {"idx": "mnli-17358", "premise": "The road leading south from Ocho Rios climbs out of the town and twists and turns through a narrow valley of tropical vegetation called Fern Gully.", "hypothesis": "To get to Ocho Rios you need to take the road south and navigate through a valley called Fern Gully."} {"idx": "mnli-17359", "premise": "Albert fell for it.", "hypothesis": "Albert thought it was true."} {"idx": "mnli-17360", "premise": "Just be discreet, and don't wear your best shoes.", "hypothesis": "Don't wear your nice shoes or you'll stick out too much."} {"idx": "mnli-17361", "premise": "capable of being verified, and linked to the data in such a manner that, if the data are changed, the signature is invalidated.", "hypothesis": "The signature cannot be validated if the data is changed."} {"idx": "mnli-17362", "premise": "Posing as Drew Kirby the young veteran contrived to get himself and his friend Anse hired as corral hands at Rennie's Range, but he was hardly prepared for the suspicion and danger which stood between him and his father.", "hypothesis": "The young veteran was well prepared for the suspicion and danger which stood between him and his father."} {"idx": "mnli-17363", "premise": "Springer's excuses are halfhearted (not to mention contradictory--it's not consistent to say that television doesn't create values, then lecture your audience about values).", "hypothesis": "Springer makes halfhearted and contradictory excuses after the show."} {"idx": "mnli-17364", "premise": "Here you can experience an earthquake, touch an iceberg, and listen to the sound of a rain forest all in one place.", "hypothesis": "Here is the center of the human universe, where many cultures and terrains met, the Earth."} {"idx": "mnli-17365", "premise": "Don't miss the mummy room at the Cairo museum.", "hypothesis": "I would avoid Cairo museum's mummy room if I were you."} {"idx": "mnli-17366", "premise": "yeah they they they keep they keep coming with this well when we die they're yours i i don't want to wait until your dead i mean you'll probably have it in your will that you're going to be buried with them i don't know", "hypothesis": "We're donating them to charity after we die."} {"idx": "mnli-17367", "premise": "three bedroom brick house", "hypothesis": "House made from bricks with three bedrooms."} {"idx": "mnli-17368", "premise": "' In light of U.S. history, such punishment is virtually a return to the lynching that was practised during the frontier development period.", "hypothesis": "No one is punished for crime in the U.S."} {"idx": "mnli-17369", "premise": "But I am in her black books, since I cleared Mr. Inglethorp. ", "hypothesis": "I let Mr. Inglethorp go but that's not why she has me in her books."} {"idx": "mnli-17370", "premise": "JOHN EIDLEMAN, Program Specialist for the Legal Services Corporation; LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION; JOHN MCKAY, President of the Legal Services Corporation,", "hypothesis": "John Eidleman is a program specialist for the legal services corporation."} {"idx": "mnli-17371", "premise": "If there isn't another stall open, I understand.", "hypothesis": "I understand if there's no more stalls open."} {"idx": "mnli-17372", "premise": "The interim rule was issued without use of the notice and comment procedures of 5 U.S.C.", "hypothesis": "The interim rule was places with prior notice."} {"idx": "mnli-17373", "premise": "and there's got to be trade i guess that's some of the answer i guess is business uh uh and i try to be an optimist and say well that that's one way is to help any problem whether it be crime or certainly poverty obviously is to is to get some business going between each other and we need we need to do more of that uh somehow and encourage more business between us", "hypothesis": "I am trying to stay positive, even though it is difficult."} {"idx": "mnli-17374", "premise": "What damaged the Los Angeles Times most after the initial revelations seeped out (from an alternative weekly that didn't exist 20 years ago, it's worth noting) was the beating it took from other big media.", "hypothesis": "The Los Angeles Times was damaged by criticism from other big media."} {"idx": "mnli-17375", "premise": "Interestingly, if the page simply provides a hyperlink to the image in question, the law becomes even murkier.", "hypothesis": "There is much uncertainty regarding the law when the page only provides a hyperlink to the image in question."} {"idx": "mnli-17376", "premise": "The values of the slope (rate of increase in total costs) and intercept (institutional costs) are directly related to the population of the country.", "hypothesis": "The country's population can easily be calculated."} {"idx": "mnli-17377", "premise": "'They don't want you at all, except in pieces,' he said.", "hypothesis": "He told me they only wanted to keep me safe. "} {"idx": "mnli-17378", "premise": "The award, given to only a select few alumni, will be presented at 7:30 tonight at a reception on Moravian's Priscilla Payne Hurd campus.", "hypothesis": "Moravian gives out the award to just a few select alumnni each year."} {"idx": "mnli-17379", "premise": "my children are thirty three twenty nine and twenty five", "hypothesis": "I don't have children."} {"idx": "mnli-17380", "premise": "Five enemy Gauntlets flared to life.", "hypothesis": "Many enemy weapons came to life. "} {"idx": "mnli-17381", "premise": "To say it's banged on them, of course, is not to say the fears are not real.", "hypothesis": "To say it's banged on them does not correspond to say the fears are not real."} {"idx": "mnli-17382", "premise": "Watching them scuttle back and forth, trailing cables and hairless tails...all right, so they had fluffy fur and smelt of apricot.", "hypothesis": "They had no fur."} {"idx": "mnli-17383", "premise": "When McCain flatters you, it doesn't feel automatic or calculated.", "hypothesis": "When you're flattered by McCain it feels genuine because of his charming personality."} {"idx": "mnli-17384", "premise": "Eilat's best-known restaurant has been serving an inventive menu of meat and seafood dishes (Shanghai fish, shrimp, and pepper steak specialities) for over 20 years.", "hypothesis": "Eliat's most famous restaurant has been in business service shrimp for 20 years."} {"idx": "mnli-17385", "premise": "From what? said the man.", "hypothesis": "He had no clue what was going on."} {"idx": "mnli-17386", "premise": "um i do read a lot read quite a lot", "hypothesis": "I don't read."} {"idx": "mnli-17387", "premise": "While many of GAO's contributions cannot be quantified in dollar terms, those that can be quantified show that GAO returned over $57 for every $1 appropriated to the agency in fiscal year 1999.", "hypothesis": "There were no donations to us in the year."} {"idx": "mnli-17388", "premise": "well what the what the argument is and it it it it's one of these statistical gee how can you draw a conclusion from it but they find that that that there's a connection between that and how they do in Spring training the following year", "hypothesis": "Statistically, there is no connection between that and their Spring training performance the next year."} {"idx": "mnli-17389", "premise": "You see, you'd got it all fixed.", "hypothesis": "Nothing had been fixed. "} {"idx": "mnli-17390", "premise": "With Topham's aid Drew regained his feet and got the staggering Texan, still half unconscious, onto a chair.", "hypothesis": "Drew put the Texan into a chair after he had punched him."} {"idx": "mnli-17391", "premise": "The Great Buddha's right hand is bestowing spiritual tranquillity, while the left symbolizes the granting of wishes.", "hypothesis": "The left hand of the Great Buddha symbolizes the taking away of wishes."} {"idx": "mnli-17392", "premise": "Such a policy would displease many black politicians, since it stands to diminish black political representation in the short run.", "hypothesis": "The policy would make black politicians happy. "} {"idx": "mnli-17393", "premise": "Further, by requiring the Service to justify rate and service changes, Congress hoped to provide a check on inefficiency.", "hypothesis": "Congress tried to make things effecient."} {"idx": "mnli-17394", "premise": "so you graduating are graduating or yeah well maybe i don't know i'd uh i really haven't changed that much since i was in school in school um of course you know i'm not sure you ever get out of school to tell you the truth and uh", "hypothesis": "I don't think that you ever get out of school and I haven't changed much since I was in school."} {"idx": "mnli-17395", "premise": "The SEC expects the rule will cause the costs associated with offerings to decrease significantly and also decrease the costs of distributions.", "hypothesis": "The SEC expects the rule will cause the costs to decreaes significantly."} {"idx": "mnli-17396", "premise": "Brief interventions for alcohol a review.", "hypothesis": "There are rumblings that brief interventions when dealing with alcohol abuse are inadequate."} {"idx": "mnli-17397", "premise": "The basic mail consists of all other mail and therefore includes flat-size pieces as well as letter-size pieces, and heavy-weight pieces as well as light-weight pieces.", "hypothesis": "The basic mail has the one other mail type."} {"idx": "mnli-17398", "premise": "(After all, when Wall Streeters say today that the Asia crisis is over, what they mean is that American exposure is over.", "hypothesis": "The Asian crisis had nothing to do with Wall Street."} {"idx": "mnli-17399", "premise": "Adrin would soon begin firing and Thorn's huge blade would cleave in.", "hypothesis": "Adrin was going to fire the cannon soon enough."} {"idx": "mnli-17400", "premise": "Powerful land-owning families organized an Assembly to run the everyday affairs of the island, but many landowners continued to live in Britain, where they exerted tremendous influence in Parliament.", "hypothesis": "An Assembly was created by landowners to run the island's day-to-day affairs."} {"idx": "mnli-17401", "premise": "Segregation of Duties", "hypothesis": "Duties are not separated "} {"idx": "mnli-17402", "premise": "For those plants where EPA projects ACI retrofits will occur, EPA's projections reflect that these facilities will either have 1 to 2 boilers retrofit per site.", "hypothesis": "1 or 2 boilers will be retrofit per facility."} {"idx": "mnli-17403", "premise": "All represent different, often contradictory, facets of the greater whole that is Japan one of the world's most intriguing countries.", "hypothesis": "The world's most boring country is Japan."} {"idx": "mnli-17404", "premise": "i play the trumpet", "hypothesis": "I also play the piano."} {"idx": "mnli-17405", "premise": "Bullets explode in shards of glass and light, bringing death in chiaroscuro.", "hypothesis": "The bullets exploded too soon."} {"idx": "mnli-17406", "premise": "The best way to protect our citizens is to vigorously enforce the tough laws we have on the books, Bush declared.", "hypothesis": "Vigorous law enforcement is the best way to protect our citizens."} {"idx": "mnli-17407", "premise": "Another part of the answer--one that Kindleberger suggested two decades ago--is that to introduce global financial markets into a world of merely national monetary authorities is, in a very real sense, to walk a tightrope without a net.", "hypothesis": "The answer is made up of many parts. "} {"idx": "mnli-17408", "premise": "there is convoluted logic for you", "hypothesis": "There is no logic for you."} {"idx": "mnli-17409", "premise": "Visibility directly affects people's enjoyment of a variety of daily activities both in the places they live and work and in the places they travel to for recreation.", "hypothesis": "Visibility impacts enjoyment in places where people live and work."} {"idx": "mnli-17410", "premise": "As previously noted, GAO follows modified protocols for testimonies, which are described separately in the section of this document entitled Testimony.", "hypothesis": "Rules include no incidents or decrease in efficiency."} {"idx": "mnli-17411", "premise": "Participants felt that if stakeholders were serious about improving the financial reporting model, a group would be established and funded specifically for this purpose.", "hypothesis": "Participants expect serious stakeholders will form a group to improve the financial reporting model."} {"idx": "mnli-17412", "premise": "i really haven't seen any movies lately i the only two movies i've seen were uh uh King Ralph which really was depressing wasn't any any good", "hypothesis": "I saw King Ralph and it wasn't very good."} {"idx": "mnli-17413", "premise": "right that that and real estate you know just have not come back uh even close to what they were", "hypothesis": "The value of real estate has recovered in a big way."} {"idx": "mnli-17414", "premise": "um i i found the newspaper situation in Dallas very interesting we've got the one fairly well relatively weaker paper the Times Herald and then the Morning News which has a very strong subscription", "hypothesis": "I subscribe to both of Dallas's newspapers."} {"idx": "mnli-17415", "premise": "we never learned plus they have the burden of uh well this is the burden they have the task of learning computers uh even in uh kindergarten they had uh a requirements that they had to meet for learning the uh terms like keyboard and monitor and they wanted know what a computer was and what a disk was and", "hypothesis": "We never had so much that we were required to learn at such a young age. "} {"idx": "mnli-17416", "premise": "The number of deliveries per week varies among the posts in the sample (Canada, Finland, and Portugal deliver five times per week, Great Britain delivers 12 times weekly in urban areas and six in rural areas).", "hypothesis": "Britain delivers 12 times a week in urban areas because there are more people ordering packages."} {"idx": "mnli-17417", "premise": "Nurse Janina began to silently weep and an invisible tear ran down her corrected intracheek, and a nurse's aid walking down the corridor with a diffusion vacuum bedpan froze in her steps.", "hypothesis": "Nurse Janina quietly started to cry, one of the nurses aid's carrying a diffusion vacuum bedpan suddenly stopped."} {"idx": "mnli-17418", "premise": "The post-accident report was initiated not by Loral but by its insurers.", "hypothesis": "Loral submitted the only post-accident report."} {"idx": "mnli-17419", "premise": "who will the opponents", "hypothesis": "Do you know who the opponents will be?"} {"idx": "mnli-17420", "premise": "Second, they need to help manage risk, including risk related to attempts to maximize current value at the expense of mortgaging the future.", "hypothesis": "They need to make sure the risk does not get too high."} {"idx": "mnli-17421", "premise": "In the 19th century this was the city's most fashionable strolling ground.", "hypothesis": "This was the city's most fashionable strolling ground back in the 19th century far from its current state of disrepair today."} {"idx": "mnli-17422", "premise": "yes and you wouldn't want to have to walk uh you know in high heels it's hard to walk a long way and the campus is pretty large", "hypothesis": "It's easier to walk around campus in low-heel shoes. "} {"idx": "mnli-17423", "premise": "In July 1936, most of the army, led by General Francisco Franco with the support of the monarchists, conservatives, the clergy, and the right-wing Falange rose against the government in Madrid.", "hypothesis": "General Franco's upheaval had at its heart the betterment of the country."} {"idx": "mnli-17424", "premise": "will the will the EPA allow this", "hypothesis": "Will the EPA allow this action against our city?"} {"idx": "mnli-17425", "premise": "He wore a tunic of dark red, white trousers tucked into soft leather boots, leather gloves, and his rapier low on his left hip.", "hypothesis": "He had a sword on his hip."} {"idx": "mnli-17426", "premise": "even have a checking account.", "hypothesis": "They don't have a checking account."} {"idx": "mnli-17427", "premise": "She brought it down with her every morning, and took it up every night.\"", "hypothesis": "She left it upstairs when she came down."} {"idx": "mnli-17428", "premise": "Holy Smokes, he's my Dad.\" ", "hypothesis": "I can't believe that's my Dad."} {"idx": "mnli-17429", "premise": "well i think it will be fun i'm ready for baseball season to start", "hypothesis": "I am not at all ready for the season of baseball to begin. "} {"idx": "mnli-17430", "premise": "There were some battered old pictures on the walls, representing scenes from Faust.\" Jane's two listeners gave a simultaneous \"Ah!\" The girl nodded.", "hypothesis": "Some aged photos and brilliant tapestries hung on the walls, depicting settings from Faust."} {"idx": "mnli-17431", "premise": "that i think it originally started with Indian Guides and uh the idea was that dads are off working all the time and mothers are left to raise the kids", "hypothesis": "the idea was incorrect, since almost as many mothers as fathers worked outside the house"} {"idx": "mnli-17432", "premise": "He's just finished Isaac's Storm, a history of the Galveston hurricane of 1900, and reads Robert Parker's detective-for-hire stories.", "hypothesis": "There was a hurricane in Galveston in 1900 and it claimed a lot of lives."} {"idx": "mnli-17433", "premise": "i think he was just probably a passing phenomena i think i don't know i i'm", "hypothesis": "He was a passing phenomena I believe."} {"idx": "mnli-17434", "premise": "yeah i've got a little doggy uh that i've had quite uh quite a long time in fact she just turned sixteen years old New Year's Eve", "hypothesis": "I only have a cat."} {"idx": "mnli-17435", "premise": "Not your cousin.", "hypothesis": "They are not related to you."} {"idx": "mnli-17436", "premise": "GAO would also have difficulty in taking on some of the expanded roles that Congress has asked of the agency in recent years, such as assisting on task forces and commissions without any commensurate adjustment for resources.", "hypothesis": "Congress has asked the agency to tackle more extended roles in the past few years."} {"idx": "mnli-17437", "premise": "A new constitution consolidating liberal reforms was drawn up, and approved by a referendum held in 1961.", "hypothesis": "The referendum had a great voter turnout."} {"idx": "mnli-17438", "premise": "If you've never registered, we suggest you do so now by clicking here.", "hypothesis": "We recommend you register now if you haven't done so before."} {"idx": "mnli-17439", "premise": "Strangely enough, I can give evidence that will demolish one contention of the prosecution.", "hypothesis": "I can prove that John was not the murderer."} {"idx": "mnli-17440", "premise": "I know that most interns don't get a chance to know Betty Currie and don't have the many contacts that Monica Lewinsky had with the president.", "hypothesis": "All the interns have the same level of contact with the president as Monica Lewinsky. "} {"idx": "mnli-17441", "premise": "No, there it is! ", "hypothesis": "No, it is there"} {"idx": "mnli-17442", "premise": "and of course uh then they came to the big city as teenagers and that the time with them wasn't as much as it was when they were out there in the small", "hypothesis": "Even after moving to the city, we spent just as much family time as before."} {"idx": "mnli-17443", "premise": "The flashy team apparel, etc., send a relevant message--the fans really care about the drivers.", "hypothesis": "The flashy team apparel was red in color."} {"idx": "mnli-17444", "premise": "What is left is fed to the new ones in the hopes that some part of their power is absorbed.", "hypothesis": "Everyone believes the superstitions about their powers."} {"idx": "mnli-17445", "premise": "One of the most moving experiences on a journey through France is your first view of the silhouette of Chartres cathedral towering over the city and the wheat fields of the fertile Beauce plain.", "hypothesis": "The cathedral was in the process of being torn down and no longer towered over the city."} {"idx": "mnli-17446", "premise": "An interesting case, a very interesting case.", "hypothesis": "The man says that it's a boring case."} {"idx": "mnli-17447", "premise": "Many of the other articles (such as a Versace dress that uses Warhol's Marilyn Monroe face) never even belonged to the artist and serve only to make tendentious points about art and fashion.", "hypothesis": "None of the articles were referencing the art and fashion industry itself."} {"idx": "mnli-17448", "premise": "i know what you mean course like i say the only thing i do miss is PBS because i there several things on there i like Masterpiece Theatre Mystery", "hypothesis": "Yes but I do miss PBS."} {"idx": "mnli-17449", "premise": "Yet, we do cruel things to animals--smart animals, affectionate animals, cute animals--all the time.", "hypothesis": "We do cruel things to animals all the time. "} {"idx": "mnli-17450", "premise": "Sir James took it, and scrutinized it attentively.", "hypothesis": "Sir James looked at it."} {"idx": "mnli-17451", "premise": "The attorney can give basic advice about what will need to be done to file a lawsuit, or to defend against one.", "hypothesis": "The average consulting fee for legal advice is 45 dollars an hour."} {"idx": "mnli-17452", "premise": "Say, shall we go for a spin in the park?", "hypothesis": "How about we adjourn for a drive around the park?"} {"idx": "mnli-17453", "premise": "We showed you today's cover, then our table of contents, and you eventually clicked on the Webhead link.", "hypothesis": "You did not click on the link."} {"idx": "mnli-17454", "premise": "The first Roman town in Gaul (a citadel and spa founded in 125 b.c. as Aquae Sextiae), Aix-en-Provence today is elegant and cultured, charming and cheerful.", "hypothesis": "Aix-en-Provence was the last town ever built by Romans in Gaul."} {"idx": "mnli-17455", "premise": "to help them", "hypothesis": "Helping them."} {"idx": "mnli-17456", "premise": "Jon drew a rapier from the pack on his horse.", "hypothesis": "Jon had a horse."} {"idx": "mnli-17457", "premise": "hum yeah i just couldn't yeah yeah i think this uh the the Dodge would be pretty easy to change the oil on i think", "hypothesis": "I think the oil on the Dodge is not made to change."} {"idx": "mnli-17458", "premise": "Information Computer Hacker Information Available on the Internet (GAO/T-AIMD-96-108, June 5, 1996)", "hypothesis": "The amount of information found on the internet about computer hackers is too high."} {"idx": "mnli-17459", "premise": "yeah i lived there in my early twenties too before i moved", "hypothesis": "I think we lived on the same street."} {"idx": "mnli-17460", "premise": "Hispanic Americans comprise the largest ethnic group of all, with numbers fast approaching 40 percent of the population.", "hypothesis": "The ethnic group with the most populace is South East Asians. "} {"idx": "mnli-17461", "premise": "Assessing the Effectiveness of Saving Incentives.", "hypothesis": "They wanted to prove that it was a valid program."} {"idx": "mnli-17462", "premise": "Therapists who charged by the minute through Escape", "hypothesis": "The therapists offered a free hour to anyone who asked."} {"idx": "mnli-17463", "premise": "A grand colonial house, fully restored and outfitted with period furnishings, provides the centerpiece for this expanding cultural village. ", "hypothesis": "This cultural village is all brought together by a grand, newly restored colonial house in its center."} {"idx": "mnli-17464", "premise": "no no i live in Dallas", "hypothesis": "No, I was born in Dallas."} {"idx": "mnli-17465", "premise": "The highlight of the Moyenne Corniche, the best road of the three, is the hilltop village of Eze.", "hypothesis": "Eze is a village that lies deep in a valley at the foot of a mountain range."} {"idx": "mnli-17466", "premise": "For information about lessons and/or guided group excursions involving some of the activities listed below (climbing, walking, mountain biking, canoeing, and sailing), contact one of the following Summitreks, 14 Yewdale Road, Coniston, Cumbria LA21 8DU; Tel. (015394) 41212, fax (015394) 41055, or Total Adventure, Holehird Farm, Patterdale Road, Windermere LA23 1NP; Tel. (015394) 47302.", "hypothesis": "There are lots of places you can get lessons for outdoor activities."} {"idx": "mnli-17467", "premise": "This is necessary to ensure a consensus on identified problems and needs, and to be sure that the solutions our government legislates and implements can effectively remedy the problems we face in a timely manner.", "hypothesis": "We only need a few votes to accomplish legislation in a timely manner."} {"idx": "mnli-17468", "premise": "Coniston Water is long and narrow, the straightest of the Lake District lakes.", "hypothesis": "Of all the lakes in the Lake District, Coniston Water is the straightest."} {"idx": "mnli-17469", "premise": "interesting yeah that's uh that's uh pretty powerful set of tools to give to people who traditionally have had to go through a whole production process just to get the", "hypothesis": "That's a pretty powerful set of tools to give to people who traditionally had to go through a whole production process."} {"idx": "mnli-17470", "premise": "Planted with hundreds of pretty blooms, all in pristine condition, it has kept accurate time since its creation in 1903.", "hypothesis": "It hasn't been able to keep time accurately since 1903."} {"idx": "mnli-17471", "premise": "Though you'd never guess it, the French fought bloody battles on La Savane against the English and Dutch.", "hypothesis": "400 people died in the battle. "} {"idx": "mnli-17472", "premise": "In an ugly tux.", "hypothesis": "The tuxedo is ugly."} {"idx": "mnli-17473", "premise": "What did they think of us, Jon thought to himself.", "hypothesis": "Jon wondered what they thought about us. "} {"idx": "mnli-17474", "premise": "'We can go around the outside,' I said.", "hypothesis": "I was not possible to exit the structure."} {"idx": "mnli-17475", "premise": "The Cafe de Flore up the boulevard has more intellectual aspirations, and was popular in the 1950s with Sartre and his existentialist friends.", "hypothesis": "Only the dumb go to the Cafe de Flore."} {"idx": "mnli-17476", "premise": "Whether castigating them on the silver screen, between the lines of pulpy, true-crime narratives, or in the jokes told around the proverbial water cooler, attorneys have been on the receiving end of many a hackneyed punch line.", "hypothesis": "Attorneys are always treated seriously."} {"idx": "mnli-17477", "premise": "well that's yeah yeah well well i didn't even see Batman so that's uh that's pretty good so", "hypothesis": "I saw another movie instead."} {"idx": "mnli-17478", "premise": "Hikers then continue to Mont Joly (about 5 hours to and from the Mont d'Arbois cable-car station) for an even more spectacular view.", "hypothesis": "Hikers go five hours before they hit the best views."} {"idx": "mnli-17479", "premise": "This survey found that only one-third of non-SES managers (as opposed to nearly three-fourths of the SES managers) reported they had been involved in establishing long-term strategic goals for their agencies.", "hypothesis": "All managers create goals for their agencies."} {"idx": "mnli-17480", "premise": "Military resistance was spotty at best.", "hypothesis": "The military resistance was highly efficient."} {"idx": "mnli-17481", "premise": "um-hum right yeah we real we've become aware of that we have a there's a loan officer through our church too that i think could help us better you know he does that full time with the bank you know", "hypothesis": "\"As there is a loan officer through our church too, we have become aware of it.\""} {"idx": "mnli-17482", "premise": "For many, however, the highlight of a visit to Tiberias is to relax with a drink on the lakeside promenade.", "hypothesis": "Many people enjoy kicking back with a drink by the lake when they go to Tiberias."} {"idx": "mnli-17483", "premise": "when you say that you grew up uh in the sixties i take it that was the uh teenage type years or uh", "hypothesis": "It was the teenage type years you are talking about when you say you grew up in the sixties? "} {"idx": "mnli-17484", "premise": "Therefore, why not wait in ambush for Conrad behind the door, and when he entered bring down a chair, or one of the decrepit pictures, smartly on to his head.", "hypothesis": "Conrad was being plotted against, to be hit on the head."} {"idx": "mnli-17485", "premise": "He spoke but we couldn't hear.", "hypothesis": "He was loud enough for us to hear in the back of the room."} {"idx": "mnli-17486", "premise": "Table 3: Examples of BLM's, FHWA's, IRS's, and VBA's Employee Perspective Expectations for Senior Executive Performance", "hypothesis": "There is a table depicting information."} {"idx": "mnli-17487", "premise": "There are some other things you should know, said Jon.", "hypothesis": "Jon didn't say anything."} {"idx": "mnli-17488", "premise": "and an awful lot of the problems that we did on exams and our homework assignments and everything else involved converting", "hypothesis": "Our tests and homework had a lot of conversion problems."} {"idx": "mnli-17489", "premise": "But he stood again.", "hypothesis": "He remained on the ground, sprawled and motionless, save for the occasional ragged breath."} {"idx": "mnli-17490", "premise": "But the most important pleasure of Provence is not the sightseeing but the sun-soaked landscape, the leisurely pace of life, and the wonderful cuisine.", "hypothesis": "The most important pleasures of Provence are nightlife and industrialized areas."} {"idx": "mnli-17491", "premise": "Nancy owes its classical beauty to King Stanislas Leszczynski of Poland.", "hypothesis": "King Stanislas Lesczynski was king of Poland for 72 years."} {"idx": "mnli-17492", "premise": "(It is illegal to ship alcoholic beverages. )", "hypothesis": "It is forbidden to send alcoholic drinks."} {"idx": "mnli-17493", "premise": "hum it's a good experience it helps you feel i think comfortable with your car and feel like it's not so scary if um you're driving it and you might get stranded somewhere that you might you think well i've i've been under that hood and i know what's going on but", "hypothesis": "Getting to know your car will alleviate all of the fear regarding random breakdowns on the road."} {"idx": "mnli-17494", "premise": "yeah that that can really be a problem i know in in in New York there's a problem with the Koreans that uh that that the uh black community is complaining that the Koreans are taking over", "hypothesis": "The Koreans are taking over small shops and restaurants."} {"idx": "mnli-17495", "premise": "Our work also has shown that the international", "hypothesis": "Our work proves that the international..."} {"idx": "mnli-17496", "premise": "and i don't know about your part of the country but uh down here in the last year oh year plus i it was last beginning with last year's Earth Day", "hypothesis": "Earth Day does not exist."} {"idx": "mnli-17497", "premise": "To the north of the church, the Rue Bonaparte takes you to the prestigious Ecole des Beaux-Arts.", "hypothesis": "There is a prestigious area to the north of the church."} {"idx": "mnli-17498", "premise": "Jerry Falwell, and Mario Cuomo run amok in a long segment on the family and morality.", "hypothesis": "Jerry Falwell is not interested in morality issues."} {"idx": "mnli-17499", "premise": "i know i do too i most of my friends have three or four kids and they feel like you know that's really all that God wants for them and some of the people in our church use birth control and some of them don't i had my tubes tied so you", "hypothesis": "Their children are terrible little demons who spraypaint profanity on the walls."} {"idx": "mnli-17500", "premise": "System dispatch, which determines the proper and most efficient use of the existing and new resources available to utilities and their customers, is optimized given the resource mix, unit operating characteristics, and fuel and other costs.", "hypothesis": "System dispatch determines how best to eliminate the resources."} {"idx": "mnli-17501", "premise": "The current owners have created an agricultural museum to demonstrate the traditional methods of crop production as well as everyday life on the plantation.", "hypothesis": "Tickets to the agricultural museum are five dollars a person."} {"idx": "mnli-17502", "premise": "30 About 10 percent of households did not", "hypothesis": "Only ten percent of households do not own a television."} {"idx": "mnli-17503", "premise": "You had a discussion with your wife on Tuesday afternoon? 82 \"Pardon me,\" interrupted Alfred Inglethorp, \"you have been misinformed. ", "hypothesis": "He did not know you spoke to your wife on Tuesday."} {"idx": "mnli-17504", "premise": "and our Visa card was we could get through our credit union was like fourteen percent so we just we sent it back we", "hypothesis": "We could not get a Visa card from the credit union at all. "} {"idx": "mnli-17505", "premise": "For this reason, it is essential that organizations such as federal agencies establish management frameworks for dealing with these changes on an ongoing basis.", "hypothesis": "Government organizations must be able to deal with regular changes."} {"idx": "mnli-17506", "premise": "On the river bank opposite the fort is the Tomb of Itimad-ud-Daulah, overshadowed by the Taj Mahal.", "hypothesis": "The Tomb of Itimad-ud-Daulah predates the Taj Mahal by several hundred years."} {"idx": "mnli-17507", "premise": " But it seemed that he'd better put on a good show of trying if he wanted to continue enjoying good health.", "hypothesis": "He knew they would punish him if they thought he wasn't trying hard enough."} {"idx": "mnli-17508", "premise": "productivity growth has indeed accelerated or has just temporarily deviated from underlying historical trends as it has many times in the past.", "hypothesis": "productivity growth has not accelerated, nor has it just temporarily deviated from underlying historical trends."} {"idx": "mnli-17509", "premise": "Holidays with him are a nightmare.", "hypothesis": "He is fun to be around during the holidays."} {"idx": "mnli-17510", "premise": "In black jeans and button-down shirt, he's a kind of folk hero in the south Bethlehem melting pot where he's crafted a law practice catering to working-class families - mostly Latino - in the shadow of the hulkish remnants of Bethlehem Steel.", "hypothesis": "He started a law practice for rich executives."} {"idx": "mnli-17511", "premise": "Bronx Legal Services is one of seven nonprofit groups in the city that contract with Legal Services of New York (LSNY) to provide legal services to the poor.", "hypothesis": "Bronx Legal Services is the only legal service to do contract work with the Legal Services of New York."} {"idx": "mnli-17512", "premise": "Each of the eight pistols was shaped like a tiger in attack.", "hypothesis": "Jon's pistols looked like tigers."} {"idx": "mnli-17513", "premise": "In assessing change, interventionists can use three markers to help importance, confidence, and readiness.", "hypothesis": "There is nothing that interventionists can do to assess change."} {"idx": "mnli-17514", "premise": "yeah yeah so Ohio has how many football teams two well so does Texas", "hypothesis": "Neither Ohio nor Texas have any football teams."} {"idx": "mnli-17515", "premise": "I thought you were a nurse.\" She frowned at him, but went to a corner where a small ball of some clear crystalline substance stood.", "hypothesis": "It was my understanding that you were in the nursing profession."} {"idx": "mnli-17516", "premise": "oh how does he do serious stuff", "hypothesis": "Does he ever laugh at all?"} {"idx": "mnli-17517", "premise": "Don Michael Randel, currently provost at Cornell University, has been selected to succeed Hugo Sonnenschein, who stepped down in June.", "hypothesis": "Don Randel is provost at Cornell university."} {"idx": "mnli-17518", "premise": "These other costs include systemwide labor related costs (e.g.", "hypothesis": "This additional category of costs has been a source of confusion for many."} {"idx": "mnli-17519", "premise": "It may also explain the expression scared stiff (in the sense of tumescent, not in the sense of immobilized by drunken overindulgence in a gift bottle of bourbon that one never received).", "hypothesis": "The expression, scared stiff, can be explained by the feeling when you visit graveyards."} {"idx": "mnli-17520", "premise": "Agencies' use of performance information can be improved.", "hypothesis": "Agencies can improve their use of performance information, but are not likely to."} {"idx": "mnli-17521", "premise": "Marie-Galante, large and round and noted for the rum from its extensive sugarcane fields, was named by Columbus after the ship that brought him across the Atlantic on his second voyage.", "hypothesis": "Marie-Galante's vodka is produced from its extensive from the massive potato field."} {"idx": "mnli-17522", "premise": "Wealth measures, which reflect the value of existing assets based on current market conditions, show a fundamentally different trend, as illustrated in figure 1.2.", "hypothesis": "Figure 1.2 shows the trend of wealth measurements."} {"idx": "mnli-17523", "premise": "In February 2001, the judge ordered Moore to pay restitution and issued a statewide injunction prohibiting Moore and his associates from using the term legal aid and similar names.", "hypothesis": "Moore was never ordered by any judge to pay restitution in 2001."} {"idx": "mnli-17524", "premise": "Christian and Islamic Jerusalem", "hypothesis": "A city under two religions."} {"idx": "mnli-17525", "premise": "(The weirdest is the Brotherhood, an Oregon cult that eats garbage.)", "hypothesis": "The Brotherhood frowns at people who eat garbage."} {"idx": "mnli-17526", "premise": "could have a contest", "hypothesis": "Couldn't have a contest "} {"idx": "mnli-17527", "premise": "Parents realized there was no one left to take out the trash.", "hypothesis": "Parents realize they would have to take their own trash out."} {"idx": "mnli-17528", "premise": "We know the coco contained no strychnine. ", "hypothesis": "it is certain that the coco contained strychnine"} {"idx": "mnli-17529", "premise": "The leaves deadened their footsteps.", "hypothesis": "Their footfalls were squelched by the leaves. "} {"idx": "mnli-17530", "premise": "Clinton's college breaks will be of primary benefit to middle- and upper-middle class taxpayers.", "hypothesis": "Middle and upper-middle taxpayers will benefit from Clinton's college breaks, said the economist."} {"idx": "mnli-17531", "premise": "How may a proper person handle the delicate matter of bad breath when happenstance forces one into consulting with someone on the boss' staff?", "hypothesis": "Can I tell my boss they have the freshest breath I have ever smelled?"} {"idx": "mnli-17532", "premise": "There was no sign of personal hatred in his look.", "hypothesis": "He showed no anger or dislike."} {"idx": "mnli-17533", "premise": "During his chair recovery period, his duties were transferred to the programmers' chief, the one who used to like to laugh at Cod.", "hypothesis": "His table recovery period was going to be a lot longer."} {"idx": "mnli-17534", "premise": "It is essentially a genius-level version of rock-paper-scissors.", "hypothesis": "The game was inspired by Rock-Paper-Scissors."} {"idx": "mnli-17535", "premise": "awarding a contract-proposal evaluation criteria,Plan evaluation methodology, evaluator's responsibilities, and final selection procedures.", "hypothesis": "A contract proposal evaluation criteria was awarded, due to it's high level of sophistication. "} {"idx": "mnli-17536", "premise": "You will find that each quartier has its own personality, different people to watch, and something special to offer.", "hypothesis": "All of the quartiers offer something special to visitors."} {"idx": "mnli-17537", "premise": "Yuexiu Park, situated near the Trade Fair in the northern part of the city, is Guangzhou's largest; it covers a hilly 100 hectares (247 acres).", "hypothesis": "Guangzhou's biggest park is Yuexiu Park by the Trade Fair."} {"idx": "mnli-17538", "premise": "benefit anybody you know", "hypothesis": "Did the project benefit anyone you know?"} {"idx": "mnli-17539", "premise": "Ireland has been inhabited since very ancient times, but Irish history really begins with the arrival of the Celts around the 6th century b.c. , Ireland's first documented invasion.", "hypothesis": "Ireland has been inhabited since ancient times, but Irish history begins with the nomadic Celts around 6th century b.c., when it was first invaded."} {"idx": "mnli-17540", "premise": "Suzuki (1870 1966), who pioneered the study of Zen Buddhism in the West.", "hypothesis": "Suzuki decided to bring the teachings of Zen Buddhism to Western cultures."} {"idx": "mnli-17541", "premise": "Employers wishing to avoid paying workers compensation could deny coverage until the worker was no longer in the country, or discontinue payments after the worker had returned home.", "hypothesis": "Employers who want to avoid workers comp can deny coverage until a worker leaves the country."} {"idx": "mnli-17542", "premise": "yeah but they have always been a really strong team", "hypothesis": "They've won all their matches."} {"idx": "mnli-17543", "premise": "Keyes : Schools in the hands of people who pray.", "hypothesis": "There are some schools where prayer is allowed."} {"idx": "mnli-17544", "premise": "Centrelink defines all incorrect payments as preventable unless the payment is unavoidable, such as legislated advance payments.", "hypothesis": "There are many payments that were bypassed in the prior year."} {"idx": "mnli-17545", "premise": "and there's just really not very much", "hypothesis": "There's not a lot of options in Plano."} {"idx": "mnli-17546", "premise": "yeah you know and it's not for uh not for protection or hunting or or anything just you know for all those reasons just you know nobody thinks anything about having a gun it's no big deal", "hypothesis": "Guns are not just for hunting."} {"idx": "mnli-17547", "premise": "Beaches from Long Beach to Malibu have perfect shore breaks for surfing, boogie-boarding, wading, and swimming.", "hypothesis": "Long Beach is a little bit better than Malibu for surfing."} {"idx": "mnli-17548", "premise": "(If you really want to see the so-called death stare, click .) The conceit, of course, is that careful scrutiny of these images may reveal something important about JFK's assassination.", "hypothesis": "The infamous \"death stare\" image has been said to harbor the true happenings behind the JFK assassination. "} {"idx": "mnli-17549", "premise": "This claim may turn out to be wrong, but, contrary to Gould's basic indictment of evolutionary psychology, it is neither obvious nor, if true, useless.", "hypothesis": "The claim is wrong."} {"idx": "mnli-17550", "premise": "There, by happy coincidence, the two alpha males (Kerchak the bull ape and the evil English hunter) are gone, clearing the way for the utopia of beta males and females.", "hypothesis": "It was by chance that the alpha males left."} {"idx": "mnli-17551", "premise": "The church of Saint-Germain-des-Pr??s is an attractive mixture of Romanesque and Gothic, with an 11th-century clock tower.", "hypothesis": "Roman and Gothic culture could never meld well enough to create something visually appealing."} {"idx": "mnli-17552", "premise": "Another roar of laughter echoed over the hills.", "hypothesis": "The laughter roled over the hills."} {"idx": "mnli-17553", "premise": "and he was uh talking to his friend Michael telling", "hypothesis": "He had a long conversation with Michael, before he got on the bus."} {"idx": "mnli-17554", "premise": "Project management for an acquisition is accomplished primarily by a program manager and staff responsible for carrying out project activities.", "hypothesis": "Project activities and project acquisition are unrelated activities and handled by separate departments."} {"idx": "mnli-17555", "premise": "i'm going to the book store for a particular reason um", "hypothesis": "I'm just going to the book store to browse."} {"idx": "mnli-17556", "premise": "um yeah we we took out actually my wife she's the one that ran the budget you know i just brought it home and she had to stretch it out wherever it was going to go but she would allocate so much at at at that time when the kids were growing up so much went for groceries", "hypothesis": "My wife did a good job taking care of our budget."} {"idx": "mnli-17557", "premise": "Additional downtime leading to loss of a unit's availability to supply electricity is atypical for FGD technology installations.", "hypothesis": "Additional downtime does not lead to any electrical losses."} {"idx": "mnli-17558", "premise": "good and yourself?", "hypothesis": "Bad, and yourself?"} {"idx": "mnli-17559", "premise": "uh-huh yeah it does because you're you know you you're you know you're just costing costing yourself more money because you if you can't make the monthly the minimum payment you're paying interest again so yeah", "hypothesis": "Credit card companies should employ stricter screening and only give them to people who can definitely pay them off each month."} {"idx": "mnli-17560", "premise": "and i i have to wonder sometimes how much of their dependence is um you know if it's it's sort of a false dependence just to while they're building their own uh way of doing things that they're making us think that they depend that much on us so that we don't watch them more closely you know i'm very suspicious of them", "hypothesis": "They don't want us to be suspicious of them."} {"idx": "mnli-17561", "premise": "he was a teacher", "hypothesis": "He didn't have a job"} {"idx": "mnli-17562", "premise": "After all, unlike inventors who should be rewarded for innovation resulting from their personal efforts, leadership of a major public company is a team effort.", "hypothesis": "The majority of financial rewards arising from innovation should be given to inventors."} {"idx": "mnli-17563", "premise": "He had a sudden vision of the latter strangling two men from a distance of thirty feet without touching them.", "hypothesis": "Suddenly, he pictured the latter strangling men using telekinesis."} {"idx": "mnli-17564", "premise": "The province of Brittany, as its natives will tell you, is a country apart, proud of its regional culture and guarding its seclusion from the rest of France.", "hypothesis": "Brittany has great regional pride and is glad to be secluded from France."} {"idx": "mnli-17565", "premise": "We set to work to trace her out.", "hypothesis": "We didn't bother tracing her out."} {"idx": "mnli-17566", "premise": "Not beautiful enough, she said in a soft dangerous voice.", "hypothesis": "She darkly implied that beauty wasn't sufficient."} {"idx": "mnli-17567", "premise": "huh i would like a self-propelled one i think", "hypothesis": "I want one that moves on its own."} {"idx": "mnli-17568", "premise": "credit line you know uh the credit limit i let him have the one with the least amount", "hypothesis": "I wanted to monitor his spending."} {"idx": "mnli-17569", "premise": "From Basse-Terre north, the leeward coast (c??te sous le vent) has a few small beaches of black volcanic sand and some picturesque paraphernalia of the fishermen who favor these waters.", "hypothesis": "The leeward coast has beaches of black volcanic sand."} {"idx": "mnli-17570", "premise": "They're over quickly and forgotten by all--except, perhaps, their often hapless targets.", "hypothesis": "Their hapless targets seek therapy after the event."} {"idx": "mnli-17571", "premise": "Lunch and dinner daily, 10am 10pm.", "hypothesis": "Dinner is available from 10 pm to 11 pm."} {"idx": "mnli-17572", "premise": "For combustion turbines, this term does not include undertaking such a program or entering into such an obligation more than 18 months prior to the date on which the unit begins operation.", "hypothesis": "The combustion turbines are able to go into immediate operation."} {"idx": "mnli-17573", "premise": "On the east side of the court, a grand staircase leads to the royal chambers or Megara, where some of the best preserved rooms can be found.", "hypothesis": "The grand staircase used to lead to the royal chambers which were destroyed to make way for a road. "} {"idx": "mnli-17574", "premise": "some uh and that and he was trying to keep uh uh uh i can't even think of the guy's name either the coach of the Vikings", "hypothesis": "He is a football coach."} {"idx": "mnli-17575", "premise": "These ratings are forwarded to the CEO and to the board of directors, where they can be used as performance measures.", "hypothesis": "These ratings are forwarded to the CEO to toss them into the trash."} {"idx": "mnli-17576", "premise": "In 2002, we took the steps to encourage their growth and improvement through a program letter outlining what we believe to be model intake practices.", "hypothesis": "Intake practices were phenomenal and no steps were need to help it improve."} {"idx": "mnli-17577", "premise": "3) Where I think he has not made the sale.", "hypothesis": "This is the location where I do not believe he made the sale."} {"idx": "mnli-17578", "premise": "But the idea that somehow it doesn't really make a difference whether AOL is paying $156 or $165 billion for Time Warner is wrong, and seems emblematic of the fawning embrace of this deal by the press.", "hypothesis": "It does make a difference how much AOL is paying or Time Warner, we can see it from the reactions on this matter."} {"idx": "mnli-17579", "premise": "Comrade, he said to me, our Five Year Plan for the People's Aesthetics proceeds on schedule.", "hypothesis": "The Five Year Plan for the People's Aesthetics will bring in a large sum of revenue to the company."} {"idx": "mnli-17580", "premise": "After listening to the porter's meticulous but perplexing directions, they prepared to leave the station.", "hypothesis": "They left the station after the porter gave them directions."} {"idx": "mnli-17581", "premise": "Slate have very little appeal outside the United States.", "hypothesis": "In the United States, a slate has very little appeal."} {"idx": "mnli-17582", "premise": "It's those wicked detectives. ", "hypothesis": "The detectives are doing a very good job."} {"idx": "mnli-17583", "premise": "This theory is a little hazy about lobsters.", "hypothesis": "This theory is a little hazy about alligators."} {"idx": "mnli-17584", "premise": "Shepherd, of course.", "hypothesis": "For sure, Shepherd. "} {"idx": "mnli-17585", "premise": "because i i definitely definitely need to make a little more money and uh i haven't really accomplished that yet but i'm trying", "hypothesis": "I am doing just fine with money."} {"idx": "mnli-17586", "premise": "In a 660-page tome, the MIT psycholinguist popularizes a controversial theory of evolutionary that the brain is like a computer program that has been shaped by natural selection.", "hypothesis": "The tome contained other evolutionary theories by MIT psycholinguists."} {"idx": "mnli-17587", "premise": "The auction exploits desperate sellers.", "hypothesis": "The auction exploits desperate sellers."} {"idx": "mnli-17588", "premise": "i believe that's correct uh-huh", "hypothesis": "I am sure every word of it is right."} {"idx": "mnli-17589", "premise": "It is famous for being one of the main sources of the Jordan River, and the waterfall near Metulla lies close to the actual spring (where you can swim).", "hypothesis": "Not many people know it is a source of the Jordan River."} {"idx": "mnli-17590", "premise": "Whatever reporting Bill asked me to do turned out to be both challenging and fun.", "hypothesis": "What he asked me to do ended up being not only challenging, but also fun."} {"idx": "mnli-17591", "premise": "Twenty years ago, Joseph Zuska, a surgeon with an interest in alcohol problems among injured patients The crisis that brings the alcoholic to the surgeon is an opportunity for intervention in a progressive, often fatal disease.", "hypothesis": "Joseph Zuska became interesting in alcohol overuse among injured patients in the past five years."} {"idx": "mnli-17592", "premise": "A French patois-like dialect is still spoken in some hill villages and you'll notice bilingual street signs in the Aosta Valley (geographically part of Piedmont, but administratively separate).", "hypothesis": "Spanish is the main language spoken in the Aosta Valley."} {"idx": "mnli-17593", "premise": "Their scoffing is justified, but it's also irrelevant.", "hypothesis": "Though their scoffing is reasonable, it does not apply here."} {"idx": "mnli-17594", "premise": "By 1185 the frontier between Christianity and Islam had been drawn at the Tagus.", "hypothesis": "Christians and Muslims continued to fight well into the 15th century."} {"idx": "mnli-17595", "premise": "There are other pop-genetics arguments against cross-ethnic adoption, and against adoption in general.", "hypothesis": "Adoption, in general, has many other \"pop-genetic\" arguments against it."} {"idx": "mnli-17596", "premise": "In 2002, we took the steps to encourage their growth and improvement through a program letter outlining what we believe to be model intake practices.", "hypothesis": "The intake practices were struggling and they need to fix it."} {"idx": "mnli-17597", "premise": "Both provided minor technical changes and updated information, which we incorporated into the letter and enclosure I where appropriate.", "hypothesis": "The information was made up to date which includes the letter and enclosure."} {"idx": "mnli-17598", "premise": "An accompanying piece grades the multiple intelligences movement.", "hypothesis": "The multiple intelligences movement has never been graded."} {"idx": "mnli-17599", "premise": "Well, Bartolom\u00e9, what have you to say now? ", "hypothesis": "Now, what do you have to say, Bartolome?"} {"idx": "mnli-17600", "premise": "retention period established for audit documentation and is safeguarded through sound computer security.", "hypothesis": "Their computer security has not been breeched."} {"idx": "mnli-17601", "premise": "uh we must be yeah we must be doing the same up here too we we're probably send to a different lab than you guys down there", "hypothesis": "There is more than one lab we can send things to. "} {"idx": "mnli-17602", "premise": "Several guidelines are shaping our efforts.", "hypothesis": "We are making up the direction of our efforts as we go."} {"idx": "mnli-17603", "premise": "I cannot say, but it is suggestive. A wild idea flashed across me. ", "hypothesis": "I had a crazy idea, and started writing it down on the paper in front of me."} {"idx": "mnli-17604", "premise": "And the Coffin Fellowship Program provides money for attorneys who do domestic relations work.", "hypothesis": "The program gives money to attorneys because tey can't afford to help without a stipend."} {"idx": "mnli-17605", "premise": "due to the overabundance of news we have available to us", "hypothesis": "We barely get any news out here."} {"idx": "mnli-17606", "premise": "In enacting the LSC Act, Congress declared the need to provide equal access to the nation's system of justice for individuals who seek redress of grievances and said attorneys providing legal assistance must have full freedom to protect the best interests of their clients in keeping with the Code of Professional Responsibility, the Canon of Ethics, and the high standards of the legal profession.", "hypothesis": "Attorneys should be able to protect their clients."} {"idx": "mnli-17607", "premise": "yeah i used to have a lot of trouble with that with a wicked slide and so forth but i think i've overcome a good deal of that", "hypothesis": "I have never had a problem with it. "} {"idx": "mnli-17608", "premise": "Air quality modeling is a critical analytical step that provides the link between emissions changes and the physical effects that affect human health and the environment.", "hypothesis": "Air quality modeling is an important step to link emissions changes and physical effects."} {"idx": "mnli-17609", "premise": "There are plenty of dead-end GIs in dead-end jobs, too.", "hypothesis": "There are plenty of GIs in dead end jobs."} {"idx": "mnli-17610", "premise": "She closed her eyes and Thorn's story crashed on his mind like a rock through glass.", "hypothesis": "She thought about how sad Thorn's story had been."} {"idx": "mnli-17611", "premise": "both if we're not doing sports we go somewhere", "hypothesis": "We will go somewhere to do the sports."} {"idx": "mnli-17612", "premise": "You recognize them beyond fail?", "hypothesis": "Are you sure in your identification?"} {"idx": "mnli-17613", "premise": "I stayed in the shadows wherever I could, and made a point of moving only at night.", "hypothesis": "I only traveled at dark."} {"idx": "mnli-17614", "premise": "All this led a friend to conclude, reports the Globe , He won't be long behind his beloved Tammy.", "hypothesis": "They never became friends."} {"idx": "mnli-17615", "premise": "Then I remembered something.", "hypothesis": "Some memories came to my head."} {"idx": "mnli-17616", "premise": "See appendix II for a detailed description of the modeling methodology.", "hypothesis": "Appendix II has a detailed description of the modeling methodology."} {"idx": "mnli-17617", "premise": "The cover story , rehashing last week's discovery that smart mice can be genetically engineered, predicts that the bioengineering of human intelligence will soon be possible.", "hypothesis": "The cover story predicts that human intelligence cannot be engineered."} {"idx": "mnli-17618", "premise": "Reducing very high tax rates can, at the very least, encourage less tax evasion and avoidance.", "hypothesis": "Reducing very high tax rates has more positive effects than negative ones."} {"idx": "mnli-17619", "premise": "The Kosovo story details a massacre in which local nationalist Serbs and paramilitaries murdered at least 21 members of one family.", "hypothesis": "Serbs are fueled by hate but are well trained and well armed."} {"idx": "mnli-17620", "premise": "Estimated Long-Term Ambient Concentrations of PM(10) and Development of Respiratory Symptoms in a Nonsmoking Population.", "hypothesis": "Known Short-Term Ambient Concentrations of lung problems in smokers."} {"idx": "mnli-17621", "premise": "four years i guess", "hypothesis": "I think six years."} {"idx": "mnli-17622", "premise": "You may not believe that such intervention will work in practice, but that's a judgment about the rules of politics, not economics.", "hypothesis": "Your judgment is about politics, not about economics."} {"idx": "mnli-17623", "premise": "From 1925 to 1935 several wide-ranging reforms were introduced by President Ke?\u03adal.", "hypothesis": "The President introduced reform in the 1940s."} {"idx": "mnli-17624", "premise": "Chris' Wrap-Up", "hypothesis": "The 3rd Wrap-Up of Chris."} {"idx": "mnli-17625", "premise": "um-hum um-hum yeah i think it would also help them if they then went on to college i know that my first couple of years of college were um uh probably too carefree at the beginning and then at the end i had to be too serious", "hypothesis": "I was not care-free enough during my first two years in college."} {"idx": "mnli-17626", "premise": "There was the rush of wind all around them, but on the bird's back they were in an area where everything seemed calm.", "hypothesis": "The wind about them was as calm as that on the back of the bird."} {"idx": "mnli-17627", "premise": "We're so close.", "hypothesis": "We are near."} {"idx": "mnli-17628", "premise": "you know it's bad when you can smell alcohol on somebody but there's nothing you can do because they not drunk", "hypothesis": "Sometimes you can smell alcohol on someone without that person being drunk."} {"idx": "mnli-17629", "premise": "The magazines split over Kathleen Willey.", "hypothesis": "There is a fifteen page biography about Kathleen Willey in one magazine."} {"idx": "mnli-17630", "premise": "oh that ice storm yeah yeah i talked to somebody about two weeks ago from Rochester and same story they uh they really had a lot of damage from uh ice and all that", "hypothesis": "I spoke with someone from Florida and they said the weather was great."} {"idx": "mnli-17631", "premise": "For example, Table 3 shows that the inner area of New York has a higher population density than that of Paris.", "hypothesis": "Table 13 shows that the inner area of New York has a higher population density than that of Paris"} {"idx": "mnli-17632", "premise": "uh particularly when you try to i was talking to somebody else who who had a lot of wood paneling and uh they had gotten somebody to come in with an estimate and it seemed like there was it was a good sized den with a lot paneling and the people quoted thirty thousand dollars to paint it or something", "hypothesis": "There were some people with a tiny den and the estimate to paint it was twelve dollars. "} {"idx": "mnli-17633", "premise": "Clift, on the other hand, cannot believe that Yeltsin was in the bag all three times he gave these warnings.", "hypothesis": "This person thought there was a good chance Yeltsin could lose."} {"idx": "mnli-17634", "premise": "A dolmu service links the town to Ladies' Beach (Kad??nlar Plaj??) 3 km (2 miles) to the south, and there are also beaches at Pamucak and in the Dilek National Park (Dilek Yar??madas?? Milli Park??), 25 km (151.2 miles) from town.", "hypothesis": "Ladies' Beach is located five km to the north of the town."} {"idx": "mnli-17635", "premise": "Nothing more to do, Nibs?", "hypothesis": "Nibs looked exhausted. "} {"idx": "mnli-17636", "premise": "it's like a fifth like fifths of whiskey i thought was always kind of strange", "hypothesis": "I thought the shape of whiskey bottles was always strange."} {"idx": "mnli-17637", "premise": "yeah that snow is pretty to look at but i i don't like to drive in it or or", "hypothesis": "I do not like living where it snows. "} {"idx": "mnli-17638", "premise": "Although many passenger lines have gone out of use as the railroad declined in importance, one line in particular has been kept in operation, primarily because it travels through some of the most beautiful countryside in Britain.", "hypothesis": "The railroad suffered because the car industry advanced and took its place."} {"idx": "mnli-17639", "premise": "so it it's amazing even when you abuse them", "hypothesis": "So it is great, unless you abuse them."} {"idx": "mnli-17640", "premise": "The nine chapters present audit guidance ", "hypothesis": "Audit guidance is presented in the nine chapters"} {"idx": "mnli-17641", "premise": "do you do you use patterns i mean like a book of patterns or do you go out an buy a a kit like for a bib or something like that", "hypothesis": "Do you make up everything inside of your head?"} {"idx": "mnli-17642", "premise": "Jon turned with the others and left.", "hypothesis": "Jon stayed right there."} {"idx": "mnli-17643", "premise": "The country offers plenty of outdoor enjoyment, swimming and other water sports, or just sunbathing, on Alpine lakes, on the beaches of Normandy and Brittany, or at the famous resorts of the Cete d'Azur; first-class skiing in the Alps and Pyrenees; canoeing down spectacular gorges; and marvelous hiking around the country's national parks and nature reserves.", "hypothesis": "There is a lot to do outdoors, like go jetskiing or swim around the coral reefs."} {"idx": "mnli-17644", "premise": "I know a place you can go.", "hypothesis": "I know a spot you can travel."} {"idx": "mnli-17645", "premise": " \"Maybe I didn't,\"Drew admitted.", "hypothesis": "Drew admitted that he did not do it."} {"idx": "mnli-17646", "premise": "hi Fernando i'm Bill", "hypothesis": "My name is Bill, and you must be Fernando"} {"idx": "mnli-17647", "premise": "that it could happen um-hum", "hypothesis": "That couldn't happen."} {"idx": "mnli-17648", "premise": "aren't you kitty cat", "hypothesis": "You're a dog."} {"idx": "mnli-17649", "premise": "that was uh that was a lot of fun but what happens is we used to fight a lot so there's never much of a family family thing you know one of those hell family vacations", "hypothesis": "Our family vacations typically involved bad tension and many arguments."} {"idx": "mnli-17650", "premise": "I'm in a meeting you tell them, the director replied kicking his legs slightly with frustration.", "hypothesis": "The director kicked his legs twice with frustration."} {"idx": "mnli-17651", "premise": "well as you can tell my two decided to come in here uh", "hypothesis": "They came here. "} {"idx": "mnli-17652", "premise": "Quoting a military manual leaked to the Jakarta Post , the paper said platoon leaders have been authorized to use live ammunition in self-defense to cripple rioters who are clearly threatening to kill others [or to] cause heavy material damage.", "hypothesis": "Self-defense is allowed even with live ammunition when there are life threats."} {"idx": "mnli-17653", "premise": "well i i was going to ask too does your wife work", "hypothesis": "Does your wife play sports."} {"idx": "mnli-17654", "premise": "People in the Brave New World satisfy the wants they have but are prevented from having some good wants, like want for love and family, and deprived of the opportunity to reach for new and better wants.", "hypothesis": "Everyone in the Brave New World is encouraged to have families and to fall in love."} {"idx": "mnli-17655", "premise": "now well my brother in law was working with uh in one for a little bit and uh he just he couldn't handle the things he had to do", "hypothesis": "My brother in law worked in one for a while but he hated giving people baths."} {"idx": "mnli-17656", "premise": "Edgar Villatoro, a 30-year-old father of two from Van Nuys, said he worked 100-hour weeks for a party supply business but was paid for only 40 hours.", "hypothesis": "He does not have children."} {"idx": "mnli-17657", "premise": "Conversely, Leger was also implying that human beings are composed of moving parts.", "hypothesis": "Leger believes that humans are very similar to machines."} {"idx": "mnli-17658", "premise": "It is madness!\"", "hypothesis": "This is great!"} {"idx": "mnli-17659", "premise": "um-hum okay i think one of the some of the problems with uh oak trees is their leaves tend to accumulate and they leach a lot of acid into the soil", "hypothesis": "Oak tree leaves have been proven to neutralize acid in soils."} {"idx": "mnli-17660", "premise": "Are you going to poison me? she asked in a whisper.", "hypothesis": "She questioned quietly if he was going to poison her."