Basic Menu - for interacting within a plugin or having a player select between objects ( such as a weapon menu ) Player Menu - for interacting with a selected player ( such as a kick menu ) Basic Vote Menu - for getting a preference from players ( such as a mapvote menu ) Sub-Menu - for having a menu within a menu ( such as a multilayered admin menu ) Advanced Vote Menu - for getting a more advanced preference ( such as a Galileo's map menu ) Multiple Menus with 1 Handler - for having multiple menus and only using a single menu_handler Menu Items with Callbacks - for enabling/disabling menu items ( such as a Shop menu that disables items if you don't have enough money ) - some helpful things from End Notes - some tips with the new menus Basic Menu [top] Code: #include public plugin_init() { //..stuff for your plugin register_clcmd( "my_awesome_menu","AwesomeMenu" ); //note that we do not need to register the menu anymore, but just a way to get to it } //lets make the function that will make the menu public AwesomeMenu( id ) { //first we need to make a variable that will hold the menu new menu = menu_create( "\rLook at this awesome Menu!:", "menu_handler" ); //Note - menu_create //The first parameter is what the menu will be titled ( what is at the very top ) //The second parameter is the function that will deal/handle with the menu ( which key was pressed, and what to do ) //Now lets add some things to select from the menu menu_additem( menu, "\wI'm Selection #1", "", 0 ); menu_additem( menu, "\wI'm Selection #2", "", 0 ); menu_additem( menu, "\wI'm Secret Selection #3", "", ADMIN_ADMIN ); //Note - menu_additem //The first parameter is which menu we will be adding this item/selection to //The second parameter is what text will appear on the menu ( Note that it is preceeded with a number of which item it is ) //The third parameter is data that we want to send with this item //The fourth parameter is which admin flag we want to be able to access this item ( Refer to the admin flags from the ) //The fifth parameter is the callback for enabling/disabling items, by default we will omit this and use no callback ( default value of -1 ) Refer to the Menu Items with Callbacks section for more information. //Set a property on the menu menu_setprop( menu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL ); //Note - menu_setprop //The first parameter is the menu to modify //The second parameter is what to modify ( found in ) //The third parameter is what to modify it to ( in this case, we are adding a option to the menu that will exit the menu. setting it to MEXIT_NEVER will disable this option ) //Additional note - MEXIT_ALL is the default property for MPROP_EXIT, so this is redundant //Lets display the menu menu_display( id, menu, 0 ); //Note - menu_display //The first parameter is which index to show it to ( you cannot show this to everyone at once ) //The second parameter is which menu to show them ( in this case, the one we just made ) //The third parameter is which page to start them on } //okay, we showed them the menu, now lets handle it ( looking back at menu_create, we are going to use that function ) public menu_handler( id, menu, item ) { //Because of the simplicity of this menu, we can switch for which item was pressed //Note - this is zero-based, so the first item is 0 switch( item ) { case 0: { client_print( id, print_chat, "Hooray! You selected the Awesome 1st Selection" ); //Note that if we dont want to continue through the function, we can't just end with a return. We want to kill the menu first menu_destroy( menu ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } case 1: { client_print( id, print_chat, "OH NO! You selected the Awesome 2nd Selection! BEWARE!" ); } case 2: { client_print( id, print_chat, "You have selected the Awesome Admin Selection! Hail Teh Bail!" ); } case MENU_EXIT: { client_print( id, print_chat, "You exited the menu... what a bummer!" ); } } //lets finish up this function by destroying the menu with menu_destroy, and a return menu_destroy( menu ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } Player Menu [top] *Note - You should have an understanding of the Basic Menu first. Code: #include #include public plugin_init() { //Register a way to get to your menu... register_clcmd( "my_player_menu","AwesomeMenu" ); } public AwesomeMenu( id ) { //Create a variable to hold the menu new menu = menu_create( "\rLook at this Player Menu!:", "menu_handler" ); //We will need to create some variables so we can loop through all the players new