english-japanese / testdataset.csv
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"{'en': If what I'm saying is true,, 'ja': もしそうなったら}"
"{'en': You didn't think you got your fighting skills from your father, did you?, 'ja': お父さんか? 悪いけど、壁があるんだけど}"
"{'en': You think a dog knows how to work a Frisbee?, 'ja': フリスビー 知ってる?}"
"{'en': So you lied to me about a case?, 'ja': オフィスへ}"
"{'en': The farmer plants the corn in the spring., 'ja': 農夫は春にとうもろこしの種をまく。}"
"{'en': To where I am expected, ma'am, 'ja': 期待に胸膨らませて}"
"{'en': Her success encouraged me to try the same thing., 'ja': 彼女の成功で私も同じ事をやってみようという気になった。}"
"{'en': When I saw them on a date, I asked them, ""Do I hear wedding bells?"", 'ja': 彼らがデートをしているのを見かけて「近々結婚するの」ってきいたんだ。}"
"{'en': I'll just put it in the GPS, 'ja': GPSに入力するだけだ}"
"{'en': Carrie's been in accident-- DC police found her car on 17th Street all smashed up-- it was broadsided., 'ja': キャリーが事故に 警察が彼女のクルマを 17番街でおシャカに}"
"{'en': Now, I've done all this, I've only been here a few days, so I wouldn't worry about it too much., 'ja': 数日でこれらのことがわかったので この件は心配ないです}"
"{'en': An old professor of mine. His name is Eric Ward., 'ja': 私の教授で名前は エリック・ウォード}"
"{'en': kay, okay. I thought maybe you were one of those people who doesn't believe in marriage., 'ja': てっきり結婚なんて 信じてないかと思ったのさ}"
"{'en': It has to be different or we'll wind up right where we started., 'ja': 同じ始まりでも、変わっていくようで}"
"{'en': For what, Castro? Doing our duty?, 'ja': カストロ 任務中だ}"
"{'en': Glad to see you're back on your feet! We heard about the accident., 'ja': また君の足に会えて嬉しいよ 事故のことは聞いたよ}"
"{'en': You just tripped! As luck would have it, hmm?, 'ja': 運がよかった だろ?}"
"{'en': It better not happen again. - There's a hot spot 400 meters out., 'ja': 400メートル先に 危険箇所がある}"
"{'en': But if you want it, come and get it., 'ja': - 欲しかったら取ってごらん}"
"{'en': Now keep that..., 'ja': その調子...}"
"{'en': IS HE GONE?, 'ja': 行った?}"
"{'en': It is your connection,your lifeline. - Understood?, 'ja': 君との繋がり 命綱だ}"
"{'en': The world's too stupid to realize that Moscow wasn't a bluff., 'ja': 愚かな連中は 脅しだと思ってる}"
"{'en': Shark! Shark!, 'ja': サメが出たぞ}"
"{'en': And you're worried about a little roughhousing?, 'ja': 心配じゃないのか?}"
"{'en': It's a job worth doing, but if I think about the working hours and the risk ... I could be onto a real losing proposition here., 'ja': やりがいはあるけれどもリスクと労働時間を考えると・・・、ものすごく損な商売なのかもしれませんね。}"
"{'en': - I don't know. He left early., 'ja': 出掛けました}"
"{'en': Tonight you will make your debut in Verdi's Macbeth., 'ja': 今晩君は マクベスでデビューだ}"
"{'en': He is the greatest architect that has ever lived., 'ja': 彼は古今まれなりっぱな建築家である。}"
"{'en': 13 stitches., 'ja': 13針}"
"{'en': Claire, this is Simon., 'ja': クレア サイモンだ}"
"{'en': Shoot already or we'll lose it!, 'ja': 撃つのよ! 逃げちゃうじゃない!}"
"{'en': The whole family. [giggles], 'ja': 家族全員で}"
"{'en': Brilliant move, Skipper., 'ja': 妙案です スキッパー}"
"{'en': I am the Guardian! Me., 'ja': 私がガーディアンだ!}"
"{'en': - Inlet pipe needs replacing., 'ja': - パイプを交換しないと}"
"{'en': ♪ But if you wanna leave, take good care ♪, 'ja': ♪ But if you wanna leave, take good care ♪}"
"{'en': All right. Starting now. You can't blink., 'ja': 今からまばたきしちゃダメだから}"
"{'en': You won't do another lap?, 'ja': あと1回ぐらい行っとく?}"
"{'en': For us, English was the language to fall back on when we couldn't make ourselves understood in French., 'ja': フランス語が通じなかった場合に、私たちが最後に頼りにする言語は英語だった。}"
"{'en': - And then he follows this guy to the washroom..., 'ja': - クリスティーナ... それから...}"
"{'en': Hey. No. We're not going to hurt you unless you try something stupid first, all right?, 'ja': 何もしないさ 君が何もしなければ}"
"{'en': Hatter ..., 'ja': ハッター...}"
"{'en': That's Della Togashi's nickname., 'ja': あ... あれは ニックネームです}"
"{'en': CHILTON!, 'ja': チルトン!}"
"{'en': I didn't you to see me die., 'ja': 私が死ぬ姿を見せたくなくて}"
"{'en': I wonder if he/she could sell these squares., 'ja': これ売れないかな?}"
"{'en': Trask might be planning to kill somebody., 'ja': トラスク氏は誰かを殺そうと 企んでいるに違いありません}"
"{'en': Oh, do be serious. You'll be bored silly by the end of the week., 'ja': よく考えたほうがいいわ あなたは 週末までには すっごく退屈してるわよ}"
"{'en': The Dreyfus Act must be repealed., 'ja': ドレフュス法は 撤廃されなければならない}"
"{'en': Hey, just wait a bit., 'ja': キスしないの?}"
"{'en': It's all right., 'ja': 大丈夫}"
"{'en': 1945?, 'ja': 1945年?}"
"{'en': Waiting for the next lottery result., 'ja': 宝くじの当選結果を待ってる}"
"{'en': - With relish, yeah., 'ja': - 興味があったからよ - そうか}"
"{'en': - Would you kindly tell me your name?, 'ja': - 宜しければ お名前を?}"
"{'en': Bring in your troopers on my signal!, 'ja': 俺のサインで軍隊を連れて}"
"{'en': Rick says we're not running, we're not running., 'ja': リック言ってくれ ここを出て行かないって}"
"{'en': Yeah, then I'd even forget my anger., 'ja': そこまで怒らなかったですね 僕たちも}"
"{'en': ♪ Yes, peace train, holy roller ♪, 'ja': ♪ Yes, peace train, holy roller ♪}"
"{'en': That's unfortunate. (cell phone rings), 'ja': 不運だったな}"
"{'en': What did you mean by ""nothing"", Dad? What's nothing?, 'ja': ""ない"" って言ったでしょ?}"
"{'en': Just a lowly candy striper., 'ja': 看護助手よ}"
"{'en': I paid for that. I paid for that., 'ja': 罪は償った...}"
"{'en': Besides... I wanna see your next drama., 'ja': 〈あなたの新作を 見たいしね〉}"
"{'en': So what'd you do with Roland's body?, 'ja': ロランドの死体は?}"
"{'en': Expand All Threads, 'ja': すべてのスレッドを展開(P)}"
"{'en': I never fail to write to my mother once a month., 'ja': 私は月に一度必ず母に手紙を書く。}"
"{'en': I'll see her safely home., 'ja': 雨宮は 俺が送ってくから}"
"{'en': Viktor's death-- is it payback for killing that detective?, 'ja': ビクターの死は 報復か?}"
"{'en': We've been told. - Yeah., 'ja': 既に知っている}"
"{'en': Turn-On Tricks How to Make Him Hot., 'ja': ""彼をあなたに釘付けにするコツ""}"
"{'en': You are beautiful I am young, 'ja': ♪君は気づくだろう 俺はまだ若い}"
"{'en': And the bruises on the coroner aren't just on his face., 'ja': そして検死官のあざ... 顔には無いけどー}"
"{'en': As a reformed professional counterfeiter, what is the Dutchman's interest in these?, 'ja': 更生したプロの偽造屋として聞く ダッチマンは これのどこに興味を持ったんだ?}"
"{'en': He's manipulating you. - He knows something about what's going on on this island., 'ja': 島で何が起きているのか 知っている}"
"{'en': If he shows up tomorrow night, he doesn't get near my chipmunks. -Got it?, 'ja': 奴が現れたら 絶対に近づけるな}"
"{'en': You don't really think this is about Maryam Hasan, do you?, 'ja': - スイッチ? 相手が本当に マリアム・ハサンと思ってるの?}"
"{'en': Error, 'ja': エラー}"
"{'en': I asked, what's a data stack?, 'ja': データスタックって何なの?}"
"{'en': I don't know., 'ja': 分からない}"
"{'en': ""Nicht schiessen!"" ""Get behind me now., 'ja': - 撃つな - 終わった 終りだ}"
"{'en': - Hey, we're trying to help you. Okay?, 'ja': - ちょっと 待ってて いい ?}"
"{'en': - What do you do with it?, 'ja': - 目的は?}"
"{'en': Coulson needs help with the emergency transceiver., 'ja': 緊急無線の件でクールソンが手助けを求めてるわ。}"
"{'en': One more medium portion!, 'ja': 並 おかわり !}"
"{'en': How do you feel since you killed Wallace Rourke?, 'ja': ウォレス・ロークを殺してから どんな気分かな?}"
"{'en': Beautiful ones. Wasn't all bad, you know., 'ja': いい事も、そうでもない事も}"
"{'en': - What?, 'ja': - は?}"
"{'en': ""R.L. Stine"" What ever happened to that guy?, 'ja': ""R・L・スタイン""に 何があったんだ?}"
"{'en': Sure, Mr. DeCarlo., 'ja': そう信じてますけど...}"
"{'en': I-I live close. I'll just go grab them., 'ja': 近くに住んでるから 取って来るわ}"
"{'en': Yeah, well, you're obviously not because you're being passive-aggressive., 'ja': そうかな 今日は控え目に喚いてる}"
"{'en': I shot Skye because that's what the Clairvoyant told me to do., 'ja': いいや それが理由じゃない 透視能力者から言われたからだ}"
"{'en': I can only guess she's dead by now,, 'ja': 彼女はもう死んだのか?}"
"{'en': Get me a pilot. - Yes sir., 'ja': 飛行機を用意しろ}"
"{'en': ""All that maddens and torments, Wake up."", 'ja': - ""すべての激怒と苦悩のほとんどが...""}"
"{'en': Could love someone like me, 'ja': この俺にホレてんだ}"
"{'en': Okay, we'll take some pictures, explore a bit, and then we'll be on our way., 'ja': 写真撮って探索するだけ}"
"{'en': We should pick out a couple folks to kill?, 'ja': 私たちは選ぶべきです カップルの人々を殺すために?}"
"{'en': He sank the deal without batting an eyelash., 'ja': 彼は平然と取引をつぶしました。}"
"{'en': They moved ahead slowly., 'ja': 彼らはゆっくり前進した。}"
"{'en': You will all make this bunkroom, your home. You will keep your home clean., 'ja': 全員でここをお前らの家として 常に清潔にしなければならない}"
"{'en': Pour la pièce de résistance., 'ja': これで出来上がり・・・}"
"{'en': Wait. Before you go. I'm working on something new., 'ja': 帰る前に 僕の新ネタを}"
"{'en': What did Dad tell you?, 'ja': パパが何か言ったの?}"
"{'en': ♪ to someone else's touch ♪, 'ja': ♪ to someone else's touch ♪}"
"{'en': That puts the fights with my father in perspective., 'ja': 彼女は報復を望んでる}"
"{'en': And we just the help y'all hire to drill a hole., 'ja': 俺達は穴掘りに雇われた}"
"{'en': WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU DO THAT? -SORRY., 'ja': 一体全体 どうしたんだ?}"
"{'en': She's a genius at mind jobs., 'ja': 心理学が得意なのに}"
"{'en': Demonstration for Gibbs. You know how hard it is to explain technical stuff to him., 'ja': ボスに技術的な説明は 無意味だからね}"
"{'en': We will not be seeing our Hobbit again. He is long gone., 'ja': もはや あのホビットと 会う事はない 国に帰った}"
"{'en': Rosa, are you picking up on this?, 'ja': ロサ これは 拾ってるか?}"
"{'en': Let's go. Let's go, let's go., 'ja': 行こう 行こう}"
"{'en': When I hear this song, I think of you, and miss you., 'ja': この歌を聞いたら、あなたについて思って、懐かしむんだ。}"
"{'en': Hello?, 'ja': ねえ}"
"{'en': Shit, Virgil., 'ja': マズイだろう}"
"{'en': She is a contract... with me., 'ja': 私との契約だ}"
"{'en': I'm sorry. You'll need to speak to my banker about that., 'ja': 私のパトロンと話して下さい}"
"{'en': This is a report prepared for your stepmother by a private investigator she'd hired to look into your father., 'ja': これは あなたの義理の母が あなたの父親を調べるために雇った 私立探偵が作成した報告書よ}"
"{'en': - Tell him we're climbing., 'ja': - 上昇中と言え}"
"{'en': This clock seems to be broken., 'ja': 時計がどこか故障しているらしい。}"
"{'en': Lillian, I have never broken my word to you, but I'm sorry, it is dead., 'ja': ""私は約束を破った事がない だが済まない、無理だ""}"
"{'en': Is that why you decided to take the floor?, 'ja': だから 話をしようと?}"
"{'en': I've been stuck here since the blackout., 'ja': ブラックアウト以来 足止めされていたけど}"
"{'en': Or you go down., 'ja': 人生おしまいだぞ}"
"{'en': You take me to the ship., 'ja': 宇宙船に連れて行ってくれ}"
"{'en': And here I'll stay, 'ja': ♪ 涙は}"
"{'en': It's probably better if I didn't mention names., 'ja': 言わないほうがいいでしょう}"
"{'en': But be careful, he's in a temper., 'ja': 気をつけて 気分がすぐれないので}"
"{'en': Get rid of that crap or I'll notify the Mayor!, 'ja': 本部に報告してくる}"
"{'en': If we charge someone without sufficient evidence to hold them, they may disappear for good, so you've got two days to make sure you find something solid., 'ja': 十分な証拠もなしに 検挙すれば 永久に消える その2日間を 容疑の地固めに費やせ}"
"{'en': Look at your wife, Jesse. Look at her face., 'ja': 奥さんを見ろ、ジェシー 彼女の顔を}"
"{'en': Okay. You too., 'ja': ええ パパも}"
"{'en': You know, you don't have to stick around., 'ja': 僕について回ってる必要は 無いよ}"
"{'en': Just need to put some pants on., 'ja': パンツ履かなきゃ}"
"{'en': Unless of course, you also thought that garlic and silver crosses would hurt them., 'ja': ニンニクと十字架で 倒せると思ってるならね}"
"{'en': No one... gets out and comes back without repercussions., 'ja': 誰でも... 引退した人間が戻ってきたなら 何かしらの影響は避けられない}"
"{'en': And finally, the immobile Arman..., 'ja': (山里)そう ついに あの 全く動かなかった男アーマンが}"
"{'en': It was... It was supposed to be me., 'ja': でもその夜は仕事が長引いて}"
"{'en': She's from a village near where I grew up., 'ja': 彼女は私が生まれたところの近くの村の出身だ}"
"{'en': I took a taxi so as to catch the train., 'ja': 私はその列車に間に合うようにタクシーに乗った。}"
"{'en': Well, I don't have that kind of imagination. I barely picture odd numbered things., 'ja': そういうのは苦手だ 変な回数を想像しちゃう}"
"{'en': Generate 1394 Bus Reset, 'ja': 1394 バスリセットを生成}"
"{'en': We can go tomorrow if you want to., 'ja': - あした 乗りたい}"
"{'en': I have to finalize a few things before we go., 'ja': 行く前に、いくつかのことを言っておきたい。}"
"{'en': What the fuck? He was right here!, 'ja': さっき居たのに!}"
"{'en': Thomas Gabriel's the guy who shut down NORAD with a laptop just to prove a point., 'ja': 彼ははラップトップPCで 防衛システムを停めてみせた.. 主張を証明するため。}"
"{'en': But I think it'll get here soon., 'ja': ああ... もう来ると思います}"
"{'en': how many pillows is that?, 'ja': マクラ何個あるの?}"
"{'en': No need. I just caught up in the elevator., 'ja': 必要ない エレベーターの中で聞いた}"
"{'en': And if I don't, then what?, 'ja': 俺がそうしないならどうする?}"
"{'en': # Watch out!, 'ja': ♪ Watch out!}"
"{'en': The Kentucky guy is desperate. Don't worry about it., 'ja': ケンタッキーの奴らは必死なんだ 心配ない}"
"{'en': Open the back of the truck., 'ja': 車の後ろを開けて}"
"{'en': The Americans, they're murderers, okay?, 'ja': アメリカ人どもめ、 ヤツらは殺人者だ、これでいい?}"
"{'en': Corbett, I swear, I haven't spoken a word., 'ja': いいえ 何も言ってないわ}"
"{'en': Sherlock... we're being followed. I knew we couldn't outrun the police., 'ja': 警官があそこに}"
"{'en': Pete Harris and me did a deuce together at Joliet., 'ja': ハリスと俺は イリノイのムショで同室だった}"
"{'en': I wanted to apologise. Not to her - to you., 'ja': 謝りたいわ 彼女にじゃなく あなたにね}"
"{'en': It's quaint., 'ja': it's quaint 古風で趣のある}"
"{'en': The police quickly got on the track of the murderer., 'ja': 警察はまもなく殺人犯の手がかりをつかんだ。}"
"{'en': He's recruiting an army of supervillains and making homemade bombs., 'ja': 彼は超悪玉の軍隊を募集 自家製爆弾を製造してる}"
"{'en': It's dad! Yeah., 'ja': パパだ!}"
"{'en': Normally when you go on a date with a girl, you'd take her to the theater to watch a movie, but when you're— when you're truly comfortable with someone, you stay at home and watch Netflix. Like, you and Jessie would probably stay at home together all the time, watching movies., 'ja': だけど本当に親密になりたいときは 家でネットフリックスを見るんだよ あんたとジェシーはいつも一緒に ずっと家に居て}"
"{'en': I... can't say I'm... totally surprised., 'ja': すっかり驚いてるとは 言えない}"
"{'en': But ... Oh, I see what you mean., 'ja': それは、あぁなるほど}"
"{'en': I'm very proud to report that my first trick Was an exploding success. Show him., 'ja': 私の最初の爆破が 成功して喜ばしい}"
"{'en': Sometimes I feel like his secretary rather than his keeper., 'ja': 彼の秘書気分だ}"
"{'en': Yes., 'ja': ああ}"
"{'en': Its citizens need me., 'ja': 国民が待っているわ}"
"{'en': Why did you let him in our home? He was hurt. He called for help., 'ja': 怪我して助けを求めてた。}"
"{'en': I've never heard anything more dreadful., 'ja': こんな恐ろしいことは聞いたことがない。}"
"{'en': See, to me, coffee was just a thing that my boss would drink up., 'ja': 私にとってコーヒーは ボスが飲み干す ただの物にすぎない}"
"{'en': And in so doing, you shed light on an invaluable truth., 'ja': 非常に重要な真実がわかった}"
"{'en': Frau Kelmot is passionate, but an amateur., 'ja': ケルモット夫人は熱心だが アマチュア}"
"{'en': He was carrying nothing but this.... ... and this., 'ja': 所持品はこれと... これです}"
"{'en': Worldwide military is on alert. Our weapons are ineffective., 'ja': 我々の武器が効かない}"
"{'en': I've been trying to get her to marry me since, what, our second date?, 'ja': 結婚するためですよ 2回目のデートだっけ?}"
"{'en': 2.3445, M_PI some trig: -1.6291725057799 a hypotenuse:, 'ja': 例 3コールバック関数として匿名関数を使用}"
"{'en': I invited you out today because I wanted to get to know you better., 'ja': 今日 俺が マーサを誘った理由は (政子)うん (アルマン)いや 何か もっと知りたいなと思って}"
"{'en': I did everything you wanted. What do you want from me?, 'ja': 頼まれた通りやってたよ}"
"{'en': So that you arrived At the marina When tony pulled the trigger?, 'ja': あなたが着くと ちょうどトニーが彼を?}"
"{'en': And hey, there's a party tonight., 'ja': そうだ 今夜パーティーがある}"
"{'en': The second that a bullet enters your brain, the Machine will cast you off and replace you., 'ja': 2個目の弾丸があなたの脳に入った マシンはあなたを捨てあなたに取って代わった}"
"{'en': They lugged the refrigerator up the stairs., 'ja': 彼らは冷蔵庫を階段の上まで運び上げた。}"
"{'en': But never further. You think this is where you die., 'ja': <死ぬ気なんですね>}"
"{'en': Is this to be endured? It shall not be!, 'ja': とても耐えられないわ}"
"{'en': Watch out for a second Jedi loose in the station., 'ja': もう一人のジェダイがステーションにいるかも}"
"{'en': - That's right, including his., 'ja': - あの方のも入れて}"
"{'en': Now, was I rushing or was I dragging?, 'ja': 俺の手は速いか?}"
"{'en': - No, not the grief., 'ja': - そうじゃなくて}"
"{'en': Hello, S.T.E.V.E., I am J-A-K, Jake., 'ja': やあ、スティーブ。 俺はJ -A}"
"{'en': Hello?, 'ja': だれか?}"
"{'en': He should use an alternate route., 'ja': 「別のルートを使えと いま知らせろ」}"
"{'en': Let him get away with it?, 'ja': あなたは彼を止めてくれたのでしょ?}"
"{'en': I was trying to find you, but you were gone., 'ja': 捜しても見つからない}"
"{'en': MASSACRATED POLICE, 'ja': ""ボストン・ポスト 警察死亡""}"
"{'en': Maybe you got some friends in high places?, 'ja': そこにツテでもあるのか?}"
"{'en': Come on, people, let's get to it Go!, 'ja': ♪ みんなで歌おうぜ}"
"{'en': I need you to translate Finch's instructions on how to destroy the virus., 'ja': あなたにフィンチの 指示を解釈して貰いたい ウイルスを死滅させる方法}"
"{'en': What about the knives? You said Travis came at you with a sword., 'ja': コロンビア組織は 大喜びか}"
"{'en': You could at least knock!, 'ja': ノックぐらいしろよ.}"
"{'en': The one that was pointed at the guy's skull., 'ja': 頭に銃を突き付けてた}"
"{'en': No, g-get away from me., 'ja': だめ 私に近づかないで}"
"{'en': NORTH ELEVATORS - 10 MINS, 'ja': 北エレベーター−10分}"
"{'en': Computer, add an appropriate crew complement, objective mode., 'ja': コンピュータ、クルーを表示しろ 客観モードだ}"
"{'en': Keep them on the alert., 'ja': とにかく急がせること}"
"{'en': Oxygen! - Yes!, 'ja': 酸素 頼む ― はい}"
"{'en': One appeared in a Queen's newspaper regarding the complaint of an Ethan Varner against a tanning salon whose beds could not accommodate his prodigious girth., 'ja': 1人は クィーンズ新聞に載ってる ベッドに巨大な胴回りがおさまらないと 日焼けサロンに苦情を言った}"
"{'en': No one could prove anything of course, but we already knew., 'ja': 誰も証明できないが 我々には分かっていた}"
"{'en': If I die, you lack the knowledge to send that creature back to Hell., 'ja': 俺が死ねば お前は、地獄へ化け物を送る 知識が欠如している}"
"{'en': like extras., 'ja': 特別な人だ}"
"{'en': Another round, birthday boy. ...or anything that might be out there listening., 'ja': 新しい一年に}"
"{'en': The line's operational., 'ja': すでに線路は開通している}"
"{'en': Everywhere, legions of the enemy advance., 'ja': あらゆる方角から 敵が押し寄せているそうです 時間との闘いだな}"
"{'en': No crew in Starfleet has been tested more in battle., 'ja': 艦隊のクルーは戦闘で テストされることはなくなる}"
"{'en': What else in that lab might be of interest to me?, 'ja': ラボに私の興味を引くものは?}"
"{'en': The destroyer of all worlds., 'ja': 世界の破滅だ}"
"{'en': Beta, get a doctor! No., 'ja': 医者だ}"
"{'en': Tell me, how'd you last this long?, 'ja': 話せよ どうやった?}"
"{'en': No. She won't be going anywhere with you., 'ja': 違う 彼女はどこにも行かない}"
"{'en': John has one thing that makes his life worth a damn, and he can't do it if he lets anyone in too close., 'ja': ジョンの人生をむしばんでいる 一つのことがある 彼の近い人間には 何も出来ないと思う}"
"{'en': Oh, um... would you mind?, 'ja': やつてくれる?}"
"{'en': We'll arrest you for opposing a superior officer., 'ja': 上官への反逆罪で逮捕するぞ}"
"{'en': I... like it..., 'ja': 素敵・・・}"
"{'en': - Oleaning., 'ja': げっぷさせる}"
"{'en': Kayden., 'ja': ケイデン}"
"{'en': He was part of a task force that arrested, 'ja': 彼は 昨年 南サクラメントで ドクター アレク・ラヴロフを}"
"{'en': I should've called sooner., 'ja': もっと早く連絡すべきだった}"
"{'en': That's not what Mom did., 'ja': 母さんがやったんじゃない}"
"{'en': The best time of life is when we are young., 'ja': 人生で一番よいときは、我々が若いときです。}"
"{'en': ""let's help Tom Walker""?, 'ja': トム ウォーカーを ""救う"" と}"
"{'en': ♫ ♪ ♫ Loving mother ♫ ♪ ♫, 'ja': ♪ Loving mother ♪}"
"{'en': Think of the Seven Dwarfs before Snow White showed up., 'ja': 白雪姫が来る前の こびとたちの家だ}"
"{'en': and then I'd fly up., 'ja': 飛ぶのよ}"
"{'en': - What? I saw it., 'ja': 私は見た 大きくて...}"
"{'en': Someone is trying to make sure that this peace agreement does not happen., 'ja': 誰かが和平同意を ご破算にしようとしてる}"
"{'en': Just slightly altered., 'ja': 少し変更されてる}"
"{'en': Hey, I'm not finished yet., 'ja': まだ話は 終わってない}"
"{'en': Hodgins found no particulates., 'ja': ホッジンズも微粒子を 発見できなかった}"
"{'en': The second brother journeyed to his home where he took the stone and turned it thrice in hand., 'ja': ""2番目の兄弟は"" ""長い旅をして家に帰り..."" ""昔、結婚したかったが"" ""早死にをした女性が...""}"
"{'en': Obviously my students have been infected with your magic!, 'ja': 私の生徒たちも 魔法で頭をやられたようね}"
"{'en': I just want to know where you stand., 'ja': 君達は誰を指示する?}"
"{'en': I got some new snapdragons that need to be planted, okay?, 'ja': 新しいスナップドラゴンを植えなくてはならない、いい?}"