} {"idx": "mnli-17661", "premise": "'And this disc...this disc has a message for Peter Greuze.", "hypothesis": "Unfortunately, this disc is blank."} {"idx": "mnli-17662", "premise": "Hard-liners, suspicious of U.S. ideological influence, asserted themselves in March 1996, when missile tests in the Straits of Taiwan were timed to intimidate Taiwan's politicians and electorate as the country held its first direct elections to the presidency.", "hypothesis": "The missile tests were meant to reassure Taiwan."} {"idx": "mnli-17663", "premise": "so i'm kind of bad about that myself", "hypothesis": "I do not like doing that."} {"idx": "mnli-17664", "premise": "Though this party fell into disfavor for some time, their fundamentalist concerns, shared by members of the Shiv Sena party, increased in popularity in subsequent years.", "hypothesis": "Rebellious teenagers picked up the party's fundamentalist concerns and popularized them since their parents viewed the party unfavorably."} {"idx": "mnli-17665", "premise": "In Dr. Moreau , it's the monsters who force the moral issues.", "hypothesis": "Moral issues don't trouble anyone."} {"idx": "mnli-17666", "premise": "For example, data collection and analyses in case studies are iterative and concurrent-that is, are yoked.", "hypothesis": "The Scientist Magazine proclaimed that all case studies are correct with little deviation for error in the collection of data and its analysis "} {"idx": "mnli-17667", "premise": "Carpets are one of the most attractive purchases you can make.", "hypothesis": "The carpets are all handmade in various colors."} {"idx": "mnli-17668", "premise": "and Terry Bradshaw i think is probably even better than he is or better or was was better than than Joe Montana is now because i of course another another Steeler fan showing up here you know another black and yellow surfacing up here you know this is the black and blue league up here in the corner", "hypothesis": "I think Joe Montana is better than Terry Bradshaw ever was."} {"idx": "mnli-17669", "premise": "Don Cazar has good horses?", "hypothesis": "Don Cazar was the most famous horse owner in the country."} {"idx": "mnli-17670", "premise": "It shouldn't come up as long as our troops are in harm's way (House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt).", "hypothesis": "House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt does not believe it will be an issue while troops are in harms way."} {"idx": "mnli-17671", "premise": "At a minimum, the PCAOB will need to effectively work with the other public regulators on enforcement/disciplinary matters.", "hypothesis": "The PCAOB will be required to work with other public regulators."} {"idx": "mnli-17672", "premise": "Would I mount? ", "hypothesis": "I wanted to be sure of my footing. "} {"idx": "mnli-17673", "premise": "Today, they'd be lucky to win anything at the TV Guide Awards .", "hypothesis": "At the moment they'd be lucky to win anything at the TV Guide Awards."} {"idx": "mnli-17674", "premise": "and and most of them aren't i mean you look you look at the number of marriages that are occurring right out i mean even in high school", "hypothesis": "No one ever gets married when they are in high school."} {"idx": "mnli-17675", "premise": "So you kids stop doing that to the cat and listen closely.", "hypothesis": "Stop doing that to the cat and listen closely."} {"idx": "mnli-17676", "premise": "The Princes' Chapel (Cappella dei Principi) is a piece of 17th-century Baroque bombast in flamboyant multi-colored marbles, for which the altar was not completed, appropriately enough, until 1939.", "hypothesis": "The Cappella dei Principi was finally completed in 1945."} {"idx": "mnli-17677", "premise": "Since alcohol interventions in the ED cut across different disciplines, the peer-review group should embrace multiple perspectives.", "hypothesis": "Alcohol interventions in the ED involve many disciplines."} {"idx": "mnli-17678", "premise": "During those halcyon days, Samuel Levi, as devout as he was rich, built a synagogue next to his home, Sinagoga del Transito (Synagogue of the Dormition).", "hypothesis": "The Sinagoga del Transito was built next to the home of Samuel Levi."} {"idx": "mnli-17679", "premise": "Now for the other letter.", "hypothesis": "There was only one letter."} {"idx": "mnli-17680", "premise": "Standard cost implies a norm, or what costs should be.", "hypothesis": "The standard is what the item should be priced."} {"idx": "mnli-17681", "premise": "eventually the at the hospital they said no to the doctor and they found out it wasn't even his electrocardiogram that there was some other patient you know by the time he'd been sent back to the nursing home and", "hypothesis": "He stayed in the hospital until he eventually passed away."} {"idx": "mnli-17682", "premise": "Advertising mail does not include advertising stuffers, i.e., advertising mail sent enclosed with other items such as bills.", "hypothesis": "Advertising stuffers are an effective form of marketing. "} {"idx": "mnli-17683", "premise": "Basically, the Postal Service would be expected to assess competition and mailers' willingness to pay, and then to segment its markets as much as possible.", "hypothesis": "The Postal Service would not be expected to do anything different."} {"idx": "mnli-17684", "premise": "right i have a sister that can can uh crochet real well or or knit i i guess i mean knit and she knits things like hats and uh sweaters an you know", "hypothesis": "My sister can knit hats and sweaters."} {"idx": "mnli-17685", "premise": "Time 's cover story tries to explain How Colleges Are Gouging U. Tuition has risen twice as fast as inflation, says Time , mostly because parents are willing to pay, but also because universities hoard their endowments and pay their professors too much.", "hypothesis": "Tuition has decreased to a third of what it once was."} {"idx": "mnli-17686", "premise": "The timer hidden in a showpiece resembling a toe-breaking device went off.", "hypothesis": "There was no timer in the showpiece. "} {"idx": "mnli-17687", "premise": "31 The ultimate effect of any tax incentive on national saving would depend on how households in aggregate respond.", "hypothesis": "The ultimate effect of any tax incentive on national saving would depend on how households in aggregate response."} {"idx": "mnli-17688", "premise": "but as it it as i recall it got some Academy Awards didn't it", "hypothesis": "I recall that it got some Academy Awards. "} {"idx": "mnli-17689", "premise": "Jon could hear them riding on the path towards him.", "hypothesis": "Jon was ready to fight."} {"idx": "mnli-17690", "premise": "Everything, it turned out, was either a mystery or a rumor.", "hypothesis": "Everything was a mystery or a rumor here."} {"idx": "mnli-17691", "premise": "We are supposed to believe that Pitt's Harrer has learned to be a better person; offered as proof is his changed attitude toward his son, Rolf (whose name in real life is Peter).", "hypothesis": "Pitt has a character named Harrer."} {"idx": "mnli-17692", "premise": "You can see the ideal in the Gap A T-shirt and denim pants just sit there, until a supple person slides into them and strikes a cool pose.", "hypothesis": "GAP clothes can move on their own."} {"idx": "mnli-17693", "premise": "you know so i think they're screwed up there", "hypothesis": "They should have never done that in the first place."} {"idx": "mnli-17694", "premise": "But he felt somewhat better in it.", "hypothesis": "He did not feel worse in it. "} {"idx": "mnli-17695", "premise": "oh yeah i have a slight limp from it but it matches one if i have one on the other side yeah yeah you know", "hypothesis": "No, I only limp on one leg not the other."} {"idx": "mnli-17696", "premise": "[The] simplicity [of the Program] has kept transaction costs low and helped to create efficiencies that might otherwise not exist.", "hypothesis": "The program is simple which provides the opportunity for low transaction costs. "} {"idx": "mnli-17697", "premise": "or You're the greatest in Japan! ", "hypothesis": "or in Japan you're the greatest!"} {"idx": "mnli-17698", "premise": "The boots of Albert continued to be active on the floor above.", "hypothesis": "Albert was stomping on the floor above. "} {"idx": "mnli-17699", "premise": "Each of these not-for-profit legal service providers has a specific mission or client Utah Legal Services focuses legal assistance to the state's low-income residents", "hypothesis": "All nonprofit legal services organizations have a mission statement or set of clients."} {"idx": "mnli-17700", "premise": "that's all right sounds like you have a little one there oh you have great how old are they", "hypothesis": "I get the impression that you have one or more small children or pets"} {"idx": "mnli-17701", "premise": "I've been soothing her for hours and honestly, I don't know why Red should have done it.\"", "hypothesis": "I don't know why Red upset her."} {"idx": "mnli-17702", "premise": "There are at least three major reasons for rural route time per possible delivery being so close to the corresponding time for city residential ", "hypothesis": "There are three or more major reasons for rural route times being so close to the corresponding time for city residential. "} {"idx": "mnli-17703", "premise": "Elche's palms are watered by Abderraman III's tenth-century irrigation system and surround the town of some 200,000 inhabitants on three sides.", "hypothesis": "The town has an irrigation system."} {"idx": "mnli-17704", "premise": "And a tiny Pat Buchanan?", "hypothesis": "Pat Buchanan is voluptuous."} {"idx": "mnli-17705", "premise": "Beginning in 2016, the program faces cash deficits as benefit payments are projected to outpace cash revenue.", "hypothesis": "There is an expected loss to occur in 2016."} {"idx": "mnli-17706", "premise": "yeah thirteen that's not bad", "hypothesis": "Thirteen is good."} {"idx": "mnli-17707", "premise": "yeah i got some guy from San Francisco one night", "hypothesis": "A guy from San Francisco gave me some one night."} {"idx": "mnli-17708", "premise": "Politicos and analysts told the New York Times that the gaffe won't hurt Jeb or his brother, George W.", "hypothesis": "Jeb was massively hurt by the gaffe and threatened to sue the New York Times."} {"idx": "mnli-17709", "premise": "What happened to your mouth?She happened to it,\" said the Kal, turning to Vrenna.", "hypothesis": "Kal accused Vrenna of hurting him."} {"idx": "mnli-17710", "premise": "No risk, and there would be no bullfight.", "hypothesis": "There wouldn't be a bullfight if there wasn't some risk involved."} {"idx": "mnli-17711", "premise": "They are coming here! shouted Ca'daan.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan was shouting about the arrival of the Queen of England. "} {"idx": "mnli-17712", "premise": "Hunter S. Thompson once said of Circus Circus, the casino where craps players and flying trapeze artists mingle beneath a billowing canopy, that it was what hepcats all over the world would be doing on Saturday night if the Germans had won World War II.", "hypothesis": "Craps players and trapeze artists come together at a casino called Circus Circus."} {"idx": "mnli-17713", "premise": " \"Johnny wasn't the only boy at Glorieta.", "hypothesis": "Johnny was at Glendale."} {"idx": "mnli-17714", "premise": "Only members of the imperial family and high-ranking priests are allowed past the second of the four fences.", "hypothesis": "There are six fences, and you can only pass the last one if you are a monk."} {"idx": "mnli-17715", "premise": "For one early fieldwork assignment, GAO looked at the operation of government agriculture programs in Kentucky and several southern states.", "hypothesis": "They were looking into turning the farms into casinos."} {"idx": "mnli-17716", "premise": "The procedures will provide opportunities for foreign entities to deliver satellite services here, and the liberalized market conditions resulting from the Agreement will allow", "hypothesis": "The procedures will block foreign corporations from offering satellite coverage."} {"idx": "mnli-17717", "premise": "You are actually playing into the criminal's hands.\"", "hypothesis": "You are doing what the criminals want, which is fight your own people."} {"idx": "mnli-17718", "premise": "um clone it's not the TI PC from back when", "hypothesis": "It is a clone and not like the TI PC. "} {"idx": "mnli-17719", "premise": "In addition to seeing one of Caleornia's original missions, you'll want to visit this valley to see the movie studios.", "hypothesis": "You would not want to visit the valley in order to see the movie studios."} {"idx": "mnli-17720", "premise": "If things go Ted, I pleaded with the president to make sure we had an exit strategy.", "hypothesis": "I pleaded with the president Trump to make sure we had an exit strategy."} {"idx": "mnli-17721", "premise": "oh is he the reformed um gambler yes yes yes", "hypothesis": "He is absolutely not the reformed gambler. "} {"idx": "mnli-17722", "premise": "Barnicle, like Cohen, argued that to accuse Kennedy of poor judgment is way out of bounds, because he could just as well have been killed in a subway accident.", "hypothesis": "Barney and Cohen both agree that accusing Kennedy of poor judgement is unfair."} {"idx": "mnli-17723", "premise": "I agree that we have a regular recession and that the currency board prevents us from applying the usual recipe, but it's not clear that it would work, and at this point breaking the peso commitment would be extremely onerous.", "hypothesis": "Thew new recipe might bring about new problems that would only complicate things further."} {"idx": "mnli-17724", "premise": "No! Mr. Hersheimmer brought down his fist with a bang on the table.", "hypothesis": "With an emphatic 'No!' Mr. Hersheimmer slammed his pale fist down on the dining room table."} {"idx": "mnli-17725", "premise": "Last Friday's bombing of a Serbian TV station was much criticized in Europe over the weekend.", "hypothesis": "A Serbian TV station was shot up."} {"idx": "mnli-17726", "premise": "For : Insomnia and jet lag.", "hypothesis": "Jet lag and insomnia are myths perpetrated by the sleep industry. "} {"idx": "mnli-17727", "premise": "that's true i i've been Democrat for since i've been voting which isn't that long but i'll agree with you there that there's not much organization going on", "hypothesis": "For as long as I have been voting I have been voting Republican. "} {"idx": "mnli-17728", "premise": "Here you can soak peacefully, slap on black Tiberias mud, be massaged by water jets, and seek solace in radioactive sulphur springs.", "hypothesis": "At this place you can bathe in sulphur springs and put mud on your skin."} {"idx": "mnli-17729", "premise": "So, a couple of decades ago, the magazine industry created the National Magazine Awards (the prestigious Enema, as occasional", "hypothesis": "The newspaper industry established the National Magazine Awards."} {"idx": "mnli-17730", "premise": "Then I yawned. ", "hypothesis": "I took the time to let out a yawn."} {"idx": "mnli-17731", "premise": "and they go out and they don't have it fixed or anything and it has kittens and they can't support it and they take them down there and they end up getting", "hypothesis": "Even if they have the cat fixed, it can still have kittens."} {"idx": "mnli-17732", "premise": "Households' wealth-income ratio dropped from its 1999 peak.", "hypothesis": "Income from the middle class have suffered greatly more than the other classes."} {"idx": "mnli-17733", "premise": "The Ascendancy", "hypothesis": "The dominance "} {"idx": "mnli-17734", "premise": "In other states, the very development and implementation of such initiatives may require reconfiguration of organizational relationships and service areas.", "hypothesis": "In other states, the development and implementation of initiatives might require elimination of service areas."} {"idx": "mnli-17735", "premise": "But this does not mean Japanese society has remained totally free of social discrimination.", "hypothesis": "Japanese society has not remained free of discrimination."} {"idx": "mnli-17736", "premise": "It was not until 1829 that Rafael Rivera, a Mexican scout, found a spring-fed valley and dubbed it Las Vegas a Spanish name that leaves many modern visitors wondering exactly where the meadows really lay.", "hypothesis": "In 1829 a Mexican scout of Spanish origin found the valley and named it Las Vegas."} {"idx": "mnli-17737", "premise": "um-hum yeah true kind of short", "hypothesis": "True, it is really long."} {"idx": "mnli-17738", "premise": "His deeply religious monks, priests, and saints are painted in flowing robes with almost tangible textures.", "hypothesis": "The flowing robes in his paintings had flat textures."} {"idx": "mnli-17739", "premise": "They wish to keep watch and Severn agreed to arm the miners.", "hypothesis": "The miners were prepared to fight. "} {"idx": "mnli-17740", "premise": "especially not after two years", "hypothesis": "After two years it is no longer under serious consideration. "} {"idx": "mnli-17741", "premise": "The American Bar Association journal is planning an article, and a half-dozen other colleges are looking at duplicating Rooney's program.", "hypothesis": "A half-dozen other colleges are planning to write an article about the American Bar Association."} {"idx": "mnli-17742", "premise": "Such a drastic change in the external conditions, (especially in different habits of substance use and abuse by the carriers) was expected to have a very stimulating effect on young organisms and lead to the development in the moment of their birth of a prime basis for an IQ level higher by 50 percent..", "hypothesis": "Organisms were being bred to have higher IQs."} {"idx": "mnli-17743", "premise": "Drew went directly to the bar.", "hypothesis": "Drew went to the bar. "} {"idx": "mnli-17744", "premise": "Indeed, a great, unfinished work can be more fascinating than a finished one because of the way the reader is drawn into the artistic process.", "hypothesis": "Readers love to get lost in the artistic process, and they enjoy it more than the final result."} {"idx": "mnli-17745", "premise": "uh baseball basketball and football and it gets away from what the school is established for originally", "hypothesis": "Schools aren't established for baseball, basketball and football."} {"idx": "mnli-17746", "premise": "it's just a bad deal course there are emergencies you know that you you know probably need to have a card", "hypothesis": "There are some emergencies that a person needs a card for."} {"idx": "mnli-17747", "premise": "Pursuant to section 605(b) of the Act, VA certified in the preamble to the interim rule (60 Fed.", "hypothesis": "VA was certified in the preamble, though it should not have been."} {"idx": "mnli-17748", "premise": "Thus, even if GAO were able to identify certain deficiencies in a land management plan, for example, GAO would be prohibited from examining the process used to develop the plan in order to suggest improvements.", "hypothesis": "Thus, if the GAO were able to identify deficiencies in the land management plan and the tax plan, for example GAO would be prohibited from examining the process used to develop the plan in order to suggest improvements. "} {"idx": "mnli-17749", "premise": "i didn't know they did this", "hypothesis": "I was not aware they did this."} {"idx": "mnli-17750", "premise": "The Venetian mainland reflects some of the Serenissima's artistic and architectural glories.", "hypothesis": "Serenissima's artistic style is the most popular in Venice."} {"idx": "mnli-17751", "premise": "I found what I was looking for.", "hypothesis": "I found my keys hidden in the cereal box. "} {"idx": "mnli-17752", "premise": "i used to i used to date a girl who taught English at ninth grade level", "hypothesis": "A guy I dated taught German."} {"idx": "mnli-17753", "premise": "i would say it's closer to sea level", "hypothesis": "My opinion is that it's nearer to the surface of the sea. "} {"idx": "mnli-17754", "premise": "I have sent him a note.\" Miss Howard rose immediately from her seat. ", "hypothesis": "Miss Howard remained seated even after the revelation of a note being sent to the man."} {"idx": "mnli-17755", "premise": "Art galleries, jewelers, and fashionable eateries can be found on every corner; but early in the morning, you'll have the streets to yourself, so enjoy every detail of the pretty Cycladic architecture.", "hypothesis": "The town is full of lots of entertainment options."} {"idx": "mnli-17756", "premise": "just as long as as like you were saying it's not too hard to take apart and put back together i'll try it", "hypothesis": "I can try it if it isn't too hard to do."} {"idx": "mnli-17757", "premise": "he dowels everything and it's all got to line up and uh i don't think he goofs too much i don't to see too much scrap around", "hypothesis": "He's very particular about using dowels and he does a good job."} {"idx": "mnli-17758", "premise": "He gave the Israelis the bible of American signals intelligence, a manual that shows exactly what foreign (that is, Soviet) signals the United States has intercepted.", "hypothesis": "The Israeli wanted any leverage they could have over the US. "} {"idx": "mnli-17759", "premise": "(The paternalism of the PDFA's campaign has sunk in at major newsrooms.", "hypothesis": "The campaign was a smear campaign against the PDFA."} {"idx": "mnli-17760", "premise": "One of best ways to obtain uniformly high quality services is to ensure that grantees' legal work management and supervision is rigorous and effective.", "hypothesis": "Rigorous supervision is one of the best ways to ensure high quality service."} {"idx": "mnli-17761", "premise": "The Los Angeles Times told readers that the real news was the wall-to-wall press throng at the news conference.", "hypothesis": "The news conference was packed with reporters."} {"idx": "mnli-17762", "premise": "Suppliers have also indicated that new plants could be brought on line within 3 years, if needed, to satisfy increased demand.", "hypothesis": "New plants can be brought online in three years, according to suppliers. "} {"idx": "mnli-17763", "premise": "It's not just that we are talking about a huge economy here, an economy whose woes can drag down a lot of smaller countries with it.", "hypothesis": "A large economy like this has no effect on other countries. "} {"idx": "mnli-17764", "premise": "This award means a great deal to me, Kilgore said, pointing to others so honored. ", "hypothesis": "Kilgore thanked them for the award."} {"idx": "mnli-17765", "premise": "The brawny Neeson is a calamity as Wilde, says New York's John Simon.", "hypothesis": "Most critics thought that Neesons performance was sub par."} {"idx": "mnli-17766", "premise": "The first is devoted entirely to Tokyo, where you're likely to begin your trip, get your bearings, and become acquainted with modern Japan.", "hypothesis": "Tokyo is more of an ancient city and not representative of modern Japan."} {"idx": "mnli-17767", "premise": "and um i i think i think that what one thing that was that they were really concerned with probably was the fact it wasn't necessarily you know like the quantity of care but the quality of care that the people that work there were very", "hypothesis": "One of the things they were concerned with wasn't the quantity of care, but the quality of the people that worked there."} {"idx": "mnli-17768", "premise": "once you can get into the language you know the language uh", "hypothesis": "You can never learn a language without getting into the language. "} {"idx": "mnli-17769", "premise": "Transfer of cash and other capitalized assets without reimbursement (595)", "hypothesis": "Transfer of highly liquid securities with no repayment."} {"idx": "mnli-17770", "premise": "Perhaps way, way back in human history, when our forebears were still fleeing saber-toothed tigers, natural selection for athletic prowess came into play.", "hypothesis": "Maybe natural selection got rid of alll the weak people."} {"idx": "mnli-17771", "premise": "'Terrible business most mornings,' Greuze replied.", "hypothesis": "Greuze said business was great in the mornings."} {"idx": "mnli-17772", "premise": "it that can help but you just get to a point where they're just not productive anymore", "hypothesis": "They're always very productive "} {"idx": "mnli-17773", "premise": "Shorts, pants, shirts, and dresses hang against alley walls in all the major towns; it's just a matter of finding a style that you like.", "hypothesis": "Stores don't usually carry stock and you have to special order what you want."} {"idx": "mnli-17774", "premise": "There are no walls and and no natural choke points.", "hypothesis": "There were no obstacles."} {"idx": "mnli-17775", "premise": "The question is whether Clinton has the nerve.", "hypothesis": "No one knows if Clinton has the nerve to do that."} {"idx": "mnli-17776", "premise": "you know i think it's really catching on you know i i think that", "hypothesis": "that sport is really catching on since the movie"} {"idx": "mnli-17777", "premise": "Sometimes it is a matter of months, sometimes it has been known to be as long as twenty years! ", "hypothesis": "It can take a short time or a very long time."} {"idx": "mnli-17778", "premise": "By letter of May 9, 1996, the Commission informed SBA of its certification.", "hypothesis": "The SBA was informed about the notification in 1996."} {"idx": "mnli-17779", "premise": "Sorry, the tax laws.", "hypothesis": "I am sorry that the tax laws."} {"idx": "mnli-17780", "premise": "well they weren't negating", "hypothesis": "Well, the majority of them were negating."} {"idx": "mnli-17781", "premise": "This trend toward building complete resorts is perhaps the best approach attempted in recent years, since it offers something for everyone.", "hypothesis": "One resort, for example, allows guests to ride on horseback through their community."} {"idx": "mnli-17782", "premise": "Columns (2), (4), (7), and (10), labeled Share of Total show the volume share of each sector in total First-Class Mail for the aforementioned fiscal years.", "hypothesis": "The volume share per sector is evenly distributed."} {"idx": "mnli-17783", "premise": "Yes, some steps have been taken but not nearly enough or as quickly as is called for, given recent events and the vital role that CPAs play in our overall accountability system.", "hypothesis": "The CPAs have been responsible for the majority of the tasks on our squad."} {"idx": "mnli-17784", "premise": "and if i had it to do all over again i would do what you're planning to do like continue", "hypothesis": "Given a choice i would drop out again."} {"idx": "mnli-17785", "premise": "A horseman held a twitch that covered her mouth, while another man held her left front leg with a strap.", "hypothesis": "As a stable hand secured her front left leg with a strap, a horseman bound her mouth and secured her head."} {"idx": "mnli-17786", "premise": "oh that's quite reasonable", "hypothesis": "That's a good estimate for the area, is there a discount on it?"} {"idx": "mnli-17787", "premise": "i file in my little book and do other things with it uh that's great that's great", "hypothesis": "I keep track in my book."} {"idx": "mnli-17788", "premise": " \"Not orders, no.", "hypothesis": "It is not orders."} {"idx": "mnli-17789", "premise": "Where parcels of stewardship land have more than one use, the predominant use of the land is considered the major use.", "hypothesis": "The major use is the activity that is done most on the land."} {"idx": "mnli-17790", "premise": "That would mark a change from the way money earned through the Interest on Lawyer Trust Account, or IOLTA, is handled.", "hypothesis": "The way it is currently handled is poorly executed and inefficient."} {"idx": "mnli-17791", "premise": "It was vital to him that it should be destroyed before it was discovered and its significance appreciated. ", "hypothesis": "Its discovery would lead to its significance being found, which necessitated its destruction. "} {"idx": "mnli-17792", "premise": "and so if it was made legal that doesn't make it any safer on the job", "hypothesis": "If it were legalized, that wouldn't have any affect on its job safety."} {"idx": "mnli-17793", "premise": "yeah um-hum um-hum right that's what we're looking at fifteen or maybe twenty we're not going to go longer than twenty", "hypothesis": "We are going to do at least twenty-five."} {"idx": "mnli-17794", "premise": "Coasted down after a few of the boys had a look at Shiloh.", "hypothesis": "They were looking at Silvester."} {"idx": "mnli-17795", "premise": "We are inundated with prison pop culture--with directors, documentarians, TV producers, and writers who have gone up the river and returned with tales of rapes and cavity searches and shanks and pigs.", "hypothesis": "Prison pop culture is popular."} {"idx": "mnli-17796", "premise": "Yes, sir, now you mention it, it did; though I don't know how you came to hear of it. ", "hypothesis": "Sir, I'm not sure where you are getting your information, but that never happened."} {"idx": "mnli-17797", "premise": "'Ah,' I covered, 'I was unnerved at first, but your Mr. White calmed me down.", "hypothesis": "Mr White made me relaxed."} {"idx": "mnli-17798", "premise": "and like i said i mean we're not that old but my husband works for the state and after a certain amount of years you can retire and when he retires i'm retiring well as soon as i get my quarters in i'm retiring period that's it you know no more and so", "hypothesis": "I will work for a couple more years after my husband retires."} {"idx": "mnli-17799", "premise": "Although we collected data on matters work undertaken during the last six months of 2001, we were not able to analyze and report on them to the LSC Board and on our website until 2002.", "hypothesis": "We collected data about the pro-bono work done in the last six months of 2001."} {"idx": "mnli-17800", "premise": "which opens the door for Bergman's too-pat Ordinary people under extraordinary circumstances, Mike.", "hypothesis": "That means it replaces Bergman's Ordinary people under ordinary circumstances."} {"idx": "mnli-17801", "premise": "Though you'd never guess it, the French fought bloody battles on La Savane against the English and Dutch.", "hypothesis": "The French fought peaceful battles. "} {"idx": "mnli-17802", "premise": "Although GAO took a lot of heat in being out front on this controversial issue, in part due to recent events, we're getting a lot of accolades now!", "hypothesis": "Controversial issues brought to light by GAO, are gaining support at a rapidly alarming rate."} {"idx": "mnli-17803", "premise": "Oh, and let's cut out all this huffing and puffing about Saddam Hussein.", "hypothesis": "People are pleased with Hussein."} {"idx": "mnli-17804", "premise": "They displayed tattoos of strange script and horrifying images on their arms, backs, chests, and faces.", "hypothesis": "They had several various tattoos. "} {"idx": "mnli-17805", "premise": "An RFP should be clear and comprehensive and include the elements described in GSA's guidance on standard solicitation documents.", "hypothesis": "An RFP should include the factors described in the GSA's guidance on standard solicitation documents."} {"idx": "mnli-17806", "premise": "Jaffa has been courted, crushed, and rebuilt by a succession of conquerors, from the ancient Egyptians to the Ottoman Turks.", "hypothesis": "Jaffa's original buildings are still standing."} {"idx": "mnli-17807", "premise": "Then suddenly I said a thing I could have bitten out my tongue for: \"You know that Dr. ", "hypothesis": "I wisely kept silent and said nothing."} {"idx": "mnli-17808", "premise": "before they didn't but i know they're going to start now", "hypothesis": "They are going to start now."} {"idx": "mnli-17809", "premise": "they're real simple that's why i like them i just put a bunch out because you just put them out there and you water them", "hypothesis": " They are very easy to grow just plant and water them and you'll have tomatoes in no time. "} {"idx": "mnli-17810", "premise": "Soon the whole cell was filled with a stuffy erotically-physiological atmosphere, and a single, abstract frustration about L.T.", "hypothesis": "The whole cell felt uncomfortable for the people who lived there."} {"idx": "mnli-17811", "premise": "'Tell you what, come by my place later.", "hypothesis": "Come to my house at 8pm."} {"idx": "mnli-17812", "premise": "The rest of the country had endured Vietnam and Watergate, but New York had its own little bankruptcy and physical collapse.", "hypothesis": "Bankruptcy and physical collapse have never happened in any state in the United States."} {"idx": "mnli-17813", "premise": "no i wouldn't be surprised if Gorbachev wasn't a satanist wasn't a satanist i'm not kidding", "hypothesis": "There's no way he could be a satanist!"} {"idx": "mnli-17814", "premise": "Although national saving as a share of GDP remains below the 1960s average, annual GDP growth in recent years reached levels similar to the 1960s average of 4.2 percent.", "hypothesis": "Our nation is, on average, spending more than it was in the 1960s."} {"idx": "mnli-17815", "premise": "Jon saw a stream of green torches trailing up the northern path as well.", "hypothesis": "Green torches were streaming up the northern path."} {"idx": "mnli-17816", "premise": "Good morning, said Tommy amiably.", "hypothesis": "Tommy was glad to see them."} {"idx": "mnli-17817", "premise": "Then he dismissed it.", "hypothesis": "Then he turned away, dismissing it."} {"idx": "mnli-17818", "premise": "While it is usually warm and clear down in Funchal, the mountains are often shrouded in a wintry mist.", "hypothesis": "Funchal is located at the very top of the mountains and is constantly frozen."} {"idx": "mnli-17819", "premise": "Then them Rebs started playin' rough, an' we jus' gave 'em a lesson.\"Fowler snorted.", "hypothesis": "The Rebs were given a lesson because they played rough and the others did not like that."} {"idx": "mnli-17820", "premise": "How can anyone do that?", "hypothesis": "Can someone get joy out of doing something like that?"} {"idx": "mnli-17821", "premise": "well those things must take up a huge amount of space in landfills", "hypothesis": "Those things wouldn't take up much area at the dump."} {"idx": "mnli-17822", "premise": "Is not that so?\"", "hypothesis": "Isn't that it?"} {"idx": "mnli-17823", "premise": "Would it be better for the president, and the first lady too, for that matter, to be able to give their undivided attention to getting America across that bridge into the next millennium than it is to have them distracted by the Monica affair?", "hypothesis": "Is the president purposely focusing on Monica more than necessary?"} {"idx": "mnli-17824", "premise": "No, you must be wrong.\" As Dave remembered it, Tesla had been plagued by similar doubts from such men as Edison.", "hypothesis": "Dave was an academic who studied conflicts amongst scientists."} {"idx": "mnli-17825", "premise": "Leonard J. Koczur, Acting Inspector General David C. Maddox, Director of Financial and Information Resource Management Laurie Tarantowicz, Assistant Inspector General for Legal Review", "hypothesis": "Maddox is the Acting Inspector."} {"idx": "mnli-17826", "premise": "A profile of Peter Singer, a proponent of ethical treatment of animals, pinpoints the radical philosopher's inconsistencies.", "hypothesis": "The ethical treatment of animals was debated in the federal government."} {"idx": "mnli-17827", "premise": "i say we because i live here if that might not turn around in the next you know fifteen twenty years", "hypothesis": "Things might not turn around in the next thirty years"} {"idx": "mnli-17828", "premise": "You're with us now, said Jon.", "hypothesis": "Jon likes to be with then."} {"idx": "mnli-17829", "premise": "So was its 2001 request.", "hypothesis": "It did not have any requests for 2001."} {"idx": "mnli-17830", "premise": "The WP makes you wonder about the quality of thought behind many of those anti-Microsoft lawsuits that came tumbling forth right after the antitrust trial judge's finding of facts.", "hypothesis": "There have been a lot of anti-Microsoft lawsuits."} {"idx": "mnli-17831", "premise": "According to official Washington estimates, US businesses lost $8 billion as a result of Cuba's state appropriations and seizing of assets.", "hypothesis": "US businesses lost $8 billion because of Cuba and this angered many."} {"idx": "mnli-17832", "premise": "oh yeah yeah we're not from Texas either um we're i grew up in Pennsylvania so", "hypothesis": "We are from Texas!"} {"idx": "mnli-17833", "premise": "The island of Burano is a simple fishing village, true haven of tranquility, though the olden days of ladies making lace on the doorsteps of their brightly colored houses, artists on the quay and no hustlers is all but history.", "hypothesis": "There is a large farming village on the island of Burano."} {"idx": "mnli-17834", "premise": "There were a few engaging features--the astonishing photographs, Robert Caro talking about Al Smith, John Tierney arguing that the workers at the Triangle shirtwaist factory could have just gotten other", "hypothesis": "There weren't many interesting features save for the photographs. "} {"idx": "mnli-17835", "premise": "Attorney General Janet Reno didn't get it and give it to Senate investigation chairman Fred Thompson until his hearings had ended.", "hypothesis": "After Fred Thompson was done, Janet Reno gave it to him."} {"idx": "mnli-17836", "premise": "right even though there's probably women with MBA's maybe even PhD's that are staying at home with the children um", "hypothesis": "Some stay-at-home moms might have MBAs or even PhDs. "} {"idx": "mnli-17837", "premise": "All rooms are tiled, air-conditioned, and equipped with satellite TV, clock radio, telephone, safe-deposit box, and hair dryer.", "hypothesis": "The rooms all have hair dryers and telephones but calls are expensive."} {"idx": "mnli-17838", "premise": "Legendary hummous, with very little else on the menu.", "hypothesis": "The menu has little else other than hummus."} {"idx": "mnli-17839", "premise": "It leads to the boutiques, galleries, and antique shops of the equally fashionable Via Mazzini.", "hypothesis": "Via Mazzini is considered a fashionable district, but in it you can still find art galleries and antique shops, making the place unique. "} {"idx": "mnli-17840", "premise": "It is indeed mon ami Hastings!", "hypothesis": "It is, Hastings! "} {"idx": "mnli-17841", "premise": "Participants believe that models that provide temporary resources to SEC, such as through fellowships from the accounting profession, are not the answer to its funding and staffing problems and can raise conflict of interest issues.", "hypothesis": "There might be conflicts of interest."} {"idx": "mnli-17842", "premise": "Smith promises, [T]his will be the beginning of a long fight with the 105 th Congress on this.", "hypothesis": "The Congress' fight with Smith will be quick and painless. "} {"idx": "mnli-17843", "premise": "IDA balances generally are not to be considered in determining eligibility and benefits for means-tested federal programs.", "hypothesis": "DA balances generally are to be considered in determining eligibility and benefits for means-tested federal programs"} {"idx": "mnli-17844", "premise": "uh-huh because they have fewer students", "hypothesis": "They have more and more students."} {"idx": "mnli-17845", "premise": "Clinton and the Republicans are Balancing the budget by 2002 will be (relatively) easy.", "hypothesis": "In addition, Clinton and the Republicans will go over national security."} {"idx": "mnli-17846", "premise": "i know oh it is it it it plus plus um when we were in in the section of uh North Dallas over by Addison there's just not hardly any day care over there at all it's surprising", "hypothesis": "We are over by Addison."} {"idx": "mnli-17847", "premise": "i guess the the problem with that is there's no true authority in any kind of international verdicts", "hypothesis": "I guess the problem has come to light with increasing globalization."} {"idx": "mnli-17848", "premise": "that's right that's right you know now here's the innocent guy that's just trying to keep in business you know he had tried dogs he tried security people he tried you know several other things the dogs like they would just kill the dogs you know so uh it's it's it's wrong your right um i it it seems unfortunate and a little frustrating because it seems like we have citizens the there isn't mu ch we can do um you try to hope that uh you know your senators and your representatives and uh are going to represent what the people want but uh uh they certainly i'm not sure which way to take to shake up the system bad enough to start making some reforms sure would be nice to see it happening soon because it's obvious that uh pretty soon they're not going to be able to handle you know all of the crime that there is so i don't know uh it must be especially frustrating to you having do you work there now or is was this uh uh was this before", "hypothesis": "The innocent guy had attempted to use dogs and hired security to protect his business."} {"idx": "mnli-17849", "premise": "Holy Smokes, they've got to eat _something_.", "hypothesis": "They are really fussy about what they eat."} {"idx": "mnli-17850", "premise": "You think there's somethin' in all that talk Topham was givin' lip to? Anse asked.", "hypothesis": "Anse stated, \"Nothing that Topham supports, could have any basis in reality.\""} {"idx": "mnli-17851", "premise": "I am at play right now.", "hypothesis": "I don't play at any point in time."} {"idx": "mnli-17852", "premise": "what's the what's America's role there and it it uh with with other things going on it it it seems to have lessened but you've still got uh Cuba that exception exerts some influence", "hypothesis": "I would like to know what the role of America is in this place since Cuba us still in the mix."} {"idx": "mnli-17853", "premise": "The National Park Service can also give information about facilities and events in the west coast's national park system; phone (818) 597-9192.", "hypothesis": "The National Park Service can provide information and answer questions about both national and regional state parks. "} {"idx": "mnli-17854", "premise": "Napoleon's reburial took place on Dec. 15, 1840.", "hypothesis": "Napolean's original grave had been disturbed."} {"idx": "mnli-17855", "premise": "Officials in charge of the bombing never consulted the experts who could have told them that the plant was legit.", "hypothesis": "The experts were never consulted by the officials in charge of the bombing because they thought that they could handle the situation on their own."} {"idx": "mnli-17856", "premise": "Stephanopoulos thinks Clinton has been hurt by confiding in only a small circle and cutting off many of his advisers.", "hypothesis": "Stephanopoulos does not think Clinton has been hurt. "} {"idx": "mnli-17857", "premise": "But I find his storytelling both morally easy and artistically promiscuous.", "hypothesis": "I read all of his stories."} {"idx": "mnli-17858", "premise": "Nearby on St. George's Street is St. George's Village, an area of galleries and cafes designed as a quirky Amsterdam street meets Italian piazza mall.", "hypothesis": "Galleries and cafes are located in St. George's Village, which are similar to an Italian piazza mall."} {"idx": "mnli-17859", "premise": "Because he is in love with her. I laughed. ", "hypothesis": "He loves her."} {"idx": "mnli-17860", "premise": "Azay-le-Rideau", "hypothesis": "This is someones name"} {"idx": "mnli-17861", "premise": "yeah we went up there now that i think about it on one of our long trips we take off on", "hypothesis": "It was a last minute decision to go up there on a trip."} {"idx": "mnli-17862", "premise": "quite a quite a world we live in", "hypothesis": "Quite a house we live in."} {"idx": "mnli-17863", "premise": "Legal aid providers in the state are already scrounging for funding as interest rates fall through the floor, because one of their primary sources of support comes from the interest generated on client assets held in trust by lawyers in Illinois.", "hypothesis": "Legal aid providers are trying to find $175,000 in funding."} {"idx": "mnli-17864", "premise": "Wildlife enthusiasts should visit the nature reserve at Periyar, a drive of 194 km (120 miles) from Cochin, where elephants, bison, and birds can be seen from the unique vantage point of an artificial lake.", "hypothesis": "194 km (120 mi) from Cochin is the nature reserve at Periyar, where those interested in wildlife can watch from the lake and see elephants, bison, and birds."} {"idx": "mnli-17865", "premise": "what my what i was going to study and at least i had some interest in a lot of the youth that i come in contact with are they say oh i want to be a doctor i want to be a lawyer why because they make a lot of money", "hypothesis": "The main incentive for being doctors and lawyers is the money."} {"idx": "mnli-17866", "premise": "Are contribution limits no different?", "hypothesis": "Contribution limits are often questioned."} {"idx": "mnli-17867", "premise": "i mean you know if you had long hair in high school in the sixties you got labeled a hippie and you keep that image your whole life no matter what you do and i i just", "hypothesis": "In the sixties, every single person who had long hair during their high school years was called a hippie."} {"idx": "mnli-17868", "premise": "The government worries that foreign investors, anxious to unload their rubles, will force a devaluation of the currency.", "hypothesis": "The government is worried that their currency may be devalued."} {"idx": "mnli-17869", "premise": "so i'd end up sitting in the car for an hour and a half and then i you know a lot of it in car fumes you know inhaling car fumes", "hypothesis": "I would cough badly after the car ride, due to the fumes."} {"idx": "mnli-17870", "premise": "To the maximum extent possible, participants broadly mirrored the full population of the national community.", "hypothesis": "The participants did their best to act like their favorite fictional characters."} {"idx": "mnli-17871", "premise": "The last I heard of you was that your friends were in grave anxiety on your behalf.", "hypothesis": "I heard your friends were really happy for you."} {"idx": "mnli-17872", "premise": "Their confederation of States became today's Negeri Sembilan ( Nine States ), with Seremban as its capital.", "hypothesis": "Their confederation was divided by civil war and broke apart with each group headed its own way."} {"idx": "mnli-17873", "premise": "Well, then I will see you with him tonight.", "hypothesis": "Tonight, I will see you with him."} {"idx": "mnli-17874", "premise": "hi Rick how you doing", "hypothesis": "Hello Rick, how are you?"} {"idx": "mnli-17875", "premise": "This is the Kathesimbhu temple, built in the mid-17th century in the style of Swayambhunath (see page 42) as a service to devotees physically unable to climb up to that hilltop shrine.", "hypothesis": "Those for who climbing up to the hilltop shrine was impossible were happy to hear about the Kathesimbhu temple."} {"idx": "mnli-17876", "premise": "According to Table 6-4, if the retrofit of the FGD, SCR, and ACI systems for 2005 occur over thirty-one months prior to 2005 and over a three-year period for each five-year increment after 2005 to 2020, the maximum demand would be about 23 percent of the journeyman boilermakers or about 19 percent for journeymen and apprentices combined.", "hypothesis": "According to Table 6-4, the maximum demand would be about 12 percent of the journeyman pipefitters."} {"idx": "mnli-17877", "premise": "We wanted to know that is, would you be so kind as to tell us anything you know about Jane Finn?", "hypothesis": "We would be grateful if you could take a moment out of your busy schedule to fill us in on whatever you are aware of concerning this Jane Finn?"} {"idx": "mnli-17878", "premise": "Schooling.", "hypothesis": "Education."} {"idx": "mnli-17879", "premise": "Suitable for a crew of two, these are just the ticket if you want to learn to sail.", "hypothesis": "These are not suitable for sailing."} {"idx": "mnli-17880", "premise": "Today nothing remains of those altars.", "hypothesis": "Most of those altars are here today."} {"idx": "mnli-17881", "premise": "yeah now the last couple of weekends have been nice and sunny", "hypothesis": "It was sunny and pleasant during the last two weekends."} {"idx": "mnli-17882", "premise": "In addition, control activities help to ensure that all transactions are completely and accurately recorded.", "hypothesis": "The accurate recording of transactions is one of the things that a control activity can help provide."} {"idx": "mnli-17883", "premise": "Now, if the girl had been placed there it would almost certainly be under an assumed name.\"", "hypothesis": "The girl probably is going under an assumed name if she has been placed there."} {"idx": "mnli-17884", "premise": "yeah it was Twins was good too because when i thought of that i thought of anyway um", "hypothesis": "Twins is really bad."} {"idx": "mnli-17885", "premise": "Emissions Inventories", "hypothesis": "No emissions exist at all."} {"idx": "mnli-17886", "premise": "These are the best fighters in the world.", "hypothesis": "The people are bad fighters but are very peaceful."} {"idx": "mnli-17887", "premise": "We interviewed various officials, including chief financial officers, chief information officers, business unit executives, state executive and legislative branch officials, treasurers, controllers, internal auditors, agency administrators, and human resource specialists.", "hypothesis": "We were only interested in interviewing human resource specialists, and so those were the only people we interviewed."} {"idx": "mnli-17888", "premise": "Total online time from when we accessed Amazon's home page to when we completed the book 37 minutes and 12 seconds.", "hypothesis": "The total online time is 110 minutes and 12 seconds."} {"idx": "mnli-17889", "premise": "This ranch-restaurant-guest house is something of a local institution, not to mention a novelty.", "hypothesis": "The guesthouse has a total of 27 rooms across three floors."} {"idx": "mnli-17890", "premise": "Indicators of success -- Money is available to implement innovative diversity agendas and model projects.", "hypothesis": "Money is not an indicator of success and no matter how much is available to supplement innovative diversity projects, the project will always fail."} {"idx": "mnli-17891", "premise": "and the only opposition to it really was that it was you know starting starting some sort of a military elitist type you know special corps of cadre of people that sort of thing and uh when the politics get real confusing", "hypothesis": "Some people opposed to it believed that it promoted military elitism."} {"idx": "mnli-17892", "premise": "Can you modify those methods, gentle without breaking?", "hypothesis": "Could you be gentle with the modification of the methods?"} {"idx": "mnli-17893", "premise": "Vrenna snatched the curved sword from his grasp as he fell and cleaved his head in two.", "hypothesis": "Vrenna got hurt."} {"idx": "mnli-17894", "premise": "In that way, with liberty and justice for all can be a way of life as well as a doctrine.", "hypothesis": "The legal aid system allows even the poorest members of society to seek justice."} {"idx": "mnli-17895", "premise": "What wows 'em are Broadway-style showstoppers, with music and lyrics by Stephen Schwartz, whose work has become less tuneful and more pretentious since the heady days of Godspell and Pippin . Schwartz's rhymes are all of the moon-June variety, and the big inspirational number, in which hope is conceded sometimes to fly away, like silver birds, Who knows what miracles you can achieve/ When you believe?", "hypothesis": "Big, dramatic songs are what excite the audience."} {"idx": "mnli-17896", "premise": "um no no you can talk about anything you want these these things are just suggestions", "hypothesis": "My suggestions are merely that, suggestions, but you can speak about any topic your heart desires."} {"idx": "mnli-17897", "premise": "Postal Service Request for extension of experiment filed in Docket No.", "hypothesis": "There was a Request for extension of the experiment filed by the Postal Service."} {"idx": "mnli-17898", "premise": "Schwartz said her job keeps her involved in the community -- and allows her to sleep with a sound conscience.", "hypothesis": "She thinks of nothing but making more money."} {"idx": "mnli-17899", "premise": "Legend claims that the city of Byzantium was founded around 660 b.c. by a Greek named Byzas, after the Delphic Oracle had bidden him to build his city opposite the Land of the Blind. ", "hypothesis": "Around 660 b.c. , according to the legend, the city of Byzantium was founded by a Grek named Byzas."} {"idx": "mnli-17900", "premise": "You wait and see, and it'll be all your fault.\" ", "hypothesis": "He will be to blame if we wait."} {"idx": "mnli-17901", "premise": "Importantly, for both the Congress and GAO, the Vice President challenged GAO's fundamental statutory authority to assist the Congress in connection with its constitutional, legislative and oversight authorities.", "hypothesis": "The VP said GAO didn't have the authority to help Congress."} {"idx": "mnli-17902", "premise": "and i'm not too sure that it's actually not a success more than a failure you know i don't know what percent has actually converted", "hypothesis": "I know that it was a failure."} {"idx": "mnli-17903", "premise": "After losing his appeal and being scolded by the appeals court judges, he tried to appeal to the Supreme Court.", "hypothesis": "He tried to appeal to the Supreme Court because he thought that he had a bigger chance of winning there."} {"idx": "mnli-17904", "premise": "After experiencing a significant virus infection in 1989, a retailing company assigned one of its managers to step up efforts to promote employee awareness of information security risks and related organizational policies.", "hypothesis": "This was the first widely-known case of a computer virus targeting a single company."} {"idx": "mnli-17905", "premise": "In addition, the Postal Service has failed to capture a large market share in two areas of direct competition with the private sector which are relatively unaffected by the Private Express Statutes; Parcel Post and Express (overnight) Mail.", "hypothesis": "The Postal Service has failed to capture a large market share in the Parcel Post area."} {"idx": "mnli-17906", "premise": "The pilgrims flocked here throughout the Hundred Years' War, paying tolls to the English, who controlled the surrounding territory ' though they never succeeded in breaking through the mount's defenses.", "hypothesis": "The French owned the territory during the war."} {"idx": "mnli-17907", "premise": "In the heart of the old Jewish quarter, it is very is peaceful and close to the El Greco museum and synagogues.", "hypothesis": "The hotel is aimed at a Jewish audience."} {"idx": "mnli-17908", "premise": "well and not everybody is", "hypothesis": "Everybody will be"} {"idx": "mnli-17909", "premise": "After all, though he was old, Poirot had been a great man in his day. ", "hypothesis": "Poirot was a great man when he was thirty."} {"idx": "mnli-17910", "premise": "The ramparts of its vieille ville enclose medieval cobbled streets and half-timbered houses.", "hypothesis": "The medieval cobbled streets date back from the 15th century."} {"idx": "mnli-17911", "premise": "The oldest most striking of the Byzantine monuments, in the northern corner of the city center, is the fifth-century Mausoleum of Galla Placidia.", "hypothesis": "The Mausoleum has been nicely preserved for being constructed in the fifth century."} {"idx": "mnli-17912", "premise": "I'm hoping that what this center does is open a dialogue with other nonprofit leaders to plan out what are the legal needs of the community that could be served through such a center, Padilla said.", "hypothesis": "I hope that this center boost communication with other centers."} {"idx": "mnli-17913", "premise": "They also have certain conflicts in connection with their investment banking and brokerage operations that need to be addressed just as independent auditors do in connection with their consulting services.", "hypothesis": "The investment banking and brokerage operations yield certain conflicts."} {"idx": "mnli-17914", "premise": "You will find that each quartier has its own personality, different people to watch, and something special to offer.", "hypothesis": "There are different people and something special in every area."} {"idx": "mnli-17915", "premise": "yeah that would be really nice", "hypothesis": "Yes, dancing with you would be lovely."} {"idx": "mnli-17916", "premise": "Click here to listen to one of Cope's imitation Chopin mazurkas.", "hypothesis": "Do not click on anything."} {"idx": "mnli-17917", "premise": "Regulars have shown up yearly for decades.", "hypothesis": "Regulars have gone to the island for decades."} {"idx": "mnli-17918", "premise": "The Edinburgh-based James Thin has the largest bookstore in Scotland (on George Street, opposite the university buildings of Chambers Street).", "hypothesis": "James Thin has the smallest bookstore in Great Britain."} {"idx": "mnli-17919", "premise": "He's a London specialist; a very clever man, one of the greatest living experts on poisons, I believe.\"", "hypothesis": "That man is one of the most talented experts on poisons."} {"idx": "mnli-17920", "premise": "I decided to take that as a yes.", "hypothesis": "The person answering seemed unsure of their decision. "} {"idx": "mnli-17921", "premise": "The only buildings that break the monotony are the more than 300 small white chapels that dot the hillsides.", "hypothesis": "The only buildings that break the monotony, are the 1000 ft tall skyscrapers."} {"idx": "mnli-17922", "premise": "Deciding he'd like to make an eccentric regional comedy with universal themes, he journeyed to a village in Ireland, set himself up in the pub, and took notes on what he saw and heard.", "hypothesis": "He decided to make a comedy so he went to Ireland and wrote what he saw."} {"idx": "mnli-17923", "premise": "Fish and Wildlife Department as a refuge for the millions of Laysan Albatrose(called gooney birds for their comical awkwardness at takeoff and landing) who nest there.", "hypothesis": "Laysan Albatrose nest at the Fish and Wildlife Department."} {"idx": "mnli-17924", "premise": "i have some do you", "hypothesis": "I don't own any, do you?"} {"idx": "mnli-17925", "premise": "um yeah yeah because they they like to get in and fertilize things too but uh why would it be illegal", "hypothesis": "One can be unsure as to why fertilizing things would be illegal."} {"idx": "mnli-17926", "premise": "There!\" Tuppence handed back the pencil, and surveyed the piece of paper on which she had written with a satisfied eye: \"What's that?\"", "hypothesis": "Tuppence wrote on the piece of paper with the pencil."} {"idx": "mnli-17927", "premise": "Take a snapshot at 1200 B.C. and the Albanians can claim it", "hypothesis": "The Albanians think they own all historic monuments."} {"idx": "mnli-17928", "premise": "Watch the fantan dealer for a few minutes and you'll almost be an It's simply a matter of how many odd buttons are left after he has divided a pile of them into groups of four.", "hypothesis": "Fantan can be reduced down to a game of counting."} {"idx": "mnli-17929", "premise": "In contrast to Mallorca, Menorca's economy was devastated for decades.", "hypothesis": "The economy of Mallorca avoided decades of devastation."} {"idx": "mnli-17930", "premise": "yeah oh boy or uh or there should be some way where it could be opted for them not to have a jury", "hypothesis": "It should be possible to choose to have a trial without a jury."} {"idx": "mnli-17931", "premise": "If it looks clear, beat a hasty path up to Pico do Arieiro first thing in the morning.", "hypothesis": "The view from Pico do Arieiro is fantastic on clear days."} {"idx": "mnli-17932", "premise": "For this reason, the revised circular eliminates a long-standing federal requirement for formal risk assessments.", "hypothesis": "There has been a requirement about the risk for long."} {"idx": "mnli-17933", "premise": "They tore each other apart and feasted on the dying and dead.", "hypothesis": "They were vegans. "} {"idx": "mnli-17934", "premise": "so well have a good day and i appreciate the conversation", "hypothesis": "You will have a good day."} {"idx": "mnli-17935", "premise": "I hope that I can count on each of you and others to do the same.", "hypothesis": "I intend to do the same for myself as well."} {"idx": "mnli-17936", "premise": "3. Motility.", "hypothesis": "Ballistics."} {"idx": "mnli-17937", "premise": "In Germany, the weekly magazine Der Spiegel revealed that unpublished films of Adolf Hitler have surfaced in the United States.", "hypothesis": "They were happy that the film won an award in the U.S."} {"idx": "mnli-17938", "premise": "However, the failure of many to withstand the powerful 1995 Hanshin earthquake that struck the Kobe area exposed the inadequacy of many construction methods and standards.", "hypothesis": "Many construction methods were designed to cut corners."} {"idx": "mnli-17939", "premise": "A comic persona embodies an unexpected way of seeing the world.", "hypothesis": "Someone who has a comedic way of looking at things are often fun to be around."} {"idx": "mnli-17940", "premise": "hi Debbie how are you", "hypothesis": "Hello Debbie, are you doing well on this New Years Eve?"} {"idx": "mnli-17941", "premise": "She may have thought, however, that she was giving him another chance and that he was promising, in exchange, to do better.", "hypothesis": "It's possible that she thought she was giving him another chance and that he was going to do better. "} {"idx": "mnli-17942", "premise": "3/ First-Class Mail sent by non-households to households (e.g.", "hypothesis": "All first-class mail is sent by non-households."} {"idx": "mnli-17943", "premise": "Perhaps that way may be more easily defended than the town itself.", "hypothesis": "The narrowness of the path made it more defensible."} {"idx": "mnli-17944", "premise": ", bomb) in furtherance of a crime of violence that is prosecutable in a federal court.", "hypothesis": "The crime wan not able to be prosecuted in a federal court."} {"idx": "mnli-17945", "premise": "uh-huh well it's funny this week yesterday i started exercising seriously", "hypothesis": "Well that's funny, I didn't know that you also started exercising this week."} {"idx": "mnli-17946", "premise": "oh okay oh all right", "hypothesis": "No, absolutely no way. "} {"idx": "mnli-17947", "premise": "uh me and the uh insurance adjusters adjusters are are very familiar with each other and my husband still works there and uh", "hypothesis": "My husband doesn't work there any longer."} {"idx": "mnli-17948", "premise": "You kiddin'", "hypothesis": "You're not serious about her killing him are you?"} {"idx": "mnli-17949", "premise": "Beyond the Pale", "hypothesis": "It was not appropriate or fair."} {"idx": "mnli-17950", "premise": "I know your journey through the torrent's edge was straining.", "hypothesis": "I know your journey was easy as possible with no strain. "} {"idx": "mnli-17951", "premise": "He was being unnecessarily rough.", "hypothesis": "He was being too aggressive."} {"idx": "mnli-17952", "premise": "The substantive issue at stake is hard news vs. soft Each network is accusing the others of going soft in pursuit of ratings.", "hypothesis": "Each network accuses the other of pursing ratings."} {"idx": "mnli-17953", "premise": "And the cliff was crumbling from under it, while the tread spun idiotically out of control.", "hypothesis": "The cliff was crumbling quicker by the second."} {"idx": "mnli-17954", "premise": "In spring the countryside is covered with the pink and white of almond blossoms, but the road is for all seasons, with groves of gnarled olive trees alongside it, their leaves blowing silver in the evening light.", "hypothesis": "Along the road lie only thick stone walls and dried mud, not a single instance of flora to be found. "} {"idx": "mnli-17955", "premise": "i don't know because i know i don't watch while i'm up here at school i don't watch hardly any TV like Thursday night i like to sit down and watch a few shows but other than that", "hypothesis": "I watch TV every single day of the week."} {"idx": "mnli-17956", "premise": "Henry's, at the Henry Grattan lounge in Baggot Street, serves good food.", "hypothesis": "There are no lounges on Baggot Street."} {"idx": "mnli-17957", "premise": "W. has bartered the high-status accomplishments of his father for something more regular guyness.", "hypothesis": "W. is a big fan of his father."} {"idx": "mnli-17958", "premise": "The Commission has informed the GAO that to encourage small entities to participate in the rulemaking process as called for by section 609, it distributed a plain English version of the proposing release, it posted the proposals under the Items of Interest to Small Businesses section of its Internet Web-site, it met with groups that represent small businesses such as the security Traders Association and the New York Specialists Association, and its senior officials gave speeches describing the proposals and encouraging comments.", "hypothesis": "The senior officials want to facilitate communication."} {"idx": "mnli-17959", "premise": "yeah oh oh that's what i was thinking by quick transition i didn't mean you know i didn't mean like Sweden going over to right hand drive or anything you know at midnight tonight we all switch over or anything", "hypothesis": "By \"quick transition\", I didn't mean that Sweden should switch to right-hand drive tonight."} {"idx": "mnli-17960", "premise": "is no contest.", "hypothesis": "Zero contest."} {"idx": "mnli-17961", "premise": "but i just want to say hey you know let's straighten out you know use that money and straighten ourselves out before we go trying to heal the world you know i mean", "hypothesis": "First, we have to fix ourselves using that money."} {"idx": "mnli-17962", "premise": "And now Gandhi is gaaaawn.", "hypothesis": "As today, Gandhi is gaaaawn."} {"idx": "mnli-17963", "premise": "The legislative history provides assistance in analyzing the presence requirement.", "hypothesis": "There is much to be learned from history. "} {"idx": "mnli-17964", "premise": "Do you mean to kill me?\"", "hypothesis": "You are keeping me alive."} {"idx": "mnli-17965", "premise": "But they are under siege.", "hypothesis": "There is peace throughout their kingdom."