players[32], pnum, tempid; //Some variables to hold information about the players new szName[32], szUserId[32]; //Fill players with available players get_players( players, pnum, "a" ); // flag "a" because we are going to add health to players, but this is just for this specific case //Start looping through all players for ( new i; i #include #define VERSION "0.0.1" #define PLUGIN "Players Menu Generic" public plugin_init() { register_plugin( PLUGIN, VERSION, "ConnorMcLeod" ); register_clcmd( "say /players", "ClCmd_Menu", ADMIN_RCON ); } public ClCmd_Menu( id, lvl, cid ) { if ( cmd_access( id, lvl, cid, 0 ) ) { new iMenu = MakePlayerMenu( id, "Players Menu Misc", "PlayersMenuHandler" ); menu_setprop( iMenu, MPROP_NUMBER_COLOR, "\y" ); menu_display( id, iMenu ); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } enum ( <<= 1 ) { PLMENU_OBEY_IMMUNITY = 1, PLMENU_ALLOW_SELF, PLMENU_ONLY_ALIVE, PLMENU_NO_BOTS } MakePlayerMenu( id, const szMenuTitle[], const szMenuHandler[], iFlags = PLMENU_OBEY_IMMUNITY ) { new iMenu = menu_create( szMenuTitle, szMenuHandler ); new bool:bIsSuperAdmin; if ( iFlags & PLMENU_OBEY_IMMUNITY ) { bIsSuperAdmin = !!( get_user_flags( id ) & ADMIN_RCON ); } new iPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer, szPlayerName[32], szUserId[32]; new szFlags[4] = "h"; if ( iFlags & PLMENU_ONLY_ALIVE ) { szFlags[++iNum] = 'a'; } if ( flags & PLMENU_NO_BOTS ) { szFlags[++iNum] = 'c'; } get_players( iPlayers, iNum, szFlags ); for ( --iNum; iNum >= 0; iNum-- ) { iPlayer = iPlayers[iNum]; get_user_name( iPlayer, szPlayerName, charsmax( szPlayerName ) ); if ( iFlags & PLMENU_OBEY_IMMUNITY && !bIsSuperAdmin && ( ( get_user_flags( iPlayer ) & ADMIN_IMMUNITY ) && ( ( iFlags & PLMENU_ALLOW_SELF ) ? ( id != iPlayer ) : true ) ) ) { menu_addtext( iMenu, szPlayerName ); } else { formatex( szUserId, charsmax( szUserId ), "%d", get_user_userid( iPlayer ) ); menu_additem( iMenu, szPlayerName, szUserId, 0 ); } } return iMenu; } public PlayersMenuHandler_Sample( id, iMenu, iItem ) { if ( iItem == MENU_EXIT ) { menu_destroy( iMenu ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } new szUserId[32], szPlayerName[32], iPlayer, iAccess, iCallback; menu_item_getinfo( iMenu, iItem, iCallback, szUserId, charsmax( szUserId ), szPlayerName, charsmax( szPlayerName ), iCallback ); if ( ( iPlayer = find_player( "k", str_to_num( szUserId ) ) ) ) { new szName[32]; get_user_name( iPlayer, szName, charsmax( szName ) ); client_print( id, print_chat, "You have chosen #%s %s %s", szUserId, szPlayerName, szName ); } else { client_print( id, print_chat, "Player %s<%s> seems to be disconnected", szPlayerName, szAuthid ); } menu_destroy( iMenu ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } Basic Vote Menu [top] *Note - You should have an understanding of the Basic Menu first. Code: #include //This will hold the VoteMenu new gVoteMenu; //This will hold the votes for each option new gVotes[2]; //This determines if a vote is already happening new gVoting; public plugin_init() { //Register a way to get to your vote... register_clcmd( "start_vote","StartVote" ); } public StartVote( id ) { //If there is already a vote, don't start another if ( gVoting ) { client_print( id, print_chat, "There is already a vote going." ); //We return PLUGIN_HANDLED so the person does not get Unknown Command in console return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } //Reset vote counts from any previous votes gVotes[0] = gVotes[1] = 0; //Note that if you have more than 2 options, it would be better to use the line below: //arrayset( gVotes, 0, sizeof gVotes ); //Store the menu in the global gVoteMenu = menu_create( "\rLook at this Vote Menu!:", "menu_handler" ); //Add some vote options menu_additem( gVoteMenu, "Vote Option 1", "", 0 ); menu_additem( gVoteMenu, "Vote Option 2", "", 0 ); //We will need to create some variables so we can loop through all the players new players[32], pnum, tempid; //Fill players with available players get_players( players, pnum ); //Start looping through all players to show the vote to for ( new i; i < pnum; i++ ) { //Save a tempid so we do not re-index tempid = players[i]; //Show the vote to this player menu_display( tempid, gVoteMenu, 0 ); //Increase how many players are voting gVoting++; } //End the vote in 10 seconds set_task(10.0, "EndVote" ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public menu_handler( id, menu, item ) { //If the menu was exited or if there is not a vote if ( item == MENU_EXIT || !gVoting ) { //Note were not destroying the menu