"{'en': He's seen me. He's seen my face., 'ja': ダメよ 顔を見られてるわ}"
"{'en': The decision was unfavourable to us., 'ja': その決定は我々にとって不利だった。}"
"{'en': I consider the Russian ballet the greatest., 'ja': 私はロシアのバレエが一番素晴らしいと思います。}"
"{'en': Operations, 'ja': 操作(N)}"
"{'en': - It was Frank Ormino., 'ja': -フランク・オーミノの所有だった}"
"{'en': He is with your friend the King of the Swing., 'ja': お友だちの・・ ダンス王さんのこと?}"
"{'en': We should get going now. This isn't safe for any of us., 'ja': もう行かないと 安全じゃなくなる}"
"{'en': It should be cute but not look too cheap., 'ja': かわいくて 安っぽく 見えないのがいいな。}"
"{'en': So you got him off the street., 'ja': なのでもうバイクを 取り上げることに成功したよ}"
"{'en': Seeing you praying like that last night,, 'ja': 昨日 パパの ""礼拝"" を見て}"
"{'en': My mother finally has given in to my views., 'ja': 母はとうとう私の考えに従った。}"
"{'en': - How do you market you get it?, 'ja': どの様な内容の本なの?}"
"{'en': - Jennifer Wilson's only daughter., 'ja': ジェニファー・ウィルソンの 一人娘だ}"
"{'en': I got the hell out of there before the damn thing sank., 'ja': 沈没する前に逃げ出せたよ}"
"{'en': I forgot about it. He..., 'ja': 忘れてたのよ}"
"{'en': I was part of that fever., 'ja': 私自身も熱狂の中にありました}"
"{'en': Abel Gideon didn't kill this man., 'ja': ギデオンの仕業じゃない}"
"{'en': I don't know what Dana knows and I'm scared., 'ja': あの子の事がもう心配で}"
"{'en': So what do you like about him?, 'ja': ""何がよかったの?""って なるのさ}"
"{'en': - Harold--, 'ja': - ハロルド}"
"{'en': You have two choices, give Flood what he wants or pack up and move., 'ja': 選択肢は2つ フラッドが欲しがるものを与えるか ここから出て行くかだ}"
"{'en': Someone needs to protect him from you., 'ja': 誰かが兄貴から 守らないとダメだ}"
"{'en': And you're worried about the imbalance in our currency, our foreign debt..., 'ja': あなたの不安は 通貨や債務の...}"
"{'en': - No., 'ja': - いいえ}"
"{'en': I know you're not the enemy in all of this., 'ja': あなたは悪くない}"
"{'en': Didn't you see his muscles?, 'ja': 彼の筋肉を見た?}"
"{'en': - Snow is gone. - What?, 'ja': 白雪が消えた}"
"{'en': So what did you see when Mr. Porchetto was shot?, 'ja': で ポルチェットさんが撃たれた時 君は 何を見た?}"
"{'en': I'm just hanging around. It's fun., 'ja': ダラダラして 超楽しい}"
"{'en': But he said there was someone that he had to expose., 'ja': 彼は打ち明ける誰かが いたと言ってた}"
"{'en': The V's hacked your code., 'ja': そのサイトが Vにクラックされたんだな}"
"{'en': If we can I.D. the shape-shifter, maybe we can catch him before he changes bodies., 'ja': シェイプシフターのIDが分かれば 外見を変える前に奴を捕まえられるかもしれない}"
"{'en': Because you were unlucky., 'ja': 運が悪かった}"
"{'en': Bigger pieces than that, please., 'ja': その大きい木だ。 大きいやつだ。}"
"{'en': But you're not scared, are you, Dad?, 'ja': でもパパは 怖くないの?}"
"{'en': And you're not worthwhile?, 'ja': されてないの?}"
"{'en': What about Kip?, 'ja': キップは どう?}"
"{'en': And I really don't care., 'ja': 心配してないから ...意図してない}"
"{'en': Well, Hutt, it doesn't look like prison had to adverse an effect on you., 'ja': じゃ、ハット、 刑務所にいても、あまり影響なかったみたい}"
"{'en': I'm running this squad now and I say we leave the gook for the mother-loving rats., 'ja': おれの命令に従え おれの言い分は ""ネズミに食わせろ""だ}"
"{'en': ♪ I just didn't understand... ♪, 'ja': ♪ I just didn't understand...}"
"{'en': The disfigurement, decamethonium, suffocation, the early morning discovery and the pose, each of them looking towards the road., 'ja': 損傷 薬物 窒息死 早朝の発見 それと姿勢が 道路を向いていること}"
"{'en': But my money is on Gaius., 'ja': だけど、私はガイアスに賭けるわね バルター博士}"
"{'en': - I won't. I promise., 'ja': ‐出ない、約束する ‐それでいい、娘よ}"
"{'en': They got out of the bus and walked two kilometres in the hot sun., 'ja': 2人はバスを降りて、暑い日差しの中を2キロ歩きました。}"
"{'en': There's something wrong with this heater., 'ja': このヒーターはどこかおかしい}"
"{'en': Shouldn't we be going first to the local D.A.?, 'ja': (雨宮) 先に検察に行ったほうが いいんじゃないんですか 久利生さん?}"
"{'en': Tell me, Tom, please., 'ja': お願い トム}"
"{'en': I've been waiting seven years for this., 'ja': この為に7年間待っていた}"
"{'en': I'm engaged to the hottest girl on the planet., 'ja': 私は惑星で最も魅力的な 女性と婚約した}"
"{'en': I'm fine,nathan., 'ja': 大丈夫よ ネイサン}"
"{'en': A code used only when all other means of communication have failed., 'ja': ただのコード 通信不可能の時の}"
"{'en': Or it will be if you stick to the plan., 'ja': それは、この計画に固執しているからだろ。}"
"{'en': Their number is great., 'ja': 彼等の数は多い。}"
"{'en': So he killed Stephanie McNamara to set the record straight., 'ja': じゃあ 彼がステファニーを 殺したのか 誤解を解くために}"
"{'en': - I wanted to die., 'ja': - 私は死を望んだ}"
"{'en': Just the sound of 'I love you' makes me feel stronger., 'ja': 愛してるの響きだけで、強くなれる気がするよ。}"
"{'en': Hancock, this is my boy Arron. Oh my God, Ray?, 'ja': ハンコック 息子だ}"
"{'en': We are a family of five., 'ja': うちは5人家族です。}"
"{'en': - And I don't have any talent at all., 'ja': なんの才能もないんだ}"
"{'en': Do you want 100 quid? Yeah., 'ja': - 100ポンド欲しいか?}"
"{'en': what's that? freddy krueger done been up in here or something? oh, no, man., 'ja': 実に面白いね}"
"{'en': My 221 B?, 'ja': 僕の部屋の?}"
"{'en': Okay, great, let's go show it to grandma., 'ja': すごい お祖母ちゃんに 見せに行きましょう}"
"{'en': Who is she? She gave no name, Your Grace., 'ja': あの娘はだれだ?}"
"{'en': Look,desmond,I'm going to go., 'ja': デズモンド、もう行くわ}"
"{'en': Then they may target her, I know., 'ja': 彼女が標的になる}"
"{'en': Great Sage, I just saw you talking to Buddha., 'ja': さっき、仏陀の石像に 話してたのを見たよ。}"
"{'en': He'd never ruin his reputation by killing anyone, especially a woman. Now, if you'd like to throw a drink in my face for that, be my guest., 'ja': 人を殺して評判を落とすことは 絶対にしない 特に女性はね それをぼくの顔にかける気?}"
"{'en': What's that? Huh? Right there., 'ja': あれは? あれだ}"
"{'en': But I will keep doing that as long as I'm here., 'ja': でも生きている間は、私はそれを続ける}"
"{'en': Thank you for trying your best., 'ja': 有難う 頑張ってね}"
"{'en': Whoever's in there, show yourself right now!, 'ja': 誰かいるなら 今すぐ出てこい}"
"{'en': - If we're within half a mile of the source., 'ja': - 私たちは、ソースの半マイルの範囲内にある場合。 - それを実行してください。}"
"{'en': I thought whatever I could put him through, he would be strong enough to fight his way back to himself, and I was wrong., 'ja': ウィルをどのような厳しい環境に置いても 彼はそれと戦って戻ってこられる だけの強さを持っている、 と考えていましたが、 私が間違っていました。}"
"{'en': What kind of monsters?, 'ja': どんな怪物だ?}"
"{'en': I just landed in Maryland. I'm at a gas station., 'ja': メリーランドに着いた 今、ガソリンスタンドだ}"
"{'en': This video recorder doesn't work right., 'ja': このビデオは正しく機能しない。}"
"{'en': That's all of it? 1.2?, 'ja': それで全部か?}"
"{'en': Why was the Japan Defense Agency upgraded to the Japanese Ministry of Defense?, 'ja': 防衛庁が防衛省に格上げされたのはなぜですか?}"
"{'en': I was the first one in my class to be activated., 'ja': 私は任務を 命じられたトップバッターだった}"
"{'en': Okay. Where am I putting this?, 'ja': どこに置こうか?}"
"{'en': Well, I think we should win. I hate Vietnam., 'ja': 嫌いな国だね 馬を見かけないし}"
"{'en': A soldier brought it by today. He and Ray were prisoners together., 'ja': 収容所でレイと居た者に...}"
"{'en': In fact, you rarely enter my mind., 'ja': あんたの事忘れてたくらい}"
"{'en': I know where we can get weapons., 'ja': 心当たりがある}"
"{'en': I want to do a trick., 'ja': - 手品に使う...}"
"{'en': And he treasures me and Jinya,, 'ja': 私のことも 仁矢のことも 大切にしてくれてるし}"
"{'en': Maybe because you saw it, you can change it., 'ja': もしかしたら見たことによって それを変えることができるのかも}"
"{'en': I'm not usually a fan of surprises, but this... this is one I'll happily except., 'ja': 通常は予期しない事の 支持者じゃない だが これは... 首尾よく除外するものだ}"
"{'en': We need your help to put it into effect., 'ja': 効果的に行うために 協力が必要だ}"
"{'en': You must make the most of your time., 'ja': 時間は最大限に活用すべきだ。}"
"{'en': - Oh, I - I like money., 'ja': - おぉ 俺は金が好きだ}"
"{'en': It leaves you feeling like you have to make up for it somehow..., 'ja': 全ての事件を解決する事で}"
"{'en': She watching?, 'ja': グレトゲンが見てるか?}"
"{'en': Hold that lead!, 'ja': 先頭維持しろ!}"
"{'en': Not on pointe! Breathe when you leap!, 'ja': もっとダイナミックに!}"
"{'en': Windows, light bulbs,, 'ja': 窓やー 電球}"
"{'en': The Ulsan kids, right? I remember., 'ja': 蔚山の悪ガキか 思い出した}"
"{'en': Why?, 'ja': なぜだ?}"
"{'en': And I thought you people were meant to be..., 'ja': お前が奴隷になる 運命だと思っていた}"
"{'en': I will be very sad, 'ja': 私はとても悲しいでしょう}"
"{'en': Actually, I have a favor to ask of you., 'ja': 実はお願いがあるのです。}"
"{'en': Oh, no! No, no, please. No!, 'ja': やめろ 頼む いやだ!}"
"{'en': She played the heroine better than I., 'ja': 彼女は私よりも上手にヒロインを演じた。}"
"{'en': - Thank you. Good luck. - Mr. President., 'ja': ありがとう 幸運を}"
"{'en': You will not speak of anything you hear or see, and you will not leave this level without my express permission., 'ja': ここで見聞きしたことは口外してはいけません 私の明確な許可なくして この階を離れてもいけません}"
"{'en': Well, he's not gonna mess with my town., 'ja': なにものであっても 俺の街ではしゃぐのは許せねえ}"
"{'en': But very much deserve., 'ja': 当然の報いを}"
"{'en': Let me see your bullet., 'ja': 弾を見せてくれ}"
"{'en': I'm not going to quit the club because I am busy., 'ja': いそがしいからクラブを止めるのではない。}"
"{'en': I'm just calling his bluff for you. We'll get to Fulton's Point after this., 'ja': こけおどしさ その後でフルトン・ポイントに行こう}"
"{'en': Couldn't send your article?, 'ja': 原稿送れなかったの?}"
"{'en': Those early pilgrims were thankful for what had happened to them., 'ja': 巡礼始祖が恵みへの感謝で 始めたの}"
"{'en': We're the last two people on earth., 'ja': 僕達は、地球上最後の2人だ}"
"{'en': No Well, trust me, I know what I'm doing, 'ja': 全然}"
"{'en': The hell'd you do to my garbage?, 'ja': うちのゴミに何してた?}"
"{'en': - You believe this is personal?, 'ja': 個人的恨み?}"
"{'en': A hope chest?, 'ja': 形見?}"
"{'en': Lorelei, cut off two of his fingers., 'ja': ローレライ 彼の指を 2本切り落とせ}"
"{'en': You're looking into the sad demise of the Frogman., 'ja': フロッグマンのために尋問を?}"
"{'en': I wounded him., 'ja': - ケガを負わせた}"
"{'en': Henrietta told me., 'ja': - してるわ ヘンリエッタに 教わりました}"
"{'en': You don't help us because you like us., 'ja': 君は 俺たちのことが好きだから 俺たちを助けてるんじゃない}"
"{'en': that this is really divine judgement., 'ja': 本当に神の裁きと考えたいほどだ...}"
"{'en': It's first place. It's go big or go home., 'ja': 目指すは優勝 負けたら終了}"
"{'en': There's more. There's got to be more., 'ja': もっと何かあるはずよ}"
"{'en': - It's not like he has any money or ID., 'ja': - 彼には お金もIDもなさそうだった}"
"{'en': More information can be found at http: / /www.ciphersbyritter.com / GLOSSARY.HTM#IV, http: / /fn2.freenet.edmonton.ab.ca / ~jsavard / crypto / co0409.htm and in chapter 9.3 of Applied Cryptography by Schneier (ISBN 0-471-11709-9) for a discussion of this topic., 'ja': source には、MCRYPT_RAND (システムの乱数生成器), MCRYPT_DEV_RANDOM (/dev/random からデータを読む) ,MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM (/dev/urandomからデータを読む) を指定できます。 MCRYPT_RAND を使用した場合、乱数生成器を初期化するために 必ず前もって srand() をコールして下さい。}"
"{'en': There's a new mission now., 'ja': 今は新しい使命がある}"
"{'en': I don't know., 'ja': さあ まだ答を聞いてないぞ}"
"{'en': Thank God. Help's arrived!, 'ja': 助けがきたわ!}"
"{'en': And when I truly understand them..., 'ja': - でも 彼らを理解した時...}"
"{'en': it's my understanding that, 'ja': しかもよ 白水銀行は それを見越して}"
"{'en': You would ruin them to make yourself feel better., 'ja': あなたは自分の気晴らしのために彼らを台無しにする。}"
"{'en': You're asking for forgiveness., 'ja': 赦しを求めに来たんだ}"
"{'en': Nice beautiful party, beautiful dancer, beautiful woman., 'ja': ステキ 美しし丶タ'ンサ一ー 素日青らしし丶丿ゞ一ティ一 そして 美女}"
"{'en': How much time does the kid have left?, 'ja': 空気の残りは?}"
"{'en': I'd run my fingers down your neck... to your chest., 'ja': キミの首に指を回して... . 胸に触れる...}"
"{'en': I don't know., 'ja': 分からない}"
"{'en': How you've made and broken so many plans with me., 'ja': 私との約束 何度破ったことか}"
"{'en': M.E. Puts the time of death around 10:00 last night., 'ja': 検視官によると 死亡は夕べの10時前後}"
"{'en': At least for blocks around the houses aren't occupied., 'ja': ブロックで 塞がれてなかった}"
"{'en': You'll have the three o'clock watch every morning and I know you'll obey me, because you..., 'ja': 夜中の見回りもだ}"
"{'en': I've figured something out., 'ja': i've figured something out 私 何かを見積もった}"
"{'en': Because he is trustworthy, Barry., 'ja': 彼は信用できるわ}"
"{'en': Every ship in the fleet has reported in, sir. There's no sign of her., 'ja': 艦隊のすべての船の報告に 彼女の姿はありませんでした}"
"{'en': - Hello... sexy., 'ja': セクシー}"
"{'en': Well... you know, there is an alternative., 'ja': まあ いいか それには選択肢がある}"
"{'en': Being undercover, the days turn into months., 'ja': 秘密捜査は日が過ぎ 何か月も経った}"
"{'en': During the make portion of installation, if you encounter problems that look similar to this:, 'ja': インストール時に'make'を行っている際、以下のようなエラーを発生す るとした場合、}"
"{'en': I'm coming in, it's just me, I'm gonna show you my hands, alright?, 'ja': 入るぞ オレの手を見せる いいか?}"
"{'en': My mom-- She doesn't get it, man., 'ja': ウチもそうだよ}"
"{'en': A conversation you and I have had before., 'ja': 以前二人で交わした会話ですよ}"
"{'en': - We seized it. Hanzawa., 'ja': ☎(渡真利)押さえたぞ やったな 半沢}"
"{'en': To my bridesmaids. - Cheers., 'ja': 花嫁介添え人へ}"
"{'en': Not people ... entire squads of mercenaries,, 'ja': いいえ・・・敵兵を含む全てよ。}"
"{'en': Hey, lady, how you doin'? You all right?, 'ja': お嬢さん、大丈夫か?}"
"{'en': The apples on the other side of the wall are the sweetest., 'ja': 塀の向う側のりんごは一番おいしい。}"
"{'en': 30 years ago, I leaked three names to Mossad., 'ja': 30年前だ、30年 モサドに3人の名前をリークした}"
"{'en': - and we have to seize the opportunity., 'ja': - チャンスを無駄にしないで}"
"{'en': -It's Uchi Week. -Uchi Week., 'ja': ウッチーウイークです ウッチーウイーク}"
"{'en': Maybe. That's weird. I didn't realize we just stepped out of a ""maybe"" seminar., 'ja': 何だそりゃ ""多分""なんて あのセミナーで習ったか}"
"{'en': Thank you, John. Thank you., 'ja': ありがとう ジョン ありがとう}"
"{'en': I'm Cole Pfeiffer., 'ja': コール・プファイファーだ。}"
"{'en': Wiggle out., 'ja': くねくね}"
"{'en': And, last but not least, keys to your new apartment., 'ja': そして最後に、 あなたの新しいアパートへの鍵。}"
"{'en': I thought it was Sebastian., 'ja': 私はそれがセバスチャンだと思った}"
"{'en': The victim's bone graft came from a cadaver donor at Lang Memorial in Maryland., 'ja': 被害者の骨移植は メリーランド州のドナー}"
"{'en': Okay, well, first let me clear up the whole desert island and a cell phone thing., 'ja': よし, えーと, まず さっきの... 無人島とか携帯のことは全部忘れてよ.}"
"{'en': Of course not, dear., 'ja': もちろん違うわよ あなた}"
"{'en': And what was irreplaceable. Running or hiding, she's gonna turn up. Can't get far in today's world., 'ja': 逃げようが隠れようが いずれ見つかるわ}"
"{'en': Jenny had a day job., 'ja': ジェニーには 昼間の仕事があったから}"
"{'en': Yes., 'ja': (吉森) はい...}"
"{'en': Well, his name was Marco, of course., 'ja': 勿論 マルコだよ}"
"{'en': ""!"" expr _BAR_ / * NOT * /, 'ja': expr ""_BAR__BAR_"" expr _BAR_ /* OR */}"
"{'en': Afraid of the black man, you pansy?, 'ja': どうした お化けが怖いのか ビビってんなよ}"
"{'en': So that's the source of your bizarre accent., 'ja': 君のアクセントはスイス訛りのせいか。}"
"{'en': ♪ repent of your sins ♪, 'ja': 罪を悔い改め}"
"{'en': What you did with the knife, losing your temper-- that was all theater?, 'ja': ナイフを振り回したのは 激昂したのは あれは狂言だな}"
"{'en': I'm not crazy Kyle., 'ja': カイル 私は病人じゃないわ 薬はいらない}"
"{'en': Good morning, Miss Brent., 'ja': おはよう、ブレントさん}"
"{'en': Chloe,pull up the ritter building on a satellite grid., 'ja': クロエ、さっきのビルを衛星で調べろ}"
"{'en': Booth's trust doesn't extend that far., 'ja': まだ信頼が足りないようです}"
"{'en': His back was blown apart, 'ja': 彼の背中は爆弾にやられました}"
"{'en': I'd assume so, yeah., 'ja': たぶんね}"
"{'en': Yes., 'ja': そうだな}"
"{'en': Why have you disturbed our sleep?, 'ja': なぜ私たちを起こした。}"
"{'en': See, I'm flesh and blood, just like you., 'ja': よっし、よっし。}"
"{'en': Love's cruel., 'ja': 愛は 残酷なものだ}"
"{'en': This card is like stim credits., 'ja': このカードはstimのクレジットのようなものです。}"
"{'en': Perhaps it would be best if you took a leave of absence. I'm on to you., 'ja': おそらく休暇を取るのが 最善だと思うよ 目を離さないからね}"
"{'en': - That's like, what, 1,000 days?, 'ja': 大体1000日だね}"
"{'en': He's not ready... Not yet., 'ja': まだ早い まあいいじゃないか}"
"{'en': Here, in our aquifer... they can live 300., 'ja': ここの帯水層のお陰で 彼らは300年は生きる}"
"{'en': I don't know., 'ja': わかりません}"
"{'en': So it was an electrical fire., 'ja': 家電事故だわ}"
"{'en': Aleksei?, 'ja': アレクセイ?}"
"{'en': Two blank pages per bookis 600 sheets., 'ja': 1冊につき2枚の空白のページが 600個}"
"{'en': How do you think he beat this creature?, 'ja': 怪物を倒したんでしょうか?}"
"{'en': You'll put them in the search box., 'ja': それを検索欄に記入してください}"
"{'en': Was there any particular business he was interested in?, 'ja': 彼には 関心のある特定の仕事が何か?}"
"{'en': - Interviews, yeah?, 'ja': - インタビューだと?}"
"{'en': Yes., 'ja': そうよ}"
"{'en': Offer more money., 'ja': 増資するとか}"
"{'en': Well, that doesn't sound anything like the victim., 'ja': これは被害者の声とは違うわ}"
"{'en': -Bonjour, Gaston., 'ja': どうも}"
"{'en': x [SQLSTATE = aa bbb SQLCODE=cccc], 'ja': ただし、x = 空白: エラーなし}"
"{'en': Hello. Dad, Janice, meet Claude., 'ja': こちら クロードよ}"
"{'en': Attaboy, Lionel., 'ja': あのライオネが}"
"{'en': Although I do like their cash., 'ja': でも、彼らの金は好きだけどね。}"
"{'en': It wasn't a random cat, it was you!, 'ja': ネコって言うなよ お前だったろ!}"
"{'en': That had to be 19... 86?, 'ja': 1986年だったかな?}"
"{'en': Estas huyendo de algo?, 'ja': なにかから逃げているの}"
"{'en': I didn't know when I'd see you again., 'ja': もう、会ってくれないと 思ってたから}"
"{'en': Till one day that day that letter brought me back to earth., 'ja': ある日まで... あの日... あの文書が僕を現実へ引き戻した}"
"{'en': We have 47 minutes until our reactor breaches., 'ja': リアクター崩壊まで47分だ}"
"{'en': He was rather a heel, but to die like that is terrible., 'ja': 惨めな死に方をしたわ}"
"{'en': To my mind..., 'ja': 私の心が...}"
"{'en': Nobody's gone to get diesel fuel, have they?, 'ja': 燃料を運んでない}"
"{'en': If you'll just excuse me, I have a few things to rearrange on my schedule., 'ja': 予定を調整させてください}"
"{'en': We know about the virus., 'ja': ウィルスの事は調べた}"
"{'en': The administrator can see us now., 'ja': 事務長が会ってくれる}"
"{'en': You know Kiera, sometimes I'm thankful for your help and sometimes..., 'ja': 思い過ごしだ 君には感謝するけど 時には─}"
"{'en': - What the fuck? ! - Turn off the light, turn off the light!, 'ja': ‐何だよ ‐明り消して}"
"{'en': Let's go! Wait, wait. There could be more of them in there -- a lot more., 'ja': 待て 大軍がいるかも}"
"{'en': We can't give you access to these files., 'ja': あなたに そのファイルを 見せることは 出来ない それは 極秘だ}"
"{'en': - You mean, like, to the home?, 'ja': - どっちを連れてくかって?}"
"{'en': I... Wow. Well, you're not making me feel great., 'ja': おかげでこっちまで 気分が悪くなった}"
"{'en': Why?, 'ja': 何で?}"
"{'en': Deke, on your right!, 'ja': ディーク 右に敵だ!}"
"{'en': Before I could say anything, she said..., 'ja': 話そうとしたら―}"
"{'en': And you know, I cannot wait to represent your views in Congress., 'ja': 議会に立つのが楽しみです}"
"{'en': Keeping up appearances before we bust this stray shit wide open?, 'ja': 問題を暴く前の下準備かしら?}"
"{'en': For the simple reason that without him there couldn't be any first-in-command., 'ja': リーダーの片腕として 欠かせない存在だ}"
"{'en': They like you because you feed them., 'ja': 餌をあげるからよ}"
"{'en': Oh, that's our wedding., 'ja': これが私達の結婚式ね}"
"{'en': I think you could be smarter., 'ja': もっとアタマを使うのよ}"
"{'en': You sure you haven't been in here before?, 'ja': あなた前にもここで 座ってなかった?}"
"{'en': I work at a bakery., 'ja': パン屋で働いてるわ}"
"{'en': I'm the Dragon Warrior. Facing maniacs, that's my job!, 'ja': 僕は龍の戦士だ 狂人に直面するのが仕事だ!}"
"{'en': - Stir Friday?, 'ja': 熱い金曜?}"
"{'en': Still, a shock., 'ja': 思っていましたが やはりショックです}"
"{'en': I imagine just seeing the sky makes you happy., 'ja': 君を慰めていたのは 空だと思っていたが}"
"{'en': Penny, Penny, I ne--Penny, I need you., 'ja': ペニー、君が必要なんだ}"
"{'en': I thought I'd just take it., 'ja': ちょっと待ってくれ}"
"{'en': What is the Bankston doing here?, 'ja': - バンクストンはここで何してる?}"
"{'en': You think I never heard that one before?, 'ja': 俺はいつも言われてるんだ!}"
"{'en': I'll get rid of my body's excess water., 'ja': 余分な水分を発散させた}"
"{'en': Sorry you're down here., 'ja': かわいそうと思うよ}"
"{'en': I will bear with you., 'ja': 我慢して聞いてあげる}"
"{'en': Yes. Yes, perhaps., 'ja': そうですね}"
"{'en': ""Take back the feet,"" ""Then jump on one foot"", 'ja': 足を戻して片足跳びです}"
"{'en': Yes., 'ja': - ああ}"
"{'en': - Will you please help me?, 'ja': - 手を貸してくれ}"
"{'en': Pretty much., 'ja': かなり}"
"{'en': -Exactly. -Exactly. -Shall we watch?, 'ja': 見てみますか 今日は何が起こるのか}"
"{'en': Prepare yourself for a hot serving of justice., 'ja': 用意しておくんだな...}"