} {"idx": "mnli-17966", "premise": "A post could also rationalize its prices by reflecting the cost of service to different areas.", "hypothesis": "The cost of service may be different in certain areas."} {"idx": "mnli-17967", "premise": "'Feel free the chat away, you two,' Lincoln said, behind us.", "hypothesis": "From behind, Lincoln stated for us to chat away."} {"idx": "mnli-17968", "premise": "requires the Administrator of EPA to regulate emissions from nonroad engines and vehicles and to issue regulations containing standards applicable to emissions from these categories of new nonroad engines and vehicles.", "hypothesis": "The EPA regulates emissions in non-road use engines to ensure that bees remain healthy."} {"idx": "mnli-17969", "premise": "Now think about this, I scolded myself.", "hypothesis": "I chastised myself for not thinking."} {"idx": "mnli-17970", "premise": "In the late 1970s Hong Kong became the conduit for China's goods, investment, and tourism.", "hypothesis": "Hong Kong traded with China for fifty years."} {"idx": "mnli-17971", "premise": "no i don't think it's a monetary thing i think we hope that it will be you know", "hypothesis": "It's already a monetary thing, and we hate it."} {"idx": "mnli-17972", "premise": "that's right that's right you know that uh thirty or forty dollars you have to pay every so many months to to keep the thing in hopefully good shape but uh i think i guess it'd be better to pay it out now than a big lump sum down the road", "hypothesis": "It is easier to do the smaller payments."} {"idx": "mnli-17973", "premise": "The goal was to ensure that managers and lawmakers would have useful, relevant, and timely information for assessing and managing program performance.", "hypothesis": "Access to timely information is one of the ideal outcomes for managers."} {"idx": "mnli-17974", "premise": "Such occasional overreaching aside, Applebome's is a shrewd, fair, and entertaining guide to the region.", "hypothesis": "Applebome's is one of the best regional guides available on the market."} {"idx": "mnli-17975", "premise": "i don't like i don't like scary books i can't i can't read those i get paranoid", "hypothesis": "I don't like reading scary books because I get paranoid."} {"idx": "mnli-17976", "premise": "Treated them well! Scooping them up, keeping them in a cage, giving them grass and raw meat to eat? Tell me how to speak to them.", "hypothesis": "They fed them with grass and raw meat."} {"idx": "mnli-17977", "premise": "These two separate increases in the fees lawyers pay is a step closer to achieving those two goals, McMorrow said in written statement. ", "hypothesis": "Two separate fees that lawyers pay are decreasing."} {"idx": "mnli-17978", "premise": "And within easy travelling distance of the city are the other major sights of the Dead Sea region.", "hypothesis": "Other highlights of the Dead Sea region are not too far out of the way."} {"idx": "mnli-17979", "premise": "Representing Foreign Interests,", "hypothesis": "Foreign interests can be represented."} {"idx": "mnli-17980", "premise": "These pleasant, but expensive, outings can lay the foundation for your own explorations aboard the cheap but usually comfortable ferries used by the islanders themselves.", "hypothesis": "These outings are pleasant because if you can afford them then it affirms your wealthiness."} {"idx": "mnli-17981", "premise": "Some participants suggested that the SEC may wish to consider pursuing the status to operate independently in setting its own funding levels, as the Federal Reserve does.", "hypothesis": "The SEC does not want to comply with standards of operation."} {"idx": "mnli-17982", "premise": "i couldn't afford it", "hypothesis": "It was not affordable for me."} {"idx": "mnli-17983", "premise": "Its odor was not unpleasant but it carried clods of soil at its ends.", "hypothesis": "The smell wasn't that bad."} {"idx": "mnli-17984", "premise": "The copy After all she's done for you, doesn't mom deserve flowers for Mother's Day, and to be compared to a barnyard animal?", "hypothesis": "Mother's do not do anything that makes them deserving of gifts."} {"idx": "mnli-17985", "premise": "Consider just the Pell Grants for students who have already defaulted on past That one mistake cost $210 million.", "hypothesis": "Students never default on loans."} {"idx": "mnli-17986", "premise": "Note 3 : Here's Theroux on ", "hypothesis": "Here's Theroux on Chapter 3"} {"idx": "mnli-17987", "premise": "President Clinton nominated CIA Deputy Director George Tenet to become CIA director . Tenet replaces the previous nominee, Tony Lake, who withdrew earlier in the week.", "hypothesis": "President Clinton chose the Deputy Director because he had no other choice. "} {"idx": "mnli-17988", "premise": "Missionaries, Whales, and Sugarcane", "hypothesis": "As well as some other items there were Missionaries, Whales, and Sugarcane"} {"idx": "mnli-17989", "premise": "They are also alarmingly prone to say things like I'm a stickler for the Constitution.", "hypothesis": "They're so prone to say that I'm a stickler for the constitution. "} {"idx": "mnli-17990", "premise": "As a result, fear of financial loss generally prompts physicians to treat all patients as if the UPPL applies to them.", "hypothesis": "Many physicians assume that UPPL applies to them out of fear."} {"idx": "mnli-17991", "premise": "and you don't have to put up with all the B S that the lawyers have to so that's that's what i'm pursuing right now", "hypothesis": "What I'm going for is nowhere near as bad as what the lawyers go through."} {"idx": "mnli-17992", "premise": "The FDA reviewed the rule under the Order and concluded that the affect of the final rule would not constitute a taking of private property.", "hypothesis": "The final rule would constitute taking of a private property, due to its' affect."} {"idx": "mnli-17993", "premise": "One of the most dramatic changes in priorities proposed by the City Council would shift $25.", "hypothesis": "The priorities have changed a lot."} {"idx": "mnli-17994", "premise": "Then, to my intense surprise, he shook his head decidedly. ", "hypothesis": "He shook his head and I was surprised."} {"idx": "mnli-17995", "premise": "Economic Policy in Our Time.", "hypothesis": "How economic policy in our time differs from our past time."} {"idx": "mnli-17996", "premise": "so i suppose for that reason we will always have a credit card of some kind but", "hypothesis": "Because of that, we decided to get rid of our last credit card."} {"idx": "mnli-17997", "premise": "(I'll buy a fax machine only when enough other people have them to make it worthwhile.)", "hypothesis": "I plan on being a late adopter of the fax machine."} {"idx": "mnli-17998", "premise": "reforming the audit process and auditor reporting is the auditor's fear of legal liability.", "hypothesis": "Fear of becoming legally liable on the part of the auditor has an effect on the possibility of reforms in the audit process."} {"idx": "mnli-17999", "premise": "Both the politically left and the right wanted Italy to join the European race for colonies their eyes fixed on Ethiopia and Libya.", "hypothesis": "The Italian political parties sought to create colonies in Ethiopia and Libya."} {"idx": "mnli-18000", "premise": "After considering the results of DWP's review and its evaluation of those results, NAO qualified its fiscal year 1995 through fiscal year 2000 opinions on DWP's financial statements because of the amount of fraud and error in the benefit programs.", "hypothesis": "There was some fraud and error in the DWP's benefit programs."} {"idx": "mnli-18001", "premise": "yeah i think it's fun i like just looking at the billboards", "hypothesis": "The billboards are my favorite part."} {"idx": "mnli-18002", "premise": "You're quite right. ", "hypothesis": "You're absolutely correct."} {"idx": "mnli-18003", "premise": "If you don't want the perfume, the bottles are on sale in many souvenir shops and make pretty decorative pieces.", "hypothesis": "The bottles are great at stacking as well."} {"idx": "mnli-18004", "premise": "This report has been peer and administratively reviewed by the U.S.", "hypothesis": "The United States has adequately reviewed the report."} {"idx": "mnli-18005", "premise": "Now her most serious ambition is to get reacquainted with her husband ...", "hypothesis": "She is not interested in getting to know her husband again."} {"idx": "mnli-18006", "premise": "'Right.' I couldn't think of a decent response.", "hypothesis": "I didn't know what to say."} {"idx": "mnli-18007", "premise": "Sigmund Del'Rosa, said Adrin.", "hypothesis": "It was Sigmund Del'Rosa, said Adrin"} {"idx": "mnli-18008", "premise": "The third row is devoted to bill/payment mail that is part of the NHH-to-NHH (Non-household-to-Non-household) sector.", "hypothesis": "Bill and payment mail in the NHH-to-NHH sector is in the third row."} {"idx": "mnli-18009", "premise": "If you're enough of a pirate to be worth bothering about, Spielberg's lawyers will get you.", "hypothesis": "Spielberg also sends his lawyers against ninjas. "} {"idx": "mnli-18010", "premise": "The man coughed and pointed the opposite way.", "hypothesis": "The man pointed in one direction. "} {"idx": "mnli-18011", "premise": "You may never reach London, snarled the other.", "hypothesis": "The other was depressed because they had reached London despite his best efforts."} {"idx": "mnli-18012", "premise": "If you believe that the trust fund exists, then the transaction amounts to a $1 increase in both the trust fund and the national debt--sort of a pre-emptive bailout.", "hypothesis": "The small transaction is what sparked the future economic bailout."} {"idx": "mnli-18013", "premise": "Those in the bottom half are threatened by globalization and technological change.", "hypothesis": "Technological change and globalization are dangerous. "} {"idx": "mnli-18014", "premise": "uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh i'm sure you're right i don't i don't i don't participate in that but you know a lot of folks do", "hypothesis": "I participate in everything that I see"} {"idx": "mnli-18015", "premise": "The financing of the imputed cost is also imputed to the employer entity.", "hypothesis": "Financing the costs is the responsibility of the employer because they must invest in their growth."} {"idx": "mnli-18016", "premise": "In Maine, much of the groundwork for comprehensive state planning had already been laid when the Corporation issued its first program letter on the subject in 1995.", "hypothesis": "The Corporation issues program letters that dictate state planning."} {"idx": "mnli-18017", "premise": "Collecting and processing the crop is still a profitable industry.", "hypothesis": "There is no money to be made from the crop."} {"idx": "mnli-18018", "premise": "They claim to look instead at future cash flows to stockholders.", "hypothesis": "Supposedly they look at future cash flows to stockholders."} {"idx": "mnli-18019", "premise": "have you thought about that", "hypothesis": "Have you heard of that?"} {"idx": "mnli-18020", "premise": "Most showrooms are again offering quality stars and elaborate productions, sans the accompanying dinner service.", "hypothesis": "Most showrooms are booking stars and popular entertainers, which is why they now serve dinner with the show."} {"idx": "mnli-18021", "premise": "University of California, Center for the Study of Evaluation, 1978.", "hypothesis": "University of California study inquiry "} {"idx": "mnli-18022", "premise": "What brings all this to mind is the recent controversy over Monsanto Co.'s development of infertile seeds--seeds that yield crops that don't reproduce so that farmers have to buy new seeds each year.", "hypothesis": "Monsanto gave farmers seeds that would grow for many years."} {"idx": "mnli-18023", "premise": "I forgot that you didn't know about Tuppence, he said slowly.", "hypothesis": "I hadn't remembered how you did not know about Tuppence, he said."} {"idx": "mnli-18024", "premise": "No one took much notice of that at the inquest \u201dbut now it has a very different significance. ", "hypothesis": "It didn't seem important at the time."} {"idx": "mnli-18025", "premise": "oh yes yes i have a thirteen year old and an eleven year old so yeah yes", "hypothesis": "I have two children, so yeah."} {"idx": "mnli-18026", "premise": "The Somerset County chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union holds a free legal clinic on the second Thursday of every month.", "hypothesis": "A free legal clinic is held on the second Thursday of every month."} {"idx": "mnli-18027", "premise": "He has already begun contacting groups that might be tenants.", "hypothesis": "Potential tenants are already being contacted as we speak."} {"idx": "mnli-18028", "premise": "I consented rather stiffly. ", "hypothesis": "I did not consent."} {"idx": "mnli-18029", "premise": " But most visitors prefer to linger in Formentera.", "hypothesis": "Most visitors prefer Formentera."} {"idx": "mnli-18030", "premise": "There's no whine in his voice.", "hypothesis": "His voice is not at all whiny."} {"idx": "mnli-18031", "premise": "Across from the two St. Audoen's, two interesting streets run off High Street.", "hypothesis": "Nothing interesting is near High Street."} {"idx": "mnli-18032", "premise": "He came forward.", "hypothesis": "He stood still."} {"idx": "mnli-18033", "premise": "my dad had one he had a Dodge", "hypothesis": "My dad used to own a Dodge."} {"idx": "mnli-18034", "premise": "Ebury, Yorks.", "hypothesis": "It is in Ebury or Yorks, towns in England."} {"idx": "mnli-18035", "premise": "well have we spent our at least five minutes okay", "hypothesis": "Have our five minutes spent been productive? "} {"idx": "mnli-18036", "premise": "Papa believed that in their confused flight you could see the hand of God.", "hypothesis": "Papa thought he could see the work of the Almighty in their chaotic flight."} {"idx": "mnli-18037", "premise": " The vast Mount Haleakala caldera towers over the island .", "hypothesis": "Mount Kaleakala is a volcanic mountain in Hawaii."} {"idx": "mnli-18038", "premise": "2) Increasing penetration of personal computing technology", "hypothesis": "PC technology has become more prolific."} {"idx": "mnli-18039", "premise": "so that i would look a little bit different and i would come in and i would have just the appearance of a little bit more authority than they did and that helped with their discipline and", "hypothesis": "I would look the same as always, not worrying about authority."} {"idx": "mnli-18040", "premise": "i think i think a lot of people are jumping on the band wagon", "hypothesis": "I will probably join in too."} {"idx": "mnli-18041", "premise": "You might have more fun and even success spinning from the back of a boat; catches of brill almost half a metre (11.2 feet) long are not uncommon in winter.", "hypothesis": "The boat is going across the lake at high speeds."} {"idx": "mnli-18042", "premise": "The church has granite statues of Jesus and the Apostles adorning its porch.", "hypothesis": "There were no statues in the church."} {"idx": "mnli-18043", "premise": "The childlike playfulness of the doomed queen's hideaway is reinforced by the Hameau, a hamlet of thatched cottages where she and her retinue pretended to be milkmaids and farm boys.", "hypothesis": "The queen and her retinue pretended to be milkmaids and farm boys."} {"idx": "mnli-18044", "premise": "3 percent to slightly below CBO's level due to unspecified permanent policy actions that reduce revenue and increase spending to eliminate the nonSocial Security surpluses.", "hypothesis": "Some permanent policy actions reduce revenue and increase spending."} {"idx": "mnli-18045", "premise": "hum i've got a uh i've got a few i don't know i don't know i don't even know if they're real but they seem to be very old Greek or Roman coins that somebody gave me as i when i was a kid never done anything with them i still got still got them in a box", "hypothesis": "My grandfather gave me some old coins as a kid."} {"idx": "mnli-18046", "premise": "What you see at the Plaza is only a small section of the complete Western Wall, extending from the southern side of the Temple Mount to its northern end, sunk deeply in the rubble-filled earth.", "hypothesis": "The Western Wall is a great attraction for tourists."} {"idx": "mnli-18047", "premise": "There are Hindu motifs on the ceiling in the main hall, and in one on the west peacocks holding snakes in their beaks, for example.", "hypothesis": "The main hall was created by Hindu people."} {"idx": "mnli-18048", "premise": "I pointed.", "hypothesis": "I didn't point."} {"idx": "mnli-18049", "premise": "The city also has more than a dozen specialized book shops; two of the most famous are the Bodhi Tree on Melrose which carries metaphysical and New Age titles, and Book Soup on Sunset Boulevard, which also carries international newspapers and periodicals.", "hypothesis": "The city has many bookshops with a wide range of genres."} {"idx": "mnli-18050", "premise": "and that kind of thing because i i can't ever remember playing ball with my dad or catch with my dad or doing anything with my dad", "hypothesis": "I remember playing ball with my dad."} {"idx": "mnli-18051", "premise": "out in the middle of the Mohave Desert", "hypothesis": "In the center of the jungles of Brazil. "} {"idx": "mnli-18052", "premise": "i i did too yeah i didn't think it was too long at all um he said after about the first hour he started looking at his watch", "hypothesis": "After an hour the man looked at their watch."} {"idx": "mnli-18053", "premise": "i think they just could have handled it more professionally i i i believe that they they hurt themselves i guess", "hypothesis": "If they had handled things more professionally, chances of being hurt would become less frequent."} {"idx": "mnli-18054", "premise": "where they're at school from what eight to three or something and then i would be at my school teaching", "hypothesis": "They are at school for about seven hours during the day."} {"idx": "mnli-18055", "premise": "So you're golden.", "hypothesis": "You now have no chance at being golden."} {"idx": "mnli-18056", "premise": " To simulate the effects of demand elasticity, the quantity of electricity demanded in each segment can be set as a function of electricity prices using an elasticity value that is entered as an input to the model.", "hypothesis": "Demand elasticity can be used as a model for each segment with the variable price of electricity set as the output. "} {"idx": "mnli-18057", "premise": "The designbuild contract approach represents a much larger step toward outsourcing of traditional owner functions than occurs with the abovedescribed CM contract.", "hypothesis": "CM contracts represent a more traditional step in owner functions."} {"idx": "mnli-18058", "premise": "Don't miss the pavilion's little rock garden, a classic of the genre.", "hypothesis": "The pavilion has a small rock garden which is a classic of the genre."} {"idx": "mnli-18059", "premise": "i would love to", "hypothesis": "I'd really like to "} {"idx": "mnli-18060", "premise": "Intent on expanding his empire into Persian-held territory, he consulted the oracle at Delphi.", "hypothesis": "He wanted to know if expansion into Persian areas would be beneficial or a disaster."} {"idx": "mnli-18061", "premise": "Time 's is soft-focused and warmly lighted", "hypothesis": "Time's is soft and warm."} {"idx": "mnli-18062", "premise": "i seriously doubt it", "hypothesis": "I highly doubt that."} {"idx": "mnli-18063", "premise": "yeah now that that sure was a fun Super Bowl to watch this year i mean i wasn't pulling for either team but that was just a good football game", "hypothesis": "I don't really root for teams, but this years SuperBowl was good!"} {"idx": "mnli-18064", "premise": "We were having dinner- at my place, for a change.", "hypothesis": "We generally didn't have dinner at my place, but this time we were."} {"idx": "mnli-18065", "premise": "More complete data, including reference case assumptions, are available in Appendix 5.2.", "hypothesis": "The complete data can be found in appendix 5.2."} {"idx": "mnli-18066", "premise": "Was I turkey-cock proud th' first day I rode into town with 'em playin' pretty tunes, even though I strapped 'em on over boots as was only three pieces of leather hangin' to each other restless like.", "hypothesis": "It was a proud thing to ride into town because people were looking."} {"idx": "mnli-18067", "premise": "i i know i have uh i'll stick to uh to uh you know sometimes i'll stick to a certain party depends on the guy", "hypothesis": "I will tail someone, including you, depending on the circumstances."} {"idx": "mnli-18068", "premise": "um-hum yes pretty much i'm a secretary yeah", "hypothesis": "i'm not a secretary"} {"idx": "mnli-18069", "premise": "The whole field of biology has rested precariously on a single data point--life on Earth.", "hypothesis": "Biology is about one point- life on Earth."} {"idx": "mnli-18070", "premise": "That's always a dangerous fancy.", "hypothesis": "That has a dangerous side."} {"idx": "mnli-18071", "premise": "Additionally, more aggressive efforts to use frequent flyer miles to reduce the government's travel costs could, according to GSA, jeopardize its ability to negotiate significant savings under its contract air carrier program.", "hypothesis": "The efforts to use frequent flyer miles to lower government costs could affect the ability to negotiate savings with airlines."} {"idx": "mnli-18072", "premise": "Scalia's arguments have shaped the debate in our time", "hypothesis": "The arguments Scalia put forth have had no bearing on the debate. "} {"idx": "mnli-18073", "premise": "If you want us to leave, we will be gone tomorrow.", "hypothesis": "Your wish is our command. We must respect your wish if it is for us to leave. "} {"idx": "mnli-18074", "premise": "E-mail addresses follow no standard format.", "hypothesis": "E-mail addresses have no standard format."} {"idx": "mnli-18075", "premise": "what kind of fishing do you enjoy", "hypothesis": "Do you like red drum fishing?"} {"idx": "mnli-18076", "premise": "quite enough it seemed but it was a very good movie", "hypothesis": "The movie was great."} {"idx": "mnli-18077", "premise": "Tommy felt cold waves of despair pass over him.", "hypothesis": "Tommy felt a negative emotion wash over him."} {"idx": "mnli-18078", "premise": "north or south of you", "hypothesis": "Is that north or south of you?"} {"idx": "mnli-18079", "premise": "um but it's funny you will mention Costa Rica because i guess they're one of the most successful and peaceful countries in Central America", "hypothesis": "Costa Rica is a dangerous poor country. "} {"idx": "mnli-18080", "premise": "The village is named after the three small islands it overlooks in a corner of Fort-de-France's huge bay.", "hypothesis": "The village overlooks three islands."} {"idx": "mnli-18081", "premise": " Tourists arriving in Santa Eul?\u00a0ria may be forgiven if they wander about looking for the centre of town.", "hypothesis": "It is unforgivable for tourists to wander around Santa Eul\u00e9ria."} {"idx": "mnli-18082", "premise": "If you cover that exotic headdress, you'll see why attributions are difficult to The face could be male or female, Spanish, Greek, or Eastern.", "hypothesis": "The face could only be female"} {"idx": "mnli-18083", "premise": "which is not a bad deal one of the secretaries we have down here is paying twelve percent through GMAC or something", "hypothesis": "There is a secretary here that is paying twelve percent."} {"idx": "mnli-18084", "premise": "Did Mr. Inglethorp know of it?", "hypothesis": "No one questioned if any person was aware,."} {"idx": "mnli-18085", "premise": "The following is a facsimile of it. ", "hypothesis": "There were no copies made. "} {"idx": "mnli-18086", "premise": "Questions on or interpretations of any material in this document may be submitted to the Managing Director, Financial Management and Assurance, U.S.", "hypothesis": "Questions can go to the managing director for clarificcation within the hour."} {"idx": "mnli-18087", "premise": "Research Funding as an Can We Measure the Returns?", "hypothesis": "All research is done for the benefit of society."} {"idx": "mnli-18088", "premise": "Nature is too good an economist to invest in such frivolities.", "hypothesis": "There's nothing in nature that isn't essential."} {"idx": "mnli-18089", "premise": "Outwardly the room was unchanged.", "hypothesis": "The room was not different on the outside"} {"idx": "mnli-18090", "premise": "Users of these products will need to step forward to help ensure the value of an enhanced financial reporting model and related auditor assurances for the effective functioning of U.S. capital markets.", "hypothesis": "The users are not needed for the effective functioning of U.S. capital markets."} {"idx": "mnli-18091", "premise": "i love it in the it was a lot nicer than i expected", "hypothesis": "I did not have fun at all doing that; in fact it hurt."} {"idx": "mnli-18092", "premise": "Scalia's arguments have shaped the debate in our time", "hypothesis": "In our time, Scalia's arguments have shaped the debate."} {"idx": "mnli-18093", "premise": "The adjective \"old\" was misleading.", "hypothesis": "The adjective \"old\" was off-throwing."} {"idx": "mnli-18094", "premise": "Posing as Drew Kirby the young veteran contrived to get himself and his friend Anse hired as corral hands at Rennie's Range, but he was hardly prepared for the suspicion and danger which stood between him and his father.", "hypothesis": "The young veteran impersonated Drew Kirby to get a job at Rennie's Range. "} {"idx": "mnli-18095", "premise": "Nevertheless, all of the sorbent-based approacHe's use similar hardware to inject sorbent as ACI.", "hypothesis": "The sorbent-based approaches all use very different hardware from the ACI."} {"idx": "mnli-18098", "premise": "i mean like Kevin Costner did all of his own scenes and uh they had to teach a wolf how to to howl uh-huh that's the part they had trouble finding was wolves", "hypothesis": "They had some animals in some of the scenes."} {"idx": "mnli-18099", "premise": "Today, it's a colorful harbor for yachts and motor launch es and the site of a lively daily fish market.", "hypothesis": "Colorful yachts are frequently seen in the harbor."} {"idx": "mnli-18100", "premise": "Someday, if he had the chance, he'd flay his own overseer, but that could wait.", "hypothesis": "He thought about how he would flay his master when given the chance."} {"idx": "mnli-18101", "premise": "They are often joined by courageous tourists, who usually get more applause than do the professionals.", "hypothesis": "Sometimes, courageous tourists will join in with them."} {"idx": "mnli-18104", "premise": "The answer, of course, is that in the long run, it won't be free.", "hypothesis": "People seem to be largely happy to disregard this in favor of free things now."} {"idx": "mnli-18107", "premise": "they're pretty expensive i like i paid like about eight hundred dollars for mine", "hypothesis": "I think they cost a lot."} {"idx": "mnli-18108", "premise": "Needed skills are compared with existing capabilities in the organization to determine gaps in the IT skills base.", "hypothesis": "The skills that are needed are checked against the skills they have."} {"idx": "mnli-18110", "premise": " Susan's voice stopped and her eyes closed.", "hypothesis": "Susan died."} {"idx": "mnli-18112", "premise": "The DART railway, running north and south to nearby seaside towns and villages offers a scenic trip along the coast, and even operates a guided tour .", "hypothesis": "Tourists can take a scenic tour along the coast with the DART railway."} {"idx": "mnli-18113", "premise": "(Even if they said they'd done it, Bob says, would you believe them?", "hypothesis": "Bob questions them even when they admit it."} {"idx": "mnli-18115", "premise": "The rapid increase in attention-deficit disorder is a striking example of diagnosis creep.", "hypothesis": "Diagnosis creep has resulted in many more people being labeled with attention-deficit disorder."} {"idx": "mnli-18117", "premise": "well i'm not really aware of those i do know that that our house uh we've had to have the shower pan in the master bedroom replaced twice", "hypothesis": "The new shower pan in our master bedroom is metallic blue."} {"idx": "mnli-18118", "premise": "'They are incendiary.'", "hypothesis": "They are inflammatory comments."} {"idx": "mnli-18119", "premise": " Across the square is a museum (Museo Arqueol??gic de Dalt Vila), which houses one of Ibiza's two archaeological collections (together constituting one of the world's great treasuries of Carthaginian art; see also page 37).", "hypothesis": "Carthaginian art is housed in the museum."} {"idx": "mnli-18120", "premise": "Forcing HMOs to stay in a failing business cannot be good for seniors and would chill entry by others.", "hypothesis": "All seniors rely on HMOs. "} {"idx": "mnli-18121", "premise": "Newsweek nabs Robert Rubin for an unenlightening interview, Time runs a trader's diary from the Monday crashlet.", "hypothesis": "Newsweek had an hour long interview with Robert Rubin."} {"idx": "mnli-18122", "premise": "My job takes me to dozens of grocery stores, which distribute a great number of these offensive babble-on-ion manuscripts, and where a large number of employees read them in the break room.", "hypothesis": "I hate going to grocery stores for work."} {"idx": "mnli-18123", "premise": "Give yourself plenty of time for a spectacular walk out on the roof.", "hypothesis": "The roof may be reached via a staircase inside the building."} {"idx": "mnli-18126", "premise": "He sat down in one of the big arm-chairs facing the couch.", "hypothesis": "He sat down in a chair that faced the couch."} {"idx": "mnli-18127", "premise": "Only a relative handful of good job holders (which is to say only a few hundred thousand a year) experience serious reverses.", "hypothesis": "Exactly 251,987 good job holders experience reverses."} {"idx": "mnli-18128", "premise": "so we don't really see anything if if i need something i'll go and you know use the teller machine or if she needs something she'll go and she'll use the teller machine so we don't really um have a lot of cash anymore", "hypothesis": "The ATM is how we get our money."} {"idx": "mnli-18129", "premise": "and start walking down the road and then we found this little hut a couple of miles down that had you know that sold stuff", "hypothesis": "We bought some stuff when we visited the little hut."} {"idx": "mnli-18133", "premise": "Rome was plundered by imperial armies in 1527; the Medici were driven out of Florence and returned to power only under tutelage of the Spanish, who won effective control of the whole country.", "hypothesis": "Spain has won control over Florence."} {"idx": "mnli-18135", "premise": "This site provides standards, guidance, and information on internal auditing best practices for its members.", "hypothesis": "This site has been designed specifically with new members in mind."} {"idx": "mnli-18136", "premise": "yeah so that that's sort of close enough", "hypothesis": "That's close enough to Chicago."} {"idx": "mnli-18137", "premise": "And 75 nobody even dreams that I have any connection with our mutual friend, Mr. Brown.\"", "hypothesis": "No one thought that I'd have connections to Mr. Brown. "} {"idx": "mnli-18139", "premise": "This is a fairly well-equipped hotel in a central location with its own parking (a great asset hereabouts).", "hypothesis": "The hotel is centrally located in the downtown area."} {"idx": "mnli-18141", "premise": "An interesting building towards the rear is the Festival Hall of Tutmoses III.", "hypothesis": "The Festival Hall is an interesting building."} {"idx": "mnli-18143", "premise": "yeah well the reason i ask you i i'm a TI employee and uh we have a fitness center you know that's on site", "hypothesis": "I'm a TI employee and we have a gym on site, that was the reason I was asking"} {"idx": "mnli-18144", "premise": "CONDITION -The physical state of an asset.", "hypothesis": "The asset's physical state is its condition"} {"idx": "mnli-18147", "premise": "'He would have done the same to us the moment we fixed this train,' White replied.", "hypothesis": "He would have shot us in the head the second we fixed the alternator on the train. "} {"idx": "mnli-18148", "premise": "the problem was that that she is a real hard worker and has started a a couple of businesses and now she's started a Korean health food store and", "hypothesis": "She has failed at every other business that she has started. "} {"idx": "mnli-18149", "premise": "You'll find Vicenza's greatest opus (his country villas were another story) where the Corso widens out into the Piazza Matteotti to give him more freedom for the wonderfully airy Palazzo Chiericati.", "hypothesis": "The Corso does not remain at the same width forever."} {"idx": "mnli-18150", "premise": "no i can't hear them", "hypothesis": "I can not hear them"} {"idx": "mnli-18155", "premise": "or for the for the people for the people which means everybody else except you", "hypothesis": "Its such a stupid notion. "} {"idx": "mnli-18156", "premise": "Across the street is Jerusalem's Independence Park.", "hypothesis": "On the same street is Jerusalem's Independence Park."} {"idx": "mnli-18158", "premise": "How were discrepant findings resolved?", "hypothesis": "There were no discrepant findings."} {"idx": "mnli-18159", "premise": "In the preambles to the proposed and final rules on the open access nondiscriminatory tariff and stranded costs, the Commission explained that sections 205 and 206 of the Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C.", "hypothesis": "The Commission explained the sections of the Federal Power Act that the EPA signed."} {"idx": "mnli-18161", "premise": "If the Free Press hadn't been so eager to join the Christmas rush, Kutler might have realized he had even more scoops on his hands than he thought.", "hypothesis": "Kutler may have realized he many more scoops on his hands even if the Free Press was eager to join the Christmas rush. "} {"idx": "mnli-18162", "premise": "If Tokyo can be said to have any center at all, this is it.", "hypothesis": "This is the centre of Tokyo."} {"idx": "mnli-18163", "premise": "The darker Sai Routha began a series of rhythmic swings with the chain.", "hypothesis": "The chain was being swung."} {"idx": "mnli-18164", "premise": "Additional discussion is found in the section on uncertainties.", "hypothesis": "More discussion is found in three sections, including the one on uncertainties."} {"idx": "mnli-18166", "premise": "A small Greek Orthodox church commemorates the event.", "hypothesis": "The Greek Orthodox church was built on the site of the event."} {"idx": "mnli-18168", "premise": "Rest assured.", "hypothesis": "Don't worry, we'll find the burglar. "} {"idx": "mnli-18169", "premise": "On the back of this cruel system, Jamaica gradually became the biggest sugar producer in the world and a very wealthy island indeed.", "hypothesis": "Jamaica produced sugar and other products."} {"idx": "mnli-18171", "premise": "Where are they? asked Adrin.", "hypothesis": "Adrin was puzzled as to where they might be so he sat down and thought about it."} {"idx": "mnli-18172", "premise": "(2) how should the federal government do business in the 21st century?", "hypothesis": "How should the federal government operate in the 21st century?"} {"idx": "mnli-18173", "premise": "Moreover, as interpreted by the Commission, the presence requirement sustains Congress' clear goal, since the early 1980s, of restricting LSC representation to aliens with lawful status.", "hypothesis": "The requirement sustains the goal of restricting LSC representation to legal aliens."} {"idx": "mnli-18174", "premise": "More strikingly, Intel's successful Intel Inside ad campaign has created a brand name for a product that observers once believed was the very definition of a commodity.", "hypothesis": "Intel's ad campaign was very popular."} {"idx": "mnli-18176", "premise": "Advertising", "hypothesis": "Know that ads always work"} {"idx": "mnli-18177", "premise": "The monastery received bequests from nobility throughout the Orthodox world, and was not averse to making money from commerce, particularly shipping.", "hypothesis": "Due to its business savvy, the monastery has been self-funded fro 400 years."} {"idx": "mnli-18178", "premise": "Sure. He looked so crestfallen and abashed that I felt quite sorry, though I still thought my rebuke a just and wise one. ", "hypothesis": "He looked so upset that I cried."} {"idx": "mnli-18182", "premise": "Few bounty hunter training programs exist--the most frequently attended programs are 20-hour courses that cover only basic legal constraints.", "hypothesis": "Most bounty hunter training programs are very poor."} {"idx": "mnli-18184", "premise": "He had real skill.", "hypothesis": "He was a talented fighter."} {"idx": "mnli-18186", "premise": "no no that would complicate things even more", "hypothesis": "That would make things more complicated."} {"idx": "mnli-18188", "premise": "Apparently he is a German spy; so the gardener had told John.\" Her face and voice were absolutely cold and expressionless. ", "hypothesis": "The gardener believed him to be a German spy, and a high ranking one at that."} {"idx": "mnli-18189", "premise": "If I could pay based on usage, Random House would have to charge me $5 for each word I looked up to bring in the same revenue.", "hypothesis": "Random House wouldn't do very well on a pay per word revenue scheme."} {"idx": "mnli-18190", "premise": "Soon after the Bay of Pigs, Castro declared himself a Marxist-Leninist.", "hypothesis": "Castro is a Marxist-Leninist."} {"idx": "mnli-18191", "premise": "The anti-poker campaign has galvanized the state like no issue ever has.", "hypothesis": "The poker issue has become a heated debate. "} {"idx": "mnli-18193", "premise": "Don't you remember, I said yesterday I'd overheard two people talking about a female called Jane Finn? ", "hypothesis": "Jane Finn is the world's most dangerous bank robber."} {"idx": "mnli-18195", "premise": "A minute later Hanson, Bork and Nema were alone with the old man.", "hypothesis": "Bork, Nema and Hanson are younger than the old man."} {"idx": "mnli-18196", "premise": "The cover story examines the stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace process through the eyes of Jibril Rajoub, the head of the Palestinian Authority's secret police.", "hypothesis": "Jibril Rajoub is the head of the secret police of the Palestinian Authority. "} {"idx": "mnli-18199", "premise": "is looking for more funding in a year when there is a $1 billion shortfall, said House Speaker Michael E. Busch, an Anne Arundel County Democrat.", "hypothesis": "The shortfall is extremely detrimental to the house."} {"idx": "mnli-18200", "premise": "KKR has not succeeded because of the discipline of debt or even the promise of untold riches.", "hypothesis": "KKR has not succeeded because of the factors of money."} {"idx": "mnli-18201", "premise": "The fact is that this country is practically swimming in abandoned pets.", "hypothesis": "Stray pets are not a problem in other countries. "} {"idx": "mnli-18202", "premise": "add two years if you're a happily married man, and subtract three if you don't exercise), while a sidebar explains the many benefits and few risks of estrogen therapy.", "hypothesis": "The sidebar gives more information on the pros and cons of estrogen."} {"idx": "mnli-18204", "premise": "Not at all. ", "hypothesis": "Not a chance."} {"idx": "mnli-18205", "premise": "He had disassembled the steel pads, welded new cleats on each one, and strung them back together.", "hypothesis": "He welded new cleats on the steel pads and then reassembled them."} {"idx": "mnli-18207", "premise": "Two years ago, former Middlesex County Judge Edward Ginsburg and his cousin were sitting by the edge of a pond in New Hampshire, discussing his approaching 70th birthday.", "hypothesis": "Judge Ginsburg was turning 70,"} {"idx": "mnli-18208", "premise": "These features and their benefits are shown in table 2.4.", "hypothesis": "Table 2.4 displays the benefits."} {"idx": "mnli-18209", "premise": "As such, they should be vigorously defended.", "hypothesis": "People need to be strongly defended."} {"idx": "mnli-18210", "premise": "And she is on the side of Justice! ", "hypothesis": "She was determined to find the truth."} {"idx": "mnli-18211", "premise": "The plaintiffs claim Penrose's design is distinguished by its aperiodicity (the pattern almost but never quite repeats itself) and its five-fold symmetry (a trait that at the time was thought not to exist in nature but has since been identified in certain crystal formations).", "hypothesis": "The design is considered to be quite ugly by most critics."} {"idx": "mnli-18212", "premise": "Studies on brief interventions conducted in other settings demonstrate that a substantial portion of the reduction in costs is related to a reduction in use of emergency department and hospital resources.", "hypothesis": "There is more savings from using hospital resources less than from using emergency department resources less."} {"idx": "mnli-18213", "premise": "right and talk to them and yell at them", "hypothesis": "Right, speak to them and shout at them."} {"idx": "mnli-18214", "premise": "Scrambling and scrabbling around, I found an instruction manual buried under one of the consoles.", "hypothesis": "I found the manual under the computer so I could turn it on."} {"idx": "mnli-18215", "premise": "It must have been done since yesterday, otherwise a good housemaid would have at once removed it with blotting-paper and a hot iron. ", "hypothesis": "It had to have been done yesterday. "} {"idx": "mnli-18219", "premise": "Do you want me to go with you?", "hypothesis": "Do you want me to stay home?"} {"idx": "mnli-18220", "premise": "Sufficiently Reliable Data 31 Not Sufficiently Reliable Data 31 in the Report Data of Undetermined Reliability 32", "hypothesis": "The data was complex and difficult to understand. "} {"idx": "mnli-18221", "premise": "and so they got they got the meat place and so you just go there and you can't find chicken there you got to go to another place to find the chicken", "hypothesis": "When the meat place doesn't have chicken, you can just go somewhere else."} {"idx": "mnli-18222", "premise": "Construction on Hoover Dam (originally Boulder Dam, subsequently renamed for the president who authorized the project) began in 1931 in a canyon 45 miles (72 km) southeast of Las Vegas.", "hypothesis": "Hoover Dam was named after the president who made it possible."} {"idx": "mnli-18223", "premise": "in fact we bought uh The Eagle uh on a cassette tape i think The Eagle's even the name of the tape before it became the the song of the war", "hypothesis": "We purchased The Eagle song on cassette tape."} {"idx": "mnli-18224", "premise": "They use analogies, terminology, and processes that help fuse business and technology interests and ideas together.", "hypothesis": "Business and technology interests can work together."} {"idx": "mnli-18227", "premise": "And later, a la Rousseau, As my understanding of the kinds of scripts about sexuality available to women bore down on me, the forest would function the way that fantasies of wilderness functioned for the urbanized eighteenth-century European I would find myself making a mental reference to the forest when I searched for a symbol for female lust.", "hypothesis": "I found the symbol of female lust."} {"idx": "mnli-18228", "premise": "It isn't necessary to change who you are, but it would be helpful to recognize who you are.", "hypothesis": "You can change your lifestyle but you don't have to change who you are."} {"idx": "mnli-18230", "premise": "but it's it's it's over in the Mid East especially Israel it's just like Israelis have a like a totalitarian system when it comes to the Palestinians you know the Israelis can do anything they want but when it comes to Palestinians if they're out in the street at night it's it's really looked on as odd um usually they're they're bussed in to the the um Jewish neighborhoods and Jewish cities and then at night they're bussed out to the occupied territories", "hypothesis": "It's in Israel right now."} {"idx": "mnli-18231", "premise": "Ile Saint-Louis", "hypothesis": "The islands that once belonged to Saint Louis"} {"idx": "mnli-18234", "premise": "It has a small seating area upstairs.", "hypothesis": "There is a small seating area upstairs."} {"idx": "mnli-18236", "premise": "uh something on a lake", "hypothesis": "Something was floating on top of the lake."} {"idx": "mnli-18238", "premise": "The route there runs through groves of willow, used for the local cricket-bat industry, and fields of saffron.", "hypothesis": "Willow groves and saffron fields surround the path there."} {"idx": "mnli-18239", "premise": "In January of each year, LSC distributes a Case Review Form.", "hypothesis": "The Case Review Form will come out in January, like every year."} {"idx": "mnli-18241", "premise": "Two-thirds of the patients returned for a second session, but that proportion varied from one-third to 90% across the different interventionists.", "hypothesis": "Of the two-thirds who returned for a second session, ninety percent returned for a third."} {"idx": "mnli-18242", "premise": "She tossed it onto the largest cleared space, gobbled some outlandish noises, and dropped onto it, squatting near one end.", "hypothesis": "She tossed the platform into the space, yelled something, and dropped onto it."} {"idx": "mnli-18243", "premise": "Offending countries must conform with WTO rules, or face harsh sanctions.", "hypothesis": "Offenders have to follow WTO's rules or be killed."} {"idx": "mnli-18244", "premise": "um uh stamps i mean it seems like ever exactly everything single thing that we do", "hypothesis": "It seems everything we do is in the public eye and is judged. "} {"idx": "mnli-18245", "premise": "This gray was going to be one of the Great Ones, a racer and a sire to leave his mark in horse history and stamp his own quality on foals throughout miles and years in this southwestern land.", "hypothesis": "The gray male horse was on track to be one of the best. "} {"idx": "mnli-18247", "premise": "the Turkish Van sort of sits off by itself but they love to play and uh", "hypothesis": "The Van is mostly by itself."} {"idx": "mnli-18249", "premise": "While Christianity was not a great success in China, it made local headway, evidenced today by the numerous Catholic churches in Macau's historic center.", "hypothesis": "Christianity was not successful in China."} {"idx": "mnli-18251", "premise": "But (as Stein pointed out in the Committee), every dollar Social Security invests privately, instead of lending to the Treasury (as happens now), is an extra dollar the government must borrow from private capital markets to finance the national debt.", "hypothesis": "Sometimes Social security invests privately instead of giving it to the Treasury."} {"idx": "mnli-18254", "premise": "A similar uprising occurred in Hungary the same year, and the Soviets invaded to quickly crush it.", "hypothesis": "The uprising in Hungary was incited by the burning of their books."} {"idx": "mnli-18256", "premise": "Why didn't you say?\"", "hypothesis": "Why didn't you tell us anything?"} {"idx": "mnli-18257", "premise": "and our house is not but it's starting to bleed through and burn through because the paint's real cheap and it's just a hassle to go do it so i'm looking for the easy way out and uh", "hypothesis": "The paint was cheap and bad."} {"idx": "mnli-18258", "premise": "He came in to drop on his haunches and grin at Dave.", "hypothesis": "Dave was shocked at his entrance."} {"idx": "mnli-18259", "premise": "Two inches, or even an eighth of an inch, considered Justice Antonin Scalia.", "hypothesis": "Two inches would be a small amount."} {"idx": "mnli-18260", "premise": "wow so you don't get a chance to to spend much time with him then until when he comes home", "hypothesis": "I won't see him much until he returns home."} {"idx": "mnli-18261", "premise": "and yeah and they drilled this well and the water comes out at thirty two degrees so it's kinds of neat would that be healthier do to do that to drill your own fresh water well like that", "hypothesis": "The water comes up from the well they drilled at thirty two degrees."} {"idx": "mnli-18265", "premise": "The first ad, One Person , addresses this complaint in a different way, by situating Clinton's lies about Lewinsky in a larger critique of his honesty about public matters.", "hypothesis": "Clinton's lies about Lewinsky are used to question his honesty."} {"idx": "mnli-18266", "premise": "The cover story excerpts, with commentary, a forthcoming collection of Jack Kerouac's unpublished letters and notebooks.", "hypothesis": "Jack Kerouac also produced many poems and art works."} {"idx": "mnli-18267", "premise": "Get out of bed.\" Expecting the worst, he swung his feet over the side and sat up.", "hypothesis": "He expected the worst as he prepared to get out of bed. "} {"idx": "mnli-18268", "premise": "Islanders often drink the somewhat acid wine mixed with lemonade (gaseosa).", "hypothesis": "The wine is a bit acidic and has lemonade mixed with it."} {"idx": "mnli-18269", "premise": "Rome would never be the same again.", "hypothesis": "Rome had just experience a massive event."} {"idx": "mnli-18270", "premise": "La Villette's City des Sciences et de l'Industrie puts the accent on public participation.", "hypothesis": "There is an accent on public participation."} {"idx": "mnli-18271", "premise": "Here the remains of a massive Venetian fortress destroyed by invading Ottoman forces can be found.", "hypothesis": "Here the ruins of a great Venetian fortress can be seen, destroyed by the Ottoman empire."} {"idx": "mnli-18272", "premise": "This includes half-smoked cigarettes, condoms, packets of contraceptive pills, empty vodka bottles, a pregnancy testing kit, sanitary towels, nylons and three pairs of her dirty knickers.", "hypothesis": "The stripper had an assortment of things in her 'work' bag. "} {"idx": "mnli-18273", "premise": "yeah just just ever so often you know a real a real good one like that one and", "hypothesis": "Once in a while it's a good song like that one."} {"idx": "mnli-18278", "premise": "no blood ...", "hypothesis": "There are no visible injuries, deaths, or bleeding from wounds"} {"idx": "mnli-18279", "premise": "Billed as Home for the Holidays, the four-day project marked its third year in Syracuse City Court last week.", "hypothesis": "The project was been ongoing for 3 years."} {"idx": "mnli-18280", "premise": "In principle, there is nothing tackier about an award given by the National Association of Right-Wing Radio Blowhards than one given by the Swedish Royal Academy.", "hypothesis": "The Swedish Royal Academy is not well regarded for it's excellence."} {"idx": "mnli-18282", "premise": "A real gentleman, meanwhile, might have protected Stone from showing so much flesh to so little effect.", "hypothesis": "They mentioned that someone might have protected the other from showing too much skin. "} {"idx": "mnli-18284", "premise": "Bet th' captain is as techy as a teased snake every time he thinks 'bout you two.", "hypothesis": " After that incident with the frog, the captain is techy whenever he thinks of you two."} {"idx": "mnli-18288", "premise": "A full side of beef materialized against his palm, almost breaking his arm before he could snap it out of the way.", "hypothesis": "A side of beef came close to injuring his arm before he pulled it away."} {"idx": "mnli-18290", "premise": "Then relax a while behind the Palazzo Reale in its Royal Gardens (Giardini Reali), designed by Louis XIV's Tuileries and Versailles landscape-architect, Andr?? Le N??tre.", "hypothesis": "The Versailles landscape architect also designed the Giardini Reali."} {"idx": "mnli-18291", "premise": "Most visitors still focus on the charming capital, Lisbon, and the alluring sunny beaches of the Algarve, but there's much more to Portugal.", "hypothesis": "Most visitors go to Lisbon."} {"idx": "mnli-18292", "premise": "You don't think but, say, that's plumb impossible no one could have got in.", "hypothesis": "It's not possible to get in; that just doesn't happen."} {"idx": "mnli-18294", "premise": "(Randy may be back a little sooner than expected, folks.)", "hypothesis": "Randy left to go for a bathroom break."} {"idx": "mnli-18295", "premise": "By law, H-2A workers must leave the country at the end of their contract period and most such workers are in the United States for only two to five months.", "hypothesis": "H-2A workers are not happy about that situation."} {"idx": "mnli-18296", "premise": "The Committee subsequently extended its deadline until September 12, 2001.", "hypothesis": "The committee has a deadline in september."} {"idx": "mnli-18298", "premise": "yeah family well well that's what i meant by salt that we we did that like as a family little ornaments and things like that and just kind of really got into it like during the Christmas season making them up for other people and things like that but", "hypothesis": "We made ornaments as gifts for others."} {"idx": "mnli-18301", "premise": "uh-huh well that's good keeps them active i'm sure well it was good talking to you", "hypothesis": "Talking to you has been enjoyable."} {"idx": "mnli-18305", "premise": "With the adjustments described above now reflected in the current analytical framework, and using the program cost information documented in the CEF study, Table 3 summarizes the incremental program costs that were assumed as necessary to drive the kind of changes in electricity consumption and emissions described in Table 2. Since transportation programs drove a significant part of the CEF expenditures, and since there are fewer years to implement policies, the estimated program expenditures are also smaller compared to the CEF assumptions.", "hypothesis": "Table 3 summarizes the incremental program cost."} {"idx": "mnli-18306", "premise": "we're talking about fishing today daddy", "hypothesis": "We're talking about fishing. "} {"idx": "mnli-18307", "premise": "To the north, the DART will take you to the Howth peninsula, which affords splendid views along a cliff-top coastal walk.", "hypothesis": "Howth peninsula is the only peninsula in the surrounding area."} {"idx": "mnli-18308", "premise": "well that's darn easy then", "hypothesis": "It isn't very easy all the time. "} {"idx": "mnli-18310", "premise": "He was now arranging his moustache with exquisite care. ", "hypothesis": "He was taking good care of his mustache. "} {"idx": "mnli-18312", "premise": "Jon returned to the camp with good tidings and two wrapped loaves of Gauve's wife's bread.", "hypothesis": "He was having an affair with Guave's wife. "} {"idx": "mnli-18313", "premise": "EPA held a public hearing on March 31, 1995, in Washington, DC, and received more than 283 written comments.", "hypothesis": "The EPA had a public meeting in Washington, DC in March; more than 200 comments were received."} {"idx": "mnli-18314", "premise": "By 2042, gross national saving would plunge below 5 percent-lower than during the Great Depression.", "hypothesis": "By 2042, gross national saving would plunge very low, said the report."} {"idx": "mnli-18315", "premise": "i don't know but uh yeah i guess next week's supposed to be real nice outside i hope it is anyway because uh softball season starts and we're ready to to go outside and do some outdoor activities", "hypothesis": "It's supposed to be really nice next week because softball season starts. "} {"idx": "mnli-18317", "premise": "But I suppose you hardly wish to go out to-day, as you only came yesterday.\"", "hypothesis": "Most likely, you'll want to go out tomorrow."} {"idx": "mnli-18318", "premise": "None of the others complained.", "hypothesis": "There wasn't any complaining by the others."} {"idx": "mnli-18322", "premise": "This initiative was specifically designed to bring together executive leadership from newly created statewide LSC-funded programs and the experienced leadership of the more historical statewide programs.", "hypothesis": "It is supposed to bring leadership from two different programs together."} {"idx": "mnli-18323", "premise": "But they were both gay enough this afternoon, and chatted together like a couple of children. ", "hypothesis": "The fancied each other and chatted about it."} {"idx": "mnli-18325", "premise": "A couples only all-inclusive resort.", "hypothesis": "The resort stay comes with everything included and no other costs, and is restricted to couples only."} {"idx": "mnli-18326", "premise": "If you want to declare my establishment out of bounds for your men, that is also your privilege.\"", "hypothesis": "It was his privilege to make the choice regarding his men."} {"idx": "mnli-18327", "premise": "yeah that uh i kind of gave up on them", "hypothesis": "After that, I decided to completely give up on them."} {"idx": "mnli-18328", "premise": "The walls were burnt, and the air smelt of pork.", "hypothesis": "It smelled like grilled pork."} {"idx": "mnli-18329", "premise": "um no no i haven't had any problem", "hypothesis": "no, i haven't had an issue"} {"idx": "mnli-18331", "premise": "population affected and the mortality risk facing that population are believed to affect the average willingness to pay (WTP) to reduce the risk.", "hypothesis": "Willingness to pay will increase as mortality risk goes up."} {"idx": "mnli-18332", "premise": "When Law's clients arrived after months at sea, the truth of the Mississippi Bubble was plain.", "hypothesis": "Law's clients were furious to learn the truth of the Mississippi Bubble."} {"idx": "mnli-18333", "premise": "The project attempts to identify the number of people served by the following types of work, and obtain descriptions of programs' efforts and of successes.", "hypothesis": "The project tries to identify how many people were served."} {"idx": "mnli-18334", "premise": "There's a private beach, swimming pool, and lagoon with resident turtles and dolphins.", "hypothesis": "Turtles and dolphins are a lagoon near swimming pools and a private beach."} {"idx": "mnli-18338", "premise": "Whether this will ever happen remains to be seen, but perhaps the aid offered by Greece to Turkey after 1999's devastating earthquake is a sign that the animosity between these two traditional enemies is beginning to diminish.", "hypothesis": "Greece offered aid to Turkey in the aftermath of the earthquake."} {"idx": "mnli-18339", "premise": "okay well you know a lot of people have used that treatment and i center and that's probably been a good thing especially for cocaine abusers and stuff", "hypothesis": "That treatment center is probably good for cocaine abusers but not for alcoholics."} {"idx": "mnli-18341", "premise": "they have them right at the campsites", "hypothesis": "they are inside the campsites by the entrances "} {"idx": "mnli-18342", "premise": "no you can't just drop in well i appreciate um the conversation we've had about clothing i know i've it's interesting to hear a man's point of view it's usually my husband", "hypothesis": "You can't just drop it."} {"idx": "mnli-18345", "premise": "That is a story almost as fanciful as the ones inside them. Stein rested his bony elbows on the counter as he talked.", "hypothesis": "Stein leaned against the counter, appearing relaxed despite his disbelief of the stories."} {"idx": "mnli-18346", "premise": "Fernand Leger (Museum of Modern Art, New York City).", "hypothesis": "The Museum of Modern Art gets millions of visitors per year."} {"idx": "mnli-18347", "premise": "you know so i think there's other ways to advertise other than a flyer on your door", "hypothesis": "Door flyers are not the only means of advertisement."} {"idx": "mnli-18349", "premise": "In addition, Texas spent approximately $228 million of its TANF funds in serving more than 300,000 recipients.", "hypothesis": "$228 million of Texas' TANF funds was spent on 300,000 people."} {"idx": "mnli-18351", "premise": "and one of the things that uh well they were really selling everybody on back then was this Indian Hawthorne boy you know that's the best stuff in the world", "hypothesis": "I loved the Indian Hawthorne boy. "} {"idx": "mnli-18353", "premise": "and these fine Americans take care of them", "hypothesis": "these nice Americans look after them"} {"idx": "mnli-18355", "premise": "Though it rarely means exactly this, interpret it as meaning no catastrophe and have a good time anyway.", "hypothesis": "When people say it, they usually don't mean its literal meaning."} {"idx": "mnli-18356", "premise": "everyone everyone i talk to they say you know it's real easy to say that", "hypothesis": "Everyone says it's real easy to say."} {"idx": "mnli-18357", "premise": "well you know if if they have time enough they can", "hypothesis": "If they have enough time they can save the world."} {"idx": "mnli-18358", "premise": "no no it it looks like a grub yeah okay whenever you yeah a lure a fly", "hypothesis": "Are you fishing with a grub?"} {"idx": "mnli-18359", "premise": "but uh also TI has some good uh uh some good jogging tracks every once in a while while i'm sitting there eating lunch i'll look look out and see people jogging i guess on their lunch hour", "hypothesis": "I wish that I had the time to jog during the day."} {"idx": "mnli-18363", "premise": "The reforms laid out by the CFO Act and subsequent related legislation, when effectively implemented, will place the federal government on par with private sector corporations and state and local governments that have already made the necessary investment in financial management.", "hypothesis": "The CFO act laid out reforms for financial management."} {"idx": "mnli-18364", "premise": "Another boils down We're Americans.", "hypothesis": "Whether or not we defend them boils down to being American. "} {"idx": "mnli-18365", "premise": "well here in Colorado it's even worse because we have uh no fault", "hypothesis": "We have no fault in Colorado so it is worse. "} {"idx": "mnli-18366", "premise": "The friendship between Harrer and the Dalai Lama continues to this day.", "hypothesis": "The friendship between the two men has been going on for thirty years."} {"idx": "mnli-18368", "premise": "Since then, almost every reigning monarch has spent time (or held soirees) at Holyrood.", "hypothesis": "Only monarchs are allowed to hold soirees at Holyrood."} {"idx": "mnli-18369", "premise": "Also, the government's role both in investing in physical infrastructure and in allocating capital to industrial borrowers at preferential rates also resulted in many low-yielding investments.", "hypothesis": "The government has lost over three million dollars last year due to poor investments."} {"idx": "mnli-18370", "premise": "He has asked Congress to increase interdiction funding by 7 percent and international program funding by 25 percent in 1997.", "hypothesis": "He got the funding increase from Congress."} {"idx": "mnli-18372", "premise": "Such was the inspiration that I embraced Flame Posies as the name for my occasional column on the press.", "hypothesis": "My column was the most-read opinion column for its duration."} {"idx": "mnli-18373", "premise": "What about the nurse who accompanied her; I suppose you don't know where she is?\" The doctor shook his head.", "hypothesis": "\"The nurse with her - any idea where she is now?\" The doctor indicated he had no clue. "} {"idx": "mnli-18377", "premise": "He glanced at his watch.", "hypothesis": "He took a quick look at his watch."} {"idx": "mnli-18379", "premise": "I will return in one month.", "hypothesis": "I will come back in thirty days."} {"idx": "mnli-18380", "premise": "oh did it", "hypothesis": "Oh, did it occur frequently?"} {"idx": "mnli-18381", "premise": "Stow that there gear up above, Callie, an' don't you drop nothin'.", "hypothesis": "Callie, please don't drop anything."} {"idx": "mnli-18382", "premise": "Much of this energy can be attributed to the residents themselves.", "hypothesis": "The energy from the residents is not enough."} {"idx": "mnli-18387", "premise": "The stars move with the sky over the world as a unity.\" Dave grunted at his own stupidity.", "hypothesis": "The sky is moved by the stars."} {"idx": "mnli-18388", "premise": "With regard to roles, all CPAs are in the business of maximizing the performance and assuring the accountability of their enterprises and areas of responsibility.", "hypothesis": "CPAs would prefer to focus more on assuring accountability than on performance maximization."} {"idx": "mnli-18389", "premise": "The Falcons, who have stunk perennially, are football's best Cinderella story in years.", "hypothesis": "The Falcons are the best Cinderella story this year."} {"idx": "mnli-18391", "premise": "Scottish banking has long been held in high regard, and it still plays an important part in the world of finance.", "hypothesis": "Scottish banking is a very important part of the world finance."} {"idx": "mnli-18392", "premise": "Dew tried to mount her, but she bucked away.", "hypothesis": "She got away when Dew tried to ride her."} {"idx": "mnli-18394", "premise": "Some meat producers in Sweden do, but their meat is double or even triple the usual price.", "hypothesis": "The process is available in Sweden, but at a much more substantial price. "} {"idx": "mnli-18395", "premise": "This requires establishing a supplier base and purchasing materials.", "hypothesis": "Many things must be done in order to manufacture a product. "} {"idx": "mnli-18396", "premise": "In the winter, of course, Big Bear is an excellent downhill skiing area.", "hypothesis": "Big Bear has wonderful downhill skiing areas in the winter."} {"idx": "mnli-18399", "premise": "eighties and you know when i left here and we're down to the thirties and twenties and", "hypothesis": "We were in the eighties but now we are into the thirties and twenties."} {"idx": "mnli-18401", "premise": "yeah oh yeah yeah it would be hard to that's that's why this she was she felt that way too but when it helped that she got to still be in a house and still have some of her own stuff", "hypothesis": "It was hard to move to a new place."} {"idx": "mnli-18402", "premise": "We did not attempt to verify the performance data that agencies provided.", "hypothesis": "We didn't try to verify the data we were given regarding the cases we had closed."} {"idx": "mnli-18404", "premise": "Imagine!\" ", "hypothesis": "imagine!"} {"idx": "mnli-18405", "premise": "These would be large planets rich in hydrogen, ammonia and methane.", "hypothesis": "These planets a rich in certain elements, it would seem."