return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } //Increase the votes for what they selected gVotes[ item ]++; //Note were not destroying the menu return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public EndVote() { //If the first option recieved the most votes if ( gVotes[0] > gVotes[1] ) client_print(0, print_chat, "First option recieved most votes (%d )", gVotes[0] ); //Else if the second option recieved the most votes else if ( gVotes[0] < gVotes[1] ) client_print(0, print_chat, "Second option recieved most votes (%d )", gVotes[1] ); //Otherwise the vote tied else client_print(0, print_chat, "The vote tied at %d votes each.", gVotes[0] ); //Don't forget to destroy the menu now that we are completely done with it menu_destroy( gVoteMenu ); //Reset that no players are voting gVoting = 0; } Sub-Menu [top] *Note - You should have an understanding of the Basic Menu first. Code: #include public plugin_init() { register_clcmd( "my_awesome_menu","AwesomeMenu" ); } public AwesomeMenu( id ) { new menu = menu_create( "\rLook at this awesome Menu!:", "menu_handler" ) menu_additem( menu, "\wI'm Selection #1", "", 0 ); menu_additem( menu, "\wGo to SubMenu", "", 0 ); menu_display( id, menu, 0 ); } public menu_handler( id, menu, item ) { switch( item ) { case 0: { client_print( id, print_chat, "Hooray! You selected the Awesome 1st Selection" ); } case 1: { //Send them to the submenu SubMenu( id ); } case MENU_EXIT: { //Do nothing? } } menu_destroy( menu ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } SubMenu( id ) { //Note that we will be using a different menu handler new menu = menu_create( "\rLook at this awesome Sub-Menu!:", "submenu_handler" ) menu_additem( menu, "\wI'm Sub-Selection #1", "", 0 ); menu_additem( menu, "\wI'm Sub-Selection #2", "", 0 ); menu_display( id, menu, 0 ); } public submenu_handler( id, menu, item ) { switch( item ) { case 0: { client_print( id, print_chat, "Hooray! You selected the Awesome 1st Sub-Selection" ); } case 1: { client_print( id, print_chat, "OH NO! You selected the Awesome 2nd Sub-Selection! BEWARE!" ); } case MENU_EXIT: { //If they are still connected if ( is_user_connected( id ) ) //Lets send them back to the top menu AwesomeMenu( id ); } } menu_destroy( menu ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } Advanced Vote Menu [top] *Note - You should have an understanding of the Basic Menu and the Basic Vote Menu first. Code: #include #include //How many different votes there will be in the menu #define MAX_VOTEIDS 7 //How much "weight" a normal player's vote is worth #define WEIGHT_PLAYER 1 //How much "weight" an admin's vote is worth #define WEIGHT_ADMIN 2 new gVoteMenu; new gVotes[MAX_VOTEIDS]; new gVoting; //This will store the voteids new gVoteID[MAX_VOTEIDS]; public plugin_init() { register_clcmd( "start_vote","StartVote" ); } public StartVote( id ) { if ( gVoting ) { client_print( id, print_chat, "There is already a vote going." ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } //Reset vote counts from any previous votes arrayset( gVotes, 0, sizeof gVotes ); gVoteMenu = menu_create( "\rWho should get 255 Health?", "menu_handler" ); //Here you can do whatever you want to add your voteids. //We are going to use players for the example new players[32], pnum, tempid; get_players( players, pnum, "a" ); //Variable for if the player was added to the vote new bool:player_added[33], voteid_count; new szName[32], szVoteId[10]; //Loop through until we get enough voteids or run out of players while( voteid_count < MAX_VOTEIDS && voteid_count < pnum ) { //Get a random player tempid = players[ random( pnum ) ]; //If they haven't been added yet if ( !player_added[tempid] ) { get_user_name( tempid, szName, charsmax( szName ) ); //We are setting the data to the voteid number num_to_str( voteid_count, szVoteId, charsmax( szVoteId ) ); menu_additem( gVoteMenu, szName, szVoteId, 0 ); //Make sure we do not add them again player_added[tempid] = true; //Save the voteid as the user id for the player gVoteID[voteid_count] = get_user_userid( tempid ); //Go to the next voteid voteid_count++; } } //Now we have all the voteids for ( new i; i < pnum; i++ ) { //Save a tempid so we do not re-index tempid = players[i]; //Show the vote to this player menu_display( tempid, gVoteMenu, 0 ); //Increase how many players are voting by their weight if ( is_user_admin( tempid ) ) gVoting += WEIGHT_ADMIN; else gVoting += WEIGHT_PLAYER; } set_task(10.0, "EndVote" ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public menu_handler( id, menu, item ) { //If the menu was exited