"{'en': Use *. pgp extension for encrypted files: Checking this option will append a. pgp extension to all encrypted files instead of a. gpg extension. This option will maintain compatibility with users of PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) software., 'ja': 暗号化されたファイルの拡張子に *.pgp を使う: このオプションを指定すると、暗号化されたすべてのファイルの拡張子に .gpg ではなく .pgp を使います。このオプションは PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) ユーザとの互換性のために存在します。}"
"{'en': Your names, 'ja': Yukiko BandoEMAIL OF TRANSLATORS}"
"{'en': At least once... before you die? Does it feel like a warm, wet... hug?, 'ja': 死ぬ前に一度だけでも? 暖かくて}"
"{'en': I mean, she met the guy over Labor Day weekend, on the day of the Brazilian Day parade., 'ja': - ええ 彼女が彼に出会ったのは レイバー・デイの週末 ブラジリアン・デイのパレードの日だった}"
"{'en': Perfect hunting machines., 'ja': 完璧な狩猟マシン}"
"{'en': - Wait a minute. What the..., 'ja': - ちょっと待てよ...}"
"{'en': Actually, my train was late., 'ja': でも 実際に列車が遅れました 2つ目は}"
"{'en': How do you explain Detective Matthews?, 'ja': じゃあエリックは?}"
"{'en': - Come on, girls. - Are you all right?, 'ja': こっちへいらっしゃい 大丈夫か?}"
"{'en': She has gone to the Jedi Council to seek their approval before proceeding., 'ja': ジェダイ評議会に行きました 治療が進む前にその承認を得るために}"
"{'en': I'm not the one who decided to run us off the frickin' road, all right?, 'ja': オレは道路から 脱線しようとしてねえぞ}"
"{'en': - Harvard Bartending Course. You're just a small step away from bagging Snookies Cookies, I can feel it., 'ja': ダイエット・クッキーよりは マシだが}"
"{'en': There's only one other person who knew about this., 'ja': とにかく ここにはない このことを知ってるのは ほかに一人だけだ}"
"{'en': Carlton Worthy dude., 'ja': カールトンみたいな大物}"
"{'en': Yeah., 'ja': そう}"
"{'en': But the timing doesn't make any sense., 'ja': でもわからないのが}"
"{'en': What, uh, meaning-of-life-type stuff?, 'ja': 人生の意義とは何ぞや? みたいな?}"
"{'en': That Michelle Phillips, she could walk it like she talked it., 'ja': 彼女に云えば 即決だ}"
"{'en': I heard you talked to Barry., 'ja': バリーと話したそうだな}"
"{'en': I'll get them to let you in., 'ja': 彼らに入れるように言いましょう}"
"{'en': -40th, id., 'ja': 第40歩兵師団です}"
"{'en': Shaw was mad to begin with., 'ja': ショーは 最初っから狂っていた}"
"{'en': Look, here's the club!, 'ja': 見なさい、ここのクラブ!}"
"{'en': Good, good., 'ja': なら 良かった}"
"{'en': Νothing of any consequence, I assure you., 'ja': どんな結果についても責めない、私はあなたを保証すると。}"
"{'en': -I'll be there again in the morning. Come on, I didn't mean it like that., 'ja': おいおい 待てよ}"
"{'en': You'll visit me, though, yeah?, 'ja': 面会にきてくれるか?}"
"{'en': No Havok! We have to call him, Havok. That's his name now., 'ja': 違うの ハボクよ ハボク 今から 彼の名前はハボク}"
"{'en': Hello, john!, 'ja': やあ ジョン}"
"{'en': With agent Evans inside and at risk, the FBI will not take aggressive action., 'ja': エバンス捜査官が 囚われの身である限り FBIは大胆な行動に出れない}"
"{'en': Ryan. What's he doing here?, 'ja': ライアンが来てる 一体何をしようと}"
"{'en': Oh. Which I apparently suck at it., 'ja': ぜんぶ私が悪いのよ}"
"{'en': I have your wife's body and your confession., 'ja': 死体の謎と お前の告白を 知っているのは 私だけだ}"
"{'en': Have you read that book to the workers who visited you?, 'ja': 読んだのは詩です}"
"{'en': Report to, uh-, 'ja': - ほ・・報告を・・ -}"
"{'en': - You guys live together?, 'ja': - 同棲してるのか?}"
"{'en': We're gonna launch right here in Washington., 'ja': まずワシントンだ}"
"{'en': That's a gruesome-looking left eye... If there was a problem, they would stop the fight., 'ja': ぞっとするような光景です}"
"{'en': - You already have a positive ID., 'ja': 身元は確認済みじゃ?}"
"{'en': The BND* has informers among us, OK?, 'ja': 至る所に 連邦情報部もいる!}"
"{'en': Are you really being serious, Stu? You're inviting me?, 'ja': マジで本気なのかみんな ほんとに呼んでくれるのか?}"
"{'en': So how should I be recovering, exactly?, 'ja': なぜ回復しなきゃ ならんのだ?}"
"{'en': All you gonna do is mow lawns like your pops., 'ja': パパと芝刈りがお似合いだ}"
"{'en': The preliminary autopsy also showed bruising on the knuckles and knees, which could indicate the victim was held captive in an enclosed space., 'ja': 解剖前検死での 指関節と膝の打撲から 監禁されていたとも 考えられますが}"
"{'en': That's why you're gonna die today., 'ja': だから今日死ぬんだ}"
"{'en': That looks like an awful lot for two people., 'ja': 2人にとってそれは恐ろしい運命であるように思える。}"
"{'en': Good morning, Jennifer., 'ja': おはようジェニファー。}"
"{'en': I have to do my job without it., 'ja': やらなきゃならないの}"
"{'en': My mum always said start a jigsaw with the corners., 'ja': ママが言ってた ジグソーは角から攻めろと}"
"{'en': Frankie, Mojo, out! Come on, kiddo, we're on a schedule., 'ja': フランキー、モジョ出ろ ほら予定が詰まってるんだ}"
"{'en': Well, he is baptizing, and everyone is going to him., 'ja': バプテスマを授けておられます。みなあの方の方に行きます。}"
"{'en': I'm gonna have to science the shit out of this., 'ja': このクソは 科学で回避する}"
"{'en': - We'll never sell it again!, 'ja': ー手放したくないわね}"
"{'en': I'm taking us closer to the nucleus., 'ja': 核に近づきます}"
"{'en': This novel is boring., 'ja': この小説は退屈だ。}"
"{'en': Marcella, call the police., 'ja': マルセラ 警察に電話しろ}"
"{'en': There's no indication that the Vulcans have withdrawn from their consulates in Canberra or Berlin., 'ja': ヴァルカン人がキャンベラやベルリンの 領事館から撤退した様子は無いそうです}"
"{'en': And did you see her after that?, 'ja': その後 会った?}"
"{'en': Miss Claythorne was locked in her room, Doctor, if that's what you mean., 'ja': クレイソーンさんは 鍵をかけて部屋にいた そういう意味では、先生}"
"{'en': That bus will take you to the zoo., 'ja': あのバスに乗れば、動物園へ行けますよ。}"
"{'en': I... I don't want tea., 'ja': 紅茶はいらない...}"
"{'en': The enemy fleet's got airstrike performed in America., 'ja': 敵艦隊は合衆国に対し 大規模な空爆を加えた}"
"{'en': The little brother- - He said, uh, they took his work hat., 'ja': 弟は ""奴らは仕事用の帽子を盗った""と言っていた}"
"{'en': We will have an English test this afternoon., 'ja': 今日の午後、英語のテストがあります。}"
"{'en': That must be very painful for you., 'ja': それはあなたに とって辛いものでしょう}"
"{'en': So let's just make this official., 'ja': 公式に認めよう}"
"{'en': I had to handle this myself., 'ja': 自分でこれに けりをつけなければならない}"
"{'en': You know Elaine certain before we lived a life that does not tolerate baby even that we want and do not want it., 'ja': エレーン、お前の詮索好きのおかげで 俺たちのこのライフスタイルじゃあ 赤ん坊と一緒に暮らせない事が分かった たとえ欲しく無い赤ん坊でもな}"
"{'en': Look, I understand why you agreed to take the test., 'ja': なぜ実験に同意したのか 分かってるよ}"
"{'en': The target didn't wipe Cade's devices like we thought., 'ja': ターゲットが消去したと思ってたが}"
"{'en': carl Sagan said, ""Let's take another picture of the Earth."", 'ja': カール・セーガンは言いました ""もう一つの地球の写真を撮りましょう""}"
"{'en': It's all right. Shhh., 'ja': 今 助けてあげる}"
"{'en': How nice! Did he show you his Ming vases and rare oil paintings?, 'ja': おっ、いいね、評価できないミン壷のコレクションと 珍しい油絵を見たの?}"
"{'en': It should be decided in the next day or two., 'ja': 一両日中にも決まりそうだ。}"
"{'en': Ah, welcome back, Mr. Reese., 'ja': アア 戻って来て嬉しい ミスター・リース}"
"{'en': There's a fluctuation in their power grid., 'ja': 彼らのハワーグリッドが不安定です}"
"{'en': Now., 'ja': 今すぐ。}"
"{'en': My patience., 'ja': 私の忍耐力}"
"{'en': You're going to tell your family that the serum made you sick... and that I sent you home., 'ja': 家族には血清注射で 気分が悪くなったと言いなさい 私がお家まで届けるわ 大丈夫?}"
"{'en': For the whole of Catholic Europe?, 'ja': カトリックヨーロッパ全体のために?}"
"{'en': Well, phosphorus needs oxygen to burn., 'ja': リンは酸素で燃えるから}"
"{'en': - Because he's a killer!, 'ja': 殺し屋だからさ!}"
"{'en': Yes, healing very nicely., 'ja': あら、よし ここ、ここはとても 良くなって来ていますよ}"
"{'en': I offered him all the help in the world, and he turned me down many times., 'ja': 私は 彼にできる限りの援助を 申し出た それでも彼は 何回も何回も 私の申し出を断ったの}"
"{'en': - All me., 'ja': 一人でな}"
"{'en': I hugged her., 'ja': 彼女を抱きしめた。}"
"{'en': I know you, Nina., 'ja': 分かってる}"
"{'en': It was supposed to be a joke. We didn't think he'd hurt himself., 'ja': 冗談だったのに まさか自殺するなんて}"
"{'en': The Company can't know I'm talking to you., 'ja': カンパニーに知られる わけにはいかないの}"
"{'en': You'll fuck it up if you're too tense., 'ja': 緊張してると お手上げだぞ お前は""ぶっ飛ぶ""必要がある}"
"{'en': Please! Let me in!, 'ja': ここ開けてくれ}"
"{'en': I told you, man. I don't flip on nobody., 'ja': 言ったはずだ 誰も撃ってない}"
"{'en': Perfect. So you do that. Soon as he's alone, we'll pounce., 'ja': 完璧だわ じゃお願いね クマが一匹の時に捕まえるのよ}"
"{'en': If all I have achieved is the hangman will earn two pairs of boots instead of one, so be it., 'ja': 今日この処刑台に残されるブーツが 2足になったとしても仕方がない}"
"{'en': Now I am the knight., 'ja': だから僕は騎士だ}"
"{'en': - Same as what? - As what hit that car before, fam., 'ja': - 車にぶつかった奴}"
"{'en': Just... - Why are we arguing about this?, 'ja': 何が言いたいの?}"
"{'en': Fuck it. Later for them., 'ja': あいつらは後でいいか.}"
"{'en': So can you pick her up this morning?, 'ja': それで 今日 彼女を迎えに行ける? - もちろん}"
"{'en': Did I say I like her?, 'ja': 俺 好きって言った?}"
"{'en': No, no. You should go, I'm good., 'ja': いいや、君は帰ったほうがいい}"
"{'en': If the oxygenator breaks, I'm going to suffocate., 'ja': 酸素供給器が 壊れたら窒息死}"
"{'en': Special agents Kanigher and durwell, this is captain renard, detectives Griffin and Burkhardt., 'ja': 特別捜査官の カニガーとダルウェルです こちらがレナール警部に 刑事の グリフィンとブルクハルト}"
"{'en': You're only making this worse for yourself, you stupid cow!, 'ja': 事態を悪くしてどうする このバカめ!}"
"{'en': Lights out in 10 minutes., 'ja': 10分で消灯}"
"{'en': - Why, nothing at all..., 'ja': What's the trouble? い、いえ、なんでもありません。 いえ なんでもありません Why, nothing at all...}"
"{'en': Can you will yourself to fall asleep?, 'ja': あなたは自分で眠ろうと思えば眠ることができますか。}"
"{'en': Crimes in the sex trade are down 38% since the bots were introduced., 'ja': このロボットが 発明されたおかげで- -性的な人身売買の 発生率が38%減少したわ}"
"{'en': - Enough! Dale was a damn snake., 'ja': デールは最低な奴だった}"
"{'en': Why?, 'ja': どうして?}"
"{'en': They drove a tunnel through the hill., 'ja': 山を通してトンネルを通した。}"
"{'en': - If you're going to be mad, I can go., 'ja': - 君が怒るなら 俺は行く}"
"{'en': HOLMES: Even so-- your whereabouts., 'ja': たとえそうであっても あなたの居場所を知りたい}"
"{'en': Their lives are changed forever., 'ja': 彼らの人生は 永遠に変わった}"
"{'en': Come on!, 'ja': もう}"
"{'en': When the time comes, my army and my subjects will understand why I made these decisions., 'ja': 時が来れば、 我が民衆も、我が軍隊も、 私がなぜこのような決定をしたのかを 十分理解するだろう}"
"{'en': Hey, how are we doing over there, Tara?, 'ja': そっちはどう? タラ}"
"{'en': So why don't we just start with explaining what a woge is?, 'ja': 手始めに 変身について}"
"{'en': That's what I thought. Just dumb fucking luck., 'ja': やっぱりな 何が運だ}"
"{'en': He was a murderer who fell in love with his own legend., 'ja': 自分の名声に酔いしれた 汚い人殺しだぞ}"
"{'en': I have to get this shuttle started!, 'ja': このシャトルを動かす...}"
"{'en': Miss Matthews?, 'ja': マシューズ君?}"
"{'en': Birkhoff? Did you lose her?, 'ja': バーコフ、どうした?}"
"{'en': Hey, James, how about next time that you don't tell me that this is about Omar, you tell me, huh?, 'ja': おい ジェームズ 次はどうする? これがオマールだと話してくれ 教えてくれ えっ?}"
"{'en': Why do they want to talk to you, Dad?, 'ja': なぜ パパと話したいわけ?}"
"{'en': Recheck, 'ja': 再チェック}"
"{'en': This one's husband, coming home from the airport sunday morning with his brother., 'ja': 遺体の発見者は? 日曜の朝に弟と一緒に 空港から家に戻ってきた彼女の夫が}"
"{'en': Marine units, intracoastal and beachside., 'ja': 海上部隊は沿岸水路と 海岸だ}"
"{'en': There is a man in agony and the guard is sound asleep and snoring like a wild dog!, 'ja': 苦しんでいる男がいる 看守が野犬のような いびきをかいて寝てる!}"
"{'en': Let's do it. Let's go, boys., 'ja': よし、出発だ}"
"{'en': - Steve, it's me, it's John., 'ja': スティーブ ジョンです}"
"{'en': Do you understand me so far?, 'ja': 切り取るよ ここまで 理解できたかな?}"
"{'en': If you are using transactions, you need to call fbsql_affected_rows() after your INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE query, not after the commit., 'ja': 注意 トランザクションを使用している場合、コミットの後ではなくINSERT, UPDATE, DELETEクエリの後で fbsql_affected_rows() をコールする必要がありま す。}"
"{'en': Then Danny stormed off., 'ja': それから 怒って行ってしまって}"
"{'en': -That's retreat, hell! -That's right., 'ja': 私の尻を押してくれ いいぞ!}"
"{'en': Finish what you start., 'ja': 始めたものは 完成させるんだ。}"
"{'en': Well, that's the thing. When you're alive, you get a name., 'ja': まあ それが問題だ 生きてる時は 名前がある}"
"{'en': Now, let's go, come on., 'ja': 今いける はやく}"
"{'en': He's nothing but a suspect to me., 'ja': 彼は 容疑者にすぎない}"
"{'en': Meanwhile, work progressed on the massive development., 'ja': 一方、仕事を継続 大規模な開発に。}"
"{'en': Don't shoot him again., 'ja': -どうする?}"
"{'en': Hey, uh, I thought that we agreed that you were going to call me before you did something stupid., 'ja': やあ アー もちろんさ 付き合ってくれると思ってた バカなまねをしたか}"
"{'en': They are equally matched in their knowledge of English., 'ja': 彼らは英語の知識の点では互角だ。}"
"{'en': Tell me you're winning., 'ja': 今 お母さんが亡くなったら 会わなかった事をきっと後悔する もちろん 勝ったんだろ?}"
"{'en': How's that for rocking the vote?, 'ja': 反対なら次の投票で 示してね?}"
"{'en': I know., 'ja': 知ってる}"
"{'en': So there's elements you can?, 'ja': 出来る部分もあるのか?}"
"{'en': She goes to market every day., 'ja': 彼女は毎日市場に買い物に行きます。}"
"{'en': I will rectify this error., 'ja': その失敗を修正します}"
"{'en': I think it's possible the attack on Leo was not the first attempt the Bratva made on his life, but the second., 'ja': レオへの襲撃は ブラトヴァが仕掛けた 最初じゃなく 2回目の攻撃だった可能性がある}"
"{'en': Spicy Tuna..., 'ja': ピリ辛ツナ...}"
"{'en': -I filled out an insurance claim., 'ja': ・保険請求手続きした。}"
"{'en': Oh Lord, watch over them. with eyes that never doze., 'ja': 主よ、眠らないで彼らを守れよ}"
"{'en': Look, if you'd like to leave him a message, I'll be happy to pass it along for you., 'ja': 伝言があれば お伝えします}"
"{'en': You ran around., 'ja': お前も遊びまくってた...}"
"{'en': She came with good news., 'ja': 彼女はよい知らせを持ってきた。}"
"{'en': Unless I miss my guess, he is forty., 'ja': 推測が間違っていなければ彼は40歳だ。}"
"{'en': Amber picked up a cold call from some rich-ass Texan looking to buy his third vacation home., 'ja': アンバーは勧誘電話で 3つ目の別荘を探してる 裕福なテキサス人を ゲットしたわ}"
"{'en': - Do roosters strut?, 'ja': - 雄鶏は、つっ立ってる?}"
"{'en': You don't have to worry about her anymore., 'ja': 彼女のことはもう気にしないでいいわ。}"
"{'en': That you can trust?, 'ja': 信頼できる?}"
"{'en': Or some restrictive rule like that?, 'ja': 他にいい案ある?}"
"{'en': This is for Ricky. I put him in a canoe with-, 'ja': これはリッキーのためだ カヌーに乗せて...}"
"{'en': Sent me to the chair for something I didn't do, all for your president., 'ja': 無罪なのに死刑にして、 全部大統領の指令?}"
"{'en': On the street, by accident., 'ja': 路上で アクシデントよ}"
"{'en': I can't- - I can't go back there. I can't., 'ja': だめ 帰れないわ}"
"{'en': - Oh. Can you French kiss?, 'ja': ええと、ディープキス出来る?}"
"{'en': It's possible?, 'ja': おそらく?}"
"{'en': -Sounds like you don't like him., 'ja': あの方が嫌いなの?}"
"{'en': Found our Yoda, looks like we did., 'ja': ヨーダを見つけたぞ 遂にやった}"
"{'en': There's something wrong with this plant., 'ja': この植物 変よ}"
"{'en': When I was but a boy... my father took us to the New World to expand the Collins family empire., 'ja': 私がほんの少年の頃 父はコリンズ家を拡大する為 新世界に旅立った}"
"{'en': After father goes outside to work has been listless, 'ja': お父さんが単身赴任してから ずっと元気がないです}"
"{'en': He's a holy terror., 'ja': 彼は怪物ね}"
"{'en': Susanna. We're all swimming!, 'ja': スザンナ 泳ぎにいくよ?}"
"{'en': - And plus he lied about sleeping with the victim., 'ja': - それに 彼は被害者と寝てたことを隠してた}"
"{'en': What's the most convenient way to get to Tokyo Station?, 'ja': 東京駅へ行くのに最も便利な方法は何でしょうか。}"
"{'en': The difference is the art of it., 'ja': その違いこそが芸術だ}"
"{'en': We had six guests to dinner., 'ja': 私たちは夕食に6人の客を迎えました。}"
"{'en': Why? [SIGHS] You can borrow something of mine., 'ja': なぜ? 私のを貸してあげる}"
"{'en': Galt is dead., 'ja': レスター いま谷に降りている}"
"{'en': and the rest of the 104th Cadets face their own fears and doubts as they choose which force they will join., 'ja': ミカサやアルミンたち第104期訓練兵は それぞれの思いを胸に抱え 所属兵団の選択に臨む Comment:}"
"{'en': They know Georgian too..., 'ja': グルジア語だ}"
"{'en': Connect to the Porsche when we trace it!, 'ja': - 電話を繋げ!}"
"{'en': Give me your backpack. - Bear! - What?, 'ja': クマさんを忘れた!}"
"{'en': And let's stop lighting the thing at night., 'ja': 夜間照明は中止だ}"
"{'en': But I took a look at that drug, decamethonium, and it's actually pretty easy to make at home if you have a basic chemistry skill, which Patsy Reynolds has., 'ja': 化学知識があれば 家で簡単に作る事が出来る 彼女は 知識がある様だ}"
"{'en': Come a little closer Safranek., 'ja': こっちへおいで シャフラネック}"
"{'en': Then see what second team comes up with tonight., 'ja': 今夜は第2班の報告待ちだ}"
"{'en': - We need the trace., 'ja': - 追跡は必要です}"
"{'en': Hit me. Master wants us to perform., 'ja': 俺を殴れ 師匠はやりたいんだ}"
"{'en': Hey, kid, is that you? Open the door., 'ja': おい坊や 居るんだろ ドアを開けろ}"
"{'en': Yeah, I'm not sure how long it keeps Arc in the forefront, but I guess in your world we only have to be first, not the best., 'ja': 事業の目途は不明だけど まずは 一番乗りって事だろ}"
"{'en': Ivo is still out there., 'ja': アイヴォはまだ向こうにいる}"
"{'en': I respected Mr. Starkel., 'ja': ジョーのことは尊敬してた}"
"{'en': What? You mean it?, 'ja': 本当にいいの?}"
"{'en': She pressed her lips firmly together., 'ja': 彼女は口を堅く結んだ。}"
"{'en': Ireland and the Bay of Bengal., 'ja': ""海岸沖 そしてベンガル湾に落下します""}"
"{'en': We're canvassing known associates, Seeing if he reached out to anybody., 'ja': 他の悪党に接触してないか 調べています}"
"{'en': Where was he working?, 'ja': 彼は どこで働いていたの?}"
"{'en': Walter Jr., 'ja': ジュニアのことよ}"
"{'en': I've looked into the issues with the ex-roomie., 'ja': 元ルームメイトとの 問題を調べた}"
"{'en': Used to have an understanding with him., 'ja': ジョーイ・クィン 前は暗黙の了解があった}"
"{'en': - That'd be me. - Ah., 'ja': 私だ}"
"{'en': The office is right there. They're expecting you., 'ja': 事務所があるの あなたを待ってるわ}"
"{'en': - You'll have them tomorrow., 'ja': - 明日まで待ってろよ}"
"{'en': Agent Denham, that is a 1963 Ferrari 250 GT Lusso, owned and raced by the coolest cat who ever lived, Steve McQueen., 'ja': デンナム捜査官 それは フェラーリ・250GTルッソ 世界最高の男}"
"{'en': Is there anywhere we could speak a little more privately?, 'ja': 内輪で話が出来る場所は}"
"{'en': - Bup-bup-bup-bup., 'ja': 待て...}"
"{'en': What's important is that you stop asking me questions and agree to follow me blindly!, 'ja': 重要な事は まず、私に質問をしない事と... 盲人のように、私に従うことだ。}"
"{'en': Would you be able to call a doctor for me?, 'ja': 医者を呼びにやってくれませんか。}"
"{'en': - Yeah., 'ja': - ええ}"
"{'en': - Didn't expect this., 'ja': - これは意外だ}"
"{'en': Mr. Carter, a man is entrusted with a significant amount of money, and that money disappears., 'ja': カーター氏、 男は かなりの金額、 そのお金は消えます。}"
"{'en': I have much in common with him., 'ja': 私と彼は共通することが多い。}"
"{'en': - Arrested? For what? - I don't know., 'ja': なぜ逮捕されたの}"
"{'en': You know what I feel like?, 'ja': 俺がどう思ってるか分かるか?}"
"{'en': - Oh, hey, Nick., 'ja': おや! やぁ ニック}"
"{'en': -Oops, I said I'm back., 'ja': (政子)ただいまとか 言っちゃったし}"
"{'en': You know we won't take chances with people like that, Sam., 'ja': そう言っちゃ身もふたもない}"
"{'en': - Well, assuming the Shop didn't protect it with too much dark magic,, 'ja': ショップが黒魔術を 掛けてないなら...}"
"{'en': - I'M NOT SURE IT'S COMING BACK., 'ja': なんとも言えない}"
"{'en': The leisure industry is sinking more money into new resorts., 'ja': レジャー産業は新たなリゾート地にさらなる投資をしています。}"
"{'en': I believe it's confirmed., 'ja': 間違いなさそうです}"
"{'en': Let's go., 'ja': 行くぞ}"
"{'en': Thank you, General Sitacles. I was well protected., 'ja': ありがとう サティカル将軍 私は十分に守らていたわ}"
"{'en': We were up there once. It said something about first settlers religious freedom..., 'ja': そこに入植者の記録があった}"
"{'en': I know you're not ready to hear this, but I'm going to say it anyway., 'ja': 話してくれないか?}"
"{'en': It won't trigger the nuclear warhead, as that requires fission., 'ja': 核弾頭じゃないが}"
"{'en': The Northern forces were outnumbered, and they were on the run., 'ja': 北軍は数で勝てない だから逃げた}"
"{'en': We get honest feedback from independent media., 'ja': 特立したメディアから、率直なフィードバックを得ます。}"
"{'en': The explosion should generate sufficient confusion to allow Brody to take out the target and escape through this doorway at the rear of the compound., 'ja': 爆発はブロディが目標を達成し 収容所裏のこのドアから 脱出するのに十分な 爆発でなければならない}"
"{'en': We are going to Summerland., 'ja': サマーランドに行くんだ}"
"{'en': Most of the boys are as good as orphans., 'ja': ほとんどの生徒が 孤児だと言ってもいい}"
"{'en': Of course. They hated each other., 'ja': 憎み合っていましたよ}"
"{'en': - I gotta get my helmet., 'ja': - ヘルメットが・・・}"
"{'en': And then you attacked Pops., 'ja': おじさんを撃ったりするから}"
"{'en': And constantly believe God's holy word and obediently keep His commandments., 'ja': 常に神の言葉を信じ 素直に戒めに従いなさい}"
"{'en': This is the maintenance closet, Gwen., 'ja': ここ ビルの物置だよ グウェン}"
"{'en': Talk... talking to myself a little bit., 'ja': 独り言だよ}"
"{'en': Maybe it was selfish of me, Peter, but I just needed to see you., 'ja': 利己的でも良い あなたに会いたかったの}"