} {"idx": "mnli-18408", "premise": "well i think we've managed to kill a little time on the topic and we'll go ahead and", "hypothesis": "We spent some time on the topic let's move on to the next one."} {"idx": "mnli-18409", "premise": "On the other hand, he had a full view of the second man and studied him attentively.", "hypothesis": "The second man was not aware that he was being studied."} {"idx": "mnli-18411", "premise": "And Gates and Appiah would have to be thanked for opening the door.", "hypothesis": "Gates and Appiah paved the way for those to follow."} {"idx": "mnli-18414", "premise": "After the devastating experience of Mussolini's fascism, national government is rarely regarded as an obvious solution to the people's daily problems.", "hypothesis": "Mussolini caused a distrust in national government regarding the daily issues of citizens."} {"idx": "mnli-18417", "premise": "In addition to following up on significant reported findings and recommendations7 from previous financial audits, auditors should consider significant findings identified in attestation engagements, performance audits, or other studies if these findings could materially affect the results of the financial audit.", "hypothesis": "Auditors should consider significant findings in attestation engagements, performance audits, or other studies in addition to following up on significant reported findings and recommendations from previous financial audits."} {"idx": "mnli-18419", "premise": "In the middle of the nearby Pond of Neptune (Vasca del Nettuno), the burly sea god wields his trident in petrified parody of one of the Boboli's gardeners.", "hypothesis": "The pond is located nearly a hundred miles from the sea."} {"idx": "mnli-18420", "premise": "Now it stands to monopolize it, thanks to its ad dollars and its friends in the media.", "hypothesis": "He can monopolize it because there is ad money on each page of his site."} {"idx": "mnli-18421", "premise": "The operating permit modification process consists of preparation and submission of the application to the applicable State or local regulatory agency.", "hypothesis": "You must prepare and submit your application to a regulatory agency in order to modify your operating permit."} {"idx": "mnli-18422", "premise": "Shall I call a taxi?\" Tommy nodded.", "hypothesis": "Tommy will be getting in the taxi himself."} {"idx": "mnli-18423", "premise": "As writer-actor Harry Shearer (who spoke later on a panel on comedy) pointed out, The thing that is rarely mentioned is that because this is a puritanical society and you can't show sex, we eroticize violence.", "hypothesis": "This shows the strong bond these two primal human functions share."} {"idx": "mnli-18424", "premise": "'Quite.'", "hypothesis": "Absolutely."} {"idx": "mnli-18427", "premise": "That gets to you pretty quick.", "hypothesis": "It doesn't take a long time for it to get to you."} {"idx": "mnli-18432", "premise": "This is a drop in the bucket.", "hypothesis": "This is just a drop in a bucket but it is enough."} {"idx": "mnli-18433", "premise": "Her skin bubbled and smoked.", "hypothesis": "Her skin was on fire."} {"idx": "mnli-18434", "premise": "and the trim instead of painting i stained", "hypothesis": "I stained it instead of painting it."} {"idx": "mnli-18436", "premise": "That's why This Week panelist Linda Douglass picked Johann Gutenberg, the inventor of the printing press, as the man of the The written word enables us to preserve our laws.", "hypothesis": "He enables us to preserve our laws."} {"idx": "mnli-18439", "premise": "Three more riders came behind them.", "hypothesis": "Behind them, came three more riders."} {"idx": "mnli-18441", "premise": "To verify that a legal aid organization is federally funded or to find a local nonprofit legal aid office, consumers may refer to the Legal Services Corp.'s Web site, www.lsc.gov/fundprog.htm.", "hypothesis": "The Legal Services Corp.'s website is the best place for consumers to find information on legal aid offices."} {"idx": "mnli-18443", "premise": "The tower dominates a quiet residential district that houses embassies and government buildings.", "hypothesis": "The embassies and government buildings are closely located."} {"idx": "mnli-18444", "premise": "The sea urchin, Arbacia punctulata, test requires control egg fertilization equal to or exceeding 70 percent.", "hypothesis": "The sea urchins are notorious for having rapid breeding cycles."} {"idx": "mnli-18445", "premise": "Units can be measured in terms of computer software units or computer software configuration items.", "hypothesis": "The units can be measured in a few ways."} {"idx": "mnli-18446", "premise": "yeah but but are are the tools that uh if you're cutting are you talking about cutting equipment or tools for that for set up", "hypothesis": "I think you're probably talking about cutting equipment, but set up tools are another option."} {"idx": "mnli-18447", "premise": "Across from the library is the 73-story Library Tower, (an office building), the tallest building on the West Coast, designed by I. M. Pei.", "hypothesis": "A library is a place of utmost relaxation as it is very quiet there."} {"idx": "mnli-18448", "premise": "At 5 o'clock, Dorcas finds her mistress in a state of considerable agitation, with a slip of paper \u201d'a letter,' Dorcas thinks \u201din her hand, and it is then that 158 she orders the fire in her room to be lighted. ", "hypothesis": "Dorcas finds her mistress very upset, at 5 o'clock."} {"idx": "mnli-18449", "premise": "Perhaps that way may be more easily defended than the town itself.", "hypothesis": "One path was clearly more defensible than the town."} {"idx": "mnli-18450", "premise": "we went and saw uh i think it was uh Sugar Babies that was good that had good music in it", "hypothesis": "There was good music in Sugar Babies."} {"idx": "mnli-18451", "premise": " Performance standards will include criteria for ensuring that grantees have effective administrative systems in place and that clients receive quality assistance.", "hypothesis": "Clients will get a cup of coffee with assistance. "} {"idx": "mnli-18452", "premise": "Attractions include a dolphin pool, a medieval encampment, a number of inventive water rides, and roller coasters.", "hypothesis": "The water rides and roller coasters are ideal for children."} {"idx": "mnli-18453", "premise": "yeah i yeah i i i think you're right there and i'm glad you mentioned the League of Women Voters i've i don't know how long they've been around maybe a long time but it's only in my more mature years that i have become aware of them", "hypothesis": "I wasn't aware of the League of Women Voters until recently."} {"idx": "mnli-18455", "premise": "'A facsimile.", "hypothesis": "An exact copy."} {"idx": "mnli-18456", "premise": "hardness, 180-200 mg/L as CaCO3); tests with D. pulex used moderately-hard reconstituted water (total", "hypothesis": "The tests used moderately-hard reconstituted water to dilute the solution."} {"idx": "mnli-18457", "premise": "and i just keep telling her how can you do that and i told her when she had her her little girl i said now you better get out of the habit of watching those you shouldn't be watching them with your little girl and she says her little girl's into it now", "hypothesis": "She hasn't curbed her habit despite having a child."} {"idx": "mnli-18458", "premise": "There's no call for 'secret' ingredients.", "hypothesis": "Secret ingredients are not called for. "} {"idx": "mnli-18462", "premise": "yeah that that it's a major cause of uh early", "hypothesis": "That is a major cause."} {"idx": "mnli-18463", "premise": "The nation's human capital and knowledge-forms of intangible capital-are not part of the NIPA definitions of saving and investment.", "hypothesis": "Intangible capital can not be defined as savings and/or investment in any situation."} {"idx": "mnli-18466", "premise": "Both gold and silver are sold by weight with relatively little extra cost for workmanship, so they represent good value.", "hypothesis": "Platinum is also sold by weight."} {"idx": "mnli-18469", "premise": "Their numbers have grown steadily ever since, and today many thousands of visitors come to enjoy the countryside and to visit the sites first made famous by Romantic poets.", "hypothesis": "The Romantic poets were the ones to make the Lakeside communities famous."} {"idx": "mnli-18472", "premise": "Another posting stated there is a tremendous amount of pro bono work done at BIGLAW (large law firms) in civil rights matters.", "hypothesis": "The civil rights matters were pressed in courts."} {"idx": "mnli-18473", "premise": "According to APHIS, this rule contains no federal mandates (under the regulatory provisions of Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995) that may result in expenditures by state, local, and tribal governments, in the aggregate, or to the private sector, of $100 million or more in any one year.", "hypothesis": "This rule does not specify about federal mandates that could result in expenditures."} {"idx": "mnli-18475", "premise": "well how many credit cards do you have", "hypothesis": "How many credit cards do you own?"} {"idx": "mnli-18476", "premise": "The chapel was constructed in 1248 to house holy relics, fragments of what were believed to be Jesus's Crown of Thorns and the True Cross, which pious Louis IX (later canonized as St. Louis) had bought from the Byzantine emperor.", "hypothesis": "The chapel was the largest in the entire region. "} {"idx": "mnli-18477", "premise": "Some of these groups would strongly resist any changes.", "hypothesis": "Changes are resisted by some of these groups."} {"idx": "mnli-18478", "premise": "The Wicklow granite is faced with plaques cast from captured and melted-down cannon.", "hypothesis": "The plaques are made from reconstituted metal."} {"idx": "mnli-18479", "premise": "Some examples (and go ahead and try them): www.georgebushbites.com, www.georgebushblows.com, georgebushsucks.com, www.bushbites.com, www.bushsux.com.", "hypothesis": "These websites have pictures of George Bush."} {"idx": "mnli-18482", "premise": "You can take a case just on its merits.", "hypothesis": "One is able to take a case solely based on its merits."} {"idx": "mnli-18483", "premise": "Four-fifths of respondents in the Post poll disapproved of the current scrutiny of politicians' adultery.", "hypothesis": "The majority of the people polled by Post thought politicians' adultery was too heavily scrutinized."} {"idx": "mnli-18484", "premise": "Whatever their ancestors' cultural and ethnic origins, however, all native-born residents of Israel are called sabras, who today make up more than half of the Jewish population.", "hypothesis": "No matter their heritage and ethnic origins, native born children of Israel are referred to as sabras who make over 50% of the population."} {"idx": "mnli-18486", "premise": "What I meant was that the French set about marriage in a businesslike way find two people who are suited to one another, look after the money affairs, and see the whole thing practically, and in a businesslike spirit.\"", "hypothesis": "The French care more about the money affairs than they do about the two people."} {"idx": "mnli-18487", "premise": "right that's a real good deal in fact my dad recently got a um a Pontiac uh believe six thousand", "hypothesis": "my dad just got a Pontiac, but he's regretting it already"} {"idx": "mnli-18490", "premise": "See some or all of the 33 rooms, stop for an occasional peek out the window over the Arno and Ponte Vecchio, and recharge your batteries at the museum's newly reopened cafe above the Loggia dei Lanzi.", "hypothesis": "The king room is the most expensive and decorated room that the hotel offers."} {"idx": "mnli-18491", "premise": "This time it was Steve Forbes who got the back of his hand.", "hypothesis": "Forbes got the back of his hand, literally to the face."} {"idx": "mnli-18492", "premise": "They were denied my entree into the world of conservative journalism.", "hypothesis": "They did not allow me to report as a conservative. "} {"idx": "mnli-18493", "premise": "It's just there.", "hypothesis": "There it is and it's big. "} {"idx": "mnli-18494", "premise": "and it was really nice really", "hypothesis": "I was nice."} {"idx": "mnli-18495", "premise": "In 1995, anticipating the imposition of restrictions on LSC activities and cuts in LSC funding, the Chief Justice of the Maine Supreme Court and the Presidents of the State Bar Association and the State Bar Foundation sponsored a day-long forum on the future of legal services, attended by leaders from the private bar, the legal services community, the state and federal judiciary, the legislature, and executive branch.", "hypothesis": "A day-long forum on the future of legal services was attended by many entities and leaders."} {"idx": "mnli-18496", "premise": "'I simply saying what comes to mind,' I huffed.", "hypothesis": "I just say what I am thinking."} {"idx": "mnli-18497", "premise": "'What does...what's he going to do?'", "hypothesis": "Do you know what he'll do? "} {"idx": "mnli-18498", "premise": "Unions protest that the government has not fulfilled promises made to labor.", "hypothesis": "To unions the government has not fulfilled promises made to labor."} {"idx": "mnli-18499", "premise": "an appointment say at eight thirty and she has to be all the way across town at her office at eight thirty then she needs to have them ride the bus one way and i'll get off in time to hopefully pick both of them up and not have the day care center in the other direction but uh just a myriad of of possibilities that these people have to serve so they have a myriad of pay structures but uh it it can get expensive most of them run uh", "hypothesis": "She has to go across town after her appointment."} {"idx": "mnli-18500", "premise": "Many of the activities GAO has undertaken are designed to ensure that the agency is properly positioned to fully support the Congress as it faces the future.", "hypothesis": "The GAO tries to fully support Congress."} {"idx": "mnli-18501", "premise": "Put another way, based on the evidence the Postal Service put on the record during rebuttal hearings as recently as this past August 30th, in the absence of the occurrence of unforeseen events costing more than---the portion of the full $1 billion contingency earned when new rates are implemented in January, $600 million, the Service should do quite well with what we recommend.", "hypothesis": "The postal service gave a rebuttal on the 30th of August. "} {"idx": "mnli-18502", "premise": "Even the court's operations are evidence of Rehnquist's efficiency.", "hypothesis": "Rehnquist's efficiency is evident through the court's operations. "} {"idx": "mnli-18504", "premise": "They appeal to patriotism and then to anarchism.", "hypothesis": "They are patriotic when they talk about voting."} {"idx": "mnli-18505", "premise": "The leopard-cat is not a lot bigger than a domestic cat and may nip in and out of villages.", "hypothesis": "This is because leopard-cats are actually domestic cats in disguise."} {"idx": "mnli-18506", "premise": "should address.", "hypothesis": "Should talk about a certain point."} {"idx": "mnli-18508", "premise": "Its industry was the export of red logwood and the dyes of indigo and Prussian blue, which were extremely valuable in Britain.", "hypothesis": "Its industry was the export of logwood."} {"idx": "mnli-18509", "premise": "Integrated Environmental Control On the 21st Century's First New Coal-Fired Boiler", "hypothesis": "The first Coal-Fired Boiler of the 21st Century has Integrated Environmental Control."} {"idx": "mnli-18510", "premise": "Of course, Miss Howard, I said, \"I'll do everything I can, but I'm sure you're excited and overwrought.\" She interrupted me by slowly shaking her forefinger. ", "hypothesis": "Miss Howard always interrupted me and I did not appreciate that. "} {"idx": "mnli-18511", "premise": "He would never stoop so low as to make a sword with teats on it.", "hypothesis": "He wouldn't go as far as to make a sword that had teats. "} {"idx": "mnli-18512", "premise": ", worker's compensation, civil service retirement unfunded liability), indirect labor such as carrier supervision, vehicle costs, and space related costs (rents, fuel, utilities, custodial maintenance).", "hypothesis": "Rent is the most common space related cost."} {"idx": "mnli-18514", "premise": "An outer layer is clearly necessary in these conditions, even when you're vigorously exercising (which I tried to do in the freezer until I quickly became lightheaded from the icy air).", "hypothesis": "An outer layer is clearly necessary in these conditions."} {"idx": "mnli-18515", "premise": "It would be easy enough to lie out in the hills and keep field glasses on us down here.", "hypothesis": "Some could easily hide in the tall hill grass and spy on us. There should be routine patrols to check."} {"idx": "mnli-18517", "premise": "As discussed in chapter 1, financial audits contribute to making governments more accountable for the use of public resources and the delivery of services.", "hypothesis": "What financial audits contribute to is discussed in chapter 1. "} {"idx": "mnli-18519", "premise": "This southernmost of the French West Indies lies between English-speaking Dominica and Saint Lucia.", "hypothesis": "English is the main language in Dominica and Saint Lucia."} {"idx": "mnli-18520", "premise": "You see, under the terms of their father's will, while John inherited the property, Lawrence, at his stepmother's death, would come into a considerable sum of money. ", "hypothesis": "Lawrence and John would both become rich due to inheritance."} {"idx": "mnli-18522", "premise": "The Arts thread was all about the legendary art critic Clement Greenberg.", "hypothesis": "Everyone enjoyed to praise clement Greenberg "} {"idx": "mnli-18523", "premise": "As on most tropical islands, the pace of life tends to be lazy.", "hypothesis": "Life on tropical islands are lazier because of the scenery and weather."} {"idx": "mnli-18524", "premise": "Note for all of you who have stuck with this endless New York Review of Books -style refutation and have yet to flee Culturebox will be responding to MacDonald's post in the Fray--in the Fray.", "hypothesis": "The New York Review of Books has lasted for a long time."} {"idx": "mnli-18526", "premise": "yeah i guess it depends on the time of day too", "hypothesis": "The time of day also makes a difference."} {"idx": "mnli-18528", "premise": "To escape the madding crowd, seek out the unspoiled little town of Turckheim ' the epitome of the shiny, bright Alsatian village.", "hypothesis": "Turckheim is an example of an Alsatian village. "} {"idx": "mnli-18529", "premise": "They tried more than a half-dozen restaurants and pizza parlors and found them variously full, out of food, closed for lack of water for washing up, and charging one-eighth of a month's salary for a single pizza.", "hypothesis": "The emergency evacuation left pizza joints understaffed and lacking ingredients."} {"idx": "mnli-18530", "premise": "i can't remember how many it didn't take us but an hour i think or an hour and a half we were all pretty i think we had one man in there that uh wanted to find him guilty because he kept saying he did it then we kept saying he did it but the other guy you know yeah we had to convince him that um you know that yes he did it but he wasn't guilty he didn't need to go to jail for doing it that was you know he did it he admitted it that he bit that guys finger but he did it in self defense so you know we just didn't feel that he needed", "hypothesis": "We had one jury member that didn't think he was guilty."} {"idx": "mnli-18531", "premise": "His fervour brought a momentary twinkle to Tuppence's eye.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence had a brief twinkle in his eye."} {"idx": "mnli-18532", "premise": " He tried to reach for his glasses to adjust them.", "hypothesis": "He had to adjust his glasses."} {"idx": "mnli-18533", "premise": "Would he have time?", "hypothesis": "He doesn't have the time. "} {"idx": "mnli-18536", "premise": "Something fast and sharp flew past the Kal's body and buried itself in the ground.", "hypothesis": "Whatever moved past the Kal did not do so slowly. "} {"idx": "mnli-18537", "premise": "it is boring here", "hypothesis": "It's boring here in New Hampshire."} {"idx": "mnli-18538", "premise": "you would have but", "hypothesis": "You may have won."} {"idx": "mnli-18539", "premise": "They must have been off searching somewhere else.", "hypothesis": "The group was searching the ravine."} {"idx": "mnli-18540", "premise": "When she sets her sights on something, she's a formidable force.", "hypothesis": "She is a strong force when she is focused."} {"idx": "mnli-18541", "premise": "Access to the lakeside is restricted, but the view from Loughrigg Terrace is one of the best in the Lake District and an easy walk from the village.", "hypothesis": "The access to the lakeside is restricted due to security measures."} {"idx": "mnli-18542", "premise": "Moreover, CEOs and governors can set powerful examples through their own strong relationships with CIOs.", "hypothesis": "When people are able to see CEOs going out of their way to establish strong relationships with CIOs, it goes a long way towards gaining the position the authoritative perception it deserves."} {"idx": "mnli-18544", "premise": "'Desperate times?'", "hypothesis": "Are these desperate times?"} {"idx": "mnli-18546", "premise": "Just past the attractive farming town of Capesterre, the highway becomes, for about 21.2 km (11.2 miles), the so-called All??e Dumanoir.", "hypothesis": "The highway becomes All\u00e9e Dumanoir for about 11.2 miles, just past Capesterre."} {"idx": "mnli-18548", "premise": "That is very soon\u2026 .\" Mr. Carter paused.", "hypothesis": "Mr. Carter hesitated, \"That is quite before long...\""} {"idx": "mnli-18549", "premise": "There is little doubt about the pro-choice media's unquestioning acceptance of the faulty pro-choice statistics.", "hypothesis": "Doubt is caused by low self-esteem in the media."} {"idx": "mnli-18550", "premise": "The wild-West town comes complete with gunfights, a wax museum, an opera house, a mini-train, horseback riding, and an extensive petting zoo.", "hypothesis": "A wax museum, gunfights, an opera house, a mini-train and a petting zoo can be found in the wild-West town."} {"idx": "mnli-18552", "premise": "They're going into classrooms to help students understand and appreciate fundamental American values.", "hypothesis": "Students will be split into small groups to understand and appreciate fundamental American values. "} {"idx": "mnli-18553", "premise": "It's the kind of high-low juxtaposition--of reference, of language, of moral importance--that Woody Allen executes so wonderfully, such as in this excerpt from The Scrolls: Whosoever shall not fall by the sword or by famine shall fall by pestilence, so why bother shaving?", "hypothesis": "Woody Allen executed the line beautifully and the audience was impressed."} {"idx": "mnli-18554", "premise": "It, combined with factor number six, forms the basis for the many, important work-sharing discounts that are on the books.", "hypothesis": "It forms the basis for the work-sharing discounts that are offered to employees."} {"idx": "mnli-18555", "premise": "Subject to the provisions of section 417, the Administrator shall allocate allowances for each affected unit at an affected source annually, as provided in paragraphs", "hypothesis": "Section 417 is part of a longer list of provisions affecting the allocation of allowances."} {"idx": "mnli-18556", "premise": "that's nice did did you see the uh i don't know if it was 20/20 last Thursday or Friday night on on seat belts", "hypothesis": "The show last week was on seat belts. "} {"idx": "mnli-18557", "premise": "A desk, with a window looking out onto nothing in particular.", "hypothesis": "The window looked out to nothing in particular."} {"idx": "mnli-18559", "premise": "It is unfinished, as work on a mosque traditionally stopped after the death of the sultan who began it.", "hypothesis": "The mosque was unfinished and is now a ruin."} {"idx": "mnli-18560", "premise": "This allows the carrier to place mail in the mailbox directly from the vehicle.", "hypothesis": "The mailman can place the package in the mailbox from their car."} {"idx": "mnli-18561", "premise": "Republicans reply that they're serving their country by debunking and thwarting a bad policy administered by a bad president.", "hypothesis": "Republicans reply that they serve their county with debunking and thwarting dangerous economic policies administered by a bad president."} {"idx": "mnli-18563", "premise": "At one point, West quotes Du Bois--with no sense of irony--to the effect that we must have honest men or we die.", "hypothesis": "West is misunderstanding the intent of Du Bois's quote."} {"idx": "mnli-18564", "premise": "The British soon had an unassailable grip on Egyptian politics and commerce.", "hypothesis": "The British had an unquestioned hold on Egypt's politics and business."} {"idx": "mnli-18566", "premise": "The ability of the case study to capitalize on insight, to shift focus as the data demand, and to let disparate pieces of evidence fall into place in ways that are not always easy to describe or command is believed to yield a richer, fuller, and truer explanation of why things look the way they do than the more limited number of tests of a priori hypotheses that other methods use.", "hypothesis": "The case study focuses on the ability to change as data changes."} {"idx": "mnli-18567", "premise": "it is boring here", "hypothesis": "It's boring here."} {"idx": "mnli-18568", "premise": "oh gosh that sounds great uh-huh well um i think it would probably depend on whether this was a formal or informal dinner party but if it was informal my first choice would be crawfish", "hypothesis": "I think about the type of party to help decide what I want to order."} {"idx": "mnli-18569", "premise": "Slim said, \"What for, Red? They've got plenty of meat.", "hypothesis": "Slim asked Red what they needed it for."} {"idx": "mnli-18573", "premise": "If the clients require extended service or representation, their cases are then matched with staff of any of the three programs depending on the specific language capabilities of each program.", "hypothesis": "The clients are matched with certain staff members."} {"idx": "mnli-18575", "premise": "Strolling L.A.'s open-air markets is an excellent way to grab some delicious and inexpensive grub, enjoy the never-ending sunshine, and mingle with the locals as they shop for fresh produce, flowers, incense, and gadgets galore.", "hypothesis": "Walking around LA's open-air markets is a good way to get inexpensive food that is also fresh and international."} {"idx": "mnli-18576", "premise": "Subscribers may choose any or all of the following e-mail ", "hypothesis": "Subscribers may choose all of the following e-mail if they want."} {"idx": "mnli-18577", "premise": "State's Poor to Lose $2 Million in Legal Aid", "hypothesis": "Poor will lose $2 million in legal aid."} {"idx": "mnli-18578", "premise": "i'm going oh no", "hypothesis": "I am taking the first train out."} {"idx": "mnli-18580", "premise": "uh-huh and then you still get information too", "hypothesis": "The information you get will be bad."} {"idx": "mnli-18584", "premise": "The popular El Rastro fleamarket is held every Sunday along the warren of streets near calle de Toledo, a lively thoroughfare that leads back up to the Plaza Mayor.", "hypothesis": "The El Rastro flea market is open to the public to trade on Sundays."} {"idx": "mnli-18586", "premise": "The assessment also discusses the costs involved in two alternatives that were considered but were found not to adequately reflect the intent of the legislation, as reflected by the legislative history of Public Law 104-193.", "hypothesis": "The costs of these alternatives were very high."} {"idx": "mnli-18587", "premise": "But I did, my friend. ", "hypothesis": "My friend, but i did."} {"idx": "mnli-18590", "premise": "Willey might have a better case against Clinton if she wants to make it--and if her story is true.", "hypothesis": "Willey accused Clinton of things."} {"idx": "mnli-18591", "premise": "Miss Aldonka?'", "hypothesis": "Is Miss Aldonka there?"} {"idx": "mnli-18592", "premise": "i used to take it off the deposit", "hypothesis": "Before I changed banks five years ago, I used to just take it straight from the deposit. "} {"idx": "mnli-18593", "premise": "26 g for fathead minnows.", "hypothesis": "Fathead minnows cost 26 g."} {"idx": "mnli-18594", "premise": "In the arena's basin, they have left a ruined maze of cells and corridors that funnelled men and beasts to the slaughter.", "hypothesis": "Men and animals were killed in the arena."} {"idx": "mnli-18595", "premise": "you know and uh i'm not saying that they're all good either because there's good and bad in everything but they they're already uh have strikes three strikes against them when they're out there", "hypothesis": "Sometimes three strikes is not enough to keep someone in jail for long. "} {"idx": "mnli-18597", "premise": "yeah with any any weird strange cat around here", "hypothesis": "There are weird cats around here."} {"idx": "mnli-18598", "premise": "Thanks to me.", "hypothesis": "I did that."} {"idx": "mnli-18599", "premise": "But a gun it is not buried with a man.", "hypothesis": "You don't bury a gun with a man because you don't want to waste guns. "} {"idx": "mnli-18600", "premise": "The congressman heads the House Judiciary subcommittee on commercial and administrative law, which oversees the Legal Services Corporation.", "hypothesis": "The congressman is the lead of the House Judiciary Subcommittee for commercial and administrative law, something that oversees the Legal Services Corporation."} {"idx": "mnli-18601", "premise": "it's between Texas and Louisiana", "hypothesis": "I am trying to decide between Texas and Louisiana."} {"idx": "mnli-18602", "premise": "Leith Links is considered the home of golf, and there are another five municipal courses in the area.", "hypothesis": "Leith Links is vastly superior to the other local municipal courses."} {"idx": "mnli-18603", "premise": "With the model benchmarked to AEO2001, and given the different mix of scenario assumptions previously described, AMIGA reports the results in the figures and tables that follow.", "hypothesis": "The tables and figures illustrate the results of the AMIGA reports."} {"idx": "mnli-18604", "premise": "Board independence does not require the elimination of all inside directors but it would seem to call for ensuring that a super-majority of board members are truly independent both in fact and appearance.", "hypothesis": "Over 90% of current boards do not have inside directors."} {"idx": "mnli-18605", "premise": "The road beyond Dhulikhel drops precipitously, then turns up the Sun Kosi River gorge toward the Chinese/Tibetan border.", "hypothesis": "The Sun Kosi River gorge leads towards the Chinese/Tibetan border. "} {"idx": "mnli-18607", "premise": "Market Gyrations Make Hitting Targets for Skilled Crafts an Art", "hypothesis": "Market gyrations make goals hard to hit and reward those that do generously. "} {"idx": "mnli-18609", "premise": "anything to be real interesting yeah well it's good to talk to somebody i don't read as much as i used to um my husband's a TIer and i'm in journalism so i do a lot of writing um during the normal course of my job and it's kind of um sad when you find out the you know i thought i would get more toward reading and i'm getting less", "hypothesis": "I have not been reading as much as I used to."} {"idx": "mnli-18611", "premise": "and if you like Chinese food you can take filet of fish and put a little bit of soy sauce and a little bit of sesame oil on top of it", "hypothesis": "Soil sauce and sesame oil make the filet of fish taste better."} {"idx": "mnli-18612", "premise": "The article went on to detail just how many people I was apparently responsible for murdering.", "hypothesis": "There was an article written about me. "} {"idx": "mnli-18614", "premise": "From Sakuragi-cho it's a short walk to the waterfront (which is still referred to by its old name, the Bund) and to the South Pier and Yamashita Park.", "hypothesis": "The waterfront was traditionally known as the Bund, and sometimes still is."} {"idx": "mnli-18615", "premise": "Late engineering drawing releases to the factory floor resulted in parts shortages and work performed out of sequence.", "hypothesis": "This resulted in poor quality."} {"idx": "mnli-18619", "premise": "which has a lot of members uh if you can get those types of groups", "hypothesis": "Because there are so many people, they might be full at the moment."} {"idx": "mnli-18621", "premise": "Still connected up to the polygraph machines, I couldn't afford to let my heart spike.", "hypothesis": "I didn't want the detector to think I was lying, so I took a deep breath."} {"idx": "mnli-18622", "premise": "During World War II, the US built an Air Force base here that later became the international airport.", "hypothesis": "An American air base built in World War II transitioned into the international airport. "} {"idx": "mnli-18623", "premise": "For example, adjusting for age differences between subjects in the economic studies and those affected by air pollution may imply the need to adjust the $6 million VSL downward, but the involuntary nature of air pollution-related risks and the lower level of risk-aversion of the manual laborers in the labor market studies may imply the need for upward adjustments.", "hypothesis": "Age differences can affect economic studies of pollution related risks."} {"idx": "mnli-18624", "premise": "It would be more true to say that Gopnik's need to see Picasso as a rascal deforms his view of Picasso's art.", "hypothesis": "Gopnik encountered Picasso in a personal social setting and felt his personality to be distasteful as well as remebering countless rumors he has heard of the artist's many personal indiscretions. "} {"idx": "mnli-18628", "premise": "yeah that's true You know that i don't know whether uh actually i i've always wondered whether how the education system works in the Russian countries the Republics you know", "hypothesis": "I have always wonder how the education system works there."} {"idx": "mnli-18629", "premise": "Application of this interpretation to the U.S.-Mexico border would disrupt access of permanent legal residents to the legal system in the poorest region of the United States.", "hypothesis": "Access to the U.S.-Mexico border would be interrupted."} {"idx": "mnli-18630", "premise": "All rooms have color TV, alarm clock/radio, en-suite bathrooms, real hangers, and shower massage.", "hypothesis": "All rooms also contain a ceiling fan and outlets for electronics."} {"idx": "mnli-18631", "premise": "Tailors, cobblers, pita-bread bakers, and metalworkers all ply their trades amid the din of hagglers in the endless labyrinths.", "hypothesis": "Tons of skilled workers such as tailors and cobblers do their trade among the hagglers of the endless labyrinths."} {"idx": "mnli-18633", "premise": "A quick movement on his part, and his assailant fell with a crash. ", "hypothesis": "The assailant immediately got back up again."} {"idx": "mnli-18634", "premise": "Official budget numbers do show total federal revenue growing at an inflation-adjusted rate of 3.1 percent over the period, reasonably close to Abraham's 3.8.", "hypothesis": "Federal revenue grew at an inflation-adjusted rate of 3.1 percent over the period."} {"idx": "mnli-18638", "premise": "For the portability from group to individual coverage under this rule, HHS cites estimates formulated by the Congressional Budget Office which shows the initial yearly cost (direct cost to the private sector) to be $50 million with 45,000 people covered and $200 million by the fifth year with 150,000 people covered.", "hypothesis": "The fifth year will have sufficient funds."} {"idx": "mnli-18639", "premise": "how far west have you been", "hypothesis": "How long have you stayed at the places you've been to in the west?"} {"idx": "mnli-18640", "premise": "We can defend your town.", "hypothesis": "We are able to defend your town from attackers."} {"idx": "mnli-18642", "premise": "What instinct?", "hypothesis": "What hunch?"} {"idx": "mnli-18646", "premise": "i been sitting in here uh in the house all weekend with a cold so i thought i'd better uh better get outside and do something and not waste the day", "hypothesis": "I have a cold so I have been home for the weekend."} {"idx": "mnli-18647", "premise": "Albert unbent immediately.", "hypothesis": "They were warped."} {"idx": "mnli-18649", "premise": "and and i think that's where we as American people really failed you know failed them", "hypothesis": "This is where they were failed by the American people."} {"idx": "mnli-18650", "premise": "and it had a nice little area inside that course it gave you shelter and everything", "hypothesis": "There was a little house where you could take shelter."} {"idx": "mnli-18651", "premise": "PK denies engaging in politics with these men, but Ireland says PK is acting as their religious-right marketing tool.", "hypothesis": "PK denies engaging in politics with dangerous people, that are suspected to be mafia."} {"idx": "mnli-18655", "premise": "Look for Lane Crawford Ltd., an upscale store with branches at Pacific Place, 70 Queen's Road, and Harbour Cite Wing On, one of the oldest in Hong Kong; Marks and Spencer; and the Japanese department stores, Mitsukoshi, Sobo, and Seibu.", "hypothesis": "Hong Kong had a huge variety of upscale stores."} {"idx": "mnli-18656", "premise": "Look for the plaque dedicated to William Myers, who, it says, died on 30 February 1762.", "hypothesis": "William Myers died from an illness in February of 1762."} {"idx": "mnli-18657", "premise": "okay talk about it but can't do anything about it uh okay", "hypothesis": "We can discuss it, but nothing can be done."} {"idx": "mnli-18661", "premise": "so oh well it's been seven minutes", "hypothesis": "Seven minutes have elapsed. "} {"idx": "mnli-18662", "premise": "If the agency has not designated a liaison, GAO will provide notification to the responsible agency management official.", "hypothesis": "GAO may provide notification to the responsible agency if their McDonald's order was cold"} {"idx": "mnli-18663", "premise": "I must do them again. ", "hypothesis": "I will repeat the processes."} {"idx": "mnli-18664", "premise": "Since the Coast Guard's marine safety program became a GPRA pilot program in fiscal year 1994, the number of direct program personnel declined and its budget was reduced by 2 percent.", "hypothesis": "The number of personnel and the budget declined in 1994. "} {"idx": "mnli-18666", "premise": "Au Printemps, just next door, has the biggest selection of shoes and is famous for its perfumes, toys, and innovative household goods.", "hypothesis": "Au Printemps is open all night for shoppers who just can't stop shopping."} {"idx": "mnli-18667", "premise": "is running them from here to there in the car", "hypothesis": "Are you going here to there in the car?"} {"idx": "mnli-18670", "premise": "Her arms were bound behind her and I could see her twisted arm bending at a sickening angle.", "hypothesis": "She was tied up with a heavy rope."} {"idx": "mnli-18672", "premise": "Furthermore, money put in IRA accounts is tax deductible when family income is less than $40,000.)", "hypothesis": "Money helps save on taxes "} {"idx": "mnli-18673", "premise": "and i guess they they feel a bit ashamed they've done so well", "hypothesis": "I think they are ashamed they have done well."} {"idx": "mnli-18676", "premise": "yeah well i think a lot of it is the parents are totally irresponsible too we're talking these kids are fourteen years old The parents might be thirty years old", "hypothesis": "The kids parents are totally irresponsible and don't keep watch of their kids."} {"idx": "mnli-18679", "premise": "uh yeah yeah i i i think that perhaps perhaps the extended family you know that that it may be one of the solutions to a lot of thi ngs even even even child care you know i mean of course there there comes other issues you know whether or not", "hypothesis": "Child care may exacerbate the problems at hand. "} {"idx": "mnli-18681", "premise": "As Rajagriha, the capital of the Magadha kingdom, the town was frequented at different times by both Buddha and his contemporary Vardhamana Mahavira, the founder of the Jain religion.", "hypothesis": "Buddha and Vardhamana Mahavira often visited Rajagriha together."} {"idx": "mnli-18683", "premise": "The culprit is indoor air, which is filled with dust mites, cigarette smoke, cockroach remains, and pet dander.", "hypothesis": "Indoor air is actually highly toxic to the human living there."} {"idx": "mnli-18685", "premise": "The string of beaches along the coast are popular destinations for Kingstonians on weekends.", "hypothesis": "The string of beaches along the coast are popular for locals."} {"idx": "mnli-18686", "premise": "To contribute to the national target, the same senior executive had a performance expectation for his office to meet a target of", "hypothesis": "The executive's performance expectations were set for the office with the national targets in mind."} {"idx": "mnli-18687", "premise": "One could go on.", "hypothesis": "One can continue for as long as he can."} {"idx": "mnli-18689", "premise": "David Mandel, supervising attorney, protested to federal officials about the way the hotline's grant application had been evaluated.", "hypothesis": "Mandel complained about how the grant application had been criticized."} {"idx": "mnli-18690", "premise": "But fewer than one in six get help from a lawyer, according to a survey.", "hypothesis": "Survey says that less than one in six seek a lawyer's assistance."} {"idx": "mnli-18693", "premise": "Life was about to get very difficult until Adrin and San'doro came back to him.", "hypothesis": "Adrin and San'doro saved him from the onslaught."} {"idx": "mnli-18695", "premise": "Comment : Steve The only rich person in American who thinks Alan Greenspan is doing a bad job.", "hypothesis": "Steve and Alan Greenspan do not get along."} {"idx": "mnli-18697", "premise": "There will also be annual reviews of Hong Kong's political and human-rights situation in the U.K.", "hypothesis": "There will be reviews annually in Hong Kong of their political and Human Rights situation in the United Kingdom."} {"idx": "mnli-18701", "premise": "Universal screening is appropriate in populations with high case rates.", "hypothesis": "Universal screening is useful for doctors and patients."} {"idx": "mnli-18704", "premise": "it's not illegal", "hypothesis": "It's not illegal in our state."} {"idx": "mnli-18705", "premise": "Perhaps we are now seeing a new social phenomenon--trophy kids.", "hypothesis": "Trophy kids are a new phenomenon."} {"idx": "mnli-18707", "premise": "There are roughly a quarter billion pieces of First--Class mail for which individuals purchase the more expensive Certified Mail option.", "hypothesis": "There are a quarter billion pieces of First Class mail, where individuals purchase a more expensive option."} {"idx": "mnli-18709", "premise": "And there's an interesting paradox here with Africana : Gates is probably the only black intellectual in America with the charisma and clout to get it published.", "hypothesis": "Gates is the only black intellectual in America with enough clout to get the book and possibly movie published about the cultural ramifications of the impact on black boys of growing up without fathers. "} {"idx": "mnli-18710", "premise": "They died slowly, their eyes bulging and faces turning blue.", "hypothesis": "They died asphyxiated."} {"idx": "mnli-18712", "premise": "All non-urban areas are rural.", "hypothesis": "If an area isn't non-urban it is rural."} {"idx": "mnli-18714", "premise": "commercial solicitations solicitations primarily", "hypothesis": "The primary reason we're failing is because of the commercial solicitations."} {"idx": "mnli-18715", "premise": "I drew aside and apologised, when suddenly, with a loud exclamation, he clasped me in his arms and kissed me warmly. ", "hypothesis": "He kissed me with a loud exclamation "} {"idx": "mnli-18717", "premise": "Pursuant to the order, NRCS conducted an economic analysis, as discussed above.", "hypothesis": "NRCS conducted an economic analysis."} {"idx": "mnli-18718", "premise": "and you know he's like well i get more exercise pushing it around", "hypothesis": "And he said he'd get more of a workout pushing it around."} {"idx": "mnli-18721", "premise": "More exclusive is the little luxury resort island and fishing village of La Maddalena, a 15-minute ferry-ride from Palau.", "hypothesis": "The island is just a short ferry ride."} {"idx": "mnli-18723", "premise": "no but uh what happens is in Argentina they have like all these little places like the fruit stand and you know the dairy and products and whatever and so", "hypothesis": "Argentina is known for its famous fruit stands."} {"idx": "mnli-18724", "premise": " \"Still I say\" Oliveri shook his head as Rennie pushed past Drew and Shiloh and went out \"that after seeing this one, all others will be as pale shadows of nothingness.", "hypothesis": "No other horse can compare to Shiloh, Drew will make many riders jealous when they see him."} {"idx": "mnli-18726", "premise": "A'deem followed them as far as the edge of the town.", "hypothesis": "A'deem was worried and wanted to know if they left town."} {"idx": "mnli-18727", "premise": "And if his idea of good is forcing roles upon members of a couple, alimony for life, and community shunning of individuals whose marriages did not succeed, then Frum is really criticizing modern society, not just marriage.", "hypothesis": "Frum is really criticizing society with his strange and unconventional way of looking at marriage. "} {"idx": "mnli-18728", "premise": "The difference in unit delivery costs values reflect different input prices in the two countries.", "hypothesis": "The input prices in the two countries are very different."} {"idx": "mnli-18729", "premise": "The city was inaugurated with great ceremony in 330 and, in honour of the emperor, was renamed Constantinople.", "hypothesis": "Constantinople got its name in 330 during an inauguration."} {"idx": "mnli-18730", "premise": "Still, the museum claims that around 1480 Columbus lived here for about two years and that young Diego Columbo was born a Portosantense in this house.", "hypothesis": "The museum states that Columbus inhabited this house in 1480 "} {"idx": "mnli-18731", "premise": "Thus, the estimates include health benefits from reducing fine particles in areas with varied concentrations of particulate matter, including both regions that are in attainment with fine particle standard and those that do not meet the standard.", "hypothesis": "There are health benefits for reducing fine particles."} {"idx": "mnli-18733", "premise": "Or those aspects of the federal CIO environment that constrain the federal CIO flexibility and hinder the ability to perform effectively may be examined more closely, and specific strategies to cope with those aspects may be proposed.", "hypothesis": "It will not be costly to implement strategies to improve the flexibility of the federal CIO environment. "} {"idx": "mnli-18734", "premise": "We did not attempt to verify the performance data that agencies provided.", "hypothesis": "We didn't try to verify the data we were given."} {"idx": "mnli-18735", "premise": "It provides a remarkably authentic record of the development of the city, from the reign of Henri IV at the end of the 16th century to the advent of the Revolution.", "hypothesis": "It provides a great record of the development of the city, from Henri IV to the revolution."} {"idx": "mnli-18736", "premise": "Did Johnny Shannon suggest using Shiloh for bait, or was that your idea? ", "hypothesis": "One of you thought using Shiloh as bait was a good idea."} {"idx": "mnli-18737", "premise": "oh i had first had thought this was just Texas Instruments but apparently it's not just Texas Instruments", "hypothesis": "I prefer Texas Instruments. "} {"idx": "mnli-18738", "premise": ") to keep him out of their way.", "hypothesis": "Ensure he doesn't stop their evil plans. "} {"idx": "mnli-18739", "premise": "uh just about anything you would want in Texas as a gardener is here just around us you know", "hypothesis": "In Texas gardeners could get just about anything."} {"idx": "mnli-18740", "premise": "yeah and i i think that we learned from that and i think it it's one of those things that you learn the hard way it was a tragic mistake the way that they have been treated over the years and i believe that's just now turning around", "hypothesis": "Removing all of the troops was a tragic mistake."} {"idx": "mnli-18742", "premise": "With its wonderful light and space, it makes a tremendous exhibition area.", "hypothesis": "It could also make for a great dance studio."} {"idx": "mnli-18743", "premise": "Table 1 shows that the average time per day per possible delivery is 1.04 minutes for city delivery11 and 1.07 minutes for rural delivery.", "hypothesis": "Table 1 shows the information in a clear and effective way."} {"idx": "mnli-18744", "premise": "They sure is a grand sight: band o' roans, then one o' duns, an' some blacks.", "hypothesis": "There were more roans than duns."} {"idx": "mnli-18746", "premise": "His heart was beating violently.", "hypothesis": "His heart was beating furiously, he was scared."} {"idx": "mnli-18747", "premise": "The resulting welfare measures are based on predicted changes in market prices and production costs.", "hypothesis": "Welfare is based on estimates of what the market will do."} {"idx": "mnli-18748", "premise": "But it may not shake out that way.", "hypothesis": "The vote for president might not go to Trump."} {"idx": "mnli-18750", "premise": "sometimes when your in the suit and feel kind of almost stiff and you're not you know maybe you don't uh can't get as comfortable to sit down and you know like when i'm writing training material i prefer to be more comfortable unless i know i have to meet with a customer later during the day", "hypothesis": "I am in better comfort when Im working on training material."} {"idx": "mnli-18751", "premise": "However, what guarantees that powerful institutions get skeptical scrutiny isn't a lot ofstagy self-mutilation.", "hypothesis": "Powerful institutions are subjected to skeptical scrutiny. "} {"idx": "mnli-18752", "premise": "yeah uh-huh we did that too", "hypothesis": "Yes, that's something we did."} {"idx": "mnli-18753", "premise": "Not that she disbelieved in Tommy, but occasionally she was shaken with doubts as to whether anyone so simple and honest as he was could ever be a match for the fiendish subtlety of the arch-criminal.", "hypothesis": "She knew how the arch-criminal was well trained for this, and how Tommy wasn't."} {"idx": "mnli-18754", "premise": "They call names.", "hypothesis": "The names they call are Peter, Paul and Mary."} {"idx": "mnli-18756", "premise": "Reconsideration of the configuration of the LSC programs has led to decisions to consolidate the five organizations.", "hypothesis": "Reconsideration of the configuration of the LSC programs has been very very bad for Mr Banana."} {"idx": "mnli-18758", "premise": "right well the mechanic doesn't see that you know it's the owner or the dealer who sees the big bucks", "hypothesis": "The dealer is the one that gets the big money, not the mechanic."} {"idx": "mnli-18759", "premise": "I only know little old New York.", "hypothesis": "New York is a quaint place."} {"idx": "mnli-18760", "premise": "Oh, she shrugged her shoulders, \"if it is only village gossip that you mind!\"", "hypothesis": "She had warned him about paying heed to the nasty rumors Martha had been spreading."} {"idx": "mnli-18761", "premise": "195 \"My secretary, Monsieur Grieber, from whom I have no secrets.\"", "hypothesis": "I keep no secrets from Monsieur Grieber."} {"idx": "mnli-18763", "premise": "i think they want a one world order that's what i think i think Gorbachev would like to see a one world order a one world economic community and a one world government with him in charge of it and Bush is going around talking about it too", "hypothesis": "Gorbazhev was in favor of a one world economy and world government."} {"idx": "mnli-18765", "premise": "But after the cheese and biscuits had been handed round, and Dorcas had left the room, Poirot suddenly leant forward to Mrs. Cavendish. ", "hypothesis": "Following the distribution of the cheese and biscuits, Poirot leant towards Mrs.Cavendish. "} {"idx": "mnli-18766", "premise": "But what will Daimler get?", "hypothesis": "Daimler will get something, but what?"} {"idx": "mnli-18767", "premise": "i you know i'm i'm tired of hearing about the polls you know you know this is how he stands such and such a day", "hypothesis": "The election is next week, so we won't have to hear them much longer."} {"idx": "mnli-18769", "premise": "The first knowledge point occurs when the customer's requirements are clearly defined and resources-proven technology, design, time, and money-exist to satisfy them.", "hypothesis": "When the customer's requirements are clearly defined and resources-proven technology exists to satisfy them, occurs the first knowledge point."} {"idx": "mnli-18770", "premise": "have got uh things set up so where you can bring in your uh plastic and your cans and newspapers and then they've just got different barrels sitting out i shouldn't say barrels like big John Doors or whatever they're called Gondolas um they've got them set outside and", "hypothesis": "They have barrels set outside, which are called Gondolas."} {"idx": "mnli-18771", "premise": "As part of the mid-September festival at this shrine, there is a spectacular tournament of archery on horseback (yabusame), in which contestants dressed in the costume of Kamakura-period huntsmen must hit a series of three small wooden targets as they come down a narrow course at full gallop.", "hypothesis": "Horseback archery, or yabusame, has the contestants dress in the attire of Kamakura-age huntsmen."} {"idx": "mnli-18772", "premise": "well i agree with that i i think if immigration was entirely unrestricted uh not only would would the United States become over populated well more over populated awfully quickly i think it it would bring in a lot of uh people that are run out of other countries or in trouble in in other countries i think they'd come here trying to find a new market for their their brand of crime", "hypothesis": "There could be a food crisis if immigration was unrestricted."} {"idx": "mnli-18773", "premise": "It eliminates the traditional GAO divisions and strengthens teambased matrix management.", "hypothesis": "GAO divisions are essential to success."} {"idx": "mnli-18775", "premise": "yeah right next to Dulles all right well i'll talk to you later bye-bye", "hypothesis": "We are close to Dulles."} {"idx": "mnli-18776", "premise": "Soon there will be an addition to this happy family, when Jackson's wife, Debbie, who lives apart from her husband and son, gives birth to their second child.", "hypothesis": "There will be a new child in the family."} {"idx": "mnli-18777", "premise": "The flower market on place Louis Lepine, near Notre-Dame on Ile de la Cite, opens from 8am to 7:30pm daily.", "hypothesis": "The flower market is near the church on Ile de la Cite."} {"idx": "mnli-18778", "premise": "oh God it sounds like i would i might do that then okay i learned something here", "hypothesis": "I'm glad to have learned something."} {"idx": "mnli-18779", "premise": "Acrosethe road, the John Anson Ford Amphitheater is the historic setting for Shakespeare plays and for summer music and cabaret.", "hypothesis": "The John Anson Ford Amphitheater is a historic venue."} {"idx": "mnli-18780", "premise": "I've had a recurring dream since I was a child.", "hypothesis": "I had a terrifying dream as a child."} {"idx": "mnli-18781", "premise": "You will also find the grave of Greyfriars Bobby, just beside the main entrance.", "hypothesis": "The grave is old and weathered."} {"idx": "mnli-18782", "premise": "i know even even like steroids well how long does it take for marijuana to get out of your body", "hypothesis": "Steroids can leave the body really quickly."} {"idx": "mnli-18783", "premise": "The ideal screen that is accurate, practical, and motivational has not been developed.", "hypothesis": "The ideal screen hasn't been developed yet "} {"idx": "mnli-18785", "premise": "The who? asked Gauve.", "hypothesis": "He was clueless."} {"idx": "mnli-18791", "premise": "Whether the service emerges as an adaptation from primary care or as an innovation from the ED is less important than whether it can be evaluated to the satisfaction of those who make key decisions about whether it becomes part of standard practice.", "hypothesis": "Those who make key decisions are more important than whether or not the service becomes standard practice."} {"idx": "mnli-18792", "premise": "Everyone remembers that the first lady blamed Flytrap on a vast right-wing conspiracy in a Today show interview during the first days of the crisis.", "hypothesis": "The First Lady was on the Today show."} {"idx": "mnli-18794", "premise": "They never saw this sign anywhere, but they kept hearing about others who did, or whose friends had seen it, always in different places, and it spoiled their trip for them.", "hypothesis": "They didn't see the sign, bit had heard many instances of those that did. "} {"idx": "mnli-18796", "premise": "You will also find the Cumwest Exhibition here, which tells the story of the Western Lakes, the lesser known though no less captivating part of the Lake District.", "hypothesis": " the Cumwest Exhibition teaches the story of the Western Lakes"} {"idx": "mnli-18798", "premise": "Don't rely on public transport, either, because the bus service is extremely limited.", "hypothesis": "The bus service is extremely limited."} {"idx": "mnli-18799", "premise": "Because it's the nation's capital, and because it's a good investment.", "hypothesis": "It's a good investment because its the nation's capital "} {"idx": "mnli-18801", "premise": "oh i see uh-huh well if you ever decide to get a newer later model think about an Amiga because it's the slickest machine you've ever seen", "hypothesis": "Look at the Amiga machine."} {"idx": "mnli-18803", "premise": "It is likely that additional FGD retrofits could be completed by 2005, but there would be the potential for an increase in the cost of construction due to decreased implementation time.", "hypothesis": "There might be an increase in the costs."} {"idx": "mnli-18804", "premise": "uh especially you you want to get a mixed bag of course dimes quarters and halves", "hypothesis": "So you take a bag that has 10c, 25c, and 50c pieces."} {"idx": "mnli-18807", "premise": "How maddening, cried Tuppence.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence thought it was maddening."} {"idx": "mnli-18808", "premise": "i'm always explaining to people i do little things like that like you know take the stairs instead of the um the elevator and", "hypothesis": "People will often ask what little things I do instead of taking the elevator."} {"idx": "mnli-18809", "premise": "And I thought, wow, we precious few have achieved a lot and survived a lot!", "hypothesis": "There are a few of us who have accomplished something."} {"idx": "mnli-18811", "premise": "uh more of the volunteer network service because everyone gains from it", "hypothesis": "Everyone gains from volunteer network services, so we should all take part in them annually."} {"idx": "mnli-18812", "premise": "From home, I call my office three or four times a day.", "hypothesis": "I need to call my office phone three or four times a day when I'm home, said the manager."} {"idx": "mnli-18814", "premise": "Safire's a Nixon man to the end, and Frank Rich recalls the glorious presidency of Eugene McCarthy.", "hypothesis": "Frank Rich and Safire differ on their recollections."} {"idx": "mnli-18815", "premise": "While EPA anticipates there will also be vehicle maintenance benefits, sufficient data was not available to quantify the benefits.", "hypothesis": "The data was not available to the analysts."} {"idx": "mnli-18816", "premise": "when the work is on an issue with widespread national implication or is resource intensive.", "hypothesis": "The work is about something that has national implications."} {"idx": "mnli-18817", "premise": "Anthropological, Economic, Narrative and Portrayal.", "hypothesis": "The portrayal shows how things were once."} {"idx": "mnli-18819", "premise": "They had shadow gods devoted to it.", "hypothesis": "There were shadow gods that are devoted to it."} {"idx": "mnli-18823", "premise": "Which brings me to the to be sure paragraph, as they call it in our trade.", "hypothesis": "They are known for being wordy."} {"idx": "mnli-18825", "premise": "If journalism has changed since Royko's heyday, so too have cities like Chicago.", "hypothesis": "Journalism has changed for the good, since Royko's days."} {"idx": "mnli-18827", "premise": "Three of these areas (1) the automation of receipt and acceptance, (2) electronic signatures, and (3) statistical sampling regarding examination of claims in the payment process.", "hypothesis": "Electronic signatures pose a security threat."} {"idx": "mnli-18829", "premise": "Sweeping through the Punjab and Gujarat across to the western end of the Ganga valley, Mahmud of Ghazni (997 1030) used these raids more to finance his empire in Persia and Turkistan than to set up a permanent foothold in India.", "hypothesis": "Mahmud of Ghazni's raids caused great grief, and lead to his eventual ruin."} {"idx": "mnli-18833", "premise": "In the interior, left of the center nave, notice an 11th-century pulpit standing on a Christian sarcophagus of the Roman era.", "hypothesis": "The architecture inside the building is absolutely breathtaking."} {"idx": "mnli-18834", "premise": "Occasionally treasures can be unearthed notably old Chinese theatrical costumes and fake jewelry as you rummage among the piles of junk in Georgetown's famous flea market at Lorong Kulit.", "hypothesis": "Georgetown's famous flea market is famous for its wide variety of items."} {"idx": "mnli-18835", "premise": "oh no no uh i think it was something i started in nineteen fifty nine we're talking about at the most eight to nine thousand people world wide and at that time the whole world was right here in Dallas as far as TI was concerned", "hypothesis": "We have been doing it for over fifty years."} {"idx": "mnli-18837", "premise": "because it always seems it goes wrong when you try to do something", "hypothesis": "It always goes wrong when you try to do it. "} {"idx": "mnli-18838", "premise": "a harassment in itself", "hypothesis": "In itself it's a harassment"} {"idx": "mnli-18840", "premise": "see my situation's really different because i always had an older brother that always worked on cars and he got into business and he only worked on one kind of car", "hypothesis": "I have an older sister that works on cars."} {"idx": "mnli-18841", "premise": "They would take her to their dungeons where they would drive a metal spike into her brain just above each eye.", "hypothesis": "They would then remove her scalp and dissect her brain."} {"idx": "mnli-18843", "premise": "are you up there too", "hypothesis": "Including you up there as well."} {"idx": "mnli-18844", "premise": "Apart from some pre-Ice Age hominids, the first settlers to arrive in India were Negritos and Proto-Australoids.", "hypothesis": "The Negritos and Proto-Australoids were the first settlers to arrive in India."} {"idx": "mnli-18845", "premise": ", called deep lobbying: Rather than simply using their money to buy influence directly, special interests pursue the longer-term strategy of funding plausible-sounding people and institutions that supply intellectual rationales for the policies they want.", "hypothesis": "Deep lobbying has been in practice for many years."} {"idx": "mnli-18849", "premise": "He attacked with measured power, forcing her to dodge and parry.", "hypothesis": "He attacked the woman he had loved."} {"idx": "mnli-18850", "premise": "These other professional standards are not incorporated into GAGAS, but can be used in conjunction with GAGAS.", "hypothesis": "These other professional standards can be used in conjunction with GAGAS. "} {"idx": "mnli-18852", "premise": "1.1 The use of the statistical methods described in this manual for routine data analysis does not require the assistance of a statistician.", "hypothesis": "The methods in the manual are easy for everyone to understand."} {"idx": "mnli-18854", "premise": "Although his study of adolescents found reductions in risky behavior and alcohol-related harm, he was disappointed to find no effect on drinking.", "hypothesis": "He studied adolescents and alcohol, starting at age 14."} {"idx": "mnli-18855", "premise": "For example, suppose the discount is 4a (per piece) and the mailer's cost of doing the work is 3.8a.", "hypothesis": "Suppose the mailer's cost of doing the work is 3.8a, and the discount is 4a (per piece), for example."} {"idx": "mnli-18859", "premise": "The Judas Kiss (Broadhurst Theatre, New York City).", "hypothesis": "The Judas Kiss is currently running on The Broadhurst Theatre in New York City until December 2017."} {"idx": "mnli-18862", "premise": "nothing yeah oh well there goes a patriot missile oh well that's good that's good", "hypothesis": "There's a missile going past."} {"idx": "mnli-18864", "premise": "In 1998, the adherence to a modest Jewish ritual such as celebrating Hanukkah follows in the tradition of the ancient Israelites, who spurned the pressures to adopt Hellenism.", "hypothesis": "The Israelites made the people follow Hellenism and celebrate Hanukkah."} {"idx": "mnli-18865", "premise": "Once before he had thrown her a hint in the same careless fashion.", "hypothesis": "She understood the hint that he had given her."} {"idx": "mnli-18866", "premise": "They will be shut up in cages.", "hypothesis": "They're going to be locked up in cages."} {"idx": "mnli-18867", "premise": "okay well it's been nice talking to you good luck in school bye bye", "hypothesis": "It was nice talking to you and I wish you good luck in school. Bye!"} {"idx": "mnli-18868", "premise": "She ate quietly, eyes on the ground.", "hypothesis": "She looked at the ground."} {"idx": "mnli-18869", "premise": "Will says he is comfortable with his place on the margins.", "hypothesis": "Will has no problem with his position."