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You know, I saw a movie - "Crocodile Dundee." | 0 |
We're consuming 50 percent of the world's cocaine. | 1 |
That answer was about as clear as Boston harbor. | 2 |
Let me help the governor. | 2 |
We've run up more debt in the last eight years than under all the presidents from George Washington to Jimmy Carter combined. | 1 |
I was in Houston on Tuesday meeting with a group of good citizens, working citizens. | 0 |
The last time the Vice President used that phrase, I suspect he remembers it, don't you? | 2 |
I think we have to demonstrate some flexibility and I think the FDA is attempting to do so now in trying to make it possible for new and experimental drugs to be available to people who are at risk at AIDS and I would hope that we could bring that kind of a policy to bear beginning in January. | 1 |
This isn't a question of a little charity for the homeless. | 2 |
Go out and take a look at St. Louis at some of that effort. | 2 |
I don't think it's a good thing. | 2 |
The federal government spends seven percent of the total on education, and the rest of the state governments and local governments and the thousand points of lightened I'm talking about private schools and private church schools and things of this nature--are putting up 93 percent. | 1 |
But I'll tell you what I was thinking of. | 2 |
I'm simply not going to do that. | 2 |
He's got to get this thing more clear. | 2 |
Yes, we should make every effort to try to help those hostages come home, but it can never be because we make concessions. | 2 |
And I think it's important to understand what happened here. | 2 |
You cannot make concessions to terrorists. | 2 |
I had hoped this had been a little friendlier evening. | 2 |
I don't want to go back to malaise and misery index. | 2 |
We can also have a- an end to the extremes. | 2 |
We now have one extreme for instance, of some welfare recipients, who by taking advantage of the welfare laws, the housing laws, the uh - Medicaid uh - laws, and the uh - food stamp laws, make over $10 thousand a year and uh - they don't have to pay any taxes on it. | 1 |
I don't believe it will happen. | 2 |
But no president of the United States, in my opinion, should signal in advance to a prospective enemy, what his uhh - decision might be or what option he might exercise. | 2 |
And I know that everybody uh - makes mistakes. | 2 |
Well, first, uh - let me set the record straight. | 2 |
I would do the opposite in every respect. | 2 |
A mayor of a city like New York, for instance, needs to know uh - eighteen months or two years ahead of time what responsibility the city will have in administration and in financing - in things like housing, uh - pollution control, uh - crime control, education, welfare and health. | 2 |
The last point is that the major - uh thrust has gotta be to put people back to work. | 2 |
And over a longer period of time, let the federal government begin to absorb part of it that's now paid by the state governments. | 2 |
Let me uh - speak out very strongly. | 2 |
I would not work hard to support any of those. | 2 |
Uh - Mr. Maynard, uh - the record of gun control, whether it's one city or another or in some states, does not show that the registration of a gun, handgun, or the registration of the gun owner, has in any way whatsoever decreased the crime rate or the use of that gun in the committing of a crime. | 1 |
Well, I think the answer uh - as to the kind of person that I would select uh - is obvious. | 2 |
Now, uh - I'd like to point out as well that the United States' economic recovery from the recession of a year ago is well ahead of the economic recovery of any major free industrial nation in the world today. | 1 |
In the last month, we've had a net loss of one hundred and sixty-three thousand jobs. | 1 |
The economic growth is less than half today what it was at the beginning of this year. | 1 |
That's an overwhelming support from my own people who know me best. | 2 |
We have reduced the number of people in the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines from three million, one hundred - three million, five hundred thousand to two mil- lion one hundred thousand. | 1 |
That uh - situation called for me to first put the United States on a steady course and to keep our keel well balanced, because we had to face the difficult problems that had all of a sudden hit America. | 2 |
We have cut inflation by better than half. | 1 |
I love America just as all of you love America. | 2 |
I was a school board member, and a library board member. | 0 |
I was Governor of Georgia for four years. | 0 |
We don't have good health care. | 2 |
Now I don't know all the answers. | 2 |
We might have to do it slowly. | 2 |
I believe in the greatness of our country, and I believe the American people are ready for a change in Washington. | 2 |
I've got a different view. | 2 |
And I'm looking forward to having that debate. | 2 |
I was in Dayton, Ohio, and a woman grabbed my arm and she said, "I've been out of work since May. | 0 |