"{'en': - Were there any negative aspects? - Yeah., 'ja': 他にもあるか?}"
"{'en': Because you are involved you get hit, 'ja': 関係あるから 殴られるんやろ}"
"{'en': And you have to, to do this job., 'ja': この仕事をしてるんだから}"
"{'en': I sleep no more, and awake, I see Siegfried., 'ja': 私の眠りは終わった 目覚めた私には解る}"
"{'en': Get outta here! Thank you., 'ja': ありがとうございます さようなら}"
"{'en': I could ask for more. What choice do you have?, 'ja': もっと要求することだってできる 君に選択の余地は無いんだからな}"
"{'en': It was made in our image., 'ja': 我々のイメージだ}"
"{'en': I haven't seen Tom in months., 'ja': トムとはもう何ヶ月も会っていない。}"
"{'en': This is my fault. I got to fix this., 'ja': これは僕のせいだ 責任を取る}"
"{'en': When you talk to people, don't stand so close., 'ja': 人と話す時には、あまり近くに立つなよ}"
"{'en': There are ways I can be of assistance., 'ja': 手助けができる。}"
"{'en': All right? Don't let Pelant call the shots., 'ja': ペラントに振り回されずに}"
"{'en': B-A-R-R..., 'ja': B -A -R}"
"{'en': There, Lizzy. You see?, 'ja': ほら 雨が降ってきた}"
"{'en': The tombs., 'ja': お終いだ}"
"{'en': She is trying to lose weight., 'ja': 彼女は体重を減らそうとしている。}"
"{'en': It's just I thought you were a clear-cut civil case., 'ja': あなたのは まさに 明確な民事事件よ}"
"{'en': Good for him, man, good for him., 'ja': いい事だ}"
"{'en': Fourth Mistress., 'ja': 四奥様}"
"{'en': What's Jon going to say about that in his article., 'ja': 記事の内容が心配}"
"{'en': There are problems that Japan might not be able to solve independently but which it might be able to solve in cooperation with Korea., 'ja': 日本単独ではできないことも韓国と一緒に共同でやればできるかもしれない、という可能性はあると思います。}"
"{'en': Just-- No, it's okay. We don't have time., 'ja': いや平気だ 時間が無い}"
"{'en': When you re done with a phone call, you let someone go..., 'ja': 別れた事を後悔してる たった電話一本で 済ませたのよね}"
"{'en': You don't?, 'ja': あんたは思ってないのか?}"
"{'en': Just tell me where he's gonna be., 'ja': 奴の居そうな場所を 教えてくれ}"
"{'en': Um, you are currently the manager of an automotive accessories business?, 'ja': 現在は自動車アクセサリー事業の 責任者なの?}"
"{'en': Whoever they were. Christ., 'ja': 酷い人達ね まったく}"
"{'en': This fracture was caused by a take-down stranglehold., 'ja': この骨折は喉を 締めつけた時に起こるものよ}"
"{'en': If you want to raise the readings of the thermometer... Dipping it in lukewarm water is the best., 'ja': (吉森) 体温計の目盛り 上げるならな ぬるま湯に つけるのが一番だぞ}"
"{'en': Told you. Endings are the best part., 'ja': 言われたあなた結末 ベストは部分ですか?}"
"{'en': But it was vulnerable to heat., 'ja': でも 熱には弱かったわ.}"
"{'en': So much simpler than psychiatry., 'ja': - 精神医学よりとてもシンプルだ。}"
"{'en': - No., 'ja': - ああ}"
"{'en': Guys, it's starting! It's starting., 'ja': 放送が始まる}"
"{'en': Well, it appears you have cleared our background check, Dr Gru., 'ja': ...身元確認が終わりました ...グルー博士ね}"
"{'en': Upside: there might be some charred tissue for me., 'ja': 炭になった組織が あるかもしれない}"
"{'en': Strange things did happen here, 'ja': ここでは色々おかしなことが 本当に起こるんだ}"
"{'en': And he had the means right at his feet., 'ja': 足元に仕掛けが}"
"{'en': Cheaper than Paris but as good., 'ja': 都心よりお得だ}"
"{'en': You only think you know everything about me., 'ja': 私のことなら何でも知ってると思ってた?}"
"{'en': Rustic obsessive?, 'ja': 素朴な妄想狂?}"
"{'en': I choose for me., 'ja': 私は私を選択します}"
"{'en': But when I thought about it, I didn't wanna go back to that home., 'ja': 「だけどそれを考えた時 あの家に帰りたいと思わなかった」}"
"{'en': Look, I just figured we'd find who killed her, and whatever happened between Sari and me would stay between Sari and me., 'ja': サリを殺した奴は 必ず見つける 何があっても サリと一緒にいたかった}"
"{'en': Let's go., 'ja': 行くわよ}"
"{'en': - You think, too soon?, 'ja': 早くはないだろう}"
"{'en': You can sneer at me all you like., 'ja': 好きなだけ笑えばいいわ}"
"{'en': -Is..., 'ja': 〈何が? 〉}"
"{'en': Did you identify the body?, 'ja': 遺体の身元は?}"
"{'en': And all the time..., 'ja': すべての時間...}"
"{'en': And a credit card in the name of Hallie Calder., 'ja': そして ハリー・カルダー名の クレジットカード}"
"{'en': The police are... you're putting us both at risk., 'ja': 警察が・・・}"
"{'en': Drs. Farragut, Sommer, and Jordan, right?, 'ja': ファラガット博士 ソマーとジョーダン}"
"{'en': So, can you join Patterson and find me a lead?, 'ja': パターソンに同行して 私が主導する?}"
"{'en': Show them your tits. Look, you like them?, 'ja': 見ろ どうだ?}"
"{'en': Th-This is Bruce Wayne., 'ja': ブルース・ウェインだ}"
"{'en': I know Wyatt didn't kill all those men by himself., 'ja': ワイアット1人の仕業ではないことは 知っている}"
"{'en': - What?, 'ja': - 何?}"
"{'en': There's been another flash mob murder., 'ja': ウー巡査長からの連絡で 別の閃光暴徒殺人との事です}"
"{'en': I just know Liv a little better, that's all., 'ja': - お前より 少しはリブを知ってる}"
"{'en': I know., 'ja': 判るんです}"
"{'en': They're here to steal your ship! No, no, no, no, no, we're not!, 'ja': 違う 違う 僕じゃない!}"
"{'en': I've decided to help them... to do my part., 'ja': 彼らを助けるよ 私の役目だ}"
"{'en': Door. - Lock., 'ja': 鍵をかけろ}"
"{'en': Luke, pull up!, 'ja': ルーク 上昇しろ!}"
"{'en': I would like to sit in the non-smoking section., 'ja': 禁煙席をお願いします。}"
"{'en': Tom is in bed with the flu., 'ja': トムはインフルエンザで寝込んでいる。}"
"{'en': She confronted the problem which seemed hard to understand., 'ja': 彼女は理解しがたいように思える問題に直面した。}"
"{'en': ♪ I'll change partners ♪, 'ja': ""相手役も変えて""}"
"{'en': They were old then., 'ja': 我々の時代からで もう古着なんだ}"
"{'en': Look at all the detail., 'ja': 細かい所まで}"
"{'en': Slowly the days turned sour... and the watchful nights closed in., 'ja': 徐々に陽は陰り 不安な夜が迫っていた}"
"{'en': He's here to let us in, see what we can find., 'ja': 我々が捜索できるように 彼が許可してくれたので}"
"{'en': Dude, it doesn't care., 'ja': 俺の事は気にするな}"
"{'en': No attempts to revive her were made., 'ja': 救命措置は とられていません}"
"{'en': It's gonna be okay. He is not gonna die. Do you hear me?, 'ja': 大丈夫そうだ 彼は死ぬことはない}"
"{'en': Many ofyou have made the great breakthrough one giant step, the faith decision., 'ja': 〝あなたは大いなる飛躍をとげた〟}"
"{'en': You're wasting your time. I have nothing to say., 'ja': 時間の無駄さ 言う事は何も無い}"
"{'en': Jesus! Good luck., 'ja': 幸運を祈るわ}"
"{'en': He took medical advice., 'ja': 彼は医者の診断を受けた。}"
"{'en': 'Cause drug dealing is not good enough for you?, 'ja': 薬取引が割に合わないからか?}"
"{'en': What if he just mentioned it in passing?, 'ja': 偶然その事に触れたらどうなる?}"
"{'en': Shutup! Get outta here!, 'ja': 黙るんだ!}"
"{'en': Wait, raccoons!, 'ja': 、アライグマ待って!}"
"{'en': I warn you, Mr. Attinger of Earth, an alliance is a contract, and contracts, like humans, expire., 'ja': 貴方に警告する 地球のアッティンジャー氏 同盟を結ぶ 契約だ 人間のように}"
"{'en': Hey, Cap, got a West Palm helmet. I got another one., 'ja': 隊長 西パームの ヘルメットです}"
"{'en': # From the stars above?, 'ja': ♪ 星に聞いてみるかい?}"
"{'en': OK. Have a nice day., 'ja': それじゃあ ご機嫌よう}"
"{'en': I have grown children,, 'ja': 子供達も大きくなったし}"
"{'en': Delta team, deliver your thrusters to loading dock 12., 'ja': デルタ班 スラスターをドック12へ}"
"{'en': My superior guitar playing and off-the-charts awesome singing voice?, 'ja': ボクの超絶ギターテクと 聞けばぶっ飛ぶ美声の事言ってんの?}"
"{'en': I missed something once before; I won't..., 'ja': 前回は見逃した}"
"{'en': It just pushed my buttons all the more., 'ja': それが私を余計に イライラするさせたの}"
"{'en': Sorry to interrupt your work., 'ja': (今野) なんでしょう? お仕事中 申し訳ありません}"
"{'en': You always keep me in front of you. Military training, right?, 'ja': あんた、いつも俺を前にしてるな 軍の訓練だろ?}"
"{'en': Did someone gain access to the house?, 'ja': 誰かが 家の中に侵入したのか?}"
"{'en': No, I said that she may have., 'ja': 可能性があると言っただけ}"
"{'en': I thought I heard a beep., 'ja': ブザーが鳴った気がしたんだ.}"
"{'en': I thought he didn't appreciate me., 'ja': 大事にされてないと 思ったの}"
"{'en': - So go get'em back., 'ja': - 連れ戻せよ}"
"{'en': No. No, it doesn't. It's like ""Lord of the Flies"" over there., 'ja': ああ そうだな あっちは「ロード・オブ・ザ・ファイル」 みたいね}"
"{'en': When the rain stopped, the game of tennis was continued immediately., 'ja': 雨が上がるとすぐにテニスの試合を続行した。}"
"{'en': Isn't there a reason you want to join the Military Police?, 'ja': 憲兵団に入るのも 何か理由があるんじゃないの}"
"{'en': You ain't gonna make me no bitch!, 'ja': お前の女になんかにならない!}"
"{'en': Dale, get the hell out., 'ja': デール, 早く行って}"
"{'en': Pair up, spread out., 'ja': ペアで周辺を}"
"{'en': I'm being honored by the Starling City Municipal Group., 'ja': スターリング市の 地方自治体を光栄に思ってる}"
"{'en': People in general have faith in everything newspapers say., 'ja': 人々は新聞に書いてあることは何でも信用する。}"
"{'en': Penny, calm down., 'ja': 落ちつけ}"
"{'en': We should place an order., 'ja': オーダーしよう}"
"{'en': - Not now sweety., 'ja': -今はだめよ}"
"{'en': Uh, world series, final four, the sugar bowl, super bowl -- any big event like this is sucker central., 'ja': シュガー・ボウル スーパー・ボウル - こんな大イベントは重要なカモだ}"
"{'en': ""The enemy of my enemy is my friend."", 'ja': ""敵の敵は味方である""}"
"{'en': The wet vase left a mark on the table., 'ja': ぬれた花瓶がテーブルの上に跡を残した。}"
"{'en': I don't let bad feelings fester., 'ja': 私は しこりを残させない}"
"{'en': I had trouble getting a taxi., 'ja': タクシーを拾うのに苦労した。}"
"{'en': No, that's right. I'm new., 'ja': いいえ まだよ 新入りなの}"
"{'en': How can you read this? There's no pictures., 'ja': 絵もない本をよく読める}"
"{'en': Oh, no, I'm not falling for that., 'ja': その手は食わないわ}"
"{'en': Look, I told you before, I'm not a stripper. I have a PHD., 'ja': 俺は博士号もってんだ、ストリッパーじゃない}"
"{'en': I'll be home when I'm home., 'ja': 家に帰ったら家にいるわ}"
"{'en': Once they get a few dollars, they become greedy and want more., 'ja': こうして みんな窮地に陥るのさ}"
"{'en': You've never accomplished a dam thing in your life., 'ja': 何事も成し遂げていない}"
"{'en': I didn't even get the two weeks vacation pay due to me., 'ja': 2週間の 休暇賃金さえ貰えなかった}"
"{'en': Because to me, he never really went away., 'ja': わしにとっては あの子は実際に どこにも行ってない}"
"{'en': Today we are talking about knives-- how to use them, how to be safe with them, and how they could save your life., 'ja': さて今日は・・・ ナイフについての 話をしましょう どう使えば安全で 命を救うことができるのか}"
"{'en': ""sibilance"" is an internal audit of the nsa intranet., 'ja': それから 〈""シビランス""はNSAの 内部監査だが役立たずだ...}"
"{'en': Fine. Hmm. You felt you deserved more because you're Stephanie's sister., 'ja': わかったわ あなたがおそらく}"
"{'en': - No! No need to tell me anything., 'ja': 教える必要はない}"
"{'en': We will do this by inspiring a new generation to take up our cause., 'ja': 新しい世代が台頭するまで 活動を続けるのだ}"
"{'en': Where you going? ! HEY!, 'ja': どこに行くんだ!}"
"{'en': Destroy that cruiser., 'ja': クルーザーを破壊して}"
"{'en': Let them know... Athens... their prize jewel of a city... will disappear from the histories., 'ja': アテネ市民に知らせるのだ その自慢の宝石のごとき街が}"
"{'en': Um, well, uh, if you could just do it all, and, um, and then bring it in, that would be great., 'ja': ええと そうしたら これをやって頂いて あっちにお願い出来れば}"
"{'en': Tom talks like an old man., 'ja': トムは老人のような話し方をする。}"
"{'en': Which parts of the crocodile do they sell?, 'ja': 彼らは鰐のどの部分を販売する?}"
"{'en': 349)\cHB9B0A8}Kusabue Mitsuko 309)\cHB9B0A8}Magaki Syumei 314)}Produced by Tamura Fumitaka, 'ja': ♪♪「あの温もり 優しいKiss」}"
"{'en': It's okay, Stan. I'm right here., 'ja': もう大丈夫よ}"
"{'en': Ran the plates. Car registered to the feds., 'ja': 番号照会の結果 登録がFBIでした}"
"{'en': Shit, man. I'm sorry about that., 'ja': そうだったか 済まなかったな}"
"{'en': Until i get to crawling next to you again., 'ja': もう一度君のそばに行くまで}"
"{'en': He's got an office--, 'ja': 事務所がある}"
"{'en': Australia., 'ja': オーストラリア}"
"{'en': You picked the wrong time, 'ja': 間が悪かってんな}"
"{'en': Of course, I would not appreciate your doing to me what you did to Jordan at Monaco., 'ja': もちろん、君にしてもらっても 私は感謝しないがね... 君がモナコで ジョーダンにした事}"
"{'en': Kyle? Are you there?, 'ja': カイル、聞こえる?}"
"{'en': Call the pilot. Let's get out of here., 'ja': パイロットを呼べ ここを出る}"
"{'en': I do something, eh?, 'ja': 何をするかって?}"
"{'en': Get those graves dug., 'ja': - 彼等の埋葬の準備を、忙しいな}"
"{'en': The world's laughing! - Right. But we're not dead., 'ja': 世界中の笑いものだ だがやめんぞ}"
"{'en': Well sounds like she was right about men., 'ja': 彼女は正しかったって 聞こえるよ}"
"{'en': The dynamite went off with a bang., 'ja': ダイナマイトがドカンと爆発した。}"
"{'en': Why do you have to tie me down?, 'ja': なぜしばるの?}"
"{'en': I was raised Catholic., 'ja': カトリック教徒として育った}"
"{'en': Thanks., 'ja': ありがとう}"
"{'en': - Uruguay., 'ja': - ウルグアイ}"
"{'en': Just keep her awake! Keep her awake!, 'ja': 話しかけろ、彼女に}"
"{'en': Did she eat too much sugar?, 'ja': 砂糖の取りすぎじゃないのか?}"
"{'en': You're ready to shoot it now?, 'ja': 撮影の準備は?}"
"{'en': Chul-sik?, 'ja': チョル -シク?}"
"{'en': He's had a manicure quite recently, and he just checked the time on his limited edition U-boat watch., 'ja': ごく最近 マニキュアをしたな 今 時間を見た 時計は U}"
"{'en': That's something I'd like to hear,, 'ja': そら 聞きたいですね}"
"{'en': Selling to these people, it's like shooting a baby in the face., 'ja': 赤ん坊を銃で撃つみたいに 普通じゃない}"
"{'en': Well, he's not a fraud., 'ja': いや 彼は詐欺師じゃない}"
"{'en': I was shy. A bit of a loner. My mum did her best at home., 'ja': 僕は内気で すこし孤独を気取ってた 家では母親が気遣ってくれていたが}"
"{'en': They've never had anything go missing before so it's..., 'ja': 今まで 物がなくなったこと なんかないから...}"
"{'en': Sat there., 'ja': そこに座って}"
"{'en': - Bounder? - Yeah., 'ja': - バウンダー?}"
"{'en': He's like a brother to me, I will see him whenever I want., 'ja': 兄弟みたいに... 通じ合える}"
"{'en': It's just a couple of nights. I can do it., 'ja': 2晩くらい大丈夫だ}"
"{'en': This is the tallest tree I have ever seen., 'ja': これは私が見たうちでいちばん高い木だ。}"
"{'en': It's obvious from your whole demeanor., 'ja': 態度を見ていれば分かる}"
"{'en': Oh,I t it,boss. It's a black ship., 'ja': つまり黒舟ですね}"
"{'en': Beginning extension. - Katya:, 'ja': 伸展開始}"
"{'en': -I'm fine, just get me the hell out of here., 'ja': 早く脱出だ}"
"{'en': Let's go!, 'ja': 行くぞ!}"
"{'en': Well, then why don't you just start with me?, 'ja': そうかい・・・ じゃあまず俺からはじめようぜ}"
"{'en': I'm just a huge fan of Storkcon. 'Cause it's so cool., 'ja': コウノトリ総会の 大ファンなんだ}"
"{'en': That's cool that you said that, 'cause I actually thought it was really powerful, too, when the one girl was talking about her nips and shit., 'ja': 一人の女の子の は 彼女の乳首とたわごとについて話していたとき 私は実際に、それはあまりにも 、本当に強力だと思ったので、 つまり、 あなたは、と言われていることをクールだ。}"
"{'en': Wh--bastard!, 'ja': この野郎!}"
"{'en': Gourmet is not their forte., 'ja': グルメは得意じゃない}"
"{'en': Why did they blow up my apartment?, 'ja': なんで俺のアパートまで吹っ飛ばすの?}"
"{'en': Probably takes Cohen a few weeks to rule... and then there's a redaction process., 'ja': 行使に数週間かかる 複製作業も}"
"{'en': I can fix for you to go out from the country., 'ja': 国外に出るにはー}"
"{'en': Well. Something like this., 'ja': ま、こんな所}"
"{'en': I have consulted the I ching., 'ja': 易を立てました}"
"{'en': - Then they're not gonna hurt Julie., 'ja': - お金よ}"
"{'en': The Free Folk will help us., 'ja': 自由民が手を貸してくれる}"
"{'en': Remember, on our vascular rotation, how the chief resident always used to say,, 'ja': 血管外科術の時 主任研修医が いつも言ってた}"
"{'en': Or maybe she knows..., 'ja': 多分彼女は分かってるわ...}"
"{'en': Whoa, whoa. What's going on?, 'ja': どうなってる?}"
"{'en': There's not enough time. Jake's mom gave us two days., 'ja': 時間が無いわ ジェイクの母親がくれたのは2日間だけよ}"
"{'en': So how did I do it? Did I use a Barry Trap?, 'ja': タネは分かった?}"
"{'en': Everything needed to convict him was in that car., 'ja': 有罪を立証する全てが 車内にあった}"
"{'en': - Come on, Stanley., 'ja': 両手を}"
"{'en': You'll see that they can't hurt you, just laugh to make them disappear., 'ja': そしたらおっかなくなんてない って分かるから こんなの笑って かき消しちゃえばいいのよ}"
"{'en': We know she wasn't involved. She'll be okay., 'ja': 無関係なのは知ってる}"
"{'en': I have no idea what you think I did., 'ja': 俺が何をしたと思ってるんだ?}"
"{'en': This is priority number one., 'ja': これは、最優先事項だ}"
"{'en': Of humanitarian gholem qadir., 'ja': 人道主義者ゴデム・カデールの}"
"{'en': The fact that my mother lost her life for this, for me, is probably just a side note., 'ja': そして 母は命を落とした 私のためというのは 名目にしかすぎない}"
"{'en': Her beauty drew him on to marry her., 'ja': 彼女の美しさに魅せられて彼は彼女と結婚した。}"
"{'en': Well, I'm out of Hartsfield into IAD, with a connection in ORD into SDF., 'ja': ハートフィールドを出てIADに ORDで乗り継いでSDFに行くわ}"
"{'en': I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm all right. Your status., 'ja': ええ 大丈夫よ}"
"{'en': What if I could put him in front of you? The man that ruined your life?, 'ja': 自分を破滅させた男が 目の前に現れたら?}"
"{'en': You get to enjoy all of this., 'ja': 楽しんで頂戴}"
"{'en': He walked so fast this I couldn't keep up with him., 'ja': 彼はとても速く歩いたので、私はついていけなかった。}"
"{'en': Has been in my family for generations., 'ja': 私の一族に 引き継がれて来たものだ}"
"{'en': - Yes., 'ja': - ええ}"
"{'en': Yeah. Oh, hi. Hi., 'ja': こんにちは}"
"{'en': I was just wondering. Has another young woman..., 'ja': 私のほかにも 若い女性がー}"
"{'en': The guy's been dead almost two years., 'ja': その精神科医が亡くなって2年になる}"
"{'en': Wait--for what?, 'ja': - 待って 何の罪で?}"
"{'en': Would it be all right if I don't attend the party?, 'ja': パーティー 欠席するわけには いきませんか?}"
"{'en': An almost extinct alteration stitch., 'ja': ほぼ絶滅した縫い方だ}"
"{'en': You need results., 'ja': 結果が出せる}"
"{'en': Not exactly a career launcher., 'ja': ただのキッカケだもの}"
"{'en': This is saying, ""I can go anywhere I want. I can be anybody."", 'ja': 好きなところに行って 好きな自分になれる}"
"{'en': I know., 'ja': わかってる}"
"{'en': Yeah., 'ja': うん}"
"{'en': She's gonna help you deal with it., 'ja': 彼女が助けてくれる}"
"{'en': Stop!, 'ja': 静かに}"
"{'en': - Take it, girls! Take it! That's it, girls., 'ja': 動かせ 動かせ 止めるな}"
"{'en': Fuck, what's her name?, 'ja': 名前なんだっけ?}"
"{'en': I'm the agent. I'm Alex Sodko., 'ja': 代理人は私です アレックス・ソドコ}"
"{'en': Mary is at a loss about what to say to him., 'ja': メアリーは彼に何を言えばいいのか困っている。}"
"{'en': ♪ How I wonder where you're at ♪, 'ja': ※どこにいるのかと思ったよ...}"
"{'en': - You shouldn't work in your condition., 'ja': - 今のままでは無理だな}"
"{'en': I've played in back yards that were filled with garbage., 'ja': ゴミの中で遊んでいた}"
"{'en': Wait The book., 'ja': 本を待つんだ}"
"{'en': Ok. Doesn't the vervain burn?, 'ja': バーベナは 効いてないの?}"
"{'en': Have sweet dreams about me., 'ja': ""私の夢を見て""}"
"{'en': Or I could just stop it from recording. It's not like he's gonna notice., 'ja': 静止ならできるけど 気付かれるかも}"
"{'en': These people's movement is what's activating the nanites?, 'ja': 動くと起動するって事か?}"
"{'en': Time for my treatment., 'ja': 治療の時間だ}"
"{'en': No, he doesn't, Gibbs. He shouldn't be behind bars. He's innocent., 'ja': 監禁なんてダメよ 無実なのに}"
"{'en': DAX: Could you maybe keep an open mind here, lieutenant?, 'ja': 一応 心にとめておいでください}"
"{'en': I can do the same with these but, I mean, right now I can't see anything., 'ja': こっちも調べたが 今のところ何も}"
"{'en': You're kidding me. Yep., 'ja': バカにしてる?}"
"{'en': You know I don't care., 'ja': 構わない}"
"{'en': I bought lace curtains for my bedroom window., 'ja': 寝室の窓用にレースのカーテンを買った。}"
"{'en': Long distance call came in about an hour ago, from Banning, - from a Paula Gibson., 'ja': バニングから 電話がありました}"
"{'en': I mean, I don't care what it's like. It gotta be better than this., 'ja': どう変わってても ここよりマシだ}"
"{'en': Two guests.. please follow me., 'ja': 二名様ですね どうぞこちらへ}"
"{'en': And made several parks., 'ja': 「和でアライグマと、「 それは論文で述べているように。}"
"{'en': We need to know where it will strike next., 'ja': 次の場所を知る必要がある}"
"{'en': You will sell the negress!, 'ja': ニガーの女は 売り払って!}"
"{'en': You know what would be helpful? A little light. Certainly., 'ja': 光を照らしたら・・ 分かったよ}"
"{'en': ♪ sun ain't gonna shine anymore ♪, 'ja': ♪ sun ain't gonna shine anymore ♪}"
"{'en': Even if it turn out to be a fake, 'ja': それが偽物でもー}"
"{'en': We go every three years instead of two..., 'ja': 2年毎を3年毎にする}"
"{'en': Because you love one another., 'ja': それは皆さんの家庭がうまくいってるからですよ}"
"{'en': I think I like these more than landscape., 'ja': (静流) あたし風景とかより こっちのほうが好きみたい}"
"{'en': Sure. Oh. Oh., 'ja': どうぞ かけ直していい?}"
"{'en': I'll clean up., 'ja': 片そう}"
"{'en': There is a reason that my biography describes me as arrogant, prickly, brusque..., 'ja': 自叙伝にも書いているが 私は尊大で 神経質で 無愛想な...}"
"{'en': I didn't get a chance to say good-bye. I-I w..., 'ja': お別れを言う チャンスがなかった}"
"{'en': David, The Monitor is acting as an antenna., 'ja': デビッド モニターはアンテナと同じだ}"
"{'en': The truth doesn't set us free, Robin., 'ja': だがその真実はどうしようもないんだ ロビン}"
"{'en': We were hoping you would lend us your prototype to use as a lure., 'ja': 犯人をおびき寄せるため 我々に貸して頂けませんか?}"
"{'en': They can handle things fine without me., 'ja': 彼らは僕なしでも}"
"{'en': You go back there,you'll get arrested, and that won't do any of us any good., 'ja': 助けに行ったら、逮捕される。 仕方ない。}"
