import colorsys |
from PIL import Image, ImageChops |
from pprint import pprint |
import cv2 |
import gradio as gr |
import numpy as np |
import PIL |
import torch |
from modules import devices |
def lange(l): |
return range(len(l)) |
DELIMROW = ";" |
DELIMCOL = "," |
MCOLOUR = 256 |
NLN = "\n" |
("out",False): KEYROW, |
("in",False): KEYCOL, |
("out",True): KEYCOL, |
("in",True): KEYROW, |
} |
fidentity = lambda x: x |
ffloatd = lambda c: (lambda x: floatdef(x,c)) |
fcolourise = lambda: np.random.randint(0,MCOLOUR,size = 3) |
fspace = lambda x: " {} ".format(x) |
""" |
SBM mod: Two dimensional regions (of variable size, NOT a matrix). |
- Adds keywords ADDROW, ADDCOL and respective delimiters for aratios. |
- A/bratios become list dicts: Inner dict of cols (varying length list) + start/end + number of breaks, |
outer layer is rows list. |
First value in each row is the row's ratio, the rest are col ratios. |
This fits prompts going left -> right, top -> down. |
- Unrelated BREAKS are counted per cell, and later extracted as multiple context indices. |
- Each layer is cut up by both row + col ratios. |
- Style improvements: Created classes for rows + cells and functions for some of the splitting. |
- Base prompt overhaul: Added keyword ADDBASE, when present will trigger "use_base" automatically; |
base is excluded from the main prompt for dim calcs; returned to start before hook (+ base break count); |
during hook, context index skips base break count + 1. Rest is applied normally. |
- To specify cols first, use "vertical" mode. eg 1st col:2 rows, 2nd col:1 row. |
In effect, this merely reverses the order of iteration for every row/col loop and whatnot. |
""" |
class RegionCell(): |
"""Cell used to split a layer to single prompts.""" |
def __init__(self, st, ed, base, breaks): |
"""Range with start and end values, base weight and breaks count for context splitting.""" |
self.st = st |
self.ed = ed |
self.base = base |
self.breaks = breaks |
def __repr__(self): |
"""Debug print.""" |
return "({:.2f}:{:.2f})".format(self.st,self.ed) |
class RegionRow(): |
"""Row containing cell refs and its own ratio range.""" |
def __init__(self, st, ed, cols): |
"""Range with start and end values, base weight and breaks count for context splitting.""" |
self.st = st |
self.ed = ed |
self.cols = cols |
def __repr__(self): |
"""Debug print.""" |
return "Outer ({:.2f}:{:.2f}), contains {}".format(self.st, self.ed, self.cols) + NLN |
def floatdef(x, vdef): |
"""Attempt conversion to float, use default value on error. |
Mainly for empty ratios, double commas. |
""" |
try: |
return float(x) |
except ValueError: |
print("'{}' is not a number, converted to {}".format(x,vdef)) |
return vdef |
def split_l2(s, kr, kc, indsingles = False, fmap = fidentity, basestruct = None, indflip = False): |
"""Split string to 2d list (ie L2) per row and col keys. |
The output is a list of lists, each of varying length. |
If a L2 basestruct is provided, |
will adhere to its structure using the following broadcast rules: |
- Basically matches row by row of base and new. |
- If a new row is shorter than base, the last value is repeated to fill the row. |
- If both are the same length, copied as is. |
- If new row is longer, then additional values will overflow to the next row. |