Crack down on China, if and when they cheat. | 2 |
Health care costs have gone up by $2,500 a family. | 1 |
What things would I cut from spending? | 2 |
The oil industry gets $4 billion a year in corporate welfare. | 1 |
My grandmother died three days before I was elected president. | 0 |
And using that money, we were actually able to lower prescription drug costs for seniors by an average of $600, and we were also able to make a -- make a significant dent in providing them the kind of preventive care that will ultimately save money through the -- throughout the system. | 1 |
But for younger people, we need to talk about what changes are going to be occurring. | 2 |
You know, I was in New Hampshire. | 0 |
And over the last two years, health care premiums have gone up -- it's true -- but they've gone up slower than any time in the last 50 years. | 1 |
The proof of that is 1 out of 6 people in poverty. | 1 |
And Republicans and Democrats both love America. | 2 |
I believe that the United States ha- had many successes in recent years, in recent months, as far as the Communist movement is concerned. | 2 |
We wanted to have majority rule with the full protection of the rights of the minority. | 2 |
And we have weakened our position in NATO because the other countries in Europe supported the democ- democratic forces in Portugal long before we did; we stuck to the Portugal dictatorships much longer than other democracies did in this world. | 1 |
I am a graduate of the U.S. | 0 |
Every time Mr. Ford speaks from a position of secrecy in negotiations, in secret - in secret treaties that've been uh - pursued and achieved, in supporting dictatorships, in ignoring human rights, we are weak and the rest of the world knows it. | 2 |
The Soviet Union is still jamming Radio Free Europe - Radio - uh- uh - Radio Free Europe is being jammed. | 1 |
One press conference he had without sound. | 0 |
As a matter of fact, Iran is gonna get eighty F-14s before we even meet our own Air Force orders for F-l4s. | 1 |
We have made available to the Israelis over 45 percent of the total economic and military aid since the establishment of Israel twenty-seven years ago. | 1 |
Iran has Iraq as one of its neighbors. | 0 |
I would uh - also like to point out that we, in this country, have let our economy go down the drain. | 2 |
Now, I can't say when this can come. | 2 |
In Puerto Rico this year, I met with six of the leading industrial nations' heads of state to meet the problem of inflation so we would be able to solve it before it got out of hand. | 0 |
I have met with the heads of government bilaterally as well as multilaterally. | 0 |
In the meantime, there has developed the problem of the Soviet Backfire - their high-performance aircraft which they say is not a long-range aircraft and which some of our people say is a intercontinental aircraft. | 1 |
I believe that the cruise missiles which we are now developing in research and development across the spectrum from air, from the sea, or from the land, uh - can be uh - included within a SALT II agreement. | 2 |
Now I would be willing to go ahead with negotiations. | 2 |
It may later be Catholics; it may be - later be Baptists who are threatened by some foreign country. | 2 |
But we ought to stand staunch. | 2 |
But not until they have given us the full accounting of our MIAs. | 2 |
I remember the world with NATO, and the world of Point Four, and the world of the Marshall Plan, and the world of the Peace Corps. | 2 |
Not a single young American today is fighting or dying on any foreign battlefield. | 1 |
America is at peace and with freedom. | 2 |
Well, thank you very much, Jim, and thanks to the commission and the University of Mississippi, Ole Miss, for hosting us tonight. | 2 |
How's it going to affect my job? | 2 |
Number three, we've got to make sure that none of that money is going to pad CEO bank accounts or to promote golden parachutes. | 2 |
And I think that the fundamentals of the economy have to be measured by whether or not the middle class is getting a fair shake. | 2 |
That's why I'm running for president, and that's what I hope we're going to be talking about tonight. | 2 |
Are you afraid I couldn't hear him? | 2 |
And I still believe, under the right leadership, our best days are ahead of us. | 2 |
It's gone -- we have now presided over the largest increase in the size of government since the Great Society. | 1 |
I've got a pen, and I'm going to veto every single spending bill that comes across my desk. | 2 |
Maybe to Senator Obama it's not a lot of money. | 2 |
Do you know that it's gone completely out of control to the point where it corrupts people? | 2 |
The worst thing we could do in this economic climate is to raise people's taxes. | 2 |
I know we have to, but this is a classic example of walking the walk and talking the talk. | 2 |
We've got to make sure that our children are keeping pace in math and in science. | 2 |
And one of the things I think we have to do is make sure that college is affordable for every young person in America. | 2 |
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