"{'en': Easy to hit what ain't moving., 'ja': 止まっている的に撃つのは簡単だ}"
"{'en': I control the witches in my town., 'ja': 俺は魔女を制御してる 俺の町で}"
"{'en': Followed him out here to Owen Island., 'ja': 彼を追って オーウェン島へきたんだ}"
"{'en': - I need to talk to Supergirl., 'ja': - スーパーガールに話があるから呼んで。}"
"{'en': The Commerce Guilds are preparing for war., 'ja': これから判断するに 交易ギルドは戦争の準備を始めている}"
"{'en': Come on, rise and shine. Got to get going., 'ja': さぁ 起きろ 出かけるぞ}"
"{'en': Maybe she's already gone., 'ja': もう出発したかも。}"
"{'en': I can't dispense with watching television., 'ja': 私はテレビなしには過ごせない。}"
"{'en': Come on, Nicky, don't be modest., 'ja': さあ ニッキ 謙遜するな}"
"{'en': - before you get to touch this!, 'ja': - これについて学ばなきゃ!}"
"{'en': We'll get to her., 'ja': 彼女の所に行く}"
"{'en': One of our guys at Rikers saw him, with Elias., 'ja': イライアスと ライカーズの1人は彼に会いました}"
"{'en': The two runners reached the finish line at the same time., 'ja': 二人の走者は同時に決勝戦に着いた。}"
"{'en': And so Callie and Decca went into the upside-down tree, and they all lived happily ever after., 'ja': カリーとデッカも 木の中に入った その後は 皆 幸せに暮らしたの}"
"{'en': Yeah, we've run into a couple of kinks with the hardware., 'ja': ああ ハードウェアと同時に 奇妙なカップルと遭遇した}"
"{'en': ♪ The Mentalist 6x06 ♪ Fire and Brimstone Original Air Date on November 3, 2013, 'ja': メンタリスト シーズン6 第6話 天罰}"
"{'en': I'm a doctor, dammit, not a nuclear physicist., 'ja': 俺は医者で核物理学者 じゃないぞ}"
"{'en': Now I'm losing this. What am I supposed to do, huh?, 'ja': 今回はこれだ 何をすればいいんだ}"
"{'en': It's funny how these things work, isn't it?, 'ja': 信じらんねえぜ}"
"{'en': She said two officers might be in danger, but until we know who, we're not causing a panic., 'ja': 二人に知らせると パニックになる}"
"{'en': We pulled this off a security camera. You might want to take a look., 'ja': 防犯カメラにこれが 見てもらえる?}"
"{'en': What does he have? The old man?, 'ja': 老人は何の病気だ?}"
"{'en': Come on, Petya, wake up!, 'ja': ペーチャ 起きなさい}"
"{'en': Fear of death., 'ja': 恐れ・・・}"
"{'en': We cannot tell what may happen in future., 'ja': 将来何が起こるかは解らない。}"
"{'en': Yeah. I'll meet you there., 'ja': ""水を差さないで""}"
"{'en': I don't even know who he is, Or where he bases his operation., 'ja': 真面目な話 どこに拠点を置いているか}"
"{'en': - I see why you like that., 'ja': - なぜ君がそれが好きか分かるよ}"
"{'en': And he used a weapon just like this one., 'ja': 奴が使った武器は この銃と そっくりって事だ}"
"{'en': ""Yes, you did."", 'ja': ""いや 臭かったし""みたいな}"
"{'en': Our friends are about to lead us to what we came for., 'ja': 彼女が 彼らの所へ案内する}"
"{'en': We must take this post before they arrive., 'ja': 増援が来る前に司令センターを奪う必要がある}"
"{'en': He saved money for the trip., 'ja': 彼はその旅行のためにお金を貯めた。}"
"{'en': She killed Misty, too., 'ja': ミスティもね}"
"{'en': - Step out! Just the girl!, 'ja': - 女だけ降りろ!}"
"{'en': Wilson's men started looking for Veronica here three hours ago., 'ja': ウィルソンの部下は ヴェロニカを探し始める 3時間前よ}"
"{'en': Did Charlie tell you I was here? Yeah., 'ja': 私がここに居ると誰が?}"
"{'en': Yeah, you're right, this is different., 'ja': ああ, 今回は違うさ.}"
"{'en': So you're talking about hacking my hacking device., 'ja': ハッキングデバイスを ハックするのね}"
"{'en': I'm sorry, Ms. Lance, but I'm gonna have to ask you to step out of the car, please., 'ja': 車から出て質問させて下さい}"
"{'en': Mankind? Think this one'll be bigger?, 'ja': 犠牲者は複数?}"
"{'en': And I thought perhaps that it-it was really sad for you working in a restaurant named after a father, after your father just died., 'ja': 父親にちなんで名付けられた店で 働くなんて}"
"{'en': This was no problem., 'ja': あっ いや これは別にいいんです}"
"{'en': So, the prostitute was telling the truth., 'ja': 売春婦は真実を話してた}"
"{'en': This is a wonderful Italian stuntman, Enzo Gorlomi., 'ja': こちらがイタリアのスタントマンでエンゾ・ゴロロミ。}"
"{'en': His New Jersey birth certificate, medical history., 'ja': 彼の ニュージャージー出生証明書と病歴}"
"{'en': Maybe feature some bloggers on the homepage?, 'ja': ホームページのブロガーを特集する?}"
"{'en': The other's been off the grid for over a year., 'ja': 1年以上網の目を すり抜けてるヤツ}"
"{'en': Leave the chairs as they are., 'ja': イスはそのままにしておきなさい。}"
"{'en': Would you believe it's gotten even dirtier?, 'ja': 前より汚い仕事に なっていると思ってくれる?}"
"{'en': In our clan, 12 names are used in., 'ja': 私たちの一族では、 十二の名前が使用される。}"
"{'en': If humans say so., 'ja': 人間がそう言うなら。}"
"{'en': I never told you I was in a band?, 'ja': 話してなかった?}"
"{'en': All the stags will bow.Ts all the wolves will bow., 'ja': 全ての鹿は貴方に屈し 全ての狼は貴方に屈する}"
"{'en': We are glad to find you alive beyond hope., 'ja': 我々は、あなたが望みをかなえて 生きているとわかってうれしい}"
"{'en': If the rest of the book reads as well when you're done,, 'ja': もし 残りも上手く書けたら}"
"{'en': The committee adjourned for two weeks., 'ja': 委員会は2週間延期になった。}"
"{'en': Nicodemus, don't worry. Nothing important ever came from Galilee., 'ja': 心配しなくてよい ガラリアから来るのに大した者はいない}"
"{'en': You mean, was Hollis sleeping around?, 'ja': ホリスが浮気してたと思ってるんでしょ?}"
"{'en': Proficient at work, exercising rigorously. But screening has picked up some trace levels changes in your metabolism, and you've been having nightmares. Are you saying there's something wrong with me?, 'ja': 仕事で堪能、 厳密に行使。 しかし、スクリーニングは、...}"
"{'en': And that's why I'm here, to remind you., 'ja': だから私が居るのよ アナタが目的を見失わない様に}"
"{'en': No wife. No kids., 'ja': 独身 子無し}"
"{'en': Horrible Spanish., 'ja': ひどいスペイン語よ}"
"{'en': You know, I met you before and you were a bitch then, and you're even a bigger bitch now., 'ja': 覚えているわ あのときに会ったビッチね さらにビッチになってるわ}"
"{'en': The rest are expendable., 'ja': 他の物には構うな}"
"{'en': - You want us to follow you?, 'ja': - 付いて行こうか?}"
"{'en': Although I could go for a double vodka rocks right about now., 'ja': - ウォッカのロックをダブルで 飲みたいところだけど}"
"{'en': - Yes., 'ja': - その通り}"
"{'en': Lord almighty, Heavenly Father..., 'ja': 天に召します全知全能の神よ}"
"{'en': It is essential that us to fulfill this peacefully, without further loss of lives., 'ja': 更なる犠牲を出すことなく 平和的に果たすべきです}"
"{'en': Please, I can help., 'ja': お願いします。}"
"{'en': It's the drinking. There's nothing psychic about it., 'ja': お酒のせいね 霊感じゃなさそう}"
"{'en': D.E.A., remember?, 'ja': - 俺に任せろ}"
"{'en': What? Okay, hold on., 'ja': ほーら、あったよ!}"
"{'en': Hey, dream machine., 'ja': おい""夢マシーン""?}"
"{'en': - How kind of them., 'ja': - 親切なもんね}"
"{'en': Sarah Connor was at the house?, 'ja': サラ・コナーがあの家に居たのか?}"
"{'en': That she needed a favor., 'ja': 彼女の頼みだ}"
"{'en': She did hers., 'ja': 彼女も自分の仕事はした。}"
"{'en': You were against the Latin support, Grand Duke Notaras., 'ja': あなたはローマの援軍を反対した 大公ノタラス}"
"{'en': We're here. Ah. Madame LaLaurie., 'ja': 来たわよ マダム ラロリー}"
"{'en': Whoever may say so, I won't believe., 'ja': 誰がそう言おうと私は信じない。}"
"{'en': Delighted to hear it. So tonight's celebrations, 'ja': それなら送別会も 忘れてないよな?}"
"{'en': Enum Literal..., 'ja': 列挙リテラル...}"
"{'en': The silt on the bottom is like glue. You just sink in., 'ja': 泥にはまって 抜け出せなくなった}"
"{'en': They had no idea about the drugs., 'ja': 両親は麻薬のことは 知らない}"
"{'en': Put down that popsicle stick., 'ja': そのアイスキャンデーの棒を置け}"
"{'en': I was the Founder and CEO of Mercy Labs., 'ja': 私はマーシィ研究所のCEOだった}"
"{'en': Well, I don't use $10 words as much as you, but for a guy who sees no point in existence, you sure fret about it an awful lot, and you still sound panicked., 'ja': お前の説法に 10ドルは払わん でも信者がいないと 捜査に困るだろ? まだ発作中かな}"
"{'en': I believe in cyber evidence., 'ja': 証拠を信じてる}"
"{'en': It's evil to kill a man., 'ja': 何を言うんだ}"
"{'en': Why are we giving up so easily? !, 'ja': どうして簡単にあきらめる?}"
"{'en': I just keep thinking about if Todd wasn't here., 'ja': もしも、トッドが居なかったら}"
"{'en': But throw a little love their way Throw a little love their way, 'ja': ♪ でも 愛さえあれば}"
"{'en': Linda fill you in?, 'ja': 聞いたか?}"
"{'en': It's that sound., 'ja': この音よ}"
"{'en': Which means either Lisa rises to her call with Rafael or she will meet the same fate Death., 'ja': リサの選択肢は二つ ラファエルと向き合うか あるいは反逆者と同等の処遇に 死を}"
"{'en': NEXT EPISODE The dead person ends up with nothing., 'ja': (栄子(えいこ)) 死んだら 本人チャラじゃない}"
"{'en': And there Cape Martin., 'ja': マルティン岬があります}"
"{'en': Great. Wanna get his information?, 'ja': 詳しく聞いててくれ}"
"{'en': Now I lose my apartment, okay? That means no address, no phone, no money, no time., 'ja': 電話もお金も時間もない 今のままじゃアパートに住めないのよ?}"
"{'en': -Servier've been looking for you., 'ja': - Servierはあなたを探していました。}"
"{'en': She's exsanguinated. Drained all her blood., 'ja': 失血死するわ}"
"{'en': We wait. As it is, we're lucky they're letting us sit in., 'ja': 我々は ヘルプでね 捜査に入れてもらえただけでラッキーだ}"
"{'en': You should be getting ready for bed., 'ja': 寝る準備を}"
"{'en': We need something to move Ezekiel., 'ja': エゼキエルを説得する―}"
"{'en': I need that list, too., 'ja': 例のリストも欲しい}"
"{'en': Hurry and get better... so you can prove if watermelon can really catch fish., 'ja': スイカで本当に 釣れるっていうところ 証明して見せてください}"
"{'en': A partner who killed him., 'ja': 彼を殺したのは そのパートナーだって}"
"{'en': I have boxes full of them but I could never see myself getting rid of them., 'ja': 捨てるなんて考えられない}"
"{'en': - What?, 'ja': どうやったと聞いてるんだ}"
"{'en': Yeah, you can't hide something like that., 'ja': 隠すことなんて 出来ないぞ}"
"{'en': Later she ran off with the children to Genoa., 'ja': ジェノバへ逃げたよ}"
"{'en': I don't know., 'ja': 分らないが 応答がない...}"
"{'en': This is Sara's last chance to settle up., 'ja': 最後のチャンスだ。}"
"{'en': - Yeah., 'ja': 最後の1人になりえる事なんだ}"
"{'en': Hi, guys. This is Greg, he's gonna be sitting with us today., 'ja': こちら グレッグよ いっしょよ}"
"{'en': ""Khao"" is soft white rice in luke warm water., 'ja': ""ドオ""ってなんのこと? ""ドオ""はお湯のなかに浮かんでいる 白い米粒のことだ}"
"{'en': I wish I had. I really wish you had., 'ja': あればいいんだけどね}"
"{'en': Wow. This is your living room?, 'ja': すごいリビングルーム}"
"{'en': Come on, man. It's a... It's an outlaw name., 'ja': 前に万引きで捕まえた 別名もあるんだ}"
"{'en': I'll see you, Rick., 'ja': それじゃ}"
"{'en': When his own house of cards came tumbling down, and he decided to take his own life, he also decided to share what he knew about your scheme with Rosalie Nuñez., 'ja': それに我慢できなかったんだ 彼自身の砂上の楼閣が もろくも崩れた時}"
"{'en': So he'll audition?, 'ja': 彼にオーディションの審査を?}"
"{'en': Right, our neighbour Aksinya's., 'ja': アクシーニヤのだよ}"
"{'en': Tom probably won't want to tag along., 'ja': トムは恐らくついて行きたがらないだろう。}"
"{'en': Trick performed by street hustlers all over the world. And why street hustlers?, 'ja': 街でやってるイカサマだ なぜイカサマ?}"
"{'en': Agent Dunham, F.B.I., 'ja': FBIのダンハム捜査官です}"
"{'en': Thank you for believing in me when no one else does., 'ja': 唯一向けられる 信頼に感謝します}"
"{'en': ""We love you, freak."" They're going crazy for you., 'ja': 大好きー 化け物ー 皆お前に夢中だ 聴こえたか?}"
"{'en': I don't like that. Turn it off., 'ja': イヤだ 消して}"
"{'en': This morsel of foreign soil., 'ja': ここは アメリカ国外なんだ}"
"{'en': I have 50 rubles., 'ja': 有り金は50ルーブルで}"
"{'en': The server parameter can also include a port number. eg. ""hostname:port"" or a path to a socket eg. "": / path / to / socket"" for the localhost., 'ja': 文字列hostnameには、""hostname:port""のようにポート番号を 指定することが可能で、localhostでは、"":/path/to/socket"" のようにソケットへのパスを指定することも可能です。}"
"{'en': Well, I'll go along with that..., 'ja': それはそれは。 是非とも協力しましょう...}"
"{'en': -The popular girls in class., 'ja': ああー 1軍のヤツらだ クラスの}"
"{'en': They used to have GPS until about six months ago when the ACLU or somebody sued them and they had to get rid of it., 'ja': 六ヶ月前まではGPSが 付いていたそうだが 人権協会か何かが 訴えたので 全部外したんだと}"
"{'en': There's $100., 'ja': 100ドルある}"
"{'en': She's gonna write ""coward"" again., 'ja': 逆に そしたら""いくじなし""って また書かれちゃう}"
"{'en': I'm half-lrish, half-Jewish..., 'ja': 私は半分アイルランド人 半分ユダヤ人...}"
"{'en': And I'll be conducting your first qualification tests., 'ja': 最初の 適性テストを行う}"
"{'en': No, Percy. Don't eat the flower., 'ja': 駄目だ パーシー 花を食べるな}"
"{'en': Then cauterize the wound., 'ja': 傷口を焼くんだ}"
"{'en': I wasn't gonna leave him behind., 'ja': 彼を残したくなかった}"
"{'en': You should read between the lines., 'ja': 行間を読むべきなんだよ。}"
"{'en': It strikes to me that stopping is when you're safe., 'ja': あなたが停止させるのは安全のためで...}"
"{'en': Simon, the city's Boston; have them shut it down., 'ja': サイモン ボストンを閉鎖です}"
"{'en': When people find out I can't slay a pigeon... Train, then., 'ja': 俺が鳩も殺せないなどと知れたら...}"
"{'en': Expectation caused her to be flushed with excitement., 'ja': 彼女は期待で興奮して顔を紅潮させた。}"
"{'en': It's just, I'm just a little surprised, sir., 'ja': ちょっと驚いただけです}"
"{'en': I don't know, another test? No, this is not a test., 'ja': いや テストじゃない}"
"{'en': And ""In the can"" meant in the trash outside a public restroom., 'ja': 公共トイレの外のゴミ箱に}"
"{'en': # Supernatural 10x11 # There's No Place Like Home Original Air Date on January 27, 2015, 'ja': ♪ Supernatural 10x11 ♪ There's No Place Like Home Original Air Date on January 27, 2015 == sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man}"
"{'en': - You did not just ask that., 'ja': - 君はそんな事 聞かなかった}"
"{'en': - It works. Can anybody hear me? We have an emergency., 'ja': 誰か応答して 非常事態なの お願い}"
"{'en': The plan was adopted at the meeting., 'ja': その計画は会議で採用された。}"
"{'en': Do you all place great importance on morals?, 'ja': 皆さんは、モラルを大切にしていますか。}"
"{'en': Eva unloaded half a can on the guy who was supposedly following her., 'ja': エバがストーカーに使ったの}"
"{'en': Little Wind., 'ja': 少し風を}"
"{'en': - Can we watch something else?, 'ja': - 他の物見ようよ}"
"{'en': The army supply lines., 'ja': 軍供給ラインは―}"
"{'en': And-and how does the head of lettuce fit in?, 'ja': それと どうして レタスがそこにあるの?}"
"{'en': So you have all the time to do that, but you couldn't take the time to fix my door?, 'ja': それに時間を掛けて ドアを直す時間がなかったの?}"
"{'en': No. She's in way too deep., 'ja': 彼女も困る}"
"{'en': About me., 'ja': 私について}"
"{'en': were getting beat up?, 'ja': ケンカしてた時?}"
"{'en': - We're off!, 'ja': - さあ 出発だ}"
"{'en': It's my clue that got us here. I've been helping you all day!, 'ja': ここが分かったのは俺の手掛かりだ 一日中あなたを助けた!}"
"{'en': Images where men were..., 'ja': 男たちが辱めている写真を・・・}"
"{'en': I just traced the origin of Zoey's posts on ToggleFly., 'ja': ゾーイの投稿元を たどってみた}"
"{'en': No. Your wife is scared to death., 'ja': ダメよ カレンが心配してるわ}"
"{'en': I'm just gonna sit over here with my gun., 'ja': 銃を持って こっちに座ってる}"
"{'en': Doctors have made great strides in their fight against cancer., 'ja': 医師達は癌との戦いで大躍進を遂げた。}"
"{'en': Do the three kills, Arthur. Get the girl back., 'ja': 3人殺せば アーサー 彼女は戻る}"
"{'en': The call came from a rest stop. CONKLIN: Yeah., 'ja': 我々が追跡する事を奴は知っています そこで ここへ}"
"{'en': Dr. Mixter..., 'ja': ミクスター先生...}"
"{'en': I'm sorry. There wasn't any other way. Someone had to stick with you., 'ja': すまない、 誰かが君の安全のために 一緒にいる必要があった}"
"{'en': We sure as Shinola can't go up and over., 'ja': シノーラまでだ その先は進めない}"
"{'en': It was in storage, part of an estate collection in Bremen., 'ja': 倉庫に 保管してあったの}"
"{'en': - What about your idea?, 'ja': お前の?}"
"{'en': Joe, this isn't your fault. It's not your fault., 'ja': あなたのせいじゃない 責任はない}"
"{'en': Britt! Behind you!, 'ja': ブレット、後ろ!}"
"{'en': Well, I know I'm not asking one of you to take him there., 'ja': 君に行けとは言ってない}"
"{'en': I'm thinking that the Executive Assistant Director sent him down here to spy on me, see how I'm doing running this place., 'ja': 多分 上役が 私を監視するためよ どう運営してるか 知りたいのね}"
"{'en': We're understanding of your invalid mother..., 'ja': あんたの病気の母親を 面倒見てやろうか?}"
"{'en': Not to push the bounds of propriety, but don't you think we ought to discuss the fact that the CIA's being used by the Vice President as his personal hit squad and that they'll do whatever they can to find us and kill us?, 'ja': 道理を説く気は ないけど・・ おかしすぎるわ CIAが 副大統領個人の 殺害指令を受け―}"
"{'en': I'm used to staying up late at night., 'ja': 私は夜遅くまで起きているのに慣れている。}"
"{'en': You're just a charger and a party guy., 'ja': キミはハデで パーティーが良く似合う}"
"{'en': I work for the legal service., 'ja': 法務部で働いてるのよ}"
"{'en': - Yeah., 'ja': - ああ}"
"{'en': Crop dusting. EPA shut him down., 'ja': 農薬の空中散布をしてたが環境局に潰された}"
"{'en': Amanda, can you nurse to add water? Of course., 'ja': アマンダ お姉さんの洗面器を交換してくださる?}"
"{'en': Default, 'ja': デフォルトEmail sender}"
"{'en': Many promises had been made., 'ja': 多くの約束もされていた。}"
"{'en': Yeah, buddy. Come on. Down the hall., 'ja': いい子だ ほらホール遠くだ}"
"{'en': Make a four-inch fold. Okay?, 'ja': 分かったろ?}"
"{'en': Sam, you can't blame what that demon did to your shoulder on -- on me., 'ja': サム 君を悪く言えない 奴が君の方にした}"
"{'en': Patrick took care of me., 'ja': - パトリックが世話してくれた}"
"{'en': I would have preferred something a little less public., 'ja': 私は民意に賛成だな}"
"{'en': The default value of notext is TRUE, 'ja': この関数は、 現在のところ詳細な情報はありません。引数のリストのみが 記述されています。}"
"{'en': ! Did she say that?, 'ja': そんなこと 言われたの!}"
"{'en': One of these days, I'll get me one of those husbands that show up for Lamaze., 'ja': 他人にラマーズ法を 頼むことになるわね}"
"{'en': Bye, Tommy Balls. Bye, babe., 'ja': じゃあね トミー}"
"{'en': In my case, I am in it permanently., 'ja': 僕の場合 永久に手を切った}"
"{'en': On the phone right away, as soon as..., 'ja': 本当に、今とはっきり言ってくれ。}"
"{'en': I find you in his bed., 'ja': 彼のベッドにいたね}"
"{'en': I do not know enough., 'ja': 技術が不足して}"
"{'en': Are you all right? Your own pineapple wine, your dollar fifty all the time Turn around and let me see you, 'ja': 無事か? ★ アフター・ザ・サンセット ★ 誓約書を書いてね}"
"{'en': We thought it was a nice plan., 'ja': 私たちはそれがよい計画であると思った。}"
"{'en': You,too. Have a good one., 'ja': あなたも ごきげんよう}"
"{'en': Okay, bye., 'ja': じゃあ}"
"{'en': Please have the porter take the baggage to our room., 'ja': ポーターに部屋まで荷物を運ばせた。}"
"{'en': - We're not a two. Oh, no., 'ja': - 二人じゃない}"
"{'en': I've got no stake in this except for helping my friend Jack out of here with the same number of holes he had in him when he came in., 'ja': ジャックを助け出す以外は 孔数が同じだ 彼が入って来た時 彼は彼を呼んだ}"
"{'en': You crazy motherfucker, you did!, 'ja': イカレてるぜまったく}"
"{'en': We're finally free., 'ja': とうとう自由になったわ}"
"{'en': - Pleased to meet you. - It's nice to meet you., 'ja': 私もよ}"
"{'en': Thanks., 'ja': ありがとう}"
"{'en': I understand what this is all about., 'ja': - 分ったよ}"
"{'en': I can hear you sigh., 'ja': おまえのため息が聞こえる}"
"{'en': Her spirit can't rest until it's been properly interred in the cemetery., 'ja': 彼女の魂が休まることはない 適切に墓地へ埋葬しないと}"
"{'en': - Falcon? - Yeah., 'ja': - ファルコン?}"
"{'en': Wait, let me guess. You suck at it, right?, 'ja': なにか企んでるだろ?}"
"{'en': Looks like a catfish., 'ja': ナマズに似ている 味も似てることを期待してる}"
"{'en': Yeah, Carol is my wife., 'ja': キャロルは僕の妻だ}"
"{'en': And the girls I didn't tap:, 'ja': 叩かれなかった者は―}"
"{'en': Max, what was that?, 'ja': マックス 今の音は?}"
"{'en': Show us the hydraulics chamber., 'ja': 油圧室を 写してくれ}"
"{'en': George lazlo was the shooter., 'ja': ジョージ・ラズロは銃撃犯だった}"
"{'en': - Not ifl get it first., 'ja': そうはさせないぞ}"
"{'en': There was nothing I could say., 'ja': 何も言えなかった}"
"{'en': Last day of next month, 'ja': 指定した月の最後の日は次の月の -1 番目の日ではなく、""0"" 番目の日 として表すことが可能です。以下の例はともに文字列""The last day in Feb 2000 is: 29"" を出力します。}"
"{'en': it is Allah who created the heavens and the earth, and sends down water from the heaven with which He brings forth fruits for your provision. He has subjected to you ships which, by His command, run upon the sea. He has subjected to you rivers,, 'ja': アッラーこそは,天と地を創造され,天から雨を降らせ,これによって果実を実らせられ,あなたがたのために御恵みになられる方である。また船をあなたがたに操縦させ,かれの命令によって海上を航行させられる。また川をあなたがたの用に服させられる。}"
"{'en': All units, we are in ghost surveillance., 'ja': 全員 隠密に活動しろ}"
"{'en': Let's see what you got and if there's a threat there., 'ja': 見つけた物がテロに 関係あるかチェックだ}"
"{'en': Same block as your gym actually., 'ja': 実際 君の通うジムと同じブロックだ}"
"{'en': They thought you might come here., 'ja': 彼らは君がここに 来ると 知ってた}"
"{'en': I'm cutting to the chase., 'ja': 追いかけっこ}"
"{'en': Okay, apologies for the cramped conditions, everybody, okay? Di, stay on David's lap?, 'ja': 混んでて悪いね ダイアン デビッドの膝の上に}"
"{'en': Yes, sir. Corporal, halt., 'ja': わかりました 伍長 止めるんだ}"
"{'en': Fort drum reported the theft of a radio package six months ago., 'ja': フォートドラムで 6ヶ月前に盗まれてたわ}"
"{'en': Okay, we're sending backup!, 'ja': 警官を送ります!}"
"{'en': And he's lost his job. Wants Miss Isobel to put in a word with Sir William., 'ja': 仕事もなく イゾベルお嬢様に すり寄ってるのよ}"
