import os |
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple |
import datasets |
import jsonlines as jl |
import pandas as pd |
from seacrowd.utils import schemas |
from seacrowd.utils.configs import SEACrowdConfig |
from seacrowd.utils.constants import Licenses, Tasks |
_CITATION = """\ |
@inproceedings{thapliyal-etal-2022-crossmodal, |
title = "Crossmodal-3600: A Massively Multilingual Multimodal Evaluation Dataset", |
author = "Thapliyal, Ashish V. and |
Pont Tuset, Jordi and |
Chen, Xi and |
Soricut, Radu", |
editor = "Goldberg, Yoav and |
Kozareva, Zornitsa and |
Zhang, Yue", |
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing", |
month = dec, |
year = "2022", |
address = "Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates", |
publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics", |
url = "https://aclanthology.org/2022.emnlp-main.45", |
doi = "10.18653/v1/2022.emnlp-main.45", |
pages = "715--729", |
} |
""" |
_DATASETNAME = "cc3m_35l" |
CC3M-35L is created by translating Conceptual Captions 3M (Sharma et al., 2018), |
originally in English, to the other 34 languages using Google's machine translation API. |
""" |
_HOMEPAGE = "https://google.github.io/crossmodal-3600/" |
_LICENSE = Licenses.CC_BY_4_0.value |
_URLS = { |
"trans_train": "https://storage.googleapis.com/crossmodal-3600/cc3m_mt_train.jsonl.gz", |
"trans_dev": "https://storage.googleapis.com/crossmodal-3600/cc3m_mt_dev.jsonl.gz", |
} |
_SOURCE_VERSION = "1.0.0" |
_SEACROWD_VERSION = "2024.06.20" |
_LANGUAGES = ["fil", "ind", "tha", "vie"] |
_LOCAL = True |
class CC3M35L(datasets.GeneratorBasedBuilder): |
""" |
CC3M-35L is created by translating Conceptual Captions 3M (Sharma et al., 2018), |
originally in English, to the other 34 languages using Google's machine translation API. |
""" |
BUILDER_CONFIGS = [SEACrowdConfig(name=f"cc3m_35l_{lang}_source", version=datasets.Version(_SOURCE_VERSION), description=f"cc3m_35l_{lang} source schema", schema="source", subset_id=f"cc3m_35l_{lang}",) for lang in _LANGUAGES] + [ |
SEACrowdConfig( |
name=f"{_DATASETNAME}_{lang}_seacrowd_imtext", |
version=datasets.Version(_SEACROWD_VERSION), |
description=f"{_DATASETNAME}_{lang} SEACrowd schema", |
schema="seacrowd_imtext", |
subset_id=f"{_DATASETNAME}_{lang}", |
) |
for lang in _LANGUAGES |
] |
DEFAULT_CONFIG_NAME = "cc3m_35l_id_source" |
def _info(self) -> datasets.DatasetInfo: |
if self.config.schema == "source": |
features = datasets.Features( |
{ |
"id": datasets.Value("string"), |
"image_paths": datasets.Value("string"), |
"src_lang": datasets.Value("string"), |
"caption_tokenized": datasets.Value("string"), |
"trg_lang": datasets.Value("string"), |
"translation_tokenized": datasets.Value("string"), |
"backtranslation_tokenized": datasets.Value("string"), |
} |
) |
elif self.config.schema == "seacrowd_imtext": |
features = schemas.image_text_features() |
return datasets.DatasetInfo( |
description=_DESCRIPTION, |
features=features, |
homepage=_HOMEPAGE, |
license=_LICENSE, |
citation=_CITATION, |
) |
def fill_img_path(self, df: pd.DataFrame, line: dict): |
exceptions = [] |
selected_row = df.query('caption==@line["caption_tokenized"]') |
if not selected_row.empty: |
for idx, row in selected_row.iterrows(): |
row["trans_caption"] = line["translation_tokenized"] |
row["backtrans_caption"] = line["backtranslation_tokenized"] |
try: |
row["img_path"] = datasets.DownloadManager().download(row["img_url"]) |
except: |
exceptions.append(idx) |
return selected_row, exceptions |
def is_target(self, line: dict, trg_lang: str): |
if line["trg_lang"] == trg_lang: |
return line |
def _split_generators(self, dl_manager: datasets.DownloadManager) -> List[datasets.SplitGenerator]: |
"""Returns SplitGenerators.""" |
dev_path = dl_manager.download_and_extract(_URLS["trans_dev"]) |
train_path = dl_manager.download_and_extract(_URLS["trans_train"]) |
if self.config.data_dir is None: |
raise ValueError("This is a local dataset. Please pass the data_dir kwarg to load_dataset.") |
else: |
data_dir = self.config.data_dir |
gcc_val = os.path.join(data_dir, "Validation_GCC-1.1.0-Validation.tsv") |
gcc_train = os.path.join(data_dir, "Train_GCC-training.tsv") |
colnames = ["caption", "img_url"] |
gcc_val_df = pd.read_csv(gcc_val, sep="\t", header=None, names=colnames) |
gcc_train_df = pd.read_csv(gcc_train, sep="\t", header=None, names=colnames) |
gcc_val_df["img_path"] = None |
gcc_train_df["img_path"] = None |
gcc_val_df["trans_caption"] = None |
gcc_train_df["trans_caption"] = None |
gcc_val_df["backtrans_caption"] = None |
gcc_train_df["backtrans_caption"] = None |
train_exceptions = [] |
val_exceptions = [] |
current_lang = self.config.subset_id.split("_")[2] |
val_caption_targets = [] |
train_caption_targets = [] |
with jl.open(os.path.join(dev_path), mode="r") as j: |
val_caption_targets = [line for line in j if line["trg_lang"] == current_lang] |
for line in val_caption_targets: |
res = self.fill_img_path(gcc_train_df, line) |
val_exceptions.extend(res[1]) |
gcc_val_df.update(res[0]) |
val_caption_targets = [] |
with jl.open(os.path.join(train_path), mode="r") as j: |
train_caption_targets = [line for line in j if line["trg_lang"] == current_lang] |
for line in train_caption_targets: |
res = self.fill_img_path(gcc_val_df, line) |
train_exceptions.extend(res[1]) |
gcc_train_df.update(res[0]) |
train_caption_targets = [] |
return [ |
datasets.SplitGenerator( |
name=datasets.Split.TRAIN, |
gen_kwargs={ |
"filepath": gcc_train_df, |
"exceptions": train_exceptions, |
}, |
), |
datasets.SplitGenerator( |
name=datasets.Split.VALIDATION, |
gen_kwargs={ |
"filepath": gcc_val_df, |
"exceptions": val_exceptions, |
}, |
), |
] |
def _generate_examples(self, filepath: dict, exceptions: list) -> Tuple[int, Dict]: |
"""Yields examples as (key, example) tuples.""" |
for idx, row in filepath.iterrows(): |
if idx not in exceptions: |
if self.config.schema == "source": |
yield idx, { |
"id": str(idx), |
"image_paths": row["img_path"], |
"src_lang": "en", |
"caption_tokenized": row["caption"], |
"trg_lang": self.config.subset_id.split("_")[2], |
"translation_tokenized": row["trans_caption"], |
"backtranslation_tokenized": row["backtrans_caption"], |
} |
elif self.config.schema == "seacrowd_imtext": |
yield idx, { |
"id": str(idx), |
"image_paths": [row["img_path"]], |
"texts": row["trans_caption"], |
"metadata": { |
"context": None, |
"labels": None, |
}, |
} |
else: |
raise ValueError(f"Invalid config: {self.config.name}") |