This might be unintended sometimes, but allows making all items col separated, |
then the new structure is simply adapted to the base structure. |
- If there are too many values in new, they will be ignored. |
- If there are too few values in new, the last one is repeated to fill base. |
For mixed row + col ratios, singles flag is provided - |
will extract the first value of each row to a separate list, |
and output structure is (row L1,cell L2). |
There MUST be at least one value for row, one value for col when singles is on; |
to prevent errors, the row value is copied to col if it's alone (shouldn't affect results). |
Singles still respects base broadcast rules, and repeats its own last value. |
The fmap function is applied to each cell before insertion to L2; |
if it fails, a default value is used. |
If flipped, the keyword for columns is applied before rows. |
TODO: Needs to be a case insensitive split. Use re.split. |
""" |
if indflip: |
tmp = kr |
kr = kc |
kc = tmp |
lret = [] |
if basestruct is None: |
lrows = s.split(kr) |
lrows = [row.split(kc) for row in lrows] |
for r in lrows: |
cell = [fmap(x) for x in r] |
lret.append(cell) |
if indsingles: |
lsingles = [row[0] for row in lret] |
lcells = [row[1:] if len(row) > 1 else row for row in lret] |
lret = (lsingles,lcells) |
else: |
lrows = s.split(kr) |
r = 0 |
lcells = [] |
lsingles = [] |
vlast = 1 |
for row in lrows: |
row2 = row.split(kc) |
row2 = [fmap(x) for x in row2] |
vlast = row2[-1] |
indstop = False |
while not indstop: |
if (r >= len(basestruct) |
or (len(row2) == 0 and len(basestruct) > 0)): |
indstop = True |
if not indstop: |
if indsingles: |
lsingles.append(row2[0]) |
if len(row2) > 1: |
row2 = row2[1:] |
if len(basestruct[r]) >= len(row2): |
indstop = True |
broadrow = row2 + [row2[-1]] * (len(basestruct[r]) - len(row2)) |
r = r + 1 |
lcells.append(broadrow) |
else: |
broadrow = row2[:len(basestruct[r])] |
row2 = row2[len(basestruct[r]):] |
r = r + 1 |
lcells.append(broadrow) |
cur = len(lcells) |
while cur < len(basestruct): |
lcells.append([vlast] * len(basestruct[cur])) |
cur = cur + 1 |
lret = lcells |
if indsingles: |
lsingles = lsingles + [lsingles[-1]] * (len(basestruct) - len(lsingles)) |
lret = (lsingles,lcells) |
return lret |
def is_l2(l): |
return isinstance(l[0],list) |
def l2_count(l): |
cnt = 0 |
for row in l: |
cnt + cnt + len(row) |
return cnt |
def list_percentify(l): |
"""Convert each row in L2 to relative part of 100%. |
Also works on L1, applying once globally. |
""" |
lret = [] |
if is_l2(l): |
for row in l: |
row2 = [v / sum(row) for v in row] |
lret.append(row2) |
else: |
row = l[:] |
row2 = [v / sum(row) for v in row] |
lret = row2 |
return lret |
def list_cumsum(l): |
"""Apply cumsum to L2 per row, ie newl[n] = l[0:n].sum . |
Works with L1. |
Actually edits l inplace, idc. |
""" |
lret = [] |
if is_l2(l): |
for row in l: |
for (i,v) in enumerate(row): |
if i > 0: |
row[i] = v + row[i - 1] |
lret.append(row) |
else: |
row = l[:] |
for (i,v) in enumerate(row): |
if i > 0: |
row[i] = v + row[i - 1] |
lret = row |
return lret |
def list_rangify(l): |
"""Merge every 2 elems in L2 to a range, starting from 0. |
""" |
lret = [] |
if is_l2(l): |
for row in l: |
row2 = [0] + row |
row3 = [] |
for i in range(len(row2) - 1): |
row3.append([row2[i],row2[i + 1]]) |