"{'en': Well, it's not that big a deal. A lot of dogs look like cows., 'ja': 牛と犬は紙一重だろ}"
"{'en': Evan... we should run for our lives., 'ja': エバン 逃げるべきだぞ}"
"{'en': Yeah, we won't get funding until we get medals, so we're chasing our tail., 'ja': メダルを取らないと カネが入らない}"
"{'en': He was kind enough to help me., 'ja': 親切にも手伝ってくれた。}"
"{'en': - Or you're hiding something from us?, 'ja': - それとも 何か隠しているんですか?}"
"{'en': Wait. Wait, wait, wait! I don't have a gray wire., 'ja': 待てよ グレーがないぞ 赤 緑 黄色だ}"
"{'en': Do you think I'm tired?, 'ja': 俺が疲れたと思うか?}"
"{'en': The office does appear archaic., 'ja': 古めかしい感じだ}"
"{'en': Plot a course out of here and prep the hyperdrive engines., 'ja': 道筋を示して、ハイパードライブ・エンジンを 準備して}"
"{'en': Why can't you all just die and leave me alone?, 'ja': お前らなんて死ぬか 俺を放っといてくれ!}"
"{'en': Where'd you go to college?, 'ja': どこの大学に行ったの}"
"{'en': I can tell you anything that you want to know about Paige., 'ja': ペイジのことで あんたらが知りたいことを何でも言うから}"
"{'en': We have some questions about a drunk-driving case... involving the Middleton family., 'ja': 昔の交通事故の話を 被害者はミドルトン夫妻}"
"{'en': She's a cop, and I'm in on the gag., 'ja': 彼女は 刑事だよ 僕はギャグで入ってきたけど}"
"{'en': - Come on, Paul! I don't dance, but I got something much better than dancing., 'ja': ダンスよりも良い事を}"
"{'en': Twice in the last four hours the signal went fuzzy., 'ja': この一時間、電波が悪くて、}"
"{'en': You have a loyal following among the high-ranking officers., 'ja': 将校からの人望も厚い}"
"{'en': Time is up. She's out of O2., 'ja': 時間切れだ 酸素は尽きたぞ}"
"{'en': So I was on the phone., 'ja': 電話中だったし}"
"{'en': Pumpkin, they might want to question you!, 'ja': あんた、警察が話たいかもよ!}"
"{'en': Since the battle's fought and won,, 'ja': 戦いは勝利に終わり...}"
"{'en': - Baby spitting up., 'ja': - 赤ちゃんが吐く。}"
"{'en': ♪ Did you give the people at Casterly Rock my cell phone number as your contact info?, 'ja': エレメンタリー シーズン1 第9話 リヴァイアサン キャスタリーロック社の人に あなたの連絡先として}"
"{'en': Oh, my God., 'ja': ええ、うそ...}"
"{'en': I don't know. I'll have to think it over., 'ja': どうしたもんかな ちょっと考えさせてくれ}"
"{'en': Join me in a heapin' helpin' of glory, friends., 'ja': 友人よ 栄光を積み重ね助け合い 私の下に集いなさい}"
"{'en': He still might show up. Whoever it is you're waiting for., 'ja': 待ってさえいれば来るわよ}"
"{'en': ♪ Baby, got to hold on ♪, 'ja': ♪ Baby, got to hold on ♪}"
"{'en': Go He's right behind us., 'ja': すぐ後ろにいるぞ}"
"{'en': Yeah., 'ja': あー うん}"
"{'en': Yet someone said that my formations are outdated, 'ja': しかし 誰かが私の攻撃陣形は 時代遅れだと言いました}"
"{'en': You, Rikka, are very cute when you're embarrassed., 'ja': 恥ずかしがってる立花はとってもキュートだ。}"
"{'en': He swore up and down that something must've happened to Jed., 'ja': 絶対ジェドに 何かあったに違いないってね 彼のねぐらに}"
"{'en': It's important. It's an emergency., 'ja': 緊急事態なんだ}"
"{'en': - I'm not sweating anymore., 'ja': もういいよ}"
"{'en': That's pretty deep. Is it Buddha?, 'ja': そりゃ深いね ブッダの教え?}"
"{'en': My dear Blore, in my opinion you haven't a chance., 'ja': ブロア、僕の意見では 君に勝ち目はない}"
"{'en': -You mean physically?, 'ja': (速人)外見ね}"
"{'en': You said ""him."" you said it was him., 'ja': おまえは「彼」と言った。 「彼」の仕業だと言った。}"
"{'en': Yeah., 'ja': うん}"
"{'en': I don't want to hurt you, Henry., 'ja': へンリー、傷つけたくない。 ー銃を持っているくせに。}"
"{'en': I see, sir. You can call me Luke., 'ja': ルークと呼んでくれ}"
"{'en': Would you turn me in to the police?, 'ja': 警察に突き出す?}"
"{'en': Would that I had married her!, 'ja': 私が彼女と結婚していたらよかったのに。}"
"{'en': You're the master, we're the slaves., 'ja': あなたが主人で わたしは奴隷}"
"{'en': Freakin daisy cutters., 'ja': デージーカッター弾で 根こそぎだわ}"
"{'en': Who's Alan Marsh?, 'ja': アラン・マーシュって誰です?}"
"{'en': Now, I'm not saying that he couldn't have killed those people at the river, but he wouldn't have., 'ja': なぜ川辺を選んだのか そこが腑に落ちない}"
"{'en': I kill both of them., 'ja': 何て楽しいゲームだ}"
"{'en': - Go kick some ass sir!, 'ja': −滅多打ちにしてやります!}"
"{'en': He's the captain there., 'ja': そこの警部なの}"
"{'en': ROADBLOCK: Mouse!, 'ja': マウス!}"
"{'en': Could be your last best chance of paying the rent., 'ja': 慰謝料を払う最後のチャンスよ}"
"{'en': - What are your rates? - How much do I charge?, 'ja': 値段を聞いてるの?}"
"{'en': I know you were close to Mr. McTierney., 'ja': 僕らが見つけたこの手紙を 誰が書いたのか}"
"{'en': Tom thinks he can trust Mary not to do something stupid., 'ja': メアリーは馬鹿なことをしないと信用できるとトムは思っている。}"
"{'en': You're not police, you're low-life criminals., 'ja': 警官失格 単なる犯罪者だ}"
"{'en': Start with the first ten., 'ja': 十戒からね}"
"{'en': -Can I open them?, 'ja': もういい?}"
"{'en': Clark's book?, 'ja': クラークの本?}"
"{'en': Show me some identification. Check inside., 'ja': 身分証を提示しろ 中を調べるんだ}"
"{'en': System, locate Dr. Ford for me. Send him a message, highest priority., 'ja': フォード博士に最重要のメッセージを}"
"{'en': I didn't even get a souvenir., 'ja': 記念に}"
"{'en': - I can fix anything., 'ja': - 僕は何でも直せるんだ}"
"{'en': How could two complete strangers know about your secret with Fran?, 'ja': 仮に 誘拐犯が-}"
"{'en': I have nothing against you. You might not be a bad guy., 'ja': 君は悪い奴じゃないと思う}"
"{'en': It's from his divested real estate holdings., 'ja': 経済的に不遇で 不動産の売却によるものです}"
"{'en': You're looking at the only human known to have survived being bitten by a zombie., 'ja': 生き残っているのは お前だけだ ゾンビに噛まれて}"
"{'en': Anybody know where our special guest is?, 'ja': 誰も何処にいるか 分からないのか?}"
"{'en': She seemed annoyed there., 'ja': いや ちょっとイラっとしてる 感じ しましたよね}"
"{'en': - Oh I don't know doctor, you tell us., 'ja': - おお、私は知らない、ご承知でしょう}"
"{'en': I wouldn't be good for you., 'ja': 私はあなたに良くない}"
"{'en': I'm going to kick your ass., 'ja': 尻を蹴飛ばしてやる}"
"{'en': In any case, sweetheart, you die in your own arms., 'ja': へんなところが見えなくなる。}"
"{'en': So from now on, when I say ""Jump,"", 'ja': 今からは 俺が「飛べ」と言ったら}"
"{'en': I've looked into the issues with the ex-roomie., 'ja': 元ルームメイトとの 問題を調べた}"
"{'en': Come on. - Let's go., 'ja': 入電しろ 行くぞ}"
"{'en': I was thinking of going to an Okinawan restaurant. Opened yesterday by a younger colleague of mine., 'ja': 沖縄料理の店に行こうと思う 昨日 オープンした後輩の店。}"
"{'en': He just wants to teach people some humility. He doesn't make weapons., 'ja': 彼は教育を望んでる 兵器じゃない}"
"{'en': Sit down, Benjamin., 'ja': 座りなさい ベンジャミン}"
"{'en': Lilacs. Mmm., 'ja': ライラック}"
"{'en': I need to know if they're in any danger., 'ja': 危険がないかを知りたい}"
"{'en': Lieutenant Payton on the com. Anybody copy?, 'ja': こちらペイトン中尉 応答せよ}"
"{'en': You can't kill the boogeyman., 'ja': ブギーマンをやっつけたんだね}"
"{'en': Here, do us a favor. Take this to the lads., 'ja': ほれ 手伝いな}"
"{'en': See you out there, Moana. Cheeeehoooo! Mom!, 'ja': いつかまた モアナ ママ!}"
"{'en': In this rotten factory!, 'ja': くさった工場だ!}"
"{'en': I'm sorry, wrong choice of words., 'ja': すみません 失礼な言い方をしました}"
"{'en': It is high time I was going., 'ja': もうまさに行く時間だ。}"
"{'en': Hey Yes? Here's to four more years. Okay., 'ja': 更に4年}"
"{'en': Tom really likes Chopin., 'ja': トムはショパンの大ファンだ。}"
"{'en': But Lucas, he was getting so big..., 'ja': 「でもルーカスが 凄く大きくなって」}"
"{'en': What the hell you give me empty gun?, 'ja': なんで空の銃を渡すんだよ}"
"{'en': We must register for the courses that we're going to take by tomorrow., 'ja': 明日までに履修する科目の登録をしなければなりまれん。}"
"{'en': We gathered here to evaluate the results of today's exam., 'ja': 本日の試験結果を伝えるため ここに来てもらった}"
"{'en': We did everything that we could-- checked visas into China going back a year., 'ja': 出来る限り調べました 過去一年の中国へのビザには 該当なし}"
"{'en': And somehow you've managed to throw it all away., 'ja': でもあんたはそれを 全部 投げ捨てた}"
"{'en': - Out of balance. - Mmm., 'ja': - 破壊されている}"
"{'en': That would mean I forgive him., 'ja': 彼を許すことになるから}"
"{'en': I want him watched 24/7., 'ja': 奴を監視する事にする}"
"{'en': So, what did he do this time?, 'ja': 何をやらかしたんだよ 今度は?}"
"{'en': We used to go out in it, but after he went I never fancied it so much., 'ja': よく一緒に乗って出かけたよ でも親父が消えた後は その気にならなくて}"
"{'en': Now, you let me grieve., 'ja': 本当に苦しんだ}"
"{'en': That stuff's mine., 'ja': それは私の物だ}"
"{'en': Shift the bits of $a $b steps to the right (each step means ""divide by two""), 'ja': 表 11-3ビット演算子}"
"{'en': The same image, 'ja': 誰のものだろう}"
"{'en': Look, Jason, it's 3:00 in the morning., 'ja': 夜中の3時よ}"
"{'en': - Or killing the man responsible., 'ja': 「加害者を殺す」って意味よ}"
"{'en': All right, drive the car - Ooh! - Ooh!, 'ja': いいから運転しろよ! 貴方のせいよ!}"
"{'en': It was smelly, it was violent., 'ja': そこは臭くて 暴力にあふれ}"
"{'en': Temple made it okay., 'ja': ちゃんと来れたわよ}"
"{'en': A Babs... Bad Ass Breakfast Sandwich., 'ja': バブスってのは サンドイッチのことだよ}"
"{'en': Feds, right?, 'ja': 連邦捜査官か? なるほど}"
"{'en': It's just... going to take a little bit of time., 'ja': 少し時間が掛かりそうだ}"
"{'en': The third one is on the spool., 'ja': 三つ目のリールはスプールにセットした。}"
"{'en': It took you 10 minutes to beat Kay Connell to death., 'ja': 合理的に考えると 変じゃないですか ドーマー刑事?}"
"{'en': A shinning beacon of truth., 'ja': 輝ける真実の道しるべとして}"
"{'en': NOTHING. IF YOU'RE FAT., 'ja': 無い お前が太ってないなら}"
"{'en': If I had learned anything these past few months besides what a fucking notary does, it's that if you don't pay attention to details, they can come up and bite you in the ass., 'ja': 最近学んだ事と言えば― 注意してないと 噛みつかれたり―}"
"{'en': They're dead, all right? Can I go now?, 'ja': みんな死んだの もう行ってもいい?}"
"{'en': Sir, we're being radar-scanned. - Can you zero on it?, 'ja': 艦長、我々はレーダースキャンされています}"
"{'en': And we look at the fact that, in most concerned estimates in Milky Way galaxy, that there are at least 10 000 earth-like planets, that have intelligent life on them and at least half of them are likely to be as advanced or more advanced than ours., 'ja': 生命体のことです。 銀河系には、知的生命体の住む地球のような惑星が 控えめに見積もっても10000個あり}"
"{'en': Please, maestro, i'm sorry, but I can't carry on like this., 'ja': ごめんなさい でも続けられないわ こんなのイヤよ!}"
"{'en': We're screwed if you don't., 'ja': - そうだ 頼むよ!}"
"{'en': Snakes! - So it's begun? - Yes., 'ja': ベイハーバーブッチャーの ドークスが}"
"{'en': You don't understand what's going on, any of you!, 'ja': みんな何も分かって無い}"
"{'en': Put it down! Gently!, 'ja': 置いて、そして、何かのポーズを取って}"
"{'en': He got the reputation for being an honest politician., 'ja': 彼は正直な政治家だという定評がある。}"
"{'en': There was a timetable here, Claire., 'ja': 予定表があった}"
"{'en': Just hold a good thought for me., 'ja': ""私の事を忘れないで""}"
"{'en': It was built, and they came., 'ja': 「なせばなる」って}"
"{'en': We kill them the moment we see them. In the head., 'ja': 会った瞬間に殺してやる}"
"{'en': Kondo from our office. He'll be gone soon., 'ja': うちの近藤です ☎彼は もうすぐいなくなります}"
"{'en': Guys, guys! I didn't say it was time for a break., 'ja': お前ら、まだ休みじゃない。}"
"{'en': ""who can still recognize, 'ja': 「その男の顔をー」}"
"{'en': Until then,I am not so convinced. Now can you handle that?, 'ja': それまでは私は信じない}"
"{'en': - Hey, it's okay, it's okay., 'ja': お願い! - 大丈夫だ}"
"{'en': He's a tough son of a bitch. Picked that walker apart in minutes., 'ja': タフな野郎だ ウォーカーを倒した}"
"{'en': He insured himself for a rainy day., 'ja': まさかの時のために彼は保険に加入した。}"
"{'en': Not bad. For a fucking jarhead., 'ja': 海兵隊にとっては}"
"{'en': And now, impossibly, she's back., 'ja': そして今 有り得ない事に 母が戻った}"
"{'en': That's research?, 'ja': これが研究?}"
"{'en': - That first one was my ranch house., 'ja': 最初の爆発は 牧場の母屋だろう}"
"{'en': Come on!, 'ja': さあ!}"
"{'en': - I'm dying to see Versailles., 'ja': - ぜひ見たいわ - そうしましょ!}"
"{'en': Don't talk about her, okay?, 'ja': 彼女の話はするな、いいな?}"
"{'en': - Why won't it open?, 'ja': 何で開かないの?}"
"{'en': My mother's face., 'ja': 母親の顔}"
"{'en': He seldom orders anything new., 'ja': 彼は滅多に新しいものを注文しない。}"
"{'en': - Yes., 'ja': そうよ}"
"{'en': Yes, I'll try to have her there at 5:00., 'ja': 5時には彼女をそこに行けるよう}"
"{'en': Not in 2076., 'ja': 2076年でもない}"
"{'en': - Ready? - Yes, doctor., 'ja': - いくぞ}"
"{'en': You know, I don't think rivers knows I'm a detective here. He's always asking me to make him coffee., 'ja': コーヒーを頼まれるだけで 刑事と思われてません}"
"{'en': The old man attempted to swim five kilometers., 'ja': その老人は5キロ泳ごうとした。}"
"{'en': Yeah., 'ja': ああ}"
"{'en': Why, you must be quite the little adventurer. (woman) Look, it's true., 'ja': カワイイわね}"
"{'en': There would be big trouble if I struck that pose., 'ja': 私が そんなポーズしたら 大変なことになるわよ?}"
"{'en': Five minutes. Inside., 'ja': 5分ちょうだい 中に入るわ}"
"{'en': Why did Bret Stiles own a farm?, 'ja': ブレット・スタイルズがなぜ 農場を所有してたのかな?}"
"{'en': -Is there a will or isn't there?, 'ja': - 遺言書はあるの? 無いの?}"
"{'en': Yeah, look at the black one with the white sock., 'ja': うん、黒を見てください 白いソックスがある1。}"
"{'en': It's because the real world, needs real heroes., 'ja': それは現実の世界だからだ 本当のヒーローが必要なんだ}"
"{'en': Don't just walk away from me. He picked the wrong day. Let's go., 'ja': こんな日に...}"
"{'en': - Ready, Evan? - No!, 'ja': ーいくわよ ーやめろ!}"
"{'en': Wow! Rainbow!, 'ja': あ 虹だ 啊,彩虹!}"
"{'en': Takes a mole to catch a mole., 'ja': スパイにはスパイを...}"
"{'en': You killed them! Don't you understand me?, 'ja': あなたが2人を殺したのよ!}"
"{'en': A mistake. How so? We look like idiots when our number one suspect gets shot..., 'ja': 第一容疑者が私たちの目の前で 実際に撃たれたのよ}"
"{'en': We're simply very different., 'ja': 私達って似てないのよね}"
"{'en': Even he can't get me in here. Not in my town., 'ja': 好きにはできんよ ここは俺の街だ}"
"{'en': Frogmen don't fucking die. Gonna put some sand in this fucking cut., 'ja': フロッグマンは死なん 傷に砂をかけ}"
"{'en': Like fresh motor oil., 'ja': 新品の モーターオイルのような雨が}"
"{'en': Meet Koji's girlfriend., 'ja': こちら 耕治君のガールフレンド}"
"{'en': Well, I don't know, but if those eggheads out there can drop a car on Mars, they sure as hell can figure this out, too., 'ja': 私には分らんが 外の奴等が 火星に車を送れるなら きっと方法を見つけてくれるでしょう}"
"{'en': - At the church., 'ja': ニュース?}"
"{'en': Just to get to your in--, 'ja': あなたの...}"
"{'en': - Nobby you ready for a fight?, 'ja': - ノビー... 戦いの準備ができてるか?}"
"{'en': I mean, everyone loved this guy., 'ja': 皆がこの男を愛した}"
"{'en': Isn't that how all film noirs begin?, 'ja': フィルム・ノワールの 始まりかな?}"
"{'en': We found him in an alley., 'ja': 路地で見つけたよ。}"
"{'en': Wait, wait. - Wait. Please, don't take her., 'ja': やめろ、彼女は...}"
"{'en': I just wanted to apologize for this morning., 'ja': 今朝の事を 謝っておきたい}"
"{'en': Uh, full., 'ja': - 満タン}"
"{'en': The land has been united., 'ja': 国が一つになったのだ}"
"{'en': We cannot fight!, 'ja': 戦さは無理だ!}"
"{'en': This shows the advanced stages of gangrene and epidermal rot., 'ja': これは壊疽を起こして 腐り始めている}"
"{'en': The pattern of the calls. Every time we went to nail this terrorist cell,, 'ja': テロ拠点に踏み込もうとする度に}"
"{'en': It's because you're supposed to be watching your cholesterol., 'ja': コレステロール値が高いだろ}"
"{'en': That's not cool. This guy hates charity!, 'ja': こいつがチャリティを妨害してるぞ!}"
"{'en': I'm working on it, Finch., 'ja': 今、やってる、フィンチ。}"
"{'en': Come here. - I'm gonna go around this side., 'ja': ーおいで ーはさみうちよ}"
"{'en': Well enough anyway., 'ja': どちらにせよ順調だ}"
"{'en': No, no, no, that's... that's impossible., 'ja': - あり得ない}"
"{'en': I'd like to be sure. Case has been signed., 'ja': カメラは ベビーベッドからの様子を}"
"{'en': I don't think you're going to kill me., 'ja': 君は僕を殺せないよ}"
"{'en': It's 100â° tod. You can't keep this up., 'ja': もうかなりの数だ お前の体が持たんぞ}"
"{'en': Here.What were you doing in florida?, 'ja': 練習だ なぜフロリダへ?}"
"{'en': Listen closely, Alex., 'ja': よく聞くんだ アレックス}"
"{'en': He's going to kill you. Go, now., 'ja': 彼はあなたを殺すつもりよ 行って さあ 逃げて!}"
"{'en': What's your problem? Pope is dead., 'ja': ポープが死んで終わりだろ?}"
"{'en': I thought you were a burglar., 'ja': 泥棒かと 思ったじゃない}"
"{'en': But he just got here., 'ja': でも奴が現れた}"
"{'en': Swap one addiction for another, was it?, 'ja': アル中から 別の中毒に替わったわけだ}"
"{'en': That is not my idea of a good time., 'ja': そんなの楽しいわけがない}"
"{'en': I've never had a sex song before., 'ja': 初めての経験だよ}"
"{'en': Until I find your daughter. Then, we'll see., 'ja': 娘さんを見つけるまではな}"
"{'en': Would you like to play again?, 'ja': もう一回、やるかい?}"
"{'en': - You or Denise. - Mm-hmm., 'ja': ママかデニス}"
"{'en': I think that Ricdor is a shop that everyone would think of as special., 'ja': 誰にとっても 間違いなく リクドーは 特別な店だと思います。}"
"{'en': And you I don't want to hear another word out of you. Alright?, 'ja': それと お前}"
"{'en': Aayan is done., 'ja': アーヤンはやった}"
"{'en': And-and all the tents, all the food and water... gone., 'ja': テントも食料も水もすべてだ}"
"{'en': Nana, it isn't six o'clock yet. Two minutes more. Please., 'ja': 6時まで あと2分よ}"
"{'en': None of the street kids I talked to have seen Selina., 'ja': 誰もセリーナを見てない}"
"{'en': They're building cells on our soil., 'ja': 協力者を広げようとしてる}"
"{'en': How's your record?, 'ja': 違反は?}"
"{'en': The Unsullied will be fighting for something greater., 'ja': アンサリードを動かしているのは もっと大きなものだ}"
"{'en': Thought this was the city that never sleeps., 'ja': ここは眠らない街だと思った}"
"{'en': Have you met Mitch Garabedian?, 'ja': ミッチ・ガラベディアンに 会ったか?}"
"{'en': Prince Dashkov, you look so..., 'ja': ダシュコフ王子・・・}"
"{'en': So I ran an image search on all the videos ever uploaded to the public level and... bingo., 'ja': それで普通にアップロードされた ビデオイメージを検索して 大当たり}"
"{'en': He skipped bail, hopped on a plane to, uh, Croatia, and he left a single mom with a 13-year-old boy completely broke., 'ja': いや 釈放中に飛行機で クロアチアに飛んだ 母親と13歳の子どもを残して}"
"{'en': - SULEKA., 'ja': スレカ}"
"{'en': - On WSFA? - Uh-huh. Nope., 'ja': WSFAのか?}"
"{'en': - Oh, you are a miracle worker, Mr. Scheffer., 'ja': おいくらですか?}"
"{'en': Shit, Joe. If you gimme that raise you promised me, I'll show up., 'ja': 昨日は散々だった}"
"{'en': How 'bout you, kid?, 'ja': お前はどうする、小僧?}"
"{'en': -she can pause like this. -We get it., 'ja': (YOU)分かるよ}"
"{'en': I could send the sheriff over there today and make you do it, but my client insists that we... handle the exchange of custody quietly., 'ja': 本日あそこで 警察を呼ぶこともできた だが私のクライアントは 平穏な親権取引を 望んでいる}"
"{'en': Our soccer team beat all the other teams in the town., 'ja': 我々のサッカーチームは、町の全チームを負かした。}"
"{'en': There's someone special in the audience tonight who'll maybe get up and help me out here, 'ja': 客席に特別な人が}"
"{'en': Where in los angeles?, 'ja': ロスのどこ?}"
"{'en': - Well... - I told you it was his girlfriend., 'ja': - ガールフレンドさ}"
"{'en': Mom, someone's inside our house., 'ja': だれかが私達の家に入ってきたわ}"
"{'en': You should go home. Get some rest., 'ja': 家に帰って 少し休め}"
"{'en': Generally speaking, Americans are very fond of coffee., 'ja': 概して言えば、アメリカ人はとてもコーヒーが好きだ。}"
"{'en': - Rip your fucking throat out. - Oh, yeah. Fuck, yeah., 'ja': ノドを切り裂いてやれたのに}"
"{'en': Diana is going to help us make sure that history repeats itself., 'ja': 歴史は繰り返すのよ ダイアナの力を借りて}"
"{'en': Because they bypassed the main access page and went through a back-end server., 'ja': ジジイだよ}"
"{'en': - At least we got the shot., 'ja': - 撮影はできたぞ}"
"{'en': - So, I made this ring 16 years ago. - Stop. Stop!, 'ja': 16年前に作ったものだ}"
"{'en': With those processing cores, you'd be well on your way to conceivably making 500 Danicas., 'ja': それらの処理芯で あなたなら 500体のダニカを作れる}"
"{'en': Right now, you're the only one that can stop that from happening., 'ja': それを止められるのは あなただけなのよ}"
"{'en': Why do you have to be so damn honorable, 'ja': なんて立派なの}"
"{'en': -Right. -Yeah., 'ja': そうだね (勇気)うん}"
"{'en': If you are suffering as much as I am, please, tell me., 'ja': 君が僕と同じように苦しんでいるなら 教えてくれないか}"
"{'en': - Contact Piquet and Donnelly., 'ja': - ピケとドネリーに連絡しろ}"
"{'en': Almost as if it was carried out by two different people., 'ja': 2人の違う人物によって 行われたかのようだ}"
"{'en': Near the door, an elaborate metal robot -- a robot designed to keep away intruders, was standing coldly., 'ja': 扉の傍に、精巧な、軽金属製のロボット——侵入者を防ぐためのロボットが、冷かに立っていた。}"
"{'en': Now, for as long as you can remember, we have been attacked and eaten by the dreaded Foosa., 'ja': Now, for as long as you can remember, we have been attacked and eaten by the dreaded Foosa.}"
"{'en': Request immediate QRF! Troops in contact!, 'ja': 敵と交戦中 至急 応援を要請する}"
"{'en': It's Nina. Nina Sharp., 'ja': ニーナ・シャープよ}"
"{'en': There was no water in the well., 'ja': 井戸には少しの水も無かった。}"
"{'en': It still won't stop., 'ja': まだ止まらない}"
"{'en': It's best to be prepared., 'ja': 備えあれば 憂いなし}"
"{'en': My Robin is more fastidious than I., 'ja': うちのロビンも 私より好みが うるさいくらいなんですよ}"