} {"idx": "mnli-18870", "premise": "Parrots shrieked from homemade cages; brightly woven fabrics were draped to catch the eye.", "hypothesis": "Parrots shrieked and bright fabrics were draped."} {"idx": "mnli-18871", "premise": " Critics say it's trite and unoriginal (it follows a boy with a demonically possessed hand).", "hypothesis": "Critics say it's an unoriginal movie but the audience loved it."} {"idx": "mnli-18875", "premise": "When Columbus discovered the island late in his career, he called it the best, the most fertile, the sweetest, the most charming country in the world and named it Matinino, probably after Saint Martin (or, some say, as an approximation of Madinina), a name which the French later adapted to Martinique.", "hypothesis": "The island of Matinino is an agricultural hotspot as of today. "} {"idx": "mnli-18876", "premise": "One of the main attractions is the Parc de Bagatelle, a walled garden with the city's most beautiful display of flowers.", "hypothesis": "The wall around the Parc de Bagatelle was built in order to keep grazing animals out."} {"idx": "mnli-18878", "premise": "the good ole boys with the pickup and the rifle on the back and the quart of beer down your down between your legs driving down the road", "hypothesis": "The boys with the pickup truck, rifle and beer driving down the road."} {"idx": "mnli-18879", "premise": "Bening plays the scene on a cascade of emotion, so that she really seems to be speaking from a different world.", "hypothesis": "Bening is has received numerous awards for her acting and singing."} {"idx": "mnli-18880", "premise": "Check with the tourist information authorities in Fira before setting out.", "hypothesis": "Before traveling to Fira, it is advisable to check with the tourist information authorities."} {"idx": "mnli-18881", "premise": "absolutely absolutely i don't it's gonna be hard to um we've that's you that's you that's that's where you're absolutely right as we've got to do something in that region to encourage uh or to make to make him growing bananas profitable again i mean", "hypothesis": "you're correct about needing to petition the government about lowering the taxes on bananas"} {"idx": "mnli-18883", "premise": "The quality of the automated systems is to a large extent based on the effectiveness of internal control.", "hypothesis": "The quality of the automated systems is usually pretty good"} {"idx": "mnli-18884", "premise": "Everything in the house was filthy beyond words.", "hypothesis": "Nobody was able to clean the house."} {"idx": "mnli-18885", "premise": "After all, somebody has to be excluded, or it isn't much of an honor, is it?)", "hypothesis": "It must be elitary, otherwise it's not an honor, said the winner."} {"idx": "mnli-18887", "premise": "Because Miss Boulaye happens to be black, the reporter assumed she was obsessed with a racist political system, commented the Telegraph . And since she is a Tory, the paper assumed she supported what, it conceded yesterday, was 'abhorrent to her.", "hypothesis": "The reporter assumed a lot of misrepresentations about Miss Boulaye. "} {"idx": "mnli-18888", "premise": "but we're set now we've got cook stoves and we've got our bug light and everybody's got their sleeping bags we got air mattresses we decided that was easier than cots and more comfortable", "hypothesis": "We have cook stoves, bug lights, sleeping bags, air mattresses; we're set. "} {"idx": "mnli-18889", "premise": "you know uh we sit there and and we think that they think the way we think", "hypothesis": "We assume that they think in the same way we do."} {"idx": "mnli-18890", "premise": "Regular posting of new material will resume the evening of Monday, July 7.", "hypothesis": "New material has not been posted recently."} {"idx": "mnli-18891", "premise": "yeah um and also like my mom my mom thinks and i mean she she's kind of right with it when both um partners of of the marriage work she feels that that's taking more away from that's that's increasing more unemployment for people that need to work", "hypothesis": "My mom just does not understand that most couples need to have two sources of incomes."} {"idx": "mnli-18893", "premise": "so it's an investment but it's something that you know when you're first married or starting out you think if you really have something but you really it's just real nowadays with the way income tax i think housing is strictly to itemize", "hypothesis": "Consider housing to be an investment -- particularly when you see how it affects your income tax."} {"idx": "mnli-18894", "premise": "This CIO acknowledges, however, that his company does not spend enough on training.", "hypothesis": "This CIO believes that his company does not spend enough on training."} {"idx": "mnli-18896", "premise": "it's just getting green i prefer to see green than brown", "hypothesis": "It gets green every year at about the same time."} {"idx": "mnli-18897", "premise": "Other European powers began to put pressure on the defending forces, and British naval power in the area was badly stretched.", "hypothesis": "Europeans helped the British."} {"idx": "mnli-18898", "premise": "The NYT national edition goes with the maneuvering between Castro and the Catholic Church on the eve of the Pope's visit to Cuba.", "hypothesis": "Castro likes the Catholic Church."} {"idx": "mnli-18899", "premise": "You won't be able to get out of marrying me, so don't you think it.", "hypothesis": "You have to marry me no matter what."} {"idx": "mnli-18900", "premise": "You'll have no trouble in identifying the many perfectly safe, protected shores where hardly a ripple disturbs the surface.", "hypothesis": "You will see how calm the water is on this shore."} {"idx": "mnli-18901", "premise": "but it's not six feet of snow and it doesn't stay on the ground six months out of the year and i know the sun is coming", "hypothesis": "I know that the sun is coming and the snow does not amount to six feet. "} {"idx": "mnli-18902", "premise": "That's where the Yard's at a disadvantage in a case of this kind, where the murder's only out, so to speak, after the inquest. ", "hypothesis": "In a case like this, the Yard is behind the eight ball."} {"idx": "mnli-18903", "premise": "uh-huh do you yeah do you have to do you wear waders when you fish", "hypothesis": "DO you have to wear waders or do you care if you pants get wet?"} {"idx": "mnli-18904", "premise": " The Model cannot address the uncertainty of deregulation created by California's experience -- where competition may increase or decrease in the future.", "hypothesis": "The Model cannot address the uncertainty of deregulation created by California's experience."} {"idx": "mnli-18905", "premise": "\"Kinda sure of that, ain't you?\" The smile had not cracked, nor had it reached those shuttered blue eyes.", "hypothesis": "With a dry grin, he said, \"your pretty sure of that, aren't you\" "} {"idx": "mnli-18906", "premise": "Puerto Ricans began arriving in 1900, followed by Koreans in 1903 and Filipinos from 1907 on.", "hypothesis": "At the turn of the century, many immigrants started to arrive including Koreans and Filipinos."} {"idx": "mnli-18908", "premise": "Due to emergency department time constraints, so-called brief motivational interventions are the intervention model most likely to be successfully implemented.", "hypothesis": "Motivational interventions are the model most likely to be successfully implemented because of emergency department time constraints."} {"idx": "mnli-18909", "premise": "you know uh who's who's top dog well top cat i guess you know but um we i don't i don't know i don't have a problem with it i think they", "hypothesis": "I don't have a problem with dogs or cats. "} {"idx": "mnli-18911", "premise": "There must be no delay.\"", "hypothesis": "The speaker wants this to happen quickly. "} {"idx": "mnli-18913", "premise": "This analysis includes only city delivery letter routes.", "hypothesis": "Only city delivered letter routes were analyzed. "} {"idx": "mnli-18914", "premise": "and but so many women are having children and returning to the work field that the the dads you know have to to follow through or a third person has to come in and follow through with with the the care and the dads are are doing more", "hypothesis": "Even with the wages of two people supporting a household, it's very difficult to raise a child in this economy."} {"idx": "mnli-18916", "premise": "What good is it now? said the Astronomer, bitterly.", "hypothesis": "The Astronomer was bitter because it was broken in half."} {"idx": "mnli-18917", "premise": "because the money becomes uh an issue the children become an issue the jobs become an issue and it's like you know what's left", "hypothesis": "I know because I've been there at various points in my life."} {"idx": "mnli-18918", "premise": "The big one was mine, the guy you bluffed.", "hypothesis": "The big one you bluffed was also my friend. "} {"idx": "mnli-18919", "premise": "It should be intuitive that poor planning and design practices result in", "hypothesis": "People should know about bad planning and practices in design. "} {"idx": "mnli-18921", "premise": "A collaborative model using emergency department physicians to screen and mental health professionals to perform the intervention is the approach that is most likely to be widely adopted.", "hypothesis": "the collaborative model is most likely to be widely adopted. "} {"idx": "mnli-18923", "premise": "The Futures Commission of the West Virginia Judiciary recently recommended that a pro se coordinator be located at each county courthouse.", "hypothesis": "The county courthouses should contain a number of lawyers."} {"idx": "mnli-18927", "premise": "News this week isn't in the Owner Mort Zuckerman has fired Editor James Fallows.", "hypothesis": "There is news this week."} {"idx": "mnli-18928", "premise": "but um i brought um my kids when they were little they had given me uh some azaleas so i brought all my azalea bushes and you know i brought i brought as much as i could bring", "hypothesis": "The lilac bushes had to stay."} {"idx": "mnli-18929", "premise": "NPRMs that are published in the Federal Register have traditionally instructed interested parties to submit written comments on a proposed rule to the appropriate rulemaking docket, and have provided a mailing address where such comments can be filed.", "hypothesis": "This is so they can be entered into offical record easier."} {"idx": "mnli-18930", "premise": "Relief followed.", "hypothesis": "It was a very happy ending."} {"idx": "mnli-18933", "premise": "Appendix I provides a more detailed description of our research objectives, scope, and methodology.", "hypothesis": "Appendix I is on the first page of the book."} {"idx": "mnli-18934", "premise": "The Portuguese turned to the harder sell of naval batteries, driving off a trading fleet in the year 1509 in order to control the Malabar coast.", "hypothesis": "The Portuguese won control of the Malabar coast by attacking a trading fleet."} {"idx": "mnli-18937", "premise": "Not for the pleasure of your company.", "hypothesis": "Nothing I can do is worth the pleasure of your company."} {"idx": "mnli-18941", "premise": "it's probably about thirty or forty of them in there", "hypothesis": "It's probably about 30 or 40 blonde models in there."} {"idx": "mnli-18942", "premise": "The largest and most remote island in the Sporades a two-hour ferry journey southeast of Skiathos Skyroseas been little affected by tourism.", "hypothesis": "The most remote island southeast of Skiathos Skyroseas experiences very little tourism each year."} {"idx": "mnli-18945", "premise": "It takes less than an hour to stroll all the way round the pleasant path surrounding the water.", "hypothesis": "The path can be traveled in less than an hour."} {"idx": "mnli-18946", "premise": "Bauerstein was saying yesterday that, owing to the general ignorance of the more uncommon poisons among the medical profession, there were probably countless cases of poisoning quite unsuspected.\"", "hypothesis": "Due to medical professionals being uninformed about many poisons, there were many instances where poisoning cases went undetected. "} {"idx": "mnli-18947", "premise": "Christopher Cox of California led the push for an alternative", "hypothesis": "Cox initiated the idea of an alternative."} {"idx": "mnli-18949", "premise": "The award was announced recently at a dinne r, held in Kilgore's honor and hosted by law school Dean Samuel M. Davis, who presented her with an engraved plaque.", "hypothesis": "The dinner was very pleasant and served great food."} {"idx": "mnli-18950", "premise": "no we have a lot of maple up here and oak mostly oak and maple is is a and and pine of course evergreens up as you get up north into the northern part of the", "hypothesis": "There are a lot of maple and oak trees up here. "} {"idx": "mnli-18951", "premise": "Abandoning European dress for his now legendary white cotton dhoti (loincloth) and shawl, and drawing spiritual guidance from all the great religions of India, Gandhi became the simple but powerful symbol of India.", "hypothesis": "Ghandi decided to get rid of the European attire and just opted to wear a simple traditional Indian attire. "} {"idx": "mnli-18952", "premise": "The method for developing calibrated WTP functions is based on the approach developed by Smith, et al.", "hypothesis": "They develop calibrated WTP functions."} {"idx": "mnli-18957", "premise": "right and using makeup and using the", "hypothesis": "correct, and applying makeup, and making use of the"} {"idx": "mnli-18959", "premise": "Bruce Zucker chooses to provide pro bono legal aid to poor tenants over more prestigious work, and it has become his life's passion.", "hypothesis": "Bruce Zucker provides free legal aid to the poor."} {"idx": "mnli-18961", "premise": "We will make copies available to other interested parties upon request.", "hypothesis": "They did not want to print many copies."} {"idx": "mnli-18962", "premise": "Accordingly I accosted him. ", "hypothesis": "I therefore confronted him."} {"idx": "mnli-18964", "premise": "Further, NIST has issued numerous Federal Information Processing Standards, as well as a comprehensive description of basic concepts and techniques entitled An Introduction to Computer The NIST Handbook, Special Publication 800-12, December 1995, and Generally Accepted Principles and Practices for Securing Information Technology Systems,3 published in September 1996.", "hypothesis": "NIST authored An Introduction to Computer The NIST Handbook, December 1995."} {"idx": "mnli-18965", "premise": "Nearby, at the head of the Kidron Valley, the Greek Orthodox Church of St. Stephen commemorates the first Christian martyr, and up the Jericho Road toward the city is a small but dramatic monument to Israeli soldiers killed in the 1967 Six Day War.", "hypothesis": "There are several monuments near the Kidron Valley to commemorate different historical events."} {"idx": "mnli-18966", "premise": "Yardley's conclusions don't add up to much in any conventional biographical sense, and he admits as much in his [Exley] lived on another planet, if not in another universe.", "hypothesis": "Yardley doesn't have very valuable conclusions."} {"idx": "mnli-18967", "premise": "I figured out early on that I could work around the clock and still meet only a fraction of the need, Schwartz said.", "hypothesis": "I understood that I could work all day."} {"idx": "mnli-18968", "premise": "And they don't need to--the 13 missiles they supposedly have aimed at the United States have always been judged capable of hitting U.S. cities by the Pentagon (though China's difficulty in commercial launches casts doubt on the Pentagon's assessment).", "hypothesis": "It is not clear if China's missiles are capable of hitting U.S. cities."} {"idx": "mnli-18970", "premise": "Sharon has visited Russia three times in the past few months, including once in the midst of the Kosovo bombing.", "hypothesis": "Sharon has been to Russian more than twice."} {"idx": "mnli-18972", "premise": "i've everybody i've talked to has received one and i haven't gotten mine", "hypothesis": "I need to find out why I didn't get one. "} {"idx": "mnli-18975", "premise": "they couldn't do anything about it", "hypothesis": "They weren't able to do anything about it."} {"idx": "mnli-18977", "premise": "Equality feminists draw a different The World Cup showed that women can body-slam, curse, and cheat just like men.", "hypothesis": "The World Cup showed how the women were serious about competing."} {"idx": "mnli-18979", "premise": "yeah who no i don't know who that guy is", "hypothesis": "I don't know who the guy standing over there is."} {"idx": "mnli-18981", "premise": "You can attack the privatization argument on two main fronts.", "hypothesis": "The privatization argument is not very strong, that's why you can attack it."} {"idx": "mnli-18982", "premise": "It's your opportunity to be involved in politics, touch on policy, have some impact, and have a piece of a company that could conceivably do very well.", "hypothesis": "This is your chance to make a difference in the political world."} {"idx": "mnli-18983", "premise": "But I think they would lose market share if they did not allow users to disable the system with a click of the mouse, which I take it, they do.", "hypothesis": "If users could not turn the system on and off their product would not do well."} {"idx": "mnli-18984", "premise": "With him was a cholericlooking old gentleman, at sight of whom Tommy flushed up to the roots of his hair.", "hypothesis": "Tommy turned red when he saw the old man. "} {"idx": "mnli-18985", "premise": "The present site covers 28 hectares (70 acres) of ground divided into several different natural environments.", "hypothesis": "The present site covers 28 hectares and has many animals."} {"idx": "mnli-18986", "premise": "Israelis from Argentina are famous for their beef barbecues; many American Israelis lovingly celebrate Thanksgiving and the Fourth of July many decades after leaving the United States.", "hypothesis": "Beef barbecues are what make Israelis from Argentina famous."} {"idx": "mnli-18987", "premise": "At the northern tip of the Red Sea coast, where the continent of Africa meets the Sinai peninsula, is one of the greatest engineering feats of modern times, the Suez Canal.", "hypothesis": "The Suez Canal is located at the northern end of the Red Sea. "} {"idx": "mnli-18988", "premise": "FHWA's Senior Executive Performance Plans34 Performance Elements34 Performance Standards for Elements35 Performance Standards for Summary Ratings35", "hypothesis": "The performance plans are not satisfactory."} {"idx": "mnli-18989", "premise": "Young people head for Teatro (facing the CityPark, next to the municipal theater; Tel. 291/759 959), D?? F?\u00a1 Sol (Largo das Fontes; Tel. 291/241 464) and Clube Avenida on top of the Marina Shopping Ceter.", "hypothesis": "Teatro, facing the city park, is a popular place among the young people."} {"idx": "mnli-18990", "premise": "Gauve looked at Jon again, his face looking even older.", "hypothesis": "Gauve studied Jon's face."} {"idx": "mnli-18991", "premise": "He saw the gleam of torchlight in their black eyes.", "hypothesis": "The torchlight lit up the demons eyes."} {"idx": "mnli-18993", "premise": "Each day saw them set out on a new quest.", "hypothesis": "Each day the new quest was more exciting than the one before it."} {"idx": "mnli-18994", "premise": "Tuppence pressed the bell firmly.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence applied a significant amount of pressure on the bell. "} {"idx": "mnli-18997", "premise": "There were the soft peaceful sounds of horses crunching fodder, hoofs rustling in straw.", "hypothesis": "The horses hoofs were peaceful to listen to."} {"idx": "mnli-19000", "premise": "When I was in the Nixon administration, we were all very buttoned-down during the week.", "hypothesis": "It was very dull when I was a part of the Nixon administration. "} {"idx": "mnli-19001", "premise": "It is also said that Seleyman, in awe of his architect's achievement, handed the keys to Sinan at the inauguration ceremony and allowed him the privilege of opening it.", "hypothesis": "Supposedly, Sinan was the only architect who was ever granted this privilege."} {"idx": "mnli-19002", "premise": "The current process was established in 1982.", "hypothesis": "The current process was established in 1982."} {"idx": "mnli-19004", "premise": "reconsidered by emergency physicians and hospitals.", "hypothesis": "Physicians and hospitals reconsider"} {"idx": "mnli-19005", "premise": "Lauderdale at spring break--and notes that the vote for the Nixon inquiry was 410-4, not the 256-178 tally for the Clinton inquiry.", "hypothesis": "The votes for the Nixon inquiry had over 400 tallied on one side and only 4 on the other. "} {"idx": "mnli-19006", "premise": "Diesenhaus noted that agencies are required to fund different types of research.", "hypothesis": "Different types of research is funded by agencies."} {"idx": "mnli-19007", "premise": "10 Nearly half believed that there are not enough treatment resources to make screening worthwhile.", "hypothesis": "The majority of people thought the screening wouldn't work."} {"idx": "mnli-19009", "premise": "The assistant shoemaker is another of Malamud's weirdly insistent, lonely souls--impelled, who knows why, to devote himself to a hopeless love; still wincing from the horrors of Europe, which he has not entirely escaped; inarticulate, yet bursting with passion, if only his boss, the master shoemaker, will deign to listen.", "hypothesis": "The master shoemaker does not bother listening to his assistant's passions."} {"idx": "mnli-19011", "premise": "She became so interested in the area's ongoing struggle and the local culture that she decided to study it systematically, exiting from her marriage to return there.", "hypothesis": "She was so interested in this project, that she even left her husband to research there."} {"idx": "mnli-19014", "premise": "they replaced like seven of them and we just had to pay the deductible but", "hypothesis": "Seven of them were replaced, which was the right thing to do to me"} {"idx": "mnli-19015", "premise": "The total cases reported to LSC for 2000 are 1,012,368.", "hypothesis": "There were more than one million cases reported to the LSC in 2000."} {"idx": "mnli-19021", "premise": "Negotiations with the powerful postal unions begin in August, with contracts due to expire in November.", "hypothesis": "The negotiations are going well."} {"idx": "mnli-19025", "premise": "In modern times the Sinai had become a backwater protected from the ravages of the modern world, and perhaps it would have remained one of the world's undiscovered spots if it hadn't been for one Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus (SCUBA).", "hypothesis": "SCUBA is one of the things responsible for discovering the Sinai."} {"idx": "mnli-19026", "premise": "Let's find some place where we can see whether it's impossible now for you to magic up a decent meal.", "hypothesis": "Let's find a place where you can conjure up some chicken. "} {"idx": "mnli-19027", "premise": "Tasting and purchases are possible at many of the properties.", "hypothesis": "You can taste and buy at most properties. "} {"idx": "mnli-19028", "premise": "Polls show that Americans are willing to shun instant gratification to accomplish long-term goals such as repaying the federal debt or revamping Social Security.", "hypothesis": "Americans would rather accomplish long term goals than achieve short term goals."} {"idx": "mnli-19029", "premise": "The value of Philly's program, observes former New Jersey Superior Court Judge Daniel R. Coburn, is that it separates the minnows from the sharks, then holds the minnows accountable and hence less likely to become sharks, let alone become the predatory Great Whites we must incarcerate.", "hypothesis": "The value of Philly's program is that it separates the minnows from the sharks."} {"idx": "mnli-19030", "premise": "you know and uh and that would make any parent feel good and bad at the same time you know first of all you're coming to me and let's see how we can get rid of the problem you know", "hypothesis": "That would make parents feel a lot of emotions if their child moved away."} {"idx": "mnli-19031", "premise": "Since alcohol interventions in the ED cut across different disciplines, the peer-review group should embrace multiple perspectives.", "hypothesis": "Multiple perspectives should be embraced by the peer-review group."} {"idx": "mnli-19032", "premise": "The local fishermen's quarters lie just east of the river, where cows graze along the banks, a scene unexpected in sub-tropical Madeira, where cows are usually confined to tiny huts.", "hypothesis": "East of the river are the fishermen's quarters."} {"idx": "mnli-19034", "premise": "And, what do you think now? She asked the Fourth Husband after coming back from the clinic.", "hypothesis": "She asked her husband what he thought about her new nose."} {"idx": "mnli-19035", "premise": "Fourth, we need to obtain the domestic postage rates for New Zealand and Israel, the only significant outbound IC mail flows omitted from this analysis.", "hypothesis": "We need to get postage rates for new Zealand and Israel "} {"idx": "mnli-19036", "premise": "SCR catalyst is the only specialized piece of equipment that is needed.", "hypothesis": "The limited specialized equipment makes the project easy to accomplish."} {"idx": "mnli-19037", "premise": "Continue past the remains of a hypostyle hall which was the Customs House to the start of the Royal Road leading north to the coast, still in exceptional condition and far better than most thoroughfares on Crete until only a few years ago.", "hypothesis": "The Customs House used to be at the hypostyle hall."} {"idx": "mnli-19038", "premise": "There are no other conditions?\"", "hypothesis": "Are there any other conditions?"} {"idx": "mnli-19039", "premise": "His grandmother told tales to Ca'daan and his sisters of the titan who walked the planet leaving lakes of molten rock in his footsteps.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan heard stories from his grandma."} {"idx": "mnli-19041", "premise": "Its only weapon was its now demonstrated capacity to mobilize mass protests and shock the world with violence.", "hypothesis": "The only weapon utilizes is the capacity for large protests. "} {"idx": "mnli-19043", "premise": "Encourage a feisty letters page.", "hypothesis": "Encourage a spirited letters page"} {"idx": "mnli-19046", "premise": "The shadow shifted again and a gleam of silver slashed in the darkness.", "hypothesis": "A silver object moved in through the dark. "} {"idx": "mnli-19049", "premise": "But it is the Temple of Concord that is the best preserved Doric temple in Sicily (if not the world), thanks to its subsequent use as a church in the sixth century a.d.", "hypothesis": "The Temple of Concord is only so well preserved because it was used as a church from the 6th century onwards."} {"idx": "mnli-19052", "premise": "MelroseAvenue and Beverly and Robertson Boulevards are known as the Avenues of Design. ", "hypothesis": "The streets are named after very famous designers"} {"idx": "mnli-19053", "premise": "kind of like uh going to SMU they have a reputation as being a party school and uh i just", "hypothesis": "The people at SMU are known to like to party. "} {"idx": "mnli-19054", "premise": "He won't appreciate this,' another very important man added.", "hypothesis": "One person spoke out that this would not be appreciated. "} {"idx": "mnli-19055", "premise": "All offer a selection of hotels, bars, and restaurants.", "hypothesis": "They have a great selection of Italian restaurants as well."} {"idx": "mnli-19056", "premise": "I couldn't make up my mind at first whether it was a sham affair or genuine.", "hypothesis": "I was not sure about the relationship."} {"idx": "mnli-19057", "premise": "Cretans exhibited their skills with paint, clay, copper, bronze, and gold was highly prized and raw materials flowed in lapis lazuli from Afghanistan, ivory from Syria, and gold, silver, and black obsidian from Anatolia.", "hypothesis": "They traded with other nations for over a thousand years."} {"idx": "mnli-19058", "premise": "This requires determining which laws, regulations, and other compliance requirements are significant to the audit objectives and assessing the risk that significant noncompliance could occur.", "hypothesis": "We have to audit the president but we're not sure how."} {"idx": "mnli-19060", "premise": "Locals and visitors alike enjoy fishing from rocky shores and harbor jetties.", "hypothesis": "Everyone enjoys fishing, whether they're visiting or live nearby."} {"idx": "mnli-19061", "premise": "yeah and then you know it's like i tell him you make more money than i do than i could ever really think about if i made as much money as my brother i would be just like set for life", "hypothesis": "My brother earns a lot so early retirement is of no issue to him."} {"idx": "mnli-19063", "premise": "Analysts credited the victory to a near-totalitarian patronage system.", "hypothesis": "Totalitarian patronage systems are a good method of control."} {"idx": "mnli-19064", "premise": "okay then there are for people doing drugs", "hypothesis": "It's for people who are doing drugs."} {"idx": "mnli-19065", "premise": "1914: Panama Canal Opens New Era of Global Trade in Panama Hats", "hypothesis": "Panama Canal is a trading spot with for global markets."} {"idx": "mnli-19066", "premise": "Thus, continuing to rely on foreign lenders to finance such a large share of U.S. domestic investment is not a viable strategy over the long run.", "hypothesis": "Foreign lenders have high fees for each transaction that is made."} {"idx": "mnli-19068", "premise": "Well, perhaps you're right.", "hypothesis": "Well, maybe you are correct."} {"idx": "mnli-19069", "premise": "A comprehensive nationalization program followed, and the government expropriated factories, utilities, and more land.", "hypothesis": "There was a comprehensive nationalization program to help the country get back on its feet."} {"idx": "mnli-19070", "premise": "Predicting that he would get a lot of heat for treating the minister with respect, Novak said that Farrakhan was more measured and a lot less confrontational and provocative than a lot of the politicians we talk to regularly on this program.", "hypothesis": "Farrakhan wanted to stir up the people, so he was asking inappropriate topics"} {"idx": "mnli-19071", "premise": "My name is Gabriel.", "hypothesis": "Gabriel is my name."} {"idx": "mnli-19072", "premise": "National Saving and International Investment, National Saving and Economic Performance,", "hypothesis": "International investment is the total amount of domestic corporate stock purchased by foreign investors."} {"idx": "mnli-19073", "premise": "A tip for visiting the big muse?\u00adums in peak go at dinnertime on a late-closing day.", "hypothesis": "The best time to visit museums is at dinnertime."} {"idx": "mnli-19074", "premise": "He pulled up to match Drew's sobered trot.", "hypothesis": "He was riding a much larger horse, so he had to occasionally slow down even further."} {"idx": "mnli-19076", "premise": "If the pulp fiction of Edgar Rice Burroughs gives us a glimpse into the often appalling collective unconscious of white-supremacist America, the Disney version of Tarzan will provide a similar service to future scholars pondering the equally weird mentality of feminized and Green America, circa 2000.", "hypothesis": "Edgar Rice Burroughs' pulp fiction demonstrates the largely negative mentality of white-supremacist America."} {"idx": "mnli-19078", "premise": "There is a definite pattern afoot At first, the new job is wonderful, the people scintillating and fabulous, the work enticing and exciting.", "hypothesis": "The new job is at Google headquarters in the IT department."} {"idx": "mnli-19079", "premise": "I'm here, in the body of Benjamin Franklin, about to get my brains beaten out.", "hypothesis": "I'm inside Franklin and about to get beat up."} {"idx": "mnli-19081", "premise": "yeah and he blames all of his uh tax problems on his elementary school wife", "hypothesis": "He will go to prison if he doesn't get his tax issues sorted out."} {"idx": "mnli-19082", "premise": "like uh one time Rick went and uh i went i didn't go with him and his grandmother was sitting there and she said that man across the hall is naked and he was he was sitting in his wheelchair stark naked", "hypothesis": "The man across the hall from Rick's grandmother was naked."} {"idx": "mnli-19084", "premise": "that's the other financial thing i guess that we've done is with our life insurance is since i'm at home now is is figuring out uh what we would need if something happened to my husband or what he would need if something happened to me", "hypothesis": "We would need life insurance if something happened to me or my husband."} {"idx": "mnli-19085", "premise": "i can go ahead and start uh", "hypothesis": "So I am OK to begin?"} {"idx": "mnli-19087", "premise": "oh really just easy to get them there and stuff", "hypothesis": "It's easy to get them there."} {"idx": "mnli-19089", "premise": "ninety nine i mean or something i got you right", "hypothesis": "I understand it is ninety nine?"} {"idx": "mnli-19090", "premise": "Other critics say the play has outlived [its] raciness (David Patrick Stearns, USA Today ). Although La Ronde was banned at the turn of the century, nowadays its account of sexual encounters among various characters (all played by Kidman and her co-star Iain Glen) seems pretty tame.", "hypothesis": "La Ronde is a supposedly salacious play which portrays sex between different people."} {"idx": "mnli-19091", "premise": "oh really oh gosh no kidding talk about asking for trouble huh", "hypothesis": "There's no better example than asking for trouble."} {"idx": "mnli-19092", "premise": "The elegant Renaissance style lends an unaccustomed sophistication to the nightmarish superstitions of medieval Brittany incorporated in the sculpture.", "hypothesis": "The Renaissance style was an uncommon one for sculptures at the time."} {"idx": "mnli-19095", "premise": "As shown in Table 2, the net effect of these assumptions is to lower the expected level of electricity consumption while continuing to meet the same level of service demanded by utility customers.", "hypothesis": "Table 2 shows the total effect of the assumptions. "} {"idx": "mnli-19096", "premise": "How could it be?\"", "hypothesis": "How could that be?"} {"idx": "mnli-19099", "premise": "It was begun in the momentous year of 1066, and William the Con?\u00adquer?\u00ador made its first abbot his archbishop of Ceterbury.", "hypothesis": "It began in 1066."} {"idx": "mnli-19100", "premise": "But the doctor shook his head.", "hypothesis": "However, the doctor still shook his head. "} {"idx": "mnli-19101", "premise": "The chharbagh (foursquare) gardens are an integral part of the Taj Mahal, both spiritually, as the symbol of the paradise to which Mumtaz-Mahal has ascended, and artistically, to enhance the color and texture of the mausoleum.", "hypothesis": "Chharbagh means foursquare."} {"idx": "mnli-19102", "premise": "'Symbolism's good,' White shrugged.", "hypothesis": "White has an opinion that symbolism is good. "} {"idx": "mnli-19103", "premise": "We interviewed various officials, including chief financial officers, chief information officers, business unit executives, state executive and legislative branch officials, treasurers, controllers, internal auditors, agency administrators, and human resource specialists.", "hypothesis": "We had hoped to interview officials in at least seven different fields of work, and succeeded."} {"idx": "mnli-19104", "premise": "oh my land i'd be scared to death to have anything that expensive", "hypothesis": "Anything above a certain value would scare me to death to have in my possession."} {"idx": "mnli-19105", "premise": "Applause for 32-year-old British director Sam Mendes' reinterpretation of the musical about Weimar Germany, the second Kander-Ebb show to be revived recently ( Chicago has been on Broadway since 1996).", "hypothesis": "The director Sam Mendes has been greatly appreciated with his reinterpretation of the famous musical, not only by the public but also by critics."} {"idx": "mnli-19108", "premise": "HUD has begun to take the steps necessary to rectify this problem, including preparation and publication of a correction to the final rule and proper submission of the controlled business disclosure requirements for OMB review and public comment.", "hypothesis": "Preparing a correction is among the steps HUD has begun to take."} {"idx": "mnli-19109", "premise": "Duty-Free Saint-Martin and Saint-Barth??lemy", "hypothesis": "Other islands in the area have duty fees."} {"idx": "mnli-19111", "premise": "The island is mostly quiet, with a short, three-month summer season.", "hypothesis": "The island is mostly without much noise with a summer season that lasts three months."} {"idx": "mnli-19113", "premise": "The piece includes a handy quiz for couples who want to diagnose their viability.", "hypothesis": "There is a handy quiz for couples to take."} {"idx": "mnli-19115", "premise": "A succession of weak and decadent emperors saw the Roman Empire fall gradually into decline and anarchy.", "hypothesis": "The fall of the Roman Empire was gradual, and was the result of poor leadership."} {"idx": "mnli-19118", "premise": "techniques?", "hypothesis": "There are techniques needed."} {"idx": "mnli-19119", "premise": "Holding all other variables constant, and integrating their effects into the constant term, the equation for basic mail ", "hypothesis": "Holding all three variables constant and integrating their effects into the constant."} {"idx": "mnli-19120", "premise": "Palestinian scholar Edward Said argues that a single Israeli-Palestinian state is the only lasting Middle East solution.", "hypothesis": "A single state will be impossible for the next few centuries if hostilities continue."} {"idx": "mnli-19122", "premise": "well those are my two favorites", "hypothesis": "I would not trade anything for those two."} {"idx": "mnli-19126", "premise": "And phlogiston will quench the flame of a rocket, as your expert von Braun discovered.\" The man was a gold mine of information, all bad.", "hypothesis": "Von Braun was in exile, sent away by the new rulers."} {"idx": "mnli-19127", "premise": "Paying homage to the great war photographer's courage and talent, he nonetheless notes the conflicting stories of the photo's origins, Capa's own silence about the image in his writings, and other writers' questions.", "hypothesis": "He pays homage to the photographers talents and vast amount of courage."} {"idx": "mnli-19129", "premise": "All cliffs and islands, including Benidorm's small reef, offer interesting diving.", "hypothesis": "The cliffs and islands have interesting sea life."} {"idx": "mnli-19130", "premise": "The Turco-Afghan invaders were regarded as a transient phenomenon that would either soon disappear or, just like others before them, be swallowed up by the great subcontinent.", "hypothesis": "The Turco-Afghan invaders were expected to disappear sooner rather than later."} {"idx": "mnli-19131", "premise": "She glanced round hastily to make sure there was no one else in the room, and quickly produced an old sheet of brown paper. ", "hypothesis": "She looked around swiftly to ensure nobody was around her."} {"idx": "mnli-19132", "premise": "she'll eventually i mean mine you know i have five males and two females everybody's spayed everybody's neutered and we still have a scrap every now and then nothing real bad you know a slap here and there but um they put up with each other and they will eventually her nose will be out of joint for a while and she'll hiss and growl and slap every now and then but they'll she'll finally accept it you know they really don't have any choice in my in my household we have a little bit of uh a fight for who's boss mean a male cats are are real you know real territorial and so that's the big battle here", "hypothesis": "They slap and fight but put up with each"} {"idx": "mnli-19133", "premise": "I'll look after her, sir, said Tommy.", "hypothesis": "Tommy wants me to look after her."} {"idx": "mnli-19134", "premise": "For these organizations, the loss of members (e.g.", "hypothesis": "Members quit from these organizations frequently."} {"idx": "mnli-19136", "premise": "On weekends, it's a popular place for families from Kingston to come to enjoy the fresh air or a fantastic fried fish dinner at one of the little restaurants that spill out into the streets.", "hypothesis": "The restaurants are perused by families on the weekends."} {"idx": "mnli-19137", "premise": "and uh so it that's back in South Dakota where i grew up and uh so that that's uh that's been my main my main involvement is it seems like i go home and play golf more than i do around here but uh", "hypothesis": "South Dakota has better golf courses than they have here."} {"idx": "mnli-19138", "premise": "i've heard the name", "hypothesis": "I have heard that name before."} {"idx": "mnli-19140", "premise": "Nearly every owner's engineering and project management organization in the U.S. has been reorganized, sometimes repeatedly, without achieving a satisfactory result in many cases.", "hypothesis": "Nearly every owner's engineering and project management organization in the U.S. has been reorganized"} {"idx": "mnli-19142", "premise": "I'm going to bed.\" The door into the hall was a wide one. ", "hypothesis": "I am tired and going to bed."} {"idx": "mnli-19143", "premise": "What should you say now to L100 16 down, and all expenses paid?\" Mr. Whittington leaned back in his chair, and thrust his thumbs into the arm-holes of his waistcoat.", "hypothesis": "Whittington was curious as to what he would say to his offer."} {"idx": "mnli-19144", "premise": "He suffered the strange fate of many artists who aim for the sublime, then find their work enlisted in other all-too-human narratives.", "hypothesis": "Lots of artists want to be famous."} {"idx": "mnli-19146", "premise": "In order to estimate ozone-related health and welfare effects for the eastern U.S., fullseason ozone data are required for every CAPMS grid-cell.", "hypothesis": "To estimate ozone effects in eastern us, full season data is required for every CPMS grid cell "} {"idx": "mnli-19147", "premise": "Keep her out of the White House.", "hypothesis": "She would just have sex in the White House if she entered it. "} {"idx": "mnli-19148", "premise": "Jon knelt and whispered to Susan.", "hypothesis": "Jon was on his knees saying something to Susan."} {"idx": "mnli-19149", "premise": "The 1990s in particular have been a funereal decade, interring many of the hopes and fantasies of the earlier twentieth century, Davis intones.", "hypothesis": "Davis thinks the 90s were the worst decade to live through."} {"idx": "mnli-19154", "premise": "retrofit of three absorbers for six boilers).", "hypothesis": "The three absorbers are retrofit."} {"idx": "mnli-19155", "premise": "In spite of Garm's assurance that nothing could melt the sky, he found that his sample would melt slowly under the heat of the torch.", "hypothesis": "He was confident in his abilities. "} {"idx": "mnli-19156", "premise": "On the bay's southwestern promontory is the fascinating Grotta di ?\u00adNettuno (Neptune's Grotto).", "hypothesis": "The bay has a promontory towards the south west."} {"idx": "mnli-19157", "premise": "Recently designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, the wall has been the subject of a great deal of study, and a great number of excavations are now under way all along its path.", "hypothesis": "The wall is now considered a World Heritage Site"} {"idx": "mnli-19160", "premise": "Additionally, as Governor Whitman said when she testified before you in July, including CO2 in this bill will slow down, if not prevent, the consensus necessary for passage of legislation to control multiple emissions from power plants.", "hypothesis": "Governor Whitman testified for two hours before you in July."} {"idx": "mnli-19161", "premise": "'Here!' White hollered.", "hypothesis": "White yelled here."} {"idx": "mnli-19162", "premise": "that kind of a situation to come up", "hypothesis": "That sort of situation coming up"} {"idx": "mnli-19163", "premise": "The geiro, a percussion instrument made of a notched dried gourd, was developed by the Taano Indians.", "hypothesis": "Many can be found in museums today."} {"idx": "mnli-19164", "premise": "Among modern occupations, only cult leaders and TV weathermen rival the technological visionary's ability to retain credibility despite all evidence to the contrary.", "hypothesis": "TV weathermen rivals the technological visionary's ability to retain credibility despite evidence to the contrary because we rely on the weathermen for something no one else can deliver. "} {"idx": "mnli-19165", "premise": "In that respect, some participants suggested that standard setters first needed to get the basics right with the current financial reporting model, for example in areas such as accounting for pensions, post-employment benefits, and pro-forma financial statements, to help restore investor confidence.", "hypothesis": "These people were all liberals who thought the reporting model was being far too conservative."} {"idx": "mnli-19168", "premise": "so uh uh it it it is a program that requires uh dads and just and it started out with with fathers and sons", "hypothesis": "Mothers are not needed in the program."} {"idx": "mnli-19169", "premise": "because it you know it's a it's a hobby you do not want to be stressed out after playing", "hypothesis": "Hobbies should be relaxing."} {"idx": "mnli-19171", "premise": "What do you make of the fact that all the doors of the bedroom were bolted on the inside?\"", "hypothesis": "What about the bedroom doors locked from the inside, what do you think about that?"} {"idx": "mnli-19173", "premise": "The second, more important answer is that analysts are crucial contributors to short-term thinking.", "hypothesis": "There were two answers given, but the more important one to the matter was the one involving the thinking of the analysts, who were the main focus of the study."} {"idx": "mnli-19174", "premise": "You were in fact offering it, as you'll see if you go back to the original, not as a considered characterization of my views, but as a way of introducing your own traditional/cultural explanation.", "hypothesis": "If you go back and look, you'll see that you offered it in order to introduce your own explanation."} {"idx": "mnli-19177", "premise": "Just as we thought, said Sir James.", "hypothesis": "Sir James said he movie was just as they had thought it would be."} {"idx": "mnli-19178", "premise": "okay maybe maybe we're all set okay we'll talk for five minutes they interrupt at the end um yeah it says what you would have for a dinner party i just happen to plan one out for Saturday i'll tell you what i'm going to have um", "hypothesis": "I prefer to plan dinner parties for Saturdays."} {"idx": "mnli-19180", "premise": "(Better than Ted Williams even.)", "hypothesis": "Ted Williams is not as good."} {"idx": "mnli-19181", "premise": "and uh you know we i think as a family we're a lot better off", "hypothesis": "I think that we are a lot better off as a family."} {"idx": "mnli-19182", "premise": "well let me preface it i'm a i was a staff officer in Vietnam in sixty nine and seventy", "hypothesis": "Serving as staff officer has changed my viewpoint."} {"idx": "mnli-19183", "premise": "oh oh i guess that's why the actors and actresses make millions of dollars people like us you know", "hypothesis": "Some of the actors and actresses give some of their millions to good causes."} {"idx": "mnli-19184", "premise": "A Time investigation finds that nursing homes neglect Seniors have died of thirst and starvation", "hypothesis": "There are seniors that are neglected in nursing homes."} {"idx": "mnli-19185", "premise": "as well sometimes i think it's been on i think i've seen it during the day i know i've seen it during the day in Florida", "hypothesis": "I think it's during the daytime in all states."} {"idx": "mnli-19186", "premise": "But the more interesting transformation signaled by the relationship between Galoob and Lucasfilm may be the one from an economy in which companies design and make products in-house toward an economy in which those functions are separated and contracted out.", "hypothesis": "Lucasfilm and Galoob have seen a lot of success with this new strategy."} {"idx": "mnli-19188", "premise": "It leads into the Second Court, also known as the Court of the Divan, because the Imperial Council (known as the Divan) governed the Ottoman Empire from here.", "hypothesis": "All of the Imperial Council's important meetings were held in this court."} {"idx": "mnli-19189", "premise": "yeah and spend a day doing that's really neat i mean it's not a lot because you're just doing a house at a time but you know every little bit helps", "hypothesis": "Even if you're only doing a house at a time, it is still helpful."} {"idx": "mnli-19190", "premise": "Vezelay's Basilique Sainte-Madeleine, repository of relics of Mary Magdalene, is a magnificent example of French Romanesque architecture, in spite of the damage inflicted by natural disaste rs, wars, and revolution.", "hypothesis": "They have relics that belonged to Mary Magdalene."} {"idx": "mnli-19191", "premise": "What they have been offered so far is a sort of junior membership, called Partnership for Peace . PFP provides for military cooperation, but no defense guarantee.", "hypothesis": "Junior memberships have an exclusive name. "} {"idx": "mnli-19195", "premise": "Sir Thomas Modyford, the Governor of Jamaica, offered a deal to pirate ships already well established in the if the pirates protected British assets, then they were free to harass enemy shipping with impunity.", "hypothesis": "The Governor of Jamaica asked the pirates to protect British assets as part of a deal."} {"idx": "mnli-19196", "premise": "you know if i mean if they want something occasionally but most of the time if it's a need i just get it", "hypothesis": "\"I just grab it from the fridge if they need something or even if they want something occasionally.\""} {"idx": "mnli-19197", "premise": "Often, it doesn't even equal two.", "hypothesis": "A lot of the time, it never even equals one."} {"idx": "mnli-19198", "premise": "What brings all this to mind is the recent controversy over Monsanto Co.'s development of infertile seeds--seeds that yield crops that don't reproduce so that farmers have to buy new seeds each year.", "hypothesis": "Monsanto developed infertile seeds."} {"idx": "mnli-19199", "premise": "uh it's as years go by it becomes more fun now than it was twenty eight years ago you know but uh", "hypothesis": "It's more fun now than it was five years ago. "} {"idx": "mnli-19200", "premise": "We'll need food, water, and shelter.", "hypothesis": "The people need basic necessities. "} {"idx": "mnli-19202", "premise": "It began with raids on Chania and Sitaa in the 1530s by the notorious pirate, Barbarossa Khair el-Din.", "hypothesis": "Barbarossa Khair el-Din and his crew stole millions of dollars' worth of goods from Chania."} {"idx": "mnli-19203", "premise": "Jon awoke with the warm sun on his face.", "hypothesis": "Jon was awake eventually."} {"idx": "mnli-19204", "premise": "The high-quality craftwork here woodcarvings, lacquerware, and pottery is renowned throughout Japan.", "hypothesis": "Most of the items produced here are very expensive."} {"idx": "mnli-19205", "premise": "yeah a lot a lot of people uh my brother in laws are all everybody is bigger than me for the most part", "hypothesis": "I am the smallest person in my family."} {"idx": "mnli-19206", "premise": "The minarets that you see in the foreground belong to two important Islamic buildings.", "hypothesis": "In addition to buildings in the foreground, important minarets can be seen in the background."} {"idx": "mnli-19208", "premise": "Specifically, all findings should be qualified by the recognition that these tools are limited by the accuracy of the", "hypothesis": "All findings are noted as being limited by the accuracy of the tools used to reach them."} {"idx": "mnli-19209", "premise": "In that regard, the Administration is implementing two major initiatives on climate science and advanced energy and sequestration technologies.", "hypothesis": "The administration will implement initiatives on climate science and advanced energy."} {"idx": "mnli-19210", "premise": "The 16th-century City Palace on the east shore of the lake is now part royal residence, part luxury hotel, and part museum.", "hypothesis": "The City Palace converted some of its rooms into hotel rooms in the 1950s."} {"idx": "mnli-19214", "premise": "that we've been paying real close attention to that so we're using the ones that uh have the lower rate as a matter of fact the uh the uh credit union", "hypothesis": "We're watching over it, but only when things get really bad."} {"idx": "mnli-19217", "premise": "Florentine leather goods remain unequalled.", "hypothesis": "Leather products form Florence are unrivaled."} {"idx": "mnli-19218", "premise": "But until this year, U.S.", "hypothesis": "Things were the same until this year."} {"idx": "mnli-19222", "premise": "If total volume, instead of pieces per capita, were displayed on the vertical axis, then the Y-intercepts would remain unchanged but the cost curves would be parallel.", "hypothesis": "Total volume, if displayed would changed the cost curves."} {"idx": "mnli-19223", "premise": "In front of you is the Weeping Column, or the Column of St. Gregory, which has a thumb-sized hole covered with a brass plate.", "hypothesis": "The Weeping Column is where St. Gregory went to cry. "} {"idx": "mnli-19224", "premise": "Reliability does not mean that computer-processed data are error-free.", "hypothesis": "Just because it reliable, that doesnt mean that computer processed data is perfect. "} {"idx": "mnli-19225", "premise": "DirecPC is a bad choice for those who want to transmit data, because it uplinks on conventional phone lines at a paltry 28,800 bits per second.", "hypothesis": "28000 bits per second is the uplink on standard phone lines for DirecPC"} {"idx": "mnli-19227", "premise": "you know i really think this is good and that well i don't know i think we need that but i know i need it", "hypothesis": "I think this is pretty good and I know I need this new cellphone"} {"idx": "mnli-19228", "premise": "With only one lawyer and one paralegal in its Clay County branch office in Green Cove Springs, the non-profit agency handled more than 300 cases last year, said Michael Figgins, executive director.", "hypothesis": "The Green Cove Springs branch handled over 300 cases the previous year. "} {"idx": "mnli-19230", "premise": "Those who don't want to drive or walk around it can take the ferry, which travels down the whole length of the lake from Glenridding to Pooley Bridge.", "hypothesis": "The ferry is nice and affordable for those that don't want to walk."} {"idx": "mnli-19233", "premise": "Nowadays, popular cinemas have found an appropriate home on the boulevards, for it was at the Hetel Scribe, near the Opera, that the Lumiare brothers staged the first public moving picture show in 1895.", "hypothesis": "The first public moving picture show was at the Hetel Scribe. "} {"idx": "mnli-19235", "premise": "Revolving funds need capital in their operations and may invest some of that", "hypothesis": "Revolving funds need more capital than anything in the world."} {"idx": "mnli-19238", "premise": "was sinking the Titanic on the Strip in what is the show's signature amazing special effect.", "hypothesis": "The Titanic show has amazing special effects."} {"idx": "mnli-19239", "premise": "The preamble to the rule contains summaries of the aforementioned assessments.", "hypothesis": "The paragraphs prior to the rule summarize the evaluations."} {"idx": "mnli-19240", "premise": "The statue is hollow, and you can climb a staircase inside to look out through a window between the Buddha's shoulders.A temple was originally built to house the figure, but this structure was destroyed in a tidal wave in 1495.", "hypothesis": "There is a staircase leading up to a window between the Buddha's shoulders."} {"idx": "mnli-19241", "premise": "yeah i i think really probably what hit people's you know i know that here in the up in the uh uh the the New England area and also in in Pennsylvania Ohio and New York the just run all of a sudden we're out of landfill", "hypothesis": "the New England area doesn't have much of a practical choice but to recycle, because the landfills are full"} {"idx": "mnli-19242", "premise": "'They don't want you at all, except in pieces,' he said.", "hypothesis": "He was trying to protect me with the warning. "} {"idx": "mnli-19243", "premise": "Make sure the ropes stay tight while we see if the thing can be moved.\" He started to slip over the side, hanging by his fingertips.", "hypothesis": "He was trying to move the thing by hanging from his fingertips."} {"idx": "mnli-19244", "premise": "The management of human capital has gained recognition as a significant part of internal control.", "hypothesis": "Human capital gets recognition as an important part of internal control."} {"idx": "mnli-19245", "premise": "wow you have three children boys girls i have uh three as well uh mine are uh uh twenty five twenty four and twenty one the numbers keep changing so it's hard for me to remember", "hypothesis": "I feel bad I can't keep up with my kids' ages."} {"idx": "mnli-19246", "premise": "that's right and even even using it as much as i do you know and you'd you'd oh well i did that i know i did that you know and then the results come back and no you didn't they catch you every time", "hypothesis": "The results did not come back positive every time so I did not always get caught."} {"idx": "mnli-19247", "premise": "We will look at the chest, although \u201dbut no matter \u201dwe will examine it all the same.\" We entered the house by one of the windows. ", "hypothesis": "We want to take a look at the house."} {"idx": "mnli-19248", "premise": "One Hong Kong-based brokerage estimates that inflows will grow to $75.", "hypothesis": "A Hong Kong brokerage estimates an increase of $75 to inflows. "} {"idx": "mnli-19250", "premise": "Computers set up similar conditions, with the idea that the results would apply to the original.", "hypothesis": "The computer expected some similar results."} {"idx": "mnli-19252", "premise": "Even so, its ascendancy is troublesome.", "hypothesis": "Its ascendancy is problematic even so."} {"idx": "mnli-19255", "premise": "Preston Bryant, R-Lynchburg, won't be addressed until next year after the Virginia Housing Commission, prompted by a Senate Joint Resolution, offers its recommendations based on a statewide study of rent-to-own contracts and other housing issues.", "hypothesis": "The Virginia Housing Commission has recommendations for rent-to-own contracts."} {"idx": "mnli-19256", "premise": "Hundreds of hotels have sprung up along the sandy beaches, and these have been followed by restaurants, bars, and shops, making today's Sharm El-Sheikh not just a diving destination but a true tourist resort.", "hypothesis": "Sharm El-Sheikh has transformed from just a diving destination to a real tourist resort."} {"idx": "mnli-19257", "premise": "Both magazines move to the pox on all your houses stance.", "hypothesis": "The magazines dislike the republican party. "} {"idx": "mnli-19259", "premise": "The U.S. team won every major end-of-the-year award.", "hypothesis": "There exist multiple major end-of-the-year awards."} {"idx": "mnli-19260", "premise": "but uh we usually go to uh a lake area you know where the campsites are and do that uh", "hypothesis": "We go to a lake area to camp."} {"idx": "mnli-19262", "premise": "right yeah yes we have one of those in town uh-huh", "hypothesis": "Yes, we own one of the largest ones in town. "} {"idx": "mnli-19264", "premise": "The determination of the most relevant information to be presented should be made by the preparer; however, reporting at the entity level shall be more specific than at the governmentwide level.", "hypothesis": "Reporting at the entity level should be more specific than at the governmentwide level."} {"idx": "mnli-19266", "premise": "Some picnickers say they're doing the animal a favor, giving it a chance of a better reincarnation.", "hypothesis": "Many picnickers are vegetarians."} {"idx": "mnli-19268", "premise": "In the middle of the 19th century, it fell victim to the urban planning of Baron Haussmann.", "hypothesis": "Baron Haussmann had urban plans in the 19th century."} {"idx": "mnli-19269", "premise": "yeah uh it's probably what i'm paying now for an apartment is six twenty five", "hypothesis": "That's pretty standard for an apartment my size. "} {"idx": "mnli-19270", "premise": "An observer familiar with the reconfiguration debate who requested anonymity wondered why Dudovitz had not spent more time mending fences.", "hypothesis": "An observer spoke as long as he could be anonymous."} {"idx": "mnli-19271", "premise": "The classical design was taken from examples in Athens.", "hypothesis": "The design is a copy of examples from Athens."} {"idx": "mnli-19272", "premise": "For others, the climb is an exercise in self-discipline and physical purification.", "hypothesis": "The climb helps with your self-discipline and purifies you."} {"idx": "mnli-19273", "premise": "Originally constructed in 1923 to promote real estate sales in the neighborhood then called Hollywoodland, the 50-foot (15-m) letters were abbreviated in later years and replaced due to age in 1978.", "hypothesis": "When the letters were abbreviated, it led to an outcry."} {"idx": "mnli-19274", "premise": "A legitimate businessman, Hughes was nonetheless eccentric and dramatic, a style suited to the Las Vegas ethos.", "hypothesis": "There are few Legitimate businessmen in Las Vegas. "} {"idx": "mnli-19275", "premise": "The shorter of the two men pointed and the larger one moved off to block the man and the donkey.", "hypothesis": "The donkey was carrying heavy objects on it's back."} {"idx": "mnli-19276", "premise": "Chatterbox Like I said, it was Mitchell's idea.", "hypothesis": "I told you, Micheal created Chatterbox."} {"idx": "mnli-19278", "premise": "The winstubs of its old neighborhoods are gathering places for university students whose predecessors include Goethe.", "hypothesis": "The students have a wonderful time hanging out threre. "} {"idx": "mnli-19279", "premise": "and the shrimp turn pink then you remove it and you put it on a platter and then you serve it with melted butter and uh", "hypothesis": "Serve the shrimp after you have chilled them completely."} {"idx": "mnli-19280", "premise": "Then th' Mexes take them Anglo hosses south an' sell 'em, where their brands ain't gonna git nobody into noose trouble.", "hypothesis": "You cannot sell the Anglo horses otherwise."} {"idx": "mnli-19282", "premise": "well do you have do you have any like Chucky Cheese or trying to", "hypothesis": "Do you have a Chucky Cheese?"} {"idx": "mnli-19283", "premise": "I couldn't wait to get e-mail at my office, because I hate returning phone calls.", "hypothesis": "I've been waiting two weeks for the office to get my email working again. "} {"idx": "mnli-19284", "premise": "And the whole concept of it seemed What vegetarian wants to eat something labeled as steak, even if it is molded soy protein?", "hypothesis": "Vegetarian wants to label molded soy protein as steak because it makes them feel as though they are eating meat."} {"idx": "mnli-19285", "premise": "Southwest of the Invalides is the Ecole Militaire, where officers have trained since the middle of the 18th century.", "hypothesis": "Southwest of the Invalides is the Ecole Militaire, where officers have trained and studied since the middle of the 18th century. "} {"idx": "mnli-19286", "premise": "you know her car died on the highway and i happened to be with her and managed to get her to the other side of the road because it was dark and all", "hypothesis": "Since it was dark, I was able to get her car to the other side of the highway when it died."} {"idx": "mnli-19287", "premise": "A Drudge Report world Susan McDougal no longer carries a torch for ex-lover William Jefferson Clinton.", "hypothesis": "Susan McDougal isn't interested in making up with her ex, William Jefferson Clinton."} {"idx": "mnli-19289", "premise": "expect to have a high attendance and uh what what about your your ball park in in Raleigh uh the minor league ball park in Durham", "hypothesis": "There is a minor league team in Durham."} {"idx": "mnli-19290", "premise": "Many Republicans thought Bush's dad lost in 1992 because he was out of touch.", "hypothesis": "Bush's Dad lost in 1992 because of a generational shift."} {"idx": "mnli-19292", "premise": "It is possible that there might be one large silo serving several units with more than one feed off of it, or, that individual silos may be needed.", "hypothesis": "It is not impossible that a single silo might serve multiple units."} {"idx": "mnli-19293", "premise": "well it's it's it's business and they're making money off that", "hypothesis": "They're making money off their business."} {"idx": "mnli-19298", "premise": "Pardon me, madame, for recalling unpleasant memories, but I have a little idea \u201dPoirot's \"little ideas\" were becoming a perfect byword \u201d\"and would like to ask one or two questions.\"", "hypothesis": "The woman was wary of answering because she did not want to relive the unpleasant experience."} {"idx": "mnli-19299", "premise": "Germany celebrated the 10 th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.", "hypothesis": "The 10th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall was celebrated by Germany."} {"idx": "mnli-19302", "premise": "Since an ACI system is much smaller and uses substantially less steel than an SCR or FGD system, cranes and other lifting equipment can be of low to moderate lifting capacity.", "hypothesis": "Cranes of large capacity are not required anymore."} {"idx": "mnli-19303", "premise": "But the increase in this figure is due entirely to the rise in state and local taxes.", "hypothesis": "Local taxes have increased more than state taxes."} {"idx": "mnli-19306", "premise": "Neither does he provide any answers to the problem, merely a wistful remembrance of how good it was.", "hypothesis": "He doesn't give any answers to the problem, just talks about how great it was."