lret.append(row3) |
else: |
row2 = [0] + l |
row3 = [] |
for i in range(len(row2) - 1): |
row3.append([row2[i],row2[i + 1]]) |
lret = row3 |
return lret |
def round_dim(x,y): |
"""Return division of two numbers, rounding 0.5 up. |
Seems that dimensions which are exactly 0.5 are rounded up - see 680x488, second iter. |
A simple mod check should get the job done. |
If not, can always brute force the divisor with +-1 on each of h/w. |
""" |
return x // y + (x % y >= y // 2) |
def isfloat(t): |
try: |
float(t) |
return True |
except Exception: |
return False |
def ratiosdealer(aratios2,aratios2r): |
aratios2 = list_percentify(aratios2) |
aratios2 = list_cumsum(aratios2) |
aratios2 = list_rangify(aratios2) |
aratios2r = list_percentify(aratios2r) |
aratios2r = list_cumsum(aratios2r) |
aratios2r = list_rangify(aratios2r) |
return aratios2,aratios2r |
def changecs(ratios): |
ratios = ratios.replace(",","_") |
ratios = ratios.replace(";",",") |
ratios = ratios.replace("_",";") |
return ratios |
def makeimgtmp(aratios,mode,usecom,usebase, flipper,ho,wo, image = None, alpha = 0.5,inprocess = False): |
if image is not None: |
wo, ho = image.size |
if mode == "Columns":mode = "Horizontal" |
if mode == "Rows":mode = "Vertical" |
if flipper: aratios = changecs(aratios) |
indflip = ("Ver" in mode) |
if DELIMROW not in aratios: |
aratios2 = split_l2(aratios, DELIMROW, DELIMCOL, fmap = ffloatd(1), indflip = False) |
aratios2r = [1] |
else: |
(aratios2r,aratios2) = split_l2(aratios, DELIMROW, DELIMCOL, |
indsingles = True, fmap = ffloatd(1), indflip = indflip) |
(aratios2,aratios2r) = ratiosdealer(aratios2,aratios2r) |
size = ho * wo |
if 262144 >= size: div = 4 |
elif 1048576 >= size: div = 8 |
else :div = 16 |
h, w = ho // div, wo // div |
fx = np.zeros((h,w, 3), np.uint8) |
for (i,ocell) in enumerate(aratios2r): |
for icell in aratios2[i]: |
if not indflip: |
fx[int(h*ocell[0]):int(h*ocell[1]),int(w*icell[0]):int(w*icell[1]),:] = fcolourise() |
else: |
fx[int(h*icell[0]):int(h*icell[1]),int(w*ocell[0]):int(w*ocell[1]),:] = fcolourise() |
regions = PIL.Image.fromarray(fx) |
draw = PIL.ImageDraw.Draw(regions) |
c = 0 |
def coldealer(col): |
if sum(col) > 380:return "black" |
else:return "white" |
for (i,ocell) in enumerate(aratios2r): |
for icell in aratios2[i]: |
if not indflip: |
draw.text((int(w*icell[0]),int(h*ocell[0])),f"{c}",coldealer(fx[int(h*ocell[0]),int(w*icell[0])])) |
else: |
draw.text((int(w*ocell[0]),int(h*icell[0])),f"{c}",coldealer(fx[int(h*icell[0]),int(w*ocell[0])])) |
c += 1 |
regions = regions.resize((wo, ho)) |
if image is not None: |
regions = ImageChops.blend(regions, image, alpha) |
txtkey = fspace(DKEYINOUT[("in", indflip)]) + NLN |
lkeys = [txtkey.join([""] * len(cell)) for cell in aratios2] |
txtkey = fspace(DKEYINOUT[("out", indflip)]) + NLN |
template = txtkey.join(lkeys) |
if usebase: |
template = fspace(KEYBASE) + NLN + template |
if usecom: |
template = fspace(KEYCOMM) + NLN + template |
if inprocess: |
changer = template.split(NLN) |
changer = [l.strip() for l in changer] |
return changer |
return regions, gr.update(value = template) |
fcountbrk = lambda x: x.count(KEYBRK) |
fint = lambda x: int(x) |
def matrixdealer(self, p, aratios, bratios, mode): |
print(aratios, bratios, mode) |
if "Ran" in mode: |
randdealer(self,p,aratios,bratios) |