or if there is not a vote if ( item == MENU_EXIT || !gVoting ) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } new szData[6], szName[64]; new item_access, item_callback; menu_item_getinfo( menu, item, item_access, szData,charsmax( szData ), szName,charsmax( szName ), item_callback ); //Get the voteid number that was selected new voteid_num = str_to_num( szData ); //Increase the votes for what they selected by weight if ( is_user_admin( id ) ) gVotes[voteid_num] += WEIGHT_ADMIN; else gVotes[voteid_num] += WEIGHT_PLAYER; return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public EndVote() { //This will hold how many different votes were selected new votes_select; //This will hold the top 3 votes new votes[3]; //This will hold the top 3 selected voteids new voteid[3]; new i, j; //Loop through all the voteids for ( i=0; i votes[1] ) { //Give it to the first new player = find_player( "k", voteid[ 0 ] ); VoteGiveHealth( player ); } //Else the second recieved the most else { //Give it to the second new player = find_player( "k", voteid[ 1 ] ); VoteGiveHealth( player ); } } //Else there were at least 3 different votes else { //Here you might want to do run-off voting, but well just select a random one new player = find_player( "k", voteid[ random( MAX_VOTEIDS ) ] ); client_print(0, print_chat, "Could not determine a winner. Selecting random." ); VoteGiveHealth( player ); } menu_destroy( gVoteMenu ); gVoting = 0; } VoteGiveHealth( id ) { if ( is_user_alive( id ) ) { set_user_health( id, 255 ); new szName[32]; get_user_name( id, szName, charsmax( szName ) ); client_print(0, print_chat, "Look that Kangaroo %s has 255 Health!", szName ); } } Multiple Menus with 1 Handler [top] *Note - You should have a good understanding of the Sub Menu first. Code: #include public plugin_init() { register_clcmd( "my_awesome_menu","AwesomeMenu" ); } public AwesomeMenu( id ) { new menu = menu_create( "\rLook at this awesome Menu!:", "menu_handler" ) //Note that our data is 'm' to know it is from the main menu menu_additem( menu, "\wI'm Selection #1", "m", 0 ); menu_additem( menu, "\wGo to SubMenu", "m", 0 ); menu_display( id, menu, 0 ); } SubMenu( id ) { new menu = menu_create( "\rLook at this awesome Sub-Menu!:", "menu_handler" ) //Note that our data is 's' to know it is from the sub menu menu_additem( menu, "\wI'm Sub-Selection #1", "s", 0 ); menu_additem( menu, "\wI'm Sub-Selection #2", "s", 0 ); menu_display( id, menu, 0 ); } public menu_handler( id, menu, item ) { if ( item == MENU_EXIT ) { menu_destroy( menu ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } new szData[6], szName[64]; new item_access, item_callback; menu_item_getinfo( menu, item, item_access, szData,charsmax( szData ), szName,charsmax( szName ), item_callback ); //Switch based on the first character of the data ( the 'm' or the 's') switch( szData[0] ) { //All our main menu data will be handled in this case case 'm': { switch( item ) { case 0: { client_print( id, print_chat, "Hooray! You selected the Awesome 1st Selection" ); } case 1: { SubMenu( id ); } } } //All our sub menu data will be handled in this case case 's': { switch( item ) { case 0: { client_print( id, print_chat, "Hooray! You selected the Awesome 1st Sub-Selection" ); } case 1: { client_print( id, print_chat, "OH NO! You selected the Awesome 2nd Sub-Selection! BEWARE!" ); } } //Note that this is still only for our sub menu AwesomeMenu( id ); } } menu_destroy( menu ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } Menu Items with Callbacks [top] *Note - You should have a good understanding of the Player Menu first. *Additional Note - This example uses a respawn function specific for Counter-Strike Code: #include #include //Create a global variable to hold our callback new g_MenuCallback; public plugin_init() { register_clcmd( "my_player_menu","RespawnMenu" ); //Create our callback and save it to our variable g_MenuCallback = menu_makecallback( "menuitem_callback" ); //The first parameter is the public function to be called when a menu item is being shown. } public RespawnMenu( id ) { new menu = menu_create( "\rRevive Player Menu!:", "menu_handler" ); new players[32], pnum, tempid; new szName[32], szUserId[10]; get_players( players, pnum ); for ( new i; i < pnum; i++ ) { tempid = players[i]; get_user_name( tempid, szName, charsmax( szName ) ); formatex( szUserId, charsmax( szUserId ), "%d", get_user_userid( tempid ) ); //Add the item for this player with the callback menu_additem( menu, szName, szUserId, 0, g_MenuCallback ); //Note that the last parameter