from pathlib import Path from types import MethodType import os import cv2 import numpy as np import torch import hashlib from PIL import Image, ImageOps, UnidentifiedImageError from modules import processing, shared, scripts, img2img, devices, masking, sd_samplers, images from modules.processing import (StableDiffusionProcessingImg2Img, process_images, create_binary_mask, create_random_tensors, images_tensor_to_samples, setup_color_correction, opt_f) from modules.shared import opts from modules.sd_samplers_common import images_tensor_to_samples, approximation_indexes from scripts.animatediff_logger import logger_animatediff as logger class AnimateDiffI2IBatch: original_img2img_process_batch = None def hack(self): # TODO: PR this hack to A1111 if AnimateDiffI2IBatch.original_img2img_process_batch is not None:"Hacking i2i-batch is already done.") return"Hacking i2i-batch.") AnimateDiffI2IBatch.original_img2img_process_batch = img2img.process_batch original_img2img_process_batch = AnimateDiffI2IBatch.original_img2img_process_batch def hacked_i2i_init(self, all_prompts, all_seeds, all_subseeds): # only hack this when i2i-batch with batch mask self.image_cfg_scale: float = self.image_cfg_scale if shared.sd_model.cond_stage_key == "edit" else None self.sampler = sd_samplers.create_sampler(self.sampler_name, self.sd_model) crop_regions = [] paste_to = [] masks_for_overlay = [] image_masks = self.image_mask for idx, image_mask in enumerate(image_masks): # image_mask is passed in as RGBA by Gradio to support alpha masks, # but we still want to support binary masks. image_mask = create_binary_mask(image_mask) if self.inpainting_mask_invert: image_mask = ImageOps.invert(image_mask) if self.mask_blur_x > 0: np_mask = np.array(image_mask) kernel_size = 2 * int(2.5 * self.mask_blur_x + 0.5) + 1 np_mask = cv2.GaussianBlur(np_mask, (kernel_size, 1), self.mask_blur_x) image_mask = Image.fromarray(np_mask) if self.mask_blur_y > 0: np_mask = np.array(image_mask) kernel_size = 2 * int(2.5 * self.mask_blur_y + 0.5) + 1 np_mask = cv2.GaussianBlur(np_mask, (1, kernel_size), self.mask_blur_y) image_mask = Image.fromarray(np_mask) if self.inpaint_full_res: masks_for_overlay.append(image_mask) mask = image_mask.convert('L') crop_region = masking.get_crop_region(np.array(mask), self.inpaint_full_res_padding) crop_region = masking.expand_crop_region(crop_region, self.width, self.height, mask.width, mask.height) crop_regions.append(crop_region) x1, y1, x2, y2 = crop_region mask = mask.crop(crop_region) image_mask = images.resize_image(2, mask, self.width, self.height) paste_to.append((x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1)) else: image_mask = images.resize_image(self.resize_mode, image_mask, self.width, self.height) np_mask = np.array(image_mask) np_mask = np.clip((np_mask.astype(np.float32)) * 2, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) masks_for_overlay.append(Image.fromarray(np_mask)) image_masks[idx] = image_mask self.mask_for_overlay = masks_for_overlay[0] # only for saving purpose if paste_to: self.paste_to = paste_to[0] self._animatediff_paste_to_full = paste_to self.overlay_images = [] add_color_corrections = opts.img2img_color_correction and self.color_corrections is None if add_color_corrections: self.color_corrections = [] imgs = [] for idx, img in enumerate(self.init_images): latent_mask = (self.latent_mask[idx] if isinstance(self.latent_mask, list) else self.latent_mask) if self.latent_mask is not None else image_masks[idx] # Save init image if opts.save_init_img: self.init_img_hash = hashlib.md5(img.tobytes()).hexdigest() images.save_image(img, path=opts.outdir_init_images, basename=None, forced_filename=self.init_img_hash, save_to_dirs=False) image = images.flatten(img, opts.img2img_background_color) if not crop_regions and self.resize_mode != 3: image = images.resize_image(self.resize_mode, image, self.width, self.height) if image_masks: image_masked ='RGBa', (image.width, image.height)) image_masked.paste(image.convert("RGBA").convert("RGBa"), mask=ImageOps.invert(masks_for_overlay[idx].convert('L'))) self.overlay_images.append(image_masked.convert('RGBA')) # crop_region is not None if we are doing inpaint full res if crop_regions: image = image.crop(crop_regions[idx]) image = images.resize_image(2, image, self.width, self.height) if image_masks: if self.inpainting_fill != 1: image = masking.fill(image, latent_mask) if add_color_corrections: self.color_corrections.append(setup_color_correction(image)) image = np.array(image).astype(np.float32) / 255.0 image = np.moveaxis(image, 2, 0) imgs.append(image) if len(imgs) == 1: batch_images = np.expand_dims(imgs[0], axis=0).repeat(self.batch_size, axis=0) if self.overlay_images is not None: self.overlay_images = self.overlay_images * self.batch_size if self.color_corrections is not None and len(self.color_corrections) == 1: self.color_corrections = self.color_corrections * self.batch_size elif len(imgs) <= self.batch_size: self.batch_size = len(imgs) batch_images = np.array(imgs) else: raise RuntimeError(f"bad number of images passed: {len(imgs)}; expecting {self.batch_size} or less") image = torch.from_numpy(batch_images) image =, dtype=devices.dtype_vae) if opts.sd_vae_encode_method != 'Full': self.extra_generation_params['VAE Encoder'] = opts.sd_vae_encode_method self.init_latent = images_tensor_to_samples(image, approximation_indexes.get(opts.sd_vae_encode_method), self.sd_model) devices.torch_gc() if self.resize_mode == 3: self.init_latent = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(self.init_latent, size=(self.height // opt_f, self.width // opt_f), mode="bilinear") if image_masks is not None: def process_letmask(init_mask): # init_mask = latent_mask latmask = init_mask.convert('RGB').resize((self.init_latent.shape[3], self.init_latent.shape[2])) latmask = np.moveaxis(np.array(latmask, dtype=np.float32), 2, 0) / 255 latmask = latmask[0] latmask = np.around(latmask) return np.tile(latmask[None], (4, 1, 1)) if self.latent_mask is not None and not isinstance(self.latent_mask, list): latmask = process_letmask(self.latent_mask) else: if isinstance(self.latent_mask, list): latmask = [process_letmask(x) for x in self.latent_mask] else: latmask = [process_letmask(x) for x in image_masks] latmask = np.stack(latmask, axis=0) self.mask = torch.asarray(1.0 - latmask).to(shared.device).type(self.sd_model.dtype) self.nmask = torch.asarray(latmask).to(shared.device).type(self.sd_model.dtype) # this needs to be fixed to be done in sample() using actual seeds for batches if self.inpainting_fill == 2: self.init_latent = self.init_latent * self.mask + create_random_tensors(self.init_latent.shape[1:], all_seeds[0:self.init_latent.shape[0]]) * self.nmask elif self.inpainting_fill == 3: self.init_latent = self.init_latent * self.mask self.image_conditioning = self.img2img_image_conditioning(image * 2 - 1, self.init_latent, image_masks) # let's ignore this image_masks which is related to inpaint model with different arch def hacked_img2img_process_batch_hijack( p: StableDiffusionProcessingImg2Img, input_dir: str, output_dir: str, inpaint_mask_dir: str, args, to_scale=False, scale_by=1.0, use_png_info=False, png_info_props=None, png_info_dir=None): if p.scripts: for script in p.scripts.alwayson_scripts: if script.title().lower() == "animatediff": ad_arg = p.script_args[script.args_from] ad_enabled = ad_arg.get('enable', False) if isinstance(ad_arg, dict) else getattr(ad_arg, 'enable', False) if ad_enabled: p._animatediff_i2i_batch = 1 # i2i-batch mode, ordinary if not hasattr(p, '_animatediff_i2i_batch'): return original_img2img_process_batch(p, input_dir, output_dir, inpaint_mask_dir, args, to_scale, scale_by, use_png_info, png_info_props, png_info_dir) output_dir = output_dir.strip() processing.fix_seed(p) images = list(shared.walk_files(input_dir, allowed_extensions=(".