return |
prompt = p.prompt |
if self.debug: print("in matrixdealer",prompt) |
if KEYCOMM in prompt: prompt = prompt.split(KEYCOMM,1)[1] |
if KEYBASE in prompt: prompt = prompt.split(KEYBASE,1)[1] |
indflip = ("Ver" in mode) |
if (KEYCOL in prompt.upper() or KEYROW in prompt.upper()): |
breaks = prompt.count(KEYROW) + prompt.count(KEYCOL) + int(self.usebase) |
lbreaks = split_l2(prompt, KEYROW, KEYCOL, fmap = fcountbrk, indflip = indflip) |
if (DELIMROW not in aratios |
and (KEYROW in prompt.upper()) != (KEYCOL in prompt.upper())): |
indflip2 = False |
if (KEYROW in prompt.upper()) == indflip: |
aratios = "1" + DELIMCOL + aratios |
else: |
indflip2 = True |
(aratios2r,aratios2) = split_l2(aratios, DELIMROW, DELIMCOL, indsingles = True, |
fmap = ffloatd(1), basestruct = lbreaks, |
indflip = indflip2) |
else: |
(aratios2r,aratios2) = split_l2(aratios, DELIMROW, DELIMCOL, indsingles = True, |
fmap = ffloatd(1), basestruct = lbreaks, indflip = indflip) |
bratios2 = split_l2(bratios, DELIMROW, DELIMCOL, fmap = ffloatd(0), basestruct = lbreaks, indflip = indflip) |
else: |
breaks = prompt.count(KEYBRK) + int(self.usebase) |
(aratios2r,aratios2) = split_l2(aratios, DELIMROW, DELIMCOL, indsingles = True, fmap = ffloatd(1), indflip = indflip) |
lbreaks = split_l2("0", KEYROW, KEYCOL, fmap = fint, basestruct = aratios2, indflip = indflip) |
bratios2 = split_l2(bratios, DELIMROW, DELIMCOL, fmap = ffloatd(0), basestruct = lbreaks, indflip = indflip) |
breaks = fcountbrk(prompt) |
lastprompt = prompt.rsplit(KEYBRK)[-1] |
if l2_count(aratios2) > breaks: |
prompt = prompt + (fspace(KEYBRK) + lastprompt) * (l2_count(aratios2) - breaks) |
(aratios,aratiosr) = ratiosdealer(aratios2,aratios2r) |
bratios = bratios2 |
drows = [] |
for r,_ in enumerate(lbreaks): |
dcells = [] |
for c,_ in enumerate(lbreaks[r]): |
d = RegionCell(aratios[r][c][0], aratios[r][c][1], bratios[r][c], lbreaks[r][c]) |
dcells.append(d) |
drow = RegionRow(aratiosr[r][0], aratiosr[r][1], dcells) |
drows.append(drow) |
self.aratios = drows |
self.bratios = bratios |
""" |
SBM mod: Mask polygon region. |
- Basically a version of inpainting, where polygon outlines are drawn and added to a coloured image. |
- Colours from the image are picked apart for masks corresponding to regions. |
- In new mask mode, masks are stored instead of aratios, and applied to each region forward. |
- Mask can be uploaded (alpha, no save), and standard colours are detected from it. |
- Uncoloured regions default to the first colour detected; |
however, if base mode is used, instead base will be applied to the remainder at 100% strength. |
I think this makes it far more useful. At 0 strength, it will apply ONLY to said regions. |
- V2: Corrects and detects colours from upload. |
- Mask mode presets save mask to a file, which is loaded with the preset. |
- Added -1 colour to clear sections, an eraser. |
""" |
COLREG = None |
REGUSE = dict() |
IDIM = 512 |
CBLACK = 255 |
MAXCOLREG = 360 - 1 |
HSV_RANGE = (0.49,0.51) |
HSV_VAL = 0.5 |
COLWHITE = (255,255,255) |
def get_colours(img): |
"""List colours used in image (as nxc array). |
""" |
return np.unique(img.reshape(-1, img.shape[-1]), axis=0) |
def generate_unique_colours(n): |
"""Generate n visually distinct colors as a list of RGB tuples. |