"{'en': It doesn't even matter. It doesn't matter what either of us said., 'ja': そうじゃないわ こんな議論の方がどうでもいい}"
"{'en': How about I take a knee?, 'ja': 小休止を取らないか?}"
"{'en': Maybe he cut off his son., 'ja': すごい遺産よ}"
"{'en': ♪ Let my love open the door... ♪, 'ja': ♪この愛でドアを開けて みよう・・}"
"{'en': Get down. Now., 'ja': ふせろ 今すぐ}"
"{'en': - Yeah., 'ja': - ああ}"
"{'en': All right, everybody back to the cars., 'ja': よし, みんな車に戻れ}"
"{'en': When people are sitting on shit you want, you make them your enemy, then you justify taking it., 'ja': 誰かが 欲しい物の上に座ってたら そいつを敵にして 殺して正当化する}"
"{'en': That company is, in effect, bankrupt., 'ja': その会社は事実上は倒産だ。}"
"{'en': But she told you that the fairy would take care of you., 'ja': でもお母さんは ""妖精があなたの世話をする""}"
"{'en': You didn't read the label., 'ja': 読まなかったの}"
"{'en': Good news, Harold., 'ja': 良い知らせよ ハロルド}"
"{'en': His name. Gadreel., 'ja': 彼の名はガドリエル}"
"{'en': It was my handler's idea., 'ja': 私のハンドラーの考えだ}"
"{'en': ""through the rippling surface of the cool shallows"", 'ja': 「その石底を踏んだ」}"
"{'en': I shan't be long, darling., 'ja': すぐに戻ってよ、ダーリン}"
"{'en': Carrie! Carrie? Hello?, 'ja': キャリー! キャリー? おーい?}"
"{'en': waiting for them to anesthetize you, knowing that..., 'ja': 麻酔を待つ間だ 二度と目が覚めないかもと 不安に駆られた}"
"{'en': Nothing like the easy stuff., 'ja': 簡単な事から始めよう}"
"{'en': I...oh, John., 'ja': 私... あぁ ジョン}"
"{'en': Penguins, penguins, penguins ouch, ouch, ouch, 'ja': ペンギン ペンギン ペンギン! 痛い 痛い 痛い 痛い 痛い 痛い}"
"{'en': Jer. Come on!, 'ja': - お前、引っ掛けたな!}"
"{'en': Okay, you can put me down now. I think we are done here., 'ja': 下ろして 終わりよ}"
"{'en': You pulled the settlement.I thought we were going to work this out., 'ja': 和解するはずでは?}"
"{'en': Sweetie I think even superheroes are allowed to have wedding-day jitters., 'ja': あなた... .... スーパーヒーローでさえ結婚式の日の恐怖感が あるのは仕方がないと思います}"
"{'en': But my happiness isn't based on material things or money., 'ja': 俺の幸せっていうのは 別に そんな物とか金とか...}"
"{'en': What we learn here about ourselves and about each other is at the core of the philosophy of Carnelian's success., 'ja': カーネリアンが成功する 哲学の核心になる}"
"{'en': It's almost possible to forget what she represents., 'ja': 彼女の存在意義を忘れそうだ}"
"{'en': Or your friend., 'ja': 君の友人も}"
"{'en': Give me your other hand! Turn over., 'ja': もう片方も!}"
"{'en': Sleeping right through all that., 'ja': 何があっても 寝てるわ}"
"{'en': Hey, honeybunch, what say you get me out of these cuffs, we go off somewhere and bump some uglies?, 'ja': おい, ねーちゃん 手錠を外してあげるって言ってくれたら 逃げるのを手伝ってやってもいいぜ}"
"{'en': Who's the poor bastard who has to die for my freedom?, 'ja': 俺の自由の為に 命を落とす馬鹿は誰だ?}"
"{'en': -A few cuts and bruises., 'ja': いくつかの切り傷と打ち身です}"
"{'en': With all due respect, Chief, that's my business., 'ja': 失礼ですが チーフ 個人の問題です}"
"{'en': - Why do you keep following me around?, 'ja': -何で付きまとうんだ?}"
"{'en': I thought you hated MTV!, 'ja': MTVは嫌いだろ?}"
"{'en': We'll piggyback our software into their law enforcement and military computers, disable their radar so they can't detect our ships., 'ja': 取締機関と軍のシステムに 私達のソフトウェアを被せて 彼等のレーダーに工作して 艦隊が探知されないように}"
"{'en': Swab my dogs all you want, 'cause you got nothing., 'ja': 何も出て来んから 好きなだけ犬を調べろ}"
"{'en': -I'm home. Welcome back., 'ja': (百花)ただいま (3人)おかえり}"
"{'en': Agent Lisbon ran a covert operation that led to the deaths of two police officers and one FBI agent., 'ja': リズボン捜査官は 秘密の活動を行っていた それが2人の警察官と FBI捜査官の死に つながっている}"
"{'en': A woman who's involved with Dubaku., 'ja': デュバクの件で巻き込まれた女性だ}"
"{'en': Actually, I do want to meet him, but first things first., 'ja': 実は、会いたい でも重要な事から先に始めよう}"
"{'en': Suspicious. Night and day youfearthatyou willlose her., 'ja': いつも恐れてた 彼女を失う事を}"
"{'en': - Brother Joshua., 'ja': - ""ブラザー"" ジョシュア}"
"{'en': You're going in alone., 'ja': 君らは単独で}"
"{'en': I applaud your ambition, Dr. Wells, but being the best in your field requires more than the accumulation of hours., 'ja': あなたの野心は称賛するわ でも時間をかけるより 自分の専門分野で ベストを尽くす方がいいわ}"
"{'en': They had a... contentious relationship., 'ja': あの2人は・・・ ケンカするのが好きだったから}"
"{'en': I'm not really looking to fall in love right now., 'ja': 恋とは違うかも}"
"{'en': However... you did a good job with the charms., 'ja': でも... これをすぐに出してきたのは 偉かったわ}"
"{'en': You're betraying your own people by telling me this., 'ja': - これを伝えることは同胞を裏切ることだぞ}"
"{'en': They did not form any proper estimate of Allah when they said: 'Allah has not revealed anything to any man.' Ask them: 'The Book which Moses brought as a light and guidance for men and which you keep in bits and scraps, some of which you disclose while the rest you conceal, even though through it you were taught that which neither you nor your forefathers knew -who was it who revealed it?' Say: 'Allah!'- and then leave them to sport with their argumentation., 'ja': かれらが「アッラーは人間に何も(啓示を)下されていない。」と言うのは,アッラーを尊崇すべきように,尊崇していないからである。言ってやるがいい。「ムーサーが(湾?)した,人間にたいする光明と導きの啓典を,下したのは誰か。あなたがたはそれを紙に書いて,それ(のあるもの)を示すが,多くを隠すではないか。あなたがたもあなたがたの祖先たちも知らなかったことを,教えられたではないか。」言ってやるがいい。「アッラーであられる。」だから放って置け,かれらには空論で遊戯に耽らせておきなさい。}"
"{'en': I breed dogs especially for families., 'ja': 家族向けの繁殖だからね}"
"{'en': Hey, I'm sorry I touched you., 'ja': 触れたりして悪かった}"
"{'en': I deserve to be out there., 'ja': 向こう側に行きたいの}"
"{'en': 'The child is father to the man' is certainly well said., 'ja': 三つ子の魂百までとは本当によく言ったものだ。}"
"{'en': You're dead., 'ja': 殺してやる}"
"{'en': It's bad enough that I have to play you... now I have to play someone else, too., 'ja': 二人一役でも 辛いのにー さらに別の人を 演じるなんて...}"
"{'en': CREDITED TO TWO ITALIAN ARCHITECTS., 'ja': 2人のイタリア人の 建築家が造った}"
"{'en': I know., 'ja': ああ}"
"{'en': That's packing paper., 'ja': 梱包用の紙だ}"
"{'en': As though you're confronting the French., 'ja': フランス軍の幻でも 見たのかい}"
"{'en': - The Iluminacion del sol., 'ja': だが ハビエル...}"
"{'en': Mark, you don't know what you're moving into., 'ja': マーク どこに行くのか分かってるのか}"
"{'en': - You're writing something?, 'ja': - あなたは何か書いていますか?}"
"{'en': They described the girl as being small., 'ja': 彼らはその少女は小柄だと言った。}"
"{'en': ♪ It floats over there, 'ja': 向こうで浮いている}"
"{'en': I've been trying to get out there. I'm sorry, uh..., 'ja': 行こうと思ってるんだが...}"
"{'en': -They work hard., 'ja': まっ 頑張ってましたね (山里)頑張ってるってことが}"
"{'en': The second floor's such a mess, it's hard to find anything, 'ja': (真山) 分かりづらいんだよ この家の2階 メチャクチャで}"
"{'en': Which is run by another Red John suspect., 'ja': 別のレッド・ジョン容疑者が率いてる組織だ}"
"{'en': Always he is looking for it., 'ja': いつも探してるね}"
"{'en': Eiling is a dangerous man, Barry., 'ja': アイリング?}"
"{'en': Hit me, Sam. Start fighting., 'ja': 殴るんだ サム 喧嘩のふりだ}"
"{'en': I figured he was just looking for a payout., 'ja': 単なる金目的だとわかっていた}"
"{'en': Hey, asshole, you jump off that block, you electrocute him., 'ja': くそっ そこから出ると 感電死}"
"{'en': Look I know you gals have your ups and downs. -l get it., 'ja': 確かに 女だから 気分の浮き沈みはあるさ}"
"{'en': My God. I knew this was going to happen., 'ja': いつかこうなると分っていたの}"
"{'en': If he still refuses to send them out, have him call Dietrich himself and explain it., 'ja': サンプルを送る 急いで伝えろ!}"
"{'en': He was a customer in the store, 'ja': 彼は客として店にいた}"
"{'en': That stamp right there is from the Gilded Cage..., 'ja': ""金のカゴ""のスタンプが}"
"{'en': Believe me when I say..., 'ja': これから言うことを信じて}"
"{'en': Please send your sales reps to this new account., 'ja': 営業員をこの新しい取引先に送ってください。}"
"{'en': My response to poverty came through glittery, lacey things., 'ja': 貧しさの反動が キラキラとか ヒラヒラに行くのよ}"
"{'en': What did you just say to him?, 'ja': 何と言った}"
"{'en': - Shakusky., 'ja': 朝食だぞ!}"
"{'en': Dr. Granger... made a number of calls from his cell phone to the same number in the days leading up to his death., 'ja': グレンジャー博士は 殺される日までの数日間 同じ番号に}"
"{'en': I totally got you. I totally got you., 'ja': カンペキ、驚かせてやった}"
"{'en': There's some message that I want you to pass to Hiromi, Shuuji and the others., 'ja': 浩実とか修司に 伝えておいてほしいことが あんだけ どよお... ー}"
"{'en': His car was blue; hers was red., 'ja': 彼の車は青で、彼女のは赤だった。}"
"{'en': “And indeed this religion of yours is one religion only and I am your Lord, therefore fear Me.”, 'ja': 本当にあなたがたのこのウンマは,唯一の共同体である。われはあなたがたの主である。われを畏れよ。}"
"{'en': Accept it, move on., 'ja': 受け入れて 前進して}"
"{'en': Nobody in, nobody out, 'ja': 誰も通すな}"
"{'en': That's supervillain territory. Or as I call my little gang,, 'ja': ここは超悪玉領域となった それとも悪友を呼ぼうか}"
"{'en': Okay, promise me you'll try it., 'ja': やってみる? やってみない?}"
"{'en': So, in order to find the bull's-eye..., 'ja': - 中心を探すには...}"
"{'en': Well, unrig it. Unrig it now!, 'ja': いますぐ中止しろ!}"
"{'en': They gave themselves up to the enjoyment of sensual pleasures., 'ja': 彼らは官能的快楽にふけった。}"
"{'en': - No, I can't go around., 'ja': - それは無理です}"
"{'en': Wait. Sameen. _, 'ja': 待って サミーン ここはどこ?}"
"{'en': - Yes. She used the Verfluchte Zwillingsschwester., 'ja': 彼女は 密着双子の呪いを使った}"
"{'en': It wasn't my idea to abduct you., 'ja': 誘拐は私の考えではない}"
"{'en': You shouldn't spoil me so., 'ja': - あなたは私を甘やかし過ぎよ}"
"{'en': The Macedonian Sun is a container ship licensed to operate out of Bay 23 North at the Port of New York and New Jersey., 'ja': マケドニアン・サンは ニューヨーク&ニュージャージー港の 北23番に乗り入れを許可されてる コンテナ船だ}"
"{'en': - Detective Carter., 'ja': カーター刑事だ}"
"{'en': But they do if you think of them literally., 'ja': だが発音通り言える。}"
"{'en': She is here to steal his children., 'ja': 彼女は彼の子供を盗もうとしている}"
"{'en': What are you expecting from me?, 'ja': 私に何を期待してる?}"
"{'en': I never got on the bus., 'ja': (ロシア語を喋る) バスには乗らなかったの}"
"{'en': Just lots of lads, resourcefulness skills, teamwork., 'ja': 大勢の子供たちがチームワークを通して 問題を解決する能力を養う}"
"{'en': Giving you 24 hours to leave the country., 'ja': 出国まで24時間の猶予を与える}"
"{'en': ♪ you got bad, bad luck, 'ja': ♪ you got bad, bad luck}"
"{'en': Is he back at the house? Yeah., 'ja': - 家にいるんだな?}"
"{'en': Ryerson! Needlenose Ned! Ned the Head!, 'ja': ""馬ヅラのネッド"" 高校で一緒だったろ?}"
"{'en': -Okay I'm a superspy, 'ja': - OK 俺はスーパースパイだ}"
"{'en': - Chappie!, 'ja': - チャッピー!}"
"{'en': What if this whole thing just starts happening again?, 'ja': 寝る時には 毎晩死んだら?}"
"{'en': Not for $50,000., 'ja': 5万ドルの為でもない}"
"{'en': - No., 'ja': - いいえ}"
"{'en': Have a good night, Annabelle., 'ja': おやすみ、アナベル}"
"{'en': Oh, you're gonna be just fine., 'ja': きみは大丈夫だよ ぼくがきみの}"
"{'en': Yes. They left a while ago. Let's see., 'ja': ええ 少し前に帰りましたよ 確認しましょう}"
"{'en': Are you all right, Padre?, 'ja': 大丈夫ですか? 神父さま}"
"{'en': So the killer knew that the roommate was gonna be out of town., 'ja': 犯人は同居者の行動を 知ってた様ね}"
"{'en': No, I'll pass, 'ja': いや いいかな}"
"{'en': This murder raises serious doubts about, 'ja': この殺人によって ウィル・グレアムの事件に}"
"{'en': They found Agent Foster in Amber. Your superior was a double agent., 'ja': フォスター捜査官を 琥珀で発見した}"
"{'en': I'm the propagandist of a totalitarian dictatorship., 'ja': 私は独裁者の布教者なの}"
"{'en': Would you turn down the stereo a little?, 'ja': 少しステレオの音を小さくしてください。}"
"{'en': I stand on the street. People take photos of me and give me tips., 'ja': 通りに立ってると 人が私の写真を撮るから それで チップをもらうのよ}"
"{'en': Yeah... the other night, one of the Liber8 thugs had a split skull tattoo on his head., 'ja': いつだったか リバー8の一人で 頭にタトゥをした男がいたの}"
"{'en': What do you say to that?, 'ja': いかがです?}"
"{'en': When I lost my father, there was so much that was left unsaid., 'ja': 父を亡くして― もっと話をしとけばって 後悔した}"
"{'en': Whoa, whoa. Easy, easy., 'ja': - まあまあ}"
"{'en': Boy, I volunteered once., 'ja': 今度やるのは―}"
"{'en': Get back together., 'ja': ヨリを戻せ}"
"{'en': I'm about to get married. There are people that count on me., 'ja': 俺は結婚する身なんだぞ}"
"{'en': I'll be home around noon, unless I'm tracking one., 'ja': 獲物を追ってなければ お昼頃には戻る}"
"{'en': No-- bird!, 'ja': - 違う - 鳥}"
"{'en': or the guys down the bar or people at work, what would they say? ., 'ja': 飲み仲間や、会社の人たちにはなんと言われるか と考えるのです。}"
"{'en': The tide washed over us and dragged our people away... and you could do nothing to stop it., 'ja': 波は我々に押し寄せ 身内を引き離しました あなたは何も出来なかった}"
"{'en': More arrests are expected says the FBI, as is recovery of the 11 million, which is still missing., 'ja': もっと多くの逮捕が予想されると FBIは述べています 1100万ドルは回収されました 残りは依然として行方不明です}"
"{'en': Did you witness how amazing I was?, 'ja': すごさがわかった?}"
"{'en': Memories of what life used to be., 'ja': 幸せな頃の思い出なの}"
"{'en': Our queen knows it is a long journey., 'ja': 女王は長旅だと存じており}"
"{'en': Nice. I'm good at selfies., 'ja': おー いいね うまいな 俺 自撮り}"
"{'en': - Am I setting a place or not?, 'ja': - いらないのか?}"
"{'en': Seemed kind of extravagant, but..., 'ja': ぜいたくに思えたが}"
"{'en': No, no, Dave., 'ja': 店も含めてだ}"
"{'en': I can see that woman's face., 'ja': 彼女の顔を見た}"
"{'en': See you later. Good night., 'ja': じゃあね お疲れさま}"
"{'en': Plenty of women in this town will go for you., 'ja': モテるんだし}"
"{'en': I'd had a few drinks, and I saw her with that..., 'ja': 酒を飲んでて クリーバーと一緒なのを 見たんだ}"
"{'en': My world may be lost, but this is your world now L, 'ja': 私の世界は失われたが ここはお前の世界だ}"
"{'en': Because you know you never can be too prepared., 'ja': 分かるだろ あんたには必要だ}"
"{'en': Who we really are. They're just waiting to be saved., 'ja': 真の我々だよ 外にいると助けを待つだけ}"
"{'en': See, Jim? Competition already., 'ja': 競争相手の出現だな}"
"{'en': I been trying to call Jack. You heard from him?, 'ja': ジャックと連絡が取れない 何か聞いてる?}"
"{'en': -It made me emotional., 'ja': 泣けてきてしまって...}"
"{'en': And what he did to you made that abundantly clear., 'ja': そして彼があなたにしたことで そのことが明らかになった。}"
"{'en': Don't you want something better than this?, 'ja': - こんなオイシイ話ないわよ}"
"{'en': Caucasian, male, 50s, grey-haired., 'ja': 50代の白人男性 髪の色はグレー}"
"{'en': My name is Atoosa, and I will be leading your class today., 'ja': 私の名前は アトゥーサ 今日 この講座を受け持ちます}"
"{'en': We'll get you out of there. Just hang tight, Bravo. OK, wait out., 'ja': 俺たちはお前をそこから出す しっかりつかめ ブラボー 分かったか 待機する}"
"{'en': She had me fooled,too., 'ja': 私もダマされた}"
"{'en': -Penny., 'ja': - ペニー}"
"{'en': She might have grown this stuff, but Jeremy came to me when she tried to put his product on ice., 'ja': 彼女がこれを育てたのかもしれない だが 彼女がジェレミーの成果を 保留しようとした時 彼は 俺のところへ来た}"
"{'en': Are you worried about keeping up with the other students?, 'ja': 他の生徒との関係が心配?}"
"{'en': You give me one shot here,, 'ja': 私を一つ 試しませんか}"
"{'en': Are you sure about that, Ms. Dobrica?, 'ja': 確かなのか、ミスドブリカ?}"
"{'en': Yeah., 'ja': うん}"
"{'en': I've been dead to them for years., 'ja': 私はとっくに死んだも同然だった}"
"{'en': We were headed to your sister's, I made a crack about your brother-in-law, and your mother got angry., 'ja': 運転中に娘婿を バカにしてたら―}"
"{'en': I just didn't know her., 'ja': 僕は彼女と知り合いじゃない。}"
"{'en': - Okay ? Thank you., 'ja': - わかってくれた?}"
"{'en': When we first met, you told me that disguise is always a self-portrait., 'ja': 始めて会った時 君はこう言った}"
"{'en': This function is supported in PHP 4.2.0 or higher., 'ja': 注意 この関数は、PHP 4.2.0以降でサポートされています。}"
"{'en': Leave that. Give me some whiskey., 'ja': ウイスキーを注いでくれ}"
"{'en': You're quite good. Eva., 'ja': 素晴らしい演奏だった}"
"{'en': Lauren matters., 'ja': ローレンが心配}"
"{'en': Microsoft Developer Network Search, 'ja': Microsoft Developer Network 検索Query}"
"{'en': Walter, you don't understand., 'ja': 分かってない}"
"{'en': And again, I'm so sorry., 'ja': 申し訳ありませんでした}"
"{'en': But, but he's over that way., 'ja': すぐそこにいるのに}"
"{'en': This beef is tender., 'ja': この牛肉は柔らかい。}"
"{'en': They gave us a lot to eat., 'ja': 彼女たちは私たちに食べるものをたくさんくれた。}"
"{'en': She thanked me for the present., 'ja': 彼女はそのプレゼントのことで私に礼を言った。}"
"{'en': Garcia and smith, they got him., 'ja': ガルシアとスミスが捕まえた}"
"{'en': - Dave, I can't., 'ja': デイブ 私はできない}"
"{'en': 26 Federal Plaza, to be exact., 'ja': 26連邦広場 厳密に言えば}"
"{'en': Under no circumstances will the princess succeed to the throne., 'ja': いかなる状況のもとでも、王女が王位を継承することはあるまい。}"
"{'en': She's gonna kill him., 'ja': 彼女は彼を殺すつもりだ}"
"{'en': Anna's holding her captive, she made her sick., 'ja': 娘はアンナに囚われてる 病気を植え付けられた}"
"{'en': He knows it's your other self., 'ja': 彼は、怪物が貴男自身で ある事を知っています}"
"{'en': I'm the string between the tin cans., 'ja': 俺はただの伝言役だから}"
"{'en': Oh, right, I was talking about how they're clearing the roads and you're about to be transferred to Central Booking., 'ja': 道の除雪具合を聞いてきたが 君は 中央拘置所に移されることになった}"
"{'en': NO. NOT IF IT WAS 1,000 FEET LONG, 200 FEET HIGH, WITH STABILIZERS., 'ja': いや 全長300mで―}"
"{'en': Plan on giving those kings a piece of your mind, princess?, 'ja': それらの王たちをあなたの心の部分を与えることを計画し、王女?}"
"{'en': SSR stands for..., 'ja': 」が設立される前はね 「SSR」っていうのは・・・}"
"{'en': We're here, as well., 'ja': 私たちは同様に、ここにある。}"
"{'en': So, we've lost contact with Earth., 'ja': 切れたのは地球との通信だけね}"
"{'en': Really?, 'ja': 本当に?}"
"{'en': You been to see Mom?, 'ja': お袋に会ってるか?}"
"{'en': Let's hope not. May I?, 'ja': 違うと願うよ 見よう}"
"{'en': I didn't ask. And I didn't accept any money., 'ja': 知らないよ 金も受け取ってない}"
"{'en': It's half-term in two days., 'ja': 後2日で休暇になる}"
"{'en': He's been holed up in the woods since the apocalypse., 'ja': 黙示録以来、森に ひきこもりよ}"
"{'en': R2, amplify the signal destroyed all the battle droids, 'ja': R2、通信を増幅して}"
"{'en': Satoru..., 'ja': サトル}"
"{'en': For all the good you guys did in here you could have stayed outside with your fucking crossbows!, 'ja': 石弓持って 黙って見てたのかよ}"
"{'en': We'll wash his face, shall we?, 'ja': お顔を洗わないと、みんないいかい?}"
"{'en': Casey McManus' preliminary autopsy report came in a little while ago., 'ja': ちょっと前に ケイシー・マクマナスの 予備解剖報告書が届いた}"
"{'en': It can't hurt. All right., 'ja': そうする}"
"{'en': - We have suffered and bled, literally, for this business., 'ja': 私達は、この事業のために、苦しんで、 血を流してきた、文字通りに}"
"{'en': I know you're kidding but, honestly,, 'ja': ふざけないで でも 正直言って}"
"{'en': They'd-- I am a good person., 'ja': 彼と関わったのが 間違いだった}"
"{'en': But there's no way in hell I would support terrorism to ensure that., 'ja': しかし、役人の俺がそれを確実にするためにテロリズムを支持する方法など無い。}"
"{'en': For relaxing times, make it Suntory time., 'ja': 大切なひと時を サントリー・タイム・・・}"
"{'en': Bought some plants, took classes in mandarin., 'ja': 植物を買って中国語のクラスを取りました}"
"{'en': He used me to make money with the opium. And I, 'ja': あいつはアヘンで儲けるたあ そして私は...}"
"{'en': It sounds stupid, but why not?, 'ja': ♪馬鹿らしく聞こえるけどなぜ?}"
"{'en': As ready as I'll..., 'ja': すぐにでも...}"
"{'en': I'm a businessman. I'm not gonna kill millions of people., 'ja': 俺は実業家だ 何百万人も殺すつもりはない}"
"{'en': A lot of lives were lost today., 'ja': 多くの尊い命が失われた}"
"{'en': Balladeerto the grandestcourts in all the land !, 'ja': 全世界の宮廷で 歓迎されています!}"
"{'en': Hey, watch my face, okay? I'm on TV., 'ja': テレビに出てるから顔はよせ}"
"{'en': MCRYPT_RC4 (libmcrypt 2.2.x only), 'ja': MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_192 (libmcrypt 2.4.xのみ)}"
"{'en': What do you say I come pick up you and Hayley at your sister's place in an hour and we go out for a nice dinner, huh?, 'ja': 迎えに行くよ 一時間後に 食事でもしよう}"
"{'en': Hey, boss, your monsters are all loaded., 'ja': ボス、 怪物どもは 全部 片付きました。}"
"{'en': He'll remain on the ship until he's no longer needed., 'ja': 彼には暫くこの艦に居てもらうわ 用が済むまでね}"
"{'en': It's Pazuzu, the Assyrian god of famine, locusts and storms., 'ja': バズズはアッシリアの イナゴの嵐と飢饉の神だ}"
"{'en': Can he play the guitar?, 'ja': 彼はギターを弾けますか?}"
"{'en': - Just... think about it, ok?, 'ja': - 考えただけだよ}"
"{'en': Well so did I., 'ja': そうだな}"
"{'en': Sam's got excellent wilderness skills. Why can't you control your Scouts?, 'ja': なんでお前は スカウトを統率できない?}"
"{'en': We need an air defense team!, 'ja': 防空隊を!}"
"{'en': Oh, and tell your friends., 'ja': お友達にも御紹介よろしく}"
"{'en': Hey, I heard something., 'ja': 何か聞こえた}"
"{'en': You just have to believe. Joe."", 'ja': 君だけを信じるべきだ ジョー ""}"
"{'en': It worked then, it should work now., 'ja': その時成功したら今回も また成功するだろ?}"
"{'en': Come on, it's gonna be a cold night., 'ja': 今夜は寒くなるぜ}"
"{'en': What? You're going to cut a deal?, 'ja': 交渉?}"
"{'en': If she doesn't start paying... I'm not. ...she has to leave., 'ja': 払わないのなら 他で暮らして}"
"{'en': Cheap imports will glut the market., 'ja': 安い輸入品で市場が供給過剰になるだろう。}"