that we usually omit is now filled with the callback variable } menu_display( id, menu, 0 ); } //This is our callback function. Return ITEM_ENABLED, ITEM_DISABLED, or ITEM_IGNORE. public menuitem_callback( id, menu, item ) { //Create some variables to hold information about the menu item new szData[6], szName[64]; new item_access, item_callback; //Get information about the menu item menu_item_getinfo( menu, item, item_access, szData,charsmax( szData ), szName,charsmax( szName ), item_callback ); //Note - item_callback should be equal to g_MenuCallback //Get which player the item is for new userid = str_to_num( szData ); new player = find_player( "k", userid ); // flag "k" : find player from userid //If the user is alive, we want to disable reviving them if ( is_user_alive( tempid ) ) { return ITEM_DISABLED; } //Otherwise we can just ignore the return value return ITEM_IGNORE; //Note that returning ITEM_ENABLED will override the admin flag check from menu_additem } public menu_handler( id, menu, item ) { if ( item == MENU_EXIT ) { menu_destroy( menu ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } new szData[6], szName[64]; new item_access, item_callback; menu_item_getinfo( menu, item, item_access, szData,charsmax( szData ), szName,charsmax( szName ), item_callback ); //Get the id of the player that was selected new userid = str_to_num( szData ); new player = find_player( "k", userid ); // flag "k" : find player from userid //If the player is not alive //Note - you should check this again in the handler function because the player could have been revived after the menu was shown if ( !is_user_alive( player ) ) { //Respawn them ExecuteHamB( Ham_CS_RoundRespawn, player ); } menu_destroy( menu ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } [top] Code: //The following defines are to be used with the native menu_setprop #define MPROP_PERPAGE 1 /* Number of items per page ( param1 = number, 0=no paginating, 7=default ) */ #define MPROP_BACKNAME 2 /* Name of the back button ( param1 = string ) */ #define MPROP_NEXTNAME 3 /* Name of the next button ( param1 = string ) */ #define MPROP_EXITNAME 4 /* Name of the exit button ( param1 = string ) */ #define MPROP_TITLE 5 /* Menu title text ( param1 = string ) */ #define MPROP_EXIT 6 /* Exit functionality ( param1 = number, see MEXIT constants ) */ #define MPROP_NOCOLORS 8 /* Sets whether colors are not auto ( param1 = number, 0=default ) */ #define MPROP_NUMBER_COLOR 10 /* Color indicator to use for numbers ( param1 = string, "\r"=default ) */ //These two defines are to be used when changing a menu's MPROP_EXIT value #define MEXIT_ALL 1 /* Menu will have an exit option ( default )*/ #define MEXIT_NEVER -1 /* Menu will not have an exit option */ //For more details about the following natives, check your actual native menu_create( const title[], const handler[], ml=0 ); native menu_makecallback( const function[]); native menu_additem( menu, const name[], const info[]="", paccess=0, callback=-1 ); native menu_pages( menu ); native menu_items( menu ); native menu_display( id, menu, page=0 ); native menu_find_id( menu, page, key ); native menu_item_getinfo( menu, item, &access, info[], infolen, name[]="", namelen=0, &callback ); native menu_item_setname( menu, item, const name[]); native menu_item_setcmd( menu, item, const info[]); native menu_item_setcall( menu, item, callback=-1 ); native menu_destroy( menu ); native player_menu_info( id, &menu, &newmenu, &menupage=0 ); native menu_addblank( menu, slot=1 ); native menu_addtext( menu, const text[], slot=1 ); native menu_setprop( menu, prop, ...); native menu_cancel( player ); End Notes: [top] Most of the menu_* natives will throw errors if they are passed an invalid menu. A menu is invalid if it is -1. You can expand on these in many ways, like only have one menu_handler to handle more than 1 menu If you are using a constant menu ( doesn't change at all ) you do not need to create and destroy it each time. It is better to save it as a global. These examples are not completely optimized, but they are for beginners and so they are simplified. List of Colors for menus: ( there are no other colors available ) White - \w Yellow - \y Red - \r Grey/Disabled - \d To align text to the right - \R A menu will not show if it does not have any items. Text and blanks can only be added after an item. To hide a menu ( new or old style ) one can do: Code: show_menu( id, 0, "^n", 1 ); One can remove the Next, Back, and Exit buttons to show up to 10 items by using: Code: menu_setprop( menu, MPROP_PERPAGE, 0 );