Uses the hue of hsv, with balanced saturation & value. |
""" |
hsv_colors = [(x*1.0/n, 0.5, 0.5) for x in range(n)] |
rgb_colors = [tuple(int(i * CBLACK) for i in colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(*hsv)) for hsv in hsv_colors] |
return rgb_colors |
def deterministic_colours(n, lcol = None): |
"""Generate n visually distinct & consistent colours as a list of RGB tuples. |
Uses the hue of hsv, with balanced saturation & value. |
Goes around the cyclical 0-256 and picks each /2 value for every round. |
Continuation rules: If pcyv != ccyv in next round, then we don't care. |
If pcyv == ccyv, we want to get the cval + delta of last elem. |
If lcol > n, will return it as is. |
""" |
if n <= 0: |
return None |
pcyc = -1 |
cval = 0 |
if lcol is None: |
st = 0 |
elif n <= len(lcol): |
return lcol |
else: |
st = len(lcol) |
if st > 0: |
pcyc = np.ceil(np.log2(st)) |
dlt = 1 / (2 ** pcyc) |
cval = dlt + 2 * dlt * (st % (2 ** (pcyc - 1)) - 1) |
lhsv = [] |
for i in range(st,n): |
ccyc = np.ceil(np.log2(i + 1)) |
if ccyc == 0: |
cval = 0 |
pcyc = ccyc |
elif pcyc != ccyc: |
dlt = 1 / (2 ** ccyc) |
cval = dlt |
pcyc = ccyc |
else: |
cval = cval + 2 * dlt |
lhsv.append(cval) |
lhsv = [(v, 0.5, 0.5) for v in lhsv] |
lrgb = [colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(*hsv) for hsv in lhsv] |
lrgb = (np.array(lrgb) * (CBLACK + 1)).astype(np.uint8) |
lrgb = lrgb.reshape(-1, CCHANNELS) |
if lcol is not None: |
lrgb = np.concatenate([lcol, lrgb]) |
return lrgb |
def index_rows(mat): |
"""In 2D matrix, add column containing row number. |
Pandas stuff, can't find a clever way to find first row in np. |
""" |
return np.concatenate([np.arange(len(mat)).reshape(-1,1),mat],axis = 1) |
def detect_image_colours(img, inddict = False): |
"""Detect relevant hsv colours in image and clean up the standard mask. |
Basically, converts colours to hsv, checks which ones are within range, |
converts them to the exact sv value we need, deletes irrelevant colours, |
and creates a list of used colours via a form of np first row lookup. |
Problem: Rgb->hsb and back is not lossless in np / cv. Getting 128->127. |
Looks like the only option is to use colorsys which is contiguous. |
To maximise efficiency, I've applied it to the unique colours instead of entire image, |
and then each colour is mapped via np masking (propagation), |
by adding a third fake dim for each of colours, flattened image. |
It might be possible to use cv2 one way for the filter, but I think that's risky, |
and likely doesn't save much processing (heaviest op is get_colours for large image). |
Creep: Apply erosion so thin regions are ignored. This would need be applied on processing as well. |
""" |
global REGUSE |
global COLREG |
global VARIANT |
if img is None: |
return None, None |
(h,w,c) = img.shape |
lrgb = get_colours(img) |
lhsv = np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(*x), axis=-1, arr = lrgb / CBLACK) |
msk = ((lhsv[:,1] >= HSV_RANGE[0]) & (lhsv[:,1] <= HSV_RANGE[1]) & |
(lhsv[:,2] >= HSV_RANGE[0]) & (lhsv[:,2] <= HSV_RANGE[1])) |
lfltrgb = lrgb[msk] |
lflthsv = lhsv[msk] |
lflthsv[:,1:] = HSV_VAL |
if len(lfltrgb) > 0: |
lfltfix = np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(*x), axis=-1, arr=lflthsv) |
lfltfix = (lfltfix * (CBLACK + 1)).astype(np.uint8) |
else: |