} {"idx": "mnli-19307", "premise": " A'deem picked up a pair of linked dried sausages and swung them.", "hypothesis": "A'deem swung the sausages and they hit Jon in the face. "} {"idx": "mnli-19308", "premise": " In the 1980s, the focus of the abortion controversy shifted to the relative rights of the prospective mother and her potential offspring.", "hypothesis": "People started to value a prospective mother's rights over a fetus's. "} {"idx": "mnli-19309", "premise": "The huge man's cry ceased when a lead ball from Adrin's pistol crashed through his skull.", "hypothesis": "Adrin shot the man once in the skull and he died."} {"idx": "mnli-19313", "premise": "A third came around the corner with a two handed sword.", "hypothesis": "Another came around the corner with a sword."} {"idx": "mnli-19316", "premise": "Republican term limit traitors don't need to apologize for changing their minds, which they have every right to do.", "hypothesis": "Republican term limit traitors have the right to change their minds about no longer wanting to limit senator terms. "} {"idx": "mnli-19324", "premise": "He ate a solitary supper and went to sleep.", "hypothesis": "He ate by himself before falling asleep."} {"idx": "mnli-19325", "premise": "You can make a case that the appointments mess is more aesthetic than substantive.", "hypothesis": "You can make a case that the appointments mess is more aesthetic than substantive."} {"idx": "mnli-19326", "premise": "Also in the area are Formentera's salt pans, Las Salinas.", "hypothesis": "Las Salinas produce 100 metric tons of salt every season."} {"idx": "mnli-19327", "premise": "The game's current stars declared Woods the best player in the world and possibly in history.", "hypothesis": "Wood has been called the best player in the world."} {"idx": "mnli-19328", "premise": "No changes of any kind are advocated.", "hypothesis": "Changes should be avoided."} {"idx": "mnli-19331", "premise": "As far away as Santa Fe he had heard of Rennie's Range and Don Cazar (the name the Mexicans had given its owner, Hunt Rennie).", "hypothesis": "Hunt Rennie was a well known restaurant owner."} {"idx": "mnli-19332", "premise": "Prototype hardware is key to testing for reliability growth.", "hypothesis": "Growing reliability is done by testing prototype hardware."} {"idx": "mnli-19333", "premise": "The Postal Service has an additional disadvantage because city carriers deliver only addressed advertising mail.", "hypothesis": "Only city carriers deliver advertising mail."} {"idx": "mnli-19335", "premise": "Legal service providers have long served large Latino populations, who have cultural diversity but share a common language.", "hypothesis": "Latino populations may be large but they still have a common language. "} {"idx": "mnli-19336", "premise": "The museum distinguishes itself, they say, by focusing on aspects of Jewish culture other than the Holocaust (Jews are shown as they might have liked to be remembered, rather than as victims).", "hypothesis": "The museum offers other Jewish culture experience apart from the Holocaust."} {"idx": "mnli-19338", "premise": "His eyes avoided the other, and he seemed uncomfortable.", "hypothesis": "His discomfort could be seen in the aversion of his eyes."} {"idx": "mnli-19339", "premise": "Although the Board does not have authority to set audit standards, it established RSSI with the expectation that OMB and GAO will, in collaboration, determine appropriate audit procedures for this information.", "hypothesis": "RSSI, OMB, and GAO will decide on procedures appropriate for auditing. "} {"idx": "mnli-19341", "premise": "The portion is tiny, the chicken is in rubbery cubes so uniform they barely look like food, and the noodles are all clumped together on one side.", "hypothesis": "The food was small with rubbery chicken."} {"idx": "mnli-19342", "premise": "Funding was declining or stagnant, many people in leadership positions were weary after years of fighting for survival, demand for the delivery of quality legal services was increasing, staff were questioning their work environments and their personal goals, technology was fundamentally changing the practice of law, and society was growing increasingly inhospitable to the needs of poor people.", "hypothesis": "Staff were becoming more burnt out as a result of increasing demand."} {"idx": "mnli-19343", "premise": "Behind me, the carriage doors are forced open and five men in body armour burst in.", "hypothesis": "Five men tried to kill us."} {"idx": "mnli-19344", "premise": "oh well i guess there were i guess it was pretty popular because there was quite a lot of Twin Peak conversation", "hypothesis": "Twin Peaks is very well known among my circle."} {"idx": "mnli-19345", "premise": "and when they do that they begin paying interest right from that very day on", "hypothesis": "The interest starts at noon on that day."} {"idx": "mnli-19346", "premise": "If they would, medical journals might need to be educated to accept articles from non-MDs.", "hypothesis": "Non-MDs can offer valuable input."} {"idx": "mnli-19348", "premise": "well you've you've got a point there but um do you think one appeal is is too stringent", "hypothesis": "I did not think about it that way til you mentioned that."} {"idx": "mnli-19349", "premise": "News keeps changing the rules simply in order to change the results.", "hypothesis": "The news constantly change the rules, only so they can change the results."} {"idx": "mnli-19350", "premise": "The phrase present in the United States appears to have originated in proposed legislation that would have expanded the categories of aliens eligible for LSC funded representation.", "hypothesis": "There is a special category for aliens eligible for LSC funded representation."} {"idx": "mnli-19352", "premise": "Historical FFA data were downloaded from the Federal Reserve Board www.federalreserve.gov/releases/Z1/Current/data.htm and reflect data presented in Flow of Funds Accounts of the United Flows and Outstandings, Fourth Quarter 2000", "hypothesis": "The data was useful in determining where to make budget cuts."} {"idx": "mnli-19354", "premise": "Moreover, only they can ensure that results-oriented management will endure despite the customarily high rate of turnover among political appointees.", "hypothesis": "Quarterly reviews are a part of results oriented management."} {"idx": "mnli-19356", "premise": "She too is from the north but we met east of here outside of Tog Aru.", "hypothesis": "She was 20 miles east of here."} {"idx": "mnli-19357", "premise": "The federal government's effect on net national saving has varied widely over the past 40 years.", "hypothesis": "The government's effect has proved more negative than positive during the past four decades."} {"idx": "mnli-19358", "premise": "And with that cinched into place, the black stood quietly beside Croaker.", "hypothesis": "The black beside Croaker had been docile all morning."} {"idx": "mnli-19360", "premise": "Sometimes it was too small, and sometimes too big, and sometimes not in the right place.", "hypothesis": "The object did not fit the needs."} {"idx": "mnli-19361", "premise": "But the expansion of the Secret Service has normalized a paramilitary presidency.", "hypothesis": "The Secret Service has greatly expanded since 1960."} {"idx": "mnli-19362", "premise": "Most city delivery routes are park-and-loop routes.", "hypothesis": "Most delivery routes in the city are park-and-loop routes."} {"idx": "mnli-19364", "premise": "Well, said the Industrialist, \"there's no harm in that.", "hypothesis": "\"Well,\" said the Industrialist, \"we should probably try that.\""} {"idx": "mnli-19367", "premise": "Many of these wintry items are imported from the north of Portugal.", "hypothesis": "Portugal earns 6% of their GDP with these wintry exports."} {"idx": "mnli-19368", "premise": "The Wall Street Journal declared it the latest sign of an American moral apocalypse littered with condoms, fear of school prayer, hysteria over Gen.", "hypothesis": "According to the Wall Street Journal, casual sex and lack of school prayer are omens of a dystopian future."} {"idx": "mnli-19369", "premise": "It's an eternal controversy, and not even the pope can resolve it.", "hypothesis": "The disarmament of Catholics is something not even the pope can resolve."} {"idx": "mnli-19371", "premise": "The Committee supports LSC's efforts to streamline its service area configurations through the State planning process.", "hypothesis": "The committee supports the LSC's plan to simplify their bureaucratic mess."} {"idx": "mnli-19374", "premise": "Its natural harbor, surrounded by green hills, is one of the most attractive in the world.", "hypothesis": "The natural harbour is one of the prettiest in the world."} {"idx": "mnli-19375", "premise": "you oh how neat", "hypothesis": "That's really cool."} {"idx": "mnli-19376", "premise": "get anywhere you need to go anytime you need to get there", "hypothesis": "You're able to get to anywhere you need."} {"idx": "mnli-19377", "premise": "Identity , by Milan Kundera, translated by Linda Asher (Harper Flamingo).", "hypothesis": "Linda Asher has translated other books prior to Identity."} {"idx": "mnli-19378", "premise": "so uh tell me about changes from say twenty years ago since you were an adult twenty years ago", "hypothesis": "Tell me about the differences twenty years ago when you were still an adult."} {"idx": "mnli-19379", "premise": "Thus, it is clear that Congress crafted the certification provision as a carefully balanced compromise that ensures the President can protect the confidentiality of highly sensitive information, the disclosure of which would substantially impair the operations of government, while affording the Comptroller General the access to information he needs to fulfill his responsibilities under the law.", "hypothesis": "The President must protect confidential policy information."} {"idx": "mnli-19382", "premise": "Recent economic research estimated that increasing saving as a share of GDP by one percentage point above the 1999 rate would boost GDP enough to cover 95 percent of the increase in elderly costs between now and 2050.", "hypothesis": "If the Government just increased savings by two percent since 1999 it would be enough to cover all of the elderly costs until 2050."} {"idx": "mnli-19383", "premise": "Unlike the universities, the military has none of the notorious statistics about dropouts and racial separatism and it has many success stories, such as Colin Powell's.", "hypothesis": "The military does not have racial separation or dropouts, unlike universities. "} {"idx": "mnli-19384", "premise": "As did many of you in this room, I started my legal aid journey fresh out of law school in 1975.", "hypothesis": "I had always wanted to embark on a legal aid journey since starting law school."} {"idx": "mnli-19385", "premise": "Their unique Chartres blue and deep red bring an ethereal light into the nave, especially when the late-afternoon sun is shining through the western rosewindow depicting the Last Judgment.", "hypothesis": "The sunlight provides a natural light show. "} {"idx": "mnli-19387", "premise": "yeah the the lease can work uh work two ways it can work to your benefit too where uh they can't increase your your rent uh if something goes wrong with with a written lease but with an oral lease they can so it works both ways", "hypothesis": "The lease can work to your advantage in that they cannot increase your rent."} {"idx": "mnli-19389", "premise": "Killed by a blow to the head, she was perhaps L.A.'s first murder victim.", "hypothesis": "The first woman murdered in L.A. died from head trauma."} {"idx": "mnli-19391", "premise": "How, under the surface, behind that psychic shield, is a tender creature who's hiding his humanity.", "hypothesis": "He hides his feelings because of some kind of past trauma."} {"idx": "mnli-19394", "premise": "That partial-birth abortion is rare and inessential makes it easier, no doubt, for the AMA and pro-choice politicians like Republican Sen.", "hypothesis": "They would use anything to make their point."} {"idx": "mnli-19395", "premise": "Proudly emblazoned with the Lion of St. Mark, the ports and fortifications of Iraklion (called Candia under Venetian rule, as was the whole of Crete), Chania, and Rethymnon bear witness to the Venetians' ambitious public building program.", "hypothesis": "Under Venetian rule, Iraklion was referred as Candia."} {"idx": "mnli-19397", "premise": "The amount of cash flow equal to book value is an exchange of one asset for another of equal recorded value and therefore is not recognized as a gain, a revenue, or an other financing source.", "hypothesis": "The concept is unimportant and confusing. "} {"idx": "mnli-19399", "premise": "Ain't the Internet grand?)", "hypothesis": "Isn't the Internet nice?"} {"idx": "mnli-19400", "premise": "Congress designated a specific set of rights and guarantees for H-2A workers, including workers compensation, housing, and other benefits to ensure that these statutory goals were met.", "hypothesis": "Dental and vision benefits are included in the rights set by Congress for H-2A workers."} {"idx": "mnli-19401", "premise": "Occasionally a sodden leaf drifted silently down, startling them with its cold touch on their cheek.", "hypothesis": "Occasionally a brightly colored leaf would drift silently down, startling them with its cold touch on their cheek."} {"idx": "mnli-19402", "premise": "This brief period may have been the most fertile of his career.", "hypothesis": "The rest of his career would be a steady roll downhill."} {"idx": "mnli-19408", "premise": "Also here is the Hongkong Heritage Museum (call Tel. 2180 8188 for open hours).", "hypothesis": "You can call the telephone number to find out when the Museum is open. "} {"idx": "mnli-19409", "premise": "uh so we see uh the ones that have been out for a while i was trying to think what the last movie that we went to see was probably Russia House with uh Sean Connery and uh", "hypothesis": "We don't go out to watch movies in a theater very often."} {"idx": "mnli-19411", "premise": "But making sense of his active, prolific career as a therapist and thinker was difficult, as Winnicott pointed out, even before his career as a liar was uncovered.", "hypothesis": "Hi career as a liar was not as prolific as his others."} {"idx": "mnli-19413", "premise": "Its two lower stories have a remarkable carved frieze representing scenes from the Mahabharata and Ramayana epics.", "hypothesis": "The Mahabharata has many war stories that teach valuable lessons."} {"idx": "mnli-19415", "premise": "we'll we'll have a couple of months to come up with some new ideas", "hypothesis": "We have a few months to think up new ideas."} {"idx": "mnli-19416", "premise": "uh-huh yeah um i'm in college and i'm i'm only twenty one but we had a speech i had a speech class last semester and there was a girl in my class who did a speech on home care of the elderly", "hypothesis": "I'm 21 and in college and there is a girl in my speech class, who gave a speech on elder home care."} {"idx": "mnli-19417", "premise": "From exile in the United States he argued for Cuban independence.", "hypothesis": "He spoke about Cuban independence when in the United States. "} {"idx": "mnli-19418", "premise": "However, the estimates indicate that there is ample steel and general construction labor to support the installation of these technologies over these time periods.", "hypothesis": "Steel is a very common metal and it is very cheap to manufacture."} {"idx": "mnli-19420", "premise": "Fred Hanna's in Nassau Street sells new and secondhand books, posters and old postcards, and has a good children's section.", "hypothesis": "Fred Hanna's, which deals with new and used goods, is located in Nassau Street. "} {"idx": "mnli-19422", "premise": "The intersection of Via Vittorio Emanuele and Via Maqueda is the town's historic center, Quattro Canti (Four Corners), in a characteristic setting of two great Baroque churches (San Giuseppe dei Teatini and Santa Caterina), the monumental 16th-century Pretoria Fountain by a Florentine sculptor, and the piazza of the same name.", "hypothesis": "The Pretoria Fountain was created in the 16th century."} {"idx": "mnli-19423", "premise": "To address these risks, many of which did not exist prior to extensive use of networks, electronic mail, and the Internet, the organizations had begun placing", "hypothesis": "Many risks didn't exist before networks were used a lot."} {"idx": "mnli-19424", "premise": "but it's just a scary thought every time i certainly don't want to be like that someday", "hypothesis": "I will avoid becoming like that at all costs."} {"idx": "mnli-19428", "premise": "Time Series Analysis Organization of information within each site by time of occurrence, coupled with a systematic analysis of contextual influences on events, permits a", "hypothesis": "Very few organizations make use of this kind of analysis."} {"idx": "mnli-19430", "premise": "I saw two spearmen kill a horned and tusked war brill called Dunelord.", "hypothesis": "Dunelord was a horned war brill but is no longer a live. "} {"idx": "mnli-19432", "premise": "Yes, we shall see. We had reached Leastways Cottage, and Poirot ushered me upstairs to his own room. ", "hypothesis": "We reached the cottage."} {"idx": "mnli-19433", "premise": "Most of the lawyers who volunteered Tuesday were corporate attorneys, many of them inexperienced with family law.", "hypothesis": "Corporate attorneys inexperienced with family law composed most of the lawyers who volunteered Tuesday."} {"idx": "mnli-19434", "premise": "yeah and he hasn't really shown the the talent uh or the promise that they saw when he was at Oklahoma State", "hypothesis": "He hasn't really played as well as he did when he was at Oklahoma State."} {"idx": "mnli-19436", "premise": "that's like my husband does that he can watch them over and over and i'm there's very few i would want to see that many times so he he once he has one he likes he likes to watch it over and over", "hypothesis": "My husband will watch the same movie twice in one day."} {"idx": "mnli-19437", "premise": "The shogunate founded great numbers of Zen temples in Kamakura.", "hypothesis": "In Kamakura, there are a large number of Zen temples."} {"idx": "mnli-19438", "premise": "Menorca gets big-time package holidaymakers, especially from Great Britain, and beaches and roads get awfully crowded in the height of the summer season, but the island seldom feels frenetic.", "hypothesis": "Menorca's road system sometimes cannot handle traffic volumes in summer."} {"idx": "mnli-19441", "premise": "but i i don't know how much of a deterrent it really is", "hypothesis": "But I don't know if it would stop violent crimes at all."} {"idx": "mnli-19445", "premise": "Case Studies in Science Education", "hypothesis": "Science studies are vital"} {"idx": "mnli-19446", "premise": "That would be good, but how is it to be done?", "hypothesis": "I like that but how can we do it?"} {"idx": "mnli-19448", "premise": "The mills in North Carolina exist because textile capital migrated from the Northeast in pursuit of low wages, no unions, and cheaper materials.", "hypothesis": "The mills of North Carolina are related to the mills in the Northeast."} {"idx": "mnli-19452", "premise": "Kanazawa is still considered an archetypal castle town, even though the university now occupies the spot once dominated by the long-destroyed castle.", "hypothesis": "Kanazawa was a town with five castles in it."} {"idx": "mnli-19453", "premise": "ACTIVITY - The actual work task or step performed in producing and delivering products and services.", "hypothesis": "The services are delivered in a timely manner."} {"idx": "mnli-19454", "premise": "She's in no immediate danger, because if we tumble on to anything, she'd be damned useful to them.", "hypothesis": "They set her up knowing the danger she would face."} {"idx": "mnli-19455", "premise": "The Roman basilica's long colonnaded nave leading to an apse gave way to the Greek cross with a central space surrounded by arches and topped by a dome.", "hypothesis": "The Roman basilica features a Greek cross."} {"idx": "mnli-19460", "premise": "like uh uh recently i was reported as having JC Penney accounts and i don't so i called JC Penney and i said uh i just wanted to let you know that the credit agency you're using is incorrectly reporting the information that you're providing to them and they say uh-huh because they really don't want to pay for services that's not being done properly either so then they can call", "hypothesis": "It said I had an account with JCP that I closed years ago."} {"idx": "mnli-19462", "premise": "Such representation was intended to prevent the exploitation of foreign H-2A workers and to ensure that the wages and working conditions of U.S. workers would not be undermined.", "hypothesis": "Without representation H-2A workers might be exploited."} {"idx": "mnli-19464", "premise": "Clean coal technology regulatory incentives. ", "hypothesis": "There are incentives linked to clean coal regulation."} {"idx": "mnli-19466", "premise": "In the last few lines of his book, Siegel waxes strangely ", "hypothesis": "Siegel's book ends wierd, he seems to have just abruptly ended the story."} {"idx": "mnli-19467", "premise": "A side road makes it easy to visit Gorkha, ancestral seat of the Shah dynasty and city from which the unification of Nepal was begun.", "hypothesis": "A side road leads to the town of Gorkha."} {"idx": "mnli-19468", "premise": "When Seleucid rulers outlawed Judaism, Jews led by Judah Maccabee and his brothers staged a revolution in 167 b.c. and, against all odds, restored the primacy of Jewish religious life in Jerusalem.", "hypothesis": "Judah Maccabee went on to become a legend among the Jewish people."} {"idx": "mnli-19470", "premise": "Tight immigrant networks (the personal kind) help publicize the most effective attorneys.", "hypothesis": "Some attorneys are much more skilled at immigrant rights then other attorneys."} {"idx": "mnli-19474", "premise": "But the TV-Internet disclosure disparity is hard to justify in principle and points to potential abuses down the road.", "hypothesis": "They were aware of the issues that could arise."} {"idx": "mnli-19475", "premise": "Joan McQuay, National Benefit Control and Debt Manager, Work and Income New Zealand", "hypothesis": "McQuay has been the head of Benefit Control for ten years."} {"idx": "mnli-19479", "premise": "I smelled something acrid.", "hypothesis": "The stench of the spilled substances filled the air with a strong acrid odor."} {"idx": "mnli-19480", "premise": "Both interest earnings and interest expense are included in the trust fund balance.", "hypothesis": "Interest earnings and interest expense are not the only things used to calculate the trust fund balance."} {"idx": "mnli-19482", "premise": "The signatories, who were the Chinese viceroy from Canton and the minister plenipotentiary of the United States of America, put their names to a historic document the first-ever treaty between the two countries.", "hypothesis": "The Chinese viceroy was best friends with the minister plenipotentiary of the United States."} {"idx": "mnli-19489", "premise": "Abortion is necessarily an ugly business, and it doesn't do them any good to debate the extent of its ugliness.", "hypothesis": "The abortion business is shunned upon."} {"idx": "mnli-19490", "premise": "In 1991, when Disney re-released the animated 101 Dalmatians , demand for Dalmatians soared.", "hypothesis": "People really wanted Dalmatians after Disney re-released 101 Dalmatians. "} {"idx": "mnli-19491", "premise": "But in a hostile takeover, it seems pretty clear, one plus one generally doesn't equal three.", "hypothesis": "One plus one doesn't equal to three under most circumstances, anyway."} {"idx": "mnli-19499", "premise": "In a rulemaking proceeding conducted in the late 1980s at the request of a mailer, the Commission addressed the question of the Postal Service's authority to negotiate rate changes in the form of a proposal to recognize contract rates.", "hypothesis": "The Commission helped the Postal Service reevaluate its negotiated rate changes and the formation of contract rate proposals."} {"idx": "mnli-19504", "premise": "and i think that when she passed away it was probably one of the greatest um i i i think it would be it was more of a relief for her", "hypothesis": "I think that her death was a huge release for her; she suffered so much."} {"idx": "mnli-19507", "premise": "The federal government decided to allow car owners to disconnect their air bags, which, according to government estimates, are killing one child per month and are on track to kill one child per week as more and more cars feature them.", "hypothesis": "Air bags are expected to kill about 24 kids monthly that's why the government allowed car owners to disconnect them."} {"idx": "mnli-19511", "premise": "In some cases, respondents had questions about the specific reporting requirements or requested clarification on particular items.", "hypothesis": "Respondents questioned the specific reporting requirements for the non-profits."} {"idx": "mnli-19516", "premise": "As the sun set, Ca'daan realized that he had wandered throughout the entire day.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan decided to set up camp for the night."} {"idx": "mnli-19527", "premise": "and i i just think that it's kind of i do n't know it's kind of cruel you know they just they just breed these they breed them before they're ready uh and", "hypothesis": "They should be a few years old before they are bread"} {"idx": "mnli-19531", "premise": "The rooms are still decorated and furnished with the Baroque pomp of the 17th and 18th centuries and reconstructed following Allied bomb damage in 1943.", "hypothesis": "The Baroque furnishings include Venetian glass chandeliers."} {"idx": "mnli-19534", "premise": "Three things you will need if you are a 110-year-old black writer intent on composing your autobiography on a manual typewriter in an outdoor location where New York police officers may happen to walk by.", "hypothesis": "Hipsters rely on manual typewriters to write with."} {"idx": "mnli-19536", "premise": "do you still have the uh train set", "hypothesis": "That train set I gave you as a child -- do you still have it?"} {"idx": "mnli-19537", "premise": "Chimpanzees, our nearest relatives, are political animals.", "hypothesis": "Chimpanzees can be seen practicing forms of democracy in the wild."} {"idx": "mnli-19543", "premise": "well do you think we've covered baseball", "hypothesis": "after we cover baseball we're doing football"} {"idx": "mnli-19544", "premise": "The Byzantines built the splendid gate on the ruins of earlier ones.", "hypothesis": "The Byzantines had pride in their construction."} {"idx": "mnli-19550", "premise": "Reporting will ordinarily include data in nominal dollars on investment for the year being reported upon and the preceding 4 years.", "hypothesis": "Reporting usually includes the data as measured by dollars on investment in innovation."} {"idx": "mnli-19552", "premise": "But bizarrely, 1.7 million of those votes were for Kemal Ataterk.", "hypothesis": "The votes for Kemal Ataterk might have been miscounted."} {"idx": "mnli-19555", "premise": "where do do uh do you deal with taxes much in what you do when you work or", "hypothesis": "Work expenses are a heavily taxed industry."} {"idx": "mnli-19568", "premise": "It was dark outside.", "hypothesis": "There was fog."} {"idx": "mnli-19570", "premise": "You do not see? ", "hypothesis": "It is hard to understand. "} {"idx": "mnli-19571", "premise": "You'll have breathtaking views acroseto the peak of Mont Blanc and the whole roof of the western Alps.", "hypothesis": "The view of the mountains is unparalleled in the rest of the country."} {"idx": "mnli-19576", "premise": "and it wasn't our freedom that you were saving it was just the thing the thing that that uh that i saw was okay Iraq wants to raise oil prices Kuwait wants to take Iraq out of the whole system by leaving them independent", "hypothesis": "Kuwait wants to leave Iraq on it's own."} {"idx": "mnli-19588", "premise": "Pierre Belain d'Esnambuc, the Norman adventurer who first claimed Martinique for France, also has a statue here, but cast in less regal bronze.", "hypothesis": "Martinique was claimed for France by Pierre Belain d'Esnambuc in the 14th century. "} {"idx": "mnli-19590", "premise": "One oddity to the church is called la catedral de Santa Maria de las Neus (Our Lady of the Snows) a rather offbeat choice of a patron saint for this sunny part of the world.", "hypothesis": "Since the weather is so warm, the church decided to dedicate its cathedral to the Lady of the Snows to bring about a cooler weather."} {"idx": "mnli-19595", "premise": "You and Miss Howard seem to know what you are talking about, I observed coldly. ", "hypothesis": "The two of you have been hiding something from me, I said."} {"idx": "mnli-19597", "premise": " Constrained by the limited water supply and the absence of an airport, the pace of construction and change have been kept within reasonable bounds, with regulations stipulating, for instance, that buildings may not rise higher than four storeys.", "hypothesis": "There are plans to build an airport with the next decade."} {"idx": "mnli-19598", "premise": "i know excuse me just a minute i think Katy get off the phone", "hypothesis": "Katy is being annoying on the phone and I hate her."} {"idx": "mnli-19605", "premise": "According to EPA, OIRA raised some concerns about the scope of information collection requirements initially proposed by EPA.", "hypothesis": "Some concerns about the scope of information collection requirements proposed by EPA have been raised by OIRA, reported the news."} {"idx": "mnli-19610", "premise": "yeah sure but they played like professionals exactly right", "hypothesis": "I was proud and impressed watching them get their professionalism on!"} {"idx": "mnli-19617", "premise": "We have a very formidable adversary.", "hypothesis": "The adversary is the devil."} {"idx": "mnli-19621", "premise": "and it's like i said at our expense", "hypothesis": "Keeping murderers alive in prison for the rest of their lives is at our expense."} {"idx": "mnli-19627", "premise": "Our previous reports looked at such issues as how companies matched customer needs and resources, tested products, assured quality, and managed suppliers and are listed in related GAO products at the end of the report.", "hypothesis": "We thought that the related GAO products section was the best place to list the previous reports for ease of reference."} {"idx": "mnli-19629", "premise": "They failed, though one effort was close enough, but their attempts would not have been made at all if they had not been convinced through their arts that you can succeed with the sky.\" Dave shook his head.", "hypothesis": "They lost their confidence in Dave. "} {"idx": "mnli-19630", "premise": "Each year, OIM staff assists our grantees in verifying the reporting of CSR data through the annual self-inspection process.", "hypothesis": "The self inspection process is conducted by the assistant night manager."} {"idx": "mnli-19638", "premise": "oh fourteen well okay division one was worse because that's the biggest division and boy when we put them on oh my God the phone you'd hang up and it would ring it was just bad", "hypothesis": "The phone wouldn't stop ringing with angry people"} {"idx": "mnli-19643", "premise": "Here's the Drudge Report, which spawned the TV show.", "hypothesis": "The Drudge Report people created a TV show by the same name."} {"idx": "mnli-19645", "premise": "On your right as you enter the square is the Scottish National War Memorial, the highest building in the city.", "hypothesis": "The Scottish National War Memorial is the highest building in the city at 3280 feet."} {"idx": "mnli-19651", "premise": "For scenario C, program spending increased by $1.", "hypothesis": "The program spent too much money "} {"idx": "mnli-19652", "premise": "These rumors of AIDS survival are greatly exaggerated.", "hypothesis": "The rumors from people with Aids surving are overblown."} {"idx": "mnli-19654", "premise": "And of course they would find no strychnine! ", "hypothesis": "They would most certainly not find any strychnine or belladonna. "} {"idx": "mnli-19656", "premise": "(Legend has it that the division was accomplished by having a Frenchman and a Dutchman start back to back pacing off some say the Frenchman got more of the island because he had a longer stride, or that the Dutchman stopped too often for a snort of gin. )", "hypothesis": "The Frenchman knew of the Dutchman's weakness and agreed to the method."} {"idx": "mnli-19659", "premise": "Again, there is also the obligation for Americans to distinguish between needs, wants and affordability.", "hypothesis": "It takes a prudent American to realize that needs versus wants matters most."} {"idx": "mnli-19660", "premise": "Such is life in limbo.", "hypothesis": "I can't decide what to do."} {"idx": "mnli-19662", "premise": "Spectator sports", "hypothesis": "Hockey is the best spectator sport on earth."} {"idx": "mnli-19668", "premise": "I sent off Albert post-haste to Mr. Carter.", "hypothesis": "I sent Albert to Mr. Carter with my letter of resignation and a request for my final months' wages. "} {"idx": "mnli-19672", "premise": "It is not overarching moral or political meaning that Didion has suddenly discovered.", "hypothesis": "Didion was looking at moral and political viewpoints."} {"idx": "mnli-19674", "premise": "He lay down for two days but didn't improve.", "hypothesis": "His cold got worse after two days."} {"idx": "mnli-19677", "premise": "For example, the AIM-9X missile program completed 95 percent of its engineering drawings at the critical design review because it made extensive use of prototype testing to demonstrate the design met requirements coupled with design reviews that included program stakeholders.", "hypothesis": "Engineers spent three years designing prototypes for the missile program."} {"idx": "mnli-19679", "premise": "The American Psychiatric Association does not formally recognize sex addiction as a mental disorder.", "hypothesis": "The American Psychiatric Association has a formal list of mental disorders."} {"idx": "mnli-19681", "premise": "Today, however, the main arts festival is only part of a veritable circus of summer activities that seem to turn the city upside down.", "hypothesis": "The summer activities have changed peoples mood within the city."} {"idx": "mnli-19685", "premise": "\"Makes sense,\" Anse commented.", "hypothesis": "\"That plan makes sense,\" said Anse."} {"idx": "mnli-19690", "premise": "hum i really um have gotten out of the habit of listening to the radio from any kind of even music and um", "hypothesis": "I am not in the habit of listening to the radio but I miss it."} {"idx": "mnli-19692", "premise": "the only real restrictions they have are uh no halter tops and no shorts even the long walking short of the squirts the the split skirts anything that that could be considered shorts they don't allow and they don't allow um", "hypothesis": "They said halter tops should have jackets over them."} {"idx": "mnli-19694", "premise": "This is a difficult trek that, although feasible by car, is usually incorporated on the itinerary of jeep safaris.", "hypothesis": "The jeep was equipped with bullet-proof glass and a state of the art navigation system."} {"idx": "mnli-19700", "premise": "He caught the shaft of the other axe with his left hand as it came in and kicked the assassin in the chest.", "hypothesis": "The assassin got injured from the kick."} {"idx": "mnli-19702", "premise": "With a single cut she opened the demon's throat and black thick blood ran into the bowl.", "hypothesis": "She sliced open the demons throat with a sword and black blood ran into the bowl."} {"idx": "mnli-19707", "premise": "The late 18th-century Chapel displays some fine plasterwork and dazzling stained-glass windows, together with a 20th-century organ in an 18th-century case.", "hypothesis": "The chapel is an impressive looking building."} {"idx": "mnli-19708", "premise": "Not by accident did Van Gogh come from the Netherlands, Picasso from Spain, Max Ernst from Germany, and Chagall from Russia to make their home in France.", "hypothesis": "Well-paying French patrons attracted many notable artists, musicians, and sculptors with their wealth."} {"idx": "mnli-19714", "premise": "No, you wouldn't, said Jon.", "hypothesis": "Jon said the person would not want to join in the battle."} {"idx": "mnli-19715", "premise": "Yet to do this is to miss the very essence of what the island is all about.", "hypothesis": "The island is about something you shouldn't miss."} {"idx": "mnli-19716", "premise": "Five, we had, before the war, when it was kept as a gentleman's place should be. ", "hypothesis": "We used to have a lot more before the war."} {"idx": "mnli-19724", "premise": "Wolf did call after this item was posted, but our conversation was off-the-record.", "hypothesis": "Wolf called me using his Samsung Galaxy Note."} {"idx": "mnli-19728", "premise": "The Symposium has also been the vehicle that has helped enable West Virginia to unify and transform its delivery system.", "hypothesis": "The Symposium alone helped enable the transformation of West Virginia's delivery system."} {"idx": "mnli-19735", "premise": "The business community could deliver funds and help with real needs.", "hypothesis": "Needs that the business community could deliver on include health care benefits."} {"idx": "mnli-19739", "premise": "The acid rain program has been a resounding success, cutting annual sulfur dioxide emissions in the first phase by 50 percent below allowed levels.", "hypothesis": "The acid rain program started three years ago."} {"idx": "mnli-19741", "premise": "As a result of the program monitoring and evaluation activities these reviews permit, the government has set new, more challenging targets for future performance.", "hypothesis": "The program monitoring and evaluation required by these reviews doesn't take time away from the program itself."} {"idx": "mnli-19754", "premise": "yeah i think they should change the whole system so that it's easier i think i think more people would do it if it wasn't such a hassle", "hypothesis": "It is an enormous hassle, and that is preventing people from doing it, so they should completely change the system."} {"idx": "mnli-19756", "premise": "oh yeah my husband said he's never joined a course right and i got one of those Jane Fonda workout tapes that i dubbed from a friend that didn't last long i got one of those after i had a baby i think", "hypothesis": "There are no means of finishing the course in which you have joined once you do."} {"idx": "mnli-19758", "premise": "The Jura mountains cover several eastern d??partements making up the region of Franche-Comt??.", "hypothesis": "The Jura mountains are located to the south of the Franche-Comte region."} {"idx": "mnli-19762", "premise": "Their love of their child, and their child's love of them, depends not on genetic math but on a long and complex chain of bonding, much of which they have already voluntarily missed out on.", "hypothesis": "It's not unusual for people to say that they voluntarily missed out on bonding out of necessity."} {"idx": "mnli-19763", "premise": "Chavis and Farrakhan both argue that Christianity and the nation are incompatible, and many predict that the 49-year-old Chavis will ultimately succeed Farrakhan.", "hypothesis": "Farrakhan believes that the goals of Christianity as a cultural force are what's at odds with the nation."} {"idx": "mnli-19769", "premise": "That loan raised their payments to $2,051 a month, or 84 percent of their current monthly income.", "hypothesis": "Around 10 percent of their monthly income is spent on rent."} {"idx": "mnli-19770", "premise": "Market Street is home to the Edinburgh CityArt Gallery, showcasing the work of up-and-coming artists.", "hypothesis": "Many currently well-known artists got their start through Market Street."} {"idx": "mnli-19771", "premise": "The user may prefer to sacrifice in-depth information for generalizability and we will have to use other methods, such as surveys or secondary analysis of existing data.", "hypothesis": "The user can prefer to sacrifice in-depth information for more general information, depending no how many researchers are available."} {"idx": "mnli-19773", "premise": "'It's right over-'", "hypothesis": "It is behind you. "} {"idx": "mnli-19778", "premise": "Oil So could we, as long as it's in the Middle East.", "hypothesis": "As long as oil is in the Middle East we will go there at anytime."} {"idx": "mnli-19779", "premise": "'Apparently they had a Plan B,' White muttered dryly.", "hypothesis": "There was a plan B and that plan was to blow everyone up. "} {"idx": "mnli-19780", "premise": "they plead insanity and then three years later they're cured and let loose on society again", "hypothesis": "They knew they were faking it the whole time."} {"idx": "mnli-19784", "premise": "Carbon-dating traced the remains of Kennewick Man to between 7265 and 7535 B.C.", "hypothesis": "The Kennewick Man was very difficult to carbon-date."} {"idx": "mnli-19787", "premise": "Front woman Chrissie Hynde still shines with her trademark snarl and gravelly voice, but some of the songs are serious clunkers, and even the best sound like a rehash of the band's older material.", "hypothesis": "Chrissie Hynde has won numerous awards with the band's older material."} {"idx": "mnli-19789", "premise": "Now the tradition of open-air discussion continues over coffee or a glass of wine on some cafe terrace on the boulevard St-Michel or in the streets around the faculty buildings.", "hypothesis": "These discussions are not well appreciated by the faculty. "} {"idx": "mnli-19792", "premise": "As the magnitude of these improper payments became known, pressures increased on government officials and legislative bodies to reduce them.", "hypothesis": "The committee worked closely with house members to rein in the unacceptable payments."} {"idx": "mnli-19794", "premise": "he yeah there there's a lot of advice out there for how to get a budget and i i'm not expert again because i don't really do it monthly", "hypothesis": "I know someone who can do my budget for me though."} {"idx": "mnli-19795", "premise": "because uh apparently the foundation shifts a little bit under that but that was a design problem because we put uh and we designed the house so it's our fault but we had them put the shower on a corner uh like our house is built in a U shape", "hypothesis": "We chose to put the shower on a corner because it gave the best view. "} {"idx": "mnli-19798", "premise": "Newsweek offers a time line of the doctors' plans for a successful delivery.", "hypothesis": "Newsweek has a time line of the doctor's plans for a successful baby delivery."} {"idx": "mnli-19800", "premise": "You'd be wise to conclude the same.", "hypothesis": "THe conclusions are all correct."} {"idx": "mnli-19806", "premise": "it just seems like a lot when you hear about companies that keep continually advertising or stating that they're you know you know cutting out so many thousands of employees it sounds like big numbers of people out there", "hypothesis": "Due to economic stress, companies are cutting a lot of employees."} {"idx": "mnli-19814", "premise": "Although you're driving along narrow mountain roads, you'll feel much safer than in the plains, because everyone takes infinitely more care; lorry and bus drivers are clearly subdued by the deep ravines.", "hypothesis": "The people in the plains are careless drivers. "} {"idx": "mnli-19824", "premise": "More complex case studies might need several layers or graphics; less complex, few.", "hypothesis": "The most complex case studies require the most creative use of graphics."} {"idx": "mnli-19825", "premise": "He saw the slight twitch of her cloak and thought he might already be dead.", "hypothesis": "She was lifting a pistol from her coat."} {"idx": "mnli-19826", "premise": "Climbing out of season (especially in wet weather) is not recommended, but people do it all the time.", "hypothesis": "Climbing in wet weather means you'll be more likely to fall."} {"idx": "mnli-19828", "premise": "I got it! It's gonna be a hit! A young student, of psychology maybe, judging by his 'I Want my Momma' t-shirt, yelled out.", "hypothesis": "The young student had a 'eureka!' moment, and thought that idea will make him rich."} {"idx": "mnli-19843", "premise": "and uh everything i mean and and the expenses you know of the war you know it's like uh you know it's like who's gaining on this okay because uh i uh does does the US government own any gas companies like like you know like gas stations and stuff", "hypothesis": "Companies might include Shell and Exxon."} {"idx": "mnli-19846", "premise": "He lives by buying up old ceremonial objects retrieved from synagogues nearly destroyed by the Nazis.", "hypothesis": "He also buys other Jewish objects from the World War II era."} {"idx": "mnli-19848", "premise": "Together with the Conciergerie (see page 30), it sprawls right across the Ile de la Cite.", "hypothesis": "Besides sprawling across the Ile de la Cite, it along with the Conciergerie goes through other smaller villages nearby."} {"idx": "mnli-19850", "premise": "A bunch of people twirled past me, dancing.", "hypothesis": "People were doing the salsa."} {"idx": "mnli-19851", "premise": "they've had some great games in the past", "hypothesis": "The Clippers have had some great games in the 90's."} {"idx": "mnli-19856", "premise": "you know because it takes longer than some products some other foods in your stomach to digest that meat", "hypothesis": "It is easier to digest vegetables than meat."} {"idx": "mnli-19858", "premise": "The quinquennial military service credit adjustment paid between the General Fund and the social security trust funds is likewise an other financing source to the social security trust funds but one that may be either positive or negative.", "hypothesis": "The social security trust funds receive a lot of financing."} {"idx": "mnli-19860", "premise": "I've been offered a job in the Argentine, and might as well take it.", "hypothesis": "Ive been offered 69000 dollars starting salary. "} {"idx": "mnli-19862", "premise": "When I was in the Nixon administration, we were all very buttoned-down during the week.", "hypothesis": "Everyone in the Nixon administration was content with how conservative we were during the week."} {"idx": "mnli-19867", "premise": "The forgery story spread from the Times , Tribune-Review , and Telegraph to the rest of the Whitewater Web.", "hypothesis": "The story was based on false evidence from an investigation."} {"idx": "mnli-19868", "premise": "On the Rue Saint-Vincent, at the corner of Rue des Saules, look out for Paris's own vineyard, the Clos de Montmartre.", "hypothesis": "Paris has a vineyard that is 800 square feet."} {"idx": "mnli-19870", "premise": "With the Dutch concentrating once more on Java and the Moluccas in the 18th century, the Bugis took advantage of the vacuum by raiding Perak and Kedah, imposing their chieftains in Selangor and becoming the power behind the throne in Johor.", "hypothesis": "Once the Dutch were preoccupied, Bugis went on a rampage and became the most powerful man in India."} {"idx": "mnli-19872", "premise": "that they have but what about um their reputation of the company or the price", "hypothesis": "The reputation of the company is more important."} {"idx": "mnli-19873", "premise": "trouble is i can't get them tight enough", "hypothesis": "They are not easy to tie down."} {"idx": "mnli-19875", "premise": "Legend has it that a local woman climbed the hill every day to watch for her husband returning from across the sea; one day the wife and her child were turned to stone as a permanent symbol of her enduring faith.", "hypothesis": "The woman's husband was pronounced lost at sea. "} {"idx": "mnli-19876", "premise": "The best of the local beaches, most of which are pebbly, is south at Albir, between Altea and the Sierra Helada.", "hypothesis": "Albir is the least pebbly of all the beaches in the region and has the most activities. "} {"idx": "mnli-19889", "premise": "Providing delegated authorities can enable employees to control their own work processes and schedules.", "hypothesis": "Two hundred employees can control their own work processes and schedules."} {"idx": "mnli-19893", "premise": "You give your name to one site, but choose not to give your name to another, yet unbeknownst to you, the sites are allied, and using a common cookie identification, they can share what you didn't want shared.", "hypothesis": "Most people find this intrusive."} {"idx": "mnli-19895", "premise": "What word is taboo in middle-class America in 1996?", "hypothesis": "What word offends people the most in 1996?"} {"idx": "mnli-19896", "premise": "Although in 88 b.c. , Mithradates made a swift and successful raid from the East across Asia Minor and the Aegean Islands, the next major power change brought influence from the West.", "hypothesis": "He raided from the East across Asia Minor creating a new trade route."} {"idx": "mnli-19899", "premise": "but uh that's right i'm not yeah outside of of uh pro football i'm not too interested in other games uh other sports anyway", "hypothesis": "I would only be interested in attending a game if it was a pro football game."} {"idx": "mnli-19901", "premise": "On the sides of the tomb bearing the recumbent statue of the duke are carved 41 mar?\u00advel?\u00adously expressive figures of mourners cloaked in monastic capes, variously praying, meditating, and lamenting.", "hypothesis": "Every single side of the tomb is completely covered by figures of mourners. "} {"idx": "mnli-19907", "premise": "Its lesbian/bisexual (we're never told which) female subject allows shoes to tap wider contexts of a male protagonist wouldn't have had her access to the history of discrimination in the work place; and an infusion of color ( race) might have narrowed the canvas, making the problem seem less pervasive than it is.", "hypothesis": "The female subject is in her mid-thirties."} {"idx": "mnli-19909", "premise": "What kind of person would write a question about race and then get all shirty on people who were just trying to have a little fun?", "hypothesis": "It's silly to get mad about things, you should just get even."} {"idx": "mnli-19911", "premise": "well i bet it's not bad", "hypothesis": "It really is, just a few beehives in the tree."} {"idx": "mnli-19914", "premise": "Our assistance to the Congress at public hearings continues to remain high, as illustrated below.", "hypothesis": "Congress gets help from the Secret Service at public hearings."} {"idx": "mnli-19915", "premise": "1.15 Given the importance and complexity of government programs in providing a variety of public services, auditors are increasingly being called on by legislative bodies and government agencies to expand the variety of performance audits to include work that has a prospective focus or provides guidance, best practice information, or information on issues that affect multiple programs or entities already studied or under study by an audit organization.", "hypothesis": "Auditors make very little money and live in small homes."} {"idx": "mnli-19917", "premise": "Just as the Daily Worker and New Masses , socialist papers from the 1930s, were peppered with citations of Marx and Engels, Educational Liberator is peppered with references to their libertarian equivalents--Friedrich Hayek and Ludwig von Mises.", "hypothesis": "The socialists worshipped Carl marx. "} {"idx": "mnli-19922", "premise": "Ca'daan knew Severn cared not at all for the horse traders of Fena Set.", "hypothesis": "Horse traders in Fena Set were doing horrible things."} {"idx": "mnli-19932", "premise": "For trust funds (except trust revolving funds) and special funds, as explained elsewhere, the interest is normally but not always a nonexchange revenue.", "hypothesis": "Trust revolving funds have higher interests than trust funds and special funds."} {"idx": "mnli-19937", "premise": "Public Administration and Policy", "hypothesis": "The policy is strict."} {"idx": "mnli-19940", "premise": "EPA considered comments on both the initial and the proposed rule in making these decisions.", "hypothesis": "The EPA dismissed most of the comments out of hand, but some were useful."} {"idx": "mnli-19941", "premise": "This idyllic spot is as far as you should attempt to drive the tropical track ahead will defeat most vehicles.", "hypothesis": "You shouldn't drive any farther because it's not safe."} {"idx": "mnli-19943", "premise": " Until the 1960s, Sant Antoni was a fishing village tucked into the pine trees at one end of a magnificent bay.", "hypothesis": "Sant Antoni was a fishing village hidden in the pine trees at the side of a magnificent bay before 1960s when it got destroyed by an earthquake."} {"idx": "mnli-19947", "premise": "uh here's what went on in Asia over the past week and there's maybe a page of that little brief paragraphs unless that was one of their the focus of their main stories", "hypothesis": "One of the main stories should have been dedicated to Asia."} {"idx": "mnli-19950", "premise": "The monument to Perry and Harris, not far from the harbor, celebrates these epochal events, as does Shimoda's annual Kurobune Matsuri ( Black Ship Festival ) in May.", "hypothesis": "During the winter months, very few visitors come to Shimoda."} {"idx": "mnli-19952", "premise": "Trends toward increased automation and workplace flexibility have changed the operating environment.", "hypothesis": "Trends show that automation has increased by 50 percent."} {"idx": "mnli-19955", "premise": "right even though there's probably women with MBA's maybe even PhD's that are staying at home with the children um", "hypothesis": "Some women might work from home with kids, though. "} {"idx": "mnli-19956", "premise": "This body of knowledge served as a foundation for designing our project approach.", "hypothesis": "We built our design on the assumption that it would not grow."} {"idx": "mnli-19958", "premise": "Daniel, wrapping up the session, soberly reminded his colleagues that those who have abused their absolute freedoms by making movies that are soiling and unwholesome have only themselves to blame if Hollywood's era of unregulated bliss is over.", "hypothesis": "Daniel told his colleagues that they are to blame for Hollywood's current state, but it was inevitable at any rate."} {"idx": "mnli-19963", "premise": "but they need to pay for it too because they couldn't do that somewhere else", "hypothesis": "They need to pay for the international debt too"} {"idx": "mnli-19965", "premise": "The tribes of Israel were then scattered to roam the world as the Ten Lost Tribes.", "hypothesis": "Some of the tribes of Israel reunited back again."} {"idx": "mnli-19966", "premise": "Another famous center is run by David Lloyd at Clube de Tenis Rocha Brava near Carvoeiro.", "hypothesis": "The centers are famous for their wellness treatments."} {"idx": "mnli-19967", "premise": "Some case studies rely wholly on quantitative data.", "hypothesis": "Quantitative data is most useful "} {"idx": "mnli-19972", "premise": "and uh you know we've eaten there sometimes and it's pretty good it's you know it's a little more expensive than than i normally like to spend plus the other thing is i'm not uh i'm not a big seafood fan", "hypothesis": "They only serve seafood."} {"idx": "mnli-19974", "premise": "It carried spring water from near Uz??s to the town of N?\u00aemes, a distance of 35 km (22 miles).", "hypothesis": "Spring water needed to be carried for drinking."} {"idx": "mnli-19975", "premise": "she drives and everything she she's perfectly healthy uh", "hypothesis": "She drives tractors and she's perfectly healthy."} {"idx": "mnli-19979", "premise": "we did we did last night uh some real massive thunderstorms", "hypothesis": "The thunderstorms were strong."} {"idx": "mnli-19982", "premise": "The average California farmworker is employed 6-9 months per year and earns between $5,000 and $7,499 annually.", "hypothesis": "Farmers are underpayed for the work they do in California. "} {"idx": "mnli-19983", "premise": "One of them is my oldest friend, who is now going to college several states away.", "hypothesis": "My oldest friend is going to college far away, I'm so sad about it."} {"idx": "mnli-19984", "premise": "Critics note the emergence of Lewis and Clark chic (a miniseries and a movie about the explorers are imminent).", "hypothesis": "Lewis and Clark's popularity shift can be attributed to historical specials that raised interest in exploration in the 1800's."} {"idx": "mnli-19989", "premise": "Shields notes that the Democrats are in a win-win situation--if the bill dies, the Republicans can be attacked as pro-teen smoking; if it passes, the Democrats can claim credit.", "hypothesis": "The democrats are in a win win situation with this bill but the republicans will take advantage of that."} {"idx": "mnli-19992", "premise": "Gray Cloud knew the path and did not stumble.", "hypothesis": "Gray Cloud had prepared for this path."} {"idx": "mnli-19994", "premise": "All right, so I lost my cool with those Hasid guys on Broadway who come right up to you and ask if you're Jewish.", "hypothesis": "Jewish people make up a majority of people on Broadway."} {"idx": "mnli-20001", "premise": "Strategic Directions 2000-2005 identifies technology as a primary strategy for enhancing client access to services.", "hypothesis": "Technology helps fuel the economy and change every day lives, including that of the clients."} {"idx": "mnli-20002", "premise": "Vaclav Havel was in New York in the spring of 1968, participated in the student strike at Columbia, joined Alexander Dubcek in the short-lived liberal uprising in Prague that summer, and became the president of Czechoslovakia in 1990.", "hypothesis": "Vaclav Havel was an extreme liberal."} {"idx": "mnli-20006", "premise": "Look out for chunks of juicy swordfish skewered with onion, pepper, and tomato, and grilled.", "hypothesis": "Swordfish skewered and grilled with different vegetables is delicious."} {"idx": "mnli-20007", "premise": "yeah believe it or not", "hypothesis": "It is true."} {"idx": "mnli-20011", "premise": "FinanceNet serves as a vehicle and catalyst for continual improvement and innovation, at all levels of government, by impacting financial management resources, practices, policies, and professional standards through the electronic sharing of best practices and dissemination of electronic information.", "hypothesis": "FinanceNet helps the improvement of the government."} {"idx": "mnli-20013", "premise": "But Spain's two other major colonies, the Philippines and Puerto Rico, simply changed hands, becoming colonies of the United States.", "hypothesis": "The Philippines and Puerto Rico were won by the United states in a war with Spain."} {"idx": "mnli-20014", "premise": "Quick, what is your vision?", "hypothesis": "You have good vision."} {"idx": "mnli-20015", "premise": "and we bought one of the cheapest houses you know a tract house", "hypothesis": "We like the house that we bought."} {"idx": "mnli-20018", "premise": "Successful management improvement efforts often entail organizational realignment to better achieve results and clarify accountability.", "hypothesis": "Workers and staff members are usually disgruntled by organizational realignment efforts, however."} {"idx": "mnli-20025", "premise": "Mailers are now presorting their mail, barcoding their mail, changing flat-size pieces into letter-size pieces, consolidating their mail, and carrying their mail great distances in order to enter it at specific locations.", "hypothesis": "Mailers have found that a system of organization makes the larger volumes of mail easier to deliver."} {"idx": "mnli-20029", "premise": "48 As shown in figure 4.5, total Medicare spending (Part A HI and Part B SMI combined) is expected to consume 5 percent of GDP by 2035-more than double today's share of 2 percent.", "hypothesis": "Most thinking people would consider the projected rate of Medicare spending to be cause for concern."} {"idx": "mnli-20032", "premise": "i don't know how they can let a neighborhood or apartment complex that's what happened that's what's wrong you know", "hypothesis": "The neighborhood or apartment isn't right."} {"idx": "mnli-20033", "premise": "you want to be with the children yet there's so many material things to be had out there that a lot of people think oh but if we both work we can get a really big house and we can get two really nice cars we can take a vacation we can do this and", "hypothesis": "I prefer to be home taking care of my children , were some think both parents should work for a bigger home and nicer things."} {"idx": "mnli-20035", "premise": "I did math in my head.", "hypothesis": "I calculated it mentally and then wrote it down."} {"idx": "mnli-20039", "premise": "He let go the cage which swung back and forth pendulum-fashion.", "hypothesis": "The cage held a man in a bird costume."} {"idx": "mnli-20050", "premise": "Organized walks are usually offered on Fridays; check with the Christian Information Centre inside Jaffa Gate.", "hypothesis": "The Christian Information Centre provides all the information."} {"idx": "mnli-20053", "premise": "An act of courage that the sergeant didn't even notice.", "hypothesis": "The sergeant was terrible at noticing things."} {"idx": "mnli-20056", "premise": "you know and then uh my uh husband was with them at night", "hypothesis": "I was not with my husband last night."} {"idx": "mnli-20057", "premise": "um yep but i love to cook i wish i was a better cook than i was but i i love to cook", "hypothesis": "I love to cook meats"} {"idx": "mnli-20058", "premise": "They allow more efficient delivery because the carrier makes only one stop to deliver to several addresses (commercial or residential).", "hypothesis": "The carrier sometimes has to do more than one stop."} {"idx": "mnli-20062", "premise": "On a lawn surrounded by 24 palm trees, a cenotaph pays tribute to Chief Commissioner Sir Henry Lawrence, who was killed during the attack.", "hypothesis": "Only cenotaphs are used to play tributes to the dead."} {"idx": "mnli-20064", "premise": "A national apology for slavery would be hollow and facile, but America should erect a slavery memorial on the Mall.", "hypothesis": "A token national apology for slavery might even be considered insulting to the descendants of slaves."} {"idx": "mnli-20065", "premise": "It provides an analytical perspective on the Government because it shows the short- and long-term directions of current programs.", "hypothesis": "Long-term directions are more important than short-term directions when doing an analysis of the Government."} {"idx": "mnli-20066", "premise": "In addition, CPA Links provides a gateway for online users who wish to visit other accountingrelated sites on the Internet.", "hypothesis": "CPA Links are not discriminatory in their information of accounting related sites."} {"idx": "mnli-20068", "premise": "Romantics will warm to further Enquirer disclosures.", "hypothesis": "Romantics are the number one customers of the Enquirer. "} {"idx": "mnli-20076", "premise": "Thus far, we have examined carrier time per possible delivery or per box.", "hypothesis": "They have examined carrier time per possible delivery of wild animal."} {"idx": "mnli-20080", "premise": "This growing number of titles leaves publishing houses with less time and attention to edit and market books.", "hypothesis": "Books are getting longer and have more words."} {"idx": "mnli-20082", "premise": "well um i guess i i'm more concerned about public safety than i am about the um the concern for the private uh the idea of preserving privacy for the individual um because i can't really see why anyone", "hypothesis": "The results from protecting privacy result in less help than in protecting public safety. "} {"idx": "mnli-20087", "premise": "Did you \u201dwhile you happened to be alone for a few seconds \u201dunlock the poison cupboard, and examine some of the bottles?", "hypothesis": "Did you have a key to the poison cupboard?"} {"idx": "mnli-20096", "premise": "Funny, Clinton Reportedly Said the Same William Safire ( Meet the Press ) wows his fellow panelists with the news that he had bumped into Monica Lewinsky at a bar--well, actually, the Cosmos Club--this week.", "hypothesis": "Safire ran into Lewinsky in public in DC."} {"idx": "mnli-20100", "premise": "uh i listened to more than one parent say i don't know what this child wants i'm working two jobs they each have their own television they each have their own telephone they each have their own rooms they each have this they each have that i'd say but what they don't have is you", "hypothesis": "All the things the parent gives them doesn't make up for parental care."} {"idx": "mnli-20102", "premise": "If you have any questions on the information we are providing or if we can be of further assistance, please call me on (202) 512-5500 or John H. Anderson, Jr., Managing Director, Physical Infrastructure Issues, on (202) 512-2834.", "hypothesis": "I am the best resource for any questions or assistance required. "} {"idx": "mnli-20103", "premise": "he is eventually", "hypothesis": "He is a slow worker."} {"idx": "mnli-20107", "premise": "Mrs. Cavendish, of course, could not be called upon to give evidence against her husband. ", "hypothesis": "Mrs. Cavendish wanted to testify but was not allowed to."} {"idx": "mnli-20111", "premise": "and when i went over there i packed a lot of clothes and i packed two sport jackets and two ties and the ties got lost and never got there and i was there three years or four years rather and never missed them", "hypothesis": "I packed two pairs of ski pants in case I would need them during that time."} {"idx": "mnli-20115", "premise": "and it's just an old old compact that is super slow and but it does it does it's job so", "hypothesis": "It's an old and expensive compact, but it does the job."} {"idx": "mnli-20116", "premise": "i guess that's it", "hypothesis": "I suppose that will do, until it comes up again."} {"idx": "mnli-20118", "premise": "The ferry also calls at the smaller islands of Kinal??ada, Burgazada, and Heybeliada.", "hypothesis": "Heybeliada is the largest of the three smaller islands."} {"idx": "mnli-20125", "premise": "Base year data will be actual receipt and outlay data for the last completed fiscal year", "hypothesis": "Base year data will show the data for FY 2016."} {"idx": "mnli-20127", "premise": "Suddenly his face cleared.", "hypothesis": "He'd been hit with the final piece of the puzzle."