"{'en': Bauer will finish what he started. Burnett will tell him everything., 'ja': バーネットは口を割るかもしれない}"
"{'en': Is this the fireman?, 'ja': 消防士はこの人?}"
"{'en': If it weren’t for music, the world would be a dull place., 'ja': 音楽がなかったら、世界は退屈な場所になることでしょう。}"
"{'en': He's never charged, so there's no wrongful death suit but last week, we received a tip that frobisher gave the girl's parents stock in his company., 'ja': 起訴されずに終わったが 先週 タレコミがあった フロビシャーは被害者の家族に 自社株を渡してる}"
"{'en': And where did the Romulans get that kind of weaponry?, 'ja': あの兵器をどうやって 手に入れた?}"
"{'en': Oh, my God, you killed her., 'ja': やめて 殺してしまうわ!}"
"{'en': I suggested that John be called., 'ja': 私はジョンを呼ぶよう提案した。}"
"{'en': Better get up., 'ja': 登ったほうがよい}"
"{'en': Saunière used to say I was like a dog., 'ja': Sauni鑽eは私が犬のようだった と言っていました。}"
"{'en': - Pardon me. - It's okay., 'ja': すいません ―大丈夫です}"
"{'en': Come here. Open it slowly., 'ja': さあ、これをゆっくり開けて}"
"{'en': Right, alpha dog. I can do that., 'ja': ああ アルファね できると思うよ}"
"{'en': Take her out. See if she knows anything., 'ja': 連れ出して 何か知ってるかも}"
"{'en': how much longer, sergeant?, 'ja': どれくらい、かかるの?}"
"{'en': Another victim, or it's the shooter?, 'ja': それとも犯人?}"
"{'en': Everything will make sense when you see her. Oh! Oh!, 'ja': 彼女をみたら すべて理解できるわ どちら様?}"
"{'en': Evening, sir. Sorry to interrupt your supper., 'ja': 今晩は 邪魔して申し訳ない}"
"{'en': He walked on and on in the rain., 'ja': 彼は雨の中を歩き続けた。}"
"{'en': FBI!, 'ja': FBIよ!}"
"{'en': We must contact the police at once., 'ja': すぐに警察に連絡しなくちゃ。}"
"{'en': and there's your ferrite core inductor., 'ja': さあ、真空管とフェライト誘導磁心}"
"{'en': Did he meet anyone?, 'ja': 誰かと会ったりは?}"
"{'en': Ask yourself -, 'ja': 自問してみろ}"
"{'en': My darling. What's happened?, 'ja': お前 何があったんだ?}"
"{'en': Keep going. I'll meet you outside. One minute to target., 'ja': 先に行って 外で待ってる 標的まで1分}"
"{'en': He said hi to you, shake his hand., 'ja': 握手くらいしろよ}"
"{'en': REPORTER: Why did you leak the draft?, 'ja': なぜリークを?}"
"{'en': You think I'm a liability., 'ja': 私の責任だと 思ってるでしょ}"
"{'en': I believe those were your words., 'ja': 君が言ったんだ}"
"{'en': This patient is at stage 1., 'ja': 第1段階の患者だ}"
"{'en': Please monitor the patient's vitals, and I'll be right back., 'ja': 患者のバイタルをモニターで確認して下さい。 すぐに戻ってきます。}"
"{'en': Listen,I got to go. I'm... I'm at the gym., 'ja': もう切るわ 今 スポーツ・ジムなの}"
"{'en': Your demon isn't the same kind as your mother's but is definitely living in you., 'ja': 母親のものとは 別の種類の悪魔が あんたに宿ってる}"
"{'en': Look if we're not that fully kicked, I am gonna leave in vain., 'ja': ただし、間に合わなかったら 置いてくぞ}"
"{'en': - Shut up, shut up. ?, 'ja': うるさい 黙れ}"
"{'en': You can kill me for all the others, but your girl, that was him., 'ja': 俺が殺した他の奴らのために 俺を殺すがいい だが おまえの女を殺したのは}"
"{'en': Your laboratory, if you like., 'ja': 気にいったら、 君の研究室だ。}"
"{'en': Louis XIV, 'ja': 太陽王ルイ14世の}"
"{'en': Trust me. Karly, you need my help, 'ja': 信じてくれ 君には俺の助けが必要だ}"
"{'en': Then, why did you come?, 'ja': なんで あの家に?}"
"{'en': Morita san! Morita san!, 'ja': ちょ ちょっと 森田さん 森田さん}"
"{'en': No, it's fine, ma'am., 'ja': いや 違います}"
"{'en': I don't know., 'ja': 分からないわ}"
"{'en': Kallikantzaroi?, 'ja': 屁臭人?}"
"{'en': I don't know., 'ja': わからない}"
"{'en': It is far from a joke., 'ja': 決して冗談じゃない。}"
"{'en': We can't really afford to let the outside world... get a look at your handiwork, now, can we?, 'ja': あなたの手仕事を外界に 見せる余裕は無いわよね?}"
"{'en': Okay, granted I've never been hit with a salad container, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't knock you out., 'ja': 今まで 俺がサラダの容器で 殴られたことが無かったとしても それでノックアウト出来るとは 絶対思えないな}"
"{'en': Michelle, I want it back., 'ja': その香りが欲しいんだ}"
"{'en': But whatever happens, you need to know one thing., 'ja': しかし 1つだけは 頭にしっかり入れておけ}"
"{'en': Run, Cheryl! Run!, 'ja': シャレル 逃げろ!}"
"{'en': Pull that bolt out of there., 'ja': ボルトを引き出せ}"
"{'en': Just to check the connectivity on the primary generator., 'ja': 主発電機の接続チェック}"
"{'en': Would you kindly tell him not to make such a racket? This is a delicate moment., 'ja': 騒がないように言ってくれないか?}"
"{'en': Select another people., 'ja': 別の民族を選んでください}"
"{'en': No, that's wrong. 11.45, conference here with the press., 'ja': いえ 記者会見があったわ}"
"{'en': And not because I'm your boss's boss. Because we're family, Martin., 'ja': 私は役職にあるが君とは 今でもこれからも家族だろ}"
"{'en': If I'm going to find any kind of redemption,, 'ja': もし俺が何らかの救済を 見つけるつもりなら}"
"{'en': This... this is important., 'ja': あなたが一番大事よ}"
"{'en': - Schultz. Schultz., 'ja': シュルツ}"
"{'en': She could afford better, but she's kept it, sentimental., 'ja': 思い出の品なので つけている}"
"{'en': It doubled, then it tripled. (REGISTER DINGS), 'ja': 23倍になった}"
"{'en': My son's still here., 'ja': - 俺の息子はいるぞ}"
"{'en': You lucky that was him and not me out there 'cause I'd have been whooping your ass up and down this street., 'ja': 俺じゃなくてよかったな 通りを引きずり回してー}"
"{'en': Miriam, what are you doing here?, 'ja': ミリアム ここで何してる?}"
"{'en': Can you call that in for me? Code three., 'ja': コード3を送信してもらえないか?}"
"{'en': Now, there's sensors here on the door., 'ja': ドアにはセンサーがある ドアが開いた時 なぜアラームが鳴らなかった?}"
"{'en': Paper, please., 'ja': ちょっと紙 まわしてもらえますか?}"
"{'en': Τhe car will take you., 'ja': 車を手配した}"
"{'en': Ma'am, she is selling bread., 'ja': パンを売ってます}"
"{'en': - Asteroid, nitroglycerine in a vial on the desk., 'ja': アステロイド ニトログリセリンの瓶を}"
"{'en': May I borrow your eraser?, 'ja': 消しゴムを借りてもいい?}"
"{'en': You see that floor., 'ja': あの 階 の 右 から 3 番目 の 窓 を 見 て}"
"{'en': You'd be better finding one in town somewhere., 'ja': もっといいものを買うべきだ}"
"{'en': It's not like I've tried to keep it a secret., 'ja': (慎) 特別 秘密にしてるわけじゃ ないんだけどね}"
"{'en': But last time, you told me, 'ja': ですが 先日言いましたよね}"
"{'en': We work by the day., 'ja': 我々は日ぎめで働く。}"
"{'en': 1. 4 Terabytes per second., 'ja': 1. 4 TB/s(テラバイト/秒).}"
"{'en': She's on a date, believe it or not, and there's no way we're interrupting that., 'ja': デート中だから邪魔できない}"
"{'en': So the P.O. Box the agency sent the headshots to was paid for in cash and rented for a month., 'ja': 私書箱は管理人が 1ヶ月 現金払いでレンタルしたそうよ}"
"{'en': Yeah., 'ja': えぇ。}"
"{'en': And let me assure you they are substantial..., 'ja': 仲間は信用できる}"
"{'en': Yeah, but look at what she has achieved., 'ja': でも成果を 上げたわ}"
"{'en': At least come in with me for a while..., 'ja': え? ちょっとぐらい 付き合いなさいよ}"
"{'en': It's Kurian., 'ja': クリアンよ}"
"{'en': ™"" As people in the photo, I'm tired of being alone., 'ja': (♪集合写真のぼく、いつも疲れた顔)}"
"{'en': I don't care who you have to pull off shift., 'ja': 誰を使ってもいい}"
"{'en': Samaritan is planning ways to reduce, if not eliminate, food and water shortages-- projects that never would have existed without this... evil AI., 'ja': サマリア人は 削減する方法を計画してる 削減しないなら 食料や水不足 --}"
"{'en': That's right, you're mine., 'ja': そうだ お前は俺のものだ}"
"{'en': Yes., 'ja': - ああ}"
"{'en': The man she loved was getting knifed in front of her eyes., 'ja': 愛する夫が 目の前で刺されて}"
"{'en': I know, it's a piercing. I did it last night., 'ja': ええ ピアスを つけてるの}"
"{'en': You're so nice Catherine-sensei!, 'ja': やさしいよ! カトリーヌ先生はよ!}"
"{'en': That's the reason I'll be leaving., 'ja': それが理由で}"
"{'en': What I could. It wasn't much., 'ja': 大した事してないわ}"
"{'en': Keep the bastards happy?, 'ja': - なぜ? 悪党を喜ばせるため?}"
"{'en': - You haven't slept?, 'ja': - 貴方は眠っていた?}"
"{'en': I had a seizure?, 'ja': 発作ですって?}"
"{'en': You don't know that, Nicole., 'ja': 知らないでしょ ニコール}"
"{'en': All I can do is just keep our promise to Etta and-and stick with the plan., 'ja': 私に出来るのは エッタとの約束と計画の維持だけ}"
"{'en': Maybe we were doomed from the beginning., 'ja': 最初から決まってたのかも}"
"{'en': That's for the lies. And that's for everything else., 'ja': これはウソをついた分 これはその他の分}"
"{'en': - It's safe. - Don't..., 'ja': 大丈夫だ}"
"{'en': David, listen, these men killed Gregory Malina., 'ja': 聞いて あいつらが グレッグを殺したの}"
"{'en': The wheelbase and tire pattern of your S.U.V., 'ja': あんたのSUVの ホイールベースとタイヤ痕が}"
"{'en': The Cooperative will be listening., 'ja': [協同組合は 今後常に耳をそばだて]}"
"{'en': I feel so at home!, 'ja': 落ち着く〜!}"
"{'en': Hearing such a rumor, I got all excited thinking that next would be me from the first year, but,, 'ja': <そんな噂を聞いて 次は 1年の この俺だと 一人 色めき立ったけど>}"
"{'en': I ordered some wine. I hope you don't mind., 'ja': ワインを注文したけど よかったかな}"
"{'en': If you would like to unset() a global variable inside of a function, you can use the $GLOBALS array to do so:, 'ja': グローバル変数を関数内で unset() したい場合、 配列 $GLOBALS を使用し、次のようにして下さい。}"
"{'en': Well, we did own the place once., 'ja': かつてはそうだ}"
"{'en': She was trying to get out., 'ja': 外に出ようとしていた}"
"{'en': John Deere Corporate over at Marlene., 'ja': マリーンにあるジョン・ディア社}"
"{'en': No, here, in this car, drinking cold coffee, stalking a bar owner in the middle of the night., 'ja': いや ここで 車の中で 冷たいコーヒーを飲んで 真夜中にバーのオーナーの跡をつけて}"
"{'en': You watch what you say., 'ja': 何が言いたい}"
"{'en': I'm seriously not going there for a conversation., 'ja': 会話のことは深刻じゃない}"
"{'en': Do you know how this envelope got here?, 'ja': この封筒は誰が?}"
"{'en': Look, she may be allergic to them. They could contraindicate with something she's already taking., 'ja': アレルギーを誘発したり 常服薬との併用で害があるかも...}"
"{'en': A security camera three blocks away from the Goodwin house., 'ja': グッドウィンの家から 3ブロックの監視カメラだ}"
"{'en': Make sure it's not in vain., 'ja': 犬死なんかじゃなくて.}"
"{'en': I'm just saying that this child would have died had he not been part of that program., 'ja': あのプログラムがなきゃ 彼は死んでた}"
"{'en': You realise we can shut down your whorehouses, your bars, restaurants, drug trade, whenever we choose., 'ja': お前の売春宿もバーも レストランも麻薬取引もいつでも潰せるんだぞ}"
"{'en': Queen Alcmene... approach., 'ja': アルクメネ女王 ... 近くへ}"
"{'en': ALL RIGHT? IT'S VERY COMMON IN A $2.5 MILLION TRANSACTION. NO., 'ja': 250万ドルの大金だから}"
"{'en': Sorry to trouble you. My name is Dr Michael Aris., 'ja': お邪魔して申し訳ない マイケル・アリスと申します}"
"{'en': But the one taste that caused them to lose all control..., 'ja': しかし彼らのコントロールを 狂わせた味覚は...}"
"{'en': -It's more likely., 'ja': (YOU)そうだね}"
"{'en': She's going to become someone else's wife., 'ja': 彼女 人妻になるのよ?}"
"{'en': Look, the tire marks on the asphalt... and the cigarette butt rolling., 'ja': 見ろよ ブレーキの跡 ほら 吸い殻が 転がる}"
"{'en': You were at the execution., 'ja': 死刑執行人だったろ}"
"{'en': Maybe they're responsible., 'ja': 責任を負っているのかも}"
"{'en': I guess I just like it cold., 'ja': ちょっと涼しいのが好きなんです}"
"{'en': Hey, come on. Who buys this crap?, 'ja': 勘弁してよ 誰が買うの?}"
"{'en': Well, i wasn't exactly expecting to., 'ja': 予想してなかったわ}"
"{'en': and retrieved your gold., 'ja': 金を戻す事が出来ました}"
"{'en': Just thought you should know. What's up?, 'ja': 単にあなたがおかしくて}"
"{'en': -I'm super sweet., 'ja': (達也)俺はね すごいソフト (光る)ふーん}"
"{'en': Quite the contrary, Miss Winters., 'ja': 全く正反対よ ウォンタースさん}"
"{'en': I cannot command the Old Wall with a weakened hand nor do I have the strength to muster an offensive to turn the tide on this war., 'ja': 私は弱められた手で古い壁を命令することはできません... また私は、この戦争の流れを変えるために攻勢を集めるために強さを持っています。}"
"{'en': I can't believe this happening!, 'ja': 信じられないわ!}"
"{'en': The flight cautionary tale from hell. Didn't they have some kind of hypersleep malfunction?, 'ja': フライト訓話、地獄篇}"
"{'en': Example 3. ovrimos_result_all example, 'ja': 例 3ovrimos_result_all の例}"
"{'en': He says if you don't come in soon, the camshaft's going back to Germany., 'ja': お前がカムシャフトを返品してくれって言った、とさ}"
"{'en': Including two of my own brothers., 'ja': 私の兄弟も殺された}"
"{'en': Is this the only copy of the footage?, 'ja': 映像にコピーはないのか?}"
"{'en': The reason for this is that we found no variation of those morphemes., 'ja': このことの理由は、それらの形態素に変異形がまったく見出されなかったからである。}"
"{'en': 'Fess up. You steal that for me at Grandma Jean's house?, 'ja': 白状しろ、 ジーンばあさん家 から盗んできたんだろ?}"
"{'en': Good that we've settled that. Now we..., 'ja': - さて 次は...}"
"{'en': I'd hang out with them., 'ja': 家族と先約が あって}"
"{'en': Zero results on the cross-check., 'ja': - 履歴なしです}"
"{'en': I don't mean the wine, Dale., 'ja': ワインのことじゃないわ}"
"{'en': And hang up from the ceiling a big, old crystal chandelier., 'ja': 天井には大きなシャンデリアが輝いている}"
"{'en': Oh no. What would I do? What would I do?, 'ja': どうしよう どうすればいい?}"
"{'en': Eyes bright. Chins up. Smiles on., 'ja': 目を開いてアゴを上げて笑顔で}"
"{'en': You think we're extraordinary?, 'ja': 私たちが素晴らしい存在だと 考えてるんですか?}"
"{'en': Claire and Luther will be on the train., 'ja': クレアとルターは電車になります。}"
"{'en': If Mariko got all that power, she would dump his ass., 'ja': マリコが権力を持てば こいつは捨てられる}"
"{'en': We met at the debrief a few weeks ago., 'ja': 数週間前に任務報告会で}"
"{'en': I'm so sorry for interrupting you while you were speaking., 'ja': すいません 会話を邪魔してしまって}"
"{'en': I'll pay my own expenses., 'ja': 自腹を切るよ}"
"{'en': they're exit wounds., 'ja': 内側から貫かれた傷痕よ。}"
"{'en': You know I have to finish my contract., 'ja': 私は契約を終えなくちゃいけないもの}"
"{'en': Travis appears to have doused himself in gasoline as well., 'ja': 友人を殺された 俺の私情だ}"
"{'en': Nick checked himself out., 'ja': ニックは自分で出て行きました}"
"{'en': But how is that possible?, 'ja': - どうして?}"
"{'en': I didn't restrict!, 'ja': 食事制限はしてない}"
"{'en': I tasted your piss, now I'm gonna taste your fucking blood!, 'ja': こっちにも考えがある}"
"{'en': You must have been speaking to all the wrong people., 'ja': 人の噂は信用するなよ}"
"{'en': She only knows that she told on him., 'ja': 純粋に 自分にチクった... 自分しか 知らないんですよ}"
"{'en': We have a cartoon in America about a coyote who chases after a roadrunner., 'ja': カッコウを追う コヨーテの話がある}"
"{'en': I have been though... Shit, isn't it? ... on me own., 'ja': 経験あるけど 最低よね}"
"{'en': your time starts now, 'ja': 誰が一番で 誰が最後か}"
"{'en': ♪ But I know there's more that's out there, 'ja': 外の世界には必ずあるはず}"
"{'en': Melissa, I'm gonna confide something in you., 'ja': 大丈夫 安心して下さい}"
"{'en': I am way ahead of you, girl. He even volunteered to drive., 'ja': 4日間のパーティーは 大丈夫そう?}"
"{'en': The Malaysian must be eliminated, Mugatu., 'ja': あのマレーシア人は 排除しなければならんぞ ムガトゥ}"
"{'en': Oh, you were very busy with Greg., 'ja': 君は グレッグのことで とても忙しかったからね}"
"{'en': Ah, shut up, Marcy., 'ja': 黙れ マーシー}"
"{'en': Make sure the V's aren't doing anything that'll harm us., 'ja': 確かめて欲しい Vの行動が 私達に危険を及ぼさない事を}"
"{'en': The subways are great., 'ja': 地下鉄は凄いぞ?}"
"{'en': There's a gun down here., 'ja': ここに銃が置いてある。}"
"{'en': I really did everything I could. It's nothing personal., 'ja': できることは全部しました 今回の ことは個人的な事柄ではありません}"
"{'en': So it was me for the thumb., 'ja': だから 俺は ヒッチハイクさ}"
"{'en': I slept on the sofa. I was worried about you., 'ja': 私はソファで寝たわ あなたが心配で}"
"{'en': And inviting her to a public chat room Amplifies the horror she once lived., 'ja': チャットルームへ誘い 彼女に思い出させる}"
"{'en': So unless you can convince him to booty bump..., 'ja': 考えがあるなら別だけど}"
"{'en': I was able to synthesize a solution that counteracts, reverses the physiological effects that exposure to Mirakuru produces., 'ja': 薬剤の合成を可能とした それは中和し、逆戻りさせる 生理学的効果だ}"
"{'en': It's useless, Mr. Poljakoff. Something's burnt out in me., 'ja': 無駄です ポイヤコフ教授}"
"{'en': I think he was at the meeting too., 'ja': 会合にいた奴だ}"
"{'en': Most of the girls are with us, but the rest of the crew pretty much got gist of your popularity and made themselves scarce., 'ja': 女性はほとんど みんな一緒に来たが 他の仲間は君の 現在の状況を知って すべて逃げ出した}"
"{'en': - Then we'll push through., 'ja': - なんとか押し切る}"
"{'en': No, I'm fine. You guys- You guys should go., 'ja': 私ならいいの あなた達 行って}"
"{'en': No antibodies?, 'ja': 抗体はない}"
"{'en': Don't tell me this isn't him, because I've seen him!, 'ja': 僕は会ったんだ 脅そうたって そうはいかないわ}"
"{'en': What do you mean, he's killing people again?, 'ja': - 人を殺してるのか?}"
"{'en': If it's a place, deals go down, we need to look at it., 'ja': 本当にそこで取引が 行われているのなら調べるべきだ}"
"{'en': It. Is it?, 'ja': − ""それ""が?}"
"{'en': None of those lives were yours to give., 'ja': 子どもたちの命は 誰のものでもない}"
"{'en': I thank the Prime Minister for this wine, 'ja': 私はこのぶどう酒で 宰相殿に感謝します}"
"{'en': I'm not gonna have a child... with the same genetic disorder as me who's gonna die., 'ja': 子供は作れない 同じ遺伝子を伝えたくない}"
"{'en': they would be killed and put in jail., 'ja': ""死刑にされるか 牢屋に入れられた""}"
"{'en': I'll give you a hand. Oh., 'ja': - 手をかしてやる}"
"{'en': Combined with the depression fracture on the skull caused by a flat surface weapon..., 'ja': くぼんだ骨折になるのね 平べったい凶器だと思いますが}"
"{'en': And no one can give us a description of him?, 'ja': なのに彼の人相は 誰も知らないんでしょ?}"
"{'en': You should be looking for our daughter., 'ja': ちゃんと娘を探してくれ}"
"{'en': After my talk with Sherrington, I went to them., 'ja': シェリントンと話した後で 彼らに会って}"
"{'en': Seems like yesterday she was in here., 'ja': 昨日までここに居たみたいだ}"
"{'en': That's for European pussy!, 'ja': それはヨーロッパの ねこちゃんのためだ!}"
"{'en': They let you out of the hospital?, 'ja': 退院したのか?}"
"{'en': -Where would you like to go?, 'ja': どこ行きたい?}"
"{'en': What the hell are you doing here?, 'ja': そこで何してる?}"
"{'en': Response team confirms... It's gone. The terrorist took it., 'ja': 今 確認した 本当だ}"
"{'en': You feel weak., 'ja': 自分が弱いと思ってる}"
"{'en': You gonna tell me what this is all about or what?, 'ja': どういうことなのか教えてくれないか?}"
"{'en': No, no, definitely not. No matter., 'ja': いかんいかん これも合わん}"
"{'en': Renegade, here's our location. Clear., 'ja': レネゲイド 俺達の位置コードだ}"
"{'en': Don't worry, big boy. Don't worry. Come over here., 'ja': 心配するな こっちに来て 私が案内する}"
"{'en': Get this shit, dude., 'ja': 撮れよ}"
"{'en': There really isn't much to do during a break., 'ja': 休みって言っても 案外 やることがないのよ}"
"{'en': - His name is Almonan. Hands up!, 'ja': - 名前はアモナン}"
"{'en': Why would Dominic enlist a mole to steal files from the police academy?, 'ja': なぜドミニクはスパイを参加させる? 警察学校からファイルを盗む為に?}"
"{'en': Our ancestors believed Maui lies there... at the bottom of his hook., 'ja': 言い伝えではマウイはあそこにおる... あのフックの下に}"
"{'en': Where is he?, 'ja': ""あいつはどこに居る?""}"
"{'en': And she hung herself after his death., 'ja': And she hung herself after his death.}"
"{'en': I interview hobos for the Hobo Times. Drive all over the USA., 'ja': 「流れ者タイムス」の取材で 全国をまわってる}"
"{'en': The day was rainy, and what was worse, thundering., 'ja': その日は雨が降っており、さらに悪いことには、雷も鳴っていた。}"
"{'en': You think you're too good to stand in line or something?, 'ja': あんたもちゃんと列に並びな}"
"{'en': finally I just curled up into a cannonball, and tried to wait it out, you know?, 'ja': しまいにゃ 大砲に 詰め込まれて 飛ばされるかと 思ったぜ だろ?}"
"{'en': Real name is Chernov. And you're the bad guy., 'ja': あなたの名前はチェルノフであり、あなたは悪い男だ。}"
"{'en': We don't pay you for ""maybe"", Freddie., 'ja': 多分の為に支払ってるんじゃないわ フレディ}"
"{'en': All right. Let Lisbon and Jane know., 'ja': よし リズボンとジェーンに知らせろ}"
"{'en': Did you want credit for the exploit?, 'ja': 賞賛して欲しかったの?}"
"{'en': I think Tac One is down. Where?, 'ja': 「何処で」}"
"{'en': The country's civilization has advanced., 'ja': その国の文明は進歩した。}"
"{'en': How long has it been?, 'ja': どのくらい経った?}"
"{'en': Don't let yourself think that you can train them like a pet, because it'll be the last thing that you think., 'ja': ペットみたいに飼い馴らせるなんて思うな それが命取りになるかもしれないんだ}"
"{'en': You used to be my wife, and before that, 'ja': お前は昔 私の妻だった}"
"{'en': ""Forgive the lack of structure;, 'ja': 「散漫な文章で申し訳ない 私は記者ではありませんし」}"
"{'en': Smoking is a danger to your health., 'ja': 喫煙は健康にとって危険な物だ。}"
"{'en': Who does know the plan to attack America? Roya Hammad., 'ja': 誰が対米テロの詳細を}"
"{'en': I could have killed you all. I didn't., 'ja': やろうと思えば皆殺してきたが そうはしなかった}"
"{'en': Reel-to-reel audiotapes., 'ja': 録音テープだ}"
"{'en': Because just beyond the next planet, just beyond the next star... there would be something magnificent, something noble., 'ja': 次の惑星や星には素晴らしいものがあった}"
"{'en': Listen, Daddy, I've got a proposition for you., 'ja': ー提案があるよ}"
"{'en': Good students always keep their desk clean., 'ja': よい生徒はいつも机をきれいにしておくものだ。}"
"{'en': Tantalus base, this is Aurora. We have no response from Campbell., 'ja': ""オーロラより 着陸する""}"
"{'en': Please inform Warden Lewis that we are here., 'ja': 私たちがここに着いたことを. ウォーデン・ルイス長官に知らせくれ。}"
"{'en': With no result in sight?, 'ja': 結果は見えないのか?}"