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".webp", ".tif", ".tiff"))) is_inpaint_batch = False if inpaint_mask_dir: inpaint_masks = shared.listfiles(inpaint_mask_dir) is_inpaint_batch = bool(inpaint_masks) if is_inpaint_batch: assert len(inpaint_masks) == 1 or len(inpaint_masks) == len(images), 'The number of masks must be 1 or equal to the number of images.'"\n[i2i batch] Inpaint batch is enabled. {len(inpaint_masks)} masks found.") if len(inpaint_masks) > 1: # batch mask p.init = MethodType(hacked_i2i_init, p)"[i2i batch] Will process {len(images)} images, creating {p.n_iter} new videos.") # extract "default" params to use in case getting png info fails prompt = p.prompt negative_prompt = p.negative_prompt seed = p.seed cfg_scale = p.cfg_scale sampler_name = p.sampler_name steps = p.steps frame_images = [] frame_masks = [] for i, image in enumerate(images): try: img = except UnidentifiedImageError as e: print(e) continue # Use the EXIF orientation of photos taken by smartphones. img = ImageOps.exif_transpose(img) if to_scale: p.width = int(img.width * scale_by) p.height = int(img.height * scale_by) frame_images.append(img) image_path = Path(image) if is_inpaint_batch: if len(inpaint_masks) == 1: mask_image_path = inpaint_masks[0] p.image_mask = else: # try to find corresponding mask for an image using index matching mask_image_path = inpaint_masks[i] frame_masks.append( mask_image = p.image_mask = mask_image if use_png_info: try: info_img = frame_images[0] if png_info_dir: info_img_path = os.path.join(png_info_dir, os.path.basename(image)) info_img = from modules import images as imgutil from modules.generation_parameters_copypaste import parse_generation_parameters geninfo, _ = imgutil.read_info_from_image(info_img) parsed_parameters = parse_generation_parameters(geninfo) parsed_parameters = {k: v for k, v in parsed_parameters.items() if k in (png_info_props or {})} except Exception: parsed_parameters = {} p.prompt = prompt + (" " + parsed_parameters["Prompt"] if "Prompt" in parsed_parameters else "") p.negative_prompt = negative_prompt + (" " + parsed_parameters["Negative prompt"] if "Negative prompt" in parsed_parameters else "") p.seed = int(parsed_parameters.get("Seed", seed)) p.cfg_scale = float(parsed_parameters.get("CFG scale", cfg_scale)) p.sampler_name = parsed_parameters.get("Sampler", sampler_name) p.steps = int(parsed_parameters.get("Steps", steps)) p.init_images = frame_images if len(frame_masks) > 0: p.image_mask = frame_masks proc =, *args) # we should not support this, but just leave it here if proc is None: if output_dir: p.outpath_samples = output_dir p.override_settings['save_to_dirs'] = False if p.n_iter > 1 or p.batch_size > 1: p.override_settings['samples_filename_pattern'] = f'{image_path.stem}-[generation_number]' else: p.override_settings['samples_filename_pattern'] = f'{image_path.stem}' return process_images(p) else: logger.warn("Warning: you are using an unsupported external script. AnimateDiff may not work properly.") img2img.process_batch = hacked_img2img_process_batch_hijack def cap_init_image(self, p: StableDiffusionProcessingImg2Img, params): if params.enable and isinstance(p, StableDiffusionProcessingImg2Img) and hasattr(p, '_animatediff_i2i_batch'): if len(p.init_images) > params.video_length: p.init_images = p.init_images[:params.video_length] if p.image_mask and isinstance(p.image_mask, list) and len(p.image_mask) > params.video_length: p.image_mask = p.image_mask[:params.video_length] if len(p.init_images) < params.video_length: params.video_length = len(p.init_images) if len(p.init_images) < params.batch_size: params.batch_size = len(p.init_images) animatediff_i2ibatch = AnimateDiffI2IBatch()