} {"idx": "mnli-20128", "premise": "However, on Saint-Martin and St. Barts you'll also be saving the city or state sales tax that may be levied at home.", "hypothesis": "Be sure to keep your total purchases under $600 to save on customs fees."} {"idx": "mnli-20129", "premise": "Productivity measures the actual man-hours used versus those planned.", "hypothesis": "When productivity is measured by actual man-hours used people are incentivized to work harder."} {"idx": "mnli-20132", "premise": "The sum of national saving and saving borrowed from abroad represents the total amount of resources available for investment, that is, the purchase of capital goods-plant, equipment, software, houses,1 and inventories-by businesses and governments.", "hypothesis": "Businesses and governments rely on $15 million in investments. "} {"idx": "mnli-20133", "premise": "yeah um that sounds good", "hypothesis": "Yes, that sounds good, but I don't want to do it. "} {"idx": "mnli-20135", "premise": "no you know that's why the price price of mailing a letter keeps going up", "hypothesis": "The price of mailing a letter keeps going up because of demand and supply"} {"idx": "mnli-20145", "premise": "It does not receive anything of value from the Government in exchange for its deposit of earnings, and on occasion it has been required by law to make extra payments.", "hypothesis": "Sometimes you have to make extra payments, it is required by law."} {"idx": "mnli-20147", "premise": "They foster our objective of improving access to justice for clients.", "hypothesis": "We hope to institute many more initiatives to increase access to justice."} {"idx": "mnli-20148", "premise": "As a result, our only remaining recourse is either to file suit in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia or to forego further assertion of our access rights.", "hypothesis": "The suit is unlikely to be successful at regaining access rights."} {"idx": "mnli-20150", "premise": "Republicans in Congress, by contrast, generally favored constructive engagement with China, while liberal and protectionist Democrats usually opposed it.", "hypothesis": "Republicans wanted to engage with China because they thought it would be good for the economy."} {"idx": "mnli-20151", "premise": "In Table 7-1 the Supply Basis may be current U.S. demand, capacity available to U.S. users, or other basis as appropriate and described in the table notes.", "hypothesis": "The U.S. Supply Basis is directly related to demand."} {"idx": "mnli-20157", "premise": "Whenever someone testifies, gravitas follows.", "hypothesis": "The press is always around whenever anyone testifies."} {"idx": "mnli-20158", "premise": "The rooms were also equipped with the newest four-processor multi-media computers - two per student, to teach him divided attention in a modern battle field simulation.", "hypothesis": "The principal thought it would be a good idea to get the school computers."} {"idx": "mnli-20161", "premise": "It rejects Albania's claims for independence but decries the crackdown.", "hypothesis": "Albania wants to be independent but Russia won't allow it."} {"idx": "mnli-20165", "premise": "Wild raspberries appear along with magnolias, rhododendrons, orchids, and other epiphytes (plants that grow on other plants but are not parasites, since they procure their own food supply).", "hypothesis": "Wild raspberries are a culinary treat in many cuisines."} {"idx": "mnli-20166", "premise": "We have joined in this fight to protect the town.", "hypothesis": "We will help protect the town against the warfare. "} {"idx": "mnli-20167", "premise": "He passed a village, but it had been looted, and he skirted around it rather than stare at the ghastly ghoul-work of the looters.", "hypothesis": "They were stealing television sets from the local department store."} {"idx": "mnli-20169", "premise": "A tiny, treeless rocky island regularly swept by summer winds has become one of the most popular vacation destinations in the Mediterranean.", "hypothesis": "Because it is treeless, the island has become very popular among vacationers. "} {"idx": "mnli-20172", "premise": "Continue along this road to reach the pretty coastal town of Molyvos (also known by its ancient name, Mithymna), a popular spot for tourists.", "hypothesis": "Molyvos has a beautiful hotel although it is filled with tourists."} {"idx": "mnli-20177", "premise": "It's hard to recall a more chilling stretch in modern movies than the one before the last big battle, when the American soldiers, surrounded by the debris of a devastated town, listen to the echoey, piped-in strains of an Edith Piaf recording--and then hear the first low rumbles of approaching German tanks, each man alone in the shared knowledge that this foreign music will likely be the last they'll hear.", "hypothesis": "It is hard to watch the soldiers listen to the music and wonder if it is the last thing they will hear."} {"idx": "mnli-20185", "premise": "Similarly, the auditor should recommend that the agency take appropriate actions where senior management involvement seems lacking, or where the project organization is unstable and subject to high turnover.", "hypothesis": "the auditor should recommend that the agency take a break from all this shit"} {"idx": "mnli-20188", "premise": "how the instances were selected, taking into account", "hypothesis": "A certain system was followed to select the instances."} {"idx": "mnli-20191", "premise": "'Excuse me, sir.", "hypothesis": "Someone replied \"Don't worry\""} {"idx": "mnli-20194", "premise": "What if I'm wrong?", "hypothesis": "I am worried that I should have gotten chocolate ice cream instead of vanilla."} {"idx": "mnli-20203", "premise": "Nurses identified lack of resources, inadequate training, stress, poor morale, and no perceived value to the intervention.", "hypothesis": "Nurses lack the resources to adequately perform their jobs."} {"idx": "mnli-20205", "premise": "Russia took over the space program--with massive expenditure cuts.", "hypothesis": "Russia slashed funding for safety programs to save money."} {"idx": "mnli-20206", "premise": "oh well she she doesn't have to worry about public schools yet", "hypothesis": "She will deal with them when she gets there."} {"idx": "mnli-20208", "premise": "I quite understand that.", "hypothesis": "I understand this math topic."} {"idx": "mnli-20220", "premise": "Generally, scheduled outages will govern which method can be used for multiple FGD system installations.", "hypothesis": "Scheduled outages are irritating"} {"idx": "mnli-20223", "premise": "and you haven't you and you never see it", "hypothesis": "It is hard to see."} {"idx": "mnli-20232", "premise": "The supporters of the deposed James VII and his successors, exiled in France, were known as the Jacobites. ", "hypothesis": "Some of the Jacobites married French women. "} {"idx": "mnli-20237", "premise": "Auditors should place their findings in proper perspective by providing a description of the objectives, scope, and methodology used to conduct the work.", "hypothesis": "For security reasons, auditors are as transparent as they can possibly be in their line of work."} {"idx": "mnli-20243", "premise": "and uh World War II debts have never been repaid i think the US just wrote them all off", "hypothesis": "Most war debts go unpaid, and this is no exception."} {"idx": "mnli-20244", "premise": "uh-huh uh-huh i was about to say you're not going to take her to that one i'm sure do you take her or do you go to a lot of comedy movies or to", "hypothesis": "Are comedy movies yours or her favourite movies?"} {"idx": "mnli-20247", "premise": "As for me, I was literally dumb with astonishment. ", "hypothesis": "I was utterly taken aback and astonished at once."} {"idx": "mnli-20248", "premise": "You don't think, you just act, and endless seconds later the baby is back in Reese Witherspoon's arms.", "hypothesis": "The baby belonged to Reese Witherspoon. "} {"idx": "mnli-20249", "premise": "This is how it works in today's an aniseed-scented trail is laid on the morning of the race, and the dogs are sent off across the fells to follow it, disappearing out of sight through the bracken.", "hypothesis": "The trail is laid out on the day of the race and the dogs have to find the path using their noses."} {"idx": "mnli-20251", "premise": "and it's uh oh it's just i don't know it's a it's a total free relaxation because hey you can do what you want you're a female and no one is staring at anybody else or worrying about what anything else is doing", "hypothesis": "Itis very relaxing since you will not have to worry about being stared at."} {"idx": "mnli-20258", "premise": "Soon it overflowed with the thick liquid and ran down her hands.", "hypothesis": "The liquid was sticky and warm. "} {"idx": "mnli-20260", "premise": "right and i i in general i feel that um i don't know what this still proposes far as what age or or how they would do this but i feel that reaching the kids when they're younger is better though i think once they're out of high school they're so into their own thing that i think it would be very difficult maybe by that time they're too uh calloused to what is even going on you know where as younger children it's the it's the grade school children when there say no to drugs and that type of thing in school", "hypothesis": "A child who receives drug education is more likely to graduate. "} {"idx": "mnli-20262", "premise": "Palo, a slightly bitter aniseed drink dark brown in colour, tastes best in a long tall glass with the addition of gin or soda and ice.", "hypothesis": "Some companies change the colour of the drink in order to make it more attractive to their consumers, but others play up the authenticity in keeping the original deep colour."} {"idx": "mnli-20263", "premise": "Napoleon invades north then much of Italy", "hypothesis": "Napoleon was seen as fair."} {"idx": "mnli-20264", "premise": "The Russian, studying him attentively with his pale venomous eyes, bowed.", "hypothesis": "The Russian bowed as he glared at him."} {"idx": "mnli-20273", "premise": "His name is Thorn.", "hypothesis": "The man was named after his father. "} {"idx": "mnli-20274", "premise": "But they marketed themselves as people who had been through the process of recovery, surrendered their will to their higher powers, and freed themselves of addictive behaviors.", "hypothesis": "They wanted people to think that they had been through recovery and prayed to a higher power to overcome their addiction, even though some of them took medication to get rid of it."} {"idx": "mnli-20276", "premise": "I took up a telegram to No. 891 the lady was there.", "hypothesis": "The lady in No. 891 was glad to receive the telegram."} {"idx": "mnli-20277", "premise": "He was probably about fifty years of age, his shoulders cringed a little as he talked, and his eyes, small and crafty, shifted unceasingly.", "hypothesis": "It was apparent that there was something very wrong with the man."} {"idx": "mnli-20279", "premise": "That is the only course I can suggest, and I must confess I do not hope for much result.", "hypothesis": "I really don't have any idea and don't think it will do much good."} {"idx": "mnli-20281", "premise": "well i'm just saying i shouldn't i shouldn't blast him like that say oh well Laufenberg got out there and blew it for them i mean he didn't get to see much action but it's too bad because now now you know he had a shot and and didn't look too good and so no one is going to have much faith in him any more", "hypothesis": "Laufenberg was carrying an injury into the match which explains his poor performance"} {"idx": "mnli-20282", "premise": "The guilty officials worked for the ministries of public economy and privatization, defense, justice, employment, and immigration, as well as in the courts and in regional customs and tax offices, the paper said.", "hypothesis": "There were guilty officials in almost all of the different ministries."} {"idx": "mnli-20283", "premise": "To approach humanitarian aid from the perspective of a few of its providers, try the U.S.", "hypothesis": "To approach humanitarian aid from the vantage point of a few of its providers, try the U.S or Canada."} {"idx": "mnli-20286", "premise": "Closed Sabbath.", "hypothesis": "It's closed on the Sabbath and during Passover."} {"idx": "mnli-20301", "premise": "Let Netscape track me so long as they disclose what they are doing.", "hypothesis": "I trust that Netscape will not use my location for evil purposes."} {"idx": "mnli-20303", "premise": "It illustrates the influence of the emigres on postwar American art and exposes American reluctance to rescue the artists from Nazi persecution.", "hypothesis": "No artists will be prosecuted "} {"idx": "mnli-20304", "premise": "Downtown casinos are a bit more flexible when it comes to house rules, offering lower minimums and higher (sometimes no) limits.", "hypothesis": "Because of the greater flexibility in house rules, there are more visitors to downtown casinos."} {"idx": "mnli-20305", "premise": "He scanned the great lawyer eagerly.", "hypothesis": "He looked at the lawyer and how he was dressed."} {"idx": "mnli-20310", "premise": "Miss Howard, in particular, took no pains to conceal her feelings. ", "hypothesis": "Miss Howard likes to be perceived as professional and cold."} {"idx": "mnli-20314", "premise": "Results from such studies will be used.", "hypothesis": "Results from the studies will be used to devise a plan for fixing the budget."} {"idx": "mnli-20317", "premise": "Some people may tap their wealth by selling stocks or borrowing against their home equity to boost current consumption.", "hypothesis": "There are many ways to earn a fortune. "} {"idx": "mnli-20321", "premise": "Swear that my name shan't be brought into it that no one shall ever know. 103 \"I swear it.", "hypothesis": "Swear that nobody knows about this only until after I die. "} {"idx": "mnli-20322", "premise": "After Vasco da Gama landed on the Malabar Coast in 1498, the Portuguese invaded the area and seized Goa from the Sultan of Bijapur in the year 1510.", "hypothesis": "Vasco da Gama is the sole reason that the Sultan of Bijapur lost Goa to the Portuguese."} {"idx": "mnli-20323", "premise": "A third type of city delivery route is the foot route.", "hypothesis": "The first and second city delivery routes are considered quicker and more efficient than the third."} {"idx": "mnli-20324", "premise": "yeah then you have to get up the next day and move it on", "hypothesis": "You have to get up really early to transfer it."} {"idx": "mnli-20325", "premise": "LSC had long noted that grantee programs provide referrals and community legal education, that they engage in outreach, and that they work cooperatively with other groups to address the needs of the low income community.", "hypothesis": "LSC noted that grantee programs provide referals and legal education, engage in outreach, and work with groups to help needy low income communities like Detroit and Flint Michigan."} {"idx": "mnli-20329", "premise": "I've decided to let Dave Hanson watch.", "hypothesis": "I trust Dave Hanson not share what he sees."} {"idx": "mnli-20336", "premise": "Coarse kitchen salt, it looked. ", "hypothesis": "It tasted like coarse kitchen salt."} {"idx": "mnli-20344", "premise": "The official responsible for GAO evaluation work relating to the Federal Reserve System is James L. Bothwell, Director, Financial Institutions and Markets Issues.", "hypothesis": "James Bothwell has been the Financial Institutions Director at the Federal Reserve for over ten years. "} {"idx": "mnli-20345", "premise": "Evidence of such low sensitivity in an important subgroup may necessitate use of multiple screens tailored to subgroups.", "hypothesis": "Multiple screens tailored to subgroups will provide more comprehensive information. "} {"idx": "mnli-20348", "premise": "The second uses the data to structure the hypotheses or assumptions.", "hypothesis": "The first use of the data is to see where things are performing."} {"idx": "mnli-20352", "premise": "i'd probably have a different perspective if i actually knew someone that had gone into the Peace Corps", "hypothesis": "I know a few people interested in joining the Peace Corps."} {"idx": "mnli-20356", "premise": "Impossible of course! ", "hypothesis": "Everyone says it's impossible."} {"idx": "mnli-20358", "premise": "um-hum um-hum right i think Mobil's doing very well too well i assume i assume all the major major brands are", "hypothesis": "Most major brands are doing great like Mobil and BP, Shell on the other hand is going bankrupt."} {"idx": "mnli-20361", "premise": "How could productivity indexes--which basically measure the ability of workers to produce a given set of goods--properly take account of such revolutionary innovations as automobiles, antibiotics, air conditioning, and long-playing records?", "hypothesis": "Productivity indexes measure the ability of workers to make goods in a day."} {"idx": "mnli-20367", "premise": "Watch him, so he won't go into shock when he wakes up.", "hypothesis": "He will wake up soon"} {"idx": "mnli-20370", "premise": "(Well, OK, let's dwell briefly.", "hypothesis": "Dwelling is not always bad."} {"idx": "mnli-20371", "premise": "But that is probably the most exciting thing that can be said about it, says the New York Times ' Ben Brantley.", "hypothesis": "Brantley said nothing exciting can be said about the film."} {"idx": "mnli-20374", "premise": "because without it you can be broke for the rest of your life", "hypothesis": "It is necessary to have it so that you don't have to spend money needlessly. "} {"idx": "mnli-20381", "premise": "The Kal soared into the air, war club back and high over his head.", "hypothesis": "The Kal was getting ready to tackle someone."} {"idx": "mnli-20386", "premise": "well that that's uh is an advantage of being in the education field i spent thirty four years in education", "hypothesis": "Education is a rewarding field with many opportunities."} {"idx": "mnli-20390", "premise": "Amarillo Dumas Panhandle", "hypothesis": "Amarillo Dumas Panhandle"} {"idx": "mnli-20391", "premise": "that everyone should have the right to have a hand gun in their house if they so choose and but i think there should be some restrictions when you buy one you know they should do more background search on you they should i think it should be harder to buy one", "hypothesis": "I think handguns should be restricted to only brown people."} {"idx": "mnli-20392", "premise": "The government's aim was to broaden the distribution of wealth held by Malays to be undertaken over a 20-year period.", "hypothesis": "The measures undertaken by the Malaysian government accomplished their goal of broadening wealth distribution, but took much longer than 20 years."} {"idx": "mnli-20395", "premise": "but uh what what is it what was the percentage for national elections", "hypothesis": "What percent of people voted for national elections?"} {"idx": "mnli-20396", "premise": "The cover article recounts Vaclav Havel's many troubles, but concludes that he is still the world's poet of democracy.", "hypothesis": "The cover article does not intend to ruin Vaclav's image."} {"idx": "mnli-20397", "premise": "But don't feel sorry for Clift.", "hypothesis": "Don't tell Clift you feel sorry for him because he wouldn't like it."} {"idx": "mnli-20399", "premise": "They are responsible for such activities as planning, setting standards and policies, and designing and managing architectures to guide introduction of technology products and services.", "hypothesis": "The committee is responsible for several activities including: planning, setting standards and policies, and designing and managing architectures in guiding the introduction of technological products and services is appointed by the government."} {"idx": "mnli-20406", "premise": "16 Observed every two weeks over a one year period, data is collected from about 270,000 stops.", "hypothesis": "Data is collected from about 470,000 stops over a two-year period."} {"idx": "mnli-20407", "premise": "But not for you.\" There was something like amusement in the old man's voice.", "hypothesis": "The old man delighted in denying access."} {"idx": "mnli-20414", "premise": "But I know this he is a man to fear.\"", "hypothesis": "He's a man with a plan, and that strikes fear into my heart."} {"idx": "mnli-20415", "premise": " Ibicencan Specialities", "hypothesis": "Ibicencan Food"} {"idx": "mnli-20418", "premise": " Less than four nautical miles separate Formentera, with its long sandy beaches, from Ibiza.", "hypothesis": "The beaches are long and sandy."} {"idx": "mnli-20421", "premise": "I can take him if you wish.", "hypothesis": "I can take him to the village right now."} {"idx": "mnli-20423", "premise": "We are holding a follow-up forum on December 9, 2002 to discuss what actions have been taken by a variety of parties and those that remain in order to help restore public trust and confidence.", "hypothesis": "In December there will be a follow up forum."} {"idx": "mnli-20434", "premise": "I asked Poirot whether he thought John would be condemned. ", "hypothesis": "I questioned Poirot about whether john would be condemned."} {"idx": "mnli-20437", "premise": "To savor the abundant flavors of L.A., you need a taste for adventure, a car (ideally), and a good map.", "hypothesis": "There is a lot to see in L.A."} {"idx": "mnli-20438", "premise": "uh for kids to either either do military service or public service one of the two uh a lot of reasons for that not not just because i'm a i'm a hard ass or anything it's just that", "hypothesis": "For kids to stay out of trouble now a days, its a good idea to have them involved in public services."} {"idx": "mnli-20444", "premise": "Defined more specifically in SFFAS No.", "hypothesis": "SFFAS help organize "} {"idx": "mnli-20445", "premise": "His voice was toneless.", "hypothesis": "The voice of the tall man was toneless."} {"idx": "mnli-20454", "premise": "(Isn't there some high-tech way to fly him from class to class, perhaps on Boeing's new Delta III rocket; you know, once it stops malfunctioning.)", "hypothesis": "Boeing has a new Delta III rocket and it was recently launched at an airshow."} {"idx": "mnli-20457", "premise": "NET REALIZABLE VALUE - The estimated amount that can be recovered from selling, or any other method of disposing of an item less estimated costs of completion, holding and disposal.", "hypothesis": "Assets that can be sold include cars and intellectual property."} {"idx": "mnli-20460", "premise": "uh-huh that's neat cause that the part was hard to do that", "hypothesis": "That's interesting due to the environment it was done in."} {"idx": "mnli-20465", "premise": "Perhaps you have seen this, seeor ? We spin the birds around and around, then release them.", "hypothesis": "You must have seen this before, seeor. We spin birds around and around and then hold them for a while prior to releasing them."} {"idx": "mnli-20466", "premise": "what do you think do you think we're setting a trend here or", "hypothesis": "Do you think we'll get more popular?"} {"idx": "mnli-20467", "premise": "But with Julius Hersheimmer about, hustling was inevitable.", "hypothesis": "Julius Hersheimmer was famous for his hustling."} {"idx": "mnli-20474", "premise": "As I have mentioned, demand for our work is essentially at an all time high, especially with regard to mandates and requests from Congress.", "hypothesis": "Because of the will for political change, Congress is issuing a higher number of requests than usual."} {"idx": "mnli-20475", "premise": "It took him a couple of tries to work the kettle, I noted.", "hypothesis": "The kettle was confusing because it had so many buttons."} {"idx": "mnli-20476", "premise": "Any other provision of law to publish a notice of proposed rulemaking with respect to the subject matter of this rule.", "hypothesis": "Notices must be published at the local court house."} {"idx": "mnli-20477", "premise": "yeah i don't know it may've it may've been somebody else because i think i think that even Jimi Hendrix did a i think that was a cover i you know come to think of it i think that was a cover version of like a John Lee Hooker song or something i mean it was like it was really old", "hypothesis": "The speaker likes Jimi Hendrix's music more than John Lee Hooker's. "} {"idx": "mnli-20484", "premise": "yeah and and just plain can't have guns", "hypothesis": "There are people that don't have guns."} {"idx": "mnli-20485", "premise": "well we only we have two choices we can be involved or not involved if we're not involved then we're going to be sitting over here freezing in the dark", "hypothesis": "I would rather not be in the dark and freezing. "} {"idx": "mnli-20490", "premise": "Most pundits, recalling Jack's and Bobby's assassinations, have cast his family as the ultimate victim of his crash.", "hypothesis": "Jack and Bobby's assassinations have impacted who the crash victims were."} {"idx": "mnli-20491", "premise": "We're trying to say that solo practice can be among the highest forms of public service, and is the only channel possible to serving low-income people.", "hypothesis": "SOlo practice has always been the only way to serve poor people."} {"idx": "mnli-20493", "premise": "yeah i uh i don't mind it um there was a time when i had my Corvette i mean of course i loved it um but i've you know i've got other interests now and there's a lot other more important things i think i should be doing with my time", "hypothesis": "My other interests are much more interesting than Corvettes, so i don't care about cars anymore."} {"idx": "mnli-20494", "premise": "My dear Prudence,", "hypothesis": "Prudence, I love you."} {"idx": "mnli-20498", "premise": "that really is well how old is your boys your children", "hypothesis": "Your boys are older than the girls, right?"} {"idx": "mnli-20502", "premise": "The high-minded The two cases underscore an epidemic of binge drinking in frats and colleges in general.", "hypothesis": "The two cases represent statistical outliers."} {"idx": "mnli-20506", "premise": "Thirty-one months was used for 2005, because the analysis for 2005 was based on the projected number of retrofits needed by 2005, less the amount of capacity installed by May 2002.", "hypothesis": "The analysis is conducted by the EPA."} {"idx": "mnli-20507", "premise": "SSA estimates that reduced program outlays resulting from the rule will be $4.", "hypothesis": "SSA estimates are based on complex studies carried out over several months."} {"idx": "mnli-20513", "premise": "I live in Tulsa, Okla., and your story Give It Back to the Injuns hit the nail right on the head.", "hypothesis": "Your story Give It Back to the Injuns was well founded."} {"idx": "mnli-20515", "premise": "She had not the faintest comprehension of his meaning, but she was naturally quick-witted, and felt it imperative to \"keep her end up\" as she phrased it.", "hypothesis": "She is prideful as a result of being gifted with quick wits."} {"idx": "mnli-20520", "premise": "it's uh it's seven o'clock here right", "hypothesis": "It's seven o'clock in the morning here."} {"idx": "mnli-20522", "premise": "Then comes the CNN/ Time sarin story to prove the professionals deserve all the scrutiny anyone else can muster.", "hypothesis": "The CNN story said professionals deserve to be looked at closely when they are helping patients."} {"idx": "mnli-20526", "premise": "Hence, there are no additional programs or policies that generate changes in the reference case technologies when the emission caps are imposed by the year 2007.", "hypothesis": "Emission caps are imposed every decade."} {"idx": "mnli-20529", "premise": "Otherwise, Poirot himself might relieve me of it. ", "hypothesis": "If I didn't maintain a proper decorum, Poirot might relieve me of it."} {"idx": "mnli-20532", "premise": "well we get the same things trees being uprooted limbs falling all over the place power lines getting torn completely off the poles being completely pulled out of the ground", "hypothesis": "There was almost $100,000 of damage in our town last year from natural elements."} {"idx": "mnli-20534", "premise": "Guba, Egon G. Criteria for Assessing the Trustworthiness of Naturalistic Inquiries.", "hypothesis": "Line: Guba, Egon G. Criteria for Assessing the Trustworthiness of Naturalistic Inquiries is a very important work for people with interest in naturalism."} {"idx": "mnli-20539", "premise": "Don't be offended.", "hypothesis": "Don't be offended when I tell you the truth."} {"idx": "mnli-20540", "premise": "The Court has said that [w]e may consider questions outside the scope of the limited order [granting certiorari] when resolution of those questions is necessary for the proper disposition of the case.", "hypothesis": "The Court rarely lets people use questions outside the scope of the limited order. "} {"idx": "mnli-20542", "premise": "So it is perhaps understandable that Steven Gottlieb, executive director of the Atlanta Legal Aid Society, initially thought it was a joke when he received a phone message from Governor Barnes saying he'd like to go to work as a legal services lawyer. ", "hypothesis": "Steve Gottileb thought someone was playing a joke on him, pretending to be Gov. Barnes."} {"idx": "mnli-20550", "premise": "Publishers say her book career is more promising than her husband's, and her lecture fees might approach $60,000 per speech.", "hypothesis": "Publishers say she will be more successful than her husband, but don't want to make her works public yet."} {"idx": "mnli-20558", "premise": "M arv Albert is back in the national broadcasting booth.", "hypothesis": "Marv Albert is a loved broadcaster."} {"idx": "mnli-20559", "premise": "Some respondents believed that, although reporting on stewardship items might be warranted, a separate manner of reporting might not.", "hypothesis": "A separate manner of reporting might not be necessary because the primary manner is adequate. "} {"idx": "mnli-20561", "premise": "The rule was determined to be an economically significant regulatory action under Executive Order No.", "hypothesis": "The Executive order comes from the President of The United States of America."} {"idx": "mnli-20562", "premise": "He glanced down at his body, noticing that it had somehow developed a healthy deep tan during the few hours of murderous labor the day before.", "hypothesis": "The day before, had worked so hard that he got a skin tan."} {"idx": "mnli-20564", "premise": "So a socially valuable service is under-rewarded and therefore under-supplied.", "hypothesis": "The socially valuable service should balance rewards with supplies."} {"idx": "mnli-20571", "premise": "we've been lucky we've never really been rained on the few times we've gone", "hypothesis": "It did rain once when we went, but it was very light and quick, so we've been lucky."} {"idx": "mnli-20572", "premise": "and uh i had to put him down when he was fourteen and two months later i had to put my yellow Lab down because he had leukemia", "hypothesis": "I had to put him down when he was old but it still broke my heart."} {"idx": "mnli-20575", "premise": "The French have maintained their presence in Trichy, with the Jesuit College of St. Joseph and the adjoining red-and-buff Neo-Gothic church of Our Lady of Lourdes.", "hypothesis": "People come from all over the metropolis to present offerings at the church."} {"idx": "mnli-20579", "premise": "When did you change your mind?", "hypothesis": "When did you change your opinion about the matter?"} {"idx": "mnli-20582", "premise": "The FDA may have no current plans to dispatch referees to our bedrooms to enforce safe sex, but when it does, you can be sure it will be in the guise of protecting children.", "hypothesis": "There may be no current plans for the FDA to dispatch referees to our bedrooms to enforce safe sex, says the New York Times."} {"idx": "mnli-20588", "premise": "Other crops include grapes used for Formentera's distinctive dry red wine, vino de pag??s, and almond and fig trees thrive, but the olive trees here bear little fruit.", "hypothesis": "The red wine is distinctive."} {"idx": "mnli-20589", "premise": "Photographs of scantily dressed, genetically gifted women illustrate it.", "hypothesis": "Photos of indecently dressed female models are on it."} {"idx": "mnli-20594", "premise": "yeah oh that will be nice yeah do you have a feel for how many people there are when you get together", "hypothesis": "We typically have around fifty people."} {"idx": "mnli-20602", "premise": "And so the movie, after a miniclimax or two, just comes to an end, suddenly smaller than the sum of its parts.", "hypothesis": "The movie's structure is odd and many people didn't like that."} {"idx": "mnli-20605", "premise": "He awoke and began preparing for his trip before dawn.", "hypothesis": "He started preparing for his trip into battle."} {"idx": "mnli-20608", "premise": "yeah but Congress never really had the right to give it to them is the is the real argument", "hypothesis": "Congress did a lot more than they were entitlted to."} {"idx": "mnli-20613", "premise": "On Formentera, have a meal at a simple beach restaurant.", "hypothesis": "You can receive a great meal and awesome drinks at a simple beach restaurant on Formentera."} {"idx": "mnli-20614", "premise": "Indiscretion: Adultery.", "hypothesis": "Adultery may not always be an indiscretion."} {"idx": "mnli-20616", "premise": "yeah well he's he's he he he's not bad and his assistants usually aren't either", "hypothesis": "He works well in conjuction with his assistants."} {"idx": "mnli-20618", "premise": "Bailey received the award for his three years of volunteer work at Indiana Pro Bono Commission.", "hypothesis": "Bailey also volunteered for other legal services organizations."} {"idx": "mnli-20625", "premise": "Russian Israelis are not especially pro-Serb, but they definitely want close ties with Russia.", "hypothesis": "Pro-Serb Israelis may not always be Russian."} {"idx": "mnli-20626", "premise": "Today, Delos has no modern settlement or tourist infrastructure.", "hypothesis": "Delos is not large enough to have any settlement for tourists. "} {"idx": "mnli-20627", "premise": "According to the Department, this rule affects the determination of eligibility and benefit levels; it does not affect the current information collection requirements for making such determinations.", "hypothesis": "The rule affects the determination of eligibility for small business owners in urban areas."} {"idx": "mnli-20628", "premise": "I am very anxious, Messieurs, that he should not be arrested.", "hypothesis": "He might get off. "} {"idx": "mnli-20635", "premise": "if you're lucky", "hypothesis": "If you are lucky, it will not happen. "} {"idx": "mnli-20640", "premise": "Of course 90 you're fond of him.", "hypothesis": "Despite their best efforts, they are fond of him."} {"idx": "mnli-20642", "premise": "Even if there were no growth in the US steel production and imports from 2000 out to 2020, the amount of steel needed to complete the retrofits for the Clear Skies Act would still be less than one tenth of one percent of US production including imports.", "hypothesis": "If there was more growth in the U.S. steel production, the amount of steel needed may increase beyond what is strictly necessary."} {"idx": "mnli-20645", "premise": "But editorialists said Nicholson had made the investigators' job comically easy (he even climbed into a car with diplomatic plates registered to the Russian Embassy) and, even so, hadn't been caught and busted soon enough.", "hypothesis": "Nicholson was a bad spy."} {"idx": "mnli-20646", "premise": "Senate Finance Committee Chairman William Roth, R-Del., suggested slicing taxes by $792 billion over 10 years, while House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Bill Archer, R-Texas, floated a $850 billion reduction.", "hypothesis": "Of the $850 billion tax reduction House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Bill Archer is proposing, over half of that amount will comes from the health savings funds. "} {"idx": "mnli-20647", "premise": "you know but see now they're gone", "hypothesis": "They left to go to the theater."} {"idx": "mnli-20648", "premise": "the current fuss over whether women should go into combat or not", "hypothesis": "The current debate on whether women are fit enough to go into combat."} {"idx": "mnli-20649", "premise": "What if a foundering political campaign were the wacky premise for a failing TV show!", "hypothesis": "I bet if the political campaign managed to turn things around, the TV show's ratings would go up."} {"idx": "mnli-20651", "premise": "In fact, if you don't feel like taking the bus, the walk to the inner shrine takes you along a delightful tree-shaded avenue lined with stone lanterns.", "hypothesis": "Walking will take you a few hours, but the trip will be very enjoyable."} {"idx": "mnli-20653", "premise": "Efficient intake systems not only screen clients for eligibility but also give advice, brief service and referral assistance to those who cannot be fully represented.", "hypothesis": "Intake systems that operate this efficiently tend to be preferred by both clients and administrators in general."} {"idx": "mnli-20655", "premise": "I took a sample from each cup, and had them analysed \u201dwith no result. ", "hypothesis": "I was disappointed not to get a positive result from the cups."} {"idx": "mnli-20657", "premise": "The new King resumed the ways of the two previous monarchs, abolishing laws against adultery and prostitution and taking up with his half sister; but powerful interests, particularly those of the flourishing foreign business community (which would be increasingly dominated by the descendants of the first missionaries), were intent on usurping the throne, in effect if not in name.", "hypothesis": "The foreign business was flourishing because of the value of rice and cloth."} {"idx": "mnli-20659", "premise": "I can tell you, Hastings, it's making life jolly difficult for us. ", "hypothesis": "Hastings knew that life was very difficult for us. "} {"idx": "mnli-20661", "premise": "yeah yeah well where uh where did you go to school", "hypothesis": "Did you go to school close to your home?"} {"idx": "mnli-20663", "premise": "In addition, cognizant agency officials from BLM, FHWA, and VBA generally agreed with a draft of this report.", "hypothesis": "The report was more favorable towards BLM goals than towards VBA goals."} {"idx": "mnli-20667", "premise": "But at this point the difference between supporters' and detractors' views begins to narrow.", "hypothesis": "The difference between their views narrows due to forced agreements. "} {"idx": "mnli-20673", "premise": "Jerusalem was razed, the Temple destroyed, and its people forced into exile and slavery.", "hypothesis": "A number of cities other than Jerusalem were razed as well."} {"idx": "mnli-20676", "premise": "The facts are that the PRC gets involved in only appeals of closings and then for only 120 days.", "hypothesis": "The PRC does what it can to close appeals before 120 days."} {"idx": "mnli-20681", "premise": "And Marx's was closer to reality.", "hypothesis": "Marx painted a realistic picture."} {"idx": "mnli-20682", "premise": "okay well i sure enjoyed talking to you about uh exercise and fitness", "hypothesis": "I do not get to talk to my friends much about this since they do not like fitness."} {"idx": "mnli-20685", "premise": "As a part of its human capital planning, management should also consider how best to retain valuable employees, plan for their eventual succession, and ensure continuity of needed skills and abilities.", "hypothesis": "As a part of its human capital planning, management should also buy food for everyone."} {"idx": "mnli-20686", "premise": "I have also heard from environmentalists who are interested in these same issues.", "hypothesis": "Environmentalists are like minded "} {"idx": "mnli-20690", "premise": "Woodward recently fired one of her lawyers for allegedly telling a state trooper she now thinks Woodward is guilty.", "hypothesis": "One of the lawyers of Woodward was fired but is now successful."} {"idx": "mnli-20691", "premise": "no i don't the the crime is not any better or any worse i mean it's", "hypothesis": "The crime is good, it does not need to change. "} {"idx": "mnli-20692", "premise": "This was not the first veteran to drift into Tubacca; he wouldn't be the last either.", "hypothesis": "Veterans were constantly coming to Tubacca."} {"idx": "mnli-20694", "premise": "i lived in the suburbs of Saint Louis yeah", "hypothesis": "I had a house in the suburbs of Saint Louis."} {"idx": "mnli-20700", "premise": "Whereas fashion photography--in the '50s as always--aimed to arouse active lust for new goods, the clothes in '50s movies were so thoroughly surreal as to look quite unfit for normal wear, even if they were waitresses' uniforms or girl-next-door dresses.", "hypothesis": "Clothing in movies from the 1950s was staged and overdone. "} {"idx": "mnli-20703", "premise": "The other was pinned to the other side of the tree by Vrenna's hand spike.", "hypothesis": "Vrenna pinned the other to the oak tree with a hand spike."} {"idx": "mnli-20710", "premise": "In the resorts on the coast, many traders are aware that some tourists feel uncomfortable with bargaining, and will give you their best price straight away if you ask them to.", "hypothesis": "All traders who operate close the coastal resorts are understanding about the fact that some tourists dislike bargaining. "} {"idx": "mnli-20712", "premise": "we what was it in seventy four when we had the the last last oil crisis and and uh we started getting smart and and we were looking all these alternative sources of energy and so forth", "hypothesis": "The oil crisis happened in 1974, but it didn't have a huge affect on alternative energy."} {"idx": "mnli-20713", "premise": "Screening with embedded questions and indirect questions may also improve self-report among adolescents and other groups.", "hypothesis": "For educational surveys, students may be more honest if they are given different methods of screening. "} {"idx": "mnli-20720", "premise": "uh-huh well um i'm i'm originally from Butler and that's about an hour away from where i am now i'm at Clairon And um it's it's pretty like windy and hilly", "hypothesis": "I haven't been to Butler in a couple of years now."} {"idx": "mnli-20725", "premise": "Rest found few of them that night.", "hypothesis": "Some demons were discovered that night."} {"idx": "mnli-20726", "premise": "For fiscal year 2001, $25 million was appropriated for the IDA demonstration.", "hypothesis": "The IDA demonstration was severely underfunded."} {"idx": "mnli-20731", "premise": "Without an evolutionary approach as its foundation, the ability to capture design and manufacturing knowledge early in the development process is significantly reduced.", "hypothesis": "With an evolutionary approach, manufacturing knowledge in the early development tends to be unchanged."} {"idx": "mnli-20732", "premise": "discovered that cross-functional teams provide a complete perspective of the product.", "hypothesis": "The teams have been helpful in improving our product line."} {"idx": "mnli-20735", "premise": "He pulled the blade out and a gout of blood followed.", "hypothesis": "After pulling the blade out of the demon, blood came out."} {"idx": "mnli-20736", "premise": "Drew shook his head.", "hypothesis": "Drew didn't confirm with what the priest had just said."} {"idx": "mnli-20745", "premise": "Gore's joke may look funny, but as a political kidney punch, it's dead serious.", "hypothesis": "Gore's joke was done in bad taste. "} {"idx": "mnli-20749", "premise": "Besides, added Mrs. Vandemeyer, \"he is extremely rich.", "hypothesis": "In additional to his many other admirable qualities, he is wealthy"} {"idx": "mnli-20751", "premise": "Taking unpopular clients and controversial cases is another measure of commitment.", "hypothesis": "Taking controversial cases measures your commitment. "} {"idx": "mnli-20758", "premise": "#NAME?", "hypothesis": "Skilled labor is still needed for parts of the jobs."} {"idx": "mnli-20759", "premise": "Most federal performance management systems fail to achieve these objectives.", "hypothesis": "Federal performance management systems are very good at achieving different objectives."} {"idx": "mnli-20760", "premise": "But looked at in the terms the White House uses today, Clinton was proposing cuts in Medicare spending beyond the $270 billion Republicans dared propose.", "hypothesis": "Clinton and the Republicans wanted to cut Medicare for very different reasons."} {"idx": "mnli-20761", "premise": "Agency The owner holds all individual construction contracts, and the CM functions as the construction contract administrator, acting on behalf of the owner and rendering an account of activities.", "hypothesis": "The CM is the federal government's construction contract administrator."} {"idx": "mnli-20768", "premise": "to buy to buy more for it's uh i find that interesting but it's like you know the the the the soda and this kind of things coming in", "hypothesis": "It's really interesting how they make soda at the factory."} {"idx": "mnli-20772", "premise": "Sicily's most attractive resort town, already very popular in antiquity as a vacation spot for the Greek bourgeoisie from Syracuse, commands a splendid ridgetop view of the Mediterranean from its hillside villas and hotels.", "hypothesis": "It's the only resort town in Sicily that has views of the Mediterranean sea."} {"idx": "mnli-20773", "premise": "Given the thoroughly earned reputation of the Salmon Corp, many quietly viewed it as a triumph.", "hypothesis": "Salmon Corp struggled through and despite themselves achieved a stellar result."} {"idx": "mnli-20778", "premise": "Design researchers as designs that focus on a single instance or a few instances.", "hypothesis": "Those researching the plans were specifically interested in whether a design was for a solo occurrence or for multiple occurences."} {"idx": "mnli-20779", "premise": "horrible i guess i would try and have somebody at the house as long as they were healthy enough but sometimes they're", "hypothesis": "They are healthy, but I'd try it as long as they stay that way."} {"idx": "mnli-20780", "premise": "The walls were burnt, and the air smelt of pork.", "hypothesis": "It smelled like grilled pork with BBQ sauce on it."} {"idx": "mnli-20784", "premise": "Major among these is the Kalawun and Barquq Mosque on the arterial Muizz lidina-Illah Street.", "hypothesis": "There are 100 Mosques found along the street."} {"idx": "mnli-20786", "premise": "Princess Di decorates the covers of both magazines' year-end photo issues.", "hypothesis": "Princess is on the cover of more than one magazine."} {"idx": "mnli-20788", "premise": "Editorialists applauded his candor but dismissed him as timid and naive.", "hypothesis": "he was brave but immature."} {"idx": "mnli-20791", "premise": "But when people scrutinize and see what those front-runners are really about ...", "hypothesis": "When people examine the front runners and see that they're all favorable."} {"idx": "mnli-20794", "premise": "Instead, attention focused on former premier Yevgeny Primakov's announcement of his alliance with a new political party.", "hypothesis": "Yevgeny Primakov's announcement shocked many."} {"idx": "mnli-20799", "premise": "Its impeachment cover package also chronicles last week's furor and lists the undecideds.", "hypothesis": "Its impeachment cover package is deemed great work by readers."} {"idx": "mnli-20800", "premise": "So much for the cruel stereotype of the pea-brained dinosaur.", "hypothesis": "Scientists have discovered that dinosaurs created complex social groups."} {"idx": "mnli-20804", "premise": "The components that they include are defined and discussed in detail in their respective chapters of this standard.", "hypothesis": "There are about 150 pages included in this standard. "} {"idx": "mnli-20818", "premise": "well i just uh i'm not interested in keeping big military over there and having to go in and call the shots like you say and and i just would prefer that i mean sometimes we've said let's keep we", "hypothesis": "I would prefer we didn't have military at all over there."} {"idx": "mnli-20826", "premise": "Postal Ratemaking in a Time of Change", "hypothesis": "They wanted to not make dramatic increases all at once."} {"idx": "mnli-20828", "premise": "The most significant resistance came from Marathas, in today's State of Maharashtra, around Mumbai.", "hypothesis": "The Marathas had had enough of the brutality. "} {"idx": "mnli-20830", "premise": "but it takes a good while for it to get cold", "hypothesis": "Cold is under 40 degrees Fahrenheit. "} {"idx": "mnli-20832", "premise": "for other Visas and it's like wait a minute we have a commitment with the company we're with if i want a Visa from your company i'll call you yeah", "hypothesis": "If I want a Visa from your company, I'll call you. I have enough right now."} {"idx": "mnli-20833", "premise": "With funding from the Lawyers Trust Fund of Illinois, the Technology Working Group and representatives from CARPLS (the Chicago-based hotline and referral services), Legal Assistance Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago, Prairie State Legal Services and Land of Lincoln Legal Assistance Foundation have formed a Best Practices group.", "hypothesis": "The Lawyers Trust Fund of Illinois gives $100,000 in funding to the Technology Working Group."} {"idx": "mnli-20836", "premise": "no we have six and seven no six and then one is at seven ten or something like that", "hypothesis": "We have never had one at exactly seven before."} {"idx": "mnli-20837", "premise": "Th' Old Man, he was movin' like he warn't on speakin' terms with th' law an' there was a sheriff behind every rock.", "hypothesis": "There was an Old Man and he kept to himself."} {"idx": "mnli-20840", "premise": "Today, we are issuing a separate report, captioned B-271810.", "hypothesis": "This report includes the number of yellow cars that drove by the main office on Thursday."} {"idx": "mnli-20842", "premise": "The President's Energy Plan will improve visibility by reducing SO2 and NOx emissions.", "hypothesis": "Unfortunately the plan will cost a lot of the tax payers' money."} {"idx": "mnli-20844", "premise": "yeah something like that yeah they've changed their name so many times i've lost track so", "hypothesis": "I can never keep track of their name, they change it every day."} {"idx": "mnli-20847", "premise": "The left wall is allegorical, devoted to the bankers' widely acknowledged virtues, Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, and Temperance, while religious themes invoke their piety on the other walls.", "hypothesis": "The bankers think that their values will make people trust them."} {"idx": "mnli-20849", "premise": "Friendship between alien intelligences is an imponderable.", "hypothesis": "There are many different kinds of aliens."} {"idx": "mnli-20851", "premise": "and uh and what it really means to vote and we also don't make the uh the issues perhaps in language that people fully understand them", "hypothesis": "We don't make the issues in a language people can read so it needs to be available in many languages."} {"idx": "mnli-20852", "premise": "well i really don't know too much else about it", "hypothesis": "I am willing to learn more about it."} {"idx": "mnli-20853", "premise": "What'd you see? ", "hypothesis": "He saw something beautiful."} {"idx": "mnli-20854", "premise": "I ejaculated.", "hypothesis": "They were speaking to someone else. "} {"idx": "mnli-20857", "premise": "These principles guided the organizations' efforts to manage the risk associated with the increasingly automated and interconnected environment in which they functioned.", "hypothesis": "The principles were respected by those in the organization. "} {"idx": "mnli-20866", "premise": "well that's pretty good my my sister is very over zealous too she's got", "hypothesis": "That's pretty good. My sister gets very excited over everything too."} {"idx": "mnli-20872", "premise": "But if he's 'people,' maybe it's a disintegrator gun.\"", "hypothesis": "I'm not sure what he is at all."} {"idx": "mnli-20874", "premise": "Manger Square is in front of the Church of the Nativity, built by Constantine in 325.", "hypothesis": "The Church of the Nativity has survived numerous wars without any damage."} {"idx": "mnli-20875", "premise": "There are bikes for rent outside its entrance for exploring the rest of the park.", "hypothesis": "The rest of the park can be explored by bike."} {"idx": "mnli-20876", "premise": "Still, the future of Las Vegas is sure to be determined as much by the pioneering spirit that built the city as by anything else.", "hypothesis": "It is assumed that the next major evolution of Las Vegas will be some means of innovative travel to and from other major cities that will enable temporary getaways."} {"idx": "mnli-20877", "premise": "It is a onetime charge, and Kanter's--and most other stores--let you keep the plates.", "hypothesis": "Kanter's will let you keep the plates, but some other stores won't allow that. "} {"idx": "mnli-20882", "premise": "In Dave's chest, the salamander began purring again, and he drifted back into his coma.", "hypothesis": "The salamander kept Dave ion a coma"} {"idx": "mnli-20893", "premise": "Treasury offers to the public and are traded in the marketplace.", "hypothesis": "In the marketplace trasury offers are traded, said the teacher."} {"idx": "mnli-20900", "premise": "He'd never've lasted this long was that so not with th' Old Man an' th' army an' what law there is in th' territory all gunnin' for him.", "hypothesis": "The Old Man was persistent. "} {"idx": "mnli-20901", "premise": "yeah so you know who's who produces those the US produces those and i think after the war no that we're not going to see a bunch of the Arab nations buying Russian equipment because the Russian equipment has gotten blown out of the sky or off the ground", "hypothesis": "The Russians have offered to sell at a very low price."} {"idx": "mnli-20903", "premise": "In America a new organization was formed, the Irish Republican Brotherhood, known as the Fenians.", "hypothesis": "The Fenians had no freedom to pursue these goals until they were safely n America's shores."} {"idx": "mnli-20907", "premise": "i'm kind of like you i've never really gotten into it it's just a it's just a chore you know and i finally decided one semester i'm in college and i'm taking night classes and", "hypothesis": "I have decided to be different."} {"idx": "mnli-20912", "premise": "do you like suspense movies or do you like uh just action or", "hypothesis": "Do you like action movies?"} {"idx": "mnli-20916", "premise": "Parcells vacations little during the off- He can't relax, worrying that his rivals are working harder.", "hypothesis": "Parcell is unable to relax because he is afraid of his rivals."} {"idx": "mnli-20918", "premise": "The General Accounting Office, the investigative arm of Congress, exists to support Congress in meeting its constitutional responsibilities and to help improve the performance and accountability of the federal government for the American people.", "hypothesis": "Congress includes the General Accounting office."} {"idx": "mnli-20920", "premise": "Conversely, Arendt's public realm is the exact opposite of the private It's where you're not protected and shouldn't be.", "hypothesis": "When Ardent is so public with his talk, people do not listen and they do not anymore."} {"idx": "mnli-20921", "premise": "The sight of the two of them was felt to be an effective means of getting at the truth.", "hypothesis": "They assumed placing them together for people to see would get the truth from them."} {"idx": "mnli-20923", "premise": "No disparagement to Jane, mind you, continued the other.", "hypothesis": "The other said they didn't mean any disparagement to Jane by their comments they had made."} {"idx": "mnli-20927", "premise": "hadn't been able to play so i took out a few videos and watched them for a while and i i hope i'm on the right track you know i shot a career low eighty nine so and my handicap's twenty i", "hypothesis": "I watched more than ten hours of videos."} {"idx": "mnli-20934", "premise": "Overall, I think the change will be good, said Richard Loza, a San Antonio attorney and the local coordinator for the bargaining unit of the National Organization of Legal Services Workers. ", "hypothesis": "The changes will help the legal service workers perform better."} {"idx": "mnli-20936", "premise": "No, the sixth point I will keep to myself for the present.\" He looked quickly round the room. ", "hypothesis": "He didn't want to give away the evidence. "} {"idx": "mnli-20939", "premise": "Youth! The word seemed to depress the Astronomer.", "hypothesis": "Youth! The Astronomer's face fell at the word."} {"idx": "mnli-20941", "premise": "Oh! said Tuppence again.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence said oh after that."} {"idx": "mnli-20945", "premise": "Blood splashed on Jon's face and armor.", "hypothesis": "The blood of a demon was on Jon's face."} {"idx": "mnli-20948", "premise": "Players express their appreciation to the Lambeau fans by hurtling into their midst, for just one moment becoming one of them.", "hypothesis": "Fans and players both love the tradition."} {"idx": "mnli-20950", "premise": "Some families have opened up their homes to visitors and you can have an evening meal with them and discover more about their world.", "hypothesis": "As an alternative to hotels, you might consider staying in a private home."} {"idx": "mnli-20954", "premise": "When asked whether the administration ought to insist that these requirements be met as a condition of negotiation, DeLay twice ducked the question.", "hypothesis": "DeLay said someone else would be able to answer the questions."} {"idx": "mnli-20963", "premise": "Quinlan knows that when you're playing a woman who has lost a child you don't need to emote--you reveal the emotion by trying not to emote.", "hypothesis": "Quinlan has never lost a child herself."} {"idx": "mnli-20966", "premise": "Mr. White picked a newspaper from the coffee table, and threw it to me.", "hypothesis": "Mr. White threw me 'The Guardian' newspaper from the coffee table."} {"idx": "mnli-20970", "premise": "He thought philandering husbands would be the ones taking advantage of the argument about how cheating was hard to control.", "hypothesis": "Cheating is hard to control. "} {"idx": "mnli-20975", "premise": "uh for example i was messing around with a spreadsheet this weekend that's a third of a meg in beta size", "hypothesis": "My computer had a harder time loading the spreadsheet."} {"idx": "mnli-20977", "premise": "just forty miles north due north of Cincinnati and uh but uh northern Indiana has many tornadoes come roaring across and we get the backlash off of it if not the part of the tornado itself", "hypothesis": "Northern Indiana has tornadoes every summer."} {"idx": "mnli-20978", "premise": "He was foaled on April sixth in sixty-two.", "hypothesis": "He was born on April 6, 1862."} {"idx": "mnli-20996", "premise": "Even if the head coupon issuer has fallen temporarily behind the curve, he can still ordinarily turn the situation around by issuing more coupons--that is, with a vigorous monetary expansion like the ones that ended the recessions of 1981-82 and 1990-91.", "hypothesis": "Even if the person that gives the coupons is behind his manufacturing schedule, he can usually fix it by giving more coupons."} {"idx": "mnli-20998", "premise": "yeah i was i was wondering if you guys eat a lot of fish um yeah", "hypothesis": "They eat a lot of salmon and pike."} {"idx": "mnli-20999", "premise": "Oh! said Tommy, rather taken aback.", "hypothesis": "He was surprised by her curt tone."} {"idx": "mnli-21008", "premise": "There's no sign of an economic boom or increased optimism (whether justified or not) about technology.", "hypothesis": "I don't see signs of an economic boom or increased optimism about technology, but that economist does."} {"idx": "mnli-21011", "premise": "I shouldn't like the colonies and I'm perfectly certain they wouldn't like me!", "hypothesis": "I don't want to go to the British Colonies. "} {"idx": "mnli-21016", "premise": "Permit me.\" With a deft gesture, he rearranged it. ", "hypothesis": "He rearranged it quickly."} {"idx": "mnli-21019", "premise": "It does not tell us what we need to know about America, what a novel can tell us about the complex attitudes and allegiances of a time and a place.", "hypothesis": "It concentrates mainly on the southern states of America."} {"idx": "mnli-21024", "premise": "PointCast has succeeded so far with a mass-market approach--relatively few news sources, sorted into relatively few buckets.", "hypothesis": "The news sources were checked for reliability."} {"idx": "mnli-21025", "premise": "Key product characteristics and critical manufacturing processes are noted on the engineering drawings and work instructions that are released to manufacturing.", "hypothesis": "Engineering drawings are usually made on sheets of high quality velum."} {"idx": "mnli-21026", "premise": "Room after antiseptic room, each one devoted to a more baffling design.", "hypothesis": "The rooms got weirder and weirder as we went along."} {"idx": "mnli-21032", "premise": "yeah oh yeah i've owned uh several and built several uh", "hypothesis": "I have built several different shacks that I allow homeless people to live in."} {"idx": "mnli-21035", "premise": "Gipsy (Tel.702/731-1919) is small but wall-to-wall with energetic dancing (it's mostly men here, though women are welcome).", "hypothesis": "Women have never outnumbered men at the Gipsy."} {"idx": "mnli-21036", "premise": "This parallel obsession elicited the interesting suggestion, from the critic Maurice Tuchman, that both animals (especially sacrificed animals) and uniformed domestics were scapegoats of sorts.", "hypothesis": "The obsession elicited a suggestion that all of them were scapegoats in the war."} {"idx": "mnli-21037", "premise": ": Adrin's first lesson", "hypothesis": "Adrin was excited to learn the lesson. "} {"idx": "mnli-21040", "premise": "You can't teach common bonds of history to teens while the school and the community stress athletics as the most honored achievement.", "hypothesis": "You can't teach bonds of history to teens when the school acts like athletics is the most important thing to succeed at in life."} {"idx": "mnli-21043", "premise": "Dear me, I murmured, \"so that is the explanation of your extraordinary behaviour. ", "hypothesis": "There is a reason for your behavior."} {"idx": "mnli-21047", "premise": "She answered with a terse nod, striding straight out.", "hypothesis": "She agreed with me and then left quickly."} {"idx": "mnli-21055", "premise": "yes i've even heard them talking about uh recycling Freon from refrigerators refrigeration systems yes there are people there are companies that recycle their Freon", "hypothesis": "I have sent my old fridge for recycling."} {"idx": "mnli-21058", "premise": "GASB establishes accounting principles and financial reporting standards for state and local government entities.", "hypothesis": "GASB is in charge of accounting for the government. "} {"idx": "mnli-21061", "premise": "You'll find wooden fishing boats pulled up on the sands and nets hanging out to dry.", "hypothesis": "The boats are pulled up every evening after the fishing is done."} {"idx": "mnli-21062", "premise": "The EU has given large subsidies to develop Greece's infrastructure and grants to excavate and protect its ancient monuments.", "hypothesis": "The EU thinks protecting ancient monuments in all member countries to be very important."} {"idx": "mnli-21067", "premise": "that's one difference there really wasn't a lot of difference", "hypothesis": "One difference was involved."} {"idx": "mnli-21070", "premise": "With its limited advertising budget--limited to zero--News Quiz has no spokesmodel (despite my rambling, drunken midnight phone calls to Ellen Barkin), no Happy Meal (Aw, Mom, I already have Tim Carvell!", "hypothesis": "I called Ellen Barkin three times in the past week."} {"idx": "mnli-21073", "premise": "Today, with their hot summer days, warm waters, abundant beaches, and distinct lifestyle, the Greek islands of the Aegean are among the major tourist playgrounds in the world.", "hypothesis": "The islands have been popular tourist destinations for about the past 40 years."} {"idx": "mnli-21078", "premise": "Congress may wish to consider whether the new department, as proposed, will dedicate sufficient management capacity and accountability to ensure the execution of nonhomeland security missions, as well as consider potential alternatives to the current framework for handling these important functions.", "hypothesis": "Homeland security missions are preferred over nonhomeland ones."} {"idx": "mnli-21079", "premise": "and a lot of jurors not that i know of but you know a lot of jurors may just sit there and say yeah he's guilty but i don't have to deal with it from here you know so the judge takes care of all of that", "hypothesis": "The judge takes care of everything else after the jury says he is guilty."} {"idx": "mnli-21082", "premise": "well i mean how can you contrast the the Europeans and their vocalism on their rights to to say the people in Latin America i mean why are they why are they not as vocal or why do they not you know stand up so to speak for their rights", "hypothesis": "Why don't Latin Americans speak up for themselves?"} {"idx": "mnli-21085", "premise": "from your company because i know they i don't know why but you can use American Express and they give you an itemized bill and", "hypothesis": "You can only use american express but nothing else. "} {"idx": "mnli-21088", "premise": "At movie's end, Tarzan and Jane move in with Mom and her furry family, like '90s yuppies who have given up and moved back home.", "hypothesis": "All 90's yuppies are like Tarzan and Jane. "} {"idx": "mnli-21094", "premise": "It is estimated that direct medical costs constitute only 15% of total costs related to substance abuse, with the remainder being related to problems such as property damage, crime, absenteeism, and unemployment.", "hypothesis": "Medical costs relating to crime is hard to estimate."} {"idx": "mnli-21100", "premise": "Microsoft's inclusion of IE with Windows does not prevent computer manufacturers from installing competing browsers or putting those browsers on the desktop.", "hypothesis": "Microsoft forces all Windows uses to use IE."} {"idx": "mnli-21105", "premise": "One of my best hats once, but that is not to the point.