lfltfix = lfltrgb |
cnt = len(lfltrgb) |
img2 = img.reshape(-1,c,1) |
img2 = np.moveaxis(img2,0,-1) |
lfltrgb2 = np.moveaxis(lfltrgb,-1,0) |
lfltrgb2 = lfltrgb2.reshape(c,-1,1) |
msk2 = (img2 == lfltrgb2).all(axis = 0).reshape(cnt,h,w) |
for i,_ in enumerate(lfltrgb): |
img[msk2[i]] = lfltfix[i] |
msk3 = ~(msk2.any(axis = 0)) |
img[msk3] = COLWHITE |
COLREG = deterministic_colours(2 * MAXCOLREG, COLREG) |
cow = index_rows(COLREG) |
regrows = [cow[(COLREG == f).all(axis = 1)] for f in lfltfix] |
unique_keys = set(reg[0,0] for reg in regrows if len(reg) > 0) |
MAX_KEY_VALUE = len(unique_keys) + 20 |
REGUSE = {reg[0,0]: reg[0,1:].tolist() for reg in regrows if len(reg) > 0 and reg[0,0] <= MAX_KEY_VALUE} |
if inddict: |
img = {"image":img, "mask":None} |
return img, None |
def save_mask(img, flpath): |
"""Save mask to file. |
These will be loaded as part of a preset. |
Cv's colour scheme is an annoyance, but avoiding yet another import. |
""" |
try: |
img = img["image"] |
except Exception: |
pass |
if VARIANT != 0: |
img = img[:-VARIANT,:-VARIANT,:] |
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) |
cv2.imwrite(flpath, img) |
def load_mask(flpath): |
"""Load mask from file. |
Does not edit mask automatically (detect colours). |
""" |
try: |
img = cv2.imread(flpath) |
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) |
except Exception: |
img = None |
return img |
def detect_polygons(img,num): |
"""Convert stroke + region to standard coloured mask. |
Negative colours will clear the mask instead, and not ++. |
""" |
global COLREG |
global VARIANT |
global REGUSE |
if VARIANT != 0: |
out = img["image"][:-VARIANT,:-VARIANT,:CCHANNELS] |
img = img["mask"][:-VARIANT,:-VARIANT,:CCHANNELS] |
else: |
out = img["image"][:,:,:CCHANNELS] |
img = img["mask"][:,:,:CCHANNELS] |
if img is None: |
img = np.zeros([IDIM,IDIM,CCHANNELS],dtype = np.uint8) + CBLACK |
if out is None: |
out = np.zeros_like(img) + CBLACK |
bimg = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) |
contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(bimg, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) |
img2 = out |
if num < 0: |
color = COLWHITE |
else: |
COLREG = deterministic_colours(int(num) + 1, COLREG) |
color = COLREG[int(num),:] |
REGUSE[num] = color.tolist() |
for cnt in contours: |
approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(cnt, 0.0001 * cv2.arcLength(cnt, True), True) |
if cv2.contourArea(cnt) > cv2.arcLength(cnt, True) * POLYFACTOR: |
color = [int(v) for v in color] |
cv2.fillPoly(img2,[approx],color = color) |
skimg = create_canvas(img2.shape[0], img2.shape[1], indwipe = False) |
if VARIANT != 0: |
skimg[:-VARIANT,:-VARIANT,:] = img2 |
else: |
skimg[:,:,:] = img2 |
print("Region sketch size", skimg.shape) |
return skimg, num + 1 if (num >= 0 and num + 1 <= CBLACK) else num |
def detect_mask(img, num, mult = CBLACK): |
"""Extract specific colour and return mask. |
Multiplier for correct display. |
Also tags colour in case someone uses the upload interface. |
""" |
global REGUSE |
try: |
img = img["image"] |
except Exception: |
pass |
if img is None: |
return None |
indnot = False |
if num < 0: |
color = np.array(COLWHITE).reshape([1,1,CCHANNELS]) |
else: |
color = np.array(list(REGUSE.values())) |
color = np.moveaxis(color,-1,0) |