\"", "hypothesis": "The hat was finely made. "} {"idx": "mnli-21108", "premise": "And that is the reality that brings us here on this beautiful September day.", "hypothesis": "That is why we are here today to discuss the important issue."} {"idx": "mnli-21109", "premise": "yeah i'm not exactly sure where the you know the can thing is but you know sometimes it's just so seems so much easier just to take it and throw it in the trash and have them pick it up than it is to smash the cans and drive it some place to have them", "hypothesis": "The recycling center is about an hour away."} {"idx": "mnli-21110", "premise": "Ca'daan heard a roar and turned to see Thorn, his horse felled by a sheaf of arrows, defending attacks from an equally large man with a warhammer.", "hypothesis": "A giant warhammer was coming down on Thorn."} {"idx": "mnli-21120", "premise": "It wasn't just the inexorable working of the law of diminishing disciples.", "hypothesis": "This method involved more workers."} {"idx": "mnli-21122", "premise": "He unwrapped the bundle and his eyes widened.", "hypothesis": "In the bundle was a new sword made of pure gold. "} {"idx": "mnli-21126", "premise": "Others well worth visiting include the home of Balzac (47 Rue Ray?\u00adnouard) and Delacroix's studio (6 Rue de Furstenberg).", "hypothesis": "Delacroix's studio is huge, over one hundred rooms and twenty five bathrooms."} {"idx": "mnli-21130", "premise": "In each category, cost includes all costs to put the item in usable condition for its intended purpose including, among others, transportation, assembly, and inspection costs.", "hypothesis": "To install a chair you need to buy $50."} {"idx": "mnli-21138", "premise": "Am I an idiot?", "hypothesis": "He was stupid for even asking. "} {"idx": "mnli-21140", "premise": ", transportation systems, and sewage and water treatment plants).", "hypothesis": "Transportation and water treatment are important "} {"idx": "mnli-21145", "premise": "The solemnly monumental hemicycle of the Piazza del Plebiscito was laid out by Napoleon's marshal Joachim Murat, when as King of Naples, he occupied the Spaniards' Palazzo Reale on the east side of the piazza.", "hypothesis": "The hemicycle of the Piazza del Plebiscito is a monument to fallen comrades."} {"idx": "mnli-21146", "premise": " The model of the world inside the orrery must have been made from earthly materials already, and it was colored to depict land and sea areas.", "hypothesis": "The wold was Kneethnark, original home dimension of the Vampire Lords. "} {"idx": "mnli-21150", "premise": "yeah the current average or whatever", "hypothesis": "The average is at an all time low right now."} {"idx": "mnli-21154", "premise": "There WAS a French young lady staying in the house.", "hypothesis": "She was visiting family overseas."} {"idx": "mnli-21155", "premise": "or i'll go you know do a", "hypothesis": "I'll go do a trick."} {"idx": "mnli-21156", "premise": "The preamble to the final rule discusses the comments received and the actions taken upon them.", "hypothesis": "The preamble was written in advance, knowing this would be needed. "} {"idx": "mnli-21157", "premise": "one was a store and one was like a a fast food place i think it chicken or something i don't know anyway they raped the women", "hypothesis": "They raped the women in both stores."} {"idx": "mnli-21161", "premise": "Lowell tries to get Starr to admit that he should have told the attorney general about his contacts with Paula Jones' lawyers and that he mistreated Monica Lewinsky by holding her for hours at the Ritz-Carlton and denying her a lawyer.", "hypothesis": "Monica Lewinsky was not just simply the victim here. "} {"idx": "mnli-21172", "premise": "The pyramids of Egypt have exerted a powerful hold on the world since explorers first began to explore this ancient land.", "hypothesis": "The pyramids are unique pieces of architecture, that capitvate the eye of both common people and archeologists alike."} {"idx": "mnli-21173", "premise": "Israel's boundaries were redrawn and expanded to almost what they are now, whereas the Palestinian Arab territories were reduced to the central-eastern area, known as the West Bank (of the Jordan River), and the Gaza Strip.", "hypothesis": "Israel won the war and got land from it."} {"idx": "mnli-21175", "premise": "We might aid it with high-frequency radiation, but I distrust the effects on the prepsyche.", "hypothesis": "I'd prefer to do this without risk. "} {"idx": "mnli-21177", "premise": "So it's like a cockpit.", "hypothesis": "It's similar to a cockpit but much bigger."} {"idx": "mnli-21182", "premise": "Nope git behind a rock an' ambush ... put th' whole hell-fired country t' work fur them.", "hypothesis": "In order to do an ambush, you have to be hiding because the element of surprise is important."} {"idx": "mnli-21189", "premise": "REPORT ON LSC'S RECONFIGURATION STANDARDS", "hypothesis": "The report lists both good and bad aspects of the reconfiguration standards."} {"idx": "mnli-21190", "premise": "And there is yet another valid that the widespread transmission of racial stereotypes might indeed be helpful to hate groups.", "hypothesis": "Racial stereotypes help hate groups recruit."} {"idx": "mnli-21195", "premise": "Canada Miss started to look a little sloppy.", "hypothesis": "Her appearance and dress did not look as refined as before."} {"idx": "mnli-21198", "premise": "They finally surrendered on Christmas Day in 1941.", "hypothesis": "They surrendered due to the acts of one brave man."} {"idx": "mnli-21205", "premise": "it's just the audit department happened to be just a little behind the times because the uh the senior vice president over audits is cheap", "hypothesis": "The audits may be expensive to do."} {"idx": "mnli-21209", "premise": "no i know i know a little bit more than most people but no where near enough to even talk intelligently about them", "hypothesis": "I should be prepared in a couple of weeks."} {"idx": "mnli-21214", "premise": "get out of here for heaven's sake i've never heard of one", "hypothesis": " I've never heard of one. I think you're yanking my chain."} {"idx": "mnli-21218", "premise": "Yet once again, Clinton's critics are lumping it into a pattern.", "hypothesis": "Clinton's critics aren't purposely choosing not to deviate from their usual approach."} {"idx": "mnli-21220", "premise": "Chris Hoiles, starting catcher for the Orioles, told me one day in the locker room, We're usually the dirtiest guys on the field and the sweatiest guys on the field.", "hypothesis": "Chris Hoiles is the most motivated player on the Orioles."} {"idx": "mnli-21221", "premise": "Its buildings tumble down toward the water with stunning views.", "hypothesis": "Its buildings are located on a hillside by the water."} {"idx": "mnli-21224", "premise": "so uh tell me about changes from say twenty years ago since you were an adult twenty years ago", "hypothesis": "Along with telling me the differences from twenty years ago, could you show me what you looked like as an adult back then."} {"idx": "mnli-21226", "premise": "Treasure Beach is the only resort area to speak of, with just a handful of hotels stretching acrosethree sandy bays.", "hypothesis": "Treasure Beach is a beautiful resort."} {"idx": "mnli-21234", "premise": "Multimethod Policy Issues and Applications.", "hypothesis": "The policy issues are being addressed."} {"idx": "mnli-21235", "premise": "He needn't have done so. ", "hypothesis": "He had the option to do it."} {"idx": "mnli-21236", "premise": "But look here, sir, we're taking up an awful lot of your time.", "hypothesis": "It is well worth your time to listen to us. "} {"idx": "mnli-21250", "premise": "What else had been in that trunk?", "hypothesis": "There had been things in that trunk because it was used for storage."} {"idx": "mnli-21253", "premise": "well Hawaii is pretty far too think about it", "hypothesis": "Hawaii is the furthest state from the mainland United States of America."} {"idx": "mnli-21254", "premise": "i've gone to a few games i not in a while went to uh actually went to a play off game once", "hypothesis": "I saw they win a few games."} {"idx": "mnli-21255", "premise": "Just in case, he set up a second password to secure files containing, what he called, 'personally strategic data.' He added both passwords into the cell phone, just in case.", "hypothesis": "Hackers will likely try to access these files. "} {"idx": "mnli-21256", "premise": "Simon's appointment was scheduled for 3:18PM.", "hypothesis": "Simon had an eye doctor appointment a little after 3. "} {"idx": "mnli-21258", "premise": "Ideally, the design fixes for the failures should be corrected prior to manufacturing production units.", "hypothesis": "The fixes should be addressed before they reach the assembly line if this was a smart plan."} {"idx": "mnli-21259", "premise": "Ah, yes, my young friend of the tree episode! ", "hypothesis": "The episode was a television program."} {"idx": "mnli-21260", "premise": "We also chart the critical consensus about books, movies, art, and music in Summary Judgment and spare you from having to watch the Sunday talk shows by offering you the gist in Pundit Central (check in Sunday evening to prepare for Monday sessions at the water cooler).", "hypothesis": "Check in weekly to prepare for next week's sessions."} {"idx": "mnli-21264", "premise": "um so uh but uh you know the not a lot i could do about it", "hypothesis": "I did everything I could."} {"idx": "mnli-21268", "premise": "Gross national saving is a nation's total income minus its consumption and represents resources available for domestic or foreign investment.", "hypothesis": "Gross national saving is one of the most important metrics in evaluating the wealth of a nation."} {"idx": "mnli-21270", "premise": "Figure 4 and Table 6 can be used to estimate likely profit and revenue losses to cream skimmers and Figure 3 to estimate the cost impact of volume losses.", "hypothesis": "Figure 7 is a drawing of the Post Master General on a horse."} {"idx": "mnli-21271", "premise": "or like what what percent do you then save or something", "hypothesis": "It's important to put some amount in savings. "} {"idx": "mnli-21275", "premise": "Gibson's big theory is that Dala's life was defined by his feelings of shame.", "hypothesis": "Gibson's thinks that Dala's life was defined by his feelings of shame without realizing that it was actually defined by his feelings of anger."} {"idx": "mnli-21278", "premise": "The Court agrees with all this, yet applies a novel and unsupportable interpretation of our public-forum precedents to declare a504(a)(16) facially unconstitutional.", "hypothesis": "The Court agreed with the argument but still felt that a504(a)(16) wasn't in keeping with the spirit of the constitution."} {"idx": "mnli-21284", "premise": "so u m i think if i just would be if i'd do something be motivated enough to do something i think it would work out well", "hypothesis": "I could do something if it worked out well."} {"idx": "mnli-21285", "premise": "Dhulikhel, on the other hand, is strictly about mountain views.", "hypothesis": " Dhulikhel sits in an isolated valley enclosed by a dense jungle."} {"idx": "mnli-21292", "premise": "Prices of fuels can be adjusted in the model in response to demand", "hypothesis": "The model was designed to account for all variables regarding fuel sales."} {"idx": "mnli-21293", "premise": "Old values versus new, old virtues and new injustices.", "hypothesis": "It was the same thing over and over, old versus the new."} {"idx": "mnli-21297", "premise": "we think about that a lot", "hypothesis": "We think about the car accident a lot"} {"idx": "mnli-21303", "premise": "She felt that once Mrs. Vandemeyer gave them the slip, the last hope of finding Tommy would be gone.", "hypothesis": "She thought that Tommy would be found if Mrs. Vandemeyer was prevented from leaving. "} {"idx": "mnli-21304", "premise": "Perhaps Internet users are more depressed because they are better informed.", "hypothesis": "Information is useful for people to know."} {"idx": "mnli-21305", "premise": "The busy path running alongside the beach to Venice is a coveted track for bicyclists and rollerbladers, who either bring their own gear or rent from the numerous establishments nearby.", "hypothesis": "Bicyclists always have the right of way on the path."} {"idx": "mnli-21308", "premise": "The chateau's proudest possession is the great 14th-century Apocalypse Tapestry narrating the gospel of Saint John in moving detail.", "hypothesis": "The 14-century Apocalypse Tapestry is six feet long."} {"idx": "mnli-21309", "premise": "An article chronicles the aborted return of offbeat television.", "hypothesis": "The article's author advocated for the return of offbeat television. "} {"idx": "mnli-21311", "premise": "yeah that's us too yeah yeah true i know it's too bad that they've gotten so expensive", "hypothesis": "We still can buy them online for a decent price though."} {"idx": "mnli-21312", "premise": "Fira is beautiful, but it can get oppressive when visitors crowd the narrow streets.", "hypothesis": "Over twenty thousand visitors are on the streets at any given time."} {"idx": "mnli-21315", "premise": "However, the relative roles of PM exposure duration and PM exposure level in inducing premature mortality remain unknown at this time.", "hypothesis": "It is imperative that the effects of PM exposure duration and level in relation to each other are understood quickly, due to a current surge in premature mortality caused by PM exposure."} {"idx": "mnli-21317", "premise": "He was Dale Evans' faithful husband for 50 years; modeled good habits for the kids who watched his show (he gave up beer off-screen and never kissed Dale on-screen); and adopted abused, orphaned, and ethnic-minority children.", "hypothesis": "He was married to Dale Evans despite gay marriage being illegal."} {"idx": "mnli-21319", "premise": "The silt of the River Maeander has also stranded the once-mighty city of Miletus.", "hypothesis": "The River Maeander has been depositing silt near Miletus for nearly two millennia."} {"idx": "mnli-21321", "premise": "oh just a minute i got to see who that is", "hypothesis": "I need to answer the door. "} {"idx": "mnli-21323", "premise": "The Bastille was stormed the next day.", "hypothesis": "The Bastille has only been stormed once. "} {"idx": "mnli-21324", "premise": "Where's the social purpose in that--affirmative action for lousy actors and worse writers (most of whom, it must be noted, are white)?", "hypothesis": "There is much social purpose in affirmative action."} {"idx": "mnli-21331", "premise": "It is estimated that there will be 1,310 respondents and the burden hours vary from 11 to 24 hours per response depending on the type of authorization requested.", "hypothesis": "More than 1300 people will respond."} {"idx": "mnli-21334", "premise": "The garden had been founded as early as 1670 as a resource for medical research, affiliated for many years with the Royal College of Physicians.", "hypothesis": "The garden only houses medicinal herbs. "} {"idx": "mnli-21336", "premise": "Sixth Fleet to protect it.", "hypothesis": "The sixth fleet decided to protect it with honor."} {"idx": "mnli-21339", "premise": "He still exaggerates the hostility displayed, and says that Saxton won't let me answer when in fact Reich's chief economist is later allowed to deliver a lecture-length reply.", "hypothesis": "His exaggeration may be used to highlight extreme circumstances that he may be experiencing."} {"idx": "mnli-21349", "premise": "An audit cannot ensure that stock prices will be achieved.", "hypothesis": "The audit doesn't guarantee anything "} {"idx": "mnli-21355", "premise": "um oh i never heard of that", "hypothesis": "I have never heard of recycling programs."} {"idx": "mnli-21356", "premise": "is it's not a lot of the firms that offer mortgage mortgage loan firms aren't offering um that loan", "hypothesis": "The mortgage loans come with a high interest."} {"idx": "mnli-21357", "premise": "One of them kids had been sayin' as how he rode with Forrest, regular li'l red-hot Reb, he is.", "hypothesis": "The kid was making stuff up, and we don't appreciate it."} {"idx": "mnli-21360", "premise": "Ironically, just a few yards from here, in the midst of all the Arab hubbub and bustle, you'll find a famous, marvellously peaceful Christian site.", "hypothesis": "The Christian site's continued existence is being threatened by the increase in the Arab population."} {"idx": "mnli-21366", "premise": "holy cow i just walked in i i didn't even i guess it's i can't believe it's over already", "hypothesis": "If I had come just a little earlier, I would have arrived before it came to an end."} {"idx": "mnli-21372", "premise": "well i love Masterpiece Theatre", "hypothesis": "Masterpiece Theatre has been one of my favorites since I was a kid. "} {"idx": "mnli-21374", "premise": "His appearances are underscored by demonic chants", "hypothesis": "There were demonic chants that overpowered his speech."} {"idx": "mnli-21375", "premise": "The excess emissions penalties reflect changes from the allowance holding requirements from unit-level to facility-level compliance in Section 403.", "hypothesis": "The emission penalities increased in Section 403."} {"idx": "mnli-21378", "premise": "I'm afraid to step out of the car.", "hypothesis": "The car is surrounded by venomous snakes and rabid porcupines. "} {"idx": "mnli-21384", "premise": "or if the prescription say ran out or if you're using something that's uh older than older than the date uh on the package or whatever", "hypothesis": "If you don't have enough medicine."} {"idx": "mnli-21388", "premise": "It was built in the style of a south Indian gopuram (temple gatehouse-tower), covered with a riot of colorful statuary from the Hindu pantheon.", "hypothesis": "The style was heavily influenced by foreigners."} {"idx": "mnli-21391", "premise": "and so we just stay and watch that", "hypothesis": "I prefer staying at my house and watching it."} {"idx": "mnli-21392", "premise": "In a society that stresses individual achievement Co where you pull yourself up by your bootstraps Co the Legal Aid Bureau helps those without boots.", "hypothesis": "The Legal Aid Bureau helps people become more independent and more prominent."} {"idx": "mnli-21395", "premise": "The Museum of Traditional Industry presents a diverse collection of textiles, porcelain, fans, dolls, lacquerware, cutlery, and cabinetwork, with occasional live demonstrations by craftsmen.", "hypothesis": "There are live demonstrations every week at the Museum of Traditional Industry."} {"idx": "mnli-21400", "premise": "The gardens, once a favorite spot for aristocratic duels, now serve as a pleasant children's playground.", "hypothesis": "The gardens are a favorite spot for children."} {"idx": "mnli-21402", "premise": "BAUERSTEIN I HAD had no opportunity as yet of passing on Poirot's message to Lawrence. ", "hypothesis": "I had been looking for Lawrence everywhere, to no avail."} {"idx": "mnli-21403", "premise": "well yeah but i'd rather have a sunny weekend than a gray weekend so", "hypothesis": "I like sunshine about as much as overcast."} {"idx": "mnli-21405", "premise": "the the experience is is better up here i think you know it seems more relaxing there's more to look at", "hypothesis": "The experience in other places is fine but not as good as the experience up here. "} {"idx": "mnli-21410", "premise": "He was completely open to criticism.", "hypothesis": "After the incident, he has never taken criticism from other people."} {"idx": "mnli-21412", "premise": "Elaborate carvings on the walls of both buildings depict Amenophis making offerings to the gods in thanks for his divine power.", "hypothesis": "Amenophis made a lot of offerings to the gods."} {"idx": "mnli-21413", "premise": "SCR systems are primarily made from steel, standard mechanical hardware, and catalyst.", "hypothesis": "SCR systems are used to transport trucks and must be built from quality materials in order for SCR to maintain sales contracts with trucking manufacturers. "} {"idx": "mnli-21414", "premise": "The building is undergoing restoration that will last until 2004 but the exhibits are expected to remain open.", "hypothesis": "The building is being restored since it was damaged in 2002."} {"idx": "mnli-21415", "premise": "People stayed in neighborhoods, for example, because they could not afford to move, and because other neighborhoods would not accept them easily.", "hypothesis": "Most of the people did not savings to use for the moving."} {"idx": "mnli-21419", "premise": "and see what's going on and all those things even if friends call", "hypothesis": "and comment on what is going on in town that evening."} {"idx": "mnli-21422", "premise": "However, if it was the friends' mistake, we have no desire to embarrass them with their error.", "hypothesis": "We don't want to embarrass our friends, so we just pretend they're right."} {"idx": "mnli-21424", "premise": "But she leapt at a chance offered her by Mrs. Vandemeyer.", "hypothesis": "She didn't want to work, but she leapt at the offer Mrs. Vandemeyer gave her."} {"idx": "mnli-21439", "premise": "it does except that knowing them they would probably do something ridiculous and terrible just just to uh", "hypothesis": "They'd probably cook something ridiculous."} {"idx": "mnli-21444", "premise": "The Romans took control of Petra in a.d.106, and they too have left their legacy.", "hypothesis": "Petra has been conquered by many civilizations. "} {"idx": "mnli-21454", "premise": "Swell clothes, but no class.", "hypothesis": "They took care to pick out their clothing. "} {"idx": "mnli-21455", "premise": "The CIOs themselves must meet the challenges of building credible organizations, and developing and organizing information management capabilities to meet agency mission needs.", "hypothesis": "The agency mission has many requirements left unmet."} {"idx": "mnli-21456", "premise": "By car, the drive along the Carretera de Circunvalacien, the beltway that parallels the River Tagus around the city, leads towards Parador hotel and the Roman bridge, Puente de Alcintara.", "hypothesis": "The drive leads to Parador hotel, an opulent place for guests to stay."} {"idx": "mnli-21457", "premise": "Election of additional units. ", "hypothesis": "They wanted to make sure they had enough."} {"idx": "mnli-21459", "premise": "The more orthodox Muslims were concerned that Islam was being abandoned, and rebellions sprang up in Bengal, Bihar, and the Punjab.", "hypothesis": "The more orthodox Muslims had concerns that Islam was being abandoned and rebellions sprang up across several provinces and in the capital."} {"idx": "mnli-21460", "premise": "The Anaheim Angels and Mighty Ducks offer entertaining sideshows (mascots, food courts, dancers) but the teams stink, and fans say that's all that matters.", "hypothesis": "The Anaheim Angels and Mighty Ducks used to have decent teams, but they have gotten worse over the years."} {"idx": "mnli-21461", "premise": "In this way, the LSC diversity message was delivered locally in states like Arizona and Montana, and nationally through articles in the MIE Journal and NLADA Update.", "hypothesis": "The LSC diversity message was delivered in states that had the most racial tension."} {"idx": "mnli-21467", "premise": "i that's just something i just don't want to watch", "hypothesis": "That is something I have no wishes to view due to its R rating."} {"idx": "mnli-21469", "premise": "Section 605(b) states that the certification and explanatory statement shall be provided to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration (SBA).", "hypothesis": "The SBA don't always receive the certification which they should do."} {"idx": "mnli-21474", "premise": "But how come Kitchell could hide out in Apache country?", "hypothesis": "How did Kitchell hide in Apache territory when every cavalry unit in the area was looking for him?"} {"idx": "mnli-21477", "premise": "What's more, the time between the procedures can be reduced to just three days, which for busy, modern women is certainly good news.'", "hypothesis": "Modern women often go for plastic surgery every third day."} {"idx": "mnli-21478", "premise": "The Commission issued the final rule on April 24, 1996, and we received it on April 25, 1996.", "hypothesis": "The final rule was received by a dog and not an actual person."} {"idx": "mnli-21479", "premise": "Does Hillary Clinton believe her husband's denials?", "hypothesis": "After what had happened, it's visible Hillary Clinton does not know whether to believe her husband or not."} {"idx": "mnli-21485", "premise": "These percentages of demand are expected to be experienced prior to 2010, but with growth in the boilermaker numbers out to 2010, the percent of boilermakers affected drops off.", "hypothesis": "Boilermakers growth drops off after 2010."} {"idx": "mnli-21487", "premise": "Note that the estimate for the current annual demand is quite conservative since the catalyst replacement rate on oil- and gas-fired combustion units is likely to be less frequent than one-twelfth of the catalyst per year.", "hypothesis": "More catalyst is always needed than the amount predicted."} {"idx": "mnli-21490", "premise": "But I like this machine.", "hypothesis": "I tried and disliked a lot of machines."} {"idx": "mnli-21491", "premise": "Skiathos is the smallest of the main Sporades islands and lies closest to the Greek mainland.", "hypothesis": "Skiathos is the smallest island because the other islands are larger due to volcanic emissions."} {"idx": "mnli-21492", "premise": "He believed in a public health approach to screening which means we would not do it if the yield is low.", "hypothesis": "A public health approach to screening was something he believed in, said his colleagues."} {"idx": "mnli-21493", "premise": "Under the requirements of the Computer Security Act, NIST is responsible for establishing standards for federal computer systems that process sensitive but unclassified information.", "hypothesis": "NIST is also responsible for computing systems dealing with classified information."} {"idx": "mnli-21494", "premise": "This will aid in understanding mailer responses and in evaluating the benefits of offering the discounts.", "hypothesis": "They will benefit greatly from the discounts."} {"idx": "mnli-21495", "premise": "uh when they get to junior high school high school and even college i mean my sister went to college um started about three years ago and she had to have a a computer", "hypothesis": "My sister bought an expensive computer for college. "} {"idx": "mnli-21496", "premise": "The palace features 99 pillars, denoting 99 warriors of various luak (clans).", "hypothesis": "The palace was built in devotion to the 99 clans."} {"idx": "mnli-21497", "premise": "Obituaries rank the choreographer alongside Diaghilev and Balanchine as one of the men who reinvented ballet.", "hypothesis": "The choreographer reinvented not only ballet, but several other fields as well."} {"idx": "mnli-21500", "premise": "Florida planning efforts began in 1991 with The Florida Bar and Florida Bar Foundation's Joint Commission on the Delivery of Legal Assistance study and report.", "hypothesis": "The report was funded by The Florida Bar."} {"idx": "mnli-21501", "premise": "In her soft grey frock, with white ruffles at the wrists falling over her slender hands, she looked very beautiful. ", "hypothesis": "She appeared exquisite in her grey satin frock, with long white ruffles covering her delicate hands, and feathers lining the collar."} {"idx": "mnli-21509", "premise": "Never in the annals of medicine has a viral plague been stopped by any therapy.", "hypothesis": "Viral plagues cannot be stopped by therapy. "} {"idx": "mnli-21511", "premise": "Health-food promoters often cite traditional use by Native Americans or Chinese herbalists as evidence.", "hypothesis": "Health-food promoters are shady."} {"idx": "mnli-21515", "premise": "Here Pollock's camouflage palette, as Varnedoe notes, gives way to carnival.", "hypothesis": "Pollock uses the camouflage palette in most of his works."} {"idx": "mnli-21516", "premise": "Inevitably, popular and authentic became chic and the ambience is now somewhat contested by higher rents and the change in character that guarantees.", "hypothesis": "The higher rent costs have ruined the ambience completely."} {"idx": "mnli-21518", "premise": "The railway builders admitted it might have been safer to dig some tunnels, but they preferred to go round the mountain to allow for a better view of the terraced tea gardens and the valleys plunging down to the Bengal plains.", "hypothesis": "The railway builders went around mountains because it was cheaper."} {"idx": "mnli-21523", "premise": "Table 3. Incremental Policy Costs of the Technology Scenarios (billion 1999 dollars)", "hypothesis": "Table 3 presents Policy Costs of all possible Technology Scenarios."} {"idx": "mnli-21524", "premise": "Ca'daan saw a jet of red blood spray across the small man followed by another as the man's heart pumped his lifeblood from his body.", "hypothesis": "Ca'daan watched the man die quickly."} {"idx": "mnli-21528", "premise": "I remember that some people complained President Eisenhower was distracted from the business of his office because he was out playing golf so much.", "hypothesis": "President Eisenhower was actually distracted from his office because of golf."} {"idx": "mnli-21529", "premise": "literature", "hypothesis": "Novels and short stories."} {"idx": "mnli-21530", "premise": "back grind tape on and off the wafers", "hypothesis": "The tape needs to go on the wafers."} {"idx": "mnli-21531", "premise": "My body kept doing things I didn't expect.", "hypothesis": "I didn't expect to lose so much weight. "} {"idx": "mnli-21533", "premise": "you would", "hypothesis": "It's possible I could."} {"idx": "mnli-21537", "premise": "As you turn to head up into the valley, look for a house on the left surrounded by shady trees.", "hypothesis": "The shady trees provide a cover for the house not found anywhere else."} {"idx": "mnli-21540", "premise": "um and even you know like i said my chipping which is one of the best things in my game i couldn't do that i couldn't couldn't drive couldn't you know in in fact it was it wasn't as much at that point that i was hooking and slicing i just i was topping the ball i was you know i was doing a lot of things wrong at that point but i was trying to think of so many different things at the same time because you know it was it it's kind of a funny story whenever i went for for my first lesson the uh the instructor takes me out there and he says all right well take a swing and let me see how you look so he's he's bending down on one knee right so i take a swing and and all of a sudden his head just goes down and and then all of a you know he just kind of slowly brings his head up and looks at me and he says we've got a lot of work to do so", "hypothesis": "Chipping is actually essential to his game."} {"idx": "mnli-21541", "premise": "Finally, you can get an excellent view of the cityscape from the Cairo Tower (El-Borg), designed like a minaret, though it does stand significantly higher at 182 m (600 ft) above the city.", "hypothesis": "It costs $20 to go up in the Cairo Tower."} {"idx": "mnli-21545", "premise": "Now the practice has its own a triple--a woman and her two men--whose child was taken away because of their unusual living arrangement.", "hypothesis": "The practice has three adults in a relationship who are rasing a baby."} {"idx": "mnli-21554", "premise": "In fiscal year 1998, Kentucky spent approximately $2.", "hypothesis": "Kentucky spent $2 on ice cream. "} {"idx": "mnli-21559", "premise": "The (quite understandable) nature of American politics is that support for a war falls when casualties rise.", "hypothesis": "American politics hates war when people are dying, like in Iraq."} {"idx": "mnli-21560", "premise": "yeah that makes such a difference that's the way it is at my daughter's nursery school too and i think that really makes a difference they're in it because it's a profession not because it's a job they could get because they didn't qualify for anything else you know", "hypothesis": "You can tell by how invested they are with the kids."} {"idx": "mnli-21561", "premise": "really didn't need that type of uh player", "hypothesis": "They have enough of that type of player already."} {"idx": "mnli-21562", "premise": "It has its own parking, something that's hard to find downtown and which has been a problem for staff as well as clients.", "hypothesis": "There is a lack of parking spots in the downtown area."} {"idx": "mnli-21565", "premise": "I'm no saint, the 80-year-old Tallahasseean said. ", "hypothesis": "80 years is a long time to live."} {"idx": "mnli-21569", "premise": "right that's right that's right it's pretty good but we take her to just about", "hypothesis": "...every UFO sighting we hear about in the local area."} {"idx": "mnli-21578", "premise": "Seatoller village is home to the Seatoller National Park Visitor Centre.", "hypothesis": "Seatoller village is home to the exciting Seatoller National Park Visitor Centre."} {"idx": "mnli-21581", "premise": "Some of the last of the Trotskyites have been on this bus.", "hypothesis": "There have been communists on this bus."} {"idx": "mnli-21587", "premise": "Rosenthal tried to say something or other about it.", "hypothesis": "Rosenthal tried to speak to the manager."} {"idx": "mnli-21589", "premise": "because no matter what i did or how i did it i invariably got myself wet", "hypothesis": "I didn't like getting wet."} {"idx": "mnli-21591", "premise": "The art museum adjoining the Palace of 55 Windows contains a collection of antique thangkas and sculpture in wood and stone.", "hypothesis": "The art museum is a popular attraction for tourists of the area. "} {"idx": "mnli-21594", "premise": "Without them, we would not have saved our homes.", "hypothesis": "Out homes wouldn't be saved without them, said the employee."} {"idx": "mnli-21604", "premise": "What do you want? ", "hypothesis": "I'm not going to give you anything even you ask though."} {"idx": "mnli-21605", "premise": "may manage forfeited property and the collection and disposition of the revenue from that property.", "hypothesis": "The property needs repairs."} {"idx": "mnli-21606", "premise": "He's a tolerable vet, too.", "hypothesis": "He is a great person to take care of your animals."} {"idx": "mnli-21617", "premise": "My hunch is that Oprah will win over even the cattlemen, eventually.", "hypothesis": "Oprah's empire has doubled in the past decade."} {"idx": "mnli-21633", "premise": "okay Dee are you familiar with the Latin American policies of late", "hypothesis": "You're aware of the recent policies in Latin America, right Dee?"} {"idx": "mnli-21634", "premise": "Was Keynes also right when he warned against excessive saving?", "hypothesis": "Keynes also warned about sailing in high winds."} {"idx": "mnli-21638", "premise": "The realm was divided up among his heirs and progressively fragmented by the rivalries of the Merovingian dynasty that battled for power over the next 300 years.", "hypothesis": "The realm was split up among twenty heirs."} {"idx": "mnli-21650", "premise": "He seems confident, mused the Prime Minister.", "hypothesis": "The Prime Minister was an excellent judge of character."} {"idx": "mnli-21653", "premise": "More specifically they finance spending of many types to promote the general welfare, provide for the common defense, and ensure domestic national defense, a judicial system, aid to the elderly, construction of infrastructure, education and training, and so forth.", "hypothesis": "some of these types of spending that are financed are more useful than others."} {"idx": "mnli-21656", "premise": "To find your way here, you probably typed in Slate's home page URL, //www.slate.com.", "hypothesis": "In order to navigate Slate's home page, one must use the navigation menu at the top of the page. "} {"idx": "mnli-21658", "premise": "To the left of the entrance are the monks' bakery and an imposing pigeon loft.", "hypothesis": "The pigeon loft near the entrance is unusually large."} {"idx": "mnli-21665", "premise": "The center, spearheaded by local attorney Jon Muth, appears to be unique to Grand Rapids, Lalley said.", "hypothesis": "Lalley has been overhead stating how the wonderful center for health is unique to Grand Rapids."} {"idx": "mnli-21667", "premise": "The RPH might also believe in eliminating the income tax (Keyes), slashing the income tax and raising tariffs (Buchanan), or rejiggering the tax code to save taxpayers $985 billion (Ashcroft, by abolishing taxes on inheritances and on Social Security benefits, among other measures).", "hypothesis": "The RPH want to reduce tax to help the rich."} {"idx": "mnli-21669", "premise": "The women never came back out.", "hypothesis": "The woman was afraid to come out. "} {"idx": "mnli-21674", "premise": "The fact that I can't resist including Somalia shows the difficulty of maintaining any clear line between situations that justify intervention and those that don't.", "hypothesis": "Including Somalia is very tempting and easy to do."} {"idx": "mnli-21675", "premise": "Shahjahan's son was Aurangzeb (1658 1707), who overthrew his father and imprisoned him in the Agra fort for the last years of his life.", "hypothesis": "Aurangzeb imprisoned people he thought would inhibit his path to ruling."} {"idx": "mnli-21679", "premise": "You then eventually rejoin the N74 at Clos de Vougeot.", "hypothesis": "There are many things to see at the Clos de Vougeot."} {"idx": "mnli-21680", "premise": "I decided to go and get something to eat instead.", "hypothesis": "I decided to get a cheeseburger for lunch. "} {"idx": "mnli-21684", "premise": "He would not ignore the possibility of the telegram having been found.", "hypothesis": "The telegram held important personal information about himself."} {"idx": "mnli-21690", "premise": "One of the most spectacular excursions in the whole country is the dramatic cable car ride from La Palud, north of Courmayeur, to the Colle del Gigante, 3,354 m (11,004 ft) and Aiguille du Midi, 3,842 m (12,606 ft) down to Chamonix in France.", "hypothesis": "The cable car ride only costs twenty dollars."} {"idx": "mnli-21693", "premise": "Allowing sources to make reductions where it is most economical to do so is one of the reasons cap and trade programs should be less costly than command-and-control programs that achieve the same or even fewer reductions.", "hypothesis": "A less costly and more effective program should be used more often than not."} {"idx": "mnli-21694", "premise": "If a fetus is a fully human life, then all abortion is murder and the debate over any particular procedure is beside the point.", "hypothesis": "One must decided if a fetus is a full human life. If this is so, abortion is murder."} {"idx": "mnli-21697", "premise": "It meant he was an agent of the Eye.", "hypothesis": "The agent of the Eye made a mistake and left incriminating evidence behind. "} {"idx": "mnli-21698", "premise": "and the housing market up here is uh is really slumped so you can buy a houses relatively inexpensive right now", "hypothesis": "Buy a house right now since the low prices may not last long."} {"idx": "mnli-21699", "premise": "right so do you play much", "hypothesis": "Do you enjoy playing?"} {"idx": "mnli-21701", "premise": "Given your...behaviour...I thought I should ask if you feel at all...strange?'", "hypothesis": "Haltingly he asked, \"Given your behavior . . . I must ask . . . if you are feeling unwell?\""} {"idx": "mnli-21703", "premise": "Personal Communication with Tony Licata, Babcock Borsig Power, February 20, 2002.", "hypothesis": "There was personal communication with Licata via email."} {"idx": "mnli-21705", "premise": "they break it out it's just it's just ridiculous", "hypothesis": "It's laughable when they break it out and toss it around."} {"idx": "mnli-21706", "premise": "While a Bush spokesman declined to comment, Pepper said that he and his colleague used the meetings to advance two ideas.", "hypothesis": "Pepper was Bush's aide."} {"idx": "mnli-21712", "premise": "EPA had a link on its home page for particular audience groups.", "hypothesis": "The audience groups who might visit the EPA include bio-activists, scientists no students."} {"idx": "mnli-21717", "premise": "No, her sire's Storm Cloud.", "hypothesis": "That's not her sire's real name."} {"idx": "mnli-21718", "premise": "Madeira cake and wine are extremely long-lasting, so you can safely bring some back.", "hypothesis": "Madeira wine is especially sour, so maybe you don't want to buy too much of it."} {"idx": "mnli-21719", "premise": "It was a man, dark skinned, thin, and wearing nothing but a loin cloth.", "hypothesis": "It was a man, dark-skinned and gaunt, wearing only a loin cloth and a menacing stare."} {"idx": "mnli-21723", "premise": "But take the path at the top right of the compound and you come to the first of Fushimi-Inari's remarkable its long, meandering tunnels of bright orange torii arches.", "hypothesis": "The tunnels aren't very complex to navigate."} {"idx": "mnli-21730", "premise": "Our A Low-Wage Workforce Without the Brown People.", "hypothesis": "Brown people are 90% of the low-wage workforce."} {"idx": "mnli-21739", "premise": "Reports designed in this way can help focus the attention of responsible officials on the matters that warrant attention and can help stimulate correction.", "hypothesis": "Stimulating correction needs to be achieved by responsible officials to ensure a strong economy."} {"idx": "mnli-21740", "premise": "they had quite a good time", "hypothesis": "They spent a lot of pleasant time there. "} {"idx": "mnli-21742", "premise": "Now there's just a chance, I admit it's only a chance, that this woman may have been 'Rita.' ", "hypothesis": "This woman has another name besides Rita. "} {"idx": "mnli-21743", "premise": "Although it is not a tourist attraction, the rock is steeped in tradition.", "hypothesis": "The rock was the site for a famous execution a decade ago."} {"idx": "mnli-21746", "premise": "Divergence gives us a bewildering variety of life; convergence gives rise, repeatedly, to certain anatomical features, like wings and eyeballs.", "hypothesis": "Evolutionary divergence and convergence are not opposites, but trends that can be observed in many species and kingdoms of life."} {"idx": "mnli-21755", "premise": "In a survey sponsored by the West Virginia Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians, a minority of emergency physicians reported routine screening and counseling of ED patients.", "hypothesis": "The West Virginia Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians screened all patients for alcoholism."} {"idx": "mnli-21763", "premise": "Republicans should counter with logical, informative statements that point out the costs involved in litigation.", "hypothesis": "Republicans may not reach others with facts about the costs."} {"idx": "mnli-21769", "premise": "uh baseball basketball and football and it gets away from what the school is established for originally", "hypothesis": "Schools should concentrate on what they were originally established for."} {"idx": "mnli-21770", "premise": "We're looking at the big picture, she said.", "hypothesis": "She said they were looking at the big picture when it came to implementing a budget."} {"idx": "mnli-21773", "premise": "so those i guess those three things are the uh um most irritating to me", "hypothesis": "Those three irritating things are heat, noise, and smell."} {"idx": "mnli-21776", "premise": "i i was giving my boss a hard time because i kept waiting for my name to came come up you know they never they never called me they never you know", "hypothesis": "I figured I would be called, but I wasn't."} {"idx": "mnli-21784", "premise": "A type-5 situation is one that has worksharing aspects but which is directed primarily at making the postal system more competitive.", "hypothesis": "A type-5 situation is not effective if it does not improve the postal system."} {"idx": "mnli-21786", "premise": "She may have thought, however, that she was giving him another chance and that he was promising, in exchange, to do better.", "hypothesis": "The guy may not have done better after promising to change."} {"idx": "mnli-21787", "premise": "okay so how about how about you how about purchasing an automobile", "hypothesis": "How about buying a new sedan?"} {"idx": "mnli-21794", "premise": "Eligibility for services is determined on a case-by-case basis pursuant to grantee eligibility criteria established under parameters set forth in LSC regulations.", "hypothesis": "Eligibility requirements may include income level and age."} {"idx": "mnli-21795", "premise": "He was already turning his mount when the townsman added: \"No hotel here, stranger.", "hypothesis": "The townsman said there wasn't a hotel because he didn't want the man to stay there."} {"idx": "mnli-21804", "premise": "It could probably be used.", "hypothesis": "It could possibly be used by someone who knew how to do it."} {"idx": "mnli-21807", "premise": "I'm starting to feel the same way about Roy Barnes.", "hypothesis": "My feelings about Barnes have changed over time."} {"idx": "mnli-21814", "premise": "Traffic and transportation policies are coordinated to alleviate bottlenecks, and footpath preservation allows continued access to the fells and remote valleys.", "hypothesis": "Traffic and transportation policies are very important for ensuring access to remote areas."} {"idx": "mnli-21816", "premise": "Want to catch up on the hottest independent film, pay a mere $3 for a held-over feature at the Lowe's Cineplex Fairfax, grab a few air-conditioned hours with an international flick, or watch a blockbuster in the historic Mann's Chinese Theater or El Capitan?", "hypothesis": "Would you like to watch a movie in a comfortable location with food?"} {"idx": "mnli-21820", "premise": "I want to talk to him.\"", "hypothesis": "Somebody wants to talk to him and ask him a question."} {"idx": "mnli-21823", "premise": "Fedge called the broker's misstatements unconscionable.", "hypothesis": "The broker's misstatements were something Fedge expected."} {"idx": "mnli-21826", "premise": "The next day they were all dead but Thorn.", "hypothesis": "Thorn was the only one alive the next day after the battle."} {"idx": "mnli-21827", "premise": "In the bottom-right corner, click Bomis , which will take you ...", "hypothesis": "You'll be happy to click Bomis, in the right-hand corner."} {"idx": "mnli-21833", "premise": "i don't go to games myself uh uh", "hypothesis": "I watch the games on TV."} {"idx": "mnli-21834", "premise": "Is it true you have no penis?", "hypothesis": "That person has no penis."} {"idx": "mnli-21836", "premise": "The winner's curse can therefore be said not to exist for products that we buy, enjoy, and resell without using up their inherent value.", "hypothesis": "We make quite a profit for reselling these last week,"} {"idx": "mnli-21837", "premise": "Got something I have to do. Drew went directly to the Four Jacks.", "hypothesis": "Drew went to the the Four Jacks right away because he was meeting with someone."} {"idx": "mnli-21840", "premise": "Opposite on Padang Pahlawan (Bandar Hill) a sound-and-light show is held in the evenings, following the tradition of turning history into entertainment to draw the crowds.", "hypothesis": "Bandar Hill brings in the most tourism in the country."} {"idx": "mnli-21842", "premise": "Among the several museums in Honfleur are the Mus??e de la Marine, with a collection of nautical treasures, housed in the 14th-century Eglise Saint-Etienne (Quai Saint-Etienne); and the Mus??e Eugyne Boudin (Place Erik Satie), with a rich display of paintings by Norman artists and visitors to Normandy.", "hypothesis": "There are statues displayed at the museums in Honfleur are the Mus??e de la Marine, Eglise Saint-Etienne (Quai Saint-Etienne); and the Mus??e Eugyne Boudin (Place Erik Satie)."} {"idx": "mnli-21844", "premise": "so i don't know what's the you know right thing to do but i really would hope that they would come up i know there was a brand just briefly on the market that was recyclable but the landfill have to do something special you know for those", "hypothesis": "I hope there is a new product being tested right now that could help with the landfills."} {"idx": "mnli-21845", "premise": "Some of the Gore-related sites that Direct Hit said were visited most by those searching for Gore material are out of date and thinly visited.", "hypothesis": "They thought that there would be better sites."} {"idx": "mnli-21847", "premise": "While the pollution taxes would discourage some activities that are counted in the GDP, the reduction in other taxes would encourage other such activities.", "hypothesis": "The taxes that would be reduced would be good for manufacturing companies."} {"idx": "mnli-21849", "premise": "The New York Times notes that the Renaissance musicologist is expected to continue with the former president's plans, though in a more harmonious manner.", "hypothesis": "The NYT says the Renaissance musicologist will continue with the government's plans peacefully even though he is opposed to the immigration ban."} {"idx": "mnli-21850", "premise": "behind-the-scenes report on the final episodes: Someone should tell Newsweek (see below).", "hypothesis": "behind-the-scenes report that has never been aired before about the final episodes."} {"idx": "mnli-21853", "premise": "and i guess that's when you get into relationships and people people are attracted to people who compliment them most often i mean they say opposites attract and i'm not too sure i believe that very much but uh i think that people when they get into relationships you know if there's somebody who like like if you got two people who hate to cook they're going to eat out all the time and that you know that's not that big a deal but you know if you get somebody who likes to cook and someone who doesn't like to cook then the person who doesn't who doesn't like to cook probably likes to do something else you know so i think that people end up i think that that women are more diverse now than they ever were as far as what they have learned and what they're capable of and and uh what they're willing to do and so i feel like it you know that men have gotten to be that way too they've gotten a little bit more relaxed in their thinking about uh women and you know what they expect of them so i think that you know it's a slow evolution but i think it's it's it's a good process i think it's it's working you know there are still people who men who believe that women should be home you know all day", "hypothesis": "Most people prefer to date people who give them positive feedback."} {"idx": "mnli-21856", "premise": "oh i guess i've never been around a cat when it was in heat", "hypothesis": "I have always owned dogs, so i have no experience with cats."} {"idx": "mnli-21864", "premise": "The airy octagonal Place Ven?\u00add??me still exudes the opulence of its original conception under Louis XIV; at that time only his financiers could afford the exorbitant rents.", "hypothesis": "The huge palace probably still looks as magnificent as when it was first built under Louis XIV. At that time it only the rich or lucky could afford to live there"} {"idx": "mnli-21872", "premise": "The advocate's tools include online libraries of training materials, model pleadings and links, a current news page, a training and events calendar, postings of new cases for volunteers, and member-driven listservs.", "hypothesis": "Most advocates find that model pleadings and training materials provide the most support for their initiatives."} {"idx": "mnli-21880", "premise": "Thus far, we have sought to obtain adequate, relevant records and explanations without success.", "hypothesis": "We were unable to successfully locate the adequate financial documents explaining the losses. "} {"idx": "mnli-21881", "premise": "And then suddenly things seemed to change.", "hypothesis": "Everything changed all of a sudden. "} {"idx": "mnli-21885", "premise": "and Natalia fell down, as a burst of blue struck Abraham Lincoln in The face.", "hypothesis": "Natalie fell down two flights of stairs while the blue paint hit Abe in the face. "} {"idx": "mnli-21888", "premise": "The mindwalkers don't just show you something or speak to you, said Thorn.", "hypothesis": "Thorn said the mindwalkers don't just show you something or speak to you about battles."} {"idx": "mnli-21895", "premise": "San'doro rolled to his feet, cloak spinning behind him.", "hypothesis": "San'doro rose, drawing his daggers as he did."} {"idx": "mnli-21896", "premise": "Early in his public law career, as a staff counsel for South Brooklyn Legal Services, Mr. Rothenberg worked as co-counsel with his father - Stanley Rothenberg, a partner at Moses and Singer LLP.", "hypothesis": "Mr. Rothenberg later became the top counsel for South Brooklyn Legal Services."} {"idx": "mnli-21899", "premise": "During the period, maintenance expense is recognized as incurred.", "hypothesis": "Along with food expenses, maintenance is recognized as incurred expense during the period."} {"idx": "mnli-21902", "premise": "(Thank you.)", "hypothesis": "\"You're welcome\" was said."} {"idx": "mnli-21905", "premise": "Homework assignment for the next political find a George Will column critical of Liddy Dole.", "hypothesis": "George Will wrote a column about Presidential Candidate, Liddy Dole."} {"idx": "mnli-21911", "premise": "In a low-rise building near the cave entrance is a small ethnographic museum, a place to see displays of local island customs and costumes as you wait a couple of minutes for the guided cave tour to begin.", "hypothesis": "Admission to the museum is three dollars and is good for a full day."} {"idx": "mnli-21912", "premise": "55 million (31 percent) were estimated to be in error.", "hypothesis": "They did not have accurate calculations."} {"idx": "mnli-21920", "premise": "(We can add some side conditions that prohibit him from dealing with known terrorists and other undesirables.)", "hypothesis": "We should add rules to stop him from being in touch with known terrorists."} {"idx": "mnli-21921", "premise": "There is something unseemly about this excessive security, and something undemocratic.", "hypothesis": "I could count at least seven guards around the place."} {"idx": "mnli-21925", "premise": "yeah because i think that if they if they tried for independence they would probably have uh", "hypothesis": "Many of the people from there do not like the situation of the government."} {"idx": "mnli-21926", "premise": "You were planting a bed of begonias round by the south side of the house yesterday afternoon, were you not, Manning?", "hypothesis": "Manning is believed to have been planting begonias and daisies yesterday afternoon. "} {"idx": "mnli-21930", "premise": "Maybe it is my training in the sciences coming to the fore, or maybe it's my belief that the Postal Service is too important to our economy and too intertwined in our everyday lives and livelihood to leave too much to chance.", "hypothesis": "The Postal Service is intertwined into our everyday lives and has been since 1902."} {"idx": "mnli-21932", "premise": "as earnest and sentimental.", "hypothesis": "There is no sentiment that is not earnest."} {"idx": "mnli-21933", "premise": "um i'd like to do that for a few years and then whenever i get settled down i would like to go back and teach college i'd like to be a professor", "hypothesis": "I have my Masters degree, but I don't have my PhD yet."} {"idx": "mnli-21936", "premise": "The Archaeological Museum of Iraklion is without a doubt one of the greatest archaeological collections in the world.", "hypothesis": "Iraklion's Archaeological Museum houses more prehistoric artifacts than any other collection in the world."} {"idx": "mnli-21937", "premise": "We learn, for example, that on his field trips with Lady Gregory, Yeats had difficulty understanding the thick Irish accent of the peasants.", "hypothesis": "Yeats quite enjoyed all of these field trips"} {"idx": "mnli-21938", "premise": "Most tourist hotels and restaurants specialize in caution, with menus guaranteed to cause neither rapture nor complaints.", "hypothesis": "The hotels keep the precious balance between price and quality."} {"idx": "mnli-21940", "premise": "Some people make a pilgrimage to Colmar with the sole purpose of visiting the great Mus??e d'Unterlinden.", "hypothesis": "There is only one popular tourist spot in Colmar."} {"idx": "mnli-21944", "premise": "An alternative short walk is to head out along the levada for a half hour or so (before steep drops begin), by which time you will certainly have been able to sample its charm, and then head back to Ribeiro Frio.", "hypothesis": "The levada walk is actually pretty boring for most people."} {"idx": "mnli-21947", "premise": "Those who think culture drives politics (e.g.", "hypothesis": "All people think culture drives politics"} {"idx": "mnli-21948", "premise": "Given her claim that she cannot stand to see Clinton on television--a fortiori in the flesh--does she really want to give the president's lawyers a stick to beat her with?", "hypothesis": "She said she hates to see Clinton on tv because it triggers her PTSD."} {"idx": "mnli-21955", "premise": "Gore never mentioned that Horton was black; indeed, he never mentioned Horton by name.", "hypothesis": "Gore consciously didn't mention Horton, as he didn't want to draw attention to him."} {"idx": "mnli-21957", "premise": "Israel is a small country, measuring just 445 km (260 miles) north to south and 112 km (70 miles) at its widest point, yet it packs in so many sights that you couldn't possibly see them all in the space of a two-week or even three-week trip.", "hypothesis": "Many Israeli cities have so much to see, it would take a week alone to see everything."} {"idx": "mnli-21961", "premise": "The Kal didn't help much.", "hypothesis": "It was typical for the Kal to help much more."} {"idx": "mnli-21966", "premise": "In preparation for our trip, I spent months studying Italian soccer on television.", "hypothesis": "I studied Italian soccer for our trip to Italy."} {"idx": "mnli-21967", "premise": "NSAs are doable under current law!", "hypothesis": "NSAs are beneficial for companies."} {"idx": "mnli-21969", "premise": "1.11 The concept of accountability for public resources is inherent in our nation's governing processes.", "hypothesis": "The concept of accountability for individuals is often a hard idea to grasp"} {"idx": "mnli-21970", "premise": "Civilization Bad.", "hypothesis": "Civilization Bad is a good book."} {"idx": "mnli-21971", "premise": "A fertile island of vines, olive groves, and pine forest, that lies just 3 km (2 miles) from the Turkish coast, Samos has taken a back seat in Aegean history since its golden age in the fifth century b.c.", "hypothesis": "Samos is the closest island to the Turkish coast."} {"idx": "mnli-21977", "premise": "For example, nearly 34 percent of our evaluator and related staff will be eligible to retire by the end of fiscal year 2004.", "hypothesis": "34 percent of our evaluator staff will be able to retire by 2004, but most will stay on board"} {"idx": "mnli-21979", "premise": "The cruise port, or Montego Bay Freeport, sits on an outcrop on the west side of the bay.", "hypothesis": "The bay is littered with garbage from uncaring tourists."} {"idx": "mnli-21983", "premise": "How'd I know they don't eat grass.", "hypothesis": "How would I possibly know those silly cows are allergic to grass?"} {"idx": "mnli-21988", "premise": "yes the uh new employer in in the city", "hypothesis": "The new business owner and employer in town."} {"idx": "mnli-21991", "premise": "An element of configuration management, consistingConfiguration of the evaluation, coordination, approval orControl disapproval, and implementation of changes to", "hypothesis": "There are many complex elements to configuration management."} {"idx": "mnli-21997", "premise": "okay right right right we made those yeah yeah yeah i used to referee soccer games and uh uh i would use those watches to time the games and i'd be out on the field middle of the field at high noon", "hypothesis": "I bought several of the watches for the soccer team."} {"idx": "mnli-22000", "premise": "All transactions were entered in their books. ", "hypothesis": "We have it all written in our records."} {"idx": "mnli-22002", "premise": "yeah people'll will sit home and assume oh that guy would never get elected next thing you know you've got him", "hypothesis": "Nobody expected him to be elected, and because of that, he was elected."} {"idx": "mnli-22005", "premise": "I'm looking at ways to raise salaries.", "hypothesis": "One way to raise salaries is to cut employee benefits."} {"idx": "mnli-22007", "premise": "oh and it's not deductible anymore", "hypothesis": "They don't allow that deductible anymore. "} {"idx": "mnli-22015", "premise": "yeah it and to make it believable i mean i was i i was believing it i don't know about anybody else but i was it was great", "hypothesis": "I know now that it was not true."} {"idx": "mnli-22017", "premise": "Senior executives provide their CIOs with the authority they need to effectively carry out their diverse responsibilities.", "hypothesis": "CIOs have all the authority in a company."} {"idx": "mnli-22020", "premise": "well i don't i don't know i think that underlying underlying underlying we're all pretty probably not as as different as everybody thinks", "hypothesis": "I think most people don't notice that we are not that different."} {"idx": "mnli-22023", "premise": "166 from that moment, I was equally determined that he should not be arrested.\"", "hypothesis": "From that moment I determined that he was innocent."} {"idx": "mnli-22027", "premise": "Cumulative balances of available leave by type per employee are required to be maintained on record.", "hypothesis": "Employees are entitled to several kinds of leave with varying quotas."} {"idx": "mnli-22028", "premise": "A final important difference related to the nature of the risk may be that some workplace mortality risks tend to involve sudden, catastrophic events, whereas air pollution-related risks tend to involve longer periods of disease and suffering prior to death.", "hypothesis": "Air pollution-related risks, however, make up a greater portion of the mortality rate as a whole."} {"idx": "mnli-22029", "premise": "huh what's that about", "hypothesis": "You have an idea of what it is about?"} {"idx": "mnli-22037", "premise": "thanks sir", "hypothesis": "Thanks for doing that for me sir."} {"idx": "mnli-22040", "premise": "Broadband PCS licenses were auctioned for Blocks A,B, and C. No auction has been held for blocks D, E and F.", "hypothesis": "The PCS licenses would cost a consumer 25 dollars, monthly."} {"idx": "mnli-22041", "premise": "oh yeah my husband would like to live there but i don't know all of our family is here so", "hypothesis": "Even though our family is here, my husband still wants to live there and I'm thinking about it."} {"idx": "mnli-22044", "premise": "On a personal note, what is the biggest mistake you made as an adult, and what lesson did you learn from it?", "hypothesis": "What have you learned about how to do better in school?"} {"idx": "mnli-22056", "premise": "it's by Robert Magee and it's one that that we use in our work uh it's probably one you'd find in in like a Christian book store um", "hypothesis": "Everything that Robert Magee writes is practically Christian propaganda."} {"idx": "mnli-22057", "premise": "Goldwater later recanted this view, and even the most conservative Southern politicians now laud the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which removed barriers that legally prevented blacks from living and working where they wished.", "hypothesis": "Goldwater was not happy with barriers being removed that prevented blacks from living as they wished."} {"idx": "mnli-22060", "premise": "Recent research estimated that the growth in households' aggregate net worth over the 1960s and during the early 1990s was roughly equally divided between traditional saving and the increase in the nominal value of existing assets.", "hypothesis": "Recent research estimated that the growth in households' aggregate net worth over the 1960s and during the early 1990s was not as great as expected. "} {"idx": "mnli-22065", "premise": "What came next in this ridiculous world in which he seemed to be trapped?", "hypothesis": "He did not know a way out of this world."} {"idx": "mnli-22069", "premise": "The other's more expensive, demurred Tuppence.", "hypothesis": "Tuppence exclaimed the other is more expensive, but they weren't sure what the other one cost."} {"idx": "mnli-22071", "premise": "you know what what do you advocate more taxes or better management of what they got", "hypothesis": "The only two choices are more taxes or better management."} {"idx": "mnli-22072", "premise": "But they showed what true love is when Bo took over John's medical care and for seven weeks forced him to drink gallons of water to flush out stubborn kidney stones.", "hypothesis": "Jon was having lots of kidney problems."} {"idx": "mnli-22073", "premise": "He frequently quotes Ronald Reagan.", "hypothesis": "He is a big fan of Ronald Reagan."} {"idx": "mnli-22074", "premise": "Figure 19 shows GAO's human capital profile as of fiscal years 1989 and 2000.", "hypothesis": "GAO's capital rose through these years. "} {"idx": "mnli-22076", "premise": "In his August 2, 2001, letter to both Houses of Congress, the Vice President raised a number of objections to providing the information we requested.", "hypothesis": "The VP wrote the letter to congress about their constant requests for information."} {"idx": "mnli-22077", "premise": "We don't know.", "hypothesis": "We don't know, but we're trying to find out."} {"idx": "mnli-22079", "premise": ", about $100 if I use Strathmore, a competing paper, which is only 25 percent cotton rag.", "hypothesis": "Strathmore is cheaper but not as good quality. "} {"idx": "mnli-22081", "premise": "It had been got away from me once, and I determined I wouldn't let on I'd got it until a photographer had made a dozen copies of it!\"", "hypothesis": "I cared about it very much."} {"idx": "mnli-22086", "premise": "This is where our greatest surprise exists.", "hypothesis": "This is where we meet our surprise enemy."} {"idx": "mnli-22087", "premise": "Over 40 invites attended.", "hypothesis": "Many of the guests who were invited brought guests."} {"idx": "mnli-22088", "premise": "In his liner notes, and more elaborately in our conversation, Levin claims the manuscript score makes Beethoven's intentions unambiguous on this point.", "hypothesis": "Levin studied Beethoven's scores for twenty years."}