color = color.reshape(1,1,*color.shape) |
img = img.reshape(*img.shape,1) |
indnot = True |
else: |
color = deterministic_colours(int(num) + 1)[-1] |
color = color.reshape([1,1,CCHANNELS]) |
if indnot: |
mask = (~(img == color)).all(-1).all(-1) |
mask = mask * mult |
else: |
mask = ((img == color).all(-1)) * mult |
if mask.sum() > 0 and num >= 0: |
REGUSE[num] = color.reshape(-1).tolist() |
return mask |
def draw_region(img, num): |
"""Simply runs polygon detection, followed by mask on result. |
Saves extra inconvenient button. Since num is auto incremented, we take the old val. |
""" |
img, num2 = detect_polygons(img, num) |
mask = detect_mask(img, num) |
dimg = img |
return dimg, num2, mask |
def draw_image(img, inddict = False): |
"""Runs colour detection followed by mask on -1 to show which colours are regions. |
""" |
img, clearer = detect_image_colours(img,inddict) |
mask = detect_mask(img, -1) |
dimg = img |
return dimg, clearer, mask |
def create_canvas(h, w, indwipe = True): |
"""New region sketch area. |
Small variant value is added (and ignored later) due to gradio refresh bug. |
Meant to be used only to start over or when the image dims change. |
""" |
global VARIANT |
global REGUSE |
if indwipe: |
REGUSE = dict() |
vret = np.zeros(shape = (h + VARIANT, w + VARIANT, CCHANNELS), dtype = np.uint8) + CBLACK |
return vret |
def inpaintmaskdealer(self, p, bratios, usebase, polymask): |
prompt = p.prompt |
if self.debug: print("in inpaintmaskdealer",prompt) |
if KEYCOMM in prompt: prompt = prompt.split(KEYCOMM,1)[1] |
if KEYBASE in prompt: prompt = prompt.split(KEYBASE,1)[1] |
self.regmasks = [] |
tm = None |
for c in sorted(REGUSE.keys()): |
m = detect_mask(polymask, c, 1) |
if VARIANT != 0: |
m = m[:-VARIANT,:-VARIANT] |
if m.any(): |
if tm is None: |
tm = np.zeros_like(m) |
if self.usebase: |
tm = tm + m |
else: |
tm = tm + m |
m = m.reshape([1, *m.shape]).astype(np.float16) |
t = torch.from_numpy(m).to(devices.device) |
self.regmasks.append(t) |
m = 1 - tm |
m = m.reshape([1, *m.shape]).astype(np.float16) |
t = torch.from_numpy(m).to(devices.device) |
if self.usebase: |
self.regbase = t |
else: |
self.regbase = None |
self.regmasks[0] = t |
breaks = prompt.count(KEYBRK) |
self.bratios = split_l2(bratios, DELIMROW, DELIMCOL, fmap = ffloatd(0), |
basestruct = [[0] * (breaks + 1)], indflip = False) |
def randdealer(self,p,aratios,bratios): |
tensor = torch.zeros((p.height//8, p.width//8)).to("cuda") |
x,y = int(aratios.split(",")[0]),int(aratios.split(",")[1]) |
dh, dw = p.height//8 // x, p.width//8 // y |
lbreaks = p.prompt.count(KEYBRK) + 1 |
bratios = bratios.split(",") if self.usebase else [0] |
bratios = [float(b) for b in bratios] |
while len(bratios) <= lbreaks: |
bratios.append(bratios[0]) |
for i in range(x): |
for j in range(y): |
random_value = torch.randint(0, lbreaks, (1,)) |
tensor[i*dh:(i+1)*dh, j*dw:(j+1)*dw] = random_value |
tensors = [] |
ranbase = torch.ones_like(tensor) |
for i in range(lbreaks): |
add = torch.where(tensor==i, 1*(1-bratios[i]),0) |
tensors.append(add) |
ranbase = ranbase - add |
drows = [] |
dcells = [] |
for c in range(lbreaks): |
d = RegionCell(0,0 , 0, 0) |
dcells.append(d) |
drow = RegionRow(0, 1, dcells) |
drows.append(drow) |
self.aratios = drows |
self.ransors = tensors |
self.ranbase = ranbase |